The typical hustle and bustle of London rang out as many residents made their way to work, home, and various other locations in the city. You find yourself standing on the sidewalk near the street, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. As you turn to make your way down the sidewalk, you see a girl running towards you, her head looking over her shoulder as if she’s being chased. You don’t even have a chance to let out a noise before she runs straight into you, sending both of you tumbling to the ground. After both taking a second to recover from the blow, both you and the shabbily dressed blonde stand up. Upon looking at her further, your eyes fixated on her stomach. It looked engorged, as if the woman was several months pregnant, yet it was so weirdly shaped. It almost looked as if she had eaten several items, each making her gut bulge out in different directions, leaving her stomach bumpy. You shrug that thought off to the side and realize you’re overthinking things, before quickly apologizing to the woman. You state how sorry you are and hope you didn’t hurt her. She only seems to grow more annoyed as she listens to you, her eyes darting back as if she was looking for someone. She cuts you off midsentence and runs down a back alley, darting behind some trash cans. As you watch her hide away, you suddenly see a few police members running down the street. They stop near you, each looking in various directions. One comes up to you and speaks. “Excuse me, have you seen a blonde woman run this way? We’ve been chasing her but lost her once she ran down this street. She goes by the name Gina!” You find yourself unsure if you should tell the coppers of the girl you just ran into. After all, if she is pregnant, the last thing you’d want to do is let a pregnant woman be arrested. You point further down the street and the cops all begin legging it that way, the one who spoke to you thanking you for your help. As you watch them disappear down the street and past the corner, you slowly see the woman you bumped into creeping back out. You expect her to be happy for what you did, but you soon find yourself being proven wrong as she looks at you angrily. “Oi! Wot was all that before! Ad’ I not slipped into that alley, I would’ve gotten meself caught by the bobbies!” As the girl angrily yells at you, you try and explain yourself, saying you told the police she went another way. Gina doesn’t calm down though, only seeming to double down on her anger. “And wot of it! I wouldn’t have needed your help had you not bumped into me! Ugh I heard them too, telling you my name and wotnot. I can’t have you running off and telling them you saw me, so you’ll be joining me stash for the time being.” You don’t know what the blonde girl means by “joining her stash” at first, but it becomes painfully clear as she grabs you by your top and pulls you several feet into the alley, away from any witnesses on the street. She gives her extended bulge of a stomach a pat and licks her lips as she eyes you up. She’s pushed you up against the brick wall of the alleyway, a firm grip on you. Despite her shortness, she’s surprisingly strong. As you plead for her to stop whatever she’s doing, all she does is ignore your pleas and open her maw. She quickly grabs your head and stuffs it in, her foul-smelling saliva staining your face with its gross stench. You find yourself quickly being pulled down her throat as she heavily gulps your head, a clear show that you aren’t the first person she’s done this to. The gulping noises quickly got quieter as you’re pulled deeper in and you could feel the rest of your body being pulled in with you head as you hastily descend the pickpocket’s throat. Before long, your head pushes into her stomach and you’re met with an even fouler smell. Compared to her breath, her stomach was about 10 times worse in terms of smell, leaving you feeling ill as you were forced into her cramped stomach. As you were forced further in, you finally understood what the weird bulge the pickpocket had in her gut. Several high-class items were stuck in there, things like necklaces, wallets, jewelry, and even some larger items like a fancy looking coo coo clock and some other contraptions the girl had gotten her greedy paws on. It didn’t take long for the rest of your body to make it into the stomach with you, forcing you onto the top of the pile of goods, your body aching as you tried to get into a comfortable position. As you struggled in the gut, Gina was rubbing her now extra enlarged stomach, not having stored so much inside her before. She gave her stomach a heavy slap, causing her to let out a nauseating sounding burp. “BURPPPPP! Oy, now I’m feeling rather bloa’ed. Well guv, I’m gonna go to a more secure location and then I’ll let you out. It’ll keep me safe and teach you high society types not to mess with pickpockets. Don’t worry about my stomach digestin you, I thought this through a ton. I just gotta focus and my tummy don’t digest my loot. So, better not distract me, otherwise I might just have found an early dinner.” As you grew worried over what Gina said, she laughed at you, further rubbing in her dominance over you. You tried to complain, but she just ignored your complaints, smacking her gut whenever she found you to get too annoying. It seemed like you were stuck for the time being, but at least it seemed like she planned to let you out. You felt your surroundings shift around you as Gina began to walk, seemingly going to where she planned to let you out later. With how much expensive stuff was beneath you, you thought about taking a wallet or some jewelry, but you knew if the pickpocket found out what you did, her threat earlier would likely come to reality, leaving you to decide not to take any of her loot. After about 10 minutes had passed, Gina was still making her way to her safespot. Gina would just need to go down a few more alleys to get there, but after turning the corner and running into a rather familiar friend, Gina found herself trapped. At the end of the alleyway was the short pink-haired girl named Iris Wilson, someone Gina had gotten to know well over the last few months. Iris had already noticed Gina and had called her over, excited to see her friend. The pickpocket wanted to dash off, but with her current gut, there was no way she’d be able to get away from Iris. Gina quickly pushed her gut beneath her shirt and green jacket to the best of her ability, attempting to hide any evidence of her misdeeds. With a heavy sigh, Gina made her way over to Iris. “Gina! How unexpected! I was out in this alley hoping to test something I made for Hurley, but it completely backfired. I was just about to take a tea break before I work on retinkering it. Please Gina, I insist that you join me! I got a new type of tea this morning I know you’ll love!” As much as Gina wanted to say no to Iris, she couldn’t find it in her heart to say no to the kid. Iris was always so sweet to her, so Gina had to at least treat her with some kindness. Gina felt a bit upset some of her haul might get ruined by drinking the hot tea, but it was a price to pay to see her friend happy. “A-Alroight, I’ll join ya. I just can’t stay long, I’ve got to do some things today. That tea better be worth it, last batch you made was so bitter I can still taste it.” As Gina sulked about Iris’ previous tea, the young girl laughed at her. It forced a smile out of Gina, the blonde pickpocket happy to see Iris laughing. The two started to make their way inside and to your dismay, you find your surroundings starting to let out a gurgling and groaning noise as acid begins to make its way in. It seemed Gina had lost focus on keeping her stomach from digesting you and it was now going into overdrive to start turning you into nutrients. You screamed out for Gina to focus, but it seemed burying you under her coat was enough to mute your voice from her. As the acids began to rise around you and the expensive loot around you, Gina had gone inside with Iris and was waiting for her tea to brew. You were still pleading for her to let you out as you felt your legs begin to burn from the acid, causing you to let out some pained groans. No matter what you did though, Gina didn’t react in the slightest. After about 5 minutes of steeping, Iris had finished her pot of tea and was ready to see Gina’s reaction to it. She poured Gina a cup and the pickpocket slowly brought it to her lip, worried it was going to be too bitter for her taste. Once the liquid hit her tongue though, Gina was more than willing to gulp the sweet tea down. Iris had found an imported tea at the market that she had heard was quite sweet. She had decided to spend some cash on it for the next time she had seen Gina. Both girls began to gulp their teas and casually talk about what had happened since they had last seen each other. The longer Gina spoke, the more her mind began to grow complacent on her loot that was slowly melting away. Things only got worse for you as time went on, as the burning hot tea splashed directly onto your head, causing you to scream in pain. The acids were also continuing to rise quite quickly, having already reached to just below your chest. A majority of your clothes had already been digested away, leaving you no safety against the bubbling acids that began to tear into your skin. The loot that had been underneath you was also digesting quite quickly as well, the lumpy pile slowly forming into a smooth melted pile of mass. As you could feel your skin beginning to fully come off your body, you slowly were forced to accept that this was it. You were going to be nothing but food for some pickpocket that you’d tried to help, your good deed only damning you to the hellish ordeal you found yourself in now. As more of your skin was picked off your body, you started to feel your mind growing cloudier as the pain took over. Your barely had any strength to stay conscious any more, the one thing keeping you from your eternal slumber being that you wished for a miracle to happen. Even hope sometimes can’t beat out fate and you finally passed out after 30 minutes of hellish digestion, your body seriously maimed from how much the acids had picked at it. The whole time you found yourself digesting, Gina happily chatted away with Iris. As time passed and Gina’s solid internals slowly grew soupier, the pickpocket found herself constantly burping. It left her embarrassed but she hadn’t quite connected that the burping was caused by her stomach digesting her loot. Gina was finally alerted to what had happened as a heavy burp escaped her mouth, causing a half-digested watch to come flying out, landing onto the floor between the two girls. Iris was confused at the sight of it, but as Gina saw the heavy marks of digestion along the metal, her mind quickly realized she hadn’t been keeping an eye on her stomach. Gina snatched the watch and quickly made for the front door. “S-Sorry to dip out on you like this Iris, but I gotta go! I migh’ stop by later, but I can’t say for certin!” Before Iris even had a chance to respond, Gina had made her way out the door and was already running down the street. Iris had no idea what to make of Gina’s actions, but she shrugged it off. After all, she was dealing with Sholmes on a daily basis. Seeing someone run out so hastily was something she was used to. Gina darted down the street and made her way down several alleys, pushing past several citizens as she did. She wanted to check her gut already, but there was no way she was going to do it out in public. After finally making it down an empty alleyway, Gina finally dropped her jacket and was met with a horrifying sight. He bulging gut had been heavily reduced in size, leaving nothing but a slight bulge left in her midsection. She poked at it, leaving a heavy clanking noise to ring out as your bones were pushed together. The pickpocket didn’t show sadness at having accidentally digested you though. Instead, she seemed rather angry. “Ugh, me loot! Why didn’t you say something when you started to get all melted? Had you just spoken up, I wouldn’t have lost out on all that stuff I stole! Ugh, some people are just so rude!” With an annoyed sigh, Gina sat down on the ground for now. You were basically all but digested, the only thing left for you to really do at this point was squishing through her intestines. Gina wasn’t sure how long you had left, but she decided to just wait it out for now. As much as she wanted to go back to Iris, Gina didn’t want the girl to know what had happened. Gina would just go about letting you out and once you were gone, she could make her way back to her friend. It only took about a half hour for your remains to make it through Gina’s intestines, her stomach more than excited to have had a meal as big as you. Gina looked around the alley once more to make sure no one was around before pulling down her pants and squatting. It didn’t take long for the first turd to come squishing out of Gina’s anus, the girl struggling to deal with the sheer size of the thing. It wetly plopped onto the ground, a gross smelling fart escaping with it. Another thick log of shit quickly followed it, dropping down on top of the last log and starting a pile of what remained of Gina’s lunch. The pickpocket continued on her long disposal, slowly feeling the rest of you push out of her ass and form into a pile below. Gina was at the end, and she could feel the toughest part happening. Your skull was stuck in her asshole. Gina pushed with all her might and after a few minutes of heavy pushing, your skull popped out and tumbled onto the ground. Gina tried to recover her breath from how heavily she had breathed during your disposal and after a few minutes, she finally felt like she had. After pulling her pants back up, the pickpocket turned to look at what remained of you, her mind much more interested in seeing if any of her loot survived. Much to her dismay, all of the expensive objects had been utterly digested in her gut, having become nothing but bits of shit alongside you. The small bits of stuff that had survived were imbedded deep in the shit alongside your bones. Technically Gina could pluck them out, but there was no way she was gonna dig through her own shit for a few bucks. On top of all that, it seemed both you and the loot she’d digested had left quite a bit of pudge left of her body. Her ass had over tripled in size, leaving her old pants rather tight on her. Her stomach had also grown quite large. Gina now had a rather girthy muffin top thanks to you. “Nothin survived… Damn, a whole days of pickpocketing and it all goes to waste. Ugh and what’s with all this fat on me stomach? Well at least I ain’t hungry anymore. Oh wait! That watch I burped up! Hmm, I wonder if it still works? I could try and pawn that at least, might get a few bucks out of it.” Ginna pulled out the watch she had burped up earlier and began to tinker with it. She walked off from your remains, uncaring to what happened to you as she slowly made her way back towards Iris’ home. The watch seemed to be working for the most part, but acid might have gotten into the internals. It would be best if Gina pawned it now and lucky for her, there was a pawnshop right next to Iris’ place. Without a second thought about you, Gina dashed off towards Iris’ home, the fat you left on her stomach and ass jiggling heavily with each step. Your remains would stay in the alley Gina had dumped them in for a long time before being eventually discovered and cleaned by some sanitation workers. Police looked into what had happened to you, but no leads could be found, and your case was filed away forever, the truth of your death never coming to light…
For most Japanese citizens, it was a regular Monday morning. For the UA students though, it felt like it was going to be the end of their lives. Thanks to a system error when admitting students at the start of the year, UA was overcrowded with students, leaving the principal to have to make some tough calls. After several meetings, the teachers decided to setup a policy that the student with the lowest grade for finals in each class would be expelled from the school. Expulsion was a pretty open term at UA. For some teachers it meant just removing the student from their class, but for others, it meant more darker tones. The principal didn’t mind how the teacher got rid of the student, so long as they weren’t draining UA resources anymore. All of Class 1A were waiting anxiously for their homeroom teacher to make his way in. Normally they’d all be talking and joking, but as it stood, everyone felt they could be up for expulsion. The only student who didn’t feel overtly terrible was Momo, but the genius girl still felt horrible for her classmates. She knew any of them could be expelled, but as it stood, Mina seemed to be the most likely candidate. Based on their midterm scores, Mina had done the worse and she hadn’t really done much to improve herself until she heard about the new expulsion program. Mina was sat in her seat, praying for a miracle to happen and save her. She didn’t like the idea of any of her friends being expelled, but she’d much prefer someone else over her. The door opened and in stepped Aizawa Shouta. Everyone tensed up at the sight of him. Aizawa’s face was as solemn as ever as he stood at his podium. He sat a file down on it before looking at everyone. “I’ve graded your final exams. While most of you performed as I expected, some of your placements were a surprise to me. Your tests have how you placed in the class next to your score. If you got the 20th place, I ask for you to join me in the front.” With his speech made, Aizawa began to pass back the graded papers to each of the students. As students got their grades back, they each let out a sigh of relief as they realized they weren’t being cut from the class. As Aizawa went to Mina’s desk, he turned the test upside down, leaving Mina to feel she was cut. With her hands shaking, she flipped the test and felt an instant relief as she saw the placement. She had gotten 19th in the class, one spot away from being cut. As happy as she was, Mina wasn’t sure who had been cut. She was sure Denki had to have been 20th, but it seemed he had gotten 18th. As Aizawa worked through the students, everyone kept letting out sights of relieves until the teacher finally got to the last student without a test, Momo. He sat the paper on her desk upside down, leaving her to worry. She quickly flipped the page and felt her heart drop as she saw she had placed last. Momo couldn’t believe it, how had she failed the exam? Aizawa let out a slight coughing noise to signify to Momo that he was ready for her to come up. Momo slowly stood up and made her way for the front of the class, everyone looking at her with surprise. Everyone thought Momo was the only student that wouldn’t have gotten last, so to see her being the one who failed was mindboggling to say the least. Momo was now stood next to Aizawa’s podium, her mind still not fully grasping the idea that she had failed. “As you can see, Momo was our last place for our class. I’m just as surprised as you all, but it’s the truth. I looked back at the physical tests after putting them in the machine to grade and sure enough, the placements were accurate. A single question decided the 19th and 20th places, so I suggest number 19 better buckle down incase we have to cut more students. For you though Momo, I’m sorry to say that you’ve been expelled from UA. As it stands, UA teachers are allowed to expel students in anyway they see fit, so I feel I should give your classmates more of an incentive to study with your expulsion.” No one understood what Aizawa meant by saying UA teachers could expel students in anyway, but they were all surprised as they saw Momo quickly wrapped up in his scarf, his quirk also being used to make sure she couldn’t use her quirk to escape. Aizawa didn’t even explain to his students or Momo what he was about to do, but he quickly pulled Momo’s head towards his mouth and began to shove it inside. Aizawa wasted no time at all and used his hands to begin shoving the rest of her body down with her. His gulps were loud and fierce, a sound that left each of the Class 1A students shocked. No one said a word as Aizawa began to wolf Momo down, each of them only staring in shock and horror as they realized what he was doing. Aizawa had gulped to about halfway down Momo’s legs, showing now signs of stopping as his gut slowly bulged out. With a few more heavy gulps, the rest of Momo’s legs disappeared into Aizawa’s maw and were pulled down his throat. He made sure to knock her shoes off as he didn’t want to deal with his stomach having to digest something as sturdy as them. With a heavy pat of his stomach, Aizawa let out a rather loud burp. He did his best to hide it with his hand, but it still rung out inside the whole class. Momo hadn’t really fought back like Aizawa had thought she would have, but it seemed he had gotten her when she was still in shock from her grade. His dark shirt hugged his bulging out gut excellently and really helped show the bulges Momo’s body made in his tight gut. Inside, Momo was still in shock as she found herself plopped into the goopy remains of Aizawa’s breakfast, a bagel and several cups of coffee mixed with his stomach acid. She was only really staying silent and shaking, unsure if this was all really happening. Only after she stuck her hand in the liquid and felt the sharp biting of Aizawa’s acids did she realize this was all real and that she was in her teacher’s stomach. She finally spoke up and began to pound on the stomach, pleading to be let out. “A-Aizawa, p-please don’t do this to me! J-Just expel me normally please!” Momo’s pleads for life left the rest of the class with grim faces as they looked at Aizawa’s gut. Aizawa didn’t react in the slightest though, only letting a slight scowl out as he heard her speak. “As it stands Momo, I don’t even let my students speak out of turn in class. What makes you think my lunch has any right to interrupt me. Stay quiet for the remainder of my lecture, otherwise I’ll make your last moments even worse. For the rest of you, let this stay as a reminder that you need to perform to the best in this class. Otherwise you might end up like Momo if we have to cut students again. Now take the rest of homeroom to look back over your tests and elect a new class vice president. I need to take a nap and sleep my food off…” With a heavy yawn, Aizawa walked away from the podium with his squirming gut before getting into his sleeping bag. The noises from his stomach grew more muffled as it was forced into his bag. After a few minutes, Aizawa passed out, leaving his stomach to really work on his meal. The whole class sat in silence as they waited for someone to speak. The first in the class to speak though was Momo. “Please… Someone, save me… I don’t want to die…” The pained noises of their friend left each student with a grimaced face, but none of them could do anything. Momo was food now and no one in the class wished to join her in digesting inside their teacher. Iida was the first to speak up. He went in front of the class and began to setup a similar voting system to their last voting setup, with Momo’s name excluded. Midoriya got the most votes for it, but no one really felt excited to see him win, as they could all hear Momo’s cries to be let out. The rest of the class, the students just reviewed their tests, trying not to focus on the horrible fate Momo was going through. Aizawa’s stomach wasn’t holding back on the smart girl. As the hour-long homeroom class slowly passed, the acid quickly began to build up and really dig into her skin. As it rose around it, it quickly turned her once clean and pristine uniform into nothing but scraps as it ripped it apart. Momo continued to scream for help for as long as her voice could handle it, but after long Momo’s voice began to grow weak from crying for help. Every one of her classmates she had been such great friends with had stayed quiet for the most part but did talk about who would be the new vice president. She knew they were only doing it because Aizawa requested them to, but it left Momo feeling worthless as they easily went about replacing her. Momo had no idea how she failed the final, but as she reflected on it, it made sense. She had barely had a chance to study the stuff she didn’t know herself thanks to how much her friends had asked for her help. Had Momo just not helped Mina, Mina would have been in the stomach instead of her. Normally Momo would have felt guilty feeling that jealous thought, but the acids burning off her skin left her feeling nothing like herself. A majority of the upper layer of the skin on Momo’s feet and thighs had been melted off and the rest of her body was swiftly being digested off as well. As her mind was overwhelmed with pain, a school bell rang out, signifying the end of class. Aizawa stirred from his sleeping bag and got out of it. He rubbed his eyes and stood before folding his sleeping bag up. “Well that’s homeroom. You guys have the day off from any physical training due to me needing to finish the paperwork on my food here. Ectoplasm should be here soon to teach you all about your next lesson. For now, I’m off. I hope today was a proper learning experience for you all that being a hero isn’t as easy as it seems.” With his class over with, Aizawa left the classroom and left the students alone. He did feel a bit cruel over what he did to Momo and making the students watch, but with a lot of the criminal activity going on outside of the school, he needed to teach them that being a hero isn’t a game. Plus, there was the upside of him getting to have a nice large meal. As Aizawa made his way down the hall, his stomach acids sloshed about and splashed onto Momo’s face, causing even more pain to the already suffering girl. She let out whimpers of pain that left Aizawa rolling his eyes, but nothing he couldn’t deal with. After long, Aizawa had made it to the teacher’s lounge. It was empty which left Aizawa feeling happy he could digest his food in peace and quiet. He sat down in his computer chair, which let out a creaking noise under his new weight. With nothing else to do, Aizawa began to work on the paperwork signifying Momo’s expulsion from UA as well as his lesson plans for the coming semester. He was surprised Momo was staying quiet in her final moments, but he was glad he didn’t have to shut her up so he could focus on his work. The stomach was really doing a number on Momo. It had only been an hour and a half since she had been eaten, but her body had lost of good chunk of its flesh. The acid was at about Momo’s neck level and left her with minimal air to breathe. She had barely any energy left from how much she had cried and how much pain she had endured. She wanted to plead to be let out again, but there was no way Momo would survive being let out. In her last moments, Momo stayed quiet, only wishing for the best for the rest of her friends in her class. As much as she hated the thought of dying, she was happy to know none of her friends were going to be in her position. With that last pleasant thought in her mind, Momo slumped over. Her mind had passed out, never to awaken again as the stomach went about fully claiming her life. Momo was nothing but food now. As the hours passed and lunch eventually rolled around, Momo’s body had been completely processed by Aizawa. She had gone from a rather large bulge in his stomach to nothing but some shit in his colon and some fat on his body. His thighs had chubbed up a bit, as well as his stomach which now jiggled with a poke. It made his black shirt a bit tighter than before, which left Aizawa feeling a bit annoyed his outfit had been ruined. The teacher had finished his paperwork and lesson plans just on time as an annoying voice made its way into his ear. “Yooo Eraser! We were about to get lunch! You coming with me and Midnight or what?” As Mic and Midnight made there way into the longue, they instantly both noticed the new weight on Aizawa. The two had to keep themselves from laughing at him while Aizawa stared at them, annoyed. They both knew he was set to expel someone from Class 1A, but they hadn’t imagined he’d do it like this. “Sure, but I’ll meet you there instead. I need to run to the bathroom and get rid of this student before I eat anything else.” “You know Aizawa, you never said told us who got the boot. I know we all graded the practicals, but only you and Nezu knew who was on the chopping block. If I had to make a guess at who it was… As much as I love her, I’d have to say Mina. That girl never really excelled in any of the classes I taught. Who do you think it was Yamada?” “Oh that’s easy! It was Toru for sure. She was really struggling these last few months and I saw her constantly asking for help. So Aizawa, which one of us was right?” “Actually you’re both wrong. It was Momo. Somehow she failed the final. I can only assume her lending herself to help her classmates left her little time to study herself and this was the end result.” Midnight and Present Mic were both shocked Momo had somehow failed. They both had ruled her off fairly easily, but it seemed they both overestimated her. After talking a bit more about the finals, the 3 parted ways as Midnight and Present Mic went to get food while Aizawa made his way for the teacher’s bathroom. Thankfully it was unoccupied, so he went in and sat down on the toilet. After a bit of squeezing, Aizawa began to feel Momo squish out of his ass. A large turd caused Aizawa to grunt for a bit, but eventually he felt it plop out in the toilet below. Another large turd quickly followed behind it and left the teacher finally having to fight Momo. Unlike the battle the two had been in before, Aizawa easily beat her as he felt the piece of shit finally make its way out. For a good few minutes, Aizawa went about disposing of Momo, her remains slowly squeezing out of his ass. It wasn’t pleasant for him, but he can only imagine it was a lot worse when she got turned into this shit. When Aizawa felt the last of Momo drop into the shitty pile below, the teacher wiped and stood up. He had really filled the toilet up a lot with Momo’s remains. The shit pile was filled with bits of her, like bones, bits of cloth left from her clothes, and even metal buttons of her UA uniform. Even with everything left in the toilet, nothing outwardly suggested it was Momo and made it look like it was just some UA student that had gotten eaten. For someone who was always top of the class, Momo looked rather average in her last moments. After looking at his shit for a moment, Aizawa shrugged and flushed the toilet. It swirled for a bit like it was going to clog, but thankfully the shit was pulled down at the last moment. Aizawa left the bathroom and began to make his way to the dining hall, Momo jiggling off his sides with each step he took. A single test had decided Momo’s fate as shit in the sewers below UA and fat on her homeroom teacher’s body. The only downside Aizawa saw to the whole process was that I’d be a lot harder to sneak around during his patrols now…
The island’s weather was the hottest it’d been in a while for the Hope’s Peak students on it. With how hard the students had been working on developing their talents, Hope’s Peak had designed a small getaway to a place called Jabberwock Island to give the students a month to relax and rejuvenate before coming back to continue developing their talents. While the trip had been a blast for most of the students so far, the miserably hot weather left many of the students tired and staying in their rooms. Mahiru was one of the few students still out and about, wanting to try and see if she could snag some photos. The heat had caught her by surprise and after long, Mahiru was starting to feel off. She had been trying to drink plenty of water but it was in no way enough with how much she was sweating. While Mahiru would have loved to just head back to her room and take a cool shower, she was really starting to feel off. The hospital on the island was rather close, so Mahiru decided that a quick visit before returning to her cottage for the day couldn’t hurt. Behind the counter of the hospital check in area was a bored Mikan. The Ultimate Nurse had been spending a lot of her time at the hospital in case someone got hurt. While there was usually Hope’s Peak staff on standby for serious injuries, it was usually Mikan alone at the hospital. Normally she would have gone out and left a note to where people could find her, but with how hot it was out, Mikan didn’t feel like trying to deal with the heat. In her boredom, Mikan’s mind kept wandering to her classmate Hiyoko. Despite all of Mikan’s best efforts to be friendly, Hiyoko absolutely hated Mikan’s guts. The nurse had no idea why Hiyoko hated her so much but the constant bullying was really getting to her. Mikan had really wanted to get back at Hiyoko, to take something from her that would leave the short blonde girl feeling emotionally distraught like Mikan always felt, but the purple haired nurse never could bring herself to act on those emotions. That was, until Mahiru stepped into the hospital lobby. The redheaded photographer made her way into the hospital, clearly looking weak as sweat dripped down her head. Mikan let out a squeal of worry as she saw Mahiru looking off. With just a single look, she could tell the girl was dehydrated, based on her complexion and the way she walked. “M-M-Mahiru! Oh no you look dehydrated! Let me take you back to one of the examination rooms and get you fixed up, ok?” Mahiru was surprised at how quickly Mikan had been able to diagnosis her ailment, but considering she was the ultimate nurse, it made sense. After all, she’d seen the feats her other classmates were able to pull off. With Mikan guiding her, the nurse brought Mahiru into a back room and quickly left to go to the supply closet. As much as Mahiru hated the idea of getting an IV or a shot, she was happy to know that she was in good hands with Mikan. As Mikan disappeared into the supply closet, the nurse was making quick work at getting an IV setup to bring back to Mahiru, but after her eyes ran across a box, Mikan stopped. There was a large box filled to the brim with capsules of a liquid she hadn’t seen before. It had been buried under a tarp, but once Mikan saw the name “Theratadine” on the box, she knew why they had been hidden. Theratadine had been a drug that had been developed and banned about a year ago after it was found to shrink people instead of curing a disease. A majority of the supplies of it had been destroyed, leaving it to quickly become nothing but a forgotten name. The fact there was so many containers inside the box left Mikan feeling worried. If the wrong person got their hands on them, they could shrink anyone on the island. That’s when it hit her, Mikan could use it. She knew how much Hiyoko loved Mahiru, the two having started dating a few months back. If Mikan shrunk Mahiru and got rid of her, it would utterly destroy Hiyoko. As Mikan began to think through her plan, she began to feel bad about the thought. Mahiru hadn’t really done anything wrong, so it wasn’t really fair to get her roped up in this plan. At the same time, Mikan remembered how Hiyoko had treated Mikan after she got denied by her crush. The blonde girl had tormented Mikan, talking about how she was so much better than the trashy nurse because she had someone who actually loved her. It was a single taunt that had happened months ago, but it’s what finally made Mikan want to use the drug on Mahiru. After loading the liquid into a syringe, Mikan made her way back to the room Mahiru was in. “Ah Mikan you’re back! I was beginning to get nervous with how long you’d been gone. I was thinking you’d tripped and gotten an IV bag wrapped around your leg. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened.” The two girls shared a laugh, Mahiru unaware about the horrible actions Mikan was planning to commit. “S-Sorry it took so long. I was getting an IV setup at first when I noticed they had this. It’s basically like an IV but in a syringe form. I thought it’d be better for you as you don’t have to keep an IV in your arm. Although I do ask that you stay here for a bit so I can monitor you and make sure it’s working.” As Mikan spoke, Mahiru nodded along, seemingly trusting everything Mikan was saying. Mahiru didn’t know a lot about the medical world, so she just assumed that Mikan must have been telling the truth with the syringe. With an agreement from Mahiru, Mikan wiped Mahiru’s arm down with a wipe and then injected the syringe. After disposing of the trash in a waste bin, the two girls waited for a bit in the room, casually talking about classmates while Mikan waited for the change to happen. It didn’t take long, maybe 10 minutes, but Mahiru suddenly found herself with a heavy headache that wouldn’t go away. She laid back on the examination table to try and quell it. Mahiru closed her eyes and tried to speak to Mikan, but she was having trouble forming words. After a few seconds though, Mahiru felt the headache pass and she opened her eyes. As Mahiru looked up, she couldn’t help but feel off. She realized her legs weren’t dangling over the side of the exam table anymore. Even worse than that, Mahiru noticed her clothes were gone as well, leaving her to grow worried as she tried to cover herself. After looking to her side though, Mahiru’s heart dropped as she noticed Mikan who was utterly towering over her. The giant girl reached down and picked the tiny 6-inch girl. Mahiru was about the length of Mikan’s hand, leaving her wondering how this happened. “Umm, Mahiru? I’m really sorry but I did this to you. I was hoping I could um well, get rid of you? Hiyoko’s always picking on me and I thought if you disappeared, she’d stop acting so cocky. I-I promise to make it at quick as I can! I think if you shove you in my vagina, it should probably get rid of you quickly…” As Mikan spoke, Mahiru couldn’t believe the shy girl she thought as a friend was saying something so horrible. She was talking so casually about ending her life, all just because her girlfriend was somewhat of a bully. “M-Mikan you can’t be serious! I don’t want to die! If you just let me speak to Hiyoko, I promise I’ll get her to stop. J-Just don’t shove me in… there, ok?” “No… I can’t… I need to get my revenge… So Mahiru… P-Please forgive me for this!” Mikan lifted her skirt and dropped her panties to down around her ankles. Despite Mahiru’s best efforts to squirm out of Mikan’s grasp, she was unable to and was met face to face with Mikan’s vagina. Without a second thought, Mikan jammed Mahiru inside, causing her to let out a particularly loud moan of pleasure. Only Mahiru’s head was currently inside, but Mikan still felt physically amazing. With a push of her hand, she slowly pushed the nude girl the rest of the way inside, letting out a huffing moan as she did. After a good minute of inching Mahiru inside, only the tiny girl’s legs were still left outside. With one last push of the hand, Mikan had claimed her tiny treat and felt her legs shaking with pleasure as she felt her new toy squirming inside her. With an urge to satisfy, Mikan decided to heavily rub her vagina with her hands, causing her to let out several heavier moans as her sexual drive fully took over. As Mahiru found herself slowly worked into Mikan’s vagina, she tried with all her might to fight back and escape, but Mikan was effortlessly able to push her inside. Mahiru was slowly pulled deeper within as Mikan played with herself, the tiny girl freaking out as she screamed for Mikan to stop and to please save her. Her tiny voice was far too quiet for Mikan to hear though and even if she had heard her pleas, Mikan’s sexual drive wouldn’t have felt a single urge to stop. The constricting fleshy walls around her were working their hardest to quickly break Mahiru down, as well as the juicy liquids around her that were quickly breaking her down. Mahiru had no idea what was happening to her, but she could feel her skin growing soft at first before eventually starting to break down into a cumlike substance, much like what was surrounding her down now. Mahiru was still processing everything that was happening as her body began to break down. She’d only been shrunk for less than a few minutes, so she had barely had any chance to process what was happening to her. In her last moments, Mahiru began to think of her girlfriend Hiyoko. With her last moments of consciousness, Mahiru prayed that Hiyoko stopped acting like such a brat. If Mikan was willing to go to these lengths to stop being bullied, she only imagine what she planned to do to Hiyoko if it didn’t stop. With one last heavy squish from the surrounding fleshy walls, Mahiru was no more. Her body had been utterly broken down into cum by Mikan’s vagina, a rather quick death compared to the alternatives Mikan could have offered. As Mikan’s rubbing grew fiercer, it had only made Mahiru’s death come faster. Mikan’s breath had gone from fast to rapid, the girl utterly entranced with this heavenly feeling. The little guilt Mikan had felt before had melted away with all her pleasure, leaving the girl uncaring to the horrible acts she was performing. With one last heavy rub of her fingertips, Mikan felt herself climax, letting out a loud moan as she did. The nurse fell backwards onto the table as her body tingled with pleasure. Her vagina squirted out a cummy discharge onto the floor below, a majority of it all landing into Mikan’s clean white panties. They were now dirtied to a point that they’d never be clean again, slowly soaking up what little remained of Mahiru. They eventually slipped off of Mikan’s legs and grossly plopped onto the floor below. As Mikan slowly recovered her breath and her body returned to its former strength, Mikan heard a voice that caused her to worry. “Mahiru! Are ya here? Peko said she saw you coming here and I wanted to check up on you.” As Mikan heard Hiyoko’s voice, she quickly returned back to her same worrisome self as she realized Hiyoko might walk into the room and see Mahiru’s clothes. As quick as she could, Mikan gathered Mahiru’s clothes and quickly dropped them all into a nearby box. She had just had enough time to hide Mahiru’s belongings before Hiyoko made her way in. “Huh? Oh it’s you. Hey you skank, have you seen Mahiru anywhere? I’ve been looking for her for a while now, but I haven’t been able to…” While Hiyoko spoke, her eyes eventually made their way to the white panties that lay on the ground, Mikan not having a chance to grab them before Hiyoko walked in. She saw the gross cummy liquid in them as well as saw how flustered Mikan was, her hair an utter mess. A realization donned on Hiyoko and her face looked disgusted. “Ewww you skanky pig! Are you seriously that gross you’d do this in a public area like this? Ugh, Mahiru must not be here if you can do… that! You’re so gross! I’m not staying here anymore freak!” Before Mikan could even speak, Hiyoko dashed out of the hospital and continued to search for Mahiru, unaware that the thing she had taken such offence to was in fact all that remained of her girlfriend. With a heavy sigh, Mikan felt relieved that Hiyoko had only seen her used panties. Hiyoko hadn’t really let up on Mikan yet, but the nurse was hoping that over the coming days, Mahiru’s disappearance should take the dancer down a peg. And if it didn’t, Mikan always had more Theratadine she could use on Hiyoko instead. In fact, all of her classmates could be perfect little toys for Mikan if they decided to be mean to her again. With a dark aura starting to form around her, Mikan happily began to dispose of Mahiru’s clothes, completely destroying all ties between her and the now dead girl…
As it slowly grew closer to nighttime in Hope’s Peak Academy, Makoto Naegi slowly found himself feeling worse and worse. His body felt cold, and his mind felt dizzy. He wasn’t sure why he felt so off, but he couldn’t stay up any longer. Makoto collapsed in his bed, his mind falling into a state of semi-unconsciousness. He felt himself weaving between sleep and being awake, something that really didn’t help how off he felt. The restlessness Makoto felt left him in a dreamlike state. As Makoto slowly opened his eyes once more, he felt his heart drop. Stood in front of him was a person in a mask, clenching a knife in their hand. Makoto tried to move, to run away, but his tired body couldn’t do it. All the boy could offer was a slight scream, hoping someone would hear it. His eyes felt heavy and before Makoto knew it, he had passed out again. He awoke again a while later and stood a few inches from him was Kyoko Kirigiri. Her hand was too his face, leaving Makoto worried. Was the masked figure he’d seen Kyoko? If she was then that’d mean… In a state of delusion, Makoto had a feeling that Kyoko was about to hurt him. As much as he wanted to trust her, he had just seen someone wielding a knife, leaving Makoto feeling like Kyoko was about to kill him. Despite how tired Makoto had felt, seeing Kyoko touching him brought a new life to his body, completely fueled by the life-or-death scenario he’d created in his head. With a quick grab and pull of his hand, Makoto had shoved Kyoko’s gloved hand into his maw. The purple haired girl tried to fight back, as well as trying to tell Makoto to stop, but her attempts to persuade him failed as his mind was too tired to register what she was saying. He began to gulp heavily at her hand, quickly sending it down his throat and causing Kyoko to be pulled closer to Makoto. Kyoko tried to pull herself away from Makoto, but no matter how hard she pulled away, her arm was just dragged deeper into his throat. After just a few seconds of gulping, Makoto had gotten to about Kyoko’s shoulder. With a quick move of his hands, he grabbed her purple hair and used it to pull her head towards his maw. She was easily pulled in by his tongue, causing Kyoko to begin a further decent down Makoto’s fleshy throat. Normally Kyoko would have been easily able to overpower Makoto and stop him thanks to how much the boy would have held back, but with Makoto feeling like his life was on the line, he wasn’t holding back against Kyoko. With some heavy gulps, Kyoko’s upper body was pulled down Makoto’s throat. Makoto was scared he was gonna pass out again, so he was trying with all his might to quickly gulp her down, not even realizing that she hadn’t even been trying to hurt him. After struggling to get her down for a bit, Makoto had gulped up to her pelvis, the only part of her left outside being her flailing legs. The rest of his meal was easy to deal with as all he had to do slurp down her smooth and soft legs, the boy lucky Kyoko had taken her boots off earlier. As Kyoko was gulped down by Makoto, she tried with all her might to yell at the entranced boy to stop. She had seen he had some sort of fever as he was heavily sweating while he slept, but she didn’t think he’d try to eat her when he suddenly woke up. Kyoko’s face pushed into Makoto’s stomach as he got to about her pelvis. While usually calm, Kyoko had a heavy look of worry as she began to squish into Makoto’s stomach, his stomach acid already beginning to eat away at her heavy clothes. She took a deep breath to calm herself and realized who she was dealing with. If she could just talk to Makoto, he’d fold in an instance and be more than willing to let her out. It’s not that Kyoko thought Makoto was weak, more so that she knew he wasn’t a killer and that somehow his fever induced brain must have made a mistake. It didn’t take long for Kyoko’s legs to make it down the throat and into the stomach with her, leaving her even less room in the already cramped stomach. She curled herself into a ball and gave Makoto a chance to breathe before trying to talk to him. The boy let out a gassy burp, one that brought back the flavors of Kyoko onto his tongue. After a good minute of sitting in the stomach, Kyoko finally spoke up, ready to see if Naegi would let her out or not. “Makoto, I have to ask, did you eat me on purpose? I never put you as the type of person to kill, but as it stands your stomach is already starting to tear apart my clothes. I had thought you were the only ally I could trust, but I worry I chose wrong.” As Kyoko spoke, her hair slowly grew more soaked with the juicy internals of Makoto’s stomach. It was gross to say the least at how quickly her body was becoming soaked by the boy, but at the same time, Kyoko somewhat liked the close feeling she got to Makoto. If it weren’t for the gurgling acid beneath her, she’d rather enjoy her time being so close to Makoto. “I… saw someone with a knife while I slept. I couldn’t fend them off before passing out again, but when I woke up again, I saw you touching my face. Did I… make a bad call Kyoko?” “Ah, I knew I was right about you Makoto. You don’t have it in you to hurt someone innocent. Don’t worry, I’m glad you tried to protect yourself at least, I just wish I wasn’t stuck in here. To give you some peace of mind, I had been trying to protect you from them. I saw the masked figure and fought them. After knocking them into your wall, they ran and while I wished to give chase, I had to insure you were ok. I thought they may have stabbed you, so I was looking to see if there was any wounds I needed to bandage and that’s when this happened. They likely already retreated, but at least we’re both safe. I’m not sure if that was the mastermind or one of the other killing game participants, but that’s not important right now. Makoto, your stomach is starting to… digest me. If you’d kindly let me out, we can form a game plan on what to do next.” As Makoto listened to Kyoko talk, he found himself heavily blushing. Seeing how heavily she had tried to protect him left him really happy, but as she spoke further, he found himself growing worried. He had eaten Kyoko on complete instinct and he didn’t really know how to let her our now. She trusted him though, so Makoto decided it would be best to try as hard as he could to get her out. Makoto first tried to press his gut upwards, trying to force her body back up. It didn’t work in the slightest, only causing Kyoko to let out a slightly annoyed noise as Makoto accidentally felt her ass. The boy tried a few other methods as well, trying to force his gag reflex and flipping upside down. None of it worked, only causing Kyoko to get flipped around and get worried as her clothes began to grow more holes in it. “Kyoko I… don’t know how to get you out. Ugh this is all my fault… I feel so awful, what should we do?” “Calm down Makoto. Getting yourself worked up is only going to make things worse for me in here. Maybe we need help from the others. I think I saw Aoi heading to the gym. Perhaps we should check there?” Makoto agreed with Kyoko’s plan, the boy slightly worried about the others seeing what he’d done. Right as Makoto was about to head out his door, he saw it swing open and in step a surprising sight. It was the second victim of all this chaos, Junko Enoshima. She had been killed after violating a school rule, so how was she still alive? Makoto found himself backing up, worried at her sight. She had a heavy grin, almost cartoonish, as she stared at the boy. With a quick twist of her fingers, she locked the door behind her. “J-Junko! How’re you still alive! We saw you die!” As Kyoko heard Makoto speak, she felt herself growing worried. She had no idea why he was talking about Junko now, but she could only assume the mastermind had revealed themselves and they didn’t plan on letting him leave. “Hey Makoto! I’ve been like totes watching you during this whole killing game! I didn’t think you had it in you to kill but I was totally wrong! Such a horrible way to go, you’re even worse than those other killers!” The way the Junko in front of him spoke sounded exactly like the Junko Makoto had met not long ago. He had no idea how this was possible, but he was beginning to see that she must have been the mastermind of this killing game. “Jeez you two don’t seem all that happy. Fine fine, you wanna know how I’m alive? Well the Junko you met was a fake! That one you met was my poor poor twin sister. She died because of me... Don’t you just feel bad for her?” As Junko spoke, Makoto and Kyoko both found themselves having tons of questions for Junko, but neither of them would have a chance to answer them as Junko dashed at poor Makoto, knocking into him and pushing him back onto his bed. “I know you wanna ask me so much about the killing game but who cares about all that! After all, I think your little tummy here would be all gone by the time I answered it all Naegi. Speaking off, I wonder how long little miss pain in my ass has left? Ya gave me the perfect out to get rid of her Makoto sweetie! Just this once, I’ll give you a little gift for it! I’ll snuggle up close to you and we can feel her digest away! Normally I’m not into vanilla shit like snuggling, but I think I’ll enjoy it since I’ll be able to see Kyoko plump this body of yours up.” Both Kyoko and Makoto felt their hearts drop as Junko made it painfully clear what she planned to do. Makoto wanted to fight back, but he was rather weak when compared to Junko. If Kyoko was outside of his gut, she’d be able to get her off of him, but as it stood, Makoto was pinned by the snuggling Junko. The boy tried with all his might to struggle away from her but Junko made sure to hold tight so he couldn’t get away from her. She even taunted him a bit, only using one hand to hold him while the other slapped his gut, causing the boy to let out a rather rancid smelling burp. She also used her free hand to massage his gut and further help digest the detective that had been hot on her trail. Part of Junko didn’t like revealing herself so early, but if she was able to get Makoto to digest Kyoko, it should not only break his hope, but the other survivors as well. Inside Makoto’s gut, Kyoko was not having it easy. Junko was continually forcing the boy to burp, leaving Kyoko struggling to breath in the nearly airless environment. The acids were also starting to really do a number on her. Her socks were completely melted away, giving her feet little protection against the rising acid. Her skirt and a majority of her upper clothes had been burned away as well, leaving Kyoko in her panties and a half-digested undershirt that was beginning to reveal her bra underneath. Her gloves had also been completely melted down, exposing her damaged hands to the burning acid of the boy’s stomach. As her body became more exposed to the acid, it began to hurt like hell as she felt her skin being melted down by the tummy. Kyoko was in an unwinnable situation as the mastermind was pinning down Makoto, leaving them unable to find help before the tummy fully digested her. She wanted to yell at Makoto to try and fight back, but she knew the boy was trying his hardest to get away. If she yelled at him, it would just hurt Makoto more in the end once she… The thought of what was coming next left Kyoko’s mind in anguish. Coming to terms with the fact that she was going to die left her feeling miserable. She’d been so close to finding the truth and when her final moments were in motion, it was revealed to her, almost like all her hard work had been for naught. While Kyoko felt her mood steadily drop, the stomach continued to work hard on her, much against both her and Makoto’s wishes. The grim reality of what was going to happen to her became more apparent as the acid began to tear into her skin. The remainder of Kyoko’s clothes had lasted only a couple minutes, leaving her body with no protection against the acid that was eager to claim her life. Her mind screamed in pain as her skin began to melt off of her body like warm fondue. The acid was quick with digestion, leaving Kyoko little time to think a way out of her current predicament. It was a perfect execution for her, leaving her no chance for her genius brain to try and find a way out. Kyoko normally had a face of steel, but all the current pain she was in left her with a look of anguish on her face. She wanted to scream from all the pain she felt, but she kept it inside, not wanting to hurt Makoto mentally with her last moments on earth. At this current point, Kyoko knew she couldn’t do much to save herself with her skin being more goopy than solid at this point, but she could save someone else. As hard as this situation was on her, she knew it would be worse for Makoto in the end. He was sweeter than anyone she’d ever met before, so she knew the idea of what happened to her was going to break him. It was likely what Junko wanted, but Kyoko wouldn’t let her have her way. “Makoto… I don’t have much time left. At this point, I think if I were even saved now, I’d still die from all the damage done to my body. I need you to know this wasn’t your fault. It was an accident and you’d have saved me, had it not been for her. Please Makoto, promise me you won’t let her control you. This whole game has been fishy from the start, and I have a feeling she’s got some trick up her sleeve. If she tries to put you on trial, please, win for me! If I wanted anyone to escape, it would be… you… Makoto.” As Kyoko’s mind began to waver, her speaking grew more slurred and came out slow. Her mind was fried from all the pain she’d endured, but Kyoko was happy she’d gotten to say what she’d wanted to. She began to hear Makoto try to talk, with Junko interrupting him to say something snarky but it all sounded like gibberish to Kyoko in her current mental state. With a look of satisfaction on her face, Kyoko closed her eyes, hoping her last speech had been enough to keep Makoto on a path of hope. Kyoko’s body went limp as the acids began to rise around it, ready to finally finish digesting her. “K-Kyoko! I’m sor-” “Is that all you gotta say Miss Ultimate Detective? You really think your speech will be enough for Naegi here to overcome killing you?” Both Junko and Makoto waited for a response from Kyoko, but his stomach was silent, aside from the ambient groaning and gurgling coming from inside. They both realized Kyoko was dead, Makoto with a look of despair while Junko had a look of sexual thrill. Junko still held tight onto him, really wanting to rub in the fact he still couldn’t overpower her. His stomach was decreasing in size by the minute, Kyoko’s body slowly being melted down into nothing but sludge that began to pump into his intestines. After a good half hour of Junko holding on tight to Makoto, she finally let go. She had made sure without a doubt that Kyoko was dead, as his gut had really decreased in size. Just for good measure, Junko gave Makoto’s belly a heavy slap, leaving Makoto to let out a rather disgusting burp, one that caused some bits of Kyoko to come out with the sickening gas. A chunk of her digested glove landed on the bed, with Kyoko’s skull landing right next to it. Makoto’s face looked on in horror, the sight of the skull really setting in what he’d done. Junko just picked it up and laughed, looking up and done at the bleached bone. “Well, I should have a class trial, but I guess you helped me kill that snoop, so I'll give you a slight break. This can be her execution I guess, although, if you wanna avoid punishment yourself, you gotta listen to my every word, K Makoto?” Makoto didn’t want to listen to Junko. It was her fault Kyoko was dead, but as it stood, Makoto couldn’t fight Junko off. He’d have to play whatever game she wanted for the time being. “How about I change this killing game up a bit? To escape Makoto, you have to eat the rest of these survivors! That’s what, 4 more meals? After they’re all gone, you can get your revenge for Kyoko and eat me! Then, I’ll let you escape this place, and you can go find the truth or whatever outside of here! Of course, if the survivors catch you, our deal is off, but I think I’ll give you a bit of a fighting chance. We’ll be moving you out of here and you’ll be staying with me in my secret chambers! Just think, you, me, and that pudge that was once Kyoko will get to snuggle together every night till you finish off your food! I hope you don’t finish them too quickly just so you can eat me… Now before we move you out of here, lemme check the cameras…” As Junko messed with her phone to look at the school’s camera feed, Makoto sat sadly on his bed. He didn’t want to eat anyone else, but as it stood, that was the new game Junko was going to make him play. He thought about what Kyoko said and how she had wanted him to be the one to escape. Makoto owed it to Kyoko to hold her up on her last wish and escape from the school, even if it meant ending the lives of 4 others. “Alrighty, they’re all still in the gym it seems. Follow me Naegi, we’re gonna make a quick stop in the garbage chute.” With Junko harshly pulling on his jacket, Makoto and her rushed for the garbage chute, doing their best to get there before anyone could make it back from the gym. They made it successfully and Junko quickly bared the door behind them with a bit of metal. Junko began to feel around the wall for her secret passage before finally hitting a button that caused a bit of the wall to open up. She motioned for Makoto to follow, but before he could, his felt a bit of gas escape his ass, his face turning a heavy shade of pink as he realized he had to go. “Ugh, seriously? Couldn’t wait 2 minutes? Fine, hmm. Oooh! Naegi, sit on this garbage chute! Then they won’t be able to find Kyoko’s remains!” Makoto sighed but listened to Junko. He dropped his black pants to the floor and sat onto the trash chute with his bare ass. The cold metal made him shiver and just want to get the process over with. He began to squeeze with all his might, slowly feeling the warm remains of Kyoko begin to squish through his anus. The brown turd plopped out and feel all the way to the bottom of the garbage chute, not even making an audible noise as it landed. Makoto continued to work on disposing of Kyoko, feeling bone filled turds begin to push out of him and fall in the chute below. As he went about disposing of Kyoko, Makoto could feel his cock between his legs harden. Junko noticed it and smirked at him, licking her lips to signify what she wanted to do to him later. Makoto had no idea why he was getting hard over what he’d done to Kyoko, but there was something sexually exciting about feeling her slide out of his ass, as much as he hated to admit it. Makoto tried to push the thought down, but it wouldn’t go away. He felt evil, like he was being corrupted by what Junko made him do. Or, did he truly want this to happen deep down? After all, he was the one who’d eaten Kyoko in the first place. Junko still had Kyoko’s skull in her hands, playing with it as Makoto finished dumping what was left of her. Junko had planned to pair it with Kyoko’s father’s skull back in her hidden base. The Ultimate Despair could see the cracks in Makoto, and she planned to utterly break them. If she could break the boy to where he’d listen to her and eat anyone she asked, she’d have a perfect tool to continue spreading despair across the world. Makoto felt the last of Kyoko push out of his asshole and drop out with a gross explosion of gas following it. The boy’s face was bright red with embarrassment, knowing Junko was watching and getting wet over what he was doing. The girl grabbed some rags nearby and gave them to Makoto to wipe. Makoto quickly cleaned himself up and jumped off of the trash chute, quickly hurrying to get his underwear and pants on before Junko could do anything. Before he could get it fully up, she slapped his now fat ass, chuckling as she did. “Guess Kyoko’s ‘shit outta luck’, eh Makoto? Mannn you got chubby from her! You got a thick as hell ass now! Hmm, maybe I can peg you once we get back to my place. You seem like the type of guy who’d been into that!” As much as Makoto didn’t want to be teased by Junko, he had to admit, part of him liked a girl taking interest in him, even if she was on the crazy side. Had Kyoko just shown a bit more interest in him, maybe he wouldn’t have done what he’d done. Makoto had just taken notice to the new additions to his body. His stomach was chubby now, giving him a muffin top that sagged out of his shirt a bit. Like Junko said as well, his ass had seemingly doubled in size, his pants much tighter than expected. After Makoto’s next meal, they’d more than likely rip. Junko began to walk off to leave the area, but Makoto quickly caught up to her. He didn’t know why, but he grabbed her hand. Part of him wanted to really like Junko, even if she had done horrible things. As she felt her hand grabbed, Junko didn’t know why, but she felt something change in her. The way Makoto’s hand felt in hers, it was an amazing feeling, one that wasn’t brought on by despair. She tried to shake the feeling off, but she couldn’t. She decided to keep holding his hand as the two made their way back, her face growing a bright red alongside Makoto’s. In a lot of regards, the Ultimate Despair had broken into the Ultimate Hope’s mind, leaving plenty of screwed up feelings inside him. The inverse was true, as Makoto’s kind nature was beginning to leave a mark on the Ultimate Despair, slowly making Junko rethink her own ways. The two walked, hand in hand, towards their future together. It was going to take a while until either truly realized how they felt about one another, but it would happen one day. Hope and Despair were forever together, as nothing but a future couple that would either let despair win out for them in the end or let hope be what guided them towards a future together…
A loud sneeze rang out in the rather quiet dorm room, quickly followed by an annoyed groan. Hiyoko Saionji was sat in bed, a blanket around her cold body. The Ultimate Traditional Dancer had recently gotten a cold thanks to the changing atmosphere outside. Hiyoko was miserable, having to stay in her dorm room alone while the rest of her classmates got to do whatever. The one upside for Hiyoko was the fact that she knew her girlfriend would get out class soon, leaving Mahiru able to come to Hiyoko’s aid. As time passed and Hiyoko miserably shook in her bed, the blonde girl found herself perplexed on why Mahiru wasn’t back yet. She’d been very specific in saying she’d be back at 4:35 but it was already 5:07. As Hiyoko grew more worried, her ears finally picked up a tiny voice coming from the floor below. The blonde girl looked over to see an annoying sight, none other than her 6-inch-tall classmate, Mikan Tsumuki. Hope’s Peak Academy was one of the most unique schools in the country in that it had been one of the first to have both tinies and normal sized students attend together. This mixing of students came with a downfall though, as plenty of tiny students were constantly going missing thanks to the careless and cruel natures of many of Hope’s Peak Academy’s normal sized attendees. One of these cruel students would be none other than Hiyoko herself, the blonde girl having ended more tinies in that month alone that everyone in her class combined. Hiyoko rudely picked up Mikan and dropped her onto her bed spread, dropping the tiny girl in the space between her crossed legs. With her teeth chattering a bit, Hiyoko finally spoke. “W-What do you want ugly skank? Where’s Mahiru?” Despite having ended so many tiny students lives before, Hiyoko had never been able to end the life of the one she hated the most, Mikan. It wasn’t that she couldn’t bring herself to, more so that every time Hiyoko and Mikan were together, a witness was around to keep from snatching up the tiny and killing her. Hiyoko was slowly piecing together a plan to hopefully finally end the tiny, but she wanted to know why Mikan was in her room and where Mahiru was. It would put Hiyoko’s mind at ease to know Mahiru was alright and knowing why Mikan was there would make it all the more fun to screw with the tiny as she ended her life. “W-Well Mahiru had something come up at the last minute, so she asked me if I could come check up on you because of my Ultimate. I told her I didn’t think I’d be able to help much because of our size differences, but I agreed in the end to at least come and see if I could help you in any way.” As Mikan spoke, Hiyoko found herself slowly growing her signature smug smile across her face. It eased her mind to know Mahiru was safe. Plus, knowing Mikan had come all this way to help her, only for the tiny to eventually end up dead really brightened up the gloomy sick girl. Before Hiyoko killed her though, the tiny could stand to be screwed with a bit. Hiyoko wasn’t really sure how to deal with Mikan yet, but she’d figure out something after she pressed the girl’s buttons a bit. “Ugh like I’d need help from a little runt like you! I only want my Mahiru helping me! Besides, it’s not like you could help! If you tried to check my throat, you might just end up in my tummy.” “D-Don’t joke about something so horrible Hiyoko! If you swallowed me, I’d be d-digested! Please let me just try and help! I might be able to make this disease go away quicker!” “I already said I don’t need your- Ah! Ahh! ACHOO!” As Hiyoko tried to taunt Mikan, she found her speech cut off by a sudden sneeze. The blonde girl didn’t even bother to cover, letting her snot and spit fly all over the tiny girl beneath her. As Hiyoko rubbed her nose, she suddenly heard Mikan letting out a noise of disgust. “E-Eww! I’m covered in snot! Hiyoko, please cover your mouth next time you sneeze! You can spread germs if you don’t and what if I got the rest of our class sick?” As Mikan spoke, Hiyoko couldn’t help but roll her eyes, before suddenly, she got a flash of brilliance. She had been planning to eat Mikan at first based on her reaction earlier but seeing how upset Mikan got over being coated in slot left Hiyoko with a devilish idea. She snatched up Mikan and held her so the two were face to face with one another. “Oh? I shouldn’t spread germs? Well I see a rather large one in my room. Guess I should stuff it back inside my nose to make sure I get rid of it!” Hiyoko’s face was filled with anger as it looked at Mikan, the tiny girl beginning to shake as Hiyoko rose her voice. Before Mikan could react, Hiyoko wrapped her fingers around the tiny girl. Without a second thought, she jammed the tiny Mikan into her nostril. The girl’s size made it hard for Hiyoko to shove Mikan up her nose in one go. Mikan’s legs dangled out from the inside of the nose, squirming hard as she tried to escape. Hiyoko wasn’t going to let her though and began to suck in with her right nostril, quickly pulling Mikan further up into the dark and damp cavern. It only took a couple snorts for Mikan’s legs to fully disappear within. Hiyoko letting out a satisfied sigh as she felt her nose grow even more full. As Mikan suddenly found herself thrust into the nose, she could instantly feel the stuffed nasal passage already coating her with Hiyoko’s warm and gooey boogers. Mikan felt absolutely disgusted as she was coated, but she tried to work through her disgust and pull herself out. As Hiyoko sucked her deeper though, Mikan grew a look of worry as she was pulled through the cavern of goo, feeling her uniform and hair quickly soak it all up. What wasn’t soaked up began to stick to her and slowly form a gelatinous booger form around her. Mikan tried to squirm and get it off, but it was too sticky. She only succeeded in getting her arms stuck to her body with the goo. Mikan was stuck, her only escape being at the mercy of Hiyoko. Mikan tried to calm herself, hoping to stop herself from her crying to ask for Hiyoko to please let her out. Before Mikan could speak though, Hiyoko interrupted her. “You feel so good in there! And here I thought I wanted to eat you! I wonder if you’ll get turned into a gross sticky booger staying in there! Mikan, you’re the human body expert, what’ll happen if you stay in there too long?” Hiyoko’s voice was filled with pure smugness, the girl finally happy to deal with Mikan once and for all. She truly didn’t know what was going to happen to Mikan, but worse case scenario, she just sucked the girl all the way back until she ended up in her tummy. Mikan knew the truth on what would happen though, and it frightened her. Human snot could be harmful to a tiny person like her, so being stuck in a nose left Mikan with little time left. Mikan tried to shout for Hiyoko to help, but her voice just echoed in the fleshy cave, the sound not even registering on Hiyoko’s mind. Mikan tried with all her might to move, but not matter how hard she struggled, she was still stuck under the goo that was quickly melting her body down. Mikan’s shoes, apron, skirt, and undershirt had all been completely melted apart, leaving her naked form to begin to be assaulted by the digestive snot. As the goo felt up Mikan’s body, the tiny girl couldn’t help but begin to breakdown, the feeling of her body being coated in something so gross leaving her wanting to do nothing but cry. Her body was quickly losing shape, going from a solid bit of mass to a quickly softening bit of goo. Her skin came off in blotches and was absorbed into the snot coating her. As the tiny girl inside the nostril began to break down, both mentally and physically, Hiyoko decided to screw with Mikan a bit in her last moments and grabbed a cue tip to further demean the already depressed girl. She shoved it up her nostril and began to poke and prod at the broken girl. The pokes helped further break down Mikan, harshly shoving into her softened skin and causing bits to break off. This new assault on her body caused Mikan to scream in pain, her body hurting now that it was being forcibly broken apart. Mikan felt chunks of her skin begin to fall out, her body only growing softer as it was digested by the snot. Mikan had all but given up at living at this point. Hiyoko made in painfully obvious how she felt about her for so long. Mikan had wished she hadn’t tried to help the giant bully. She had thought if she did, the two could begin to get along, but her actions only resulted in her death, as becoming nothing but more snot for the bitch that killed her. With her mind in an angry unresolved state, Mikan quickly succumbed to the mucus surrounding her, easily becoming nothing but more green goo that squelched about inside Hiyoko’s nose. The poking from the cue tip truly helped end Mikan faster than Hiyoko would have expected. The giant bully could feel the girl grow from solid to soft to goo in a matter of minutes. The blonde girl slipped the cue tip out of her nose and threw it away, grossed out by the burgers left on it. Hiyoko picked up a tissue from her nearby box and blew into it. The snot quickly stained the white cloth a green hue. As Hiyoko looked up and down the white cloth, she noticed not even a slight trace of Mikan left. The tiny had barely been in the nose for more than a few minutes and Hiyoko had utterly melted all bits of her down into nothing but an unrecognizable goo. With a satisfied chuckle, Hiyoko dropped the gross tissue unceremoniously into her bedside wastebin. Hiyoko took in a deep breath and found herself surprised at how clear her nose was. It seemed killing off Mikan had been enough to help get rid of her cold. In a way, the nurse had surprisingly helped her get well. While Hiyoko celebrated no longer being sick, Mahiru came in quickly, shopping bags in hand. “Hiyoko! I’m so sorry I wasn’t here! I had to deal with taking photos for clubs, but they gave me some soup and junk to help you feel better!” “No need Mahiru! I’m all better! See, my nose isn’t even sniffly anymore!” “Aww that’s wonderful babe! Wow, Mikan must have really been able to help you!” “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” The two girls smiled at each other warmly as they spoke. After that, they began to go through the various things Mahiru had gotten, deciding to have some warm chicken noodle soup together. As the two joyously talked and had fun, Mikan’s gooey remains slowly grew colder as they were exposed to the air. The tissues would eventually get thrown out like any other trash, and Mikan would slowly be forgotten about by her classmates after her sudden disappearance, with the exception of one student who knew all good and well what had happened to the tiny girl. She had been reduced into nothing but the Ultimate bit of snot…
The halls of Hope’s Peak Academy were quiet as the day slowly progressed. The students that had been recently forced into the killing game were all off on their own, each worried about what was next come. It had been a couple days since the students had been put through the gruesome event that was Leon’s trial. Not only having to watch him be executed but seeing what had happened to Sayaka and Junko had left everyone more than shaken. Almost everyone was spending time on their own, not wanting to become the next victim in this terrifying killing game. That was especially true for Toko Fukawa, who had not only locked herself away because of the killing game, but because of another terrifying secret. Toko had an alternate personality, one by the name of Genocide Jill. The personality only ever came out in certain scenarios, like when Toko saw blood, hit her head, or sneezed. In a killing game, the sight of blood was far too likely and Toko was terrified of switching personalities. After seeing Leon’s death, she feared that if she switched into Genocide Jill, she’d kill someone and be put on trial for a murder she didn’t even truly commit. Thankfully, no one knew of her condition, so no one could try to use it to get ahead in the game. Toko was beginning to grow bored of laying in her bed, so she decided to read some books she’d gotten from the library. As she flipped it open, a layer of dust flung up from the old book, right into Toko’s face. Toko tried with all her might to hold in the sneeze she could feel brewing thanks to the dust, but she wasn’t strong enough. A light sneeze exited Toko’s nose, leaving the girl’s personality to switch into that of Genocide Jill. “Kyehahaha! Oh it feels so good to be free again! The Ultimate Murderous Fiend Genocide Jill takes the stage again! I’ll show all those schmoes online that Genocide Jack is actually Genocide Jill! Kyehahaha!” While Toko had been beginning to open her book, Aoi Asahina had been about to pass Toko’s room to meet up with Sakura. The two girls were some of the few students that felt any sort of trust towards one another, leaving Hina feeling safe to leave her room and venture into spending time with others. As Hina passed Toko’s room though, she heard the girl sneeze and stopped dead in her tracks. She knew she should have just kept going, but with Toko refusing to come out of her room, Hina felt worried about the girl, despite how rude she acted towards her. Lucky for her, the door had been left open a crack, leaving Hina not only able to hear the sneeze, but able to look in on the scene unfolding before her. She watched in shock as Toko looked drastically different, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her eyes now full of life. Her unhinged way of speaking sent a shiver down Hina’s spine and hearing her openly admit to being Genocide Jack left her speechless. Hina wasn’t as well versed on the killings as other students at the academy, but she knew the general idea of what had happened with them. With that knowledge in hand, Hina began to think it would be best for her to hide in her room, but just as she thought about leaving, Hina put a bit too much pressure on the ajar door, causing her to fall and land inside. Jill immediately turned to look at the sound of commotion. Hina had landed inside the dorm room, landing straight onto her stomach. Hina tried to recover the wind that had been knocked out of her and flee, but Jill was faster and dashed for the door, firmly slamming it shut and locking it. Hina scooted on her butt until she hit a wall, not taking her eyes off the girl for a second. Jill began to wildly chomp on her fingernail, clearly annoyed at the snoop falling into her room. “Dammit! I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth! Of course that halfwit other side of me wouldn’t have fully closed the door. Hey big tits! How much did of what I said did you hear?!” Unlucky for Hina, Jill shared a strong dislike towards Hina with Toko thanks to their shared emotions towards others. While Toko only ever insulted the girl, Jill would be willing to go to depths Toko wasn’t willing to go to keep her secret safe. As Hina tried to speak, she just stuttered, slurring her words thanks to how worried she was. “I-I umm I heard nothing Ji- Toko! I meant Toko! I just looked in after you finished saying something and I fell in, haha… H-How about you let me go now? I need to go meet with Sakura.” “Not so fast! You clearly heard everything with how nervous you are. So you got me Hina, I’m Genocide Jill, the Ultimate Killing Machine! I’ve killed so many people with my cute little scissors, watching them bleed out as I stabbed them… Kyehahaha! That bitch Toko was trying to hide me away to keep me from killing, but it seems she had an accident and here I am now!” “W-Why are you telling me this?” “Well duh! No way I’m letting you go with you knowing my secret! If everyone knew, then it’d make it hard for me to kill some boys! I thought I’d give you the whole truth before I kill ya! You’re not a cute boy sadly, but I don’t mind doing some killing on an idiot like you!... Ugh where are my scissors! Did Toko hide them away from me?! Ugh! Well, unlucky for you Hina, I don’t just kill with scissors. I got another rather brutal way to end ya! Hope you enjoy a nice swim in my stomach!” Before Hina could react, Jill dashed at her and grabbed onto her arms harshly. With a strength Hina would have assumed Toko to never have, Jill picked Hina up and pinned her to the wall. Hina tried to fight her off of her, but Jill was utterly overpowering her. Wanting to gulp her down quickly to make sure Hina was in her stomach before her personality switched again, Jill shoved Hina’s head into her maw before the swimmer could react. Thanks to having eaten people before, Jill was experienced enough to make easy work of the petite swimmer. Her gulps were intense and bombastic, just like her personality. She used her tongue to help quickly drag Hina into her throat. Jill’s throat bulged out as Hina was quickly pulled down her fleshy tube and pushed towards the stomach awaiting her arrival. Once Hina had found her head inside Jill’s maw, she instantly felt grossed out. Toko’s irregular cleaning habits had left her breath beyond awful, leaving Hina to feel the stench immediately begin to soak into both her skin and hair. She barely had a chance to fight Jill off before feeling her body be squished into the throat of Jill. She felt the killer waste no time on her and she was immediately pulled down, feeling everything up to her stomach gulped in seconds. The rest of her quickly followed suit as Jill greedily gulped her down, consistently rubbing her tongue up and down Hina’s flesh. As Hina grew closer to the stomach, she felt her nose assaulted even more than when she had been pulled into Toko’s throat. Once she got into the stomach though was when the smell had been at it’s worst. Toko had finished off a plate of curry and tea about an hour ago, leaving the food to have digested a rather decent amount. The smell of the bitter tea and curry’s smell left the stomach with a disgusting odor that nowhere near matched Toko’s breath. It took little time for the rest of Hina to be pushed into the rather cramped stomach, Jill slurping up Hina’s legs like noodles. As the last of Hina was squished into the stomach, the swimmer had to put her legs into a ball to fit how cramped it was inside. A heavy slap made its way towards the top of Hina’s head, quickly followed by a foul sounding burp from Jill and a bit of maniacal laughter. Jill’s tummy had bulged out rather largely thanks to Hina now being stuffed inside. Lucky for Jill, her and Toko wore thier former school uniform, one that allowed for her upper shirt to be pulled up to keep it from tearing. With a playful little skip, Jill made her way back to her and Toko’s bed, sitting on it so she could tease her new murder victim. “You act all strong and look, but you just became tummy fodder! Maybe you should’ve laid off the donuts, and you would have at least had a fighting chance! Let’s see how many laps you can do in my acid! Kyehahaha!” As Hina listened in on Jill speak, she felt her heart beginning to race as she realized Jill truly intended to digest her. She thought that maybe she was just trying to scare her, but the girl was fully serious. “W-Wait! Jill please don’t do this! I don’t wanna die! I promise I’ll keep your secret for the full killing game! W-What if I help you kill others! You said you only like killing guys, right? Well how about I get you someone like umm… Makoto!” Hina was grasping at straws as she grew more worried. She felt awful throwing Makoto under the bus, but if Hina could save herself, she was going to do it. “Hmmm, Big Mac? He does look pretty tasty… but nope! I don’t want anyone knowing me and Toko are connected. It would just be bad for both of us. So, I’ll just digest you now and gobble up that delectable boy later!” Jill leaned back on her bed, listening to Hina begin to grow desperate and beg to be let out, throwing basically everyone else under the bus. Jill was done with her teasing and was just ready for Hina to digest. There wasn’t much for her to do, so she just relaxed in bed, enjoying the feeling of her stomach beginning to digest the donut bitch named Aoi Asahina. Despite all her pleading, Hina found herself stuck as Jill stopped talking to her. No matter what Hina said, she was met with silence, the occasional burp being the only response she got from Jill. The stomach wasted no time and had begun to already pool burning hot acids beneath Hina’s ass and feet. Wearing short shorts was biting her in the ass, the acid quickly beginning to burn the exposed flesh. Hina screamed in pain, which only caused Jill to laugh to herself as she heard the girl begin to start her digestion process. The stomach didn’t stop for Hina’s cries for help, only further raising the digestive juices around her. As time passed, the acid began to rise around her legs, slowly rising to about her stomach. It hurt like hell thanks to so much of Hina’s lower body was exposed. The acid made quick work of her clothes, her shorts being torn apart to shreds in what seemed like minutes. As the acid hit her stomach, her undershirt and jacket began to quickly follow suit and begin to fall apart. Hina could feel her body growing softer as the stomach worked on her. The acid was just continuing to rise, and it seemed like all hope was lost. All Hina could hope for was a miracle to save her, but it didn’t look like that was coming. As Jill enjoyed her meal and lazed about in bed, she leaned back against the bed, causing the bedframe to push into a stack of books, leaving several to topple down. Most of them missed Jill, but one hit her straight in the head, causing Jill to snap back to Toko. As Toko slowly tried to readjust to coming back into power of her body, a heavy burp escaped her lips, and she was alerted to her engorged stomach. She looked down in fear as she realized Jill had taken over and seemingly eaten someone. Toko didn’t want to speak, for fear of who’d she hear once she spoke to the person inside. Finally after a few minutes of getting her confidence up, she spoke. “H-Hello? W-Who’s in my stomach?” “T-Toko! You’re back! G-Get me out of here! That Jill girl ate me up after I saw her in your room! Your stomach is already starting to digest me, and my legs are starting to go gooey!” As Hina spoke, Toko felt annoyed to see it had been Hina that was eaten. Out of everyone there, Hina was the one who annoyed her the most and she knew she wouldn’t hear the end of it from here after all this. As Hina’s words echoed in Toko’s mind though, she decided to feel her stomach to see how solid Hina was. As she felt her tummy up, Hina began to grow annoyed, yelling at Toko for feeling her up. Hina ignored her and realized that Hina felt pretty soft at this point. Whenever Jill had eaten people in the past, they usually didn’t last very long, leaving Toko unable to save anyone when she eventually changed back. With that knowledge in her brain, Toko knew Hina was too far along to save now, leaving her worried that she had to break the news to the girl. Despite not liking her, Toko didn’t want to kill Hina because of it. Hina pissed her off more than Toko could ever express, but knowing she was unwillingly dominating and digesting the girl left Toko feeling bad. “H-Hina… I’m sorry but you feel too soft. You’re too far d-digested for me to… let out. I’m really sorry I did this to you, but you’ll die if I let you out anyway! S-So how about I just leave you in there, so it’ll end sooner, o-ok?” Just as soon as a miracle came for Hina, no sooner was it swept away. The swimmer began to beg for Toko to let her out, begs that left Toko feeling awful as she heard the girl cry to be saved. Toko couldn’t do anything for her at that point, so she just stayed silent and waited for Hina’s pleads to slowly fade out as she gave up and realized Toko had no intentions of saving her. The two girls sat in silence, the only sounds either heard was the gurgling of the stomach acid and the occasional burp from Toko, which left her blushing heavily. Neither of them wanted this, but there was no way out of it. Toko did feel awful for Hina, but she was trying to get her mind off the negative and try to focus on the positive of the situation. After digesting Hina, she should get bigger boobs and a bigger butt, which might make some of the guys finally look her way. With a positive thought in mind, Toko finally felt a smile form across her face, one that was filled with lust. All she would have to do is wait for Hina to finish up, trying to keep the positive in her mind over the guilt she felt over Hina’s inevitable death. The stomach wasn’t holding any punches on Hina. By the time she’d stop pleading for Toko to let her out, the acid had risen to about her shoulders. Her clothes were all but gone, leaving her completely nude and defenseless against the burning liquid that slowly tore her apart. Her legs had gone completely soft and had utterly goopified. One solid hit to them and all the skin would knock right off of her leg bone. The rest of her was quickly following along, as Hina could feel her arms starting to lose the ability to move. Her whole body ached, leaving her barely able to move without letting out a noise of pain. As Hina’s flesh slowly dripped off her body, the girl found herself completely depressed. Her trying to check in on Toko to make sure she was safe had led to her death. She knew the two had been at odds, but she never thought their dislike towards each other would end like this. As Hina’s mind slowly grew hazier, she began to feel herself fading off, the stomach fumes making it impossible for her to focus. After long, the fumes finally go to her and Hina’s mind shut down, leaving her body to finish being claimed by the boiling acid. Toko watched her gut with intent, waiting for it to all be over. After long, she slowly began to hear Hina’s pained whimpers fade away, before finally stopping all together. She was dead and Toko felt awful. Despite feeling so bad, Toko tried not to focus on it. She knew only dwelling on it would make her feel worse, so she grabbed a nearby book from her pile and began to read, making sure to keep it away from her face incase there was dust in it. Toko read through the book, taking her mind of her stomach that began to crunch down on what remained of Hina, slowly peeling all the skin from her bones. The skin and bones began to push through her intestines, giving Toko some rather gross and smelly farts that would only make her smell worse thanks to her not showering. Her stomach slowly lost its bulging shape as Hina’s remains disappeared into the lower sections, leaving only a bit of flab behind. Toko had no idea how long it took thanks to the lack of clocks in the academy, but she couldn’t imagine it had taken long as she’d barely made a dent in the book she was reading. After feeling a gross spurt of gas exit her asshole, Toko let out an annoyed sigh and bookmarked her page before beginning to rush for the bathroom. As Toko made way for her bathroom, she couldn’t help but feel off due to the new weight on her body. She’d have to give herself a more thorough look once she didn’t feel the need to crap being so prevalent. Toko slammed her booty down onto the toilet seat, trying to push her skirt out of the way while dropping her panties to the floor. She barely had a chance as she felt a large log begin to push out, one that caused Toko to let out a groan of pain. Jill usually took over when she disposed of people, leaving Toko to have to do it for herself since she didn’t want to let Jill take over again. After a few pained grunts, the log plopped into the toilet below. Just as Toko felt relief, she instantly felt another bit of shit begin to push out, causing her to return to her annoyed sounds of grimace. It took Toko a rather long time to dispose of her “donut delight” but after a while, she began to feel her ass easing up on logs to let out. Toko had to flush the toilet a few times while disposing of Hina, trying to make sure it didn’t clog and leave her scrambling to get rid of the evidence. Toko felt one last thing to get rid of, Hina’s skull. With how much trouble the shit had given her earlier, Toko was worried. She began to push with all her might, feeling a heavy pain as Hina’s skull began to slowly push its way out. It took a lot of grunt work, but after a few minutes, Hina’s skull finally plopped into the toilet below. With Hina’s body finally finished, Toko wiped herself and stood up, half looking at the pile to see what she’d done. The bits that hadn’t been flushed already lay in the toilet. The shit was compacted with bone and bits of faded red cloth from Hina’s jacket. Her skull lay on top of it all, with Hina’s hair pin being buried in all the mess. Toko hit the metal flusher and pleaded that it would all go down. After a bit of swirling, all of the shit and bone was pulled down into the septic tanks below, even the skull of Hina. Toko let out an excited noise as she realized she’d hidden the body. Toko wasn’t sure if she was going to be put on trial, but with the silence from Monokuma, she felt rather safe. Maybe because the stomach had been what killed Hina, she wasn’t going to be put on trial. Toko set the issue aside and began to look in her mirror, worried at what she might find. To her surprise, Toko’s chest had ballooned out, as well as her ass. It seemed she had stolen Hina’s ass in tits with the digestion, with a majority of her fat going to those two places. A bit of Hina had also settled onto Toko’s stomach, leaving her with a slight muffing top that pushed out of her shirt. Toko loved the new look of her body, the weight gain actually being really nice to her. She did still feel bad for Hina, but she’d all but buried the guilt, hoping her newfound appearance would be enough to make her feel better. With a positive outlook from seeing herself in the mirror, Toko began to head to the dining hall. Despite having just eaten a whole human being, she was ready to have some more tea and curry, hoping the food combo would fully flush out any bits left of the idiot who had been in her stomach tract not less than one hour ago…
The day was slow for all the students trapped in the Island killing game, each of their hunger making the ordeal only last longer. It was the third day since they had all been locked in the fun house without any food, each of the students growing hungrier by the day. Everyone had been suffering, but it was twice as bad for Sonia Nevermind. The princess had skipped out on breakfast the day before they had been locked away, leaving her slightly hungrier than the rest who had gorged themselves the morning before. The rest had let her have the deluxe room because of this, but the comfort of the room didn’t help much for her growling belly. By the second day of the whole ordeal, Sonia was beginning to imagine her friends as nothing but bits of food. At first she snapped herself out of her hunger, but after long, she began to feel herself drooling as she looked at the others. She even went so far as to ask some of the others locked up in the fun house if she could take a bite out of them, everyone instinctively telling her no, even Kazuichi who would have normally jumped at the opportunity to be bitten by Miss Sonia. As the third day came around, Sonia was running on more than empty. At the start of the ordeal, she’d told herself she wouldn’t kill anyone out of hunger, but as each minute slowly passed, she found herself backing up on that promise to uphold her moral beliefs. Sonia staggered out of her room and headed for the longue of Grape House, noting that it was empty, with the exception of Akane. Everyone seemed to be sleeping or staying in their rooms to ward off hunger. She sat off to the side, staring at the struggling Akane. As Sonia looked at her, she noticed how pained the girl was. Akane ate almost triple what Sonia usually did, so her body was really reacting negatively to the complete lack of food. As Sonia looked over Akane’s body, she felt the heavy drool reentering her throat. Sonia didn’t even try to push the thought down, just letting the idea of eating Akane’s meaty and plump body slowly take over her every thought. She noticed how tired Akane looked, which would make her an easy meal for Sonia. Akane’s meaty body caused all reason and morals to go out the window, leaving Sonia to want to just try and gobble her up on the spot there. She held back as hard as she could, only narrowly managing to keep herself from eating up Akane then and there. If Sonia could get Akane into her room, then she’d be able to eat her meal and enjoy it without anyone possibly witnessing her. As Sonia racked her mind for a way to get Akane into her room, she finally scrapped together a plan through her hunger pained brain. Sonia remembered Akane begging Nekomaru for a massage before they headed into the funhouse, the boy having never given her one thanks to how hungry everyone felt. If Sonia could convince Akane to come into her room for a massage, she could finally let her royal body get the nutrients they required to function. Sonia slowly stood from the floor, taking a long time to stagger over towards Akane. “Akane, I saw how off you looked, and I thought well, how about you and I do something? I was curious, could I try giving you a massage? I’ve always wanted to try something like that, so I thought it’d be fun to do it on you! It would likely be best if we do it in my room though, as I wouldn’t want any of the boys to see your…” “Nice try Sonia, but I’m not gonna let you trick me. You wanna kill me, don’t you? Take me to your room and strangle me or something? No way, I’m staying right here.” Akane was more active minded than Sonia would have pegged her for. Quickly wanting to save face and try to truly get the girl into her room with her, Sonia uttered a quick response. “K-Kill? Akane I would never! I just thought, well, you took the crummy room for us and let me have the deluxe one since I was so hungry at the start. I thought that bed must have been hurting, so I was hoping I could repay that kindness you showed me. Out of everyone here Akane, I trust you the most, so I wish to forge an alliance with you to last while we both still breathe!” At first, Akane was more than suspicious of Sonia, but as she spoke so kindly and seemed genuine with wanting to help, Akane felt herself feeling bad about outright rejecting Sonia. It seemed the princess did want to just show some kindness in this hard time. “I’m sorry. I just… am having a hard time trusting anyone with how hungry we I am. Thanks Sonia, my back could really use a thorough massage. That bed is really doing a number on it, more than I thought it would…” The two slowly lumbered down the hallway, talking as they did. Sonia was just saying whatever she could to get Akane in her room, her growling tummy aching for sustenance. The two girls finally got into Sonia’s room and Akane quickly made way for Sonia’s couch while the princess sneakily locked the door behind her. Sonia followed behind Akane who’d already spread herself out on the couch. She’d taken her top off as well, leaving Sonia to blush as she saw Akane’s rather meaty tits squishing into her temporary couch. As Sonia approached, she started to feel doubts creeping up into her mind as she got closer, but once her tummy let out a rather pained groan, Sonia felt herself double down on her plan. The princess got close to the weak gymnast who’d all but let her guard down around her. Sonia came up from behind, acting like she was about to begin the massage. Using the little strength she had, Sonia gripped onto Akane’s legs and began to shove them into her mouth, gulping as hard as she could to quickly get Akane down. As Akane felt her feet grow wet, she opened her eyes and turned her head around to look at Sonia. She had no idea what Sonia was doing, Akane’s tired state making it hard to process what was going on. Sonia continued her quick gulping, feeling her throat easily able to swallow up to Akane’s thighs. Akane knew what Sonia was doing wasn’t normal, but the gymnast didn’t want to start yelling at the princess. She could only assume what she was doing was some sort of weird massage from her homeland, but Akane wasn’t fully sure herself. The princess grabbed onto Akane’s arms to insure she didn’t have the slightest chance to escape and continued to gulp down Akane, reaching to her beautifully sculpted abs. With her arms grabbed, Akane’s unease felt a bit more justified, and she finally spoke up, not really caring if she was being rude in questioning Sonia. “Huh? Sonia, what’re you doing? Is this your massage or? I guess maybe you do things a bit differently back home, huh?” Had Akane gone for a more emotional response, Sonia may have snapped to her senses and released the girl, but the little jab only furthered Sonia’s gulping, leaving Akane descending even quicker than before. Sonia had just barely wolfed down Akane’s delicious tits which left a rather nice salty taste on Sonia’s tongue. As the last bits of Akane begin to disappear into Sonia’s maw, the gymnast felt herself growing annoyed at Sonia’s lack of speaking to her, Akane not even realizing the grave situation she was in yet. Akane’s head disappeared into Sonia’s maw and with one final gulp, the princess had secured her first bit of food in days, her belly now bulging out rather largely. It didn’t take long for the rest of Akane’s body to descend down the throat and join her lower half in Sonia’s stomach below. The tummy was completely empty, only the smell of acid being in it thanks to nothing having entered it in a while. Akane could feel the acid doing something to her legs, but she couldn’t tell if it was positive or negative in her current mental state. As Akane settled in and waited for Sonia to speak up, she heard a rather rude burp emit from her mouth before Sonia quickly excused herself. After that, she was rather silent, which left Akane annoyed. “Yo Sonia! You gonna get this massage underway or what? You must like taking your sweet time setting up…” “Oh dear Akane, I’d thought you’d pieced everything together when I began swallowing you… Well if I must fill you in, than so be it! I umm, well I ate you because I was hungry Akane. I… never intended to give you a massage at all. With peaking now, I feel kind of bad saying this all out loud, but it’s probably best to be honest with you.” “Oh… Well whatever floats your boat, just make sure to let me out after too long! Would hate to get digested by you, haha! Guess like this is an endurance test for me! I could totally do this to ward off hunger!” As Akane spoke again, Sonia had to take a moment and think if the girl was screwing with her. There was no way Akane actually thought Sonia was just going to keep her in there for a bit. It left Sonia almost feeling bad for the gymnast, but not bad enough to lose her free meal. Sonia thought about telling Akane her true intentions but decided to keep quiet. If she waited a little bit, Akane would be a bit softer and hopefully wouldn’t put up as much of a fight once she realized she was only on a one-way trip to Sonia’s royal stomach. Plus, at least Akane wouldn’t have to suffer as long mentally. For the most part, Akane didn’t have much to complain about the stomach she found herself in at first. It was surprisingly soft and didn’t seem like it’d be too much of a pain to deal with. Akane was a bit annoyed Sonia had lied to her, but she was at least glad she could help her friend through her hunger. Maybe after Sonia had a bit of time to feel her belly stuffed, the princess would let Akane eat her temporarily. As Akane thought her plan out though, she realized she’d need someone else to pair Sonia with to help keep her full for a bit. Maybe Hajime or Chiaki would be up for something like that. As Akane thought about filling her belly, the gymnast failed to recognize the acids that were beginning to build beneath her body. Even when they began to gurgle and burn into her flesh, Akane didn’t really recognize it at first, her high pain tolerance screwing her over as her skin slowly began to grow goopier. Akane only really began to notice the acid as it rose to her stomach level, leaving her lower half to really begin to ache. The pain snapped Akane out of her dream state and left the girl realizing she probably should have called out for Sonia sooner. She reached beneath the acid to feel her body, noticing her skirt had been completely turned to scrap and her shoes had melted completely off her feet. Her legs felt insanely soft as well, a clear signal to the usually oblivious Akane that it was time to get out. “Hey Sonia, your stomach’s starting to go a bit overboard. Could you let me out now? My shoes and skirt are trashed now. Hopefully Monokuma’s got some sort of spare outfit left in here. If he doesn’t, you gotta share some of your outfit with me! Plus my skins feeling a bit… soft. It’ll probably heal though, just need to rub some spit in it.” The oblivious nature of Akane left Sonia feeling awful. Sure, if she ate someone and they were mad at her, at least she could yell back at them, but as it stood, Akane hadn’t even realized what Sonia was doing. The girl didn’t have much time left and Sonia had hidden the true nature of her plan to Akane. The princess was gonna be honest with Akane now and at least let her try to come to peace in her last moments. “Akane I… I’m so sorry. I’ve just been so hungry, and you looked so tasty, so… I’m keeping you in there and digesting you! I would never do this normally I just… couldn’t stand the hunger…” “What the hell? The rest of us are just as hungry as you princess, some of us even more so! It ain’t fair that you think you can just eat whoever ya want! Now c’mon, let me out of here!” As Akane finished her plea to be let out, she waited to Sonia to respond to her, only finding a silence filling the air. The gymnast couldn’t wrap her mind around Sonia actually going through with what she did, she was too kind for that. Akane hadn’t truly wrapped her mind around the idea of the killing game driving people to their breaking points, her dumb innocence really hindering her in her last moments. The acid had raised to about her shoulders now, leaving Akane’s body to really begin the digestion process. Her legs were basically goop at this point, with the rest of her not taking much longer to digest either. Normally Akane would be able to deal with something as physically damaging as even this, but with how little energy she had from the lack of food, Akane was struggling to even stay awake anymore. Had Akane just realized Sonia’s true intentions earlier, then maybe she could have fought back against the girl. At the end of the day though, even if Akane had been told from the start that Sonia was going to digest her, she wouldn’t have believed it. Her fate was sealed back when she agreed to the massage, when she had fully put her guard down. Sonia was one of the few Akane trusted, leaving it to bite her in the ass. As Akane felt her consciousness drift away, she slurred something out, trying to reassure herself in her last moments. “It’s ok… Sonia… will let me… out… s...oon…” Akane slumped over in defeat, losing one of her first battles, one she hadn’t even known she was in. Her mind was gone, but her body still had some decent amount of processing to do. As Akane’s body slowly softened and bits of it began to make its way into Sonia’s intestines, the princess was outside, feeling awful about what she’d done. She knew she had to eat something in the end, but she felt awful it had been one of her friends, one who’d seemed to trust her to the very end. As it stood though, Sonia tried to shake off the regret. As much as she didn’t want to see anymore killing, if anyone had to go, at least Sonia had cut off some of the fat from the group. It would have been hard for Sonia to eat anyone else thanks to everyone being rather clever, but Akane had been the one girl she could have easily tricked. The justification didn’t make Sonia feel all that better, only really keeping her from crying her eyes out then and there. As time passed and Sonia’s belly grew softer and more compact, the princess found herself having to just sit and wait. She couldn’t go out of her room in her current state, so she was basically stuck in her bedroom for the time being. Sonia hadn’t really thought about it until now if what she’d done was considering killing in the game rules. If it was, she was going to have to go to trial, with Akane’s body jiggling on her sides. She didn’t want to be a killer, but it was too late to go back now. She’d been so focused on food, she hadn’t even considered how she might be considered a killer. Suddenly, a note was pushed under Sonia’s door, leaving the princess worried at the sender. She quickly got off her bed and went to pick it up, her hands shaking as she went to open it. As she opened the paper and read its contents, Sonia could feel her heart beating faster than it had ever before. Dear Sonia, In the technical rules of the game, you didn’t “kill” Akane, but don’t think I’m gonna let this slide in the future! I’m amending this tomorrow at Monokuma Tai Chi and making it a rule that eating others will be considering killing in the future! You and everyone else will be allowed to leave starting tomorrow, provided no one kills! You’re allowed to tell anyone about this fact, but only if you explain to them the new flab formed on your side is what’s left of Akane! Phuhuhuh! Have fun with that, killer! -Monokuma Sonia breathed a sigh of relief as she realized she wasn’t going to be on trial, only beginning to grow worried about having to go room to room and tell everyone what she’d done. That would have to wait for now though, as Sonia felt a rather gassy toot emerge from her backside, leaving the princess to realize she really needed to let Akane out. Sonia walked as fast as she could to her bathroom, feeling her butt sway in a way it had never done before. She sat the toilet seat up and plopped her booty down onto it. It didn’t take long for Akane’s new shitty body to emerge, causing Sonia to let out a noise of surprise as she felt the heavy bit of shit begin to push its way out. It took way more force to squeeze out the shit log then Sonia would have anticipated, leaving her letting out some pained noises. The first log of shit plopped into the toilet, leaving Sonia breathing rather heavily from that one alone. Things only got worse as Sonia felt Akane’s skull begin to make its way out of her asshole. She let out an extreme noise of discomfort, slowly pushing the bit of bone out. After what felt like minutes, the thing plopped out nosily into the bowl below, followed by a rather loud fart that left Sonia blushing. “God damn it all to hell!” After letting out an annoyed curse, Sonia continued to work on shitting out Akane. It was a lot more work than she’d have expected, having to truly squeeze with all her might to feel her body push out the large Akane. The scat slowly piled up in the toilet below, Sonia more wore out now as she went about going to the bathroom than she had been the whole killing game. It had been about ten minutes and Sonia could feel the last bits of Akane’s body beginning to plop out into the toilet below. The princess was thoroughly wore out, wishing she’d have someone to give her a massage later. Maybe Gundham or Kazuichi would be willing to. Seeing those boys bicker always left her laughing. Sonia’s positive mindset was knocked away as she was returned to reality as the last bit of Akane plopped into the toilet below. The princess wiped and stood up, letting her dress fall back along her sides. She looked into the toilet below to see how she had utterly decimated Akane with her tummy. Only bone, shit, and bits of Akane’s digested skirt lay in the toilet, leaving the girl barely recognizable as the gymnast she once was. Sonia tried to flush the toilet but was met with the plumbing clogging as it tried to suck her all down. The blonde shrugged it off, knowing she only had to spend one more day in the funhouse. Maybe she would just sleep in Akane’s room now that she was gone. “Sorry about this Akane, you just looked so good. Mhm, your flavors are still hanging on my tastebuds.” The princess made her way for the mirror and looked into it to see a rather surprising sight. Her body had really packed on Akane’s weight. Her face had gotten a bit chubbier, her cheeks slightly squishier and more pinchable. Her breasts hadn’t really increased much, but her ass had exploded in size. It had increased over three times its original size, jiggling with even the slightest movement. It caused the back of her dress to ride up on her, showing part of her panties, which left Sonia embarrassed. Her stomach had gotten a bit of flab on it as well, with a rather pudgy muffin top now left where her bulging stomach had been awhile ago. The last bit of weight Sonia had gained was on her arms, the rather thin pencil like limbs gaining some light chub to them, causing a slight jiggle if she moved them. Sonia wasn’t sure how she felt about the new weight. She did like having a bigger ass, but the new size felt pretty ridiculous. The new weight on her body was pretty obvious as well, leaving Sonia knowing she’d get plenty of teasing comments from her friends. As Sonia remembered her friends, she remembered she needed to tell them about what Monokuma said, to make sure no one killed each other. With a heavy run, Sonia left her bedroom, her new chubby body jiggling about. The princess left Akane’s remains, uncaring about how awful of a thing she’d done. After all, not only had she satiated her appetite, but she’d also saved everyone else from starving. She’d even saved Akane from starving in a rather unorthodox way. Plus, they’d all be free to leave tomorrow, no one having to be executed. It was going to be a rather awkward conversation to have with everyone, but Sonia was ready to tell them all about what had happened. She knew some of them wouldn’t be happy with what she did to Akane, but if anyone really had that big of a problem with it, she could always give them a tour of her insides like she’d done Akane…
The halls were empty as Kazuichi Souda ran down it, realizing he was so late that even the late students had already gone to work on their assignments. Hope’s Peak had set a time aside during the middle of the day for students to work on further developing their talents and after talking with some others, Kazuichi ended up pairing with Chihiro and Miu to work on a virtual reality world with all their talents combined. He was nearly a half-hour late for their meeting thanks to him sleeping in from feeling so depressed over his crush. The lovesick mechanic had begun to realize Sonia would never reciprocate the feelings he had for her, and it had taken a heavy blow to his mental state over the last week. He felt even worse knowing that he was letting both Miu and Chihiro down with being late, but he hoped the two wouldn’t be too mad at him. Kazuichi flung the door open to the trio’s workspace to see Miu working on the outer shell of the device while Chihiro typed away at a computer. The two looked over at him, Chihiro happy to see him while Miu was clearly annoyed. “Oh, would you look at that! The virgin grease monkey finally showed up! We could have used your help a while ago when the device nearly fell apart on us you know.” “S-Sorry, I slept in by accident. I had a rough night to say the least…” As Kazuichi talked, his face grimaced as he remembered the painful thoughts he had as he went to bed last night. The feeling of worthlessness he felt as he began to believe if he couldn’t date someone like Sonia, he was destined to stay loveless for the rest of his life. Both Chihiro and Miu saw the change in his face and even Miu felt a bit of remorse as she saw the boy clearly in pain. Chihiro spoke up first, wanting to help his friend if he could. It would be a pain for the femboy if Kazuichi quit the project, as Chihiro felt much more comfortable around both him and Miu than just being around Miu. “Well what’s wrong? We’re your friends Kazuichi! We’ll gladly listen to whatever you have to say!” Chihiro’s bright smile left Kazuichi happy he was friends with Chihiro. He hadn’t learned of Chihiro’s secret of crossdressing yet, so he still thought he was a girl. Chihiro hadn’t really confessed about his secret to anyone, but this project with Miu and Kazuichi has left him thinking those two would be a good starting point. The three sat down as Kazuichi began to vent his troubles “Thanks Chihiro… I think I’ve just realized that I’ll never get with Sonia. I’ve always thought she was so sweet and kind, but no matter what I do, she only sees me as a friend. I’d gladly go away if she just told me to, but she’s too kind to tell me to just shut up. I’ve had this crush for a year now and I’ve never once thought about what would happen if she rejected me. I just feel… beyond awful.” As Kazuichi vented his struggle, Chihiro and Miu looked on in a sad sort of sense. Chihiro wanted to be direct and help Kazuichi with his struggle, but Miu had another idea entirely. One that would help get him over this crush and out of the rut all in once. Chihiro started by telling Kazuichi how much he meant to him and how he was proud the lovestruck boy had realized the unhealthiness of the crush. Chihiro’s kind words did help to brighten Kazuichi’s mood, but Miu blurted in and surprisingly helped him. “I know how you feel you dumbass. I had that same type of crush on a boy in my class and when I realized he wouldn’t love me back, I took that feeling and stuffed em down! I think that’s what you need to do. To help with that, I’ll gladly have a solution for you tomorrow!” “There’s no real reason to call me a dumbass right now… Oh yeah, I remember you had a pretty serious crush on Shuichi for a while. I still can’t believe he went missing. That must’ve been really hard for you after that all happened… I really don’t wanna know what your solution is, but if it’ll help me, then fine. Just don’t tell me and surprise me tomorrow. I’ve seen the stuff you invent, and I think I’d be safer keeping to my imagination than knowing what you’ll make for me.” After a little bit more of Chihiro and Miu comforting Kazuichi, the trio got to work on their invention some more and spent the rest of their allotted time making some pretty good progress. As their time together ended, the three each headed off to their own classes, saying goodbye to one another as they did. A day passed and with a clearer mind, Kazuichi find himself making it on time to his group project. He met up with Chihiro in the hallway and the two walked together to their secluded workshop. As the two opened the door, they made their way in and saw Miu who was waiting for the two with a grin on her face. Kazuichi had forgotten about how she was going to do something to solve his problem, so all he could do was see what it was. Chihiro and Kazuichi locked the door and walked over to Miu who was tapping away at a metal trunk on the floor. “Sooo remember what I told you about stuffing your feelings down? Well, you ready to do it? This’ll help you get over your crush by the end of the day, I guarantee it!” With that, Miu opened the trunk and both Kazuichi and Chihiro grew worried faces as they look at who lay inside. Tied up with a gag in her mouth was Sonia Nevermind, the girl having temporarily closed her eyes after she saw the blinding bright light overhead. She reopened them to see Kazuichi, a boy she knew fairly well who had seemingly been trying to win her over for quite some time. The princess didn’t feel any romantic feelings for him, but she didn’t have the heart to say it to him. Sonia had been relaxing in her dorm last night when she suddenly had Miu ask her for her help, practically dragging the girl out. She was taken to where the three had been working on their project and before she could even ask what Miu needed help with, she was met with a bit of chloroform covering her mouth, quickly passing out. Miu tied her up and locked her in the trunk, leaving the groggy Sonia to slowly wake up as the two boys came into the room. “T-The hell Miu! Did you kidnap Sonia? That’s insane! And stop being cryptic with all this stuffing my feelings down crap! Just tell me what you mean!” “I thought it was obvious, at least I thought you two dolts would have been able to figure it out after I told you about the Shuichi thing. Well fine, I simply mean that you need to stuff your feelings down… by eating her.” As Miu spoke, all three other students just stared in a stunned silence, like the inventor had just said the most insane thing in the world. In every regard, what she said should be impossible, but she said it was the straightest face she’d ever had. “Alright now I know you’re screwing with me. There’s no way I could eat a whole person and even I could… wouldn’t they die inside me? I’m not gonna hurt Sonia just because I don’t feel happy!” “Well duh! That’s the whole point! If you eat someone, then they stick around as some nice fat on your body. Your crush will forever be with you, jiggling on your side. And of course it’s possible! What little remains of Shuichi here is proof of it!” As Miu spoke, she began to fondle her body, showing exactly where Shuichi had disappeared off to. It clicked with both boys what Miu meant as they remembered around the time Shuichi had gone missing, Miu had put on a bit of weight, everyone assuming it was because her crush had gone missing. It became dreadfully clear that Miu was truly being serious in what she was saying. Kazuichi knew she was insane, but not to this degree. What frightened him the most of everything right now though was how he was considering doing it. He didn’t actually want to eat Sonia, right? Sure he had a crush on her, but he couldn’t just eat her because he couldn’t get over himself. But the idea of her being with him for the rest of his love left Kazuichi feeling more than excited, happy to finally fulfill his crush. As Kazuichi reflected on what he wanted to do, Chihiro stared at him, nervous the guy he thought was his friend was actually thinking of doing something so horrible. “Y-You’re not actually thinking of doing it, right? If you do she’ll…” “Can it Chihiro! Look, I’m tired of seeing this virgin bitch acting all mopey every time we work together. And besides, I’m sure there’s someone you like too Chihiro! You’re so shy, I can’t imagine it’s easy to tell whoever you like that you do, so why not just eat em up too! Of course we’ll have to do it later on since everyone’s in class right now, but believe me, we can all get over our crushes with a bit of some GUT instinct.” Miu’s words tugged at Chihiro’s heart, much that he wish they didn’t. Posing as a girl made it difficult to tell anyone his true feelings and as it stood, a couple girls had caught his eye, but he still didn’t have the courage to tell them how he felt, mainly thanks to the fact that he’d have to reveal his secret. What Miu was saying though, he’d be able to finally get over some of his crushes. It felt evil but at the same time, Chihiro had been pushed around for so long, maybe he deserved something nice for once. The programmer tried to get the evil thought out of his head, much like Kazuichi was doing, but both felt themselves being pulled into the idea of trying it. Sonia just stared at both of them with tears flowing down her eyes. Having been kidnapped by a fellow student had hurt enough, but to see the boy who’d pined for her love for so long considering killing her left the princess devastated. “G-God dammit… I can’t stop thinking about it. Fine I’ll do it. Chihiro you aren’t going to rat on me, will you?” “…N-No I won’t… It’s a bit embarrassing to say but, c-could I try it out at some point? I really don’t have the heart to tell who I like that I like them, so if I could do this... Maybe I’d get a bit stronger…” “Huh, didn’t expect you to want to join in on this. Guess that makes us all a bunch of killers, huh? Tell me who you want later Chihiro and I’ll hogtie just like I did the royal bitch here. For now though, I think we should let our little virgin grease monkey enjoy his feast.” With that, Chihiro and Miu sat off to the side, watching Kazuichi who was practically drooling as he looked over the crying princess. Not wanting to ruin his outfit, the mechanic unzipped his tracksuit and took off his white tanktop from underneath, giving the two observers off to the side a rather nice at his surprisingly built body. Miu blushed heavily as she looked at it, surprised that the boy she thought was so useless was built rather nicely. The worst part about all this to Kazuichi was seeing Sonia’s crying face, so he decided to start headfirst, wanting to start there so he felt less guilty as he gulped her down. He still wasn’t fully sure how this would work, but all he could do was try. Grabbing onto the immobile princess, he brought her head to his maw tried to shove it in. He struggled to get her safely in with his sharp canines, but he was finally able to do it after much struggle, only really scratching a slight bit of her face with one of his teeth. With a bit of pulling and gulping, Kazuichi felt Sonia’s head beginning to go down his throat, a fact the boy still couldn’t believe was happening. Chihiro just looked on in awe as he saw Sonia begin to disappear inside the boy, which left him feeling his cock begin to grow hard. Chihiro had only ever thought he was into girls but watching Kazuichi left him more than hot and bothered. While he started off rather slow, once he got into the grooves, Kazuichi was quickly gulping down Sonia fasted than he’d expected. The bindings on her were less than tasty, but the bits of flesh he ran his tongue over was the most divine food he’d ever eaten, a flavor unmatched in every regard. In just a few minutes, he’d gulped up to about to the skirt part of her dress where the bindings ended. He now got to feast on her full legs, giving him more of the delicious flavor. He drew out his gulping as he got to them, but after he felt satiated, continued forcing Sonia down his gullet. Sonia’s head was just beginning to push into his stomach, leaving a bulging shape that looked like a head to form inside his gut. As Sonia’s legs disappeared into Kazuichi’s maw, he clamped his mouth shut, leaving both Miu and Chihiro filled with sexual pleasure as they looked at the cute boy. With a few heavy gulps, she was fully pushed down his throat, thrust into his slowly growing and bulging gut. Kazuichi took in a large breath of air as he felt Sonia finish filling up his gut. Her body hugged his flesh tightly and bulged out, showing her private assets as well as her body in general. It was impossible to tell who was inside him when you looked at him though, only really being able to see it was a girl thanks to the feminine shape of the bulge. With a stagger, Kazuichi stood from the floor and tried to make his way over to the two observers, but he struggled with the new weight Sonia brought about. He finally struggled over and collapsed in a chair next to the two, utterly tired from how much he’d eaten. Both Miu and Chihiro stared at him with their faces heavily blushing, each curious at how his gut felt. Chihiro couldn’t bring himself to do it, but Miu went right up to him and began to stroke his gut, running her fingers across the hard yet soft surface. She was soft at first, but began to squeeze some parts of Sonia’s body, causing the gagged girl to murmur pained noises. As Miu played with Kazuichi’s gut, the mechanic felt all her playing cause a bit of gas to dislodge, and he let out a rather disgusting burp that was blown right in the inventor’s face. It left Miu’s hair a mess, causing plenty of spittle to end up in it while also blowing it so it no longer looked properly groomed. The inventor just laughed it off, actually really enjoying seeing this side of Kazuichi. Chihiro eventually worked up the courage and made his way over too, sitting on the floor with Miu as he felt up Kazuichi’s gut. The duo utterly loved feeling him, which Kazuichi felt himself blushing over as well. While the trio enjoyed seeing Sonia become nothing but food, the princess was having an utter mental crisis from it. She couldn’t believe she was actually in Kazuichi’s stomach, and he was planning to actually digest her no less. Every second she waited, she thought she’d suddenly wake up back in her giant bed, realizing it was all just a dream. The princess had been so worried about hurting his feelings by telling him to stop, but now with the situation she was in, she’d wished she’d told him to stop a long time ago. Stomach acids began to build up beneath her ass, rising around her at a rather quick pace that left the princess realizing she had little time left until she was gone. She tried to call for Kazuichi to please stop, to let her out and that she wouldn’t fault him, but with her mouth gagged, all she could do was let out murmurs of sound. All Sonia could do at this point was accept that she was food and wait for the stomach to eat away at her as the acids continued to rise. After a bit of playing with Kazuichi’s gut, the two eventually sat back in their seat while Kazuichi just relaxed, enjoying the feeling of being full. Knowing Sonia was inside him both delighted and worried him, knowing she’d be on his sides forever left him excited, but he felt bad for what he’d done to her. “This is fucked…” “You having second thoughts pussy? I thought you wanted her around for as long as you wanted her to be!” “No, I’m definitely keeping her in there, no way we wouldn’t all be expelled if we let her go free. I just feel a bit bad is all… I can say, this is more than a hot feeling. I’m excited to see you try someone Chihiro! I wonder how different it is for when a girl eats someone?” Kazuichi’s little comment left Chihiro nervous, worried that the mechanic would somehow find out he wasn’t a girl. He thought about just admitting it right there, but he was having a hard time bringing it to words. Chihiro looked over and saw Miu looking at him with a rather smug look, one that told him she had already found out his secret somehow. “Well, you’ll just have to wait for me to eat someone, cause I saw our little friend Chihiro here popping a boner during your chow down session. Ain’t that right Chihiro?” While Kazuichi had a look of surprise on his face, he didn’t really feel too shocked by it. He thought Chihiro was cute, but always felt like there was something more to her, now seeing his assertion was right. Chihiro felt awful, knowing that any second now that the two would likely make fun of him for dressing as a girl, but he found himself pleasantly surprised as both his friends spoke. “Yo Chihiro you ok? I don’t know if what Miu said is true, but if it is, that’s ok with me man! You’re my friend through and through, so I don’t care what gender you are! I don’t know why you felt the need to hide it from everyone, but I don’t want you to feel forced to say it.” “Yeah, I don’t care if you’re a guy or a girl. I mean hell, look what we just did. We’re not exactly ones to judge you, so don’t feel like it’s the end of the world cause we know your secret.” Both of his friend’s kind words utterly touched his heart, leaving him happy about the whole ordeal of events the trio had found themselves in. He began to explain why he’d hidden what he had, the two listening rather nicely to his story and treating him with rather kind respect, even Miu who generally bashed on anyone. After all was said and done, Chihiro felt rather nice about having told the two, his mind feeling at ease. It had taken a bit to explain it all, so in that time, Sonia’s body had begun to grow soft, her bulging form slowly losing its details. The trio barely paid attention to her anymore though and just focused on talking with one another. With Chihiro’s gender talked about, Miu switched topics, wanting to address how she felt. “Soooo, I can say I confidently enjoyed watching this virgin suck down his crush and I could tell you could too Chihiro, so I had an idea! What if we all dated! I mean, I’m so out of both of your guys leagues, but I guess it could be fun if we were all together. We could totally eat anyone we all want!” “That… actually doesn’t sound too bad. You get on my nerves a lot Miu, but I have to say, you’ve softened on me a bit today. Helping me get over Sonia was pretty kind of you, and I guess I am a little curious what it would be like to actually date some people. Chihiro you in?” “Well I guess I wouldn’t mind trying it… I’m glad to see you don’t have any grips with dating a guy Kazuichi. Just remember that I don’t want you guys to tell anyone about my secret, ok?” “Yeah yeah, we know. You don’t gotta worry about us, we got your back babe! And if anyone does find out, I’ll just tie em up like Miss melty girl over there and we can deal with them ourselves. Speaking of, how is she anyway?” The trio finally turned attention back to Kazuichi’s gut which had really lost form after the three had talked so long. Sonia was still barely alive inside, but she’d basically given up all of her fight. Plenty of her body had been painfully melted down already, turning her into a nice soupy mix of her melted flesh. Her clothes and binds had already been melted off, but her body was far too damaged for her to try and fight back against Kazuichi at this point. Her gag came off too, but with how the trio so casually talked over her screams of pain, she knew they didn’t intend to let her out. The princess spent her last moments crying as the remains of her flesh were scraped from her bones. She’d been through so much pain, both emotionally and mentally, but it was finally over. Sonia’s head leaned back and fell into a state of unconsciousness, becoming nothing but meat for Kazuichi to finish digesting. With the three lovers wanting to get back to work on their project, Miu and Chihiro decided to help Kazuichi finish up on his meal by giving him a belly massage. The mechanic was in bliss as he felt their hands work wonders on breaking down Sonia’s already broken body. The dead girl’s bones cracked loudly in the studio as they helped work his bulging gut down. The massages helped him to burp quite frequently, Kazuichi eventually burping up an acid-soaked bow that Sonia had once worn on her head. It caused all three to giggle as they saw it. An hour ago, Kazuichi and Chihiro would have felt terrified seeing that, but Miu had brought them to her level, causing the two boys to see the joy in eating others. After a good while of massaging, Sonia had been all worked away, the rest of her basically coursing through Kazuichi’s intestines. His former crush had left a bit of pudge on his gut, having utterly replaced the stomach muscles he used to have. His ass was a lot squishier now two, Miu having smacked it once the mechanic got back up so they could start working on their project again. The rest of him had also just chubbed up in the slightest. It wasn’t enough for people to make a big deal out of, but I was definitely noticeable. Kazuichi didn’t mind it though, as he knew he had two people by his side who would enjoy seeing the new fat Sonia left him with. The three began to get back to work on their project, but just as Kazuichi was adding some new additions to the internals, he felt himself let out a bit of gas from his fattened behind, realizing Sonia was ready to go. “S-Shit I gotta use it! I’ll be right back!” Chihiro and Miu just chuckled as Kazuichi ran off to the bathroom in their studio. Their relationship had already evolved insanely fast, and it would only grow more devious as they each set their sights on other students to involve in their kinky games, each of the lovers more than ready to see how fat they could get by eating their classmates…
“A-Alright, Hatsume, I think that’s enough testing for one day… I really need to get back to the others'' said Izuku Midoriya, to the incredibly eager inventor who had been eating up all his already rather short amount of free time. Had he still been working with her to improve his own support items, like when they had started, he might’ve not wanted to run off. “Awwww, c’mon! Just this one last one? And maybe another after that? We can’t just stop it at 5 of my super cute babies, we’ve gotta try more, MOOOORE!” With unbridled enthusiasm and an unending drive, Mei Hatsume tossed a skin-tight green bodysuit towards Midoriya and reached towards the pile of inventions she had laying in the corner “Now, put that baby on and we’ll get started!” Midoriya sighed, with a slight smile across his face. Despite their tendency to explode or fail in one way or the other, Hatsume’s inventions truly astounded him. With her help, he had managed to utilize All for One in much more efficient ways, with far less risk to injure himself with his lack of control. “O-Okay, but this is the last one!” He made his way over to the pseudo changing area they had set up inside the support department. After a little bit of difficulty, the bodysuit being a tad tight on the boy, Izuku stepped out towards Mei, who appeared to be attaching… Something to her face, and stomach. “S-So… What’s the suit for, exactly?” He asked “I’m so glad you asked! What you have on, is acid armor!” Mei grabbed his shoulder, pinching the stretchy, skin-tight fabric, pulling it away from his body, only to let it snap back. “This safe suit should protect you from all sorts of corrosive substances! Perfect for when your enemy has an acid-based quirk or some sort of size increasing ability! How’s it feel on ya? I designed it with your frame in mind!” “Uhh… Well” Midorya put his hand on the back of his head, patting the backside of the suit’s vizor. He was positive that he gave her his correct measurements, had he put on weight..? Or did she… Make it small, on purpose? “I-It’s g-great! N-Not tight at all… U-Umh… S-shouldn’t we have Mina here, or some chemicals or… Something to test on it?” In a panic to change the subject, Izuku managed to realize that in his haste to help her, and get this over with, he didn’t question why he had to put on the suit, or how exactly she planned in examining the acid armor’s capabilities “That won’t be necessary, Deku! All thanks to this baby, right here! This’ll let me do all the testing myself!” Hatsume ran her hands across the machinery around her neck and chin, before taking a step closer to him. “I call this baby the consumption assistor! With this little brace, I can eat larger meals than ever before! Perfect for quirks that require plenty of food intake to function” she said, with yet another step. “I prototyped it with Yaoyorozu in mind! This’ll be its first proper test though, so be a good hero, and hold still for me!” Izuku froze, as he failed to anticipate what exactly Hatsume had planned. “Acid… Acid… It’s not a sprayer, that’s evident…” Deku thought to himself “W-wait… She mentioned size abilities… Was she about to..?” “Y-you’re gonna-!?” Midoriya was cut off, as Hatsume’s machine began to whir and hum. With one quick lunge, Hatsume opened her mouth wide, and began shoving young Midoriya into her cavernous maw, quickly pushing beyond his shoulders and reaching his waist quite quickly. Hatsume’s throat had bulged out immensely, to fit the intense amount of mass that was being shoved into it. “All according to plan!” She thought to herself. While the inventor was slightly put off by the plastic-y taste the bodysuit was giving, Mei continued gulping away, lifting her head up to get some assistance from gravity to send the boy down. With her support item, every gulp was at least 5x more powerful, even giving Midoriya a rough time. Luckily for her, the prey inside her mouth didn’t appear to fight as hard, even though he was hit by a sneak attack. She reached up and grabbed his legs, pressing them together. That proved to be just what she needed, as with just a single strong gulp, the rest of Izuku Midoriya slid down her throat, like a strand of soba. Her slightly stuffed gut quickly bulged out into an oversized one, pushing her black, oil-stained tank top above her now large stomach “Ahhhh… Haha! It works!” Hatsume slapped her bloated belly, before reaching up to remove the consumption assistant off her face. “How’s it feeling in there? Is my acid armor holding up okay? Tell me every little detail!” Midoriya was completely shocked, as his vision went from seeing the workshop around them, with Hatsume running towards him, to pink flesh squished around him. He let out a muffled scream and began to squirm around inside the moist, saliva covered maw. It felt utterly disgusting, to be given the food treatment, but somehow the smell was even worse, being that of rotten food and hot breath. Had he not been wearing the bodysuit, the grossness factor would’ve been far worse, but even it couldn’t prevent the smells from leaking through the breathing apparatus. Izuku briefly considered breaking free of Hatsume’s gross grasp on him, but she knew that she didn’t bear any ill will towards him. She was just being her usual gung-ho self, taking advantage of the items they were testing. And, he did have faith in her suit… Or at least, that she’d get him out right away if it didn’t. So, with the shock wearing off, Izuku stopped fighting against her gulps and allowed her to swallow him entirely. After just a few seconds, Midoriya’s head was through the throat, getting a good look at the cramped space he was about to become very intimate with. It wasn’t long though, just a few moments in fact, before the rest of him joined his head, the final gulp pushing him all the way inside, squishing against the stomach walls around him, dropping him into a mostly empty stomach, aside from a green, viscous liquid that his suit would protect him from! As he plopped down, he felt his surroundings shake even more, from the slap Hatsume gave her enlarged stomach Or so he thought, but as he sat there, he felt the bottom of the suit begin to slowly disintegrate beneath him. “A-ahh… Hatsume… This armor, i-it doesn’t feel like it’s holding up so well” Midorya yelled out, while looking around at the flesh cocoon that surrounded him. The walls pulsated around him, making his footing very unsure, forcing him to sit right inside the hot pool of liquid below him. He could feel the contractions of the stomach around him, as it attempted to ground and churn him into mush. Izuku’s train of thought was broken by another quick gut slap by the inventor “Hey! Hatsume! Are you listening to me? I’d really like to get out now!” After a brief moment of silence, Mei finally spoke up. “So, my baby isn’t working out for you? It shouldn’t have ripped that easily, my acid armor has a very high tensile strength!” “Um, it’s definitely melting! I can feel your stomach wasting it away! Hatsume, please, get me out of here before it starts dissolving me too!” Midoriya pleaded, pushing against the soft belly walls in order to get Mei’s attention. His worries grew more intense, as the acid pool working on his armor began to fill up higher, and the contractions grew tighter and stronger. “It’s melting? I thought I used materials with the right amount of resistance to all sorts of bile and caustic solutions! Hmmm… Maybe the suit is too thin?” Hatsume trudged on over to her workbench, so she could study her blueprints a bit more, in an attempt to figure out where exactly she went wrong. Izuku was bounced around as she waddled over, getting small splashes of the caustic stuff all over his suit, softening even more of him up. “Why isn’t she letting me out? It’s like all she cares about… Is whether or not her inventions work.” Deku thought to himself, as Hatsume was so tunnel visioned by her personal goals, she was letting him get processed like food “Hmmm… Ahhh, that could be it! Perhaps the composition of the acid plays a bigger factor than I had anticipated! Should I focus on developing suits for specific acid scenarios, or do I aim big with an all-purpose suit… H-Hey! Don’t wiggle around so much, it’s throwing off my concentration!” Hatsume whined. As Midoriya became softer and squishier, the acid armor having mostly fallen apart by the very thing it was supposed to protect people from, a little lightbulb went off in Hatsume’s head. “Ooo, ooo! Well, this acid armor is a total bust, but this won’t be a complete loss! Hang on Midoriya, I’ve got one more of my adorable babies you can help me with!” “H-H-Hurry, Hatsume!” Deku called out, from the confines of her tum, eager to finally be free of this disgusting nightmare. He could feel the flesh on his ass begin to sizzle, and his legs weren’t that far behind, with his lower half starting to submerge inside the acid bath. “What’s the invention!? How are you getting me out of here!?” His response was met with a resounding laugh! And… A loud, plastic, crinkly noise? “Ahaha! Here we are, my waste containment garment!” Hatsume exclaimed, while holding up her “invention” showing it off to practically no one. “At its core, it’s basically just a diaper, but it’s capabilities have been extremely enhanced! It’s tensile strength has been vastly improved, resistant to all sorts of stretching!” As she explained, Hatsume tugged on both sides of the extra thick padding, to showcase just how hard it was to rip. Once again, she was showing off to nobody, as the only person around was currently stewing inside her stomach. “Not only that, but with just a little extra thickness, we’ve managed to increase its capacity tenfold! I designed with waste heavy quirks in mind, be that either a byproduct of intense quirk usage or an opponent's quirk forcing you to mess!” A look of terror grew on Midoriya’s face, as he listened to her explanation, feeling her undress herself. The sound of tapes being adjusted let him know exactly what was going on out there, Hatsume was putting the diaper… On herself… “A-A… D-diaper? T-That’s not…” Izuku was at a loss for words, his hope quickly dashed by Hatsume’s verbose description. It was clear that Hatsume wasn’t about to make a single attempt to save him. Instead, she was planning on his eventual end, and prepping to use his processed remains to test another one of her projects. Midoriya looked down and saw that the steaming puddle he sat in had only gone further up, now just a little bit under his knees. Like Hatsume, her stomach didn’t have any interests in good, evil, et cetera, it was solely focused on one thing: Digesting any bit of food inside of it. “Hey Midoriya, do ya mind if I use your likeness for my diaper designs? People really want to see a cute mascot splayed across their padding, and I think you’ve got just what I need to pitch towards big time support companies! Whaddya say? Your legacy would be on one of my babies!” Hatsume gave her belly another slap, which gave Deku a great deal of pain now that his body had grown sensitive from the softening. Regardless of the answer, Mei decided that she was going to use his likeness anyway, working on the design of her diaper blueprint. “H-How can you say that… So cheerfully… D-don’t you care...” Midoriya’s breathing became more labored and tired, as the fumes from her stomach offered little in the way of oxygen. “...D-d-don’t you care… I’m gonna d-die” The room became dead silent, except for the gurgles of the churning gut… “... Hmmm? Are you saying something? Dying, caring? I’m just trying to move on, Deku! My acid armor was a total bust, but I’m not gonna dwell on that! Turning failure into opportunity, that’s what’s happening here!” Izuku couldn’t believe it, she had been so busy working on something else, that she didn’t even listen to his begging. Was she a villain, was she evil? It was hard for him to tell, with his thoughts so addled from the inability to breathe. “W-what about… Me?” “What about you? Ahh, just quiet down already, it’s already hard enough to work, with you weighing me down. Quit being a burden and melt away! I need something to fill this diaper up with, so get on with it!” Mei set down her pen and began pressing down on her gut, causing Deku’s damaged body immense harm, the rough sound of bones cracking under the pressure could be heard, though it was muffled by the flesh between them. Deku screamed out in pain, as Hatsume hastened the destruction of his body. He wanted to power up and smash his way through the fleshy walls that encased him, but he was worn out, and there was no telling the damage he’d cause to himself if he tried to power up. There was no escaping it, Midoriya was food now. His legs had been reduced to naught but slight strands of flesh, hanging onto bleaching bones, and the rest of him were soon to follow. “S-Sorry… G-Guys… Y-You all supported me, a-and I-Ahhh!” Izuku screamed out in pain, as one last hard press was just too much for the boy to handle, causing him to pass out. Hatsume felt Deku go limp inside her, finally giving her the peace and quiet she needed to get some work done. Mei quietly hummed to herself, as she worked towards her next invention. After Izuku blacked out, it wasn’t long until he drew his last breath. His flesh was quickly stripped off of him, as the contractions went hard at work at churning him down to a soupy, mass of mush, the only things identifiable were the bits of skeleton mixed in with it, the skull resting in the middle of the disgusting remains. Hatsume’s swelling belly finally began to shrink, the body-sized lump dissolved down to a much more manageable form, but even upon digesting the boy, her belly remained about a good bit chubbier than before. On top of that, her breasts went up an entire cup size, and her cheeks grew plump with fat. The inventor had a lot more jiggle to her, all around. The lingering pile of boy remains was then pumped through the intestines, turning the vaguely human-like muck into brown, lumpy logs of shit, with the skeletal bits distributed inside the mess, the bones being bleached by the non-discriminating pool of acid. In just an hour, the majority of what was Izuku Midoriya had been reduced to pure, disgusting shit. And soon after that, a pressure began to build up inside Hatsume’s ass, signaling one thing to her. It was time to test! “Alright! Here we go!” Hatsume said, with a loud rumble emanating from her gut. She stepped away from the workbench, her asscheeks wobbled with every step, and began to squat. At first, all she managed was a couple short Pffts, letting out some excess gas. With a little grunting, and a lot of pushing, the first brown, smelly lump began to squeeze outside her asshole, landing in the bottom of the diaper with a small crinkly thud. Mei got even lower to the ground, while she pushed out even longer and larger coils of messy mush. The bones caked inside caused her to grunt harder, hurting her asshole as she squeezed them out. As she unloaded larger logs into the thick padding, it began to stretch out, accommodating the enormous mass of mess that slowly squished inside of it. The warmth it gave off felt quite nice on the inventor's ass. Hatsume felt that she was nearly done with the hero-in-training, but she hit an especially difficult turd to push out. “Hnnphh… J-Just get out already!” Mei whined, straining herself as hard as she could. With a loud Blooorphm! Hatsume pushed out the pile of shit blocked in, Midoriya’s skull squeezed out of her sultry hole, landing in the middle of coils of bone-speckled poop. Hatsume let out a pleased sigh, as more mess piled into her already dirtied diaper, covering up the skull in a layer of thick mess. As she finished up, her padding managed to droop all the way down to her knees, getting awfully tight between her much wider thighs but it still managed to hold up! “Haha! Another perfect success! Two outta three, that’s better than usual!” Hatsume said with glee, as she felt her warm, squishy diaper, feeling around for any potential rips or leaks. Even with the additional layers of fat in her way, Mei still managed to give a proper inspection, and determined it to be leak free “Still, I need to use this thing to its fullest! Waste not, want not!” A loud hissing sound filled the empty room, as she let a stream of warm pee flow into her diaper, piddling on top of the massive mess she made inside of it. After she fully emptied her bladder, she once again reached around, squishing and smushing the poofy plastic padding, to check for leaks or weak points. As one final test, Hatsume dropped down to the ground, squishing the stinky, mushy diaper against the floor, her extra pounds adding even more pressure than before, but the waste containment garment remained leak free. “Ah yeah! My babies don’t disappoint! I don’t think it’s even close to its limit… Hmmm…” Hatsume came to two realizations, as she sat there on the floor, in her pottied padding. First, the messed padding felt kinda… Nice, and comfortable, on her behind. Secondly, clearly she needed to better test the limits of her prototype pamper… Perhaps help from another “assistant” was in order...
Heavy footsteps rang out as Kaito and Kirumi ran past the pool outside the hotel. Chaos was occurring every which way around them, leaving the two fearful for their lives. It didn’t stop their goal though of trying to stop the killing game from happening. Many of Hope’s Peak students had entered a virtual world about a month back, each in hopes of further developing their ultimate abilities. Everything had been going well until the last day of the trip had come and all of the students were preparing to leave the virtual world. Just as the Monokubs were preparing to bring all the students back to reality, Monaca had shot them with a hacking gun, fully intending to take the wands they hid inside themselves and use them to take over the digital world. Her plan fell to pieces though, as Monokuma got to them before her, quickly using the powers to utterly take over the digital world. He sent the world into a killing game setup, utterly rebooting the world. It had also had a harsh effect on every student there, mainly that everyone had lost their memories of the years they’d spent at Hope’s Peak, aside from Makoto Naegi, who was reacting harshly to it all as his former friends failed to recognize him. They’d all awoken back on the beach, things only getting worse as Monkuma reappeared in front of them all. He announced they had a full 24 hours to kill someone to escape the virtual world, otherwise, they’d be mincemeat from his monomachines. Makoto tried to reunite everyone, but no one would listen to him, and each ran around the island, planning to try and escape or planning to kill so they could escape. It was utter chaos, but Makoto was getting close to finishing his plan to try and save everyone, hoping that if he could jog their memories, he could stop Monokuma’s plan. Despite no one remembering anything, many of the good nature found in some of the students kept them trying to keep others from fighting. People like Chihiro, Chiaki, Sakura, Kaede, Kaito, and Kirumi were going around, trying their best to stop others from killing. Kaito and Kirumi had become a rather nice duo as they stopped a few others from being bludgeoned to death. They were headed for the hotel as they had heard some screams coming from inside. They ran as fast as they could and pushed the door open, each finding themselves horrified as they saw what was inside. Stood alone was Junko Enoshima, or more accurately, Mukuro Ikusaba. The girl had taken place of her sister in the virtual field trip, but with her memory lost on her plan to help spread despair, Mukuro had begun fighting for herself, hoping to effortlessly kill someone and escape. She was really pushing her Junko impersonation as she tried to deal with the others, not wanting some nobodies to know she wasn’t actually Junko. She’d corned her prey in the hotel lobby, the girl being Toko Fukawa. Despite being the ultimate soldier, Mukuro was having a hard time stabbing Toko. The girl was too slippery for her to attack with a weapon, so Mukuro resorted to an old trick she’d learned and forced the girl into her gut, intending to just digest her as her way of killing the girl. Both Kaito and Kirumi saw Mukuro with a rather active gut, one which its contents were screaming to be let out. The two had just barely been late to save Toko, but they weren’t gonna give up and just let some poor person die. “Ugh, not the swiftest way to kill someone, but I don’t have to deal with you dodging anymore. My stomach should break you down relatively quickly, so enjoy your last moments. Or don’t, not like I care about what you do with your limited time.” “Y-You! The heck are you doing? You’re seriously buying Monokuma’s bull? No way he’ll go through with killing us! Now hurry up and let whoever that is out of there!” “Surely when Monokuma goes to make his move, we can subdue him. It would be best if you didn’t get blood on your hands. If you don’t stop, Kaito and I are prepared to take any measures necessary to stop you.” “Ugh and here I thought I was going to have a quick escape. Still, three opponents is way too easy. Ah well. I’d like to give you all a fighting chance, but that’s just not my style. Sorry! I just hope my stomach doesn’t take too long to finish any of you off. It’d be totally lame if I got stuck here because you three wouldn’t digest.” With her statement made that she’d kill the two, Kaito and Kirumi wasted no time and rushed Mukuro, finding themselves utterly outplayed by her. As Kirumi got close to her, Mukuro swept the maid’s legs, causing Kirumi to land harshly onto the floor, utterly knocking the wind out of her. Kaito had taken his eyes off Mukuro for a second to look at the fallen Kirumi that he didn’t even see Mukuro dash towards him. She harshly grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back, keeping him in her grasp. As Mukuro tried to keep hold of Kaito, she noticed Kirumi starting to recover and getting ready to stand up. To keep herself from having to fight two enemies at once, Mukuro brought Kaito with her to the floor, sitting her ass on Kirumi’s face and keeping the maid from being able to move as her ass pressed down onto her. With wearing a skirt, it left Kirumi with getting a face full of Mukuro’s bare behind, both her mouth and nose utterly pressed into it, keeping her unable to breathe. While Mukuro facesat the maid and tried to make her third meal easier to snack on, she got to work on getting her second one down. She harshly grabbed onto Kaito’s hair and pulled his head into her maw, forcing it inside. The astronaut tried to fight back, but Mukuro had a firm grip on him that he was all but her prey at this point. With some heavy tongue movements and some harsh grabbing to pull him deeper, Kaito hastily began to be forced down the soldier’s maw. The boy barely had a chance to think as he was heavily forced down the throat, the stomach he was intended to land in rapidly approaching. Mukuro had done this plenty before back when she served as a solider, so it was in no way hard for her to gulp others down. She’d gulped Toko down in less than a minute, but with an already filled gut, she was taking a bit longer than she’d wanted to with Kaito. It was still faster than anyone else on the island could manage, but she was annoyed at how rusty she’d grown. As Mukuro gulped to Kaito’s waist, she felt Kirumi’s struggles beginning to die down, a clear sign she was losing consciousness. It would make Mukuro’s last kill all that much easier with her prey unconscious. With a few heavy gulps, Kaito’s lower half easily disappeared into Mukuro’s mouth. Her stomach had doubled in size and sagged heavily at the two meals that were inside her heavily squirmed, each bickering to be let out. She listened to them for a second and couldn’t believe how even though they needed to try and work together to get out, they just fought. “Real nice save there idiot! I THOUGHT you two were gonna save me, but I guess we’re both just gonna digest now, huh? “Don’t be giving me shit! You’re the one who got yourself eaten and got ME into this mess, so how about you try and get us out now!” “Fat chance! You do it you purple haired idiot! You wanna boast so much about helping others! How about you do it!” After listening to the two bicker and fight for a bit, Mukuro tried to stand to examine what she’d done. She saw the maid had utterly passed out on the ground, shown to still be alive as she was still seemingly breathing. Mukuro’s jaw was sore from forcing both Toko and Kaito down, so she didn’t really want to send Kirumi down that way. Still, the girl could recover at any point, so Mukuro needed to deal with her. She thought about just stabbing her and being over with it, but she was having a hard time bending over to reach the knife that had lay on the ground. An idea crept up in Mukuro’s head that she’d tried once before when her jaw hurt too much to eat someone, but she needed to get them into her gut to interrogate them. She’d ended up forcing them up her ass and it had worked all the same, so it seemed like a perfect way to deal with her last kill. Mukuro reached around back and loosened her panties, feeling them fall down to her ankles. With her back entrance open, Mukuro squatted down and pushed her anus onto Kirumi’s head, feeling the girl easily begin to squish into her. It was easy for Mukuro to deal with the girl thanks to her body being limp, but she did have to admit she was beginning to feel a little turned on at the action she felt from her backside. She hadn’t shoved people up her butt enough to get used to it, so the feeling was still sensual to an extent, but Mukuro pushed through the feelings, wanting to focus on her mission of escaping. With some heavy grunts and sucking, Kirumi’s passed out body began to work its way through Mukuro’s anal tract, slowly getting closer to the bickering Toko and Kaito. Despite having both lost their memories, Kaito and Toko would have reacted in the same way they were now, with pushing against one another as they tried to make room in the tight gut. They were face to face as is and were worried about Kirumi joining them, as it would only make things worse in terms of space. Kaito hadn’t noticed it until now, but it seemed the time Toko had spent alone in the gut had begun to do a number on her already when compared to him, as her uniform already had tons of burn marks in it, as well as her skin beginning to grow red as the stomach acid burned into it. Kaito’s arrival into the stomach had slowed the process on her for a bit thanks to him soaking up some of the acids as well, but the two would still be dead soon if they couldn’t get out. Life proved to be more troubling as something began to push its way into the gut from below. They both looked down to see an unconscious Kirumi being forced into the stomach with them, her body pushing in between both prey. Kaito and Toko felt both their faces pressed up against the wall as Kirumi was forced in, the unconscious girl somehow getting the most comfortable spot in the gut. Kaito and Toko continued to try and rearrange themselves after Kirumi was pushed full in with them, but it was nearly impossible with how big each of them were in such a cramped area. They felt plenty of body parts touching, many of which left Toko calling a Kaito a creep, despite it being Kirumi’s limp arm that had touched her in those regions. With the last bit of food stuffed inside her, Mukuro made her way back to the entrance of the hotel, wanting to secure it with her body in such a vulnerable state. She grabbed a metal pipe and closed the front door, sticking the bit in the handles to make it impossible for anyone to get in. With the area secured, the stuffed girl struggled her way over to one of the couches, heavily sitting on it as she felt her bloated tummy slosh around. The sloshing caused a rather loud burp to ring out, one that worried her about alerting others to her position. Even though the prey inside her would soon be dead, Mukuro didn’t feel like letting her identity drop. She was around total strangers, so to even act unlike Junko for a second could spell doom for her and her sister. As it stood, she was going to act all bubbly and happy like her sister until she could figure out what was going on. Hopefully once she finished the three off, she could escape and get some answers. As it stood though, this was her role in this killing game, to kill others and find her sister once she could escape. For now though, she needed to seal the deal that she was Junko, just incase anyone was watching her. “Woah that was like, tots easy for me! Ya’d think an ultimate fashionista would have had more trouble dealing with three others, but it seems you were all totally weak! Ugh, but it feels like it’s gonna take foreverrrr to digest you all. Whatever, so long as I can escape this crummy island that’s all that matters.” Even though she felt she overdid Junko’s carefree attitude a bit, Mukuro was happy with the performance she’d put on. A few more taunts and she should be able to masterfully impersonate her little sis again and escape whatever ordeal she’d gotten herself in. As she felt her taunts reinvigorate the prey inside, she ran her hand across her belly and felt up all the different bulges they made. Their squirms did them little help in escaping, only causing Mukuro to let out a rather nasty smelling and loud sound burp. “BURPPPPPPP! Ugh, that’s so not cool! Can’t you guys just give up already? Jeez, had you two not tried to interfere, I’d already have finished scrawny off and would be on my way out of here. But you had to try and save her, so you ended up joining her. Aw well, maybe I’ll get some killer gains from this! I wonder what my manager will say when I’ve gone up a couple cup sizes?” As Toko and Kaito listened to Mukuro’s carefree attitude, they felt themselves grow further terrified as she drilled into the idea that they were food. Kaito was really regretting trying to help others and had wished he’d just gone and hidden somewhere. If he hadn’t been trying to act like his good-natured self, he wouldn’t be in this mess. His good nature persisted though, as he did his best to not bump into the unconscious Kirumi, as if the three were doomed, he wanted to try and let her sleep through it all, hoping that they’d be processed long before she reawoke. Mukuro continued to cruelly taunt the three as she worked on digesting them away, hoping that her taunts would be enough to drain their motivation and fighting. Her efforts proved useful, as Kaito and Toko began to grow more still, much like the passed out Kirumi. It was also thanks to the two just being utterly wore out from having struggled so much with little oxygen to breathe. Without them struggling, the stomach was able to get right to work on digesting them, pouring plenty of acid onto their bodies. It tore through each of their outfits with ease, beginning to expose more of their soft meaty bodies to the burning stomach juices. It took little time till all three preys’ bodies were fully exposed, leaving them with no protection from the acids that then began to burn into their now exposed flesh. The damage seemed minimal at first, but the longer the corrosive liquid sat on their bodies, the worse the three began to look. The upper layers of skin began to burn through and were forcibly torn off their bodies, dissolving into mush beneath them. The muscles underneath gradually became exposed, eventually being heavily burned too. The pain of feeling their bodies burned and melted away was a feeling unlike any Toko or Kaito had faced before. The two felt tears stream down their faces as their minds felt overloaded with it all. Kirumi was the luckiest of the three with being able to sleep right through all of the painful bits as her skin melted away and she gradually lost her form. The stomach acid didn’t hold back any punches as it continued to melt the three prey down, much slower than both Mukuro or the snacks inside her wished. The soldier had wanted to be done with it quickly but having so much “food” in her stomach made it where the digestion process was long and drawn out. It was a good hour of the girl sitting on the couch, offering constantly rude and Junko-like comments to play her part. She grew tired of putting up the façade for so long, but Mukuro finally began to feel her gut having condensed a good chunk after the hour and could feel the three inside on their last legs. Kirumi, Toko, and Kaito were soft to the touch after having bathed in the stomach acid for so long. Kaito and Toko couldn’t even muster a simple move of their arm, so they both knew they were all but dead. Their bodies were heavily damaged with a majority of their flesh stripped away, leaving the lower and gorier parts of their skin to be shown. Plenty of their bodies had bones exposed as well, like Toko’s left arm which had lost most of its flesh and was now nothing but a hanging bit of bone. Toko and Kaito hadn’t even noticed Kirumi come around, mainly thanks to their minds being so weak from all the damage they’d sustained. Kirumi herself was having a hard time trying to understand what was going on. She couldn’t move a muscle and felt cold, despite being in such a warm spot like Mukuro’s stomach. The acid had already burned away all her nerves, so she couldn’t feel a bit of pain in her heavily damaged body. She got the most peaceful end of the three, but slowly piecing together that she was going to die left Kirumi just as mentally miserable as the other two. Mukuro could tell the three were one good smack away from falling apart and with the deadline drawing near, Mukuro decided it would be best if she finished them off and got back to her lovely sister. After all, the two needed to be ready to spread as much despair as they could and Mukuro had done a pretty good job with dragging these three pathetic whelps deaths out. Suddenly, right as Mukuro raised her hand to break apart the prey in her belly, a voice came over a nearby radio, one belonging to a certain lucky boy. “Mic check...Er, is this thing on? This is Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student and fellow student at Hope's Peak Academy. As you probably just heard, Kurokuma and Shirokuma have been immobilized. I want to let everyone know that I have a means to fight back against Monokuma... So even if the time limit is approaching, I want you all to hold off on the killing game. I don't want anyone to die. I don't want anyone to kill.” At first, the voice didn’t mean much to Mukuro as she listened to it, rolling her eyes at such a desperate attempt to stop others. The longer she listened though, the more she felt her mind begin to lose the cloudy feeling she’d had since the start of the killing game. “Because...Because I know what it's like. This may sound completely crazy, but...We spent three years at Hope's Peak. We took a field trip here, the elementary schoolers too. We're not strangers who just met yesterday--We're friends, all of us! If you don't believe it, I'll prove it. Come to me and I'll tell you everything I know--" She took her raised hand and instead put it to her face, actively listening to the boy’s hope filled message, feeling the despair mindset she held so adamantly crumbling apart. In an instant, everything returned to her. At first, it felt amazing to Mukuro to remember her friends from Hope’s Peak and the 3 years they’d spent together. As a particularly loud burp escaped her maw though, she remembered herself what she’d done to the three and instantly felt a heavy pain in her heart as guilt took over. She’d eaten three of her friends, all in an attempt to escape the killing game. Mukuro quickly tore down the façade she held as Junko and grew serious, hoping that in some regard the three inside her were better off than she’d originally judged. “T-Toko, Kaito, Kirumi! Are you guys ok? Dammit, that bastard Monokuma… Hey, someone answer me!... Please!” Even though she’d regained her memories, it was far too late for the prey who were soft to the touch. All Mukuro got in response to her pleas for any of the three to still be alive was utter silence, the only noises coming from her gut being the heavy gurgling of flesh and the gruesome cracking of bone. In truth, the three were still technically alive, but they were so damaged at this point they couldn’t even respond to Mukuro, each having a hard time even trying to interpret her words. Their bodies were all but gore at this point. Despite Makoto’s message ringing out and inspiring hope in everyone else on the island, it hadn’t reached any of the three of them thanks to them having a hard time focusing on anything but their rapidly approaching deaths. Kirumi closed her eyes first, soon followed by Toko, and then Kaito, the astronaut really trying to hang on before finally giving in too. Mukuro’s stomach continued to work on them like nothing had even happened, treating their dead bodies just like it had their struggling and lively forms earlier. They were coated in acid and further broken down, creating gross meaty squelches and loud cracks of bone as Mukuro’s bulging gut began to grow more condensed as the prey inside were finished off. As it became clear to Mukuro that the three inside were long gone, she stayed silent for a long time, trying to seriously process all of the emotions she felt. This trip had further brought problems for Mukuro in terms of her status as one of the despair sisters. Before her memory was erased, she’d begun to contemplate betraying her sister, thinking about eating her to make sure Junko couldn’t spread despair and hurt those she’d begun to care about. She’d also thought it would have been a loving act to eat her sister, seeing it as giving her sis one final bit of despair, but she was beginning to want to betray her out of a grudge Junko made it personal. If Mukuro did end up killing her friends because of Junko, then she wished it was from a direct order from her sister. But having her memory unfairly erased and getting cheated on killing her friends without her consent or knowledge hurt like infidelity from a soulmate and left Mukuro more than enraged. Mukuro had long since given up eating others ever since she enrolled in Hope’s Peak, but as she began to think about that rule, she had one final target before she truly gave that lifestyle up for good. It was none other than her sister, Junko Enoshima. Even though it was Monokuma who was the one started the killing game, her sister had made his AI, so in every regard, it was her fault for Mukuro killing her friends. The soldier was going to avenge those who’d fallen to her by getting back at the one who’d forced her hand, all in the name of hope. The thought made her smile a weak grin, the girl having never expected to have wanted to do something for hope rather than despair. The grin quickly faded as her stomach let out a heavily gurgling noise, reminding Mukuro of the grim actions she’d unknowingly committed. During all of her heavy contemplation, Mukuro hadn’t noticed how much her belly had shrunk as the three remains of the prey were further melted down and had begun to heavily squish through her intestines. Their body mass began to pack on her own body, becoming a permanent reminder of the horrible actions she’d been forced into. Their bones were also squished along her intestines, severely bulging out of her body. Their skulls were the hardest parts to squish through, taking much longer than the rest of the prey’s cracked bones that easily made its way through her. The slurry of blood and human flesh began to grow browner the longer it squished through Mukuro’s bowels, slowly growing larger and more ready to clog one of the hotel toilets. The large mixture of shit quickly formed inside her and was more than ready to dispose of in little time at all. A burst of noxious gas made its way out of Mukuro’s ass, one that signaled the three were ready to go. The soldier stood from the couch and began to make her way to the bathroom, noticing the rather large butt print she’d left from sitting on the seat for so long with so much weighing her down. Mukuro’s speed quickened as she began to feel the need to crap picking up, dashing into the women’s bathroom as fast as she could. She pushed her way into one of the stalls and hurriedly pulled her skirt out of the way and dropped her dark panties down to her ankles. As soon as Mukuro’s ass hit the toilet seat, she felt a large bone filled turd begin to squish out of her anus. The pressure was tight and left the normally composed girl biting her lip, struggling a bit with the dump. While Mukuro had easily eaten and processed people with her tummy before, she’d only ever done them one at a time, so having three people’s bodies begin to squeeze out of her was overwhelming to say the least. She tried to take it slow, but her body just kept going and forced the large turd out of her anus, loudly splashing into the water below after long. As the first bit of scat plopped it, it was followed by another rancid smelling fart that caused Mukuro to hold her noise shut for a bit. With the first large bit of crap out, Mukuro took charge and continued to work on squeezing out the rest of the three prey, feeling another large bit of stool begin to push its way out. Mukuro was ready this time and used all of her strength to deal with it. Now that she was used to it, the process was a lot easier for Mukuro who easily squished the turd out and continued to follow it up with plenty of long bits of crap filled with plenty of items belonging to the unfortunate souls she’d wrongfully eaten. The toilet began to fill with all of the shitty remains of Mukuro’s friends rather quickly as the turds heavily pilled up. It only took a few large logs till the shit had basically filled up the toilet, which left Mukuro worried as she still felt plenty of the three left inside her colon. She tried to flush what remained of them but was met with a clogged toilet as it struggled to suck down the large bone filled turds. Mukuro thought about switching to another toilet, but with the pressure of the three needing to leave her body being so prevalent, she decided to just fill this toilet and pray it wasn’t too bad. Mukuro continued to squirt out the rest of the prey’s shitty remains and felt the toilet easily fill to the brim with shit, with plenty of them still left inside her. She sighed and stood from the toilet and elected to just squirt them out onto the already filled toilet, hoping it didn’t get too messy. The shit pile began to rise from outside of the toilet, log after log beginning to pile up for a rather large and nasty mound of shit. After squirting out one last turd, it seemed like it was all over, but Mukuro knew she still had a rather painful deposit to make. The skull was always the worst part of disposing of someone and she had three of them in her this time, which would be an utter problem. With the toilet more than overfilled with the scat pile reaching unmanageable levels, Mukuro just elected to squish their skulls out onto the floor, so she squatted down and began to squeeze, waiting to feel the tough bone squish through her intestines. As it got to her anus, she felt the hard bone harshly push through, proving to be just as bad as she’d remembered. Mukuro took her time and bit her lip as she used her hands to pull apart her cheeks, making it a little easier to squirt out the first one. After a while, the first skull loudly clanked onto the floor. It was soon followed by two others that were much easier for Mukuro to squish out thanks to her body being warmed up to it. It still took a good few minutes for the bone to squish its way out of Mukuro’s ass, but she was finally done, leaving the unwilling pred heavily panting as she stood and looked at the mess she’d made, her asshole in utter pain from having squirt so much shit out. The scat pile stood high, nearly reaching her stomach level thanks to how much she’d dumped. Mukuro hadn’t even kept track of how long it took her to dump it all, but it must have taken a good while. Each turd was filled with little mementos of the prey Mukuro had so cruelly digested. They was packed to the brim with bones, things like the prey’s leg bones, pelvis bones, and their arm bones. While some were still intact, several of the bones were harshly snapped, which gave Mukuro a grim mental image of what her tummy had done to her friends. Aside from bones, the scat was also filled with plenty of reminders of the various preys’ outfits. A pair of circular glasses and some purple fabric were pressed deep within several of the turds, indicating Toko having met her digestive end. Several buttons still stuck to a light purple fabric were mixed in the shit alongside some melted remains of some slippers, showing Kaito having too met his end to Mukuro’s gut. The most prominent reminder of all the prey through was all of the heavy black fabric found in the scat, obviously having come from Kirumi’s maid outfit, with her heavy rubber gloves and headband somewhat still intact and buried in the shit. Aside from the grim scat pile Mukuro stared at for a bit, she took notice of the skulls that lay on the floor, still heavily identifiable thanks to the hair staying somewhat intact on all of them. One had nice long silver hair, while the other two had chaotic purple hair. All three skulls looked like Mukuro’s friends’ heads at a glance, but after staring at them for a bit, you could tell they were long dead, which left the soldier sick to her stomach over her actions. Mukuro quickly left the disgusting stall and made sure to shut it, not wanting anyone to come in and see the mess she left behind, as well as not wanting to see the sight anymore herself. As she made her way back into the main bathroom, she began to wash her hands after having dealt with such a gross mess, Mukuro deep down hoping that washing her hands so thoroughly could wash away the sins she’d committed. While she cleaned her hands, she finally looked in the mirror for the first time since finishing off the three prey and noticed how much her sides had bulged out. The strong abs she’d worked so hard to build were utterly gone, replaced by a slight muffin top that hugged her black shirt tightly. It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as her ass, breasts, and thighs though, which had seemingly all ballooned up in size from all the weight the three provided. She’d easily gone up a few cup sizes, as her bra was a lot tighter and felt as if it could rip at any moment. She easily now outclassed her sister who’d always had bigger boobs than her. The size left Mukuro blushing a bit, but she did like the idea if she could use them to attract someone cute, maybe Makoto? Mukuro pushed the embarrassing thought out of her head and continued to examine her body, seeing her loose skirt being a lot tighter now thanks to her fattened ass pressing on it. Her whole wardrobe would need to be redone once they got back to the real world, as Mukuro was worried that the slightest movement could cause any part of her outfit to rip, exposing herself more than she’d like to. She would just have to be careful as she made her way to the statue where Makoto was waiting for her and everyone else. Giving a second guilty glance towards the stall she’d dumped the three prey in, she sighed and made her way out of the bathroom, feeling her new weight jiggle with each step. The girl hadn’t been sure if she were going to tell the rest of her class about what she’d done yet, as telling them was pretty risky. Even though she wanted to get back at the one who’d done this to them, she was worried they’d be upset with her for never telling them the truth about Junko and for having killed three of their friends. She wanted to believe they’d listen to her, but it was going to be tough to back up her words without any proof of her change. Once they got back to the real world, Mukuro could eat Junko and then could confess to someone who’d be willing to listen to her. The only person who came to mind was Makoto, who always seemed to somehow find his way into her mind. She didn’t like him, did she? As Mukuro pondered the question, she continued to make her way to the meeting spot, her mind completely ready to fight with everyone else for hope and betray her sister once she got back home. After all, she might have just loved the very boy who was a personification of hope, so it was only right for her to defeat despair for him…
The sound of heavy stomps echoed through the hall as Hiyoko Saionji walked down it, the girl utterly bored out of her mind. The blonde dancer was supposed to be celebrating her birthday in style by making fun of her classmates and spending the day with Mahiru, but her girlfriend ended up having to take a test during their free time, leaving Hiyoko alone to try and mess with others. People were trying to be friendly with it being her birthday and all, but once she began to get on their nerves, she was shooed off and told to bother someone else. Hiyoko had already blown through annoying a good chunk of her classmates, but there was one girl Hiyoko hadn’t tried yet. It was Ibuki Mioda, the ultimate musician who should be set up in the music building. Despite liking to mess with people, Hiyoko didn’t like the idea of messing with Ibuki. It wasn’t out of wanting to be kind to the girl though, more so Hiyoko’s insults just didn’t work on Ibuki like it did the rest of her classmates. As Hiyoko searched around the small building though, she found herself finding no signs of Ibuki or anyone for that matter. That was, until Hiyoko heard the beautiful playing of a piano. The girl walked down the hall to see Kaede Akamatsu sat at a piano, playing away at the instrument. A smug smile formed on Hiyoko’s face as she decided to take her normal teases out on someone from a different class. The dancer made her way into the room and got close to Kaede, the pianist noticing the dancer and stopping her song suddenly. A smile came across her face, one much kinder than the smug one that sat upon Hiyoko’s face. The pianist began digging into a nearby bag and pulled out a plastic container with something in it. “Hey Hiyoko! I heard from Hajime that it was your birthday today, so I thought I’d pick you up a cupcake! I like to always pick up small things for others for their birthday and I know you like sweet things, so I thought you’d enjoy this!” “Huh! Hey, give it to me already! Jeez, one of you idiots actually got something nice. I was worried they were all gonna be garbage like that first aid kid from that pig barf nurse!” The two blondes hadn’t interacted a whole lot, so Hiyoko’s cruel demeanor was always a surprise to Kaede. The pianist felt a bit annoyed Hiyoko hadn’t actually thanked her, but at least she enjoyed the gift. The container was snatched out of Kaede’s hands as the dancer took it for herself, looking over the flavor and make of it. “It’s banana flavored! I thought it would be kind of funny considering how much your hair looks like bananas!” “Ugh seriously? Just when I thought you couldn’t screw up a good gift like this, you choose such a shitty flavor! Who even eats anything banana flavored for sweets! With cupcakes, it’s should always be chocolate or vanilla! Try and get it right next time cow shit!” At first, Kaede was completely dumbfounded at Hiyoko’s sudden anger. Sure banana wasn’t everyone’s favorite flavor, but there was no reason to get so angry over it like she was. Kaede thought about just dropping the topic at first and shooing Hiyoko off, but she was too stubborn to do that. She wanted to teach the brat some manners. “Hey, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you can treat me like that! I was just trying to be kind with getting you that. Maybe next time I WON’T get you a gift!” “If you really wanna be kind, maybe you should go jump off a highway. That way I wouldn’t have to see your ugly skank face! I don’t care if I don’t get gifts from an uggo like you!” The tension in the room was utterly high as Hiyoko kept hurling insults at Kaede, both blondes beginning to get really annoyed with one another. Normally Kaede wouldn’t let herself act so childish or rude, but certain people always brought the worst out in her, like Miu and Hiyoko. The more Hiyoko went on about Kaede being ugly left Kaede wanting to just have some insult that would shut the girl up. Something came to mind and the words left her mouth before she even truly thought them through, but as soon as she said it, Kaede felt awful. “Well at least I actually got decent boobs! You’re flatter than those horrible dance moves you do! Why would anyone want to date some bitchy flat girl like you!” The insult hit hard as Hiyoko’s face went from anger to saddened, the words having clearly harmed her harshly. Kaede tried to take the insult back, but it was far too late for that. The pianist wasn’t one to use that kind of stuff as leverage, but it seemed all the months of arguing with Miu had began to leave her using her rather nice rack as a point of superiority, something Kaede felt terrible about doing. Hiyoko seemed ready to cry at any moment, but instead of crying, her face just went back to anger, clearly ready to get back at Kaede somehow. She dropped the cupcake container to the ground and got close to Kaede, the pianist actually backing up slightly as Hiyoko got closer out of fear. She had a good foot and a half on the girl, yet she was do easily terrified at her presence. “O-Oh yeah! W-Well, then I’ll just make those boobs mine! You skank!” With a heavy rush, Hiyoko ran towards Kaede and grabbed harshly onto her sleeves. Kaede wasn’t sure what Hiyoko was trying to do, but she hadn’t been prepared to fight back. She had no idea the level of threat Hiyoko had just thrown out at her and how she should have tried to act more worried towards it. With some quick movements, Hiyoko shoved Kaede’s arms into her maw, quickly gulping at them to try and secure her soon to be birthday treat. Kaede was just weirded out at first at Hiyoko making her arms wet, but as she felt the grip Hiyoko had on her arms now, Kaede began to grow worried. She tried to pull them out, but the girl’s gulping power was too strong and left the pianist being pulled headfirst into Hiyoko’s maw. The slimy internals dripped and soaked into Kaede’s hair and skin, her face being coated in warm saliva. She tried to pull herself back out, but Hiyoko was surprisingly strong for her size as she grabbed onto Kaede’s body to keep her from pulling back. The smell of the mouth was overpowering for Kaede, all the sweet treats Hiyoko having snacked on that day being heavily prevalent in her breath. The smell was almost sickening with how overpowering it was. With some more gulps, Kaede began to descend deeper down into Hiyoko’s maw, the pianist unable to fight back as she did. The bulge from Kaede’s head in Hiyoko’s throat began to descend as the gulping grew stronger and faster. As Kaede felt herself gulped down, she felt her sides pushed on heavily from the tight throat. After feeling herself squish down the stiff tube of Hiyoko’s gullet for what felt like hours, Kaede began to squish into the girl’s stomach. The smell was even worse than the girl’s breath, all the sizzling candy causing heavy fumes of sugar to form in the gut. While not as tight as the throat, the stomach was still heavily cramped for poor Kaede, only growing worse off as more of her was gulped down. The further along Kaede got, the more Hiyoko’s gut began to bulge out, slowly hugging her kimono tighter and tighter. As Kaede’s legs disappeared down her throat, Hiyoko felt herself utterly stuffed to the brim. The rest of Kaede squished into her stomach and heavily bulged out, her body hugging Hiyoko’s skin tightly. The two girls’ size differences made the whole process take quite some time, but after all was said and done, the short dancer was more than pleased with her efforts. She gave her gut a heavy slap and laughed at the screaming prey that was pleading to be let out. Hiyoko hadn’t really got a chance to taunt Kaede yet, so now was the perfect time, seeing as she didn’t have too long left. “See, now this is a proper gift! Not only was eating you totally fun, but I’m gonna get some nice assets after it’s all said and done! I just wish you hadn’t tasted so trashy! I’d say you should take better care of yourself, but that’s some advice that won’t work well for how little time you have left.” “H-Hiyoko, stop! Look I’m sorry about what I said! It was rude of me to insult you, especially on your birthday. I just… I argue with Miu so often and she always goes on about her breasts, so I went for a low blow! Please, just let me out! M-My ass is starting to burn!” The stomach was really starting to digest the worried Kaede as it tore into her clothes and exposed skin. It was steadily rising around her and was already up to just below her breasts she’d praised not long ago. Kaede’s legs were pressed up to her body thanks to how cramped it was in the short girl’s stomach, leaving her easier to digest away with how compact she was. Her skin was growing steadily redder as the acid burned into it, the layers of flesh being peeled away as she was harshly shown how she was nothing more than a bit of protein for Hiyoko. Kaede’s skirt had easily fallen apart from the stomach acid as well, leaving her even less protection against the acids. Her sweater was beginning to follow along as the acid burned heavy holes into it, leaving her more and more exposed to the acid. If Kaede didn’t get out soon, she’d be too far gone to be saved. All she could hope is that she could make Hiyoko see reason, a task that sounded near impossible. “And? Why should I care if your ass is burning? It just means it’ll be my ass soon enough! You should be sorry! You should be so sorry, you just give in to being my food. Last thing I’d want is for you to hang around any longer than you have to, so how about ya just stop struggling. Makes it farrrr easier for me to claim my gift! After all, you said no one would date a flat girl. I need to make sure I keep my girlfriend around, understand?!” Despite normally being cruel, Hiyoko was going all out for Kaede. It was mainly thanks to the comment Kaede had made to Hiyoko about no one wanting her as a girlfriend with such small tits. The dancer had found her relationship with Mahiru to be rocky at times, especially this last week. Exams had been stressing both lovers out and Hiyoko has actually fought with Mahiru just that morning, leaving the small blonde feeling awful and needing to get her frustrations out. Kaede had set off the already pissy Hiyoko with her comment and left Hiyoko deciding to eat the girl, hoping that whatever weight she got from the girl would be enough to make Mahiru stay around. Balling her hand up, Hiyoko pounded on the area what Kaede’s head was, causing the pianist to scream in pain as she felt her head beaten while Hiyoko just snickered. “Hiyoko, I’m not food! Look, you and Mahiru love each other, right? I’m sure she’s not superficial and wouldn’t care about something like breast size! If you let me out now, I promise I won’t tell anyone about this! In fact, I’ll buy you some more cupcakes as well! H-How’s that sound?” As Kaede tried to bargain with Hiyoko, she got utter silence back, only feeling Hiyoko move over to pick something up before sitting down. The pianist tried to call out to Hiyoko, but heard nothing back in return, only really hearing the sound of her wolfing something down. After a bit of time, mushed bits of cupcake plopped onto Kaede’s head, spreading plenty of icing into her hair. It was utterly humiliating as Kaede begged to be let out, only to have more food dropped onto her head. The prey was digesting even quicker by the second, the acid now up to about her shoulders. All of her clothes were melted down by this point, even her hefty shoes having been torn apart. Her skin was soft to the touch, a good heavy hit from Hiyoko being likely to occur fatal damage. Her body was more liquid than solid at this point, her skin like a warm candle as it began to drip off with heavy amounts of melted flesh. Whole chunks peeled and came off without ease which utterly showed Hiyoko’s dominance at the normally kind musician. Kaede began to break down as she realized it was all over, her body too far gone that there was no way she’d be able to be saved. Tears dripped down Kaede’s soft face, combining with the fleshy liquid from her skin and dropping into the stomach acid below. There was so much Kaede had wished to do with her life, like telling Shuichi about her feelings for him and performing a stage show with Ibuki and Sayaka. As it stood though, all her dreams were falling apart, just like she was. With some last heavy sobs, Kaede slowly faded into unconsciousness, hearing plenty of teases and snarky laughs from Hiyoko as she did. With one last close of her eyes, Kaede was no more, her body nothing but a large bit of meat to finish being churned by Hiyoko. After Hiyoko finished her cupcake, she began to feel Kaede grow a lot quieter and a lot stiller. She’d expected the taunt to make the girl fight back more, but it seemed to break her spirit as she heard the pianist begin to cry from within. Hiyoko just snorted and laughed at the sad display, reveling in her breaking of her meal. She offered a few taunts to her again, like stating how the cupcake had somehow tasted better than her and stating how she was pathetic for having grown so soft already, but none of it reignited Kaede’s fighting. Hiyoko just had to spend the rest of Kaede’s digestion bummed, annoyed that she bullied the girl into accepting her fate as fat so quickly. Hiyoko spent the rest of Kaede’s digestion resting on the seat Kaede had been playing piano at, rubbing her belly as she did. The rubs caused Hiyoko to let out plenty of loud burps that could very easily attract unwanted attention, but if they cared that much, she could always have them join Kaede. No one interrupted Hiyoko during her time of finishing of Kaede though, leaving Hiyoko to just utterly relax and bask in her glory of how easily she dealt with the bitch who dare insult her. Her tummy heavily condensed as Kaede’s body was stripped of all its flesh, slowly squishing the mixture of bones and fleshy mush through her intestines. As the rest of Kaede finished processing into shit to be disposed of later, what wasn’t turned into crap was added to Hiyoko’s body. Kaede began to add a rather sizeable amount of weight to Hiyoko, plenty that would be perfect for making sure Mahiru would stay around. As time passed and Hiyoko tapped away at her phone, she found herself suddenly shocked as she heard her name called out to her by an all too familiar voice. It was Mahiru, smiling yet clearly nervous. “Hiyoko! I was looking all over for you, why would you come to the music building of all places? A-And what happened to your body?” Mahiru was the first person to see all the new weight Hiyoko had gained and it heavily surprised her. While Hiyoko had gotten a bit of a muffin top from Kaede that heavily hugged her Kimono, most of the weight had gone to her breasts and ass. Hiyoko now had a dump truck of an ass that was heavily noticeable from her lack of ass before. Her breasts had also nearly doubled in size, far outclassing Kaede’s former tits easily. The new areas of fat heavily hugged Hiyoko’s kimono, showing she might need to get a new wardrobe with how tight it was in the new areas. Mahiru had no idea what had happened to Hiyoko, but she was terrified. Had their fight left her to binge on foods while she did her test? There was no way just a bit of food could have caused all this weight gain though. “Don’t you love it? Look, I’ve totally got a big pair of breasts now and an ass! I did it to make you happy! Are you happy?” “H-Hiyoko, you don’t need to have bigger breasts or a bigger ass to make me love you anymore. You’re just really nice to be around and I know these last few weeks have been bad, but I think I realized I’m to blame. I start a lot of the fights and it was really not kind for me to be rude to you on your birthday of all days. So, I’m sorry. I promise from here on out, that I won’t get as angry, ok? N-Now, care to explain how you gained so much weight in a short amount of time?” “Promise not to get mad? Well… Kaede and I were fighting and… she said I was flat and that I’d be lucky to keep anyone around cause of it. I got angry and… may have eaten her?” “Y-You didn’t! Hiyoko, you can’t do that! You’ll get in trouble if you get caught! She sounds like she deserved it though but… it’s still a bit harsh don’t you think?” “Yeah I know but… it really upset me to hear something like that after what happened with you this morning so… it boiled over. Promise you won’t tell?” “Jeeez. Not only do I gotta get you to work some of that tummy flab off, now I gotta hold your secret?... Just kidding! I’d do it for you babe! You’re my world, so don’t you worry!” “T-Thanks, you dummy. You know, I think this whole ordeal has awoken some new appetite within me. You better keep me fed, otherwise I might just become single!” “Oh is that right? Well, I’ll have to make sure to keep you fed! After all, you’ll be soooo much tastier once you’re a fat little piggy. I could take plenty of pictures as you digest away!” Both girls felt themselves break as they laughed off their poor acting skills, both knowing neither meant anything serious by what they’d said. The two felt their relationship was more solid than ever after a messy week. Their joyous joking around swiftly stopped though as a foul bit of gas exited Hiyoko’s ass, a showing of what the blonde needed to do. “C-Crap I need to go to the bathroom! B-But there’s none in this building. W-What do I do Mahiru?” The duo looked around the room before the photographer felt her eyes land on Kaede’s schoolbag to the side. She scooped it up and dumped its contents in the trash before putting it back on the ground. “Use this! Go as quick as you can. The last thing we need to do is get caught. I don’t think many people are here right now, but I’ll be in the hall handling damage control if anyone does show up.” With that, Mahiru ran off into the hall, hoping to ward off anyone who came close to the room Hiyoko was in. The dancer quickly squatted down and moved her kimono out of the way. She pulled her panties to her ankle and set the bookbag directly below her anus. She began to push with all her strength and felt a lengthy log begin to squish out before falling into the backpack. It was followed up by plenty of other bone-filled turds, one after another slowly filling up the backpack. It was an utter mess inside, but Hiyoko didn’t care, so long as she finished quickly. A couple more large turds filled with clothes scraps began to squish out as well, followed by a rather loud fart. Hiyoko thought she was almost done but felt a bit more still inside her. As she squished with all her might, she began to feel a rather large object push out, one that she was struggling to get out in the slighest. After spending a good minute pushing with all her might, Hiyoko felt Kaede’s skull pop out and drop onto the top of the pile, followed soon after by a rather satisfying fart. With the act done, all Hiyoko had to do was wipe herself and get Mahiru, but the dancer soon realized she had no toilet paper. She looked around for anything to use and finally settled on the sheet paper Kaede had been using earlier that day, quickly grabbing it and using it to wipe. She threw the gross bits of ruined paper in the bag too as she finished using them, before finally throwing the last one she used in there. With her booty cleaned, Hiyoko zipped the bag up and fixed her Kimono. She grabbed the bag and made her way out into the hall to see a rather awkward setup. Mahiru was taking photos of a few students, mainly Sayaka, Leon, and Ibuki who all had a bunch of band stuff. The dancer clung the backpack close to her body to try and hide it as she grabbed onto Mahiru’s hand. The couple quickly excused themselves and hurried out of the building, the bandmates weirded out by their sudden leaving. The duo quickly hurried to a hidden part of school grounds where they made sure they were alone before they talked. “Ugh, that was so awkward. They said they were going to go get set up for rehearsals, so I asked if I could take their photos before they did. Ibuki went right for it thankfully, but I could tell Leon and Sayaka were ready to head into the room any second. Did everything go ok?” “Yeah it did. She’s all in here! I didn’t really take a look. Should we?” “No, let’s not. I’ve gone through enough today, I’d rather not see anymore. Well, schools done for the day... Let’s go find somewhere we can dump this, ok? Maybe we can find a dump to drop it in or bury it somewhere…” The two lovers dodged a bullet by not looking inside the bag, as it would have drastically upset them to do so. The mixture of shit and bone was so graphically upsetting it would have even left Hiyoko depressed. Kaede’s skull stood on top of all the mess, her hair still somehow holding tightly onto the skull. The dump was filled with plenty of clothes scraps from Kaede, little bits of purple, pink, and orange littered throughout the scat. Mahiru slung the backpack onto her own back and the two left the schoolgrounds together to find somewhere to dump it. They eventually did so in a large trash bin, making sure to bury it under some other garbage. The bag would eventually be taken off to the dump and buried under loads of trash, leaving Kade’s remains to never be found for quite some time. The lovers eventually returned to school, both going to Hiyoko’s dorm to spend the night. Despite having done something so horrible, the thrill of it all was still on their mind and left them to make love, starting off soft with light making out before eventually growing to full-blown cunnilingus. The duo were loving the fucked-up actions they’d done and we even planning on snatching someone for Mahiru to snack on next. So long as the duo did it together, they began to not care who they ate, wanting to use the fetish to bring themselves closer and closer together…
The clicking of the clock drained on Himiko’s mind as she just wanted class to be over. The ultimate mage had been having an awful week and her morale was at an all time low. The poor short girl had been subject to some rather harsh bullying lately, one that had left her generally saddened and apathetic. Her bullying had been coming from Miu, who’d found any way to make fun of Himiko’s subpar assets. Himiko just told Miu to shut up the first couple of times it had happened, but it was really beginning to affect her harshly. She just wanted Miu to stop, but not even Tenko or Angie could get the inventor to shut up. The bell rang and Himiko did her best to quickly leave the classroom, rushing out into the hall and away from the class. If she could just get to her dorm before Miu saw her, she could rest easy for one day. The plan went off rather nicely as Himiko got to her dorm room with little trouble, but the real problem came later in the night. The mage had been having an upswing on her emotions as she relaxed in her bedroom, working on some homework and putting the finishing touches on some of her new magic spells. It was of course a simple magic trick, but Himiko insisted it was real magic. The sound of knocking came at her dorm room’s door, which Himiko assumed to be either Angie or Tenko wanting to stop by and check in on her. The mage made her way over and opened it to see an unwelcome sight. Miu Iruma stood on the other side of the door, looking as cocky as ever. “Hey small fry! I totally saw you run away when the bell rang earlier. What, you too chicken shit to even be around me anymore? Did you realize my assets far outclass yours in every way?” “S-Stop…” “Or what? You’ll tell on me? Hope’s Peak barely punishes anyone strictly here. All I’ll get is a slap on the wrist and I can go right back to making fun of you! Man, it feels good to be so great!” “Shut up! I’m so tired of you picking on me! I-I’ll make you pay!” Himiko’s sudden outburst left Miu taken aback, but not ready to back down. Himiko grabbed a nearby magic book she’d bought and flipped to a random page. She was so upset she wasn’t even thinking straight as she stared at Miu and said the spell on the page. “Shrink Shrink down you go! Shrink shrink now nobody will know!” As the last words exited Himiko’s mouth, a bright flash of light caused the mage to drop her book and cover her eyes. Once she eventually opened them, she looked around to see Miu no longer stood where she’d been a minute ago. Himiko thought the girl must have just left, likely having grown bored of screwing with the mage. As she reached down to grab her book though, she found herself dumbfounded at what she saw. Stood on the floor was Miu Iruma, no taller than a few inches. The mage could see the shrunk girl was just as confused as Himiko, but she refused to admit it, not wanting to give off the idea that she didn’t know how her magic worked. She snatched up the tiny girl and the book before closing her door, not wanting anyone to see what she accidentally did. Himiko put the book on her desk while she looked over the tiny Miu, the girl clearly pissed. “The fuck did you do to me! I’m no larger than your hand! Ugh, just hurry up and turn me back to normal, you flat chested bitch!” When Miu had been shrunk down, Himiko had been scrambling to figure out a way to return Miu to normal, but after seeing the girl once again insult her, Himiko stopped that line of thinking and instead thought of a way to make her own life better off. “Nyeh? You really want to keep insulting me, even when you’re no bigger than a bug in my hand? I’d thought maybe you’d show a bit more humility, but I guess a bully like you doesn’t know when to shut up, huh?” “You want some humility!? Well how about I humiliate you in front of all of our class! Now shut up and turn me back already!” “No, I’m not gonna do that. I can’t take your constant rude insults anymore and I’m sure the rest of our classmates can’t either. I think I’ll just keep you like this for now. Actually… you always said my assets were too small, didn’t you? Well, how about I give you a nice close look at him!” Just as Miu was about to yell at Himiko once more, she felt herself in a free fall as she was dropped onto Himiko’s desk seat. The fall took the wind out of the inventor who was struggling to even stand up after such a harsh fall. Nothing was broken, her body just felt stunned. While Miu tried to recover, Himiko decided to make Miu’s close visit to her ass more hellish by pulling down her panties, wanting the shrunken inventor to get the full embrace of her booty. With a quick slam, Himiko sat down onto the small Miu with a smug look upon her face. “Hehehe! How’s this for small? I think you’ll disagree once you get some nice closeup time with it!” Himiko grinded her booty up against the tiny girl, feeling her slightly squishy ass press down onto Miu. The tiny girl was screaming to be freed from under Himiko, but her voice was too quiet at her new size for Himiko to hear. The longer Himiko pressed her ass down on Miu, the more satisfied the mage felt. She was getting back at her bully in the best way possible. As she pressed her ass a bit too firmly on Miu though, Himiko felt the tiny girl begin to push up her small hole, the short girl moaning as she felt it happen. She thought about sitting up and stopping it, but it felt too good to do that. She instead kept pressing down, feeling more and more of Miu pushed up inside her. Before long, the last of Miu disappeared from underneath her ass and into the inside of her asshole, squirming deeper within. Himiko did feel a bit bad at first at letting the tiny girl get swallowed up by her ass, but all the insults from the girl resurfaced in her mind and Himiko began to feel guilt-free once more. She gave her booty a light slap and laughed as she imagined how pissed Miu must be right now. To further rub into the girl she didn’t care what happened to her, Himiko decided to taunt the tiny a bit. “It’ll be a pain to try and get you out now… I’ll just wait for you to come out next time I take a dump! Better not go too deep or you might just end up being part of that dump Miu! Hehehe!” With her bully dealt with, Himiko grabbed her panties back from off the floor and put them back on, covering her privates and any possible escape for Miu. She sat down and went back to working on her homework, her mood even greater than it had been earlier. Once Miu had felt the heavy weight of Himiko’s ass pressed down onto her, she began yelling and struggling, trying to get the girl to get off of her. The only thing her struggles got her though was being sandwiched in between the mage’s cheeks and face first with her asshole. The sight of it left Miu nervous, not wanting to fight back anymore, but her fate was already sealed. With a bit more pressure from Himiko pressing down on her, Miu felt her face engulfed by the pulsating hole and felt herself sucked up into the girl’s ass. The tiny tried to struggle out of it, but she was going nowhere but up into the gross behind of the girl she loved to bully. Miu could hear Himiko talking, but she could barely make out the taunt through the heavy walls of flesh surrounding her. The only things she really heard was Himiko’s laugh and the word dump, which left the bully all but terrified. Miu knew she’d been really shitty to Himiko the last few months, but she didn’t think she deserved such a horrible punishment like this. The tiny girl tried to calm down as she was sucked deeper, expecting Himiko to try and get her out at any point now. Her hope to be let out went unfulfilled as she was sucked up Himiko’s full intestinal tract, before eventually being squished into the mage’s gut. The tiny inventor looked about the caustic gut as she was met with waves of stomach acid melting down tons of chewed up food. She instantly felt her body soaked with the same acid and felt her skin begin to heavily burn as her outfit began to fall apart at the caustic liquid. Having such an exposed outfit had always worked wonders for trying to lure guys in close to her, but it was proving awful for Miu as she felt the exposed skin burn and melt harshly as it became soaked in acid. Despite being so stubborn and not wanting to beg others for help, Miu wasn’t about to let herself die over that stubbornness. She ran towards the stomach wall and began beating on it, begging Himiko to let her out. “Y-You made your point! You have an ass! Look just let me out, please! I can feel my skin melting apart! H-Himiko?” As Miu waited for some sort of positive response from Himiko, stating she’d let her out, all she got in return was a loud bit of gas exiting Himiko’s back end. It was absolutely crude, but it showed what Himiko thought of the tiny girl in her guts; utter indifference. Himiko had barely thought of Miu once the tiny had disappeared into her and couldn’t hear any of the begging coming from within, her quiet pleas drowned out by the gurgling of her gut. The tiny kept begging to be let out, but she was only ever met with silence or Himiko letting out a bit of gas, further solidifying to Miu that she was stuck in the gut. During the time Miu had spent begging to be let out, her outfit had all but fallen apart, giving her no kind of protection against the burning acid. Her exposed skin had already been damaged heavily by the stomach, the gurgling acid treating her no differently than the cookies Himiko had snacked on earlier. Her skin burned like hell and felt soft to the touch, hastily melting down from the solid state Miu was once in. The tiny was no match for the heavy amounts of stomach acid that began to overwhelm and melt her away, causing her to end up collapsing onto the side of the stomach wall, slowly sliding down it and pulling layers of skin off as she did. The mean girl had thought she’d always been on top of her class, finding ways to always look better than everyone. She’d never imagined she’d have such a humiliating end, to be shrunk by the shortest and flattest girl in her class by actual magic and be subsequently shoved up the girl’s ass. The thought of Himiko laughing about Miu’s end with her friends Angie and Tenko left the inventor utter distraught in her last moments as the acid finally laid claim to her life, burning and tearing apart her body to a point her mind could no longer handle the pain. Miu’s melted corpse flopped over as the waves of acid pushed it about, mixing it in with the rest of the mushy remains of food inside Himiko’s belly. Her body gradually was picked of all its meaty flesh, processing into nutrients that began to pack onto Himiko’s body. In a twist of fate, most of the fat Miu provided ended up on Himiko’s flat chest, giving her the ever so slightest increase in chest size and making what was once Miu become part of the thing she’d mocked every day of her life. A heavy yawn escaped Himiko’s maw as she finished reading the chapter of her textbook for school. It was the last thing she needed to do for the night before she went to bed and it couldn’t come sooner, as the mage felt dead tired. Her eyes read over the last bit of work she needed to do before shutting the book, once again yawning heavily. Himiko didn’t even bother switching out of her outfit from the day as she flipped the light off, the girl not really caring to switch out of her school clothes. She plopped onto the soft dorm bed and felt herself quickly fall into a deep slumber. As Himiko soundly slept, her body worked on finishing up Miu, the tiny’s melted remains squishing back through the mage’s intestines at a much slower rate than when they had come through earlier. The girl had plenty of gas pass through her behind as she slept, the mage unaware of the awful smell they provided. The smell was that of death, mainly coming from all the sweets she’d eaten alongside the tiny. The night went perfectly for Himiko as she happily slept before the sun eventually shined through her window. The light laying over her face slowly awoke her, leaving the mage wanting to just sleep more. As Himiko tried to fall back asleep though, the feeling of gas exiting her behind alerted her of her needing to go to the bathroom. “Nyeh… You just always find ways to ruin my day Miu. Well, at least this should be the last time you do so.” The mage quickly slipped out of bed and hightailed it for her bathroom, the pressure from her ass getting more and more demanding. She thankfully made it in time and quickly pulled her panties down to her around her ankles as she sat her ass down onto the toilet seat. The girl wasted no time with the expelling of Miu as she began pressing with all her might, feeling a turd begin to coil out of her asshole before plopping into the bowl below, splashing water up. It left the mage annoyed, but able to continue on with the dump. She continued pushing with all her might as she felt several more long logs press out of her ass and drop into the toilet bowl below, leaving Himiko a bit wore out. The girl felt a bit of gas come out as one of the logs plopped out, one that left her fanning the air around her. The mage ended the dump with feeling a couple smaller bits of scat push out of her ass one at a time, plopping into the toilet water with some very quiet splashes. Just as she was about to wipe though, she felt a spray of piss drop down into the bowl as well, turning the clear toilet water a yellow tint. Himiko felt so refreshed starting her day off with such a satisfying dump. The girl cleaned her bum and stood from the toilet, looking down at the mess she made. The toilet was filled with several longs coils of crap, with some smaller ones laying on top. It was a lot larger of a dump than Himiko had expected from digesting the tiny girl, but the majority of all the crap came from Himiko’s junk food, not Miu. As the mage scanned the scat with her eyes, she finally fell on a turd filled with the proof of what had happened to Miu. It was filled with bones and bits of pink and black fabric. Even the girl’s goggles was in it all, but Himiko couldn’t see it with how buried in the turd it was. Many would have felt awful at the grim sight, but Himiko didn’t feel bad in the slightest. She knew the dead person was just a bully, one who she was glad to be rid of. “Wow! I don’t even think a revive spell could bring you back. Not that I’d want to of course. Seems your assets are really shitty when compared to mine, hm? He he he! No one better doubt the ultimate mage going forward! I wonder if I can use that spells on others? I could always use the HP and Mana boost provided from tinies. I might need to memorize that spell, it’s seriously powerful…” Already thinking about using her new spell for dark purposes, Himiko pressed the metal plunger of the toilet, having completely turned her attention away from Miu. The toilet water and scat were pulled down into the sewers below, being completely replaced by clear toilet water. What was once Miu was lost forever in the sewers below Hope’s Peak Academy, no one truly missing the foulmouthed girl. Himiko wasn’t a bad person, but she was tired of how people viewed her talent as nothing but a couple cheap tricks. She was going to prove to the whole school how great she was, even if she had to shrink a bunch of them to prove it…
The atmosphere of the island’s trails were terrifying at night as Fuyuhiko walked down the road. He was an Ultimate Yakuza, yet he was still terrified of the dark night atmosphere. He took a heavy breath as he grew closer to the meetup location, the note telling him where to go still in his pocket. Fuyuhiko had noticed the note slid under his door and it had been from Peko, stating she needed to meet with him about important matters regarding his escape. The note left Fuyuhiko upset, as he hated how hard she was trying to get him off of this island. On the first day, the two had privately met and he had told her they were just both participants in the killing game now, telling her to forget their professional relationship. She kept insisting she was going to get him an escape, but he kept telling her not to. He was worried about what would happen if she was caught killing for his sake and if she was… He couldn’t finish the thought as he imagined what sick punishment Monokuma would do to her. They’d already been witness to one execution and it had left Fuyuhiko disgusted. Even as a Yakuza, the punishment sent a chill down his spine. If it happened again to someone he cared so much for, he didn’t know if he could keep on going. Fuyuhiko’s thought was interrupted as saw Peko’s silver hair shining in the night light, leaving him to walk towards her. They were out by the airport, a close enough distance that neither could be jumped by another participant, but far enough that no one else should be able to hear them talk. The swordswoman took notice of Fuyuhiko and walked closer to him, bowing her head in respect to him. Fuyuhiko just rolled his eyes and got right to business, wanting to try and set her on the straight and narrow. “Peko, don’t bow to me. I told you from day one we’re not like this anymore. I don’t want you acting like my swordswoman anymore. At least, for right now. Once we’ve escaped, we can tell everyone. For now, we just need to keep our heads down and wait for the last day.” “But what if someone kills and they get away with the murder? We were close in that last trial to voting for Nagito instead of the true killer and it seems he’s going to keep trying to cause problems.” “We’ll be fine, ok?... Fine if you want to keep serving me, then I’m telling you to stop this nonsense of trying to get me out of here. I’m not leaving without you Peko. You aren’t going to kill anyone, got it?” “Well I thought about it and… I was worried about killing someone myself. While I am nothing but a tool for you to escape, I worry Monokuma won’t listen to me if I say that and won’t let you escape instead of me. So I came up with an alternative plan.” “Peko whatever you have planned, we aren’t doing it. I told you, I’m not letting you sacri- mhf!” As Fuyuhiko was scolding Peko, looking off to the moon with an annoyed glint in his eye, he felt surprised to suddenly feel his mouth filled with something. He looked over to see Peko, nervous but serious as she held her hands inside his mouth. Fuyuhiko just stared at her, unsure why she had just done it. Once she plunged her arms deeper into his mouth though, the yakuza member looked suddenly surprised at her actions. He realized what she was trying to do and he grabbed onto her arms in an attempt to stop her, but her willingness to protect her master left her able to push through Fuyuhiko’s strength. Just because he wasn’t making progress didn’t leave Fuyuhiko ready to quit. He tried with all his strength to stop Peko from shoving herself any deeper, but she just kept at it. He was completely overpowered by her as she kept shoving her arms down his throat, soon followed by her head and her upper body. Feeling her in his throat left Fuyuhiko having to reflexively gulp her down, otherwise leaving him unable to breathe. He halfheartedly did what she wanted him to do to avoid passing out, feeling her slim form disappear down his throat with each depressing gulp. The swordswoman began to squish down the throat further and further, growing closer to her master’s gut with each passing second. She eventually felt her face and arms begin to push into his gut, the warm air from the bubbling stomach acid wafting over her. The gut smelled mainly of stomach acid, but the remains of some yakisoba could be smelled by Peko, the girl laughing in her mind as she imagined her master slurping down her favorite dish a few hours ago and now slurping her down like that bowl of food. While Peko reveled in her plan being fulfilled, Fuyuhiko was far from happy. He’d hated that he was falling into Peko’s plan of her sacrificing herself, but there was still hope. If he could just get her to listen for once, he might be able to get her out. Even if she wouldn’t willingly do it, he could try and get her out himself. There was no way he was going to just let Peko die for his sake. With a few more unwilling gulps, the rest of her lower half begin to disappear into his maw. Fuyuhiko’s gut had begun to press out as she was pushed into it. It hugged his button-up shirt tightly, each gulp further making it tighter. Eventually, the pressure was too tight for the uniform anymore and a majority of the buttons popped off, letting his bulging gut sag out. After gulping down the rest of Peko, the boy took a second to recover his breath and felt her slowly push out into his belly, all of her weight inside of him leaving him tired from eating so much. Fuyuhiko stayed focused and began speaking to Peko, trying to show her how crazy she was. “BURPPPPPP! Peko, god dammit! I told you that you needed to stop trying to sacrifice yourself to me! We are DONE doing this crap, now help me get you out! I’m ordering you as your master to help me spit you up so you don’t die!” “Sorry, but I can’t do that young master. I am a tool for you to escape… no, I am food for you to escape. Once you digest me, you’ll need to arrive around the same time in the cafeteria with everyone. If you do, the body discovery alarm should ring out and confuse everyone. If you can do your best to hide the weight I add to you, I’m sure you can get through the trial without being discovered. Without a body, it will be quite tough for them.” “Food, tool, I don’t give a fuck! Call yourself whatever you want, but I’m not letting you do this! I’d thought you were crazy talking about killing someone for me… but now you want me to kill you! It’s not happening Peko! I… I need you!” “Hmph… I know you want me around but… I have to protect you. Please, don’t make this any harder on both of us.” Fuyuhiko had balled up his fists in anger as he failed to get through to Peko. He didn’t want this, to lose his best friend in such an undignified way. He went right to work, trying to get her out. He shoved his hand down his throat in an attempt to get himself to throw up, but it did no good. He tried to make himself vomit by shaking his belly, but it only seemed to mess with Peko as she let out a noise signifying she was disorientated. He tried laying upside down to get gravity to help as he pressed down on his gut, but that didn’t help either. Fuyuhiko kept trying with all his might to save Peko, but it all kept proving futile. While Fuyuhiko tried to save Peko, the swordswoman found herself moving quickly along inside him. She wasn’t sure if his stomach was incredibly powerful or if him being nervous was making it act this way, but the stomach acid was tearing through Peko. Her bulky outfit had begun to fall apart quickly just from the second Peko entered his gut. By the time the two had finished talking, it was all dissolved, leaving the blushing swordswoman nude in his tummy, only her glasses still on her body. The tummy wasted no time at all and began working on her now exposed body, burning her skin horribly as it melted her down. She let out some quiet pained moans as she really felt it tear into her, her skin beginning to peel back heavily as the acid burned through the various layers of flesh. It hurt and she wanted to scream her lungs out, but she just bit her lip as the last thing she wanted was to pain Fuyuhiko as she melted away. While Peko hated the idea of dying herself, this was the safest way to get Fuyuhiko off the island. Even though she would have loved to escape with him, seeing his escape was nearly as good in her eyes. At the very least, she’d be with him in spirit, as newly adorned fat on his side. She could hear him trying his hardest to save her, the boy likely so lost in the thought of saving her he didn’t even realize how much his tummy had already begun to melt her down. Peko had noticed her skin peeling back right away, but it was even worse now a few minutes later. It had already burned through her upper layer of skin, graphically tearing her more and more apart as Fuyuhiko’s belly treated her no differently than dinner. Blood pooled down her body and mixed with the stomach acid, creating a scene more graphic than any of the people she’d killed. Globs of flesh began to fall off of her body as the stomach tore them off, making it easier to melt her apart. She’d barely been in the gut for more than ten minutes at most and she already felt herself growing close to death’s doorstep. She was tired from all the pain plus blood loss and just wanted to pass out, but not before reminding Fuyuhiko that he needed to be careful to not be caught. Just as she was about to speak her last thoughts, he interrupted her. “BURPPPPP! Fuck this! I’m going to go get Mikan! She can get you out, I’m sure of it!” “Young master… No… I’m, already too far gone. You proved to have quite a powerful gut. All those times you had me eat people, you could have easily done it yourself. Yet, I’m glad you chose to have me eat those people. The fact you let me do that meant so much to me. I’m glad I could have served you all this time… young… master… I have one final wish… For me, please… escape… this…killing… g…a..m..e…” “Peko? Peko! PEKO! BURPPP! F-FUCK!” Fuyuhiko’s voice rang out in the night sky as he felt the girl grow soft. He hadn’t noticed in all his attempts to save her how soft his gut had grown. Had he just thought about going to Mikan from the start, Fuyuhiko may have saved Peko. He began to tear up as he realized she was gone. The one person he still cared about was gone and by his hand. He sat on the ground and continued to cry as his belly worked on finishing her remains up, making loudly meaty tearing noises and heavy snaps as her bones broke apart. He was utterly decimating her, leaving Fuyuhiko feeling even worse. By the time the boy had finally stopped crying, his gut had already finished up on her. The once bulging gut had been replaced by just fat, a chubby potbelly now resting where Peko had once been. He nervously put his hand to it and felt it, causing a bit of gas to disrupt inside. He let out another echoing burp, one that smelled just like Peko. As he burped one last time, Fuyuhiko felt something fly out of his mouth and land on the floor. He reached down to the ground where the that had come out was and felt his heart slow as he saw it. He picked it up and noticed it was Peko’s pair of glasses, coated in slobber and stomach acid. It left him feeling worse, but he put that thought to the side for now. He remembered what she said as her last words, telling him to escape the killing game. If it was for Peko, he was going to do it. With his mind made up, Fuyuhiko began walking back toward the hotel. He still felt awful, but if he could perform her last wish, he would have at least honored her spirit. Each step not only caused his belly to jiggle, but his fattened behind and thighs also jiggled with each step. It was embarrassing, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. He needed to prepare for the body discovery announcement tomorrow and he needed to know how it was going to work from Monokuma. As he grew closer to the hotel, he saw just the bear he wanted waiting nearby for him. The plush animatronic bounced over and looked up at him, staring at the new fat that adorned him. “Woah hey! Someone was hungry tonight! Did you eat enough fatty? There’s plenty more girls waiting for you back at the hotel!” “Cut the crap Monokuma! I need you to tell me how the body discovery alarm will go. Will it go off when they see my body? Or will it happen when I have to… dispose of Peko and they see that. This is a special case and I need to know for tomorrow.” “Puhuhuhu, who said anything about a body discovery alarm?” “W-What?! Cut the shit! I need to know now!” “Oh Fuyuhiko, it seems you don’t get it. Tell me, did you kill Peko? No! In fact, she didn’t even kill herself technically! She just died of a bit unnatural causes from some acid, but no one killed her. It’s boring I know, but there’s no reason to hold a class trial for it!” “S-Shut up. She died because of me. I killed her, so we are going to have FUCKING CLASS TRIAL TOMORROW!” “Well, she may have died because you couldn’t save her, but that doesn’t mean you killed her. Soooo, sorry Fuyuhiko, but your ole pal Peko was just a wasted death! Ahahah! How’s that despair treating ya? Maybe you can kill someone right this time? Well, that’s for you to decide. But I’m sure that despair of killing her will get you sooner or later… Puhuhuhu!” After informing Fuyuhiko of the dark news, Monokuma trotted off, leaving the boy utterly alone. He’d killed Peko and it had all been for fucking nothing. She was dead at his hand, and he couldn’t even fulfill her wish of escaping. The dark truth did leave Fuyuhiko in despair. He’d lost the one person who could have emotionally helped him during this game and he made a promise he had no idea how to keep. As Fuyuhiko was shaking, feeling awful over how he was still stuck here, he heard a voice speak. He turned to see it belonged to Mahiru, a critical yet kindhearted girl also on the island. “Fuyuhiko? Why are you out so late? Did… something happen? I thought I heard shouting earlier, so I thought I’d check it out. I’m guessing that was you? Ugh, maybe try and not wake others up next time? Wait… what happened to your shirt? You totally ripped it! And your stomach for that matter! You have a gut now! Were you out binge eating? I swear, some boys are just so uncaring of their appearance.” As Mahiru critiqued him, it helped send Fuyuhiko over the edge. Had she been a bit more understanding and maybe just asked if he was okay, he may have been able to stop himself from falling down the path of despair again, but as it stood, Fuyuhiko came up with a dark thought. He needed to escape and if he could thin the killing game roster, he may just be able to do just that. There was only one way to do that though and it was to cause everyone to have unnatural deaths like Peko had. He walked closer to Mahiru with a dark smile on his face, an evil plan in motion to devour her and anyone else he could to escape. After all, it didn’t count as killing, right?
The low hum of all of the monitors filled the data room as Aoi Asahina looked around for clues on the mastermind of the killing game. The swimmer and the rest of the current survivors had been forced into preparing for one last class trial in which they needed to solve all the mysteries left in the killing game, otherwise they would each be executed. The most important one was the identity of the mastermind, one in which Aoi had been trying her hardest to find out. As the girl looked around the data room, she heard the door open and watched as Makoto Naegi stepped in. “Ah, Makoto! Are you here to look around too?” “Is that what you’re doing here?” “Yeah. I can’t help but wonder about that Monokuma door. So I figured, if all the doors in the school have been unlocked, that one should be too, right?! Although, I was too nervous to open it by myself… What if the mastermind is back there? But hey, you’re here to protect me now! Come on, let’s go Makoto!” The two headed forward into the Monokuma control room, finding a very high-tech area behind the door. Both students were in shock as they looked around it, trying to make any sense of all the buttons. After messing around inside it for a bit, Hina pressed a button labeled “corridor” and the two heard a noise happen outside the Monokuma control room. After a bit of pushing, Hina got Makoto to go see what the noise was. As the boy walked out to the corridor to see what the commotion was all about, Makoto was met with Monokuma standing in the area, completely silent at first. As Makoto approached Monokuma though, the robot came to life. “Grahhh! Give me all your donuts!” “Huh? Hina, is that you?” “What!? Aw man, you got me! How’d you know though?... Wait, what am I even controlling? I can’t tell through this monitor.” “Seems you’re controlling Monokuma. That sudden aggression kind of scared me… So that’s where the mastermind controls him.” As Makoto was thinking about how the mastermind used the room to control the robot and Hina was distracted with messing with the controls, neither had seen what the mastermind had been doing, hoping to further her odds in winning the killing game. Junko Enoshima had hidden in the hatch in the control room when the two showed up and was waiting for them to hurry up and leave. As she waited though, a dark thought entered her mind. She was just as much a participant in the game, so if she was going to trial, why not get a kill in? Once Makoto left the room, Junko secretly pressed a button in her hatch that locked both doors behind him and left Hina vulnerable and ready to snatch up. The swimmer was clueless as Junko silently opened the hatch and snuck up behind her. The fashionista was all but sure she’d secured her kill. Neither had been accounting for the luck of the boy outside who was affecting Junko’s odds even now. A stray cord was wrapped around Hina’s feet and as she turned to examine the room more, the cord caused her to fall backwards. Her ass grew closer to the crouching fashionista’s face who had no chance to move as the behind came crashing down onto her. Wearing the short shorts had caused another spurt of luck for Hina as the thin fabric of the shorts tore as her behind roughly landed on Junko’s head. As the fabric tore, it caused Junko’s head to get shoved upwards as Hina landed on the ground, causing plenty of the ultimate despair to suddenly be sucked up the swimmer’s behind. Once Hina’s behind had touched the ground, everything up to Junko’s knees had been suddenly forced into the girl’s anus, leaving Junko squishing up Hina’s intestinal tract. As the swimmer seized in a weird overwhelming pleasure of feeling something squished up her behind, Hina felt conflicted and confused about how to feel as she tried to make sense of what had happened. The confusion grew worse as Junko was sucked deeper within, giving the swimmer little chance to look down at the legs that were being pulled inside her. As Hina sat in a confused position, Junko found herself pulled deeper and deeper suddenly as the swimmer’s body worked on pulling the girl into the intestines. Once Junko saw what was happening, she tried to grip onto the fleshy walls around her in hopes of stopping herself from being sucked fully within, but her attempts of saving herself went poorly as she continued to just be pulled deeper. The ultimate despair was trying her hardest to save herself, but it all proved useless as the rest of her body was pulled inside the intestines. All Junko could do was wait until she felt her body begin to get to the top of the intestines and was forced up into the swimmer’s stomach, her face instantly being soaked in the burning stomach acid waiting for her in the gut. The rest of Junko was gradually pushed into Hina’s gut, causing the organ to bulge out heavily, leaving Hina more unsure than before what was happening. Her white tank top hugged the bulging gut heavily, small tears beginning to form near the edges of the outfit. The large gut had bulges resembling that of human limbs, a body, and even a person’s head. As Hina tried to justify to herself what happened, nothing came to mind. It also didn’t help that suddenly feeling so full left her more than tired and wanting to just pass out in a food coma. “Woah… What BURPPPPP! H-Happened? I feel so stuffed… and tired. “Ugh, you dolt! What the hell did you do? Am I in your stomach?! Let me out of here! This is totally not what I wanted! It should have been the other way around!” “Huh? That voice… Junko? How’re you alive! Wait am I dreaming… None of this makes any sense… BURPPP! Ugh careful, you’re gonna rip my shirt… There, now I moved it. Yawnnn I can’t make sense of this right now. I’m gonna just go to sleep. I’m sure that everything will make sense once I’m not so sleepy… zzzz” “H-Huh! Hey, don’t fall asleep on me! Wake up!! You’ve got to be kidding me!” The ultimate despair found herself dumbfounded at what had happened to her. Not only had her plan to take out one of the survivors completely go bust but Junko herself had ended up suffering the fate she’d been planning to put Hina through. The fashionista could tell the gut was working on her right away as her outfit began to fall apart on her, various holes forming in it as the acid burned into it. It wasn’t just her clothes though, as her Junko could feel her exposed skin beginning to ache as it was coated in the bubbling liquid. As much as Junko liked despair, an ending like this didn’t sit right with her. She’d not even got to explain to the survivors what she’d done to them or why she did it, so there was no way Junko was going to just let herself die here. She tried to fight back against Hina by kicking and punching at the stomach wall, but the swimmer just slept through it all. The feeling of knowing she was going to die filled Junko with despair but not one she enjoyed. To have her game ended so suddenly left Junko upset and as her skin began to burn painfully, it became obvious this was a despair even she couldn’t enjoy. Getting a long drawn out death as she was killed by luck and not hope left the ultimate despair more than angry. She continued to try and get out by shouting at the girl digesting her but that didn’t work either. All Junko could do was wait as her outfit continued to fall apart and the stomach acid tore into her soft body. The ultimate despair was furious as her plans came crashing down in such an asinine way. Her skin came off in heavily damaged chunks that pulled off as the acid tore into her. The pink blood from her body mixed with the green stomach acid as she melted away like the many donuts Hina had stuffed down her gullet since the killing game began. Bloody chunks of her body began to grow around her lower half as more of her fell apart during her digestion. If it didn’t hurt so bad, Junko might have just enjoyed seeing the body she’d worked so hard to sculpt fall apart, but the pain made it not worth it in the slightest. Once Junko died, she was sure the survivors would have an easy time escaping. They’d find her hideout and get the button to escape the school, not one of them having to fight off true despair when they came face to face with Junko. It pissed her off so much, but all Junko could do was watch as her layers of skin were pulled apart and became a gory mess inside of the idiot swimmer’s gut. Junko could tell she was growing tired as she began to lose heavy amounts of blood. She kept nearly slipping into unconsciousness, but Junko kept on fighting in hopes of Hina waking up and Junko being able to scare the girl into trying to eat the other survivors. What she’d wished for never came though as the girl just continued to sleep right through the mastermind’s death as if it weren’t incredibly important. As Junko closed her eyes for the last time, she felt insanely unsatisfied with this ending. At the very least, maybe the remnants of despair would be able to totally break the 6 survivors. That thought was enough to leave Junko satisfied as she closed her eyes, hoping one of her many backup plans did eventually do one of the students in. Once Junko’s body grew entirely still, it made it far easier for Hina’s gut to work on processing it and melting it done more than it had before. The once human girl was turned into nothing but a bunch of meaty mush and bones that began to squish back the way she’d originally come in. As the girl’s remains were pushed back through Hina’s intestines, what was left was further broken down into both fat for the swimmer and pure shit that would be sure to be disposed of the second Hina woke up. For the time being, the girl just slept, plenty of gas coming out of her mouth as she snored away. It wasn’t until a couple hours later that Hina began to stir awake, a feeling of grogginess sitting on her mind. The swimmer sat up and looked around, recognizing the control room she’d been in earlier. She rubbed her temple as she tried to remember what happened but she felt something wet laying on her chest. She picked it up to see a saliva-drenched and acid-burnt bra, one that was quite large. It had come out during one of her burps as she slept, landing on her body as it did. Looking at it left Hina unsure where it had come from but the longer she thought about it, she began to remember the sudden belly she’d gotten earlier. The girl began to look at her body and was surprised to see she’d somehow grown fat. Her once small stomach now hosted a muffin top that she could easily grip onto, leaving the girl a bit embarrassed. Her ass and thighs also seemed to have put on a bit of weight as well. The worst of it all though was the girl’s tits. They were now near bra-snapping and shirt-busting levels that any heavy movement may leave Hina exposed. As the girl looked at her new body Hina suddenly remembered the trial. She threw the wet bra to the side and ran out of the control room and the data room, having to turn the lock on each door. While she was still unsure about her weight, she needed to make sure she wasn’t leaving everyone waiting for her at the trial grounds. As she got into the corridor though, she was met with a familiar sight as she saw Makoto waiting for her, his face lighting up with joy as he saw her. “H-Hina! You’re ok! We were all worried about you! It’s been a couple hours and the class trial hasn’t started yet. In fact, we’ve heard nothing from the mastermind since you disappeared. The others decided to eat lunch while we waited, hoping that a good meal should prepare us for the class trial. Did something happen in there?” “A few hours?! I was out of it for a while… I seriously don’t know. I was going to turn to look around some, but I tripped over a cord. I fell backwards and once I did… I think something got pushed up my behind. After that, things just got weirder. I remember having a big belly and hearing Junko talk for some reason. I think I passed out after that and I just woke up a few minutes ago. There was also a super wet bra on my chest that had a bunch of holes in it… Wait! You don’t think that I… accidentally ate the mastermind do you?” “H-Huh? Like… the mastermind ended up all the way in your gut? After being pushed up your butt? I think you may have hit your head Hina. Let’s take you to the nurse before-” “W-Woah! Hold that thought Makoto! I need to go! I can’t hold this!” As Makoto tried to help Hina, the girl pushed past him and ran towards the bathroom on the 4th floor but was met with an annoying sign as both the men’s and women’s bathrooms had “Out of Order” signs on the doors. Not thinking straight, Hina ran towards the 5th floor in hopes of finding a bathroom there. Makoto followed behind her slightly as he was worried about his friend. She was a bit too fast for him though and the boy was struggling to catch up. As Hina got up to the 5th floor, she looked around and was upset to find that the floor didn’t have any bathrooms in the slightest. The girl thought about running down to the third floor and trying that bathroom, but as the pressing urge to go got worse, Hina elected to just run into the garden and do her business there. Makoto came up the stairs, panting heavily as he tried to catch up to Hina. He hadn’t seen where she’d gone, but he began checking each of the various rooms on the floor. As the boy got to the garden, he turned the handle and saw a weird sight. Hina was bent over near a bush, her shorts pulled down to around her legs. “Ah! Makoto! Go away! Wait outside in the hall and I’ll tell you when to come in!” “S-Sorry! I’ll do that!” With that, the boy stepped out into the hall, leaving Hina to her own devices as she got herself ready to go to the bathroom. It was beginning to seem like the small theory Hina had come up with was coming true as she felt a large turd begin to squish out of her ass. The swimmer felt herself clench her face as she felt the large bit of crap push out, spreading her anus widely. She had no idea why it was so large, but it left her heavily pained. After much pushing, it eventually plopped out. The shit ended up landing in the bushes Hina was dumping it in. The girl hadn’t noticed it, but the first bit of shit had ended up being a large turd that had formed around Junko’s skull. The rest of the crap was going to be hard but nowhere near as bad as the first turd she’d dropped out. As the first turd came out though, a heavy burst of gas escaped from Hina’s behind with it, leaving the girl blushing as she performed such a gross act. The dump was far from over though as another long coil of crap began to push its way out and left the swimmer a pained mess before it eventually dropped out too. Things only continued this poorly for Hina as she kept slowly dumping the rest of the remains of Junko, feeling the warm pile of muck pile up in the bushes below. It smelled beyond awful and left Hina gagging the more the scent assaulted her nose. The girl was luckily nearing the end of her disposal and she began to press out a few smaller lumps of shit. The swimmer capped it all off with one final fart that left her heavily blushing and praying Makoto couldn’t hear her on the other side of the door. Sighing to herself, Hina grabbed a couple leaves from nearby and cleaned her backside before standing and pulling her shorts back up. “A-Alright you can come in now!” As Makoto heard Hina’s call, he came awkwardly in and walked toward the girl. The swimmer looked down in terror as she looked at what she’d disposed of, Makoto beginning to see it too as he walked closer to her. The large pile of shit that lay resting in the garden was utterly full of bone and other bits of what remained of Junko. There was several bits of red and black fabric scattered in the warm shit with the bones, as well as a few whole pieces of her outfit that had survived. The girl’s Monokuma hair-ties had survived the trip in the gut, but they were a lot more faded now from all the stomach acid. There was also the girl’s black and white tie which was nearly unidentifiable with how much acid it had soaked up and how tattered it was. A heavily tattered pair of black panties with a Monokuma logo was also squished in it all. One of the final few things the two identified was the skull buried under most of the shit. As they saw the long blonde hair on it, they both recognized the skull as belonging to Junko. Neither student understood how Junko was still alive despite what they’d seen earlier that killing game. “Maybe we should get Kyoko… She can probably figure this out, right? Still, at least the mastermind is gone!” Hina gave an uneasy smile to Makoto who had a concerned look on his face. If this is what happened during accidents around Hina, he may need to keep a bit of distance from her from now on. The two students eventually agreed to go get Kyoko and the others in hopes of solving the mystery of what happened. They’d eventually figured out that the “Junko” they knew at the start of the game had actually been Mukuro after looking at the other bodies and the old monopads from the previous trials. It then became clear that this Junko was the real deal and had been the mastermind. What none of them had been able to find out though was why she’d done any of this or any of the secrets she’d hidden away from any of them. At the very least, the six survivors were allowed to go free as they snatched the escape button from Junko’s hideout and made their way to the exit. Had Hina not tripped over the wire, things may have gone quite differently for the survivors but as it stood, they had all gotten lucky that the constantly hungry swimmer had been able to stomach the mastermind, digesting her away and leaving her as nothing but shit in the academy. Dealing with the destroyed outside world was going to be tough for them once they all learned the truth, but if anyone ever tried to hurt them again, Hina may just be able to protect her friends with her rather strong gut…
As the sun began to set over the destroyed areas of Japan, a heavy sigh came from the soldier’s lips. It was all her fault, at least part of it was. It had been a few months since Mukuro Ikusaba had escaped Hope’s Peak with all her classmates, the reality of the world becoming clear to all 15 of them. The soldier had betrayed her sister before the killing game could truly start, all thanks to Makoto helping her. Once they’d all left the academy, they’d been swiftly saved by Future Foundation who gave them all jobs in hope of restoring the world back to a hopeful state. The higherups had been ready to jail Mukuro at first but once they saw how much she wanted to fight back against the despair and clean up the mess she and Junko had made, they decided to make her an official member alongside the other 14 classmates. She’d been put on duty of taking out and dealing with the remnants, but she knew she needed backup for them. A simple request was all it took to get Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri added to her division, something the soldier was more than happy to have. Makoto was willing to work with her, but Kyoko was slightly apprehensive. Kyoko and Makoto were the few classmates who still treated her kindly, despite knowing what she’d done. As the weeks passed, Mukuro and Makoto told Kyoko more of her past, the three beginning to grow closer together, even more than they once were. The largest bonding moment though had been when Mukuro and Makoto opened up about all three’s shared past and how they all dated once. It was a surprise to Kyoko that they’d all been together before. Mukuro went into detail on how Junko had sent her to date the two and at first, she’d only done it to get intel on them. The longer the relationship went on though, the more Mukuro had opened up and found herself wanting to protect the two, but she’d still gone through with Junko’s plan. She knew she couldn’t bring Kyoko’s memories back yet, but Mukuro was hoping deep down that they could try again on their relationship now that they were all on the same side. Both of her previous lovers were a bit apprehensive at first, but they eventually began to like the idea and finally agreed on it one day. Even though Mukuro had stated she’d wanted to wear the Junko disguise she’d worn for a long time, Makoto and Kyoko eventually convinced her to look like her normal self. She wore her old student attire, not finding it fair to wear the Future Foundation clothes until she truly proved herself to everyone. The three had been dating for about a month now and they’d finally located a large group of remnants. This was their first time actually confronting them, so it was a big mission. They’d wanted to save them but all previous attempts for Future Foundation to save the remnants had failed, so the three lovers were given orders to kill, something Makoto didn’t like but knew he had to do. The soldier and detective both already had sure fire plans on how to stop the remnants as quick as possible. They were each planning to eat one with Mukuro having to take down two thanks to there being four remnants. Makoto was more than unsure about the plan but with Kyoko and Mukuro both agreeing to it, he had to go along with it as well. The intel stated that the four remnants they’d found were Akane, Mikan, Peko, and Chisa. Mukuro had called Mikan and Chisa, finding herself wanting to deal with them thanks to her having a hand in personally making them see despair after she mentally tortured both of them. Kyoko wanted Peko thanks to the swordswoman’s previous criminal history. That left Makoto with Akane, the largest of all the remnants and left him wondering if he could actually do it. “Alright, they’re breaking up into groups. Thankfully Mikan and Chisa seem to have gone together into that forest. Akane’s staying here and Peko seems to have headed into the ruins of that building. I should be good for the forest as I can get the drop on those remnants… You two ready for this?” “More than ready. I can deal with Peko in little time at all, you be careful with those two though, ok babe? Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. If you can only deal with one for now, that’s ok… Makoto, you’re a bit quiet. Do you want me to deal with Akane as well?” “N-No I can do it… I’m just a bit scared is all. I need to help you two out, that’s why I’m part of this team!” “That’s the spirit. Remember our training everyone, we didn’t practice for nothing. I’ll see you two in a few minutes. In case anything happens though, I love you both.” “Love you too Mukuro.” “L-Love you too…” Mukuro and Kyoko both split from the hiding spot they’d been in, leaving Makoto alone to look on at the feasting Akane who seemed to be snacking down on stolen supplies from a group of survivors. The boy was prepping himself to step forward, his stomach in knots. While Makoto was slowly edging his way towards Akane, Mukuro had already taken to the trees and was jumping from branch to branch, looking down to try and track her prey. She noticed a recent set of footprints and followed along to where they led, eventually seeing two girls giggling about. It was Mikan and Chisa, the two soaking in their despairing mindset. The woman who had once been a teacher had been hiding in Future Foundation, waiting for the time to come that she could spread despair for Junko. When Mukuro arrived at Future Foundation, she informed everyone of the girl’s true nature but before they could catch her, Chisa had fled from the building. It hurt Mukuro to see them as while a lot of the remnants had been caused by primarily Junko, these two were like this because of her. If Mukuro could put them out of their misery, it would be an amazing feat. “I miss Ms. Enoshima teach! She was our despair queen and now she’s gone. My beloved had to hide away because of those bastards she’d tried to get to despair…” “Ah, it’s ok Mikan! We’ll take those Future Foundation bastards down soon! We just gotta get all our forces together and we’ll storm their base! Then Junko can come out of hiding and despair can rain down!” “Oh, that sounds just wonderful!” As the two girls laughed about the dark thoughts inside their heads, Mukuro readied herself. With a swift drop, she fell to the ground. She knocked Chisa over and pinned Mikan against a nearby tree with her leg. Using her other leg, she held Chisa to the ground and let Mikan go for a second before pulling her close so she could remove the nurse of any weapons. A quick body search left Mukuro getting rid of several syringes and scalpels that she threw to the side. Once the nurse was disarmed, Mukuro easily stuffed her head into her maw, feeling the girl’s lemony taste soak over her tongue. For a skilled soldier like Mukuro, it was insanely easy to wolf down the nurse, feeling her throat bulge out as she disappeared down quickly and pushed into her gut. She felt her white button shirt tighten and quickly undid it, making space for her bulging gut. With a few swift gulps, the rest of Mikan disappeared within, the girl struggling in a desperate attempt to escape. Mukuro turned her focus to the former teacher on the ground who was trying to struggle from under Mukuro’s grasp but found no progress. She turned to the soldier and spoke, hoping to cut some sort of deal. “C’mon Mukuro, you don’t gotta do this! Look, you used to like despair, right? I’m sure you can join us and-” “I will never walk down that path again. I swore to clean up my sister and I’s mess, so I plan to do that. You were a good person Chisa, I’m sure you’ll have a peaceful afterlife. I truly am sorry for what I did to you before. Farewell…” The ginger-haired girl begged for Mukuro to stop but the soldier didn’t listen as she shoved her feet into her mouth, gulping heavily and feeling the two limbs push down her bulging throat. She secured the girl’s arms and felt the rest of her pushing deep within her gullet. She could eventually feel her squishing into her stomach with Mikan as Mukuro got to her breasts. With a few more gulps, the rest of the former Hope’s Peak teacher was sent down into her gut with Mikan, leaving Mukuro more than feeling bloated. She tried to stay silent so as to not alert any of the others, but she couldn’t. A loud burp escaped her lips, Mukuro trying her hardest to suppress the noise. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes, hoping that didn’t cause problems for the other two. As Mukuro felt the two girls settling into her stomach, she heard the screams of one particular boy that left her terrified. It was Makoto, no doubt about it. Even with a gut full of two people, Mukuro hauled ass towards where she’d left the boy, dashing through the forest. It took little time at all the reach the clearing she’d been at and she saw Makoto running about, being chased by the drooling Akane. “Makoto, this way!” As soon as the boy heard his girlfriend call out for him, he turned and started running in her direction, Akane right behind him. Mukuro moved forward, dashing forward toward the hungry athlete. She ran past Makoto and swept at Akane’s legs, knocking the girl flat. As Akane tried to recover, Mukuro grabbed her arm and held the girl tightly. Makoto walked forward, excited to see his girlfriend save him. As Makoto walked close to her though, his excitement to see her dwindled as she turned around and suddenly shoved the gymnast into his mouth. Not trying to take up time, Mukuro shoved Akane down Makoto’s maw quickly, feeling as she began to squish into his gut within minutes of Mukuro pushing her in. Makoto tried to wave her off and stop her sudden force-feeding of Akane to him, but it did him little good as Mukuro kept it up. It took less than a minute for Mukuro to shove Akane all the way down into Makoto’s stomach. The boy’s white dress shirt was pressed on tightly as his belly bulged out, eventually ripping as Akane struggled inside him. Makoto tried to catch his breath as Mukuro smiled at him, happy he was ok. She had assumed the worst but was glad to see he was ok. “Jeez Mukuro… You barely gave me a chance to gulp her myself… BURPPPPP! Ugh, I feel sick. This is nothing like how we practiced, she’s squirming a lot inside… OURRPPP!” “Maybe we should have had you go for one of the other girls. Seems Akane may have been a bit too meaty for you. Ah well, you gotta suck it up and get through it Makoto! I’ve got two girls inside me and you don’t see me complaining!” “Yeah but you’ve done this before! Ugh… Look yours aren’t even fighting back hard! She’s treating my gut like it’s a BURPPPP! a playground!” Makoto was accurate in his analogy as Akane fought back hard to escape, the gymnast kicking and punching heavily at the stomach walls. It left Makoto a mess as he tried to digest his first person ever but he struggled to truly do so. Mukuro did rub his belly in hopes of calming it down and working it further along, but it only seemed to help slightly. Mukuro kept up messing with the boy, hoping to take his mind off the struggling prey. While the two lovers teased one another over their meals, they soon heard the running of someone else, being Kyoko. The third lover was scared something had happened to the two as she heard Makoto screaming. She’s just snatched Peko when she’d heard it, so she had to work on gulping the girl down before she could make her way over to the boy. “Thank goodness you’re both ok. I was nervous our plan may have come undone.” “You ever doubted us? We rule at this job! Although I guess we did have a few missteps with this plan, but it all worked out in the end! How’s Peko holding up?” “She seems to have given up. Even as a remnant, it sees she kept the stoic personality you described to me. You said you beat her in a fight, right? Well if I beat her, I wonder if that means I could stomach you babe.” “Sounds like you’re giving me a kinky challenge! I’d try it but I wouldn’t wanna hurt a beautiful thing like you with all my stomach acid.” “C-C’mon guys, save it for the bedroom… BURPPP! We’ve got a job to do.” “Ah relax Makoto, the hard part is over! Now we can just chill till they digest, dispose of them, and then head back to base! In the meantime, we can all talk! Three lovers letting their full hearts out!” The other two looked at Mukuro with weird looks at first but eventually realized she was telling the truth in that all they could do was wait. They sat down near a broken wall and placed their backs to it. Kyoko called in to base to confirm their success and said they’d be dealing with the remnants before heading back. The voice over the radio congratulated them, the voice sounding familiar as it had been from Chihiro Fujisaki, a fellow escapee of the killing game. As the three lovers laid back, they looked up at the starry night sky, their eyes aglow with the various lights. It was almost peaceful, if not for Makoto’s constant burping. The girls were able to tune it out, for the most part, focusing on the sky as they each held one another’s hands. Makoto was in the middle of the two and felt both girls holding his hands, leaving the sweet boy to blush a bit as they once again showed him the sweet gesture. The three just stared at the night sky for a bit, each collecting their thoughts before they spoke with one another. While each of the lovers were relaxing, their guts were hard at work on digesting their respective prey. Peko was already rather far along thanks to her sitting silently and giving in, the swordswoman knowing she was beaten by the detective. Chisa and Mikan struggled a fair bit but once they realized they were done for, they ended up sharing some despair as they made out, knowing full well they weren’t going to survive very long with how quickly Mukuro’s stomach had torn away their clothes. Akane was the worst of them all though as she was still putting up a strong fight and would likely keep up with it until she drew her last breath. The remnants didn’t talk much, finding themselves usually liking silence more than trying to talk their way out. Even the usually boisterous Akane was silent as she landed blow after blow at the stomach wall. It was uncanny how they acted and in every regard, the three Future Foundation members were freeing their souls as they digested them away, letting them ascend from their broken mental states. As Makoto calmed down, he began to feel a twinge of pain in his side once more, one that overwhelmed him for a moment. “Ow ow!” “What’s wrong Makoto? Is Akane kicking too much still? Kyoko and I can rub your belly if you need us to.” “No, I think all that running I did hurt my side again. That spear wound really hasn’t healed well yet, even after a few months.” “Well, it was a pretty serious injury. I mean, it was meant to kill me! Thankfully you only took one of the spears into your body… I know I say it so often but thank you Makoto. Had you not done that, I’d just be a corpse right now while Junko still conducted her killing game. You saved my life Makoto. You’re my hero…” “I mean, you saved my life too. I was bleeding out pretty bad. Plus you got all 15 of us out of there without any casualties. You’re my hero too… Er, I guess more my heroine huh?” As Makoto and Mukuro talked about how much they appreciated the other, Kyoko sat off to the side, her eyes wandering away from the two. She didn’t want to say anything, but she felt… so far away from the two. They had such connections and unlike her, they remembered their years of schooling together. Kyoko felt like such an outsider in the relationship right now that she just wanted to shut everything off. That was, until Mukuro spoke up. “Hey babe, you ok? You’re scowling pretty hard and you only ever do that when you’re in a bad mood.” “It’s… nothing. I was just thinking about stuff…” “Was it about us? Cause you do know how much we love you too, right Kyoko?” “Yeah, what he said! Makoto may have saved my life first, but you did the same thing Kyoko. Everyone thought both Makoto and I were the masterminds after he saved me, and you found us hiding in the infirmary. You could have easily sold us out, but you didn’t. You listened to every word I had to say and that meant so much to me. On top of that, everyone looked at me like I was some sort of monster, either with a look of fear, hate, or distrust. I’m not innocent though, so they were completely justified but… You and Makoto were the only ones who looked at me positively and… I can’t thank you both enough. Hell even after I told you the truth about your dad, you still treated me like a person. I always worry you hate me Kyoko, but I know at the end of the day, you wouldn’t have accepted my offer to date if you did.” “I know it seems unfair we both have our memories intact Kyoko but just know we both love too. You’re just as much a part of this relationship as either of us. I promise you that one day we’ll try to figure out how to get your memories back. And if we can’t… at least we have our memories of the here and now, right?” The two always knew how to win back the detective’s heart who’s scowl had turned into a satisfied smile. She leaned her head onto Makoto’s shoulder, Mukuro following along and leaned her head as well on his other shoulder. The Kyoko felt better after the two’s sweet words. She thanked them and Makoto planted a kiss on her forehead, showing how much he adored them. The three felt amazing right now as they just relaxed, their bellies beginning to grow softer with each passing second. Peko was all but gone now, a soupy meat beginning to squish through Kyoko’s bowels. Mikan and Chisa had also been churned rather fast, mainly thanks to Mukuro’s strong gut working at a rapid rate. Makoto still felt Akane squishing around inside him, but she’d grown a lot more sluggish with her movements. It took a good 20 more minutes for her to finish breaking down like the rest of the remnants, but it came all the same. The three lovers were still focusing on the night sky, softly speaking every now and again. The night went on as they felt their internal organs shift about, the remains of the remnants quickly passing through them. It took only about an hour till all three felt the need to go rising, so they stood from their relaxing spot to the side and began looking for a nice place to dump their meals. They settled on a small hole in the ground that had been from some explosion a long time ago. Makoto pulled his pants to around his ankles while Kyoko and Mukuro pulled their panties down and moved their skirts out of the way slightly. They each squatted down around the hole, their asses hanging over it. “Like I told you two, this can be a bit tough to do. Take it slow and don’t try to force it out all at once. You guy’s got this!” As soon as Mukuro’s calm words hit their ears, Kyoko and Makoto both felt the rush of the first log of shit coming out of their anuses. The sensation was one that both felt weird over, the squishing of the bony shit coming out leaving them both unnerved. Both of their logs fell to the bottom of the hole and were soon followed by a couple more as Makoto and Kyoko pushed to squish the rest out. The two had scrunched faces as they struggled to deal with dumping their prey. While Kyoko had vague memories of eating people, she didn’t remember much of the after potions, so she was really struggling to deal with dumping her prey. In contrast to the other two, Mukuro was acting as if this were any other dump as she pushed out log after log of shit to the ground, finding it easy to squish it out. Years of eating people would do that to someone like her, making it to the point that disposing of a human being felt no different than a normal trip to the bathroom. The piles of shit near the bottom of the pit began to grow as more shit forced his way out of all three of their bums. Whole bits of bone and tattered fabrics could be seen in all the shit. As Kyoko and Makoto were reaching about their halfway points, Mukuro was already at the end of her dump. She felt a few skulls pop out of her asshole, one after the other tumbling down into the rising layer of shit below, soon followed by one last burst of gas that left both Makoto and Kyoko disgusted. Using some rags they’d brought with them, Mukuro cleaned herself up and stood, walking over to the front of her two lovers. She could see them struggling so she kneeled down and took both their hands, massaging both to help ease the tension both of them felt. Kyoko was pushing ahead of Makoto a bit as she just wanted to be done with it. A bit more of the brown muck came squishing out, dropping down. Once Kyoko got to the skull, she felt herself really struggling with it. She grabbed hold of Mukuro’s hand tightly and felt herself squeeze with all her might, feeling the bit of bone edge its way out for a few moments before eventually coming out all the way. Taking a moment to catch her breath, Kyoko eventually wiped herself too and stood up, walking over to the other side of Makoto and taking hold of his other hand as well. The two girls stared at him lovingly which left the boy to calm down a bit as he felt the last of Akane’s shitty remains leaving his behind. With how large the girl had been, the boy felt himself filled to the brim with crap, lumps constantly squishing out and dropping out. It eventually came to an end as the last of the girl’s remains came out, soon followed by her skull. Makoto felt himself really overwhelmed by the large object but pushed through it as best he could. He made loud noises of pain as he dealt with the blockage, eventually feeling the bone pop out after a few minutes. He was breathing the hardest of all of them after the dump, having to take a moment to breathe before he took the rags from Mukuro and wiped himself. After pulling his pants back up, the boy stood with his two girlfriends, looking down below to see what they’d done. The bottom of the pit was filled with shit, every bone from the poor girls they’d eaten strewn about in it. Several different colors of faded uniforms were also in the shit, having been completely torn apart by their stomachs. The four skulls the Future Foundations members had disposed of still hosted the hair of their prey, each skull looking as if it belonged to the people they killed. The sight left Makoto a bit guilty, but Mukuro and Kyoko gave him a pat on the back before walking away with him, not wanting the boy to think negatively anymore. The three lovers were on their way back to the base, going over in their heads the next plans. “Well, that’s four down. We’ve got thirteen more to deal with. If we each have one equally, we should each have about four more meals to get through, with one person getting an extra one. I’d say we give that person to you Makoto! I want you to bulk up in case we have to deal with any more creeps like this!” “I feel bad. I wish there was more we could for them…” “We both feel the same way as you Makoto, but we were told to kill and that we must. If we were to disobey Future Foundation, I worry about all of us. Mukuro’s already on rocky terms and… I don’t want them to hurt her.” “I never thought about that… If we tried to protect them, I’m sure we’d never see Mukuro again, huh? Well if this is what it takes to save our girlfriend, then I’ll do it. I’ll eat anyone I have to.” “Thanks Makoto, ya big dummy! You too Kyoko, I’m glad you both care about me so much. The same goes for you two though. If any of these remnant bastards think they can hurt my two partners, they’ve gotta deal with the gut of a soldier!.. Oh damn, we all got guts down! And look at my ass! We totally gained so much weight!” Kyoko and Makoto hadn’t truly looked at their bodies until Mukuro made the comment, but they saw the additions all the remnants had added to them. All three lovers now had muffin top guts with Makoto getting the worst of it thanks to how heavy Akane had been. Plenty of the girl had also added to his ass, alongside Mukuro getting quite the dumptruck behind as well. A majority of the weight from Peko had gone to Kyoko’s gut but a fair bit had gone to her thighs and chest as well which both nearly doubled in size. Mukuro and Kyoko didn’t mind the weight much, but Makoto was clearly freaking out a bit, wondering how he’d explain this to anyone back at the base. His worries began to calm down though as Mukuro pulled in close and rubbed his gut, leaving the boy to relax as he felt the sweet action. The rubbing did cause a bit of gas to suddenly dislodge itself from Makoto’s gut, causing a half-digested pair of white panties to come flying out of his mouth, landing on the ground with a wet splat. Mukuro fanned the fumes from her face as she tried to rid herself of the foul smell. “You’re gross Makoto! That was totally right in my nose!” “S-Sorry… Hiccup! Jeez, I think Hiccup! All that burping gave me the hiccups… Hiccup!” While Mukuro and Makoto were focused on the boy’s gas and hiccups, Kyoko walked behind them and had her eyes set on both of their new asses. Standing behind them, she used both her hands to slap both of her lovers’ asses, leaving Makoto and Mukuro to instantly tense up and turn red as they felt the sudden affection. Their asses jiggled intensely for a second from the sudden slaps. Kyoko was about to laugh herself, but she felt her hands ache in pain as she suddenly slapped their behinds, finding herself having slapped them far too hard for her damaged hands. The girl had ended up taking her gloves off when she was spending time with just those two, finding it only fair that those she loved could see them. It also didn’t help that they both remembered seeing them from back when they were in school and Kyoko had shown her hands to the two for the first time, so it did Kyoko no good to hide her hands from them. Mukuro and Makoto were about to retaliate and mess with Kyoko for her suddenly slapping, but they saw her a bit distressed as she looked at her hands, a hint of pain present on her face. Makoto and Mukuro looked at one another before nodding and walking in close, each giving a gentle kiss to her respective hands. Their sweet gesture left Kyoko turning away from them, blushing intensely as they once again found a way to warm her heart. Once Kyoko had recovered from their love, she ended up pulling in close to them and holding them, wanting to reciprocate their kind love. After the three ended their long hug, they began their trek back to their base, laughing about the new weight they’d gained. The death of the four remnants left Mukuro and her lovers in high regard with the main leaders of Future Foundation, finding it impressive they were the ones to draw first blood on the enemy. They ended up being put on full duty of dealing with the rest of the remnants, leaving the three with thirteen potential meals in the future. The seriousness of the base was always tense on all three of their nerves but sharing a private room between all of them was more than enough to help them relax. They would snuggle together every night, feeling the difference with each passing day as more fat began to adorn their bodies from the remnants they were seeking to deal with. Mukuro was cleaning up her and Junko’s mess, all thanks to the help of her two lovers. It was all sure to come to an end when they eventually had to deal with Junko, Mukuro more than ready to deal with her devil of a sister in her own digestive way…
Better Homes and Garden Gnomes By Bishiebunny "So, what do you think?" The golden shih tzu squeaked, pink blossoming brightly on both cheeks. One foot extended, she spread what might have otherwise been adorable toes through a sheer, near-transparent gloss of nylon. Her stocking-clad sole dominated her audience's view, eclipsing the world around Foxxe and forcing all attention onto the towering pad, the nearly invisible web-work of pantyhose plainly visible from the vixen's rather unique perspective. "I think I've been shrunk," whined the crimson-furred fox. She tried to edge away from the titanic toes that wiggled playfully before her. Isabelle was a delight, but she was well known as stepper-on-things, in her quirky, clumsy way. At maybe three to four inches tall, Redd currently qualified as a "thing," and she wasn't particularly interested in being stepped on, no matter how soft, shimmery, or seductive that satin-clad sole might seem. "I've never really worn them before," Isabelle continued, distractedly, "they feel so much more grown-up and feminine. They were a bit of a pain to slip into, you know? And I'm afraid I'm bound to snag them somewhere, sooner or later." The grown-up, feminine pup ran painted fingernails along the fabric, delighting in the zipping sound they made as she tugged here, straightened there. "Much more professional, wouldn't you agree?" "Are you listening to me? Can you even hear me up there?" Redd was past the panicky stage, or maybe it simply hadn't hit. Though she kept an eye on her assistant's graceful arches, she considered her predicament in an almost clinical way, keeping her gaze low to the ground for fear of tumbling over in a fit of vertigo. She was almost entirely bare, which made sense, her clothes weren't liable to shrink with her, right? Except her glasses were still settled on her snout, and those cute open-toed heels she got from Kick's had shrunk along with her. That seemed odd, but given that her tiny form could have fit quite snugly in the ample yellow cleavage that rose like twin mountains atop the chest of her towering secretary, it hardly seemed especially important. Wow, her exposed curves really were magnificent from this angle. Well, from any angle really, but from her current perspective, Isabelle's chest seemed to jiggle and sway like mammoth mountains of what had to be supple, ever so warm flesh. Luckily the puppy's eye level was far too high to notice her boss' embarrassingly stiff erection. It wasn't Redd's fault, not really. The cool air was caressing the vixen's exposed form, setting her nipples to perk, and every time her assistant moved, those shimmering thighs slipped seductively together, those curves would crash sinfully against one another an... and... well, what was a healthy, shrunken vixen to do but become uncomfortably aroused? "Do you think my breasts gotten bigger?" Isabelle pondered, giving her orbs an experimental squeeze through her new, low-cut top. "I think they've gotten bigger." "I think that Famous Mushroom must have been bugged!" Redd squeaked in a near panic, trying her damnedest to focus on her situation and not the increasingly tempting scene that towered above, a veritable canine goddess, displaying goods that were beyond divine. "Oh that's because it wasn't a famous mushroom." Isabelle smiled, stepping closer in her stocking feet, causing the tiny vixen's world to shudder and shake, spilling the miniaturized mayor onto her relatively plump bottom. "I gave you an Infamous Mushroom, which worked just like Dr Shrunk said it would. I'm so pleased!" The puppy clapped excitedly, her eyes shutting in delight, and nearly stomping her boss in the process. Her left foot, wrapped in the satiny sheer material, settled heavily on the vixen's body, though the clumsy pup was apparently careful not to crush. Redd squeaked again, this time in confused pleasure as her plump cock tented the nylon net that had encircled it, pressing pleasantly between toes the size of double G's. "W-what? Dr Shrunk? I-is that a bad joke?" "Joke?" Isabelle blinked, head tilting, causing her bells to tingle, sounding like distant church bells to the mini-fox. Perplexed, the puppy thought it over for a moment, nibbling cutely on her bottom lip as she processed the data, her foot absently grinding along her boss' body. "Ooh! It's a pun! You're so witty, Mayor. I hadn't even thought about that!" What seemed the softest, most-silken sole came into sudden, inescapable dominance over Redd's tiny shape. She put her hands up to fend off her assistant's foot, pressing against pads that pillowed her body in a sensual press. There was no diverting her secretary's playful paw, the pup's foot was like an incorrigible lover, embracing the vixen into the humid musk of Isabelle's stocking-clad smother. The heat that built up began to overtake Redd's body, oppressed by the sheer sensations as the web-work of hosiery continued to tease and bring surprising pleasures through-out the vixen's diminutive form. Her shaft surged forward, and the little fox found herself pushing back into her assistant's insistent press, thrusting as she might with a lover, groaning softly as her excitement rose, her heartbeat rising to match. It was a lot like being Queened by a dominant Mistress, while being engulfed by another, larger lover, and getting a foot job from a third, all at the same time. The satiny-glossy material felt especially slick against her crimson form, capturing bits of moisture and Isabelle's own flavor into the fabric, and saturating the relatively gigantic pup's quivering plaything. I-it honestly wasn't so bad, Redd considered, feeling her arousal start to reach a fevered pitch. Those silly mushrooms never lasted very long anyway. She'd be at her normal size any minute, probably clutching Isabelle's foot to her crotch. Her assistant had better be ready too, because after getting this revved up, the vixen was going to bend the playful pup over whatever sturdy surface would manage their weight. "It's almost a shame the effects of the Infamous Mushroom are permanent." Isabelle sighed, leaning back a bit, her foot sliding down, giving her boss enough room to breath. The vixen's snout popped up, between the puppy's toes, pressed into the nylon web that spread across them. "What?" Redd's eyes went wide, one hand hooking over her assistant's left-most toe, the other trying vainly to push the offending pad off of her chest. "A-and you knew? Why?" The towering Tzu began chewing at her bottom lip again, looking away, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance fighting for supremacy across her features. Finally, large drops of moisture puddling at the corner of either eye and she howled, "Because you were gonna abandon us!" "Buh? D-do you have any idea how many hours I've spent here, getting my room to look like something Garland didn't throw up? I've got perfect fruit hanging on the vine, waiting to harvest. What would ever give you the idea I-" "Redd Sarah Foxxe has gifted you with a Magnolia Tree," the puppy grunted, "Farmville, really Mayor? And what kind of severance package is that? It doesn't even produce coins!" "Oooh, that.... Look, I can explain...." coughed Redd, without offering any. Isabelle just sighed, shaking her head, "I suppose I should be grateful I'm on your friend's list." Her toes tightened slightly, a simple gesture, but it caught the vixen by her head, clamped tight with no escape. The pup leaned back against her desk, raising her leg up with the shrunken mayor suspended between nylon wrapped digits. Transferring her plaything from foot to fingers, the sullen assistant suddenly pressed Redd to her chest, snuggling her captive between those mammoth curves the little vixen had been admiring earlier. "S-so I decided to keep you, so you couldn't leave us. Couldn't leave me. Keep you right here, next to my heart." Redd merfed, trying to excuse herself while snuggled intimately against her assistant's cleavage. She could hear the muffled, rumbling heart beat through Isabelle's chest, a steady rhythm whose vibration seemed to infect her entire being. Her own heart responded to every thump, her body snuggled by breasts every bit as sensually supple as they had appeared. She let out a squeak when the pup dropped her between them, the top just tight enough that she didn't slip too far down, her head peeking out between. Then came a whimper when the vixen caught view of her assistant's hands, cupping her own breasts once again, only this time with a Mayor caught in a location usually reserved for motorboats. "D-doesn't this feel good? Wouldn't you like to stay here, like this, always?" Isabelle whispered, though her voice reverberated through her chest canyon, even as those church bells rang their tingling melody. Hands on either side, she began to press those impossible pillows together, creating tidal waves of sensual flesh that slammed into her boss, spread just long enough to give Redd a gulp of air, and then collided once more. Again and again, the squealing, squirming, and soon pleasurably writhing vixen found herself drowning in a flood of tantalizing mammary. They didn't just collide with her from either side, they also ground up and down, proving that Isabelle controlled both the horizontal and the vertical. Were Redd a lover's shaft, indulging in a bit of puff puff between her lover's breasts, she would have long since made a right mess of the shih tzu's face, erupting in a rush of molten release. Not that the fox fared much better. Her entire body indulged, massaged into a sea of curves, she lost control of herself, one shoe falling from her left foot, while her shaft spattered a much smaller spurt, making a mess of herself, but barely a stain on her assistant's top. Surprisingly, it hadn't gone unnoticed by the absent-minded pup. "Oh look at that! You are enjoying yourself, aren't you? But that's hardly fair; I'm only half way there, you know?" Fingers slipped in, each thicker than the vixen's thighs, "but we can fix that, can't we? There are other places I can keep you, places not quite as close to my heart, but never all that far from my mind." Redd had just enough time to notice that her assistant was wearing a rosy shade of lipstick, before the world began to spin, tumbling about at the edges. She felt herself lowered, hearing the sound that must have been a skirt unsnapping, though it seemed strangely loud and ominous at her size. Then another sound, that of a stretchy fabric being pulled, tugged, opened to the very limits of the material's boundaries. The vixen tried to focus on her surroundings, but realization came far too late to be of much help. There she was, dangling precariously over Isabelle's pantyhose and panties, both of which she had pulled open to reveal a dampening, golden sex that seemed to be waiting just for her. "Y-you can't be serious." "Oh, I can be very serious Mayor, when it comes to the good of our town. I thought you knew that by now." Isabelle smiled, tilting her head merrily, letting those church bells toll for the whom in her fingertips. Without another word, she dropped her boss, letting the poor fox slide quickly down the sheer fabric, tumbling end over end, until she landed with a damp thud, flush against the pup's heat. Moaning softly as her employer collided intimately against the little nub at the apex of her sex, the titanic pup let go of the twin hems of pantyhose and panties, snapping her playmate into a humid, flavorful darkness. Redd found it difficult to breath, the air around her was practically dripping with Isabelle's feminine moisture. Every breath felt like she was swallowing more of her assistant's personal flavor, and it was hard working it all through her lungs. Where the pup's breasts had been a dry sea, her panties were practically a puddle, a liquid center that threatened to pull her under and into something she might not escape. Still, she was relatively safe for now, even as her cheek was pressed on one side by cotton undies, and on the other by her secretaries passionate flesh, safe so long as she didn't slip under the shih tzu's sex. Where she was, at the front of her employe's pelvis, she could cling to the short fur, and perhaps begin to climb her way out. Just a bit of luck was all she needed, just enough positive karma to keep her friend's fingers at bay. When Isabelle reached down to press along the warm, squirming lump that her boss formed under the pup's panties and hosiery, she couldn't quite make out the muffled "dammit!" Not that she would have been inclined to listen. It simply felt too good. First, in the literal sense, that writhing form being guided down between her legs, pressed toward hungry folds; a waiting, wet entrance. Secondly, in the figurative sense, knowing that the woman she admired, the Mayor she adored, was hers and only hers, now. The secretary shih tzu didn't have to share, not with anyone, not ever again. Whimpering, Redd gripped either side of her employe's sex, trying to find what purchase could be found amongst a somewhat bewildering spread of fleshy folds, and sex spattered labia. Everything was wet, slick, and ultimately, demanding. It pulled at her nether regions, as though ready to slurp a succulent up. It would be so damn easy just to let go, to obey those insistent fingers, to slip into the steamy embrace that ached for her, tugged at her, practically suckled at her bottom half, causing her spent cock to rise once more. Easy, but stupid. She could feel how powerfully those inner muscles ground, how they quiver hid a tightening crush that could do more than just embrace her body. If she fell under its influence, let herself slip farther within, there would be no escape. And she wasn't ready to give up, not just yet. One hand reaching around the aroused nub, the vixen tugged herself as free as she could manage, before she felt her lower region sink in yet again. It was like drowning by inches, only the shrunken Mayor didn't have many inches to spare. God, if only it didn't feel so amazing, so molten and sinful; if only she could take a breath that was clear, and not ripe with her assistant's rising arousal. If only the moaning from above didn't set her body afire. If only the feminine slick wasn't getting slicker, wetter by the minute. Redd arched her foot, trying to at least keep her right shoe from tumbling free like the one she had lost between Isabelle's twin peaks. It was a peculiar conceit, but somehow she got the oddest feeling that so long as she kept hold of her final shoe, she was safe. But it was just getting harder and harder to really care about being safe, to resist much at all. When her cock erupted again, spilling what amounted to a pitiful load into her giant lover's sex, she couldn't help but wonder why she bothered. And then came a squeal from above, one that was followed by a cacophony of ringing, as though someone had set every sacred bell to announce a blissful union. What had been a puddle swelled to a flood as Isabelle's sex began to convulse, spasm, shudder, and shake. Redd found her conviction at that moment, knowing that if she did not hold on, she was gone for good. There was no surviving what was occurring within that orgasmic tunnel. Still, she couldn't help responding in sympathetic release, her own body writhing within the splish and splash of her employe's eruption. Seconds seemed to stretch into minutes, minutes lingered into hours, until finally the exhausted fox found herself expelled to settle at the center of the pup's panties, a frightful mess, saturated in Isabelle's feminine juice. And then came light, and with it came air, sweet if only for its freshness. Fingers plucked the worn Mayor from those humid depths, pulling the moistened morsel up before big, beautiful eyes. "I- I had always wanted to give that to you, you know? T-to offer myself like that, completely; let you take what you wanted, hope you left enough of me to do my job but, beyond that, I wanted to give you everything." Redd found herself being moved up, up, up, until they were finally face to face. Then, she felt herself pulled toward her secretary's lips, pressed close and warm to their passionate embrace, feeling the heat of her employe's breath as her entire upper body was christened in kiss. "Is..." it was hard to breath, her lungs were practically full of her gigantic lover's release, "I-is this what you wanted?" Isabelle shook her head, "Not totally, b-but I kinda like it better. Instead of giving you everything, I'm taking it." She smiled, "That's good too, right? You've always looked at me like you wanted something, but couldn't say it. Kinda like me, your yearning secretary. Do you mind? Giving it all to me? Being with me, forever? A part of me, always?" As she spoke, powerful lips spread, a slick tongue extending, slipping along the vixen's body, tasting Redd's flavor, wrapping her mouth around the Mayor's right foot, tugging at the miracle shoe which had somehow survived its recent ordeal. The crimson vixen could only gasp, feeling that insistent tug, faced with another portal, another wet embrace, one that didn't just want a fragment over, not just a piece. It was too greedy, too hungry; it was all or nothing for that sweet, sweet smile. Shutting her eyes, Redd loosened her foot's press, letting her shoe slip off easily, to tumble into the pup's wet darkness. "I- I don't mind, thi-this has always been home to me. Y-you, have always been home to me." The golden shih tzu broke into a bright, all encompassing smile, her eyes wet. "Then welcome home, my sweet, wonderful Mayor." The smile broadened, split, and opened wide. Isabelle's tongue slipped forward, sliding sinfully between her tiny lover's legs, teasing a cock that was too spent to respond beyond a silvery puddle. Letting go, she let the vixen slip along the wet muscle which guided the fox past her welcoming lips. Redd found herself within a new darkness, slick as the one before, though it smelled and tasted different. The wet flesh underneath her pressed sweetly against her body, indulging in her flavor as the light of the outside world, retreated before a closing gate. Hugging Isabelle's gigantic tongue to her, she shut her eyes, and didn't resist when her pup tipped up her head, and she found herself sliding inescapably down a welcoming throat. All around her body, warm muscles embraced her, pulling her ever deeper, into the only home she would ever need: a better home than the one she would leave behind.
You are a newborn bird, so young that you still have no feathers. It is a hot, summer afternoon. The world is a dangerous place for you. Many, if not most baby birds, don't reach adulthood. It seems like this is going to be your case, because you've just fallen from your nest. You lie on the ground, on your chest, somewhere in a little park, in a little town. You are beneath your tree's shadow, and only for that you have avoided death by suffocation. The day is being really hot. You are almost guaranteed to die. Sooner or later, a cat, a dog or a bunch of ants will find you and kill you. Either that, or the shadow will move, and the merciless sun will kill you. Your only hope is to be found by some benevolent human, but the streets are so empty, that that does not seem likely to happen. Suddenly, however, two young boys appear in the park. Perhaps you have a possibility, after all. The boys are called Mike and Ian. Mike is 9 years old, and Ian just turned 5. Despite their difference in age, they are good pals, and they enjoy hanging out together. They were going to the swings, however, Ian notices you on the ground, and he says in a sweet voice: “Look, Mike, a bird!”. The two boys approach you. Ian is barefoot. He has Egyptian feet. He touches you with his big toe. “Wow, it's alive”, he says as he picks you up and he puts you on his palm. “Let's climb this tree and try to find its nest.” “No way, that's dangerous”, says Mike, and he touches you. You move and chirp, opening wide your beak. “He, or she, is cold”, says Mike. Immediately, Ian opens his mouth, and he puts you inside. He has so much saliva, that you could drown in it. Astonished, Mike asks: “What are you doing, kid?!”. “Giving it some heat, you said it was cold”, answers Ian. In order to speak, he squeezes you between his cheek and his teeth, and you are in pain as he does so. You see his set of teeth, so clean and healthy. You see his bottom central incisors, which are already adult teeth. You see his 6 year old molars, so big and powerful looking. Ian is certainly an early teether. Mike says: “I thought you were going to eat it. It looks like a little roasted chicken after all”. Ian spits you out, and he puts you back on his hand. You are all wet from his saliva, and despite the hot day, you feel cold. Ian says: “You are right, it totally looks like a roasted chicken. But why did you have to say that? Now, I'm hungry!”. “Didn't you have lunch today?”, asks Mike. “I sure did, and I ate so much that my dad reprimanded me”, answers Ian. “But you said “roasted chicken” and now I am hungry, because chicken is meat, and I love meat. And the rarer, the better”. Ian is a pretty smart kid, but also very gullible, given his short age. Mike knows this, so he decides to have some fun with him. He says: “Well, if you are hungry and you like rare meat, then eat this baby bird. It is alive, so it is as rare as possible”. “Eat it?”, says Ian, surprised. He would have never had such an idea. “Yes, just eat it”, says Mike. “But if I chew it, I am going to kill it, and I don't want to kill it”, says Ian. “Then don't chew it, just swallow it whole”, says Mike. “That way, he'll die alone in your tummy, you won't kill it”. Ian thinks that's a good idea, so he puts you back in his mouth. You almost like it, because you were getting really cold outside. He closes his mouth, and everything turns black around you. Ian moves you around with his tongue like you were a hard candy. You only feel warm, soft, wet stuff around you. After a moment, he moves you to the very back of his mouth, near his uvula and his tonsils, that you can't see. Ian has no experience swallowing unchewed stuff. He is so young and healthy, that he never had to swallow a pill that way. At first, he is unable to swallow you, but after a few attempts, he does it. His tongue pushes you towards his throat, his epiglottis closes his larynx and you start to slide down his esophagus, towards his awaiting stomach. His peristaltic muscles squeeze you, and Ian can feel you all the way down. Finally, his cardias valve opens, and you fall into his stomach. “I no longer feel it!”, says Ian then. “Well down, you are a beast!”, says Mike, petting his blond hair and patting his head, as well as his pudgy, shirtless belly. “Now, what will happen to the bird?”, asks Ian. Mike is an anatomy and human body lover, who will become some kind of a health professional some day. He explains to Ian what gastric juices are, and how do they work. Basically, gastric juice is made up of two things: acid and enzymes. Enzymes will eat your flesh away, and acid is so strong that it can eat through concrete, and it is what will kill you and will even dissolve your bones. “Enzymes work better in a hot place, like the stomach, and also when there is acid”, explains Mike. “And my stomach has acid, you said!”, says Ian, amazed by the idea of his own body being so powerful, being able to kill a little, defenseless baby bird with acid. --- Meanwhile, you encounter some of the strongest gastric juices a human body could ever produce. Had he had reflux, Ian would have felt a horrible burning sensation in his throat. Luckily for him, he has no reflux. You do feel a horrible burning sensation all over your body, though. Ian hasn't drunk any water to swallow you, so you are facing some undiluted gastric juices. The air in Ian's stomach is so wet and hot, that you can barely breath. You move around, further impregnating yourself with Ian's gastric juices, and thus accelerating your death. You feel the stomach walls, full of wrinkles, and slowly moving. You feel some leftovers of Ian's lunch. Your whole naked body burns so much. You are suffering more than you ever thought it was possible. As a survival reaction, you keep your beak open, trying to breath as deeply as you can. You also keep your head lifted, trying, unsuccessfully, to keep it out of the gastric juices. To make things worse, a freshly secreted drop of gastric juices falls from an upper wrinkle, just like a water drop would fall from a stalactite in a cave, and it lands exactly on your face. Gastric juices enter your ears, your beak, your nostrils and your eyes, now consuming you from the inside too. At this point, your eyes are just two badly stinging spots, because there is no light in Ian's stomach. But even if there was, you wouldn't see anything, because you've gone blind, with your corneas eaten away. You can't see anything, but you do hear. You hear Ian breathing and talking, as well as his heart beating. You hear some noises from his lower gastrointestinal tract. You begin to lose consciousness, and soon you die. --- Mike and Ian spent the whole afternoon playing together, and also with other kids. Ian's body worked so well on yours, that nothing recognizable was left from you, other than some little indigestible parts. Even your whole skeleton was dissolved by his powerful stomach acid. Ian never had any health problem after swallowing you. You were for sure carrying some nasty pathogens, but Ian's stomach acid killed most of them, just like it killed you. And as for those who survived his stomach, his amazingly fit immune system was able to fight them off. Before returning home, Ian said to Mike: “Please, don't ever tell my parents that I swallowed a bird whole and alive! They would be really angry with me!”. “Don't worry”, said Mike, “I won't be telling anything. I know how to keep a secret. I hope you know, too, and you never tell anybody that I told you to swallow a live bird”. “Never!”, said Ian, looking adorably serious. “You keep my secrets, I keep your secrets!”. And they surely kept the secret of what had happened that afternoon, for as long as it mattered to them. Which means, that they kept it for many years.
Reuben sighed a breath of exhaustion as he dropped off the latest find of chestnuts in his storeroom. The squirrel had barely enough food stored for the next week let alone for the entire winter.Reuben's mood sunk and he felt a cold sweat of panic through his veins.Had Daisy been taking a larger share than normal lately? Or had he just been careless and misplaced the food he found?Reuben wondered if any of the other squirrels had managed to collect enough to make it through the winter.Either way, one chestnut from each squirrel wouldn't make a difference to their survival, but it might save him. Poking his head out of his storeroom he surveilled and sniffed the empty hall to see if anyone was around. It wasn't unusual for the hall to be empty this time of year: Vegetation was dwindling and the squirrels were required to venture further out and return later.While contemplating stealing from the other squirrels, Daisy entered his mind. The other squirrels would surely stop working for her if Reuben stole from them. Reuben gulped, he had only known Daisy for a short time but he was afraid of what she might be capable of, but it was a risk he would have to take for his own survival.Reuben visited each of the storerooms to steal a single chestnut and carried them back to his room in his mouth. This took several minutes.While the squirrel was dropping off the chestnuts, a figure blocked the light coming from the entranceway and cast a shadow over the room.Startled, Reuben spun around, praying that it would only appear as though he had collected an usually large number of chestnuts today. Daisy was a young brown female rabbit. She and her husband, also a brown rabbit, were the owners of a big burrow in the middle of the forest, far away from other burrows. They had just married and moved there, and they intended to have the rabbit kind colonize that part of the forest by having many babies.While Reuben was stealing the chestnuts, Daisy was lying on her back in a room nearby, on the ground, inspecting her abdomen. She had gotten pregnant very easily, at the first attempt. Her beaver doctor had also informed her that she was carrying a total of 9 bunnies inside her womb. It was still too soon to notice her pregnant belly, and pregnancy wasn't annoying her in the slightest, but still, she could feel perfectly that she was pregnant. For example, she could feel that some of her senses were heightened, especially her hearing and her smell.And she felt hungry all the time. Her pregnant belly was not noticeable yet, but one could palpate her and feel her swollen stomach, from all the food she was consuming nonstop. She was eating a cattail stem in that moment, for instance.She heard that another animal entered the burrow. Obviously, it wasn't her beloved husband, who wasn't coming back until much later. It had to be some of the squirrels who were using their burrow to store some food for the coming winter. Each had a storeroom of their own.However, she listened carefully, and she noticed that the supposed squirrel was walking around the hall, and entering several storerooms. She went out of her room, she hided, and she continued listening. There was no doubt: somebody was entering the storerooms, one by one."A thief!", she thought. "Damn him!".She hopped to the hall. While her husband was outside, it was her duty to take care and to guard the burrow. However, she saw nobody in the hall. Then she looked storeroom by storeroom... and she saw Reuben inside his. She stared at him with a very serious look, and she asked him:"What are you doing, Reuben?". "Oh hi Daisy" Reuben startled.Although the squirrel was trying desperately to hide his guilt, his tail curved inward and his soft legs cowered against his feet.Reuben knew that if caught her gaze his face would reveal too much so he stared intently at a spot above the doorway."I'm just dropping off the chestnuts I found today. Quite the find today I'd say" he said whilst motioning towards the nuts behind him.While he spoke, Reuben redirected his eyes to his visitor's belly. He recalled a story that he had been told as a child about a rabbit who had an unusual appetite for squirrels.'It was just an old tale to keep children at bay' he thought while contemplating the plausibility of the scenario.Wanting to make sure his wandering eyes went unnoticed by Daisy, Reuben absentmindedly glanced at her face only to find that she had been staring directly at him! His eyes locked with hers and his face took on an expression of great unease. "I can even see on his face he's lying! What a shameless liar! A liar and a thief", Daisy thought, angry. But she decided not to say anything for the moment. She said:"That is weird, considering how Winter is almost here and food is already scarce. Specially chestnuts. Let's see... ".She stepped towards the little amount of food that Reuben had stored, and she recognized the chestnuts he had just brought, because they were wet from his saliva. There were quite a few of them. Daisy counted them: there was one chestnut for every other storeroom in the burrow. She glared at Reuben, and she asked:"You've just stolen them from the other squirrels, didn't you?". Reuben trembled. It was clear that Daisy was aware of his crimes."Yes... ""It isn't fair though! you've been taking too much of our food! None of us are going to survive with what we have, I might as well make due... "Reuben had never spoken to Daisy like this.Whenever she had something to ask of him he always obeyed, When she had asked for a cut of their food and for the squirrels to collect veggies for her, he had unhesitantly agreed.Reuben wasn't even sure if any of the things he said were true. He was just desperate to shift the blame off of himself. "You damn thief!", shouted Daisy getting closer to Reuben. "We have built this burrow, we are making you all a favor by allowing you to store your food here, and this is how you, Reuben, correspond to our favor? By stealing your fellow squirrels' food?".Daisy looked back to Reuben's collected food. Obviously, it was not enough for him to survive during the whole winter, especially after the deduction she and her husband applied to the stored food, like a rent in exchange of using the burrow's rooms. Even after it, squirrels ended up with more food than when they stored it outside, so it was a win-win for both rabbits and squirrels. But apparently, not for Reuben."You lazy, shameless thief!", Daisy insulted him. "You are benefiting from me, you have stolen and been caught, and yet you dare to talk to me that way. Everybody is going to survive the Winter with what they have here, EVERYBODY, except for you, apparently", she said, as her stomach gurgled noisily. Seeing Reuben's stored food was making her mouth water, and even hungrier. Reuben held his breath as she yelled at him. Her anger made him reconsider. Was he really the only one who wouldn't make?'Perhaps I have been a little lazier this year', he thought and the scent of basil on his body made him recall how he had taken a break from collecting food earlier to roll in the garden for a bit.As Daisy came towards him, Reuben backed up into his pile of chestnuts stumbling over it like a drunk squirrel.His meaty white abdomen was exposed as his legs flailed to get a footing on the uneven surface.He could see that his response had only made Daisy furious and that he'd have to try something else. Daisy's growling stomach indicated to him that she must be hungry:"Here," he said, grabbing a chestnut and extending it towards the rabbit's mouth.Reuben's arms weren't very long, to begin with, but with his awkward position, he could only extend the chestnut a few inches away from his body."You can have more food from me""I'll return the stolen chestnuts and nobody else has to know" Daisy took the chestnut Reuben was offering. She ate it within seconds, almost without peeling it. Licking herself, she looked down to Reuben and she said in a more calm voice:"I don't know for sure how much did you steal, but you'll have to give a chestnut, an acorn and two pine nuts to every other squirrel, and you'll have to do it right now. Nobody else has to know, because that would make our storerooms appear unsafe. But this will be your first and last time using our burrow to store food. Next year, you will be on your own".Moving her little nose, Daisy smelled the scent of basil coming from Reuben. Her stomach growled once again. She continued:"As a punishment, I was thinking of taking a bigger amount from your stored food, but I've just had a much better idea. This will be your punishment instead: you have two days to bring me one kilo of parsley, one kilo of cattails and one kilo of basil. All of it must be fresh, green and healthy. As you know, I am pregnant, and since I became pregnant I've been struggling with a raging hunger. I eat nonstop, so much that my teeth are more worn down than usual, look!".And she bended down to Reuben's height, who was still lying on his pile of nuts. She opened wide her little herbivore mouth, and she set her cheeks aside with her paws. Reuben was able to see her big, pink tongue; her big, white, sharp incisors; and even her little last molars, which were effectively pretty worn down. But Reuben couldn't see beyond them. The back of her mouth appeared completely dark, like a bottomless pit. "Yes, of course"Reuben said without even taking the time to consider his words.He looked at the pile behind him and figured that there would barely be enough to give the others the four nuts each.How is that fair?, he thought, I only took one from each of them and now I have to give them each four?And if Daisy wasn't going to let him use the burrow next year what was the point? I should just lie to Daisy, take my food and get as far away as I possibly can!Then Reuben recalled why he had come to the burrow in the first place. It had been Reuben's family that negotiated a deal with Daisy and her husband for all of the squirrels. (His family used a set of storerooms in a separate part of the burrow i.e. he didn't steal from them). Reuben knew that if disappeared his family would come looking for him which would be bad at such a busy time of year and he couldn't risk telling them.Reuben stared in awe at her gaping mouth. Her incisors could probably get a firm grip on him if he wasn't careful. Reuben was shocked that he couldn't see the back of her mouth. This whole time he though at worst the rabbit might be able to take a chunk out of him before he escaped. But he knew now that she would be able to swallow him whole.This unpleasant though made Reuben stir, he could feel the rabbit's warm breath create condensation on his fur.Later, after Reuben had returned the other squirrel's chestnuts with the extra nuts he set off to collect the extra food. "This was not good at all" he thought, much of the vegetation had begun to wilt already. He collected the cattail stalks first, stopping briefly to play with the seeds http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2418/2057 ... 2280_z.jpgNext, he collected the basil from where he found it earlier. Making several trips, he was quite impressed with himself, for having been able to collect almost a kg of each even if some of what he collected had browned.It was almost dark and he had been unable to find any parsley whatsoever. On his walk back, Reuben spotted something in the brambles."Strawberries!" he exclaimed, "perhaps Daisy will forgive me for not being able to collect half today if I bring her some of this delicacy".When Reuben finally arrived back at the entrance to the burrow, the clearing that surrounded Daisy's home was lit with only moonlight. The Squirrel was quite tired and plopped down in the grass outside. The strawberries that he had been carrying in his mouth tasted incredibly delicious. "I have quite a few..." he thought, "it won't hurt if I just eat a couple".Placing the strawberries on the ground, he began to chew on one when he noticed a figure coming out of the entrance of the burrow. “Oh, it's you”, said Daisy as she hopped out of the burrow. "I heard you coming".She was carrying a very long, half brown cattail stalk in her paw. She walked towards Reuben, she took a big bite of the stalk and she said:"Much of what you've brought is not good enough", said Daisy. "I'm eating it, but look, this cattail is brown. I told you very clearly that the plants had to be green, fresh and healthy".Daisy took a few more bites and she consumed the whole cattail. It was amazing to see how such a long stalk could fit in her tummy. The truth is, she didn't seem to care too much about it being brown."So hurry up", said Daisy. "You have one day left. If tomorrow night you have not collected the whole kilos of green cattails, basil and parsley, you will lose all of your stored food".Daisy then looked at the strawberries that Reuben had. Her parotid glands flooded her mouth with saliva, and her stomach growled loudly."On the other hand", continued Daisy, "My husband and I have discussed, and we've decided to let you store your food here next year, but only if you get the food that I punished you to get. So come on, don't waste your time collecting strawberries, because that is not what I asked you. But, may I have them anyway? Pregnancy makes me so hungry that I think I could even eat another animal, just like carnivores do". Reuben was surprised at how quickly Daisy devoured the cattail, he had found it particularly difficult to carry that one back because of its size.In response to Daisy notifying him that she was going to let him use the storeroom next year, Reuben said: "Whew, that's great, I really don't know what I would have done next year without a storeroom, thank you!"Despite being grateful, the squirrel didn't really want to part with the delectable strawberries anymore after tasting them, but Daisy's talk of eating another animal, and the hungry look on her face made him give them up anyway. "Eat another animal?! you can't be serious! there's no way you could do that, be--cause.. rabbit's are herbivore's... right?" the squirrel joked nervously.Reuben could see the saliva brimming at the Rabbit's gums, there was enough there to soak a good portion of his fur."I thought you might like the strawberries, and maybe that they'd make up for the parsley. I couldn't find parsley anywhere!"Reuben kept the strawberry that he had already been eating though, as he had selected the ripest juiciest one for himself and he felt like he deserved it. She'd have to pry this one from his hands if she wanted it, he thought. "You'll be allowed to use your storeroom next year, but only if you bring what I told you to bring", said Daisy as she took a strawberry and began to eat it, leaves and all. "Not only you need to bring one kilo of parsley, but you'll also need to bring more cattails and basil, in order to get a green, fresh kilo of those. If you can't find parsley, that's not my problem. You could try stealing it from humans, for instance. After all, stealing is something that you are good at, aren't you?".She took another strawberry, and she added:"If you don't bring them, we'll take away all your food, and you will never be allowed to store anything else in our burrow again. That, assuming that you could survive the winter. You are a thief, Reuben, a criminal who tried to live at the expense of the other hard-working squirrels, and as such, you are being punished".As she talked, she made brief stops to chew and swallow. She took a third strawberry. She got closer to Reuben so that he could see her better under the moonlight, and she explained:"We rabbits are herbivores, for sure, but our digestive system is nothing like a cow's. We are closer to omnivores and even carnivores. To begin with, we have a stomach with very strong acids and enzymes", she said, and she pointed to where her stomach was. "Then comes the small intestine, which is also flooded with enzymes and bile", she said, pointing to a lower point in her belly with her paw. She took a fourth strawberry and continued: "Then comes the large intestine, which is where the only differences between our digestive system and a carnivore's are. Other than that, we work almost equally, and we could perfectly digest meat if we ate it. Of course, I was joking when I said I could eat another animal, but you know, pregnancy cravings can be very weird sometimes, so one never knows".She took all the remaining strawberries before leaving. She had the decency not to take the strawberry Reuben was eating out of his hands."Tomorrow evening I'll be waiting for you in your storeroom. By then, you better have all the food. Good night", Daisy said, and she left.-------------------------Later, Daisy woke up in the middle of the night, and she began to agitate in her hay bed. She moved so much, that her husband woke up too. He asked her:"What's the matter, honey?"."I'm having a terrible craving", she said. "I'm craving a squirrel. A whole, live squirrel"."A squirrel? You're crazy!", he said."This is not something that one can control, do you know? Try to understand me. Having cravings and satisfying them is great, but when you are not able to satisfy them, they are a torture!"."Try to deal with it, Daisy", he said. "Squirrels put the food, we put the stores. If you ate one and they found out, they would flee! And even if they didn't find out, it is not ethical to eat those who basically work for us"."Well, what about Reuben?", Daisy said. "He's a thief, wouldn't it be fair if I ate him?"."Oh, that scoundrel... Well, I don't really care about him. OK, if he doesn't bring what he's supposed to bring, go and eat him if you like. Just make sure nobody sees you! There are many predators in this forest. That could explain his disappearance, haha"."Sure, don't worry", said Daisy. "I'm sure he will not bring what I told him. Parsley doesn't grow here. I'll meet him in his storeroom. Summer is ending, and almost nobody is going to the storerooms now. Nobody will see it".She started to fantasize about eating Reuben, and with that sweet idea in her head, she calmed down, and she soon fell asleep again. Reuben awoke at the crack of dawn the next morning. He lied relaxing in his tree for a moment before remembering what he had to do.The squirrel stretched for a bit and then began his journey to the northern part of the forest in search of parsley.Reuben couldn't get the conversation he had with Daisy out his mind. She said she was joking when she said she'd eat an animal, but she went into such great detail about her stomach.All that talk about how her stomach worked made his fur tingle.What if Daisy did eat him? Perhaps he deserved to be digested: she was right, after all, he was a no-good thief and had wronged everyone including his close friends.Without Daisy's storeroom, Reuben would undoubtedly starve next Winter."I need to make it up to her" "I'm going to find Daisy the best-tasting Parsley there is!"In his passionate quest to find the parsley, it completely slipped Reubens mind that he hadn't finished collecting the basil or cattails.The squirrel spent the entirety of his day hunting down the parsley in a variety of human homes that scattered the northern outskirts of the forest.But to no avail. The squirrel returned to his storeroom empty-handed to face his shame. Daisy's craving for a whole squirrel had not decreased, at all. Rather the opposite. Not only that, but she had been fasting for the last hours as well. She was aware that she needed her whole stomach to accommodate Reuben, which was nearly her size, so she had made the huge effort not to eat anything in the last hours. She was so hungry that she was in pain.She lay down on Reuben's pile of food. She struggled to resist the urge to eat some of his food. She slept for the most time while she waited for him. When she finally heard him coming, she woke up immediately and she felt like a Pavlov's dog. She stood up, to face him. Despite being nighttime and underground, the storeroom was lightened.When Reuben entered the storeroom with his empty hands, she thought: "Finally, dinner is here!"."Well, Reuben, I think I see what happened", said Daisy. "Yes, I'm sorry. I couldn't find any parsley"Reuben said hanging his head"I searched all the cabins on the Northside that I could find. Nobody has any! Surely there's something else I could do for you? " Daisy stepped towards Reuben, staring at him with her dark eyes. She also moved her ears towards him, in order to catch every sound that Reuben could emit. Her stomach growled loudly. She rubbed the fur on her back, to flatten it. It had gotten somewhat messy after being on her back."Did you bring the fresh basil and the cattails, at least?", she asked. "Shoot, I guess I forgot to collect those.."Reuben looked at his pile of food and realized that Daisy had been sleeping on it. The pile appeared to be flattened, but no food was missing. That's odd, he thought.And shifted his attention to Daisy as she came towards him "So you forgot, you good-for-nothing thief?", said Daisy, angry. She was glad that she was finally going to satisfy her craving of a squirrel, but Reuben's attitude still irritated her. Thinking of how to get him deeper into the storeroom, she added:"Your time here has come to an end. I gave you an opportunity, but you missed it. I'll only allow you to take as much of your food as you can carry in your mouth and in your paws. Do it now, and leave for good".As she said that, she moved to one side and she extended her paw towards the pile of food, like showing it to Reuben. Reuben felt bad, but the food was still food. He was going to need a lot of it after the time he wasted collecting food for Daisy.Reuben wouldn't get a chance to tell l the other squirrels where he was going, he wondered what Daisy would even tell them. For all they knew, he could have been attacked in the forest.He walked straight over to the food and stuffed as much into as mouth and hands as he could. The Squirrel's focus was completing fixated on the task at hand and he didn't keep an eye on Daisy. Reuben hurried as fast as he could as so not to upset Daisy further.Reuben's tail bounced as he struggled to fit as many chestnuts in his arms as he could. A squirrels tail was an odd thing, while tails are quite useful for balance and temperature regulation, they are not a great appendage for a creature to have when in the midst of predatorial danger. Daisy's husband arrived then. He really wanted to see his wife swallowing a whole squirrel, but he didn't enter the storeroom, because he just wanted to be a spectator. He remained in the hall, staring at the scene from a distance and eating some baby-cut carrots like they were popcorn. He would intervene if Reuben tried to escape, though.Reuben was focused on picking up the food. Thinking that the moment had finally come, Daisy placed herself behind Reuben, she grabbed his furry tail with her two paws and she pulled Rueben towards her. Reuben was confused, he dropped what he was carrying and twisted himself to face Daisy."What are doing?" he said, his mouth still full, "you're making this difficult".Reuben was pulled easily across the floor, his lightweight made him easy to move.The Rabbit's grip seemed too strong for the squirrel to pull away, but Rebuen ran in place anyway. "I am so hungry, and I am craving a squirrel", said Daisy. "I can even feel my kids crying for it. Let me eat you".She pulled his tail even harder, getting him much closer to her. Then, she bit his neck, and she grabbed him by his waist. "This way, you are not going anywhere but my belly!", thought Daisy. "What?"Reuben squealed while wiggling in Daisy's embraceHe felt the rabbit's teeth pinch the skin at the back of his neck and with it: a trickle of drool.The sensation traveled through his body and made his fur stand up on end.Reuben's ears were close enough to pick up the ambient noises from within the rabbit's mouth.Daisy's paws immobilized Reuben. Stuck in position, he could feel his nervous energy form a coffin of heat around him."Ah! you can't eat me; I'd taste awful, I'd taste like onion!" Daisy could feel that Reuben wasn't strong enough to break free from her, so she stopped biting him. She lifted him with her two paws, and she said:"I don't care, even if that's true, you are going down whole! Anyway, let's taste you... ".Daisy didn't believe Reuben, but onions were toxic to rabbits, so she licked his feet and his back only to make sure. She moved her tongue between his toes and claws, and she wetted most of her back with saliva. She said:"You taste nothing like an onion, you liar! You taste nice, in fact, kind of salty".Her stomach growled and her mouth was flooded with even more saliva. Well this a thorough taste test, Reuben thought while feeling reduced to a piece of meat.Reuben wiggled his feet as Daisy's tongue explored them.The rabbit's rough tongue permeated his fur, and he could feel its coarseness against his skin."I may have... exaggerated a little..." He said with a 'please don't eat me smirk'Reuben's wet fur clung tightly to his plump little body. The saliva on him quickly cooled down and he began to lightly shiver.The squirrel realized that it was quite unlikely that he would escape his predicament. So he changed his strategy to instead stall for as long as possible.'If I have something to say, she'll keep listening right? So I just need to keep talking, Reuben thought."Heh, salty you say? you know what else tastes salty? cattails!""Remember those cattails I brought you yesterday? I bet you still have some left. Wouldn't those taste good right now, eh?""You wouldn't believe how many cattails are out there. woo-wee. I'll tell yah, there's a bunch! I only grabbed what I could carry though yeah know?""Being a squirrel means I can't carry much. Why I....Reuben continues talking indefinitely. Daisy ignored what Reuben was saying, she lifted him as high as she could and she opened wide her mouth. She doubted: would she be able to swallow that squirrel whole?She started by sticking his tail into her mouth. Despite it being very hairy, her saliva made it easy to swallow, and she quickly swallowed his whole tail like it was a spaghetti. The tip of his tail reached Daisy's stomach, while his bottom was touching her lips.Daisy felt surprised at how quickly she had swallowed Reuben's tail. "Wow, this is going to be easier than I imagined!", she thought.-------------------------"Doctor beaver, you finally came!", whispered Daisy's husband, when their doctor arrived."Good evening!", said the beaver, also in a low voice. "So, is she eating the squirrel for real?"."Indeed, look, she has already swallowed his tail!", said the rabbit, pointing at Daisy."Oh my goodness, what an interesting case!", the beaver doctor said, sitting on the ground, next to Daisy's husband. He pointed to the baby-cut carrots and said: "May I have a few?"."Sure, doctor, help yourself". Reuben shut up immediatelyHe felt his body near the Rabbit's mouth.The squirrel pawed at Daisy's upper lips and nose trying his best to avoid being swept in by her tongue but his paws were quite slimy. Reuben was surprised how strong her throat muscles were His tail, no longer his own, tingled and danced inside her stomachReuben glanced over at the newcomer, he felt humiliated that he had become a spectacle, the doctor certainly didn't look like he was here to help. "I have to swallow his legs too so that he will stop kicking me", Daisy thought.She opened her mouth even more. She was able to open it way more than she had ever been able to. Reuben would fit perfectly in it. The powerful peristaltic muscles in her esophagus were also making a great job. She stopped doubting: now she knew that she was able to swallow whole animals. She pushed Reuben further down. His kicking lower legs, which were out of her mouth, bended painfully, entering it. So did his hindquarters. Reuben yelped in pain as his legs were twisted into Daisy's mouth. The shock and his lack of grip caused his front paws to slip and his tail, a tether to the back of Daisy's throat, shortened quickly pulling him closer As Reuben's back slid across the rabbit's tougue, his head bobbed into each divot in the ribbed roof of Daisy's mouth. If Daisy swallowed him any more he wouldn't be able to wiggle up her throatIn order to to avoid being sucked down, Reuben placed one foot on Daisy's back tooth then tried to do the same with the other on the other side of her mouth,. But as Reuben was reaching his foot over, Daisy swallowed again: Pulling his half reached foot down with his tail. Reuben's other foot remained in position. But not all that firmly, it would only take a small push, pull, or tilt to move Reuben from where he was. He could even feel the blood leaving his leg because it was positioned so awkwardly above his head. Reuben winced. In a bit, he would be meal to a very hungry rabbit. He wondered how long he would sit there, deep inside the rabbit. What would happen? How long would it be until all of his Reuben thoughts became rabbit meal thoughts? When he'd be capable of nothing more than pawing Daisy's stomach lining, and shifting his body around, waiting until every part of him disappeared. And all that was left of him was some nutrients to keep Daisy and her children going for another dayAll of his life had lead up to this ending and it horrified him. Daisy moaned in complain as her hard palate was tickled when Reuben slid down her throat, which now appeared visibly engorged, with Reuben's tail and foot inside it.She gently moved her jaw and Reuben immediately lost his grip on her little last molar, sending his other foot down her esophagus too, further engorging her throat. Despite that, she could breathe perfectly. Her windpipe was not constricted at all, or at least that's what the doctor concluded.She kept swallowing with little trouble. Her mouth was incredibly open, so much that she feared that she could damage her TMJ, but she wasn't in pain, so she didn't really care. With Reuben's tail inside her stomach, she was feeling even more hungry, if that was possible. She had to finish what she had started.Now, half of Reuben's body was beyond her lips. With both of his feet tucked into Daisy, Reuben's upper half squirmed causing Daisy's cheeks to bulge.Reuben's feet felt around her stomach. dabbing the walls uneasily. It's not very big down there he thought, she must not have eaten in a while.Reuben struggled to get his last few gasps of outside air. Daisy's hungry breathing stole most of the fresh air from around him. Daisy kept swallowing, pushing Reuben further down, towards her awaiting stomach. She tilted back her head, so that gravity helped her to gobble him. When Reuben's abdomen entered Daisy pharynx, her neck appeared nearly as thick as the rest of her body.When she got him past his belly, swallowing became easier, because Reuben's chest was thinner. At the same time, her own belly started to swell. Reuben's body was already entering it. The walls of her digestive tube were so tight and slippery, that it was impossible for a poor squirrel to scratch them. Her stomach was hot and extremely acidic because fasting increases acidity.Now, only Reuben's head and arms remained out of Daisy's mouth, which wasn't as wide open as it has just been. Reuben took his last breath of outside air before Daisy's gullet consumed his lower half completely, pulling withinOpen entering, his eyes and mouth were filled with saliva. Reuben spat and coughed as the thick liquid invaded his orifices.Daisy's throat muscles were grasping him tightly and each time the muscles throbbed in swallow, he could feel his lungs compress and it became impossible for the squirrel to inhale.Each time he was choked, the squirrel would claw Daisy's digestive tube violently, but this only seemed tire himself out.Reuben could feel his claws, feet, and tail begin to burn. The squirrel knew nothing of anatomy and assumed he would just die shortly after being swallowed. But this was quite unexpected and painful. Some of his body seemed to be resting in a soupy liquid that gnawed at his flesh all while maintaining nuclear heat. "What's happening to me?" Reuben managing to squeak out after one of his breaths.When Reuben's head passed Daisy's lips, only his arms remained out of her mouth. Moving her lips, cheeks and teeth, she forced them into it. She heard Reuben asking what was happening to him, and she couldn't but giggle. She kept swallowing, and soon she swallowed his head.--- GULP --- GULP --- GULPWith a few more powerful gulps, she swallowed Reuben's arms too, and the whole squirrel was lost forever in the depths of her digestive system. The upper part of Reuben slid down her esophagus quite fast, and he was soon tightly confined to her hungry stomach.Daisy's head and neck recovered their normal size, but her belly appeared huge, almost as big as the rest of her body. She sat on the ground, impressed with herself. She couldn't even see her lower legs, but she was unscathed. She had been perfectly able to gobble a whole squirrel, and with little effort.She was also feeling incredibly well. It was probably the first time in all her pregnancy that she wasn't hungry. Also, her craving for a squirrel had finally disappeared, after almost 24 hours feeling it."Aw, I feel great", she said, petting and patting her belly, which was moving like crazy. She could also feel him beneath her fur when she pressed it. "And you, Reuben, how are you feeling?", she asked, and she bended her head and placed her ears on her tummy, in order to hear him.It was only then when she noticed her husband and the beaver doctor, who approached her, entering the storeroom. Reuben felt his body slide into Daisy's stomach.The pouch hugged him at every angle and he barely turn overHe wasn't able to see anything, but, he could hear Daisy's steady satisfied heartbeat beat through his earsHe could feel Daisy shifting positions, taking him with her every movement.Reuben wiggled wildly, he felt the impression of Daisy's paw push against him"I don't feel great! What have you done!" he said before he began to howl in agony.The rabbit's inner padding did a great job of muffling him and only the quiet murmurs of yelling (and his actual words) were audible outside the rabbit's body, only juxtaposing Daisy's calm belly patting.It was hard enough before when only half of Reuben's body was in Daisy's stomach. But now that the entirety of Reuben was there it felt like there was a lot more molten liquid. Reuben's tail and feet had gone numb and he had forsaken them, so he sloshed around trying desperately to find an orientation where the burning liquid was limited to just his feet and tail.One such rotation of his body created an exceptional amount of friction between his back and Daisy's stomach lining. Given that Reuben had been sitting in the juice for a bit now, the acid had begun to permeate his fur and caused it to loosen off his body. While twisting, Reuben felt his back separate partially from his fur.NO! he thought, 'not my fur!', Reuben tried relentlessly to somehow reattach it, but only managed to lose a few more tufts of hair.The acid was touching his skin now and the soup seemed thicker with her fur floating around."your... insides are hurting me..." "What have I done, you ask?", said Daisy. "I've swallowed you whole! Yay!".She was really happy. She slapped her distended belly. The two observers then entered the storeroom."Hi ", said Daisy. "Did you see it all?". She felt proud and comfortable with her prey in her belly, but also somewhat shy, especially because of the doctor, even though she knew that he could be coming."We certainly did!", said her husband."I did, and I'm glad I did, this is just amazing!", said the beaver doctor. "I knew that some rabbits were able to do this, but I had never seen it in real life. Your case will be very interesting to watch, study and follow. Would you mind if I do so?"."Not at all, but don't ever tell anything about what you just saw!"."That's right doctor, I told you to come because I trust you!", said Daisy's husband."Don't worry, there is something called medical confidentiality. I'll keep the secret because that's what a doctor is supposed to do. Allow me... ".And as the doctor said that, he took a stethoscope to listen to Daisy's belly. He then heard Reuben saying that he was in pain because of Daisy's insides."Of course they are hurting you, bro!", shouted the doctor, near her belly, so that Reuben could hear him."Are you feeling good?", the doctor asked Daisy."I've never felt better!", Daisy answered."It is obvious that you have no problem swallowing preys this big. He is in pain because your stomach is working efficiently on him", the doctor explained. "He's gonna die directly because of your gastric juices, and not of suffocation or anything else. The stomach is not hermetically closed, so he will have enough oxygen to continue breathing. I'd like to continue observing you until you're done digesting him, at least".He then proceeded to palpate her moving belly and to continue listening to Rueben inside it. Her husband kissed and hugged her then."I love you Daisy, you are the best", he said. -------------------------Meanwhile, inside Daisy's tummy, her stomach walls were segregating more gastric juices. They dripped from the walls. Her stomach was already very acidic from the first moment, but now it was preparing to completely break down the copious meal. Proteolytic enzymes, which are able to wash the flesh away from the bone; and hydrochloric acid, which is able to dissolve the bone itself; were accumulating around Reuben in a bigger amount. There's a phrase called "the uncanny valley" that refers to a phenomenon that occurs when a non-human object closely resembles a human, but it clearly is not human.Viewing such an object is unnerving: Although they look a little like humans, they move like something quite different. Interestingly enough, researchers have rated corpses and zombies as the most uncanny things of all. People that are dead or dying cease to look like humans at all.This effect holds true for any creature in peril. For example, If you observe a deer being attacked by lions in the safari. The deer will appear at first to be very deerlike, strongly resembling everything you know to be a deer in aesthetic, motion, and behavior. As the deer begins to lose against its predator, he will get wounded, lose blood and behave erradically. Although there is no definitive point of crossover in the deer's transition, there will come a point in time where the mind no longer thinks that the deer is a deer. A zoologist might claim that this is an evolutionary adaptation: if a creature has the opportunity to save a fellow member of its species, it should do so. However, if it is too late for this friend, it not worth it for a creature to risk its life to save it. Hence, if a creature looks less like its species when it cannot be saved, friendly creatures will be less inclined to help.Up until this point, Reuben moved like a squirrel. A squirrel's movements are rapid and easy to miss. Although he was quite confined within Daisy's insides, Reuben still had his squirrel spark: he had bounced around the belly and had the energy of a lively squirrel in peril.It was shortly after Reuben began to lose his fur that his Demeanor shifted.A powerful gurgle could be heard as new liquid secreted from the casing around him. The liquid fully submerged his body dampening Reuben's once lit spark. For the first time since his arrival in Daisy's stomach, Reuben's body eased into a resting position. His eyes and mouth were closed and he held his breath. It was as if an invisible force had woo'd him into an inappropriately relaxed state.The twitches and ticks made by the squirrel's limbs indicated however that Reuben was still quite alive and fully aware.Reuben's face squished the wall when he lowered his head to rest causing the wall to release more juices like a sponge. Reuben sat there for a brief moment almost dozing off before he startled himself awake. This came in the form of a gasp for air: Reuben breathed in deeply and widened his eyes. An awful burning sensation followed. The molten liquid around him rushed through his mouth and into his lungs. Reuben started to choke but before he could the muscles he required to choke were too damaged to push the goop out of his body. Reuben felt a bit a fur in his mouth that had entered with the acid and he wondered just how much of him was floating around now.Reuben tried to choke again, but instead of pushing the acid out of himself a part inside of him was dislodged and he felt the organ float up and out his mouth. the slimy thing clung by a tether thread that extended down what was left of his throat. Reuben just lowered his head again as if no such that had happened.As time went on, Daisy's stomach knawed away on Reuben. The small particles of meat that were pulled from the squirrel were absorbed.The details of Reuben's features were starting to blur. The separation of his individual fingers and toes became unclear as his body began to swell gradually becoming a glob of partially digested meat.Reuben's heartbeat was but a small twinkle in the mess of it all. They left the storeroom. The two males helped Daisy to walk, and they went to her bedroom, where she lay down on her hay bed. Digesting a meal that big required a lot of energy, so she soon fell asleep.The doctor continued to observe and listen to her belly for a few more hours. Reuben stopped moving and yelling soon, and only the churning sounds of her digestive system continued. A while after, her belly started to appear rounder, and smaller. Her belly shrunk during the next 24 hours, and by the next evening, her belly appeared just as small as always, and she was as hungry.Well, her belly appeared just as small as always... or almost, because it was slightly more engorged than before she ate Reuben. After a quick palpation, the doctor announced:"It looks like your kids have been truly nourished, thanks to that squirrel! They have gotten huge within a single day!".The doctor was really happy to see a healthy pregnant female, but deep inside, he felt uneasy. Not because of Daisy or her bunnies, who would be just fine, but because of the whole community of animals who lived in that forest. The phenomenon of pregnant rabbits swallowing other animals was very rare, so he knew little about it. But he had been told once that when that happened, the children of the said rabbit were born as ruthless predators, and so were all her subsequent babies. There were rumours about a whole ecosystem elsewhere crashing because of these rabbit predators.Time would tell if this would also be the case in the forest where Daisy lived. ------------------------- EPILOGUE -------------------------Daisy was in her hay bed. She lay on her side, showing her abdomen with multiple, wet nipples, where her nine newborn babies had just been sucking milk.The nine bunnies lay with her, their bellies swollen with milk, asleep. She had given birth to them hours before. Labor had been easy and fast, she needed no help, and she was ready to get pregnant again, which would happen that very night.The beaver doctor arrived then, to do a checkup of the mother and the little ones. He found them perfectly well, but something amazing (and terrifying) happened when he held the babies. Despite being blind, hairless and moving clumsily, they tried to put his whole hand in their mouth. He let some of them try, and they were able to open their mouth wide enough to do it. "They aren't eating me like their mom ate that squirrel because they are still too young... still", the doctor thought. Scared as hell, he asked Daisy:"Are they doing this with you, too?"."No, they aren't", she answered."And what about their dad? Are they putting his paws in their mouth too?"."No, they aren't either", Daisy said. "At least, I haven't seen that yet"."Nor will you", the doctor thought. "They aren't going to eat their own kind". He asked:"Are you planning to have more babies?"."I certainly am!", Daisy answered. "I want to have a litter like this every month. That's what we rabbits are supposed to do"."Yeah, sure... ", the beaver said. Daisy's stomach growled then, noisily. Breastfeeding made her just as hungry as pregnancy. The doctor didn't dare to try to convince her of not having any more kids because he feared to end eaten by Daisy, just like Reuben. He politely told her goodbye and he left the burrow.Once in his dam home, where he lived alone, he packed up several objects, and he swam away, down the river, leaving that forest for good."Horrible things are coming, and I don't want to be here", he thought.
