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  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n# This file describes the advancement tree for frontier peasants.\n# which is basically a reskinning of Outlaws\n\n# One line of advancement line runs from Peasant (reskinned Thug)\n# through Village Elder (reskinned Bandit) to Senior Village Elder\n# (reskinned Highwayman). These are the ordinary village inhabitants.\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Thug\n [/base_unit]\n id=Thug_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Thug\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Villager\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Bandit_Peasant\n description= _ \"Peasants live in the small hamlets and villages scattered across the Wesnoth countryside.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Bandit\n [/base_unit]\n id=Bandit_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Bandit\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Village Elder\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Highwayman_Peasant\n description= _ \"Each of the villages scattered across the Wesnoth countryside is normally guided by a group of elders, who are the village\u2019s wisest and most experienced residents.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Highwayman\n [/base_unit]\n id=Highwayman_Peasant\n gender=male,female\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Highwayman\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Senior Village Elder\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=67\n cost=66\n description= _ \"The entire village looks to the senior elder for guidance. Strong and wise, the senior elders take responsibility for the community\u2019s well-being on their shoulders. Provincial officials tend to choose senior village elders as magistrates so that legal and customary authority will coincide.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Senior Village Elder\"\n gender=female\n image=\"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\"\n die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE}\n {DEFENSE_ANIM \"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\" \"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} }\n [attack_anim]\n [filter_attack]\n name=mace-spiked\n [/filter_attack]\n offset=0.0~0.2,0.2~0.6,0.6~0.4,0.4~0.0\n start_time=-400\n {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS mace.ogg mace-miss.ogg -100}\n [frame]\n duration=600\n image=\"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\"\n [/frame]\n [/attack_anim]\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n# Another line of advancement runs from Peasant Youth (reskinned Footpad)\n# through Watchman (Reskinned Outlaw) to Borderer (reskinned Fugitive).\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Footpad\n [/base_unit]\n id=Footpad_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Footpad\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Youth\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=28\n advances_to=Outlaw_Peasant\n description= _ \"The scruffy-haired peasant youth are much like the young people living elsewhere in Wesnoth: reckless, cocky, and eager to explore.\"\n [attack]\n # Change first attack (club)\n damage=4 # Down from 5 in your basic Footpad\n [/attack]\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Peasant Youth\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Outlaw\n [/base_unit]\n id=Outlaw_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Outlaw\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Watchman\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=40\n advances_to=Fugitive_Peasant\n cost=40\n description= _ \"The watchmen are men and women who protect the villages from marauders, both human and otherwise, that prowl the Wesnoth countryside at night.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Watchwoman\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Fugitive\n [/base_unit]\n id=Fugitive_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Fugitive\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Borderer\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=61\n cost=80\n # wmllint: local spelling borderers\n description= _ \"Border villages maintain militias dedicated to fending off hostiles. While these borderers are not trained and armed to up to military standards, their native toughness and knowledge of local conditions make them formidable on their home ground.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Borderer\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n# And a third line is the village hunters. Peasant Hunter (reskinned Poacher)\n# advances to Peasant Trapper (reskinned Trapper) which can advance either to\n# Peasant Huntsman (reskinned Huntsman) or to Human Ranger. The Peasant\n# Huntsman does a little better in swamps than the base unit.\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Poacher\n [/base_unit]\n id=Poacher_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Poacher\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Hunter\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Trapper_Peasant\n description= _ \"Villages, especially in wilder areas near frontiers, rely on hunters to bring in much of their food supply. Their stealth and intimate knowledge of local terrain can be valuable assets in combat.