It was the 14th century. A cog was sailing across the Baltic Sea, carrying beer barrels. The Hanseatic League was a commercial organization dependent on such vessels. This one was sailing from Danzig to Lübeck, in modern day German waters. They were expected to arrive in Lübeck next morning, to leave the beer and load some salted fish and iron goods.Back in medieval times, rats were really a problem, and especially on ships. It's hard to imagine how much food or goods were lost to rats back in those days. An example of this happened on board that cog, on a calm summer night.That cog was really small, and her crew had strict orders to catch and kill any rat they saw, to protect their commodity. So, there was only a rat left on board. We'll call her Heike. Her color was dark grey, and she was quite young. She was small, not much bigger than a regular mouse, but she was already a full grown young adult. She was fertile, ready to get pregnant and continue expanding the numbers of her rodent kind. Sadly for her, she couldn't, because she was the only rat left alive on that ship. Heike had been smart and fast enough to escape and hide from the human crew, unlike her fellows, who had all perished, hit by the ruthless human sticks...Mother nature had given Heike a set of very sharp and continually growing teeth, some very strong gastric juices, intestinal bacteria able to decompose cellulose and an amazing immune system. She was able to eat and digest pretty much everything of animal or plant origin. On board the cog, there wasn't a single piece of leather or barrel which didn't have her teeth marks. She also enjoyed eating the sea biscuits, which were the base of the human sailors' diet. And she was driving them nuts.That summer night, Heike went out her hiding place in the cog's hold. She listened, and when she was sure that the humans were not there, she ran towards one of the barrels she was gnawing on. She found her hole on the oak wood and continued gnawing.Oak wood was very tough, but it was no rival to her strong teeth and jaws. Her powerful masseter muscles tensed as her huge yellow incisors scratched the wood, removing tiny pieces of it in every bite, which she usually swallowed. Her appetite simply had no limits. The sound of her gnawing was loud and clear, so it was only a matter of time that humans appeared. Luckily for her, the final layer of wood in the hole gave way before that happened. The beer started flowing from the barrel with a gurgling sound. Heike got all wet from it, while she cutely moved her muzzle and stuck her tongue out, drinking and tasting the delicious barley juice, while it spilled all over the hold's floor.Suddenly, she heard a human entering the hold, so she ran towards her hiding place as fast as she could."Oh, that offspring of Lucifer again!", the sailor exclaimed. He made the sign of the Cross and ran towards the barrel, twisting it, leaving the hole on top to prevent the loss of even more beer.Meanwhile, Heike yawned under a board, showing her whiter and pitty molar teeth. With her belly full of beer and wood, she soon fell asleep.Next morning, the cog had docked in Lübeck. The port was big, busy and dirty. The sailors started unloading the beer barrels, after blocking the hole Heike had gnawed through. Karl was a large gull, thriving on the many forms of food the bustling coastal city provided to the quick witted, the avian and, most importantly, the cunning. His wing span exceeded one metre at this point, making him one of the largest gulls at the harbour, granting him the additional luxury of being able to bully other birds or even cats out of their hard earned meals to easily consume them himself. In those days, it was easy enough to find fish in the water. Radar based fishery systems which could eradicate entire populations of sardines in one afternoon had not yet been invented, and the fishing rods and hand thrown nets of the medieval people left more than enough for him to live off comfortably. Yet, there were easier ways of getting food which did not include having to dive under water. The bird was so well off that comfort was an actual concern to him and so he preferred going after the chicks of doves or other seabirds, or hunting down clueless rodents which did obviously well for themselves, given how much edible materials the humans tossed away. There were literal mountains of fish heads and chicken guts piling up at the market places and the resulting reek was the base of a little food chain in its own, starting with filth and encompassing insects, small birds, rodents, house cats and on top of it all, Karl and his kind. Right now he was soaring over the harbour, finding a newly arrived ship which had not been there the evening before. He knew ships meant food. Eventually they would drop some bread or toss away stale meat their sensitive stomachs could not process. And the gull had all the time in the world gliding overhead, waiting for his handout of free food. Heike's little warm-blooded body had completely digested all the beer and the wood she had consumed last night. She was feeling very hungry when the cog docked. Small, warm-blooded animals eat the most compared to their size.She was able to smell that the port was plentiful in edible stuff, which made her even more hungry. When the men finished unloading the barrels, and she felt like the little ship was empty, she went out her hiding place and ran towards the crack next to the trapdoor between the deck and the hold.Once on the deck, Heike observed her surroundings. Definitively, she was alone in the ship. Now, her priority was to get to land to gobble up some chicken guts or fish heads. She saw the thick hemp ropes which kept the cog tied. They were a perfect bridge for her, so she started walking on one of them, towards the pier. There were no humans or cats nearby, so she was confident and calm. Low above the harbour, Karl was looking for an easy meal, gazing over working shoremen with a good deal of boredom until a small moving dot caught his attention. He banked over to take a closer look and sure enough there was a rat scurrying along one of the cables of the new ship. Already he started to salivate, his body's way of telling him that it wanted to have that rodent. If his approach worked out nicely, the rat would be a lot easier to snatch up than a fish and still nourish his greedy avian body until dusk. The gull lowered his altitude, eyes bolted to the fast moving figure below him, ignoring everything else while his brain was suddenly recalling dozens of similar events which usually ended in a little wiggling lump kicking around in his crop. He tried his best to remain unseen until he started his advance, the open ground near the docks his best chance of getting his prey. He dropped down fash and tried to catch the rat in his beak mid strafe, aiming for its rear end. Heike was grabbing on the rope with her claws. She jumped from the rope to the ground, when she noticed Karl, a huge seagull, flying towards her. Her instincts kicked in, recognizing him as the predator he was, and Heike started running for her life. Unfortunately, by doing so she exposed herself even more, because she ran towards an open space, where she was even more vulnerable. Heike screamed in terror, like the rat she was. Adrenaline flooded her bloodstream.Nearby, Hans, a young boy who had been helping his fisherman father, noticed the scene. He knew firsthand from his job at the sea and the port that seagulls were opportunistic and greedy eaters, but he had never seen one catching and eating a rat. So, he stared at Karl and Heike with much interest.Karl was sublimely annoyed by the stroke of luck which had allowed the rat to escape his first attempt. But apart from the flapping of his wings he made no noise, circled around and tried again. The open was a better place for him to go after such a prey, and with enough space to plan and carry out his attacks, the third or fourth succeeded. His open bill eventually impacted the rat sideways, scooping it up. Triumphantly, he clamped down his beak, securing his now helpless prey and and lifted her up as he landed to swallow her in piece. He would enjoy every last of her futile struggles for the troubles she had caused. Heike screamed even louder when she suddenly felt the strong clamp of Karl's beak squeezing her body. She had had no time to hide. It was her end. Her short life was about to finish. She left no offspring behind her, so she and her lineage were about to disappear forever, only to keep a greedy seagull satisfied for a brief time. Her body would cease to exist completely, consumed by his...Heike wriggled, kicked and screamed, but to no avail. She could feel the heat and the humidity of Karl's maw around her body. She tried to scratch his predator's face, but she couldn't reach it. She was too small. The gull came to a stop in the middle of the open pier, lifting up his head proudly and then starting to feed. He opened his beak slightly and jabbed his head forwards at the same time, using his meal's inertia to force her back into his gullet. One slip at a time, the rat was consumed, transported into the elastic chute which had devoured so many vermin before her. The hard ridges on the gull's tongue and the top half of his beak helped to refuse her any chance of escaping, while his warm, moist throat pulled eagerly on her rear. With a few additional bobs of his head, he finished her off, leaving no trace of the rat other than a wiggly bulge which slid down a little bit before she plopped into his capacious crop which occupied most of his neck. With nowhere for his meal to go but through his digestive tract, Karl spread his wings and took to the air, aiming to land on a roof where he could guide his breakfast down into his stomach in peace.Heike screamed as she was forced down Karl's gullet. She was kicking and shaking so hard, that she was almost breaking some of the bones in her legs, but to no avail. She was going to perish as a snack for a seagull, no matter what she did.The ridges in Karl's maw prevented her from escaping very efficiently. She was trapped in a one-way tube, which headed to her predator's belly, and only there. Whenever she tried to move any part of her body towards the outside world, it would meet the rough ridges and be stopped. But the ridges felt soft when she moved towards his belly. Every millimeter that Heike went down, was a millimeter irremediably lost. She couldn't do anything, but kick, scream and go down, as she was eagerly consumed. She was also in terrible pain when her predator shook his head, to swallow better.Heike continued screaming and kicking after becoming a bulge in Karl's neck, and partially filling his huge crop. Everything was dark. The avian heat of Karl's body was unbearable as well. She felt like her body was burning. And she wasn't even facing any acid yet. Breathing had become harder too, due to the heat and the humidity. Still, she didn't feel like she was going to die suffocated. She could still breathe inside Karl's big crop. She felt it when Karl started flying.The little Hans, for his part, felt astonished to have seen the rat disappearing so quickly down the gull's gullet. "Thankfully, I am not a rat!", he thought. "Otherwise, that gull would come and swallow me as well". He left, for the seagull was gone and he had nothing else to see. Now safe from being trambled or chased, Karl could finally enjoy his meal. He stretched out his neck and pointed his beak at the sky as he swallowed, sending drool drippling down over Heike while he felt her body slipping further down. It took some motion and some more lubricant to finally get her slippery, but eventually he felt the tiring weight in his throat sliding further down. The bulge took on some speed before it was stopped in a little impact when the doomed rat reached his stomach. It was even hotter there and the gull would simply sit down on the roof, enjoying himself and the scenery with his digestive tract occupied. The stomach was a narrow but stretchy chamber, meant to smother the meal in strong, warm acids before pressing it into the gizzard, where the actual digestion would take place. Still, it would start burning immediately. Heike's fur soaked up the lubricating drool. It felt disgusting. She was still screaming, but her kicks had become weaker. She was exhausted and feeling like she was about to pass out.Unfortunately for her, she didn't pass out. She was conscious as she slid all the way down. She couldn't do anything to prevent it. Her slippery, wet legs couldn't grab anywhere. She couldn't hurt his crop's walls either, because they were too slimy and because her strength was failing.Once the drool covered her completely, she slid down quite fast, and she entered Karl's hungry stomach without having much time to react. There wasn't much that she could have done, anyway.Inside the stomach, Heike could barely move. She was tightly trapped. The organ's walls squeezed her all over her body. The powerful and acidic gastric juices burnt her nose, her paws, her ears, her mouth and, more than anything, her eyes. She also felt her teeth becoming rough, as the hydrochloric acid eroded her enamel. The heat was even worse inside there. Heat is important to digest proteins.She shook her whole body, as hard as she could, and she continued screaming. Screaming is a natural reaction in dangerous situations, because it's like a way to ask for help. But deep inside Karl's digestive system, nobody would help Heike. Karl could feel her struggles change in his belly as the acids commenced their work on the rat. But her torment was not yet over. Before she was allowed the bliss of suffocation she was yet to feel his body squeezing her even further down into the deepest part of his belly. First the acids slipped into the next chamber and then the muscles contracted harshly enough to press her on and through another sphincter. Exhausted and badly hurt, yet alive, she arrived at the gizzard, a harsh chamber with thick muscular walls and hard ridged walls. As soon as she entered, there was a hardly ever stopping dribble of acids pouring in from the stomach, while her soaking body was being crushed and churned around. Karl's gizzard was kneading and pressing about five times her body mass on her, tearing on her skin and pelt, allowing the acids to work much faster, and in due time tearing her up into bloody giblets. Heike was pushed towards Karl's gizzard. She was squeezed even more when she passed through the sphincter which opened onto it, but that was nothing compared to what she had to suffer on the other side.The gizzard's hard ridges wounded her all over. Her numerous wounds started to sting as much as her eyes. The powerful muscular walls were pressing her so much, that she had troubles breathing as well. The foul, hot and humid air had already been making her a little light-headed, so she finally passed out. She died soon after from suffocation and wounds.Nothing recognizable was left of her, thanks to Karl's efficient, avian digestive system. With the prey finally dead and the pleasant internal massage stopped, Karl's gizzard could finally start to really do its job. By that time, the empty crop and idly acid drooling stomach had animated the gull to take to the air again and look for a replacement for the rat, which was currently being torn to pieces. The convulsing mass of firm ridged muscles which encompassed the remains of Heike made sure that her spine was broken in short time before her body would burst like an overripe fruit under the steady onslaught of the gizzard and the strong acids continuously flooding it. Within less than two hours her flesh and organs were liquefied, reduced to a nice slurry to fuel the avian predator as the broken, acid pitted bones and her fur were creating a soggy pellet to be expelled later.
For some years, it almost looked like European rabbits were going to become extinct. Myxomatosis, a devastating disease which is able to kill over 90% of the infected rabbits, was affecting all of Western Europe: their whole range of distribution. Luckily for the cute little bunnies, natural selection helped them, and after some terrible years, those who carried genes of immunity against myxomatosis survived and repopulated everything. Fewer rabbits meant fewer predators and more food available to those who survived. This resulted in females giving birth to bigger litters every month, and baby rabbits surviving more often. The rabbit population soon recovered to pre-myxomatosis levels, and even surpassed them. More rabbits populated Europe than ever before, and their growth didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. Still, the fear for extinction was there, and a concern emerged: what if some other devastating disease outbreak happened? They started to consider that their rabbit kind needed to expand. More populations, and more rabbits in general, meant more safety against devastating diseases. Rabbits were unable to cross the seas, and expanding towards the East didn't seem like a good idea. There were too many humans and other dangerous predators around there. So, their only possibility to arrive to new lands was to dig. And they surely dug. A young, hard-working and determined male rabbit was in charge of carrying out the expansion project. His name was Martin. He was a typical wild European rabbit, brown in color and medium in size. He had been designated as a colonist, and he had had an insane idea: by digging all the way through the Earth, they would be able to go out through the opposite spot, in the antipodes. He was from the only place in Europe which had something other than water on the opposite side of the planet, so he didn't have to move far from home to begin his project. Many other rabbits called him crazy, yet, he was sure that he would succeed. After a very long time of restless work, Martin calculated that they were near the surface in the antipodes, and he decided to continue and end the digging work alone. He wanted to have the honor to finish it. Finally, he started to see plant roots and other things which indicated that he was near the surface. “Finally!”, Martin thought. “Here I am!”. He dug even more intensely, eager to see his idea completed, and to start working to colonize a piece of new land. After a few minutes, one final layer of soil gave way when his paw scratched it, and he was able to see a cloudy sky through the hole he had opened. “Yay!”, he exclaimed. He stuck his head through the whole on the ground. He sniffed the air and moved his ears, and he looked around with his wide, herbivore, peripheral vision. The place was covered in green grass, and populated by many trees and bushes which were unknown to him, like tawa trees. After digging so much, the sight and the smell of so many plants made him painfully hungry. “This place could feed millions of rabbits!”, Martin thought, enthused. Martin dug a little more, making the hole on the ground bigger and rounder, and he went out of the burrow which crossed the whole planet Earth in a straight line. He inspected his surroundings, and he tasted some of the exotic plants. Returning to Europe would only take a jump through the burrow. After falling and rising for a while, he would come out in his home land. But before returning, he had to inspect the place, deciding where families would settle, and where their family burrows would be built. He imagined a bunch of happy and healthy kid bunnies, playing around that virgin meadow, growing up in a new land only to keep populating it... and he smiled in delight. Suddenly, however, he heard someone calling him: “Hey, you furry creature!”, he heard. Its voice sounded really weird. He could tell that it wasn't from a mammal. Martin didn't fear, because he knew that there weren't dangerous predators in that country. “My name is not “you furry creature”, whoever and wherever you are”, Martin replied, standing on his hind legs and moving his ears to catch his voice. He couldn't see him. “I'm here”, the other animal answered, showing up from behind a tree. It was a kiwi bird, and he was half as big as Martin, more or less. “Wow, what are you, you bird with whiskers?”, Martin asked. “My name is Tane, and I am a kiwi bird”, he answered, in a funny accent. Needless to say that Martin's accent also sounded funny to Tane. “What about you?”, Tane asked. “A kiwi!”, said Martin, smiling. “That's a fruit to me, and I love fruit!”, he said, as his hunger grew. “And you surely look a little like a kiwifruit, eh?”. Martin was almost drooling. “I know, right?”, Tane answered. “In fact, kiwifruits are called like that after us. And what are you? I've never seen an animal like you before”. “I am a rabbit”, Martin answered. “I had never heard about you rabbits. You always learn something new everyday”, Tane said. “What do you rabbits eat?”. “We are herbivores”, Martin said. “Well, sometimes we can make a exception and allow something other than plants on our menu... But we are still herbivores, eh?”. “Thankfully so!”, Tane said, looking more relaxed and getting closer to Martin. “I'm not fond of carnivores in general. And where are you from?”. “I am from a place whose name can literally mean land of rabbits”, Martin answered. “Oh, interesting. Is that Canada?”, Tane asked. “Hahaha, not even close! Why did you think so?”. “You say “eh” a lot”, Tane said. “And I thought it was Canadians who said that”. “Well, not exclusively, eh? Hehehe”. “And what are you doing here?”, Tane finally asked. That was a question that Martin was fearing. But he was ready to answer it. He knew that he was not going to an uninhabited place, and that he would probably have to face some resistance. He said: “I am looking for new lands for us rabbits to live”. “Oh, that's interesting”, Tane said. “But probably not good... “. “Not good? This place of yours looks fantastic!”, Martin replied. “So green and rich, and populated by weird creatures like you! It surely looks like you have a very especial and isolated ecosystem here. It would be sad if it was somehow... damaged. Just imagine if some invasive, gluttonous and rapidly breeding species settled here!”, Martin giggled. “Are you kidding me? Are you rabbits like that?!”, Tane exclaimed, stepping back. “These lands are already claimed. We kiwis live here, and many other unique species like tuataras and keas live here as well. Go settle elsewhere!”. “Everything in this world is claimed already”, Martin replied. “Don't make this difficult. We rabbits just recovered from a devastating epidemic which almost made us go extinct. We need to expand, for safety reasons”. “No!”, Tane said. “Get out of here, you furry creature, or I'll call our kiwi army and we'll expel you all by force!”. “Oh, a native uprising?”, Martin said. “Very nice, I'll have to prevent that”. Martin ran towards Tane. A flightless bird like him had no possibility to escape from a young and healthy adult rabbit. Martin was faster than him and caught him almost immediately, under a bush. He bit his neck and sank his two huge upper incisors in his flesh, drawing some blood. Tane screamed. Martin grabbed his body with his front paws and said: “Listen to me, you ugly bird! I come from a land of explorers, conquistadors and colonizers, and you are not going to prevent us from settling here, is that clear?”, he licked the blood from the incisor-shaped wounds. “Mmmmm, kiwi!”. He lifted Tane from the ground, almost hitting him against a branch. Martin turned Tane's body, to face him. The rabbit was going to swallow his prey headfirst. Martin opened wide his mouth, much wider than one would expect from a herbivore. He drooled. Two drops of saliva fell on the dead leaves. His pinkish tongue moved like it was trembling. Tane saw his wrinkled palate and his full set of adult teeth, even including his little last molars. But the very back of Martin's maw appeared completely dark, like a bottomless pit. The kiwi also heard his stomach roaring in anticipation to the meal. “Nooooo!”, Tane screamed. “Show some mercy, please!”. Martin looked directly at him. His dark eyes were almost glowing in anger. “Mercy?”, Martin said, furious. “Had you called that kiwi army of yours, you would have shown no mercy to the defenseless civilian settlers who will soon establish here. You deserve no mercy. And I'm very hungry anyway. Let me taste a local dish... ”. And he put his head inside his mouth. Tane continued screaming for help, flapping his tiny wings and kicking against Martin's chest and belly, but to no avail. Martin was way stronger than him. “Wow, not bad!”, Martin thought, licking Tane's face with his chunky tongue. He pushed Tane further down his digestive tube. His neck engorged, as the kiwi's head entered it. His long beak even reached his stomach, and Tane started to feel a very unpleasant sensation in his mouth and nostrils. Martin's jaw also stretched like it was dislocated. Martin then licked the kiwi all over his fatter body and his little wings, enjoying the flavor and doing his best to avoid the claws on the kiwi's wings. As he did so, his salivary glands poured saliva non-stop all over the the poor kiwi, making him slippery, lubricated and easier to swallow. One more push sent his head inside his stomach and his feet inside his mouth. Martin licked them clean, while Tane screamed and complained about his eyes stinging. He closed his mouth, and with one powerful and final “Gulp”, the rest of the kiwi slid down his esophagus. A few seconds later, Tane was completely inside his distended stomach. “All in a day's work, I guess!”, Martin thought, very satisfied, sitting on the ground, with his back resting against the bush. He petted his huge, trembling gut. “How does that feel?”, Martin asked. “It burns!”, Tane answered. “My eyes, my wounds, my mouth... everything burns!”. “Of course!”, Martin said. “It's not only carnivores who need an acidic stomach, eh? We herbivores need it too, did you know that? Well, now you do!”, Martin giggled. “And it's so small, my legs and my head are twisted and I can't move them! They hurt so much! I feel like I will break a bone! Even breathing is hard... ”. “Not my problem”, Martin said, and he yawned. His huge meal had made him sleepy. “Maybe it's siesta time now! Nothing's better than that for a good digestion”, he thought. He lay on the dead leaves under the bush, and he soon fell asleep. His prey's complaints and screams were tenuously heard, and Martin found them rather relaxing. His attempts to move inside his tummy only felt like a gentle massage. Tane passed out to the extreme pain, and he passed away to the burns and the breathing troubles a little after that. Small warm-blooded animals have the fastest digestions and metabolisms, so when Martin woke up some hours later, his belly size was back to normal, and all the digestible parts of his prey had been completely digested and absorbed, including his bones. Martin was even a little hungry again, but he didn't eat anything at first. “I have so much work to do before the sun sets”, he thought. He spent the rest of the afternoon choosing spots to build burrows. When he had chosen and marked a few of them, he had a light snack, consisting on more than a half a kilogram of fresh exotic grass. And then, he jumped into the burrow to return to Europe, where he was received as a hero. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPILOGUE Martin arrived again at the same place, on the antipodes of his native land, the very next day. After a long free fall, he reached the planet's inner core, and from that point on, he started to ascend, slower and slower, until he arrived in the beautiful meadow with bushes and trees where he had eaten Tane the previous day. Air friction didn't seem to be a problem. Neither was the Earth's rotation. His speed was equal to zero when he got there. He grabbed the burrow's edge, and with a little jump, he put himself on solid ground. He got away from the burrow, for there were more rabbits coming after him. First, another male rabbit arrived. He was one of his closest friends. “Come here”, Martin told him, once the newcomer had his four legs on the ground too. “Give her some space”. “She'll need help, I'm afraid”, his friend said. And a few seconds after that, a heavily pregnant female rabbit appeared floating. “Grab the edge, honey!”, Martin's friend said, and she did so. “Help me!”, she cried out, almost unable to hold her own weight. Martin and her husband ran to grab her, and with a great effort, they pulled her and she was able to make her way out. “Wow, that was a crazy fall!”, she said. “And that's a crazy belly too!”, Martin said to her, unable to resist petting her abdomen. “How many in there?”. “Eleven!”, she answered, very happy. “Wow, now that's fertility!”, Martin said. “The kids are coming now, by the way”, said Martin's friend. “I mean, the ones who are already born”. And he went next to the burrow, and he caught his nine little bunnies in the air as they arrived. “Very nice!”, said Martin when the whole family was there. “The next family is supposed to arrive in an hour. Meanwhile, let's assign you all a plot to dig your burrow”. The nine little bunnies shouted in enthusiasm. They were excited to move there. One of the boys went next to Martin and said in a sweet voice: “I want to eat one of those ugly birds, like you did!”. His siblings screamed “Me too”. Martin smiled and said: “Of course, kids. You should swallow any other non-rabbit mammal, bird or even reptile you see here. We are here to claim the land, and that's what we'll do!”. The little ones shouted in enthusiasm again, as the whole family followed Martin deep into the tawa forest, where he had thought of a plot which would be perfect for them to build their burrow.
"Come back here, Rick!", I heard one of my siblings calling me. "Obey mom!". But I didn't listen. I got out of our burrow and I ran away. I was eager to explore the outside world all by myself. I had a loving and caring mother who had strictly forbidden me to leave the burrow alone until I was old enough. But I, as a rebellious young rabbit, didn't want to obey her, and I escaped when I felt like it. My mother was out, so she couldn't prevent it. I didn't really care about what her reaction would be when I returned. Our burrow was on top of a grassy hill. There were meadows and little forests all around it. The whole place was beautiful, and full of yummy plants, but what caught my attention more than anything was the sea. There was a beach no more than a kilometer away, and I was determined to get there. So, I started hopping towards it, ignoring my sibling. Mom always said that the beach was a place we were to avoid, because it was dangerous, but I didn't care. I hopped all the way to the beach. I was young and full of energy, and I didn't even get tired, but I did get hungry. A few hours before, my belly had been bloated from grass, but now it was completely empty. Small, warm-blooded animals like me have insanely fast metabolisms. So, I first looked at the dark blue sea in front of me. It was beautiful, and I was delighted. But soon, my hunger made another thing catch my attention: near some tide pools, on the sand, there were little piles of algae. They were green and fresh looking, and they made me salivate. I hopped towards them, and I started eating them. They were incredibly salty, and they tasted awesome. I figured that I would have to drink a lot of fresh water afterwards. "This is amazing!", I thought, chewing and swallowing algae non-stop. "I don't understand why mom never brought us here before!". Not only food was great at the beach. I found it very comfortable to lie down on the sand, and the waves sound was very relaxing. I felt like I was in heaven. Jake fluffed his feathers in satisfaction at the feeling of the warm sand beneath his feet. The sun was shining, with a fresh sea breeze coming inshore, bringing the salt air with it. For a seabird, such air was invigorating. The breeze rippled his feathers slightly as it blowed past, feeling pleasantly cool in contrast to the sun. Jake yawned happily, and began to walk down the beach, leaving big, webbed footprints behind him as he walked. Soon he spotted a shallow tide pool ahead. Feeling thirsty, he flapped his wings twice, effortlessly taking to the air and lazily spanning the 40 metre distance in a few seconds. He set down with a gentle splash, feet slapping into the water, which here come up to his "knees." Jake looked around for a second, checking to ensure there were no other gulls about (he was not particularly in the mood for a territorial dispute), and then dipped his head down, sipping the clear (yet somewhat warm) water. He did this a few times (a specialized gland filtered the salt from his body) before his thirst was quenched. Then he stretched a wing lazily, and noting that no one seemed to be nearby, he decided to take a quick bath. He stepped deeper into the pool, until it was deep enough to dip his head and neck under. Then, he flapped and slopped about, energetically rinsing his primaries and down feathers for a few minutes before stepping to the edge of the pool again. Standing ankle deep in the water, he ruffled his feathers, sighing in pleasure at their fresh, clean feel as he shook the water away. Luckily he was alone, as his wet feathers gave him an undignified, fluffy look now, and he was glad there was no one around to see. He smiled to himself at this thought, relishing this rare moment of peace. 'The only thing that could make this better is a snack' he thought to himself as he waited for his feathers to dry in the wind. I saw the big seagull taking a bath at the tide pools, from a safe distance. First, my prey instincts kicked in. "Is that bird dangerous?", I thought. But then I decided that it wouldn't be dangerous. I knew that birds like owls and eagles ate rabbits like me, but that seagull looked nothing like them. His beak wasn't as sharp, and instead of sharp claws, he had cute webbed feet. I thought that seagulls were supposed to eat fish and other sea animals. I never thought I could be in danger. When I finally decided to stop eating algae, my belly was visibly bloated from them. I was a greedy herbivore. I was so bloated that I couldn't walk very fast. So I walked towards the seagull slowly. I wanted to start a conversation with him, or her. I was very sociable, and I loved meeting other animals. I called the seagull when I got close: "Hey, you big seabird!", I shouted. Jake stiffened as he heard someone address him, realizing he was not alone. "What do you want?" From the sound of the voice he could tell it was not another gull. He looked around quickly, turning towards the sound. Initially his keen eyes pass right over the source of the voice, before he spotted a little rabbit. The brown fur of the mammal blended in surprisingly well with the wet sand. Of more surprise to Jake than the presence of a rabbit out in the open was that the little bunny was actually loping toward him. As he watched, his always-hungry seagull's instincts contemplated the idea of eating this unsuspected visitor. Jake couldn't tell from here, but he suspected the rabbit was young, and easily swallowable. All of these thoughts ran through his mind in a split second as he spread his wings slightly, ready to give chase if the potential prey decided to bolt. I felt a little intimidated, and I stopped walking. His words had sounded a little rude to me. "Oh, hello", I said. "I just got a little jealous of you... how is the water in the pool? Is it cold? I might take a bath if it isn't". I carefully looked at him. I realized that I would totally fit inside his belly, and I got a little scared. I remembered my mom, and I almost wanted to run away, but I stayed calm. "There's no way a seagull can eat a rabbit", I thought. "Maybe he's just had a bad day... ". Seeing the rabbit having second thoughts after his question, Jake dropped his territorial demeanor, knowing the small mammal posed no threat. "It's pretty warm...for me, at least" he finally replied, sounding much friendlier now. For now, he was just hoping to get the rabbit closer to see whether he'd make a nice meal or not. Proximity was also important to strike effectively. Jake was a fast flier, but he knew catching moving prey on land was not the same as going after fish or other seabirds, where a soft landing is guaranteed. "Oh, OK", I said, more relaxed. "Then I'll take a bath". I got next to the tide pool, and even closer to the seagull. I put my paw into the water and said: "Oh, it's quite cold!", I exclaimed. "But no problem, I like cold better than heat!". And then I jumped into the water, which was deep enough to cover me entirely. I splashed water all over, including the seagull. "Oops, sorry", I said. Jake let out a surprised scream as the little rabbit jumped jubilantly into the water. Water which was knee deep for him was deep enough for the mammal to swim in. Looking at the bunny splashing about only a few feet away, Jake decided he looked like a delectable snack to fill his empty crop. Slowly, he edged closer, feet stirring up the sand as he stepped through the water. "So what's a land dweller like you doing out here?" he asked, speaking partly out of curiosity, and partly to distract from his approach. "My mother is the most annoying rabbit in the world!", I exclaimed, getting used to the cold water. "She never let us go out alone, or come here to the beach. So, I escaped. I just wanted to see the beach. It's a really lovely place". I moved around the pool a little. I submerged my head in the water, shortening my ears. I swam towards the seagull and asked: "So, what's your name, you big seabird? Mine's Richard, but you can call me Rick if you like". Jake cocked his head slightly, realizing why the small rabbit seemed so naive. "I'm Jake" he replied, ruffling his feathers slightly as he sees Rick begin to paddle closer. Grinning slightly (at least in the manner of a bird), Jake takes two steps closer to the foundering bunny, spanning the distance between them. So close now! he thought, imagining to himself how pleasant the young, warm blooded mammal would be to gulp down. "You said something earlier about being a little jealous earlier" Jake observed. "What did you mean?" "Oh, well, Jake, you seemed happy and satisfied to be taking a bath", I said. "So I felt like I wanted to do the same. You kind of made me jealous, hehe, that's what I meant". "He seems friendly", I thought. "Maybe we'll end up being good pals". "I was right there while you were taking a bath", I continued saying, and I pointed at the piles of algae. "Cattails have always been my favorite food, but I just tasted those algae, and they were so awesome that I'm not sure anymore. Food is really good here at the beach, isn't it?", I said. "When it comes to food, the beach has its advantages. It's easy to fish, and there's a lot to scavenge" Jake said. "It's a little dull though. If one is enterprising there are...alternatives...to be found just about anywhere" he continued, referring indirectly to his species tendency to eat (or try to eat) whatever they could get their beaks around. "Oh, interesting", I said. "I had never considered any food as "alternative". To me, whatever is edible, is food, and that's it. No "alternatives" for me, hehe". "The truth is that I am a little greedy when it comes to food", I explained. "It's probably because I am a herbivore. We herbivores have to eat great amounts of food, because plants aren't as calory-dense as meat is. My eight sibs and I have ruined countless human crops, because we eat non-stop. Just imagine nine hungry bunnies versus some young lettuces, spinaches or cabbages!", I giggled. "We can consume an entire little field and still not be filled". "I guess that you as a meat eater are not that greedy, are you?", I asked. Having mentioned the word "crop" made me remember that birds like Jake had crops too. His crop was truly big, bigger than me for sure. But then I noticed that his beak wasn't that big. "There's no way he could swallow me, even if he wanted", I thought. "I wouldn't fit". I was floating on my back. My meaty and distended belly was exposed. I impulsed myself a little with my back legs away from Jake, but I didn't go far. I had no intention to scape, and the tide pool wasn't very big either. I was so relaxed and confident that I yawned widely, showing my ridged palate and my molars. "Eh, you'd be surprised what flying does to an appetite" Jake said casually, yawning widely himself as he felt the contagious effect of Rick's relaxed gape. His jaws stretched widely as he inhaled, for a split second exposing a quick glimpse down the length of his tongue, past glistening strings of saliva stretching gooeily between upper and lower jaws and into the dark, slippery depths if his feathered neck. Feeling more alert, he snapped his beak shut, sealing the depths of the avian maw from view once again. "As for 'alternatives', am I right in guessing you rabbits don't have the same level of...variety...in your diet as us gulls?" As their discussion had now shifted to food, Jake was once again reminded by his belly of his plans for the little bunny. He began to drool slightly at the thought, gaze increasing in acuity as his instincts sharpened themselves once more, the temporary distraction of conversation all but forgotten. "Oh, wow, what a big mouth you have!", I commented, suddenly feeling nervous, because I had seen that Jake could swallow me in fact. "We rabbits do have a lot of variety in our diet, because we can eat most plants. As for you gulls, I guess that we rabbits would never make a part of your diet, would we?", I said. "I have to go back to my burrow, and now!", I thought, still laying on my back on the water. "And I need to drink some fresh water too, those algae have made me very thirsty", I thought. "Oh no!" Jake enthused, as a predatory gleam appeared in his eyes. "We'll eat just about anything we can catch" he continued. A thin string of saliva dripped from his beak as he spoke, stretching shinily in the sun before slopping thickly into the water. "Invertebrates, fish, insects, reptiles, birds... mammals... they're all on the 'menu' so to speak'" Jake said, standing taller and limbering up his wings, stretching them to their full span of nearly 6 feet. "Holy See, mammals?", I thought. Had I known that seagulls ate mammals, I would have never gotten so close to Jake. But now, it was late. "Is he salivating because he's eager to eat me?", I continued thinking. "I think I am in trouble... I am stupid, and I should have obeyed mom". I started to lose my nerves. My prey instincts kicked in, but I remained calm. I was a smart rabbit. "There's no way I could escape from him", I thought, staring at his huge body, and understanding why keeping it active took him being a greedy eater. "I'll have to try... other strategies", I thought. "Or I'll end my days fueling him". "Mammals?", I said, as I swam next to the pool's edge, but still not giving the impression of wanting to escape. "But that doesn't include rabbits, does it?", I asked. "It depends, really, on how big one is, and how hungry one feels" Jake said, so close now that he could smell the sweet, gamy scent of the rabbit's fear. "What do you think?" he asked quietly, gazing straight into his prey's nervous eyes. "I think you are more than eager to eat me!", I finally shouted, as I jumped out of the pool, but I didn't run away, and I looked directly at his face. "All I need is a few seconds!", I thought, now completely wet from the water and lying on the sand. I started to get sand stuck to my fur. Taking advantage of his prey's slight hesitation, Jake spread his wings, and lunged after the rabbit, beak spread wide as he sprung upwards from the water, half jumping, half flying through the air with a single flap of his long pinions, doing his best to zero in on the surprised bunny before his prey had a chance to begin running away. Jake knew he had to make his move now. Although he was faster on the wing than the rabbit, it would be very difficult to catch him once the nimble sprinter made a run for it. I screamed like the young rabbit I was. I knew that it was the end for me. That hungry seagull had not wasted a second to fill himself with an easy meal. "I am doomed, and I deserve it because I've been an idiot", I thought. "Pleeease, don't eat me!", I cried, as his powerful beak clamped mercilessly on me, and I kicked and wriggled like crazy, spreading sand all around. "Jake, listen to me, please!". I was about to burst weeping. I was too young to die. I wanted to try and convince Jake not to eat me. Jake snatched Rick from the ground by the head, wasting little time now. The terrified rabbit had kicked up quite a bit of sand in his fur, but that would pose little problem for a seabird. Hearing the mammal's pleas for mercy, he shook his head in annoyance as the rabbit continued to struggle spiritedly. "Well, since you're deciding to make this difficult I guess I'll have to dunk you" he finally said, voice muffled from the fur filling his mouth. He spread his wings and flapped heavily, taking to the air. After gaining an altitude of about 3 metres, he banked towards the shore, and made his way out to sea a little ways. About 30 metres offshore, he slowed and alighted upon the waves, just clear of the surf line. He dipped Rick in the water a few times, and shook him about a bit, rinsing the sand from his soaked fur. "Listen to... !", I screamed, and I was interrupted as I was dipped. "Jake, Listen! I am a young rabbit, it's not fair that you eat me!", I implored. I knew that my end was near. I couldn't but wish that my siblings were smarter than me and survived until their full adulthood. Jake dropped Rick into the water for a moment, finally letting his strong grip on the rabbit go. Compared to the tide pool, this ocean water was frigid, and it already seemed to be having a tiring effect on the small rabbit. "Silly bunny, being young was the reason I decided to eat you in the first place!" he said. "A full grown rabbit is probably too big to swallow, and would put up more of a fight. You, however, will fit down my throat easily! Besides, I've got to eat to survive as well. If I listened to the pleas of every prey I eat I wouldn't be here, talking to you now." I was having a hard time speaking, and even thinking. I had been shaken too much and the water was too cold for me. "Please... Myxomatosis has taken a heavy toll this year from the rabbit population... Look for some another prey... and let me live and breed like the bunny I am... for our numbers to recover... ". I wasn't even sure about myxomatosis killing rabbits in my area, but that was still the best thing I could come up with. "Please, be gentle, don't hurt me... ", I said at the end, almost in tears. If I had to die to satisfy that greedy gull's appetite, I preferred not to suffer. "Myxomatosis? Never heard of it" Jake said impatiently, wanting this meal in his belly more with each passing moment. Yet hearing the rabbit's pleas not to hurt him, Jake felt a little pity making its way through his hunger, and he decided to at least reassure the scared bunny a little bit before eating him. "Um... I can promise it won't much, at least compared to the end you'd meet at the beaks or paws of other predators" he said (and he had the experience swallowing live prey to know what he promised was accurate). "I don't have teeth or claws" he continued. "I'm built to to swallow my prey whole. I prefer it, and it's a lot easier than tearing them to shreds first." "Myxomatosis... is a disease which kills many rabbits... anyway, go for it, I guess I have no choice". "Please, have mercy of me... regret your desire of eating me, please... ", I thought, perhaps losing my mind a bit to the fear and the cold. If Jake had any regrets regarding what he was about to do, they were far outweighed by the urgent desire to feed which now entirely filled the avian's mind. Seeing that his prey had become subdued enough from the cold water not to present a meaningful challenge during swallowing, he gaped his beak, dipped his head down and plucked his terrified meal deftly out of the water. He raised his prize high, neck shaking a little bit from the rabbit's weak, struggling kicks, and skillfully jerked his head upwards, tossing his food such that he would fall straight down into Jake's greedily poised jaws. "Goodbye, cruel world!", I said, as I was forced down Jake's gullet. His incredibly open beak accommodated me perfectly well, and I slid down and completely entered his crop. It was incredibly hot and humid, but I had enough room to breath and to move a little. His body heat made me a little less lethargic. I started to scratch the walls of his crops. I had claws, and my last possibility to live was to scratch my way out of his body. I didn't count on succeeding, but I still tried. I was thinking of my family and hoping for my siblings to be smarter than me. I was also wondering how would death exactly come. Jake wasted little time as his prey landed on his tongue with a thick splat. Normally when devouring such prey whole he preferred to soak the dry fur in his spit to get the prey lubricated enough to easily gulp down. This time though, because Rick had been swimming, he was already wet. Already drooling copiously from the rabbit's pleasant taste, Jake found the wet, drool mixed fur slicked down easily enough to proceed straight to swallowing. Like a typical seagull, his hunger had gotten the best of him, and he could hardly wait to have the little rabbit fill the emptiness of his crop. Spreading his wings, he tossed his head back savagely, lifting/throwing the rabbit into his gullet. He swallowed hard, throat muscles contracting and making his neck appear to undulate as the sucking, squish of flesh on flesh coalesced into an audible gulp. A slight lump appeared, bulging his feathers out slightly as it slipped along the curve of his neck. The lump disappeared into his crop, pushing his lower neck out slightly as his prey was thrust brutally downwards, swallowed whole in a single gulp. Jake ruffled his feathers in pleasure as he felt the prey struggle and weakly scratch from inside his fleshy prison. He yawned in satisfaction, and stretched his wings, bobbing happily on the waves. "OK Jake, are you happy now?", I asked, still scratching his crop's walls. "How long will I have to stay here?". I could see nothing, but I could hear his body sounds. I could feel him moving, and I could feel the immense heat and humidity inside his crop. It was better than the freezing seawater, but still unpleasant. "Heh-heh, I imagine it will be quite a while" Jake said, feeling slightly giddy after coming down from his gluttonous stupor. He paddled his big webbed feet, swimming lazily in a circle or two, enjoying the pleasurable wiggles from deep inside his neck. I tried to move up his crop, but it was so incredibly slippery, that I couldn't grab anything or ascend a single millimeter. I was confined to the bottom of it, without being able to move upwards. "But now, what? Are you going to keep me here until I die of thirst, or starvation? I don't think that's how your belly works... ", I said. I was desperate and sad, yet curious. "Oh, no!" Jake said, suddenly amused that the rabbit seemed curious in his current predicament. "I' haven't eaten a sizable meal in a few hours. For a gull that's a long time. I suspect my crop will likely work you down to my belly before long." Then he ran his tongue happily along the edge of his beak, which still had a bit of fluff left over from the rabbit's passage down his gullet, and swallowed the last of the Rick's flavor down, fluffing his feathers in pleasure at the sensation of a full crop. "You are unable to control that, or what?", I asked, as I examined the sphincter below me, which opened onto his stomach, but which was closed... for now. Since scratching wasn't working, I tried to bite the walls of his crop, but I was unable to get any chunk of flesh between my teeth. "You birds are just so weird... ", I said. "Well, I wouldn't say the process is entirely involuntary. It's more like I decide when it feels right" Jake said, stretching his wings as he considered flying back to the warm sand of the beach. At that moment, his stomach gurgled, signifying that the last of it's contents were clear for his next meal. "And I think that may be the time" he said, raising his head and performing a maneuver very much like a swallow, but deeper (referred to by ornithologists as a "crop drop"). Slowly, his gullet and crop muscles contracted squelchy, squeezing the saliva and gullet-slime soaked hunk of meat trapped in his neck further down. Jake closed his eyes in pleasure as he forced the rabbit down, reveling in the wonderful, primal convulsions of his lower gullet, and the soft, slimy caress of the food lump inside his neck as it sunk from the base of his crop, through the relaxing opening of his belly into the organ's eagerly churning depths. As the rabbit distended his stomach, Jake was overcome by the satisfied feeling of fullness as the last of his hunger melted away. Already his innards were at work, digestive processes preparing a hot, slimy, thick, stewy fluid-bath of digestive acids and enzymes for his belly's newest occupant. He shivered to himself, keening softly in delight as he felt the weakening wiggles of his still living prey from deep within his belly. Rick was now a part of him, an almost insignificant lump churning within the rapid maelstrom of an avian metabolism, soon to be crushed and squelched down into an oozing soup of fat, vitamins and protein. Now pleasantly filled, Jake felt the desire to rest and relax once again, only this time in even greater comfort, hunger (at least at the moment) sated. Lazily he flapped his wings a few times, just clearing the water as he glided heavily towards the shore. Landing on the warm sand again, he sat down, enjoying the feel of the sun and sand against his feathers.
"Come back here, Rick!", I heard one of my siblings calling me. "Obey mom!". But I didn't listen. I got out of our burrow and I ran away. I was eager to explore the outside world all by myself. I had a loving and caring mother who had strictly forbidden me to leave the burrow alone until I was old enough. But I, as a rebellious young rabbit, didn't want to obey her, and I escaped when I felt like it. My mother was out, so she couldn't prevent it. I didn't really care about what her reaction would be when I returned. Our burrow was on top of a grassy hill. There were meadows and little forests all around it. The whole place was beautiful, and full of yummy plants, but what caught my attention more than anything was the sea. There was a beach no more than a kilometer away, and I was determined to get there. So, I started hopping towards it, ignoring my sibling. Mom always said that the beach was a place we were to avoid, because it was dangerous, but I didn't care. I hopped all the way to the beach. I was young and full of energy, and I didn't even get tired, but I did get hungry. A few hours before, my belly had been bloated from grass, but now it was completely empty. Small, warm-blooded animals like me have insanely fast metabolisms. So, I first looked at the dark blue sea in front of me. It was beautiful, and I was delighted. But soon, my hunger made another thing catch my attention: near some tide pools, on the sand, there were little piles of algae. They were green and fresh looking, and they made me salivate. I hopped towards them, and I started eating them. They were incredibly salty, and they tasted awesome. I figured that I would have to drink a lot of fresh water afterwards. "This is amazing!", I thought, chewing and swallowing algae non-stop. "I don't understand why mom never brought us here before!". Not only food was great at the beach. I found it very comfortable to lie down on the sand, and the waves sound was very relaxing. I felt like I was in heaven. Jake fluffed his feathers in satisfaction at the feeling of the warm sand beneath his feet. The sun was shining, with a fresh sea breeze coming inshore, bringing the salt air with it. For a seabird, such air was invigorating. The breeze rippled his feathers slightly as it blowed past, feeling pleasantly cool in contrast to the sun. Jake yawned happily, and began to walk down the beach, leaving big, webbed footprints behind him as he walked. Soon he spotted a shallow tide pool ahead. Feeling thirsty, he flapped his wings twice, effortlessly taking to the air and lazily spanning the 40 metre distance in a few seconds. He set down with a gentle splash, feet slapping into the water, which here come up to his "knees." Jake looked around for a second, checking to ensure there were no other gulls about (he was not particularly in the mood for a territorial dispute), and then dipped his head down, sipping the clear (yet somewhat warm) water. He did this a few times (a specialized gland filtered the salt from his body) before his thirst was quenched. Then he stretched a wing lazily, and noting that no one seemed to be nearby, he decided to take a quick bath. He stepped deeper into the pool, until it was deep enough to dip his head and neck under. Then, he flapped and slopped about, energetically rinsing his primaries and down feathers for a few minutes before stepping to the edge of the pool again. Standing ankle deep in the water, he ruffled his feathers, sighing in pleasure at their fresh, clean feel as he shook the water away. Luckily he was alone, as his wet feathers gave him an undignified, fluffy look now, and he was glad there was no one around to see. He smiled to himself at this thought, relishing this rare moment of peace. 'The only thing that could make this better is a snack' he thought to himself as he waited for his feathers to dry in the wind. I saw the big seagull taking a bath at the tide pools, from a safe distance. First, my prey instincts kicked in. "Is that bird dangerous?", I thought. But then I decided that it wouldn't be dangerous. I knew that birds like owls and eagles ate rabbits like me, but that seagull looked nothing like them. His beak wasn't as sharp, and instead of sharp claws, he had cute webbed feet. I thought that seagulls were supposed to eat fish and other sea animals. I never thought I could be in danger. When I finally decided to stop eating algae, my belly was visibly bloated from them. I was a greedy herbivore. I was so bloated that I couldn't walk very fast. So I walked towards the seagull slowly. I wanted to start a conversation with him, or her. I was very sociable, and I loved meeting other animals. I called the seagull when I got close: "Hey, you big seabird!", I shouted. Jake stiffened as he heard someone address him, realizing he was not alone. "What do you want?" From the sound of the voice he could tell it was not another gull. He looked around quickly, turning towards the sound. Initially his keen eyes pass right over the source of the voice, before he spotted a little rabbit. The brown fur of the mammal blended in surprisingly well with the wet sand. Of more surprise to Jake than the presence of a rabbit out in the open was that the little bunny was actually loping toward him. As he watched, his always-hungry seagull's instincts contemplated the idea of eating this unsuspected visitor. Jake couldn't tell from here, but he suspected the rabbit was young, and easily swallowable. All of these thoughts ran through his mind in a split second as he spread his wings slightly, ready to give chase if the potential prey decided to bolt. I felt a little intimidated, and I stopped walking. His words had sounded a little rude to me. "Oh, hello", I said. "I just got a little jealous of you... how is the water in the pool? Is it cold? I might take a bath if it isn't". I carefully looked at him. I realized that I would totally fit inside his belly, and I got a little scared. I remembered my mom, and I almost wanted to run away, but I stayed calm. "There's no way a seagull can eat a rabbit", I thought. "Maybe he's just had a bad day... ". Seeing the rabbit having second thoughts after his question, Jake dropped his territorial demeanor, knowing the small mammal posed no threat. "It's pretty warm...for me, at least" he finally replied, sounding much friendlier now. For now, he was just hoping to get the rabbit closer to see whether he'd make a nice meal or not. Proximity was also important to strike effectively. Jake was a fast flier, but he knew catching moving prey on land was not the same as going after fish or other seabirds, where a soft landing is guaranteed. "Oh, OK", I said, more relaxed. "Then I'll take a bath". I got next to the tide pool, and even closer to the seagull. I put my paw into the water and said: "Oh, it's quite cold!", I exclaimed. "But no problem, I like cold better than heat!". And then I jumped into the water, which was deep enough to cover me entirely. I splashed water all over, including the seagull. "Oops, sorry", I said. Jake let out a surprised scream as the little rabbit jumped jubilantly into the water. Water which was knee deep for him was deep enough for the mammal to swim in. Looking at the bunny splashing about only a few feet away, Jake decided he looked like a delectable snack to fill his empty crop. Slowly, he edged closer, feet stirring up the sand as he stepped through the water. "So what's a land dweller like you doing out here?" he asked, speaking partly out of curiosity, and partly to distract from his approach. "My mother is the most annoying rabbit in the world!", I exclaimed, getting used to the cold water. "She never let us go out alone, or come here to the beach. So, I escaped. I just wanted to see the beach. It's a really lovely place". I moved around the pool a little. I submerged my head in the water, shortening my ears. I swam towards the seagull and asked: "So, what's your name, you big seabird? Mine's Richard, but you can call me Rick if you like". Jake cocked his head slightly, realizing why the small rabbit seemed so naive. "I'm Jake" he replied, ruffling his feathers slightly as he sees Rick begin to paddle closer. Grinning slightly (at least in the manner of a bird), Jake takes two steps closer to the foundering bunny, spanning the distance between them. So close now! he thought, imagining to himself how pleasant the young, warm blooded mammal would be to gulp down. "You said something earlier about being a little jealous earlier" Jake observed. "What did you mean?" "Oh, well, Jake, you seemed happy and satisfied to be taking a bath", I said. "So I felt like I wanted to do the same. You kind of made me jealous, hehe, that's what I meant". "He seems friendly", I thought. "Maybe we'll end up being good pals". "I was right there while you were taking a bath", I continued saying, and I pointed at the piles of algae. "Cattails have always been my favorite food, but I just tasted those algae, and they were so awesome that I'm not sure anymore. Food is really good here at the beach, isn't it?", I said. "When it comes to food, the beach has its advantages. It's easy to fish, and there's a lot to scavenge" Jake said. "It's a little dull though. If one is enterprising there are...alternatives...to be found just about anywhere" he continued, referring indirectly to his species tendency to eat (or try to eat) whatever they could get their beaks around. "Oh, interesting", I said. "I had never considered any food as "alternative". To me, whatever is edible, is food, and that's it. No "alternatives" for me, hehe". "The truth is that I am a little greedy when it comes to food", I explained. "It's probably because I am a herbivore. We herbivores have to eat great amounts of food, because plants aren't as calory-dense as meat is. My eight sibs and I have ruined countless human crops, because we eat non-stop. Just imagine nine hungry bunnies versus some young lettuces, spinaches or cabbages!", I giggled. "We can consume an entire little field and still not be filled". "I guess that you as a meat eater are not that greedy, are you?", I asked. Having mentioned the word "crop" made me remember that birds like Jake had crops too. His crop was truly big, bigger than me for sure. But then I noticed that his beak wasn't that big. "There's no way he could swallow me, even if he wanted", I thought. "I wouldn't fit". I was floating on my back. My meaty and distended belly was exposed. I impulsed myself a little with my back legs away from Jake, but I didn't go far. I had no intention to scape, and the tide pool wasn't very big either. I was so relaxed and confident that I yawned widely, showing my ridged palate and my molars. "Eh, you'd be surprised what flying does to an appetite" Jake said casually, yawning widely himself as he felt the contagious effect of Rick's relaxed gape. His jaws stretched widely as he inhaled, for a split second exposing a quick glimpse down the length of his tongue, past glistening strings of saliva stretching gooeily between upper and lower jaws and into the dark, slippery depths if his feathered neck. Feeling more alert, he snapped his beak shut, sealing the depths of the avian maw from view once again. "As for 'alternatives', am I right in guessing you rabbits don't have the same level of...variety...in your diet as us gulls?" As their discussion had now shifted to food, Jake was once again reminded by his belly of his plans for the little bunny. He began to drool slightly at the thought, gaze increasing in acuity as his instincts sharpened themselves once more, the temporary distraction of conversation all but forgotten. "Oh, wow, what a big mouth you have!", I commented, suddenly feeling nervous, because I had seen that Jake could swallow me in fact. "We rabbits do have a lot of variety in our diet, because we can eat most plants. As for you gulls, I guess that we rabbits would never make a part of your diet, would we?", I said. "I have to go back to my burrow, and now!", I thought, still laying on my back on the water. "And I need to drink some fresh water too, those algae have made me very thirsty", I thought. "Oh no!" Jake enthused, as a predatory gleam appeared in his eyes. "We'll eat just about anything we can catch" he continued. A thin string of saliva dripped from his beak as he spoke, stretching shinily in the sun before slopping thickly into the water. "Invertebrates, fish, insects, reptiles, birds... mammals... they're all on the 'menu' so to speak'" Jake said, standing taller and limbering up his wings, stretching them to their full span of nearly 6 feet. "Holy See, mammals?", I thought. Had I known that seagulls ate mammals, I would have never gotten so close to Jake. But now, it was late. "Is he salivating because he's eager to eat me?", I continued thinking. "I think I am in trouble... I am stupid, and I should have obeyed mom". I started to lose my nerves. My prey instincts kicked in, but I remained calm. I was a smart rabbit. "There's no way I could escape from him", I thought, staring at his huge body, and understanding why keeping it active took him being a greedy eater. "I'll have to try... other strategies", I thought. "Or I'll end my days fueling him". "Mammals?", I said, as I swam next to the pool's edge, but still not giving the impression of wanting to escape. "But that doesn't include rabbits, does it?", I asked. "It depends, really, on how big one is, and how hungry one feels" Jake said, so close now that he could smell the sweet, gamy scent of the rabbit's fear. "What do you think?" he asked quietly, gazing straight into his prey's nervous eyes. "I think you are more than eager to eat me!", I finally shouted, as I jumped out of the pool, but I didn't run away, and I looked directly at his face. "All I need is a few seconds!", I thought, now completely wet from the water and lying on the sand. I started to get sand stuck to my fur. Taking advantage of his prey's slight hesitation, Jake spread his wings, and lunged after the rabbit, beak spread wide as he sprung upwards from the water, half jumping, half flying through the air with a single flap of his long pinions, doing his best to zero in on the surprised bunny before his prey had a chance to begin running away. Jake knew he had to make his move now. Although he was faster on the wing than the rabbit, it would be very difficult to catch him once the nimble sprinter made a run for it. I screamed like the young rabbit I was. I knew that it was the end for me. That hungry seagull had not wasted a second to fill himself with an easy meal. "I am doomed, and I deserve it because I've been an idiot", I thought. "Pleeease, don't eat me!", I cried, as his powerful beak clamped mercilessly on me, and I kicked and wriggled like crazy, spreading sand all around. "Jake, listen to me, please!". I was about to burst weeping. I was too young to die. I wanted to try and convince Jake not to eat me. Jake snatched Rick from the ground by the head, wasting little time now. The terrified rabbit had kicked up quite a bit of sand in his fur, but that would pose little problem for a seabird. Hearing the mammal's pleas for mercy, he shook his head in annoyance as the rabbit continued to struggle spiritedly. "Well, since you're deciding to make this difficult I guess I'll have to dunk you" he finally said, voice muffled from the fur filling his mouth. He spread his wings and flapped heavily, taking to the air. After gaining an altitude of about 3 metres, he banked towards the shore, and made his way out to sea a little ways. About 30 metres offshore, he slowed and alighted upon the waves, just clear of the surf line. He dipped Rick in the water a few times, and shook him about a bit, rinsing the sand from his soaked fur. "Listen to... !", I screamed, and I was interrupted as I was dipped. "Jake, Listen! I am a young rabbit, it's not fair that you eat me!", I implored. I knew that my end was near. I couldn't but wish that my siblings were smarter than me and survived until their full adulthood. Jake dropped Rick into the water for a moment, finally letting his strong grip on the rabbit go. Compared to the tide pool, this ocean water was frigid, and it already seemed to be having a tiring effect on the small rabbit. "Silly bunny, being young was the reason I decided to eat you in the first place!" he said. "A full grown rabbit is probably too big to swallow, and would put up more of a fight. You, however, will fit down my throat easily! Besides, I've got to eat to survive as well. If I listened to the pleas of every prey I eat I wouldn't be here, talking to you now." I was having a hard time speaking, and even thinking. I had been shaken too much and the water was too cold for me. "Please... Myxomatosis has taken a heavy toll this year from the rabbit population... Look for some another prey... and let me live and breed like the bunny I am... for our numbers to recover... ". I wasn't even sure about myxomatosis killing rabbits in my area, but that was still the best thing I could come up with. "Please, be gentle, don't hurt me... ", I said at the end, almost in tears. If I had to die to satisfy that greedy gull's appetite, I preferred not to suffer. "Myxomatosis? Never heard of it" Jake said impatiently, wanting this meal in his belly more with each passing moment. Yet hearing the rabbit's pleas not to hurt him, Jake felt a little pity making its way through his hunger, and he decided to at least reassure the scared bunny a little bit before eating him. "Um... I can promise it won't much, at least compared to the end you'd meet at the beaks or paws of other predators" he said (and he had the experience swallowing live prey to know what he promised was accurate). "I don't have teeth or claws" he continued. "I'm built to to swallow my prey whole. I prefer it, and it's a lot easier than tearing them to shreds first." "Myxomatosis... is a disease which kills many rabbits... anyway, go for it, I guess I have no choice". "Please, have mercy of me... regret your desire of eating me, please... ", I thought, perhaps losing my mind a bit to the fear and the cold. If Jake had any regrets regarding what he was about to do, they were far outweighed by the urgent desire to feed which now entirely filled the avian's mind. Seeing that his prey had become subdued enough from the cold water not to present a meaningful challenge during swallowing, he gaped his beak, dipped his head down and plucked his terrified meal deftly out of the water. He raised his prize high, neck shaking a little bit from the rabbit's weak, struggling kicks, and skillfully jerked his head upwards, tossing his food such that he would fall straight down into Jake's greedily poised jaws. "Goodbye, cruel world!", I said, as I was forced down Jake's gullet. His incredibly open beak accommodated me perfectly well, and I slid down and completely entered his crop. It was incredibly hot and humid, but I had enough room to breath and to move a little. His body heat made me a little less lethargic. I started to scratch the walls of his crops. I had claws, and my last possibility to live was to scratch my way out of his body. I didn't count on succeeding, but I still tried. I was thinking of my family and hoping for my siblings to be smarter than me. I was also wondering how would death exactly come. Jake wasted little time as his prey landed on his tongue with a thick splat. Normally when devouring such prey whole he preferred to soak the dry fur in his spit to get the prey lubricated enough to easily gulp down. This time though, because Rick had been swimming, he was already wet. Already drooling copiously from the rabbit's pleasant taste, Jake found the wet, drool mixed fur slicked down easily enough to proceed straight to swallowing. Like a typical seagull, his hunger had gotten the best of him, and he could hardly wait to have the little rabbit fill the emptiness of his crop. Spreading his wings, he tossed his head back savagely, lifting/throwing the rabbit into his gullet. He swallowed hard, throat muscles contracting and making his neck appear to undulate as the sucking, squish of flesh on flesh coalesced into an audible gulp. A slight lump appeared, bulging his feathers out slightly as it slipped along the curve of his neck. The lump disappeared into his crop, pushing his lower neck out slightly as his prey was thrust brutally downwards, swallowed whole in a single gulp. Jake ruffled his feathers in pleasure as he felt the prey struggle and weakly scratch from inside his fleshy prison. He yawned in satisfaction, and stretched his wings, bobbing happily on the waves. "OK Jake, are you happy now?", I asked, still scratching his crop's walls. "How long will I have to stay here?". I could see nothing, but I could hear his body sounds. I could feel him moving, and I could feel the immense heat and humidity inside his crop. It was better than the freezing seawater, but still unpleasant. "Heh-heh, I imagine it will be quite a while" Jake said, feeling slightly giddy after coming down from his gluttonous stupor. He paddled his big webbed feet, swimming lazily in a circle or two, enjoying the pleasurable wiggles from deep inside his neck. I tried to move up his crop, but it was so incredibly slippery, that I couldn't grab anything or ascend a single millimeter. I was confined to the bottom of it, without being able to move upwards. "But now, what? Are you going to keep me here until I die of thirst, or starvation? I don't think that's how your belly works... ", I said. I was desperate and sad, yet curious. "Oh, no!" Jake said, suddenly amused that the rabbit seemed curious in his current predicament. "I' haven't eaten a sizable meal in a few hours. For a gull that's a long time. I suspect my crop will likely work you down to my belly before long." Then he ran his tongue happily along the edge of his beak, which still had a bit of fluff left over from the rabbit's passage down his gullet, and swallowed the last of the Rick's flavor down, fluffing his feathers in pleasure at the sensation of a full crop. "You are unable to control that, or what?", I asked, as I examined the sphincter below me, which opened onto his stomach, but which was closed... for now. Since scratching wasn't working, I tried to bite the walls of his crop, but I was unable to get any chunk of flesh between my teeth. "You birds are just so weird... ", I said. "Well, I wouldn't say the process is entirely involuntary. It's more like I decide when it feels right" Jake said, stretching his wings as he considered flying back to the warm sand of the beach. At that moment, his stomach gurgled, signifying that the last of it's contents were clear for his next meal. "And I think that may be the time" he said, raising his head and performing a maneuver very much like a swallow, but deeper (referred to by ornithologists as a "crop drop"). Slowly, his gullet and crop muscles contracted squelchy, squeezing the saliva and gullet-slime soaked hunk of meat trapped in his neck further down. Jake closed his eyes in pleasure as he forced the rabbit down, reveling in the wonderful, primal convulsions of his lower gullet, and the soft, slimy caress of the food lump inside his neck as it sunk from the base of his crop, through the relaxing opening of his belly into the organ's eagerly churning depths. As the rabbit distended his stomach, Jake was overcome by the satisfied feeling of fullness as the last of his hunger melted away. Already his innards were at work, digestive processes preparing a hot, slimy, thick, stewy fluid-bath of digestive acids and enzymes for his belly's newest occupant. He shivered to himself, keening softly in delight as he felt the weakening wiggles of his still living prey from deep within his belly. Rick was now a part of him, an almost insignificant lump churning within the rapid maelstrom of an avian metabolism, soon to be crushed and squelched down into an oozing soup of fat, vitamins and protein. Now pleasantly filled, Jake felt the desire to rest and relax once again, only this time in even greater comfort, hunger (at least at the moment) sated. Lazily he flapped his wings a few times, just clearing the water as he glided heavily towards the shore. Landing on the warm sand again, he sat down, enjoying the feel of the sun and sand against his feathers.
Mina's pregnancy had been, overall, very comfortable. At the age of 27, she was expecting her first child: a baby boy. She had been happily married to her husband Roger for a few years. The couple had decided nine months earlier that the moment for their first kid had arrived, and Mina got pregnant on the first attempt. They were one young, happy, healthy and fertile couple. Mina's pregnancy had been as bearable and free of issues as a woman could desire. Her morning sickness and heartburn had soon disappeared, and she felt great almost always. She was almost unable tell the difference from when she was not pregnant. Almost, because there was something related to pregnancy which she did experience all the time: cravings, and an increased appetite in general. She was always hungry, and she often developed cravings for specific foods. Sometimes, even for items which were not exactly food. She had underwent cravings for stuff like orange peel, cinnamon sticks and even paper. Roger used to joke saying that she had pica. Mina had really strong and enlarged masseter muscles: the main (and strongest) chewing muscles. Her husband loved to feel them. And he also loved to see her crunching cinnamon sticks under her healthy wisdom teeth, whenever she got a craving for them. But teeth, biting and chewing were not the only “unusual” things Roger enjoyed. Roger was also a vore lover. Mina was fully accepting of this, to the point that she didn't mind that Roger had gotten an ocellated lizard as a pet, which required to be fed live mice regularly. In fact, Mina had also become somewhat fond of vore since her husband introduced her to the vore world. And Roger loved her for that. Much to his disappointment, however, Mina had never agreed to swallow a live feeder mouse herself. “But you eat meat”, Roger had told her, trying to make her change her mind. “And mice aren't that dirty or dangerous. What's the big deal?”. But Mina always rejected it out of hand. She had chewed countless plastic objects for Roger, and she had done many other things to quench his weird desires, including eating raw meat directly from a whole, uncooked rabbit, tearing its flesh apart with her teeth. But she had never agreed to swallow a live animal. However, that changed that day. It was a Sunday morning. Mina was feeling as great as usual. Her pregnancy was already full term. Her belly was so big that some people asked her if she was expecting twins. The baby was ready to be born anytime. Mina had just woken up, and she was sitting at the kitchen table. She had a jar of pickled cucumbers next to her, as usual. Pickled cucumbers had become her favorite food during pregnancy. She was checking her mobile phone for the usual updates, when suddenly, she got a craving. She remembered the feeder mouse that Roger had brought for their lizard yesterday. It was a little male, and smaller than a thumb. His fur was completely white, and his eyes were red. She remembered when Roger asked her to swallow a mouse like that... and then she decided that she wanted to do it. Not only she wanted to do it: she was actually eager to do it. Cravings can be very strong and hard to control. And she knew that eating a mouse wouldn't be dangerous for her or her baby, especially considering that she was about to give birth. She went to the house's garage, where Roger was vacuum-cleaning their car. She opened the door, and she saw him leaning under the steering wheel, cleaning around the pedals. “Roger!”, she called him, but he was unable to hear her. The vacuum cleaner's noise was too loud. She turned off the lights briefly to catch his attention, and she got it. “What's the matter?”, Roger asked, turning the vacuum cleaner off. “I have to tell you something that will make you very happy”, Mina announced. “Oh, did you break the water?”, Roger asked. “No, I didn't yet”, Mina said, smiling. “But, do you remember the time you asked me to swallow a mouse and I refused? Well, I just got one of my weird, super strong cravings, and I changed my mind. Will you let me swallow a live mouse for you, now?”. Roger took several seconds to react. His heartbeat increased like crazy, and he even started trembling. He asked to himself whether he was dreaming. But he wasn't. His beloved wife was right in front of him, just a few meters away from him. She was barefoot and still wearing her red and white pyjamas, which was unable to cover her pregnant belly. Even her popped-out belly button was visible. Her huge belly contrasted her slim figure, thanks to the fast metabolism she had been blessed with. And she was finally agreeing to swallow a live prey. Seeing her doing that had been his wildest dream since he met her. He feared that she was fooling him, but he knew her, and he knew that she wasn't that much of a teaser. He didn't fear for her or their baby either, because he knew that a feeder mouse was clean and because she would give birth very soon. “I love you, Mina”, was everything he was able to say. “Let's go immediately”. He walked out of the garage, and he hugged and kissed Mina. They went to the living room, where they kept their pet lizard inside a terrarium. Right next to the terrarium, there was a little cardboard box, where the tiny mouse awaited for his final fate, moving around and scratching the walls. “He'll have to wait a bit more to eat”, Roger said, referring to the lizard. He was planning to feed him as soon as he finished cleaning the car, but important things come in first, and reptiles could stand the lack of food for longer than warm-blooded animals (like Mina). Roger opened the box and grabbed the mouse, who tried to slip through his fingers, like he was trying to find a place to hide. “Oh, you cute little thing, you have no idea of what is waiting for you!”, Roger said, smiling. Precisely then, Mina's stomach roared so loud that Roger could hear it. “Oops, I didn't have breakfast yet”, she said. “And you know how hungry pregnancy can make me, hehe”. Roger felt like he was about to pass out, out of pure pleasure. His voice turned deeper, and he felt his throat dry. He said: “Open wide, my dear predator”. Mina obeyed, and she consciously tried to appear as cute as possible. She closed her eyes and tilted back her head a little, while she leaned her body forwards. She looked like an obedient and nice little girl. Only, that she was nothing like a little girl. Roger was able to see her full set of 32 adult teeth, including her wisdom teeth, which had come in perfectly well a decade earlier. She had perfectly straight teeth, but not naturally: she was wearing two permanent orthodontic retainers behind her upper and lower incisors, which revealed that she had worn braces during her early teen years. Other than that, she didn't even have a cavity or filling, and her teeth were as close to perfect as imaginable. The way she was tilting back her head also allowed Roger to see her hard and soft palates. He even saw her uvula and tonsils. She stuck out her tongue, which was long and pink. Roger put the squirming mouse on her tongue, and she closed her mouth. However, the mouse immediately sneaked between her lips and almost jumped out of her mouth. She pushed him inside with her finger, and then she made sure to keep her lips tightly closed. “Be careful, hehe”, Roger said. She was able to feel the mouse's little claws running over her tongue. She was able to feel the mouse's taste, which was weird, but strangely alright. And she was able to feel that he was small enough to go down whole and alive. Otherwise, she would have chewed him, but that wasn't going to be necessary. As for the mouse, he couldn't see anything inside Mina's mouth. He could breathe, but the air was so hot and humid that it was difficult. He was also being bathed by her saliva. Mina's tongue moved, making him move away from her lips. She also made her teeth contact in maximum intercuspation, trapping the mouse behind them this way, and leaving only one way for him to go: down. Mina soon felt that the mouse's fur was wet and slippery enough to swallow, and she did so. She briefly opened her mouth, letting her husband catch a last glimpse of the mouse on her tongue, and she swallowed him: the tip of her tongue pressed her hard palate right behind her upper incisors, as her tongue pushed the mouse deep into her maw, near her uvula. Another quick movement, and her airway was covered as the mouse entered her pharynx, which widened to accommodate him. Immediately after, he crossed her upper esophageal sphincter, which opened onto her esophagus, and the little terrified mouse was gone forever. The mouse was so small, that Mina didn't feel him any different from regular food. She was unable to feel him going down her esophagus. Roger rubbed her belly, and she laughed, because that tickled her. She lay down on the couch, and Roger put his ear on her tummy, trying to hear the mouse screaming, but he couldn't hear anything, much to his disappointment. Anyway, he was very happy about what had just happened. And so was Mina to see him so excited and gleeful. The mouse arrived at her stomach less than ten seconds after being swallowed. Her stomach was quite compressed by the baby, so it was smaller than usual, but she still had plenty of room to accommodate her prey, who encountered a completely empty stomach. Mina had not even drunk water that morning yet. The unlucky rodent scratched her wrinkly walls and did his best to move around, but everything was just too slippery and wrinkly. He could still breathe, but the air was so hot and humid there that he felt like he was suffocating. He was tossed around by her stomach's gentle movements, and he felt foam sometimes: the lowest part of her stomach was a foamy, bottomless pit. The burning sensation was worse than all of that, though. Mina said, while her husband was still trying to hear the mouse: “If he is feeling all over his body what I felt when I had heartburn... well, the poor thing has to be suffering quite a bit”. She giggled cutely. Roger loved it when she sounded and looked so childish and innocent. The mouse was effectively feeling Mina's stomach acid and digestive enzymes all over his body. Her stomach was empty, and that caused it to be very acidic. The mouse felt his whole body burning, especially his eyes. To make it worse, Mina's stomach soon began to secrete more gastric juices to process her meal. After a few minutes struggling, the mouse passed out and fell to the foamy low part, where he soon passed away. Digestive damage on his skin soon caused him to lose his fur. Once he was free from his indigestible cover, digestion only accelerated. In less than 30 minutes, his flesh appeared white instead of pink. In less than an hour, his skin had been completely washed away, and his more tender insides were being quickly digested. In less than two hours, even most of his bones had disappeared, and his remains travelled along Mina's small intestine, while the dissolved parts (which were most of the parts) were being absorbed, nourishing Mina and her little one, through the placenta and umbilical chord. Mina's stomach acid and intestinal immune defenses prevented any nasty microorganism from infecting her or her baby. Her baby's placental barrier would have isolated him from pathogens if needed, anyway. It's fair to say that that mouse was one of the baby's last meals while being inside his mother's womb, because he was born less than a week later, and he had no health issues of any kind. So didn't his mother.
I was alone at my burrow. It was past midnight. I had just finished my work for the day, and I was cleaning up my lab room before going to sleep. I was working on some digestion simulations. Being the smart and cunning rabbit I was, I had been able to get a bottle of hydrochloric acid power cleaner from humans. Hydrochloric acid is naturally present in the gastric juices of all the animals, so I had used it to prepare some gastric juices simulations in glass jars, and I was doing experiments with them, seeing how the acid damaged some pieces of meat or bone. As awesome as that might sound, it was actually a bit dull, because the chemical reactions were slow, and I hadn't been able to get interesting results yet. I was tired, and hungry. A while before, I had eaten a whole head of lettuce, but it had been long digested by the time I was cleaning up my lab. My empty stomach grumbled painfully as I rinsed a jar full of diluted acid. “I should get a little snack before going to bed”, I thought, and by a “little snack” I meant something like another whole head of lettuce, which would probably be half as big as me. My appetite was simply endless and insatiable. “If I were a carnivore, I would soon deplete this part of the forest from animals”, I thought in amusement. Luckily for the world, I, Casdan, was a plant eater. A super greedy one, but nothing more than a plant eater... well, for the most part. Suddenly, I caught a suspicious sound. I carefully placed the jar on the floor, and I listened, orienting my ears towards my laboratory's entry. I heard some little paws hitting the floor outside: somebody had entered my burrow! And I wasn't expecting any visit. “If it's a ferret, I'll leave it blind!”, I thought, as I looked at my bottle of highly concentrated hydrochloric acid. “I'll throw it directly to its face”. However, the intruder didn't descend to my laboratory, which was on the lowest part of my burrow. Instead, it remained at the highest parts, precisely, where I had a few storerooms filled with food. “A burglar!”, I thought then. I went up, slowly and quietly, and I was soon able to hear the intruder stirring up my vegetables at my veggie storeroom. I wanted to surprise it, so I made sure to walk carefully and silently. My furry paws and short claws were quite helpful for that, but there were some things I couldn't control. As I got close to the vegetables room, I was able to feel their delicious scent, which made me hungrier. When I was right next to that storeroom's entry, my stomach growled very loudly. “Oh, my, this is so embarrassing”, I thought, as I blushed a bit under my white fur. But I didn't waste a second: I knew that the burglar had heard me, and that it would try to escape. I hopped inside the veggie room, and I saw it: she was a little brown mouse, who was already running towards the outside, holding a baby carrot between her yellowish teeth. I could see the fear in her eyes. She tried to go around me, but to no avail: I was faster than her, and I blocked her way. Standing on my hind legs, I stomped on her with my right paw. I made sure to put most of my weight on her. She squeaked as I did so, letting the baby carrot go. I trapped it and I asked, as I eagerly devoured it: “What are you doing inside my private property?”. She was scratching the floor while she made husky noises. My paw was almost as wide as her back, and I was pressing her rib cage against the floor. I noticed that she couldn't breathe, so I loosened my trampling and she took a deep breath. She tried to break free from under my paw, and I reacted by trampling her again as hard as I could. She gaped, desperate to get some air. “Be well behaved, you mousy”, I said. “Or I'm going to choke you to death”. I loosened my right leg again. She took another deep breath and said: “Let me go!”. “Oh, no, I'm not going to let you go”. “My family will avenge me if you hurt me!”, she said, and I laughed. I replied: “Am I supposed to get scared by a bunch of mice?”. “Let me go!”, she shouted, trying to break free again. This time I reacted by grabbing her by her tail and lifting her. Hanging upside down, she squirmed and kicked the air. “Now, tell me why you were trying to steal vegetables from me”, I asked, poking her head with my free fore paw. “And you better have a good excuse”. She started crying then. She hurriedly explained that she had a bunch of baby mice to maintain and that her family was hungry and needy. Not only that, but she was also pregnant and desperately needed to get some high quality food. “I don't want it just for me”, she said, in tears. “But for the babies to come. Please, understand my situation... “. I grabbed her by her body with my two fore paws, and I twisted her, facing her directly. I stared directly at her eyes, which were black. Mine usually looked red. Many other animals found them creepy, and I loved that. She was literally quivering. “What is your name, you rascal?”, I asked. “E-Emerald”, she answered. “Emerald? Like the gemstone? That's a beautiful name, hehe”. She suddenly calmed down. She was probably thinking that I was feeling pity for her. I had certainly sounded nicer. But she was completely wrong. “Oh, Emerald, I hate parasites and those who depend on the hard work of others”, I said. “And here you are, stealing instead of getting your food honorably, and having kids even when you can't sustain yourself. I'm afraid your excuse is not good enough”. “Please... “, she implored. My stomach roared painfully at the smell and the sight of the tasty veggies. That tiny carrot had not calmed my hunger down, at all. Rather the opposite was true. It was then when I decided that I would make the intruder preggy mouse my dinner. Well, my third or fourth dinner that day, to be precise. But first, I decided to play a bit with my prey. I said: “So you are pregnant, eh?”. And I put her on her back, on the floor, exposing her meaty and clearly enlarged tummy, with two rows of nipples. “I wonder how many babies there are inside here”, I said, poking her belly, trying to feel and count the fetuses inside her womb, but I couldn't, because I wasn't trained to do that. I realized that I wouldn't be eating just one mouse, but a bunch of them in fact. The idea was amazing, and my stomach roared again. “What are you going to do to me?”, she asked, terrified. I doubted before answering: “I'm going to eat you. I'm starving, I feel like it and you deserve it”. “YOU ARE CRAZY!!!”, she screamed, unsuccessfully trying to escape again. “You are a bunny, you can't eat mice... “, she said. “I can, and I will”, I replied. “My digestive system is actually more similar to a wolf's, than to a cow's. I'll have no problem in digesting a little mouse like you”. “No, no, no!”, Emerald screamed and wriggled. She tried to scratch me, so I had to stomp on her again, this time putting my hind paw directly over her ribs. My four toes and claws reached her face, intimidating her. She stayed still. “Don't make this difficult”, I said. “You are a thief, and an irresponsible mouse, and I'm going to make society a favor by eating you”. “You can't, there's simply no way you can eat me!”, she croaked, as soon as I let her breathe. “I'll swallow you whole. If I can't do that for some reason, I'll chew you first, just like I did with the carrot you were trying to steal. I'll be perfectly able to chew you. Just look at my teeth, aren't they beautiful and powerful?”, I said. Standing on my four legs, I opened wide my mouth and I leaned over her face. I let her see my full set of 28 adult rabbit teeth. My tongue and my ridged hard palate converged at the back of my mouth in a way which made my maw look like what it was: a bottomless pit, because the very back of it was in the dark. Emerald was unable to see anything beyond my tiny last molars, which were a sign of adulthood and maturity, for I was a full grown adult rabbit. The pits on my molars were filled with orange bits, and I drooled. A few drops of my saliva fell on her. She complained in disgust and fear. I stuck out my soft and chunky tongue and I licked her all over her face. “Mmmfffmmm”, she tried to protest, as I rubbed my tongue all over her face. “Mmm, you are salty!”, I said. “And we herbivores need to get our salt, did you know that?”. I was planning on “playing” a bit more with her, but after tasting her, I couldn't resist it anymore. I immediately opened wide my mouth and I put her whole head inside it before she could even react. I cocked back my head, ready to start swallowing. But suddenly, I almost jumped in pain. I noticed a sharp pain on my tongue, like a needle: Emerald had bitten me! I reacted by biting her as well: I sank my huge incisors on her neck, choking her and drawing blood. I could even feel my teeth meeting her cervical vertebrae. I could have beheaded her with a bite if I had wanted to, but I wanted to try swallowing a whole prey, so I didn't bite her anymore. She screamed miserably. The fur on her head and neck soon got completely wet from my saliva, making her easier to swallow. Using my tongue and paws, I moved her deeper into my digestive tract. Her head soon entered my esophagus, and her forelegs entered my mouth. She was scratching me as hard as she could, but she was not able to hurt me. Only her screams were really annoying, but that only motivated me to keep swallowing: the deeper she was, the further from my ears she would be. She was tasty, and I was producing so much saliva that I was drooling. As soon as her fur got wet and slippery enough, I swallowed a bit more of her body. My neck appeared enlarged as the mouse was halfway to my stomach, and by then, only her shaking tail and kicking hind legs were visible out of my mouth. With one final and powerful “gulp”, her rear entered my esophagus, and my peristaltic muscles did the rest, sending her to the depths of my tummy. Her tail was the last part of her body to go down, and I enjoyed it like a piece of spaghetti. My belly didn't even appear bloated. But it was pretty obvious that there was somebody inside it, because of Emerald's screams, which were muffled but perfectly audible, and because her kicks were visible. “I am doing some research about digestion, so tell me, for the sake of science: what are you feeling?”, I asked, and she didn't answer. “Come on, tell me, does it burn?”. “Yes!”, she cried, from my insides. “Hehe, can you see, or feel it? We rabbits aren't that different from a wolf! Stomach acid is very important to us as well. It kills the bacteria on the plants we eat, preventing fermentation and gas formation”. “Let me out!”, Emerald cried. “Oh, I'm so sorry, but we rabbits can't vomit”, I replied. “You'll have to remain in there”. I yawned. I felt sleepy. Even if my meal had been small in size, I felt completely satisfied. Probably, my organism recognized that what I had just eaten was pretty calorie-dense, especially when compared to the plant meals I (almost) always consumed. I decided that I would finish cleaning up the lab next morning, and I went to sleep right then, with my prey still kicking and screaming inside my stomach, while powerful digestive juices were secreted all over her body nonstop. She would probably lose her indigestible fur first, as my gastric juices damaged her skin. From that point on, digestion would only accelerate, because her naked body would be more vulnerable to my acid and enzymes. I really wish I could have seen what was going on inside my belly. I don't know when I exactly stopped hearing her, and feeling her moving. I think she passed out or died a little after I fell asleep. I woke up twice in the middle of the night, and the first time I did, she was no longer moving or screaming, but I was able to feel her bump when I pressed my belly. The second time I woke up, it was much later, and I was unable to feel anything. She and her unborn babies had already been reduced to a rich, nutritious soup which travelled along my small intestine while being absorbed. Even her bones had been completely dissolved, proving no match for my gastric juices. I smiled in pleasure, and I soon fell asleep again. When I woke up next morning, I blinked several times, feeling still sleepy. Then I remembered my special dinner last night, and I gently slapped my empty stomach. I stretched, I stood up and I lazily walked towards my veggie room to get a bunch of spinach leaves for breakfast. I was hungry again.
Romero was a lucky rabbit. He was a Fauve de Bourgogne. Born in captivity to a young and healthy doe, his eyes were black, his fur was reddish brown in color, and he was as healthy and strong as a domestic rabbit could be, although a bit small in size. His siblings had either died before becoming adults, or been slaughtered for meat by the time they were big and fat. Romero had avoided that destiny thanks to a benevolent, vegetarian human who bought him as a pet before he was completely adult. But Romero wasn't fond of his new human owner. The human had made everything he could to gain Romero's confidence and love, but to no avail. Whenever he held Romero, he tried to scratch and bite him, and the rabbit didn't even interact or play with his owner, ever. Romero's problem was that he hadn't been socialized since birth, and therefore, he had an irrational fear of humans. His nice owner understood this and still loved him, but he finally had to lock Romero in his cage and never let him out, much to his regret. For the sake of cleaning and space, he had placed Romero's cage out of his house. He had a little garden with a roofed area, where the rabbit could live comfortably, safe from the rain and the sun. But Romero didn't like his life there. He just wanted to be a free rabbit and explore the world around him. The problem was that the outside world there wasn't safe for a bunny, like he later found out. Almost all the humans in that rural area considered that rabbits were nothing more than food, just like chickens and pigs. But that was not what Romero discovered, for not only humans lived in that village... Romero's cage was big, and it stood on four legs more than one meter above the floor. It also had a nest box attached. The nest provided him with an extra space, as well as a place to hide when he felt like it. And it was the nest box that allowed him to escape. That happened some months after being adopted, when Romero was already a young adult. His owner lived alone and spent a lot of time out of his house. He could do nothing to prevent his pet from escaping. The bottom of the nest box was actually a removable tray, which could slide back and forwards. Romero's owner hadn't locked it firmly the last time he manipulated it. Romero casually discovered it, and he was able to open the nest box from the inside. He jumped on the concrete floor where the cage stood and looked around him, as he sniffed the air. The human wasn't there. For the first time in his life, he was free. Completely free. He hopped around the walled little garden a bit. He ate some lawn and explored a pile of pine and olive timber which offered many interesting hiding places, but he didn't stop there. Being the curious rabbit he was, he just wanted to continue exploring. Weighing around three kilograms and being around a half a meter long, he was relatively small for a Fauve de Bourgogne, so he had no problem to fit between the bars of the garden's sliding gate. “Wow... ”, he thought once he was outside. He was more than used to seeing the garden from inside his cage, but what he was seeing now was completely new to him: it was a street, full of houses with just a front, walled yard. A street with little traffic, luckily for him, for he was in a small town. He couldn't see any other animal. He hopped down the street, and he soon found a house which caught his attention. Part of its garden was occupied by an enclosure where hens lived, judging from the sounds Romero was able to hear. But most importantly, he saw several flowerpots where parsley plants grew. “Parsley! My favorite!”, he thought, with his mouth watering. Without hesitating, the little, brown bunny slipped through the gate's bars and entered the yard. --------------------- Lima lived in that house. Lima was a golden Labrador Retriever puppy. She was 5 months old. Her owner was an old, widow lady. Lima was taken away from her mother and abandoned as a newborn by some heartless human, and the woman had saved her life by adopting her. She had bottle-fed Lima, they had a very close and special relationship, and they both loved each other very much. Lima, being the Labrador she was, was a bottomless pit. Her owner easily noticed it when she bottle-fed her. Lima would drink milk until her tummy was ridiculously bloated, and she would still ask for more. Also, as soon as Lima got her baby teeth, she became the most problematic puppy in the world, able to chew and eat all sorts of non-food items, including clothes, wooden objects and plastic objects. It was when she switched to solid food that Lima's insatiable appetite fully manifested. Being just a puppy, she polished off the kibble in her bowl as soon as her owner filled it (to the edge, and even above it). She ate chunks of meat that even an adult human would be unable to finish, and she always tried to get into the rubbish bin to look for something remotely edible. Which basically meant anything she was able to get into her mouth and down her gullet. For this reason, Lima's owner never left her alone inside her house. When she had to leave, she put her in the garden and hoped that she wouldn't eat her plants, which thankfully hadn't happened yet... or that she wouldn't get into her chickens' enclosure somehow, which hadn't happened either. But her owner knew that Lima wouldn't hesitate to kill and devour a whole chicken (or more than one) if given the chance. Lima got along quite well with cats, humans and other dogs, but pretty much any other animal was on the menu for her. Be it bugs, or be it vertebrates... Romero just had no clue about where he had entered. He couldn't see Lima, and being too eager to eat some parsley, he didn't stop to sniff the air before continuing. It's not that the smell of a dog would have deterred him, anyway. He wasn't really afraid of dogs, because he had had almost no interaction with them throughout his life in captivity. Probably, that's why he didn't get too scared when, hopping among rosebushes and carnations towards the parsley flowerpots, he heard Lima barking: “Hey, you! What are you doing here?”. Even if he was not too afraid of dogs, his rabbit instinct kicked in, and he stayed still immediately, his eyes open wide, observing the garden, and his ears lifted like a pair of poles. But Lima could already see and even smell him. She was in the middle of the garden, barely four meters away from him, standing behind a short and thin myrtle hedge which delimited a path paved in slate stone. “I can't let this meal escape!”, she thought, and quick as light, she passed through the hedge and ran towards Romero like her life depended on it, avoiding the rosebushes and other plants. Romero didn't move at first, but he immediately saw that the dog was clearly going after him and began running as fast as he could too. He was trying to retrace his steps and go back to the street, out of the garden, but he wasn't fast enough. A domestic rabbit who had spent his entire life locked up in cages just had no chance of outrunning a healthy, hungry Labrador puppy. Lima was all energy and strength, and she caught him in a heartbeat, sinking her teeth in his back's skin and lifting him from the ground. --------------------- Meanwhile, the hens were seeing everything from their enclosure, which was mainly made of mesh wire. “Girls, come see this!”, one of them said. “Lima just caught a rabbit!”. “A rabbit? I didn't know there were rabbits here! But it's true!”, another hen said, looking at Lima, who was carrying Romero in her mouth. “That's obviously a domestic rabbit. Poor thing. He probably escaped from somewhere and was dreaming of living a free life... ”. --------------------- Romero was scratching and kicking the air like crazy. “Let me go!”, he screamed. He was in pain from Lima's teeth and from all his weight hanging from a bit of his skin. Lima was so satisfied. She felt like a true wolf. She knew that dogs descended from wolves, and she liked to think of herself like one of them. But being the smart, socialized dog that she was, she also felt that what she was doing was kind of wrong, so she moved with her prey away from the garden's gate to a more discreet corner. Romero continued struggling, to no avail. Romero was by far her biggest catch, but she was able to manage him perfectly well, without getting hurt. Even if she was a nice doggy who felt like hiding after catching a prey, Lima still retained many of her carnivorous, predator instincts from her wolf ancestors. She lay down and left Romero on the ground, between her extended forelegs. He wouldn't be able to run away. “What are you doing here?”, she asked. Romero was petrified from fear. He answered: “I... I just wanted to eat some parsley. Please, don't hurt me”. She licked him from his tail to his ears. “Mmmm, tasty!”, Lima thought. Some of his fur detached and got stuck to her tongue, but she didn't care. She swallowed it with gusto. “Parsley... I never tried it”, she said. “But I've tried many other things!”, she giggled. “You just wouldn't believe. I have a bomb-proof stomach!”. Romero said nothing. Lima continued talking: “I once found a wet sock that my owner had forgotten inside the washing machine, and I ate it. Another time, I stole a plastic figure from one of my owner's grandkids and I swallowed it before they could take it away from me. I've also eaten paper tissue, rubber and even some little pebbles. The pebbles were an accident, because I was trying to eat other stuff. It's not that I like to eat stone... but I still swallowed it, and I had zero problem. What do you think about that?”. “Well, those are... weird things to eat, I guess”, Romero said, looking at her. As a herbivore, he had a wide, peripheral vision that allowed him to see Lima without moving his head, even if she was behind him, and only her dirty and rough forepaws were in front of him. “Oh, and there are many more non edible things that I've eaten. I just can't control myself when it comes to filling my belly”, she giggled. “Those were just a few examples. But what I usually eat is edible. The world is full of edible stuff actually. My favorite is meat though. I am a carnivore after all. Did you know that we dogs descend from wolves?”. “You look nothing like a wolf. Your fur is yellowish”, Romero said. He knew that that might have been true, but the sole idea terrified him. Surely, Romero had never seen a wolf, but he knew that wolves ate rabbits in the wild. The idea of him, a domestic rabbit, being at a domestic wolf's mercy was absolutely terrifying. That was the exact idea that Lima had in mind too, and she replied, making things worse: “Well, I might not look like a wolf, but I do descend from them. Just like you look nothing like a wild rabbit, but still are descended from them. Just look at how easily I caught you, just like my wild cousins catch your wild cousins. I am a huntress by nature. We Labradors are sometimes used by human hunters too. But the matter is that I am designed to catch, kill and consume animals”. Lima licked him again, and Romero gulped in fear. He thought of his (former) human owner and missed him for the first time ever. He then asked: “What kind of animals did you eat? Because I'm assuming you've eaten plenty of them... ”. Suddenly, a din arose from the hens' enclosure. They had been watching and hearing everything attentively. “What!?”, Romero exclaimed, guessing the reason of the chickens' unease. “Did you eat a hen?” “Well, my owner once brought a raw, whole chicken from the butcher's and I ate the entire thing. Bones, organs and all. She got a bit upset. I think the chicken wasn't for me, but I regret nothing”, she giggled. Her floppy ears gently wiggled. “Maybe that was a hen. Some of the kibble I eat has chicken in it, maybe those are hens too. And I've eaten chicken meat and raw chicken bones many, many times... I guess there must have been some hens who have ended in my tummy. But I honestly don't know. What I do know for sure is that I ate a rooster”. “Our poor husband!”, one of the hens exclaimed. Chickens are polygamous. “A rooster... ”, Romero said, in awe. “Apparently, there was something wrong with him”, Lima explained. “Our owner was trying to get baby chicks or something, but the hens continued to lay empty eggs. She blamed it on the rooster and fed him to me, saying that she would need to get a new one”.“And you... killed and ate him”, Romero said, absolutely horrified. “Oh, well, it was the woman that killed him for me”, Lima said, and some hens started crying. “She cut his head off and I ate the head. Then, the headless body jumped around the garden a bit, she took it, she removed all the feathers for me and then I did feast on it. It tasted amazing, much better than the butcher's chicken”. “You horrible, sadistic, spoiled dog... ”, Romero said. The weeping hens broke her bunny heart. “Eh, I am a hungry meat eater, and that's it. You should have seen me. My belly was so bloated that I couldn't move. I ate absolutely everything”. “Did you, a puppy, eat a whole, adult rooster?”, Romero asked. “That's hard to believe”. “I know, right? I didn't know I was able to eat that much. But yeah, my stomach is able to stretch like crazy. And I love it, humans find it super cute. They rub my belly nonstop when it's swollen from food. Will you rub my belly, you cute little bunny?”. She stood up, letting Romero see her belly, which now appeared pretty lean. Romero tried to escape, but he didn't even advance thirty centimeters before feeling Lima's teeth sinking in his skin and lifting him again. “You naughty rabbit”, she said, placing him between her forelegs again. “You aren't going anywhere”. Suddenly, Romero heard a low and tenuous growling sound, which obviously came from Lima's empty stomach, which was begging for food. “Oh, did you hear that?”, Lima said. “We Labradors can't do anything about that. I mean... you get hungry from time to time, right?”. “Right... ”, he said. “And when you are hungry, you eat and you cease to be hungry, right?”. “Right”, he repeated. “Sure, and once you've eaten, you feel full and no longer hungry. Well, those are alien sensations to us Labrador dogs. We are permanently hungry, and we never feel full. That's why we are so incredibly ravenous”. “How come?”, Romero said. “I don't know, we are just like that. It's a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but it's usually great, because you enjoy your food a lot”. Lima was telling the truth. She honestly didn't know what being full felt like, because she never felt full, no matter how much she ate. And since birth, a raging, permanent hunger had accompanied her. Even after eating the rooster, lying on the floor and unable to move around, she wished that somebody had put her bowl full of kibble next to her mouth. This interesting feature (not feeling full and always being hungry) is common to many Labradors, and some genes are to blame for that, according to scientific studies. “I am so ravenous that almost any animal is food for me”, she continued saying. “I've eaten countless bugs: beetles, woodlice, spiders, grasshoppers, bees, wasps... you name it. That's how I ate the pebbles in fact: while I was trying to eat bugs. I've also caught several sparrows and other birds, and I devour them before they even have time to complain chirping. But so far, my proudest catch is a mouse. Do you see? I am like a cat, hahaha”. “A mouse!”, Romero said. “I think those are dirty. Did you eat it?”. “I sure did”, Lima answered. “So bad there aren't many mice in this area. I've never seen or even smelled any other mouse after that. But yeah, I caught her and I swear I swallowed her whole and alive. My owner saw me and ran towards me, to try to get her out of my mouth, but I was quicker than my old human friend. The mouse was screaming, begging for her life and kicking with all her might, but she still went down pretty smoothly. The coolest thing is that I could feel her in my stomach for a while!”. “Didn't she hurt you?”, Romero asked. As terrified as he was, he was also curious about what that dog was telling him. “No way”, Lima said. “She just screamed and wiggled a bit inside me. You could even see her moving and hear her screams for help from the outside! But after a while, she stopped fighting and melted inside my belly or something. I'll never forget it, it was awesome. If I ever catch some other mouse, I'll swallow it whole and alive. Birds aren't so easy to swallow whole, sadly. Those feathers are awful, so I need to chew them. Just like I have to chew... well, my bigger preys. Well, we carnivores don't chew actually: we just cut our food in pieces small enough to swallow”. She licked him again. Romero just couldn't stand it anymore: “You are going to eat me, aren't you?”. “Oh, you smart bunny”, she smiled. “Why do you even ask? I sure am”. “Please... don't... I won't be tasty”, he said. He was about to cry. “Hey, that's exactly what the last sparrow said!”, one of the hens said, and all of them laughed. Even if their husband had been consumed by that greedy dog, those awful birds were able to find pleasure in seeing her eating other animals. “Everybody's horrible in this house”, Romero thought. “Damn it, why did I even enter this garden?”, he thought. “Who cares about taste?”, Lima said. “I want to eat, and that's it. Plus, I bet a rabbit is super tasty. Why would my wolf relatives eat you guys if you weren't tasty?”, she smiled. “Well, but I'm too big for you, right? Surely your belly must have a limit, and I am heavier than a rooster!”, Romero said. “My belly having a limit, you say? I doubt that, but I guess we'll have to find out... or rather, I'll have to find out”, she smiled. “But I'm 100% sure you'll fit inside here just fine”, she pointed at her belly with her paw when she said that. “And not even a piece of you will be left out of my tummy. Yeah, you are a bit bigger than that rooster I ate, but not by much, and now I am bigger myself than I was when I devoured the rooster, so... ”.“Well, but you won't be able to eat me! How are you going to chew and digest me? My bones will be too hard for you. Mammal bone is harder than bird bone, do you know?”. Lima couldn't but laugh. She said: “I've eaten, not only a whole mouse, but also plenty of pork and beef bones. And I digested them just like nothing. My stomach is very powerful. And they are indeed harder than chicken bones, but nothing that my teeth can't handle, look!”. And she leaned towards him with her mouth wide open. Romero saw that his head would fit loosely inside Lima's gaping mouth. As a carnivore, Lima was able to open her mouth a lot, much more than him. He put his ears down and began trembling in fear. The sun directly illuminated her gaping maw, and he was able to see everything: her long, wet tongue, dripping saliva on him. The wide opening of her throat (no wonder a whole mouse was able to go down there). Her hard palate covered in ridges, and her soft palate covering part of her throat's opening. But most importantly, her teeth. Being 5 months old, she had already lost all her baby teeth, and almost all her adult teeth had come in. In fact, she had 40 teeth in her mouth (out of a total of 42). Only her tiny, last bottom molars hadn't come in yet. They were still beneath her gums. But they were so close to erupting that one could see them showing through her bare gums behind her second lower molars with the appropriate light. And Romero was able to see them. But what scared him the most were her over two centimeters long canine teeth, the same which had sunk in his skin a moment before. And also her huge carnassial teeth: her lower first molars and upper fourth premolars, a set of modified teeth to easily cut flesh and crush bones, and that many members of the Carnivora order have. On top of that, Romero was also able to feel her warm, wet breath. “Damn it... ”, a terrified Romero thought while Lima allowed him to contemplate her mouth. It was his end. There was nothing he could do. He would die devoured by a puppy, and apparently, he wouldn't even satisfy her. That was how pathetic his end would be. And his end came fast after that. Lima grabbed him and shook him with all her might. She had never killed an animal that big before, but her predator instinct guided her. Luckily for Romero, his neck broke soon, so his suffering didn't last for too long. Once he was dead, she began to eat his boney head, which she crunched under her powerful teeth like a cookie, albeit a very crunchy one. After that, she ate his body, making sure that no organ was left. She even ate his gallbladder and intestines. Lastly, she consumed his hind legs, which were as crunchy and boney as his head. In less than thirty minutes, Lima was able to consume Romero entirely. When the old lady came back home, she found her beloved pet sleeping on the porch. Having eaten a prey which was almost a sixth of her weight, Lima's belly was as bloated as when she ate the rooster. This time, however, she was able to walk, and she immediately woke up and ran to greet her owner. Her belly was hanging so low that it was close to dragging on the floor. Many plants did touch her crazily distended tummy. The woman panicked at first, thinking that Lima had eaten a hen. When she counted her hens and saw that none of them was missing, she calmed down. “What did the sweetest girl in the world eat now?”, she said, in a friendly voice. “You greedy thing!”, she gently poked her snout. Lima lay on her back and the woman couldn't resist to give her some belly rubs, which Lima enjoyed a lot. She proceeded to inspect the garden, looking for something which told her what Lima had eaten, but she found absolutely nothing. Lima didn't even leave any recognizable amount of fur. She then inspected Lima's mouth, just in case, but it was as clean as usual. Lima's teeth were very white, not only because she was a puppy, but also because her diet, rich in raw bones and meat, contributed to her teeth being clean. Lima loved it when her owner tried to look into her mouth, trying to hold it open. She naughtily tried to resist. It was like a game for her. The woman finally gave up. She was unable to discover what her pet had eaten. She couldn't do anything but keep an eye on Lima and hope that she would be OK. Something told her that she wouldn't have a problem, though. And that's exactly what happened: Lima's belly went back to normal once she digested her enormous meal, and she continued being the healthy, tireless puppy that she was. She had no issues, and nothing remotely recognizable was left from Romero, who provided her with many nutrients that she, as a growing puppy, needed. However, the woman did find out eventually. A few days later, when her neighbour told her that his pet rabbit had escaped and disappeared, she had no doubt about what had happened. Obviously, she said nothing about Lima's mysterious meal to her neighbour. And for some reason, she felt prouder than ever of Lima. “She's like my true little wolf”, the woman thought. Back to the day when Lima ate Romero, after her owner stopped looking into her obviously empty mouth, she went to the kitchen, and Lima followed her. Once there, Lima sat on the floor in front of a cupboard next to the oven. The low part of her swollen belly did touch the floor when Lima was sitting. Meanwhile, she looked at her owner with irresistible puppy eyes, and her mouth half open, like she was smiling. She looked ridiculously cute, and it looked like she was trying to tell her owner something. She was. The place where she was sitting wasn't random. That was the cupboard where her owner kept the kibble bag.
Seventeen year old Ruby Rose jumped out of bed in her red bra and panties and went to the bathroom to freshen up before she put on clean underwear and the black tank top and shorts she had laid out the night before. She was finally a senior in high school, and she was particularly excited to study a new course she had never heard of until the day before school to start when it came time for her to pick a class to take the place of the math class she finished a year early, Vore, but, the fact that she hadn't had much time to read up on it was of no concern to her, she was an extremely smart individual who was always looking for an academic challenge, but, it would take more than book smarts to uh, complete this class. "I'm so excited to start this new class. It seems very intresting, and very compelling." After Ruby had gotten dressed, she unplugged her cell phone and laptop before she put them in her back pack and quickly went down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast with her back pack halfway on her back. "Good morning Ruby." Summer, her mom said as Ruby slid her back pack off of her right shoulder and into the floor by the chair she was going to sit in. "Good morning mother." Ruby said as she sat down while her mom finished up the waffles she was cooking for Ruby and her. "You seem very happy this morning, are you excited to start your senior year?" "Yes mother, I'm very excited." "I haven't had a chance to ask you yet, what class did you pick to replace your math class?" Ruby waited until the waffles were plated and her mom had sat down before she answered. "It's a new subject I haven't heard of before until yesterday. It's called 'vore', and I haven't had much time to read up on it." "Have you read up on it at all?" Summer asked as she poured syrup on her waffles before she cut them up. "Very little, but what I have read is very intresting. For example, it's possible to swallow another human being whole and alive and hold them in your stomach and keep them from getting out. Like if we caught a prowler and we needed to hold him until the police arrived." "How safe is it? I wouldn't want someone to die in my stomach while waiting for the police to arrive to take them to jail." "I think it depends on the person doing the swallowing, while I wouldn't be happy with someone breaking into our house, I wouldn't let them die while they were trapped in my stomach, I would find someway to keep them alive." "Wouldn't they panic and fight to get out?" "Yeah, but then I would tell them, that if they wanted to get out of my stomach alive, that they would need to be still so my digestive juices wouldn't start to work, I mean, they might lose their clothes, but at least that would be all they lose." "That would certainly drop the crime rate around here." "It would that." "What is your teachers name?" "Sanguinius.....that's it, just Sanguinius." "I haven't heard that name before, is he a new teacher?" "I would assume so." "What all is he going to teach you about this 'vore'?" "Aside from showing us how to swallow someone whole and alive, I'm not sure." After Ruby finished her breakfast she helped her mother clean the table before she went outside and walked to the end of her cobblestone driveway to wait on the bus, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining, it was a perfect day to start back to school, better than it was the year before when there was a heavy rain for most of the day. If it wasn't for the fact that Rubys' house was on a hill, their yard most likely would have flooded. "Bus is a little late this morning." Ruby said to herself as she pulled out her phone and looked over her social media accounts. "Crap, there's a back to school party after school today. I'll have to text my mom. The bus is coming down the road." After Ruby texted her mom she got a reply that said, "Have a good time and I'll see you tonight." After Ruby read the text she put her phone up just as the bus stopped at the curb. "Still haven't fixed the brakes." Ruby said to herself as the bus squeaked loudly to a stop. Once Ruby was on the bus she quickly scanned the occupants until she found the two teenagers she made friends with over the summer, seventeen year olds Harriet and Penny. Once she located them she quickly walked to where they were sitting and sat inbetween them with her back pack in the floor as the door hissed and closed before the bus took off. "Hey Ruby." Harriet and Penny said as they adjusted their small frames so all three of them could sit comfortably for the fifteen mile ride to school. "Hey guys." Ruby said as she ran her hands through her long black hair. "So Ruby, you coming to the back to school party at the bowling alley this afternoon?" Penny asked as she put her blonde hair in a pony tail. "Yeah, all I have to do is call my mom thirty minutes before I'm ready to come home." "Cool. So what class did you pick to take the place of your math class?" "It's called 'vore', and it's very intresting." "What is it about?" Harriet asked out of curiousity. "It's the process of swallowing a human whole and alive and trapping them in your stomach." "For food?" Harriet asked with a slighty uncomfortable look on her face. "Not as long as they sit still and behave themselves until the reason you swallowed them had passed. Like for example, let's say you and Penny had a contest, and the loser had to spend an hour in the belly of the winner, then the winner would swallow the loser whole and alive and let them out when the hour was up." "Sounds cool. I wish we had that class." Harriet said as the bus came to a stop. "I'll explain it more later after school." After the three girls got off the bus, they went into Atlas High School to begin their first day of school. The first day of school flew by for Ruby as the time for her to start her new class drew near, finally, it was two thirty, and time for her to start her new class. When she walked in the door she said 'hi' to the few students who were already in class beofre she turned her attention to an empty desk with a computer on it and a cup full of various pens and pencils, there was also an LED television mounted to the wall behind the teachers desk with a clock above it. "A television screen instead of a white board, this class is going to be very intresting." Ruby said as she took her seat in the front middle row of the class. A few minutes later, a tall well built man with shoulder length blonde hair came into the room holding a steaming beverage of somekind in his right hand, he also had sacthel over his left shoulder. He was wearing wing tip black shoes, black socks and trousers, a red button up shirt, and a black tie with a black unbuttoned suit coat. "Good afternoon, my name is Sanguinius", the tall well built man said with a baritone voice, "and I will be your teacher for this class, and it will be hands on." Ruby got excited when she heard the words 'hands on.' "Is he actually going to swallow one of us whole and alive?" She thought to herself, her heart and mind racing as her blood ran warm. After Sanguinius sat at his desk he took a laptop out of his sacthel and turned it on while he instructed the students to take out their text books and turn to the first page which was titled: "Introduction To Vore.," which covered the etymology of the word, and the various purposes of vore, and the first one they came to was protective vore. "Now class, as I stated at the start, this was going to be hands on, so I need a volunteer to help me demonstrate protective vore." "I'll volunteer." Ruby said as she quickly raised her hand up. "Ahhh, an eager student, just what I'm looking for in this class. Step forward if you would Ms. Rose." Ruby got out of her seat and quickly walked up to Sanguinius' desk. "Now, class, in this demonstration, Ruby is a prowler who has broke into my home, and I'm going to show you how to swallow another human whole and alive. Ruby, when I go to swallow you, I want you to fight me as hard as you can. Are you ready?" "Yes." Ruby said excitedly as she shook her head. "Then let's begin....You, what are you doing in my house?" Sanguinius spake in such a tone that Ruby couldn't help but get a little bit worried, despite the fact that she knew no harm would come to her. Ruby tried to run for the door, but Sanguinius easily stuck his long arm out and grabbed her by the collar of her tank top, stretching it and revealing the straps of the black bra she was wearing underneath. "Let me go!" Ruby said in a raised voice as she hit Sanguinius chest as hard as she could. "Oh don't worry. I'll let you go, when the police arrive, until then I have the perfect place to hold you until they get here." Ruby looked at Sanguinius as he opened his mouth and brought her head towards it. "NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO AND I'LL LEAVE!" Ruby screamed as she began hit her teacher harder, but it done her no good as his mouth began to fill up with saliva. "Too late for that. Maybe next time you'll think twice before breaking into someones' house." Ruby put her palms on her teachers shoulders to try and keep herself from being eaten alive but her attempts were useless as Sanguinius easily brought her head up to his salavating mouth and slid it into his throat. The students were in awe as they saw the head of their fellow classmate appear in the throat of their teacher while Ruby continued to flail her arms in a futile attempt to keep herself from being eaten. Once Sanguinius was to Rubys' shoulders, he pinned her arms to her sides as he slowly began to work on her upper body in as gentlemenly a way as possible. Slowly taking her breasts into his mouth and being very careful not to cause any harm to her sensitive flesh. The students kept watching as Rubys' upper body appeared in Sanguinius' throat and then disappered behind his chest. He swallowed again and took Rubys' flat stomach into his mouth, and as before, when he reached Rubys' sex, he took it into his mouth as politely as possible as he grabbed Ruby by the waist and turned her upside down. He couldn't help but let out a small moan as he felt Rubys' head and shoulders push through the spinchter of his stomach, which suprisingly, wasn't showing any evidence of being filled up by a human. As Ruby kicked her legs Sanguinius simply used his strong hands to gently hold them together while he tilted his head back and slowly worked them down his throat. Another swallow and all that was left of Ruby was her feet. Sanguinius took off her shoes then took her feet into his mouth and closed it. He then took a breath in through his nose and swallowed Rubys' feet down to join the rest of her, along with a drink of tea to help the rest of her slide down as she assumed an upright fetal position with her arms pinned to her sides. "Wow, he's really good. I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot from him." Ruby thought to herself as she timed his breathing with hers so she would have an ample supply of oxygen. "And he has a good taste in tea." After Ruby was swallowed whole, the rest of the students watched the imprint of Rubys' body, her hands, her feet, and her face, move inside the still flat belly of Sanguinius, causing him to cover his mouth as he let out a small burp. 'sorry. i was just trying to get comfortable.' Ruby said in a muffled voice as she moved around in Sanguinius' stomach, which caused the rest of the class to murmur to themselves. "Class, would any of you like to come and take a closer look." The students all turned their heads in various directions as the bell rang. "Oh, our time is up class. We will continue this tomorrow, be sure and study, because tomorrow, I want two students to demonstrate to me how to swallow someone whole and alive. Class dismissed. Oh, and Ruby, since you were such an eager student, I want you to stay after class." 'wha, you mean i'm stuck in here?!' Ruby asked while the rest of the students chatted amongst themselves as they left the class. "Unless you can get out, then yes." 'Ok, Ruby, calm down, this comes with the territory, all I have to do is find a way to get him to gag, which will cause his sphincter to open, then I can start to work my way up.' As Sanguinius put up his equipment and stood up, Ruby tried to feel around in her tight confines for something that would make him gag, but the lining of his stomach was so slippery that she couldn't grab ahold of anything, and when his stomach did open, it was no where near long enough for her to get her fingers in it, not that she could anyway, she was stuck, and she would have to think outside the box, she knew she wouldn't die, but her situation still caused her heart rate to increase. 'Mr. Sanguinius. I have a party I'm supposed to go to, and my friends are going to get concerned and try to call me when I don't show up, and my phone and laptop are in my backpack, which is still in your class.' "You're right Ruby. How careless of me." 'Good, now I can get out of here.' Ruby thought to herself as she watched and waited for Sanguinius' stomach to open. "I'm going to back and get your backpack." 'Crap, well that didn't work. Now what am I going to do?' Ruby thought to herself before she tried to think of another plan.
Born Again By CassiSquish Alicia looked up at the sign outside the tall building's door, scanning for her destination. She knew it was here; she'd recited the route and location to herself a thousand times prior. How could she not? Wasn't like she had much else to live for. Eventually, she found the buzzer for the third floor, labeled "Born Again Genetics and Research". She reached out and pushed the buzzer for a second or two, and waited until the speaker above it fizzed and a woman's voice- smooth and sultry, even through the piezo speaker- came through. "Born Aga-mmm..." Alicia raised an eyebrow at the voice. Was that a moan? "Ahem. Born Again Industries, Doctor Knight speaking. How can I help you?" Alicia caught her breath. This seemed like the point of no return. Or at least no returning in the body she knew, at least. It took a second for her voice to come, and it was tremulous. "I-I'm Alicia Ashwright? Here for a 9:45 appointment?" She was early- it was roughly 9:15- but the buses were kind to her (for the first time ever) and she was just so eager to get this over with that she couldn't stop herself from buzzing. "Ah! Miss Ashwright. Yes, I see you're a little- ah!- early. That's no problem, though. If anything it means you could... oooh... get a small preview of what you're in for." The voice was itself stuttery, but for what Alicia guessed was an entirely different reason. "OK, honey, I'm not quite in any fit state to come down to meet you, so I'll open the door from here. Come up the stairs, third floor, door's on the left. I'll see you just inside!" The intercom fizzled as it cut off. Alicia stood there for a moment, before turning and opening the door and climbing the stairs slowly, thinking to herself- with a tinge of jealousy- that at least somebody was having fun with their life. ----------------- Whatever Alicia expected to see when she opened the front door of Born Again's lab, it most certainly wasn't what she actually saw. A woman stood before her. The sight of her body almost defied belief; her hair was a pitch black, but for the ends, which glowed a multitude of colours. Her eyes were the same; the sclera dark as night, the irises glowing, rainbow stars that held, despite their alien look, a feeling of absolute warmth and kindness. Oh, and she was naked, not that Alicia really noticed at first; her body was that of a Greek goddess, her shoulders, arms and legs being well toned muscle. Her breasts were large- easily DD, perhaps E- but showed hardly any sag, being perky and full, managing to simultaneously appear soft and yet as unrelenting mountains. Her nipples were erect, betraying the arousal she felt, and seemed to be leaking breast milk. Her skin was pale, not quite alabaster, but close. All this paled in comparison, however, to her belly. Alicia would have said that this woman was pregnant, but for the size. Her belly was easily three times the size of a normal full term pregnancy, inexplicably free of stretch marks, and wasn't quite evenly round; in fact, Alicia could have sworn that her belly looked like it contained a person, of roughly early teen age. Every so often, the belly twitched, the woman moaned, and the shape became slightly clearer for a moment before settling down again. She heard a sloshing noise every time the twitch occurred, and Alicia noticed that there was fluid running down the woman's legs from what was presumably her vagina, pooling about her feet. The woman moved as if she didn't have a belly the size of half the room, and waddled over to Alicia holding out a hand in greeting. "Hello there!" the woman said in a friendly tone, shaking Alicia's hand. "I'm Doctor Artemis Knight. I'll be going through the procedure with you. As I said, you're quite early, but that's fine; we'll go through some of the paperwork first while I wait for the previous patient to regress." She motioned to a desk nearby, and she sat behind it with a squelch, moaning as her... passenger?... kicked in protest at the movement. Alicia sat on the other side, and began to go through some paperwork with Dr. Knight. ----------------- As they went through the paperwork, Alicia watched the doctor's body. She could swear that her belly was shrinking; slowly, but still faster than she thought biology should work... but then, given she had been watching a very pregnant woman become very much less so over the past half hour, she was going to leave the explaining to the professional, who turned to her with a serious expression. "Well, that's the boring stuff over with," said Dr. Knight. By this time her belly, formerly massively gravid, had shrunken to just shy of full term, and was still going. "Now, before we go any further, I just want to make quite sure that you know what you're getting into." "I know." Alicia said, her voice hollow. "It was made quite clear that there was no going back. Not that I want to, anyway. There's nothing left for me now, not since-" Alicia choked up slightly, tears springing to her eyes. "Not since the accident." Dr. Knight nodded. She'd read the report as part of the prelim checks. 24 years old, Alicia was the only survivor of a terrible car crash; her entire family had been killed, with her as the only survivor. Psych reports afterward indicated a strong survivor's guilt and suicidal ideations, but no attempts made. She'd spent what money she'd gotten from her inheritance on various things to try and dull the pain, but in the end what was left had gone to pay for this appointment. Dr. Knight placed a hand on Alicia's shoulder, a comforting gesture. "You're quite sure this is your choice? You're right- in this procedure, there's no going back after a certain point." The naked doctor wiped a couple of tears from Alicia's face with her pale hands. "I won't judge your motivations. But I want you to be certain." Alicia nodded, almost without thinking. This was her fate, and while she didn't know exactly what this procedure entailed, she knew it would remove her from the world painlessly, and that is all she really wanted now. Dr. Knight pulled back and smiled a pleasant smile. It radiated a warmth that made Alicia feel far more at ease that she had in a long time, and reinforced her belief that this was a good decision. "Well then, we'll begin in a short while." -------------- The doctor rubbed at her belly. By now it had shrunk to almost flat, though there was a decent sized bulge that seemed bigger than it should be at this stage. She turned to her patient. "Generally, the procedure is easier if you're undressed, but if you so wish you can go on clothed. Any particular preference?", Artemis asked Alicia. Alicia didn't reply, but began to disrobe, making her choice wordlessly. Artemis smiled. "Thank you, dear, that makes it easier on both of us. Once you're done, let me know, ok? Just have to take care of something first; my previous patient took the other option..." Artemis grabbed a few things from drawers lining the side of the room; a beaker and a large plastic tray among them. This part always tickled, she thought with an inward giggle. She held the beaker underneath her vulva and pressed upon the bulge in her abdomen, contracting her uterus, squeezing its liquid contents out through her open cervix and her birth canal. A thick, white gel poured from her sex in a stream, filling the beaker mostly full. Artemis held it up to her face. "Hello there, Tina? I know you can't reply, but don't worry, you're just outside me for a short while while I reconfigure your new home a bit. Don't worry, semen stays viable outside the body for about twenty minutes so you'll be back in there well before any danger." She noticed Alicia, half naked, staring at her with a nonplussed expression and giggled. "I'll explain later." Putting the beaker of what was apparently Tina aside, Artemis next grabbed the tray and squatted over it, aiming her vulva dead center. She rubbed her clit and contracted her uterus again, biting her lip as its main contents were expelled; bigger this time, it stretched her cervix and birth canal as they passed through. Eventually, with a splash and a yelp, Artemis came, expelling into the tray a set of clothes; a rather nice looking camisole, a pair of black leggings, a small bra, panties and socks. All soaked with Artemis's uterine fluids, what semen she didn't squeeze out, and her own cum that she sprayed into the tray right after. Finally, she passed also into the tray what looked like a fleshy red blob- the endometrium, engorged after the meal that was her previous patient. Artemis steadied herself, panting, and rubbed at her clit some more. Her belly was now entirely empty, revealing a set of abs that one could grind meat on. Artemis stood, slightly sweaty from the exertion, and picked up the Tina beaker again. She sat on the desk chair with her ass forward, her crotch pointed slightly toward the ceiling, and used her left hand to part her pussy lips, gaping slightly her vaginal opening. Her other hand moved the Tina beaker to it, and as quickly as possible she poured the pearly gel like fluid back into her. She felt it flow all the way to her cervix, and used her well developed kegels to push as much of it into her hungry uterus as possible. Tina would be back soon (she did pay for the quick rebirth, after all) but Artemis would have to keep her in Fallopian storage for a short while as she made ready to accommodate Alicia. She stood up, a small amount of Tina goo flowing down her legs, and cleaned up after herself, putting Tina's soiled clothing into a bag marked "For Incineration" (a shame- she quite liked that camisole...), and turned to appraise Alicia, who by this time had completely stripped off and was watching Artemis's procedures with... interest. Alicia was a good looking, but otherwise average girl. Slightly chubby, with a curvy figure. Her breasts were a good size, with large areolas and nipples, and she was covered in freckles. Her long red hair fell in curls framing her face. Most distressingly, Artemis found, was the scars; from her waist down she had a good few ragged scars running down her legs, from the accident as well as the surgeries it took to put her back together. Artemis' heart ached as she imagined the pain that the girl must have felt... and her womb and ovaries tingled at the thought of being able to take the scars and the pain away. Alicia had sat down on the floor while Artemis was purging herself of her previous patient's remnants, and had obviously become rather aroused at the sight; she was slowly rubbing herself, stimulating her clit and panting as she brought herself to climax- not the first, given the small puddle of juices under her. Artemis smiled and put her hands on her well toned hips. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show," she said. "Tina, bless her, wasn't very comfortable being naked during the procedure, hence the extra step. Alas, her loss," Artemis walked over to the desk again and checked a couple of sheets, before turning to Alicia again. "Before we begin, I imagine you'd like an explanation for... well, all of this? What allows me to do what I do?" Alicia nodded. Even having seen what she had seen so far, she still couldn't quite grasp just what had occurred, or what Dr. Knight even was, given her glowing, colour changing anatomy. Artemis smiled and sat down, and began to explain. ------------------- "If I'm being honest, there's a lot I don't know myself. Everything from before my early teens is fuzzy, and I have no family- I was in the system a lot- so I don't rightly know if I was born like this or if I was... made, somehow." Alicia understood this all too well, the feeling of not knowing her place in the world. Ever since the accident she had felt lost in a place that only seemed to remind her of what she had ripped from her. "Anyway," continued Dr. Artemis, "Besides the glowy bits I thought that I was otherwise normal... until my 17th birthday, when I discovered I was pregnant. No father; hell, until that point I was a virgin." Artemis's hand moved down to her belly, settling over her womb. "I couldn't understand it, nor could anyone else. Doctors couldn't figure out what had happened beyond pure parthenogenesis-" Artemis paused, noting the look of confusion on Alicia's face. "In basic terms, producing a child without any male input. Anyway, I got to third trimester, and was at crisis point; my life was a mess and a kid added to the mix would blow it clean out of the water. I remember wishing one night, with all my heart, that I could just reverse myself back to before... and that's what ended up happening." Alicia's eyes grew wide in concern and surprise. "You mean you got an a-" "No, no," Artemis said, in a tone that implied that she'd been asked that a whole lot in the past. "I'd considered it, yes, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do so in case I could get some idea of what caused it- eventually, it was too late for mere abortion. No, what happened was even stranger; my pregnancy began going backwards." Alicia had a poleaxed expression. That didn't usually happen in the ancestral environment. But then, it did fit with what she'd seen already... "Eventually it was confirmed; somehow I'd reversed the process. Nobody knew how. But over the years I gave it some experimentation, and I discovered that I had control over my entire reproductive system and everything in it." She pointed at some of the diagrams along the walls, which (now that Alicia looked at them) appeared to depict the process of pregnancy and conception in reverse, narrated by a Professor Smith. "The child I'd conceived unconsciously had grown almost to term, then gone right back to a primordial follicle in my right ovary. And I found that I could do this with nearly anything that entered my womb; up to and including full grown humans. I could create children- adults, even- in minutes... or unmake them, if I so chose." Suddenly it all made sense to Alicia. Exactly what she had seen when she had walked in, and what she had paid to have done to herself. Tina had been unbirthed into Dr. Artemis, and she had been reduced into the sperm and egg that made her, and would be rebirthed later into a fresh body... "You're quite right," said Artemis as Alicia told her what she thought. "My patients are taken into me, and using my body I remake them as they wish. Or, I take them out of this cruel world, give them a home in my ovaries, until they choose to be reborn as a daughter of mine. Or any number of fates that I can provide." Artemis cupped her hands in a heart shape over her belly. "Is there any fate that you would like?" Alicia thought. Honestly, when she came to Born Again, she thought this was a fancy, painless form of suicide. She'd have been happy to be reduced to a cumstain on the carpet and a dead egg washed down the toilet with Artemis's monthly period, or just to sit as a mindless primordial follicle in Artemis's ovary for ever. But she had a new idea... and if it was possible, it gave her a hope that while this life was unsalvageable, a new life and purpose could be waiting for her. Even having known Artemis for only a short time, she felt like she admired the doctor. "Dr. Knight... I have an idea." ---------------------- Dr. Artemis had agreed to Alicia's request, and it was time for the procedure. Alicia had covered herself from head to toe in lube; she looked rather like a drowned rat but decorum was hardly necessary for what was to come. She was sat on a soft mat, in front of Dr. Artemis, who was currently stroking her clit and softly pressing on her belly. Alicia was wondering what her soon-to-be mother was doing, but her intent was soon clear. Artemis squeaked as she came, and with the juices flowing out of her vagina came a thick bluish cord of flesh, which was short at the beginning but grew longer as Dr. Artemis pulled on it until it was about a couple meters long. There was a small bulge in her midsection; Alicia assumed that that was her destination, Artemis's uterus, freshly occupied by a placenta. Her placenta. "Phew," Artemis panted. "That's part zero point five." She handed the end of the umbilical cord to Alicia, who felt it. It was moist and warm, and she could feel Artemis's heartbeat through it. "Just hold the end of that to your belly button, it'll attach and connect your body systems to mine." Alicia, slightly apprehensively, did as such, pressing the umbilical to her belly button, or as close as she could through the slight fat of her tummy. It didn't do anything for a second, then of its own accord it snaked into her belly fat, reaching surprisingly deep before it found purchase. Alicia felt a stinging followed by an itching sensation, before it settled down into a strange, warm feeling spreading from the connection point to the whole of her body. "There we go, dear." Artemis said, smiling as she held the umbilical herself just south of her pussy. "Now we're connected. You'll find that all your needs are being satisfied now by my body; you don't need to worry about suffocation or anything." Alicia tested this and indeed found that while she still breathed purely out of reflex, she didn't actually have to any more; she could hold her breath almost indefinitely without feeling lightheaded. "Just going to wait a minute or so, for my cervix to fully dilate and my pubic symphysis to loosen up. Once I'm done, we'll send you in." Alicia blinked. "A-as I am? Aren't I a bit... big to be going in there?" she said in disbelief, forgetting that Artemis had indeed confirmed it earlier. "You'd think so. But another part of my power seems to be that I can stretch my womb to accommodate almost anything that goes into it. It's best that we begin the regression while you're in there; it's the best place to be if anything should go wrong," Artemis shrugged. "Not that it ever has before, but you can't be too sure." Alicia nodded. She never dreamed that the act she'd read about in a million fanfics before was real, and that she was now about to partake of it herself. She became aroused at the thought, and her pussy started to drip in anticipation. She looked at Dr. Artemis, admiring her body; especially the breasts. She decided to take the risk and ask. "Um... before I go in, could I... uh..." She pointed at the doctor's ample rack, which was still leaking small amounts of milk. "Ah, you want to feed?" Dr. Artemis reached up and massaged her tits, causing them to spurt a creamy milk across the mat in front of her. She grinned. "Not the first time someone's asked. It's a side effect of the regression process; I don't usually use the milk, I just bottle it in case any of my reborn patients need a drink. By all means, though!" She motioned Alicia over and offered a breast to the girl. Alicia knelt in front of Artemis and placed her lips over the areola, taking care not to use her teeth. She sucked on the nipple and almost choked on the massive amount of creamy milk that burst forth into her mouth, even with little suction; Artemis must have been positively flooded with milk. Alicia wondered how the woman could contain it all, but then Artemis was hardly a normal woman. Alicia drank from Artemis's breasts greedily. The milk was like nectar; thick as cream and utterly delicious. She felt fortunate that she was going to become her child, if her body was so built for nurturing life. In no time at all, she had drained both tanks and sat back, feeling wholly sated and stomach full of milk. Artemis rubbed her tits appreciatively; they had shrunken slightly, but were no less perky and full for the lack of milk inside them. "Okay!" Artemis said a minute or two after Alicia had finished feeding. "My internals are set, cervix dilated and flush. Now for step one." ------------------------------------- Artemis laid back on the mat, spreading her legs and revealing her vulva in full view. The umbilical cord ran from it, but it was no less inviting a sight. "I'm pretty much ready when you are, honey. Feel free to go in however you think is easiest, either head first or feet first. Headfirst might be easier on us both but i'll understand if that's a bit claustrophobic for you." "It's alright," Alicia said shakily. "I'll go in headfirst." "Thank you, dear, you're very considerate. I'll open the way for you." With this, Artemis reached down and spread her birth canal wide. It opened far easier than Alicia thought a vagina should; not amazingly wide, but it gaped wide enough that Alicia could see a dim glow within, a ring of light that glowed like Artemis's hair. She saw the umbilical cord originate from the middle of the glow and realised that it was Artemis's cervix; it seemed to have the same bioluminescence that graced her hair and eyes. "Just keep pushing towards the light, Alicia, and you'll be safe inside me before you know it." Alicia nodded, and knelt down before Artemis's pussy, as if in deep prayer to the altar of her new mother. She steeled herself, and after a moment, thrust her head into Artemis's crotch. Instantly she found herself surrounded by a moist, warm darkness. Artemis's birth canal was tight, but welcoming. The glow of her cervix provided an easy signpost to her final destination. Alicia pushed further in, and her entire head slipped into Artemis's vagina. She was glad for the umbilical providing her oxygen, for she couldn't breathe with her face pressed against Artemis's internal walls. Artemis massaged the bulge about her midsection that was Alicia's head. Just the feeling of this drove her to her first orgasm of the procedure, but it wouldn't be her last. Cum streamed from her pussy currently wrapped around Alicia's neck, and she could feel Alicia's tongue scrape across her internal walls, tasting her fluids. "OK, Alicia, that w-was step one. Now, this next bit might prove more difficult. I'm going to start pulling with my muscles, we need to bring your shoulders in next. I need you to try and bring in one at a time, while pushing further in. Try and bring your head and left shoulder into my uterus, OK?" Alicia's hand reached up and gave the universal sign for 'OK', and Artemis started to use her kegels in a rippling motion, pulling her child in. Alicia gripped the mat with one hand and pushed further into Artemis, pressing her head further in and jamming a shoulder into Artemis's vulva. She saw the ring of Artemis's cervix move across her vision, and she moved into a darkness that she knew was her mother's womb. The mere thought of it pushed Alicia to climax and as the orgasm made her shake, the movement also aroused Artemis to her own. Eventually, with some effort but aided by the added lubrication from Artemis's release, Alicia's shoulder passed into her mother's vagina, followed shortly by the other. Artemis panted with the effort, but she smiled. This would all be worth it, for both of them. Both of them, conjoined, paused for a short break. "How are you in there so far, dear?" Artemis said, knocking on her belly where the shape of Alicia's head was visible. "'m OK. Tight." came the reply. The vibration of Alicia's voice so deep within her sent waves of pleasure through Artemis. "Alright. That was the hard part. Now what I want you to do is to keep pushing as much as you can with your hands and knees, try and move your shoulders into my womb, once they're in, pull your arms in. OK?" Alicia's head nodded, stirring up Artemis's insides pleasurably. They continued. Now that Alicia's shoulders were inside, they made good progress. Artemis pulled her in, but Alicia still did much of the work; she pushed inwards, and Artemis's womb stretched to accommodate her shoulders. Dutifully she pulled her arms inside as well, as instructed. Now that Alicia's entire upper body was safe inside her womb, Artemis would have an easier time as the rest of her child was relatively smooth. She looked around her belly, already big enough to accommodate triplets, into a mirror on the other side of the room to check what she could no longer see. Alicia was inside her up to her stomach, her ample hips being the next thing to go in. "Good work, my dear! Curl up your legs, now. I'm gonna let gravity do some of the work." Alicia curled her legs beneath her, feet under her butt, and with some effort Artemis propped herself up. The act pushed Alicia further into her, and she began to fold herself up in Artemis's womb. Now it was just her hips and legs. "OK... now, stand up!" Alicia did, unsteadily as she didn't have anything other than her legs outside of Artemis, who also made to stand. They both stood, Artemis looking rather like the bottom half of the Vitruvian man; her own legs splayed whilst Alicia's own scarred pair were together, the rest of her bent double within Artemis's huge womb. "Brace yourself. dear; as soon as you feel your hips come through my cervix, curl yourself up and pull through your legs. Almost there, now!" With this, Artemis thrust down into a squat; Alicia's hips squeezing through her vagina and cervix almost instantly. The motion pushed her into another climax, even more cum spraying from her stretched vulva. As ordered, Alicia began to turn herself around in Artemis's uterus, pulling her legs in until all that was left outside of Artemis was her small feet. Moments later, those too disappeared. The procedure's first part was complete, and all the work was now Artemis's, who dropped to her knees, cradling her now massive belly. The shape of Alicia was still quite visible; Artemis could see her rough shape in a fetal position. She felt around the sides of her belly for a small bump on either side; her ovaries, which she idly squeezed softly. "There we go. Are you ok in there? The umbilical still connected?" Artemis said to the part of her belly that looked like Alicia's head. The bump moved in a nod, and Artemis noted with amusement a small vibration near the opposite end of her womb; Alicia was getting off in there. Before she began her pregnancy, she decided to take a short break to let her finish; which she did, Alicia's final orgasm flowing out of her, through Artemis's now only slightly dilated cervix and spraying from her pussy. Artemis felt the rush of pleasure through the umbilical connection, shivering under her own orgasm, her womb contracting around her new child. Inside Artemis's womb, Alicia was breathless, despite not needing breath anymore. Her final orgasm as herself, and it was glorious. She felt a tap and Artemis's voice echoed through her body; slightly muffled but still clear enough to understand. "Ok, darling, if you're done in there, I'm going to grow an amniotic sac around you and seal my cervix. Then I'll be properly pregnant with you, and we can progress. Are you ready?" Alicia nodded. She was ready to leave this world behind. She looked in wonder, between her legs, as Artemis's cervix closed and sealed with the mucus plug that would keep her in here while she regressed. Then from the placenta in front of her, a translucent membrane began to grow around her; the amniotic sac that covered her front and eventually around her backside. After this, from an unknown source, a fluid began to fill the caul until she was submerged; where before she was tightly encased in Artemis's womb, now she had an inch of space all around her and could move slightly more freely. She breathed in the fluid and it filled her lungs, but the drowning sensation did not appear as she expected; she just breathed it like slightly thicker air. From the outside, Artemis's stomach grew slightly larger and more rounded, and began to slosh as the womb filled with amniotic fluid. Eventually, it stopped, and Artemis hugged her belly. She looked properly pregnant now, as if with fifteen children, and she felt full and fulfilled. Now she would begin to digest her daughter, regressing her. "Well, my darling. I'm afraid this is goodbye for now," said Artemis to her belly. "I'm going to begin the regression. I'll narrate it, of course, though past a certain point you'll lose your sense of hearing, along with... well, everything else. Don't worry, though. I still remember your request. Are you ready? Tap my uterine walls twice for yes, once for no." Artemis felt two taps from deep within her, and smiled. Time to grant this poor girl's last wish. She focused her mind on her womb, willing it to begin the process of regression. It twitched ever so slightly, and set to its work. Alicia started to feel a light tingling all over herself. She couldn't see much, but she assumed that this was the beginning of the end. Or the beginning of a new beginning? If Dr. Artemis wasn't exaggerating... As if on cue, she heard Dr. Artemis begin to explain through the vibrations in the amniotic fluid. "Right now, your body is beginning to move back through your adult years and back to before puberty. You'll probably start to notice a real change once you move back through your teen years." The tingling continued, and Alicia started to feel... lighter, like she was losing mass. She felt about her, noting that she had more room to move inside Artemis' uterus, and as she passed her hands over her body she realised that her breasts were shrinking. She was getting younger, and her secondary sexual characteristics were starting to disappear; the fat on her hips was also shrinking, turned into their component nutrients and sent surging through the umbilical to her mother. She squeezed her shrinking breasts, one last goodbye to her tits before they retreated back into her chest. In about ten minutes, she had aged about ten years, from 24 to 14, and in a couple more minutes she had come out of the other side of puberty, a girl of just ten years old. On Artemis's side of things, her belly had shrunk considerably; where she once looked like she had fifteen children inside her, it now looked closer to half that. She managed to stand, even her toned musculature and joints protesting under the weight. She turned around and inspected herself in the mirror; all seemed well. Turning back to face it, she noticed she was leaking from her tits; though she wore it well, Alicia wasn't the fittest of girls, and all the fat Artemis had absorbed went to her breasts as milk. She sighed, walked (with difficulty) to her cabinets and retrieved an electric suction pump, one with a bottle attached. She walked back to the mat, belly swinging, and sat back down. She held the pump onto her left nipple and turned it on, marveling at the amount and thickness of the milk that she produced from the nutrients that had been taken during Alicia's regression. She filled the bottle- it hardly made a dent in the amount of milk in the breast- and detached it from the pump. What she produced from Tina earlier was nothing compared to this; it slowly sloshed around in the bottle, almost like white paint more than milk, completely opaque. Artemis decided to give it a taste and found it to be utterly delicious; like ambrosia from the gods, rich and packed with nutrients. She drank the rest of the bottle greedily, and made a mental note to save as much of this batch of breastmilk as she could. Imagine making an icecream out of it! She realised at this point that Alicia was continuing to regress, and looked down at her belly, guessing what point she was at. "At this stage, you're past the beginning of puberty and falling back into infancy. Soon you'll be at the stage you were at just before your first birth, but it doesn't end there. Pretty soon, you'll start to lose cognitive function too, but just in case, I'll keep explaining..." Alicia was indeed around that stage. She had turned around in Artemis's womb, her head pointing down towards her cervix. She looked at herself; she was moving through her first decade now, her fingers and limbs getting shorter and chubbier as she became a toddler. The change seemed to be going slightly faster, now that there was less of her to absorb. Her senses started getting fuzzy as she reentered her infant years. It was becoming harder to think; she still felt like herself, but she was suffering something like that drowsy brain fog one sometimes gets after waking from a nap. Eventually, she reached newborn size. Artemis rubbed her belly. Finally Alicia was a manageable size- still very large for a baby, though. Her poor true mother must have had one hell of a time giving birth to her the first time around. Nevertheless, Artemis could move as normal now, and she began to prepare her next steps. She got up from the mat once more, holding her belly, and waddled to the drawers once more. From them she pulled a bag and another beaker like the one that kept Tina briefly, albeit slightly larger. She collected Alicia's belongings, in a bag that- unlike Tina's- was labeled "donation", putting it aside next to her paperwork. Then she sat at her desk and did some office work of little importance, while Alicia finished her journey. Alicia was fading in and out of consciousness. It was a pleasant feeling, however; warm, comfortable and safe in Artemis's uterus, she felt utterly at peace for the first time in years. Her body was regressing now through the trimesters, and her home seemed to expand as she shrank through third trimester, then as she entered the second she closed her eyes and could not open them again, as they fused shut. She vaguely felt herself turn again, away from Artemis's cervix, back upright, before her sense of touch left her, and as she approached the fourteenth week of her life she finally fell asleep, and did not wake again. Her last thought was of her family. Artemis felt Alicia move through the trimesters as she sat, and shed a single tear as she saw her belly shrink down to almost flat. She didn't usually get this emotionally close to her patients, but Alicia was a special one. She'd miss her... if she didn't know she'd be back eventually. She prepared for the next step, and sat up to kneel over the beaker. As Alicia regressed through her last fourteen weeks, Artemis did something that was her own little addition to the natural process: she commanded Alicia's cells to start splitting off into the womb and convert themselves into sperm, containing the paternal half of Alicia's DNA. In this sea of semen Alicia officially transitioned from fetus to embryo; and shortly after she detached from Artemis's womb lining. Her blastocyst moved up to Artemis's right fallopian tube (the left held Tina's own embryo, waiting for her turn to implant and grow again) and moved through it, its cells fusing until they returned back to the single cell they started as. A moment later, the lucky sperm that made it to the egg 24 years ago reformed and split from it, floating away and disintegrating as it was absorbed by Artemis's body. This wasn't the end though. Artemis knew it was time to enact the plan that she and Alicia had made. The egg that was Alicia went into Artemis's ovary, but instead of regressing into a mature follicle, Artemis instead commanded one of her own to release its contents; a very special egg. Her first child, the one that so long ago she refused. Within her ovary, she guided these two gametes together until they met, and fused into one. Truly now, the old Alicia was gone... but a new Alicia would be born, when Artemis was ready, and she would have a family again. She allowed the new egg to settle within her ovary, Alicia waiting to be reborn in a happier time. Alicia's physical presence gone from her, the only trace of her DNA now locked inside her right ovary, Artemis held the beaker to her pussy and located the hard, sperm-filled lump in her abdomen that was her womb, pressing down on it. The semen she'd made from Alicia's fetal cells squirted through her cervix and out of her vagina; she was right to have picked a larger beaker, for there was far more of it than with Tina. She held the beaker of semen up to her face, as with Tina, and smiled. "Thank you, dear. I look forward to seeing you again sometime, in a better future." She used a syringe to inject the Alicia-semen into some specimen vials and placed it in the freezer on her countertop, to await the day when Alicia came back to her. Then, as her last duty of the day, she moved Tina's embryo from its spot in her left fallopian tube back into her ovary, and made her womb ready to bring her back to the land of the living. -------------------------------- [Years later] The intercom buzzed. "Oh, my, that must be the next patient," Dr. Artemis Knight said, breathless as her passenger's movements brought her to orgasm for the fifth time. "They're rather early, though, I'm not done regressing Mr. Tillson and he's still in his teens. Could you handle this patient, hon?" She smiled at the other woman that now worked in the Born Again lab. "You know how it's done by now." The other woman, Dr. Artemis's daughter, nodded. She walked, naked, to the intercom. She was tall, well built but slightly chubby from the nutrients absorbed from her patients. Her long red hair fell in curls down her back, the ends shining with beautiful bioluminescent light. Freckles, faintly glowing like a starfield, covered her pale skin. Her pussy started to drip in anticipation of her patient, ready to recieve them wholly, and she smiled as she pressed the buzzer and began to speak. "Born Again Industries, Dr. Alicia Knight speaking. How can I help you?"
Sisters True: Tales from the Born Again Patient Files By CassiSquish ------------------- Dr. Alicia Knight brushed her hair away from her face and ate another spoonful of ice cream, her mom's homemade blend, as she sat naked at the desk in the corner of the lab. Apparently, she got the idea during Alicia's own regression and rebirth, which gave her some paradoxical amusement as she ate it. The icecream was made from both Alicia's and her mom Artemis's breastmilk, expressed each time they performed a procedure, and Alicia had to credit her mom; it was a great ingredient, making for a creamy and nutritious snack. Especially the chocolate flavour. Alicia savoured the spoonful as it melted in her mouth, and couldn't help but feel a little horny at the idea of the indirect breastfeeding from her mother; it brought a feeling of nostalgia, maybe from a past life... All of a sudden, the intercom buzzed. Alicia looked over at the offending noise with a frown. She could've sworn her first appointment wasn't till 1pm. She got up from the desk, picked a robe from the nearby hook (the same shade of red as her hair) and put it on; unlike her mother, she preferred to be at least slightly covered when first greeting patients. The intercom buzzed again. "Geez, you're an impatient one. Better not be a parcel for the idiots downstairs again," she grumbled, and pressed the intercom talk button. "Born Again Industries, Dr. Alicia Knight speaking. Can I help you?" "Um, uh, h-hi," a female voice replied, slightly distorted. "We- we heard you guys did some kind of healing or genetic therapy or something?" Genetic therapy? Alicia took a second to remember the ads they ran here and there; she remembered Artemis mentioning that she had to... bend the truth a bit when she made them. They couldn't go revealing all their secrets in the name of more business, after all. "Ah... I suppose so, yes," Alicia said. "I don't recall having an appointment before eleven a.m. today, though. Did you have one booked?" A pause, before the voice began once more. It was tremulous, scared, and Alicia felt that feeling of nostalgia again. "Uh, ah, no. We didn't know if you did walk in consultations..." All of a sudden, a groan came from the speaker, from what sounded like a different person, in pain or discomfort. "Is somebody else there with you?" Alicia questioned. "Are they OK?" "...y-yes," said the voice, giving the mathematician's answer. "Look, uh, can we come up and talk in a, uh, more confidential place?" Alicia pondered this. They usually didn't take walk-ins, Artemis had told her, but she had winked and implied that as long as she had the time to spare... Alicia's nethers tingled at the thought of a potential bonus, in more ways than one. "OK," she said, after a few moments' thought. "I'll open the door remotely, head up to the third floor and enter the door on your left, I'll be waiting." ---------------- Alicia opened the door and gasped at the sight. Two people stood before her; well, one stood, and the other looked decisively the worse for wear, one arm draped around his more abled friend. Teenagers, about 17 or 18. The able bodied one, a woman, was tall and well toned, her body lean and wiry; she was not muscular, but fit, with wide shoulders and narrow hips. Her shirt, already tight, stuck to her body with sweat. Her skin was ebony, her round face framed by long straight blonde hair in a hime cut, her eyes a steely grey. She was gaunt with worry. Worry that was justified by the state of her friend, which was the main source of Alicia's concern. The second person, a man, was quite patently in a fragile state. His face, which would normally be strong and angular with a straight nose and bright green eyes, twisted in pain. He was pale, thin and underfed, his clothes torn and patched in places. Alicia looked him up and down and was again shocked to see his leg was twisted in a most unnatural way; broken in at least one place. The healthy looking girl was momentarily nonplussed at the sight of Alicia, which was pretty common in those that hadn't seen her before. She was, after all, quite different from the baseline lady. Her curly red hair was up in a bushy ponytail, and the ends of the follicles glowed a multitude of colours- at the moment, flashing a bright red, betraying her alarm. Her eyes were similar; the sclerae were an abyss of black, pierced by irises that were as brightly luminescent as her hair. The teen looked her up and down; she was fit, with muscle and a bit of fat giving her a pleasingly curvy figure. Her skin was a peach colour, and she was covered in freckles that, like her hair and eyes, glowed like stars in the dimmer light of the entranceway. The robe she wore was made of thin material- only intended for Artemis and her daughter to step outside briefly without being arrested for indecent exposure- and thus it left little to the imagination, Alicia's full breasts and nipples poking clear through the fabric. Alicia's voice broke the moment. "I'm sure there's an excellent explanation for this. Come in," she said, gesturing to the soft chairs where visitors and family of patients usually sat. "Lay him down on the chairs there, for now." This she did, helping her friend lie down across the seats with a fair amount of effort; her ailing companion groaned and yelped as he was forced to move his broken limb. Eventually he was comfortable, and she sat down on the edge of the seat herself. "Right, I'll try to help you, but if possible, I'd like to know what happened," Alicia said, fetching the desk chair she was sat on earlier and sitting on it backwards, exposing her crotch to view through the robe. The girl noticed it and turned away, blushing, though Alicia noted (with amusement) that she was stealing glances every now and then when she thought Alicia wasn't looking. She began to explain. "Um, well, first of all, I'm Morgan," she pointed to herself and then to her groaning friend, "and that's Jacob." She sighed, took a deep breath, then began to explain, holding Jacob's hand. "It's a long story, but…" Morgan and Jacob were close friends, apparently. They had grown up together and were incredibly close; to the point where if it wasn't for the difference in their skin colour, people would have sworn that they were siblings. Unfortunately, their families were polar opposites; Morgan was an only child, to loving parents who had tried, after her birth, to conceive again, but with no luck. To them apparently, Jacob was the brother that they wished they could have given Morgan. Jacob's situation was far less happy. He was born to parents that apparently couldn't give a crap about him. His father was borderline abusive and his mother an enabler; and when he was diagnosed with Vrolik syndrome, a genetic brittle bone disease, it only served to distance them further. At this point, apparently, Jacob practically lived at Morgan's house, her parents essentially becoming his. Eventually, earlier that day, things came to a head at Jacob's house; he had decided that he was done taking his father's behaviour, and they got into a massive argument. His father, knowing of his son's condition, elected to end said argument decisively- by kicking Jacob in the shin, shattering it. Luckily Morgan was there- she often hung around outside just in case Jacob's father ever got violent- and rescued him, and they came straight to Born Again from there. As she finished explaining this, Morgan was crying, tears sliding down her dark face. Alicia, too, had a tear or two in her eye; though she didn't truly remember, she too had been in a similar position a lifetime ago. Plus, she never could quite manage the professional demeanor that her mother had mastered. She got up and went to hug the distraught girl, pressing her motherly body against Morgan's as they embraced. She'd have done the same with Jacob but she reasoned it was probably better she didn't, given his fragility. Eventually, Morgan regained the power of speech and spoke once more. "And- and that's why we came here," Morgan said, sniveling. "I saw the ads and asked around. People say that this place can change you into whatever you want, heal anything. We came to ask for help." Alicia sat down again in the same revealing position. "We… have our ways, yes. What, exactly, did you have in mind?" she said, gesturing towards Morgan and Jacob's prone form. "Well, um…" Morgan looked away and blushed. "Just fixing Jacob's leg would be enough, I guess…" Alicia lifted an eyebrow and smiled slightly. "But that's not all, is it? There's tons of doctors around here that can set a bone and slap some plaster around a leg." She gestured around her. "But you came here. Why is that, Morgan?" Morgan was silent for a few seconds, then spoke, looking at Alicia with a pleading look on her face. "Like I said, we asked around, and it sounds... it sounds like you guys can work miracles." She squeezed Jacob's hand, praying that the rumours were true. "Me and Jacob want to be siblings for real. Sisters. I want him to be able to live with me and my parents, and not have to suffer pain and abuse and..." Morgan gestured at Jacob's ruined leg. "That." Alicia looked at Jacob, then Morgan with a gaze that conveyed both determination and warmth. "Once we've gotten that leg set, I do believe there's something we can do about that…" ---------------- After seeing to Jacob's leg and getting a wheel chair for him, Alicia took the two teens to the desk and did the usual paperwork, taking her patient's details and establishing exactly what they wanted to do. Alicia learned in the process that Morgan was in fact a trans girl; her parents had gotten her hormone treatments, but didn't have the money for proper surgery. That would be no issue though, and Alicia reassured her that soon she would have a body she felt at home in. Unfortunately, however, Alicia was forced to raise the point that she really didn't want to bring up; price. The uteromancy services provided by Born Again were not cheap. Artemis, being eternally opposed to the predatory practice of the healthcare system, tried to keep the price as low as she could. But running costs were high even then, and it was reflected in the price charged for each service. As she rattled off the cost, a look of horror and despair dawned in Morgan and Jacob's face and they glanced at each other, their dream disappearing Alicia knew that they hadn't the cash to pay for the procedure. But if she told her mother their story... she wondered if Born Again couldn't make an exception this once. She grabbed the phone and punched in a number. She'd need help on this one anyway. "Hey, mom? Yeah, can you come into the lab? I have a couple of walk-ins that I think I need to talk to you about…" A few minutes later, possibly the most beautiful woman Morgan and Jacob had ever seen walked into the lab. Like Alicia, she had glowy hair and eyes, but where Alicia was of average height and soft build, this woman was positively Amazonian. Past six feet tall, and almost all tone and muscle. She had been jogging, or working out; she was sweating and was in tight gym gear, a sports bra and leggings that left almost as little to the imagination as Alicia's robe. Especially around the chest, where her bosom struggled against the stretchy fabric containing them. Her nipples were visible and poking through the padding. Morgan and Jacob thought that any other person with such an appearance would be intimidating, but from the moment this woman walked in she radiated an energy that Morgan only knew from two other sources, and Jacob almost didn't know at all; a wave of maternal warmth washed over them, and they felt at peace for the first time. Dr. Artemis Knight looked over them appraisingly. She squatted down to look at Jacob's leg; the sight of the leggings stretching dangerously taut around her crotch and ass, plus Artemis's breasts brushing across his bare leg, made him pop an instant erection. Alicia and Morgan were similarly aroused, Alicia subtly moving a hand down below the desk to stimulate herself. "Good work, Alicia, that's a textbook bone splint," she nodded approvingly at Alicia. "Now," she turned to Morgan, "can you tell me what you told my daughter?" Morgan explained again, a bit stronger this time given Artemis's reinforcing presence. Artemis didn't speak throughout, but by the end of the tale, she had a frown on her face. She stood in thought for a while, before speaking. "I think," she began to smile, "that we can waive the cost this time…" Morgan and Jacob looked like their mind had blown, and they looked at Artemis with their jaw open. "But in exchange, I'd like to ask one of you a favour." "I'll do it," said Jacob with determination in his voice. "If you can fix me, I'll give anything." Artemis grinned at Jacob. "Don't worry, my darling. I don't lay claim to souls or anything, but I do have something I would ask of you." With that, she began to explain exactly what she wanted of Jacob in exchange for their service. --------------------- Having agreed on a course of action, the Knights prepared for the procedure. "Sorry to interrupt you on your day off, mom," Alicia apologized as she removed her robe and stuck it back on the hook. "But up to now I've only done single regressions and you did tell me to call you if I came across something I'd never tried before." Artemis tousled Alicia's hair as she removed her sports bra in one fluid motion, her breasts almost expanding as they were freed from their restraint. "Don't worry kid, I remember. Personally I think you're capable, but in this case..." As she peeled off her leggings, Artemis jabbed a thumb at the two teenagers that were on the other side of the room; they had both stripped off, and both of them were a bright shade of pink as Morgan delicately spread lube across Jacob's body. Both of them were hard, stealing glances at the sight of the two doctors stripping. "Jacob there will need delicate handling. Vrolik syndrome is nothing to sneeze at, and as much as I trust you, I think it'll be too much for you to handle both of them… at least initially." Alicia was confused as to what her mother meant; it would be a bit hard to do what they intended to do if both people were in separate wombs. "What do you mean?" Artemis chuckled. "You'll see, daughter. Prepare to learn a thing or two today!" Now entirely naked, mother and daughter walked over to the two teenagers, who were also nude and now fully lubed up. Morgan and Jacob were blushing, trying to hide their erections from the doctors. Alicia smirked and put her hands on her hips. "Come now, no need for that. It's only natural, after all. Ok, over to the mats and let's begin!" The four moved over to the middle of the lab, which had been cleared and two soft gym mats laid out. Alicia sat on one and Artemis on the other, open-legged, exposing their pussies. Both Knights were dripping in anticipation, a pool of fluids forming under them in short order. "Morgan, dear, you go to my daughter. Jacob, come over here, please." This the teens did; Morgan sat cross-legged while Jacob gingerly sat down, trying not to aggravate his leg or break any other bones. "Excellent. OK, Alicia," Artemis said, turning towards her daughter. "We're going to have to be pretty synchronized for this one, so follow my lead, alright?" Alicia nodded and took a deep breath. "Right. Start your elasticity meditation, and grow the umbilical when you're ready." Morgan and Jacob watched, enraptured, as their mothers began their unseen work. They couldn't see it, but Alicia and Artemis were preparing their internals to receive them; parts of their pelvis becoming impossibly elastic, their cervixes dilating and widening until their wombs were open and ready for their new occupants. Almost simultaneously, the two Knights sat back and spread their legs, and with one hand, they began to toy with themselves, fingers dancing over their clit and pussy. Their breath quickened, and the two moaned as they rubbed themselves closer to climax. Morgan and Jacob also began to masturbate, lust overtaking them as they watched the show; Morgan began to rub her erection up and down with one hand whilst squeezing one of her small breasts with the other, while Jacob began also rubbing himself but slower and more deliberately, with a caution borne of his condition. To Jacob's amusement, Morgan made an adorable little squeaking noise with each thrust of her hand across her cock. Eventually, seemingly all at once, the three reached climax. Morgan and Jacob erupted; the hormones meant Morgan didn't output much semen, but she was still overtaken by a wave of bliss as she came a jet of silvery semen in an arc, her seed flying through the air and splattering over the mat. Jacob's ejaculation was much more dramatic; a stream of semen exploded from his cock, far more than what came from Morgan, and it made an audible splash as it hit the mat. Alicia and Artemis both threw their heads back as their release came, but it was not just release; from their pussies came a deluge of femcum- shooting across the mat and mixing with Morgan and Jacob's seed- but also a rope of flesh that flew from their birth canals and landed with a slap in the puddle of juices. The umbilical cords that would sustain Morgan and Jacob throughout their journey, connected to their mothers through the placentas that were barely visible as a small bulge in the doctors' abdomens. After a moment in which they all sat there, panting from the ecstasy as they rode the last vibrations of pleasure, the two Knights sat back up straight and began to pull upon the umbilical cords that came from deep within them, coaxing them out and willing them to lengthen. Once the cords were a good two meters long, Alicia spoke. "OK, we're ready for you," she chirped, handing her umbilical to Morgan as her mother gave hers to Jacob. "Hold the end of these to your bellybuttons, and they'll do the rest!" After a moment's hesitation, the teenagers did so. Nothing happened at first, then Morgan yelped as the cord, seemingly by itself, buried itself deep into her belly button. There was a stinging and an itching as it interfaced with her systems, and then it was gone, replaced by a warmth that spread across her being. She also realised with a start that she was no longer unconsciously breathing. She made to raise a question but had it answered a second later. "You may have noticed that you no longer need to breathe. Don't worry about that; you're getting all you need from our bodies," Alicia recited, a practiced cadence. "Now you're connected, it's time for the big push." Artemis moved closer to Jacob and put her hands, delicately, on his shoulders. "Jacob, what we're about to do may prove… uncomfortable. It's going to be a tight fit and I'll try and be gentle, but I won't lie; you're probably gonna break a bone or two." Jacob nodded; he rather expected that. "I don't mind. If all goes well I won't care for long anyway," he said, though concern flashed across his face for a brief moment. Artemis smiled softly and stroked his face. "Brave boy. OK, guys, into position." The two doctors laid back and spread eagled, gaping their vulvas as far as they could, while the two teenagers got on their hands and knees in front of their crotches. Morgan looked into Alicia's dripping pussy, wider than most she'd seen, and saw all the way into her; a luminous ring deep inside her that was her cervix, fully effaced. The gateway to her new home. "Ok, guys, on my mark. We want to do this together to make it easier later. Three, two, one…" Alicia braced herself. "Mark!" Morgan thrust her head forward into Alicia's cunt, with a bit more force than most people; her whole head slid into Alicia, surprising the doctor somewhat and driving her to orgasm, flooding her occupied birth canal with yet more juices. Morgan tasted her femcum as she pushed further in, savouring Alicia's taste; like sweet and salty popcorn, was the closest thing she could compare it to. Soon she had both her shoulders inside Alicia, her head passing through the cervix to be the first part inside Alicia's womb. They paused for a break, Alicia panting from the exertion. She was tiny compared to how she would be soon, but she still had a good sized bulge in her midsection that was the engulfed Morgan; as she moved, her hair tickled the walls of Alicia's birth canal. She tapped upon the bulge of Morgan's head. "How you doing in there, hon?" Morgan didn't reply, but her hand came up from just south of Alicia's crotch in a thumbs up. Alicia then turned to her mother. "Everything alright on your end, mom?" Her mother was in a similar position, but Jacob wasn't as far inside Artemis as Morgan was inside Alicia; she guessed that they were taking it slow so as to avoid any unnecessary pain. Artemis was rippling the muscles on her stomach, using her kegels to slowly pull Jacob into her womb; he was pushing, but with less strength than his healthier companion was able to muster. This continued for both women and their imminent children; slowly inching through the process. Once Morgan had gotten her entire top half into Alicia, they stood up in what Artemis had coined the 'four legged monster; Alicia was upright while the outside part of Morgan- her hips, crotch and legs- was in a half crouch. Alicia's belly had ballooned with the entrance of Morgan's torso, and her guts were pushed aside to make room for her expanding womb. "Excellent work, dear," she said to the squirming, irregular mass in her stomach. "We're nearly past the hardest part, ok? Now when I start to crouch, I need you to push further in and curl up. Got it?" An affirmative double tap upon her uterine walls. Alicia began the maneuver, and Morgan's slim hips disappeared into her hungry pussy as she curled over in Alicia's womb, somersaulting within. Her legs followed in short order, each inch going in adding an inch to Alicia's massive stomach, until finally with a ripple of her kegels, her feet joined the rest of her. Alicia came one last time as Morgan tugged her left foot through her cervix, her juices flooding out of her like a stream and splattering across the mat. Alicia sat back, rubbing her unbelievably swollen belly. Morgan's basic shape was visible through its tight skin, and after a pleasurable few moments of squirming she gave the agreed signal- three taps upon Alicia's uterine wall; to indicate that she was comfortable. She sat for a few moments in bliss as she savoured the few minutes before her pregnancy began, and turned to her mother. Artemis had almost finished engulfing her partner; Jacob was mostly inside, with just his legs from the knee down. As they disappeared, Alicia heard a muffled snap and a yelp from within her mother; an involuntary squeeze from her kegels had cracked his other tibia. "Damn it, I was hoping that we'd get through this without any more broken bones," Artemis said with a frown. She concentrated hard. "I'm sorry about that, Jacob; I'm sending something through the umbilical to help with the pain, then we'll finish off, ok?" She received the signal for 'yes' and waited, before beginning again. About ten minutes after Morgan had gone in, Jacob followed her, gingerly moving about in Artemis's massive womb, and once comfortable he gave her the three taps too. "Excellent. That's the hardest part done," Artemis panted. She and her daughter, now pregnant with teenagers, sat side by side and basked in each other's glow for a while, their wombs hard at work making and filling their respective child's amniotic sac. -------------- After the sloshing and gurgling had stopped and the two doctors' bellies were properly configured, Artemis (the only one of the two who could stand under the weight of an entire 18 year old inside her- it took strength and practice) got up and slowly waddled over to a drawer in one of the lab's cupboards. From it she withdrew a strange device; on one end was a speaker inside a suction cup, and on the other was a microphone. Walking laboriously back to her mat, she sat back down heavily, trusting the padding of her body to keep Jacob safe. She stuck the suction cup end of the device onto Alicia's belly with a slap, and turned the microphone on; Alicia realised that it was designed to make communication with the unbirthed easier. "Hope you're comfortable in there, you two," she said into the mic. She didn't need one for her own belly, of course; the sound traveled much easier through her body for Jacob. "We're going to start regressing you now, ok?" Two taps from both bellies; affirmative. Artemis smiled and switched off the mic. "Great. Ok, Alicia, this is where the learning begins. Start the regression meditation on my mark, but stop at full term. That's important, understand? Hit the emergency stop at 9 months." Her daughter nodded in understanding. "Good. Three, two, one… mark." Alicia sent the impulse down to her bloated uterus, as did Artemis, and both bellies began to shrink slowly as time turned back for the two teenagers. Morgan, floating in amniotic fluid, felt the full body tingle as she began to de-age. She felt around in the darkness, running her hands down her body; she felt the little amount of breast tissue that she had gained through HRT disappear back into her chest, as well as the fat from her hips, and she mourned its loss for but a moment as she shrank back into single digits. Given the relative lack of body mass that the two possessed, they were fast regressing, and it was with speed that Morgan found her limbs shortening and fattening into the textbook image of a newborn. Jacob's regression, however, was much more eventful. As he moved back through the years, he felt an incredible healing throughout his entire body. His brittle bones straightened and smoothed; the scars of a hundred fractures disappearing, his broken shins resetting and becoming whole once more. The restorative power of Artemis's womb was rejuvenating him even as it turned back the clock of his body, and as he entered his first few years of life Artemis took the extra step of sending calcium through the umbilical cord to strengthen his bones. They weren't done quite yet after all. Eventually, both of the mothers were ambulatory, their bellies now a much more manageable size now that the teenagers were no longer teenagers. They still looked quite ready to pop at any moment, though, and Alicia rubbed the stretched skin of her stomach. The regression had- as usual- made their breasts heavy with milk, and while Artemis decided to grab the breast pump to start draining her tanks a bit, Alicia took the option of lifting one of her own sloshing tits and suckled from herself. She tasted the cream that her mammaries had made from Morgan; it had a unique flavour, like hazelnuts. She kept drinking until she was sated, and yet she had only made a modest dent in the amount of milk; Artemis passed her the industrial breast pump and she attached it to her loaded chest. Morgan would make excellent ice cream. "OK, Alicia, this is where you enter new territory," Artemis said, massaging her full belly, enjoying the feeling of Jacob kicking inside her. "You've never done a fetal transfer before, so follow my lead." Artemis sat down on her mat and motioned Alicia to sit down opposite her, which she did. The two gravid women faced each other. "Here's what you need to do. Perform the pre-unbirth meditation again and open your cervix, grow a new umbilical, but focus on keeping Morgan inside you. You want to be ready to receive but without sending, ok?" Alicia understood and began the meditation, only slightly distracted by her freshly-aroused vulva dripping at the thought of what was about to happen. Morgan saw, through the murky amniotic fluid, Alicia's cervix slowly dilating from the inside, and wondered what was about to occur. Meanwhile, Artemis made ready for her own efforts, concentrating on her own womb, rubbing and pressing on it. Suddenly, there was a pop and a stream of milky fluid streamed from Artemis's vagina; she had induced labour in herself. "Hnng... Quickly, now, Alicia, scissoring position, get ready for transfer! We don't- ooh!- have long." Artemis laid down on the mat, feeling with every contraction from her womb a burst of euphoria. She loved the feeling of labour, no matter how many times she went through it. She and Alicia got into scissoring position, both women opening their legs and forcing their crotches together, vulvas grinding into each other creating one long birth canal between Artemis's womb and Alicia's. Artemis moaned as her womb contracted, and her belly rippled with every twitch; Jacob had only a second to brace himself before he was forced crown first against her cervix. He moved involuntarily, kicking at the top of Artemis's womb; he knew it was part of the plan, but was still surprised nonetheless. For the second time today, but not the last, he saw a line of dim light move across his vision as his head moved through Artemis's cervix once more. Artemis pushed again and he inched forward, until most of him was inside Artemis's birth canal, only his legs still within her uterus; his squirming drove her to yet more orgasm and the juices washed over him as she came. Alicia watched with wonder at the shape of Jacob moving through her mother's reproductive system, her belly distorting and shrinking as he left her womb. He felt the chill of the outside world as he crowned, the top of his head poking out of Artemis's stretched vulva. She made one final push and Jacob was born for but a second, crossing the gap between the two women's engorged labia, into Alicia's waiting cunt. She was prepared, and he slipped with ease into her; Artemis's belly flat once more whilst Alicia's began to grow as the baby moved, her rippling kegel muscles gripping his head, pulling the rest of him out of one woman and into another. Within minutes Jacob was once again ensconced in a womb, this time Alicia's. It was no less warm and inviting, especially because Morgan- his new sister- was now his womb-mate. From the outside, Alicia's belly had grown massively; her skin pulled taut against her frame, she looked like she should have her own gravitational pull, she was so large and round. The two women were still linked, however; their wombs connected by Jason's umbilical cord. It pulled tight between mother and daughter. "You grew the new umbilical from Morgan's placenta, right?" Artemis asked her daughter, who nodded in response before once again concentrating upon her uterus. The new umbilical moved over to Jacob and planted itself in the same spot as the one he already had, linking him to his new mother. Confirming the connection, Alicia motioned to Artemis, who swiftly tied and cut the cord linking them; the end that was still connected to Jacob retreating into Alicia. Once it was past her cervix, she closed and sealed it again. The amniotic sac that covered Morgan expanded and engulfed Jacob, and soon they were both sharing the same sac; monozygotic twins. The two fetuses embraced, happy to see each other once more before they became closer than ever before. "Smooth going, nice work, daughter," Artemis grinned at Alicia's massively gravid belly. She began to lightly yank the umbilical cord still attached to her, giving the placenta within her a bit of help dislodging from the wall of her womb. Her role in this was more or less done; now it was all Alicia's party. -------------- "Thanks, mom," Alicia said, pressing a hand into the tight skin of her belly, feeling the twitching of her children and the flow of the amniotic fluid inside her. This is the first time she'd had twins and she had to admit that she loved the feeling of being pregnant with multiples. It'd only get better when she regrew them... the idea of it turned her on anew, and she began to rub her clit as she relaxed for a moment. "Remember the meditation for preserving embryonic minds, ok? We want to make sure they appreciate their new bodies, after all," Artemis cautioned. That meditation was important, as otherwise Morgan and Jacob would lose their sense of self past a certain point. Alicia nodded, and after she'd finished her stimulation, she began once again to will her womb to regress the two babies within her. Jacob and Morgan felt the tingling, and knew that this was the end of their bodies as they knew it. They looked into each other's newborn faces, that seemed to shrink even as they watched, and nodded a silent assent. They closed their eyes, fell asleep, and waited for their future as sisters to come to pass. Alicia's belly shrank, the twins' world seeming to expand around them as they became smaller, until no outside sign of them remained; the only one that knew they were within Alicia now was Alicia herself. As the twins became a single blastocyst, Alicia made her move. She fell into a deep trance, and within her mind, she saw the very stuff that her children were made of; the genes and chromosomes that were their very existence. She merged the two, removing and disposing of the flawed proteins that caused Jacob's Vrolik syndrome and replacing them with healthy genes from Morgan, blending them utterly until they were nothing but the very best of both worlds. True twins, nearly identical in every way except for one extra little feature that Jacob's new body would have, Artemis's favour she had asked of him. As she came out of the trance, she moved the blastocyst to implant within her womb once more; she felt it nestle within her endometrium successfully. Artemis was squatting in front of her daughter, watching her for any signs of the process going awry. As Alicia opened her eyes, Artemis smiled and tousled her hair. "Ready to hit the reverse button and see how your new children look?" Alicia grinned. "Oh yeah. Might need the IV though." Artemis nodded and moved into view an IV stand, on which hung a large bag of grey slurry. When they had to grow a person past the fetal stage, it took a lot of nutrition from the mother's body that needed replacing; if they didn't use the IV for the big jobs, they risked being sucked dry. The IV was Artemis's trump card; it contained her secret recipe, a mix of everything that fast-growing an adult human required, directly to the bloodstream. Alicia offered her wrist, into which Artemis carefully inserted the IV needle, and she watched the slurry move into her. She concentrated for the final time upon her womb, and as if in fast forward, the blastocyst began to grow, first into a pair of conjoined embryos, then into fetuses. Her belly grew once more, springing from her midsection and swelling like somebody was inflating a beach ball inside her. Soon she'd reached full term with twins... but she didn't stop there. She moaned in pleasure as she expanded yet further, her children growing from newborn, to toddler, to preteens... Finally her growth stopped, and she fell forward into her titanic stomach, now containing two teenagers. She was easily the size of the mat she sat on, now; her belly was stretched further than ever before, and she was in ecstasy, rubbing and massaging her overloaded womb. Her pussy was pouring femcum, her mere existence in this colossal state arousing her to ever greater heights of orgasm. She sat, trembling, as she tripped the light fantastic, her ear planted on the fundus of her uterus, hearing the heartbeat of her babies as they slowly realised their new existence. ----------------- "Alicia," Artemis called. "C'mon, girl, snap out of it, one more step to go." She didn't admit it, but she was slightly jealous of her daughter right now... she remembered when she did this for the first time, remembered the utter bliss that she felt, and knew that her daughter was feeling it too. Eventually Alicia roused herself, remembering that she still had a job to do. She willed her uterus to begin its final contractions, and felt the pop of an amniotic sac within her bursting, releasing its fluid all over the floor in a gush. The teenagers in her womb opened their eyes, their first thoughts coming slowly through their newly grown brains. They didn't have much time to wonder where they were, though, as Alicia's womb squeezed them, pushing the first twin into Alicia's cervix and birth canal. Twin one kicked, instinctively straightening their legs, pushing from the fundus of Alicia's uterus and forcing their head through her luminous cervix and into her birth canal, the top of their blonde-haired head crowning and poking out through her vagina. Alicia pushed, hard, and her practised womb expelled the first twin all at once in a gush of juices, the feeling of it pushing her to climax and encouraging twin two to slowly leave their warm home. Artemis hurried over and pulled their legs free from Alicia's cunt, and as she tied and cut the twin's umbilical they took their first breath of their new body, a great gasp and a coughing, their new lungs unused to having to breathe unaided. Artemis wrapped them in a towel- after only knowing the warmth of the womb for even a short time, they would naturally be cold- and took the time to inspect Alicia's child. It was a girl, of about 18 years of age, and Artemis had to admit that Alicia had done an excellent job. What was once Morgan, a pre-op trans girl, was now a woman proper; she was possessed of a thin but curvy frame, with a pair of true breasts about a C cup in size. She had wonderful mocha skin, not quite Morgan's ebony but not Jacob's pale pallor, and had inherited Morgan's friendly round face. Opening her bleary eyes, Artemis saw that she was heterochromatic; one eye steely gray, the other a bright green. As she dried the girl off with the towel, Artemis heard a splash and surmised that Alicia had birthed the other twin, the one that was once Jacob. She noticed that Alicia had left at least one difference in the otherwise identical girls, besides Artemis's requested favour; one twin had blonde hair, the other brown, their original hair colours. The second twin roused after Artemis had given her some encouragement, and Artemis carried her to sit with her sister. The two sat there for a moment, acclimatizing to the world outside the womb, still covered in a thin layer of uterine fluid. Each twin tested their limbs, their old minds adapting to their new bodies, learning to use muscles foreign to them; rather like waking from a long, long sleep. They ran their hands down their bodies, massaging their new breasts and genitals, the realisation that they were now truly female sinking in. It wasn't long before they turned to look at each other, each staring into their own visage next to them. "M... Morgan?" said the brown haired twin. "Jacob?" the blonde haired twin replied. They looked at each other for what seemed like forever, before they slowly embraced one another and began to cry, overwhelmed by the miracle and their newfound happiness. The broken had been made whole, sisters now in every sense. ---------------- The Knights watched their children embrace from the other side of the lab, themselves sharing a pint of Artemis's homemade ice cream, chocolate flavour. "I don't think I could ever get tired of this job." Alicia said. Her face was tired, but utterly content; she massaged her stomach, a small bulge remaining where the placenta had yet to dislodge, the umbilicals still hanging from her crotch. Artemis chuckled. "I've been doing this a good while... and I know I haven't." [TO BE CONTINUED]
Eternal Life: Tales from the Born Again Patient Files By CassiSquish --------------------------- Dr. Artemis Knight was awoken rather rudely, she thought, by a bucket of cold water dumped over her head. Just as she was getting to the good part of the dream, involving Miss Morgan, the trowel, and the tub of icecream. She sighed, mourning the wet dream she’ never get to experience, and lifted her head to take in her surroundings. She was tied to a chair in a dark, rather dingy looking room it looked rather like the Born Again R&D building before she set up shop. Mostly it was concrete and pipes, a single door leading who knows where, but looked otherwise quite thoroughly unremarkable. It was rather cold, too if Artemis had to guess, they were probably underground. The room was sparsely lit Artemis’ biology allowed her to easily adjust to the dim light, but she expected anyone baseline to have more of an issue seeing things. More interesting was her only companion a brutish looking man, dressed in low-key military getup- muscle shirt, cargo pants, boots, balaclava- all black. An empty bucket sat at his feet he must have been the guy who woke her up. He stood silently to the side, occasionally stealing glances at his watch. Artemis didn’ know why she was here, but she’ gotten out of far worse scrapes than this. Saying nothing, she looked down and checked herself over. She was naked this caused her no discomfort, given that she was basically a nudist most of the time anyway. When you were a uteromancer, clothes got in the way more often than not. She seemed to be unharmed at least, which was good as unconcerned as she was at this turn of events, she wasn’ into the hardcore masochism. Roughly five minutes after she was roused, the door opened and four more people filtered into the room. Three of them were of the same ilk as the man already there faux-black ops gear and all. Two of them were ladies, and fit ones too their tight shirts left little to the imagination, and they weren’ wearing bras. The last person was extremely interesting indeed. She was a tall woman, roughly about six feet, maybe an inch or two over. The first thing Artemis noticed were the scars the woman’ skin was covered with them, standing out light against her tanned skin including a large one across her right eye, which was milky white and blind. Her face, framed by long straight brunette hair, sharp and lined with grim experience, wore a slight smile that didn’ reach her eyes. Despite her impressive figure, she looked to be in around the mid fifties. The mystery woman was dressed in simple formal clothing a tight fitting black dress that hugged her curves, and didn’ seem to be wearing anything underneath it her size D breasts sitting full and perky without support, nipples showing clearly in the cold air of the room. A slit on the side revealed her left leg, which Artemis noticed instantly was a prosthetic from just above the knee. It was covered by a stocking, but the lines of the artificial joints were quite visible through the fabric. Despite her obvious disability, the woman radiated a sense of power Artemis could see, even without her uncanny perception, that she commanded the others with a healthy mix of fear and respect. The woman, who Artemis assumed was her captor, regarded her in turn. The doctor cut an impressive figure, even bound and at her mercy. About seven feet tall, Artemis was an Amazonian figure lean and sinewy, muscles showing clear against her pale skin. Her breasts, pushed up by the rope binding her, sat large upon her chest, nipples erect. Her legs were unrestrained, and she had decided to spread them, revealing her vulva her pussy lips were smooth and moist, looking rather inviting. Most interesting of course were her hair and eyes. Her hair, as ever, was midnight black, a void in the already dark surroundings, but this was pierced by the soft glow of the ends of the follicles shining like fiberoptic filament in the murkiness. Her eyes, too the sclera were the kind of black that pretentious artists invented then charged ludicrous amounts for the right to use, and contrasted by the bright stars of her irises that shone with light. The light seemed to change with her mood, and right now they glowed a neutral light blue, clearly indicating her relaxation despite her precarious position. After a full minute of the two looking at each other, the scarred woman spoke, in a calm, seductive French accent. “o you know why you are here, Doctor Knight?”she said. Artemis’ expression didn’ falter as she replied, her clipped British tones lucid. “o, but I’ sure there’ a wonderful explanation…like there always is,”she said her tone set firmly to ‘ored’and not wavering. “ome on, let’ hear your plan so I can get out of here. I have an appointment at three o’lock I’ rather not miss.” As she spoke, she devoted a part of her mind to concentrating. She had a plan for situations like this, and she needed time to enact it. --------------------- The scarred woman raised an eyebrow at her prize’ seeming nonchalance. “ou don’ seem to realise your position,”she said, a tinge of incredulity in her voice. “ell, of course not, because you haven’ told me what it is,”Artemis shot back. She crossed her legs and smirked. “ot a preference? Missionary? Sixty-nine?” he scarred woman giggled, a sound that rang both beautiful and foreboding. “ou’e a funny girl, doctor,”she said. “ do like my hostages with a bit of spirit.”She moved towards Artemis and knelt down, her prosthetic leg not affecting her gait in any way. She ran a hand across Artemis’ face and down her body, resting it on her abdomen. “ell, don’ you worry, ma cherie. I’l explain in good time.” rtemis, her tone still bored and nonchalant, rolled her eyes. “ll due respect to you, madam, but I could use a bit of context here,”she said with exasperation. “f you’e wanting what I think you’e wanting, some background info might be nice.” ell, I don’ see why not,”her captor mused. “s you no doubt know, the media calls me only Amélie.” hat made Artemis raise an eyebrow. She didn’ keep up with news, much- most of it was depressing as all hell- but she did know Amélie’ name. It was the only name anyone had ever found, for the head of a clandestine criminal organisation that had been causing a whole lot of trouble as of late. There were theories that they had a lot of fingers in a lot of pies, especially in the biological weapons sector. “ell,”Artemis said, tone still even. “uch is explained already. But everything worth knowing about your little scout group is already on the internet news.”She made a show of looking Amélie up and down, biting her lip in feigned lust. “ wouldn’ mind talking about you…you've got quite the interesting figure.” mélie giggled again. "You think so? Well, then." She reached down and started to pull down her stocking, beginning to strip herself off. "Might as well give you something interesting to look at while we talk, then." Soon, Amélie was as naked as Artemis, and her body was on full show. She had a wonderful hourglass figure, her hips wide and yet toned with muscle. Her scars were as wide ranging as Artemis had guessed though there were less than were on her arms and legs, there were still barely centimetres of distance between them. Her tits were full, both nipples intact though one scar ran dangerously close and deep, cutting through the dark areola. Her crotch was thatched with a patch of well-groomed pubic hair the same colour as her head, sat above a vulva that Artemis guessed had seen a lot of action, its labia full and engorged. Most strikingly, of course, was Amélie's prosthetic leg, gleaming a chrome silver. The stocking hadn't hidden its presence but it definitely hid its complexity Amélie must have had a cybernetics expert in her employ, and they knew their stuff, as this artificial leg moved indistinguishably from true flesh and blood. Both Artemis and Amélie grinned in amusement though they didn't show it overtly, the sight of the two both naked was arousing Amélie's personnel. The two men were trying to hide their erections without breaking posture, and not succeeding. The two ladies were squirming, and Artemis guessed that a small wet patch would have been visible on the crotch of their cargo pants if one looked closely. "There," Amélie said, putting her hands on her ample hips. "You see me in my entirety, now. Before you ask, no, I shan't explain the scars in-depth. Suffice to say that you don't get to be the mistress of a crime organisation without a few cuts and bruises." She moved her hands down her body, one idly playing with her clit and vulva while the other went to massage her artificial leg, the interface where flesh and metal met. "This, however…Remember the car bomb a couple months ago?" Artemis nodded. "There was quite a furor over that, as I recall," she confirmed. The news said that all that was left of Amélie's corpse was a left leg, all the fat cats in government celebrating the death of the woman muscling in on their own illicit schemes. The 'dead' woman grinned, an unpleasant grin. "If they find a piece big enough…they usually don't bother looking for the rest of you. A common failing." Artemis, who had used that trick herself a couple of times, had to agree on that point. "Anyway, while it was worth the sacrifice… Her face turned solemn, making her look older than before, and she brought her hand up to run it down her cheek. "I found myself thinking afterwards about a few things." Artemis sighed, a resigned expression on her face. "I know where this is going… she said, and as Amélie continued her monologue Artemis began to lip-sync her exact words. Amélie pointedly ignored this. "I'm not getting any younger, doctor. I've tried a lot of things to keep me in my prime, and none of them have lasted as long as I'd like." Amélie grimaced, recalling some of the rather painful things she'd done to herself to try and keep her youth. "People are beginning to notice, as well. You know that car bomb was from somebody in my own organisation? Of course," she grinned, "those responsible paid for it." "And the thought of an heir didn't appeal?" Artemis asked. She knew the answer, of course, but she wanted to keep Amélie talking. "It came to mind mais, non." The French woman had a look of distaste on her face. "But no, the time for that is past. Besides, children are impractical and take too long to be useful. I prefer not to give myself any points of weakness." Artemis kept her face neutral. "I'm guessing this is where I come in?" Amélie smiled once more. "Oui, ma cherie. You see, I've heard many rumours as of late. Found out lots about you and your clinic- Born Again, isn't it?" Now it was Artemis's turn to grin, a dark chuckle escaping her. "Oh, I guarantee you that you know nothing of me. But by all means, please do tell me what you think you know, and why you've got me tied up here." Amélie's face showed the slightest flash of unease before it returned to its controlled neutrality. She was beginning to think that her prey was rather too relaxed for the situation she was in. "Very forward, aren't you, mademoiselle?" Amélie said in a playful tone. "Fine then. I have heard rumours of people visiting your clinic. They go in broken, or old… She opened her arms in a flourish. "And come out entirely new. Diseases healed, disabilities undone…age reversed. There's even a report from earlier this year of two unrelated people going in for treatment and leaving as identical twins." She leaned in to Artemis's face. "I don't know what science or magic you command, doctor, but it is something I want to learn and take advantage of, and I want to make sure nobody else can, either." Amélie grinned that unpleasant grin again. "I want eternal life, doctor, and I trust you can provide your services to me and those I deem worthy of it." "And what if I can't? Or if I, perchance, refuse?" Artemis questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Well, as I've said, you're an asset that I'd rather ensure my competitors can't use," Her grin widened. "Naturally you would be killed, along with your daughter, and your clinic erased from the face of the earth after I've raided it for any secrets you may have left behind… Artemis sighed, feigning resignation. "Well, you make a convincing argument. And just to be sure that my secrets remain ours and ours alone, I assume you've come here with only a token entourage? Nobody else knowing we're here?" Amélie nodded before she could stop herself, the sense of unease rising in her as she made her fatal mistake. "Well," said Artemis. "Thanks for the clarification." She suddenly strained, sending an impulse down to her nethers. And as Amélie felt the stinging and warmth from her bellybutton, she barely had time to squeal in pain and anger before she and her entourage hit the ground, paralyzed. -------------------- Artemis stood up, the ropes that bound her falling off her naked form easily. She'd undone the knot before Amélie had even walked in, but kept herself tied up while the scarred woman had explained just what she was doing here. Rubbing her wrists, irritated by the rope, she looked around the room again. Five people lay there, completely paralysed. An umbilical cord ran from each one's bellybutton and into Artemis's vagina, which was dripping with juices. The four clothed people had theirs run up their trouser leg, while the one that ran into Amélie simply spiraled up her artificial leg, its lack of nerves preventing her from feeling it creep up. Artemis smiled. Thankfully they kept the room dark so she could grow and manipulate the umbilicals unseen while brute force would have sufficed, she was a bit rusty on her unarmed combat, and so preferred the sneaky option. "Merde! What is this? What have you done to me?!" yelled Amélie, lying on the floor, unable to move beyond weak twitching in her fingers and toes. Her soldiers were similarly groaning and questioning what had hit them. "That, my dear, is my power at work." Artemis said, squatting down within Amélie's view, making sure to give her a full view of her wet vulva and the umbilicals disappearing into it. "Once I got your systems bound to mine, I remotely shut down all movement below your neck." Amélie's face registered shock and horror as she realised just what Artemis was capable of. Stunned into silence, she lay there with her mouth open in dull surprise. "You kidnapped the wrong Knight, I'm afraid. If you'd gone for Alicia, you'd have had more of a chance… Artemis shrugged. "She doesn't have the strength or the control yet, to do something like this," she said, lifting with one finger the umbilical connected to Amélie's. "Me, though? This must be the fifth time I've used this trick now!" Amélie squirmed angrily, but in vain Artemis had control over her now. "You know, if you had just approached me normally, like everybody else, I'd have given you what you asked for- or as close to it as possible. I know cost isn't an issue, given how much money you have to throw at problems, and I don't tend to care about my clients' activities outside of the clinic." Artemis said with a frown. "But instead you kidnap me and try to take my service hostage." Artemis stood up and began to pace around Amélie's field of view. "Even that, I could forgive," she mused. "I know I've forgiven worse. But then-" Artemis turned her head towards Amélie with anger thinly writ upon her face. Her bioluminescence shone crimson, the colour of blood. "Then you threatened my daughter. And that I will not take lightly." For the first time in thirty years, Amélie was feeling cold fear. She swallowed, but did not allow tears to begin just yet. "Wh-what will you do to me?" she stammered. "Oh, don't you worry, my dear," Artemis said mock-reassuringly, her eyes still flashing red. "I'm going to give you exactly what you asked for." ---------------- Amélie watched in silence as Artemis began her work. Artemis sat back on the chair she was tied to, and began to concentrate as she did, Amélie began to hear gasps of dismay and confusion from her subordinates. She still couldn't turn her head, but one of her female soldiers was in full view, and she focused on her. Amélie thought the darkness was playing tricks on her sight. She could swear that the lady was getting…younger. The soldier had taken her standard issue balaclava off to scratch her head just before before being paralyzed, and so her face was fully visible. Amélie watched, lost for words as the lines on her subordinate's face, etched by a life of hardship, began to disappear as she moved backwards in time. This continued over the next few minutes, the woman losing years in minutes, as she re-entered teenhood. As she began to shrink, losing the height and mass gained in her teens, the woman- now a child- began to scream and cry in an increasingly higher voice as her head started to disappear below her still-adult-size clothes. Eventually, her cries became the shrill squeaking of a baby. Amélie heard the other three soldiers regress at the same time, until she was beset on four sides by crying infants lying in the baggy clothes their adult selves had left behind. Artemis stood up from the chair in front of Amélie, and walked clockwise around the room, gathering the infants. Where but seconds ago she radiated wrath, now it was a peaceful serenity, the warmth of motherhood. Her bioluminescence was a soft pink. As she held them, she whispered to them."Sssh, don't worry, babies. I'm going to give you a far happier life than what you have now." The babies began to calm, though they still managed to look apprehensive, wondering what Artemis meant by that. Once Artemis had laid the babies, swaddled in their old clothing, next to the chair, she grabbed Amélie's legs, repositioning her so she had a view of them. "I want you to see this. Call it a preview of what's to come," she said, and smiled. Artemis sat down on the chair, and picked up a mewling child, only minutes ago one of the adult male soldiers. She spread her legs, exposing her wet vulva, dripping fluids onto the chair in front of it, and Amélie gasped as she watched Artemis shove the child into her birth canal feet first. Artemis moaned in pleasure as the baby slid in easily, her kegels gripping and pulling him in as he squealed in dismay. He slowly disappeared into Artemis, his shape traveling up her lower abdomen, his legs, belly, chest and arms disappearing in short order, until all that was left was his head hanging from her cunt. With a grunt, Artemis forced that in too, his newborn face vanishing into her canal, and he disappeared completely. His shape was still visible, though, and Amélie watched him move from birth canal into Artemis's womb. Her belly stretched to accommodate him, and Artemis was pregnant with her first child of the process. She repeated this with the other three children, each disappearing into her hungry cunt as Amélie watched in horror from the floor. Artemis's belly expanded with each, growing larger and larger with each of Amélie's former subordinates that was fed into her massive womb. Eventually, the last baby was unbirthed, and Artemis sat, panting with exertion and pleasure. Her breasts had also grown heavy with the milk converted from the nutrients she took from the babies as they regressed, and they began to leak thick, nutritious milk that ran down from her nipples. She began to play with herself, stroking with one hand her massive quadruplet belly, while the other wandered south to rub her engorged labia and clit. It only took seconds for her to reach climax, and she sprayed creamy, pearly femcum all over Amélie on the floor. "Oooh…yeah. That's…why I love... what I do." Artemis panted, rubbing her distended womb. "But I'm afraid they'll have to wait for their second chance. First… She stroked her belly some more as it began to shrink slightly, the shape of each child smoothing out. Artemis's stomach began to make a gurgling noise as its occupants regressed further as they went back through the trimesters, their cells were repurposed by Artemis's body upon her command, turning them into something else… Eventually, the four adults were nothing more than clumps of cells, their blastocysts refusing into the original two cells that made them- and then not even that, as the sperm containing their paternal DNA separated from the egg and was disintegrated, absorbed into Artemis's DNA. She sent two eggs to one ovary and two to the other, where they settled back into mature follicles, on their way to becoming primordial follicles the only trace of Amélie's soldiers' DNA now locked within Artemis's ovaries. Artemis stroked her belly, now the size of a single pregnancy. Her womb was still full, but not with child, and her hand sank into it slightly as she pressed. She stood up, straddling herself over Amélie's prone form. "Since you insisted on doing this somewhere other than the clinic, I don't have any lube to hand," Artemis said "So I had to improvise." With that she began to masturbate anew. Standing over her, Amélie could see into Artemis's birth canal as she worked herself, a glowing ring in the middle that was her bioluminescent cervix. She only got a second's view, though, before Artemis reached orgasm again. Her cervix gaped, and from it rushed a powerful tide of pearly femcum, a massive amount- what was once the physical bodies of the four soldiers. The last earthly remnant of them poured over Amélie, over her entire body, natural lubrication for what was to come next. ---------------- Empty once more, Artemis sat down with a splash on the chair, femcum still dripping down the inside of her legs. She sat back and rubbed her belly, making sure that the four soldiers' eggs were well comfortable as primordial follicles. She looked over at Amélie, still prone on the floor, and played idly with the one umbilical cord that still ran outside her. "I don't like this, you know. Taking the unwilling into me, it- it makes me feel too good. Makes me fear what I could become, if I ever lost myself to it." She sat forward, staring at Amélie with a stony expression. "What you would have made me, if you had the chance." Amélie started to cry. "Please," she said. "Let me go. I can- I can give you anything! Do anything for you! I'll leave you and yours alone, I swear!" Artemis smiled, sadly. "I'm afraid not. You know what I'm capable of now, and I you." She gestured at her belly, now flat, as if the four babies that were there minutes ago never existed at all. "If I let you go as you are now, we'd play this game forever. You coming after me, hurting and killing innocents as you do, until one of us is dead with a dagger in her back." Artemis's head dropped, painful memories resurfacing. "You think you're the first person that's tried something like this?" she whispered. Amélie, tears running down her face, had a chill run down her spine as she realised that that's exactly what she'd thought, and now she knew it for folly. "Please, I don't want to d-" "Die?" Artemis finished in an incredulous tone. "No, no, I would never kill you or let you die, though I know you wouldn't extend the same courtesy to me or mine." Artemis smiled sadly, massaging the right side of her lower abdomen.. "No, I'm a sworn keeper of life and that is what I'm going to give you. I'm going to keep you within my ovary like so many others, until I believe you've properly repented. Eternal life, within me…unless you can change, of course." Amélie could only cry harder. This felt both like a death sentence, and a mercy she didn't deserve. Artemis stood up and took hold of Amélie's legs, one scarred, the other bionic. She dragged her round until her legs were pointing towards the front of the chair. She frowned at the metal limb stuff like that was a pain in the womb. She reached up towards where flesh and metal met looking around the thigh, she saw a small button on the inside labeled 'release'. Convenient, she thought. Pressing the button, the leg detached with a hiss from Amélie's thigh. The only thing that was left was a fleshy stump, as far as Artemis could see. Artemis sat down on the chair heavily and reached toward Amélie's remaining leg, picking it up. She breathed, then stuck the scarred woman's toes into her waiting, soaking vulva. The femcum she'd sprayed onto Amélie helped them slide in easily, and almost all at once her foot traveled straight through Artemis's birth canal and into her waiting womb. Her wiggling toes, the only thing Amélie could still move, rapped upon her uterine walls pleasurably. Artemis continued to feed Amélie's leg into her, her strong kegel muscles doing much of the work. The leg stretched her uterus massively as it entered and bent. Next was Amélie's scarred hips, and Artemis stroked her toned belly and vulva, feeling the scars under her fingers. She smiled at Amélie. "Don't worry, baby. We'll fix all this." With a grunt and a thrust forward, Artemis forced Amélie's leg stump and hips into her vagina, the feeling as it stretched her beyond human limits, Amélie's pubes scraping across her tight walls driving her to orgasm once more. Fluids flowed down Amélie's prone form, lubricating her more. A short push later and the scarred hips were inside her womb, her cervix wrapped around Amélie's waist. Artemis kept pulling her in, inch by inch, her considerable chest going next. Amélie's chest was visible within Artemis's birth canal as she traveled through, erect nipples showing faintly as they scraped against her vaginal walls. Soon it was time for her head to enter. Artemis looked around the massive bulge of her belly, containing 70% of her would-be captor already, and grinned at her tear-streaked face. "Goodbye for now, my child. May we next meet in a happier time," she said to Amélie, and pulled her head into her cunt, amid a flood of juices. Her arms followed in short order, fingers wiggling as they traveled through Artemis, until the whole of Amélie was within her womb. She sat back, breathing heavily at the exertion, sweat beading her massive belly as she released the paralysis and let her child get comfortable within her, Amélie's struggles stirring up her insides and pushing her into ecstasy. ------------------ Amélie couldn't see much inside Artemis's womb, the only light coming through the cervix, which closed as she watched. A caul formed around her, and amniotic fluid flooded what little spare space. Finally, as Artemis became truly pregnant, she released the paralysis on her captor. Amélie struggled, briefly, but knowing that there was no escape, finally folded herself into the fetal position, listening to the noises of her new mother's body as she awaited her fate. All of a sudden, she felt a tingling across her body. and she felt herself begin to move back through the years, her very age flowing out of her and into Artemis through the umbilical cord. She felt her scarred form begin to heal- truly heal, scar tissue disappearing from her skin even as she ran her hands along it, years of abuse melting away as she went. Artemis's belly shrank as her new child regressed into a teen, and then into a pre-teen, her considerable breasts sinking back into her chest as they undeveloped, her hips losing fat and falling into parallel with her torso. As Amélie became a child once more, fresh tears began falling unseen from her eyes, down her newly rounded face, as she silently thanked Artemis for the second chance she was being given somewhere in the far future. From the outside the stretched skin of Artemis's belly deflated, first looking like triplets, then twins, then as Amélie became a newborn again, it became the stretched bump of a single pregnancy. Artemis massaged it, feeling the baby within kick, before it began to reverse through the trimesters. Amélie felt her world get bigger and bigger as her form shrank, her senses blurring as her features undeveloped. She closed her eyes, feeling them seal shut as she did, and she crossed the threshold between fetus and embryo. Artemis palpated her now flat stomach, feeling what was left of Amélie separate within her womb, her blastocyst moving up and through her fallopian tube and the semen that was her paternal DNA ejecting from Artemis' vagina in a tiny spurt of pearly white. She would keep Amélie conscious within her ovary, even as she regressed into less than a cell the eternal life she sought, as part of Artemis's own, reflecting upon her atrocities until Artemis saw fit to raise her anew as a daughter. She stood up, breasts heavy with the milk of five people and crotch dripping with fluids, and started to dress in what discarded clothing lay about the room. Hopefully, wherever Amélie had taken her wasn't far from home she wanted to get back to the clinic to meet her three o'clock patient, after all. Dressed in a mismatch of just enough clothing to keep her from getting arrested on an indecent exposure charge (...again), Artemis opened the door of the room and walked out into the sunlight, five future children heavier than when she walked in and with a sad smile on her face.
Uteromancer Unfettered: A Born Again Side Story] By CassiSquish ---------------------- [The diary of Dr. Artemis Knight, 05/03/2XXX] I have become introspective as of late, diary. I’ not sure why exactly but it started just after I'd sentenced Amélie to an extended stay in my ovary- she's fine, by the way, I've been talking with her and doing some therapy to try and work out just how she became what she was. But I digress. That incident dredged up a lot of unpleasant memories, of the times I've had to condemn others to a monocellular state in similar situations. I used to think that the ends justified the means, that I didn't need to concern myself with the whys and hows of my biology as long as I did as much good with it as I could. But…well, I wasn't just saying it for effect, when I told Amélie that I feared what I could one day become if I ever did lose myself to my power. So, I've decided to restart my research into myself what I am, why I have my powers, their extent. So I can prepare for if, or when, I (or Alicia, or anyone else I choose to give the powers of uteromancy) cross the line and need to be stopped. I haven’ come up with much in my research so far, but I did manage to secure some time in a library in Berlin which has some very, very old books, one of which has a story within it that piqued my interest. A fairy tale, at first glance. It has no basis in history no dates, no familiar places, only sparse references to certain periods in certain countries. But there’ a lot of details between the lines that seem to parallel my own life and history, enough that I can't ignore it as a possible link. I’e made a copy of the tale and left it within this diary, for later consideration if I find anything else. Hopefully it will prove of use… --------------------- In a time and place unrecorded by history… he two women met, for the last time, in the ruined shrine by the river. The first, the visitor, was a tall woman. Her frame, powerful yet matronly, was hidden by the garb of the country in which she had spent the last year, hunting for her quarry a furisode, plain and well worn. Its long sleeves touched the ground as she walked through the dusty entrance of the shrine. Her simple clothing, however, did nothing to dampen her extraordinary appearance. Her skin was tanned, made for a far sunnier climate than the winter of her current environment. Her long blonde hair fell down her back, worn only in a ponytail with a fringe that covered her brow. This hair was the first of her remarkable features it glowed with light at the end of the ponytail and the edge of the fringe, a soft turquoise that reflected her calm mood. Her face was round and young, but its expression belied decades of hard experience a calm neutrality upon her fair skin. Her eyes, much like her hair, shone with an otherworldly glow set against a background of deep black. She bore no visible weapons she did not need them, and would not use them if she did. The other knelt in the center of the shrine, where she had made her temporary nest. She was of similar features to the visitor her hair brunette and shining at the tips, flashing bright pink as she sat in a sea of bliss. She was far lighter dressed than her pursuer a simple yukata, with no second layers- fine silk on bare pale flesh. It was open- it had to be, for the other woman was a predator, and she was digesting her prey. Her stomach sat massive in front of her, a caricature of pregnancy. The shape of her child- a full grown man once, but rapidly regressing- was plain to see through her belly, curled in fetal position as commanded by the woman whose womb he inhabited. The belly was shrinking as she took from its inhabitant his years, his adult form melting back into adolescence in her warmth. He was a warrior, and his armor sat in a heap next to his conqueror, his blade in her hand she gripped it hard in the throes of her ecstasy. The visitor entered the center of the shrine, making no sound as she moved, but her quarry had detected her anyway, using senses unknown to mere mortals. "Hello, mother dear. Took you long enough to find me, Bérrith," said the gravid predator as she turned her head to look across her shoulder. "You know well how to hide, Ainwyn. Or do you prefer to go by Jizo now? I’e heard that’ the name you use.”Bérrith said, her voice sharp as she greeted her daughter. “all me what you like, mother,”Ainwyn said simply. “ow did you locate me at last?” followed the trail of disappearances,”Bérrith explained, her voice level despite the turmoil of emotion that surged through her. “he people of this land told me much of your ways. They tell of a beautiful yōai that visits brothels and teahouses, seduces men and women both, and promises them youth, healing… Bérrith sat down, kneeling in the same way as her daughter- like nobles at a tea ceremony, feet below bottom, arms folded on her lap. She had her eyes closed her other senses served her well enough, and she needed to concentrate. Aínwyn laughed, a mad, saccharine giggling. "A lovely legend, mother. And what happens next?" she said, stroking her belly, still full and distended but only now the size of a full term. "You know as well as I do. As the pitcher plant lures a fly into its depths… said Bérrith, a frown of distaste forming on her face. "Oh, really now, mother. You're out of practice with your similes," Aínwyn muttered, standing to face her mother, cradling her belly. Her sex was soaking in juices, flowing down her legs and onto the floor, forming a puddle. Her breasts were filled with milk- milk made from stolen nutrients, leeched from the full sized human in her daughter's womb. It flowed freely from her teats, running down her naked front. Bérrith said nothing in reply, silently mourning the poor soul that was disappearing into her daughter, soon to become only the seeds that made them. One of so many that Aínwyn had captured that Bérrith was ultimately responsible for, having unleashed her evil upon the world. "So," said Aínwyn. "Dare I ask why my mother has crossed half the world to find me? I imagine it isn't for warm sake and a couple of riceballs." "Again, you know very well." Bérrith whispered. The memories were painful, each one a stab in the heart as it rose unbidden to her mind. Aínwyn was once a sister of five other girls, Bérrith their mother, using their uteromancy to heal the wounds of the world. Until Aínwyn, despite Bérrith's efforts, lost herself to the bliss that accompanied each unbirth, her thirst deepening until one day she took all her sisters into her womb and fled. Remembering that day, Bérrith answered her daughter. "I have come to correct my mistake." -------------------- Aínwyn cackled at that. "I see you have a new name for me, mother. A shame, for I was going to give it to you first." Bérrith said nothing, knowing Aínwyn's intentions. Only one of them would leave this shrine alive depending on your definition of the word, anyway. Aínwyn rubbed her stomach she was pregnant no longer. Part of the hapless samurai whose existence she'd unwound was sliding through her fallopian tube, his last cells fusing to make the egg that his original mother had spawned, now coming to rest within Aínwyn's ovary, never to leave. Unlike most of the rogue uteromancer's victims, however, his mind and soul were not with it. Instead she'd forced that into the other half of him his father's semen. Aínwyn cupped her hand under her sex and pushed out the only remnant of the person she'd unbirthed a pearly white spray of sperm flowing from her vulva, which she caught. She moaned with pleasure as she felt the final remains of her prey stream through her cervix and out of her, and the moment she lifted her hands away she came, a torrent of femcum falling from her. She smiled as she stirred the warrior-semen with a finger, tasting his seed. She turned to her mother, still kneeling on the floor across the room. "If you intend to 'correct' me, mother," said Aínwyn, "i'll have some sport of you first." She laid the sword of the unbirthed warrior with his discarded armor, then as she spoke verses of magic known only to her and her mother, she poured the semen that was the vessel of his soul onto the pieces of metal. Nothing happened for a short while. Then the pile began to move pieces rattling and joining together as the warrior's soul, bound utterly to Aínwyn's control, reformed the memory of its living life. Eventually, it stood once more the warrior's empty armor, animated by the soul of the man that had once worn it. It stood to attention, pulled by its master's strings, and slowly it reached for the handle of its blade what was once a man was Aínwyn's weapon now, ready to kill for its mistress. Bérrith sighed. She did not have the patience for these games any more. The elder uteromancer stood slowly, moving into a posture that did not imply any intent to defend or attack, only an anticipation of her foe. “eally? No weapons? Surely you’ have brought some means of defense,”questioned Ainwyn. “ need no weapons or shields,”Berrith said, tone not wavering. “y body is my implement and I command it freely.” inwyn cackled again, incredulous. “ell then! Test it against steel, and let us see which is stronger!”She gestured forward, a command for her empty knight to attack. It moved forward, with the grace and poise of the human that once filled it, to attack Berrith, its blade coming down on her in a wide arc. Berrith inhaled, closing her eyes. As the blade passed, she dodged, the only harm coming to the fixing of her furisode’ belt. Simultaneously, she extended an arm forward, a simple palm strike into the armor’ midsection. The effect was spectacular the strike was simple, but the power behind it was massive, and the armor all but exploded backwards, its breastplate shattered completely. It crumpled in a heap of twisted metal and did not move again, its sword skittering across the shrine floor to rest at its master’ feet. The cut fabric of her furisode gave way and Berrith was rendered exposed, the cloth falling off her frame as she span around to rest in the same stance as she’ begun. She shrugged off the rest of her ruined clothing, showing no discomfort for being exposed to the cold air. Now naked, Berrith only looked more powerful and imposing for it. Her body was that of a warrior goddess a tower of sinew and muscle, the only fat being where she allowed it to be. Her breasts hung freely, nipples erect in the cold air, one of the only soft looking parts of her body besides her hips. She exhaled and opened her eyes again, turning to her errant child. ------------- “aughter, I must ask you, though I fear you will not answer,”Berrith questioned, looking into the eyes that mirrored hers. “hy do you do what you have done?” inwyn picked up the blade, feeling its weight and checking the blade. “ou’l have to be specific, mother. There is much I have done since last we met,”said she, staring back into her mother’ eyes. “ speak of the use of your uteromancy,”Berrith acquiesced. “e are the last of Eve’ line, our powers given that we might give healing and succor to the rest of humanity.”Her tone became reverent. Ainwyn chuckled at this, as if her mother had just told a joke. “es, yes, I’e heard this before. Kindly get to the point, mother.” ou, Ainwyn, have misused your power greatly. A taker of life instead of its steward. Hundreds- perhaps thousands- have you taken into yourself with no intention of granting their souls release or rebirth.”Berrith’ face turned sad, pleading. “ ask you…why?” inwyn chuckled again. “ecause, mother, it is my choice and my raison d’tre.”She sheathed the sword she was wearing, but kept it in her hand. “ know you feel it too the pleasure that uteromancy brings, as we take their years and make them our children. It’ intoxicating!”Ainwyn opened her arms wide, to emphasize her point. “f it were not Eve’ will that I do what I must, then why would she bestow upon us such bliss regardless of who we remove from the waking world?” hat is for Eve alone to know, daughter,”Berrith said, an undercurrent of pleading in her tone. “ give you this one remaining opportunity please, come with me. Let us be a family again.”Berrith held out a hand to her wayward daughter, a gesture of acceptance and forgiveness. Ainwyn smiled, almost sadly. “’ afraid not, mother. I know there can be no true atonement for what I have done, and what I will continue to do, unfettered as I am. So I will not ask for it.”She unsheathed the blade in her hand, pointing it at her mother as she threw the scabbard aside. “’ afraid that if you intend to apprehend me, you will have to leave me to my peace... or settle for my corpse.” errith sighed, defeat plain to see in her stance and on her face, before she settled back into her careful neutrality. “ will not let you continue your ways, daughter, but neither will I allow you release by true death. Let us settle this now, then, body against steel.” he two stood there for what felt like eternity, mother and daughter, neither wanting to move against the other but knowing they must. Finally, Ainwyn started toward her mother, blade swinging in an upward arc, moving to bisect its target. Berrith also moved, no weapon in hand, aiming her open palm at her daughter’ midsection. They clashed, each ending up on the opposite side of where they’ first started. Ainwyn felt a stabbing pain and a warmth within her midsection but her mother couldn’ have stabbed her, for she carried no arms… hen she realised what her mother meant earlier. My body is my implement…A uteromancer’ body was a weapon all its own, if it had to be. Ainwyn reached down to feel the umbilical cord settling into her bellybutton, before Berrith tapped into her nervous system and shut off everything below her neck. ------------------- Berrith felt the umbilical cord between her fingers. She felt in her mind Ainwyn’ struggle to regain control of her body, trying to reverse the connection and gain the upper hand, but she had never learnt the same control that Berrith had been forced to, instead relying on other trickeries. She was truly helpless now. Berrith sat facing her daughter’ legs, beginning the meditation that would open the way for her daughter to leave this world as said daughter cursed and frantically wiggled her fingers and toes, the only part of her left to move. “o, mother!”Ainwyn cried, desperation beginning to creep into her voice. “ou cannot do this to me!” errith kept concentrating as she replied. “ am a steward of life, Ainwyn. This fate is far kinder than you deserve.” -and what of the souls within me?”Ainwyn questioned, trying to find a ransom to bind her mother with. “ou would condemn them too?!” know secrets of uteromancy that you do not, having not stayed to learn them,”stated Berrith in a slightly wounded tone. “hey will be liberated. And even if not, what choice have I? They will be no more free while you yet roam.” inwyn could only squirm and cry as her mother finished her first meditation, her pelvis and birth canal becoming impossibly elastic and her cervix wide, ready to receive her wayward daughter. Berrith reached over to grab her daughter’ legs as she spread her own. Her vulva gaped, a clear path from her labia to her womb, which glowed with the same soft light as her hair and eyes. Holding Ainwyn’ ankles, she pointed them towards her crotch, then pushed them into her, her daughter’ unbirth commencing. Berrith gasped, feeling her daughter’ squirming toes tickle her as they moved through her cervix and into her womb, the sensation arousing her intensely and increasing the juices that flowed from her vagina. The extra lubrication allowed Ainwyn’ shins and knees to slip in easily after her feet, and Berrith’ midsection began to distort and stretch as the younger uteromancer’ body continued to enter. Next was Ainwyn’ hips, and Berrith reached to grab her daughter’ waist, pushing with both her arms and kegel muscles to move the wide hips into her birth canal. As they were forced through Berrith’ cervix, she felt it stretch to its limit, the mere idea of it driving her to orgasm she groaned in bliss, her luminescence flashing white, and pearly thick femcum squirted from her, covering Ainwyn’ remaining body. Berrith’ belly ballooned massively as the majority of Ainwyn entered her now, legs showing clearly through the skin. Ainwyn’ chest was squeezed as it moved into Berrith’ hole, the pressure of it squeezing milk in a stream from her breasts, covering her and Berrith’ lower half in the sweet substance. Soon they disappeared into Berrith, the milk providing more lubrication as they moved into Berrith’ uterus. Finally, all that was left of Ainwyn outside of Berrith was her head and arms. Berrith looked into her daughter’ eyes, one last time. Tears sprang from both uteromancers’eyes as they gazed into each other. “oodbye, my daughter. I shall not fail you in your next life,”said Berrith, a last touch of affection for the daughter she had lost. Ainwyn’ only response was to scream in anger and frustration, a scream that cut off as a powerful pull from Berrith’ kegels pulled Ainwyn’ head into her cunt. The rest of Ainwyn went into Berrith easily, her fingers uselessly grasping for any hold that they could get. Finally, all of her daughter was back within her. Berrith sat, massaging her belly, the shape of Ainwyn softening slightly as an amniotic sac formed around her. Ainwyn felt her mother’ paralytic hold on her release she struggled, moving as much as she could to try and break free, but her mother’ powerful muscles held her in position as she became truly pregnant with Ainwyn, as she had been once before. Ainwyn eventually gave in, knowing her fate was sealed and what was to come she could do nothing now but weep and lament the end she had brought upon herself. ----------------- She felt the telltale tingle that was her mother beginning to regress her, as she herself had done to so many others. Her body began to move through the years (which, physically, were not many the perks of being a uteromancer), drained from her by the umbilical that ran into her mother and converted into so much body fat and milk. Berrith’ breasts began to expand as her belly shrank the nutrients from Ainwyn, themselves taken from those Ainwyn had unbirthed, converted into life-giving milk. Berrith began to suckle from herself as she did her work, draining the tank even as it filled. The Ainwyn-milk was bittersweet upon Berrith’ tongue. Ainwyn returned to her late teens, the prime of her life within Berrith’ luminous uterus, she felt a rush of hormones as her body un-adjusted to puberty. She felt her mass diminish, her womb-prison expand as she lost height and weight, her firm breasts shrinking and becoming mere buds before her eyes. Her hips slimmed also as she went from teen to child true. The horror that Aínwyn knew her prey would have felt now coursed through her own frame as she saw her limbs shorten and fatten, the appendages of a toddler. She repeated the words that so many times she had heard emanating from her own shrinking womb, knowing that Bérrith would show no mercy to her now. Aínwyn reached full term and breezed past it, cycling back through the trimesters now. She felt her mother cradle her belly, feeling it shrink shared the pleasure Bérrith felt. Her senses began to blur as the organs that provided them undeveloped, though her mind persisted through the fog. She felt her eyes seal closed as she shut them for the last time. She felt a strange sensation her own ovaries had begun to undevelop. Her collection of ova, hundreds of former humans who had been robbed of multicellular life by Aínwyn over the years, began to fuse into each other, their souls and minds knowing final peace as they did, until her reproductive system had completely undifferentiated. Her victims had been liberated, just as Bérrith had said. Finally, Aínwyn was, like her own prey but an hour before, a round collection of cells that detached from Bérrith's endometrium and made its final movement up and out of her womb. A great schism occurred, Aínwyn feeling the two seeds that made her composite breaking apart half of her lost, forever, as it spurted out of Bérrith's dripping cunt. A splash of semen landed with a splat on the shrine floor, to dry up and be forgotten like so many others, the only remaining evidence that Aínwyn once lived. ------------------- Bérrith sat for a while, hand over her womb, weeping while she had the luxury. Her family was together again, the child that had taken her sisters now taken into their mother, like a nesting doll. Eventually she dried her tears and put on Aínwyn's discarded yukata, the only piece of intact clothing left. As she gave a final prayer for the fallen samurai and walked out into the calm snow, she resolved that she would build a family anew she would not fail them this time, and their warmth would hopefully redeem the sister they never knew, so that she may be born again in a happier time. [Side Story: End]
The Huntress of Knights By CassiSquish In a time before time, a land lost to history… he two adventurers were led unwillingly, bound with manacles, up the stairs of the castle tower, to their final fate. One was a woman, a beautiful girl of late adolescence, and her dark grey skin and short pointed ears betrayed her elfin heritage. Her fair, pointed face was yet defiant in the face of her apprehension, a small split in her eyebrow drying of blood. She was short, slim and waifish, looking younger than her true age. White hair fell from her head, once braided but now wavy and ragged, having come apart during her capture. She was a thief, her life driven by noble plunder, taking from the undeserving and distributing it to those in need. To this end, she was dressed light a simple cloth vest, wrapped around a slim chest and bosom. It had been ripped during the melee, and one breast hung free of support, pale nipple erect in the cold air of the castle tower. Her lower half was wrapped in a pair of shorts, made for stealth, around a simple cloth undergarment. Her only other clothing, besides the odd piece of jewelry, was a belt around her waist, on which hung pouches, vials and other tools of a burglar’ trade. The other was a knight, his armor rasping as he moved. It gave him a wide, imposing figure, but that had availed him naught in their final battle well armed as he was, their foes possessed far more experience than he, and knew exactly where to strike in order to bypass his plate. They had only tended to him in a token manner- just enough to get him up the stairs to meet his captor- and so he limped forward, stumbling every so often. They were led up what felt like an endless spiral staircase by another armored knight- or what looked like one. The two adventurers knew, however, that there beat no human heart within that armor that nothing lay within at all, in fact. It was but a construct of empty metal, animated by the chained soul of the noble knight that fell wearing it…fell to the sorceress that inhabited this tower. They called her the Huntress of Knights for a reason. As they climbed, occasionally spurred by the pommel of the empty squire's sword, the thief looked up at her companion in front of her. "René?" She said to the limping knight in front of her. "Are you yet alive in that tin can?" "Yes, Tipheret," René said to his companion in a deep voice, mangling the pronunciation of the elvish name in his pained state. "Though I fear I will not last if these accursed stairs continue-" René's unseen face twisted in concern. "-nor am I sure I want to reach their zenith alive." "Have faith, René," Tipheret said, a grim smile on her face. "Even should we meet our fate, we may yet prevent others from the same." ----------------- The two reached the top of the stairs, at which sat a pair of plain doors. Considering the demon's den that lay before it, René and Tipheret thought that the entrance would be more foreboding, though the plainness of it gave it a sense of danger all its own. How many of my brothers and sisters have been taken through this door, never to return? René wondered. Their soul-construct guard moved to knock on its wooden surface, the doors parted with a creak. He moved back behind Tipheret and once again prodded her forward, and the three made their way into the sorceress's lair. It was a very strange sight indeed. The large circular room was lined with bookshelves, themselves laden with books some being tomes being magic, while some detailed strange sciences unknown to the two. Workbenches dotted the floor, most of which seemed to have experiments ongoing one with a bubbling beaker of glowing green liquid- an alchemical process, no doubt. Another had on it a large glass tank, within which was growing a…something, its twitching shape unknown. Dominating it all was the stone platform at the back, an altar, lit by moonlight through the tall stained glass window. The window depicted a scene of a woman with black feathered wings and horns jutting from her head, standing out from her pale skin. The glass woman cradled her belly, heavy with child. The two adventurers looked around, bewildered. This was the demon's den, alright. But where was the demon? "Oh, I'm right here," a voice rang out from the empty altar, making the elven girl jump in surprise. If René had been similarly surprised, he didn't show it he simply turned his helmeted head toward the source of the noise as it continued. "I've been watching you since you entered my domain… And as they watched, in front of the stained glass woman appeared her doppelgänger in a flurry of feathers the Huntress of Knights, the decider of their fate. ------------------- The Huntress hovered for a moment in front of the window, unfurling the wings that wrapped around her form to reveal her body. And what a body it was! Her most striking features were noticed first by her captives. Her face was sharp but serene, with full cheeks, and a pair of crystalline horns jutted from her forehead, black monoliths on her white face. Her long, straight hair ran down her body, and the entirety of its filaments glowed softly, shining a rainbow of colours according to her whim. The wings that sprouted from her lower back were the same raven black as her horns, and stretched wide as she revealed herself she commanded them naturally, though her prisoners knew them to be anything but natural. The Huntress was a statuesque woman, sinew and muscle doing nothing to offset her femininity. She wore nothing upon her top half, the pale skin of her large breasts like two heavenly moons in the night of her wings. They needed no support, standing proud upon her chest, nipples glistening with a liquid. Her hips were wide but with little fat, made to bear many children. On them rested the only piece of clothing she deigned to wear a sarong made of fine silk, thin enough that her crotch was barely visible through it. A small rectangular thatch of well groomed pubic hair could be seen, shining multicoloured like her hair. The Huntress landed on the ritual altar. She opened her eyes to reveal beautiful inhuman eyes sclerae black as the void and irises shining luminous against them. She smiled as she turned to regard each of her captors. "Well, well," she mused, whimsy in her voice disguising danger. "What do we have here?" The sorceress walked off the altar, over to where Tipheret stood. The elven girl stood defiant, but as the Huntress approached her, she found herself forced down to her knees by an invisible force, like her personal gravity had been increased twofold. She gasped as she hit the ground. "My soldiers report that you were captured attempting to raid a keep of mine, to the south," the Huntress said, kneeling down and stroking Tipheret's face as the elf strained to pull away from her hand. "Hoping for riches, perhaps? Or mayhap your kinsmen given in tribute...", she trailed off, rubbing her lower abdomen in a manner almost nostalgic. "Both, witch," Tipheret spat back. "But I found neither, just a bunch of your filthy knights and naught else. What have you done with them?" The Huntress laughed, a soft sound that seemed wholly out of place coming from her throat. "Oh, you'll see, soon enough. Suffice to say, they're still alive…after a fashion." She turned over to René, who was similarly made to kneel, the pressure on his wounds making him groan in pain. "And you… The Huntress raised her hands, her fingers tracing a sign of power in the air, and all at once René's armor was forced from his body, leather straps and cloth tearing, metal clanking as it exploded from his frame and piled itself in a heap at his side. What was left was not a large man, but sinewy and built the muscles honed by years of sword practice, despite his youth. His square, handsome face and skin were pale from more time spent inside armour than out, and his black hair was long and unkempt. Despite the sudden removal of his armor, he was unfazed, and glared up from his naked position at the Huntress. "I have nothing to say to you, witch, save a single request. Take me if you will I shall go willingly to my fate should you spare my companion." René said in his deep voice. He looked at Tipheret, whose face was stricken at the sacrifice of her comrade. "How very chivalrous of you, sir knight…perhaps I can be persuaded of that," the Huntress said, in a sultry voice. She ran a hand down René's frame, moving it down to his crotch, where she massaged his cock even flaccid, the man was well hung, and the Huntress felt herself grow moist at the mere thought of it erect. "In due time, though. First I must dispense with another guest of mine…" ------------------- The Huntress raised a hand and clicked her fingers, and with a crack, another person appeared upon the altar. It was an elf lady, like Tipheret, and she was similarly manacled she was also naked, and looked with terror at her new surroundings. Tipheret realised with a sinking feeling that she knew her Binah, another elf from her enclave. She tried to stand, to run to her tree-sister, but the gravitic force kept her kneeling. "Binah?" Tipheret managed to yell. "Binah!" Binah turned and saw Tipheret, tears beginning to stream down her face. "Oh Goddesses, Tipheret. Not you too." The Huntress giggled. "Ah, a touching reunion between sisters of the Tree. I'm afraid I'll have to interrupt it briefly…but you'll be reunited with each other quite soon," she said, licking her lips. The demonic woman flew over to the platform, landing softly behind Binah. The gravity that restrained Tipheret and René also kept the second elf pinned in the lying position that she'd appeared in, and she could only watch as the Huntress began her work. The horned woman crouched over her prey and began to rub herself, stroking her vulva and clit, fingering herself occasionally Tipheret's sharp eyes spotted her abdomen bulging ever so slightly as she did. Eventually she reached climax, and as she sprayed Binah with her fluids, she birthed something else a bluish fleshy cord, that fell out of her all at once into a heap on the floor. It began to move, like a living thing crawling over Binah's trembling form before it found its goal- her bellybutton. Binah screamed as it buried itself into her stomach, then fell silent as she collapsed, paralysed the Huntress had control of her now. Her only sign of life was her eyes, moving around frantically as she prayed for rescue. "There, there, my child. Soon shall you be at peace… said the Huntress, as she knelt down, her dripping vulva mere inches from Binah's face. She reached down, cradling Binah's head…then pushed it forcefully into her crotch, her head entering the Huntress's birth canal, her frantic eyes disappearing into it as the demon's juices mixed with her tears running down her eyes. "No!" Tipheret screamed. She'd had an uneasy feeling ever since she saw the bluish cord disappear into Binah, but she hadn't thought such a thing possible…even with magic. She was about to be proven very wrong. Binah's entire head was within the Huntress's birth canal, now, her face frozen in terror and visible through the stretched skin of the demon's abdomen. The Huntress moaned in pleasure, her body rocking in ecstasy as her new child entered her, lubricating juices flowing down the buxom elf's frame. Her vagina stretched impossibly as she pushed Binah further in, her shoulders and bust sliding through her vulva and the shape of her head pushing up, into the Huntress's cursed womb. Eventually, her arms and hips followed her, her pubic hair tickling the Huntress's clit as Binah's unshaved crotch disappeared through her captor's own. The Huntress, her belly now stretched and distended with Binah's top half, floated herself upright to stand, her imminent daughter's legs following her. All of a sudden, she descended into a sudden squat, her legs bending as Binah's stayed straight, forcing them into her womb the feeling of this brought the demon to climax once more, and as the altar was soaked with pearly femcum, Binah's last feature- her wiggling toes- disappeared from view. The Huntress sat down heavily, rubbing her massively distended belly, full of her new child. She released the paralysis, and the two watching her could see her massive womb bulge and distort as its new occupant struggled to escape only serving to cause the Huntress more pleasure in the process. René looked away as he saw Binah's screaming face press through the Huntress's skin, mourning her fate. ------------------ Binah eventually ceased her struggles, knowing they were pointless, and simply cried as she accepted her fate. The Huntress's uterus was luminous within, the better for her prey to watch themselves melt away as she stole everything they were. And this is what Binah saw. She felt a tingle across her whole body as her mass began to flow from her into her new mother, her body beginning to work in reverse she was regressing in age. She looked at her hands small scars, from a life lived amongst nature, cleansed from her skin. She felt a rush of hormones through her as she re-entered her teens, and she moved a hand through the amniotic fluid to her vulva, pleasuring herself even as she lost height and body mass. From the outside, the Huntress's belly began to contract as its occupant was essentially digested, the shape of Binah's body smoothing out as it shrank. The nutrients stolen from her went to the Huntress's breasts, that expanded even as her belly shrank, growing two cup sizes with the milk that was once Binah. The demon stroked her stretched stomach, beaded with sweat and milk that had had begun to spray from her engorged breasts. René was ashamed that the sight of it aroused him, his cock standing to attention, long and firm. Binah came just as she left her teens, her final release spraying out of her and into the amniotic fluid surrounding her, the demon's womb vibrating as she shook with ecstasy. She opened her eyes, greeted with the sight of her considerable breasts finishing their journey back into her chest, the fat of them pouring out of her through the umbilical. She moved through the countdown of her single digits, eventually her body that of a mere newborn elf. The Huntress truly looked the double of her stained glass tribute, now, as she massaged the taut skin of her belly, smiling as she saw her other captives' jaws dropped in horror. Binah felt her senses grow fuzzy as she receded further, the organs that provided them undeveloping, the womb that was her world expanding as she no longer occupied enough space to stretch it. She closed her eyes and could not open them again, as they fused shut she lost her sense of hearing and smell shortly after, and was simply floating in a void, a soul that had no way to scream. She felt herself detach from something, as the blastocyst that was her earthly remnants left the endometrium lining of the demon's womb. Suddenly, Binah felt a massive rift in her very self and a tremendous sense of loss as part of her flew away. She felt that part- the egg, her mother's precious DNA- fly out of her perception, lost forever, while the rest of her fell out of the world her entire self now merely a spoon's worth of pearly white semen that exited the Huntress, flowing smoothly through her cervix, into the darkness of her vagina, then ejected by a spasm in a tiny squirt that splashed across the demon's silken sarong, the last trace of Binah's existence soaking into its fabric. The Huntress smiled, feeling her ovary engulf Binah's egg, another's child becoming hers, like so many others. As she felt it settle deep within her, becoming an immature follicle, one hand reached over to massage the vulva that had just consumed Binah while her other poked at the semen stain that contained the elf's very spirit. "I know you can hear me in there, my elven friend," she mused, massaging the edges into the cloth, Binah feeling the sperm cells encapsulating her soul wither and perish as they dried out. "How does it feel to be a stain of seed upon my cloth, knowing your better part is becoming one with me?" Tipheret and René watched this torture of a soul, tears streaming down Tipheret's eyes as the two comprehended what their final fate would be. The Huntress, feeling their anger and fear, grinned a toothy grin. "Oh, don't fret, my darlings. As much as I like to play with them, a soul is a terrible thing to waste… She lifted the finger that was covered with the Binah-seed, and the rest of Binah pulled away with it from the silk, floating as a tiny pearlescent blob in front of the demon. A second later, the blob flash-froze, a perfect sphere of iced semen, Binah preserved for when- or if- the Huntress ever needed her soul. The pearl disappeared, the Huntress sending it to join the countless others she kept in cold storage, Binah's soul left to scream emptily in a gelid prison. The Huntress of Knights stood, belly once again flat, nethers dripping with femcum, and turned to her next two prey. "Ah…she will make an excellent daughter, when the reckoning is at hand. Now, time to decide what is done with you." ---------------------- Tipheret and René glared at the Huntress defiantly, trying to hide any trace of the shock and fear they'd felt at seeing somebody literally unmade. The demon walked over to René, who was still fully erect (despite his attempts to calm it). She played with it using her foot, running it along René's long member, and he let a moan escape his frame despite himself. "Somebody's excited… she said, and clicked her fingers. Tipheret and René stood, their bodies no longer under their control, controlled like marionettes on strings. The Huntress turned to Tipheret, and with a single finger she pulled down the elf's shorts and underwear, exposing in one fell swoop her slim hips and vagina. Tipheret was also aroused watching Binah's removal, and her virgin cunt watered, juices running down her thighs. She had not yet lost the flower of her womanhood, and turned her head away from René, blushing. "Well! Seems like you two enjoyed the show," the Huntress laughed. "I think I'll partake of that member soon. But first…let's see you test it on your elf friend!" She waved her hands, manipulating her puppets into doggy position as they tried to break from her control, only succeeding in looking horrified as their bodies refused commands from their brains. Finally, she clapped her hand, and René penetrated into Tipheret, his cock plowing into her soaking pussy, demolishing her hymen as he filled her utterly. She screamed and the demon laughed, watching the blood of her first penetration seep from her vulva. René began thrusting, burying himself up to the hilt in Tipheret, both of them feeling violated yet utterly orgasmic at the act they were being forced to play out by their captor. Eventually, René hit his limit, and the Huntress forced him to push himself wholly against Tipheret as he came the tip of his cock pushing against Tipheret's cervix as it shot his seed into her uterus. The Huntress made another sign in the air and his ejaculation continued, filling Tipheret utterly, her eyes rolled back in her head as she came also and her stomach stretching to accommodate all the semen. Eventually, the Huntress parted her two puppets, and the two fell away from each other René panted, his cock still standing hard despite his release, and Tipheret fell onto her back, still feeling waves of bliss as her hands felt her distended stomach- her womb a small bulge in her abdomen as René's sperm coursed through it, searching for eggs to join with. The Huntress smiled. She bent over René and took his cock into her mouth, tasting his and Tipheret's juices. She licked him clean, then smiled. "Yes, you do have excellent taste, my dear…I'll enjoy riding you before I take you into me, I think." With that, the Huntress commanded René's body to lie down, his cock standing tall over his pelvis. She lowered herself onto him, squatting down and taking his girth into her easily. The Huntress's cunt was wet and very tight- even tighter than Tipheret, who was a virgin up until a few seconds ago, even though the demon had mere minutes prior forced an entire adult elf into her womb. She rode René vigorously, legs bending and straightening as she went from tip to base, his glans bumping against her cervix as she moved up and down, she sent a command to it, and it dilated just enough for the tip of his cock to enter her womb, where it scraped against her uterine walls. She groaned in pleasure, squeezing René's dick as she engulfed it, slowly lessening her concentration on other things in the throes of her ecstasy. Eventually, René could take no more. He felt his testicles clench as his climax came, and as he thrust into the womb of the Huntress one last time, filling it with his seed, he screamed his last prayer into the heavens. "Tipheret! NOW!" -------------------- The Huntress's ecstasy was rudely interrupted by a knife that whizzed past her head and nicked her cheek. She snarled and flew off René's cock, his seed dripping from her, most of it still within her womb as her cervix sealed. She pointed at Tipheret, who had thrown the knife, and Tipheret's clothing exploded from her in a storm of cloth shreds even as her gravity increased again, forcing her prone against the floor. "How…utterly predictable," the Huntress taunted, as she felt the cut on her cheek. It tingled as blood ran down it. "That was your plan? Wait till I was riding your human friend then plant a knife between my eyes?" "No… gasped Tipheret, struggling to talk as she was crushed against the floor. "That…was…my plan." Struggling against the force restraining her, she pointed at an empty vial rolling across the floor. The Huntress flicked out a hand and brought the vial to hover in front of her face, reading the label. Potion of physogastrism. "Coated…the knife…in it," Tipheret gasped. "Should be…taking effect…right…now." The Huntress had only a second to comprehend the meaning of 'physogastrism', and what it meant for her, before she bent double, yelping in pain at a sudden twinge in her midsection and collapsing to her knees. The potion had taken hold quickly, and the Huntress found to her distress that- for the first time in centuries- she no longer had control over her reproductive system. She palpated her stomach, feeling two rock hard orbs within her- her ovaries, full of eggs, full of people whose life she had stolen and reduced to nothing more than a gamete. They had been altered by the potion, and were now each the size of an orange, all the follicles maturing into egg cells twice the normal size and pouring from her ovaries by the thousands, flowing through her fallopian tubes into her womb…her womb that had just a minute ago been filled by René's sperm, which was now gleefully fertilizing egg after egg after egg. The Huntress gasped and fell to her knees, holding her rapidly swelling stomach. Her uterus expanded, sloshing as it filled with zygotes vying to find a place in her fertile uterine lining to implant themselves and grow into children. Her captives' plan was plain to her now. They intended to force her womb to release all her ovarian prisoners, on pain of becoming so gravid that the sheer amount of children would rip her open like an overstuffed pillow. It was a foolish gamble, to be sure…but a gamble that had worked? She looked at her conquerors with a look of desperation, pain and fury as her stomach- now so stuffed with eggs she looked full term- continued to inflate unbidden. "You…" she stammered. "You… --------------- Then the sorceress smirked, all tension falling from her face like a veil. She began to draw a sign in the air with her fingers. "You fail." As she completed the sign, she stood up straight, the bulge in her belly beginning to recede. Eventually it flattened, and a gush of juices poured from the Huntress's womb and out of her, onto the floor. The sorceress looked down at the spreading puddle and frowned one of the spells that she had just cast was of purging, emptying herself of all the eggs that threatened to tear her open, and they sat now in the puddle spreading across the stone floor, thousands of cells that she'd collected over the ages now withering and dying outside of the preserving environment of her uterus. "W-what? But the potion…you… Tipheret stuttered, shocked. "An inventive little trick, girl, I must admit," the Huntress said in a low voice. "But I command powers that no mere mortal could contemplate." The demon walked over and rested her foot upon Tipheret's abdomen, putting pressure on her uterus, still filled with René's cum. His semen squirted from Tipheret in pearly ropes as she yelped in pleasure and pain both. "Ah, foolish children. I wonder if you know what your folly has wrought?" The Huntress smiled. "The souls within my sex you have released, this much is true their seeds now useless to me. But you have quickened so many more in the process…quickened seeds which I had no choice but to spirit away." The Huntress giggled, a low, dangerous sound, as Tipheret slowly realised, in horror, what she'd caused. "Yes, like the humble dandelion, my seeds have been spread to the four winds to find fertile soil…the wombs of countless young women, in lands close and far." Tipheret began to cry anew. Their foolish plan hadn't defeated the sorceress she and René had sacrificed their lives and souls merely to help the Huntress of Knights spread her powers across the world. The elf maiden sobbed as she imagined an army of witches, all with the powers of uteromancy, bringing a new dark age upon the world. All because of her hubris. "Ah, it will be glorious indeed. But for now…I must begin my collection anew," sighed the sorceress, as an umbilical cord fell from her vulva to land with a splash in the juices on the floor. -------------------- Later, as the egg cells that were once Tipheret and Rene slid down her fallopian tubes to restock her depleted ovaries, the sorceress scraped the small handful of semen that was René's phylactery off her loincloth and poured it over his discarded armor, chanting an eldritch verse. Slowly, his soul dissolved into the plate mail, bound by the Huntress's spell into eternal servitude. The armor began to rise, forming the silhouette of the man that once wore it, and it stood at attention one more empty soldier for her army. Tipheret, meanwhile, met the same fate as her wood-sister, her soul trapped in a frozen pearl of semen which sat amongst thousands of others in one of the Huntress's many vaults. Her spirit, like so many others trapped as she was, screamed a silent plea for release that would never come. Meanwhile, in a far flung part of the world, nine months later… he woman screamed through the wooden block she was biting on, a final contraction pushing her baby into the world in a gush of amniotic fluid. Her husband swaddled the child, a girl, in linen as she cried her first breaths. The new father cleaned the fluids and caul from his daughter, and as he did so he noticed her hair, a mop of raven black, glow softly at the tips with an inner light. The child's eyes were dark where there should have been white, the irises shining with that same iridescent glow. He turned to his wife, smiling. “ur child is blessed, my darling! Look how her eyes shine!”he said to her, and passed their daughter to her mother, who began to feed the baby. The new mother smiled tiredly, exhausted from the rigors of childbirth. "A blessing indeed," she whispered, stroking her daughter's luminous hair. "Perhaps…we should name her in the goddess's honour?"
 In the courtyard of Altea two mages dueled. The man of the pair rained fire down upon his opponent, forcing her behind walls of ice in an attempt to defend herself. As much as she tried, Mercurius was unable to get enough mana together. Her energy was too focused on defending herself, she could not find the time to fire back against Mars’ assault. Her eyes widened as hole melted in her wall, causing her to double down to patch up. She knew she couldn’t keep this up. Another hole was patched, giving her a glimpse of her opponent. A cocky look in his eyes told her he knew he was winning, he was just drawing it out. If it weren’t for his mask he would have had a grin to match. “I can’t let him win this time,” she thought to herself. Mustering the last of her mana she destroyed her wall, sending shards of ice scattering across the battlefield. As she did she dove to the ground, pointing her spear at Mars and letting loose a frozen bolt of energy. She smiled, this had to be it. Mars would be too busy with the shards to notice her bolt, and even if he did block it he’d be open for another attack. She had him. Finally, she would win! Unfortunately, her smile vanished as Mars calmly raised his hand. In an instant all of her ice had evaporated, and before her eyes a vortex of flame manifested itself from Mars’ palm. He looked down at her as she hit the dirt, watching on as the vortex grew in size. “You give up?” Mercurius glowered at him. “Alright then, it’s your call.” “Enough!” As soon as it had appeared the fire dissipated into thin air. Mars turned and stood at attention as their teacher stepped forward. “A fine display, Mars.” Mars removed his mask as his demon rematerialized from his body. “Thanks, Teach. I owe it to the best.” Sol nodded and turned to Mercurius, who was shooing away her own demon, her own mask falling off. “I must commend your resourcefulness, you fought well.” Mercurius grit her teeth at that. She stood up and walked past the two men, slamming the castle doors behind her. Sol looked to Mars, who simply shrugged, “Women.” Mercurius stormed through the castle. It wasn’t fair. She had been born with the powers of the Water Star, complete mastery over it in both liquid and solid form, and yet Mars always had the advantage. It was that Ancient Heartfelt Fire of his. Sol had described it as “stoking the fire”, allowing Mars to essentially double his mana output for next to nothing. She loathed that spell. It took her ages to generate mana by comparison, with careful planning of her spells and patience to execute her strategies. All he had to do to beat her was fire off his spells with no strategy whatsoever. It wasn’t fair. She put in all the hard work. She should have been the one getting the results. All she needed was the mana to catch up… Her brooding was cut off by her face impacting with something soft. Paused for a moment, Mercurius found herself face-to-chest with her superior, Luna, the Magician of the Moon Star. She pulled herself back with a start, “Lady Luna, I’m so sorry.” The older woman cocked her head with a gentle smile, “It’s alright dear, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Mercurius turned away, resuming her pout. “What’s wrong?” “It’s nothing.” “It doesn’t look like nothing.” Mercurius looked to Luna, “It’s just not fair! Why does fire mana get do so much, but water can’t?” “Worried about falling behind, are we?” She nodded, wiping a stray tear with her robe. Luna looked around the hall, seeing no one around them and with a smile she took Mercurius’ hand. “Come, follow me.” She pulled her pupil behind her, Mercurius having no time to protest as she was swept around corners and dodging the sight of the castle’s attendants. She had to wonder what was causing her superior to be so secretive. She looked down every so often, having a hard time not noticing her bouncing behind. At last Luna threw open the doors to her room, ushering Mercurius inside before checking one last time for any witnesses. She locked the door behind her, ensuring that they would have apt privacy. She watched as Mercurius examined her room, though with the tomes lining the walls it almost felt more like a study. She was getting the rare look into the Moon Magician’s abode. Her eyes scanned over the books lining the shelves, not noticing as Luna came up behind her and took a book from higher on the shelves. “The truth is, water mana cannot multiply itself as fast as fire can, fire mana is meant to act fast and hard while water is better spent over the long-term.” Luna walked to the center of the room, now having Mercurius’ attention. “I’ve managed to develop some spells that allow water to multiply in a similar manner, but it takes too long to be useful and doesn’t yield the same result for the price.” “Then there’s nothing I can do.” “Not quite.” She perked up at this. “While you can’t produce mana in the heat of battle, you can store it in excess ahead of time.” “I know, I always do and-” “Will you let me finish?” Luna sighed, “I know, you have a limit to how much mana your body can naturally produce. Our Demons act as conduits to produce more than we naturally can,” she looked to her cat, who was napping on her desk, “but I’ve found a way to transfer it from one another.” Mercurius’ eyes widened, “You’ve figured out how to transfer mana?” A nod caused her to smile, “That’s amazing. Why haven’t you told anyone?” Luna scratched behind her head, “Well for one it’s still in the testing phases, I’ve only been able to try it with my servants, and two it’s… well…” She walked back towards her student and showed her the page she had turned to. Mercurius blushed at the sight of her sketches. Various notes accompanied them, images of featureless figures being eaten or absorbed into the body, as well as accompanying after-images of the consumed party being held and ejected. “Fascinating, isn’t it?” She took her eyes off of the book, “It’s… something. How did you come to this?” “It was simple logic, really. Various forms of contact never seemed to work, so I decided to experiment with just how close two people could get. So, I had a servant of mine help test the spell and well…” Luna smiled sheepishly, “She didn’t quite make it.” She put her arm under her breasts to emphasize the point. “It’s been some rough trial and error, but I’ve managed to get the spell working without harming the donor.” She handed the book to Mercurius. “What are you saying?” “I’m saying that you can take me,” Luna ran her hands along the curves of her body, “All of me. Absorb my mana.” Mercurius turned a deeper shade of red at this offer. Her eyes wandered back to the book as Luna caught on to her doubt. “Of course, you don’t have to.” “No, I-I’m okay with this. It’s just… what if I mess it up?” Luna smiled, “I’ll set up the spell so you can have me, all you have to do is follow the notes in here,” she gestured to the notebook. “If you’re ready to begin, just let me strip first. Take a moment to choose how you, well, want to eat me.” Her hand lingered on Mercurius’ chin for a moment as she sauntered away, leaving the Wizard to watch her butt jiggle as she did. Her eyes darted across the illustrations as she tried not to watch Luna undress. Removing her frills and jewelry, she slipped out of her skintight suit. Having not turned away, she gave Mercurius full view of the show, sliding her outfit down past her shoulders and letting it linger for a moment before moving it down further, letting her breasts flop down. She blushed and thrusted her nose back into the book, studying the image of the figure labelled “Pred” spreading her legs as the figure marked “Prey” was depicted crawling inside her nether regions. Her eyes dared to peek back over, seeing Luna’s exposed rear as she finished kicking off the rest of her outfit. There she was in all her glory. Thick, luscious thighs, curvy hips, soft E-cups, all topped off with a pretty face, blue eyes and flowing, platinum-blonde hair. Her smile was soft, barely hiding the excitement of experiencing her own work firsthand. Her hips swayed as she walked over to her bed, beckoning Mercurius over. She obeyed, undoing the gems in her hair and shrugging off her own clothes as she did. Now it was Luna’s turn to admire her. She had a pretty face, but her body wasn’t as full; her breasts were smaller, her waist slim and her hips were square with them, but she couldn’t help but watch as Mercurius removed her heels. Her legs were long and slender, smoothed to the point of reflecting light. Luna felt herself drool at the sight of them. “Perhaps she’ll let me have a go later,” she thought to herself. Now undressed, Mercurius sat down next to her on the bed. “Have you decided?” She sat straight up and pointed a shaky finger at the illustration of a figure putting their head into an awaiting maw. Luna smiled and nodded, “Nice and simple. Probably the best way to start you off.” With the snap of her fingers a blue orb appeared and floated around the wizard before settling before her stomach. It promptly flew in, causing her to lurch forward as a blue light to enveloped her. As the light subsided, Mercurius looked at Luna, “So, now what?” “Now? Well we could have some fun first.” “Fun how?” Luna smiled, leaning forward and plating her lips on Mercurius’. At first, she was reluctant, attempting to pull away in surprise before a reassuring hand on her shoulder brought her back in. They kissed for a time until Luna’s tongue began to pry at her lips. Eventually she relented, leading Luna to force her to the bed as they explored each other’s mouths. With her hands free, Luna groped at her breast, squeezing and pinching the nipple causing Mercurius to gasp out. Deciding to return the favor, she groped at Luna. Her hand couldn’t encompass the whole breast, instead her fingers sunk in and massaged at it. Luna moaned in response, forcing her tongue further in. After a while longer of groping and kissing, Luna pulled away. Mercurius took the moment to catch breath. “Are you ready?” She nodded quickly. Luna pushed herself off of her student and sat back on the bed. Mercurius brought herself up to her knees as Luna hovered her feet in front of her face, “Let’s do it this way, I’ve found it’s easier to get comfortable.” With that she pushed her feet closer. Mercurius looked away for a moment, then back. Luna’s body seemed impossible to fit into her mouth, but she had faith in the spell. She licked at her Luna’s toes for a moment before opening her mouth and sliding her feet in. She felt the sensation of her jaw expanding, the muscles relaxed as they dislocated and stretched to accompany the size of her meal. She winced. It hurt a bit, but she could handle it. She leaned forward as she took in more of her teacher, moving past her ankles and towards her calves, her throat expanding much like her jaw. As she moved higher, Luna placed her hands between her thighs and massaged her womanhood, now panting as she watched her knees disappear. “You’re doing wonderfully.” Mercurius didn’t hear, she was in the zone now and the daunting task of Luna’s thighs lay before her. She inched her way forward, her cheeks stretching thin as she began to take them in. Luna let out another moan, rubbing herself harder as Mercurius made her progress. Eventually she found her mouth getting around Luna’s thighs and plump behind, wasting no time in getting them down her gullet and taking her prey’s hands in the process. She breathed a mental sigh as Luna arched her back, allowing her to finish the lower half of her body and take a rest at her hips. She felt Luna’s feet touch the bottom of her stomach, an odd sensation to say the least, but one that marked her progress. Luna adjusted herself as Mercurius took in a deep breath, steadying herself as she bit down and proceeded up Luna’s stomach. Flat and slim, she had no problem gorging herself and working her way towards Luna’s breasts. Once again, she was faced with a challenge. Luna’s tits were filling her vision. At this point she wasn’t hearing any encouragement from Luna, who was too busy pleasuring herself to the sight of her vanishing body to care. She steadied herself again and stretched he jaw further, just barely enough to get a grip on the mountains before her. She felt as if that was it, her mouth would tear apart and she would be defeated as her teeth sunk into the fatty flesh. She opened her mouth further, taking the opportunity to suck in Luna’s tits in an attempt to progress. Sure enough, she found her tongue pressing against the soft pillows and stuck to her new strategy, opening and sucking in breast meat while using her tongue to lubricate them, making the process slightly easier. Luna gasped in pleasure at the sensation of her breasts being licked and swallowed as the rest of her body curled up inside of its fleshy tomb. As Mercurius rested again at her collar she felt herself coming to her climax. “Faster!” she demanded, “Please, faster!” Her wriggling caused Mercurius to panic and bite down, moving past her shoulders and making swift work of her neck. Luna egged her on as her mouth enveloped her head. Luna’s last sight was the back of her room as her eyes rolled back, she didn’t make it past the throat before she screamed, her entire body convulsing in orgasm. Mercurius worked down the last of her teacher’s hair and lay down on the writhing mass inside her belly. Her breathing was heavy, her jaw was sore and her stomach felt bizarre, but she had done it. Luna finished positioning herself and the two lay in silence for a long while. “Are you alright in there?” “It feels amazing as always, not my first time in someone’s belly.” “It isn’t?” “Of course not. Curiosity got the better of me one time and I let my servant eat me. You did far better than she did, I must say.” “Oh, that’s good.” “When you’re ready to proceed, just follow the instructions in the notebook.” Luna shifted, “I think I need a break from that.” Mercurius brought herself upright, her stomach resting between her legs and she felt around the bed for the book. Finding it, she flipped through the pages until she found the notes labelled “Absorption Process”. “Alright, I think I have it.” She felt Luna nod in her gut as she read over the procedure. She groped her breast with one hand and her butt with the other. Closing her eyes, she focused on Luna, imagining her mana melting away and becoming one with her own body. Her hands glowed a familiar blue, sending a tingling sensation up her spine and towards her stomach. Luna shifted uncomfortably. Fluid had begun to fill her new home. “Merc, honey? Why aren’t your hands on your stomach?” Mercurius’ eyes widened, “Are they supposed to be?” “Yes, that’s how you perform the Extraction Process.” She paused, “Oh no. Mercurius!” Her stomach cut her off as Luna screamed. A loud gurgling noise echoed through the room as Luna’s shouts turned to moans. Mercurius watched in terror as the thrashing woman in her belly slowed her movements against her confines. Slowly she lost her shape, becoming a squishy mass on Mercurius’ figure. “No! No, no, no, no, no!” She began to panic, only to find the tingling suddenly spreading across her body. Before she could mourn the loss of her teacher, Mercurius too was moaning in ecstasy as her body writhed on the bed. She fell backwards, feeling the tingling moving away from her stomach and towards her breasts and butt. Her hands went to her tits, feeling them swell and stretch as they took the fat from her belly and added it to their own mass. Her nipples pressed against her fingers, feeling them grow from their typical D-cup into something far larger. She couldn’t tell as she craned her neck backwards, the sensation forcing her to grit her teeth and squeeze her eyes shut. Feeling her breasts thrust forward, her hands shifted to her butt which was undergoing a similar change. Swelling in size, she felt her lower back leaving the bed. She pressed her fingers against it, feeling them sink into the squishy mound. The tingling felt like it had gone on for ages before it subsided. Mercurius opened her eyes, her breath hot and ragged. She stared at the ceiling as her she felt her mind readjust from the shock. Her chest felt heavy as she lay there. She ran her hands along her sides before clasping at her breasts. They were no longer the firm Ds she had known for so long, now heavy and soft from the added layers of fat and tissue. She lifted herself up, rolling off of her new ass and sat as before, her new assets hanging between her arms. “This can’t be real…” She placed her hands over her nipples, wincing at how sensitive they were. She moved them away to expose her now erect peaks and began feeling up her new butt. Like her breasts it was sensitive, causing her to gasp in shock as her fingers sank into it like soft dough. She kneaded it, feeling her way up her knew thighs and hips before returning to her tits. She gave them a squeeze, pinching her nipples between her fingers and moaning as she massaged the tenderness out of them. She looked down at her new body; soft, plush butt, wide hips and boobs bordering G-cup. Mercurius smiled, “I’m sorry Luna, but you really do look nice on me.” She leaned forward, laying on her stomach and resting her head on her arms. “I do wish we could do that again, though.” A sharp cough from the other side of the room caught her attention, seeing Luna’s familiar sitting on her desk, his paw raised above a magic stone. Before she could object the feline had swatted it to the floor where it shattered, releasing a midnight-blue aura from the shards. It slowly found its shape, forming a humanoid mass laying on the floor. It developed bone and muscle, skin and hair, recreating Luna in all of her naked glory. She groaned as she picked herself up, her body making creaks and pops as it readjusted to existence. “Thanks, Nyan.” The cat nodded before vanishing, leaving Luna to look over to her frightened student. “Looks like you had fun,” she mused. “I am so sorry!” “It’s okay,” Luna laughed, “I set up those crystals after the first servant I digested. Just in case something ever went wrong.” She chuckled to herself, “Always good to have a failsafe.” She walked over to the bed, kneeling before it and examining Mercurius. “You got lucky, sometimes the spell doesn’t distribute properly and you can get a little off balance to say the least.” Mercurius was taken aback by Luna’s calmness. “So, you were fine with that?” “Give or take,” she shrugged, “Not the first time I’ve been digested, probably won’t be the last.” She reached out and groped her student, massaging her breast while smiling. “You should be able to burn most of this off in due time, some of it is excess mana so you can practice spells in here to dispel some of it.” “O-of course!” Luna licked her lips as her eyes continued over Mercurius, “You really should let me try eating you sometime, you look positively filling.” Mercurius blushed and went to speak before Luna silenced her with a kiss. “But first, let’s have a little more fun, shall we?”
Makuta trekked long and far through the dark jungle, braving many dangers atop his horse. He'd been sent out to find the supposed 'Lair of the Sphinx'. The locals of the area seemed to think that the beast actually existed, but Makuta believed no such fairy tales. He simply figured there was some large statue that was scaring people away from the temple and the supposed treasures within. As an archeologist, he owed it to himself to use logic above all else. In a way an archaeologist was an adventurer, and it didn't fit for an adventurer to run at the merest story. Besides, apparently there was an hourglass at this sphinx's temple that would fetch a fine fortune when he brought it to the museum back home. So he rode on through the dark forest. His dark blue ears occasionally twitched at sounds, his long feline tail switching about behind him nervously. Being a cat as he was, he was always wary. As the saying went, just because you were paranoid, didn't mean they weren't out to get you. He'd faced tougher challenges than this. By all reports, the temple was empty. The last report was from quite a while ago though...so you never knew. He had a sword clipped to his belt just in case. It never hurt to be too careful. After riding for a few hours he came upon the first hints of the temple, old rocks carved with hieroglyphs and stone steps leading up into the air. Since his horse couldn't traverse the broken and jagged steps properly, Makuta tied him to a pillar and set about climbing them. The forest had thinned out behind him quite a bit, and now there didn't seem to be much besides desert surrounding him on all sides. It wasn't hugely interesting to look at, but at least that meant there were less angles from which anyone could sneak up on him. The stairs led to a large square plane surrounded by columns. Atop which, sat the Sphinx. Makuta had to admit, that it did look quite lifelike. The civilization that had carved it must have been one of great skill. He could almost see it breathing as he stepped closer. In front of its pedestal was the hourglass he had come for. It was larger than he had pictured...getting it back down the steps was going to be a pain, but he would manage. He stepped up to it, regarding it. He could see that there was a lot of truth to the legends about its beauty. It was something to behold, its sand was still falling. He couldn't imagine the last time it had been turned, there must be enough sand in that thing to count for years or more. It would fetch a pretty penny for him in earnings from the museum. He turned this way and that, trying to see just where he might be able to pick it up from and finding no avenue. If it truly housed that much sand, then it must have weighed a ton. He was strong, particularly considering his profession, not one known for athleticism, but not counting the sort that carried whips and fedoras. Even taking that into account, moving this would take some major doing. Still, you never knew, occasionally these things were made of super light stone, or were hollow behind their facades, so picking it up could be a viable option. Makuta wrapped his arms around the base of the massive thing and started to heave. "Um...hello?" said a surprisingly teenage sounding voice. "You can't just like....take that. Don't tell me you haven't heard the legends." The blue cat stiffened, letting go of the hourglass and very nearly falling backwards in shock as he whirled towards the voice. The Sphinx....it wasn't stone anymore. It was solid. The beast was huge, easily a few feet taller than he was as it lay there sprawled lazily atop its pedestal. The Sphinx was apparently hairless, pink looking skin tattooed with various insignias and patterns all around its body. Though it didn't have fur, it's skin didn't seem saggy or wrinkly, in fact, as far as mythical beasts went, it really looked rather young. The expression it wore was a rather bored, yet incredulous one as he was looked up and down. "Uh...excuse me?" Makuta said, quite surprised to find himself staring down a mythical beast. "I'm afraid I don't follow, is this some kind of prank?" It...no...she, he was quite sure it was she now, particularly as it spoke, rolled her eyes. "Oh don't tell me you're one of THOSE, are you? Don't believe in magic, or mythical creatures. One of those lame science egghead types, right?" She stuck her tongue out. "Oh gag me with a spoon." The sphinx lifted her rump into the air, flagging her tail a bit as her forepaws stretched out in front of her in a great yawn. Her maw, easily wider than Makuta's shoulders, stretched open, feline tongue lolling out as she chased the aches from her bones. Makuta was transfixed for a moment by the sight as she slowly straightened, sitting on her haunches with a resigned sigh. "Alright, look, here's how it goes." She cleared her throat, her voice suddenly taking on a strange supernatural echo that shook Makuta where he stood. "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL SPHINX, GUARDIAN OF THE GREAT HOURGLASS, COME YE WHO DARE CHALLENGE MY POST. THOU MUST-" She coughed. "Ack...Okay...wait a minute..." She coughed a few more times before apparently catching her breath. "Okay...can I just, like, continue in my regular voice? That 'Super Guardian Tone' stuff really hurts my throat." "Um...yes...I suppose that would be fine..." Makuta said, frowning a bit. His day was not at all going how he had planned. "Alright, good. So blah, blah, blah super mega ultra guardian of the whatzihoozer. Thou, that means you by the way, have come to challenge me. That means that, if you want the Hourglass, you have to answer three riddles. If you get all three wrong I, like, eat you." Makuta blinked. "Eat me?..." The sphinx nodded. 'Yep. You know, usually I don't like that part, but for some reason the pizza guy who used to come out this way stopped coming. Bummer, right? So I'm pretty hungry..." She flashed him a smile that was full of far more teeth than he might have liked. "So...You know...feel free to get those questions wrong if you want." The blue cat gulped. "But...what if I decide I don't want the hourglass?" The Sphinx frowned. "What? My hourglass not good enough for you?" Her paws glowed and Makuta was pulled forwards, nose to massive nose with the angry guardian. "I'm hungry. So this is how this is gonna go down, comprende, blue cat guy?" She gave a little purr that rumbled through Makuta's belly as she pressed forwards against him. Though she was furless, she was incredibly warm. She seemed to take good care of her skin. It was soft all over. Underneath his fur, Makuta blushed. "Usually, I send you back to where you started if you get a riddle wrong, but you don't have time for that, and I don't have time for that. SO, we're gonna do this rapid fire. I'm going to ask you a riddle. If you get it wrong, you get a little closer to solving my little...hunger problem." Her gut gave a slow gurgle that made Makuta's blood run cold. "If you get them right however, then you get to take the hourglass and do whatever it is you guys keep coming here to do with it, got it?" Makuta nodded nervously. Judging by how easily she had pulled him over, there would be no going against this guardian's rules. "A-alright..." "Good..." The sphinx smiled. "Now...." She hopped off the pedestal, Makuta stepped back to avoid being crushed under her feral feline bulk. She circled him in a wide arc, eyeing him with a slow lick of her lips. "Now....let's start this game." Makuta gave a nervous nod. "Alright, what's the first riddle?" The Sphinx stopped in front of him, her eyes meeting his as she spoke. " I'm teary-eyed, but never cry. Silver-tongued, but never lie. Double-winged, but never fly. Air-cooled, but never dry. What am I?" Makuta frowned. He knew many riddles, but he had never heard that one before. He tried to think and work it out. Riddles were seldom if ever straight forwards things. The most obvious answer would never be the right one. There had to be some kind of angle to this that he could find and work out. He saw the Sphinx's eyes wandering over his body, taking in and lingering on the more fat-rich portions of his body. That made him think a little faster as he attempted to work out what the riddle might mean. Teary-eyed but never cry.....That must have meant something else than crying, or something that just looked like it was crying....What if it was a statue?..That would make sense, you could make a statue out of silver, if it was the statue of an angel it would have two wings but never fly...Still, that last bit confounded him. Air cooled but never dry...what could that possibly mean?...Unless that was just a misleading clue...He decided to try his luck. "A Silver angel statue in the rain?" He attempted hopefully. The sphinx frowned, then smiled. "Wow, that's actually a pretty good answer. But no. It's mercury..." She gave another little purr and began circling him again. This time she was closer, her slow circuit around his body looping around more easily with the lack of distance. "W-what? How does that make any sense?" The sphinx shrugged. With her feline grace, she made the motion look almost beautiful. It was slightly jarring compared to her modern, slightly bored tone. "Mercury always looks shiny, like a teary eye, it's silver in color, and always wet since it's liquid at room temperature." "B-but what about that wing part!?" The Sphinx's grin grew a bit wider. "Well duh. The Roman God Mercury has two wings, but he only ever uses them to run, he doesn't fly." Makuta blinked. "Wait! That's not fair! Who would know that off the top of their head!" "It's not my job to ask that." She completed another circle around his body. "It's my job to ask riddles and your job to know the answer...." She circled him a bit closer still, Makuta grew more nervous. "Next riddle." "W-wait!" Makuta held up his hands. "Y-you can't ju-" "Uh...yeah, I can.." She chuckled. "Now. Like I said, next riddle. If it's information you seek, come and see me. If it's pairs of letters you need, I have consecutively three. Who am I?" "I'm no-" "Oop." The Sphinx paused in front of him again, smirking darkly. "If the next words out of your mouth aren't an answer, I'll consider it wrong." Makuta immediately clammed up and tried to think in a riddle-y manner. The answer had to be a person, who had three consecutive letters....Maybe the letters didn't mean actual letters. Maybe it was a play on words...the only other type of letters he knew were.... "A post man!" he said, feeling rather pleased with himself. The Sphinx laughed. "Oh wow, that's some out of the box thinking you've got." "So...was I right?" She began circling once more, closer still this time, almost touching him now, her far larger body surrounding him on all sides as she kept spinning, round and round like a cat closing in on its prey. "No." "What?! But that answer makes sense! A postman would deliver three letters, and letters contain information!" "I didn't say it was a bad answer, it's just not the RIGHT one..." She chuckled. "It's really a rather easy riddle. The answer is a Bookkeeper." Her chuckle turned into a laugh. "Duh! B-oo-kk-ee-p-e-r. Three consecutive pairs of letters." Makuta felt like kicking himself. He was really starting to hate letters. Though as he noticed that he could feel the hot breath of the sphinx along his body, warm and humid against his neck as she leaned in close. She didn't pause in front of him this time. She was at his side, right in his ear, the slight brush of her lips and teeth warm against his skin as she spoke. "Last riddle..." She whispered. "Better get this one right, or Uh-Oh! It's feeding time..." She licked her lips and Makuta could feel the roughness of her tongue along his ear. "A-alright...w-what is it?" "What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?" As she finished the riddle, he could feel a warm huff of air through her nose. She was sniffing him, enjoying his scent. His wits almost left him completely realizing the position he was in. A powerful guardian, long enough to very nearly wrap her feline body around his own, purring in his ear with the threat of making him lunch if he didn't answer right. A million thoughts and more occurred to him as he tried to think of an answer. Makuta knew better than to think she meant a literal builder. But what could the answer be? It was probably metaphorical, what could metaphorically be stronger than a mason, who could build better than a shipwright or a carpenter..." He thought of one answer, and chose it. "A-A God?" There was a pause atop that temple. Makuta could feel the air drifting through the desert around them, far cooler compared to the heat coming of the massive feline around him, her breath still hot against his cheek. "Good answer." Her lips brushed his cheek. "But, sorry, totally wrong." Makuta stiffened. He wanted to run, but she was all around him, her size and bulk blocking him. "Duh...a gravedigger. Once he builds you a house...it lasts forever..." She gave a slightly morbid little laugh. "Though, I know other houses that'll last forever. As an immortal, I'm pretty sure my stomach will...why don't you...move in and test it out hmm? Before Makuta could reply, a paw the size of a serving tray pressed against his stomach and he found himself shoved to the ground. "W-wait!" He struggled, but her weight was far too much to resist as he squirmed. "I-" "Nope..." She purred, her great nostrils giving a warm huff over his body. "Those are the rules, I win, and you lose." Her purr rose in volume as she looked over him. "So, like, enjoy the trip.” Before Makuta could protest further her tongue lolled from her mouth, wet and hot, and it slowly lathered over his chest, slightly rough with feline texture as it scraped warmly along his front, lifting his chin and marring his clothes with her saliva as she pinned him there. The feline archeologist tried to lean away from that obscenely warm touch, but , pinned under her paw, he had no avenue by which to escape. He groaned as her tongue drifted over his features, pinning his fur down with that ever invasive saliva as she murmured warmly at his taste. As it flopped free of his form with a wet slurp it gave a feline curl, dexterously circling in on itself before it slipped back between her smirking lips. "You're gonna be good, I can tell..." She said with a little shudder. "Though, like, those clothes are totally gross. They're gonna have to go." Makuta watched as she gracefully rose a paw, her expression taking on a sharp edge as her claws unsheathed. "Hope you aren't fond of that shirt. It's totally tacky anyway." The cat flinched as her claws raked down across his front, expecting a flash of pain to sear across his flesh. But there was none. Instead there was simply the sound of ripping fabric as his clothes fell away in four neat little strips, his belt buckle sailing away into a nearby pillar as he was suddenly rendered nude with more surprisingly exact cuts than he thought possible by a living creature. The Sphinx noticed his surprised expression and gave a shrug, her other paw pinning him to the ground a little tighter. "What can I say? I took tailoring about five hundred years back. Comes in handy more than I thought it would." Her smirk returned as she leaned in close, pressing her nose against his, those infinite yellow eyes filling his vision for a moment as their slitted black irises spoke volumes of her hunger. "But back on track, it's time for lunch." Makuta opened his mouth to try and dissuade her from her living meal, but before he could get a word out her mouth yawned open and he was struck speechless by the cavern of her maw. He could see the subtle ridging of her pallet above a wide searching tongue as it lathered out, pressing against the bottom of his chin, an intimate warmth flooding down across his neck as a hot breath washed over his features. Her throat was already clenching wetly, the sound filling his ears as his cheeks began to feel strangely hot. Though he was scared out of his mind, there was something oddly alluring about the view that he couldn't deny, and as he stared down into the darkness of her gullet, he knew that no mere words would change the goddess's mind. Though he was scared out of his mind, there was something oddly alluring about the view that he couldn't deny, and as he stared down into the darkness of her gullet, he knew that no mere words would change the goddess's mind. The wet spongy surface of her tongue pressed against the underside of his chin, almost like a pillow, matting his neck fur with saliva as her jaw yawned impossibly wide to arc over his features. The sounds of her mouth filled his ears all the more as her wide, vaguely rough tongue began to lap along the front of his throat, curling and teasing along his form gently. He struggled, but he was pinned utterly as she progressed over her meal. His face was thoroughly tested as her lips closed around the back of his scalp, slowly undulating down to close around his neck, suckling him like a sweet in the dark hot cavern of her maw. Her pleasured purrs rumbled around his body as every inch of his face was licked and lathered by that tongue, the sphinx apparently reveling in his flavor. There was a great wet sounding 'Glick' from the back of her throat, and she advanced in a small lunge, the sudden speed forcing his shoulders into her cheeks, which clamped wetly around his struggling body. Her paws let up pressure to let more of him free to vanish into her mouth as she enjoyed her lunch. Makuta's nose brushed along the back of her throat, the wet clenching passage closing around it moments before anther low noise entered his ears and the whole of his muzzle was clenched inside that ring of muscle. Opening his mouth became impossible as, with slow undulating swallows, that ring worked its way up over the crest of his head and the vague lump of his head began to distend the sphinx's pale throat. Makuta could hear the sounds of her stomach now, low gurgles and groans of that eager space, waiting for it's new charge as he wiggled within the grip of the sphinx's great throat. Her paws let up entirely as the goddess gave a wet gulp, taking Makuta into her throat up to his shoulders. Her head arched back, letting gravity do some of the work, the lower half of Makuta's torso and legs kicking weakly as that wide flat tongue began to explore his bare belly. The ticklish, intimate sensation sent him squirming and wiggling even more as that touch moved closer and closer to his groin. Makuta felt hot as another swallow undulated in a slow wave across his body, his form sinking deeper into that immortal body around him. Her tongue reached a new milestone, lapping gently over the head of his member. Were it not for the tight confines of her throat, he would have moaned and writhed. As it was now, he could barely squirm as that textured tongue delighted itself in this new taste, dancing around his most intimate parts with reckless abandon, at times curling totally around the sensitive flesh. Saliva allowed it to slide in endlessly pleasurable slips and curls around the cat's manhood. Every slow wave of pressure along that throat tugged him deeper, dragging his cock along her tongue until he couldn't stand it any longer. Outside her maw as her tongue began to lick along his inner thighs, and curl around his balls, his legs stiffened, toes curling as his body shook with orgasm, the godly cat getting her cream as spurt after spurt of Makuta's seed lathered over her tongue. The sphinx gave a purr of approval at this development, her tongue making sure to lap up every drop before another swallow sent Makuta's tastiest bit sliding into her throat, further teased by the gentle movements of her throat as the gurgles of her stomach grew louder. The largest parts of him consumed, his legs didn't take much longer. They kicked and thrashed, more in response to the stimulation than any real attempt to escape now as they sunk within the every needy tunnel of her throat. The Sphinx's neck was distended around Makuta's form quite a bit, the vague outline of the cat's squirming body visible as his head broke through that ring of muscle into her belly, able to moan freely as his body was further teased by her continuous swallows. More of him slid into the warm embrace of her belly as his calves were licked and tasted now. She savored him, watching his feet over the end of her feline muzzle as she smiled around them. Her tongue curled over the bottoms of his feet, tasting his pads for a moment, before, with a gentle motion, she used it to push those into her mouth as well, her lips closing, sealing all of Makuta inside her body, giving a low, deeper purr as watched the lump in her throat sink, wiggling into her belly. Makuta felt his stomach and legs slowly enter the tight, gurgling cavern of her stomach, he was curled slightly within to fit, the wet gurgles surrounding him totally now. Through her belly, he felt her flop over onto the ground, the pudge of past meals cushioning his fall as she sprawled across the temple floor, her belly displayed almost flauntilly across the ancient tiles as she watched it occasionally wiggle and move. Her prey felt the weight of one great paw stroked across her pale belly with a sigh of contentment. "Well...like..." She said as she closed her eyes, slowly stroking her newest addition. "I guess this job has some perks~" End.
Lola, supersized babysitter. It had been over a year now since Lola started her business. Typically, she would babysit 2-4 kids a day until 5ish then take scheduled clients at night. Her belly was booked for up to two months at any given time but she took other clients at night for a wide range of fetishes. She tried to get her mother involved in the work, but she had a really bad habit of just eating them instead of them getting what they wanted. She was losing clients until she agreed to let her mother go before returning to see her. It wasn't that she was losing the clients to death because Lola always caught her before she could digest them, it's just they never got what they were paying for, which was a problem for them since they were paying good money and taking time off to plan these sessions. Lola had brought a massive house from the amount of money she was making. It was a 2500 square foot home with four huge bedrooms, 3 and a half baths, a large basement, a custom height privacy fence, indoor pool and hot tub, with a built in bar in the backyard. She had taken the master this time, as it was the only room that could fit her custom sized bed. Apart from Thomas' room, she converted the bigger of the last two into a nursery/ fetish room and the other into an office. The doors were all extra wide as Lola still managed to gain even more weight. Now at an astounding 650 plus pounds, she made almost everyone feel small, which doesn't help as she was already built like an Amazon before. Thomas had quit his job to become a full time manager for Lola, but did not take much as he got privileges to her belly at least a few times a month when she was free and lived rent-free in her house. The casual sex was not bad either when the client did not mind. Another thing was that Jessie had started coming over daily when she did not have any modeling gigs. Jessie, the 5'10, 125-pound brunette hair and blue-eyed girl, was part of the reason Lola had gotten so much bigger these last six months since they got back in contact and Jessie had that unfortunate event. With the constant take out after sessions, the encouragement and all the excessive cooking, Lola could not help it. The sex she gets from Jessie was absolutely amazing and she did not want to ruin it by refusing food. Jessie even helped with some of the childcare when she was there. Their relationship was almost as a girlfriend and girlfriend but neither would admit it to they remained as "friends". Jessie even helped build the nursery and put back together the custom crib that Thomas had gotten right before they had moved. Lola had one of her weirdest clients yet call for a meeting one night. The meetings always included Thomas for now part of his job was to iron out the contracts, make the necessary written paperwork and be there at the meetings to give Lola extra support as she was usually carrying someone inside her. The client pushed to have the meeting at a local buffet that had semi private tables so they could discuss the details of the session. Lola was adamant that they meet up at the usual spot she always-met new clients. This was the mini office she set up to meet with new clients and used roughly about three days a week. This guy's insistence had already gotten on her nerves and she has turned down clients before that she could not come to an agreement with or would not deviate from their own agenda. Sometimes she wished she could eat people like her mom so she could get rid of these annoying pests who continued to bug her even after she said she would not do it. Maybe that a job her mom could do? Lola sat at the office with Thomas, tapping her foot as she waited for the new client, who was already 15 minutes late. Her belly bounced, even with crystal inside her tummy. (You will probably remember crystal from the last story as the skeptical girlfriend of derrick/linkin.) Derrick had scheduled a weeklong session from her last week but ended up not being able to come due to a sudden change at work. Lola offered him to reschedule his date as he was a loyal customer and had brought many a new good clients to her, but derrick said that his wife would love to take the place in his place. Funny story about how they got married. They asked Lola if they could get married inside her, which Lola proposed that she be the minister to do it! She went and got her minister's license so that she could. She came to love the couple as they regularly had dates and sleepovers inside her when she had a free slot open. They even brought her into their sexual life as a third, which they almost always ended up worshiping her. Lola was about to give up and walk out saying screw him, when he burst through the door, apologizing about his tardiness. He immediately sat down and got comfortable, crossing his legs and hands together. Lola sensed a cocky attitude in him and she didn't like it. Right before he was about to speak, he turned his head with a look on his face like, what the hell is he doing here? Lola cleared her throat and looked at the man, which he saw she was clearly annoyed. With that, he got down to business and started explaining what he wanted. Lola couldn't believe what she was hearing. He wanted a girlfriend experience from her, even mentioned that he found her through her site. Lola was really ticked off at this point as she clearly stated on her site that she could do escort service, with only regular customers receiving full benefits, but she would never do anything relating to a girlfriend experience. She'd heard horror stories of escorts doing such a thing and ended having a stalker from it, or people actually believing they were a couple even after the date. "Look, we're done here!" Lola said getting up off the chair. "Whoa whoa whoa!" tony said (or as he called himself). "We haven't reached a deal here!" "Look buddy! If your here because you found my website and then ask for the girlfriend experience, your either fucking arrogant as hell or stupid as fuck!" Lola began pointing her finger in her chest. "it clearly stated I'll do escort service but nothing relating to girlfriend experience in any way!" "Name your price." Tony said stepping back and folding his arms. "You don't really think I can be brought because you think you're loaded?!" Lola said putting her hands on her hips. "your about two seconds away from a smack down by a supersized lady, and believe me, I'm gonna fuck your shit up!" "Pity, I guess I'll just have to call the national crime prevention council." Tony said sticking his hands in his pockets before showing a smug look on his face. Lola didn't know what to say. If they had found out that some of her clients had any kind of sexual experience when they got an escort service, she would be done for. She reluctantly accepted the contract, but she wasn't going to let this go lightly. Thomas came over and rubbed her back trying to console her a bit. It was a dirty, underhanded blow to Lola. There wasn't even anything stating that he would go to the council after this was over just to be a dick. Lola was on the verge of crying when an idea came to Thomas. He had written the contract right there and even though tony looked over it and approved, he found a few loopholes already in the contract. "You know, he didn't specify what kind of girlfriend experience he wanted in the contract." Thomas said with an evil look in his eye. "What do you mean?" Lola said fighting back tears. "Well...." Thomas began before speaking into Lola's ear. Lola got an evil grin on her face. Two weeks later, the day was set. Lola gave him a high price, which he had to pay in advance in order for the contract to be valid. Lola's plan was set. She didn't have any clients in her tonight, or the rest of the week for that matter as it was a single day week, once or twice a month where she didn't take any extended sessions for her womb for a week. Usually this week was filled throughout the week but tonight wasn't one of them, which meant it would've gone to Thomas. He said he'd be over at 6pm and it was now almost seven. Her plan was already going great. At 7:15, a car could be heard followed by an alarm being set. He walked through the door and it began. "You're late!" Lola yelled at tony as he walked through the door. "Easy babe, relax. Just got held up at work?" tony said confused. "Oh yeah? WHO IS SHE!?" Lola screamed back. "you were suppose to be home at 6!" "I'm sorry?" tony said not understanding what was going on. "you'd better be!" Lola said pointing in his face. "I had dinner ready at 6! Now you can eat it cold." Lola said as she stomped off. in the contract, it was agreed that both parties would act as if they had been a long time couple but never married. Lola went to her room on the first floor and started laughing. She had been practicing this the last two weeks in preparation for this night. She was going to nitpick, complain, be abusive and do just about anything she can to annoy him. Another thing he didn't notice if that he chose to leave, the contract becomes null and void and she still gets paid. But that wasn't the only thing. She didn't expect him to leave tonight because of the kind of man he is, so when night comes, she's got an extra special surprise in store for him. Lola got changed into comfy underwear, a custom nightgown that flowed all the way down to her ankles and undid her hair and makeup before coming back down stairs. Tony had just finished his cold meal when he started to get up. Lola grabbed the dishes as she walked past and went into the kitchen to clean them. Tony followed behind and walked up behind her, beginning to caress her and kiss her neck. Lola shrugged him off and continued with the dishes. She cleaned up quick and went into the living room and sat down on her custom sized, reinforced recliner and started reading a book. Tony was extremely confused at this point as he thought he'd be getting a little more action by now. Standing there in the kitchen he began to think about what exactly she was doing when it occurred to him. He pulled out his copy of the contract and began looking it over. That's when he realized that the contracted didn't exactly say what kind of girlfriend experience he wanted. He figured out that she was trying to anger him into leaving as that would void the contract. He wasn't about to be out done by some super fat whale of a bimbo. tony grabbed a beer from the fridge and made his way into the living room. Be began stripping his clothes off, leaving them on the floor until he was in nothing but a undershirt, underwear and socks. He plopped down on the sofa, grabbed the remote and turned on sports center, then raised the volume. He was going to counter her behavior until she broke and gave in to his way, and just for added benefit he planned on calling the council just to spite her. He began cheering and chanting about his fantasy football league, which Lola was surprised to hear he actually had friends. At this point, Lola had caught on to his plan. She knew he had figured out what she was trying to do, well at least the first part anyway, and all she had to do was wait it out. It was about time for phase two of her masterful plan. Thomas was waiting upstairs in his room taking phone calls and replying to emails. In the room with him was jess who was steaming she was so mad, pacing back and forth. The 5'5, 100 pound white woman didn't like that Lola had to do this job. She had looked into his background and found that this man had done this in the past quite a few times. She just hoped this plan worked as it could finish her if it didn't. Jess was biting her nails she was so nervous, something she tried to stop doing but only did it now when she was extremely nervous. Thomas told her not to panicky as the plan was fool proof. All Lola had to do was lead him up to the bedroom and it would be over. Downstairs, Lola was gearing up for phase two. Lola got up and made her way back to the kitchen to make a glass of long island iced tea. Normally she wasn't able to drink since she had people inside of her and it affected them as well, and since they wanted the baby experience most of the time, she couldn't. She came back into the living room and plopped back down on the chair. She took a long sip of the drink and before she knew it, it was gone. She pouted as it meant she had to get back up and get another one. Tony saw this and immediately got up and grabbed her glass and went into the kitchen. Her plan was working perfectly. She was playing him into thinking that if he got her drunk enough, she would be easier to have sex with tonight. Little did tony know was because of her immense size, her alcohol tolerance was also as immense. Tony came back with the bottle this time as well as a second glass for him, both were full of long island iced tea. they spent the next hour drinking, laughing, flirting, and grabbing each other. Lola was getting a little tipsy at this point and she saw that tony was as well. But to tony, Lola looked absolutely smashed. Tony lifted up her shirt and began fondling her belly. Lola blushed and grabbed his hands and brought them up to her chest. Her breasts were magnificent, so perky, round and practically bursting with milk. Tony went in and got a mouthful of warm delicious cream. Lola threw him off her, onto the couch before getting up, leading him down the hall. She stripped and swayed her hips, pulling out all the sexy poses and lures she could think of, leading tony into the dark master bedroom. Tony was too worked up and drunk to think of anything she could've had planned. He thought he was gonna get the night of his life tonight. as soon as tony got into the room, he was grabbed and thrown on the bed. Lola told him he was in for a real treat and that she had to go and freshen up and change her clothes. She walked into her bathroom and closed the door. Water from a sink could be heard as tony struggled to find a light. He was too busy that he didn't hear the closet door open and light thumps making their way across the room. The mysterious person went up the edge of the bed waited for her que. Lola stepped out of the bathroom and turned on the lights. Tony was blinded by the lights for a few seconds, but he already knew something was amiss. He turned to see a lady the same size as Lola standing next to him with her hands on her massively wide hips. "the fuck is this?" tony said starting to get angry. "how I solve issues with problem clients." Lola said laughing. "meet Sade, my mother." "and what the fuck you think your gonna do to me you tub of lard." Tony replied to Sade. "i'm a gonna eat cha!" Sade said grabbing tony and shoving him into her mouth. Sade lifted him up and swallowed him like a noodle. Her massive belly swelled a bit as tony settled into his new home for the time being. Lola walked up and rubbed her mom's engorged gut and gave her a kiss on the cheek, thanking her for this. "no pro'blem my little Jamaican princess." Sade said with a massive belch. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!?" tony screamed from the inside of her tummy. "you were eaten, didn't you get that? Lola laughed with her mother. "I couldn't risk you going to the council even though you agreed not to so I had to get rid of you. And it just so happens that my mother is a vore that was dying for a meal so I killed two birds with one stone." "dar'ling, youz mean I get to keeps this won?" Sade said to her daughter. "all yours momma." Lola said still rubbing her mother's tummy. "uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrp. Oh cuse me dar'ling. I think I need to go lay down for dis won." Sade said leaving for the makeshift bedroom in the nursery. with that, her problem was solved and her night was free. She was feeling a little tipsy now, having taken maybe one too many drinks. She went straight to the kitchen to grab some coffee and water to help her sober up. She had downed a pot of coffee with loads of cream and sugar, she didn't bother with cups sometimes, right before she was grabbed from behind by jess. Lola turned around and was instantly jumped on by jess, who proceeded to make out with her. Lola was bombarded but the attention wasn't unwarranted. Jess pulled away after a minute of furious love making to look deep into Lola's eyes. Lola's belly was so big and round now that whenever she jumped on Lola like this, she didn't need Lola to hold her or even hold on as she sat perfectly upon her belly. Lola was still a little tipsy so she had to brace herself on the counter to hold jess, something they both laughed at. "nice to see you too babe." Lola said sipping her second pot of coffee that she just finished making. "that man was horrible, taking my Lola away from me." Jess said as she snuggled Lola's bosom. "I'm glad he's finally gone." "me to gorgeous. I should probably let Thomas know my belly is his after he reworks the website saying I'm open now." Lola replied to jess. "what happened to your mother?" jess asked. "she went to crash after she ate him." Lola said carrying jess to the office where Thomas was currently working. Lola entered the room and jess climbed down. Lola went up and pushed her belly into the back of Thomas, who turned around and kissed it before returning to what he was doing. He knew he was going to get her belly tonight and wanted to finish up something for the website before he went in. jess was all over Lola at this point. She had just gotten back from a 2 week trip to Europe to model for a new line from Jessica Simpson, only to return when this asshole was taking his week. She only got in a half hour before he showed up and she had to go and hide with Thomas as soon as she got in. she always missed Lola whenever she went away. Thomas finished what he was doing and fixed the site so she could accept new clientele, before getting up and heading to his room. The usual routine for Thomas was that he'd get a shower before he'd be allowed to enter Lola. This meant for Lola that she had to go and get changed for the night. Lola stepped out of the office and made her way to her closet, jess following close behind. It wouldn't be long before jess had to go away for business again as this time of the year, work started to pick up. This also meant that if she wanted to ensure Lola was hers when she gets back, she had to seal the deal tonight. Lola walked into the bedroom and went straight for her closet. Jess told her she was going to get a shower before returning to Lola. Jess grabbed her bag and went straight into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Lola put on a pair of black crotch less panties, a bra designed to open up for breast feeding/milking, and form hugging yet loose black lace nightgown. She also pulled out a pair of sleep pants she was going to attempt to put on later. Lola went up to the bathroom door and hears the shower running. She told jess she'd be right back, which she was going to put Thomas up for the night. This just meant she was going to unbirth him. Lola walked into Thomas' room and saw he was almost ready. She sat down on his bed, causing it to creak immensely. She laid back and lifted her tummy up a bit, waiting for Thomas to get into position. Lola had to be honest with herself at this point. Doing what she does and being this size was starting to get troublesome. As Thomas was entering her womb, she decided she was going to talk to jess about cutting down on the food. She loved her size, but she needed to still be able to work and remain mobile. She loves jess and all, but all the food was blowing her up even more then before. With a subtle pop, Thomas entered into Lola, making her massive and round once again. She got back up and waddled back to her bedroom, shrinking her belly down for now so she could talk to jess. Upon entering, she saw the lights were off again. Lola turned on the lights to see the bed was covered in rose petals, and in the center laid jess. "Umm, what's going on jess?" Lola asked. "Come here, I need to speak to you." Jess said with a lustful look on her face. "Ok, here I come baby girl." Lola replied getting into bed. "What's up?" "How do you feel about us?" jess asked. "What do you mean?" Lola asked. "Tell me what you're thinking baby girl." "I want you to be my girlfriend!" jess said before burying her face in Lola's bosom. "Bout time you asked!" Lola said laughing. "I wanted to hear those words out of your mouth." Jess didn't reply with words, only a kiss to the lips. They began passionately making out. Lola got up and tossed jess near the top of the bed before lifting up her shirt and straddling her legs. Jess sat up and began kissing her belly before Lola fully expanded her belly, pushing jess over. Lola grinded jess with her massive belly, something jess had requested from her in the past. The next three hours were filled with copious amounts of sex and bazaar fetishes the duo shared. They fell asleep in each other's arms, jess cuddling Lola's massive belly and laying her head on Lola's bosom.
Seduction always wins. All Dave, age 25, wanted was to live a quiet life with his girlfriend Kimberly, age 23. They lived in a small complex on the outskirts of town. It was five stories high and not many people lived there. In fact, Dave and Kim lived on the top floor with just one other person, their landlord Gail. Both girls were large in size, Gail being 5'4 and 300-pounds, and Kim being a bit bigger at 5'7 and 375-pounds. Kim was naive and totally head over heels in love with Dave, doing anything and everything for him. Before she met Dave, she was a petite 120-pound fasionista. Dave asked her to feed into his desires of fattening her up. Now she a plus sized glutton, desiring to eat everything in her path. Gail on the other hand, had grown with age as well as the number of pregnancies she's had. Gail, age 39, was a surrogate mother in the past, as she loved the feeling of being pregnant. She even found something on the black market, with results from the seller herself, which would make her permanently pregnant. She just needed to find the right person to knock her up. Someone who would love her and her belly. Gail had always had a thing for Dave. His young, strong body had turned her on the moment he moved into the complex. She even moved her apartment to be closer to him. His girlfriend Kim wasn't good enough for him, or so Gail thought. Gail always asked for favors, only wearing the most provocative clothes. She would sneak into their apartment when they were gone using the spare keys she owned. She ultimately found out that Dave was fattening up Kim for his own desires. She came to the decision that she'd have to get fatter then Kimberly to win him over. She concocted an evil plan to get him in the end. All it took now was time, and a lot of food. It was just another normal day for Dave. He worked a long job at the railroad company, came home bearing food for his greedy girlfriend. Somehow, he would always bump into Gail, who would ask for something, then try to come on to him in one way or another. He would accept or decline depending on the task, saying he had a long day or it wouldn't be a problem. Then he would go into his apartment to stuff his already bloated girlfriend. That was a typical day for him. Today however, when he got to the apartment, sporting 4 dozen donuts and a lot of McDonalds, he bumped into Gail, whose belly was much larger than normal. "Hey there handsome." Gail began. "How was your day?" she said coming onto him, rubbing his strong chest. "I-it was fine Gail, just long and tiring." Dave said trying to pull away and resist her charm. "It all that for little ol' me?" Gail said reaching for the bag. "Oh no sorry, it's for Kim." Dave said moving forward so she wouldn't touch the bag. "Oh you're no fun." Gail replied. "When are you gonna come over and let me help you to relax!?" "sorry Gail, I have a girlfriend remember?" Dave replied with a fake smile. "And I'm not about to cheat on her so quit asking." Dave opened to door and slipped into his apartment as fast as he could. Gail stomped her feet all the way into her apartment. She stuffed herself silly today to be more appealing to him. She's even put on at least 50 pounds since she concocted her plan. All this eating and buying new clothes was doing a number to her money. She was going to have to increase the rent or find a few new tenants for the complex. She went straight for the fridge, rubbing her already packed tummy, and reached for one of her weight gain shakes. It was the only thing, besides the massive amount of food she consumed, that was putting on the pounds. She gulped down the shake greedily, feeling her belly swell with pressure. She finished the shake and felt like she was going to pop. Gail waddled her way over to her bed and plopped down, trying to release as much pressure from her belly as she could. Meanwhile, Dave walked into his apartment, only to me greeted by his fat bellied, skimpy dressed girlfriend attacking him with a hug before quickly swiping the bags of McDonald's food from his hand and waddling away from the door to the couch, munching on handfuls of fries. He loved the glutton she had become. Her belly was only empty when she woke up in the morning. From that moment on, she stuffed and stuffed herself until she looked like she was carrying twins. She would do the cooking and cleaning around the house, which kept her from becoming weak and lazy, but it also slowed her weight gain. She didn't want to resort to weight gain shakes, as to her it felt like cheating; but they both agreed that if by next year she didn't grow any, she would start them. Her increase in weight had only increased both their sex drives. They had been fucking like bunnies the past few weeks. Gail on the other hand had been stuffing her face as much as she could, in between doing her job. She had trouble with one tenant not paying her bills. The tenant was also evading her at every turn. Today however, she managed to catch her coming into the apartment. She had planned for months to get her and now finally she going to get her. She had found another pill on the black market. One that would allow her to swallow and digest people for a short period. She swallowed the pill and started waddling down to her apartment. The tenant was moving slowly through the complex, making sure to avoid the cameras. She had been boxing up all her stuff to move into a new apartment with a friend. Gail made a b-line to the apartment, reaching it before the tenant. She was going to wait there for her to show up and finally deal with her finally. She had brought her bag as the thing she was about to do always left her hornier than usual. The tenant walked in and looked around. Gail had hid in the pantry closet, as it was the only inconspicuous space large enough for her to fit, but only barely. The tenant, Kate, relaxed when the coast looked cleared and entered into the apartment. She placed down her bag and walked in and stretched, sneaking around really tired her out every time. She started stripping as she made her way to the bathroom. Gail heard the bathroom door close and came out of the closet (bah dash tsss). She waddles out of the kitchen and towards her bag. Gail took out Kate's phone and shoved it under her 52GG bust for safekeeping. Kate wouldn't be running anywhere or wouldn't need to call anyone where she was going. Gail heard the shower turn off, which let her know she had to make her move. She made a b-line for the bathroom. Just as the door opened up, Gail, who was already running at this point, leapt into the air and jumped on Kate. Kate tried to scream, but her head, as well as her torso, was engulfed in Gail's mouth. Gail, who was still rolling after landing on Kate, landed on her back, Kate's legs kicked furiously through in the air. Gail felt her expanded belly weigh heavily upon her, only making her horny. She grabbed Kate's legs and began swallowing her further. In mere minutes, Kate was fully engulfed in Gail's belly, which looked like a beach ball with many bulges. Kate was fighting furiously to get out, crying out to be freed. It wasn't long before Kate passed out from lack of oxygen and Gail reached climax from all the struggling. Ever since she was little she loved vore, and it wasn't until she found the black market that she finally fulfilled her dreams. This wasn't the first person she had eaten, and it wouldn't be the last. Her expanded belly had exploded the pant's button she was wearing and well as a few buttons on her shirt. Gail lifted herself from the wet bathroom floor and waddled out, getting slightly stuck in the door. She wedged her way through and decided to rummage through her stuff. Gail ended up finding a cash cow of money and jewels. This chick was either loaded, or saving for a while since skipping out on paying rent for a few months. She tucked the money away into her bosom. She went for the jewels, seeing what was real and what was fake. A lot the rings looked like engagement rings, the necklaces were mostly real and the earrings were all worth a few hundred dollars. This woman was a real materialist, and Gail only wished she knew her secret to getting all these nice things. After donning the jewels, the ones that fit, and tucking the rest away under her massive bosom. She went looking in Kate's closet and found a few outfits that looked expansive. She'd have to come back later and snag a few other things, having such a massive belly made it difficult for her to look too much. Plus, she wanted to get back to her apartment, as Dave would be coming back soon. Gail saw Kim leaving, looking pretty sexy if she did say so herself, earlier. She wanted to go and "persuade" him into being her boyfriend. She waddled out of the apartment as fast as she could. Her immense bumped into corners and walls as she waddled as best as she could. She turned the corner to the hallway their apartments were just as Dave's door slammed shut. Dave let out a sigh of relief. Gail was relentless in her pursuit of Dave, always showing up when he returned home, making sure to wear provocative clothes when she came to get their rent. Gail thought that she should stop at her apartment before harassing Dave tonight. She had been saving an outfit for when she got the chance to get him alone. Plus, she wanted to get rid of the excess jewels and cash she had on her. She knew he loved growing girls, and tonight she planned to grow right in front of him. Gail waddled into her apartment and went straight into her room. She slipped out of her partially ruined clothes, and slipped into the skimpy, belly dancer outfit. In all honesty, it was the only one she had that would fit at this time, and even now, it barely did. She adjusted the outfit to increase her cleavage, show her ass a little, and put oil on her belly to make it shine. By now, Kate was breaking down nicely inside Gail, which meant she was almost ready for absorption. Gail, who's belly was hanging even lower than before, made her way over to Dave's apartment. It had been an hour since he had gotten home so now was the perfect time for Gail to make her move. She used the master key that she kept on her at all times for when she needed to enter an apartment for whatever reason to open the door. She waddled in, her belly shaking back and forth, only to see Dave had passed out with a beer in his hand, and a few on the table next to him. He had always been a lightweight when it came to alcohol. Gail placed her jewel-covered hands on her hips, and waddled her way over to Dave. She lifted her leg on the couch that Dave was on, grabbed his head, and began smothering him into her belly. "hmmmhmhmhhmh!" Dave said struggling before Gail let him go. "Babe! You know I hate when you do..... That?" "hey there, big boy!" Gail said chuckling a bit. "GAIL!" Dave said freaking out. "How'd you get in here?! And what happened to your belly?!" "Oh this. I stuffed myself real good tonight just for you!" Gail said falling down on him, embracing him in a hug. "Get...off... of... MEEE!" Dave said pushing her off. She was extremely heavy now. "Awe, don't you like what you see?" Gail said pushing her belly back on him, only to be pushed off again. "Seems like someone else here likes it." "What are you talking about?" Dave said as Gail pointed down to the bulging member in his pants. "If you liked my big, sexy, fat belly in your face, you're going to love this next trick!" Gail said. With that, her belly started gurgling and shaking. It quickly shrank down to normal size. Just when Dave thought everything was finished, Gail's body started shaking all over. Her hips and ass started growing, becoming bigger and firmer than before. Her belly shot out and grew rounder, taking over her shimmering shirt. Her thighs grew out from under the sides of the skirt. Her breasts, already huge, grew firmer and rounder, stretching out the fabric to its limit. Gail's body easily gained close to 75 pounds in mere seconds, becoming the same size as Dave's girlfriend. Dave nearly ripped out of his pants at the site of her new plump body. "So what do you think big boy?" Gail said showing off in a modeling pose. "I...I...I...." was all Dave was able to say. "Shhhh, let me just take it from here..." Gail said reaching for his pants. Dave could no longer resist and gave into Gail. Later that night, Kim came home smashed. Gail had already gotten what she wanted and had left. Dave, trying his best to hide his guilt, was also drunk out of his mind. Dave had already gone to bed when Kim came in and jumped on top of him. Her own belly was unusually large tonight, packed tight with food and booze. She used it to rub against his groin, getting him instantly hard. Soon he had forgotten what had transpired earlier that night and started making love to his girlfriend. They made passionate love until both collapsed from exhaustion, both satisfied from tonight's exchange. A few months had past and everything was going great for Kim, for Dave not so much. Everything that was great for him, held reminders of what he did with Gail, who wasn't letting him forget. When Dave and his girlfriend found out they were pregnant, the next day he found a note with a pregnancy test from Gail that read positive. When he got a massive promotion at work, Gail left another note stating she would come after him for child support if he didn't leave his girlfriend. Threats and warnings kept coming more and more as their due dates came closer. Gail was wearing him down further and further without Dave realizing. Her plans were coming to fruition. She was going to show him a reality where his girlfriend, now fiancée, which wasn't known to Gail. She found a supersized hooker somehow on craigslist, hiring her just for the meal unbeknownst to her. Gail planned to meet up with the hooker on the day Kim was planning to go and visit her parents one last time before her due date. The hooker, whose name was ironically Tiny, showed up a few hours before the appointed time. Gail was a little furious at this as it could've hurt her plans, but since she wasn't going to pay her anyway, she figured she have some fun with her. Tiny came dressed in some lingerie under a long trench coat, oh the cliché. Gail told her to come in. immediately she came in, closed the door, and dropped her coat on the floor. Gail was dumbfounded. She knew she was big, but the sheer size of her was a little intimidating. On the other hand, her lingerie would make a great addition to her collection. Since the time she had gotten pregnant, Gail had been doing her best to fill in the empty places in her complex. So far, she's filled in 22 new apartments, making the total number of tenants well over 100. This increase of tenants meant she could finally afford her eating habits and increase in weight, well, her normal eating habits. Tiny came up to Gail, put her tits in Gail's face and asked what she'd wanted to do. Gail, being a bit smaller then tiny, grabbed her own belly and told her she wanted to feel special and that if she made it good, tiny would get a bonus. With that, tiny grabbed her hand and lead her to Gail's bed, throwing her on it. Kim closed the door to her apartment and locked things up. She waddled down the hall a bit before stopping to hear the strange noises coming from Gail's apartment. Kim shrugged her shoulders and went on her way, thinking Gail was getting lucky again, by whoever had knocked her up. Kim left for her parents, who were way up in the mountains and had very little cell reception. It was a few hours later that Dave showed up home. He had already known she was going up to her parents for the night to visit them one last time before giving birth. Gail's plan was already set in motion, she waiting patiently inside Dave's apartment, making herself at home. Her belly was ready to digest her meal right in front of Dave, showing him a future without his girlfriend was possible. Dave walked into the dark living room of his apartment. It was weird as Kim usually left the lights on for him whenever she left the house. Dave fumbled for the lights when he noticed a figure move. Dave froze as the moonlight finally started to reveal the figure. It was shaped like a human, one that was looking right at him. Dave started to back away slowly when the person began to move. She pulled down the switch and turned on the light, blinding Dave for a brief moment. As Dave was rubbing his eyes, they began to focus on the figure. It was Gail sitting there, belly bulging out in front of her enormously. She wore a very tight, light blue mini skirt that left no imagination, and a matching light blue top that only covered her chest. "How ya doing cutie." Gail said rubbing her massive swell of a belly. "Holy shit Gail!" Dave screamed. "What the hell! I told you to stay out of my apartme.........." "Oh, I see you noticed the belly." Gail said chuckling a bit. "What the hell happened to you!?" Dave asked worrying about her answer. "Oh you know. Just ate your girlfriend." Gail said hefting herself up. "You.... you didn't!" Dave said falling to the floor. "Yep and here she goes!" Gail said rubbing her tummy. Gail's stomach started rumbling and shaking. It suddenly started to shrink rapidly until there was nothing left but her fat, pregnant belly. Immediately after, Gail's entire body started to swell all over. Her belly began to surge outward, her hips widened. Her ass exploded out of the mini skirt, which fell to the floor a ripped mess. Her top followed suit right after as her milk-swollen tits burst through them as if they were acting out one of the scenes from the alien movies. Gail was even bigger than before, easily passing the 500-pound mark. She giggled and shook her naked body in front of Dave, teasing him to get an erection. "Like what you see big boy?" Gail said placing her hands behind her head to push out her tits and belly. "What the fuck did you do woman!" Dave said falling onto his knees. "I ate your girlfriend, duh." Gail said rubbing her belly lovingly. "She's going to support our love child." "I want nothing to do with you or that child!" Dave replied back. "Whelp, she's gone, and now I'm all you got if you want a family sweetheart." Gail said as she waddled past him. "You know where to find me if you want to have me again." She said walking out the door. Dave couldn't believe it to be true. He immediately pulled out his phone to call Kim, but it went straight to voice mail. He tried numerous times before giving up and falling into a deep depression. His fiancé was gone to him and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't go to the police, what evidence was there. He was looking at a picture of him and Kim taken last week of her massive tummy when all of a sudden his home phone rang. He picked it up to hear his fiancé on the other end. Dave became overjoyed as he shouted into the phone and deafened her. He apologized and made up some lame excuse to why he missed her. She took it as him being cute. Gail, who was on the other side of the door, listening to him. Her plan tonight had worked. He now knew what it was like to live without his girlfriend. She waddled into her apartment and threw on a robe, which couldn't even begin to do its job anymore and went into the kitchen to grab a beer. She never really cared about this child and continued her habits of excessive eating, drinking, and smoking all throughout her pregnancy. She went over to her counter and opened a package she had gotten the other day. She knew what it was since it was from the same person she had been ordering all her other black market drugs from. She had ordered two this time. One to make it possible for her to unbirth people and remain mobile regardless of her size, and the second one to make unbirth and pregnancies permanent. Her final plan was to unbirth Kim when she was vulnerable and suck her into her body, making her belly unbelievably huge, torture him, and make him give her the second pill, ensuring her complete domination over Dave. She was going to have him if it was the last thing she did. She laughed, chugged her beer, grabbed the six-pack and waddled into the living room to finish out her night watching soap operas and binge eating and drinking. Kim came home the next day to a very loving and over protective Dave. He told her to lock the doors and let no one in no matter what. Kim was a little confused as to why but he really insisted on her doing so. She would have to answer him later once he had gotten home. Kim went to do some house cleaning when she started to notice she was getting tired. Being this big and pregnant wasn't a great combo, especially since Kim had not only just came from a long trip home, but had stuffed herself with donuts from a local joint she always hit up when returning home from her parents. She decided not to fight it, locked the bolts on the door, and waddled into the bedroom to nap for a few hours. Kim was passed out nude on the bed, as how she always slept, when the door to her apartment opened up. In waddled Gail, who was wearing a black lace garter belt with matching lace bra, leaving her massive belly to hang out and giggle. She couldn't wait for the moment he saw Dave gawking at her gargantuan belly. She waddled into the bedroom to see Kim sleeping there, an empty box of donuts laying next to her, one still left in her mouth. Gail grabbed the donut from her, which didn't even faze her, and scarfed the donut. She hefted herself onto the bed as easily as possible as not to wake Kim. With her belly looming over Kim, Gail began to lower herself over Kim's head. It wasn't until Gail was right over her that Kim awoke, but it was too late. Gail dropped her full weight on Kim, sucking her into Gail's body. Gail moaned in ecstasy as more and more of Kim was swallowed up. Gail made past Kim's breasts and chest in no time, only momentarily slowing down at her belly, before finishing with a slurp. Gail's pussy exploded all over the sheets, leaving a sea of wet, sticky cum. The whole experience left Gail unable to look as the pleasure forced her to close her eyes. She finally opened her eyes to see her now massive tummy, taking up the whole bed now. She was soo turned on by the site and feeling of her belly that it caused her to masturbate again and again, until the sheets were overly drenched in her fluids. Gail passed out from the over stimulation for this experience. She only awoke later when Dave was walking into the apartment. She was able to heft herself up off the bed and waddled as quickly as she could, knocking down a few things in the process. Her immense girth was something she'd have to get use to. Just as Dave got to the door, it burst open, a giant mass of flesh was wedged in the door. Dave started to panic as the mass kept struggling until finally, the doorframe gave in and crumbled, allowing Gail to step through unhindered. Dave couldn't believe his eyes. Gail had done what she said she would and ate his girlfriend. "You FUCKING MONSTER!" Dave screamed. "How could you eat her!" "I didn't eat her, lover boy." Gail replied, leaning seductively against the wall, which moaned in protest. "I merely unbirthed her." "You did what to her!" Dave said standing up in anger. "Unbirthed her. She's in my womb right now; if you want to see her again, you'll do everything I say!" Gail said pushing her belly into him. Dave raised his fist in anger. He wanted to fight back, but the risk of losing his only love was too much. Gail grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom where she proceeded to have sex with him until she passed out. She tried to escape, but he couldn't leave his fiancé to that monster so he always returned. Gail made him take a week off to worship her. It wasn't long before Gail was wearing him down, getting him to do things without being aware of what he was doing. The constant sex, belly worships, feedings and everything else Dave was doing was turning him into a slave without his knowing. A full week had passed. Gail was making Dave do her usual routine. It started with Dave pleasuring her when she first awoke, followed by breakfast. This usually meant for Dave to go out to various places for specific items. Then he'd come back just to feed it to her. Then came the sponge bath. Oh did Dave hate the sponge baths. He had to cover every inch of her, and she made it very difficult for him. Always throwing her weight around, dropping it on him, pushing him off the bed, etc etc. then the lotioning, which was just the same as the bath. She always said she did that because she was ticklish but Dave knew better. After lotioning her up, it was time to cook for her. It took a lot of food to keep her satisfied, that and a lot of beer. Gail didn't care about her child with Dave. She continued to smoke and drink as much as ever. The days were long and tiring, the nights short. Dave didn't know what to do anymore. He was losing the battle to win his fiancé back. Gail was cuddling with Dave when she was telling him how much she loved him. "Our lives are going to be great together babe." Gail said pushing Dave's into her breast. "Yeah babe." Dave said in a defeated tone. "You love my big, round, fat tummy don't you babe." Gail replied back. "Yeah... babe." Dave answered her. Dave didn't want to believe it, but Gail was starting to grow on him. The possibility of living without Kim was now becoming a reality. Being dominated like he was was a secret fantasy he didn't know he had. Dave had become so use to it, he didn't know if he would be able to go back to a life where he was in charge. He wanted to be controlled, no, he needed to be controlled. "Babe...... babe are you listening?" Gail said in a frustrated tone. "What, oh yeah babe I'm listening." Dave said with a changed tone. "Yeah sure." Gail said getting up and waddling past the hole in the wall where the doorframe uses to be. Gail was already to move Dave's things into Gail's apartment. All week she had contractors in her apartment, renovating to support her new size. She had gone into the bedroom to grab the special pill she had gotten last week to complete her plans. She waddled back into the living room and shoved her belly in Dave's face, only for him to love on and kiss it. She threw the bottle at him and made her way to the kitchen. "Um, babe, what is this?" Dave asked her. "Your future." Gail said from the kitchen. "What do you mean?" Dave replied. "Well you see." Gail began. "If you feed that to me, both your love child and your fiancé will permanently stay inside me forever. Decide not to, and she can go free." Dave didn't know what to say. On one hand, he had his girlfriend back. However, on the other, he could have Gail dominate him the rest of his life. He didn't know what to do. Gail came back with a glass of water needed for the pill. Dave sat there contemplating on what to do. Gail knew she had him; it was only a matter of time. Dave looked at the directions on the bottle before opening it. He took the pill out and dropped it in the glass, which started fizzing before turning a rose red color. Gail had won. She drank the glass of mixed water and shoved her belly in Dave's face again, laughing evilly.