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Trapper\n [/base_unit]\n id=Trapper_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Trapper\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Trapper\"\n alignment=neutral\n cost=26\n advances_to=Huntsman_Peasant,Ranger\n description= _ \"Trappers are skilled hunters who supply food and furs for several villages. Their hunting experience makes them most valuable at night and in forests and swamps.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Huntsman\n [/base_unit]\n id=Huntsman_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Huntsman\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Huntsman\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=55\n cost=52\n # wmllint: local spelling wamprats\n description= _ \"Huntsmen have spent their lives in the backwoods and swamps of their wilderness homes. They can bullseye ferocious swamp rats and track anything that moves in their territory.\"\n [movement_costs]\n shallow_water=2\n swamp_water=1\n [/movement_costs]\n[/unit_type]\n"}
  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n#define LIBERTY_BIGMAP STAGE\n [story]\n [part]\n show_title=yes\n [background_layer]\n image=maps/background.jpg\n scale_vertically=yes\n scale_horizontally=no\n keep_aspect_ratio=yes\n [/background_layer]\n [background_layer]\n image=maps/liberty.png\n scale_vertically=yes\n scale_horizontally=no\n keep_aspect_ratio=yes\n base_layer=yes\n [/background_layer]\n {STAGE}\n [/part]\n [/story]\n#enddef\n\n#undef NEW_JOURNEY\n\n#define NEW_JOURNEY X Y\n [image]\n x,y={X},{Y}\n file=misc/new-journey.png\n delay=300\n centered=yes\n [/image]\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_01_NEW\n {NEW_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_02_NEW\n {NEW_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_02_OLD\n {OLD_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_03_NEW\n {JOURNEY_02_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 559 213}\n {NEW_BATTLE 538 206}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_03_OLD\n {JOURNEY_02_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 559 213}\n {OLD_BATTLE 538 206}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_04_NEW\n {JOURNEY_03_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 534 225}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 244}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 536 264}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {NEW_BATTLE 523 319}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_04_OLD\n {JOURNEY_03_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 534 225}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 244}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 536 264}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {OLD_BATTLE 523 319}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_05_NEW\n {JOURNEY_04_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 554 279}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 571 292}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 589 304}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 609 314}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 623 328}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 630 347}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 635 367}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 643 385}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 660 396}\n {NEW_BATTLE 681 397}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_05_OLD\n {JOURNEY_04_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 554 279}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 571 292}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 589 304}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 609 314}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 623 328}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 630 347}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 635 367}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 643 385}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 660 396}\n {OLD_BATTLE 681 397}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_06_NEW\n {JOURNEY_05_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 685 417}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 687 438}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 688 458}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 689 477}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 685 496}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 676 515}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 665 528}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 650 540}\n {NEW_BATTLE 630 543}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_06_OLD\n {JOURNEY_05_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 685 417}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 687 438}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 688 458}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 689 477}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 685 496}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 676 515}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 665 528}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 648 540}\n {OLD_BATTLE 626 543}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_07_NEW\n {JOURNEY_06_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 608 534}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 591 524}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 574 511}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 553 501}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 492}\n {NEW_BATTLE 520 476}\n#enddef\n"}
  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n#define SET_VILLAGE X Y SIDE\n [capture_village]\n x={X}\n y={Y}\n side={SIDE}\n [/capture_village]\n#enddef\n\n#define LIBERTY_DEATHS\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Baldras\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Baldras\n message= _ \"I\u2019m coming... Erwen...\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Harper\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Harper\n #wmllint: local spelling Unngh\n message= _ \"Unngh...\"\n [/message]\n [message]\n speaker=Baldras\n message= _ \"Harper, no!\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Relana\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Relana\n message= _ \"I\u2019m finished...\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Lord Maddock\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Lord Maddock\n message= _ \"How can this be?\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n#enddef\n"}
  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n# This file describes the advancement tree for frontier peasants.\n# which is basically a reskinning of Outlaws\n\n# One line of advancement line runs from Peasant (reskinned Thug)\n# through Village Elder (reskinned Bandit) to Senior Village Elder\n# (reskinned Highwayman). These are the ordinary village inhabitants.\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Thug\n [/base_unit]\n id=Thug_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Thug\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Villager\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Bandit_Peasant\n description= _ \"Peasants live in the small hamlets and villages scattered across the Wesnoth countryside.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Bandit\n [/base_unit]\n id=Bandit_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Bandit\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Village Elder\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Highwayman_Peasant\n description= _ \"Each of the villages scattered across the Wesnoth countryside is normally guided by a group of elders, who are the village\u2019s wisest and most experienced residents.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Highwayman\n [/base_unit]\n id=Highwayman_Peasant\n gender=male,female\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Highwayman\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Senior Village Elder\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=67\n cost=66\n description= _ \"The entire village looks to the senior elder for guidance. Strong and wise, the senior elders take responsibility for the community\u2019s well-being on their shoulders. Provincial officials tend to choose senior village elders as magistrates so that legal and customary authority will coincide.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Senior Village Elder\"\n gender=female\n image=\"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\"\n die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE}\n {DEFENSE_ANIM \"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\" \"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} }\n [attack_anim]\n [filter_attack]\n name=mace-spiked\n [/filter_attack]\n offset=0.0~0.2,0.2~0.6,0.6~0.4,0.4~0.0\n start_time=-400\n {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS mace.ogg mace-miss.ogg -100}\n [frame]\n duration=600\n image=\"units/human-peasants/female+senior-village-elder.png\"\n [/frame]\n [/attack_anim]\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n# Another line of advancement runs from Peasant Youth (reskinned Footpad)\n# through Watchman (Reskinned Outlaw) to Borderer (reskinned Fugitive).\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Footpad\n [/base_unit]\n id=Footpad_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Footpad\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Youth\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=28\n advances_to=Outlaw_Peasant\n description= _ \"The scruffy-haired peasant youth are much like the young people living elsewhere in Wesnoth: reckless, cocky, and eager to explore.\"\n [attack]\n # Change first attack (club)\n damage=4 # Down from 5 in your basic Footpad\n [/attack]\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Peasant Youth\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Outlaw\n [/base_unit]\n id=Outlaw_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Outlaw\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Watchman\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=40\n advances_to=Fugitive_Peasant\n cost=40\n description= _ \"The watchmen are men and women who protect the villages from marauders, both human and otherwise, that prowl the Wesnoth countryside at night.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Watchwoman\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Fugitive\n [/base_unit]\n id=Fugitive_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Fugitive\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Borderer\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=61\n cost=80\n # wmllint: local spelling borderers\n description= _ \"Border villages maintain militias dedicated to fending off hostiles. While these borderers are not trained and armed to up to military standards, their native toughness and knowledge of local conditions make them formidable on their home ground.