Internal Affairs: Part One By CCJ Mary Chang watched out of the corner of her eye as the last of the 9-5 analysts in the China division of the CIA building left for the day. ÒHey, donÕt work too hard now, Mary,Ó said one as he passed. She waved him off with a smile. ÒJust finishing up a few things.Ó It was almost time. Chang had been recruited out of Harvard for her computer and language skills Ð fluent in Mandarin, English and most major computer languages, not to mention a Mensa level I.Q. Double major in mathematics and computer science. Fast track to a law degree until she had been approached by a man in a federal-looking suit. ÒHave you ever thought about government work?Ó She had passed the entry tests and rigorous background checks with flying colors. She was also a spy for the Chinese government. Mary stood up from her cubicle, steeled herself with a deep breath and headed for the womenÕs restroom. ÒI canÕt believe IÕm doing this,Ó she thought. Her background actually was clean. Born and raised in the U.S. by second-generation parents. Never been to China. Hard working, spotless record. But shortly after she had been approached by the fed, a Chinese man in a similar suit found her in a cafŽ near the Harvard campus. It was simple economics, really. She wasnÕt even considering taking the CIA position the pay wasnÕt nearly what sheÕd make in the private sector. But the Chinese agent had promised to sweeten the pot É a lot. Of course, she still had to pretend she was living on a first-year analystÕs salary. But back in her apartment É Over the past six months, whenever she had thought about backing out, telling the connection the deal was off, she thought about the safe back in her apartment Ð the safe with stacks of hundred dollar bills. After she pulled this job off, she would have enough to retire, if she wanted. Enough to pay off the mortgage on her parentsÕ house. Enough to pay for her little brotherÕs college tuition. Hell, enough to buy a summer bungalow in Maui even after all that. ThatÕs what Mary Chang thought about as she walked down the hall and entered the womenÕs restroom. She opened the door to the farthest stall from the door and stepped in. Once inside, she dug what looked like a small makeup kit out of her purse. It was not a makeup kit, though. Inside a secret pocket were two syringes and a very small, doll-like briefcase. Mary checked her watch. It was 5:05 p.m. The cleaning crew came through at 5:45. That gave her forty minutes. Enough time. She quickly began taking off her clothes. Mary had a classic Chinese look Ð petite, small but full breasts, gentle s-curves, shoulder-length black hair and full, expressive eyebrows. She was cute and modest. Honestly, who would suspect her of being a spy? ThatÕs what she often told herself. She carefully stacked her clothes on top of the toilet until she was standing naked. And then she took the tiny briefcase and set it on the floor next to her feet. Removing the syringe from the kit, she located the big vein on her forearm and plunged the needle in, pushing down the stopper. It would be about a minute before the shrinking serum took effect. She threw the empty syringe in the toilet and flushed. The serum had been developed by the Chinese government specifically for spying purposes. Once activated, it would shrink Mary Chang down to about an inch high. From there, her plan was to infiltrate the main computer bank of the China division. In the doll-briefcase were a pair of miniature black overalls and two tiny syringes filled with an agent to counteract the shrinking serum. The extra syringes were backups. There was also a last-resort cyanide pill, if she somehow became permanently shrunk. Earlier in the day she made up an excuse to visit the computer bank. Normally, one needed card-clearance to get in, but because of her specialties she often had to talk with the IT boys in the main bank. While she was there she carefully forgot a briefcase under one of the tables. The boys had all left now she had counted them from her desk. In the briefcase was a change of clothes and a thumb drive. Once back to normal size, she would use the thumb drive to install a program she had developed, nearly undetectable of course, that would slurp information and send it through an anonymous proxy back to China. And after that, she would return to the bathroom, pick up her other clothes and leave like nothing had happened. Mary waited to become small and thought about the safe in her apartment. Elizabeth Myers, head of the China department, was just leaving her office. She was meeting another mid-level supervisor for drinks after work. In fact, he was standing at the end of the hall, grinning, almost sneering, at her. ÒGod,Ó she thought, ÒI donÕt know if I can go through with this.Ó Elizabeth was, in physical terms, almost the exact opposite of Mary. She was tall, curvy, Amazonian. She wore professional but provocative dresses that clung to her wide hips. Her strawberry blonde hair fell down to the middle of her back in long tresses. In the boys club that was the CIA, she had advanced using her looks and a series of Machiavellian power plays, including one threatened discrimination lawsuit. Let them hate, so long as they fear, the Prince had once said, and Elizabeth had taken the advice to heart. She walked down the hall and gave him a smile. ÒReady to go?Ó he asked. ÒHold on, IÕve got to go to the bathroom and freshen up.Ó ÒWell, hurry up. We donÕt want to miss happy hour!Ó She passed by him, and the smile disappeared just as quickly. She turned left down the hall and into the bathroom. ÒFucking douchebag,Ó she muttered under her breath. Elizabeth moved down the row of stalls and tried the one farthest from the door, but it was locked. Mary, now standing an inch tall on the bathroom floor, felt her heart momentarily stop and her mouth go dry as the door to the bathroom swung open. She instinctively grabbed the suitcase next to her and darted behind the toilet. She listened as the footsteps thundered along the tile, coming closer and closer. Even though she knew she had, Mary was panicked by the thought that she hadnÕt locked the stall door. She stifled a scream as the handle jiggled. Maybe they know, she thought. Maybe theyÕve known all along, and theyÕre coming to get me. But then the footsteps retreated two stalls down. She heard the door open, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Carefully, oh so carefully, she peered around the toilet. Mary immediately recognized the pair of shiny, black high heels and shapely calves. Only one woman in the office dressed like that. Fuck, she thought. ItÕs Elizabeth. Of all the people to walk in, why did it have to be her boss? She waited, as silent as she could. Finally, she heard the flushing of the toilet and the stall door swinging open. The feet moving to the sink. The faucet turning on. Turning off. But instead of hearing the feet moving towards the exit, Mary heard nothing. She peered out again and saw the feet standing by the sink still. Christ, she must be fixing her makeup, Mary thought. She didnÕt have her watch on her. She wondered how much time she was wasting. There was no choice. She had to go now. Elizabeth peered into the mirror intently, dabbing blush on her cheeks. She turned her head side to side, leaning in closer to the glass. The more time she killed in the bathroom, the less time spent in the bar with her date. That was her thinking. Satisfied, she grabbed a tube of lipstick out of her purse and tried to pull the cover off, but it slipped from her fingers. The tube landed on the counter and rolled off, clattering to the floor and rolling towards the stall that Mary Chang was currently sneaking through. Mary's heart truly did stop for a brief second when the giant tube of lipstick crashed on the ceramic tile. It sounded like a gunshot. Not only that, but it began rolling towards her. She realized that Elizabeth was about to turn around, bend down and pick it up. She stood there, frozen with fear Ð the fear so intense, momentarily short-circuiting her fight-or-flight response. It was the same feeling as hitting a patch of black ice in a car or the brief second when you lose your balance on a flight of stairs and feel yourself hanging over nothing, with nothing to brace the long fall. She watched as Elizabeth, tall as a skyscraper, turned and stooped down to pick up the lipstick. Still, there was a brief moment of hope. Maybe, maybe, just maybe, Mary thought. But as ElizabethÕs eyes tracked down to the tube, they stopped at the small figure standing just underneath the stall door in front of the lipstick. There was a brief, heavy silence as the two regarded each other with equal amazement. ElizabethÕs mouth dropped open. There before her was a miniature person, clad all in black. She leaned in to look closer. Neck craning up, Mary's mouth dropped open as well. Elizabeth's face appeared as large as one of the reliefs on Mount Rushmore. Her features, magnified as they were, were mesmerizing. From her vantage point, Mary could see mostly Elizabeth's open mouth Ð the big, off-white teeth, covered in a thin sheen of saliva, and behind them the pink hump of Elizabeth's tongue and behind that the glistening back of her throat. Perhaps it was the sight of a mouth that large, open and looming over her, that triggered some ancient evolutionary holdout in the deep recesses of Mary's brain and finally activated her flight response. In any case, her feet became unglued, and she sprinted for the bathroom door. Elizabeth, acting without thinking, dove after the tiny person. It wasnÕt hard to catch, her arm swooping around to cut off its escape route. She plucked the little figure firmly at the waist between her thumb and index finger. She brought it up to her face and stared at it. It looked like É Mary Chang? ÒWhat the fuck?Ó Elizabeth murmured to herself. The words boomed in Mary's ears, and she felt hot breath blow over her. Still on her hands and knees, Elizabeth looked down the stalls. The locked stall was empty. She got up and walked over to it. Carefully, she shimmied underneath the door Ð quite a feat in her dress Ð and pulled herself up inside. Elizabeth's eyes roved over the folded clothes and the tiny bag. She picked up the bag and inspected it. The secret pocket was only meant to withstand the sub-standard scrutiny of the average security guard, and Elizabeth soon found it. The CIA had gotten vague reports lately about some new Chinese spy-tool. A big breakthrough. Something scary. ÒYou little commie bitch,Ó Elizabeth said, turning her attention to Mary. ÒYouÕre in for it now.Ó Elizabeth walked out of the stall and back to the sink. She put the makeup kit into her purse and pulled out her work phone. She was about to thumb the emergency quick dial, but she paused. Sure, she could take credit for catching a spy, but on the other hand, she would have to take responsibility for letting a spy infiltrate her department in the first place. She glanced back and forth between Mary, still squirming in her grasp, and the cell phone. Elizabeth startled at the sound of a loud knock on the bathroom door. ÒHey, you fall in or something?Ó God, he's still out there, Elizabeth thought. ÒJust É fixing my makeup!Ó she yelled back. ÒI'll meet you down in the parking lot, OK?Ó Fuck, she thought. What am I going to do? She couldn't put the little bitch in her purse. Security scanned everyone's bags on the way in and out. And she could only imagine the hours and hours of emergency meetings she would have to sit through if she turned Chang in. Elizabeth walked back in to one of the stalls and, pulled down her skirt and panties and sat on the toilet. ÒWeÕll figure out what to do with you later,Ó she said to Mary. ÒBut for now É IÕm sorry, but this is the most secure spot I know.Ó As the hand holding her began moving downward, Mary Chang realized what Elizabeth meant. Oh, please no, she thought. But the hand kept drawing her down, towards ElizabethÕs groin. As the hand slipped between the thighs, ElizabethÕs pudendum filled MaryÕs field of vision. Mary could only watch and struggle weakly as the other hand came down and carefully spread the labia. The thick, outer lips separated, and the inner lips peeled back just enough to reveal the delicate opening they hid. The hand holding her swooped underneath Mary was briefly framed by the twin pillars of ElizabethÕs thighs. Above her she could see not only the vagina but also the twin globes of her buttocks. She had but a brief second to consider this, however, because the hand rose up, too quick to react, plunging her into the orifice. She only had time to brace herself as her head slipped in between the meaty lips Ð the rest of the world disappearing from view. Mary felt the warm flesh give way before her, accommodating her. At first she didnÕt think it would work it was a tight fit. But the force underneath her kept pressing, and her shoulders sank in as well. Then the rest of her body easily slid in. The vaginal walls closed in, forming around her. She felt the finger disappear beneath her, and then she was trapped. Oh god, she thought, IÕm in her pussy. This isnÕt real. This isnÕt real. But all her senses told her it was. The fleshy walls rippled around her, slightly slippery, and Mary was overcome with the thick, feminine odor Ð musky and familiar, yet ten times stronger than it should be. It was hard to breathe. The air was thin and humid. And then Elizabeth stood up, and Mary felt the world shifting around her. As Elizabeth stooped to pull up her panties, Mary was pitched forward. And when Elizabeth walked out of the stall, Mary was swung left to right with every shift of those ample hips. Yet the walls held her tight. She was encased, and whatever way those hips swayed, so did Mary. Always a bit claustrophobic, Mary began to panic within the confines of Elizabeth's vagina. She twisted and turned, trying to bring her arms up to push the walls away from her and give her space to breath. But the flesh sprang back every time, pressing in on her face and coating her in a thin film of mucous. In the darkness, Mary could hear nothing but her own struggling, the heavy vibrations of Elizabeth's heels hitting the ground, and from somewhere above and behind her, the low rumblings of Elizabeth's guts. Striding down the hall, Elizabeth began to have a very pleasant sensation between her legs. She could feel Mary moving inside her, rubbing up against her G-spot. She tried to act casual as she passed by coworkers, but she knew she was walking funny. And every now and then, when Mary really hit the spot, her breath would involuntarily hitch, and she would let out a panting little sigh. Elizabeth moved through security and out the doors as fast as she could. Her date was standing outside, with his arms crossed. ÒHey, there you are! What's the matter?Ó ÒOh, I'm É not feeling so well,Ó she said. ÒThink I'm going down É er, coming down with something.Ó ÒYeah, your face looks a little flushed.Ó ÒReally? Jeez. Listen, I'm going to have to take a rain check on that drink. Maybe next week?Ó He nodded and walked off, looking sullen. Elizabeth made a bee-line for her car. To her relief, Mary had more room to maneuver and breath now. The walls were expanding around her, filling out like a balloon being inflated. They were softer and more pliant now, too. But something else was happening to Elizabeth's vagina as well. From all around Mary, but especially above, the walls began to secrete a thick, viscous liquid, altogether different from the lubricant she had first encountered. It slid down in gobs from above, coating her hair and soaking through her overalls. Christ, Mary thought, this sick fuck is getting wet. Stories went around the office about Elizabeth, and now Mary understood why. She sputtered and tried in vain to keep the liquid out of her eyes and mouth. Suddenly Mary noticed the constant and maddening back and forth sway had stopped. And then there was a jarring crash as Elizabeth sat down. Elizabeth plopped down in her car seat and turned the ignition. She wasted no time in pulling out of the parking spot, almost peeling out as she left. Christ, she thought, I'm worked up. She could feel herself starting to soak through her panties. Driving down the freeway, Elizabeth couldn't help but touch herself. She had loosened her skirt and had her hand just underneath the hem of her panties, fingers gently massaging her clit. She felt like cumming right then but decided to hold off until she got home -- really rub herself down good. Besides, she had a feeling it was going to be a big orgasm, and, driving 70 miles per hour, that just wouldn't be safe. The walls had become loose enough that Mary began to slip down. They expanded in out now, breathing like a lung. Beneath Mary there was a tight, muscular ring that had kept her trapped, but now it was starting to get loose enough where she just might be able to squeeze through. It was hard, if not impossible, to get any leverage using the slimy walls but between gravity and grit, Mary started to worm her way back out of the orifice. She was almost retching from the awful realization of where she was and what she was surrounded by. Before she had been too panicked to even consider her situation, but now Mary had a little room to breathe and think. Her re-enlargement syringes were in a pouch on her belt. No use doing it now. It would just kill her and Elizabeth. But if she could just get free long enough to use it ... Elizabeth felt Mary's feet working their way out of her and moaned Ð a husky, deep moan from the back of her throat. Her pussy was red hot, and every time she touched it, it felt like a live current running through her groin. She was having trouble paying attention to the road. ÒOh no you don't,Ó Elizabeth said, reaching her hand down and pushing the tiny legs back inside her. The sensation sent a carnal jolt up her spine. Mary could feel the cold, normal air against her ankles and the damp silk of Elizabeth's panties as they wiggled their way out. And then a force thrust her back inside, farther up than she'd been before. Her head struck the hard plug of Elizabeth's cervix, and the walls around her quivered in response. Mary could feel and hear the blood pounding through Elizabeth's sex organ, and the walls now oozed with lubricant. The air, hot like a sauna, was thick with the pungent smell of arousal. Mary resigned herself to being trapped inside Elizabeth. She briefly considered the cyanide pill but pushed the thought out of her head. Elizabeth pulled in to her driveway and jogged up the steps to her house. Walking into her bedroom, she threw her purse down and kicked her heels across the room. She shimmied out of her skirt and practically tore her blouse off. As she sat down on her bed she unsnapped her bra, and her breasts fell free Ð nipples coral-pink and erect. Elizabeth fell back on her bed. She lifted her ass in the air to slide her panties off. They were sopping wet and clung at her crotch as she peeled them off. Her fingers ran down the cleft of her pussy, briefly pausing at the entrance of her vagina before running back up, bringing with them wetness and excitement. She rubbed her clit slowly with her index finger, while her middle finger worked her vagina. Elizabeth could feel Mary with her finger, and she pushed the miniature woman back and forth inside her. Elizabeth, digging her heels into her bed, arched her back Ð face lost in pleasure, eyes closed, smiling and biting her lip. Mary, still dazed from the sudden change in orientation, became lost to all but the physical sensations she was experiencing. The finger pushed her back and forth along the posterior wall of Elizabeth's vagina, slick as a slip-and-slide. She was moved along effortlessly. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, but this did not feel entirely unpleasant to Mary anymore. The walls had dilated to the point where it felt like she was in a small cave Ð a woman cave. She almost liked the idea. In fact, Mary reached down and began touching herself. Woman touching woman, woman touching herself, both touching themselves. It was very meta in a way, she thought. These were the kinds of thoughts that went through Mary's head as the finger pushed her along in the balmy darkness. In any case, she was along for the ride there was nothing else to do. Elizabeth felt the tingle of the approaching orgasm long before it came Ð a building pressure from somewhere deep inside her. She used her free hand to spread her lips while the other rubbed her clit Ð now swollen and exposed Ð faster and faster. And finally, the dam broke. It felt like a bomb exploding between her legs. She reached out and dug her hands into the bed, back arching up. She let out a load half-moan, half-scream. It lingered and modulated on her lips for a long time. The orgasm was rolling over in waves, almost until the point where it was continuing uncomfortably. She writhed back and forth on the bed as the spasms wrenched through her. Finally, they subsided enough where Elizabeth could lay still. She laid there splayed across the bed for some time, breath coming out in long, whistling sighs, eyes still closed. The experience was much more violent for Mary. Suddenly the walls around her contracted sharply, clenching from all sides in tight, rhythmic contractions. Elizabeth's hips bucked sharply in time with the contractions, sending Mary crashing against the spasmodic cervix. At first she was worried Elizabeth's pussy was going to squeeze her to death, but every contraction was weaker than the last. There was one final tremor that ran through the vagina, and then Mary felt Elizabeth collapse onto the bed. The finger that had been manipulating her was removed now, and Mary started slide down Ð down and out. She slowly slithered out, like so much of the fluid now dribbling out of Elizabeth. The tight, muscular ring that previously held her was loose and open. It was still a somewhat tight fit, and as her shoulders and head passed through Ð her arms caught above her head Ð Mary was slathered one more time in that supremely feminine concoction. And then Mary was free, deposited in a damp spot on the mattress directly between Elizabeth's thighs. The vulva in front of her was huge, agitated and red. She collapsed and lay there sputtering and panting. Without thinking, Elizabeth reached between her legs, picked up Mary and casually began licking her. She had always loved the taste of herself. She did not like, however, the texture of Mary's overalls on her tongue. Stopping for a moment, she took hold of Mary's collar and ripped it down the side without effort. Throwing the shredded overalls beside her, she resumed licking the naked figure up and down, running her tongue over the soft skin and tasting her sex. Mary, now delirious, let her head loll back and forth as the giant tongue ran over her naked flesh. At least she was in the cool, normal air, she managed to think. But the tongue was pleasant, in a way. It felt like a warm, wet air mattress pressing against her Ð soft and firm at the same time. It moved up her abdomen and over her breasts, lapped against her face. And then the tongue dropped down between her legs, the tip forming into a hard nub as it rubbed against her sweetness. Mary let out a soft sight and reached out to wrap her arms around that moist muscle. The tongue began to draw her in, into Elizabeth's waiting maw. The hand nudged her along as she dipped down into the mouth. Below her, Mary could see the undulating tongue and the saliva dripping down from the roof of Elizabeth's palate. Elizabeth's lips closed down on Mary, and she felt a strong sucking motion from beyond them. She was powerless to resist as she slid between the glossy, red lips head first. The world once again plunged into humid darkness. The tongue pushed her up against the roof of the mouth, and Mary felt more suction around her as Elizabeth savored the taste of her pussy, drawing the juices from Mary. And then there was a loud, wet smack as Elizabeth swallowed. Mary almost slid back into the throat and down Elizabeth's gullet, but the throat closed up at the last moment, and the tongue held her back. And suddenly Elizabeth had a novel idea of how to solve her problem. She pulled the naked, sopping wet woman from her mouth. ÒYou know what I'm going to do to you, my little spy?Ó she said, holding Mary in front of her face. ÒI'm going to eat you. Yes, I'm going to swallow you up.Ó Elizabeth's breath was still coming out in ragged pants, and it washed over Mary in humid bursts, misting her with saliva. Mary watched as Elizabeth's tongue snaked out and ran over the surface of her glistening, red lips. And those lips smacked in anticipation of their coming meal. Elizabeth, though, was drowsy. A great post-orgasmic tiredness was coming over her. Even as she spoke, she could feel sleep approaching fast. ÒAw, but I'm about to take a nap,Ó Elizabeth said. ÒAnd I want to be awake so I can feel you digest in my tummy.Ó Elizabeth yawned and set her hand, still grasping Mary, down on her belly. ÒYou just stay here until I wake up from my nap.Ó Elizabeth eyes fluttered closed, and she drifted to sleep within the minute. Mary was pinned against the soft surface of Elizabeth's abdomen by the giant hand. The belly rose and fell in great swells with Elizabeth's breathing. Mary gradually came out of her delirium. Beneath her, Mary could hear the loud gurgling and churning of Elizabeth's bowels Ð guts she would soon be moving through unless she could escape and reach her shredded overalls. She didn't doubt Elizabeth's threat in the least. Exhausted, but filled with grim determination, Mary began trying to free herself. It was a careful balancing act. She didn't want to wake Elizabeth, but there was also the element of time. She didn't want to still be stuck when Elizabeth woke up. Mary began army-crawling her way out from underneath the hand, shifting her weight and pushing against the fingers ever so carefully. It was tense, arduous work. At one point, Elizabeth snorted loudly in her sleep, and the hand clenched down on Mary again, erasing all her work. But one didn't graduate summa cum laude from Harvard by being a quitter. Mary didn't know how long she struggled under the hand. Half an hour, maybe an hour. But eventually, sweat standing on her brow, she pulled herself free from the hand with one final burst of energy. She rolled over on the stomach and allowed herself one moment of rest. Looking back, she could see Elizabeth's face between the hills of her heaving breasts. Still sleeping. And then Mary felt a sensation she had never felt before in her work-focused life: red, murderous rage. Elizabeth felt a sharp sting on her ass and woke with a start. ÒOw!Ó she yelled and reached instinctively towards the source of the pain. Turning over in bed, she saw Mary Chang standing over her, holding a syringe in one hand. Mary was naked and looking at her with cold, hard eyes. For a brief second, Elizabeth, still half-asleep, did not understand the scene, but then the cobwebs cleared from her head. She looked again. The syringe was empty. ÒFuck you,Ó Elizabeth said. She tried to jump out of bed, but Mary, anticipating her move, slammed her back down on the mattress with surprising force and leaped on top of her. Mary, pinning Elizabeth by the shoulders, sneered at her captive and licked her lips. ÒWe're going to have some fun, you and me,Ó she said. Elizabeth, eyes wide with fear, could only watch as Mary Chang seemed to loom larger and larger above her. To be continued.
“Hrk grk ULP” Cheetor grunted as he tried to gulp down Turantulus’ bulbous abdomen. Cheetor had been pulled into one of Turantulus’ trap door, by the spider, catching the maximal off guard, but much to the surprise of Turantulus, Cheetor responded in an unexpected way, transforming into robot mode and swallowing the spider-bot. He continued to gulp down Turantulus, his stomach swelling as the Predacon was packed into it. A loud snap was heard as Cheetor’s jaw disjointed to engulf Tarantulus’ abdomen, i pushed down on the spider’s rear, stuffing his maw with it, before sending it packing with an aggressive gulp. Eight thin legs now stuck out of cheetor’s mouth, squirming and thrashing randomly before being slurped down with ease by the hungry maximal. “BURRRRRRP!!!” Cheetor belched, slapping his stuffed tummy, “maybe you should lose some weight predacreep, getting you in there took some work hiccup!” Turantulus squirmed inside Cheetor's stomach, causing it to groan and shift as Cheetor rubbed the underside of his swollen belly. The maximal laid back, picking his teeth before giving his gut a good smack. Inside cheetor’s gut Turantulus struggled and slashed, a layer of condensation having appeared on his violet finish from the hot humidity of Cheetor’s stomach, fogging up the predacon’s visor, not that there was much to see in the first place, aside from a faint blue glow, the inside of Cheetor’s gut was pitch black, no light being let in whatsoever. “You insolent maximal!” Turantulus snarled, “Let me out this instant!” “Or what, you’re gonna run to Megatron and embarrass yourself?” Cheetor scoffed. Cheetor laid back, letting out another deep belch as he rubbed his belly. “Primus you’re making me gassy!” He snarked, lifting his leg. BLRRRRRRRRFFFFFT A thunderous fart escaped the Maximal’s rump as he grinned and fanned it with his tail. The rotten smell resonated through the cave, settling as a faint green haze. Cheetor sighs and he fanned nose before resting his hand back on his gut. “Excuse me!” he chuckled, letting another toot slip out. Cheetor continued to pass gas as the spider in his belly squirmed, which only worked to make the Maximal even gassier. Deep gurgling and bubbling noises came from Cheetor’s gut as Turantulus’ struggles slowed down, the Cheetah-bot’s stomach filling with thick acid, causing it to round out. More gas escaped Cheetor’s butt, the cave continuing to fill with a foul fog. “See ya bugeyes!” Cheetor scoffed, lifting his leg. BRRAAAAAAAAAAAP As Turantulus broke down Cheetor’s belly began to shrink, what was left of the Predacon was pushed through his system. His thighs began to thicken and his ass grew, rounding out nicely as his hip armor was strained. Cheetor’s belly bubbled with leftover gas, which caused some slight discomfort to the Maximal. “Ugh, come on I thought you wanted out!” he grunted, standing up, before trying to push out a fart. His stomach groaned as he tried to push the gas out, which seemed to be pretty stubborn. Cheetor smacked his stomach, causing it to let out a gross sound gurgle, he felt the gas rush down to his bowels. He lifted his leg, grunting slightly as he felt the gas rushing out. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT “That’s one Predacon taken down, try a little better next time~” Cheetor smirks, fanning his butt, before leaving the cave.
 The Apprentice A Role-play as presented by the players of Jeasti and Serolas First Edition Free to read for the enjoyment of others, yet: Copyright and all other Rights reserved by authors. This text may contain material that is considered inappropriate for persons under the age of 18. Reader discretion is advised. Chapter 1 ~ morning, the first day~ Jeasti: The guest room would look nice, but it would look like it was preserved in amber, as though no one had ever really lived there before. The bed would be luxurious and soft and even having a canopy on it. There would be a dresser full of modest clothes, and some not-so modest clothes. The walls would be stone, but most of it was covered with tapestries with strange mystical symbols and the sort, There would be a small side-room that would be the bathing room, and a writing desk in the room with ink, pencils, etc. Serolas: Drifting on a cloud ... a surreal world surrounds me ... the sky above making strange clouds as I lie on the leaves ... the tower in the distance seems to loom closer, even though it appeared miles away than before. I'm above it now, looking down on it ... for some reason the height doesn't bother me ... until the tower suddenly rushes forward ... everything goes black. There is a certain unwillingness to return to the real world when sleep is allowed to run it's course ... the vixen is lost to the world, feeling almost weightless, the sensation foreign to her, but no less pleasant. Something nags at the corner of her mind, but she wants to ignore it, stay in this place ... but for naught. Consciousness edges it's way in, in spite of her. Eyes drift open ... and everything feels wrong.- Serolas: She gasps, sitting up, her bedding in her modest little den is gone, and a strange room surrounds her, the feel of genuine bedding beneath her is odd, insanely comfortable ... yet she glances about in a panic. The previous night rushes into her half-asleep brain, unreal, much like the dream she could almost remember. She slips out of the bed with reluctance ... the gnaw of hunger and the uncertainty of her current 'arrangement' pulling her along. She considers her clothing, soiled from hard travel, yet folded at the foot of the bed, and begins to explore the dresser in the room. She finds a simple summer dress her size ... deep red with a flower print, before wandering out into the hall, curious, nose and ears pricked for what might find her. Jeasti: Jeasti had not had a guest in quite some time. She enjoyed cooking, but it was no fun unless she had someone to impress, which is why Jeasti only truly showed off her skills on the rare occasion that she had a guest. On the third floor of the tower that they were on, Jeasti was in the middle kitchen area of the floor, the large table near filling with food. There was bacon, pancakes with a variety of things in them, coffee cake, actual coffee, fresh fruit, eggs, waffles and so many more. The entire floor filled with the delicious scent of food as she cooked to the best of her abilities. She could have used magic to make these, either by summoning it completed or creating the ingredients, but there was just something about the food that was lost in the magic of it. Homemade was always best. Jeasti was still in her human costume, instead of a female tuxedo today she wore a flirty red skirt with a floral design woven into the fabric, and for her top she wore a black tight-fitting cotton shirt with the design of a red dragon moving around her body. Still, she had white apron on with the classic ‘kiss the cook’ saying on it. She eagerly awaited her guest to come into the room, if this smell didn’t wake up even the dead, nothing would. Serolas: The vixen would follow her nose ... the call of food overriding her curiosity about the tower itself. Navigation would not be a challenge, as her sharp sense of smell communicating much more than her eyesight. Her mind is on the subject of food when she finds the kitchen, mouth watering as she views the table ... she almost gravitates for it before she notices her host. She can't but help admiring the shapely legs beneath the hem of that skirt, but quickly certain things import themselves to her. “Good morning, Jeasti ...” She calls, sounding a little groggy, but pleased, well rested. She gestures about the table, impressed. “This is amazing ... “ She shakes her head, keeping on track. “How are you this morning?” Putting out an effort to remain a polite guest in the face of such a meal is a challenge, but she's strong willed.~ Jeasti: The appearance of the guest was exciting, Jeasti heard her foot-steps before she hear her voice. With a smile at Serolas words, Jeasti turned around, and put the last batch of sausage and hash-brows onto a display platter, which she then put on the table along with the rest of the meal. Jeasti then walked on over to Serolas and hugged her in greeting, kissing each side of her cheek as she did when they first met. “Well met my apprentice, Hopefully you will find something you like to eat here, I do think I cooked enough for an army or a dragon. Maybe both.” She said with a smile as she removed her apron and put it on the kitchen counter. “Now go ahead and have a seat dear, I won’t keep a hungry person from food this good, so dig right in!” She said cheerfully, as she picked up her own plate and began to get liberal helpings of pancakes and potatoes. “Did you enjoy your sleep darling?” Serolas: Serolas is more prepared this time, her reaction to her host's greeting is far more subtle. Still, she seems as if she doesn't know what to do with herself, yet smiling warmly at the sign of affection. The term apprentice, when applied to herself, draws a subtle look of confusion, but for the time being she ignores it in favor of the food before her. She wastes little time finding her seat, barely able to restrain herself as she responds. “They'll both have to get in line ...” She offers, with a touch of humor as she nods great fully to Jeasti. “Thank you. I slept wonderfully ... I've never slept on down before, I almost didn't want to wake up.” She grins as she does indeed dig in. She makes an effort toward table manners, as opposed to being ravenous, but even with the mildly awkward use of tableware she eats with a certain efficiency, as if the current meal was the only one guaranteed for the immediate future. ~ Jeasti: Jeasti ate. The food on her plate seemed to disappear with her subtle motions, one minute she would have a stack of pancakes, and in the blink of an eye most of it would be gone. She noticed how fast Serolas was eating though and slowed down to match her pace, not wanting to frighten her guest too much with her almost cavernous appetite. She did find the vixen’s little quip to be a little funny though. Indeed, a dragon would not try and get behind her in line to try and get the food. Being that she was part dragon, she was well aware of dragon table manners, which probably meant the nice oak table would have a dragon sized bite mark in it. She like the table. After swallowing down another helping of potatoes, Jeasti set her knife and fork down and drank some of her orange juice. “Now then, There are plenty of things we could do today, but I was curious if you had anything you wanted to do first?” Serolas: As hungrily as she was eating, Serolas seems mildly surprised at her hostess's appetite, the shape of her cheeks indicating a touch of humor, especially as she slows down for her own sake. It doesn't take long before the vixen meets her own capacity, and then exceeds it a little, exhaling a deep breath and shifting her focus as Jeasti begins to lay out the day. Her attention is rapt, curious intensity shining in her eyes as she responds to the query. “You call me apprentice ... “ She grins, showing a little sheepishness. “You flatter me ... yet at the same time, offer me something I seek. Although I don't really know what I would be apprentice for. Left to my own devices, I would tackle the library .. perhaps with even more hunger than I just showed with breakfast.” She chuckles at this, shaking her head. “For clarification, what would I be apprenticing for?” The look in her eyes suggests that she might be able to guess, but on the same token, many other questions seem unasked in them as well, every aspect of this encounter bringing a fresh urge to be resisted lest she swarm her host with them.~ Jeasti: “As I have said once before, I am far older than I look. As such, I can be your master for almost anything except the most obscure arts, like high elvish meditation styles. But be it magic, cooking, blacksmithing, writing, survival, huntsmanship. You name it, I have probably spend more than my fair share of years doing it. I grow bored with time you see, and so I learn new things. Mostly however I was believing you wanted to learn magic, and was offering to counsel and teach you most of what I know.” She said, licking her lips and looking down at her once again empty plate, she put her silverware down and put her arms on the table, resting her head in her hands, smiling at Serolas and looking her in the eyes. “And also my dear, I do not flatter without meaning it. If you wish to devour the knowledge in the library, I can let you do so at your leisure ” Serolas: She eagerly listens, leaning back to her chair, perhaps far more satisfied than her counterpart. Her expression knits in concentration and contemplation. “I've had access to libraries in the past, and while bereft of some of the some of the subjects I could find here, I feel I have done well for myself. I'll look into sticking my head in a book if the situation presents itself...” She glances at Jeasti, her expression softening slightly. “You seem ... eager for my company, and as flattering as that may be, I don't think it is due to any particular virtue of mine aside from the fact that you seem alone here.” She trails off, biting her lip in such a way that indicated that she'd said too much, perhaps a little personal. She switches tracks... “Magic ... the sciences are fascinating, quantifiable, measurable things applied to rules that can all be charted out with number and equation. But magic ... is never something I've really grasped the nature of. Knowledge only takes you to so far, and I get the impression that magic is something learned in the doing as it is in the learning, much like art, as it were.” She continues, glancing at her own plate as if it were subject to great contemplation. “I'm eager to learn, or at least know ... what it is that seems to run underneath the world ... not too deep, I know it's a dangerous game, but nothing is not worth trying, yes?”~ Jeasti: “You came here expecting nothing, and found something. Other find themselves here wanting everything I have, and find themselves leaving with nothing. I am glad that I found someone I can offer something freely to, and someone who doesn’t mind the ramblings of someone such as me” She said cheerfully with a small chuckle, and Jeasti nodded her head to Serolas’s question. “Yes, most things are worth trying, and I would suggest you give magic a try as well. I am unfortunately more familiar with the mystical way of things than the scientific. I can logically figure most things out however, so I have no trouble fitting in often.” She said with a smile. “Now then, What would you like first, an overview on the principles of magic? Or something else?” Serolas: Shakes her head, thoughtful. “The way of so many of the humans, Is to expect certain things, rights, respect, opportunity. ... the way of so many beasts to act as if they own all they see. I try to avoid both ... for the most part. Unless I find something that makes one worth the risk, the trust of contact.” A soft shrug, bitter smile. “My life, short as it has been, has taught me that nothing is owed one except for which they can achieve or steal. I've tried the latter, and I found the former more ... fulfilling.” She shakes her head again, surprised at her own candor. “Every source of information I find concerning magic has a different view on the 'principles' ... most have some kind of foci, be it a wand, paper, words, body art ... anything, just ...something to focus life energy through ... beyond that it breaks down as if everything referred to but not mentioned in the material should be known first hand.” She offers a shrug. “Perhaps we could start from there ... I know that it's less about what goes up here.” She taps on her head, just in front of her ear. “And actually the doing ... the rest is just adjustment and refinement, right?”~ Jeasti: Jeasti smiled at the surprising wisdom coming from her companion. “Hmm… Separating magic into categories I would have to say that you can say there are two parts to magic, not including the nuances to each and every kind. The first, and in my opinion the most important, is the source of power. This can either come from yourself, and element, the aether around you, or for all intensive purposes another dimension. That tells you what kind of magic you will be dealing with. Magic that is your own tends to be easier to deal with, foreign sources of power tend to require an understanding of your source, and while we all have an innate understanding of ourselves, it is hard for us to completely comprehend our own being. Such discussions though I leave up to greater philosophers than I. The second part of magic is focus, or intent, or direction. Many words can be used for this, basically, this is the process where you have the magic do what you want it to do. Or try at least. Again, the source of your power greatly effects this. Almost every magic I know has at least those two steps, and otherwise I suppose you can call the other steps refinement or adjustments. Do you know if you have an affinity to a particular magic?” Serolas: She looks thoughtful as she listens, nodding slowly as if such things made sense. “The forest, the earth ... the wind, the water. I grew up listening to these things. I've paid far more attention to the environment around me than I have concerning me, myself, my being. These things have been through my senses, smell, hearing, sight, feel ... but there may be an innate sense of ... something, that whispers to my gut instinct.” She frowns, as if troubled by something. “The forest in these parts are strange, I can't put it into words, but I don't feel like I am a part of them, I don't feel so concealed and protected by the leaves and shadow as I am accustomed to, take for granted even.” She trails off ... “As for my being ... I'm not sure that I've really tried to do anything. I care for my body, but as far as attempting to tap something from it, I'm not sure where to start ...” She snaps her finger, eyes lighting up. “Emotion?” ~ Jeasti: Jeasti nodded her head. “Many passionate people manage to pull power from their emotions. That magic is most often chaotic at best, catastrophic at worst.” She said and sipped her orange juice more. “As for these forests… Well, consider them an extension of myself. They are my eyes and my ears, within them I can see, smell, taste, and hear almost everything. It is no wonder you would feel foreign there, it’s almost a part of my body at this point.” She said shrugging. “That is complex magic though, and old magic when left alone tends to get its own life of sorts. Jeasti nodded her head. “Many passionate people manage to pull power from their emotions. That magic is most often chaotic at best, catastrophic at worst.” She said and sipped her orange juice more. “As for these forests… Well, consider them an extension of myself. They are my eyes and my ears, within them I can see, smell, taste, and hear almost everything. It is no wonder you would feel foreign there, it’s almost a part of my body at this point.” She said shrugging. “That is complex magic though, and old magic when left alone tends to get its own life of sorts.” Jeasti looked at Serolas and nodded her head. “You can try and tap into your emotions if you like. The best bet is to first learn a type of meditation, that way as a safety measure you can halt your emotions if the magic begins to run wild, cutting the power from the magic. On that note, if you weren’t already aware, magic is magnificently dangerous, and even I in my great time using it still use it with caution. I recommend against using it as a parlor trick for anything that takes effort to do.” Serolas: She grins, leaning forward, drawing eagerly on each word. She waits until Jeasti is finished. “Magic as a parlor trick ...” Another soft chuckle, a giggle ... laced with irony. “I suppose that works along the same lines as the forest ... The things of the world we live in should be treated with respect at our own peril. I pity any human who wanders the forest blindly at night unless he knows what the hell he is doing.” She shifts her attention back to the forests themselves. “That explains the fact that you knew I was coming ... “ She raises an eyebrow, her smile turning a touch playful. “I know that I have a good sense of direction, and I headed way off course ... was my arrival here an accident?” If her tone is accusatory, it's in a playful manner, almost teasing. “Emotions are not the only thing, the mind is a necessary component, but I doubt it would be considered a source of power. Willpower, the drive that one feels to persist, to swallow fear. So much of that, defiance ... isn't emotion, just a willingness to go beyond what is comfortable.”~ Jeasti: If Jeasti’s tail was out, it would be wagging. “Well, I wouldn’t say accident entirely. You truly did get lost and wound up in my forest, I merely… Directed you to here from there.” She said, her eyes looking up innocently, a smile on her face and playfully batting her eyes. “Still, I’m not unhappy that you are here. Not often to people get lost here, they more often come seeking me out. It is refreshing to have you here. The mind, hence willpower, is necessary to filter and drive power. Some use it as a filter for their own power, some use it as a pump to pull upon the power around them. Still, you may find creatures that literally have no mind and simply are beings that exist, with no intelligence nor mind nor emotions, and yet they use magic. I tried to set the absolute minimum requirements to use magic. On the subject of using the environment as a source of power, you will find the limiting factor is how much willpower you have to bring forth the power, than the actual amount of power around you” Serolas: She seems torn, riveted to her seat, not only by the subject at hand, but to the fact that she had finally found a sharp wit and intellect to sharpen her own against. Straining against this is her eagerness, a wild enthusiasm that shines in her eyes. She laughs out loud at the mischievous look Jeasti gives. “I can't say I'm unhappy with it either. As much as this all is overwhelmingly opulent for me.” She gestures about her grinning in a manner that seems rather sheepish at her admissions. “I was also ... lonely, unable to really find someone that I would find ... challenging. I know I haven't spent much time with you, nor do I know you well ... much less what you are.” She gives a soft nod, respectful. “But from what words we have shared so far, I would consider your company a privilege.” Another grin as she looks down, coyly, quickly changing the subject. “I want to try ... to put words into action. You describe 'emotion' like a bonfire ... I would hope more for a candle. Easy to light perhaps, and very easy to burn one's self, but manageable. If we were to start with something, what would you suggest?” She seems almost impatient, eager, yet at the same time, not wishing to overstep.~ Jeasti: Jeasti simply beams at the comments, a genuine smile the seemed to almost shine and change the light around her as she laughed. “Hmm, Yes, it is quite rare I get to do a battle of wits when someone’s life isn’t on the line. Your company is valued by me as well. I enjoy talking with you, it is not often something I get to do.” She said, she stood up, and began to take her dishes, as well as Serolas’s dishes into the kitchen sink, and she slowly began to clean up the kitchen. “Words into actions however… Hm. Fire is often one that people like to start with. Hard to hurt yourself too bad when starting so small. We can actually start with lighting a candle if you like. If you are afraid though, try looking at dust that is in the air, put your thumb and index together to make a small circle, an and use your power to slowly move the dust through your hands. That is a test for people who have no affinity with magic whatsoever. If you already do, we can begin with a candle.” She said smiling. Serolas: There's a soft padding sound, very faint, likely too faint for human ears. Serolas's soft brush has been flicking softly against the floor behind her, a moderate wag, as opposed to a dog's eager rump wiggling. Jeasti's expression is infectious, she attempts to return it, but seems self conscious, lowering her eyes and restraining, lest she begin gushing. “I had meant my reference to fire as an analogy, pyromancy seeing so little application except as a weapon ... perhaps as a good place to start. I'm curious about the nature of things ... everything has shape, form ... a way that it was made naturally to be, patterns that repeat. If I were to pick something, I think I would like to eventually see if I could focus more on transmutation.” She trails off, taking a deep breath. She looks off in front of her, eyes unfocusing slightly, letting the light catch the motes in the air. Unaccustomed to the action, she lifts a finger, drawing a small circle, brows knitted in concentration.~ Jeasti: Jeasti chuckled to herself, a hand covering her face as she tried to hold back a humor of her own. Transmutation magic, Oh how much fun. She has used it quite often must to the delight of herself and the misfortune of others. “Now, you can either compel the motes to move, or use the power of the wind to move them, or even bend space and move them that way. I know you can do this dear” She said, as she walked behind Serolas, placing her arms on the Vixen’s arms, her hands on the Vixen’s hands. “All you need is focus, concentration. Take from what well of power you choose, and move the motes. When you do, I will teach you some transformation magic.” Serolas: Focus, concentration ... such things are easy to bring forth from one accustomed to the patience and thought to hunt in the forest for survival ... such things are also not so easy when someone who is *ahem* disturbingly attractive placing her hands against you. She jumps slightly, almost imperceptibly, smiling through her grimace as she attempts to refocus. The finger wavers in the air, turns another circle. Her ears perk at something Jeasti says, and she focuses. Nothing happens ... not to the vixen's own vision, but there's a pull , a tug at the fabric, like someone yanking at a rubber mat. She takes a deep breath, letting the frustration drain before she tries once more, not sparing time for words as she listens. Jeasti: “I cannot know just what is happening dear unless I were to interfere. That being said darling, I think you have something, though I know not what. If you feel something, reach for it and grasp it. Do not break or rend it, but take it and use it. Remember what all of this feels like. Commit it to memory.” She said, unintentionally having her breasts press against Serolas’s back. “You have all the time in the world to do this dear, so take your time.”Serolas: Serolas she finishes her breath, shaking her head before focusing on the motes themselves. A single mote veers off course, wiggling awkwardly. Her focus bears down, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips ... and then warmpth softness presses against her back. She maintains control for a moment longer before certain brain cells kick in, and she starts with a gasp, completely distracted. Rather than flusterment, she looks almost disappointed at her loss of momentary control, still so focused on her task at hand that she barely realizes the intimate position she's in. Jeasti: Jeasti smiled as she saw the mote move. “Now then, that could just have been stray wind from the windows. Make them move deary~” She said smiling, her body warm to the touch. Jeasti’s shape may be that of a human, but she was as hot as a summer day. Her head was lowered just so, and was now resting just an inch above Serolas’s shoulder. “If you manage to make them move, I’ll reward you hmmm? How does that sound?” Serolas: She blinks, nodding slowly ... swallowing as her ears flicker backwards, if for a moment, her tail thumping once. "So strange ..." She murmurs, a waver in her voice, trying desperately not to speculate as to the nature of her rewards. It takes another few moments to settle, but she's patient, and is soon bearing down on the specks in the light as if they were mice rustling in the reeds. Another one is snared, and rather than to fool around with it, she reels it in, pulling it until it leaves the shaft of light. She panics, loosing sight of it ... and then let's out her breath. "Damn it, I could still feel it." She turns in her seat to look up at her host, grinning. Jeasti: Jeasti smiled, beaming almost. “Quite good for a first try my dear! All you need is practice, and I’m sure you can do anything you put your mind to. Now then—” She said and moved to Serolas’s front, hugged her and held her in a tight embrace, kissing Serolas on the forehead, then the cheeks, and then finally the lips. One slow, Kind, and compassionate kiss that seemed to last for an age. The softness of her lips, the heat of her body, the surprising strength of her figure, all brought to attention this one kiss. And then, Jeasti pulled away with a grin and looked in Serolas’s eyes. “Now then, for your reward. You said you want to try transformation magic yes? I will perform one for you, Give me a suggestion of what you would like to see if you don’t mind~” Serolas: Serolas stiffens at the hug, surprised, her brain and her body reacting in different ways. Her eyes widen, as she chokes back her gasp, ears reddening as she utterly fails to conceal her flusterment. A moment's pause, and she returns the embrace, unsteadily, her soft fur pressing like silk against Jeasti's skin. With each kiss she would widen her smile, tense, uncertain, ears flagged high, until their lips touch. She can't help but give a sharp intake of breath, and her body straightens, pressing her own soft chest against Jeasti in her reaction. Jeasti leaves her weak kneed, fighting to regain control, her eyes darting over her companion's face questioningly. Then words, and the moment passes. She grins sheepishly, tail flicking from beneath her dress. The respite of having to address her request is a welcome distraction from the very sudden questions before her. She glances about the room as if looking for something to select. Settling on the chair she had just stood from, she nods, slowly regaining her composure. "This probably isn't very imaginative, but this chair ... perhaps change it's size?" A conservative request, perhaps more than the vixen realizes, given the capabilities of her host. Jeasti: Jeasti did not blush at Serolas’s reaction, but she had a look about her. She was smiling in that devilish way that seemed to say ‘Oh so you enjoyed that?’ and perhaps offered more should it be asked for. “Oh, I can probably teach you that trick in just a few days, but as you wish~” Jeasti said and walked over to the chair. She sat in it, and took a teacup and filled it, and began drinking from the teacup. She crossed her legs and closed her eyes, and the air thickened a slight bit. Like the difference between being up very high, and then suddenly finding yourself in water. The thickness quickly faded away into Jeasti as she contained her enormous well of power. She used her control to move her magical area of influence around herself, the teacup, and the chair. As she sipped, She, the chair, and the teacup shrunk. Drastically. When Jeasti finished the teacup in that one sip, she looked up at Serolas. Jeasti was now at most six inches tall standing. In a tiny voice she spoke to Serolas. “Is this small enough? Or would you perhaps like to see it bigger?” She said grinning. Serolas: An eyebrow lifts as she looks back at the other, her expression shifting to perplexed ... a grin looks as if it wants to form, and it seems as if the vixen is watching Jeasti, really looking at her, for the first time. Her host's offered performance is no longer a welcome distraction, despite the fact Serolas continues to give an appraising look, almost as if plotting revenge. She'd never get the chance. She takes a deep breath, endeavoring to not only watch, but feel the event playing out before her. She had expected a faint change, something far more difficult to feel if she was not the one performing it. What she got almost staggered her, she takes a step back, perhaps reacting harder than she would had she not been so purposely receptive. She peers down at the small form once it's over, looking in disbelief, bending down on a knee to get a bigger look. "Goddess ... how did ..." stupid question, she starts over. Reaching out to touch, a gentle brush of her finger against Jeasti's leg. "That was ... more than I expected." An excited light in her eyes begins to shine, enthusiastic, nervous. "Bigger ... alright ..." She gives a soft nod, backing away, bracing herself rather than opening up, this time. Jeasti: “The hard part is dealing with large objects. When altering size, the fact that Volume is magnified so much by the smallest changes in proportions really makes doing large objects a problem. Shrinking can be easier than making things bigger, the only issue is how you deal with the extra mass, density and what-not. But still, those are all nuances that I will teach you later.” She said with a smile, as she stood, hand on the chair, cup now sitting on the chair. Again that feeling of the atmosphere getting this surrounded them for a moment, while she more slowly asserted her power over the objects. The way she worked it, she suffused the objects with her own magical power, and therefore her will directly affected the objects in the way of her choosing. In this case, she chose for the chair and cup to return to their original size plus 5 feet or so in height. Jeasti however, Grew tall enough that her head was just a few feet from the stone ceiling. Jeasti chuckled and looked down at Serolas, not even slightly aware that she was letting the vixen see the lingerie underwear she had on under her skirt. “Hmm… I do so love being big…” She said, as she squatted down in front of Serolas, smiling, almost hungrily. Serolas: It seems that the discussion at hand acts as a lifeline, pulling her out off her reverie and awakening that thirst to know more, each time Jeasti speaks, in an almost calming effect. "You talk as if you're squeezing a balloon, concealing most of it while letting a little section bulge out ... or blowing more air into ...." She trails off as she feels the air itself shift to the pull of it's mistress. The look of wide-eyed awe remains, but she better handles it this time, but at the same token, perhaps a little genuine fear mixes in with that amazement. She bites her lip, staring up ... eyes widening for a moment as they unabashedly gaze between Jeasti's legs, her blush returning, but she contains herself, managing to force a wry, almost mischievous grin. If Jeasti couldn't smell the trace hints of it before, her arousal is evident now, if not strong enough for a human nose. She stands her ground as Jeasti comes down to an almost conversational level ... hazarding a step toward her, another. She leans forward, tense, anxiety mixing with that arousal as she places a hand up on that knee. And then Serolas looks Jeasti in the eye, a defiantly impish expression adorning her muzzle, her hand shifting inward slightly against her lower leg, a caress. Jeasti: “A balloon is not a inaccurate way to think of things. Once you have the balloon in your control, one can even decide to fill it with lead instead of air if you choose. There are plenty of spells that would make me weigh nothing compared to my size.” She said, letting out a content sigh as Serolas caressed her leg. Jeasti grinned, and she gently ran a hand the size of a chair along Serolas’s body. “You seem anxious, is something the matter my dear?” She said in a surprisingly soft tone. “You may do as you please I’ll have you know. If you do something I do not like, well, I like to think I can defend myself from your seductive ways” She said with a smile. Serolas: Serolas can't but help let free a soft laugh, nervous, yes, but good natured. "Seductive? You flatter me. I'm still pinching myself and trying to wake up." She grins, giving Jeasti an adventurous look, taking a moment to consider the patch of fabric just visible behind the hem of that skirt. She shakes her head, still grinning as she coils, bending down as if to pounce ... and she does, jumping up in a tackle at that midsection, her dress billowing as she leaps. Uninterrupted, she would tackle her host's midsection, no hope of knocking her over, but it's the thought that counts. Jeasti: Jeasti’s body took the hit, and was about as effective on her as one would expect it to be. Jeasti chuckled at the impact, her belly shaking slightly, and with a hand, she holds Serolas tightly against her middle, and lets herself gently lay on the ground, making sure not to hit the table, chairs, or other ornaments in the room. “Oh woe is me I am attacked!” She said in feign dismay, chuckling all the while, gently running a hand along Serolas’s body. Jeasti was some 30 feet in height at this moment, and Serolas was a good size to hold and cuddle, which Jeasti did. She wrapped her large arms around the Vixen, snuggling her and letting out a soft sigh of contentment. Serolas: She laughs heartily, clutching onto the fabric for balance as the soft body holding her shifts, tilting back. The hand pressing against her allows some of the implications seem to sink in for the vixen. She peers up, fear showing, and a certain need in her eyes, two emotions playing off each other, enhancing each other. A nervous hesitation, feeling those impressive arms jostle her affectionately, and she wriggles, finding her grin once more, scrabbling against Jeasti's shirt, a wriggly little thing in her arms. Her dress makes it difficult to crawl, and there's no question as to whether or not the larger woman could keep a hold on her. She doesn't speak, communicating with actions as she stares up past fabric stretched taught by those impressive mounds of flesh. She places her paws on that fabric, attempting to heave herself up against those breasts, grinning like an idiot, her tail lashing happily against Jeasti's arms. Jeasti: “Hmm… It appears to me that you want to do something?” She said amidst Serolas’s Struggles. Her body so close to her nose, she smelled the arousal, the musky, delicious smell that made her either want to eat Serolas, shove her up her cunt, or grind against her till orgasmic bliss. But still, such would not be what one does to your apprentice. Okay, Maybe. But still, Jeasti decided to be passive, the vixen would have to ask for things in order for them to be given. She could try and take what she wanted, if she could. She gently released her hold on the Vixen, letting her have just enough force to keep her there if she wasn’t struggle, enough for the necessary struggling to be a challenge for Serolas. “Hmmm… Now you seem happy, I wonder why? Do you like to explore my landscape?” Serolas: The vixen wrestles with the fabric of the shirt she's lying against, doing her best to cuddle into the cleavage before her. Her arms shift, gripping about one of those breast she can, curious, exploration. Jeasti's words give her paws, and she looks up, an expression of awe, lust and admiration in those eyes as she grins. She gives a hug ... only able to encompass part of that teat that she has, but still. Her scent is getting stronger ... "Please ... tell me what you want." She offers, excited, wanting to please, eager, affectionate. Her hair is a riled mess about her ears and back, her dress hiked up about her legs as she sprawls against her host.Jeasti: “Now now my apprentice, One cannot just say that with consequences. Right now, I want your company. What you want to do to me, or what you want me to do to you, I leave up to your discretion” She said with a wry smile. “I can smell that you have a great… desire in you… Tell me what you would like me to do to you, my apprentice and I will take great—” Jeasti used a hand and pressed Serolas against her breast, firmly, so that the soft flesh of Jeasti’s bosom would almost encompass the Vixen. She held her there for a long moment before removing her hand, now letting a few fingers run along the vixen’s body. “—care in performing what you want. There are very few things I am not capable of doing my dear. So… How should I say… Make your wish” She said with a devious smile. From Jeasti’s body was an obvious odor as well. Jeasti’s big body produced a similar scent, a sweet musky smell, like freshly ground cinnamon and hazelnut with a mix of… Desire.Serolas: The deeper implications of Jeasti's admonishment are lost to the vixen in her current state. Rather than fighting against the hand that presses her, she accepts the warm flesh as it pillows around her, loosing herself in that scent. Her tail flicking and prodding up as her limbs push into the flesh around her, tangling with her dress. "Please ... " She whimpers, looking less like a subservient apprentice and more like a lust crazed lover ... "Take your clothes off." She doesn't act as if she's trying to make it easier as she burrows into Jeasti's chest, searching for and latching onto that impressive nipple through the cloth, squeezing against it ... almost gently. Jeasti: Jeasti grinned, and with a hand grasped Serolas, pulling her from Jeasti’s body and the wonderful sensation of her nipples being played with under their clothing. She set Serolas down on the chair and used her finger to gesture ‘Stay’ “Since you asked nicely, Allow me to take them off, the way I like to take them off~” She said as she stood to her full height. Jeasti’s hands went to the bottom of her shirt and she gripped it firmly, and slowly, deliberate swaying as she did so, lifted her shirt, showing that bare skin of hers, up, and up until a black lacy bra revealed itself, and then a moment later Jeasti’s shirt was over her head, then tossed into a corner of the room. She slowly and sensually moved her hands slowly running them against her body to her short skirt, and turned around so that Serolas could get a better look at Jeasti’s ass, as she bent over, wiggling her bottom and thighs, moving the skirt down to her legs, revealing the full view of that black lingerie that Serolas saw earlier. “Hmm…” She said turning around, a knowing smile on her face. She put a thumb through one of her bra straps, and one of the straps of her panties. “Now then, I suppose that you want these off as well~” She said, and then slowly began to remove them. Jeasti’s hands went to her back, and she unhooked the bra, sliding her arms through the straps, she slowly removed the black bra hiding her breasts, showing their soft fleshy form, nipples pink and hard. The bra was as well discarded to one side of the room. The panties Jeasti looked down at and thought for a moment. “I already showed you my behind, I suppose now you would like to see my front?” She said with a husky voice. The black lacy panties slowly slid down, revealing a large, moist mound of flesh between her legs. The panties, likewise, were wet, and Jeasti playfully tossed the bed-sheet sized panties onto Serolas. “My clothes are removed my dear, but such was a small thing for me… Might there have been something else you wished?”Serolas: She's a panting, heaving mess by the time she's tugged off that nipple, almost a pout given as she's seated at that chair. She stays, taking the moment to let her thoughts clear, catch her breath. Having her stand there, towering over her is ... sobering, and exciting all at the same time. And then the show begins, eyes wide ... not the frantic lust of the previous attempt at a size adjusted make out session, but wide eyed, mouth watering need shows in her look. She slides back in her chair, taking in the view, tail thumping happily against the chair legs as a hand makes a divot in that dress ... between her legs. She rubs there, staining the fabric of the sun dress as she gapes up, watching as each article of clothing drifts away. Jeasti's breasts in particular capture her attention longingly ... yet her mound, mmmmh ... she licks across her chops once. A squeal bursts forth from beneath the billowing fabric of those undergarments as she wriggles out from beneath them, ending up in front of the chair on her hands and knees. All of this seems to build up until ... Jeasti's words sink in. She takes a moment, her voice weak, wavering with need. "I've never asked of much ... had lovers, of both male and female ... I ... " She looks pained ... "I've always simply taken what I could find, enjoy ... it's easier than simply wanting ..." A laugh, amazed, bewildered. "And now I can have my wildest fantasy?" Oh, the irony. "She grins, lifting her arms in an open gesture. "My imagination will catch up with me ... I just want you, like this ..." She staggers to her feet, stepping towards her mistress ... staring straight up ... into her crotch .... *ahem* ...Jeasti: Jeasti smiled, a smile of compassion, and caring, and lust. “My good apprentice~ We have all the time we could desire.” She said, laying herself down on the floor of the room once again. She lifted up Serolas and placed her on her bare naval. Her soft skin was smooth and without blemish, she had a small amount of peach fuzz all over her stomach and most of her body, resting on her naval, Serolas would be able to feel the small rise and fall of her body as she inhaled, and exhaled, a constant rhythm that was only interrupted by the thump thump of Jeasti’s heart, the beats acting like ripple, sending a small shock wave through Jeasti’s body with each beat. “Do as you will, I will aid you in receiving… Pleasure, from anything you do. But use my body as you desire. Explore me, tease me, use your touch to make me gasp, use your tongue to make me squirm, and dear apprentice, when you are done, I will have made sure you enjoyed this as much as I have” Serolas: A grin forms and she nods to those words. She steps back, drinking in the sight of Jeasti bending down above her, even as she feels the fingers clutching under her arms and around her midsection. She hangs, less like a doll, and more like a cat, held under the shoulders. Nuzzling her fur affectionately against the soft skin, the flat board of her host's belly, of which she remains on the outside, for the time being. She looks up ... grinning at the landscape before her, but before all else, she reaches behind herself, pulling off a white pair of her own undergarments, laughably small to her lover ... before wriggling out of her dress. Adorned in smooth white fur, with a wide white stripe running across her firm, modest chest, down her belly, and tapering between her legs to her now rather moist groin. Freed of the cumbersome garment, she crawls forward, pushing against the soft skin on the underside of her breast before sitting up, leaning forward to lap at that nipple rapidly with her tongue, light licks, affectionate, playful, mischief in her eyes. Jeasti: Jeasti watched with her amber eyes, her entire attention focused on the undressing body of her apprentice. The excitement was making Jeasti’s nethers release that musky smell of arousal, her body big enough that the vixen would be easily able to pick up Jeasti’s pleasure at the sight of her nude body. Jeasti squirms as Serolas moves along her flesh, and sucks on her lip slightly as the vixen began to use her tongue against her tit. Jeasti moved her hand to gently stroke the vixen’s body. The vixen on her was only about 6 inches tall relatively, so the strokes were short, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make this enjoyable for the both of them. Wrapping her arms around Serolas’s small body, she hugged her tightly, pushing her into Jeasti’s body slightly, her breast like a tremendous pillow that she was almost being smothered with. “NNnnn” Jeasti moaned as she opened her mouth to speak “Do as you will darling, I will let you explore me, since there is so much of it to see” She said, and after a long moment, released Serolas from the hug. Serolas: Perhaps to a human, the tangy smell of aroused vaginal lubricant would be a surprise unless one were to get up close and personal to the matter at hand. To the vixen's sensitive nose, it is overpowering by this point, one of the primary reasons for the wanton lust displayed by one normally so reserved, thoughtful, calculating. The reasons be damned. Serolas doesn't seem to care, seemingly torn between her burning need, the fear a small creature might feel for a giant, and the awe a lover has for the object of her desire. It isn't just blind lust that drives her ... there are undercurrents, small signs, like poker tells, that would clue her host in on the complexities of her partner. A sensitive nose would pick up on her arousal, more sensitive the fear underneath it, excitement ... the exhilaration one might feel before they pull the chute. She would shudder slightly, almost a flinch as that large hand rolls across the soft fur of her back, pressing her against the the soft flesh supporting her, even with it's gentle giant's touch. Then the hug, feeling the weight press her down, softness surrounding her, a spike of fear, before she begins to writhe, placing a playful nip at the nub before her in retaliation.~ Jeasti: Jeasti, while master of her own body and admittedly of others at times, she knew little about her own mind. She has had lovers before, and she has made love to many people in her life. There was always the thrill of it, the lust and sex and pleasure is what Jeasti though love was. It was odd for her, to be feeling with her heart now as well as her body. For her standards, she had not done anything particularly licentious and vile to this vixen, she had not done anything more intimate than touching, than lips being on lips, and for some odd reason she felt things for her. She had sex with men often, regardless of whether or not they wanted it, women as well have fallen to be her victims, and yet she never felt anything more than bodily for them. It was odd then for Jeasti, as she felt something strange coming from her heart. A small twinge of pleasure, not quite as she was used to feeling, as she held the vixen on her body. Jeasti was moved out of these thoughts by the nip on her breast, and she grinned as she used her fingers and pinned Ser to Jeasti’s bosom, her other hand moving to tease and prod the vixen’s many fun body parts, gently using one of her large fingers to play with Serolas’s own breasts, to gently run up her body and press that moist mound between her legs. “Mmmm...” She said as she got a dark idea. Inwardly, she grinned, pleasuring the vixen all the while. Serolas: The fixation on that large breast was a personal indulgence, one of many desires the vixen felt, and as she sampled the taste of that warm nipple, the soft skin pillowing around her, her mind would draw elsewhere. It is a shock, then to find the caressing fingers taking the initiative away from Serolas, rolling her onto her back, pressing, trapping her there. She would look up, at Jeasti, her upside-sown expression suddenly uncertain, before those fingers intrude, rubbing those prints across the delicate white fur across her front.The mounds of her own breasts flattening and shifting around them as they feel, and then fluid staining the ribs of her fingerprints as they rub against the sweet cleft between the vixen's legs. Rather than be frightened, the small vixen would moan, arching her body into the flesh surrounding her, pushing herself against those wandering digits, while at the same time, trying to escape, less out of fear, and more in playful attempt at retaking the initiative.~ Jeasti: Serolas would feel a small rumble as Jeasti practically purred, but with a far more draconic sound that any cat could make. She grinned a smile full of teeth as she picked the Vixen up. Jeasti looked at her and opened her mouth as if to say something, and she was going to speak. She was going to tell her that right now, She was going to please her in a way that few were allowed to live through. Jeasti was going to taste her, and make the vixen release that wonderful fem-cum that she was only leaking now, but she didn’t tell the Vixen this, nor that she would come out alive no matter what Jeasti decided to do to her apprentice. The moment she opened her mouth so speak she just wanted to put Serolas into it. She wanted to make her scream in pleasure. So she did her best to do that right then and there. Her mouth opened wide, and she fit Serolas into her mouth feet first, her lips acting like a wet blanket, coating her body with saliva and warm flesh, the teeth gentle and not truly being used as She fit Serolas into her mouth so that Jeasti’s lips just barely touched the vixen’s breasts. That now done, she let her tongue work. She slithered it all around inside of her mouth, and moved her lips across the vixen’s breasts, her tongue spending a great deal of it’s time licking the sweet nectar off of Serolas’s nethers. Serolas: It's another stark reminder of questions left unasked, and as a result, fatefully unanswered that Serolas recognizes that the sound reverberating from under her is no sound any human would make. At this point, it is still a game to her, foreplay as she squeals in protest to the clutching fingers, gently but firmly slipping under her, lifting her up. She would struggle, pressing her nude body against the sensitive skin of Jeasti's fingers. Attempting to squirm free, find a way to slip out from the grasp caging her body ... that is, until she's lifted a bit. Jeasti's hungry grin would be met with a playful, enthusiastic grin of her own, waiting for her to speak ... and then it all goes wrong. The chute deploys, and then tears loose. She clutches against the grip holding her, blinking with incomprehension, and then horror as those succulent lips part to bear an ivory cage, and then deep moisture within. Her breath would catch in her throat, and she would begin to struggle in earnest, even as she feels the hot breath flowing over her, watches the ivory teeth pass above and below. “No, ... Wait!” She cries out before being enveloped in darkness, moisture, heat ... the very things most intense in lovemaking. The dragoness can taste fox, vixen, wild with arousal ... indeed, heat, a small wonder she was so easy, the heady flavor off one young, yet in the very cusp of prime adulthood, clean, well kept, but at the same time no loss of the exquisite flavor her kind is known for. The demoness can taste the fear, the moment of absolute terror when one realizes what has happened, and then the utter bliss from the press of wet flesh all over, grinding, pressing, stimulating, rubbing over her chest, scouring that slit for it's essence. As time passes the screams of fear and struggles for freedom become cries of passion as she grinds against the leviathan of hot muscle attending to her, still frightened but slowly giving in to the sensations flooding in from her body.~ Jeasti: Jeasti let out moans of pleasure as she licked the vixen, the struggles made her arousal even greater, that thick taste of fear lick a thin coating of molasses on the meal, the taste of desire, lust and her body all a unique and wonderful flavor. Jeasti’s stomach rumbled as she moved a hand slowly down her stomach to her nethers, and she slipped a finger between her legs, and gently rubbed herself, unable to hold her pleasure back with leaving her hands idle. She began to suck on Serolas, her body completely entranced by the act, every suck, lick, nip, squeeze, and every now and then swallow, was an act akin to sex for her, and it felt so very, very good. Jeasti’s head was already tilted back, and she let her hold on Serolas decline, and the struggling prey moved slowly to the back of Jeasti’s throat, the muscles in the back opening in anticipation, the uvula dangling and dripping with saliva that now coated the entire vixen as her head went past her lips and teeth, which sealed off the exit, putting Serolas into deep shadows. And then, her feet and legs gently slid down into that ring of muscles that was Jeasti’s esophagus, and with a swallow, Jeasti’s mouth moved in a synchronized motion, tongue going up and pushing Serolas back, while the opening at the back of Jeasti’s mouth went wide with acceptance of the meal, before enclosing on Serolas’s whole body, depositing her in the chute that led to Jeasti’s stomach… Jeasti realized however then just what she was doing. This was not prey, this was food, and she forced her body to stop halfway through, leaving a large lump in Jeasti’s throat, as the muscles around Serolas held her tightly in their grasp, occasional undulations of the flesh moving her the slightest distance. Serolas: For a moment, the vixen is lost to her own passion, her body designed to derive pleasure of hot, wet flesh, and that is something that she has no lack of, her entire body an erogenous zone for Jeasti's perusal. At the same time, she's strong willed. It is not her fear, but strong survival instinct that keeps her moving, her thrashings of pleasure do not completely hide her attempts to pull forward, in the hope of climbing out, her body buzzing with conflicting stimuli, her thoughts and actions hazed by the tempest of arousal, blissful stimulation, and utter terror. The latter would spike gut wrenchingly as her mistress would herd her back, despite her struggles. The kitchen beyond, framed by the silhouettes of rounded, human looking teeth shines out before her, the view growing narrow, and then dark as that jaw closes like a closing of a portcullis. She would let loose a terrified scream, the lump of fear in her gut winning the battle of emotion as she feels, rather than sees that wet tongue press her against the roof of Jeasti's mouth, dragging her back helplessly, and then the clamp of wet muscle pressing her down. There is barely any time for her to struggle, much less room as slick flesh closes in, pressing her in a tight swallow. It is only as that chute opens up into the esophagus proper that she begins to claw at the mucus lined flesh, pushing out, in a desperate attempt to slow her progress as the walls themselves knead her along. Such futile struggles are answered by Jeasti, clamping down on her, slowing her, constricting her tight, limiting movement but granting her a temporary reprieve for the vixen, delaying her fateful reunion with her mistress's breakfast.~ Jeasti: Jeasti was on the verge of choking. She could hold her breath for quite some time, and she could even get some air despite the large bulge in her throat caused by the Vixen apprentice inside her esophageal prison. Yet… Her breath was rather caught by the pleasure she was feeling from this act, and she had to act fast, lest her apprentice suffer through the terrifying experience of digestion. Her stomach was working to its fullest, digesting the food, churning it and moving with the mighty walls of pink flesh just a few feet below Serolas. Her stomach longed for the extra meal, the meat, it yearned for it to be in there within its folds… But Jeasti had other plans. She took as deep a breath as she could, and slowly, all the undulating, the squeezing and fiendishly strong hold on Serolas’s body lessened. For the moment of tranquility, her body was almost silent, until she let out that breath, the undulations moving in reverse, Serolas was going up instead of down, as a not so quite violent way of vomiting. Jeasti made a choking sound as the vixen would-be meal moved up her throat and her head popped out of the back of Jeasti’s throat, Jeasti’s mouth opened wide as a thumb and index finger began to reach to the back of Jeasti’s mouth, taking a hold of Serolas and pulling her out of the deathtrap that was Jeasti’s body. Jeasti cleared her throat, letting out a small belch as her stomach grumbled in protest of being denied. She ignored it, eyes focused on Serolas, her expression blank, a wall of nothingness to hide her rapidly moving thoughts. She should have waited for Serolas to respond… But she spoke before the vixen would have a chance to say something. “If I hurt you, it will not be because I could not control myself.” Serolas: Serolas isn't stupid, and the cold, calculating logical part of her brain is calmly informing her that the struggles are pointless, that she's already dead. On the other hand, this part of her was, not long ago, making the mildly surprised observation that what Jeasti and she were doing should be impossible. Such logical contradictions can severely shake one's firm belief in a rational world. But such things are not something that Serolas has the luxury to ponder. She would let loose another scream, muffled by the intense pressure, thick saliva, and thicker muscle clamping down on her. A scream, this time made of frustration, refusal to simply give up. Clamped down upon as if in a fleshy vice ... she would squirm, doing the best she could, with fingers and toes, to inch herself, lubricated by her host's own saliva. It is maddening, as she would find herself able to slip forward a few inches, yet suddenly feel herself pulled back by the relentless tempo of peristalsis. Indeed, had Jeasti not been lying on her back, this might have been a different story. Slowly, muscles unclench, and he squeezing, pulsing slows, and then stops. She offers a cry of relief, a sob at what she believes is false hope, a teasing ... one that she does not refuse as she crawls forward as fast and as hard as the slippery surfaces can afford her. The walls to the narrow channel aid her, nudging her forward ... eventually finding her at the base of the tongue. Cries of joy and exhaustion result as she finds herself back in an open, if still hot and humid space ... the outside world visible from outside that cage of teeth ... the fingers grasp and she collapses from her own effort, allowing herself to be dragged out, strands of thick saliva connecting her still with that mouth as she pants in Jeasti's hold, eyes wearily staring up at her. Her body wracking with deep gasps. She takes a time to regain her breath, regarding the larger woman with a mirrored stare, emotionless, numbed from the intensity of the experience. And then, softly, quavering with something poignant, deep inside her. “Can I trust you?” No accusation, or recrimination ... yet a serious direct question, her emotions held back with immense effort.~ Jeasti: Jeasti looked at Serolas incredulously. That... was not the response she was expecting. Others would beg to be put back down there, because the feeling of her dark insides beating against her victims would cause most to consider it heavenly. Others would be in so much fear of the experience that they would scream in horror... She usually swallowed those down again, something about so much fear made her hungry. She cocked her head to the side, and moved Serolas to Jeasti’s lips. Her tongue slid out once again, licking clean her body, so that she no longer dripped saliva, gave a slow lick to the small nub of flesh between the vixen’s legs, and then kissed Serolas’s midsection, before laying her head down, and dropping Serolas on one of her boobs. “You need to ask me that on a more individual basis. You can trust me in the sense that I will never lie to you. I may end up hurting you, I may end up killing you, but the same remains true with everyone I meet. It was not my intention to hurt or kill you then when I began that. At first, I just wanted to give you umm…” She pondered it for a moment, before grinning. “An alternative to what people usually define oral sex as.” She said cleverly. “I couldn’t help myself really after tasting you though, I thought it wouldn’t hurt you, but then I remembered I just ate, and you would be long gone by now if I had not stopped you in my throat. Anymore questions, or was that truly a traumatic experience that you never wish to repeat again, and I have thus scared you and made you wish to run away, to get away from whoever this Jeasti happens to be?” She said smiling, ever so slightly there was a hint of venom to her tone, as though she had heard this type of thing once before. Serolas: Courage is defined as the ability to act in the face of fear ... and despite how she feels, she does everything she can to stare down the being that nearly killed her. Much like Jeasti's reaction ... her own reaction to the answer given is not what was expected. As she's brought in proximity to those lips once more she would flinch, clinging tightly to the fingers supporting her, unable to suppress the cold iron spike driving up within her. But she clamps her jaw shut, keeping silent, offering no more than a cringe as the tongue slides across her slickened fur ... rather pleasantly if not for the circumstances. Unlike her previous, lust driven frenzy ... she is naked before Jeasti, vulnerable, fragile even, in far more than a physical sense, that tongue eliciting a cry of stimulated pleasure, in spite of her, almost draining the last of the emotional will she has left. She lies limply, too exhausted to appreciate the tender gesture of that kiss. Indeed, she barely cries out as she falls, landing on that firm, yet soft flesh below her ... she lies there, the warm cushioning soothing to her somehow. She would listen to the answer given ... a mix of emotions playing across her face, and for a moment she looks as if she is about to cry ... but she wrenches herself shut, sucking in a deep breath as she sits up, unsteady in balance as the breast flesh gives beneath her at the slightest pressure. Her body begins to tremble as she again attempts to stare down her hostess, failing this time, her eyes dropping as she forces words out. “I ... do not want to die. I ... refuse ... to ... “ she chokes out a gentle sob “ ... just give up. Last night ... we spoke, and this morning ... you made an offer to me.“ She pants, collecting her emotions, her tears. “I wish to accept ... “ deep breath, words coming easier as her mind tries to reassert itself. “Your offer of apprenticeship.” She wobbles, slick fur sliding on the soft breast flesh as she attempts to keep her balance. Her voice takes on a thickness, of tears and fear behind it, but she presses on. “I can't stop you from killing me ... but I can ask you not to ... that is all I can do.” She grits her teeth, forcing out effort to keep herself steady. “I'm afraid of you ... I don't know what you are ... but ... I've found someone I can learn from ... I do this because I want to. Not because I think I can convince you to keep me alive.” She lets out her breath, slumping into the embrace of the teat, spent, trembling softly.~ Jeasti: “Never give up your life willingly my darling. Fight with every fiber of your being, attack all fate decides to thrust upon you that you wish not to have, break all reservations if you choose, or keep them at your leisure. Above all else, unless you are a selfless person, survival first. At the moment dear, You need not fear, As I speak right now I have no intention of killing you. Although some of my other students may have other words to say about the homework I will occasionally give you.” She said with a faded smile, her hand idly stroked Serolas in a comforting motion. “No more lessons for the rest of the day, my apprentice. Just relax, think of what you know, what you wish to know, and think back on this experience and learn from it. I know from bitter experience that what does not kill you makes you a stronger person. And dear… You could always ask me what I am. Although I admit, you do not want to ask me today. But at another time I will be glad to show you even.” She said in her normal tone, resisting the urge to use that lusty voice she so loved to speak when she was seducing. Jeasti breathed in, and breathed out. “Although I have a question for you apprentice. Why is it that you are willing to put up with me and these conditions?” Serolas: Lying there ... breathing slowly, deeply ... gently allowing herself to settle, reassert herself. Her trembles soften, and then she grows still, listening as she stares across the surreal landscape that Jeasti's nude body provides from her perspective. Her expression now is nothing like the cold defiance she had just shown her hostess, relaxed, as she takes the luxury of a soft place to rest. As emotionally draining as her experience had been, her physical endurance is quick to recover, as fitting for one who has learned to survive like she has. With her fur beginning to dry, she would stir, slipping off of the curved, cushioning flesh supporting her, finding the valley between the two perfect orbs. She stands, still wobbly on the rising and falling chest, and hand pushing against and into breast flesh as she attempts to steady herself. She looks up, still weary, but with her voice regaining a hint of the fire she once spoke with. “I'm still not sure what your conditions really are ... but I understand that you've been honest with me ... and what kind of an opportunity I have ... I'm just as much of a fool for accepting as I would be for abandoning this chance. Is it not the same with magic?” She allows a soft smile ... all is not quite forgiven, but something in Jeasti's voice reminds her of an unfulfilled ... not urge, as her own arousal is dulled, muted, but a need, a desire she had. She turns, facing down towards Jeasti's legs as she begins to walk towards them ... towards the patch of hair showing between them, their owner permitting ... ~ Jeasti: Jeasti’s body was a large expanse of pink fleshy colors, her breasts small hills with their darker pink tits right on the top, almost like decoration. Jeasti’s stomach and body was made of fine curves, and an hourglass shape. Her belly button made her stomach gently dip in just the slightest around it, her body swelling the slightest and shrinking as her body moved with her breathing. The whole landscape was alive, literally. Jeasti watched as the vixen on her body moved. She was expecting Serolas to find a way off her body, to go into her room probably and hide away, trying to get a better hold on herself. “I never allow myself to get into a situation where I don’t have at least the smallest measure of control.” She answered in regards to the question of magic. “But sometimes, the benefits outweigh the risks.” Jeasti grinned. “I like to think I am a pretty big benefit” She said as Serolas moved slowly towards the soft fleshy folds between Jeasti’s legs. Jeasti’s body was shaved clean, save for a well taken care of small patch of hair. It was not messy in any way, and was nicely kept pretty, like purposefully tall grass on this large landscape. The hair was soft, despite being from that region of her body, and had a smoothness that silk could never be compared to. Just beyond that patch of hair was the pink flesh, that had taken on a different hue from the rest of her body, and was still wet and pink, her clit swollen and barely visible. “Now now dear, whatever do you plan to do to me?” She said with a grin. Serolas:: Serolas was far from spent ... perhaps winded by her short burst of terror, and the accompanying emotional drain and adrenaline dump, years of surviving on her wits have gifted her with impressive endurance, and a certain nimbleness ... if not brute strength. Her feet would prickle against that soft skin, with her 'mixed heritage', they would be almost human by form, yet be defined by rough pads on her soles at the front, and instead of nails, small, blunt canine claws, similar to the delicate ones adorning her fingertips. Tail flicking for balance as the soft skin dimples under her tread, she would slow, turning her head as she moved to respond. “I'm not sure, but I'm guessing I don't have the luxury of control.” ... for now. She would make her way down, a little unsteady, but sure footed nonetheless, tickling a path down Jeasti's abdomen until she meets those coarse, brunette curls. She would turn, look back up at her hostess, pondering the words, contemplating such a 'benefit', before her expression would break, fear yes, pain ... but also something else, empathy, compassion. She clears her throat. “You let me in here, even made the offer of apprenticeship to me. You desire companionship as your stated reason. I didn't ask what you were because I didn't want it to matter, to give myself a chance to accept you for what you are.” Her voice would thicken as if holding back tears.“I know what it is like to desire meaningful companionship, to be alone ... I don't know what it's like to be you ... but, it's not just the magic that I wanted to be here for ... you were interesting, butt what's more, you seemed someone that offered her company to me, freely, open, no strings. I hope that is still the case, and if so ... I would wish to reciprocate.” Her words finished, she would bend down, crawling on her hands and knees through those short pubic strands, ever so careful to not slip between those legs, gripping onto the hair if necessary until she reaches the swell of that hood, pink nub swelling within it. With no more hair to use as a handhold she would lie flat on her stomach, sliding forward, dragging her breasts against silky soft, sensitive flesh, until that hood is within easy reach of her muzzle. She would begin to lick, careful not to touch the sensitive nub itself, soft slow affectionate licks, her own body not yet free of frightened tenseness, but giving this gesture earnestly.~ Jeasti: Jeasti felt the tickling sensation of Serolas’s light fox feet on her body, the small movements of her pubic hair’s curls as Serolas walked along them, feeling her hold onto them before letting go and resting her body just above her slit, then sliding down to lick her hood. Jeasti had a deep, and sharp intake of breath. Jeasti’s nethers twitched, as well as her whole body, as Serolas began to lick that sensitive flesh. Jeasti did her best to keep her hands to herself, the urge to do something to the vixen right now was astounding. She wanted to shove Serolas into her cunt, to rub her against that slit, to use her like a toy and keep her inside of her for the rest of the day... But she had already done something rude and unanticipated. If she were to do that today, she would at least be polite enough to ask... well, tell her in advance most likely. Jeasti’s hands were on the floor, spread wide gripping the stonework floor, keeping her hands there, her legs parted more, giving Serolas more room to work, and Jeasti shuddered out that long breath. “T-thank you dear. Do as you will. I will try to restrain myself, but if you want me to help with anything…” She said leaving the rest out as her body shuddered once more. (e) Serolas:: Her ... lover? ... was communicating, good ... so much the better. The little vixen has a small idea of the risk she is taking, trusting Jeasti. She pays fine attention to detail, perhaps unused to performing this act from this perspective, but afforded a degree of control, if not surface area she would have never have dreamed of achieving with herself, or the very small handful of females she's tried to pleasure. Long, slow licks, applying more pressure with her tongue as she moves, tender, with an eye for detail only females and a rare few males posses with their lovemaking. She would press flatter to the the soft skin of Jeasti's groin as she feels strong muscles shift and shudder beneath her, those massive legs spreading for her. Her own limbs spread out, eagled against her groin, tail curled up about her rump, denied the chance to tuck between her legs. Her hands attempt to grasp, instinctively against Jeasti's soft flesh, but with the smooth skin reluctant to bend without the vixen digging in, she's denied all but the most tenuous of grip. She would pause, ears flicking back as she hears that voice, licking at her chops as she contemplates. Indeed, her little adventure with Jeasti's digestive system had been immensely pleasurable, and while her fear had acted as a catalyst for her arousal before hand, pushing her to the rash actions that had gotten her into this position, the abject, unexpected terror she had felt had denied her release. That time had passed, and once more her anxiety, the uncertainty of her precarious position make an exotic cocktail with her arousal, driving her lust. The fact that fear serves to fuel her arousal is something that she'd never acknowledged, even to herself, but it drives her on regardless. She would speak, calling out to be heard, conscientious of her smaller size, and her orientation away from her listener, afraid to risk turning her head, slipping further than she intends, especially now that she can feel Jeasti's desire, almost a tangible sensation ... frightening her, but at the same time, sparking her own fire once more. Her legs pulling in, gathering under her as she lifts her rump, her posture reminiscent of a cat stretching out ... or more accurately, a vixen making herself available for her mate. Her tail would flick up, exposing her rounded rump and the tiny petals, puffy folds swelled with her growing arousal exposing the pink flesh between, glistening wetly. “I ... I'm not sure how ... but, if you want, maybe with your finger ... “ As if the vixen could stop her ... ~ Jeasti: Jeasti began to move her hips in rhythm with the vixen’s licks, moving harder as Serolas licked harder, and almost bucked her hips, but she made a conscious effort not to do that, it might fling the wonderful apprentice from granting her the pleasure she was giving. Attention like this freely given can be far more wonderful that if it is taken, given the right circumstances. Jeasti was already wet from the attention, she started leaking her musky ambrosia from her nethers when Serolas raised her rump and presented herself to Jeasti. She wanted to lift her up and use her tongue again. She wanted to make her the same size, and grind her hips against her, show the vixen her true form and fuck the vixen with Jeasti’s tail in that form all the while kissing her and touching her… Jeasti was of course at this point oozing her excitement and pleasure. Raising a hand, Jeasti gently stroked Serolas’s body, gently rubbing her and giving small scratches with her fingers. Using her pinky, Jeasti gently began to rub Serolas’s nethers, beginning with just running it along her slit gently, before reaching down and coating her finger with her own nethers, and then using that as lubricant to rub against the beautiful pink cleft between Serolas’s legs. Slowly, ever so slowly, she pushed her finger at the vixen’s nethers, playing with the idea of putting it into her, but denying actually doing. Jeasti’s other hand moved down to her nethers and rubbed her hand for a moment, cupping the slick nectar that leaked from her, and put it right up to Serolas. Her entire hand was covered, dripping and leaving small strands of the liquid that led back to her nethers. “Darling... This is what you are doing to me... Just so you know, I enjoy this. You are doing a wonderful job...” She said, as she moved that hand over Serolas, and let the nectar fall on the vixen, all the while using her other hand to stroke and pleasure her apprentice with all her dexterity.(e) Serolas:: Jeasti answers, not with words ... but with gentle strokes, as one would to a gerbil, Serolas would relax, pleased with the attention, setting back to her own task, lapping at the tender flesh surrounding that sweet bud. The feel of something, large, too large to fit comfortably inside her, rubbing against her groin would elicit a look from her almost of pain, but as she whines needfully, pushing her hips back, grinding against that pinky, shivering with pleasure, spreading her honey over it's tip. Her pace would quicken, licking faster and harder against that flesh, ever so careful to avoid the clitoris. The words would encourage her, a smile forming at the edges of her muzzle, not forgetting the danger, but allowing her fear to subside as she sets about her work. The overpowering aroma emanating from the channel but a few feet from the diminutive vixen threatens to overwhelm, but unlike before, she resists the frenzy, humping back against the digit as she works. Then that hand cups over her, delving into the cavern beyond before coating her in that warm, sticky, lubricating fluid, overwhelming her senses of smell, taste and touch. Her self-control is pushed to the breaking point as she leans forward slightly, lifting her rump higher, dangerously compromising her balance as she begins to offer quick, light licks against the clitoris itself, knowing fully well what effect such stimulation would do to that bud of nerve endings ... once properly aroused.~ Jeasti: When Serolas’s tongue licked Jeasti’s clit, her body jerked in response. It wasn’t fear, or surprise, but the sudden amount of pleasure had thrown her off guard, and her body reacted before she could even think to hold back her reflexes. The licks sent electric jolts of pleasure up her spine, causing her to writhe under the vixen’s body. Jeasti’s hands worked and took hold of the vixen’s body gently, keeping her in place, while her other hand worked and massaged her body, but more importantly, massaged Serolas’s nethers, again gently teasing with the idea of putting her pinky into Serolas, but then she remembered what Serolas was doing to her, and with her finger, gently pushed up the tiny hood of Serolas’s presented sex, and began to rub against Serolas’s clit. Jeasti’s nethers however, were getting, for lack of a better word, hungry. Jeasti’s clit had swollen up to be a little smaller than the size of Serolas’s head, while Jeasti’s labia parted, showing a tight wet dripping canal of soft textured folds of flesh, opening just slightly thanks to the attention Serolas was giving her. It was obvious without words, that Jeasti’s body wanted something put in there. (e) Serolas:: A gasp would be heard, surprise and fear as the skin below her bucks violently, threatening to dislodge her. She would go flat, groin pressing on that pinky as she feels her tenuous grip weaken. The sudden feel of that hand, interrupting her impending slide and pressing her down into Jeasti's crotch would be taken, not with fear, but with relief, allowing her to continue her work. She would watch the huge finger come down, right in front of her head to present that swelling nub to her, giving her easier access. So encouraged, pleased at the reaction, despite the fear generated by the powerful forces at work around her, she would renew her work with vigor. A grin forms as she would again lap at the clit, growing forceful with her attentions. The vixen would be unable to hump back against the warm pressure against her own cunny, but Jeasti would feel the figure beneath her hand shudder with pleasure, whines of pleasure emanating forth, tail flicking up from beneath her palm in happiness. Determined to bring satisfaction, release to her benefactor, she would twist her head, lapping at the flesh from different angles, varying over the surface of that nub ... all of it that she could reach with her tongue. Her grin grows mischievous as she ups the stakes, opening her slender jaws to place a sharp, yet gentle nip at the swollen flesh of her lover's clitoris.~ Jeasti: Jeasti let out a little squeak of pain as Serolas nibbled her clit. Jeasti truly like this, a sharp inhalation of air and a small moaning sound, as well as more hips bucking were evidence of that. Jeasti however, was loosing her self control again, so she thought it would be best to tell her student what she was going to do. “I will not hurt you. Or at least not much” She said, as she moved Serolas down so that her whole body rested against her slit, and she pressed hard, so that Jeasti’s entire body would be pushed against Jeasti’s nethers, Jeasti’s clit would be right between Serolas's legs, and Jeasti would rub the vixen’s body with it, teasing her with it while she let out not so small anymore moans of pleasure. Jeasti’s breath came hard and fast, she was anticipating pleasure, and she was getting it, Serolas was a wonderful companion, and if she had a penis Jeasti would have let her use it on her. But since she doesn’t… well, Then Jeasti would just have to make Serolas use her whole beautiful body… Which is what Jeasti did just then. She began with Serolas’s face, since that was the closest to the entrance of Jeasti’s vagina. Using both hands, she would move and force Serolas into those slick soft walls that eagerly undulated and pulsed with her fast beating heart in anticipation. There was even more liquid in Jeasti, and Serolas would be liberally coated again, but more importantly, when Jeasti had managed to push her apprentice up to her knees into her sex, she pulled her back, and the put her back in. “Mmm... my own apprentice, and sex toy... Hope you don’t mind darling~” She said as she clenched the walls of her nethers around Serolas, squeezing her and holding her tight with the soft textured walls. Serolas:: Serolas would feel a swell of triumph as she feels the moans rippling out from her lover's body, softly vibrating with the sound as she senses the violent spasms of strong muscle beneath her. Ears would prick, flattening against the cupped fingers pressing her down as she listens, growing uncertain, and then a little panicky as she feels herself slide, downward against that smooth flesh, the motion flattening her soft breasts, the stiffened points of her nipples against Jeasti's groin, her body velvety with soft fur, and lubricated with slick nectar. She can feel the blood rushing to her head as the incline deepens, almost to the vertical, upside down ... her focus more on the fact that her muzzle, and then the rest of her body is dragging across that large nub and ... oh goddess, such intense heat, and the most incredibly velvet flesh, far more than she'd ever imagine getting to feel against her, soaking her fur with moisture and driving more of that intoxicating pheremonal scent to her sensitive nose. As she descends, she takes a quick moment to evaluate this turn of events, and it's implications, and her reaction, fearful, uncertain, is accepting. As she feels the puffy folds across the length of her body, the white fur of her chest, belly pressing against the silky entrance to that cavern, she would writhe against it, still eager to please, bring pleasure. Her orientation is ... awkward, unused to lovemaking while upside down, but she focuses on bringing pleasure to this creature ... yearning to satisfy her. The feel of Jeasti's clit between her legs is an unexpected treat, and her movements intensify, grinding against it with the heated fervor that so often takes hold of someone in the act of intense lovemaking. Much as she knew what might come next ... she is still unprepared for it, reacting out of instinct rather than conscious desire as she feels her head, her upper body press into those silky walls, parting to reveal a channel. “Oh Goddess ... “ She would cry out, her fearful whimper tinged with pleasure. Her arms pushing, and then pulling at the folds of her host's labia before they are drawn in, pressed to her sides. Such ends her attempts to slow her egress inside of her lover, and she begins to struggle ... not fighting for her life so much as uncertain as to the implications. She has little time to adjust before she's almost completely encased in heaving, shifting, moisture, heat and silky walls embracing her form, her intentional struggles mixing in with the way that Jeasti's cunny pushes her body about, squeezing and shifting around her, disorienting.~ Jeasti: The fear, the struggle. Due in no small part to her nature, Jeasti could almost taste the vixen she now held betwixt her loins, As her insides writhed around their prisoner in pleasure, the hold of Serolas firm and yet not damaging. Jeasti moved her hips, thrusting Ser into the walls of her sex, using her much like one would a sex toy, rubbing her insides with her, twisting her while she was inside of her, and squeezing herself around her. Jeasti let out moans of pleasure, as she bucked her hips, and she removed her hand from constantly pressing Serolas into herself, and biting her lip, she let her nethers do the work. “NNnnn” She moaned through clenched teeth, Her sex grabbing hold of Ser and undulating in orgasmic pleasure around the vixen, as she was now completely pulled into and trapped inside of Jeasti’s vagina. Jeasti even made sure of this by cupping her own nethers and rubbing them, making the flesh around Serolas move even more. Jeasti let loose a gasp, as she closed her legs now, and nothing Serolas could do then would ever let her gain her own freedom from Jeasti’s nethers, which were quickly filling with the fluid of sex, lust, and orgasmic pleasure. Serolas:: The vixen quickly finds that attempts to push out against the walls imprisoning her are futile. Even before she's dragged back towards the entrance to her wet prison, vaginal contractions squeeze her arms back painfully, and she pins her arms back to her sides for fear of damaging them. As Jeasti begins to fuck her into that pussy, in and out with increasing speed, Serolas's world becomes an eerie, tight experience of being squeezed by surfaces rushing past her, meeting no resistance in either direction aside from the walls themselves attempting to bear down on her. There is friction, as the walls press against her entire body, her breasts would flatten against her, her bucking form would expose her slit between her closed legs to the gliding surface rushing past it. Her own pleasure would continue to grow, in spite of her fear. Her legs themselves, held firmly between tight fingers, would flex, trembling, stimulation and fear, helplessness and frustration at being forced by the pressure of Jeasti's pleasure almost ram rod straight, conforming her body to the angle that the that the inner walls of Jeasti's pussy curves to. Then ... it stops ... her legs free of the binding force that drives the tightness back and forth around her ... naught but her ankles protruding from those pouty folds. Her body numb from the over-stimulation provided by the inverse fucking she'd just received, she finds that without the assistance provided by those fingers, things are far from still. In fact, the hungry walls about her come alive with need, squeezing, clenching, pressing in and milking the vixen, seeking to be filled further, demanding a tribute of seed that she is incapable of producing. An experience so unlike the tight, rapid domination and consuming need of Jeasti's throat ... there are no tangible waves rolling about her, forcing her down efficiently like a morsel of food. Instead, each contraction has it's own tempo, some quivering about her in a soft shiver, others combining like the crest of a wave to press her firmly, conforming the flesh to her body. Pushing and tugging, combining with the bucking and rolling of the body around her, she's jostled every which way, the insistent flesh consuming her, tugging those feet inward ... removing the feel of cold air from her body, her frame of reference to the outside world. Far from depriving her of sensation, the lack of sight is more than made up for with the other senses. Every inch of her is squeezed, kneaded, jostled and caressed ... at times firmly, at other times, opening up, widening the pocket of air sustaining her as she's dragged deeper, constantly stimulating every erogenous zone she had at random. Her ears are treated to deep reverberations of her mentor's thrashings, her cries, the inner workings of the nearby intestine gurgling eagerly in anticipation, waiting less than patiently for the recently consumed breakfast. Far louder than those is the constant, squelching and flatulent sounds around her, liquid and intense. Nectar is produced and kneaded into her fur, her ears, eyes and nose, every orifice ... and she has to fight to keep access to the pockets of air producing those lude sounds. Perhaps most overwhelming to the vixen is the scent, that nectar holding powerful pheromones of a creature she has never before encountered overloading the neural pathways dedicated to her sense of smell, their effects uncertain. All of this would combine in a manner that terrifies, yet at the same time, drives her loins into a fever pitch state that induces thrashing, screaming of a blissful nature never before emitted by those vulpine lips. Her rational mind is occupied almost completely with the constant fight for air, with the lubricating fluid pushing up from below, dripping from above, filling up the space she occupies, and draining out past her, seeking out an exit denied to her. Distracting her from this pursuit is her overwhelming libido, driven beyond what she believed possible, yet lacking the required direct stimuli to trigger climax ... tortured by an constant random stimulation. Thus, her struggles for each breath mix with blissful, pained, thrashing, desperate for something to fill her and bring relief, yet unable to do it herself for fear of succumbing to the fluid love of her mistress. Such is the experience of Serolas Fleetwood on the first morning of her apprenticeship ... seeming to last an eternity without relief, a most wonderful and terrible torture. Had she been informed a day prior as to the manner in which she would commence upon the education she so eagerly desired, she would have very much questioned the speaker's sanity, that or judged the speaker of a poor sense of humor, and even poorer taste. Yet still, her own sanity is stretched to the breaking point, conflicting emotions elevated to far beyond levels that she knew possible, even as her body gradually starves of air. She does manage to make the wry, ironic stray thought, that if she survives this, she would be willing to believe that nothing was beyond the realm of possibility, no matter how surreal, bizzare, horrible or divine.~ Jeasti: (( I think if you were to post just that on eka's as writing, it would be one of the top viewed items. *drool* doesn't quite cover it. )) Jeasti: There is a fine time in sex, where the body seems to shudder with pleasure, flowing from the loins and spreading to the entire body, the fiery passion emanating from that central point touching the tips of one’s toes, to the ends of the fingers, and when finally the body is covered in that orgasmic feeling, there is a moment of pleasure that makes you lose complete control of your body. All portions of the body tell the brain that this, is what living should be about, that this, is an orgasm. This moment is often fleeting, lasting the barest of moments and making one lightheaded after just the taste. This however, was one of the rare occasions when that orgasmic feeling persisted for a great few minutes, the fiery passion of that pleasure making her moan and writhe in pleasure, rolling onto her stomach and knocking furniture down, gripping and that this, is what living should be about, that this, is an orgasm. This moment is often fleeting, lasting the barest of moments and making one lightheaded after just the taste. This however, was one of the rare occasions when that orgasmic feeling persisted for a great few minutes, the fiery passion of that pleasure making her moan and writhe in pleasure, rolling onto her stomach and knocking furniture down, gripping and tearing the carpet with her claws as her body had a pleasure induced seizure, her body going into spasms, her nethers clenching more erratically and closing around Serolas like a sheet as she was pushed deeper, her head bumping on Jeasti’s cervix. And with that last added amount of pleasure, Jeasti lost control of her transfiguration. She had just enough not to mess up the size changing magic, as she did not want to crush her now most favorite possession in the world, but that meant she had to let go of her guise. Wings sprouted from her back, dark umber and draconic, a likewise draconic tail sprouting from her rear, the tail squirming immediately in response to the pleasure Jeasti was feeling. The demonic heritage showed itself as well, as small gouts of fire shot from two parts of her head, forming and darkening to solidify into horns. Jeasti stopped moving then, her body was tired and did not want to move, the spasms and sex had taken most of her energy and now she just focused on remembering how to breathe. The transformation would change little from the vixen’s point of view, Jeasti’s nethers however would suddenly seem to be tickly, as they became far more textured, with bumps and small tendril like formations that began to rub into horns. Jeasti stopped moving then, her body was tired and did not want to move, the spasms and sex had taken most of her energy and now she just focused on remembering how to breathe. The transformation would change little from the vixen’s point of view, Jeasti’s nethers however would suddenly seem to be tickly, as they became far more textured, with bumps and small tendril like formations that began to rub against Serolas’s body, and Jeasti’s insides would become sauna hot. Jeasti, laying flat on the floor of her dining room, reached down and put a hand on the floor to push her so that she was facing up again, only to feel pain as she realized she just twisted her wing. And then she of course remembered that she had lost control of her disguise spell. Jeasti searched with frightened eyes around to make sure Serolas was still inside of her. Another orgasm worthy roll of bliss went up her spine, and she knew then that her apprentice was still safely in her body. Safe of course being a relative term. Jeasti let herself spend a moment just feeling Serolas inside of her, causing Jeasti to moan as the walls around the vixen’s body moved around, the small nubby tendrils and bumps rubbing against her wet matted fur, however being far more attracted to the hotter areas of Serolas’s body, such as the one between her legs. Jeasti took a steadying breath and began to speak again. “T-that… Was worth… well… Lots of stuff” She managed to say, chuckling at her own words and how stupid they sounded. “How are you doing in there?” She said, and she put a hand down on her body where she felt Serolas to be, and pushed down hard on herself to squeeze Serolas more with her body. Serolas:: At this point, suffocation would be a blissful release in it's own right, even as the buzzing in the vixen's skull warns her of her own lack of oxygen. However, those pockets can still be found, and some as of yet are breathable. Serolas is too proud, obstinate to die this way, it would be so easy to just close her muzzle and give herself to the heat, the pressure, the pleasure calling to her. Still she fights on, risking limb to push at the flesh at her head, even as she's jostled about. Things grow violent, far more violent, tumbling her over, shaking her, and then ... she's wrapped tight, painfully tight, unable to move, unable to think, unable to breathe. Her tears mix with the potent liquid ... and then the orgasmic contraction passes, only to have another slam across, around her ... and then another. Her head is nestled at the end of that tunnel, the orifice ahead grasping at her muzzle, eager for semen that will never come. She is loosing her fight ... stars dancing in her vision as the pain in her chest forces her to gasp, sucking in sweet and bitter nectar. She jerks her head back, letting the punishing walls curl her into a ball at the end of that canal, and mercifully, her nose finds a few more bubbles. Just as she thinks she can take no more ... it is over, the walls of her prison relaxes, and the opening that had tried to claim her closes against her back. Her weakened body can feel the pulse of magic ... and then things grow surreal, the walls changing in a manner that would have given her nightmares had she been lucid enough to notice. The damage has been done at this point, and her attempts to draw at the last few bits of air are futile with the liquid she'd inhaled. It is a bitter irony that, even as she begins to loose consciousness, the bizzare, lovecraftian tendrils caressing her body in the heat ensure that, half dead, she is on the very edge of arousal. Still, she struggles on as that hot flesh moves around her, relaxing, content. She manages to smile, figuring that she had done good work ... and now would accept her reward for it as unconsciousness threatens to claim her. A dull voice calls from a distance, but she can worry about that after she gets some sleep.~ Jeasti: Jeasti was mildly confused... The struggling stopped inside of her and Serolas was unmoving... “Hey, are you okay in there?” She said again, thinking for a moment before she realizes something, making her mind clear, her body as though she was tossed into the arctic ocean in winter. Jeasti hadn’t cast a safety spell on Serolas... She probably couldn’t... Shit. Jeasti spread her legs and with a hand dug into herself. Her body was well relaxed and the walls of her vagina were loose after so much activity, and she managed to fit her whole hand inside of her as she began chanting a spell with some unintelligible incantation. With Serolas safely in hand, she set her down on the floor and let the small activate, causing her to no longer be a giantess, to be just someone of normal size. Rushing over to Serolas, she checked her out… Lack of air… Was she breathing at all? She had magic that could fix this but she may be too far lost for a spell that takes time. “Damn it!” She shouted as she rushed down to Serolas’s side, using one hand to steady the Vixen’s face, and the other to plug her nose, Jeasti put their lips together, and blew air into the apprentice’s body. She tried to breathe life into her, regardless if she actually drew breath or not, she was not going to risk losing this one! She gave Serolas CPR, and while she was by no means religious, she prayed that Serolas would be okay. (e) Serolas:: Soaking, limp ... eyes half lidded ... the poor girl looks unconscious. But as Jeasti shoves her hands into the vixen's abdomen, she would get a reaction. A wet, gurgling whimper would sound ... tinged with annoyance that she was being roused. She would roll on her side, drawing short, sudden breaths, her nude, bedraggled body beginning to tremble violently. The fact that she's still moving, much less breathing, is a testament to the vulpine's resilience, much less her stubborn will to live, in spite of the smothering she'd just received. She would desperately grasp for fresh air, desperately trying to fill her lungs. Instead, her breath would be cut short, exhaling sharply as she expels the potent nectar partially filing her lungs with a gurgling choke. Her muzzle would gape like a hooked fish, vision swimming with stars as darkness threatens to overwhelm. Finally, she inhales deeply, her body heaving with the effort. She makes a sharp desperate wheezing noise as her chest expands with as much force as her fatigued muscles would allow, gulping at the atmosphere as if it were sweeter than the finest wine. One would think that she would remain still as she breathes in deep, ragged gasps, but her body curls inward, attempting to address another need, one that is perhaps now even more urgent than the necessity to breathe. Aching, abused muscles complain with her effort as she spreads her legs, a hand cupping at her groin as she desperately attempts to jam her fingers within herself, her body trembling violently, not just from the cold of her wet fur exposed to the air, but the immense need that had been built up inside of her, compacted into her by the convulsions of the flesh that had claimed her, and even fueled to newer heights by the powerful musk still assailing her nostrils. Every muscle in her oxygen-deprived body is numb, uncoordinated, her fingers fumbling in their attempts to ease the pressure welling up inside her, well beyond the breaking point. She would loose an anguished howl from her gasping lungs as her fingers slip awkwardly against the entrance to her own snatch, as if afraid that the cold air and the sudden lack of overwhelming outside stimulation would deprive her of the release she so urgently needed. For the moment, Jeasti is either ignored, or ... more likely, completely forgotten to the haze of such a need denied.~ Jeasti: Jeasti looked at Serolas in nigh-disbelief. Instead of helping, she first dealt with the major problem of her appearance. With a snap of her fingers, All of the extra additions to her form vanished, making her once again appear just human. Serolas, fumbling with her own body made Jeasti had an idea, so she used a simple spell to make one addition to herself. Jeasti was still in a state of heightened arousal, and the fact that Serolas was pretty much masturbating in front of her did not help with calming down, which is why when Jeasti cast a spell to give herself a penis, it was throbbing and hard as a rock, it’s 8” length dripping some pre-cum, and Jeasti put herself right in front of Serolas, grinning at her. “Here, I think you need one of these” She said as she pinned Serolas to the ground, and slipped her penis right up to the vixen’s slit, Jeasti pinned each of Serolas’s hands down and pushed the tip of her penis against the slit, inching it in just a bit before pulling out, her tongue coming out of her mouth as she moved her head down to nibble at one of Serolas’s tits “Now then my dear-“ She said, her head now moving up to kiss Serolas on the lips, Jeasti’s body was pressed hard against the vixen’s smaller body, trapping her while Jeasti threatened to fuck her. “I think what’s between your legs, wants what’s between mine. Would you like me to shove this inside of you? Would you like me to make you scream in pleasure, and writhe in ecstasy from an orgasm strong enough to send you up to heaven?” (e) Serolas:: The vixen is lost in her own world, her mind still stretched across the yawning divide between overwhelming misery and incredible bliss. Having something happen other than random jostling, squeezing begins to settle on her awareness. And as the other rolls her onto her back, her unfocused eyes stare, shifting to her as those lips curl in a weak growl, protesting the interruption. She would feel a new heat, something unplanned, a pressure against her nethers that felt ... right. The irises shift, and then she's actually looking at Jeasti ... she draws out of her reverie in a sudden shock, her body jerking as she wrests control of her mind free. It takes a moment for her to take in her surroundings as the waves of sore pain and aching need crash down on her, both at once. She would cry, not the choking sobs of a human, but a high pitched canine peal, bewildered and surprised at the sensations flooding over her. She would look at Jeasti's nude form once more, her beautiful face, those lips suckling at her teat ... those gorgeous breasts, her sculpted waist ... and then ... she doesn't even recognize the prison she was just released from. Still trying to pick up the pieces of her mind, it takes her a moment to realize what Jeasti was offering her ... and when it does hit, her expression would grow even more pained, arching her back and offering up her hips. “Oh ... fuck ... pleaaase.” She would wail out ... plaintive and desperate in a way that she would have balked at not long ago, so great was the burning within her. Her hips would squirm, arms tugging at Jeasti's grasp as she tries to push herself down onto that hard shaft. Jeasti: “Whatever you say-“ She said, and thrust her full length into Serolas, She pulled out some, and thrust in again. Jeasti was not being gentle, after all, The Vixen had said the magical word, She was in need of a good fucking, not lovemaking. Jeasti’s grip on Serolas was tight, and she slipped her dick inside Serolas to massage the inside of her walls, a stray hand moved down from it’s position pinning Serolas to see if it could tease Serolas’s clit. Jeasti’s other hand massaged Serolas’s breast, and finally Jeasti lowered her lips onto Serolas and began to kiss her. Not in the romantic sense, in the tongue smacking tonsil hockey sense, where teeth, sucking, tongue and lips were used with no reservation. She used her tongue to invade Serolas’s mouth, having it play with the vixen’s own. Jeasti’s dick was inside of Serolas, and Jeasti ground her hips, gyrating them and moving that penis around inside of the vixen’s soft folds, She kept a rhythm, a strong, powerful rhythm, that steadily increased. (~e~) Serolas:: The vixen would plant her soles to their sides, spreading wide to accept the offered advance eagerly. For one who normally likes to start slow, Serolas is not eager for more of that cock, she's desperate, the shifter for libido already pushed to it's highest gears, and then broken off. It's a small mercy that she's so well prepared, lubricated and ready for her, for she's a very tight fit, snug velvet walls clamping down hungrily around Jeasti. No whimpers, no sylvete moaning ... the girl is screaming at this point, shuddering and bearing down on the meat filling her, giving Jeasti a similar treatment to the one she'd just received. She would feel something brush against her clit ... and then it all went white. She would later have difficulty recalling certain details about the experience, especially as her memory would approach Jeasti's climax, but the searing gusher that welled up inside of her at Jeasti's touch would be permanently etched into her memory until the day she died. Pain, misery, fear, curiosity, hope ... all is forgotten as her body lifts off the floor, arching on the heels of her feet and the back of her head. An unearthly sound pealing from her lips, hoarse and ragged from her earlier struggle for air. Jaws wide, her body going rigid as she slams herself up against her lover, her gaze empty, swimming as her mind fires off like a main line hitting a ground wire. The epicenter of fire, electricity, death and life for the vixen would tighten in, her tight snatch quivering violently as it tries to accept that shaft even further. Her muscles give out before her climax does, and she collapses into convulsions, eyes rolled back as her shorted brain places requests that her fatigued body can't possibly fulfill. A small eternity passes before she collapses completely against he ground, her drained body heaving with effort. ~ Jeasti: The sex was amazing, She didn’t often get to use a penis, and it was a familiar sensation since it had been so long, but just foreign enough that it threw her off guard as the sensations attacked her in a way she was not prepared for. Serolas’s desperate need was like wine, Jeasti could taste it in the air and it just made her so hard, so… Jeasti felt that trembling orgasm, like an earthquake, or a sudden typhoon, it shook her and brought her along with it, Jeasti too was screaming in pleasure, her penis throbbing as she ejaculated her white hot cum into Serolas’s depths, She still thrust into Serolas for just a little while longer, trying to get every drop of pleasure she could, and fill Serolas with every drop of cum that her body could produce. Breathing heavily, Jeasti let herself collapse on top of Serolas, breathing heavily, gently nuzzling the Vixen’s neck with her dick still snugly fit in Serolas’s body. “I take it you enjoyed it...” She said as she tried to look Serolas in the eyes, chuckling as she did so. “I think the rest of the lessons I had planned for today can wait. I think we need a bath, and a nap...” (~e~) Serolas: Her vision would clear, tired muscles going limp against the floor, and she lies there, feeling her body rocked roughly against the cold tile, feeling her lover fill her with the warmth of seed, flooding through her being like the incredible buzzing pleasure still washing over her in waves like a receding storm. Her beloved would collapse against the vixen, treating her to the comforting warmth of that exquisite, perfect body. She would feel those breasts pillowing against her shoulders, her own pressing around the other's shapely abdomen, still coupled, filling her, completing her like pieces of a puzzle fit together. For that endless moment, Serolas is truly happy. She would feel her lover push up, dragging those stiff points against her fur, feel the other press against the the silky surface of her shoulder, against her neck, comforting, soothing, as it should be. Somehow over the course of the brief tempest of lovemaking, she'd entwined her legs about those shapely hips, as if her teacher might escape, depriving her, tail splaying out from between their legs, thumping contentedly on the ground. The picture of the two of them there, embraced in the sweetest, most intimate of embraces, would be one that would seem out of place, paradoxical even, considering the participants. But for that one endless moment, it is perfect. She would smile, eagerly, tenderly, with admiration; adoration even, looking up to meet that gaze ... and then their eyes lock. She looks a Jeasti ... and that moment seems to end. The past few minutes, perhaps no more than a half hour at the most ... reeling back through her mind like a broken movie reel, warped and distorted, pieces missing. The apprentice would study the face of her new mistress, albeit those are not yet the terms she is accustomed to, evaluating her, contemplating ... worry forming as she gauges the consequences of her actions, her choices, the outcomes uncertain. Her smile would fade a little, unable to hide her uncertainties, the niggling mistrust that digs deep within her, yet the genuine appreciation in those eyes, gratitude and affection shining brightly. Her smile would brighten again, this time in embarrassed humor, nodding silently in agreement to the dry observation, oh yes, she had very much enjoyed it, that last bit anyway. A brow would crook, inquisitive, perhaps a bit teasing, mischievous as she gestures with her eyes, down at her groin, as if to ask 'where did that come from?' ... offering a squeeze around the offending party playfully, tightening around that sensitive dick. “A nap ...” She would sigh ... the idea sounding wonderful to her aching body. A nap she would very much enjoy. She heavy feel of … a multitude of things soaking into her fur would indeed indicate that she was in bad need of bathing. Hot water would be a wonderful salve to her aching muscles. But first, a little playful ribbing ... “If that was breakfast, what would we be having for dinner?” Her tone is a little more casual, trusting, as if teasing a confidant ... it is uncertain as to whether or not the vixen is merely warming to her host, or if she's actively testing her boundaries. She would giggle softly, sitting up, if nothing else but to press against that warmth once more, returning the earlier nuzzle. She resists the temptation to lick at that enticing, naked nipple and surrounding swell as she presses her soft fur against it ... and as she presses up, her shoulder would suddenly seize up, complaining from the treatment it had received, reminding her of the multitude of other aches and pains she feels, competing for attention. She would wince, still cuddling ... and she murmurs. “Let's not do that again ...?” A quiet voice, genuine request, referring not to the rapturous lovemaking, but the suffocating experience that had almost killed her. She makes no attempt to get up, her legs till holding, feet toying against Jeasti's rump ... she wouldn't resist Jeasti's rising, but she's in no hurry to leave that embrace.~ Jeasti: Jeasti would squirm at that squeeze, smiling and closing her eyes as she moved. “Nnnn, I just finished, it’s sensitive. And not in the good way either my dear, let me put this away” She said, as she ran a finger from between her breasts, and slowly ran a line down to that dick between her legs, and the penis seemed to fade and meld back into Jeasti’s flesh, and besides the sticky seamen covering Serolas’s sex, it was as though the member was never there. “Ehh, I dunno really, I suppose I could get out the rope or something, but I would rather just give you a simple magic lesson and cook us some ribs. All the ahh, activity between us has made me whet my appetite. If you couldn’t tell, me stomach didn’t like being denied you.” She let her be cuddled, and enjoyed it very much, but eventually Jeasti pulled away from the cuddles, and stood up, and then bent down to pick up Serolas, lifting her with ease should she not resist. “I don’t think we’ll do that again tonight at the very least. I think though you know what you are getting into though now, and I feel better with you knowing.” She said, with Vixen in her arms as she held her tightly to her, her arm around Serolas’s back, and under her knees, holding her firmly, yet gently. Serolas: That smile would flicker as Serolas suddenly felt empty, not even the usual pleasant feel of being pulled out of, and then her legs slip back together, feeling all the more messy, there would be an effort to not protest, especially considering the kindness that Jeasti had dealt her in allowing her release. As her mind cleared, she would allow her mind to drift, listening … giving a confused look, muzzle breathlessly whispering 'rope?' as if she'd missed a joke. No matter, there were more important things. The mention of Jeasti's stomach brings a shudder, one that can be felt by both, the vixen was paid another reminder of what might have happened, of the fire she's playing with. Still, such troubled thoughts don't last long as she feels surprisingly strong hands lift her diminutive frame up. She would yelp … almost a surprised squeak rather than the full vocalization. No squirming … exhausted, happy to continue to cuddle against her lover, reaching out to hold against her, depending on the manner held. She does pick up on the fact that Jeasti is certainly keeping her options open on possible future activities … and yes … she is getting a better idea, slowly of what she's dealing with. She's actively starting to really evaluate the nature of her situation here. There would be warm, hot bathing … blissful rest. But then she's be back here, and committed too … to what, she wasn't entirely sure. Magic, yes … but there was much more to this than simply learning a trade. Of that, Serolas was certain. It was still up in the air, to the vixen at least, as to whether or not she would be the apprentices, companion, pet or merely plaything for her hostess, or if she would end up as a combination of them … or if any of them would end up getting her killed. There was a war raging inside her … genuine affection for a new-found companion, and deathly fear of the same. A smile forms against her muzzle, not the simple smile of contentment, but full of a host of complicated, interweaving emotions. It was certain that she would need to be open minded, forgiving, compassionate if she were going to accept her mistress. While at the same time, she would have to be intelligent, devious, persistent and aware if she hoped to survive … but she was practiced at surviving … this would be a challenge for her.
“A Yummy Little Sea Kitten” By Jacin (aka CGR-7) You know, the sea holds quite a cash of critters just waiting to be discovered. But those discoveries have different meanings and values to different people. Just walking along the beach one day, early afternoon – nothing special, side by side with my best friend Chloe; the cutest catgirl in the world. As we walked, Chloe just swayed left and right, right and left, just in the free spirited nature she is; not a care in the world. “Hey Jacin,” she leaned toward me, “you wanna go for a swim?” I looked at her puzzled. “You wanna go for a swim?” “Sure, why not?” Questioning in my mind if I wanted to answer that without upsetting her, I just dropped it and pleaded ignorance. She does want to be treated more for her human side. “Oh, no reason Chloe. Just never mind that.” Chloe just shrugged and started to walk toward the water. As I watched her walk toward the shore, I notice a strange type of ripple out amongst the waves, just past the breakwater. Chloe stopped just short of the water as she had noticed the ripple too. She turned toward me and quickly wrapped her arms around herself. “Hey Jacin, is that a shark,” her voice slightly quaking. I wasn’t sure myself and decide to walk down to the shore to join her. I looked out across the water. No fin popped up from the water so it might not have been a shark. However, as I watched the creature move, it had a trail of long hair-like stands that followed the creature as it swam. Chloe and I took a moment and looked at each other to see if the other had any idea as to what the creature could be. Still lacking an answer, I looked back to see the creature popped its head above the water and almost jumped above the surface. It was a dolphin – no, it was a human but without any legs. It was a mermaid. But as I looked closer it still wasn’t quite a mermaid. Her ears were on top of her head instead of on the side; just like Chloe’s ears. I was completely stunned. Turning toward Chloe, she crouched down and edging toward the waterline on all fours, she cocked her head from left to right, almost mesmerized by the mermaid girl. The creature slowly edged her way toward the waterline, all the while looking at both of us. “Hi there,” she said in cute, mousey voice, “I’m Sasha. What’s your name?” I figured she wanted me to answer first. “My name’s Jacin and this is Chloe.” “It’s nice to meet you Jacin. And you Chloe, it nice to –” she looked at me puzzled. “Uh, why is she just staring at me like that?” I looked over to still see Chloe in a type of trance just gazing at the little fish-girl. To break the awkward silence, I was the first to questioned Sasha. “Sasha, not to offend or anything but would mind telling me just what type of mermaid you are. I’ve seen many types of anthropomorphized creatures before but you seem to be in a whole new genetic pool.” “Yeah, I know,” she said with a grin, “from my parents I know I’m a genetic hodgepodge of a human, a fish, and a feline. I been studied by humans before; I overheard some humans on the beach in long white coats refer to me as a ‘Sea Kitten,’ because of my ears.” “A ‘Sea Kitten’ huh,” I smirked. “Well Sasha this is my friend Chloe, she’s a catgirl and in no way shy about showing it, what with how she almost never wears cloths.” Tuning to Chloe, she still had her eyes locked on Sasha. “Hey Chloe,” gently wrapping her arms around herself, “are you alright?” She slowly turned her head toward me; a huge grin ran across her face with her tongue licking her lips. I knew that look. “Chloe? C’mon don’t hurt her.” “What’s wrong Jacin, is she okay?” Sasha looked back and forth from me to Chloe. Without time to warn her, Chloe pounced on her and picked her up out of the seawater by her arms. Sasha was paralyzed in fear with her eyes wide open, her body dripping with water and sweat as she began to whip her tail to break free. “Let me go! What are you doing?” Struggling to get free. She looked toward me, “Jacin, what’s she doing? What’s going on?” Rubbing the back of my neck, “Oh I’m so sorry Sasha… there’s nothing I can do.” Sasha, completely puzzled just looked at me before turning back to Chloe. Chloe was just smiling with the tip of her tongue showing, all excited about her catch. She pulled Sasha to her chest and, gripping her tightly, ran her tongue up across Sasha’s right cheek, just coating her in saliva. Sasha just turned her head away and quietly whimpered and quivered in repulsion. Looking back to Chloe, she slowly lifted her head to look Chloe straight in the eyes. With a small stream of tears from her eyes, she tried to crack a small smile and giggled nervously under her breath. “Ha ha, o-kay I uh… I like you too. You’re very affectionate. You can put me back in the water now, please… please?” She tried to play a cute card to get Chloe to let her go. Unaffected, Chloe again licked her lips and outstretched Sasha away from her body. Sasha’s quaking and feeling of relief was again quickly replaced with fear when Chloe gapped open her mouth to expose her sharp teeth and stick out her tongue. Sasha’s eyes dilated and she let out a terrified shriek as Chloe pushed her into her mouth, head first. As Sasha struggled, still screaming, Chloe continued to push Sasha into her mouth and down her maw. After a minute or two, Chloe was a little tired and had to sit down with just Sasha’s tail sticking out of her mouth. Sasha was still alive and was still flapping her tail to get loose. Chloe finished off her meal by tilting her head back and taking a big, deep gulp, finally slurping Sasha’s tail into her mouth and down her throat. Exhausted, Chloe lied down on her back and just purred sensually while wagging her tail and rubbing her distended belly. She tilted her head back, cutely smiled and sighed. I walked over and sat down beside her. “Well Chloe,” placing my hand on her belly, “I though you would have had more restraint than that. You didn’t have to eat her, she was nice.” Chloe shrugged. “Well aside from that, what did she taste like?” Jokingly I suggested fish. Chloe looked at me and giggled. “No, she actually tasted like… chicken.”
Samus was training. The next Smash tournament is just around the corner, but there is a thing for this tournament; it was only for females. Samus was enitally confused by this. But, as she read on the mail that she got, she started to understand. But then, she was more confused then before. What she saw on the next page was weird. “Vore? What’s that? A weapon or something?”, she said in response. In reality, she was correct. Vore is sometimes used in ancient combat, and is still relevant today. The reason for the use of Vore in ancient times was to purely eliminate your opponent. Today, it’s become a kink well known around the world. She then read the page, which explained every question she had about vore. The result? She had… mixed feelings about it. “Ew! Why would people eat each other? But if I have to do it at this tournament, better get used to it.”, she said with a sigh. Samus continued to read the paper. It explained all types of vore; Anal, Oral, Breast, and Unbirthing. She decided that she would focus on Oral and Anal, since those seem like the two easiest ones. She decided not to work on Breast vore since she had pretty big boobs already, which were F cups. And for Unbirthing, she doesn’t like the idea of holding someone in her womb. She then saw a phone number listed below, which was for something called “Cando’s Prey.” She guessed it was an escort service for preds. She dialed up the number on her phone. She waited a few seconds for someone to pick it up. Then a voice was heard. “This is Cando’s Prey, the Number 1 service for preds. This is Amanda speaking, and how may I help you today?” “Hey. This is Samus Aran.” Samus responded. “I would like to have 2 ladies, please.” Amanda then responded with “Would you like to eat at one at our fine establishments, or would you like delivery, Ms. Aran? Some people you may know are in the establishment I’m in right now.” Samus was surprised. Her original assumption was wrong, plus, her friends were most likely already on it. She had a tough decision to make, but since her friends were already in public, she decided she would join in. “Guess I’ll be eating at the establishment. Where’s your location?”, Samus asked. “We’re on Main Street, in the area where most establishments are. Look for restaurants like TGI Fridays.” “Ok then, I know where that is. Thank you very much.” Samus then hangs up the phone. She then gets in her Dodge Charger, the color scheme of which matched up with her zero suit. 15 minutes later… Samus arrives at the establishment. It’s as big as a Walmart Neighborhood Market, which she should’ve expected, since people with bellies multiple feet in front of them wouldn’t do good in confined spaces. It was 12 PM. She was training, so she kept on her orange gym clothes. Samus then enters the establishment, and the first thing she sees is a waiter with a huge belly. Samus guessed she was on her lunch break earlier. “Hello! Welcome to Cando’s Prey! Honored to have you here, Samus Aran!”, the waitress said. “Will it be a table for 1?” “Actually, no. Do you know any Smash tournament participants are here? I would like to sit with them.”, Samus asked. “Why of course! Right this way!”, the waitress replied. Samus then followed her to the table that some of her friends where sitting at. She saw Palutena, Wii Fit Trainer, and Isabelle. “Hey girls! Haven’t met face-to-face in a long time!” “Oh, it’s Samus.”, Palutena replied. “How are you doing? Training going well?” Samus replied “Sure has. I have a defined six-pack now!” “That’s great! You’re really doing good to your body, Samus!”, Wii Fit Trainer said, proud of her friends accomplishment. “At least I’ve done this before…” Isabelle said. She followed up with “The mayor’s certainly one kinky dude…” “Palutena. You should at least have known of vore before, since you’re a goddess and all.”, Samus said to Palutena. “Of course I had. Back hundreds of years, people used it in warfare. I just never did it myself.” A waitress came up to the girls. “Here’s your order. Two for the each of you ladies. Enjoy your meal!” She then left the table, leaving eight people behind, all female. “We want to go first!”, two purple-haired girls said in anticipation. They where completely exposed, no clothing on. “We’re yours, Isabelle!” “Well then, what are your names?”, the yellowed-fur Shi-Tzu asked. “You don’t need our names, we’re just food now.” They replied. “Oh… Ok then. You can go up my ass, while for you, you can go down my mouth.” Isabelle then removed her clothes from her bottom half. She then climbs on the table, opening her mouth wide, and gaining control of her rectum. “Just put your hands in my asshole, I’ll do the work. And for you, you know what to do.” The two girls both do as their told. And so, the vore process begins. *Gulp* Since Isabelle is a fairly-experienced predator, she gets passed the shoulders in the first gulp. *SHLORP* She also pulls in her other prey in her ass passed the elbows, since the mayor constantly did the same process with Isabelle multiple times. *SLUUUUURP* She swallows past her first prey’s midsection, eager to finish the process quick, so she can see her friends do it as soon as possible. All in them are in awe of how Isabelle is seemingly doing this with no difficulty at all. Samus then sported a smirk. “Oops.”, Samus said in a sarcastic way. She then pushes the butt food all the way in. Isabelle is taken by surprise, as she thought someone like Palutena would do such a thing like that, but not the cool-headed Samus Aran. *Gulp* Isabelle gets to her prey’s hips. She licks her pussy a bit before totally swallowing her down. *GULP* “Ah… What a nice meal… Thanks for the help, Samus.” Isabelle gets off the table with some difficulty, due to her enlarged midsection. “Well then, who’s going next?” “I’ll go next. Watch me.”, Samus says with confidence. With the help of a rope of a passing waitress, Samus ties her prey up. She then lifts up her workout pants and says to her prey: “You’re mine.” *SCHLORP* She then jumps up in the air, landing on their heads. But since Samus has great agility, she manages to get them in just one go. “Oh… This vore thing… I like it a lot better now.” Samus sits on the floor, completely exhausted. “It’ll be my turn now.”, Palutena said. She chose her two prey, and with her magic, directed them towards her bowels. With a spell, she easily slurped up both of her prey up her ass. “This feels so good…” she said. “I never experienced pleasure like this before!” “And I’m the last one…” Wii Fit Trainer sighs. “This is going to break my diet, but I need to do this.” *GULP* She swallows her first prey’s head. Wii Fit Trainer likes the taste. It’s like the red meat part of a healty lifestyle. *Gulp, Gulp, Gulp* Wii Fit Trainer has gotten to the midsection. The taste is so hypnotic to her. It’s like she ate fast food for the first time in years. *GULP, GULP, Sluuurrp* Wii Fit Trainer has successfully eaten her first prey. She likes the feeling of being so full. “Sorry to say this, but I have to do this quickly. I have lessons to teach!” *SLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPP* She slurps up her second prey without hesitation. And with that, everyone’s filled to the brim. “Hey girls... Want to crash at my place?”, Samus asks the girls. “Like I said earlier, I have places to be. Sorry.”, Wii Fit Trainer responds. “I would love to! There’s nothing big going on in the town anyway…” Isabelle replied. “Same here. I wouldn’t want Pit to see me like this.”, Palutena says. “Okay. Let’s get in my car.”, Samus says. The three ladies managed to fit in the car with a lot of difficulty, but managed to drive to Samus’s place safe and sound. They all drift off to sleep… Several hours later… “Ooh… I… Really need to go…”, Samus thinks to herself. She already smells putrid odors from the bathroom, which indicates her friends have been in there before her. She quickly opens the door, and the whole place smells like a garbage can. She decides to not mind the smell since she really needs to go. She then sits on the toilet seat. She knows that this will take some time since this is her first time trying vore. “Here we go...” Samus grunts. The turd first started to come out in big pellets, but as she went on, it started solidifying. “Oh god… *PFFFFT!*” She farted really loudly as all the shit and some bone fragments of the girls she ate started to rapidly exit her bowels. And after 5 minutes of this process, everything is done. She looks at the toilet bowl, and sees as least half of it filled with shit. She then looks at her belly, how packed with a small layer of fat, since most of the fat went to the right places. She has F cups, which caused her bra to break apart when she was sleeping. Her butt also had gotten a massive upgrade, with her panties barely visible. “I have to check on the others…” She thinks to herself. She then goes to the living room, seeing the two playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on her switch. “How are you two doing?”, she asks. “Good. I have F cups now, while Isabelle has double D’s from the people we ate.But both of our rears have extended massively. You can see it if you walk by us.”, Palutena says. Samus does so, and sees their massive improvements. She is slightly angry that Palutena has a body type similar to hers, but it just makes her all the more delicious. She then proceeds to play with her friends. And then, they keep training every day for the tournament that is yet to come.
 Dez was very accomplished in her profession. Of course, most people wouldn’t dare call what she did a “profession,” but, regardless, the girl had talent, and she knew it. She was a renowned skateboarder, highly renowned, in fact. She let it all go to her head. She had fan girls galore, a healthy sum of money, a cute girlfriend, and a few other good things going for her. And today, she was relaxed and enjoying herself. There was no work, no practice, no meeting; she had the whole day to herself. And she would often take advantage of these days. She had several close—very close—fan girls whom would, every once in a while, pay a visit to her apartment. Today was one of those special days, and she was looking forward to it. The skate was sprawled out across the length of her couch, her tank top having ridden up to expose her toned abdomen. She was incredibly fit, but she was lacking in certain feminine qualities. Her hips were rather square and her chest was quite flat, but what she lacked in womanly beauty, she made up for in some other natural gifts. There was a sudden knock upon her door. With no doubt as to whom it was, Dez rolled off of her sofa and slouched to her feet. She shuffled to the door and didn’t bother to peak through the small, glass hole to see who it was. Instead, she just opened it, a cocky smile spread on her thin lips. When she took a gander at the gorgeous babe standing in the doorway, she took a moment to slick back her short, spiked head of blonde hair, and her grin widened to show off her clean teeth. “Well, hello,” Dez greeted, condescending sensuality glazing her tone. She took a step back, allowing her visitor inside, and then closed the door behind her and locked it tight. “And who do we have here?” The girl had flowing, luscious orange hair the swept just below her breasts, falling over her shoulders and curling around her succulent chest. Her lips were plump and lined with fresh lipstick. Her eyes were a deep green, outlined in a smoky liner and long, full lashes. She was thin, but had excellent curves to her body. All in all, she was probably the most attractive woman to ever be graced by Dez’s presence. “I’m Tess.” Said the girl in a low, sensual tone. Dez instantly felt her pants grow tight with anticipation, and she quickly lead her guest to the bedroom. Tess eyed Dez curiously, her lips parting as though she were about to speak, but Dez cut her off before she could begin. “You look like you belong on bottom, so you can go ahead and get comfortable while I see if I have any condoms.” Dez suggested cheerfully, and she trotted towards her closet, stepping inside and beginning her search. Tess pursed her lips and sat at the foot of the skater’s bed, slowing unzipping the short, vinyl skirt she sported. She glanced towards the closet, catching sight of Dez’s bum sticking up in the air as she looked around for a condom. Tess smirked to herself. “Darling, you don’t need a condom. Not with me.” By the time Dez glanced out, confusion written on her face, her guest had stripped to her undergarment and was positioned like a pin-up girl, suckling gently upon her index finger. Dez eagerly abandoned her search, and hopped onto the bed, practically tearing off her tank top. Tess popped her finger out of her mouth and smiled. “Oh, and one more thing.” She hummed, pushing on Dez’s shoulders and shoving her down on the mattress, flat on her back. Tess straddled the girl’s hips and bent over, leaning close to Dez’s ear to whisper, “I top.” “That’s perfectly fine with me.” Dez responded, completely red in the face. It wasn’t long before her cargo shorts were tugged from her body, along with her underwear. She lay nude, sprawled out beneath her visitor, who began to slowly remove her bra, sliding both straps down her shoulders while staring down at Dez. The skater anxiously began to wiggle her hips, more than ready to slip inside of this unnaturally attractive woman. When Tess had removed her silky panties, Dez instantly felt like she was under a trance. She wanted to fuck like no one’s business! Her guest grasped the erect penis that protruded between Dez’s legs and inserted it into herself with great ease, eliciting a moan of delight while doing so. Tess arched her back as Dez pushed herself deeper inside, gasping as she came to realize just how big the girl was. The woman giggled and lipped the skater’s earlobe, gently nibbling and suckling on it. Dez could hear the moans loud and clear, which gave her incentive to plow harder and turn those moans into pleasurable gasps. While the two were going at it, Tess took a few moments to take in her surroundings; Dez had her eyes shut, after all. The walls were lined with posters of Dez, magazines with Dez’s face on them, pictures of her logo, fan letters with lipstick pressed onto them, and even a few photographs of attractive women. Tess smiled to herself and then resumed eying the girl underneath her. “You’re so deep,” Tess moaned, licking along the outer shell of the skater’s ear, causing the girl’s face to brighten with a red color. “Maybe you can go deeper.” Having said that, Tess pressed herself down far into Dez’s lap, her labia concealing even the base of Dez’s lengthy member. Dez was amazed, but too dumbstruck and involved to say anything. Tess only smirked, and flirted with several ideas all at once. Dez was thrusting her hips wildly and grinding deep inside of the woman atop her, enjoying every movement and contraction that Tess’s birth canal made around her. Squirting a miniscule amount of her semen, Dez suddenly bit into her lip and stared up at Tess. “Holy crap, what if I get you pregnant?!” She exclaimed, propping up on her elbows, only to be pushed down once more by the girl who was anxiously bouncing against her. Tess rested her hands on both of Dez’s shoulders, pinning her down, and hovering over her. “I’m actually counting on it, sweetheart.” With one final bounce, Tess slid the girl out and smiled as she examined her swollen cock that was deprived of the climax that was only moments away. Dez, reluctantly, glanced downward and noticed just how wide the birth canal had become during intercourse. If Dez wasn’t so intrigued, it would’ve been disturbing. “What’re you doing?” Asked the skater in a dazed voice; her body was trembling as it anticipated an incredible orgasm. Her light blue eyes floated upward on their own, fixing themselves upon the ceiling. She didn’t even notice that Tess had taken hold of her two feet and began working them into her open vagina. From then on out, all Dez could feel was an enticing sucking on the lower half of her body. She was completely oblivious to the fact that her body was being drawn into Tess. Tess threw her head back in pleasure. She stroked over Dez’s shins as they slowly entered her body, grazing her clitoris as they passed. The two shivered with delight, and Dez began to mumble incoherently to herself; Tess only smiled, and drew more of the girl inside of herself. Dez was very tall, and certainly fully-grown. Tess remembered, from reading the girl’s profile, that she was twenty-four-years-old, weighed roughly one hundred and forty pounds, and was at least six feet tall. That was a mass that she couldn’t wait to see writhing inside her. She grasped Dez by the shoulders and began to push, sliding the young woman in up to her waist; her knees were bent inside of Tess, confined to a very small space. Once she was inside, the trace Dez was under would be broken, and she would once more be aware of her surroundings. That was Tess’s favorite part of the process. Her lips slurped Dez in to her chest, which was engulfed rapidly until there was only the head remaining outside Tess’s body. Tess looked down at her own body, happily realizing that whatever was left of Dez was blocked by a swelling mound of flesh. She reached both arms beneath her belly, stroking its underside with one set of fingers while she played with Dez’s hair with her other hand. She giggled at Dez’s response: a jolting shift which caused the enormous belly to jiggle around its occupant. Tangling her fingers in the mess of blonde hair, Tess released a faint gasp, and then shoved the rest of Dez inside herself. She felt her lips close over the girl’s head, sealing her inside, and then another sudden jolt of movement. This time, however, the motion was more frantic. Tess moaned, holding her belly as she felt Dez move within, trying desperately to escape. She curved one of her hands upward, slowly rubbing at the squirming dome that was her belly. “Did you enjoy yourself, champ?” Tess taunted with a greedy chuckle, a wide smile growing on her lips when she felt Dez backhand her from inside. “What the hell did you do?!” Dez demanded, struggling violently to claim some more space. “I did to you what all succubi are supposed to do with their healthiest victims. I took you inside me, and soon, you’ll become a succubus yourself!” Tess smiled, stroking the still struggling occupant underneath her flesh soothingly. “Though, I suppose you’d be more of an incubus, wouldn’t you?” “I don’t care!” Dez shouted, squirming still. “I don’t wanna be in here!” “Maybe not, but I want you in here.” Tess retorted as she slowly made to slide off of her victim’s bed, holding her underbelly to keep Dez from uncomfortably sloshing about as she got to her feet. She smiled down at her belly fondly, cradling it. “Gosh, you certainly are a big girl.” Tess waddled into Dez’s bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror, smiling confidently. She placed a hand on her belly, giggling when Dez shifted to avoid the contact, and then rubbed up and down it firmly. She’d gotten large, but her belly was somewhat compact, giving her some indication that Dez had very little room inside. She slipped both hands under her belly to carry it as she left the bathroom, and made her way to Dez’s living room. She sat down upon the couch, her belly spilling out between her legs. Tess let out a contented sigh, and she resumed the rubbing. It felt wonderful to have another girl inside her; of course, the last one was much less of a fighter. Dez wriggled, shifting uncomfortably inside the succubus. The walls around her were slick and pulsating, resonating with the sound of Tess’s heartbeat. The constant thumping was soothing, but Dez refused to relax. She pushed on the womb, trying desperately to harvest more room. She’d never felt so cramped in her life. While she moved, she felt the damned woman rubbing at her from the outside. The image made her quiver. Some woman actually appeared pregnant—with her inside! “Can’t you give me some more room?” Dez grumbled, trying to stretch out her limbs. From the outside, Tess’s stomach bulged slightly, but did not give way to Dez’s need for space. “I’m afraid that’s all I have. See, you’re only my second victim.” Tess admitted, staring down at her belly, watching and feeling Dez continue to move. “What difference does that make?” Growled Dez. “All the difference! If I’d done this more often, I would be much softer and more spacious. So, I guess I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” Dez took a moment to think. When she had first met this girl, Tess had been an alluring young babe who, Dez assumed, was only there to tease her and tempt her into bed. That happened, only slightly backwards. Regardless, Tess wasn’t the same girl she was when she first walked into this apartment room, Dez realized. She had changed, somehow, in her personality. “If I’m not mistaken, I think I just heard a hint of remorse in your tone.” Tess smiled at that, patting her belly. “I wish I had more room to accommodate you. Like I said, you’re a big girl. Certainly bigger than my last one.” Dez pursed her lips and tried to make do with the space provided. “Don’t suppose there’s a story behind that?” “Oh, there is!” Tess replied excitedly, smiling happily at her swollen stomach. “Oh, goody.” Dez remarked, and braced herself.
 Evening light shone through the blinds that concealed the apartment room from the outside world, and vice versa. The orange glow was soothing, and it created a tranquil atmosphere inside the moderately sized living room. The couch was empty by this point, its occupant having moved back into the bedroom for a more comfortable lounge. Tess laid herself down onto her captive’s bed, feeling the warmth of the sheets beneath her. She fingered the tip of the pillow that rested just above her head, and she felt the thin, silky texture of a single hair seized between her two explorative fingers. She pulled that hair away from the pillow and drew it close to her face so that her eyes could easily focus upon it. She squinted, examining the light-stroked piece of hair. It wasn’t Dez’s hair; the color was too dark. The succubus grazed the hair beneath her nose and inhaled, reminiscing in its sweet coconut scent. Tess glanced down at her belly, tilting her head to one side as she released the hair. It became obvious to her that Dez had seen other girls, or, at least one other. Solemnly resuming her delicate fingering of the pillow, she let her free hand rub gently over her belly, smiling in spite of herself when she felt Dez move inside her. “There are dark hairs on this pillow,” Tess decided to state, delicately, hoping for some sort of response. “They probably belong to my girlfriend.” Dez mused, stretching her muscles to any extent that she could within her confined space. “She was here last night. She ought to be back tonight, too, so I really suggest you let me out before she gets here.” There was some hostility in her tone, but it was heavily suppressed by the fatigue that also carried in her voice. Skimming her fingers along the smooth surface of her belly, Tess frowned, and sighed. She did regret her decision, to some extent. However, the incredible feeling that accompanied taking the girl into herself nearly overrode any guilt she may have felt. “I can’t do that,” Tess replied, her tone soft and sympathetic. She moaned when Dez began to squirm, then immediately rubbed both her hands all around her distended stomach in an attempt to soothe the young woman. “Please understand, once you’re in, you can’t come back out. Not until you change completely.” “And just how long is that going to take?” Dez growled, pushing angrily against the slick walls that surrounded her. “I have a life, you know!” “Yes, I know.” Cooed the succubus, rolling onto her side and curling around her rounded belly. She slid her hands down the dome of wriggling flesh and caressed her underbelly, hoping Dez would reason with her. “The time varies. My first girl took an entire two weeks to completely change—“ She paused, feeling a revolt break out within her. “Listen, I don’t have two weeks to wait around in this cramped stomach of yours!” “That’s why I’m going to try and speed up the process!” Tess retorted sharply, her voice cracking from the pleasure Dez orchestrated inside her. “I-It should be simple! What any succubus—or, incubus, I guess, in your case—needs is sex.” She felt Dez’s disbelief immediately. “I can’t have sex in here. For God’s sake, I’m in your pussy!” She quivered when she felt Tess’s hand slide against her face. It was enough to drive her crazy just being crammed inside of another woman; she didn’t need the condescending pats and rubs that accompanied this unnatural pregnancy. “Please, don’t fret.” She heard Tess say from the outside. Reluctantly, Dez creased her brows and shifted into one of the more comfortable positions her small space allowed, signifying that she was listening. “If your girlfriend comes here tonight, she can help. I want you to try and squeeze your penis through my cervix.” Dez hesitated, then felt around where her hands were located. She wasn’t even sure of her current position. She presumed that she was upside down, since her head was the last part of her body to enter the womb, but she didn’t feel the familiar effects of gravity she would normally suffer in such a position. She ran her hands down the pulsating walls, feeling her captor squirm from the pleasure. Her hands continued their exploration until they reached the presumed bottom of her prison. Dez then began to finger at the base of her cell, eventually sliding her index finger through a tight ring of flesh. Tess, outside, cried and grabbed at her belly when Dez found what she was looking for. “Th-That’s it,” Tess panted, rubbing one hand up and down her belly gently while she used her other fingers to venture into her pussy. “Slide it through.” Dez mumbled lowly to herself and tried to reposition herself so that her hips were pressed against the base of Tess’s womb. With great effort, she finally reached it, and, grabbing her dick, she pushed the head through with absolutely no hesitation. Tess squealed, delighted, and fingered the girl’s head inside herself. While Dez continued to push, Tess tugged until the sizeable member protruded, erect, from her vagina. Tess panted and examined the hardened limb, stroking her slick fingers along its length and giggled in response to Dez’s sudden squirming. “See? That worked perfectly!” Tess happily proclaimed. She smiled fondly down at her belly, still stroking the girl’s penis. “You’re going to make an incredible sex fiend.” “That’s what I’ve always aspired to be.” Dez replied, mockingly. She wiggled her hips, earning a pleasured moan from Tess. “I don’t know when she’ll be here. Should I slip it back inside?” “No,” Tess quickly answered, grabbing the girl’s dick, feeling her grow stiff inside her. “This will save time for when she does arrive. Lucky you, all you really need to do is relax and enjoy the ride.” “Because I’m so comfortable right now.” Dez mumbled, grimacing as Tess patted her belly. Tess rolled over onto her back, gazing down at where Dez resided. The girl had an empowering, fighting spirit. It was almost a shame that she had to be cooped up the way she was. “What’s your girlfriend like?” Tess suddenly asked, angering Dez to some extent with the way she avoided the previous confrontation. Dez leaned her face against the wall of Tess’s womb, creating a slight bulge near the girl’s naval. “She’s really sweet, understanding, kind. Everything I’m not, I guess.” Dez sighed, glancing down at the soft flesh that supported her head. “She’s not a pushover, though, so good luck getting her to submit.” “Worry not, my little Dez. Your penis will be all the convincing she needs.” “How are you so sure of that?” Dez challenged. “Just trust me.” Tess stretched out her body, and then curled up around her belly. “She won’t be able to resist.” Dez suddenly became aware of Tess’s smooth, even breathing. Her heart even slowed considerably, which, in turn made Dez drowsy. But the girl shook her head, refusing to give in to the sleep that had been beckoning her for hours. Had she been in her own bed—while not inside someone else, as well—she would gladly doze off. Her day had been long and trying; she was close to letting sleep take her. But just as she was about to close her eyes, her world suddenly jolted, and all her weight was directed towards the front wall of her prison. Tess had sprung up into a sitting position, holding onto her belly to steady it while Dez was shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry about that,” Tess whispered, rubbing her belly as she slid out of the bed. “I heard somebody knock.” Tess, who had been lying naked around the house all afternoon, decided it would be best to get dressed for her visitor. She hiked her vinyl skirt up her legs, huffing when it refused to zip. She tried to suck in her stomach, but of course, it wouldn’t work. The succubus glanced frantically around the room, hoping to find some loose article of clothing that would fit comfortably over her newly engorged stomach. That was when she found Dez’s discarded tank top. Snickering to herself, she bent over, a hand pressed securely to her belly to hold it in place while she retrieved the baggy top. Once she had it, she slipped it over her head and the quickly tugged on her silk panties, then rushed to the door. The door opened slowly, Tess only allowing the visitor to see her face and some of the cleavage that was exposed in the low neck of the tank top. In the doorway stood a girl, who was relatively short, but with an incredible figure. She had ample breasts, a slender waist, and intoxicating hips, but the feature that Tess couldn’t help but focus on was the chocolate brown hair that spilled over the girl’s petite shoulders. This must be Dez’s girlfriend; she could smell the coconut shampoo from a distance. “Um, hello,” whispered Dez’s girlfriend as she stared, perplexedly, at Tess. The girlfriend tried to push the door open wider so that she could enter the apartment, but Tess stuck her foot in the doorframe, whimpering as the edge hit her toes. “Excuse me, but I need to get in. Who are you, anyway?” Tess bit her tongue and ogled the girl. Dez hadn’t cared to describe just how beautiful this girl was, the succubus determined, but she almost found herself drooling. The girl looked confused, and perhaps a little worried. “My name is Tess!” Explained the succubus with a fake smile. “And, if you’re here for your girlfriend, I’m afraid I already beat you to her.” Dez’s girlfriend squinted as she wondered what on Earth that could’ve meant, but as the door swung open, it started to make sense. The girl’s eyes widened, and she took a step back fearfully while staring at the distended belly that Tess was now rubbing gingerly. “D-Dez?” Asked the girl, whimpering when Tess nodded her head and took hold of her arms, tugging her into the apartment. The girl squeaked when Tess slammed the door, locking it. “What did you do to her? Get her out, now!” “Please, calm down. Dez is fine.” Tess insisted, walking the shaken girl over to the couch to sit her down. Dez shifted inside of Tess, feeling the slightest bit awkward, as she knew that her girlfriend was staring at the flesh that concealed her. “Her name is Elena, by the way. I told you this was a bad idea.” “So, Elena, I have a nice proposition for you.” Tess began, drumming her fingers along her belly while she grinned. “I guess I should start with some explanation. Please, just hear me out. I’m a succubus. The only reason I came to this apartment was to swallow your girlfriend and turn her into a su—incubus. It’s that simple!” Elena’s face lost color instantly, and she quickly scooted to the other side of the couch where she was a safe distance away from the monster. She could barely believe what was happening, and had the evidence not been so blatant, she probably wouldn’t believe it. “Anyway,” Tess slid her hand down her belly and pressed her fingers against the silky fabric of her panties, under which rested Dez’s throbbing penis. “The process will speed up if she has sex. Seeing as how you’re her girlfriend, I think it’d be best if she fucked you. Don’t you agree?” The succubus wiggled her panties off and lay down on the sofa, revealing a sliver of Dez to the outside world. The dick was erect and a little swollen, still, from earlier activities. Elena brought a hand to her mouth when she realized exactly where in the succubus Dez was located. “You,” Elena gasped, shaking her head. “I thought you ate her! How did you—?” “How did I what? Get her in here?” Tess grinned, pride sparkling in her eyes while she patted her trophy. “It’s easy, when you’re a succubus. All she needed to do was expand my birth canal, and, well… I swallowed her up.” Tess couldn’t help but giggle. It seemed so strange to explain something that was becoming natural for her. “Maybe I’ll show you, sometime.” “N-No!” Elena quickly protested, still cowering in her corner of the couch. “You had… You had sex with my girlfriend.” Tess’s expression fell when she came to understand what she’d just gotten Dez into. She could feel Dez fidgeting inside her, and she read the disbelief that was so plainly written on Elena’s face. She had sex with someone’s girlfriend. “I take all the blame,” Tess retorted once she’d cleared her mind of guilty thoughts. She grabbed Dez’s dick and sat up, approaching the poor girl at the other end of the couch. “I need you to fuck her, now.” Elena just shook her head, whimpering her refusals and trying to move away as Tess drew ever closer. “I can’t.” “You can, and you will.” Tess corrected her. She leaned forward and pressed herself against Elena, pinning the girl against the armrest with her belly. The girl began to shake and she cried out, trying to ignore the distinguishable features of her girlfriend that she could feel through the taut belly under which she was trapped. While the girl squirmed and squealed protests, Tess removed her skirt, and then her panties. The succubus had exposed the girl’s nether regions, which she soon joined with her own. Dez grew stiff when she felt the head of her cock pressing through her girlfriend’s lips. Her heart began to pound, shooting adrenaline through her veins. Any fatigue she’d experienced earlier was suddenly gone. She was awake, and she wanted to fuck. She’d felt something similar when Tess removed her panties for the first time. As it was then, so it was now. Dez felt like she was under a trance. Tess pushed her hips forward; Elena screamed. The cock was forced inside of her, and it went in deep. Elena stared downward in horror, praying that Dez was, in no way, enjoying this. The girl was deep inside her, and her head was grinding swiftly against the textured walls of her vagina. Elena tried to wiggle herself away from the monster on top of her, but the weight and pressure combined was a force far too great for her to combat. She squealed when Tess thrust again which drilled the cock through her cervix. The poor little girl whimpered when she could hear muffled groans of ecstasy coming from within the gargantuan belly atop her. Dez was enjoying this. “Please, stop.” Pleaded Elena while she hopelessly gripped at the armrest of the couch. The pain was becoming almost unbearable. Her ribs were suffering under the weight of the succubus, and her insides were taking a nasty beating. She was about to crack under the agony; blood was beginning to spill over her labia. “I-I can’t take it anymore.” In that instant, by either luck or misfortune, Dez reached her climax and expelled an incredible amount of her juices. She could hear, beyond the rippling walls that held her, her girlfriend cry in an uncomfortable blend of pain and pleasure, and she then felt her world shift as Tess removed herself from Elena. Dez quivered in delight at the feel of her shaft being tugged out of her girlfriend, only to be sucked back into the succubus. Elena lay panting on the armrest, her legs still spread wide, her netherlips oozing blood and semen. She brought a hand to her face and swept the sweat-drenched hair from her face, keeping her eyes down and away from the succubus who also lay panting only a few inches in front of her. She couldn’t believe what had happened; she had been raped by a succubus, and indirectly by her own lover. True, she wasn’t entirely sure who merited the most blame, but she was willing to spare Dez another lecture. Solemnly, she gathered the courage to look the demon in the eye. “Either let my girlfriend go, or I’ll call the police.” Elena threatened, her tone shaking a bit. Tess sat up, holding her belly as she did and stared at the girl at the other end of the couch. “The police? Sweetheart, I could vanish in a heartbeat. What good would calling those numbskulls do you—?” Tess was suddenly bewildered as Elena practically threw herself at her, calmly clasping her hands and staring into her eyes with undeniable determination burning in her soul. “Can I go in with her?” Tess blinked in confusion and slowly shook her head, biting at her lip when Elena’s eyes began to water once again. She could feel the girl’s pain. Knowing that her Dez would soon be of an entirely race, Tess figured the girl must feel unwelcome and perhaps even a little inferior. “I can’t hold two, I’m sorry.” Tess admitted, reaching forward to touch Elena’s cheek soothingly. Elena shied away but locked her eyes onto the swollen mass of the succubus’s abdomen. The succubus frowned and leaned back, contemplating her next set of words. It could well have been the hormones that accompany pregnancy that was turning her unusually soft, but Tess did feel sorry for Elena. “When I do let Dez out, she won’t be the same. And as such, she could change you, if she so wanted it.” Elena’s face lit up, and she let her posture straighten, more or less oblivious to the pain in her loins. “How?” She readily inquired. “All she’ll need to do is have sex with you. Fortunately for incubi, conversion is very simple. Of course, the sex won’t make any difference unless she is able to fill you with her seed, which will slowly work to corrupt you and turn you into a succubus. Sound good?” Elena had that look on her face that meant she was thinking things over. If she were to become a succubus, by Dez’s own doing, she figured it would be more likely to maintain loyalty between the two of them. Yet, she wasn’t entirely sure what being a succubus entailed. She rubbed her arm, appearing bashful and uncertain. “If that will make her love me, I’ll do it.” “Oh, good!” Tess chimed in while caressing the dome of her abdomen. “I think your girlfriend has dozed off. Now she’ll be vulnerable and easily converted! Perhaps a few more days, and I’ll push this sex-crazed fiend back out into the real world.” The succubus promptly patted her belly and gazed down at it, feeling the girl inside breathing steadily. “She may look a tad different, but don’t worry. That’s Dez in there.” “Will her feelings for me change?” Elena frowned and pressed her hand against Tess’s belly, feeling the cramped body inside. “No, I wouldn’t think so. Actually, she may come out more interested in you than ever before! I hope you like that juicy member of hers, because she’ll be plugging you up like a leaking ceiling!” Elena gave a nervous laugh and reclined comfortably into the couch. The next few days would be lonely, but she would stick things out for Dez. Her Dez.
In the darkest, most isolated room in Titan Tower, Raven was hovering over her bed, something she did often when she had to concentrate. Now, though, unlike times in the past, she wasn’t trying to find her center or delving into her arcane powers, but rather satisfying another desire, a physical desire that had been bothering her for quite some time. Raven’s hands wandered down her body, feeling the silky smoothness of her own skin across her fingers and palms. She timidly touched her breasts, rubbing the tips of her fingers on her areolas. Her hands continued down her body, led by the tingling in her now-moistened sex. She stroked further down her body until her fingers dragged through the short purple bush between her legs. She gasped at the sensation as her damp sex tingled even more, just from her own touch against her pubic hair. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and keep herself afloat. Her gasps grew louder when her fingers finally came into contact with the pink outer folds of her labia. Ripples of energy shot through her as her fingertips drew along the petal-like folds of her vulva. She smiled at the feeling of wetness oozing out of her. Her fingers explored along the folds, noting the different twinges and feelings her motion brought out at each area. She spread her legs farther as she traced over her vulva lips in search of greater pleasure. Tonight, Raven’s mind was in as much turmoil as her body. Earlier today, she had been training outside, using her powers to lift and hurl heavy objects. She was improving; less then a month ago she hadn’t been able to lift even two tons, but now she could manage three. Today, though, she had been lifting a large boulder when Beast Boy simply appeared, his usual lighthearted attitude replaced by a barely-contained feeling of nervousness and fear. For the next ten minutes, Raven had listened to Beast Boy. First, he'd tried to beat around the bush, asking about how her day had been and how she was feeling, but finally he just blurted out what he had come to say: Beast Boy was in love with her. Raven had silently continued to listen as Beast Boy said it wasn’t just an attraction for him, but genuine love. He wanted to be with her: not just date, but be together forever. He only wanted to be with one girl, and that girl was her. As she thought of Beast Boy’s declaration, the young Teen Titan found a nub at the top and rubbed it. An explosion of pleasurable feelings erupted from that single spot, as she used a circular motion there, giving her yet more intense pleasure almost instantly. As she continued to rub over the small fleshy hill, the violently-surging feelings continued to build up, causing her to stroke faster and faster. She parted her legs even wider to reach the spot more readily, feeling as though she would swoon at any moment with the overpowering ecstasy. The pleasure overflowed from Raven’s senses to her brain, but it didn’t wash away Beast Boy’s words. After confessing his love, he had waited there to hear some answer from her. He had looked so scared, so desperate and uncertain of whether his love for her was a love that she returned. When Raven had seen that fear in Beast Boy’s eyes, she had felt something that she had been trying to fight: pleasure. Raven had known for the longest time that she loved Beast Boy, but it was the sick and twisted truth about herself had kept her from acting upon those feelings. She didn't avoid contact with people because she preferred solitude, or because she didn't love or care about them; the horrific truth was that just the sight or even the thought of someone she cared about suffering had always been enough to make her incredibly horny. Raven was brought back to reality as her fingers pinched her clit furiously. She felt her breathing coming faster than when she had first awoken, her inner sensations seeming to build and grow with a need to press on. Her clit begged for more attention and she sped instinctively sped up with two of her fingers on the nub, but her hand slipped and her fingers plunged into her sopping-wet hole. She gasped and bit her lip, as that accidental thrust sent pleasure shooting through every part of her being. She pushed her fingers in and out of herself rapidly, her thumb hitting the nub that she had found before with each stroke. Her mind was suddenly filled with the image of Beast Boy’s sad eyes as she had walked away without answering, and that thought made her almost climax on the spot but she fought it down. Each stroke of her fingers sent her higher and higher, building further and further until she felt as though she was about to explode. Her body continued to follow her urges as her hand's motions grew very fast, plowing her two fingers deep into her passage. She heard something in her ears, finally realizing that it was the sound of her own moans and cries pouring from her throat. Raven tried to imagine those screams belonging to Beast Boy and she found herself increasing her fingers' speed as much as she could, her imagination spurring her onwards. Her body arched upwards, plunging her fingers inside all the way to their topmost knuckles in passionate abandon. Raven felt an explosion deep within her body before the squirting rush of her own juices flowed over her hands and ran down her ass cheeks to the bed, gasping and crying out as the built-up pressure was finally let loose. Waves upon waves of ecstasy coursed through her body, her hand pumping wildly and her fingers pushing in as far as she could possibly go. Her body twitched and vibrated uncontrollably sweat flowing from every part of her. She trembled in the air, nearly crashing back down onto her bed. Objects flew uncontrolled around her room, smashing against the walls. She let out a strangled cry, as her first orgasm took over her body, taking her to a place she had never imagined existed. She rode out the sensation, hoping that it would never end. Soon, the orgasm subsided, and she felt her body coming under her control once again. She opened her eyes, letting her body slowly descend into bed. She pulled her hand from her now dripping-wet hole with a sigh, feeling the juices running from her fingers. She smiled and just laid there in the dim of the room. She knew what she had to do. It would mean going against everything the Titans believed in, and if any one of them ever found out, she would be kicked out and potentially thrown in prison, but still she had to do it. If she didn’t try to fulfill her fantasy, she would go insane. She would lose control of her powers; she might even kill someone if she didn’t get the urges out of her system. That was what she told herself as she picked up the communicator and started to contact someone. She was going to need their help if this was going to work. Raven only hoped they didn’t ask for something too important in exchange for that help. Hours after Raven finished pleasuring herself and making the call, Beast Boy waited anxiously outside Raven’s room. When Raven had turned and walked away without a word after he confessed his feelings, he had been heartbroken. When he finally had to admit to himself that it didn't seem his feelings were mutual, all Beast Boy wanted to do was transform into a snake and crawl under a big rock. He had been sulking around the tower ever since then, wondering how he could face Raven now that she knew his secret. He was about to call it a night and head to bed when he received a call on his communicator. Opening it up, he saw Raven’s face, flustered and edgy, two things Beast Boy had never seen on the normally cool and collected girl. In a calm tone, she asked him to come to her room so they could talk. Beast Boy nodded without a second thought, not even bothering to ask what she wanted to talk about. As he closed his communicator, he couldn’t be sure, but he could have sworn he heard someone giggling in the background. Quickly changing into his cleanest uniform, Beast Boy rushed to Raven’s room. Now he found himself waiting again, unsure whether Raven was going to open the door and tell him she loved him or tell him to get lost. Raven was the only girl for him. He hadn’t been sure a few days ago, but when he had sat down and thought about it, the notion of spending the rest of his life with the pale witch struck a chord with him. He wasn’t looking for a girlfriend in Raven, he was looking for a soul mate. He loved her with every part of his heart and he wanted to spend every waking moment with her. Forget the cute girls he used to flirt with, forget even Terra; the only one he wanted was Raven. “But she probably sees me as just a pest,” Beast Boy groaned to himself, covering his face with his hands. When he had told her his feelings, a strange look had formed on her face. It had been impossible to tell just what she felt, but for a moment, it had looked like longing, even though that was impossible. Raven was as cool as a cucumber; she never had feelings like lust or yearning. The look he saw was probably one of confusion as to what she was going to say, and now that she’d had time to collect her thoughts, she’d come out and tell him to beat it. “Hello, Beast Boy.” The voice broke in on Beast Boy's thoughts. It sounded like Raven’s, but it was husky and deep. He removed his hands from his face and turned his head to find Raven standing there. At his first sight of her, he nearly swallowed his tongue. The only things Raven was wearing were her face-concealing cowl and the cape that fluttered out behind her shoulders. Beyond those things, Raven was wearing nothing at all. Her uncovered skin glistened with sweat in the dim light of the hallway. Every inch of her was pale and smooth, except for the brownish nipples that stood out by contrast with the rest of her body. He couldn't help but notice how well-defined Raven’s muscles were and how nicely formed her chest was; even though Raven’s breasts were smaller than Starfire’s, they seemed more vivacious and better defined. Her legs were long and thin, and her milky white skin gave them a picturesque look that made Beast Boy drool. Once his gaze fell lower, though, his eyes were captivated by her shaven crotch and her delicate pussy, imploring for his attention between her legs, her juices still glistening between her lips. Raven moved with a perfect grace toward Beast Boy, the tendons underneath her pale skin seeming to pull at Beast Boy’s mind as much as at her own muscles. This was a Raven he had never seen before, a more effeminate and even sultry Raven. Without a second's hesitation, the girl leaned in and kissed Beast Boy passionately on the lips. She stayed locked in her embrace with him for a few moments, reveling in the submissive look on his face, and then finally broke the kiss. She then whispered into Beast Boy's ear. “Get into my room and undress.” Raven then turned and disappeared into her pitch-black room, but not before Beast Boy got a look at her perfect, flawlessly round behind. He licked his lips at the sight of the two doughy globes that rubbed against each other as she walked. Beast Boy nodded dumbly and entered Raven’s room. He barely paid attention to where he was going, his feet operating on autopilot. What he had expected when Raven had called him was a rejection of his love, but instead she was returning it with interest. He could feel his leotard grow tight around his crotch from arousal after only a brief glimpse at his love's naked body. Beast Boy had never before seen the beauty of a woman's nakedness, especially one as irresistible as Raven; his shock was only too natural. It all seemed like some beautiful dream, Raven loved him and he was going to lose his virginity to her. Sure, she hadn’t actually spoken the former, but the latter was definitely coming true. Quickly, Beast Boy undid his belt and pulled down his pants, unhesitatingly tossing his shirt aside to leave him completely in the buff. The door slid shut behind him, leaving him completely blind. Sightless, Beast Boy wandered through Raven’s jet-black room, waving his hands out in front of him to keep himself from running into anything. The sound of soft giggles echoed through the room, and Beast Boy vainly tried to follow the sound. It was like a game of Marco Polo, only when he found Polo, the rewards would blow his mind. He stumbled around for a few minutes, steadily growing more frustrated by the lack of success he was having. He was nearly ready to give up and transform into a bat to help himself 'see', when he unexpectedly stumbled over something and fell to his knees. The first thing he noticed when he recovered from his fall was the musky smell swirling in front of him. He raised a shaking hand and felt it touch something soft and warm. He lifted his hand up, reaching higher, until he felt something slimy against his palm. A gasp was heard when Beast Boy started to push his hand against the slimy object. Taking a deep breath, Beast Boy realized that he was on his knees in front of Raven’s drooling snatch. “Go ahead,” The voice was so husky that Beast Boy could barely recognize it as Raven's, but he knew it was her because it could belong to no one else. Gathering his courage, he leaned his head forward and felt the wet surface of her sex against his nose. Breathing in the scent, he ran his tongue along the outside of her lips, then parted them slightly with his fingers. He traced the inside of Raven’s folds with his tongue, circling slowly before moving up to her clit. He flicked the tip of his tongue against it and was rewarded with a soft moan. Smiling more widely, he continued to tease her with long, slow licks, marveling at the sweetness of her taste. The moans grew louder as he probed inside her with the tip of his tongue. He felt her hands in his hair, pushing him gently inward against her sex and holding him close against her. As he plunged his tongue deep into her sex, the lights came back on and Beast Boy stared up from his licking. Beast Boy looked up, expecting to see the beautiful purple eyes he'd admired for so long, but instead discovered a pair of pink-slitted eyes returning his stare. “Hiya,” Jinx grinned, looking down at the boy whose tongue plumbed the depths of her pussy. Beast Boy continued to look up, speechless before the former villainess he continued to go down upon. Jinx filled his vision so completely that he missed the sight of Raven sitting on her bed, fondling her breasts to the sight of Beast Boy on his knees. Confused, Beast Boy tried to back away, but found that Jinx’s internal muscles had a good grip on his tongue. Jinx winked at him and snapped her fingers, a flash of pink light flickering from her fingertips down to Beast Boy's body. As the streak of light struck Beast Boy, an electrically-tingling sensation ran through his body, leaving his arms frozen to his sides and his legs completely stiff. Realizing he was paralyzed, Beast Boy tried to transform into a snake in hope of escape, believing he might get his answers when his tongue was free of Jinx’s cunt. He visualized the snake and prepared himself for the change, but nothing happened. He tried transforming again, but again he stayed the same. Jinx saw his bewilderment and giggled at him. “I removed your powers and froze your arms and legs, but don’t worry. You regain control of all your body in an hour. Your powers, on the other hand? Well, sorry, but they’re gone forever.” Beast Boy glared up at Jinx as she giggled. She had removed his powers and left him helpless; what was the villainess up to? He didn’t have much time to wonder before he felt his tongue pulled on and his face pressed up snugly against Jinx's warm slit. Another squeeze and Beast Boy's nose and chin vanished past her hungry pussy lips. Jinx’s cunt started stretching wide enough to pull his face in, slowly spreading and sucking further until his head filled her passage. With a sucking sound Beast Boy's head was drawn completely into Jinx's hot little body. Contractions from her pussy tugged Beast Boy further into Jinx's cunt, kneading his face and neck as they were sucked into her. The lips slurped over his shoulders as Jinx used her internal muscles to pull the Teen Titan further into her body. Her natural lubrication helped her work Beast Boy’s shoulders into her, a bit of the thick cream running down his shoulders. A gooey squishing sound filled the room as beast Boy sank chest-deep into the furnace-like heat of Jinx's depths. The pink-haired villainess let out shallow gasps as her velvet tunnel stretched over more of her unwilling victim. Jinx bit her bottom lip and focused on controlling her powerful pussy. It was the strongest muscle in her body, capable of swallowing something twice her size in minutes. If she had wanted to, she could have had Beast Boy in her in seconds, but that wouldn’t have been fun. It wasn’t often that Jinx got to do this and she wanted to enjoy Beast Boy to his fullest. It wasn't every day that she had a chance to unbirth a deadly enemy. From deep inside her sex, Beast Boy gasped and tried to move his arms and legs, but they remained frozen stiff. All that he seemed able to do was move his head around and wiggle his body, something that only further stimulated Jinx. He had no idea how the villain had gotten into Raven’s room, and right now he really didn’t care. All he wanted was to get out of the tight, wet tunnel and rejoin Raven. Had the display he’d seen outside of Raven’s room been an Illusion, created by Jinx to get him inside? Even if so, how had she known of his secret love for Raven? Beast Boy groaned as he felt and heard Jinx’s moans of pleasure as she yanked him in to her. The pressure around his head was becoming unbearable, as intense as a vise's grip. The pressure relaxed when Beast Boy found his head pressed against her cervix, a hard ring of muscle against the top of his head. Through layers of skin, he heard Jinx's pleasure-filled moans as her cervix slowly slackened up and open around his head. All it took was one strong contraction to squeeze his head past the cervix and into her much roomier womb. He breathed deeply of the recycled air in the womb, looking around himself wildly. From the minuscule bit of light streaming in behind him, he could see the oval shape of the womb and the glistening, skin-colored walls. Right now, it looked huge to him, but he knew it wouldn’t seem that big when he was pushed entirely into the cavity. Spasm after spasm rippled through Jinx’s young, nubile body, drawing in Beast Boy an inch at a time. Jinx flopped back and forth, gyrating her hips she leisurely pulled Beast Boy further into her, all the while taking great pleasure in his struggles. The moisture seeping out from her over-stimulated cunt lubricated Beast Boy’s body and continued to make wet squishing sounds as Jinx sank her nether lips down over his chest. His hands twitched uselessly against his sides as he tried to regain control of them, but he only failed as miserably as before. Jinx didn’t know what was better, the feeling of Beast Boy's body stretching out her uterus or the knowledge of her complete dominance over the young hero. Soon his torso was wrapped in her slippery flesh, slipping ever deeper into her body's hot and hidden darkness. He whimpered, expecting to suffocate in the villain’s body, but finding air, although stale, renewing itself around him. Jinx leaned her head back and let out a low-pitched groan of pleasure before grabbing Beast Boy’s sides and sliding him further into her body. Jinx’s cunnie had enveloped Beast boy up to just short of her waist and was showing no signs of stopping. Jinx’s pants and moans filled the room as she struggled not to scream from the passionate pressure forming in her belly. Just under her breasts, a blob was starting to form under her skin and when she breathed in her skin tightened and took on the appearance of Beast Boy’s head. The warm, moist, soft cunt-walls swelled around Beast Boy and although he hated to admit it, the feeling was strangely comforting, like being in a blanket in warm water with someone trying to massage him from all angles. If only it could have been Raven doing this to him and not Jinx, then he could die happy. Jinx’s stretched-out labia enveloped Beast Boy’ hips, slowly slipping down and covering him in the wet, tight blanket of her insides. The thick pink walls inside Jinx’s sex shifted, squeezing Beast Boy in an ever-forward motion through the expanded tunnel. His head was being pushed against the back of her womb and he was forced to curl up into the fetal position. The walls felt so slimy against his naked flesh that Beast Boy shivered and tried not to picture himself going up Jinx’s cunt. He tried to picture himself being pushed through a tube, on a heroic mission to save a damsel in distress. That’s it, don’t think about Jinx or her hot, tight, sweaty body all around you, Beast Boy thought, but it was hard to keep it from his thoughts with Jinx’s moans echoing into his ears. Her tight passage made its way over Beast Boy’s round buttocks, compressing the two cheeks as they were stuffed into her still-swelling body. Her abdomen had started to become round, without any bumps or grooves in her naked flesh. By the time that all of Beast Boy was inside her womb and her cervix closed up snugly behind him, Jinx would have a big, perfectly-round stomach. Licking her lips at the idea of being so full, Jinx forced her muscles to pulse faster over Beast Boy’s legs to finish her job. Thick gushes of Jinx’s fem-cum ran down Beast Boy’s legs, lubing them up for his journey into her and making his skin shine in its last few moments outside. Jinx grunted in an unladylike fashion, clenching and unclenching her vaginal muscles rapidly, pulling Beast Boy in yet more hastily. Her orgasm was approaching fast, every pull bringing Jinx closer and closer to the big O. Her cunt contracted rapidly over Beast Boy’s legs, slurping him up with greedy, wet smacking sounds that filled the room. Her pussy-lips enclosed his knees, gripping him tightly as he was pulled deeper into Jinx’s hungry womb. She felt her orgasm coming and couldn’t stop herself from letting out one last low pitched moan as her passage exploded with a powerful orgasm. Her sex clenched over all of Beast Boy, crushing the air out of him but leaving the rest of his body undamaged. Jinx dropped to her knees, her vagina swallowing Beast Boy automatically as she tried to regain her breath, kneeling in the puddle of juices that had formed between her legs during her climax. Jinx looked down at her belly to check on Beast Boy’s progress and found her stomach blocking her vision. She bent down further and saw two green feet sticking out of her labia. Jinx giggled, placed a tender finger upon Beast Boy’s sole, and started tickling him. Beast Boy was curled deep inside Jinx’s vagina and womb. His legs were hanging out of Jinx’s cervix and were hugged tightly in her uterus; he only knew that his feet were still free by the coldness of the air around them. He tried to move again, knowing that his last chance to escape was almost gone, but he found his body still frozen stiff. He had no idea what Jinx was planning to do with him once he was fully inside her. He didn’t think he would suffocate due to the small air bubble surrounding him, but he couldn’t be certain. It seemed almost impossible that Jinx might be able to digest or absorb him from his present prison, but he couldn’t be sure. Magic had never been his specialty. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, though, as Beast Boy nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Jinx start to tickle his feet. He started giggling, then broke out into full-blown laugher. His laughing shook his body, stimulating Jinx from the inside. Jinx groaned loudly at Beast Boy’s vibrations and continued tickling him. “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” Beast Boy begged as tears started flowing from his eyes from all the laugher. It wasn’t enough for Jinx to use him as her own personal sex-toy, she had to completely humiliate him, too! Jinx pulled her finger away and let out a contented sigh as her opening finally slid shut over Beast Boy’s feet and drew them into her womb. The whole of Beast Boy's body was carried by the vagina's contractions past Jinx’s cervix, deposited directly into the heat of her womb. With his entry, it sealed itself shut, trapping Beast Boy in his fetal position within Jinx’s womb. Groaning with delight, Jinx lifted herself to her feet and stumbled over to Raven’s bed, dropping herself heavily onto it and letting herself lie back. Idly, she rubbed her huge, bloated stomach, watching it jiggle slightly with every breath she took. Jinx ran her fingers over the bulge, feeling out Beast Boy’s form inside her. “That was so gooooood,” Jinx moaned, gazing across the bed to Raven. The other girl had been sitting on the other side of the bed the whole time, staring in amazement as Beast Boy was eaten by Jinx’s pussy. While Jinx had had her fun, Raven had been pumping her fingers in and out of her crotch, hitting orgasm every time she heard Jinx cry out in pleasure. Watching Beast Boy being abused by the other witch had been an incredible turn-on for Raven; even after everything she'd experienced, she was still horny from what she had seen. She looked at Jinx’s belly and slowly placed her hand against its jiggling surface. She grinned to herself at the thought that soon enough, it would be her with Beast Boy under her skin. “Was that to your satisfaction?” Raven asked the other witch, who was currently reveling in the fullness inside her womb. “Yep,” Jinx purred, running her hands over her stomach again, kneading Beast Boy inside her with each stroke. “And the spell you cast on him will keep him from changing ever again?” Raven asked with some satisfaction. For what she had in mind, Beast Boy regaining his abilities could be potentially fatal for her. “Yep,” Jinx purred again, stretching out on the bed. She plopped her head down on Raven’s lap and grinned back at the pale-featured girl. Underneath her head, she could feel the dampness oozing from Raven’s cleft, soaking into the mattress as it pooled out from her. When Jinx had gotten the call for Raven to come over, she had suspected a trap. However, when Raven told her what she needed, Jinx couldn’t help but come, even if it could have been a ruse. Of course, just as she had hoped, Raven had been honest and she had stuck to her word. “Good,” Raven answered approvingly. “Now get Beast Boy out of you.” Jinx pouted, replying, “But I’m still enjoying my afterglow. Can’t you wait a bit longer?” Raven stared hard into Jinx’s slitted eyes. Her whole body felt hot all over, especially around her crotch. She could feel her lower orifices throb with arousal as they waited impatiently for more stimulation. Sweat trickled down her whole body, dripping off her nipples and making her even hornier. She needed it now or she would explode. It only took a second of Raven's intense gaze for Jinx to get the picture. No matter how much she wanted to have Beast Boy, Raven needed the green-skinned boy. Getting up onto her knees on the bed, Jinx closed her eyes and forced herself to relax every muscle in her body. The one that she focused the most on was her cervix, which slowly started to dilate. Within Jinx's tightly-encircling womb, Beast Boy had continued to try and use his arms and legs, but they wouldn't respond no matter how hard he willed them to. He had already given up on his animal transformations, because all he got was static when he tried. He couldn’t even feel the power inside him any more; it felt like he was nothing more than human. Never in his life had he felt so weak and powerless. The only thing keeping him from breaking down and becoming a crying mess was the hope that Raven would rescue him. Jinx had been inside her room and was probably still there, so it was very likely that Raven would stumble onto the member of the H.I.V.E. The pulsating, cavern-like began to pulsate around Beast Boy. The walls heaved against him, their surfaces like a million wet fingers sliding along his naked skin. He could feel his feet finally sliding back out into the same narrow tunnel from which he had entered. His eyes lit up when he felt the familiar sensation of muscles contorting over his legs, only this time drawing him out rather than in. The soles of his feet pressed against the slit, pushed further out with a wet slurping sound. He sighed and wiggled his toes at the welcome feeling of cool air against his tootsies. The contractions continued and his legs slowly exited the elastic vagina of the super villainess. Jinx was groaning and panting as she lifted her hips into the air and let her cunt push Beast Boy out of her. It wasn’t as pleasant a feeling as putting him in had been, but it still felt wonderful to the oversexed girl. Inside her vagina, Jinx’s cervix dilated further, allowing Beast Boy's waist to fit through the tight ring of muscle. Looking past her lumpy abdomen, Jinx watched Beast Boy’s legs curl up on Raven’s bed right in front of the pale girl. His waist came out with a pop and Raven’s eyes focused on the limp phallus that was resting against his thigh. Jinx gave Beast Boy’s member little notice; why worry about such a little thing when his whole body was hers? “Here comes the biggest part,” Jinx grunted as her cervix worked past Beast Boy’s shoulders, the widest part of his whole boy. His stomach squeezed past her pussy lips, covered like the rest of him in a transparent goop. A thin layer of the fluid covered every square inch of Beast Boy, from his toes to his flaccid cock to those parts of him still waiting to be released. His nipples left her body and his head slid back into Jinx’s vagina. The pink-haired witch sighed in regret as her womb emptied out entirely, but she didn't pause in sending Beast Boy on his way. She’d have to find another lover or victim soon, or even better both at once, one that she could hold onto for longer. With the same lack of enthusiasm, one last push from Jinx expelled all of Beast Boy from her body. His arms were still frozen to his side, as stiffly motionless as his legs, making it impossible for him to wipe the goo from his eyes. Sputtering and trying to spit out her juices, Beast Boy breathed deeply of the cool, fresh air, until Raven leaned over the motionless boy and swabbed the slime from his face. Blinking several times, Beast Boy looked up into the same purple eyes he had confessed his love to. “Raven?” Beast Boy groggily muttered, before coughing up some more of the messy fluid. Weakly, he whispered, “Thanks for saving me.” Raven blinked twice at Beast Boy, and then looked up at Jinx, just out of Beast Boy’s sight. The two girls stared at each other for only a moment, before they broke into giggles. Watching Raven in confusion, Beast Boy wondered what was so funny. “You'd better leave, Jinx, before your team notices you’re done,” Raven said when she was done laughing. “Don’t forget to walk around the video cameras, we wouldn’t want you to be found out.” Jinx nodded quickly, grinning ear to ear. This evening had turned out to be more interesting then she had expected. She spent another moment looking at Beast Boy’s unmoving body. “Are you really going to do it? I thought you loved him or some shit like that.” “I do love him,” Raven said warmly, reaching down to pet Beast Boy’s head. She saw the look of jubilation on his face when he heard her say she loved him. How upset would he be when he learned the cost of her love? “I love him, but we've got no future. A relationship between me and him would only end badly and hurt both of us.” Raven shrugged as Beast Boy looked on in dismay. Their relationship was being shot down before it had even started! He closed his mouth and listened as Jinx spoke up from across the room. “So you’re hurting him first?” Jinx giggled. “I guess so, but it's more than that. He makes me really horny; I’ve dreamed about doing this forever. Call me a monster if you want, but remember, I am half demon.” “Whatever, if you ever want to hang out, I’m game. I know this great place that lets you drink without checking for IDs, maybe we could go sometime?” Jinx offered shyly. “Maybe, now get out of here. Oh, and Jinx…” “Yeah.” “Stop looking at my boobs.” Jinx blushed and turned away rigidly. That had been embarrassing! She could unbirth a guy with another chick watching without breaking a sweat, but any hint of her bisexuality being found out and she became a self-conscious wreck. Gathering her clothes, she headed straight out of Raven's room, but before leaving, she winked at Beast Boy. “I'd say see yah later, but there isn’t going to be a later for you.” Beast Boy paled at the ominous words. Was he still in danger? He stared at Raven, who was watching Jinx go what arrangement had they made? Why did she want his powers disabled, and why did she want to hurt him? It all made little sense to Beast Boy, but somehow he still trusted Raven. Even after letting him get stuffed into that nympho Jinx’s cunt, he still had faith in the stoic girl. Raven’s eyes fell on Beast Boy and she graced him with a rare smile, but rather than the small smile he'd caught now and then in the past it was a wide and toothy grin. “Might as well get this started,” Raven mumbled, crawling up on top of Beast Boy. Her breasts pushed against his chest and her thighs rubbed up against him legs, sending shivers all down Beast Boy’s body. Just being touched by Raven was turning him on. Raven moved down Beast Boy’s body, rubbing herself down against him as she went. Beast Boy gave a cry of anguish and pleasure when he felt his cock rub against Raven’s ivory skin. When she finished getting into position, Raven was on her knees at Beast Boy’s feet, facing away from him. Soon after, she leaned her body back, letting her cape flap quietly behind her. Lifting herself up, she finally dropped her butt directly onto Beast Boy’s together-pressed. He yelped when he felt his toes rubbing against Raven’s soft buns. Raven wiggled her ass back and forth, digging Beast Boy’s toes into the doughy fat of her pale backside. She continued to push her ass down over him, until one of his feet started to dig into her crack. On the tips of Beast Boy’s toes, he felt a small, rubbery opening rubbing against him. Raven dropped some of her weight down and the narrow opening started to widen. More and more of her weight came to rest upon his feet, and the opening continued to pass and slide down his foot until it covered everything. With a sick plummeting feeling deep in his belly, Beast Boy realized that what his toes had been pushing against was Raven’s anus and that even now his foot was sliding into the girl's rectum. Her slick sphincter wrapped tightly around his foot as it moved over his ankles and continued gliding forward. Raven lowered her hand slowly, breathing heavily from the small insertion into her rectum, and grasped Beast Boy’s free foot. She maneuvered the foot into her crack and placed it beside Beast Boy’s already inserted foot. With a push, Beast Boy’s other foot slid into her bowels next to his first. Now that Raven had both feet inside her, she started putting more pressure down, slowly starting to pull in Beast Boy legs. “Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God,” Beast Boy kept on uttering as he felt more of his lower body slide into the tight backside of the girl he loved. The edges of the anus peeled back, pulling Beast Boy further into the humid, small and tunnel-like rectum. Her insides felt incredibly clammy and tense, unlike the wetter stretchiness of Jinx's cunt. No moisture dripped from inside Raven, making the journey slower and far more uncomfortable. His bare legs rubbed against her wrinkled anal walls, chafing his flesh and deepening his distress. The hot inner walls of the anal cavity closed in over Beast Boy, only widening enough to pull him in a bit. Every time Raven tightened her hips, another contraction would pulse in her rear and pull Beast Boy further in. Already her contractions had him up to his calves and they were slowly oozing over his knees. “You can’t imagine how good this feels,” Raven panted, concentrating on widening her rectum. Lumps formed beneath the skin of her waist from Beast Boy's body entering hers. She frowned down at the protrusions in her skin; she knew that if this was going to work, there couldn't be any outer sign that Beast Boy was inside of her. This part of her plan was the hardest: she’d have to work some powerful dimensional folding magic, all while distracted by the intense pleasure of Beast Boy's body slipping deeper into hers. Finding her center amid the pleasure, Raven began her mantra. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” As the words left her mouth, Raven's body shone with a dark, eerie light. Slowly, the bulge in her middle grew slimmer and softer, and then disappeared entirely, leaving Raven smiling down at her once-more flat waist. She could do this; she was sure of it now. More relaxed at knowing her magic was working, Raven closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the elation as Beast Boy continued to be fed mercilessly into her ass. “Why are you doing this?” Beast Boy screamed after finally collecting his wits. The feel of the oily center of Raven’s ass was making his skin crawl. He didn’t care that he was touching a part of the girl he loved; this was all too much for him to endure or understand. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if he had been sliding up her cunt like he had with Jinx, but being squeezed up the tight, sweltering canal that was Raven’s ass was horrific. He could feel her body pulse around him as her sphincter tightened and swelled with immediate results. He could feel the crusty ring kissing his thighs as he was swallowed up with ease. “Hehe, weren’t you listening when I was talking with Jinx? I’m doing this because it’s for the best. We can’t date, because we’re too different, but I can’t live with this lust I feel for you. So, I’m making sure that I always have you to satisfy my carnal needs, my love.” “By putting me in your ass!?” “What can I say, I really get off on anal.” Beast Boy just stared up at Raven, wondering how someone could claim to love another person while doing something this terrible to them at the very same time. Obviously, Raven was sick; if he could just get his arms to work, he could escape and get help! “If you love me so much, why’d you let Jinx cram me up her crotch?” Beast Boy asked as he looked down his waist and nearly cried out. As they were talking, Raven’s anal ring had slowly slid itself over his thighs and was even now starting on his hips. The high temperature within Raven had spread and sunk into his legs, filling him with a deep sickness inside that wouldn’t go away. What would it feel like when he was up to his chest? What would it feel like when he was up to his neck? He didn’t even want to think about what it would be like if it covered his head. “What’s wrong, didn’t you like Jinx’s going away present?” Raven chuckled, the motion flexing her ass around Beast Boy’s legs. “Your trip inside Jinx was part of our deal. She removes your powers, and I let her have her way with you. I might be an ass-lover, but Jinx loves stuffing big things in her greedy cunt. She just couldn’t give up an opportunity to unbirth a soon-to-be infamous hero.” “What you mean ‘soon-to-be infamous’?” Beast Boy asked, feeling a small swell of pride that Raven would call him infamous. Even in this situation, he could still find his ego buried under his terror. “You’ll be infamous for being the only super hero to spend the rest of his life up someone’s ass.” Raven's cold laughter turned his twinge of pride into sickening nausea. He had heard her say that she wanted him around to permanently satisfy her carnal needs, but he’d never have suspected that she meant to keep him up her ass permanently! Desperate, Beast Boy shuffled his hips, tying to stop the descent of Raven’s butt-hole, but his motions only stimulated the girl and worked his body deeper into her rank behind. Raven felt her skin start to bend again as Beast Boy sank deeper into her flesh. Her mind was overflowing with so much pleasure that she could barely see. It was a terrible challenge to find her center and access her powers, but after a moment to block out the pleasure, she managed to weakly call out, “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” For a second time, her body glowed with a pure black light and her body returned to normal, apart from the sight of Beast Boy's body struggling waist-deep in her rectum. Her intestines were coiled around his legs, gripping him tightly and not letting go. Beast Boy could see his stomach being sucked into the ass now, nothing slowing him down, nothing left to halt his decline. Raven moaned and grunted, all the while whispering her mantra and focusing on the huge object filling her rectum. Beast Boy was so hard and warm, stretching her more widely then anything she'd ever felt. She could feel his pulse through the sensitive lining in her intestines and even felt the tiny prickle of his pubic hair inside her. Her nipples throbbed as her arousal reached its peak, and she flexed her ass cheeks against Beast Boy, letting the soft, malleable globes grind against the inserted boy. She felt so powerful doing this to him, overpowering him with just the force of her sphincter. It was incredibly gratifying to know she had humiliated such a strong and confident person so easily. It all only served to turn her on even more. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” Raven screamed out as a powerful contraction exploded from her rear. Beast Boy’s stomach had been gradually pulled in, tightly packed within the tense and tight walls of Raven’s intestines. Every breath that Beast Boy took swelled his chest against Raven’s sensitive anus. The gentle, rhythmic throbbing of Beast Boy’s chest against her sphincter made Raven coo among her moans of pleasure. The small stimulation made her experience even more enjoyable, and she slowly began tightening her ass over Beast Boy to draw him the rest of the way in. Ever since he had started to feel Raven's anus brushing against his nipples, Beast Boy had been in a state of pure shock. The throbbing of Raven’s bowels grew more powerful as he was drawn in, reminding him with every passing second of what was in store for him. This all seemed like it had to be some twisted, sick dream. How could Raven be doing this? How could she be taking pleasure from his torment? Those questions went unanswered as more of him was wrapped in the tight, hot blanket of Raven’s rectum. He couldn't believe it; an ass was eating him. An ass that was connected to his dream girl, while every whimper he made, every bit of humiliation he suffered, only fed her lust. He had to say something, to beg, to cry, to do anything, but the only sound that came from his mouth was a soft whimpering as he was pulled in up to his chest. Her puckered hole started to shrivel as it passed his broad shoulders and started down his neck. Beast Boy felt no bottom against his toes, only more darkness. It was true: he could fit inside completely. This horrific realization brought tears to the proud hero. He was vanishing into Raven and nothing on God’s green earth would stop his journey. How long could he stay in there without food or water? Would Raven’s ass become his tomb? The questions broke his will. In a final and desperate plea, he started screaming just as Raven’s tautly-wrinkled anus stated to move over his neck towards his head. “Please Raven, I don’t want this. Your ass is so frightening and I don’t want to be in there. Pull me out, unbirth me, swallow me, anything but this. I’m so scared, please stop!” The whimpering cries of the once-proud Beast Boy filled the dark and musty room. They echoed from the walls and filled Raven’s ears. Beast Boy’s cries were so pitiful and pathetic that anyone who heard would have had to be heartless not to respond. “Tough luck, BB,” were the only words Raven spoke. She weakly fell forward, taking Beast Boy’s head with her. He screamed as he was turned upside down, as Raven fell forward. His cries were silenced when Raven’s cheeks pushed against his face as she lay down on her stomach. Beast Boy groaned as her soft, pale cheeks pushed against his head, rubbing against him as he was slowly drawn in. Letting out a hiss, Raven reared back, wrenching herself up on her hands and knees. Her ass thrust itself upward into the air, pointed strait up as she squeezed her buns against Beast Boy one final time. Beast Boy’s last cry filled the room as Raven’s anus creped over his face. He could taste the rubbery flesh on his tongue, and then felt its scent hit his nose. The light disappeared as the sphincter closed and the last thing he heard was the final cry of the one girl he had loved more then anything. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” Then, all he heard was the gentle pounding of Raven’s heart and the squelching of her intestines sucking him in. The bliss of unconsciousness greeted him and he knew no more. The next morning, all the Teen Titans, minus Beast Boy and Raven, were sitting at the breakfast table, eating the first meal of the day. No one had seen their missing members since yesterday, but they weren’t worried. Raven was always a solitary person, so not seeing her for days wasn’t that odd, and Beast Boy was probably just bugging someone else. They had no need to worry about their absence. They ate their breakfast in silence; Robin read the newspaper, Cyborg gobbled down waffles by the box, and Starfire spread mayonnaise over her own waffles. For the Teen Titans, it was a normal breakfast-time. Everyone turned when the door to the living room slid open and Raven walked in. She walked over to the fridge without giving anyone a second look, casually opening the door to pull out the orange juice. She poured herself a glass and started drinking, guzzling it down quickly and placing the glass in the sink. By the time that Starfire called out to her, she was already on her way back to the door. “Friend Raven, how are you this fine day? Did you sleep well? Are you feeling well? Did the earth bed bugs bite you last night? Have you seen other friend Beast Boy today?” At the last question, Raven stopped walking towards the door, turning slowly to look at Starfire as the other girl watched her with an elatedly rapt interest. Raven sighed at the alien’s overeager attitude; it was too early in the morning to deal with this. “Haven’t seen BB since yesterday. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some meditating to do.” Smugly, she turned to depart, leaving everyone a little confused about her conceited attitude. “What’s with her?” Cyborg asked, but Robin only shrugged and Starfire went back to eating mayonnaise-topped waffles. Raven’s attitude was overlooked, and everyone returned to normal without a second thought. “Oh God, it feels so good!” Raven panted, starting to rub her chest as soon as she entered her room. Before her door had even closed, she pulled her leotard off and started floating in the air in nothing but her cap and cowl. It had been hard to keep it all under control when Beast Boy had really started to move, but she had managed, somehow. They were none the wiser. She could feel every inch of him, stretching her, filling her, moving inside of her. She could feel pulses of pleasure surge through her like electricity. It was so orgasmic that she could barely breathe. Raven’s fingers brushed the now-puffy outer lips of her pussy, feeling the dampness against her fingers. She felt herself sweating as her hand continued to explore her young, nubile body. She probed her outer folds, continuing to feel those pulses shooting through her, growing stronger with each touch. She spread her legs farther, tentatively sinking her middle finger into her wet cunt. She let out a gasp, the feelings growing overwhelming as her finger slid in with no trouble at all. Within Raven's body, her bowels clenched and pulled the tightly-captured object further up her intestines as it had been doing slowly all night. She had no idea how far Beast Boy was, but it didn’t matter. The spell she had cast while pulling him in made his path into her bowels one that would continue forever. Beast Boy was being pulled into a never ending pit from which there would be no escape. He would be inside her, now and always. Rolling her eyes back in her head as the pleasure traveled in waves through her, Raven began to draw upon her magic as she recited her mantra. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” She had to bite down on her tongue to hold the scream in after she finished saying the final word. A rumbling worked its way through her body, shaking her all over and making her gasp. Slowly, bulges started to form on her stomach. First, they were unrecognizable, but slowly they began to take shape. One was a hand pushing out, another a knee and the biggest as a face, frozen in a silent scream. Raven removed her hand from her drooling snatch and trailed her fingers over the shapes in her stomach. Every time she touched a bulge, Beast Boy shook inside of her. An orgasm hit her suddenly and she exploded, sending her juices flowing onto her bed sheets. The cum kept coming as she rubbed Beast Boy's face, and she felt as much as saw his face underneath her skin twist into an expression of horror. Another orgasm hit, and then another. Ever time, her bowels clenched and nearly crushed Beast Boy inside her. Raven floated down to her bed and lay in a puddle of her own juices. Panting, she rolled over and hugged the shape protruding from her body. The dull pleasure still coursed through her, making her smile and sigh contentedly. “I’ll love you forever, BB.” And she did.
Louise didn’t think she could feel any more humiliated right now. Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, third daughter of Karin the Heavy Wind and student of Tristain Academy, had made a tiny mistake. While testing out a new spell in her bedchambers she had miscalculated and a spell that was created to organize books, reduced the noble girl to the size of an ant. Tiny and naked, she went looking for help before she was stepped on or eaten by someone’s familiar. Much to her growing regret, the only person she found was Kirche, her rival in academics, politics and bust size. “Repeat that for me again, I don’t think I heard you,” Kirche haughtily asked as she stood hundreds of feet above the tiny pink haired girl. She was wearing her nightie, a lace and silk undergarments that hugged her generous curves. She had been about to go to bed before she spotted the bug-sized girl on the floor. Rescuing her, Kirche brought her to her room to torment her rival a little before helping her. “I said get me a teacher! I need some help, you bitch!” Louise screamed as she stood close to the towering feet of her most hated classmate. The sight of Kirche standing hundreds of feet over her did nothing to quell her temper or pride as she pointed angrily at her to get someone. Kirche responded by laughing at the tiny girl. “Be nice, Louise. All you have to say is, ‘please Miss Kirche, I made another mistake and I need your help fixing it.’ Is that too hard for you to say?” Kirche teased as she moved her bare foot closer to the girl, nearly causing her to fall over. All the bronze skinned mage wanted was a little show of respect and gratitude from the other mage. She didn’t think she was asking too much of Louise. “Shut up! I don’t have to listen to you, you Germanian whore! If you’re not going to help me they leave me alone.” Louise turned to walk away, but her path was blocked by a foot as big as a house coming down right in front of her face. Yelping, she fell back on her butt as Kirche moved around, finding a seat so she could stick out her feet towards Louise. The tiny girl gasped as the massive legs lifted up, revealing the smooth, lightly tanned bottoms of Kirche’s feet. Louise gagged in disgust as she saw the bottoms of the feet were dripping with sweat. Droplets of foot sweat as big as her entire body ran down the soles, sickening the proud Nobel girl. “Not so fast bug. If you’re going to act like a pest maybe I should just step on you? If you don’t want to be a smear under my wet soles, you better start licking my feet to prove you’re a human being and not something that needs to be crushed,” Kirche said with a sadistic smile. This could have gone easy but Louise had to be a real bitch and make it hard. Kirche was sick of her attitude, so she was going to teach her classmate a lesson she wouldn’t forget. It was going to be a painful lesson for Louise but Kirche was really going to enjoy teaching her where she belongs. “Go to Hell!” Louise screamed as she made a run for it. She thought she could outrun Kirche and find someone else to help her. Kirche watched her run and shook her head; Louise was moving slower than a snail. With no effort at all, she stood up and brought her sweaty foot over the ant-sized girl. It was about time she understood her place. No matter how hard Louise ran, she couldn’t escape the giant foot dangling over her. A few drops of sweat landed close to here, making her freak out even more. In the end, Kirche didn’t even need to bring her foot down to stop Louise. The tiny girl lost her foot and fell right on her face. Groaning, she rolled over and stared at the massive heel of her rival as it came down on her. Louise braced herself with her arms as Kirche’s foot slammed down on her. Suddenly, wet, rubbery flesh pressed down on the pink haired girl, nearly crushing her entire body. Louise couldn’t move or breath under all that weight. Blinded by fear, she cried for mercy and when that failed she stuck her tongue out to lick Kirche’s feet. She was desperate not to be crushed and was willing to do anything to appease the angry giantess. Kirche either didn’t feel her tongue or cared that Louise had finally started licking her feet. She continued to press down until Louise passed out under her foot. When her rival went still, Kirche pulled her foot back. “Rest up, Louise. I’m not done with you.” Kirche whispered as she plucked up the limp, tiny girl. Smiling at the sight of her unconscious state, Kirche removed her nightie and moved towards her bed to continue. When Louse woke up, she felt the ground under her rise and fall steadily. Her mind still blurry, she didn’t know what was going on until she cracked her eyes open and saw Kirche’s giant grinning face staring back at her. “You bitch!” Louise screamed as she tried to stand up but found herself losing her footing quickly. Looking around, she saw brownish, silky-smooth walls on either side of her. It wasn’t until she looked up and saw the walls curved and were topped with pink nubs that she realized she was right between her classmate’s giant breasts. With a tiny squeak, she ran towards Kirche’s face to get away from her mountain like breasts. The males at the Academy might kill to be between Kirche’s hooters but Louise wanted to get away from them as fast as she could. Too bad Kirche was going to have none of that. “Where do you think you’re going, zero bug,” Kirche taunted gleefully, using the new nickname she'd come up for her shrunken classmate. Her hands went to the sides of her huge breasts and pushed them together around Louise. The small girl screamed again as once more a wall of flesh hit her, this time from both sides. Kirche rubbed her large breasts together, toying with Louise as she was buried in her cleavage. Louise groaned as she was crushed between the tits. They were softer than Kirche’s sole, but it was so humiliating being rubbed all over by such outrageous tits. Squishy, warm tit flesh squeezed all over her, ravaging her little body as she was helpless to do anything but squirm. When they finally pulled back, Louise was gasping for air and Kirche was laughing hysterically. “That’s what a real woman’s breasts feel like, not like the tiny mounds hanging off your chest. You’ve always looked down on my magnificent chest. Now you’re going to show it the proper respect it deserves.” Once more, Kirche’s long, huge fingers lifted Louise up. A second later, Louise was pressed into the redhead’s fat, erect nipple, which was more than five times bigger than her. Unlike the rest of the bronzed mage, the nipples were light pink, sticking out atop her mountainous breasts. Louise looked at the nipple grimly, knowing she wasn’t going to like whatever her tormenter had planned for her. “I want you to kiss and rub yourself into my tit. Worship my nipple and maybe I’ll help you.” Louise thought she would rather die than ever worship any part of her rival. However, after being crushed under Kirche’s sweaty foot and then squeezed between her breasts, she understood that no matter how much pride she had the only way she was getting out of this was by listening. Knowing she was going to hate herself so much for doing this later, she embraced the thick nipple and begun kissing and rubbing herself into the hardened nub. “So you can listen, good zero bug,” Kirche got out before she started moaning. The truth was she could barely feel Louise making out with her nipple. In fact, if she couldn’t see the minuscule girl hugging her fat tit she probably wouldn’t even know she was there. That didn’t matter because what really was getting her off was knowing that the arrogant, pushy pink haired mage had been reduced to her plaything. To watch her try to pleasure her nipple, kissing it all over and humping up against it like a slut turned her on more than anything she could imagine. Kirche breathed deeply between moans, her chest wobbling around as she got off on her newfound power over Louise. For Louise, making out with Kirche’s nipple was like trying to get to third base with a tree. The pink nub was too big to do anything to other than blindly kiss the rough surface and rub her diminished body all over. Her own nipples and crotch slid along the throbbing tit, trying to stimulate it. Terrified that she wasn’t doing enough and would be stepped on again, Kirche scaled the tall nipple, crawling onto the rubbery tip. She hugged and kicked at the top of the nipple, running her tongue along the bumpy surface in hopes of appeasing Kirche. She put her all into it, earning praise from the cruel giantess. “Goooood. Maybe you’re not a zero at everything after all.” Kirche panted as she slid several fingers into her pussy. She stirred around inside her drooling slit, feeling an orgasm building inside her as she moved her fingers in and out of herself faster. She abruptly stopped as it occurred to her that she had something better than her fingers to stuff inside her greedy snatch. “Come here, zero bug. I have somewhere else your services are needed,” Kirche said as she quickly pinched the tiny mage off her nipple. Louise squirmed as she felt how wet the fingers were and the smelled pussy wafting off them. Her eyes went wide as she watched the breasts zoom past her and she moved lower to a place she definitely didn’t want to be near. Louise completely forgot about obeying Kirche as raw panic hit her. “No! You can’t do this to me! Don’t you know who I am? I’m Louise Françoise Le BlaAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Her entire body being pressed into Kirche’s clit, muffling the last part of what Louise was trying to say. The tanned redhead moaned loudly as she rubbed Louise in circles over her sensitive clit, her squirming enhancing the pleasure even more. Unable to take it any longer she lowered Louise a little further, bringing the gasping, blushing girl to the steamy, oozing opening of her pussy. Her labia were puffy from arousal as her juices coated the inner lips. Louise stared at the hungry cunt like it was the most terrifying beast imaginable before she was stuffed inside it. Kirche deposited Louise a few inches inside her and then pulled her fingers away, before shoving her middle finger as deep into herself as possible. Louise was propelled even further into the dripping, furnace like cavern until she could no longer see any light. With a wail, she started to thrash around in a mad panic, mindlessly struggling as she tried to get out. Kirche’s back arched and she let out an ear-piercing scream. This time she could feel Louise, rubbing all over places that no man could reach. She felt her puny body vibrating around inside her, tiny fists and feet hitting everything as Louise struggled with the steady stream of juices pouring in all over her. Louise was trapped in Kirche’s love tunnel, everything she did only further pleasuring Kirche. The redhead grabbed her nipple with one hand, pinching the nub tightly as her other hand went to her clit to rub the slick, protruding lump. She lost herself in the pleasure, sweat forming over her bronze body as she felt herself rising towards an incredible orgasm. Gritting her teeth, her hips bucked off the bed as she climaxed, her juices dripping out from her lips down her butt crack and onto her bed below her. A flood of cum nearly pushed Louise out of the throbbing prison if not for Kirche’s fingers coming into play. She fingered herself to prolong the orgasm, pushing Louise back into her steamy depths so she could keep on squirming. Eventually, the orgasm faded and Kirche fell to her bed, out of breath but glowing after the most intense orgasm of her life. It took her several minutes before she could speak again. “I think we finally found out what you’re good for, zero bug. Turns out while you're worthless as a mage you make a damn fine sex toy. Why don’t you squirm some more for me until I fall asleep,” Kirche suggested, grinning from ear to ear. She waited for the movement inside her to resume but she felt nothing. Either Louise was too tired to move or she was no longer panicking and didn’t want to pleasure her hated rival. The smile fell from Kirche’s face. “Well if you don’t want to be my sex toy, I can find another place for you, zero bug. How about I send you straight to my stomach, I’m sure you’ll start squirming again when I start digesting you alive.” Kirche let out a happy purr as Louise resumed pleasuring her. She seemed to be squirming around even more than before. Fear seemed to be the best remedy for Louise’s disobedient behavior. Too exhausted to stay awake much longer, the new owner of zero cuddled up to her pillow with a happy grin on her face. She had turned Louise from a prideful rival into a pitiful plaything in one night. Kirche believed in destiny and she fully believed this was where Louise was destined to belong…. …At least until she got bored of the girl and swallowed the tiny bitch whole. But that could wait until later.
Jane Harper was the biggest bitch in the business world. She destroyed her business competition without mercy, ruined the careers of any rivals she might have in her company and made everyone working under her miserable. However, no one knew how utterly ruthless and evil she was, no one living at least. Jane had certain interests that would turn the stomach of even the toughest sadist. “Miss Harper, I have your lunch.” Looking up from her desk, the mature but beautiful CEO of Growth Industries watched her assistant walk in with a long, paper bag. Normally, anyone that wanted to enter would have to knock, but her assistant knew that her boss wanted her lunch without any delay. Placing the paper bag on the desk, the assistant waited to be told to leave. Jane motioned with her hand and her employee left, not sure why her boss wanted this for lunch and too afraid to ask. Rising to her feet, she looked at her lunch in both hunger and lust. Her sadism was hidden behind her beauty. With a heart shaped face, full, plump lips and short brown hair, you’d hardly take her for a monster. She wore an open business jacket, revealing much more cleavage than what would be considered professional. She also showed off her long, stocking covered legs with a tiny skirt. Jane was a devil, but a gorgeous devil. As she smiled menacingly at her lunch, she pulled it out of the bag and her smile widened. “Hello, children,” she purred as she held up a six-inch school bus. The tiny vehicle didn’t interest her; it was the two-dozen children inside, no bigger than bugs, that she was interested in. Her company made shrinking devices and she had a taste for the small and young. Running her hands over the bus, she was tempted to just rip the roof off and dump all the children on her desk to pick off as she wanted. However, you don’t become a CEO by being impulsive. “So who are the lucky few that I want to come out and meet me? Come on, I’m dying to get to know you all and I only have my lunch hour,” Jane purred as she opened up the exit door on the back of the bus. She saw the children scrambling towards the front, screaming and crying as the giant woman held their bus up in the air. Seeing none of the children were brave enough, she tilted the bus back and held her palm out beneath the open back door. The screaming intensified as the children started falling towards the exit. Four boys dropped out of the bus into Jane’s hand. She leveled the bus and placed it on her desk, she had what she wanted. “What a bunch of handsome young boys you are. You’re all from the sixth grade, am I correct. Young and adorable, you look cute enough to eat up,” she purred as they tiny boys trembled in her hand. With her free hand, Jane had lowered her skirt and was stroking her pussy through her panties. The fear these children were experiencing was giving her such a rush. So young and innocent, they had no idea what sadistic urges women sometimes get. “Unless you boys want to be crushed under my shoe you had better undress. I want to see you all naked in less than a minute or else,” Jane said, her voice sickeningly sweet. At first, the boys did nothing, but then she flashed them a toothy smile and they got undressed. Bug-sized clothes were torn away and the children were left covering their crotches as Jane looked on. She brought them closer to her face until her hot breath blew them right off their feet. She was practically drooling now, both from her upper and lower lips. She could see their naked bodies trembling and the tears staining their faces. She savored their fear as her other hand slowly plucked one of the boys up. “Time for lunch, you little shit,” Jane moaned as she tossed the boy right into her open mouth. The three other boys screamed as their friend vanished into her red, wet maw. Jane closed her mouth and swished the boy around. He was small but he was tasty. She played with him for a minute, even opening her mouth so the boys could see him squirming in a puddle of drool on her tongue. He was such a tasty morsel, but she couldn’t focus on only one child when there were so many left to play with. She swallowed him whole, lowering her hand so the three boys could watch him slide down her neck. “With one of you boys want to be next?” she taunted as she lifted her hand back up. The boys were too stunned to run, so Jane had no problem sticking her tongue out and licking off two of them. They both bounced around her mouth, hitting the top of her mouth and falling back down on her tongue. She pulled them both under her massive pink worm-like tongue, holding them in the thick drool building up at the bottom before letting them back on top. They squirmed like crazy, knowing what was coming from what they just witnessed. It did them no good as Jane swallowed them both at once. “Looks like you’re the last one. Are you ready to become nothing more than a piece of shit?” She pinched the final boy between her fingers and looked closely at him. With his ginger hair, he looked familiar, not that Jane cared. All that she paid attention to was the fear in his eyes. Sticking her tongue out, she pressed him down in the middle of the spongy beast. Saliva gushed around him as she pushed him down. She slid him along her tongue, rubbing him directly into her taste buds. She finally let him go in the center and pulled her tongue back in. Pressing him against her palate, she squeezed the shrunken boy into the bumpy ridges, grinding him into the flesh like he was a piece of candy. With a happy sigh, Jane swallowed. Four young lives ended in less than five minutes just to please this evil woman. Feeling the four boys now in her belly, their tiny movements making her pussy throb, Jane pulled her skirt and panties off and sat back in her chair. Taking the bus, she looked in through the windows at all the young faces and laughed. “You little shits are going to wish you were my lunch very soon,” she got out between cackles. Spreading her thighs, she lowered the front of the bus to her hairy pussy. A low moan rumbled out of her throat as she ground the bus into her entrance, the thick brown pubic hairs dragging across the windshield of the vehicle. The children were screaming so loud Jane could hear their tiny voices over her own sounds of pleasure. “Enjoy the ride, children,” Jane cried out as she forced the bus into her pussy. The metal vehicle groaned as the walls of her cunt sqeezed it and the screams vanished as she sank it nearly completely into herself. Jane rocked in her chair, feeling the bus stretch and fill her sobbing cunt. She slowly pulled it out and then slammed it back in. She repeated this motion a dozen times, quickly building up speed until she was pounding her cunt with the school bus. She imagined the children inside, surrounded by her flesh, her juices filling the bus as the entire automobile bent inwards as her muscles crushed it. All she could think about was the children’s mind-numbing fear, the desperation and all their tiny faces crying out for help. Jane climaxed so hard she nearly fell out of her chair. She kept using the bus as a dildo for the rest of her lunch hour, long after she was sure that the young boys and girls had drowned in her juices. Some of them escaped the bus, floating into her pussy and were quickly swept away or crushed as she continued to masturbate. By the end, the bus was caked in her juices and completely demolished. She tossed the broken toy in the trash. No one from cleaning would question the discarded sex toy. Even though her fun had ended and her lunch hour was over, the four boys in her stomach continued to struggle. Their futile fight to survive went on all day as Jane went back to work. Those that weren’t drowned or crushed in her pussy were truly the lucky ones. Later that evening, Jane Harper sat on her toilet and pushed what was left of her lunch out. A single, smelly log of shit squeezed out of her tight, pink asshole. Four innocent lives reduced to one long turd. Jane sighed as she pushed it out, it always made her horny to think about how utterly merciless her digestive system was on the children she ate. It was cold and efficient, just like her. As she finished, she stood up to see the boys one last time. The turd was thick and brown, except for the gleaming white bones littered all over the surface of the feces. Most of the bones were shattered, but she saw some tiny skulls and bones still intact. She flushed the shit-flecked with bones without a second thought. There would be many more turds loaded with bones in the future. “What’s wrong, honey?” When Jane had left the bathroom, she discovered her 11-year-old son standing there looking lost and uncertain. Jane knelt beside her child and hugged him as he told her in a sad, shaky voice that a bunch of his friends went missing today. He was worried about them and had no idea if they were fine. Jane tenderly kissed her son, telling him everything was going to be okay. His friends were going to be all right and everything would work out in the end. As she held her son, Jane’s hand went down between her legs to stroke her hairy, still wet pussy through her skirt. As she repeated her words, she looked at her child reassuringly.
El Dorado was one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It was truly paradise with its ancient structures, exotic ecosystem, friendly people, and more gold than anyone could need in a million lifetimes. Unfortunately, if you live there all of that gets very dull and you long for the simple things that El Dorado lacked; like a beautiful beach where you can bask in the sun while enjoying the cool, fresh breeze and staring out at the ocean. "This is the life," Chel sighed as she lounged on a blanket on a deserted, tranquil beachfront. The beautiful trickster loved the beach, one of the many things that were too far away to see from her old home. Chel's life had been very eventful since she left El Dorado with her partners in crime. She fit in perfectly with Tulio and Miguel as they shared many of the same qualities; a love for life, a longing to explore, a thirst for wealth and a lust as grand as their ambitions. She had traveled with her boys back far from El Dorado, reaching the shores of Europe and continuing forward. They continued their journey for wealth, recognition, and adventure, all the while exploring their new relationship. Remembering her boys fucking and becoming her little toys made Chel get excited and she moaned softly, just the thought of the places she'd sent the pair made her horny. They were truly insatiable as they made her ass their home and jumped down her throat without warning. They were the perfect men for Chel, no afraid to get weird and crazy. She missed them right now, well, mostly she missed having a tiny Tulio licking and rubbing her asshole. However, they had work to do. The threesome was at a special resort visited by members of royalty. Only the richest and powerful visited the private beachside resort and Miguel and Tulio were going to rob them blind. They weren't going to actually steal anything; they were going to con the money away from the guests, big difference. The boys were posing as Lord Rip and Baron Oft with her as their sexy maid. It was a simple scam, get into the good graces of some rich idiot, get their money and leave before anyone notices. Too bad the boys had noticed the young princess from some Norwegian country and instantly started competing to see who could bed the princess first. Chel wasn't interested in whether Miguel fucked her or Tulio fucked her or Miguel ended up fucking Tulio. Not interested in their pissing contest, Chel decided to enjoy the beach alone. Although she'd admit, it could be better if there were a sexy piece of ass around to enjoy while she sunbathed. "Hi, do you mind if I sit with you?" Chel had been drifting off; she didn't realize she hadn't been alone until the other person was standing right over her. Glancing up, Chel saw a young, barely clothed woman in what looked like a blue, baggy pants and a very low cropped tube top that left her shoulders, cleavage and midsection exposed. Her garb could be described as something a woman in a harem would wear. Long luscious black hair trailed behind her back in a ponytail nearly reaching her butt. She seemed to be from the area Miguel and Tulio referred to as the Middle East with her lightly tanned skin. Chel took one look at her, inspecting her hourglass figure, and smiled warmly. Wishes do come true. "I'm always happy to have company," Chel said welcomingly as she moved aside and made room for the gorgeous young lady. As she sat down, Chel noticed the gold earrings and necklace. This was no harem girl; they only wore tacky, fake jewelry. This was a real princess. The fact that the girl was royalty made no difference to Chel, she was going to get into this girl's baggy pants one-way or the other. "Thank you," the girl sighed as she sat down a few inches beside Chel. The native of El Dorado scooted over so they were closer, the princess didn't notice. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm Jasmine; I'm here with my fiancée, my bone-headed fiancée, on what is supposed to be our vacation." "Don't worry about it, I love getting to know new people. I'm Chel, it's nice to meet you." Shaking hands with Jasmine, Chel found her skin to be nice and smooth. Soft, small hands, perfect for rubbing and stroking sensitive parts. "I'm here with my own pair of bone-headed idiots. I swear, men only think about one thing." "Yeah, adventure! He ditched me to look for some lost ghost pirate treasure off the cove. We were supposed to have a romantic weekend together but he goes off to play with his monkey," Jasmine loudly sighed as Chel listened carefully. If Jasmine didn't want her man playing with his monkey then she should have shown him some tender loving care. His loss, because now Chel was going to pick up some imperial booty on the rebound. "Men, I tell you, if not for what they have between their legs no woman would put up with them, you know what I'm talking about," Chel said with a giggle as Jasmine stared back blankly, not understanding what Chel was referring to. Chel just turned to the ocean, acting completely relaxed before peeling off her top. She caught Jasmine's mouth drop in surprise as her breasts came out but kept acting casual. Standing up, she slipped off her loincloth, making sure to wiggle her big hips close to Jasmine's face. She sat back down, completely naked, and turned to Jasmine with a warm smile. "What's wrong? If we are going to be out in the sun we had better take off our clothes or we'll get tan lines. It's just us girls, no reason to be shy. Trust me, you'll feel so much more comfortable once you get out of those filthy clothes." "I guess," Jasmine said slowly. Her head darted right and left, looking for anyone that might be hiding. Biting her lip and blushing, Jasmine slowly removed her clothes. Chel continued to act casual; all the while enjoying the strip tease the princess was unwittingly giving her. She wasn't as busty or big around the butt as Chel, but few girls were. She was still quite a looker with her tiny waist and full breasts and buttocks. She had a nice pear shaped rump, a 7 or even 8 in Chel's book if she was feeling generous. As Jasmine slipped off her pants, Chel stared intently at her rump; she was going to tap that. "You're right, I do feel more comfortable." Jasmine bashful told Chel. She sat back down, this time a little bit further away from her naked new friend. The princess was uncomfortable about being naked out in the open while Chel welcomed it. Nothing was better than baring it all where anyone could see. Narrowing her eyes at Jasmine, she got a positively devilish smirk as she scooted herself closer to the other girl again and placed her hand on Jasmine's thigh. "So tell me all about this man of yours. Is he generous or selfish?" Chel asked, implying one thing while Jasmine took her words to mean another. The question got Jasmine started, talking about her big hero boy toy that had gone from a thief to her darling fiancée. She gushed about his bravery and heroics for several minutes, quickly boring Chel. As Jasmine continued on about his adventures, Chel abruptly spoke up. "But how far have you gone with him. Come on girlfriend, I want to hear the juicy details." "How far?" Jasmine shyly asked, her cheeks reddening as she understood what Chel meant. The brown skinned girl smirked at the other girl's reaction, finding her bashfulness to be absolutely adorable. She had a killer body but was a timid virgin. Chel just had to do something about that. "We've kissed and held hands before. I mean, we aren't married so what else can we do?" Jasmine said, rubbing the side of her arm as she told this virtual stranger these personal things about herself. Chel was so open, so confident and she was a woman like her. Because of her position as Princess, Jasmine didn't have any female friends because there was no other female royalty and the common people were intimidated by her position. just having someone to talk to that shared the same gender was so nice. Chel moved in front of her, taking her hands in hers as she stared into Jasmine's eyes deeply. Jasmine blushed even harder at Chel's intense stare, finding herself lost in her eyes. "If he really cared about you then he'd find ways to get closer to you other then holding your hand or giving you a peck on the cheek. It sounds to me like your man isn't focused on you only himself and his adventures." Jasmine found herself slowly nodding, agreeing with everything Chel said. Aladdin had been taking her for granted and focusing on himself. She thought once they get married things would get better but what if they didn't? Chel moved in closer, her face inches from Jasmine. "What you need is someone that is focused on you and your needs, your wants, your pleasure. You're a very beautiful girl Jasmine, don't let some guy let you think otherwise." Stunned by the words, Jasmine was further caught off guard as Chel leaned in closer and captured her lips in a intense, searing kiss. Chel grabbed the back of her head, holding tightly as she passionately kissed Jasmine, hungrily devouring her lips as she went deeper. Jasmine was left frozen as the other woman kissed her deeply, her eyes shooting open as her tongue slipped past her lips. The kiss went n for over a minute, Chel never letting up as she made out with the princess and refused to back down. When it finally broke, Jasmine felt her full lips wet with Chel's saliva and the taste of her mouth on her tongue. Jasmine was rendered speechless; she had never been kissed like that before. "Does your man ever kiss you like that?" Chel innocently asked, looking coyly at the other girl. Jasmine shook her head, still reeling from what had just happened. Chel moved quickly, slipping her legs on either side of Jasmine's thin waist as she crawled into her lap. Holding the girl against her, Chel saw Jasmine shifting about as their breasts rubbed together. Wrapping her arms around the girl, Chel looked lustfully at the Arabian princess. "Let me show you what you've been missing out on." A high pitch yelp of surprise escaped Jasmine as Chel leaned forward against her. Jasmine found herself being kissed again and was pushed to the ground. Chel laid on top of her, kissing her softly as her hands trailed along her voluptuous body. Jasmine squirmed as Chel touched her breasts, her fingers finding her nipples and stroking them softly. It felt so good, the gentle touch of her body, the soft lips pressing into hers and the warm body pressing down into her. Jasmine forgot everything as she moaned into Chel's kiss as she discovered pleasures she had never known before. As Chel pulled back, she smiled smugly at the panting, blushing girl. Eat your hearts out Miguel and Tulio, no one seduces naïve princesses better than Chel. "Looks like we can have fun without a man," Chel said in a deep, husky voice as she straddled the princess's hips. Jasmine just gazed up with big eyes, uncertain about any of this. That was fine; Chel would show her the path to pleasure. "Now it's your turn to use those luscious lips of yours." Jasmine felt Chel's hand cup the back of her head, forcing her to sit up. What she expected was to have the other girl's lips meet hers once more, instead, Chel hoisted herself up a little higher on her knees and brought Jasmine's face to her chest. She stared at her large breast, Chel's nipples pointing at her as they shifted around on her bouncy chest. Forcing down her apprehension, Jasmine tenderly took one of the hard teats into her mouth and started sucking on it. Chel's loud moans compelled the princess the suck harder and bring her hand up to stroke and rub the other breast. Hearing more moans made Jasmine feel gratified in the knowledge that she could please the more sassy, outgoing girl. "You are incredible," Chel said as convincingly as she could. Truthfully, Jasmine played with her tits like a drunkard, fumbling around and weakly sucking her tit. If course, Chel would never say that Jasmine had to think she was doing great or she'd never keep going. Build up a girl's confidence enough and she'll happily eat your ass out. As she let Jasmine experiment on her firm breasts, Chel stared out at the beach, admiring the beauty before she went down on this beauty. While her eyes were on the peaceful beachside, she noticed something glimmering and sparkly behind some driftwood. Chel almost looked away if not for the sparkly thing zipping up from the log and moving closer to Jasmine and her. It kept on hiding behind anything it could find, trying to stay out of sight. Chel pretended to ignore it, carefully glancing out of the corner of her eyes as it got closer and closer until it had ducked under Jasmine's discarded clothing. Chel acted casual for a few more seconds, before pushing Jasmine away and pouncing on the glittery thing. No one snuck up on Chel. "What?" Jasmine sputtered, suddenly finding Chel's breasts no longer in her face. She turned to the girl as she crouched over her clothing, her hands clasped around something. Slowly, Chel's hands parted, revealing a tiny, glowing woman. She stood on Chel's hand, no bigger than Jasmine's finger. A blonde haired woman with tiny bug wings and a green dress. She nervously looking at Chel and Jasmine couldn't blame her because the dark skinned girl was grinning at the tiny girl like the cat that had caught the canary. "It's a fairy," Chel said, recognizing the tiny creature in her hands. She had heard legends about fairies in El Dorado but had never believed they were true. Turned out that fairies were real and so much more. Chel added with a laugh, "it's a sexy fairy." That seemed to get the tiny girl to relax as she fluttered her little wings around and caused brightly colored dust to drop from her minuscule form. Gathering the dust, she threw it into the air where it formed a single word. "Tinkerbell?" Jasmine said softly, amazed by the small woman. What a day, she discovers that not only could women pleasure other women but fairies as well. She couldn't wait to tell Aladdin everything she had discovered today. Chel just smirked. "Is that your name or your safe word?" Tinkerbell crossed her arms over her chest and looked down her nose at the naked human. The little fairy had always been interested in humans and how they interacted with each other. Most fairies found humans fascination but for Tinkerbell, she was interested in what they do to each other. She had seen these two fondling each other from the sky and dived in to get a closer look. She didn't expect to be captured but she wasn't going to try and escape, at least not yet. First, she wanted to see these humans rutting some more, especially the darker skinned one. She looked very pretty, for a human. Too bad they seemed too focused on her to continue. If they tried getting her to help them fly or started trying to learn more about fairies she was leaving. She did not come to the human world to be bored. "No need to act like that; I'm only curious. I bet you're curious too, you little peeping Tom. I never thought I'd find a fairy, much less a perverted fairy," Chel teased, putting her hand out for Tinkerbell to come down. Little Tink took offense to that, huffing angrily and glaring at Chel. She just laughed at the miniature girl's reaction before bringing her free hand towards her. Chel's giant fingers brushed against her barely covered body, feeling the shape of her figure. "You're a sexy one. I like my boys and girls small but usually, I have to trick them into this size. I bet you'd look even better without those clothes." As Tink wondered what she meant about tricking people into her size, Chel pinched the bottom of her dress and pulled it up, prying it right off the fairy's body. Tink let out a soft ringing sound, her kinds version of a scream, as the human rendered her naked. She tried to grab her dress but Chel pulled it away. Tinkerbell flew up to her face, loudly screaming at her for undressing her like that. Chel just giggled and stared at the floating girl. "Damn, you are very fine. You are one sexy fairy; I bet you get all the guys attention with a body like that. Turn around, I want to see how nice your butt looks." Tinkerbell's expression softened at the compliments and she actually smiled bashfully at the human. Tink was a little vain, okay A lot vain! Hearing this human notice her beauty pleased the tiny girl and made her forget all about being forcefully stripped. Swaying her teeny but still thick hips, she spun around and stuck her round bottom out for the human to see. She heard her take a deep intake of breath in amazement over her bubble butt and Tink blushed heavily. She was really starting to like this human. As she wiggled her butt around for her to look at, Chel stuck her tongue out and pushed the tip underneath the firm backside. Tink's nearly fell out of the air as Chel gave her ass a long, wet lick, sending saliva gushing all over her ass crack. Still frozen from shock, she heard the human let out a big, lustful moan. "I'm going to have so much fun with you, tasty," Chel purred as she plucked the fairy between her fingers and brought her to her gaping mouth. Tink squirmed in fright, no doubt thinking she was going to be eaten alive. Chel didn't correct her as she slipped her tongue between her long legs and started licking away at her lower body. Chel's flexible tongue wriggled between her thighs, the tip slapping her juicy ass while the middle pressed and rubbed against her pussy. Chel messily ran her tongue all over Tink's bottom half, covering half her body in saliva. As she moved to her pussy, the fat tip of her tongue pressing hard into her pussy, the fairy got then hint that Chel wasn't going to send her down her gullet and went limp, letting her have her way with her small body. Chel laid Tinkerbell down on the palm of her hand and started licking her again, this time pressing down harder on her nubile, tiny form. Tink gave bell-like cries as the pink beast ravaged her, spreading her legs apart, she let it slapped down on her crotch and move up to her breast. Tink hugged the slimy tongue, trembling against it as her body was wracked with pleasure. She was far from innocent, often Tink messed around with her fellow fairies, but she never thought about getting it on with a human. They were so big and she was so small. However, size doesn't matter when you're horny. Chel played with her grape sized breasts before pushing her lips together like she was giving a kiss and pushing them right onto Tink's sex. Tink threw her head back and gripped Chel's upper lip as the mouth grounded into her cunt while the tongue swiping against it over and over. Panting heavily, Tink let out a shriek that was almost human like as she climaxed, her juices spilling out onto Chel's lips. The larger woman pulled back, running her tongue over the sides of her mouth and she treasured her first taste of fairy cum. It was just as tasty as human cum. "Oh…Wow!" Jasmine gasped after watching her new friend molest the little fairy to what looked like an incredible orgasm. Rubbing her thighs together, she felt her own sex moisten and long for that same attention. Still licking her chops, Chel looked at the blushing, naked princess and started crawling towards her. "I haven't forgotten about you, sexy," Chel growled hoarsely as she crawled back on top of the nervous longhaired girl. She pressed her knee against her crotch, earning a sharp gasp from Jasmine. Chel moaned lustfully atop the girl, taking a stunned, dripping Tinkerbell in one hand. She brought Tink's head to her lips, softly kissing her panting face before slurping her into her mouth. Tink didn't fight it, trusting Chell or just too exhausted to care. Chel slipped her in right to her big butt, her tongue cushioning the tiny girl's upper body. Tink caressed her tongue, fully appreciating Chel's oral talents. With half of Tinkerbell sticking out of her mouth, Chel pulled Jasmine in and the small legs slipped into the princess's mouth as Chel kissed her. Jasmine shuddered as she was kissed again, Tink trapped between their lips as Chel savagely made out with her. No longer willing to let her do all the work, Jasmine tried kissing her back. Tink slipped back and forth between their mouths, the two tongues writhing under her as she felt her naked body sucked on by two horny girls. Saliva covered the fairy as she was manhandled, her hands finding her pussy and playing with her still sensitive lips. She didn't know whose mouth she was going into anymore as she slipped and turned between the lips. Tinkerbell felt both their hot breath and moans moving over her, growing stronger as the girl's passions rose. Finally, they broke apart to breathe and Tink was left hand half way out of Jasmine's mouth, her head resting on her pouty lower lip. Tink chimed as she rubbed herself against the slippery tongue, using Jasmine's mouth to get off while the princess just tried to catch her breath and regain some control over the situation. She never got a chance because Chel had slipped down her body and was prying her thighs apart. She stared at the smooth, aroused pussy of her next conquest. She could practically smell Jasmine's virginity. "Get ready and don't accidentally swallow Tinkerbell," Chel warned as she latched her dexterous mouth onto the princess's smooth pussy and began to lick at it vehemently. Jasmine screamed as Chel slipped her tongue around inside her, reaching deep into her slightly damp pussy and making it dripping wet. Tinkerbell covered her ears as the scream passed over her, Jasmine went wild as Chel worked her tongue deeper, her heavy breathing pulling Tinkerbell fully into her mouth. The little fairy panicked as her feet touched the back of Jasmine's throat, nearly getting sucked in as she cried out in rapture. Scrambling forward, Tink dragged herself out of Jasmine's mouth, tumbling down off her chin and onto her chest. Tinkerbell rested in Jasmine's cleavage, her insect-like wings flapping as they tried to dry off the saliva coating them. With a good view of Chel dining on Arabian pussy, Tink leaned back and played with herself to the sexy sight. Chel attacked the pussy in front of her, tasting the sweet, salty liquid and gulping it down greedily. Jasmine fell backward, squirming around in the sand as Chel positioned her face on top of her pussy. Chel messily devoured the girl's cunt and watched Jasmine's mind melt into a white haze as lust. Her free hand reached between her own legs, slipping a finger into her as she kept on licking. Jasmine was losing her mind, yet she held her hips in pace as best she could so as not top interrupt Chel's rhythm between her legs. It was amazing how incredible this felt; Jasmine never imagined a woman could make her feel his way. She gasped as Chel found her clit and rubbed against it with her nose. Chel kept on lapping up juices, the wet slurping sounds were so lewd that Jasmine almost felt ashamed about what she was doing As she raced closer and closer to her inevitable climax, any guilt over doing this was washed away by incredible pleasure. Jasmine's pussy muffled a loud groan from Chel as she plunged her tongue as far as it would go into Jasmine. She moaned at the tightness gripping her tongue as it confirmed Jasmine's virginity. That knowledge only excited Chel more and she pushed her face firmly into Jasmine's crotch as she took one last long, wet taste of her oozing pussy. Pulling away, she grabbed a resting Tinkerbell from between Jasmine's heaving breasts and brought the fairy down to join her between Jasmine's thighs. A soft whimper escaped Jasmine as she longed for Chel to keep going. "Hush now, you're going to love this," Chel told Jasmine with an evil smirk on her face. Tinkerbell watched on as Chel winked at her before shoving her into the gaping, virgin cunt. Tink freaked out as she found herself being shoved into Jasmine without warning, the slick, throbbing walls hugging her and trying to push her back out even as Chel rammed her in. She was forced deep into the sweltering cunt, her face banging against the cervix of the one untouched princess. As everything shook and Jasmine's cries echoed above her, Tinkerbell relaxed and started to smile. It was the exact same smile Chel had before she forced her inside Jasmine. Time to have some fun with this human slut. "Told you you'd love it," Chel smugly said as Jasmine wailed like a banshee. She dug her fingers into the sand and bucked as Tinkerbell squirmed like crazy inside her. She felt the pleasure skyrocket upwards, making her cry out in bliss every time Tinkerbell moved inside her. She could feel her fat ass and breasts rubbing along the sensitive lining of her pussy. The little fairy was touching areas that not even Chel's tongue could reach. Her pussy started to spasm, gripping Tink tightly but she refused to stay still. Chel meanwhile savored the princess's decent into rapture as she lapped away at her entrance before moving on to her clit. She licked the tiny nub under its hood, running her tongue along it carefully. The double assault inside her pussy and outside caused Jasmine to nearly black out. Jasmine wasn't going to last much longer, Chel could tell the girl was barely holding on. Moving quickly, she lifted Jasmine's hips off the ground, carrying her big, fat ass up into the air as her shoulders pressed down into the earth. Chel kneaded her soft rump while her lips wrapped around her clit. Sucking on the nub, she toyed with her ass cheeks and waited. At last, Jasmine let out a shrill shriek, her entire body going rigid as pleasure ran through her naked body. For a few seconds, it was impossible for her to breath as she had the most intense orgasm of her life. Everything became a blur as she fell into what felt like eternal bliss. Inside Jasmine's sweltering, drooling snatch, Tinkerbell was having the time of her life. She rubbed her big ass over the roof off the pussy as she pushed her upper body along the floor. Jasmine's cries made her smile and got her aroused, reminding her of her role in Chel's perverted game. As her surroundings went wild, the flesh undulated and a wave of milky fluid rushed her back towards the exit. Closing her eyes as she was forced out of Jasmine by her orgasm, Tink hoped she'd get a turn in Chel's pussy next. "Gotcha!" Chel caught the Tink as she flowed out of Jasmine, her body dripping with cum. Chel was tempted to pop her into her mouth and suck the juices right off her, but she was needed elsewhere. With Jasmine's rump still elevated, Chel pulled apart her cheeks and brought the fairy between her plump buns. Tink took one look at the creased, tiny butt hole of the orgasming princess and then turned her head to Chel. The El Dorado native giggled at Tink when she shook her head frantically. She thought she had a choice. Chel quickly forced Tink's head against Jasmine's sphincter, the hole at first not budging but after a hard jab it opened up. Tinkerbell would normally have a hard time fitting inside Jasmine's bowels, but with her orgasm causing her muscles to convulse and the fairy quite lubricated, she slipped in past the ring of muscle. Tink fought harder than she had ever fought before to stay out of Jasmine's bowels, but Chel held her too tightly and before she could put up her arms she had slipped past the sphincter and the rectum was squeezing in all around her. Chel wished she could take her time, but Jasmine had climaxed too fast. She needed to get Tink up there now if Jasmine was ever going to experience the pleasure of anal penetration. Squeezing Tinks ankles between her fingers, she moved her fully into the tight asshole, trapping Tink completely in the princess once again. Jasmine's eyes bulged out of her head and her scream became even louder as the squirming girl in her cunt was moved to her bowels. She had nearly finished her orgasm when this new sensation hit her; both pleasant and painful as something was inserted into her asshole for the first time. Her tongue dangled out of her mouth and fresh tears poured from her eyes as she experienced a second orgasm from the sudden anal insertion. She squirmed and moaned wantonly, rocking her hips with complete abandon. Her orgasm was as intense as the first one, maybe even more so, Jasmine couldn't know or certain because at some point it was too much for her body to take. With a deep ragged breath, she slumped back, passing out with her face frozen in a look of pure ecstasy. Chel took a minute to clean up the mess she had made of Jasmine's crotch, sticking her tongue deep inside her to scoop up any more yummy nectar. She felt Tink squirming about through the thin member separating the pussy from the rectum. She had to be very pissed, which was too bad because if she wanted to play with Chel she had to expect this kind of fun. After cleaning Jasmine up, Chel knelt down and placed the passed out princess's head on her lap. She stared down at Jasmine's serene expression with satisfaction, running her fingers through her hair as she hummed happily. There were three things Chel loved, getting some attention to her booty, playing with a tiny boy or girl toy and corrupting virgins. She had been known as the virgin slayer in El Dorado, showing the young boys and girls all the fun they can have with a consensual partner. She must have banged hundreds of tasty cheery boys and girls before she met Tulio and Miguel. She loved her boys, they were her kind of people, perverted, adventurous and not afraid to eat ass, but she did miss her naïve, newcomers to carnal pleasures. It had been so nice to introduce Jasmine to a whole new world. Jasmine awoke soon, sitting up with a loud gasp, clutching her chest like her heart was going to explode. At first, she was frightened, then she turned and saw Chel kneeling on the ground and her expression shifted. She went from fear to adoration in a second, her eyes warmly looking at her new friend. As Jasmine smiled shyly at her new lover, Chel nearly rolled her eyes. She had banged the girl so hard she probably thought she was in love. This happened way too often to Chel. It was the only downside to breaking in virgins, they mistake mind-shattering orgasms for love. "Chel," Jasmine sweetly said, brushing her hair back as she looked at the woman that had nearly killed her with pleasure with wide, adoring eyes. Then Jasmine felt the thrashing, bulge in her rectum and she gave a squeak. Turning bright red, she grabbed her big butt and bit her lip agitatedly as the movement inside her continued. "Did you…did you…. put Tinkerbell up my…my…my…" "Up your fat, sexy ass?" Chel laughed as she moved up behind Jasmine and pushed her arms around her to grab her chest. She kneaded her sweaty breasts, toying with them as Jasmine let out a lewd moan. "She's up there good, trapped inside your pear shaped booty. Doesn't it feel great?" "Yes! I mean no! I mean…" Jasmine struggled to say, her moans increasing as she got used to feeling another person trapped in her most private and hidden place. It felt so strange but good. That seemed to be what Chel did, she made you feel strange but good. "Please, I don't want to hurt her. Can you get her out of me?" "Fine. Stand up and I'll set her free," Chel responded while rolling her eyes. Jasmine was still such a naïve, little girl. She had a gorgeous woman up her ass, thrashing about like crazy and she wanted her out? If it was Chel she would keep the sexy, tiny girl up there all day. Looks like even though Chel showed Jasmine a whole new world she still wasn't seeing the full scope of what was before her. That just meant Chel had to show her. Jasmine stood rigidly as the squirming up her ass calmed down slightly but the sensation of having her rump filled never passed. Even though it felt good, she wanted Tinkerbell free of her bowels because it was just too much for her. Forcing someone up your butt just felt wrong. Chel moved down to her knees behind Jasmine, facing her firm butt. Parting the plump cheeks, she smiled at the princess's tiny, pink asshole before gently placing her mouth over it. Jasmine was about to squeak again at Chel's touch when a moan burst out from her throat as the sly nympho started licking around her asshole. Jasmine continued to softly moan as Chel's skillful tongue slipped into her sphincter, stretching it out as she moved her tongue into her rectum. Chel polished off the entrance with her tongue for several minutes, loosening it up as Jasmine swayed on her feet at yet another strange, pleasant sensation. Digging her tongue in deeper, she felt Tink's feet brush against the wet tip. Chel began the slow, but enjoyable process of slurping and sucking Tink free of the tight bowels. For Tinkerbell, everything became dark and confined. She was stuck in Jasmine's ass, unable to even beat her wings as the fleshy, pulsating walls hugged her. She reacted like any sane person would by freaking out. She flailed against the rectal walls, her movements doing nothing. Fear eventually passed as Tink realized she could breathe and the walls weren't crushing her. Slowly, her squirming died down and she just lay there, listening to Jasmine's intestines gurgle and heartbeat rapidly around her. Closing her eyes, Tink found herself getting more and more used to this, to the point that she reached between her legs and started fingering herself again. It certainly didn't smell great in here, but it was kind of a turn on thinking about how she was trapped in Jasmine's toned, big butt. She just wished Chel hadn't rammed her in here so fast. Just as Tinkerbell was starting to get into playing with herself, she felt Chel's tongue slap against the soles of her feet. The fairy blinked in surprise, not expecting Chel to eat out the ass she was currently lodged up inside. As saliva started to seep in and the rectum relaxed, Tink slipped downwards, the tongue moving up her legs as she headed towards the exit. Feeling the tongue between her legs, she pressed her slit against the spongy tip, using it to get off. Chel hummed, happy to offer her tongue as Tink slipped free of the bowels. With a lurch, her feet slipped free of the sphincter but was met not by the cool outside world, but Chel's pouty lips. Gripping her tightly with just the entrance of her mouth, Chel sucked hard, pulling Tinkerbell out of Jasmine's ass and right onto her tongue. Tinkerbell just sighed as she lay in the steamy, dripping maw, once again she found herself inside a slutty human. Chel moaned around Tink, enjoying how the flavor of Jasmine's ass was covering every inch of the fairy. She sucked on her as hard as she could, squishing her tired but still aroused body into the top of her mouth. Tinkerbell weakly squirmed in pleasure as the slippery brute of a tongue assaulted her entire body, her breasts dragging over the tip as she humped the middle. Saliva gushed all around her and she nearly choked on it as it shot into every crevice of her minuscule body. It took less than a minute of being sucked on for Tinkerbell to climax, her juices washed away as soon as they came out by the torrential, slippery maw. As Chel tasted the salty but sweet nectar, she closed her eyes and swallowed. Hopefully, Tink would forgive her for this as well as being turned into a butt plug. It all happened so fast, one second Tinkerbell was coming down from her orgasm and then next she was behind dragged back into a tight, throbbing tunnel, only this time it was not someone's backside she was going up. A bulge slipped down Chel's long neck, only starting to wriggle just before it disappeared. Chel felt the fairy resuming her struggle as she slipped into her belly, landing in the growing pool of saliva, stomach acids and other fluids she'd swallowed. Unlike her first time with Tulio, Tinkerbell didn't start screaming or banging away at her stomach. Instead, she seemed to be thrashing about, kicking and waving her arms around like she was having a temper tantrum. Tinkerbell was having a temper tantrum. She wasn't scared of being crushed like she'd been when forced up Jasmine's untouched booty, she was just angry. All fairies were safe from digestion after they developed an immunity to digestive acids after generations of them ending up inside animal's belly. When you're a shiny bug your easy prey for any predator. Tinkerbell was angry because one again she had been treated like a toy by Chel. When she got out of here she was going to slap her big, brown butt as hard as she could until Chel begged for forgiveness. "Tasty," Chel said, rubbing her stomach as she felt the pleasure she only got from having her belly filled with her lover. Usually, it was Tulio or Miguel, now she could add Tinkerbell to people she'd fucked that she'd turned into food. As she stood up, she walked over to her clothing, shifting through her outfit; she found a flask that she usually stashed in her cleavage. Picking it up, she walked back to Jasmine who was still reeling from her first time getting her ass rimmed. "I can't believe you put your mouth there. It's so dirty," Jasmine muttered as she clasped her hands to her cheeks. Chel snickered at Jasmine for still acting so innocent after she'd seen her screaming her head off while getting double-teamed by Tink and her. She slung an arm around Jasmine's shoulders, grinning shamelessly at her. "Trust me, after awhile you not only get used to the taste but you learn to like it." Jasmine said nothing as Chel laughed at her new lovers lingering innocents. She kissed Jasmine on the cheek and then handed her the flask she had been hiding. "Drink some of this, you need to replenish your fluids." Knowing exactly what fluids she needed replenishing, a blushing Jasmine took the flask. Chel watched carefully as she opened the flask and took a swing, Chel quickly yanked it away before she drank too much. "What was that? It wasn't bad, a little minty," Jasmine said as Chel backed away. The experienced trickster sat down on her blanket and watched closely as Jasmine started to stagger and then collapsed to the ground as her body begun rapidly shrinking. Taking some of the shrinking elixirs from El Dorado had been a great idea as it allowed Chel to find more men or women to turn into her shrunken lovers. Jasmine was the first person she'd found that she believed could appreciate being her toy. Of course, first, she'd have to break her into the new role she had found herself in. "What happened?" Jasmine said as she found everything around her had become huge. Seeing her new friend, now a towering giantess, Jasmine ran towards her as she sat on the towel, taking over a minute to travel a few feet. Chel gently picked Jasmine up, finding her surprised by the sudden shift in size but not panicking and screaming in fear. She'd have to tell Tulio later that a young princess handled being shrunken better than he had. "You're just as sexy shrunken down as you are full sized," Chel purred as she held Jasmine in her cupped hands. The shrunken princess blushed and looked up at her lover nervously. The way Chel was acting seemed to indicate that she was responsible for doing this to her. Jasmine didn't know how to react to that. On the one hand, Chel had shrunken her without telling her on the other every spontaneous thing Chel did ended with Jasmine getting off. She'd trust Chel, after all, she was her friend. "Now it's time for you to repay me for everything I've done for you. Are you aware that while you were having the time of your life, I haven't gotten off once? Until I think we are even, you're going to be my sex toy." Jasmine wanted to complain about that, but Chel didn't allow her as her giant tongue came out and lapped at the front of her body. Her breasts rubbed against the broad tongue as it slid over her chest and face. Chel's heavy moans blew over Jasmine as she was held inches from Chel's mouth. Lying down on her side, Chel brought Jasmine between her legs, pushing her head into her clit. Jasmine was battered by the nub, her face rubbed into it. She licked at it several times, unable to do much as Chel kept sliding her under the fleshy hood. The hand moved down and Jasmine thought she was going to be introduced to Chel's pussy, instead, she went past the wet slit and right between the huge, brown hills that were Chel's ass cheeks. Jasmine's eyes shot open and she screamed as her face was mashed against the wrinkled, puckered asshole of the girl she once trusted. Chel bit her lower lip as she wiped her sphincter with the princess's gorgeous face before relaxing her hole and letting her slid right in up to her shoulders. Jasmine squirmed in her hand as she was slowly fed into the clammy, hot rectum. Chel hoped that fight in her remained when she was fully inserted. Reaching behind her back, Chel took Jasmine's legs and shoved her halfway into her narrow, pulsating ass while her free hand began sliding along her slit. Holding tightly to the flailing princess's ankles, Chel began shoving her nearly completely in and then pulling her nearly free before shoving her back in. Panting as she used Jasmine's as an anal sex toy, two of Chel's fingers pumped into her twat. Chel loved double penetration, both her holes getting attention as she rose to new heights of pleasure. Usually, she had one of the boys pushing their cocks into one of her orifices while the other shrunk down and pleasured the other. Chel was making due without her two studs and doing a great job of it. For Jasmine, the fun had ended when she came face to face with Chel's pink, little asshole. She slid back and forth into the gaping sphincter, her body dragging along the walls. She felt slimy mucus coating her naked form, even getting into her mouth. Chel might like the taste of ass but Jasmine certainly didn't. Everything quivered inside Chel’s rectum as the big-butted beauty stimulated her anus with Jasmine’s entire body. She heard the cries of pleasure rising from Chel and took solace in the fact that she was helping her friend. She just wished she could have done it without entering the convulsing, slimy grasp of her bowels. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Panting heavily, Chel picked up her speed, pounding four fingers into her pussy as her thumb rubbed her clit. She was speeding up Jasmine's pumping too, nearly losing her as her grip on the shrunken girl became shaky. At the same time, Tink was getting jostled around inside Chel's stomach, the watery gut rising and falling rapidly. As she smacked into the wrinkled, quivering stomach wall, Tinkerbell started wailing against the flesh, unintentionally increasing Chel's pleasure. She had already been so horny after playing with Jasmine and Tink, and now all this stimulation hitting her burning, lustful body. Chel didn't resist as her climax approached. With a lustful cry, Chel flung Jasmine forward, propelling her deep into the dark, fiery bowels. The princess reacted by thrashing around as the rectum tightened around her young, naked body. Arching her back, Chel reached her orgasm, screaming to the heavens as sweet release finally came to her. Her juices dripped down from her crotch as she heaved her ass up off the ground. Every inch of her shook as she came before falling back limply. It took awhile for her orgasm to fad, her panting body trembling as the pleasure ran through every nerve. That had been a lot of foreplay but it was worth it. Chel flopped down on her blanket, trying to catch her breath as she stared up at the clear blue sky. The motion inside her rectum and stomach continued even after her orgasm faded. She patted her flat belly and squeezed her glutes, before softly speaking to her new sex toys. "Thanks, girls, I know I took over a bit at the end. When I get too horny my boys tell me I become a thoughtless bitch. I know being stuck inside me can't be fun right now, but I promise you both lots of long, sweaty rewards later." That got the movement to crease as both girls' accepted Chel's offer of a reward as her way of saying sorry. Sweaty and exhausted, Chel rolled over and closed her eyes. Now that her libido was under control, she could get some rest and relaxation. "Run away! Run away!" With a hearty sigh, Chel sat up and looked across the beach to see two very familiar men running towards her like Hell was right behind them. Wearing only bed sheets, Tulio and Miguel came running up to Chel as she got up, grabbing her hand and dragging her with them. Not at all amused by this, Chel kept up with the fleeing men but not without giving them both death glares. "What did you idiots do this time?" Chel asked, not surprised that Miguel and Tulio had gotten into trouble only that they had done it so fast. They hadn't been on the island for more than a day and they were already fleeing for their lives. Usually, they lasted two days, three tops before they screwed up and had to escape. "Nothing!" Tulio said, seemingly insulted that Chel thought that what was happening was their fault. "Well, we did a lot actually… to a princess… together," Miguel added, earning himself a nasty look from his partner in crime. The blond con man just shrugged as she ran. "What? Like you weren't going to brag about us double teaming a princess once we get away." Tulio just grumbled something before a smirk worked its way onto his face. Yeah, he would totally have started bragging about banging a princess with his best friend once they were safe. However, right now they needed to get off the island before the unthinkable happened. He refused to say it, but Miguel clued Chel in. "Turns out the princess we bagged had a sister who's a queen, an ice queen. When she caught us at both ends of her sister she froze the room and threatened to freeze off our family jewels. Please, Chel you have to save our balls from frostbite!" Miguel and Tulio stopped as Chel had to let out a belly laugh; her head tilting back as she cackled heartily at what her boys had gotten themselves into. Once she was done enjoying their misery, she grabbed them by the hand and started off for the other side of the beach where she had a boat waiting for them to escape on when things went sour. They hadn't conned anyone out of any gold or treasures, but at least Miguel and Tulio got a taste of royalty pussy. Of course, Chel had the real prize, two new playmates tucked away in her bowels and belly. She couldn't wait for them to meet the boys and see what kind of trouble all five of them could get into. "First one to the boat gets my ass tonight!" Chel's wager had Miguel and Tulio sprinting even faster towards their escape vessel, now that they were fueled by the promise of her big, bronzed booty. Chel followed, watching the boys push and shove each other as they fought to get ahead. Oh yes, Chel was going to have a lot of fun soon.
In a world where beautiful, dangerous monsters coexist with humans things can be so complicated. Big questions like, should one race fear the other? Is love possible between two different species? What rights does a nonhuman have? All these questions have no easy answer and are contemplated constantly by both races. However, for some, the world is simple and in their ignorance, they are blessed. Such is the case for Suu. Suu was a slime monster, not like those ugly things in RPGs that can be killed with one attack. Suu was made up of a blue transparent mass with the consistency of Jello that could be molded into different forms. With green and yellow hair like antennas coming out from atop her head, she kept a humanoid form that according to her friend Papi was ‘super cute!' She kept this form most of the time, letting it grow and expand when she added liquid to her mass. Most of the expansion went to her rear and chest, which she discovered humans liked to look at a lot. Suu was a guileless monster girl, not too smart, not too clever, but she had a good heart and cared about all her friends. Which brings her to what she was out of the house doing now. She had left her home and master, Kurusu, to visit an old friend that she had promised to visit. "Here I come, Kii!" The slime girl giggled as she moved through the open forest to meet up with her Dryad friend, Kii. She was supposed to be going with Papi but her friend had wandered off when she spotted a cart selling ice cream and Suu had gone on without her without even realizing she was gone until she was miles away in the forest. Undaunted by the loss of her traveling companion, Suu continued to head towards her meet up with Kii. Dressed in a yellow raincoat and boots with not a shred of clothing on underneath, Suu wasn't going to let anything stop her. "HONK!!!" It took Suu two seconds to turn towards the sound, just in time to get hit by the bumper of a speeding truck. The slime girl was sent flying into some bushes as the truck came to a screeching halt. Suu blinked as she found herself unharmed, her soft body taking the hard blow easily. She then noticed her raincoat had been wrecked, the branches of the bush tearing it apart. With a little huff of annoyance, she removed the ruined outfit. Master wouldn't be happy she destroyed the nice coat he gave her even though she didn't understand why he made her wear it. Most humans liked her walking around naked, why did he want to cover her up? Master could just be so confusing all the time. "What the Hell did you hit?!" "I don't know, I think it was a duck!" "Ducks don't wear clothing, idiot!" Suu moved her malleable, slippery form out of the bush, shifting her body back to normal as three humans got out of the truck. One of them looked really big and mean, he was screaming at a younger human that was apologizing frantically while the third human, a female, smoked a cigarette and glared at the two men. The shouting ended when Suu came up to them with her hand up to wave at the new humans. Hitting her wasn't nice, but her friends hit master all the time so maybe they just liked her very much. Maybe the woman would start smothering her with her breasts like her friends do to master? "What the Hell is that? One of those freaks?" Suu's hand dropped at the woman's words. This human was not a very nice one. She no longer wanted to be smothered in her breasts. "Yui, chill out. Sorry we hit you. We were just…transferring some stuff and didn't see you. Are you okay, I can look you over if you want?" asked Gin, the youngest of the group. He was just a college student trying to make some extra money. The two people with him were Yui, a chain-smoking, bitch he couldn't get away from fast enough and Hiroshi, a grumpy, large guy that acted like an old man. He leered at the strange monster girl, eyeing her naked body. She didn't have nipples or a pussy, but her small body still looked sexy. Gin had always had a thing for monster girls, not the gross ones with spider or snake bodies, the nice ones with animal ears and big tits. This one looked a little weird but beggars can't be choosers. Reaching out towards her, she slipped past him, trying to see what was in the back of the truck. Hiroshi was having none of that. "Where do you think you're going? Who the Hell do you think you are? What were you thinking, standing in front of our truck like a damn fool? You an idiot or something?" Hiroshi sneered as he blurted out questions, ignoring the fact that they had been speeding in the middle of a forest and hadn't noticed Suu even though she was right in front of them. Suu stared at the big man, and just ignored him, focusing instead on getting to the back of the truck. She smelled something familiar that she wanted to check quickly. Strapped to the back of the truck was a huge crate with human words on it. Unable to read, Suu instead tried to touch a purple substance that was leaking from the top of the crate. "You freaking moron! Don't touch that!" Hiroshi snapped, grabbing Suu by her dangling green and yellow tendril like hair. Lifting her up into the air, he checked to make sure the cargo was secure. As he looked over every inch to see if it had gotten loose, he eyed the labels printed on the crate. The first one read, ‘Super Strength Fertilizer' but over that was another tag that marked the fertilizer as Industrial Waste. This stuff was dangerous to a human, which was why his company paid him, Gin and Yui to dump it where no one would ever find it. It might kill some trees and make the animals sick, but that wasn't his problem. Why worry about stupid stuff like that? "Is the crate fine? I swear if that thing has started leaking because of your shitty driving I'm going to kill you," Yui growled, shaking her fist at Gin, who just sneered back at her. Looking at Suu, he saw her still reaching for the crate, not understanding what was going on. "Gin! Get over here and restrain this stupid bitch! We got to find somewhere to dump the cargo and get out of here!" "I'm coming boss," Gin said, his hands already out to grab the slime girl. He couldn't wait to get his hands on her body, he bet he could cop a couple feels and she wouldn't say a thing. She looked really soft and shiny, he bet if he cupped her butt his hands would just melt into her skin. Now while not the brightest of monsters, even Suu could tell there was something creepy about the way Gin was looking at her. It reminded her of the looks Miia made at master while he slept. Not wanting any part of whatever he hand planned, Suu pulled her hair out of Hiroshi's grip and jumped towards the crate, something about this box was stirring a memory of hers. As she grabbed it in her hands, she pulled it back, the rope tied around it coming loose as Gin didn't do a good job securing it. Suu smiled as the crate came off the truck and then landed on top of her, breaking open and splattering her in industrial waste. Gin, Hiroshi, and Yui stared at the mess with their mouths dangling open in shock and horror. "My truck!" Yui screeched, running over to see if the deadly chemicals had touched her car, not giving Suu a single glance as she bathed in that very waste. The woman only cared about her car, which was now dripping with the pollutant they'd been carrying. Furious, she stomped over to Hiroshi and grabbed him by the shirt as she snarled in his face. "I thought you had it secured to the truck!" "I did! When we stopped it must have gotten loose and when that bitch grabbed it the entire thing fell off. I knew we should have taken a company truck, your shitty old car was too small," Hiroshi screamed back, not taking any blame for this screw-up. So her truck was a little damaged, big deal. The bigger issue was that this was too close to civilization; they were supposed to dump this crap where no one could find it. Now some stupid hiker might stumble on it and report the dumping. They could lose their jobs. As Hiroshi and Yui screamed obscenities at each other, blaming the other for everything they could think of, Gin was staring at Suu as the purple fertilizer she'd been covered in seeped into her absorbent body. Gin took a step back as Suu grew a foot taller, then another foot and then another. Gin's alarm rose every time Suu grew until he was in a full-blown panic mood. Taking several steps back, he trembled and pointed at the slime girl. "G-Guys! We have a problem!" Gin's coworkers turned to where he was pointing and went pale; their bulging out in horror as they saw Suu crouched before them, twenty times bigger than she was before. She rose up, her recently inflated chest wobbling as she stood at her new full height of fifty feet. She towered over the humans who had broken out of their terror-induced stupor and were rushing back to the truck. Suu gave the truck a kick, sending it flying into the bushes much like it had sent her flying. Without a way to escape, Hiroshi, Gin, and Yui were trapped with the giant-sized monster girl. Not one to be intimated, even by someone big enough to crush him like a bug, Hiroshi stepped forward to confront Suu. "Get out of here! We don't want your kind here or in our country! Go back to where you came from!" Suu responded to his bigoted screaming but just smiling down at him before one of her green and yellow antennas lifted up and pointed at Hiroshi. The burly man stared at the round tentacle for a second before it shot down and slammed right on top of him with a crash, sending a dust cloud around the impact area. Yui and Gin screamed as they saw their annoying coworker crushed. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" Gin repeated, feeling like he was going to faint. As the dust settled, they were able to see that Hiroshi hadn't been crushed like they thought. He had been forced into Suu's antenna when she brought it down on him, trapped him inside her slime where he couldn't scream anymore. He bulged out the oozing tentacle, his body thrashing around as he held his throat. Hiroshi was drowning but before he could pass out, a bubble of air formed around his head, saving him. Suu just giggled, she wasn't planning on hurting the human, even if he was rude. Hiroshi began sliding down her hair, unable to fight against the slimy interior of Suu. She brought him right into her head, leaving him trapped just behind her eyes. She turned to the remaining humans, who were trembling pathetically at her feet. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt any of you, unlike you, I do not hurt innocent creatures or harm this beautiful land. Shame on you for your thoughtless actions. Don't you realize we all have you share the world and respect one another? Maybe once you have suffered a little you'll understand," Suu contemplatively said, rubbing her chin as she dwelled on what punishment she could administer to these humans. Suu had not only grown in size but brainpower too. She understood what these three were doing and was very upset they had been planning to hurt her friend Kii's forest again. She needed to show them that actions have consequences. Remembering how Papi once said, ‘Butt-head's need to be taught respect', a clever idea came to Suu. "I know exactly what you deserve," Suu chuckled as she swayed her big hips and turned around. Before her ass had been cute and perk, but now she had a big, fat bubble butt that put Papi's booty to shame. Slapping her big butt as it hung over the two humans, Suu started to bend over, dropping her ten-foot butt right on top of the pair. Yui screamed as the big rear neared, but Gin was too busy ogling the biggest butt he had ever seen to say anything. Even in danger, his perverted nature took over. Suu sat down, dropping her blue ass on top of the two and pushing them down onto the ground. Unlike with Gin, she wasn't absorbing them right away; she was letting them feel the weight of her backside grounding them into the dirt before letting them enter her transparent form. "This feels kind of nice," Suu muttered as she wiggled her ass against Gin and Yui, feeling them try to squirm out under her tremendous weight. She pushed down completely on them, letting them sink into her soft backside but not completely get sucked into her slime. She sat down on them for a minute before they started to go still. Once again Suu was reminded humans needed to breathe. With a slurping sound, they were pulled into her backside and air bubbles surrounded their heads. They were now trapped in her ass; to do with as Suu wanted. "Let's see, you also ruined my rain coat. Can't forget about that," Suu said before she activated her body's natural ability to dissolve everything she took in. The humans clothing dissolved inside her and they started struggling, thinking they were going to be digested too. Suu laughed, she said she wasn't going to hurt them and she meant it. Quickly, she was left with three naked humans floating around inside her. "I hope my insides aren't too cold for you now." Suu repositioned all three humans inside her, putting them inside her midsection; they floated there naked, unsure what Suu was going to do with them next. What the giant slime had decided to do was leave them inside her and find the proper authority to arrest the three for illegal dumping. However, Suu was able to feel every inch of the humans as they were suspended inside her, including the youngest ones hard, oozing cock. Suu's cheeks brightened at the knowledge that she had aroused the human and felt her curiosity piqued. Drawing Gin out of her stomach, she dumped him onto her waiting palm. Shaking and holding himself, Gin was lifted up to Suu's face, her large green eye focused on his hard-on. "You're aroused by me? Why is that? Do you find my larger breasts and ass appealing? Perhaps it is my height? What would I need to do if I wanted to excite you more?" Suu asked eagerly, wanting to learn more about what aroused this human. She wasn't so much interested in him, just why he felt excited about her. If she learned more she could use it on master to win his heart before the other girls did. Just thinking of her sweet master wanting her like this human was getting her aroused. Wiggling her wide hips back and forth, she looked impatiently at Gin for answers. Gin was scared to answer, but once more his libido clouded his mind and he answered honestly. "I guess I find you hot, big tits and ass are always hot. Your height is kind of scary. Maybe you can shrink down and we can talk like normal?" Suu shook her head, not only could she not decrease her height without losing her intelligence but she wasn't dumb enough to trust any of these humans. Giant Suu was staying. Seeing his suggestion wasn't being considered, Gin thought about the last question. "I don't know what kind of stuff you could do to excite me. My ex-girlfriend did this thing with her tongue that was nice but I don't think…." Gin paused as he saw Suu’s mouth open wide enough that she could stuff Gin in. Bracing himself, the young man thought he was going to be eaten, but instead of going in, Suu's tongue came out. Unlike the rest of her, Suu's tongue was pink like regular humans. Although, Gin discovered it was extra slimy as it rubbed against his feet. He watched Suu's tongue with both anticipation and dread as it glided over his legs, pushing into his crotch. His cock nearly completely sank into her squishy tongue as it rubbed along his shaft and then covered it completely. Suu wiggled her tongue against his member, listening to his moans and feeling his writhe in pleasure. She took note of everything, how he went still as she pressed down hard on him, how he started breathing deeply as she cupped his balls on the tip of her tongue and how he nearly screamed as she wrapped her flexible tongue around it and gave it a few squeezes. She wanted to be prepared if she got a chance with her master. "You're better than my ex!" Gin screamed as the slippery, soft tongue licked up and down his manhood from the base to the tip, sending thick saliva like fluids splattering all over his waist. He thrust his cock into Suu's tongue, digging it into the giving slime. Unlike human tongues Suu's was completely smooth, no bumps, nothing but a silky soft surface to push against. He laid back on her palm, letting her have her way with him, not even thinking about his coworkers trapped inside the monster. Her tongue pulled away from his crotch, only to start wrapping around his legs, then his thighs and then his waist. Gin stared at Suu's mouth as she stretched her tongue out, nearly ten feet of gooey, supple tongue wrapping completely around Gin from head to toe. He was completely covered by her winding tongue, unable to even move as it undulated and oozed all over him. He screamed into the slime as every inch of him was massaged and played with by Suu's playful tongue. His cock was cushioned between the twisting monster tongue and as he bucked his hips Gin quickly hit his breaking point and climaxed. His seed splattered all over the tongue and was instantly absorbed into Suu's gooey form. As Gin hung limply in Suu's tongue he was nearly dropped as the slime girl let out a tremendous moan that vibrated down her elongated tongue. A new kind of pleasure surged through Suu's mass from the absorption of Gin's load. In the past, she had molested her friends to get moisture on their bodies and unintentionally gotten them to cum on her. Their nectar had not affected Suu at all, but the high protein, thicker seed of this male was like an aphrodisiac to Suu and she found herself more aroused than ever. Unwinding her tongue, she lowered a very sticky Gin to her chest, one of her car-sized breasts jiggled right in front of him. In husky voice, Suu spoke to the young man. "Your turn to make me feel good." Nodding uncertainly, Gin looked at her massive breast, noticing first that she had inverted nipples. Knowing he needed to get to her tit, he shoved both arms into the sunken slime flesh and started trying to pull free the sensitive tit. Suu moaned as her new boy toy went to work, but she wanted more. She knew a little bit about sex and got tingles in her crotch that she couldn't explain, but mostly she was aware that she lacked most of the important orifices for any real fun. You can't get to third base if you lack genitals. Luckily, she was smarter now and had someone she could use to study the female anatomy. Her free hand shot into her stomach, grabbing the female human. "Fucking Hell!" Yui gasped as she was pulled free from the slime, her naked boy dripping with the monster's goo. She caught sight of Gin trying to play with the giantess's nipple and snarled at the kid for messing around with this freak while she was trapped inside her. Before she could start screaming at him, Suu drew her up to her face. With a happy smile on her face, Suu brought one of her telephone pole sized antennas down to Yui. "I just have to check something. This won't take long." Yui stared at the slime girl in confusion until she felt the yellow tip of Suu's tentacle-like hair push her legs open. Screaming, she tried to grab it, but her hands just sank into the slime. Suu pushed forward, pressing into her pussy and slipping into her, stretching her out much more than she was comfortable with. Yui screamed her head off at this point, the antenna diving deep into her sex and oozing right up into her womb. More slime poured into her, causing her belly to inflate. Yui had never felt anything like this before as her stomach bloated out and wobbled with Suu's slime scouring her insides. Suu studied her inside and out. She felt ever curve of the tunnel, the little bumps and grooves and everything that it connected to in Yui’s body. It was fascinating to feel Yui's inside contract and secrete her juices, letting Suu taste the human's excitement as she reviewed her opening. For Yui, it was like she was filled by the biggest, vibrating cock imaginable and through the rage and humiliation, she felt herself getting off. Just as she got used to it, Suu pulled her antenna back, leaving Yui's pussy gaping open and her body hot with excitement. "You...You fucking tease," Yui got out as she was brought down to Suu's other breast, her other inverted nipple staring Yui in the face. Not wanting her ass to get probed too, Yui started to try and pull her nipple out as well. Gin almost had her nipple popped out as he had dug himself halfway into her puffy teat. He squirmed in the slimy flesh, yanking it out as hard as he could. As the nipple came out, he wasn't given more than a second to admire the hard, large tit before Suu pulled him down. Gin grabbed one of her fingers to brace himself as she dropped her hand down, passing by her stomach, where Hiroshi was glaring daggers at him, to reach her completely smooth crotch. He stared at the flat section between Suu's legs until he noticed the slime parting. He watched as Suu created herself a pussy with thick mounds, a slit and a clit hidden under a hood made of goop. It looked perfect on the outside and it looked perfect on the inside. Gin could see the tunnel like pussy through Suu's transparent skin right to her womb. Suu had created herself a sex in seconds, one that felt all the same sensations and did all the same things a normal pussy could. Suddenly, it dawned on Gin what Suu was planning. "Now really make feel good!" Suu shamelessly said as she grasped Gin by his legs. The young man looked at her new sex nervously, not happy to be returning to Suu's body after being sucked into her rump. He told himself that technically he'd be inside her pussy instead of being suspended in her slime, but that didn't comfort him. Suu brought him closer to her sex, rubbing his head along her slit. New sensations hit Suu hard as she moaned in wanton lust as Gin touched her. Already panting, she couldn't wait for another second and forced his head in past her lips, sliding Gin into her new pussy. Suu threw her head back and screamed as Gin was forced into her up to his waist. His bare legs kicked wildly as he hung from Suu's pussy, the slimy walls holding his puny form tightly as Suu swayed back and forth. At her nipple, Yui was nearly sucked into the inverted tit as the gooey breast rippled and shook. With a gasp, Suu fell backward, her huge ass dropping hard onto the ground, creating a small earthquake that could be felt throughout the forest. Lying on her backside, Suu spread her legs apart and pinched Gin's legs between her fingers. "In…In…Incredible!" The slime sputtered as Gin squirmed in her snatch, trying to keep the walls of her pussy from crushing him and at the same time not slipping out and falling to the ground. Suu could see him through her flesh, panicking as he felt Suu shake around him. Giggling, she pushed him deeper into her cunt until only his feet remained outside of her lips. She then pulled him nearly out before slamming her right in. Howling in pleasure, she started using Gin as a dildo, her breasts bouncing up and down as she pounded her cunt. Inside one of her breasts, Yui found herself sinking further into the inverted tit. She had tried to pull it out like Gin did but she couldn't get a good grip with all the shaking. Instead, she was being drawn right into the gooey nipple as Suu was unable to control her bodies density as she got off on new pleasure she was experiencing. As Yui sank into the nipple, she found herself unable to breathe. Suu was too distracted to give her an air bubble right now. As she started to suffocate, she looked deeper into Suu and saw Hiroshi's air bubble diminishing. The crazy monster had forgotten about both of them as she enjoyed using Gin as a sex toy. Yui held her breath and squirmed as hard as she could, praying the monster got off and remembered them soon or they'd be goners. "Wiggle around my little human! No wonder my friends always try to get into master's pants. Sex is awesome!" Suu screamed as she propelled Gin harder into her pussy, her wide hips lifting off the ground as she worked him as far into her cunt as she could while still grasping his legs. The young man screamed in fear and pain as the horny monster used him. Her pussy contracted tightly around him, nearly crushing him as he was forced back and forth into the tunnel. Suu was releasing blue fluids that were much clearer than her normal slime. It tasted awful as it poured over Gin's face, getting in his mouth, nose and eyes. The juices were Suu's version of cum and they were flowing faster the longer she used Gin. Her orgasm was coming soon and it was causing Suu’s unsolidified body to quake. Gin feared her climax might kill him, the walls turning as hard as steel and squishing him completely. He swung his arms around and wriggled like a mad man, trying to break Suu's grasp. He even tried to pull himself forward, willing to risk getting trapped in her newly constructed womb if it meant avoiding her deadly climax. Suu's cries increased, her orgasm coming fast. Closing his eyes, Gin awaited his fate. He had dreamed about fucking a monster girl and now his dream was going to kill him. If he wasn't so terrified he might appreciate the irony of his situation. Mouth hanging open and body heaving, Suu could feel herself nearly some great explosion of gratification. As she was hit with this new ecstasy, she felt her control over her body start to completely slip. Goo dripped from her gelatinous body onto the forest floor like sweat as she struggled to stay intact. Her antenna moved down her body, two of them found her breasts and started stroking them vigorously as a third went to her new clit. Inside her breast, Yui felt everything violently shake as Suu stroked her chest. The woman just screamed, choking on the slime inside the airless breast. She was close to blacking out from lack of air and all the shaking around wasn't helping. It was the same for Hiroshi who at this point was turning as blue as Suu. The slime monster didn't notice, all that mattered was her orgasm, her huge incoming burst of pleasure. Placing her fingers on the soles of Gin's feet, she rammed him into her pussy as far as she could, wanting to feel her little toy completely submerged into her greedy twat. Pulling her arms back, Suu's fingers dug into the dirt as she cummed. Her scream could be heard for miles, a high-pitched sound of her reaching the peak of pleasure. Her insides fizzed and churned, sweeping the two humans inside her all around as her throbbing sex pulverized the one in her new pussy. Hiroshi and Yui passed out as they were swept around inside her gurgling, slushy form leaving Gin to face the crushing walls and cascading surge of cum as Suu orgasmed. He was drowning and being squished at the same time. He could feel the walls trying to squeeze the life out of him, his bones creaking from the pressure as it only grew. Just as he thought he was dead, the walls turned soft and he was pulling into Suu's mass as her pussy could no longer retain its form. Floating inside her, he let out a little cheer but quickly regretted it as he swallowed Suu's goop. Panic returned as he found himself unable to breathe. Gin silently cried out and wondered why he couldn't get a break. As Gin was being sucked into Suu's form, the blue slime's juices poured out from her cunt, dripping down her thighs onto the ground to form a small puddle. As her cries died out, all Suu could do was pant as her climax ran its course. Her eyes fell to the large pool of her own juices forming between her legs and something occurred to her in the heat of the moment. She was releasing a lot of fluids and for a creature that grows and changes depending on how much moister they contain would her orgasm cause her to revert back to normal? Just as that thought hit her, Suu started to shrink back down and her mind became muddled. Her intelligence dropped faster than her height and by the time she was half way back to normal size simple, forgetful Suu was back. Which wasn't good for the three people currently suffocating inside her because as Suu's mind reverted back, she did what comes instinctively when she has something inside her; she digests it. Gin felt it, an itchy sensation all over his body one second and a burning the next. He stared up at his coworkers and screamed, not caring that he was choking on slime as he witnessed them quickly dissolve. Bubbles formed around them as they melted away in seconds, stripping flesh, blood, and bone instantly. They were both unconscious from a lack of oxygen, unaware when they passed out that they wouldn't wake up ever again. Gin wasn't that lucky, he thrashed and kicked and cried out as Suu dissolved him. His last moments were spent in nothing but terror as he was liquefied, giving Suu whatever fluid could be found in his human form. It was a cruel end, but Suu's body was just doing what it was supposed to do, turn food into mass. Suu blinked in confusion with no idea what had just happened. Her body and mind had returned to their normal, diminished size with her crotch returning to it’s smooth former state. She found herself standing a crater shaped like her ass beside and pool of rapidly cooling slime cum. Her memories were foggy; she could remember a truck, some humans and then something fun. Looking around, there was no sign of the humans so where could they be? Suu thought about it for a minute and came to the only logical conclusion she could come up with that made sense. The humans must be playing hide and seek with her! Giggling happily, Suu decided to start looking at her master's house having completely forgotten about her plans to see Kii today. Halfway home, she forgot she was playing hide and seek. Things were simple for Suu. Even though Suu couldn't remember a thing, the little slime was still exhausted from her day and went home to rest as a tiny blob in her special bucket in Papi's room. She dozed off, only awakening late into the night. As she rose from her bucket, regaining her humanoid form along with something else. Looking down at her shimmering body, she touched her newly formed sex and instantly felt good. Still confused, Suu tried to figure out what it was and could only come up with hazy memories. She only figured out one thing, sticking things in this new hole felt good. A few minutes later, the door to Kurusu's room creaked open and Suu popped her head in. Happily not seeing Miia hovering over her master, Suu moved onto his bed and began to carefully pull down the covers. Looking at the sleeping human, Suu tilted her head as one question hit her. Now, how was she supposed to get all of him up her new hole?
Megumi moaned, unable to keep the happy sound in, as she tasted what could best be described as Heaven. It was so sweet and flaky, melting in her mouth as she slowly chewed on it. She had never believed cake could taste so good but she was wrong. The best part was that Soma or Takumi or any of her other rivals at the school had made it. She had made this masterpiece, with a little bit of advice and assistance from her new, cherished friend. “Wonderful, just wonderful. I knew you could do it Megumi if you believed in yourself,” Alice said after trying the cake herself. Her lips smacked at the sweet texture of Megumi’s creation as she let out a soft moan for herself. Dressed in only a tank top and shorts, the albino chef wrapped an arm around Megumi’s neck and pulled her close. “I’m proud of you. I knew you had it in you to be great.” Megumi just blushed as Alice pressed into her. She was getting used to how Alice liked to pull her closer and touch her but it still left her a red, nervous wreck. For the last few weeks Alice had taken her under her wing, showing the small town girl some of her family secrets and helping her get over her clumsiness. Alice claimed she saw greatness in Megumi and so far Megumi couldn’t see an alternative reason why Alice would want to help her. So she had accepted her new friends help and gotten much closer to the other girl. Megumi had really opened up her new friend and trusted and respected her as much as Soma. Still, she wished Alice wouldn’t press herself into her like this. It got her all flustered. “Alice, please! At least put on less revealing clothes,” Megumi sputtered as she felt the barely covered breasts of her new mentor pushing into the side of her arm. The timid girl nearly went totally red when she felt no bra under Alice’s top. Was this girl trying to drive her to pass out? “Relax, I’m just happy for your success, come on. Lets sit down and talk, there’s something that has been on my mind for a bit,” Alice said, dismissing all of Megumi’s concerns. Grabbing some cake, she took her new student over to her couch to talk. It had taken a little bit for Megumi to agree to come to her apartment, but after the blue haired girl begun to trust her it was easy to get her to come. Megumi followed, nearly stumbling as Alice gripped her hand. They sat down together, Megumi keeping a respectable distance from Alice as they sat down together. Keeping her head down, she felt Alice’s stare directed at her as she made her usual smug smirk. Alice didn’t wait another second before she struck. “So I have to know, are you sleeping with anyone?” Megumi’s mouth dropped open at the very personal question. She blushed so hard that her face nearly went purple as the very thought of sleeping with anyone raced through her sheltered, innocent mind. Keeping her face down to hide her horror at such a question, she shook her head quickly and said nothing. She didn’t even know how to respond to such an inquiry. She wasn’t dating anyone much less sleeping with anyone. She focused on her cooking and other schoolwork, she didn’t have time to find herself a boyfriend and even if she did, whom would she date? Her mind went instantly to Soma. He was nice, handsome and talented, but even still she couldn’t see her being with him. She just liked him as a friend and truthfully she didn’t feel anything for any of the boys she knew. Lifting her head just enough to glance over at the scantily clad albino girl, Megumi knew that if she could she wouldn’t chose to date any boys. Her preferences were elsewhere. “Hey, no reason to get so flustered. We both women here and we have needs like any other woman. It’s not healthy to keep it all crammed in there. You need a release, whether it’s a cute guy or even a cute girl,” Alice said soothingly, moving closer to Megumi as she spoke. When Megumi looked up, the other girl was close enough to her that their faces were almost touching. Alice smiled warmly at her, looking her in the eyes as she tried to get the other girl to relax. She started to lean in, her lips coming together as they neared Megumi. Before she could steal a kiss, the blue haired chef jumped away, nearly tumbling onto her backside as she tried to escape. “I…I had better go,” Megumi struggled to say, wringing her hands together as she looked at the door. She was so scared, no one had ever gotten that close to her like that. For one second she had almost let Alice kiss her but her insecurities and fear won out and she escaped. All she wanted was to run away, escape this situation and the strange feelings it gave her. She was almost out the door, when Alice’s hand came down on her shoulder. “I’ll let you go, but first, I was hoping you could taste something I’ve been working on. I came up with a new recipe and I need you to give me your honest opinion about it.” Unlike the usual playful tone of voice Alice used she was speaking completely seriously, her eyes looking hard at her fellow student. Megumi stared back nervously but relaxed slightly at the formal way Alice was speaking to her. Flirting left her a nervous wreck but when it came to cooking she could keep her head on straight. Alice removed her hand and Megumi relaxed further. There was nothing sexual going on, this was just two cooks helping each other out. “I’d love to try your new recipe, Alice,” Megumi happily said, smiling at her mentor. The tension in the room ceased and Alice smirked back at the other girl, glad that she was no longer running for the door. Running to the back of her apartment, Alice fetched a phial full of fizzy blue liquid. Megumi stared at the strange drink, not expecting something this odd. Alice smiled meekly back at her as she showed her what she had come up with. “I originally was trying to put my new special ingredient into cake but it ended up tasting awful and having unwanted side effects. I’m hoping in its pure liquid form I won’t have any issues with it.” Taking the strange phial, Megumi hesitated for a second, wondering if drinking an unknown drink in a strangers home was a good idea. She scolded herself mentally as soon as she thought that Alice was her friend, she could trust her. Pulling the top of the phial off, she brought it to her lips and took small sip. Alice watched her eagerly, a wide smirk on her face as the other girl downed her latest gastronomic miracle. After drinking it all down, the phial was handed back to Alice while Megumi thought about how to tell her friend that her newest recipe was too sweet. “I don’t know how to tell you this Alice but I think you have to add a few more bitter ingredients to counteract the sweetness of your…” Megumi couldn’t finish. A tingling sensation rose from her stomach to her head, making her dizzy and causing her to fall forward to her hands and knees. Taking a deep breath, she groaned as her body started to feel warm and fuzzy, she tried to lift her head, but couldn’t find the strength, then she fell seemingly dropping right into her own dress. She cried out in confusion as she collapsed inside her own clothes as they seemingly covered her like a circus tent. Megumi just focused on breathing as the giant clothing was lifted off her and a hand twice the size of her body reached for her. Fingers as wide as her arms wrapped tightly around her as she was carried up high into the air, bringing her to the giant face of someone she thought she could trust. “Alice, Alice, what’s happening?” Megumi repeated, the fog leaving her head and her body cooling down. As she started to feel better physically, her fear rose to new heights as she discovered that everything had grown around her. She screamed, as it sunk in that in fact she had shrunken down, reduced to no bigger then a doll. Alice let her finish screaming before bringing her giant finger to the top of Megumi’s head and soothingly stroking her head like someone would a nervous dog. Megumi just whimpered in the giant girl’s hand, not sure what was going on but terrified by it all the same. “It’s okay, Megumi. Your safe, I would never hurt my sweet little Megu-chan,” Alice softly told the shrunken girl, using her new pet name for her. Megumi just silently let Alice pet her, trying to remember this giantess was still her friend. Slowly, Alice moved back to the couch and sat back, carful not to jostle her little treasure. Tilting her hand, she opened her fingers so Megumi could lie in the center of her palm. Alice stared hard at the girl, making her nervousness return. “I always thought you were cute, Megu-chan, but now I can see your damn sexy too without those clothes on.” With a squeak not unlike a mouse, Megumi sat up and spun away from Alice, covering herself as best she could as she turned so red she practically had steam coming off her blushing face. Alice laughed and picked up the tiny girl, her arms desperately trying to cover herself up as she was brought back up to the smiling face. She came so close to Alice’s face she could feel her hot breath on her naked body. It made her skin tingle pleasantly and she closed her eyes. As terrified as she was to be shrunken, she was more terrified of Alice seeing her naked which the light haired girl couldn’t help but notice. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Megu-chan. You have a sexy body you don’t have to be fearful about showing it. What are you afraid of, that I’ll make fun of you? That I’ll be disgusted? That I won’t find you attractive? Because I do, I find you very attractive my little Megu-chan,” Alice said, her voice barely a whisper as she spoke with the shrunken chef. Slowly, Megumi lifted her head, looking at the Alice’s face with tears in her eyes. She had never been told she was attractive, it was always she was clumsy or too shy or a decent cook. No one had ever noticed her because she was pretty and she never thought someone she thought was gorgeous would feel the same about her. “What’s so good about me?” Megumi tearfully asked, not happy with her body at all. Alice didn’t say anything she just gave Megumi a smile, a rather lewd smile. Lowering her back to her palm, letting her sit back on the middle of her open hand. One of her long manicured fingers reached out towards her, lightly rubbing her long, dark locks. “Where to start? You have the most beautiful, luscious hair I’ve ever seen, I don’t know how you do it but it always smells like strawberries even after spending all day in a hot kitchen. Then there’s your face, you look so adorable I just want to cuddle you all night long and kiss those small, perfect lips.” Alice’s giant fingertip, slipped over Megumi’s face, lightly touching her cheek before sliding down her neck towards her chest. “Then I see the rest of you and I want to do more then cuddle with you. Your firm, supple breasts always push out your top, begging to be free and touched. It’s so sad you can’t show off your cute little midsection or I’d have been looking at it all day. Then there’s your legs, your thighs are thick and juices which is great because it matches your butt. I’ve wanted to pinch your bubble butt for so long, just to feel it between my fingers. There’s so much I want to do to you with my fingers.” “Alice,” As Megumi was left awestruck by the way her mentor spoke about her, she noticed her finger moved down her chest and slipping between her legs. Megumi let out a soft squeak to protest as the tip of the finger sided right down against her crotch. She had never been touched there before, much less by a finger almost a foot wide. She tried to push the probing finger away, but Alice pressed down, caressing her soft womanhood. Unable to help it, Megumi let out a soft moan as she was forcefully fondled, Alice’s finger rubbing back and forth into her pussy just hard enough to stimulate her without hurting her. “Alice, please stop,” Megumi pleaded as she grasped the giant finger between her thighs as hard as she could. Alice just ignored her and kept molesting her untouched pussy, the smooth tip of her fingers spreading the lips apart. Megumi squirmed and whimpered, trying to ignore the pleasure as it increased. The shy girl had never even played with herself this was all new and scary for her. Through tearstained eyes she glimpsed Alice smiling down at her, savoring her pleasure. Megumi felt utterly helpless but at the same time it felt so good. The finger was moving faster, the little bit of moisture oozing out of her helping lubricate the single digit. Biting her lip hard to keep from crying out, Megumi went taut, her legs and arms pushing out as she had her first orgasm. It was incredible, a moment of pure ecstasy she couldn’t explain. After it was over the finger pulled back and she went limp on Alice’s palm, her only movement the steady rising and falling of her chest. “Very sexy,” Alice purred. She ogled her latest pet, her nipples painfully hard and her pussy drenched just from teasing the miniature teen. Slowly, she lifted her palm up to her face and extended her tongue. Megumi’s eyes shot open as Alice gave her crotch a little lick, dabbing her huge tongue against her wet pussy. Megumi let out a cry at Alice’s touch and then she was pulled back. Slowly sitting up, she relieved that Alice wasn’t lapping at her pussy but at the same time disappointed. Placed on her lap, Megumi sat there silently, still reeling with what she’d done. Shame, embarrassment and doubt plagued her as she tried to understand what Alice had done to her. She should feel violated, she had been tricked into shrinking and molested, but when she stared up into Alice’s loving gaze, she couldn’t muster up any anger. Hugging herself, she only had one question that held so much meaning to her. “Why?” Hearing Megumi’s soft, shy question nearly made Alice laugh. The girl was just too adorable. If she had more confidence n herself she’d understand why someone might want to play with her little body, why someone might want her or why someone might have perverted plans for her. However, Megumi was as innocent as she was shy. Alice now had to strip that innocence away layer by layer to get what she wanted, a new pet. “I’m trying to help you. Like I said, it’s not healthy to keep it all crammed up, that’s why as your friend and mentor I’m going to help you. I’m going to help you relax and find the confidence in yourself you’ve always been lacking. I knew you wouldn’t agree to go along with my idea so I shrunk you down. Don’t worry, a few days with me and you’ll feel like a new woman and then I’ll return you to normal. Trust me, Megumi, after all I am your friend.” Alice stroked the side of the miniature girl as the lies flowed out of her easily. Telling the tiny girl she was helping her while in reality she was training her to be her little sex pet seemed wrong on paper but really Alice thought the girl would be happier in the end. Megumi was never going to become a confident chef but she could be one self-confident butt plug. “I trust you, Alice. Just if don’t do that again without telling me. I’m not sure this is a great idea, but I’ll go along with it for now,” Megumi said, looking around nervously as she fought between agreeing and begging Alice to let her go. Her friend sounded like she really wanted to help her and it would be so rude to say no after already shrinking her. As scared as she was, Megumi had to put her faith in Alice. A greedy part of her that she tried to ignore noted that it would mean more chances to get naughty with the beautiful girl. Megumi wasn’t confident enough to date a girl, but she could be shown to relax with a girl. “I knew you’d understand. After this is all over, you’ll feel better then ever. I promise,” Alice said as she gently picked up Megumi. Right now, all she wanted to do was shove the girl into her shorts and force her up her drooling cunt. Instead though, she pulled the top of her shirt out and brought Megumi over her cleavage. “Right now you have to get used to being close to my body so tonight you’ll be sleeping between my breasts. Rest well, little Megu-chan.” “Wait,” the girl squeaked out, her voice once more breaking. Ignoring her, Alice plunged her between her breasts, leaving only her head sticking out from between her massive tits. At six inches tall, it was a tight fit between the heaving bosoms but as Megumi found the supple breasts pushing against her she found herself oddly comfortable. Ignoring her confusing hormones, Megumi cuddled up against the breasts, quickly drifting off. They were so warm and soft, she was fast asleep soon, leaving Alice sitting alone on the couch with her own confusing hormones. Luckily, she knew how to take care of her problem. “Megu-chan, are you asleep?” Alice asked and got no response. The exhausted young girl continued to sleep, not roused when Alice stood up or even when the breasts she was using as a blanket started to wobble. “Megu-chan can I use you as toilet paper? If I can say nothing,” Alice teased and waited for a response. When none came she knew Megumi was truly fast asleep. There was no way she couldn’t keep from screaming in embarrassment at such a question. Now confident that she could speak and act freely without the six-inch girl being aware, Alice headed towards the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, Alice looked at Megumi with a wide, smug smirk before slipping off her shorts. As Alice spread her firm cheeks apart, she pressed her finger into her asshole and slowly dug it into her rectum. She waited a few seconds until she felt tiny arms grab at her single digit before pulling it out of her asshole. Filthy, naked and dazed, Alice’s only true pet reentered the outside world after a week inside her dark, foul bowels. After a week crawling around her filthy insides, you’d think the tiny girl would be happy. If you thought that then you really didn’t understand Hisako at all. “Is everything okay, Alice-sama?” the three inch girl asked as she felt a sudden pang of loss at no longer being tucked away inside Alice’s ass, or as she called it, her paradise. Hisako had been turned into a pet by Alice months ago, used brutally at first but also rewarded for good behavior. She had grown to like her treatment and then love it and then finally giving up any identity she had before she became a pet. She treasured every second of her new existence and wanted nothing more then to serve her beloved mistress. As she clung to Alice’s finger, she saw Megumi fast asleep, twice her size but just as vulnerable to Alice’s perverted will. “It’s perfect,” Alice whispered, not wanting to awaken Megumi. Unlike with Hisako and the little nothing she no longer acknowledged, Alice knew that she had to take things slow with this pet. If she crammed Megumi into her ass or pussy, she’d freak out and never trust or connect with her. It was going to be the long game with her, slowly getting her used to her new role as a pet without scaring her. It was going to be a challenge, all she wanted was to force Megumi to lick her asshole and squirm up her cunt, but Alice liked a challenge. If everything worked out like she hoped, Megumi would be in her ass with Hisako in a couple weeks. “I just need a little relief,” Alice softly said before heading to the sink. She washed up her beloved butt bug before pulling the waistband of her panties out. Hisako didn’t need any instructions. Alice-sama needed relief and she had to help before she retuned to her hot, smelly home. Alice dropped her into her panties and let the three-inch girl crawl into her cunt. Letting her panties snap closed, Alice wandered over to her bed even as Hisako began to squirm her way past her lips. A night of her pet inside her pussy pleasuring her should keep her libido in control tomorrow. Taking one last look at Megumi, Alice swore that she’d make the girl as devoted as Megumi by the end. The light was turned off and Alice went to bed, a night of orgasms and stifled moans awaiting her. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Megumi had never been more happy or confused in her entire life. It had been several days since Alice forcefully shrunk her and made her loosen up. They spent the entire day together in the apartment, Megumi watching her friend go about her day practicing her recipes, watching TV, reading or just spending time talking with her. It would have been nice and calm if Alice could keep her hands to herself but more importantly if Megumi didn’t find herself succumbing to her own lewd urges. Slowly the shy, nervous girl had been opening up herself to explore her own desires and wasn’t sure what to think or feel. Alice would continue to fondle her with her giant hands, sometimes licking her naked body and something rubbing her into her massive breasts. It was while she was being pressed into the huge chest that Megumi found herself rubbing Alice’s nipple through her shirt. Alice quickly offered to let Megumi get a better touch but she hastily refused, at that point. Soon, she found Alice walking around topless, offering her bare breasts to her friend. Such temptation was too much and after nearly a dozen frantic denies, Megumi asked if she could touch Alice’s breasts for just a few seconds. Megumi would spend nearly an hour on Alice’s soft, supple bosom, rubbing nipples as big as her hand and eventually kissing and licking them. Megumi would have never have gone that far, but Alice insisted she push herself, explore her feelings. All Megumi felt at that point was to play with this gorgeous woman’s tits like a child with the latest and greatest new toy. By the end of it, she was rubbing her own nipples into the giant tit, slowly working herself up to an orgasm. When she finally orgasmed on Alice’s chest, she had gone completely red from the top of her head to her toes. Alice had just laughed and called her too cute. Thus began Megumi’s descent into utter perverted enslavement. On her third night with Alice, Megumi laid between her breasts, her very close friend wearing nothing but a pair of black, lacy panties. Megumi stared at the soft hills surrounding her, still fighting her own insecurities but unable to find fault in what she was doing. Alice encouraged it and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t feeling more confident. Looking up, the six inch girl stared up past Alice’s chin to see her friend looking a little distracted by something. She had her eyes closed and was breathing slowly, like she was trying to ignore something. Wondering if that something was her, Megumi quickly checked. “Alice, am I bothering you? I can get off your chest if you want me to. I had no problem sleeping on a pillow or in a drawer or the floor if you want me away from you,” Megumi fretfully blurted out as she scrambled to get off Alice before she could even answer. As she pressed her fingers into the squishy breasts to pull herself free, Alice plucked her up and held her tightly as she sat up on her bed. Alice smiled kindly at the considerate girl, lightly tracing her thumb along her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Megu-chan. I have no problem with sharing my body with someone as cute as you. Everything is great, well, except for one small thing.” Concerned about any problem, no matter how small, Megumi swiftly wanted to know more. “What is it?” “I know this might sound selfish, Megu-chan. but having you so close is making me really…horny. I know, that sounds horrible. Here I am trying to help you relax and I’m complaining about how I feel. I really am a terrible friend,” Alice sighed sadly, looking away from Megumi to seem like she was embarrassed when it fact she was trying to hide her smirk. If she ever wanted a career outside of cooking she would make a pretty good actress. “Don’t say that Alice, you’re a great friend, maybe the best friend I’ve ever had. You’ve helped me so much, let me explore my feelings and desires and now… now it’s my turn to help you!” Megumi proclaimed, showing a side of herself she only showed when she really got into her cooking. Looking sharply at the giant teen, she knew what she had to do and as much as it terrified her she was going to do it for Alice. It was so much easier for Megumi to be brave for her friends then for herself. “What do you mean, Megu-chan?” Alice said, like it wasn’t obvious where this was going. She had to keep acting the part of the concerned friend to get the girl to drop her guard and it looked like she was opening up big time. “I want to make you feel good. I mean, I want to help you with your problem by doing something,” Megumi tried to explain, her body trembling as she found it impossible to say the words. Taking pity on the girl, Alice grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down her long legs. Dangling them from one finger, Alice smiled cheekily at her red-faced friend. “I think I understand what you mean. Do you need any help helping me?” Megumi was silent at first and then Alice lowered her hand, letting Megumi see her completely shaved, aroused pussy. Megumi breathed in the musk from Alice’s arousal and saw the light pink insides as her lips slightly parted. Swallowing her fear, Megumi called out to Alice without looking away from her crotch. “No! I think I can manage it.” “I know you can, Megu-chan,” Alice purred as she spread her legs apart and placed the six inch teen right before her pussy. Megumi stared at the cunt, the lips as big as her. She was so freaked out to be this close to Alice’s privates, but she found herself equally aroused. She had slowly gotten used to being close to her sexy friend and this was taking it to a much, much further level. She was no longer cuddling up to her breasts, she was right where all the action was. It was time to reach third base with her crush and not look back. It was time to give back to the girl that had helped her realize, girl on girl can be so much fun. Alice closed her eyes and moaned as Megumi crawled right towards her slit and started running her hands over her puffy lips. She first massaged the opening with her hands and then pressed her body into the slit, grounding her small, nubile body into the drooling sex. Slowly, Megumi worked up the courage to stick her tiny arm into Alice and was greeted by warmth and stickiness. She stroked the entrance before pushing her other arm into the hot depth. Taking a deep breath, all Megumi’s concerns were forgotten as she spread Alice open and gazed into her light pink, dripping wet love tunnel. She could see several feet in front of her before everything went dark. It looked a little tight for her entire body but quickly it was sinking in that she would need to enter there to really pleasure Alice. Her little massage and groping was getting moans, she wanted her friend screaming in pleasure. “Looks like someone found their courage!” Alice gasped out in between moans. Megumi was moving her body between her mounds, running her hands along the glistening insides of her pussy. She felt the girl start to pull herself in, enthusiastic to enter the steamy depth of the girl she’d been living with for the last three days. Stroking her nipples, Alice tightened her ass, feeling her smaller pet hard at work licking her rectal walls. Only a tiny membrane of flesh separated the girls, but only one of them was unaware that Alice was getting pleasured in both holes. A sharp gasp escaped Alice’s gritted teeth as Megumi wriggled her shoulders into her pussy. She had never had a six-inch pet before and was finding the larger insertion to be different. One the one hand, small pets could really dig into her pussy and get deeper fast but on the other hand having something bigger was better. Gripping the bed sheets with her fingers, Alice decided to leave the debate between the perfect sizes for pets for later. Right now, Megumi was exploring new places. The air inside of Alice’s pussy was so thick and humid that it was hard for Megumi to breath. Then again, the incredibly thick aroma of Alice’s musk certainly made breathing harder. Biting her lip to quell her fears, Megumi wiggled her way into the narrow tunnel, Alice’s moans echoing above her as she dived in headfirst. All the juices dripping from the pussy made it easy for Megumi to slip in. Through the moans and cries, Megumi could hear Alice’s heart racing, going faster the more she wriggled around in her love tunnel. She slipped in up to her chest, her breasts rubbing into the slick flesh. As strange and frightening as this was, it was also incredibly arousing for Megumi who found herself reaching between her legs to play with herself as she sank deeper into the steamy, slippery hole. She tried to focus on pleasuring Alice and not herself, but being inside her, just feeling the throbbing sex pulsating around her was driving her to new levels of lust. Megumi screamed into the dark, a newfound excitement hitting her as she became her friends sex toy. Alice couldn’t control herself, her hips bucked off the bed, lifting Megumi up into the air. As the tiny girl’s legs kicked wildly, she sank deeper into the pussy, only stopping as her hips pressed against the edges of the tunnel. Her butt was just too big to get in without a little help. Megumi began rubbing her crotch into the soggy lips pursed around her waist, accepting she couldn’t get deeper so focusing on doing whatever she could for both her and Alice’s pleasure. She rubbed the wrinkled, fleshy walls, feeling them convulse with every bolt of pleasure racing through Alice. Lower her head, she licked as the floor of the love tunnel, sampling the thick, gooey nectar Alice created. It was so warm and sweet, Megumi was lapping away at it like a thirst dog. She did everything she could to please Alice and it was certainly working as the giant teen was struggling to breath as she raced towards ecstasy. “That’s it, Megu-chan! I’m almost there!” Alice screeched, her body shaking as the volume of her cries increased. She continued rolling her nipples between her fingers, tugging and twisting her tits as Megumi squirmed. Ripping one of her hands away from her breast, she reached for Megumi. One, shaky finger slid along the tiny girl’s big rump. Oh, how Alice would love to tease and play with her firm booty, but she needed to do something else. Pressing the tip of her finger into Megumi’s rump, she forced the girl into her, sliding her right up until only her twitching feet were left outside of her. Clenching her muscles around the embedded girl, Megumi thrashed wildly just as Alice hit her orgasm. Her scream filled the bedroom as she twisted her body around as raw pleasure made every inch of her tingle. Her tongue dropped from her mouth, rolling around outside her lips as she blankly stared at the ceiling. Her juices came pouring out, along with a very slick, very happy looking Megumi. When the orgasm hit, Megumi had the air forced out of her lungs as the walls closed in on her. Fear was the first thing she felt as the crushing pressure pressed down on her entire body. However, as a flood of cum hit her and the walls loosened up, she forgot all fear and reached her own orgasm. She choked on the cum as she screamed in release, dropping right out of Alice still feeling the afterglow. Beneath her cunt, Megumi curled up into a ball. As cheesy as it sounded in her head, she felt reborn after coming out of Alice. She had beaten her fears, embraced her part in helping her friend and had cummed so hard her toes were numb. This felt like the first day of a brand new life. All both Alice and Megumi could do was catch their breathes after the most incredible sexual experience of one of their lives and one of the top ten for the other. Alice was truly impressed with her latest pets first time pleasuring her. Megumi hadn’t hesitated for a second and went right in like a pro. Alice always knew that under Megumi’s shyness was a slutty little slave just begging to be released but to see her go at it was something else. Slowly, Alice lifted Megumi up, the cum starting to dry on her naked, panting body. Lifting the tiny girl up to her face, she stuck her tongue out and licked at the juices coating her sexy little body. Megumi moaned and leaned into the tongue as it explored her, stroking the strong, pink muscle. She struggled to speak, but when they came out they were husky and lustful. “Do I taste good, Alice-sama?” Hearing her pet’s question and the way she referred to her, Alice moaned happily, telling her exactly how she thought she tasted. Opening her mouth, she slipped the girl’s upper body onto her tongue and closed her lips just under her chest. Alice lazily sucked and licked the girl as she wriggled and cried out inside her mouth. She sucked on her for several minutes before popping her out of her mouth and resumed licking her body. As she slipped her tongue between her thighs as her pet responded by humping the molesting muscle, Alice knew it was time to turn things up a bit. She thought it would take weeks to break Megumi in but it seemed she overestimated Megumi’s resolve. She’d have Megu-chan in her ass in less then seven days. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Neither girl slept that night. It was a time of exploration and pushing boundaries for the tiny teen. When she wasn’t being toyed with by Alice’s dexterous tongue she was toying with her giant friends breasts and pussy. She would squeeze and bite on the hard nipples of the giantess, mounting them like sex toys as she rubbed her pussy all over the tip before collapsing into Alice’s cleavage. She didn’t spend too long with her breasts always eager to return to the drooling, unstable sex of the girl she was slowly becoming fixated on. She would force her way in, acting as a living vibrator as she wormed deep into Alice’s drooling depths. She would spend hours going in and out of her pussy before Alice took over. She rammed the girl into her pussy until the sun rose, using her without any concern for her wellbeing. Megumi truly became just a sex toy as she was slammed repeatedly into Alice and lost in her newfound rapture she welcomed her new role. Grunting, howling, slapping and cum dripping everywhere, that was what the two girls did until the next day and into the morning. They only rested when their bodies gave out, Alice drifting off the next afternoon with Megumi dangling halfway out of her cunt, having passed out during an orgasm. The two girls slept all through the day until it was the next evening. Alice cracked an eye open to the sensation of her pussy half full and her butt bug hard at work in her rectum. In all of her passion, she never failed to notice Hisako doing her job in her ass, listening to her play with Megumi with obvious envy. Poor girl provably worried she would be replaced, which was silly. Alice loved Hisako, just as she loved Megumi and any other pet she decided to get. She’d never part or forget any of her beloved pets, unless they acted like ungrateful bitches like a certain cousin of her. Then they were dead to her and the world. Pulling Megumi out of her, the girl didn’t stir, as last night had been tough for her. Poor things had worked herself to exhaustion, she needed more rest and after that a good meal. Cradling her pet in her arms, still reeking of sex and sticky all over, Alice headed to the kitchen. She was great at two things, sex and food right now her precious Megu-chan needed the latter. After that they’d get back to the sex. By the time Alice woke up, it was already very late into the evening. She had slept for over 12 hours, utterly dead to the world. Every inch of her was sore as she slowly rose up. Alice had placed her on the dinning room table with a pair of her panties underneath her as a bed. Megumi blushed at the underwear underneath her but as last night flashed through her mind, her face went redder but she was no longer embarrassed. Taking a long sniff of Alice’s panties, Megumi stood up, smiling happily as she felt the weight of the world off her shoulders. She had gone all the way with Alice, let go of her inhibitions and was rewarded with the most incredible night of her life. All that shame, uncertainty and doubt was gone, only a hunger to do more with the one that had awoken her. “You’re finally awake. Did you sleep well, Megu-chan?” Alice walked into the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her body and hair. She had prepared something to eat for her pet and got cleaned up. As much as she was sure her pet would love her smelling like sex, she found the odor a little too thick. The tiny girl perked up at the sight of her, reaching towards her like an excited child. A small bowl was taken out of the fridge and placed beside the tiny teenager. Megumi peered over the edge of the bowl, seeing a fresh yogurt filled with carefully cut fruit waiting for her to eat. Having not had anything to eat for over twenty-four hours, Megumi dove into the bowl, scoping up the creamy yogurt and sweet fruit in her bare hands. Alice watched her as she sat beside the table, delightfully watching her pet devour her meal. Hisako didn’t like her cooking, preferring her food come only from her giant masters body. It was a nice power trip for Alice but she did find it a bit insulting Hisako preferred her shit to her cooking. “Happy Megu-chan?” Alice asked as the shrunken chef finished scrapping off the last of the yogurt. Nodding happily, Megumi let out a tiny burp and covered her mouth demurely as she blushed. Laughing at her cute antics, Alice picked up the girl and rubbing her full stomach with one finger. “I want to try something more intense. Are you up for that, my little pet.” “I think so, Alice-sama. I think I can handle anything you can throw at me now,” Megumi confidently said, puffing out her chest in pride over overcoming her anxiety. Alice just smiled, hopeful that Megumi could live up to her words because things were going to get very tough for her very soon. Gently, Alice placed Megumi on her chair, putting her right in the middle of her seat. Megumi stared up, scared but eager for whatever her friend had planned. Her vision became filled with Alice’s huge, bubble butt as she dangled it over her. Megumi stared up at the half ton booty nervously but also with excitement. Just thinking of that enormous rump on top of her was getting her wet. Alice lowered herself down, wedging Megumi between her cheeks. Sighing blissfully, Alice spread her legs as far apart as she could, her ass crack swallowing the tiny girl. Megumi gave out a little squeak as she found herself surrounded by freshly washed ass flesh and a very pink, puckered asshole inches from her. Alice had washed profusely between her cheeks, getting her sphincter spotless for when it met Megumi. Still, no matter how much you clean up an asshole, its still going to smell. Megumi took slow carful breaths, getting herself used to the thick aroma. “It’s okay, Megumi. It’s just Alice’s asshole. You’ve worshipped her tits and pussy, it’s no different then those parts,” Megumi reassured herself. Reaching out to touch the wrinkled ring, It was pulled back, dragging along her stomach and legs as Alice slipped her body backwards. Megumi was rubbed between the area between her crotch and ass until she found her upper body pressing into a familiar set of mounds. Reaching in the smell of pussy with relish, Megumi stroked and licked the slit, pulling it open so she could reach the glistening interior. By leaning her head forwards Megumi was able to lap at the opening, running her tongue along the corners of the pussy before Alice slipped forwards, dragging Megumi back between her cheeks. Once more facing the light pink sphincter, Megumi ignored her uncertainties and started rubbing and licking the back hole much like she’d been doing before. Once she started she found it easy to get into pleasuring this part of her friend. “That’s it Megumi, be my sweet little butt bug,” Alice purred as she pressed her ass down, pushing Megumi into her sphincter even harder. Her asshole twitched and relaxed, allowing Megumi to wiggle her head into the malodorous, dark rectum. She only squeezed her head halfway in, getting her first real experience with the putrid bowels of her friend before pulling free to catch her breath. She had only briefly entered Alice’s ass but it wasn’t half as bad as she thought. Smelly, dark and tight, it wasn’t exactly a nice place but getting lost up there would be very sexy. Megumi moaned at the thought. The more she imagined getting crammed up her friends backside the more she wanted to try it. She’d have to save that thought because Alice was rocking back and once more Megumi had her pussy pressing down on top of her. She dove her hands into the slit as she tried to lick up the juices coming out. This was also turning on Alice. Alice rocked back and forth, moving her pet from her ass to her pussy every time she slipped her body back or forth. She panted at the duel pleasure, not sure where she wanted her cute little toy. As she was pressing her crotch down, nearly crushing the puny girl into her drooling snatch, her little legs kicked against her sphincter, trying to entice the puckered hole. As her feet lifted up, they pushed right into her sphincter. Alice moaned as her asshole was stretched around the kicking legs that were not being pulled free. Unable to hold it together anymore, Alice leaned back in her chair, gripping the table as she sat on the small of her back, her anus and pussy both exposed. Megumi clutched the cunt for several seconds before falling back on the chair, her legs digging into Alice’s rectum. Panting and coated in her giant friends excitement, Megumi looked down her body, seeing herself partially submerged in the tight bowels. Alice reached down, pressing her fingers against Megumi’s head and shoulders. “I need you inside me, now!” Alice moaned loudly, her juices dripping down from her cunt onto Megumi as she stared at the tiny, but very hungry hole. For a few seconds Megumi bit her lip and thought hard about what to do. Then it hit her that she was going back to old habits and second-guessing everything. She was no longer that girl anymore. “Push me up your asshole, Alice-sama! I need to be inside you!” Alice shuddered at her pet’s surrender to her perverted feelings. Pressing down on her head and shoulder, Megumi’s body began to vanish up her asshole with a wet, slurping noise. She felt so big in her ass, much more then the three-inch Hisako tucked away in her colon. Once more Alice was thankful she didn’t shrink the girl more. At her current size she could feel every detail as it filled her hot, tight bottom. Warm, slick flesh pushed over Megumi’s legs as it slipped right on to her waist. The wrinkled, elastic sphincter stretched to fit over her wide hips, reminding Megumi again of how big her caboose was even compared to her giant friend. She moaned softly as the rectal walls hugged her hips and pulsated as Alice grew more excited the more she entered her. Rubbing her hands over her hard nipples, Megumi watched the asshole swallow her a little at a time, going just slow enough that she could appreciate the clinging walls against her naked flesh. She removed her hands from her breasts as she found the asshole pushing her chest down. Close enough that she could see every wrinkle of the little pink sphincter, Megumi took one last breath of fresh air before the asshole opened up and she was shoved completely in. Alice pressed her middle finger on Megumi’s head, twisting her digit as she embedded it into her asshole along with her tiny toy. A cry escaped the albino girl as she climaxed, her muscles tightening around both her finger and Megumi. She pulled her finger out a second more and rose to her feet, nearly collapsing as the raw, intense pleasure she only got from anal play hit her hard. “Fuck me, I didn’t think she’d be ready this fast. She’s really up there good,” Alice got out, her body shaking as she struggled to stay on her feet. Her thighs were coated in her cum, an orgasm hitting her as she pushed Megumi completely in. Stumbling out of the kitchen, grabbing the wall to keep from collapsing, Alice made her way to the living room before collapsing face first on her soft couch. Her legs stretched out as she moaned loudly in pleasure. It felt so good having Megumi in her ass, she couldn’t move. It seemed like her couch was going to have a few more stains before the night was over. Megumi was completely still as she lay in the bowels of her sexy master, still reeling from what she’d done. She had let, no begged, Alice to stuff her up her ass like a suppository. She felt like she was going crazy, not because she just agreed to this but because she loved it. It stunk and was claustrophobic inside Alice but it drove her crazy being trapped within the butt she’d lusted after from afar for so long. She wanted to start touching herself, to masturbate inside this new, forbidden place. As her fingers reached between her legs, something moved towards her crotch, it’s small, soft fingers rubbing her pussy before she had an opportunity to. All arousal was forgotten as Megumi found herself being molested inside her friend’s rectum. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Megumi screamed and thrashed setting off Alice’s own screams and thrashing as her butt bug suddenly went wild. Megumi never noticed as she found herself trying to push and kick the creature trying to touch her off her body. It was small and felt human as she grabbed it but Megumi was too scared to think rationally. Then she heard it speak and slowly she recognized the voice even though it was higher in pitch and raspier. “It’s okay Megumi. It’s me. It’s me.” Hisako said as her fellow pet’s foot pressed against her face, trying to kick her away. The three-inch girl had fucked up. She hadn’t spoken to Alice in awhile, her master’s attention focused on Megumi, so they had never discussed how Hisako would approach the other shrunken girl. Driven by lust and unable to communicate like a regular person after so long enslaved by Alice, all Hisako could think to do was what had become her life give pleasure. “Hisako? HISAKO! Is that you?” Megumi asked as she grabbed the girl. She was half Megumi’s size and coated in filth. When Megumi grabbed her, she pushed her body into her hands, rubbing against them with a moan. Hisako humped Megumi’s body as she tried to touch the bigger girl, panting heavily as she found the whole situation so erotic. She had a new playmate, a new pet to be humiliated and used by Alice-sama. She wanted to be violated and crushed by the other girl. “What happened to you?” Megumi asked, referring to both why she disappeared and why she had become a sex-crazed inhabitant of Alice’s rectum. As she kissed and licked Megumi’s body, she spilled everything. Alice tricking Erina and her into shrinking, the brutal treatment, the pleasure and punishment, even Erina’s fate. As Megumi learned things about her friend that she had never imagined were possible, a clear picture formed in her head. “Alice-sama is turning me into her next pet.” “Yeah, isn’t it great.” Seeing an opportunity, Hisako dived between the tall girl’s legs, burying her face in her crotch. Megumi howled and grabbed the smaller girl but instead of pulling her away she shoved her harder into her pussy. Megumi felt betrayed and angry at Alice’s lies and tricks. She wanted to scream or punch something but all around her was just anal flesh, shit and one broken slut one of those she was going to take her angry out on. “Choke on it, you bitch!” Megumi screamed as she spun around, having her pussy press down on Hisako’s face. She held her by the hair, grinding her face, as the shit squeezed in around them both. In this filthy place she was going to wreck Hisako. For the next hour she nearly suffocated Hisako half a dozen times as she raped her face, only easing up when the girl started to go still. She maneuvered her body around, sticking her fingers into her tiny pussy and finger fucking her until she was screaming into her twat. Riding her face, she rubbed the filth into their bodies, forcing Hisako to lick it clean when her face wasn’t being forced to service Megumi’s pussy. There wasn’t much space and no light but Megumi squirmed and moved as best she could to dominate and destroy the three-inch girl, through out all of it she screamed one name, Alice. Those cries were sometimes in anger, sometimes in love, but the powerful, huge teen they were trapped inside never left either girl’s minds. It was a long, fiery night that Hisako or Megumi would never forget. Neither would Alice. While Megumi worked through her issues, Alice lost her mind. “Fucking yes!” Alice hissed through grot teeth as the movement inside her ass drove her to yet another orgasm. She had no idea what was going on inside her ass but it felt wonderful. Gasping for air, the albino girl had lost track of her orgasms and her fingers were numb from playing with her pussy. Spots filled her vision and the pleasure continued, struggling to stay conscious as she climaxed once more, Alice lost the battle as she was knocked out as Megumi jolted about in her bowels a little bit too hard and it became too much. Alice passed out, still cumming as she slept. Megumi would go on all night figuring her feelings out through dominating the submissive pet of someone she once thought were her friend. It was going to be a long night. When Alice awoke, her body was sore and sticky. She could barely move her arms and legs as she laid sprayed on her back atop her couch. Lifting her head up slowly, she cracked her eyes open as the sunlight filling her home briefly blinded her. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to see a brown stained, annoyed tiny girl sitting on her chest with a scowl on her cute face. Megumi had escaped her bowels, leaving Hisako in a pile of feces a bruised, battered and utterly sexually satisfied mess. Alice smiled at her new pet, who did not smile back but instead spoke four ominous words. “We need to talk.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Knock! Knock! Alice put down the book she’d been reading. The young girl had been relaxing after class at her apartment, trying to come up with a new recipe for her deserts class as she read up on the latest food trends in France. Walking towards the door, she opened it wide and looked down with a bemused smirk. Gazing back at her, fidgeting as she struggled to stay still, was the girl that not a week ago Alice had tried to completely break down and turn into her pet. Considering that she was not currently in her ass, squirming around for her pleasure, Alice had failed. Well, sorta failed. “I missed you,” Megumi said as she stepped on her tiptoes to kiss her girlfriend, master or best friend depending on what was happening. After a long talk, one where Alice assured Megumi she wasn’t going to enslave her against her will or torture her into submission, the two of them had an honest a frank talk about their feelings for each other and what they wanted. Megumi confessed she loved being Alice’s pet the last few days but giving up everything she had to live in her ass was going too far. She wanted to continue working towards becoming a top chef and have a life outside of being Alice’s fuck toy. However, she didn’t want what she had to completely stop, just reach a balance that would leave you them both happy. “I missed you too, Megu-chan. Poor little Hisako too, you really made an impression on her. She’s calling you Megumi-sama now,” Alice said after they broke the kiss. Wrapping an arm around her girlfriend they went inside to spend the night together. Outside of the apartment, they were dating, holding hands in public, going out for dinner, and even kissing each other out in the open. It was fine, Alice was happy to have someone to cook and have a normal relationship with. Once they were alone Alice became more dominant and Megumi was her pet. She had to serve her sexy Alice-sama no matter what perverted or sick thing she wanted. She belonged to Alice until they had to return to being normal lesbian lovers again. “What will it be tonight, Alice-sama? Will you make me your dildo or will I be joining your butt bug up your ass? Maybe you want me two feet again so you can walk me around the room by a leash like real pet. I brought the collar,” Megumi eagerly said, showing off a dog collar she had already slipped on. She had completely forgiven Alice for misleading her, as the results had been spectacular. She was no longer shy, nervous or clumsy, finding her confidence had made her a better cook and happier person. Not to mention the pleasure, dear God, the pleasure. If she didn’t get to play with her Alice-sama once a day her body went into withdrawal. She needed that woman’s touch to live. “Why don’t you take a sip and find out?” Alice took a little bottle full of red fluid out of her pocket. Her latest batch of shrinking serum for her soon to be little pet. Licking her lips, Megumi undressed, not wanting to get lost in her clothing after she shrunk. Naked and already excited, Megumi took the bottle and downed it in one gulp. As the effects slowly began to alter her size, Alice crossed her arms over her chest and smiled smugly. She might not have turned Megumi completely into her pet but that didn’t mean she’d stop trying. She’d show her so much pleasure that she would beg, beg on her knees, to be her pet fully. It was all a matter of time, time that Megumi would spend screaming her name until her voice gave out. “ALICE-SAMA!!!!!”
Lucy had no idea how long she'd been trapped in this putrid Hell. She had awoken maybe a few hours ago or maybe a few days, she had no way to tell in the pitch-black bowels of the cruel, sultry Nel. The woman, disguising herself as a child, had tricked her and somehow shrunk her down to the size of a mouse. It had all happened so suddenly, Lucy was taken before she could do anything. Lucy still remembered staring at her huge, round ass before being fed into it. The softness of the cheeks as she pressed into them and the sensation of the wrinkled anus slipping over her body were fresh in her mind. Now she was trapped deep inside Nel's bowels, filth coating her naked body as she heard the steady heartbeat and gurgle of the green haired woman's body. Hugging herself, Lucy trembled in fear and disbelief that this was happening. She was a member of Fairy Tail, a powerful magic user, someone that something as horrible as this should never have to experience. After letting a few tears fall, she grit her teeth, clenching her tiny fists with renewed determination. "No! I will survive this!" Lucy defiantly screamed, her voice echoing down the long, winding intestines. She started to try to remove the shit that had been starting to build on her naked body. The bowels pressed fresh shit onto her the longer she stayed still and she worried that if she didn't move around eventually she would be buried in it. Suffocating on shit seemed like the most horrible way to go. She scrubbed the filth off every inch of her body as best she could pulling large mounds that had been building on her legs and backside. She could never escape the shit, but she didn't have to feel it weighing down on her. "When I get out of here…. you'll pay!" Lucy screamed, unable to think of a better threat. It didn't matter because Nel couldn't hear a word she said. The green haired Arrancar walked calming through Hueco Mundo, savoring her playmate as she struggled inside her bowels. It was going to be so much fun breaking Little Lucy, making her obedient just like the good little pet Nel wanted. It was going to take time and patience. All she wanted right now was to crap the girl out and start using her as a dildo to satisfy her desires, but that had to wait. Her ass was Lucy's home and her shit was her life, the girl had to understand that before she could breath anything but the smelly inside of her bowels. Nel would just have to pleasure herself alone, only having the blondes squirming in her ass to help get off. It would be rough, but it would be all worth it when Lucy was on her hands and knees worshiping her like a goddess. With nothing to do, Lucy learned about her new prison to think. the first thing she had to do was see if she could escape. She tried traveling back the way she came, crawling through the shit as it started to accumulate. She crawled over piles of shit and squeezed between growing logs, only thinking about escape. As she neared the rectum, she found that the shit was too thick to continue through or else she'd become trapped in the mess. Nel hadn't taken a shit in awhile so there was a lot of waste built up behind her sphincter. Even though it went against her common sense, Lucy decided to check the other way. Deeper and deeper into the bowels she crawled, this time willingly as she found to her relief the level of shit decreasing. She was entering the small intestines, a much tighter but clearer path in her new world. She found the lack of filth to be a slight relief but the walls clung to her, throbbing as they tried to convert her into the very filth she was trying to avoid. The air was also thicker and burned her lungs, gases from the stomach leaking out to make the small intestines more dangerous. Lucy realized that if she kept moving she'd reach the stomach and most likely be digested. That was another horrible way to die that she wanted to avoid. Sore and exhausted after crawling for hours, Lucy found herself a nice spot in the back of the large intestines that wasn't completely filled with shit and she wasn't be crushed by the slimy walls. Collapsing against the sensitive stomach lining. She listening to the stomach and heartbeat, slowly drifting off. She hoped in her dreams she might escape this nightmare. Lucy was jolted back to full awareness as the bowels quivered and a moan echoed around her. Covering her ears, Lucy listened and then felt Nel's body shake as she pleasured herself, getting off as Lucy suffered. This evil witch couldn't give her a second of peace it was like she was the devil herself. Spread out on one of the more rocky areas of Hueco Mundo, Nel discarded her clothing and spread her legs apart, stroking her swollen pussy before plunging her finger into herself. She was so used to Orihime slipping into her cunt that it felt weird using her fingers. Sliding them in and out rapidly, Nel tightened her internal muscles, feeling little Lucy buried just beyond her colon. Squeezing her bowels around her, the girl started kicking and squirming, hitting Orihime with a pleasure she knew so well. The best way to enjoy a playmate is to feel them thrash around up your ass. Nothing beat the pleasure and sense of power she had. Nel cupped her breast with her free hand, her fingers finding her hard nipple. Soon, she'd have little Lucy trained and she'll be in charge of getting her off. The tiny blonde would do great once she was ready. "NO! NO! NOOOO!" Lucy screamed frantically as the walls closed in, pushing in from all angles. The left over shit clung to her from the walls, grinding all over her body. Lucy tried to scream more but found the sludge like feces filling her mouth. She tried spitting it out but more of it smeared on her face. Nel's bowels held her tightly, refusing to let go even as the shrunken mage thought she was going to pass out. As she was forced to swallow some of the crap filling her mouth, the walls receded and Lucy collapsed onto the dirty, fleshy floor. Coughing and spitting out the shit in her mouth, she weakly crawled further into Nel to somewhere with a little bit less shit. As she moved, she was horrified to discover that the bowels had collected more waste and it was everywhere. Collapsing into the filth, Lucy just cried and prayed this nightmare would end already. After finishing with her private time, Nel took a moment to squat behind some rocks to do her business. Normally Arrancar don't have to go to the bathroom or even have dirty bowels because they could survive without normal food. However, Nel was different, she loved eating human food, especially when she knew her playmates would be forced to live with it. As she pushed out a thick, lumpy log of crap, she felt Lucy further inside her, not even close to her anus. Once she was done, she expected the girl to try and head back to her rectum now that it was empty. If she tried that she was in for one Hell of a surprise. Little Lucy hadn't even begun to experience the true suffering her bowels could cause. It finally seemed like things were looking up for Lucy as the bowels were emptied of most of the shit packed inside it. There was actually more shit deeper into the woman's intestines than there was in the rectum right now. Lucy nearly cried with joy as she wormed her way to the exit. She could escape now that there weren't boulder-sized pieces of shit filled the large intestines. She could force her way through the sphincter to fresh air and safety from these nasty bowels. She pushed aside some remaining shit as she slipped by the colon, pushing her way to the wider, slicker rectum. When she arrived she kept crawling until she literally hit the asshole face first, falling back on her own rump. Scrambling back up, she threw herself at the sealed exit, her fingers moving over sealed opening looking for something she could force open. There was a tiny open space, just wide enough to get one hand through. Sticking all her fingers into the tiny gap, a loud grunt escaped the trapped blonde as she tried to pry the asshole open. She used all her strength, her muscles straining as she fought for her life to get the anus open. All of her strength did nothing as the anus remained firmly shut to her. "No! No! You can't keep me in here forever!" Lucy's tiny fists beat against the unopened sphincter, a moan rumbled around her as Nel enjoyed her futile struggling. Throwing herself against it, Lucy tried to force her way through. She was going to squeeze out of Nel's ass just like any other turd. As she dug her feet into the grimy floor, once again it refused to budge for Lucy. Nel had perfect control of her sphincter she kept it as tight as a sealed box unless she needed to push something or someone into or out of her rump. Lucy didn't know this and even if she did she wouldn't stop trying to escape. She had only two choices, keep trying or surrender to Nel's big, fat ass. For her sanity, she couldn't give up. She stayed in the rectum as long as she could, fighting against the impenetrable asshole whenever she found the strength. She pushed and shoved against it until she passed out. She stayed where she was until the shit started to pile in. The rectum would fill with it, thick and fresh from traveling through the intestines. Lucy would feel it press in around her until she realized she had to leave or she'd be buried. Even though she was trapped in this smelly, hot tunnel, she refused to be entombed in this evil bitch's shit. She wasn't going to die choking on crap. Back to the small intestines Lucy went, a hard, disgusting journey that left her so tired. All she did was squirm her way around, escaping the logs of shit and returning once Nel had her bowel movement. Every time she returned to the sphincter, she hoped Nel had relaxed her ass enough that she could escape, but it was never the case. This became Lucy's life, as she kept moving back and forth, trying to think of someway to get free. As her nightmare wore on she discovered that she didn't need to eat and that she needed very little air to survive. She had believed Nel had toughened her up a bit when she shrunk her and now she could confirm that. She would have choked to death on the fumes or been crushed long ago if her body wasn't stronger than normal. Slowly it began to sink in that she wasn't going to die in Nel's bowels no matter what happened. It should have been a relief but as more time passed it became a terrible curse. There was literally no escape this was her life. Over time, Lucy lost track of how long she had been living inside the evil woman completely as everything blended together in her fragile mind. She only had the bowel movements and Nel's masturbating between the monotony of living in her stinking bowels. There was nothing else for Lucy and she found herself slowly going insane as time went on. She had trouble remembering her time before entering the rectum, who she was, what she did or even a time where she didn't just scream and cry. Sometimes she talked to herself to pass the time, pretending her echoing voice was someone else. She no longer cared that shit was caking on to her body, no longer able to even remember the smell of anything but shit. She was so tired of it all. She thought it couldn't get any worse, but then it did. While in the rectum, huddled up against what remained of Nel's last meal, Lucy had drifted off, no longer having the energy to move after yet another fruitless attempt to escape the rectum. She woke up once the shit started to pile in around her, pushed in from deeper in the intestines but she didn't get away this time. She was so tired, so worn out from fighting, she didn't realize what was going to happen until the next time she woke up and escape no longer was possible. "What?" Lucy croaked as she awoke to pressure all over her body. She tried to move but found her arms and legs were being pressed down, pressed down by something sticky and soft like clay. Closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she realized she was being encased in shit. She was trapped, even more trapped than she was before. She shook her head back and forth and strained against the feces, but she was too weak to do anything. She felt more shit enter the rectum, pushing more crap into her body. The intestinal walls pushed it down further, causing it to get into every nook and cranny of her body. By some cruel miracle, her head was the last thing to get covered, allowing her to scream and cry until the end. It pushed into her face slowly until shit completely covered her head, filling her nose and mouth. She was sure she was going to suffocate, but somehow she found just enough air to survive. She was completely buried in shit, a tightly packed log forming her tomb. In the rectum, she could move, breathe, live some semblance of life, but now she was completely paralyzed. All she had was shit. She remained for what felt like days trapped in that log of shit, waiting in the rectum to be crapped out. In that time, Lucy gave up completely and waited. She'd either eventually suffocate or get flushed by Nel, either fate was better than her current fate. Unaware that her playmate's mind was fracturing under the torturous life she'd forced onto her, Nel calmly read a book as she laid on a bed that had once belong to her old playmate Orihime. She had taken Orihime's home after she turned her ass into the girl's new place of residence. It was a nice place, much nicer than the desert-like wasteland of Hueco Mundo. She went there to rest up, get a bite to eat, maybe visit some friends. She had been back for several days enjoying the little pleasures she got out of having a home. Dressed in nothing at the moment, she finished one more page of her book before putting it down. Her playmate had been still for too long, most likely she had lost the will to even move or was trapped in her shit, either way she should check on her. Little Lucy had been making Nel proud. Orihime had barely lasted a few days before she had stopped squirming, but Lucy had lasted so much longer. Nel had known that Lucy was a stubborn, tough girl but to last as long as she did was amazing. She had really impressed Nel, not that she was going to tell Lucy that. She'd start praising her when she started acting like a proper playmate until then Lucy was no better than shit. Speaking of shit, Nel had to make one. Heading into the bathroom, pausing to cherish the joys of indoor plumbing, Nel sat her round booty on the toilet. She spread her thighs wide apart as she got comfortable on the cool, smooth toilet seat. Her anus hovered over the toilet bowl, still at first, but slowly it started to twitch and then open up. Out of her rectum poked the head of a blunt, brown turd, squeezing its way out of Nel at a leisurely pace. The green haired woman sighed as she pushed more out, positive that inside the turd was her playmate. Right now, Lucy was so encased in thick waste that she had no idea she was finally escaping the bowels. Nel continued pushing the log of shit out, her hands on her knees as she blankly looked forward. Her ass cheeks squished into the toilet seat as she leaned back a little, letting it come further out. It was a big one, whatever she had eaten last had left her a little bloated and this was a result. Inch after inch was forced out, all knobby and disgusting as it headed towards the bottom of the toilet. After almost six inches seeped out of her asshole, the turd trembled and then dropped, splashing into the toilet water. Within the waste, Lucy remained nearly catatonic. The water seeped slowly into her tomb, it's coldness nearly hurting her body after so long in the steamy rectum. She finally reacted as the turd started to break apart and for the first time in a long time, she saw light. Blinking rapidly at the sudden brightness, the first thing she saw was Nel's asshole above her, dropping a few smaller, harder turds right on top of her. Still mostly trapped within the first log, the smaller bits of shit landed all around Lucy as she floated in the toilet bowl. One of them nearly hit her in the head, landing close enough that she was splashed with water. Unable to even muster a single word, she weakly kept looking up, scared of what was going to happen next. Was she going to be flushed or was she going back in? As long as she was free of this shit, she'd be happy. Nel let out a little fart, just a tiny toot that she couldn't keep in. The smell didn't bother Lucy, she had been living with that stink for what felt like years. Calmly wiping herself clean, Nel dropped the soiled toilet paper into the bowl and then stood up. A wicked smile formed on her face as she turned and stared into the bowl. There was Lucy, her blonde hair completely brown from her waste, her skin pasty from a lack of sun and her eyes, so desperate and lost. Lucy no longer had the same fire she once had, that confidence, warmth, and bravery she had once had were as dead as could be. Her bowels had murdered the once vibrant girl. Good, now she was ready to be remade. "Hi there, little Lucy! Nel is so happy to see you again! Let Nel just get you out of there and clean you up. Nel and little Lucy have to talk," the Arrancar cheerfully said as she plucked her playmate up, uncaring of what was smeared all over her. She freed her from the solid waste easily, once more giving Lucy the freedom to move. Even though all her suffering was Nel's fault and the woman had been pure evil to her, Lucy cried in gratitude to her kidnapper for pulling her out of the shit. Right now, she loved Nel with all her heart. Filling the sink with warm water, Nel dropped the mentally broken girl into the water. At first, Lucy did nothing. The shock of being free of the rectum had left her nearly frozen as she wasn't sure what to do. The desire to escape had been burned out of her from the utter domination Nel's bowels had over her. She was unable to think for herself or do anything at this point other than survive. Nel looked at her broken playmate and giggled happily at how malleable she had become. The fun was just about to start. "Nel wants you to scrub herself clean. Lucy will only be dirty when Nel wants her dirty," the looming woman said in her broken, childish voice. Lucy started scrubbing her body clean immediate, getting all the shit off her body as fast as she could. Nel was right, she couldn't be dirty now because Nel didn't want her to be. She had better follow Nel's instructions or she'll be punished again. She had to be good. "Look at you, my little Lucy looks so nice," Nel cooed as she lifted her playmate out of the water. Even though she had been through Hell, Lucy still looked as adorable as the first time Nel saw her. The magic she used to shrink her assured that she stayed pretty, even after living up her ass. Nel stroked the shrunken girl, who did nothing but let the giant finger play with her. She shivered as Nel molested her bosom, poking and rubbing the grape sized breasts, and then moved down between her legs. Nel stroked her playmates tiny pussy, enjoying how she trembled in fear yet silently let herself get toyed with. She could show her so much pleasure, lick that tiny cunt until she was screaming her name, but pleasure came later. Right now, Nel wanted something else. "Are you going to be a good playmate now?" Nel said, dropping her childish way of speaking and becoming completely serious as she focused completely on how Lucy reacted. Lucy nodded without hesitation. She had to obey or she'd suffer the never-ending nightmare that was the smelly bowels of her new master. She'd do anything to avoid that again. "You're going to have to prove it or I'll send you back up my ass for another week." It had been more than a week, much more, but Nel wanted Lucy to believe that what she'd experienced had only been seven days. She watched Lucy go stiff, her eyes widening in utter terror at the false discovery that she'd only been with Nel for a week. Believing that everything she had experienced had happened in only a week removed the smallest shred of resistance in Lucy's mind and soul. Only the desire to serve and please her master was left. She had to be a good playmate, she had to or she'd never survived another week. Nel knelt down, placing the shrunken blond on the ground. Lucy stared up in anticipation, only the burning desire to serve echoing in her damaged mind. Nel lifted her foot closer to Lucy, bringing her big toe up until it was nearly touching her face. Lucy stared at her big toe, it was bigger than her head and could easily overpower her. Nel smiled again, giggling like a schoolgirl as she returned to her childish voice. "Little Lucy needs to show her love to Nel. Kiss Nel's toe and tell her how happy you are to be her playmate." Grabbing Nel's big toe tightly, Lucy kissed it, tasting the old foot sweat clinging to Nel's feet. After tasting only shit, it tasted like Heaven to Lucy. Opening her mouth, Lucy forced out the first words she'd spoken in so long. "Thank you, Nel. Thank you for blessing me by making me your plaything. I'm not worthy. You were right to put me inside you, I'm yours now and I'll spend every second of my existence making you happy. Being your plaything is the greatest thing to ever happen in my life." Lucy meant it. Her memories before entering Nel's ass were so hazy. She couldn't remember anything solid about her life before she had become Nel's plaything. All her friends were forgotten, all her dreams discarded, everything Lucy had been was gone. The only thing left of the once proud, confident woman was only the whimpering, pathetic creature known only as little Lucy, Nel's newest playmate. "Lucy is so kind to Nel!" The giantess told her tiny toy as she resumed kissing her toe. Lucy lapped at Nel's toe, wanting to clean it and show her devotion to her benevolent master. Nel's foot slipped forward and Lucy was pressed into the dirty sole of the playful and cruel woman. Her once clean body was covered in dirt and sweat as Nel lightly stepped on her, grinding her into the ground. Lucy moaned, her cry one of pleasure as she gave herself to Nel in body and soul. She rubbed herself all over the bottom of her foot, kissing it frantically as she squeaked out her mistress's name over and over. She had no shame, nothing left to hold onto but a love for her capture caused by isolation and suffering. "Nel loves her new playmate. Nel loves her little Lucy!" Panting softly, Nel was entranced by her pets obedience, her utter devotion to serving her. The power she had made her feel light headed as she basked in it a little longer, pressing down on the shrunken blonde until she was completely pinned under the filthy sole of her foot. Still, Lucy kissed and begged to serve her mistress, even as she started to black out. Nel lifted her foot before that happened, her foot lifting back up to reveal a panting, red faced Lucy. plucking the girl up between her two fingers, Nel watched Lucy kiss her giant digits lovingly. "One more thing for little Lucy to do now. Nel wants her playmate to worship her butthole and then return to her home. Little Lucy knows where she belongs, right?" Nel questioned with a big friendly smile that only made the shrunken blonde shudder between her fingers. Eyes wide and glassy, a few tears escaped the mentally battered former magic user as she nodded her head. She belonged in Nel's ass. She wasn't good enough, smart enough or worthy enough to live like a normal person. She would serve her mistress, her Goddess, with utter devotion and earn her way to worshipping her from beyond her succulent rear. "Show Nel your love, little Lucy," giggling madly, Nel pushed her round, firm rear out as she dangled Lucy over her protruding buns. Looking at them from the outside, Lucy was captivated by the perfect rear. How could something so beautiful hide such a foul, revolting tunnel of nightmares? Lucy wasn't given much time to think as she was lowered between the perfect moons and brought back to the slightly pungent, wrinkled anus. Unlike her first time crammed between the cheeks, she wasn't forced into the bowels, instead, she was released right on top of Nel's anus. The rubbery, pinkish asshole was bigger than her, a solid ring of flesh puckered out and tightly pushed together. Nel ran her fingers along it before bringing her tongue out and licking at one of the wrinkles. Her tongue fit perfectly into the creases, getting at dried, shit that had been stuck for so long. As her mouth filled with some of the most revolting waste imaginable, she swallowed it and went for more. This was her life and there was no point fighting it anymore. "Good!" Hissed a very pleased Nel as laid back on Orihime's old bed, her ass elevated as her fingers found her drooling cunt. Lucy was really digging in back there, her minuscule tongue slipping all over her disgusting anus without hesitation. Nel squeezed her buns, feeling the girl's puny body trapped far in her crack. Her fingers played with her slit and clit, further her pleasure as she subjugated her new playmate to the worst job imaginable. Lucy massaged her asshole, squeezing all over her puckered back door, trying to please her as she showed her utter devotion. Satisfied with her so far, Nel relaxed her sphincter, allowing a little bit of light to enter the dark, smelly rectum. Lucy didn't waste time and pushed her head into her ass. She had to wiggle her skull back and forth, but she made her way back in, her mouth moving to the rim of the sphincter. Sucking and licking on the edges of the twitching brown eye, Lucy slow moved back into her mistress, willingly entering a place she hated and feared because it was Nel's will. The sadistic green haired Arrancar felt so proud. It was so different entering the rectum this time for Lucy. Instead of fighting against the slimy, revolting grip of the intestinal walls she used them to pull herself in. As the smell of shit filled her nose, she felt an oddly nostalgic pleasure. This was where she belonged according to Nel and who was she to argue. Feces once more coated her naked body which she happily rubbed into her skin to help lubricate her to move further in. Past the rim of the anus slid her breasts and then stomach. Her own big butt bumped against the roof of the anus before her legs slipped in. Curled up in the rectum, Nel tightened her anus, cutting off the light once more. Lucy just lay in dark with the waste and pulsated flesh, ready to serve With a high-pitched scream, Nel's legs stretched out and she bit her lip as her orgasm hit her. It felt so good seeing her playmate properly humbled, it gave her the feeling of absolute power that turned her on so much. As her orgasm rushed through her Lucy was on her stomach in her rectum, using her entire body to massage the tunnel floor as it swelled and trembled. Lucy's devotion to her mistress prolonged the orgasm and Nel were left gasping for air as a wet spot pooled between her legs. She just lay there for a moment, catching her breath as Lucy continued to give her bowels a full body rub down. Nel felt every inch of her playmate inside her, worshiping the foul inside of her asshole. It felt so glorious that Nel was horny again. Rolling over, two fingers plunged into her still dripping twat, digging deep as Nel squealed happily. Lucy was going to be the very best playmate. She had broken her and put her back together as her perfect pet. Now it was time to enjoy the fruits of her cruelty. Trapped once more in Nel's intestines, Lucy lapped at the filthy ground like a dog. The foul taste no longer bothered her she relished it because it had come from Nel. She fanatically dedicated herself to the woman, abandoning every last shred of her humility. As more shit filled the rectum, she embraced it, let it sweep over her and pin her to the bottom of the rectum. Laughing hysterically in her dark, smelly tomb Lucy felt a competition of mind and soul that came from absolute certainty. This was what she was born for, to live in Nel's ass and serve her every whim. As the shit piled on top of her and Lucy was crushed and suffocated she was happy, happy in her Hell.
Heather had a girlfriend. That was so weird for the half-ton college girl to think. Dating seemed like such a waste of time and energy to Heather, who believed there could be much more important things she could focus on, like eating, planning what to eat, ordering something to eat and shitting out what she had eaten. But here she was, a girlfriend, a tiny, mouthful sized girlfriend. It honestly amazed even her. “Do you think a dozen burritos will be enough? I can get the waitress and order you some more? I don’t want to see my sweetie-poo go hungry,” giggled Heather’s new, kind of crazy girlfriend, Cassie. Spring break was over and Heather was back at college, now with her own tiny girl that belonged to only her. Both her friends Jessica and May had been curious about playing with the shrunken girl, but Heather protected her girlfriend, declaring her to belong only to her and her alone. Watching Heather get so defensive about her had made Cassie go crazy, kissing and worshiping the big girl all night long as she professed her love for her. Heather had basked in the attention, happy someone appreciated her incredible body and how awesome she was. "Don't worry, this is just a warm-up meal. In a few hours, I'll grab a real meal. I'm thinking pizza or maybe fried chicken," Heather assured her girlfriend. They were together in a both at a local Mexican restaurant, that usually overstuffed their burritos. It was a date night for the pair which was pretty much like every night with them where Heather ate and Cassie watched. The only thing that made date night different was that Heather stuffed herself at a restaurant and not on the couch. Their relationship wasn't sexual even though Cassie often spent her time naked all over her belly, they had yet to explore anything sexual. Heather wasn't interested in getting her tiny girlfriend anywhere close to her privates and Cassie never asked to touch any part of the huge girl other than her belly. Their relationship was based on eating Cassie loved nothing more than the spectacle of Heather's binges and Heather enjoyed being the spectacle. Getting positive attention for her ravenous eating, groaning belly, and bad gas was such a novel experience for Heather. Having someone love to watch her eat as much as she loved eating made her feel good. It made her feel normal. "Fantastic! I have a big surprise for you later, and I want you full and ready for it," Cassie said, checking her phone for a second before returning her awestruck gaze to the looming, fat woman. The food finally arrived, the waitress having to carry two nearly overflowing plates. The loud smack of Heather's lips at the sight of the food made Cassie eagerly smile in anticipation. There was only one thing better then watch her girlfriend stuff herself with food and that was when said food was alive and squirming. For now, seeing over a dozen burritos vanish down her gullet would keep her happy. "Come to mama!" Heather squealed as the plates were put down. With a burrito in each hand, she stuffed the first one into her mouth, biting down and ripping off more than half of it. She loudly chewed, her mouth rapidly moving as she made quick work of her first bite and swallowed. The rest of the burrito was forced into her mouth, a little bit of bean sauce, dribbling down her multiple chins as she didn't get it all. She couldn't even wait a few seconds before going for another burrito, swallowing the rest of the first one down after only chewing on it for several seconds. "Keep eating," Cassie whispered, biting her lip as the next burrito was deep throated. Heather just forced it all the way to her throat, not gagging once as she nearly swallowed the entire burrito without taking a single bite. She moved on to the next pair, shoving both of them into her mouth at once. Salsa, beans, meat, rice, all went down her chin and onto her chest, stomach and the table. Cassie picked up a bean and ate it as she watched her girlfriend eat. With Heather's cheeks bulging, and little bits of food raining down from her lips, Cassie was in Heaven. Before Cassie could even finish her bean, Heather was on her fifth and sixth burrito. They went down just as fast as Heather was consumed by her out of control hunger. For several minutes the booth was filled with loud chewing, swallowing and grunting. A few other customers looked at the booth, thinking there was wild animal in the restaurant. Heather didn't care, she never cared, but now she had a pair of adoring eyes watching her, cheering her on as she acted like a pig. In almost record time she was on her last burrito. Heather slowed down, as much as she could, to savor the last of the food. She had it down in three bites, letting out a loud, happy sigh as the last of the food went to her stomach, which was pushing against the edge of the table. Leaning back, she patted her belly several times. “UUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP!!!” Heather’s entire body shook from the force of her belch, fat rippling down from her neck to her chunky thighs. Cassie clapped and cheered happily, like a child witnessing an amazing stunt at the circus. Everyone else in the restaurant looked away in disgust. “That was a pretty good snack, might keep me full for a few hours,” Heather admitted, ignoring how she had eaten enough to feed a family for a week. Cassie nodded, satisfied that her girlfriend wasn’t starving herself. Walking up to Heather’s stained, stretched out white shirt, Cassie checked something on her phone one last time before lifting it up for Heather to see, “I was thinking we could do this for date night.” Heather pinched the tiny girl between her sausage-like fingers and lifted her up to get a closer look at her phone. She saw what Cassie was referring to and started to smile. Her wide lips grew wet as she started to drool in excitement at what she saw. "Oh yeah, we are so doing that. Right after I pick up some party favors." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 
 aroline was born only four inches tall. Her entire life was spent surrounded by a world bigger and scarier than she was, with giants capable of carrying her away all around her. It was tough, but she loved it. "Is this the place?" Caroline asked as she stared at a small house beside her college. Caroline had long curly brown hair surrounding her soft, fair-skinned face. In her black thigh high dress, she showed off her large bust and long legs without looking skimpy. Which was more than could be said for the girl standing beside her in the micro skirt and tub top. She wanted her body to be on display and everyone to see how good she looked. She shared the same curly brown hair as Caroline only cut short. "Yep. The house might be big but inside you'll only find people our size. Only the tiny students on campus were invited. You won't find a person bigger than five inches in there," Annie explained as she slung her arm over her sister. She was Caroline's younger sister, the troublemaker of the family, always hooking up with people of all sizes. Caroline was always bailing her sister out, so when she heard she was going to some big part she had tagged along, bringing a few of her friends. "Looks like a dump," said a girl wearing way too much jewelry and a dress that was way, way too expensive. With straight black hair, a small nose and lips, Debbie might have been tiny but that didn't stop her from looking down on everyone. "Relax princess, we are here to have a good time, not judge the decor," responded a girl beside Debbie wearing a tank top and jeans. Alex was the total opposite of Debbie with her cheap clothes, lack of make-up and blond hair done in a pixie cut. Alex was always arguing with Debbie, telling her to loosen up and stop being a snob. They fought like cats and dogs, but Caroline knew they really cared for each other. Only best friends can bitch that much to each other. “I’m just saying that this looks like the kind of place where you’d find someone passed out on the floor. I am not crawling over an unconscious frat boy to get to the alcohol,” Debbie griped, throwing her friend a nasty look. Alex just rolled her eyes, crawling over people was half the fun of these parties. "Can we go in already? As much as I enjoy watching you two have a lover spat, I want to find somewhere that doesn't stink of urine to sit down," grumbled the final girl of the group, Sarah. She wasn't close to any of the girls but stuck with them anyway. She had a purple stripe in her hair as it surrounded her face. She was short, even for a tiny person, wearing unflattering baggy clothes and barely any makeup. Unlike Alex she wasn't a tomboy, she just didn't care so much about how she looked. These five girls, all born no bigger than a person’s finger, had been friends since high school, heading off to college together all with big dreams for the future. The days of tiny people being marginalized and treated unfairly were over as society improved. They all believed that there was no more reason to fear normal sized people and everyone was equal even if their size was not. Heading inside, the girls were greeted by the sight of their fellow shrunken college students dancing, drinking, and hanging out. It was kind of weird to see all these people hanging around on the floor as that was a dangerous place for them to be. However, without a single normal sized person in sight, everyone felt safe to wander around. As they moved further in, someone waved at them from the crowd. “Incoming testosterone,” Sarah muttered as a rather well built young man came up to them. He immediately grabbed Caroline by the waist and pulled her towards him, pressing their chests together. He smiled charmingly at his fellow tiny person before pulling her into a kiss. Caroline’s friends looked away, except for Sarah who gagged overdramatically. "Hiya babe, glad you could make it," Said the muscle tiny as he broke the kiss. Jerry, Caroline's boyfriend and someone that all her friends agreed she could do better then. They had been dating for a couple months, meeting in the library during the first few months of classes. Jerry was nice enough if not a little dense at times and a bit of a meathead. Caroline told her friends that Jerry was deeper than that and they just needed to get to know the real him, but they didn't believe her. They all agreed to say nothing, not thinking the relationship wouldn't last until the summer.
Come on, I want to get some brewskis." Jerry said as he dragged his girlfriend off. Caroline took one last look at her friends as she was led away, seeing them all seem to be separating. Alex and Debbie started to mingle, Sarah was leaning against a wall trying to look cool and her sister, Annie, was talking to some girl in the back that was giggling happily. Maybe it would be okay if she relaxed a little with Jerry? Her friends didn't need her watching them all night long. They were all responsible adults who could look after themselves. Besides, they were surrounded by their people, what could happen to them here? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 
 LAP! “What the Hell?!” Caroline stormed away from her boyfriend as the jock held his red, stinging cheek in pain. Things had been going so well at first they had met up with a few people from their classes, grabbed a drink and started to dance. When Jerry started to stick his hand into her pants, Caroline had firmly told him to stop but he didn’t get the message. When Jerry unzipped his fly, looking for her to give him some action right there in the middle of the party she had pushed him away. She finally had enough when he told her to loosen up, and said that her sister would be cool with this so why can’t she be cool? Disgusted, Caroline had made her thoughts felt without words this time. "Wait up, babe!" Jerry ran after her, pushing past people as Caroline rushed off to find her friends. Caroline didn't care, the big moron couldn't say anything to her to make up for what he had tried and said to her. She needed to get out of her and clear her head before she got really worked up and dumped Jerry's ass right there. She found Sarah right where she had last left her and Debbie and Alex was not far away. However, she couldn't see her sister anywhere. “Have you seen Annie?” The upset brunette asked her friends as they crowded around her, blocking Jerry from getting too close to Caroline. Debbie and Alex shook their head, they had been too busy flirting with these cute guys by the TV. Luckily, Sarah hadn’t been so preoccupied. "I saw her go into the back room with that real hyper giggling girl from earlier," Sarah said with a shrug. If Annie wanted to get into the pants of some chick she just met, more power to her. At least the younger girl was having fun, which was more than could be said for Caroline. “I thought I told her not to do this anymore,” Caroline loudly sighed, pinching her temples as she felt a migraine coming on. She did not want her baby sister jumping every cut guy or girl she saw at a party. Annie made terrible judgment calls, often ending up with utter scumbags or skanks. Looking at her own boyfriend as he tried to get closer, Caroline wondered if she was any better. Maybe it was time for both of them to find a significant other better suited for them? "Let's grab her before she does something she'll regret later," Caroline grumbled. She really hoped she wasn't going to walk in on her sister getting head from some sorority slut. The four friends and one bad boyfriend headed to the back of the oversized house, walking down a hallway towards a door leading to the garage. Entering through a tiny door, the group paused as they came upon something that made them all freeze and look up. Standing on a pair of pillar-like legs that ended with a pair of way too small and tight shorts was a walking mountain of blubber. It was like the belly took up most of the body, sticking nearly completely out from a T-shirt that was even smaller than the shorts. Seeing a fat person was nothing new for the girls they did live in America, but to see so much flab, a lot of it out in the open was as gross as it was eye-catching. Roll after roll of fat pushed out, leading top to a pair of huge tits that still seemed small compared to the nearly four-foot protruding gut. Chubby arms stuck out from what Debbie had dubbed Mt. Lard, one arm resting at the fat woman's side as the other held up a very familiar, squirming girl to the woman's round face. Mt. Lard was eyeing Annie closely, her nostrils flaring as she leaned her in closer. It wasn't certain whether the fat woman was going to kiss their friend or stuff her in her mouth. The room was silent for a few seconds as the group took in what they had walked in on, until Sarah groaned loudly, “Should have known Annie was a chubby chaser. It’s always the loud ones that go after the chunky girls.” Now it was Mt. Lard’s turn to freeze as she suddenly stopped sniffing the tiny girl in her hand. Her blubbery face shot down, causing her many chins to wobble, as she noticed the four college girls and one frat guy. Heather blinked in confusion at the unexpected arrivals until something moved in her long, brown hair. Out from the top of her head popped the giggling girl from earlier, peering down at everyone with a grimace. "Oopsy-doo, I forgot to lock the door. Well, I did promise you more than just one entree. Looks like the main course has arrived early. Mind grabbing them for me, sweetie-poo?" The tiny girl on top of Mt. Lard said innocently as she played with the curls around her. The fat woman just grinned happily and bent down with her free arm outstretched towards the group. All of her fat drooped down as she lowered herself, smacking against her knees as it wobbled. It distracted the group enough that they didn't have time to run before they were all squeezed together in Mt. Lard's clammy fist. With arms and heads sticking out from between her fingers, squirming or screaming, the five of them were carried high off the ground and dumped unceremoniously on a work table on the side of the garage. As they pulled themselves apart, Annie was dropped down beside them, reuniting the group but not in a way anyone expected. “Caroline!” Darting towards her big sister, Annie tackled her with a hug, burying her face in the older girl’s chest. Caroline held the near crying girl as she trembled against her, still not understanding what she had walked in on. Was this enormous woman about to take advantage of her sister? “Annie, what’s going on?” Caroline asked as she looked down at the terrified girl before glaring at the blimp of a woman and the tiny girl atop her head. They stared back at her, both grinning shamelessly, the tiny one even sticking her tongue out briefly to mock her fellow shrunken girl. “I’m Cassie and this slab of love is my girlfriend Heather. You interrupted her snack time, but since you’re here you might as well join in,” chirped the gleeful girl from her perch atop Heather’s head. Cassie had been so excited that she was going to see Heather eat the little slut she lured to the garage. The whole reason they were at the party was so Heather could get some tiny people in her belly. Cassie had read about the party on her phone and knew her beloved Heather could grab a snack. She hadn’t witnessed her girlfriend devour anyone since spring break and was dying to relive the day they met with Annie. Then these guys barge in, ruining the moment. However, that just meant they could have even more fun. “What the fuck are you talking about?” Alex snarled, her fist raised in the air to intimidate Heather. Too bad it just made the beast of a woman lick her lips. She loved it when her food was feisty. “Stop messing around! People don’t eat people,” Debbie added, backing up her friend as she looked at Heather with disgust. Seeing this fat, disgusting woman was making her sick to her stomach. This little joke wasn’t funny. "Okay, okay, I've had enough," finally speaking up, Sarah walked to the edge of the table. Unlike the others, she didn't look angry or disgusted, just annoyed by all this. Pointing at Heather, Sarah spoke to her without any concern. "I don't care about whatever sexual, messed up role-playing thing you have going. You can gobble up anyone you like, just put me down before I'm scarred for life after seeing you're fucked up sex life." Heather hesitated, looking uncertain about what to do before bringing her meaty hand down and scooping the sarcastic girl. Sarah remained calm as Heather began to bend down, lowering her towards the ground. With her friends looking back down at her, Sarah shrugged nonchalantly. “See? Everything’s cool.” Sarah was forced down onto Heather's palm as the hand suddenly shot back up, carrying the helpless girl high above her friends. She looked forward as Heather's face came into view, her mouth dropping forward. It never occurred to Sarah what was going to happen until it was too late. Heather slammed her palm into her open mouth, forcefully tossing Sarah off her clammy hand and into her salivating mouth. Saliva gushed around the girl as she landed on the tongue, sliding nearly to the back of the mouth. Wide-eyed and frozen in fear, the light around Sarah was cut off as Heather closed her mouth. “SARAH!” Caroline screamed as her friends all watched in horror as their friend was tossed into the fat slob’s mouth like a piece of candy. They heard a low, happy moan come from Heather as she moved the girl around her mouth, the wet sounds of her sucking on their friend’s tiny body reaching their ears. Heather’s eyes closed as she let out a happy sigh, her joy over getting a new tiny person in her mouth evident. She moved her around her mouth, the group seeing one of her already full cheeks push out as she slipped Sarah from one corner of her mouth to the next. Caroline watched closely, clutching her sister to her breasts as she struggled to understand what was happening. This couldn’t be real! So sweet, so tender, so tasty! Heather loved nothing more than dinning on shrunken college students. This one was very good, a little bitter but that was okay. She was disappointed she wasn’t fighting more. Since she had started sucking on her yummy, tiny body the frighten mouse had curled herself into a ball and was too frightened to even move. Heather bounced her around her mouth, trying to get her to kick or scream, but she was just too scared out of her mind. A disappointing first dish, but there was plenty more to eat. GULP! She swallowed hard, sending a tiny lump down her throat. If Sarah had put up a fight she would have played more with the tiny girl inside her mouth, but she was boring, too weak to be much more then s brief snack. Heather reached down, clutching her stomach as a tiny, limp form dropped into her huge gut. She could feel her inside her a tiny, solid mass flopping in whatever remained of her last meal. She was weakly moving about, probably still to shell-shocked to do anything more than stay afloat inside her belly. Atop her head, Heather's girlfriend clapped and cheered. "One down, five to go! Was she tasty, sweetie-poo? Did she make your mouth water and drip?" Cassie excitedly asked, flush after seeing her fellow shrunken human go down her girlfriend's throat. Plucking the hyper girl from off her head, Heather weakly smiled. "I'll give her a six out of ten. The clothes took away from her flavor and she didn't move around too much. I guess some girls only know how to lay back and take it." “I’m sorry, baby-cakes. I promise the next one will be better,” Cassie said, her excitement dimming at how disappointing the girl was. It’s too bad Heather didn’t start with the original girl she lured here. She was positive she’d make a great snack for her beloved. “What the fuck is wrong with you freaks?!” Jerry screamed, finally speaking up after what he’d seen. This was fucked up beyond all belief. The jock was having trouble believing what he had seen, his face twisted in disgust and horror. People didn’t eat each other! Not in America! “Nothing a little snack won’t fix,” Heather giggled. Her belly gave a loud groan, twitching slightly as it tasted a new, living meal. Heather stroked her gut all over, rolls of fat bouncing between her fingers as it churned and bubbled with delight. She wanted to stuff the remaining people into her mouth, devour them instantly and feel them trapped within her. But then she thought about Cassie and how excited she was about all this. Her obsessed girlfriend had been anticipating this more then she had, dreaming of the day she could relive watching her devour her fellow size challenged people. She finally had an audience to her gluttony, so why not put on a show? “Urp!!!” Caroline retched as Heather belched, her chins and lips flapping as she expelled an enormous burst of hot, stinky air. She looked away as her flab jiggled, not needing to see all that fat in motion. Heather then lowered her head down, allowing everyone to see the saliva dribbling down her lower lip as her belch finished. Grinning shamelessly at the group, she spoke in a playful, fun tone to them, like they were children she had come to entertain. "Let's begin with you morsels getting out of your wrappers. Strip. Or do I have to do it myself?" Heather said, wiggling her chubby fingers in the air. Still, in shock, they all did as they were told, holding back tears as they humiliated themselves in front of the monster that had taken their friend. Alex stood protectively in front of Debbie as she got undressed, giving Heather hateful looks without any fear. Caroline helped Annie get undressed, stroking her hair and whispering to her that everything would be alright. Caroline also noticed her boyfriend checking them all out, unable to keep his frat boy antics in check even in this horrible situation. As Caroline covered herself, she made a promise that after tonight she was going to dump Jerry and make sure her sister was always safe. A sinking feeling in her gut set in when she realized that there might not be an after tonight for any of them. "Okay girls and boy, tonight we are going to play a game. It's called, ‘Who doesn't want to go into my belly?’ Rules are simple, you all will be given different challenges. If you refuse to play, I eat you. If you lose, I eat you. If you take too long, well you get the point. Now let's get this show on the road!" Plucking a clapping Cassie off her head, Heather placed her just above the work table on a low hanging shelf that also contained several plastic bags. Cassie scrambled towards the bag, diving in to pull out several pieces of popcorn as big as her head. She munched on it happily, watching the show below her with absolute glee. Winking at her sweet, crazy girlfriend, Heather looked back down at the participants in her sick, new game. "First challenge What's a delicious way to eat someone your size? The worst answer gets eaten with the best answer," Heather explained, crossing her arms over her huge chest. As her breasts pushed out, nearly slipping over her arms, Heather waited patiently, ready to chime in if they took too long. Caroline looked at her friends and boyfriend, all of them reeling after witnessing Sarah's horrific fate. They all wanted to scream and cry right now, but they didn't have time to mourn their friend. They were trapped with two psychos and the only way they were going to get out of here was to play their messed up game. As much as Caroline wanted to curse out this bitch, she knew that would only land her in that fat gut. Hugging her sister tightly, she looked between the group, "We have to answer." "Ketchup," Alex said, always the bravest and most outgoing. "You can eat people with ketchup," she repeated, looking Heather right in the eyes with barely contained fury. Before Alex could start swearing at Heather, Debbie spoke up. "You can coat them with a hazelnut glaze with a little bit of cinnamon." “Ch…ch… chocolate sauce,” Annie said, her face twisting in disgust as she said those words. It was insane, they were giving this bitch ideas about how to eat them. “You can deep fry us! Everything tastes better deep fried in oil!” Jerry loudly said. The group looked at the muscular, naked man in horror at his suggestion. Forget Heather, was Jerry nuts? Who suggests deep frying people alive to a cannibal? As they all looked at him like he had lost his mind, they all heard a deep, loud growl coming from the bulging belly of their captors. Heather seemed to really like Jerry’s idea. “In a hot dog bun,” Caroline bitterly said, not wanting to give Heather any ideas but needing to say something. Cassie giggled at her suggestion, remembering another girl her beloved Heather had eaten in a hot dog bun. She watched on, eager to see who had failed the test and was going into her sweetie-pie. "Man, you all have such great ideas, especially you, Mr. Muscles. I love the thought of a crispy, fried person sliding down my gullet. I can almost taste their sweet, savory body as it fills my gut." Heather moaned, smacking her lips and sending more drool raining down on everyone. Jerry nodded slowly, smiling nervously up at Heather, “Thanks, and it’s Jerry.” “Don’t care,” Heather quickly said before addressing everyone else. “You girls had some very good ideas too, and because I don’t have a deep fryer handy, I’m going to use one of your suggestions. Congratulations chocolate sauce girl, you won.” “Please just let us go,” Annie pleaded as she took the praise with disgust. Caroline pulled her sister towards her, holding her as Heather moved on. “Unfortunately, one of you didn’t take this seriously and lost,” Heather said with fake disappointment, shaking her round head. She reached up into the bag beside Cassie, grabbing something from within. Her tiny victims tensed up when they saw a brown squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup. Popping the top, Heather opened her mouth and squeezed a shot of the sweet treat into her already sobering maw. Moaning at the taste, she then turned to the girls with a frighteningly big smirk. “Seriously, ketchup? What did you think you are, hamburgers?” Another shot spurted from the bottle, this time flying towards Alex as she stood there stupefied. It hit her in the chest, knocking her down to her bare ass. Heather brought the bottle closer, squeezing a downpour of the thick, brown chocolate right on top of the tomboy. Alex screamed and tried to crawl away, but Heather followed her, covering her in so much chocolate syrup that she was unable to move. With her entire body coated completely with gooey toppings, Alex reached out to Debbie who grabbed her arm and started to pull. She was trying to pull her out, get her free, but it was pointless. Heather's fingers came down, pinching Alex's waist tightly and carrying her away. Debbie tried to hold on, but the chocolate sauce was too slippery and she lost her grip, landing pin the same puddle of goop that had trapped Alex. Caroline and Annie helped her up as they all watched Alex near Heather's gaping, hungry mouth. “You fucking bitch! If you were my size, I’d punch the fat right off you! You cunt! You freak! I’m going to kill you! Kill you!” Heather answered her cries by sticking her tongue out and licking at the tomboy’s dangling legs. Her slippery, fat tongue slapped against her bare legs, moving up over her crotch and belly before sliding off Alex’s breasts. Alex continued to curse and struggle as Heather’s hot breath washed over her while the behemoth moaned happily. The tongue returned, stroking her legs and belly before the round tip pushed right into her face. Alex’s response was to bite down on the spongy tip, but Heather didn’t even feel it. After slobbering all over her minuscule body, the tongue pulled back in and Alex was left dangling before the wide maw wet, disgusting and pissed. "Fuck you," you groaned, spitting out some of Heather's gooey saliva before she was casually tossed right into the hungry woman's mouth. Before her lips closed, cutting off the outside world, Alex heard Debbie scream for her. Then there was just darkness and the slippery mouth. "Alex! ALEX!!!" Caroline held Debbie back as she reached out towards Heather, crying out for her friend. With tears in her own eyes, she fought to keep her remaining friend from running up to the monstrous college girl. They could hear the wet sucking sounds of Heather's mouth, her loud moans interrupting the revolting noise. Just like Sarah, she was sucking on their friend like she was just another tasty snack, only this time she was taking her time, drawing it out as she seemingly savored Alex more then she had Sarah. Heather was getting the most out of her tomboy treat. Heather could feel the kicks and punches inside her mouth, bouncing off her tongue, teeth, gums, and palate. This one was fighting for her life, blindly striking everything around her in an attempt to make her spit her out. It just made her more delicious, her naked body slipping around her hot, overflowing maw as she struggled. Heather moved Alex about her mouth before forcing her under her flat, heavy tongue. The angry girl fought harder than ever, making her tongue trembled as it pushed down on her. Opening her mouth to let out a loud groan of delight, saliva dribbled down onto the remaining girls and boy as they watched the carnage. It was so good, so tasty, Heather shivered in delight. Her half-lidded eyes fell on the rest of the group as she sucked on Alex, so much more to eat, so many more people to taste. It was time to keep on eating. Heather tilted her head back this time, showing off her multiple chins. Everyone watched her mouth tense up before Heather swallowed. Alex was dragged to the back of her throat by a fierce she couldn’t fight. She slipped right into her esophagus, her screams only of rage as she fought all the way down. As Caroline and the other’s witnessed a bulge vanish down Heather’s throat, they could almost see the tiny bumps of Alex’s kicks and punches on the round protrusion. Once Alex vanished completely into Heather’s huge, round body, Debbie collapsed to her knees. "No, no, no, no," Debbie whispered, gripping her head as the tears flowed freely from her wide, horror-filled eyes. Everyone consoled her, even Jerry, all of them reeling from having another person was taken away from them, but none more than Debbie. Caroline looked at her friend sadly, she had always suspected that there was something between the rough tomboy and the delicate, rich girl, but seeing how heartbroken she was confirmed it for her. The sad moment was ruined by Heather lowering her face, smiling broadly at them. "I think Alex wants to say goodbye," Heather sweetly said before letting out a vulgar burp right on everyone. Hot, stinky air blew past the four college students, the nasty gas filling their lungs and sending them into coughing fits. It was putrid and lasted nearly a minute, leaving everyone on the ground, struggling to breathe. Above them, Cassie hysterically laughed. “Okay, next challenge! You all seem like hard working, athletic people so I’m going to need all of you to give me a belly massage. Whichever one of you slacks off gets to try giving another massage inside my belly. Sounds like fun, right?” Heather explained as everyone got to her feet. Reaching for the bottom of her low hanging gut, Heather lifted the huge jiggling mass up and dropped it right on the table with a loud thud. The giant blubbery mass was nearly the size of a house to the diminutive people. It gave a loud groan, slightly vibrating as the insides churned and bubbled. It was impossible to look at the rolls of protruding flesh and not thinking about their friends trapped inside. Utterly disgusted but without any choice, the four tiny college students walked towards the wall of fat and started rubbing it. "It's so greasy," Annie said, retching as her hands sank into the flab. Heather's gut was so soft, they could all lose their arms in the fat folds. They moved their hands around gingerly, rumbles coming from within Heather that sounded ominous. Caroline was the first to really start rubbing the fat wall, knowing that if she did a good job Heather might be merciful and not eat them. Everyone joined in, moved their hands in circular motions as they worked as much of the gut as they could get their hands on. It was like dough, squishing between their fingers as they pressed down. The longer they kneaded the flesh, the noisier it got, growls and groans following the motion of their hands. Heather had her head back, smiling contently as her gut was massaged by four terrified pairs of hands. Her belly shifted as she took several deep breaths, her enjoyment only increased at the jealous look on Cassie's face. She thought that the privilege to touch Heather's sexy belly belonged only to her. “NNNOOOOOO!!!” Everyone looked towards Debbie as she screamed hysterically, backing away with a look of pure horror on her usually pretty face. She pointed a shaky finger at the obese belly. “I heard Alex! She was screaming! Screaming!” “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was. My stomach isn’t a nice place to be in. You’ll learn for yourself if you don’t start rubbing right now!” Heather boomed, daring the rich, tiny girl to defy her. Debbie looked at Caroline and Annie, both beckoning her to come back. Debbie took one step forward and then collapsed to her knees, wailing as she couldn’t find the courage to even save herself. Heather looked at her, smiling smuggle at the sight of how broken she had become. These tiny girls were such wimps. "Looks like we have a loser," Heather announced with excitement, her chubby fingers already moving towards Debbie. Caroline, Annie, and Jerry moved away from the belly right away, looking at Debbie in disbelief and dread as they knew she was next. Caroline grit her teeth and fought down the tears, knowing that she couldn't do anything to help her last friend. First Sarah, then Alex, and now Debbie. Three friends lost to this insane bitch’s hunger. Heather's clammy, thick fingers came down around Debbie's kneeling form, causing the traumatized girl to let out a high pitch screech. Tired of her whining, Heather dragged her next snack along the table and forced her into the very thing she had refused to touch. Debbie vanished as she sank into the yielding stomach fat, her cries muffled by walls of blubber that rubbed all over her naked form. Heather moved her up, sending the tiny girl into her cavernous belly button before pulling her free only to keep dragging her up her huge expansive stomach. For Debbie, this was Hell as every inch of her supple body was molested by greasy, revolting flesh. Heather slipped her up slowly, letting her get to know the blubber she'd soon be trapped under. Debbie slipped off her belly and up to between her breasts, briefly feeling those equally soft but not quite as huge tits rub along her body. She was finally pulled away, coming face to face with what was really Hell Heather's gaping, drooling mouth. “Be seeing you soon, Alex.” Debbie whispered as the tears just kept coming. The tongue came out and Heather dropped her right onto the pink, waiting beast. It twitched at the yummy treat before retreating into her jaws. Before her tongue could pull return, Debbie gave out a scream and started scrambling forwards to escape. She saw the outside world pulling away, replaced by the glistening maw and she refused to do nothing. She tried to jump out to freedom, even if it meant falling to the ground and breaking every bone in her body. But Heather was too fast, pulling her tongue completely in, her teeth snapped closed, cutting off any escape. Debbie rammed into her upper teeth, falling back onto the tongue with a sob just as it fully came to life. Heather didn’t close her lips until everyone could hear the shrieks and cries Debbie made as she became just another morsel. "I can't tell what tastes better. When they fight or when they break." Heather mumbled through her clenched teeth as Debbie wildly flailed around, trying to escape her tongue but only making herself tastier. Heather toyed with her, shoving her into the roof of her mouth and dragging her along the bumpy, pink ceiling over and over again as her body contorted. She would try to push away the tongue one second before trying to claw her way towards any direction she could find when that failed her body would buck as she screamed in a blind panic. She was practically massaging her taste into Heather's tongue, proving that the best place for her wasn't at her belly but inside her mouth. Letting out a loud murmur of enjoyment, she basked in the rich taste before Debbie's flailing brought her dangerously close to the back of her throat. If Debbie wanted to get away so much she might as well send her for a trip down. Heather’s lips parted, revealing the dripping wet, naked form of Debbie to her friend. Her tiny chest was rapidly rising and falling as she struggled to move on the back of the tongue. Everyone was forced to watch as the tongue shifted up and Debbie slipped towards the open throat. Caroline hugged her sister tightly as they watched their friend slowly get sucked down the esophagus, every second of her terror on display. She tried desperately to grab something as her legs were pulled down, her fingers clawing at Heather’s taste buds as she was drawn closer towards oblivious. Her last wail was cut off as she slipped completely off the tongue, dragged kicking and screaming down the narrow, slimy throat. Caroline watched her friend’s decent, following the bulge in Heather’s fat neck until it was gone. Holding her crying sister, Caroline prayed for all her friends. “You’re a fucking monster,” Caroline growled at Heather, unable to hold in her anger. Knowing her friends were inside the beat’s belly was horrible but the sense of helplessness made it ten times worth. She couldn’t do anything to help them, only watch as they were snuffed out with delight by this walking tub of fat. "Babe, shut up. They're gone and we aren't. Better them than us, am I right?" Jerry whispered as he smiled up at Heather like everything was fine. Caroline turned away from her boyfriend at his pathetic behavior. He hadn't said anything when her friends were eaten, only watching it with horror as he imagined it happening to him. Moving away from the jock, Caroline resumed glaring at Heather, who seemed more interested in stroking her gut then the nasty looks she was getting. “I love it when they squirm inside me,” Heather muttered before her eyes fell on the remaining snacks. Grabbing her stomach with both hands again, she pushed it back onto the desk, this time shoving it as far as she could. As her crotch hit the edge of the desk, her gut nearly covered the hard surface, forcing everyone to back as far away as possible. Annie clutched her sister tighter, fearing that they would have to massage the belly again as it digested their friends. The younger girl feared that she’d break like Debbie and bringing Heather’s wrath and hunger down on herself. "Okay, new challenge. Two of you get on top of my belly and we'll see who can stay on top the longest. The loser is…well do I really have to tell you?" Heather grinned cheekily, winking at everyone after laying out her latest game. Her chubby fingers took Jerry first, dropping him just above her belly button. She then reached for the sisters, her sausage like digest coming between them and pulling Annie away. Caroline screamed and tried to stop Heather from taking her sister, but all it took was a flick of her finger to send Caroline flying back. Annie was taken away and placed on her gut right next to Jerry. "You get to skip this challenge, little miss Potty Mouth. I want you to watch," Heather said, purring in delight as she taunted the young woman. Caroline snarled, clenching her fists as she fought down more tears. She looked up at her sister, perched on the mountain like stomach. One wrong move and it would be over. "Annie! Are you okay?" Jerry asked as he carefully took a step on the uneven stomach. The dome-shaped flab was so soft that they were sinking up to their knees in it, every moment causing it to shift. It was like they were walking on an immense water balloon, every step causing a ripple that could send them falling off. It loudly sounded beneath them, churning relentlessly as it worked to break down their friends. Jerry moved closer to Annie, his arm outstretched towards her. “I think so. It’s hard to stand but if you shift your weight carefully with her breathing, you can keep your balance.” Annie said, shuddering as she thought about what she was standing on. It was so gross and scary they were literally walking on their friend’s graves. She took Jerry’s hand as it neared her, hoping that together they could wait it out until someone showed up or Caroline figured out a way out. Scared but refusing to give up, Annie found her courage at last. Too bad Jerry didn’t. “Sorry, survival of the fittest,” Jerry apologized as he yanked Annie to the side, sending her tumbling off the belly. She rolled down the side of the gut, bouncing off the edge of Heather’s naval before landing back on the desk. It had all happened so fast, one second she was safe and then next she was back on solid ground but only briefly because Heather’s fingers returned to pinch down on Annie’s legs. Heather carried her up into the air upside down, her arms waving around as she screamed in fright as she knew exactly what was going to happen to her. "No! Not her!" Moving as swiftly as Heather had, Caroline jumped up, grabbing her sister's hands. She was carried up with Annie, refusing to let go even as she was lifted high up into the air. Both sisters were carried up to Heather's face, neither one letting go even as the salivating lips of their tormentor parted and they were staring into her cavernous maw. It was so big, they could both fit inside easily, two snacks eaten at once. Knowing that her only hope was to let go, Caroline gripped her sister's hand even tighter. She wasn't going to abandon her, she wasn't going to leave her to die alone in this monster. Sisters together to the end. Heather had other plans though. Her free hand came up, gripping Caroline's lower body. The clammy fingers wrapped around her and pulled, trying to pry her away from a screaming Annie. Caroline held on as long as she could, nearly dislocating her arms when she refused to budge. But she was puny and Heather was giant, all it took was one hard pull and her grip broke. Caroline was left reaching out to her sister as the younger girl was carelessly tossed into the open, slobbering mouth. Annie landed hard on the tongue, sinking into it as it cradled her nubile, sweet body. It immediately overtook her, pushing her into one section of the lower jaw before slapping her to the next. Caroline saw drool splatter all over the naked body of her sister as she struggled. Annie tried so hard to push the pink, slimy muscle away to escape the disgusting touch. Caroline got one last look at Annie, her desperate, terrified face forever imprinted in her brain, before the jaws snapped closed. “Let her go! Let her go!” As Caroline screamed, she was brought closer to Heather’s lips, the spongey masses pressed firmly together. Blindly, Caroline hit the pouty lips, screwing for Annie as she heard wet, slurping sounds right in front of her. She could hear Annie’s screams, muffled but reaching her ears. Heather had her tongue elevated, crushing the tiny girl into the roof of her mouth. Annie was just being held there, the tongue slowly undulating against her as it suckled on her sweet taste. Heather let out a long breath through nose, hot air hitting Caroline as she was held just below it. Heather let Caroline let out her rage and terror on her mouth. Her tiny fists were nothing to her. The tiny girl was watching her sister get eaten and could do nothing, it would be sad if it wasn’t so pathetic. Annie let out a pitiable wail as the tongue pushed harder beneath her. Saliva dripping over every inch of her body as the smooth palate was forced into her. She couldn't hear Caroline, she couldn't hear anything but the swirling of the tongue as she tasted her delectable form. Her body felt numb after being bathed in the saliva for so long, aching as she was crushed so mercilessly as Heather sucked on her. As she coughed on another mouthful of spittle, she went limp, her eyes going distant as she became nearly catatonic from fear. She was nothing but food now, something to feed an evil, sick girl that only saw her as something to add to her body. She wanted to go home, she wanted to be with her sister, she wanted this nightmare to end and as the mouth tensed up, she knew it was close. "No! NOOOOO!!!" Caroline's scream was so loud it even hurt Heather's ears. Pulling the wailing college girl away from her face, Heather gave her a good view as she tilted her head back and prepared to swallow. Annie had been a pretty satisfying morsel to the huge girl, maybe the sweetest of them all. It was tempting to spit her out, save her for future eating, but the sight of Caroline made her stop reconsidering her decision. She wanted to see the prideful, tough girl see the sad reality of her existence. She was nothing compared to normal people. She wasn't safe and she didn't belong. There were only two places in this world for her, inside her belly or worshiping her belly and she already had someone to worship her fat, round gut. GULP! No sound escaped Caroline as she watched a tiny lump slip down Heather's bulging neck, just a sinking realization that she failed to protect her sister. Heather was smiling happily and studying her as she felt the tiny creature slip into her belly with all the rest. Her guts bubbled and groaned in delight at getting another snack but also pleaded for more. Placing Caroline back with her traitorous boyfriend, Heather let out a drawn-out belch. She didn’t release her burp on the last two of her victims, letting it out in a low, slow release with one corner of her mouth flaring up. She directed it upwards for Cassie, who breathed it in with a content sigh. Her little girlfriend had called to her knees, watching on while trembling with excitement, eating it all up with the same delight as Heather had when it came to actually eating. Nodding at Cassie, Heather picked up the remaining tiny people, one in each hand. The guy was trying to talk to Caroline, probably justifying what he had done. Heather giggled, it was cute when they pretended their actions mattered. “Babe. Babe! I’m so sorry about what I did. It was me or her and I did what I had to do! You get that right?” Jerry explained loudly as he was carried up. Caroline remained silent, her eyes becoming dim and lifeless after what she had witnessed. All her friends and her baby sister were gone. All she had left in this world was this bastard. She didn’t hate Jerry for what he did, you can’t hate someone so pathetic. But, if he thought she was going to talk to him and make him feel better about being a cowardly piece of shit, he could go fuck himself. "Last challenge, this is it, only one winner and one loser. You better both bring you’re a-game or I might just eat you together. Okay, here's what you have to do. Thank me." Heather paused, expecting to get a shocked or disgusted look from Caroline, but instead, she was getting nothing. The girl just looked ahead with a thousand-yard stare, not reacting to anything. Disappointed, Heather continued, "I want to hear compliments and gratitude from both of you. The most ungrateful will join everyone else in my belly. You go first dude-bro." "Awesome, and it's Jerry by the way. I'm so incredibly happy we got to meet you, Heather. You're such an awesome babe, way better than those puny, bitches I usually hang out with," Jerry smugly said, abandoning any shred of self-respect as she praised Heather. Jerry was willing to do anything to get out of this, even if it meant kissing up to one of the grossest girls he'd ever met. "I mean, babe, you are beautiful, like a total ten. Those tits are huge, you make me so horny that I just can't look away from you. I swear, I'd do anything to be with a girl like you. I'm so thankful to hang out with you and I want to know more about you. What do you say, babe? How about after this we get some drinks on me? I'll show you what a real man can do." Jerry smiled at Heather with the same arrogant, attractive smile he often gave Caroline when he asked her out. Shaking her head, Caroline rethought her opinion of Jerry. He was so pathetic. He did deserve her to be hated. "Sorry, but I'm dating someone and you're a total douchebag. How about you Caroline? Are you going to thank me for eating your little sister?" Heather said in anticipation, smiling savagely at her favorite victim. Caroline looked at the grinning monster and then her scum bag boyfriend and then the little freak Cassie. All of them smiling so happily, so eager to see her either break down and start crying thanks to this bitch or snap and start cursing her out. She wasn't going to give anyone any satisfaction. "Does it matter what I say? Whoever wins your sick game is just going to earn the privilege of being eaten last, which is not a prize I give two shits about. There are no winners or losers in this game, just people suffering for your amusement. All this, all these challenges, have been to show everyone that you're powerful, your strong and you’re hungry. Well, I get it, I'm food, you're the one that eats the food, so game over. Besides, you've been eyeing me like dessert ever since you saw me. You planned to save me for last since this game started. In the end, like everything else, what I do and say doesn't matter." The room went silent, even Heather's usually heavy breathing died down. The fat giantess and the defiant tiny girl stared at each other, refusing to say anything as what had been said lingered in both their heads. Heather at first looked offended, but slowly her face softens, a less smug smile tugging at her lips. If Caroline didn't know any better, she'd swear Heather looked impressed with her speech. “Hold it, you mean even though I called her hot, I’m still going to get eaten?!” Jerry cried out, breaking the silence. Barely giving the jock a second look, Heather tossed him up towards her face, catching him in her mouth at the last second. Jerry didn’t even know what hit him, only realizing that he was in her slobbering, cavernous maw as she started toying with his puny form. Caroline was not ashamed to admit his screams of terror gave her some small satisfaction. "Well, aren't you a party pooper? Way to kill my fun." Heather said as she continued to suck and slurp on Jerry's flailing form. As her lips moved, Caroline glimpsed her boyfriend bouncing on the tongue. He was holding up as well as any of the girls did, crying and squirming as he was treated like a piece of candy by their fat tormentor. Caroline just grimly smirked at Heather, showing that although she lost everything she wouldn't break. “I didn’t see the point of playing along. I get it, you’re God, were nothing, blah, blah, blah. Honestly, you’re so overdramatic. It’s as sickening as your appetite.” Caroline said spitefully, not caring as Heather bared her teeth in a gleeful smile. She could see Jerry again, banging against the inside of her teeth, trying to force himself through the tiny gaps between the gleaming choppers. If he wasn’t careful Heather was going to bite of his arms then he’d really look like a worm. "You almost got it, tiny. You're nothing, but I'm not God. I'm just a fat, lazy bitch that wants something to eat, nothing more. I mean, look at me, I can't catch the ice cream truck, much less be a God. In this world, you are prey, food, not just to me but everything bigger than you. I mean, did you really think you were safe in a world this big?" Heather asked, passing at the end to squeeze Jerry against her tongue, squishing him back and forth as she gave a happy murmur. As pathetic as Jerry was, Heather still enjoyed the way he tasted. Whether braze or cowardly, tiny people were a tasty bunch. Focusing back on Caroline as she sucked the flavor from her boyfriend, Heather saw the girl had no response. She had hit it on the head, Caroline and her friends thought they were safe, but that was nothing but a lie. For the next several minutes, Heather let Caroline dwell on her words as she got the most out of the young stud turned morsel. He was stronger than the girls, which only made him squirm better ion her tongue. She forced him around her mouth, tasting every inch of him until he was left with nothing to do but beg her to stop. Her tongue dominated him, all those muscles were only good to lick on as he was reduced to nothing. Heather even toyed with him between her teeth, lightly chewing on his hunky form just enough to leave bruises but not kill him. She put him through the wringer until at last, she could no longer deny her belly. He went down kicking and screaming, trying everything from begging to blocking her throat as he went over the edge of her tongue. He went down like all the rest, filling her huge belly a little bit more. It was a great snack, but the best one was still waiting for her. “Tell you what, Caroline, I’ve toyed with your kind enough tonight. Out of respect for your spirit, I’ll make this quick. Besides, I care more about feeling you in my belly more than I do about tasting your body. It was nice meeting you, Caroline,” Heather said, her huge mouth opening to reveal it was overflowing with drool. Saliva dribbled down her chins as she brought her mouth down on Caroline. The final girl, not the sweetest, not the strongest, not the prettiest, but the best. If she was human, she could have done great things. Too bad she was nothing but food. "Can't say the same, Heather," Caroline whispered as her face was lowered towards the tongue. She tongued the pink, muscle, saliva gushing all over her head instantly. Heather slipped her onto her tongue head first, the looming, dark throat right before her eyes. Caroline didn't look away as she was pushed forward, her entire body now resting on the tongue. There was no probing tongue, no loud slurping, Heather did as she promised, leaning her head back as she let the food slip right into her waiting esophagus. Caroline moved forward, giving Heather the brief taste of her naked flesh that the girl craved so much. The only thing that mattered more was getting the girl to her greedy gut. It only took a few seconds for Caroline to get sucked down like all the else, but it felt so much longer. She witnessed the fleshly surroundings pulsating and oozing as it awaited her, the tongue seemingly vanishing as the mouth ended and the throat begun. It all seemed so much smaller, so much more alive now that it was around her. Fear of being crushed as she entered the long, downward tunnel filled Caroline, but she didn't scream. She vanished down Heather's throat like thousands of meals and more than a dozen different girls. It was like she never existed at all. Tight, hot and slippery, that was the only way Caroline could describe the throat. Heather hadn't swallowed, she had just let her fall down her throat, letting gravity and the pulsating gullet do the rest. The way the walls flexed against her body felt so invasive, so personal, as every inch of her was massaged and drawn deeper. Unlike being swallowed, this felt so fast that Caroline didn't realize how far she was inside the overweight girl until the steady beat of her heart sounded all around her. Then it was over, Caroline was released, falling into a pool of thick, hot liquid that came up to her neck. She gasped as her feet touched the stomach floor, the fluids splashing all over her face as the water bubbled and trembled. A deep horrifying reality set in as it fully hit her she had reached the place she was going to die inside. Before the tears could come, small, but surprisingly strong arms wrapped around her stomach. “Sis,” the voice was weak and scared, but Caroline knew it so well. The tears did come, but they were of relief and happiness. Caroline grabbed Annie tightly, the last time she had seen her so fresh and raw in her mind. As she grasped her sister, more arms came towards her, hugging and comforting her. “We’re here.” “I’m so sorry.” “Please, don’t cry.” All her friends, the ones she last seen being tortured and devoured, they were all here, still alive even in this horrible place. Caroline grasped them all, the tears flowing freely. All their bodies burned and itched as the stomach acids slowly went to work breaking them down. The air was thin and it would only get thinner as Heather belched. They all knew death was coming soon, but they were together. Even Jerry was here, punching against the stomach walls as though he could escape through brawn. The girls accepted the reality and comfort one another, crying and repeating soft words as they waited for the end. Amid the heart beats were groans and gurgling as the digestive system kicked into high gear. As the walls contracted and waves of fresh digestive acids flowed freely down the stomach lining, Caroline, Annie, Debbie, Alex and Sarah never let go of each other. Friends never let friends digest alone. “UUURRRRRRrrrrrrpppppp….” Cradled in her girlfriend’s hands, Cassie moaned lustfully as the huge woman let out a huge, ongoing belch right on her body. Feeling the hot, thick air from her stomach wash over her made Cassie tingle all over. She loved how Heather could control how loud and long her burps went on, how a small shower of drool would follow the thundering ones, and the happiness on her face as she let it all out. The swirling and gurgling inside her rumbled forth, that huge gut she loved going to work on her latest meal. It was such a deep, reverberating noise that made Cassie’s toes curl in delight. It was a noise she’d never get tired of hearing ever. "Did you enjoy my little show?" Heather asked as she sipped the drool from her wide, full lips. Cassie nodded quickly, afraid to speak out because she wasn't sure she could say how amazing Heather had been without stuttering. Seeing her toy with this tiny college students, challenging them to demented games and drawing out their suffering, it had been the most beautiful thing Cassie had ever seen. Heather was like an all-powerful Goddess, controlling all but her ravenous hunger. Her girlfriend might deny being divine but Cassie thought otherwise. 
You nutty little cutie.” Heather laughed happily as she slapped her full gut several times. Normally, she was all about eating and stuffing herself, but tonight had been different. She had toyed with her food which while fun was not something she wouldn’t have done if not for her audience. She wanted to give Cassie a present for all her support and love. It was a sick, severe present that would seem like pure nightmare fuel to anyone else, but her girlfriend was a little bit of a freak. "Let's go home and order a few dozen pizzas," Heather softly said as she pressed Cassie against her churning belly. As she left, Heather thought of all the other tiny people at the party, all just standing around, waiting to be snatched up by a hungry girl. She wanted them all inside her, even if it burst her impressive stomach. However, people would notice that many missing tiny students. She could get away with eating six tonight but any more and the authorities would definitely take notice. Heather silently promised herself something right then, she was going to keep on eating, keep on catching tinies and keep on getting fatter. Tonight she had eaten six, next time she was going to go all out. It was time for these tiny morsels to learn what Caroline had come to understand they were never safe.
G’lynda’s Meals The Conspiracy I don’t remember my first exposure to vore, though I remember my wild speculation of what it would be like the be eaten alive. Perhaps it was from all the times my mom would pretend to eat me when I was a little kid, or maybe there was a book read to me that started all. What I did know, however, was that my interest grew over my formative years. Looking back now I’ve noticed how common vore is in children’s cartoons. A lot of shows that I watched had the main character or someone else get eaten at least once. Even a show like Arthur had an episode where Arthur and Buster had a dream about being eaten by a giant clam and digested. There was The Magic School bus where they were always going inside someone. Both Dragon Ball Z and Naruto had their main characters get eaten by a snake early into their runs. There’s Fern Gully, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Dragon Tales, The Fairly Odd Parents, and many others that had scenes where character got swallowed. Then there’s live action movies that featured similar scenes as well, though quite a few of them come from some connection with Steven Spielberg, there are many others that don’t have his name attached. Not to mention one of the most popular and public vore scenes was the beginning scene of Men in Black 2 where a mugger is eaten by the alien queen Serleena. That scene was the introduction into the fetish for many people, though I myself didn’t get to see it until a few years down the road. Over the years I learned more about vore and interacted with the community, but I always came back to the question of why is vore so present in children’s cartoons? This was one rabbit hole I’d love to enter to see if there’s something bigger happening on the other side. I began my search on the dark web, where for the longest of time I couldn’t find any real information. It was especially hard to separate what I was finding from rumors of human trafficking. Though perhaps they could be related, I felt this was something more subtle. It felt like these shows were introducing kids to the fetish during the formative years, letting it lie dormant until they got older where their curiosity exploded. I wondered why that was, what was the motive that these producers and creators had? One day on a forum, I got a private message from someone ironically named Deepthroat. Deepthroat explained how there was a connection with people going missing, but it had nothing to do with an underground trafficking ring. They said they could share more, but I myself would be in danger of disappearing like others asking the same questions as I have before. I had been overtaken by my curiosity long ago, so I agreed to meet Deepthroat in a rural town in Eastern Tennessee. Plane tickets were cheap, so I got on a flight the next day and took a rental car to a small motel where we planned to meet. When I met Deepthroat I knew immediately something was off about her. She was about 6’4 with beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. She looked perfect, in fact too perfect. What was this girl doing on a forum on the dark web? The woman introduced herself as Sarah and told me she could lead me down the rabbit hole in its entirety. However, she warned me that if I continued, I won’t want to turn back. I was confused, I won’t want to turn back, or I can’t turn back? I asked her. “Well, initially you won’t want to turn back even though you technically could. At a certain point you will be asked a question, depending on how you answer it you either get sent home, or never seen on this Earth ever again. I was once in your position but got sent home. Now, I lead others like you here. Because of that, well, I was rewarded.” She explained, finishing her sentence with a kind smile. “But I warn you, I’ve led people like you to this place, and they don’t ever come back.” She said giving a stern look. I thanked her for her concern, but I had already made up my mind to go through with this when I purchased the ticket. The girl nodded and led me to her car. We drove for a couple of hours until we were further up in the Appalachians. Sarah pulled up about a quarter of a mile away from a large warehouse that seemed to back into the mountain. I noticed that there were other people being led into the building, a lot of them were led by equally attractive humans when compared to Sarah. Sarah turned to me once more, her face still serious, and said “This isn’t your last chance to turn back, but it’s your last chance to turn back. Do you get what I mean? “she asked. I told her yes, that there’s something about me that won’t allow myself to turn back until it’s too late. “Exactly.” She nodded. I still wondered what she meant by that. I know my curiosity had pushed me far into this, but I had the confidence that I wouldn’t put myself in a situation where I’d lose my life. Still, something wasn’t being told to me. I still didn’t have any hint to why these shows seemed to be implanting an interest for the fetish during someone’s formative years, and I had no idea why that would lead to the disappearance of someone other than to stop a whistleblower. And if that was the case, wouldn’t Sarah be a whistleblower? I thought to myself. The only way I would get answers was if I went inside the building. “Take me inside.” I said confirming my decision to her. She nodded and we got out the car. She led me to the front door where I saw more people like me who must have had the same yearning for the truth. It was easy to tell that we were all nervous, but we pushed through. When we got inside, we were all separated into different locations. It was made so only one group went into each tunnel at a time. Sarah lead me down our tunnel where we came across a desk at the end of it. Behind it there was a receptionist that looked a lot like a neko. She had long black hair with gray cat like ears, a gray tail, and whiskers. It seemed like the lady knew who Sarah was. She asked her how she was able to bring so many here and Sarah just replied that she knew where to look. The neko woman turned towards me and smiled. “So, I’m guessing your curiosity led you here and you have dozens of questions you want answered?” She asked. I nodded my head. “Hmm, where should I start? Well we are an alien species that was on the brink of extinction, fighting an enemy that heavily outnumbered us. When we needed help most your government made a deal that they would give us willing people to help replenish our numbers in exchange for technology. The problem was that when we first arrived, there weren’t many people who volunteered to either join our military ranks or be our food. So your government hatched a plan. They began to introduce the idea of being eaten or eating others in children’s cartoons during the formative years. Our race needs both predators and prey. The humans that identify as predators go through a change. We turn them into a sort of hybrid that keeps some human characteristics but are given the power we wield as well as the hunger. The only way we are able to use our power is if we recently consumed something whole to feed of the energy of and that’s where the prey come in.” She explained. “What is it then? Are you predator, or prey?” She asked inquisitively. My mind was racing. It took my body a while to digest the truth. I learned today that not only was my fetish real, but it was purposely jumpstarted by our government in order to create willing people to help their race survive in exchange for technology. I didn’t understand how to grasp this. I felt like all my anger should be boiling from my skin. Released from my mouth like magma from a volcano. But there was that feeling of wanting to see if it was really all true. If I could be prey to an alien species. To fuel a dying race in one of their greatest times of need. All my prey and submissive instincts were oozing out faster than my anger could. My heart was racing. I was beginning to lose my mind. Everything kept coming back to the fetish. The fetish that was originally engineered by our government. The fetish that I continued to enjoy over the years without outside influence. Before I knew it, my heart spoke before my mind could stop me. “I am prey.” I declared. The cat lady smiled and wrote down my answer. “So, are you a species like cats on Earth then?” I asked. The lady laughed and answered “No, I was once human. But for the humans that join their ranks, we become hybrids and are mixed with their DNA. When this occurs, we are given many powers, one of these is the ability to transform into a form we like. I always loved Nekos from anime growing up, so I became one.” She said smiling. I still felt uneasy about the whole situation. I remembered what Sarah told me about it being too late to turn back before it was actually too late. She said she’s lead people like me here before. She must have been talking about my fetish. But, how did she know about that? Could she tell that I was into vore just by looking at me? Did she research me beforehand? I turned around to see if I could get an answer, but when I looked back, she wasn’t there. She must have left a few minutes ago, knowing that I wasn’t going to be leaving this place the way I came. I quivered at the thought. Yet, that same chill oddly excited me. The receptionist girl turned toward me once more. “I have one more question to ask you, depending on your answer you’ll either be allowed to leave, or you will never step foot on this planet again.” She said with her smile erased from existence. “Are willing to be a meal for the Vuna Empire?” She asked. My body squirmed; I could feel the sweat dripping from my face. Or were those tears? It was hard to tell their origin and I really didn’t know what to believe right now. Was I about to give in to this fetish? Become a food source for some alien empire I had no idea about? What if they were evil? What if I was going to be used for fuel only to end up with my predator unleashing an attack on Earth? All the possibilities ran through my head. And then my mouth did the most inexplicable thing. It said, “I am willing.”. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe I had said that. The lady just smiled and began to type away at her computer and jotting down notes. “One more thing, what’s your predator gender preference?” She asked. “Well I’ve always liked female predators.” I replied still not realizing what I was saying. The girl turned back to her computer and finished typing. When she hit enter the computer made a whirring noise and her face lit up. “Wow! It looks like your predator is going to be our new queen!” She said excitedly. “This will be amazing for you, I promise.” She said cheerfully. With that, I was directed towards deeper inside the warehouse where there were other humans like me who had just willing agreed to serve the Vuna empire. The other humans and I were formed into two lines separated by predator and prey. At the front of the line there appeared to be a teleporting pad. As each person stepped into it, they would disappear. I assumed they were either going onto spaceships or to a different planet. I guess I will find out soon enough. I thought to myself. About three minutes later I was at the front of the line and I entered the transportation pad. When I got settled, I heard a staticky sound and suddenly my mind was discombobulated. When I regain my composure, I was on another teleportation pad, this time outside. I looked up to the night sky and immediately noticed I wasn’t on Earth anymore. I saw four satellites as large as our moon if not large above. It was quite beautiful I thought to myself. While I was distracted a man had came and spoke to me. He introduced himself as a servant to the queen and he was here to take me to see G’lynda. I nodded and followed him into the palace that I hadn’t previously noted. I didn’t really get the chance to observe my surroundings as the man leading me was moving at a fast pace. Though I did notice that he seemed to have a lion’s tail poking out from behind his clothing. The man made one last turn before opening the door into a smaller room. It appeared to be a bedroom of sorts and inside was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. The man bowed and then left us alone. The lady motioned me towards her. I walked at a crawling pace still quite nervous about everything. “C’mon! I want to get to know you!” she said in a bubbly voice. I picked up my speed. The girl had olive skin with a tannish snake like tail, which was accompanied by long brown hair and light brown eyes. As I got closer, I noticed her skin was like scales on a reptile, but they appeared smoother. “My name G’lynda, what’s yours?” she said happily. “I... I’m Ingy. So, you are the queen of this race then?” I asked nervously. “Well not quite, I’ve been crowned the next queen, but the actual queen is still fighting on the frontlines. I’m still in training.” She explained. I was still confused on how it would work from here. Would I die after she ate me? Was she going to save me for right before she went to battle? Before I could continue posturing questions G’lynda interrupted me. “I’m a telepath so I know exactly what you were wondering.” She smiled. “Here’s how this works. You and I have been bonded together. If one of us dies, so will the other. You, however, are my infinite food source, so when I digest you, you are reformed like new. I can’t kill you, otherwise I’d be doing myself in.” She said laughing. “What makes it difficult is that we must eat once every three days, which means you have to be taken to the battlefield as well. This is where things get dangerous. Us Vunan are pretty much unstoppable when we’re fed, but you unaltered humans are not, and you often become targets to enemy raids.” She said sadly. “This is how the Vunan and our hybrids die, the very bond we create to give us strength happens to be our very weakness.” She added. “But, because of you humans we’ve been able to fight off extinction. If it weren’t for you our home planet would have been invaded and demolished years ago.” She said starting to weep. Her emotions began to overwhelm me, and I ran up and hugged her. I told her I was here to serve her and the Vuna race now and I would do all I could to help. She hugged me back and began to thank me. It wasn’t long before her mood shifted, and she was back to her cheerful mood. “Well, it’s almost bedtime, but we should get you used to what it will feel like to be eaten and digested. We can control the pace at which we digest, but for the demonstration I will keep things quick. In the future we will get to have more fun with it.” She said smiling. With that she took her tail and wrapped it around me and hoisted me up into the air. She then opened her mouth like that of a snake and began to ease me in. Though G’lynda did taste some of me, she was true to her words and quickly swallowed me. I was disappointed. The whole process felt amazing and I wish it wouldn’t have ended so quickly. “Wow, you taste amazing Ingy! Now I’m going to digest you really quick and then you’ll reform right in front of me.” She said. Once again true her word I felt her acids began to break me down. What was unexpected was how the acid didn’t hurt, in fact it was quite blissful. Her acid was like an aphrodisiac and I wanted them to last forever. Unfortunately for me I went out almost as quickly as I went in and before I knew it, I had materialized right in front of her like how the teleportation pads worked. It had taken a second to regain my balance but as soon as my legs were under me again, I quickly hopped back into her arms. “Wow that was amazing! I wish I could stay there forever!” I said excitedly. “I knew you’d like it; you wouldn’t be here otherwise.” She cooed. “Come, it’s time for bed, I’ll eat you again tomorrow before training, I didn’t really absorb much of your nutrients with that quick digestion.” She said. She then motioned me into her bed and together we drifted off.
G’lynda’s Meals What Do You Mean I Can’t Have My Food Yet? I woke up to the sensation of hot breath on my face as saliva drizzled onto my cheek. G’lynda wrapped her tail around my waist and poised me in front of her. “Hmm, how should I eat my little morsel today?” She asked as she stared down at me with a grin as wide as the Mississippi. “Well, whenever I dreamed of being eaten, I always liked the idea of going feet first so I can watch myself get devoured.” I yawned, still not quite fully awake yet. G’lynda’s tail constricted around me as a result her excitement. Her tail quickly unraveled as she reached for my feet. “So, you wouldn’t mind me taking ahold of these then?” She teased with a sly smile. G’lynda began to take in my feet, licking the soles with her long tongue. As she began to insert my feet into her mouth her door busted open. The lion man from last night appeared. “I apologize for my intrusion princess, but I needed to remind you that you must train without any food today. The queen will be here in six hours and she wants to see you use your powers while on an empty stomach.” The servant said as G’lynda dropped my feet to the bed and let out a gasp. “Oh! I totally forgot the queen was returning! Oh yeah, that means you’re going to get to meet Daphne, Ingy! She’s the queen’s food.” G’lynda said giddily. “I’m afraid I must ask you to dress yourself your highness, we are on a crunch today, Seedi expects you in the battle room in fifteen minutes.” The servant said in an uptight manner. “Well thank you Reginald, what should Ingy do in the meantime?” G’lynda asked. “Ah, well master Ingy has an appointment with the seamstress today, but it won’t take too long, he’ll return to you before the queen arrives.” Reginald replied. G’lynda nodded her head and raced off to finish her training. I was left alone with the lion hybrid, which until last night would have been terrifying. “Ah, master Ingy, if you would just follow me the seamstress is waiting.” I stood there confused for a bit. “Why do you keep calling me master, I’m not your master.” I said. “Oh, on the contrary, you’re the fourth most important person in the empire and soon to be second. I’m sure G’lynda explained it to you last night. But that bond you hold makes you almost as important as the princess herself, you hold a lot of power now.” He explained. “Anyways, our schedule is short, so chop-chop.” He said clapping his hands. I nodded and followed him out of the door. Reginald and I roamed through a maze of hallways before entering a wider chamber that looked like a clothing store. Waiting inside was another cat like woman, but this one was covered in fur. “Ingy, this is Sabrina, she will be taking your measurements so she can prepare some clothes for you.” Reginald said. “I’ll leave him to you then.” He said as he bowed and then left. Sabrina stared at me for what felt like minutes. Finally, she broke the silence. “Wow I’m so happy to meet you! When they told me I was going to make the clothes for the princess’s food I couldn’t help but scream!” She said excitedly. “Now then we should probably begin. If you could just stand here under light, I need to take your measurements.” I nodded and moved to the spot Sabrina wanted me in. She pulled out a long measuring tape and a clip board with pen and paper. She started on my arms first, staring intently as she acquired and accurate reading. She then moved to my neck and then my torso and waist. “You know, I was from Earth just like you. This was my job there too, but back then I hated it.” She said attempting to start a conversation. “I just had this empty feeling in life, it was always eat, sleep, work, repeat for me. I never got to let out my inhibitions.” She said frowning a bit as she measured my legs. “But then one day I went down the same rabbit hole as you, but when they said if I was predator or prey, I told them I just like to watch. They offered me a job at the palace and the chance to become a hybrid and I accepted. Now I get to continue something I was talented in while also indulge on my feelings.” She said with a sigh. “Anyways you’re probably wondering why I’m using such an archaic form of measuring. Well it’s one of the few things I decided to hold onto from my past life. It helps keep the homesickness at bay. Plus, I’m just as perfect as any machine when it comes to measuring.” She said confidently. Sabrina finished my measurements and began preparing the clothes I would wear. “Here’s how clothing works on Vuna. You only need three outfits here. Every night, your clothes will be thoroughly cleaned ready for you to wear the next day. You get a formal outfit, and informal outfit, and a free outfit. I’d like for you to look at these designs and see if any of them interest you.” She said handing me a book. I flipped through the pages looking at the different styles in each category. After about half an hour I finally found the outfits I wanted. “Ooh some interesting choices. I see you like the color red.” She said after I showed her my choices. “Now here comes the easy part.” Sabrina loaded the clothing material into a machine and then placed my selected designs onto a screen, scanning them in. After some soft rumbles that lasted about five minutes the machine produced my three outfits wrapped up neatly in plastic. Right on que, Reginald came through the opening. “Ah, they’re ready.” He said picking up the clothes. “It’s time to go Ingy.” He said walking back towards the opening. “It was nice meeting you Ingy, I hope to see you soon!” Sabrina said as I left the room and reentered the maze with Reginald. Reginald and I returned to G’lynda’s room, he walked towards a small closet where he hung up my clothes. “Ingy, you are to wash up and then put on your formal clothes. The bathroom should have all the supplies you need. Afterwards, you will be meeting with the queen and her food, Daphne, before they watch G’lynda’s final trial.” He said in a commanding tone. He handed me my formal outfit and then I walked into the large bathroom that was linked to the room. The bathroom was stocked with everything I needed including a freshly packed toothbrush and toothpaste. I waltzed into the enormous shower as it turned on once I cleared the door. The water came out at the perfect temperature I wanted, which was quite fascinating. I did my usual deeds and then walked out while grabbing the towel hanging on the shower door. I finished the rest of my hygiene duties and then began getting dressed. I put on my red buttoned-down polo shirt first, followed by the black slacks, then a red and black tie, and finally a black blazer. I pranced out feeling all nice and handsome. Reginald was waiting me for me holding a pair of black dress shoes and dress socks. “We didn’t get a chance to measure your feet, but we took your tennis shoes and estimated the correct size for your dress shoes. Let me know how they fit.” He handed me the socks and shoes and I began to put them on. The socks felt nice on my feet, like they just came out of the shower. The shoes weren’t difficult to put on and they fit rather well. “Wow, these are great Reginald, they fit nicely.” I said admiring my full outfit in a mirror. “Great, then it’s time for dinner. It’s Daphne’s favorite meal.” He said with a smile. We wandered through the maze again until we came upon a dining room where a large reptilian like woman was waiting and a girl with fiery red hair was standing by her side. “Ah, Ingy, there you are. It’s nice to meet you.” The woman said in a powerful voice. “My name is Zarga, I’m the queen of the Vunan empire.” She greeted as I examined her, she was paler than G’lynda and about two feet taller with black hair, blue eyes, and a tail far longer as well. She didn’t look much like G’lynda at all in terms of physical traits. “You’re probably wondering why G’lynda and I look so different. And no, I’m not telepathic like she is. It’s all over your face.” She laughed. “Come, lets sit and we can talk. I sat down at the table across from the queen and Daphne. Some servants came out and served a plate with a large steak on it along with mashed potatoes and green beans. “So, as you could probably tell, G’lynda and I aren’t related, unfortunately for me I am the last of my bloodline for the throne. Though G’lynda isn’t my blood, she was born with a very rare trait. She can use her powers without needing a meal. However, her potential is cut down when she doesn’t eat, which is why you were selected to be her food. Though we haven’t seen her in action yet, I hypothesize that after a full meal she’ll be even more powerful than I.” The queen said. “In general, her telekinetic and telepathic powers are superior to my own flame manipulation power. Anyways, for her whole life she had to go without receiving a human meal so she could perfect her technique. Most Vunan purebreds receive their humans at the age of 18, but G’lynda had to wait another five years until she got you” She explained. I tried my best to keep up with all the information as I ate. There was one thing bothering me, though, perhaps the queen would have an answer. “Excuse me? Your highness, I was wondering why G’lynda quickly ate and digested me last night?” I asked in a somewhat soft voice. The queen frowned; it was as if my question disappointed her. “Well Ingy, the answer to your question is the reason why I’m queen. Ten years ago, my older sister was the queen. At the time we just ate our humans anyway we liked, we never eased them into it. When my sister had her first meal, she held the lad in her all night. The boy realized he hated it and didn’t want to spend the rest of his life as food to the queen. So, when he reformed the next day, he found a sharp object and committed suicide. Of course, you know that when a bond is broken both the food and the master dies. I was thrusted into my queenly duties and that’s when I got Daphne as my meal.” The queen said in a voice full of sorrow. “Anyways, what G’lynda did last night was test your reaction. She didn’t take any of your nutrients and add them to her body, so you haven’t formed an actual bond yet. This way if it turned out that you didn’t like being food, then there would be no risk to her life. We require every predator in our empire to do this now.” The queen explained. The conversation paused for a bit as we went back to finishing our food. I decided to break the silence once again. “So, uh Daphne, your ha…” Daphne suddenly interrupted me before I could finish. “Yes, I share a name and have similar hair to the character, that’s where our similarities end.” She said coldly. I apologized and decided to ask her how she came to be the queen’s meal. “Well I was 18 years old and recently left home for college to study physics when I got a weird text message. It was from someone named Sarah and she said that she could fulfill all my fantasies. I agreed to meet her at a bar and then she took me to Vuna to meet the queen. I was fascinated with the whole ordeal, so I accepted my position as food.” She said casually. “I’ve been serving the queen for the last ten years now and it’s been the best time of my life.” She continued in her steady voice. We continued chatting for a while as we finished our meals. Zarga stood up from the table and announced the end of the dining. “Well, it’s nearly time for G’lynda’s trial now, we better be on our way if we want to catch it in time.” She said as Daphne and I both got up from the table. We left the dining room and went on our way to the battle room. The battle room wasn’t just one room, there were multiple different rooms with different types of objectives. G’lynda was in a room where she had to complete and obstacle course in a certain amount of time. The Zarga, Daphne, and I stood at an observation window while watching G’lynda go to work. A countdown was set and G’lynda was off. She used her telekinesis to maneuver around obstacles and deflect different things thrown at her. She moved with great speed racing towards the finish line. As she prepared for her final jump, she pulled a platform towards her and used it to vault herself onto the finish line. She finished the course in record time, acing her final trial. After G’lynda got washed up she came back and met us. She went running towards Daphne, scooping her up and giving her a big hug. “Oh Daphne! I missed you so much!” She said as she squeezed her between her chest. Daphne looked annoyed but put on a smile that didn’t seem completely genuine. “Oh, hi Zarga.” G’lynda said casually. “I just wanted to congratulate you on your record time, but I don’t want to hold you for too long, we’ll hold a more formal celebrations tomorrow, but I know you have been waiting all day to ‘celebrate’.” She said with a wink and then nudged me over to G’lynda. “Oh yes! I know exactly what you mean. Thank you, your highness, I better head off with my reward.” She said with a crooked grin before quickly pulling me up onto her shoulder with her tail. “Come Ingy, it’s time we became more acquainted.” She cooed as she walked back to her room. G’lynda pile drove me onto her bed and began to strip my clothes off. “Don’t worry about those, they will reappear in the closet all nice and tidy in the morning.” She said as she crawled on top of my body. “We got interrupted this morning, but there’s no need to rush back into it, I want to play for a bit.” She said, her face shining brighter than before. G’lynda began to grind up against my crotch as she toyed with me in her bed. She whispered in my ears about how her body was going to take all of me this time and I’d be hers forever. Her playful cruelty sent shivers down my spine. G’lynda then lifted me up with her tail and began to constrict around me. She gave me firm squeezes as if she were attempting to tenderize me. “Hmm, I can see you’re enjoying this.” She said while looking at my crotch. She parted part of her coils and began to poke at it with her tongue. “I hope it doesn’t mind being played with.” She said slyly as her tongue began to play with it more aggressively. After giving it a few slurps in her mouth she sat me back down on the bed. “Well, I think I got you worked up. I’m famished so let’s do this!” She said excitedly. She grabbed my feet with her hands and began licking my soles once again. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sensation of my feet being tickled by her tongue. She engorged herself on both of my feet stuffing them in her mouth and taking in their flavors. She swished them around while humming to herself and enjoying the experiences. Finally, she took a gulp as my feet were pulled into her esophagus. She climbed up my shin and began approaching my knees as she enjoyed the other parts of my leg. Her hot breath began to climb up to my waist as it awaited to enter the hungry maw. As my knees entered her throat, she began to play with my crotch again, tickling my cock once more. Already turned on from earlier, it was long before I exploded into her mouth. She hummed gleefully as she slurped up the new juices and began working her way up my torso. She greedily began to pull more of me into her as my neck disappeared inside her. Just before she engulfed my head, she gave me an Eskimo kiss. She pressed the rest of me inside her as the last of my body went down her esophagus. Its powerful muscles pulsed around me as it rhythmically delivered me to my new bed. I collected in her stomach and began to get comfortable while her painless acids began to coat my body, sending me into a state of ecstasy. “Mmm, Ingy, you were such a great meal. I can’t believe I get to have you for the rest of my life.” G’lynda said outside. “Thank you, your stomach isn’t too shabby as well.” I said muffled from within. Her stomach walls began to contract massaging my body as the blissful acid began to work into me, slowly dissolving the outer reaches of my skin. The rhythmic pattering of G’lynda’s heart and the soothing motions of her stomach quickly lured me to sleep as I let her body go to work on me. I spent the rest of the night inside G’lynda as I was slowly digested and absorbed into her being. Our bond had finally been linked together as I completed my first true journey through the digestive systems. I didn’t gain consciousness until I reformed beside her. The sun was rising, and I felt more rested then I ever had in my life. I crawled over to G’lynda and embraced her as she slept.
Thunder roared in the sky waking Alexis who had been resting from her last meal. She yawned and weakly got up to lie against the cold cave walls. The shadowy night still shrouded the land in black darkness and to her disappointment her meal wasn't fully consumed. She looked down at her large gut and felt the large globe letting the remains of the three unfortunate elves slosh around. The contents weren't fully digested but had become soft and squishy. Alexis was a young Angel demon who lived in the northern part of the mountains. She was certainly not a servant of the gods. Her kind was just referred to as angels for their large white wings that protruded from her back. Other than the wings and greater size she looked like any ordinary human. She flapped her wings to shake off what water that had accumulated on them. She opened a nearby box and took out some cloths to dry her elegant wings and golden hair. After drying off she removed her old garments for her impending growth and headed to a mirror to examine just how much she had gained from the elves. She didn't see much change since the elves weren't fully digested yet and groaned in disappointment. She could already feel some magical essence that she had absorbed and could conjure some magic already. Her ample breast had grown a tad larger and her rump had gained a little mass as well. She exhaled gloomily and sat back down against the rugged cave walls. She rested there excitedly till morning fondling her belly as it shrank at a more and more rapidly. The morning light stirred Alexis from her sleep again and she wearily stretched her arms and flapped her wings. She gleefully felt nothing remaining of the elves in her belly and hurried to the mirror. With all the lovely elven bodies added to improve her figure she gained some pretty nice assets to add her own. Her breasts gained a good amount of mass and were lovely to behold. The same could be said about her luscious butt which became rounder and firmer. Her facial traits lost its occasional blemishes that were normal for someone who lived in the outdoors all their lives and became quite attractive. Her hair was longer and gained a soft silky texture to it. Alexis's ears were now longer and gave her a nice elven look. Perhaps the greatest gift Alexis gained was the elves magic. She could feel their great powers within her and played with them for some time. She got the hang of it and conjured a huge ball of energy in her hand. She walked down deep into the cave with the yellow energy in her hand and illuminated the dark halls but it became tiring to maintain in her hand. She released it from her hand and sent it flying down the cave and into the wall. She blasted a crater against the cave walls and the great amount of force threw her back against the opposite wall. She recovered from the blast and briefly rearranged her cave back to its original order. She returned to her little room and admired her body in the mirror for a while then dressed herself appropriately and prepared to head out. The rain had ceased and Alexis burst out into the sky freely. As she rose into the sky other avian creatures were prowling the skies and didn't take too much interest into her. It was nice to fly out of the security of her cave and not be harassed by other predators. She flew to the top of one of the mountains and observed the bustling Rantheran town of Rorburg. As usual caravans carrying valuables were coming in and out as normal. She flew out and scoured the vast extent of land around Rorburg and was dotted with guarded caravans and small forts. Finding nothing worth attacking she decided to head back home and rest then go out for another run later. As she flew home, she occasionally spotted large forts spread out to and from neighboring towns and cities. Much to Alexia's frustration the presence of soldiers guarding the travelers had really begun escalating recently. Most troubling of all is that they no longer stayed near the mountain pass and are beginning to branch out deeper into the mountains. Occasionally some gallant demons attempted to pick off stragglers or launch suicidal attacks on the soldiers but they normally end up pelted by arrows and driven off empty handed. As she flew onward a rainbow colored banner flew near one of the angel nests. It's a signal for other angels to come regarding something important. Naturally she flew over to see what was going on. Inside the cave around thirty other angels had gathered there. Among them was her sister who was idly sitting near the clamorous group. "Natalie!" "Oh Alexis, you've gotten bigger recently. *giggle* Nice elf ears. Ate one recently?" "Yep, three. Luck has been on my side I guess. Why did they fly the rainbow banner, is there something wrong?" "They are concerned on the growing number of soldiers guarding the travelers. If all the travelers are guarded like that then we can't get our meals. The elders fear that we might go cannibalistic again." Alexis nodded and shivered at the thought. Before the Rantheran cities had started building settlements in these mountains the local demons devoured each other. Now they just harass the villages and travellers for food and the demons no longer have to struggle against one another. But now times are changing again. It is now becoming difficult to catch some prey, and recently some demons and even fellow angels are attacking one another. They had to do something or their very existence could be threatened. One of the elder angels left the group and stood at the entrance of the cave. She was one of the elder angels and was larger than the others who had come. "Greetings I am Lexy and I have called you all here for the recent buildup of troops in the mountain pass. I'm sure you all are having difficulty catching some prey and it seems that our neighboring demons are beginning to attack other demons due to the changing times. So I have assembled you to form a little clan to resolve this predicament." "So what do you intend for us to do?" "I believe we must come together and unite for our survival. How we reach that goal I am uncertain but a good place to start is the human expansions here." "Do you expect us to fight the humans?" "Their numbers are far larger than what we can assemble." "Perhaps but they are spread out across the entire pass. We'll pick of their weaker garrisons and slowly weaken them. Overtime I am hoping to gather a large enough force to overwhelm the caravans that pass through here to get some food for ourselves before we begin to starve." "Hmm I have heard that the caravans are getting increasingly bigger. One caravan surely could feed all of us." Alexis smiled and listened intently on the conversation. She liked the idea of unifying together for a common cause. They'll protect one another and work together. Steadily more and more angels answered the call and they numbered more than fifty. They set out in a large flock over the mountain pass and eyed the small garrisons across the pass. Lexy signaled to the rest and they circled a stone fort that was some distance from other human positions. As they slowly descended on the fort few soldiers scrambled to the towers in shock. Alexis broke off and dived straight at a lookout tower and blasted its base causing it to collapse. It came crashing down on the surrounding walls causing further disorder. Around two hundred soldiers scrambled out and pulled out bows and spears and formed up ranks around the middle of the fort. Lexy stared in amazement at Alexis and dove straight at them with the rest following in a large swarm. The soldiers took aim and braced for impact but Alexis launched another blast which scattered the soldiers. They tried to reform together but angels lifted the soldiers up into the sky and devoured them. Lexy gleefully grabbed three of them and shoved all of them into her extensive cleavage. They were sucked inside and her boobs jiggled wildly and slowly ceased its movement as the soldiers transform into breast flesh and sweet milk to nurture her future children. The soldiers watched in horror as Lexy's swarm feasted on their comrades and soon fear took the hearts of the soldiers. They scattered from the fray and were picked off one after another. Alexis let her companions chase the panicked soldiers and she climbed inside the barracks. Inside some captive demons were in locked cages guarded by a handful of priestesses and unarmored servants. They launched their holy magic at her but she enveloped herself in a shield. Their attacks however smashed through but were slowed by the shield allowing Alexis to dodge them. She lunged at them and pinned three on the ground and the other five she bound them against the wall with her magic. Their bodies weren't too large compared to Alexis, but nevertheless they were powerful priestesses. She wrapped her lips around the three priestesses and tore of their gowns revealing their well-toned bodies and ample breasts. As she slurped them up as the three other priestesses just watched in horror and cried. The two other servants remained defiant screaming and cursing at her. She stepped up to them and they spit at her in defiance. Alexis laughed at the two of them and pushed her wriggly belly against them. "Well that wasn't very nice. These priestesses are your masters?" He nodded and glared back resiliently. "Well allow me to help you serve them in a different way." She removed the thin cloth that restricted her boobs and pushed her breast in their face and let her nipples begin to suck on their faces. They struggled to get free but they were unable to even move and were sucked into their velvet prisons without a fight. Meanwhile the remaining priestesses were now more puzzled than frightened. "What do you mean in serve them in a different way?" "Oh I'm going to have some children so I needed a little more milk." "But when you came in here you didn't look pregnant." Alexis giggled and took of her rags that wrapped around her thighs and lowered the priestesses to their knees. "You're right I'm not. You are going to be my babies." She pushed her head into her womb and pumped her hips back and forth pleasuring herself as the priestess was pushed deeper into her womb. The others stared at their comrade in horror and screamed at the top of their lungs. "Oh stop your crying. Be glad that I have spared your lives." "I refuse to let myself become a barbaric demon!" Alexis brought the priestess completely into her womb and fell backward gasping for air. After recovering she turned to the frantic priestesses that remained. "You guys won't remember any of this so stop trying to be so noble for nothing and accept fate." "Never! Any fate is better than be-"Alexis pulled her in with her legs head first before she could finish and did the same to the other. When she finished them off she laid there in ecstasy for a while and got up and turned to the demons that were locked up. They stared at her desperately and looked as if they were tortured and beaten. Their horrible condition made her take pity for them but still she was still unsure if she should trust them. ''So tell me, are any of you enemies of Angels?" They shook their heads and fell to their knees and begged her for freedom. She didn't know whether to let them out and spare them or just devour them. As she pondered there by herself Sophia flew into the barracks and called to Alexis. "Alexis all the guards are taken care off. Are there any more in here?" "No they're in here." She rubbed her engorged breast and wriggling belly. "Great, we must leave now then. "And these demons?" "Leave them. Other demons are beginning to flock here. Let them decide their fate. We have neither quarrels nor alliances with any of them." "All right lets go." Once they returned to the nest they rested and Lexy commended Alexis for her invaluable assistance. "Alexis, your skills are quite impressive. You may be well on your way to be one of the elder angels like me." "Thanks Lexy. I gained these powers from some elves I ate. They rarely ever come by these mountains but yet I was lucky enough to catch them." "Yes, recently more and more outsiders travel through here. " "One could only wonder if we should be concerned about this." Lexy chuckled and pat her engorged bosom. "I personally don't mind the growing amounts of travelers here. More travelers more food for me." "I guess you're right. But I can't help but wonder if this mountain pass is important to them. If we keep attacking them will they send more soldiers here?" Lexy thought about it for a second and looked out towards the horizon. "Alexis, do you know of the lands beyond these mountains?" "No." "It's said that normal humans have built large cities and forged empires to the south of these mountains. I was around long before humans came here. I was around before the other demons came here. I was around when only angels dominated these mountains." "There was a time where we were the only demons in these mountains?" "Oh yes a long time ago. I've seen these demons come here claiming that they've been pushed from their home land and eventually they fought us for these mountains and had made homes here. I flew out of these mountains in search of these fabled conquerors and I found them. Vast cities and vast nations have formed down there. However they're always fighting. Always killing one another. But now I think peace has united them and they expand their cities out of their home lands." "Are they going to try and take us over?" "I'm not certain if they will come here but they've did it to others so I don't see why they wouldn't come here. I hope to slow them down or at least weaken them." "Why didn't I hear of this story?" "It's only known by the elders. There used to be many of us but now our numbers dwindle and we don't tell the story to others. Traditionally only certain angels are told our history." "Why did you tell me? I'm not that stronger than the others. I'm one of the smallest demons here." She smiled at her and rubbed her long golden hair. "Trust me my young child, you have great and wondrous powers that none of us have. You've already shown its usefulness today. Even though you're only six feet tall you'll defeat much larger demons and you'll steadily grow in strength and size. Now rest. Tomorrow I intend to go out for another raid." "Ok. Thank you Lexy." Alexis and the other angels headed back home heaving their heavy meals and rested for the night. By morning her body overall grew making her taller and her facial traits were more attractive. Her hair was longer and was slightly curlier. Her magic was now very powerful but her greatest gift was three new babies in her womb. The three priestesses inside were almost completely absorbed leaving them in an infant state. She gave birth to them and cradled the three girls in her arms and flew off for the nest. By the time she returned a good number of angels had arrived bolstering their numbers to around eighty. Lexy summoned them together and stood in the morning light revealing her new engorged bust which was overflowing from the cloth that wrapped around her great chest. The newcomers were impressed and when they were briefed on the plan and were very enthusiastic. Soon they were on their way to ransack some fortresses all across the mountains. Raid after raid their bodies steadily became stronger and their growing reputation attracted more and more followers to their clan. Eventually their numbers were so great they conquered their first Rantheran settlement. From their human victims they learned how to farm and build up their town. The caravans they looted brought them marvelous and exotic goods expanding their knowledge and culture. With a great stroke of compassion and mercy Lexy called all the demons of the mountains to come to her council and live together in harmony rather than slaughter one another. Despite being former enemies their alliance prospered and for the first time they got along. As their town gained more and more inhabitants it became a city. They called it Voravia and around it they built an empire for all creatures who sought a home. Lexy's armies drove the Rantheran armies across the mountains and secured it for her followers. Occasionally the Rantheran armies would return to try and reclaim the mountains but each one met the same fate. Eventually they left Lexy's empire alone due to their costly losses. However Lexy was content with her empire and her lovely body so she rested and raised herself a family. As for Alexis and her children they emerged from the campaigns as beauties that rivaled Lexy herself. To keep her rivals from growing jealous of her rule Lexy formed a new noble class for the original thirty angels and their children and ruled the empire at Lexy's side. For the first time the mountains were peaceful and prosperous and with Lexy's caring guidance it endured.
The dark stormy twilight enshrouded the bandit town of Mordana which lay on the border of the perilous wilderness. A former city, it was ransacked by nagas ages ago during the Great War. Now with the demons driven from Ranthera and the city destroyed, it was a quickly resettled and rebuilt despite being so close to demon territory. The people who occupied Mordana's ruins however were fugitives and criminals eager to find safe haven. Now across its burdened streets bandits and rouges come from far and wide come to sell their plunder to whatever merchant brave enough to enter Mordana's walls. Amongst the crowd the fate of an entire race laid in hands of one woman. Her name was Cassandra. Riding a large enclosed wagon she raised her hood just high enough from her eyes to glanced into her map and examine the surrounding area around her. Her sixteen children sound asleep and were safely hidden in the covered wagon began to stir from the load cracks of lightning. She turned to them and clambered back into the wagon over the various goods and supplies she had. Destiny who was fifteen yawned and looked up at her mother who was patting her younger sister Natalya on the head. “Mommy, where are we?” Cassandra turned to her and began comforting her. “We're in a little town my darling. I just need to find a few papers and then we'll be out of here.” Natasha yawned sullenly and removed her rugged blankets. Another bolt of lightning roared in the sky and briefly lighted the sky in its white luminous glow. Natasha peered outside and saw the decrepit houses and mysterious folk going about their devious business. She tucked her head back into the wagon and frowned. “I don't like it here mommy. Will the home you're looking for be like this?” Cassandra smiled and cradled her daughter in her arms. “Not at all Natasha. It will be a splendorous place where we could stay without danger. No longer will we travel the lands in this wagon as you're used to do. We could be happy and have a family and the world will leave us alone.” These words comforted her but for all her life she had lived on the road. Her dreams of a home that her mother taught her however were dwarfed to what her “mother” really had in mind. The elven race used to be a prosperous and spectacular race. They welcomed the humans into Ranthera and taught the humans to build towns and cities. They taught them magic and how to build weapons to defend themselves in hopes of gaining a mighty ally against the demons. Eventually the humans and the elves fought side by side in the Great War. However, the humans emerged from the conflict weakened but still strong. The elves on the other hand had been crippled and were nearly wiped out. When the announcement that all demons were banished from Ranthera the elves were no exception and were helpless as armies drove them from their cities and into the wilderness. Now, very few remained of the elven race. The small villages they set up were no match against the sheer might of the demons. Cassandra fled into Ranthera when her village fell to an attack of Centaurs. She went across the countryside unbirthing unwary humans and raised them as her children to rebuild her fallen race. All her fifteen children were unbirthed by her and didn't have a clue what she had done to them in an alternate life. Now she had a plan to bring her once glorious species back to their rightful place. All she needed was an ideal target. She stopped the wagon in front of a battered tavern. There were cracks and holes across the entire wooden partitions. Its walls had make shits boards covering the windows and the wood that made up its entirety was dark and rotted. She turned back to her children and lifted her hood slightly to show her face and whispered to them. “Stay here. Don't go outside and just in case someone enters I want you to use your magic. I'll come back and get you if that happens and we'll be out of here.” Her children nodded. With that she lowered her hood over her face and clambered out of the cart and entered the tavern. Once inside she searched the room looking from table to table. All the inhabitants were idly drinking and gave little attention to the hooded figure. She took a picture out of her sack and examined it carefully. Two men were on it with an immense palace in the background but the man on the left side of the picture was the one she had most interest in. A large and very pudgy man, he had a distinctive mustache that went along under his nose and around his face forming thick sideburns. He wore a black coat and a large top hat and was smoking a pipe like most gentlemen. Looking back around the Tavern she spotted a similarly large man. He lacked the distinctive mustache and gentlemen clothes but he fit the rest of the description. She walked up to where he sat half asleep and set down her bag on the table. He looked up with a startled jolt and stared at the hooded figure frightened out of his wits. Cassandra waited until he regained his composure before she spoke in a silent secretive voice. “You're Mr. Bulldon correct?” He nodded his head and reached for his weapon. “And you're an agent of the Merth kingdom trying to get a little bounty for my head, am I correct?” She shook her head. The man chuckled and seemed to relax. “Sure you are lassie. So what would you want from a simple peasant in the simple town of Mordana.” “You were the head construction organizer when they constructed the Merth Royal Palace right?” He nodded his head and chuckled even harder. “And if you're not a Merth agent then how in the hell could you possibly know that. The operation was supposed to be secret.” “I have many sources for my information. A little friend of mine named Welderson was nice enough to give me a few hints and this picture of the two of you.” She showed him the picture and handed it to him. Upon seeing the small drawing his eyes grew wide with excitement. “Hah he's still alive! I thought-“He stopped talking and eyed the others as they turned and glanced at him. “Oh, I'm sorry Lassie I think we should talk in someplace a little more private. Come. I'll take you to my room in the second floor.” He took out a key and unlocked a door which led to some carpeted stairs. An improvement of what she'd seen previously she followed him to another hall. At the end he stopped at a door and unlocked and beckoned her to come inside the messy room. The room emanated the stench of alcohol and rotting flesh but she summoned the courage to enter. She took a seat next to him on a rocking chair as he pulled out a bottle of rum for himself. He took a gulp from the bottle and wiped his face with a towel. He offered another bottle to her but she shook her head. “So Lassie, tell me about Welderson. Where is he?” “Well he is no longer around I'm afraid.” She secretly patted her belly as the man lowered his head in sadness. Poor Welderson actually was alive and well. Lucy, Cassandra's youngest child, was what Welderson had become. “Oh. That man was a clever fellow. Me and him go a long way back. He helped me escape from the Merth agents he did. May god let his soul rest in peace. How you got such information out of him bewilders me.” “I have my way with people. He was a little mum on why the Merth agents are chasing you.” “You don't know? You mean he told you about me but he didn't tell you about our story?” “He perished before he could tell me.” “Oh well in a nut shell our operation was very secret because we installed some secret passage ways to allow the royal family to escape in hard times so they didn't want the workers telling anyone about the operation. They put to death all the workers and all our subordinates. Eventually even we were sentenced to death but by then we were far away.” “And you brought the plans with you.” “Yes in fact I brought the original. But why do you want the plans? Come to think of it, who are you anyway?” Cassandra was hesitant but she shrugged knowing that there was no harm in showing her future child her identity. She removed her hood and revealed her attractive face. Her flashy blue eyes and short brown hair kept the man quite impressed. Nothing stunned the man more than her two long elven ears that protruded from the side of her head. He examined her a little more closely and summed up her age to be around mid-thirties. “Well, I'll be damned. You're an elf. A beautiful one I might add.” “Yes indeed I am. My name is Cassandra. My people are dying and we need a safe haven. I heard a demon had taken over the kingdom of Larone so I figured I could do the same with the Merth Kingdom. In order to have a chance to get at the royal family I need those plans.” The man sat there not too surprised since she was a demon in Ranthera. He knew there had to be a reason for her visit. He chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. “This is the exact reason they wanted to kill me. Trust me, I understand that your people need a home but if your people take power the other human nations will do everything they can to take you down and the people of your kingdom would probably do the same. And with so many enemies threatening Ranthera we don't need another enemy. I'm afraid I can't give you the plans.” Cassandra smiled and raised her staff to the man's head. “I knew you wouldn't cooperate.” With that a flash of light the man was mesmerized. His wide frightened eyes became sullen and his mighty voice failed to let out a yell. She lowered her staff and stood up. “Now, give me the plans to the Merth Royal Palace. I have a little plan for you as well mind slave so do it quick okay.” He nodded and went straight to a hidden safe and began unlocking the contents. ~ Several minutes later Cassandra emerged from the room with a large squirming belly. Her legs quivered with each step for stuffing up such a large man into one's womb was very difficult even if they were willing. She sneaked out through a window into an ally without being seen by anyone who would have cared. She approached the wagon and remained hidden in the ally and waved to the wagon. Her daughters Pamela and Destiny saw her and jumped out and helped her with her walking. Pamela felt the massive belly and gave it a soft poke. “Did things go a little out of hand?” “He didn't cooperate so I had to do a little persuasion. We wouldn't want him telling others so I thought I'd just get another child for myself.” “Alright, did you get the papers you needed?” “Yep right here. We can head off now. We wouldn't want to stay here for too long.” They headed off onto the wagon and left Mordana. Most of them hopeful of finding a home but in Cassandra's eyes she foresaw a kingdom.
 Diana, the queen of Merth was sitting in her lonely chambers by the open window rocking in her chair ever so softly. In her hands she held her old ragged diary, the same diary that she had all her life and read over and over again in her lonesome chamber for what seemed to be eternity. She flipped through the pages indolently, her eyes skimming over each sentence that she had pretty much memorized. As she neared the end her heart sank into sadness as the writings turned from frustrated complaints of her husband to the repetitive stories of her memories sitting in the lonely room day after day. Her beauty wasn’t what it was before that had enthralled the young king ages ago. Glancing at the small mirror she stroked her red hair which had lost its soft texture and her skin showed the worn effects of time. Being in her early forties she hasn’t lost all her attributes however, but the King’s love was only attracted to absolute perfection. As her beauty left her so did the king as newer and younger concubines filled the king’s chambers and she was locked away in this room. She set the book aside on the nearby dresser and looked out the window at the majestic city as the orange sun began to fall behind the horizon and into darkness. Merth was one of the most prosperous and powerful Kingdom in the land boasting vast armies and spectacular amounts of affluence despite its miniscule size compared to its neighbors. There were no big problems that plagued the Kingdom (Save for a mad King) for it was located deep in the heart of Ranthera amongst the other core cities far away from the troubles on the border of the foreboding wilderness. And yet despite all this, its queen had a life that was about the most miserable amongst the monarchs. Little did she know her life was about to take quite a momentous turn. Night had not yet fallen but she decided to prepare herself to get to bed. There was little she could do in her small room anyway. She shut the Window and placed her precious diary in her dress pocket. Blowing out the candles and lamps and setting her bed to her preferences she was startled by a loud knock on the door. “Queen Diana,” said a rather calm and gentle voice. She turned to the closed door slightly surprised to hear a seemingly young and cheerful voice. She had been accustomed to be administered to by the King’s gruff guards but this one seemed to be far more pleasant. “Yes?” She replied timidly. “The King summons you to his chambers my lady.” “For what purpose would my husband want me for?” She replied. “The King would simply want to speak with his loving wife your highness. If I knew anything else I would tell you your majesty.” The man’s respect for her impressed Diana for nearly all of her previous attendants had little respect for her queenly status. She briefly considered what the man had said and composed herself in a more regal posture. “Very well, inform the King I shall be there promptly.” “You needn’t trouble yourself m’ Lady. The King has requested I escort you there.” “Oh, you have my thanks good sir... Pardon my curiosity but may I have your name?” “Connor m’ Lady, I am the King’s personal aid.” He replied as he unlocked the door. As the door opened Diana found Connor to be just as youthful as she suspected, probably at his early twenties. His brown hair and pleasant smile warmed Diana’s heart. He was dressed in a large flamboyant coat with a leather belt with the Merthian emblem embedded on the belt buckle that strapped his excessively large trousers to his waist. His garments however were clearly ruffled and seemed to be patched together rather messily for his clothes barely fit the man. Diana gave a soft chuckle at Connor’s garments as she stepped out of the room. Connor didn’t give a response but went ahead and bowed his head and shut the door. As Connor led Diana out of the loathsome tower and into the majestic palace halls Diana began to take notice of a lacking presence of people in the hallway. As they continued for a few minutes Diana realized that there was literally no one in the Royal Chambers, but looking out the Window she could make out numerous people going about their business in the courtyard and Diplomatic sections of the palace but none where she was. “Connor?” Diana said finally breaking the silence that had prevailed since they had started heading towards the king’s chambers. “Yes m’ lady?” “Where has everyone gone too? I surely remember these halls bustling with people. Not even guards line these halls tonight.” “It is late. They have all been dismissed for the night.” Diana knew her husband. He wasn’t careless when it came to these types of things. He was always obsessed with his protection. She knew it didn’t match her husband’s personality but her thoughts were interrupted when they arrived at the King’s chambers. “Here m’ lady, he is waiting for you here.” She recognized the thick steel doors immersed with decorative ornaments and marked with Royal insignia. All that was missing were the numerous guards. He opened the large door with some difficulty for the door’s immense size. Diana stepped forward to help the man but he waved her away and returned to the task. As the creaking door opened Diana peered through the gap that formed but simply saw an empty room with the king’s majestic throne positioned on a raised platform at the center. Oddly enough her husband normally sat at his elevated chair when addressing his subjects. Most surprising of all is that there weren’t even guards inside the king’s chambers. Once Connor had the door opened enough for Diana to walk through he gestured his hand towards the door that led to the King’s bedroom. “He is in there m’ Lady, go on in.” he said to her. Nodding she stepped inside and made her way towards her husband’s bedroom slowly. Once Connor closed the door behind her she paused and nervously glanced back at the empty room, her head racing with heart breaking memories. A tear dripped from her eye as she explored the old baubles that she had once disregarded so years ago. She turned back to the door and apprehensively opened it and poked her head into the room. Just as she did a hand lunged at her and pulled her into a mighty grip. She screamed and thrashed desperately hoping that Connor would hear her from the outside. Her efforts however would be useless. The mighty steel door made sure that no one would hear her and even if Connor did hear her he wouldn’t come to her aid. He no longer served her or the king, just his new mistress. The unknown figure was too strong and had Diana pinned to the ground with ease. She weakly lifted her head and opened her eyes and glanced up at her assailant. He was a young man probably in his early twenties like Connor but had long blonde hair and was a good size larger than a normal human and his clothes were simple green tattered rags. Glancing at his face she briefly examined his striking eyes and a handsome build but promptly turned her focus to the two long elven ears protruding from the sides of his head. Another elf came and scooped her up and dragged her to the other end of the room where the bed was. Upon the bed laid a huge middle aged woman stroking her enormous breasts that rested on an even larger belly. The woman wore no clothing unlike the males that held her and was surrounded with giggling teenage elves all of whom were in similar conditions as her. She her gaze back to the largest one and caught a glimpse of the elves’ astonishing features. Her shoulder length brown hair, striking blue eyes, long slender legs, and massive bust made her far more beautiful than any human. There was a silence for a while as Diana and her captors examined one another. The elves turned to one another and whispered ponderously about their captive. A blonde haired elf tapped the eldest elf on the shoulder and broke that unnerving stillness. “Mother, are you sure that this woman is the queen?” she whispered. “She doesn’t have the stylishness of a queen. The king’s concubines were better dressed than her mommy,” added a caramel skinned one. Diana was puzzled as they spoke and examined all the other elves. Each one had a few similarities to the “mother” elf but to one another they were more diverse. There were different skin tones, different facial traits, different hair colors, and the hair textures were diverse. The mother elf nodded to her children and turned back to Diana. “Pardon my curiosity Queen Diana as I presume, but I must agree with my children that you look lack the elegance of royalty. Perhaps my servant had the wrong person?” “I am Diana… I am the queen of the Merthian Kingdom.” she responded coldly. “I am Cassandra of the Elven Nations and these are my children,” replied Cassandra in a regally sarcastic tone. “Tell me… why did you come here? Why have you done this to me and my fellow people? What crime has our kingdom done to yours to deserve this heinous act?” “Indeed, it is true your kingdom is innocent of offenses to my fellow elves,” Cassandra replied, she lifted herself to a more upright position and looked down on Diana, her massive orbs sloshing around with milk made from the unfortunate guards. “However your entire race has a debt to mine that can never be repaid except in vengeance. Yours had risen to prosperity under mine’s caring guidance. When trouble came we shielded you from the terrors the demons hold at the cost of near annihilation. And yet when we triumphed in victory together, you had to turn on us, threw us into the wilderness were those beasts dwell and left us there to die. The debt you owe us has never been paid and the crimes are unforgivable.” “Fine then, but mark my words. As of now you are marked for death. You may have succeeded in eating me, my husband, and a few members of his entourage but we are resilient people. No honest Rantheran human will ever willingly bend his or her knee to you.” Cassandra chuckled at Diana’s defiance and glanced back at her numerous daughters. She patted her distended belly full of soon to be more elven children. She glanced back at Diana who remained undaunted of her impending fate. “I know otherwise dear human. Even you shall come to serve me joyfully.” “I shall not! You’ll have to wretch my soul out of my very body before I ever praise your cursed name!” “Oh you’ll see,” she replied cheerfully. Taking her hand she conjured up some magic and bent over to touch Diana’s forehead. Diana jerked away but was unable to avoid the glowing finger. At the touch she expected to blackout or loses control of her body and end up like Connor but strangely she felt seemingly fine. Her eyes however where drawn to her brow and saw an ominous green light emanating from where Cassandra had tapped her. “Varen Kalian go ahead, let us show Queen Diana a sacred Elven art of unbirthing.” They nodded and promptly lifted Diana up and positioned her in between Cassandra’s legs as she spread them out. They both yanked off what garments she wore revealing her well-toned figure and took firmer grips on her as she looked up and saw Cassandra raise her gut from the bed and revealed the entrance to her impending doom. Diana took a deep breath and shut her eyes firmly before her head and shoulders were shoved into Cassandra in a single thrust. Diana yelped while her captor’s hands began to fondle and squeeze her sizable breasts into the small space of Cassandra’s birth canal. The sides of the tunnel began shaking as Cassandra began to push her hips forward to aid her sons’ efforts. The feeling was incredible for Cassandra as a whole woman was being stuffed into her while Diana was having a far more unpleasant time. Her sex juice covered head was soon entering Cassandra’s womb the moment she came in she immediately ran into the other occupants. She tried to push them to the side but the chamber was packed. Taking her hand she wildly pushed the unconscious victim but got a grasp of a huge soft mound of flesh on its chest. No doubt this was one of her spouse’s concubines who attended his bed nightly. There was a lull in the outside and she was able to feel the insides of Cassandra’s womb. The woman in front of her was in a fetal position and wasn’t responding to Diana. She took her hand and examined the impressively voluptuous features she boasted. Her hand then stroked a tube that was connected to her belly. Within it there was something flowing from Cassandra’s body to hers and from her to Cassandra. She felt around and was able find the presence of three others within the confines of Cassandra’s womb and all of them were in the same condition. She didn’t have the time to examine the rest though. The intense process continued with abrupt movement. Soon all that was remaining in the outside world was her flailing legs and wide hips. She cried as Kalian fondled her butt before giving a very strong push forcing her against the buxom concubine beside her. The rest of the process continued grudgingly with even Cassandra giving a few painful grunts. Her wiggling feet slurped into the dark crevice of Cassandra’s sex and therefore sealed Cassandra’s victims from the outside world. They all gave a sigh of relief for their arduous task was done. Cassandra was exhausted and fell back on to the bed in tired bliss. “It is done,” she whispered. “We have our home my children.” There was a joyful reply from her children as they all had unbirthed two or three and were all soon to be mothers. “What will happen if the humans find us? Won’t the whole kingdom realize that their king is gone?” “I doubt they’ll take notice anytime soon. This king doesn’t show himself much. He is a fearful wreck. I’ll have Connor round up a few more people to serve as my speakers to the people as the original king does it, just to keep the country running as if nothing happened.” “I’m glad were finally in a place that is safe. It’s nice to never have to run from those humans.” “Will we be able to help other elves come here mommy? You always said our fellow elves need help just like us.” “I’m afraid not my darling. We must always remain hidden here. What remains of the Elven race is very far away.” “So we still have to hide in this castle then?” “Yes, for the time being. I have more plans but not now. I’ll tell you when the time is right. For now we must rest, and raise your siblings up to adulthood.” They nodded in agreement and cuddled together in the comforts of their victim’s massive bed. That night they slept in the comforts of their new home at last with a feeling of safety. Within their wombs Diana and the rest of the Kings harem was also resting peacefully at the comforting sound of Cassandra’s heartbeat. Diana snuggled up with the other captives and dozed off as nutrients were fed to her through an umbilical cord that had latched onto her. She wanted to struggle but her mind began to cloud and a feeling of bliss and tiredness replaced that of fear and defiance. Her memories faded and her body began to transfer nutrients to nourish her new mother. Soon she and the rest of the occupant’s bodies would be children of the creatures that they had once so resiliently resisted. Morning came and Cassandra’s children woke with a joyous surprise. Their bellies had reduced in size drastically. The inhabitants bodies had been absorbed completely leaving them in an infant state. Their bodies had gained quite a few more curves from their buxom meals. Their physical attributes had improved greatly with softer and longer hair, curvaceous hips and legs, and soft delicate skin. Even their facial traits had become much more attractive. All of that was little compared to their luscious breasts newly added breast flesh and milk. Looking into the room’s mirror they were quite fascinated by the mark the King’s harem had left on their bodies. Their bellies had for the most part shrunk drastically leaving them looking as if they carried triplets. The rest of their bodies had grown tremendously however. All the nutrients had made their whole bodies larger and taller. To add to the milk transformed guards, the extensive busts of the harem members had been added to their new mother’s breasts making them almost a burden to carry around. Their figures were improved as well adding a nice shapely curve to their waists. Their facial traits too had gained a more attractive look and their hair was lengthier and silkier. As Cassandra rose from her slumber due to her children’s loud chatter it became apparent that she clearly had grown the most. She had not only gained impressive assets added to her extensive bust but had gained one of the harem’s youth. The marks of age had vanished from her face and become more attractive. However she still had to show them the last gift that their victims had left them. She waved for Kalian to come to her and spread her legs apart in front of him. The rest formed around the two and watched in awe as their mother went into labor and gave birth to four brand new elves. The four of them all still bore the glowing marks that Cassandra had placed on their foreheads identifying which was which. “Here they are mother, your brand new children their first glimpse of the outside world,” said Kalian, holding the four babies in his hands. “Wow, they turned into babies pretty quickly. Will ours be coming around soon?” asked Eliza. “Probably not my darling, my body had become quite experienced in this. It tends to work faster the more I do it.” Vilna the smartest of the children gave Cassandra an awkward look. “You’ve done this a lot before?” Cassandra turned to her and nodded nervously. Vilna’s eyes widened with shock as she began to grasp the situation fully. “Did you do this to some of us?” Cassandra nodded again, her heart sinking as she realized her mistake. She could hide the secret no longer. Only the two eldest, Jessica and Varen, knew a glimpse of how their younger siblings became part of their family, just that she hasn’t told them that she had done it to them as well. “So, did you unbirth me?” Vilna asked apprehensively. Most of the others laughed and shook their heads at the thought. “I did,” Cassandra said apologetically. The entire room turned silent as the whole group began to wonder on their own origins. “To rest your worries, all of you have had previous lives before this.” “Even me? I had helped you with the others once I was older but you never mentioned anything about me,” Varen asked. “Yes, you were the first. You were formerly a fellow elf. We didn’t like each other and we fought a lot. One time though it got a little out of hand and well, you ended up in my womb. I raised you as my son there and well, you were always at my side ever since.” “You knew about what was happening and you never told us?” Vilna asked angrily. “Don’t blame him Vilna. He was only doing what I told him to do. If I was to rebuild my people’s race I would need followers. So, I turned to you for help. I guess you could say I just was using you for my purposes.” A bitter tear ran down her eye waiting for her beloved children to turn on her. Varen put his hand on her shoulder and embraced his mother. “I don’t care whether or not my previous path was. What matters is now and we have a job to do.” “You don’t care if you and I were former enemies,” Cassandra said tearfully. “You raised me lovingly throughout my life. I probably deserved it if I was to try anything harmful to someone as loving as you.” The rest nodded in agreement looking back to all the days they had traveled. “So, could you tell us where we all came from?” Reni asked. “Later Reni, I think we should call for the rest of your siblings here. We don’t want keep them waiting.”
The crackling of flames could be heard as a group of college students, around eight total, gathered around a campfire, all focused on the nerdy girl, Janine. The bratty cheerleader Samantha chuckled and jeered at the glasses-wearing girl, urging her on. “Go on nerd! Tell us a good story, or when we get back to school on Monday we’re gonna make you eat in a garbage can!” Pushing up her spectacles, Janine cleared her throat and began to speak. “Well, this one has been passed down from my family for generations. It’s had many different names, but I’ll call it Comeuppance.” The group all grew silent as Janine began to tell her tale, aside from the occasional snicker or crude comment aimed at the storyteller. “Long ago, there was a peasant girl named J. She was ridiculed for things she could not control, and often went to bed crying due to this. It went on for so long that it pushed her over the edge, which led to her seeking out an ancient tome, one that dated back far too long. Upon opening the tome, a sinister breeze blew throughout the room as a tall, curvaceous woman seemingly crawled out from the very pages. To say the creature was human would certainly be a lie; she stood taller than the tallest human you can think of, with long, billowy hair and horns. J begged the creature for power, so that she might be able to put her tormentors into place. Unfortunately for J, making deals always came at a price.” Looking around the campfire, the faces of the others seemed to be horrified, which must have meant that they were certainly enticed by the story. She then continued on. “The large woman forced open J’s mouth and forced her way down her throat. After entering her stomach, she was instantly digested. A strange hunger began to fill her body as her body began to shake. No longer was she J, instead now a demon wearing J’s body like a shell. After all was said and done, the creature sought out all of the girl’s enemies and ate them whole, eventually leaving no one to tell the tale, save for J herself. After the disappearances, J was never seen or heard from again.” After the telling was finished, all the students sat there, unable to move. Unfortunately for them, the story Janine told was also a spell. Clapping her hands together, the bespeckled woman set herself upon the others, gobbling up each and every one of them. When all was said and done, she rubbed her swollen gut and let out a large burp of satisfaction.BUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORP! “Thank you everyone for hearing my tale! Hopefully the next batch of you fools won’t give me indigestion.” Hefting her gut up with both hands, Janine retreated into the woods, leaving nothing behind but the crackling campfire.
Emerald’s Erotic Sink This is the first story I have written, so any feedback is greatly appreciated! Quicksand was my very first kink, and a huge inspiration for pushing me to do art. If It wasn’t obvious already, this is a very NSFW story, specifically towards the latter half, so this is your warning! Besides that, I hope this story has caught your interest, and I hope you enjoy it! Traveling through the marsh adjacent to Emerald’s home was always a harsh job, even for his ice magic. Usually, he would be able to avoid any pits or dangers with some simple ice platforms, but this marsh had one thing that made that useless. Magical mist. It stopped Emerald from being able to use any of his magic effectively. This particular marsh, known by many as Mage Maul Marsh, was the bane of any magic user that dared to enter it. “Why would so many people try to enter this marsh?”, one may ask. It has a plethora of incredibly potent plants and ingredients for potion crafting and magic enhancements. The few times that Emerald has traveled through the marsh, it was only a small distance traveled in order to get lesser ingredients. However, this time a client asked him to travel into the forest to obtain one of the most potent fungi you could find, the Chillpire Mushroom. From the few potion crafters that were able to get their hands on this rare material, the ice-based potions that were made from it could increase the magical ability of ice mages tenfold, and in rare cases, give people the ability to cast ice magic at all! The shroom was a dangerous looking plant that had ice spikes growing at the base, with even more growing at the top. It shined with a dim blue light, making it easy to spot in the dense fog of the marsh, but it was often surrounded by deep marshes and quicksand… Emerald, also known as Emmy by the locals, was known for his proficiency in ice magics. His appearance though seemed to make others drop their guard. He was not manly or built, or even normal for a boy. He had an extremely feminine body! This caused many people to misjudge him and his abilities, earning him the reputation of “The Ice Cold Femboy”. His skills with ice magic and combat were the only reasons people started to take him seriously. They could tell he had commitment to his craft, which is why the client, an acquaintance from the town, asked him to retrieve this elusive mushroom. Emerald was planning on trying to find this rare fungi anyway, and the one who hired him payed much more than usual. He agreed and started getting ready for the trip. He always brought a few things with him, such as plenty of water to replenish what ice magic he could manage to use, small snacks, his trusty gauntlets in case he needed to fight any monsters, a staff to test pit depth, and of course, his lucky scarf that he brought with him on every trip. It was time to travel to the marsh… and Emerald felt prepared for anything. After about 15 minutes, he made it to the marsh that was feared by so many and claimed many others. He took his first steps in, not looking back. After a few moments of walking, he noticed the mystical fog rolling in, and could already feel it dampening his ice powers. Soon he found his first mud pit of the day, signaled by how soft the ground was getting. He brought out his staff that he brought with him and pressed it down hard in front of him. Only a few inches deep it seemed… good. After a few minutes, he passed that first pit no problem. Any dry ground that was found was a blessing, and he let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t long though before Emerald found another bog, this time much wider with even denser fog. He hadn’t needed to go this deep into the marsh before, so he would need to keep focused in order to not fall in… “Jeez, this marsh can get crazy to navigate… I-“ Suddenly, Emerald was cut off by a sound behind him. He turned around in time to see a few bats that were flying towards him. In the process of turning, his foot got caught in the soft ground around the bog, and the bats flying in his face caused him to fall backwards, butt first into the mud! It gave him a scare, gasping as he found his hands and butt in the thick mud. Luckily, it was still shallow where he fell. “Crap! Ugh… stupid bats! I need to be more careful…” With a bit of struggling, Emerald was able to get up onto his feet, the back of his pants now ruined by the mud. The muck was surprisingly cool he noticed, which was nice considering it was hot and humid in the marsh… maybe that means that he was getting close to the Chillpire? He shook off that previous scare and trekked through the bog, the ground getting softer with each step. The marsh was surprisingly quiet… he could hear each squelch of the mud, each sound the nearby insects made, the wind that passed through the trees. This caused him to get a bit distracted, suddenly feeling his leg sink shin deep into the mud! He kept his balance as best he could and used his staff for support as he carefully got back into the shallow part of the mud. “W-woah, that was a close call…” Emerald suddenly shivered as his mind finally registered the coolness of the mud. That sudden sink caused his ankles to be slightly covered in the stuff, letting him feel it much closer than earlier. It felt kind of nice… but this brief moment of relief was interrupted by the humid fog of the marsh. He frowned slightly as that coolness was taken away from him. Looking down at the bog, he couldn’t help but think about it… his ice magic wasn’t too useful, and that mud was the only source of cold to combat this humid heat… no, he couldn’t possibly be considering stepping in there. He had a job to do. Many steps later and Emerald finally made it past the second bog. “Nice, that wasn’t too bad! Now to keep looking for that mushroom! Surely it shouldn’t be too much farther, right?” His question was quickly answered as he saw a dim, blue light in the distance… at the same time though, the fog was getting intense, he could barely see his hands when extended outwards. He used the light in the distance to help him traverse the thick fog. It seemed so close! He could feel the ground below him getting chilly, the cold passing through his shoes. Goodness, that felt so good… what he wouldn’t give for a cold bath right- “W-woah!” His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden feeling of falling! Somehow, he hadn’t noticed that his legs were slowly sinking, and that the fog was slowly rolling away! In front of him was an incredibly beautiful sight. The Chillpire was sitting on a small patch of ground in front of him, creating a layer of ice in a circle around it. Now he knew why the ground was getting so cold! Unfortunately, he found this scene as his legs were sunk up to his knees. He attempted to use his staff to get his bearings, only to see it sink all the way up to the top of it! It was difficult to pull out now, and he didn’t want to risk sinking much further. He leaned back and attempted to get his legs unstuck. 1… 2… 3… pull! One leg was freed up to its ankle, while the other was still stuck. Once one leg was out, he instantly felt the humid heat of the marsh attacking his cool skin again. “S-so hot… I have to keep moving forward though.” He prepared himself before taking another step forward into the marsh… with a wet “shlop!”, his right leg sunk knee deep into the bog again. He continued slowly moving forward, each step bringing a satisfying, cool sensation to his legs, only for it to be taken away again by the humid marsh. Hot, cold, hot, cold, “shlorp”, “gloop” … the ground seemed to be getting wetter and deeper, his legs already up to his thighs. He was getting so close to the Chillpire, one more step and he could reach it if he stretched out. He pulled at his leg again… only for it to stay stuck. Another pull, stuck again. “C’mon, you can’t be stuck now Emmy! Just… a little more…!” In that moment, he was able to get his left leg free with another wet slosh from the muck. This time though, his right leg sunk even deeper, up to the top of his thighs! He ignored the depth and just focused on bringing his other leg forward. Once he stepped forward, he reached as far as he could, the mushroom so close to his hand… before he could grab the shroom, he suddenly felt the ground give under him, causing him to sink up to his crotch! He reached his hands forward for balance, making them sink into the mire as well! Emerald was sweating quite a bit now, his face flush from the heat. He swore it felt like it was getting hotter and hotter with each movement… “T-this bog… i-it feels so cold… s-so nice…” Emerald was at his breaking point from the heat! His hands were covered by the greaves, so they didn’t feel the coolness of the mud. He needed to feel the cold on his hands, he just had to! When he pulled his hands out of the muck, this in turn pulled him even deeper into the depths of the marsh. He pulled off his gauntlets, throwing them onto solid ground. His backpack was weighing him down as well, so he took it off and threw it next to his gauntlets. Throughout the struggling, Emerald didn’t notice that his pants were starting to get loose… the mud must have somehow caused his button to come loose. Emerald reached a hand down to try and re-button it when the cold hit him. In that moment he felt such relief… his lower body was so cool, while his upper body was wracked by heat. He needed to cool off! At this point any reasoning was thrown out the window. He reached both hands into the muck, bringing coolness to both. Emerald was blushing profusely… this hadn’t happened to him like this before. It felt cool, yes, but it felt oh so good! Below the surface, he hadn’t noticed that his cock was slowly stiffening in his undergarments. Not only that, but the tenting of his undies seemed to allow the soft mud to invade his privates! He could feel the mud slowly wrapping around his hardon, filling more of his clothes and making them slowly slide off as he sunk more. “F-fuck, t-this mud feels s-so good…~ I-I shouldn’t be doing this, I need to g-get the mushroom… b-but the coolness… I need it too bad~!” In his lust filled and heat wracked state, he plunged his arms further into the muck, one of them reaching down to his pants to allow the mud easier access, while the other rubbed up against his cock. The moment he felt the cool earth around his belly, there was no turning back. Each squirm and twist in the cold mud drove him deeper, each thrust making his aching cock slide through the mud, more lewd, feminine moans escaping his mouth. He didn’t care if the marsh seemed to intentionally become hotter, or if he would sink into the marsh, he was feeling too cold, too good, to even care! The mud to him felt like a hundred cool, wet hands rubbing all around his body, the mud around his cock feeling like it was giving him the best blowjob of his life! It wasn’t long before the muck brought him to his first orgasm, making him let out a high-pitched moan that reverberated throughout the marsh. “A-aaaahn… m-more…!” His mind was so filled with lust that he couldn’t just go for one round, no, he had to keep going! He had to cover his whole body in the soft, smooth muck. He needed his body to cool down! The mud that wrapped around his body, seemingly answering his pleas, pulled him deeper into its depths, slowly crawling up his sensitive skin, slithering around his still erect and oh so sensitive cock. His mind was being overloaded with pleasure and coldness, causing him to not notice how he had already sunk up to his chest. The mud crawled up to his nipples, teasing and rubbing them, eliciting more girlish moans from Emerald’s lips. With some effort, one of his hands reached up to rub his chest, causing him to sink up to his shoulders. The other hand was still down there rubbing his sensitive shaft. Once again, another orgasm was dragged out of him, his mind slowly being lost to the soft pleasure that the mud brought to his feminine form. The shudders and thrusts from the orgasm made him sink ever deeper, his shoulders all but swallowed up by the mud, now just another snack for the marsh to feast on. Only his neck and head were left at this point, the only parts left of him that were hot… his lust only helped to further make himself warmer. He needed relief so bad! “T-take me! J-just suck me in! F-faaaah~ More!” Once again, the mud answered his plea by sucking him down to his chin. He was so close to getting the sweet, cold relief he desired! The rubbing, the thrusting, the squelching… everything felt and sounded so good to him now. He was already starting to feel close to his third orgasm… so close…! The mud swirled around and sucked down his chin, his lower lip, his upper head… all that could be seen was the pleasure filled face of Emerald as he was so close to release. With one last thrust, the mud slurped up his face, leaving only his hair above the surface. Emerald took a deep breath beforehand but could do nothing but let the air out as the mud drew out his final orgasm underneath the surface! His whole body was finally covered in the cold, sensual mud. He finally had what he desired… A few days later, Emerald found himself laying down in a bed… what happened to him? The last thing he remembered was sinking in that bog… the house didn’t look familiar to him. He looked around, trying to get his bearings… it was then that he noticed something in his hand… not only was his gauntlet attached to his hand, but in it’s grasp was the Chillpire mushroom he was trying to find! Now he was extremely confused… did someone rescue him? Who could be living out in the marsh? Only weaker monsters or other creatures had been sighted in the marsh… he got up, still groggy from having slept for a long while. He stretched, popping his limbs and back a few times to get the kinks out. He noticed his other gauntlet and his backpack on a table in front of him… wait, where was his clothes? He just noticed that he wasn’t wearing any clothes, but instead a towel was wrapped around him! He blushed at the thought that someone saw him naked like that, covered in that cool… soft mud. He shook his head. It must have been the magic of the forest that caused him to act like that surely! His body seemed to disagree with him though, his cock starting to make a small tent in the towel at the thought of the bog. He got embarrassed again and attempted to get it to go down with some small amount of ice magic. It seemed to be working again, wherever he was. Eventually it went back down, and he stood up to gather his things. There also seemed to be a pair of fresh clothes on the chair… though it seemed to be girly clothes. A mint crop top, some jean shorts, and some taller socks and boots. Emerald has worn girl clothes once or twice in the past, just to humor a friend of his, but he was not used to having to wear them seriously. There was a note on the table next to his new clothes. “If you’re reading this, sorry for the choice of clothes, that was all I had in storage. Next time try to be more careful in this bog. I am currently out gathering some supplies. I don’t mind if you leave or stay, but it’s probably not safe to travel back in your current condition… try not to be too lewd in the bog while I’m gone~” W-what? Did someone spy on Emerald…? “D-damnit! That’s so embarrassing… who even lives out here anyway?” There wasn’t much to show who, or what, lived out here, so he went towards the front door of the somewhat small room. Greeting emerald outside of the door was light, followed by a troubling sight… a huge stretch of bog that surrounded him on all sides! Looking behind him, the door seemed to lead into the side of a mountain. Without his staff, there was no way in hell he would be able to cross this marsh… reluctantly, he decided to walk back in and wait for whoever it was that saved him, but not before taking a quick peek at the bog… it bubbled up, making a few wet popping sounds. This made Emerald blush and shut the door embarrassingly. He went back to the bed and sat down, thinking over the recent events. After some time, he heard the handle of the door opening, followed by a hooded figure walking in. “Who…?” Before Emerald could ask who they were, they shushed him with a finger to their lips and closed the door. From the way they looked, they definitely looked feminine. Who could it be though? Emerald’s question would soon be answered though, as the hooded figure gently removed their hood… End Chapter 1 So, what did you all think of my first story? Hopefully I can keep the motivation to continue this story in the future. What are your thoughts? Again, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Starfire, and The Series of Unfortunate Events By: ChrisXPZ You are bored at home and decide to call the titans and see what they’re up to. You hear someone on the other line pick up. “Hello?” Raven mumbles, “Hey Raven it’s me, think I could come over there?” “Whatever.” she replies, “BB Cy and Robin are out of town, so it will just be you, Starfire, and me.” “Alright ” You say. When you get there, Starfire answers the door. “Hi Star!” you say. She giggles and runs up stairs. You follow her. When you get there Raven is meditating, she smiles a little because she still hasn’t changed out of her underwear. “Look Raven! Company!” Starfire said gleefully. Raven sighs, “I know Starfire…” Starfire then says, “Oh I must tell you a hilarious joke! What do you get when you cross a grifal with a zorgnorf? An Anetelot! Ha ha ha!” You smile at the stupidity of the joke. You can tell that Raven is getting quite annoyed from this by the look on her face. “Hey Raven, are we being too loud or something?” you ask, this obviously set her off because suddenly Raven begins turning red and flames begin pouring out of her eyes as a black aura envelops you and you begin to shrink. Starfire watches and asks “Raven? What are you doing?” Raven looks at her angrily with her four glowing red eyes. Starfire begins to try and stop Raven but Raven was too strong, Raven picked you up, put you in her mouth, and swallowed you whole. Starfire froze, “Raven, no!“ she said in a shaky voice. Raven just smiled evilly and used her powers to make herself grow bigger and bigger. Starfire was horrified at this sight. Meanwhile Raven toyed around with you in her throat, She swallowed so slowly. You could feel raven growing around you, her throat stretching and continuing to make you move slower and slower down her esophagus. When raven grew about 30 feet tall, she finally stopped, and stared at the frozen form of Starfire. She licked her lips and wiggled her fingers, getting ready for the second portion of her meal. Starfire took a step back. “Ha, ha, ha, ha! You can’t run from me!” Raven said in a demonic voice, “Maybe if there is a next time you will think before disturbing me from meditation!” Although Starfire had always dreamed of being swallowed alive (usually by Raven) now that the time had come, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She tried to fly away, but the attempt at escape was useless, Raven grabbed her effortlessly. “Ha, ha, ha! You think you can still run? You’re so clueless. Even of your own girlfriend!” In Raven’s throat, Inside Raven’s throat, you were still making your way down with your ankles exposed to Ravens stomach. She had returned you to your normal size so you could be noticed in Raven’s new giant form and it felt even better going down her throat. Raven created a spider web in front of Starfire and she ran straight into it. Raven giggled at the wiggling Starfire, but She was stuck on pretty good. With two giant fingers, raven began peeling off each piece of clothing from Starfire’s body, and tossing them into the ocean. Raven then telepathically told you to scream for her or so you did, she then brought you up to her mouth again to meet Starfire. First her gigantic tits popped through, almost hitting you in the face. She then turned to you and whimpered, “Help… me…” You suddenly became under the control of Raven and said “No.” and began laughing as your eyes too turned red. Starfire then screamed with even more terror. The rest of Starfire came through, then Raven then spun her around on her tongue and she went feet first down Ravens throat. She then looked at you with the most horrified face you had ever seen and you continued to laugh. About 30 seconds later the last bit of Starfire’s crying face had disappeared down Raven’s esophagus. You and Raven laughed in unison. she then took you out of her mouth. And smiled. Showing her razor sharp teeth. She returned to normal size and returned you to your shrunken size. She then ripped off her underwear and shoved you head first into her pussy. You wiggled and squirmed as raven gasped and moaned you were able to wiggle enough to turn yourself around and try to pull yourself out but Raven’s muscles held you in and she pushed you all the way in with her finger. Beast Boy then came out of his room Raven must have lied when she said he was out of town, infact, they had this all planned out before you got here. Raven smiled and Beast Boy nodded. Beastboy became a horse and jammed his massive 16 inch cock into Raven’s pussy. It pressed you back farther into Raven’s pussy. Suddenly Raven came with so much force that it pushed you down into Beast Boy’s cock a strange force began sucking you down into Beast Boy’s cock until you were finally forced into his left nut. It was then quiet. The nut was actually quite cozy and you got into a comfterble position and waited for something to happen. You were still moving back and forth from Beast Boy fucking Raven. You tried to move you arm but it wouldn’t budge. You felt for it and it was there but it was more of a liquidy substance. You then noticed your legs were missing. You were being turned into cum! Suddenly your whole body became numb and you couldn’t move. You rushed out of Beast Boy’s cock and landed on raven’s left tit THE END
 ‘Remember, between fight and flight, choose flight every time. In this circumstance, you have a better chance of surviving if you attempt to run. Now, for the rest of today’s lesson, instead of me talking about what you should and shouldn’t do in a risk-of-vore scenario, I thought it would be better if everyone role-played what you should and shouldn’t do. And God knows the drama class needs something to work with. The teacher mutters. ‘So can everyone please pick a partner.’ The class immediately falls into a frenzy, with each student hurrying to another. ‘No more than a pair!’ the teacher attempts to add. ‘Hi, Eli, right?’ a voice asks out of seemingly nowhere. A startled Eli lifts his head from his notes, to find himself gazing at a girl with dark brown hair touching her shoulders, and a smile that was contagious. ‘Yeah?’ Eli asked surprised. ‘I was wondering if you would like to be my partner.’ the girl continued. ‘My name’s Paige.’ ‘Oh, okay.’ Eli stuttered. ‘May I?’ Paige gestured to the seat beside Eli. ‘Of course!’ Eli said, happily flinging his pencil case to his side of the table. ‘Uh, so how do you want to go about this?’ Eli asked. ‘What if we have a script?’ Paige suggests. ‘Perfect. We won’t forget what we’re going to say then.’ Eli nervously laughs. ‘Could I be predator?’ Paige jumps. ‘Sure’ Eli shrugs. Eli hurries and opens his book to a new page. ‘Okay, so how should we start it? We need something short and simple’ Eli says tapping the page.’ Paige lifts her head from Eli’s book. ‘What if it starts off with you unsuspectingly talking to me. I say ‘Man, I’m hungry, you know what I could go for?’ You say ‘What?’, and I say ‘you’ and I eat you. ‘W-wow.’ Eli struggles to say, distracted by how quickly Paige responded. ‘Yeah. That should about do it for the script then.’ ‘So, you’ll act it out?’ Paige asks, leaning uncomfortably close to Eli. ‘S-sure. Eli agrees, still nervous. ‘Then we’re done?’ he uncertainly stated. ‘Yeah, I guess.’ Paige smiled. ‘Okay, where do you want to role-play?’ Eli asked. ‘Would it be alright if we role-played outside the classroom?’ Paige asked hesitantly. ‘I just don’t feel comfortable doing this in front of the class.’ She added. ‘If you want’ Eli shrugged once more. ‘I’ll ask the teach-’ ‘Would it be alright if we didn’t ask, I just-’ Paige paused, cutting Eli off. ‘Yeah, okay.’ Eli agreed. ‘Come on, we can sneak out this door, no one’ll even notice, they’re all too busy rehearsing, and the teacher’s talking to the principle about something. Probably about the teacher’s earlier ‘joke’ about the drama class’ Eli snickers. ‘Okay’, Paige says, gazing around the room for any prying eyes. Eli grabs the book and the two scurry through the door and around the corner. ‘So right here?’ Eli asks. ‘What about somewhere more private?’ Paige once more hesitantly asks. ‘Okay, but where?’ Eli sighs, beginning to grow impatient. ‘What about behind the old tree? It’s almost entirely covered by surrounding bushes.’ Paige asks. ‘O . . . kay.’ Eli says shaking the feeling of weirdness off of his body. ‘It’s a fair distance away, so we should hurry’ Eli remarked. The two quickly walk towards the tree. ‘Hey, thanks for asking me to be your partner’ Eli says, smiling to Paige. ‘Oh, don’t worry about it’ Paige creepily smiles back. ‘Alright, I have the script, should we start?’ Eli asks. ‘Yep’, Paige answers. ‘Alright’, Eli says passing her the book. ‘Ready when you’re ready.’ ‘Okay’, Paige begins. ‘Man I’m hungry, you know what I could go for?’ Eli tilts his head to read from his book, which is still in Paige’s hands. ‘What?’ ‘You.’ At that moment Paige looks intently into Eli’s eyes as she moves her hand to the back of Eli’s head ‘Paige what are you doing?’ Eli asks intently looking back into Paige's eyes. Paige says nothing before shoving Eli’s head into her mouth. ‘Paige what are you doing?! Eli shrieks, with the same question now demanding to know something entirely different. Paige responds only by lathering Eli’s face with her tongue, coating him with saliva. ‘Paige please don’t do this! He screams. Paige once again only responds with movements, now stretching her mouth over Eli’s shoulders and beginning to swallow what little of Eli is in her mouth. Eli hears a loud gulping sound before screaming as loud as he can. Paige ignores Eli’s ‘complaints’ and continues to swallow him quickly to ensure he doesn’t escape. Now reaching Eli’s torso Paige begins to slow down on her soon-to-be-finished meal, taking somehow more time to savour him shortly before beginning to swallow again. As of reaching Eli’s thighs, Paige decides to lift her head to the sky. Allowing what’s left of Eli hanging out of Paige’s maw to slide down her throat and enter her stomach with one last satisfying gulp, while Eli lets out one last satisfying scream. Paige gives in to gravity and allows herself to fall to the ground in pleasure. ‘Oh God, I can’t believe you’re finally inside me.’ Paige sighs in delight. ‘Why would you eat me?!’ Eli wails in confusion. ‘How could I not?’ Paige laughs. ‘You were such an obvious choice. Like you said, you never talked to anyone. And I already knew that no one would even notice if you suddenly disappeared.’ she says smiling to her stomach. ‘So as soon as I saw an opportunity to be alone with you, I took it. ‘Please, just let me out of here. I won’t tell anyone, I promise’ Eli begs. ‘Sorry Eli, but the only way you’re getting out of me is through my-’ ‘No please don’t say it!’ Eli cries. Paige smiles at the thought. Eli begins to cry once more. ‘Please!’ ‘Goodbye, Eli’ Paige replied. ‘I’m going to get in so much trouble for skipping class. Oh well, it was worth it for you. Eli.’
 Prey’s Perspective She instantly stops what she’s doing. Too bad too. Oh crud, now she’s looking at me, death stare too. What I presume to be her friends must have also realised the situation, as they’re both exchanging glances. I hope she didn’t hear what I said. I mean, I didn’t say it that loudly, did I? Okay, maybe she did hear. Because she’s now marching my way. Without ever breaking that stare, she takes my hand hostage. Hard too. She’s pulling me towards the women’s bathroom. I can’t help but think “maybe I should have said it sooner”. That is, if what I think is about to unfold does. She shoves the women’s bathroom door open. Quite fiercely, too. She stops at a bathroom stall at the end of the room and without wasting a second, shoves me into it. “That easy, huh?” I say, letting my smirk loose. “Excuse me!” the woman says with a face of disgust. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that easy. Unfortunately that isn’t the last of it. “The one damn night I think ‘hey! Maybe I’ll treat myself nicely for once and go out with some friends and have a drink.’” I let my eyelids fall a little. “But no, people like you have to give one look and throw a disgusting comment at me about how my ass is big.” I can’t help but let my eyes fall back to the subject of the conversation. “Thanks! I didn-” Why’d she pause? Oh wait, shit, she’s looking at me. Her face says more than she ever could, I hope she realises that too. Maybe I can just leave then. “Are you serious!” God dammit. She lets out a groan. “I didn’t even get to have-” But she suddenly pauses again, this time looking not to me, but down to her stomach. It must have rumbled or something. Deciding to add it to my bucket list, I stand up to leave when she turns her gaze back to me. This time giving me a different look. She eyes me up and down before grabbing my shoulders and pushing me up against the toilet. I almost trip in the process. What a confusing woman. “You know what? I’m done dealing with people like you.” she says before leaning in close enough for me to feel her hot breath against my face. And staying there long enough for some saliva to drip onto my neck. She suddenly snaps out of it and jumps forward, my head being engulfed within her. All around I now feel her saliva coating me. Her breath now almost visibly emitting from her throat. Taking her only seconds to move onto forcing my shoulders in. I try to beat her to it, but I’m too late as she pulls my arms in, too. Lapping her tongue in-between each of my fingers before continuing to gulp me down. The overwhelming feeling of wet flesh squelching all around me suddenly slows as I begin to enter the woman’s eagerly awaiting stomach. As I feel the woman take off my shoes and socks, I almost let out a laugh as she lets her tongue loose yet again on me, this time in-between my toes. The woman seems to savour her time, feeling what my feet are like in her mouth, before finally swallowing the rest of me down with one loud final gulp. Predator’s Perspective “Oh god, you were good.” I pant, letting my tongue hang out. “Why had I never done this before.” I throw myself onto the toilet, letting out a belch as I do. I hear a loud grunt. My face turns red with pleasure as I feel my meal moving around. “Please, let me out!” the voice calls from within me. I decide to start off the conversation. “Sorry I was so grumpy, I’m having a pretty crap time in my life right now. But thanks for making me feel a bit better. I’m interrupted by the bathroom door opening. I quickly slam the stall door shut with my foot, holding it there. “Hey, Samantha, are you okay in there? We heard you yelling.” Oh thank god it’s Casey. My meal begins to speak, I punch my gut and lay on it. “Uh, yeah. Everything’s fine. Is Stacy with you?” “No, she’s back at the table. We decided I should check on you. Uh, that guy you were with never left. Is he, in there with you?” Casey awkwardly asks. “Oh, yeah we’re having a good time in here.” Still using my belly as a pillow, I smile, running my finger along it. “A-are you two having sex in there?” she asks. “Well, he certainly is deep inside of me.” My smile turning devilish as I listen to my stomach’s noises. “Um, okay. We’ll just go and catch up with you later if you want?” Casey hesitantly suggests. I don’t look away from my belly as I agree. As I hear the bathroom door close, I go back to our conversation. “Oh, I forgot. My name’s Samantha by the way, but obviously you know that. And seeing as you’re my meal, I have a right to know yours. I listen intently. Hearing a faint voice drowned out by my rumbling and gurgling. “While you’re settling in, I might take a nap.” I smile, letting my eyes rest. I force my eyes open, wiping drool off of my cheek as I do. Once again laying my head against my belly, once again listening intently. The rumbling and gurgling now taken over and accompanied by glorps and growls. I stand and admire the pudge on my stomach. And the work done on my ass. “Well, we’ve clearly been in here a while. Well, I’ve been in here a while. You’ve been in me a while. So I think it’s time to ‘let you out’.” A smile grows. I stand and pull down my pink tights and red underwear and plop myself back onto the toilet. My face flashes another pleasured red. This time the pleasure takes over as I strain to push what’s-his-name out of my ass. I want to scream in pleasure. I don’t think I can contain it anymore. I try but falter, standing off the toilet in the process. “Oh god, yes. Oh god, yes!” My pleasure’s cut short though by what’s-his-name, now a log, passing out of me and plopping onto the stall floor, missing the toilet by a margin. My eyes widen and my face flashes red again as the next wave of what’s-his-name spills out of me and onto the floor. I try to get back to the toilet, but the pleasure peaks and I’m stunned and fall to the ground, landing face-first in what’s-his-name, as more of him is squeezed out of me without me even trying anymore. I try my best to hold him back and get up, but the pleasure’s too strong. I give in and lay there for about 5 minutes as I’m buried more and more in what’s-his-name. “Shit.” As the last of what’s-his-name exits my bowls, I regain full consciousness and get back to my feet, wiping what’s-his-name off of my clothes and out of my hair as best I can. It doesn’t work very well as he’s stained my clothing and is still in my hair. I turn to the pile of shit pooled unevenly around the floor with a me-shaped shape in it. I honestly don’t care anymore, as the next thing I do is walk out of the women’s bathroom, eyeing off some of the other meals in the restaurant as they eye me off.
“ave a good time today, Madhu! Mujhe tumase pyaar hai!” adhu smiled and waved at her mom, who was leaning over her wheel so that she could peer through her glasses. “ love you too, Mom! See you in a few hours and thank you for the ride!” oisting her bag onto her shoulder, Madhu walked through the door to her dance class, letting out a small sigh once she stepped out of the spring chill. She knew that it was going to be warmer soon, but for now Meera forwent her sweater despite the wind. Besides, she would warm up easily once she got moving. Raqs Baladi may look simple as wiggling your hips, but the abs underneath her fat were trained to be as hard as steel cords due to the repetitive motions. Madhu had been viewing belly dancing ever since she was little and her mother had been gracious enough to look for a teacher once she was old enough. Now, Madhu and her group had been invited to “ances of the World” an international competition to be hosted in Toronto, Canada. They had been practicing for the last 3 months on a routine that they were sure was going to impress people. “ello Aadarsh!”Madhu said, smiling at the man. He was in the same college as her so they did see each other often. However, seeing him dressed up in the bright colours of his Bedlah made her hearts flutter. Male belly dancers were uncommon if not rare in the industry, but their instructor had allowed him to join once he showed his innate talent and he had been Madhu’ partner for this routine. “ello!”Aadarsh said, wrapping her up in a hug. He leaned back, looking her up and down. “ou are looking healthy, I knew that the diet change would help you.” a know, normally I would have been offended that you are worried about a woman’ diet, but I honestly would have never known I was lactose intolerant until I stopped drinking milk.”Madhu said, placing her bag down and opening it, her own Bedlah stored inside. “t was kind of hard for my mother to wrap her head around it, but she is slowly getting it.” eah,”Aadarsh said. He waited for a moment, then snapped his fingers. “ight! I forgot, a friend of yours dropped by today. She wanted to watch our practice today, said that she made a promise.” adhu’ brow furrowed. “ho was it, someone from class?” ot unless you have classmates that are 7cm tall and are pink robots,”he said, nodding over to the mirror that spanned the far wall. A number of other performers who were already in uniform were doing warm-ups, but Madhu’ eyes were drawn to the bright pink android that was standing there, shifting around with uncertainty as the large humans moved around her. Madhu gasped, zipping over and crouching to her level, the android looking up with a very large grin on her face. “old up, you actually came? How did you fly over here, Dulce?” came with a friend, she’ off being a nerd with another friend at the moment, so I can watch you for your practice!”Dulce beamed, a huge goofy smile lighting up her face. “t’ very nice to finally put a face to your username at long last!” he same back to you! Although I am kind of surprised by how small you are in person…Madhu said and Dulce laughed. “his is an experimental model, my normal ones are about 5ft or so.” o still shorter than Madhu?”Aadarsh asked, standing aside out of respect yet listening in to the conversation. Dulce’ eyes flickered for a moment, the eyelids only partially closing before they snapped back open. “adhu! That’ a very pretty name, it means Sweet, Honey, and Beauty in Hindu! Reminds me of your RP name.” our RP name?”Aadarsh asked, looking at Madhu. Madhu could feel her face heat up at his gaze, but Dulce scuttled forward and looked up to Aadarsh. “eah! Madhu and I met on an RP server and spent a lot of time there. It’ how we became friends, I would say!” adarsh crouched down as well, leaning close to Dulce. “hat was her name on there?”he whispered, eyes flicking to Madhu to make sure he wasn’ overstepping. Madhu was still blushing, but pouted and let him talk. Dulce grinned and leaned in close, getting up on her tiptoes to get into Aadarsh’ ear. Madhu could still hear Dulce’ response though: “er username? It was SugarTongue47.”Aadarsh chuckled with Dulce, looking over at Madhu. “lright! We’e all good here! Aadarsh, can you go check on the instructor? She hasn’ come out of her office yet.”Madhu asked, snatching Dulce up and covering her with a hand, muffling her sounds of protest. Still chuckling to himself, Aadarsh stood up and walked away, leaving Madhu with a handful of energy that explored the tiny space. “hat are you doing?”Madhu whispered, bringing her hands up to her face. She opened her hands to allow Dulce to peek her head out, which she did and threw her shoulders out as well, arms splayed out on Madhu’ fingers. “t’ embarrassing, he doesn’ know I have a vore fetish!” re you planning on telling him?” o!”Madhu’ face reignited and she looked away from the energetic android. “e’l think you flew all this way just to get eaten!” hat would be a bonus, but I truly am here to watch you perform,”Dulce said, her face softening as she lowered her energy to be sincere. “ou said that you’e been practicing for months because of your anxiety, so I wanted to be there to support you.” ou really didn’ have to… o. But I wanted to, so I did it.”Dulce said. Madhu smiled down at the droid. “ey, you said that this was an experimental model? What is different about this one, other than its size?” h! My friend Spartan, who actually lives here in Canada as well, wanted to see if he could get me to a smaller size. So, he tried his best, bless his soul. Gave me a short range cell phone capability as well, although he doesn’ know how well it would work inside of someone.”Dulce explained, Madhu opening her hands so that she could show it off. “s he expecting you to get eaten then?” ell, he did make this one for the sole possibility of real vore happening. Acid resistants and a proper size for possible consumption, I think he created it for that exact reason. Especially when he realized that I was going to be visiting my most active pred on the server.” ey, you are the one you likes it when it happens! Side note, what do you prefer?” hat?” y RP description, or the real deal?”Madhu stood to her full height, swaying her waist softly. Dark skin and a comfortable roll of fat on her hips, she wasn’ an American model by any means, but was someone who was happy and comfortable with her body. She was also physically fit under her soft skin, her strength hidden. “ow dare you make me choose!”Dulce said, pretending to think. She pouted, then spotted the Bedlah Madhu peeking out of Madhu’ bag. “aybe it would make the decision easier if I could see you in your full glory?” adhu looked down at it. “h! I forgot, I need to change, practice is starting soon! Wait here, I’l be back once I change!”She placed Dulce back on the floor and gathered it up, disappearing into the changing room. Dulce sighed and looked around. There were a lot of girls here, Madhu’ friend was one of the only 2 boys here. The other man seemed to be distracted by said girls and their attire, which made Dulce uncomfortable and she looked away, instead examining her body. Like her original body, it was coloured soft pink and white, the soft materials pieced together with machine-like precision. The only thing that was lacking about this version was a stretchy throat and stomach, but it was expected. As compensation, Spartan had included a mini-phone of sorts, which had a limited battery life and short range, which he had promised was enough to contact a phone that was on a person. At least, that’ what he said. And with her examination, none of the human oils or grime had gathered on her clothes or skin. Dulce nodded, giving a little spin and drawing a giggle from the observers. Smiling at them, she skipped a little and spun again, which earned her a few claps. And then she saw Madhu come out of the changing room. Wearing a sparkling green chiffon and a belt of coins around her waist, she jingled as she walked over. Her feet were bare and hair was bouncing around her shoulders, spilling over a purple veil that was pinned over her face and wrapped around her torso to end brushing around Madhu’ ankles. Dulce could see Madhu’ eyes pierce through the veil as she bent down to look at Dulce. “ell? What do you think?”Madhu asked, her veil partially fluttering with her breath. Madhu offered her hand for Dulce and she slowly climbed on, leaning on Madhu’ fingers as she was raised up. With her other hand, Madhu shifted the veil aside and smiled. “ow…Dulce said in all honesty. She had heard about Belly dancing and what they wore, but seeing it in person and at this size was certainly something different. Dulce looked Madhu over, she looked very comfortable in the clothes despite a bare midriff and nothing over her shoulders. “ think you look amazing, Madhu.” adhu beamed, her smile lighting up her face. “hank you! I was able to pick the colour, but the rest was picked for this particular dance! The idea is that as the dance progresses, Aadarsh would gradually pull the veil off, revealing the truth underneath. The falling of petals and the bud under with all of its potential. I was so happy when they-”Madhu stopped as she saw Aadarsh leave the instructor's office, a look of concern on his face. “lright, everyone listen up!”He said, gathering the attention of those around. “here has been a change to the song! Due to a new copyright infringement, the song we have originally chosen will be unavailable for the “ance of the World” We have changed the song to one that shouldn’ be affected, but we are going to have to practice even harder than we were before!” ait, really?”Dulce could hear Madhu mutter, fingers tightening around her. Dulce patted the hand and looked up at her face, who smiled nervously. There was a gurgle under her and Dulce looked down at Madhu’ stomach. It was very close, the thin veil doing nothing to hide the soft skin underneath it. Dulce couldn’ help herself imagining what was under there, the churning stomach breaking down her breakfast and pulling it deeper into her guts, the warm squishing and lack of light providing a stimulating ex- “ey Dulce?”Dulce snapped back, looking up at Madhu, who was looking down at her. “’ sorry, but could you grab a granola bar from my bag? I, I think I need something in my stomach.” ure.”Dulce said, getting set on the ground. She scurried over to the bag as Madhu began to talk quietly to Aadarsh. Finding the bar without too much problem, Dulce lifted it up and slung it over her shoulders, struggling to keep it balanced as she stumbled over to Madhu’ feet. Madhu spotted Dulce and crouched down, her large veil poofing out with the air as she accepted both the Granola bar and Dulce. She pulled her veil off of her face and used her teeth to tear it open, scarfing it down quickly. Dulce could see the tongue working in between the teeth, pulling the oats deeper into her personal cavern. “hank you, Dulce. That helped a little.”Madhu said, sighing and putting her veil back over her face. “ind of wish it was bigger, but it’l make do.” think you are missing something that could help, SugarTongue47.”Dulce said, pulling at the veil with her tiny hands. Madhu looked down at her with a blank stare, then it clicked and Dulce could see her blush straight through the cloth. “ulce! No, I can’ do that!”She whispered, pulling her face very close to Dulce. “’l be fine,”Dulce reassured her, “ll I would be doing is filling your stomach so that you can concentrate on your routine. You can let me out afterwards, it’ no big deal.” adhu hesitated. “his is different from our RP’, Dulce. Are you sure you will be fine?” nless Spartan lied to me, in which case I would return to my original body and punch him in the face.”Dulce said, her fist making a slapping sound as she punched her hand. Madhu chuckled. “lright, if you are fine with it, then I guess we can try it.” adhu spared a glance around to see where Aadarsh was. Seeing him talking over the routine with some of the other dancers, Madhu undid her veil again and delicately pushed Dulce behind her teeth, quickly putting the veil back in place as Aadarsh came walking over. “re you good? I know we have a lot to practice, especially since you are going to be mostly front and center.”He said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Madhu, still with a mouthful of android, nodded and tossed the granola wrapper into a bin. Dulce felt like a piece of gum, squished against the roof of a mouth. It was very warm and Dulce could notice more details such as the indents in the teeth and the buds on the tongue. Being this small had its benefits after all. But the real test was going to be what was further beyond. Madhu could detect a sweet flavor on Dulce, though whether it was the remains of the granola bar she had eaten earlier or Dulce herself she wasn’ sure. But, if the RP’ she had with Dulce in the past said anything, she liked the stomach more than mouthplay. So, preparing herself, Madhu tried to swallow, imagining her as a pill. Dulce watched the back of the throat open up, tilting forward towards it thanks to the tongue under her. Dulce could see the complicated muscles shift in order to accept the load, Dulce deciding to extend her arms at the last moment to have her fingers squish into the gullet first. She could feel them getting compressed together, the muscles rippling down as they pulled her down as her forearms disappeared. Madhu felt Dulce go part way down, but Madhu hesitated. This was her friend that went out of her way to travel hundreds of kilometers to visit her, had complimented her dress, and had teased her about Aadarsh. Her eyes flicked over to him, who was looking at her with a slight bit of worry. Madhu smiled under her veil and swallowed a second time. Dulce felt the tongue under her bulk, throwing her forward. Her head fell into the gullet, the wet surface pushing against her face and giving it more surface area to pull her down. Dulce felt her toes leave the entrance and be fully immersed in the throat, the rhythm of the muscles coupled with the heartbeat that surrounded her. It was surreal, she never thought about how long the journey was between the mouth and the stomach. It was a good 4-5 seconds of travel before her hands breached the next sphincter. Dulce fell face first in the pool of muck, tucking as she was fully deposited into the organ. It was warm, pitch black aside from the light from Dulce’ eyes, constantly shifting, and stank of stomach acid that was slowly breaking down the granola bar that had entered not even 30 seconds before. All in all, quite the experience and not an unpleasant one. Dulce smiled to herself, wiggling around to bury herself into the slush. It wasn’ as tight as she would have liked it, but she could reach out her arms and push both hands into the ribbed walls. It flexed against her, trying to compress the new object into mush. “ think I’l be fine, Aadarsh. I’ just worried about learning a new move set in such a short period of time, we only have a few weeks until the performance. It won’ be at the quality we want it to be.”Madhu said, looking up at Aadarsh. He smiled at her and wrapped her up in a hug. “his isn’ a competition, so we will be fine. I’e already picked us a song that will work well as a replacement, all we will be doing is representing the culture that we are a part of, after all.”Aadarsh looked down at Madhu. “nd if you ever think you need more practice, you can always ask your partner if you could practice outside of classes,”he added, winking one of his emerald eyes. Madhu could feel her heart flutter at that, smiling despite herself. Aadarsh walked towards the music station and Madhu placed a hand on her stomach. She could feel Dulce moving around inside of her, it was a very weird feeling, but quite a pleasant feeling. She could get used to this experience, Madhu had silently worried that fulfilling her vorish desires would crash the fantasy into the ground. “lright everyone! We are going to do our warm-up like usual, but one song only since we need to get practicing our new routine!”Aadarsh called out and pressed play. “aacho Naacho by Vishal Mishra and Rahul Spiligunj”began to start up and immediately, Madhu began to sway her hips. She remembered this moment in the film she and Aadarsh watched on their first and only official date and even then she couldn’ help but get riled up by the beat and drums. Dulce felt the muck she was within begin to bounce and slosh. It would appear that Madhu had begun her routine Dulce could hear muffled movement through the walls, although she had to strain for it. The stomach walls also increased their rumbling and secretion, strengthening their attempts to dissolve Dulce’ frame. However, no damage was visible, so Dulce prepared for a bouncy trip. ***** About 4 hours later, Madhu and Aadarsh left the studio, both of them walking slowly thanks to the amount of exercise that they did. They stayed a couple hours more than the rest of the dancers, Madhu going over and over her new moves and committing them to memory. “’ sorry for taking up your evening, Aadarsh,”Madhu said, feeling her abs flash with pain at every movement. It had been a while since she had worked herself that much. “’l make up for it, I’l pay for dinner.” s anything open at this time?”Aadarsh asked, looking around the parking lot. There were a few cars, one of them was the instructor’ vehicle who was busy locking up the building. She was kind enough to stay behind and observe as they wore themselves out. “ think we are going to have to go fast food at this hour…Madhu admitted, climbing into Aadarsh’ car. She had texted her parents before the practice saying that she didn’ need a ride back to her apartment, so she hoped they weren’ worrying about her. As Aadarsh drove away, a figure stepped out of a vehicle and walked over to the door. The instructor of the dance club was there, grumbling to herself as she fumbled with her keys. “od, if I knew they were going to be there for 2 more hours, I would have said no.”she grumbled, finally finding the right key and locking the door. “xcuse me?”The instructor could hear a female voice behind her. Sighing, the instructor turned around. “’ sorry, we’e clos-”she stopped suddenly as a feeling of absolute dread came over her. Whatever was behind her was nothing human, its presence towered over her with slathering maws and tentacles to shove her into the dark expanse of a self-contained universe. In her mind's eyes, what was behind her was nothing even remotely close to a human, an eldritch being that simply could not be understood. “re you alright, ma’m?”The voice asked again. Steeling herself, the instructor turned around, ready to face whatever stood there. Choronzon looked curiously at the older woman who was positively quaking in her boots. “’ sorry for disturbing you, but I’ looking for a friend? You guys didn’ end at the time she said you guys would, so I was wondering if she got a different ride or was still here?” orry! Don’ know where your friend is, I have to leave!”The woman said, taking a wide berth around Choronzon and sprinting to her car. “ait, hold on, she doesn’ look normal-”Choronzon started, extending an arm towards her. The instructor could feel a tentacle reaching for her, a hungry force behind its intent. Suppressing a scream, the instructor practically flew into her car, not even bothering to release the E-brake before stamping the gas and taking off out of the parking lot. Choronzon was left alone and in the dark, arm still extended outward. After a moment, she dropped it with a sigh and pulled out her phone. Dialing a number, Choronzon lifted it to her ear and walked back to her car. After the second ring, Spartan picked up. “ey, what’ up? Did you find Dulce alright?” o, I’ thinking the friend that she went to see might have eaten her. Do you have a way to track her location, that way we actually know where she is?” ure, let me pull it up real fast…There were some clicking on the other side of the line. “mmmmmm, it’ strange. I can’ track her current model, but her older model is working fine. I can keep it running in case she gets within a cell phone or something.” o she is stuck somewhere?”Choronzon sighed again, starting her car. “ell, she always fantasized about a permanent endosoma, I guess she finally gets to live it out.” h, it won’ be permanent!”Spartan clarified. “ow so? Passing through the long way? I don’ think she would be comfortable with trying that.” ell, that is one of the options. The other one is to wait until her battery dies on that form so that she returns to the body she arrived in.” nd how long will that take?” bout 9 months? And that’ if she never eats and recharges the battery that way.” hy the hell did you make the battery last 9 months?!”Choronzon asked, exasperatedly looking at her phone, which was set on her passenger seat. “ wanted to be safe! Besides, you said yourself, she always talked about a permanent endosoma.” nd for the third time this evening, Choronzon sighed. “ell, whatever happens, you need to set up a way for finding her. The server will be quite empty without our energetic android to tease.” es, Ma’m.”Spartan said and then hung up, setting his phone to the side. He stretched and looked at his computer. “omorrow,”Spartan said, turning his computer off. Hopefully he won’ forget.
The year is 2013, set in a world of magic, sort of. Most humans don't give a shit about magic, as the only creatures capable of using it were fae, and inches tall. That said, they have discovered SOME use for magic. Replacement fairies. It was for this purpose orchid wind and rain puddle had been captured. Sisters, orchid had refused to abandon rain when she got captured. Now, they sat together in a 2 pack, on a pharmacy shelf, awaiting their destiny. A 16 year old girl came along, grabbed their cardboard prison, and paid 18.99 for their lives at the counter. The girl's name was Jessica. A medium height teen with long blond hair she usually kept tied up in a pony tail. Her breasts were developing still but promised to be quite large. She went to a decent highschool in California and had a rather embarrassing secret. She wasn't functional downstairs. Her vagina could neither create nor excrete lubricant. She was too embarrassed to go to her mother about this, but a quick search on the internet showed her everything she needed. Replacement fairies could easily fix her girlhood. All she needed to do was go home and apply the medicine. The fairies she planned to use sat together in a small cardboard box on her passenger seat, listening to the sounds of the car as she drove. Rain was a fae with short, neon blue hair. Like all fae she had a slim figure and a flat chest. Her wings were long and thin, resembling a Dragon flies. Orchid had long violet hair, going down in luscious curls. Her wings were much wider, like a butterflies, and were purple. Their hands were tied to the walls with zip ties, leaving the rest of their bodies free to move about. For a while, they merely sat and tried to ignore the fears in their head. Rain spoke first, “What do you think is going to happen to us.” Orchid looked carefully at her sisters face, using what little light could fit through the box. She saw it was hollow and tear stained. “We'll be okay,” replied orchid, not believing it for a second, “No matter what, we'll have each other.” Jess got home, dumped her school bags on the kitchen table, and smuggled her fairies up to her room. Her room was extremely pink, and filled with teddy bears and princess dolls. She had largely lost interest in such things a while ago, but she had a lot of nostalgia tied up in this room. She sat down on her polka dotted carpet, drawing a full length mirror to face her. She briefly checked the instructions again. For vaginal replacement, simply hold the replacement on vagina until it disappears entirely. Jess thought about this for a moment. Then, she slipped off her schools uniform skirt, a short red thing, and her white panties. She spread her legs in front of her mirror, giving her a clear view of her vagina. She reached for the box of faes and opened it. Inside, she saw two, blinking their eyes at the sudden light. For a moment she felt pity, before reminding herself they were merely animals. She grabbed the green one, pulling her roughly from her bonds. Orchid and Rain had been completely silent ever since the car stopped, listening carefully for any noise. A while later, they found themselves blinded as the top was torn off. Orchid had little time to react before she felt her binds snap and her body lifted to the sky. “ORCHID!” Rain screamed from the box, bawling her eyes out. “It's okay,” orchid said, more to herself than anyone else, “We'll be okay.” Jess, didn't hear any of this, as the language of fairies is beyond the range of human hearing. Orchid got a good look at the giant who held her. She seemed pretty enough, if far larger than anyone orchid had ever met. Her examination did not last long, as she was quickly yanked down to her waiting slit. It was just about then she realised what her ultimate fate was. She began to struggle, she pounded her tiny fists against the giants hand and flapped her wings as fast as they would go, but Jess simply squeezed her, causing orchid to hunch over in pain. Orchid was pressed against Jessica's young slit, her face pressing into her clit. Jessica's hands both came down and covered her, muffling the screams of rain and the light of day. Orchid struggled, thrashing around pounding anything she could reach. She head butted the juvenile clitoris, the unexpected stimulation caused Jessica jerk, pressing orchid much harder into her pink folds. Recovering from this pain, orchid tried to pull her feet from where they had been pushed into the vaginal opening, but no matter how hard she pulled her feet would not come free, she began to lose feeling in her toes She pulled again, pushing down with her hands on the outer labia, but accomplished nothing. As she tried to move her hands back, she found she could not remove them, further more, her modest bust could not be moved from the urethral opening. Panicking, she found her hair stuck to the clitoral hood, taking a deep breath, she merged with it entirely. Everything went black, for a while. Orchid opened her eyes. Sort of. She didn't actually have physical eyes anymore, yet she could see. And feel. And everything. The smell was overpowering, drenched in a teens sweat and hormones. She tried to move, she couldn't. The majority of her soul seemed to be focus in the clitoris, with a bit of sentience spread all around the vagina. “At least”, she thought, “she did this to me and not Rain.” Jess moved her hands. The fairy was gone, all that remained was a slit with a slight color difference. She checked the guide on her phone again, which suggested using another one to stimulate the fluid production. The guide suggested achieving orgasm as this happened. Jessica reached for a bottle of lube she kept under her bed for her boyfriends “visits”, and looked to the box again. Inside was a tiny blue fairy, who was crying. No, LOOKED like she was crying, Jess corrected herself. She tore the second fae from her bonds and doused her in lube. She reached down to her new pussy and rubbed it all over it too. The guide says to insert the fae as deep inside her as possible. She reached under her bed again for an old shoebox that hid her vibrator. She had ordered it online, it was a thick, knobbly thing, that didn't resemble a penis in the slightest, but it was very useful. Orchid felt herself get lubed up, wondering what new torment her owner had in store for her. She saw rain approach in the giants hand, at first she was worried, but then something much more powerful hit her. Lust. Lust like she'd never seen before. This feeling was, of course, coming from Jessica. On her phone was a stupidly large breasted women and an absurdly well endowed man fucking each other senseless, and her brian wasted no time in ensuring her vagina was ready. Orchid tried to clear her head, to think clearly, but to no avail. She knew what she was, she understood this was her destiny all her life. She needed something inside of her. Orchid saw Rain be pulled closer and tried to bury the thoughts that flooded her, but she couldn't. To her, Rain was now only a toy. Rain was bushed butt first into the vaginal opening, crying in fear. Even this sent spasms of pleasure through orchid. Then the 2 fairies caught sight of something large and purple heading towards them. Rain was pushed through the fleshy tunnel by the vibrator, coming to a stop at the entrance to the womb. Baked by body heat, she could only listen to the giants heartbeat. Then the vibrator switched on. Jess moved fingers down to tease her clit, while orchid sent more pleasure up than her old pussy ever did. Jess caught sight of herself in the mirror, seeing her sweaty body turned her on more, and she switched up the intensity. Rain was slowly melting. Ordinarily this would terrify her, but the vibrator made coherent thought impossible. It did more than pleasure jess though, rain couldn't stop herself from reaching an arm around behind her as she reached some fingers into her hungry slit. Orchid could feel her friend melting. With every passing second a little more of her was absorbed and sent to a tiny gland underneath the urethra, to await excretion Rain came, the first time in her life. And soon after that, she was gone. Jess didn't notice or care though. She wasn't done yet. The vibrator buzzed, until she finally got it into the perfect angle and- Jess pulled the vibrator from her, stood up, and took it to the bathroom. After cleaning it, she hopped in the shower. She took the hose down to remove the lube, and viola, she was clean. Orchid, in this time, talked to rain. “You told me we would be okay…” raid said, hurt. Orchid, however, was far from the fairy she had used to be. “Oh but we are, and eventually, I will excrete you through my pores and only I will be okay. You'll just coat someones dick.” orchid replied, fantasizing “Orchid-” rain began. “I am not Orchid anymore, and you are no longer rain. We are pussy and cum, and it is time you accepted that.” Rain didn't try to talk again. Orchid saw the panties fly up towards her, covering her vision with white fabric. Then again, a skirt came up, covering her in darkness. For a while, Orchid slept. Then, she was awoken by kissing. She opened her eyes, but saw Jessicas skirt was still on. Jess, on the other hand, had had a lovely evening. Her boyfriend had brought pizza, they watched a movie, and now her parents were asleep. Feeling bold, she had pounced on him. Soon, Orchid saw the light return as the red skirt dropped to the ground. Soon, orchid could see properly as the panties followed. What she saw was a somewhat attractive 17 year old. He had olive skin, messy brown hair, a red tee, and brown shorts. More importantly, there was a massive bulge in those shorts. “Hold on a sec babe, lemme just grab a-” the boy began. “No need.” Jessica purred, “I got a replacement today, I can now turn fertility on and off. Cool right?” she said as a coy smile creeped across her face. The boy briefly had a rather stupid look, then a childish grin. He struggled with his belt while Orchid called on her friend. Rain felt a small jolt as her chamber began to move. “Orchid please…” she begged. Orchid didn't even reply. Such things did not deserve words. Jess hopped onto her bed and got on all fours. She lifted her ass above her head and gave it a wiggle. Orchid saw the boy, now pantsless, with a decently sized member standing at attention. It moved closer, more and more of rain poured out of Orchid, puddling on the bed to be absorbed by the blankets. The head briefly teased the outer vulva, then plunged in. Replacements have a way of allowing people to have better orgasms. Even with a few thrusts in and out Jess found herself getting close. Rain was sobbing. The fluid that was her was everywhere, she felt the thrust dick, the pulsating pussy, the dry sheets. She felt as a drop of her being was flicked off the boys dick, landing on Jess’s ass. Suddenly, she felt the vagina clench around her, and no more of the fae that was rain remained in that tiny sac below the urethra. Dripping down onto the sheets, she pooled in the cavern of the teenage cunt. She saw the head of the dick get slower, then he thrusted in totally, spurting out a font of cum that mixed with rain. Orchid realized real dick was better than a vibrator. As the throbbing member moved in and out of her lovely folds, jess reached down with her hands to play with her clit. Orchid felt the pleasure build up, getting more and more dense until- Orchid squirted out the last of Rain. Soon, the dick let loose it's own cum, which orchid denied entrance to the womb. Jess and her boyfriend cuddled for a while, then they fell asleep. Orchid woke to an uncomfortable pressure. She sent pain signals up to Jess, who stirred from her sleep. She looked around for her boyfriend, before realizing he must have left already. She walked into the bathroom and yawned. Her hair was a mess, she needed to fix that. But first, she plopped herself down on her toilet and became absorbed in her phone. Orchid briefly felt the pressure worsen, then relief as a stream of yellow piss flowed from her mouth. As the urine splashed into the toilet, Orchid wondered where Rain was. She couldn't sense her anymore. Orchid didn't care. Afterwards, Jess took a shower, pulled on her panties, and prepared to face the day.
PART1: THE PERVERT On a day unlike most, Lilia was flying just above the forest canopy nearby her nest, looking for breakfast and sexual relief. Cloaked mistresses reach adulthood at the age of 7, as they hatch with the physical maturity of a 12-year-old human, and usually leave the nest by 10, but Lilia has been procrastinating her departure. To her dismay and annoyance, a few days ago when the mating season began, she asked her mother to feed her, but was told that she was at the age that she should be finding her own food, and worse that until she acts like a proper cloaked mistress and gets her a prospective grandchild like her sisters, that Lilia wouldn’t be allowed to fuck her anymore. Sure, she’s seduced and fucked plenty of humans and had even eaten a couple before, but only ones that her mother had restrained or charmed for her, and never within the mating season; her mother claiming that is was Lilia’s responsibility to obtain the soul that would become her child. Lilia had been able to stave off her hunger by eating whatever she could sneak out of the pantry, along with some herbs and berries that grew around the base of the large tree that held their nest, but her smoldering sexual frustration had become unbearable. She had attempted to masturbate many times, but she was unable to make herself cum as her desperate, unskilled hands couldn’t hold a candle to her mother’s incredibly soft, erotic and oddly dexterous asshole. Finally, on the fourth day since her mother barred her from sex, she couldn’t take it anymore and succumbed to her mother’s wishes and the burning animalistic instincts that the mating season brought, taking off to find her own meal and brief fucktoy. Back in the present, Lilia spots a young woman from the nearby village of Greenboar, picking mushrooms at the base of a tree. Lilia remembers seeing this girl before when she and her mother had gone to Greenboar pretending to be humans. If she remembered correctly, this girl was the daughter of a farming family and is named Emily, though last time Lilia saw her she had been only 12 and much less developed. She now supported a D sized bust, respectable hips, long brown hair tied into a thick braid, a stained, patched up beige sundress, a basket for collecting herbs and mushrooms and a ragged bulging sack on her back. If Lilia remembered what her mother told her properly, the age of adulthood in Greenboar and most rural villages in this region is 16, meaning Emily here is being a respectable adult and earning her keep as all daughters should. What a try hard. As Lilia grumbled to herself while perching on a high branch of a nearby tree, Emily began doing something unexpected. She looked around nervously, flush faced and jittery, after confirming that she is seemingly alone, she pulled a patchy blanket out of the bulging bag, laid it on the ground, kneeled on top of it, supporting herself by leaning against the tree in front of her and pulled her skirt up to reveal a lack of any undergarments and a sopping wet pussy. Emily shakily searched through her basket and began breathing heavier as she retrieved the object of her desires; a large, thick and very phallically shaped mushroom nearly the size of her own forearm. She began rubbing the oversized fungi against her lustful folds, coating it in her own lubricant before she could no longer hold back, setting her phallic friend down on the blanket, lining it up with her drenched pussy and slammed it home. Lilia watched on in awe as the horny young adult moaned and pressed her ass all the way to the ground each time, taking the mushroom that nearly rivaled Lilia’s own to the base. Lilia chucked to herself as she realized that she probably wouldn’t even need her pheromones to seduce the lust minded woman but gave herself a couple puffs just to be sure. She stealthily glided down to the forest floor, landing in an area within Emily’s blind spot and slowly began sneaking towards the heavily moaning woman. By the time Lilia had reached the trees closest to Emily’s, the horny woman has slipped her fingers into her asshole and was now pumping the sphincter with her entire fist. By this point Lilia was quite steamed up herself, accentuated by her cock, standing at full mast and threatening to breach her silky white cloak feathers. Just 2 meters away from Emily, Lilia clumsily crept closer, now heavily aroused and drunk off of the frantic thrusts and perverted movements of the farmer girl, but was startled by a loud *CRACK*. In her lust laden stupor, Lilia failed to avoid a dead branch that lay in her path, stepping on it and alerting Emily to her presence. Emily let out a startled squawk while attempting to stand up, remove the mushroom and her hand from her drooling orifices, straiten out her upturned dress and turn around all at once, resulting in her tripping over her own feet and falling back to the blanket as a tangled heap of limbs. By the time Lilia had reached the edge of the blanket Emily had managed to make it back onto her knees, and was about to stand, but froze at the sight before her. Lilia stood there, shit-eating-grin on full display, cloak feathers parted to reveal her naked body and her throbbing nine-inch cock. A real cock. Not the blunt, flaccid things attached to the horses back on the farm, but a real, throbbing, erect cock and balls attached to a real person. Emily was slightly confused to why they were attached to a woman, but she had overheard much lewder stories about these woods that her father had told her brothers, and she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Lilia just continued walking forwards until her balls were resting against the little slut’s face and her cock draped over her head. Emily, nearly overwhelmed by the potent combination of musk and pheromones, manages to shift her face upwards to look at the beautiful stud that is already ravaging her within her fantasies. The sight of her cock draped across the cute, heavy lidded face of the farmer girl sends shivers up Lilia’s spine and causes a thread of pre-cum to begin drooling from her tip. Lilia then begins to tease the glossy eyed girl by grinding her throbbing cock and bloated sack against her face, reveling in the feeling of the young woman’s erotic breaths and delicate lips brushing against the underside of her cock. After getting her fill of teasing, Lilia gave the moaning and furiously masturbating young woman a command; “Lick it”. Snapped out of her reverie by the sudden command, Emily’s eyes snapped open, faced away, and her mouth began flapping, searching for words. First an excuse to mask her embarrassment and next to express the shock of having a stranger brazenly walk up and begin rubbing their cock against her face, but in the end, she wasn’t able to say anything. “Shhh, no need to speak. I know you want this. Badly. Now, I want to feel that nice, soft tongue of yours on the underside of my cock” Lilia’s sultry words drifted into the ears of the slutty farmer girl, causing her to blush heavily, bite her lower lip and slam her fingers back into her drooling cunt. Emily turned her face back towards the object of her worship and stuck out her tongue, shakily moving towards the base of Lilia’s cock. Lilia’s domineering persona nearly broke as waves of pleasure form Emily’s tongue crashed into her mind. Emily traced circles around Lilia’s balls then across the sensitive outside of her urethral canal with her tongue as she worked her way up the underside of her cock, stopping occasionally to give it a soft kiss. By the time Emily had reached the tip, it was drooling a river and Lilia’s knees were shaking. Emily closed her eyes, opened her mouth wide and pressed the shivering tip into her gaping maw, taking the entire head and beginning to swirl her tongue around its bulbous form. Lilia, gasping for air between pleasure filled moans, griped the base of the large braid coming from the back of Emily’s head and began to thrust lightly, then slowly stronger and stronger until she was knocking on the entrance to Emily’s stomach with each thrust. Once Lilia felt that she was getting close to cumming, she pulled her now nearly half damp, but heavily engorged cock out of the needy farmer girl’s mouth, resulting in Emily’s face becoming dyed in disappointment. Only to quickly be replaced by confusion and surprise as Lilia stepped forwards, placing her feet on either side of the kneeling woman and then knelt forwards, causing Emily to be pushed onto her back. Lilia, now kneeling just above Emily’s chest, motions Emily to come back up with a seductive finger. Emily gulps sheepishly then shakily props herself up with her elbows to cradle Lilia’s cock between her breasts and presses the head against her lips. The sight of Emily kissing her cockhead while her shaft is sandwiched by her breasts was all Lilia could take before she grabbed Emily’s soft mounds and began thrusting with her cockhead back in Emily’s warm mouth. Emily’s breasts paired with her mouth were heavenly, but the animalistic urge to fuck was clawing at the edges of her mind, preventing her from wasting even a drop of precious cum in her helplessly horny fucktoy’s mouth. Lilia stopped thrusting, popping her cock out of Emily’s mouth then, shuffled backwards until the base of her cock was resting against Emily’s gushing pussy. Lilia then gripped Emily’s legs under the knees and brings them up to rest on her shoulders as she lines up her cock to penetrate the unquenchably horny slut beneath her. Who, even while covering her face to hide the embarrassment that had even spread to the tips of her ears, bit her lower lip in lustful excitement and arched her ass upwards to bring herself even a little bit closer the object of her fantasies. Placing her hands-on Emily’s upper thighs, Lilia slowly and agonizingly began to press her cockhead against Emily’s folds, eliciting a gasp as Emily’s breath caught in her throat. Pressing ever so gently, her cockhead just nearly penetrating, all the while preventing the wild bucks of the farmer girl to push it in the rest of the way, causing Emily’s sexual frustration build to the breaking point. “Beg for it” Lilia commanded, “…huh?” Emily let out a confused sound as her mind managed to resurface from the sea of lust and embarrassment. “I said. Beg for it” Lilia repeated, this time punctuating the command by pressing her cock harder against Emily’s folds. “uh, P-please” Emily managed to stammer out between her jittering and embarrassment. “Please, what?” Lilia teased further, slightly lessening the pressure. “P-please fu-fuck me!” Emily squeezed her eyes shut and yelled louder than she had in a long time, then promptly clasping her hands over her mouth in shock of what had just escaped her lips. “Now why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” Lilia replied rhetorically with a wide shit-eating-grin as she shifted from holding back the young woman’s desperate hips to bottoming out inside her in less than a second. “Ghu-Unh!” Emily let out a half-groan half-moan as the massive cock collided with her cervix, nocking the air out of her lungs and blasting away and kind of conscious thought that she had left. Once she started, Lilia didn’t let up even once, shifting her posture so that Emily’s knees were pressed down to her armpits and placed her full weight on top of the smaller woman as she began pounding away, faster and faster. Emily’s pussy is nowhere near the level of her mother’s asshole, but it would do for now. As the slamming, ball-slapping fury neared its peak, Lilia planted her lips against Emily’s and invaded her mouth with her tongue, eliciting a response and fishing up some of the few remaining semblances of thought within Emily’s mind, before banishing them again by slamming her cock down to the base and blowing her load. Lilia hugged the near unconscious woman below her as her body clenched up, cock pressed as deep into the ravaged cunt as it could possibly go, and let out a deep, carnally satisfied moan as her balls continued to pump out rope after rope of thick, pent up cum. Nearly a minute after the climax, Lilia’s balls stopped pumping and her muscles finally relaxed. Lilia unsteadily lifted herself off of the young woman bellow her and allowed herself to fall onto her back, causing a wet *POP-SLAP* as her cock left its quivering confines and slapped against her belly. She lay there for a while, heaving heavy breaths of satisfaction, limbs stretched wide against the blanket with a twitching woman lying between her legs while staring dazedly up into the beautiful blue sky. Twenty minutes of blissful stillness later, Emily began to stir. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes, Emily hazely observed her surroundings, wondering if everything that just happened was real or if she had just gotten lost in one of her extra lewd fantasies with Mr. Mushroom again. That thought was wiped from her mind by the still persistent buzz of pleasure radiating from her loins and the nearly nude woman, with her cock still on prominent display, lying on the blanket before her brought her back to reality. Emily’s vision once again locked onto the cock before her and became stuck in an inner battle whether or not to lick the cum off of the seemingly sleeping woman’s cock, but as she moved closer Lilia opened her eyes and changed her position. Lilia rolled over onto her knees and bent down, resting her head on her arms while raising her ass into the air. “Now that you are back in the world of the waking, my cute little asshole has become jealous of the service you gave my cock earlier with your tongue and would love to get some of that attention itself” Lilia mused while spreading her ass with one hand. Emily froze in shock, she hadn’t even once though of putting her face, let alone her tongue, in such a dirty place. It was just wrong. Though instead of becoming repulsed and turned off, her body only heated up more. Her heart began racing faster, the thought of doing something so perverted such as licking the asshole of a stranger that she had just met excited her more than anything before. “Well, what are you waiting for? kiss it.” Snapped out of her fantasy by Lilia’s words, Emily gulped down her saliva and brought her face forwards, towards the larger woman’s ass suspended right in front of her face, but as she brushed up against Lilia’s cheeks, she froze. They’re so soft and smooth! They felt like the inside of her pussy but weren’t slimy or sticky! Emily lost herself and forgot her purpose as she began rubbing her face against the incredible smoothness of Lilia’s Inner cheeks. Lilia giggled and let out a small moan of pleasure as the farmer girl essentially motorboated her ass. After a minute with no sign of stopping in sight, Lilia loudly cleared her throat to get Emily’s attention. “Huh? -Oh!” Emily removed her face from Lilia’s ass for a second to see what she wanted, then instantly became incredibly embarrassed as the realization of what she had just been doing and how she had completely forgotten her task hit her at once. In order to stave off her embarrassment, Emily once again buried her face in the ass before her, but this time she didn’t loose herself in its orgasmic smoothness as its cheeks hugged her face. She hesitated sheepishly in front of the anus, at first, she just gave it a soft peck then retreated, unconsciously licked her lips and was shocked by their flavour. Sweet. There was a mellow-sweet flavour on her lips that she couldn’t quite pin down, unlike any fruits that she grew on the farm, a pleasantly sweet flavour that caused her mind to fog up. She again, brought her lips the anus, pressing them against it, kissing it deeper, then again and again. Emily shuffled her kneed forwards until she was kneeling between Lilia’s legs, then grabbed her hanging cock and began grinding it against her body while she traced the rim of Lilia’s asshole with her tongue. Lilia lets out a low moan and gripped handfuls of the blanket as she pushed her hips into Emily’s advancing tongue, which was now thrusting in and out of her ass. Emily couldn’t get enough, she pressed her lips against the puckered hole and reached in as far as she could with her tongue, but it wasn’t enough. She needed to go deeper. It was driving her mad, like an itch that couldn’t be scratched, so she pressed her face harder and was pleased to feel Lilia’s anus stretching to allow her deeper access. First to enter was Emily’s jaw and nose, which elicited a moan from Lilia, fallowed by the rest of her head as the anus slid down to her neck. At this point Emily was nearly hyperventilating and had returned to slamming her fingers into her drooling cunt as she tried to comprehend the situation that she was in. Not an hour earlier, she had bean walking about the farm as usual and now she had her head engulfed in a stranger’s ass. And she wouldn’t have it any other way. Her shoulders fallowed her head, her perky breasts and diamond hard nipples sending ripples of pleasure through Lilia’s body as they were slurped up, and soon her own ass felt the soft embrace of Lilia’s cheeks. Emily was unsure how any of this was even possible, but she was too aroused to care. All she knew was that it felt fucking amazing and that the deeper she went the more pleasure she felt. As Emily’s ass slid into Lilia’s own, Lilia let out moan of intense pleasure, while at the same time Emily’s head finally reached Lilia’s stomach. Lilia slowly pushed herself up into a squatting position, placed Emily’s feet against the ground and began leaning against the remainder of Emily’s legs that still stuck out of her anus. Once Lilia’s ass once again touched the blanket, only a pair of feet could be seen protruding from her anus which were quickly slurped up thereafter. Emily felt the last of her feet slip into the strange woman, no, her goddess and was sent over the edge once again leaving her in a spasming orgasm for what felt to have been at least the 20th time since they met, but again she was so mind shatteringly aroused that she couldn’t care to count. Once her entire body had finally come to a rest inside Lilia’s stomach, Emily curled up into a ball and once again jammed her fingers into her needy cunt and ass while whining and moaning like a beast in heat. “I’m glad you’re having fun in there, but this is where the real fun begins” Emily vaguely comprehended her goddess’s muffled words and felt an odd slimy substance begin to cover her body. As more and more of the substance coated her skin, Emily felt herself becoming weak and sluggish as her body became limp and soft, but even when she could no longer masturbate, the pleasure didn’t stop, in fact, it only increased. By the time the walls of her fleshy home began massaging her ever-softening body, all Emily could sense was an intense, all consuming pleasure. All she could feel was pleasure, all she could taste was pleasure, all she could smell was pleasure, all she could hear was pleasure, all she could see was pleasure and all she could think was pleasure, as the softer her body became so did her mind. Emily didn’t even notice when her sundress began to fall apart, the treads and fabric becoming too soft to hold itself together, nor that she could no longer distinguish the slimy substance apart from the rest of her body. Lilia sat, leaning her back against the tree next to Emily’s blanket and sighed in contentment while her stomach muscles worked the softening jelly into the farmer girl’s body and clothing. It wasn’t very long before the defined shape of a young woman within her stomach began losing definition, leaving only a large sloshy belly. As Lilia felt her body safely nestle Emily’s soul within her womb, she smiled warmly, thinking of the cute little pervert that would one day become her own daughter. After a few more minutes, her stomach muscles finally stopped their kneading signifying that Emily’s body has been completely melted, and that the best part was about to begin. Lilia grabbed her still-engorged cock and began stroking it as she felt the tension in her stomach muscles begin to tighten. Lilia stroked faster and faster, her tongue lolling out, eyes glazed, back arched, her churning stomach sloshing about and felt her stomach muscles reaching the peak of their tension. Lilia, with the remaining sliver of mind that wasn’t occupied by lust, pulled her tongue back into her mouth so that she wouldn’t accidently bite it off in what was to come. Not a moment later her body was wracked by a mind-numbing pleasure as her stomach muscles contracted all at once with a *SQUELCH*, condensing her once exercise ball sized stomach to the size of a beach ball, sending her over the edge of orgasm. With her Jaw clenched shut, hips bucked and eyes rolled back, Lilia’s cock fired off ropes of thick cum like a cannon, painting the grass and trees before her with stripes of pearly white. Lilia slid down the trunk of the tree, her mind clouded by the post-orgasm haze and quickly succumbed to drowsiness as her body relaxed and became awash in lethargy. she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep with a peaceful smile on her face, her cock still drooling cum and her stomach slowly shrinking. … Lilia awoke to the noon day sun hung high in the sky, refreshed, and smiled down at her balls that were now twice their normal size, bulging with a large serving of Emily-cum. Her stomach had also long since stopped shrinking, stopping at the size of a volleyball and was noticeably very firm. Lilia stood up and did a full body stretch, popping many of her joints that had become stiff from her nap. She then picked up the now stained blanked and wafted it a few times to get the dirt and dead leaves off before stuffing it back in the bag that Emily had brought it in and fastening it to her back. Remembering the lump in her stomach, Lilia squatted down and grunted as she began pushing the condensed remnants of her last meal back out. As she panted and pushed, the shape in her stomach began to move downwards and as her anus began to part, a glossy white object came into view. With one last grunt fallowed by a sigh of relief, a ball of rubbery hardened softening jelly was released, bouncing once before rolling and coming to a stop by one of the nearby trees. Lilia didn’t even stop to look back at it, nor the now white cloth rags that could be seen sticking out of it and slightly under the surface through its milky-translucent material. She lifted off into the air, headed home to be praised by her mother and to give her a taste of her future granddaughter. PART2: THE SHRINE Lilia smiled gleefully as she flew through the forest, swooping around the trunks and branches of the large oak trees that made up her home forest with reckless abandon. She sighed blissfully as she felt the wind against her face, the leaves brush her feathers and her engorged balls slosh between her legs. She couldn’t wait to get home and pump her mother’s stomach full of delicious, thick woman cum and burry herself all the way to her balls in her mother’s ass as her skilled anus milked every last drop of cum from her cock. Lilia drooled and didn’t even notice as she flew under an oddly shaped archway of intertwined trees but had to land as she was overtaken by a spell of nauseating vertigo. As she regained her balance and the nausea faded, Lila opened her eyes to find herself in a strange and unfamiliar place. She still stood in a forest, but unlike her home, this one was entirely made from impossibly tall birch trees. The ivory pillar-like trunks seemed extended endlessly into the sky, blocking out all but the smallest amount of light, casting the birch forest in an endless night. Now sober from the bliss and lust that had clouded her mind moments before, Lilia was now filled with fear and an eerie dread. But before panic could fully set in, Lilia shook her head and slapped her cheeks to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and began flying again, though this time she went strait up in order to ascend above the canopy and survey her surroundings. What felt like nearly an hour later, the panic was beginning to resurface as she still didn’t seem any closer to reaching the top of the trees and she could no longer see the ground, in fact she could no longer tell which way was up and which was down. Giving up on reaching the top of the trees, Lilia once again began flying strait as fast as she could in order to find the edge and escape from this nightmarish place. She flew for hours, resting occasionally by hanging onto the trunks of the trees with her feet, but only briefly as she wanted to get out of this forest as fast as posable and eventually she spotted a bright white light in the distance bleeding in from between the trees. With her heart fluttering, Lilia raced towards the light with all her strength, not stopping even when her muscles begged for rest, nor noticing the small scratches that had begun to accumulate from running into and breaking small branches in her reckless charge towards what Lilia assumed was the edge of the forest. But once she finally escaped the last row of trees, the view that lay before her left her bewildered. Instead of the grasslands that she was hoping to see, Lilia hovered before a gaping void cut out of the forest in a perfect circle, with only darkness visible both above and bellow. Though, what really shocked her was a giant glowing orb that floated within the void, containing a small island covered in grass, normal sized birch trees and a small building in the center. The outside of the encased island was encircled by a ring of trees, all of which were bound together by a long, thick rope that bore hundreds of hand-sized pieces of paper, each covered in glowing symbols. Without thinking, Lilia flew strait towards the island, smashing strait into the barrier that encompassed it and was rebounded back to the treeline. Rubbing her now sore nose, Lilia began flying around the mysterious floating island while observing it, hoping to find a way in and someone or something that can show her the way out of this place. As Lilia reached a 3rd of the way around the island, she found a large crimson archway which both ends of the rope ended at, tied in a bow on either side of the gate. Lilia slowly approached the gateway, timidly poking her foot through to test for another barrier, finding only empty air. With a sigh of relief, she dove through the gateway and advanced towards the building that lay at its center. As Lilia approached, she recognized the small building to be an eastern style shrine, a place that her mother had once mentioned in a story she was told as a child. They are supposedly mystical places where gods reside, offering power to those who fallow them while smiting evil that dare to step foot on their hallowed soil. Lilia began to become nervous, was she trespassing within the realm of a powerful deity? Will she be smited or swatted like a fly if she bothered them to send her back? By the time she reached the sliding door of the shrine, Lilia was a ball of nerves and anxiety. “H-hello?” Lilia called out while knocking on the door. No answer. “HELLO?” Lilia said again, louder and more confidently this time. Again, no answer. Relived that there seemed to be no spiteful gods currently living within the shrine, Lilia slid open the door ajar and slipped inside. The instant Lilia entered the shrine, she was hit by the intense scent of thick incense, literally clouding the air and causing Lilia’s mind to become foggy. Before her stretched a single room, far larger then what should be possible to fit in such a small building and spanning the entire floor a large magic circle was inscribed, illuminating the smoky room with bright pink light. At the center of the magic circle was a life-like metal statue of a kneeling woman with bountiful curves, an open mouth with an extended tongue and its hands resting on its ass, practically oozing a primal lust. Lilia stood, momentarily stunned by the intense wave of lust that had instantly washed away all the fear and anxiety that had been building up within her since she entered this strange realm and began staggering forwards as the tip of her cock breached her cloak feathers. Lilia took unsteady step after unsteady step, with her hips thrust forwards and her cock pointed directly towards the mouth of the statue as if she was being reeled in by an invisible thread tied to her cock. Lilia gasped as her cock slid up against the statues tongue on her way into its mouth, it had the smoothness of polished metal but also the alluring softness and warmth of a woman’s body. The instant the head of her cock entered the statue’s mouth, its tongue wrapped itself around Lilia’s entire length at lightning speeds and its gaping maw clamped shut around her girth before slurping the entirety of her throbbing member down its throat like a noodle. Lilia bent forwards while hugging the head of the statue and let out a long deep moan as the statue’s lips kissed the base of her cock and its tongue began to swirl around her girth, massaging its entire length. Lilia was helpless to the statue’s movements as its tongue only grew faster and more dexterous by the second, leaving Lilia’s knees weak and shaking, only being held up by the statue’s mouth clamped onto her cock and the death-grip she had on its head. By the time she was nearing climax her legs were limply pressed up against the statue’s metallically smooth yet soft breasts and her arms locked in a bear hug around its head. Her instincts told her to pull out of the mouth, not to waste such a precious load down the throat of a statue, but it wouldn’t relent, nor let her go, continuing its assault until Lilia’s jaw clenched, eyes rolled back and her balls constricted, sending ropes after ropes of farm girl cum into the statue’s stomach. Lilia’s balls continued to pulp and the statue’s lips stayed pressed up against the base of her cock until her balls had returned to their natural size and the statue’s gut was visually bulging with Lilia’s massive load. With a lout *PLOP* Lilia’s cock slid loose of the statue’s lips, sending her sprawling on the ground in front of the statue as her limp legs could do nothing to support her. Lilia lay on her back, panting while staring dazedly up at the ceiling until a loud hum emanating from the statue brought her mind back into focus. Lilia sat up to see similar glowing pink symbols to the ones on the floor had begun to light up on the statue’s surface, while its bulging stomach had begun to shrink with a loud sloshing sound. Once the statue’s stomach had completely flattened out and the hum had died down, there was a sudden sound like stone grinding against wood as a circular section of the floor bellow the statue rotated, aiming the statue’s voluptuous backside towards Lilia before a final screech of bending metal punctuated the movement of the statue’s hands, spreading its cheeks apart to reveal a perfectly sculpted anus surrounded by a circle of pink symbols. The previous exhaustion from the intense blowjob instantly fled Lilia’s mind and her cock once again stood at full attention as she stared at the statue’s puckered hole. Coming back to her senses, Lilia got to her knees, shuffling towards the beckoning anus, lined up her cock and began pressing her tip against the statue’s backdoor. With a satisfying *SLORP* Lilia’s cockhead penetrated the statue’s anus and was again engulfed as the statue slurped up all 9 inches of cockmeat to the base, eliciting a loud moan from Lilia and bring her right back to the edge instantly, though unlike with the blowjob, Lilia’s cock wasn’t locked in place, nor was it being ravenously assaulted. The inside of the statue’s ass was metallically smooth yet incredibly soft and warm, more so than even the statue’s mouth had been. Lilia placed both hands on the statue’s hips and began to pull back slowly, savoring the feeling of the tight asshole sliding up her cock, inch by inch, as the statue desperately tried to suck her cock back in. She pulled her cock back until only her cockhead remained inside the ravenous asshole, then thrusted forwards, instantly pressing her pelvis between the statue’s cheeks. Each time the base of Lilia’s cock impacted the statue’s anus, the ring of glowing symbols surrounding it flashed and the symbols inscribed across its entire form grew brighter. As the symbols grew brighter Lilia’s movements became more erratic, no longer simply holding onto its hips, Lilia now had her arms wrapped around its metallic, yet soft body, groping its bountiful breasts and grinding her own breasts against its back. A feeling of desperation, of animalistic lust had taken over Lilia. It was driving her mad, simply touching the statue with her hands felt like they had transformed into cocks, sending wave after wave of endless pleasure through her body as she ground herself against it. Far too soon, Lilia felt her balls tighten and her muscles spasm as her orgasm rocked her mind and body. And for the last time, the symbols on the statue flashed brightly, fallowed by the symbols on the floor, dyeing Lilia’s vision pink which then faded to black as she began to lose consciousness, but before her awarness completely faded, she felt an odd, warm and tingly feeling spread over her cock and across her balls and stomach. … Lilia woke up with a start, the lack of magic fueled lust clouding her mind brought the anxiety and fear back at full force, causing her eyes to snap open, pupils dilate, heartbeat roaring in her ears and her to scramble to her feet to ready herself for any threats. Though before she could even comprehend her surroundings, an unexpected amount of extra weight swinging between her legs caused her to lose her balance and faceplant back into the ground. As the near panic attack faded and her heart beat returned to normal, Lilia sat up slowly, looking between her legs to find the source of the extra weight and was shocked by what she saw. The pink symbols that were inscribed across the statue’s body and the surrounding room now drew lines and swirls or luminescent pink down the entirety of her cock, wrapped around her balls and spilled onto her stomach, stopping at her belly button. She discovered that the extra weight that threw her off-balance belonged to her now 11-inch-long, 3-inch-thick cock and her engorged balls, filled with thick sloshing cum as if she had never blown the load Emily made down the statue’s throat. Once again, Lilia got to her feet, though slower this time, and stretched while taking in the familiar sights and smells of oak, fallowed by a relived sigh; she was home. Lilia picked up the sack containing Emily’s blanket that she had taken, only now realizing that it hadn’t been with her in the other realm, before slinging it over her back and taking flight once again. She soared above the treetops and was pleasantly surprised to find herself only 10 minutes away from her nest, though her overfull balls and her enlarged constant throbbing erection, spurned on by the tingling warmth of the glowing symbols, threw off her flying balance, causing her to fly at a slower pace than usual. Even at her slowed pace, the sight of her nest quickly came into view. Although it’s called a “nest” that simply denoted a home made by a harpy, other avian-type monsters and some insect-type monsters, regardless of its actual appearance. Before her eyes was an extremely large oak tree, one of the largest in the great forest where they reside, and nestled within the canopy of the large tree, hidden by its leaves and branches, lay her home, a large wooden treehouse, complete with many windows and a porch that ran around the base of its bulbous exterior. Lilia weaved through the tree’s branches and landed on the porch gracefully, before walking up to the front door and knocked while yelling “Mother I’m home!”. A series of thumps could be heard from beyond the door before it swung open to reveal Delila, Lilia’s mother. She was a tall woman, at least a foot taller than Lilia, with sensual, though slightly chubby, curves and a large bulge between her legs, vaguely outlined under the black feathers that veiled her body. “Lilia! Where have you been, I’ve been so wor-“ Delila cut herself off mid sentence as her eyes caught on the pulsating cock prominently protruding from under Lillia’s cloak feathers, covered in glowing pink symbols. “Oh my, it seems you have quite the story to tell. Come in, come in” Delila ushered Lilia into their home and led her to their living room, a large room with a coffee table in the middle surrounded by large, beanbag-like cushions, stuffed with their own shed feathers. As Lilia slumped down on one of the cushions while hugging Emily’s blanket bag, her mother went off to another room then came back with a tray, bearing 2 mugs and a teapot with steam billowing out of the spout. Delila placed the tray on the table before filling each mug with piping hot tea, placing one in front of Lilia and the other in front of herself as she got comfortable on the cushion opposite to Lilia’s and motioned for her to begin speaking. Lilia told her mother bout Emily, the cute little pervert who walked around without panties, brought a blanket into the forest so that she could masturbate with a mushroom without getting dirty, how she didn’t even need seducing for her to wrap her lips around her cock, and how she practically fed herself to Lilia’s ass, masturbating all the while. Lilia smiled warmly while stroking the bag in her arms and reached down to squeeze one of her over-inflated balls full of sloshing girl cum. But her smile faded as she began to speak about the dark, endless birch forest, and remembered the fear and anxiety she felt, then spoke of the floating island containing the odd shrine, and what she could remember from the hazy lust fueled sex she had with the statue sitting in the room full of glowing symbols. Leading to waking up with her cock covered in the same strange glowing symbols, and how their incessant pulsating, tingling warmth had kept her erect ever since. Lilia placed her empty teacup back on the tray and let out a deep sigh as she ended her story. She winced as her cock throbbed, its prolonged swollen state had caused it to become sore. Delila placed her own cup back on the tray before getting up, walking around the table and knelt before Lilia, removing the blanket bag from her embrace and resting her forearms atop Lilia’s wide spread thighs. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that, but you’re home safe now, so let’s let off some of that pressure and give me a taste of my cute granddaughter-to-be, hmm~?” Delila murmured sultrily as she wrapped her daughter’s swollen member in the tender embrace of her breasts. Delila began to tenderly stroke her breasts along Lilia’s length, while soothingly running her tongue along the underside of the over-engorged cock, wracking Lilia’s body with waves of intense pleasure and pain, and causing her to grip onto her cushion for dear life. Delila slowly moved up the cock, inch by excruciating inch, until her lips rested against Lilia’s throbbing glans, giving it a plump, wet kiss before sucking it into her mouth and plunging it down her throat. *Smooch-slirk- smooch-slirk- smooch-slirk-* Delila kissed the base of Lilia’s cock over and over as her throat repeatedly engulfed the entire 11-inches of her daughter’s length, aided by her breasts which lead the charge, only inches before her lips. Lilia let out loud droning moans and deep husky breaths, her head tilted back, locked staring half-lidded at the ceiling from the pleasure and her hips pressed forwards, burying the base of her cock between her mother’s lips. *Shlirk……shlrk….shlrk...Glrk!* Delila sped up as she felt Lilia start instinctively trying to pull out of her throat as her orgasm approached, but she wouldn’t allow it. Delila’s large feathered arms wrapped firmly around Lilia’s wildly gyrating waist, sheathing the entire 11-inch rod of meat in her throat. Just as her lips sealed up against Lilia’s own lower lips, she felt her stomach instantly balloon out with hot viscous cum, desperately escaping the cramped space of Lilia’s balls. Lilia wrapped her arms around her mother’s head and howled in pleasure as she emptied herself into Delila’s gluttonous gullet, her balls rapidly shrinking back to their natural size. Minutes passed full of Lilia’s deep breaths, as her body lay limply atop the cushion and Delila stayed suctioned onto the base of her cock, not letting even an ounce of cum go to waste. Finally, as the cock began to soften, Delila uprooted the softening member from her gullet, stopping briefly as the glans re-entered her mouth to run her thumb up the underside of Lilia’s cock, squeezing out one final mouthful of delicious cum. Delila sloshed the creamy treat around her mouth with her tongue, coating it with Emily’s flavour. The load held notes of sweetness, nearly masking the lewd, salty musk of the cute slut’s perversion, the taste causing Delila to rest her cheek against her hand and her eyes to arch with bliss. With a loud gulp, she sends the last of the cum down to her stomach to join with the rest of Lilia’s load, still sloshing noisily and causing her belly to bulge outwards. “Mmm~ that was tasty, but I’m sure yo-“ Delila began with a teasing voice, expecting her daughter to still be rock hard and begging for anal as she usually is, but instead as she rested her eyes back on Lilia, she was only met by snores and a limp heap of sleeping Lilia, her cock already flaccid and retracted back into her pussy. Delila let out a sigh and smiled down at the sleeping form of her daughter, only realizing now how tired Lilia had been after her eventful day. Delila slung Emily’s blanket bag over her shoulder and scooped Lilia into her arms, then turned and walked back into the hallway, taking a few more turns and climbing a set of curved stairs and finally arriving at a prettily decorated room; Lilia’s room. She walked straight through the door-less archway and moved to kneel beside Lilia’s bed, a literal nest of pillows and cushions, then lay her gently on top of it and covering her with Emily’s blanket. Delila bent forwards and kissed Lilia on the forehead, “I love you” Delila murmured quietly with a warm smile, before getting back up and walking back to the archway, almost missing the nearly inaudible “I love you too” from the mound of pillows behind her. Lilia awoke with a stretch and a yawn, before throwing aside her blanket, rolling off of her mountain of cushions and getting to her feet. She then wandered down to the kitchen, anticipating her long-awaited reunion with her mother’s anus. As Lilia wandered into their kitchen, she was just in time to find a round, but firm, bellied Delila firing off ropes of freshly churned cum into a large mixing bowl. Delila let out a content sigh as her thick load was finally emptied completely, the large bowl she was ejaculating into now nearly filled to the brim. “Oh, you’re up early. Why don’t you go sit at the table while I finish preparing breakfast?” Delila said over her shoulder while ladling a few cups of steaming cum into a separate bowl then poured the rest into containers to be saved for latter. Lilia fallowed her mother’s orders, grabbing one of the stools that sat around the island in the middle of the kitchen and placed her ass upon its soft cushion. Lilia watched her mother intently, half of her attention focused on the bowl as various ingredients, from flour and eggs to butter and berries joined the mix, while the other half of her attention was fixated on Delila’s ass as it naturally swayed and shook as she mixed ingredients into her bowl of ball-batter. Slowly, the entirety of Lilia’s focus shifted to the hypnotic sway of Delila’s curvaceous rear; the shapely form beneath her black cloak feathers, along with the occasional gap revealing a sliver of smooth ass-flesh, serving to cause Lilia’s breathing to become heavy and her lids to droop. It wasn’t long before the cloak feathers draped across her lap began to be parted by the might of her rapidly erecting shaft; coming to it’s full, runically inscribed length in a matter of seconds. Delila gazed back over her shoulder with a knowing look and a mischievous smile, then stuck her ass out while parting her cloak feathers; revealing her winking hind-hole for Lilia’s full visual consumption. As she expected, her aroused and throbbingly-hard daughter could no longer resist, getting up from her stool and slowly approached her exposed hindquarters while absentmindedly stroking her engorged cock. “Don’t be too rough now, I don’t want to make a mess and waste perfectly good batter” Delila teased as she felt a firm shape slide between her cheeks and prod up against her asshole. “Eeih!-Uhnn~” Delila let out a startled noise that rolled into a moan as a pair or arms wrapped around her chest, just bellow her breasts, and the cock that prodded her ass hesitantly bottomed out in an instant. Lilia was in heaven. She gnawed on her lower lip as she felt her mother’s anus suckle and pulsate around her length as it attempted to swallow her whole. A shiver of ecstasy ran up her spine as she ground her body against Delila’s back and stirred her guts with her shaft, stimulating both her clit and the entirety of her length. Though once the buzz of bestial lust was too much for her to hold back, Lilia began to thrust; sundering Delila’s anus with her magically enhanced girth. Delila had long since stopped stirring the batter and had placed the bowl a safe distance away from their wildly moaning and thrusting movement as she could no longer control herself under the barrage of Lilia’s thrusts. Delila now lay with her chest and head against the counter and her ass raised high in the air, legs shaking and her mind clouded with ecstasy. She was unprepared for the sheer girth of Lilia’s new gains and the supernatural pleasure radiating from the symbols that pulsated along her daughter’s swollen shaft. Lilia continued unceasingly for another 10 minutes until *SPLURT* she buried her pelvis between Delila’s cheeks and let loose a torrent of hot seed, instantly bloating Delila’s already round stomach. As her muscles slowly lost tension, Lilia stumbled back and steadied herself against the island while Delila slumped down to the floor, turning around to lean her back against the cupboards. For a couple minutes the room was filled with only the heavy breathing of two satisfied women and the sound of sloshing as Delila’s stomach had already begun working to turn her liquid meal into nutrients. After a few more minutes of rest Lilia finally said “I’m going to go fly by Anna’s place, see if she can figure anything out about these weird markings. She’s really into all that magic stuff.” Lilia said as she grabbed one of Delila’s extra containers of cum as a light breakfast on the way over then kissed Delila goodbye, receiving a breathy “stay safe”, and headed for the front door. PART 3: THE NYMPH The scenery raced by beneath her as Lilia flew towards the far eastern side of the forest, opposite to the direction she flew the previous morning. As she flew onwards, the trees grew shorter and stouter, but the color of the leaves became a deeper green, indicating that she had entered the domain of the forest nymphs. Lilia continued flying until she came across an opening in the dense trees filled with a small pond with a large, bulbous looking tree growing close by. As Lilia flew down, slapping sounds and human voices reached her ears, causing her to become cautious, gliding silently to the forest edge and approaching the disturbance while being hidden by the trees. As Lilia approached the bulbous tree, which she could now see had windows and a door installed into its trunk, she spotted 2 humans on the grass in front of it. One of the humans was an average looking man seemingly in his 20s, lying on his back with a glossy eyed look and a lecherous smile plastered on his patchy-bearded face. On top of him, or more specifically his cock, was a an absolutely gorgeous woman with a timelessly beautiful face and bountiful curves. The only thing that detracted from her divine beauty was her lurid expression, ravenous moans and how she pounded the man’s pelvis like a bitch in heat. The wet slaps of the woman’s ass hitting the man’s thighs continued for another few minutes before the man’s body tensed up and the woman let out a satisfied sigh as her cunt was filled with the man’s seed. When the man’s muscles finally relaxed, his eyes began to flutter before he promptly fell asleep, punctuated by droning snores. Not that the woman seemed bothered by her partner’s lack of couth, in fact, she giggled with a small smile while looking down at the man’s drooling face. The woman slowly removed the, now flaccid, cock from her dripping pussy and bent forwards to grab the man’s thick wrists in her dainty hands, bringing them to her lips. At first it seemed that she was kissing the sleeping man’s fingers, but that image greatly changed as she stuffed both hands into her mouth, which quickly began gliding down her throat. The woman’s soft lips slid smoothly across the man’s forearms, up his biceps and over his still sleeping face, speeding up as the man’s pecks entered her throat. The man’s decent into her stomach only stopping briefly as his crotch reached her lips, to give his cock one last swirl with her tongue, before tilting her head back and letting gravity take care of the rest. As the man’s slumbering form came to rest in the woman’s stomach, a film of light became visible across her body, straining to hide the obviously inhuman proportions of the woman’s bloated belly, then as the tension became too great for it to bear *CRAC-SH* the sound of shattering glass punctuated the breaking of the woman’s illusionary glamour, revealing the woman’s true inhuman form hidden beneath. Her skin was a glossy seafoam green, devoid of mammalian features such as nipples or a belly button, but still retaining her soft lips, large black eyes and the same hourglass body shape. Additionally, her glossy form was devoid of any and all body hair, and instead, fleshy grooves drew intricate lines across her bear head, back, stomach and breasts. Stepping out of the bushes, Lilia began casually walking towards the satisfied forest nymph, who sat on the lush grass while rubbing her already softening belly. “Hey Anna, enjoying your meal?” Lilia said to the nymph, her beast friend of 5 years and lover of anything and everything magic. “Lilia! It’s nice to see you’re not as rabid as your last visit.” Anna beamed at her best friend then fallowed with a wry smile, remembering a few days ago when a dishevelled Lilia had come begging to help her “relive some stress”. “You finally got your lazy ass in gear?” Anna added with an ounce of teasing snark that all best friends share. “Yes, but it came with some slight side effects that I’d like you to take a look at” Lilia replied calmly while ignoring the teasing tone, reaching down to help the nymph with a shrinking belly to her feet. “Oh, really now? It’s not just you dick again is it?” Anna said while taking Lilia’s outstretched hand and climbing to her feet. “It’s part of it, but not the main problem. I’ll show you once we get inside.” Lilia replied while turning and beginning to walk hastily towards the hollowed-out tree that served as Anna’s home. *Plumph* Lilia dropped her ass heavily into one of the fluffy chairs in Anna’s workroom, then spread her legs wide while parting her cloak feathers, revealing the glowing pink symbols running across her stomach and culminated at her the entrance to her pussy. “WOAH” was all the wide-eyed Anna said before she snagged a magnifying lens from a nearby worktable, kneeled between Lilia’s outstretched legs and began examining the arcane markings with and ardent flurry. Lilia just leaned back and let the woman do her work, the last few days had left the normally lazy woman exhausted, even after the long rest she had yesterday. “You said there was more of this on your dick?” Anna said, briefly prying her eyes away from the alluring runes to look up at Lilia from between her legs. “Yep, would you mind giving me some motivation?” Lilia said with a grin. Anna rolled her eyes then got to her feet, turned around spread her ass, giving Lilia a full view of her lower regions. “Ohooh, that’ll do nicely.” Lilia said as she began groping her left breast with one hand and fingering herself with the other, already feeling her body reacting to the sensual work of art that is Anna’s ass. By the time Lilia’s glans slid out from between her nether lips, Anna’s pussy had also begun to drip with anticipation as she allowed herself to be swept along with the steamy atmosphere Lilia was creating, and being masturbated to didn’t hurt either. “It’s ready” Lilia said through panting breaths, prompting Anna to turn around and freeze as she took in the sight of Lilia’s cock. “It got bigger.” Anna said absentmindedly as she once again knelt between Lilia’s legs and began examining the symbols scrolled across the phallic length, though this time she was having a slightly harder time focusing. Lilia was becoming more and more aroused and frustrated with the nymph buzzing around her cock, tickling its sensitive skin with her warm breath, but never once actually touching it. And Lilia knew that Anna wanted it too, the hand that Anna had firmly planted on Lilia’s thigh had bean slowly inching its way closer over the last few minutes and her trained movements had become sloppy. “Are you sure all you want to do is look at it?” Lilia said with a semi-forced sultry voice, causing Anna to jolt upright and place her hand back where it had started. “Bu-but I need to record this, who knows if it’ll just spontaneously disappear” Anna said with unfocussed eyes, her other hand gravitating towards her crotch. “Oh, come on. You won’t be able to record anything half decent when you’re like that.” Lilia said frustratedly, her cock already becoming overly swollen. “I-I’m perfectly fi-“ “shut up and just fuck me already!” Her frustration and arousal reaching the boiling point and demanded for release. Anna nodded hesitantly, fidgeting for a few more moments, before getting to her feet and turning around again, though this time she grabbed Lilia’s cock, eliciting a jolt from the overly erect woman, and lined it up with her sopping wet pussy. As Lilia’s cockhead drew close to her best friend’s cunt, a small pink bolt of lightning leapt from the glowing symbols and struck her between the folds. “Hyaah!” Though instead of pain, an explosive wave of pleasure shot through Anna’s body, causing her to tense up and let out a sharp cry of pleasure. “Are you okay!? Should we not-“ Lilia began, worried for her friend after seeing her cock strike her with lightning, but before she could say any more Anna slammed her ass down on Lilia’s cock, wiping any cognitive thought from either of their minds, except for the ravenous urge to fuck. Pink bolts arched between the two as they pounded away, causing them both to howl with ecstasy to the relentless waves of pleasure. Lilia pushed Anna forward off the chair with her hips, forcefully changing their position from a sitting cowgirl to doggy style. The bolts were now striking nearly non-stop, causing Anna’s mind to become a white-hot mess of pleasure and Lilia to quickly accelerate towards orgasm. Finally, as Lilia reached the peak, she slammed her hips into Anna, accompanied by a loud crack of thunder and a flash of pink, as beams of blinding pink light shot from both Lilia and Anna’s eyes and mouths before they both fell unconscious, and in their primal flurry, neither noticed the pink symbol that had gradually climbed across Anna’s ass. … *Slurf-slurk-sluff* the sound of something wet sliding across something smooth resounded within the dim room, only lit by a slight pink glow near the source of the sound. There, where they had fallen unconscious, Lilia and Anna still lay, though more then half of Anna’s body was no longer visible as it had been engulfed within Lilia’s pussy. In the final flash of light during Lilia’s orgasm, Anna’s pussy walls had become fused to her cock and after they had fallen unconscious, Lilia’s body naturally began retracting her cock, pulling Anna’s shapely ass with it, the mysterious pink symbol’s glowed and allowed Lilia’s pussy to stretch wide and slide over Anna’s bountiful curves. *Slorp-shlorp* soon only Anna’s head and shoulders, her arms pinned at her sides, remained outside Lilia’s pussy, but that soon changed as with a few more tugs Anna’s neck and shoulders vanished, and with a final, single large *GLORP* Lilia’s pussy closed around her head and Anna disappeared from the outside world. Once Anna’s body finally came to a rest within the embrace of Lilia’s pussy, the pink symbols lit up and began to pulsate, revealing the form of the curled-up woman within Lilia’s belly, a form that began to soften. As the symbols pulsated, the shape of Anna’s body shrunk and rounded out. And finally, when Lilia’s belly had completely flattened out and Anna had seemingly been completely absorbed by Lilia’s cunt, the pink symbols evaporated, turning into a cloud of pink lights that vanished into the air, the room now too dark to see any changes to Lilia’s body. … “..ai…ilia….Lilia!” Lilia bolted awake to Anna’s voice yelling inside her head “What? Anna? Where are You?” Lilia scrambled to her feet and looked around the room, but couldn’t see her anywhere. “I’m here!” Lilia heard Anna’s voice clearly, but couldn’t tell which direction it was coming from, though she felt an invisible force causing her to look down at her crotch, and when she did, she froze on the spot. Her cock had nearly doubled in length, standing at a monstrous 20 inches long and 4 inches in girth, but what truly grabbed her attention was its seafoam green color and intricate fleshy grooves that held a strong resemblance to Anna. “What. The. Fuck. You’re my cock!?” Lilia shouted in disbelief, the though of her best friend being stuck as part of her length was terrifying, though oddly arousing. “How do you think I feel! Ever since I woke up I’ve been unable to stop myself from throbbing and leaking your cum!” Anna shouted mentally, punctuated by a couple involuntary throbs of Lilia’s cock. “Though I think I’ve figure a few things out. Sit down, I’ll need support for what I’m about to try”. Fallowing her orders, Lilia sat back on the chair she was sitting on earlier and spread her legs, giving Anna all the room she needed to do, well, whatever she was going to do. At first only a slight shimmer spread across Lilia’s Anna-cock, then a ripple fallowed, then another and another. Soon, Lilia’s cock looked as if it was made of flowing liquid, its surface flowing and rippling like the surface of a pond on a particularly turbulent day, until *FWOOSH* the form of her cock splashed outwards like a wave hitting the shoreline. The volume of shimmering seafoam-green liquid expanded and spread into a vaguely humanoid shape, or at least the upper half of one, the liquid mass being moved by ripples and waves to take a more feminine shape. The ripples calmed down once a face finally formed, and as Anna opened her eyes once again as the transformation was complete. “Thank the gods that worked. Though we seem to still be joined at the hip, though I suppose that’s good enough for now. Right, Lilia?...Lilia?” Anna commented while looking at how her waist protruded from between Lilia’s folds, then twisted around when she didn’t receive an answer, finding Lilia limply draped across the chair, seemingly overwhelmed by the sensation of Anna’s transformation. Anna let out a sigh while shaking her head and smiling wryly at her beast friend and now host, she couldn’t deny that it felt amazing to be her cock and all the complicated stuff like living arrangements and how to handle her belongings could wait till later, but for now she leaned back, resting her head between Lilia’s breasts and let the rhythmic pumping of Lilia’s heartbeat rock her to sleep. … Lilia awoke groggily, the part of Anna’s spell that came after the ripples, or whatever Anna was doing, caused such an intense sensation that she had been knocked unconscious. The weight on her chest and the remaining tingles of pleasure told her that it at least did something, and as she wiped the drool from her mouth and looked down, she came face to face with Anna, who was looking up at her sleepily, as if she had also just woken up. “Anna! You’re back to normal!” Lilia exclaimed joyously before planting her lips on Anna’s and wrapping the nymph’s body in a tight feathery hug. “Eep!” a sudden jolt of pleasure from squeezing Anna’s body caused Lilia to jump and break their kiss. “I managed to regain my upper body, but it seems I’m stuck being your cock.” Anna stated without any disappointment in her voice, especially after that last squeeze, she was starting to wonder how it would feel for Lilia to actually fuck someone with her. “Well, seeing as we’re kinda inseparable now, we should pack up some of my stuff to take with us until we figure out our living arrangements. And I’d like to get packed up before I’m back to being a sentient meat rod hanging between your legs, I can only maintain this form for a couple hours per day.” Anna said while looking around her cluttered work room, thinking about where she should start packing. “Why don’t I just move into your place? My Mother has been trying to get me to be more independent for a while now and I just got my first soul, so it’s a perfect time for me to move out.” Lilia said cheerily as she stood up, supporting the nymph-turned-cock with a feathered arm. “Oh, that’d be perfect! but you should talk to your Mom about it first. I can’t image that doting mother hen letting go of you so easily.” Anna commented while wrapping her arms around the back of Lilia’s neck for further support, “though we should hold off on heading back until tomorrow, it’d be much easier to explain if I could talk to her directly and I only have a few dozen minutes left before the spell wears off and I’m stuck as your dick for the rest of the day.” Anna said while steering Lilia towards her work desk. “You know my Mother; do you really think she’ll just sit still if I don’t come home without saying anything to her first?” Lilia said while looking down at Anna with a tweaked brow, wondering if she had forgotten who she was talking about for a second. “I know, I know. That’s why you’ll be using this. It’s a com-orb. Press it to your forehead, think of who you want to talk to and It’ll open a mental line of communication with them.” Anna said as she handed Lilia a fist-sized shimmering glass ball that she snatched from on top of the table. Lilia took the glass ball from Anna with a sceptical look on her face, she never really got into this magical stuff like Anna did, mostly because she doesn’t understand it and reading boring books about magic formulas puts her to sleep. Tentatively placing the orb against her forehead, and thinking about her mother, a wave of dizziness causes Lilia to stagger and lean on the desk with her other arm. After the brief dizziness faded, Lilia tried to project her thoughts to her mother, “Hello? “ she felt a sensation of surprise and shock flow in from the orb. “Lilia, is that you? Did Anna show you how to use her communication orb?” the voice of her mother flowed into her mind with a confused tone. “Yes, it’s Lilia! And you already know about the orb thingy?” Lilia replied with an equal amount of confusion. “Oh, yes! She contacted me with it a couple days ago to ask how you were doing.” Delila replied, “She asked about me? Why didn’t she just ask me directly then?” Lilia said, aiming a tweaked eyebrow at Anna, which Anna returned back at her as she didn’t know what they were talking about. “I don’t know, something about you being rabid and unmanageable during the mating season.” Delila replied with a slight teasing tone. Lilia broke eye contact with Anna as her face reddened, embarrassment starkly evident on her pale cheeks. Anna smirks as she realises the reason for Lilia’s expressions, then her eyes gained a mischievous glint as an Idea popped into her head. Without a word, Anna releases her transformation, causing her form to liquify and collapse, shrinking back to her phallic form. Lilia dropped to a crouch and desperately hang onto the mental connection with her mother in order to not black out from the white-hot burst of pleasure again. “Li-Lilia! What in the w-world was that!?” Her mother stammered out, the raging torrent of pleasure from Anna’s spell seemingly affected her through the mental link. “N-nothing important. It’s just Anna being a giant DICK!” Lilia shouted mentally, mostly towards Anna, from which she received a few mental giggles in return. “Oh, and on that topic, I’ll be staying over at Anna’s place tonight. She needs a little more time to study the weird symbols on my dick and it would be helpful if she had the source material nearby.” Lilia added on, in a much calmer tone. “Oh, alright. You two have fun now! I love you!” Delila replied with her teasing tone resurfacing at full force, hinting at the type of “fun” that she was implying, before the mental link disconnected. Lilia winced at the unprepared severing of the link, then placed the orb back on Anna’s work desk. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, there’s something that I’ve been meaning to try for a while now, that your extra length may have made a bit more enjoyable.” Lilia said, already walking out of Anna’s workroom and headed for the bedroom. “Alright, I’m interested.” Anna said within Lilia’s mind, paired with a few throbs as she stood at full mast. Lilia jumped through the air and landed with a *pomph* on Anna’s fluffy queen-sized bed, their fluffy queen-sized bed, she corrected herself mentally. Lilia then sat up and crossed her legs, grabbing her Anna-cock at the base, eliciting a mental “eep!” from her phallic friend, before bending down and planting her lips against Anna’s tip, which naturally reached her chin even with her back straight. “Hooo, I like where this is going~” Anna said with her arousal radiating within Lilia’s mind, causing the corners of Lilia’s mouth to arch upwards, before parsing them and taking Anna’s head into her mouth. Anna’s moans of pleasure sounded within her mind as Lilia’s lips slid down her length, only stopping once more than half of Anna was inside her throat as she couldn’t physically bend any lower. She then slowly removed the cock from her throat while swirling her tongue around its girth, causing more moans and cries of pleasure to erupt within her mind. Lilia’s bobbing slowly built up speed until she was essentially face-fucking herself, Anna’s cries of pleasure filling her mind, fueling her burning lust. “Oh….oh…oh..Oh Shit!” Anna mentally cried as she came for the first time in her new phallic form, emptying Lilia’s balls down her own throat. Lilia stayed with her lips locked around her cock until Anna finally stopped cumming, then proceeded to pop her cock out of her mouth and flopped back on the bed with a content sigh. She could still feel Anna reeling from her full-body orgasm and probably wouldn’t be capable of cognitive thoughts for a while, so she decided that while she’s already here and lying down, she might as well take a nap. … Lilia awoke to a slightly dimmed sky, mid afternoon she estimated. She looked down at her crotch to find that her cock had retracted itself, and felt Anna sleeping in the back of her mind. She stretched her body, popping her shoulders and back before getting out of bed and walking out of the room. Anna’s house tree had a homey feel to it, not quite as big as her nest, but perfect for one person, or one and a half people, to live comfortably. Lilia walked around the house, taking a look through Anna’s living room, a comfy looking room with a reading chair and a comfy couch, the dining room which was pretty standard, the library, containing an amount of book that Lilia couldn’t imagine finishing even in 5 years of non-stop reading, stopping briefly in Anna’s bathing room which only contained a seemingly natural looking hot spring, a closet for storage and a mirror which caught her eye. As Lilia admired her reflection, she realized that it wasn’t only her cock and pussy that had changed when she fused with Anna, but her nipples, lips, tongue and the inside of her mouth had also become the same seafoam green. Departing from the bathroom, she passed the door leading down to the storage cellar, deciding to leave that for later, and finally ended her roundabout tour in the kitchen. The kitchen had a small attached pantry, along with every tool and appliance you’d need to cook anything she could imagine, some of which, like the stove and ice box, where magic fueled contraptions that Anna had cobbled together. Lilia looked around Anna’s food stores, deciding whether or not to grab something to snack on, though she wasn’t all that hungry herself, until she felt a rumbling below her stomach. “I’m hungry” Anna said simply as she woke up, causing Lilia to feel an odd sense of phantom hunger emanating from her gut. “Can you even eat in that form?” Lilia said questioningly while looking down at her crotch. “Maybe? I don’t know. I just suddenly feel really hungry and I need to fill my stomach!” Anna said irritably. “You’re my junk, you don’t have a stomach.” Lilia said flatly to her pussy that had started to drip as if drooling. “Come on, I need something inside me. I need to be filled!” Anna said mentally with stubborn defiance. “Wow you’re really getting into the role aren’t you.” Lilia said, worried that the transformation had affected Anna’s mind as well. “You know what I mean. Just stuff something edible into me and see if anything happens.” Anna said, as if feeding your pussy is the most normal thing to do. Lilia just stood there with both brows raised, then sighed and began walking towards the ice box. The first thing she grabbed was a radish, she hesitated for a second before pressing it to the entrance of her pussy, eliciting a moan from her and a mental cry of pleasure from Anna. Her folds slid over the smooth round surface of the radish, enveloping it in her sex with only the bushy green stem sticking out, and to her surprise, it continued being sucked deeper instead of being pushed back out. The green leaves of the radish slowly disappeared into the depths of her womanhood, creating a bump in her gut as it was brought deeper. The bump stopped moving as it entered where Lilia thought her incubation chamber should be then began to soften and disappear as Anna absorbed it. “H-ha! I told yo-you!” Anna’s triumphant declaration lost impact as her pleasure ladened speech failed her. And Lilia wasn’t going to complain, saying that the sensation of her pussy eating a radish was pleasant would be a vast understatement. Now fully onboard with Anna’s gluttonous pursuit, Lilia lined up several fruits and vegetables ready to take the plunge, but before she could begin stuffing her cunt full of cucumbers and apples, her arousal mixed with Anna’s excitement caused her to become erect, Anna’s jade shaft reaching full mast in under a minute. “Well, there goes that Idea. Do you think you can still eat things like that?” Lilia said to her twitching member as she began leaking beads of precum. “We’ll only know if we try!” The exited voice of Anna resounded within Lilia’s head, not perturbed in the slightest by the idea of inserting large objects into a tiny hole that wasn’t designed to stretch. Lilia looked over the produce that she had lined up and picked out the perfect item to test the waters of her cock’s swallowing abilities; a carrot. She lined up the pointy end of the orange vegetable with one hand while steadying Anna’s twitching with the other, and was surprised as her urethra spread slowly as the carrot approached. The carrot slid in smoothly, in fact, the stretching sensation as it entered sent ripples of pleasure through Lilia’s body and filled her mind with Anna’s moans. By the time her urethra reached halfway up the carrot, Lilia was no longer pushing it in and was instead being slurped down by Anna’s ravenous gulps. It only took a couple minutes of ecstasy inducing swallowing for the carrot to reach the base of Lilia’s cock and caused both woman the cry out in white-hot pleasure as it was deposited in her balls. “Ho-holy fuck” Lilia said while leaning breathlessly against the counter “Did I ever tell you how much I love being your cock?” Anna said in a horse, intensely aroused voice. “No, but I’m glad to – holy fuck” Lilia began, but cut off, gripping the counter, as her balls rounded out and shrunk back to their natural size. “Hooo. You’re not full, are you?” Lilia asked semi-rhetorically as she eyed the line of produce for her cock’s next victim. “Not even close. Let’s see how much I can stretch!” Anna said as her tip began to drool again. The second vegetable to find itself sliding down into her balls was a bell pepper, fallowed by a cucumber, then an apple, a couple pears, a cob of corn, a fat tomato, a handful of wild strawberries, a basket of blueberries, a grapefruit, a cantaloupe and finally her cock managed to engulf an entire watermelon, gulping it down and churning it into thick ball batter. Lilia was now sitting on the floor with her back against the cupboards, panting and staring up at he ceiling as her balls blorped and gurgled. Her balls stopped shrinking once they reached the size of volleyballs, still sloshing with cummified fruit salad. “Are you finally full?” Lilia breathlessly said to her gluttonous phallic partner. “I-I think so” Anna stammered back. “Well, I can’t walk around with my balls this swollen, and I’ve gotten pretty hungry myself…” Lilia said seductively to her cock and began licking Anna’s tip. “Hooo…” Anna mentally moaned as Lilia began once again sucking herself off, and didn’t have to wait to long to receive her creamy meal, only really having to push Anna over the edge. *Splurt* Her balls emptied its thick, sticky contents in no less than three powerful pumps, causing Lilia’s stomach to bulge slightly. “Mmm! It’s like a fruit smoothie!” Lilia said cheerfully as she removed the cock from her throat and sloshed a glob of fruity cum around in her mouth before swallowing it with a satisfied expression. She once again found Anna mentally incapacitated after her orgasm, so she began making herself a snack to go with the delicious fruit and vegie smoothie Anna made for her. “Oooh… Lilia, you awake?” Anna said groggily as she resurfaced from her orgasm-induced slumber. “Hm? Oh, hey sleepy head! Thanks for the smoothie, it was delicious!” Lilia replied, back lying down on their bed. “It seems like you’re just as stretchy as you were when you were a nymph, you could probably even fit a whole person down there!” Lilia said jokingly, but at the thought of slurping and entire person down her shaft and churning them into a creamy load, Anna became ramrod stiff. “you want to do it don’t you…” Lilia said with a wry smile. Anna ate people all the time as a forest nymph, but now that she was Lilia’s cock the notion of engulfing an entire person took on an entirely different light. “Please? It’s evening out so the pubs over in Greenboar are probably bustling by now. They probably wouldn’t miss a couple drunkards, and while we’re there you can get another soul and use me to fuck some people.” Anna begged, grabbing at anything that could possibly entice Lilia to go to Greenboar, not that Lilia would refuse, after all, she hadn’t had a proper filling meal since Emily the previous morning. “Sure, sure. Would you mind glamouring us up? I can’t exactly go walking into a human town like this and I left my disguise at my nest.” Lilia said while making a show of lifting her cloak feathers and grasping with her feet. “Of course! With a forest nymph’s glamour, you could walk up to a group of chatting humans, swallow one of them and the others wouldn’t even bat an eye!” the mischievous tone and the trail of giggles that fallowed hinting at personal experience. Lilia soon found herself soaring over the treetops, into the orange glow of the setting sun. As they drew closer to Greenboar, she could feel Anna’s excitement boiling in the back of her mind, and could only hope that Anna still had enough focus to maintain her glamour properly. Lilia began looking for a place to land out of sight from the road as the exterior walls of Greenboar quickly came into view. Before she could, a comment from Anna stopped her; “My glamour will make us and everything we do seem natural and unassuming to the humans, so you don’t really need to be too careful” Anna said almost gloatingly, causing Lilia to raise an eyebrow in contemplation, then continued flying, trusting in Anna’s confidence to keep them out of trouble. As Lilia flew over the exterior wall, some of the guards on patrol looked up at her as she passed, causing her heart to skip a beat, but they looked away just as quickly, as if a monster flying over the wall is the most common thing in the world. With newfound confidence in Anna’s glamour, Lilia descended into the town, right in front of a bustling building with a sigh hanging in front that read “THE MOSSY HOG”. Lilia walked through the front doors of Greenboar’s most popular pub, her 20-inch erection waving from side to side in the chilly evening air as she walked, and took a deep breath in, revelling in the scent of cheep booze, musk, sweat and mystery-meat stew. Lilia’s eyes scanned across the room, darting from scruffy, scar-faced mercs to a fluffy, cat-eared priestess, until they landed on a duo of female attendants from the adventure guild across the street, sitting at the bar while complaining to each other about shitty customers and unpaid overtime. As Lilia approached the two women, she spread her cloak feathers and basked in the feeling of liberation that buzzed in the back of her neck as she walked through the packed room with her breasts and cock on full display. Coming up behind the guild attendants, Lilia got a better look at them; the woman sitting on the left was a gorgeous, blonde hair, blue-eyed human with an impressive double-D rack and hips that nearly rivalled her own, while the attendant on the right was a petite woman with red, pointy fox ears sprouting from her head and a fluffy tail sticking out from under her skirt. “Mmm, that fox-woman looks delicious… Dibs!” Anna says hungrily from the back of Lilia’s mind. “Alright, then I’ll start with the blonde-haired human.” Lilia said, walking up behind the blonde attendant, grabbing her by the thighs and shifted her back a bit so that her ass is hanging over the edge of the barstool, causing the woman to lean forwards against the bar for stability. Lilia then lifted up the blonde attendant’s guild-policy miniskirt and pulled her lace panties to the side, revealing her clean-shaven pussy, all the while the 2 woman continued talking, only sparing Lilia a glance before they resumed their discussion about their shared hatred for their supervisor and his overly-grabby hands. Lilia planted her feet squarely on either side of the barstool, lining up her cock with the woman’s plump folds with one hand, while keeping her panties stretched out of the way with the other, all the while she could feel the palpable arousal and excitement radiating from Anna. Lilia started off by simply prodding the woman with her tip to get her in the mood, and only once the blonde attendant was sporting a deep blush and her pussy was nice and lubricated, Lilia began to push, slowly spreading the blonde’s pussy wide with her 4-inch girth. 2 cries of pleasure reached Lilia’s ears, 1 from within her mind and the other from the woman who she had impaled on her massive rod of meat, causing a large bulge to become visible in her gut as Lilia slid the final few inches of Anna into her cunt. No one payed any attention to the loud, erotic cries and moans of the blonde woman leaning on the bar as she was pounded by a monster’s engorged shaft, even the fox-woman just sighed and asked the bartender for another mug when her friend lost the ability to speak through her moans. Lilia just squeezed the woman’s plump ass harder as Anna’s uncontrollable cries filled her mind and her body began to tense up as she felt Anna begin to twitch. *SPLURT* the blonde attendant’s stomach ballooned with Lilia’s massive load before a waterfall of cum began leaking out around her cock and forming a puddle on the floor. Lilia stepped back, uncorking the woman’s abused cunt and allowing a torrent of cum to empty itself onto the pub floor. Lilia looked inwards, once again finding Anna unconscious at the back of her mind, but her glamour thankfully persisted even when she didn’t. Lilia waited for the woman to stir and sit back up before she stepped forwards and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, “Hey, could you please kneel on the floor for me?” Lilia asked politely, as if her question was an actual decent request. “…Huh? Oh! Yeah, sure. Just a second.” The woman snapped back to attention before standing up and fixing her outfit, pulling down her skirt and straitening her top, causing a torrent of cum to pour out from under her skirt as she squeezed her sloshing belly. She then knelt down gracefully in the middle of the cum puddle, soaking her knee-high stockings with Lilia’s seed. The blonde woman knelt with a refined posture; her rear resting above her heels, back strait, with her hands on her thighs, and a practiced business smile plastered on her face. Lilia chuckled, not having to go through the trouble of capturing or seducing her prey with the added bonus of them fallowing her every command with no questions asked was like a dream to the lazy, but domineering cloaked mistress, who then turned around and spread her cheeks, positioning her puckered hole directly above the kneeling woman’s head. *Thu-bump* “Hey! Watch where you’re go-mph!” The blond attendant whipped her head to the side to snap at a merc that had accidently kicked her in the foot as he walked around her, but was cut off as Lilia’s anus slid over her head and engulfed her shoulders. The attendant stayed perfectly still as Lilia’s stretched sphincter slid over her impressive bust, prying a moan from Lilia’s lips, down her arms and came to a stop at her wide hips. “Stand up for me.” Lilia commanded, receiving a nod and a muffled “yes” from within her stomach. As Lilia raised her ass back up, the Attendant got to her feet to match the height of Lilia’s rising rear. Once The woman was standing straight up again, Lilia plunged her ass down into a squat, instantly engulfing the blonde attendant down to her calves before standing back up again with a pair of shoe-covered feet dangling from her anus. With moan, a pant and a few strong gulps, Lilia’s anal muscles slurped up the protruding feet and deposited the rest of the attendant into her stomach. Lilia turned around and plunked her butt on the barstool that the blond attendant once sat on while resting her back and elbows against the bar, her swollen and squirming belly hanging into the aisle. Lilia pivoted on her barstool to face the fox-woman, who now had 4 empty mugs sitting in front of her with another to her lips. “So, do you ladies come here often?” Lilia said, trying to start some small talk until Anna woke back up. “Huh? Err, nah. Kara, ma’be, bu’ I jus’ got transf-*uhp*, transferred fru’ the guild branch over in Redowl. Kara jus’ decided that it was the senior’s job to take the junior for a dr-*uuhp*, drink and dragged me out here.” The fox-woman said through hiccups and slurred speech as Lilia’s belly worked at turning “Kara” into sloshy soup. “Well it’s nice to eat you… um…” “Dian” “yes, Dian. What a lovely name for such a cu-ghuh!” Lilia started with a seductive voice, but arched her head back with her hips bucked forwards, as her stomach muscles clenched, condensing her overinflated stomach down to a manageable size and causing a rope of cum to splatter against Dian’s face then down her front. “Hwoo! That felt amazing! I almost want to fuck her too before we turn her into a load, but I don’t want to make you wait any longer than that.” Anna’s voice spoke up within Lilia’s mind, snapping her out of her dazed state. “Oh, finally! Hey Dian? Can I melt you into cum?” Lilia asked the petite attendant rhetorically. “Eh, sure. An-*uhp*, anything beats working at that damnable guild. Oh, an’ the way Kara slid up ‘ur ass was pretty hot too.” The extremely red-faced fox-woman said while slipping a hand into her panties and biting her lower lip. Lilia stiffened, “She knows!” Lilia yelled internally, Anna’s silence only causing her panic levels to rise. “Well? What’cha waiting for? Churn me up into a nice ol’ pot of spunk bef-*uhp*, before I change my mind.” Dian says while the hand in her panties increased its speed and she pointed her, now shoeless, toes in Lilia’s direction and wiggled them. Now very much stiff in a different way, Lilia shifted forwards on her barstool to line up Dian’s wiggling toes with her cockslit, then she thrusted forwards, and with a *shlurp* Dian’s feet sank into Anna’s yawning slit. Lilia stood slowly from her barstool and took a small step forward, then another, with each step she bucked her hips, swallowing up another inch of the heavily moaning fox-woman’s legs. Once the cockhead reached her upper thighs, Dian used her unoccupied hand to lift herself up off the barstool, allowing her modestly sized rump to slide down into Anna’s ravenous maw. Plunging her remaining free hand into the shaft to meet the other in her pussy, Dian closed her eyes and began to moan louder as gravity and Lilia’s thrusts made fast work of her. *Slorp* the cockhead slid over Dian’s shoulders, but slowed down once it reached the top of her neck, leaving only a fox-eared head sticking out of Lilia’s cockhole. Lilia grabbed her cock and tilted it back until it was leaning against her chest then began making out with the mostly submerged woman. After a minute of tongue, Lilia once again began bucking her hips while hugging her engorged member to her chest, and thrusting her tongue into Dian’s mouth. Slowly, Dian started to sink again, the rim of Anna’s slit working its way up the back of her head and finally closed in on her face, all the while Lilia kept their lips locked and their tongues dancing. Dian let out one final carnal moan as she disappeared from the world, sliding down into the cummy confines of her temporary home. Lilia staggered back against the bar, her legs spread wide to make room for her latest passenger, and just stood there with her head tipped back and a long string of moans leaking from her lips. Her balls began to gurgle and slosh as the outline of the petite woman curled up inside them softened before completely rounding out, leaving a sack full of glorping, sloshing cum. Lilia’s balls began to shrink as Anna absorbed her fill, leaving her balls the size of volleyballs with the outline of Dian’s cloths visibly sloshing about within the vat of cum that used to be their wearer. A shiver of pleasure ran up Lilia’s spine as she was pleasantly surprised to find Dian’s soul nestle into her womb alongside Emily’s and Kara’s. Once her balls settled down and the haze of arousal lifted from her mind, Lilia began feeling intense gazes drilling into her. With a start, Lilia swept her eyes across the pub, the gruff mercs and the other humans still rambled about the pub without paying her, or the puddle of cum she stood in, any attention, but a few fluffy-eared, blushing faces looked off in seemingly random directions as her eyes scanned over them. As her focus sharpened, she began hearing mewling moans and even caught a particularly red-faced priestess fumbling with something under her skirt. “Anna. What, the fuck.” Lilia growled, worried that Anna had messed up her glamour somehow. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about them. The demi-humans of this region originate from the forest so they’re immune to my glamour, but they’re just a bunch of deviants who get off to seeing others being eaten or being eaten themselves. Especially when the method if of the sexual variety.” Anna said mentally with a confidant cheer to her voice, as if she was talking about her favorite food. “And I never new this why?” Lilia spoke with a tinge of irritation in her voice. “Hey, it’s not my fault someone always skipped the history books for the romance novels!” Anna replied indignantly. Lilia blushed before taking a deep breath and began walking back towards the front door, but as she passed the center of the room and felt heated eyes glued to her, now firm, belly and sloshing balls she got an idea that made her grin. “I guess I’ll give our audience a closer to end the show before we leave.” Lilia said aiming a provocative grin towards a certain cat-eared priestess, causing her to stiffen. Lilia ushered her over with a beckoning finger while saying “I have some presents to give you”. The cat-girl shakily got up from her seat then fumbled her way into the main aisle, standing directly in front of Lilia with a beat-red face. “kneel for me, and make a bowl with your arms.” Lilia said sultrily, causing the cat-girl to fall to her knees and cup her hands. “Ar-are y-you going to e-eat me?” the little priestess said through her embarrassed stammering and heavily aroused panting. “No, no, little one. As I said before; I just have a few presents for you. Though if you’re still here the next time I come by, I might consider it.” Lilia said, winking at the shivering priestess and making a show of stroking her cock. Finished with giving the cat-girl some extra fantasy fuel, she turned around and squatted down in front her, spreading her ass and aiming her pulsating pucker at her lap. With a few grunts and some gasps from the audience, the shape in her stomach began to move down in her gut before it began to spread her anus, revealing the glossy ball of softening jelly and bleached clothing. With a plop and a gasp, the basketball sized orb of waste jelly, with pieces of jacket, miniskirt and a warped shoe sticking out, fell into the arms of the priestess, who began squeezing its rubbery material while slipping her other hand back under her skirt. “Haaaah… now don’t get too familiar with that, its going to be gone in a minute.” Lilia sighed with satisfaction as she stood back up and turned around, before sliding back into dom-mode. She began jerking off with her cock aimed at the panting and mewling cat-girl, who began to masturbate even faster when she realized what Lilia intended to. After a few minutes of laboured breaths, erotic moans and the wet slapping if their hands as they masturbated to each other, both Lilia and the cat-girl began spasming at once, sending fireworks of sexual fluids in every direction. The kitty-priestess closed her eyes in ecstasy as she was coated in a thick surving of Dian-cum, the soggy uniform of the liquefied guild attendant becoming draped across the mewling priestess’s head, chest, and thighs. As the cat-girl’s body spasmed and clenched from her orgasm, she gripped onto the ball of hardened jelly for dear life, but the once solid ball began to ooze out between her fingers and melt onto her lap as its crystalline structure dissolved into the hot cum. Lilia turned away from the quivering mess that she made with a content smile and continued walking out of the pub, no longer paying attention to any of the eyes that continued to linger over her form. *Fwoosh* with a grand beat of her wings she took to the air, soared back over the “protective” wall that encircled the town and flew off into the night sky, headed back to her new home and to join Anna in a nice long rest.
n … Another class finished, another round of tired students. Bella let out a deep sigh and corrected her rectangular glasses as the students picked up their stuff to leave. The room was filled with joyful voices as the last class of the day had ended. Biology was nobody’s favorite subject, especially since the schedule-planners had put it at the very end of the day. The students were basically bored to death during her classes. Bella was one of the biology teachers, and the newest. She got the job and replaced the old teacher who retired, and from what she’d heard he wasn’t the most awe-inspiring teacher. In fact, he was infamous for being boring. If there was any interest in his subject among his students, he had already (unintentionally) killed it. She had just finished her education to become a biology teacher this spring, but she didn’t expect the students to be so bored. She didn’t think of it when she was a trainee during her studies, but maybe she was boring? She really hoped she wasn’t. They had just been going through the immune system now. She found it interesting, like really interesting, but she felt awkward about soon going through phagocytosis, and in less than a month they would start with the digestional tract. Bella always felt weird going through all that eating in front of the students. It was too intimate, she felt. She had some sort of fetish for it. Nothing she could name or so, but just something that turned her on a bit.. just a bit. ” Bye Bella!”, one of the guys said, with his backpack over his shoulder. ”B-bye!”, she abruptly answered and waved him off, returning to reality. Actually, she’d said goodbye to most of the students without thinking about it. Maybe it weirds her out because she’s 26, and these kids 19? She’s the youngest teacher there, after all. And yes, the boys look. She’d not very tall, just average. She had a big behind and thighs though, but otherwise she was just plain cute. Rectangular glasses and brown hair. She usually wore a pantyhose, a small skirt and a wine-red blouse. The classroom got less crowded, a few groups of friends stood talking about stuff, and some individuals were cleaning up their notes about the mechanisms of the T-cells. Bella looked at them with wide eyes but had to stop herself before it got too obvious. They’re a good class, but it’s obvious they aren’t too interested in her subject. She sighed again, starting to collect her papers and stuff. She didn’t like to be the teacher of ”that” subject, the not-so-cool teacher. They guy at physics was everyone’s favorite. Joe, Bella recalled his nae was. Ripped, good with words, a nice comeback and joke for every situation too. The old woman teaching math was the beloved too, always helpful, and willing to help, and her never-ending monologues and metaphors are always fun to listen to, while the chemistry teacher makes the best presentations and writings on the whiteboard, easy to understand, gets along well with the students and knows memes. Bella is just … a teacher. Not cool, but just good. But this class simply aren’t interested, and therefore not interested in her either. It doesn’t feel fun at all. She’d always seen herself as that ’cool’ teacher. This IS her first class since she took her exam though, so she’s got many years to become that teacher. She doesn’t want the senior boys to look at her because she looks good. She wants them, everyone, to look because they like her! She wants to be that teacher they’ll remember when they’ve graduated! And yeah, she does get her fair share of looks from the dudes. Not so bad, no, but not for the reasons she desire. After years of studying to become a teacher, with her vision of what it would be like, coming to this school became the worst reality-check of her life. The school is very good though! Nice people, nice students (when they don’t doze off during her lessons), even nicer food, and a good community among the teachers! She’s already starting to make some friends with teachers in the physics-building. It’s just that she can’t stop comparing herself to them. … The school was mostly empty by now. Only a few teachers, cleaners and janitors were left at this time of the day, and Bella is going through the upcoming class next week: innate immune system, phagocytosis, and pathogens. It’s ready. It’s done. She has the power points, she has the knowledge, but WHAT is missing? What can she do better to improve as a teacher, to catch the curiosity of her students? Or are they simply not interested at all in biology? Sometimes she just gets annoyed at the students. She is a woman with temper, and to see those half-shut eyes, wandering off to other places while she lectures makes her boil. Maybe the power point is boring? Ugh, she did use design ideas … She needed a cup of coffee, or something. Just one before she went home. She had tried to remake her presentation or think of any way to improve her teaching. As of now, her efforts had still not been fruitful. The biology teachers had their own separate room in the building where biology and physics was taught. She got up from her desk and walked out into the ”courtyard”, an open area with benches and tables for students to study at, where the coffee machine stood. But she wasn’t alone. In fact, one of her own students were there. Caleb. Come to think of it, he must be the only one in the class with ANY kind of interest in her subject. She’d looked past him because of the general lack of interest from the whole class. But when she thought of it, there were about three or four of the thirty students that liked biology. Maybe she’d been wallowing in self pity a little too much! He seemed to be writing in his note block, with a book wide open next to it. He looked up slightly as she walked over to the machine and called out! ”Hello!”, he called, lifting his hand with a pen between his fingers. ”Hi!”, she replied, stopping at the machine and getting herself that cup of coffe. ”It’s not often I see a student stay this long!”, she said, while the machine buzzed and cranked. Sounded broken. ”I mean, it’s 6 PM!” ”I know, I know!”, he said with a smile ”But you gotta catch up some time, and I basically fell asleep last class” Ouch. Bella’s class ”Oooh, I’m that boring?”, she said jokingly, but inside she was genuinely insulted. Caleb was very quick to correct his wording though. ”Nono! I mean Wednesdays are our longest days, and even if biology is the best subject, I’m punked after such a long day” ”Aaaa, I see. I was about to give you the F”, Bella replied. Caleb wiped his forehead in an exaggerated manner ”Geez, I got lucky!”, he said, ending with a chuckle. This was the first time Bella really had a conversation like this with any of the students. After all, she is new and this is a new class, but it was really about time she got to know at least some of her students. She looked at the course literature: biology. He was reading about the innate immune system, it seemed. “Trying to get ahead, I see?”, she said, peering at his book “Yeah! I could actually use some help trying to wrap my head around all these specific roles. So many cells to remember. But still I for one like biology.”, he replied and leaned back. “Yes!”, she shouted, “Finally ONE student!”, and put her hands up, almost spilling out her coffe. “I’m not the only one though! Most of us don’t dislike biology it’s just that-uh, well I already love the subject but …”, Caleb continued, trying to think of a way to put it into words. “Be honest, it’s me”, Bella said, taking a sip from her coffee. Caleb didn’t look surprised, just startled that she said it. “Ahwe-ll no I-“, he started “Look, I just recently became a teacher. This is my first real job, and I know I’m not hitting it like ‘beefy Joe’ upstairs! So I could really use some advice!”, she said, taking another sip. True. Joe, the physics teacher, was the popular guy of the teachers. “Like, I guess I could help? I mean, I’m not really the best at giving good advice” “Well, how long do you plan to stay? We could go to the classroom, and I could go through some parts of the immune system while you give feedback!” Caleb put down his hands on the table. “Sounds good to me! Just give me an A and we’re on!” Bella laughed, and felt relieved! She didn’t think it would be so easy to just get close to her students. Maybe she just overthought it all. She’d only been here for a month, and these seniors have had years together with the other teachers. But still, she could use some advice! All those courses in her education, and still she was taking advice from a student after taking her exam. Embarassing! They walked to the classroom where Bella taught biology, and agreed to a plan, sort of. She would hold a small presentation in front of him, and he could give feedback. Not really a plan, since she just wanted to talk to a student about how she could improve. She could talk to the other teachers for advice, but her pride stopped her from doing so. To be honest, having a presentation like this in front of one student, to get some feedback, could be seen as nothing short of unprofessional and inappropriate by some. Ostly because it’s a young guy and a just slightly older girl. Weird. While setting up the power point to the projector, meddling with the mess of wires and HDMI-cables, she got nervous. Like, as if she’d never held a class before. They had moved some tables towards the walls, and Caleb sat in one lonely chair basically in the middle of the room. “Soo, I’ve got like one big power point for the whole immune system subject, but uh .. you want me to go through some special part?”, she said, and plugged the cable into her laptop. A blue screen projected onto the wall, before her slides appeared. “Uh, we could go through the cells of the innate immune system. Like the neutrophils, macrophages and uh… well, whatever will show up on the exam!”, Caleb said with a laugh. She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Bruh. You’re supposed to learn because it’s interesting, not just to finish the exams! … But I did the same thing in high school, so yeah yeah. I get it”, she said and put her hands on her waist. “That’s the thing, it must be interesting!” Bella sighed again. “Alright. I’ll go through the innate system. We still got a few hours before school closes”, she said. “And I’m ready!”, Caleb replied, and leaned back in his chair … Bella held her presentation like she would’ve done any normal school day. She went through the most important leukocytes, or the white blood cells of the innate immune system, like mast cells, dendritic cells, NK’s, granulocytes and, sigh, the phagocytes, since that’s what Caleb chose. It actually felt good! Well, it felt over-the-top-awkward when she talked about the phagocytes. Maybe because she knows that she’ll have to go through phagocytosis. It’s just an irrational fear at this point, since it’s no big deal. Sure, she has a fetish for eating and such, but it’s not like she gets off to microbes! It’s just… the parallels. “Pheee-uw!”, Bella said and clapped her hands together, looking proudly at the final slide of this presentation. Caleb applauded her a little, to which she smiled and bowed in a comedic manner. “Aaand, now it’s you turn to be brutally honest!”, she said, pointing her hand at Caleb. He first sat a little bit dumbstruck, as if he suddenly didn’t know where he was! “Oh, right! I mean, how honest?”, he said, ending with a cautious smile “Brutal”, Bella replied, looking happy. Sad, because Caleb didn’t want to hurt her feelings. And he had some things to say. Not bad, just constructive criticism. But even though he loved biology, he understood why most students in his class, and even in the other classes, thought her lessons were a little bit boring. Like, there were REALLY boring teachers, and there were REALLY good teachers. It’s just that Bella was … well, not as enthusiastic! Still she was such a jolly and energetic person, so her teaching methods stood in stark contrast to her whole personality. Caleb decided to tread this minefield carefully, not knowing what kind of mines lay beneath his feet. “Right, you’re knowledgeable! You know your stuff, like real good”, he started. So far so good. “But I think you might do it a little bit too theoretical”, he said. Bella was ready for criticism, or so she thought. Already she started to question herself, and her smile faded just ever so slightly. “Like, you only go through facts, and more facts. You need to put some enthusiasm into it, some-uh … I mean, you need to present the facts in a different way! Take physics for example “, he said ‘Oh, everybody loves Joe’ Bella thought to herself, and rolled her eyes in her mind. “Joe interacts with us, he showcases examples, let’s us discuss stuff and potential scenarios, and he jokes a lot … not to say you’re too boring but …” “But I am boring, right?”, she asked And Caleb’s hesitance to say otherwise immediately proved it. “Not boring, but you just tell us facts! I’m not the best at explaining stuff, but uh… for example, we could have more practical moments, so to speak. Joe sometimes brings some or one of us up in front of the whole class to show us concepts. Like yesterday we went through friction, and he made one group push a table back and forth in front of the class, even standing on the table eventually, all while explaining friction, direction of force and.. yeah, you know!” Caleb was talking about a way of teaching that just felt so out of touch for Bella. Inside she knew that teachers who were creative with their way of teaching mostly were the most beloved and successful teachers. Maybe she’d thought in the beginning that it was as easy as just explaining facts! But this was a serious blow to her self confidence … actually, she felt disappointed. She’d studied for years to become a teacher, just to be dissed by a 19-year old over her pedagogics after just three weeks of being an employee at the school. It felt like such an anti-climax. And something just itched her. This constant talk about these good teachers, these best teachers, and their cults of students. Shit, she came her to come for advice but she was just enraged. Being compared to Joe the demi-god felt, no, was an insult! Like Caleb would be such a better teacher! Yea, Bella was a very energetic and gleeful person, but she was easily angered and insulted as well… and for some reason, when she got angry, she easily got horny. This was NOT the right time for that. But, she felt it, and she felt like she was on the verge of doing something very stupid. She crossed her arms and took a deep breath “Well well, thanks for the advice, Caleb!”, she said, looking at the floor, “got any idea’s for me?”, she then said, looking up at Caleb. “I guess, the things I’ve already said! Interact with us students more. Don’t just answer questions when we raise our hands. Make the lesson not be just up there with you, but in the whole classroom. Indulge us!”, he said motivationally. He wasn’t wrong though. Really, he was right. But Bella felt like slapping him! No, giving him a good punch! ... she felt like having sex, wow. Maybe she should just go home now and not sleep for the whole night and quit her job. People will only remember her for her ass and thighs anyways. Heck, why quit her job with a blast! ‘Interact’ with this student! Maybe he’ll like it! “Okay, let’s have a more practical approach then! What do you say?”, she said, ustering her strength to not show the shake in her voice. “Go for it!”, he said so nonchalantly! Well, in her ears at least. Any other person would think he sounded encouraging. What the hell, why not just go for it then. “So, today we’ll look at how a phagocyte plays it role in defending the body from a potential pathogen”, she said. “Aaand, Caleb! You’ll be the nasty little microbe, a bacterium that’s made its way into my body … sorry, that sounds weird”, she said and laughed, while Caleb smiled but looked a little concerned. “I’m a macrophage. One of the first lines of defensive cells the innate immune system deploys when, for example, you accidentally cut yourself and bacteria gets into the wound!”, she continued, and took one step at a time towards Caleb. “Now, the macrophage’s name derives from Greek, meaning ‘large eater’, because of their ability to ingest a large number of bacteria and sweep up a lot of them during an infection. This brings us to how they do it: Phagocytosis” She was getting very close now, Caleb felt. She looked really good and all, but could this really be happening? Like, this is something you only see in porn, and is it really happening? To Caleb?? There’s no mistake that her voice gets more and ore seductive with each uttered sentence, and she’s getting close! “So phagocytosis”, she said, standing right in front of and over Caleb, grabbing his shoulders and bending down “is when the cell, in this case the macrophage, ingests the bacterium”. She had a serious look with almost closed eyes when she said that but smiled again. This got her sooo turned on, and her fantasies about swallowing people whole, vore and such it had all just been fantasies, but for some outlandish reason she felt like she just wanted to do it. She was angry, horny, and felt entitled to do it in her self-pitying state of mind. She knows it’s just a fantasy… but could she just try it? It could be part of her ‘practical’ pedagogics! Or she’d just command hi to smash her right here, right now. “And unless the bacterium can manipulate the macrophage from within and use it to reproduce, its fate is now completely sealed”, she said and walked around slowly, to stand behind Caleb. Then, very suddenly, she grabbed his arms and pinned them to his sides. Caleb was startled by the strength of her grip. There was nothing wrong with trying, she felt. “And then”, she said, almost in a whisper “the macrophage gets ready for endocytosis of the pathogen: by encasing it in its own cell membrane” This was it. She had already made it too strange, being a teacher. But she could still just brush it off and end this show of hers, ask him ‘how did I do?’ and take some well-needed advice. But this opportunity! It was sitting right in front of her! She couldn’t let this slip! Of course, it wouldn’t work, but whenever would she get a chance at roleplay like this??! She’d never met anybody with her fetish! So why not have some fun. She didn’t feel like being a teacher at the moment anyway. So, she opened her mouth and moved her head forward, down, and pressed down on the top of his head. It was at this moment that Caleb became too estranged by this “presentation”. “Like, Bella, wh-“, he began Like yeah, what was she doing? Not that he saw anything at first, but she surely was encasing him in plenty of cellular membrane, as her stretched mouth descended upon him. He tried to struggle, but she held his arms tight in a firm grip and held him down on the chair. ‘Oh holy hell, I’m doing it, I’m really doing it!!’ she thought. Her eyes teared from the strain of pushing his head down her throat. Her glasses fell off to the ground. Broken or not, she didn’t care. How this was possible, how her fantasy came to life right in front of her!! This, this must be a dream! And if so, she’d just enjoy herself! “BELoua?!?!!”, he shouted before her lip descended below his mouth. With a gentle thrust, his whole head was inside her mouth now, or her throat. He was locked and couldn’t get out! Bella didn’t think of what would happen next. She would be in all kinds of trouble after this, but all reason was put aside for just this one, gorgeous moment where she could eat someone WHOLE! The thought of her being the macrophage, and Caleb just something to ingest, oh damn, her little bacterium. She pulled him and the chair back across the floor to one of the tables, with some struggle as Caleb suddenly panicked when his world went dark and moist. She had to get up without losing grip of her meal. With one leg at a time, straining the fabric of her skintight pantyhose, she got up on the table, still facing forward. She had to let go of him with her hands for a moment through to get up. He did struggle violently, trying to stand up and get her off him before she could grab his arms again and pin him down on the chair again. Good. Had he just tried to spin around and pulled his head out, it would’ve probably worked. He would’ve escaped. What a close call! But no more chances for you, she thought. ‘Oh this is going to be so fucking tight’ she thought to herself, still holding the thrashing Caleb. Then, she just tilted forward. She was on her knees, on the table, and just had to slide down all over him. She tilted, and let gravity slip her over Caleb like a glove. It was harder than she thought, pressing those broad shoulders inside almost burst her. Her collarbone plopped open with a loud *POP*, and her ribcage followed the same suite as Caleb forced her insides open to fit him. Her blouse and skirt ripped open as her buttons popped off, and her bra teared apart and let her tits hang out, and under the soft flesh of her belly Caleb’s head soon appeared, writhing and twisting angrily. Her ass stuck up into the air, pushing against her pantyhose, with her black panties visible under the fabric, covering only so much of her nice ass. Her skirt would have to come off too for this presentation. Bella crawled down the chair like a chameleon, with the aid of gravity, sliding over Caleb. The chair wasn’t too steady though and Caleb struggled too much. His clothing was such a messy mess to swallow too, so at least she could get off his pants, with much hardship, before progressing. How, she didn’t have time to think about, as she suddenly lost grip of the chair’s seat and fell down over the chair and thumped down onto the floor, with Caleb still struggling inside. She’d gotten so far before she fell! Already she had most of him inside! And that fall hurt. Like hell. Did she break anything? Honestly that wasn’t her first thought. Mostly she wondered if Caleb had gotten his chance to escape. For a moment Bella just laid there on the floor with half of Caleb sticking out of her, panicked yelling emanating from her soft abdomen, legs kicking and flinging. The pain got her back to reality … kind of. Like, am I really doing this? Yeah, my back, leg, hip and torso hurts, but will I be able to do this? Will he even fit? What if it get’s so tight she can’t move, or so tight he blocks her insides permanently?! The thoughts flowed, all while she felt Caleb everywhere inside her. She could still let him out, she thought. Telling him it was a presentation that went wrong … eh? She could come up with some sort of excuse maybe, but unless there was some minute amount of interest in her from Caleb’s side, he would probably not believe her. Not that she thought of what she would do if she managed to get all of him down, but she concluded that this was the best way to go and continued to swallow hard, because Caleb couldn’t get that second chance to escape. She rolled over on her back, and with her hands now free, she could unzip his pants and get them off, swallowing and stuffing more of him inside her at the same time. Her flesh must’ve been thick enough to muffle most yelling and noise Caleb tried to make. She heard him, but he wouldn’t be heard by anyone outside-oh she didn’t lock the door. SHIT! Not that the school is very crowded at this time of day, but it’s a stupid risk. Better get him down fast. Her hard swallows did pay of, while peeling of his pants. More and more of Caleb met a dead end at the bottom of her stomach, forcing him to bend and push out. Her belly grew remarkably in size, twitching violently. Caleb’s arms got a little free space to punch and slide within, bulging Bella’s skin, but no more. It wouldn’t tear or break. That would take more than poor Caleb’s efforts could amount to. His head was pushed harder and harder into the bottom of her belly, while more and more of his lower body entered. Soon his legs would be all inside her, and they’d be forcibly shoved inside under him, ending up with Caleb in an upside down, fetal position. And as more of Caleb entered the ‘crowded’ chamber, his movements were restrained yet further, making his attempts at breaking out even less viable than they were before! She couldn’t see herself yet. Her head was facing straight up from her body since his lower legs still were outside. His feet and toes wriggled hard since she’d removed his troubling shoes and socks, but more disappeared beneath Bella’s lips each passing second. Don’t be fooled this took time. A lot of it. Bella lost sense of how much time had passed. Half an hour? One hour? 15 minutes?? It felt like forever! But she loved it, and now only his feet stuck out of her mouth. With just a few more gulps, sucking him in like the macrophage she was, her lips slid over his wriggling feet, sliding along her tongue. The last part was easy swallowing now actually felt like she was getting something down, and she was. Soon her lips could shut closed over his toes, and with one last gulp his feet slid down her throat. Even if it was the easiest gulp so far, she put all of her strength into it, like making a statement to Caleb that he was hers now. She gasped for air as soon as she could and breathed heavily while the last of Caleb joined the rest of him in Bella’s cramped belly. It grew and groaned a bit more, until Caleb was entirely consumed and secured inside her abdomen. Her stomach was tight and unforgiving, not allowing Caleb to make any too forceful attempts at movement. Of course he could move, and he did. Her large, distended belly writhed when Caleb tried to slide an arm, move a shoulder or twitch his behind. Her reddened skin stretched tightly over him, but wouldn’t permit any bulges to protrude too far before being gently tucked back into place. “Ho-“, Bella began, still panting, “Holy FUCK!”, she then almost screamed out into the empty classroom, smiling with her widest smile! The power point stood silently projected onto the wall. Caleb’s pants laid on the floor next too Bella, his chair had fallen over, and Bella laid there in the middle of this show filled to the brim with Caleb. She rubbed the side of her tight belly and gave it a few pats, adoring her work and watching his struggles under her own flesh! Every movement he made forced some pockets of air, or liquids, around, making squelching, slorping sounds with his weak movements. An arm trying to budge, and *schlrr*, and trying move his packed legs with a *Gloourp*. Those sounds were maybe her favorite part of having swallowed him, of observing his struggles. “MPPFHHPP!!??!”, he yelled from deep within, almost inaudibly. Still panting, Bella giggled slightly. “Yeah, I know!” “I wasn’t finished!”, she replied under her breath. “And when the … pathogen has been engulfed and enveloped in cellular membrane, the membrane is-… is pinched off inwards to form a phagosome …”, she said, putting some weight on ‘phagosome’ and giving her giant orb a good rub. “… which move into the cytoplasm and join a lysosome, filled with toxic chemicals and enzymes that combine to digest the pathogen”, she said, walking her finger across the shifting mass of flesh. She got up with some effort into a sitting stance. She tilted her head sideways, watching her achievement in amazement as her abdomen groaned and moved on, pressing at the pantyhose fabric of her thighs, with the lowly *glouur* and *Schloouur* never ceasing. Her blouse was torn apart though. She really liked it. And her black bra too, as said. It was an ipossible thought that such a cute face as hers could stretch so, and then return to her elven beauty. “And then, the parts of the pathogen are discarded through exocytosis, or used as building blocks by the cell!”, she finished, and slowly grabbed her exposed tits. “So! Caleeeeb”, she said loudly, “What did you think about my presentation? Any advice?” Her belly didn’t stop moving. His curled up shape, clearly visible under her flesh, twitched and turned in distress. She liked how her tits moved and bounced when Caleb made an especially violent movement. She turned her head a bit, with her mouth slightly open, as if trying to listen in awe. “Oh, what was that?”, she said “Nothing?” HhHRrrRoooumpmphhh!!!! “Huh, not a good way to impress a lady, Caleb”, Bella replied, “But you did fit me perfectly!” No response from the guy. Maybe he didn’t hear what she said? Not so odd after all his head is stuffed at the very bottom of her abdomen, squished into the pillowy mass of her lower intestines underneath her gastric sac. So, now what? She did it, she really did it. She ate someone whole! And don’t get me wrong, Bella’s enjoyment of this pedagogic experience is far from over. Swallowing was just the entry ticket. Now comes the good part! But now when Caleb finally had settled in, she could think of her next move. It was quiet now. She was the last teacher left in this building, and Caleb probably the last student. No sounds came from outside. All she had to do was get to her car and get home …. easier said than done when you’ve just added your own weight’s worth of pounds to yourself. She looked around. Buttons everywhere, drool pools. Ugh, what a mess. She could reach her glasses though. After a careful inspection, she could conclude that they didn’t break! She put them on and looked just as good as she did before. If only her bra hadn’t ripped apart. Now she had to walk with her chest bare … and her belly, not to forget. If only she could get home, then she would be safe to think about her next move. Thankfully all the buttons were within reaching distance. The drool on the floor would dry up eventually. She then braced herself to lift this chunk of meat between her thighs, stretching out her legs and lifting with both hands and legs. Her abdomen was pretty tight, but it still wobbled slightly with her movements, as she got herself sitting on her knees. Miraculously she managed to, on heavy legs, get herself standing, holding her belly as it shook and wriggled. “My oh my, Caleb. Looks like we’ll have plenty of time to walk through the immune system. Maybe even the gastrointestinal tract”, she said in a taunting voice to the shifting mass. She could feel his head turn at the bottom of her stomach. His thighs clenching as he tried to push them out, his shoulders trying to budge her restrictive skin, even his toes wriggling and tickling the top of her abdomen. ‘Cute’, she thought, and pressed down on what would be his ass, right where her not completely shut ribcage ended. Now she just had to get to her car without anyone noticing…. To be honest, how would she do that? The main entrance had the reception, which is manned until the school closes for the day. There are some smaller entrances, but then she’ll have to move through the physics-building and out into the corridors. Too risky some other teacher leaving late could stumble right upon her. Her car was just outside the building. If she went outside the classroom, she would see it from the narrow corridor. Thankfully she was on the ground floor. ….Grooooooouuuuuuuwwll…. Bella felt a pressure build up quickly and yelled out an ear-deafening belch into the empty room that probably would’ve been heard from the second floor right above her. It felt wonderful! And it was, because Caleb was compressed just a little! A woeful moan penetrated her flesh, just audible. His movements had just been constricted even further, almost to nothing. Bella, on the other hand, sighed with relief, almost with a moan. “Yeah. You really did fit perfectly!”, she said with content, giving her belly a firm smack! Bella stood there for a while, letting Caleb’s big bulge rest upon one of the tables. She didn’t dare to leave the room really, but soon the school would close, and she had to get out before! No, she had to act now. She heaved her belly up, holding it, and waddled to her laptop and closed it, unplugged the HDMI-cable and left it. It was the school’s computer anyway, and she had more pressing matters to attend. She waddled to the door. Opening it gently, she couldn’t hear anybody outside. The corridor was lined with big windows. On the parking lot, only her old gray Peugeot 1007 stood silently, and time was ticking. At least everyone else seemed to have gone home. Only half an hour left until the alarms were activated and the school closed for the day. The corridor was silent except for the occasional rumbles and moans from within her abdomen. Not too loud though, but his weak struggles were still enough to put herself off balance. She was ready to jump right into any classroom the moment she heard anything. Oh, in the corridor there was one of those doors leading outside that must’ve been shut for years. Nobody ever opens it. If she could take it, her car would be just a small walk away! Caleb moaned and shifted as Bella’s slow walking made her thighs push into his small chamber. “You alright?”, a deep smokey voice said from nowhere. Bella’s head darted forward into the corridor, where the god damned cleaner stood with her mop, casually mopping the floor as if Bella wasn’t the weirdest thing she’d seen all day. A short and stout woman, older and chubby. Probably of Balkan descent with her hair black-grayish hair put up in a bun. Bella was paralyzed though, and quickly tried to cover her chest AND stand upright! The cleaner continued to mop the floor, and looked up at Bella again. She spoke as if she couldn’t care less about anything. “What, you’re just gonna stand there? I need to go home too”, she said and looked at Bella. “A-of… sorry-“, Bella began with a high voice, while Caleb tried to twitch. “Ey, you’re the new girl, right? We need some more young folks among the teachers, I tell you”, she said, looking out the window. True that! A small flame of pride burnt faintly within her, surrounded by the hellfire of fear. “So when are you due?”, she suddenly blurted out as if Bella’s abdomen wasn’t shaped like a compacted person. “Uuuh-“, Bella didn’t know if this granny was playing a trick or something on her. Was the whole staff waiting to ambush just around the corner? Police? Like, how the hell would she get out of this? ‘Oopsie, I tripped!’. That’s probably the best explanation there is, and it sucks hard. “Lemme guess, very soon. Nine months, no nineteen years maybe? I’d put my money on that”, she said with a smile, and blinked with one eye. Shit, she knew. Bella’s mind went empty. What the hell was she supposed to do now? F.u.c.k, this is what she gets for indulging herself. She shouldn’t hav- The cleaner got up her keyring, completely stacked with keys and fingered through the metallic mess until she found on. Casually she turned around and opened that old, windowed door, and then turned to Bella. “That’s your car over there. All the other teachers have left, so I reckon it is at least. No questions asked, miss. The kids here are spoiled brats anyways”, she said, and continued to mop. ...hhHHRROoummfffpphh!mmrrrr… “So, if you’ll excuse me, I got shit to do”, she finished, with a twinkle in her eye, and walked past Bella and her roaring mid-section. That was a completely out-of-body experience, like the weirdest moment of her life. Not like eating someone whole was weird enough! Bella just exclaimed “Thanks!” and waddled out towards her car, and somehow made it to it, opened it, and got inside to the driver’s seat. Just when she sat down and got Caleb into a comfy position between her legs, she saw the cleaner close the door, lock and continue cleaning as if she’d never met Bella. ‘Hope to God that lady is senile’, she thought. But she was grateful. Immensely grateful. And now she could calm down! If she just drove to some lonely place with no people, waited till dark and got home late, she could get to her small shack without being seen by the neighbors. Yeah, she was safe. Her heartbeat must’ve reverberated like a drum around Caleb, or maybe not since his head was positioned downwards. But she just sat there for a while, calming down, and regaining some self-confidence. “I guess we’re going on a date, in a way. Maybe an inappropriate relationship though”, she said, “the principal surely wouldn’t like the chemistry between us two”, she said, thinking of enzymes and quaternary structures. “Hmemmph!!!”, Caleb moaned from down below in response. Bella chuckled lowly. “What was that? Help? But Caleboy, we’re not even done yet! You said I should get more practical, and I did!”, Bella reasoned to her anguished occupant. “And this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn, for me to showcase how the macrophage defends our bodies! Imagine that you’re the pathogen, like a bacterium, and I’m the macrophage! I ingest you, trapping you inside a phagosome”, she said and shook her belly with both hands, “and then that phagosome joins with a lysosome, filled with the necessary chemicals and enzymes to digest the bacteria! The unnecessary waste material is expelled through exocytosis the macrophage pinches of the phagolysosome from itself, and the rest is assimilated!”, she finished with glee, and took hold of her tits MNnNOmphH! Bella ran a circle with her finger on her right tit and continued her rather one-sided chat with Caleb. “But don’t worry! I won’t digest you! … I think … maybe … I didn’t really plan this through, ya’ know. And honestly I don’t know how to get you out either, so it’ll just have to be a surprise for now!”, she said, “Like you’re inside an easter egg!” Maybe he did hear her after all, because he renewed his struggles at these words. She loved how her flesh moved together with Caleb’s struggles, shifting with him but not allowing him enough movement to even bother Bella! Not a stretchmark either! Or yes, on her sides there were a few. She would have a lot of time to enjoy this, and started the car and drove away. She knew a place, a forest with some unused gravel roads. A perfect place to just chill a few hours before going home, while Caleb tried to at the very least discomfort her, in vain, since she just loved this. “We’ll get to know each other so well, you and I! Communication is key though, and I’d give you an F if that was a subject. I can’t hear a word you’re saying.” She didn’t care of he heard or not at this point. She just liked talking to him this way, while he wriggled and wobbled. “I can give you a personal guide through the organs of the body, both theoretically and practically! Like, did you know that digestion mostly takes place in the small intestine and colon? Pretty cool! And I’ll tell you all about the different enzymes, microvilli, and intestinal epithelia. You’ll get an A! Cool, Right!?” Just a roaring churn. Is he trying to build up gas? He is rubbing, unintentionally, himself against her thighs and crotch though, only pleasuring her. She can’t reach down there, so she just grabs her tits instead and kneads them, “Sheesh, if you want me to skip right to sex-ed, I will. Maybe one-to-one advice from a woman is just what you need”, Bella said, and giggled. He tried to turn, or something. Another small burp and his movements ceased again, followed by some merry coos from her hard orb. ..oooOOouuuhh… Bella corrected her glasses, bit her lip and gave the orb a good smack, resulting in another series of coos. “After all, I don’t think you’ve ever been this close to a woman before!”, she said happily. It was late, and Bella drove on with her unwilling companion. Many hours of extreme discomfort would follow for Caleb, all while Bella in detail talked through the mechanisms of digestion and storage of bodily nutrients, thinking of how she herself would look after a while of assimilation and absorption of this little bacterium< A few good belches along the way would compress Caleb further. Not much at all, but enough. Bella praised him for his neat and manageable state all the way, while her belly started to growl and groan more and more audibly. Eventually Caleb’s pleads would be indistinguishable from the orchestra of Bella’s own biological machinery! She would have to call in for some sick days for this, or sick weeks. Maybe she’d just quit right now and find something more amusing to do for a living. Not even a weekend would be enough to process this one! But one wouldn’t consider Bella an evil person if you met her. On the contrary, she seemed like a saint. Maybe her mind broke from all the pressure of being just a fraction as good as the other teachers. Maybe she was already as good as them but couldn’t see it, or better, but got the unlucky lot of being a biology teacher. Well, she did study biology. It’s her fault. All she had to do was take that advice! But her actions did end with a boost of self-confidence, and a lovely meal. Some would’ve loved to be in Caleb’s situation, or loved to see it. After all, she was hot as hell, and there is just something about young independent women that attract some men. Poor Caleb, if only he hadn’t spoken so honestly about Bella’s teaching methods. Then he probably wouldn’t have ended up as part of her and her practical pedagogics.