\"\n [female]\n name= _ \"female^Borderer\"\n [/female]\n[/unit_type]\n\n# And a third line is the village hunters. Peasant Hunter (reskinned Poacher)\n# advances to Peasant Trapper (reskinned Trapper) which can advance either to\n# Peasant Huntsman (reskinned Huntsman) or to Human Ranger. The Peasant\n# Huntsman does a little better in swamps than the base unit.\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Poacher\n [/base_unit]\n id=Poacher_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Poacher\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Hunter\"\n alignment=neutral\n advances_to=Trapper_Peasant\n description= _ \"Villages, especially in wilder areas near frontiers, rely on hunters to bring in much of their food supply. Their stealth and intimate knowledge of local terrain can be valuable assets in combat.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Trapper\n [/base_unit]\n id=Trapper_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Trapper\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Trapper\"\n alignment=neutral\n cost=26\n advances_to=Huntsman_Peasant,Ranger\n description= _ \"Trappers are skilled hunters who supply food and furs for several villages. Their hunting experience makes them most valuable at night and in forests and swamps.\"\n[/unit_type]\n\n[unit_type]\n [base_unit]\n id=Huntsman\n [/base_unit]\n id=Huntsman_Peasant\n [abilities]\n [outlaw_type_hack]\n id=Huntsman\n [/outlaw_type_hack]\n [/abilities]\n name= _ \"Peasant Huntsman\"\n alignment=neutral\n hitpoints=55\n cost=52\n # wmllint: local spelling wamprats\n description= _ \"Huntsmen have spent their lives in the backwoods and swamps of their wilderness homes. They can bullseye ferocious swamp rats and track anything that moves in their territory.\"\n [movement_costs]\n shallow_water=2\n swamp_water=1\n [/movement_costs]\n[/unit_type]\n"}
  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n#define LIBERTY_BIGMAP STAGE\n [story]\n [part]\n show_title=yes\n [background_layer]\n image=maps/background.jpg\n scale_vertically=yes\n scale_horizontally=no\n keep_aspect_ratio=yes\n [/background_layer]\n [background_layer]\n image=maps/liberty.png\n scale_vertically=yes\n scale_horizontally=no\n keep_aspect_ratio=yes\n base_layer=yes\n [/background_layer]\n {STAGE}\n [/part]\n [/story]\n#enddef\n\n#undef NEW_JOURNEY\n\n#define NEW_JOURNEY X Y\n [image]\n x,y={X},{Y}\n file=misc/new-journey.png\n delay=300\n centered=yes\n [/image]\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_01_NEW\n {NEW_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_02_NEW\n {NEW_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_02_OLD\n {OLD_BATTLE 576 229}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_03_NEW\n {JOURNEY_02_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 559 213}\n {NEW_BATTLE 538 206}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_03_OLD\n {JOURNEY_02_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 559 213}\n {OLD_BATTLE 538 206}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_04_NEW\n {JOURNEY_03_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 534 225}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 244}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 536 264}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {NEW_BATTLE 523 319}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_04_OLD\n {JOURNEY_03_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 534 225}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 244}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 536 264}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {OLD_BATTLE 523 319}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_05_NEW\n {JOURNEY_04_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 554 279}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 571 292}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 589 304}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 609 314}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 623 328}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 630 347}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 635 367}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 643 385}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 660 396}\n {NEW_BATTLE 681 397}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_05_OLD\n {JOURNEY_04_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 531 302}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 535 283}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 554 279}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 571 292}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 589 304}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 609 314}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 623 328}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 630 347}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 635 367}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 643 385}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 660 396}\n {OLD_BATTLE 681 397}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_06_NEW\n {JOURNEY_05_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 685 417}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 687 438}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 688 458}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 689 477}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 685 496}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 676 515}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 665 528}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 650 540}\n {NEW_BATTLE 630 543}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_06_OLD\n {JOURNEY_05_OLD}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 685 417}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 687 438}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 688 458}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 689 477}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 685 496}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 676 515}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 665 528}\n {OLD_JOURNEY 648 540}\n {OLD_BATTLE 626 543}\n#enddef\n\n#define JOURNEY_07_NEW\n {JOURNEY_06_OLD}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 608 534}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 591 524}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 574 511}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 553 501}\n {NEW_JOURNEY 531 492}\n {NEW_BATTLE 520 476}\n#enddef\n"}
  {"text": "#textdomain wesnoth-l\n\n#define SET_VILLAGE X Y SIDE\n [capture_village]\n x={X}\n y={Y}\n side={SIDE}\n [/capture_village]\n#enddef\n\n#define LIBERTY_DEATHS\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Baldras\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Baldras\n message= _ \"I\u2019m coming... Erwen...\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Harper\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Harper\n #wmllint: local spelling Unngh\n message= _ \"Unngh...\"\n [/message]\n [message]\n speaker=Baldras\n message= _ \"Harper, no!\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Relana\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Relana\n message= _ \"I\u2019m finished...\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n\n [event]\n name=last breath\n [filter]\n id=Lord Maddock\n [/filter]\n [message]\n speaker=Lord Maddock\n message= _ \"How can this be?\"\n [/message]\n [endlevel]\n result=defeat\n [/endlevel]\n [/event]\n#enddef\n"}
+ {"text": "Geography Of Wesnoth\nWesnoth\n\nThe Kingdom of Wesnoth is located in the north-central portion of the Great Continent. Most of the mainline campaigns revolve around it. It is bounded on the map by the Great River to the north, the shore of the Great Ocean to the west, the Aethenwood to the southwest, and the Bitter Swamp to the southeast (lower right corner of the main map).\n\nOver the River Aethen, south of Fort Tahn, is a Wesnothian frontier region. It is bounded to the south (off-map) by dense woods of which the Aethenwood may be considered a northernmost extension.\n\n Notable cities:\n Weldyn: The capital of Wesnoth.\n Aldril: City lying on the Bay of Pearls.\n Blackwater Port: City lying south of the Bay of Pearls.\n Carcyn: Located between the Grey Woods and the Great River.\n Dan'Tonk: Wesnoth's largest city, located in the center of the country, just west and north of Weldyn.\n Soradoc: The northernmost border outpost of Wesnoth, controls the confluence of the Weldyn River and the Great River.\n Fort Tahn: The southernmost border outpost, controls the north/south road crossing the River Aethen.\n Tath: Important fort city north of Dan'Tonk, exerts control over the wilderness country around the east of the Brown Hills and north to the Ford of Abez.\n\n Notable land features:\n Gryphon Mountain: Home of the fabled Gryphons\n Ford of Abez: Shallow part of the Great River, it is usually controlled by Wesnothian forces\n Weldyn River: It branches from the Great River and goes south\n Great Central Plain: Area bounded by Weldyn, Dan'Tonk, and Fort Tahn, this plain is Wesnoth's bread basket and home to most of its population\n Dulatus Hills: These rolling hills bordering the Great Central Plain provide much of Wesnoth's livestock and agriculture\n Brown Hills: Wasteland surrounding Gryphon Mountain that is not well-populated and occasionally very dangerous.\n Horse Plains: Region of rolling plains just south of the Great River, bounded by Glyn's Forest to the west and the River Weldyn to the east; the southern reach merges into the Central Plain. Home of the powerful Clans; the best horses in Wesnoth are bred here.\n Estmark Hills: Largish range rising south of the Great River and east of the Weldyn River. The northernmost portion, nearest the River Weldyn, has at various times been settled by Wesnothians, but the Kingdom's control is tenuous at best and banditry is common.\n Glyn's Forest: Sometimes known as the Royal Forest, named for one of Haldric II's sons\n Grey Woods: Large forest in the heart of the wilds of Wesnoth, located between Carcyn and Aldril and generally considered to be haunted.\n According to SotA, a huge battle in an elvish civil war was fought several hundred years BW (Before Wesnoth). It's already haunted before SotA, although saurians are risking scavenging metal there.\n In 23 YW, slightly north of the battlefield are woses who don't like necromancers, and an elf who watches for evil magic. The elf and some of the woses are killed during SotA.\n During the epilogue of SotA, an undead army marches to Elensefar, some adepts might desert and settle in the woods.\n In 363 YW, it's home to elves who are OK with necromancers (AToTB, Wesnoth 1.14 and earlier).\n In 363 YW, it's home to Grey Mages and elves, none of whom like necromancers (AToTB, Wesnoth 1.15.7).\n In 501 YW, it's home to Grey Mages who study the shadow arts, but definitely aren't necromancers (Liberty).\n Green Swamp: Large swamp on the banks of the Great River north-east of the Grey Woods, home of the dragon in TRoW S17a. (Not shown on the main map.)\n\nSouthwest Elven Lands\n\nThe Wood Elves are separate from those of the north, and have only intermittent relations with them and most other countries.