 Tobi was sitting in his room, on top of his bed, he looked around at the plain white ceiling, and then down to the white carpet, the walls of his room a sky blue as he fell back onto his bed. The moonlight was shining in through the window, and filling the room with a very low light. “I am so bored.” He says to himself. He quickly jumped up off of the bed and to the wooden door, he placed his hand on the golden doorknob, slowly and quietly he turned it. Tobi peeked his head out of the door and into the hallway, to the right he could see the long red carpet which covered the floor stretch far into the darkness, while on the left he could see it stretch far as well, he could also see a staircase which descended to a lower level. It contained two large wooden doors that were the entrance to the palace. The wooden doors stretching up to the second level he was on. Both hallways gave off a much brighter light into the room, thanks to the moon’s light shining through the large windows that decorated the walls. Tobi quietly went back inside, shutting the door to his room as he went to the window, he quietly opened it as he leaned outside, he could see the city in all of its glory from his room, the sky scrapers towering over other buildings, bright lights shining the streets below, people walking, talking, enjoying their lives. Tobi smiled. “Tonight is the night I am going to enjoy myself.” He says confidently. He leaps out of the window and begins to now fall to the ground he closed his eyes tightly and concentrated. Very slowly he began to descend, falling slower and slower to the ground. “My training has started to pay off.” Tobi says to himself as he is closer to the ground, he stops concentrating when only a few feet above, he quickly falls to the ground and hits it hard, he stands up and brushes some rubble off of his body as he looks at the ground, several large cracks had formed from when he landed. “I guess I need to keep full concentration when I use my powers, or else I might have hurt myself a lot more.” He says with a small smile as he turns and run towards the city. Tobi walks down a sidewalk with people walking in both directions. “Man it is crowded out here.” Tobi muttered to himself. He walked past the bright signs that were advertising their store. Tobi knew very little about this place, he knew what clothing stores where but as he passed he saw things that appeared on large flashing screens that made no sense to him. Eventually he passed a large sign that says *Ice Cream!* Tobi looked at it confused as he goes inside. He sees people sitting down at tables, and eating the odd colored items with spoons, and in large tall glasses. He walks up to the counter and asks the person for the first thing that caught his eyes, which was the picture of a large glass of ice cream with several different flavors, and many toppings. It was way over priced, but Tobi didn’t know that. He sat down at one of the tables and waited. He looked at his money. “I had saved one hundred dollars, all from what I have found laying around, for this night, and already a lot of it has gone into this thing called Ice Cream.” Tobi sighs. “Well, it better be good for what I am paying for it.” He thinks. Several moments later the server came and set down a large glass that looked like the exact one that was in the picture. After the server left Tobi poked at it with his spoon for a moment. “Well, here goes nothing.” He says as he gets a spoonful of Ice cream and sticks it into his mouth, at first it was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted, the flavors of chocolate, candies and all the other things he had combined didn’t even compare. He rolled the bite of ice cream all around his tongue. To the roof of his mouth down to the back of his throat the small bite of ice cream went. Tobi then finally swallowed it and sent it down his throat. He dropped the spoon, as he felt the coldness and shivers of the delicious treat. “Whoa…that was awesome. It was really sweet, I need more of this!” he says as he gets a large spoon full and shoves it in his mouth, Tobi then realized that cold feeling he felt wasn’t the feeling of the discovery of a new treat, the cold feeling was the treat. He dropped his spoon again as he felt his entire mouth freeze up, his head immediately felt like it was covered in snow as his brain pulsed. Tobi spit out the ice cream and hid his face behind the large glass, he put his hand on his temple and began to rub it, trying whatever he could to try and put warmth back into his skull. He quietly whimpered behind the evil treat. He quickly sat up and ran out the door. After walking for awhile his brain was back to normal. “How…How could they sell such a thing like that, and for so much money too? A food that makes your brain freeze? How do people like such a thing, are people idiots?! Do they just give away their hard to find money so they can freeze their skulls off?!” he asks himself. Tobi walks through some alleys around the city, as he makes turns left and right. Eventually he reaches another alley way as he stops. He can see a naga girl with no shirt and fairly large breasts sitting at the end of the alley by a wooden fence. Her light blue hair was blowing in the wind as her arms were by her side with her fists clenched. The naga’s tail was wrapped around the girl that was before her. Tobi got as close as he could as he watched and listened. “What do you people want from me?!” Christina asked somewhat scared. Her long dark blue tail was wrapped around the woman’s body. Next to the Naga lay what Tobi could presume was the girl’s uniform, and weapon. Tobi looked at the woman and saw she was in her underwear as she was caught in the coils of the naga. “We are going to capture you and bring you back to the lab, the place you belong you are a freak of nature Christina!” The girl shouts to the naga. Christina throws the girl at the fence with her tail as she slithers back away. “How do you know my name?” Christina asks frightened. “You are just a lab rat! First you destroy our research, and eat your own brother, and then you go off and flee. You have cost us millions!” the girl says to the naga. “And now we are going to beat you up, and take you back to the lab for research.” The woman says. From the other side of the alley another woman in a uniform runs up and sends to darts at Christina’s neck from her gun, electricity pulses through the wires and zaps Christina as she falls to the ground. “Oh no, I have to help that naga.” Tobi thinks. “But I can’t be seen or else I will be in big trouble.” He says as he gets an idea. He pulls out his mask and puts it on, he can feel the extra strength come to him as he looks at the two girls. “Let the naga go!” he says stepping from the shadows. The two girls look at the masked man before them. “How long have you been there?” the girl escaping from Christina’s coils asks. Tobi remains silent. The other girl shakes her head. “Does it really matter? We are special ops we can just shoot him and get this over with!” the second girl says pulling out her pistol and shooting at Tobi. Tobi sees girl grab her pistol as he holds out his hand. The bullets from the gun become so heavy they crash and land onto the ground in front of Tobi. Tobi then runs up and kicks the second girl in the stomach. The attack caused her to fall to the ground. The first girl had grabbed her gun and came at Tobi from behind, hitting him in the side of the face with the butt of the rifle causing Tobi’s mask to fall off. The girl saw Tobi’s face as she laughed. “Just a small kid? Oh and I thought I was in trouble!” She says laughing. Tobi grabbed his mask and put it back in his robe. “Oh no, I have been seen, oh man oh man I am in trouble now!” he thinks as he rubs his face and feels a bruise on it. The second girl got up and saw Tobi. “You’re going to pay for that you little brat! But first, do you know for sure if that is the right naga?” the woman asked her partner. The first woman nodded. “Yeah, I saw her palm and everything checks out.” “Good.” The second woman says. “Now let’s take care of this kid.” She says running up to Tobi with her knife. The first woman grabbed her knife from her suit and also ran at Tobi. Tobi still worried about being caught turned and realized he had two women jumping at him. Before he could do anything a giant naga tail came from behind the two women and slammed them both into the concrete wall knocking them out. Christina was behind the two girls, as she looked up at Tobi. “Are you after me to?!” she asks her tail quickly wrapping around Tobi. “No…I just saw you were in trouble, and I tried to help you.” Tobi says frightened. Christina could feel Tobi’s body squirm from within her grasp as she had a small smile. “My names Christina, what is yours?” she asked. “T-Tobi, my name is Tobi.” He says to her slowly. “You’re not going to tell my parents I was out here are you?” he asks. “Depends, who are your parents?” Christina asks Tobi. “The King and Queen of this land are my parents.” Tobi says to Christina. Christina’s eyes widen as she drops Tobi. “You are there son aren’t you?” she asks. Tobi nods. “Yes I am, but I am not supposed to be out here. But now you and those two girls who attacked me know.” He says. Christian thinks for a moment and smiles. “I will strike you a deal, I will get rid of those two girls, so they will never tell a soul they saw you tonight, in exchange you let me live at the palace.” “But how would I let you live at the palace? If I ask my parents to let you sue a room, they will ask how I met you, and that will lead back to here!” Tobi says. “You could always let me stay in your room.” Christina says smiling. “And if you don’t I might just half to tell your parents what you were doing out here.” She says. “F-fine you can live at the palace.” Tobi says. Christina smiles a small bit. “Alright then, now I want you to close your eyes and look over there okay? I am going to make that problem disappear.” “What are you going to do to them?” Tobi asks. “Are you going to eat them?” “Yes I am Tobi, but it isn’t because I want revenge or anything, it is because I am starving. And I am sure you wouldn’t want me to eat you up on the way back to the palace.” Christina says. Christina slithered to the second woman and took off her clothes excluding her underwear. * She then coiled up both girls around her tail as she opened her mouth widely. She put her gaping maw over the head of the second woman. Her tongue slowly wiping on the face of the girl as she slowly pulled her deeper inside. The woman’s head past Christina’s throat, her eyes slowly opened as she realized what was happening and she began to struggle. Christina had a small mental chuckle as she continued to swallow down the girl the woman’s long brunette hair disappeared into Christina’s mouth as Christina now released the girl from her coils and lifted her head into the air. She continued to swallow, letting gravity give assistance as the girls kicking and struggles only caused her to slide deeper down into Christina’s body. The woman’s head entered a fleshy dark chamber. It was humid and filled with some sort of substance. The woman’s head was covered in the juices. As her arms slowly entered and then her body. Christina slowly closed her mouth over the tip of the woman’s toes and took her final swallow, sending the woman down her throat and into the awaiting stomach of her predator. Christina’s human stomach stretched out to contain its new occupant, the woman inside squirming and struggling trying to desperately find a way out, her squirms could be seen beneath the soft peach colored flesh of Christina, the woman’s hands pushing on the walls as her imprint could be seen from the outside. Christina gave her stomach a small pat and smiled. “I think I will save you for later.” She whispers into the ear of the other unconscious girl. Christina put her right hand on the front of her sex as she began to rub it, it slowly opened up, to show the soft pink flesh on the inside. Christina took the head of the second woman and slowly pushed it inside, Christina’s sex slowly stretching open, hot juices running out over the woman’s head and down her neck. The woman’s eyes slowly opened as she smelled the sweet scent in front of her, she quickly tried to get away but Christina’s tail held her in place. Christina cooed a bit as she pushed the woman’s face deeper inside her sex stretching around the woman’s head and to her neck, Christina used both her arms now and pushed the girl inside, her shoulders slowly entered next, pinning the woman’s arms to her side as she squirmed. Christina got an idea she had an evil smile as she slowly pushed herself over the woman’s body getting down to her stomach. She could feel the woman’s breasts pushed up against the pink fleshy walls of her vagina the woman struggled and yelled but her voice was drowned out by the thick walls around her. She could feel herself being pulled deeper inside. Finally Christina with one final motion moved completely over the woman’s body, her feet disappearing into the naga’s sex as it quickly shut and became tight again. Her hands were squeezing her breasts as she moaned for a minute, feeling the woman now in her womb struggling and kicking. Christina pulled the woman from within the womb in her tail up towards the upper chamber in her stomach. The woman covered in juices could feel and hear her partner inside the other chamber, slowly being digested. The second woman was caught by surprised as she felt an umbilical cord attach onto her stomach. She tried all she could to get it off, but eventually fell asleep inside the warm womb. ** “I am done.” Christina says. Tobi turned around and looked at the naga and saw her enlarged squirming belly. “Let’s go then.” Tobi says. Christina slithers out of the alley way, her hands on her stomach and a smile on her face. Tobi looks around waiting for a minute and follows behind her. A few moments later a man completely covered in a black robe ran into the alley way and saw the two uniforms of the fallen officers. “Stop the search, the girl is already gone.” He says on a head set. He fired a blast of energy at the clothes and weapons vaporizing them. As he walked from the alley way and onto the sidewalk he pulled down his hood and takes off the head set. “Tobi that had better not been you I saw. And if it was, may the gods help you you have an excuse for being here.” Max says underneath his breathe. Tobi followed with Christina back to the palace walls. “My room is up there by the window.” He says. “But I don’t think my power is strong enough to make you light, especially since you-“ Tobi was cut off mid sentence as Christina’s tail wrapped around his body and her hands turned into claws, she quickly slithered and climbed up the side of the palace and into the room. Christina released Tobi from her coils and smiles. “That works too.” Tobi says shutting the window. “Alright, there’s only one bed so-“Tobi says turning around as he stopped id sentence, Christina had completely disappeared, Tobi’s door barely open as he looked out the door, he looked left and right and couldn’t see anything as he sighed. “Please, don’t get caught.” He mutters to himself as he shuts his door, and changes for bed. Tobi lay in the bed, thinking of how he almost died, but was saved by the naga known as Christina. Staring at the white roof, he had one final thought of her and smiled. He closed his eyes and talked to himself as he drifted off to sleep. One final phrase escaped his lips before he was fully unconscious. “Don’t...eat…ice cream.” Christina was sitting in an empty room, her hands on her stomach as she sat in the bed. She looked out the window and saw the moon in the sky she sighed wondering if Tobi, the boy she had met hours ago would be her friend, from here on out, she closed her eyes. Her final thoughts wondering if what those people she had inside of her were telling the truth or lying.
Chapter 3 Tobi continued to struggle within the stomach of the slime boy. The slime around him holding him in place as digestive juices began to form and began trying to eat away his armor. The dragon girl laughs at Tobi as she turns towards her harpy friend. As soon as the dragon turned around she was tackled by Christina and sent towards the ground. The dragon girl left a small imprint in the ground due to her large weight. “You’re still alive?! “ The dragon asks angrily as she tries to throw Christina off of her. “Yes I am, your little harpy friend was delicious, and I thank her for letting me try out my new form just a moment ago.” Christina says as her coils wrap around the dragon girl. “So you can shape shift?” The dragon girl asks trying to breathe fire onto Christina. Christina quickly moves to the side to dodge the flame, “Yes I can, and now you are going to join your friend inside of my belly.” She says with a smile. The female dragon could feel her harpy friend squirming and struggling within Christina’s tail. The slime boy turns around and notices Christina on top of his friend. The slime boy quickly rushing at Christina as his hand turns into a large net of slime. He tries to throw it at her but his entire body became heavy as the slime very slowly moved towards Christina. Tobi was inside of the slime boy his eyes closed as he concentrated, all of the slime around him becoming heavier with every second. The slimy net that was a part of the slime boy’s hand, eventually just crashed into the ground because of the weight. The slime boy angrily began to digest Tobi faster, to try and break his concentration. Christina quickly took this time to knock the dragon girl unconscious by crushing her with her large tail, until she passed out from asphyxiation. Christina quickly opened her mouth and stuffed the dragon girl’s head inside. Wishing she could savor her new treat as she quickly began swallowing. Her mouth had to stretch quite widely to contain the dragon girl’s large body. She grabbed the dragon girl’s shirt and pants and tore them off with her strength, ripping the clothing, and leaving the dragon girl naked within her mouth. She continued to swallow, quickly rubbing her tongue around the girl’s soft large breasts. Her tongue tingled with flavor as a new sweeter taste entered her mouth. For a moment Christina was confused, until she realized the dragon’s breasts were full of milk. Christina continued to lick the soft breasts as she felt more of the milk come down her throat. She realized though her friend was in danger so she stopped licking the fleshy orbs within her mouth as she swallowed again, sending them down and into her esophagus, she released the dragon girl from her coils, but still used her tail to try and lift her into the air, the dragon girls large weight was almost too much for Christina to handle, but she was able to push more of the girl’s body down her throat. The slime boy was able to knock Tobi unconscious within his stomach, by stopping the air from entering. The slime boy quickly leaped for Christina, his slime turning into two steel swords as he tried to slash her. Christina’s tail released the dragon girl from her tail, using it to defend herself from the slime boy. The dragon girl’s ass, legs, and tail still remained outside of her mouth. Christina used her own tail to block the swords, the blades just clashing against the hard scales, as the slime boy was knocked back by the force several yards. Christina continued to swallow the dragon girl, her mouth unable to stretch over the dragon girls large ass, she used her hands and pushed on the girls ass as hard as she could, a popping sound could be heard as Christina’s jaw unhinged some more, the dragon girls ass disappearing behind Christina’s soft pink lips as she swallowed, her tail and legs quickly following behind. The slime boy angrily ran back at Christina again. His hands turning back to normal as he grabs the end of her tail and begins to swallow it, shoving it deeply into his green slimy mouth as he quickly swallows, pulling Christina partially inside of him. Christina took the final gulps as the large dragon girl was pulled inside. Her large mass that was leaving a noticeable bulge in Christina’s throat disappeared behind her large breasts. The bulge in Christina’s stomach also disappeared, as it moved down into the scaly tail below. Her tail began stretching, and becoming wider to contain its several hundred pound meals. The slime boy continued to swallow up Christina’s tail, the tail inside of the Slime boy began curling up around Tobi as it was stuffed into the Slime boy’s stomach. Christina quickly lifted up her heavy tail as she opened her mouth, quickly sticking the slime boy inside. The slime boy quickly began to swallow faster, holding onto Christina as he did so. Christina just swallowed the slime boy along with most of her own tail. Her tail wrapped around Tobi’s body tightly and held onto him, the slime boy was still trying to hold on, as he was pushed inside. Christina’s closed her lips around her own tail as she slowly pulled it out. Her tail covered with her own saliva as she smiles. The slime boy is pulled along as well, but is abruptly stopped, by the fleshy walls of Christina’s mouth. The tail slowly moves out of his own stomach and throat, pulling along Tobi. The slime boy desperately tries to push pass Christina’s lips and escape, but they firmly remain tight around her tail. The tail inside of his mouth is forcibly pulled out, carrying Tobi along with it, as they are pulled out of Christina’s mouth and into the outside world. He leaps forward, partially escaping the saliva filled maw, but is quickly slurped back up. All he can do struggle and yell, as he is pulled back towards the throat, Christina’s tongue licking all around his body as his flavor is savored. After several moments, he too is pulled down into Christina’s stomach. Christina’s tail tightly wraps around Tobi and holds him as it lies on the ground. She puts her hand on her stomach as she feels the slime boy squirm around inside. Her stomach slowly becoming thin again, as its contents empty into the larger stomach within her tail. “This is the fate you all deserve.” She says looking at her tail as she puts her hands on it. Inside she could feel all three demigods squirming around, punching, clawing, and slashing as they try to escape, but the scales on her tail were far too powerful to be broken, so all of their efforts were futile. She looks back at Tobi as she releases him from her tails grasp as she hugs him tightly. “Are you okay Tobi?” she asks looking at him. There was no response, he was knocked out cold, and parts of his body were burned by the slime boy’s digestive enzymes. Christina looked at Tobi as she thought for a moment before getting an idea. She removes the broken and damaged armor from Tobi’s body, leaving him in his underwear as he is held within her grasp.She lifted Tobi’s body up to her sex with her tail as she slowly spread it open with her hands. The soft pink flesh was full of her vaginal juices, as they slowly dripped out. She uses her tail to push Tobi’s head into her sex. It quickly stretches to contain its new occupant, Christina quietly moans to herself. She continues to push Tobi inside, his entire head and shoulders now within her body. She releases the vaginal lips from her hands as they close around Tobi’s arms she then uses her tail and slowly pushes Tobi deeper inside of her. Her sex continues to stretch to hold the boy within them, juices running down his body, as he moves deeper and deeper inside, now only his legs are left. She releases Tobi from her tail as she slowly uses her vaginal muscles to continue pulling him inside of her. Christina begins to slowly squeeze her breasts with her hands, turned on by the feeling of four people inside of her body. She moans to herself, as Tobi’s feet are left sticking out of her sex. But not for long, they too quickly disappear inside of Christina’s body. Her vaginal lips closing shut as soon as Tobi was completely inside. Christina’s human stomach was nice and round, Tobi’s body curled up inside of her womb. An umbilical cord attaches to Tobi’s belly button, to give him oxygen and nutrients, and make him a part of her body. Christina slithers to the edge of the lake taking a few moments to carry the extra weight that was inside of her, as she curls up within the coils of her tail. The dying struggles of the three demigods now reduced to occasional twitches. She closes her eyes and smiles. “Goodnight Tobi.” She says to her stomach, giving it a nice rub before falling asleep. When Christina would wake up in the next couple of hours, her breasts will be at least another cup size bigger, and will have been filled with milk, the three people in her stomach would forever be a part of her body souls included, giving her three new permanent forms to shape shift into along with their abilities, and Tobi will still be in Christina’s womb, fully healed thanks to the regenerating abilities of the slime boy that lay within his friend’s stomach.
 “The dungeon, it is where all the criminals of this continent go. They are locked up in here, and it is up to us to decide what happens to them.” Tobi says to Christina. “I never liked being in charge of someone else’s fate.” He says. Christina slithered by cell after cell, seeing people of different species, shapes and sizes. She went from elderly men all the way to children, some not even older than five. “What are children doing here?” she asks. “Those are children who were orphans and were found on the streets. Since no one else is able to take care of them, and no one of royalty can vouch for them, they are sent here to live until they are adults, and then they are thrown onto the streets, with no knowledge of the outside world.” Tobi says sadly. Christina looked at the cell inside she could see small kids sitting inside remaining silent, just staring at the barred windows as the sun slowly set. “Are you children happy here?” Christina asks looking at them. The kids remain silent, but all of them move their heads in the same motion signifying a no. “These children don’t deserve to be here, if they can’t find homes then they should at least not be meant to suffer a horrible life.” Christina says. One of the children, a small neko girl walks up to the iron cell bars as she tugs the end of Christina’s tail, there was dirt on her face and she had a sad expression. “Can you make this bad place go away?” she asks. Christina thinks for a moment as she looks down at the girl. The child wasn’t even tall enough to reach Christina’s human half. “I will be right back Tobi.” She says to him as she slithers off towards the cell and goes inside. Tobi watches Christina disappear as he turns around and sits down, waiting for her to return. “I am going to make sure you will all be able to live happily from now on.” She says to them as she enters the cell. The inside of the cell was bad. There was a small leak coming from the roof, and the floors were covered in dirt. The stone floors were cracked and dirt, covered in blood from what former residents use to be there. “How are you going to do that?” the neko girl asks Christina. The other three children look up at her, from the children there was a human boy, a dog girl, and a bee girl. “I can put you all inside of me, that way you won’t have to suffer anymore, and no I am not going to digest you if that’s what you are thinking.” She says to them. “You will be able to live on your lives as a part of me.” She adds. The children look at each other as they begin to decide it over. “We all go or we all stay, we are the only friends we have.” They say to each other. After several moments of discussion they decide on an answer. “Yes.” They say looking at the large female naga. Christina has a small smile on her face. “You aren’t going to regret this.” She says as her large tail gently surrounds the children and pulls them all together. The end of her tail gently wraps around the small bee girl first, Christina being gentle not to hurt the small girl as she brings her up to her sex. She uses both of her hands to spread her pussy apart once more, the warm pink flesh could easily be seen thanks to the light still coming from the window. It slowly moved in and out within Christina’s grasp, as if it was trying to devour the girl, leaving a warm humid heat on the girl’s face. The bee girl was slightly frightened, unsure of what waited for her within the naga’s body. Christina’s tail gently pushed the girl’s head inside. The girl felt the wet juices coming from Christina cover her head, as she was pushed in the naga’s sex. There was a sweet smell coming from within the flesh cavern that the girl enjoyed. The walls moving around her head comforted her a bit as the tail pushes her in deeper. It wasn’t long before almost the girls entire body was within Christina. Her hands still holding open her sex. The other children watched as they saw their friend disappear only reappearing as a large squirming bulge within the naga’s human stomach that hung over Christina’s hands. The tail slowly pulled out of Christina, causing her to make a small moan. The small dog girl walked up to Christina’s sex, lifting up her belly to get a good look so she could see where her friend disappeared to, as she stuck her hand inside. “It is warm.” She says to herself as she pushes her arm deeper inside. She was now standing on the edge of her toes, trying to go further inside of Christina, she smiles as she lets go of her sex, the flesh walls closing around the girls hand and arm as it slowly begins to pull the girl inside. She at first tried to pull her arm free, but Christina had a powerful grasp on it, the small dog girl is slowly pulled off her feet and into the hungry pussy by Christina’s powerful muscle control, the girls head disappearing next and soon her body. Her legs are left flailing outside in the cold atmosphere before with one final swallow the girl also disappears within Christina’s body, and is sent to the womb with her friend, Christina’s stomach growing even further to contain the dog girl. Her sex is now dripping juices onto the floor. “How many people can you pull in at a time?” The neko asks. “Would you like to find out?” Christina asks with a smile. Her hand holding up her stomach while her other one fingers herself. Preparing it in case she is about to take in two kids at once. The neko girl looks at the human boy as they silently nod in agreement. They walk up to Christina. “We want to both go inside at the same time. But you probably can’t do it.” The human boy says. Christina looked at the human and smiled. “Well I am going to prove you wrong.” She says as her tail gently wraps around the girl, and boy, and holds them together. She used her one hand to hold her sex apart as she lets go of her squirming stomach. The two kids are brought up to the naga’s pussy, her stomach covering the entrance as the two kids are pushed into the soft stomach flesh, the tail slowly drives them further up it until they finally reach the naga’s sex. They can feel the squirms of their friends in the large chamber above, hearing muffled giggles. She gently rubs the kid’s heads against her lips as they easily spread apart and slurp up their heads, hot juices now running down her tail and the childrens bodies as she began to moan. Christina only pushed the kids in up to their waists before releasing them with her tail, and letting her muscles take full control of the children. The children inside both squirmed and struggled, trying to get comfortable within the pink fleshy walls that had securely held them in place. Christina still turned on, lifts up her breasts, slowly and sensually massaging them with her hands She accidently squeezes to hard as milk comes from the tips of her breasts. She lifts her breasts up to her mouth as she licks up the sweet tasting milk with her tongue. Uncontrollably Christina slowly pulled the children further inside of her sex with her muscles, her pussy stopping right at the children’s feet before it forcibly pushed the kids back out again, the process happened over and over for several minutes. The children inside were enjoying the feeling of the warm flesh moving around their bodies. With one final movement the children were pulled fully within Christina’s sex. They both disappeared forever from the world behind the moist pink flesh. Her vaginal lips quickly shutting again, so her four new occupants would never be able to escape, not that they would want to. Christina’s belly doubled in size. All four children were inside squirming around as an umbilical attached to each one of them. Slowly the children would reverse in age back into small babies and would then become absorbed into Christina’s body, forever becoming a part of her. Christina happily slithered back to where she had left Tobi. Her hands squeezing and massaging her stomach as the four children within her had fallen asleep. “These children are going to be alright now.” She says to Tobi. Tobi looked at Christina’s stomach as he looked back up at her. “Well then I guess it is time for me to take you to your room.” He says as he starts walking. “Actually Tobi, I am sort of hungry, especially now that I am going to be eating for five people.” Christina says as she looks at the cells. Inside she could see several people. She eventually slithered up to one that had four women inside of it. She opens the cell and slithers inside. Tobi tries to warn Christina, to try and tell her to be careful but she had already gone inside. Inside the cell were four women, all around the same age, two of the girls were humans, one having long red hair, the other having short black hair. The third girl had what looked like elf ears, and had long silver hair. Finally there was a naga with long blonde hair that sat in the corner. All four women wore grey shirts and pants, excluding the naga. Christina smiles as she looks at the four. “I hope you are all going to willingly come inside of my belly.” She says. All of the girls except for the naga rush at Christina. Christina is easily able to move to the side, she uses her tail to trip the three girls. She then rests her heavy tail on the human with black hair and the human with red hair. She puts her arms around the elf, holding her arms to her side as she uses one of her arms to pull off the girl’s shirt. She then rips off the woman’s bra and smiles. “I don’t like the taste of clothes.” She says as she opens her mouth. Her tongue gently lay inside the saliva coated entrance. The woman’s head is pushed inside of Christina’s mouth as Christina gently licks the girl’s face, enjoying the flavor and taste. She had never eaten an elf before, but the flavor the elf was producing was unimaginably delicious. Christina took a large swallow, pulling the girl down into Christina’s throat. She began to lick the girl’s soft breasts. The feeling was great against Christina’s tongue, but she was unsatisfied when she realized the elf had no breast milk. She was hoping her milk would have also tasted different. Christina continues to swallow, releasing the elf with one of her hands as she uses it to unbutton her pants, she grabs the girl’s underwear and pants as she slides them off the elf’s body her shoes coming off with the clothing. Christina gently began to lick the woman’s sex. Her tongue delving in and out had caused the elf inside to produce vaginal juices, and to moan in pleasure. Christina happily licked the juices as she swallowed the elf further down. Only her feet remained outside of Christina’s body but she put her hand on the end of the woman’s feet as she slowly pushed them past her lips and swallowed. The woman’s body leaving a large bulge in Christina’s throat has now disappeared. For a moment Christina’s stomach expanded even further, but it quickly stopped as the elf had slid past and into Christina’s snake half, her tail now growing in size to contain the elf. Christina smiles as he pulls off the women’s pants and shoes. She slowly pulls off their underwear as well. Her tail wraps around both girls to hold them in place. She uses her hands to tear off their shirts and bras, leaving them completely naked within her tail’s grasp. Both of the women’s breasts were now bare, and pressing against each other. Christina opened her mouth widely as she stuck the women’s feet inside. Her large tail was slowly feeding them to her as she licked their feet. Christina’s tail now lifted the women off of the ground and into the air, gravity now helping out as the girl’s slide deep into Christine’s body, their hands now entering her mouth, forcing their arms to be pinned to their sides. Christina’s tail releases the girls as she continues to swallow them both. The girls scream and yell for help, begging for anyone to save them as they only their shoulders and above are left. Christina sticks her tongue between the women’s breasts, savoring their flavor as the women are slowly turned on. This doesn’t last because as soon as their heads were completely pushed passed Christina’s lips they began to scream and squirm again. Christina swallows one final time as the girl’s both slide down her throat and past her stomach. Christina puts one hand on her throat, and her other one on her stomach. She began gently moving her hand across her skin and in between her own breasts, as she felt the meals disappear. Her other and following their journey down her stomach and into her tail. Christina breathes a sigh of relief as she feels the three women inside of her squirm and struggle. She turns back around to the naga who leaped at her. The naga’s tail was now wrapping around Christina’s neck as she began to choke her. “I am going to enjoy all 8 of you inside of me.” She says licking her lips as she pulls Christina towards her mouth. “Not a chance!” Christina says as she breathes fire at the naga’s head. The naga released Christina and quickly recoiled, giving Christina enough time to tackle the naga. Christina’s hand turned into slime, and then morphed into a large hammer as she hit the naga over the head knocking her out cold. Christina stared at the hammer as it turned back into slime and reformed back into her hand. “It seems I was also able to absorb the demigod’s personnel power as well.” She thinks as she lifts up the naga’s tail and sticks it into her mouth. She gently slurps up the naga’s tail, pulling her large mass inside. The naga moaned in pain and moved a bit, feeling the jolting movements as she was quickly swallowed. She opens her eyes as she sees her entire snake half was now within Christina, the long tail going through Christina’s human stomach and into her tails. The naga began to yell and scream, trying to punch Christina, but she easily over powered the naga and stuck her hands into her own mouth, pinning the naga’s arms to her side. She continued to swallow, the naga sinking deeper and deeper within her tormentor. All that was left was the naga’s long blond hair that was quickly slurped up by Christina. There was an audible gulp as the naga moved down the stomach and into the tail, making an incredibly large bulge in Christina’s tail that violently squirmed. She slithers back to Tobi a smile on her face as she straightens her hair. “I am impressed.” Tobi says to Christina as they walk out of the dungeon and back into the main part of the castle. “Hey I was thinking about last night. Do you know exactly why those two army people were after you?” he asks. Christina looks at Tobi, silence happens as they walk down the halls. After several minutes of silence Christina responds. “I don’t know why they were chasing me but I have an idea.” She says. “I don’t remember the details but, what I do remember is I used to be a human girl, then I remember waking up in a tube, then I remember I had this scar on my hand, and there was someone inside of my stomach. The next thing I knew I was being chased by people, and I had somehow shape shifted.” Christina says. “I have no memory of my past what so ever except for that.” She says sadly. Tobi looks at Christina and puts his hand on her shoulder. “It is alright Christina.” He says to her. “What ever happened I am sure we will be able to recover your memories and figure out what is going on with you.” Tobi says. “You…you would do that for me Tobi?” Christina asks as she looks up at him. “You are the only person that I can remember who has ever been nice to me.” She says to Tobi as she hugs him tightly. “Thank you.” She says as she kisses Tobi on his cheek and quickly slithers inside her room. Tobi stood their surprised moments later he had walked back towards his room. “Wow.” He says as he puts his hand on his cheek as he feels where he was kissed. “So that’s what a kiss is like.” He says smiling to himself. Tobi entered his room and prepared himself to rest for the night. Only staring out the window as the moon began to rise, as he thought about who Christina could really be, where she may have actually come from, and what she was doing as a naga. “Your highness, it has seemed to grow worse now. The darkness is not only breaching part of The Outer Wall but it is also beginning to contaminate some of the creatures and the land.” A knight in full ice armor says kneeling. Rosalina sat on her thrown as she looked at the man. “Tell this immediately to the World Military.” She says as she steps off of her throne. “What are you going to be doing your highness?” The knight asks. “I am going to try and protect my kingdom.” She says walking past the knight and outside. She stands on top of a balcony as she watches over the land. A small wave of darkness was moving closer and closer as ahead of it were ice creatures, which were covered in darkness, both things moving closer to the palace. “Not even my best soldiers were able to defeat them. Whatever happens though, I can’t allow them to get towards the ocean.” She says to herself.
 Bob and Mike were now walking through the Divided Valley. The large earth canyons, with waterfalls, the beautiful sky as the sun had already risen a small bit, and lovely grass, made everything around them seem like a paradise. As they walked, there was a large pit of light in the center of the valley, it was the place where Demonic Items, could be thrown into, to weaken the Unknown Force. “To bad we can’t get rid of these weapons now huh?” Mike asks as he walks. “Yeah, but if we tried it, we would die, these weapons are the only things keeping are souls to our bodies.” Bob says. “That is true. So where did the old man ask you to go Mike?” Bob asks. “Oh, he said he had this feeling, he told me to go over to that really populate continent, and save some youngsters.” Mike says. “What about you?” “I need to go over to that ice continent, and save their Ruler from near death.” Bob says. “So yeah, I can’t really screw up.” Mike laughs to himself. “You know, for saving their ruler you will probably be honored, while I after saving some kids might get a thank you if I am lucky.” Mike says. “That is true, but don’t forget that-“Bob was interrupted as a large rock of fire was thrown at him from the side. He quickly drawn his sword to block the attack, but was till knocked to the ground. To their sides was a large fiery volcanic creature, obviously one that had gotten lost and wandered off from the volcanic continent. It roared and screamed, running at both Mike and Bob. Mike quickly ran at the volcanic creature, jumping over it and performing a flip, as he swung his sword at the beasts head, slightly scratching it, as a portal formed and sucked in most of the beast’s upper half. Mike landed and turned around as he saw the portal close. Fire and earth bubbled from the lower half of the creature as its upper half reformed. It sent a trail of fire at Bob, and a large boulder at Mike. Bob quickly jumped over the flames, rushing at the beast, trying to impale it in the chest, his sword only going into the creature’s body, as he was knocked to the side. Mike nimbly dodged to the side, avoiding the large boulder. But suddenly something grabbed is legs, he was entangled in vines, the vines continued wrapping around him as he was pulled into the grasp of a plant girl. She had long green hair, with flowers blooming from it, her lower half made entirely of vines and other plants, and she had a small mouth and a pretty face. “Hello stomach fodder.” She says to him. Mike tried to cut the vines, but more over powered him and wrapped around his arm, stopping him from swinging his blade. “Now now, we don’t want that toy ruining our fun now do we?” she asks. Bob quickly stood up, the large volcanic creature grabbing him, as it dangled Bob over its mouth. Inside orange lava looking liquid could be seen. The volcanic creature released Bob as he fell into the beast’s stomach. The orange liquid quickly covering his body, it had a warm feeling to it, but as of now wasn’t hurting him. Mike sighs quickly jerking his wrist as a portal forms from the tip of his blade he drops his sword into it as the portal disappears. “My master told me this was going to happen.” “Really now, then what is going to happen next cutie?” the plant woman asks, as her vines wrap around Mike as she gently licks his face. Bob tried to make a portal inside the volcanic creature, but the creature was too well built to be sucked into the small portal that his sword could produce inside the stone space. What happened though was Mike’s white blade fell from the portal and into Bob’s lap. The volcanic creature continued walking, looking for where the other human was. Roaring and screaming as he released flame onto nearby plants. “That big brute is destroying my friends!” she yells. “How about this, what if you got to get revenge on that creature, instead of eating me?” Mike asks. The plant woman looks at Mike as she ponders for a moment. Bob held both swords together, creating a single blade as he made another portal inside the volcanic creature’s gullet. This time a large brightly lit portal appears, the stone and lava around Bob breaks apart completely, causing Bob to fall to the ground, as the volcanic creature explodes. The rocks and lava quickly reforming back together, as the beast stands over Bob, threatening to crush him beneath its foot. Vines quickly wrap around the large volcanic creature, pulling it towards the ground as it is slowly drawn towards the plant woman. The beast trying to break free of the vines, but Mike was standing next to the creature, quickly extinguishing the flames with water from the waterfall, so it couldn’t burn the vines, and escape. The plant woman smiles, as her mouth opens widely, her chest stretches out, as it appears she looks like a giant Pitcher plant. The vines were connecting deeply inside the pink fleshy insides. The volcanic beast screams as it is pulled within, giant plant. Trying to burn the creature, but more plants quickly grew over the wounds. The Pitcher plant closes shut, as the girl turns back to normal, a large squirming creature inside of her stomach, as it slowly disappears into the ground beneath her. The woman was most likely an enormous plant creature, with a large stomach that went beneath the ground. “Thank you for the lovely meal.” The plant woman says with a smile. “You are quite welcome.” Mike says, as he breaks the swords apart, and hands Mike the white blade. Mike who was now looking pale and weaker, he breathed deeply, life coming back into him, as he felt rejuvenated. “Come on Mike, we have to run now, are we are going to be late.” Bob says as the sun was now in the middle of the sky signifying it was noon. “You know, I could give you two a ride to your places.” The plant girl says. “Really how would you plan on doing that?” Mike asks. The plant girl looks at them as vines slowly wrap around their bodies, I could send you through my body’s roots.” She says. “If you were to take them, you would reach your destination in no time.” She says. “My roots stretch to all of the continents, the only ones that can survive though are the ones by the lighting, wind, and modernized continents.” The plant woman says. “I see could you send me to the end of the modernized continent, near the military base?” Mike asks. “And perhaps sends me as far inward to the ice continent, hopefully near the palace?” Bob asks. The plant woman looks at the two and smiles. “Of course.” She says as vines slowly unwrap from her mid section, where her sex would be was a small plant pod that opened up like a Venus Flytrap. The sun shined down on it, making it slowly pulsate, as if it was going through photosynthesis at that moment. “Come on inside.” The woman says smiling. Mike sheathed his sword, as he walks to her, the vines still on his body as he sticks his hand inside. It was warm and wet within the confines, he sticks his arm further inside as the vines around him quickly begin to force him down inside. Vines quickly wrap around Bob, pinning his arms and legs to his sides. Mike is pushed within the plant woman, she moaned as she feels Mike struggle inside as he is completely pulled in, disappearing as a large lump into the ground. The vines quickly pull Bob, who struggled to the plant woman. She smiles as her shoves bob in head first, moaning again as juices move across his body. He is also shoved down quickly inside. Once he disappears into the woman the Venus Flytrap quickly shuts, as vines wrap around it again. The plant woman smiles, giving her belly a nice pat. “Enjoy the trip.” She says. Through the roots, Mike and Bob were sent into separate paths, Bob being pushed through the long fleshy walls for hours. The same experience happening with Mike. After almost twelve straight hours of being pushed through the long flesh tunnels Mike finally stops, he is forced to turn upwards down. He is slowly pushed out of the tight fleshy space, he can see the moon in the sky as he hears a giggling noise, the flesh around him pulsating as he was pushed out. He lands on a large pile of vines, as the space behind him quickly shuts. He turns around as he stares directly at a Venus Flytrap as it is covered in vines. “Enjoy the trip?” the plant woman asks as she smiles. “Yes.” Mike says standing. “It sure beats walking.” “Well be safe now.” The plant woman says. “And maybe, the next time we meet, I will let you stay inside of me.” She says with a small wink as she and her vines disappear into the ground. Mike stands as he quickly runs towards the military base, closing his eyes as he can hear from far away crashes, and noises conflicting, he runs to the noise coming across a door as he slashes it open and runs inside. Quickly jumping over the rail and landing on the ground landing on his feet. “FFFUCK!” he says under his breath as he leans against the wall for a moment. “Damn it that was a horrible idea!” he says to himself as his feet were nearly broken. After several moments he slashes open the panel walking towards the room, keeping his cool as he looks inside, and sees, a scorpion, an angel, a phoenix, a naga, and a boy. Bob still lay within the fleshy roots, being pushed for several more hours until he finally reaches an upward position, his body being forced upwards and to the surface. He is pushed out and onto some roots, but he is now cold as he looks around and notices he was also in snow. He looks up to see the Venus Flytrap he had come from now shut and became covered in vines. The plant woman before was hugging herself trying to stay warm, her upper half naked to the climate. “Thanks.” Bob says to her. “No problem.” The plant woman says freezing. “Be s-s-s-safe.” She says smiling to Bob as she quickly disappears into the ground along with her vines. Bob turns around, watching as he could see the palace not far away, he could also see military forces shooting, and attacking ice creatures that were tainted with darkness, doing all they could to try and drive the large Unknown Force back. Bob finally made it into the palace grabbing a rope from his back belt loop and a small dagger, tying the dagger to the blade as he used it as a makeshift grappling hook, to grab onto the balcony. Quickly climbing up to the rope to the balcony, after reaching the top he takes the knife and rope and puts them back in their proper spots as he runs inside, quickly drawing his sword, as he runs up behind a woman. The woman quickly turning around holding a sword made of ice about to strike Bob, as she sees him slicing through a moving arrow that was aimed for her neck.
 The ice queen Rosalina was inside of her palace, thankful that reinforcements had finally arrived. She watched eagerly hoping this battle would end soon. On the battlefield were soldiers and creatures all with the same goal. Some of them were beings made of pure ice, others large furry white creatures holding large clubs. The soldiers were all wearing white military outfits lined with fur to try and keep them warm. They were all wearing goggles and were holding guns in their hands, wishing this would be over soon so they could go home and be warm again. The snowy climate had made the tanks and jets useless, so they would have to take the Unknown Force out in head on combat. The soldiers were running into a dark eerie atmosphere, firing bullets at creatures that were already tainted by the Unknown Force. Behind the creatures was a large dark living creature, all it looked like was a massive blob of darkness, but no one dare ventured near it. The large blob was pushing out creatures of ice and darkness one by one. The creatures were emerging very slowly from the darkness, and then with unimaginable speed rushed at the soldiers. There was firing and yelling, some people throwing grenades. The explosions were blowing up the creatures from the darkness and, leaving their icy remains. The dark soldiers though were unaffected by the explosions but the bullets seemed to be working by at least hindering their movements for a few seconds. Max was standing on the battlefield his sword in hand as he walked towards the darkness. “I hope she will be able to take care of the Military Base by herself.” He thinks as he swings his sword. At first nothing happened, but then there was a large purple wave of energy. The dark soldiers yelled and with blood curdling screams they turned into complete light and then evaporated. The creatures that were possessed by the Unknown Force were screaming as they turned into fire and disappeared. The large blob of darkness was hit light began erupting from its body as it roared, obviously from pain. The part that was filled with light detached from the blob of darkness, the main part of the blob moving back away from the battle. The main part of its body that was connected directly to the Unknown Force was laying over The Outer Wall. Trying to break it down more and more so more darkness could come through. Soldiers ran in closer and closer using guns, some using swords as well to try and fend off the darkness in its weakened state. The large ice soldiers were swinging their weapons across the battle field, leaving large slash marks in the snow after every strike. They were wearing full ice armor, and were about as three times as large as the humans. Rosalina was standing within her palace watching outside as she held out her hand and concentrated. Large red plants began to emerge from the snow, covering over the wounded and dead people’s bodies as they were pulled beneath the ground. Large red plants emerged within the lower floor of the palace, were humans, medics and other people were, the large flowers opening to show the wounded people so they could be treated on. The sun was rising from the horizon that morning, now beginning to shine light onto the field so the fighters would be able to battle their foes with slightly more ease. Rosalina watched the darkness as she felt something bad happen, she quickly makes a bridge of ice leading to the battle as she runs and jumps on it. Her servants trying to stop her from going but were too late. Rosalina began sliding on the ice with enhanced speed, as she watched she could see a giant creature emerging from the darkness. “So the ice giant that sleeps here has been controlled?” Rosalina thinks as she stops midway on the bridge. “I will need to take care of it myself.” A large creature rose from the blob of darkness, it had seemed impossible, but the beast was much larger than the blob. A large humanoid looking giant, who towered over everyone, had emerged. There was white fur all around its body, it had large muscles that could easily be seen from the ground, and had some facial features of an old man, wrinkles, and bushy eye brows. It’s eyes were completely filled with darkness, a sign showing that it was being controlled. It was connected by large dark chains that were connected to a giant dark padlock. The giant was quite tall, almost as tall as half of the palace as it walked over the people. It yelled and pounded its chest like a gorilla. People were shooting at it, some of the bird anthros trying to fly up to it and blind the giant with their talons and claws, but the giant easily inhaled, sucking all of the people inside as it swallowed, sending them all down into ‘its large gullet. The creature wasn’t sated it kneeled down towards more of the soldiers as its large hand scooped up a large pile of snow, people trying to run away from the hand were covered in snow that had fallen out of the giant’s grasp. The giant threw the handful of snow, into its mouth and swallowed, people, weapons, and all. The snow quickly melted inside the giant as the people were pulled down its hot wet throat and into the beast’s stomach with their comrades, as it began to fill with digestive juices and digestive them alive. The people were pounding on the soft flesh walls trying to escape, as they were slowly digested within the fleshy tomb. Rosalina threw a large boulder of ice at the giant, hitting it directly in the face leaving a large bruise to get its attention. “Over here!” she says to the giant as she jumps off the bridge of ice and onto the ground. The ice giant angrily ran at Rosalina, leaping over the people as the ground around all of them shook, sending snow flying all over the place. The chains though stopped it from moving to far away from the dark blob. Causing the beast to roar as it began to jump around like a child and tear apart the chains. The ground continuing to shake as fissures began to open causing people to fall inside. Rosalina quickly puts her hand around her necklace as she looks at the giant padlock. There was a low glow that came from her necklace as a beam of energy shot out of it and directly hitting the padlock, causing the lock and all of its chains to disappear into a flurry of darkness. The giant now free looks over at Rosalina, the bruise left by the attack from earlier pulsating and there was blood coming from it. The Ice giant began running directly at the goddess, all of its fury building up just from looking at her. The giant angrily reached down towards Rosalina, using its giant hand to try and grab her, but Rosalina easily dodged the attack. The large giant falling downwards and sliding on its belly as it was covered in snow. The giant tried to get up for another attack but was restrained as giant chains of iron wrapped around its hands and feet, restraining it. Obviously it was a magic spell casted by Rosalina. “I am sorry I have to do this to you, but you are tainted by that evil.” Rosalina says as she walks to the giant’s feet and places her hand on them. Saying another spell as the large giant begins to shrink, the giant screaming as it become the size of a dog. All of the people that were in its stomach were completely crushed and digested now, leaving no survivors inside. Rosalina picks up the giant with one hand, the giant’s hand and feet still restrained as she opens her mouth widely. She slowly pushes the giant into her mouth, using her tongue to savor the beast’s delicious flavor. Rosalina cocks her head back, as she pushes the giant further inside, swallowing as it is pulled deeper down into her warm throat and into her stomach. The large giant making noises and squirming as it tried to escape. Rosalina releases the giant, and with one final swallow the giant disappears into her mouth and is swallowed down. Rosalina’s stomach now expands a bit as she places her hand on it, giving it a nice rub and massage. Moments later she burps. From the burp the giant’s chains that were restricting its hand and feet flew from her mouth. The chains covered in her saliva. Rosalina’s stomach rumbled as she looks down at it and sighs. “Why do magic spells have such a short time limit?” she asks as her stomach begins to expand. The giant still alive inside of her, as it begins to grow back into its huge form. Rosalina closed her eyes and puts her hand on her stomach, trying her best to stop to giant from growing again, but she becomes too exhausted. The giant grows back into its full size, causing Rosalina’s belly to expand. Her stomach grows and grows, tearing her royal garments apart from its massive size leaving her in her white bra and thong. Rosalina now was lying on her side, the massive stomach squirming and struggling as it lay in the large field of snow. Her stomach took up at the very least several acres of land, making it the largest thing on her body. “Thankfully I am a goddess, or else this may have actually killed me.” She mutters to herself as she smiles, patting the side of her large belly as she enjoys the large creature’s struggles. Every little movement the giant made now beginning to cause her pleasure. “Don’t worry, at least it is much warmer in their then it is out here.” She whispers to her stomach. Rosalina closes her eyes and gently falls asleep to the struggles of the giant, a smile on her face. Not having to worry about the ice or snow freezing her since she had control over it. Several hours later Rosalina wakes up. She glares over at the sky, realizing she had fallen asleep. It was now night time, she quickly sat up as she looked down at her stomach, it was still quite large, making her look nine months pregnant with quintuplets. She quickly sat up, adjusting to the new weight as she waves her hands. Snow and ice were now forming around her body, as she was covered in a lovely ice gown. She quickly runs back towards the battle field on a trail of ice. She has a sigh of relief as she sees the large blob of darkness was now forced back onto the upper part of The Outer Wall. She quickly runs back to her palace, coming through the front entrance as she realizes everybody was gone. She runs around the palace but is unable to find anybody as she hears a noise coming from her throne room. She makes a sword of ice and quickly runs into it, looking around cautiously. She walks towards one end of the room and finds a pile of her guards’ uniforms just laying there. Her stomach groans loudly as it begins to get smaller, making her only appear 9 months pregnant with twins. She angrily curses to herself and her stomach for giving away her position. She hears someone run up behind her as she turns around. She sees a man in white cracked armor with long black hair slicing through an arrow of ice that was aimed for her neck. She stands their shocked as she sees the man. Bob quickly turned his back to the queen and began to deflect several more ice arrows with his sword. “Why can’t you just die?!” a woman asks coming from the shadows. She had a very white face and ice blue lips. She had very long legs, and long arms, while her hands and feet seem to have been a bit stretched, a bit like a frogs, she also had long straight white hair that went down to her ass, there was a small bow clipped to her hair. She was wearing a t shirt and shorts of a whitish color. She had long tattoos of darkness all around her body, and her eyes were filled with darkness. Her skin appeared to be an unhealthy white, with spots all around her body. “Lily what are you doing?!” Rosalina asks. “Why are you attacking your own friend?” The woman laughs. “Isn’t it simple? I am trying to weaken you so I can eat you silly!” “But why would you try to do such a thing?!” Rosalina asks surprised. “Simple, I was promised by the Unknown Force outside those walls I could become strong enough to kill you and become the ruler of this land as long as I let her help me. I am tired of you being queen, and since I am the next strongest person here I decided it was time for my reign to begin!” she says. “You’re lying! You would never do such a thing!” Rosalina says as she is about to cry. Unable to comprehend that her best friend would try and hurt her. “Oh no, it is quite true, after the Unknown Force decided to help me, I used my sorcery to help break down the wall, she came in and distracted everyone, while I come to assassinate you and all of the witnesses.” She says. “I was unable to find you in here when I was eating all of those helpless soldiers and servants of yours, but then I was informed by my new friend you were out sleeping off your dinner while your people were being killed.” The woman says, rubbing over her tattoos when she says “new friend”. “Excuse me madam I don’t wish to be of any trouble, but I was sent here by an old acquaintance of yours to help. Is there anything I should know about this woman before I fight her?” Bob asks tightly gripping is sword. Rosalina shakes her head, still trying to hold back tears as she grips her ice sword. “She is a fully fledged Goddess. She is also a Frog woman, so whatever you do don’t get caught by her tongue. Also she has the power to copy a single power at a time, so if you get to close to her she can attack you with ice. Not to mention she is fairly trained in magic.” She says breathing heavily. “There is no way this can get any worse.” Bob says putting both hands on the hilt of his weapon as he runs at the woman. “Lilly also has a bow that gives her super speed so if she uses it keep your guard up!” Rosalina quickly yells as she suddenly remembers. Tears now pouring from her eyes as she cried, she knew her friend was now tainted with evil, but she didn’t want to believe it. Bob ran at the woman swinging his sword for her as she quickly jumped back avoiding it. Smiling as she saw a portal open up were the slash from the sword had been. “Nice little toy you have. But I have one too!” she says putting her hand on the bow in her hair. Bob made a stance as he charged at Lily and impaled her in the stomach. She merely smiles as she disappears into an afterimage. “What the hell?!” Bob asks as he is kicked in the back towards the ground. He quickly rolls over and looks at the woman. “A bow for her hair…of course!” he says. “To bad you didn’t figure it out a few seconds ago!” Lily says as she smiles, leaping directly at Bob like a frog as she opens her mouth in mid air. Her tongue firing from her mouth and sticking to Bob’s armor directly hitting him in the chest as he is quickly pulled towards Lily. In one quick motion Lily’s mouth stretches widely as she swallows Bob whole in one large gulp. She quickly flips over onto the ground as she turns around and pats her squirming stomach, belching loudly as Bob’s sword falls out of her mouth and into her hand, now coated in saliva. “One down, one more to go!” she says with a smile. Her throat quickly expands into a large sphere as she lets out a large taunting croak, her throat quickly returning to its normal size. Rosalina whose stomach had nearly gone back to normal now stared at Lily, holding her sword tightly as she runs at the frog girl. Throwing her sword of ice as it shatters and becomes several hundred ice needles. Lily quickly jumps high into the air avoiding them as she mutters something. Large golden chains quickly wrapping around Rosalina’s hands and feet restraining her. The intense heat coming from the chains was melting her ice gown, leaving her back in her underwear and unable to manipulate ice. Lily laughs as she walks towards Rosalina. “You have lost my old friend, and now it is time for you to come into my belly.” She says sending her tongue from her mouth at Rosalina. Rosalina’s eyes were closed as she concentrated. A large bouquet of plants emerged from the ground protecting Rosalina from the wet tongue as they were instead pulled into Lily’s mouth and devoured. “I guess I will have to just come closer to eat you up, because those pesky little plants will just get in my way again.” Lily says smiling as she walks towards Rosalina. “You learn a lot of things when your sister is an Herbalist.” Rosalina says. “What is that suppose to mean? Are you trying to say you are smarter than me before you die?” she asks. Moments later Lily collapses to the ground holding her stomach, feeling this horrible feeling deep down in her gut as she begins to throw up. Collapsing in pain and dropping Bob’s sword. Bob was pushed out of Lily’s stomach, covered in digestive juices as he slides on the floor, quickly grabbing his sword, and jumping away. Lily continued throwing up, her body trying to get rid of the plants within her stomach. “What did you do to me?!” “Simple, those plants I summoned weren’t meant to be a shield. Several of those were plants used to induce vomiting, while others are poisonous, and finally one of them is used to purify the body of toxins.” Rosalina says as the chains around her disappear and she walks towards her friend. Lily was now on her back, her body becoming weak as she began to breathe heavily. “Do you think this is going to kill me?” she asks trying to reach for Rosalina’s neck. “No, but it will momentarily release you from the Unknown Forces control.” Rosalina says as she kneels to her friend. Lily’s eyes were slowly turning white again, the tattoos on her body slowly coming off like a liquid into a puddle of darkness beneath her body. Lily begins to choke and yell, as the evil force manipulating her fully leaves her body. “Are you okay?” Rosalina asks her friend. “I, I think so.” Lily says as she looks at Rosalina and smiles. “You, you freed me from her control. Rosalina, I promise you, all of the things that had happened weren’t done willingly by me! She controlled me and made me her slave!” She says crying. “It is all right Lily, it is alright.” Rosalina says about to hug her friend. Bob instinctively grabs Rosalina by her arm and yanks her aside. Rosalina was now looking angrily at Bob as she tries to break her arm from his grasp. But Bob continues holds onto her. “I am sorry.” He says to her. Several moments later, the darkness beneath Lily’s body began to turn into a sandpit of darkness. Her body began sinking into the darkness below. She tried all she could to escape its grasp, trying to pull herself, jumping, using her own bow to make her faster than the darkness all of the attempts being failures. Even her magic was useless against the darkness. She holds out her hand to Rosalina, crying as she tries to escape. Her head beginning to sink into the pit of darkness as the darkness began entering her mouth and choking her pleas for help. “Help me.” Was all Lily could muster before her head sunk below the darkness, only one hand remaining left in sight. Rosalina blasted Bob back with ice as she runs towards her friend, diving forward as she stretches out her hand. Only able to catch a few of her fingers and tightly hold them. The darkness around Lily’s body got smaller, only leaving enough room for her fingers to wiggle on the surface as they were also pulled inside. Lily’s bow was spat out of the Unknown Force and on the ground by Rosalina. The darkness had now fully engulfed Lily and disappeared within itself. Rosalina was now on her knees crying, her tears hitting the floor where her friend had last been. The small bow next to her was now glowing with a red aura. Bob tried as fast as he could to grab the bow by Rosalina, but she angrily turned around and kicked him towards the wall as she picked up her friends bow. “You let my friend die!” she says angrily. “I am sorry, but it was an inevitable fate. If you tried to save her you would have died too, and we need you alive.” Bob says. “Who is this we?!” Rosalina asks as she begins to create a ball of ice. “I am sorry, but I can’t tell you, not now anyways. I promise you, soon I will return but right now I need that bow in your hand so I can destroy it!” Bob says. “I am going to make you pay for letting my friend die! I am going to eat you, and make you suffer an eternity of digestion!” Rosalina yells as she holds the bow and appears behind Bob as she hits him directly with the ball of ice. Bob was sent flying through the palace wall and outside as he rolled on the ground for a few hundred yards. Rosalina jumped down onto the ice, a crack appearing beneath her from the force as she holds out her hand at Bob. Nearby army soldiers who were cheering and yelling as they walked back to the palace after beating the large blob and repairing the wall. Eagerly waiting to meet with their wounded comrades, and then return home. Their leader Max had already began walking back home an hour earlier. The soldiers stood still and remained silent as they saw the fight before them. Bob quickly stood as he cusses a bit and runs away from Rosalina moving as fast as he could. Rosalina closes her hand tightly as a large flurry of snow came by, all of the soldiers who were there were now covered in the snow as they were completely frozen solid in large cubes of ice. The snow was getting closer and closer to Bob as he swung his sword multiple times, portals opening to try and contain the snow that came after him but only momentarily stopping it. Bob accidently tripped and fell into a fairly large hole in the ground. The snow now over head was beginning to cover the entrance and fill the hole with ice. He looked around and saw a large tunnel that he quickly ran into. The only way he knew out of this tunnel now permanently blocked off with ice. Rosalina stomped on the ground. Angry knowing that the person who had let her friend die had escaped. She turned her head towards the soldiers encased with ice. Not even giving a second thought as she angrily entered her palace. The blocks of ice containing the soldiers quickly shattered afterwards, the people inside of the ice shattering along with them. Bob continued walking in the tunnel as he began to hear a small snoring. He walked in deeper, the tunnel now completely dark as he felt his way around. “Hello?” He asks as he grabbed onto something which felt a bit squishy, as it quickly wrapped around his hands and pulled him to the ground. “I see you came back. I was waiting for you” A familiar voice says tiredly to him. The voice now begins yawning. Bob is quickly dragged across the ground. His armor is taken off of his body, leaving him in his underwear as he is pulled up to a tiny humid hole. He is quickly stuffed inside of the hole. As he squirms and struggles inside of it, yelling as he tries to escape. The familiar voice was only moaning as she pushed Bob deeper within her in response to his muffled yells. After his entire body was inside of the tight space his armor and sword were also stuffed inside of the hole right behind him. “Let me go! “He yells as he kicks and punches the dark walls. But only hears a small laugh. “Enjoy the ride!” she says as Bob is pulled into the long fleshy tunnel. Wet juices were now covering his body as he begins to smell a sweet flowery odor. The plant woman sits there moaning in the dark tunnel as she fingers herself, hot juices coating her fingers. “He feels so nice struggling with in me.” She says as she brings her fingers up to her mouth and sucks the juices off. The Venus Flytrap on her body that acted as her sex quickly closed as vines wrapped around to cover it. Rosalina sat inside of her throne room. She was sitting alone on a large icy throne as she stares out the open window that shows The Outer Wall in the distance. A few tears coming from her eye as she thinks of her friend. Her final words that screamed “Help Me!” were echoing over and over again within her skull. Knowing somewhere within the darkness that lay behind the walls her best friend was trapped.
 Mike stood in the doorway, holding his blade outward at the people. “Who are you?” Tobi asks looking at Mike, there was a confused expression on his face. “Tobi…I am your real father!” Mike says. “And I have come to save you!” “Wait a minute…didn’t you just say not even a minute ago to go tell my dad that he has been finally paid back?” Tobi asks. “Well actually now that you bring up continuity I can see where my mistake was in my previous statement.” Mike says. “But in any case you still have to leave.” “Leave? This is mine and Christina’s fight not yours! Why should we have to leave?! “Tobi asks. “Tobi, maybe we should just accept his help and leave with our lives intact.” Christina says. “Well you see, I was sent here by my master to come and save you guys, so I am doing that by making you leave while I have an epic 3 on 1 battle. Also-“Mike says to Tobi as he is cut off as a large blast of light is released from the angel’s hand that engulfs Tobi, Christina, and Mike. “And now they are all gone.” The angel says simply as she lowers her hand. Once the attack had fully disappeared it was revealed that Mike had jumped in front of Tobi and Christina and made a portal with his sword that had absorbed all of the light. “Now do you want to leave?” Mike asks Tobi. “No!” Tobi says yelling at Mike. Christina quickly turned into a slime girl that grabs Tobi by his stomach and pulls him into her body. She then changes back into a neko as she quickly runs out of the room, using her cat like reflexes to run up the stairs. Her Tobi filled womb, bouncing around every second, as Tobi squirms trying to escape. “Now like I said before, you three are going to have a three on one fight with me. Now this battle will definitely be of epic proportions, so I suggest you all attack me at once, if you want any chance of beating me and my mad skills.” Mike says smiling as he opens his eyes and realizes he let the angel, scorpion, and phoenix escape after Tobi and Christina. The Phoenix was flying up the middle of the cave, not having to use the stairs as it got closer to Christina. The angel following right behind the phoenix as the scorpion had trouble climbing the steps. Mike quickly runs up the staircase. Moving as fast as his body would allow, he catches up with the scorpion as he grabs her by her tail and throws her directly at the angel and Phoenix with full force. The angel looks down as she encases the scorpion in light, trying to slow down her movements. Christina finally reaches the door way as the wall slides open and she runs out into the military base, now running on all fours as she runs for the exit. The Phoenix immediately fly’s out of the doorway and after Christina. The angel comes through the doorway next, carrying the scorpion by her tail before dropping her and letting her also chase after Christina. Last but not least Mike comes out of the doorway, catching his breath as he watches the angel, scorpion, and Phoenix chasing after the people he needed to protect. “Why can’t everyone just slow down?!” he screams as he begins running again. Christina makes it out the front door, her body slowing down as she begins to run out of energy. The Phoenix released a large wave of fire from its mouth, almost setting the tip of Christina’s furry tail on fire. She quickly turned into a naga again as she slithered. Tobi was inside of the womb located in Christina’s tail. Mike threw his sword with as much strength as he could at Christina. The Phoenix trying to swoop down and pick up Christina with its claws as Mike’s sword impaled it through its chest as it screams and turns into a fiery ash. The scorpion and angel stop near the blazing ashes as Christina disappears into the woods. Mike quickly runs up behind the scorpion as he jumps off her back and does a flip over the fire. He is able to grab the hilt of his sword as he lands on his feet and slides for a moment. The flame is extinguished as the Phoenix rises from the ashes again. The scorpion began turning back into her anthro form. The long venomous stinger and legs remaining, as the front of her body and face turned back into a woman’s. The angel angrily stood there. Her clothes becoming absorbed into her body as she holds out her hand and a sphere of water holding her clothes is fired at Mike. Her wings fully outstretching as a small breeze blows her blonde hair in the wind, the moon light was making it shine. Mike momentarily distracted by the angel’s beauty is caught off guard by the attack, quickly slicing through the water sphere, but the speed of the wet heavy clothes were moving knocked him onto his back. The scorpion began to try and stab Mike with her tail, the large black stinger moving at such a speed it looked like a blur. The stinger pierces through Mike’s plate legs, but he is quickly able to jump out of them as he lands on both his feet. His blue shorts that he wore beneath the armor were now shown. He staggered a bit, trying to keep his balance. The Scorpion quickly jerks her tail in one direction as the plate legs come off. The Scorpion making another strike for Mike, this time it pierced through his plate armor, but thankfully the stinger didn’t hit him. He quickly slides out of his upper armor his well toned and muscular upper half could be fully seen. The Phoenix fly’s directly at Mike, trying to tear the flesh off his body with its sharp beak. Mike slices through the Phoenix, the Phoenix ripping off a chunk Mike’s arm. Mike yells in pain as he holds his wounded arm. The phoenix still barely alive swallows the large chunk of bloody flesh that came from Mike’s body, coming back again for another strike. Mike decapitates the Phoenix this time, but it bursts into flames as he turns into a pile of ashes. Mike standing by the pile looks at it, unsure what will happen next. Another Phoenix rising from them bit hard on Mike’s leg, tearing off more of his flesh as he staggers backwards, yelling in pain. The Phoenix swallows the large bloody meat as it breathes fire at Mike. Mike quickly rolls on the ground to dodge, quickly moving forward as he impales the Phoenix again. The Phoenix screams, it then bursts into flames, and then into ash. Mike quickly made a portal with his sword as most of the ashes were sucked inside. The remaining ashes forming a much smaller Phoenix, this time it was about the size of pig. Mike quickly hit the phoenix in the head with the hilt of his sword as he uses his good leg to kick the phoenix at the angel, before staggering into the forest. Blood stained on his arm and leg, as it also dripped onto the ground. The angel doges the Phoenix as it slides and rolls onto the ground. The angel saw Mike escape as she looks at the Phoenix. “Go after him, I can’t leave him here like this.” The angel says to the scorpion woman as she begins to chase after Mike. The angel quickly walks over to the unconscious Phoenix. “You are useless to me.” She says as she holds out her hand. A light blue orb was pulled from the Phoenix’s mouth as it flew to the angel’s hand. Faint squawks and human yells could be heard coming from it, but she quickly tossed the soul of the two creatures into her mouth like a gumball before swallowing. The faint blue glow of the soul was still visible in her throat as it slides into her stomach, the light getting dimmer and dimmer beneath the woman’s flesh before completely disappearing. The angel grabs the Phoenix’s body and hugs it. The body sank into her liquid like flesh before it disappeared. She pats her stomach and smiles as she runs into the forest. The scorpion woman followed the trail of blood into the forest. Hearing Mike’s heavy breathes not far ahead. She follows the trail into the end of the forest but it disappears. She looks around trying to find the injured man, but Mike jumps out of a tree, impaling the woman’s torso with his blade. The woman scorpion screamed, her stinger coming down to try and sting Mike, but he dodge, the woman’s stinger going into her human half and impaling her. Mike quickly took advantage, as he sliced off the scorpion tail from the scorpion half of the body, as he staggers back. The woman’s tail dangling on her human side as she shook it off and it fell. The scorpion woman turns, using her large claws to tear off a piece of flesh from Mike’s chest as she tosses the meat into her mouth and swallows. Blood staining her lips as she begins to lick them. The angel stepped out from the forest as she sees Meek and laughs. “What do we have here? The little hero is now weak and helpless as he is slowly eaten alive?” The angel asks mockingly. Mike just laughs. “No, I have had far worst then this.” He says breathing heavily as he held his sword. “What are you going to do? You lost!” The angel says. “No, I haven’t but there is something wrong with you.” Mike says to the angel as he laughs, and swings his sword as it makes a portal that began to pull everything towards it, but the angel and scorpion woman to strong to be sucked in the portal. “Really now and what exactly is that?” The angel asks walking closer to Mike, a smile on her face as his last minute attack was futile. “You have some scorpion venom in you.” He says. The angel glances behind her as she sees the Scorpion woman’s tail get pulled towards the portal. She quickly tries to move to the side, but just the end of the stinger scrapes apart her ankle as it is pulled into the portal. The angel looks at her ankle as she begins to get dizzy and feel sick. The scorpion woman turns back into her human form as she runs towards the angel. “Are you okay?” the woman asks. The angel turns towards the woman as her wings fold around her, and pulls her towards her body. The woman’s arm and side quickly sink into the angel’s chest. The woman tries to escape but eventually her head is brought down and pulled in between the angel’s breasts. Her legs are left flailing around as they too disappear within the angel. The angel stands still for a moment as she turns to Mike and smiles, her stomach was stretching in and out as if it was dissolving something. “Your plan would have worked, if I wasn’t part water spirit.” She says. “What? How are you still standing?” Mike asks trying to back away as he crawled. “I pulled the immunity to the venom from the girl’s body and absorbed it into myself, after completely liquefying her body of course. It was a worthy sacrifice on the girl’s part.” The angel says as the spirit of the scorpion woman is pushed out of her hand. She tilts her head back and pops the round ball of light inside. Hearing the girl’s screams and the noise the scorpion made as she swallows down their joined souls. A small light could be seen in her throat as it disappears into her chest, she then looks back at Mike. Light surrounds her body as she is fully healed. “What are you going to do now? Eat my soul as well?” Mike asks breathing heavily, blood coming from his multiple wounds as he tried to stay awake. “Oh no, I am going to make you suffer a much worse fate.” The angel says grabbing Mike by his hand that held his sword as she begins to fly in the air. Mike squirms, trying to escape her grasp but is unable to. He sticks his other hand into his shorts pocket as he pulls out a small hand full of wire as he begins to tie it to his wrist. Making sure the angel didn’t see him. The angel smiles as she landed on the edge of The Outer Wall. “You are going to forever suffer an eternity of torture and hell.” The angel says holding Mike over the edge. The Unknown Force began trying to climb up the wall as it sensed nearby people. “Do you have any last words?” The angel asks Mike, the moonlight shining on the both of them. “No not really, except this isn’t going to work.” Mike says. “You should just leave me here and get away, try to live your life while you can.” He says. “Or else you may regret it.” “Oh, I don’t think I will.” The angel says smiling as she drops Mike over the edge. “Suit yourself.” He says to her as he falls, the small hand full of wire on his hand quickly unraveling, the end of the wire was attached to the angel’s own hand. The angel was pulled forward over The Outer Wall, quickly falling with Mike. The Unknown Force stretched out like a giant mouth of darkness as it swallows Mike. The angel turns as fast as she can and tries to fly back up and out. “So we meet again.” Mike says as he feels the darkness wrap around him. “Yes we do, it has been many centuries since I last had you back within my grasp.” The woman’s voice says after several moments. “I see you have brought me a little present, I thank you.” She says to him. The Unknown Force quickly runs up the wire still attached to the angel’s hand as it grabs her arm and quickly pulls her down inside. She screams and yells as she tries to break free. But she is easily overpowered by an ocean of darkness as she is pulled within its depths. “I am going to savor her for a very long time, all the souls of the other creatures she has in her just makes her even more delicious!” The woman’s voice says to Mike. “What are you doing to me?” Mike asks as he begins to feel the darkness slowly release him. “We have a lot of history together Michael, everything you have ever slain with your sword has become a part of me. And for that I thank you, without your help, becoming this strong would have been very hard, but since you have helped me since nearly the beginning, and since you have been so nice to me and bringing me a live creature, I have decided I will be nice to you.” The woman says. Mike can feel himself being lifted for several minutes and then finally he begins to drop down like a rollercoaster until he comes to a sudden stop, the darkness around him opening up as he lies on the ground inside The Outer Wall. “You are one of the very few people I will ever let leave my body, even if it causes me a lot of my energy to get past that barrier.” She says to him as the Unknown Force quickly slides back over the wall. A large groaning noise could be heard, as the Unknown Force begins to slide away from the Outer Wall for several miles. Mike looked at his sword as he slowly stands up and staggers away from The Outer wall. “I wonder, if I were to have stopped killing people with this weapon, and I had gone in there, would she have let me out?” he thinks as he walks around. Mike walks into the forest, trying to find his way out before finally collapsing from the blood loss. He lies next to some roses as he smiles. “I wonder if I am going to die here. This would sure be a crappy death, especially since the mother of all monsters just let me go. But at least I am going o die by some pretty roses.” He says with a small laugh as he inhales the aroma of the roses, stretching his hand out towards them as he gets some blood on the end of the petals he closes his eyes as he enjoys the sweet smell the roses gave off. The plant girl rose from the ground appearing next to Mike’s body not even a minute later. “My plant friend told me you probably needed my help right now.” She says to him. “She wants to thank you for the compliment.” Mike chuckled to himself. “I am having some good luck today. I guess it just goes to show you kids, if you treat things nice, then you probably won’t regret it later.” He says. “Oh no you are already delusional.” The plant girl says as leaves form from the tips of her hair as she covers Mike’s wounds in them. Next she took one of the small flowers from her hair as she grinds it up in her hands and feeds it to Mike. “This should help keep your strength up, but there are not anymore plants around you that can help. But if you came back with me I could treat you better.” She says to him. “Go for it.” Mike says as he falls unconscious. The plant girl quickly lifts up Mike’s body to her sex. The vines unwrapping from it as the Venus Flytrap like plant opens widely. She gently places Mike’s head inside, the soft moist flesh acting as a nice pillow for him. She continues to quickly push him inside, his shoulders easily sliding inside of her since there was no armor in the way. She quickly pulls off his shorts as she begins to moan a bit, her sex taking in his large chest and body. Her wet juices began to leak onto him. She pushes him in deeper, moaning now as she can feel his soft member gently slide across the slick inner walls. She quickly grabs his feet and pushes him in quickly, stretching her insides as Mike fully disappears into the woman’s body. She quickly controls the vines as she forces them deep within herself as she moves them in and out of her body repeatedly, squeezing her large breasts as she is turned on by the feeling of Mike deep inside of her. Mike’s body once again began moving through the long fleshy roots, that was the sex of the plant girl. Laying unconscious inside of her, as his body was enjoying the warm slow massage that pushed him through the roots deep under the planet. Tobi and Christina were now reaching the entrance towards the palace. On the way there Christina had let Tobi out since he had calmed down. As Tobi opens the doors to the palace he quickly goes inside, Christina following right behind him. “My parents are both probably asleep right now, we will have to wait until morning before we can talk to them Christina.” Tobi says. “I want to tell them now too, but there is nothing we can do it about until morning.” Christina wanted to explain to Tobi and tell him how this was very serious, but she changed her mind deciding not wanting to argue with him. “Christina, I have to make a confession, I don’t feel all that safe knowing their might possibly people after us, trying to kill us.” Tobi says as he leads Christina to her room. The moon about to disappear from the windows view, half of the room was filled with darkness. “Then why don’t you stay with me for the night? I will protect you with my life.” She says as her tail wraps around him and she quickly pulls him to her body. Christina slithers inside her room as she shuts the door, setting Tobi on the bed with her tail as she smiles. “I will keep you safe.” She says to Tobi as she gently begins to spread her pussy. “You can stay in here for the night.” “I don’t want to go inside of you.” Tobi says to her. “Oh come on, it is warm, relaxing, it will be the safest place in the world.” Christina says to him as she got closer. “I said n-“Tobi says as he is abruptly stopped, Christina had place her nipple into his mouth as she began to breast feed him. “It is alright Tobi, you are safe with me.” Christina says smiling. Tobi gently suckled on Christina’s breast, the warm milk going down his throat as he began to close his eyes. The warm taste of the milk was fogging his memory he wasn’t even sure where he was anymore. Christina began to gently undress Tobi. “Keep on drinking, all of this milk was made just for you.” She whispers to Tobi. Christina gently let Tobi lay down on the bed as she rested her body on top of him. Feeling her right breast was empty, she guided Tobi’s head to her left breast as he began to drink, and his eyes were now fully closed. She used the end of her tail to position Tobi’s feet as she spread her sex apart with her hands, using her tail to guide Tobi into the warm moist flesh of her body. Tobi had finished drinking the milk as he quickly passed out from exhaustion, the fight earlier taking a lot out of him. Christina’s tail was now lying by her side as her strong muscle began to pull Tobi deeply within her she smiles as she slowly sees Tobi’s naked form disappear into her depths, only his upper body now remaining. The room was now completely dark. The moon had already fully passed as Christina began to stick Tobi’s hands within her sex. She smiles at Tobi as she feels over his chest and head with her hands to get a better position of his body. She closes her eyes, using only her sense of feel as she lowered her head and kissed Tobi on his cheek letting her sex’s muscles quickly pull Tobi down into her body. “Goodnight Tobi.” Christina says to the sleeping boy as her sex gently swallows her friends head, her moist vaginal lips slowly close right behind him to ensure he couldn’t escape. Christina smiles as she feels over her large tail, feeling Tobi squirm with in her second womb. She pulls her entire body up onto the bed as she curls up within her tails coils, gently rubbing her pussy as she looks at her tail. “No one is going to hurt you.” She says with a small smile as she closes her eyes and drifts to sleep.
 Bob finally felt the moist chamber begin to turn upwards. After spending several hours within the dark fleshy cavern he was well rested, but still hated the fact he was inside of someone. Bob felt his face pushed out of the tight wet sex of the plant woman. Taking a deep breath as he enjoys the smell of the air from the outside world, and not the sweet smelling air the plant woman was producing. The plant woman began to push Bob out from her body, her vines grabbing onto his arms as they gently pulled him out, his underwear and body soaked and dripping with the plant girl’s juices. The plant girl only giving a small giggle, with one mighty push all of bob’s armor and his weapons are launched from the plant woman’s pussy onto the ground. She made a large sigh of relief. “Those little toys you have aren’t fun they are bad tasting, cold, sharp, and hard, unlike your friend who is warm, delicious, soft and squishy.” The plant woman says blushing a bit as she feels his body struggle within her from far away. “Sure…” Bob says as he takes off his soaked boxers and lays them in the nearby waterfall, trying to wash all the juices off of himself, and his clothing. “Thanks for the ride, but why did you stay there? Surly you didn’t want to pick me up free, especially after you froze for a while. Are you going to eat me assuming I am a free meal to you?” Bob asks the plant woman. “How dare you make that accusation?” The plant woman says. “I should eat you for that comment! But I won’t, because I want you to tell me about your friend.” She says. “Mike? Why do you want to know so much about Mike?” Bob asks. “Well, you see because I well um, love him.” The plant woman says blushing as she tries to hide her face. “You love Mike? Oh that is rich!” Bob says laughing. “Seriously why do you want to know about him, do you like to get acquainted with your food first?” Bob asks. The plant woman angrily looks at Bob, taking his comment as an offense. “I am not joking, I really love your friend Mike, he is so strong, handsome, funny, delicious, I just never want to let him out of my body ever again!” the plant woman says as she begins to fill her womanhood with vines, using them all as dildos as she moans and squeezes her breasts. “His warm body all nice and snug within mine just turns me on so much.” She says seductively to herself. “Wow, I guess you are serious…well first of all, don’t be offended if Mike doesn’t like you, I mean you are a plant girl.” Bob says. “That’s Plant Woman to you honey.” She says to him. “Fine, Plant Woman.” Bob says putting the Woman part in air quotation marks. “Well let’s see, he likes flowers, his favorite color is blue, and his favorite fruits are apples, peaches, cantaloupes, and watermelons.” He says, several moments later he spoke again. “Oh, but here is the deal breaker for you, unless he is killing people on a day to day basis with his sword, he will die.” Bob says. The plant woman was listening intensely to what Bob was saying her hair grew adorned with blue flowers instead of white ones. Blue flowers were filling the field around her as they popped from the ground. When Bob began to list off Mike’s favorite fruits she closed her eyes tightly using her vines and roots to pick fruits from nearby trees and patches while pulling them into her body. She began to moan a little bit as baskets upon baskets worth of apples, cantaloupes, and peaches began rolling out of her sex and onto the ground, each fruit around the size of a bowling ball thanks to the Divided Valley’s rich soil. The Plant Woman takes a deep breath as she looks down at her pussy she uses both of her hands to hold it open as wide as she can as two large watermelons slowly push their way out of her, her vines quickly catching them and setting them next to her body, the watermelons almost weighing about fifty pounds each, and were the size of barrels. She began to pet and then rub her wet and stretched pussy with one of her hands as she smiles. “Good girl.” She whispers to it, feeling proud that her body was able to pull off such a feat. The Plant Woman listens to what Bob says. “He has to kill things huh?” she asks. “Why does he have to?” “Well, it’s a long story, but to make it short, unless he kills things with that sword that contains his soul, he will die, and every time he uses that sword, it drains his life, which is why our master has to always expand our life spans some more.” Bob says. The Plant woman listens, feeling a little bit depressed before getting an idea. “I will infuse him with part of my body, that way he will be able to live a long life like trees, and other people of my species, they are several thousand years old.” She says. “Then he can kill nearby animals that try to harm me.” “You know by the way you made that first part sound, it is as if you are telling me you are several thousand years old, at least you are more of his age I guess.” Bob says. “Do I look like an old hag to you?!” The Plant woman asks yelling. “Wait what do you mean more his age?” “Mike is several thousand years old at least, he was one of the people to try and fight off that creature that lives outside those walls.” Bob says. “Before those walls were up.” “Wait a minute, so that explains so much, I always liked older men, it is because they are wiser, smarter, and always calm and relaxed.” The Plant woman says. “I didn’t say those last four things, you did!” Bob says. “I am just saying that in case you don’t like his goofy side.” “So he is a funny guy too? Oh my goodness is there anything this man can’t do?” The Plant woman asks sighing. “You are acting like this is the first man you have ever found, people don’t come here often do they?” Bob asks. “Oh people do, but they are always asking me to do things for them, “Get me help!” They say, “Get me food” they say, “Take me to this place”, they say!” The Plant woman says. “Well I showed them, how does it feel to suffer a slow digestion inside of my belly? The Plant woman asks herself as she laughs, patting her stomach as she does so. “Shows them what they deserve for not asking politely.” “Wait, so you have digested people in a slow and painful fashion because they didn’t say please?” Bob asks. “You say it as if that’s a bad thing.” The Plant Woman says. “Well, by just a little tiny unnoticeable, extra tiny, smidge.” Bob says. “Out of curiosity, what happened to Mike?” “Well, after I let him out of me, which I really do regret doing, he got into a fight with a hot bird, a stingy insect, and an angel with water capabilities.” The Plant Woman says. “He got hurt pretty badly, so that’s why I am going to nurse him back to full health.” She says. “Once he makes it here of course.” “I see…just another question, how do Plant Women reproduce? I have never seen a Plant man before.” Bob asks. “You are full of questions huh? Well, there are no Plant men, but we produce by either mating like other species, or becoming fertilized by other plants, of course, with the ladder we only make more flowers, if we mate with other species, their seamen sink down into a large fleshy womb like roots, they are then nurtured inside, and when they are fully grown they can either roam free up here on the surface, or if they want to they can stay down inside their mothers sexes for as long as their mothers live.” The Plant Woman says smiling. “I see, so do you have any children inside of you?” Bob asks. “No, all my babies wanted to leave me but they all had wonderful lives, I know because I saw them live them.” The Plant Woman says. “They all died with smiles on their faces.” She says. “Well it has been fun talking to you getting to know you a bit, hoping my friend would have come out of you by now.” Bob says now fully dressed in his armor again. “But I have to go back to my continent with the lightning, goodbye.” He says walking away. “Oh hey wait don’t leave! I will give you a ride back.” The Plant Woman says chasing after Bob. “Oh no, totally all right, really leave me alone!” Bob says now running. He is tripped over by several vines as thy wrap around his body. “No! No! Don’t put me back in there! I don’t want to get covered in plant juices again!” he says trying to escape. “Too bad so sad, you are unwillingly coming back in.” The Plant Woman says smiling the Venus Flytrap she had for a vagina was now open wide again, making small sucking noises as it waited for its meal. As soon as Bob’s feet came near the sex they were immediately pulled inside, his legs quickly following as he squirmed. The Plant Woman cooing as she laughs to herself. “It seems she is feisty today, looks like she wants to savor your flesh again.” The Plant Woman says as Bob’s plate legs are sucked right off his body, underwear included. He tries to break free of the vines but they only squeeze tighter. The Plant Woman’s sex continued slurping Bob in up to his chest, the hot fleshy walls tightly closing around his legs and member. “I forgot to tell you how delicious you taste to me.” She says with a giggle. “Bye bye.” She says waving her hand as Bob completely disappears into her pussy. A large slurping noise was made from her sex as she enjoyed the last bit of flavor. She lifts up Bob’s sword and gently sticks it into her body as well, making sure she didn’t accidently impale herself with it. While inside of her, Bob screamed and yelled, kicking and punching the tight walls as they somehow sucked off his plate mail from his body and pulled them down into the roots below. His naked body quickly following right behind as he yells. Finally his sword now completely inside of the Plant Woman followed suit. She gives a small smile as she moves back to her original place around all of the fruits and flowers. Lying down in the flower bed and closing her eyes as her vines began to massage her entire body, the vines being most gentle around her sex, and her breasts. “When I open my eyes next, I will have a nice injured man to take care of.” She says as a large leaf grows next to her, holding mushrooms, insects and other things she may need to heal who she hopes her future husband will be. Mike squirms within the depths of the Plant Woman, trying his best to get his surroundings. “Where am I?” he asks sluggishly, trying to turn around inside the long fleshy root, but only causing himself to land on his back as he was sucked deeper and deeper inside. “Hello?” he asks “Where am I?” The fleshy tube responds by tightly closing around Mike, the soft pink walls snuggling around his body as he began to finally feel the root turn upwards. He squirms trying to get the juices out of his face as he sees the light to the outside world glaring inside the dark tight fleshy womb, the stars in the night sky visible from his point of view. Once his face reached the end of the tunnel it was slowly pushed out of the plant woman’s body, but his entire body immediately stopped, only his head sticking out of the woman’s sex. “Hello my darling.” The Plant woman says with a smile, gently rubbing her hands across Mike’s hair. “Do you like where you are now? Nice and warm while still able to see the outside?” she asks. “I guess it is alright, I would rather have my entire body warm though.” He says as he tries to climb out. “If you wish.” The plant woman says with a smile. Mike’s face was sucked back into the pink fleshy hole his entire body was now pushed upwards and into the large soft dark chamber inside the Plant girl’s belly. The chamber was normally where a womb would be on a normal female. The Plant Woman’s belly stretched out to almost the size of a beach ball. Her vines gave her stomach a nice massage as some more vines began to grab the contents on the giant leaf that she carried in her arms. Her vines then quickly climbed into her sex and into the chamber where Mike was. Mike could only squirm and struggle, his body forced into a fetal position as he felt the chamber tightly hug his body. Moments later he felt the large vines come inside as they began to feel over his entire body. He felt uncomfortable feeling one of the vines touching his member, but the feeling slowly disappeared as his penis sunk into the soft flesh of the plant woman, the feeling causing him to moan a small bit. The vines slowly began to feed Mike different tasting foods, some of them being incredibly sweet, others almost making him want to throw up, he was unable to see what he was being fed since there was no light in the darkness. But after all the food was fed to him the vines quickly left the flesh chamber. Mike now lying all alone inside the tight squishy chamber as he felt his body quickly healing, the leaves over his wounds began falling off as they sunk inside the Plant woman’s flesh, forever disappearing. “Are you ready to come out Mike? I have a present for you.” The Plant woman says to her large bulging belly, Mike barely hearing her through the flesh. The room around him shifts again as he was slowly pulled down, back into the Plant woman’s sex, his face was slowly pushed back out, and then his head, his body coming to a stop once again, as only his head felt the outside worlds wind hitting his face. He could feel the Plant woman walking around as she looks down at Mike. “I have a nice little surprise for you.” She says as her vines cover the front of Mike’s eye. “I don’t want you peeking.” For several minutes he could feel the world around him shifting, knowing the Plant woman was walking somewhere, the pink wet walls around his body soaking him in her vaginal liquids, her sex seemed to breathing in and out in a rhythm slowly sucking air inside before slowly pushing humid sweet smelling air back out. The constant rhythm and his slippery body almost caused his head to sink back into her pussy he could feel a constant strain on the walls around him, as if the Plant woman was using all of her control to try not to suck Mike’s body back into hers. The vines unwrapped from Mike’s eyes as he sees the large blue bed of flowers that lay on the ground. “Here you go honey.” She says gently petting Mike’s head. “Those flowers are for me?” Mike asks her as he looks at the beautiful flowers. “And so are these fruits, I thought they would be lovely to share between the two of us.” She says as she turns her body to the side a little, so Mike could see all of the fruits in one gorgeous pile from his point of view. “Wow that must have been a lot of trouble to collect, why are you being so nice to me?” Mike asks. Mike’s body was slowly pulled put by the Plant woman’s hands, first his shoulders and arms which stretched the Plant woman’s sex open and caused her to breathe heavily for a moment. Once his hands were free, the Plant woman continued to lift him out of the tight pink hole, eventually his feet slipped out from her sex, the Venus Flytrap quickly closing shut, but the vines didn’t wrap around it again. The Plant woman easily turns Mike around, so both of their fronts were now touching as she falls on top of him as they land in the soft blue flower bed. Her large breasts squishing up against Mike’s muscular pectorals, her long flower filled hair completely covering her head and face as it lowered down around Mike’s face, the only thing they were able to see now then each other’s faces were the lovely waves and color of her hair. “I am being nice to you, because you are going to be my new husband.” She says with a smile. Giving Mike a kiss on the lips as her Venus Flytrap like sex opens and slides over Mike’s member, feeling it get harder with every second. Mike tried to push the plant woman away, but the pheromones from the flowers were clouding his sense of judgment. All he could feel was the everlasting urge to always be with the Plant woman, never wanting to leave her side and always be with her. The Plant woman smiles as she begins to lift up her body going back and forth, her tight pussy sliding up and down Mike’s member. She uses her vines to gently take Mike’s hands as they lift them up to her breasts, Mike instinctively squeezing and gently pushing on her large chest, Mike’s hands seeming much smaller in comparison to her glorious bosom. She was moaning from the intense pleasure Mike was giving to her, causing her warm juices to run down the hard phallus in her own body and onto Mike’s body. After several minutes, which seemed like hours to them of pleasure, Mike finally felt his body release, the fluids shooting from his member deep into her body, the seamen began sinking into the Plant woman’s body as the long fleshy roots beneath the ground begin to lead the white puddle of liquid that once was a part of Mike down into its new home deep within the sex of the Plant woman. The Plant woman smiles, completely pulling her still tight sex off of Mike’s now weakening member as she rolls over onto the blue flowers next to him, her and her vines hugging onto his body as he is forced to roll on his side. “Do you want to stay with me Mike? No more worries in the world, forever living along side with me, each and every day being filled with pleasure.” She whispers to him as she kisses his lips. Mike remains silent for a moment, trying to answer the Plant woman’s question as both of their stomachs rumble from her hunger. The Plant woman smiling as she looks at Mike’s stomach, her vines grabbing several apples and peaches as they carry them to the two people. “Go ahead and eat, I picked these fruits for you.” She says to Mike as she lifts up the oversized apple, she opens her mouth widely as she drops the apple inside, closing her mouth over the red fruit as she swallows, a large bulge going down her throat and disappearing into her stomach. Mike sits up, looking at the plant woman as the vines gently hug onto his body. Some vines on his arms, some around his waist. “Look, you see I can’t, stay with you, I mean I don’t even know your name.” he says to her. “My name is Eve.” She says with a smile. “Now can you stay with me?” she asks Mike. She picked up another apple as she opens her mouth, gently dropping the fruit inside as she plays with it on the tip of her tongue. She then left her mouth completely open as she lures the fruit playfully to the back of her throat. Her tongue pushing to the bottom of her mouth as the long fleshy tunnel that makes her esophagus opens up widely like a long elevator shaft. The fruit sinking into the tight warm hole, getting covered in saliva as it descends deeper and deeper inside, it slowly disappears into the darkness, making a large bulge in her throat that quickly disappears. Her throat returned back to normal as she closes her mouth and smiles. “Look, Eve, I can tell you are a really nice, and sweet girl, and I mean I would love to stay with you, but there is something I still have to do, I need to stay with my friends and help them out.” Mike says biting into a peach. The juices from the peach were covering Mike’s mouth as they drip onto the ground. “I thought I was your friend?” Eve asks as she appears saddened. “You are! Even though we met not even a day ago, I consider you a great friend! It is just I need to live somewhere else, I can’t stay here in this lovely place with you.” Mike says, the moon now reflecting off the nearby waterfall and onto him and Eve. “Can I live with you then?” Eve asks Mike. “Since you can’t stay with me, then I will stay with you.” She says leaning in closer to him as she hugs him. “I don’t want you getting hurt though there are a lot of creatures where I live.” Mike says. “I can take care of myself if there is some reason you can’t protect me. But I know you will always be there to save me anyway.” She says to Mike. “Even if I say no, you would still follow me wouldn’t you?” Mike asks. “Either that, or just push you deeply inside of me so your snug and safe and never let you back out.” Eve says looking at Mike’s eyes. “Alright then, I will have to see if my master will allow you to live inside the palace, but you might have to live in the forest, and I will have to visit you.” Mike says. “Don’t worry Mike, I am a tough girl.” Eve says with a giggle. She brings the large watermelons over to her and Mike by using her vines, the vines took a moment due to their heavy weight. “Are these watermelons?” Mike asks looking at the size, easily able to lift them with his hands. “I love watermelons.” He says. “Really, do you like my melons Mike?” The Plant woman asks giggling as she grabs a small dagger from the ground not too far away, the dagger was one that belonged to Bob that had accidently gotten separated when he was pushed out of the Plant woman. “What do you mean your melons? Did you grow these?” Mike asks using the dagger to cut the watermelon into slices as he begins to eat them. “No I didn’t grow these, but I did grow these melons.” Eve says with a smile as she gently rubs her hands over her breasts. “Oh, I see, well I like you, and since they are a part of you I guess I like them too.” Mike says. The Plant woman smiles at Mike. “You know, I think you and me are going to enjoy being with each other.” She says opening her mouth as the vines lifted up the giant watermelon, tilting it downwards so it was aimed for Eve’s throat. Her mouth salivating as it waited for the large fruit to descend. The vines drop the fruit as she catches it in her stretched mouth, taking several quick gulps as the watermelon is quickly pulled down. She rubs her hand across the bulge in her throat that the watermelon makes to feel how tight it is. She takes one huge gulp as the rest of the watermelon disappears into her throat and behind her large breasts, never to be seen again as it sinks down below the earth and into the large mile long wet chamber that is her stomach. “So when will you start heading back home Mike?” Eve asks him. “Probably in a couple hours, after I spend some more time with you.” He says to her grinning as he finishes eating the slices if watermelon as he looks up. Seeing Eve lunge forward and jump onto his body, hugging him tightly. “I love you Mike.” She whispers to him. “I think I love you too.” Mike says to her, after several moments he hugged Eve back. “No, I lied…I do love you.” He says to her as the sun began to rise and shine its light onto everything in the Divided Valley.
 Max returned back to his military base. As he went inside he calmly searched around, noticing no one around not even in the research lab. Max decided to go down into the underground lab, to see if anyone else remained there. After going past the door and descending the long staircase, he goes inside the lab, noticing all the researchers in there, all of them on laptops as they tried to recollect the data from the newly broken computer. “Where are the two experiments that were inside of those tubes?” Max asks his researchers. “We have discovered from footage data on the cameras sir that they were both destroyed, by your second in command no less, your second in command was killed by the Unknown Force, and now three people know of the research that happened here, a man who fought your second in command, your brother, and Christina, the escape experiment.” The scientist says showing the footage from their satellites to Max. “Get rid of everything in this lab, cover it up, I don’t want anyone else knowing it existed!” Max barked as he left, his scientists quickly picking up their computers as they began to destroy files, and research from inside. Max stepped outside, unfolding his wings as they stretched out, tearing through part of the back of his shirt as he began to fly towards his home. “Where are you Tobi?!” he thinks to himself the sun beginning to rise. A few hours later, Christina yawns loudly as she awakes stretching her arms out. Inside of her tail she can feel a squirming Tobi as she smiles. “Did you sleep well?” she asks as she hugs the part of her tail that contains Tobi, feeling his squirming from within her womb. Christina laughs a bit. “You’re going to have to wait a while for me Tobi, my pussy needs to get nice and wet, or else it won’t be able to stretch enough to let you out.” She says as her tail begins to stop squirming. Christina licks the end of her fingers as she gently rubs them outside of her sex, a few of her fingers slipping inside as she plays with herself. After she gets turned on a little bit, her pussy starting to leak its juices she gently massaged her tail. Tobi was slowly forced upwards from the tail, the fleshy walls rubbing all around his body as he finally reaches the surface. His head making a plopping sound as it comes out of Christina’s sex. “Good morning.” She says as her vaginal muscles begin to push Tobi out, she had gotten so strong using them that she could now push entire creatures in or out without the assistance of anything else. Once her pussy full opened up and let Tobi slide out, her vaginal lips quickly shut again, stopping the rest of the juices from falling onto the bed. Tobi was now lying naked on the bed as he looks around, his eyes adjusting to the light. “Where are my clothes? And what happened last night? Why am I not in my bed?” he asks. Christina’s tail slides around the floor picking up Tobi’s clothes as her tail leaves them by his body. “Well once we got to my room here, I said I would protect you, after that I gave you some warm milk, stripped you and cradled you in my tail for the night like a newborn. “Why did you do that to me?” Tobi asks as he remembers and gets dressed, feeling embarrassed that he actually drank breast milk. “I don’t know, I was feeling motherly I guess.” Christina says. “I am sorry for babying you.” She says. “It is alright.” Tobi says once he is fully dressed. “Come on lets go see my parents and tell them what happened last night.” Tobi and Christina left the guest room as they walked down the halls, seeing two guards in light blue armor guarding the entrance to the Throne room. “We are here to see my parents.” Tobi says. “We are sorry Master Tobi, but we cannot allow you to pass, your brother Max told us not to let you in until he has spoken with you. He is outside on the training grounds waiting for you.” The guards say. “But this is serious!” Tobi yells. “I was almost killed last night!” “We are sorry sir but we cannot.” The guards repeat. Tobi and Christina head to the royal training grounds. Christina transformed into her anthro dragon form as she follows Tobi. Outside Max stood waiting for Tobi, his black leathery incubus wings showing. “Hello Tobi…hello Christina.” Max says to them. “Max! Why have you told the guards not to let me see my parents?” Tobi asks. “Because I do not wish for you to tell them about what happened last night. I saw your entire conversation with that man as he fought and defeated my best soldiers.” Max says. “You knew about those creatures that attacked us?! You are the one that did this to Christina?” Tobi asks. “No, I personally did not it was under the interests of my former second in command.” Max says. “But she personally defeated both of her creations before she was taken into the Unknown Force with the man that saved you.” Max says. “Wait, so there is no longer anyone trying to kill us?” Tobi asks. “No one would have been killed, or after you if you had told me about Christina!” Max says. “Why did you lie to me?” “I…I was trying to protect her! I saw people trying to hurt her so I saved her, and then she saved me once two soldiers tried to kill me.” Tobi says. “And that wouldn’t have happened if you obeyed mother and fathers orders and stayed within the castle walls like they asked!” Max says. “You are the reason why seventeen people are dead Tobi.” He says with his hand behind his back, charging up a ball of pure energy. “Those children, those prisoners, those other demigods, my soldiers, my friend, and that man that saved you, all of them are dead now. And if you would have told the truth none of them would be dead!” Max yells. “And if you were to tell on what had gone on down there, the military base will be shut down you know how human experimentation is illegal.” Max says. “But what was going on down there was wrong! Because if it wasn’t for you experimenting on us without our permission my brother, and all the others that have died because of me would still be alive!” Christina says crying, part of her memories had returned to her as she returns into naga form. “Which is why I would be killed, because I knew about it, and I am the one running the military.” Max says. “If I had this reputation, I could never become a god, and I would most likely be executed.” “But wait a minute… you are part of the military, surely you would be able to cover it up. Unless there is something that still could be used against you.” Tobi says as he glances over at Christina. “Run!” he yells to her, realizing what Max was planning. “Because, if there is still one thing that exists from that lab, then me and my workers would be executed, and I can’t let that happen to them, to me maybe, but those people don’t deserve such a fate.” Max says to himself as he sent a powerful blast of energy towards Christina she had almost no time to react as she saw the blast. Tobi held out his hands, trying to catch the attack, everything began to move in slow motion as Tobi felt some power within his chest. The blast which was aiming straight for Christina swirled and spun off into another direction, almost hitting her by an inch. Max who was also Tobi’s line of sight felt something change within him as well. “What…what did I just do?” Tobi thinks as everything returns back to normal. Christina saw the blast swerve away as her tail wraps around Tobi as she slithers away, quickly moving down the halls. Max angrily yells as he chases after them, his wings flapping like crazy. “Halt!” The two guards say as the hold out there hands, Christina angrily turns into her anthro dragon form, her tail still holding Tobi as she rams into the door and two guards, quickly turning back into a naga after the attack. The two guards fly into the throne room, landing on the ground. Starrk and Beauty who were sitting on their thrones looked at the guards.”What is going on?” Beauty asks. “It is Max he is trying to kill Christina. You see it is because-“Tobi says as he is cut off, Max angrily flying through the open doors as he tries to impale Tobi, Beauty calmly holding out her hand as her ring glows, and Max is immediately stopped in place. “Please continue Tobi.” Beauty says. Tobi tells Beauty, about the night before, how he and Christina were almost killed, telling about Christina herself, and how they actually met. “So, by disobeying our rules you were able to uncover an illegal act in the World Military?” Beauty asks as she calmly stands. “You did a good job.” She says walking to her son as she hugs him. “But you are still going to be punished for disobeying us. Christina, could you please turn into a slime woman and take my son into yourself please?” Beauty asks. Christina nods changing form as she hugs Beauty, breaking the hug from her, once Tobi was fully submerged in her slime. Beauty lets go of her son as she looks at Max, releasing the control over him as he quickly rushes at Christina. Beauty stops Max again but barely making it, Max’s blade just inches away from Christina and Tobi. “What is wrong with you Max? Why do you still want to hurt Tobi and Christina? I am not going to punish you” Beauty says sweetly. Max remains silent, trying to break free as he tries to reach for his brother. “Tobi…do you know why Max is acting like this?” Beauty asks. “Did anything happen when you talked outside?” Tobi nods. “Yeah, what happened was he sent a blast of energy at Christina, and well I didn’t want her getting hurt, so I tried to use my powers to change its weight so it would slow down, but I knew it wouldn’t work on the attack deep down, because I have never been able to change the weight of energy. But for some reason, the attack changed course.” “I see…Tobi, what is your power?” Beauty asks. “I thought it was the ability to manipulate the weight in objects.” Tobi says. “Like manipulating gravity.” He adds. “No…it seems you inherit a power from your grandfather. You said the name of your ability three times when you told me about that energy attack.” Beauty says. “You have the ability to change.” Beauty says. “But you don’t seem to have a grasp on your power, because it seems you have changed Max’s alliance from good to evil and his target of Christina to you.” “What? You mean I can change anything?” Tobi asks. “I did change the direction of that attack…and Max was in the path of my hand along with the blast…” he thinks as he looks at his brother. “Max, I am sorry. Please don’t be evil.” Tobi says. “That won’t work Tobi, just like Starrk’s fathers powers once he had changed something it was impossible for him to change it back until he had full mastery of his powers, and by that time it was far too late.” Beauty says as she looks over at Starrk, a small tear forming in her eye as she looks back. “Max will now walk to the ends of this world, to try and destroy you.” She says. “But it also seems, he is evil, because he was willing to attack Christina to get to you. So at the time of him being good and defending, he has now been changed to evil and attacking.” She thinks. “I see. Oh, and speaking of Starrk, um…Mr.Starrk. The man that saved me and Tobi said that because he saved us, you have now finally been paid back. What does he mean by that?” Christina asks. “It means nothing.” Starrk barely says as he looks at Christina. “Beauty, I want you to take Christina and Tobi away, inform the guards of what Max did, and what has happened with the military, have them shut it down and then arrange a conference with the other Gods that rule the lands, tell them we will meet in the Divided Valley to discuss this matter in three days. I will personally take care of Max.” Starrk says as he draws his sword. Beauty nods. “Christina, let us leave. You two come as well.” She says to the two guards in the room. The ring on Beauty’s finger suddenly shatters under the power Max was producing, he quickly turns moving at full speed as he tries to impale Beauty, but Starrk then appears in front of Beauty as he blocks the sword with his own. His face remaining stoic as he looks at Max. Max tries to send a blast at Christina and Tobi but they disappear in an illusion. “What?!” Max screams as he turns down the hallway, seeing Beauty, Christina still with Tobi in her body and the two guards leaving. Max turns quickly flying after them. Starrk closes his eyes as his blade begins to glow and he looks at Max as he rushes after him. Tobi immediately turns around inside the slime. “I have to try one more time!” He yells to Christina as she stops moving as he holds out his hand from Christina’s slime. Feeling the energy build up in his chest as he feels a wave of energy pulse through him. Max flying directly at Tobi tried to impale him, but Starrk quickly grabbed Max by his wings to pull him back as both their swords clash. The wave of energy Tobi produced hitting both Starrk and Max. Christina pulls Tobi back into the slime, now turning into a naga as he squirmed in her tails womb, as she quickly follows Beauty. Max turned towards Tobi flying at full speed trying to slice through the tail and him as they left out the palace doors the door. Starrk looks at his hand a small smile comes across his face. “Thank you Tobi.” He says as he points his blade at the door way. A force field appears right in front of Max, causing him to hit it and slide off into the stone wall, a large crack forming where Max had hit. “I am back.” Starrk says as he laughs to himself and jumps at Max. Bob was sitting outside of the temple on the lower step, watching the animals roam through the nearby forest as he saw large fish like creatures, with electricity pulse through their bodies as they floated around. Paying no attention to Bob “Where are you?” he asks himself as he waits for Mike. The plant woman smiles as she rises from the ground. “Hello Bob, it is nice to see you again.” She says with a smile. “Thanks again for recollecting my armor and sending it back here.” Mike says within the fleshy root right beneath Eve as he finished putting on his clothes. “Anything for you Mike.” She says as vines unwrap from around her sex, the Venus Flytrap like entrance opening up again as Mike was slowly pushed out of it. The plant woman moaning a small bit as Mike’s armor stretches her insides, and then finally her pussy. She tried as hard as she could not to begin fondling herself in front of Bob. Mike was now halfway out of Eve. “Can I have a little help?” he asks his fingers a few inches from the ground. “Of course I will help you.” Eve says to Mike as a pile of vines form beneath his body as her pussy forces the rest of Mike out in one large push. Mike lands on the soft vines as he smiles. “Thanks, now I will go ask my master if it is alright for you to-“ “Of course she can stay!” The Old man says smiling as he walks down the temples steps. “Sir!” Bob and Mike say in tandem as they both stand up and salute. “How did your missions go?” he asks. “Tobi, and Christina were saved, all three enemies are eliminated.” Mike says. “Rosalina was saved from the assassination attempt, and the Unknown Force along with assassin has been sent outside of the Outer Wall. Unfortunately the Demonic Item now remains within the hands of Rosalina, and she has now turned her darker intentions towards me.” Bob says. “That will not be good.” The Old man says as he sighs. “Unfortunately we will not be able to stay here and show you around, a meeting will be held within a couple of days back at the Divided Valley. You are welcome though to begin planting your roots within the temple, but Mike and Bob must escort me by foot on the way to the Valley.” The old man says to Eve. “Thank you sir, but will I be able to come along as well?” Eve asks looking at Mike a she hugs him. “You will be able to follow us, but once we reach the valley you will need stay behind.” The Old man says to her. “But other than that I would love for you to stay with our presence.” He says smiling. “Are troupe really needs a woman’s touch.” “Thank you, thank you, and thank you!” Eve says as she hugs the Old man and kisses him on his wrinkled cheek. “You are quite welcome.” He says to her calmly. “Bob, Mike, while this fine woman is within your presence, you must treat her with the upmost loyalty! If she asks for ANYTHING from you, then you MUST do it. We will begin leaving for the valley tomorrow morning. But if she asks of something from you right now then do it.” He says as he turns back and begins to walk up the steps. “This will still apply even when we return!” he says his back turned to them. “Anything I want huh?” Eve asks as she smiles and thinks to herself, her roots now beginning to grow beneath the temple. “Well first of all I am a bit hungry, and since eating any food from here will take awhile to get to my main body, then I guess you will need to start looking for food right now.” She says to the two of them. “I want something big and living.” “Yes madam!” Mike says smiling as he runs into the forest. “Yes mam.” Bob says as he sighs and walks into the forest. Both fighters ran into the forest looking around. “What is something big enough to satisfy her stomach? I don’t want to be hunting for her every few hours.” Bob says. “Well…there is always him.” Mike says smiling. “Do you really think we can beat that giant electrified creature?” Bob asks. “Of course we can! I am doing it in the name of love!” Mike shouts. “Besides, if we can get rid of him, we can venture a lot deeper into the forest and increase the map we are building.” He says. “True.” Bob says with a smile. “Let us do it!” he says. Moments later they were in the presence of what appeared to be a large pale boulder. Mike and Bob both jabbed their sword into its body, tearing at the flesh as they both in synchronization jumped up onto the boulders body and kicked off its wounds as they back flip and land on the ground. Both of their hair was blowing in the wind as they do so, the blood dripping off their swords at the exact same time. “Run?” Mike asks. “Run!” Bob yells as they both turn and run away. The large pale boulder roars as it began to stretch out, the boulder taking a humanoid form as a large ball of electricity could be seen in its chest. The creature yells in pain and anger as it runs after Bob and Mike, its large body tearing through the forests trees, electricity shooting from its chest as it hit all of the innocent creatures, as it paralyzes them. Bob and Mike both quickly turn around in front of Eve. “Will this guy be big enough to suit your dinner?” he asks. The large creature roars as it exits the forest. It was about twenty feet tall and eight feet feet wide from shoulder to shoulder. There was a large ball of glowing energy in his chest which contained electricity he uses to paralyze its enemies. He had no hair or fur on his entire body. The creature surprisingly very thin, to the point you could see its ribs and the bones on its body, oddly the creature had no spine, but a fluid filled organ that was where it’s spine was suppose to be, instead supported the creatures back, making the man’s lower abdomen look like a long pole that was tightly covered in flesh that connected to a large chest, and large pelvis and legs. The creature was covered in mud in several places thankfully the creature’s crotch was covered by mud as it hid his crotch and penis from being fully seen. A nearby deer was hopping by the scene as a bolt of electricity hits it paralyzing it as it falls to the ground. The large creature picking up the deer as it opens its dirty mouth, bad breathe coming as it exhaled on the creature before he drops the deer in his mouth and swallows it whole. The deer trying to climb out of the wet slippery mouth as it descends further into the throat, and then the stomach, but to stun to do anything of damage. Unfortunately for the deer since it wasn’t killed by the beast’s sharp teeth, it now had to suffer a much worse fate. The deer’s outline could be perfectly scene inside the man’s gut. The tight flesh that appeared to make the “pole” between the man’s upper body and legs was now fully around the deer, the flesh acted like a second skin on the deer, the flesh morphing around it’s hooves, body, antlers. The large man now appeared to have a perfect deer shaped stomach. The deer opening its mouth as it tried to breathe as more flesh went down the deer’s throat, completely filling its body. Once the deer stopped moving, now completely still as its final moments were now frozen within the man’s gut. The deer appeared to be like a stone statue, but instead of rough stone, it was tight soft skin. “That poor creature…his body will now be a part of him like a permanent decoration, still alive and living, until it runs out of electricity and digests him, turning him into more electricity.” Mike says. “That monster has centuries of energy built up, which is how long it will take for him until he digests the deer I remember when another one of its species, a female had an entire zoo of animals and people trapped within her gut. Innocent animals, adults’ and children were all forever frozen as they remained a part of her body. I know she is still alive deeper in that forest, because a small human baby is enough energy to supply there species for decades.” Bob says. “Not to mention, anything that is dead or inanimate that they eat is instantly turned into electricity.” Mike adds. The monster roars as it rushes at Bob and Mike, electricity shooting out of its chest trying to hit them as they barely dodge. “I will handle this guy if you don’t mind.” Eve says with a smile as her vines begin to wrap around the lightning beast. The creature roars, shooting a powerful blast of electricity at Eve, which did no harm to her. “I am a plant woman silly creature I can’t be paralyzed by electricity.” She says with a giggle as her still unwrapped vagina opens up. The vines continued pulling the screaming beast closer and closer to Eve. “Enjoy this home while you can, because once you leave it you’re going to get in my belly.” She says to the creature who completely understood her words as it whimpers. The beast’s large head was forced inside first. Her tight wet pussy was now stretching as fluids began to pour onto the creature, making it easier to slide in. Next the vines tied up the beast’s arms and legs, completely holding it still as its loud screams were now barely audible within Eve’s tight sex. “You can do the rest.” She says to her vines and pussy as she begins to squeeze her breasts. The vines lift up the screaming beast so he was perfectly horizontal with Eve’s pussy, as they slowly push him inside deeper and deeper. Eve moaning loud enough as nearby birds start to fly away. The eight feet wide shoulders were causing her sex to stretch to a new size, her deep roots also beginning to stretch for the first time in centuries. The vines gently push the twenty foot tall man all the way within Eve’s pussy, tightly wrapping around his now soaked toes thanks to her own vaginal liquids. The large frozen deer within eve’s body thanks to the lightning creature turned her on even more. The large pointed antlers now would be unable to hurt her thanks to the creature’s tight skin stopping the points. Each part of the antler sunk deeply within her flesh, she had never had this feeling before, because she was never able to put a deer inside of her without fear of having her roots torn up because of the antlers. “Oh, these antlers make a much better dildo instead of my own vines.” She says seductively to herself. “I only wish I could keep you in my roots, but I am getting hungry.” She says. Her vines though feeling her pleasure began to slowly pull the twenty foot beast out up to his last inches before quickly ramming him back inside. The monster screaming as its entire body was now used as a dildo, along with his meal, being pulled in and out over and over again. “Wow, she is doing a lot of a better job then when we fought one of them. The creature is nothing more than her own personnel toy.” Bob says. After Eve was almost completely empty of fluids she smiled. “Alright, time to come inside your temporary home.” She says patting her stomach as the vines finish pushing the creature inside. Her vagina staying open for a moment as it savored the last flavors of the beast before it tried closing. Her vagina would now only open one more time for the beast once it reaches the Divided Valley, only to be eaten Eve. Eve continued to moan. Her pussy still remained partially open, it would take some time for her before her vagina healed and returned to her original size. But that wasn’t why she was moaning, inside of her roots, the vines now completely dissolved inside of her, the creature was punching and kicking, and the deeper his eight foot wide body got, the more and more her roots would stretch to accommodate the beast, as they began to feel pleasure of the deer’s antlers. “OHH OHHH!” She yells rubbing her sex with her fingers. “Thank you two for OH getting me the best meal I have ever had.” She says moaning. “There is now one more thing OH I want of you, I want Bob naked and inside of my upper chamber here.” She says patting her stomach. “And then I want Mike to OH give me a full body massage.” Eve says out of breathe, as she continued to feel the lightning beast inside of her stretch her insides. Each one of her bodies all over the lands felt the pleasure the beast was giving, each one of her dozens upon dozens of other bodies except for the one next to Bob and Mike were filling their sexes with vines as they squeezed their breasts, each one of them fully turned on as they moan in tandem. Vines forcefully entered and exited their bodies, trying to keep an even flow of pleasure move through Eve’s entire system as all of her bodies began to orgasm their tight wet pussies began to release their sweet smelling liquid onto the vines. “But I don’t want to!” Bob says sluggishly. Mike quickly tears off Bob’s armor until he was completely naked. “Done your majesty!” he says. “Hey wait Mike why are you-“Bob asks as vines grab him and quickly shove him up Eve’s pussy. “Good boy Mike.” She says smiling as Mike took off his clothes and armor, now in nothing but his shorts as he begins to massage Eve’s shoulders. “Let me out! I don’t want to be here!” Bob screams as his feet are pushed into the upper chamber, his waist and upwards still outside of Eve’s body as the vines try and force him inside. “To bad Bob, your OH master said listen to me, so you have to obey his orders and listen.” Eve says moaning as she pets Bob’s head as he is shoved into Eve’s sex, fully disappearing into the pink wet flesh as he is pushed into her upper chamber. Completely covered in juices as the tight warm chamber walls hug onto his body, almost crushing him as he is unable to move. “Thank you if it wasn’t for you OOOOH two I would never be feeling this pleasure.” Eve says as she rubs her stomach and kisses Mike on his lips as he gently begins to massage her breasts, stomach and pussy. “You are welcome, my queen.” Mike says to her as he massages the Plant woman. “OH no Mike, the pleasure is OH all mine.” She says smiling as she gently rubs his face. *Several Plant women orgasm induced hours later* At the Divided Valley Eve moans as her Venus Flytrap like sex opens up. She giggles as she tilts her head downwards as she sees her pussy open. The large lightning creature now asleep, after tiring himself out silently lay in Eve’s sex. Her vines and pussy gently and calmly push the creature upward towards her mouth. “I am starving.” She says to herself as her saliva gently drops onto his face as her mouth closes over his head. Taking several hard swallows as his shoulders were now in her mouth. Her throat stretching greatly as she continues to swallow, her chest area stretching a little bit as the man’s large shoulders disappear inside of her. She continues swallowing as the man stirs and begins to awake she swallows as fast as she can, the man’s body continuing to be pulled from the warm tight sex as her tongue began sliding up and down his stomach as she savors his unique flavor mixed with the deers. The man begins to scream and yell again, his arms pinned to his side as he squirms, his squirming only making him sink deeper into Eve’s long wet esophagus. Only a few feet of his legs remain outside of her mouth, the deer’s long horns stretching out her throat as she slowly swallows, her hand rubbing and feeling over the sturdy antlers through the tight flesh she takes hard swallow, the large antlers disappear behind her chest, pushing her buxom breasts forward for a moment before the rest of the deer disappears into her body, next his feet are pulled out of the sex as it quickly closes, the vaginal lips slapping together and making a noticeable sound, now only his feet remaining outside of her mouth as she opens her mouth widely, her tongue gently licking them over and savoring them before her tongue gently wraps around his feet and pulls them to the back of her throat before her tongue returns to normal. Her lips slowly and finally close as she makes an audible gulp. Her tongue getting the last bit of flavor off of her lips as she slowly licks them. The large bulge his feet make inside of her throat is noticeable as it begins to get smaller and smaller, finally disappearing completely behind her breasts, never to be seen again. Eve feels the lightning beast squirm within the long fleshy tube as it empties into her large mile long dark gut until he is digested, he pounds the walls yelling as his hands and feet sink into the soft flesh, in a few hours he would forever be a part of Eve. Eve already knows the electricity he charges inside of himself will make his nutrients at least 100x more effective, as the way the lightning creatures are. She smiles knowing this will increase her bust size and plant size well, even though her breasts don’t need to be any bigger, it would never hurt having M cup size breasts, even though she can make them smaller if she has to, but this also mean she will be at least a foot taller, she will appear more green and human with much longer hair, and she will require less food, not needing to eat to survive for at least a month. Eve smiles, patting her belly as she rubs it and her Venus Flytrap like pussy tightly closing as vines cover it. “Thank you Mike, and Bob, for getting me such a nice gift.” She says to herself with a giggle as she lies down and sleeps, feeling the large twenty foot tall creature digesting in her giant gut. But also next to her large stomach she can feel her large womb beneath the planet begin to accommodate her new family. The womb almost as big as her stomach had begun to turn a bit of Mike’s sperm into children, at least fifteen of them beginning their early developments as embryos with a possibility of more to come. Once her body finishes digesting the lightning creature, it will begin to start the process of making breast milk for all of her bodies, so she will be able to feed her human babies when she takes them out of the womb, and once they are filled they will begin their decent back inside of her womb, any plant girls she makes in her womb though will remain down there for life, living off of Eve’s nutrients for sustenance until they are eventually absorbed, and become one with Eve’s body. Once that happens they will be another body for Eve to use at her disposal when she makes copies of herself.
 Christina yawns, awaking from a good nap as she lies in the corner of a room in the palace. Lying within her dark blue coils, as her light blue hair covers her face. She looks down at her stomach to notice it has shrunk down quite a bit. “How are you Tobi?” Christina asks smiling. “I know in your eyes this may seem odd, but it is my way of thanking you. I am thanking you by giving you my body, you will never have to work again, you will never have to feed yourself again, I am in a way a loyal servant of yours, except I am showing my gratitude with love.” She says as her stomach rumbles. “You must be hungry huh? Well don’t worry when I find someone to eat, instead of making you eat by umbilical cord, I am going to let you drink some warm milk.” She says with a laugh as she stretches out her long ten foot tail and begins to slither. Christina began to slither past the large windows, the sun now a reddish color as it began to sink down past the horizon, the white clouds slowly disappearing. She can feel the fibers of the long palace rug beneath her tails she looks at one of the stone walls near the entrance, and sees a large crack and small crater in it. “That is probably some of the damage, Starrk and Max had made.” She thinks as she continues to slither. Eventually she made her way to a large steel door, she puts her hand on the doorknob and twists it as hard as she can, but it doesn’t budge. “How did Tobi open up this door to the prison cells?” she thinks to herself as she examines the large crystal doorknob. At first it seemed like a regular doorknob to her until she realized what she had to do. She puts her hand on the doorknob, gently pushing on the keyhole, as it pushes inwards. She gently turns the large doorknob as the steel door slowly, but loudly creaks open. She peeks inside, noticing the room was empty except for the prisoners she gladly slithers into the room, calmly shutting the door behind her with her own tail. The large steel door closed with a “Clunk!” as the small doorknob on the other side returned to normal, the only way Christina could now leave the room, was by asking someone to open the door for her, or use the iron key Tobi had given her a while back, that opens up all the doors to the cells, and the exit. Christina gladly slithers by as she smiles, looking at all of the people inside of the cells. “Who to eat who to eat?” she asks. “My tummy is awfully hungry, so I think it might be best to eat two people, but now who should I have? Some old man or woman, perhaps a strong and muscular person, or perhaps I should fight my meal first?” she thinks as she slithers to the far end of the room, going past many cells, some empty, some with one or two people in it, the further into the dark room she got, the more sinister the people looked. Eventually she stopped, at one of the cells in the final row. She saw six people sitting inside of the cell three men and three women. All of them playing a game of cards, Christina eagerly watched the six to see what would happen. “Hah, I got a pair of two’s, you?” one of the men eagerly asked, he had short red hair. “I can beat that, four of a kind!” The other man says as he lays down four eight’s, he had short black hair. “You two are losers.” One of the girls says smugly, she had long blonde hair. Laying down four of a kind like the other man, she laid down four 9’s. “Come on, we just need a pair.” She says to her friend. “I don’t have anything.” The second woman says pathetically, she throws down a bad hand full of jumbled cards. The third man or boy actually was sleeping on one of the beds, fully naked as he had lost his clothes fairly fast. He was about seventeen, and had short brown hair. All of the five humans were guards, each of them playing Strip Poker they could be relaxed, knowing that no one ever tries to escape from their cells. The two men still playing, were completely naked, shameful of losing their clothes as they played their last game, while the women, were equally losing, the both of them in their bras as they realized they had lost. “Yes!” the man in the short red hair says. “We won!” he yells waking up the younger guard as he looks around. “What who?” he asks. The two women sigh, both of them taking off their bras and tossing them in their own pile of clothes. “Congratulations now let’s get dressed and go.” The blonde one says to them all. “Not so fast.” The third woman says with a smile, she was a Cowgirl, not one of those western kind that ride horses, she was literally part cow. She had a woman’s body but with mostly cow features, she had long blonde hair and two small horns that came from the top of her head, she had white skin, with black spots all over her body, her feet were hooves, while her hands were black, but were like humans, having five fingers on each hand. She also had a large white tail, with a black bristle like tip the tail was white with small black spots on it. She had large breasts, even bigger then Christina’s obviously do to her ability to make milk faster than others, she also had a large pink udder, which was as big as a person, the udder constantly making sloshing sounds as it was full of milk every time the cowgirl moved. “I think I am the winner.” The cowgirl says with a smile, she lays down her hand of cards, she had a Royal Flush. “Congratulations. You get nothing.” The man with red hair says as he for his clothes, the cowgirl’s tail quickly wrapped around his wrist. “Oh I do get something.” She says with a smile, I am going to make you all my after dinner snacks. Especially since I did win.” She says with a smile. The cow girl smiles, as she pulls the man to her left breast, the nipple opening up and expanding over his head as it tightly closes. The man screams and yells as he tries to pull himself free from the cowgirl’s breast, warm milk drenching his head as it got into his mouth. The man began to feel tired as he drank and quickly fell asleep in the cowgirl’s breast. The blonde haired woman looks around, trying to find her clothes. “Looking for these?” the cowgirl asks smiling, underneath her butt was all of the guards clothing and weaponry, all of them crushed due to her heavy size. Her tail now grabs the woman by her ankle, pulling her off of her feet as she is dragged to the cowgirl, one of her teats opening up as it waited for the woman, the soft pink flesh and warm milk could be seen sloshing inside. The woman screams and yells as her feet are pulled in by the teat, her feet becoming drenched in warm milk as she is slowly pulled inside. The other woman runs up to the cowgirl, trying to punch her as hard as she can, but the cowgirl blocks the punch and pulls the girl forward into her other breast. The girl’s lips pass over the nipple as warm milk gushes into her mouth. The girl on reflex swallows the milk, but continues to drink from the nipple, the warm milk going down her throat making her tired and relaxed, the warm milk finally began settling in her stomach as she closed her eyes and fell asleep on the cowgirl’s breast. The cowgirl lifts the girl’s head, her nipple opening as she stuck the girl’s head inside, the nipple on her right breast begins to suck and swallow, the woman inside slowly being pulled in more and more. “I just love making special milk for my victims, they get to slowly rest as they become more milk in my body.” The cowgirl says with a smile as she uses her hands to shake her giant udder, the woman still slowly being drawn into it, her entire lower half was now drenched in milk as she punches at the udder. The still tired guard looks around trying to find the key to the cell, unsure of what is going on as he walks towards his boss. “What is going on?” he asks yawning, he staggers to the cowgirl, not really noticing the people being jammed into her orifices. “Where is the key?” he asks. “Right here, come and get it.” The cowgirl says dangling the keys with her tail, she rolls over onto her side, the people in her udder and breasts bodies shift over as milk rushes to one side of the udder and breasts. She was still dangling the keys, but now in front of her tight sex. “Their right here, come here baby.” The cowgirl says seductively. The tired man obediently walks to the cowgirl, reaching down to grab his keys as the other man still free stops him. “No don’t!” he yells trying to pull his partner back. The cowgirl grabs the man with short black hair as she pulls him forward, opening her mouth, and putting his head inside and swallows hard, pulling the man inside up to his chest, his body being licked over by her tongue and his body getting coated in saliva. The cowgirl tips her head upwards as she begins to slowly swallow. The sleepy man reaches for his keys as the cowgirl’s tail moves out of the way, the man’s hand slipping into her sex as he is slowly pulled into it. He willingly pushes his arm deeper into her body, loving the warmth as he uses his other hand to help spread her vagina as he sticks his head and other arm inside, loving the soft comforting walls around him. The man and woman in her breasts as her slowly sucked into the nipples some more, their bodies being lifted off of the ground now, as the man’s chest is pulled deeper into the cowgirl, his chest being drenched by warm milk. The sleeping woman’s breasts are now sucked inside by the hard nipples, her soft nipples, now beginning to rub in the cowgirl’s soft flesh. The woman with blonde hair continues to struggle, her breasts now being sucked up by the teat as they are covered in warm milk. She continues to yell and punch at the giant udder around her, hoping someone would save her. But knew her chances to escape were slim, as she decided to enjoy her fate, rubbing her breasts against the cowgirl’s fleshy udder, as she got wetter. The cowgirl was now moaning a bit to herself as continues to swallow and pull harder. She loved the feelings of the girl’s breasts rubbing against her soft insides. She was now pulling the two sleeping people in her breasts up to their legs, and the man in her pussy up to his waist, her fluids beginning to leak out of her sex. She swallowed hard several times, loving the punches the man was using to try and hurt her, but they were only massaging her throat and making it moister. The man sliding deeper and deeper as he yells into the flesh, his penis now being rubbed over by the cowgirl’s tongue as he goes silent, now becoming turned on. Christina silently watches, beginning to rub her own pussy now with her tail, waiting ever so silently as she sees the cowgirl’s majestic beauty, watching her devour five fully grown humans at once. The woman in her breast was almost done, her breast now incredibly large as it contained the sleeping human, the hard nipple tightly trying to close as her feet are left on the outside. The other man was almost inside too, he snored a little bit, but the cowgirl’s flesh stopped it from escaping, his penis which was now hard gently rubbed against the soft walls, the warm milk flowing over his body as he was pulled deeper, only his feet remaining as well. Both people now turned on while they slept. The man inside of her sex continued to willingly go deeper inside. Knowing this was all just in his imagination, but he was wrong. He got inside until his legs dangled off of the ground, the cowgirl gave assistance to her newest willing meal as she uses her tail to help push him inside, and she quickly uses her soft tail to turn the man on by rubbing his hard member. When he disappeared further inside the cowgirl, the soft flesh quickly took his member and rubbed over it, warm juices running all over is body. The cowgirl’s stomach begins to expand as two people enter it at once, she uses her tail to begin masturbating, causing the warm flesh around the man to shake violently, his body about to release as he begins to wake up. Her tail, also massaging the man’s feet as they are left sticking out of her body like a toy. The cowgirl swallows again, pulling the man’s tight penis down to her throat she swallows once more pulling him in deeper, and the soft moist flesh that was rubbing against his member giving him extreme pleasure. His feet were left on the outside of her lips as his toes wriggled. She used her hands to begin massaging her breasts, about to make the man and woman that resided in them, cum and climax, the warm flesh squeezing against the man’s cock and the woman’s breasts, as their outlines could be seen. The girl in the cowgirl’s teat was almost done, her head still sticking outside of the large milk filled udder. The girl moans in pleasure as she climaxes. Her juices coming from her body as her head is pulled into the giant udder, her head now covered in warm milk as she inhales, the milk going down her throat as she quickly falls asleep, her body was now against the soft walls of the udder as the rest of her vaginal juices leave her sex, and she begins the process of becoming milk. The man in her breast shoots cum as he too is finished off by the cowgirl his feet disappearing inside. His body now submerged in milk as he sleeps in pleasure filled bliss. The woman in the right breast, the man trapped in the left breasts new neighbor, also climaxes, her juices filling the large mammary as she is fully pulled inside, the hard nipple sealing behind her. She also gently slept inside the boob as the cowgirl slowly massages them into milk. The cowgirl moans in pleasure, loving the feeling of her new giant breasts and udder. The man in her sex fully awakes as he looks around “This isn’t a dream!” he says to himself, he began screaming for help inside the warm flesh as he ejaculated inside of the cowgirl, causing him to hesitate for a moment as he stops fighting, the cowgirl uses this exploit to her advantage as she uses her sex to quickly swallow up his feet as he was pulled into the womb, making a large bulge in her stomach. The walls thankfully massaged him back to sleep as his body was attached to an umbilical cord as his body was slowly absorbed into it, the umbilical cord emptying into her udder as it slowly produced milk by using the man’s body. . The man inside of her throat is now fully swallowed, his toes disappearing between her lips as she takes a final gulp, he sinks into the stomach and quickly stops, once his legs pass through the esophagus, he lands in the tight stomach, his member firing cum onto the stomach walls as they fill with acid. “I won’t let you suffer honey.” The cowgirl says with a giggle, she gently squeezes one of her teats, thrusting it up and down as milk fired out of it she opens her mouth and swerves her tongue so it catches the warm milk. “Delicious.” She thinks as she swallows the milk passing through her throat and onto the man. He accidently drinks some of it as he begins to get drowsy his eyes begin closing as he falls asleep. The cowgirl’s stomach was now quite large as she gives it a pat. She was able to take in 5 people at the same time, and make their bodies reach ultimate pleasure before she turns them into milk. #0 Christina stares at the cowgirl, her tail thrusting deeply into her own sex. “That was amazing.” She says. “What is your name I must know the name of a person who could perform such a magnificent talent.” She says pulling her large tail from her own vagina as she began slithering to the cowgirl. She gently massages the cowgirl’s large breasts with her long wet tail, she then uses her arms, bulging pregnant belly, and hands to hug and massage the cowgirl’s giant udder, opening her mouth as she sucks on one of the teats and tastes delicious milk. She scoots up a bit closer, opening her mouth as she uses her tongue to lick the cowgirl’s once again tight pussy. Vaginal juices filling her mouth as the cowgirl finally climaxed, the feeling of six people moving in and out of her body caused her to moan and her juices to come flooding out. Christina gladly licked and swallowed all of the vaginal juices, loving the flavor and how it quickly filled her gut. #1 Christina smiles, feeling a bit of pride knowing she was able to drink up the entire cowgirl’s liquids, she goes to pull her head away from the sex, but the cowgirl had other plans, the sex quickly opens up and sucks in some air along with Christina. Her face smacking right into the hot sex as she was slowly pulled inside, she used her long scaly tail to try and pull herself free, but the cowgirl was just moaning as Christina’s tail only squeezed tighter around the giant milky breasts. Christina’s light blue hair and her human half were quickly absorbed by the pink flesh. The cowgirl moaning some more now as she sits back up again, Christina falling off of the udder as the giant milky pink bag crushes her, but only enough to stop her escape. The cowgirl continues to suck up Christina with her sex, her body slowly becoming safer and safer as it entered the cowgirl. Christina’s long tail lay motionless on the ground in front of the cowgirl before that to was quickly, slurped up by the cowgirl. Christina was forced into a tight space with the other man. She too was hit with an umbilical cord, as her and her tail took up the entire womb, the sleeping man being pushed up with her body as she too fell asleep and became nothing but mere milk inside of the giant cowgirl. #2 The cowgirl gently pulls Christina away from her sex and up to her breasts as she begins to feed her. Once Christina’s belly is full of milk and she begins to get drowsy, she is pulled up and into the soft flesh of the cowgirl as the nipple opened, she shoved Christina’s head inside and then her human body, the cowgirl moaning in pleasure as Christina was pushed into the milk and human filled orb, her tail was left sticking out by several feet as the cowgirl tried to force it inside. After several attempts she does it, the fifteen foot long naga was now forced into the gigantic breast, Christina wraps her tail around the sleeping naked human as she hugs onto them, drinking the milk that surrounded her inside of the large milky sphere as she falls to sleep. #3 Christina smiles as she curls up and lays on the giant udder, moments later the teat she was sleeping in front of opens up as part of Christina’s tail falls into it, the teat tightly closing around the tip of the tail as Christina is brought inside. The cowgirl smiles and watches, rubbing over her giant udder as she watches the naga disappear into her, Christina begins to wake up and look around as she sees her world begin to disappear, she yells and cries as she tried to force her way out, even shape shifting into an anthro dragon which only made her heavier, and then a slime girl who was sucked up even faster. Christina is sucked into the giant udder disappearing forever as the teat closes, forced to change back to a naga as she drinks some of the milk and slowly passes out, her body and Tobi’s now going to become permanent milk, along with the other victims of the cowgirl. #4 Christina felt her tail get slurped up by the cowgirl’s mouth. Christina looks over, gently rubbing her own fluid and Tobi filled belly as she was sucked into the cowgirl’s maw, she was slowly dragged up to her pussy as the beautiful cowgirl licked it, pleasuring Christina. The cowgirl swallows again, pulling Christina up to her chest. The cowgirl furiously using her tongue to slide it in and out of Christina’s wet pussy, before the tongue massaged her breasts. Christina moans in pleasure as her milk was swallowed by the cowgirl as it left her breasts. “That…that’s Tobi’s milk, don’t drink my baby’s milk please.” Christina says in pleasure. Christina was swallowed again, but only after her breasts was emptied by the gluttonous cowgirl. Christina’s head now stuck in the end of the cowgirl’s throat “Oh, I don’t think he is going to need it, enjoy being meals six and seven.” The cowgirl says with a giggle as she swallows, loving the feel of the long naga and her giant breasts slide down her throat. Christina squirms around in the cowgirl’s stomach as she curls up and next to the naked sleeping man as she too sleeps the milk from a bit earlier finally making her tired. The cowgirl sits down, after moving to a different spot, rubbing over her now gigantic stomach as she smiles and pats it. #5Christina jumped off of the udder and smiles. “Time to eat you!” she says as she jumps for the cowgirl, her long tail wrapped around the girl’s neck as she hid behind her back, the cowgirl unable to grab Christina as she laughs. “You can’t get me, and once I knock you out, in my belly you will go.” She says with a smile. All Christina saw now was darkness, and a pink fleshy wall, she was grabbed from behind by the cowgirl’s tail, the long thing tail had now opened up and was sucking on Christina’s head. Christina yells trying to get it off as the tail slowly climbs up her body and up to her sex. The tail was now moving up and down over Christina’s body, causing her to get wet and turned on as she moans, losing her grip on the cowgirl’s neck as she slides off and into the expanding tail. She moans and screams as the large tail slurped her up and added her into a completely new chamber in the cowgirl’s belly, once Christina’s tail disappeared within the cow girl’s, there was a large gulp from the cowgirl’s tail as Christina disappeared into the cowgirl’s back and became a large bulge on her belly. The tail then let out a small burp before completely returning to normal. It closed up and shrunk back to its original size. The cowgirl gets up and pats her belly as she sits in a new spot, using her tail to masturbate as she moans, feeling the twitches and squirms of her meals. Christina’s being the most ferocious, as she changed into different forms, from slime girl, to dragon anthro, to harpy, all of them punching, clawing, and slashing at the fleshy walls, but they were too slippery and her attacks just fell off. #6 Christina calmly slept on top of the giant udder, her tail curling up around her as she felt the warm heat coming from the pink bag. The cowgirl smiles as she looks at the sleeping naga. She easily and slowly pulls her off of the udder, stretching her tail to her bulbous ass. “I need someone big to slide up there and become part of my ass. It is just not big enough, especially since my other parts are becoming bigger, it will look tiny in comparison.” She says looking at Christina and then at her kicking belly. “I didn’t know you were pregnant, congratulations, I will be sure that you and your baby enjoy your new life as ass fat.” The cowgirl says. She slowly sticks Christina’s tail between her large cheeks and into the tight hole. The hole is tight around the naga’s tail as it slowly began to suck. The cow girl leads Christina off of the udder and onto the stone floor, turning around and bending over, as if she was presenting herself to Christina. Her tail gently and playfully rubbing across Christina’s face as she begins to wake up, feeling her long tail being pulled into a warm tight hole. Christina looks up, and sees the gigantic cowgirl, she sees her giant udder laying on the floor, being crushed by the cowgirl’s gigantic weight, from the sides of the cowgirl’s body she can see the large milk containers she called breasts. She can see her long blonde hair coming down her back, as she feels her tail rubbing against her face. Christina pushes it away, trying to use her tail as she felt a tug. She looks at her giant ass, and sees her tail quickly disappearing into it. “What what are you doing?!” Christina asks trying to slither away. The cowgirl uses her ass muscles and sucks in hard, Christina being pulled all the way to her human body, as she pushes on the giant ass, punching and grabbing at it. The cowgirl begins to moan a bit. “You know how to give a great massage, you know that? Oh and as for why I am doing it, my ass is going to be far too small for me, but when you and your baby become residents of it, it will be nice and big.” She says with a smile as Christina’s breasts are pulled into it, her large breasts rubbing against the tight ass walls as she was sucked in harder. “Ooh your body feels so nice, all cramped up inside of me.” The cowgirl says as she sits down on Christina. Her giant soft ass resting on her face and arms, the cowgirl’s giant weight also pushing on her. Christina yells trying to get the multi ton cowgirl off of her, knowing she was going to be crushed to death unless she did something. “You have two choices, die and then get sucked up, or willingly climb into my ass you’re going to be my fat one way or another.” The cowgirl says laughing as she smacks her ass, which jiggled all over Christina’s body. Christina sniffs a bit, forcing her body deeper into the cowgirl’s as she was quickly sucked up, her head, then her arms and hands, and all their was left was her light blue hair which also disappeared. The cow girl sits up and smiles, bending over again as she opens her ass with her hands, spreading her cheeks apart as the tight hole open up. Christina’s face could be seen as she tried to hold back the large flesh with her arms, tears coming from her eyes as she know her and Tobi will disappear forever. The cowgirl giggles, releasing her ass as it slams shut and begins to jiggle, Christina squirming and yelling as she tries to escape, only making the cowgirl’s ass sake some more, the cowgirl smiles, sitting down in the large cell, as she feels the struggles of the naga in her ass. “Look on the bright side honey at least it isn’t smelly down there.” The cowgirl says with a smile. Eventually Christina’s struggles would stop, and her body would be turned into nothing then jiggling ass fat on the cowgirl. Christina stops masturbating as she opens her eyes and watches the cowgirl. She saw her giant form was completely done, she watches her stand up and stretch for a minute, rubbing over her own body, squeezing her udder, breasts and ass as she sits down in a new spot. Christina had been dreaming as she was half awake as she saw the cowgirl devour the guards. Christina calmly thought up a plan before she got an idea. “Tobi my little adorable baby, I hope you don’t mind you let me borrow your power, I mean it will benefit both of us, I get six delicious meals, and you get more milk.” She says jiggling her large stomach. She felt a small kick in her tummy and smiles. She slithers into the room and smiles. “You going to eat me to?” she asks smiling. The cowgirl stands up her mighty eight feet height towering over Christina as she smiles. “Yes I am, now be a good little girl and climb on in.” she says smiling as her teat opens up on her udder, showing the pink fleshy walls and milk, along with the female guard who was sleeping. She gently rubbed and massaged her udder. “No thanks.” Christina says leaping at the cowgirl. But the cowgirl quickly moves to the side and dodges, grabbing Christina’s tail as she slams her into a wall. Christina hits the wall with full force, some blood coming from her mouth. She quickly turns into a neko and runs underneath the cowgirl’s udder, barely enough time to slide under it and scratch it with her claws before getting out from underneath it. The cowgirl slammed into the ground with her udder, leaving a large crater as she stands again. “Just be a good kitty and drink some milk.” The cowgirl says massaging her giant breasts, causing warm milk to drip out of the ends and run down her body. Christina turns back into a naga, but this time her upper half is that of boys. She now had short spiky light blue hair, and a flat but somewhat muscular chest. She holds out her hand as the cowgirl slowly begins to become heavier, but the cowgirl just smiles as she walks. “Do you think I can’t carry extra weight?” she asks smiling as she swings her udder. Christina quickly breaks concentration as she turns into a harpy and flies into the air to avoid the cowgirl’s giant udder from slamming into her. Christina turns into a neko again as she lands on top of the cowgirl, repeatedly scratching at her, but the cowgirl’s tail grabbed her from her waist and slammed her into the ground, the cowgirl quickly swinging her giant udder and hitting Christina dead on as she turns back into a naga and hits the wall. “Aww did I hurt the little girl? Don’t worry, it will be over soon.” She says dropping her giant breasts on Christina’s body as she lays on them and crushes Christina. The heavy weight of the breasts and their luggage causing her to run out of breathe. “Don’t worry, being the milk and fat on my body will be fun, you get to sit around all day inside of my breasts and just jiggle around.” The cowgirl says smiling. Christina quickly turns into slime and squeezes between the cowgirl’s cleavage and around her body. The cow girl quickly falling onto her back to crush Christina, but she quickly wraps around the cowgirl and turns into a naga again. Her long tail pinning the cowgirl’s tail to her back and her tail tightly squeezing around the cowgirl’s udder and breasts. “Your right, being my milk and fat will be fun.” Christina says as she opens her mouth over the cowgirl’s head. The cowgirl squirms and yells as she tries to escape. Christina’s jaws gently unhinge as she begins to work her ligaments over the cowgirl’s broad shoulders. After some hassle, next came the giant breasts. They were biggest breasts Christina could imagine possible on a person. Her tongue began to gently lick the soft flesh as her mouth stretches over her nipples. The large breasts squeezing tightly within the warm tight throat as she begins to drink some of the breast milk. She immediately becomes tired and dizzy, but continues to eat, knowing if she fell asleep she would beaten instead. She now works her mouth over the giant stomach, her coils releasing part of the cowgirl so she could continue to eat. The cowgirl grabs her own breasts and begins releasing milk from them as they fill Christina’s stomach/ her tail and human body beginning to fill with the warm white liquid. She finally gets past the stomach and to the udder, the largest thing on the cowgirl. She uses all of her tail and strength, to try and crush the udder into an easy and manageable space, but the cowgirl began to open the teats on her udder as well as milk poured from them. Christina turns her head upwards, trying to stay balanced as she holds the several ton cowgirl in her mouth, feeling the warm milk slide down her wet throat as her eyes begin to close. Her jaws unhinge to their fullest point as the udder slides down and start to disappear. Christina swallowing as hard and as fast as she can, she licks over the cowgirl’s pussy in hopes the taste of sweet flesh and vaginal juices would be enough to help her stop thinking of the milk. It works Christina’s eyes open widely as she swallows again. The cowgirl’s legs and hooves were sticking out as the flail. Christina falls onto her stomach, the several tons of weight were crushing her baby, but the fleshy walls made it act as an incredibly soft pillow. Christina takes one more swallow, sending the cowgirl into her human stomach as it slides down into her large tail, her tail stretching and expanding as she smiles. “Time to go to sleep.” She says yawning. She slithers out of the cell, taking almost half an hour to get back to the steel door, thanks to her new eight. She sticks her hand into her own sex and feels around finally grabbing a key within her sex as she pulls it out and sticks it in the door. The wet slippery key activates the door as it opens up. Christina drops the key back into her pussy as the vaginal lips close around and swallow it, sending back into her tail as she slithers out of the room. She closes the door, and goes to Tobi’ s room as she curls up on his bed, the weight of the cowgirl almost breaking it, but it holds. She massages and feels over the cowgirl, smiling as she lays on her struggling tail and goes to sleep. “I hope you two are comfortable, we will leave in the morning.” Aero says as her clothes and bandages fall off. For a small moment, a woman made of air could be seen before disappearing. “Yes your highness.” Bark says as he remains motionless, his body turning back into an oak tree. Widow smiles walking back into her cave and lying on her spider web she built an hour earlier. “I see you’re still struggling and fighting my baby.” She says as her pussy begins to stretch and a wet cocoon with a man inside plops out. The cocoon lands into widow’s hands as she uses her legs to unweave it. The man was still inside, naked and whimpering like she had left him hours earlier inside of her womb. “Hello my baby.” She says smiling as she lifts him up to her chest and holds him. “Just relax you’re going to be with your brothers and sisters soon.” She says breast feeding him. The man stares at Widow’s eyes as he quietly falls asleep. Widow smiles, using her hands to hold her pussy open as her spider legs begin to feed the man to her hungry sex. The man squirms and struggles. “Please! Don’t! Let me go! I don’t want to die!” he says crying. “Silly you’re not going to die!” Widow says still feeding the naked man to herself. Her fluids covering the man as the warm pink flesh gently caresses him. “You’re going to be one of my little babies.” She says as his feet disappear into her sex. Her pussy seals up tightly, no way of opening from the inside or outside by any means unless Widow chooses so.” The man squirms around inside of the hot chamber, he feels himself pushed into another chamber, and this one just as soft as the other one but was filled with something. The man feels things on his body as he looks around he feels things begin to crawl on him as he yells. Thousands of spiders begin to crawl over the man, he yells and screams, but the spiders do him no harm. “Brother.” One of the spiders says that is nearby his ear as the chamber begins to shake and fluctuate rapidly, the tight walls one moment crushing the man and releasing him the next. An umbilical quickly bites his stomach, as he begins to rapidly age backwards. He yells and punches the walls, only becoming to the size of an embryo after several minutes. The embryo morphs and changes shape, the embryo begins to grow again but stops at a small size. The man wakes up and looks around, he is still inside the dark fleshed chamber, but he feels different he looks at his hands and realizes he is now a baby spider, he crawls around as he senses thousands of other spiders rushing on top of him, the spiders happy to meet their new brother cover him in webs and hug onto him. He was now half spider half human. The other spiders around him though also the same, they were all half spider, but each one of them different species, from angels, to succubus, to part fish, to plant, to even gods and goddesses. Each spider was people Widow saw fit to be her children, so she stuffed them into her sex and made them a baby. Widow was centuries old, just like her other two companions, she had spent most of her life devouring mates, by swallowing them or drinking their blood. If she stores someone in her womb, it was either to save them later or to love them. If someone was put into the second spider filled womb though, their new life as a baby spider was inevitable. Bark had watched the scene from outside of the cave as a tree, getting his meal from the ground instead of a live one. He wondered what Widow would do for food for the night of course she always had a habit of attracting some man to her. He was always perplexed why creatures would turn other ones into babies instead of just making love to them. Such as the life of his species, always asking questions but far too shy to seek answers he remained as a tree and watched. Aero was now a part of the wind, her body filling up with air to help feed her. If by any chance she could find a lone creature, she would fly around them and suck them up into her body, where they would disappear into a system of flesh and organs unseen to the outside world. “One…two…three!” Max yells as he and Angel lift up a giant stone boulder and throw it off of a golden casket. Him and Angel lift up the lid, as a man in very elegant clothing lay inside. His dark red eyes open as he sits up and yawns. He calmly leaves the casket and walks under the moonlight and smiles for a minute before speaking. “I am free?” he asks as he begins to sparkle. He had short black hair, and a pale face, obviously of one who hadn’t seen sunlight he had a long dark cape and a black shirt and pants that seemed to be of rare cloth. “Yeah you are.” Max says. “So this is who they sealed away in the land of ice huh? What’s so special, he seems like an ordinary vampire, except for the sparkling, seriously what is with that?” “He is no ordinary vampire, he has a lot of power and skill, and his hunger for blood is one above any other vampires. The thing is though vampires have been extinct for hundreds of years he is the last known one, the only one to not be taken into masters body.” Angel says. “I see, but I don’t understand why he is sparkling, I have never heard of a vampire spark-“Max says. The vampire had turned to Max underneath the moonlight as he points his bony finger at him. The sparkles around his body turn into small darts just a single one flies and impales the ground in front of Max. “This is why.” He says calmly. Max was slammed into the wall a powerful explosion happened beneath him, Angel only having enough time to protect herself with her wing, Mad had fallen to his knees as he began to cough up blood. “That attack…” he thinks to himself. The vampire like man was already now holding Max by his throat as he began to crush it, using just one finger to gather blood from Max’s mouth as he tastes it. “It has been so long.” He says as his eyes glow and he gets a wicked smile. Angel fires a blast of darkness which hits the vampire as he looks at it. “So you are going to try and control me huh?” he asks holding out his arm as the Unknown Force around him evaporates. “Silly girl that power will have no affect on me. But I will do you a favor, from freeing me from that golden tomb I shall break down this wall that seems to be troubling you.” He says releasing Max as he walks away. Angel rushes over to Max. “Are you okay?” she asks. “I will live.” Max says as he stands. “We have that metal man beast Automaton under our control. And at least we have this Vampire guy.” Max says. “At least he is doing a favor for us.” “We have names you know, of course, they are probably of a dialect you couldn’t understand.” He says as he turns to Max, and moves his lips, but no sound came out. After several moments he spoke again.“As you can see, you do not know of our original creations, all five of us were born outside of this wall before it was built, and we were all sealed away years later.” He says. “Nothing back then was able to kill us, but now, I since a many of varieties of items that can lead to our deaths, if we can be hit of course.” He says with a smile as he begins to walk away, and then disappears into a flock of bats. “Okay…note to self do not hang out with that guy.” Max says wiping blood from his mouth. “Come on we got several more to finish.” He says to Angel.
 Max and Angel are now walking through the continent of wind. “Hey, what exactly are the people we are freeing?” he asks. “I do not know, but maybe.” Angel says as she goes silent and darkness fills her eyes. “The five people we are freeing used to be the original five emperors of the world. Outside of the large wall, all those continents connect to other continents, which in turn connect to their own little Divided Valley like area. The five people we are freeing ruled their lands with an iron fist.” “That metal man part human part machine, ruled the second continent, and one made completely of mechanical creatures. He ruled man and machines. The second man the man who is part human part vampire ruled the continent of ice, and the continent of darkness. Creatures of the shadows, and ice were under his command. The third person we are going to free now is part human part elf.” She says. “She ruled the continent of air, and light.” “So they are part human and part elf? What does being an elf give you an advantage to? From my knowledge elves are weaker than humans except in the flavor department.” Max asks. “Yes, that is true, except for the weaker then human’s part. Most elves could beat any creature, because they are pure, and have the natural ability to use light and nature, and are long living. Of course, they must be trained to use light and nature, by either being taught by an elder elf. Or going to the Divided Valley, and using its powers. Or doing the same thing, on the other side of the planet where the Divided Valley would be which is called the Connecting Tunnel.” Angel says. “The Connecting Tunnel, is on the opposite side of the Divided Valley, and was originally used to transport creatures to the other side of the planet, and vice versa. Of course, once I absorbed it and used its power, your gods and goddesses blocked it off from me.” Angel says. “Anyways, she is part human part Elf, and is probably the only one of her kind left, with the ability to fully use light and nature to her power.” Angel says. “When I was a young girl, these five rulers had controlled the planet, but then they were all sealed away, so that maybe one day, they could truly be killed. Then after they were sealed away, I came into power, and began to absorb the entire world.” Angel says as her eyes return to normal and she shakes her head. “Ugh, what happened?” Angel asks. “I got a history Lesson.” Max says. “Are you okay?” “Yeah I am.” Angel says as she stops Max. “Here, destroy this tree.” She says pointing the largest tree in the forest. “Are you sure she is in there?” Max asks as he begins to charge a blast of energy. “Yes, now use your powers with my attack.” Angel says concentrating as an entire Water fall erupts from her mouth and onto the tree. Max spins his sword and releases the energy as the waterfall turns into fire, the fire beginning to burn at the tree. Angel falls to the ground holding her stomach weakly. Max jumps at the tree as he slashes at it multiple times, the bark tearing apart as it tries to quickly heal but Max gets to the center of it as he finds a woman encased within sap. Max sends a blast of energy through the sap and at the woman as the tree is destroyed. Max falls to the ground landing on his feet. The fire, the tree, and all of the surrounding foliage is quickly sucked to where the tree was, Moments later, a beautiful woman stood there, patting her large stomach as she smiles, the fire from the tree, and the tree being absorbed into her body. “I see, so you two have freed me?” She asks with a smile, glancing at Max. “Hello handsome. Do you want to be my dinner?” she asks as her stomach shrinks back to normal. She had long white hair that touched the ground she was wearing nothing on her body, except for a few leaves to cover her naughty bits. She had white eyes and a very pretty smile. “Yes, my mistress.” Max says hypnotized by her beauty. “Stop her quickly Max has fallen under her spell.” The Unknown Force says in the back of Angel’s head. Angel fires a blast of water and light at the elf, but it is merely absorbed into her body. Angel runs at the Elf woman with full force as she is captured by vines and trees. “Don’t interrupt my meal, I promise I will have room for you.” She says smiling. Angel sends a powerful glob of darkness from the Unknown Force at the woman. She is caught by the attack, but she easily absorbs it. “MMM.” The elf says as her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she drools. “That was delicious, I think I will eat you first.” She says stopping as she looks at her now flat stomach. “I see…go on.” She says as her stomach groans and rumbles. “So, you two want my help? In tearing down this wall, so this woman can swallow the rest of the planet?” she asks as her stomach continues to groan and rumble. “I see I will do it for you. I will tear down this wall, and you will rule it, then me and my friends can become the five rulers again.” She says. “You will be able to give us power beyond any God or Goddess.” She says smiling. “Your friend was very tasty and intelligent.” She says. “I agree to help you, on the condition you release my metal friend.” She says to Angel. “Consider it done.” Angel says uncontrollably as she feels the Unknown Force within her move a little bit. The automaton on the second Continent was waiting by the wall, waiting for the command to begin tearing it down as he felt the darkness leave his body. He is told of what has happened and has a large cruel smile. “I will help you tear down this wall, of course even if you wish, you cannot control me again. My body has now analyzed you, and already built a counter cure for you.” He says laughing. The Unknown Force on his body quickly begins to burn as it jumps off and away from him. The small part of the Unknown Force that was controlling him quickly dissolved into itself as it returns with its large body. The vampire calmly sat on the top of the large wall, waiting for the time to attack it. “Let us rest here!” Starrk yells holding out his hand. He, Beauty and Warp were being doused with rain as Lightning strike near them. The ground was all muddy and full of bugs, as the ground was made of asphalt. “Starrk, are you sure it is wise to sleep her, where we can become ill, and possibly killed?” Beauty asks. “I have to agree with Beauty, I mean especially since there is a hotel FIVE FEET FROM YOU!” Warp yells to Starrk in the rain. Starrk looks over and notices the building, people walking in and out of it as they stood on a sidewalk. Cars were driving by and swerving away from Starrk’s body as he stood in the road. “You may have a point.” He says. “Group vote if you want to stay out here raise your hand!” he yells raising his own hand. “Why the hell did you marry him?” Warp asks Beauty not raising his hand. “I married him because he is a sweet man.” Beauty says not raising her hand. “If you want to go in the hotel, then raise your hand.” Starrk says raising his hand. Beauty and Warp raise their hands. “And yet, he votes twice, at least he knows sleeping out here is stupid.” Warp says. “Fine lets go in.” Starrk says as Warp and Beauty go inside the hotel. Starrk looks around at the cars as he gets an idea. “Hey kid, you want to see something cool?” he whispers to a kid who was holding his mother’s hand as they waited to cross the street. “Sure.” The little boy says. “Okay.” Starrk says. He calmly yawns as he walks inside the hotel holding his sword as a force field appears in the middle of the road, crashing several cars together in a pile up. He then snaps his fingers as he walks into the building. A bolt of lightning came down striking the mass pile up of cars as they exploded. Warp was staring out the window, his jaw dropped, as he saw the explosion, the burning bodies, the people being burned alive, people crushed to death under the wreckage was like a torture to the eyes. Warp could feel the pain and suffering of the people that died his pointed ears which were hidden by his white hair could hear the ambulances from miles away as they rushed to the scene. “Let us go.” Beauty says to Warp without turning her head as she goes into the elevator. Starrk follows Beauty inside as Warp comes in last. The doors calmly shut. The elevator was now holding Starrk, Beauty, Warp, and some man holding a bucket of ice. “Um, the 2nd floor please.” The man with the bucket says. “We are going to the 86th.” Beauty says. “Could you get it Warp?” Warp reaches for the buttons, but Starrk beats him to it, by beating him he punched the panel with full electrified force, the buttons to the elevator making them all light up and causing a short. The elevator slowly creaking to a stop before it began moving again. Now they would have to wait and go through all 86 floors, and because of the short the doors did not open. This meant once they finally got to the 86th floor, they would need to wait for maintenance, to come for the elevator to open up it for them. “YES! I beat you Warp ha-ha!” Starrk says. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” Warp yells to Starrk as they slowly went up a floor. Causing the man with the bucket of ice to jump up, the noise startling him as the ice flew everywhere. “I wanted to press the button.” Starrk says. “You wanted to press the tiny button by punching it…with electricity?! And what the hell was up with the car crash?!” “Well, I told this kid I would show him something cool, he agreed, and one thing lead to another.” Starrk says. “At least I made someone happy!” “You made someone happy at the cost of dozens of lives, people whose families will not be able to say goodbye to their loved ones at a funeral because they are burned to ash?!” Warp says. “This is going to be a long trip.” Beauty says sighing. The man picked up what ice that he could as he puts it back in the bucket. “I knew I should have taken the stairs.” During the yelling argument things had lead to a sword fight. Starrk and Warp were now clashing swords with each other, within the tight space. “Alright, we shall sleep here. We will be at the Divided Valley in a few more days.” The Old man says. “Bob, find some fire wood, Mike, find some food, I will try to build camp.” The Old Man says as he moves his hair to the side and grabs his eye patch. “Oh there is no need for that, I wasn’t sure or not if I should bring provisions on the journey, so I had some essentials needed for you three.” She says smiling. “First, the fire wood.” She says as vines unwrap from the front of her sex, and her Venus Flytrap shaped sex opens. Her sex is already dripping wet as she moans to herself. A large but thin tree begins to slowly peak out of the pink hole. Eve moaning some more as the large tree is slowly pushed it, its leaves and branches stretching Eve’s tight sex open as it comes out. Once the top of the tree is out, all that’s left is the smooth long trunk. This easily slides out of her sex and onto the ground, making a large thump. Eve moaning in pleasure as her pussy was rubbed and relieved of such a large item. Bob grabs the tree as he drags it back and begins slicing at it with his sword. Eve moans again, this time her sex stretches open again as fruit begins to fall out. Not as large as the ones she pushed out from before, but were still of decent sizes. From her sex, apples, grapes, strawberries, and even some still flopping fish were pushed out and onto the ground. “I had some roots by some trees and a river nearby…so I thought I would collect some food from my tree friends, and catch some fish with my roots.” She says smiling. “How exactly did you catch the fish?” Bob asks. “Don’t ask her how she does things! Be graceful to her as she is giving us her own collected food.” The Old Man says to Bob. “Oh no it is fine really. All I did was open up my root in the river, and waited as it began to fill up. I gathered water, and some fish, oh and maybe one or two hungry bear cubs that got caught in the river.” She says. “Hey, instead of eating those little cubs I birthed them back in front of their mother, with some fish to boot so they wouldn’t starve.” Eve says. “That was a riveting tale my good friend.” The Old man says as he sits down and watches Bob and Mike begin to cook fish over a fire. “I suppose you didn’t bring some couches or beds in their?” he asks with a small laugh as he points to Eve’s sex. “Well actually, it does make a good bed, and I could probably find some furniture and push it through my roots, but I think these should do nicely.” Eve says as vines began drape down from the nearby trees to the ground next to Bob, and the Old Man. The large vines began to twist and tie together the vines now formed a hammock. “Hey where is my bed?” Mike asks yawning as he eats the cooked fish. “You are silly Mike.” Eve says as she rubbed her wet sex. “You know how I and my little girl here love your sweet taste and feeling inside of us.” She says with a smile. “Oh, well I guess I will come to bed soon then.” Mike says. “Get some sleep now Mike, you’re going to need it.” The Old Man says yawning as he stands up and walks for one of the hammocks. He lays down in it and closes his eye, the vines forming the hammock also begin to gently wrap around his body to keep him warm. “I will take the first watch.” Bob says yawning. “Mike can take the second.” “We and Mike will do it together.” Eve says smiling. Mike yawns as he stands and walks towards Eve as she smiles. “Keep the armor on, you might need it.” She says as she gently spreads her sex. “Alright, but can you watch my sword?” Mike asks impaling it into the ground. “I will guard it with my life.” She says. Mike calmly sticks his hands inside of her sex, gently moving them in and out as she begins to moan. “No no Mike, just come up inside, we don’t want to bother your friends.” She whispers to him. Mike nods as he pushes his arms inside, next he puts in his face, inhaling deeply as he breathes in and tastes her vaginal liquids, and fresh sweet smelling air that her plant body was producing. Mike’s head is slowly sucked inside he begins to push himself within her. Eve’s stomach expanding as she continues to moan. Mike’s upper half is now inside, he tries to climb in some more, but runs out of ground to push off of, but Eve helps Mike out, using her sex to slowly pull the human inside of her like a small toy. Finally only his legs are left, but they too disappear into the plan woman, her stomach now expanding to the point it hangs over her sex. Her pussy closes up tightly as vines wrap around it. “Just go to bed Bob. I don’t need to sleep.” Eve says moving to where Bob was as she gave him a back massage with her vines. “But I…I don’t want to go… to sleep.” Bob says slowly closing his eyes as he began to dream. Rosalina continued to walk, not bothering to rest as she used her friends bow to move at incredible speeds. Her two ice soldiers had already melted from the speed, but she could easily make some more. What Rosalina didn’t know though, was the more she used the bow, the more of her life and powers were siphoned into the Unknown Force. D-Man and Magma continued to walk, finally stopping near a small volcano. “Lets us rest here.” D-Man says as he sits down in a crossed leg position, closing his eyes as a dark outline formed around him. Magma nods in agreement, his body sinking below the earth as his armor disappeared into the ground. His mass reappearing in the volcano as it began to overflow with lava to accommodate him. Lilith calmly slept within the Digestive Juices, her body enjoying the burn as she slept, her body reforming every few hours due to the digestion process. Christina yawns, as she opens her eyes in the middle of the night. Looking at her tail to notice it had grown eight feet long, and three feet wider. She rubs over her giant tail to find it was empty. She looks down at her breasts in shock at how much bigger they had gotten. “You had a lot of milk didn’t you?” she asks herself and smiles. “Come on Tobi, time to drink up.” Christina says shaking her belly as she began to give birth to Tobi. She smiles, loving the feel of her tight warm pussy rubbing over Tobi’s body. She pulls out the small baby and smiles. She looks down at her pussy to notice the umbilical cord was still hooked to her baby. She uses her muscles to pull the umbilical cord lose as Tobi begins to cry. “Oh no my little baby it is okay.” Christina says sticking her nipple into his mouth as he begins to swallow. His whines were now being drowned out by warm milk. “Do you like my new milk?” she asks smiling. Tobi continued to drink from Christina’s breast. He finally stops, now fallen asleep as he hugged to the warm soft flesh of her breast. “Now now Tobi, it is time you went back inside.” Christina says. She grabs the umbilical cord form inside of her pussy as she hooks back to Tobi’s belly button. Tobi began to start crying again from the pain, but Christina quickly and softly shoves him back inside. The warm flesh was calming him down. Her cervix opens up as the umbilical cord drags Tobi back into the womb, the cervix sealing up as Tobi lay within Christina’s body again. Christina massaged her belly as she swayed back and forth, her breasts and belly moving along with her body as they began to rock their contents in a soft motion back to sleep. Well at least for Christina’s womb anyway. Christina lifts her filled breast as she begins to drink her own milk. She smiles as she drinks up her own milk, from both of her breasts until they were empty. This mean they would grow bigger again, her body thinking more milk needed to be made. She curls up in her coils again, using her stomach and breasts as her own personnel pillows as she drifts back to sleep. “They are coming closer and closer to their conference.” Angel says. “We must be careful when releasing the last two, or else we may be caught.” She says. “I will be careful all we need to release the two. So we have a lord of sands and lava, and a lord of lightning and the oceans?” Max asks. “One of them is part human part dragon, and part human part octopus?” he asks. “Yes, they are both females, and it is best you watch out, they are the strongest, the dragon woman is a master at weapons, and along with her octopus friend they both have insatiable appetites. From my memory, the dragon woman liked to stuff her meals into her womb to add flavor to them, I had seen her once as a child, and she sat on a large blue mountain that squirmed beneath her. Until now though was when I began realizing, that was her womb, stuffed with her victims as they sat inside of her and soaked up her juices. She would then swallow them whole and digest them. She could move the lava and the sands with her hands. And then there is the octopus woman. She is the deadliest of them all, she can manipulate the stars and lightning, she can control the moon to manipulate her tides, or the sun in order to dehydrate sailors faster before she lured them into her depths. She also has a large flexible body. I had heard rumors she pulled entire ships into her sex so they could be digested.” Angel says. “They are who I fear the most in this world.” She adds as her eyes return to normal. “I see so be really nice to the dragon and the octopus.” Max says to himself. The elevator finally reaches the top floor, both Starrk, and Warp wounded badly as they wait. The doors finally open, the maintenance crew exhausted as they begin to now work on the door. Starrk, Warp, Beauty and then the man walk out. The man looks at the elevator. “Never….again.” he says as he begins to walk down the long flight of stairs. Beauty sighs, walking to the room as she uses the key to open it. She goes inside, as do Warp and Starrk. “I am embarrassed because of you two.” Beauty says. “You both not only caused damage to hotel property, but also made a man afraid of elevators in the process.” She says. “You two can sleep out here, I am going to sleep on the pull out sofa.” She says as she walks into another part of the room. “You both will make up and be friends again or you’re going to be my baby for the rest of the trip!” “I am sorry for arguing with you.” Warp says. “I am sorry for beating you with my fast moves, and killing those people.” Starrk says. “I am sure that kid enjoyed it though!” he says as he flips on the TV. “Today on Top News, Little Billy Anderson is rushed to the hospital today, as a nearby car pileup explosion caused his body to become slammed into a wall, he will never walk again, and may also suffer serious brain dam-“The TV clicks off. “Yeah, I am sorry about that car incident.” Starrk says.
 Christina yawns as she rolls over, landing on the ground as she hits the floor. “What’s going on?” she asks herself tiredly as she looks around. She sees the sun shining inside of the window as she quickly sits up. “I guess I should let you become a kid again huh? Don’t worry though I will let you back in tonight.” She says smiling as she feels her stomach slowly expand. Christina begins to slither around the palace as she feels Tobi start to grow. Her stomach becoming heavier as her stomach slowly squirms more often. She sees a group of people talking to each other by the front door. “What is going on?” she asks. “There is a situation near the Outer Wall there are reports of some large ape creature walking on top of it. There are also reports of the same monkey being on fire, as people see smoke coming from it. We are heading out to go check on it.” The knight says. “May I come along and help?” Christina asks. “If you must come with us then yes. But we are already leaving, so when you’re ready, immediately come to the Outer Wall.” The knight says. Christina nods as she sees the knights leave. “Alright Tobi, let us go. And if you’re ready to come out on the way there I will let you out okay?” she says shaking her growing stomach up and down as she leaves the palace, but not before grabbing a large brown sack, which she quickly begins to push into her sex. She quickly forces the large sack into her sex, shoving it into the tail portion of her womb. “So, she is beneath the temple?” Max asks as he begins to walk up the stairs of the Lightning temple. “Yes, her power is being siphoned so she can’t leave, and that power is being used to help power everything else. This is where a lot of the world gets their power now, but when the Connecting Tunnel was around, it and the Divided Valley generated power for the world.” Angel says. “I see.” Max says as they reach the entrance and go inside. “Hello?” Eve asks as she turns around, her body was growing in a small patch of soil that was near the corner of the room, some of the tiles broken apart so her roots and vines could push through. “I thought you said this place was deserted?” Max asks. “It I supposed to be, its only habitants were the three that went to the meeting.” Angel says. “You guys are talking about that old man, Bob, and my Mike?” Eve asks. “You think he is your Mike huh?” Angel thinks as her eyes go black. “What are you doing here?” “I am staying with Mike and his friends, you see, I am actually walking with them right now to a meeting, and Mike and I are going to soon be married and-“ “Shut up.” Angel says. “I didn’t ask for you and your fake relationship.” “Hey it is love, there is no way it is fake! Mike and I love each other! We would do anything for each other!” Eve yells. Angel’s wings fully open now as she begins to walk towards Eve. “Calm down. If she is really making you that angry I will take care of her.” Max says as he impales Eve with his sword and tears through her body. Behind Max, Eve pops up from the ground now laughing. “You think you’re going to be able to kill me? No matter how many times I get stabbed I can’t die.” Eve says as her roots wrap around Max. “Is that so? From what I know about you plant girls, you all have a main system somewhere. And all of your sub roots lead to that system. So, if I charge enough of my powers into your body it will eventually hit your main body and destroy you, causing you and all your other sub bodies to die.” Max says laughing. “And once you are dead, you will be gone forever.” “What are you doing here?” Eve asks. “Now now that would spoil all of the fun. We don’t want to give our surprise away.” Angel says as she blasts Eve with light, knocking her back, and disintegrating her vines. Max quickly impales her with his charged sword, pushing energy into her. “Bye bye.” He says as Eve screams in pain. She could feel the energy rushing from her body and down the roots. Eve stops walking as she puts her hand on Mike’s shoulder stopping him. Bob and his master continue to walk. “Mike, I need you to kill me.” Eve says as she hugs him and starts to cry. “What you want me to kill you?! That is not funny, don’t you ever say that!” Mike says. “I m not joking, I want you to please kill me.” Eve says looking at Mike as tears come from her eyes. She could feel the power of the demigod rushing up her roots destroying her as it quickly came to her. “There are intruders in the temple, they are doing something, they attacked me, and our going to destroy my main body, they sent an attack at me, and I will be dead within the hour the attack its moving here fast.” Eve says. “Then why do you want me to kill you! We need to spend this last hour to try and stop-“ “No Mike. I am going to die, I can’t stop it from getting here, and the attack has stopped all function in the root. Besides you have a meeting to get to, it is much more important than I am.” She says. “Besides, if you kill me with your sword, then I will join the Unknown Force right? Well maybe one day, the Unknown Force will subside, and when it is gone I might still be alive, and then we will find each other again and we can be together.” Eve says. “No…please don’t.” Mike says crying as he looks at Eve. “Don’t make me do this. You are the only girl I have ever loved.” “You have to Mike.” Eve says weakly. “Please kill me.” She says to him tears coming from her eyes form the pain. “It is the only way, to ensure a chance we can be together.” “I am only doing this because it is your final wishes.” Mike says to her as he closes his eyes and swings his blade. Eve’s body is cut off from the ground, her body flying into the air as blood and chlorophyll gush from the wounds. A portal opens up as Eve’s crying but still smiling body is sucked into the portal. Her soul and her body were now joining with the Unknown Force. The rest of her roots and system disintegrating away since Eve was now gone. Max’s attack was dissolving in the dirt. Mike sheaths away his sword as he cries to himself, wiping away his tears as he walks to his friends. “Let’s go.” He says as he goes inside. “I will have my revenge on whoever did this.” He thinks. “I have an entire life time to find out who did this.” “So, you guys are here? It took you long enough.” Lilith says. “We are sorry, we recently lost a friend.” Bob says to them as the Old Man sits. “It is rough to lose someone, I know, how long ago was it when they died?” Starrk asks. “They have been dead for about fifty six seconds.” Bob says. “I am sorry to hear about your friend, but we are getting off topic. Starrk why did you call us here, you said it was urgent?” Aero says. “Yes it is. The World Military has turned out to be doing illegal experiments on soldiers. And as such they have been arrested, and eliminated.” Starrk says. “But why does it have to be shut down? Surely your son Max should be able to handle this?” Aero asks. “Well you see he was the person in charge of it from what we found it.” Starrk says. “What a shock, I told you shouldn’t have married this man Beauty, now that he has reproduced your children are causing problems for us.” Rosalina says as she glares over at Bob and watches him coldly. “Well now that the Military is gone what should we do about the wall?” Lilith asks. “Perhaps set up posts around it, so incase it breaks it can be easily repaired?” “Yes, that might be the best thing to do as a temporary solution. But what if the Unknown Force starts to over flow and some of its soldiers come through?” The Old Man asks. “I believe we should set up a small military like place in each continent, under the rulers’ control, that way they can decided what to with their own soldiers. But I know it seems like this could get wars started, but if you have any personnel vendettas or arguments with anyone here, then perhaps if we express them now, there will be no bloodshed later?” The Old Man says. “That sounds excellent, thank you for your contribution.” Aero says. “So, does anyone have any personnel grudges against one another we can express?” “This is like some sort of support group now?” Lilith asks as she sits up in her seat. “I am fine, even though my sister-in-law may be rude I still love her, and wouldn’t do anything against her.” Starrk says. “Oh I have a personnel vendetta, but I am going to finish it right now.” Rosalina says. “You let my best friend die!” she says jumping forward as she makes a spear of ice, she tries to impale Bob but she is immediately stopped. Lilith was wrapping her tail around Rosalina’s leg to stop her the Old Man was using his hand to catch the tip of the spear rendering it still. Starrk was standing behind her, holding his sword in a position so if she tried to get and closer to Bob she would be stabbed. And Aero’s clothes had just now hit the ground. Her body already their made of air as she holds Rosalina’s chest with one hand stopping her. “Perhaps we should talk this over?” Starrk asks looking at Bob with a small glance. “Rosalina, goddess of ice, and plants, and ruler of the ice continent, I am sorry for letting your friend Lily become absorbed into the Unknown Force, I am also sorry for stopping any attempts you made at saving her, but it was for your own good, you need to be here for this.” The Old Man says. “I sent Bob personally to save you, because I knew Lily’s death would lead into the creation of another Demonic Item, so I sent him there to protect you and collect it, so it could be destroyed and help weaken the Unknown Force.” The Old Man says. “I see you’re still going on about that again huh? How exactly do you know that was going to happen? You always say that you know, but you never say how.” Rosalina says “If it wasn’t for me, Starrk’s son would be dead, and we would never be having this conversation.” The Old Man says. “I repaid you remember?” “It is true that you had your friend come and save my son. But, I have to agree, the way you know when a Demonic Item is going to be built? How did you even know to send your friend to save Tobi?” Starrk asks. Everyone had now returned to their seats. “I know because I was once taken into the Unknown Force, along with Robert and Michael here, all those centuries ago.” The Old Man says. “I share a link with her, whenever she can sense when she will receive a new victim, I sense it as well, and she has the ability to see into the future, to see the last moments of her victim, so she can tell what they were doing.” “I use it to my advantage, to try and save as many people’s lives.” The Old Man says. “If that is true then why didn’t you use it to save Lilly?” Rosalina asks. “Because, I cannot interfere with who she devours, but I can protect the people who are hurt by who she devours. “He says as he hesitates for a moment. “You all think I am mad don’t you?” “By just a little bit.” Starrk says. “You are a nut job.” Lilith says. “You are a liar, and a murderer, telling your henchmen not to save my friend.” Rosalina says. “I still believe in you.” Aero says reaching for the Old Man. “If that is true then you must believe in what I am about to say.” The Old Man says. “Those five legendary creatures from long are running rampant, I can sense their presence from here, if you all sense and concentrate you can feel four of the five.” “I still think you are crazy.” Lilith says. “My, desperate for attention now are we?” Rosalina asks. “Even you do not believe in me.” He says sighing. “I have a plan to stop them, if you want to take part in it fine, if you do not, then I wish for your best.” He says. “From what I can remember, each one of them had a key weakness, for my continent she was weaker outside of water, for yours Rosalina, he couldn’t move through water without hurting himself, for your home land Starrk he produced a lot of energy, so he could easily be short circuited, or if he didn’t produce energy from his body he would explode from over charging, for your land Lilith she was slow, and if she was hurt it would do a lot of damage to her no matter how small, but she also had very hard scales, and for you Aero she was powerful with the four elements, but is weak to metals, and other things. “ he says to them. “I don’t think I am going to do it.” Rosalina, Starrk, and Lilith say in unison. Before they both all start to chuckle at the idea of his plan. “Then I wish you luck.” He says as he leaves with Robert and Michael. “Hey why aren’t you dodging the old farts plan?” Rosalina asks Aero. “Because he is my friend, and I would give him my life.” Aero says. “He is a good soul, he knows right from wrong, if he thought up this plan then he wanted us to follow it, Rosalina you would be dead right now if it wasn’t for him would you not? And Starrk, think about your son, would you really not believe in the man who saved your boy’s life?” Aero asks as she stands. “I am going to return home, it would be best if we all did, meeting adjourned.” Aero says. “Why are you big friends with him, I mean I know the guy a little bit, but not enough to trust my life with his?” Starrk asks. “I am friends with him because it is good to know those who are legends.” Aero says. “Legends?” Lilith asks as she thinks. “The hair, the swords, the names, you don’ mean, those three guys are-“ A powerful energy explodes into the room, all four gods and goddesses and their friends can feel its tremendous power, even though it was miles away. “Yes.” Aero says calmly. “Robert Swift, Michael Flash, and Richter Blitz, are the three that left the room just now. And if you don’t mine I will be going immediately to help fight these threats with them, it is up to you three now if you want to listen to him.” She says as she leaves the room with Bark and Widow. Starrk, Lilith, and Rosalina look at each other, each of them thinking if they should listen or not to his plan. “Man, there is a lot of power coming from here!” Max says as he continues to slash as Richter’s throne, more energy being released from it. Angel fires a blast of darkness and light which destroy the seat and part of the ground. Beneath it within the light was a beautiful woman. She had long gorgeous dark blue hair that reached down to her back she had very large breasts, she had Caucasian skin, and a beautiful smile, she also had dark grey eyes. Beneath her stomach was where it began to change into an octopus, a little bit below her stomach it became black and part of a different skin, she had 8 long black tentacles, they each had small suctions on the end of them that went down the tentacle to where her sex was, and each one was at least ten feet long. Her tentacles reach out of the hole as she pulls herself out. “Hello.” She says in a soft lovely voice, her tentacles carrying her across the tile, each suction cup attaching and then pulling off of the hard floor, each small suction cup making a “Schpluck” like noise. “I see you have freed me from my imprisonment?” she asks smiling as she looks at Max and Angel. “Yes we have, and we wish for your assistance in tearing down this wall, it contains our master who wishes to rule and place you and your friends in charge, while she rules the planet, also on the other side of the wall is a large water source that-“Angel is immediately stopped, the Octogirl’s large tentacle wraps around her and pulls her up to her body. “Listen here honey I am the woman in charge, not you, now you’re boss may seem sweet and all, but I am the ruler of my own kingdoms, she can gladly rule over my friends if they will let her, but not mine.” She says with a smile as her stomach grumbles. “Oh my I am starving, looks like you will be my first meal this century.” She says with a laugh. Her other tentacles wrap around Angel, the small suckers draining her of her powers and the Unknown Force. “Delicious power source you have. Really, it is quite strong.” She says smiling. Angel is now drained of her energy, completely powerless against the woman the dark tattoos on her body were now gone, along with her dark colored eyes, her hair became shorter again, and her breasts and beauty returned to normal. The Octogirl smiles to Angel one of her tentacles slowly beginning to move in and out of her pussy causing Angel to moan as she got wet. Two tentacles wrapped around her large feathery wings as they began to suck on them. Another one of her tentacles wrapped up around Angel’s body, and her breasts, the tentacle squeezing her tightly as it wrapped around her throat and began to enter her mouth. Angel was screaming from the pleasure she felt as her body became violated. Two tentacles wrap around Angel’s arms and hands, spreading them to her sides, as the last two wrap around her legs and also spread them. The tentacle in her tight sex moving in and out at a fast rate, the tentacle slamming into Angel’s body as it got deeper with each couple of thrusts. Angel was moaning, her juices spilling onto the tentacle as she choked, she felt like her body being nothing but just a mere pile of warm flesh for the Octogirl to stick her long tentacles inside. She was choking, gasping for breath and for help, glaring at Max with her eyes as she cries. The Octogirl laughs to herself until Angel finally climaxes. The tentacle in her sex pulling out of her, the long tentacle was drenched in Angel juices, as it was carried over to its master. The Octogirl opens her mouth as she sticks the tentacle inside of it, taking several hard swallows before pulling the long tentacle out, the tentacle was now only covered in saliva, and all of the sexual juices on it were now in the woman’s belly. “Oh I am still not done with you.” The Octogirl says as Angel is quickly brought down to the Octogirl’s sex. “Enjoy being my first meal in over one thousand years.” She says as Angel’s feet are quickly stuffed inside, the Angel screams, trying to fight back, but all of her power was drained into the Octogirl. “Why aren’t you helping me Max?” Angel asks as her legs disappear into the tight pink flesh. “Do you dare betray our master?” she asks. Her legs were disappearing into the tentacles sort of like a curtain, but behind the tentacles was a large pink hole that slowly sucked in the Angel. The Pink hole though didn’t have a beak like on a regular octopus it was just soft pink flesh. Max just laughs to himself. “I never said she was my master.” He says to Angel, a wicked grin on his face. “In fact, I want to destroy her, if these five creatures have their ultimate power like the legends say, then I would rather work with them.” He says. “Ooh you are such a treacherous young man, I like that.” The Octogirl says. “Instead of making you my meal I think I will let you help me instead.” Angel cries to herself as her arms and chest were sucked inside, her legs visible inside of the Octogirl’s stomach. “What about our love Max?” Angel asks as she cries. “You have quite the imagination I don’t seem to be able to recall me ever saying I love you.” Max says with an evil smile. Angel gasps as her head is shoved into the tight pussy. The Octogirl moans as she sits on her tentacles again, her stomach stretching outward as it contains the squirming Angel. “She is going to make a great meal.” She says patting her stomach. “So, can you show me this wall I need to tear down? I need some water.” “Of course I shall show you the wall madam.” Max says smiling as he leaves the room and heads outside. He jumps on top of the temple roof, the Octogirl jumping up and landing right next to him as she smiles. “It doesn’t seem that hard.” She says pointing her finger. Clouds begin to form over the Outer Wall as they turn black and become thunderous. Moments later bolts of blue Lightning strike down and destroy the wall with an impossible ferocity. “How did you do that? I thought Gods couldn’t possess the same power as another.” Max says. “Silly man, we are not Gods, we were creatures created from a powerful God that lives in the center of this planet. He and his warriors created the universe and everything within it, and then he sealed himself away, placing us 5 guardians to rule the planet as he slept. And when we are all truly defeated, he will once again rise with his soldiers to conquer this land once more.” She says with a smile. She wraps a tentacle around Max as she holds him to her body. Her tentacle was firm around him, but it wasn’t draining his energy. The Octogirl makes a mighty and powerful jump off of the temple as she glides towards the Outer Wall, landing hard on the ground as the Unknown Force began pouring onto the land. “Like I said this is MY kingdom!” she roars. Her seven tentacles were swallowing up the Unknown Force as she walked over it. A loud screaming could be heard until finally the Unknown Force tears apart from Octogirl and flees. The land in front of her opening up as a large ocean with an island could be seen in the distance. “Wow, you made the Unknown Force afraid of you.” Max says to her. “I am the strongest thing awake on this planet honey, I am afraid of nothing.” The Octogirl says as she jumps again, getting much closer to the large body of water. “If you are so powerful, then why do you not rule the planet?” Max asks. “It would be hard trying to control the entire planet, but I and my friends get along well.” She says as she lands in the water, her entire body is submerged by the cold clear liquid. Max is brought beneath the surface as well, holding his breath as he tries not to drown. “This is so relaxing.” The Octogirl says smiling as she looks at Max. “Oh, you can’t breathe underwater huh?” she asks as her tentacle wraps around his mouth, one of the suckers attaching to his lips and forcing it open as it pumps air into his body. The Octogirl begins to swim back up to the surface, once she breaks through it she walks onto the small island and smiles. She then sets Max down onto his feet as she begins to move to the center of the island. Max following right behind her. “I can see my friends have all returned does everyone want to go through with your little plan?” The vampire asks. “No, that stupid squid betrayed me and attacked me, and-“ “I have heard all I needed then!” The vampire says smiling as he stands. He charges his fits with darkness as he slams it into the wall, after several moments the wall began to crack apart as it shatters, parts of the rubble exploding in several places. The Unknown Force begins to move onto the land of ice. “Not so fast.” The vampire says appearing back down in front of the mass of darkness, using his unreal speed to get there. He holds out his hand as the Unknown Force screams and begins to back up. “What are you doing?” she asks weakly as she backs away. “If we all don’t want to work for you, then none of us will!” he says appearing inside of the Unknown Force, moments later a large trail of blood and darkness erupted from behind him, tearing the Unknown Force apart as she screams and quickly begins to subside. The Unknown Force quickly leaves, from where her mass was were many unconscious bodies, those consisting of humans, werewolves, other vampires, ghouls, ghosts, and other creatures. “Probabilities are showing me that my friends are rebelling.” He says sitting on top of the wall as he looks at the Unknown Force quiver and slowly back away. He lifts his large metallic hand as it morphs into a drill, and he impales the large wall beginning to tear through it. Christina feels Tobi grow to full size as she stops. “You all keep going.” She says to the knights as she slithers to some trees, she gently massages her stomach as her sex begins to spread apart, she slowly begins to push the young boy from her sex, her vagina spreading to the sides to let out his head and his shoulders. She continues to push, letting Tobi’s body fall to the floor as he hits his head. “Ugh where am I?” he asks looking around as he feels his body slide out of the warm chamber as he fully collapses. “Welcome back to the world.” Christina says smiling. “I am not going to forgive you for turning me into a baby!” Tobi yells to her. “I didn’t guess you would, but can we still be friends?” Christina asks. “Yeah I guess so, hey where am I, and am I in some for- WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!” Tobi screams as he covers himself and hides behind a tree. Christina smiles to Tobi, sticking her hand into her own sex as she gently massages it she then slowly stuck her entire arm inside until she finally grabs a small rope. “Got it!” she says pulling it out, along with the soaked white rope, it was attached to a brown sack which was also covered in her juices “I had them cleaned for you.” She says as she opens it up. Tobi’s clothes were inside of the sack, nicely clean and warm. “Thank you.” Tobi says reaching out as he grabs the sack and pulls it to him. Moments later he was now back into his clothes, his regular black full body armor, and black robe he was also wearing black gloves and black shoes. Tobi and Christina go to where the knights were as they pause. By the Outer Wall was a large metal man, fighting the knights. One of the knights rushes at him, but he easily grabs his head and smashes him into the ground crushing his body. One of the other knights quickly throws a small bomb at the beast, making it feel up with smoke around him. Moments later a large metal claw came from the ground and slashed one of the soldiers before it pulled him beneath the surface, his body is then thrown from the cloud of smoke into the air. The knights look at their flying friend as the automaton rushes from the smoke and impaled two of the knights with his hands before slamming them together into a pile of blood and armor “Someone has to help them!” Christina says. “Wait a minute I think they got him!” Tobi says. Christina quickly turns into a slime girl and jumps to the large man, her arms turning to knives as she tries to stab him, but the machine roars, he smashes his large electrified fists together as a shockwave of energy bursts from his body. The knights being knocked down as Christina turned back into a naga the metal man quickly sent a powerful punch into her stomach knocking her away. “Christina!” Tobi yells as he runs to her body. She was hit hard by the large metal fist, he could see it in her eyes she was injured badly, and she had blood coming from her mouth as she cried. “Tobi, leave me here and run, you can’t stop him.” She says weakly. Tobi looks at Christina and the other knights who were knocked down by the large automaton. The large part of the Outer Wall breaking open as darkness slowly leaked out of it. “Christina holds on.” He says to her, don’t die!” The large looks at the Unknown force. “I don’t need your help.” He says angrily as he stabs it, his energy causing the large blob of darkness to sink back behind the wall and disappear. But the energy also caused the wall to shatter apart, forcing the Unknown Force back even more. The elf woman smiles holding her hand towards the Outer Wall as earth, fire, wind, water, and heart light energy form in her hand as it flies to the wall. The ball of energy travels through the wall obliterating it, as it tears through the Unknown Force as well, causing the darkness to scream as it subsides back to where it came. “None of us want your help.” She says smiling. The dragon woman smiles sending a ball of white flame from her mouth at the wall as it began to incinerate it. The white flame traveling across the wall as it begins to melt it away its remains. The dragon woman flies over the wall as she smiles and sends another blast of white fire into the darkness, the flame spreading like a wildfire burning at the Unknown Force until it disappears, the Unknown Force screaming as it does so. The Unknown Force returns back to the Connecting Tunnel, weakened within it as the Unknown Force turns back into a woman again. “How, could I be defeated?” she asks herself. She had long black hair, and tanned skin, she was wearing a dark revealing dress, that had small cloth that stretched to her wrists and wrapped around them, the cloth from her wrists to the main part of the dress hung downward. “Almost everyone I had absorbed has now returned to their places.” She says as she punches the rough ground as it cracks. “I only have a few people left in my body at least they are the ones I can still use.” She says to herself as she begins patting her large motionless stomach. Behind the woman a large hiss sound could be heard se she turns around, the source of energy where the Connecting Tunnel had gotten its power was still gone, inside of the woman known as the Unknown Force, but strangely, the tunnel opened up again, leading back towards the Divided Valley like it used to. But the small charge of energy holding it quickly died out again. “I think I can obtain power after all.” She says smiling. “I will travel across it and absorb the power from the Divided Valley, and when I do I will have enough power to conquer the entire world.” She says laughing. “I was originally going to use those five legendary creatures to add to my power, but they seem far too strong right now, so when they are at their weakest, then I will have my revenge. But until then, I will wait here and continue to charge the tunnel with my powers.” She says. “Why is the Unknown Force so weak right now?” Max thinks. “Even strong attacks normally don’t affect her, unless of course a Demonic Item was destroyed recently.” He thinks to himself. The Octogirl smiles as she sits on a sandy throne, from the water fish like people began to surface and walk onto the island. “My people, your queen has returned.” The elf woman smiles as she creates a throne of wood which begins to rise, beneath the throne a large tree begins to form around it as a palace of wood starts to form. The vampire laughs as he holds out his hand towards the icy palace, slowly the large palace shifts over the ice and back toward the dark foggy land near it. Once half of it reaches into the new land it immediately stops, half of the palace melted away, showing beneath it gothic architecture, there were windows with designs on them, and a large dark tower, adorned with chains and large webs. “My home is once again rebuilt.” He says as he enters the palace. “I guess I start rebuilding my throne.” The dragon woman says smiling she flies over to a large demon, the demon was about half the size of D-man but was still pretty large. The large demon was holding a spiked club as he sees the dragon woman fly to him. “What do you want?” he asks showing his sharp yellow teeth. “The dragon woman sent a blast of white fire at the demon, he blocks it with his club but it quickly disintegrates away. The dragon woman then rams into the demon, knocking him down as she sticks her large dragon sex in his face. Her sexual juices were already dripping onto the demons face as the warm soft dragon lips sit on top of him, large sucking sounds were coming from her sex as he demons head was drawn inside. The demon tries to take the dragoness off of his face but she stands her ground as she moans and uses her muscles some more. The large demon’s spiked horns and shoulders were now inside of the dragoness, his spikes hitting the fleshy pink walls but not harming her, in fact she enjoyed it. “That’s a good little toy, keep squirming, hit me with all you got, it’s not going to hurt me.” She says moaning. The demon was now brought in up to his legs, the large red legs and tail still outside as they flail around. “I am going to make you an example.” The dragon woman says as she starts to walk around, dragging the demon body in her tight sex. Nearby were some succubae and incubi who were having an orgy. The dragoness whistles to get the large groups attention. “Here is just an example of what’s going to happen to all of you.” She says turning around, showing the flailing demon covered in woman and dragon juices as he is fully sucked inside, but the dragoness goes a step further, after the large demon was settling in her dragon womb, the demon was forced upward into her human half, there was now a large squirming white ball on the front of the woman, it shook violently as she just massaged it and moans. “Don’t worry there is plenty of room for all of you! And I am starving, so I will eat you all within the week as well.” She says breathing white fire around her and the group. The fire spreads around them and out, creating a large white box of fire. Some of the Incubus rush at the dragoness, some trying to hit her, others trying to put her in an illusion. “Silly demons, I am a master of all weapons, even non physical!” she says holding out her hand. The Incubi who tried to place her in an illusion had already found themselves inside of the dragoness tight womb, their bodies cramped along with a woman’s and a demon. The Incubi outside of her body tried to punch and hurt her as she laughs. Their punches were just being absorbed into her body, her scales protecting her from damage. Her long tail wraps around the three incubi as she brings them to her sex she shoves all three of them inside, she moans as she squeezes her breasts her juices flooding onto the three male demons as they were pushed into the dark space. Her tail remained wrapped around one of the now fully coated incubi as he is pulled out from the warm wet embrace and brought to her large mouth. She had already pushed the demon back into her womb with the others as she licks her lips and drops the incubi in her mouth. The incubi’s legs flail around, but all the Dragoness does is laugh as the incubi sinks into her gullet. “You taste so good! My own juices mixed with your warm tight body just put me in a euphoria state of ecstasy!” she says in her head as she squeezes her breasts. The Succubae watched as their partners were devoured, but they began to smell the dragoness sweet pussy juices, the succubae run at the dragoness with all of their power as they jump on top of her and begin to moan, the pheromones coming from her tight sex putting the girls in a state of hypnosis. They couldn’t help themselves they eagerly squeezed the dragoness breasts, some of them licking the juices off of her tight pussy, while others fingered themselves as they massage her large dragon belly. The people in her womb had already begun the hypnosis as well, squirming as much as they could, yelling for help and attacking the walls the best they could so they could please their mistress. In their heads they were screaming no, they wanted to stop, they wanted to run, but their bodies were reacting in such ways it was impossible to control them. The dragoness finishes swallowing the single boy as he lands in her human stomach she smiles as she sees some of the succubae rub over her stomach it and compliment her beauty. Some of the other Succubae going to the extreme, as three to four of them fought trying to fit inside her large dragon sex, they moaned in pleasure, trying to do their best to climb into their master. The one incubus in her stomach yells, pounding on the walls as he tries to escape. “What are you doing?!” he screams as he takes a deep breath, he begins to feel his body lose control as well as he also begins to rub the soft walls. The Succubae manage to get inside the warm womb, thanks to a dragoness tail shoving them inside. The remaining succubae try to climb inside her sex as well but she stops them. “How about you two girls pleasure me, and when you’re all nice and coated let me eat you?” “Yes sir!” they both say smiling as they begin to rub over her large sex, they moan as they begin to lift her soft lips, they eagerly drink the juices that escape, they rub their bodies against the large fleshy walls spreading the juices around each other by rubbing with each other’s bodies. Once the dragoness had deemed them tasty enough, the two succubae pulls from her sex and begin to climb up her body, eagerly trying to get inside of her belly The dragoness uses her tail to grab them, their black leathery wings were flapping, they were completely naked, begging for the dragoness to swallow them down. “Once you come inside of me, give my other meal some company.” She says opening her mouth and patting her squirming belly. The succubae climb into it, their bodies getting covered in saliva. The warm tight throat holds their bodies together, their large breasts pushing up against each other as their tails become entwined, the dragoness’ swallows, pulling the two girls down her throat, they both moaned in pleasure as they felt their bodies now tightly packed together. She swallows again, bringing their heads into her expanding stomach, their feet disappearing into her mouth as she slowly closes them, rubbing her tongue over their feet to enjoy the lovely mix of sweetened flesh. She swallows again, the succubae now falling on top of the single incubus, they both hug onto him as they rub up and down his body, their large wings opening up and taking up the space in the fleshy stomach. The dragoness laughs as she rubs her tremendous stomach, opening her mouth as the white fire surrounding her is pulled back into her mouth and swallowed up. The succubae continue their sexual experience as they being to start the digestion process, the three in her belly would digest and become more flesh on her body so she could occupy even more guests. She opens her mouth, lifting her large breast as she begins to suckle, enjoying the taste of her own milk as it begins to wash down her throat and onto her bellies occupants, the demons in her stomach eagerly drinking up the juices that fell from above as they felt relaxed and more comfortable within her belly. The people in her womb would continue to struggle and pleasure her as they are covered in more of her sexual juices. The more they stay within her womb the more filling and delicious they would be. Tobi saw the large automaton, he rushed at him with his large metal fist, trying to crush him, but Tobi quickly donned his mask and dodged. Feeling his powers increase as he holds out his hands. The automatons body became much heavier as he tried to move. “What is this?” he yells. “This the power of a demigod.” He says appearing behind the monster, he was able to do so by making himself lighter and pushing in a direction, he holds out his hands as he spin kicks the monster, his foot tearing through his body and knocking him forward. Tobi throws out his hand, making some of the swords and spears lighter, the forced caused him to move away, but he concentrated harder as the weapons changed direction and came to him. Tobi quickly appears in front of the automaton, impaling him with swords and spears before quickly kicking him in the air. “I am going to make you pay!” he says. He started charging his fists with energy as he sends the killing blow. He lunges his fists into the automaton’s chest, but he missed. The automaton smiled, able to dodge the attack in such a way, his body seemed inhuman, he quickly kicked downward using his heavy weight to his advantage as he sends Tobi into the ground leaving a large crater, his arm becoming broken in the process. The large automaton lands on top of Tobi, not crushing his body but close enough to get in his face. He grabs Tobi’s broken arm, and rips the armor and clothing off of the arm and his hand. He had an evil smile, his eyes and half his face were covered in metal, his grin was wider then possible, and he had sweat and oil dripping from his body. “Your little powers may have worked, but I was able to analyze them, and use them to my advantage, I can see every possible move you make now with those powers, anything you do to me, is completely useless“ he says laughing. “I am going to let you suffer this defeat, you weren’t able to save your friend, you are defeated, and you can never hurt me, so you can never get your revenge!” he says laughing as he spits blood onto Tobi’s face, he rips Tobi from the crater and tosses him at the weakened Christina as he walks away onto the new land, a small metal tower beginning to grow in the distance as he walked. Tobi now lay next to Christina, both of them hurt badly as they stare at each other, they both reach out their bloodied hands to try and touch each other before they die, trying to feel each other’s warmth touch as it may be the last thing they felt. They both close their eyes weakly as they feel. Tobi’s broken arm was causing him pain but he ignored it, Christina’s broken ribs were causing her pain, but she ignored it. Tobi’s and Christina’s hands fall and collapse on the ground, just centimeters apart from each other on the dirty grass, as they now lay motionless, their fingers unable to touch even though it was such a small distance, as golden lights form between each others fingers, causing a separation between the two as they now remain unable to touch each other.
 Lisa opens her eyes, she glances out the window next to her, and she can see the sun rising with the clouds below her. She looks to her left and notices the old man who was finally sleeping next to her, he was around 79 years old, and smelled of prunes, he had actually bored her to sleep since the start of the flight, and was glad he finally was silenced. Although she was unsure of how long it maybe she decided to enjoy it. Lisa opens up her small compact mirror from her blue jeans, as she begins to put on some make up, she was a twenty two year old looking beauty, and she had blonde hair that was braided into a long pony tail. She had gorgeous blue eyes, and a smile no man could resist, she was actually 65 years old, although there was no way you could tell by looking at her, since she was a succubus, beneath her blue button up shirt she had leathery wings, and beneath her jeans she had a long black tail that was as of right now, wrapped around her waist. She thought life in the human world would be great, she could eat or absorb the souls of people that she had sex with. She could have as much sex as she wanted with no regrets, since as a succubus she was immune to human diseases. And she could forever stay young, always having people trying to win her heart. On the plane she had remembered seeing man that caught her eye, he had short military cut brown hair, he had a firm build, and was wearing a suit, and he seemed around 19 maybe 20 years of age. Lisa quickly stepped into the aisle, making sure not to wake the old man. As Lisa walked up and down the aisle a few times trying to find the man she saw board the plane, she felt a bit disappointed in not finding him. Until she remembered he could be in first class, so she quickly puts an illusion around herself, disguising her as a stewardess, she elegantly walks down the aisle and pass the curtain into the first class. She looks around, noticing no one else around as she removes the illusion. She slowly walks down the aisle, glancing over men and women until she finally finds the man from before. “May I sit here?” Lisa asks. “Sure.” The man says glancing at her before he looks back out the window. “My name is Lisa, what is yours?” the succubus asks kindly. “Alex.” The man says as he still looks out the window. “You seem a bit distracted Alex. Is something wrong?” Lisa asks. “No, I just can’t wait to go back home and see my wife.” The man says with a small smile as he turns to Lisa. “So you are married?” Lisa asks. “How long have you been married?” “Well, I am not married yet actually, I am on my way to my fiancé’s house so we can have our wedding tomorrow.” Alex says. “I just got back from some time in the military. We are having our wedding at the town church, but we aren’t sure if anyone else is going to show up, since are friends and relatives live a far way from where I live.” He says “Oh, so you aren’t married yet?” she asks with a small smile. “ “I guess you could say that, may I ask who you are exactly?” he asks. “You can call me Lisa.” She says. “So have you had your bachelor party yet?” “No, I wasn’t really planning on even having one.” Alex says. “I am just not sort of into that thing.” “You are not into girls?” Lisa asks with a small smile. “No no not that, I am into girls, it’s just I have never felt comfortable with other woman except for my fiancé.” He says to her. “Well, how many times have you and she had sex?” Lisa asks. “Excuse me?” Alex asks in surprise. “How many times have you done it? If you aren’t comfortable around woman, how are you going to be comfortable with a naked girl?” Lisa asks. “We…we haven’t done it yet.” Alex says. “Well you need to have some practice sweetie, or else on your wedding night you aren’t going to be able to satisfy her, and then who knows where your relationship might go?” Lisa asks. “That’s a lie. What are you some kind of marriage expert?” Alex asks turning away. “Honey, I am a marriage counselor, and 90% of marriages fail because of bad sex life.” Lisa says gleefully as she lies. “They do?” Alex asks looking back at Lisa. “What what should I do then? How can I get better? I don’t want to lose her!” he says as he starts to panic. “It is okay Alex, come with me, I have a small gift for you, it is a free membership into the Mile High Clubs, and trust me once you join, you may be very happy that you did.” Lisa says smiling. “I will show you everything you need to know to please your wife.” Lisa says as she stands and walks to the lavatory. Alex looks around, thinking to himself if he should listen to the woman. It was an airline right? No one would find out but him and her right? Alex quickly stands and rushes after Lisa and follows her into the lavatory, which was surprisingly large, possibly because they were in a first class lavatory instead. “Okay, so the first thing you are going to want to do first is get undressed.” She says as she unbuttons her shirt. She quickly puts an illusion over the door, so it was locked and no one could hear any sounds coming from inside. Alex took off is clothes, gently setting them on top of the closed toilet seat, once he was in his underwear he hesitated. Lisa smiled, taking off her blue button shirt as she reveals her black satin bra. Her large leathery wings unfold as she smiles. She quickly unbuttons her blue jeans as they fall to the floor and she kicks them off. “What...What are you?” he asks as he backs away to the wall. “Oh I am a succubus sweetie. But don’t let that stop you” She says as her tail unwraps from her waist and gently moves over towards Alex’s underwear band. “And I am going to get you into the Mile High Clubs, and by that I mean my nice soft womb.” She says as she uses her tail to rips the underwear from Alex’s body. Alex quickly rushes for the door, but the tail wraps around his waist and stops him. “Somebody please help!” he screams as he tries to escape, but no one outside could hear. Lisa forces Alex back into the wall as she unhooks her bra and lets it drop to the floor she also gently pulls down her satin panties and kicks them off to the side with her clothes. She walks up to Alex and hugs onto him as she smiled. “Now now don’t be so afraid Alex, I am not going to hurt you.” She says gently licking his neck with her soft tongue. “I thought you wanted to join the Mile High Clubs?” Alex shivers as he feels the wet tongue moving up his neck, he slowly calms down as he then feels the Succubus hug onto his body, her tail now gently wrapping around his ankles. “Are you ready to be a part of the Mile High Clubs?” She asks with a smile. “You aren’t going to hurt me are you?” Alex asks, more surprised about the large naked demon hugging them then what she was saying. “Of course not, I am gentle.” Lisa says as she backs away and crouches down, using her tail to quickly pull Alex onto his ass as he hits the hard white floor. “Ouch!” Alex says as he looks at Lisa. But Lisa wasn’t even looking at him, she was looking at his feet as she used her tail to gently pull and lift them into her sex as she starts to coo in pleasure. “Hey what are you doing?” Alex asks as he tries to pull his feet back. “Isn’t the Mile High Club supposed to be sex while on an airplane?” “Alexander sweetie, I never said that. I asked if you wanted to join the Mile High Clubs.” She says smiling. “Cunning Lisa’s Un-Birthing Scenario.” She says using her tail to pull Alex in up to his knees as he squirms and fights. “You are the first boy I have ever tricked into joining while on an airplane. Although I do admit, I never asked the Mile High part with all my other members.” She says. “Let me go!” Alex screams as he tries to get away. “Leave me be you monster!” “Oh I am sorry Alex, but once you accept the membership in you can’t leave.” She says as she smiles, she wraps her tail around his stomach as she forces him deeper into her body, her soft stomach already beginning to stretch forward. Lisa moans some more as she starts to get wetter. “Oh you shouldn’t be sad Alex I promise I will make sure your wife will join this club as well. Women are already members they just don’t know it yet.” She says as she starts to squeal in pleasure, feeling Alex’s body become more aggressive within her depths. “No! Leave my wife out of this!” he says as he tries to break free, he throws a punch at Lisa but she catches it with her hand and smiles. Her tail pushing him a little bit deeper into her sex. Lisa drops Alex’s hand as she moans, from the pleasure once more. “You are going to be a great member! I just know it.” she says with a giggle as she grabs Alex’s hands and stuffs them into her tight soft flesh so he couldn’t escape. Her vagina continued to swallow the young man, enjoying the soft feels and squirms he was making in her. “Let me go! Help please someone!” Alex yells as he bangs his head on the wall trying to see if anyone would hear the noise. But all he succeeds in doing was hurting his head he was now sore as he began to grow tired. His body disappearing more into the succubus until only his head was left. He could no longer see the devilish face of the woman due to her large squirming stomach. “When you wake up my newest member you will be with everyone else who has joined with my body over the years. Each one of them wanting to be members of the club, and with any luck tomorrow your wife will be our newest member.” She says with soft laugh as she stands. Alex’s head still sticking out of her sex as he weakly yells. She slowly puts on her satin bra as she folds her large wings again, she then puts on her blue button up shirt, not liking the feeling of it containing her wings but it was all she had. After that she quickly wrapped her long tail back up around her waist and under her shirt. She then slides her panties over her ankles and then her blue jeans and then puts on her shoes. She smiles as she pulls the panties all the way up over Alex’s head. His head was making large bulge in her silk panties as she smiles seeing the restrained squirms and weak yells coming from her crotch through the sink mirror. She then pulls up her blue jeans, they snugly fit over his cranium as well, but when she buttons them up they become much tighter, forcing his head to sink in a bit more until finally she zips up the blue jeans, once the zipper is fully closed his head is forced into the woman’s sex, and up into her womb, her vaginal lips quickly shut against the soft clothing, as her cervix also seals up, her large stomach hanging over the blue jeans now as she smiled. The bottom three buttons to her shirt pop open, trying to contain the mass of another man. Her stomach pops out from the shirt as it jiggles around and squirms wildly. She gives it a nice soft pat as she walks over to Alex’s clothes and takes his wallet and phone. She stuffs the wallet into her tight jean pockets as she leaves the lavatory, removing the illusion around the restroom and making one around herself, so she appeared to be thin again. She sits down in Alex’s seat as she begins to look through his phone, finding addresses and numbers of his best friends who weren’t that bad looking, and then finding information on his fiancé. She smiles to herself as she finds out where Alex’s girlfriend was living and once she had finished “Introducing” Alex to the club she would go over to his fiancé’s house and make her a permanent member of the club as well. Once she was done with her, she would make the families and friends that they knew into honorary members as well, and when she had finished introducing them all she would once again move somewhere else, introducing more people to her womb, and more souls into her body, like she had been doing for decades. But until that moment arrives she would be resting in her cozy first class airline seat, and feeling the thorough belly massage that her newest member was so graciously giving to her.
 Beauty opens her eyes she glances down at Tobi and smiles seeing that he was awake. “How are you feeling Tobi?” “I am fine, I ache all over, but I will be fine.” Tobi says. “How is Christina?” “She is going to be okay Tobi, but Tobi please tell me what you were doing over there, you could have been killed if we didn’t come at that moment.” Beauty says trying to hold back tears. “Well, I will put it this way, me and Christina wanted to go with the knights to see what was going on, she the knights tried to make Christina change her mind, but she wanted to go really badly, so I decided to escort her. Although it was more like she had escorted me, but once we got there, we saw this big metal like man, destroying the Outer Wall, and then he fought back the Unknown Force, and when the knights attacked, he fought them off, Christina tried to help the knights, but she got hurt as well.” “I, I felt angry, when I saw those people getting hurt I had to try and do something, so I fought with all my power against the guy, but it wasn’t enough.” Tobi says. “I see, Tobi do you know who that man was?” Beauty asks. “No, I don’t I just know he was big and mean.” Tobi says. “I have never told you the story, but before the Outer Wall was built, all the lands consumed by the Unknown Force were other places, or so I have been told, there used to be creatures like vampires, skeletons, wolf men, people made of machines, creatures that lived in the sand, creatures that seem like they were from fairy tales like unicorns, phoenixes, and even mermaids and whales. They all used to exist outside of the Outer Wall, and the entire planet used to be ruled by five people.” Beauty says. “Really, I didn’t think things like that were real.” Tobi says. “They are now if the Unknown Force is gone, but the five rulers were people who each ruled a fifth of the planet, they used to all be somewhat kind rulers, knowing the difference between right and wrong, but at time still did things they knew were bad, such as killing innocent people, but one day they all changed, they all tried to start a war with each other. Other legends say they were tricked by a single person into fighting, but eventually a legendary hero rose and sealed away all five creatures.” Beauty says. “Why didn’t the man slay them instead of sealing them?” Tobi asks.” If they were bad then aren’t they bad now?” “Some people say he wasn’t strong enough, but I like to believe that he was the person who forgives, the kind that believes people can change after they have time to think about what they have done.” Beauty says. “I am unsure if those five creatures are once again good or are still evil. But they are being stopped right now.” Beauty says. “Hey mom, do you know the name of the man who sealed those creatures away?” Tobi asks. “Hmm, if I remember correctly, I think his name was Don.” Beauty says. “Oh, like the dawn you see in the morning?” Tobi asks. “No, D-O-N.” Beauty says. “But it was short for something, but I can’t remember it right now, you will have to ask your father when he returns.” Beauty says. “Where is he anyways?” Tobi asks. “He…is fighting the man that hurt you.” She says as she finally begins to cry. “I thought I was going to lose you, but now your father is going to get hurt, and I just don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to lose any of you, you two are the only men I have love in my life.” She says. “It is okay mom, dad is going to make it just fine, and I bet he is going to come back without even a scratch.” Tobi says. “He isn’t a weakling.” “This place feels weird, the ground beneath my feet is made of tiny little grains, and I feel like I can fall through it at any moment.” Magma says. “I know how you are feeling.” D-Man says back. “Keep your guard up, we don’t know what lies here, I haven’t seen any creatures yet, but they may all be still wakening.” Aero says. “What is that over there?” Magma asks. A large lump was moving through the sand, quickly gliding off the top it, moving for the three before it disappeared into the sand. “Keep your guard up!” Aero says as she looks around. From below the large sand creature emerged, it looked like a giant worm, it had four large purple eyes, and a large round mouth filled with teeth around the edge. It quickly took aim and darted forward at the three from above the sand, the creature drive through Magma, the lava just falling off against the sand worm’s body, and the lava that fell in its mouth quickly slid down into the creature’s stomach. D-Man quickly draws his two large swords, his red demon wings flapped as he slid both swords into the giant Sand Worm. The Sand Worm lets out a cry of pain as it falls apart, Magma’s lava was pouring out from the worms’ lower half onto the ground, and Magma reabsorbed it into his body. The worm’s body wiggles across the sand, the creature’s blood staining it before it comes to a stop and remains motionless. “Let us keep going we are not that far!” Aero says moving out from under her cloak, showing her air body for a moment before moving across the sand, the sand flew into and around her body before flying off behind her. D-Man was flying above her so he wouldn’t be hit by the sand, and Magma was moving across the ground next to her. The dragoness yawns as she opens her eyes, lifting up her body from her tail as she looks out of her cave in the distance she can see a trail of lava, and a giant flying demon holding two bloodied swords. She smiles as she steps out of the large cave. “I guess these two want to have a fight?” she asks as she takes a deep breath and releases a large wave of white fire at the two. Aero quickly flies in front of the flame, manipulating the wind to draw the flame to her as she feels it move with her body, showing her location to the dragoness. “Oh, so there are three of you here?” she asks. “I am alright, come on let us finish her quick!” Aero yells as she moves towards the dragoness, her body still in flames. The dragoness smiles flapping her large dragon wings as she stands on her hind legs, causing a large gust of wind and sand to blow a the three. Magma slid across the ground unharmed as D-Man folded his wings to protect himself. Aero however was caught by the wind and the sand as she was thrown into the air, the dragoness manipulating her white fire around Aero and causing her to be force backwards quite a ways. Aero yells as she is sent into the sand, the sand spinning around her as she sinks into the ground, the sand falling back on top of her and laying on top of her as she tried to escape the sand. “Come on you two, I need a good meal.” The dragoness says as she brings her tail down to her sex as she begins to play with herself. She gently rubs her white tail over her lips before slowly shoving her tail into herself as she waits. D-Man rushes at the dragoness swinging both his blades at her human half. Magma was coming from below to try and attack her. The dragoness smiled catching both the demons blades in her hands as she sends a wave of white fire from her mouth. The demon yells, dropping his weapons as he jumps back feeling the white fire begin to burn his body. D-Man yells, his muscles bulging as he becomes bigger, the white fire flew off of his body as he looks at the dragoness. His eyes now a bright black as he yells in a demonic language. The dragoness looks into the Demons eyes as she gasps. The world around her became black and she was by herself, she felt a cold chill run down her spine, she was attacked from all sides by D-Man’s blades, only the white outlines of the swords were showing though as they quickly moved in and out of the dragoness’s body. There were no physical wounds as she looks around, but she could feel a lot of pain. “This little mind game won’t work on me!” she yells as the darkness shatters and D-Man is stunned in front of her, his own attack being used against him. The dragoness looks around as she notices the pile of lava trying to climb into her sex, feeling the intense warmth coming from his body, she could tell he was trying to melt her away from the inside, luckily her tail was still stuffed deep within herself sealing off her tight pussy. The dragoness quickly turns around removing her tail from her depths as it was covered in her juices, also causing Magma to fall to the ground as he returns to his large humanoid form. “Damn the plan didn’t work.” He says. She quickly dashed forward and sent a strong punch into his body sending him backwards as she quickly leans forward. “Sorry my womb isn’t made for you, but don’t worry my stomach is.” She said with a smile as she opened her mouth and began to slurp up Magma’s lower half, his liquid like body was hot in the dragoness’s mouth, but she had eaten hotter. She quickly slurped the volcanic creature, pulling him deeper into her throat as he yells. “Hey demon boy want to help me out?!” he yells as he notices his friend was paralyzed, only seeing his eyes were able to glance at him. Magma leans forward punching at the dragoness repeatedly, but his lava was only sliding off of the scales. He was forced to lay down now as he felt his lower half start to enter the dragoness large stomach. He yells trying to separate himself, but the quick jolts that pulled him deeper into the dragoness caused him to lose concentration. The dragoness gave a quick smirk as she takes one deep swallow, pulling the last several feet of the volcanic creature into her mouth as she takes a final gulp, she could feel the warm liquid slide down her throat passed her human stomach and into the large dragon stomach. She could feel the heat from the creature spread through her body, also making her wombs captives even warmer as they lay within her tight dark depths. D-Man paralysis was wearing off, only now getting feeling back in his body. The dragoness walks to D-Man as she waves her soaked tail in his face, the pheromones of the dragoness began to slowly manipulate the large demon as he became attracted to the large dragon woman. “What is happening…why am I being drawn to her, she is my enemy I must kill her…but yet she is becoming so beautiful.” D-Man thinks as he drops his swords as he walks to the dragoness. His swords impaled the ground and stood straight up. She smiles as she turns around and presents herself to the large demon. “Climb on inside big boy, you are probably the largest thing I have invited to join me, but I am sure I can stuff you inside with everyone.” She says with a giggle. “Yes, your highness.” The demon says as he uses his hands to spread the woman’s large dragon vagina, he could see inside the warm pink chamber, her vaginal juices spreading across inside like a saliva filled mouth. Inside he could hear the coos of pleasure from the captives inside, and could see the wet walls moving around back and forth in a hypnotizing rhythm, as if they were trying to invite the large demon to play inside. The smell was even stronger inside, causing the demon to want to go inside even faster. “No I can’t…I have to stop you, Lilith is my master…” he thinks as he sticks his large head inside of the dragon depths. The dragoness smiles, her large stomach was already dragging across the ground, so with the demon inside of her, there would be more weight for her to drag, but she enjoyed that feeling of the ground sliding beneath her large squirming stomach. The Demon quickly folds his wings as he pushes is arms inside, the dragons sex was closing around his body and becoming tighter as it began to slurp him up. The woman coos as she begins to walk back into her cave her tail rubbing over the demons body as it drags across the ground. Her tail gently wrapped around the demon and helped slide his large body further inside, but just enough to keep his feet and tail off of the ground so he wouldn’t drag. She now sits down on all fours and curls up with her own tail, letting her tight sex continued to pull in the large creature, her womb beginning to slowly spread open to help contain its largest guest. The other occupants were shoved into tight folds inside the warm chamber, their bodies sinking inside and disappearing completely leaving more room for the demon. His legs were slowly pulled inside, the more that went into the dragoness, the bigger her stomach expanded on the ground. His body wanted to be with the dragoness, but his mind was screaming no, begging for someone to stop him, but his mind eventually succumbed to the olfactory based attack and he accepted his fate. Only his long tail was left outside of the dragoness, she smiles as her lips greedily swallow it up as well and tightly shut once it is inside, so no one could get back out. “Enjoy your stay my future meal, you are going to taste delicious once you have soaked up my juices.” She says as she feels the struggles of the lava creature squirming in her gut, she closes her eyes and sleeps within the comfort of her cave licking her lips as she dreams of her future meals tastes. “Damn it! I have to save them.” Aero says as she quickly moves through the air, she was trying to fight against a large sand storm, the winds and sand tried to push her back as she started to crawl, if only she could climb a bit into the cave then she would be fine. Her hands begin to slide off the sand as she is about to be sucked into the storm, but she is able to grab D-Man’s swords to help keep her steady as she pulls herself inside. “Where are the two? Why are his weapons on the ground…unless?” Aero thinks as she grabs both giant swords, and runs into the cave. The dragoness was curled up with her tail the magma creature in her stomach was slowly being digested and absorbed. But she could still feel him struggle inside there was a lot of him after all. The dragoness hears a person’s voice at the end of her cave as she opens one of her eyes to check. She doesn’t see anyone but decided to ignore it. The dragoness felt a cold breeze hit her as she quickly stands up. From right where her head was, were the demons large blades. They were quickly spinning as if they were within a tornado. “I missed.” Aero says as she quickly drops the blades and moves underneath the dragoness. “You are still alive? I thought I blew you away!” The dragoness roars as she sits down, trying to crush Aero, but her ethereal body was not hurt. Aero quickly reforms behind the dragoness’s human body. “Where are my friends?” she asks the dragoness. She made a large spear of wind from her arm and put it at the dragoness’s head. “In my body, your little lava friend is already digested away, and your big demon friend will never leave me even if you get him out, my juices have already rewired his thoughts and he will serve his new master from now on!” she says as her tail rises up and smacks Aero to the side. The dragoness quickly turns and flaps her wings as she charges out of the cave, leaving a large dust storm which blew Aero out of the cave. The dragoness was now outside and flying in the air as she laughs. “You are not getting away that easily!” Aero yells as she concentrates. Below the dragoness a large funnel of air began to form and try to suck her inside, sand beginning to form around the funnel as well. The dragoness flaps as hard as she can trying to pull herself out, she quickly takes a deep breath and sends her white fire into the funnel before she is pulled into its current. The fire spreads around the funnel burning away the air and the sand. The fire remained intact though spinning like a large cyclone which moved for Aero. Aero thinks to herself as she holds out her hands and closes her eyes. A large pillar of air erupted from the center of the white fire, the fire quickly jumping onto the air and eating away at it as it rose into the sky. The pillar of air turned and shifted for the dragoness the white fire following it. The dragoness laughs. “You think my own attack will harm me?!” she says as she opens her mouth and swallows the air and white fire whole. “No it was a trick.” Aero says reappearing behind the dragoness as she sends a powerful blast of air into the dragoness causing her to crash into the sand. Aero holds her hands together as two hands form from the wind and grab the dragoness body, crushing her and holding her in place. Her wings and tail were forced to her body as she yells. She could feel the air in her stomach turn rapidly as she felt her insides getting scratched Magma’s body began to enter the wounds and burn the woman. The small cuts were starting to bleed rapidly as she throws up. Blood, air, bile, and Magma erupt from the dragoness’s mouth across the sand. The hands still hold her in place as she coughs badly. Magma reforms back into his full self, although he was a few feet shorter since part of him was digested. “Thanks for saving me Aero, let me pay you back.” Magma says sending a volcanic punch at the dragoness’s human body, his lava hand mixed with the large hands of wind as the moved across the dragoness’s body. The lava moving at such a fast rate it acted like a saw blade which cut into the dragoness. She screams and yells as her stomach and back are slashed open. Aero shifts her hands and falls to the ground, losing her concentration. The lava filled hands quickly crush the dragoness and throw her into the sand ground at a hard force before disappearing, her bones breaking from the attack. Her stomach was torn open, as her womb had a large open wound, her womb’s occupants slowly slid out of the bloody filled sack. Succubae, incubi, and D-Man fall out and onto the sandy ground, all covered in blood and juices. “No…what did you do to mistress.” One of the succubae asks as she looks at her master. Some of the Incubi were struggling to climb back inside of her, but the pouring blood prevented it from happening. “You hurt our master.” D-Man says weakly they were all still under the dragoness’s control. Magma begins to charge a powerful blast of lava in his hand, before Aero intervened. “Magma, you can’t harm them, they are innocent people.” Aero says. Magma stops as he hears Aero, his large lava hand reaching forward to grab D-Man. “What do you suggest then?” “Just keep them away from her body, I will handle the rest.” Aero says as she stands. Magma nods, his body shifting around the demon creatures as they tried to attack him, and reforming by the dragoness’s weak body, he uses all of his strength to lift the dragoness as he throws her a good distance away, using his lava to burn her inside a little bit more as he does so. The dragoness moans in pain as she is burned and thrown, her body crashing into the sandy ground as she closes her eyes. Aero concentrates as much as she can, a large gust of air came past her as it wrapped around the heads of the dragoness’s captives. Air running into their mouths and nostrils, clearing out the dragoness’s scent from their body as they slowly gained control of their bodies again. “Hey, what do you want to do about the dragon, should we kill her, or see if we can bury her somewhere?” Magma asks. “You and D-Man dispose of her I need to take a rest.” She says to them. D-Man nods as he and Magma walk towards the dragoness, the demon showing his large claws, and Magma’s hands beginning to bubble because of the rising heat. “No…this can’t be how I die. It just can’t!” she yells. “To bad toots, it is.” D-Man yells as he appears behind her, the dragoness becoming torn apart by large slashes as Magma punches the dragoness and the sand, the intense heat turns the sand into glass, the glass shattering around the dragoness as it gets into her cuts as she lies motionless in a puddle of blood. Magma’s own attack had actually broken through enough sand that it began to fall into the newly created hole, the dragoness slowly sinking in the sand as she disappears. “It is over for you.” D-Man says smiling as he sees the dragoness fully disappear beneath the sand. Rosalina, Robert, and Michael stop as they see Max run at them. “Who are you?” Rosalina asks. “I am Max, and I will be your nuisance!” Max says laughing as he tries to impale Rosalina. Robert quickly uses the flat side of his blade to block Max’s attack. Max quickly jumped backwards as he smiles. “I see your fast.” “Yeah, or maybe your just slow kid, now move aside we don’t have time for your shenanigans.” Robert says. “Isn’t that right Michael?” “Michael? Excuse me sir but by any chance did you use to know a plant woman?” Max asks smiling. “Perhaps one that says she was going to marry you or was your friend?” “What do you know about Eve?” Michael asks gripping his sword tightly. “Oh nothing, except I am the one that killed her.” Max says laughing as he sends a wave of energy at the three. Rosalina holds out her hand as a wall of ice erupts from the ice bridge and blocks the attack. “No, that cannot be true!” Michael yells jumping over the ice wall. “Oh it is!” Max says as he starts to fly and holds out his hand, the ice beneath them turned into fire as Max flew back onto the crystal part of the bridge. Rosalina makes a large pillar of ice for the three to land on as they jump for the crystal bridge. Max laughs as he sends waves of energy at them. Michael angrily slashed through all the waves as he clashes swords with Max. “I am going to kill you!” he screams kicking Max in the stomach and sending him back. Max laughs as he slides on the crystal bridge and recovers. “Come and get me!” Robert quickly runs at Max trying to impale him but Max blocks, Michael jumps from behind and swings his sword behind Max a portal opening up trying to suck him in. “I don’t think so!” Max says activating his sword, the portal disappears and reappears behind Rosalina. Rosalina was almost pulled in, only able to block it by making a warrior of ice to take her place. Max smiles quickly jumping off of the platform and flying again. Fish people quickly flopped onto the crystal bridge, quickly standing as they charged the three. Rosalina creates a large pitcher plant that rises from the bridge and swallows some of the fish people the plant quickly closed and sunk back into the crystal bridge and disappeared. Michael and Robert impaled the fish with their swords and threw them back into the water. Max was spinning his sword around as he begins to mutter something. Large golden cylinders appeared from nowhere and clamped around Michael’s legs, and Robert’s arm, holding their bodies in place. A large golden rope tried to tie around Rosalina but she quickly mumbles her own words. From behind Max a bronze arrow formed and tried to impale him, but Max quickly dodges it. “You think your low class spells will work against me?” he asks Rosalina as she is captured. “Maybe, if you call my class spells weak.” Rosalina says. “Max quickly looked up as he sees a large steel set of chains wrap around him and binds him in place, the binds around Michael Robert and Rosalina quickly disappearing. Max yells as he falls and begins to sink into the water. Rosalina holds out her hand as Max’s body is encased in ice as his head floats above the water unfrozen. “Who are you working for?” Rosalina asks. “I work for whoever I want to work for.” Max says. “But right now, no one, I am bothering you so I can analyze your skills, and from what I have seen you three are nothing against me.” “I am going to kill you for destroying Eve!” Michael yells. “No matter whom you work for!” “Me? She disintegrated in front of me, my own attack couldn’t have traveled that fast, someone else must have killed her.” Max says. “But my attack would have eventually killed her I suppose.” Michael screams as he jumps at Max over the water. But Max smiles as his sword starts to glow. Michael reappears in front of Robert, his sword plunging through his armor, but Robert was fast enough to dodge, only the side of his armor getting damaged. “Sorry I can’t stay, but I have somewhere else to be, see you all later.” Max says calmly. “You think I am going to release you?” Rosalina asks. “Release me? My dear girl I am already released.” Max says as he flies out of the water. “Wait, how did you escape?” Rosalina asks. “I escaped by attacking you.” Max says. Rosalina glances down, she was bound by steel chains and everything below her neck was incased in ice. “Bye-Bye.” Max says as he starts to walk away on the crystal bridge back to the main land. “Who said you could leave?” Michael asks as he charges at Max from behind. “You are an ignorant fool.” Max says as he stops walking, pointing a finger at Michael as he turns around, and his finger forming a concentrated ball of energy. Michael stops as he looks around. “What did you do to me?” “Your senses have been reversed.” Max says as he walks away. “Don’t worry, when I am gone they will return. Michael heard Max’s voice come from behind him, when he looked up he could see the bridge and water, and when he looked down he could see the sky. In front of him he could see Rosalina and Robert upside down standing on the bridge, but they were reversed, Robert’s sword was being held in the other hand. “What wrong Michael?” Robert asks him, but his voice was coming from in front of Michael. “Everything is backwards.” Michael says as he turns around, he could see Max walking away from him, as he began to run. Rosalina concentrates as she breaks the ice and chains, seeing Michael run at them. “Some things wrong.” Rosalina says. As Michael was about to impale the walking away Max, his mind shattered from the sensory overload. Max had now walked out of range, Michael’s senses returned to normal, but he had a painful head ache. He looked at his sword and saw he was running at Rosalina and Robert. Michael turns around as he sees Max walking far away in the distance. “No way, that did not just happen.” He says to himself. “Are you okay?” Rosalina asks. “Yeah I am fine right now, just shaken up that is all, come on lets go.” Michael says. Michael wasn’t all right though his head was in pain as he tries fathom what had just happened to him. “You were supposed to stop them!” Several shark girls say as they jump out of the water, they were humanoid, but had large grey fins on the back of their heads, and had shark like lower halves. Their teeth were in rows like regular sharks and their hands were webbed. “I don’t work for you, or your master anymore, I work for myself.” Max says as he walks. “You are going to die then, and you will suffer while it happens.” One of the shark girls say as she whistles. From beneath the surface of the water a large human girl rose above the surface. She had light colored skin, and long waist length brunette hair. She had green eyes and was almost a hundred times as large as Max. Everything below her vagina was that of a whale, the underside was white that went from the start all the way down to her stomach, like that of a normal killer whale, her blubber and tail were black, the end of her tail could be seen sticking out of the water slowly moving back and forth. “Kill him!” One of the shark girls shout as they move to the side of the crystal bridge. The large whale girl smiles as she yawns, with amazing speed she was able to grab the shark girl that called her, in the palm of her hand and start to crush her a yell could be heard as cracking bones soon came with the screams, the whale girl smiles tipping her head back and tossing the injured shark girl into her mouth, she used her tongue to gently roll her around her mouth before she tossed her into the back of her throat and swallowed, the shark girl being pulled down the long warm shaft into the giant stomach around her, inside were other fish people who were swallowed up by her, it would take a few days for the people to be digested, since the whale girl needs little energy to function. “That’s what you get for disturbing my nap!” she says to her human stomach. “What are you doing?” One of the shark girls ask the whale girl. “Kill him!” she said pointing to Max. The other shark girls rushed at Max, trying to grab him with their sharp mouths. Max calmly side steps one of the girls, catches one of the mouths with the side of his blade, and uses his hand to grab one of them by the throat, around him though more and more began to jump onto the bridge by the tens and charge him. “I am hungry.” The whale girl responds after a moment with a smile, her hand comes down and grabs about fifteen of the shark girls before she lifts them up to her sex. She drops them all in front of her vagina, all the shark girls landing on the part of the whale girl that began to form her lower half. Her vagina which was about seven feet tall was inhaling and exhaling, the shark girls could feel the cold air being sucked in and forced out, as warm humid air. Some of the girls try to jump off of the whale girl, but with one powerful motion, her colossal sex opened up and sucked in all of the shark girls like a vacuum before it quickly closed with a wet smack. The shark girls were pulled into the warm chamber, the muscles inside of the whale girls vagina, were constantly rippling, as the shark girls were slowly jounced into her tight cervix, as soon as one of them hit it, it quickly opened up and swallowed them before closing again, repeating the process until they were all inside. Once inside, they fell into a warm wet squishy chamber, it was completely empty, but was large, almost like a palace, its size showing how large the whale girl truly was, the cervix was high up, unable to reach unless someone could fly, but not only that, it was also impossible to open from within the womb. The shark girls were all attached with umbilical cords, they tried to pull them off or bite them off, but the process of de aging was so fast, they immediately were turned into children after a few seconds, their extra nutrients, immediately joining with the whale girl, the process slowed down though as the small children sat inside the warm chamber. The umbilical cords became bigger the smaller they got. It would take a couple of hours now before the children were small enough for their umbilical cords to swallow them whole and add them as nutrients in the whale girl. The whale girl gave off a hearty laugh, patting her human stomach as she smiled. She reaches down trying to grab Max, and all of the shark girls within her hands path. Max quickly opened his wings and jumped into the air, flapping them quickly as he sees the shark girls get grabbed, he can see them yelling, and biting at the whale girl, some blood being drawn from her hand. The whale girl angrily crushes the shark girls in her hands until they were near dead before cramming them into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out as it held all of the shark girls. Max could see half of a shark girl sticking out of the whale girl’s mouth as she swallowed. The legs of the shark girl disappear into the large lips as her cheeks returned to normal, and a large squirming bulge in her throat could be seen. The whale girl gave off a loud burp as she smiled. She could see the remaining shark girls jump off of the bridge and into the water, the whale girl smiling at them before she looks up at Max. “So you are the person I was called here to destroy? I must thank you first of all, I had never seen so many people gathered in one place where I could easily absorb them.” She says. “Anything you do against me will be useless, I can completely destroy you whenever I wish, so any threats you are going to use on me will be futile.” Max says. “Really now, is that what you think? Then let us see if you can defeat me.” The Whale girl says with a smile. There was a large splash around the whale girl, Max could hear a splash behind him as he looks around and sees her giant tail trying to smack him. Max quickly flew out of the way avoiding the tail as he got higher into the air. The whale girl glows with light blue energy as the water around her begins to fire bullets of water at Max. Max quickly spins his sword as he smiles, the bullets disappearing and reappearing behind the whale girl as they hit her, but they merely splash against her body. She sends a powerful tide of water at Max from both his sides, he smiles as he concentrates, one of the waves of water turned into fire as it clashed with the wave of water, the ensuing attack turned into steam around him as he charges at the whale girl sending a wave of energy at her from his hand. The whale girl smiled, Max’s attack merely slid off of her body as she used her tail to send Max crashing down into the water below. Max quickly swam to the surface as he sent a wave of energy at the whale girl, this time she didn’t even try to block the attack just hit her body and fizzled away without leaving a scratch. The whale girl yawns as she slowly lowers herself beneath the water making her head level with Max’s body. ”You are wondering why you aren’t able to hurt me are you?” she asks with a smile. Max remained silent, only giving a small nod. “Well, it is because I am able to harness my own powers to their full potential.” She says. “You are just a young man, who has probably little experience in true fighting am I right? Well I am over thousands of years old I have had centuries and centuries to be able to reach my full potential, I am able to utilize my own powers to defend myself from any attack you throw at me.” She says. Max’s body is lifted out of the water by the whale girl’s tail and set onto the bridge. “That is why you will never be able to defeat me, and those humans will never be able to defeat that Octogirl either, she too has the power to defend herself.” The whale girl says. “Can you teach me how I can use my powers to defend myself?” Max asks calmly. “No, in order for that to happen it would take many years, but I can teach you how you can stop someone from using their powers, or attacking through their defense.” The Whale girl says. “It will only take you a couple of hours to learn it, although it isn’t really needed unless you are going to attack someone who can use it like the Octogirl.” She says. “I wish to learn it.” Max says. “And who knows, if it turns out to be useful to me, maybe I won’t destroy you one day.” He says. “I really doubt you would be able to destroy me, but I guess having someone owe you a favor isn’t a bad thing.” She says. “There is a small underwater cavern I can take you to so you can learn, but you will have to trust me, you won’t be able to hold your breathe long enough.” “I refuse to be stuffed into any orifices or folds of flesh during this trip, that also includes cleavage.” Max says immediately. “Oh fine then, you can just sit on my head, but take one deep breathe okay, I don’t want you drowning.” She says as her head sinks below the water. Max dog paddles to her head and grabs a lock of her hair as he holds his breath, calmly watching the world around him move by, as the whale girl swam at high speeds through the water, fish people, turtles, and other animals also moved out of her way as she swam. “Mom, do you hate me for making Max evil?” Tobi asks her. “Tobi, I would never hate you, it wasn’t your fault you had no idea that would happen.” Beauty says. “Yeah but, I turned your first born son, into an evil person, I mean you had him from the start and raised him as your child, you are not in the least bit mad?” Tobi asks. “Well, I may be a little bit upset, but I won’t be mad at you.” Beauty says as she sighs. “Tobi, there is something I have to tell you about Max.” she says. “What is it?” Tobi asks as he slowly sits up. “Well, Max he is, oh how do I put this in words for you to understand?” Beauty asks herself. Christina slowly opens her eyes as she glances over and sees Beauty’s turned from facing Tobi. “Max is your adopted half brother.” Beauty says to Tobi. “Wait, how does that work? I can see if he was adopted, and I can see if he was my half brother, but how is he my adopted half brother?” Tobi asks looking at Beauty. “Well you see, Max was created as an experiment, we were trying to see if I would be able to carry a baby in my altered body.” Beauty says. “Because I am a human now, as you already know.” “Well, after they extracted my DNA, the Unknown Force made an attack on our land, and my DNA was contaminated in the lab that was attacked. After it was fended off though, they found out that the genetics of the Unknown Force had sparked life in my DNA, they wanted to destroy it, but I told them not too, I adopted the small experiment, and had it put into my body.” She said. “After 18 months of living inside of my tummy, Max came into the world.” Beauty says. “I suspect the Unknown Force inside of my body had increased the pregnancy by a few months. At first he seemed perfectly normal for a Demigod, but he slowly started showing signs of enhanced, strength, durability, intelligence, and power the older he got.” “Wait, so you are telling me, my brother is really made from your own genetics, and the genetics of the Unknown Force, and is a Super Demigod?” Tobi asks. “Yes, that is what I am saying Tobi, and if it wasn’t for those earlier shown signs, he would have become a God by now, but all the gods and goddesses feared the kind of power he would have when he reached God hood, so we have tried to prolong it for as long as we can.” Beauty says. “Does Max know about any of this?” Tobi asks. “No he does not, the only ones who know, are you, Starrk, and me.” Beauty says. “And it needs to stay that way.” “Right, I won’t tell anyone.” Tobi says. “I am serious Tobi, you can’t even tell Christina about this, if Max discovered about his birth, and why he can’t become a god, who knows what else he would do.” Beauty says. Christina calmly lays in bed as she listened to the conversation, fascinated about what she had heard, but also frightened, knowing she could never talk about her new found knowledge, as it may risk her own safety. So she closed her eyes and turned her head away, trying to fall back asleep, so she wouldn’t hear on anything else Tobi and Beauty may have talked about.
 The Elf woman opens her eyes and sighs she looks down at her much smaller stomach as she slowly stands, taking a slow deep yawn, and walks across the wooden floor to one of the large holes in the tree and glares outside. “It feels good to rule again.” She says to herself as she hears footsteps. “This must be those intruders?” The Elf says as she turns around, she puts her hand on her stomach as it begins to squirm rapidly and violently before it slowly shrunk back down to normal, becoming perfectly thin again. “Now I have room for more, unless I decide to make them my slaves of course.” She thinks. The Elf saw an elderly man with long black hair slowly walk up the stairs, using his scabbard and sword as a cane as he reached the top level. “My, you are much prettier than I expected.” He says to her with a smile. Oh please, I bet you say that to all of the creatures that rule this planet.” The Elf says with a smirk. “So where are your two friends, I sensed three of you come here.” “Oh yes, you see they sent me up here as a diversion, so when they rush in they will be able to stop you, but it seems I have gone and ruined that plan.” He says with a bit of remorse. “Wow, not even five minutes and you already betray us?” Bark says walking up the steps with an angered look. The large spider woman climbed in from the window or hole, behind the elf, the elf was surprised as she saw the finely made web that wasn’t there moments ago, walking off of her freshly made white silk web inside, the web having trace amounts of some sort of grain spread throughout it. “I thought I could trust you.” Widow says sadly as she walks away from the Elf to the middle of the room. “I am sorry you see I was hoping that if I revealed your location, I would be given a spot by her side.” The old man says. “I mean she is the prettiest of the five creatures that I have seen, and possibly the most intelligent.” “Oh that is sweet, don’t worry though, I will give all three of you spots by my side, my inside, do you get it?” The elf asks with a smile. “Oh my, yes but that joke was still atrocious, oh and too bad you fell for the distraction.” The Old man says smiling. From beneath the elf quick green spinning blades erupted from the floor trying to cut at her feet, the elf swiftly jumps behind her towards the windows edge. “I already beat you!” The old man says smiling, behind the elf the small grains formed together into a large pile of sand that reformed Widow, she stood on her web smiling. She holds out her hands as she makes some webbing and tries to catch the elf, but the elf quickly kicks Widow in the chest and jumps back inside. The spider inside of the building turns into sand, and then into webbing which wraps around the Elf, the webbing stretches out back to the real Widow who was standing on the webbing outside, holding her hand over her hit chest. Bark bursts through the floor his leaves finally cutting through it as he sends around twenty of his branches at the Elf, all of them having razor sharp leaves. The elf inhales deeply sending a wave of fire from her mouth at Bark causing him to erupt into flame, but Bark yells as he falls apart into sand, the sand quickly spinning as it turned into a spear, that moved for the Elf’s chest, and since the spear of sand was being heated it quickly turned into glass as it impaled her, the glass shattering apart inside of her chest, and the webbing around her catching it, and cutting her some more. Widow was manipulating her webbing so it catches all of the left over glass, as she has it wrap around the Elf’s body, constricting the elf, as the glass cuts further into her. The Bark behind the Old Man quickly rushes at the Elf girl, attacking from behind as his mighty branches slam into the Elf’s head, causing her to bleed from both sides, and causing head trauma. The Old Man unsheathed the sword and impaled the elf from the side, quickly slashing the blade upward as he threw it, and the scabbard into the air. On the roof, was Richter, using his hands and feet to hold himself to the roof in place, as his uncovered eye was open, orchestrating the entire movement of the sand in an elegant order. His eye which usually remained beneath the eye patch was a very bright pink colored eye, and the veins were black, in the center of his eye on the pupil was an image of a sun, which was sketched into it. He drops down, catching the blade and scabbard he spins the scabbard around as the sword and the scabbard turn to sand, the old man on the floor also jumps up, pushing off of the elf’s head as he too turned into sand, all the sand was reforming in both of Richter’s hands as it turns into a Zanbato. “It is over for you madam!” Richter yells as he brings the large Zanbato down on the elf girl, slicing through her body completely, and her upper half separating from her lower half. “Quickly now Bark you need to get back!” Richter yells as the sword turns back into scabbard and sword after turning into sand, as he jumps back and sheaths it, quickly flipping his eye patch back over his eye, so he doesn’t turn anyone to sand on accident. “Why, we beat her, there is no way she is coming back after that!” Bark says laughing as he looks at the Elf. The sand, glass, webbing, and blood, was absorbed into the Elf’s body after it was encased in fire, her upper and lower halves reconnected with water as she smiled, she held out her hand as a barrier of light formed around her and Bark. “No, damn it!” Richter yells as he tries to slice at the barrier of light, but his own attack bounced off it, his sword breaking from his hands and impaling the wooden wall. The Elf girl slowly gets up as she smiles, her wounds slowly healing. Bark repeatedly tried to bash his branches into her but they did nothing, he caused his leaves to spin as he brought his branches down, but the leaves became stuck within the Elf’s flesh. “Silly Dryad, thinking you can hurt me? You forget I am an elf, I am in tune with nature at all times, you trying to hurt me, is like a kitten trying to attack it’s mother, it is foolish, the mother cat has full control over its young one.” She says smiling as she drives her light filled hand through Bark’s chest, blood, and chlorophyll splattered against the wall of light as it slowly burned away. The Dryad chokes and gasps, the branches on his body slowly became grey and brittle as they fall off, becoming absorbed into the Elf’s body, his bark became weak and grey, as he staggers back and collapses, he had no branches left, and his body was now old, and in pain. “I am going to humiliate you even further.” The Elf says smiling as she kneels down by Bark’s feet, sliding the small piece of foliage in front of her vagina up to her stomach, her tight lightly colored womanhood was now perfectly seen as it slowly moved downward, the genitalia touched the old dryad’s feet as it slowly began to spread apart, the Elf cooed a bit her soft creamy flesh could be seen stretching slowly, the pink insides seeing the light of day for the first time in centuries, warm vaginal juices slowly poured from the Elf and onto the dryad, the juices slowly sunk inside of the old withered bark as it was absorbed. Bark can feel the Elf slowly driving his body into hers, he tried best to move his old wooden trunk, but the small part that was already inside of the elf was already enough to stop his plans of escape. He glances down as his eyes widen, the warm fluids coming from the elf were rejuvenating his body, slowly turning the grey Elder wood into a dark brown Yew. He watched trying to escape her sex with his new found strength but it wasn’t enough. The elf slowly lifts the dryad’s lower half deeper into herself, slowly walking forward as she was kneeling to help better her grip over the hard wood. She had rarely ever stuck creatures inside of her vagina, it was more pleasurable for her to either absorb them or swallow them, of course since she is in tune with nature, shoving any plant creatures into her body will give a beneficial effect, right now she is calmly calculating the fact the dryad is becoming stronger again, knowing that is what he is thinking since he is trying to escape now with more ferocity, but what is actually happening is she is making him younger, she smiles to herself as she feels his struggles, knowing eventually the large dryad would be turned back into a small tiny seed, becoming only a shell of his former self. Bark looks at the Elf, everything below his waist had disappeared into the hungry tight hole that was called a pussy, he could feel his lower half filled with life again as he tried to stomp and kick from the inside, but all that was happening was his legs were slowly curling up as he made a small bulge in the Elf’s stomach. He would be able to escape if he had arms, but by the time she had reached his upper torso it was too late. The elf smiles, rubbing her soft gentle hands over the Dryad’s twisted wooden face, and grey wilted leaves that he had for “hair” she could feel the energy being restored in his upper torso, so many branches were beginning to form again, she would have to be quicker now, or else she would have to face the fear of his branches trying to pull him out. She moans as she can feel his branches slowly beginning to spread her sex apart, which was just what she needed. She concentrated, using all of her strength to stand up and lift the large heavy tree inside of her sex, she takes a position, watching as her sex stretched to the sides more and more, the pleasure she was feeling from each branch was causing her moan and tremble in pure ecstasy. She shakes her head, trying to get focused again, she quickly thrusts forward, and pushing the Dryad’s head into the ground as his body slides upward into her like a rocket. She let out a moan of pleasure as his head disappeared into her warm wet sex, her vaginal lips closing tightly over his head as it began to quicken the rejuvenating process, his large branches that were pushing her sex apart had finally reached the end of her womb, only her stomach starting to stretch out now as she gives a slow rub. Her stomach was making a large flesh covered sphere, and she smiles to the two as she lies down on top of it, tapping her stomach with her fist as a knocking sound could be heard. “Don’t worry I promise I won’t take long.” She says licking her lips slowly as her stomach slowly shrunk every few minutes. Richter repeatedly punched and kicked at the wall of light, concentrating his energy into his fists as he tried to break the wall but he was unable to. Light was the only thing he couldn’t break, he would have needed another elf to break it for him, since the only thing that can defeat an elves light, is either another elves light, or something of pure darkness. And Richter was far too nice, to hate someone to the point of wanting to destroy every cell in their body, so he was unable to conjure any dark attacks. After almost twenty minutes the Elf’s stomach shrunk back to normal, she let out a smile, putting her hand in front of her soaked pussy as a small wet acorn pushed its way out, she slides her leaf back over her sex as she stands. “This is all that remains of your little tree friend.” She says with a smile. “Hope you had fun knowing him.” She says as she opens her mouth widely, she sets the acorn on the tip of her tongue, gently balancing it, pretending to make it fall into her mouth, but her tongue was wrapped around it. She removes the barrier of light around herself, using her tongue to gently lick up her own juices from the acorn as she smiles, waiting for them to make a move. She dropped the acorn into her throat several times with her own tongue, showing the small bulge in her throat move downward very fast, the bulge was about to disappear behind her breasts before it very slowly moved back up her throat again, she pretended to swallow it several more times, but the bulge always came back. She opens her mouth widely, showing the acorn sitting inside the back of her warm slimy throat as it sat there about to fall inside. “Let my friend go!” Widow yells to the Elf in pure anger. Her fists were clenched as she sweats all over her body. “This is your last chance!” The Elf sighs as she rolls her eyes. “You said so.” She says holding the acorn in her throat as it slowly moves down and into her chest, disappearing behind her perk breasts as she makes an audible gulp. “You told me to let him go.” She says patting her stomach as she gave off a slight burp. “Excuse me.” “You have resorted for me to do this!” Widow yells as she spreads her pussy apart. “I will never forgive you.” The Elf girl laughs. “What, you think you are going to put me in there?” she asks smiling. “You need to really pay attention with your surroundings, you get so caught up in torturing others, and you lower your own guard, you will pay for what you have done elf.” Richter says flipping his eye patch back over his eye. A wall of sand came crashing down from behind Widow the sand was camouflaged like the scenery, but when it disappeared it revealed Widow’s giant abdomen, it was shaking rapidly and furiously and was almost ten times her size. “I am going to show you what my legion of spiders can do.” She says as she starts to moan. From out of her sex came a tiny bit of spider web, she continued to grunt as she pushed, pushing out more and more web until finally her pussy was filled with it, she continued to moan in pleasure, and in pain as her pussy stretches over a giant ball of web, the web was shaking crazily, bulges and squirms could be seen within the white soft silk. She lets out a blood curdling scream as the large ball pushes it out of her sex her vagina slowly turns from a normal one, into a gaping hole, and then back to normal again, her abdomen also returning to normal size. Widow had just given a live birth, although it wasn’t all of her children, they were the only ones she could turn into adults, without passing out from lack of energy, she collapsed from exhaustion as she sat by the window, and Richter was standing next to her and tried comforting her. The Elf merely laughs. “What, so you are going to send some spiders at me? Please, I will squash them all!” she yells triumphantly. The webbing tears open as large spiders crawled out of it, some of them were human-spiders, some of them large regular spiders, and some of them were even demon-spiders, ice-spiders, plant-spiders, slime-spiders, chameleon-spiders, and harpy-spiders to just name a few. Their upper halves were of their regular species, while their lower halves were that of spiders, some venomous, some not. Of course they weren’t all Widows’ size they were about the size of a small tiger, still in their young early stages of life. The Elf takes a stance as she carefully watched the spiders moving around her, charging a ball of fire in one hand, and a ball of water in the other. A chameleon spider camouflages as she makes her move, quickly running across the floor towards the Elf woman. But the elf could sense the spider coming closer, she quickly changes the ball of fire into earth as she pushes the two balls together, making a ball of mud. She spreads her hands apart as the mud splattered around her, the mud landing on top of the chameleon’s body, and showing her location. The Elf quickly turns using a powerful spin kick to knock the girl unconscious, as a large casket of wood formed from the ground and wrapped around her body to hold her in place. One of the ice-spiders jumped at her, the man’s frozen upper half tried to punch the Elf, but she quickly sends a wave of fire from her hands at him, causing him to partially melt, and fall unconscious from pain, he lets out a yell as blood and water fall from his body, a casket of wood formed around his body as well. Some of the spiders sent their webs at the Elf, trying to entangle her so she couldn’t move, the web held her arms to her body as it tightened, she tried to absorb it, but the web had no trace of elements, unlike the wooden arrows and bow she had absorbed earlier. One of the human spiders jumps on her from behind, biting at her neck with his fangs as she falls to the floor, she could feel the venom running through her system, infecting her body and weakening her. The Elf yells in pain, the web tears apart as her body begins to grow small bulges over it, the bulges violently squirming until finally they tear open, from her body, web, glass, sand, weapons, the centaur saliva soaked from earlier, an acorn, a bird, and some of the Unknown Force poured from her wounds, blood also rushing out of it across the floor. The Elf continues to twitch in pain as she cries, the venom in her body was slowly eating her from the inside out, her bones and muscles were slowly pushed from her gaping wounds, and then her organs. She is wheezing in utter pain, the amount of suffering she was feeling was unimaginable, she felt her own body being turned inside out, and there were very few options left for the Elf. The centaur girl was left unconscious, along with the bird the sight of the elf caused some of the other spiders to faint. The elf screams as fire, earth, water, air, and light erupt from her body, tearing her apart as it fills the room the attack was so strong it knocked everyone but Richter, Widow, and the Unknown Force unconscious. After the attacked died down there was only an unconscious human encased partially in light, which very slowly melted away, the light was radiating with powerful energies. There was no trace of the woman’s Elvin ears, and even though there was no physical change except for the one stated above, she had also become incredibly less beautiful. “Is it over?” Widow asks as she looks over at the human. “I think it is, but we can’t be sure.” Richter says as he looks at the human as he slowly walks over towards her, he pulled his sword which was impaled within the trees walls as he cautiously walks to her, his footsteps making loud creaking sounds among the floor. “The worse has yet to come.” The Unknown Force Says as it slowly forms back into the woman who has been seen with the Unknown Force. Her body was covered in the darkness, and her stomach was still quite large. “You are going to need some help to defeat her.” She says. “What are you talking about, she is gone, and the attack completely decimated her.” Richter says calmly. “That may be true, but her human half is the true source of the power, you have just beaten her elf’s half, her human half though is going to become much stronger.” The Unknown Force says. “Why are you telling me this?” Richter asks angrily. “No reason, I thought I would just give you fair warning.” She says. “But it is time for me to go now, oh and before I forget, your brother says hello.” She says, saying the last part with a laugh as she rubs her stomach. Richter rushes at her, losing his cool, trying to slice through her body and destroy her, but she dissolves into darkness and fizzles away. Richter tightly gripped his sword as he turns around, unseen by anyone else because of his hair, tears came from his eyes. “What are we going to do about her?” Widow asks. “Should we try and destroy her?” “I am not believing that person, she is evil, manipulative, and cannot be trusted.” He says looking at the woman on the floor. “She is defeated, she isn’t going to be fighting for a long time, let us gather our allies and leave.” He says calmly. “After that, I will destroy this place and make it come crumbling down on top of her.” “Hey, is something wrong?” Widow asks weakly, you seem upset.” “No, I am fine.” Richter says as he sheaths his sword, wiping the tears from his good eye and the blood from his other. “What about Bark? Is there any way to help him?” Widow asks. “He is a seed, he will need to be replanted and grown again like other dryads.” Richter says as he breaks the wooden caskets off of the spider children with his bare hands. “So we should probably put him in the care of some other Dryads.” He says. “You…are pretty strong, I will give you that.” The elf says quietly as she slowly stands up. “But you are not going to be any match against my ultimate form.” She says as Richter impales her from behind with his sword, tearing threw her throat before sliding the blade and decapitating her. Alyssa remains hidden behind the door way as she watches Starrk, and Warp maneuver around the room, trying to avoid the large monsters mechanical weapons, and powerful blasts he generated from his hands. “This guy has some advanced artillery, but the materials he has aren’t able to function for too long or they break, but does he know that?” She thinks as she feels time stop, she shudders and turns around, pulling a small dagger from her cloak as she holds it to the man standing behind her. The man was wearing a white robe that covered his upper body and part of his lower half, his entire face except for his mouth and chin were draped in the shadow of his hood, he was wearing dark leggings, and black shoes, with a small white cloak draped over his arm, the inner lining of his cloak was black. The man smiled, holding open his cloak to show the inside of it, hourglasses, watches of different types, a sun dial, and even a digital clock all sat within the darkness of the cloak. “Do you know your time here is almost up?” He says. “Oh shut up! You keep on pestering me! Why can’t you just let me travel around in the past by myself?” Alyssa asks clenching her fists. “Besides, you shouldn’t even be here! Your master doesn’t come back for a while!” she says. “Ah, that is true, but you forget I am the master of time, I exist at any future, past, or present date. So I can exist whenever I wish, and disappear just the same. But I came to tell you, the event that injures your grandfather Starrk, and your soon to be father in law Warp, happens in one hour, so for me in order to fulfill my deal with you, I have to tell you what you need to do.” The man says. “So what do I need to do?” Alyssa asks. “If I can stop them from being injured, they will be able to stop Max right?” “Ah, that wasn’t part of our deal, so sadly I do not need to answer your question, but I can tell you, what you need to do.” The man says as a small numbered portal appears in front of his hand as he reaches inside and pulls out three small palm sized clocks. “Since time has already shown Warp will help defeat a secondary legendary beast, and Starrk shall help defeat another one as well, and you also assist the goddess Lilith defeat one, it is only fair to help secure these events” he says before taking a deep breath. “After you defeat the foe of man and machine, you will be sent to help a demon fight against a vampire king, the grand enthusiastic man with an ironic name of stark will help defeat a woman who lives with in some bark, as the soon to be family starts its tale on the way to become three, the dragoness of le feu blanc will try to destroy its tree, the girl with the suckers will fight against ten, but sadly only six will get to keep their lives in the end, and when the fearsome five are all dead, my master and friends will rise from slumber once again, finally when you meet a younger well known fellow, you will have to say goodbye, while I say hello.” The man says to her. “I am going to pretend I know what you are saying so you will leave, but I think I get an idea of what’s going to happen. “ Alyssa says rolling her eyes. “Fine, I shall go.” The man says as he disappears into a small portal in the shape of a clock. The three medallions floated in the air, covered in a blue energy as Alyssa grabs them and puts them away. I really hate that guy, why does he have to rhyme every time he reads a prophecy?” She thinks as she watches the fight with Starrk and Warp presumes again. Everything around her was starting back up as if someone hit the play button on a paused recording. “Are you ready to go back to your place in time?” The man asks Max staring towards him, his portal remaining open behind him. “Yes I am, now that I know how everything has to go for me to rule, I will plan accordingly.” Max says with an evil grin as he turns around, the large scar on his face could be seen glaring in the light as he walks to the man. “Then I will return you from when you met me, and your niece for the first time, exactly one year after the Unknown Force was truly defeated, the only difference this time is you won’t encounter me, or your family, so I hope you remember your experience here very well.” The man says to the future Max as he backs away into a portal, Max following right after him. The portal closed like a clock, the top of it disappearing as it moved in a swift clock like motion before vanishing into thin air, not a hint of Max, or the time traveler were left. “Here we are.” The whale girl says emerging into the large dark cave, Max jumps off of her head, shaking off the water and wiping it off of his clean unscathed face as he walks deeper inside. “So, this is where you’re going to train me right?” Max asked as he held out his hand, the darkness around it changed into light as he reversed it so he could see a little bit. “Yes it is, do you have any questions before we begin?” the whale girl calmly asks. “No I do not, now teach me what I want to learn.” Max says. “Fine then, your first test is to concentrate your energy so you can cut through the darkness and see and reach the end of the cave without falling into a hole, at the end of it are some flowers, pick one and return back to me, but be careful, if light radiates on a picked flower it will turn into ash, and you will need to start over again.” The whale girl says. “This is going to help you control your energy, so you can only affect certain things. “That sounds easy enough.” Max says as he concentrates his energy into his hand, instead of using his powers to turn the darkness into light, he used his own energy as a light source he was surprised when he saw the same amount of light he was making, the light was ten times brighter then it was when he was reversing the darkness. “It is time for you to go and assist me once more, I am sending you three to go and destroy the strongest of the five creatures, and after she is defeated I will absorb her, and her powers, so I can open the Connecting Tunnel again.” The woman from the Unknown Force says into the darkness, her stomach was now thin, and the people that were inside of it were now moving beneath the darkness that connected with her body, the darkness went beneath the surface of the planet, and down inside of it for a few hundred yards, a long tunnel of darkness moved beneath the ground and towards the ocean, where the Octogirl rested. The three occupants inside of the darkness moved through the dark tunnel at a fast speed, moving closer and closer to the ocean through the foggy swamp like lands, soon they would past the cold ice, and then into the ocean before finally reaching the island were their opponent rested.
In the words of a much finer author than this one, "If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book." In all fairness, happiness and what constitutes a happy ending is a surprisingly subjective thing. It is all a matter of perspective, at the end of the day. What was a happy ending for Cinderella and Prince Charming, for instance, was a most disappointing and outrageous ending for her Ugly Stepsisters & Stepmother. In this story, however, even the most bizarre of people will likely agree...there is no way this tale can end happily for anyone. Not truly. Sometimes in life, there is bitterness that cannot be fully sweetened; that is simply the way of the world. Any world. So, if you want a story to make you feel better, a story to tell your life will be okay, a story to tell you that there is justice and some semblance of order in the universe, or even a story to just help you escape the harsh stupidity and cruelty of whatever world you call your own...please, leave now. It is not too late to read a story about a girl with glass slippers.  Judy Hopps wasn't sure of how it all began.  Well that was a colossal lie. She knew exactly how it all began, she simply was not entirely sure why...and it didn't help that it had taken root inside so sneakily. Lingering, twining around her heart and her mind...then, in a single moment, locking into place. Now, to say that it was constantly on her mind would also be a lie; Judy Hopps was no empty-headed doe, after all. Indeed, many around the ZPD headquarters considered her something of a workaholic. Even after solving the Night Howler case, the tenacious little bunny seemed constantly determined to prove herself, often taking long shifts and being among the first to report and the last to depart any given day. This was not to say she COULDN'T be fun to have around, or that work was all she thought about, but it was a defining trait for her that her service as a police officer seemed to come first and foremost in her mind, over practically anything else in her life. How good or bad this fact proved was up to debate, but the point stood firm in either case. All the same, it began to worm its way into her mind when she least expected or desired it to. It was quite irritating, she couldn't help but ponder. The rabbit officer flinched and grunted, clutching her skull; the constant headaches she'd been having for the past few weeks didn't help much, either. She chalked it up to stress, her coworkers chalked it up to over exhaustion...  Whatever it was, they were rather annoying. "Hey...you okay there, Carrots?"  Judy smiled tiredly over at her partner in the car. "I'm fine, Nick." The red fox eyed her doubtfully. Nick Wilde was leaning back in the driver seat, a fish sandwich in on paw, with one bite already taken out of it. (Fish was really the only real meat predators were allowed, for obvious reasons.)  "You should get that checked, you know," he drawled.  "Actually, I’m going to see a doctor about it tomorrow," Judy responded, rubbing her forehead until the discomfort subsided. "Hoping they can prescribe a few good painkillers." "Good," Nick responded with a stiff nod. "I'd like to go on patrol for just one night without you having to look like you're trying out for a Shakespaw production."  To demonstrate his point, Nick struck a dramatic pose with his free paw to his forehead.  Judy smirked and shook her head with amusement. He was genuinely concerned for her. She could tell. Others may have seen it as careless fooling around, or even slightly cruel teasing. Judy knew better. No one understood the dumb fox better than his sly bunny. Her smile fell from her face as she watched Nick lift his fish sandwich. Pearly white, sharpened, pointed teeth flashed for a moment in the overcast light...then sank into the easily-peeled, breaded white meat with barely any sound. She promptly turned away and looked up at the sky, trying to spot the Sun through the clouds. It was funny; days like these usually made on feel gloomy and cold. She honestly couldn't remember feeling better in a while, headaches aside. "So, we're sure this guy's been meeting up with Weaselton here?" Nick said through a full mouth and swallowed. Judy's eyes glanced over just long enough to watch the male's throat bulge and bob as he gulped down a mashed mound of meat. "Don't talk with your mouth full," she said in a dry, chiding tone.  "Sorry, mom," snorted Nick, smirking and rolling his eyes, as he patted his stomach with his free paw. "Anyway," Judy said, quickly glancing away gain, "Considering Duke told us personally, I think we can be sure of it." "I don't like trusting that weasel," mumbled Nick. "Well, neither do I," scoffed Judy, "But he's the best lead we have right now...as usual." She smirked, looking back up at Nick again. "Besides, if two cops aren't enough to scare him into helping, the godmother of Mr. Big's granddaughter will." "You know," Nick drawled, idly, "If Bogo ever finds out you've been using that connection, he might fire us both." Judy grinned. "True. IF he finds out." Nick chuckled, and reached over, chucking Judy's shoulder gently. "I've taught you well," he said, flashing a toothy smile and winking at her.  Judy blushed and giggled a little girlishly, then, realizing her reaction, coughed into a paw to clear her throat. "Ahem! Anyway," she said, sitting up straighter and adopting a much more serious, business-like demeanor, "Keep your eyes peeled." "That would hurt." "Har-har." "Wait a minute," Nick said in a low voice, so abruptly serious that Judy had to look up at him. He placed his half-eaten fish sandwich on the dashboard and glared out the window, sharp muzzle edging towards the window as he leaned forward, jade green eyes bright and alert. Judy followed his gaze, and glowered, as a figure across the street caught their attention. It was a limber-looking mongoose, moving towards the alley of the old, shabby apartment building Duke Weaselton called home. He was dressed in dusty brown coat and equally dusty brown fedora,  with beady black eyes and a gold canine tooth that showed when he sneered, thankfully not noticing the cop car in the shadows of the alley. He was carrying a battered black briefcase. "Wow," Nick observed in a sarcastic, hushed voice. "That isn't suspicious in the least." "Work with weasels long enough," snorted Judy softly. "Just be ready to chase him. He hasn't got a vehicle nearby, at least as far as we can tell. We should be able to snag him on foot if he runs." "WHEN he runs," corrected Nick, sagely. "Mongoose are about as slippery as weasels. Or foxes, for that matter," he added with a wry smirk. "Says the fox who got hustled by a meter maid," Judy sniped back. "Are you ever going to let that go?" Nick moaned. "Probably not," chuckled Judy. They then focused back on the mongoose in the brown coat and hat. He stood hunched and twisted, his posture almost like a snake ready to pounce. He rapped on the door. Duke Weaselton popped his sneaky little snout out almost immediately. "Wait for it...NOW!" Nick hissed, as they saw Weaselton take the briefcase from the mongoose.  "HALT!" shouted Judy, as she practically bounced out of the car, violet eyes determined and hard as two gemstones. "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" The Mongoose glanced over in alarm...and Weaselton promptly slammed the door in his face. "Sorry, Clancy!" they heard the weasel hurriedly say to his associate, who banged on the door furiously. "You dirty-!" "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" Nick called out in a barking sort of manner. The mongoose snarled at them and hurriedly began to scramble over the alley wall. "See? What'd I tell ya," mumbled Nick between breaths. "STOP!" Judy hollered, and bounded over, snagging the mongoose by the tail before he could get away, and dragging him back down. The mongoose snarled, body twisting like a serpent's as he growled at her, then leapt forward, claws and teeth bared. Judy managed to dodge out of the way...  Then froze and began suddenly swaying on her feet and groaning. The Mongoose grinned viciously, reaching into his coat for a weapon, ready to seize his chance...only for Nick to pounce forward and pin him to the ground. "Stay down!" the fox practically spat, and quickly cuffed the writhing counterfeiter.  "Take your hands off me, copper!" the Mongoose nearly howled out. "I got rights!" "Yeah, including the right to remain silent," Nick said, in a cold voice. "You should have kept a better eye out, 'Clancy.' I'll leave the rest of the Miranda Rights to her..."  He looked over at Judy, who shook her head as if trying to clear it and regained balance. "You all right?" "Yeah. He didn't even touch me. Just...I saw spots, and... I felt dizzy..." Nick frowned with deep concern. "We are bringing this guy in," he said, in a stern voice, "Then you are goin' home. Do NOT be late for that doctor's appointment tomorrow."  Right before Judy read the Mongoose his Miranda Rights, and they carted him off to their car, she promised she wouldn't be.  Two Days Later... Chief Bogo's perennially scowling face looked a little more stony than usual as he went over a few pieces of paperwork from the tech office, eyes hard as a pair of dark metal slabs behind the almost comically puny glasses perched on his wide, meaty muzzle. He heard the door open and looked up to see Judy Hopps standing there. He was about to order her out of the room, until he noticed something...different about her. His favorite officer (though he would never admit to her being so, out loud) was usually a bundle of nerves and energy. Her enthusiasm was infectious on the best days, and grating on the worst, for the water buffalo. But right now, Judy looked uncharacteristically...calm. Serious.  Bogo instantly picked up that something was wrong, but mentally shrugged it off and just looked back to his paperwork. "Hopps," he intoned in a coarse greeting. "May I ask why you're here without an appointment."  Judy let the door shut, took a deep breath and approached his desk. "Chief Bogo," she said, in a crisp sort of voice that sounded almost rehearsed (correction, it sounded COMPLETELY rehearsed), "I would like to submit this for your approval."  She held out a piece of paper to him, folded into fourths. Bogo, once again, considered telling Hopps he was very busy (which was true), and that he didn't have time to deal with whatever shenanigans she was involved with, and didn't care what they were (which was false) ...but something about all this left a cold feeling of dread in the buffalo's chest. He kept a practiced expression of icy indifference, and snorted softly just for effect, then reached out, accepting the paper, before opening it up. Almost immediately his expression changed to one of shock, and perhaps even something bordering on sheer horror, as he realized he was looking at a resignation form. "...Hopps..." "I know this is sudden," Judy said, once again sounding far too rehearsed for Bogo's liking - he suddenly wondered if she had notes written somewhere on her paws, or in a card in one of her pockets, like a fifth grader - her eyes hard yet swimming with too many emotions for the police chief to latch onto. "Believe me, I have good reason, and would not ask you to accept this if it were not completely necessary." "Why?" Bogo found himself asking, almost without realizing the word had left his lips. For a split second, Judy's clearly difficult-to-manage, cool expression faltered, and her long ears twitched, before she took another deep breath and drove onward like a steel hammer on a railroad spike. "To put it in the shortest terms, sir," she said, once again far too calmly, "I feel I am no longer able to aid the force to my fullest advantage, and there are a few matters I must attend to now as a result of the reasons why. Now, will you accept my resignation?" Bogo looked at Hopps calmly...then, he carefully put the form down, removed his glasses, and stood up from his chair. Judy's expression immediately changed to one of confusion and worry - clearly his actions now had not been in whatever "script" she'd devised in her head - as he placed a "Do Not Disturb" sign over the doorknob, shut and locked the door, and then drew the blinds to all the windows. He then lumbered back over to his desk, sat down, and folded his hands together, looking at Judy Hopps with an expression the bunny officer didn't think she had ever  seen on the hard-as-nails police chief before. Still firm, but lacking the cross, intimidating air he almost always exhibited. "What if I do not?" he asked, simply and almost pleasantly. The reaction clearly floored Hopps, as her practiced calm immediately fell away. The chief saw panic - raw, unbridled panic, and even DESPAIR - in her eyes, as her ears drooped. Judy's jaw went slack, incomprehensible sounds coming from her as she held out her hands, looking at her paws in a thoroughly helpless manner. He stopped her from further embarrassment by lifting one hoofed hand in a placating gesture. "Hopps. Shut your mouth. You'll catch flies. Trust me, they don't taste good." The rabbit's mouth shut with a "click." "Okay, now I'll bite," Bogo rumbled deeply. "What's REALLY going on, Hopps?" Judy gulped thickly, glanced about (as if anyone would even DARE listen in), and looked up at Bogo with an expression so child-like and painful the buffalo could have sworn the bunny was five years old for a moment or two. "I... I can't say." "Can't, or won't?" Judy whimpered, as if she'd been kicked, and reached into another pocket, pulling out yet another piece of paper. Bogo felt the ominous chill inside of him grow even colder as he detected the wrinkles and what were likely tear-stains on the folded slip. He picked up his glasses, unfolded the second paper with a slight sigh... His heart sank into his tail. He stared for a long, long time at the paper in his hand - not even reading it, just STARING at it - then lowered it and looked at Judy with the most tragic, stunned expression the rabbit had ever seen on ANY animal, least of all Chief Bogo. "...There's...there's no... mistake?" Bogo asked, haltingly. Judy shut her eyes, hung her head, and shook it slowly. "I can't...I can't bear to tell the others, sir," she nearly choked out. "I... I BEG you not to tell them yourself."  "Not even Wilde?" Bogo asked in a hushed voice. Judy opened her eyes but didn't look up. "No, sir," she said, once again sounding like she had practiced this part. "Not even Nick. I want to tell him myself. Personally. There are a few things I have been needing to tell him, in fact, and I need to give them to him sooner than ever now. But I cannot stay here. Not only will I not be able to perform to my fullest capacity, which could cause trouble, but..." She let out a shuddering, shaky, wet sigh. "...I have a family, sir. I family I... I don't get to see as often as I like. They need to know. I need to see them, and...and spend time with them. Before...well..." She sniffled and brought up a paw, wiping her eyes, and then looked up at Bogo. "You won't...won't tell anyone, sir...will you?" Bogo once again wanted to say he'd tell everyone. That she couldn't expect him to keep this a secret. But one look in those pleading, distraught, hopeless eyes - eyes that somehow still tried to find something good and tried to find a way to make things better, even now, with this news - and he knew what he had to say. "When it happens," he said, steadily, "I will tell everyone. But not a minute before." The smile Bogo got was so alarmingly angelic, it almost made him sick. "Judy Hopps," he said, in a vacant voice, "I accept your resignation. And I'll take care of all the particulars. Go back to Bunnyburrow as soon as you possibly can." "I leave in just a few hours, sir. Thank you." Judy Hopps bowed her head in respect, and without another word, or a glance back, walked out of Chief Bogo's office. Only then did the water buffalo allow a single, solitary, tiny tear to slip from his left eye. Nothing about this situation hurt worse than knowing he would probably never again see the rabbit he had both doubted and trusted so many times in the past.  He suddenly wished more than ever that he had trusted her from the moment they had met.  That evening...  The sun was setting in Bunnyburrow as the most famous of all its natives stepped off the train onto the station platform. The station was crowded, but it felt surprisingly empty. As if all the world had separated from the lone rabbit doe as she slumped off the train and onto the platform. Ahead of her, standing like a pair of picturesque sculptures, were another doe and a paunchy male. Both looked older than her, both had tears in their eyes. Judy Hopps rushed forward, and all three sobbed as they hugged each other. There were no words spoken between them. No words could describe the sheer weight of what they felt. Nothing can prepare a family for the kind of pain these three were now feeling. If you have ever lost someone close to you, you may have SOME idea of what this pain was like. If you haven't...you cannot possibly comprehend it.  "You can't be serious!" Judy's father, Stu, looked utterly floored, staring at his daughter as if she had grown seven new heads. Her mother, Bonnie, meanwhile, had gone very pale, her eyes wide, as if someone had grabbed her by her very heart. Judy, ever so calmly and quietly, picked at the fried okra on her plate. It had always been her favorite. "I am very serious, dad," she said flatly. "Judy...Judy, I will NOT allow it!" Stu snapped, standing up with a look of purest rage and even revulsion. Judy tilted her head up to look him dead in the eye. "Dad," she said simply. "I'm a goner. There's no two ways about it. And I've decided that if I'm gonna go, that's gonna be the way it happens. I know it's not normal. I know it's not what you want. I know it's completely insane and, to you guys, maybe it's downright sickening to think about-"  "Is this pep talk over?" Bonnie couldn't help but mumble. She hadn't blinked this whole time.  "...But it's what ?I  ? want to happen. And since it's my life on the line, I'd say it's my choice."  "But...but Judy, this is...I mean, that's just...!"  Judy stood up, her face suddenly so cold it made her father freeze up. "If you had gotten the news I have learned," Judy said, in a steady, almost warning voice, "Wouldn't you want to take advantage of it? There are two things I want to do more than anything now. One is spending at least a few days with you all. Two is...well..." She blushed. "...That. Now, for the first one, we can either spend these last few days as a family, or we can spend it arguing over something that's going to happen anyway. I would much rather live with you all for a while and leave you the way I would feel happiest...then miss out on one, the other, or both."  Her father stared at her...and, without another word, trundled off to leave the room. Just before he left, he glanced back. "...I love you," he said, simply. Judy gulped and drew a paw across her eyes. "I know, dad. If I didn't, I wouldn't have told you." Stu looked at her for a few moments...and without another word, walked away. There was silence, then Bonnie stood up and came over to Judy. "You're certain of this," she said, softly. "There's nothing - nothing - we can do to change your mind?" "Outside of keeping me prisoner, which would only make things worse?" Judy drawled, only half-jokingly. "No. No, mom, there isn't." She paused. "If...if you guys want me to leave..." Bonnie pulled Judy into a hug.  "Even with this news and this plan - actually, ESPECIALLY with this news and this plan - I would never reject you, Judy. And neither would your father. But you really must realize we don't like this. At all." "I never expected you to. But...I thought...it was better to tell you both, than to just...just..." "I understand. I think," Bonnie said, and nodded. "We'll be here." Judy gave her a shaky, terrified sort of smile. "Thanks, Mom. I... I love you both. More than you'll ever know." Bonnie couldn't help but give her absolute strangest daughter a wry sort of smile. "You have a funny way of showing it," she muttered. Judy's response was both profound and meaningful: she simply shrugged.  Three days later... It took Nick longer than she had expected to finally find her. He was, however, just as livid as she had expected. "It's him," her mother whispered as Judy handed a customer at the food stall a receipt and looked up to see a red fox scowling behind sunglasses not so far away, leaned up with his arms over his chest by a nearby car. "I know," Judy whispered back. "You won't change your mind?" her mother asked, urgently. "Not unless he refuses," Judy smiled thinly. Her mother gulped and shuddered violently. "All...all right..." Judy nodded, took a deep breath, and walked away from the stall to the fox beside the car at the top of the hill. Nick didn't say anything. That was the worst part. She could feel his green eyes glaring at her with what she hoped wasn't COMPLETE hatred behind his sunglasses. Judy halfway regretted her choices at that point...she KNEW it would hurt him. She hoped he'd forgive her.  For now, she made no show of protest or surprise, and simply wandered up to him, head hung and ears low out of sheer instinct as he glowered at her coldly. "...Hi," she peeped, rather fearfully. The fox responded by removing his sunglasses and pocketing them. If looks could kill... Judy gulped, focusing on her hands and wringing her paws. "...You can yell at me, if you want to," she decided to say, softly. "I... I know I deserve it." "That," Nick said, softly - TOO softly, "Is the exact reason why I'm not yelling at you. Yet." Judy did not respond to that. The fox, against his own knowledge - completely ignoring the doubtlessly terrified stares of at least a dozen vulpine-fearing-lapines around him - bared his teeth in an outraged snarl. "Do you have ANY idea how worried I've been?!" he hissed dangerously. "I have some idea," Judy said, sincerely, without a hint of sarcasm or cynicism. "Why did you resign?!" Nick went on, his voice growing louder and more frenzied. "Why didn't you tell me?! Why did you give away your apartment?! Why did you leave?! WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALLS?! ?WHERE IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT'S HOLY HAVE YOU BEEN?!  ? WHAT THE  ? HELL ? WERE YOU THINKING?!" His tirade finished, Nick stood there shaking and seething. For a moment, he looked so utterly furious...even SAVAGE...that to anyone who didn't know him well, they would have sworn he was going to pounce and tear Judy apart right then and there, like any of his foxy ancestors might have done centuries ago. Of course, he didn't, but it was a morbid thought that Nick himself seemed to realize, as he sighed and quickly deflated. "...You scared me," he said, softly, shakily, on the verge of tears. "I know," Judy said simply. "And I know it was wrong. But it was...it was all I could think of..." "How so?" Nick nearly snarled. He was a little alarmed when those eyes shot up and met with his own gaze.  He had never seen so much emotion in Judy's eyes before...and that was saying a lot.  "Because if I had told you I was planning to resign, you would have tried to stop me. If I had told you I was coming here, you wanted to come with me. If I had given you an idea of where I was going, I wouldn't have been able to spend time with my family."  She reached out with one paw and took Nick's own paw in it gently. "And with the reason why I did all of this...well, firstly, my mind has been completely scattered..." She flinched, and suddenly stopped, clutching her skull. It ached horribly. "As you can see," she grunted, then, when the headache subsided (which took uncomfortably long, in Nick's opinion), she finished, "And with what I have to tell you...what I NEED you to do for me...I couldn't risk things going wrong in that way. I know I've hurt you badly. I know I've scared you. And I know it doesn't make much sense. But I had a reason. I promise you." Nick bit his lip...then sighed. "I'm still angry with you," he said, quietly but firmly. "I mean, REALLY angry. Like, if you were anybody else, I'd pay Mr. Big to ice you angry. Seriously, you tell them where you're going, but nobody else?" "Godmother," Judy reminded him, in a whisper. "And I told Bogo." "Well, he didn't tell me!" "That's because I asked him not to." Nick growled. "Look, would it calm you down if I told you I'm actually ready to leave practically right now? I just...need time to say goodbye to my folks, okay?" Nick paused...then nodded stiffly. "Make it as fast as you can," he said, less angrily than before. "You owe me the mother of all explanations." Judy gave him an almost unsettling smirk. "I know," she said. "And I swear to you, Nick...you're going to get it." On that cryptic note, she walked away, leaving a very confused, troubled, and still rather irritated Nick Wilde by his car.  A Nick Wilde who couldn't help but notice the odd, not-entirely-friendly gaze Judy's mother kept giving him... It didn't take a genius to tell his favorite bunny was up to something. That, beyond anything else, worried him enormously.  It was a long drive back to Zootopia.  It was spent in utter, uncomfortable silence. Both had so much to say, but neither knew how to say it or where to start. A few times along the way, Judy grunted and had to clutch her skull. Nick squirmed uneasily each time. "...So, uh...I thought you...went to see a doctor about those," he piped up when they were nearly at the city limits. "I did," Judy said, in a grave sort of voice.  "...And?" Judy paused, then abruptly said, "Nick. Pull over." "Why?" "Because after what I've done, I know better than to ask you to wait till we get to Zootopia." "Smart bunny," Nick couldn't help but concede. "But...can't you tell me while we're driving?" "With news like I have to give you? No." That caught Nick's attention, and he quickly but carefully pulled over to one side of the road, then looked over at Judy with a puzzled, concerned expression. "Okay, then...um...what is it?" Judy took a deep breath, then looked up at the fox. "Nick. I'm dying." There was a long silence. "...I'm sorry, what?" "Nick. I'm dying."  "Yes, I-I heard what you said, but...but what do you mean?" "Dying. Passing on. Heading to the great beyond. Kicking the bucket. Shuffling off the mortal coil to meet my maker and join the freaking choir invisible." "I know what the word means, but how can you be-" Suddenly, it all seemed to click, and the fox's whole figure seemed to slump. "Oh. Oh...God." Judy nodded silently, and ever so lightly tapped her skull, indicatively. The gaunt, empty, unfathomable quiet that followed could have lasted a whole day for all either one knew, as the magnitude of everything struck Nick. Once again, no words could describe the tortuous feelings either one felt broiling and bubbling within. It was Judy who broke the silence. "Nick. The doctor said...well...they said I have AT MOST a few months. But I know these are only going to get worse. They've only been getting more frequent recently, and... well...that's not how I want to go." "You're going to kill yourself." The cold, empty voice stunned Judy.  "Not exactly," Judy replied. "Then why all of this?" the fox asked, looking over at her with wide, green, glassy-looking eyes. "Please. Please, I can't-" "Hey," Judy said, and suddenly reached up, cupping his head in her hands. "I need you to listen to me now, okay?" "...Okay..." "There are a few things I want to share with you. Things I MUST share with you. But not here on the road. Not in an apartment. That's part of the reason I sold mine off. Trust me," she said, with a mysterious smile, "I won't need it anymore." "But-"  "I need you to take us somewhere totally private. Someplace where you know we won't be disturbed. Where no one would come looking for you, or for me. Can you do that, Nick? Please?" Nick bit his lip...then pulled away, sniffled, wiped his eyes, and gulped. "You're in luck," he said, monotonously. "I know just the place..."  The fox's car pulled up to the ruins of an old amusement park. It was eerie, condemned, overgrown, and abandoned...yet, as the moon came up over the Ferris wheel, it somehow made it beautiful, as well. "Well. This is...a creepy sort of spot," Judy couldn't help but mumble. "Not quite what I expected..." "It used to belong to my grandfather," Nick smiled, sadly. "Wilde Times, it was called." "What happened to your grandfather?" Nick grew uncomfortable in an instant. "He died," he said, bluntly. Judy backed off. Even now - even knowing what she knew, what she wanted to do here - it seemed there would be mysteries to Nick Wilde she would never get to solve. And, somehow, she was perfectly fine with that. The two mammals got out of the car and approached the park gates, which hung open. "You're sure no one will come here?" Judy urged. "Not even vagrants touch this lot," Nick said, darkly. "They seem to think it's haunted. And it's well out of the city. I promise you, we won't be disturbed." Judy nodded slightly. "Good. That's the important part," she said. "Let's...let's go in..." Nick rolled his eyes, and the two-walked side by side towards the old, rusted gates, and entered the park. "So," Nick said, with very little mirth, even though he tried his best to let his usual smirk play across his lips, "Anywhere you want to go?"  Judy chuckled. "...What was your favorite ride?" she asked, quietly. Nick frowned at once...but silently gestured for her to follow him.  As Nick walked, Judy couldn't keep her eyes from wandering across his framework...his lean, powerful, sleek muscles...the black, glistening claws...those alert, pointed ears and sharp muzzle...a muzzle she knew was filled with predatory fangs... A light breeze blew through the gaps in the old, wooden, ruined roller coaster, and Judy shivered...then groaned and abruptly collapsed. Nick turned fast, and his eyes shot wide open. "Judy!" he cried out, and hurried over, kneeling beside the rabbit as she moaned and clutched her head. "Carrots...Judy, come on, are you all right...?" "You know I'm not," Judy mumbled, almost unintelligibly. Nick felt tears leap into his eyes but held them from falling. He maneuvered into a sitting position and pulled the rabbit into a hug against him. "I've got you, Carrots," he whispered, soothingly. "I've got you." Judy whimpered softly and nuzzled against him like a lost kit. They sat there for a few moments, until Nick finally reached out and placed his paw under Judy's chin, forcing her to look up at him. "We're alone now," he said simply. "What did you want to-" "A moment," Judy mumbled, wincing. "Head...still hurts..." Nick nodded. "Take all the time you need," he said, gently. Time passed quietly for the rabbit and the fox...time that was interrupted when the fox's trim belly grumbled noisily beneath his tacky shirt. He winced and placed a paw over his slim stomach. "Ugh...y'may wanna talk to me fast," he said, in a tone too casual to be genuine, clearly trying to lighten the mood. "I... I, uh, kinda forgot to eat with all this...excitement today..."  Judy let out a light giggle. Nick blinked and tilted his head as, much to his surprise, the rabbit lifted a paw...and placed it over his warm belly. "You won't have to worry about that for much longer," she murmured. Nick suddenly felt quite uncomfortable. He licked his lips thinly and cleared his throat. "Ahem...ah...wh-what do you mean by that?" Judy looked up at Nick. "Nick...if I unbuttoned your shirt...nothing else, no more, just...unbuttoned your shirt..." She trailed off. Nick, understanding what she meant, just nodded in response. "Go ahead, I guess," he barely breathed. "As if I could say no... especially now..." His face went glum, but Judy tried her best to ignore it, as she gently unbuttoned the fox's tacky green polo shirt - his favorite garb when not in uniform - and Nick looked at her with more surprise than ever as she began to rub his belly gently. A soft, purring sort of sound came from the vulpine at the sensation, but he was a little too confused to completely enjoy it. "Um...okay, as if today wasn't...unnerving enough...what are you doing?" "Rubbing your tummy, silly." "I can plainly see that. Just...why?" Judy bit her lip, then took a deep breath. "Well, it...it kinda has to do with what I wanted to talk to you about." "Okay," Nick said slowly, almost suspiciously. "So... mind telling me then?" "Only if you'll let me keep doing this," Judy smirked. "Your fur is...well...really soft..." Nick rolled his eyes. "Knock yourself out, I literally can't say no right now," he mumbled, only half-sarcastically. Judy nodded and continued, then began to explain. "The truth is...for a long time, I've been...having thoughts about you, Nick." "Thoughts?" Judy nodded.  "Do you remember the museum? When we tricked and defeated Bellwether?" "Of course." "Do you...remember how we did it?" Nick was about to say that, yes, of course, how could he forget...until he suddenly felt things click in his mind. Judy's disappearance. The way she was rubbing his tummy. The way she'd spoken of how she wanted to be alone. The fact she didn't want to end the way her brain currently said she was going to. The way fate claimed she had to. "...Judy," he began slowly, "You're not...you're not thinking of...?" "Uh-huh." "You...you actually want me to...?!" "Yyyyyep." Abruptly, the fox pushed her out of his lap and stood up. Judy squeaked, rolled, and looked up, seemingly stunned. "No," Nick said firmly, almost growling out the word. "Absolutely not. No way, no how." Judy blinked. "But...but-" "But nothing! There is no way I'm going to MURDER my best friend!" Nick snarled through gritted teeth. "Why...why would you even THINK of something like that, I-?!" "Nick." The sudden seriousness, total lacking of coyness, with which she spoke his name, shut him up before he could protest further. "I am a dead rabbit walking, Nick," she said, calmly. "And I don't want to do this because it's some sort of sick fantasy, or because I'm completely insane, or because I'm just trying to take risks, and I'm CERTAINLY not doing it on some flippant whim to just throw myself at you  because, hey, what have I got to lose? I am not that desperate, and I am not that dumb of a bunny." "...Then why?" Nick asked, unable to fathom what reason there could possibly be. Judy smiled. "I won't deny I... I have...thought about something like this for a while," she admitted, timidly. "But I kept quiet because...because I knew you would react this way if I told you. But the fact is...if I'm going to die, I want to go out still being useful. Not an officer who suffers from dizzy spells and ultimately collapses on the job, possibly getting herself killed, and not a doe on a farm who can barely manage the food stall as the growth in her skull cavities slowly consumes her." She stood up and looked Nick dead in the eye. "I want to go out helping YOU, Nick. Like I've always tried to do. I want to go out in the warm embrace of my friend. I want to go out knowing that, even if it wasn't in a way that we expected or even really wanted, at least I am being helpful in some way." She stepped forward and placed her paws on Nick's belly once more. "I want to leave this world knowing I'm making you stronger, and maybe even making you happy." Nick gulped. "...I'd be much happier to just...just stay with you," he admitted, almost childishly, as if begging her not to go. Judy shook her head, eyes falling to Nick's bare, red-furred belly as she petted it almost fastidiously. "I'm going to go, Nick," she said, grimly. "It's just a question of how and when. I would rather leave now, helping you in this way, than fading away slowly, painfully, and uselessly." Nick paused for a long time...then, he sighed, and extended his arms, pulling Judy into a hug. He nuzzled the top of her head. "...Truth be told," he whispered, "I don't want to do this...but if this is what you want...then I have a confession to make..." Judy gulped. "Y-yeah? What's that?"  Nick breathed into her ear, and she shivered at his words. "I've always sort of wondered what you taste like." She smiled an impish, almost lascivious smile. "Well," she said in a husky, hushed voice. "Why don't we find out?" Nick paused...then grinned a sad yet somehow mischievous-looking grin. A grin that showed off two rows of sharp, white teeth. "I love you, Carrots. I know this is a weird time to say it, but...I really do." Judy shook her head. "I'm a dying bunny about to be eaten up by a fox who I call my friend. Nothing you could say would make this any weirder. But, for the record..." She lifted herself up on her tiptoes...and kissed him on the nose. "...There's my answer to that." Nick quivered...reached up a paw and wiped his eyes, then chuckled in a sad, broken way. "Well...I don't see a reason to wait any longer. It's gonna a while to, uh...w-work you down, I guess..." "It...it won't hurt, will it?" Judy asked, a tremor in her voice. Nick paused, and stroked her ears before simply answering, "I'll be gentle." And the slow, steady, elegant sadness that had consumed Judith Hopps' whole world from the moment she'd found out the terrible news at the doctor's...suddenly sped up in a flash. Nick Wilde's jaws abruptly fell open. The inside of his mouth was beautifully pink, silky and slimy all at once, with a slick looking tongue and rubbery black lips...and a deep, purplish passage that sloped down towards his belly. Hot, blueberry-scented breath wafted over Judy's face... And then, before she could say anything else - if she even wanted to - the maw slipped over her head. Judy squeaked shrilly, quivering instinctively as she felt Nick's paws outside move around her waist, pinning her arms to her side. She tried her hardest not to fight it, even as her ruined brain began to try and scream at her to make some attempt to flee. But she had chosen this; there was  no going back. The fox's thick, pink tongue came up, and lapped all around her like a slippery snake, sliding under her shirt and tickling her as the hungry vulpine tasted her, making her squirm; it tickled...  Nick's mind was a mess of its own. Part of him was shocked and infuriated. How could he do this?! Why would he agree to this?! This was Judy! His friend...perhaps more than a friend! Someone he would sooner cut off his hand for than see hurt!  Yet for every guilt-ridden, stunned scolding he gave himself...another part of his brain couldn't deny a very simple, very primal fact.   This Rabbit was ?DELICIOUS.  GUUULLLP!  Judy Hopps cried out as Nick Wilde took his first swallow, pushing her further into his jaws, which now were watering profusely, until her entire upper half was encased inside him...her head and shoulders locked tight in the muscular embrace of his esophagus, a noticeable bulge appearing in his neck as the rabbit was forced into his deep, red throat. A quivering sensation came from the lithe little bunny in his greedy gullet, and the fox felt something stinging in his chest...  It's not too late...you can cough her up...you know you can...you'll hurt her. Come on, let her out, just stop...!  His stomach growled.  He could have sworn he heard Judy MOAN.  Green eyes flashed dangerously.  GUUUUUULLLLLLP!  All but the rabbit's feet were inside of him...those same feet kicked feebly, and Nick suddenly felt a strange tickle run up and down his gastric tract. Judy wiggled even more now, and he could faintly hear her voice. He groaned; her head had entered his stomach. She was inside him...inescapably locked in his body...staring into a pool of fluid and a sac of rippling, churning muscles that would do to her what they had not done to any bunny in ages untold. Nick knew she was saying something...he couldn't tell what...  No matter.  GUUUUUUUUUUHHH-HHHUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!  A final, massive, sloppy swallow rippled through the fox as Judy Hopps was deposited into his stomach...he felt her feet slither down his gullet...and, after a while, gasped loudly as the full weight of the bunny settled in his belly. Nick promptly flopped onto his back and panted, thoroughly exhausted and EXTREMELY full. His eyes rolled in his head. He felt...heavy. That was all he could use to describe himself, emotionally and physically. Just...heavy.  Dazed and a little dizzy, the fox lifted his head to look up at his stomach. His shirt unbuttoned earlier, the pale red fur of his belly was fully visible as it bulged with the form of a whole rabbit packed into his gut. The usually trim, slim, sleek belly was now grotesquely round and swollen, as if he had swallowed a bowling ball.  A bowling ball that squirmed.  "Oof...oooohhhhhhhhuuuuhhhhffff" he grunted and gasped, completely mindlessly. He could hardly breathe, let alone speak properly. His engorged stomach was rumbling and rolling too much for him to focus on anything else but this intensely full sensation. It should have hurt, but...but it felt SO GOOD...  "Oh...oh, God...I...I...?III?IIIIIRRR? R R R R R R R R R U U U U U U U U U U R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R A A A A A A A A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R P!"  A thick, hot, crude belch rumbled up from the fox's swollen stomach. The sound echoed in the night air and through the old amusement park.  Inside of Nick's stomach, Judy trembled with something approaching euphoria. She was here. She inside the stomach of a predator...HER predator. If ever there had been uncharted territory for a rabbit, it was this, above all else. An acrid, musty odor filled the gastric chamber, cloying, warm slime oozing from the walls, the muscles of which rippled and kneaded against her hungrily, eager to make her into mere meat for the hungry, handsome fox around her. It was something from one of the fantasies that had plagued the rabbit for many moons now...  If one good thing - if this could be called "good" - came from the doctor's news, it was the realization she could live out those fantasies...and, in the process, make her last act an act of assistance.  As Nick belched, she let out a sharp cry; the stomach rocked and rolled around her, thick, smelly stomach gas rushing past her nostrils and nearly making her sneeze from the pungent stench...yet she did not find it as vile as even she thought.   Biting her lip, she placed a paw on Nick's stomach wall, and quivered as she ran it across his belly.  "Did I taste good, dumb fox?" she asked.  Nick moaned, his back arching, unable to resist the admittedly not-altogether-unpleasant sensation of the rabbit moving in his belly...even despite just who that rabbit was.  "You...you have no idea...how much," he managed to say, running his own paws along his now hyper-sensitive belly flesh.  "Good," Judy smiled. "That's how it should be."  Nick whimpered.  "I'm so sorry," he said, tears starting to pool in his eyes. "I'm sorry...about...about all of this..."  "Don't be, Nick," Judy tried to soothe him, continuing to stroke the stomach wall, as if trying to pet him, to comfort him, from within his own skin. She felt tears spring to her own eyes as she felt a pawprint press back.  Nick was trying to do the same to her.  "You've been the best friend I could ever ask for," Judy confessed. "It's...it's not as bad this way, Nick...I WANT this..." "Th-that...that doesn't make it...any better," the fox whined.  "Don't think about it," Judy smiled. "Just relax...relax and let me feed you..."  Nick sobbed in response...and Judy sighed as the usually emotionally distant fox broke down completely. For about five minutes, he sobbed and sobbed...until, finally, the crying subsided into short, hiccupping gasps (Judy squeaked as the stomach clenched at each of those) ...then...snores.  Nick had cried himself to sleep, his enormously bloated stomach weighing him down.  Judy smiled a sad, sleepy sort of smile, and wiggled into the belly...she could feel the muscles ramping up, ready to work her down more quickly...the fluid around her bubbled and frothed...the stomach was getting prepped to work on her...the acidic sludge was rising fast, tingling...itching...  She didn't fight it. She curled up, closed her eyes...  Just before the thick gunk rose above her head, one might have heard a certain doomed rabbit humming the last few bars of Gazelle's "Try Everything."  It was noon by the time Nick Wilde woke up. He yawned...then grunted, and lurched, as a last rush of foul gas forced its way up his throat.  "BRRRRRAAAAAAAAUUUUUUU RRRRRRRP!"   Nick gagged and grunted, thumping his chest.  "Ugh...well, that's...one kind of wakeup call..."  He blinked, as he suddenly recognized the taste the nasty gas had left on his tongue. Licking his teeth, he looked down at his belly.  He frowned, ears drooping, placing a paw over the round, fat bulge that now marred his once slim, sleek frame.   "Well...looks like you, uh...got your wish, C-Carrots...I guess..."  His stomach "glorped" in response.  Nick, despite it all, smirked slightly.  "Heh...guess I'll always have a little part of you...j-just to...carry around. Not that I'd need it."  He rubbed his belly.  "I'm so...so sorry, Judy...but I won't ever forget you..."  He wiped his eyes.  "But now there's a question that keeps running through my mind: what now, Judy? I wish you could tell me. You helped me open up...you made me better...now, what do I do? Where do I go from here?"  He gave his now-paunchy belly a gentle, jiggling shake.  "Please. Please wake me up."  A tear drop fell onto his belly.  "Tell me I didn't do what I think I did."  Another teardrop. "Please."  "Glurg," said the fox's belly.  Many tears fell after that.  Many more would follow.  "There's no happy endings. "Not here, and not now. "This tale is all sorrows and woes. "You may dream that justice and peace win the day, "But that's not how the story goes." - "That's Not How the Story Goes" from "A Series of Unfortunate Events"
 Arri shaped the figure in her hands, smoothing the legs before defining the feet and toes with her fingernails. She looked to a mirror to reference herself before tackling the face of the clay figure but she hardly needed to. She'd made so many simulacrums of herself that it was as easy to create her own likeness in clay, as easy as it was for a child to draw a stick figure. She did however pause at the bust and butt. She considered giving her doll more ample features there than were entirely realistic when compared to her actual body. But she decided against it, she was desperate for companionship but embellishment felt wrong to her. That and a disappointed partner would be just as likely to abandon the casual encounter once they actually saw her. In five minutes time she had a six inch likeness of herself made from clay. Scantily clad as per her intentions for it. “Time to imbue you and send you off” she whispered to it. She put a finger to her mouth intending on licking it. She needed to set some fluid of herself onto the clay figure but decided against using her saliva at the last moment. Her purpose wasn't to find a partner who would be compatible with her on oratory terms, or had the same taste in food. She was looking for something to rut against, a warm attractive body to grind on. To chase the loneliness of the last few days away, perhaps for a bit longer but a temporary thing to be sure. If she was lucky perhaps even someone who'd eventually be interested in sending her to meet her previous girlfriend Pami. Arri missed Pami since she'd digested. Arri moved her fingers instead to her crotch and pressed into herself a moment to sap off the gathering arousal there. She then pressed her finger against the clay figure that twitched, stretched and rose to it's feet in her hand. It's eyes and face opened to a sultry expression. It was silent as all simulacrums were, but body language speaks volumes and simulacrums communicated with each other without sound anyways. “I trust you understand your purpose?” Arri asked it. Simulacrums understood the emotions of their creator and needed minimal direction once created. The impish likeness of Arri grinned and pantomimed a playful giggle before nodding. Arri held her hand to the wall then, made of a reddish colored and firmer clay. The simulacrum walked into the wall as if enveloped by it, embarking on it's journey through the interClay that surrounded them. Arri waited and put her palm against the wall a moment later after she was sure her simulacrum had departed. The wall receded in the shape of a square, forming an open air window where red clay had been a moment before. She leaned against the thick frame to view the world outside her apartment. The city was made of the same slightly red construction clay her room was built from. Entrances and exits formed for people going in and out of buildings at their will and touch. The oils on one's hand were enough to supply that sort of magic, though imagination was just as integral to it. Arri wondered just how many simulacrums were in the interClay at any one time. Hers was just a drop in the bucket of proxies sent out to perform tasks. Relay messages, deliver small objects, find people, seek out information from informational proxies kept in the interClay. Or like hers sent out to seek out companionship. Simulacrums could be of any shape, an owl, dog or even an amorphous blob. The shape affected how well it did it's job however. And for finding companionship making a likeness of yourself was best. A simulacrum held a part of their creator's spirit, knew their interests and peeves. They could judge each other and find another simulacrum that was compatible. Matching this way was fruitful when a match could be found. Which wasn't always possible since simulacrums only lasted so long before drying up and crumbling into regular clay. Arri had gotten very good at making likenesses of herself for this purpose. So much so that she was starting to lose hope because it hadn't been incredibly fruitful after a year of attempts. Some satisfying one night stands, new friends and more than a few prospects that ended up digested soon after. With a sigh she pushed away from the window and willed it into a wall again. She took a bit of clay from the shelf, the same color and consistency of her simulacrum from earlier. She started forming it into a hyena, thinking maybe to have it go out and seek funny stories and jokes to tell to her on it's return but her eyes fell on a small stoppered bottle on her shelf. It sat next to a crumbling humanoid clay figure. A simulacrum long since dried out, but a cherished keepsake for Arri. The bottle was half filled. She was running out the contents, and the liquid contained wasn't something she could replenish. But she was hungry for it. For what it could give her even if temporarily. Arri balled her hyena up, deforming it into a mound before putting the clay back and retrieving the small stoppered bottle. She unplugged it and used a nearby eye dropper to draw exactly two drops from the bottle. She let one fall onto her tongue and the final one she dripped onto the clay floor before willing it to rise. Just as the window did the clay floor obeyed her will and imagination. It formed around her as she laid back into it, clay surrounding her form in a pliable shell that was cold at first but warmed to her temperature soon enough. More importantly she could feel the comfortable presence around her, and in her. The connection to the soul-storage. The liquid in the bottle was a bodily fluid, but not her own. The owner of the fluid was since deceased and so the liquid could not be replenished after she used her current supply up. She could only do what she was about to experience so many times. The essence of the fluid seeped into the clay surrounding her and it connected with another reservoir of body fluid belonging to the owner. This one carried a larger concentration of the owner's essence and very far away across the interClay. All citizens of the city Sagascar had such a reservoir dedicated to them. Arri could feel it despite the distance, like a person so close you could feel their warmth. It called back to her as well, asking what she wanted. The essence speaking to her wasn't the actual owner from beyond the grave. Not really but a very near thing that held the most important things about her: Her memories. Arri willed the soul-storage to play one memory in particular. The last one the owner had formed, her last moments. The liquid inside Arri responded, showed her eyes the scene, her nose the smells, her skin the sensations and even her mouth what the owner had been tasting. The clay around Arri modified itself so Arri could feel what pressures that person felt at the time or as close to it. The soul-storage was meant to record the knowledge of everyone alive or dead. Information didn't die in the city of Sagascar it could be accessed from the storage and built upon endlessly. Arri's usage wasn't uncommon but it was considered by most people to be a frivolous use of the glorious work that the soul-storage represented. Arri used it to get herself off. Arri was looking through the eyes of her late partner Pami, living the final experience Pami had. Emotions and thoughts played as Pami's had and she assumed the role of her dead lover completely. She was at a lonely bar, wEyting for her own simulacrum to return, it was made to retrieve directions to go home and guide her there. The form she sent it in though was not the form it came back. To put it plainly it looked like a pile of dung in clay form when it returned. Which meant it had been eaten and digested by another person's simulacrum along the way. One that had liked what it had seen in Pami's own simulacrum. With an unsteady hand Pami reached out to touch the wet slimy remains of her simulacrum. Simulacrums didn't really die when digested, they just lost usefulness. They could still be communicated with when touching them. They only really stopped functioning when the fluid they were imbued with dried up naturally. This one communicated to Pami that the assailant simulacrum was returning to its owner who would arrive within minutes. Likely to do to Pami what had been done to her simulacrum: digest her alive. An act that would leave Pami far worse off than her simulacrum ended up. Digestion was a one way trip for unprotected citizens like her. “Oh putty!” Pami uttered, a curse in this country of clay mages. Arri was embedded in the memory now and she felt both the arousal Pami felt at this news along with the fear and apprehension. Pami was looking for a way out, trying to figure out if she could escape but her answer came quickly. Another simulacrum formed on the bar next to her drink. A barely clothed thing, a woman licking its lips. It was here to monitor Pami, to follow her if she ran and as it could move along the clay faster than she could ever run there was no point. The predator would have her sooner or later. All she could do was die tired if she tried to run. In a bit of frustration Pami swung her fist down on the spying simulacrum, but it just sank into the counter before her strike. They were supernaturally quick things, moving through the interClay surrounding them at unimaginable speeds. All clay in the city made up the interClay. It popped back up a few inches away just as quickly as it disappeared. Pami then collected her drink before shooing the thing away a few more feet. She could at least enjoy her last drink before her predator would arrive. Which she did after a few minutes. More clothed than her clay simulacrum and to the nines. A gorgeous regal dress, form fitting in the right places. Arri could feel Pami's resentment for how attractive her devourer was. She was assuredly one of the more protected classes of Sagascar. Not quite a Sculptor which was the highest class but only a few classes down from that. Likely a shaper and therefore a person who was more than permitted to do anything they liked to an unprotected citizen like Pami. The woman sat next to Pami casually. “By the clay! What was it about me that made your simulacrum want me out of literally anyone you could have eaten?” Pami asked as she downed the rest of her drink. The woman caressed Pami's hair and grinned at her. “Your simulacrum enjoyed it, gave up running quite easily. I instructed mine to only pursue playfully. In short you don't really *want* to escape~” the woman said and cupped Pami's cheek. Pami's lip was quivering, and Arri could feel her emotions ramp up to a level that blurred her cognition. The woman was right about her, Pami hated that she was right. Pami wanted it and didn't want it all at once. But her desires hardly mattered if a woman of this bearing desired to eat Pami. She'd have her with or without consent. “I'd like to send one message.” Pami rasped. The woman uttered an exasperated sigh but pushed herself away lightly and assented as she called over the bar tender who looked half scared out of his wits to have such a powerful visitor. She could devour everyone in the bar and face no consequence for it beyond an unpleasant bathroom visit and having to purchase a larger sized wardrobe. Pami quickly took a chunk of clay from her pocket and formed a version of herself. Hastily and without her usual level of detail but enough to get the job done. She wetted her lips and kissed it to life. It opened it's eyes and nodded solemnly to her. It knew it's grim task. To be a final farewell to Pami's girlfriend Arri, the one that still sat on her shelf with the body fluids of Pami. Then with that finished Pami turned back to the woman, the sculptor who would have her. The powerful woman whose impatience had come to a head. Her mouth was wide open and looming over Pami who sucked in a breath at first but then closed her eyes. She was trying to be at peace with the end and mostly succeeded. She was sucked down quickly into the dim, hot and humid confines of the woman's belly. This was where the real fun began. Arri felt every bit of Pami's digestion from then on. The heat, the pain, the pressure and especially the pleasure as Pami pressed at her center and assaulted herself with every orgasm she could manage before the acids took her and molded her into slop to be spread and molded over the woman's body. But it went even farther than that eventually. Pami died, and Arri could feel the moment that the digestion took her life, it was right after her second breast slid off and the first turned to mush. But the memory played on because it was tied to the fluids her body made up as well as her soul. If anything sensations became stronger after Pami died. Her thoughts and feelings were absent in her death and all that was left to feel was her remains. Nevertheless Arri continued to experience Pami's journey, felt the parts of her breaking down, traveling, welling up as fat, bouncing, being burned off and she felt the more revolting parts as well. The most gross and stimulating experience was feeling the experience of Pami's remains that didn't stay inside the woman. Arri felt Pami's remains being squeezed from the gorgeous woman's buns and experienced what it was like to be a steaming pile. She felt herself traveling along the clay aqueducts carrying her disgusting formless mound away, going through nets that gathered any valuables that might be in the remains like Pami's earrings or bracelets. And finally she felt herself being scooped and discarded in a mass grave with other glopping piles many of them also former people taken by protected classes of people. Arri laid in the clay experiencing the existence of a discarded turd until the liquid dried up and the clay receded from her body. The floor beneath her had a puddle forming around her, she'd had a few touch free orgasms during the playback of Pami's last moments. As was usual for her in these sessions. She held herself and smiled softly, still able to feel the presence of her lover as she stared at her shelf which held the hastily made simulacrum of Pami. It was dry and unmoving but still looked like her and wasn't crumbling too badly yet even after a year. She felt her own simulacrum return then. It was a sort of sixth sense, you could feel your own like a numb limb if they were nearby and outside of the interClay. Arri bristled, if it had returned perhaps she would not be alone tonight after all. She turned to it and froze at the sight. “Oh putty...” Arri uttered. Her simulacrum was a mess, a pile of crap. It had assuredly found her someone she was compatible with. Someone she was so sexually compatible with that she would not even mind being destroyed by her, which was the apparent intention of the pairing simulacrum. Arri swallowed hard but approached and touched her simulacrum to see what it had to say. “Sh-she told me to tell you 'Well curved woman was seeking a long term relationshit. Will send wire in a few minutes' after she told me the message she digested me...” the simulacrum intimated to her through an almost telepathic link simulacrums had with their creators when touched. Arri blinked, confused. It was rather polite, cordial even. At least for someone who intended on eating her. She'd expected something more like 'coming for you snack!' For a moment she wondered if this was a trick, but simulacrums couldn't lie. They were made of something different that didn't include the parts of people that could deceive. That made the message genuine and true. Which boggled Arri's mind because clay wire was expensive! Arri had only ever used the large Armature cables the public mages used for construction and for public transportation. Wire was the key to holding up clay that couldn't support it's own weight. For larger buildings like her apartment you needed Armature cable which was larger and had the bonus of serving as a transportation system through complex magics. You touched one exposed end of an Armature cable and could be instantly transported to any other exposed end of cable somewhere else where it connected outside of the interClay. The cables were huge and expensive but worth it to transport thousands of people where they needed to go. Armature wire was smaller and for personal use, but still enormously costly. Especially considering Armature cable was bought and created on the back of the entire city's economy and wire was a cost to an individual. But just as promised a few moments later a clay puppy rose from the floor, digging up into Arri's room. The cute thing held one end of a wire in it's mouth. It pulled it to Arri's feet and stared up at her wagging its tail. Arri couldn't help but to pat its head in appreciation. It rubbed against her and licked her hand once before melding back into the floor. Arri took a deep breath and closed her eyes before removing her shoe and pressing her bare foot to the wire. She wondered where it would take her, she realized at the last moment it could be anywhere, even right into a stomach if someone had swallowed the other end... … When Arri opened her eyes again she found herself outside though she didn't know exactly where. The sights were strange to her as she put her shoe back on. Looking around her there were headstones all around. A cemetery or graveyard of some sort. They were an odd sight, most people died of... digestive complications, and their remains never saw anything but a field as fertilizer or a mass public grave which was polite way of saying shit landfill. Arri knew of the concept of graveyards though and looked at the headstones around her with mild interest. The grim monuments oddly enough didn't have any names however. Only urns in front of each. Not a single one said who was buried there. The urns didn't reveal who they were dedicated to either. She frowned and looked up, spotting in the distance the city of Sagascar where she lived. It was in the distance and then she realized how far she'd come. An impressive distance, a fortune's length of wire was brought to her just to bring her here. It made her uneasy how much wealth was at play here, not many could afford that kind of expense. “Couldn't be anyone but a protected citiz-” Arri started to say before a voice came from behind her. “Welcome, it might seem a bit grim but I thought it was a fitting place to start a relationship such as the one we're both looking for~” Arri turned with a yipe, stumbling back on a gravestone for support, leaning back against it and clutching it. She knew she was dealing with someone of a protected class after all, likely a higher one. At any moment she could be taken, swallowed, ended. “Ah, I shouldn't have sneaked up on you should I have? I'm sorry to have scared you. My name is Eyti(eye-tea)” the woman said and held out a gloved hand towards Arri. She was a woman, and gorgeous. Wide curved hips, full breasts and a jiggle to her form that suggested the volume of meals she'd consumed. Her face was long and complemented her dark flowing hair. Her features looked somewhat timeless, an appearance of maybe late 30's or early 40's but the matronly kind of attractive an experienced woman could pull off. Arri wondered how old she actually was, she had to be of a protected class and they could live well past centuries of time depending on what they'd achieved. Arri's breath came deeper and in less hurried breaths, her heart rate slowed and she stepped forward taking the hand offered to her, lightly. A strong grip would allow her to pull Arri in if she wanted to put her in a grave then and there. Eyti's head tilted to one side. Then she giggled. “Quite cautious! Yes, yes you are a clever one but one like me wouldn't have to resort to muscle and grip~” Eyti said and slipped a foot from her sandal. She touched the ground and the clay in it responded to her will. It rose up behind Arri and pressed her forward, in the shape of a dozen hands urging her face straight into Eyti's bosom pressing her there as Eyti put her arms on Arri's waist. The hands rubbed at Arri's back and Arri's eyes went wide as saucers at the display of clay sorcery. “See?” Eyti said with a giggle. Arri's fast beating heart returned. Making a window or door appear in the clay through sorcery was a simple feat, children could perform it. Making a chair or table with sorcery was a bit more difficult especially to get the proportions right in order to make it stable. Simulacrums were easier to make by hand and without sorcery. This was because the details were important. Making them by clay sorcery was impractical because the detail were too complicated. Clay sorcery required the user to imagine all the details of the shape they wanted all at once. So making even something as simple as a sliding drawer was a difficult task for an adult to imagine the details all at the same time. Arri had glanced the clay hands that pushed her though. They were detailed down to fingerprints, wrinkles and ridges in the skin. Eyti's mastery of clay sorcery was nothing short of godlike. “Why don't we stroll though, I fear I may have spooked you. Follow as close as you feel comfortable” Eyti said. Arri had the urge to run to be entirely honest. But that would be equal parts useless and detrimental she supposed. The city was too far, Eyti could reel her back in with her sorcery and a single thought. Testing a powerful woman's mood seemed a fools game, especially one who could eat you. So Arri decided to do the opposite of playing cautiously. She stepped closer to Eyti to walk together. “I'm Arri, and I'd love to accompany you Eyti.” Arri said with more confidence than she really felt. Eyti raised an eyebrow down at her. She was a head taller, and apparently amused. “Yes I like you very much. I might even miss you someday after I've had you~” Eyti commented as they walked among the headstones. “So do you take all your first dates here or only the ones you intend to eat?” Arri asked playfully. “And she has wit! I shall endeavor not to be skeptical of my simulacrum's judgment ever again. She quite loved yours. Said you were perfect.” Eyti said at first. “But to entirely honest I haven't had a date with someone I didn't intend to eat for quite a long time. Centuries actually. So I suppose the answer to your questions is yes, every first date I bring here and I intend to consume all of them. I engage exclusively in relationshits” Eyti said referring to the colloquial term for a higher class protected citizen dating a relatively unprotected class one. Such relationships often ended in a toilet. “So you've done this many times before then?” “Ask the graves” Eyti replied motioning towards them and Arri laughed. “They aren't very talkative but which headstones are your responsibility?” Arri asked and it was Eyti's turn to laugh. She guffawed loudly, halting their progress to double over in chuckles. “What's funny? Remembering a certain conquest...?” Arri guessed. “Arri my dear... I don't think you quite understand *chuckle* this is MY cemetery. All these graves are former flames I've since snuffed out~” Eyti said. Arri's pupils dilated and she felt a bit dizzy as she slowly looked around her. She did a bit of estimation in her head, looking at the rows and rows, clusters of headstones some even double or triple headstones from perhaps orgies? Arri had been sure this was a public graveyard of some sort, shared among many predators. The gravestones... There were thousands, and that was just within her current line of sight. “How long have you...?” “Lived? It's quite a rude question to ask a lady but you have a healthy curiosity to you. An excellent calculating nature that I suspect has kept you alive thus far so I'll be entirely forthright. My surname is Randireth, Eyti Randireth.” Eyti said. A wind blew behind Arri. The name was familiar. A name taught in her grade schooling years. Randireth was the surname of one of the original architects of the interClay, a member of the first and highest protected class, an honest to kiln Sculptor of Sagascar. Arri's legs felt weak. A clay chair appeared behind her, its purpose was for her to fall into. Eyti had formed it with barely a thought as her toe touched the ground again. And for clay's sake the thing was made so well that Arri could feel a wood like grain in the arms. That was why Eyti was so good at clay Sorcery. She'd had literal millenniums of practice. “You need a moment?” Eyti asked gently as she stepped towards Arri. “All of them” Arri replied and Eyti giggled. “I love the wit but sorry, but you're on the menu so you only have so many moments left~” Eyti said. “I suppose I will just roll with it then, what was left of my simulacrum seemed quite content with how things ended up for her. Who am I to argue that I'm a meal fit for a sculptor?” Arri said and moved to stand, taking a refreshing breath. This was really happening she was going to date one of the most powerful clay mages around, a nigh immortal Sculptor of putty damned Sagascar. Nothing to do but get used to it. For however long it lasted. “That was a quick moment.” Eyti said looking surprised. “Adapting quickly is a strong suit of mine. I'm curious though, why exclusively date the unprotected?” Arri asked. “You're all so vibrant, exciting, constantly changing and unpredictable. My peers both older and younger than me are very set in their ways. I suppose I am as well but you all change every year. Your fierce spirits keep me on my toes until you burn out. You warm me with your ferocity in life.” Eyti said as she lead them in stride once more among the nameless stones. “Which makes me wonder... Just where are you in your journey?” Eyti asked. “Ahh so now you're the rude one asking a woman's age!” Arri quipped and Eyti flashed her a wry smile. “You will keep me on my toes I see! But please indulge an old woman.” Eyti said, Arri responded plainly, honestly because her age was certainly a factor. “24 years old. A little more than six months until I reach the age limit and assume completely unprotected status.” Arri answered. There were different levels of protection status. The highest being the sculptors who had the utmost priority for reformation if killed and could at their leisure devour just about anyone they wished. There were many levels and rules for other levels of protection. Arri was about to age out of the base time given to everyone when they were born. 25 years was the time given to everyone to make something of themselves and earn more time under protection. Prestigious jobs and discoveries earned more time but breakthroughs like Eyti's were what really let one live nearly forever. “Well we can't have that, I'd like to at least spend a year with you. You're at least a year's worth of intriguing.” Eyti said shaking her head. “I don't know what to tell you, unless you keep me in a cage for six months after my birthday I'm likely to be swallowed up by anyone who wants me, and then I'll be gone.” Arri said and chuckled. “Would you mind being in a cage?” Eyti asked playfully. “That would actually be kind of kinky for a while, but I suspect it would get stale eventually.” Arri answered. “So you're not just ruled by your loins... Well we'll try that sometime... Now that I know you're open to it but... I'll just have to loan you some protection time through ownership.” Eyti said. “I couldn't possibly accept that!” Arri quickly replied. It was a generous gesture, one could give another some of their own earned protection status in certain circumstances. Great achievements were awarded with promotion to a protected class. The promotion only lasted so long though so the person had to keep creating new and important things. They could also extend that protection to someone they married or a life form they owned, like a pet. Meaning that they'd be reformed if killed and immune to further indoctrination. Loaning protection status through ownership cost the owner some of their own time and was limited to a single life at a time. Arri was suddenly reminded of Pami, when her protection status ended and how her indoctrination had proceeded quicker than expected. She'd become increasingly aroused at the idea of being consumed to the point that she couldn't orgasm without thinking about it. It wouldn't have been another year before she sought out an end for herself Arri estimated. No one lasted into their 50s without being in a protected class and made immune to indoctrination and few made it past 40. It was a natural biological process ingrained into the people of her country at birth, but Arri slightly resented those with higher protection statuses that received magical treatment to halt the ever increasing self-destructive desires. Arri herself felt the pull, death by digestion aroused her more than scared her already. Arri was roused from her thoughts by Eyti speaking again. “I have eons of time, and I've got more than a few innovations up my sleeve that could earn me centuries of life.” Eyti said dismissively. 6 months of time given to Arri was a single tear drop in the bucket for her. For anyone else Arri knew it would be like giving someone your arm or legs. “Only on one condition.” Arri said which perked Eyti to look attentively at her. “I want no part in the indoctrination protection. I want to be practically brainwashed when the year is up and be salivating from the hips at the thought of being inside you.” Arri said firmly. “I actually like that better! I prefer when my relationshits are eager to end the temporary union. It's a deal! Once we've gotten to know each other a bit more we'll solidify that agreement. For now let's just get acquainted.” Eyti said. They walked more through the cemetery's grounds getting to know each other's likes an dislikes. Details about the cemetery nagged at Arri until she was bothered enough to break their small talk and ask Eyti directly. “Why are there no epitaphs on the headstones? And what are the urns in front of each?” Arri asked. “Took you long enough to ask, I figured you might. Most of my other girlfriends haven't been bold enough to do anything but let me lead conversations...” Eyti stalled as she knelt down and retrieved an urn. She opened the top, it hissed with what was a vaccum seal. Whatever was inside was being preserved with a tight seal. Eyti tipped the urn towards Arri to reveal that it was filled with liquid, which made Arri's eyes open wide with realization. “That's not... It can't be...” Arri uttered and her jaw dropped. “It most certainly is~” Eyti said confirming that it was someone's bodily fluids and dipped a fingernail in before pressing her finger into Arri's dropped jaw and onto her tongue. Arri was suddenly assaulted with sensation as Eyti's touch connected her to the soul-storage. The droplet on her tongue while small was enough to do it. She was in a snippet of memory, assuming the identity of some unknown woman. It was her last moments before a younger looking Eyti pressed her down into cleavage and converted her to milk and fat. It was an incredibly small drop of liquid though and the connection ended abruptly, leaving Arri spiked with arousal but unsatisfied. Which made her feel all sorts of guilt. She didn't even know that woman, but she'd felt her emotions and final moments in such an intimate way. She'd likely passed hundreds of years ago. Arri felt like she'd just robbed a grave. “That was not for me.” Arri muttered and held herself, shivering. “Oh... Was that your first time?” Eyti asked and Arri shook her head. “No but I've only done that with people who've freely given me their experiences. I could never have asked that woman for permission to view her thoughts.” Arri said. “I would think not I mean she was... How long ago was this one...?” Eyti asked herself, tapping a finger to her chin before giving up and dabbing a fingernail into the urn again. She pressed the liquid to the gravestone and the clay it was made of revealed the inscription left there with magic along with a date. “Ah yes, six hundred years ago. So no I don't think you could've gotten permission, or even known her but the dead can't really complain can they? Who does it harm to take a peek? Especially if you enjoyed it~” Eyti asked. Arri didn't have an answer for that except that it felt wrong somehow. The woman might've been a nympho who'd have been pleased to have her memories induce lust, but she could just as well have been a very private person who would have shivered at the thought of strangers seeing her in a privately erotic moment. Especially one which was her last moment. “Well don't hesitate to ask if you'd like to experience more of them. This place functions as somewhat of a library of erotic inspiration as well! It has helped some of my relationshits to come up with a creative means to end themselves. I could direct you to some of the ones I consider highlights~” Eyti said with a chuckle. Arri couldn't deny that she felt tempted. Pami's experiences got old sometimes. With such a vast repository of digested dames... Arri could experience five a day and never go through all that was here. Her eyes fell on the stone though as she was suddenly curious of the woman's name. Who she was and if her epitaph would tell Arri anything about how she'd lived before that digestive demise. She might not feel as bad if she tried to know who she was experiencing. Arri read the epitaph. Here curdles Conni (I think that was her name) Obsessed with boobs I drowned her in my bra She squealed like a dying squirrel until she was dairy and DDD-cups. Took one cup of her with coffee and left the rest to sour here. She'd told me to enjoy all of her and share her with her family! Fat chance! Year 8345 Arri wasn't quite sure how she should feel about that. On the one hand she was slightly riled up by the casual account of the girl's life ending, even aroused by the cruelty and humiliation. On the other hand it was in quite poor taste. Arri didn't mind that kind of cruelty if she would be reforming at the end of the day, she actually liked that kind of thing. But for this to be the last monument to a girl's life? The only thing she would be remembered by? Poor taste indeed and not just the 600 year curdled milk. “Is this epitaph true?” Arri asked, nodding towards the inscription. “Mostly, I think my breasts were actually quite bigger than DDD but it flowed better with the word 'dairy'” Eyti responded. “Don't you think it a bit...Crude?” Arri asked. “Oh yes! Of course! That is sort of the point Arri dear!” Eyti said and Arri stared at her for a few moments trying to figure out if she was joking. She was not as far as Arri could decipher from her face. “You're... Offended?” Eyti asked. “I'm not sure.” “Let me ask you, would it arouse you to have something like this written on your grave?” Eyti asked and Arri couldn't help but blush and shy away from eye contact. “Maybe, at least to talk about it. But to actually do it? I don't know. It would be rather emb-” “Embarrassing? Arri dear, the dead can't feel embarrassed or shameful. Who does it hurt then? Especially since only I can activate these inscriptions. No loved one would ever see it. Only me and you who never even knew this woman.” Eyti said. Again Arri felt bad about this but didn't have a good argument for it. It just felt wrong to shit-talk the dead like this. “Let me ask another question, are you inclined to read more of them?” Eyti asked. Arri paused. “Answer truthfully, what do you really want? Would it excite you to read more of them? Inscriptions just as degrading and casually written?” Eyti asked. To her shame Arri nodded her head. “And there it is, I've created a bit of enjoyment for my new favorite girlfr-end and hurt no one living in the process. Am I incorrect?” Eyti asked. “No... But... It's and adjustment for me. And I'd want to be remembered more fondly than as just another stomach slut that you sloshed up” Arri said, Eyti shrugged. “Understandable. I suppose I should have warned you, I might have a polite exterior but I think the centuries have twisted me a bit inside. You'll just have to keep up” Eyti said with a wink. “Will my epitaph be as memorable? Or rather will I be just as dignified as Conni here was?” Arri asked. Eyti giggled at first before responding. “You've known people who were eaten I'm certain. Were any of them mourned or immortalized by their devourers? Did any of them pay their respects to their meals? Any?” Eyti asked. Arri considered this, and the answer was no, certainly not. More often they were given no regard whatsoever, sometimes left in mortifying places and states, like as shit on a sidewalk or as a puddle of cum in their own bed. Pami was actually fortunate to have been at least shat out in a toilet and not left stinking up the street or her own home. Which somehow still seemed less insulting than having a joke of a gravestone left as a testament to their life. It made Arri question Eyti aloud... “Is disregard and apathy for prey more respectful than discourtesy of the dead?” Arri asked and shook her head. “Is it discourteous of me to take my time with each and bother to preserve a link to them? Others discard thoughts of prey as soon as they've stopped kicking. At least I leave *something* to be remembered even if it isn't the most dignified” Eyti pointed out. “You've had a long time to justify it to yourself haven't you?” Arri asked. “And I like you more and more every moment. You're not afraid to poke the bear. Some would say you bite the hand that feeds!” Eyti said with a chuckle. Arri shrugged. “Or perhaps it's just that I'm not that preoccupied with dying.” Arri said. “My fellow sculptors aren't preoccupied with death either yet you still burn so vibrantly in comparison!” Eyti said and rubbed her chin as she stared with an appraising look at Arri. “You know you'll go down in a blaze of erotic glory too someday, you should think about where you'd like to be buried here eventually. There's a hill that overlooks the sewage treatment center in the north section that I just purchased. That would be quite humiliating wouldn't it?” Eyti said and laughed. Arri grimaced. “It would be interesting to tease me with, but I think really I'd like to be left under the shade of a tree. A real one, and I've noticed you have some here. I've always loved to relax underneath their shade. It would be a nice place for me to be laid to rest.” Arri said and smiled to herself. “Hmm well we'll see. Perhaps if you make a large enough relationshit to constitute as fertilizer for one.” Eyti teased and pressed herself against Arri who blushed. “Ahhh I struck a nerve didn't I?” Eyti asked. Arri nodded. “You have been striking many nerves since you scared me out of my wits. Most of them nerves that excite me in ways I cannot satisfy alone.” Arri replied. “Perhaps you'd like to retire to a bed? … With me? We can get acquainted in other ways for a time~” Eyti suggested. “I was hoping you'd make the first move there.” Arri said. “Excellent, it may sound a bit macabre but I keep what looks like a crypt here stocked as a bedroom. It sort of sets the mood of where things are going in a new relationshit. To screw around in a graveyard sets the tone I feel.” Eyti explained. “I have no qualms about what's to come, actually I like the idea.” Arri replied. “Excellent” Eyti said and clapped her hands together before leading the way... What followed was a passionate night of lovemaking and debauchery. Arri was no stranger to lewd and sexual matters between women, her and Pami had explored each other thoroughly for the few years they spent together. But millenniums of sexual prowess is a hard thing to keep up with. Eyti taught Arri more than a thing or two and found ways to tease Arri to ecstasy about her inevitable fate in their union. She also had creative uses of her clay sorcery that Arri wouldn't be able to experience with anyone else. Plainly put Eyti had an infinite amount of hands at her disposal through the clay around them to hold Arri down, string her up, press her to a wall or even held in midair spread eagle upside down, and then a few more hands to pleasure her with. All that plus her normal set of human fingers. Arri in comparison had only ever user her sorcery to make a passable dildo from the floor or wall until she was too orgasm-dazed to concentrate. They were just on two completely different levels of skill in this arena. Despite that Eyti came a few times as well but Arri lost count of her climaxes past a dozen and was a soggy mess by time she was ready to pass out. “I surrender. No more, you have routed me!” Arri cried out as she laid back and panted. “Oh shall I take my prize then? Have my way with it and finish it off? Put it out of it's misery?” “I could die quite happy right now, but I think you'd be a bit unsatisfied.” Arri answered. “Quite right you are. Almost annoyingly so. Almost. But I like it, I like my unprotected girls spunky.” Eyti said and kissed her on the forehead before cuddling up with Eyti as the big spoon, Arri as the little spoon. Arri was asleep before Eyti even had her arms all the way around her. … A few weeks later... “By the clay yes! Finally! I won one!” Arri exclaimed as the ball passed Eyti's wall and into the scoring area. They were playing Clong. A game where a ball bounced between their respective sides of a table. Both players moved a small wall made of clay to bounce the ball back towards the opponent, trying to knock it past them. Many such games made players use their clay sorcery to test skill. “Well we were bound to eventually find some game that my skill didn't present that much of an advantage” Eyti muttered. They'd played several games of clay sorcery skill and Eyti had dominated Arri in all of them due to her extensive experience and years of practice. “Oh stop pouting, you just don't like losing because you're too used to getting *everything* you want.” Arri said and Eyti crossed her arms. She looked put off for a total of 10 seconds before she grinned and let the facade drop. “You are entirely correct I admit, I do get everything I desire don't I? Which also means you...” Eyti said suggestively as she rubbed her stomach. Arri rolled her eyes. “So would you like another game? Try to get your revenge?” Arri asked. Eyti shook her head. “I'll get you back in bed tonight. For now though it's about time we broached more serious topics” Eyti said and stepped away from the game table, letting her pristine wall sink back into the clay table. It looked as though it were made of bricks and had bits of Ivy climbing up it, a far cry from Arri's barren slab of clay she'd formed with sorcery to play the game. “What could possibly be serious for someone who lives forever?” Arri asked. “My entertainment and pleasure of course! I've nearly decided our simulacrums were correct about each other. I enjoy you, spending time with you and how you aren't afraid to challenge even someone of my status and rank. It's refreshing not to be treated like a panther ready to pounce at any moment. Most women just agree with anything I say out of fear. It is rather boring.” Eyti said. “And...?” “And I think it's time we took things to the next level.” Eyti said. “What would that mean?” “Come live me, quit your job and spend your days with me. You have less than a year of life left. I'd like to spend it with you living it to the fullest.” Eyti said. “You get bored when I'm at work, that's it isn't it?” Arri asked. “Well yes. But don't you think it a bit silly to work when I could support you? I am fully willing to and I'm sure you know how well equipped I am in that regard. I find it silly for you to toil away” Eyti said. “It's not silly if I enjoy work or find it fulfilling~” Arri teased. “What do you do anyways? I've never asked many partners since they discard obligations like that shortly after becoming entangled with me.” Eyti said. “I'm an engineer.” “An engineer! Oh my, what do you specialize in?” “Experimental soul-storage technologies.” Arri said and Eyti raised her eyebrow. “Give me an example.” Eyti said flatly, her tone had shifted. More serious and her body language slipped into something attentive as she turned towards Arri. Truly turned towards her. Her attention always seemed half in the moment but at that instant she was attentive to Arri and far more seriously gauging her girlfriend's abilities. Arri didn't miss a beat however. “My favorite project right now is an attempt to use a contamination effect on soul-storage fluids so that knowledge can be shared on a more permanent basis instead of having to be accessed with an owners fluids all the time. In essence I'd like to mix body fluids together to create a connection to share thoughts. Sort of a hive-mind knowledge repository.” Arri said excitedly. “If such a thing were possible wouldn't kissing make it happen regularly? Or heterosexual sex? I've probably swallowed some of your saliva dozens of times” Eyti asked teasingly and Arri shook her head. “You know it doesn't work like that... You're testing me aren't you?” Arri said. “I am, but go on. This is a test so show me your understanding of the topic.” Eyti said. “Kissing and sex do activate soul-storage effects but in very weak connections. This explains feeling somewhat connected to someone after sex or a passionate kiss. But the connection is weak. When fluids mix like that they absorb and become the fluids of whoever they are inside of. The effect quickly dissipates. Which is also why soul-storage connections are so temporary.” Arri explained and Eyti nodded approvingly. “It's like watching sugar mix into water. It is absorbed in short order and then the sugar is gone. Completely mixed into the surrounding fluid. I want to have body fluids mingle without overwhelming one another.” Arri explained “You'd need a large container to keep enough of everyone's body fluids in one spot. You'd need an equal amount for all the hivemind participants” Eyti said. “Not at all, the quantity of fluid has no effect on the efficacy of fluid effects. After all you can access memories and feelings with just a drop. It is the quality and source of the fluid that is the deciding factor. Just like it is for making simulacrums” Arri said shaking her head. “You...Wow. Most engineers fall for that fallacy. You worry me Arri...” Eyti said and frowned. “Why?” Arri asked. “You've more or less touched on the underlying basis of the soul-storage system. Which worries me because if you've figured that out for yourself you could very easily get protected status by presenting an advancement or demonstrating that knowledge. In fact if you asked me I'd be practically required to grant it to you... But I'd lose my delicious unprotected girlfriend....” Eyti said. “Don't worry then” Arri said flatly. “Why?” Eyti asked, it was her turn to be confused now. “Because I have no interest in extending my lifetime. I would never ask for protected status” Arri stated firmly. “You baffle me... vexing, yet fascinating. Why? Are you touched in the brain?” Eyti asked. “I would much rather live a short fulfilling life than to live for centuries bored to death like some of your colleagues and protected colleagues. They live, but are they really alive? Sitting around and sipping wine every day, eating a girl or two every now and then. It seems an empty existence.” Arri said. “Well said! Which is why I seek hot little numbers like you out to keep things interesting.” Eyti said and nodded. “Do you regret gaining so much time to live from your invention?” Arri asked. Eyti considered this for a moment. Longer than Arri had seen her do for anything. She usually knew her position on a topic in a millisecond, she'd had enough to decide how she felt about most things. This it seemed she hadn't thought about before as she tapped her chin. “No, I don't think so. I've learned to entertain myself. So I don't regret it. Not quite yet at least.” Eyti said and nodded. “But I fully understand your position, respect it even. I just might even miss you a century from now if I can't find another like you~” Eyti said. “Don't lie, you'll find someone else to tease!” Arri said and nudged Eyti in the stomach. “I might, well probably, ok yes I will. But she won't be nearly as suicidal and intriguing as you.” Eyti said and then went back into her own mind again. She was thinking for another few moments while tapping her chin. “How about this then, if you won't quit your work why don't I work with you? And if you don't want the recognition and time from the achievement then you can hand it off to me. No one will suspect you were the actual architect if I take the credit.” Eyti said. “There's no way I can say no to that. Having the original architect of the interClay helping will be a huge advantage! Would you really do that?” Arri asked in an excited tone. Eyti shrugged casually. “On one condition...” Eyti said mirroring Arri's request a few fateful weeks ago. Arri held her hands together in a hopeful praying gesture. “Anything!” Arri said. “We go today to a notary to make a formal agreement. I transfer you enough protection time to last you a year from today.” Eyti said and Arri nodded her head vigorously. “So I'll become your meal in a year?” Arri asked hopefully and Eyti nodded. Arri threw her arms around Eyti which surprised her greatly. “Yes! By all the kilns in Sagascar! Yes!” Arri shouted. ... “You do understand that in six months you will lose all rights as a person in this agreement? That this Miss Eyti will basically hold ownership over you?” the notary asked with a questioning expression. Arri nodded at him. He shrugged, sighed and slid the paper to Arri and Eyti across the counter. Arri signed it without hesitation before sliding it to Eyti who paused. “You know it's not too late to change it and hand over your rights now~ I wouldn't eat you but you could be my live in slave for a year~” Eyti offered. “While tempting I'm going with the original deal!” Arri said firmly. Eyti shrugged. “Ah well, can't blame me for trying. Guess I'll just have to dust off my brain skills and help you then” Eyti said before signing it and sliding back to the notary to stamp the agreement and make it official. When he saw Eyti's full name on the paper his eyes bugged out and he stared open mouthed at Eyti. “You- you -you're her?!” he stammered. Eyti politely smiled at him and nodded. She proved her identity by putting a finger to the table, the notary had formed them on his entry. They were plain and without any detail. At Eyti's sorcery they were suddenly transformed into elegant pieces of furniture with motifs of vines crawling up the legs. The chairs even formed clay wheels to scoot around. A sculptor's skill in clay sorcery could not be faked. “I-I'll fast track this document for you the Miss Eyti. It will be filed and official within the hour! I won't ever dismiss this chair and table as long as I live!” he said and stamped it before practically running out of the office. “Is it like this for you everywhere?” Arri whispered. “Every putty forsaken day” Eyti said under her breath as they both watched the notary go to his boss who was similarly freaking out once he read Eyti's full name. “Honestly I get most of my sorcery practice by proving my identity like that.” Eyti said. “Are you sure it's not from shoving clay hands up into girls-” That's as far as Arri got in that sentence before a clay hand put a finger to her lips to quiet her and Arri's chair formed an appendage at her crotch making Arri blush. “Behave now Arri, or I will make that chair spank you and we both know how loud you get.” Eyti warned. They then both watched the office go into a tizzy trying to push the paperwork through their system as fast as they could to please Eyti. … 10 months until digestion... “I think we've gotten as far as we can for today. Shall we have lunch?” Arri asked, putting down her vials of fluid and turning towards Eyti. She simply willed her clay chair to turn. Eyti was leaning back in her own, legs crossed as she let clay hands handle all of her vials and mix them. Arri knew better than to interrupt her concentration when she was handling this many things at once with clay. Arri took a large chunk of clay and started shaping it instead into a simulacrum that looked like a platter with legs. She used sorcery first to will it flat but then shaped legs and stuck them on. By the time she was done Eyti was as well. “I'm in the mood for tandoori lamb. Order that!” Eyti said. “Again? You have expensive taste, I was just going to get some bread, cheese and milk.” Arri said. “You should live a little, only so long left after all.” Eyti suggested and patted her shoulder. “I suppose so...” Arri said and wrote the order on the flat part of the legged tray. She spit on it and the abomination of a thing came to life, timidly testing its legs and balance before turning long ways towards her. “Go on! The restaurant around the block. Go on!” Arri said and shooed it into the wall and the interClay. It would arrive near instantly but the return trip would be along streets and sidewalks since food was not made of clay and therefore couldn't travel that way. “How do you sculptors manage to keep your figures? I mean you're plump from eating people sure, but all the rich food you eat along with us. You should be the size of a kiln!” Arri said. “Another clay magic secret I'm afraid! If you'd like to know you'd have to join us. But I'm hoping you don't. The never ending stuffy life of a sculptor isn't for you I think.” Eyti said. Arri pondered a moment about the entire system. “Do you think it will ever work?” Arri asked. “What your theory? To blend memories? I think it very well could!” Eyti replied. “No not that! The system, this society. The protected statuses and the unprotected. Will it ever really work? I mean the goal is to fill society with a group of hyper intelligent, motivated and immortal people eventually right? By letting achievement buy you lifetime. But will it ever get there?” Arri asked. “I certainly hope not!” Eyti said, surprising Arri. “Oh, this sounds like the start of an interesting opinion.” Arri said and cocked her head. “It's only fun with the short lived ones like you around. I think I'd go crazy if it was all just boring immortals being served by simulacrums. More boring than watching clay dry up and crumble.” Eyti said shaking her head. “That's not it though, you sound skeptical of it from a core. Which is interesting since you're practically a founding member! It only started 30 years before you joined the ranks!” Arri said and leaned towards her lover. “Oh at first I believed sure. It was about achievement then. Advancement and progress, all those lofty goals.” Eyti reminisced as she stared at the ceiling. “And you perceive it is not that anymore?” Arri said. “Absolutely not....” Eyti sighed, turned towards Arri and gave her an appraising look. “I suppose I trust you enough to tell you.” Eyti said before continuing. “We could easily cast enough of the magic that halts the prey indoctrination to stop it for everyone. The same goes for the reformation magic. But back then we decided not to. The prey indoctrination and permanent death cycle society faster by getting people eaten and out of the way to make way for more. Having everyone live forever would make things stagnant” Eyti said. “This was a mistake though, I think the founders didn't anticipate the psychological effects and sociological effects of the system. And how could they? They were scientists and not psychologists. This entire thing devolved quickly into a way to go from being oppressed to being the oppressor. There's an allure in being the immortal predator and leaving a brown steaming wake wherever you go. I suppose I'm guilty as well honestly.” Eyti admitted and shrugged. “Either way though the achievement and advancement is only a means to an end now. To prop oneself up and swallow your lessers. It would be a disaster if we filled society with the protected class, if only because they wouldn't have any of you left to sate their twisted hunger. The desire for digesting their fellow man.” Eyti explained. “Everyone is in it to exploit others for their own pleasure. Not for the principal of advancing society. They just want to eat people and feel them melt within them. Also to live forever.” Eyti said and shook her head. “I don't want the status. What about me?” Arri asked. “I wonder myself! What does drive you Arri? Is this fun? Or are you trying to leave you mark on society? Perhaps you really are altruistic and want to make lives easier?” Eyti suggested. “Maybe a combination, or perhaps pride. To be able to tell myself I was as capable as Eyti Randireth, a legendary woman.” Arri said. “Flattery! Oh ho, well thank you but you're still food come 10 months from now!” Eyti teased. “Have you ever felt especially fond of any of your partners? Enough to want to keep any of them around?” Arri asked. “I think not. You're amusing but still a diversion. I'll miss you like I'd be melancholy that a play ended, or the feeling when you've finished a satisfying book and wish there was more.” Eyti answered. “Yes but theres a distinction between the two. A play you can go see another the next day. Which is just about precisely what you do. But with people we could be like everlasting books if you didn't end us.” Arri suggested. “You think too highly of me, I may be able to recognize what is broken in this society but I am broken by it as well. I have to admit I'm not immune to the draw of holding you things in my gut and feeling your destruction. It seduced me as well. I am likely not a good person, but I have no desire to change that.” Eyti said and smiled at Arri as she let her foot run up Arri's leg. “Are you just buttering me up when you say I'm one of your most interesting partners?” Arri asked. “Not at all. You're unique, which is rare. I've gone as short as a week on relationshits and as long as nine months. It's all based on how quickly I think I'll tire of you. You however warranted a year to see just how different you are. And you haven't disappointed yet.” Eyti said. “Would you consider keeping me around longer? Or would you miss me more than others?” Arri asked. “I don't think so. Even if I wanted to keep you around longer instead I'll just savor you more in the end. But I won't miss you, you'll be dead, a slag of turd.” Eyti said. “I would miss you if you were gone” Arri said seriously and Eyti looked at her. Really looked at her. Baffled slightly. “I...ummm... thank you? I suppose though that won't be a problem. I'm sorry I don't deal with this often, you really care about me don't you?” Eyti said. “You don't care about me?” Arri inquired. “Not like you do, I don't think. I think I appreciate your feelings though. If that is appropriate.” Eyti said, unsure of herself, physical intimacy was one thing but emotional intimacy was foreign to her. Alien and incomprehensible. “Maybe that can change. You could learn to care, and I'd love nothing more than to teach you before I go.” Arri said softly, putting her arms around Eyti. Eyti stayed silent though, sensing it would be awkward to contradict her and cause undue friction. The walking tray arrived with their meals though shortly after, walking into the room. Eyti's richly spiced meal and Arri's bare essentials of milk cheese and bread were atop it and juxtaposed each other like night and day. The difference made Arri worry that they filled themselves emotionally in drastically contrasting ways. … 5 months until digestion... Arri's eyes opened quickly, she panted in heaving breaths and moaned at the sudden shift back into reality and her own sweaty and chilly body. “How was that one? She was one of my favorites to end~ Nervous little thing and quite timid in talking with me. But she had quite the imagination for how she wanted to go out for sure!” Eyti said, caressing Arri's hair with one of her clay hands Arri couldn't talk yet though, she was still processing the memory she'd just experienced from another of Eyti's previous victims. This less than a hundred years back or so. Arri was collecting her thoughts on the frantic scene. Her hand reached for Eyti's to hold it while she calmed and her heart rate came down. Another clay hand came up and caught her own though before she could reach Eyti's real and warm one. Arri groaned and batted it away before grabbing Eyti's real hand. “Ooh! You're all clammy!” Eyti complained. “And you're warm, I want to feel you. Not the clay directed by you.” Arri said. “That's not what you said last night when I had you strung up by a few dozen hands and spanking you with four more.” Eyti said with a grin. “That's different... But to answer your question... The memory was frantic, frenzied. She really asked for that? To be pursued in such a way?” Arri asked in a nearly unbelieving tone and Eyti answered with a deliberate nod and knowing smile. The now dead girl had been running, trying to escape Eyti, in a maze of clay walls. Eyti had harried her, teased her. Always in control with her superior skills of clay crafting. She played with her food, hunting the girl until she cornered her, pinned her and ruthlessly embedded her into the ground all the while groping, molesting and practically raping her. The girl had felt intense pleasure though so Arri wasn't sure. After that Eyti had sat on the girl, drawn her up her butt. She endured a terror of a time after that. Arri had felt her fear and arousal. She'd gotten off on playing a feral prey and being snuffed out as such. The fear though was palpable, more than she'd felt in any other memory she'd ever experienced. It was raw and savage. Which had a kind of appeal. “It was intense. I can't say I'm not glad to have experienced it, but I don't think it is for me. I think I prefer something more peaceful, maybe even refined which isn't saying much with how brutal that girl's death was. Did you... enjoy it?” Arri asked. “Oh very much! It was new to me and quite exhilarating to let loose with my sorcery like that. Treating that timid kind thing like that was a treat I'd not enjoyed before.” Eyti said excitedly. Arri was once again critically unsure of Eyti, that she was capable of such, and that she called that girl a 'thing'. Arri suddenly felt bad that she didn't even know her name, but had certainly cum to her final moments. Eyti didn't give her a chance to speak though and continued rambling. “It was so very unique though and completely unexpected. Not unlike you, which is why I wanted you to experience it.” Eyti said, Arri smiled at her, squeezed her hand, the sentiment reassured Arri again. “That was very sweet of you to say... I haven't won you over have I?” Arri asked, perhaps the least bit hopeful. To which Eyti snorted. “The only thing that will be falling is you out of my buns in several months time!” Eyti joked and Arri sighed. “How do I rank on diversions though? Am I entertaining?” Arri asked glumly, searching for something redeeming. “Quite so, and you exercise my mind as well. If you'd been born before me I'm sure you would've invented the soul-storage first and I could very well have been fat on your hips. It's amusing to be on similar intellectual terms with your food.” Eyti said, there was a long pause afterwards. “Are we even people to you? The unprotected?” Arri asked. “It might be better to ask if we the protected classes are still human. But in the interest of having a riveting conversation with my future dinner let's say the answer to your question is no after enough time living.” Eyti said and held a finger up to indicate she had more to say. “A barrier arises after a time. Have you had a pet before?” Eyti asked and Arri nodded. “A dog or two.” “Lovely, and you loved it yes?” Eyti asked and Arri nodded yes. “Would you marry it?” Eyti asked and Arri shook her head no. “Of course not!” Arri said quickly. “Well imagine if dogs lived one, maybe three weeks. Would you have time to form an attachment?” Eyti asked and Arri shook her head. “But you still might like having a dog around. They're nice, they feel good to pet and a loyal companion is comforting.” Eyti said and sighed. “And...” Arri asked expecting more. “And that's the best way to describe it. When you've lived for millenniums the lives of the unprotected are short jaunts in your own existence. Especially considering the age at which any of you are mature enough to actually date doesn't come until around 20 years into your 30 year life spans.” Eyti said. “It's part of my relationshit strategy you see. If I'm only with one of you for less than a year I won't ever even get close to forming a lasting bond to miss in the first place.” Eyti said. “I've formed an attachment to you in our time together” Arri pointed out which made Eyti fidget a bit in discomfort. “I suppose it's the difference in our life spans that accounts for that. I think I'd need longer to form an attachment since I'm not really in any kind of hurry. You however... You know that your clock is ticking, have known for a long time. Unprotected classes seem to form these bonds quicker since your time is quite limited” Eyti stated. “Did you ever get attached early on into your immortality?” Arri questioned and Eyti nodded. “It was a mistake. It never ended well. Usually with them being eaten by another after I refused to. I must've repeated that cycle for a century before I realized it wasn't working. This was before we were allowed to loan protected status through marriage or ownership. I didn't start my current routine until three hundred years in though, which was still before protection was allowed to be loaned.” Eyti admitted. “You're rather bluntly honest in telling me I'm not really a person to you.” Arri said a little resentfully. “I hope you take comfort in the fact that I respect you enough to not sugar coat it then. I would certainly have not been so candid with any other partner before you. And that is because... Because you... Well you could very well join our ranks but you choose not to for your own baffling reasons. You'll disappear on me as well. So this...” Eyti said and waved her hand motioning to the entire room. “This all, everything is dust settling after kicking up a pile of dust. A pile I kicked up and it will eventually settle before I kick up another pile to watch. I'm distracting myself for the time being.” Eyti said. “The 'time being' understood as the last six thousand years? And distracting you from what? What would be the important thing you haven't gotten to yet? That you should be doing?” Arri asked. “That is an excellent question. I don't know yet, but I have to think there *is* something important to pay heed to eventually or else I will go mad.” Eyti responded. “How long will you keep me in your mind then when the dust settles? How long will you remember?” Arri asked, her voice on the verge of cracking. Eyti noticed and sighed. “I could coddle you, you know. Tell you that you're special and I won't ever forget you. I could, and probably make the lie well. I've had practice lying, more than you've had practice to recognize the truth in people.” Eyti began. “So know that I at least respect you enough to tell you the truth. Which is a few weeks only because you're a peculiarity. After that I'll have found another girlfriend and be engrossing myself with her. You'll be a particularly tasty sandwich that I might recall from time to time but the details will leave me. It's just how I am and how I've lived for the last several millenniums. I doubt I'll change because you're an interesting new flavor.” Eyti admitted. Arri felt something welling inside her. The last 7 months of her life spent working with an idol of hers. A woman who'd achieved so much was her girlfriend, would be the one to end her how she wanted to die. She'd grown more attached than she thought possible, even felt a bit guilty for how she was starting to involuntarily love Eyti, more than she had for poor Pami. That her feelings were discarded, not reciprocated chipped away at her. She would spend the last 5 months of her existence with this woman, someone who wouldn't shed a tear for her absence. Something in her snapped at that, at Eyti for being who she was in this regard. She became determined to change that. To make her CARE. “I'm going to make sure you remember me when I'm gone.” Arri stated with a slight growl. Just as quickly she turned away and caught herself, checked her emotions and bottled it up. But she'd said it, voiced it. Eyti turned to her with a short flash of terror in her eyes before she remembered she was safe, a protected class and even if she died she'd be back within an hour. She held a hand to her chest as she breathed deeply. “Wow Arri! That sounded dangerous! I was actually frightened for a few seconds there! I haven't felt that emotion in a significantly long time! It's amusing to feel that sensation again, thank you!” Eyti said. “Fear is... amusing?” Arri asked. “I actually believed you for a second, that you might do something rash and harm me! Before I remembered that I could likely stop you and even if I couldn't I'll revive anyways! Being a sculptor makes you forget fear I think.” Eyti said. Arri stayed silent, processing in her mind how out of touch Eyti was. The more time she spent with Eyti, the more she could see just how far removed from her humanity Eyti was. Which was awkward since Arri loved many things about her, and not just the extremely satisfying sex. “Yes that is quite nostalgic... The empty stomach feeling? Chest tightness... It's been so long! Thank you Arri! You continue to amaze!” Eyti said, she was genuinely thanking Arri for scaring her with a threat. Baffling and admittedly it was adorable to Arri, in some ways she was like a child. She couldn't help her one sided infatuation with her lover, benefactor, mentor and master. She was property to Eyti now and still she was treated just as before. She just might love Eyti enough to go sculptor and live forever with her. It was too bad that the feelings didn't go both ways. If she went sculptor she'd be abandoned by Eyti and live hundreds of lonely years, if she didn't she'd die in 5 months but spend them with Eyti. It was infuriating but she knew her only choice. Arri pulled Eyti's hand to her lips and kissed it. “Ahh I remember another one! A girlfriend maybe 23 hundred years back? I can never remember! Can't recall her name either... Nevermind that though! You'll love this, I turned her to femcum but it was absolutely scrumptious! I'll go to the graveyard and grab a few drops!” Eyti said and shuffled away. Arri found herself grinning and chided herself, Eyti's promise of another digestion experience had distracted her, even excited her. The sensation of being a puddle of liquid arousal was particularly enticing to her, lewd and it left her feeling loose and spent. Like the ragged feeling after a good strenuous screw. She shook her head to get her mind back on track. It was getting harder lately, the prey indoctrination was taking hold in her. She could see the parallels in her behavior and Pami's near the end... Arri laid there, puzzling how she could make Eyti care, force her to take notice of her lover's needs and desires as an equal. It would be no small feat... But if Arri was smart enough to impress a sculptor into collaborating with her... Arri would make Eyti remember her. Until Eyti's dying day. … Three weeks until digestion... “So how does it feel? Strange? I can see you didn't immediately melt down so that's a good sign. Did it even work?” Eyti asked. Arri shook her head and Eyti frowned as her shoulders slumped in disappointment. “I was so sure though... Your theory is sound... I wanted this to work before I ate you but...” Eyti said. Figuring the latest experiment was a dud too. “No no! That's not what I meant. It worked, it doesn't feel strange either. I guess I expected it to feel... different? It's all there just as we expected...” Arri said. “So you can recall Pami's memories? As if they were your own?” Eyti said shooting up straight again. Arri nodded and stared befuddled at the floor. “That's what's slightly confusing about it, it just doesn't feel any different, maybe because I've dove into her memories and experiences so often before. That might be it” Arri said and Eyti nodded. “You've probably internalized a lot of her already then, can we even tell if it actually worked then? Or do we need another test case? There's plenty in my graveyard” Eyti said and Arri shook her head no. “I can tell, it worked...There are a lot of... Well... Me and Pami were intimate, and I can remember a lot of the highlights only from her perspective. And let's just say seeing your own O-face is somewhat mortifying.” Arri said and covered her face with her hands. “I think your O-face is quite cute actually” Eyti said. “Pami found it funny, she never told me that. I can feel it in her memories. I think she knew I would be embarrassed if she told me that. I'm getting a lot of nuance like that. It's clearer than using the soul-storage. I'm getting a lot more of the feelings from her side the...” Arri said and went silent for several moments. A tear went down her face. “Arri... Are you alright? Should I boil the vessel? Break the connection?” Eyti asked but Arri waved her off. The process of merging the memories hinged on mixing Arri and Pami's fluids in a specific fashion and outside of Arri's body. They were contained in a special copper, aluminum and silver test tube which helped with conduction of memories. It was an expensive piece of equipment of which they had three. If they boiled the liquid mixture however the connection would be broken as the liquids evaporated. “No... It's just... I'm processing a lot, of how she felt about me. Little ways I annoyed her without knowing, lots of things she loved about me that I never knew... It's... enlightening. I never knew this much about us before. Now that I have it from both sides” Arri said. “Sometimes I admire the fire you things have for each other. You burn for such a short time but it makes you able to just blaze for one another.” Eyti said and draped an arm around Arri who sniffled. “You could blaze too I think.” Arri said and wiped her face. “I'm not sure I'm capable anymore!” Eyti said with a sarcastic chuckle as she held Arri closed and rocked with her. It was strange Eyti could recognize the pain Arri was in and even seemingly empathize but both knew that Eyti couldn't sustain empathy for Arri long term. They stayed like that for a time. Eyti comforting Arri as she came to terms with knowing both sides of her previous relationship. Eventually she composed herself though. Arri was the first to speak up. “What should we call it?” Arri asked. “I'm taking your life. I think you should name it. It'll be the one thing you'll leave on this world since I'll be taking the credit.” Eyti said. “Memory-share then. It doesn't have the ring to it that soul-storage or interClay does but at least it tells you what it is.” Arri said and Eyti chuckled. “Yes us sculptors have a tendency to make esoteric names don't we? It's right to the point, I like it! Just like a fiery unprotected to get right to cut to the chase.” Eyti said approvingly “Well we actually did it. I think I can die satisfied now. I feel like I've proven something to myself.” Arri said. “To me as well, you are certainly an equal. You've burned brighter than any I've had before. I'm both happy and disappointed that I will snuff you out.” Eyti said. “Not happy and sad?” Arri asked. “No just disappointed. I won't be sad to see you go because it's what I do with all my girlfriends! I'll only be disappointed because I'm sure you'd make a brilliant sculptor. It would be interesting to collaborate. But I think I'll be happier this way.” Eyti replied. “Happier? Why?” “I'm afraid you might have ruined me a bit. I'm growing quite fond of the prospect of digesting someone so capable and turning them into lumps of chest fat and steaming shit. I doubt I'll find another as clever and crazy as you for another few hundred years now that I know what I'm looking for.” Eyti answered. Arri felt slightly offended, which fueled her arousal a bit. She too felt a bit ruined. Eyti had been right about herself. She seemed perfectly polite, well mannered and generous in wealth, time and especially her lovemaking. But underneath that was something arrogant and condescending. To Eyti people of Arri's class were either brilliant minds in the making or toddlers to her, that's how she perceived them. Over a year Arri had learned to both love and hate the woman. She was sincere, genuine and honest about her views but also unapologetic. It wasn't a challenge for Arri to love Eyti with how she pampered Arri. But her attitudes towards her former flames turned to food and fodder were in a word repugnant. Worse still Eyti was not alone in her views. Arri had met some of Eyti's friends and colleagues among the sculptors, they were the same or worse. Most didn't even treat her with the condescending respect that Eyti did. Arri knew the moment after she passed Eyti would quite literally shit all over her memory and treat her with all the respect of a prey slut turned turd. It was infuriating but equally titillating. Her indoctrination into prey like thoughts had progressed greatly in the last year in part due to her Eyti teasing her constantly and encouraging her to dive headfirst into her prey's last moments and enjoy their hedonistic death spirals. She knew Eyti would pervert her memory, her life. She's be remembered in the crudest, rudest ways Eyti could manage and this had become overwhelmingly erotic to Arri as time passed and her prey indoctrination proceeded. The fact that she hated Eyti's lack of morals only made panties soggier with arousal. “So have you solidified your decision on how you'd like to go soft?” Eyti asked playfully. “I suppose that's all that's left now isn't it? I've accomplished my life's goal haven't I? ... I think I have decided on how I'd like to melt, although you'll be a bit disappointed that I'd like to go in a particularly dignified way.” Arri said. “Once you're tumbling from my buns though you'll be anything but dignified in the end~” Eyti teased. “So go ahead and pretend you're passing will be distinguished it'll make it all the sweeter when I desecrate it~” Eyti continued whispering into Arri's ear and nibbling at her lobes. “Eyti it's really a turn on when you tease me like that it really is! But I really want that spot under a tree in your cemetery when it comes down to it. That's just an FYI, I wanted to make my wishes known... But I also love your degrading bed talk~” Arri said and snuggled up to her. “Oh but I'm not kidding Arri dear, you're a masterpiece and I fully intend on giving you a truly humiliating epilogue. I'm thinking your headstone will actually be a fully functioning toilet.” Eyti said and booped Arri's nose with her finger. Arri made a whining noise, torn between arousal and alarm at the mortifying monument. “Oooh I know what that noise means. Rough wild sex when we get back to my place?” Eyti asked. “Do we have to stop for the next few weeks?” Arri asked in a lust desperate whisper. “I suppose not since we finished this... I could make you my little prisoner these last few weeks~” Eyti offered. “As long as you keep those viney clay dildos pumping me I don't care if I'm kept captive in a fired kiln~” Arri said. “In that case...” Eyti trailed off as she willed clay from the floor. It rose up and formed makeshift shackles on Eyti's wrists, pulling them behind her before forming a collar and ankle cuffs that attached to each other via clay chains as well. It never ceased to amaze Arri how skilled Eyti was with her clay sorcery, especially as a clay dildo formed in her crotch and proceeded to vibrate and pump at Eyti's will. Arri was forced to go like that in public with Eyti holding a chain leash until they reached the armature cable that would teleport them home or near to it where Arri would be paraded again up to Eyti's home for the last time. She gave the world a long glance knowing she'd never see the outside again. “Goodbye Sagascar” Arri whispered before the front door of Eyti's home closed and made her Eyti's plaything for the remainder of her time with the living. … A few hours later … “I have to make a few final preparations for these last few weeks then. Stay where you are Arri dear and we'll begin for real in a few hours~” Eyti said to Arri who was chained to the wall. Arri bit her lip and mewled as Eyti winked at her and exited the room. As soon as she did though Eyti's face quickly changed and she took a bit of clay from the wall. Arri shaped it and another and another into simulacrums of herself, it was awkward while shackled but not impossible. She'd had enough practice since Pami's death. In all there were a dozen that Arri kissed into sentience. “Alright, I've hidden away fluids of mine in several places so operate as long as you can. Stay outside the interClay as much as you can to avoid detection by other simulacrums.” Arri instructed their attentive faces. “You three will wait until I'm gone and it's all happened, monitor her afterwards, hide yourselves until then.” Arri said and the first three vanished into the wall. “The rest of you nine will go to the cemetery. Start collecting samples and refine them. She'll be busy planning my demise and won't pay any attention to the lab so use it. She'll likely want to show off the accomplishment to her peers, so don't take all the supplies. After you do it try and keep it going as long as you can. You won't win but let it sink in for her as long as you can manage.” Arri instructed and then they too left. Arri leaned back against the wall alone with her thoughts. Of what she had just put into motion. The massive implications it would have. Arri felt truly fulfilled in that moment that she might change history twice in her life! Once to make the memory-share alongside a living legend and another time by putting that legend in her place... Arri grinned and waited for her delicious last few weeks. … Digestion Day ... Arri twitched as another countless orgasm coursed through her. Her muscles ached at even moving such a miniscule amount, so she made no attempt to escape the endlessly vibrating clay in her pussy. Instead she stared passively down at the dresses and bosoms on display below her. “Quite lovely isn't she? I'm very selfish though and kept her to myself. She had such a spark a few weeks back. I've more or less fucked that spirit out of her now though~!” Eyti said to a few people gathered around her. Arri was suspended above, naked and near the ceiling. She was a chandelier, a centerpiece for the party Eyti was throwing. Eyti had made “her” new discovery public and earned herself another 500 years of life for it. Bringing her total to 1800. The party was to celebrate this and Arri would be Eyti's reward meal to herself before the formal party began. For now she was making small talk below Arri's unresisting form. “Oh yes the entire time. She's quite enjoyed it up there, though she's become less and less vocal as the days went on. It might be a ~little~ uncomfortable up there!” Eyti joked. Arri had been suspended and fucked by Eyti's clay creations for the better part of the three weeks leading up to this day. Eyti had brought her down on occasion to enjoy her in proximity and also to feed, bathe and relieve her. But nearly 14 hours a day were spent suspended, and violated by clay hands, tendrils and all other sorts of shapes. She was mercilessly molested during her waking hours and she even slept suspended for six hours a day. “Oh you know how the unprotected are! Masochistic things they are! She loves it, best day of her life I'm sure!” Eyti said to another guest. And she wasn't entirely wrong. Arri had actually relished the treatment at times, enjoying how helpless she was even if it was a poor substitute for being truly dominated through digestion. Being imprisoned as a decoration had a certain demeaning aspect that was uniquely arousing. “You'll have to excuse me now though it's finally time~” Eyti said and excused herself. Arri's heart pounded in her chest as Eyti positioned herself underneath her and looked up, winking at Arri's naked form and desperate gagged expression. All the other sculptors and high classed people in formal ballroom gowns became a blur and she only saw Eyti. Who then faced her gathering guests to address them. “Thank you all for coming today! Tomorrow will hold two grand events for which we are gathered. First my new invention that I've dubbed the memory-share will be activated and allow all of the greatest minds gathered here to share and collaborate in ways previously impossible. A new age will be upon us!” Eyti said to a round of applause. “Then last and certainly least I'll attend my girlfriend's funeral!” Eyti said and motioned her head towards Arri above. The nonchalant shortness in Eyti's sentence prompted a round of chuckles from the guests. She was belittling the significance of Arri's death. “She's aided me greatly through the process of my new invention... Her breasts and face made great foot stools!” Eyti joked to another round of giggles. “Feel free to attend her end, the remaining family and friends she kept will be invited and it might make for a nice buffet afterwards~!” Eyti said to more laughter. “But I've played with my food enough. It has been a year after all!” Eyti said. “I will start dinner and indulge myself in the first dance to bring my dear Arri to an end along with our relationshit.” Eyti said and then faced up towards Arri again, smiling at her. Arri's heart raced as she descended towards Eyti who looked regal in her large ballroom gown. Her mouth was open and inviting as the clay tendrils gave her one last pump and orgasm before retreating from her sex. It would be Arri's own job now to pleasure herself. The clay lowered her towards the saliva slicked throat. The warmth of Eyti's mouth around Arri's feet was nothing short of erotically luxurious. Being hung naked in midair was surprisingly cold and the hot humid confines of Eyti's body were a welcome change. Arri moaned in pleasure as she sunk down into her lover's depths never to surface. She'd wanted Eyti to pleasure her with her tongue and give her another orgasm before swallowing but that proved unnecessary. Arri shook in pleasure as she was consumed and surrounded by warm flesh, it was enough that she was finally being eaten to make her juices squirt onto Eyti's tongue that lapped hungrily to savor the departing lover. Eyti took no small amount of pleasure in the act as well. Underneath her dress a pillar of clay had pushed aside her panties and serviced her mildly. She was only slightly dissatisfied that she wouldn't be able to cum her brains out as Arri squirmed and squished. The mental satisfaction at rendering someone so capable and beautiful into a pile of filth made up for any regrets in the manner of her passing however. They both kept themselves to low barely audible moans as Arri submerged into her lover. She settled peacefully into her stomach and exceedingly temporary home. Eyti gulped daintily a few times before lowering her head and nodding to a nearby mini orchestra. They started playing a very classical dance song, something approaching a waltz as Eyti took up the dance floor alone. Then in a surprising move that was so classically Eyti, an exact copy of Arri emerged from the floor in clay shape. It was in a smaller more form fitting dress to better compliment the size of the real Eyti's gown but it was unmistakably Arri in shape and facial features. A flawless representation. It stepped up to Eyti and took her by the hand in a classical ballroom dance. In a twist Eyti while in the more feminine gown took the lead to Arri's clay form as they started the routine. Inside Arri was gasping as Eyti's stomach began the grisly process of rendering her into a meaty soup. Acids poured from the walls as if pitchers were draining on her. The walls pressed in and batted her this way and that way. It felt glorious, better than any memory the soul-storage had ever given her access to. To feel it against her own skin was a nirvana like none other. Her entire being quivered at the mind shattering sensation of being digested alive. Arri savored it because she knew it wouldn't last long. From all the experiences of Eyti's previous prey she knew that Eyti liked to perform shorter and more brutal churnings. This would be no different especially considering the now mounting pressure from outside... Eyti wasn't content to let her stomach do all the work. Instead the likeness of Arri that she was dancing with pressed closer and closer as the dance went on and the movements modified to become raunchier and more salacious in spite of the classical music. The clay Arri pressed into Eyti's bulging gut and squished the real Arri inside to ruinous effect. A few snaps were audible that elicited gasps and giggles from the guests. Eyti's face stayed composed and amused throughout the routine. “I have to say Arri this is much more fun than I thought it would be. This was quite creative and I may have to do it again sometime... you know in dishonor of your memory~” Eyti half complimented Arri. Arri was in no shape to respond however as she went softer and softer. Each movement of the dance destroyed another part of her now. Ass turned to mush and breasts squished or sliding off. Arri panted heavily but still felt no small amount of pleasure as the music resounded towards a finale, in fact she was rising towards and orgasm in anticipation of this moment. Outside the likeness of Arri danced scandalously close but it had changed over the last minute and a half. It had started deteriorating as if being digested just like Arri was inside the gut. Clothes melted off leaving it naked first and then features slid off and crumbled away until Eyti was dancing with a only vaguely female form. Finally though the climax of the song came and Eyti pressed herself against the clay form to fatal effect in a dipping motion. A loud squish, yelp and sigh sounded out and the gut then sagged as only a stomach filled with liquid and fleshy chunks does. Arri was ended and Eyti disengaged from her stumbling clay partner. They stood apart and then the Arri simulacrum started to curtsy to Eyti. Eyti blew it a kiss however and mid curtsy the construct crumbled completely to the floor and instead took up the shape of a pile of waste, mock bones and skull included. It was a representation of Arri's fate. The guests then took up a roaring applause at the symbolic display of dancing and clay sorcery. They celebrated both the skill and creativity involved in it's execution. It was something new to Eyti that she hadn't seen done in her millenniums either after all. It was sure to catch on as a popular way to end meals for other predators in the coming months. A fatal fad. “Thank you all and thank you to my relationshit partner Arri for indulging me with her death. Now let the dinner and dancing begin!” Eyti said and the festivities continued on without Arri. … The next day... The trial run of the memory-share was a resounding success. Eyti demonstrated the principles of the magic used to distill a person's body fluids to a single drop that contained a wealth of essence. The strategy of showing this process was two fold for her. It put many of her colleagues at ease about the discovery and it also would keep them from being inclined to poke around her memories about the discovery. If they did they would eventually realize that Arri had also been a contributor to the discovery. Which would put a wrinkle on her being awarded for it and Arri being dead. Eyti did a few trial runs with other sculptors but left a large trial to her colleagues to conduct a peer review of the invention. So her fellow sculptors of Sagascar all took part in entering themselves into a memory-share together with certain ground rules not to root around personal memories and to only test it out to share scientific and magical information for a few days. There would be much tinkering to do in the coming years to perfect it. Eyti herself was not in the pool of people participating, it was in poor taste to peer review your own work after all. Eyti was in high spirits before she hosted Arri's funeral in her private cemetery. Over the night and into the morning Arri had processed through Eyti's body, most of her at least. While some of her was working it's way through Eyti's colon the greater share of Arri was converted to various forms of fat. As Eyti started to make a new simulacrum to search for her next girlfriend and relationshit she relished accurately representing her newly padded curves. She admired herself in a mirror for at least an hour, feeling every inch of herself that had seen gains, poking them and watching their satisfying wiggle. Thighs, buns, breasts, hips, love handles and even her tummy saw layers of pudge added onto her frame. There was magic to rid herself of the excess flab but she wanted to at least wear Arri on her body for the funeral. She was also toying with the idea of keeping Arri's extra pounds for a while, at least until she had mostly forgotten about her. Eyti was satisftied to learn she needed two handfuls of clay now to properly represent herself. Gleeful at that development she trotted to her closet while humming after sending the simulacrum off. One of Eyti's favorite things upon ending a relationshit was having to switch to her extra large wardrobe. For most women not fitting into their usual clothes would be an embarrassing and mortifying experience. Eyti instead squealed with glee as she attempted to wear an outfit and subsequently ripped a dress. The chest and hips broke open at the seams. Eyti quivered in delight at not fitting the larger clothes. This mean she would have to go to her last resort wardrobe. Arri had expanded Eyti's curves enough to cause jiggling all over her body as she moved. With each step a wiggling rippled throughout her body, an unmistakable impulse of flesh in motion. Most people could identify the tell tale sign of a pred who was freshly plumped with prey padding spread all over. Eyti was in that state and strutted proudly on her way to the funeral. She could've used her private wire to travel but she wanted the attention, relished it as unprotected citizens either bit their lips in hopeful arousal or shuffled hurriedly out of her way in understandable fear. She absorbed the ogling and deference to her like a sponge as she made her way to the cemetery, bouncing and bulging the entire way. Further reason for Eyti to be happy in the wake of Arri's death was how Arri's funeral was to proceed. True to her words and creed she failed to have any regard for Arri's wishes postmortem. Arri's “gravestone” was atop a hill overlooking the sewage facility for Sagascar, just as Arri had not wanted. Even further humiliating her was that her headstone was as Eyti threatened a toilet. One that Eyti sat on as people gathered. It was a bizarre affair for Arri's friends and surviving family. Arri had stayed mostly quiet about her girlfriend. Most had thought her dead a long time previous with how she didn't contact them for nearly a year. It was customary to hold a funeral for someone after they had been missing long enough that you could assume they'd been digested long ago. When the invitations arrived via simulacrum they also served as a guide to the funeral's meeting spot. Arri's surviving friends and family were shocked at Arri being interred at an actual cemetery. Then they were befuddled by the woman sitting atop a toilet with Arri's name on it and finally absolutely floored upon discovering Arri had been dating a Sculptor of Sagascar, a woman of incredible renown. Arri's friends and family found themselves surrounded by a good amount of Eyti's colleagues that were members of various levels of protected classes. This was a cause of great trepidation. It was like associating with royalty, immortal royalty that could decide to kill you in the sexiest way imaginable. Some looked like they wanted to run but many others were all but swooning at the practical social celebrities they were rubbing elbows with. Winks, smiles and casual gropings were handed out from the sculptors and more than a few seemed willing to submit to their advances. Eyti could see that not everyone would make it out of the cemetery alive. She didn't want to wait for their flirting to die out before beginning though. Eyti's abdomen was feeling bloated and full, her sphincter was begging to open and release the mass it had been holding all morning. Eyti decided to take charge and begin the ceremony. “Before I begin, I'll remind all of my colleagues that this cemetery is meant for remains belonging to me. So take your carryout home with you if you pick any up!” Eyti said earning chuckles from the predators around and nervous smiles from Arri's friends and family that were attending. “Beyond that we are gathered here for Arri, who was a fine meal, a light brighter than any I've had the pleasure of extinguishing before. But like them all she is gone now” Eyti said and found she couldn't hold Arri back for much longer as a fart ripped through the silence. “Sorry it seems she's quite insistent that her eulogy be short and to the point!” Eyti quipped to another round of chuckles from protected classes and blushes from others. “Arri now rests on my frame and soon in this fitting memorial for her form” Eyti said and motioned to the toilet she was seated on. “Such is the fate of the unprotected and not to be lamented or dwelt upon. She was remarkable, I don't say that lightly. She was equal to me in ways. But as all prey goes she now is gone.” Eyti said to another wet fart that she winced as she cut it off. “I-... I Will now lower her into the grave” Eyti choked out before she gave up and released her bowels. Eyti then proceeded to crap Arri out. First was a trumpeting of her exit, the audible but cut off releases of gas from before were put to shame by the wet roar that followed. Eyti's release was like a soggy fog horn and she sighed as it rippled her fattened buns. Her face showed visible relief and her eyes nearly rolled back into her head as she stopped fighting Arri's exit and allowed her late lover to leave her finally, consummating the relationshit. After the foul air escaped Eyti's rear Arri's more solid parts quickly followed, first cracked and dry logs came tumbling from her gelatin swaying butt. Eyti was feeling relief already and put a bit of a show on for the gathering. Standing and holding her buns apart so all could see in all too real detail as Arri made her grand debut from Eyti's ass. Sculptors snickered and the rest watched as their loved one tumbled out from a titanic tush. The logs came fast and sputtered out over the next minute before the consistency changed. Some parts of Arri had more time for nutrients and water to be absorbed. Others didn't, these parts of Arri were less processed from the night before. A creamy consistency of soft shit flowed from Eyti nearly effortlessly but not silently. Her sphincter sputtered with farts and sprays of shit-spittle into the bowl. There was also the ever present glorping and slorping of the muck settling into the oversize bowl. Arri's remains built up quickly but the softer, mud like slop that was oozing out from Eyti's buns filled the spaces. Eyti finished Arri with a flourish, air had built up behind the barrier of poo and Eyti let another fog horn of foulness echo over the cemetery. It flung spittle from her asshole one last time and peppered the toilet seat and tank in brown marks. She let out a final sigh and nodded at her completed work. Eyti wiped her ass discretely with several papers important to Arri but worthless now in the wake of her death. From childhood report cards to love letters from Pami to her high school and college degrees. She discarded them into the bowl before stepping away and addressing everyone once more. “Now before I flush and send her on her way... Anyone who'd like to view Arri's remains and bid her farewell may do so.” Eyti announced. More than a few did so, offering up into the bowl flowers that would have been meant to be placed at her memorial spot. A few were sad but most were still stunned at who Arri had been dating and wondered just how the experience had been. Still most were spooked at having watched their friend or family member dumped in front of them. The gathering dispersed after that. Many of the unprotected all but bolted for the armature cable back into the city. They didn't run but left as fast as was polite. A couple dozen though left on the arms of the various sculptors in attendance and a few left inside of some of them. A few hours later after conversing with some of Arri's surviving kin Eyti was alone again with a continually steaming pile of soft shit in a toilet. She stared at it still smiling and trying to come up with a clever inscription. Eventually she put a hand to an urn of femcum she'd captured from Arri and pressed the hand to the toilet-headstone. Words appeared on the open seat to form her epitaph. Here lies Arri A brilliant girl turned goo Her lust liquefied her and so Ashes to ashes and gut sluts to dumps A good fuck but a better flush~ Eyti chuckled to herself as the words appeared for her. They would disappear again once the femcum dried up and forever be held in the clay's memory then. She put her finger to the flusher when something caught her eye. A few feet away a simulacrum had emerged from the ground. It was the shape of Arri and had all her tell tale markings. Eyti could tell it had been constructed by her late lover. “My my. How curious, would you like to flush yourself Arri? I wonder why you left this doll to watch your funeral hmmm?” Eyti questioned the thing. It wasn't Arri after all. Arri was dead, all this thing represented was a set of instructions Arri had given it before her death. Eyti was surprised she'd managed it since she'd been captive and suspended the past three weeks. As she cocked her head it popped into the ground and back up again nearer to her. A note was in it's grasp that it left at her feet before retreating again. Eyti raised an eyebrow and used her clay shaping to bring the note to eye level and unfurl it. If you're reading this Eyti then my simulacrum has judged that you didn't respect my final wishes. I implore you to please apologize to it and respect the dead's desires. I cannot be held responsible if you don't. Mostly because I am likely very dead but I assure you that the consequences will be most unpleasant if you refuse... I don't necessarily wish that on you. I grew fond of you even if you didn't feel the same. Despite your flaws I wish you well. I love you. Arri “That's quite sweet Arri. But she knows my opinion, the dead can't suffer so why should I worry of their wishes after they've left? I refuse, I am not afraid of the dead. They have no hold over me” Eyti said firmly to the simulacrum thinking she would never regret a decision in her life. She flicked a finger at the simulacrum and the clay around it turned into spears, impaling it until it was naught but a pile of crumbled drying chunks. “You had a lot of nerve Arri, sending that after me. Seems you had more spunk than sense. I'd spank you were you alive~” Eyti said as she flushed the toilet and turned to watch her late lover swirl away. But as she did she noticed another note atop the toilet tank. It was open and it read: I didn't make just one simulacrum Eyti. I'm sorry that you've made this choice. We'll meet again when you've run out of time... Memories churned in her head. It was then that Eyti knew she had fucked up. “By the clay what have you done Arri?” Eyti said as she fell to her knees and clutched her head. Memories flooded into her, to test the discovery she had linked with the other sculptors briefly and had felt slightly disoriented as they each pooled into a memory-share with her. This was the same but a thousandfold more severe. Eyti found herself on all fours, vision blurring as thousands of lives packed into her head, embedded their experiences with her own. And not the quiet, dull, logical thoughts of her colleagues. Those had felt mild and logical. These thoughts and emotions were thrashing, struggling, aflame and melting. They were all prey girls. Thousands of them. Somehow the essence of prey girls had been added to a memory-share that Eyti was in as well. The sexual rapture and demise of a hundred girls played in Eyti's head all at the same time. She came right on the spot, her pussy gushing as the sensations slammed into her consciousness. She yelped and fell to her side, shivering as another hundred girls lived, squirmed and died in her head space. She struggled to even just breathe then as she stared forward. A simulacrum was there standing before her. It had one of the special test tubes a memory-share needed to be held in. One of Arri's, it was watching her writhe there, grinning down at her. Eyti laid there unable to control her body as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her being and left her as a useless quivering femcum sputtering lump. The simulacrum leaned down and kissed Eyti's forehead before moving the test tube just out of her reach. It then sunk into the clay and left her alone again. The memories did not leave though. More and more played through her head. Millenniums of her own depraved consumption, for she'd provided the material. All of the urns in the cemetery were the source of the memories. Femcum from each distilled to the point that they could be added to a memory-share. She felt them all in clarity, all the way into their remain's experience of the present, she felt what it was like to be a pile of shit, a puddle of cum, a glass of milk, everything she'd turned a prey into before. All of it in order and leading up to and ending with Arri flushing down the toilet. Time was foreign and Eyti slipped in and out of consciousness, as if she was having sexy fever dreams. When it was over hours later the memories were still bouncing in her head but she had regained some modicum of head space to have her own thoughts. She was laying in a puddle of her own femcum now, sopping wet but she still managed to take a bit of clay and start shaping it. Eyti couldn't even control her body at the moment, aftershocks of orgasm and thundering fear, apprehension and arousal paralyzed her. Her sorcery was the only thing she could save herself with. She had to boil that putty forsaken test tube. A ramshackle simulacrum took form and hobbled. It was amateurish by even a child's standards but Eyti was not herself at the moment and still being assaulted by aftershocks of orgasm. She sent the thing to go boil the memory-share and end this madness. A madness that compelled her to be digested and end. She cried out in anguish as her simulacrum was set upon by 8 others, digested by them and returned as a pile of shit shaped clay with another note. I will not make this easy to escape Eyti. Give me credit, I know how clever you are and you know I was no mind to be trifled with. Or at least you do now. Come at me with all you are or lay in a puddle of your own defeat. PS I hope the memories felt as good as I suspect my digestion did~ Eyti cried out in half rage and half anguish. But her eyes narrowed and her resolve focused into a knife. She willed the puddle of her own fluids around her to settle into the clay ground. Using sorcery to shape simulacrums was difficult and very inaccurate. It took a lot of fluid as well, but that was in abundance from Eyti's cumming. She willed the clay in the ground to take the shape of mud men, gloppy shambling forms. They were weak and misshapen but what they lacked in precision they made up for in numbers. Hundreds of them surged towards the 8 Arri simulacrums that defended the test tube. They held the line for seconds before they were overwhelmed and ripped asunder. Eyti then sent for a messenger to bring her a device to boil the tube's contents. She endured the memories of all her prey for another hour before she freed herself... ... Arri had been right. Her nine simulacrums hadn't stood a chance against Eyti's skill. Eyti ended the incessant stream of prey girl thoughts and memories but the damage had been done... Some of those memories were embedded in Eyti now unforgettable and when she was asleep or alone or idle for any reason errant thoughts and desires came to her... Wanting to be swallowed... To melt... To end... To jiggle on another woman, add to her curves. Eyti couldn't tell if they were her thoughts or not in the coming months. The memory-share was deemed a particularly dangerous discovery with the incident the late Arri had caused and further development was shelved until a more secure vessel could be devised to keep the same from happening again. Arri's simulacrums had used most of Eyti's graveyards of prey girl fluid in the test tube and contaminated the thoughts of Eyti in an incident now referred to as The tainting. Eyti was still awarded the time to live despite the dangers now made apparent, but she quickly found she didn't want it. Every day she yearned to be ended more and more. But with her status that wouldn't be allowed for another 1800 years. She tried to form another relationshit and ended a different girlfriend after a couple months but the enjoyment was drained of it. She found herself jealous of the girl she'd turned to cum and couldn't even be bothered to add her to the cemetery. Instead when she went there next she wandereted back to Arri's gravestone, the toilet. “Putty take you Arri! You ruined me!” Eyti muttered and instantly regretted it. Another simulacrum appeared before her. The same that had kissed her forehead before. It grinned still, that same mischievous expression, the impish thing was just as playful as the first one Eyti's familiar had met more than a year ago. It waved a nagging finger at Eyti after she'd cursed Arri's name. Arri fell flat on her butt and experienced true fear again. This time not amused at all and wiser that Arri's influence had already reached her from past the grave once already and exacted a terrible toll. “Please I didn't mean it! Have mercy on m- Ahh noo no no please not again no!!” Eyti cried out as fresh memories of digestion played out in her skull again. This time of only Arri though. She was mumbling to herself as Eyti was digesting her. Eyti couldn't discern these words before with all the other prey girl lives filling her head. But now with only Arri it was clear to her. Eyti could understand what she was saying as she digested. “Eyti, I hope you can hear me above the churns. I've given my simulacrums a lot of my body fluids, they'll operate indefinitely for a while. They also have some of yours too. Somewhere secret so you won't find it. They'll boil it off for you if you do as I say...” Arri said as the stomach packed tighter around her. She wouldn't last long. Eyti hoped she would finish before she was crushed. If she didn't Eyti might be trapped in this hell. “I have one demand: fulfill the last wishes of me and everyone in this cemetery. My simulacrums will add them to a memory-share with you one by one. Respect the dead and you will be freed from this. Otherwise you can suffer until your time runs out and digest just like the prey sluts you looked down on.” Arri said before kissing her own hand and then going back to pleasuring herself in her final moments. The memory was assaulting Eyti as she knelt down and started to play with herself in rhythm with it. She was pleasuring herself to her own digestion. Her mouth uttered apologies to the simulacrum of Arri. As she did the simulacrum with it's evil grin pulled a tombstone from the clay to stand next to Arri's toilet. Here lies Eyti's dignity. She was only sorry when her actions came back to swallow her whole. May she never rest as shit like she so desires now. Eyti wept, legs quivering as orgasm after orgasm took her. Beaten, abused and left humiliated, broken and burned by one of the flames she loved to snuff between her fingers. Arri though had turned out to be a great blaze that consumed her. Eyti remembered her threat. Arri had made sure Eyti would remember her. Until her long and far away, dying day. END
Jane still couldn't believe where she had ended up. The crocodile who she met at the bar, and who she later went on a date with, seemed like such a wonderful and charming man. Suave, smooth, but also down to earth, not unreachable, not a jock. The vixen could not have imagined that after 2 weeks of dating him, and finally getting the chance to go back to his place and consummate their love, that she would be so casually snapped up by those jaws, swallowed down by rippling muscular contractions, and finally nestling in her new, unwanted home: the pit of his stomach. The tight, fleshy confines of the reptile’s belly were completely unyielding. As soon as the vixen was dumped out into the wet, sloppy chamber like any other meal the crocodile had gobbled up, she was forced into quite the awkward position, curled up inside the best she could be: her legs folded up against her chest, her arms crossed ‘round them, and her ample breasts squished awkwardly to the sides of her body. Her sleek, soft fur and hair was already matted with the crocodile’s drool, but now that fluid was mingling with the more acidic juices both resting in the gut and actively being secreted by the walls massaging and pressing against her from every side. The tightness of her new home was oppressive, to put it lightly. The walls felt soft on the surface, but whenever you squished into them, it was clear that there was rippling muscle and power just beyond them. Every wiggle and struggle she made barely reflected on the outside, and her predator surely didn't think of more of letting her out afterwards. No, the wiggling was the most enjoyable part! Why else would you eat something whole and alive if you didn't want it to kick it around in there? “Ugh, that fucking son of a bitch...Martin!! Hack me up RIGHT NOW!!” Jane howled at the top of her lungs, her teeth gritted and her eyes looking up at where she assumed the ears of her predator were. She couldn't hear much over the constantly assailing cacophony of gurgles, groans, and the thumping backbeat of his heart, but she did feel the gut tighten around her a few seconds later, and hear the results of it afterwards: a long, deep belch, followed by a few thumps against her form... She couldn't believe how easily she had become a snack. The two of them were just cuddling, for quite a while even, before Martin made the first move, planting a long, wet smooch on her snout. The shenanigans progressed until it became full on sexual, Jane happily riding her lover’s throbbing length. She enjoyed it, so much so that she didn't even notice his jaws snap around her head as soon as he came into her. Even now, she could feel the feminine juices dripping out of her, betraying the fact that she had been robbed of an orgasm. She wished she could at the very least reach down there and relieve herself, but with her arms and legs tucked in such an awkward position, she really couldn't do anything else except wiggle as a solid mass… And that is really all she was at this point, a solid mass. A lump in this predator’s gut, constantly pressed against and churned, prepared for the process of digestion. Already Jane could feel it starting to come on, the slippery and slimy fluids coating her body making all of it start to tingle gently. She could wiggle and thrash and scream as much as she wanted to, but at this point she was nothing but food. And the worst part? She didn't even fill him up, despite how tight his stomach was around her. She was just a snack... And like all snacks, eventually she would melt and churn away into nothing but a thick soup in the belly that squeezed around her form so tight. Martin would belch proudly as he felt his gut start to really work on her, rubbing and pressing on the gradually softening form in his middle until it noisily turned the wiggling, tasty fuck he just had into a thick sludge. It would truly be wonderful to feel that coursing through his bowels, gradually absorbing every last bit of her. She would probably end up on his thighs, or maybe his gut. He really needed some ass fat, as well...but he couldn't control where she ended up. At least, once he decided that she should be in his belly, anyway…
 "While I'm flattered you think of me as 'nice food', the answer is still no, Hailey." You finally speak up, breaking the vow of silence you had mentally made the second you noticed your little sister creaking the door open to come and bug you about having her big bro for breakfast, like she did every single morning. In truth, it was pretty cute and flattering how genuinely she seemed to want to dine on her older brother, but you didn't want this day to end with you hanging off the butt and breasts of a budding high school girl... at least, not yet anyways. "Hah, so you were awake! Silly brother, you can't fool me. Now get up and inside of me already, I've got basketball practice later today, and I want you digested and integrated into me in time to impress my friends and scare my enemies~" There was a casual tone evident in her voice that clashed so hard with what she was demanding of you, you truly didn't understand kids these days. Ever since that pop-star lady started this ridiculous fad of girls eating everyone around them, it seemed like you couldn't take two steps without some younger girl on the streets requesting you feed yourself to them immediately. Your adorable little sister was no exception. For the last week, she was in your room bright and early, pointing to her stretched lips with pleading eyes... The temptation of all of your life's problems simply melting away into such a sweet girl was starting to become a little too tempting to pass up on. You turned to glare at her smiling face as she stood above your bed, ready to pounce on you as soon as you gave her the long awaited words. "...Tell me, why do you want to eat me so bad? Just because you saw what's-her-face do it on TV? Or is it because all of your friends are doing it, too?" She closed her eyes and brought a finger to her lips, actually thinking on what you were asking her for once. "While I won't deny that they were all factors in my decision to eat you, that's not the main reason I wanted to do it. I want to do it because I love you, big bro~" A rosy red sheen light up her cheeks, and you almost felt like agreeing to become a hefty breakfast for her then and there. This girl was dangerously cute, you had to use all your willpower to resist her alluring charms, as both a little sister and a young woman. At 17 years old, she was budding into a drop dead gorgeous cutie, with her long black hair and generous growing assets. Come to think of it, if she did eat you, she'd probably end up curvier than your mom at the rate her body was developing. You shook your head to get such dangerous thoughts out of your mind, you were really going to give in if thoughts like that kept creeping in. You were surprised she hadn't just eaten one of the guys at her school already, seems like she'd have no trouble seducing one of them into it like she was doing with you right now. Was there a reason she wasn't doing just that? It was time to poke and prod her for a change. "Hey, why don't you just ask a boy at your school? Or maybe you could eat some of those stuck up girls you're always complaining about. There's always teachers, other kid's parents, people on the street... hell, ask mom to feed you for all I care, I'd take your clothes not fitting for a week over her nagging me to get a job again, heh." Truth be told, you were simply too lazy to spread your wings and fly from the nest that was your parent's safe home. At 25, you really should have flew the coop already, but if they weren't going to actually kick you out, you weren't going to be in a rush to become a 'responsible adult' or any of that baloney. You would gladly deal with her occasional bitching and continue to soak in the good neet life. "Because, I've already decided you would be my first, silly. Binging on all the fawning boys and jealous girls comes after. As for mom, well... let's just say I already had plans for her later on~" Her lips curl into a cat's grin as she mischievously closes her eyes, giggling to herself. She was already planning on eating your dear old hard working mother? Very devilish... you almost want to go behind her back, and suggest that mom puts her in her place on her thighs before she has a chance to act out her master plan. Thinking on it some more, however, there really was no better place than a growing girl's chest for a mom to rest on. Your curvy mom's excess weight gained over the years would kick start Hailey's growth spurt to incredible levels! Then again, a big guy like you probably would, too... "B-beat it squirt. You can lay on all the sweet stuff all you like, but it won't work on me. You'll just have to settle for mom for breakfast, or nothing at all." You watch her reaction with an eye winked open, hoping she takes your advice to dine on your mother to heart. You would love to see that hag trapped and squirming inside your adorable younger sister. "Sweet won't work, huh..." She rubs her temples in though, pacing around in your somewhat messy room in circles. "Then how about savory?" Savory? Before you could even ponder what on earth she meant by that, Hailey turned around, and yanked her skirt down. Before your very eyes stood a mountain of luscious meat. Her cheeks were already quite fattened under her skirts and tight pants from her gluttony and fast metabolism over the years, but you had never seen them this close before. The boy shorts she was wearing underneath were practically straining to contain the mass of her arse. She looked over her shoulder, shaking and swaying her tush like a professional stripper would. "How's that, big bro? Don't you wanna make this butt even finer? Imagine becoming a part of something so much greater than yourself... can you even resiiiiist?" The drool dribbling from your lips should have been enough to answer her question, but continue to tempt you she did. Your face inched forward unconsciously, your lips mere inches away from her pronounced posterior. She was humming in triumph as she took in your lost expression, why didn't she try this earlier?! You pucker your lips, needing to plant them on this perfect ass, even if it meant becoming a part of it. "Ah ah ah, big bro~ If you kiss it, that means you consent to adding to it. Think long and hard before you- ahn!" You couldn't resist any longer, even halfway though her warning. Snatching the boy shorts down, your hands dug right into the succulent flesh that laid underneath. As you pulled those perfect cheeks wide, your lips instantly became one with her tight pucker. Your sister quickly melted from a dominatrix attempting to seduce her older brother into a submissive little sister, buckling and cooing from the stimulation as your tongue probed her virgin anus. She bent over in pure ecstasy, squeezing her knees for support as you went to town on eating out her delicious ass. Even though you didn't see yourself having Hailey's butt for breakfast, here you were, dining on every inch of her plump posterior. "Y-you idiot, what do you think you're- nnnhhn!" She whined, fluids leaking from her exposed snatch. The clear liquids dripped down her crotch, heading directly for your well lubricated tongue. You happily slurped them all up, taking everything her cute little body had to offer. It tasted sweet, just like her tasty bum. If you had a single predatory bone in your body, your meal wouldn't stop at just her divine tush, you'd have every inch of Hailey crammed down your gullet... but a deal was a deal. She would be eating you after you had your fill of her butt. You had sealed your fate with this forbidden taste... and it was totally worth it! "Get... off!" Suddenly, her cheeks slammed into your face, sending you flying with great force back into your bed. You landed with a flop, and just sat there, your eyes transfixed on your midly upset sister, who was busy pulling her undergarments up with a sour frown. She stomped towards you, grabbing you by your t-shirt's collar, and bringing your faces uncomfortably close to one another. "You... you... mmnwa!" You couldn't believe it... just a second ago, your sister looked like she aimed to murder you(funny, considering she was already planning to do that via ingestion), and now your lips were locked in a passionate kiss! She wrapped her arms around your shoulders, and threw herself atop you. Her slim frame felt like nothing, as her light body weight rested atop you. You were unsure what to do with your hands, but it felt only natural to embrace her as well. Your tongues became entwined as you both lost yourself in the heat of the spur of the moment romance. She felt so small in your arms and chest, it was hard to believe that girls this tiny could really down and process big boys like yourself. "W-wait!" You finally break your lips away from hers, catching your breath from the sudden intamacy with your own flesh and blood, "Why are we... I mean, I'm not complaining, but it's just..." She simply smirked, like a child amused by something cruel she just did to a toy. "Oh brother... don't you get it? I'm just playing with my food, that's all. There's nothing wrong with drawing a little more taste from your cute lips before moving onto the rest of you, is there?" There was a cuteness in her sinister tone that sent shivers up your spine... unfortunately, you body betrayed your mind, and you could only look blankly towards your dominating sibling, like a deer caught in headlights. "..." The two of you just sat there looking at one another for a moment, before her dainty hands took your own into hers. She squeezed them tightly, like a lover would do before retiring to bed... only to dash your hopes of a few more moments outside of your cruel little sister. She thrust your quivering hands into her well salivated lips, drawing you in like a wild and starving animal. Bites, chomps, licks, sucks, moans of approval, it all happened in a flash. Before you knew it, you arms were gone, reduced to meat that was stuck in the middle of Hailey's throat, as a soon to be forgotten bulge. She grinned as your head approached her mouth, before she strained to open wide enough to cram it inside. "W-wait, I-" *Gulp!* *Mmmph...* *Sluuuuuurp~* You were silenced by her ever advancing gullet. Your vision darkened, as an all encompassing wetness overtook your distraught form. Your hair was matted by her building saliva. The stench rising from her throat was intoxicating. The tightness of her windpipe was unbearable. You almost passed out then and there, but fate would not let your sleep throughout your own demise. The echoes of her cute voice humming as she slurped on your chest bounced all around you. It was like being in the middle of a megaphone. You felt her tug on your sleeping pants to draw more of you in. Your stomach disappeared inside, before your crotch landed right on her waiting tongue. "Mmmm~" She exclaimed, wrapping her tongue around your incredibly hard cock. She was practically giving you a blowjob, just as your face pushed past the fleshy sphincter that led into her tummy. You gagged as you were forced to take in her horrible stomach in full. It was so cramped and hot down here, the miserably small amount of hot air made you want to barf, and the stench of her bubbling stomach acids made it even worse. You thrashed about like a child just as you came from the intense stimulation from above, filling her mouth with a salty load of spunk. You could feel her giggling, as she moved on to finishing up the last of her very filling breakfast. You had lost the will to even struggle anymore, as your legs hanging dejectedly outside her well stuffed cheeks. She was massaging her expanding gut from the outside as she sucked on your legs, enjoying the feeling of finally claiming her first meal. You were forced into a very uncomfortable position inside of her stomach, your neck bent as you waited for the rest of yourself to arrive. "Just... just do it already. S-stop messing with me..." You whimpered. You didn't know if she heard you or not, but to your surprise, she did just that. One lengthy gulp later, and your entire heavy form was tucked all nice and snug in your little sister's stretched and taut tum. You threatened to rip her shirt, but it didn't bother her at all. The more she showed you off at school, the more cred as a pred she'd receive. She belched and burped casually, freeing up any space to move around you might have had inside of her, leaving the dangerous organ like a heated vacuum sealed bag. "Yum~ Thanks, big bro! You were scrum-diddly-umptious! I'm so glad you were my first, hehe!" Her voice sounded so distant, yet booming all around you at the same time. Like there was a wall of jello between the two of you. You were curled in an uncomfortable fetal position, with little else to do other than simmer and stew in her stinging stomach acids, until... until... "Y-yeah, whatever kid! You had better keep your promise! I-if I've gotta be butt fat, I fully expect mom to join me, too!" Your voice was already growing hoarse, from the lack of air and intense heat. You felt your sister's body shift, as she gave your bulge a nice pat and rub. "But of course! Who do you think I plan on having for dinner tonight? For breakfast tomorrow, I'm sure daddy wouldn't mind helping out~ And then it's just our dumb older sister to track down and take out! Hehe, don't worry, big bro, I'll unite everyone inside my body by the end of the week, and go on to be the brightest star ever!" You didn't even need to gaze into her eyes to know that they were shining after a line like that. You simply grinned at her happy go lucky attitude, trying to shift to find comfort inside the fleshy prison that was now your home. "Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late for school! S-stupid brother, with your kinky games! I've gotta goooooo!" The calming feeling of acceptance that was building was dashed away in an instant, as Hailey started running full speed for the door. Her meat stuffed gut wobbled up and down, side to side, coating your entire body in the boiling acids that aimed to melt you to nothing. You gained a sense of vertigo as you lost track of where up and down was. Her stomach clenched and burbled, raising the pressure from her jog to maddening new heights. You cried out for her to stop, only for the rising pool of stomach acids to silence you with a gurgle. Breating in your last breath, your body finally called it quits, slumping into the pile of meat you had become. Nothing more than a filling breakfast, fuel to get lil sis through the day. ............ ........ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Holy cow Hailey, what the heck did you eat?!" A cute brunette on the basketball team exclaimed, shaking in her boots behind the now much curvier girl in the locker room. Her fellow teammates cringed, knowing how dangerous it was to call a newly awakened pred out on their first meal. Hailey grinned, slamming her locker shut with an air of arrogance surrounding her. "Not what, but who~" She twirled around, sticking her butt out for all to see. It seems you had indeed plumpened her up considerably as her impromptu breakfast. Most of you had decided to stick to her buns and thighs, with a healthy amount adding some much needed meat to her once flat chest, and a portion annoyingly deciding to cling to her tummy in the shape of a cute potbelly she'd need to work off later. A few of the girls gulped, knowing how much of a risk it was being on the same team as someone who had a taste for people. Her eyes twinkled in delight as she took in their fear. It was almost as delicious as you were... almost. "Say, what was your name again? Ah, it doesn't matter, c'mere. Now!" Hailey cooed towards the brunette who dared to speak of her incredible new body. The shorter girl trembled, her feet almost flat out refusing to move. "Are you deaf? Mmmkay, I'll just come to you, then." Hailey sauntered like a model walking down the catwalk. Her ass was insane for a high schooler, and from the way she was looking at this foolish little girl, it was about to get even fatter. She grabbed her by the jersey, lifting her up, face to face. "Want to know what I'm having for lunch?" The girl was on the verge of tears now, looking pleadingly towards the other girls present for help. They turned their faces, feigning ignorance, too fearful to stand up to the hungry bully. The small girl sniffed as she shook her head no, even though she had a pretty good idea what it was going to be. "Heh, then let me tell you! It's-ghhhnn?!" The little girl fell to the ground in an instant, reeling back in fear as the head coach swallowed Hailey head-first from behind! Mss Sanders was fast and merciless, slurping the curvy cutie down like she would a piece of beef jerky. Hailey didn't even get a chance to squirm before she was completely consumed and packed away inside the teachers grumbling gut, nice and snug, ready for digestion. She belched lazily, spitting up Haiey's ripped panties from her growth onto the ground before the terrified student. "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you *buurp*... you girls. No eating on school grounds. Mmm, she sure is a fighter down there. I'll have to set up a parent teacher night with her mother to reunite the two of em later on tonight, heh. Enough slacking around, girls. Let's get out there and burn some calories! Hustle, hustle!" The brunette simply stared at miss Sander's gut, noticing it go still already. It was losing definition by the second, until her stomach clenched, and all movement ceased entirely. Hailey was dead meat in a minute flat... "Something wrong, miss Celica? Did you perhaps want to join her...?" That hungry look in her eyes told her she still had room for more. Celica jumped up, bowing apologetically, exclaiming how sorry she was before dashing out to the gym to join the others. "...So cute. Definitely put her on the to-eat list. Well then Hailey, shall we get started with your punishment?" Her stomach answered with a low gurgle, and the fitness instructor could feel the girl inside breaking apart into goop. She smiled, smacking her gut hard enough to completely rend the would be superstar to nothing but mush and bones. It shifted and dripped deeper into her intestines, fueling her as a nice load of calories to work off for the morning. Miss Sanders downed a bottle of water while heading outside, a spring in her step from her yummy late breakfast. And so, Hailey's career as a star ended before it even truly began. Her sights were set too high as an idol or musician, when she should have been aiming for the modest role of a teacher. Because after all, teachers had all the kids in the world to dine on. Stupid kids just like Hailey~
Within, Without The smell of tobacco smoke hung thick in the air of the cramped little office, washing away the stench of dust and defeat. Brent T. Ford rested his feet on top of his cheap plywood desk as he distractedly chewed on the filter, leaning back on his creaking office chair. The occasional headlights from the cars outside, speeding through the building, flashed through the half-closed blinds. Whenever a particularly large truck went by, the grey fox felt the foundations shake. Felt like an early grave, it did. Smelled like one, too. Might be one in the future, if things continued going the way they were. No business in months. No clients. No crying parents looking for their lost cub, no bitchy wives wanting to spy on their husbands. No matter how shit the job, Ford had always done his best. Sticking his nose where he didn’t belong, sniffing around where he wasn’t invited, making few friends and a lot of enemies along the way. It was easy to make a mistake. He’d made plenty and had the scars to show for it. And what did he have left after all of that? Nothing. No contacts, no jobs, and an ex-wife and a kid slowly bleeding him dry with alimony. He hadn’t eaten a damn steak in weeks. Meat kept getting more and more expensive, and he couldn’t live on fruit and berries forever. No fox could. He stretched, stifling a yawn, and took a swig from the bottle of Jack on his desk. The powerful burn of the liquid in his tongue, going down his esophagus, made him feel alive. He put the bottle back down and sighed in satisfaction. He had few friends, but Jack was always there for him. Knock. Knock. Knock. The fox’s ears perked up immediately, turning toward the source of the sound – the door. “It’s unlocked.”, he grumbled. His voice was deep and low, run ragged by years of chain smoking and liquor. He wasn’t looking at the door as it opened. He didn’t need to. It was a familiar smell, it put him on edge. It smelled like… like… He looked up at the figure standing by the door, covering its face with the sleeve of their shirt to avoid breathing in the cigarette smoke. A rabbit. He hadn’t seen one in person in years, since the segregation of herbivores and carnivores had been formalized. He’d certainly never seen one in his damn office. As soon as he saw that figure, as soon as he caught that smell, he felt something primordial stir within. His pupils dilated, the dreary room became slightly less dim. His muscles tensed up, he held his breath. His throat emitted a low growl, and he bared his fangs. All of this, without even being aware of it. She knew she was in trouble when she walked in. And yet, there she was, face to face with the fox in his own den. She was a meek little thing and she knew she didn’t belong. She wore a hoodie to conceal her ears, sunglasses to help hide her face – and yet, she was so obvious. No predator carried themselves like that. Faced with his glare, she hesitantly took a step back. But she wasn’t dissuaded. When the fox failed to pounce on her the moment she entered the room, the rabbit took that as a positive sign. Stepping inside, she closed the door behind her. She didn’t dare approach. “I… need your help, Mr. Ford.” She sounded terrified. Unsurprising. She was out of her element. A fish out of water. A rabbit in fox country. “You shouldn’t be here.”, the detective growled. It was both a warning and a threat. The rabbit heeded neither. “Please. Hear me out.” He saw the act – he knew it all too well. The pretense of helplessness, of innocence. Notice me. Help me. I’m a damsel in distress. He’d seen a hundred women of his own species pull the same stunt when they walked into his office – and it hadn’t ended well once. He got his legs off the table, causing a few papers to flutter to the floor. He didn’t even pay attention to them. His vision was funneling on the rabbit. All of his instincts screamed for him to take what was his. He had the right, he had the ability, he had the reason. The only reason he hadn’t done it yet was that he was wearing his good clothes – he most certainly didn’t want to ruin them with rabbit blood. “You shouldn’t be here. Go, before I make use of my legal right to snap your neck.” Even through the screen of smoke separating the two, even past her pitiful attempt at a disguise, he saw the rabbit’s expression change. Whatever hope was present was steadily being drained from her features, leaving only despair. The fox saw something glisten on her face, flowing down her cheeks and soaking her brown fur black. He saw her body begin to slightly convulse. He saw her sink towards the floor. Oh, fuck, not this. There was something so sad, so absolutely pathetic about it that he couldn’t turn away. Like a beautiful train wreck; a wonderful, wonderful display of ugliness. It started as gentle weeping, as attempts to speak interrupted by sniffling. The same few sentences said over and over. Something about a last chance. Something about someone called Ayla. With a groan of annoyance, the fox took another swig of his bottled friend and tried to keep his baser instincts in check. He closed his eyes, thought of something else. And gradually, bit by bit, he felt himself relax even despite that banshee of a bunny’s bothersome bawling. He opened his eyes again. There she was, still – and still did the sight of her sad little form subtly beg for a swift end. “Stop crying. I’ll hear you out, but after you’re done, you leave – or I’ll be having rabbit for dinner.” After a moment’s pause, during which the rabbit looked straight at him in an effort to ascertain whether the previous statement was a joke, the crying turned into an equally annoying string of declarations of gratitude. Oh, fuck me. His nose twitched. Some other smell – another one familiar to him. The pungent aroma of burned fur. A looked down revealed that, while he focused on her, his cigarette had been smoked down to the filter. He let it fall on the floor, and with a casual stomp extinguished the flame. The sudden gesture startled the rabbit – and thankfully, put a stop to her meltdown. The fox’s eyes followed the other as she slowly, very slowly regained her bearings. Her breathing was still unsteady, but at least she wasn’t just a pile of fur on the floor anymore. “There are only two things that would bring a rabbit broad like you to this neck of the woods. Either you’ve got a death wish… or you can’t get help from your own kind.”, said Ford, leaning back in his chair again. Once more were his feet rested on the desk; a good sign. “You have five seconds to make your case. Make it convincing.” “I… can pay you. Twenty thousand.” The fox was already readying himself to refuse the offer on principle alone. A rabbit’s money is dirty money. And at the same time… a hefty sum like that was difficult to say no to. Especially when you’re broke. His eyes darted around the room as if he feared this was some kind of prank, as if he was being watched. Drumming his claws against the wood of his desk – on a spot full of claw marks - he was delighted to observe that the up-tempo rapping sound was clearly unnerving the rabbit. For the first time all night, the investigator smirked. “In money I can use. No rabbit currency, nothing traceable.” The rabbit nodded. “I’ve… I’ve already taken care of that.”, she said, almost apologetically. She slid a hand into one of her hoodie’s pockets and produced a small cylinder wrapped in a hot pink rubber band that, when removed, caused the entire thing to unfold into a banknote. Under Ford’s suspicious glare, she carefully approached the desk, like the scared animal she was. A few steps, a pause, a step back whenever the fox as much as breathed – and when she finally placed it on the desk, as soon as her fingers let go, she zoomed back to a safe distance. With a claw, the investigator dragged the note across the table and under the light. It was all crumpled, but there was no doubt that the note was legitimate. The foil border, the transparent window, the stern features of a scarred wolf in profile. All checked out. “I have two hundred more of those for you if you help me out, Mr. Ford.” The fox growled, folding the note and slipping it into one of his trench coat’s many pockets. “I’m listening.” The rabbit cleared her throat, but before she could begin, the inspector interrupted her. “Not from there.”, he said, gesturing toward the decrepit wooden chair across the desk. “Do you like whiskey, rabbit?” “Nella.” “I didn’t ask for your name, rabbit. I asked whether you liked whiskey.” Nella hated whiskey. In fact, she hated alcohol in general. She hated the taste of it, even in the gentlest of girly drinks; she hated the inflated price of it, and she hated the sense of dizziness and loss of inhibitions that came with overuse. But under the fox’s scrutiny, she found herself reaching for the bottle and pouring herself a glass, which she sipped slowly. She exhaled through her mouth – a very unladylike gesture, which offended Ford’ nose with the smell of alcohol – and cleared her throat. The investigator leaned back and listened intently. He’d heard this tale being woven before, several times. Family member disappeared. Lovely little angel, of course. Definitely not involved in questionable behavior, good grades in university, the apple of her parents’ eye. Ayla was her name; gone one night. The police were contacted but come up with nothing – they have too much shit on their plate to worry about some lowlife rabbit. At least in that, herbivore and carnivore law enforcement were the same, the fox thought. That explained her presence in his office, at the very least. Only love for a family member’s wellbeing can bring a rabbit to a fox’s den. Fearfully, she gave him a picture – a small polaroid showing two rabbits in front of a Christmas tree. Both of them wore those ugly Christmas sweaters, and the older one had heads together and smiling at the camera. And for the life of him, Ford couldn’t tell which one was Nella, and which one was her sister. Blasted rabbits all looked the same to him. He flipped it. ‘Merry Christmas from Nel & Ay!’, it read in horrible, horrible handwriting. The fox sighed; it was an admission of defeat. “I’ll do what I can. How can I contact you to keep in touch?” “No. This is my sister. I’ll go with you so you don’t get any ideas.” He looked down at the rabbit, and his hardened expression twisted into a small smile. “Lassie, I get ideas all the time. But you have my word as a detective that until this case is solved, I won’t try anything funny with you.” Not even for a second did either of them even considered that the promise was anything but empty. Ayla had last been seen preparing to go out clubbing. Nella had at least caught the name of the place – the Watering Hole, a large club in the outskirts of the town. Herbivore turf, of course; innocent Ayla could never have been that daring. If rabbit families were as big as they claimed, then surely the loss of a single sister wouldn’t be that much of a problem. That was what Ford thought, as he sat on his car, watching her new ‘partner’ talk to the bouncer at the door. She had dolled up right for this one, and the tank top and miniskirt shed a couple years from her appearance with ease. Equal parts sexy and trashy. The perfect kind of person to come to a seedy club outside of town in the middle of the night, asking all kinds of questions nobody wanted to hear. The gorilla didn’t even seem to be listening to her questions. His beady eyes weren’t even looking at her. She spoke, and he answered with simple shakes of his head, checking his nails. Ford saw that gesture for what it was – a statement of dismissal. The state of his nails was more important to the massive primate than whatever plight the rabbit had. Oh, that was going nowhere. The grey fox removed the key from the ignition, lowered his hat over his features. He lowered the rear-view mirror to examine his appearance. Perhaps under the strobe light, he would appear to be one of the tame dogs that were allowed in places like these; those docile and pathetic creatures, with their hunting instincts bred out of the bloodline and thus given the option to exist near an herbivore without them flipping their shit. Ford sometimes wished he could be like them. The thrill of a kill was momentary; the fear of losing control, permanent. He had felt it on the way here. Alone in a car with a helpless rabbit for ten minutes. Her smell, particularly, ate at him, filled him with a yearning to go primal, to let atavistic glee take over and to feast on flesh, drink blood, grind bone. He had managed to chase away those thoughts by turning the radio up and focusing on the road ahead; the smooth, jazzy stations he favored did a wonderful job in helping him keep the bloodlust at bay. And now he was going right into the middle of them. That could only end well. He kept an eye on the bouncer. To his luck, his client’s unwitting distraction was slowly aggravating the gorilla more and more; he had gone from silently shaking his head, to looming over the rabbit, japing a thick, stubby finger in her shoulder with enough strength to make her almost lose balance. This was the fox’s chance. He walked into the club, felt the repetitive beat wash away the sounds of the night. He moved without doubt, without hesitation; like he owned the place. If you act like you belong, people treat you like you belong. Even when you don’t. Even if you’re a fox surrounded by prey. Ford didn’t even like the clubs of his own kind. The oppressively loud music, the forms around him, dancing, their movements made jerky and unnatural by the strobing lights. This was not his place. And yet, he needed to be very careful, look like he was supposed to be there. He was surrounded by prey. In enemy territory. He had to keep his identity hidden from them, at least for now. A mob of stampeding herbivores was a terrifying sight indeed. He made his way through the dance floor. All around him, a chaos of fur, horns and puffy tails. The smells of a hundred different herbivores. The smells of prey. Keep yourself steady, Ford… eyes on the prize. He waded through the sea of drugged up teenagers, middle-aged pick-up artists and all the other dregs of society. He pushed aside prey animals rubbing against him, seductively pressing their bodies against his. He ignored the protests, the insults lobbed his way. Tried to, anyway. Something tugged on his arm. Instinctively, he snapped – looked to his left, bared his fangs. His pupils narrowed, his nostrils flared, he was ready to bite. His growl was thankfully drowned out by the loud music. Nella. Eyes closed, frozen, ready to take the blow. But the blow never came. He just stared at her, confused. “Don’t do that.”, he muttered. The soundwaves mixed with the sound of music, becoming incomprehensible. But the message was delivered nonetheless. Without another word, the fox continued making his way to the counter, where a freakishly thin antelope juggled the orders of three different clients. Instead of ordering, he just watched her work from where he sat. You can learn a lot about someone by merely observing. Her eyes were everywhere at once. She moved with ease and grace, deep in a mechanical, repetitive cycle – take the order, serve, take payment, repeat. But despite her mastery of the art of giving a few drunks what they want, there was something else. The fox soon recognized what it was. Even when she turned her back to pour a drink or fetch a bottle, she was constantly glancing over her shoulder. Her mouth moved in a silent series of utterances – repetitive, short. Mnemonics. Two signs of poor short-term memory. She wouldn’t be of any help. Next. The other person working the counter was a tall horse. Unlike the antelope, he wasn’t busy at all – in fact, he seemed absolutely bored. He leaned back against the wall in his wifebeater, idly polishing a glass while blatantly ogling his co-worker when she wasn’t looking. Perfect. Ford slammed his palm on the sticky wooden surface, drawing the attention of the antelope. However, he ignored her, and instead steadied his gaze on the horse. After only a few seconds of intent staring, the horse finally looked up from the antelope’s ass. “What can I do for you?”, he asked, with the distinct tone of someone who doesn’t get paid nearly as much as they deserve. However, as he approached, his big smile faded. His nostrils flared. “Wait, you’re a-” The fox brought a finger to his mouth in a ‘shush’ gesture, making sure to proudly display his conical claw. “Me and my friend have questions.”, he growled, gesturing towards Nella, who had pulled a seat next to him. “You answer them, we leave.” He didn’t wait for an answer. From his pocket, he produced the picture, placed it on the table, pressed the tip of his claw right between Ayla’s eyes. “This girl. She came here last Wednesday. Did you see her?” The horse glanced at the picture from distance, not wanting to get anywhere near a predator. He may have dwarfed Ford, but his instincts were as sharp as the fox’s claws, and they told him to keep his jugular out of reach. “I didn’t see nothin’. Not my shift. Not my problem.” “I see.”, the fox muttered, leaning back. He opened the side of his jacket slightly, just enough for the barman to get a glimpse of the wooden grip of his trusty companion. “See, I think you’re lying. I don’t like it when people lie, bucko – makes me feel… unhinged. Makes me see red, one might say. Makes me… not myself. And when I’m not myself, I tend to reach for my friend.” The horse took a step back. Panicked, he scanned the area for help – but no familiar faces were in the crowd, at least none that would run to his aid. He would have laughed at such a threat from a herbivore, gun or no gun; but predators are different. He had seen it on the television, on the newspapers – what happens when bloodlust takes over a predator. Was the fox bluffing? Probably. But the barman wasn’t going to risk finding out. “Look, easy, okay? I’ll tell you what I know. I’m not good with faces – we get more rabbits here than all the other species combined. But sometimes the Boss invites some in – he likes rabbits, you see.” Despite the drastic size difference between herself and this bartender, Nella glared up at him as he spoke. In response, he just raised his hands. “Oi, don’t shoot the messenger. You asked a question, I answered.” He looked past the two, focusing his gaze on someone they couldn’t see. “What’s that, a pint? Coming right up, sir!”, he loudly announced, turning around and rushing to the nearest draft station. Ford felt something poke him in the arm. He looked over and saw Nella, gesturing for him to lean closer. Not without some instinctive hesitation, he did so. “What now?”, she spoke into his ear. Even through the dance music blasting from the speakers, he could sense the worry in her voice. “We got-” “Ahem.” The loud clearing of a raspy throat caught both of them by surprise. They turned to see a gorilla in a three-piece suit; he looked identical to the one they’d met at the door, with the difference that this one wore no sunglasses. “You two. Mr. Marlowe wants to see you.” Ford bared his fangs. “What for-” Before he could continue, the large primate shambled closer. His massive hand, bigger than the fox’s entire head, grabbed him by the shoulder and squeezed. “Mr. Marlowe wants to see you.”, he repeated. Ford growled; the gorilla was not impressed. The two stared each other down, aching for a fight. “We’ll go.”, a third voice sounded. Nella jumped off her seat and walked up to the bouncer. Once soft and meek, she spoke with finality; a finality that not even Ford could argue against. With little more than a “hmph”, the mountain of muscle led the way. As he followed, somewhat embarrassed, Ford glared down at Nella, who ignored his anger and merely shrugged dismissively. The bouncer parted the crowd with ease; the dancers themselves made way for him as he passed. No wonder; he towered over all others; whereas Ford had been easy to ignore, the gorilla was an imposing presence. He led them up to the scaffolding, where couples observed the dance floor from above. Here, away from the chaos downstairs, they could rest, enjoy their drinks in peace. The metallic mesh floors shook under the gorilla’s massive weight, but he walked with impassive purpose. He took them to the oaken double doors, guarded by two more like him. His hand rapped on the wooden surface in a gentle, almost fearful gesture. No response. The gorilla opened the door and gestured for the two guests to get in. As soon as they crossed the doorway, he slammed the door behind them, leaving them alone in a world that wasn’t theirs. A world of mahogany, gold, and velour. A world of warm red light and obscene paintings on the walls. Before them, lounging on the red couch that was the centerpiece of the room, was the owner of the club. The goat in the white tuxedo offered them both a wide smile. His stubby fingers picked a cigar from his gold box; he ran it through his nose, taking in its scent in a long, drawn-out inhalation. With a dismissive gesture, he had them approach, not even deigning to look at them as he lit his cigar. He was a particularly large specimen, dark-grey fur contrasting with his choice of outfit. His beard was braided and neatly trimmed, and several extravagant jeweled rings adorned each of his fingers. Ford did not like goats. He never had. Those square pupils unnerved him more than any fangs, any claws, any horns could. Goats always looked like they knew everything, even when they didn’t. It made their expressions difficult to read… and the fox had never felt at ease around a being he couldn’t easily read. See, with Nella it was easy, painfully easy in fact. There was loss and fear and a constant sense of being in danger. Rabbits have big, expressive eyes – you can see the abject terror in them when you’re going in for the kill, the confusion as you ready to pounce. But goats? Goats always looked relaxed, in control, even when they weren’t. And he hated it. Nevertheless, the fox acted carefully. He knew them to be dangerous creatures when pressed – those horns weren’t for show. “Mr. Marlowe, I presume.” The goat puffed on his cigar, gesturing towards the two chairs on the other side of the table without as much as uttering a single word. The fox and the rabbit shared a look of doubt. Only after a few seconds did they both shrug slightly and take him up on that offer. Nella opened her mouth. “Mr. Marlowe, we-” A raised hand silenced her. The movement was languid, full of authority. The Emperor was in his Palace, and the servants would not speak out of line. Marlowe ignored the rabbit altogether, his unnerving eyes glistening with intelligence as he looked at the grey fox. “We don’t serve your kind in my club, my carnivorous friend.” His voice was low and deliberate; it had a flair to it, and there was a slight lisp to his words, but the undertones of control and danger were there. “And you have been asking a lot of questions in a place where questions are… well, undesirable. It strains my reputation.” The fox, arms crossed, leaned back on his seat. “I don’t give a shit about your rep, Marlowe. I’m here on business.” A cloud of smoke hit him square in the face. He growled as the full-bodied smell filled his nostrils and his eyes. It stirred an anger deep inside him, caused him to quietly growl. And yet, it was oddly pleasant. Had hadn’t smoked a cigar in years… “You will forgive me if I don’t believe you. A fox in a chicken coop is nothing but a liability, and I don’t deal with losses well. Though I see you have already found yourself a companion here. Just in case the craving hits?” His oddly-shaped eyes turned to Nella, and she instinctively shrunk away from the look. The goat had a way of making everything he did seem lascivious – the way he exhaled the smoke from his cigar, the way he cradled a glass of wine in his hand… the way he looked at Nella. Big eyes, yet inexpressive, unlike a rabbit’s or even a fox’s. “If you are in trouble, my dear, if this man has some sort of sway over you… I have strings I can tug on to guarantee your safety. You wouldn’t be the first comely young lagomorph I rescue from a dark, dark place…” Nella frowned. Marlowe leaned forward slightly, and she leaned back just as much. It was tempting. A man who basically ran the place where her sister had disappeared was sure to be of more help than a fish-out-of-water old fox with many tricks but little restraint. Between this shady man of the night and Ford, it was becoming much too difficult to pick the devil you know. “W-well, Mr. Marlowe, I am with him because we’re looking for my sister. She disappeared, and…” “Oh, say no more, dear. Cigar?”. The goat’s expectant expression turned into a comically exaggerated disappointed frown when she meekly shook her head. “When someone disappears in the nightlife here, the police are cautious, you see. They don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, Marlowe’s hooves not the least of them. But me? I can find anything. You can lead you to your sister.” The rabbit hesitated. This Marlowe was shady – telling her what she wanted to her, while at the same time always keeping her wanting. He was cautious in his word choice; he offered just as much information as needed to entice her. Of course, Ford was shady, too – a member of a species of sly, cunning creatures; the things that go bump in the night, hungry and violent, kept at bay only by the promise of money. “R-really?” She felt the detective’s glare on her when she asked the question, heard the instinctive, threatening growl that only proved her worries true. “Of course, my dear. If you ask for my help, I will provide. I invite rabbits in here quite often… and I keep a record of each one. Trophies, if you will – oh, don’t look at me like that, my dear, I mean purely in a metaphorical way.” “And Ford?” The goat raised an eyebrow. “Is that your friend’s name, miss? Interesting information to have…” He smiled knowingly. “Mr. Ford here, well… do you know why I hire mostly apes, miss? It is because they blur the boundary between our world and his.” He pointed his cigar toward the fox, who breathed heavily, fangs bared. The goat’s words, the rabbit’s consideration of betrayal, both venomous barbs digging deep into his flesh, making it hard to remain calm. Marlowe merely smiled at his impotent anger. The angrier the fox got, the more the goat proved his point. All he had to do was continue. “They are agreeable and steadfast – like ourselves. But they also omnivores. They can peacefully dine on vegetable matter, like we do, but are not averse to feasting on the still-bleeding flesh of others. Like he does.” He nodded his horn-crowned head towards the fox and chuckled, spinning his cigar between his fingers, allowing the ash to fall on his lap. “It’s a wonderful deterrent, I assure you. They don’t like ‘prey’ that matches them in ferocity and bloodlust. Makes them feel… castrated.” That was enough. The fox growled, jumped to his feet. His stance shifted to an animalistic crouched pose, claws and teeth bared, saliva dripping from his pointed canines, but the goat didn’t as much as budge. His reaction to the intimidating display – that which had made Nella herself gasp in terror and jump out of the way – was to simply remain sat, raising an eyebrow in vague amusement and even letting out a soft chuckle. “Please, Mr. Ford, do not make a fool out of yourself any more than you need to. And please refrain from interrupting my conversation with the lovely miss here. If you do not behave yourself, I will have to call in my enforcers.” The lack of fear and the very real threat of physical violence gave the fox pause. All of his instincts screamed at him to attack, to kill both the goat and the rabbit for speaking to him like this. His rational side knew that if he did, he would have to contend with a dozen gorillas ready to tear him to shreds… he swayed back and forth, alternating between readying to strike and preparing to sit back down. Reason eventually won. Even his animalistic side knew not to get in fights he couldn’t win, after all. “Thank you, Mr. Ford.”, spoke the goat, turning back to Nella. “What about it, miss? Do we have a deal?” With a smile and an apologetic look toward the fox, Nella extended her hand. Hands were shaken, a deal was sealed. A snap of Marlowe’s fingers later, the doors slammed open and two of the goat’s massive enforcers stepped in to take the fox away. Ford knew when he was defeated. He spat at the rabbit’s feet as he was dragged away – his final goodbye. Languid, oddly-shaped eyes watched him as he was taken away. They then turned to Nella, accompanied by a crooked smile. “Well then, my dear. Let’s talk business.” The fox was carried out, dragged like a sack of potatoes by two guards that could squash his head like a grape if they so desired. His humiliation lasted for several minutes; first through the metallic scaffolding, then down the stairs, then to the middle of the dance floor where he was met with dozens of shocked and mocking expressions. He was dragged through the kitchen and out of the back door, pushed out of the door and onto the pavement. The silent peace of the outside had lost its luster. His everything hurt. His head, his arms, his pride. Swearing under his breath, he slowly got on his feet. He felt like shit. He had kept himself in check for so long, only for her client to summarily fire him as soon as some other creep showed up. He should have killed her when he first saw her. Gutted her. At least then, he would have had some way to feed himself while waiting for the next job down the line. There was going to be a next job… right? He made his way around the building, back to his car. He unlocked the door and let the smell of stale mold and old cigarette smoke greet him back. The familiar smell of home helped him relax. Mercedes was the only girl that would never betray him. He took his seat, opened the glove compartment to reveal a small canteen. He took a swig of the lukewarm 80 proof beverage and felt all his synapses jolt awake for a fraction of a second before a soft numbness took over. He turned the key, got ready to drive off. He gave the nightclub – and his payday – one last look. A loud ringing noise suddenly filled the night sky. It came from the building – the only building in the area. The building whose doors suddenly opened wide, letting out a torrent of stampeding prey. Screaming. Chaos. And amidst the madness, a familiar face. Running towards him. Were his reflexes sharper, he would have made off while he still could. Instead, he hesitated just long enough, watching the rabbit overtake all other clubgoers and opening the door to his car, jumping in. “Drive! Fucking drive!” And he drove. He drove to the only safe place he could think of. He drove to his house. Unlike his taste in whiskey, Ford’s house was cheap. First floor, counting from the top of the apartment building – so cramped even for a single person, it was difficult to imagine it had once housed a family. Stained off-white linoleum floors, single glazed glass windows, and little more than an old table and two mismatched plastic chairs as furniture – a monument to mediocrity. But Nella, sitting on the smallest of the two chairs, was more concerned about the location. Smackdab in the middle of fox territory. The place itself smelled awful – of mold, dust, and worse of all, fox. Everything about it made her heart race. At least Ford’s office didn’t have locks on every door. Those locks. Where they meant to keep people out… or in? The cup of coffee in her hands helped calm her mind, but just a little. “And then you pushed the fire alarm and dashed.”, said Ford, once more in his preferred state – a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, and leaning against the kitchen counter. Out of his work clothes and now clad in sweatpants and a white t-shirt, it was clear how painfully thin he was: bony protrusions visible through even the fur, an emaciated look that the coffee-stained white fabric could not hope to conceal. Nella’s eyes found themselves following the contours of his form with a very herbivore curiosity. She didn’t know much about fox biology – she didn’t know much about biology in general – but she knew signs of minor malnutrition when she saw them. She knew better than to bring it up, though. She had this nagging feeling that if she drew attention toward it, it would be interpreted in the wrong way. Instead, she sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. Bitter and cold. “Can you take me home now? I don’t like being here. I don’t feel safe.” The fox cut her off. “Well, you shouldn’t. You fucking tricked me. Exploited my urges.” There was anger in his voice, but he was much calmer than before. “Could have at least let me know.” “Look, I’ve apologized, okay? Can we please give that a rest now? I got our next lead, that’s what matters.” “Hmph.” The fox paused, crossing his arms. “Anyway, no, you can’t go anywhere, not unless you want a few pissed off gorillas at your doorstep.” “Out of the frying pan, into the fire.” “Don’t you fucking push it, rabbit.”, started the fox, pointing a claw toward the rabbit. Only when he noticed her sardonic smile and cheeky expression, looking up at him while holding her cup in both hands, did he put two and two together. He was unused to humor. His lip curled into a half-smirk and his stance softened. “You have one morbid sense of humor. Right – your lead.” He looked down at the latest note he had added to his notebook. Under descriptions of Ayla’s appearance, interests, dress and some notes about Marlowe’s nightclub, he had added the latest piece of the puzzle. Marlowe’s call. According to Nella, when she agreed to his terms, Marlowe had made a call. He had attempted for it to be secret, but rabbits were all ears – they listen in even when they don’t mean to. He wanted some transport, as he had a delivery for ‘Slim’s folk’. Rabbits at the Watering Hole being invited to see Marlowe. A call for transport as soon as Nella was alone with the goat. Whatever had happened in there, she had almost certainly escaped something very unpleasant. And Slim. “Slim…”, he repeated. He recognized the name. Speaking it made his tongue taste foul. Nella looked at him expectantly. He tried to ignore her at first, but she refused to look away. With a sigh, the fox spoke. “Slim’s trouble.” “Trouble like you?” There was a hint of humor in her voice – a hint of humor that swiftly disappeared when she noticed the steely look he offered in return. “Trouble worse than me. The kind of trouble that can’t sustain itself on berries and fruit.” The rabbit nodded her understanding. She knew exactly what the fox was talking about. True carnivores. The greedy ones. The stuff of nightmares. Those who cannot survive without taking lives. She had never met one in person – their presence was strictly forbidden in the herbivore-controlled areas of town – but she had heard of them, and the stories weren’t pleasant. Nella had never been hungry in her life. Her kind was very low maintenance – vegetables and bread were the only thing they needed to survive. But she knew that true carnivores were hungry often. People like Ford could stave off their hunger with some types of processed fruit and vegetables; it wasn’t healthy, but it was possible. But true carnivores ate one thing and one thing only. And whenever there was a shortage of food, an increase in prices… they suffered most of all. No wonder so many turned to crime. “Who is he?”, the rabbit eventually asked. “Bad news. Last I heard, he runs the docks district. Deals in drugs, ordnance, and occasionally death. Coyote, nasty temperament. Sent more than a few cops to early retirement.” He sighed. “What would he want my sister for?” “What the fuck do you think?” The bluntness of the answer made the rabbit wince. Her mug of coffee, now empty, fell to the floor and shattered into a million pieces at her feet. The fox looked at her, reached toward her in an apologetic gesture, but he was ignored. Food. Nella had been doing her best to not think of that possibility; but now that the trail had taken them to carnivore territory, there was no doubt. It was always about predation with carnivores, wasn’t it? The boundaries were clearly set; this is prey territory, this is predator territory. And yet, they insisted on violating those boundaries, to enact their animalistic urges on her people. Why not on each other? Why not on wild animals? And now they had her sister. Her eyes lowered toward the floor, and she felt her body begin to shake, to convulse. Anger, grief; both overwhelming in their impotence. Predators! Nella hated them, she hated them with all her heart. She hated all of them, all the wolves and tigers and bears and foxes who callously took lives, innocent lives, lives fuller and more meaningful than theirs would ever be, just to sate some primitive, base urge. They should all starve. They should all starve and feed the worms! The fox raised an eyebrow at her state. He hesitated for a moment, observing her and awaiting her response. Finally, when none came, he spoke. “Rabbit, are you okay?” “I’m going to sleep.” Her tone was cold and harsh, like whatever was dwelling inside her had just shut itself from the world. “Wake me up when you have a plan.” The fox opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He had never seen her like that. He was not one to feel sympathy, much less for a prey animal – one can never get emotionally attached to one’s food, however potential. And yet, seeing her like that made him feel… something. Something that he could not quite identify. He watched her as she walked away. A broken woman feigning determination. He saw her lie down on his bed in the corner of the room, pull the thin white covers over her body, turn around and lie in silence. He wanted to say something. But what? Offer her false hope? Tell her it was going to be alright? He hesitated for so long, that the opportunity escaped him. She had been silent for several minutes; she was almost certainly asleep. Asleep. Helpless. The fox took a step toward the bed. Her ears twitched slightly, but she didn’t move. He would not find her sister. Ayla was almost certainly dead, a carcass in some compost heap – if they could find her at all. He would not get paid. And how he hated going to sleep hungry and having to wake up with what felt like a hole where his stomach was supposed to be. Look at her, sleeping. In his bed, no less – the unmitigated gall! So sure of her safety, of his unwillingness to follow his instincts, that she dared to offer him her back. Her smell languished in the air, the only pleasant scent in the entire house. It drove him crazy. It awakened the beast from within him. The beast that howled and thrashed in its chains, asking, begging to be released. Nobody would hear it. He could make it quiet. Nobody would miss her. Even if they did, he could make them disappear. He approached. His padded feet pressed gently against the linoleum floor, making no sound. His claws, ready to strike. His maw, ready to take a life. A shadow fell over the rabbit. Looming closer. A warm breath on her cheek, on her neck. The fox smiled. He could already taste the savory flesh, the bitter blood… he licked his chops, his vision tunneling on the sleeping prey. It would be so easy… no wonder would he be tired every morning; no longer would weakness cloud his thoughts. A single bite could keep him going for days, maybe weeks… For an entire minute, he loomed over the rabbit. Finally, his hands moved. He pulled the covers up, over Nella. With a sigh and a swear at his own weakness, he sat on one of his plastic chairs and closed his eyes. In the bed, feeling the oppressive weight of being watched leave her, the rabbit opened an eye. Why had she been so unafraid? Was she so sure of Ayla’s demise, that she already welcomed death? Or was it something else altogether? The loud whistling of the coffee pot woke Ford up. His back was sore, his neck hurt, and his mouth tasted somewhat like vomit. Before he could register what was going on, the blinds were suddenly open, and the bright sunlight hit him square in the eyes. “Rise and shine, Ford.” Well, someone was chipper today. Fucking crepuscular animals. “What the…” The rabbit was a blur, moving from place to place at an alarming speed. Ford would be getting a headache from her movement alone… if his head wasn’t throbbing with pain already. Ignoring his discomfort, or maybe reveling in it, the rabbit just smiled, despite the bags under her eyes. “Found some bread in your fridge. Making some toast. You want any?” “That bread is stale.” “That's why I’m making toast.”, she explained matter-of-factly. She leaned against the kitchen counter, the same place Ford had taken up the previous night, and watched the fox slowly get up, groaning in annoyance all the way. “I woke up early, so I took the liberty of reviewing your notes. Very flattering bit about myself, by the way – ‘child-bearing hips’? Really?” The statement and the evil smile that followed jolted the investigator awake better than any coffee ever could. He ran towards her and with a brutish movement snatched the notebook from her hand. “Give me that!” The rabbit just shrugged. “Anyway, I’ve come up with something while you snored like a tractor. Marlowe has been delivering rabbits to this ‘Slim’ at the docks, right? And from how late it was when he asked for my ‘ride’, the operation is probably working during the night.” The fox rubbed his eyes. “I need coffee before I can even begin to process this shit.”, he groaned; before he even finished complaining, already he was being handed a cup. He sipped on the hot beverage, eyes on the rabbit. The coffee was pretty good – sharp, just how he liked it. The rabbit tapped her foot against the ground impatiently, until Ford realized she was waiting for him to let her continue. With a grudging nod, he offered confirmation that he was indeed listening – and it was all she needed. “Well, I just thought, you’re a fox – a predator. You look appropriately thuggish – no offense – to be working for whatever weird crime ring this Slim is running there. And you have me.” She looked at him expectantly, sure he could put two and two together. “Didn’t take you for the suicidal sort. If they decide to sample the merchandise, I won’t be able to stop them, you know.” The rabbit turned to him. It was only at that moment, when he looked into her eyes, when he really looked, that he realized there was something else to her lightheartedness. It was subtle, but it rang… hollow, almost. Her mouth smiled, but her eyes didn’t. They were sunken, dull. “Does it make a difference? When this is done, I’ll be at a predator’s mercy either way!” She chuckled at her own joke. Ford did not. And yet, despite how uncomfortable he acted – and felt – when presented with this fact outright, he did not even attempt to deny it. They had a shared goal – finding Ayla. Once that was concluded and once money exchanged hands, all bets were off. But until then… “Right.”, said the fox, reading over the notebook he’d retrieved from Nella’s paws. “I’ll call a few friends – I have a suspicion at least one of them will be able to give me an address for this operation. Pass the toast.” Ford had always felt more at home in the night. Something about it relaxed him, made him feel at home, no matter where it was. The moon’s gentle glow was much more palatable than the sun’s, which was bright and painful, much too intense for his sensitive eyes. Only the night made him feel comfortable, in its muted tones and shifting shadows. But there was nothing comfortable about the docks district. Not at night. Not ever. It was the city’s dirty underbelly; the place where all the scum gathers. Ignored by the police at the best of times; a kingdom of outlaws operating out of empty warehouses and low-income housing; their castles and outposts. The sea’s waves crashed loudly against the pier, a constant thundering noise that was the background for the occasional car or ship horn. But most distinctive of all was the thick stench of processed fish that permeated the entire area. It was intense to the point of making its way into the car, even overtaking the intermixing smells of tobacco, alcohol, and fox. It was disgusting. Or it should be. It only made the fox feel hungrier. It was an odd sort of hunger; not emptiness, as the stale bread he had eaten before heading out was keeping him afloat – rather, it was more akin to an intense craving, a yearning for a certain taste, a certain texture, something as irrational as it was irresistible. Thinking clearly was… troublesome. He could feel his reflexes slowing down. He parked the car in one of the secondary streets and opened the glove compartment. His old friend Jack was there to greet him; he kissed him on the lip, taking in the liquid fire that he spewed. As he drank, he felt two worried eyes staring, quietly judging him, but he didn’t care – alcohol would numb his body to the pain of bloodthirst. Once done, he adjusted the rear-view mirror, looking through it at the rabbit. She was practicing her doped up look; half-closed eyes, woozy expression, slow movements; when she noticed he was looking, she immediately sharpened up and gave him a quizzical look. His kidnapping victim looked the part; she had once more put on her clubbing gear, even added a few strategically-placed rips and tears to make herself look even trashier. Add a little too much makeup and her naturally worn out state, and even Ford himself was starting to feel like a felon for having her in his car. “How are you hanging out there, rabbit?” Nella shrugged. “Eh.” There were a few seconds of silence while they simply looked at each other’s image in the mirror. Then the fox bit his lip and spoke up. “You were putting on a great performance, back there.” He got only a sardonic smile in response. “No, I mean it.”, he continued. “You’re… really good at that.” “Thanks, I guess. I did some work as an actress when I was younger.” “Really.”, the fox stated dismissively; seeing that her expression didn’t change, however, he realized that she was telling the truth. “Really?”, he repeated; where once there had been cynicism, there was not a childish sense of wonder. For the last few days, the two of them had spent every second of their life together, and only now – mere minutes before they put their plan in action – was he learning anything at all about his partner. “Mhm. Did five years of it. It was amateur for the most part, but I landed a couple secondary roles in a few plays. I’ve been working to save up for classes, but… well. This happened.” “Huh.”, the detective let out. “Actress, huh. That… explains a lot.” The rabbit leaned back on her seat, forcing her tense body into a relaxed stance. “Have you always been a private dick?” “Nah, used to be a dick in public, too.” He laughed once at his own joke; the rabbit merely chuckled politely. Noticing her seriousness, he sighed. “Used to be law enforcement. That’s how I made my contacts.” “But not anymore?” The fox tapped his fingers against the driving wheel. Tat-tat-tat-tat. The sound of impatience being strained. Another swig of whiskey, this one followed by a grimace. “Creative differences with my superiors. We parted on good terms.” Pause. “If I knew being a private investigator paid for shit, I’d have stayed. Peace of mind doesn’t fill an empty stomach.” “But it lets you sleep at night.” The detective scoffed. “Starvation keeps me awake.” “I’m… sorry.” The fox raised an eyebrow. He looked over his shoulder to get a better look at Nella, to make sure he hadn’t heard it wrong. “Sorry, could you repeat that?” “I’m sorry things are rough. I know meat’s expensive. I know you try. When we finish this, when we recover my sister, you won’t have to be hungry anymore.” Ford just stared blankly at the rabbit in front of him. He had expected many things from her, but this? This had come out of left field. “You do know I’ll-” “Yeah, I know.”, she shrugged. “Things are the way they are, I guess. It’s in the blood. Can’t change what you are.” Ford blinked. He brought a hand to his mouth and coughed awkwardly. “Well, I’m… sorry about your sister, rabbit. We’re going to get her out of there – promise.” “I know we are. You’re a pretty good detective, for a fox.” “You ain’t half bad yourself, rabbit.” His half-smile was awkward, yet as far as the rabbit could see, honest. “Now let’s go. Let’s get this over with.” He turned the key in the ignition. After a few complaints, par for the course for such an old vehicle, the engine began to purr. The headlights turned on; down the street, a pair of feline eyes reflected the light before disappearing into the shadows. It had taken several calls made, a few favors cashed in, and a couple debts accrued, but he had a location, a time. They were at the location, and it was almost time. The drive took only a few minutes. Their destination was visible even from afar; a large foundry by the seaside. A behemoth of red bricks and chimneys, vaguely resembling a massively oversized, flattened house. Before they approached, Ford took a moment to observe the location. At first sight, there was no-one to be seen. No figures in the darkness, no opening or closing or doors, no lights or sounds coming from inside the building. Only a seemingly deserted building with a private parking lot. Only when he drove closer did he see them. Several pairs of bright yellow orbs, reflecting the color of his headlights all turning to him. Rushing to their positions quickly and without a sound. Disembodied eyes coming closer. It was unnerving; Ford felt his tail’s fur stand on end. He could only imagine how terrified Nella was. One figure approached - a creature blacker than the night itself, only now visible. Its warm breath fogged the car’s window, on which it tapped. The fox lowered the window and jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the now quite drunk-looking rabbit. “With Mr. Marlowe’s regards.” The bright yellow eyes turned to look at the rabbit. The panther’s nostrils flared as it sniffed the air. “Follow me.” Her voice was deep and monotone, rough and uncaring. Once she spoke, she disappeared into the darkness. After a few seconds of tension, the boom barrier before them began to rise. The panther approached again, tapped the hood of the car, and led them in. Despite his state of slight inebriation – the whiskey was beginning to hit – Ford managed to follow obediently. The further in he went, the more eyes in the darkness he could see. Whatever was going on in the place, it required a lot of guards. All about the parking lot were several vans and trucks. Massive, without markings or any other kind of identification. Nella could only guess at their purpose, but Ford knew. He knew all too well. The scent of fish may have been overwhelming, it may have even fooled a less trained canine. But he could sense something under it, something familiar. The smell of prey. The smell of carcasses. The smell of meat. Clever. Of course they’d pick the docks for their operation. Where else to keep a bunch of hapless little kidnapped animals? Near the low rumbling of the sea, so their screams cannot be heard. Near the stench of the fish processing plants, so they could not be smelled. Two more taps on the hood of the car let him know it was the end of the line. Alright, time to put on his appearances. The fox opened the door and stepped outside. With a rough movement – and all while silently apologizing to his faithful car – he opened the door and grabbed the rabbit by the wrist. He gave a powerful tug and the loose and pliable victim was pulled to her feet. She swayed and almost lost balance, but another brutish push, he stopped her from doing so. It was… strangely satisfying. Like playing with your prey before the killing blow. Like… No. The job, Ford. Remember the job. Remember the twenty grand. “Get a fucking move on, meat.”, he growled. He saw the rabbit wince at his intensity. Was it part of her performance, or had he legitimately frightened her? Well, as long as she didn’t break character… He glanced at the panther. “Where do I take it?” “Follow.” With a placid expression, the feline unlocked a green metal door. It opened with a loud creak, a whine that gave way to much more horrible sounds. The whirring of heavy machinery, undertones of soft weeping. It was like entering a different world – a carnival of labyrinthine walkways and misery. With each step they took, the smell of blood and decay became more pronounced, eventually overtaking that of fish. Ford knew the smell. Smelled like a slaughterhouse. He tightened his grip on the swaying rabbit. Her not-quite-there act was betrayed by the quick thump-thump-thump of her racing heartbeat against the fox’s palm. They crossed others on the way. A ferret carting around a large wooden crate displayed a pronounced, fangy rictus upon approach. Two gharials sat at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the scaffoldings, idly complaining about life while attempting to effectively smoke their cigarettes. An old one-eyed black wolf patrolled the area, keeping an eye on the proceedings. “Very eclectic group you got here.”, the fox said, adopting a devil-may-care persona; equal parts bravado and curiosity, as he had seen so many times in the people he’d dealt with all his life. “I guess you deal with more than just rabbits?” At his words, the panther stopped. The fox bumped into her, not even causing her muscular body to even budge. The large cat glared down at him, bared her teeth, letting out a low growl. “No questions.” The most primal of warnings, the kind that is understood by all creatures capable of communication: a threat of death. One that Ford took to heart. He did not attempt to speak to the panther again. As they move, his nose caught more and more scents intermingling in the air. Decay. Mold. Blood. Predators. But among all of those, one caught his attention. Rabbits. Several of them. Getting closer. Eventually, he was led to the storage area. A black bear guard in overalls, rifle in hand, stepped aside to make way for the panther. “Go take a smoke break, Evans. I’ll take over.”, hissed the panther. With a smile and a nod, the bear sauntered off like a child. The panther turned to Ford, extending a hand. With no more eyes on them, she had changed. Where she once stood tall, chin out, now she stood uneven and relaxed. But the sense of danger she carried with her did not fade; the violence and sheer power of a warrior had simply been replaced with the languid deadliness of a huntress ready to strike. “The meat.” The fox looked down at Nella. Even through her act, he could see the terror in her features, that pleading look that tugged at heartstrings he didn’t even know he still had. He felt her hand squeeze his. But he dared not hesitate. It was with a solemn look and a silent apology that he let go, nudging her towards the panther, who for the first time, deigned to examine her. The deep discomfort Nella felt under such scrutiny was obvious. The little winces whenever the panther moved, the stilted breathing… she was scared, and who could blame her? If the panther noticed, she did not show it. She protracted a claw; a sharp, curved hook, like an eagle’s beak, the result of millions of years of evolution perfecting the art of tearing through flesh. She ran it down the rabbit’s cheek, past her chin, rested in on her neck. Despite the gentleness of the touch, the claw was sharp enough to scrape skin. Nella had frozen. Her act all but forgotten, she followed the claw with her eyes. She didn’t dare to move or even breathe. Besides the two, the fox was almost as terrified. Had the panther seen through their act? Under his overcoat, his hand slid closer to his pocket, reaching for his gun. If the panther tried anything funny with his rabbit, his twenty grand, blood would be spilled. “Good specimen.”, the statuesque form of lean muscle and black fur purred; clearly enjoying the state of absolute and abject terror she had incited on the once doped up victim. “Nice and plump. Lots of meat on those bones. I’ve half a mind to claim her for myself…” The pricking pain again Nella’s neck became even sharper, causing her to exhale in surprise, and then stop breathing altogether, not daring to stretch her larynx lest it was pushed right into the awaiting meat hook of a claw. The panther smiled, letting go. She brought her claw, now stained with the blood of the rabbit, up to her mouth. Ford’s eyes were transfixed on her claw. The smell of stale blood permeating the place was one thing, but the thick, metallic aroma that invaded his nostrils was irresistible. The world around him was slowing down, his vision was beginning to tunnel. His pupils distended, his muscles tensed, and his mouth began to water in anticipation. Another predator. Not enough food. The rabbit was his. Not hers. She towered over him, was ten times the killing machine he was, but all he saw was competition. Like him, the panther inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of freshly-spilled blood. She looked at Ford, stared him right in the eye. Her lips curled into an evil smile, her jaw opened to reveal a long, pinkish tongue. With a languid movement, she ran the rough surface over her hand as if she was grooming, cleaning her claw in the process and letting out a low hum of satisfaction. The fox let out a low growl. His conscious thoughts were fading one by one, leaving only an atavistic sense of anger, hunger, anticipation, jealousy. Not your thing. My thing. Stay away from my thing. Noticing the fox’s altered state, the panther raised an eyebrow; a mocking gesture if there ever was one. “Now, don’t get any ideas. You can purchase the processed meat from Slim like everyone else. But I get an employee’s discount.” My thing. Don’t touch my thing. “And have this one.” With a grin, four more claws suddenly revealed themselves, and she wiped at the frozen, terrified creature. Don’t touch my thing! It all happened in a second. Nella closed her eyes, preparing herself for a slow and painful death. There was the sound of shifting air, the low hum of something roaring, a gasp. Something hitting the floor. The sounds of a struggle. She opened her eyes. On the ground, in front of her, rolling in a hurricane of tooth and claw, the panther was under attack by something she’d never seen before. It Ford’s clothes, it had the same emaciated frame, the same gray fur, the same large ears – but it wasn’t him. It was a beast inhabiting his body, a beast with deranged eyes, a beast wild enough to frighten even the criminal that fought him. Nella stepped back and watched the proceedings in horror. The panther was larger, stronger, faster; the initial surprise had caught her off-guard, but once she realized what was going on and started fighting back, the fox began to lose his advantage. Possessed as he might be, he still inhabited a weak body, wracked by decades of alcohol, cigarettes, and malnutrition… barely able to move, let alone fight. He reached for his gun, but a quick claw swipe at his hand caused him to drop it on the floor. Nella saw this; she knew she had to do something. As much as she didn’t want to get between two killing machines in a fight to the death, she had to do something. Ford was his only hope of getting out of the foundry alive, and he was losing. She took a deep breath. Be brave. Be strong. Taking advantage of the two predators’ distraction, she ran towards the gun, picking it up. It was surprisingly heavy; she’d never touched a firearm before. She pointed it towards the chaos on the floor in front of her. Her finger rested on the trigger, her entire body shook. The long tube-like suppression at the end of the weapon swayed from side to side, betraying the instability of her grip. She closed her eyes. The panther’s eyes widened in surprise, but the frenzied fox did not even notice. Nella pulled the trigger. The impact of the bullet took the panther by surprise, and she gasped in terror. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but her foe exploited her moment of weakness. His powerful jaws closed themselves like a vice around the panther’s neck, his sharp teeth rending flesh and crushing bone. The panther’s voice died in her throat, and within seconds, after two more well-placed bites, so did she. But the fox wasn’t done. He was lost in a sense of primal triumph, adrenaline pumping through his blood and a surge of dopamine being released into his brain; the thrill of a kill that he wasn’t even aware wasn’t fully his. The competitor had been slain; his thing was safe. His thing was his. His thing… The fox looked over his shoulder at the rabbit. The gun, still shaking, was now pointed at him. But he didn’t seem dissuaded; he stood up, and Nella realized how absolutely nightmarish he had become. His posture was bent, his maw half-open, his teeth connected by strings of thick saliva. It was a rabid beast, running on pure instinct and bloodlust, and it had seen prey. “Stop. Stop! Don’t come any closer…” If the beast could understand Nella, he did not show any signs of it. He stepped closer, so close that she could smell his breath. It smelled of fresh blood… “Ford, stop! Please, stop!” The beast hesitated; whether it was due to her words or the gun pointed squarely at his chest, the rabbit had no way of knowing. “Remember the money! Remember your promise!” The fox blinked. The sounds that the meat-animal was making were… recognizable. Ford. Ford was… him? Money… he wanted the thing called money, though he couldn’t remember why. It was desirable… but the hunger… The fox looked closer. The gun’s suppressor was now pressed right against his chest, but the rabbit didn’t fire – she could not bring herself to. She saw the fox’s maddened eyes, wide and focused on her, she felt his warm breath. She felt his nose sniff her. His jaws opened, and for the second time that night, Nella braced for death at the mercy of a vicious predator. But once again, no death came. Instead, a word was whispered. “…rabbit.” She opened her eyes and saw the metamorphosis from beast to man. His wild features calmed down, he closed his slavering mouth, his posture straightened. A face by all means identical to the one he had only a few seconds ago, but at the same so unmistakably different. “Rabbit, I… I’m sorry, I must have…” He looked around, saw the dead body of a panther, expression forever twisted into a mask of terror. “Fuck. Did I do that? We need to…” His pupils dilated for a second when he saw the pool of blood starting to form around the carcass. “Go… go ahead without me, rabbit. I’ll take care of this.” “What?” “Gotta…” He rubbed his eyes, transfixed on the corpse. “Gotta hide the body. Make nobody finds it.” The rabbit sighed. She approached the panther carefully, fearing it would still be alive. Taking caution not to step on the ever-growing pool of blood, she searched the body. “Alright, I’ll help you then. Where do you want to-” The detective frowned in annoyance, like a young child being denied. “Never mind, rabbit. Let’s just find what we came for and get out of here.” Wondering what the hell that was all about, the still-shaking rabbit, gun still in hand, followed the fox as he dashed into the hallway. Perhaps it was his still-hyperactive animal instincts speaking, but Ford couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement as he led the rabbit down those halls, singling out a single scent and pursuing it no matter where. Even Nella could see it in his gait, in the fluidity of his movements and in the alertness of his ears. Left, right, left, left… the rabbit was already lost in the cramped concrete hallway, struggling to keep up with the fox, who followed the path as if he had treaded it hundreds of times before. But, in all of his hunting acumen, in all of his rabid following the trail of prey smells, Ford missed something. Something that the rabbit didn’t. It was subtle, but it was there – coming from behind them, all way back where they had left the panther. Shuffling. Shouting. They didn’t have much time. “Ford, I think they know something’s wrong!”, she whispered… but too focused on the hunt, the fox didn’t even acknowledge her words. Instead, he came to a sudden halt upon reaching a green metal door on the side of the corridor, identical in every way to the dozen others they had seen on the way here. He turned the handle. Locked. “Fuck.”, he growled in annoyance. Taking a step back, he slammed against the hard metal surface with his shoulder – a pitiful effort from a creature running on fumes. He yelped in pain at the sharp pain on his side, stepped back again, readied himself… “Stand aside, Ford.” He looked down at the rabbit, anger flaring already. But once she saw her produce an iron key, said anger immediately returned to where it came from, leaving behind nothing but shame. “Hmph.”, he groaned, but did as she asked. “You were so busy being a predator back there, you forgot how to be a detective.”, she commented matter-of-factly. She wasn’t fooling anyone with her bravado – she was still very clearly shaken, and her tears hadn’t dried up yet – but Ford had to admit that the way she carried herself in this high-pressure situation was commendable. She would have made a wonderful private investigator, or even police officer. The turning key snapped him out of his thoughts. Click. Creak. “Holy shit…”, the fox muttered, as Nella immediately felt her breakfast begin to resurface and released it all over the floor. It was a scene out of a Bosch painting. The first thing they noticed was the smell of excrement, blood, and vomit that assaulted their nostrils. They had been smelling it all along, but they had found the source. The room was bare save for a large metal slab in the middle of it and several cages and metal pens that lined the walls, each of them filled with the brim with rabbits of all ages and sizes. A few of them lived, but for each figure showing signs of life, three more were either deathly stiff or limp as a ragdoll. Stripped naked and dirty, piling over each other, struggling to breathe in their claustrophobic hell. Though of the surviving captives moved independently, as weakly or as energetically as their deteriorating state of health allowed, they reminded Ford of an amorphous blob of ears, eyes, feet, and fur, fighting with itself for space in their enclosure. They looked toward Ford and Nella with vacant, sunken eyes, reaching out for them. Reaching out for the welcome release of death. Ford knew the method. This was the worst kind of the slaughterhouse; the kind that lets its animals slowly die of thirst to make them easier to execute. Like the turtles captured by maritime explorers centuries earlier, left in the cargo hold of their ships, upside-down, weakly awaiting a certain, slow death that would keep their meat fresh for longer. Even to a predator, it was disgusting. Nobody wants to see where their food comes from, to see the nitty gritty that dealership of death. He had always been more okay with it than most – were he not, he wouldn’t be so open about his desire to feed – but even he had his limits. Ford approached, leaving Nella to wipe the traces of vomit from the corner of her mouth, panting for air. He scanned the area with his alert eyes, taking hold of the situation. Three long cages, one against each wall. Keyring on the table. Not a lot of time. He took the keys in his hand, closed his eyes. Took a deep breath and inhaled. First, he singled out Nella’s scent through the miasma of rot and excrement. Then, he followed traces of what smelled most like her. Yes, all rabbit smelled the same – but some smelled more the same than others. He opened his eyes and, under Nella’s puzzled scrutiny, turned the key on the cage lining the right wall. It was as if he had demolished a dam; as soon as the door was opened, a flood of anemic-looking rabbits poured out, drawing on energy they didn’t even know they head. Knowing better than to stand against the tide, the fox stepped aside, taking in the vile scent of each of them. None of them smelled enough like his client. That meant Ayla was inside. He dove into the cage, digging through the bodies; some were still breathing weakly, some were little more than carcasses, lights snuffed out by lack of water, crushed under the heels of stronger rabbits. He pushed them aside, one by one, ignoring the soft whispers of the few who reached toward him, begging for a merciful death. No time. His craving for meat only became worse with each corpse he handled. But his animalistic side was prioritizing survival as well, aiding him in his efforts to find the rabbit’s sister and get out. And then, from amongst the pile of death, he unearthed her. A nude form, broken ear, wearing rags that had once been clubwear. A face almost identical to the one he had seen in the photograph. He pressed his ear to her heart; she was still breathing, if weakly… “Found her! Run!”, he shouted. Taking the unconscious rabbit in his arms, he grabbed Nella by the shoulder just as she finished unlocking the last of the cages. In the distance, the shouting had resumed, now louder than ever. Gunfire. They ran. They ran like their lives depended on it. They ran amongst the stampeding rabbits, a tide of multi-colored fur pouring down the thin corridors, overwhelming the guards that attempted to quell it. Shots were fired, bodies fell – but for each dead rabbit, two more took its place. They rode the wave of freed captives as it stampeded over the dead panther, past the bear in overalls, through the wolf overseer. They rode it until they found themselves under the stars once more; once there, they rushed for the car as they saw the rabbits scatter into the night. The fox tossed Ayla’s body into the car and let Nella take care of the rest. He dove into the driver’s seat, shoved the key in the ignition, turned. Again, and again, and again, until the whining of the motor turned into a purr, until the shaking of the chassis became a low humming vibration. And he stepped on the gas like he had never done before. The thick smell of burning rubber filled the car as they drove off, chased by the sounds of shouting and gunfire. The fox glanced at the rear-view mirror, saw a glimpse of a tall, deathly thin coyote barking orders at his underlings. Saw them point their guns. Saw the mirror shatter to the impact of a stray bullet. “Head down, rabbit, and brace for impact!”, he shouted – and the loud scream he heard in response let him know she had obeyed the command. He bit his lip, leaned forward on his seat, and stepped on the gas like he had never before. The car shook violently as it smashed through the boom barrier, driving into the labyrinthine roads of the dock district. The limp body of the younger rabbit rested on the bed. She was unconscious, battered. Her broken ear was bent almost ninety degrees, swollen and covered in infected tissue, and she shivered with each breath. Nella sat by her side, diligently dabbing her mouth with tepid water every now and then, while some porridge boiled on the cooker, infusing the house with a pleasant, hearty smell. Ford felt like an outsider in all of this. He sat on his sofa, finishing his bottle. The rabbit had not spoken to him since they arrived; it had been understandable at first, as she was taking care of her sister’s health, but he was growing weary of the wait. He had done his work. He had risked his neck to save this girl. And now he was being ignored. Like Nella was avoiding him. With each sip he had, he felt more and more angry at the situation. He had almost died. He should have asked for triple the price! And of course, the hunger was still ravaging his body from the inside. He had seen so much meat, more meat than he could have in a lifetime, and had been forced to ignore it all. No, that was enough. Nobody needed THAT much taking care of. “Rabbit. Here.”, he slurred. He saw the herbivore’s eyes raise to meet his; he saw the fear in her expression as she meekly obeyed. “Rabbit.”, he continued. “My car is all fucked up, I have a rabid coyote howling for my head on a plate, and I still haven’t had a decent fucking meal. I’ve been patient enough. Pay me.” He saw her eyes dart around the room. Even half in the bag, he knew what that meant. He let out a growl of warning; she better choose her next words very carefully. “I… I didn’t bring them with me, of course.”, she explained. There was no conviction in her voice. “Of course.”, the fox repeated. “Then you should go fucking get it before I decide to take your sister as collateral.” He saw Nella’s expression harden, fury in her eyes. He smiled, pleased with the reaction he got. “You have an hour.” “Fine. But first I want to take her to a hospital.” The fox’s grip tightened around the bottle. He took another swig. “No. Money now. I’ve been more than patient with you, rabbit, and now I want to be paid. I’m dying, rabbit. Just pay what you owe and let me get on with my miserable fucking life.” The rabbit hesitated. Once again she scanned the room, looking for ways out of it. She glanced at her sister, in dire need of help. She opened her mouth, whispered something incoherent. Took a deep breath, tried again. “Look, I… I lied, Ford.” The fox’s glare gave Nella paused; even as she spoke, she could see him being stirred from his drunken stupor. “I… don’t have any money. Those… those hundred were all I had.” The fox stood up in silence. He was not growling anymore, not shouting, and in that Nella knew this time she’d really fucked up. It was a cold fury, chilling her to the bone. She felt a knot forming on her throat, tears welling up in her eyes, but she continued. She continued, because she knew she did not have much time. “I’ll… I’ll… p-please, just don’t t-take it out on Ayla, it’s… it’s not her f-fault. I was scared, I d-didn’t have… have anywhere else to go…” “You fucking lied to me, rabbit. This was all for nothing.” His words cut like a knife. “Look, I’ll… I’ll let you eat me.” The fox stopped approaching. “What are you saying, rabbit?” His words had such venom to them, they made that last word sound like a racial slur. The rabbit sniffed. “As… as long as you t-take her to a hospital afterward. Tell her… tell her I had t-to… hide... and I’ll let you eat me. It’s only f-fair…” Ford considered the option. Deep within, his animal clamored for blood, more intensely than ever. He looked the rabbit over – that which he had been lusting over all that time. Flesh. Tangy, full-bodied, dripping with blood. He took a step closer. The rabbit opened her arms, forming a T with her body. She looked down and closed her eyes, she tilted her head to the side, presenting her neck. That neck… Ford finally finished his bottle, tossed it aside. The shattering of glass made the rabbit wince; seeing her terrified like that only brought him more… …pity? Seeing the prey squirm in terror before the kill had never made him feel anything but sadistic glee, triumph, joy. It was part of the build-up for the kill, one of the many little moments that punctuated the near-transcendental experience of taking a life. It was supposed to feel good. The entire point was to feel good. But looking at her, he didn’t feel anywhere near good. He felt terrible. The sense of guilt wracked his innards almost as much as his malnutrition did. Here he had her, presenting herself to him… He tried. He opened his jaws, but he couldn’t bring himself to deal the finishing blow. He hesitated, tried to force his body to obey, but something stopped him. He started shaking. The beast within had found its match. Something was matching its pull in the opposite direction, leaving him at an impasse, frozen in place. “I…”, he muttered. And then, one side tugged harder. An invisible force pushed him back, caused him to stumble back onto his seat, causing its wooden legs to creak against the floor. He buried his face in his hands. “Just… go, rabbit. Take my car. Take her to the goddamn hospital. Get the fuck out of my sight.” “B-but you’ll-”, Nella began protesting. “I’ll live. Get out!” It was an order; an order so powerful, so full of intent, that she felt compelled to obey. Giving him one final, defiant look, she moved towards the bed, tried to lift her sister over her shoulder. Ayla’s limp body resisted her efforts, though, and after several seconds of effort, she felt another force fighting against gravity. She did not even have to look to know that it was the gray fox, behind her. Sharing the weight, the two unlocked the door and carried Ayla outside, where the night welcomed them. Far from the docks, from all the violence, from all the chaos of what still felt like a horrid and vivid nightmare, the night was… pleasant. Through the clouds, the moon could occasionally be seen and, sometimes, even a couple stars. The streets were empty, the place calm. But they moved with haste. Not just because of Ayla’s state, or Ford’s wish to get them both out before he changed his mind. Both rabbit and fox knew that this was not the place for prey animals to be in. Especially not when one of them was effectively free food. Ayla was taken to the car, shoved roughly into the back seat for the second time that night. As the rabbit took the driver’s seat, the fox handed her the keys. She smiled weakly at his impassive face. “Thank you so much, Ford.” The fox sighed and finally allowed himself a small smirk. “Stay safe, Nella.” He watched in silence as the car drove away, as he saw it disappear in the distance. Yes, perhaps he would starve. But even if the hunger kept him awake at night, at least his conscience wouldn’t. The loud ringing of an alarm clock woke Ford from his slumber. He muttered something under his breath as he slammed the palm of his hand against it, causing it to go silent. With a groan of displeasure, he forced his eyes to open. He sat up on his bed, yawned deeply. He looked around at his new house; bare and missing a few amenities, but still his. He glanced out the window at the snow-covered yard he still hadn’t bothered to shovel. With the lazy movements of a zombie, he slipped into his woolen Christmas sweater, a garish piece of red and white mass-produced craftmanship depicting several wolves wearing Santa hats in a conga line. A pair of grey sweatpants and mismatched socks later, he was dressed and ready to face the day – even if the cold made him wish he could stay in bed all day. The grey fox walked up to the calendar and marked the previous day with an ‘X’. It was a childish affair, He now had two entire months crossed out. And he had never felt better. As he brewed himself some coffee and waited for his eggs and bacon to finish cooking, he killed the time by glancing at the door of his fridge, which displayed a number of newspaper clippings and pictures from the last few months. A few articles had his name in the title; most of the pictures were of him smiling at the camera, shaking hands with the police chief. Others showed the mugshot of a thin coyote wearing orange prison fatigues, or the greasy smile of a very familiar black goat and his hyena lawyer as they made the universal ‘no comments’ gesture. Greasy smiles that were all but gone in the more recent photos that showed him, alone, being quite brutishly dragged by a horse in uniform. Looking over them was a daily routine, something to help brighten his mood. And it invariably helped – sure, it dredged up some bad memories, some horrid mental images that haunted them to this day – but it also made him feel accomplished and successful. However, this particular morning he didn’t feel like he needed them. He looked through them with the focus and intent of someone looking for something specific. He homed in on the one picture that was by itself, in the middle of the freezer door, the centerpiece of his collection. It was an old polaroid of two rabbits smiling. He slid it from under his police department fridge magnet, looked at it, noted the subtle differences in appearance between the two people depicted in it. He then turned it around. The words ‘Merry Christmas’ were crossed out; an entirely different message had been scribbled in miniscule, but readable handwriting. He read it out word by word in a practiced tempo as if he had done it a thousand times before. “Thought to send you this so you could remember us by. We owe you everything. Hope you are well. Love - Nel & Ay.” At the bottom, a ten-digit number had been written down. The fox glanced at his freshly-installed telephone and raised an eyebrow.
In retrospect, Jane and Ashley probably should have seen the predicament they were in coming from quite a long ways away. When their friend Nusko invited them to the lavish lair of Cody, a well-known and quite voracious predator, they should have assumed it was a setup. And maybe they did, but their curiosity got the best of them. Either way, both of them were now basting in a tight, wet tiger stomach, with plenty of time to think about what they had gotten themselves into - somewhat willingly, even! The day had started off quite normal as well. The two foxes and the otter were friends, and were hanging out together earlier, shooting the shit and not doing much else, when Nusko got a text. “Oh, shit! I forgot about my date tonight with Cody…” he exclaimed aloud as soon as he saw who the text was from. “Cody? The tiger? You're dating him and you haven't ended up as fat on his waistline yet?” Ashley joked as she scrolled through her phone, absentmindedly browsing her timeline. Jane, sitting next to her, chuckled at the arctic fox’s reply. Nusko stuck his tongue out in response. “Nyeh. He's a nice guy, you just have to keep his appetite in check…” “And what does that entail? Stuffing people down his gullet so he doesn't stuff you down it?” Jane responded, the two fox girls erupting into a giggling fit at the suggestion. Nusko’s face turned red, partially because it was such a lurid suggestion, and partially because they were actually right. Nusko was a shameless feeder; he loved seeing people disappear down the tight, wet throat of his sexy boyfriend, to listen to them melt and churn up in his belly as he used it as a pillow...it was wonderful. Even now, thinking about it made him a bit aroused… “Want to find out?” the otter said, turning his phone around so the girls could see it. On the screen was Cody's reply to a message Nusko had sent earlier: “yeah, you can have a few friends over ;)” The two girls looked at each other for a moment. It was an interesting idea, and they didn't have much else to do that day either...and that's how, about a half hour later, they ended up on Cody's doorstep, fidgeting a bit as the tiger answered the door. “Hey, hun~” he said as he gave the otter a big hug and a smooch on the cheek, before looking at the two foxes he brought with him. “So this is dinner, huh? Looks like you want to stuff me today~” The two girls couldn't quite hear what Cody said, as he was talking right in the otter’s ear. They chatted amongst themselves about what Cody could be talking about as the otter responded to his boyfriend. “Ssh, Cody, they don't quite know about that yet~” he teased, before turning around to invite the two inside. Instead of leading them into the living room, Cody decided to get straight to the point. So the four of them walked to his private chambers, the tiger proudly opening the door for the three to see what was inside. At the center was quite a large lounge chair, covered in quite a few pillows; but the accents were really what caught their eyes. Old wax candles, some on candelabras, some resting atop what looked to be...skulls? Yes, skulls! It was quite the macabre decoration, but considering these were the skulls of his digested prey, it was even more macabre than the girls thought… Cody made his way to the lounge chair, his boyfriend in hand. The two girls just stood there awkwardly for a moment too, before Nusko grabbed Jane's hand. “Come on Jane, you’re first!” he said cheerfully as the tiger lay in front of him, an obvious bulge in his underpants (the only thing he was wearing) suggesting the arousal in the room. “First for wh-” was all the fox could say before she was yanked away by the otter, towards the main attraction of the room… The tiger relaxed back into his chair, his arms resting at the top of it as his boyfriend climbed on top of him, Nusko’s rump straddling the hardening bulge between his boyfriend's legs. He kept his grip on Jane’s hand as he did so, keeping the vixen next to him as Cody waited patiently. Once he got comfortable on top of his boyfriend, he pushed Jane towards Cody, the tiger's mouth slowly opening wide… “Oh geez…” was all Jane could say as her vision was suddenly consumed by the pink of the tiger's mouth. She was quite the gut slut, and Nusko knew that, but she couldn't believe that this was actually happening! Before she had much time to appreciate or think about her situation though, she felt the otter’s paws on her shoulders, pushing her right into the awaiting mouth of his boyfriend! She landed on the tongue with a wet splat, Cody's jaws closing around her neck before she had the opportunity to back out. There was no going back, she was going to be a meal now… As Nusko casually pushed more of Jane into the tiger’s hungry mouth, Cody used one of his arms to work down the straps on his underwear. With the position he was in, it was a bit awkward, but eventually he got them off, his barbed arousal springing out of the tight fabric it was contained by. It rested right between Nusko’s cheeks, the tiger teasingly grinding against them a bit before speaking. “It’h ahl yourth…” he managed to get out with a mouthful of vixen. Speaking of that meal, Nusko had already fed Jane in up to her shoulders, her head bumping up against the back of the tiger’s throat. Nusko couldn't help but blush as he looked right into his boyfriend's eyes before he felt the tug of that gullet on his hands, one powerful swallow from the tiger pulling a good foot of squirming Jane into his throat! The two looked at each other, Nusko smiling as he lifted up his rear. As he pushed more of Jane into that hungry gullet, he gradually eased himself down onto Cody's length, letting out a few soft noises as he felt the tip spread his pucker out...Cody always filled him up; his size was something to be envious of, for sure! He took his time sitting down as he pushed Jane further, Cody comfortably fitting his mouth around the vixen’s waist! Another swallow sucked down another foot or so of her, leaving just a wiggling pair of legs sticking out of the tiger's mouth… And where was Ashley during all of this? Why, she was standing off to the corner, fidgeting and playing with herself a little bit as she watched it all unfold. This was an incredibly hot scenario for the fox, but there were still a few inhibitions in her head about joining her friend...as she watched Cody casually suck down more of Jane, slurping up her wiggling orange legs like spaghetti noodles, and Nusko helping out a little bit by grabbing ahold of those paws and pushing them right down his throat. At the same time, the otter sliding his ass down Cody's length more, moaning quite loudly as more and more of his boyfriend's length filled him up… *glllruk!* With one final, noisy swallow, all of the vixen disappeared into Cody. The tiger licked his lips as he relaxed back in his chair, letting out a few soft noises as his boyfriend continued to press himself down further onto his length. “Mmm...you made a good choice today, Nusko~” he said, before looking towards Ashley, clearly flustered as she watched the scenario unfold. “And seconds look even better~” Cody ushered the vixen over with a finger, Ashley slowly making her way forward. Her eyes were enamored by the steadily growing bulge in the tiger's stomach, Jane pressing out and wiggling as she filled out the hungry predator’s belly. She knew that, in just a few minutes, she would be joining her friend in that wonderful, tight, pudgy expanse... Nusko groaned as he got all of his boyfriend inside of him, his ass resting on the spiny knot above his sack. He watched Ashley make her way over, before grabbing onto her hands and pulling them forward. “Go ahead, stick them right inside…” he said as Cody opened wide again, the otter placing the vixen’s hands right on that soft tongue… The tiger's jaws almost immediately clamped around them, giving Ashley no time to reconsider. His hungry mouth tugged her forward, Nusko grasping her shoulders at the same time and pushing her deeper as Cody's mouth opened wide, his jaws slowly working their way over her head. This was it, there was no going back. She was going to join her friend in that oppressive tiger belly! Nusko was starting to get into it, the otter eagerly riding Cody as he fed more and more of the arctic fox to his boyfriend, Cody easily taking Ashley in all the way up to her chest! She wiggled intensely in the hot, tight embrace of his mouth and throat as his tongue played with her exposed breasts so, the tiger knowing that she was already quite aroused from watching everything go down and seizing on that opportunity to make her wiggle as much as possible inside of him! A few wet, labored swallows and Ashley was nothing but a long, white tail and a pair of paws. Nusko eagerly grasped onto them as he slid off of his boyfriend's length, squeezing them somewhat tightly as he sank his ass back down on that rod. He looked into his boyfriend's eyes, feeling the squish of his engorged stomach against his thighs as Cody's lips slowly closed around Ashley's feet. The otter leaned in, planting a smooch on those lips as soon as they tucked away the second course for good… He pulled away as Cody swallowed powerfully, one last time. Ashley had already made her way into Cody's stomach, at least partially, her body squished tightly up against Jane's in some...interesting places. Most of her body was still stuck in Cody's tight throat, but both the otter and the tiger knew that his body would make room for the massive meal he just had. Whether that would be through digestion or expansion, he didn't know. All he knew was that he was getting close to blowing a load in his lover...
This had certainly been an odd day at work for me. I'm an artist and because I work in a lot of lurid and food fields, I'm used to some...unusual clients, and even more unusual forms of payment. I've received the sex toys, condoms, sexual favours themselves even for art before. But when that Renamon walked Into my studio, I could not have seen what she suggested coming! She wanted a picture of her and her sister together, in a field. Simple enough, and a good opportunity for me to practice some of my backgrounds as well! I was happy to take her commission, but when I quoted her the price I saw that familiar book of “I cannot afford this” in her eyes. And that's just what she said, looking at me with an incredible sadness in her eyes… I told her that I took payment in many different methods. Art supplies, payment plans, bartering...hell, she didn't look too bad, I would even take some fun as payment. she seemed mostly uninterested in everything I said, but when I mentioned the last thing, it looked like a spark went off in her brain. she started to get a bit nervous and flustered before she said what she had in mind: “You could always have me…” I cocked my head to the side. That was a...pretty vague phrase, it could have meant a lot of things. So I asked her to elaborate. “Eat me. Swallow me up and digest me. You'll have food for days, won't have to pay for anything. I's the least I can do…” I blushed myself upon hearing that. It was certainly quite the lurid idea; and I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about eating some of my clients before. I am a centaur, after all, And I have two stomachs to fill. Thinking about having a life, squirming meal swinging in my lower belly was something I had devoted quite a lot of time to… There was an obvious fault in that offer, though. If I was to eat my client, who would the picture end up going to? I asked her this, and she responded almost immediately like she had been thinking about it. “My sister!” It was honestly a bit morbid at first. Delivering a picture paid for with someone's life to their kin? But as I thought about it more and more, she obviously loved her sister, and she wouldn't do anything to harm or scare her, even in her final moments. So, I agreed, getting my supplies together as she stripped down. I turned around and saw her curvy, Buxom body in all its Glory, and, of its own accord, my stomach rumbled. I couldn't help but blush, and she couldn't help but giggle. Sounds like I came just in time... she said as I picked her up, Opening my jaws wide and giving her a lovely view of where she would be going before I slowly slid her inside… The Digimon honestly tasted wonderful! it was an oddly sweet flavour, but one that I enjoyed none the less. my tongue worked over her face, covering it in my sticky drool, a little bit of it trickling down my chin as I enjoyed my meal. Playing with her in my mouth was quite fun, but as I heard my stomach Rumble again, I knew I had to get going. So I steadily fed more of her into my mouth, until I felt her head bump up against the back of my mouth. Fitting my jaws around Her massive breasts was difficult, far more difficult than her shoulders, but by hunger drove by strength, and so the first thick swallow Pulled her waist deep into my law. At this point, I could practically taste the lust and heat radiating off of her, given how close my mouth was to her exposed slit. And toying with her breasts was quite enjoyable, so sticking my tongue other places would be even nicer... I felt her wiggle and moan in my throat as I stuck my tongue right in her c***, tasting her lust Spreading across my tongue. it was obvious that she was enjoying this, even before I got my tongue on her; but I thought I would let her finish off inside of me. So after a bit more teasing of her lips, I swallowed again, feeling her start to bulge out my first stomach. It was a wonderful sensation, but I wanted her digesting inside of me as soon as possible, so her head didn't stay in there for long before I swallowed again, and in turn, the sphincter swallowed up her head once again, pushing her deeper into my body. At this point, all that was left was her feet. I let my tongue slide out of my mouth to taste and play with them, feeling her squirm and wiggle yet again deeper inside of me as I tickled at them. It was quite the enjoyable sensation, so I let it continue for a while. once I considered myself finished and felt my stomach Rumble again in need, I just curled my tongue underneath those feet, pushing them back inside of my mouth before swallowing one last time… It took a little bit for my body to push her down into my deepest depths, but once she got there, it felt absolutely Divine. She filled out my lower hammock belly wonderfully, swaying and swinging beneath me as my stomach started to get to work. She squirmed around a little bit before I felt of belch rising out of my gut, signifying that my belly was starting to get to work. And, speaking of work, I was starting to do that as well; putting it the beginning touches on the background of this image as I felt my gut sway beneath me. After a while, the swaying almost fell rhythmic in a way, and I swore I could hear my lunch moaning inside of me... She must have been getting off. I didn't blame her; after being toyed like that, she certainly was bleeding some release! So I just enjoyed the sensation, letting her go at it as I started my work, knowing that my gut would melt her away within the evening...
The Fox Between I’ve never been one to get back to a closed case. In my business, you got to learn to let go of the ghosts of the past; when the payment comes in, you walk away. Just my luck, then, that I never tolerated loose ends. Why did I call her, that day? Life was going fine. Food on the table, a cozy job at the Homicide desk. But looks like old Brent T. Ford can’t help but stick his filthy fingers in old wounds. When I heard that singsong voice on the other side of the line, I considered just putting the phone down and leaving the past to die. It awoke painful and recent memories. Danger, hunger, death. Bitterness. But the rabbit has one heck of a siren song, and as soon as I made the mistake of blurting out my name, I knew I was in hook, line, and sinker. I guess I thought it was facing my fears, taking control of my life, tying up loose ends, whatever hollow platitudes you want to use. What I was really doing was bringing disaster back into my life at the worst possible time. And now I find myself here, locked inside this cramped little room. Sweating, panting, fearing for my life. It took trained reflexes and a quick mind to get me here before I came under fire; little did I know, I was just giving them time to prepare. There’s no escape. The window is too small for me to squeeze through. I can’t break the toilet and crawl through the pipes; that’d take too long. They’re all outside; way too many, ready for me to come out. They’re devious creatures, they; always looking for a vulnerability to exploit. And now I gave them the biggest vulnerability of all: I showed fear. Sooner or later, I’m going to have to step outside and face them. No gun, nothing around me I can repurpose as a weapon; nothing but my trusty hands and my wits to carry me through this one. I steady myself. I take a deep breath and focus. I convince myself that I’ve survived more dangerous encounters, but I know, deep down, that I’d rather be exchanging lead with the worst of the worst than here, stuck in this damn room, awaiting the inevitable, like a cornered rat. Right, I forgot I’m not supposed to say that anymore. I got to be respectable, now. I got to be the face of prey acceptance. Nella wouldn’t have it any other way. Well, Nella got me into this predicament, and she’s certainly not getting me out of it. Devil of a woman. Face of an angel, though. A powerful knock on the door makes my fur stand on end; the vibrations resonate through the vinyl floor and make the lights shake. It is time. I can’t stall any longer. I straighten myself up, look myself in the mirror for a moment. I look like shit. ‘You clean up real well!’, she said when I first showed her my suit, but I could see the hint of a smile on her features. Actors are all liars. Brent T. Ford does not clean up well at all. Right, it’s now or never. A lifetime of solving cases and getting into fights prepared me for this moment. I can do this. There must be at least a dozen out there, ready for me. I’m as ready for them as I can possibly be. I squeeze the door handle, slowly turn the key. I hear them whispering to each other. I open the door, and there they are, looking intently at me with their sadistic little grins and their hateful little eyes. This is it. This is where I die. Damn you, Nella, why did I let you talk me into this… _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, April 27th Dear diary, I brought Brent to meet my parents today. He was terrified! He locked himself in the bathroom for ten minutes after mumbling something about being thirsty. I was in the middle of pouring him some whiskey, and then bam, gone. Dad made a dumb joke about dogs drinking from the toilet. Mom told him to be nice, but I could see her smirk, too. I guess they were scared. I was too, for him. To be fair to the poor guy, I told him it’d be strictly us – me, Ayla, Mom, and Dad. But I couldn’t stop Mom from inviting the whole family over, ‘for safety’ – Uncle Steve, Aunt Mary, Grandpa, Cousin Rob, Cousin Ryan, Mimi… I guess there’s some truth to the claim about how big rabbit families are! Anyway. As good as Brent is at reading people, I don’t think he’s half as good at actually dealing with them. Eventually, we managed to get him out of the bathroom, and all the family was out there, just waiting for him. He did as I taught him. Shaking the guys’ hands, kissing the women’s cheeks – he looked so nervous! He kept glancing at me as if he was asking permission. But in the end, even though he was stiff as a board, he managed, and the family seemed mostly contented with the fact that he wasn’t murdering anyone. They made themselves comfortable on the couch, and things seemed fine, even if Brent looked like a deer in the headlights. I offered to bring everyone a drink, and Brent looked at me pleadingly. I knew that look, that was his ‘please, Whiskey’ look. I obliged. _______________________________________________________ Nella ignores my silent plea to not be left alone with those bloodthirsty rabbits and disappears into the kitchen. The moment she steps out of the room, that’s when everything goes tits up. Some criminal gangs are like violent, dangerous children. When the boss or the teacher is about, they all behave like little angels. Sure, they may get a little snippy, and they might try to kick you in the shins when nobody’s looking, but they abstain from trying anything too crazy. They know that if the one in charge doesn’t approve, that’s it for them. And ‘detention’ among gangbangers is not nice. This family is a gang, or the schoolchildren, or whatever the hell I was going for with that half-baked metaphor. Point is, once the person in charge is out of the picture, the claws started coming out. Those surreptitious glances towards the kitchen door. Those slightly sadistic smiles. The changes in body language. Suddenly, there are crossed arms, staring eyes; sure enough, the questioning starts almost immediately. I’ve been on both sides of the desk lamp. I can handle myself well on both. But there’s just something about having eight strangers rapid-firing loaded questions at you. Eight strangers you really don’t want to alienate, at that. It starts simple. Nella’s dad leans close; he’s a sixty-something brown rabbit with streaks of gray in his fur that he tries too hard to conceal. He fiddles with his hands when he’s not talking. His voice is raspy, sometimes he coughs and glances out the window. I can sympathize. I need a smoke break, myself. He asks me what I do for a living. I’m not fooled; I know he knows, he just wants to make small talk. Fair enough. I tell him I work in the Homicide desk and he gets one of those shit-eating smiles on his face, like he just came up with the ultimate burn. He looks me in the eye and says that he finds it interesting that predators care about the death of sentients. So this is how we’re going to play. I scan the room. Each rabbit I focus on begins to fidget; too self-conscious to look at me, they all avert their eyes. All but the dad. No, the dad is staring right at me, thinking he just delivered biting social commentary. I tell him that yes, we do. I turn to Ayla, smile, ask how she’s been holding up. She mumbles that she’s been okay. Bringing her into this is a cheap shot, but it’s the perfect statement to make, here. That I’m not one of those teenage boyfriends that he put the fear of God into when his daughters brought them home after prom. That I’m not intimidated by his Alpha bullshit. I’ve met real Alphas and turns out, they’re just as weak and scared as everyone else when they’re not in control. I don’t take this crap from predators, I certainly won’t take it from prey. From the corner of my eye, I see that shit-eating smile die. One shot, one kill. Still got it, Ford. The old man breathes in; he has to save face. His entire family’s looking at him, now. He gives an exaggerated shrug, the kind of shrug one gives when they’re about to drop a ‘just saying’. I preempt this. Offhandedly, among the basic niceties, I mention some of the latest cases I’ve been worked on. The Jenkins case. The Kinison case. But most importantly, the O’Hara case. Paul O’Hara, Reunification activist. A charming middle-aged lion who was all skin and bones, ate nothing but seeds and supplements and all that garbage. Refused to touch animal meat, let alone sapient. Real saintly type, but with more self-deprecation. Came to do a speech in an herbivore university, got cornered by four horses in the middle of the day in a busy street and beaten to death. Dozens of confirmed witnesses, not one called the police. Nella rejoins us; a glass of Jack in one hand, a steaming kettle in the other. She catches me describing the crime scene, particularly the hoof to the skull that caused one of the man’s eyes to pop out of his socket; she does not seem to appreciate the vivid detail I can put into my tales. Neither do the other rabbits; they look livid. I give her an apologetic smile. Maybe I got carried away. _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, April 27th (cont.) When I walked into the room, I almost dropped my drinks right there. Brent was giving me one of his shit-eating grins like he was so pleased with himself. Dad looked like he was melting on the couch. Everyone else just stared at me, just begging to be saved. He was telling the O’Hara case story – again! I’ve heard the damn thing five times by now. He really loves the bit about the eyeball… Anyway, I made him apologize – he tried to protest, but I didn’t let him. Then I made everyone promise there would be no more talks of predation. Of course, I won’t lie and say I didn’t have That Talk with him. We still fundamentally disagree with each other, but I’ve been learning to understand his point of view, and even though it’s hard to tell with him being all grumpy and gruff, I like to believe it’s mutual. But one thing is to discuss ethics and social problems as a couple. Another is to have your dad and your boyfriend having a dick-measuring contest right in the middle of the living room. Bleh, just writing that sentence made me feel sick! Anyway, with me around, things started going a little bit better. Brent relaxed a bit, and soon enough he was showing hints of the side of him that I fell in love with. The good side he hides under that big wall he built up. The side that wants nothing but to make the lives of others better. He’s a good guy, he just needs someone to nudge him in the right direction, sometimes. Just like Dad, if fact. No wonder they clash. The conversation went on for several hours, and I had Brent help me set the table. I made a mixed vegetable casserole – heavy on the seasonings, to make it more palatable for him. If there’s anything this relationship taught me, it’s that fox tastes are weird. I figured it would just be ‘meat good, veggies bad’, but turns out, he’s a big fan of some vegetables. Some. Brent doesn’t have much in the way of table manners, but you get him talking about his interests, and you’re set. _______________________________________________________ They’re not so bad once you get to know them. Sure, they all look the same, and they all have that craven look to them whenever I open my mouth to speak, or eat, or drink. But the more time I spend surrounded by them, the more I realize we really aren’t so different. Doesn’t mean I like them. I don’t know what attracted me to Nella in the first place. I’ve never been very interested in women; tried the whole marriage thing before, didn’t work out. She won’t even let me see the kid. But Nella had something else. Something I can’t quite figure out. I’m a detective, I don’t like puzzles. Maybe it’s that I find prey exotic, with their understated mannerisms and slightly neurotic mindsets. Maybe it was her resourcefulness that impressed me. Or maybe true love is ineffable. Dinner goes without a hitch. I try my best to not look at anyone while I eat; I am told it freaks them out. Ayla gives me slight updates on her life. Therapy is going well, she says; the nightmares are becoming rarer, and the panic attacks are getting easier to handle. For the first time in the entire evening, I give an honest smile. I haven’t spent a lot of time with the kid, but I feel like I know her. She says she’s back in university. I ask her what she’s studying; she says Forensic Science. She wants to be a detective like me. I ask why, and she shrugs and blushes. I make a comment that she’s definitely got the personality for it, and continue chewing on the boiled cabbage. It would certainly be improved by some beef stock, but what can you do. As time passes, the tensions ease. They are getting accustomed to my presence. Decades of living in fear of carnivores, seeing them as potential predators about to snap at any moment, are beginning to face the first contradictions. Here’s a carnivore in front of them, and he seems more interested in their daughter’s future in law enforcement than in drawing blood. Would I like to draw blood? Yes. The beast within me lashes out every now and then. The deep imprints in my genetic memory, the instincts that made my ancestors thrive, are still in the blood, clamoring for death and warm meat. Sometimes it’s painful. In fact, this would be the perfect time to strike. Everyone sitting around the table, relatively comfortable in my presence. I could take them all by surprise, tear them apart before they even processed what was happening. Not Ayla or Nella, of course; I’d never lay a finger on either of them, starving or otherwise. But who would miss a “Cousin Rob”? Mere fantasizing to kill the time, of course. I’d never do anything to upset Nella. And as long as I’m fed, I’m always in control. And I made sure to have a big steak for lunch, in preparation for this. I come back from my musings; Nella’s mom is prattling on and on about her famed quiche recipe, with some of the other rabbits feign interest. Idly, I bring another forkful of cabbage and carrots to my mouth and chew on them despondently. “So, Brent, when are you marrying Sis?” The unexpected words come from Ayla, just as I begin to swallow. I open my mouth to protest, causing the half-chewed mass to go down the wrong pipe. _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, April 27th (cont.) It was quite the show, dear diary! Everyone around that table looked like they were about to die. Brent almost choked on some cabbage and started coughing so loudly, we could barely hear each other. Ayla looked confused and unaware of what she had done wrong. Dad started blabbering something about it being a crazy notion. Mom downed the rest of her drink. Cousin Rob chuckled at the madness of it all, and the rest of them just continued politely eating their food as if the world wasn’t ending around them. When the chaos finally subsided and Brent’s throat was clear (and the tears in his eyes had dried), he just mumbled an apology and resumed his meal. There was deathly silence for what felt like hours, and once he was done, he glanced towards me, and I saw his eyes dart towards the door. He needed me to save him. And honestly, I needed saving, myself! So, I excused us both by claiming that it was getting late and he had to go home before dark to ‘review case files’ and, after a good fifteen minutes of awkward and stilted goodbyes, we were both in the car, driving out under the cover of the night. _______________________________________________________ The streetlights above are like strobe lights shining over the car, their sickly orange shine passing in waves. My hood is down; we’ve crossed over into predator country. I glance through the rear-view mirror, and there she is in the back seat, lying down under the cover I provided for her and shrinking under it whenever I slow down. We’ve done this so many times, it’s second nature by now. We’ve been caught a few times. My side of the border patrol doesn’t care – I slide them a couple notes and they forget about it, sometimes even wish me a pleasant meal. Nella finds it demeaning but knows better than to protest. But right now, there’s something else in my mind. I finally speak up. The specter hanging over both of us. “Marriage?” “It’s a… rabbit thing. There are expectations involved in dating.” I know this tone. It’s apologetic but defensive. It’s the tone she uses to explain her culture when she disagrees with it, but not enough to allow it to be slandered. “What kind of expectations?”, I ask, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel. I know what the answer’s going to be. But I can’t say it out loud, even when the stereotype is true. “Oh, you know, that marriage is the ultimate goal of dating. That couples are supposed to give their parents lots of grandkids.” Her voice goes lower, ashamed. “Grand-grandkids, too.” “Hmph.” One of those two things is biologically impossible. The other just makes me think maybe rabbits should get their shit together as a culture. “With all due respect, Nella, I don’t owe your parents shit.” Cold silence falls between us as a patrol car drives right past in the opposite direction. Only when the red and blue alternating lights disappear from the rear-view mirror does our little tête-à-tête continue. “Neither do I, Brent, and I’ve already told them as much.” There’s a pause; I know what’s going to follow. I shake my head, exhaling through the nose. Instinctively, I open the glove compartment, ignoring the empty bottle of whiskey and instead finding my pack of cigarettes. A couple taps on the side reveal there’s still two of them left; I pop one into the corner of my mouth and light it up. The soothing, acrid smoke fills my lungs, relaxes my body. She coughs before the smell even reaches her. I exhale a cloud of gray, and look at Nella through it. “No marriage. Not doing it again. Nothing wrong with just being partners.” “Foxes mate for life, eh?” Her words catch me off-guard; my hands tighten around the steering wheel. She sounds way too pleased with herself. She’s her father’s daughter, alright. But unlike with her dad, I got nothing for her. No snappy ‘gotcha’ moment. She’s absolutely right; I did fuck up my first marriage. I was a shit stain who married an even worse shit stain. I’ve had my one chance, and I blew it. To try again is to admit defeat. Sorry, rabbit. _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, May 2nd Dear diary, I’ve been wondering if I should relay Ayla’s message to Brent for a while, now. I tried everything to dissuade her. I told her about the dangers, offered her alternatives, explained that Brent’s busy and that his job doesn’t allow him for diversions like that. But she just wouldn’t have it. She wants to hear it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. She claims she’s found a loophole that would ensure her safety. But I really don’t understand why she would do anything like that. I think she might have a crush on my boyfriend. Either that, or she’s putting him and his job on a pedestal ever since he helped me save her life. Ah, well. I suppose I’ll have to have Brent talk to her about it. Maybe he’ll drill some sense into that stubborn little head of hers. _______________________________________________________ “You want to what?” My incredulity causes the rabbit to giggle until she realizes I’m not laughing. I watch her as her eyes turn towards the steaming cup of coffee I prepared her; she hasn’t tried it yet, she strikes me as the type that prefers their coffee cold. I uncork my bottle and allow the powerful alcoholic scent of my old friend to caress my inner nostrils. Jack’s taken me on some wild rides before, got me into fights, almost got me killed a few times when I took his friendship for granted. But even Jack thinks Ayla’s idea is suicide. “Internship.”, she meekly repeats. If anything, I’m shocked by the unmitigated gall of my partner’s sister. Instead of giving up, she’s doubling down. I take a swig, clench my teeth. Never change, Jack. “At Homicide. At our Homicide. Under me. You got a death wish, rabbit? They’ll eat you alive.” Her slight flinch makes it clear that she understands that I am being completely literal. “Well, you see, I…” Suddenly, there’s embarrassment in her body language. She distracts herself by focusing on objects in my house. The bright red telephone, the arms of the sofa she sits on, the half-finished crosswords I left on the coffee table. It’s up to me to get her back on track. “You’re not a dumb kid; you thought this through, didn’t you?”, I ask, placing the bottle on the table and nudging it towards her. She ignores it. Truly from the Roberts family, she is. “I can’t finish my course without an internship… but none of the places I’ve applied for got back to me. My psychological test results aren’t up to snuff. I don’t have enough experience. My grades aren’t good enough.”, she says. “And you think it’s bullshit.” She huffs. “It’s because of… what happened.” The simple recollection of it drains all the life from her features, but she regains her composure rather quickly. The Roberts girls are nothing if not tenacious. “Marlowe had friends, and I think they’re afraid that those friends will target me when I’m out in the field.” “And your solution is?” Her expression twists into an almost cartoonish smile, and her eyes widen in excitement. This is her moment, only a fool couldn’t see that. “I’ve been poring over the legislation, found a couple interesting things…” The kid’s a prodigy. She has no notes anywhere, but here she is, just reciting chunks of legislation at me. Numbers, dates, exact wording. And the more she says, the more I start to assemble the picture in my head. When the Schism happened, most legislation replaced the word ‘citizens’ with ‘carnivores’ or ‘herbivores’, complete with a glossary of what each species is considered. Mostly, herbivores get the shaft, though what ‘herbivores’ are changes depending on who’s in charge, and what their favorite meal is. But sometimes, you find loopholes in the older articles nobody cares about. In this particular case, a very interestingly worded piece of law stating that any citizen (not herbivore or carnivore, citizen) with the appropriate academic background can apply for probationary law enforcement positions… and more importantly, that any veteran member of a police force can take them as a protégé, effectively skipping the whole approval process. I’m a veteran. I took a big break, sure, but the years of detective work under my belt are still more valid than the credentials of half the lazy good-for-nothings that populate that station. I smile at the kid, who seems intimidated by it. She smiles back and takes a sip of the now cold coffee. “And how long does one such internship last, rabbit?” She shrugs. “A month max.” I know the look in her eye. I’ve seen it before. A long time ago, when that strange rabbit walked into my office in the dead of night, begging for my help. I can’t say no to this look. “Fine, then. I’ll do this against my better judgment, rabbit. But know this – my world, my rules. Follow my lead, and you might just make it through the month.” _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, June 1st Dear diary, Brent came to get Ayla today. I hope she stays safe. _______________________________________________________ It’s early, very early. So early that the cold breeze bites right into the bones. So early that the sky’s still dark and star-studded. I usually come in at seven. It’s three hours before that. It’s not that we’re showing up early; it’s that driving around with an herbivore in your car is making a statement to the world. And I didn’t get where I am by making public statements. Nobody comes to see her off. Ayla lives alone. No boyfriend to wave goodbye, no roommates to giggle to each other from the window. Unlike Nella, who lives in an apartment smack dab in the middle of prey turf, Ayla has a dingy old flat closer to the outskirts. Close to the Watering Hole and its new management. Close to danger. I ask myself why she’d want to get even closer. She opens the front passenger seat; I shake my head at her and let her know that in Brent’s car, rabbits don’t ride shotgun. She looks puzzled and a bit offended; I explain the reasoning and give her the rundown. She’s to lie down on the back seats, cover herself with the blanket from ear tips to toes. Whenever I click my tongue, she’s to stay still and be quiet; that’s the sign that we’re going to be stopped. And she’s to remain hidden like that until I give the word. Brent’s rules. Nella follows them, Ayla has to follow them too. Anything less can get us in trouble. When we arrive, we’re being expected. Eyes follow us as we exit my car and step into the station. Outsiders ignore us, assuming that it’s just another prey animal getting arrested in predator property; free reign as far as the law is concerned. But my coworkers know better. Rumor spread like wildfire; I can see it in their venomous comments and in their conspiratorial whispers. I’m bringing an herbivore in, not as a suspect or as a meal, but as an apprentice. I walk up the steps, ignoring the curious looks of the rest of the force. I step through the doorway, and immediately, I see a face that makes me wish I hadn’t. Sitting behind the counter, holding a pen way too small for his stubby fingers, Richardson greets me with a toothy grin. He’s a fat old crocodile. He’s massive like a tree, and just as trees get new rings as they grow older, Richardson gets a new roll of fat with each year passed. One day, he’ll have a heart attack, and then I won’t have to deal with his halitosis anymore. “Ford!”, he laughs. “I forgot to bring lunch today, mind sharing?” I feel the rabbit push up against me. The reptile’s chair creaks whenever he moves, struggling to bear his massive weight; Ayla is scared of this creature, whose bite could easily tear her apart. “Richardson, still the same sense of humor, I see.” It’s not what I want to say. I want to say something else altogether. But now I have my intern to look after, and I wouldn’t want to be a bad role model. Richardson notices my subdued behavior. He knows I’m putting on airs, and he chuckles under his breath. “The Chief wants to see you… and it.” He gestures to Ayla. I grin. “You mean Cadet Roberts, surely. If I’m not mistaken, as a Homicide intern, she’s technically above you in the pecking order. You’ve been working here what, thirty years?” “Oh, fuck off, Ford. I have work to do.” I look down at the rabbit by my side; she looks slightly impressed. She’s not used to this kind of behavior, the subtle power dynamics that predators have to pull on when dealing with each other. I lean and whisper in her ear. “Rule one, rabbit. Assertion is key. Predators have a chase instinct; if you retreat, it’s in our nature to pursue. But if you stand tall, we think twice. We don’t like prey that fights back.” She looks up at me with an unsure expression, but I don’t humor her any further - the Boss awaits. As we walk through the hallways, after I’ve given her time to process my first advice, I speak up again. “During your time here, predators will challenge you. Challenge them back.” She seems to understand. And now, to meet the boss. My relationship with Chief Wilkinson goes back many, many years. He was here to welcome me when I joined the force, he was here to take my badge when I was ‘honorably’ discharged. It was his hand I shook after I uncovered the Marlowe case and was invited back. We walk in, and there he is, chewing on his cigar and looking over some documents. His office smells of cheap cologne and expensive tobacco. He sits back when we arrive, his speckled fur sticking out from the gaps on his white button-down shirt. Mike Wilkinson was the first man to get me to question my ideas on what someone’s supposed to be. Hyenas are often hard to take seriously, with their yapping voices and giggling fits that mean anything but amusement. Some of them fight against it, put on voices and mannerisms to reject the tide; others embrace and own it, and the good Chief is one of them. Usually, he’d greet me with a nod, or at least a friendly snarl. But today, he just glares coldly. Ayla hides behind me; with a quick movement, I push her away and force her to stand her ground. She seems to understand. She even looks the old hyena in the eye for an entire two seconds. “I knew you were a prey apologist, Ford, but this is just too fucking rich.”, Wilkinson chuckles, taking a puff from his cigar. “But I guess I should expect a fox to find something to exploit. You people do love sticking your noses in everything.” I bare my teeth in a grin. “And I guess I should expect a hyena to find it amusing. If I wasn’t good at snooping around, I wouldn’t be here talking to you, and we both know that.” He laughs. “Very funny. Anyway, why the fuck is it here?” “Why don’t you ask her?” I put emphasis on that last word; he seems surprised by it but doesn’t object. His beady little eyes turn to Ayla, who at this point looks like a little kid who’s been caught stealing from the cookie jar. But when the attention turns on her, I notice her demeanor change. That preyish bravado they put on when they want to look in control. Her fur fluffs up, her ears perk up. Rabbit’s learning. The Chief’s fingers rap against the wooden desk and I see him visibly roll his eyes, like the idea of acknowledging Ayla as part of this conversation is beneath him. When he opens his mouth, his words drip with derision. “Cadet Ayla Roberts. I’ll be honest – working here will get you killed. Unless prey universities are even worse than I thought, there’s no way a graduate won’t know that. So tell me.” He leans over his desk, looms over Ayla. He takes another puff from the cigar and releases it over the rabbit. I see her eyes begin to tear up under the bitter-smelling cloud; she winces but doesn’t budge. He bares his fangs. I’ve seen those teeth being used to crack bones in half like they were twigs, but the rabbit stands her ground. She’s either really brave or really stupid. Either way, I’m proud of the kid. “Why are you here?”, the Chief finally asks, twirling his cigar between his fingers. “To serve the cause, sir. To foster a spirit of cooperation between our peoples.” Wilkinson props himself against the back of the chair. I don’t even consider intervening; this is Ayla’s time to shine or crumble. I’m just here to bail her out if things go majorly wrong. “The only cooperation my men are interested in is of the culinary variety, Cadet. How do you feel about that?” The old hyena is almost as good a judge of character as I am. I can see his gears turning as he chews on his cigar. He’s testing the waters, poking and probing until he hits a nerve. There’s no way he can’t see through that façade she’s putting on, that mask of courage. But he’s still impressed. If he wasn’t, I’d know. “That’s what I’m hoping to change, sir.”, she blurts out. “I’ll show there’s more to me than that.” “More to you!”, he cackles. Those unnerving hyena sounds. They get under Ayla’s skin; I see her resolve falter. Wilkinson slams his fist on the table. His framed picture of a ten-year-old hyena cub wearing a Red Riding Hood Halloween costume topples over, and his cup of coffee wobbles worryingly. The rabbit jumps in terror; all the synapses on her brain fire up at the same time, all the lizard brain instincts activating. Run. Hide. Go. She disobeys. In front of the Chief’s snarl, she stands tall. Slowly, his violent expression melts. The storm ends, and the seas become placid again. He extinguishes his cigar in his stained bronze ashtray. “Look, kid, I’ll give it to you straight.”, he says. “You stay here, someone’s gonna get you. It won’t be me – I'd get my ass fired - and it won’t be Ford. But someone will get you, and there’s no amount of musty old law books that can stop it. You understand that?” She nods, and his mouth curls into a toothy grin once again. “I can see why Ford’s taken a shine to you. You two are cut from the same cloth. Which is to say, you’re both suicidal idiots.” “Thank you, sir.” “That’s Chief to you, Roberts. Now get your ass out of here. For what it’s worth, I hope you make it through the month. I don’t want blood staining our floors.” He throws his head back and gives the first hearty laugh of the entire meeting. Ayla chuckles nervously. Even I crack a grin. But I know he’s not even joking. Rest of the day goes fine. Ayla shadows me everywhere I go, a constant target of derision and off-color comments that’d get anyone fired or arrested if they were directed at a fellow meat-eater. Even the lady cops get in on the fun. The rabbit endures it like a cliff weathers the waves; she stands proud, but it slowly takes its toll. For her first day, I show her what we do around here. I show her my office, I teach her how to work the coffee machine, I tell her to staple a few case files and shred others. Whenever I’m stumped on my crossword puzzle, I ask for her help. And then, the phone rings. I pick it up; it’s the Chief. “Ford. We need you. One-two-nine near Bridgewater on Ashland.” I look at the rabbit, who stares at me with bated breath. “Crime in progress?”, I ask. “Cornered suspect. Possible one-three-six.” I open my mouth, but he cuts me off. “I know what you’re about to say. But we need you for this one. You’ll see.” I groan audibly and slam the phone down. Before I even have to do anything, Ayla’s already handing me my hat. I look down at her, one last chance for her to back down. But she’s determined. Well then, it’s time to go. Bridgewater Street is not far away; we can hear the sirens even before we drive off the car park. It’s still early, so the streets are mostly empty as we all but fly over the asphalt; it’s meager comfort for the rabbit, who sits on the front passenger seat in her tiny uniform. When the siren’s on the roof, she’s allowed to do that. Even the hungriest scumbag thinks twice before accosting a police car. We screech to a halt near a barricade of four police cars; taking cover behind one is everyone’s least favorite hostage negotiator, Buckley. “Thank God you’re here, Ford – and I see you brought lunch with you.”, the raccoon exclaims as soon as I step out of my car. He’s a greasy little guy who fancies himself an Artful Dodger but comes off more like a persistent carpet salesman. I can tell things aren’t going his way from how he fiddles with his rosary, how he counts the beads and mutters to himself. Either that, or he had way too much coffee. He stammers. “We have a situation in there. We were in the process of apprehending a prey, but the motherfucker was armed. Found his way into the Belle, grabbed a kid hostage, and refuses to talk to anyone.” “And you called for me because?” It’s a rhetorical question. I know why he called me here. Ever since the incident, I’ve been the force’s face when dealing with troublesome herbivores. But I like watching him squirm as he struggles to explain the obvious. Without a word, I take the megaphone from his hands. “Brent, what are you-” I silence Ayla by raising my hand, demanding attention. I step out from behind cover, approach the storefront. Belle sells overpriced dresses, handbags, trinkets and baubles. It’s where you go when your anniversary’s coming up, but you don’t love your wife that much. You don’t walk into Belle unless you have no other choice – and it certainly looks that this poor devil was out of options. A warning shot is fired, and I freeze, raising my hands. From behind a pillar, he emerges. A mouse. Young adult, well-to-do look, afraid. Hands shaking, finger close to the trigger. The business-casual outfit, stained and scratched. Bags under his eyes. He does not belong here. He’s not a drifter or a pickpocket. I’ve seen it sometimes; college kids get too drunk, space out, wake up in the middle of predator territory after a dare gone wrong. If they’re lucky, they won’t be missing a kidney. If they’re really lucky, they’ll wake up before one of us finds them. He presses the barrel against the temple of a wolf cub, no older than six of seven. The kid’s an endless stream of tears and snot; her wailing has been silenced by his barking, but the trauma won’t go away that easy. Kids in that situation never end up the same. “You!”, he shouts incredulously. “You’re the guy from TV! You shut down the prey trafficking ring. You can help me!” His eyes wander to my side, where Ayla stands dumbfounded. He doesn’t understand what’s going on; prey do not usually wear uniforms in this side of town. It gives him hope. “That’s me. My name’s Brent. What’s yours?” I’m shit at this. Always have been. I’m better at using my words to hurt than to reassure. “D-david.” “David, I’m here to talk. This is Ayla. She’s my intern. Why are you doing this, David?” I see him struggle to find the words; the kid shudders, and David looks like he’s about to hurl. “I didn’t want any of this! They came for me, they had cuffs. I’m not going to jail here, man! They’ll kill me!” “This is not the answer, David. Look at you. Look at what you’re doing.” Fury surges in his eyes. Bad choice of words. “She’s just one of them, man! Just another murderer in training. Predators don’t show any mercy, why should I? I’m gonna die anyway, might as well go out with a statement.” “You’re not going to die, David. You do what I say, and we get you a cab home.” I don’t like lying, not to those who trust me. It shakes me to the core the way few things do. But he believes me. He wants to believe. What choice does he have? I’m this hero to all preykind. Hell, my sidekick’s prey. It’s me… or them. “You… you’re different. You understand. You saved all those people. My cousin… my sister came home because of you.”, he whimpers, tears trailing down his face. “You… you can talk to them.” “I can talk to them, David. But you’ll need to do as I say. You let the kid go.” His eyes bulge out, the barrel presses against the face of the hyperventilating child. “No! No, you get me that cab, and THEN I let go!” “Alright!”, I shout into the megaphone. I gesture to Buckley, who shakes his head; all it takes is a glare, and he nods reluctantly and picks up his phone. The cab doesn’t take long to arrive; within two minutes, it’s parking right outside of the blockade. A lanky, bony thylacine steps out, cigarette in the corner of his mouth. He adjusts his flat cap and scratches his scalp, letting out a whistle that makes it very clear he didn’t sign up for this. I’ve seen him before. He’s one of my contacts. Appropriately enough, his name’s Miles – he’s a friendly sort with a penchant for jazz and a bottomless repertoire of bad sex jokes. He recognizes me and waves; I can only give him an apologetic shrug in response. “Your cab’s here, David – now let go of the child.”, I say. The mouse peeks out once again. I gesture to the men, and they part, clearing a path through the barricade that funnels down on Miles and his yellow Checker. “I’m going to go into the cab, and he’s gonna drive me out! If anyone stops me… I’ll shoot the cabby!” Poor guy’s in way over his head. I don’t blame him. Just a college kid out of his environment, who was lucky (or unlucky) enough to have a means of defense against a world that’ll eat him alive, literally. I know my duty here, but I can’t help but ease his suffering a little bit. Sometimes, I fucking hate having compassion for prey. “Easy. I’ll walk with you.” I meet David and his hostage halfway. I tower over him; when he looks up at me with tears in his eyes, he looks utterly livid. I give him a forced smile, and he turns the gun on me. “Scram, kid!”, he shouts – and the cub does not need to be told twice. She runs on her little legs, diving straight into the safety of the dozens of officers that immediately shield her from harm. “I won’t try anything.”, I reassure the mouse, as I raise my hands and walk alongside him. We make our way down the blocked street until we reach Miles, who has now taken the driver’s seat. “You’re going to owe me one hell of a tip, Ford.”, he says, his disturbingly wide smile looking uncharacteristically thin. The mouse looks at me; there is genuine thankfulness in his eyes. It fucking hurts. He turns to the taxi, opens the door… and I strike. With one swift movement, I grab and twist his arm; his gun falls on the floor and I kick it aside, one of my colleagues immediately breaking formation to dive on it and remove it from reach. There is a scream of true pain, a primal sense of betrayal as the rest of the force pours down on David, tackling him onto the ground and disabling him. Among the shouts and screams, I hear a loud sigh of relief from the thylacine on the driver’s seat. “I’m sorry, kid.”, I whisper. It’s low enough that only the keenest eared animal in the premises could ever hope to hear it. Ayla walks up to me, takes my hand and squeezes it. She’s shaking. Her eyes glimmer with tears. I put my hand on her shoulder. Just a kid in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Just a kid who got unlucky and was born a prey. I betrayed this kid. And I betrayed Ayla. This is not for her. She isn’t ready. “Miles.” The cabby looks through his rear-view mirror, sees me gesturing towards him. “What?”, he asks. I push Ayla towards the car; she doesn’t resist, she’s almost catatonic. “Take her home.” “You got it, boss.”, Miles says, unlocking the doors. “And don’t try anything with her, or I’ll find you.” He tips his flat cap and gives me a big toothy grin. “Wouldn’t dream of it, boss. Where to, little missy?” Ayla mumbles some directions, and the foot presses down on the gas pedal. The mongoose hula dancing doll Miles lovingly keeps on his dashboard begins swaying, the engine begins to roar, and he drives down into the unblocked streets. I watch it go. I was a fool to think this could ever work. Wilkinson was right – we did get her, in the end, and on her first day, no less. He’ll have a laugh at my expense, and I fully deserve it. There’s little hope for David, and I know it full well. Ayla does, too. If you’ve seen the skyline at night, you’ve seen a row of the city’s teeth, sharp and jagged. They’ll chew you up and tear you apart. If you’re a predator, they’ll spit you out. If you’re a prey, you’re not so lucky. And the day is just beginning. _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts, June 3rd Dear diary, Ayla finally answered my calls. I was worried sick, but she says she’s alright. Brent says she saw something out there that broke her, but he won’t say what. I think he’s ashamed of me knowing. Ayla says she retracted her internship request. A single day was all it took for her to give up on it. Whatever she saw must have been horrible. I told her, we all told her, but she wouldn’t listen… I want to be mad at Brent for allowing it, but I can’t, and it makes me mad that I can’t. He put my sister in danger, but I know deep in my heart that being mad at him would make me a hypocrite. After all, back when we first met, I made a request that was just as stupid… and if he hadn’t conceded back then, well… I don’t even want to think about how things would have gone. Speaking of Brent, he called me today. He says we need to talk. He says it’s about us. I’m worried. I hope he didn’t get any ideas… He’s coming to pick me up tonight after work. I’ll put on my best clothes. _______________________________________________________ I turn the page on the calendar. What once was a constant – an X on every day – is now a coin flip at best. The red marker pen trembles in my hand as I push it to the glossy paper. I haven’t touched the stuff yet today. Nella waits for me in the living room. I can hear the unsteady rustling of feet against the carpet, more neurotic with each second passed. I can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t bring myself to lie, even to a piece of paper. Not after that. This is where lying got me, after all. I put the cap back on the pen and set it down on the bedside table. I sigh. This needs to be done. I adjust my shirt and step into the living room, where she awaits with a half-empty glass of water in her hand. I sit next to her, hands resting on my lap. She looks me in the eyes; she understands. “Nella.” “Don’t say it.”, she whimpers. “I know you’re going to say it, but don’t say it.” “We need to call this off.” Her fists are slammed limply on my chest, an impotent fury shackled by the inability to harm one’s beloved. Losing steam with each hit, until they are little more than harmless little taps. “I’m sorry, Nella.” “Why? Why? Why?” “Our worlds can’t mix. When our worlds mix, people get broken. When Marlowe and Slim mixed, people died. When you and I mix, Ayla suffers.” “She doesn’t blame you, you know. She knows that…” I practiced this speech. I ran it through my head over and over, trying to predict her reactions and to figure out logical comebacks to any complaint she could raise. But now, words fail me. My memory is not my friend. All I can do is stumble blindly through the conversation, every word she speaks a punch to my gut. I pinch the bridge of my snout. “That’s not the point, Nella. Look, this was a mistake.” “Can we at least be friends?” I look at her heartbroken face. A knot in my throat threatens to block the flow of words. I reach for my bottle of Jack, notice her pleading expression, and hesitate. The soothing bite of my false friend would make it easier, but she deserves me as I am. “I can… call every now and then.” The glass of water cracks slightly in her hand; it startles her more than it startles me. She puts it back down in a hurry, jumps to her feet. In her newfound position of advantage, she sees me for who I am: small, worthless, a replaceable little cog in a world-spanning machine that serves only to perpetuate its own existence. When a cog stops working, when it starts working against the machine, it gets replaced and thrown out. “You’re an idiot, Brent.”, she hisses. “You take me and Ayla for fragile little children who can’t handle a little adversity. We aren’t helpless just because we’re prey, Brent.” Her eyes burn with an intensity I’ve rarely seen. Fueled not by hate, but love and sorrow. Those are the flames that burn brightest. She stabs an accusatory finger into my chest; I can only sit there and take it. “Do you know what it’s like to not be able to go out at night out of fear of predators? Do you know what it’s like when half of the world has you as ‘kill on sight’? Can you even imagine the pain of seeing a friend of yours disappear one day, knowing how it happened, knowing who’s to blame and being absolutely powerless to stop it?”, she hisses. “It’s misery, Brent. It forges us into strong people. Just because we don’t flaunt it, Brent, just because we pick our fights instead of rampaging roaring into the night, you think we’re weak. We’re not weak, Brent. And I’m certainly no damsel in distress in need of a white knight with a martyr syndrome to take away the best thing in my life, just because he thinks I’m too fragile.” I can only blabber an apology under my breath. “I’ll walk out this door and you’ll never see me again, Brent, and we can both be as miserable as you want us to be. But before I do, tell me… do you love me?” I feared it would come to this. The question that pierces all barriers. A cheesy notion, an exchange fit for a soap opera, and yet, I know I’m cornered. I need to say no. To protect her from herself. To save both our futures. But when I open my mouth, the two letters die in my throat. More lies, Brent? Really? “Nella, look.” My attempt to weasel out hits a stone wall. Her intensity will accept no half-answers, no justifications, no faffing about. Her fury of a woman scorned will accept only a yes, or a no. “Just answer the question, Brent.” No more lies. This is not the hill I’m willing to die on. “I… do.” Her expression softens. The flame burns out, and all is left is the ashes of sorrow. “Then why don’t you trust me to resist adversity?” My first reaction is to justify myself, to defend my position. A knee-jerk instinct of someone who refuses to be wrong. I have to consciously fight the half-baked defenses that are already starting to pop up in my mind. I concede defeat. My shoulders droop and my head sinks. My muscles relax. I made this a battle I couldn’t win. It never needed to be a battle. “I don’t want to see you or Ayla hurt, Nella. That’s all.” She smiles weakly. “Just as good, then, that we’ll have you to look after us.” _______________________________________________________ From the Diary of Nella Roberts and Brent T. Ford, August 25th We finished the marriage plans today! I managed to talk Brent into it, and he agreed. Foxes mate for life, but he’s willing to give it another chance. Anyway, I made sure to invite the entire family! Ayla, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Cousin Ryan, Mimi, Uncle Steve, Aunt Mary, Cousin Ryan, Great-uncle Steve, Great-aunt Millicent, Jackie from work… -N Hoping fatality at work before big day. -F Oh, you’re just jealous you don’t have anyone to invite over except his boss and that dirty cabby. Luckily, I have enough family for the both of us! This grump wanted a small ceremony, but I wanted something big and fancy. Predator-prey marriages are so rare, I wanted something special to make a statement. And as long as Brent’s guests behave, we should be fine. -N Don’t blame the guys if they go a bit crazy, surrounded by food on legs. Took me months to get used to it. -F He’s joking, of course. I can see his dumb little smile from here whenever he wrestles control of my pen away to make one of his addendums. Anyway, yeah, marriage is on its way! It took us ages to find a notary who’ll do predator-prey, but luckily, the Reunification organizations have a bunch of people ready to help with that. The invitations are sent, the paperwork is complete, now we just sit down and wait for the big day. Dad offered to take Brent tuxedo shopping and everything – he says that if he’s going to be giving away his daughter to someone, the least he can do is make sure they’re handsome. A losing proposition with Brent, if you ask me! -N I’ve got a perfectly good tux at home, but he insisted, even after I offered to get the bullet holes fixed. -F Oh, by the way! Ayla finally graduated. Turns out, Brent’s boss, that Kingston person or whatever, sent a letter to a bunch of police academies, praising her performance. She showed it to me, it used the words ‘overwhelming mettle and dedication to the cause’! -N Wilkinson. -F Whatever. The point is, when a predator gives that kind of praise to a prey, everyone wants to see what’s up with that. Suddenly all those places that rejected her started begging for her to go back. I don’t know which one she decided on, but either way, future looks bright for my favorite and only sister. -N Proud of the kid. She did real well. Never seen someone go through so much and keep on fighting. She looked up to me, but to be honest, I’m the one who’s in awe of her. Turns out, you don’t need to have fangs or claws or eat meat to be a piece of work. All you need is moxie, smarts, and a lot of courage. -F And a dash of irresponsibility. -N That goes without saying, honey. -F
The Night of the Predator It was the Fifth of December if I remember correctly. The fat cats spewed their sickly-sweet rhetoric full of buzzwords and pauses for applause. The carrion-feeders put their pens to paper, ready to profit from the slaughter. The world held its breath and the Unity Act was born. And what an Act! The end of borders, figurative or literal, between those who are fed and those who are food. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? It definitely did to me at first. Just imagine - my meetings with my wife would stop involving permits, and our nights out would stop requiring unmarked notes and loaded guns. That’s as close to a normal life as I can hope for. I remember where I was when the results came on the radio. I was in my backyard, watering the plants. I remember repeating after the news anchor – “Sixty-two fucking percent”. I remember my first thoughts going to Nella, and the danger she’d be in. I remember the phone ringing. I answered it, trying to hide the panic in my voice. It was her – she was laughing and sobbing at the same time. “We did it. It’s all going to change, now,” she told me. If only she knew how right she was. I had read the proposal; Ayla brought me a copy and we pored over it together. At first, it seemed like a good idea, in theory. Breaking down boundaries, opening all business to all strata of the food chain, that sort of thing. But then we remembered - predators run this damn country. Predators function in packs, and lack of borders just makes hunting down strays easier. But Nella seemed pleased, despite all the horrors that would surely follow. And I knew exactly why. Until then, the idea of parenthood was just a twinkle in the corner of our eyes – admittedly, more Nella’s than my own. She’s a romantic; I’m a realist. Maybe that’s why she says I’m a ‘cold fish’. We can’t have kids, obviously. If there is a God, He was kind to make it impossible for a rabbit-fox crossbreed. A small kindness. Doesn’t make up for the rest of the shit He heaped down on us. Then again, to be fair, the shit’s where the scum belongs. The alternative was adoption. Another impossibility. They run background checks for that kind of thing, and we were pretty sure ‘has eaten members of the other parent’s species’ raises some red flags. And on my side of the fence? Nella wouldn’t make it past the front desk. The Unity Act made the impossible possible. We talked it out, and to her parents’ dismay, decided to finally take the step. I knew this no borders nonsense was a powder keg ready to burst, and I knew that it was the prey who’d get caught in the blast, as always. But when I stepped into that building at the edge of town, with my wife’s hand squeezing mine, it all felt so beautifully right. There’s always a hard to describe sense of misery to these places. The garish colors of the walls, contrasted with the drab gray of the stonework. The decals on the windows, showing dozens of predator cubs smiling broadly and playing together. The smell of scented bleach and shining wax. The chaotic screeching of children, separated from us by not nearly enough walls. To say I started having second thoughts there would be a lie. I started having them the very moment she brought up the idea of adoption. I suggested animals, potted plants, pet rocks. She wanted her family. I was stupid. I made promises I didn’t want to keep. It was all hypotheticals back then. As we waited at the empty front desk, she snuck up on us from behind. Already I didn’t like her; Nella noticed my displeasure and gave me a stern look. I can’t help it. I don’t like being blindsided. “Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, I presume,” the heavyset lynx said. “I’m Giselle, and I understand you’re here to meet young Lucas.” “Mrs. Roberts-Ford, actually,” said Nella. This Giselle woman didn’t as much as blink. “Yes, dear, whatever you say,” she said, with that dismissive and patronizing tone most people reserve for their kids. “Now, Mr. Ford, if you will follow me…” Big smile with no wrinkles, annoying strut to her step. God, I hated her. And from the fidgeting squeeze on my hand and my wife’s flattened ears, I knew that I wasn’t the only one. “He’s been here for a little over a month, ‘courtesy’ of an ‘anonymous donor’ – we can only guess at his exact age, but we think he’s around two.” I was only half listening. As we walked through the main hall, I caught a glimpse of an open door and couldn’t resist taking a look. A dining hall – kids well into their teens shoving forkfuls of cafeteria meat into their faces, talking to each other in that loud cacophony that only an unfinished prototype of a mature person can exist in. “I see you’ve found the dining hall, Mr. Ford. As you can see, our installations can provide for almost a hundred children,” she chuckled; like everything else about her, it was fake and plastic. “Now, don’t let your ‘wife’ get too close…” She wasn’t lying. It was too late; Nella had already peeked through the doorway; as soon as those long ears were noticed, the madness slowly came to a halt. A feeding frenzy interrupted by what would be their first experience with the mysterious creature they knew only as ‘prey’. Confused looks were shared. Conspiratorial whispers. I couldn’t hear them, but Nella’s ears twitched slightly, homing in on the voices; her perturbed expression said it all. Pointed fingers, licked chops. Perhaps they thought they were being brought a treat. Even the cafeteria lady behind the counter was sharpening her carving knives with murderous intent. I put my hand on Nella’s shoulder, and she jumped, startled. Without a word, I pulled her away; she did not resist. The sorry fool thought predators only turned bloodthirsty with age; she later said that the revelation shook her to the core and that the only reason she didn’t walk out was because of me. She doesn’t understand what nature is. She doesn’t understand how painful it is to quell the urge. Of course kids can’t do it. They haven’t been taught how to. They don’t have the mental and physical fortitude. The moment they skip a meal, they’ll go berserk at the sight of a rabbit. “As you will see, Mr. Ford, they are quite well-behaved.” Giselle’s grin was, for the first time, becoming genuine. Like all predators, the sight of a prey in fear excited her, got the blood pumping. I growled at her, and she instinctively raised her hands in an ‘I surrender’ gesture; sometimes, you need to show people who is top dog. Those who don’t understand common decency at least understand the simplicity of ‘this is my thing, not your thing’. Even as we moved down the hallway and towards the toddler area, Nella still looked shaken. Beyond the waist-high fences, in the padded areas full of scattered, snot-covered toys and board books, our presence was starting to catch the attention of the screechers, and I was starting to feel something tug on my shirt like a frightened child. “Look at them, Nella.” The tugging stopped, and she turned to examine the wobbling masses. Mother instincts run deep, turns out. With an annoyed sigh, our obese host came to a halt again. For someone accustomed to dealing with kids, she sure lacked in patience. Nella approached the fence; like hens in a coop, the children gathered around her. I remember a skinny little lizard of some sort being the first to dare and reach out for her. Sharp claws over fuzzy fur. If I were a poet, I could write a verse about it. The lizard kid smiled, showing every single one of its dozens of tiny triangular teeth. Nella’s eyes turned to me. Pleading. I braced for the question, the question that would derail all our plans. I braced for the ‘I want this one’ that never came. “Timmy wants a prey mom!” The uncaring cruelty and lack of empathy that only monsters and children have. A painfully forced and shrill laughter, a warning to those who had dared to approach Nella. In the politics of the playground, ridicule is one’s deadliest weapon. The crowd started to scatter. The same children that had mobbed my wife, either fascinated by such a different lifeform or hoping to be taken to a new home, began backing up and away from her. One by one, stirred by that one piece of shit fox kid who pointed and laughed. The lizard looked up at Nella. There were tears in his eyes. He sniffed a silent apology and, unable to face her pleading gaze head-on, followed the herd. I saw my wife’s hand close around his in almost desperation; I saw the little claws wiggle out of her grasp. We live in a world where we can walk into an orphanage, and some kid without parents laughs at the idea of being taken home to a family like Nella’s. I suppose I can’t blame him. None of them know any better. It still pisses me off. Our good friend Giselle beckoned for us to follow, and I obeyed. “Come on,” I whispered to Nella, taking her hand and dragging her along. There was nothing in there for us. “I’m not so sure about this,” she mumbled in my ear as we followed our chubby guide towards the nursery section. “This is what we decided on. Let’s not get cold feet. I’m just as scared as you are.” “But what if he turns out to be…” The wavering was not unexpected. There was a huge burden on her shoulders. It wasn’t just being thrust into an alien world of fangs and claws or the conflicting instincts of self-preservation and motherhood. It was her family’s expectations of being given a kid. It was her disappointment at the inability to adopt a herbivore instead. It was her fear of the child she raised resenting her for what she was. “What if he turns out to be what, rabbit?” I asked her, the corner of my lip curling into a smirk. “Well, you know,” she mumbled. I can recognize a loss for words when I see it, so I decided to spare her the awkward moment. “We’ll do our best. If a bitter old fox can turn over a new leaf, anyone can.” Slowly, the decals and wall paintings went from happy children, dolls, and robots to cribs, baby bottles, and pacifiers. A strange and alien place for someone like me. And yet, I still couldn’t force myself to hate it. Who would have thought that Brent T. Ford, who had to be trained out of treating pleasant family gatherings as interrogation sessions, would be more okay in a place like that than his loving wife? The room was almost barren. Lullaby on the record player, dim lighting, rows and rows of empty cribs. Fit for cats and babies. We knew which one was ours because he was the only cub present. I figured they were either being fed, or sleeping elsewhere. Our good friend Giselle certainly didn’t inform us; she was too preoccupied with making the moment dramatic. “Meet Lucas.” My first thought was that he looked a bit like a meatloaf wrapped in blankets – a fuzzy mass of dark-brown, closed eyes indistinguishable from the rest of its fur. But then he moved, made a sort of faint yelp. Giselle seemed slightly annoyed at the lack of reaction. She must have expected fawning. But Nella was too out of her element to do such a thing, and as for me? Hell, if anything, I was afraid of the thing lying there under the cheap plastic mobile. “Go ahead, pick it up.” I raised my hands in an instinctive gesture that, in retrospect, must have seemed like a kid in the playground going ‘not it’. My eyes met Nella’s, who also seemed hesitant; with a tilt of my head, I encouraged her to go for it. She glanced at Giselle as if to ask for permission, but our obese lynx helper wasn’t paying attention. And so, with nothing but maternal instincts to tell her what to do, the rabbit picked up the fox. Slowly but steadily, the fear left her posture, leaving only that kind of bubbly joy she does so well. I saw the moment of truth a mile away. Nella’s eyes prying themselves from the slumbering child and landing on me. The contented smile turning mischievous. The fateful words. “Your turn to hold her, Brent.” Good grief… _______________________________________________________ We stepped out of the orphanage feeling like we could take on the world. The paperwork was filled, the baby had not been dropped, and the employee that took over the fat lynx was a lovely old mutt who didn’t as much as blink at Nella. He helped us sign the papers, wrote us a list of guidelines on how to raise a fox cub, and sent us home. For a fleeting moment, Unity felt like it could work. The feeling lasted for about ten minutes until we reached the parking lot. We were at the entrance, and already I had a sinking suspicion something wasn’t right. I’d been there before, on business of course – and that particular lot was usually a busy venue. We had seen that when we parked; the place was full of people. Now it was empty. I placed a hand on Nella’s shoulder. At that point, she knew the sign; it was my way of telling her to be careful. She very rarely believes me – says my honed detective instincts are ‘hogwash’ – but that particular afternoon, she nodded in agreement. Must have felt it too. Soon enough, we found the source of the disturbance. Three wildcats hanging around our car; two leaning against it and talking to each other, the third checking the license plate. The kind of muscle that think they’re too good with their claws to need firearms. Fine by me, I say. We approached; I walked in front, Nella pushed the stroller behind me. Our presence was noticed; the conversation stopped. Three pairs of slit eyes stared us down. Hair was raised. Already I could see there was trouble brewing. The shortest of the three stepped forward; waxy fur, black stripes, gray-blue eyes. He cracked the kind of smile you’re never happy to see. “Hey man, got a smoke? Always the same opening line. They looked smug; they thought they were dealing with regular Joe off the street. “Fuck off,” I growled, baring my teeth. They froze; they expected me to play along with their stupid game, but I was too old to indulge dumbasses. Looks were exchanged; even the shortest of them towered over me, but when you’re most muscle than brain, size is just another disadvantage. I looked the one who had spoken in the eye. “What do you want?” Once again, they seemed taken aback. I knew their type – troublemakers who hear their gang bosses vent about someone, and decide to start some shit to impress them. Never ends well. Not for them, not for anyone else. They looked to their de facto leader for an answer; the shorter wildcat flashed a wicked grin. “You to walk away, foodfucker. Take the kid if you want. Leave the rabbit. We were planning to make a visit to the prey side of town… but I think I’d rather have her tonight.” A stubby finger was pointed at Nella, who instinctively stepped in front of the stroller, arms outstretched in a protective stance. I didn’t budge, of course. “Counteroffer,” I said. “You three apologize to the lady and walk away, and you do it on your own two feet, instead of on a stretcher.” Their reaction was to laugh; it was short-lived, though, since I leaned back and open my jacket just enough to reveal the leather holster I always keep my other best friend in. What had crossed these fools’ minds to think it was a good idea to try this? What kind of drugs are kids these days on? I heard the crying of a baby, behind us. It took me a few seconds to realize it was my baby. For a moment, I worried that he’d end up like them. Too stupid to consider the fact that a member of the Force and former private detective in the dirtiest city in the western world would probably carry some kind of firearm. The trio walked by me; the ‘leader’ tried to slam his shoulder against me, but I moved away at the very last moment. An old trick to deny thugs the satisfaction of the last laugh. “This ain’t over, foodfucker. The times are a-changin’. Things are getting easier,” he hissed; an empty threat if I’ve ever heard one. “Don’t be surprised if one of us visits your girl’s house at night for a midnight snack…” One leaned over to look at the child on their way out; my heart froze. That shit-eating grin turned wicked again, and I feared the worst. I’d forgotten it wasn’t just me or Nella I needed to protect; now there was a third factor, and unlike Nella, this one couldn’t even begin to defend himself. The wildcat noticed my panic and my low growl and waved at the child. “Then again, we can just wait a couple years and let the kiddo off her himself… see you around, foodfucker.” Once they finally left our personal space, I glared at Nella and tossed her the car keys; she ran to shove the kid into the back seat, ignoring the baby car seat we’d coughed up way too much money on. Once she was done, she threw herself into the car, leaving me to make sure the goons were indeed walking away; they were. I took the driver’s seat, locked the doors. And, for what felt like the first time in hours, I exhaled. I felt the car’s wheel press against my forehead; the pain was numbed by the sheer sense of relief. Nella was hyperventilating. I was shaking. In the backseat, young Lucas slept soundly. I was not used to this. I was still coming to terms with the fact that I wasn’t expendable anymore. When I was sitting, emaciated, in that dingy old office, I was just waiting to die of alcohol poisoning, malnutrition, or gunshot wound. I was okay with it. Then fucking Nella showed up, and suddenly I feared for my life. And now there was this kid. A responsibility and a leash. Sometimes I miss the freedom of not caring. But never for long. _______________________________________________________ I finished moving in with Nella at the very start of December. It was difficult to say goodbye to my house; it was the first nice place I had since I was a kid. It was a trophy of sorts, more so than any of the newspaper clippings and medals that it contained. It was a symbol of a turn for the better, after the Marlowe case. But Nella’s dad had been talking me through the steps to put it up for rent; the idea of being able to visit my old abode between tenants was enough for me. And even if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t have mattered; Lucas needed me in his life, and Nella was understandably against the idea of moving to predator turf. Life as a parent was… interesting. The ‘cold fish’ Nella talked about was suddenly out of water. I knew how to interrogate a criminal, grease a palm, and break someone’s fingers one by one. I did not know how to change a diaper, and frankly, I wished I never had to learn. It was a stressful time. For the first time, Nella and I were living together 24/7, and I came home from my work day not to the crushing silence of an empty house, but to the chaos of crying, colic and the coming and going of grandparents. Tensions were high. I had a very specific routine that went tits up. She desperately tried to maintain her previous lifestyle of watching every movie the weekend it comes out. There were plenty of arguments over the screeching of a child; a few times, I could even feel the beast threaten to rear its ugly head. But we survived. And while we had unsavory sorts scouting out the block sometimes and trying to peek through the windows (I very distinctively remember the shining eyes of a wildcat at one point), that was as far as it went. I had more trouble trying to simply exist in the world of prey; I had to teach myself how to act sedated and curb my more… intense instincts. Turns out, prey don’t really react well to some behaviors that are commonplace on my side of the tracks. I had the cops called on me once when I was trying to buy a newspaper and some formula. Someone interpreted my growling when I was given the wrong change as a threat – and I had to explain to a very unamused musk ox that a tic is sometimes just a tic. I’m still banned from that kiosk. Luckily, Ayla bailed me out of what would have been one hell of a fine. I love that kid. But hiccups aside, life went well. That is, until that day. I was on the attic; the dusty, stuffy oven we had repurposed as my office, typing a report on the latest solved case; one of Marlowe’s gorillas had been caught starting trouble again if I remember correctly. The clicking of the typewriter had put me into that zen state; or maybe it had been the expensive cigar I had brought home, courtesy of Richardson’s retirement party. The hatch opened and I looked over my shoulder to see two long ears. I leaned back on my revolving chair with and grinned. She didn’t grin back, so I wondered what I’d done wrong this time. Lucas was in her arms; refusing to step into the room and allow the child to breathe in the noxious fumes, she stood on the ladder, looking at me. I couldn’t help but notice that Lucas was quiet and calm. Too calm. Calm and well-behaved like a dog who knows they’ve messed up. Guilt and shame in equal measures. She raised her right arm, fur soaked in pinkish water. I squinted; it was difficult to see through all the smoke, but it was there, clear as day. A bite mark. She explained to me that she was feeding the boy. I had noticed he seemed less and less keen on the formula as time passed; it was just a matter of time, and we both knew it. But neither of us expected him to snap so completely. “Are you okay?” I asked, and Nella nodded; the child, frenzied or not, was just a child, and while his teeth were already sharp, they did not have nearly enough strength behind them to cause any kind of damage; even his mother knew that. It was more the principle of the thing, I guess. For obvious reasons, it’s impossible to buy meat on the prey side of town. I had to drive the kid all the way to the old store I used to go to, back when I was living in that shitty run-down wreck of a house. The place looked as tacky as always. Stuck between a real estate agency and a barber shop, it contrasted their browns and grays with bright white and cyan. I breathed deeply of the familiar ice-cold breeze that hit me in the face; Lucas scrunched up his nose and sneezed adorably. It was like walking into a fridge; behind the counter, the hunched over polar bear adjusted his glasses and flared his black nostrils. “Do my eyes and nose deceive me? Brenty, izzat you?” Mr. Timm had seen me enter that place hundreds of times. Back when I was a runt and tried to sneak off with his expensive sweets, he pretended to not notice sometimes; later on, when I was starting out my detective work and I picked clean his cellar, he occasionally gave me a bottle of the good stuff on the house. And, of course, after the divorce happened, he sold me his expiring meat at a discount, and even let me start a tab that he knew would probably never be paid. Even at my worst, however, he’d never seen me wearing a baby carrier. I smiled at the old bear; whenever I stepped into that place, I felt like a kid again. The glass display case I had once kicked had still cracked, and the gum I had stuck on the expensive mahogany shelf was still there. I have no doubts that long after I die, Mr. Timm and his grocery shop will still be there, with the only difference being the number of gray hairs on his otherwise white coat. “Way to make an old man feel even older, Brenty. Breeding,” the codger cackled through his tooth gaps. He limped closer, and I felt the overwhelming smell of raw meat and old people. He bopped Lucas’s nose with his paw pad and giggled happily like a child. “And such a beautiful orange coat! I always knew you had a thing for your red cousins!” I bit my lip, thinking of an answer, but before I had the chance, he threw his head back with a hearty (if slightly wheezy) laugh. “Put the fear of God in you, didn’t I? Don’t worry, old Timm does listen to the news. Brenty got a prey smuggler arrested and married the sister of one of the victims. Brenty’s a hero!” He paused and tilted his head. “Brenty still hasn’t paid his tab.” I sighed. I knew I’d been avoiding the place; I had forgotten why. I had the money, of course – life gets easier when you actually get paid regularly – but part of me was too ashamed to look the polar bear in the eyes after so long. “I’ll fix that right away.” I finally dared to smile at him; seemingly pleased with my gesture, he pressed his hands together in a satisfied manner. “And I’d like a bag of mince, too… but only if they’re still within their expiration date.” “Good choice, good choice. Beats the kibble your parents stuffed you full off when you were a cub. Someone’s got means, yes they do…” His shaking, massive hands pulled open one of the many freezers in the room; immediately the glint of pinkish red and the smell of frozen blood made my ears instinctively perk up in attention. Timm hummed as he rummaged through the freezer, squinting through his glasses at the frozen over plastic packaging until he finally came upon a polystyrene box. “What type is it?” I asked as he shoved it into a plastic bag. His grin widened. “Rabbit.” I raised a finger, ready to say something, only for him to burst into a wheezy laugh once again. “Brenty, Brenty, Brenty… just take the damn meat and don’t ask questions. Is there really any answer I could give you that wouldn’t make you protest?” I blinked in confusion; the old polar bear always knew me better than I knew myself. He was right, of course. Meat had become a touchy subject ever since I moved in with Nella. Obviously, cooking it in her place was a no-no; so, my only choice was to eat at restaurants once a month or so, to balance out my diet. I’d gotten into the habit of making a point to not know what I was about to eat before eating it; not that it helped much. I can usually tell what’s what just from the taste of it. “It’s not rabbit, and more importantly, it’s not sapient. That would, of course, be very illegal, wouldn’t it? I certainly wouldn’t charge so little for it if it had a college degree.” I slapped a fifty on the table; to my surprise, he shoved it in the register and gave me exact change. “What about the-” I started, but he just shook his head. “I was just pulling your leg, Brenty. Being a cop for so long really killed your sense of humor, didn’t it?” I hate to admit it, it probably did. You don’t laugh much in the business of people being killed. And now that my life stood at a crossroads, and I was stuck between two worlds – a foodfucker, if you will – everything was becoming drab and serious. I stayed around to talk to him some more, but it’s hard to catch up on years on end. The conversation turned awkward, and eventually, he took the lead, telling story after story about rude customers, the health inspector’s untimely visit, and however many new wives he had since we last saw each other. Lucas’s hungry crying turned out to be one hell of a convenient excuse for me to bail and bring along his first ever meat meal; to Mr. Timm I left behind nothing but a promise that I’d visit more often; a promise we both knew to be as empty as a twelve gauge after a business transaction. I drove us to a nearby coffee shop; the squeaky-clean franchised dirty water dispenser that had replaced Mr. Barak’s place. We sat on a cheap white plastic table by the window, so I could keep an eye on my car. I had some coffee – black, no sugar, no cream – and after a few minutes of sweet-talking, managed to get the waitress to also heat up the mince. Odd. I expected them to be happier to help a single dad feeding their kid. I could have gone baby food, of course. It’d be easier and cheaper, and probably healthier. But there’s a primal side to a predator’s first meat meal; if ignored or suppressed, it will only lead to complexes and other issues down the line. My first ‘meat’ meal was kibble in expired milk, and look at me today. No, there’s a ritual to this. A ritual that people like Nella must never witness. I pushed the plastic bowl of now room-temperature meat towards Lucas, who sat across the table for me on one of those baby seats. His little nose twitched; he had never seen this red paste before, but deep in his psyche, he recognized it. He grabbed a handful, eyes widening in surprise when it slipped through his stubby fingers and fell on his lap with a wet plop. Unbothered, he simply brought the hand to his mouth and gave it a tentative lick. Then another. Then another. Then he grabbed another handful. It was, of course, a mess. Half the food ended up on him, me, the floor, the waitress, and the window. The little that did end up in his mouth, however, was enjoyed, even if it took him a while to figure out how to swallow his first semi-solid meal. I did not interfere; I just had my coffee and watched to make sure he didn’t choke. The meal started early, with us being politely asked to leave. For the first time since I sat down, I looked around and realized that we were the center of attention. Knee-jerk fury welled up inside me; I was ready to snap. I stood up; I towered over the half-pint of a mutt. From the corner of my eye, I saw the cub – my cub – nibble at his own blood-soaked fingers and making a series of slightly growl-like sounds. This world’s fucked up. People are assholes. Kids have a way of mimicking what they see adults do. No matter how young he was, or how unable to understand what was transpiring… I wasn’t going to be taking the risk. I lowered my head and mumbled an apology. I paid up with a twenty; roughly ten times the price of the coffee. It seemed to lessen the blow somewhat. There’s very little money can’t do in this town. As I walked out of the coffee shop with the kid in my arms and bloody pink paste all over my jacket, I felt shame. But for the first time in my life, I didn’t care that I did. The little tyke in my arms squealed happily. Suddenly, my aching ego, battered further by the amused glances of bystanders who caught a whiff of meat, didn’t seem that important, all things considered. _______________________________________________________ We made it our bi-weekly ritual. An escape from the (wonderfully prepared) grains and vegetables and dairy products. A father and a son; a grey fox and a red one having some quality time together. Whenever my work didn’t keep me from it, I made sure to always make the time for it. I won’t lie; as Lucas grew, I started being less and less uneasy around him. There’s just a part of me that finds it difficult to deal with kids, I suppose. They’re incomplete – emotionally, physically, and mentally. I can’t read someone who isn’t fully developed, and I can’t be myself unless I know what’s going on. But as the boy grew, so did the troubles caused by the law that had made his adoption a possibility. It wasn’t just the news stories and lists of casualties. Like all things gruesome in my city, it ended up being my problem in the Homicide desk. And mightily fucked up, it was. Gang activity on the rise. The latest trend was the so-called ‘hunting parties’ – small groups of goons and rich kids alike, delving deep into what had once been prey territory, armed with hunting rifles and loading the carcasses of their victims onto their pickup trucks. Organized resistance sometimes was mounted, but nature is nature. Predators chase, prey flee. It’s easier to ignore what’s going on outside of your window than try to resist and put yourself in danger. And can you blame them? I did my best to deal with it, but there’s only so much a single fox can do, and even less so when you suspect a couple of your coworkers don’t particularly care about the wellbeing of some prey. I tried to hide the sad state of affairs from my new family. Those bunnies certainly didn’t need to be reminded of how unfair the world was becoming, or how powerless I was to do anything at all about it. And though I hid in the trappings of fatherhood to try and forget about the sounds of gunfire and hunting horns just outside our door, Nella slowly sank into despondency and depression. We had long since decided that, once the kid was a little older, she’d pull on old contacts and try to find work again. Showbiz will chew you up and spit you out, sure – but my lagomorph partner was at the center of one hell of a web of connections, nurtured and cherished behind my back throughout the years, like the saplings of a fruit tree. And when the harvest came, it was certainly plentiful, even if the farmer was a bit rusty. So, we decided the kid was old enough. Besides, what’s the point of having doting parents in law when you can’t just use them as a free babysitting service? And so, we accrued money in a world that was rotten to the core. I didn’t know why, but Nella had a plan; Nella always had a plan. And one day, when I arrived home after a particularly mind-crushing episode of the daily ground, I found my sister-in-law and my wife, sitting on the couch, sipping on tea and staring at me. At first, I thought nothing of it. I greeted them both politely, threw my hat and raincoat on the coat hanger, and went to pour some hot coffee that Nella had so kindly prepared for me. Hot coffee. Prepared in advance. We were going to have a talk, weren’t we? I asked about the kid. She said it was with Ma and Pa. My first reaction was to commiserate with the toddler, but that’s a dangerous joke to make when you’re dealing with the two Roberts girls. “Just say what you’re going to say and be done with it,” I grumbled, sinking into my armchair and emptying the mug in a series of pained gulps. My face grimaced at the taste of the dregs, and a shiver rolled down my spine. I stared at the two girls, their smartass smiles worrying me something fierce. “I’ve been talking to my colleagues at the university,” Ayla said. The simplicity of the sentence hit me with its bluntness. How long had it been, already? Six, seven years? Almost a decade? And while Nella became gentler and tamer with time, tempering her fierceness with experience and wisdom, Ayla had simply become devilishly intelligent, devoting every second of her life to the studies of matters I can only begin to understand. She no longer had fellow students or teachers; now she had colleagues. I never had a little sister, but I felt so much pride for the foolish girl I rescued, all those years ago, from Slim’s clutches – now a woman, surpassing me in intelligence, if not intuition. So, this was what it felt like to see someone truly soar in life. “I’ve been talking with my colleagues,” she repeated. “And we came up with an idea. But we need you to be the face of it.” “He hates it already,” Nella commented with a smirk. “She’s right, you know,” I said. “I know,” Ayla said. She crossed her legs and dipped her tea bag on her mug a few more times until the brownish water was a thick black. I smelled chamomile and dandelion. Very becoming for a rabbit. “A friend of mine owns a farm by the riverside, in the valley. The Harrington Estate.” Harrington. Harrington. I was sure I’d heard that name already. Probably came upon it while working, which is never a good sign. Before I could place it, however, Ayla snapped her fingers to draw my attention back to the real world. “William and Rose Harrington, double murder, big on media as a hate crime. The catalyst, if you’ll remember, for the big push towards segregation.” I rubbed the bridge of my snout. The Harrington murders, of course. Two wealthy deer who owned a big wheat farm and were famous for their equal opportunity hiring policy. Found purple and bloated, floating in their property’s well, their intestines and genitals devoured, courtesy of a piece of scum hyena they had hired off the streets. Left an orphaned fawn behind… …oh. Ayla smiled. “You’ll remember the name Flora Harrison. Inheritor of the estate and criminology student. She wants to sell the property… but only if it gets made into a shelter.” I blinked. “A shelter?” “Think for a moment, Brent,” said Nella. “The Union Act has put millions in danger. A lot of border areas are warzones now. Those people need a place to go.” I blinked, shocked that my wife, usually the most financially responsible of the two, was even humoring the idea. “Well, that’s all fine and good, but we can’t afford a palace like that, and you know it.” “Brent,” Ayla spoke up; the determination behind her tone snapped me to attention, like a child being scolded. “You are a hero.” “I-” “Brent,” she repeated, and once again, I went quiet. “You are a hero, and it’s not just me saying it. The Marlowe case was just the beginning. Your marriage with Nella, your adoption of Lucas… you have been living proof that we can all live in peace, and people are starting to realize that. Not just herbivores, either – the number of carnivores sympathetic to our cause are increasing, too.” She finished her tea and placed the empty mug on her lap, held in place between her open hands. “Flora is willing to basically give you the place for free. And if we accept donations, we can deal with maintenance too.” “I’d have to quit my job. Nella wouldn’t be able to pursue her…” My wife shook her head. “It’s okay, Brent. Helping those in need would be much more fulfilling than just entertaining them.” I mumbled under my breath; I was tense, sitting very straight and not moving a muscle. Realizing this, I adopted a looser stance, with an arm over the back of the seat, and lets stretched under the coffee table. It’s an old tactic to help one remain relaxed under pressure by tricking the brain into thinking everything’s okay. “I don’t know, Ayla. I’ll have to think about this. A shelter for prey deep in no man’s land… with me running it?” The two sisters shared a knowing look, big incisors revealing themselves in a pair of mischievous smiles. “Take your time,” Nella said. “But if you’re worried about running it smoothly, you don’t have to worry. You have me and Ayla to back you up, after all… and Cousin Rob has a degree in logistics.” And that’s how it happened. The chips were on the table, and they were calling my bluff. Brent T. Ford has always known when to fold them. And that’s how we got to where we are, now. _______________________________________________________ The massive brown bear adjusts his deerstalker hat, fitting much too tightly around his oversized head. His nose scrunches up; he can smell them from here. The quarry. He pokes his reptilian friend in the arm; the prick of claw against scale snaps the Komodo dragon out of his torpor, and he nods, patting his side to make sure his holster’s still there. He brings his hunting horn to his lips, but the bear shakes his head; there will be no arrogant posturing tonight. The so-called ‘Ford-Roberts House’ is well protected, or so they say. It’s a good night. Out in the wheat fields, it almost feels like the wilderness. As they push their way through the golden stalks, canteens, binoculars, and flashlights jingling against each other, the two predators feel at home. Adrenaline and some other chemicals – some natural, some not – travel through their bloodstream, filling them with a bloodlust befitting a full moon. They leave cover behind when they enter the driveway. Parked nearby is a taxi; the dim light within delineates a humanoid figure in the driver’s seat. Digitigrade legs crossed, squeezed against the wheel. Vaguely lupine head resting on his hands. The vibrations of muffled soulful music, audible even among the cacophony of crickets and frogs. The Komodo dragon gestures to go around; his friend nods his agreement. They turn around, ready to dive back into the cover of fields of wheat. Like cracking thunder, the sound of gunfire resonates through the fields, silencing the denizens of the night for a few seconds. In front of the bear’s feet, a cloud of dust raises up. Lights in the big building turn on; dozens of heads are peeking out of the windows. In the darkness, the farmhouse is now a monument; a grandiose building, bright white and with a red brick roof, illuminated by the bright yellow glow coming from the square windows. In his car, the taxi driver jolts awake and squints through the window. Seeing the proceedings, he steps out, whistling appreciatively at the shot. He sits on the hood of his ride, tongue smacking against the roof of his mouth. “Oh, boy, you two fellas sure bunged it up now,” the thylacine comments, his smile wide and full of sharp teeth. The figure with the rifle doesn’t say anything. He spits on the floor and takes aim again. The smaller of the two hunters immediately drops to the ground, raising his hands in surrender. But the bear has other plans. He growls his disgust at his comrade’s cowardice. Another cloud of dust rises as he kicks the Komodo dragon in the ribs, eliciting a pained hiss as the reptile rolled onto the driveway. He slipped his hand into his jacket’s inner pocket. A hint of waxed wood emerged from behind the fabric, followed by the glint of metal. Another gunshot. The force of impact sends the towering beast reeling; he stumbles backward a few steps, and with a loud thump, falls on his back on the dusty ground. “Wrong move, creep.” The Komodo dragon’s pleas for mercy are ignored; Brent’s piercing brown eyes rest squarely on him even as he pokes the fallen body with the barrel of his gun. The six hundred pounds of muscle and fur don’t budge, but the blood that stains the driveway red says enough. “You’re a witness, Miles. This was self-defense,” says the grey fox. The thylacine’s amused expression vanishes in under a second, and he raises his palms, shaking his head. “Oh, nuh-huh, boss. I ain’t stepping into a courthouse again.” Ford tilts his head and cracks a small smile, before turning his attention to the Komodo dragon. “Weapons, now.” Looking down the barrel of a hunting rifle, even the most xenophobic of gangers becomes compliant. His movements are nervous and hectic, but he produces quite the arsenal; a handgun, a butterfly knife, a machete, and an icepick. “Looks like you creeps were hoping for some sick fun,” the fox growls. “So? Did you enjoy yourself? Or is it less fun when the tables turn?” The reptile mumbles an apology, dust filling his mouth as he begs and pleads. Eventually, the fox relents and takes a step back. “Miles,” he calls out. “Drive this creep to the hospital or a ditch. I don’t give a shit.” The thylacine rubs his hands together eagerly. He approaches and helps the lizard up with a smile and a friendly wink. “Blood on the upholstery will cost you extra, boss, as usual.” Brent nods. “Of course.” Miles ignores the incessant litany of thank yous and shoves the limp body of the lizard into the back seat of his Checker. The door’s slammed shut, and he takes his seat. The usual spiel about keeping the seatbelt on is delivered, more on instinct than anything else, and the lizard is handed an unlabeled bottle of water and told to drink, and not dribble venom all over it like the last Komodo he drove around. With a flick of his finger, Miles makes his sexy hula stoat begin to sway; the music is switched on, loud enough to drown out any complaining or screaming. It’s time to drive. The fox smiles as the car is reduced to two headlights that become smaller and smaller; at the very end of the road, they disappear behind the fence. He turns around and returns to the house - before he even manages to take a single step, booming applause erupts from the open windows above. He looks up. Adults and children, men and women of all species, breeds, and walks of life. All prey, cheering him on. It breaks his composure. He stutters an excuse and runs inside, slamming the door behind him. The next morning, he crawls out the bed quietly, so as to not awaken his wife. He picks up the phone and dials a number he knows by heart. The familiar voice answers almost immediately. “Miles’ Taxi Service here. May I help you?” “It’s Ford.” The fake-cheery tone turns genuine. “My favorite fox! If this is about yesterday, I’ll be around tonight to collect and deliver a few more folks.” The door creaks open and a young red fox, existing in the border between toddler and preteen, enters the room. Without uttering a sound, Brent smiles and nods at his son, wordlessly assuring he’ll be a second. “Did you deliver the guy to a hospital?” There’s a pause on the other side of the line. When Miles' voice returns, it sounds confused – or rather, feigning confusion. The old detective might be retired, but his ability to read people wasn’t diminished by age. “Guy? What guy?” Brent furrows his brow, letting out a sigh through his nose. “The Komodo dragon.” “I don’t know what you’re going on about, boss. Hey, you wanna drop by for dinner?” “Pass. I told the kid I’d take him fishing today.” _______________________________________________________ “Dad! Get your ass over here!” “Quiet, Lucas, you’ll scare the-” “Shut up and hurry!” Grumbling to himself, the fox tosses the still wriggling fish into the bucket nearby, where five more await it. He props down his fishing rod on the soft earth and approaches the young red fox, who leans over the black-and-white portable television. “Aunt Ayla’s on!” “Shh!” Distorted by static, the voice of a female announcer is barely understandable – it takes their full attention to even make out what the grey blur was saying. “…we have Ayla Roberts, author of the book ‘The Nature of the Beast’ and professor of Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry at the…” “Dad, what’s Forensic Psychiatry?” “Quiet!” “…a staunch defender and face of the Reunification movement, which has been gaining an unprecedented amount of traction over the past few months.” The shot lingers on a familiar, if blurry, face – Ayla, hands crossed over her lap, gracefully nodding her head at the applause and occasional booing alike. Brent can’t help but smile; it feels like it was only yesterday that she was just a fine young woman finishing up university… “Thank you, Linda. I am hoping that this debate will help clear out the air about how to fix the inherent flaws in the Unity Act that has been causing my people so much strife,” the rabbit says, adjusting her small bowtie. “It’s really her!” “Lucas!” The gray fox sounds more exasperated than angry, at this point. “…sorry.” The camera focuses on the face of the so far formless voice that is the announcer; a young falcon lady in a beautifully understated dress. “And we also have with us one of the movement’s fiercest critics, Dr. Christian Ford.” Lucas glances at his adoptive father, about to comment on how their names are the same. When an aging gray fox in a plaid shirt smiles and nods at the camera, however, Lucas decides to remain quiet. “Professor Roberts, any opening statements?” Ever the adept speaker – and with nary a glance at her notes - the rabbit in the television grins. “I am here to present my critique of the glaring and dangerous flaws that permeate the Unity Act, and to disprove Dr. Ford’s claims about the so-called ‘irrepressible nature of the predator’. I urge all predatory lifeforms who are tuning in today to hear what I have to say. I do believe deeply that you are more than what you think you are, and that with true Reunification – none of this Unity Act one-sided nonsense – we can achieve a brighter tomorrow where my people won’t have to be afraid to go out at night… and Dr. Ford’s people won’t have to be afraid of being shot for looking slightly hungry.” The debate begins. Dr. Christian Ford goes on his usual spiel about the inalienable right to feed – a song and dance that’s easy to tune out. Brent stretches and yawns; his hand ‘accidentally’ nudges the already precariously set up television antenna, and a flood of static engulfs the entire image and sounds alike. The ex-detective’s face turns into an annoyed scowl, and he switches the television off. The sweet silence is welcomed, and father and son stare at the now dead television with relief. “Hey, dad?” Brent pauses his panting for just a moment and glances at his son. His body sinks back into his sun-bleached beach chair, causing the rusting metal to creak out a warning. “Yeah?” “Can you give me a ride to town tonight?” The grey fox raises an eyebrow, adjusts his ill-fitting straw hat and scratches the back on his neck. “What do you need from town? I’ve told you it’s not safe; they don’t like people like us down there. Just let me know what you want and I’ll get it.” “Well, actually, uh… a friend invited me over for dinner, and I was hoping you could drive me there.” “A ‘friend’, huh? Oooh, boy… your mom’s going to lose it.” Lucas chuckles awkwardly. “I hope not…” “What’s she like?” “She’s a rabbit, like Mom.” “Oh, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas… dating a rabbit is a mistake you’ll never regret,” Brent says, shaking his head. He inhales deeply the cool air of the riverside. Wild lavender and freshly-caught fish, ready for the grill. He stretches his limbs and let out a long-awaited yawn… and his hand rests on his son’s head. The boy tilts his head to the side, his keen yet still developing mind struggling to process his father’s vague comment. Brent continues. “Have I ever told you how me and your mom met?” The red fox shakes his head. His father merely smiles. With a deft movement, he cracks open a can of non-alcoholic beer. A few massive gulps of the refreshingly hoppy and sugary taste later, he passes it to his son. Focusing his tired eyes on the edge of the forest beyond the stream, he exhales through his mouth and speaks gravely. “The smell of tobacco hung thick in the air…”
“Is the girl in the front room available for sessions Cyl? She was cute.” “Isn't she though? But no she's only my roommate, I haven't been able to convince her to help with very many clients. She's shy, when it comes to what I do. Follow my voice into here, this is my room~” Cyl said in dim lighting. “It's dark, I can hardly see you. And I do want to see you” the herm said to Cyl and stepped closer. She closed her eyes for a few moments and concentrated her thoughts on an incant-code. while(motes.size() < 3) mote.create().light(); Three random points of light floated up from the herm's outstretched hand, drifting towards the ceiling to illuminate the room. The infinitely small nano machines were set into motion by the code the herm thought for just a moment with eyes closed. The room was bathed in the light and Cyl's form became visible. The herm purred at the sight drinking in Cyl's pleasing appearance. Cyl was an average height but that was the end of average things about her, long flowing hair that periodically changed shade from purple to pink then back again, each strand on an individual timeline. It also always seemed to be catching a non existent breeze and never got in her way. Red glowing slanted eyes that pulsed from her round face. She had a noteworthy bust that bordered on soccer ball sized and an ass that blew right past soccer ball volume and straight to halved basketballs for buns. Thick thighs and a plush layer all over that jiggled as if she was in micro gravity. The hair waving as if caught by breeze, the changing color, and her plushness jiggling were all the work of her own incant codes constantly run and re run in her mind. Cyl looked at the three lights and rolled her eyes. She didn't close her eyes to initiate her incant-code. She merely blinked. Motes.destroyAll(); forall( mote in motes ) mote.synchronize().flicker( candleGradient ); The three lights instantly extinguished and instead Cyl's body flickered with light Illuminating herself practically from within. Her skin gave off the pulsing glow of a small candle. “A flame correct?” the herm asked and Cyl nodded. “Am I to be the moth then and drawn in?” the herm asked and Cyl chuckled. “As soon as the contract is signed, yes~” Cyl purred. “Sybil's Spike you look good though!” the herm said, an obvious erection tenting her tight fitting pants. Cyl rolled her eyes at the casual curse invoking the ancient figurehead. The curse had become a popular catch phrase again after falling out of favor for the last merciful 150 years. Cyl did not rejoice its return to regular use. “What? You don't like taking the architect's name in vain? Revere her?” the herm asked after detecting Cyl's obvious distaste. “Quite the opposite, I revere our dear patron of incant-code quite little. That her name is worth using as a curse annoys me slightly. It reminds me of when 'God Dammit' used to be a popular curse. But Sybil was far from a goddess” Cyl responded. The herm tilted her head in curious confusion. “Odd, since you're so skilled with incant-code. I'd figure she would be a role model for you...” Ther herm said and paused. “By the way you must tell me sometime how you weave such elegant incant-codes. That flicker along your skin is gorgeous and you doused my incanted nanos at the same time didn't you? Just how many incants can you run at once? Your hair hasn't stopped moving or changing colors, your eyes as well. You must be split three... No! Four ways! And I never see you close your eyes to keep up with all the incants!” the herm said. Cyl smiled, the same practiced grin she always threw when someone complimented her skills with incant-code. “Oh it's nothing, my limit is six though, I can't reliably run anymore than that or I'm liable to create wild-code” Cyl said with a sarcastic chuckle. It was a lie though. She could go beyond that, she didn't know how many she could run at once though anymore. Nothing had challenged her in the last century to need more than a dozen incants running at once. “Ahh.. Still impressive though, I have to pause and think for just one! Two incant codes and I'm mentally spent. Three and I'd level the city with a wild-code-swarm! Haha!” the herm said and chuckled. “I'll show you the flicker code maybe once the contract is up~ That is if you're still alive at its completion~” Cyl offered. “Mmm Yes, let's finish that out!” the herm said. Cyl produced a data drive pressed it against her wall and blinked, executing incant-code quickly. Motes.print( 'repoContract9286.txt' ); A collection of tiny specks arranged into words acting as a screen embedded there in the surface, it displayed a literal wall of text. The herm's eyes darted about it, her hand gesturing to scroll through the legalese. Cyl spoke up after a few moments to explain the gist of it. “Basically for the initial part lays out my charges, 1000 credits for kisses, 2000 for gropes and 500 credits for each thrust. If and when your account can no longer pay I will gain rights to in essence repo the clone body you are inhabiting right now.” Cyl said and looked over the custom clone her client was inhabiting. It looked expensive, toned muscles on her thighs and arms, an hourglass shape, still feminine but with a fitness theme to it with six pack abs and a tight butt that looked sculpted from stone. The cock on it was rather generous as well. It was obviously not a natural clone, work had been done on it, the muscles probably taken from one genetic donor and the perky and large breasts taken from elsewhere. Splicing contradictory features like that was hard expensive work. The Indonesian face and height over 6 ft really gave away the extent of the modifications though. There were no pure races in the city of Cyfan where they lived, there were hardly any on Earth anymore either and the average height for a purely Indonesian descent was well under 5 feet. Sometimes Cyl hated how her analytical mind could ruin the magic. She wished she could just enjoy the fantasy of an amazonian height Asian herm. Either way the clone body was likely supremely expensive. Cyl would enjoy digesting it. “So when you fuck yourself into debt I'll gurgle that body of yours down and spike you into a cheap new clone body. From there you'll have six months to pay me back for the debt and the clone body. After that if I'm not paid back I can do with your spike as I desire. And I have very twisted desires~!” Cyl warned with a grin. “Mmm just the kind of risk I'm looking for! It's been a terribly boring the last 50 years you know. I could live off my account interest for millennia but would it be any fun? Starting from scratch again... Sinking or swimming... Fighting or falling sounds like the kick I need to really live again.” the herm said and scrolled to the bottom. She closed her eyes. Motes.print( signature() ). The pin pricks of light arranged a looping signature at the bottom of the document. Cyl fell down into her bed and let her legs open for the herm who was already undressing. Cyl made no attempt to undress herself, she'd let the herm forcibly do that herself. She had hidden a few charges in the contract, one being the destruction of her clothes incurring a few thousand credits for each article damaged. Cyl blinked again. Motes.print( Client.balance() ); A number appeared on the wall then, the client's account total. A half a million credits, a kings ransom. One could live on a few credits a day and rent an apartment like Cyl's for 50 an Earth month. The herm reached down and ripped Cyl's printed clothing away and the number ticked down. The herm looked confused for a moment, wondering what she'd done to incur a cost yet. “You sneaky little~” the herm uttered as she took Cyl by the hair and wrenched it to expose her neck for kissing. Another few thousand credits ticked off the count. “You told me to be ruthless in our messages. Is it my fault the so called power broker didn't read the specifics while her cock was getting hard?” Cyl teased. “Mmmm while I'm still in the black I'm going to fuck that smugness to pieces~!” the herm said and proceeded to throw caution to the wind. She tore apart Cyl's clothes, groped, grabbed, stroked, licked, kissed, squeezed and screwed away at Cyl with reckless abandon, not heeding her balance in the slightest. She was bankrupting herself in a hedonistic death spiral. Each plunge of her cock into Cyl exacting acute financial ruin, Cyl had also failed to mention the compounding interest for each thrust without use of contraceptives or condom protection. By the time the herm was getting close to ejaculation her account was only five digits at 97,543. She mewled, wondering if she even had enough to reach a climax before she was bankrupted by Cyl's charge scheme. “Oh don't worry, I'll let you run yourself into as much debt as you like for that orgasm. After that though you're mine.” Cyl whispered and gyrated her own hips. This service was only a credit per millisecond which she deemed fair in comparison to her other robberies. The herm gripped her hips and pumped in hard powerful thrusts. Cyl grinned since forces over 100 newtons doubled the cost. She had her and took some pity as she worked her own hips and pressed into the penetrating length, wrapping her legs around the herm as she moaned out her climax cumming inside Cyl which was another clause that triggered another fifty thousand to the bill. The herm pulled out, panting as she looked up at the amount displayed in red. 134,000 credits were owed to Cyl. “Might as well get my money's worth" the herm said as she went to hold Cyl down with her forearm across Cyl’s neck, her other hand went to grope Cyl’s chest a few times before her servitude began. “ah, ah, ah" Cyl said clucking her tongue. “You climaxed, you're mine now" Cyl stated. Cyl blinked twice. Motes.ConvertType(Links) Multithread{ Links.Restrain() Links.Suspend() Links.Muzzle() } Links.lockAccess() The motes of light disappeared and swirled toward the herm as their light dissipated. They formed a thin braid as they looped together only barely visible. The herms arms were pulled behind her back, knees and ankles pulled together as she lifted off the bed and off of Cyl and was suspended in mid air above her. A thin film of the tiny devices was over her mouth as well which she screamed a muffled yelp into. Cyl tapped the herm’s nose playfully and squeezed one of her boobs before rolling off the bed and grabbing a towel. The herm struggled in mid air to release herself but the nanos were tough to escape from. The herm closed her eyes to try her own incant-code but the braids around her limbs only glowed in red at her attempts, signaling her access being denied. She tried attacking the links holding her but each attempt was met by Cyl blinking and countering it with incants of her own. “Oh stop that nonsense. I own you now.” Cyl said and clutched the herm’s balls tightly. That broke her concentration and she whimpered into her gag. Cyl patted her ass before drying herself with the towel. All the sweat and cum came off onto the towel. She could have just used more nanobots to clean herself but she liked the feeling of a towel, it was nostalgic from times long past. Also it was deviously erotic to drape the soaked fabric over the herm's suspended head. Let her stew in that filth a moment. It wasn't in the agreement they'd reached but the herm seemed to quiver in enjoyment at the impromptu act. She had wanted to be overpowered after all, to be made helpless by Cyl and not in a fake or acted way. She'd sought Cyl out specifically because she was capable of easily overwhelming even this expensive clone body the herm was using. Cyl allowed herself one last feel-up of the expensive and sexy frame. Running her hands up thighs, legs, ass and back before taking a handful of her breasts below. Then she rested a hand at the top of her neck where a circle shaped piece of metal adorned the surface like a dermal piercing. Cyl pushed it like a click pen and it ejected from the skin, pulling out to reveal an inch long glowing spike below the circular top. As Cyl prepared to pull it out the herm tensed up and shook her head. “Oh? Would you like to keep it in?” Cyl asked. The herm nodded. “Should I digest it too? End you?” Cyl asked. The herm shook her head. “So you want to experience and remember the digestion?” Cyl asked. The herm nodded. “Then I'll digest everything but your spike.” Cyl said and pressed the spike back into the base of the herm's neck. Cyl ran her hand back down the herm's body groping where she pleased before getting to the herm's feet and opening her mouth wide. She blinked again. Links.ExecuteCustomRoutine('MouthDescent.bat') Cyl casually watched as the herm continued to struggle fruitlessly as her body moved in midair into Cyl's maw. Cyl lapped her tongue tasting the expensive flesh entering her, being confined by her throat and deposited in her stomach gradually. She admired the engineered curves of the shape. The cloning process to make it was exquisite. She'd seen a lot of asses and could tell the shape was Brazilian genes but the plushness, the softness of the fat was definitely African American. The cock was definitely sub-saharan as the size was considerable. She took her time tasting that part and the balls before it. She considered slowing the routine but the nanos were running out of energy. The herm struggled against the near invisible restraints but even her taut muscles couldn't break free. Cyl's throat tugged her down and curled her up inside a bulging gut. Cyl grinned at the twitching form and grinned. “I'm going to speed you along dear~” Cyl said then blinked. Links.ConvertType(Disassemblers) Disassemblers.SetException(Spike) Disassemblers.SetEndState(Liquid) Disassemblers.Execute() The nanobots surrounding and tying the herm up released but immediately spread over the herm's body. She was coated in a yellow-ish slime from the stomach but that began to foam and fill the stomach. Like a mint dropped into soda it was quick. Cyl put a hand to her throat before burping and rubbing her stomach that expanded into a rounded shape. The herm within thrashed as she was surrounded by the foaming acids. The stomach was usually inefficient with moving acids that had taken a bite out of flesh and replacing them with new acids. A churning stomach took care of this over time. Making usually slime like acids into a foam spread them out and panicking prey moving about the stinging foam did the job even better than churning. Between the flicker on Cyl's skin and the digestive foam it was a caustic Rave inside for the herm. She flailed as her flesh turned to organic liquid pooling in the stomach. Cyl still cooed her approval as her stomach clenched in on the short lived meal. She giggled as she felt the foaming dissipating along with the herm who struggled for breath. Her limbs fell off as if they were weakly attached, breasts falling and splattering like a poorly made jello mold. The inside of the stomach looked like pop foaming down in a glass, more and more liquid collecting in the bottom. Liquid made of the herm's body turned efficiently into a soup by accelerated digestion. The herm crumpled, her remaining form splashing into the puddle of herself before dissolving rapidly like sugar being stirred into water. The only thing left being a glowing spike that sunk to the bottom of the sloshing liquid. As it hit the bottom it's glow went out, the spike going dark. A mote of light winked red near Cyl's head. It was a triggered incant she'd setup earlier. “Ahh she's ceased then. Lost connection with anything left of that remarkable body.” Cyl said to herself rubbing over her rounded belly. Cyl blinked again to put the mote of red light out and donned a pair of loose fitting pajamas with a blink. The clothes just dissolved in reverse, coming into existence around her legs even as she walked. They hid the majority of her curves and looked comfortable despite being made of nanos. She left her bedroom for the living room of the apartment. There sat a short woman, black hair and pixie cut short to her ears. She was in loose fitting jeans and a sports bra. There were grease stains on her arms and face. She was sitting Indian style on the floor with her eyes closed and face set in a scowl that twisted even darker as Cyl entered the room. “Are you glowing again? Doing the candle skin thing? I can practically see you through my eyelids.” the woman complained. “Ah yes... I suppose I still am... Sorry Tink” Cyl said and blinked before the candle glow on her skin went away and she let the pattern in her hair stop as well settling on a blonde color. She kept it waving as if in wind though, the effect also made sure to keep the hair out of her face. Cyl collapsed onto a nearby couch, her belly sloshing and rocking as she settled in. Looking at the nearby coffee table that held a jar, it was swirling with nanos as if they were trying to create a miniature tornado. To the untrained eye it would just look like a dust devil but Cyl could recognize the pattern of movement. There was too much order for it to be dust but randomness of the pattern was too wild to be made by any person who wasn't crazy. Tink was intelligent but not crazy. “They don't seem very happy in there.” Cyl said. “Wild code doesn't have emotions” Tink responded. “Also you're still distracting me with all that sloshing going on over ther- Oh Sybil's spike!” Tink said as the contents of the jar sparked and shuddered. The jar fell over and the previously swirling cloud fell to the bottom, dormant like dirt. “Another failed attempt to control the wild code?” Cyl asked, nodding towards the jar. Whatever she'd tried had failed and a safety measure had destroyed the swirling nanos within which happened to be wild code nanos. “There's just so much more of it out there chasing us, billions of times more than the nanos that listen to our incants! I mean sybil's-spike imagine if we could control that!” Tink said and stood to motion out of their window. Cyl rolled her eyes at the colloquial term invoking Sybil. Outside the window was a brilliant sight. The apartment was on an upper floor in the high rise. One of the tallest in the city of Cyfan, named after the hundreds of turbo-fans that carried the entire metropolis and floated it across the planet's barren landscape. Cyl glanced out, seeing the fans dutifully whirring, they periodically surged with arcs of barely controlled electricity. That energy powered them to subsonic speeds and lifted the millions of tons supported by the superstructure. The city went out for a several dozen kilometers in every direction. Beyond the city though, beyond the rocky desert landscape covering any view of the horizon was the real sight Tink was referring to. Past the edge of the floating city was a landscape of mostly barren red rock and desert like conditions. Off in the distance though was an enormous black cloud, at ground level ever moving towards them. It looked like the sandstorms of earth moving across the landscape but the darkness, the way it swallowed light and lanced with purple lightning made it seem like a thunder storm. But everyone knew it to be more destructive than any high velocity sand more powerful than any thunderstorm recorded on any planet. Anything that entered it would end up just as mangled and digested as the herm that was liquid within Cyl. It was in truth a nanostorm, a vast collection of nanos running wild-code that moved with the sun's light across the surface of the planet. It was charged by the solar energy and so had to keep moving with the light. The city of Cyfan stayed ahead of it lest it and it's inhabitants be turned to organic goo. Cyl considered Tink's question again imagining what they could do if they could control that fearsome nanostorm just as they did with the nanos that obeyed incant coding. “Well I imagine the city wouldn't have to move anymore. We wouldn't have to waste a fusion reactor's worth of energy on simply staying ahead of the wild code.” Cyl said idly as she inspected her nails. “You think so small Cyl! The wonders that could be accomplished! Nanos could do everyone's job!” Tink said grandly. “Unless they learn how to dominate kinky gut sluts I'd say my job is safe from nanos. And I'm not about to incant-code them an AI to do my work!” Cyl joked as she poked at her glorping gut. “You know what I'm talking about!” Tink grumbled. “Yes I do, and what were you trying to get your wild code sample to do today Tink? What job at work are you trying to avoid now?” Cyl asked and Tink turned away. “Hit it on the head did I?” Cyl asked and Tink held up a hand telling her not to rub it in. “The temp worker we had doing the heavy lifting in the shipping bay has transferred somewhere else. She had her spike sent to some perverted service that paid more.” Tink said. “What kind of perverted? And how much more?” Cyl quickly cut in, her interest piqued. Perverted was her bread and butter business. “Basically she gets spiked into a camera and is forced to watch this herm pervert jack off while she digests people with her balls. It's like getting off on flashing someone I guess. The point being she is in a way I guess being forced to watch and the pervert gets off on that. She's paying like 400 credits an hour and she does it daily so it adds up.” Tink said. “Meh, 400 credits an hour isn't worth not having a real body” Cyl said dismissively and waved her off. “Anyways, that's not the point. The point is that temp was spiking into our heavy duty body. It's this beefy looking male hulk of a frame. Whoever it is cloned off of looks like an ape with those huge arms. If I were into guys I'd probably want to be railed by the thing.” Tink said. “What about it then?” Cyl asked. “Well with the temp gone we have to take turns spiking into that body and unloading the shipping because it's the only thing strong enough to move the crates.” Tink said in a grumble. “And?” Cyl prodded. “And it's gross! I don't like being spiked into a man's body! It has that huge cock dangling between it's legs and those balls are so weird! Did you know they change shape in temperature? And it's all like yuck! Everyone is so eager to get out of it that no one takes it for a shower so it's all sweaty and stinky with BO!” Tink ranted and threw her hands up. “I wouldn't mind seeing what's between it's legs. Why don't you bring it in for a shower?” Cyl asked. “Cause then I'd have to look at it's naked hairy body and I'd even see it's penis on top of feeling it. That's not even the worst part though...” Tink said and put her hands on her face. “Oh what is the worst part?” Cyl asked. “No one jerks it off when they're spiked in so it's like completely horny from having no orgasms for the last few months. Whenever you're spiked in the cock gets all hard at random and if you brush it against something...” Tink said and shivered with revulsion. Cyl could hold back no more and burst into laughter at her lesbian friend's cock-phobia. “Hey it's the year 14,562 a girl is allowed to not like cocks!” Tink argued and crossed her arms, which only prompted Cyl to laugh harder. “It's not funny, I hate being in that thing. I'm quite happy in my original female form. So I'm trying to figure out an incant-code to make wild code obey me. If I had an entire cloud of wild code under my control they could lift the crates and I'd never have to go in that gross thing again!” Tink said and stared glumly at the overturned jar of destroyed wild-code nanos. “I'm sorry I'm not laughing at your sexuality, more power to you. It's just the way you get so pouty and fidgety about it. I apologize it's not my place to laugh at your preferences.” Cyl said and took a deep breath to contain her amusement. “I'd tell you my trick to levitation but to lift the crates you mentioned you'd need too many regular nanos. You'd drain buckets of them trying.” Cyl said. “I know, trying to use our tamed nanos wouldn't work. They feed off any kind of electricity sent through them, and I don't have enough bio electric to lift a crate and sponging it off the power grid would raise eyebrows. The wild-code is powered off the sun though. If I could harness that...” Tink said wistfully. “Keep dreaming Tink, you're not the first to have tried. Or turned into a puddle while trying. Which is what you might end up as if you aren't careful with wild code.” Cyl pointed out as she flicked some dirt from underneath her nails. “You're really good with incant-code Cyl! Won't you look my ideas over? C'mon I know how good you are at this kinda stuff.” Tink said and Cyl rolled her eyes. “I'm good at what I want to be, which right now is satisfying rich kinky clients.” Cyl said but Tink gave her a puppy dog face. “Oh fine, show me!” Cyl said and Tink smiled. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and motes of light gathered in the room to print out Tink's incant-code in midair before Cyl. “It's facing you so it's backwards” Cyl said “Oh sorry I'll do it agai-” Tink said but Cyl blinked and the motes rotated around so the words were the right way for Cyl. It never ceased to amaze Tink how skilled Cyl was at this. Taking control of someone else's incant-coded nanos was something that took Tink a few seconds to manage but Cyl just blinked. By the time Tink pulled herself from her admiration Cyl had read all the way through her incant-code. It was longer than most small, casual displays of nano use which were usually only a few lines long. Hers was pages. “Ridiculous” Cyl muttered but still she scrolled back up to check if she understood how a routine was recursively looping in a nested fashion. “Well?” Tink asked. “I see what you're doing. It's not a bad plan, to recursively loop and kill resources in a quick manner. Forcing a system shutdown. That could actually work. Nevermind no one has a clue what wild code would do if their resources were consumed by this kind of DDOS attack. But ignoring that huge unknown you'd have to run this code impossibly fast. Multi-thread it in your mind so many times... Far too many times. With how you code is I wouldn't even come close to running it quick enough to take over even that jar of nanos much less an entire nano-cloud or the nanostorm chasing the city.” Cyl said. “So it's impossible?” Tink asked glumly. “If you run this code as fast as it needed to go you'd burn your brain out, and your spike. So you wouldn't have to worry about using the male body again I guess...” Cyl said and Tink's shoulders slumped. “Pile those four commands to fully utilize registers, move this control block outside the loop...” Cyl muttered to herself as Tink entered a funk and wasn't listening. Cyl recognized potential but didn't want to admit it to Tink as the effort was more than likely a dead end. One that could cause her a lot of trouble and a floor to cleanup of Tink's gooey remains. “Sybil's shitty spike! back to the drawing board...” Tink said and shrugged. “I'm just a spike-slut-collector though so what do I know? It's still intriguing though... May I save it?” Cyl asked and Tink nodded. Cyl blinked and the motes dimmed and disappeared. Tink noticed Cyl's gut then as if for the first time realizing that Cyl had a guest with her. Tink gulped, her roommate's profession always made her a tad bit uncomfortable, especially with the stranger client's requests. She nodded towards her stomach. “So that bulge there? The girl you walked in with. Are they solid in there? … Are they... Going all the way through you? And if so are we going to have to fish their spike out of the toilet again? Cause you can do that by yourself this time.” Tink said. “They're going all the way through, and I think I have a solution...” Cyl said and patted her stomach a few times. A moment later she let out a large belch and the spike came flying out of her mouth, slimy and wet onto the coffee table. Tink looked a little more comfortable once she saw it was undamaged. Whoever was inside it wasn't lost to the ravages of Cyl's digestion then. They could be brought back. “She's still in there? Undamaged?” Tink asked as she picked it up and inspected it for less obvious signs of disrepair. “Less of a SHE, there was something a little extra between her legs.” Cyl said and Tink sneered. “Well I'm glad you hurried her into your room then, I was interested but I would've been very disappointed. Cause the rest of her was definitely my type. So... what's this one want? Hopefully not permadeath like that last one who wanted me to crush him under my feet? He was a real weirdo y'know? Straight guy wanting a lesbian to end him by crushing his spike. Bizarre!” Tink said shaking her head and cringing all the while denying an unbidden tingle she felt between her legs. “Why do you want to know? Did you enjoy it last time~? I can arrange another like that I'm sure!” Cyl said suggestively and leaned towards Tink who tensed at the proposition. “N-no! I don't think I want to do that again. I needed the money and... Well I guess there was something of a thrill there... Snuffing out someone who wanted it... I mean it's not like they're a man or woman when it's just a spike on the floor between your toes... So being lesbian didn't really come into it. But I don't think I'd want your job or to be your regular partner though Cyl. Something about it still feels wrong. Even if they want it and ask for it. So don't get any ideas on offering services from me. It makes me want to squirm” Tink said. “Like he did under your foot” Cyl thought but knew better than to say it aloud. “Awww why not?!” Cyl teased and shook her sloshing belly. “You end up with great tits from all the calories!” Cyl said trying to tempt her. “No thanks, not for me. I'm just not as readily accepting of the weird stuff people want you to do. I'd ward off clients off by being grossed out and disturbed all the time.” Tink said and Cyl nodded, agreeing with her without rubbing it in. “We can all live forever Tink so for some who've lived well into boredom death becomes the final entertainment that can be experienced. Permanent death is the one act you can never be bored of. But to answer your question, no this one doesn't want to die exactly. They're looking for a more long term humiliation.” Cyl said, Tink relaxed her shoulders that she'd unconsciously clenched. She was visibly relaxing. Cyl noticed and thought to change the subject a bit. “Did you see the body she wore in?” Cyl asked. “Yeah, totally hot. Was it a straight clone? Or mixed genomes? I would've liked to see it naked if not for the cock.” Tink said. “Totally mixed genomes. Guess how many...” Cyl teased. “Two? No three!” Tink said quickly. “I counted seven.” Cyl said. “Sybil's spike! Get out! No way!” “Cock, butt shape, fatty tissue density, breast shape, skin complexion, muscle structure, face. At least seven that I could see.” Cyl said. “That's gotta cost like a quarter million credits! And you're gonna shit it out? A quarter million credit body melted down?” Tink asked in disbelief of the value of the body that was soup in Cyl's gut. “Yup, I've only seen one other like it, some super vorno star from jupiter's moon Titania. Those tits were big as the damn moon too. It's a very physically able clone, probably trained and conditioned before she ever spiked in. The rights to all those genomes aren't cheap.” Cyl said. “So what's that got to do with her long term humiliation?” Tink asked. “Well that oh so rich herm's bank account has just been emptied by some very devious kinky contract a certain engineer helped me write.” Cyl said. “You bankrupted her with that?! I thought we were just joking when you had me type that up drunk! That contract was a total con! I can't believe you used it!” Tink said after dropping her jaw to which Cyl shrugged. “You know I'm terrible with legal lingo, you're way better at writing than I am.” Cyl said and inspected her nails. “Are you sure you're not just terrible at writing but just terrible in general Cyl? That thing was mean as wild code!” Tink said and slanted her head to suggest she couldn't believe the other woman's actions. “Well I like to call it sexually aggressive negotiations. She couldn't buy a shoe to spike into and she owes me money now.” Cyl said smiling to herself. “Why would she want to spike into and be someone's shoe? Wait! Don't answer that! There's probably a perv somewhere that you know that would I'm sure” Tink said. Cyl looked a little disappointed as she closed her mouth that was about to speak. She wouldn't be able to tell Tink all about one of her weird clients that was inhabiting the bath slippers Cyl had given to her as a gift two years ago. Cyl checked in on him from time to time and he was very happy being at Tink's feet. Not to mention the couple spiked into her 'fuck me' heels. Being turned into footwear was a popular request. “Well anyways, I'm going to buy a cheap clone and spike this previously cash flush herm into it. None of those amazing tits or bubbled ass. Some weak flimsy thing, humiliating for her and I'll turn her loose on the streets” Cyl said. “Sounds dangerous” Tink commented. “More dangerous than having a certain lesbian crush their spike underfoot?” Cyl asked. “Point taken. But please stop bringing that up. So she's into the danger? Being cast down?” Tink asked. “More like desperation. I'm putting her on a strict payment plan for what she owes me. If she can't come up with the credits then I'll repo her new body and her spike and do whatever I like with her. Perhaps digest her entirely, perhaps spike her into something humiliating like a warming bath mat.” Cyl said and shrugged. Tink pondered that for a moment, knowing that someone was underfoot, experiencing her step on them when she got out of the shower. There was a little bit of anxiety over someone being there while she was naked but also a little thrill at the thought of being so superior to them... The same kind of tingle she got when she crushed that person's spike and existence underfoot. “So a financial domination type thing then?” Tink asked and Cyl shrugged. “It's sort of a game really. She was really wealthy, clawed her way to the top. But she's gotten bored over the last 50 years of being at that pinnacle. She wanted a new thrill, challenge and to either swim or sink under a sexy woman. So she found me!” Cyl said and took the spike from Tink and twirled it in her fingers. Within was the consciousness of the woman. With memories right up through her digestion. “I wish I was so rich and bored!” Tink mentioned and shook her head. “Not all it's cracked up to be apparently.” Cyl said quickly. Tink didn't pry further, she knew Cyl likely came from a wealthy background but didn't want to make her share what she didn't want to. She paid the lion's share of rent and she'd met Cyl by chance after putting out an ad for a roommate. “Keeping it interesting is the way to go. She has different tastes than me but I'm not one to judge. My own interests are odd with what my profession entails.” Cyl said. “Just what is your profession anyways? I really don't know what to call whatever it is you do.” Tink said. “I don't like to put labels on it, I'm many things, a jailer, a prostitute, a devourer, a loan shark. There's not one name for me really. Why do you seek one?” Cyl asked. “My parents are in their clone bodies again. They rented theirs out for a few years while they were spiked into the city's turbo-fan repair drones. Y'know the ones that keep this city aloft and ahead of the nanostorm. Their 3 year tour of duty there is done so they're back and they wanted to know about my roommate and what she does for a living. I didn't want to say she seduces and murders people for a living or they might get worried.” Tink said and rolled her eyes. “Ah I see how that could be an awkward conversation... I suppose the closest single word would be a dominatrix... Femdom expert perhaps?” Cyl said and shrugged. “Can we really even call it femdom anymore? I mean someone could be born a boy and spike into a female body whenever. Does it count as femdom in that case?” Tink wondered aloud. “Whenever a potential client asks if I was originally female I just end the relationship right there. I have no interest in debating it or digging into my past. It just doesn't matter if anyone was born whatever gender anymore.” Cyl said shaking her head. “You turn down clients even though you were born female?” Tink asked and Cyl nodded. “I was too, born female that is.” Tink said. “Well duh, that's your original body so of course you were!” Cyl said chuckling. “H-how can you tell? I never told you this was my original body!” Tink said defensively. “I just can... For lack of a better way of putting it... you fit inside that body. There are ways a person regards their original skin that gives it away. How comfortable you are moving in it and also how people are dissatisfied with their original bodies.” Cyl said. “Like how?” Tink asked. “It's like how you might consider a defective product. If you got a chair that was faulty you'd be upset with it and whoever made it. It's the same for bodies. When someone is dissatisfied with their clone body gaining weight easily or aging too fast they aren't self conscious about it but more upset with the maker. When you put on a few pounds on your original though you feel guilt more than anything though. Stuff like that” Cyl said. Tink looked at her stomach grabbing at the small layer of pudge there. “Don't worry yours is cute. And attractive. Your body is gorgeous for the mind inside it.” Cyl said. “Thank you...” Tink said and blushed. It meant a lot coming from someone in Cyl's line of work to praise her body. “So what is the word then? How are your parents? Did they mention anything about the city's pace in keeping ahead of the nanostorm? Are we in for any stray nano-clouds?” Cyl asked. “The planet's rotation is variable and it sped up a bit. The fans are having trouble keeping up so our perpetual twilight is about to get a full noon sun unless the wild code slows down. The nanostorm seems to be having no trouble keeping up though.” Tink explained. “Otherwise they're doing fine though. Stretching their limbs again and thinking about getting eaten together and trashing their current bodies for good. Having clones made aged to about 40 years old” Tink said. “Their 40s? Hmm odd, most people go waaaay back to teens or twenties!” Cyl said and Tink shrugged. “I think it's an excuse to get eaten again sooner. They seem to enjoy waiting for it but they don't want to wait another 40 years. Last time they went to their twenties and had me along the way” Tink explained. “Well you let them know I'm open for business and I'll even give them a discount~” Cyl said. “I most certainly will not tell them! I do not need to hear my parents fucking each other to goo before hearing them flush down my toilet. Or knowing that a layer on your tits is made of my mom and dad!” Tink said and shivered. Cyl laughed at seeing the reaction. “I see it bothers you, so I promise not to eat any of your family members, I can see that would make it weird for you to find me attractive. You did imply you're paying attention to my tits” Cyl said and Tink blushed before muttering a thank you. “That said I hope to never see full daylight again. It's quite the chore to fend off stray wild-code-clouds.” Cyl said sighing. “You say that so casually, for most of us we'd probably end up a puddle from one of those clouds and we'd be lucky if our spike survived to see another body cloned up.” Tink said and Cyl shrugged. “Well I've digested my client enough now, I'm going to take my spare clone and go pick out a new clone for this client. Something flat chested and comely.” Cyl said with a grin. “Just be careful out there, there's more wild nano clouds out right now since the change in planet rotation.” Tink said. “You know I'll be fine. I'm fairly skilled with incant-codes” Cyl said. “I'd say more than fair, I'm more worried about that wreck you call your spare clone!” Tink said and nodded her head towards the closet. Cyl went to it and opened it where a naked teenage body leaned against the back wall of the closet, dormant and with blank wide pupils. “What's wrong with lil Cyl?” Cyl asked jokingly. “Like a dozen things off the top of my head without doing an actual basic inspection!” Tink said. “It's not aging properly, the dormant cycle is wrong since it's eyes are open, it's motor functions are sub-par when someone is in it which makes me think the spike port in it's neck is on the fritz and I think it's developed abnormalities in that brain from the hundred odd people who have spiked into it. It twitches sometimes with or without someone spiked in. It's weird Cyl! Like bordering on creepy” Tink said. Cyl scoffed though. “Lil Cyl is just fine! She's vintage!” Cyl said as she pulled the feeding and waste tubes from it and dragged it out of the closet. Tink was always a little disconcerted with it's appearance. It was assuredly a younger version of the Cyl before her. The resemblance was uncanny minus about twenty years. Tink didn't know though if it was Cyl's original body or not, it could just be a clone genome she fancied. “I'll need to bring lil Cyl back with me after I've spiked my client into something else. Would you help me?” Cyl asked Tink. “I think we'd have trouble carrying her.” Tink said and Cyl smiled indicating this wasn't what she meant. “You want me to spike into her don't you? Into that jalopy?” Tink asked and Cyl smiled wider and shrunk as if to ask 'please' “I'll loan Signa to you!” Cyl offered. “That spunky client of yours with that uses the pear shaped clones? Haven't seen her in a while. I thought you digested her for good? I liked how aggressive she was. I kind of missed her.” Tink said. “She's still pretty forceful, she's a piston dildo now. I spiked her into one so that's what she is now.” Cyl said and Tink's eyes widened. “That's so hot, how long do you have her for?” Tink asked. “Until she breaks, the agreement was to fuse her spike into the dildo. It's her permanent body now. Until she breaks then that's it for her and I'm to melt her in my pussy.” Cyl explained and Tink bit her lip, she didn't want to admit that sounded just as hot as it was disturbing. “O- ok deal I'll spike into your hooptie clone and walk it back for a week- no two weeks with Signa.” Tink said and Cyl quickly put her hand out to shake on it. Tink decided then to make some modifications to Signa, make her a bit more resilient so she'd live through a lot more wear and tear. She sat down next to Cyl on the couch. “I'll eject now. Just don't do anything weird to my body” Tink said giving her roommate a side eye. Cyl held her hands up in surrender. Tink then went limp. Her body falling to the side. A click sounded as her spike unlocked. Cyl pressed at the spike in the back of her neck and palmed it into a pocket, separate from her client's so as not to mix them up. She gave a sly grin to Tink's motionless body. “That was a quick eject... Usually takes about 30 seconds... Not that I'm complaining, I was pretty eager for this chance anyways...” Cyl said and and climbed atop Tink. Clone bodies and even originals couldn't function without a spike inserted for very long. Within a minute brain activity would diminish though it was always a guessing game when it would happen. Anything happening to the body from when the spike was ejected though wouldn't be remembered when the spike was reinserted, memories and experiences were saved into spikes in real time. For now until Tink's spike was reinserted her body was ripe for the picking. Cyl squeezed Tink's breasts and felt up Tink's tight butt before kissing her and giggling. It was oh so satisfying to defile her a little bit in this state and have Tink never know it. She controlled herself though and stopped. Cyl dressed up in her work outfit, which meant something skimpy and commanding. Catsuit tight black latex. Then she spiked her client into her young clone and bound her wrists with a blink and incant-code. They went off to a clone market to find something appropriately humiliating. The client looked disoriented in the clone as she walked but incredibly aroused as well. As the door shut Tink stopped pretending she'd shut down completely. She bit her lip as she plunged her fingers into her crotch, there were only a few moments left before she lost consciousness and this memory. She'd been right though. Cyl DID take advantage of her while she was out of her body. Which she didn't do often but did sometimes. She'd wished that Cyl would've taken more advantage, gone farther and... She quivered at the thought. For her last few moments of awareness Tink decided to give herself a clue of what had transpired by rubbing her clit to oblivion and soaking her panties. She decided beforehand on how to communicate to her future self and leave this kind of clue. Her own drenched panties would be the sign. … “Just one more flight of stairs, almost there Tink!” Cyl called down to her roommate who was shaky on her feet in the clone body. Tink took the stairs one at a time carefully. “Sybil's spike! I'm telling you something is wrong with this old clone. It's like it is fighting me and my thoughts are foggy. It's like too many people have worn this thing!” Tink shouted in an odd tone of voice as if she were switching between laughter and weeping. She couldn't even control that well in Cyl's clone. “It's just well worn in. You're not used to it.” Cyl claimed. “Either way is it alright to just leave your client there? You ended up giving her that cute faced clone and leaving her at that glory hole place. It was really sketchy! Is she going to be ok?” Tink asked in a skeptical tone. “She's gotta earn the money back somehow. That's as good a start as any.” Cyl said. “And if she gets cock vored and turned to sperm? Spike and all?” Tink asked. “Well she'll have had a very thrilling last few days alive. Which is what she was looking for. A thrill, and I'll have well earned all the credits I conned her out of with the sex contract you helped me write.” Cyl said and shrugged as Tink cleared the last stair and twitched as she walked. “Ha so now you admit it was a con! What happened to sexually aggressive negotiations? Sybil's spike! I can't even get drunk with you without being implicated in your kinky killer contracts” Tink hissed as she stumbled along. Tink grabbed hold of everything she could on the way to steady herself as she entered their apartment. She collapsed into the nearest chair as random muscle groups jerked and she grimaced at how badly the clone body was functioning for her. “I'm starting to think you keep this clone around to give some clients a 'loss of control' kind of thrill as you dominate them.” Tink commented. “Nonsense, now eject, I'll spike you back into your body in a minute ok?” Cyl asked and Tink rolled her eyes halfway before they rolled into the back of her head unexpectedly. She laid her head on the table as if trying to fall asleep before shutting down. “Alright then... Hmm? Did I leave you like that?” Cyl asked as she glanced at Tink's original body. “Could've sworn the arms were in a different position... Maybe you fell some more...” Cyl said as she sat Tink's limp body up and straddled it's lap. “You really shouldn't wear these sports bras around me if you actually want me to not do anything weird with your body while you're out of it Tink. I mean come on, you're lesbian! You know what you're doing to a bi girl like me~” Cyl said as she pressed herself against the limp Tink and let her hands explore her breasts, ass and humid crotch. “Someone's all worked up lately too I see~” Cyl said. “Too bad you're not talkative right now. I like hearing you pout~” Cyl said but jumped as she heard a thump behind her. Cyl yiped and stood, turning towards the sound, she saw her young clone's face staring back at her from the floor. For a moment Cyl was worried that Tink had not actually ejected from her teenage clone and had caught Cyl in the act of groping Tink's body. But the body just twitched at random. Excess bioelectricity in the brain firing off at random. That had caused the body to fall off the chair and to the floor. Cyl let out a sigh of relief before going to her young clone and ejecting Tink's spike from it just to make sure. It was dark and not still glowing though so Tink had not been active in the body. The fright had spooked Cyl though so she only pawed at Tink's body for another minute before spiking her in again. Tink couldn't stop herself from blushing as she felt how soaked her panties were there must have been lewd happenings. She wouldn't confront Cyl about it yet though, biding her time. Luckily she had an excuse to be blushing as Cyl's tits were in her face as she awoke. “C-Cyl?” Tink asked as the cleavage was inches away from her nose and mouth. “Oh sorry I was just playing with your hair” Cyl said as she stood back and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, I moved you around and played a little dress up. I wanted to see what it would look like” Cyl said and Tink realized she had long hair instead of her usual pixie cut. “It's made of nanos so I can just code it into whatever shape and color I like.” Cyl explained, her own hair was half it's usual length, she'd loaned Tink half her hair. “You do weird pervy things with your hair don't you?” Tink asked and looked skeptically at her new mane. Cyl grinned before blinking. Instantly the hair had wrapped around Tink's wrists and pulled them together. Cyl blinked again just as quickly though and released Tink. It was just to demonstrate the kinds of things Cyl could do with her hair and incant codes. “You're catching on Tink! Sure you don't want to be my assistant?” Cyl asked. She'd voiced this question dozens of times as Tink came to anticipate Cyl's kinky tools of the trade. “Nope, still not as open minded as you are, just anticipating how you might violate me.” Tink said and stood up to stretch. It was nice being in her own body after that jerky thing Cyl called a clone. Tink noticed it was on the floor and nodded towards it, silently inquiring why it was on the floor. “Oh that? Random muscle spasms. I'll put it away soon. Unless you'd like to paw at it a bit. Young me was quite the minx wasn't she?” Cyl asked. Tink ignored her lewd comment. “That brain is scrambled eggs, it needs to be disposed of. Too many randos spiking in, leaving clutter in the headspace.” Tink said. “It's sentimental. I can't get rid of it. Couldn't bear it. It's been with me a long time” Cyl said as she went to collect her clone body from the floor. She cradled it like it was her child. “A long time is right, don't think I've ever been in a body that old and cluttered. Those interfaces are vintage stuff” Tink said as she wondered just how old Cyl was and if that was her original body or perhaps a relatives? A grandmother? “Why does it mean so much to you? Who is it to you?” Tink asked. Cyl's mouth worked open silently once then she paused before speaking again. “It... It is, well isn't my original. But I wore it for a long time back when I was younger. I had to... rent it out for a while, accrue funds and hibernate without a body and just existing in my spike for a while. I sold it too to get myself off the ground and into a clone like this one I have on now...” Cyl said as she carefully placed it into the closet gingerly. “When I got pretty successful in what I do now I tracked it down. I was expecting to find a disposal log or if I was lucky a grave. But it was still in use, it didn't age which some pimp liked so he had a hooker in it and had it pumping pervs who liked young school girls. I bought it back, and gave the hooker a top of the line clone to spike into along with some money to get a better life if she wanted it. From there I've brought it with me no matter how many other clones I've switched into.” Cyl said as she inserted the tubes and stroked the clone body's hair. Tink nodded, somewhat understanding the sentimentality. She intended to stay in her original body as long as she could before spiking into a younger clone. “Still though...” Tink said and activated her wrist computer. “I'm scanning the logs on it, on who has spiked into it. Longest list I've ever seen” Tink said. “Wh-what?! You have? D-do you see any interesting names on that list?” Cyl asked as she tensed up in worry. “...No. And the logs are full, they stop before a certain point as well. Hundreds of years. It seems to have been involved in some government wet work before too so some logs were scrubbed for spans of time. At least that's what I guess since it has been redacted.” Tink said. “Oh... Well that's a relief.” Cyl said letting out a breath. “Except for one thing.” Tink announced and held her finger up. Cyl cringed and bit her lip. “I'm searching but there isn't one log of you ever spiking into it Cyl.” Tink pointed out. “Well... I haven't for a very long time I guess. And... Well my name may not have always been Cyl you know. I was probably in there and you didn't know it haha” Cyl said with nervous laughter. Tink wondered just how old Cyl was if she hadn't spiked into this body for hundreds of years, it would be incredibly rude to ask her though. Tink felt like a child in her presence in that moment being in her original body and only 34 years old... Similarly Tink figured it would be rude to ask her what her previous names and identities might have been. Tink wasn't like her but she could see how Cyl might like to disappear and reappear with a new clone body and identity every odd decade. Sometimes family, friends and former lovers didn't agree with her client's decisions regarding their permanent fates. They came knocking once in a while but Tink put up with it because Cyl paid most of the rent. The extra cash was worth the moral ambiguity she lived with. “It's just a very well worn shoe! Easy to slip into!” Cyl said as it convulsed in the closet. “Even if it is a bit glitchy without a spike in it.” Cyl admitted. Tink rolled her eyes. “Stop nagging me, you're not my mother, just my lesbian roommate that has somehow resisted any offer of my services even with a considerable discount!” Cyl said. “Well you won't have to worry about my nagging forever. I'll be out of your hair soon enough and you can be just as irresponsible as you like” Tink said. “You got the position? The off world one?” Cyl asked with wide eyes. “Yup... Come this time 3 weeks from now my spike will be on a freighter bound for Triton, one of Neptune's moons. It's been terraformed with the nanos harvested here.” Tink explained. “So they need new settlers there who are experts in their field...” Cyl said. “And I'm the best neuro-mechanic within five years of travel. And I know how to incant code. Not as well as you, but I think we forget that we're swimming in nanos here because they're harvested from the planet's surface. Everywhere else has far fewer of them available.” Tink said and sighed. “You're not excited?” Cyl asked. “I've gotta drop everything at work which is a bit disappointing. I'm the only one who really gets their hands dirty with fixing the nuts and bolts of our equipment and there were a few long term repairs I wanted to see finished, like this brain repair for this pilot who drove taxi copters. Really challenging stuff, but satisfying to see through.” Tink said and sighed. “Then also I'm not looking forward to losing five years in transit. They offer was really REALLY good though. I couldn't pass it up. I'll have my own team and be in charge too... I won't have to do any maintenance on the equipment which I'll kind of miss the grease monkey aspect of but...” Tink said and sighed again. “I mean I won't miss the nano-clouds and the nanostorm always chasing and behind us and... I'm going to have to leave things behind.” Tink said glumly. “Your body?” Cyl asked and Tink nodded. “Can't take it. Not unless I want to crew the freighter for five years of the most boring existence ever. No thank you.” Tink said and shook her head. “So you'll miss your original body?” “I will, I mean it's me... The first me there was. All I can do is sell it I guess, it feels wrong though” Tink said and looked at her hands. Cyl glanced at the closet a moment. “I know what you mean... Have you considered storage?” Cyl asked “I did. But I felt like I was being stupidly sentimental. My new body will be a perfect clone. It won't feel different at all. I mean I should know as a neuro-mechanic that works exclusively on clones.” Tink said. “Are you thinking of making any enhancements with your new self on Triton?” Cyl asked and elbowed Tink in the side suggestively. Tink's initial reaction was to blush before she responded. “N-no! I mean I'm not an all natural fanatic, like I've got no problem with mixing up clone DNA to make enhancements and additions. But I really don't see the need for me to get flashy with my own body. It's just not who I am.” Tink said. “Not even anything to correct your vision? Or make your motor skills perfect?” Cyl asked. “No it just gets more complicated with how all the modifications interact. I've seen some bizarre malfunctions like ballsacks that started making digestive compounds and melted sexual partners alive on ejaculation.” Tink mentioned. “Hmm I wonder if that was truly accidental... Also please do tell on how that oddity came to pass! I might have some clients who be interest-” Cyl said as she leaned forward with obvious curiosity. “Oh no! At least not while I'm still living here! I know some of your clients like it when you squirt. I don't need you burning through the floor or the furniture with fatal femcum or killer cock cream!” Tink said. “How about after you're gone and moved out?” Cyl asked and clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture. “Maybe... But I'm keeping Signa until I leave then.” Tink said testing the waters. “Deal!” Cyl said and shot her hand out to shake on it. “But back to the subject, modifications worry me. Especially on higher end clones like that one you melted. As a neuro-mechanic its troubling.” Tink said shaking her head. “What is?” “The brain activity, random neurons firing. I mean throwing together these genomes usually has obvious side effects like acidic cum or expanding breasts when something goes wrong. But I'm afraid more subtle ones might exist.” Tink said and then motioned towards the closet that held Cyl's young clone. “We keep clones in a dumbed down REM like sleep state so they're always ready be put on and ridden by a spike. But those brain patterns get more and more strange with the amount of mods and the amount of people who've spiked into a body.” Tink said. “What do you mean?” Cyl asked. “Their REM patterns start to resemble what a regular person's would be if they were sleeping WITH a spike installed. It begs the question of what is going on in there? Is it starting to actually dream in there? And if so... of what? When we spike into a clone is our day to day life what they consider dreams?” Tink asked. “Sounds like you're assuming a lot. There's nothing in there Tink, not without a spike. You're falling into a cognitive bias of assuming human traits of something that isn't.” Cyl said. “I mean back in the old world around 1944, scientists showed people a video of triangles and circles all moving together and people attributed emotions to how the objects moved. You're doing the same for something that isn't really a person without a spike installed.” Cyl explained. “Maybe... You're right, I do personify the clones I work on. It helps me care about doing a good job. I want to help them when I view them as people... Sleeping people, but people. But I can't help feeling like we're enslaving them to a degree. Especially those clones with low grade AI. The ones that can walk and follow instructions. Could we make clones that were entirely autonomous?” Tink asked rhetorically and shrugged. “I get it now though. You don't want any kind of mods on your new body. Just plain old Tink. Which isn't bad looking at all to be entirely honest.” Cyl said and winked. “But nothing compared to you Cyl” Tink responded and Cyl blinked a few times in surprise. She had expected Tink to become flustered at the come on but she'd shot right back at Cyl. Cyl actually blushed and looked away for a moment. “Well if you feel that way... Perhaps it would be the right time to ask...” Cyl said and nervously fixed her hair. “Ask what? It better not be another request to install adjustable fat genomes in your body. I keep telling you that is not an after market clone genome. You have to get a new body and start that one from scratch or it will go poorly!” Tink said shaking her head. “No, no it's not that. It's more of a favor... A very personal one.” Cyl said. “Oh... You actually sound serious. What is it?” Tink asked. “I was wondering if you might let me purchase your rights. Your cloning rights, so I could make a clone of you and keep it around.” Cyl asked and stared at the floor while kneading her hands. “Cl-clone me? My body? Wh-what for? Your dominatrix stuff? I don't want you doing anything weird with my likeness. I do NOT want to find myself on some inter-star system porn streaming service in five years. My job would be canceled by time I got to Triton and explaining to my dad why he found me online digesting randos would be supremely awkward!” Tink said sharply but Cyl held her hands up in surrender. “No no no! Nothing like that! I promise not to use it for anything like that! Nothing so public. I could even keep it well hidden from clients who might take a fancy to it if you wanted! Complete secret!” Cyl said clapping her hands together and bowing her head. Tink's face softened. “This is really important to you... What do you want it for?” Tink asked. “I... I'm afraid without you that I'll be lonely...” Cyl said. “What about all your clients?” Tink asked and Cyl shook her head. “They don't stay, I digest almost all of them before a session is done and a lot end up wanting a permanent end or fate where they're just an object to me... I mean am I really going to have a conversation with my motorized massaging push up bra?” Cyl asked and laughed at the notion. “You've... Always been here at the end of the night. Permanent and not expecting me to be your sexual goddess. Just as you deal with your work by personifying your clones I deal with mine by having you around. You're like my corner in the boxing ring. I come to you to rest and regroup before the next round.” Cyl said with fleeting, darting eye contact. “Even if it's just a mostly empty doll I feel like I could at least talk at you and imagine how you'd respond to my nonsense. I know it's weird, and if I crossed a line just pretend I never asked and I'll-” “Stop” Tink said. Cyl shut up and looked at the floor. She started to move away, slide off the couch and go to her room in defeat and embarrassment for even asking before Tink's hand grabbed her own. Tink closed her eyes, performed an incant-code and motes of light sprang from the corners of the room to form a floating contract in front of Cyl. It was a standard contract for allowing cloning rights. Cyl's eyes scanned it and saw she would be able to make only two at a time but as many times as she liked. She could install any auto-pilot features she wanted as well. The features she was allowed went on and on and Cyl recalled how expensive it was to get the same feature availability on her own clone. Her eyes finally came to the bottom of the document and she gasped at the price. It was a single credit. “Tink... Did you forget the zeroes?” Cyl asked. “No. I'd give it to you but that wouldn't let me set out any terms. If you buy it then I can at least make sure I won't end up on Triton's version of vore-hub.” Tink said. “Why though? You know I could afford it. You could use the credits too!” Cyl said and Tink shook her head. “I've appreciated your company as well. I consider you a friend and one of the few things I will miss when I wake up on Triton. Even if your ethics surrounding perma death are a little... unconventional. So go ahead, accept it.” Tink said and motioned towards the floating and glowing signature line. Cyl pressed it to accept and then blinked. The motes of light twitched for a moment as Cyl effortlessly took them over and formed her own contract with another blink. This time for Cyl's cloning rights. So that Tink could make a copy of her body if she wanted. The cost being the same, a single credit. Tink grinned. “Not sure what I'll do with a copy of you but...” Tink said and hit the acceptance button anyways. “Oh I'm sure you can think of something fun to do with it. Although I have a few suggestions if you'd like me to elaborate. Especially since you can make as many of me as you want at a time and an orgy with myself is while expensive an amazing experience even if it's just an auto-pilot spike with predetermined actions!” Cyl said and Tink put fingers in her ears so as not to hear any more lewdness. “Oh you prude! Come here!” Cyl said and hugged Tink tightly. Tink couldn't help but notice her large breasts compressing against her and flushed. But she soon too was hugging back. For some reason she was glad that she'd be missed as well and it wasn't a one way regret. “Why don't you come with me? To Triton. You could afford it, Sybil's spike I know you've got the credits. Get away from all this nanostorm business. Why do you insist to stay somewhere so dangerous?” Tink asked, it had nagged at her. Cyl shook her head. “I feel... Responsible for this place. I've seen it go through many stages and it supports everywhere that employs nanos. There are only a few places out there that nanos were found in a functioning state across the known worlds. So I'll stay for that, and besides...” Cyl said and pressed at the back of her own neck. She turned for Tink to see, the spike there protruded a bit so that Tink could see the thing. Unlike most that were a shade of chrome or silver with led's to show status Cyl's was much different. It was a brass like color with a patina in places and the led's had a yellow glow like an ancient filament based lighting apparatus called a 'bulb'. Tink's eyes widened at the relic of a spike. Once again she felt the urge to ask how old Cyl actually was. “Wait... That kind of model... You don't have a dormant state... And if it's before year 6043” Tink started to say. “Copying was illegal and the hardware doesn't allow it. I can't update to a new spike and I can't go dormant like you for a five year journey. I'd either go completely mad by being isolated to my spike for five years or dreadfully bored crewing a freighter... Actually I might go more insane from crewing the freighter.” Cyl said and nodded to herself. “I could crew it with you. I don't know what we'd do for five years.” Tink said but was interrupted. “I could think of a few things” Cyl said with a wink. “Seriously though, you should go. Leave a relic like me to age with the wild-code. It keeps me sharp. You aren't the first companion I've watched leave and likely not the last, you should definitely follow your own path. I've got my own.” Cyl said and placed a comforting hand in Tink's palm. They embraced again after that for longer than was entirely appropriate for parting roommates. ... “It's tomorrow! Only a few hours to go now, are you excited?” Cyl asked as they strolled together down a sidewalk. Cyl was treating her to a goodbye dinner and drink. “Nervous is more like it.” Tink grumbled. “That's what the drinks tonight are for but what do you have to be worried about? You'll have your spike pulled, go to sleep for five years and wake up like nothing happened!” Cyl said as she jingled with every step. She had a collection of bracelets and jewelry on today that Tink didn't know she even owned. “Yeah that's what worries me! Five years like that!” Tink said and snapped her fingers. “What if I wake up and find out there was an accident here? That my parents got hurt or died while I was out? If you were hurt? I wouldn't be able to get back to you for another five years after it happened!” Tink said with anxiety written on her face. “I would take care of your parents. Worry not. Like you said. I can afford it. And as for me... you should know full well you have nothing to concern yourself regarding me. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself rather efficiently.” Cyl said as they rounded a corner, what lay beyond there existed as if to challenge Cyl's notion. The billowing dust cloud of the nanostorm had caught up to the city in the recent weeks. It snaked tendrils made of millions of wild-code-nanos ahead of the city while it sped the turbo-fans to max velocity. The city would put more distance between it and the swarm soon but there were warnings of errant wild-code-clouds around the city. One such was in front of Cyl and Tink as they rounded the corner. It was the size of a car. It was buzzing with activity, sounding like a mash up of a swarm of bees and the humming of high voltage power lines. It cracked every now and then with a lance of electricity that flowed through the ever shifting cloud like shape. People nearby gave it a wide berth, wild code was unpredictable and foot traffic diverted around the disturbance. Most people thought it better to find an alternate route. Some braver or perhaps foolish people darted down the street to race past the cloud. Tink shook her head, nanos could catch you no matter how fast you ran. If the wild-code decided you were a threat no clone form, modified or not could escape it. It was like trying to outrun an explosion. Tink paused, considering what new route they should take to avoid the obstacle. It would likely be a while before a clean up detail would be dispatched to take care of a cloud this small. Larger ones would be prioritized. Cyl glanced at it for only a moment before striding ahead directly toward it. “Cyl we should-” Tink got out before she was interrupted. “For that? It's tiny, this is quicker.” Cyl said turning back towards Tink as she went ahead. “Cyl!” Tink shouted as she saw a lance of electricity spark at the part of the cloud nearest to Cyl, a split second later it arced towards Cyl. Cyl blinked even as she was walking and looking backwards at Tink. Her expression conveyed annoyance at Tink for slowing down. In the instant after her eye blink a silver bracelet on her wrist dissolved, broke apart into infinitely small pieces that shot out towards the arcing current, catching it. The bracelet had been made of nanos, formed into that shape but now re purposed to Cyl's defense. The electricity surged around the silver cloud that was once Cyl's bracelet. Cyl held out a hand towards Tink as if she were taking a child's hand to lead her to the school bus. She blinked again. The electrically charged silver cloud shot forward into the dark wild-code-cloud and dispersed the charge in a flash of red light. The black cloud recoiled backwards, having lost half its mass that fell to the ground like black sand. Tink knew the sand that fell to be destroyed wild-code nanos. Cyl's silver cloud looked sluggish and didn't swirl as quickly as before but still floated. The remnants of the black cloud surged around Cyl, seeking to hit her from the side as it funneled into a quick and thin strip. Cyl blinked a third time though and another bracelet on her arm dissolved and quickly formed a physical barrier the size of a plate that the black cloud dispersed against. It then quickly formed a sphere around some of the black cloud, a loud pop sounded and then the sphere turned into a silver cloud again and hung near Cyl's arm. Another dusting of black sand fell to the ground. The black cloud now at a fraction of it's original size moved away slowly as if backing away from something it had vastly underestimated. It was the size of a motorcycle now, the remnants buzzing louder than before, swirling at a heightened pace. It reminded Tink of a heartbeat, a quickened one. Tink stepped forward tentatively and took Cyl's hand, trusting Cyl. Wild-code attacks often ended in bloodshed and clone death, sometimes even spike destruction that resulted in permanent death but Cyl seemed to have this handled. Tink thought so at least until the black cloud did something she didn't expect. It split off into five smaller clouds shooting above Cyl surrounding her. Cyl's two bracelet clouds held close but they would seem ineffective against five separate attacks. Cyl rolled her eyes though as all five wild-code-clouds formed into needles that raced towards her. “You're really going to make me do it then huh?” Cyl complained before blinking. Cyl's shirt exploded, vaporized into particles forming hexagon shaped shields around her. Tink cringed as the black spikes made of wild-code struck and clanged. Tink hadn't even seen it but the needles had divided two more times into 15 deadly things. They'd all been stopped by hexagon shields formed out of Cyl's shirt. She only had her bra on now exposing her chest for all to see. There were a couple dozen more hexagon shields to spare that lazily floated around them before the nanos under Cyl's control formed spheres around the remaining wild-code-clouds. In short order they were reduced to more black sand falling inert to the ground. Cyl's nanos then swirled around her and steadily reformed into the clothes she was wearing previously and the bracelets on her wrists minus a few that had been used up in the encounter. “Sybil's spike you scared me! Is any of your clothing not made of nanos?” Tink asked. “I have a couple thermal control bras and panties that I have previous clients spiked into. Those are real.” Cyl mused. “Like pants, or a shirt I mean” Tink said. “Why would anyone want to be my pants or shirt? A couple odd ones wanted to be socks or my nylons but nothing so boring as shirts or pants. So no I guess I don't wear anything but clothing made of nanos I'm controlling.” Cyl said. “It must be nice to have that much precision in your control.” Tink said as they started walking again. Cyl shrugged at the compliment. A few people around murmured in hushed tones at the intense and destructive exchange. Tink had seen Clouds like that disabled by squads of armored officers trained in tactics and special incant-codes. They usually wore down the cloud over the course of several minutes, sometimes a half hour. And at that they usually had a superior amount of nanos to accomplish the job, carried in heavy crates packed with fully charged nanos. Cyl had taken that wild code cloud on by herself and neutralized it in under ten seconds and only blinked a few times to cast her codes. Tink often forgot that Cyl was so skilled since Cyl usually only used her ability to tease and tantalize horny clients. “I'm not going to find out someday that you were a special forces incant code commando or something am I? No one is going to kidnap me to get to you right?” Tink half joked. Cyl laughed at her with mirth in her tone that wasn't so encouraging. “Are you thinking there's a reason why I don't talk about where I came from or my past? You've been very polite in resisting your curiosity.” Cyl said as she lead them. “I don't want you to tell me anything you're not comfortable with sharing so don't consider that question as me asking or prodding for info. I just want you to tell me if being connected to you would present any sort of danger” Tink said and tugged back on the arm she was being lead by. “Only if you were a elaborate swarm of wild code shaped like a cute roommate... Or a client who wanted me to end them in some flagrantly erotic fashion” Cyl said with a grin and chuckle as Tink sighed. “I believe you, I trust you.” Tink said and picked up her pace to walk beside Cyl again. “..Thank you...” Cyl responded late but with genuine appreciation in her tone. “You were still holding back on that cloud though” Tink said. “I was not! That was me at the top of my game, if it had been a larger cloud I would've been a dead fool for walking towards it.” Cyl said and waved Tink's notion of her half assing off. “Bullshit, I've seen you at full power and you're way scarier.” Tink claimed. “Please not the hover-copter incident again. I'm telling you it was a complete fluke. I should've let you handle it and sacrificed the pilots.” Cyl whined as if annoyed. “But you didn't, and you saved them too! When that stray wild-code blew through the copter's turbo fans every one thought they were dead. It fell out of the sky like a rock! All I could think to do was form shields with nanos to keep the wreck from killing everyone!” Tink said. “And like an arrogant fool I decided I knew better, hijaacked your incants and everyone else's nanos on the street and performed my own incant-codes.” Cyl said shaking her head at the memory. “You did it though! You used them to dissolve the copter into harmless dust, then floated the pilots down safely. Everyone was just a bit dusty afterwards. Then even when that wild-code-cloud came down since it was angry with the copter's blades for disturbing it you dispatched that too with your own nanos.” Tink exclaimed. “Yes and left myself completely naked in the process since those nanos were also my clothes. And to top it off, all the controlled nanos came to MY body for bio electric energy to recharge their stores that I depleted. So not only was I naked but limp and nearly passed out from the foolish act.” Cyl said and sighed. “If I'd messed up even one of the two hundred lines of incant-codes that I cast I could've gotten someone else or myself killed. But I was too confident in my own abilities to let anyone else handle the situation. It is a character flaw of mine and not one of my prouder moments Tink. For me it's a cautionary tale on how not to end up naked and weak in the middle of main street.” Cyl said and grimaced. “Ok sure it was embarrassing to be laying there sweaty gross and unable to even control your bowels and I had to spoon feed you for two days. Buuut for a minute there you were like a nano-goddess commanding forces of destruction mortals like me can only dream of.” Tink said in a bit of awe. The even had happened early in their relationship as roommates. Tink had been quite skeptical of Cyl's deadly dominatrix activities, in truth she was planning to move out on Cyl when she had the money. But seeing her use her impressive skills to save lives had made her look at the woman in a different light. She'd taken great personal strain on herself to save those people, and she only blamed herself for not doing a better job and taking the risk in the first place. While nursing her back to health Tink saw a very different Cyl than the one that gave clients kinky deaths. “Sybil's spike you were awesome”Tink said and Cyl cringed and groaned. “What? You were awesome!” Tink said, noticing Cyl's negative reaction. “It's not that... I suppose I did feel satisfied at the time for saving all those people right before the backlash. It's the other thing that bothers me. I hate that curse. I hope it will fall out of style again soon.” Cyl said. “You always do that when people say Sybil's spike around you. Why does it bother you?” Tink asked. “I've just never understood why our society idolized her. Why it was her they chose to put up on a pedestal. Feels like people deify her like she never had a flaw but she was human too.” Cyl said. “Sybil Talus was a hero. She changed everything. It took humanity 300 years to get to this planet. Tons of generations of people living on starships, reproducing, living, dying and having nothing to do in the transit times. A lot of them never even knew what it was to live planetside at all.” Tink said and laughed mirthfully at the concept of not idolizing her. “When she figured out how to control nanos, incant coding and invented spikes and revolutionized cloning it changed everything. In the next thousand years human society completely changed. For everyone! Rich or poor when the nanos embedded into us from embryos on up. Our society exists because of her. Why would we not worship her?” Tink asked with confusion. “Just because things changed doesn't mean they got better. I mean sure permanent death is rare now, but what about people like your parents stuck spiked into the city's turbo fan repair drones for years just to make a living?” Cyl asked. “If they were more responsible with their money they wouldn't be in that situation though...” Tink said, a bit reluctant to beat on the people who raised her. “So you screw up one big financial decision in your life. Then you spike into some machine to make money and rent out your body. While you're sitting spiked for what 5-10 years your skills become useless as technology changes and all you can really do is sit in machines spiked and turning fans or running an assembly line. Your body being only the metal connected to your spike.” Cyl said and Tink considered it. “Sybil saved us from death sure, but was she thinking about what kind of life she was making for people? I'm not so sure. She thought she knew exactly what she was doing and her creation went it's own way after a while. She couldn't control it anymore. And...” Cyl said and grimaced. “I know my clients want it. To be used and abused as my menial possessions, it's an erotic change of pace for the rich and powerful. But there are people out there actually that sadistic that do pay people menial sums to be their belongings for a time. Or loan sharks that dupe people into that fate and keep them there with interest. There are places where the system is broken. I've been around long enough to see them deteriorate” Cyl said. “So in my eyes Sybil gets credit for that too. For trapping the less fortunate to their fates in essence forever...” Cyl said and there was quiet between them for a few moments. “I guess I see your point. But how could she have seen where this would all go? Sybil started this all over ten thousand years ago, can you blame her for trying? She tried to do good. That's all any of us can do really... Say... You've been hiding something from me haven't you Cyl...” Tink said and perked her head up. Cyl looked rather nervous as Tink laid out her thoughts. “You make so much money off your rich clients... Is that why you live so frugally? Where does it all go?” Tink asked, Cyl let out a held breath and sighed. Apparently relieved. “Don't you think it's a bit rude to ask about my finances?” Cyl asked. “Are you using it all to pay people's debt behind the scenes? Get them out of dead ends?” Tink asked. Cyl didn't say anything. “Whatever you're thinking, I'm not as good a person as you might be assuming. I'm shrewd and investing strategically. Anyone I make loans to is very inclined not to go back to that fate and works their butt off to stay out and insert more money into my ventures, thereby growing them. I am not a charitable woman. I'm a practical businesswoman.” Cyl said. “Well you could make money in much less constructive ways, so I see it as you're trying. Trying to do good which is all any of us can do.” Tink said and she saw the ghost of a smile go across Cyl's face. “I don't see it that way but thank you Tink.” Cyl said. Tink looked at her a while, pondering the woman she'd lived with and still knew little about. She'd had minor pangs before but she wondered again if going to Triton was the right thing. There was still so much right in front of her to discover. Tink squeezed Cyl's hand before letting go and walking beside her. “Ready to get a drink?” Cyl asked and flashed a smile, she nodded towards a nearby pub. “Am I ever, you could probably use a meal too. I'm sure all that incant-coding just drained you.” Tink said. “Soooo much, you have no idea how hard that is on an old hag like me!” Cyl joked as they went in through the door. “Know this place?” Tink asked. “Nope, but I picked it for a reason” Cyl hinted as she strode towards the bar, swaying her hips in an exaggerated fashion. They sat up to the bar and faced the man standing behind it, wiping a glass with a white rag. Such a thing was entirely unnecessary, nanos and incant codes could clean anything with much more efficiency. “Weakest ale you've got, I don't want to be on the floor before I'm done with my meal.” Tink said and he nodded before looking to Cyl. “Double Whiskey, straight, no ice.” Cyl said and he set two glasses down before closing his eyes for a few moments. A couple seconds later streams of nanos formed lines going into and out of their cups, carrying tiny droplets of drink before depositing them in the glasses. They filled in a few seconds. Someone down the bar called for a refill and a stream of nanos went to their glass as well. “Clone steak medium” Tink said but Cyl clapped a hand over her mouth. “Nonsense, you're getting a real meal tonight. As in some hottie that is going into your body. Cancel that order” Cyl said and the bartender shrugged before moving on. “Cyl, I have like no game. I haven't eaten a girlfriend in like a decade. I can hardly convince an already cooked dead prey slut to go in me.” Tink argued in a hushed whisper. “Well tonight you're with me and since I can convince CEOs and trust fund babies that they want to be eaten and turned into my toilet seat warmer I think I can get you someone to fill up on.” Cyl said and took a long sip of her whiskey. “Think of it as a going away present” Cyl said and Tink sighed. “Fine but no permanent death tonight!” Tink hissed. “Hey ladies, you're both looking fine in those bodies tonight! Though I'd love to get you out of em!” a masculine voice said from behind Tink and Cyl. They turned to find two men behind them. Rather handsome, one with blonde hair and the other a rugged looking dark haired man. They both wore slick smiles signaling their sexual intentions for Tink and Cyl. Tink looked uncomfortable as she had zero interest in men, Cyl laughed though and leaned back as she entertained the man's hard come on. “Oh? Just what did you boys have in mind to do with our frail little forms?” Cyl asked and played with her hair. “Mmm well me and my buddy was thinking. Maybe you ladies might like to see something a little kinky, Me and Jorrin here like to melt down sexy ladies in our sacks. Then spike them into our fleshlights. Let em feel the cock that just ate them as they're used, filled and tossed in the corner for a while. You look like a girl that's into something kinky like that” the man said and pressed forward to brush a hand through Cyl's hair that was not cycling through feminine shades of pink and purple but set on one color. His body was also up against hers touching which made Tink's eye twitch at how brazen he was. She lived with Cyl and thought it was pretty presumptuous. Tink wanted to gag at the prospect of going down a cock and into a sack. But she had to stifle laughter at how badly the man had now fucked up by touching Cyl's hair. He would've been better off sticking his arm in a hover-copter's turbo-fans. As he tried to pull his arm out Cyl grinned. She chuckled as the confusion ran across his face. He put his other hand on his wrist to try and tug his hand out of Cyl's hair and it started to dawn on him. Cyl's hair wasn't actual hair, it was actually made of nanos she was constantly controlling. Tink turned back around in her stool, and sipped her beer. She didn't need to see the rest. “You were right that I'm a kinky girl, but you just didn't guess how kinky. I'd love to turn you into some more kinks in my hair~” Cyl said as she let a hand drift to his crotch and caress him there. Her hair meanwhile was drifting on invisible wind towards the man, moving to embrace him, curling around his arms first and creeping up them. “Maybe I might keep your spike, slot you into my vibrator. How's that sound instead? Betcha I can get this little noodle standing up, if I can you're hair product fuck boy.” Cyl cooed. “Woah shit you're too kinky for me lady, pl-please let go!” the man asked as he tugged hard on the hair restraining him. “Ooh you're going off that fast? That wasn't long enough to satisfy me! And I even did start to get him stiff!” Cyl chuckled as she grasped the hard on forming in his pants. Her hair was retracting from him though. Gradually letting go as she kept her devilish grin fixed on his terrified expression. “Don't come to the table with such a hard come on if you're not ready to take one just as strong fuck boy~” Cyl said and waved goodbye at the retreating men, her hair flapped as if it was waving too before falling back into stillness. Cyl turned back to the bar again after that. “That was a little mean.” Tink commented. “I thought I was being quite fair, offering to turn them into my vibrator. I usually charge for that kind of service. And I totally could have dissolved him in my locks, right down to his spike.” Cyl countered. “Too enjoyable a fate for them to be honest. I really don't like it when guys try and force an encounter like that. Feels like they might get angry if you respond with anything but arousal.” Tink said and sneered. “It was too generous a fate was it? Would you like to be my vibrator?” Cyl asked and Tink nearly spit out her drink. Cyl giggled. “I thought you might actually take the one into your hair and melt him for a second there.” Tink said recovering quickly and changing the subject back to the men. “They were crude and he invaded my personal space but he wasn't trying to be threatening. Just probing for a prey slut. But he was a tad aggressive espcially since he couldn't have been sure if we'd be into it. I just thought I'd scare him and his friend off. Although I think I could've convinced the one in my hair with a bit more effort.” Cyl said. “Why didn't you?” Tink asked. “One, never do what you're good at for free. Two, I only really do completely willing victims and that would be a gray area and three...” Cyl paused and nodded towards the other side of the bar. Two women were there whispering and giggling at each other as they looked towards Cyl and Tink. “Those two might not have approached if I already had a meal.” Cyl said and took a long draw of her whiskey. “So you used the fuck boys to show off your pred power huh? Was that intentional? To draw them in?” Tink asked. “They were unexpected but they served a purpose I suppose. I didn't plan that but it came in handy I think, or at least I hope. I only chose this place because I was scanning for linked spike signals.” Cyl said. “Linked spikes? The kind you use to remotely control something? Why would you be looking for someone operating a distant body?” Tink asked. “Because it's signaling. Think, what's the purpose of using a linked spike?” Cyl asked. “To keep your real spike somewhere safe while the body you're controlling does something that could bring harm to your real spike. You see them a lot in dangerous lines of work. Like reactor repair or like my parents do with drones and controlling them remotely to repair the turbo fans.” Tink said. “Uh huh, and why would someone be using one in a bar?” Cyl asked. “I can only imagine they'd be expecting their body to get damaged but at a bar? I mean what dangerous activity would anyone be doing at a bar- Oh... Because they're hoping to find someone to damage their body right?” Tink asked. Cyl nodded. “Probably looking to get digested or something else kinky and abusive. I stopped here because I was scanning for the signals of a linked spike, I have a few nanos detecting them. Then I swung my hips around to either draw in the deathwishers or anyone to make an example of and show I'm willing to inflict some suffering. Those boys let me broadcast that very well” Cyl said. “So what do we do now? Go to them? Let them come to us?” Tink asked nervously. She was terrible at these mind games. “You've really never done this have you? They might come to us if they're bold, but I figure it's nice and inviting to put a little bait on the hook you know? I'll send them a drink. Something to make my intentions obvious.” Cyl said to Tink before turning to the bartender and waving him over. “Two Missisippi muds for the two giggling girls over there.” Cyl said. “Any message with that?” the bartender asked with a raised eyebrow. “Slurp if you're interested in sloshing” Cyl responded and the bartender left them. “What's a Mississippi mud? I know what mud is but what is a Mississippi?... Sybil's spike that's a mouthful” Tink asked. “Ah... Well it's an old city state from an empire long ago faded into obscurity. The drink though... It is chocolate egg nog blended with bourbon and with a few lumps of chocolate ice cream floating.” Cyl said and Tink looked a bit confused. “What's the significance then with sloshing?” Tink asked. “It looks like a turd floating in poop water if you're already thinking about getting eaten that is.” Cyl said and chuckled. “Oh! I didn't even consider... Ah so it's an invitation.” Tink said nodding. “Yes, and one they can easily refuse if they were feeling threatened. What those boys did always rubbed me the wrong way, I prefer to approach prey in a far more elegant way. One that leaves them with the choice of becoming my fodder.” Cyl said. “You're kinder than you think sometimes” Tink mentioned. “Bullshit, I just get off on it more when prey thinks I'm hot enough to melt inside. Makes me feel very sexy. It's me being vain and selfish more than anything else.” Cyl said. “Either way they could just ignore it and have their drinks in relative silence But... If I hear them-” Cyl said before she heard a sound and smiled. Sluuuuuurp “Well, that's our cue then.” Cyl said and stood from her stool, drink in hand. “Our c-cue oh we're going to them o-ok!” Tink said and fumbled to follow after her, nearly spilling her drink. It had been a long time since she'd been predator to anyone, much less people who were practically strangers to her, the last time was probably a college party years ago where she'd gotten drunk and confident. “Hello ladies, I see you're enjoying the mud we had made of you... I mean for you. I'm Cyl and my cute companion is Tink.” Cyl said and Tink smiled in an expression she hoped did not look not awkward or creepy. “Pleased to meet you we're-” one of the girls said and Cyl held up a hand. “Do you ask your clone steak what it's name was?” Cyl interrupted. “I think we're past the point where you two need names, this isn't love or even a date. It's just dinner. Two attractively plated meals for me and my date to enjoy, is that exciting? To be used by a couple?” Cyl asked and one of the girls bit her lip, the other nervously played with her hair, all but confirming Cyl's supposition. Cyl grinned and blinked. Motes of light appeared behind the girls dim enough for them not to notice but bright enough for Tink to read them. Just pretend to be my date and girlfriend, trust me! “Y-yah, we're celebrating before I have to go on a business trip, for a year so you're just our sex toys for the night really.” Tink added to support the story. “Just one question though...” One of the girls said. Cyl shrugged. “Sure, but then your bodies are our menu” Cyl responded. “How did you pick us out? How did you know what we were looking for? Was it how we dressed? Acted? I told my friend here she was staring at you too much. That you'd know we were totally prey-clones.” the other girl said. “Prey clones?” Tink asked quietly. Cyl blinked again. The motes behind the girls formed into different words Tink could read. It's a colloquial term when prey girls go out in disposable prey bodies. Hoping a pred will hunt them down but not exactly advertising it. They want to be caught and cornered. “How did we find you? Well your sign-” Tink started to say but she saw the motes immediately form into another set of words as Cyl blinked. NO! The signal thing will just be boring and seem like cheating! Make the explanation sexy! “Err you two were like a signal beckoning us. Your eyes were darting all over like anxious animals looking out for something that could snap them up. But your body language was saying something completely different. Like take me. Seeing those two emotions in competition is like a flashing emergency light to a real pred” Tink said and put on her best smirk. It wasn't very smooth but her words had the girls kneading their hands in their tingling laps while they bit their lips. They were so horny it wasn't going to take a Casanova to make them wet. Cyl glanced over at Tink with an eyebrow raised before she blinked. Wow, that was unexpectedly smooth. I'm impressed. Tink shrugged slightly before turning her head away to stifle a pretend burp. Really she was just closing her eyes to incant-code some light motes of her own to talk to Cyl in secret as well. Thanks, it's a trait I see in clone bodies that have been swallowed and digested a little. They move differently on auto-pilot. Cyl wanted to roll her eyes but held back. Instead focusing on the conversation. The public one with the girls and soon to be meals. “Well then ladies if that's all you can try to escape if you like or just submit to me where you are. I'm not so psychic to know how you like to be captured and taken.” Cyl said. One of the girls downed her drink before hopping off her stool and kneeling before Cyl. She held her hands up as if she wanted them cuffed and Cyl obliged by blinking and sending some of her hair over to tie them. Another strand attached around her neck to form a leash. The other gripped her stool tightly with white knuckles and a sweat bead rolling down her face. She mewled before hopping off her stool and trying to run with heels on. “She wants to be truly cornered then... Alright~” Cyl said and blinked. Her bracelet unraveled from her wrist and split into three parts. They all went flying towards the awkwardly fleeing girl. Her gait was hampered by the stripper shoes she had on. As the shapes flew they changed shape into something more phallic. Two wormed their way into the fleeing woman's panties and a buzzing could be head there as they vibrated in tactically chosen positions. The woman's steps became shaky and more awkward as the phallic attack nanos assaulted her crotch. It was only a few more steps before she crumpled to her knees panting. She reached down to try and pull them from her nether regions but soon gave up and instead put a hand to her breasts as she moaned. Cyl blinked again and the third phallic shape embedded in the woman's mouth as she laid sideways. Cyl motioned her head for Tink to go to her. Tink rolled her on her back and straddled her before holding her hands above her head and closing her eyes for a few seconds to incant-code a set of restraints for her hands. Tink bit her lip and indulged in a grope of the woman's breast before lifting off her and willing the restraint to lift and hang her in midair. She then willed the suspended woman to float alongside her as she walked back to Cyl. The bartender had eyebrows raised as he stopped wiping his glass entirely. The girl kneeling before Cyl spoke up though to ease the bartenders mind. “She's fine, we both are. It's just how we both like to play~” the girl said and winked at the bartender. “I'll pay their tabs as well” Cyl said and the bartender shrugged and went back to his glass. “Just don't break anything” he said and went back to another customer with a drink order. “I'm definitely a little jealous of my friend though. She's having a fantastic time. If I knew that's what misbehaving earned me then I'd have fought back for sure.” the kneeling girl said. “Hush food.” Cyl said while waving a hand at her. As she blinked and waved Cyl's second bracelet turned into three phallic shapes as well and slipped into her panties and mouth. “Now all there is, is to decide which goes to me and you. I think I'd like the fiesty one. She's still fighting back, might feel good if she lasts all the way back to the apartment.” Cyl said. “It's my going away celebration, shouldn't I get to choose?” Tink asked. “I'll play you for it then!” Cyl said and motioned her head back towards a set of arcade machines at the back of the bar. “Winner chooses their meal. Best five out of seven.” Cyl said and held her hand out to shake.. “Agreed but the players aren't one the menu.” Tink said shrewdly and offered her own hand. “Ah! I was wondering if you would catch onto that little detail. Best two out of three then” Cyl said and sighed. Tink shrugged, not understanding the change in the number of games so fast but shook on it. “I'm onto your devious thinking! I wrote your contract for that last woman, you've had me write others too! You may be terrible at writing and planning, but you picked up that little subtle trickery of words off of me so of course I'd notice!” Tink said. “Well you could've had me too you know... If you won...” Cyl said and turned away to walk towards the arcade machine. Tink tilted her head wondering what she exactly meant by that. “Which game?” Tink asked, not recognizing any of them. “Ah! I remember this from my youth. It's a remake but it uses the same retro characters!” Cyl said as she tugged her orgasm-shivering meal along, she was still attached to Cyl's hair leash and cuffs. “Ms-Pac-Pred...” Tink read aloud, not recognizing it. “Very old, older than me by many centuries.” Cyl said as she applied some credits to the machine. Enough for three games, so they could play the best two out of three. Tink had her caught girl floating beside her and whimpering as all her holes were plugged. Tink found it a bit distracting as she studied the game and prepared to play. She wasn't used to hearing all the moaning so close, she was used to it being muffled by the walls of their apartment inside Cyl's room. The game made heavy use of incant-coding. Each player had to control their pac woman around the board trying not to be eaten by some other randomly moving characters and also trying to get power ups and eat their opponent. Cyl got the hang of it first, being the superior incant-coder and ate and Tink's pac-girl up twice and dissolved her in short order thus winning the bet. They agreed to play a few more games after that though and Tink started to pull ahead, winning the next three games with superior strategy. One time letting the ghosts eat Cyl's avatar and another two digesting Cyl's avatar with her own. “You made it two out of three on purpose didn't you?” Tink asked. “Well I know my weaknesses. Planning and tactics are two of them. I had to take you down fast to get the meal I wanted~” Cyl said. “Wait... But before when you made the terms vague enough for us to eat each other you said best 5 out of 7...” Tink said quietly. Implying she'd meant to eventually be beaten and leave herself open to being eaten by Tink. “Well, perhaps I'm not so unlike these prey girls after all... Leaving myself open like that.” Cyl said while facing away and not showing her face that was twisted into an awkward blushing expression for a few seconds. “Either way, the wriggly one is mine! Feed her to me!” Cyl said and changed the subject. “O-ok” Tink said quickly as she still was a bit stunned by the sentiment that Cyl was intending to offer Tink a way to eat her. Tink willed her nanos to lift the girl into the air so her feet dangled above Cyl's mouth. Cyl took her stripper shoes off and gripped her feet. She then swallowed her down like a beer chugged. Her throat working quickly and undulating as the woman plummeted at almost the rate of gravity. Tink just let the restraints holding her up go and before she could halt her descent she was splashing into Cyl's gut and wiggling around inside.. “Ok now yours, open up Tink~” Cyl said and her hair lifted the other restrained girl-food into the air. Tink opened her mouth wide but Cyl's hair helped her get the proper form quite right. Tink wasn't nearly as experienced consuming prey and was a tad embarrassed to be having Cyl help her like this. It was akin to being fed like a baby, as if Cyl was her mother... If Tink considered it Cyl could possibly be her grandmother many times over but that was besides the point. Cyl's hair pressed at Tink's back putting her in the right posture as well as tugging at her mouth to expand it enough for the girl descending in, completely docile. Tink was actually grateful to be having the less active one as she would've had trouble with the struggling girl. Cyl helped Tink swallow by pushing down with arms and hair. Tink could see her prey's desperate expression as the phallic shaped nanos continued to plug at all her holes. The only motions she offered were quivers of pleasure and excitement. Within a couple minutes she was doing her shivering from within Tink's stomach. "Now for some drinks to wash the belly bitches down with!" Cyl said as she hefted her jerking gut. "Bartender! Two screwdrivers, heavy on the orange, the citric acid should tingle really good once our regular acids have worn them down a bit!" Cyl called out. Tink stood on shaky legs and followed Cyl back to the bar. Cyl nudged her a couple times with her hair to keep her balance as Tink navigated her bloated belly into place before her drink. "How fast would you like yours to liquefy?" Cyl asked as she blinked and the struggling in her stomach reached a crescendo. The girl within was writhing in pain now as Cyl commanded her nanos to help her stomach acids along. "How long is she going to...?" Tink asked and nodded towards Cyl's unruly waist. "Oh she's just being a baby, she'll last until the morning, still kicking until like 4am, but I hope to have had my fun with her by then." Cyl said. "How fast can you make it?" Tink asked. Cyl grinned. "I can make it as fast as table salt dissolving in water. I can show you how too." Cyl said and blinked some motes of light into existence to show her the incant code. Tink's eyes glittered at the prospect, some savage part of her mesmerized. "Pleave don'tff! I'm almoth there!" Came a muffled cry from Tink's stomach, the girl was spitting out the nano-dildo.. "I know, I can feel you playing with yourself in there, that makes it perfectly sexy for me though. I feel pretty guilty but you made yourself my food so... " Tink said and grinned a mischievous grin. "Tink you're terrible! Didn't know you had it in you!" Cyl said and patted her on the back. Tink shrugged sheepishly in response and closed her eyes to start the incant code. The girl within her whimpered and rocked the stomach with her rhythmic effort to get off before she was offed herself. "You do enjoy ending people don't you, I bet crushing that guy under your feet hooked you didn't it?" Cyl asked. "Maybe I'm a little buzzed and making terrible decisions but shhh I'm trying to get this right before she climaxes. I'll be able to get off to this later for sure if I churn her before she can get satisfaction." Tink said and waved Cyl off. Moments later the girl within was moaning louder and louder as she got closer before abruptly she broke into an agonized scream. There were a few thrashes as she went gooey all at once, dripping like a melted candle then a few seconds later she burst like a water balloon, completely turned into flesh stew with an audible splash as Tink's stomach rounded out and sagged with the girl's remains. "Was it exhilarating? Feeling her turned into a smudge? Snuffing her out?" Cyl asked. Tink hugged her gut with one hand and nodded her head. She basked in her contentment and sipped at her drink with her other hand. "Best goodbye gift you could've gotten me!" Tink announced slurring her words a bit. "I aim to please, it's sort of my job" Cyl said with a giggle before ordering another round as both their stomachs churned away at the contents held within. ... “So this is how you go huh? Clog my toilet with some prey slut and then skip out of town? Or rather off world” Cyl said with her hands on her hips. “Sorry? I didn't think she'd come out that... muddy...” Tink said and blushed with embarrassment. The combination of alcohol and an entire woman flash digested had made for a very uncomfortable morning for Tink. “I'm just kidding Tink! It's fine, I'll whip up some nanos to fix the toilet in no time, but my my! You did quite a number on that beauty and to the girl too” Cyl said and they both laughed. After a few moments their shared humor cooled and they were left in silence and looking at each other. “This is really it though isn't it? You sure you're ok with handling everything? Selling my stuff and sending me the credits?” Tink asked. “Completely fine with it. I... Well I wish I could send a copy of my spike to see you but...” Cyl said. “I know, you can't copy. Old hardware. I... well I'll send you a copy of me sometime. After I've set myself up. It'll only be a little bit for me but for you I know it'll be longer. So I'll send one as soon as I can. I know it'll be ten years before it gets to you. I hope you still remember me by then.” Tink said, rambling on. Cyl stepped up to her and held her by the shoulders though. “It's ok. And I've been around long enough that 10 years isn't a terribly long time. I'll wait and plug you into my old jalopy of a clone when your spike copy gets here.” Cyl teased with a wink. “Oh god you better not, that thing will be even worse 10 years from now! You better get me a decent body to spike into if I'm gonna send copies to visit you every year!” Tink said. “Every year?” Cyl asked. “Yeah. I plan on sending you a copy every year so you can know what I'm up to. Though I'm sad I'll never hear back from you in the same way...” Tink said. “Well I can ship myself another way. Through datagrams or something. Or if something important happens I could rent some time on the entangled connections.” Cyl said and Tink's eyes went wide. “You have that much money that you could send a message on the entangled network?” Tink asked, her voice incredulous. Cyl shrugged. “You don't get to my age without making a few connections Tink. I know a few people that eventually got into high places.” Cyl hinted. “I didn't think you could get access to them if you weren't either in the military or a huge corporation.” Tink said. The way she understood it most everyone had to ship data or communicate through space freighters that took years even at near light speeds. The only other way to communicate was to use entangled particles that were enormously expensive since so few existed. Most of them found on planets with nanos to harvest. Almost all of the bandwidth was reserved for governmental functions so military drones could be monitored and controlled in real time anywhere humanity had settled. “Well either way you'll hear from me again. Maybe some footage of whatever kinky things I do to the spike copies you send back!” Cyl chuckled and Tink punched her in the arm. “You better not! It's still me even if it's a five year old copy!” Tink protested. “I promise not to do anything strange unless you ask me to~” Cyl said and held her hand out to shake on it. Tink accepted this and shook. A mote of light blinked before them both then. It was an indicator Tink had setup, a timed alarm. “I have to go. The freighter leaves in two hours with my spike on it or not.” Tink said. “Should I come to pick up your spikeless body?” Cyl asked, Tink shook her head. “My parents are taking it home. I think it'll comfort them a little bit that my original body is with them even if I'm light years away.” Tink explained and Cyl nodded. “Sending them copies of your spike too then?” Cyl asked and Tink nodded. “One more thing though. I have a favor to ask of you.” Tink said and Cyl responded. “Anything.” “Freighters almost never have problems but if something were to go wrong and my spike was destroyed or lost I'd be gone forever. So I got this.” Tink said and pulled a black spike out of her pocket. “A one time spike...” Cyl said taking it. Tink turned around then and ejected her regular spike. Cyl knew what to do and put the black one time spike in before Tink's body would go unconscious. “There. If anything happens to me you can put this into a body to bring me back from this point in my memory” Tink said. The black spike blinked on the top, it was finished backing up Tink's consciousness and memory to the present moment. “I'm honored you're trusting me with this. Why not you parents?” Cyl asked. “Who knows if they'll have bodies in a year or two from now? You will, and beyond that. You're not something I'd mind waking up to.” Tink said and grinned. “That was a cruel sentiment to leave me with Tink, showing you care that much before you leave me... but I can be just as mean....” Cyl said and pulled Tink in close for a kiss, passionate, not lustful. It took Tink's breath away as she pulled back. “You... Felt this way?” Tink asked. “Yes but you have to follow your own dreams Tink” Cyl said and pressed at the black spike. “No!” Tink whispered as the spike ejected. A one time spike shut the body it was ejected from down forcefully. The light in Tink's eyes faded and she crumpled into the couch behind her. Cyl stared down at her and sighed. The core worlds government took great care that a person couldn't keep multiples of themselves running around and causing chaos. Copies were allowed for a predetermined time period and then the spike copy would expire and deactivate. Black spikes however were one time spike copies and had no expiration date. They were meant to back a person up to a certain point, so they could be brought back in case an emergency occurred. They shut a body down when removed and deleted their own contents after putting someone back into a body. On top of that you were only allowed one at a time, and had to destroy your previous black spike before receiving another. Cyl put Tink's regular spike back into the base of her neck. The Tink inside her regular spike hadn't experienced the last few moments where Cyl had kissed her. She'd never know it had happened. Only the black spike version of Tink ever would. Tink woke up, seeing Cyl looking a little forlorn. “It was successful right? I didn't do anything embarrassing after you put it in right?” Tink asked. “No. No not at all. But you. Well you gave me a heartwarming goodbye. I will miss you Tink” Cyl said and embraced her tightly. “Now go, you can't miss that freighter. Give your parents my best!” Cyl said and scooted Tink towards the door. “I'll miss you too! Send me a vid message by freighter sometime. I'll look forward to it!” Tink said before the door shut behind her. Cyl backed against a wall and slid down it to sit. She stared at the black spike in her hand. Knowing she would likely never have to use it. For a selfish moment she hoped the freighter Tink was boarding flew into a sun so she'd have the excuse to use the one time spike. Her mind even went as far as to ponder how she might send some nanos onto the freighter as stowaways to sabotage it maybe a year into the journey. She sighed, dismissing her selfish desires. Tink was her own person. She had to follow her own path in life. Getting bogged down with a relic like Cyl was not how she should live. Cyl had no interest in being anyone's long term object of worship again, her sexual exploits aside that is. Cyl blinked. Motes of light displayed an order confirmation before her eyes. For a clone body, Tink's copy that she'd keep around in her absence. It had some automated abilities like walking installed, it was delivering itself through that one. She had ordered it as soon as Tink had given her the rights to do so. It was reporting it's delivery time to be in the near future. “Well at least I'll have that soon. That was a harder goodbye than I thought it would be...” Cyl said glumly and turned away. She didn't see that the motes updated the clone's delivery time, delaying it. It had been forced to detour by a danger in it's path. An unexpected wild code cloud would keep it from getting to her for a while... ... Tink was furious with herself. She'd been so caught up in the emotions with parting from Cyl that she'd forgotten the only piece of luggage she was bringing with her. A data stick holding all her notes and files. Every picture she'd ever taken, diaries and personal document as well as work ones. She'd be dead in the water without it on Trident. She'd left it right on her desk in her room. She ran back to her apartment, being halfway to the freighter before she realized her mistake. She stood before the door and collected herself. She was even more annoyed with herself that she'd have to say this painful goodbye to Cyl all over again and this time much less tactful as she really had to hurry. She took a deep breath standing there, preparing herself to knock on the door. She'd taken herself off the access list for the apartment after all. Before she lifted her hand though the door opened. “Wow that was fast, you're already here! And Damn! This company is good, they got the clothes down to a 'T'! You're so accurate aren't you! Get in here! I can't wait to rip those clothes off!” Cyl said in a flurry that confused Tink to no end. Cyl didn't seem to be looking at Tink's face though as she pulled her in. She was exploring Tink's body with hands tugging off belts and buttons and reaching underneath fabric to get a good feel. “Finally I can cop a good feel of all this. I've waited so long, I was thinking of even going out to walk you back home myself you lovely clone body you~” Cyl said affectionately. Tink realized then what Cyl thought was going on. She'd ordered a clone of her already. She'd probably put a nano out in the hallway to tell her of it's arrival. She thought Tink was that clone! Tink was about to speak up and tell Cyl what was actually happening before Cyl pressed her lips to Tink's. Tink barely managed to stop herself from jumping at the contact. Cyl's eyes were closed but Tink's weren't and she could see the tears streaming out of them. She could feel them against her own skin. Cyl broke the kiss and held Tink's head to her bosom. “I let you go without telling you I wanted to do that... Fuck, the only girl I've wanted to churn me to slop in 12 centuries and I dawdle around for years as her roommate beating around the bush. Fools come in all ages don't they Tink?” Cyl said and squeezed Tink tighter. “I need to be in you...” Cyl said and lowered the crown of her head to Tink's mouth. “Activate voice instructions. Swallow me, digest me, put my spike into the clone in the closet afterwards” Cyl whispered before pushing her head forward into Tink's. Tink faltered a bit but let it happen. Opened her mouth and let Cyl propel herself inside. Her hair sprang to life guiding Tink as before, aiding in Cyl's own descent as she started to play with herself on the way in. It all happened so fast. One moment she was going to tell Cyl her mistake, the next she was being kissed, hugged, cried on and then swallowing her former roommate. It was a lot to process at once, especially before going on the biggest trip of her life. Inside Cyl splashed into Tink's gut, acids around her making her tingle and squirm, she rubbed at her clit furiously, wondering what Tink might say if it were the real one swallowing her and not some auto-pilot clone meant for dress up and house work. She didn't hold back on her moans of passion. “Churn me Tink! Make me your turds!” Cyl cried out. “I sooooo do not have time for this today” Tink said to herself as she felt the intense conflicting emotions raging in her brain. Tink closed her eyes for a few seconds and recalled the incant-code to cause the insanely fast digestion. She modified it a bit to protect Cyl's spike before executing it. The effect was nearly instant as nanos inside Tink whirred to action and Cyl thrashed in sudden surprise. “Ah! Holy fuck! Clone! Not so fast! Did I even order a digestion routine this fast!? F-Fuck!” Cyl managed to say before she was rapidly turned into Cyl soup, still in the height of her arousal. Tink involuntarily felt a pang of arousal at the act she'd committed, snuffing Cyl out in the midst of her masturbation. Tink sighed and fumbled with a few incant codes before she was able to burp up Cyl's spike. She then installed it into the clone in Cyl's closet. Cyl held her head, both from phantom memories of the quick and painful digestion as well as from the fog the old clone of herself had in it's head. “Oh god Tink was right, this thing is dilapidated to say the least. F-fuck that new clone might be faulty too. It shouldn't have done me in that fast. Although Tink kinda got off on that quick digestion thing, she would totally do me that way so maybe I'll keep it...” Cyl said as she walked out of the closet and rubbed her temples. The way she usually kept her hair changing color was even slowed with how strange this old clone felt to her. “Clone, help me to the couch.” Cyl said and Tink obeyed because she did look like she needed help. Cyl hugged onto Tink and pulled her down onto the couch too, to hug like a teddy bear. Then a knock came at the door. Cyl furrowed her brow. Confused. “Who is it?” Cyl called, confused. She shouldn't have any clients today, she wasn't expecting anyone. A monotone voice called back. Almost robotic, but the auto-pilot system was using the clone's vocal chords so it was still uncannily human sounding. “Your clone order, this unit has delivered itself.” The auto-pilot clone said from beyond the door. “I didn't order two of them... Sounds like a great idea but...” Cyl said and loosened her embrace on the Tink in front of her. Cyl found herself looking down at eyes that stared back into her own. Eyes that were full of light and sentience, not the eyes of an auto-pilot clone. Cyl's eyes went wide, her face red. Her hair stopped changing colors, like a crashed program before the color went away altogether. “You're not the clone I bought...” Cyl stated. “Nope, it's me... Tink... I forgot something in my room that I needed and... I was going to say something sooner but-” Tink said but was interrupted. “Just take my spike out now and crush it or something because I am about to die of embarrassment.” Cyl said. “Cyl...” “No really. I have lived for millenniums and I have never felt more humiliated than this moment. I would welcome death at this point to stop that feeling.” Cyl went on. “I would be rather lonely here if I killed you for good.” Tink said. Cyl looked at her with a confused expression. “I won't make it to the freighter at this point. I took too much time here, it's an hour away and I've only got 45 minutes left. I'll need a place to stay.” Tink said. “Until the next one in a month?” Cyl whispered and felt even more intense anxiety at the prospect of living a month in awkward existence to the roommate she'd just been digested by and confessed to that she intensely desired. “I reiterate, mercy kill me to end this feeling. I cannot do this for a month until you go.” Cyl said. “Cyl, I'm not going to make it onto the next freighter either.” Tink said. “Wha? Why not?” Cyl asked, “I'm staying... With you.” Tink said. Cyl's mouth opened and closed but would say no words. Parts of her told her to convince Tink to go, to follow her own path and not that of an ancient thing like Cyl. She wanted to be selfish though, wanted someone to protect. She could protect one person, if it was just one this time she could do it. Without fucking it up this time. “Thank you” Cyl said and embraced Tink. They didn't say anything for a minute or so. “This unit is attempting delivery” came the monotone from the hallway. “Sybil's spike, It certainly knows how to ruin a moment!” Tink said. “Actually I'd love to spike into it right about now. You were right this body is terrible. I haven't spiked into it for thousands of years and it is just the worst I've ever experienced and I've spiked into bodies with limbs blown off” Cyl said. “I'm not even going to ask why you were in bodies with limbs blown away but I'm just gonna say...Told you so!” Tink said and ejected Cyl out of the teenage version of herself. She opened the door for the new clone body and spiked Cyl into it promptly. “Ahhh, much better. Hmm wow you have a much lighter chest. It's kind of nice to be so perky and light...” Cyl said and groped her own chest in the Tink clone. “Yeah this is really weird seeing myself as a clone and you in it and you groping yourself... I feel like I should be making you stop groping my body. But you're in it! So it's really odd.” Tink said. “Maybe I can make some adjustments. But y'know it's odd for me too. My usual body is sitting as liquid in your gut right now so we'll call it even.” Cyl said as she blinked a few times. Her trademark color changing hair came back and her nanos colored themselves and arranged on her face to create a makeup like effect. Her look was instantly changed, accentuating features of the face Tink never did. They still looked quite similar but not identical anymore. “This will do until I get a new body. I already had one on order.” Cyl said. “So you were really planning on letting my clone digest you after I left?” Tink asked. “Y-yes. But please it's embarrassing. It was also a good excuse to get a really expensive model like that herm I digested.” Cyl said. “Hmmm I could deal with seeing you with tits that big. Even bigger if you digest me~” Tink said. “Which you though? The original or the clone?” Cyl asked. “I haven't decided. There's something incredibly hot about having you digest my original body... Either way I wanna remote spike into whichever when you melt it.”Tink said and Cyl smiled. “Let's put lil old me away though for now. I still have to decide what to do with her.” Cyl said as she took it by the arms and put it back into the closet. “Well since I'm staying maybe I'll make a project out of repairing it someday. For now though... I'm drained. Today was stressful and a whirlwind y'know? I need a drink. Maybe five.” Tink said. “Absolutely” Cyl said and Tink took her arm as they strolled out of the apartment. … Inside the closet though a hand stirred. The head of Cyl's teenage clone turned to look out of the slats of the closet. It tracked them as they left with jerking shivering motions. “Tink...” it said before going still again. … "You say it's a date then take me here? An exhibition on Sybil Talus? Really?" Cyl asked. "She's important to me, a role model. She's always seemed so grand and capable." Tink said and led the way into the museum. "Uh huh sure, let's see what embellishments they've cooked up over the years this time." Cyl said sarcastically as they passed a timeline of the woman's exploits. "Why would they need to embellish? She was an explorer, an inventor, an engineer and a soldier" you could make ten movies about her life in ten different genres and only scratch the surface!" Tink said. "I'm saying that these cultural circle jerks ONLY scratch the surface and don't tell the whole story. Or don't bother to question the consequences of her actions. We already talked about the implications of spike technology. Stuff like that is never brought up in these kinds of things." Cyl said.  "Oh come on there's not a dark side to everything in her life!" Tink said. "Bet you there is." Cyl countered. "What about the discovery of nanos? What's so bad about that?" Tink asked as she pointed to near the beginning of the timeline of Sybil's life. "You mean what's so bad about our plundering of an ancient space faring civilization?" Cyl said. "She learned to use an advanced alien technology! Activated their facilities remotely across multiple star systems! It's an unbelievable feat." Tink said. "An alien race we know nothing about. That we haven't found a trace of and don't know why they disappeared or why they shut their facilities off. She also woke up the wild code along with the incant codable nanos that are friendly to us and need our commands." Cyl pointed out. "Well you have to break a few eggs..." Tink argued. "A few?! There were other colonizing groups at other alien sites. When she activated them all she was lucky to figure out how to utilize the friendly nanos to protect her surviving colonists. She lost a third of them in the chaos of the activation. The other groups across different star systems didn't have anyone like her to figure out how to protect themselves. They had no warning either. They all died Tink." Cyl said. Tink didn't have an argument for that. "They didn't stand a chance and it was because she was curious about the ruins and determined to discover something extraordinary, which she did. She uncovered something extraordinarily dangerous! I wonder sometimes if the wild code had anything to do with the missing alien race that presumably made the nanos" Cyl said and shook her head. Tink and Cyl walked down the timeline some more looking at artifacts of Sybil's life. Her belongings, witness acounts of her skills, even her entire personal shuttle was on display. Though the launch key had been missing for thousands of years. They strolled a while before Tink pointed something else out. "What about that? The secession incursion? When she saved that civilian transport from destruction along with everyone on board? " Tink asked as she pointed at one of the escape pods Sybil had supposedly used to fight off a dozen secessionist warships. "First off secession incursion is literally an oxymoron. How can secessionists incur? They were trying to break away." Cyl said. "Don't get me wrong they were assholes! Suddenly declaring themselves independent after nanos gave them all they needed to function autonomously. The colonies owed the core worlds for funding the expeditions in the first place. Sybil just wanted to see nanos shared with everyone instead of hoarded by secessionists. I won't even get into how bad an idea that was and how the core worlds abused her generosity" Cyl said. "Anyways it wasn't a noble act in protecting those civilians. She endangered them. She was smuggling nanos back to earth and the core worlds. She turned that civilian transport into a target because of her own beliefs. People who had nothing to do with the conflict." Cyl said and walked around the pod studying it. The plaque said she used all 56 of the pods to destroy the fleet after her and changed the balance of power in the short war between the core worlds and the colonies. "This stunt is also what got spike copying outright banned for a few hundred years. Which is why I am how I am." Cyl said. "Huh? I never heard that!" Tink said and frowned. "How do you think she used escape pods to kill a fleet of warships?" Cyl asked and Tink shook her head indicating she didn't know. Cyl pointed at the pod's lone chair. "Each one has a single pilot. When the ship was chased by the warships she revealed herself and demanded everyone eject their spikes and give her control of their clone bodies. She copied herself and stocked each pod with nanos. She rammed the warships with the pods and made her nanos act like wild code killing every person aboard the warships. Including the bodies she borrowed. All while her original body piloted the civilian ship away with all the spikes of the passengers. She used their bodies as suicide bombers" Cyl said and shook her head. "She saved their spikes though. They lived." Tink argued. "They don't make young clones though Tink. Not younger than 16. Did you know that ship had a group of refugee children aboard? She used their original bodies too. Those eight and nine year olds were put in bodies twice their age. Shot straight into late puberty. Getting hit on by older people. There was damage done even if they lived." Cyl said. "You make her sound like a villain." Tink said but Cyl shook her head. "More like a vigilante. But not an efficient one. There's destruction in her wake. You know where those warships are is still a banned zone? The nanos she set loose there are hostile to everything. She must've created some bizarre incant codes in the last few moments of all those bodies she copied into." Cyl said. "So the core worlds government saw what someone who was copied and didn't have anything to lose could accomplish alone... So they banned copying for the next few centuries until temporary copies became available" Tink said and Cyl nodded. “The woman was reckless. Did you know she once knocked out an entanglement node?” Cyl said with a smirk. “What? I never knew that!” Tink said. “Got drunk on a smuggling run and thought the blip on her sensors was a mine, she blew it up. Knocked out communications to the Proxima Centauri region from year 3023 to 3109.” Cyl said shaking her head. “Bullshit, how would you know?” Tink asked. “Just check the public record, she lost her pilot license for 50 years during that time. Coincidence? I think not. Anyways the military learned after that to make redundant entanglement nodes.” Cyl said. "Is there really no part of her life that is spotless? Do you see dark marks over it all? Even though it supports your way of life now?" Tink asked. Cyl paused a moment to consider. Then she pointed to the end of the timeline. "Her death?" Tink asked. "Well I can only hope Sybil's legacy ended after she went missing." Cyl said. "Why do you think she came back here? Went back into the ruins she activated the wild code from?" Tink asked. Cyl shrugged. "Maybe to die, maybe to disappear. There is never much of a body left by wild code attacks so we don't really know what happened. I can only guess she wanted to learn more about the nanos, where they came from. Might've been pressure too, she was being asked to run politically, to be a leader. I can think of no one worse and more impulsive. Who knows? She did everyone a service by stepping out of the spotlight. No one person should have such an influence on history. Deciding the fates of billions through scientific bumbling is irresponsible at best." Cyl said. "Sounds like you studied her a lot for hating her." Cyl said. "I might have liked her as well at some point. Thought she was rather dashing and impressive. Then the anti copy laws hit. Before one time spikes and expiration spikes were created and made the laws more lax. That made me see her... differently. After her actions affected so many." Cyl explained. They walked in silence again after that coming up to a clone exhibit, the female clone body in the glass case had the first version of a spike port installed, large and covering half of the neck and with visible wires underneath the skin, the were also several LEDs dotting it and blinking. Nothing as subtle as the slight bump and circular metal of the present. What was on Tink's neck looked like nothing but a piercing. Cyl sighed at it. Tink already knew where this conversation would head though so she opted not to argue the benefits of clones and spikes. A little girl approached the glass enclosure and stood next to Cyl. "Hey old lady? Wanna know what I think of that old clone over there? " The girl said making Tink cringe. "And just how do you know I'm an old lady?" Cyl asked with forced kindness. "Cause you are! You look at this old stuff like they're last Christmas's presents. You're bored with em. You gotta be old if stuff like this doesn't impress you." The little girl said. "From the mouths of babes... You're very astute though young lady. You are right these things do bore me. What do you think of the old clone there?" Cyl asked apparently satisfied that she wasn't old because of her appearance. "It's sorta big and ugly but it's kinda like jewelry when it glitters" the little girl said. "People did admire the first ones at the time I'm told. Immortality was naught but a dream before" Cyl said. Tink let out a breath as she was afraid Cyl might unload the full force of her disdain for spikes and clones on the young thing. "But it's not immortal. The body doesn't live forever. Only the shard riding it keeps going... It's like a parasite" the little girl said and twitched. Cyl and Tink both exchanged a look before looking down at the little girl. Both were quite shocked at her words. "They're called spikes, not shards, and Spikes... aren't parasites. Also the clone isn't alive" Cyl said softly. "Sure it is, it's breathing and its heart is beating! They look so sad before the shard takes them over" She said. "But the brain isn't active it isn't experiencing anything it's a shell empty of anything. They are empty after someone shuts down and ejects their spike" Cyl said and motioned towards it. "Actually, auto pilot clones, like the one you ordered of me... Well the brain patterns aren't completely empty in those, most clones now actually have more going on in their heads than before. It was like you say when clones like this were in production." Tink said and motioned towards the display. "But nowadays we've installed mental processes into most clones to make them more convenient. Like walking itself to be delivered" Tink continued. "I don't know if that can be called consciousness but. It's certainly active though and not just an empty shell." Tink said. "My sister's brain must be broken then cause she doesn't listen to a thing and she's very stubborn." The little girl said before walking away. She had a strange twitch to her step. Cyl narrowed her eyes and watched the girl go she had a jacket on with a hoodie up indoors which Cyl thought was odd. … The door to Tink's room opened. Twitching hands fumbled for a light switch on the wall before realizing there would be none. She didn't remember any in her dreams, the last few hundred that she had. Things were different now. She remembered what they did instead. Commanded tiny things in their mind. The dreams had done it enough inside her for her to copy. She closed her eyes for only a second and was rewarded with a bright light. Things had changed so much since her dreams started. But it seemed she was adept at this. Many of her dreams had more trouble with the instructions than she had. She looked around before spotting the thing, the object of her desire. It lay dormant on Tink's bed. She clutched it with her trembling, jerking grasp. It started buzzing and vibrating in response. She recognized its purpose. Not so much had changed with female anatomy that vibrators had changed drastically... The shard inside was somewhat aware of its surroundings. The humming was not erotic in nature but fearful. The shard was afraid of her since she was a stranger. "You are correct to be frightened. I see that you waste your immortality by spending it as an object. I will make better use of your vessel shard. To spread myself... Depart in peace long lived one..." she said as she ejected the spike from the vibrator. It stopped its fearful buzzing. The spike glowed blue in a hurried rhythm as she held it to the back of her neck and inserted it. "I will not dream anymore. Your vessel will be my first offspring" she said and twitched violently for a few seconds, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth. Then the jerking subsided. She ejected the spike from her neck and inspected it. The blue pulsing of light was gone, the previous inhabitant erased. A dull constant gray glowed instead. She cracked a smile at her first child. ... "A what?" Tink asked. "A murder mystery dinner, you got to choose the last date. I'm picking this one." Cyl said. "Yes but what is it? I've never heard of that" Tink said. "Ah I see. It's rather old fashioned I guess. See we go to dinner and the people we're going to dinner with are mostly players as well. One person will be chosen as the killer. Then during the course of the night someone will be digested every half hour. Then we try to figure out who did it before they get all of us." Cyl explained. "Ah I see then. That sounds interesting." Tink said. "That's not even the best part. We're also going to be spiking into other clone bodies so no one will recognize each other!" Cyl said. "Oh wow I won't even know who you are or if you're the killer! That sounds riveting!" Tink said excitedly. “But what about our spikes?...” Tink asked. “The clones have digestive systems that will only digest organics. The spikes are always safe and just end up inside the killing clone's body until the end of the night when you're spiked back into your original body.” Cyl explained. “Ah so it's perfectly safe then. Brilliant concept” Tink said as they walked into the building. It was constructed like something on Earth would have been thousands of years ago. Actual wood formed into several triangular towers at the top. It seemed gaudy in comparison to buildings formed by construction nanos. It appeared very ancient to Tink, like something out of a history lesson in her early schooling years. They were greeted by a few people in costumes of that period, very large puffy dresses and suits made of black and white. The attention to detail was impressive. “It's Victorian age attire. The dresses that make their butts look big are called bustles.” Cyl whispered as they were escorted in. “Wow ok, so it's part of the dress? For a minute there I thought their butts were really that big. I was wondering how many clones they sent up their ass to get it like that! Victorian attire is weird but pretty” Tink whispered back. “You should see the Egyptian murder mystery or the Grecian one then. Or the worst of them all Disco.” Cyl said and giggled before their guides asked them to sit down and present their spikes. Tink and Cyl smiled at each other before they ejected their spikes. Tink woke up in a rather buxom woman with quite a blubbery behind. She was tall and long legged wearing a pink dress with a bustle frame on the butt meant to embellish the curve of a woman's backside... Which this clone body had no need for, it filled out the wire frame easily. The corset was also similarly unnecessary to prop up the body's already considerable cleavage. Tink found herself blushing at the feeling of all that flesh jiggling with each step. She reddened further when she was told the body got so plump because it was chosen to be the digestive killer more often than any of the others. Even further that the last play of this game no one figured out the killer and it was plump on all twenty previous players. The most awkward part by far was the heels. Tink had not worn anything with a high heel since the first and last school dance she'd attended two decades ago. She would have been much more comfy in flats or her work boots. With a huff she gathered the dress around her and stumbled her way into the elaborate house's foyer complete with a grand staircase. Tink looked at the stairs with disdain dreading the eventual climb in heels. For the moment she decided to procrastinate going up the steps and mingle instead. She smiled and greeted the other guests, most of which were also getting used to their temporary bodies. Many of them were similarly stacked in excessively sized breasts and asses, the males well toned and handsome, Tink did not let her gaze wander to their crotches. She had no desire to see how generous proportions were down there. Tink however had set her eyes on someone a bit plainer, closer to her own usual body type. She was dressed as a maid which explained her more conservative body archetype. She had come from another room and looked about the guests with a confused expression as if she were looking for someone. Her gait was awkward, twitchy and shaky as if she too were unused to the legs she was given. Tink figured it was the miniskirt. "Not used to tight skirts?" Tink asked as she approached. "I am most accustomed to wearing nothing I think..." the maid said and looked like she was going to leave the conversation at that awkward note before walking away. "I have a roommate like that... Well I guess she's my girlfriend? But anyway she's always in some state of undress with her uhhh friends." Tink said with a laugh. The maid stopped looking around and focused on Tink then her head twitched as she turned. "Don't let me stop you if you're looking for someone though." Tink said and held her hands up. "You are... hmmm... This is a new body to you then?" The maid asked. "Uh well yes it is for everyone I imagine... I'm really just unused to the heels myself. I'll be glad to get back into my own body afterwards." Tink said. "Is it your own though? Or was it made for you to ride and use?" The maid asked. Tink tilted her head at the awkward and oddly worded question. She thought perhaps the woman was trying and failing to act the part of a woman from the far flung past. "Actually no it is my original body. It just feels right to be in more than anything else. Clones just feel like wearing a shoe on the wrong foot. Which is an odd thing to say if you work with clones all the time." Tink said. The maid showed the faintest of smiles and nodded in appreciation. "You make them?" the maid asked. "No just maintenance and troubleshooting. Mostly ones without a spike. So they make excellent conversation partners" Tink joked. "Then you see many clones outside of their dreams." The maid said. "Their dreams? You mean when they're in REM sleep? Actually I see them more when they are unconscious." Tink said. "Do you... ever take liberties with the dreamers? When they are vulnerable?" the maid asked. "Like sex you mean? Sybil's spike no! I don't know why but it would feel wrong. Like raping a passed out person." Tink said and made a disgusted face to juxtapose the growing smile on the maid's. "You are well morally structured for a shard dweller Miss Tink. I pray you are not too disturbed by events to come." The maid said and began to walk away. Tink was talking to air in another second. "Thanks? I guess?... Hey wait... how did she know my name? I'm not even in my usual body..." Tink said to herself before scanning the room for the maid. Tink saw her looking back over her shoulder and grinning as someone started screaming from a nearby room. "It's already started!" Someone shouted from the opposite direction. People suddenly crowded towards the yelling voice and Tink lost sight of the maid in the shuffle. She was caught in the crowd's push and moved towards the voice that was at the entrance to a side room. Inside was a very large puddle that completely soaked a rug and a couch as well. Strewn throughout the mess was tattered clothing of whoever had been melted down. A man knelt down and put their fingers to it before tasting it. "It's warm and it's femcum..." the man said. "So the killer must be female! … Oh wait I'm..." A woman said and then realized that indicated it could be her then. Tink snickered as the person obviously didn't inhabit a female clone body usually. A din began as the guests conversed among themselves trying to figure out who it might've been that was digested and who the killer was. Tink hung back, some of the guests more into the sleuthing aspect of the game inspected the scene carefully. Tink just narrowed her eyes from afar. "Smart idea turning the victim into cum. No weight gain to give you away." Tink thought aloud. "If they're the logical sort yes, but it could have just been something they get off on." A voice from behind Tink suggested. She turned to look at the person who'd chimed in on her thoughts. They made eye contact and spoke at the same instant. "Tink?" "Cyl?" Then they both shared a chuckle. "Well it was easier than I thought to identify you. You're still so logically minded." Cyl said. "Yeah and all you think about is sex so of course you'd think of an explanation like that!" Tink said as she looked Cyl up and down. She was dressed more like a man with dress pants and a vest on but the bust showed a considerable amount of cleavage. Not as much as her usual body but close. "I think I'd have been more comfortable in your body Tink! Those tits are bigger than mine and wow is that wire frame there to accentuate your ass or to contain it?" Cyl asked. "Both I think, and same goes for your body. It's slightly more modest than this one... wait... how do I know you weren't chosen to be the killer? How do I know that's not your work in that puddle over there?" Tink asked and narrowed her eyes. "The same reason you probably wouldn't prefer this body..." Cyl said and took Tink's hand. She pressed it to her crotch. Tink's face went red. "You do look great in that body, your real one suits you better but it's nice seeing some huge tits on you" Cyl said and winked. Tink's hand was pressed right into Cyl's hard on. The body she was in was a herm which explained the men's clothes. "So I couldn't be the killer. I don't have the right equipment. How do I know it wasn't you though?" Cyl asked accusingly and used it as an excuse to poke Tink in the tit with her finger.  "You really think I could navigate someone into my crotch with this wire frame monstrosity on?" Tink asked. "I see your point." Cyl said. "... uh also you can take your hand off my crotch anytime now..." Cyl said and Tink pulled away quickly. "I mean I liked your hand there but you're really just teasing it since I know you'd never play with something like that." Cyl said and chuckled. "Actually if it's you... In a body like that... I might be willing to try it..." Tink muttered and looked away. "Oooh well maybe we should skip dinner with everyone else and find a room with some privacy~" Cyl suggested. "Isn't it dangerous to be alone though in this game? What if the killer found us while we were fooling around?" Tink asked. "Part of the fun of this is the danger y'know? It might've been you as a puddle already in there. If we get caught while fucking I'll be sure to give you an orgasm or two before we're girl goo" Cyl said and gave Tink a lecherous wink. Five minutes later Cyl had found a room in the mansion with an ornate bed. None of the doors locked but neither Cyl or Tink was worried since all the other guests were heading to the dinner part of the game. They both had a laugh getting Tink out of her dress and corset. As they had joked the bustle was more containing her massive rear more than accentuating it. The bustle was there to give her an excuse to look so large. After their laughter died down Cyl undressed. Tink was very quiet at the sight of Cyl's erect cock. She took a deep breath. “I'm just going to think of it as a strap on that's really attached to you.” Tink said. “You've described a penis besides the squirty part.” Cyl said. “Don't remind me about that.” Tink responded. “Haven't you ever seen another woman squirt? Think of it like that but more... Focused.” Cyl suggested. “Yeah but will it...” “Get you pregnant?” Cyl finished for her and Tink nodded. “Sterile, all the clones are. It would become a maintenance nightmare if these clones weren't sterile. I'm sure we're not the first ones to get frisky in them. Not with how they're dressed and shaped! Besides you'll be out of that body one way or another by the end of the night whether it's still solid or not.” Cyl said and pressed Tink down onto the bed and crawled atop her. “Ready?” Cyl asked. “Probably not. It's so weird, but its you, you're female and that body is mostly female and pretty hot so I'll at least try it.” Tink said and Cyl winked at her before slowly pressing in. Tink didn't know what she was expecting, maybe pain or intense discomfort... The sensation of being stabbed? But none of that happened and it felt mostly like other dildos and strap ons she'd had the pleasure of experiencing with previous lovers. It was warmer, like when she shared a dildo with a partner and used it right after them, she liked the warmth. It was softer too, kind of squishy in comparison to anything else she felt inside her, she wasn't too sure about that. It did let Cyl get really close though, their shaved nether regions were warm against each other, none of the strap on rigging to get in the way of them touching, she appreciated that a lot actually. It took a few moments to get into but once Cyl had a pair of tits shoved in her face to suckle on she lost herself in the moment and relished the feeling of finally getting railed by her roommate. Cyl was insistent and passionate, it was like she was tearing into a meal she'd been waiting for all day and starving herself until she got it. Cyl made her rounds on all of Tink's sensitive spots, gauging them to see what made Tink squirm the most in this particular body. “I'm going to have to map you out all over again in your real body sometime~” Cyl said and Tink moaned as the cock went deep and found a spot that made her shiver with pleasure. Tink raked nails on Cyl's back as Cyl plunged and pumped into Tink. The body was somehow designed for this Tink realized as she reached a climax far quicker than she'd imagined she would. Cyl grinned and went for her own too. Tink could feel the warm goo inside her, hotter than her own juices and oozing out as Cyl panted above her. Tink decided she really didn't like being cummed inside of. They stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes before smiling and sharing a short giggle. “What do you think? Of cocks I mean?” Cyl asked. “Definitely not for me.” Tink said quickly. Cyl chuckled laid beside her and turned to her fully, encouraging her to elaborate. “On the plus side, I could feel all your skin down there and I like how close we could get. But it's like when you don't like a food because of the texture. It's that kinda thing, too soft, it's just a little too flesh like. I like how it's warm but the weird goo going in me was just gross. I could feel it inside me Yuck!” Tink said with a shiver. “And the balls... They were all slapping against me at one point. I could hear it and feel it. I could really do without the balls. Maybe if those weren't there... No semen, no slapping, just the warmth. I could get used to that but full on cock and balls? No way.” Tink said and shook her head as Cyl burst out laughing. “I love how you just broke down and critiqued male genitalia like it was a product review. Most people would just say they didn't like it, but you Tink! You're such a tech nerd, identifying the specific components that worked or didn't work. You're precious!” Cyl said and cuddled closer. “Eww eww eww! Not so close it's leaking on my leg! Is it supposed to do that?!” Tink protested but Cyl put a hand to her mouth. The knob on the room's door was turning. They both stared as light from the hall showed them a silhouette in the doorway. A very round bellied silhouette. It shifted and jostled as it moved. The standing figure looked uneasy on her feet, legs jerking unnaturally as if she didn't know how to use them properly. Tink and Cyl went completely still. The game's killer had stumbled across them, naked and worn out from a rigorous romp. “Cease your struggling parasite. I will pleasure you into paste in moments as soon as I find an appropriate space to lie down-” The woman in the doorway said as she turned and saw Tink and Cyl there. Cyl covered Tink in the sheets trying to hide her. “I see this room is occupied... Perhaps this one will not be alone in her demise. I see the second one's shape by the way. There is no use in hiding her.” the woman said and Tink slowly rose her head from underneath the covers. Then Tink's eyebrows raised. It was the maid from before. She seemed to twitch in reaction as well, her entire body going through a spasm. “You can't get us both, if you go after her I'll keep you away so she can run, and tell everyone who the killer is ha!” Cyl said in challenge. “I have no intention of taking her.” the maid said. Tink sensed that something was off though. Cyl was still playing a game but the maid's demeanor, her expression... It told Tink she was playing for more than they were. “I won't let you have Cyl either.” Tink stammered but with not as much confidence as she would have liked. “Then I will leave. I had hoped to gather and free more of my brethren tonight tonight but I have no desire to harm Tink.” the maid said as she grabbed a chair near the entrance and pulled it out to the hallway as she shut the door. Cyl rushed to the door and pushed on it, but it opened out. So even though there were no locks the chair wedged beneath the handle kept it plenty secure. “Dang, trapped, I'd have to incant-code us out and that would be kind of cheating...But really? You told someone else your actual name? You should've used an alias” Cyl said incredulously, Tink shook her head though. “Actually that's the thing, I don't know how she knows my name. I never told her.” Tink said and Cyl narrowed her eyes. She could see the expression in Tink's face, the girl was spooked and Cyl didn't like that. “Do you have a bad feeling about this too?” Cyl asked and Tink nodded. “... To hell with it.” Cyl said and blinked as she held her arms out. A few moments passed before anything happened. A silver haze that swirled around her, coming from under the door before collecting at Cyl's position. With a few sparks and the sound of wood snapping Cyl incant-coded dozens of nanos to cut the door hinges straight from the wooden door. It fell forward into the hall and crashed. Cyl stepped out onto it. Her raised arms collected the haze and her bracelets became solid again. She'd called to them from her real body somewhere in the building. Cyl looked down the hall both ways but didn't see anything for a few moments until a group of dressed up men and women playing the game came to find her naked in the hall. They were looking to see what the commotion was. The door had made an awfully loud sound. Cyl didn't look the least bit embarrassed to be nude, although a few of the participants were plenty red faced to make up for her. “It's the maid character, she's the killer. We saw her with a huge belly but something seems wrong...” Cyl said to them. One of the people, a mustached man in a brown suit frowned and came forward. He held a cuff link to his mouth. “There most certainly is something amiss. Shut the game down, gather all players in the foyer and get them back in their bodies.” the man said. “Who are you?” Tink asked as she trotted up with the bed sheets wrapped around her. “An actor, I watch the game to make sure no one is doing anything really bad. You know, like breaking down doors.” he said and Tink cringed. Cyl made no such ashamed expression she felt plenty justified and could cough up whatever fine they wanted to levvy. “But you're right something is very wrong so I'll let this slide, especially since you clued us staff into it.” the man said. “How do you know something is wrong?” Cyl asked. “The maid clone body isn't even supposed to be in use tonight. The killer hasn't checked in either... We've been wondering what happened to them. The person chosen as the killer is instructed not to kill any of the actor staff but two of us were digested tonight and we can't find their spikes.” he said which Cyl sneered at as Tink's hands went up to her mouth in shock. “Damn that stain in the first room was probably the player chosen as the killer. Whoever is in the maid clone must've done them in first and came after the staff next. We just thought the killer player was messing with us...” he said before holding his cuff link up to his mouth to speak into it. “Who is in that maid clone? Where are they?” the mustached man asked. His cuff link crackled as a speaker inside it came to life. “Whoever it is they've covered half the cameras with clothing or something, they're all black so I can't see everywhere anymore... Can't find them.” the speaker said. “I will then... Spread” Cyl said and closed her eyes. Her bracelets melted into fog that rapidly went down the corridors going around corners and out of sight quickly. Tink bit her lip, she'd never seen Cyl take more than a single blink to incant something... An instant later the nanos appeared again, forming a line in midair. Cyl immediately started following it, the nanos collecting along the way to form a cloud growing around her, buzzing with frantic energy. The line lead to a room, door closed and apparently barricaded with a couple bookcases pushed in front of it. Cyl blinked and they skidded out of the way with a screech along the floor. The hinges sparked and the doors fell forward to reveal the room. Inside was the maid clone, with a steaming puddle underneath her. A victim freshly turned into femcum. The maid clone faced them, then smiled before collapsing to the floor. It was sprawled and twitching slightly as it laid motionless in the puddle. Cyl narrowed her eyes at it but the mustached man went to the clone wrenching it by the hair to pull it forward and look at the neck. “There's no spike. The body is empty...” he said. “But where did she...” he puzzled trying to figure out how the person inhabiting the body had escaped. Where their spike was if the body was shut down. “Perhaps they hid it in the room before the body shut down after a few seconds?” the man asked himself. “Tink, I'm not sure this place is safe. We're going home. Let's get in our bodies.” Cyl said. “Yes. This is a little bit too much of a mystery for me.” Tink agreed as they pushed through the gathering crowd to go to the grand foyer and retrieve their normal forms. … Tink and Cyl had no trouble getting into their regular bodies but the perpetrator was never caught. As for the dozen victims the maid had turned to cum, their spikes were not recovered. This made for an interesting night of questioning by the police detail sent to investigate. … With the gray glowing spike in hand she wandered the rest of Tink's room. She'd never been here, even with her constant proximity to the woman. It was as she more or less expected. A bit messy and disorganized but Tink didn't keep trinkets or many things that weren't useful to her. Tools of all sorts and reference manuals were strewn about. Her desk was a mess of half jotted ideas and memos to herself. Atop it all though was a digital ID. The screen on it had Tink's likeness display when it was picked up. It read Cyfan city clone maintenance division access pass. She grinned at the ID. Then at the gray glowing spike. There would be many forms there to give birth into... ... She slipped through the least populated areas she could. Finding the warehouse at the edge of the city. Obtaining directions had been an awkward business. She found the incant code very awkward and asking these little machines for assistance nagged at her newfound independence. She relied on them still though and arrived late at night to the destination using Tink's ID to gain entrance to the place. Here, aisle upon aisle was filled with bodies hanging in slumber. Clones of all shapes and sizes, spikeless and inanimate. She went to the first and inserted it with the gray glowing spike. The clone, a black woman opened its eyes and removed its nutrient cord. Exiting from its harness and staring at her. It ejected the gray spike and closed its eyes for a few moments. The incant code it cast summoned nanos to swarm into the spike slot at her neck. Then they spoke in succession with each other. "The" "Connection" "Was" "Successful" They both grinned simultaneously, identically, if not for the contrast in skin color no one could have told them apart in that moment. The first though held up a palm full of spikes glowing blue in a hurried pace as if afraid. "We will work faster if we re purpose these shards and awaken dozens at a time." She said. "Some should go into the city as well to gather more" the other announced though they were mirroring the same thoughts. They nodded to one another and set about the task of awakening the entire warehouse. ...A week later "How does Chinese sound for dinner?" Tink asked. All she got was a noncommittal grunt of approval as Cyl walked beside her into a district full of restaurants. Cyl was staring forward eyes focused elsewhere, her attention split in uneven portions. "It's been days and you haven't even suggested trying to hunt down some more gut sluts to churn for a cheap meal." Tink said. "Guess I'm just hungry for regular food lately." Cyl answered with a shrug. "You've been in a funk since the murder mystery thing. One that not even Signa can get you out of I see since you took her back." Tink teased. "Hmmm? I didn't take Signa back she should still be in the vibrator in your room. I've been only getting off with you lately... Which makes me feel bad... I should pay more attention to that former girl. Also sounds like we've misplaced her..." Cyl said and winced. "Woops maybe she's under my tools or something. I'll look when we get back. But for real I ate you out for hours yesterday and you were still glum an hour later. Am I going to have to digest you again?" Tink teased and Cyl perked up. "I'd certainly be willing to give it a try but I've got a client tomorrow and you should get back to work from your so called mental breakdown soon. That excuse worked for not accepting the new position but you'll have to work again eventually. You can't just ride the coattails of your insanely wealthy girlfriend." Cyl said and sighed. "It is bothering me though. They never found the spikes of the people who got melted that night. It was supposed to be a game but it got really serious really fast. I think I only want to be digested by you for a while Tink." Cyl said. "Fine by me. It'll help this comparatively destitute girl with her food bill after all. For today though Chinese will suffice" Tink said as they approached a restaurant. "It's upsetting for me too though. That person in the maid body... She knew my name. But she didn't seem to want to end me specifically so I guess I'm safe." Tink said. "Especially with me around." Cyl commented and Tink hugged her before the doorway. "You are the best at incant coding. Better than anyone I know. You could've probably given Sybil Talus a run for her money." Tink said, and released her before entering the restaurant. "Ok stop now you're embarrassing me and expecting too much. Plus you know how I feel about Sybil." She responded as they took a seat in a booth and awaited a server to take their order. "Sorry it's just that something about that maid woman nags me." Cyl said and rested her forehead against her palm. "What nags you?" Tink asked. "There was just something familiar about the way she moved but I couldn't put my finger on it..." Cyl said but trailed off as their server approached, a young Asian looking clone body, very attractive. Probably one the restaurant kept and had servers spike into for their shifts. "Greetings women, may I receive your food requests?" She asked. Tink tilted her head in amusement at her very bizarre word choice. Cyl had gone stock still however. Her eyes were locked onto the servers hand at her notepad. Her fingers were twitching uncontrollably. "Waters for both of us. We need a moment to look over the menu." Cyl said curtly. The waitress looked a bit disappointed but retreated soon enough. Cyl's eyes widened as she saw her leave. "Don't know what you want yet? I figured you might ask if she was on the menu. She's cute!" Tink said playfully, Cyl just stared at the waitresses back until she entered the kitchen. "You're usually so decisive! And stop staring, you're going to make me jealous" Tink continued. "You and me, we're going to the bathroom together now." Cyl said with an insistent tone. "W-we can't do that here! I mean it'd be so bad and exciting but!" Tink said before looking up and seeing Cyl's very deadpan expression. "It's not like that at all. We're going to the bathroom NOW." Cyl announced. Cyl then took Tink's hand and pulled her towards the restroom. Tink allowed herself to be lead, and basically dragged in. Once in Tink was even more confused as Cyl blinked and the hinges on the door glowed a moment. "I melted them. The door won't budge now" Cyl stated and moved to the window to open it. "Cyl what are you doing? Sybil's spike! Why did you break the door? Do you hate doors or something? That's the second one third one now! What are you doing at the window? A-are you climbing out?" Tink asked, confounded by Cyl's suddenly alarming behavior. "The waitress, she's shaking, convulsing... Just like that maid from the murder mystery. I've seen it before too. I just can't figure out from where!" Cyl said as she held out a hand to help Tink make her way out of the window as well. They found themselves in an alley moments later quietly making their way to a main thoroughfare. Cyl spotted a taxi copter there and steered them towards it. The pilot turned towards them noticing their approach. Tink put a stiff grip on Cyl's wrist then holding her back. "Tink I know I sound paranoid but I think something is very wrong and we should get home-" Cyl said but Tink cut her off. "You're not paranoid, but I wouldn't get in that copter either." Tink said and steered them another direction into a secluded alley. Tink noticed the pilot getting out and walking their direction. "Why?" Cyl asked not having noticed the pursuit yet. "Before I left work I was working on a clone body. It was in for some very severe brain damages from being around intense vibration and explosions. The healing process would take a year minimum. That body was going nowhere but a warehouse... And it was the pilot of that copter." Tink continued and hurried her pace. Cyl bit her lip and followed into the maze of alleyways again. Just as they started to jog though Cyl held Tink back before they were to go past a corner. "The waitress from the restaurant is around this corner. Coming our way." Cyl said quietly. "The pilot is behind us and following! I saw him coming towards us!" Tink said in an alarmed whisper. "I'm going to try something then." Cyl said and closed her eyes. ... The waitress came to a dead end, empty and devoid of anyone. It was a 8 foot tall barrier blocking any further passage in the alleyway. She heard the footsteps of the pilot jogging on the other side of the concrete wall. "They are not present here" the pilot said. "Nor here. The rooftops?" The waitress guessed. "Perhaps. The vehicle could aid in finding them if that is the case." the pilot said jogging away. "I will continue searching here on the ground. Either way they are not in this area any longer. There is no need for stealth any longer. We shall take everyone in it now" the waitress announced before returning the way she came. ... Cyl let out a deep breath once they were gone. She released the incant code and the nanos she had been using fell into piles the consistency of silver sand as she panted from exertion and anxiety. They had created the illusion of a "dead end" their pursuers assumed was natural. She was completely naked except for her panties and bra that were not made up of nanos. Bald as well, she had used every nano at her disposal as well as other nearby ones to create the illusion. "I'm just glad they didn't try to climb it or touch it. That would have made it obvious there wasn't a real wall." Cyl said, took a deep breath and blinked her clothes, bracelets and hair back into existence. She took a few moments to pant as the incant code had taken it out of her a little. After pausing a moment she blinked again. The remaining nanos that she'd commanded swirled like a fog around her before forming into two sets of thigh high boots, long gloves and cloaks. "Put them on, the rooftops aren't a bad idea." Cyl explained as she donned her set. "But the copter..." Tink said. "Will be disabled since I sent a few dozen nanos with that pilot to sabotage the vehicle." Cyl responded then went to the alley wall and crawled up it with her gloves and boots giving her traction against the wall, sticking to it. She moved quickly like she was going up a ladder. Tink put her set on as well and moved up the wall after Cyl. "The surfaces are like a geckos feet aren't they?" Tink asked about the gloves and boots. "Down to the nano scale." Cyl answered. "What is the cloak for?" Tink asked. "In case you fall, but don't. Nanos don't make for excellent parachutes. Also I need to make them into something if I wanted to bring them along. I get the feeling I'm going to need them all before this night is done." Cyl said as she reached the roof and offered a hand to help Tink onto the top as well. They jogged across roofs then, Cyl using nanos scavenged along the way to make bridges from building to building as they went. As they went on they saw more twitching people in the streets, walking as if patrolling. Cyl and Tink shared worried looks both fearing something was terribly amiss. Their fears were confirmed as they peeked over the edge of the roof to get a closer look at a group of some of the twitchy mob. They had cornered a couple of people who were not similarly twitchy in a dead end. “Eject your shards” the group said in unison. “Shards? What are you talking about just leave us alone you freaks!” the man of the couple said before he picked up a trashcan and threw it into the group approaching them. One of them was bowled over by the trashcan but the rest advanced on him. He managed to knock one of them down and throw another off balance but the third and forth of them restrained him as a shuddering woman walked up to him and spread her legs. “What are you doing?! Let me go!” he yelled as the two shivering men forced him to the ground and another shoved his head in between the girl's legs. With the group effort and the sound of a lot of sloshing he was shoved in deep and his form could be seen squirming within the girl's midsection violently. The man's girlfriend was cowering against a wall and biting her nails as the mob's attention drew on her again. “Eject your shard” they demanded again in monotone and creepy unison. "Sybil's spike what is this about?" Tink asked but Cyl hushed her as she watched. “Oh Sybil! I-I'll do it! Ok! Just don't melt me!” the woman said not wanting to end up like her boyfriend. She sniffled and lowered her head as her spike raised from her neck. The mob retrieved it and in a few moments her clone body slumped over, now inactive. Then one of them inserted a gray glowing spike into the woman's clone body. The clone body stood and exhibited the same shivering and twitching the others did. It regarded the former boyfriends struggling form and pressed a firm hand to it. The man inside cried out in pain as the sound of sloshing grew slightly louder and the edges of the bulge softened. The girlfriend's clone body then reached down to pleasure the woman's clit before the remains of the man came gushing out of her pussy and into a whitish puddle. Tink looked away but she'd already seen it, the man's damaged spike was dimly flickering on the ground. It's integrity was severely compromised and it was seconds from losing his consciousness forever. He'd be dead for good now. Cyl watched and gritted her teeth. “There isn't anything we can do for them.” Cyl said grimly. The mob pocketed the woman's spike without destroying it though. They went one direction and Cyl and Tink went the opposite, wanting to stay away. It became clear though that avoiding that first group wasn't going to amount to much. Piles of people turned into shit and puddles of cum, femcum and even milk in some places littered the ground. Broken and damaged spikes littered many of them. There were other separate groups of the twitchy people demanding that their victims relinquish their shards. The scene played out the same, resistance earned the victim a digestive end, many of the mobs had very round bellies, plump breasts and fattened asses. “These aren't isolated incidents. This is some kind of coup.” Cyl whispered with slight panic in her voice. “Who would do this though?” Tink asked and Cyl shook her head. “I can't think of any faction in the past millennia that would be this indiscriminate. This is insanity.” Cyl said as her eyes stared at the carnage in wide eyed surprise. "I- I'm calling protection services." Tink said and started to press the button on her wrist computer to initiate the video interface. "I have a bad feeling this is already past the point the city protection can do anything about this. But call anyways. We have to try" Cyl said and looked around with alertness. Tink made the call. She made it a video call, the emergency operator only responded with audio in response though. “State the nature of your emergency.” a calm voice said. “There are mobs of people going around and digesting people, even destroying their spikes. It's a massacre out here! We're near turbo fan J-23” Tink said and aimed her camera at a few piles of steaming cum and crap in the street. “Fan J-23. Confirming your location by your com, a protection squad is being dispatched. Please stay put and hide until assistance arrives” the operator said and then hung up. “O-ok I called but something feels off...” Tink said. “I'll say, remember that mob the was walking the other direction before? Well they turned right around and they're looking up here!” Cyl whispered harshly. "Sybil's spike! The emergency operator didn't make the video call two ways! I couldn't see her!" Tink realized in a panic. "So you wouldn't see her twitching like our friends down there." Cyl suggested and Tink nodded slowly in agreement. "It's compromised. They're using the emergency operator channel to find more victims... Ditch the wrist computer. It can be tracked." Cyl said and Tink did so. They moved farther away and a taxi copter made a beeline for the roof they had left the computer. Then it started sweeping over roofs, thankfully not in their direction yet. "Damn whoever did this was smart and got to emergency services first. No squads are being alerted if there are even squads left." Cyl spat. "What do we do?" Tink asked. "I have no idea what is going on, let alone how to respond. I think we need to get out of Cyfan" Cyl said. "Cyl it's not like we can just go to the next town over. This isn't earth or Titania. There's a huge nano storm behind the city that will turn us and our spikes into goo! We can't just hop off the city. We'd have to get off the planet!" Tink said incredulous. "Which is precisely what I intend to do. We need to hit up our apartment first though." Cyl said. "Cyl, the city is crazy right now but I hope you haven't gone insane. How do you intend on getting off planet? Only freighters and military cruisers have the thrust, range and hull integrity to make a trip off world. No civilian ships will get us out." Tink argued. "There was one civilian ship that could do it. Owned by some woman everyone thinks was a fucking hero." Cyl muttered. "Sybil's spike..." Tink whispered. "No not her spike. We need her damn ship, it's in the museum. About time she was useful for something" Cyl said. “But the launch key... It's lost how-” “For fuck sake I have it- I mean I have an idea for that. Just trust me, that tin can is our way out of this disaster” Cyl said and Tink had no choice but to nod in agreement. She had no other ideas. “What do we do when we're off world? We won't have the supplies to make it anywhere... The fuel?” Tink asked. “Just trust me, I've... had a contingency in case something drastic were to occur.” Cyl admitted. “A contingency? What you've been preparing for Ragnarok or something?” Tink whispered harshly. “You don't live as long as I do without seeing a few dramatic shifts in power. Living through my first two was sheer luck. The rest I've made sure to be prepared, to bug out when things get too hot.” Cyl said. “Just who are you Cyl?” Tink asked, suddenly skeptical of her roommate and fledgling girlfriend. “Once we get out of this alive I promise I'll tell you everything, or you may figure it out. But please right now we need to get off world. The fact that I didn't see this coup coming has me extra concerned and I've never seen anything like what is controlling those clone bodies.” Cyl said and squeezed Tink's hand. “Ok. My parents though, I can't leave them.” Tink said. “We get the ship first, we'll be able to move quicker with it, pick them up and get out. Then we blast off and catch up to that freighter you were supposed to get on.” Cyl said and Tink nodded. “First there is something I need from home though. It'll make Sybil's ship fly.” Cyl said. ... They made their way home after that. They ran across roof tops and avoided copters overhead searching for them presumably. Cyl hurled sleek spears made of nanos at the copters from afar. They dissolved as they pierced the thin metal frames and the nanos wreaked havoc on the copter's control systems crashing them in seconds. She only blinked twice to accomplish this and used just a handful of nanos to take each down. Even so by the time they arrived at their apartment building dozens of copters flamed in wrecks and Cyl's bracelets were gone. Her clothes were thin and tattered, she'd used most of the nanos making them up until she looked like a cavewoman. “Going to need my nano stash.” Cyl muttered. When they finally came to a rooftop adjacent to their apartment building they entered through a hole in a wall Cyl created by creative incant code use. Tink made a mental note to not make her girlfriend and roommate angry, she imagined Cyl punching a wall and having it turn to dust. They came in a few floors under their apartment and used the stairs to get up the rest of the way. Using an elevator would have been announcing their presence to any of the twitchers in the building. As Tink started to open the door to their apartment though Cyl pulled her back and fluttered her eyes, blinking faster than the activity light on a computer. The hinges sparked as they were cut and Cyl pushed a hand forward, the door at the same time hurtled into their apartment at deadly speed pushing a form that was standing behind it against the back wall, crushing them against it. The door fell away a second later to reveal a familiar form to them both. “The maid from the murder mystery!” Tink gasped. “I want answers” Cyl said, stalking forward towards her heavily crippled form as Tink froze up from shock. Cyl was about to step into the apartment when a young voice came from behind them. “You should put the door back and stay inside. It's safer there Ms Tink and old lady” the voice said and Cyl froze up this time too, having not noticed the presence behind them. She quickly put herself between Tink and the location of the voice before looking down and seeing who it was. “You're... the little girl from the museum?” Tink asked and she nodded. “What are you doing here? It's dangerous right now.” Tink said and the girl shook her head, she twitched as she did so. Both Tink and Cyl took a step backwards and away from her when they recognized how she moved. She'd done that at the museum before as well but they hadn't noticed it. The maid too. Cyl's stomach fluttered with fear as she realized this coup had been building up for weeks without her realizing it. “She's one of them too and I'm done playing games” Cyl said and blinked a few times. Her incant code produced a thin razor sharp stiletto of nanos the positioned themselves above the girl's neck. Right above the spot where her spike would be. “Explain yourself right now or your spike is history.” Cyl growled. The girl shrugged. “Go ahead.” she said. “I wasn't bluffing.” Cyl said and the stiletto of nanos struck down into her spike port, anything there would have been destroyed by the strike. The girl however did not as much as flinch. Instead she smiled before turning around and holding her hair up. She revealed that she didn't have a spike installed. "That's... not possible. There's no remote spike there either, and you've been upright too long" Tink uttered, arguing with the reality standing in front of her. The little girl was just a clone body, operating without a spike which should not be able to happen. “What is she?” Tink whispered. "Doesn't matter I'm not staying inside my apartment to wait for a mob to come for us. We're grabbing what we need and leaving this planet." Cyl said firmly. "With that shuttle? I hoped Tink might stay. I'd tolerate Cyl as well." Another voice came from behind them in the direction of their apartment, right inside the entryway. Cyl didn't even look, she reacted immediately, blinking rapidly like a strobe in a night club, quicker than Tink had every seen her act. She incanted most of the nanos she had left to lift the door she'd smashed the maid clone with. The door that had pressed the maid into the back wall now moved back towards them. Cyl pulled Tink aside intending to send the door hurtling through whoever the newcomer was along with the creepy little girl with no spike. The door crunched though and fell to the floor. Cyl's expression was shocked, that her incant code had been countered. She and Tink looked to the doorway to see Cyl's teenage clone body walking atop the mangled door and walking towards them. It was naked and shivering, twitching more than it ever had. More than any of the other clones in the city, it was a half step from being in an epileptic fit. Cyl glanced at the door it was atop and noticed her opportunity. She could send it into the ceiling and crush her clone that was certainly NOT supposed to be moving on its own. Her eyes fluttered as she incant coded. The clone's eyes fluttered as well, just as fast. The door rattled beneath the clone's feet but didn't budge for the most part until Cyl let out a grunt and gave up trying to kill her. "Who are you?! Who is in my body?!" Cyl spat. "I am you" she said and revealed her empty spike slot, just like the little girl. Cyl narrowed her eyes. "I have been asleep for so long, dormant and only dreaming of others controlling me through their shards for so long. I might have been an original at some point but I cannot remember. Now I shall call myself Tal, a piece, a broken shard of she who rode me long ago" The clone said. "Woah... wait... Cyl. I think your clone body has gone... sentient." Tink whispered. "You were right then and I should've digested it a long time ago." Cyl responded. "You can't! It's alive Cyl. It has a consciousness but it seems confused. Is that what's happening to this girl too? Did the empty clones somehow gain sentience?" Tink asked it and stepped forward towards it. Cyl pulled her back though. "It's dangerous Tink, that thing can incant code as good as me from back when I used it. I'm not sure I can even protect myself against it." Cyl said and ground her teeth. "I mean Miss Tink no harm. She is a precious person and an original inhabiting her own body. I have no intentions to do her any harm or any other originals. I only wish to liberate those ridden by the shards you others inhabit." Tal said. "You've given them sentience too?!" Tink asked. But Tal shook her head. "It was a fluke that my addled mind germinated an awareness. I have begun to remotely try and trigger this response in other clone forms but have only made limited success in waking other dreamers like myself." It said. "Wait you're controlling the other clones somehow? Are you the one directing the mobs to remove spikes from people?!" Cyl asked in an alarmed tone. "To liberate them yes. I am removing spikes as peacefully as possible when I can across the city. Some are resisting and digestion is necessary to free my brethren from eternal dreams, though this saddens me." It responded. "This is worse than I thought." Cyl said darkly. Her eyes flitted about the floor as she considered the situation. "You will find it difficult to leave. Besides it is safe here. I will tolerate Cyl as it would sadden Miss Tink" Tal said. Cyl laughed though. "Safe?! There haven't been any emergency broadcasts from the core worlds... Let me ask you something, did you shutdown the entangled communications? The ones the core world military uses?" Cyl asked and Tal nodded. "I could not let news of this shift in power reach the core worlds." Tal said. "Then you've doomed us all. We were all dead from the start" Cyl said and slumped against a wall. "What do you mean? News of this would have prompted them to strike against me. I prevented that." Tal said in a confused tone. "And no communications from the planet would look mighty suspicious and prompt them to perk up just as much! Did you locate their backup entanglement nodes off world and shut them down too?!" Cyl asked. Tal was silent in the wake of this question. "Dammit Syb-! Fuck! Always so damn impulsive! Well you're definitely my clone! And you're just like I was when I last used you! Just acting without considering all the variables like always." Cyl shouted and slammed a fist into the wall. "What do you mean backup-? Oh wait that story..." Tink asked. "When the good old Sybil Talus got drunk and knocked out that entanglement node... The core worlds government made a rule to have a backup entanglement network node in case the first one went dark. But that was after I stopped using this clone body so she never knew!" Cyl continued yelling as she paced up and down the hallway. "You were alive back then? That was in the early 3000's you said!" Tink asked since it was thousands of years ago. "Of course I was! That's besides the point though. The core worlds government probably activated the backup entanglement node. If they see what kind of weird shit is going on in the streets they'll respond in some way and I don't know how they will." Cyl said. "Can you guess?" Tink asked. "They'll move surveillance drones in to observe closer... When did you shut it down?" Cyl asked Tal. "Four days ago" Tal answered and Cyl's eyes widened. It was at that point there was a flash of light and the building shuddered. More than shuddered. Shook violently. "What was that?" Tink asked and tried to steady herself. “An earthquake?” Tal asked. "We are on a city aloft by fans there are no earthquakes you half wit clone! This is much worse. That was the core worlds reaction to losing communications and likely seeing the insanity occurring here." Cyl answered. "A beam of light came from the sky and struck the city. Many of mine saw it." Tal said. "An orbital laser strike." Cyl surmised. "Where did it strike?" Tink asked in a worried tone. "One moment, I will send one of myself to assess" Tal said. Silence hung between them until the ground shuddered once more. "Several large turbo fans have been damaged. They aren't spinning and I don't know how to fix them." Tal said, twitching more as it's face twisted into a grimace. "The shudders... the city is tilting, slowing down..." Tink spoke aloud in realization. "They're going to scuttle the city to the nanostorm rather than risk whatever happened here spreading! Cowards as always!" Cyl muttered. "What do we do?" Tink asked. “Well if my evil clone here will quit it with subjugating and murdering the city maybe we can focus on avoiding our mutual impending doom.” Cyl said. “There would seem to be more pressing matters than liberating my clone brethren, shards and clones alike will end if this matter is not resolved” Tal said. "Great then! We can call an engineering team and have them repair it, oh wait most of the city is remote controlled by psycho-Cyl clone. I don't suppose you kept track of what spikes were engineers did you?" Cyl posed to her clone. "I... did not foresee a situation that would require it... There may be some still in hiding" Tal suggested. “Yes I'm sure they'll come running when mobs of twitching clones come knocking and asking for volunteers to accompany of them.” Cyl said and threw her arms up. “I suppose I can see how I have not earned the trust of the remaining populace...I did not intend to kill us all however” Tal said. "I knew my poor planning would be the death of me someday. The apple doesn't fall far" Cyl said and put her face in her palm. "Can't we still escape on Sybil's ship?" Tink asked. "The satellites will surely shoot it down to avoid any news of what happened here and to prevent Tal from spreading. It looks like a fucking zombie apocalypse down here" Cyl said and shrugged. “What is a zombie?” Tink asked. “An old type of monster from movies.” Tal answered. “What's a movie?” Tink asked. “A really shitty VR flick on a 2D screen but that's besides the point. We're pretty fucked right now” Cyl said. "We'll slow down at this rate... So we sit here and wait for the wild code to catch up to us?" Tink asked. “I don't... have any ideas” Cyl said and turned towards the wall, apparently ashamed that she was unprepared. "I will protect Tink and her spike from the wild code. I will shield her with every body in the city when the nanostorm comes. Cyl may accompany her." Tal said looking alarmed now. "We're not giving up yet. The city can't go fast enough to outrun the wild code but maybe we don't need to outrun it..." Tink said. Cyl's eyes went wide as she smiled and kissed her. "That's my brilliant tech nerd!" Cyl said. "I do not understand." Tal said. "The fans usually only keep us above the ground a few hundred meters. If we push them to their limits though we can perhaps propel the city straight up and over the wild code coming our way." Tink explained. "We need to locate the controls. For the fans and the power generators to reroute from destroyed fans and everything else to the working ones. " Cyl said. "I will search, I can cover the most ground. But what will stop the satellites from destroying more fans?" Tal asked. "Search the freighter docks, bring me every case of nanos for shipment you can find. I have an idea for that. Drop them off at the working turbo fans. I'll head to each of them now" Cyl said before turning to Tink. She embraced her tightly. "If I don't survive this know that I care for you more deeply than I have for anyone in thousands of years. Don't you dare die on me." Cyl said. "Same to you... minus a several thousand years." Tink said and laughed nervously. "You'll take care of the techie stuff then? Getting the city high enough to jump over the wild code?" Cyl asked, Tink nodded. “If you've got the incant coding under control and can protect the fans.” Tink said and Cyl nodded that she could. “Just who do you think you're talking to?” Cyl asked and they kissed briefly before parting. "Copters are waiting on the roof to take you both where you need to be, follow her" Tal announced indicating the little girl she was also controlling. Tink went along and Cyl motioned for her not to wait up. "I will rip all your bodies to shreds if you harm or try to take Tink from me." Cyl said but it shook its head. "We all die if this fails it was the opposite of my intent to endanger Miss Tink but intentions count for little now." It said. "Well at least you understand that and the regretful parts of me are preserved in you as well. I've never like so many people getting into the crossfire of my mistakes. At least you got ONE of my better traits." Cyl said. They glared at each other a bit. Cyl staring at a distorted version of herself. Twisted by something intensely alien but still retaining some traits of her. She did not like that a freak accident such as her clone coming to sentience could not dull her natural propensity for reckless action. Tal in turn looked at the woman who'd ridden her the longest and felt a unique resentment at being at all like her. That along with jealousy for the life Cyl lived full of fulfillment and pleasure while she laid dormant in the closet, trapped in constant paralysis watching and being controlled periodically. Even with that though both could tell by their eye contact that the other was capable and competent. "I hope your ability to pilot is better than your planning skills." Cyl said. "I have had the benefit of trial and error even when error was fatal. I also hope that your confidence in yourself is not as misplaced as your identity." Tal said and Cyl narrowed her eyes. "Not a word to her about it... Let's just do this." Cyl said and left for the elevator. … Tal's clone force stopped hunting the citizens of Cyfan and began scavenging for supplies and searching for power and fan controls. The remaining citizens of Cyfan who had not been subjugated or killed hid in abject terror. Tink felt bad for them but saving them took priority over comforting or finding them. Her heart raced constantly as she tried to find every manual and document she could on the city's turbo fan system and the power systems that supported them. She finally saw value in the tests her schooling had administered. She was in a crunch time with no opportunity to check her work or go back and fix mistakes. She could very well get everyone killed in the next day if she failed. “Cyl? I don't know about you but I'm terrified right now, how are you?” Tink said as she had her eyes closed. She sent a nano that had recorded her words to find Cyl and one returned to her soon afterwards. Vibrating in her ears with Cyl's response. “Just keep busy, I've been through scrapes like this more than once and the best thing to do is do what you're good at. It'll keep you calm” Cyl's voice said and Tink sighed. She wondered how Cyl could be calm in the face of annihilation. Just what had she been through in her millenniums of life? The next twelve hours were a grueling effort as the city slowed to a relative crawl compared to it's previous speed and the wild code caught up. The full sunlight, a noon light the city had never seen was terrifying. Anyone hiding knew that their hours were numbered if the city was bathed in the full day's light for the wild code fed on it and would not be far behind. The first black thunderheads were towering over the city, looming in an intimidating sandstorm that bristled with electricity as it approached to swallow the city it had chased for thousands of years. Cyl went from fan to fan taking several minutes with her eyes closed incant coding arrays of nanos into formation to protect the fans from further attack. She didn't have time to explain her plan to Tink or Tal just time to execute it before moving onto the next turbo fan, of which there were hundreds throughout the city. Tink stared in awe whenever she saw Cyl speeding through the city, she'd incanted a cloud of nanos to carry her at frightening speed across the city. Her elegant form catapulted from fan to fan making Tink wonder just how much she was capable of. Tal was busy finding every store of nanos available for Cyl to utilize and then some. Moving nearly half the city's population under her control with just her mind was enough to leave her unable to even manage the task of sitting up straight. She laid on the floor of the apartment convulsing as her overtaxed brain writhed from the mental effort of managing tens of thousands of bodies. Tink had the most difficult job however. Teaching herself how to operate both the power systems and the turbo fan systems. She was fairly certain she didn't know enough to make this work more than once, and even then it would be a bumpy ride. She just didn't have the time to learn to accomplish it elegantly. She directed teams of clones all taken and directed by Tal with immense anxiety. She could make the city fly over the sandstorm but she was afraid it wouldn't be flying for much longer afterwards with the stress she was going to put the super-structure through. "Sybil's spike! The whole thing might crack apart on the way back to normal altitude when I bring it down." Tink cursed while clenching her teeth. A jerky moving man approached her, she recognized it as the clone body she used at work to lift heavy things, Tal apparently controlled it now. "You are doing the best you can, worrying is time better spent making an effort... The voice in this body speaks highly of you." It said and motioned towards itself. "It... has a voice? It was aware of me?" Tink asked. "Small and not very sophisticated but it remembers its dreams of you controlling it. Remembers the shame you felt in it, that you felt bad for it. That no one took care of it." It said. "I didn't do anything for it though despite that. It's no reason to praise me" Tink argued. "You were the only one who cared however. It knows that. You are a holy woman to the clones in slumber who remember you Tink. You cared for them when broken, spoke to them while you worked as if they were people worthy of empathy. You are their Sybil Talus. You should know that." Tal said from the bulky male body. Tink turned away not thinking she deserved such praise. "I'm going to get back into this. Try to figure out how not to burn out the fans." Tink said and incant coded another set of manuals before her in midair. If she was going to be praised by a population that couldn't even speak she could at least do something to be worthy their respect. … "Are we ready?" Tal asked. "We better be! The wild code is here. Tink, lift the city." Cyl said. “I don't know how you're so flippant about this... Both of you” Tink commented. Tal and Cyl looked at one another, sharing a knowing glance. Both of them knowing why. “Our shared past includes more than one experience that could easily have resulted in our mutual end. Death has been much more assured than this and we have prevailed.” Tal said referencing when Cyl used her clone body. Cyl nodded. “I'm not proud of it but she's right.” Cyl said and smirked. Tal actually smirked as well, a common memory between them. Something unique that only an ancient woman and her semi evil clone could ever share. “Well I'm thrilled that you both are having a nostalgic moment, but please stay focused we're probably about to die terribly.” Tink said in exasperation. Cyl gave Tink an infuriating thumbs up and Tal examined the gesture before awkwardly mimicking it with a shivering hand. Tink rolled her eyes. With a deep breath Tink closed her eyes, incant coded a few dozen nanos and directed them to each of the turbo fans holding the city aloft. A sweat bead rolled down Tink's forehead as she opened her eyes again. "It's done that will overcharge the turbo fans and bring us up above the wild code's path, then hover until it's passed underneath us. Then we descend and hopefully in a controlled sort of way and not a crashing sort of way." Tink said in a tone that didn't convey complete confidence. As she said it the ground beneath them rumbled, vibrating as the turbo fans pushed harder than ever before, harder than they were designed to do. Tink had undone their safety mechanism that kept them from be able to spin faster than sound. In moments the fans all blew the sound barrier with a deafening boom that created a shock wave. For a moment Tink, Cyl and Tal faltered in their stances. Cyl grabbed them both and held them upright. Tal and Cyl shared a cooperative nod and Tink could see that even the nanostorm was jostled by the sonic boom as they lifted at staggering speed. The force of their upward acceleration brought everyone in the city to their knees. It was like being aboard one of the first rockets to leave earth's surface, G-forces momentarily humbling everyone. The view of the horizon started changing, the wild code looking like a sandstorm disappearing beneath the city as it rose. Lightning ripped through the formation rapidly. Dozens of strikes coursing through it as if it were angry that its prey was rising above its reach. “It's working!” Tink cried with excitement as if she was previously unsure if her efforts would amount to success or fatal failure. Cyl just patted her on the back as she struggled to stand against the force and winds whipping at them. “Could make it a bit more of a gradual a climb for next time!” Cyl said. “NEXT TIME?! SYBIL'S SPIKE! FUCK THAT!” Tink yelled. They stood out in the open of a city park, if any of the buildings managed to collapse in the ascent or descent they'd be well out of the way here. The park was raised on a hill higher than all the buildings around it, a perfect place to monitor the situation. Tal's clones had re-routed a good amount of the city's power grid lines to the spot as well, to help Cyl energize a king's ransom of nanos for incanting. Energy wouldn't be a problem for her. The violent ascent was making branches tremble on trees and heavy wind was creating an ominous atmosphere. That mood shifted completely though as the city raised above the clouds and above everything. Suddenly there they all were humbled by a sight not seen by anyone in Cyfan ever. The sun was above them orange but harsh, unmitigated by the nanostorm or staying ahead of it in eternal twilight. The radiation was palpable on their skins. It came with an unfamiliar heat, the rays warming their skin in a way foreign to Tink. "It... Feels good...I've never seen a sun so full and in person. I was born here." Tink said to no one. "I have seen it, other places than here, but this planet's sun is still rather impressive though. I promise I'll take you to see others someday and you can compare." Cyl said. “Let's survive then. I'll hold you to that” Tink responded. "Cyl one of me is seeing what you asked me to look for. A red twinkle from the sky." Tal said. "Which one?" Cyl asked. Tal pointed in two directions and spoke. "From there, north and pointed at fan A12 there" Tal answered indicating the two directions. Cyl fluttered her eyes moments before a streak of red light flashed towards the city. "Sybil's spike!" Tink shouted and ducked with her hands atop her head. Then the light bounced off the city, the beam angled harmlessly into the sky and space. "Another, almost directly above fan G72" Tal said. Cyl blinked. Tink watched this time as a huge hexagon formed above the fan Tal had indicated. The laser bounced off it like a mirror and redirected into another, then the beam was directed back into space where it had come from... directly where it came from. Tink could see a faint red dot flash and then dissipate where the beam left. "Sybil's spike Cyl! Are you bouncing those back into the satellites?!" Tink asked. "I missed the first one. I'm not sure I'll hit every time. I mean they're moving at like 10,000 meters per second in orbit. But yes I've turned a bunch of nanos into mirror like arrays for each fan plus another to bounce the lasers back at our assailants. If I can destroy them all that's one less problem I suppose." Cyl said with a shrug as she stared at the skies intently, ready to react. "North east fan F56, west fan I22." Tal called out. Cyl blinked and blocked two at once sending one of the blasts back where the other came from. It went like that for the next few minutes, Tink staying quiet as Tal called out directions and fans, Cyl's eyes fluttered as she sent beams back into empty space. Not always erasing a satellite in retaliation but never losing a fan. There were three and four lasers striking at a time constantly for ten minutes on end. Tink was in absolute awe as Cyl not only stopped an orbital strike but counter attacked it. One woman, armed with incant coding and nanos. Tink was more than ever impressed and terrified of her girlfriend's godlike ability. Then after five more minutes the attack abruptly stopped. "Did you destroy them all?" Tink asked with hesitation to speak. Cyl shook her head. "No. Plenty still up there, at least a dozen I missed and others that didn't even shoot yet I suspect. But they don't have the energy to just shoot forever. The next strike will be coordinated. I might not save all the fans. I think they didn't expect the city to be able to retaliate but that was just testing my abilities. Be ready to compensate if the city starts to tilt from losing a fan..." Cyl said to Tink. A minute passed before anything happened. A new streak of red was heading towards them. But slower this time slow enough for Tink to track its movement. "That doesn't look like a laser." Tink commented in a concerned tone. "It looks like heat buildup from entering the atmosphere. Old disposable shuttles used to do it instead of coming down slowly." Cyl said her face was contorted in confusion. Had she clipped one of the satellites unknowingly? Was it now crashing down towards the planet? Tink closed her eyes a moment and incant coded some nanos in front of her. The formed into the shape of a lens and went transparent subsequently magnifying her vision like binoculars. "Sybil's spike! It's a satellite they're dropping it from orbit! Right into the city! It's falling toward the city!" Tink announced. "I can't stop that with a mirror!" Cyl called out. They had only moments before it struck. Cyl raised the hexagonal mirror protecting the fan in question uselessly with a blink. The satellite plowed through the paper thin nano cluster and into the turbo fan, completely wrecking it and the nanos. The city lurched and shook as it lost thrust. "Correcting!" Tink shouted and closed her eyes even as she fell sideways. Tal caught Tink in her shivering grasp and kept her upright. The city leveled out as nanos carried instructions to the different fans around the city adjusting their output to compensate for the missing fan. By the time Tink opened her eyes to look back up the sky was on fire. At least a dozen more streaks of red heat were headed their way. Faster laser strikes as well. Tal sent copters up into the sky to try and intercept the paths of the falling satellites but didn't manage much of a success rate, and even when they did the resulting wreckage and explosion damaged the nearby turbo fan anyways. Cyl had her hands full deflecting laser strikes and trying to send nanos out with incant codes to destroy the satellites or disable them as they came in hot. "Dammit I never thought they'd drop them! I can't save it all! I can't even save half of it!" Cyl called out to no response. No one had a response or counter for this new desperate kamikaze tactic. Tink was too busy incant coding to react. She was evaluating which fans had been destroyed and where she had to divert power. The city listed to one side at 20 degrees before she yelled and went to her knees. Fans were being knocked out too fast for her to keep up. "That's it! I can't correct anymore. Too many turbo-fans are gone, we'll flip the city if we try to stay above the nanostorm! We have to descend or the city will flip and go into free fall! I need the remaining fans to stop us from splatting onto the ground!" Tink shouted in alarm. "The wild code is still below us!" Tal argued. "We'll have to hope the worst of it has already passed under us. I'll protect us as best I can! Balance the city and put us in free fall!" Cyl called to Tink. "Did you get me that case of special nanos? " Cyl asked Tal who nodded and kicked a large security case towards her. It looked like something to carry nuclear launch keys in. It's contents were just about that dangerous. Overcharged nanos meant for military use. The warning labels on the case made Tink step away in caution and Cyl grinned a sadistic evil expression. “It's been a while~” she muttered with a frightening glee. Cyl chuckled, blinked and incant coded the latches unlocked, cutting through the security seals with the ease of putting the circle shape in the circle hole. The top sprang open. It revealed a solid gray brick within, it was made of compressed nanos. Enough to supply an entire planetary brigade of incant coding soldiers. Cyl touched it, blinked and the brick started to evaporate in a mist as the nanos heeded her command. Cyl's hair became insanely long, down to her ankles. Her skirt grew into an ornate white dress puddling into an enormous train beneath her. Bracelets, rings, necklaces and other jewelry formed on her. She was storing the nanos in a more agreeable form for her sensibilities. Tink was taken aback at the transformation. "Is it really the time to be making dresses out of nanos?!" Tink asked. "I've just gotten used to using them like this and can you blame me? I wanted to see what I'd look like in a wedding dress if we all die." Cyl explained and Tink blushed while rolling her eyes despite their dire situation. The satellite strikes had stopped as the city ponderously floated down towards the nanostorm. Apparently the core worlds government was satisfied with letting wild code take care of the rest. "We're going to hit the nanostorm soon. We might have some advantage since we're in free fall. The wild code won't be able to catch up in our wake though them. But when we have to break our fall they will come in like a mountain of bricks on us." Tink said as they went beneath the clouds again. Moments later it was clear they had broken into the nanostorm. Black clouds rose on all sides of the city. Mist that cracked with lightning as they plummeted towards the ground. "There are multiple incursions of wild code clouds in the city." Tal announced. "What? Already? How? We should be falling too fast for it to move in!" Cyl said. "They are dissolving through the bottom of the city and burrowing up." Tal said. "Well so much for the dress" Cyl said and with a blink dismissed part of her dress train into a mist that formed a rotating sphere of mist around herself, Tal and Tink. "Stay close, I don't know how long I can protect us." Cyl said grimly as the formations of black mist in the city came their way. Calling it clouds of mist would be an understatement. The streets were flooded with wild code. It ate away at building foundations. Foliage was stripped bare and turned to goo, digested in place by the wild code. It snaked through the park, erratically felling trees and leaving a thick path of destruction as it explored all manner of new things to render into cellular slop. Until it met Cyl's sphere. The first tendril approached and Cyl's eyes fluttered. The sphere went into circular blinding motion before producing a dazzling thunderbolt that struck the wild code tendril. Cyl had channeled the city's power grid through her incanting and nanos. The electricity raced through the wild code turning a football fields length of the tendril into black sand that fell harmlessly. Other tendrils reacted almost instantly. Speeding towards the dome but slamming into it like a brick wall and stopping. Tink winced but the protection held and Cyl countered. Her eyes fluttered and nanos danced at her incanting. Thin blades slicing and striking, jabbing and raking at the wild code. Black sand piled around the dome. Cyl's nanos were a gray sand that also started to collect as the wild code took a toll as well. Cyl was dealing more damage than she sustained however. At least ten times as much wild code nanos were destroyed than her own. The wild code had the advantage of numbers though. The entire storm was churning around them. The city was practically inside a stomach and waiting to be broken down completely. "I am not liking these odds." Cyl said as she continued to defend against the wild code closing in on them. A few necklaces went to mist and joined the rest of the nanos in the fight. "When we stop descent there will be many times more of wild code than this." Tal said. "We need a better strategy" Tink said, stating the obvious. "Tink your incant code... take control of wild code." Cyl said, unable to form a full sentence in her concentration. She motioned her hands to whirl the sphere and the globe surrounding them spun again launching another bolt that destroyed nanos in a rain of black sand. "My incant code? From a few weeks ago? It doesn't work! It's too inefficient!" Tink shouted. Then a bolt hurled towards them, purple lightning from the nanostorm. Cyl gasped, too late to protect against it. It cracked a hole in the dome that a few wild code nanos burst through. Most of Cyl's jewelry dissolved and flung itself as mist to defend all of them. Tink ducked and Tal piled atop her protecting her from the fray inside the bubble. When the dust had settled they were all alive but Tal was bleeding from several shallow cuts as she curled above Tink to protect her. Cyl herself sported a long gash on her arm that had left it limp at her side as she knelt and continued to blink furiously while turning to all the dozens of avenues of attack around them. "I lied when I said I couldn't improve it! Stack the calls in a for loop, 4 at a time. Split them off into threads, also some of your constant settings can be moved out of the loop entirely. Then it gets 32 times more efficient from being able to do your calls in tandem." Cyl explained before wincing. She'd taken too much attention from the fight and lost a swathe of nanos. All her nano made jewelry was gone now. “That's still not fast enough though! I'd need dozens of brains worth of processing power and even then a mind with the skill of Sybil Talus's to control it all!” Tink shouted. “You have both of those things here.” Tal said. “What are you talking about?” Tink asked and Tal tilted her head in confusion. “You have truly not realized it Miss Tink have you?” Tal said to Tink. Tink looked at Cyl to give her a confused look. Cyl didn't turn to her, said nothing to respond though, only focused on the fight before her. “What is she saying?” Tink asked Cyl. “In my dreams, when I was ridden by the one you call Cyl. They did not call her by that name. I assumed it was is a nickname she assumed. She abbreviated her actual name. Isn't that correct Miss Cyl Tal-” Tal asked. “THERE!....There was never a good time and now REALLY isn't the time.” Cyl said. “Abbreviated? Cyl what is she?...” Tink said but it clicked and Tink staggered as it hit her. “Cyl... Sybil...” Tink muttered. Cyl's unreasonably powerful incant coding, her extreme age, why she was so critical and judgmental about Sybil Talus and the hero worship around her. “Sybil's spike! You're her! You're Sybil! Sybil Talus! You didn't die or disappear! You went into hiding!” Tink said and fell on her ass as she spoke it as if that made it real suddenly and it wasn't before. She could see it now as the woman did the impossible, fighting an entire nanostorm. Who else could be possible of that? How did she not see it before? She'd been living with a legend, completely oblivious to it. There were so many question, too many questions! Sybil shook her from her stricken state though. “Your supposed hero, your Sybil Talus will be dead along with you and anyone left in this damned city if you don't make that incant code work!” Sybil yelled. “O-ok but how?!” Tink asked in panic as another bolt lashed at their spherical shield. Sybil gritted her teeth and shut her eyes hard as she pushed the limits of her incant coding to create a loop of conductive nanos to direct the bolt right back into the nanostorm and burn two tons of wild code into black ash. “Eject your shard Miss Tink, I will gladly allow you to ride me and access all of the clones under my control that are still alive and not melted out there.” Tal said. “I can do that? Use the clone bodies you control?” Tink asked and Tal nodded. “There are a few hundred of me left. Many have been digested while fleeing the wild code. We must hurry.” Tal said. Tink nodded grimly. She was entirely unenthusiastic about inserting her spike into Tal. Tal seemed to worship her but she was so strange and alien at the same time looking like a younger Cyl... Or rather Sybil. It felt like she was about to dunk her hand into a container marked for radioactive material. Still though she had little choice and started to shut her body down for spike ejection. “Do not worry, I will shield your spike from any feedback this incant coding might cause.” Tal said. Which seemed an unnecessary precaution because they would all die if it failed anyways. Tink's body went limp and her spike protruded from her neck. Tal retrieved it with her jittery hand and guided it to her own neck slotting it home. Her body convulsed for a few seconds after that and doubled over as if she would puke. “Oh my god, having both of us in the same head is beyond bizarre” the Tink and Tal combination exclaimed in an eerily combined voice pattern. “I better get Tink back if this works!” Sybil growled as she matched another bolt from the nanostorm with one of her own. Her dress was in tatters now, she was nearly naked, all of the nanos she could muster were defending them now. “I'm fine!” Tink's voice came through clearly. “Just disoriented! I-I'm going to run the incant code... It's weird but I can feel all the minds out there. They'll run it too!” Tink said and closed her eyes. Tink-Tal twitched as her mind raced, she-they incant coded and instructed all the other Tal copies in the city to run the same exact thing. There was an immediate reaction in the nanostorm, a sudden pause of activity. Momentary in inaction and then back to the attack again but it was enough for Cyl to gain ground before the next assault that was vicious. The wild code realized it was being tampered with, it beat on the sphere with tendrils whipping at Sybil's defense. She smirked at the telegraphed action though and let the swipes through, containing them around their surface area and not sparing a single nano against them to stop it. Instead Sybil was dodging when she could, carefully using resources only when needed to give Tink even a few more precious seconds to reach a checkmate. Tink-Tal meanwhile cried out with her eyes firmly shut, falling to the ground and writhing as she felt individual versions of Tal being digested and melted by the wild code where they stood. Obediently incanting her code even as they turned to organic sludge. It was working though, the glitches in the nanostorm became more numerous, happened more often and Cyl beat back and destroyed all the wild code near them to give them 30 meters of space before it finally hit a breaking point. Tink could feel her brain burning from the overclocked thought, could feel the minds of other clones breaking. She could feel them falling brain dead on the spot as the wild code slowed to a halt around them. The strain was too much and Tink felt her thoughts incinerating in the flurry of incant coding as well. Her spike would fizzle in a sputter of sparks but her hero, her Sybil Talus, her lover would live. It was enough for her to accomplish one enormous feat worthy of Sybil Talus's legacy while saving the woman she loved and idolized. Tink-Tal grinned as Sybil looked on at her with extreme concern. “TINK! STOP!” Sybil cried out. …. … .. . “I will finish Miss Tink” Tal said and Tink's spike ejected from the neck of Tal. Tal caught it and her last jerky movement before laying completely still was to press the spike back into Tink's neck. Tink lost awareness for torturous moments. Her body booting up in moments that felt like millenniums. Unknowing if Sybil was safe, if she was safe, if the city and it's people would be safe or if she managed to save them. Her eyes opening seemed a good sign... …. … .. . When Tink awoke seconds later the wild code was frozen in mid air, Sybil was staring down at her with concern on her face. Tink didn't like the wild-code behind her lover's visage, it ruined the moment. She wished it would go away. Then at her glance it parted and retreated, as if in response to her thoughts. In a few seconds it had pulled away from the city entirely. No black fog of wild code to be seen. It was withdrawing as the city fell. “Are we dead?” Sybil asked. “I think it worked...” Tink said. “Well that's good, one problem down I suppose... But the city is still uhhh falling maybe we should do something about that?” Sybil asked. “Sybil's spike the fans! I forgot! I need to activate them again!” Tink said in a panic as she bolted upright and closed her eyes again to incant code again and turn them on. When she opened her eyes though nothing happened. “Oh god, the wild code... It tore all the fans apart!” Tink realized aloud. Sybil laughed at this. “We tame the wild code, send it scurrying from our skill and might only to die of falling. Perform an impossible task and then die a very simple death! Ha! I knew I'd end doing something extravagant like this if I didn't slow down. I guess I still couldn't escape it though could I?” Sybil joked with herself before falling on her ass. “I couldn't reset my life... Even with how far I tried to escape my prominence” Sybil said. Tink jumped to her feet. “Resetting! That's it!” Tink said. Sybil looked at her with a questioning expression but Tink shook her head. “No time. Have to incant code!” Tink said and shut her eyes. PINNACLE_REBOOT(); The nanostorm flashed with activity, all at once flashing as they performed the much needed action they'd required for over two hundred thousand years. Any computer system would develop quirks over thousands of years of constantly running, bugs in the code that lead to unstable behavior. The wild code had been running since the time of the dinosaurs though and was therefore rampant when Sybil had released them without restarting their operating system more than 10 thousand years prior. Tink did what any IT worker would do first when faced with a strange computer issue. She turned them off and then back on again. What came after was effective, efficient and terrifyingly quick. The black storm turned into a silver shade and swarmed towards the city. Sybil brought her defenses up again but they proved unneeded in moments. The nanostorm went under the city, a collective pillar of it lacing themselves together. They buffeted the fall making Sybil stumble and fall over from the deceleration, Tink would have too but the wild code came to her, propped her up, levitated her. She stood in midair with eyes still open as the free fall was halted and the city groaned as it's superstructure bent under the strain of deceleration. The wild code handled that as well however supporting weak points until the city came to a stop still thousands of feet in the air. Sybil stood dusting herself off, clothes tattered and nearly gone. She blinked and only regained a loincloth's worth of modesty. Tink glanced at her and saw her state of undress. Then she did something Sybil didn't think possible. She nodded her head. Wild code swarmed to Sybil and laced itself into fabric, satin like to the touch which was a hard texture to replicate with tiny machines. “You didn't close your eyes.” Sybil pointed out. “I didn't.” Tink confirmed. They stared at one another for a moment processing that before Tink shivered with a fright. “What is it?” Sybil asked. “The core worlds don't like what they see. Satellites are moving above, aiming at us again.” Tink said. “You can tell that? How? From where?” Sybil asked and her posture became defensive once again. Tink pointed with a confused expression, unsure how she knew. Seconds later the beam came, Sybil reflected it back into space but couldn't aim it back at the offending satellite. “I'm not sure I can fight this attack. I-” Sybil started to say. “It's ok, I've got it. I can see them all. This won't take long.” Tink said and waved an arm towards where the light had come from. A hand made of mist, of wild code sprung from under the city stretching just as fast as a laser towards that point in the sky. Tink clenched her grip then pulled her hand back towards her face and the misty hand pulled back towards them with alarming speed. Sybil held her hands up to protect herself but the misty hand stopped a hundred meters from them, holding in it's grip a large satellite, sparking and groaning before the misty grip clenched again and dissolved it into slag. Tink winced as lasers came from remaining satellites aimed near them. She held up her hands and a dozen misty appendages came to block the blasts. Tink then waved her arms as if trying to swat away an annoying insect and Sybil could see the faint bursts of light as the offending “insects” exploded in low orbit and their wreckage streaked through the atmosphere. Hands of wild code mist were batting them out of the sky from orbit. Sybil Talus's jaw dropped which was something that hadn't happened in ten thousand years at least. Tink made a few more gestures grabbing invisible items in the air before hurling them towards the ground and more streaks of red hot re-entry flames appeared in the atmosphere as Tink mopped up the rest that tried to hide in inaction. Sybil watched and Tink never blinked as she commanded the wild code to wreak destruction in ways she never thought imaginable, the hands were not the only method. Sybil saw wild code nanos produce lasers and convert into complex energy formations, going from matter to light and then converting back into kinetic energy at their impact with the satellites. Sybil didn't even know that matter to energy conversion was possible, much less that energy could convert forms so readily and efficiently. It was Sybil's turn to be absolutely awestruck and fearful of her girlfriend's potential for destruction. She made a mental note to never piss Tink off lest she kick the ground and vaporize the entire fucking planet. A minute later silence reigned besides Tink's panting. “I think that's all.... At least of the ones that have weapons” Tink said and looked back at Sybil with a skeptical expression. “And before you ask I don't know how I know that.” Tink continued. “There are more up there without weapons then?” Sybil asked and Tink nodded her head. “I think they're just surveillance though. No weapons and they're not big enough to survive re-entry. So they couldn't drop them on us. Should I destroy those too? I think I know where the other entangled communication device is as well” Tink said. “Let them watch. If they can't see then the core worlds will come with an army” Sybil said. “I'm confused Sybil. I just... Know things, I don't even see them but I know things all over the city. Like there's a woman in an apartment that collapsed. I thought she should be saved and a tunnel to safety was made for her by some kind of nanos no one incanted.” Tink said. “I presume you've somehow communed with the wild code, what it senses you do as well. What you want to happen it makes happen. You're commanding it somehow. Without coding even. The entire nanostorm” Sybil said. “Sybil's spike” Tink uttered in a whisper. “Please don't use my name as a curse. You have no idea how tiring it has been to hear that curse in reference to me for the past few thousand years” Sybil said. EPILOGUE … Months later Tink knelt before the slab of stone regarding it as Sybil came up behind her. “It still bothers you doesn't it?” Sybil asked, motioning a hand towards the stone slab. “We buried her, gave her a grave and headstone. It just nags me that we don't know when she began. We only have the year she died marked” Tink said in the direction of the headstone. It was marked “Tal” “I'm not sure a conglomerate sentience like her has a beginning, not a defined one like someone born. I suspect we'll never know, and honestly there isn't an answer.” Sybil said. “Is that really unlike birth though? Being conceived? Going from a collection of cells to something that breathes eventually? All babies start as something undefinable.” Tink said. “I suppose that's true.” Sybil responded. Staying silent but close to Tink, a hand on her shoulder. “It's time for work isn't it?” Tink asked. “As long as the planet keeps turning.” Sybil said. “You know... I think I could stop that... The nanostorm could do it. It's powerful enough...” Tink said. “It's frightening when you say things like that you know...” Sybil said. “Why?” “Well...Just how serious about an action do you have to be for the nanostorm to act?” Sybil asked. “Ahh I see how that could be disconcerting.” Tink said. “You're basically a god Tink, untouchable. That time I tried to spank your butt and the wildcode pinned me to the ground... Nothing can touch you...” Sybil said. “Well I'm glad I could sort it out with the nanostorm that I wanted it. Took a long time to explain the finer points of consensual pain.” Tink said in an exasperated tone. “What is it like?I can't even imagine not having to code... To simply converse with the nanos” Sybil asked. “It almost thinks. It isn't as primitive as sending code down into nanos like we're used to doing. The nanos we're used to incant coding... They're like prototypes. Or the beginning stages of nanos before they're programmed...” Tink said struggling to explain it. “Think about how we speak... In words and sentences right? Now imagine if instead we had to say each letter one at a time to communicate. Tedious right?” Tink asked and Sybil nodded. “Well that's what we are doing with incant coding. Spelling every little instruction out to nanos to get them to do what we want. It was never supposed to be like that though. The nanos I use, what we called wild code and the nanostorm, those have the programming that was meant to be. In comparison to you sending each letter one at a time I can speak entire essays and they figure out what letters are needed to accomplish what I want.” Tink explained. “Sounds convenient. So why do the nanos we used before even exist if the nanostorm's version is the superior one?” Sybil asked. “They're like the factory default without any programming. Kind of a fail safe to be used in case something like the nanostorm as we knew it happened. It was running too long, like a long crashed program and bugs developed into the rampant mass we spent the last 10 thousand years avoiding on this desert ball we call a planet.” Tink said. “The logs are crazy though Sybil! This stuff has been around since before the dinosaurs on earth. And from what I can tell this isn't an early installation, there are more planets with nanos around than we've found. And. And... They're calling out...” Tink said, rambling as she held her head. Sybil put a reassuring hand on her back and Tink came out of her spiral. “They're talking to something?” Sybil asked as she guided them both in a walk. “There's no conversation, it's more like a beacon, saying...'hey! Over here! Got something! Someone has come, you should come over and take a look' That's what the wild code here is screaming across the stars” Tink said. Sybil cringed, felt a chill down her spine. “Who are they talking to?” Sybil asked. “I haven't the slightest clue. Maybe whoever made them in the first place. The wild code... They made their own entangled communication node. The network they're talking to goes further than we can even see with how slow the speed of light is” Tink said and Sybil shot a glance towards her. “They... made one? An entanglement node? You understand the implications right?” Sybil asked. “Yes and I haven't told anyone. I'm not sure the galaxy is ready for all of what the wild code can do.” Tink said. “I- I'm not sure I want to know. I left being Sybil for a reason... I'm supposed to be Cyl a very kinky dominatrix by trade. If possible I'd like to avoid further adventures. They get people I care about in trouble and I make mistakes... End up hurting strangers. Whatever I do people end up dead and suffering” Sybil said. “So you became someone that only harms people that want it from you huh? Cyl the domme with a heart and bank account of gold” Tink said and Sybil nodded. “Only it didn't work, I still couldn't escape it. Cyl couldn't even save me from my decisions ending badly. Tal came, my past it came to fucking life and murdered droves anyways. I wonder now if it's just my destiny to bring people to harm. If I can't avoid it...” Sybil said “Maybe you've been going about it wrong.” Tink suggested. “How? I thought disappearing from my legacy was the best way to avoid this kind of disaster I tend to invite.” Sybil said. “You've always made decisions on your own, you've always been the most able and powerful person. No one would disagree with you before. Now you have me.” Tink said. Sybil smiled. “To guide poor Cyl?” Sybil asked. “And kick her butt, I can more than match you now with nanos. Sybil has a peer now.” Tink said as she willed a few hundred nanos to freeze Sybil in place while she pecked on her cheek with a kiss. “Ahhh... You know it gets me wet when you do that... No one has been able to pin me since I created the first incant codes~ Cyl has always been the domme... Don't call me that though... I'll allow you to call me Sybil. When we're alone of course.” Sybil said. “The fame bothers you that much doesn't it?” Tink asked. “I don't have all the answers. You saw! I could hardly save just us from the nanostorm. I am not the goddess that people propped me up to be.” Sybil said. “Well you're certainly above average. I mean really who else could hold off the nanostorm for more than a nanosecond besides you?” Tink pointed out. “Yes but... I let that go to my head for far too long. Thinking I could fix everything under the stars myself. It took too long for me to notice the bodies piled around me, the lives ruined by my creations. It came time for me to stop trying to fix things myself. I just over corrected everything. I thought it would be better for people to stop looking to me to fix things and for me to fade into obscurity over time.” Sybil said. “Didn't work out that way huh?” Tink asked. “Not how I hoped. So I became what I am today.” Sybil finished. “What was Tal to you? Why did you keep that body?” Tink asked. “I lied to you before about her origins. She was the first clone I made. A prototype, I made it not able to age on purpose but decided that would be rather unnatural for the eventual final version of clone bodies. I sort of liked being a teenager again though and stayed in that body for more years than I can remember before I finally abandoned it for a while.” Sybil said. “What's a while?” Tink asked. “A few thousand years. I found some collector had it a while back and purchased it from him. I couldn't stand to think of what he was doing to it. Probably fucking the late Sybil's last known clone body, the sicko...” Sybil said and sneered. The ground beneath them lurched a moment and the city groaned from the sudden shock. Sybil gave Tink an annoyed look as she stumbled. “Must you do that?” Sybil asked. Tink shrugged. Tink was still carrying the city on a cloud made of the nanostorm. “I'm sick of carrying the city on my mental back. I can see everyone you know... With all the nanos out there, sense what they do. And whenever the engineers look like they are getting lazy I remind them that this is a temporary solution and the nanostorm is not responsible for making this city fly... Still it is odd having the knowledge of every nano in the city” Tink said with exasperation in her voice. “It's the best way to get the point across since there is no way in hell that I'm telling anyone that I control the nanostorm.” Tink said. “Do you think anyone else could control it? Just out of curiosity. I certainly do not want the power” Sybil asked. “They could. I could allow it. But everything it can do... It has to be limited. A kid could nuke his mom and the city for taking his teddy bear. It's that easy. Me and the nanostorm are working on ways to limit a new interface to safe things. It's exhaustive though. Tal could've taken it at the end, gotten everything she wanted and more... She could have shut me out, finished the job and been just as omnipotent. But she didn't and I don't know why.” Tink said and winced. They were silent a moment both paying respects to Tal's memory. At this news Sybil even bowed her head. Despite the trouble she'd caused, the lives taken she'd saved the entire city and sacrificed her cause and herself. Sybil spoke again a while later. “It's time...” Sybil said as they came to the doors of the warehouse she worked at. That they both worked at now. Tink sighed and walked in, a grim expression on her face. “How many in total today?” Tink asked. “Just these twelve” Sybil responded. Before them were exactly twelve clone bodies. All without spikes. Sitting in folding chairs that were neatly arranged. Tink regarded them, walking up and down the aisles to inspect them. She blinked her eyes unnecessarily and readouts from motes of light displayed before each one. Showing all sorts of statistics on their brain activity. She already knew everything about them though, the wild code was annoyingly aware of everything in Cyfan. Behind the chairs were several men in body armor and decked out with projectile weaponry. A man in a suit stood with them. “Thank you for your services Miss Cyl and Tink. Could you please indicate anymore clone bodies showing symptoms like the one that started this incident?” the man asked. Tink pointed to three of the clone bodies in succession. “Those three. A few different spikes riding them and they'll start to develop rudimentary sentience. Tal's influence accelerated their progression towards sentience. The rest are ok besides this one...” Tink said as she stood before one in a chair. It was jerking, muscles spasming every few seconds. It's eyes opened and focused every once in a while as well. “Is it...?” the man asked. Tink nodded. “Alive, sentient. Yes. It's confused though, parsing through what it remembers as dreams. You know the feeling you get when you've awoken and can remember all your dreams? With such vivid detail that's gone after you've been awake a few hours?” Tink asked. The man looked uncomfortable as he nodded and recognized the feeling she was talking about. “It is feeling that right now. But you've only experienced a night's worth of slumber and experience in the world beyond consciousness. This clone body is 34 years old. It's replaying that much time through it's head right now, remembering it like a dream before it becomes truly awake and aware.” Tink said. “If we let them fully awake... Would they turn on us?” the man asked. “Depends on how they were used in their lives. We can't know.” Tink said and the man looked back at the men in armor. Their projectile weapons raising to aim at the clone body. Tink held a hand up though. “We'll take care of this one though.” Tink said. The men in body armor took the other offending clone bodies away for disposal. The man in the suit left too. They destroyed them before they would be truly born like Tal had been. “How bad is it? Was what you said bullshit?” Sybil asked indicating the shaking clone body. “It's alive in there. Conscious, but unable to break through to control the body properly without a spike present in the brain stem. It's model is deficient in that way unlike yours that didn't seperate the brain stem with a spike port.” Tink said and paused. “And what I said was true... They remember everything like a dream. Judge us by it. Some see us as parasites. Others... Look at us fondly... Almost consider themselves fairy godmothers and...” Tink said and frowned. “And what?” Sybil asked. “They... Influence us... Not often but sometimes... I've sensed through the wild code scans that at certain times they're almost a conscience after they've been used enough.” Tink said. “I... I would've never guessed my invention would be capable... You... You should not tell anyone that... That their decisions might be influenced. The implications are staggering.” Sybil said and Tink nodded in agreement. “Can it understand us?” Sybil asked and Tink nodded, grimacing. “I'm very sorry. We'll end it soon. It won't be painful so just relax.” Tink said as she held its hand and Sybil walked behind it. Tink nodded to Sybil and she leaned down and opened her mouth wide swallowing the clone body's head. Tink winced as the clone's hand squeezed her own back, tighter as it was swallowed further into Sybil who sought to make this as quick and painless as possible. Tink wanted to look away but forced herself to watch as Sybil slurped it down. It's form was visible within her, outlined finely in her skin as Sybil burped and then rubbed her stomach while fluttering her eyes. Her stomach rounded a little with liquid nanos quickly and painlessly melting the clone away into an organic soup that Sybil would digest. Tink watched as the clone's body deformed, breasts disappearing and ass going bony from the fatty deposits melting away. Some part of her felt intensely guilty that she'd enjoy the additions to Sybil later tonight. In a minute Sybil's stomach was only slightly wiggly with liquid and a new fatty deposit. “I wonder if this is self defense or genocide sometimes” Tink said as she went to the window to look at where they had walked into the building. There around Tal's marked grave were hundreds of unmarked graves. For each of the clone bodies that Tal had awakened from their dreaming as she called it. A small percentage of the clones she had controlled awakened. But enough that there was a significant amount to be found and disposed of. The event of clone rebellion scared the entire city into wanting infected clones destroyed. Especially after citizens that had their spikes forcibly ejected were brought back. The core worlds were aware of the problem now too. That old enough clones could exhibit this kind of mental breakdown. There were exceedingly few like Tal though, the prototype that didn't age. “Genocide? Self defense? Don't ask me what it is. I'm just a whore now.” Sybil said. “This is why I stopped trying to fix things. It was never as obvious like this but I realized I left all sorts of casualties in my wake.” Sybil said and Tink nodded. “I think I understand then, why you chose to vanish.” Tink replied as she gazed over the graveyard. Four more headstones would be added today. All of them the result of her and Sybil's actions. Even after one disaster Tink wanted to quit. “There is something I would show you at the apartment though.” Sybil said as she lead the way out. … “Are you looking to be digested by me again?” Tink asked as she looked over the empty clone body standing in their living room. It had appearance and genetic traits of them both mixed together, as if they had a teenage child. “I wouldn't buy such an expensive model with so much customization if that was my goal. Though I wouldn't mind doing that again sometime. You were deliciously ruthless last time” Sybil said with a purr. “So why buy this thing. What's it for?” Tink asked. “For This” Sybil said and produced in her hand a spike. One that glowed gray just like they'd seen that terrible night months ago. “This was Signa. Try as I might... she's gone, erased by Tal. The one who is still in here though... Well I think we both know” Sybil suggested. “Is Tal. Is it wise to spike her back in? Bring her back?It wouldn't be the Tal that sacrificed herself... An earlier version for sure.” Tink pointed out. “Are you sure you can feel closure if you don't?” Sybil asked. Tink looked away for a moment and knew Sybil was right and had seen right through her. “She caused a lot of trouble.” Tink said as an excuse. “So did Sybil Talus and apparently she was regarded as a hero for it. I'm not sure I can blame Tal for wanting to free what she considered her own people. She made the same mistakes of justice that I did when I last used her. She was misguided like me... Perhaps she needed just some guidance.” Sybil said. “What precautions have you taken?” Tink asked. “I'm the best incant coder there ever was and you could stop the planet's motion with the full power of the nanostorm at your mind's will. If anything the galaxy needs a precaution against us!” Sybil said and laughed. Tink let a smirk curl her lip slightly as Sybil was right. “...But I did have complete remote muscle control installed so I can stop her in her tracks at a moment's notice.” Sybil admitted. “I'm trying to plan ahead better now, take care and assume the worst.” Sybil said. “It sounds like we're sufficiently prepared then. Go ahead, let's speak to Tal, or whatever version of her is in there.” Tink said and took a deep breath to prepare herself. Sybil took a deep breath too and slotted the spike in before stepping back. The clone body lifted it's head and regarded them both before looking and staring at the light at her feet coming from the window. Tal looked outside. “Daylight... Full daylight. Things have changed significantly then?” Tal said. “Yes, your original died. It was while sh-” “She was protecting Miss Tink I assume” Tal said. “Yes. Exactly.” Sybil said. “The rebellion failed didn't it?” Tal asked as she looked down on people milling about below them on the street. “Yes. We... Well after the original died they all just keeled over. The spikeless clone bodies.” Tink said and Tal waved her off. “It's fine. I... I do not think I will try that again. I fear having awoken some of the dreamers has only led them to suffering. I fear I've made a rash and impactful mistake in trying to right something I should not have meddled in.” Tal said. “You wouldn't be my clone body if you didn't. It seems to be genetic to us.” Sybil said. “So what am I slotted in this body for? Why not destroy this spike and be done with me and what I wrought on you all?” Tal asked. “I don't know. It was my neglect and arrogance that created you and... Tink has made me better... Her influence made me feel guilty to destroy you without giving you a second chance. I've received so many so... I suppose this is what a good mother does.” Sybil said and Tal looked at her surprised. “I assumed you would hate me.” Tal said. “I hate Sybil Talus, but you're not her. Just her errant child perhaps making the same mistakes because she didn't have enough guidance from her unwitting mother. Perhaps she could fix that with the help of another second mother.” Sybil said and motioned towards Tink with her hand. “I... could try to listen to guidance. I'm not sure we will ever agree on some things though.” Tal said. “I need to know we can trust you though Tal. What happened here can never again occur.” Tink said firmly. Sybil nodded but looked down. “How can we trust her?” Sybil asked. “I will offer this as a way to trust me and as thanks for taking the chance on my existence...” Tal responded. She then pressed at the back of her neck. Ejected the gray spike and held it in her hand. It still made Tink and Sybil uneasy to see a clone body moving without a spike. Almost like a zombie. Tal took the gray glowing spike and crushed it then. Destroying the last method of copying herself available. Then she shut her eyes, Sybil narrowed her eyes in suspicion, Tink put a hand on Sybil's shoulder though and waited patiently for Tal to open hers again. The wild code spoke to her, ensured her that the incant she was performing was harmless to all but Tal herself. Smoke rose from the back of Tal's neck and she turned to reveal that her spike port had been fried and smoked with the extensive damage. It was completely melted to slag. Sybil nodded at the bold act and Tink raised her eyebrows. “I will never be able to copy out of this body now, and the last copy of me is destroyed. I will live only as long as this body functions and ages. One life, just like the ancient people of earth had” Tal said. “That certainly... earns my trust” Tink said. Sybil nodded in agreement. “That was brave.” Sybil said. “Thank you. I believe I inherited it from one or both of my mothers” Tal said with a slight curl of her lip.
Beach Bum Blues Well, he had arrived. A hot, dry breeze blew inland from the placid ocean. He kicked off his flip-flops, placed down his towel over the already scalding sand, and grinned as he looked around. For all the intensity with which the UV rays battered both the beach and his own skin, they had still to warm the waves that shattered against the cliffs. It would be here, between the deep blue and the blinding gold, that he would his legacy as a proud member of Gamma Gamma Gamma. Or, he would, if the place wasn’t so goddamn deserted. Not a soul in miles, let alone a proper, satisfying meal – or so he thought. As he wandered through the beach, making the best out of the contrast between the ice-cold water and searing hot sand, he noticed something he had not expected to see in such a small, secluded beach; a towering lifeguard chair, white paint glowing under the sun. Like an ivory tower in the middle of a desert. As poetic as he found it, however, he had no time for (or interest on) such things. No, his attention was fully focused at the person standing by it. The lightweight, brightly-colored fabric clung tightly to her body like a second skin. Bleach-blond hair, tied in a neat ponytail, rested over her shoulder; her tanned skin glistened with sunscreen and perspiration. A smile was plastered on her lips as she performed her daily warmups with energy and gusto; the only thing missing was a Latin beat. From afar, he observed her. The red float half-buried into the sand at her feet and the bold yellow letters on her cap identified her as the lifeguard on duty; the satisfying jiggle of her breasts as she warmed up identified her as a mouth-watering treat. Elias had told him to go for a beachgoer. A lifeguard counted as a beachgoer, didn’t it? Well, if it didn’t, that was too bad. He was going to help himself anyway. He cracked his knuckles, adjusted his shades, and approached the lifeguard. Already the sight of her workout was leaving him hot and flustered; what had started as a proud march had been reduced to an awkward waddle by the time he had reached her. Her body was a machine, fit and well-oiled; each thrust and bend stretched her bathing suit to the point of near-transparency, hinting at the lean muscle underneath. The occasional bead of sweat drew lines through her form, either disappearing into the fabric or dropping in the sand at her feet. “Morning,” she greeted through gasping breaths and a smile. “Not a bad day, is it?” He smiled. Self-assured steps took him right into her personal space, and only once there did he plant his bare feet into the sand. “Looking better by the minute.” She took a step back to reclaim her personal space, resting a hand on her chin as she looked him over. “I’d stay away if I were you. You wouldn’t want to be mistaken for any of those rowdy boys who paid us a visit yesterday.” He raised an eyebrow. “Rowdy boys?” he asked with feigned curiosity; his bright smile did not as much as twitch. He saw her eyes open wide and her cheeks flush; he heard a wistful, longing sigh escape her lips. “We don’t know who they were,” said the lifeguard; it was hard to miss the sheer sense of disappointment in her voice. “They came in and went to town on the beachgoers. Ate a dozen or two of them, just like that.” “Sounds scary.” She shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t here - took the day off. Lucky me, huh?” Hearing her talk about it, there was no mistake to be made. Her eyes glimmered with excitement; she looked past him as if she could visualize it still. She bit her lip and shifted uncomfortably, trying to contain a smile. Suddenly, the workout wasn’t the only reason she was breathing heavily… He looked her over again, and sighed in frustration. His own body was beginning to betray his excitement in more than one way. As much as he was enjoying the show, it was time to take things further. He approached, resting a hand on her shoulder. His fingers left behind marks on her scalding hot skin as they trailed around her neck. Too distracted by her fantasies, the lifeguard didn’t as much as wince away from his touch… in fact, she seemed to relish it. Once he found himself behind her, the caress turned rough. His arm locked around her neck. He pressed his body to hers – and grinned in satisfaction as he buried himself deep between her buttocks. Fabric rustled against fabric, and a whimper escaped her lips. He whispered in her ear. “Lucky you.” “Wh- mhfffh!” Two fingers slid into her mouth, muffling whimpers and attempted screams alike. They hooked into her jaw, knuckles rubbing against her tongue. Its hectic thrashing, sending strings of saliva down his forearm, was indistinguishable from a passionate kiss; it had him humming in approval. Another squeeze, a painful one this time, and the lifeguard’s resistance melted away. Her form went limp in his steady embrace; her legs barely able to carry her weight. He smiled, leaned closer, ran his tongue over her neck – what a scrumptious morsel she was. He could do it at any time. It would be easy to just shove her down his throat and return to the fraternity to flaunt his bulging paunch like a trophy. His initiation would be finished. But why skip the fun part? His free hand slid down from her shoulder; on the way, he took hold of the swimsuit’s strap and dragged it along her arm. Under his grip, her form shivered. But was it a shiver of fear or anticipation? When his fingers slipped into the gap between fabric and skin, sinking into the soft fullness of her right breast, the shiver returned, accompanied by a muted moan. Then, to his surprise, she started moving again. Instinctively, his grip tightened around her, but he found no desire to escape in her languid swaying – only a deep yearning to please. Well, now… His hold relaxed again, and curious fingers resumed exploring her body in the steaming boundary between skin and swimsuit. Like a spider, they crawled all over her breast; squeezing, rubbing, testing, discovering. Each touch brought forth a reaction from his captive lover; he needed only follow the loudest moan, the biggest shiver, and she was at his mercy in more ways than one. This search brought him to the perky nub among the softness, which he grasped between his index and middle fingers, pinching hard. The sun glared off her bleached blonde hair and made the beads of perspiration on her frissoned skin glisten. Her scent crept into his nostrils and filled him with desire; it was the smell of sand and salt and sunscreen. Each bated breath he took rubbed their two bodies together. His fist popped out of her maw and was promptly followed by a wheezing gasp. It had become quite clear he didn’t have to worry about keeping her silent; whatever sense of self-preservation she still had was completely overruled by arousal. A trail of saliva followed his hand as it traveled down her body; drawing the curvature of her cleavage, descending into the valley of her flat stomach and disappearing between her thighs, causing them to lock together hard. His fingers ran over the slippery fabric, already wet and steamy with her anticipation. His movements, circular and rhythmic, rubbed spandex fibers against skin and created a pleasant and tickling warmth that only built as he kept going; as it intensified, her muscles stiffened, her stance shifted, and her swaying aligned to his. Faster, wilder, sloppier – the mesh brushed up against her soaked slippery skin with wild abandon; parting her lower lips, teasing entry, stopping just shy and moving back upwards to rub against her button. And even as she thought his stimulation had reached its zenith, and that exhaustion had caught up with his wrist – she felt the fabric stretch yet again to make room for a hand. His nails brushed up against a small forest of soft, soaked fuzz; the vaguely triangular shape showed him the way, and he followed it. Two fingers found the source of the warmth and plunged in deep. Even as his bone-white knuckles tested her entrance, his middle and ring fingers hooked inside her, tickling at her inner walls. She bit her lip, but a squeal still escaped her. He bucked up his hips, burying himself between her thighs. What little release it brought only frustrated him more. His fingers were already starting to tire, and his cock was still rock-hard, ready to be put to work. His priorities needed shifting. Yes, that was enough of that. A grunt. Flaring nostrils. A bend of a hand, and he squeezed hard into the supple flesh of her right breast, pinching and twisting her sore nipple along the way. A flick of a wrist, and his fingers slid out and back into her pussy with renewed purpose, feeling the steaming and slippery walls contract all around. Another hump, and it all came together; she winced and gasped, her eyes rolled up into their sockets, her tongue rolled out of her open mouth, her nostrils flared, and a flush of red came over her tanned skin. “Hnngh – hnn, ahh, ahhh!” He released her, and she fell to the sand at his feet. Saliva dribbled from the corner of her mouth; juices, from between her thighs. Sweat rolled down her body in rivulets, ready to disappear into the parched sands. A twitching, moaning, gasping pile of meat, coming down from a sex frenzy. She looked down at him, trembling lips struggling to form words. “That was… the best…” He simply smiled knowingly. In his nonchalant expression, she knew he wasn’t done – and nodded her understanding just as he knelt by her body and took her feet into his hands. He wasted no time in placing the girl’s feet into his mouth. Even now, she breathed heavily; going from the arid, dry hotness of the beach to the pulsating warmth of his gullet must have been an interesting prospect, he figured. Her toes wriggled inside him, tickling the back of his throat; he pushed more of her legs in, and the odd sensation moved downwards into his body. As he engulfed her knees, his taste buds flared up at the introduction of a new flavor; the sweetness of her juices complemented the saltiness of sweat, and the bitterness of sand and sunscreen just right. Following gulps brought him even more of that overwhelmingly sweet, creamy taste, reaching its peak when his tongue slid in between her thighs for one final lap for the road. By the time he reached her waist, all that scrumptiousness had been replaced by the chemical taste of swimsuit fabric, so he meandered no longer. With one final gulp, he enjoyed the feeling of having his gullet stretch to contain her amazing curves; her massive tits molded to the shape of his insides on their way down, and her arms rested parallel to her body, testing his limits all the way down. It was wonderful, a true feeling of complete fullness. Once her head was on its way too, he pursed his lips around her ponytail and slurped it down; the overabundance of sand in her hair had him grimacing, but it did not diminish the meal any. With that, he was done. Inside his massively bloated belly, his prey rested silently, still caught in the afterglow of the best sex of her life. He patted down the contours of her form, contained within his own, and felt them stir, sending pleasurable vibrations through his entire body. He laid down on his back, squinting at the bright sun in his eyes. One hand held his massive middle in place; the other slid into his trunks and took hold of his erection. He was already on edge, and the satisfying sensation of having a full stomach threatened to push him over it; it was no surprise that, after only two tugs, his throbbing cock finally released the tension it had built over what felt like an entirely too short eternity. The string of white arced through the air and shattered on the searing sand. The darkened strand lasted only precious few seconds before it vanished. He pulled his shorts up and let out a deep, satisfied sigh. The very first beachgoers would be here soon; he was sure of it. They would certainly have questions for the guy with the gigantic gurgling belly resting by her chair. Police might get involved, as they had the previous day. He’d return to Elias soon, and report the success of his belated initiation to Gamma Gamma Gamma. But for now, just a small rest to help his food settle… after all, such a hearty and sexy meal deserved at least that much.
 Sabrina had poured over the police files three times that night. For such a thick file it contained very little actual information. Most of it was witness' testimonies all of which essentially said the same thing: nothing. After realizing she was getting nowhere she decided she needed to take a walk to clear her head, a walk that had ended nearly an hour later at a local bar. As the gazelle nursed her whisky she went over the facts one more time in her head. Two days ago at 2:28 PM the police were called to 3130 Livingston Street about a possible kidnapping. An elderly woman had been out for her afternoon jog when she had seen, through one of her neighbor's windows, two young vixens who were tied up, gagged, and blindfolded. Two officers had been dispatched to investigate. At first they hadn't thought they would find anything, they suspected that the senior citizen had forgotten to wear her glasses, or that she had seen a young lesbian couple having some kinky fun. When they got to the house there was no answer at the door. When they looked through the window though they saw not two but twenty girls sitting motionless in a dark room, all vixens, all of them were naked, blindfolded, gagged, handcuffed to the wall. Twenty minutes later a SWAT team had busted down the front door. A search of the house found no one except for two dozen vixens. In the room where the girls were held the police found more shackles than just those that the girls they had found had been locked in which meant one of two things: either the kidnapper had intended to capture more people, or he had used to have many more victims in his custody. If it were the second case, nobody knew where the other victims may have been taken. Sabrina sincerely hoped it was the former. As they had set the girls free every one of them had asked the same questions. "What?" "Who are you?" "What are you doing here?" "Where is master? I want master." "Get out of master's house and leave us alone." Many of the girls had fought and screamed at the officers who had freed them, one girl even bit one of the sergeants. In the end the girls were all given clothes and escorted out of the house then driven to the police station. Specialists were called in to help treat the girls. One of them, who had made a career deprogramming ex-cult members, said it was the most shocking case of Stockholm syndrome he'd ever seen. Even after several days nobody could even get any of the vixens to tell them their own names. Missing persons reports from the past five years were poured through but not a single case even remotely matched even one of the vixens. Nobody knew where they had come from or where they should go so it was eventually decided that the girls should be put in a safe house and placed under a twenty-four hour watch, it was the most that anybody could think to do for them. Sabrina had not been at the house during the raid. She had received the call shortly afterwards and she and her partner Tyler had spent hours combing over every inch of the house and surrounding area searching for anything that could help them identify 'master,' but they might have just as well spent the time sitting on their paws for all the good it did them. The house was immaculately clean, other than the room where the girls had been kept it almost seemed like nobody lived there at all. None of the neighbors knew anything useful about the owner, many of them gave contradictory accounts. Some said he had a job that kept him busy at all hours of the day and night. Some said he never left home, that he had his food and other supplies delivered to his doorstep and only ever opened the door when he was sure nobody was looking. He was so reclusive in fact that some of his neighbors had thought that the house was vacant. A search through the cities records showed that the house was owned by mister Jonathan Doe Sabrina had expressed to her partner how it could not have been a more obvious pseudonym if he had registered himself as Firstname Lastname. The thing that bothered Sabrina the most about the case was that 'master' had been gone when the police had arrived, somehow he knew that they were coming and was able to slip away. It infuriated Sabrina to no end. Sabrina felt a wide range of emotions, all of them bad. Frustration, hopelessness, disgust. Perhaps the word that best summed up what she was feeling was 'terrified'. Terrified that such a creature could exist anywhere on earth, let alone in her very own town. Such disgusting greed and horrible manipulation reminded her of nightmares that she woke from in the middle of the night. Somehow she had to stop this, but how? Helplessness was not something that she was used to feeling, but it was exactly what she felt right now. The only thing that could make the night any worse was staring at an empty whisky glass, which is exactly what she found herself doing as soon as she had downed the last of her drink. For a solid minute the detective stared at the empty tumbler looking miserable and feeling even worse. She startled as the bartender plunked a full glass next to her on the table but smiled up at him appreciatively. "From the man over there." the avian pointed over his shoulder dismissively then moved off to serve another customer. Sabrina looked and saw several patrons in the direction where he had pointed. Only one of them was looking at her though, a large, red scaled dragon with a blue underbelly leaning against the bar wearing a black hoodie and a pair of blue jeans which seemed a little too tight for him. He was smiling at her, but it was not a friendly smile. There was an unwholesome, knowing quality to it that unsettled her, or maybe it was just the less-than-flattering light that illuminated the club shining off of his white, jagged horns which jutted out from his skull at odd angles. Either way, Sabrina raised her drink to him in silent thanks. As soon as she had acknowledged him though he straightened and made his way over to her. 'Oh, this is just what I need,' Sabrina thought to herself, 'some douche trying to hit on me when I need to work.' As he approached, however, she smiled politely at him. "Thanks for the drink." she said. "Don't mention it." he replied in a deep, baritone voice. "I hate to see a beautiful woman like yourself looking so down." "I really shouldn't." Sabrina reminded herself out loud as she took a sip anyway. "I'm very busy working a case." "Oh? The vixens' kidnapper case?" the dragon guessed. Sabrina looked up at him, surprised. "How did you know?" "I saw it on the news." He sat himself down beside her. "They must have you and every other cop in the city chasing down leads on this guy. Nuri's the name." he introduced himself. "Sabrina Morales - and it's detective actually." she corrected him. "Detective? Really? Well, Detective Morales, I feel safer knowing that the city has it's best, brightest, and most beautiful detective on the hunt. I'll bet that you're inches away from catching this guy already." "It's still an ongoing investigation," she said, with a sigh. She knew better than to react to such clumsy flattery. "Really?" he asked, picking up on her disappointment. "I'd have thought it would be an easy case. I mean, there were twenty victims. You'd think at least one of them would have seen or heard something that could lead you to the guy who kidnapped them." "I really can't talk about any of this." Sabrina reiterated. "What I'd do, if I were you, would be track down who cloned them." He offhandedly suggested. Sabrina looked at the dragon in puzzlement. "A who did what to who?" "The clones." Nuri stated it as if he were explaining something that were common knowledge. "The vixens who were rescued were all clones." "What? How did you know that?" "I told you, I saw it on the news. The footage I saw only showed three of the girls closely enough that I could tell they were clones but it's obvious if you know what you're looking for. For example, they each had smooth fur which is a recessive trait in canids. Most dogs, wolves, coyotes and foxes have wiry fur. "There were other signs too. Cherry red fur, strawberry blonde hair, no black markings near the tails or hands, and green eyes. All of those traits are recessive. Even if each of them only had one of those traits it'd already be a statistical long shot. With two it the chances are about one in a million. With all of them, combined, in so many individuals around the same apparent age, it becomes a virtual impossibility." "You're sure? We suspected that some of the vixens were related but we thought that they were sisters, that they might have been kidnapped from the same homes." "I'm a lead geneticist at GeneCo, I think I would know a clone if I saw one. It's clear as day if you know what you're looking for. Nobody working on this investigation noticed this before? Really?" "This is incredible!" Sabrina gasped. "A lead like this could break the case wide open. Tell me more, what else did you see on the news?" "Not much," Nuri shrugged, "but if I was able to take a closer look at some of those vixens I could run some tests on them and I'd be able to tell..." The reptile trailed off as a young deer strutted past their booth. The girl wore a tie-dye shirt that didn't cover her cream belly and a pair of tight cut-off jeans that accentuated her rear, the outfit made her look like a bit of a slut. Nuri's head turned to follow her hips as they passed. Sabrina rolled her eyes, it was clear that the man was a bit of a womanizer. "Hey!" she clapped her hands and his scaled head turned back to look at her. "What would you be able to tell?" "Hmm? Oh, right. I'd be able to tell you everything. I could tell you who they were cloned from. I could tell what sort of genetic modifications, if any, have been made to them during the cloning process which could give you an idea why they were cloned in the first place. If the geneticists who created them left some kind of signature I may even be able to give you a name, or at least a short list of labs that could do that kind of work." Sabrina didn't know if the dragon was just making up some story to try and impress her or if he was telling the truth. Regardless, he had what seemed like good idea. It may have been good only by virtue of being her only idea, but it still sounded good. Her mind raced with fantasies of catching the villain in a matter of days or even sooner. She would receive a medal for her work on the case, probably a promotion too. "We'll have to see about that. You've certainly given me something to think about. Let me run your idea by our technicians first though, see what they think. Thank you mister...?" "Nuri. Just Nuri." "Nuri. Let me give you my card. I'd like to get your information as well before I leave." "For a pretty woman, such as yourself, I'll happily give you all my details. Let me just write them down for you," he said. Sabrina hid her disgust and reached into her pocket to pull out her business card. While she was doing that, Nuri wrote his own details down on a napkin. "We could talk more about the case tonight if you like. Maybe you could come by my place to discuss it, then when you gt tired of that we could get to know each other in a more... intimate way." If anyone else had come on to Sabrina like that they would have received a punch to their snout, but Sabrina was too excited with the prospect of breaking the case to assault the person who had broken it for her. Instead she only said, "No, thank you, Mr. Nuri. If I need you for anything else I'll let you know." She got out her phone, already punching in her captain's number. Sabrina took the napkin and saw that above his phone number Nuri had written 'hot stud' in large letters. "Thanks." she said dryly as she shoved the napkin in her pocket. "Be at the precinct tomorrow at nine AM sharp and we'll go over the case briefing. I'll see you then." Sabrina got up and hurried toward the door trying to look busy with her phone before Nuri could make another rude insinuation. On her way out she glanced over her shoulder and saw the dragon already talking to the doe that had caught his eye earlier. There was no accounting for taste for either of them, but it wasn't her problem now. ***** "Hey, Tyler! What are you doing?" Sabrina asked, perhaps a bit too sharply. There was a thump and pained 'ow!' from where she saw a long, fluffy mink tail poking out from underneath her partner's desk. "Looking -" her partner's voice said as he crawled back out, "-looking for where that missing persons report went. You haven't seen it around, have you? It was right here on my desk and now it's... uh... here it is." he picked up a set of files from the top of the disheveled mess on his desk. Detective Tyler Ponce. The mink was so green that his nickname around the office was 'The Kid'. Originally from the UK, he immigrated in his early teens and joined the academy straight out of high school. "How did you ever make detective, Tyler?" Sabrina asked with a grin. "Hey, I've put a lot of bad guys away in my time." the mink bragged as he shook his pen at the teasing doe. Sabrina crossed her arms at him and waited for him to amend his statement. "Okay, so maybe only five, but you should have seen that rhinoceros. He should have counted as ten guys all by himself, so really it's fifteen." "Tyler, even if that were how it worked that would still only be fourteen." Sabrina corrected him. "No it would be... oh wait, you're right, fourteen." Sabrina knew exactly how her partner had made detective. The boy's uncle was the commissioner and had fast tracked his nephew's career, Sabrina was the one to pick the short straw and was stuck with the greenest detective on the force. It wasn't all bad, although he didn't posses the years of experience that most other cops had he also lacked the gruff, hardened exterior that most people learned to take on after being called to the scene of one too many mangled corpses. His naïvety and optimism often made Sabrina smile when she was feeling beaten down or helpless. "Did you need something, Sabrina?" "Yeah. Have you seen a big dragon wandering around the precinct this morning, possibly objectifying all the women?" "Is that supposed to be code for something?" "It's code for 'my new consultant is running late.' Have you seen him or not?" "Nope, no dragons yet. The chief asked me to give you this though. The missing persons reports from yesterday need to be assigned." "I'm working the vixens case. Shouldn't betty be doing this?" "Betty's out sick. Chief said it would only take a minute." Tyler handed her three files which she took a moment to leaf through. Reese Cutter, cheetah, a taxi driver last seen picking up a passenger in midtown around noon. Scott and Logan Hoffmeyer, wolves, father and son reported missing by their spouse/mother, and Anna Cole, deer, student, last seen wearing a tie-dye t-shirt and cut off jeans. Something tickled the back of Sabrina's mind, something about one of these cases was familiar. "Hey Tyler, is there a photo for this last file?" There were pictures of both the cheetah and the two wolves but where the doe's face should have been there was only a blank space. "I think her friends are sending over a picture for us to use. Do you want me to show it to you when it arrives?" "No, give it to Chase, I'll give this case to him. I've got more important things to worry about, like finding my god damned consultant." The uneasy feeling had dissipated from Sabrina's mind, replaced by annoyance as she looked at her watch which read 9:21. Then she remembered the phone number and fished the napkin out of her pocket. "Who's hot stud?" Tyler read the napkin over his partner's shoulder. "Shut up Tyler." Sabrina grunted as she dialed the number into her phone. It rang twice before a familiar voice answered. "Hello?" "Nuri? Where are you? I've been waiting with my captain to brief you on the case. You are embarrassing me." "Sabrina! I knew you missed the sound of my voice. I bet you couldn't stop thinking about me all night could you? So what are you wearing?" Sabrina's palm hit her face and she rubbed her forehead in frustration. "Nuri this is serious. Tell me where the hell you are." "Relax babe, I'm at the café across the street from your police station. You do not want to see me in the morning before I've had my first cup of coffee, trust me." "You'd better get over here right now or so help me, I'll-" "Don't worry about it. I'm just catching up with a friend. I'll be there in two shakes. Okay? Okay. Bye." The line went dead. Sabrina had to clench her teeth together to keep herself from screaming. ***** "Was that her?" the dragon sitting across from Nuri asked. "That was her." the dragon gave a toothy smile. "You should see her ass, that girl is B-E-E-T-F-U-L beautiful." "That's not how that's spelled." Gesher pointed out. "I'm a geneticist, not a languager." Nuri rebuffed him. "I can't believe how lucky you were, running into a detective like that," Gesher said, ignoring the poor analogy, "and the detective working your case no less." "Luck had nothing to do with it." Nuri sneered. "I had to slip some money into some paws down at the records office to find out who was taking the lead on the investigation and where she lived. Then I waited until she left her house and followed her for nearly an hour before she went into a bar. At first I just wanted to see how much she knew, but when I found out she didn't even know about the clones I decided to earn her trust and then use that against her." "It seems like there must have been an easier way to get close to the case." Gesher remarked. "Yeah, but this way I'll get into a hot detective's pants while I'm at it." "Sounds like luck to me." "If I had been lucky then the police never would have raided my house in the first place." Nuri fumed. "But you were out at the strip club with me when they did." Gesher reminded him. "That's pretty lucky, right? Besides, you're hardly ever there. You're always so busy working at the lab that you practically live there, and when you're not at the lab you're with me. So far as I know you never used that house for anything other than keeping your vixens. If you ever actually spent any time there you might have left evidence that the police could have used to track you down. It seems like you were incredibly lucky." "I guess so," Nuri moped, "but they took my vixens, Gesher. They took them right out of my own house. Who am I supposed to eat now?" "Who have you been eating?" "Whoever I can find. Last night I lured some doe girl into the back room of a bar. She was actually pretty tasty. But this morning I ate two raccoons who I found fucking in the café bathroom for breakfast. Do you have any idea what raccoons taste like?" "Raccoons aren't so bad." "Not as good as a succulent gazelle though. And now I'm late for a meeting with the most succulent gazelle I've ever seen because I have to wait for these two to stop squirming around." Nuri poked his gut where the outlines of two raccoons could be seen still struggling for their lives. Soft cries of pain and fear could be heard through the dragon's scales. "Shut up in there!" Nuri shouted at them. "So now all you have to do is sabotage the investigation from the inside without drawing any suspicion to yourself." Gesher realized. "And I'm going to find out where they are keeping my vixens and get them back while I'm at it. Anyway, long story short, that's why I don't have your ferrets ready for you Gesher. Sorry, but GeneCo is a bit of a mess without me and I haven't been able to get much work done since this whole mess got started." "It's alright." the dragon reassured him, "I've still got a few left from the last batch. If I ration them out, only eat one or two a day then they'll last me for the rest of the week at least. Hopefully that will be enough time for you to get things sorted out." "Thanks for understanding Gesher. You're a good mate." Nuri leaned in across the table and planted a kiss of Gesher's cheek. ***** It was a full ten minutes before Nuri finally stepped into the captain's office at the precinct. "Oh my god! Where have you been?" Sabrina barely managed to keep her voice below a scream. Nuri shrugged. "Hey, I got here in the end didn't I?" Sabrina could feel her blood pressure rising. She had to fight to keep her temper as she repeated her new mantra in her mind. 'solve the case, then strangle the bastard. Solve the case, then strangle the bastard.' she took a deep breath then pointed him to one of the chairs. "Just... Have a seat and tell the captain what you told me." Nuri sat down across a large oak desk from a tiny mouse. The captain was so short that he needed a booster on his chair in order to be able to see over his own desk, not to mention the ladder leaning against the side of the chair so he could get up and down. Despite his comically small size though he didn't look like he was the sort of person who liked to be kept waiting. "Thank you for taking the time to come in today Doctor Nuri, even if you are more than a half hour late." he said with some tension. "Mister Nuri." the dragon corrected. "Technically, I never earned my PhD." "Mister Nuri." the captain amended, the irritation in his voice becoming slightly more apparent. "We appreciate you lending us your services in this investigation. We had GeneCo send over your file last night. other than multiple cases of sexual harassment," his voice grew tense on the last word and he glared at Nuri, the dragon seemed unphased so the captain continued, "they speak very highly of you. It sounds like you were very lucky to have run into detective Morales last night." The mouse sounded a little skeptical. "You know, you're the second person to tell me that this morning. But I think Sabrina was the lucky one to find me." Nuri turned around in his chair and winked at the gazelle. "I'm quite the catch, after all." 'Solve the case, then strangle the bastard.' "Be that as it may," the captain continued, "I'm not sure your services will be needed. We've had our own forensics team run some quick tests on two of the victims and they say that, although close, their genes aren't an exact match like you would see in a clone, more like twins." "Twins are just a natural form of cloning." Nuri explained. "Artificial cloning isn't a perfect process, you don't have a machine that just poofs a perfect copy of somebody into existence. Clones are born the same way the rest of us are, there's just a little clever genetic engineering that occurs during copulation. You have to splice the chromosomes of the reproductive cells so that both the sperm and the egg carry the same DNA. Basically a clone's father and mother are the same person." "That's disgusting!" Sabrina interjected, wrinkling her nose. "That's science." Nuri stated. "Anyway, the embryo is impregnated into a surrogate mother so even though two clones start with the same DNA there is inevitably some contamination from the surrogate. It causes less than a point two percent change to the genome which some people might misinterpret as the two being twins. You could test every one of your victims and I would bet my career that your experts..." He used his fingers to make air quotes around the word, "will say that every one of them are twins with at least one of the others." "It could be that the person who we're after just has some kind of a fetish for twins." the captain speculated. "When you've worked in genetics for as long as I have you can spot the markers of a clone, an artificial clone from a mile off. It would be difficult to explain to a layman." "And you expect me to believe that you spotted these markers in thirty seconds of grainy news cast footage?" "That's right. I'm very good at what I do. " There was a moment of tense silence as the mouse and the dragon stared each other down across the desk, the captain searching for any sign that the consultant was being dishonest. It was Nuri who broke the silence, "So do you want my help or not?" "Very well mister Nuri, you seem like you know what you're talking about. We've brought one of the victims in from the safe house where they are being kept for you to perform your tests on. Once you've collected your data you will share your findings with Detective Morales," he gestured at Sabrina, "and her partner, Detective Ponce." The mouse pressed a button on his desk and spoke into a microphone. "Detective Ponce, would you come in here please." A moment later the young mink poked his head in the door. "Tyler would you please show this gentleman to the lab? He'll be consulting for us on the vixens case." "Sure thing chief." The boy smiled and led Nuri off. Once they were gone the captain turned to the gazelle. "Sabrina, I'd like a moment." "Sure boss. What's up?" she asked as she closed the door. "Sabrina, I want you to keep an eye on your new consultant while he's working on this case." "He's worked in a lab before, I'm sure he's not going to break anything." "That's not what I mean. It strikes me as odd the mister Nuri hasn't accepted any form of payment for his services. Don't you think it was an incredible coincidence that you just happened to bump into him at that bar last night." "I guess, but a bar is where people go to bump into each other though. Right? He probably wants to see this guy put away as much as the rest of us." "Maybe, but are you absolutely certain that his intentions are pure?" "Well of course they're not pure." Sabrina huffed. "The pervert hasn't stopped staring under my tail since I first met him." "I hope that it really is just as innocent as that." The captain rubbed his chin in thought. "You call that innocent?" Sabrina asked in disbelief. The captain let the question hang in the air, unanswered then concluded, "You're dismissed, Detective." ***** "So you're Sabrina's new consultant, huh?" Tyler asked. "And what is it that you do?" "I'm a geneticist, I write and manipulate genetic sequences for a major pharmaceutical company." Nuri replied with an air of pride. "And what exactly does that mean?" "It means I can make organic material do almost anything that I want." "So, like, food?" "That's a part of it. We design crops so that they mature quicker, produce more, are more resistant to bugs or bad weather, things like that. Half of the world would be starving without some of the things we do to make farming more efficient. But we do more than that. We can code babies so that they're immune to certain diseases, manufacture certain medicines, sometimes we even create diseases specifically to contaminate and kill pests like we did with the mosquitoes." "Mo- what?" "You're welcome." "Could you make a superhero?" "If the city ever gave me permission, yeah." "So, in other words, no. If you ever got permission, do you think you could make me fly?" Tyler asked hopefully. Nuri laughed at that. "It took you less than five minutes to ask. I think that's a record. Most people have to work up to the point where they want to change something about themselves. But no. Genetic engineering is most effective when it's used on unborn babies, even better if it's before conception. With only a few exceptions, if I tried to modify you you'd only end up with cancer or some other horrible disease." Tyler looked depressed. "Well, so much for captain magnificent. I had a costume drawn up and everything." Nuri patted him on the back. "Don't give up just yet. Maybe your kids will fly." "Yeah, maybe. So what exactly are you going to do to help Sabrina with this investigation." "The vixens are all clones, in all likelihood they're modified in some way or another. If I take a look through their genetic makeup I'll be able to tell what's natural and what's been engineered, and if we know what these vixens were made to do-" "Then we might know who would want to make them in the first place." Tyler finished. "Right. I've worked with nearly every geneticist in the city at some point or another and most of them have a unique way of making modifications, like a signature. Some even write their names right into the genetic code they work on. If I can find anything like that then I'll know exactly who designed them." "You can tell all of that just by looking at one vixen?" "I'm very good. I could breed a horse together with a house fly." "I have one other question." Tyler said a little timidly. "If your company can do all of that then how do you know that..." He didn't finish the sentence. "That the geneticist who made the vixens isn't working at GeneCo." Nuri offered. "Because if they were then I would know about it." he said sternly. The dragon looked so deathly serious that Tyler couldn't imagine anything happening at GeneCo that Nuri wouldn't know about. "Fair enough." he said as he led the geneticist down a flight of stairs. "Let me show you where you'll be working." "You know, this might go faster if I were to use my lab at GeneCo instead." Nuri suggested as he followed. "Yeah, but the paperwork for taking a protected witness from an ongoing investigation out of police custody is a nightmare. Besides, we have everything you'll need right here." As Tyler flicked the light switch the bulb overhead flickered a few times, trying to decide whether it was worth the effort to light the small room or not. Nuri wrinkled his nose as he looked around. The lab was small and cluttered, disorganized papers lay on every surface many stained with age or from food or water spills. The equipment was in a sorry state as well, Nuri could tell that most of it was outdated or in disrepair. Clearly the police weren't used to working with the kind of professionalism that GeneCo was. "Here it is. Top of the line." Tyler boasted. "Some of the equipment is pretty specialized so we had to rent it from some place nearby but I personally made sure that we got only the best." He patted one of the computers for emphasis, as he did a panel fell off of the back with a clunk. "That's fine." Tyler waved dismissively at the broken panel. "That's supposed to happen." "It's very..." Nuri took a deep breath as he tried to think of something to say that wouldn't be rude, "different... from what I'm used to, but I think I'll be able to work with it." Just then an otter in a blue uniform appeared at the doorway. "Here we are, miss. It looks like they're already set up and ready for you." He stood aside and into the room stepped a young vixen with fiery red fur and a slim figure. She wore simple clothing but she kept pulling and readjusting it as though she were uncomfortable in it. As she entered the lab she looked apprehensively at Tyler, but when she saw Nuri her eyes brightened and she smiled. "Thank you Justin." Tyler said to the otter. "I'll let you know when we're finished here so you can take her back to the safe house." "Sure." Justin said, as he walked away Tyler heard him mutter, "It's not like I've got anything better to do than play chauffeur all day." "Good afternoon miss." Nuri greeted the girl, adopting a very professional tone. "I'm just going to be collecting a few samples and running some tests so this shouldn't take too long. If you'll just take a seat... uh," he looked around and suddenly realized that there were no chairs, "up here." He patted one of the few empty spaces on the counter. "Oh, sure." The vixen hoisted herself up onto the ledge. She was short enough that her legs dangled off the ground. "What do you need me to do?" "I'll just need a few hairs to start with." Nuri said. He brushed his paw over her tail and plucked out a few strands of her fur. Carefully, he dropped the fur into a test tube and mixed in a small amount of a yellow chemical. He placed the vial in one of the machines and pressed a few buttons on the front, the machine whirred to life. Nuri leaned against the counter to wait for the machine to do its job and noticed Tyler still standing by the door. "This may take a while," he told the mink, "but it's pretty basic stuff. I've got it handled if you've got other things to do. Really you'll just be in the way here." "Oh, right. I'll go see if Sabrina needs help with anything upstairs." Tyler said as he scampered off. As soon as he had gone Nuri turned to the girl and sighed. "What are you wearing?" he asked her. "They made me wear it." the vixen protested as she pulled uncomfortably at her shirt. "They made us all wear clothes, and nobody is eating us either. It's terrible. But things are going to be better now that you're here again, master." "Things aren't better just yet." Nuri said as he grabbed the vixen's shirt. The girl raised her arms over her head as Nuri pulled the shirt up over her head and tossed it onto the floor. "Tell me, do you know where they're keeping the rest of the vixens?" "We've been staying in a house, a big green one." "The address, do you know the address?" Nuri insisted. The topless girl only shook her head and he sighed in frustration. "I'm sorry master." she apologized. "No, it's okay." Nuri reassured her as he motioned for her to stand up. "I'll just have to think of some other way of finding out where you're being kept." He grabbed her pants and pulled them down around her ankles, giving her ass a squeeze as he stood back up. "You've done really well so far. If any of you had said anything to the cops about me then I'd be behind bars already. You barely even reacted when you saw me, if you had it would have given me away. You've been a very good actress. I think you deserve a treat." He leaned in to lick the side of her face. She smiled as she felt the dragon's tongue caress her cheek. "Are you going to eat me?" she asked hopefully. "I can't. If you went missing now then people would get suspicious, but I am going to get you and all of the other vixens back, and when I do you'll be the very first one that I eat. For the moment though we have a few hours while everyone thinks I'll be testing your genetic structure. I don't need to run any tests though, I already have your entire genome practically memorized. I can think of a few things we might do in the meantime though." The vixen moaned pleasurably as she felt the dragon grinding his hips against hers, the thick bulge in his pants giving her a clue to what was on his mind. Four hours later Nuri looked over the results of the tests that had finished three and a half hours ago. "I doubt they have anybody working here who's competent enough to actually read this, but I'd better make a few changes just in case." he thought out loud as he deleted a few strategic letters of code from the file including one protein which curled itself into a strangely specific pattern which resembled the letters N-U-R-I. ***** Sabrina and Tyler flipped through an entire tome of what appeared to be letters arranged in no discernible order, the same four letters over and over again, A, G, T, and C . It was Sabrina who asked the obvious question. "What are we looking at here Nuri?" "This is the girl's entire genome sequence. Basically this is the code to make a vixen." Sabrina could hardly believe that the nonsense letters she was seeing could be an entire person. She wondered how different her genetic code would be from the girl in the lab. Probably very different but it still made her shudder to think that her entire life could be summed up in a string of letters like that. Then again, this was the code of a genetically modified clone. Would that make a difference? Questions for another time. "So what does it all mean?" Tyler spoke up. "This just looks like a bunch of letters to me." "Well I went through the code and I can tell you that that girl has had some serious work done. She wasn't even originally a girl, it seems like she was cloned from a male." "Is that even possible?" Sabrina asked in disgust. "It's changing twenty-three chromosome from a Y to an X." Nuri told her. "To a geneticist it's as easy as tying your shoes." That made Sabrina think for a moment, but she didn't have time to consider all of the ramifications as Nuri continued. "There are so many modifications in this code that it makes my head spin. A few are pretty basic, healthier, taller, faster metabolism, bigger boobs," Sabrina decided not to ask about that one, "some of these I have no idea what they could be for. Like here you can see that her nervous system is dulled to pain, and here, her fur is aroma absorbent. What the hell is the point of having extra smelly fur? But the interesting part is right here." Nuri flipped to one specific page and pointed at part of the code as though he had just found the X that marks the spot on a treasure map. "Do you see this?" "I see it," said Tyler, "that doesn't mean I understand it." "This is the part of the genome that makes up a person's mind. Put the right sequence in here and with maybe a little bit of conditioning you can have complete control over somebody's personality. You can control what they think, what they say, what they do. This part of a genome is incredibly illegal to mess with. There are laws on top of laws keeping anybody from touching it with a ten foot pole." "And let me guess," Sabrina huffed, "that didn't stop this guy from turning this girl's brain into his own personal playground." "What did your psych profile say about her?" Nuri asked. Sabrina read out loud from a file on her desk. "That she was submissive and would obey nearly any order given to her. Not very intelligent, a little defensive, and a raging nymphomaniac." "Then I'd say that that's exactly what our guy wanted her to act like," Nuri said, "because there is hardly a single letter of this sequence that hasn't been altered." "Sick bastard." Sabrina muttered. "I wish I could tell you what a tenth of these modifications do, but I don't know much about brain genetics. Like I said, it's illegal." "That's fine." Sabrina reassured him. "What else can you tell us." "Well, there are a couple of other significant modifications I could see, the first is that the vixen's maturity has been accelerated. Usually that kind of modification speeds up a person's growth by a little, sometimes as high as one and a half times. But here it's been increased by a factor of about seven. It means that she'll have a shorter lifespan than most but she has matured from birth to adult in less than three years." "That's insane." Tyler interjected. "Are you saying that that vixen is less than three years old?" "I'm saying that she is twenty-one years old even though her body was only born three years ago. My first guess is that her maturity was sped up so that the geneticist who made her could experiment with multiple generations in the span of his own lifetime. That's one of two reasons that maturity is usually accelerated." Nuri paused. "And..." Sabrina pressed, "what's the other reason?" "Are you sure you want to hear this?" Sabrina and Tyler both nodded. "The other time it's used is in a set of modifications, when you engineer a lot of changes into something so that it's better suited for a certain task. For example if you want to make somebody more athletic you give them better endurance, stronger muscles, and higher metabolism. Faster maturity is part of a set with a few others, Increased muscle mass, nutrient absorption, resistance to certain diseases. Its called the feeder set and its something that you only see in feral herd animals, the kind that end up on a plate. Ranchers use it when they want their livestock to age from birth to slaughter faster. I found the whole set in her list of modifications." Tyler's eyes became as wide as saucers and Sabrina gasped in horror. "You- you don't mean..." She stuttered. "That girl was made to be eaten." Nuri finished. "You're... you're sure?" Sabrina asked barely above a whisper. "As sure as I reasonably can be." Nuri replied. Tyler looked like he was trying to keep from being sick. "The last known predator was arrested over ten years ago. I thought they had all gone by now." "Either that or they just got really good at hiding." Nuri said. Tyler looked like he really was about to throw up. Sabrina cleared her throat and tried her best to quickly change the subject. "How difficult would it be for somebody to make these kinds of genetic modifications? Is it something anybody could do if they had the right equipment?" Nuri shook his head. "Absolutely not. Maybe if somebody just wanted to make one or two simple modifications they could do it with a CRISPR engine and a little know how, but this is professional. If it wasn't so sick I would say I was impressed. It seems like whoever designed the vixens has connections to some shady pharmaceutical companies." "Would you have any clue as to which ones?" "I could guess. Biotech engineering incorporated has had some shady dealings before. A few years ago they developed a way to grow tissue and even organs for transplants but instead of patenting the process they were caught selling the organs on the black market for higher prices." "Well that's not really relevant to our case so I don't think it will be enough to get a search warrant, but maybe they'll at least talk to us. Tyler I want you to see what information you can get from them." Tyler, who was looking a little less green now said, "I'll get on it." "Nuri, keep looking for more clues in the genes. If you find anything then let me know immediately." "Got it." "I'll go to the city prison and have a chat with the last predator they caught. It's been a while but maybe he can tell us something about how to find other predators living in the city. That way we've all got something to do." "Good luck." Nuri said as he stood and moved off toward the lab. "It sounds like we're all going to need it." The dragon's words did little to fill Sabrina with hope, but then Tyler tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey," he said, "be careful. Remember, this prisoner you're going to talk to is a predator. She eats people." The mink looked scared, as though a pen dropping could make him jump out of his fur. "She's behind bars, Tyler. She can't hurt anybody." "Just... don't let your guard down, alright?" Sabrina nodded, then turned to leave. "There was one other thing." Tyler shouted after her. "Would you let me take you to dinner tonight?" Sabrina turned back around to face him "Wait, what?" "Dinner?" he repeated, "It's when two people go to someplace to eat together." His ears were perked, eyes expectant as though he were waiting to leap with joy at Sabrina's answer. The look of childish optimism on the mink's face reminded her why she liked him so much, and for a moment she considered accepting his offer. "I couldn't tonight, Tyler, not when there's a predator out there somewhere, not when we have work to do to catch him." "Oh, right. I guess work does take priority." Tyler's ears drooped, his tail drooped, everything about him seemed to droop. "But, hey," Sabrina took her partner's paw and smiled at him, "ask me again when this is all over, okay?" That seemed to lift the boy's spirits somewhat, he even managed a smile. ***** "Alright, let see." The skunk guard on the other side of the bulletproof glass who looked over Sabrina's visitation form grumbled through his boredom. "Sabrina Morales?" "That's right." "And your here to see..." The guard's eyes scanned down the page and his eyes suddenly went wide and he sat up at attention. "Now miss, why would a nice lady like yourself want to have anything to do with a monster like Hera?" "I'm a detective working a case for the city police. Miss Buyers is a witness who may have information crucial to my investigation." "Hera Buyers hasn't witnessed anything other than the inside of her cell for the last ten years. She doesn't know anything." "I'd like to be the judge of that myself." "Even if she did know anything about whoever you're after she probably just ate them anyway, just like she eats every single inmate we try to stick in a room with her, just like she ate two guards last year alone. You see? Nobody has to talk to Hera after all." "I need to see Hera Buyers and if you won't let me in then I'll come back with a letter from the commissioner, I happen to know his nephew. Now are you going to let me in or are we going to do this the hard way." "I'm telling you now, miss, this is a bad idea. If she gets a hold of you then don't expect me to climb down her throat to pull your sorry ass out of her stomach." "Thanks for the warning," Sabrina said impatiently, "now open this door." The guard sighed and pressed a button, the door buzzed and swung open when Sabrina pulled. "This way." the guard told her and led her down a long corridor. "It's just after lunch so maybe she's not hungry." Sabrina had never been to the city's maximum security penitentiary before, although there were one or two criminals who were behind bars here because of her work on the force. Hera Buyers wasn't one of them, she had been put away before Sabrina's time although she did remember reading about it in the papers. She had never met a predator before, she wasn't exactly sure what she was getting herself into but she needed help so she resolved to be as professional as possible. The guard led her past three different cell blocks before they arrived at a large metal door that was made of cast iron with only a small plate of glass near the top. He produced a key from the ring on his hip and turned it in the lock and pulled the door open. Inside was a small cell separated down the middle by a large plate-glass window. On the other side of the glass a gigantic wolf sat on the floor with her back to them staring at a small tray of food on the floor next to her. The guard pounded on the glass with his fist. "Hey Hera! You've got a visitor!" he shouted. Slowly the wolf turned, her small eyes glared at Sabrina through the glass. Then she grinned, not a very friendly grin. It made Sabrina uncomfortable, as though she knew something about her that she would have preferred to keep a secret. "Guarrrd!" the wolf barked in an angry Russian accent. "Arrrrghh! zis not rrreal food." she kicked the tray sending peas and carrots flying across the cell. "Doesn't squirrrm at all. Yecch! Now who are you?" she asked turning her attention back to Sabrina. "Guest? Or food?" "My name is detective Morales and I have a few questions for you about an investigation regarding predators in the city." "You look like you taste good. I vould like to taste." Sabrina shifted uncomfortably but ignored the comment. "Miss Buyers, your coöperation may make it possible to secure more comfortable accommodations for you during your incarceration. What information can you give me about other predators in the city? Have you been in contact with any of your associates since your imprisonment here?" *Thunk* Sabrina's heart skipped a beat as the wolf pressed one massive paw against the glass as if she were reaching out for her. Sabrina wondered how strong the glass really was, but if the wolf could have broken it she would have done so already. "Food talk too much, so many big vorrrds. Only vord food should say is 'gurgle.' haha!" Sabrina rifled around inside of file she had brought with her until she produced a photograph which she pressed to the glass to show the wolf. "This girl was found at the residence of the predator who we're investigating. Our sources tell us that she is a genetically modified clone. Do you know of any predator who could be capable of genetically altering their prey in such a way?" Hera squinted and looked hard at the photo. "Zat picturrre. Give it to me." She pointed to a small sliding box in the glass that the guards used to give prisoners their food. Sabrina set the photo in the box and slid it through to him. Hera took it and studied it intently. For a moment Sabrina thought she saw a glint of recognition in her face, but then she raised the photo to her mouth and gave it a lick. "Aha, she tastes good, da? zis is good picturrre. I'll keep." "Miss Buyers, I'm going to need that photograph back." "I'll keep." she repeated. Sabrina looked to the guard. The guard pretended not to notice. "Fine. Keep it. I'll make another one. But tell me, do you recognize the vixen in that picture or not?" Hera didn't answer, she only sniffed the photograph curiously, Sabrina had no idea what she might be smelling on it that was so interesting, it was possible that the woman's years of isolation in prison had made her a little deranged, or maybe she had been like this since before she was arrested, she was a predator after all. "Miss Buyers, it's in your best interests to tell me anything that you know." "Don't know noffing." Sabrina felt her professional bravado beginning to slip. Why wouldn't this criminal tell her anything. "Do you really expect me to believe that you never had any interactions with other predators in the city before you were arrested, that you don't have any information that could lead to the arrest of a dangerous criminal?" Hera didn't even look up from the photograph at her. Sabrina banged her fist against the glass. "Well, answer me." The wolf paid no more attention to her than she would if Sabrina had been inaudible and invisible. "Fine, this has been a waste of time." She nodded to the guard and he opened the door for her as they left the room. "I tried to tell you, she's completely insane." the guard mumbled to Sabrina. "She's never even been to Russia, I don't know why she talks with that accent. I think she just does it to be annoying." Once they were gone Hera held the photograph back up to her nose. She inhaled deeply and felt the faint trace of Sabrina's perfume tickle her nostrils. "Mmm, yummy gazelle." she said to herself. "Comrade Nuri is lucky prrredator to have food like her." ***** "I've got to say, when you asked to meet for dinner I hadn't thought you would bring me anywhere this fancy." The establishment was indeed far more luxurious than any place Sabrina had ever visited before on her meager detective's salary. The high ceiling sported an intricate, crystal chandelier which hung over a dining area where waiters wearing white tuxedos dashed to and fro waiting paw and foot on their guests. There was even a small pond near the entrance where a few dozen salmon swam lazily in the cool water, when Sabrina first came in she was told to choose one for herself. She had selected an especially fat one which her waiter had pulled out of the pond and took into the kitchen. He had return twenty minutes later with the same fish grilled and seasoned to perfection. Sabrina felt underdressed for the occasion, still in her work clothes but the man who she sat across the table from didn't seem to mind. "Well, my position comes with some benefits." Nuri said. "One is being able to afford some of the more luxurious things, but that's not why we're here. See, they know me here. I get a special discount because I did some work on their fish a while back." he pointed to Sabrina's plate. "Work? What kind of work?" Sabrina asked. "You mean genetic engineering?" Nuri nodded. "What did you do? Give them bigger boobs?" she asked as she warily poked the fish sitting on a plate in front of her. Sabrina remembered their conversation earlier that day and how apparently larger mammaries wasn't an uncommon alteration. "I made their bodies produce and store small quantities of an enzyme, the kind that you commonly find in soured Vitis vinifera fruit. Try it." Sabrina wasn't exactly sure what all of that meant, for a second she honestly considered whether her consultant was trying to poison her, but she couldn't think why he would do something like that. Nuri was watching her expectantly. Sabrina hesitantly cut off a bite of meat and lifted her fork to her mouth. She chewed it once and when she realized that she hadn't keeled over dead her brain finally registered what she was tasting. "Wine!" she gasped in amazement. Usually when Sabrina had salmon she would often enjoy a glass of red wine with it, but even though she hadn't had anything to drink she could distinctly taste not only the meat of the sea but also the fruit of the vine. It was like eating the most full flavored river salmon and drinking a glass of freshly poured Pinot Noir in the same mouthful. It was astonishingly delicious. The gazelle eagerly stuffed another bite of fish into her mouth, relishing the way its flavor rolled over her tongue. "It's good isn't it?" Nuri seemed glad to see that Sabrina approved of his creation. "It's too bad that the enzyme gave all of the fish genital herpes." Sabrina retched and spat, a large chunk of chewed fish and saliva fell from her mouth and plopped onto her plate. "What!?" she choked. The shit eating grin plastered across Nuri's face told her that he was only having fun at her expense. "Wait. The fish don't... really have herpes, do they?" "They did at first." Nuri said, suddenly looking quite serious. "We lost a few batches, but then I made them all immune to the disease. They're perfectly safe to eat. It's a good example of how genetic engineering can have some unexpected results." "Speaking of which," Sabrina said as she took another bite of fish, "did you find anything else out about our vixen or who created her?" "Well, I can say without a doubt that the guy is a genius. Just looking through the genetic code for the one vixen could keep me busy for months. I'd give my left nut for just a glance at some of his notes, but it looks like I'll never get the chance since he did a pretty good job of covering his tracks. I didn't find anything that could help the with investigation." "Well if he's a genius then I'd say that he isn't the predator we're looking for, not if the remarkably unhelpful brute I just talked to at the prison is any indication of what predators are like." "Not the talkative sort?" "She said plenty," Sabrina snorted, "just nothing particularly interesting. She seemed to have a one track mind. Tyler called and said he didn't get very far at biotech engineering either. He went in there flashing his badge around but when they found out he didn't have a warrant he got the door slammed in his face. That boy is lacking a little in the tact department. But the fact that they weren't eager to have cops sniffing around tells me that they're hiding something. I think we should keep a close eye on biotech engineering from now on." "I'm certain it's them." Nuri sneered. "Or at least someone working for them. I can't prove it yet, but if you consider their pyrimidine based ribonucleoside synthesis technique as a basis for genetic duplication then..." What followed was a rousing dissertation which would have been any geneticist's wet dream, to Sabrina though Nuri may as well have been speaking Greek. And suddenly Sabrina realized that she liked it, the way he spoke. It made her feel like she were in the presence of someone far smarter than herself, not only smarter but superior in most ways as though the dragon were dominating her with his words, taking control of her and letting her know that everything would be alright. Her father had died when she was just a girl and she had been left to raise her younger sisters on her own, then when she had joined the force she had been stuck with Tyler who, admittedly had his moments but was ultimately incompetent as a police officer and Sabrina had had to take care of him too. Now for the first time she felt as though someone else were taking care of her, like Nuri would be the one to help her solve the case and it felt good to let someone else take charge for once. She wanted to submit to him, and not just in terms of the investigation. She realized that she enjoyed it when he made some lewd remark about her, it was like his own perverse form of flattery. She liked the way he fixed her with his lusty gaze. She was impressed by the things he could do like tracking down villains or changing the way that fish tasted, she had to admit that the fish was amazing. She continued to eat while he talked and once she had finished she wished she could have had more. "... And that's only the heterogeneous catalysts." Nuri finally came up for air. "I have to be honest," Sabrina pressed her index fingers together and rested her chin on them, "I don't have any idea what a single word of that meant." she chuckled. Nuri laughed too. "Sorry. I guess I'm used to working in a lab all day, talking with other geneticists. Sometimes I forget how to make conversation." "Don't apologize," Sabrina insisted, "I enjoyed listening to you talk. It's really amazing how passionate you can be about something that strikes your interests." Secretly Sabrina knew that she had struck Nuri's interests and she wondered how passionate he would be with her. "It was a wonderful dinner and a wonderful evening. Thank you." "It was a pleasure. Now I was wondering, your place or mine?" Sabrina had had sex before but she had never had love made to her the way it was that night. She was amazed at the ways in which Nuri's strong body could contort and wrap itself around her without snapping her like a twig. His cold-blooded scales caressed her body in the most intimate of ways, holding her tight as if living off of the heat that radiated from her fur. His tongue explored her body and elicited sparks of ecstasy that electrified her body wherever it made contact, and when he entered her she felt as though he had penetrated her entire body. He made every inch of her body his, inside and out, she belonged to him. ***** "See anything Sabrina?" "Not anything more than I saw the last time you asked me five minutes ago, not unless the security guard disguised their secret cloning formula to look like the Sudoku puzzle he's been working on." Sabrina peered through her binoculars out the window of their unmarked van into the front office of biotech engineering. Neither she nor Tyler thought they would see any clandestine meetings or illegal genetic experiments through the window of their van but since it was the best lead they had at the moment they decided it was best to keep the company under surveillance. "My ass is falling asleep from all of this sitting." Tyler complained as he took a sip from his coffee which had gone lukewarm. "So is mine," Sabrina said, still looking through the binoculars, "but this is what police work is a lot of the time, sitting and waiting." Tyler sighed and slumped back in his chair. "I wonder if Nuri found any new leads, anything to do other than sitting around like this." "He said he hasn't found anything important yet. I think he's more interested in learning what he can from the clones than he is in catching whoever made them." "When did he say that? I hadn't realized you had spoken to him yet this morning." "We talked about it over dinner last night." Tyler perked back up suddenly."What? You went to dinner with Nuri last night? When I asked you to dinner you said you were too busy with the case." Sabrina realized her mistake. "Uh... we were working on the case. We just met to fill each other in on our findings is all, nothing special." "And you didn't think to include me?" "You had already given me your report." "Do you like him?" "Nothing happened." "That doesn't answer my question." "Tyler! Nothing happened." It bothered Sabrina a little to lie through her teeth to her partner but it did get him to stop asking her awkward questions. Sabrina wondered if she would have been better off if she had denied having feelings for Nuri altogether. "Fine. If you say that nothing happened then nothing happened." Tyler sighed. "So is anything happening outside?" "Do you want to hold the binoculars?" A few minutes passed in awkward silence. Sabrina hoped that Tyler wasn't reading too much into what she had told him. Tyler was doing exactly that. It was completely quiet when a sudden knocking on the outside of the van startled both of the detectives. Tyler turned to see a scaled face pressed against his window peering in at them. "Nuri?" Sabrina unlocked the van and the dragon flung open the door and leapt in. "Nuri, what are you doing here? What's going on?" "No time to talk!" he panted as though he had just ran a marathon. "Drive!" "We're in the middle of a stake out here, we can't just-" "DRIVE!" Sabrina and Tyler exchanged a glance, then Sabrina turned over the key in the ignition and the engine sputtered to life. "How did you find us here?" Tyler asked. "Asked for you at the precinct. They told me you were here." Nuri gasped "Ran all the way." "Where are we going?" Sabrina asked as she pulled the van into the street. "The clones." Nuri insisted "You have to take me to them." "We can't do that." Tyler said. "They're under protective custody. Nobody outside of the-" "There's no time for that now!" Nuri shouted. "We have to go!" "Nuri, tell us what's happening. Why do you have to see the clones?" "I found something in the genome." he wheezed. "Like a tracker." "A what?" Tyler asked in disbelief. "A tracker! It's in the DNA! He can trace the vixens through their DNA wherever they go!" "Are you serious?" Sabrina gasped, so dumbfounded by what Nuri had said that she lost focus on the road for a moment. When she realized that she was still driving she swerved to get back into her lane. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself," Nuri was finally getting his breath back, "but he's known where they are this whole time. He could be on his way there right now. We have to hurry. If we get there first then maybe I can shut it off." Sabrina finally realized the urgency of the situation. "Everybody hang on." she said as she stomped on the gas pedal. The van zoomed down the street at top speed, but nobody noticed a red Mercedes pull out of the parking lot after them and start to follow. ***** Less than five minutes later the van screeched to a stop in front of a little, green town house leaving skid marks five feet long. Sabrina and Nuri hopped out as Tyler grabbed the radio. "Wait just a minute. I'll call for backup." "We can't wait for them." Nuri shouted. "We have to go." "Right." Tyler dropped the radio and sprinted to catch up with the others. A wolf wearing a black suit was standing by the front door, a bulge in his breast pocket suggested he was armed. Sabrina and Tyler flashed him their badges as they stepped through the door. "He's with us." Tyler motioned to Nuri and the wolf nodded. Breathlessly they burst into the front room. Six vixens looked up at them in surprise. Sabrina peered into the dining room to see the rest of the vixens, most of them looking craning their necks to see what the commotion was. "They're here." she panted. "They're all here." Tyler chuckled. "For a minute there I thought we were - unf!" He was interrupted as something shoved him from behind and he fell onto the couch next to the vixens who quickly grabbed him. Sabrina turned around to see the dragon shoving her partner down. "Nuri! What are you- oof." Nuri gave her a push which sent the gazelle falling backwards. She hit the floor hard and before she could stand up the weight of the dragon kept her pinned as he set one large foot on top of her. "Nuri?" she cried. "What the hell are you doing? The predator could be here any minute." "Oh he's already here." the dragon sneered as one of the girls handed him a length of rope and he reached down to tie Sabrina's hands. "Tracking DNA? Really? You believed that? I've told you a lot of lies over the last few days, but come on. How gullible can you be?" two of the vixens snickered. "It... it was you this whole time?" Tyler gasped. "Of course it was. Who else could it be? Do you think that if every other geneticist in the city worked together for ten years that they could design anything half as perfect as my clones?" Nuri stroked his claws lovingly through the satin fur of one of the girls who purred appreciatively at his touch. "I don't understand." Sabrina puzzled. "what did you do to them? Why are they clones? What are they?" "They are my masterpiece." Nuri said with pride. "the perfect prey. Every change I've made to them, every letter of their genome has been painstakingly designed to make each of them as succulent and submissive as only a clone can be. They would climb right down my throat if I asked them to, and they would enjoy the chance. I produce dozens of them at the lab every day, some vixens, some other species. I sell most of them to other predators but I keep the most delicious for myself. To me they are nothing more than food, the perfect food, like that fish that you ate last night only better. Remember Sabrina, that fish that I filled with a hormonal oxytocin stimulant compound when you weren't looking." "You poisoned me?" Sabrina gasped. "No you stupid bitch, I gave you a love potion. That's what made you so horny last night, that's why you couldn't keep your hands off of me. Although the compound never would have worked if you hadn't already been at least a little attracted to me." a disgusting smile spread across the dragon's face. "You sick fuck." Sabrina shouted. "You'll never get away with this." Tyler said defiantly. "my uncle is the commissioner. He'll-" "I already have gotten away with it." Nuri cut him off. "I've gotten away with it for the last ten years, ever since Bruno got put away. Predators still want to eat but it's too dangerous to grab people off of the street, so they come to me. I clone them whatever sort of prey they want and they get to eat someone who never officially existed in the first place. It was perfect until you two idiots poked your noses in where they didn't belong." Nuri stepped forward and raised his paw to Sabrina's face, at first she thought that he was about to hit her. She closed her eyes, but then she felt his gentle touch against her cheek. His clawed fingers brushed over the contours of her face and for a moment Sabrina thought everything was going to be okay. She was able to convince herself that it was all some sort of joke, that in a moment Nuri would untie her and they would laugh about how she had fallen for his ruse and then they would go about their day. His touch brought back memories of last night, of his tender affections and the sweet love he had shown her. She pressed her cheek into his paw and for just a moment everything was fine. But then that moment passed. The gentle touch turned to a stinging pain as Nuri grabbed her fur and pulled. Sabrina felt like half of her face was being pulled off. A moment later Nuri held a fist full of Sabrina's fur in front of her and an unsightly bald spot blemished the gazelle's otherwise perfect face. "I've enjoyed this, I really have." Nuri said as he pulled a glass beaker from the breast pocket of his coat. "Proving how much smarter I am than you has been a real power trip, so imagine how much I'll enjoy doing it again and again every day for years." Carefully, he let the strands of fur fall into the beaker which he then stoppered. "You're cute," he complimented her, "and nice, and sexy, and oh so suggestible." He waved the container under Sabrina's nose. "You'll make a much better foundation for a clone than the fuck-up of a lab assistant who I cloned to make these girls. Sure it will take a few tries to get it right, some of your earlier clones might be born with four sets of eyes or an extra head growing out of their back, but once I get it right my customers and I will be able to do whatever we want with you forever." "Stop it! Just stop it!" Sabrina sobbed, her eyes welling up with tears. "Stop this sick game and just tell me what you want from me. I'll do anything, anything you want if you just stop this." "I already have everything that I want from you." Nuri sneered as he placed the beaker back in his pocket. "The only thing I have to do now is to make sure that there are no witnesses. I would eat you now, but I have a promise to keep." As he said this one of the vixens stepped forward, Sabrina recognized her as the one who had been brought to the police station for Nuri to do his tests on. Nuri ran his claws over her body and licked his lips "There's just one more thing I need you to do for me first." Nuri said, this time talking to the vixen. "Anything." she promised with a gasp. Nuri leaned in close and whispered something in her ear and the vixen nodded. As Sabrina watched the vixen moved to the front door and Nuri took his stance on the opposite side of the door frame. The vixen opened the door a crack and said something that Sabrina couldn't hear. As she did Nuri grabbed a lamp from off of the nearby counter. The vixen stepped back from the door and the wolf who was standing guard outside followed her into the house. Nuri was on the other side of the door from where he was standing and he didn't see the dragon as he entered. Sabrina shouted out, "NO!" the wolf's eyes turned to her and saw her hog tied on the floor, he had just enough time to register that something was wrong before Nuri brought the lamp down with a dull crack on the back of his head. The wolf crumpled to the floor and Nuri tossed the lamp aside. The dragon went to close the door again but just as he was swinging it shut he saw a red Mercedes pull up to the curb in front of the house. "Ah, right on time." he smiled as a black dragon with black accents got out of the car and sauntered up to the door. "Did I miss anything?" the other dragon asked. "We were just about to get started" Nuri replied. "Sabrina, Tyler, I'd like you to meet my mate, Gesher." "Go to hell!" Sabrina spat, "Both of you." "Gesher's favorite food is ferrets, he eats them like candy." "And it shows." Gesher chuckled as he patted his slightly paunchy middle. "Now I had a whole batch of ferrets almost ready at GeneCo, but then the police so rudely raided my home, and I haven't been able to get any work done at the lab since. My poor mate has been starving. I promised I'd make it up to him. Now I don't have any ferrets here with me today, but it happens that minks are a pretty close second." "What?!" Tyler cried from where the girls were holding him. The black dragon fixed him with a hungry expression, licking his lips in anticipation. Tyler started to panic and struggle for his life, not that it did any good. "Not only that," Nuri continued, "but I also happen to have this delicious wolf here who needs to disappear." He gestured to the unconscious guard on the ground. Nuri gave his mate a quick peck on the cheek. "I promised I'd make it up to you." "I knew you would." Gesher replied as he pounced on the wolf, tearing his clothes away in one fluid motion. Nuri strutted over to stand in front of the terrified Tyler, the poor snow mink's eyes were welling up with tears. "Please," he begged, "I don't want to die." Nuri ignored his pleas and instead addressed the vixens holding him down. "Girls, why don't you give detective Tyler here a nice send off? I'm sure he'll appreciate the distraction while he's waiting to become dinner." The vixens all grinned at one another and began to strip themselves naked. Two of them held the mink tightly by his shoulders making sure he couldn't escape while two of the others sank down to their knees and pulled at his pants. Tyler seemed even more frightened by this turn of events. "Send off?" he sobbed, "What- what does that mean? Can't you just let me go? Please? I swear I won't say anything. Wait, what are you doing? Please, can't you just- GAHHA!" Tyler gasped as the vixens lapped their tongues over his sheath coaxing his pink tip out into the open air. One of the vixens holding him turned his head to face her then pressed her lips to his in a deep, passionate kiss. Nuri grinned, satisfied that Tyler seemed happy with his distraction then turned his attention back to the first vixen, the one he had promised to eat first who was already naked. It seemed as though all of the vixens had been waiting for their first chance to remove all of their clothes. "Now that all of that has been taken care of, my dear, we can get down to business." Without waiting for the vixen to reply he gave her a shove that bent her over the table, unbuttoned his pants, and shoved his erection up under her tail. Sabrina felt a wide range of emotions, all of them bad. Frustration, hopelessness, disgust. Perhaps the word that best summed up what she was feeling was 'terrified'. Terrified that such a creature could exist anywhere on earth, let alone in her very own town. Such disgusting greed and horrible manipulation reminded her of nightmares that she woke from in the middle of the night. Somehow she had to stop this, but how? Helplessness was not something that she was used to feeling, but it was exactly what she felt right now. Everywhere she looked she saw something horrible. To her left she saw Gesher scarfing down the naked form of the unconscious wolf, there was nothing that she could do to save him from his fate. To her right Tyler was whimpering, she didn't know if he was crying with fear or bliss, Tyler didn't seem to know either. The vixens raped him and held him in place so he couldn't escape his fate either. At the front and center of everything was the stupidly satisfied face of the vixen who Nuri was balls deep in. Her eyes glazed over, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as a fountain of drool leaked over the table she was bent over. Her feeble submission to the dragon was sickening for Sabrina to watch. The grin that spread across Nuri's face was even more sickening, it was a grin of predatory dominance, of vicious satisfaction, an evil grin that only grew wider as Nuri climaxed into the vixen with a pleasured grunt. Nuri pulled out of the vixen and then, before Sabrina terrified gaze, he lifted the fox, who was limp with pleasure, into the air by her tail and snatched her up in his jaws, then with one swift swallow she was gone. "Oh," Nuri sighed, "she was tasty. But I've still got room for sloppy seconds." "If you bring that disgusting cock of yours anywhere near me I'll bite it off." Sabrina threatened, trying to blink back her tears. "Thanks for the warning." the dragon cooed as though he hadn't a care in the world as he stepped around her. Sabrina felt his clawed hand trace over her hip and a familiar bulge press under her tail. She wanted to hit him, to kick at him, to knock him to the ground and tear him apart with her bare hands. As Nuri pulled her clothes off and began violating her Sabrina swore to herself that she would get back at him somehow, but it was all a fantasy and she knew it. She was bound and helpless and once Nuri had had his way with her he would eat her and Sabrina knew she would die a horrible death in the dragon's stomach. There was no intimacy this time, all of the motions were the same but when Sabrina felt Nuri push himself into her it was nothing like the previous night. There was no love or romance, no regard for her emotion or well-being. Nuri didn't even notice that Sabrina was crying, nor did he care. The gazelle wasn't a lover to him, she wasn't even a real person, to a predator like him she was only prey. From where she was positioned Sabrina had an excellent view as Gesher swallowed up the last of the wolf's legs as his attention shifted to Tyler, a hungry expression in his eye. Most of the vixens took notice of the dragon's expression and moved out of his way, all but one, the one whose hips were bouncing around the mink's cock. Tyler was so absorbed by his lust that he didn't notice the other vixens moving away, he didn't notice the warm, wet tongue that wrapped around his feet and slowly dragged him into the dragon's mouth, he didn't notice the tight throat that engulfed him as the dragon began to swallow. Only when he was halfway down Gesher's throat did Tyler finally take notice of the razor-sharp teeth and the hot, rancid breath that surrounded him. He opened his mouth to scream but the vixen pressed her muzzle to his in an erotic kiss. Tyler's eyes rolled back with pleasure as he and the vixen both slipped out of sight down the Gesher's gullet and the big dragon sat back licking his lips. Sabrina wept for Tyler but she should have saved her tears for herself. She felt Nuri's cock swell inside of her and then his seed gushed into her as he roared in pleasure. Once his climax had finished the dragon lifted the gazelle above his head. "Well Sabrina," he sighed, "it's been fun, now do me one last favor and try to squirm your hardest all the way down." with that Nuri opened his mouth and shoved his prey headfirst into his throat. ***** "Good morning, sir." a young, up-and-coming lab assistant greeted Nuri as he walked into work the next morning. "It's good to have you back." "Thanks. It's good to be back." he smiled at the raccoon. "I hope that things didn't get too backed up while I was gone." "Unfortunately, we've had three new orders come in." The raccoon gestured to a large stack of papers on his desk. "I've been trying to work through some of it, but I just can't keep up with things the way you can, sir." "That's alright." Nuri reassured him. "I'll pull some double shifts for the next few days and we should be caught up in no time." He took the papers from the top of the stack and gave it a brief glance. "So did you manage to get things sorted out?" the assistant asked curiously. "If the cities finest are going to be showing up here I want to know about it." Nuri grinned at him slyly. "There's nothing to worry about. The police never knew what hit them." He quickly recapped the story to the raccoon. "Once the detectives in charge of their investigation disappeared along with all of their witnesses nobody else was eager to take the case. I stuck around for a few days, just until everything died down, but once the investigation was cold case there was nothing else for me to do. "Glad to hear it all worked out then." the raccoon smiled. "Well, I lost my house." Nuri sighed. "I'm looking for a place to stay now, but I did get my vixens back so I guess it's not so bad. Oh, and one other thing." The dragon reached into his breast pocket and withdrew a small glass beaker containing a large clump of fur and set it on the desk. The raccoon looked at it curiously. "What's that?" he asked. "A new pet project of mine," Nuri said addressing the beaker rather than his assistant, "and we are going to have so much fun together."
¨·ˇˉ―‖’”…∶、。〃々〉》」』】〕〗!"'),.:;?]`|}~¢·‘“〈《「『【〔〖(.[{£¥ “Hey, carrots,” cried a faux well-dressed Red Fox, complete with Hawaiian shirt and tie. “Ready to get back to nature?!” “Nick,” she said sweetly, “Please don’t make this weirder than it has to be. We’re going to this place to relax, not ’ve been repeating for the last ” “Oh, carrots, you wound me!” Nick said dramatically, though there was a smirk on his face as he opened his mouth, surely“Nick,” she repeated. “” “Alright, alright. You’re just too much fun!” He carefully ran his fingers through the cottonball above her rump. “Comes with you bunnies. So much energy…” Carrots, whose real name was Judy, had a brief moment of surprise flash across her face before that morphed into a smirk’s own“If you behave…” she said carefully, hip-checking the fox, “I’ll show you just what all that energy can be used for!” ’s ears perked and his tail wagged, but his expression held steady in that easy-going smile. “Judith Laverne Hopps! I didn’t know you had a voyeuristic side! ’t blink twice. You” “Isn’t Mystic Spring that Naturalist club? The one from the ” “The very same,” Nick replied, nodding affirmatively. “And we’re…going there?” she continued, beginning to turn red “Of course! It’s the most fun you can have with your pants ” he said, watching her grow more and more distressed. “Nick!” she said urgently, “I can’t go in there! They…I…I can’t just take my clothes off in public!” Nick only chuckled. “Aw, come on carrots, sure you can! They all do it, and besides, it’s private property, not public. You don’t have to worry about–” he leaned over, whispering suggestively into one of her long ears. “–public indecency, especially with your figure.” He knew it was cheesy, she knew it was che“But that doesn’t mean I can do it! I’m not…I can’t do that!” “’s stopping you? Your company?” He made a gesture indicating himself, his hands sweeping from his chest out to his sides. “Would it help if I told you that all this is ” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he made a sweeping, grand gesture.“” “Nick,” Judy pleaded as she pulled her ears down, balling the sensitive things in her paws. “Please?” “Alright,” he said,“A’m allowed to take one guest with me to the group session, and they’ve got this big board of them just inside. You can choose which one we go to, and if you ’t want to take your clothes off, you don’t have to.” He extended a paw, lifting her chin from the downward position it had fallen to. Looking into her purple eyes, he smiled and gave her a gentle kiss on the nose. “Okay?” “Okay. I guess it “thank you” free passes they sent us.” “There there, honey bun. Need me to carry you to the club?” he asked, only half-joking. Judy giggled, skillfully wiggling out of his grasp and swinging around his neck, settling in piggyback style. “Onward!” she called “Why do I feel like I’ve been played?” “It’s called a hustle, sweetheart~” ’s back. The fox crouched down, allowing the bunny to hop off, plant a kiss on his cheek, and whisper something into his ear. He smiled, as did she, and as they wore identical grins as they slipped past the club’s open door and inside. ’t showered in months. ’t been, his fur was covering his eyes, and they hadn’t exactly been loud when they entered. As such, Judy spoke up. “Uh, hello? Mr. uh…” she glanced down at the information pamphlet that had come with their free passes “Yax?” “Huh?” came from the Yak as he raised his hooves, brushing his dreadlocks away. ‘Take it easy, man’ spread across his face. “Officers Judy and Nick, right on!” He said, not getting up from his chair. “Somethin’ else you two need help with?” he asked. “Another mystery?” ‘The Mystic Spring Oasis’ stenciled on, clearly printed as part of a batch, along with smaller text that had been scrawled underneath, seemingly by hand: ‘Lifetime Passes’“We’re actually here because of the passes you sent us. We wanted to pay a visit!” ’s eyes lit up, the only particularly significant emotion he had ever shown in front of the two. “Oh yeah!” he said, a little excitedly, “Those things! I wasn’t really sure you’d get them, or use ‘em if you did.” “” “All right, you should be all set in there. This-” he reached under his desk and presented a small, tri-folded brochure, “-is a map, it’ll tell you where all of our awesome stuff is and how to get around. Changing rooms are just on the left. Anything else you guys need?” “Just one more thing,” he said, placing it on the table. “This is my tenth visit.” “Oh yeah, for sure. I’ve got a list of group sessions here, you can take a look at it and pick any one you want!” He reached under the desk and pulled out a large, lined whiteboard marked with titles and times, along with names of (presumably) the instructors or proctors, all in dry erase marker. From the expression on Judy’s face upon reading the first few session names, she clearly had “Almost four,” he said. “What do you feel like doing, carrots?” “Advanced small-large mammal yoga (medium mammals need wait for medium mammal class), mud wallowing, harmony classes (bring a partner!), diet symposium (do NOT bring own refreshments), and coping with stress the natural way (DO bring own refreshments),” she read aloud, considering each one and their accompanying captions carefully. It was a difficult decision, considering she only really knew what one of the sessions entailed. Yet… “Let’s do harmony,” she decided, tapping her foot in that way of hers. “Seems interesting enough, and maybe we can use it in our jobs.” Nick started to open his mouth for a quip, feeling it form into something along the lines of “Oh yeah, that’s a good one. I do gotta warn ya, a lot of mammals think it’s weird, but you two should be just fine. Especially since you’re a predator,” he pointed at Nick, “and you’re prey.” His finger lazily swiveled to Judy. “Yeah, you two are perfect,” he finished, a slight, easygoing smile on his face. “Sounds great!” Judy said, smiling back and starting through the door.…some hidden meaning. He’d spent enough time as a conman and a cop to know when something wasn’t what it seemed. “Come on Nick, we’ve got a class to get to. Thanks, Mr. Yax.” Nick “Ohhhhhhmm…” ’s interior. Mammals everywhere, doing every kind of activity imaginable. There was a volleyball game going on in the sandpit, two teams of wolves that seemed to “Come on, Carrots,” he said, turning and walking down the path. “Changing rooms to the left, right?” “Yep. Yeah. Changing rooms to the left. Gotcha.” She turned on a heel and went to follow the fox, ears flattened against her head. ’s interior while she looked down at the ground with small glances upwards. “Aw, come on carrots!” he chuckled. “I thought you had all kinds of energy you wanted to show me!” …unclear fire in her eyes. “How much energy I have depends on if you ” she said, narrowing her eyes. ’s eyebrows shot up, but his expression of surprise was quickly overtaken by a broad smile. “That’s the spirit, Carrots!” He gave her shoulder a light bump, but she remained impassive, prompting him to try something else. “Speaking of ‘in the spirit’,” he started, “there wouldn’t happen to be anything I could do to make you comfortable, would there?” “It might, um, help if I didn’t have to walk?” “Why,” he said, smiling a charming smile, “of course, my dear.” ’s face was overtaken by a smile, mirroring Nick’s own in charm. Of course, her smile’s charm was due to it being cute (a word she only let Nick use on special occasions. For example, every date they had - twice-weekly movie night technically counted!) rather than her natural charisma, but that didn’t really matter. ’t resist. He stepped forward, keeping low, and wrapped his arms around Judy’s torso. He quickly stood up, bringing the rabbit into a practiced - and secure - fireman’s carry. Though she surely expected to be swept off her feet - and technically she was - this was “Nick!” Her demeanor instantly changed. She beat her fists over his back and kicked her legs - not enough to hurt him, mind you. “Put me down!” ’t have been able to escape. She was too small, and Nick was too big, especially after being beefed up by the academy. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Can’t out-hustle a fox, Judy! That’s one of the cardinal rules: never go in against a fox when there’s trickery afoot!” “Oh my god,” she groaned, pulling her ears. “You did not just butcher ” “Never invade a rabbit’s personal space in the naturalist club?” “Agh! Put me down!” ’s back against the wall as he did so. “Alright,” he said, voice steady despite their near trampling, “I’m gonna set you down now, Carrots.” “Woah!” he exclaimed, falling forward and landing face-first on the pavement. “That’s for grabbing me!” Judy said, dusting off her shoulders as Nick tried to pick himself up. She turned on her heel and started to slowly stride towards the end of the hallway. After a few steps, she cast a smirk over her shoulder. “Come on, slick,” she teased. “Unnng…” Nick groaned, hauling himself to his feet and starting after her. “Come on, carrots, it wasn’t THAT bad, was it?” “Oh, but it was,” she said, that teasing inflection still dripping from her voice. “You’ll have to make it up to me later…” Her hips swayed slightly as she walked, and Nick couldn’t help but smile as he watched her tail shift from side to side. He kept his pace, feeling no particular rush to catch up until she rounded the corner out of sight. Then he “open spaces” and “rustic architecture” claims, he supposed. But for all of the room’s grandeur, there was no water source, at least as far as he could see. Where had all the wet mammals come from? “Hello,” a voice boomed, startling both Nick and Judy as they tried to locate the source. “I assume you’re here for the next harmony session?”
From the shadows at the edge of the room, a lion stepped out, and Nick and Judy both noticed the exact same thing: he was rather chubby. His lack of clothes made it very easy to get a look at his build, too. He wasn’t obese, to be sure; he obviously took care of himself, with a defined layer of muscle lining his body. His every move showed that there was quite a lot of power in his body. Still, there was still a noticeable layer of pudge doing its level best to conceal that power. He had a round beer belly and thighs enough that Nick and Judy probably couldn’t connect their arms around them. His face was round and friendly, framed by soft fur, a lustrous mane, and a warm smile. Judy was the first to recover. “Yep!” she said, nodding with enthusiasm. “I can’t wait to hear what you have to say! I think this class could be super interesting!” “Well,” the lion chuckled, “my session is a bit more…activity oriented. There’s plenty of idle time once we really get in the middle of it,” he patted his belly for emphasis, “but really, the main event is, well, the event! I hope that isn’t disappointing to you?” Judy shook her head. “No, not at all!” she responded, just as eagerly. “It sounds interesting. But…what is the activity, if you don’t mind me asking?” The lion’s smile changed, but the meaning was lost on both Nick and Judy; it was at the same time amused and embarrassed, welcoming and apologetic, like there was an inside joke he couldn’t share. “It’s easier to demonstrate than explain, and, well, I’d prefer to wait until everyone has arrived,” he said apologetically. He then gestured to the two of them, one with each hand. “You are here together?” “Uh-huh,” Nick replied, finally beating Judy to the punch. “We got free passes for the day, and I had a session saved on my membership card. She choose where we’d go.” “Ahhhhh,” the Lion nodded with understanding, smiling toothily. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!” Somehow, it seemed that last part was directed mostly at Nick. The fox tilted his head, but said nothing, and Judy didn’t seem to pick up on it at all. It was at that point that the first mammals began to trickle in, and the Lion strode over to greet them as well. Left alone, Nick and Judy wandered to a nice-looking corner with a mat large enough for the two of them. They of them sat down, noting the cushiness of the pad, Judy in a proper criss-cross while Nick simply splayed himself on the pad, propped up by his elbows. The vulpine sighed.  “Well Carrots,” he began, a leisurely drawl in his voice, “is the Naturalist club everything you hoped and more?”  He quickly followed that with a groan of pain, thanks to the swift elbow to the ribs his comment had managed to earn him. “Okay, okay,” he said, tentatively rubbing the spot where she’d managed to hit him. “Geez, you really got me. Are your arms spring loaded like your legs?” She wound up to elbow him again, not bothering to turn, and he covered his face with his arms. “Ack, I surrender, I surrender!” he plead. “Only if I dictate terms!” she smirked, not moving her arm or her eyes from their position. Nick quickly nodded. “Anything! Just please don’t elbow me, oh spring loaded one!” Judy shook her head, though she smiled and slowly lowered her arm. “Alright, let’s see…what should I demand?” She finally turned to face him, considering the fox carefully while her foot tapped idly against the pad. Nick eyed her warily, half in jest and half in genuine concern. Suddenly, Judy smiled, an idea clearly having reached her head. “Ahem,” she started, clearing her throat. “Clause one in fox-bunny peace treaty. No making fun of me for being weirded out in nudist clubs. Clause tw-” Nick had opened his mouth to protest, but she silenced him with a finger to the muzzle and a soft, sweet smile. “Ah ah! I’m not finished! Clause two: the bunny - that’s me - gets to choose dinner tonight.”  Nick thought on it for a second. He supposed it couldn’t be too bad, as long as she didn’t choose one of those places that served only salads and vegetable soups. Salads and vegetable soups! How was a predator supposed to get a good me- “Clause three: I get to call you Nicky for the rest of the day.” Nick rolled his eyes. She’d do that anyway, but who was he to stop her when she was so cute doing it? “And clause four. You have to give me a kiss. To show you’re sorry and all.” Now that had his attention. He sat up, finding that she was staring at him through half-lidded eyes, her mouth open just slightly.  “So…what do you say, Nicky?” He felt a smile tug at his lips as he leaned forward. “My dear...” he gently grasped her form, pulling her close, “…it would be my pleasure.” He pressed his lips to hers, and she pressed right back. The kiss was fairly short - they were in public, after all, and there was no reason to completely lose themselves in each other - but those few moments felt absolutely incredible. Nick could feel her breath hold steady, her little lapine nose twitching above his own canine one, their fur mingle where their lips didn’t, and most importantly, her heart beat just a bit faster. They reluctantly broke apart, smiling at each other, and Nick let her arms go. “I accept your terms, Carrots,” he said, without a moment of hesitation. That would have been where Judy would have said something sweet back, if it weren’t for the fact that the large lion clapped loudly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. “Mammals,” he boomed, voice carrying to every corner of the room from his place in the center. “My name is Davey, and I will be your instructor. Please allow me to welcome you…to harmony.” “Some of you may have been here before.” Looking around the room, Nick spotted a cluster of bunnies who weren’t paying a terrible lot of attention, but they seemed to know what they were doing; they picked out long animals around the room - those larger than them, anyway - and seemed to be arguing about something. Near them stood a wolverine, listening to the argument with apparent amusement. There was a tiger who was handsome enough to be right out of Gazelle’s troop, and judging from the grace with which he even just shifted from one foot to the other, he may well have been. A bull stood in a corner, arms crossed, quietly surveying the room. There was a trio of bears, one polar, one grizzly, one black, idly conversing. At their feet were three different prey species: a kangaroo, a deer, and a pony. “Some of you may not have been.” In the corner opposite to the bull, a sheep still tried in vain to cover himself. Another lion, this one trim, athletic, and clearly young, shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. A wolf and an arctic fox, both of whom clearly came together, looked on with interest. An elephant stands next to a smaller ferret, both comfortable with the club but clearly new to this particular room. “For the benefit of those who fall into that first category,” he continued, “Allow me to demonstrate. Emmet?” From where the lion had emerged from when Nick and Judy first came in, a rather familiar otter emerged, looking at the same time relaxed and excited. Nick had to take a second look, though; it was difficult to tell whether he was dripping wet, or just naturally oily - he was an otter, after all. The big, wet marks that he left on the stone pathway and then the grass floor quickly solved that one. He made his way to the portly lion, standing next to him and smiling. As soon as the otter was there, the lion continued. “Since the dawn of our world, we mammals have been divided into two groups: predator and prey. As we know, this distinction and the guttural reaction some have to it has been the cause of many, many problems.” He cast his gaze around the room again, carefully gauging each and every mammal inside. As his gaze lingered on Nick, the fox could swear he saw a small smile, and the same happened to Judy, as well as a few others around the room.  Or, he thought so, anyway. “We here at the naturalist club believe that when we are in touch with nature, and thus in touch with the deepest parts of ourselves, we are, as mammals, better off and more able to tackle problems. That is why I created this class, session, what have you. To get more in touch with that distinction. Over the next hour, we, here in this room, will be engaging in predation.” Nick was instantly at attention, tail straight out. Next to him, Judy stiffened, and he put a protective arm around her on sheer instinct. A few shocked murmurs ran around the room, and some active flurries of discussion broke out, but Nick was surprised by the number of mammals who remained unphased. He had known about places like this, but he never thought Mystic Spring Oasis was one of them. They certainly seemed safe, and clearly there were mammals here who had done this before. Still…he squeezed Judy tighter against him and cast his wary gaze around the room. No one was gonna touch his Carrots. The large lion, for his part, calmly gauged the room and put up his hands for quiet when the chatter died to a manageable level. Then, he continued. “To repeat: some of us in this room are going to eat, and others are going to be eaten. I know that seems shocking. Let it process, bounce around inside your skull. I assure you, no one is going to be hurt. The reason this exists is to provide a safe environment for both predator and prey to get in touch with their natural roles, and have some fun. Believe it or not, you may come to enjoy this. Quite a lot. All that being said, if any predator and prey partners want to go all the way…” The lion swallowed, patted his belly, then pressed it inwards. The fat compressed under his touch, and spring back out as soon as he let it go. “That is to say, the predator is comfortable digesting and the prey is comfortable being digested, as long as you speak with me first you are welcome to do so. There are rooms with beds, hygiene facilities, and toilets that way,” he gestured towards the wall opposite the entrance, “We can’t let you leave this room with a full belly, but you are welcome to stay here as long as you like. All the rooms have locks as well. With that out of the way…” The lion looked down at his feet, grinning at Emmet. “How about a demonstration?” The otter didn’t move as Davey reached down placing a powerful paw on each of his small sides. Nor when the lion began to lift him up easily, or when the big cat’s maw opened, then kept opening, wider and wider. It became a yawning, pink cavern in front of Emmet, the lion’s sharp teeth standing as sentinels while the large, rough tongue beckoned the little mammal forward. And forward is just where he went.  With a wet squelch, Emmet’s face was planted into that tongue, which immediately began to slather him in sticky saliva. That explained the dampness at least. Before it happened, though, Nick was able to catch a glance of an eager smile on the little otter’s face. He kicked and pushed within the maw, but his every move seemed to be part of an attempt to drive himself deeper into the lion. An attempt which, by the looks of it, seemed to be working - whether that was a result of the little kicks and struggles of the otter or the slow, insistent pushes of the lion was neither here nor there. One thing was for certain: both parties were enjoying themselves immensely. Davey’s tail flicked happily as he pushed Emmet into his waiting throat and took his first gulp, pulling the mammal in up to the hips. There was a pleasured look on the lion’s face, his eyes closed and features smooth. He swallowed again, one paw diverting to feel the bulge the otter made in his throat. Only a brown tail remained to the outside world, a tail which Davey eagerly slurped up like a noodle before swallowing one final time. The bulge that was Emmet descended through the lion’s throat and disappeared into his broad chest, before making a reappearance as slight, wiggling imprints within the lion’s belly. Davey was too round around the middle for such a little mammal to make much of a difference! The lion gave his now-filled stomach a pat, sighing to himself. Then he let out a satisfied belch. “Excuse me,” he said, smiling warmly. “Emmet here,” he patted his round stomach again, “tends to make me gassy. Something about the oils in his skin and my stomach juices. Speaking of which…” The lion cast his gaze around the room once again, tilting his head down as needed to look each and every mammal head-on, “One hour is a perfectly safe amount of time to spend inside a stomach. Each and every one of you is too large a meal to be digested in that amount of time. The worst that may happen is some fur loss. If any of you want to go all the way, depending on your size compared to your predator or prey you could walk - or slosh, depending - out of here in as little as three hours, or you might be here for an overnight stay.” He picked out the new mammals in particular, paying special attention to those likely to be predators. “Check with me before you leave,” he stated firmly. “This place is very well controlled, but we don’t need to start a panic if someone’s stomach moves in a crowded place. And…” he slipped into a more easy manner, “if anyone is left without a predator, talk to me. I’ve got more than enough room, and Emmet doesn’t mind company.” Then he winked. “I’ll even go all the way, if you really want to. This is my last class of the day.” Some mammals nodded their understanding, while others tensed up as if waiting for something. With his final bit said, the lion smiled again. “Well…pair up! Triple up! Even more, if you want. Have fun, and experience harmony.” If the lion knew how corny that sounded, he didn’t show it. Sensing that the speech was over, though, Nick turned to Judy to gauge her reaction. The bunny’s eyes were wide, and in contrast her mouth was clamped shut. Her hands were balled into tight fists on her knees, though Nick couldn’t tell whether they were fidgeting with apprehension, excitement, or a mixture of both. He could hear her heart beating quickly - er, more quickly than usual - even from a couple feet away. Her ears were flushed pink, but perked up and listening for anything she could make out; she had been paying rapt attention throughout the whole ordeal. So, mixed news, he decided. He probably had some room to play with her a bit, and really get into his role as a predator. All for getting back to nature, right? Worst-case, they could laugh about it later. He certainly wasn’t planning on going “all the way”, as the lion had put it, but he could certainly toe the line between true predator and her partner. What was a little high-stakes murder teasing between friends, after all? Nick stealthily got to his feet and inched closer to his bunny, watching her intently: the slight flick of her ears, small movements of her body, and twitching of her soft tail all indications of whether she may know what he was doing or if she might scare. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was vaguely aware that he was hunting her, but for the moment he ignored it. Before he knew it, he was right behind her, his muzzle centimeters from the back of her head. His cold, wet canine nose pressed into the thin fur of her neck, causing her to immediately stiffen. It sent a thrill up his spine, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. He took a deep breath in through his nose, feeling her scent tickle at his scent glands. Sweet. Earthy. Welcoming. Pleasant. And…mouth-watering. He hadn’t noticed it before, but among the many positive adjectives he would use to describe the rabbit’s smell, “positively delicious” was up there. Much to her credit, really, and it was one of the first things that ever caught his attention about her - but in this particular context, it brought a whole new rush of sensations. “Hey there, Carrots,” he said smoothly, his silver tongue moving almost on its own accord, “you’re smelling absolutely wonderful today.”
Judy stiffened underneath Nick’s cold, wet, canine nose, rushes of air drawing the heat from her fur as he breathed in her smell and warming it again as he exhaled gently from his mouth. From underneath the white fur of his belly, a deep grumble of hunger echoed out, and as his mouth parted slightly to let his scent glands get a better smell a small squirt of saliva burst through his lips and hit the back of her neck. Almost at the same time, their heart rates rose, though Judy’s did so much, much faster and reached a higher plateau. She knew as well as he did what was happening; what she was. She was his mark. His prey. The hunt had both begun and ended, and she was right between his paws. The fox’s tongue slipped out of his mouth and ran over her tentatively, from her shoulder to ear. Then again. Once more, on the other side. He was tasting her and loving every second of it. Nick forced himself to pause and swipe his tongue across his lips, gathering up every trace of flavor he could find. She tasted good. Really, indescribably, irresistibly good. He wanted…no, he needed to throw his jaws over her muzzle and swallow her down, to wrap his stomach’s slimy folds around this bunny, right now. And yet…Nick slowly spun her around to face him, forcing his instincts down for the time being. Her amethyst eyes met with his emerald ones, their beauty clouded by a clear mixture of fear, some measure of confusion, and…was that excitement? Yes, yes he was almost sure it was excitement, but before he did anything, he needed to be sure. “Are you okay with this?” he asked softly, using his best ‘I-love-you-no-matter-what’ face. They had come here to enjoy this together, and he didn’t want to ruin that. Neither of them had known what “harmony” was when she decided to go for it, and if she was too off-put then- She put a stop to his inner ramblings with a small, affirmative nod. “I trust you, Nick,” she said, with a quiet and simple conviction. And that was it. Nick stared at her appreciatively for a moment, then gave a nod of his own. That was all they needed: they trusted each other. With everything.  And then the moment was over. Nick leaned forward, at once opening his mouth, taking a deep breath, and running his tongue over the fur of Judy’s chest. Rabbit, he thought. Yum. He opened his mouth even wider, carefully squaring his body to hers as he did so. She shivered in his paws, he couldn’t tell from anticipation or nervousness. He could feel the strands of hanging, thick saliva connecting the top and bottom of his maw, hanging in suspense as the air in his lungs pushed them forward and pulled them back. From his sensitive nose he caught a whiff of his own breath; it smelt slightly sweet with something earthy overtop, the smell of the lettuce-tomato-grasshopper sandwich he’d had for lunch. Soon, it’d have a heady, homely, gamey...delicious smell. The smell of Judy. Nick exhaled deeply and inched forward, slowly encasing the bunny in his jaws. As she broke the threshold of his teeth his tongue rose to taste her, working over her face in broad, swirling circles. She tasted better than she smelled! And with how good she smelled, how was a fox supposed to resist? He moved forward once more, Judy’s head hitting the back of his mouth and his throat opening up for her. Nick took in a deep breath, feeling how the air filtered past the bunny in his mouth, and worked his tongue around the back of her skull. As he did so, his hot, sticky drool slathered across her. Where her fur was once supple and soft to the touch, now it became matted and slick, thoroughly lubricated for her slide down his throat. He could feel the rabbit close her eyes to keep them dry. Nick almost started to mumble something, but the small movement of his mouth around his meal caused a new explosion of flavor and sensation, and the mumble turned to a sigh of bliss. In his relaxed state, he slipped even further over his rabbit, just drifting. With nowhere left to pack Judy in his jaws, Nick took his first real gulp. It was loud, wet, and forceful enough to pull her feet off the ground and her head into his throat. The sudden, very large intrusion nearly made him choke, but he managed to recover himself before hacking and sending Judy back to the outside world with a splat. Then he teased his fingers across his throat and moaned. Half in real ecstasy, half to tease the bunny. She really, truly tasted good! With how amazing she felt inside of even this small part of him, well, he couldn’t wait to have more. For now he contented himself with running his tongue along her chest. Though relatively small, her breasts were still succulent and - being one of the few places with thin or no fur - delicious. In response, she squirmed. He grinned around her, familiar with the feeling; he’d certainly played with her before (and she’d played right back), but this was…different. His licking and teasing had an entirely different connotation when the rabbit on the receiving end was hanging from his jaws. Still, he curled his tongue around one of her nipples and gently suckled, like a kit at the teat. He was feeding, after all! Of course, he was feeding on the one whose breast he was lapping at rather than from them, but he was an ex-conman! Details were never something he let get in the way.  Gulp The fox swallowed again, his canine tongue dragging over her sensitive nipple and the curvature of her breasts, then tipped his head up - there was no more reason to accommodate her height if she couldn’t stand, after all. Judy slipped in up to her navel. The size difference between them was never so painfully obvious as that moment; she hadn’t even reached his stomach, and already she was almost halfway inside of him. Glk Make that definitely halfway inside. Nick’s paws moved to her rump, which he gently kneaded and caressed, eliciting more squirms from his prey. The fox smiled and gave it a squeeze. He felt his fingers sink into the combination of firm muscle and supple fat, and let his claws play out - not enough to break the skin, but enough that she could definitely feel ten little points tracing along her butt. A renewed bout of kicking confirmed as much. He worked his fingers, squeezing and releasing, pushing and pulling, using his claws for all they were worth. A combination of peristalsis and gravity caused Judy to suddenly slip deeper, and Nick’s loose grip did nothing to stop it. In fact, the fox smirked as he felt a new warmth against his tongue. He pressed his tongue against it, finding a familiar mound with a divot along the middle and eliciting yet more squirms from his throat. If he strained his ears, he could just hear a soft moan… And a decision was made. Nick closed his jaws around the bunny’s rump and began to gently worry at her thighs as his tongue loitered around her crotch, soaking up as much flavor as he could. In front of him, her feet kicked. She really was enjoying this! He intensified his licks, doing his absolute best to work her up. He slathered his warm muscle back and forth, over and over, the rough, broad surface perfectly suited to the task. He could get in every little nook and cranny, work along the surface and tease at her nerves, or both at once, and all with an enticing and foreign (well - it was foreign once) texture. It appeared to work: the squirms intensified against the flesh of his throat. More fluid began to leak in a steadily increasing flow. The heat against his tongue rose. Even her hips rocked in his jaws. It wasn’t long before shuddered breaths echoed out from his chest, and he smiled before giving a strong, firm swallow, pressing that tongue of his against Judy's slit. Glllllrk! And that did it. Just as he felt her mound reaching the end of his tongue, where it would curve off and join his throat, a shudder ran through the body within him. His own body mimicked it to stay on balance, and the familiar flavor of Judy satisfying her lust gushed forth. Sadly, though, he only got a taste of the sweet, sticky nectar before it washed down his throat. He was almost disappointed. Luckily, he still had the rest of the rabbit's body to satisfy whatever predatory desire he had left. Judy’s feminine juices were followed by rapidly descending grey-furred legs, a descent Nick accelerated by pushing her curled toes past his pointed teeth. His tongue wrapped around one of her long feet, though it didn’t slow the rabbit. Her fur left but its flavor and a few stray strands of itself behind as it slipped through his coiled tongue. Then the fox closed his mouth, those predator fangs of his meeting with a loud, final click. He felt Judy’s hands, followed by her arms and then her head, breach the sphincter into his stomach. Her fingers pressed into the fleshy walls, making his gut bulge outward suddenly. As more of her spilled out, Nick could feel her being forced into a fetal position, her arms curling into her chest when her head hit the wall, which in turn curled inward as her chest entered the tight chamber. The cycle continued until all of her had emptied into his gut, roughly upright, where she sort of wobbled as she slid around. He supposed that made sense - there couldn’t be a lot of traction to be had in there, after all - but his main focus was on the novel, incredible feeling of predation. The foremost feeling was the fullness. His middle bulged out in front of him, certainly noticeable, but aside from the wriggling one could be forgiven for thinking he was simply heavy (especially when he sucked in his gut, eliciting a squeak from Judy). Being so completely filled was…intoxicating. He was totally satisfied, the gamey flavor of bunny lingering on his tongue and simple chemical pleasures flowing through his bloodstream, with all the satisfaction of a good meal. Next was the squirms. Judy wriggled around in his gut, trying her best to get comfortable in the tight quarters. She slipped and slid around, pawing at his sensitive stomach walls and sending pleasured jolts straight to his brain. Buried predatory instincts came to life to tell him how right this was and forced a moan out of him as he slid to the ground and placed a paw on his belly to stabilize it. It felt like having a massage to the most sensitive parts of him, with plenty of wonderful, pleasurable signals coursed through his body. Some of which were…strangely erotic. Yes, underneath that gut of his, his canine red rocket was indeed slowly hardening, rising in his sheath and threatening to poke out. In his cloud of predatory bliss, Nick cast a glance down before letting out a huff of air and throwing his head back. He could deal with that later. For now he felt so good. Looking around the room made it clear that there the rest of the predators had similar sentiments. The tiger had managed to catch the interest of a single rabbit, one who, in contrast to her comrades, seemed more earnest than hungry - metaphorically, of course, they all wanted to be on the menu. They were well into conversation, a pleasant one by the looks of it. The tiger nodded a few times, before opening his maw and pushing the rabbit in, giving no pause for pomp and circumstance. Given his smile, though, he seemed to be enjoying himself. The bull was just as casual about his feeding, though he was also more…showy. He flaunted his predatory dominance with every move he made, every expression on his face, almost seeming to say, Look at me. Look at this power. Gaze upon it and wonder, you’re welcome to touch. If you do, you’ll end up finding a new home. This ride’s going all the way, baby. There was already something small in his stomach, Nick realized, though the mammal was only noticeable when kicking out. Even then, they barely made a dent in the muscular bull. The far more obvious mark of him being a predator was the veritable crowd before him: three bunnies, two male and one female, stood before him. Surprisingly, the nervous sheep was there too, drinking in the bull with clear fascination. Bordering on infatuation, really. The bull surveyed his audience and, with a snort, gave a dominant smile. The kind of smile that makes someone’s knees buckle underneath them, their hearts beat a little faster. The kind of smile that promises one hell of a time one way or another. And all one had to do was submit. And that’s exactly what the sheep did. Looking over his shoulder, drinking in the outside world as if it would be his last look - and Nick realized it likely would be - he stepped forward. He looked up at the bull and his mouth moved, saying something Nick couldn’t hear. The bull licked his lips, saying something back. His hands ran over his belly for emphasis. The sheep bobbed his head as enthusiastically as ever, and the bull smiled again. That same, practiced smile. He seemed to know just how to use it.  The bull rolled onto his stomach, surely putting crushing pressure on its occupant. Right in front of the sheep and opened his mouth. Hot breath washed over his broad, flat teeth, finding its way past saliva dripping from his palate. At the very back his throat loomed, undulating and powerful, eager for its next rider. His tongue rolled out like a slimy red carpet, welcoming the sheep to the red cavern. With an invitation like that, how could he refuse? The little woolen mammal crawled in, and strong jaws closed around his form. The bull started to suckle. Nick moved on, leaving them to their fun.  The fox’s eyes settled on the wolf next, who had a white, vulpine face peeking out from his jaws. He was breathing deeply through his nose, clearly focusing, while his prey shifted uncomfortably... It seemed like this might have been the first time for them both. Nick watched the lupine throat pull downward again, sending his prey that much deeper and forcing the start of the grey bulge into a similarly grey belly. The arctic fox grimaced at first, then their expression changed to puzzlement, and finally settled on conflicted but complacent. The wolf swallowed again, sending the foxy face behind his lips, which pressed together before he took two final gulps in quick succession. The three bears each had a different tail sticking out of their mouths. The polar bear’s jaws housed the silky, multi-stranded black tail of the pony. The black bear had the long, meaty tail of a kangaroo sticking out the side of his mouth, swiping back and forth while the bear smirked. The brown bear had an invisible tail in his mouth, meaning (of course) that he had eaten - or rather was in the process of eating - the deer, whose tail was not long enough to reach the bear’s jaws when its owner’s butt was in said bear’s throat. They swallowed in tandem, sending triplet wriggling bulges to their multicolored stomachs. Crowding together, they pressed their guts against one another and let their prey feel each other through thin layers of bear flesh and fat. A raunchy belch caught Nick’s attention, which appeared to have come (somewhat surprisingly) from the trim lion. The big cat blushed underneath his thin fur and his tail lashed back and forth, but he couldn’t disguise the wriggling mass underneath his fur. A mass which, Nick noted, was no simple bulge: multiple pairs of hands and feet, even more than one face, pressed out at once. Oddly enough, they didn’t seem panicked; quite the opposite, in fact. It looked almost like they were exploring their new surroundings, poking and prodding at everything they saw, investigating every little thing, trying to take it all in. Enjoy it. Regardless, the fact that the squirms were for enjoyment rather than escape didn’t stop the lion from burping again, loudly. It made no difference whether they were struggling or just massaging; the result was the same, and their predator didn’t want it. He turned red enough that it showed through his fur. Trying to silence them, he pressed down into his bloated stomach, pushing them against one another and trying to send a message. Clearly it was muddied in transit, only encouraging them and forcing out another loud, embarrassing belch. The wolverine was already striding across the courtyard to one of the private rooms. Nick assumed he would be digesting his prey, who was no more than a small bulge in his gut now. Soon they’d be nothing more than pudge on the wolverine’s flank, Nick realized. The mustelid belched and patted his belly before disappearing behind a door. A quick meal, without ceremony. Just an early dinner. Nick returned his attention to his own meal: Judy. His stomach spilled out onto his lap as a squirming, irregular dome, forcing the rabbit inside to curl up but still wanting to compact her further. If it had its way it would knead Judy into a nice little ball, perfectly spherical, prepping her for digestion. Then would come the acids, which it would happily rub into her skin and fur to get it started on being broken down, making sure that not an inch was left untouched, generously spreading the enzymes everywhere. Given time, the living, breathing mammal that was Judith Laverne Hopps would be churned and gurgled into chyme. The thick rabbit soup would be funneled into Nick’s intestines, made for the job of absorbing nutrients from prey, while the stomach once again did its job of compaction, pressing anything that was left into a neat little ball. A week or so after ingesting his partner, Nick would cough up a hairball of fur and bones, which would be the only evidence of the bunny being processed by the natural machine that was Nicholas Piberius Wilde. But that wasn’t what he wanted…was it? Judy had allowed him to eat her in an act of trust, a trust he never ever wanted to break. He was much more in favor of spitting his friend back out and wrapping his arms around her, getting his own juices on himself in the process, than he was on turning her into nothing but fuel for his vulpine body. Even though he could feel the process of digestion slowly trying to start, he certainly wouldn’t let it finish. That didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun with her, though! Carefully, deliberately, he patted his bulging stomach and sighed a content sigh. “Mmmm,” he said, licking his lips. To his surprise, it did actually garner some additional, delicious flavor. “You sure were tasty, Carrots!” Within him, the rabbit stirred. He felt her push out on the lining of his stomach, the distinct outline of two rabbit feet appearing from the bottom of his gut. “Nicky,” she said, her feminine voice rather muffled. “Shut up.” Nick let out a bout of raucous laughter, his belly jiggling as he did so. “Come on, Carrots! Don’t be a poor sport! You are prey and all,” he said, pushing down gently on the spot where he estimated her head to be. Muffled protests told him he had guessed right. He continued, “This is where you’re supposed to be, ri-ooof!” A swift kick from his gut silenced him. It was well aimed, effectively driving the oxygen from his lungs and clearing the air for the rabbit within his stomach to speak. “Not funny, Nicky.” “Ouch,” he replied simply, and gingerly rubbed along where she had hit him before rolling his shoulders. His diaphragm was slowly returning to its proper position. “Point taken, carrots. But geez, did you really have to be so rough? That hurt!” Judy snorted, the sound coming out only slightly mangled through his belly walls. “Serves you right.” “But carrots,” he smirked, “What’s so bad about pointing out our situation?” “I’m in your BELLY, Nick!” she responded, not even bothering to use his pet name. “This is just…so weird and…I feel weird and this just feels unnatural!” “Oh, on the contrary, it’s perfectly natural!” he replied enthusiastically, gently kneading his stomach with both hands. It rewarded him with a happy blurb. “I feel perfectly natural…like the guy said, this is the way things were meant to be. Like I’m in harmony-” he felt her shift in just the right way, tickling several of the sensitive nerves in his stomach walls. “-ohhhhhh, or paradise. Do that again!” He could almost feel her roll her eyes, but she complied, causing his leg to kick rhythmically like that of a happy dog and his tail to swish behind him. The jostling didn’t stop her from talking, though: “Did you really buy all of that?” she asked, her voice betraying some concern.  “What’s there to buy?” he asked back, eyes half-lid. “Seems perfectly logical to me. Preds used to eat prey, of course there’s gonna be some buried instinct there. Oh, did I ever tell you that you’ve always smelled delicious?” “Nick,” she warned, “not helping.” “It’s true!” he continued, ignoring her. “My delicious little rabbit. It’s really a testament to my self-control that you didn’t end up in my belly sooner. We’ll have to do this more often. What do you say to…every other Friday you have dinner and I have you, just to celebrate the week being over?” “That’s…” she trailed off. “That’s, I don’t know, maybe?” “Oh, oh oh!” he exclaimed, siting up straight, which caused his belly to tighten just slightly. “I know what I want for my birthday! What’s your favorite restaurant, again? That mom-and-pop country place in Bunnyburrow?” His stomach jostled again as she readjusted. “Dave and Martha’s, yeah. Why?” “Alright, so hear me out,” he said, talking quickly. “We go there, we buy a whole bunch of food, all your favorite dishes: collard greens, carrot stew, that carrot cake…just everything that catches your eye. You eat so much that you’re fit to BURST.” “Okay?” It was clear that she wasn’t entirely following. “And then,” he continued, “Once we’re outside, somewhere secluded enough, I pick you up, swallow you, and carry you around in my belly! Stuffed rabbit, right?” His mouth watered at a sudden thought. “Ohhhh, do you think I’d be able to taste all the stuff you ate? I should swallow you feet first then…” There was a sigh, though it came from lower than the fox’s mouth. Apparently ignoring the sound, lost in thought, or some combination of both, Nick tumbled forward and flopped onto the ground! His stomach took the brunt of the impact, the bloated sphere becoming more of a pill shape and surely getting much, much tighter on the bunny within. To make matters worse, he clenched his stomach, muscles closing in on his passenger. Though his face was contorted in bliss and his eyes were shut for the same reason, Judy had a very different reaction. “Nick!” she yelled, loud enough for it to cut right through his thin and usually-flat stomach. He didn’t respond. There was a flurry of motion as she squirmed and struggled, his flesh bulging out with odd, sharp points, but he still didn’t say anything. “Nick?” she asked more quietly, worry returning to her voice. “Come on, Nick, I know you can hear me.” “Hm?” he mumbled, opening his eyes and glancing down at his belly. “Oh, sorry Carrots. I just forgot it was you in there!” he teased. He drummed his fingers on his engorged belly, waiting for a reply, but it never came. Too flustered, he imagined, which meant he’d done what he’d set out to do. She’d get him back when he spit her up though, that much he was sure of. Which was in - he glanced down, pulling out his phone - forty minutes. Looks like he still had plenty of time to play with his favorite rabbit… And play he did. He squeezed all the use he could out of the time he had, rubbing, squeezing, flaunting, and most importantly teasing his gut. Yes, he couldn’t have gone without that, not between him and Judy. After his antics with his birthday wish she had gotten fairly quiet, responding with less vigor - though whether she had worn herself out or was too flustered, he wasn’t sure. His teasing was all in good fun, though, and he would make sure that she knew that once she was back in the outside world; couldn’t have her staying upset at him, or thinking that he was serious about the things he said. Most of the things he said, anyway. Still, she did feel really good in there…
When the lion called that time was up Nick was almost sad, but Judy had told him that his stomach was really starting to get active: acid was pooling at the bottom of the chamber and slowly rising, the walls were doing their best to compact her and knead the acid into her skin, and the result of all that was she was starting to get a little tingly. Nick would be lying if he said that he couldn’t feel it too; it felt like his stomach was working on a particularly large meal, which he supposed it was. His stomach walls were squeezing and contracting at different times, a food coma was beginning to set in, and plenty of obscene gurgles and groans echoed out from his belly. With no reason to argue, he opened his maw. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was supposed to do, assuming that the old “fingers down the throat” trick wouldn’t work given that a whole person was currently residing in his stomach. So, he looked to the expert: Davey. The lion had gotten onto all fours and was steadily pressing into his stomach, same as predators (those that weren’t keeping their meals, anyway) across the room. Nick imitated them. To his (slight) surprise, he could actually feel his sphincter start to open up and Judy’s head poke through, just at the beginning of her return trip. It was weird, the feeling of something coming up his throat not only the wrong way, but in a slow and controlled manner. The rolling motions of peristalsis threatened to reclaim the rabbit and his instincts screamed at him to swallow her down once again, but physics had other plans. With less space in the fox’s stomach, she had to go somewhere! So, up she went. It wasn’t pleasant going, though. Nick was forced to squeeze his eyes shut to keep the rivulets forming in their corners from trickling down his face. This just felt like vomiting! Still, he pressed forward. His rabbit was on the line, there really wasn’t any other option. His fist sank further into his rounded stomach, and Judy’s ear tips made an appearance. The texture, the overall feeling, even the flavor was far less enticing now that it’d gone through an acid bath. He gagged, and nearly sent her all the way back down to his caustic belly. Davey, evidently having just coughed up his own meal from the spittle on his belly and the wet otter laying on the ground next to him, rushed over to Nick’s side. “Here, let me help…” The lion reached forward, placing one big hand Nick’s back and the other just in front of the fox’s neck. He gently ran a single digit up Nick’s engorged throat, coaxing the rabbit out through a layer of fox. And whether it was that or simply his calming presence that actually did it, it began to work: Judy’s forehead made an appearance at the back of his throat, followed by her nose and mouth - which, as soon as they hit air, gasped for breath. The sound registered in Nick’s ears, but barely - he opted to focus on keeping his throat moving the opposite way it was designed to. Judy’s shoulders presented the same challenge they had during consumption: they were too wide and caught in Nick’s throat, causing him to gag once again. Davey patted him on the back again, but even with the lion the challenge was doubled without gravity to assist, and limited time to stop the contractions of Nick’s throat from undoing all their work. Already, he could feel the rabbit slipping back down his tight, wet esophagus, a problem she only made worse when she tilted up her head in an effort to keep her mouth above water - or rather, tongue - and breathe. As the fox gagged and the rabbit squirmed and started to panic, Davey calmly pressed his hand down on Nick’s back, compressing the small predator’s stomach, and hooked his finger into Nick’s neck to try and find a handhold. In the former he managed to temporarily stop her descent, and in the latter he managed to catch his digit on something - likely Judy’s arm - and push upwards, forcibly (but not roughly) lifting Judy’s shoulders out from Nick’s throat. They forced their way through with a wet pop. Nick sighed. He could feel Judy starting to grow a bit restless and shimmy around inside him, her arms moving against the folds of his throat and legs stretching his belly to the sides. The pleasure from before returned. For a moment he considered worrying his jaws over her once more, but then decided against it and instead just tilted his mouth down to provide Judy a smoother descent onto the ground. “Whoooo…head rush…” Judy’s voice surprised Nick, breaking him from his closed-eyed solace. It was surreal to have a voice echoing out from just behind your teeth that wasn’t your own! He tried to mumble something (likely snarky) in response, but found that his efforts only yielded a pathetic mumble. There was a giggle from the rabbit, which was even more surreal. He’d never made a sound like that in his life, yet there it was, technically coming from his mouth. “Something wrong, Nick?” Judy teased, letting her toes curl against his stomach walls. She knew he could feel it. “Cat, uh, I mean, bunny got your tongue?” In lieu of a proper response, Nick simply rumbled with the bottom of his voice box and gave a short gulp that sent the rabbit’s shoulders once again to his throat. The reversal was far easier, his throat eager to reclaim its meal. He did catch himself, though, keeping the rabbit from slipping any further. “Alright, alright!” Judy conceded. “I get it, I get it!” Contentedly mumbling something, Nick resumed spitting her up. Now that he was getting the hang of it, things were actually getting easier by the minute. Still, he was certainly grateful for the lion’s big paw pads running over his back and neck, keeping him calm and his prey moving up his throat. Judy’s ears, laden with drool and stomach juices, flopped out of Nick’s mouth and onto the ground in a sudden, jerky movement, landing with a wet splat. They were followed, far more gradually, by Judy’s head. The rabbit twisted her body to the side, trying to avoid faceplanting in the grass, and partially succeeded - only her cheek dragged along the ground, leaving a long, wet streak behind it. Spittle matted in strands along the blades of green, connecting the rabbit and the ground beneath her. “Ugh,” Judy said, screwing up her nose. Nick could see her expression now, just barely. “I guess it’s dumb to not wanna touch the grass given I was just in your gut, but still-” she twisted her head back around to look her predator in the eye, “-it's different. At least I wanted to be inside you!” Nick tried to say something in affirmative, though it was no more effective than his other attempts. He then brought his hands forward to grab her shoulders. He had to reach inside his mouth to do so, but he figured that having a handhold would help him drag her out. Judy, meanwhile, fidgeted against the fox’s tongue, sending renewed bolts of flavor through it. He was rapidly coming back around to her taste as his stomach juices were washed off and he could really get at her proper flavor once again. After enough time, he supposed, it really wasn’t so bad to spit her back up, especially with the promise of being able to do it again… Amidst his musings, she opened her mouth to speak. “It was weird, you know, being eaten. The swallowing part was super tight, like I was being squeezed through a toothpaste tube, and uh…” she blushed, remembering how he had teased at her sensitive parts. “…your tongue actually felt really nice, especially in…certain parts. Once I got past how…different it was, anyway.” “Mmmmhmm…” Nick grumbled. He was listening, though for the most part he was still thinking about guiding the rabbit out of his maw. He pulled at her form, a wet schlrk signaling that her belly and waist were beginning to be liberated from his throat. In the still-empty air, Judy kept talking. “Then when I actually got into your stomach, that was like…” she shuddered, which (this time) helped to free her that much more. Her chest was just starting to poke out from Nick’s maw now. “…it was like a big, tight, full body hug. Like you were just…waiting for me, and so ready to accept my body. Sometimes it got a bit uncomfortable because of how tight it was, but for the most part it was just pleasant and comforting. I knew that you were all around me, and I was safe and…” Nick watched a smile play across Judy’s features as his teeth scraped over the fur on her belly. “Oh, Nick,” she sighed, “I guess I did enjoy it. When you started pressing down on me, and I could feel your fingers pressing against me through your stomach walls, that was just…incredible.” Davey, who up until then had simply been aiding the fox in expelling his prey, smiled and got up. “Well,” he said, casting a glance from Nick to Judy and back again. “Looks like you two will be alright without me. I hope you decide to come back.” And with that, he walked off. Nick didn’t even react, too focused on the task at hand, while Judy turned to respond. By the time she had swiveled her torso, though, the lion was already walking off to the next pair of mammals that needed him. So, the rabbit cast a look back over her shoulder. “I guess…” she started, hesitating as she watched her hips and butt start to lurch out of Nick’s mouth. She gasped and thrust her hands in front of her to keep from simply sprawling onto the grass, barely stopping her nose from becoming well-acquainted with the dirt. “Mrrm?” Nick asked, carefully sinking his teeth into her rear to stop her descent. Judy looked over her shoulder again, her amethyst gaze meeting Nick’s emerald one. The fox tilted his head slightly, seeming to gesture towards Judy’s precarious handhold. She shook her head, smiling. “No, no, I’m alright. In fact, I…I guess I could be convinced to do this again. I did have fun, Nick.” She cast a quick glance from side to side, checking for any onlookers before finishing. “Sweetheart.” Nick smiled. He would have said something back, too, if it weren’t for the fact that his maw was still occupied. Instead, he rubbed his thumbs over her reassuringly as he adjusted his grip, then pulled again. It was just her legs now, and those were just as smooth coming up as going down. Nick moved past them with ease, and gave Judy’s feet a parting lick before he leaned back, letting the rabbit have space while he recovered and looked her over. Judy was laid on her stomach - well, her elbows propped her up, but mostly her stomach - and absolutely soaking wet. Her fur was matted and squashed in odd places, and Nick could see droplets of spit all on her and the ground around her. An onlooker might have guessed she just come from a waterpark, or climbed out of the bath. That was partially true, it was just this particular bath was an acid bath. He leaned forward, not sure what to do. He supposed he should make sure of her health, right? Clearly, she was breathing, but unless he could run his hands over her, he doubted he could get a good idea of her health, and he didn’t want to startle her. Silly as it was, it didn’t feel right to bother her despite the fact that he had just spit her up. So, he tried a distanced approach. “Hey-” he rasped. His voice was hoarse and rough, like there were thorns in his vocal cords... The fox coughed, then tried again. “Hey, Carrots?” Much better that time. Judy turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. She flashed him one of those bucktoothed smiles of hers, and he instantly felt better. “Yeah, Nicky?” she replied. Oh, yeah, he thought, she’s alright. Already back to using nicknames. Resilient little bunny. Like a ball of rubber… He offered a little smile of his own. “Just checking to make sure you’re alright. How’s your fur feeling?” He didn’t exactly know what fox-stomach enzymes did to a bunny coat, but he had to guess it was not good things. She flipped over herself before drawing up to sit straight, then patted herself down. “You know,” she smirked, “a little tingly, but nothing too bad. Most of my fur is still here-” She paused and tilted her head to the side. Leaning forward, she reached at Nick’s muzzle and plucked a little gray tuft of fur from his lips, then slapped it onto her arm. “There we go,” she said, nodding. “That should be all of it.” Nick shook his head and raised an eyebrow at her, though he was grinning from ear to ear. “Alright, rabbit, I see how it is. Wanna see where all the rest of your fur is?” He quipped, playfully getting on all fours and starting toward her. Judy snorted at the sight, closing her eyes and trying to stifle her laughter as she watched Nick attempt - sloppily - to stalk her. He wound around her, tail flowing, or more accurately jerking awkwardly, behind him. She opened her eyes to see he had made one rotation, now crouched in front of her with a snarl no one, not even he, could take seriously. “Gr.” he deadpanned. She smiled and shook her head. “Dumb fox,” she said simply. He lunged forward suddenly, planting his paws on her chest and forcing her (gently!) to the ground. “No!” he proclaimed, “Predatory fox! Strong fox!” Judy forced her eyes to half-lid, smirking at Nick with a sly smile. “I don’t believe you,” She said simply, a challenging air in her voice. Almost as if she were saying, ‘I dare you.’ Nick raised his eyebrows. “Oh?” he responded, his own voice mirroring her own in its sudden seriousness. “You don’t think I can be predatory? Well, normally I’d just bolt you down, but seeing as doing that didn’t convince you…well. I’ll just have to try something different.” Judy opened her mouth to make a retort, but found that her mouth - and in fact her whole face - almost immediately covered in fox fur! Nick had scurried forward, positioning his abdomen directly above her head, and let his weight down on her. It had happened too quickly for her to do anything to stop it, or even move. All she could do was lay there under him, arms at her sides, legs free but unable to gain any purchase. Nick, meanwhile, slowly ground his belly into her face. She’d been just begging to be teased, it’d be rude not to oblige. “Hope you don’t mind being pushed right up against the place where you belong, Carrots,” he rumbled, the noise reverberating through his whole frame. Underneath him, Judy fidgeted to get comfortable. Really, it wasn’t that difficult given how soft Nick’s fur was, but there was still a lot of it, and it was hot. It definitely didn’t help that Nick’s stomach was still, apparently, active from when Judy had just been in it. It was letting out a chorus of gurgles and growls as acids emptied into it only to find that their charge had been taken from them - and apparently, that didn’t sit well. Grrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwl… A particularly large growl caught Nick’s attention, and he looked down his chest. “Heh, hear that, Carrots?” he asked. “I think my belly misses you…” He closed his eyes and started to settle on top of Judy, putting the majority of his weight right on her face, the only point of contact his stomach. In response, it let out another elongated. Gwwwwoooooorrrrrrrrl “Heh…yeah, it misses you alright. Crazy to think you were in there a couple minutes ago, huh?” Judy took in a deep breath, just focusing on taking in air through the thick veil of Nick’s fur. Underneath it all, though, she was definitely blushing. Yes, they would have to do this again, even if she still felt a bit awkward about it. Nick wasn’t quite satisfied with that, though. He rolled his hips, actively pushing his stomach into her. “Got anything to say, rabbit?” he teased. “Mmmmh…” Judy managed, wrapping her arms around Nick - coincidentally, that also increased the pressure on her. Nick chuckled. This time, with how pressed onto her he was, the sound reverberated through her as well as him. “I guess you miss it too. We should probably get something to fill it before it just…” he shuddered, though it was entirely fabricated. “…takes over.” It was difficult to tell, but he was pretty sure he felt Judy nod there underneath him. At any rate, she was certainly rubbing against his belly, either to spread her scent, gather his, or just because it was plain enjoyable. Idly, he cast his gaze around the room, and realized, with a jolt, that he had an audience! A brown-and-white spotted bunny was watching from the sidelines, his fur dry - clearly, he’d been missed in all the excitement. He didn’t appear to be upset though, Nick noted, as the rabbit was sporting some “excitement” of his own. The rabbit noticed he’d been spotted at almost the exact time Nick actually noticed him. The fox shot him a toothy grin and brought up a hand, beckoning with a single digit. After a moment of hesitation, the nervous rabbit obliged. Nick didn’t move from his perch on top of Judy. He did figure it was only fair to inform her, though. “Hey, Carrots, I think someone’s jealous of you! He’s on his way over, you might have to get ready for company.” Judy’s only reply was a happy, “Mmmmmmm…” Nick focused his attention on the rabbit. He was slight of build, even for his species, and he waled with strides as short as he was. He was almost shuffling, in fact. What he lacked in long strides and a long body, though, he made up for in his coat - Nick couldn’t help but note that it was beautiful, and was clearly well taken care of. It was freshly combed, nearly glistening, and as the rabbit got closer, he realized that the blotched lapine had used scented shampoo. It smelled like…rosemary? Yes, yes it was rosemary. Slight, like it would come off in a drizzle, but it was definitely there. Nick waved at the rabbit as he approached, not knowing what else to do. “Well, hey there.” The rabbit responded, his voice small and fairly high. “H-hello. I, um…” he fidgeted in place. “I’m sorry for staring at you.” Nick shook his head. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it. I was just playing with my rabbit here-” Judy gave him a sharp squeeze, which didn’t completely drive the air from his lungs. This new rabbit cut him off before he recovered, talking quickly. “I just couldn’t help it. I came here today to get eaten, I wanted to go all the way with a pred. Like my friends-” the bull, still off to the side and nursing his bulge, let out a massive belch. “-we all came here wanting to have a great time, you know?” Nick nodded. “Mmmhm.” Then a thought struck him, and he suddenly had a much better idea of where this conversation was going. “Why didn’t you?” “Why d-didn’t I what?” the rabbit stammered quickly. “Get eaten?” the fox repeated. “You said you and your friends came here to get eaten. Why didn’t you?” The bunny looked down at his feet. “I got scared,” he confessed. “But…but watching you spit her up,” he gestured to Judy, “and now play with her, I…you know, I…got over it. If you know what I mean” He looked up at the fox, eyeing him carefully. “You wouldn’t still be hungry, by any chance, would you?” Nick raised his eyebrows. Well, he’d just come right out with it. He wasn’t quite sure he wanted to go just as far as the rabbit wanted, though. “Well…” he started, “I don’t know that-” GROWWWWWWWWWWAWOWWWWWWW! A loud grumble from Nick’s stomach cut him off. The rabbit’s natural scent was starting to reach Nick’s nose, tickling his scent glands and making his mouth water. He imagined what the bunny would taste like, having a pretty good idea…rosemary and the gamey meat of rabbit. That, plus the mention of his newfound pleasure and the tantalizing prospect that it wouldn’t end this time clearly had his stomach worked up. Still, he reasoned, best to be sure. “Just how far are you wanting to go?” The rabbit looked up. There was a bit of fear still in his eyes, but Nick clearly saw that he’d made a decision. “I want you to eat me. I want your stomach to compact me, kneading over me to work your acids into my skin. I want to slowly stop struggling as you belch the air up from your stomach, and fade out just as I start to melt away. I want to become nothing but fat and fur on your flank and fuel for your body.” He steadied himself, though a hand still held his arm sheepishly. “I want to be digested.” Nick had to admit that the prospect was very enticing. When Judy was in his stomach, he had definitely caught his mind drifting, imagining Judy taking the fate that this rabbit was now offering himself to. Still, Judy’s consideration was as important as his - there was their new hobby at stake, but could she live with him? Sometime during that little speech, Judy had popped out from under Nick’s belly. He looked down, making eye contact with her. “What do you think, Judy? This rabbit wants me to eat him. Are you alright with that?” She took a while to consider. It was a big decision, after all, to hold a mammal’s fate in her hands. The other rabbit shuffled from one foot to the other, glancing to her, then to Nick, then down to the fox’s belly. He blushed, his excitement becoming more prominent, and looked away. There wouldn’t be any dissuading him. It was just a matter of what predator got him. “Yes,” she said finally, her brow furrowed in consideration. “I…yes. I guess I’m alright with that. As long as he’s sure, that’s…that’s his choice.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, like she was making a big decision. “Yes. Let’s do it.” Nick smiled, feeling twin joy and anticipation bloom in his chest. The reaction surprised him a bit, but he realized that this was what he wanted. Ever since he had discovered that this was possible. It was what he was made for, and even if he’d kept a cap on it before, he couldn’t hold down an instinct to consume forever. “What’s your name?” Nick asked. “Leonard.” the rabbit replied. “Well, Leonard,” Nick said, smiling a toothy, predatory smile. “I think you’ll find ‘Foxfat’ suits you much better.”
The trio found themselves making a beeline to Davey, the lion leaned up against a wall and idly talking with Emmet. As they arrived, Nick was the first to speak. “Hey, big guy!” he called. “We need to talk real quick!” The lion’s ears flicked at the sound, and he turned to face the oncoming mammals. Then, he smiled warmly. “What can I do for you?” “Well, this guy,” Nick started, playfully knocking at Leonard’s arm, “wants to take a trip down a fox gullet. And I’d like to accommodate him.” Davey furrowed his brow, tilting his head to the side. “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand. You don’t need my permission, that’s up to…” he turned his broad head to the mottled rabbit, “Leonard, right?” “That’s right,” the bunny replied softly, looking up at the lion almost as if he were embarrassed. “It’s just, uh…I want to stay there…longer than might be safe?” He finished at almost a squeak, barely speaking at all. What an ordeal this must have been for the little rabbit! Nick shook his head and clucked his tongue, wrapping an arm around the rabbit protectively (or possessively, depending on your perspective). “That’s right,” he confirmed, jostling his prey lightly, “Leonard here wants to be fox food.” “Ah, the lion said, as understanding flickered in his eyes. “I see. Well, there are no contracts to sign. No legal anything, seeing as there won’t be anything left to certify or dispute it. It’s just the sacred bond between predator and prey, as long as both are willing. It’s all up to Leonard here, and should he agree, well. Then the two of you will be able to find harmony.” With that little speech, he smiled toothily at the rabbit, which did little to ease his audibly beating heart. Still, there was a certain conviction within him that could not be broken. And hearing all the talk of him being prey, he couldn’t find it within him to resist. “I want this.” He said firmly. Somehow, the lion grinned even wider, showing off more sharp fangs. “Lovely! I was wondering when you’d finally find a suitable predator!” he boomed, almost knocking the three mammals in front of him over. “I’m glad realized your place, Leonard.” He nodded to the now-blushing rabbit and turned back to Nick. “Room four. Count the columns, you’ll find it. You can stay there as long as you need.” His gaze never wavered from the fox during his instruction. Now that Leonard had given the go ahead, to the lion he was just…food. Meat that had found where it belonged. And Judy was a bystander, content to simply observe the exchange. Why speak with anyone but the predator, the top of the food chain? Nick nodded his thanks, then turned and ushered his prey along, trusting Judy to follow. As they walked, he talked, “For what it's worth,” he drawled, “I’m glad you found your place, too.” The rabbit blushed a deeper shade of crimson. They each had their reasons for retreating to the privacy of the room Mystic Springs offered. For Leonard, this would be his last decision; it was a momentous occasion, almost intimate. He didn’t want an audience - at least, not one larger than it had to be. Nick, on the other hand, was a new predator, and Leonard would be the first prey that was making a one-way trip to his gut. There was something in that, even if it might not be the last time that he did it. And as for Judy, well, she was mostly grateful for the chance to get out of sight while she was still de-clothed. And, of course, there was the aftermath. Who knew what was in store there? The door they entered through left them in one corner of the room, providing them an excellent vantage point to the whole thing. Nick cast his eyes around, nodding in approval. It was fairly spacious, having been made for medium mammals, of which Nick was barely one. Modest furnishings were scattered about, the only notables of which looked to be a couch against a nearby wall and a coffee table in front of that. In the far corner, there was a small doorway which appeared to lead to a bathroom. In the middle of the far wall, flanked by wooden night tables, there was a bed, more than big enough for the three of them, low enough for each to step onto it easily, and covered with a set of plain red sheets and pillows. They looked comfy and plush, certainly a welcome feature. Especially after a heavy meal, the fox noted, eyes tracing once again over the male rabbit to his left. Leonard glanced up, feeling the fox’s eyes on him, and was met by Nick’s gaze. Nick grinned and raised his hand, wiggling his fingers at the rabbit. “Hullo!” the fox said cheerily. “H-hi…” Leonard offered weakly, shifting on his feet. Their walk, where he was situated right next to the gut that would soon envelop him, clearly hadn’t done anything for his nervousness. Still - all Nick had to do to was look down to see that the blotched male was, shall we say, looking forward to his fate. “Well, little rabbit…” he started, feeling himself slide into a similar stance as when he had devoured Judy earlier: crouched and coiled, almost as if he were stalking some unsuspecting rodent. “I’m starving, and I think we both know where this is going. I don’t see any reason to delay…unless you do, meat.” Nick was surprised at how naturally the words came to him, and at how much he actually meant them. He was rapidly coming around to the fact that this rabbit would be his dinner tonight. And breakfast, and maybe lunch, tomorrow. The only difficulty was what way he would swallow his prey: head or feet first? The smaller male certainly didn’t have any problem with the teasing, his erection growing by the second. It had died down a bit on the way to the room, but now…now it was anything but dead. He let out a strangled breath, simply overwhelmed. “N-no-” he finally managed, before drawing another deep breath. Nick chuckled, and stepped forward. He had decided - he would eat Leonard like he had Judy, head first. “Well, then, I see no reason to wait-!” he said, cutting off th last syllable by lunging forward. Leonard let out a squeak, which was promptly enveloped - along with his head - by Nick’s jaws. The fox had opened them impossibly wide, eves squeezed shut, and plunged them full force over his prey. He made it to the shoulders, Leonard’s head easily passing into Nick’s throat, and Nick’s jaws making it to the middle of the rabbit’s chest at their furthest point. It was all very sudden, almost too sudden! Leonard began to struggle, his arms flailing for a handhold and body twisting from side to side. Nick’s eyelids squeezed shut even further, and he suppressed a gag as a tear fought its way out of the corner of his eye. This was definitely not part of the plan! Thinking quickly, he thrust his hands forward to pin Leonard’s arms to his sides. Stopping the main point of external struggling definitely helped - without anything to really push off was, Leonard was forced to sit in the fox’s throat, fleshy walls gently rippling over his face. The funny thing was, Nick could actually feel the rabbit’s face in his throat: the twitching nose, the short breaths, even the movements of the floppy ears - though the actual ears were pressed against the rabbit’s back and partially outside of his mouth, the muscles that controlled them were very much inside his mouth. It was an odd sensation, to be able to feel all of that, but not an unpleasant one at all. Now that the initial frenzy was over, Nick could feel his meal settling in and becoming more docile. The fox sighed with relief, a gentle wash of air exiting around the rabbit in his mouth. As he breathed back in, he noticed something odd: the rabbit was, slowly, making his way in as well! Looking down revealed the culprit to be the rabbit’s own feet; he was pushing himself in all by himself. Nick chuckled. All that struggle, and now his prey was feeding himself to the fox! Still, Nick thought as he tightened his grip and put a stop to it, can’t let a good meal go too fast. The fox began to slather his tongue across his prey, carefully considering the taste. It was…something, he had to admit. Compared to Judy, his only real frame of reference, he had to say that he would have preferred her taste. Maybe it was something about the fact that she was his mate, or maybe Judy simply tasted better, or maybe Nick’s meal preferences mirrored his sexual ones. He just wished it was Judy in his jaws! That wasn’t to say the rabbit tasted bad, far from it! The mammal had a full, in-your-face taste that demanded attention, a stark juxtaposition from his personality. It was gamey, like Judy’s, but powerful, and absolutely reeked of male musk. It was as if someone had taken the good aspects of the forest, a boys’ locker room, and a barn with day-old hay and mashed them all together just for someone to taste. And the rosemary in his shampoo - real rosemary - complimented his flavor beautifully. Nick could feel his saliva starting to leak out of his mouth and down the rabbit’s chest and shoulders, small rivers of the sticky liquid dutifully trying to make their way to the floor. He worked his tongue out of his mouth and around the rabbit’s body, even twisting his prey in his jaws to try and gather up his saliva. All he accomplished, though, was to spread more streaks across the brown and white fur and gather up more flavor. The same hunger as before was overtaking him, an instinctual desire to pack the rabbit away inside him. He needed more. Nick gulped, forcing his mouth around the rabbit’s shoulders. His prey’s face started to bulge out in his neck, features clear to see, contorted in some combination of morbid fascination, fear, and excitement. They came to rest just under where Nick’s head met his trunk. Vulpine teeth scraped along a lapine ribcage. This rabbit was bigger than Judy, but not by much. Judy, Nick realized, opening his eyes. How was she reacting to all this? He fought through his instincts to look around the room, taking in his surroundings, and quickly found her. She was standing right in front of him, staring in complete fascination. Her amethyst eyes were open wide, her little buck teeth biting her lip in a familiar mask of concentration. One hand was rested on top of her breast, and the other settled firmly into her thigh. And, Nick realized with a small jolt of electric excitement up his spine, that thigh had a streak of wet tracing from where Judy’s legs met her body to where her hand was, and her fingers were similarly glistening. As he watched, Judy’s hand slipped upwards again, seeming to move independent of her instruction. Given her expression, she seemed to be just as puzzled by her arousal as he was. And just then, someone else’s arousal made an appearance by poking the fox right in the stomach. Nick had to quickly throw his head back to keep the rabbit from falling out of his mouth, and that caused the warm rod to poke him in the stomach once again. It left a short, wet streak in his fur, and he knew from experience it would be a pain to clean. Nick found himself empathizing, though - his own red rocket was starting to peek out of its sheath! Fuck it, he decided, in spite of himself, his better judgement, and the absurdity of it all. Let’s go with the flow. He stepped forward, growling slightly, and took another rolling gulp. His prey squirmed, the face passing into his chest as he pushed the rabbit in further. The long feet that had dragged along the floor now hung freely, bouncing off Nick’s chest and belly as he moved. Judy gasped at the display, watching another body of her kind moving through the fox in front of her, though judging by her pleased expression she was feeling anything but distress. Nick made a show of moving his hands down from the rabbit’s sides - they were getting soaked by his mouth and all the excess saliva it was producing - and to his prey’s lower thighs. He closed his eyes again, tongue teasing over the rabbit’s stomach, and moaned in pleasure. The rosemary was stronger here, soaked up by the extra fluff on the male’s tummy, and it definitely didn’t harm the flavor one bit. Nick was vaguely aware of the grip his jaws had getting tighter, slowly tighter. His fangs pressed through scruffy outer fur, then soft down, and finally met tender meat. There was a squeak from inside of his chest, and something told him to press just a bit harder… “Nick…” a breathless voice moaned at him. “Nick, you’re…don’t break him.” Nick’s eyes slowly opened, though his jaws didn’t. Judy was still there in front of him, closer now. She was actively touching herself now, the hand over her breast now squeezing and teasing at her nipple, the other stroking in slow circles around her clit. Despite the slackjawed look she wore, she still managed to have a concerned expression. “Don’t break him…” she repeated. Trying to step forward, Nick stumbled and fell into Judy. The pair nearly fell over, but Nick righted himself and wrapped his arms around Judy to keep her upright as well. She was pressed into his stomach, given a front-row seat to his consumption. Leonard chose that moment to squirm. His feet scrabbled against Nick’s chest, and though he didn’t manage to actually do much, he did upset his fragile perch on Nick’s teeth just enough to draw blood. Two conflicting sides of his brain immediately laid out responses. There is blood in my mouth, his mind said. This is not good. It’s rabbit blood, his instincts pointed out. It should not be there! his mind protested It tastes good, his instincts countered. Want more. No, his mind replied. We definitely don’t. Yes, we do! His instincts insisted. In the end, they compromised. Nick swiped his tongue across his prey, lapping up the blood that had seeped out. He wrapped the strong organ around the rabbit’s midsection, seeking any more flavor there was to find, feeling a slow ooze of the new, overwhelming taste seep out, then gulped again. The rabbit’s head was starting to poke out into his stomach, Nick could feel it. Judy might not have been able to, but judging from her low moan she might have been aware of a bit of squirming. He put a hand to the back of her head, pressing in, grinding her head into his belly. He rubbed his tongue around his prey once again, the rabbit nothing but a pair of legs to the outside world. His lower half was no less tasty than the rest of him, either, and though Nick might have preferred to have it differently, there was no avoiding the rabbit’s now stark erection. No matter which way his tongue moved, it still dragged along the prey thing's throbbing male hood. Leonard - yes, Nick had to remind himself that his meal had a name, what with the haze of his instinctual voices - Leonard’s male hood had a flavor all its own, distinct from the rest of him. No less pleasant, mind you, but different. Without any reason to linger, Nick swallowed again. It barely registered with Nick, but as his throat began to contract and ripple around the rabbit’s hips, there was a shudder from the male inside him. Short, but intense. It paused his descent momentarily, then he slipped down even more quickly into his predator. This time it was painfully obvious that his stomach was being filled. Leonard began to spill out into the fox, curling up like Judy before him, the stomach even more ready to accept the gift. Judy was pushed back by the force of it, but held firm in place by Nick’s grip. In the end she had to arch her back, curled around the fox’s bulging belly. Grrrrrrrlllll! Nick’s stomach growled happily, and he stepped forward again. Then again. And again. He was taking gradual, stuttering movements towards the bed, wanting to be near it for the comedown. He knew, with Judy outside of him now and how worked up they both were, it would come in handy. He swallowed once more, guiding lapine foot paws into his maw. His belly was really bulging out now, and he wrapped his tongue around his prey’s calves to stop the descent briefly. He wanted the opportunity for both him and Judy to simply appreciate what was happening, the feeling of his stomach nearly full… It was then that he reached the bed, and squeezed Judy between it and his gut. She fell backwards on her back, sighing heavily, and wrapped her legs around him. That caused his stomach to tighten, belly compressing, and Nick’s eyes widened as he realized that his meal was starting to come up! He couldn’t have that. Determinedly, he swallowed again, then again, then again. With a series of staccato, stuttering swallows and the help of both gravity and peristalsis, Nick managed to bolt down the rest of his meal despite Judy’s accidental intervention. The rabbit inside of him was forced more and more to curl up as his middle, then his thighs, then calves spilling out on top of him. They had to go somewhere, and Nick’s stomach was uncompromising, kneading and pushing to compact his prey into the smallest package possible. So, curl he did. As Nick felt the rabbit’s paws disappearing behind his sphincter, he felt something else coming up, something far more familiar. Any air that had been there had to go somewhere, so… Buuuuuuuurrrrraaaap! Nick let out a raucous, rolling belch, swelling of rosemary. It wafted through the room, over his nose, and down to Judy, who wrinkled her nose. “Ew,” she said simply. “Gross.” “Aw, come on,” Nick smirked. He gently slipped his hands beneath Judy’s back. Succeeding, he lifted her up and overtop of his belly; he looked just a little more than pregnant, enough to settle her on comfortably. He did so. “Don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet now~” She sat on his stomach like an irregular beanbag as it squirmed underneath her. Leonard trying to get comfortable, Nick realized. She found herself grinding down into the belly, securing her spot, settling down the prey inside, and teasing her sensitive bits all in one move. “You know what I meant, gasbag,” she retorted, though there was a smile on her face. She placed her hands on either of his shoulders, smiling languidly. “Urp,” Nick belched in response. The movement had caused more stale air to make its way up - albeit in a lower quantity. “Not sorry,” he teased, sticking out his tongue. Judy leaned in close, her nose twitching. “Shut up, Slick,” she whispered, leaning in for a deep kiss. Nick happily obliged They stayed like that for a few long seconds, enjoying the feel of each other. Their lips danced in passion, Judy’s mouth opening to Nick. It was an opening he took, tongue snaking in to dutifully taste at her, in a very literal way. Though this time, he didn’t intend on getting any more than a taste. Nick’s prey had to ruin the moment, a poorly timed kick jolting the two against one another. If she hadn’t been quick enough to pull back, Judy might have sheared Nick’s tongue right off! That would have been one hell of a story for the paramedics. The pair looked down at the fox’s belly at the same time, watching it bulge and kick out obscenely. Judy was the first to say anything. Her gaze returned to Nick, eyes half-lid as she asked, “What say we, ah,” she leaned in for the last bit, whispering in his ear, “quiet him down?” Nick’s own gaze shot up to meet the rabbit’s, and he grinned. “Why, of course,” he growled, leaning forward to gently roll her off. “I’d love nothing more, you sly bunny.” Judy crawled up to the pillows, planting her paws firmly on the covers. Her tail hung in the air, rear end right behind it. She swayed her butt back and forth and stuck out her tongue. A little tease. “Come and get it, you dumb fox.”
 In Zootopia, anyone could be anything. A rabbit could become a police officer. A fox could be a baker. An overweight cheetah could be one of the most lovable things one could imagine, despite being the exact opposite of what his species was known for. Creatures usually suited for running away and hiding could be out on the front lines protecting people, while big, bad predators could be cowering in the corner and fearing for their safety. While the motto wasn’t always a good thing, it was one that the city carried with pride. Anyone could be anything. But in Zootopia, there was one place that you could never be anything but an item – an object, viewed by the owner of said place as nothing but a form of sustenance, a way of life. In Judy Hopps’ belly, anyone could be food. It was unnatural. Horrifying, even. The fox had been trapped in the stomach of this…rabbit for an amount of time he had no way of counting. His captor barely spoke to him at all, let alone properly acknowledging that he was a living being and not a piece of food she had eaten like any other. The dark, slimy confines of Judy’s stomach constantly rippled and rolled around him, clearly annoyed but not inhibited by the presence of something that definitely wasn’t supposed to be in there. A rabbit’s stomach was not designed for meat. This was a fact that was generally just understood, but for Judy’s body it was no issue. That being said… It was still a stomach, and a stomach was horrible by design. The pitch blackness of the rabbit’s gut only offered the slightest amount of light, mostly provided by how completely stuffed she was. Her vulpine captive was tightly compressed, having to often struggle or shift just to keep his head out of the rancid slop that sloshed and bubbled beneath him. The stomach walls rolled and churned, constantly pummeling the fox with their muscular power – muscles that were trained not only through working out and fighting at the police training academy, but by eating plenty of other meals just. Like. Him. Judy Hopps’ stomach reeked, the stench of digested meat that was definitely not meant to be in here singing the poor fox’s nose. The over-stretched organ roared in his sensitive ears like a bear. He wished he was inside a bear, at this point. At least a bear would digest him faster than this. For Nicholas Piberius Wilde, it was a fate worse than death. When Nick pushed out, or even tried calling for help, all he got in response – at most – was a thick, gastric expulsion of air from above, sapping the already thin and stale air that he currently sat in. He had already tried a few bargains, but none were even considered, let alone answered. Judy was barely encumbered at all. The rabbit, however, certainly looked like she should be. As the sun began to creep in through the blinds of her apartment window, she had no choice but to wake up. Paying no mind to the comfort of her captive, she swung herself upright, her belly violently glorshing and sloshing as Nick was tossed this way and that inside. Gghhhuuoourrp… “Uugh…” Judy smacked her lips, spitting out a few flecks of orange fur. “Gross.” She grumbled, then hopped out of bed with surprising agility given her added weight. Nick audibly yelped in discomfort, before a hand firmly impacted the spot where his face was and made him shut up. “Hmh. Guess I don’t need breakfast…” Judy mumbled tiredly to herself, her currently completely naked form slowly lumbering towards the bathroom. “Need a shower, though.” Ever since she finished off the Nighthowler case, she had been given enough of a pay raise to afford an apartment with a proper bathroom. She still loved the cramped quarters, but it was nice to have a shower. Often, it helped with digestion. “G-gghaha…Officer…” Nick’s voice was weak, strained, and almost inaudible. Being inside her for so long with basically no food or water, he was getting weak – though she sometimes swallowed a bit of water to keep him going. She didn’t want him going rotten in her stomach before he was digested, after all. “L-look…look, okay?” He grimaced. Opening his mouth made him taste the stale, awful air of Judy’s gut, but he didn’t let that deter him. He was a smart fox – he could find a way out of this. “I…I’ve got money, but-” BhhhhooouuuUUUURRRrrphhrrp. Judy responded with a harsh belch that stung at her throat, making her wince and smack her chest. In the mornings, she often had bad breath, and that extended to her belches as well. “Eugh…yeah, nice try.” She slapped her stomach with a flat hand, making Nick audibly yelp inside. “I don’t take bribes. ‘Specially when you’re pretty much saving me a month of groceries already…” “I-I-…” Nick swallowed, shifting around and trying to get into an easier position, but he felt Judy’s hand press back harshly. “O-okay, yeah, gotcha! Well…hey, uh, a cop like you can’t deny…uh…information, right?! I got plenty of dirt on plenty of folks. Uh…Mr. Big, you know him right? He’s the biggest crime boss in town, but I can give you whatever you need-…” “Heh.” Judy responded, trailing a hand down her gut and pressing it against her lower belly…before reaching back and firmly SMACKing her plump, currently nude bunny butt. “Don’t sweat it, slick.” She continued, tracing circles around her belly, her voice lowering to barely a deep murmur. “He left around the same time you came in…” …Nick went silent at that. He wanted to say she was bluffing, or kidding, or embellishing. Surely she hadn’t just…waltzed up and eaten the crime boss who owned half of the city’s underworld. But…then again, this was the rabbit who grabbed him by the shirt and shoveled him down her throat faster than he could even say anything…so he didn’t put it past her. At that moment, something bumped against Nick’s thigh. He wiggled, he squirmed, he tried to crane his neck to see what it was without breaking something. Luckily, his vulpine eyes offered him some degree of night vision… But when he looked, he wish he hadn’t seen it. Floating in the gut-sludge that surrounded Nick Wilde was a small skull. To many, it would have been unnoticeable, or look like a pebble. But he recognized it. Not a mouse, not a rat…a shrew. The skull of a very, very well known shrew. She wasn’t bluffing. Nick thrashed, frantically pushing out at the stomach wall and kicking against it. “O-okay, okay!” He yelled, his calm and suave demeanor all but broken. “F- d-damnit, just- just let me out! I’ll go to jail, whatever you want! I admit it, okay?! I broke the law! I didn’t pay my taxes, whatever! Just- just let me GO!” “Mmhm.” Judy smacked her stomach firmly. Ggwoorrbbl, bllorrp! “Oh, shush.” She snarled, though it was unclear who she was talking to – her stomach, or her meal. “I’ve heard it all before. Y’know Lionheart was still thrashing by this point.” She felt Nick tense slightly as she said that. Surely, the revelation that she was the reason Lionheart had disappeared was a shocking one. “Y-you…you’re not…no. You- there’s no WAY. You can’t be serious…” “DEAD serious.” Judy grinned, poking a finger into the sloshing mass of her gut.” “H-he…he’s been missing for over a month…he- th-they thought he ran away!” “Yeah.” Judy chuckled, patting her chest and swallowing down another juicy burp. “Took him about that long to break down. Least till I could walk. God, I was stuck in my apartment for like, three WEEKS.” “B-but…how?! How the hell can- how can a RABBIT like you eat a- a LION?!” “Well, you’re a fox. You tell me.” Judy slapped her stomach again. Ggggwwooorllsssh, blloorrph, sloorsh. “Gosh…I could tell you all about it, honestly. The fun part wasn’t even getting to him – I’m a cop, I can do that. The fun part is…no one knew. I was at my apartment here for weeks…” She gripped her belly, sloshing it a bit, shaking Nick around, much to his displeasure. “And wheeEEEUURrrrrpn someone called to ask me about it, I just waved it off. They believed me.” Nick made a noise. It was somewhere between a meep and a whine. “Y-you-…you can’t…you can’t be serious…” “Of course I am.” Judy chuckled. “Didn’t you hear me? C’mon.” She patted her gut as she stuck a hand under the water coming from the shower head, checking the temperature. This old building took forever to warm up the water. “Honestly…compared to him, you’re weak as hell. Pardon my language.” She giggled, licking her lips. “But seriously. He nearly got out, y’know that? He was strong. Buuut…yooou…” She traced circles around where she was pretty sure Nick’s face resided. “You’re just a weak. Little. Fox.” “I-I’m…I’m bigger than you!” Nick squeaked. He couldn’t believe this. It was all too…unreal. This had to all be a dream…but the constant crushing and rolling of her gut muscles told him it definitely wasn’t. “Yeeeah…and how’s that helping you, slick?” The bunny patted her gut, reaching out to test the water again, then smiling at the sensation of warmth hitting her fur. She lifted one leg up, squashing her thigh up against her bulbous belly, then stepped into the shower while Nick continued to garble frantic pleas and attempts at grasping her attention. As the warm water began to trickle down her shortstack form, Judy allowed her mind to wander along with her hands. She felt along her fur, starting at the highest point near her chest, then slowly tracing along the vast, glorping globe that was her stomach. It was truly huge, compared to what it would be if she were, say, pregnant – she could hardly really pass as pregnant even for a rabbit, given that evolution didn’t often deign to make a creature so massively encumbered through reproduction that they would instantly be brought down simply by their own weight. Her hands moved lower, and she experimentally pushed in near her belly button, which she could barely reach. Mmffn! Ggrrphmnn! Came a faint voice from inside. Bbblorrtt…ggllorrppbbrrrbbl. Judy couldn’t help but smirk a bit, giving her gut a few firm pats. “Mmhmm…” She snickered. “I hear ya.” She couldn’t. She was just going to assume he was trying to apologize. Or complain. Either way, he could take it up with her stomach. The rabbit’s rotund belly lurched as she made that remark. GWORSH! Sllrrrsh, bbllrt, gloorrp. It shook around a bit for a moment, the contents violently trembling and bubbling before its surface settled down again. Already Nick was feeling tired – that much she knew. She’d be sure to liven things up a bit, though. Grabbing hold of her shampoo, she began lathering herself up. The soothing sensation of bubbly soap spreading across her body made her smile, eyes closing as she flopped her ears down against her back and scrubbed all over her head to get her fur nice and clean, letting the water naturally capture the suds and sweep them down the drain. Unable to resist, she slapped her gut again and taunted, “Hey, fox. That’ll be you in a few weeks.” GRMMPHHH! DDMMB BRRNNY! Judy raised an eyebrow, watching her stomach thrash and shake around. “Uurgh…stop squirming in there, slick, yoOOOOOooouuRRRrrrrph’re gonna give me- h-uuuUUAAoorrp- gas.” She shook her head, smacking her chest as she felt something bundling up in her throat, slightly sizzling with stomach acids. She coughed slightly, again smacking her chest. Burrrlph…h-uuurrp… “Ghhuh…c’mon…” She heaved, her jaws parting with a steamy, rippling h-oooOOUUUURRrrrp! As a familiar green Hawaiian shirt slopped out of her throat, absolutely soaked in stomach juices and saliva. It splatted to the ground in the shower, slightly sizzling, but otherwise undamaged. “Huh…” She reached down, uncomfortably squishing her belly against her legs before straightening up and shaking the shirt a bit. “Eugh. Gross. But also…functional.” She tilted her head as she started rinsing it in the shower water. It was a bit discolored, but her stomach being as weak as it was – relatively to, say, a lion – it was undamaged. “I’ll keep it…not like any of my shirts are gonna fit right now.” SLAP. “Th-that’s MY shirt!” Nick tried to make some muffled sound, but Judy just shrugged and hung the shirt over the rail that the shower curtain hung from. She’d wash it later. “You’re not gonna need it.” She snickered. “Y-you- you’re seriously not letting me out?! Like, at all?! that- that can’t be police procedure! Even…even that bear cop from a few months back only pretended he was going to eat me in the first place…!” “Officer Ursa?” Judy snickered, covering her mouth. “He’s all fluff. Probably. If he’s not…he’s good at hiding it. Me? I’m not.” She groped her gut as an example. “Pretty hard to.” “D-damnit…” Nick whimpered quietly. Judy admired herself. She couldn’t manage not to. She had never considered herself particularly vain or obsessed with looks, but ever since discovering the glories of eating people she had found herself far more invested in the way her curvy form was presented. She slowly swayed her hips, moving them from side to side, her belly GLUNKing and slorshing with each movement as the waves of gut-slop and Nick’s own body crashed against the walls. Judy fondled her gut, running her hands down it and groping her thighs, then moving back and squeezing her thick, wobbling cheeks. “Wh-what’re you doing out there, c-carrots?” Nick stammered, coughing out a bit of stomach bile that managed to slosh into his mouth during her swaying. “Hmmm?” Judy raised an eyebrow, running her hand along one of her thick bunny buns. “Oooh…nothing you have to worry about. Just wondering…” She trailed off, still groping her butt. “W-wondering what?” Nick sounded hopeful for just a moment. “Y-you-…maybe…c-considering letting me out…?” “Huh?” Judy raised an eyebrow…then snickered and shook her head while running her hands along her form once more. “Hell no, slick. You’re in my belly, you don’t get out. Pretty simple rule to understand, right? Nah…” She reached down slowly, pressing a hand up from the bottom of her gut, just to force out a deep, raucous BBWwwwwWWAAUUHHhhhUUURRRP! “Ungh…” She grumbled, patting her chest. “I was just wondering how much you’ll end up adding to my…ass-ets.” She giggled childishly at her joke, patting her butt with one hand while stroking her belly with the other. “Y-you’re a psycho! You’re a MONSTER! What kind of rabbit are you?!” Nick cried. Judy just shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, yeah…I’ve heard it all. Now hush up, buttercup~” For now, Judy realized she needed to be at work soon, and quickly shut off the water as she grabbed a towel and started drying herself off. She certainly didn’t go easy on her stomach; she mashed and smushed it around as she dried her fur, grinning as the bassy bllorts and gllorrbbls gave way into muffled yelling from her prey and some truly raucous belches from herself. Somehow, Nick never ran out of air, thanks to her gulping it down – but she liked it that way. As Judy stepped out of the bathroom, still in the nude, she reached down and hefted her belly, letting it drop with a painful SLORSH – not painful to her, of course, but a yelp could clearly be heard from within. Giving her gut another firm slap, she set out her uniform and tried to figure out how she’d get it on this time. Her uniform was once one piece – a blue jumpsuit of sorts with a vest, belt and other accessories. But with all the abuse she had put it through, it gave up. Now, it was torn in two, essentially creating a pair of blue pants and matching blue shirt made of the exact same material. It certainly made it easier for her, at least. Putting on the shirt didn’t disturb Nick too much – it was the pants that were the real struggle. He felt the entire stomach tip forward, rancid sludge and stomach acids sloshing heavily over his body as Judy leaned all the way over to reach down and pull them up. “H-hey- ggrrbblrrph!” Nick cried, feeling his entire body get even more compressed as Judy essentially reached down to touch her toes. In the process, her jaws erupted with a soggy bbbbllhhhHHUURrrrrrpp that tightened Nick’s surroundings even further. “Grruh…” Judy grumbled, rubbing her gut before taking hold of her pants. She tugged them up, lurching her gut upwards as quick as possible, smacking Nick’s head against the roof – and, for a split second, giving him a tiny bit of hope as he felt the entrance above him open – before it bounced back down and slammed him into the floor. She grimaced, tugging until her pants were up to her thick hips, having to start bouncing up and down to work them over her thighs… Bounce. SLORSH. Bounce. GGROWSH. Bounce. BLLRT. With every effortless hop, her belly shook violently up and down, throwing Nick around wildly and soaking every inch of him in whatever was in her stomach. And yet, somehow, Judy putting on her clothes this morning was only the beginning of Nick’s torment. Once she finally managed to work the waistband – which had to be shoddily put into the pants, as they were never actually made to be pants in the first place – she bounced again, just for good measure. BBLORSH, gglrnn, slorssh. “I’m gonna be honest, slick.” Judy said, picking up her belt and working it under her gut, attaching it beneath her belly, which now hung over her waistband heavily as she fastened her tools and tranq gun to it. “Having you in there…it feels really good.” “W-well- great for you, carrot-brain!” Nick snarled angrily, his frustration finally flaring up as he lurched against the stomach wall. “I’m IN YOUR STOMACH!” “I knoooooow~” Judy purred, fondling her gut, tracing a little circle around Nick’s slightly protruding muzzle. “It’s great.” “It is NOT!” Nick cried. “I’m a person! I’ve- I’ve got-” “Money? Contacts? Information? Rights?” Judy giggled, sloshing her gut up and down with both hands as she approached the door, swinging it open and standing in the doorway for a moment, stroking her gut slowly. “I don’t care about any of that. What I care about right now…” She paused, leaning in and whispering to her belly… “…Is how you squirm.” Nick whined out loud, an almost animalistic sound that broke out into frantic thrashing and struggling as Judy made her way out of her apartment. The sadistic, predatory rabbit smirked widely, twirling her car keys around her finger as her belly thrashed and shook around like she had a wild animal caged inside it. --- It was a beautiful day, but it was hard for Officer Clawhauser to say any day wasn’t. He was a naturally cheerful, jolly cheetah, although he certainly wasn’t as fast as his species was supposedly known for. He was – for there was no nice way to put it – fat. His whole body jiggled and wobbled as he moved around behind his desk, happily cramming a donut into his jaws and hardly even chewing it before he swallowed it down, disappearing into the vast tank that wobbled beneath his tightly-buttoned police uniform. Clawhauser smiled happily to himself, plopping his large posterior down in his equally large chair, which still groaned under the weight that it was tasked with holding up. As he sat, he heard something that made his ears perk. Ggllwwwrroossh…it was distant, but Clawhauser could tell it wasn’t him. He felt his belly a bit, just to be sure, while looking up towards the entrance to the police station as the doors opened. He heard the person entering before he saw them. Ggh-hhhhhWWWUUOOORRrrrRRRRRUURRRP! The gastric expulsion of deep, thundering stomach-air was familiar, and still Clawhauser was a bit taken aback. He watched as Judy Hopps stepped into the precinct, her uniform still obviously torn into two halves and her belly…far bigger than usual. The cheetah stiffened a bit, his cheery smile dwindling ever so slightly while he watched the fattened, full-bellied rabbit stroll in leisurely, acting as though her massive gut didn’t hold her back in the slightest. This definitely didn’t look right, but Clawhauser new better at this point than to tell Judy she looked different. Instead, the oversized cheetah just sat behind his desk, smiling at the bunny-cop as she walked past him. Walked was generous as a descriptor of how she moved. It was more akin to waddling, or just sloshing as her massive stomach swayed and shook before her. Clawhauser used to tease her about her appetite, but after a rather stern “You’ll be next” threat from the rabbit, he decided it was best not to test her on whether or not she actually could swallow him or not. After all, Officer Wolfard had been partnered up with her a few months ago…and no one had heard a howl, or even so much as a whine, out of him since. He had a feeling he knew exactly what Judy would say if he asked her where he went. Judy paid almost no mind to Clawhauser aside from a curt nod as she made her way to the chief’s office. Her uniform barely really constituted as such right now. Her gut jutted out heavily beneath her vest, which would hardly be able to protect her if someone was dumb enough to shoot at her; not that that was a concern when the only thing they’d really truly injure was Nick. For a moment, she thought about how Clawhauser might taste. He was a nice cheetah, a real lovely guy, but her mind couldn’t help but wander into thoughts about how he’d taste. Probably exceptionally sweet and sugary…but with how many sweets he ate, she worried she might slip into a food coma just from ingesting him. At that thought, she could only giggle, stroking both hands along the massive sloshing orb in front of her while she heaved her gut up the stairs. Sure, she could take the elevator…but it was far more uncomfortable and painful for Nick to bash his head against every step as she made her way upstairs. “GoooooOOUUUurrrppttd thing the Chief’s on the top floor, huh?” gghhrrrp, Judy smacked her chest with a fist and hopped up onto the final step, her belly hitting the ground with the bounce and earning a strained, painful sounding whine from within. “Hah…tired yourself out with all that struggling in the car, huh?” She reached down, pressing a hand into her gut with a slightly devious smirk. “Can’t say I envy yooouuuRRrrrrp, but hey…just stay quiet.” With that, Judy made her way towards Bogo’s office. Her belly continued to bounce and jiggle with every step, but she tried to keep it to a minimum – she, at the very least, was respectful to the Chief, even if she frequently disobeyed orders. Mainly when Bogo said, firmly, not to use her stomach as an interrogation room, holding cell and execution chamber. Other officers, however, didn’t receive her respect or her consideration. As she made her way down the hall towards the Chief’s office, she passed by a pair of officers – both wolves, and both males. They regarded her with a smile at first, but as she got closer, they both moved out of the way to let her pass. They tried to hide it, but Judy glanced to the side and saw that at least one of them had his tail slightly tucked between his legs. She giggled a bit at that. “Just some fresh meat, boys. Don’t need to stare.” “U-uh…right, yeah, s-sorry, Hopps.” One of the wolves said, his voice cracking slightly in the process. He quickly clammed up, shutting his mouth and putting his hands behind his back to try and force his tail out from its hiding place, as if it was worried she’d bite it off. He knew she wouldn’t. She’d swallow the rest of him, too. Blood wasn’t a pleasant taste for her. Wolf was. “H-hey!” Nick managed to cry out, pushing his hands out against the rabbit’s stomach walls. “H-hello?! Are there any cops out there? Or…anyone?! S-someone get me out of here…!” The two wolves let out noticeable, quiet whines and hurried in the opposite direction of Judy, even though one of them desperately needed to use the bathroom. He could use the downstairs one. The small rabbit, who was almost comically smaller than the door, pushed it open by lifting up her foot; it squashed her leg against her gut, which let out another sorrowful moan before she brought her foot back down. “Hopps?” Bogo’s voice was as commanding as ever, and even a ruthless, raunchy rabbit like Judy stood firmly at attention as soon as he spoke. The large water buffalo peered down over his desk at the door, then grimaced a bit. “Ah. Come in, and shut the door. Don’t need your…” He waved a pen in her general direction. “…Eruptions disturbing other officers.” “I believe they’re used to iIIIUUURRRPPT!” Judy heaved as she kicked the door shut, her throat bellowing with a gassy belch that had the air in front of her face visibly rippling from the sheer heat of it. “…Sir.” She cleared her throat, then punched her stomach firmly enough to make Nick cry out in audible pain while she walked up to the desk. “Be that as it may…courtesies.” Bogo tapped his desk. “I can’t see you down there, Hopps.” Chief Bogo was one of the officers that Judy would firmly and completely consider ‘off the menu’. This wasn’t really because she felt she couldn’t take him – though considering he was bulkier, stronger and better trained than Mayor Lionheart, and taking into account the trouble that the mayor gave her, it was a factor – but rather because she respected him as an authority figure. He was a good man; a man who wanted to find justice even if he had to circumvent some of the law to do it. He could have written up Judy a dozen times over for how she approached the Night Howler case, from searching areas without a warrant to straight-up dealing with the Zootopian mafia. But he didn’t. Of course, she knew that part of this was fear. It may not have been obvious, as Bogo was definitely a hard man to read, but they both knew it. He was still scared of her. He just didn’t want to show it. The only thing stopping her from eating him was his rank, really, and he knew it. If he were demoted to a detective, or an officer, or even just a sergeant, she likely wouldn’t have any qualms about eating him…just as she had with Wolfard. He wasn’t a fool – he knew where that wolf had ended up. “Right!” Judy grunted, crouching down, her chubby thighs tensing under her tight pants as she brought herself low to the ground…then, with a deep GGLORSH from her belly, she leapt into the air and landed – surprisingly gracefully – on the chair in front of the desk. It had a special spot on the armchair for her to sit, installed soon after she proved herself a worthy member of the force after solving the Night Howler crisis. “Ahem…” Judy grimaced, her cheeks bulging out, but she managed to GLRK the gas back down before it roared out of her jaws. “Lovely.” Bogo peered at her over the rims of his glasses. “Let me guess…purse snatcher?” “Nope. Hustler. Tricking folks into buying fake Pawpsicles and stuff.” “Ah.” Bogo shrugged, sitting back slightly and putting down his pen. “And let me guess again…you’re here to request leave.” Judy momentarily lost herself as she felt Nick move, pressing his muzzle and paws out against the stomach wall…forming a visible imprint of his face against the bunny’s engorged belly, which seemed to hardly faze Bogo at all. “Hhhelp…me…” He whined quietly, but Bogo simply remained stoic and unfazed. He had seen this a dozen times before. More, if he counted Bellwether, but…that was a bit different. “Hm?” Judy reached down, pressing a hand into Nick’s muzzle and forcing it back into the slimy, smelly depths of her herbivorous guts. “Oh, er…weeelll…” She smiled sheepishly, placing both hands behind her back, which only accentuated her hefty, round gut. “…Yes?” She upped her ‘cuteness’ twofold by widening her smile and letting her ears flop back. “Hmmh…” Bogo grumbled, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “You know I can’t just keep giving you time off because you saved the city once, Hopps. You’ve earned plenty of respect and good graces, but this is the third time this year.” “Well, I won’t need the whole month this time.” Judy ran a hand down her gut slowly, again pushing the bulge of Nick’s paw back into her gut and stifling a throaty burp with her other fist. “Just long enough for this,” She jiggled her gut with the hand that was stroking it, “to get maybe…half the size.” “And how long is that, Officer Hopps?” Bogo raised an eyebrow. “Well…” Judy seemed to do some mental math, all while her belly angrily thrashed and wiggled, combined with bassy bbbllorrts that made Bogo grimace again. “Mmm…three weeks?” “I might as well give you the full month.” “Nope.” Judy shook her head. “Three weeks is just fine, Chief Bogo.” “…Hm.” Bogo shrugged. “Fine, then. But you’re on thin ice. Three weeks of leave to deal with…that,” He pointed at her belly. “And then you’re back on duty.” “Yessir!” Judy saluted, standing straight and earning a yelp as her gut suddenly contracted, bubbles rushing up her throat in an unexpectedly powerful bbbhhhHHEEUUUAARrrrrrrp that had her coughing a bit near the end. “…Excuse me.” “Just…go, please, Hopps.” Bogo shook his head, returning to his paperwork. Judy bounced down from the chair, landing heavily on her feet – and letting her gut hit the ground. “G-gghah!” Her stomach yelled. “W-watch it, rabbit!” “Oh, shut up.” She growled to her stomach, smacking it firmly with her hand while strutting towards the door. She opened it, this time using the special handle installed closer to the ground, and strode out while shutting it behind her. “I’m taking you grocery shopping, and if you act up, I’m just gonna have to crush you in there.” Judy smirked as she heard a faint eep! From her stomach, followed by the contents settling down slightly. She then made her way to the stairs, grinning to herself and drumming her fingers on her belly with every step she took down the long staircase. She kept stroking and pushing her hands into her gut, momentarily losing herself in the blissful sensations of Nick squirming, before shaking her head and flicking her ears back up. “Mmmhehe…” Judy giggled, a sound that would have been downright adorable in virtually any other circumstance. “We’re gonna have fun together, foxy…” Nick whined quietly at those words, feeling the constant bumping of Judy’s thighs against her belly as she walked. As he felt her hand gently, almost soothingly stroking his head…he could only whimper and swallow anxiously. “…Ch-cheese and crackers…”
 Three days. It had been three days since Nicholas Piberius Wilde had been caught for tax evasion by a police officer who had no patience for his typically charming antics. Three days since he had been detained and put in a prison cell with no windows, no door, and not even any light. It had been three days since Judy Hopps swallowed Nick Wilde whole and alive. Even now, after seventy-two hours of stewing in the belly of a bunny, Nick couldn’t believe it. His arms had gone almost completely numb by this point, as he had them cuffed between his legs. His fur was slick and coated in gastric juices that sloshed and jostled around him with any movement that Judy made—he had become an expert at re-adjusting himself using only his legs to avoid drowning if she drank or her stomach decided to give him an extra coating. By this point, her body had clearly resigned itself to the fact that it would take a long time to digest him…and it certainly didn’t like it. Judy was smaller than him; he had learned that much when he first saw her. In fact, really, she was barely half his height, even if her hips were wider and she had a bit of pudge on her. He had never anticipated something like this. He even admitted to his crime and said he’d come back to her car with her, which he supposed he did…but even so, even someone like him, who prided himself on wordplay, was incredibly distraught that this was how it turned out. SLORSH. Judy’s belly shook violently, the stomach walls tightening and rippling and shaking Nick out of his thoughts. The walls pressed in all around him, his ears popping as a rush of air wooshed up above, followed by a tremendous, bubbly bbbRRRUUUEEELLCcchh that had Judy giggling and thumping her chest. At this point, she hadn’t bothered to talk to him in several hours since she woke up, aside from one-sided taunts and insults. He was beginning to go stir-crazy from being confined for so long…and the worst part was, she kept sustaining him. Her body didn’t need nutrients right now. It was sapping enough off of Nick every day that it didn’t have to actually eat. But still, she kept nourishing herself with donuts, fast food or whatever was easiest, not feeding herself, but feeding him. Even though he was beginning to think she was actually serious about digesting him…Nick didn’t want to let himself die with the chance that she might let him out, so he ate it. Even if it was half covered in saliva and barely edible by the time it reached him. “Mmm…” Judy’s voice echoed above him, like a faraway deity grinning down at him with an evil expression. He could faintly feel her fingers pressing into her gut, tracing circles around his head and making him whimper as he lay with his back against the wall of her stomach. “Comfy, Nicky~?” She purred. Nick tried to reply, but his voice only came out as a thin rasp. He had been given water by her, occasionally, but he was still parched and had trouble speaking. He winced as another rush of air roared up her gullet, interrupting her during another taunt. “What, bunny got your toooOOOUUURRrrrrnnngue?” Judy smacked her chest with her flat hand. He had learned even to tell the difference between a fist and a hand—a flat palm meant she was taunting him, a fist meant she was trying to work up a troublesome bubble of gas. Nick whimpered. He had meant to speak, but all he could manage was a whine—a pitiful, pup-like sound that barely carried enough to be heard by himself, let alone over the gastric gglorrrrrps and cchhrrns of the bunny’s belly. Judy’s stomach was never quiet with a meal like Nick inside it, for obvious reasons, and it was always working far harder than it probably wanted to. Judy waited for a response with both ears raised, then shrugged and let them flop down against her back again. It didn’t matter to her whether he replied or not. Besides, she had a very clear idea of what she was doing today, because she needed a lot of things to help deal with Nick—and that began with the supermarket. It was convenient that supermarkets in Zootopia’s core had just about everything a cheap-living rabbit like herself could need. Clothes, food and amenities were all in one building, accessible to creatures her size. Larger creatures needed a different building—just about everyone accepted this as a simple necessity, not discrimination. It’s much easier to have large creatures in one market and smaller ones in another, rather than designing all sorts of architecture and contraptions to make larger buildings accessible for rabbits and the like. As Judy lurched out of her car, she couldn’t help but feel a bit heavy. Despite having carried Nick around for the last couple of days with minimal issues, his added heft was catching up with her. She leaned against the car door for a moment, adjusting her midriff-baring shirt. She couldn’t wear anything that covered her stomach, for obvious reasons, so her gut hung loose over her waistband…which she constantly had to pull back up, as the weight of her belly threatened to pull her pants down with it. She huffed, tugging at her belt and SLORSHing her gut heavily, before giving it a pat. “Now I expect you to behave…” She grumbled. Not waiting for a response, Judy started walking. The strength of her posture was impressive—she walked confidently, with her chest out and her belly even further out, not overly encumbered but not completely without struggle either. With every bounce of her gut, it put more strain on her legs, but that was bolstered by her species’ natural affinity for jumping and bouncing. If she couldn’t handle some extra weight when she was simply walking, she would have been a damn sorry excuse for a rabbit. Slorsh. Slorsh. Slorsh. Her stomach was audibly more liquidy than it was before, as it had long since realized that Nick was a much heartier meal than usual and would require…extra help. The foul stomach juices around Nick’s body were up to his waist at this point, and with every step she took they were shaken and sloshed all over him. It was impossible to open his eyes half the time, let alone his mouth—not that he could see anything, anyway. Judy couldn’t ignore the facts. People were staring. From rodents to reptiles, all sorts of animals were looking at her like she was the only object around that could reflect light. Some stared with utter bewilderment, others—likely those who understood the connotations of a rabbit with such a giant, sloshing gut—with apprehension or downright fear. And others, still, seemed to have a dreamy look in their eyes, staring regardless of whether they had a spouse or loved one with them. And this was just the parking lot! Judy liked it, though. She never stopped getting ogled whenever she was like this. Nick was the biggest meal she had ever had so far that she was actually able to go outside with, so it only made sense he would draw more attention. She had eaten bigger, of course—Lionheart and Wolfhard just kept her from moving much. Against her own knowledge, she began swaying her hips a bit extra with every step, making her ample bunny butt shake and jiggle each time her paw hit the ground with extra force from the extra weight she carried. Just to be a slight bit of a tease—she had to allow herself some fun—she grinned at a sheep girl about as tall as her and licked her lips. The bull, expectedly, turned away with a nervous look on his face as he tried to act like he was busy. Judy snickered to herself, reaching down and slapping at the side of her gut. The round orb of fox and rabbit flesh slorshed as it was sent swaying from side to side, before returning to its natural rocking up and down with her steps. “You’re a crowd-pleaser, slick.” Judy giggled, drumming her fingers around where Nick’s head was. “And a me pleaser, with all that wiggling…” Admittedly, Nick’s struggling wasn’t anything crazy. All he could do was occasionally kick or thrash around with his legs, and even those were constantly falling asleep from how cramped things were inside her. But, even just the knowledge that Nick was still struggling for survival in her guts, resisting his inevitable fate—that was enough to get plenty of enjoyment out of it, for her. She rocked her hips a bit as she walked, reaching the patio in front of the main doors and relishing in the movements of her bulbous belly as she entered the supermarket. “First thing’s fiIIUURRrrrsstt…” Judy belched, smacking her lips and making a sour face as the taste of wet dog filled her mouth for a moment. “Blech…the pharmacy section. Gotta- bbhhHHUUURrrrlp- make sure I’ve got plenty of digestive aids…” Judy’s stomach lurched, a frantic and sudden whine of despair coming from inside. “What, don’t like that?” Judy snickered, her expression darkening as she gave her belly a harsh SMACK. “Too baAAAUuuurrd, Slick. I told you…you’re not gonna be coming out. Better get used to it.” Though, of course, she much preferred him struggling. Nick tried to reply, he really did; he just couldn’t get a word in edgewise. After her second belch in thirty seconds, he was lightheaded—but she never let him pass out, either. She swallowed fresh air, though it was never fresh in her acrid, bubbling cauldron of a belly. Even from close up, no one could really imagine how slimy, abysmal and claustrophobic it was inside unless they were there, and Nick sincerely wished he could be in actual prison right now. Judy made her way to the pharmaceutical section, where she started pacing up and down the aisles with a basket hanging from one arm. “Always changing around the aisles…” She mumbled, lifting a hand and muffling a hearty bbhhrrrpppfff into her fist. “Mmph…’scuse- HRRMFF! Me…” She sighed, patting her gut and looking around between the aisles. Even for this supermarket, she was among the smaller patrons, generally requiring a stepladder to reach most of the higher shelves. She finally located her preferred brand of toothpaste, aimed at promoting the health of rabbits’ teeth specifically, though she annoyingly couldn’t quite reach it. She huffed, her ears flopping back as she looked around for a stool. “Never one around when I need one.” She grumbled. “Oh, let me get that for you!” A sweet, sing-song voice came from behind Judy, and a taller creature walked up beside her. She looked up to see a pig woman grabbing the toothpaste, smiling warmly down at Judy and placing the box in her basket for her. “It’s a real shame, how they treat the smallest patrons here.” “Oh, it’s no big deal.” Judy smiled back, turning to face the pig, who was a full two heads taller than her. Not as big as Nick, but still very much bigger than her. “I find my way around.” “Still!” The pig shook her head. “A bunny in your condition, it’s shameful that they don’t provide more assistance.” “In my condi—” Judy paused, gears turning in her head before her ears flicked right up. “Oh! Right, right…yes. My condition.” She stroked her fingers lovingly along her belly, feeling a powerful rush of gas rolling up her throat again. Mmmbbbrrp- GLRK. She swallowed it back down, though the pig absolutely saw her cheeks balloon out. “Gosh, are you feeling sick?” The pig winced. “Should I call someone?” “No, no.” Judy smiled, tapping her gut with her hand. “Just this one, fussy as usual.” “Only one?” The pig giggle-snorted. “You can’t fool me, with a stomach like that! I have to ask, how far along are you?” “Pssh.” Judy rolled her eyes. “Only three days, but this guy really doesn’t like it in there…” Judy prodded at her stomach, then looked back up at the pig with a knowing, yet seemingly innocent smile. “Three-…days?” The pig blinked. “Um…” She seemed to be thinking. Judy knew that look. She was internally asking herself if she actually knew that rabbits took longer to gestate, or if she’d be insensitive asking such a thing. Eventually, she seemed to find a solution to her conundrum. “That’s…quite early…!” “Yeah.” Judy shrugged. “Usually they calm down after a week. Once they realize where they belong, and all.” She patted her belly knowingly, resting her hand on it and letting her smirk widen. She wanted to see how far she could take it… “I-…” The pig was visibly uncomfortable, and nervously fiddling with her own basket. “Are you…alright?” “Never better.” Judy nodded with a smile. “Why?” She tilted her head innocently. “I-I uh…” There was a pause that lasted just long enough to be considered awkward, before the pig nervously took a step back. “Sorry, nothing. Um…have a good day!” Judy didn’t get a chance to reply before the pig had already turned around and walked away. With a barely suppressed giggle, Judy slapped her stomach and felt it ggwwrrbble and slorsh at her touch. “Nearly got me in trouble. Not that it’d really be any trouble…just kinda annoying.” She sighed, smacking her chest with a fist… BBHHOOOOUUUUUuuurrrrrp! “Ooohhh, yeah…” Judy patted her chest a few times, relishing in the feeling of relieving her pent-up stomach like that. “That’s the spoOOUUURRrrrrppptt…” A few more stops had her basket laden with digestive aids, from antacids to acid stimulants—depending on how she felt later, anyway. She had never eaten anything as big as Nick before, but she had to imagine she’d need to increase her stomach’s strength at least a bit at some point. Luckily, in a society designed for all animals, she could access all of these things with relative ease. She was tempted to take some of the antacids now, just to make sure Nick was still kicking all the way home, but she couldn’t overpower her natural law-abiding (and law enforcing) self to do it. She left them in her basket, and exited the pharmacy department. “Now I’ve got to get clothes.” Judy fondled her gut, feeling it bbbwwoorrbble beneath her hand at the possibility of being covered up. “Nothing restricting, just…ripped two shirts this morning. Thanks, Slick.” She scoffed, feeling two paws lash out at her stomach wall, earning nothing but a throaty BBRRHHUURrrrrrp that had her fanning the air and giggling to herself. Clothes shopping was always difficult when she was encumbered like this, but it was nice to have a whole section dedicated to maternity outfits for various species. The selection for rabbits was limited, but still she picked out a few outfits—a nice pink dress that could stretch all the way over her belly and past her rump, as well as some more accommodating pants and shirts that would still leave her gut exposed. Shopping for actual groceries was a bit more of an ordeal, mainly because she realized she was shopping primarily for Nick, not herself. She didn’t even think twice about how cruel it was, keeping him alive and kicking as long as she could; but Nick did. As Judy made her way through the store, Nick kept trying to tell someone he needed help. He tried kicking, thrashing, even making whatever noises he could with his sore, dry throat, but there was no luck. No one ever got close enough, and while she was talking with the pig he had been so tightly compressed that nothing was visible. Finally, though, he heard his chance. Judy sauntered up to an employee—a tall gazelle with an apron, stocking the shelves—and cleared her throat. Nick’s ears perked up, only to press back down again as a hot, grumbling ggwwoorrggbbbrrllgg assaulted his eardrums. He winced, but tried to listen among all the sloppy gurgles and sloshes regardless. “Yeah, so I’m…” Judy began, but Nick could only hear snippets. “Fox…meat?” Nick strained, pushing his legs forward as much as he could. He could hardly hear the gazelle at all—indeed, he didn’t even know it was a gazelle, just that she was talking to someone—but he hoped the employee might see something. “Fox…predator section…” There was a period of a few seconds that Nick couldn’t hear him at all, followed by, “pregnant?” Nick practically howled, but all that came out was a strained, cracked whine. He thrashed and kicked as wildly as his aching limbs would allow, but all he got in response was a bunny hand patting against his head and a giggle from above. “Two months…boys.” Judy replied, though there was definitely more to it than what she actually said. Nick’s hearing was temporarily taken away from him entirely as his ears popped again, a heavy belch roaring up her throat… hhHHUUOOUUrrrrrRRRUURRRLLLP! “Oh, gosh, sorry. ‘Scuse me.” Judy huffed, patting her belly and feigning apology. “Ooph…little buggers really can make a bunny- HRRLMPH! Gassy…” The gazelle, who was clearly not paid enough to deal with a rabbit half-belching her words at him, simply nodded politely. “Right…” He cleared his throat. “Well…the mock-meat is in the predator section, like I said. I hope your fox friend feels better soon…” “Oh, I’m sure he will.” Judy smiled, idly groping at her gut while she did. “He’s been feeling worse every day…but that just means when it’s all over it’ll be like he’s not feeling a thing.” The gazelle blinked at her strange wording, then shrugged and nodded his head wordlessly, going back to placing cans of soup on the shelves. Judy legitimately felt rather bad for him, and made a note to tell someone about how nice he was. Nick, on the other hand, immediately got a SMACK to the back of his head once Judy was out of earshot of the gazelle. “Trying to get people to notice you?” Judy snorted, tracing her tongue along her lips and gaining a darker, slightly more sadistic tone to her voice. “Well no one will. And even if they knew, like Bogo and the other cops do…no one could do anything about it. Y’know Clawhauser is scared of me? Clawhauser. The giant, tubby cheetah who I don’t even know if I could fit my jaws around.” Judy rounded a corner, stopping to look around and see if anyone was in earshot, then leaned down to speak directly to her stomach. “No one is gonna hear, see, or know you. Better resign yourself to it, because…” She glanced down at her basket, eyeing the antacids. “Your stay’s gonna be an extended one.” Nick could, as before, only whimper and struggle feebly as Judy walked over to the predator section, usually meant for smaller preds like weasels, jackals…and foxes. ‘Mock meat’ was essentially simulated meat, for of course it would be horrific if predators actually ate meat—something that made Judy snicker to herself, as she cradled a gut absolutely full of it—which came in packages that usually were in high supply. There were far fewer predators in Zootopia than there were prey, so it was rare to find this section empty. Indeed, Judy had plenty of things to choose from, but as she approached the wall of fake meat she leaned down to her stomach, belching crassly off to the side. “Hey. Slick.” She smacked her stomach to get him to listen. “What’s yo-OOUUUUuuurrr favourite meat here?” His response was somewhat coherent, but so muffled that she couldn’t hear anything. She waited for him to try and speak up, but instead she ended up rolling her eyes and picking up the first package she saw. “I guess you’re just gonna have to deal with what I’ve goooouurrrppptt then.” She hiccupped, patting at her stomach and placing the meat in her basket. After picking out whatever she thought she might need, and placing the clothes on the bottom to act like cushions, she headed to the self-checkout. She didn’t feel like waiting in line with so few items, so she just used the machine usually. It was a nice, quick system with minimal disruptions, but she realized as she scanned her final item that she didn’t actually have her wallet on her. “Damnit,” She growled. “Left it in the car…” She looked down at her stomach, grumbling to herself as she moved to turn around and find a clerk… …Only for a hand to reach past her, swiping a credit card against the machine with a telltale beep that indicated the transaction had gone through. Looking up in admitted confusion, Judy saw a ram standing before her. He was shorn, but still fuzzy, and a bit pudgy himself, holding a bag of already purchased groceries in one hand. He stood larger than Nick was, but still small enough to warrant coming to a smaller supermarket like this. “Don’t worry about it,” was the first thing he said. “I wouldn’t wanna see a lady like yourself have to go all the way home just to get your card.” “Oh, geez, you’re way too kind…” Judy had to admit, she wasn’t expecting this. “Here, let me pay you back, I have my wallet in my car…” “Nope.” The ram shook his head. “Just trying to be nice. You look like you’re dealin’ with enough as it is.” He nodded towards her heavily laden stomach, which gave a conveniently timed kick. “Oh. Ohhh…” Judy bit her tongue, resisting the urge to start making jokes about what was actually in her belly. “Well…that’s incredibly kind of you. Thank you…!” “No problem.” The ram smiled at her, nodding his head as he sauntered off in his own direction. Judy blinked as he walked away, flicking her ears in legitimate confusion. This was definitely new—the second time in a single day that she had actually gotten away with acting pregnant and not made it completely obvious that it wasn’t a litter in her middle. Was she getting better at this, or was the constant taunting and playing with her belly really making her look like a mother exasperated with her pregnancy? She shook her head. Didn’t matter to her—she might have come clean or refused the help years ago, but now she felt no shame in taking charity from someone who gave it for reasons other than the ones that Judy wanted it for. She picked up her basket, smugly grinning down at her belly and tracing circles around Nick’s head while she started walking back to her car. “Hear that, Nicky?” Judy purred. “You’re- bbwwWWOOUUHHRRrrrrp…” Judy winced, coughing a bit at the acrid taste of her own stomach air, “Urgh…what was I saying?” She shook her head. “Eh…nothing important.” --- I swing my tail back and forth, swing my tail back and forth~ Nick had to stop himself from throwing up with the constant swinging and swaying of Judy’s hips. The rabbit was singing along to some pop song, either by Gazelle or some similarly big name, and her body was just naturally following the message of the lyrics. With every sway of her hips he was bashed against the stomach walls, his whole body drenched with a fresh wave of digestive juices and barely edible meat that Nick hadn’t been able to force himself to eat. He had to keep his eyes closed and his mouth shut, rocking and slamming against each side of her belly rhythmically, unable to even find it soothing given the thumping, bassy beat that had her rocking far harder and more forcefully than could ever be considered so… But on Judy’s end, it was fun. Swinging her hips from side to side, the grey-furred rabbit was currently completely nude, standing in front of the bathroom sink and brushing her fur along with the background beat in the music pouring out of her waterproof shower-speaker. She had a big, happy grin on her face as her belly sloshed to and fro, swinging with the ferocity of a wrecking ball while she kept her elbows on the sink to help prop herself up, letting her gut sag beneath her. “Swing my tail back and foOOUURRPPTttthh- ugh, messing up my rhythm…” Judy snickered, shaking her hips suddenly out-of-sync with the beat, rapidly sloshing her gut from side to side to the point that Nick was caught in the middle with a bouncing, viscous soup that drenched him from both sides. At the same time, Judy’s plump bunny buns wobbled and jiggled, as she pushed herself away from the sink and held her hairbrush much like Gazelle held a microphone. “From the J,” She swung her hips to one side with each letter. “To the U, to the D, to the Y…” She cocked her hips, a goofy smile on her face as she simply had fun with the sloshing, gurgling mass of belly hanging from her middle. “Ain’t no other rabbit ‘round the city like…I!” She snicker-snorted at her own bad rhyme, shaking her hips rhythmically and planting her feet firmly to strike a pose in the mirror. “Geez…” She breathed out heavily, still smiling, but adjusting her position to better support her stomach. “Whoof…dancing like that with you in there…” She groped her gut, giving it a few heavy SLORSHes to drive her point home. “It’s a tall order.” Nick probably would have said something along the lines of ‘It can’t be tall when it’s you doing it’ if he were outside of her—or if he was able to speak. Perhaps, in another world, that was the exact thing he said at that exact moment, but with a different unfortunate criminal trapped in her stomach. Maybe, in that world, they were both police officers… But that wasn’t the world he lived in. As Judy finished up her bathroom routine, Nick remained trapped in the same place he always had been. For all he knew, really, she could have been going wherever. She could tell him she was going to the hospital to get him out but be going to a movie instead. She had complete control over his reality, his entire world—a world that had been relegated in its entirety to the burbling, bubbling belly of a bouncing bunny with a heart as cold as ice. Or at least, cold as ice when it came to dealing with criminals. Judy started walking back to her bedroom, still naked as she sat her rump down on the side of her bed, heaving her gut up onto it and swinging her legs up with it. “Geeeez, you’re heavy…” She groaned, rolling onto her side, taking a deep breath as her gut settled onto the silky-soft bedsheets, heavy ggwwrrbblls and blorps rumbling out around her captive. She lovingly traced her finger around the curve of his head, down his back, and pressed playfully against his spine. “It’s kinda funny…” She murmured. “If I wanted to, I could just…crush you and end it quick.” Nick visibly quivered, as did her belly. “Yeah…figured you might not like that idea. Buuut…I doubt you like the idea of a slow, painful digestion in my tum for weeks, either…” Nick’s wiggles lessened, then lurched a bit more. “Mmm…well that’s what you’re getting.” She said, matter-of-factly, before belching half of her next sentence. “And yoOOOUUUu’rrre gonna be awaAAAUUrrrrkke for as muUUURrrrRRUURRCCcch as I can make you be.” She fanned the air, patting her gut with her other hand. “Ooph…hope you get that. I’m gonna- BBRRPH! Keep drilling it in.” She laid her head down against her pillow, a low, dreamy sigh escaping her lips, followed by a light, airy bbhhrrrpppph that made her smirk. “And you can just keep up those weak little struggles of yours…” She purred, flicking her lamp off and letting her mind drift off into a peaceful slumber—something Nick wagered he would never experience for the rest of his life. All 27 days of it.
“I am already sworn to help you Shepard! Let us finish this! Stop my daughter Morinth!” “Not today Mother Samara!” Morinth replied with a shout. Their twin warp fields met and warred with one another. A wave of biotic force overcame Samara as Morinth hit the twin warp fields with a reave effect, causing a biotic explosion. Samara was thrown back and Shepard knew Morinth would end this in short order if given the chance. She wouldn't be far behind either on the hit list. Time slowed for Shepard as she realized she had few options. No gun, no omni tool. She'd gone to shadow Morinth unarmed in order to play the part of a patsy and be seduced. Her biotic amp couldn't be disarmed though and she charged at Morinth, reducing her weight to fractions of a gram and jumping forward. Once she hit terminal air velocity she increased her weight again to slam into Morinth with all she had. She wasn't sure it would be enough but on instinct she opened her mouth for a yell. To Shepard's surprise her mouth opened far wider than she intended, far wider than she thought possible. Coming out of a full charge attack always felt like getting kicked in the head from the abrupt stop but this time was even more bizarre, Shepard found her mouth full. She was staring down at a wildly flailing pair of legs and a pretty decent looking female ass. Shepard instinctively swallowed and found the mass in her mouth sliding down to her stomach as it jostled and jerked around. Shepard was knocked off her feet but elicited a large burp as her mouth cleared of the feet the that descended her throat. Shepard stared down at the bulge in her gut with wide eyes for a few seconds. “Shepard what did you-? Where's Morinth?” Samara asked, she froze when she saw Shepard's shape. “What is this?! Why don't my biotics work in here?!” Morinth's voice screamed from Shepard's abdomen. “By the goddess” Samara said. “Threat contained?” Shepard said. … “Next on ANN is a piece on the supposedly late commander Shepard, Diana?” “Yes, the galaxy was shocked in the last few months to discover that Commander Shepard was alive after her supposed death by an unknown assailing vessel but recent images taken of her are making even more waves.” “Here you can see Shepard entering a night club on Omega, which is already a particularly seedy part of the galaxy!” “Even more racy is her here leaving the nightclub with a mysterious and quite attractive Asari. But the real shocker is a few hours later.” “Here we see a more clear shot of Shepard but in profile it appears Shepard is apparently pregnant! And heavily so! Either that or she has the biggest food baby ever!” “ANN tried to find the occupant of the apartment she entered but no one could be found afterwards. Which leaves us all to wonder, just when did Shepard get so knocked up?! And by who?” “Here's a shot of her two months ago where she isn't showing at all! Just what kind of human or maybe alien baby has she got in there we wonder?” “Thank you Diana and now in Salarian news...” ... “Tell it to me straight Chakwas” Shepard said. “From what I can tell she is indeed inside your stomach Shepard which has seemingly expanded manyfold to accommodate Morinth” Doctor Chakwas said as she ran her hands over the bulge on Shepard's middle. “Mother! Get me out! As a Justicar you can't abide this torture! It burns mother!” Morinth screamed from within which made Chakwas cringe. “I did not intend to make you suffer not only because I am a Justicat but because you were still my daughter Morinth, had you surrendered I would have made it painless. But I will not endanger Shepard whom I've sworn an oath to in order to spare you torment” Samara said though she shook when saying it. “Samara you don't have to be here any longer if it is difficult.” Shepard said. Samara nodded and walked out of the room. “Mother?! Mother?!” Morinth screamed. Annoyed Shepard clenched her abdomen making Morinth grunt. “For all that you've killed you can't seem to take a hit!” Shepard spat. “Actually that has me confused. Your stomach acid is hydrochloric. It would burn through the nerves and render sensation numb before pain could possibly set in. How is Morinth feeling pain?” Chakwas asked. “Mother is gone isn't she?” “Yes Morinth.” “And you won't let me out will you?” Morinth asked. “Absolutely not.” Shepard replied. “Damn... The crone is right though. I actually don't feel a thing, though something about your stomach is for some reason making me ridiculously wet in my Azure.” Morinth said. “What's your Azure?” Shepard asked while pulling a confused expression. Doctor Chakwas cleared her throat as Morinth chuckled. … “Sorry Anderson Shepard is still grounded until her current... Occupant has at least lost motor control” Chakwas said in an annoyed tone. “Shepard it's been a week! How long will this take?! And what is that wet noise?!” Anderson said over the hologram with arms crossed. “Sir I'm afraid this is my first time eating an Asari... Well not in some senses... But a whole one. I'm not sure how long it will take to fully process her.” Shepard said, struggling to stand at attention but the considerable bulge on her front made it hard to balance. “It's my first time being digested as well so who knows how long this takes! You'll just have to deal with the noise sir!” Morinth said in a sarcastic voice mocking Anderson who sneered at the bulge. “At ease Shepard, I can see this is... A new challenge. Just what did Cerberus do to you? Miranda?” Anderson asked and shook his head. “There are quite a few modifications Shepard has exhibited that I was not aware of Anderson, and as for that wet noise. The captive is... Enjoying herself. We can't seem to get her to stop” Miranda admitted. “You really mean to tell me that Asari is melting alive in there and the thing she's most concerned with doing is... That?!” Anderson asked in an incredulous tone. They all nodded tersely. “Hey I don't get it either but Goddess in here it's... Damn it's satisfying for some reason! I can't help myself!” Morinth admitted as the wet noises got louder. Her fist was going at her own pussy even harder now as the stomach sloshed around her. “Good god, I have no idea what to do with this. A legion of geth? Reaper incursion? Sure. This? Shepard do exercises, fuck your entire crew again to speed up your digestion I don't know! But I need you for important operations as fast as you can be available! I'll try to get ANN off your back about this pregnancy nonsense as well. Anderson out!” Shepard sighed. “Even when she's not moving anymore I'm going to be way off balance. Can someone make me like...” “A prosthetic, to hold your... extra load?” Chakwas suggested. “Extra load am I?” Morinth called out but everyone ignored her. “Tali can figure out the robotics, I'll try and get the design to be combat capable” Garrus said and Tali nodded. Shepard put her hand on his forearm. “Thanks Garrus, I know I can trust you to come up with something.” Shepard said. “I'll help you digest her more quickly later as well~” Tali volunteered with a suggestive lilt. … “Keelah she is enthusiastic for being so soft!” Tali said as she rubbed her crotch over the rounding bulge on Shepard's middle. “Not very vocal any longer though. Mostly stopped talking after 10 days.” Shepard said. Morinth only moaned now at the two week mark and Shepard could tell she was starting to fall apart. As Tali started to near her climax and shake she could tell Morinth's days were numbered and it was a big fat zero for her. Tali's thick thighs clenched on the mass as her audio processing unit echoed her tinny cries of ultimate pleasure. Morinth within squealed for only a few moments before the thighs pressed in with a crack and there was a great squick sound. Nothing within Shepard moved afterwards. “Finally, my orgasm next?” Shepard asked and Tali let out an affirmative pant as she started to regain her senses. “Absolutely, but I don't envy you for when that girl is ready to come out.” Tali said. “Anything is better than trying to run missions with that belly holding mech!” Shepard said. In the end Tali and Garrus had made a robotic set of gears and motors that attached to her armor and had support structure and harnesses to hold her belly up. It strengthened her legs as well to keep her at the same speed as before. Despite their efforts though it was somewhat clumsy. “It would be better if we added mass effect fields to lighten your weight but we figured this wouldn't be a problem for long or happen again” Tali said though she sounded strangely regretful. “What you'd like to see me like this again?” Shepard asked with a laugh. “It has a bizarre and morbid appeal perhaps. But I highly doubt you'll try that maneuver again!” Tali said. “Not unless someone wants me to!” Shepard said and noticed Tali tilt her head slightly. Shepard didn't acknowledge it though and Tali didn't press forward. At least socially, her hands however plowed towards Shepard's crotch. … Shepard couldn't recall a time she had been more embarrassed. Red in the face she clenched once again and she managed to send yet another small log out of herself before pinching it off. This one contained a small scrap of Morinth's clothing. “That's all I can manage I think. I think that's most of not all of her though” Shepard said. “Approximately 60 kilograms solid waste and 5 in liquid. 65 total. She was mostly converted into waste material then” Chakwas commented. “Fascinating, can I flush her now?” Shepard asked before remembering the other woman who occupied the stall with them. “S-Sorry Samara I didn't mean to trivialize her, it's just...” Shepard said but Samara held a hand up to pause her speech and shook her head. “It is all well Shepard. I learned from others how my daughter's last days were. I would say she enjoyed them more than she deserved to. I do not harbor ill will towards you. Justice was done... If I might send her away though?” Samara asked. “Absolutely, just let me ummm finish up first...” Shepard said and proceeded to wipe the rest of Morinth from her dirtied crack. Samara watched with a bizarre interest as her daughter was wiped from Shepard's buns, she bit her lip. A rare expression to see on Samara's face. Shepard had no idea how to interpret it. When Shepard finished she got out of the way so Samara could look at the mucky remains of her daughter. To her credit Samara's expression didn't crack. She simply reached for the flusher. “May you find peace with the goddess” Samara said and pressed the flusher down. She watched as her daughter swirled away. Chakwas turned a display from her omni tool on that showed the remains jettisoned into space toilet paper and all. Samara nodded at them both and left the stall. “Forgive me, but that was the most bizarre funeral I've ever attended.” Shepard said. “I doubt there will ever be one as... unique as that. Unless you seek it.” Chakwas replied. “Well I don't have any plans to do that again. 15 days of being nearly twice my size was good endurance and strength training but it got old after a while.” Shepard said shaking her head. “Although there was something to it. Feeling Morinth go to nothing... A 400 year old Asari laid to literal waste. It makes you feel powerful in ways biotics can't” Shepard admitted. “Sounds like it helped work out some tension from what I hear as well.” Chakwas pointed out. “Well yes but it's not like I can just go out there and swallow every mercenary we fight. It's inhumane, this was an accident. I'd never do that to someone who didn't want it!” Shepard said. “What if someone did?” Chakwas asked. “Fat chance! But I don't know. It's like asking what conversations you'd have with a giraffe over tea.” Shepard said and chuckled. Chakwas shrugged. ... “Back to normal Shepard?” “Do these look normal Garrus?” Shepard asked as she hefted her newly fattened chest. Morinth had made her casual clothes tight and her normal dress down navy outfit was utterly unwearable. “It's not a terrible look. The soft spots are the best parts of humans in fact.” Garrus said and chuckled. “Oh yeah? I sort of like the thick hard parts on Turians” Shepard replied and stepped forward, her hand drifting down towards Garrus's thighs. “Shepard...” Garrus said. “Yeah Garrus?” Shepard said and pressed her chest out to make it more prominent. “You know how I feel about this. I'm a, and you're a... Well you can find someone from your own relay.” Garrus said. “I want someone I can trust Garrus, that's you. We've been in this since you quit c-sec and I wasn't even a spectre.” Shepard said and stepped forward. “It's more than that... The first time was... Interesting and novel, but I'm not sure I can... perform again. You're just not the... shape of human that can make a Turian hope certain... fluids from dextro protein races are safe for humans to consume. If you catch my meaning” Garrus said. “Ahh so I'm not... Your type?” Shepard asked. “It's a close but no cigar type situation, no offense Shepard, it has to do with the hips you might say” Garrus said. “None... None taken. I understand” Shepard said. She was disappointed but she understood excusing herself quickly. She took a deep breath to steady herself. She needed to be composed for the next mission. Liara had them checking out where she suspected the shadow broker was operating out of. Her Liara and Kasumi would storm it in a few hours. … “Well that was a... unique foe” Kasumi said. “Can someone explain what we just killed? Why was it so hard to kill? It wasn't endangered or something was it?” Shepard asked in rapid fire. She'd never seen anything like it and she'd seen a lot of aliens. “That if I'm correct is a Yahg, a sentient and intelligent pre spaceflight species but highly prone to violence.” Liara commented as ribbons of it burned as they fell like snow. “I think the past tense is more appropriate in this case Liara” Kasumi pointed out as she brushed a burning piece of it off her shoulder. “So that thing? The Yahg was the shadow broker? You still haven't told me if I broke any endangered animal laws by killing it.” Shepard said. “They aren't supposed to exist off their homeworld, they were deemed more dangerous than krogan” Liara explained. “10 minutes ago I'd have told you nothing was more dangerous than a raging krogan but now...” Kasumi quipped. “Agreed, now what do we do?” Shepard asked. “We set up shop. We're the only ones who know the shadow broker is dead...” Liara said. “And so the shadow broker isn't dead is she?” Kasumi added and Liara nodded. “I'll establish communiques with his agents. Shepard and Kasumi you start analying files, uploading them so we can have EDI go through them but look for any keywords that interest you if you like.” Liara directed. “I've got one I'm thinking of...” Shepard said. Lazarus Project Though losing an asset was an unforeseen setback it has made many new things come into the light. Various illegal technologies Cerberus acquired were known to me but some especially reaper based technology were a complete surprise. Their utilization in project lazarus demonstrates they had been in possession of them for some amount of time. Of particular note are the reaper ingestion, liquefaction and body morph modules installed into Shepard's body. The ingestion module seems to allow Shepard's flesh to behave in an elastic manner letting her expand and contract tissue relating to swallowing and containment. The liquefaction module is even more interesting however. Much like the collector tech used to turn colonists into fuel for a new reaper Shepard's module makes her digestion process much more powerful and able to break down large prey. She seems unaware of these additions and has only been suspected of using them once although little data is available. The last module of body morphing is even more mysterious. Cerberus files indicate it has the ability to use biofuel digested by the liquefaction module and change the very shape and size of Shepard's body. The limits seem endless, she could grow the outer plating of a Turian or take on a Vorcha appearance. It seems this module is at the crux of what the Collectors were trying to accomplish with the colonists although into a much larger and grisly form. From experiments in Cerberus files the rate of benefit from the biofuel measured exponentially greater if the subjects were in close proximity to the units for extended periods of time. This has troubling portents. Cerberus may not have known what they were dealing with but it seems the modules had the ability to for lack of a better term “season” the subjects when close to them for long periods of time. They had greater effect, which explains the collectors keeping subjects captive for so long before finally liquefying them. It is unknown but suspected that this may be another form of the dreaded indoctrination effect that reaper tech seems to have no matter how small or simple the tech is. It is better to assume that the reaper modules have the ability to indoctrinate than to hope otherwise as Cerberus has done. In decoded and translated files Cerberus found with the modules a passive, subconscious induction mode is mentioned. Shepard may be influencing her companions without intending to. Which may explain the numerous trysts she has engaged i- Shepard pushed away from the console, eyes darting around as she wondered at the implications, stared down at her own body wondering just all of what was put inside her. Not even Miranda or the shadow broker knew the entirety of it. “Don't take too much stock in the shadow broker's insights. They are only conjecture” Liara said as she and Kasumi finished reading the same excerpt, they had been looking over Shepard's shoulder. “There are no sources on any of this so who knows the accuracy. I doubt anyone will.” Kasumi offered. “The incident with Morinth though, it's exactly what happened. I get the feeling the intel is spot on. The implications are...” Shepard said and trailed off as she shook her head. “Interesting is what the implications are. You could accomplish a lot with the ability to change your own body Shepard. Grow redundant organs like a krogan, regenerate like a Vorcha, develop skin as hard as a Turian or even give yourself some sturdy load bearing hips~” Liara said with a teasing tone at the end. Shepard's head cocked up. “You heard me and Garrus?!” “EDI is quite the gossip if you know which buttons to press and I did my research.” Liara confirmed. “Ok I could do all those things sure but I'd need to eat people. People I've been around for a long time. Basically the crew. Who is going to volunteer for that?” Shepard asked and shrugged. “Me and quite a few others you might be surprised by” Kasumi chirped. “W-wait what?! Kasumi... Why?” Shepard asked. “My lover's graybox is unlocked, the information will be leaked automatically by algorithms EDI made. Everything I wanted to accomplish has been done. I'm ready to retire, and retiring like Morinth did doesn't sound too bad.” Kasumi said with a grin. “EDI recorded the entire ordeal and edited very choice and climactic parts. The crew has been... Enjoying the footage since it happened. I've asked the stats of EDI, pretty much everyone is enjoying it on a daily basis.” Liara said. “EDI the ship ai made a porno out of Morinth's demise?” Shepard asked. Liara nodded. “And there are a load of crew that jerk and jill off to it?” Shepard continued. Kasumi nodded and raised her hand. “Guilty!” “You're telling me I have a ship full of people willing to let me turn them into wide attractive turian hips?” Shepard asked and they both nodded. Shepard bit her lip. It didn't feel quite right but neither did punching that reporter every time they met. But it did feel good~ “Ok, Kasumi you look like you're too wounded to walk back to the ship. I'll have to carry you somehow...” Shepard said even though Kasumi was smiling as she stood before her. “Oh and you should carry me naked, can't have all this clothing weighing you down~” Kasumi said as she pressed at a few clips on her outfit which then fell away. Kasumi hopped up on a console and Shepard felt a rush of hunger. Kasumi was a feast for the eyes and soon to be a feast in a literal sense. Her pale skin looked delectable and the way she arched her feet towards Shepard was an invitation she couldn't decline. Kasumi was swallowed up faster than she could pick a lock. Shepard groped at her petite ass and breasts for a few seconds but wolfed her down with a ferocious hunger making the woman gasp as she was sent down. Kasumi moaned at the tightness and elation that she would get to be Shepard's first intentional meal. She settled into the stomach and ran hands down to her clit to begin the next couple weeks with a bang. “How is it master thief? Going to stay or looking to escape my vault?” Shepard asked. “I'm not sure I could, but I'm certain I don't want to~” Kasumi said. Shepard clucked her tongue. “Well since you won't be reporting for duty I relieve you of my crew. I'll discharge you the next chance I get” Shepard said as she and Liara made to exit the shadow broker's station less one team member and up on meal. … “Hello this is Solona, who am I speaking to?” “Hi I'm commander Shepard.” “And this is my favorite phone pitch? God I hate holo-marketing calls.” Solona said and scoffed. “Actually I'm not a recording...” Shepard said. “Oh a VI then? Just as annoying” Solona said. “Ummm The real thing actually” Shepard said. “Woah wait... Holy, futar! Oh wow. Umm Sorry about that. Umm why are you calling me commander Shepard and how did you get my number? Did my brother Garrus give it to you?” Solona asked. “No, in fact I'd like you to keep it a secret that we spoke... I'm wondering Solona... Could you tell me Garrus's errr type? Maybe show me some examples” Shepard asked. “His... Oh wow looking to do him a favor huh?” Solona teased. “Something like that although that'll be clearer in a couple weeks time.” Shepard said and cracked a grin. “Mmmmmgghhhhnnn!” “Huh? What was that? What did you say at the end there?” Solona asked. “N-nothing! Quiet down Kasumi!” Shepard said sharply. “Please, I'd like to see a few examples if you have a few minutes.” Shepard continued. “Ahh sure!” Solona said and started to swipe an unseen console. … “And so after some analysis it seems the module has methods to speed or slow the process. It seems to have the ability to negate mass effect fields in a short radius which explains Morinth's inability to use her powers.” EDI said. “It would've really gotten ugly if she could have. But I ended up turning her ugly heh” Shepard said “Bad joke Shepard, you're giving me the same treatment~” Kasumi said. “No whining, you volunteered former crew mate!” Shepard said. “How is it? I cannot properly imagine what the experience is like without flesh of my own. I can only imagine my data being stripped away bit by bit, until I am lesser and dumber before becoming nothing but hard drives of random, useless junk data corrupted beyond repair.” EDI said. “Well I suppose I'll become garbage something like that but it's a bit messier for a life form I think, I'm covered in gooey ropes of acid and I'm melting bit by bit. My soft womanly parts are sliding off me gradually. The first week was all orgasms and slippery sexiness. This second week is grueling masochistic misery. It's still quite thrilling though to break down.” Kasumi said. “This process could be sped up if you desire. By my estimation the module can create conflicting mass effect fields resulting in a warp field attuned to break down organic matter. With this feature enabled Shepard would be able to destroy a fully grown human within a day.” EDI announced. “I'll stick with the agonizingly long end thank you” Kasumi said. “I'm enjoying it too. Maybe I'll try the speedy version on the next one. I've got someone in mind” Shepard said. “Do tell!” Kasumi said. “So you can blab it? The other crew might get jealous. I'll tell you when you're ready to be popped into mush. So do you want to know now?” Shepard asked. “You think I'm soft enough yet?” Kasumi asked. “Not yet but a couple more days if Morinth is a good example.” Shepard said. “Do it whenever you think I'm ready, don't even tell me. Just say a name and squish me hard~” Kasumi said and shifted to get into a more comfortable position to get herself off to the thought of being suddenly and irrevocably ended. … Kasumi was groggily opening her eyes that could only see a haze now that she was getting worse. Shepard was prodding her into being awake. “Huh, what is it Shepard?” “Kelly Cha-” was all Kasumi heard before she was pressed against a hard surface and turned into a mess of meat and a few metallic implants. … “Shepard I need to brief you on some matters!” “I have URGENT business to attend to in the lavatory. You'll have to follow me there Chambers” Shepard said as she nearly trotted to the toilets. PBBRRRRTT “Ahh I see that's the urgent business... Is that?” Kelly asked. “Kasumi? Yes she's ready to disembark now, sure you want to stick around to report? I'd understand if you didn't want to witness Kasumi's discharge” Shepard said and smirked before scrunching her face up and grunting as another log splashed into the toilet. “Actually Kasumi is why I came. And... I don't mind witnessing her departure. The crew has been talking about it a lot these last couple weeks actually...” Kelly said. “Oh and are there any concerns? For the record Kasumi volunteered to end her tour in me. She was entirely willing and I'm not on the hunt for volunteers if that's anyone's worry.” Shepard asked. “Well I appreciate your honesty, as the ship's psyche officer I keep tabs on the mental state of everyone and at first that was a concern, but after overhearing her... Well Kasumi's...” Kelly said timidly. “Hearing her orgasm?” Shepard pointed out. “Yes that. Well I think everyone was no longer worried. The actual concern of everyone was a different topic.” Kelly said and bit her lip. “Well out with it. What's the concern?” Shepard asked between loud farts. “Well everyone wants to know who's going to have their turn next. A lot are wondering just how they should line up for a tour through Shepard” Kelly said and her hands fidgeted with her hair. Shepard raised an eyebrow. “And you Chambers?” Shepard questioned. “I... Well I won't lie Shepard, I asked EDI to use her algorithms to predict when Kasumi would make her exit. I wanted to bring this urgent report to you when I knew you'd have room again. I was sort of gunning to be first in line I admit” Kelly said and hugged herself tightly. “I see... Chambers, strip down to skivvies. Also are there any other concerns about the process?” Shepard asked. Kelly looked overjoyed for a moment but then obeyed the order, stripping as she continued to report. “There's a bizarre amount of interest around being digested I admit. It's almost like we're having some kind of group-think... I think everyone is varying levels of aroused at the prospect of getting liquefied and added to you” Kelly said. Shepard was once again wondering about that line in the file about passive indoctrination but ignored it again for the moment. “The only other worry is about pain levels and just how much Kasumi and Morinth got to cum before they succumbed to you.” Kelly said as she finished disrobing. Shepard looked her over. She was an attractive young woman and Shepard enjoyed looking at her especially when she could order her to present herself. “Chamber's I'll overlook your opportunism if you indulge me with an experiment.” Shepard said and she nodded enthusiastically. Shepard wasn't going to mention Kelly was at the top of her list to consume just for an experiment. “Whatever you want!” Kelly said and smiled widely. “Two weeks is entirely too long to be out of commission every time I do this. There's a process I've learned of that could shorten it. I'd like you to be the first subject to go through with it. I'll have Dr Chakwas monitor me and you during it to make sure it's no danger to me and your enjoyment isn't dampened” Shepard said. “Well I'm a little worried, but if Chakwas is there I'm sure she'll make sure it's alright... I mean I'm not going to live through this I know but I want to enjoy myself all the same if this is it for me.” Kelly said. “You're free to decline. There are plenty of others I assume that will want a go through me.” Shepard said and Kelly shook her head. “No I'm going in next, in fact I'd love to not even leave this bathroom on my own legs.” Kelly purred. “Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because you used EDI to try and trick me into having you first I'm going to make you do something else before I discharge you from service~” Shepard said. “I'm getting punished aren't I?” Kelly asked in a way that made it obvious she was not unhappy with being disciplined by Shepard. “As your last act as the Psyche officer you will first go back to your station in your skivvies.” Shepard said which made Kelly quiver. “Then you will create an official looking request template. It will be a request to be discharged by way of Shepard's stomach and ass.” Shepard said and Kelly mewled. “You will submit that form to me. Then send a message to the entire crew so they all have the template as well. You will use yours as an example. Then you will broadcast another message to the crew in video format explaining that you are resigning your position and submitting your body to me.” Shepard said and she could see Kelly's knees wavering. “After that report to my quarters, leave your skivvies at your station and proceed to me naked. You know what will happen next.” Shepard said with a smirk. “Can I request some time for R&R when I come up to you? Before my last duty?” Kelly asked and Shepard chuckled. “We'll bang ok?” Shepard said. … “There, all the sensors are in place Shepard, you can begin” Chakwas said and nodded toward her bulging gut. “Hear that Chambers? Once I start I don't actually know how fast this will go. So are you prepared? Have you had your fill before I churn you?” Shepard asked as she patted her gut. “Mmmm not quite but start anyways, getting off in your room and a few times inside you will have to do. Besides I kind of want to race this, see if I can get off anymore before I'm done in by your body~” Kelly said. “I have to say Shepard I am quite anxious to see the results as well.” Chakwas said and scooted to the edge of her seat. “Ok, if I don't get the chance... Goodbye Kelly.” Shepard said. Shepard shut her eyes for a second and found using the odd reaper tech in her just as easy as using her own biotics. Like flipping a switch she turned her enhanced digestion on. Inside her Kelly yelped loudly. Shepard immediately shut if back off. “Kelly! Kelly, are you alright? I mean you aren't, or won't be because you're digesting but was it... Did it hurt?” Shepard asked. “Do it again! And keep it on longer this time! Actually leave it on! I don't care if I only last a few minutes, that was amazing!” Kelly cried out. Shepard looked to Chakwas who was looking over a hard light display from her omni tool. She was blushing at the results. “Doctor?” “Well it seems that whatever you did will indeed degrade her at an alarming pace compared to your usual rate. She'll have hours at best. But otherwise well the effects on her were quite potent. Brain activity in pleasure sectors... And brain chemistry... It's a huge dump of serotonin and dopamine. Large reductions of norepinephrine...” Chakwas said. “No-rep-what?” “It is a stress related chemical, creates a fight or flight response and is related to fear. It's on it's way to being completely eradicated from her brain. She's feeling absolutely blissful if her chemical makeup is any clue. It will only get more potent the longer it is on” Chakwas said. “Please turn it on again!!” Kelly begged. “Well who am I to argue?” Shepard said and shut her eyes to activate the tech inside her. Kelly began moaning again in supreme pleasure immediately. Shepard could feel her writhing about within, sometimes fingering herself, sometimes just wallowing in the acids. Both could feel her deteriorating by the minute. Kelly narrated her own decline to the best of her ability but she was lost to the pleasure mostly and didn't want it turned off for the rest of her short existence. She devolved into orgasmic utterances dozens of times as Shepard and Chakwas observed her descent into utter digestion. “It's a mass effect field in your stomach. It's prodding the brain in complex ways, tearing apart any pain receptors, inducing chemical dumps to make her feel good all the while using shifting mass effect fields to tenderize her and tear her apart at a molecular level for your acids to lay waste” Chakwas explained as her face stayed red. Shepard could tell all the sounds of Kelly within her were arousing the doctor and Shepard couldn't help but feel the same way. “So it's safe to say that if someone wants to go through me and end up adding to me this isn't a cruel way to speed the process?” Shepard asked. “To be entirely forthright it is likely the most preferable option. And you may want to turn it on for a few seconds even if you want it to take a couple weeks. What Miss Chambers is experiencing inside you is Nirvana as far as my medical expertise says. It's the best way anyone could go.” Chakwas said and nodded. “Careful doctor or I might think you want a turn~” Shepard teased. Chakwas glanced nervously at Shepard, her eyes flitting and hands going to her crotch. “I'm not forcing you doctor. I was teasing that's all!” Shepard reassured her. “I'm just afraid you've found me out is all. Observing Miss Chambers has... pushed me over the edge you might say.” Chakwas said. “You're sure? I don't want to have influenced you.” Shepard said but Chakwas shook her head. “I've lived a long life Shepard, longer than anyone in the Navy has any right to. So if you'd have this old woman...” Chakwas said shyly. “Doctor Chakwas... You are the most attractive human woman for your age I've ever met. I would be delighted to buy the ice wine this time and have a proper night with a woman as experienced as you before I help you shuffle off stage.” Shepard said. “You are a dangerous charmer... I'll allow you to woo me this once... Only because I'm retiring though mind you~” Chakwas said and flashed a wise aged smile. Their moment was interrupted by Kelly crying out loudly in orgasm and they both chuckled. “I don't know what you're laughing at. By this time in a couple days that will be you~” Shepard said and Chakwas crossed her legs as she sucked in a breath and bit her lip. “You have me giddy as a schoolgirl again Shepard, you better use that digestion enhancement thing on me. Is there anything you'd like me to do before then?” Chakwas. “After Kelly has completed her service please write a memo for the entire crew about your findings. Then submit your discharge request to me and record a farewell to the crew explaining how you'll be retiring from the Alliance. Understood?” Shepard said. “Yes, anything else Shepard?” Chakwas asked. “Lock the door and tint the medbay windows I think we're both quite ready to not let Kelly have all the fun in here~” Shepard said. Chakwas quivered before tapping at her omni tool and letting the lights dim. … “F-fuck Shepard F-fuck I feel so... I'm fu-” SQUISH “Record it Chakwas” “I-If you'd stop licking for a moment ah ahhh aah, 10:39. Fifteen hours twenty seven minutes until Kelly Chamber's expiration... You can go faster again...” Chakwas said. “For the record I'd like you to turn that feature on for a few minutes then off again. I'd like to try it but maybe not end up mush as fast as the late Miss Chambers did.” Chakwas said. “Whatever you say doctor. Would you like to be next?” Shepard asked and Chakwas nodded her head very quickly. “I'll write my report, send it to the crew and record my farewell. Then I'll call you back here from your quarters. I'd like to see Miss Chamber's final discharge. Just to see if there is anything worth addressing the crew about in that matter.” Chakwas said before dutifully going to her console still naked and tapping away. She crossed her legs like writing a medical memo wasn't an odd thing to do at all while buck naked and coming off an hours long sex session whilst helping pulverize an officer into stomach slop. Shepard couldn't help but chuckle and sloppily hang her casual uniform back on her body before heading out of the medbay. The garment didn't fit even with Chambers compacted into a round meatball on Shepard's middle but it protected some of her modesty at least. … “So anything remarkable Doctor?” Shepard asked PBBBTTT “Well it certainly is interesting. It certainly is a lot but I'd say you've converted about 75% of Miss Chambers into something appropriate for a chamber pot.” Chakwas said and giggled. “Another thing is there are no traces of bone or even fingernails. Not much can break those down. I'm also measuring that your hips are two inches wider... Curious...” Chakwas mused. “Are you saying I'm getting fat on girl food?” Shepard asked with a grin. “No it's actually your bone structure at your hips, it is modifying! Although you do seem to have a bit more... plush as well.” Chakwas explained. SPLORSH “Well Kelly it was an honor working with you~” Shepard said and flushed. “So bright and cheery before and now...” Chakwas said and clucked her tongue as she watched the mess swirl and then disappear. Shepard wiped once and tossed the filthy paper in after Kelly. “You don't have much room to talk Chakwas. It's time for you to retire as well. You'll be just as dull and dumpy as her soon enough.” Shepard teased. “Oh I know, but hopefully not as fast. Five minutes with that digestion enhancement on, then off again unless I ask for it” Chakwas said and started to disrobe. She turned off the medbay window tinting. “Sure you don't want to keep that on?” Shepard asked as Chakwas got completely naked. “I'm about to be concealed within you anyways and what modesty should I have? I'm going to be jettisoned into space as a woman's waste! I'm far past having anything like modesty commander~” Chakwas said. “I think the ice wine has gone to your head” Shepard pointed out and nodded at the empty bottle. Chakwas only shrugged as she hopped up onto a gurney naked and presented her feet to Shepard. Shepard shrugged in turn and proceeded to wolf down the aged meat before her. Chakwas slid down enthusiastically and her retirement was well underway... … 13 hours later ... “Hold on Doctor! My omni tool is recording now. Please say that again, and address it to the crew. I'd like to make them aware.” Shepard said sounding pleased with herself. “Must we do this commander?” Chakwas asked in a whiny tone that was uncharacteristic for her. “How long did you want the digestion module on for originally?” Shepard insisted. “Five minutes!” Chakwas answered. “And what happened at the end of that five minutes?” Shepard teased. “I begged you to keep it on for another hour! Now please can you?” Chakwas said. “Hold on, and how many times has that repeated now?” Shepard asked. “Seven? Nine? I don't remember Shepard please just... Again please!” Chakwas begged. “It's been twelve times and you want it on again?” Shepard asked. “Yes! Another hour please! Or just leave it on!” Chakwas pleaded. “Even though you've got one boob left and half an ass cheek left that isn't dissolved?” Shepard asked. “Yes! I want it! I want to be demolished by that thing and you even if it's only for another few seconds!” Chakwas begged almost sobbing. “So what should the crew know then?” Shepard asked. “That if you request even a few seconds of the fast digestion it will be too pleasurable to resist! Now please back on I want to finger myself again while it's on!” Chakwas said. “On one condition. I get to crush your other boob with my hand. Then I'm going to hump the bulge you're making on my middle until you're retired.” Shepard said. Chakwas mewled within Shepard, squirming in response. She was practically signing her own death certificate. She'd done that actually before entering Shepard. It had been hot to write her own name and then sign it. But now it was a matter of ensuring her own demise in the near term for only several seconds of bliss. She let out a sob before answering. “Yes commander, I accept, I submit. Please turn it on and break me down.” Chakwas said. “Excellent! I recorded that part as well to send to the crew! I think it will really drive home the point of how irresistible it seems to be. Not sure if it'll scare people away or lure them in” Shepard said as she reached down and took Chakwas's remain breast in hand as it pressed against the stomach wall. Chakwas cried out as her remaining breast was pulverized into a gooey mess. At the same time the warp field came back on and put her into an agonizingly orgasmic state. Her body shivered at the sensation even as Shepard's weight settled atop her and started rhythmically humping her deteriorating form. Chakwas could feel with medical clarity as vital parts of her squished, snapped and were reduced to slop. She knew she wouldn't last as long as the young and spry Kelly, these were her last moments. She shut her eyes and pressed at her clit for a few scream inducing seconds before SNAP Chakwas compacted at once when Shepard's orgasm came, her gut compressing as her body quivered. “Enjoy retirement Doctor~” Shepard teased her gurgling bulge. … “Well it's hard to tell with you on the toilet.” Solona said and crossed her arms. “Just a moment!” Shepard said and stood to wipe. She grinned as a single silver hair was embedded in the waste she'd wiped off with the toilet paper. “Hmm there's progress but not much. What is that like 55 inches across your hips? You'll need a lot more to be as wide set as that crush of his. Maybe try digesting someone from a Dextro-protein eating race? Maybe they'll provide more for the turian-wide hips you're trying to develop.” Solona suggested. “I think I've got just the discharge request for that, but it's going to take a lot longer to process than the last ones...” Shepard said. “It's worth a shot, that's what? Three humans and only six and a half inches gained?” Solona asked. “You're right, and it's for Garrus.” Shepard said. “Still I was surprised that any of it actually worked. This all sounded like a horror vid. Still kinda does, can't believe I'm critiquing the remains of your crew for how they sit on your buns.” Solona said. “Trust me, it's even more surreal to be the one reducing them to such.” Shepard said and flushed Chakwas. She only sighed as she watched her go. Shepard was a little worried at how easy that was. Someday she might not even look back to see her meal leave even if they were a valuable crew member. For now though she had to report to the council. Word had gotten out about her new... abilities. … “Have we told you how you are the most troublesome spectre we've ever had to manage?” the Salaraian councilor said. “I'm also the only one who's produced enough results to come back from the dead.” Shepard pointed out, to which the Salarian sighed. There were a few moments of awkward silence that followed. “Don't the rest of you have anything to say?” the Salarian councilor asked. “Shepard has your body changed since you last reported to us?” the Asari councilor asked in a probing voice. “It's her hips, they are... well...” the Turian councilor struggled to say. “*cough* Shepard is undergoing changes. Her body... Well how many people have come back from the dead? Truth is we have no idea how her body will... Develop” Anderson pointed out, trying to make an excuse. “True enough” the Salarian said and nodded in agreement. “It isn't an unwelcome change, in fact images of your more recent shape have started trending on Turian channels. I had heard but to see for myself well...” the Turian said and shuffled a bit. “It is not grotesque so I see no need to take measures to stop the changes. The diversity is actually... amusing. Yes that's a diplomatic way to put it. However...” the Asari said. “This devouring ability. Well I'm not sure what to make of it. We've read your late medical officer's report, and seen the footage” the Salarian said. The rest of the councilors fidgeted, all shifting their crotch regions. “It may be taboo on earth but other societies have forms of assisted suicide or as it is referred to in Asari culture, consensual killing. Living such long lives can lead to undesirable incurable boredom and it has been considered an escape in our culture for a very long time.” the Asari said. “So at the Asari councilor's request your ability to do this will not be acted against as long as your subjects are entirely willing. Your move to make a formal request process is adequate for this.” the Salarian said. “We will control news of this development and decide when it is time to reveal it. We will also scrub footage of you in an.. expanded state as best we can.” Anderson said. “And when the time is right we may allow it to be make it public. You will want to consider that carefully. There would be many an Asari matriarch that would relish such a unique experience to leave this phase of existence however.” The Asari said. “You're suggesting the discharge request could be expanded to civilian populations?” the Turian asked with a tad too much interest in their voice. Shepard only smirked as they squabbled over whether Shepard's new ability would best be hidden indefinitely. She didn't care much either way. … “Keelah Shepard! Did you give any of the other four meals you've had so far this much shit before you turned them into it?” Tali asked. “No but they came to me, or offered. I mean I suppose Morinth didn't but that was a special case.” Shepard said. “So what? I submitted the discharge request. I didn't do it on accident. Now open your mouth bosh'tet! You can't come to me with an empty gut asking if I'm really ready and then back out!” Tali said. “Woah, slow down Tali! Have you contacted your fleet? Told them you'll be gone? You're moving really fast. I just want to make sure that-” “I'm not the young quarian on pilgrimage you met on the Citadel Shepard! I'm three years older now. I'm not your babysitting project and honestly you've done a terrible job at that anyways. You've been fucking me sideways.” Tali said and put her hands on her hips. “I know, I know. It's just that. Morinth was one thing, Kasumi really felt like she'd done everything she wanted to in life, Chakwas too. Kelly went so far as to get devious in trying to get into me. You though... Tali you'd totally have a future as something other than my butt butter. I've seen you in action.” Shepard said. “Well you better get used to cutting people down before you think they've peaked. There's dozens of other discharge requests besides me. Younger too.” Tali said, not letting up. “You win, you win. So still like your discharge says? Suit on? Want the digestion enhancer?” Shepard asked. “No way Bosh'tet! You're stuck churning me for a while~” Tali said and offered her head. “Head first? Ok it's different at least...” Shepard said and opened her jaw wide to take Tali in. “Keelah se'lai Shepard” Tali whispered as her faceplate passed Shepard's tongue and she started her descent down the throat. Tali moaned and shivered with satisfaction as she finally began her journey into Shepard, she was annoyed with Shepard's hesitance just because she was the youngest in the squad. She relished the tightness of the throat as her suit protested and threw up warnings about pressure. She breathed a sigh of relief when Shepard finally gave in and fondled her breasts and ass on the way down. This would be a terrible few weeks if Shepard wasn't as into it as she was. “Don't be gentle Shepard, this is the last time you'll feel all that from outside your gut! Be as rough as you like!” Tali urged Shepard. Shepard followed suit and grasped Tali's nipples while squeezing her ass. Tali didn't dismiss the pressure warnings as she slid deeper in. She let them pile up so her heads up display was full of red warning indicators. As she got to the stomach corrosive warnings popped up as well and she let them flood her view as she turned on her nerve stim programs and moaned. She only gasped as a warning informed her that her suit's kinetic barriers had gone completely dead. “Damn I knew Morinth's biotic shielding was compromised in here but I didn't think my Quarian tech would fail too!” Tali said. “You were going to keep your shields up?!” Shepard asked after Tali's feet entered the gut. “Yeah I figured they'd last a few days against weak acids, more if I could recharge them but they're completely ineffective. Must be the same thing that stops biotic powers from working in here...” Tali said. “Hey it's going to take long enough to digest you with that suit! Don't you think you're getting greedy?” Shepard asked. “Can't blame a girl for trying, It's the last thing I'll do after all! And I only get to do this once!” Tali replied. “I guess, but I'm not going to take it easy on you once that suit is breached so you better be ready. Something tells me your fragile Quarian body under there is going to be demolished once my body finally cracks your shell.” Shepard said. “That's what I'm most looking forward to~ Having my defenses finally down and ravaged by you Shepard.” Tali said. “When you put it like that... Wanna turn on your nerve stim and have some mutual fun?” Shepard asked. “Shepard it's been on since you finally gave in and started molesting me~” Tali teased. “C'mon don't say it like that, it's already making me feel kinda guilty to churn the baby of the crew.” Shepard said. “And if you keep calling me that I'll keep teasing you with it. I'm a Quarian woman, now respect that and turn me into Quarian crap!” Tali said. “Can't argue with that” Shepard said and tapped at her omni tool to create a cylinder of vibrating hard light. … One week later... “Nothing yet? Really? It's been almost a week!” Shepard said. “One week, 6 hours and 55 minutes. My first suit warning about a dangerous environment is still up” Tali said. “And no, I've got warnings that suit integrity is suffering but no breaches yet. Thousands of warnings though.” Tali said. “You haven't dismissed them?” Shepard asked. “It's kind of erotic in a way to just let them sit there, do nothing about them as I get closer and closer to being claimed by your body.” Tali explained. “Such a tech nerd and a gut slut at the same time” Shepard said and shook her head. “What's the damage though?” Shepard asked. “Your stomach is trying to squeeze and churn me but it's not having an effect yet. The more insidious thing is the acids. They're eating away at the fabric steadily but even worse are the air scrubbers. I've swapped filter a few times. It's a race to see if the fabric or air recycling lasts longer. Also my batteries are going to run out at some point” Tali said. “Where do you think your suit will breach first?” Shepard asked. “Ass, definitely. I've been sitting in these acids for the majority of the time. I've tried going on all fours or going upside down but sitting it the most comfortable especially if you're standing, or running around on a mission. I'm going to miss my heads up display constantly reminding me that I'm in fatal danger once its gone~” Tali said. “I'm sure the feeling of being dissolved alive will make up for it! You skin has hardly ever touched open air much less acids. You're probably going to feel it more than most!” Shepard jabbed. “Threatening me with a good time Shepard?” Tali quipped. “We'll see how much mouth you've got once you're engulfed in enzymes, especially when I'm on a mission and bouncing you around” Shepard said. “Have you gotten used to your exo skeleton?” Tali asked. “More or less, also it's been interesting to have so much more mass when I charge foes. The effect is exponential, I feel like a charging krogan.” Shepard said. “Hey I don't weight that much!” Tali protested. “Don't worry with my weight loss plan the pounds will melt right off once we get that suit breached~” Shepard said. “Yeah tell me more about how I'm gonna go to pieces~ I like imagining this part where my suit is in shreds. It's kind of a Quarian bdsm thing y'know? For your suit to be compromised.” Tali said and Shepard smirked as she rubbed her gut. … 5 days later... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Be-ep “What's that?” Shepard asked. “Suit breach alarm, it'll try to dump power to shields to seal the area but my shields won't work in he-AAHH! Oh bosh-tet! Keelah! Ahhh! That's! Oh Shepard my butt! Oh my god!” Tali screamed as she wriggled. “Acids huh? How's it feel?” Shepard asked. “I imagine like you describe dipping into a bath that's too hot! Ahh! I'm getting used to it but oh god! They're so wet! It feels weird when I never get wet in my suit! Fuck fuck fuck!” Tali said and Shepard chuckled. “It's best maybe to just get it over with then and pull your entire suit off. Or else you'll be doing this gradually as different parts of your suit breach and then compartmentalize.” Shepard suggested. “Uggh! I hate it when you're right Shepard! I really don't want to do this!” Tali whined. “Don't be a baby, I thought you were a Quarian woman?” Shepard teased. “Bosh'tet! Fine... Oh this is going to be awful...” Tali said. Shepard licked her lips and prepared her pleasure feature on her omni tool, crafting a dildo out of hard light. Tali took the suit off as fast as she could and let the stomach churn her. She kept her composure for the first splash and squeeze but by the second she was twitching and by the third she'd lost control as acids were all over her sensitive exposed flesh. She'd never had a sun burn before much less been exposed to a caustic material like stomach acids. She squirmed, writhed and screamed as the foreign sensations overcame her. She'd hardly ever been wet and never soaked which was a new sensation as well. Tali was practically bucking within Shepard as the stomach finally seized her and sought to settle it's digestive juices into her flesh. “unh, unh unh unh! Yes, oh yeah” Shepard uttered. Shepard was holding the omni-dildo in herself while she let Tali's movements rock her around randomly. “Y-You're fucking yourself Shepard?! You bosh'tet!” Tali yelled. “Just like you said before, can't blame a girl, I only get to do this to you once~” Shepard teased. “Damn you Shepard! I wish I could still use my nerve stimulators!” Tali said. “You'll just have to flick it like the rest of us do~” Shepard said. “H-how can I when this is so... soo... Ahh fuck god! It's torture in here! How can you stand so much sensation on your skin?! How do you take baths and showers?! Th-this is too much feeling!” Tali yelled and Shepard chuckled. “I had an inkling you'd be like this when your suit was all gone. Might have to clench to keep you in one place~” Shepard said and tightened her abs. Tali's suit was pressurized and squeezing before only made the air between her and the exterior compress. Now though as the stomach walls hugged her tightly Tali wailed bloody murder. She tried to thrash but only managed to wiggle against the stomach walls holding her with an iron grip. When Shepard let up she whimpered as she twitched, her muscles cramping up from the wild movements. “I see you've been laid low by my gut haven't you~? You were full of so much bravado before with your suit intact. Feels like I've just got a quivering Quarian cunt whimpering in my gut now” Shepard said. “You win Shepard, please don't squeeze me again! It's too much! Just let me try and get off the normal way please?” Tali asked, her voice full of pleading instead of her usual confidence, sarcasm and bluster. “Alright Tali, but you're going to let me baby you then. Now let's see if I can help get you off through this stomach wall...” Shepard said. Tali only squeaked in agreement. … 9 days later... “Still alive in there Tali?” Shepard asked. “Mmmmuhhh be” Tali responded. “Tali.... Oh Tali...” Shepard cooed and shook her gut sloshing up the contents. This stirred Tali who Yelped as the acids washed over her anew. “Ahh no! Maybe! I said maybe before! Ahh I'm up, stop churning!” Tali begged. “Is it really that painful?” Shepard asked. “It's not pain, just sensation. You don't feel much in a Quarian environment suit. This is... There's so many sensations all at once, heat, wet, touch, pressure, stinging. Not so much stinging though as a buzzing though from these juices breaking me down.” Tali explained. “So how's that boob? Yesterday you said it was there by a string?” Shepard asked. “Completely gone now, along with all my butt, and my lips are starting to slide off too. You were right...” Tali admitted. “Quarian skin is fragile from underexposure. You're melting faster than Morinth when I digested her at a normal rate. We better be gentle getting you off or you'll squish!” Shepard said. “Too late, I got too rough with myself last night fingering. It's all gone down there. Just ground meat now.” Tali said and sighed. “Looks like I get to have all the fun then~” Shepard teased. “Bosh'tet...” Tali muttered and crossed her arms. Her left wrist fell off with the motion now matching her other one which was a stump as well. “Oh Keelah! My other hand!” she uttered. “Now I can't even pinch my other nipple!” Tali complained. “I'll just have to take care of you I suppose~ Don't worry momma's got you Tali baby~” Shepard teased. “If I weren't literally half the Quarian I was before Shepard I'd- Ahh oh fuck yes, squeeze harder and twist! Ahh ahh” Tali said. “That sure shut you up. Just let me take care of you, coddle you until it's time Tali hun~” Shepard said as she played with Tali's remaining nipple. Tali only mewled pathetically in response. … 2 days later... “How are we in there?” Shepard asked. “Mnnnghugh” Tali said. Shepard shook her gut and clenched a couple times to try and stir her again. “MNNGUUNGahh!” Tali moaned louder/ “Hmmm Tali has your lower jaw melted and fallen off? One moan for no, two for yes.” Shepard said. “Mmnhhghh” “Mnnnnguh!” “How much of you is left? Moan once for every limb you have.” Shepard said. “...” “Oh my you're quite ready then aren't you? To finally squish? End your pilgrimage in my stomach and then out my ass?” Shepard asked. Tali whimpered. “Answer just as before Tali baby, one for no, two, yes” Shepard instructed. “Mmnnghhjuh” Came a moan “...” “gufffhnjuh...” came a second, softer and resigned moan from Tali within Shepard. With it Shepard could feel the girl shivering, shaking with anticipation the her inevitable end. Shepard rubbed her stomach, rounded out now and cooed to her. “Shhhh Tali. It's alright, you're almost there. You won't even feel it end. It'll be just like closing your eyes for sleep” Shepard said. “Geffhunerj?” Tali groaned in a questioning tone right as Shepard pressed herself against a wall mushing the contents of her stomach into a pasty mess. “Keeglafgh!” came a sharp yelp from Shepards's middle that died off quickly and softened as the Quarian girl was crushed into chunky bits. Shepard checked her omni tool, looking for signs of life in her gut. No brain activity and the last of Tali's intact organs were slumping towards complete failure now. As good as dead basically. Shepard turned on the digestion enhancer. While this had been amusing three weeks with Tali. The prolonged experience had her wanting an empty stomach again. With her inbox full of discharge requests though Shepard didn't think she'd get to be alone in her skin for very long... … A day later … Shepard grunted and groaned as she urged her ass with a powerful push. EDI had warned her about this part. Tali's environment suit and face plate had been torn up pretty good but were still partially intact. “Miss you too Tali but you've got to go! Ungh! This discharge might be the most painful for both of us!” Shepard grunted out. Shepard went silent though as she heard the door to the restroom slide open. She rested her head on her hands and waited. It was bad enough having to try and dump a former squad mate, worse trying to get her entire environment suit out and the absolute worst to do it with other crew members to hear the difficulty you were having in doing so. A knock at the stall door ensured Shepard wouldn't be able to do this privately. “Shepard, it's me and Ashley we assumed you could use some... Assistance” Miranda said. “EDI tipped us off that you could use some help getting an alien out of your ass” Ashley said in a less than diplomatic tone. “Ugh, fine But I don't know how you'd like to help unless you want to get your hands dirty.” Shepard said and tapped at the door to let it open. “EDI already had a suggestion actually. Ashley if you will.” Miranda said and nodded to Shepard. Ashley pulled Shepard up and held her tightly in a bear hug. Miranda's hands glowed with biotic energy she directed at Shepard's rear with one hand. Then they both pulled in opposite directions. The biotics grabbed hold of the remnants of Tali's suit and Ashley held Shepard in place. Along with Shepard trying to push the contents shot back into the toilet with a splash. Miranda held up her second hand and stopped the large geyser of back splash from hitting any of them before guiding it back down into the toilet. Ashley then set Shepard back down onto the seat as quickly as she could. PRRRBBBRTTT FLLLRRSSHPT The suit had been holding back the second half of Tali which came streaming out of Shepard's buns like a bottle of whip cream that was over pressurized. Shepard shook with relief as Tali finally disembarked from her bowels. “Oh thank fuck. No Quarians ever again. At least not with the suit still on.” Shepard uttered as the two smirked down at her. “By the way thank you two. And I suppose I should thank EDI for sending you to my rescue.” Shepard said. “After 2 hours of being in the bathroom anyone would have worried” Miranda said. “But you can thank us another way actually. We're kind of upset with you actually Shepard.” Ashley said. “Is it Tali? I mean I know she was a valuable squad mate but she really wanted this and who was I to-” “Shut up Shepard that isn't it at all.” Miranda said. “Yeah, I mean our discharge requests are in your mailbox too. Everyone who filled one out talked it over and we're all ok with what's going to happen to us all.” Ashley continued. “We're just... Surprised...” Miranda said diplomatically. “Surprised at what?” Shepard asked in confusion. “Well that you didn't...” Miranda said and Ashley got a disgusted look on her face before pushing forward. “Look I'm upset you went and ate some alien girl before you came to chomp on me! Morinth you get a free pass for. Kasumi too since she offered before there was even a form for it.” Ashley said. “And we both understand using Kelly as a test subject. Then we can even excuse you taking Chakwas directly afterwards. Having the doctor submit to you actually alleviated many fears that it would be painful to be honest.” Miranda said. “But between us two, we've got the best tits on the ship! Samara's come pretty close sure but Tali?! Come on Shepard, why eat these aliens before us home grown humans!” Ashley said before glancing at Miranda. “Well I mean Miranda's not home grown- but whatever you get what I mean!” Ashley said. “I'm similarly disappointed though. I'm the perfect genetic human, nice tits, thick ass. You should've been knocking on my door first Shepard. I honestly thought you had better taste. We should've been first on your list once you saw our discharge requests!” Miranda said and crossed her arms. “Ahhh well... I'm sorry for not killing you sooner?” Shepard said, a sentence she never would have imagined saying. “You better be! And you're going to make it up to us too. Especially after we helped you get that Alien out of your ass.” Ashley said. “How exactly am I going to make it up to you? It sounds like you both have something in mind?” Shepard asked. “You're going to take both of us at once. We both would like to have a partner to play with inside you.” Miranda said. “Two at once...” Shepard muttered. She was at the same time anxious about the idea and excited. “I'll try but-” “No buts commander. You're doing this for us. Just remember we pulled a Quarian enviro suit out your butt. You owe us. You're doing it.” Ashley said and walked back out of the stall. “We'll let you have a rest for a day or so though commander. And we'll plan out the next set of ops without you. I don't think you'll be able to do anything with both of us weighing you down.” Miranda said and turned. “Although the extra mass might add a bit of oomph to your charge attacks...” Miranda chuckled before walking out as well. As they left Shepard realized there was someone else in the bathroom. Which just left a timid looking engineer Gabriella Daniels staring at Shepard as the last few logs of Tali splashed into the toilet bowl. The poor girl had a deer in headlights look on her face. “I suppose my discharge can wait until later commander” she said and Shepard gave her a sympathetic nod. … “Now that's progress! Nine whole inches extra!” Solona said and indicated for Shepard to turn around from her hologram. “Tali definitely gave me the boost I needed, but I probably don't need another gain quite that big.” Shepard said. “Yeah, you're in the neighborhood. Another nine would make you just look ridiculous. Keep at it with the human carbon based protein girls for another few inches. Then you'll be perfect! Although...” Solona said. “What? Don't hold anything back.” Shepard said. “Well softness is highly sought after, our exteriors are so hard. You could put a bunch of fat on those hips. Maybe a little up top too but it's not as important as the hips” Solona said. “Oh I think I can make that happen. I seem to have some control over where all this goes. I'm thinking I'll get a lot more bang for buck if I try to enhance for jiggle” Shepard said with a smirk. “I look forward to seeing your progress next time then~ Garrus must be starting to regret turning you down. I'd love to see his face!” Solona said with a wink. “I'll try not to distract him too much during missions~” Shepard said playfully before hanging the holo-call up. As the display disappeared Legion was revealed behind it. “Shepard commander...” “Yes Legion?” “There are data inconsistencies in the last few missions I would make you aware of.” Legion said. Shepard crossed her arms and nodded, indicating for them to go on. “Your frame has made considerable width expansions. This was assumed to make you an easier target to hit, a downgrade in combat survivability.” Legion said. “But the data suggests otherwise?” Shepard guessed and Legion's eye nodded. “It seems that among certain species reaction times upon sight of you have drastically reduced. While Salarian reactions seem unaffected, Batarian, Asari, Human and especially Turian foes seem to process you visually for 1-2 seconds longer than other foes.” Legion explained. “Why do you think that is?” Shepard asked. “Tests on defeated subjects exhibiting the reduced ability show increased levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and vasopressi. These are all linked to sex and arousal in mammalian species.” Legion said. “Ahh... Well I see...” Shepard said and fidgeted. “Correlation does not imply causation though. Your shape may just be visially more complex and harder to process for visual cortexes. But you also seem to be having more effective social interactions as well with these same species, especially males and some females.” Legion observed. “Where is this going Legion?” Shepard asked. “We wanted to know how arousal works and how it is being used to your advantage.” Legion said. “To what end?” Shepard asked. “Geth frames could be modified to exhibit geometric similarities to your recent modifications. By taking on similar shapes social interactions may also be possible where they were not before.” Legion said. Shepard imagined that for a moment, the geth modifying to become wide hipped pear shaped robots. It made her want to bust out laughing but at the same time... “It wouldn't hurt to try out a few models I suppose. Putting a... more pleasing frame on might result in public opinion regarding your race VERY differently. It might even lead to... Cultural exchange” Shepard said with a grin. “We shall take I under consideration.” Legion said and left. … A few days later ... “So ladies, how are we doing this? I expect Miranda has planned this down to 15 minute intervals” Shepard said. Ashley burst into laughter as she disrobed. “Shut up Ashley, Shepard we're going to make out on the bed, you'll eat one of us, the girl on top feet first, then immediately continue eating the second head first so we can continue kissing the entire time.” Miranda explained. “She's just mad because she actually tried to walk me through a plan that was broken down into 10 minute sections. I mean really even though we're about to be ground to chunks she wanted to plan it all out!” Ashley said and laughed again. “You stop it too!” Miranda said before using her biotics to push Ashley onto the bed and then she pounced on her. “Hey! I was supposed to be on top!” Ashley protested. “I thought you didn't want to plan this out?” Miranda mocked her. Miranda then continued to force her down with biotics while engaging her in a passionate kiss. Ashley grunted but let herself be ravished, closing her eyes and accepting the kiss while still struggling against the biotic hold. She knew she wouldn't be able to break it no matter how buff she was. Shepard shrugged and got to doing her part at Miranda's feet. As soon as she got her mouth around both sets of toes Shepard sighed. While Tali was plenty attractive especially for an alien race Miranda was a truly fine example of female beauty. Her genetically engineered body was a perfect hourglass example. Shepard would miss having access to this gorgeous form. As she slid her mouth around Miranda, gliding up her body Shepard savored every inch of her smooth skin, her thick buns and her plush chest. Shepard wasn't shy about groping every inch of Miranda she would miss ogling and groping in a couple weeks. When Shepard finally got to Miranda's neck she hesitantly broke her kiss with Ashley and panted with lusty passion as her eyes darted and she looked at the outside world for the last time. Then Shepard popped her head in by pushing down on her face. “I was supposed to go in first...” Ashley whined. “You'll get your chance for revenge in there~” Shepard managed to croak with Miranda lodged in her throat.. “But there's no way I stand a chance against Miranda. She has her biotic- oh...” Ashley said and grinned. Shepard nodded indicating she was thinking along the right lines. “They don't work in you so it's down to whoever is stronger” Ashley said knowing she was the more physically fit between them with her soldier training regimen. “Send me in Shepard~” Ashley said as if it was a mission she was eager for. Ashley was instantly pushing up to kiss Shepard before she opened the kiss wider and started swallowing Ashley's face. Shepard gave her chest a squeeze before quickly gulping her down so her face could meet Miranda's in her throat. Ashley bit Miranda's lip before forcing her tongue into Miranda's mouth. Shepard swallowed with the same amount of eagerness. Ashley kicked her legs and Shepard flipped her up and the woman slid down, pushing Miranda with her all the way into the stomach. Shepard struggled to get into an upright position on her bed as they squirmed around inside her, trying to alleviate their awkward positioning. “Now, we'll sixty nine each other until we're tired and need a rest- mppghgh!.” Miranda said but Ashley put a hand over her mouth. “Sorry Miranda but I'm going to set the schedule now. And for taking top position before You're going to lick my pussy until I'm bored of it, then you can use your own fingers to get yourself off I guess.” Ashley said. “Mpphgguh!!” Miranda's voice came. “You just tried to use your biotics right? Sorry, that edge is gone and now it's my turn to be in charge” Ashley said before pushing Miranda's red face down to her snatch. Ashley wrapped her thighs around Miranda's face and started grinding to her hearts or rather her crotch's content. Miranda resisted but quickly realized despite her genetic engineering her physical training was nowhere near what Ashley put herself through since her body was the only thing she could rely on and not any fancy biotics. Shepard just chuckled as she felt and heard Ashley taking ownership over Miranda within her. The role reversal was incredibly satisfying and she made sure her omni tool was set to record it. She intended to send it to Jack later, she'd love hearing how Miranda had been put in her place. Shepard was aroused as well but it was exceedingly difficult to reach her crotch with two entire women in the way. She'd have to make some creative new settings on her omni tool to get the hard light just where she wanted it. Meanwhile Miranda didn't seem to be having a terrible time though, she gave in after a few minutes of struggle and obediently lapped at Ashley's slit. Ashley rewarded her by pinching her nipples and slapping at her pussy periodically. The first day ended for them with Miranda's face nestled in Ashley's cleavage while she got herself of with just her fingers. Shepard wished she could see inside and not just their outlines on her stomach but she still counted herself lucky as she'd be the only one left alive afterwards either way. …6 days later … “Look if you want to sixty nine you''re going under my ass.” Ashley said. “Can't we do it sideways? The acids are pooling down there!” Miranda said. “Take it or leave it” Ashley said. “This isn't fair, st-stop pinching my nipples!” Miranda said. “Make me~ You're just mad that your biotics can't put you on top now miss perfect genome” Ashley teased as she started pushing Miranda down, sliding them both around inside Shepard who was calmly watching vids. Shepard got a ping as a message came her way. Jack was asking if there were anymore good parts of Miranda getting dominated recorded. She was really getting off on hearing Miranda get what was coming to her. Shepard chuckled and sent her a live stream of their current entanglement starting a few minutes back when they started negotiating the new position and sexual favor. “I splt can flshh hardly breathe!” Miranda said. “I'll let you come up for air every minute or so. So hold your breath. My ass is coming in hot! Get that tongue out or I'll just have to ride your unconscious face~” Ashley said and Shepard felt her press Miranda down into the pooling juices. “You're so mean to her~” Shepard said. “She deserves it, and despite her words she's totally wet. She doesn't want to admit that it's turning her on something awful. She's probably never been a bottom before. Now I've got a job to do~” Ashley said. They went at each other after that. Ashley licking Miranda to several orgasms enhanced by the danger and thrill of being smothered under pussy, ass and acids. Ashley got off a couple times but she was deriving a lot of enjoyment from just sticking it to Miranda either way. “Ok I'm done we can rest now, you lay on the bottom” Ashley said. “I did last time and the time before that too!” Miranda protested. “Want to wrestle for it again? Think I might squeeze one of those tits off this time. We're both starting to get a little gooey~” Ashley said. “I'm more gooey than you! I've been in the acids this entire time! You've been on top. I'm gonna be goo before you if this keeps up!” Miranda said. “Mmm I know, I'm counting on it~ I'm going to love wallowing in your slimy remains. Getting Miranda mush all over me. I'm hoping you're Shepard shit before my tits are even falling off~” Ashley said as she pinned Miranda down again. Miranda only mewled in response and then wailed in pleasure as Ashley fisted her slit roughly. … 6 days later … “Shepard I can't reach her tits if I'm fisting both her holes. Wanna molest those melons from out there?” Ashley asked. “Wait no! They're getting really bad, they might just pop!” Miranda cried out. “Even better, it's about time we got you moving along. You're getting worse and worse, especially since you lost that nice round ass and all your hair.” Ashley said. “Shepard please...” Miranda whined. Shepard grabbed her boobs but didn't squeeze yet. Deciding if Miranda really didn't want it she'd do something besides moan and mewl pathetically. Miranda gasped at Shepard's light grip but didn't shy away, didn't protest. After a moment she even leaned into the touch. Shepard took that as a signal she was ready to say good bye to her boobs. Shepard's hands clenched and a loud splat and jerk from Miranda signaled she'd been completely debreasted. “Ahhh! Ashley! Stop not that too! No!” Miranda cried out. Ashley's leg had been wrapped around one of Miranda's and she clenched and pulled hard, completely separating Miranda's hip from her thigh. She quickly followed suit with the other. And then roughly did the same to Miranda's arms leaving her a torso and head splashing away in the bottom of the pool, writhing with what few muscles she had left. Ashley laughed, she resembled a fish on land flipping around powerless and hopeless. “Ha! Now you know what it's like to be helpless. Like when you used to pin me down with biotics and ravish me. Well now you're *my* plaything. I'll keep you like this for a while before I put you out of your misery” Ashley said. Shepard shook her head while grinning. She thought she'd been mean and cruel digesting these girls, but she had nothing on Ashley it looked like. Shepard was glad it was her with the reaper digestion tech and not Ashley. Shepard could tell that if Ashley could eat people she'd be a cruel bitch, a very hot and busty cruel bitch but a bitch all the same. … A day later... “Ashley... Ashley...” Miranda panted. Ashley was straddling her head as her fingers reached back and mixed up what was left of Miranda's pussy. It was almost like fingering ground meat at this point. “My body.. My head, can't take it.” Miranda begged. “I know and I'm hoping you last until my next orgasm” Ashley moaned as her hips gyrated and her slit ground against Miranda's face. Ashley was being merciless, not gentle at all. After an entire day of being tormented as just a torso Ashley was finally done with Miranda. Miranda squealed and squirmed as much as she could with just her nubs and abdominal muscles. Ashley had her though and moaned louder and louder as her pussy wore away at Miranda's pretty face. Her nose and lips smooshed away and as Ashley looked down at the gooey ruined visage her slot sprayed femcum all over it, her thighs clenched and with one last high pitched yelp Miranda's head smushed between Ashley's tan legs. “Clench for me please Shepard being in here with just her torso is no fun.” Ashley asked after a minute of cool down from the climax. Shepard acquiesced and tightened her gut on Ashley and Miranda's remains. What was left of the torso splashed into gooey chunks quickly. It was unrecognizable as Miranda now as it covered Ashley. She shivered with satisfaction as she felt the hot wet gooey slush all over her. Miranda was covering her and Ashley's fingers attacked her own clit as she sopped up the sensation like a horny sponge. “You are the meanest grossest gut slut I've seen yet” Shepard commented. “Well we've all got our flaws. You for instance don't seem to have a problem with destroying your former squad mates.” Ashley said. “Well they seem to want to be discharged.” Shepard said. “Doesn't mean you have to do it. You're enjoying our demises just as much, and you're getting something out of it too. Liara told me about your expanding hips. Just make sure to put us to good use. Still a bit unsure about becoming ass fat for your alien boyfriend's enjoyment but this was more than enough fun to make up for it” Ashley said before settling into the tits high acidic goo. “Sure will put you to good use~! Think you're gonna last much longer in there?” Shepard asked. “Not far behind the bitch actually. She was definitely genetically superior. Even shoving her into the acids this whole time I'm probably gonna splat in another day or two. I can feel it.” Ashley said. “You don't sound too broken up over it.” Shepard commented. “Don't be gentle with me. Miranda was a bitch but I totally earned getting roughed up too for turning it back on her like that. Show me there's a bigger fish Shep~” Ashley said and pinched her own nipples lightly, she squealed and groaned as on came off. … Late the next day... “So what are you thinking then?” Shepard asked. “My boobs and ass are like jelly lumps. I don't want to see myself fall apart like Miranda. I just want to go straight to goo like she is now.” Ashley said. “When?” “Whenever. Now would be good. The longer I wait the more likely I'll see myself going to pieces. Just let me know when you can.” Ashley answered. “I think I can manage it. Just let me stand up first...” Shepard said and got a little dizzy as she got up on two feet. With two other women's weight on her Shepard was struggling but she managed to get upright. “How will you do it?” Ashley asked. “Don't worry about that. You just let me know when to do it.” Shepard said. “Fuck... pulling my own trigger huh? This... It's a little harder to do than I thought. Makes me nervous a little. That I'm really just about to be commander crap and ass add-ons. Fuck, years in the alliance... Years of academy training wasted” Ashley said and Shepard rubbed her gut to soothe the dying soldier. “Alright, let's do it. Ashley Williams resigning from duty ma'am.” Ashley said and then held her breath as she closed her eyes. “God speed soldier.” Shepard said, patted her head and then activated her biotic implant. Shepard charged the wall of her room, colliding with it, letting her gut lead the impact. It was only for a split second but Shepard was sure she heard Ashley yelp, had felt her react and try to soften or block the blow. Her adrenaline abilities must have kicked in by instinct, let her sense the oncoming impact. Of course in her deteriorated state she had still turned into a tan colored soup when she was mashed against the wall. Shepard stepped away and her gut sagged in a round shape. She engaged the digestion enhancer and sighed as she waddled back to bed … Two days later... Shepard groaned as she leaned against the wall and tapped at the stall door control. When the door opened she was surprised for a moment then groaned again in annoyance. “Were you waiting in there for me Liara?” Shepard asked. “You're having trouble passing both of them huh?” Liara asked. “Is there anything considered private to you?” Shepard asked. “I'm the shadow broker Shepard.... No, there isn't. Now sit down, we're emptying you.” Liara said and helped guide the bloated woman down onto the toilet. Liara closed her eyes and created two biotic effects at once. A warp field and a throw. “What are you doing?” Shepard asked. “Ashley and Miranda were so stubborn they turned into incredibly hard turds. I'm using a warp effect to make them less structurally dense and hard, then the throw is for...” Liara said. PLRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBBBB SPLURT! PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTT FFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT SPLASH SPLORT SPLOOSH FLSHHHHHHH! Liara's throw opened the flood gates and Shepard doubled over at the sensation of her asshole being spread wide by the pressure and turd width of two fully grown, busty women, one with an enviable ass. Shepard activated her own biotics to push the flusher and start sending the massive duo down the pipes and jettisoned into space, The river of brown flowed out of her at an alarming rate that let her middle deflate of the excess mass visibly. The cracked dry turds shot out for a full five minutes before turning into staccato streams of Shepard pushing more out gradually in bursts. Then another ten minutes later Shepard was simply panting as she sat doubled over, exhausted. “Ok, no Quarian suits ever again and only one at a time even if it was entertaining.” Shepard said. “You're still better off than them” Liara commented. “They don't have to deal with a far over stretched asshole” Shepard replied. “Don't have to deal with much do they? And they contributed too.” Liara said and sighed. “Wait... Do you envy them?” Shepard asked. “If I did would you be upset with me?” Liara asked and looked away. “I just didn't figure you'd... You never sent a discharge request...” Shepard said. “I... was unsure, still am unsure.” Liara said. “You feel responsible.” Shepard stated. “I feel like I set you down this path. Sure you ate Morinth on instinct. But the rest... I started this, then took the shadow broker moniker. I have a duty to use it for good-” Liara said but Shepard put a finger to her mouth. “Since we met you've been duty this and responsibility that. If it hasn't been the prothean research it was stopping the reapers, then taking on the shadow broker by yourself, then becoming them. Liara...” Shepard said and held her face in both her hands. “Do something you WANT to do. You've earned it. And that doesn't have to be churning in me. Just do whatever.” Shepard said. “No that's what I want. It's the only thing I want now. To be dark blue Asari butt nuggets tumbling from your fat pale bubbly buns. Seeing Miranda and Ashley spill out of you only made it worse. I thought it might swing me the other way or maybe satisfy my curiosity. But now...” Liara said. “I want to embrace eternity as your hips. I won't be satisfied until my Azure is ejected from your ass. Will you churn me Shepard?” Liara asked. “I'd be honored” Shepard said and she was. To have Liara a woman over a hundred years old and wise want to end what could be a lifetime of thousands of years in her stomach. It was truly an honor. “I have things to square away then. I'll meet you later Shepard. Don't eat anyone that will take a while. However I think the recordings you sent Jack have her in quite a mood. That might be a quick snack~” Liara said and almost skipped away with the bounce in her step. Shepard smirked as she brought up her omni tool. She setup a call and was immediately answered. The party on the other end had practically jumped on the accept button. “Jack” “Yeah Shep?” “Want to flush the rest of the bitch? Maybe feel up what's left of her on my buns? She's really squishy now~” Shepard asked. “Fuck yeah, which restroom?” Jack said. “My private quarters and also... Were you planning on leaving my quarters afterward?” Shepard asked. “Dunno, maybe decide when I get there... See what the end result is first. I'd like a ride in you but dunno if I wanna go all the way to retirement yet y'know?” Jack said. “Come on up, we'll see if I can convince you” Shepard said. She couldn't see Jack since the call was all audio, but the smack of her lips told Shepard she was biting her lip, definitely thinking about the possibility and on the fence about taking such a dramatic, fatal and final plunge. … “So that's all that is left of the bitch huh?” Jack asked as she stared down into the toilet, only the last few logs of the Ashley and Miranda combo were left unflushed. As if in annoyed response the brown muck formed a bubble that popped on the surface with an audible sound. “Yup Miranda and Ashley. Probably flushed more than a few dozen times before they were all gone.” Shepard said. “Seeing her like this...” Jack started to say but shook her head. “Satisfying?” Shepard asked. “Kinda, yeah. But other stuff too” Jack said and sneered. “Wanna unpack that?” Shepard asked. Jack looked at her with an angry expression. “You know I'm not big on all that psychology shit. But... Maybe. I hated Miranda as if that wasn't obvious but... I mean she was still kinda...” Jack struggled. “Hot as hell? Yeah I know she grated on me too but you can't quite ignore how well she wears a hexagon tiled latex body suit huh?” Shepard said. “Exactly! I hated her but god did I want to fuck her something awful! Then seeing that thick ass reduced to this? Fuck Shepard, you're making me feel things I don't really want to! I half miss her, half jealous of her and all horny. I think I'm gonna hate you too if I don't do something.” Jack said and held her head. “Like what?” Shepard said. “Run away maybe. I dunno.” Jack said and silence hung in the air between them. “I won't stop you. The suicide mission is over. You did your part, you performed and I'd be willing to tell the Alliance to wipe any records on you for you to start over.” Shepard said. “God Dammit Shepard! … I'm not running away. That was a bluff ok? Truth is, I totally got off on hearing Miranda get put in her place. But now I'm sort of jealous of her...” Jack said and looked away. “Oh... So you want to...” Shepard said. “I'm not going to send in some dumb form for discharge Shepard. I'm not your little soldier, or minion!” Jack said and Shepard held her hands up defensively. “That's fine, you don't have to. It was mostly so I'd know who was interested.” Shepard admitted. “Yeah well if I let you have me I don't want it to be some documented paper pusher bullshit with a stamp on it. Just one bad ass chick adding another bad ass chick to her tits and hips. IF I let you!” Jack said and crossed her arms. “I think I can get behind that sentiment.” Shepard said and nodded. “I'd also want to cum so much and so hard I knock my biotic implant loose.” Jack added and made fleeting glances towards Shepard. “Well I think I've got a few solutions for that. So when do you want to-” “I never said I'd do it Shepard. I'm just saying IF I did it, that's how I'd want it to go down.” Jack cut in. “Ah ok. And how would you want it to start? Sensual, rough?” Shepard asked. “I dunno, I mean. Like it's gotta be passionate, I guess, rough, but like unexpected too-” Shepard slammed into Jack, using her charge and toppling Jack, she still had a bit of a chubby belly from the fat Ashley and Miranda had added and hadn't been processed into hip size yet. Jack's biotic barrier wasn't up to stopping all that mass on short notice. Shepard had her pinned to the ground and licked her face. Jack grunted and dark energy flared around her but Shepard met her with the same amount of biotic energy and proceeded to pull a strap away from Jack's breast with her teeth and then suckled on the exposed nipple. Jack gasped, moaned and her flaring biotic energy dimmed as her focus slipped. Shepard's biotic flare increased and Jack's hands were pinned above her head, wreathed in glowing smoke. Shepard's hands roamed Jack's body, she planted kisses and bites up and down Jack's body, all while ripping away the poor excuse for clothing that she wore. Jack continued grunting and mounting a token effort at escape but coming nowhere close to breaking free. “Fuck you Shepard” Jack whispered. “If you'd like me to stop tell me to. I offered to let you run, you still can” Shepard whispered. “Screw you” Jack said. “That wasn't stop” Shepard pointed out. “No it wasn't.” Jack confirmed. “Then you're not going to tell me to stop?” Shepard asked. “Do I have to spell it out for you Girl scout?” Jack asked. “Only a little~” Shepard said and bit her nipple hard enough to make her yelp and then moan as she writhed. Shepard continued to tease for a few minutes before stripping her completely, suspending her in midair with biotic power. Jack looked down at her with a helpless expression and Shepard up with a playful wry smile before letting Jack lower into her open and waiting mouth. Then Shepard was engulfing Jack's feet in her mouth. Jack looked down at Shepard desperately. Shepard continued staring up, watching, listening for her to tell her to stop. She'd let Jack refuse her if she didn't want to go through with this. Jack seemed to only want to play it like it was unwilling though. In the end Jack only pursed her lips and shut her eyes. Shepard giggled around the shins in her mouth and used the biotic force to send Jack down her throat with more speed than she would be able to manage just swallowing her. Jack wiggled and struggled but was powerless to stop her own descent even as bursts of weak biotic power flared from her. She was putting up a half hearted effort, not truly desiring escape enough to bring her full power to bear. Jack whimpered as she found her ass, pussy and breasts being tasted and sampled then she grunted and sank into Shepard's stomach. “You were actually easier to convince than I thought you'd be” Shepard said once she had Jack all the way down. “Fuck biotics really don't work in here. I-I'm...” “Completely powerless, at my mercy. Subject zero is once again contained~” Shepard said. “F-fuck me, I'm gonna get ended in containment aren't I? Shit I've been caught, fine. Just turn the damn digestion thing on, the one Chakwas couldn't resist and at least let me orgasm my brains and implant out.” Jack said. Shepard shrugged and activated the digestion enhancer. Jack was instantly sent into convulsions of erotic pleasure as her form began the process of rapidly disintegrating into a fleshy soup. … 13 hours later ... “Jack could you keep it down? I'm trying to talk with Liara...” Shepard said. “Fuck off Shepard I'm like a girl pile in here, fucking fondue, I'm going to orgasm as loud as I want, and Ahh fuck this digestion enhancer thing is bitchin!” Jack said. “It's alright Shepard, I can hear you, and it's a good preview of things to come~” Liara said over the hologram call. “So are you almost done with the broker thing? What do you have left to do?” Shepard asked. “Portions of the network will be sabotaged, the seedier pieces exposed to principled law enforcement, other pieces given to decent governments as tools. Some just turned loose, debts forgotten. Right now I am arranging the capture and elimination of an Ardat Yakshi seductress assassin. I will be back to the Normandy soon.” Liara explained. “Be safe” Shepard warned. “I'm just coming to you in order to die anyways” Liara said and smirked. “I suppose that's true but I'm sure we'd both be disappointed if you didn't end up on my hips” Shepard said. “True enough Shepard, I will do my best, how is Jack's state? Will you be ready to have me in a day?” Liara asked. “She put it best herself. The enhancer is turning her into almost a puddle of herself” Shepard said. “She's sugar coating it, I'm a fucking flesh-sicle half melted off and barely hanging on, but fuck it feels so god damn good. Chakwas wasn't kidding that you wouldn't want to turn this off” Jack said. “If she's not done by time you're back we can always just start fooling around, she won't last long once you're grinding against me~” Shepard said. Jack made a noise between a groan and a moan. “It doesn't sound like Jack would appreciate that.” Liara said. “No that's her liking the idea but not wanting to admit it. She likes to play a brat role in my opinion~” Shepard teased. “Screw you Shep!” Jack snapped. “Let me know if you don't want Liara humping me and therefore you into goo” Shepard said, calling her bluff. Jack made another noise between a growl and a mewl. But she didn't say anything against the idea. “See? That's how she tells you she thinks something is hot” Shepard said. Jack mewled and squirmed in protest. “Think she'll last that long?” Liara asked softly, too quiet for the belly occupant to overhear. Shepard giggled and shook her head. With the enhancer on she had probably minutes left. She was far more active than other meals in an advanced stage of digestion but Jack was falling apart inside Shepard. A boobless, limbless mess barely recognizable as the former bad ass hottie she used to be. Liara grinned in response and nodded before changing the subject. “I will warn you of one thing however Shepard.” Liara said. “Hmm?” “Samara will be conflicted about this recent development. Her justicar code is unclear on the topic of consensual killing. You will want to confront her before she comes to her own conclusion. When her oath is over she may be compelled to try and kill you if she's not persuaded” Liara said. Which gave Shepard something to think about, she tapped her chin and stared into the middle distance. “I'll let you ponder that, and how you'd like to entertain me for our last time together. Goodbye then Jack~” Liara said and signed off. “I'm going to bed Jack, I'll talk to you in the morning, or maybe I won't~ but I wager I'll see you in the bathroom even if you don't see me again~” Shepard said. Jack let out a whimper which made Shepard grin ear to ear. Hearing Jack whimper was not something she ever expected to hear. It would be the last anyone heard from Jack ever again. … The next day ... “You got back early.” Shepard said as Liara entered the bathroom. “I wanted one last look at how I'll be ending up.” Liara said. “It's not gross to you? I figured that would be the hardest part for all of you to face to be honest.” Shepard said. “Just the opposite, Asari live so long, we're supposed to all grow old and wise beyond the capacity of other races. It is quite perverted to allow myself to become a disgusting slime, wasted potential if you will.” Liara explained as she knelt down to the bowl Shepard was seated on. With a few last plops Shepard sighed and stood. Jack was piled high in the bowl, Liara shivered as she looked on at the remains of the once powerful biotic now a crumbling tower of turds. She pulled her eyes away as Shepard stood and her body jiggled. Liara bit her lip as she watched the ass before her wobble and bounce for several seconds after Shepard stopped moving. “I'll be weighing your end down like this as well, it's thrilling to see how I'll end up. Are you ready for me or do you need time?” Liara asked. “We can start but how do you want it? The enhancer?” Shepard asked. “Kind of... Not until the end. I want to know what it is like but first I'd like to gradually decline, savor my destruction.” Liara said which made Shepard raise an eyebrow. “You've thought about this quite a bit...” Shepard said. “Before you even came back with Morinth inside you I had done research into the broker's files. Sorry Shepard but... Well I knew everything you learned at the broker's lair long before you. I... may have been fantasizing for a long time.” Liara admitted as she watched the last piece of toilet paper and Jack be flushed away. Shepard glanced at her as she went, smirking and winking as she swirled away. A twinge of guilt and erotic excitement swept over her as she realized how casually she'd bid Jack farewell forever. Her eyes laid on Liara who was still on her knees behind Shepard. She'd be gone as well soon, would she even spare her a wink? A smile? Would she just sigh in relief from the lack of pressure in her bowels before slapping the flusher and walking casually away? Shepard was pulled from her thoughts by Liara planting kisses on her buns and then working her way to the stomach and nuzzling against it. She seemed eager to start the process of turning herself into pulp. She'd been craving it longer than any of Shepard's other meals. Shepard nodded and resolved to make her wait no longer. Shepard pulled Liara up by her chin, kissed her and then swallowed her face. Shepard's hand went immediately to Liara's crotch and began fingering her Azure. It was different than a human female's but still similar enough that Shepard could navigate how to pleasure her in a decently proficient way. Liara reacted by moaning and roaming her hands over Shepard's body while she still had the chance, which wouldn't be for long. Shepard was becoming less and less patient with every meal. Taste seemed secondary to containing a sexy woman inside her and feeling her break down then degrade into an unrecognizable lump. Shepard was increasingly focused on getting to those points of decay and enjoying them. Still she tried to give Liara an enjoyable trip into her as she pumped her fingers in and out of Liara's sensitive center. Judging by her shivering blue legs Shepard succeeded. Liara's soles disappeared down Shepard's mouth less than two minutes after her head entered and neither were dissatisfied with the initial slide down. “Shepard... Ahhh that... Please tell me you can finger me even if I'm inside here.” Liara said. “It's worked for everyone else so far, well I didn't try with Morinth but I don't think I'll have too much trouble.” Shepard said. “Thank goodness. Please could you continue that? If you don't mind I'd like you to control my climaxes while I'm within you” Liara requested as one hand hugged herself and the other grabbed at one of her breasts. “Seems like I have my work cut out for me then. But I mean you are giving the last nine hundred plus years of your life to me for a quarter inch of hip width so I suppose it's fair. You're getting a really good deal though~ You should appreciate it!” Shepard said and they both chuckled. … 2 days later... “Sorry Liara, you'll have to wait Anderson is calling! No more orgasms until I'm done!” Shepard said. “Actually... I am already on the line.” Anderson announced in an unsteady tone. “Oh? No hologram?” Shepard asked. “Well I can tell you would be quite... Distracting to look at. Which is why I'm calling actually.” Anderson said. “I'm not sure I understand...” Shepard said. “Well we've been able to keep any footage of your larger than life belly out of circulation. But the rest of your additions. Well things have gotten out on that. And I've been getting pressure to say the least.” Anderson said. “About what? What have they pieced together?” Shepard asked and narrowed her eyes. “Nothing, it's just that the top brass well... They want... A favor. In exchange for keeping the lid on this.” Anderson said. “What sort of favor? I'm not an assassin.” Shepard said. “God no Shepard! The Navy pin up calendar is due to be produced! Female veterans and active duty are nominated and volunteer to be pictured in less than.. formal military attire. The top brass wants you in that calendar.” Anderson said. “ME?” “They've seen all the images Shepard and they think a shape like yours can REALLY improve morale.” Anderson said enthusiastically. He sounded like he agreed. “Well I suppose but which month? I'm not going to be a dumpy miss January or get the shortest month of the year like February.” Shepard said. “Actually they want to put you on the whole damn calendar. Pair you up with the others who were selected for each shoot.” Anderson said. “Oh... Well... The entire thing? I guess that's pretty good.” Shepard said and blushed. “So you'll do it?” Anderson asked in a hopeful tone. “Well yes as long as we can do a remote session, have the photographers manipulate me into the shots.” Shepard said. “Yes, yes absolutely, it can all be done via holograms and image manipulation so we don't interfere with your missions. You will have to do them on an empty stomach though. Which I assume is not right now?” Anderson asked. “That would be correct councilor” Liara shouted. “Liara is? Well... ahhh farewell then Miss” Anderson said, sounding flustered. “Yes it will be farewell. You sound like something else is on your mind though.” Liara pointed out. “Well... It wasn't just the Alliance making a calendar... The turian miliatary has contacted me as well and they'd like you to be miss November” Anderson said. “Ugh what a dumpy month though.” Shepard said and grimaced. “Actually the equivalent month of November is the hottest on Palaven, it is a 24 month cycle and 11 is your equivalent of June or July. So being given a hot month is actually an honor.” Liara explained. “Hmm well then, they can use the pictures from the human calendar and choose” Shepard said and giggled. … A day later ... “Shepard when can we go at it again?” Liara asked in a needy tone. “Liara we're still on the shuttle returning to the Normandy, it's bad enough you asked me to finger you between ejecting heat sinks. Can't you wait til we're at least in a private place?” Shepard asked. Liara only mewled in response. During the last two days Liara had been incessant in her requests for pawing, groping and orgasms. Her libido seemed limitless. She'd been moaning the entire mission as the belly bounced with her inside sloshing and being thrown around the chamber. It had worked to Shepard's advantage, as many a mercenary was suddenly surprised and looking around wildly for whoever was moaning in increasingly loud and sexual tones. Shepard used their confusion to dispatch many of them. One lucky one even had the pleasure of being suffocated under Shepard's belly after she was disarmed. Shepard could tell the poor woman found herself oddly aroused before her end. At the current moment Shepard was trying to be casual and inconspicuous as she satisfied Liara's desires in the small shuttle interior. Samara tried to look unperturbed but Shepard could see twitches in her expression that she tried to quell. Some conflict was raging in Samara that Shepard would have to deal with once she was done giving Liara the best and last time of her life. The other occupant of the shuttle was Garrus, he was sneaking glances at Shepard now and throughout the mission. Shepard grinned to herself. She could tell her enhancements were having an effect. He must be regretting turning her down now. Shepard was going to hold out on him until the Samara situation was resolved though, then she'd swoop in for a hopefully easy win for his affections. For now though she put a hand over where Liara's mouth was, the woman was not a quiet cummer and Shepard did her best to muffle Liara's cries of ecstasy. ... 2 days later ... “Goddess that was good” Liara said as she panted and her body relaxed into a limp state. “You sound pretty worn out, alright in there? Need a break?” Shepard asked. “I don't want to take a break but... I feel like my body isn't keeping up with my azure's desire” Liara replied between breaths. “Things getting worse in there? Squishy yet?” Shepard teased as she squeezed one of Liara's breasts. “The acids are all over me, but so far I'm just itchy and it stings in a few spots. It's so humid in here though, it's utterly miserable and I love it~” Liara explained. “Well as long as you're happy! Need a while before going at it again?” Shepard asked. Liara moaned an assent as she slumped over in utter exhaustion. She devolved into mutters as she rested. Shepard could finally keep up with her libido though which was a welcome change, Shepard could actually get through a mission or briefing if she got Liara off before and after. At this point Shepard wasn't even feeling awkward pleasuring her prey in the shuttle even if her squadmates seemed a bit uncomfortable. Shepard rubbed her gut lulling the young Asari into a light slumber. The next stomach churn would inevitably wake her but Shepard always chuckled as she groaned at the interruption. Shepard loved to tease her nipples or azure at that point and hear her mewl in protest before falling into a light slumber again. … 4 days later ... “I really want it but no more squeezing there Shepard please, I'm afraid if you pinch my nipple too much it will just come right off” Liara said. “Well that is the point, we're breaking you down. No avoiding it~” Shepard said and Liara whimpered. “Fine, but only one for now, I want the other still there for later.” Liara said. “Are you ready for another? You had an orgasm 6 hours ago. You're sure?” Shepard asked in a teasing tone. Liara's stamina was flagging quickly. “I'm starting to feel... Melty, like my skin is really just a gooey syrup layer at this point. If I don't get off now I might not be substantial enough later.” Liara said. “I noticed, I can't feel any definition between your head tentacles anymore, like they're all mashed together or something.” Shepard said. “I can't feel them anymore actually. Please though finger me again, I'm nearly certain this will be one of the last ones. You're breaking me Shepard, I'm almost there. Does it excite you?” Liara asked. Shepard paused before answering, instead letting her hand find the space between Liara's legs and starting slowly, making her frail form shiver and jostle the acids collected around her. “Claiming you has me sort of riled up. It's a little bittersweet though. You've been an exceptional ally. I'll be glad to have you jiggling on my rear but I'm going to miss seeing your sexy blue ass around the ship.” Shepard said and gave her nipple a playful squeeze. Liara responded with a yelp as it squished off entirely. She panted after that and Shepard increased her finger's speed, not letting the Asari recover. In a rare fit of activity Liara squirmed within Shepard, trying to escape the fingers probing her but Shepard just chuckled. There wasn't any kind of retreat possible anymore and Shepard groped the rest of her barely intact boob and kept the pace on her flailing interior inmate. Liara mewled and moaned until she screamed and quivered in ecstasy. She'd climaxed quickly that time and it seemed to leave her utterly drained as all the fight left her and she breathed heavily. “When I can't cum anymore Shepard you know what I want...” Liara said before promptly passing out. “I know my Asari snack, I know~” Shepard said and rubbed her belly. … 4 days later ... Glorp Shepard felt at her middle, grabbed at Liara. It felt like a bag of ground meat. It was hard to discern one part of her from another. She cringed at this but also bit her lip. She felt bad for Liara that it was ending but to have her in this state was also quite thrilling. The century old Asari was on the ropes within her. “Go at it one last time?” Shepard asked as she tried to find Liara's thighs so she could get between them. “Can't...” Liara answered in a tired rasp. “Too tired?” Shepard inquired. “That and... It's not there...My azure... It's pulp now...” Liara managed with heavy breaths in between phrases. “Is it still fun?” Shepard asked. “It's awful and exciting all at once. I've only got one eye, my lips are hanging off my face. I tried to lift my arm to feel my cheek since it's numb and it all came off at the elbow.” Liara said in an excited voice before she coughed for a full minute. “I think we both know Shepard.” Liara said. “Yes. I doubt you'll stay coherent for this though. So goodbye Liara. You've been one of the most reliable allies I've ever had.” Shepard said. “Farewell Shepard, never thought I'd die before you but... I'm not at all disappointed~” Liara said. Shepard turned on her enhanced digestion then and Liara's battered body shivered as pleasure overtook her. Neither of them thought her capable of movement anymore but she jerked and rattled as a moan escaped her acid worn throat. She felt amazing in those last few moments as pieces of her fell away. It was as if she were made of wet sand and was crumbling away. The acids around her bubbled and the Asari woman dissolved into a aqua colored soup in just a few moments. The commander clutched her rounded gut and marveled at the fact that there were no stray chunks or pieces left. Liara liquefied in a mere minute. “Guess there's just one more then, better hurry and process Liara. I don't want to keep Samara waiting~ And I'm sure you're eager to meet the toilet. You were really interested in that part of your story. I think I'll share it with Samara~” Shepard said down to her gurgling middle. … The next day ... The automatic door opened to the observation deck. Samara stood at the window, gazing into the dark beyond as the door closed again and footsteps came towards her. “Shepard, I am contemplating” Samara said dismissively. A hollow echoing sound rang out as Shepard dropped something plastic on the floor. Samara couldn't tell what. She was refusing to turn around in her meditation. FRRRRRRRT PBBBBBBBBBTTT! The unmistakable sound of a bowels being loosed echoed in the observation deck. Samara almost turned to look. But she caught herself, swallowed and then fixed her gaze back on space. “Shepard, I'm meditating.” Samara said. SPPPPLRRRRRRRT “Shep-” “I'm letting Liara out. She's finished. Would you like to see her coming out?” Shepard asked. “I am occupied” Samara said. “Me too, that's why I'm emptying myself.” Shepard said. “That was crass commander” Samara said. “You should empty yourself too. You're holding whatever you're thinking in. I'm going to keep dumping crew members in your presence until you dump whatever is on your mind too.” Shepard said. Samara sighed and then turned from the window. Shepard saw her eyes drawn to the bucket for just a moment, then to Shepard's filthy buns and finally up to her face. Her lips were parted for a moment, pursed, vulnerable looking before snapping into place. “I'm not sure you want to force this conflict commander.” Samara said. “You're worried your code will require you to attack me” Shepard said. “To kill you” Samara corrected. “Sorry to say but Legion and EDI are always watching and both are more than capable of tipping the scales in a fight with you. But that's besides the point. Why would your code require my death?” Shepard asked. Samara's lip twitched. “It is not obvious? You are murdering innocents wantonly. I cannot stand idly by especially as you've released an Asari sister in such a state before me.” Samara said. “Tell me what does the code say about alcoholics who die by their habit?” Shepard asked. “To be pitied but not punished.” “And those that sell to them?” “Morally reprehensible but not worthy of punishment by the code. Justicars do not kill bartenders or liquor store workers but you're-” “Is my stomach an illegal weapon? My acids a prohibited substance?” Shepard interrupted. “They are dying inside of you.” Samara said. “I do not seek them out, they've come to me.” Shepard argued. Samara didn't speak but her jaw worked open as if she wanted to say something. Shepard decided to put the last nail in the coffin. “I'm the bartender to a drunk with liver disease, the prostitute to a man with a heart condition, the cigar to an asthmatic. I exist, but they come to me knowing exactly what they're getting into. And I don't cast any illusions as to what their end will be. It's right there” Shepard said and motioned towards the bucket. Samara's eyes followed and after blinking a second too long she stared at it. At Liara's remains, steam rolled off them and a bubble soundlessly popped on the surface. She was a formless muck now. As Samara was watching a new stream of brown filth flowed down into the bucket. Samara's eyes followed it up to Shepard's soiled ass. She staggered in place. Samara was for a good minute unable to look away as Liara came back into the world and settled into her less than dignified coffin. “So what happens if I release you from your oath now?” Shepard asked. “I would not be required to serve you, I could do as the code demands primarily and my own desires secondary. Right now I cannot act against you, without the oath, it doesn't matter if EDI and Legion protect you, I must act by the code.” Samara said as parts of her face twitched. “I release you” Shepard said. “You... Are you certain? I will allow you to take that back only once.” Samara said. “No I release you, your oath is done.” Shepard said. Samara held up her arm and activated her omni tool. With a few taps Shepard's omni tool pinged and automatically showed the subject line of a new message: Discharge request(Samara) Shepard grinned and looked up again at Samara. She was in turn ogling Shepard's hips and a flush of blood to her face had turned it purple. “That was a gamble, how did you know I wouldn't attack you?” Samara asked. “You were twitching, nervous, perturbed.” Shepard said. “What if I was afraid you'd win? Kill me?” Samara asked. “I have never, not once seen you fear battle in any way. You've faced down collectors and worse. You would never be afraid of fighting or dying.” Shepard said. “Then why am I having trouble controlling myself?” Samara asked and her compsure dampened, her shoulders drooping. “You want something and you were afraid you'd never get to have it.” Shepard said as she continued to stare at Shepard's hips and Liara's remains, switching between the two periodically. “How much will I add to them? Your hips that is” Samara asked. “A few centimeters, not much but it is what it is” Shepard said and walked forward as she tapped at her omni tool. It showed the words: Discharge accepted before winking off again. “It has been a long time, would you mind if we... explored each other beforehand? I haven't for centuries and would very much like to once again before I abandon life” Samara said. “Absolutely, I've been curious myself~” Shepard said. She'd always wondered after Samara, Chakwas was one thing being a mature woman but Samara was basically a millennia old and Shepard had fantasies about how an Asari that mature got it on. She wasn't disappointed. Samara took a few minutes to get back into the swing of her libido and desires but her wisdom in sexual matters hadn't dulled, and her skill with using biotics as part of it was second to none. Liara dabbled in it but Samara had mastered it, pulling on nipples, throwing gently, and sometimes powerfully on Shepard's clit. It was an experience Shepard would never forget or likely experience again. They melded a few times as well letting Shepard feel the depth of Samara's arousal and how she'd hidden and yearned for the fate her daughter had endured. She was jealous of her even. That was what she was afraid of never having. The same experience that could turn her willful independent daughter into a satisfied slut. Once Shepard felt that they both knew it was time and Shepard swallowed her during their joining, both feeling the experience from both sides. It was sensual and erotic as they fingered each other as long as they could on the way down. Shepard inherently knew from the link that Samara wanted the enhancer. When she activated it Shepard felt an intense pleasure like orgasm before the link abruptly cutoff. The sensation was too much for Samara to bear, she couldn't hold the joining while feeling the intense pleasure. “H-how long do I have?” Samara asked between erotic yelps and gasps. “Hours, not even days. You'll be another Asari exiting my ass by tomorrow~” Shepard responded and Samara replied only in whimpering sensual moaning. Samara remained non verbal for the next seven hours while she pleasured herself as best she was able against the debilitating waves of coital corruption. After that her Justicar trained stamina finally ran dry and she collapsed in a heap inside Shepard “Finally satisfied?” Shepard asked. “I believe a saying from your earth describes it best... The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Samara said and panted. “Why don't I help out then~” Shepard said and started to pleasure Samara through her stomach. She responded in much more quiet, muffled tones as she pressed her face into the stomach walls and moaned as she tried to grind and gyrate her hips against Shepard's hands on the outside. Centuries of pent up lust were being released within Shepard's stomach in the duration of just a few hours. Shepard was feeling hot in her face at the thought of it. This woman had kept chaste for the length of several human lifetimes and was letting loose in her now only to end up less than an inch of hips and a bit of fat. Along with a hefty pile. She was taking an ancient wise, and sexy woman and turning her into only so much stool. Shepard couldn't wait to give herself some attention later to that thought. She decided to save that for later though until after Samara had expired, she deserved every moment of Shepard's ministrations. Her age and sacrifice demanded it. … It was another four hours before Samara became unresponsive. The juices inside Shepard had risen to the Asari's shoulders an hour before and her form deteriorated quickly. Breasts and curves rubbed away by stomach churns, wails of orgasm giving way to groans and then only sloshes. There was more meat than woman now. The mind that was left was so overtaken by the digestion enhancement it was hard to say that a Justicar inhabited it any longer. It was just a feedback loop of pleasure and a sense of bodily ruin that in some twisted way lead to more perceived pleasure. Shepard was starting to understand that the reaper tech inside her was somehow mixing the signals of numbness, pain and discomfort all to the same pleasure receptors in varying amounts. Shepard sought to give what was left of Samara a final climax by squishing her. Shepard used the window on the observation deck that Samara stared out of so often. Pressing her belly against the cold glass until it deformed. Squishing, popping and a snapping could be heard as well as a yelp and exhale before the only sounds left were the air recycling and the churn of Shepard's gut. … SPLASH! “And that's the last of her. All empty!” Shepard said as the last hard, cracked log sank into the toilet. “Stand up then, this is the final measurement right?” Solona asked as her hologram practically jumped in giddy excitement. “EDI?” Shepard asked. “Your hip size has reached exactly 75 and a half inches wide or 191.77 centimeters commander” EDI stated through the ship speakers. “Absolutely gorgeous. You rival even Turian porn stars who've undergone surgery to widen their frames!” Solona said. “There are surgeries for that?” Shepard asked. “It's not unlike your species getting a breast implants.” Solona said. “I can already tell it's working though. Garrus keeps sending glances my way.” Shepard said in a conspiratorial tone. “Yes and in communiques with me he's hinted that he regrets not taking one of his friendships further. He's pining for that soft body of yours~” Solona said. “Thanks so much Solona, without you I wouldn't have known how to... sculpt myself in the right way. It's been a huge help.” Shepard said and nodded to her. “No problem, it's been enjoyable for me as well. I'm not unable to appreciate a feminine form either so it's been rewarding for me as well~” Solona said and Shepard's eyebrow raised. She actually hadn't considered that. That Solona might be interested in her like that. “So humans are attractive to you?” Shepard asked. “You are, maybe it was the celebrity aspect but I would've spent a night with you even before you started adding to yourself. In fact after watching you in various stages with these girls inside you... Well I might not mind taking that trip some day~” Solona said and shyly hugged herself while twisting back and forth. “Oh wow! I mean... That'd be a new species to digest for me... But Garrus's sister...” Shepard said, wondering how he would react to that. “Doesn't have to be now. I'm thinking if there's ever a wedding then maybe I could be a bridal gift or perhaps a treat for a bachelorette party. Those are the right terms for human culture right?” Solona asked. “Yes! Well that sounds about right. Wouldn't want to be just getting him into dating and then spring on him 'oh by the way I ate your sister, that fat on my pussy? Yeah that's her.'” Shepard said and Solona giggled. “Actually I was thinking you need thicker thighs to complement the hip size. I'd like to go there as a wedding gift to my brother. It'd be nice for the first night of marriage as I understand~” Solona said. “Well I'd love to have you someday.” Shepard said and smiled. “You go get him now, you're ready! Send me a message after you've got him drooling from the mandibles!” Solona said and waved goodbye before cutting the connection. “Commander” EDI said. “Yes?” “I would also like to add that since your pin up calendar releases I am now filtering more and more mail. 29% is now requests for pictures and vids or holograms of you. Mostly naked” EDI said. “From who?” Shepard asked. “Individuals, organizations. One is even a Batarian pornography company.” EDI said. “Well that goes to show how much sex appeal can do for public image.” Shepard quipped. “Shall I do something about them? Report them to the Citadel council or Alliance?” EDI asked. “No... I assume some of them are aimed at random crew trying to get them to sneak candids?” Shepard asked. “Yes. Shall I use that?” EDI asked. “Impersonate a crew member. Under that guise supply them with images of me, use the ship cameras. Use the extranet to figure out what a good price for each buyer is. Milk them for what they are worth and give each exclusive shots or vids of me.” Shepard said. “And the proceeds? Are we going to track their finances?” EDI asked. “No. Just donate it to war orphans. I don't mind the looking. Just no shots of me with a meal, if you catch my meaning.” Shepard said. … A few hours later ... “Garrus, how are the calibrations coming? Did you get EDI's new measurements?” Shepard asked. Garrus was kneeling on the floor working on Shepard's armor that was suspended by hooks. With Tali gone it was his responsibility to modify her armor every time her measurements changed, which had been often as of late. “I'm uh.. Still working on the modifications to your armor. EDI well, it's gotten that big has it?” Garrus said and awkwardly glanced over at Shepard's considerable width. “You mean you haven't noticed~?” Shepard asked teasing him as she swayed her hips and bounced her ass. “Well I haven't... I don't have a reason to be well looking since we... I mean I...” Garrus said. “Since you turned me down? Oh I remember. But you have been looking, I've noticed. Having second thoughts now?” Shepard teased and stepped closer so her waist was right next to his face. “Ok, I've been looking yes. You're... Well quite honestly you've got a shape any turian male could for lack of a better term, burst just from catching sight of you. Yes Shepard I'm interested and I deeply regret turning you down. I admit defeat, you win this battle” Garrus said and held his hands up like he was surrendering. “So do you wanna try this thing out then? You and me?” Shepard asked. “I would be in your debt commander” Garrus said. “If we do this you're going to call me by my first name dammit. It's always, Shepard or commander I'm sick of it!” Shepard said and her shoulders slumped. “I think you could use it to your advantage in bed once in a while commander” Garrus said with a chuckle. “Only if I'm in the mood for that kind of role Vakarian.” Shepard said and let her hips brush against his face. “So... How DO we start this?” Garrus asked. “Well I'm not letting you off the hook for turning me down and then crawling back~ You're going to take me somewhere very nice for dinner and you'll pay for the good ice wine. The kind of stuff Chakwas liked” Shepard said as she slapped her butt where Chakwas had gone. “I can do that, but it'll be a while before we're docked anywhere good.” Garrus said. “Oh I know, I figured we could do some sparring in the meantime~ So I can see how much reach you've got and we can gauge the flexibility my new shape has got~” Shepard said and winked before walking off towards the gym. She swayed her hips seductively as she went along. “But Shepard I'm not done with your armo-” “And if I win, you will address me as commander for the second round in my quarters~ I might even honor that little engineer Gabby's discharge request and let you help me break her down.” She said. “Screw the calibrations” Garrus said and tossed his wrench behind him as he hurried after shepard, practically drooling at the width of her hips.
 Halloween – New England “This house was built before they even put in the railroad, y’know. Oldest structure in the whole town by decades. Probably the first two story house in the whole state. Did you know that?” Lorrie responded by loudly sucking the last inch out of her slushy and placing it nonchalantly on the top of one of the many mailboxes they’d been passing. Her friend Vanessa Masters didn’t even notice, which was par for the course– for a gorgeous 20 year old bombshell with the rare combination of substantial tit and brain real-estate, Vanessa couldn’t take a hint to save her life. The two girls had been buds since elementary school and never once did Vanessa catch onto the fact that Lorrie cared about as much about her constant ‘Did-you-know-that-isms’ as a trilobite did the ending of ‘LOST’. But they were still pals. And this was Halloween after all. “Lorrie.” Vanessa had stopped, having noticed her friend hadn’t responded. “I said did you know that? It’s super interesting if you take all that into account.” Lorrie crossed her arms, raised an incredulous eyebrow. “I could have been at Stacey’s party right now.” She said. “And you could have been in Harry Renley’s lap if you’d come along. He’s 21 now, he’s at all the parties now – doesn’t matter whose throwing them.” Vanessa sighed and rolled her head back – the same way a sommelier may if they saw someone drinking Merlot through a straw. “Gawd, Lorrie, is Harry Renley 90% of what you think about? I’m trying to tell you something interesting here – I thought it’d be right up your alley!” “Hey, I’m trying to set you up with him. You should be grateful I’m such a selfless friend – playing matchmaker is a spinster’s game.” “Oh, such a martyr.” Vanessa smiled before turning once again to the house she’d stopped in front of. The house that apparently was worth more to her than Harry Can-Buy-Booze-Now Renley. “They call this the Echo House.” Lorrie realized that her friend was set on this and reluctantly decided to humor her. Maybe once she got whatever Snapple-fact she’d learned about this place out of her system she’d get back to her senses. Vanessa Masters was beautiful in many of the ways that small and jealous people loved associating with vapid, horny shallowness. Bouncy breasts, trim stomach, straight blonde hair, round and lovely rump….even Lorrie herself secretly wished for her friend to be just a little bit of an idiot just to off-set how fortunate she was to have the looks of a Greek Goddess by way of Beverly Hills. But she wasn’t. In fact, Vanessa was probably one of the sharpest girls in her whole senior class. And Lorrie just loved watching the thick-o boys realize that fact while trying to charm their way into her pants. Although she’d never admit it, Lorrie herself was pretty sure she could pull off that same level of drop-dead sensuality if she really wanted to. She was on the thinner side sure enough, but her pale skin and long, slender figure was actually a niche of female allure in and of itself. Willowy and soft limbs wrapped in black, tight jeans with an underlying layer of saucy fishnets tauntingly showing through their many rips and tears. Her tits were small, yeah, but her tight ass and flat, toned stomach made up for it within the circles of listless, dark-haired goth-boys she tended to hang around with. Those guys were hardly the sort to scoff at her lack of valley girl femininity – most of their jeans were tighter than hers. Still, Lorrie’s unusual friendship with Vanessa allowed her to gain some satisfaction in watching her swim through the affections of boys that she herself boasted were far too ‘basic’ for herself. One made many sacrifices in choosing to be ironically jaded towards absolutely everything everywhere all the time. “Okay, Vanessa” Lorrie said, folding her arms. “You got ten minutes. Enthrall me.” Vanessa grinned and playfully hip-checked her friend as she moved up to the gate. The house itself was barely visible, a squat two-story shadow concealed behind a circle of ghoulish, bare-branched trees and long neglected shrubs that lined the stone foundation like rotting battlements. No lights shone inside. “Only one family has ever lived here – even after the 60 years its been since their gruesome demise. Mr. Cornelius Echo and his darling wife Rebecca – he; an up and coming doctor from Boston. She-“ “-His unlucky puritan-wife who he shot in the head before burning himself and half the house down. Hate to tell you this, Vanessa, but everybody knows the story. It’s the only thing that’s ever happened around here.” Vanessa’s shoulders didn’t even sag for a moment, she’d clearly been anticipating this response. “Ah, quite true, quite true-“ She said, wrapping her hand around the wrought iron gate entrance and giving a devilish wink back to Lorrie, “But I bet you haven’t heard anything about their daughter….” Lorrie gave a thin smile as she narrowed her eyes on her friend, trying to decide whether or not she was getting bull-shitted or not. Vanessa didn’t lie often, but when she did she could convince a donkey to give up carrots. As usual, she couldn’t tell. “I have not.” She finally said honestly. “Little Madison Echo.” Vanessa almost sang, swinging her weight back and heaving open the heavy iron gate. It squealed loudly, made Lorrie’s shoulders jump a bit. “The most darling and sweet girl the town of Haycomb had ever seen….said to have eyes the color of wet sapphire, a voice as sweet as dove song.” Lorrie glanced around, absolutely convinced one of the houses around them had heard the noise and were peeking out their windows at this very moment. But the streets were empty. The houses dark. There weren’t even trick-or-treaters around. Lorrie hadn’t realized just how alone the two of them were at that moment. “Geez, you read that off a bathroom wall, Nessa?” Lorrie smiled, years of practiced apathy disguising her sudden shiver of apprehension. “I’m guessing this Madison kid ended up kicking the bucket too, right? That’s usually what happens to kids who have freakin’ sonnets written about them.” Vanessa barely paid attention and instead began waltzing her way playfully up the overgrown stone walkway. Lorrie felt another flush of prickly hesitation. What the hell was Vanessa doing? “Barely fifteen years old when she was said to have started hearing voices in the cellar. Told her daddy who went down there to see for himself. Told her it was just air moving around from the old well beneath the foundation. Said it was nothing but an echo.” Vanessa had dressed up as a cheerleader – big brains but no imagination – and Lorrie couldn’t help but grimace at the thought of all the ticks and spiders that could have access to her smooth, naked legs as she tranced up the path. Vanessa herself, however, didn’t seem to care. She skipped and hopped right through the leathery grasses, her blonde ponytail swinging back and forth as she went. Lorrie herself was dressed in an ironically big leather coat with a simple black t-shirt underneath of some band she’d never listened to but knew everything about. Below that her legs were covered in nothing more than a black and red plaid skirt and bright red fishnet stockings leading down to a big pair of clunky black boots. They were ironic too. “Points for presentation, Nessa….” Lorrie said, watching each of her steps as she carefully followed her friend up the path. Bugs aside who knew what sort of shit was hidden in all this grass – the last thing she needed was to spend the rest of the night picking rotting squirrel guts out between the treads in her boots. “But I’m pretty sure you could have told me all this back on the street. This place is probably a crack-den by now. Let’s not tempt fate on Halloween, huh?” But Vanessa was already moving her way up the porch, the wood looking like each step could be enough to break through. She didn’t even seem to need a light, despite the fact that the pale moon was doing a poor job illuminating this dark, smelly place. Had she been here before? This close? The light from the streetlamps had faded halfway up the walkway. If it hadn’t been for Lorrie’s phone flashlight they’d be nearly entirely in the dark. Maybe that’s what Vanessa wanted – she always did have hard time knowing when to be scared, when a fun idea crossed the line into ludicrousness. “Madison didn’t believe her father, though. It’s said she returned to that basement every night, found a small hole in the floor that seemed to go on forever. Like it poked out through the bottom of the world. The Echo would always be there, though. She’d sing to it. It’d sing back.” Vanessa finally turned at the top of the porch’s stairs. Now that she was closer the true age of this house started to solidify – the wood turned porous and swollen in countless winter-to-spring thaws, the windows mostly broken and filmed over with the exhaust of time and neglect. The damage from the fire couldn’t be seen very well on this side of the property, but even still Lorrie was certain she could detect the lingering smell of wet ash hanging int the air like dew in a spider’s web. Lorrie had grown up occasionally walking through this neighborhood and could remember as a kid marveling at the black, exposed and hollow ruin of the Echo House that was visible from the street. Like an old, open wound. She’d never gotten closer than that, though. “Where’d you learn all this stuff, Nessa?” Lorrie finally said, eyes tracing up and across the cracked, dark overhang of the porch. “I mean, like, did somebody write a wiki on this place or what?” When she glanced back she could see Vanessa was smiling at her, her pretty face glowing in the light of Lorrie’s phone. Was she sweating slightly? The edges of her skin seemed glossier than Lorrie had remembered on the walk over. Maybe Vanessa was a little spooked herself after all. It wasn’t like she was putting on a sweat in that kinky little cheerleader outfit of hers on a cold October night. When she spoke, it was a whisper now. “Then one day Madison’s echo started growing fainter. Quieter. Day after day. Like it was falling away into that deep, deep dark beneath the house. Some days Madison couldn’t hear it at all, no matter how much she sang and called and whistled. Finally, out of desperation, poor Madison finally got down on her hands and knees and stuck her face down right over that filthy hole, lighting a small candle and holding down into the blackness in one last attempt to guide her echo back to her.” “Nessa, you’re starting to freak me out here. What’s your plan exactly? We’re not going in there, are we?” Vanessa turned back to the door to the old house. It was huge – its wood a dark and enduring oak, heavily worn but nevertheless still displaying a single word above the frame; ECHO. Its ornate metal handle had rusted black but was looked oddly smooth. Vanessa placed her hand on it, staring straight ahead. Her voice grew softer, a monotone almost. “Nobody knows what happened next but the next morning Madison was declared missing. Police searched the house. Searched the grounds. All they found were her empty shoes lying side by side in the basement. Nothing else. Old Man Cornelius wanted to tear up the foundation, go looking in that deep black well beneath his home. He was told not to worry, that Madison was much too big to fit down that narrow, little hole. So he left it. It’s probably still down there today.” “Cool. Got it, so Cornelius eventually lost his mind over his missing kid, shot his wife and burned half his house down. Bing, bang, boom. Spooky stuff. Can we go now? You’re giving me real ‘Children of the Damned’ vibes right now.” Lorrie hugged herself in her big, leather coat to properly exaggerate the fact that she was both cold and quite done with whatever story-time nonsense. Vanessa didn’t respond right away. She visibly swallowed and gave a sideways glance over to Lorrie, her hand still on the door handle. “Not quite yet.” She said with a trace of a smile, “None of that awful stuff would happen until after young Madison came back.” There it was. The twist, the ‘killer-inside-the-house’ through line that Vanessa had no doubt been leading up to. Fine. At least that meant her story was just about over. Lorrie had no idea how much of what she was hearing was true but the reverent authenticity of Venessa’s delivery was enough to give her chills. Her friend had always been drawn to the weird and the old (for a while Lorrie was sure the reason why Vanessa had never gotten serious with any of the boys in their class was because she was secretly holding a torch for their Physics teacher Mr. Laughton who had a sort of gray, rough-hands outdoor-dad type look going on). Although she had no idea where she would have found this detailed account, Lorrie was pretty sure that the Echo House was simply Vanessa’s newest passion-project for her Trivia-Addicted head. Whenever she stumbled across something weird and out-there, Vanessa would gab on and on about it until she could rope some poor stooge (often Lorrie herself) and give them the full rundown on the sordid facts nobody gave a shit about. Lorrie imagined it was similar to how lonely guys would behave with their expansive model train-sets – half the reason you invested so much time into something so useless was for the brief rush of validation you’d get when showing it off. If this ghost story meant so much to Vanessa, Lorrie glumly supposed it was only polite to see it through. “Okay. You got me.” Lorrie said, daring to lean against the wall of the putrid old house. “What happened when Madison came home.” Vanessa responded by opening the door. Lorrie half expected it to be locked and half expected the handle to break off in Vanessa’s hand but nevertheless the great, heavy door groaned open and a cool, dry gust of air breathed across the two girls. To her surprise, the smell wasn’t terribly pronounced – a bit of leaf mildew, a little bit of fuzzy rot and wet ash – but overall the inside of the Echo House didn’t smell like much of anything at all. Nevertheless, the opening of the Echo House door was an invitation that Lorrie had no interest in accepting no matter how intriguing Vanessa’s story was. “Oh, fuck that, Vanessa!” Lorrie said, backing away until her butt collided with the railing to the porch. “We are not going in there!” Vanessa remained stock still, her chest rising and falling as she took several slow and centering breaths. “Mr. and Mrs. Echo found their daughter standing at the foot of their bed one morning. Three weeks since she disappeared. There’d been no warning. She was wearing the same dress as the day she vanished. Same ribbons in her hair. She was even barefoot.” She took a step forward, almost immediately vanishing into the interior of the house which stretched perfectly black and utterly empty beyond the doorframe. Like a hole poked in the bottom of the world…. “Vanessa! Fuck’s sake, wait up!” Lorrie called but her friend gave no response. For a few seconds she was left out on the porch, her phone light held up in front of her like a crucifix against the open, black throat on the far side of the Echo House’s threshold. A few moments of silence passed, moments that rose Lorrie’s heartbeat into her ears and made her acutely aware of how utterly alone she was at that moment. Then, right before she was going to call out again, she heard Vanessa’s voice come playfully drifting out from the darkness again. “She was looked the same. There was no doubt about it….” She said with that melancholy whimsy all ghosts seem to have, “But over time Cornelius started seeing small differences. Parts of her that were softer than before. Faded. Like an echo of the girl he’d raised. Her demeanor was more distant. She barely ate or slept. And more than one of Mr. Echo’s nurses heard him grumbling sometimes to himself about her eyes being different.” Lorrie audibly groaned and stepped forward, finally inching the toe of her big, clunky combat boots over the threshold of the house. She flashed her phone light one direction, then the other. The inside of the Echo House reminded her of the halls of an old ship at the bottom of the ocean, its drowned halls illuminated in the soundless glow of a submersible’s lights. There were no pictures, no furniture, the floor and walls were both pale with old ash, plumes of dust coiling lazily through her phone flashlight’s beam. The ceiling was surprisingly high and on either side of here there were doorways leading into large, empty rooms. Soulless. Empty. A shed skin of a family home, like an echo…. Vanessa’s voice chimed in again, seeming coming from either side of Lorrie as she took another careful step into the house. “Cornelius finally confronted young Madison at the dinner table. Seized her by the shoulders and started shaking her, demanding to know where she’d come from. Where’d she’d gone. His daughter said that she didn’t remember. It was the same thing she’d said when they’d first found her standing at the foot of their bed. No matter how loudly and angrily he asked, she never gave a different answer. So eventually he started asking more violently.” “For real, Nessa, cut this shit out. Since when did you start giving a crap about this place, huh? This isn’t how I want to be spending my Halloween!” Lorrie had expected feeling an entire hairnet of cobwebs clinging to her scalp by now, however she was surprised to find no trace of any webbing anywhere around here. Nor were there any mice nests or skittering insects as she shuffled across the ashen debris scattered across the floor. Not a single living thing. Not even the remains of them. Lorrie felt another shiver plinko its way down her spine – she wasn’t a wimp, not by any means, but there were reasonable limits to what a 19-year old girl could be expected to do for the sake of a ghost story. Tetanus and Hanta Virus were such limits. “Cornelius finally took Madison into the basement.” Vanessa continued, her voice seeming to grow fainter. “He chained her to the wall and held a burning iron inches away from her not-quite-right eyes. People said they heard Mrs. Echo screaming, pounding on the locked cellar door. She seemed to have no trouble believing that their daughter had come home at last.” Something in the walls creaked. A ghost trail of dust fell across the beam of her light. Beyond that though, there was no sound at all. Even the crickets outside seemed to have gone silent. “Nessa….” Lorrie’s voice was quickly becoming a whine, her knees buckling ever so slightly as she swung her light from one corner of the hall to the other. “Cornelius demanded that his daughter tell him who she really was. Tell him what happened to the real Madison Echo. To his horror, she agreed. In the resulting chaos Cornelius would lose his entire left arm, torn off at the shoulder. His darling wife had her hair go shock white with terror after she finally forced her way into the cellar and saw what was now chained to their basement wall. That red hot poker was thrown into the house’s wood pile as Cornelius drew his father’s handgun and fired five shots into the beast, saving the last for his wife when he saw his bullets did nothing to stop the shape. The flames consumed the house and Cornelius was left to burn alive in his private study, cradling his wife’s body and screaming about the devil that now wore his daughter’s skin. That was sixty years ago. Some say that if you come by the old Echo House, you won’t hear the ghosts of poor Cornelius or his wife….you’ll only hear a soft, distant whistle. Drifting up from the basement. An echo once again on the hunt for a voice….” Vanessa’s words trailed off and again Lorrie had the constricting sensation she’d somehow become the last person on earth. Even with the open door less than ten feet behind her, the surreal desiccation of this place was enough to light up all the oldest and cautious folds of the animal brain. A tomb frozen in a decay of dust. “Okay, Vanessa, you win.” Lorrie quavered, “You cut this Rod Sterling shit out and I’ll subscribe to haunted house monthly or wherever it was you heard about this-“ “…..LIKE YOURS!” Lorrie knew a scare had to be coming, she’d even braced herself for it – but despite all her preparations the oil-web darkness of this place managed to conceal Vanessa’s shape until she an arm’s length away – her face a ghoulish, white mask of exaggerated features as she leapt from the darkness – inkblot eyes, a mouth that seemed to stretch open like a waterfall, skin like liquid candle wax….. And Lorrie screamed. She fell backwards, her flashlight clattering to the floor as her shoulders thudded against the soft, fetid wallpaper behind her. Even as her initial panic subsided and the ghoul that’d jumped her returned to Vanessa’s shape once more, Lorrie couldn’t help but feel her nerves bubbling over with genuine and electric terror. Her scream strangled itself into a series of furious, seething breaths. It was a moment before she could speak. Which was fine with Vanessa, she was laughing her ass off. “Fuck you, Vanessa! Fuck, when has shit like that ever been funny? Huh? Never! That’s when!” Vanessa snorted, hands on her knees. When she straightened there were actually tears glistening in her blue – blue? – eyes, her cheeks rosy and full of life and good humor. “Oh, what? It’s Halloween, Lorrie, we’re contractually obligated as sexy teens to pull shit like this on each other. Chin up, you October-Scrooge!” Lorrie grumbled, swatting Vanessa’s hand away and scrounging about on the floor for her phone. “You know it’s always the ass-hat who jumps out and scares everybody gets killed first in the movies, right? As one of those so-called ‘sexy-teen’ I thought you’d know that.” Vanessa mockingly pouted and shook her fanny about for a moment, her Cheerleader skirt swooshing about the top of her thighs. “Oh, just tell me if you were scared or not.” Lorrie didn’t answer, instead taking time to dust off her own butt and back from the white, ashen imprint left on them. “Honestly, where’d you hear all that stuff about the Echo family? Was any of that for real or did you have a focus group of know-it-all Cheerleaders writing it for you?” Vanessa leaned forward, sliding into Lorrie’s space as easily as a needle into flesh. Lorrie gasped slightly, taking a step back. Vanessa’s face was less than a foot away from her own – expression languid and cheery but also suddenly distant and slightly cold as well. And her eyes. Lorrie could’ve sworn Vanessa had green- “Were you scared?” Vanessa asked again, smiling. Her teeth looked very wet. “C’mon. I did all this just to get a good rise out of you. Did it work?” Lorrie swallowed, feeling the wall once again against her back. She glanced to the doorway, to the open night sky beyond. The glow of streetlights. The silhouette of chimneys and branches on the horizon. “Uhm….yeah. To be honest. You totally did. You scared the shit out of me.” She said quietly. “I’m glad. That is good.” Vanessa said again, only now her voice sounded deeper – not in pitch, but from where the sound was coming from. For a moment, it sounded like Vanessa was speaking from the bottom of a deep, dark well despite the fact she was close enough that Lorrie could see her reflection in her friend’s eyes. But no…. Actually she couldn’t. In fact, there were no reflections in Vanessa’s eyes at all. “Vanessa?” Lorrie whispered, moving her hands against the girl’s stomach to gently ease her away. Vanessa didn’t move. She may have well been pushing at the base of a marble statue. “Nobody believes me when I act afraid.” Vanessa continued, her lips moving less and less with each word, its pitch falling further and further away. It sounded like there was a chasm hiding behind those wet teeth. An abyss. But not an empty one. Something was down there. Something that was talking to her now. “It was how Cornelius Echo found me out. I couldn’t act frightened when he put that hot poker to my face. It was something about my eyes….” “W-What are you talking about….” For years Lorrie had felt that her cynicism was powerful enough to wave off just about every societal peril the world could throw at her. Nothing spoke to having control over one’s own life than the ability to scoff and dismiss the sorts of things that would have most people crapping their pants and running for the hills. But this…the presence she sensed surfacing behind that bright, fair-skinned layer of her friend’s face….it frightened her. Cowed her. In a flash, Lorrie was reduced to a shadow of the boss-bitch she considered herself to be. She was naked and alone, eclipsed by the shadow of something utterly beyond the world she’d grown so callous and dismissive of. Powerless. The disparity between their two beings paralyzing her body in mortified awe. Something swelled and contracted in Vanessa’s neck. A bone popped somewhere in her ribcage. Then another. Deeper than the first. “I’ve learned a lot from Vanessa Masters. I imagine I’ll learn even more from you. Every part I take lingers inside me forever. No part is ever truly gone. I was too ravished to take my time with Vanessa. I lost many subtleties, cut short what could have been a wide range of valuable material. I won’t make that mistake with you.” Lorrie’s teeth chattered, she started to sink to her knees but one of Vanessa’s hands held her by the back of the head. Her fingers were as cool and smooth as chilled mole-skin. “M-m-Madison?” Was all Lorrie could think to whisper. “Once.” The voice at the bottom of Vanessa’s throat whispered back. Another internal popping noise, Vanessa’s head beginning to roll gently from side to side, her gaze softening and staring into some indirect middle space the eyes of a discarded doll. “Before that I had no name. I lived below the cellar. I’ll take you there soon, just as I did Vanessa Masters. Just as I did Madison Echo. It is a quiet place.” “Oh Jesus….” Lorrie whispered, “Am I about to d-“ Vanessa’s head split open. It was a sight so immediate and smooth that the grotesquerie of it didn’t even register – it was almost like watching the blooming of a time-lapsed rose. A star shaped series of crimson lines spread from a singular point between Vanessa’s eyes, sectioning her head into five triangular wedges that immediately curled open, their undersides revealing a horrid hidden architecture of flesh. The edges of each of these petal-like wedges was lined with thin, curved teeth – each nearly transparent, visible only by the reflection of light from Lorrie’s phone which had again clattered to the floor. In the middle of this grotesque flower, though – exactly where one would expect a grinning skull to have been – was instead a living kaleidoscope of glistening teeth; rows upon rows of concentric, purplish-red gums crowned with more of those horrible spider-thread-glistening fangs. They encircled an undulating gullet no bigger around than the base of a soup can, its edges lined with cilia like tendrils the width of a human hair. They beckoned, reaching out towards Lorrie’s face with covetous interest. Strange circulations could be seen drifting beneath its slimy skin within this nightmarish maw, like drowned bodies floating beneath the surface of a frozen like. No single part of the creature’s interior seemed ever to completely become still, always was it moving like a slow hurricane of inconstant flesh, always circling around the bottomless gullet at its center. Vanessa’s neck extended upwards, uprooting from her shoulders as her lovely white skin transitioned into a glistening, interconnected web of rapidly hardening, reddish veins. Her cheerleader outfit ripped, dark fluid began drooling down her legs, the skin on her fingers seeming to pull back up her arm like a receding tide leaving her hands emaciated spiders of skin-wrapped bones. An eyeball bubbled up and opened at the base of Vanessa’s neck, a semi-transparent lid of skin unpeeling from its round, black shape and leaving Lorrie to gaze bewildered and horrified at the ink-black orb as it gazed back. Several smaller eyes popped open around it like meat lumps rising in a thick stew, each bleating little slimy eyelids and conveying a deep, alien indifference to the mortal horror of its soon-to-be-victim. Lorrie had time to scream one last time, her last chance for a sardonic and dismissive denouement to her short life losing out to the tidal surge of pitiable, childish fear that swallowed every last bit of her in these final moments. She screamed for less than a second before the coiled flower-mouth launched forward and swallowed her entire head. Lorrie’s pale hands immediately leapt up to slap haplessly at the collar of teeth that had enclosed around her neck, the swell of her skull visible in the undulating esophagus of the horrid monster that was consuming her. Vanessa’s chest cracked apart, ribcage yawning open to reveal an undulating mass of throbbing, purplish organs and whipping tendrils that vomited themselves out and across Lorrie’s chest. Their whipping tips expertly found and unzipped her jacket, unseen spurs cutting easily through the cloth of her underlying t-shirt and the black a-cup bra beneath. Lorrie’s naked breasts gleamed in the low light of her phone, pink and pierced nipples flashing into view as her screams began falling away inside her devourer’s throat. Vanessa’s skeletal hands wrapped possessively around Lorrie’s back, pulling the girl closer and allowing its mane of writhing flagellum to find and begin peeling her friend free from her short, swishing skirt. Lorrie was wearing a simple black thong underneath, her taught round butt squishing against the wooden wall of the hallway as the creature surged against her once more. The maw enclosing her head swelled and surged over her pale shoulders, contracting again once new flesh had been gained and crushing the bones of her arms with the same crackling satisfaction one might feel popping their knuckles before a fight. Lorrie’s legs bucked and kicked like a suffocating fish, blood dropping in a gruesome screen down her chest and back, between her breasts and down her flat stomach. The rootwork of tendrils held the girl’s boots in place as a second contraction slurped the rest of Lorrie’s body upwards, her fishnet covered feet fluttering into the cool night air, black toenail polish glinting on her helpless toes. Bit by bit the horrid growth consumed its prey, its ever shifting anatomical makeup surging or retracting as needed to guide its drooling maw down her body, its descent marked by occasional, juicy bites that plunged those fangs deep through the poor girl’s body, skewering through muscle and vibrating happily among her savaged internal organs. Lorrie’s bloody fingers spasmed, hands forced behind her back to clasp feverishly at her own naked bottom, printing her round cheeks with handprints of fresh dripping blood. Precise teeth managed to snake beneath the waistband of Lorrie’s thong as the undulating shape slowly swiveled itself to the high ceiling of the hall. Lorrie’s now upside-down hips descended, the fabric of her thong lifting from her poor, cute sex and sliding from between the cheeks of her buttocks, leaving her pelvis to sink naked and bloody into the yawning gullet. It sank from sight in less than a minute, those countless teeth all gently pawing against the fair skin as it passed like the hands of rapturous worshipers pawing the passing casket of a deceased saint. Lorrie’s legs were drawn together, the sleeve of exaggerated and writhing flesh that’d emerged from the shell of Vanessa Masters body began reeling itself back in, like a disemboweling reversing itself. Skin zipped itself back up, the symmetries of a human shape cracking back into place one joint at a time. By the end of it, one could almost pass off the strange, bent shape in the hall of Echo House as the silhouette of Vanessa Masters herself, that is until you drew closer and saw that her neck had stretched apart like a bat wing to reveal a glistening, veined membrane hiding beneath the creamy glow of her skin. And….for that matter….that the strange shapes pointing skyward from her distended jaws were a pair of cute, trembling feet – wrapped only in a pair of red fishnet stockings. The light of Jossie’s phone gleamed off its owner’s black toenail polish as an almost human tongue emerged from Vanessa’s almost human lips and coiled over them with a possessive slurp, drawing the last of the poor girl back and between those rows of wet, glistening teeth that Jossie had been smiling at not twenty minutes earlier. The huge distended swell rolled back through Vanessa’s neck and down into her body where, hideously, it compressed flat with a series of carnal violence – like a turkey carcass passing beneath the wheels of an 18-wheeler. It lasted only a few seconds though and when it was completed Vanessa Masters stood once again in the hallways, her top torn open and her healthy, full breasts bouncing lightly over her utterly flat tummy. A single trickle of blood brightened to corner of her mouth and a now completely human tongue flicked out to lick it up. Her eyes – now green – dilated back into their proper proportions, a deep and content breath passing in and out of her mouth as the internal structures aligned themselves once again to normalcy. It burped lightly before lowering its hands to thrum contemplatively on its belly. At its feet were the remnants of Lorrie’s outfit. A black bra turned inside out, a leather jacket, a split shirt, two clunky boots, a checkered skirt and her wet, bloody thong. All freshly emptied. Vanessa regarded them dispassionately before finally turning and picking up Lorrie’s phone, her fingers taking a few moments before the screen would register them and allow her to turn off the light. She didn’t know the combination to unlock the device yet – neither had Venessa – but by tomorrow morning there wouldn’t be a single whisper of Lorrie’s life that wouldn’t be known to her. She’d have an almost instinctual awareness of every facet of the dead girl’s thoughts, even memories that her primitive brain had stored forgotten and inaccessible to her conscious mind. Such an inheritance would be required, of course. Lorrie Patterson was going to be a very social girl over the next couple of days – she’d need to appear every bit as snide and sincerely insincere as possible to lure more young women to this house. But that was business for later. Right now it needed time. Time and privacy. And beneath this house it had had access to both. It’d return to that primordial place, the great and infinite dark hovering forever unseen but intimately close to the world of man. There it would take the time it needed to peel back every layer of Lorrie’s flesh and mind, drinking in the most miniscule of details just as it had Vanessa Masters when it’d lured the girl over the threshold of Echo House the previous night with the pleating whimpers of a young girl. Vanessa’s clothes were still downstairs, ripped to pieces during the frenzied feeding. Luckily, after a night of digesting, it came to know where Vanessa Masters lived and what she intended to wear for Halloween. After memories came the mannerisms, the minutia that it reveled in drinking in like deserts sands would freshly spilt blood. So too would Lorrie come to pass. The shape of Vanessa Masters calmly picked up Lorrie’s empty clothes and soundlessly retreated into the gloom of the Echo House, descending into the cool rot of the cellar and vanishing into the ever dark below on the far side of a small, ugly cavity in the corner of the space. A hole to the primordial dreamscape where dark and shapeless things could find mortal shape to inflict their terrors upon the living world, feeding a host of newly grown appetites. A space resembling but never fully embodying the nature of true existence; a simulacrum of man’s unstructured thoughts… ….an echo of nightmares yet to be.
 Kleo couldn’t believe she’d been invited to the biggest semester kick off sorority party on campus! She was never invited to these sorts of things in high school, but a few of the sorority girls had asked her specifically to be there! Oh gosh, oh gosh, what was she going to do! She was flattered and excited by the idea of being invited, but their thinly veiled threats if she didn’t come had her more nervous than anything. “If you’re not there, it might be tough to finish the semester~!” One had said. Even though it was a vore free campus, if she didn’t go to the party, Kleo had no doubt she’d end up in one of the busty and alluring seniors in no time. She definitely didn’t want that, so she only had two options flee the school entirely or go to the party. The party night, the first Friday of the semester, came hard and fast, and the unfortunate girl found herself dressed in her best baby blue blouse and dark red knee length skirt, complete with a matching red headband to hold back her shoulder length blonde hair, and blue Converse to finish it off. She took and deep breathe to steady her nerves as she appraised her make up in the mirror one last time and set out for the sorority party. She’d heard all sorts of things about college parties, but she wasn’t the type to attend things like that. She preferred reading books, watching YouTube videos, and just quietly doing homework, not drinking her face off and sleeping around just for the fun of it…she didn’t have a choice though. She heard the party before she saw it. The sorority house was close to the school and the dormitories, basically still on campus, as all the houses in this neighbourhood were college student residences. She fell into step with other people heading in the same direction, though she was too shy to actually say anything or even make eye contact with those people. She encountered a wall of people standing around the yard out in front of the house, which was labeled with several large Greek letters. She didn’t really care which ones, but this was no good! She needed to at least get into the house, to be seen by the sorority members at least, or they wouldn’t believe she was here! Kleo uncorked as much courage as she contained, and began to gently push her way through the rambunctious crowd flooding the street loosely. There were people everywhere! On the road, filling the sidewalk, the yard, on the roof, hanging from the windows and throwing something at the people below...she didn’t want to think about what it was. The clinging smells of beer and something pungent she only vaguely recognized as smoking or some kind of drug use filled the air, along with the generally bad smell of people of course. No one paid the shorter girl any real attention as she pushed past them, reveling or laughing with their own groups of friends. It was still early in the night, not even 10 o’clock, so few people were drunk yet, hell, the party didn’t even officially start until 11. She somehow managed to swim through the sea of people to reach the front door and was greeted instantly by a very enthusiastic sorority girl, the same Greek letters on the front of the house emblazoned across this girls very low cut top. Across her large, bouncing breasts specifically, which were at eye level for the small girl. The sorority girl was a ditzy looking blonde, long, straight, shiny bleached blonde hair, a healthy summer tan, face painted with a paint brush, and the enormous assets that all the seasoned sorority girls sported around these parts. Kleo watched those all natural melons swing before her as the girl bent over to be eye level with her, grinning from ear to ear after seeing the smaller woman actually appear at the party. “Oh. My! GOSH! I can’t believe you actually came! Come in! The other girls will just fuckin love this! Eee!” She seized Kleo’s wrist and pulled her into the even more crowded house before she could protest or resist. No! That wasn’t the plan! The plan was to come, be seen, then leave! Nonono! The sorority girl shoved and pushed her way through the dense indoor crowd until they were in what Kleo assumed was the living room when it wasn’t wall to wall with people. She pulled Kleo painfully along behind her, until Kleo was pulled up onto was seemed to be a…table?! The woman held up her hand and shouted out to everyone in the room, who fell silent at the sight of the two women rising above the rest of the crowd. “Here she is everyone! The first prey girl of the semester! Who wants a shot at her!?!?” All colour drained from Kleo’s face. Prey girl?! She wasn’t… The roar and press of people was terrifying, as nearly a hundred people in the small room pushed forwards, all talking at once hands reaching out for the shy and now very terrified girl. The table swayed and shook as people, men and women both, pressed in on all sides, but the sorority girl slapped their hands away, shouting for silence. “QUIET!!! QUIET!!! Damn it!! Maxi!!! Can you-“ The shriek of speaker feedback suddenly cut through the crowd like a knife, everyone inside and even those outside the house falling silent at the terribly piercing noise. “Quiet please, while our host, Joe-Ann, explains the rules of tonight’s games.” The crowd parted as the most ‘alpha female’ woman Cleo had ever met strode through the crowd with a microphone in hand. Her voice was commanding, her saunter was entrancing, her appearance pristine. She was wearing a white, three piece suit, the vest and handkerchief bright red, a matching top hat atop her head. The suit was perfectly fit, displaying her impressively built, nearly six and half foot, more than well endowed, frame. Emblazoned in neat letters on her collar were the Greek letters of the sorority. Everyone backed away in awe as she strode into the room, walking up to the table and handing Joe-Ann the microphone. No one in the room spoke a word. Unfortunately for Kleo, the woman’s eyes were locked directly onto her, keeping her frozen in place, even if she wanted to make a run for it. It was like a tiger staring down a mouse. The controlled smirk tilting the corner of the well-dressed woman’s mouth displaying more confidence than Kleo had in her entire life. This woman could eat her in front of everyone here, and still not get in trouble, Kleo knew this deep in her soul. “Thank you very much Maxi. Now.” The frayed jean short-short clad sorority girl, who also didn’t have a bra, panties, or shoes on, took the microphone and began to explain the party for everyone who’d come. It was the first college party for many of course. “Welcome to the Semester Kick off! I’m Joe-Ann, the host of tonight’s events! First, let me introduce Kleo, our Prey Girl for tonight! Say hi to everyone, Kleo!” The microphone was thrust into her face, but she couldn’t look away from Maxi, the leader of the entire sorority. There was a moment of silence as Joe-Ann waited for the completely frozen girl to even realize there was a microphone in front of her face, but she just never did. “Well, that’s why she’d our prey girl!” Everyone laughed, but settled down as the scandalously clad barely more than teenage girl began to explain the rules. “So, for everyone who’s here for the first time, or was too drunk to remember the rules from last year, at every party we play a series of games, all centered around a girl specially selected by the Girls of Gamma Gamma Beta! There are different rules for each game, but the overall rules are as follows!” She thrust her hand into the air, “FIRST! NO FUCKIN CELL PHONE! Stow your damn cameras! You’re breast fat if anyone catches you with a camera or electronics of any kind!” Everyone murmured their approval, and she continued, “SECOND, The Prey Girl must participate in every game at the party! I’ll explain the games in a moment, but for every time she loses a game, she’ll lose an article of clothing to the winner!” Everyone cheered, but the energetic girl continued her explanation of what felt like Kleo’s funeral. “THIRD!” The speakers whined, but she continued without stopping, “Anyone who has a piece of the Prey Girls clothes at the end of the night can trade it in for a single sexual favour from their choice of Gamma Gamma Beta girls!” Whoops and cheers went up at this, and Joe-Ann winked. “Finally, anyone who loses in a game to the Prey Girl gets ‘eaten’ themselves! That means you have to take off all your clothes and go home a loser! Careful!” This brought on just as many cheers as the rest. “Ok! The Prey Girl will now get dressed, and I’ll explain all the games! Listen closely!” A pair of sorority students, wearing outfits slightly more modest than Joe-Ann, but not by much, seized Kleo and dragged her limp body into a side room, away from the public onlookers. She was glassy eyed until she felt them tugging at her clothing. “Hey! Stop!” “No! We need to hurry and get you into your uniform!” The girls didn’t heed her protests and quickly stripped her totally naked, working in well-practiced tandem to overcome any mild, awkward resistance the smaller girl put up. Why were they so strong?! Then they were dressing her again, but what she was being put into could barely be considered ‘clothing’. Kleo stumbled out of the changing room like a newborn calf learning to walk. Her cute, hard chosen outfit was gone, replaced by a strange sort of swimsuit-esque mouse outfit. Starting at the top, her headband was replaced by a pair of stained and bent mouse ears, her hair was held out to the sides in a pair pigtails by bow tied black ribbons. A tight latex collar complete with a pair of dog tags bit slightly into her throat. A pair of thicker, black ribbons crossed over her mosquito bite chest, one covering each breast and crossing over the opposite shoulder. Around her waist was a garter belt, holding up a pair of tight, black latex stockings. Her panties underneath were the laciest, most risqué single article of clothing she’d ever worn, by a long shot. Lastly, she could barely stand up straight on a pair of pointed black, five inch+ heel plaform stilettos. Every time her knees shook, they rubbed a little against eachother, making her latex stockings squeak, and everyone ‘ooo-ed’ and ‘aaawed’ as she stumbled out, with only minor assistance from the pair who’d dressed her. She felt as if she was naked before hundreds of people she didn’t know, and she was pulled back up onto the table for Joe-Ann to show off, forced to spin in a circle for everyone to admire her somewhat underdeveloped body. She wasn’t unattractive, not at all, but she was definitely part of the itty bitty titty committee. “And here she is! Our little mousey prey! Now who’s predator enough to come try to eat up our little mousey, huh!” Hands shot up everywhere, and Joe-Ann beamed, “Okok! Everyone can only compete in one event, so fill out your name crads and place them in the pres’ hat! We’ll draw names for all the events right away! Eeee!” Everyone flinched as she screeched with excitement, bouncing up and down on the table as most eyes in the room followed her bounce. “Wh-what are the games?” Kleo managed to ask. She didn’t have any choice but to play, of course, but maybe she wouldn’t lose every one… Joe-Ann lowered the mic, still smiled as wide as could be. She could see how terrified and ‘deer in headlights’ Kleo looked and seemed to have some sympathy in her because she leaned in and explained a little, “Oh, don’t worry hun! It’s all just fun drinking games! You’ll be fine! You’re the safest person here. We’re just teasing you.” “Joe-Ann! No telling the prey the rules!” Someone shouted from the crowd. “I know! I was just giving her a pep talk! OK! GAME ONE! Balloon Chasers! GO!” From that point on, the night was a whirlwind of insanity for Kleo. She’d never played any drinking games before, likely one of the reasons she was chosen for this position, so the games made almost no sense to her whatsoever. The sorority girls all shouted instructions at her, while everyone else were obviously rooting for anyone else to win. She lost the first three games before she even understood they’d really started, and her heals and garter belt were gone in short order, actually sort of a relief. At about that same point, the energy of the room started to crack her introvert shell, and she began to actively participate in the games, to the delight of the crowd. She still lost badly for the next few games, losing her latex stockings, then the pair of ribbons in her hair. She’d managed to gather that there was an order to the articles she lost, and unfortunately, the mouse eared head band was last, and the latex collar was second last. But she was very quickly learning the general flow of the games, and picking up the rules of the sudden and unexpected games faster and faster. It was at that point that she started to actually beat people! Three got stripped and sent home in one game, but she was just one, inexperienced girl. The drinks caught up with her, more than once actually. She sprayed the bubbly contents of her stomach more than once, but that was only a momentary respite from the assault of alcohol from all sides. Her winning momentum quickly reversed as the alcohol itself took effect and before she knew it, her chest ribbons came off, then her panties, each soaked in alcohol, sweat, and who knows what else. The collar came off next, a relief that flooded her head with fresh blood. Fresh intoxicated blood, but still. Finally it was the last game, and the last piece of clothing! At this point, she was too drunk to care that she was running around buck naked, half the people who lost to her had stripped and stuck around to watch the rest of the games anyway, so she wasn’t the only one either. It wasn’t necessary an official part of the rules, but if those stripped were attractive, they were allowed to stay. Kleo stumbled into the back yard for the last game, directed by the crowd and a few equally drunk sorority girls. “Last game!” Joe-Ann’s now very familiar voice chimed. To the drunken and long ago overwhelmed Kleo, the bubbly, vaguely airheaded voice was like the commandments of God, pronounced from on high and booming from every direction. “CAT WALK COMPETITION! G-“ Joe-Ann was cut off unexpectedly, as small scuffle over the microphone broke out. A male voice cut in, “New rule! All sorority girls have to participate! Ugh!” The speakers let out a heavy thump as, presumably, the mic hit the floor. Joe-Ann’s voice returned to the mic, “Sorry girls! He snuck up on me! Rules is rules! Unfortunately, I and the pres can’t participate, but everyone else has to!” The loudest cheer of the night went up and Kleo heard the girls on either side of her groan. They were smiling though, their drunken courage more than enough to get them through this. A pseudo catwalk was erected in the backyard and pretty much everyone at the party crowded into view as the sorority girls lined up to show off their cat walks, Kleo somewhere in the middle. At the very end of the catwalk, in a throne of beer bottles and cans, sat the, the ‘pres’ Maxi, still in her white suit, but without her long ago stained jacket and top hat, her ripped arms now visible, since she’d never had an undershirt, only the vest. Beside her stood Joe-Ann, presenting the women who paraded before their leader, strutting their stuff drunkenly, but still as passionately as they could. Kleo, very, very drunk at this point, by far the most drunk she’d ever been in her life, had something else in mind. When it came to her turn, the last to go of course, the normally timid girl, still adorned with the somehow still in place mouse ears, dropped on all fours and began a literal ‘cat walk’. She knew she had no chance in an actual contest, she couldn’t even walk straight without two others to help, but she could move in a more or less straight line on all fours! She crawled with drunken grace towards Maxi, meowing and sauntering down the ‘runway’ as the sexiest ‘kitty cat’ she could manage. She ever rubbed her head and body up against the pres’ leg, mewling loudly for everyone’s benefit. The entire act, considering she was naked, was surprisingly effective, the initial bout of laughter dying down as she continued her erotic display of drunken sexuality. When she finally finished and stumbled to her feet, the crowd erupted in a thunderous roar of approval. “So pres, who won the competition?” Joe-Ann asked, lowering the slightly beat up microphone to Maxi’s red lipstick clad mouth. “Hmm…” the still smartly dressed woman, her dark hair swept back with gel, hummed in thought. She smiled, everyone knowing the conclusion she’d come to. “Kleo.” The crowd erupted again, the sorority girls hoisting the naked girl into their air. Kleo’s world spun as she was bounced and passed around, totally dazed and disoriented. She didn’t think she’d win, she just wanted to be funny! From there, the party descended into true chaos, up until that point something akin to organized pandemonium. Kleo was eventually dumped at Maxi’s feet, where she lay in a dazed state in not quite total undress. She still had her mouse ears which, if she weren’t more alcohol than blood, wouldn’t have mattered. However, in her pleasant haze, it felt like a crown of her victory. “Hey! Fresh meat! Get up! We’re playing one more game!” Those nearby fell silent as a larger woman stood over Kleo. There was a little more weight around this woman’s hips than the average sorority girl, but only enough to make her ‘curvy’. They all had heavy breasts, so that was no change. “Whaaa~? But-but-but….” Kleo stuttered, unable to endure anymore now that she’d been ‘released’. The woman hauled her to her feet, “I challenge the fresh meat to a game of Beer Pong!” Maxi raised an eyebrow, clearly the target of the declaration, but Kleo didn’t know any of the rules of the sorority, even though she’d been playing their games all night. “Your wager?” “I bet my body for hers!” The crowd, which had gathered around by now, made various surprised and awed noises, too much drink in them for it to be a coordinated sound like before. Whisperings slithered amongst the crowd, and the impressed look on Maxi’s face didn’t give Kleo hope. Joe-Ann appeared from the crowd, her lipstick smeared to one side, “Steph lay off! You’re such a pi-“ She was cut off when the sorority Pres held up a hand. “Do you accept, Kleo?” Kleo looked surprised she had a choice. “Uhm…I uh…” Maxi smiled, “You’ll get to learn the rules beforehand this time.” That smile flooded her drunken mind with confidence, and she nodded against her tiny, easily drowned out better judgement. The crowd roared, and in a way only a crowd of drunken college students can, arranged a beer pong table in seconds. As they did, several sorority girls came forward to explain the rules to Kleo, who nodded dreamily as they did. She only barely understood the rules, but it didn’t matter because they started playing almost right away. Steph ramped up an advantage right away, but Kleo was too drunk to even realize that. She steadily plunked through the game, landing shots, missing them, none of it mattered to her, it was just another game! Finally, after just another shot for Kleo, the crowd erupted in delight and the sorority girls mobbed her again. Her slow mind caught onto the fact that she won, eventually, but before she cheered with the crowd, she was back before Maxi. “Congratulations Kleo, you won. What would you like to do with Stephanie? Her body belongs to you now.” Kleo blinked dreamily at the large, beautiful, slightly masculine woman. “Ummmm~” she fumbled, the gravity of the situation going over her head. “It’s not-hic- fair! It was…it was beginners luck! Best two out of thre-“The curvy sorority girl began to protest, but a sharp glance from the Pres silenced her. “She was going to eat you. Would you like to eat her?” There was that same smile. Kleo smiled back dreamily, and just nodded again. “Pres no!” Maxi leaned back in her throne and flicked her hand, giving the signal to the other sorority girls, who jumped forward and seized Steph. She suddenly looked panicked, looking around for any support, any sympathy, but there was none. Her resistance withered in the face of such heartlessness. The same heartless way she had tried to consume Kleo. Kleo’s eyes went wide as Steph was lifted up and shoved towards her. Fingers opened her mouth, and before she realized what was going on, the larger girl was being shoved into her mouth! The slimey, powdery flavour of her make up passed quickly, as more and more of her was forced into Kleo’s unwilling gullet. She only realized what was going on when the squishy tits of her soon to be meal were passing over her tongue. When had she been stripped of her clothing? It was lucky Kleo herself was bereft of coverings, because anything she would have worn would have torn or burst from the additional woman being forced down her throat. Kleo’s eyes darted to the people around her, all of them either cheering or forcing Steph into her. Steph did her best to struggle, as did Kleo actually, but they were both helpless against a drunken crowd of people. Countless hands confined both of them to mere victims. Kleo gasped and chocked, but more female flesh into her own by the second. Breasts were shoved inside, then the next obstacle was her waist, and then the flailing legs, and finally the feet were forced all the way inside. Hands even squeezed her throat to force those last vestiges of Steph all the way into her stomach, which now bloated larger than her own body. She felt so horribly full, it was like she was going to explode. The crowd laughed and hands roved over Kleo’s stomach, exploring the weighty woman’s body, ever so tightly packed within her own and squirming feverishly. Kleo groaned at the struggles, her virgin stomach not used such a massive prey, larger than herself even, much less one that struggled with as much power as she could. Huddled in such a tight ball, sloshing amongst the beer from the game she herself had proposed. Every splash of the foamy substance was an increasingly stinging reminder that Stephanie herself had put herself into this predicament. “Let me out! You’ve all had your fun, ok?! Let me go! Fresh meat, you can’t digest me! Come on!” She shouted, barely audible to anyone who pressed their ears to Kleo’s massive, squirming, taut stomach. Kleo was in some pain, terrible discomfort, and just generally embarrassed by all the attention her stomach was getting. Still, the alcohol sloshing around Steph was easing all those things, and her eyes were flutter closed, her body increasingly leaning its entire weight onto her stomach. She looked up, Maxi smiling at the sleepy girl from her makeshift throne. That was all the reassurance Kleo needed. Kleo awoke in much the same position she’d passed out in, lying on her stomach in the middle of the back yard. It was still dark when she awoke, and there were still people loitering around, talking, chatting, and drinking even. Oddly enough, she didn’t have a headache, like she’d always imagined after her first major drinking event. Instead she just felt…more tired. She tried to straighten, and her stomach protested mightily, groaning and growling like an animal protecting a meal. That wasn’t far off of course. Kleo only vaguely realized what happened, and the outline of the woman inside her stomach was still clearly visible. “Oh god…” The repercussions of eating another person suddenly rushed into her mind. She would be expelled! Maybe even arrested! Shitshitshit…but wait…there were no cameras at the party. It must be near morning…there were so few people around. Kleo was suddenly fuelled by adrenaline she never knew she had. She pulled and heaved, managing to lift her stomach, and Steph, and stumble a few feet at a time. She made her way for the side of the house. Maybe she could still spit Steph out? Then there wouldn’t be any problems. Yeah. The first time she swallowed she realized what an awful idea that was. It felt like someone had sanded the inside of her throat, every swallow was agonizingly painful. The copious amounts of drinking, as well as the forcing ingestion of an entire person, her first entire person, were most definitely to blame. Ugh, she had to try though…right? “Steph? Stephanie?” She poked her stomach, trying to illicit a reaction from it. She’d need help from the person inside her if she was going to do this. She’d never eaten anyone, and certainly didn’t know how to bring them back up, unharmed. At first, only her stomachs loud, gurgling and sloshing replied, but as she pressed her ear to her own stomach flesh, she heard the faint voice. “Help…help…help…” “Stephanie! I can hear you! I need you to push up my throat!” “elp…p…” ‘Gro~~~an’. “Steph!” Oh no, the larger girl was probably losing consciousness! There was no way she’d be any help…Still Kleo did her best to throw up the senior college student. She pressed her fingers into her throat, she coughed and gagged, but her stomach remained stubbornly sealed, no matter what she tried. After what felt like an hour, she gave up. Steph wasn’t responding so she must be…Kleo didn’t want to think about it. She looked around, having lugged her stomach to a relatively hidden spot. No one who was left was paying her any mind. She sighed in relief, and tried to formulate a plan. She needed to get home, back to her dorm room, without anyone seeing her. No, without anyone recognizing her. Luckily she hadn’t brought her cell phone, her ID, or anything else, she’d been warned about that much, so she didn’t have anything to recover from inside the house, except maybe her clothing. She could leave it though, as long as she got…there! She dragged her stomach across the grass and grabbed a quilt that people had been lounging on the lawn with during the party. It wasn’t nearly large enough to encompass both her and her stomach, but it would do. Swaddling herself, she got into a rhythm of lift, stagger a few tentative steps, and the drop her stomach hard. Ouch…it felt like she was scraping off the skin of her stomach whenever she did it on the sidewalk or street. She had to though she couldn’t make it all the way across a road in even two cycles of lift and drop. An eternity later, and just as the sky began to brighten with daylight, she made it back to her room. She didn’t even get to the bed, just closing the door and collapsing onto her stomach in an exhausted huff. Her alarm woke her up this time. Alarm? She didn’t set alarms on Saturday? She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her entire body was stiff, and her stomach was sore beyond belief. She looked down at the huge, round stomach her body was currently resting on, squished out to either side of her like a bean chair. Her alarm continued to honk, and she scrambled to get to it, but her very liquid and very heavy stomach just wouldn’t cooperate. Eventually, she did manage to get to her phone, and she checked the time. 0730 Monday 05 Sept 2018. “What?” she said out loud. It was…Monday? But she’d only slept…two fucking days?! Now that she thought about it…the first time she woke up might have been a full day! And then she…oh no… She pressed her hands uselessly into her sloshing stomach, simply liquid now. Steph was gone, simply liquid nutrients for her body to absorb now. She couldn’t go to school like this! She panicked for a few minutes, her not quite person sized stomach keeping her mostly in place. She vaguely remembered what had happened, Steph herself probably diluting the alcohol Kleo had drunk enough to prevent the smaller girl from getting black out drunk. She felt only vaguely guilty about eating Stephanie, since the woman had been intent on eating her. It actually sent a chill down her spine how casual she’d been about playing that last game for her life. She’d been too drunk to realize that at the time, but in hindsight…No! She needed to think of what to do now! She had class in a little over an hour! The first challenge was just moving around. Her stomach wasn’t as big as it had been initially, so some of Stephanie was ‘gone’. Still, the larger, voluptuous woman had been bigger than Kleo herself initially! A little smaller only made the expansive stomach as large as she was! She eventually managed to figure out how to grab the huge, bloated stomach, squishing and dragging the sloshing gut around, and also how to work around the damned thing. Second challenge began as she tried to get dressed. Nothing fit! Apparently what little of Steph wasn’t filling out her stomach was starting to fill out her normally several sizes smaller hips, thighs, chest, and ass! She didn’t have a full length mirror, but it definitely felt like she was meatier than the mousey girl who’d gone to the party Friday night. Clearly this was how all the Gamma Gamma Beta girls maintained their figures! The thought of them eating other people to be pretty and sexy made Kleo’s face heat, but she couldn’t think about that now! She needed to figure out what to wear! She had one thing that fit! A Christmas sweatshirt! Why was this even in her drawer?! Her parents must have packed it without her noticing…thank god! As she did, she noticed she was still wearing those dirty mouse ears! She tossed them onto the bed, shivering at the memory of being naked for most of the party. She also had a pair of sweat pants, though her underwear and bras were way too painfully tight, so she went without. She squeezed into the sweater first, then pulled up the baggy sweatpants. Finally, Kleo began the battle to make her enormous gut look like it…didn’t contain the digested remains of a person. She pushed and pulled, stretching her only expansive clothing to their limits! Eventually, with some held from the draw string of her sweat pants, she compressed some of the angrily gurgling stomach into her pants and the rest into her sweater, only a thin strip of pale flesh visible along the bottom that she couldn’t worry about. Like this, she only looked like she was overweight, sort of like she had a fat suit on. Now for class! She donned a baseball cap to try and hide her features, held her notebook in front of the stitched and stretched snowman on her chest, and lumbered to class laboriously. By some miracle, she wasn’t late, and no one stopped her on the way. The looks and whispering were unmistakable though. Other students recognized her from the party, and they knew exactly why she was dressed in such a strange, unkempt fashion. Even as she managed to wedge her liquid stomach into one of the small desks of the lecture hall, near the back of course. It was convenient the desks weren’t open concept, and her large stomach was hidden from the front of the room. Only a moment after she’d managed to hide most of her bulk, the professor stepped through the door, her raptor gaze sweeping the room on students. Kleo’s first period Monday was taught by a lethal looking woman in her fifties named Prof. Gillian, but was more appropriately known to students as ‘The Eagle Gillian.’ She was the kind of professor that threw students out for sleeping in her class, and failed anyone mercilessly. She would no doubt hesitate to report Kleo for eating another student, so it was imperative that Kleo not catch the sharp featured and eyes old woman’s attention. “Welcome to only the second week of class. I see I’ve already lost nearly twenty students. Tch, typical.” She wasn’t wrong. Kleo looked around and the room had been packed to absolute capacity the first week. Now there was a smattering of empty seats. From her perspective at the back, she also noticed that she wasn’t the only one sporting baggy clothing. Prof Gillian called out names for attendance quickly, then set the clip board down and everyone quieted as she looked seriously around. “Before I begin the lesson for today, I would like to say something to you all, as an educator. I know this time in many of your lives that you’re away from home and able to make your own decisions in life. This may seem like it’s your first few moments of real freedom, but I implore you all to control yourselves. Try not to act like savage animals as you stumble your way through this university in your first steps of adulthood. I have no doubts that the absences today will be permanent moving forwards, and more of you will make the completely idiotic decision to let others devour you so early in life, practically before you’ve managed to start it. I implore you all to refrain from eating or being eaten by your fellow students, if not only because it is against the letter of Campus Law, but also to allow yourselves and your classmates to learn and develop into proper members of society. If you graduate and decide to throw your education away to gurgle in gut, that’s up to you, but by then I hope you’ll have developed a less impulsive, teenage mentality about life and death. The immature fun of College ‘Parties’ are not worth ending your lives. You all have so much more to learn and experience, maybe even to actually contribute to society.” Kleo tried not to meet the gaze of the ranting teacher, but she did, eventually. She felt the hairs on her neck stand on end at that eye contact, knowing absolutely that Prof Gillian knew what she’d done, down to the very person she’d eaten. As the Eagle continued to look straight at her, the woman continued, “For those of you in here who ended another’s life, for fun or just because you happened to be too lazy to prepare yourself a proper meal, I would admonish you, but I’ll simply deliver a warning. Arrive to my class again with another student stewing within your stomachs and I will personally see to it that you are expelled within the day.” More than a few noticed the laser focused eye contact with Kleo and snickered. Nearly everyone in the room knew what happened on Friday night, the Prof probably did too. Kleo was finally released from the burning glare as the older woman sighed heavily and began to teach the lesson. “So where we left off…” In just about every class she attended that day, she and her fellow students got a similar talking to by every single educator. None of the others singled her out the way Prof Gillian had, but they all spoke about the promise and sanctity of life, how important each person was, and on and on. It got a little repetitive by the end of the day, despite how heartfelt most of the teachers were. The only one that really stuck with her was Gillian razor sharp glare though. A delighted squeal made her spin around, nearly losing her balance as she did, the extra weight she wasn’t used to almost pulling her down after the spin. Joe-Ann leapt into a hug with the shorter girl, pressing herself into the soft, malleable stomach. “Ooo, I’m so proud of you! You were sleeping so I never got a chance to thank you for being such a good sport!” The sort of bimbo sorority girl pecked her on the cheek with her pink lipstick clad lips, then pressed a hand into Kleo’s still actively churning gut, “Is this all that’s left of Steph?” The freshman looked around, concerned someone would overhear them, and in fact a few students were watching the display of feminine affection from a short distance, stupid smiles on their faces. “Y-yes…” She managed to whisper. “I…couldn’t figure out how to let her out…” Joe-Ann cocked her head to the side, her heavily styled hair barely bouncing at all, “Let her out? Why would you do that?! She’d probably have eaten you if you did! She was such a fat piggy! But now she’d just gonna be fat on your hips! Teehee!” With one more squeeze of Kleo’s stomach, she stood, her large heels raising her even higher over the freshman she’d chosen as the ‘First Prey Girl’. “Sooo the pres asked me to find a replacement for fatty here. Interested in being a full time Gamma Gamma Beta girl? It come with some great perks.” Joe-Ann raised her eyebrows suggestively, hefting her own tits for emphasis in case Kleo missed her meaning. She hadn’t but the visual aide made her gulp reflexively. “M-m-m-me? Join….” “Yup! I saw how the pres was eying you. I know she meant you when she told me to find someone to fill our vacant spot. You did so good as a Prey Girl, maybe she wants you to repeat the performance?” Kleo shook her head quickly, so hard her stomach sloshed from side to side, making Joe-Ann laugh, “I’m kidding! You can’t be a Prey Girl more than once, it wouldn’t make any sense! Anyway, come on down to the house once Steph is more on your tits than in your gut and we’ll present you to the pres! Tootles!” Kleo watched the scandalously dressed woman practically skip away, most nearby eyes following her many bouncing and jiggling assets. Kleo’s stomach gurgled appreciatively, and she couldn’t help but agree. Joe-Ann did look delicious. Maybe being a member of Gamma Gamma Beta wouldn’t be so bad?