\n\n Notable cities\n None known\n Notable land features:\n Aethenwood: The largest southern forest, it extends far to the southwest - much farther than is charted - and is home to elves\n\nElensefar\n\nElensefar is at times a province of Wesnoth, at times an independent country, and at times in a treaty federation with Wesnoth. Its borders are the Great River to the north, a loosely defined line with Wesnoth to the east, the Bay of Pearls to the south, and the ocean to the west. More information is found in the historical narrative of Wesnoth.\n\n Notable cities:\n Elensefar: The capital, located on an island in the Great River delta\n Carcyn: City on the Wesnoth-Elensefar border, disputed with Wesnoth\n Notable land features:\n Great River: It is very wide at this point, and only ships can cross it.\n\nNorthlands\n\nThere is no government of the Northlands. Various groups of orcs, dwarves, barbarian men and even elves populate the region. The northern and eastern borders are not defined, the southern border is the Great River, and the western border is the Great Ocean.\n\n Notable cities:\n Glamdrol: An Orcish tribal capital\n Romyr: Another Orcish tribal capital\n Wesmere: The location of the Ka'lian - the Elvish Council\n Dwarven Doors: A mixed human/dwarven town in the region of Knalga in the southern Heart Mountains. A major trade center.\n Dallben and Delwyn: Human villages originally built by settlers who crossed the Great River during Wesnoth's Golden Age expansion. Now abandoned. The forested area northeast of Elensefar, where these villages were located, was named the Annuvin province by men but was known by the elves as Wesmere.\n\n Notable land features:\n Heart Mountains: A virtually impassable barrier between the river country and the Northern Plains.\n Heartfangs: the particularly forbidding stretch of high peaks southwest of Lake Vrug and north of the Forest of Wesmere. The most inhospitable and dangerous portion of the Heart Mountains; only hermits, madmen, and mages live there.\n Swamp of Dread: a very large bog located between the Heart Mountains and the Great River. A notoriously dangerous place.\n Lake Vrug: A large mountain lake whose river carves the only pathway through the Northern Mountains\n Arkan-thoria: The river than comes out of Lake Vrug. This is the elvish name; among humans it is called Longlier.\n River Listra: The south-running tributary of the Great River into which the Arkan-thoria empties.\n Lintanir Forest: The southernmost portion of the Great Northern Forest, a gigantic wood whose eastern and northern boundaries are known only the elves. Their capitol, Elensiria, has only seldom been visited by humans.\n Great River: The origin of this river is somewhere in the east of the northern lands\n\nWesmere\n\nThe location of the Ka'lian - the Elvish Council in the Eastern part of the forest. The river Telfar flows through the forest. The Kal'ian is on an island in the Telfar. The River Telfar is crossed by the Northern Shallows, the Ford of Alyas, the Ford of Tifranur and the North Bridge. Villages surrounding the Ka'lian are named Telionath, Arthen, Arryn, Illissa, Viricon, Tireas, Essarn, Valcathra, Aelion, Elendor, Erethean. Other areas near the Ka'lian are Brightleaf Wood, Telfar Green (an opening in the forest), Dancer\u2019s Green (an opening in the forest), Karmarth Hills, Westwind Wood (possibly the foothills of the Heart Mountains to the north east of Wesmere), Southwind Wood. East and outside are the forest are the villages of Dallben and Delwyn.\nFar North\n\nMap of the Far North\n\nCold, harsh, and inaccessible, the Far North is the ancestral home of the Orcish Clannate. It lies north of the Heart Mountains, which the Orcs call the Haggid-Dargor and claim (without merit) as their own. To the east lie the Unaligned Tribes of the Wild Steppe, who fell out of the control of the Clannate, instead roaming with wild human barbarians and clashing with the High Elves of the North Plains (known as North Elves in human lands). The High Elves themselves reside further east, where it is rumored they rule a vast kingdom.\n\n Notable cities:\n Barag Gor, a city home to the Orcish Council\n Bitok\n Borstep\n Castelfrang\n Farzi\n Festog\n Grisbi\n Lmarig\n Melmog\n Prestim\n Tirigaz\n Notable land features:\n Swamp of Desolation\n Mountains of Dorth\n Mountains of Haag\n Green Forest (named Greenwood on the SotBE map. Corresponds to Gitamoth in LoW's journey tracker)\n Silent Forest (previously named Gitamoth according to the text in LoW's epilogue)\n Forest of Thelien\n River Oumph\n River Bork\n Wild Steppe\n\nArea around Tirigaz\n\nFeatured in Dead Water.\n\nMap of area around Tirigaz\n\n Notable cities:\n Tirigaz\n Jotha\n Agvorad\n Notable land features:\n Swamp of Desolation\n Mountains of Dorth\n Bilheld, a large island.\n A small island of coast of Bilheld\n Other named places\n Spellkeep, a tower east of Jotha, which does not appear on the SotBE map. The UMC [Carved in Stone] seems to be the only mention of this, and suggests it was built sometime between 150 YW - 400 YW.\n\nThe Green Isle\n\nThe geography features of The Green Isle in The Rise of Wesnoth.\n\nMap of The Green Isle\nWesfolk Land\n\nThis is where the Wesfolk live, with their Lich overlords. The boundary between it and the Islefolk land is the hilly area running south-west to north-east. The Wesfolk land is in the north-west. Little is known about what happened to the island after Haldric left.\n\n Notable cities:\n Jevyan's Haven: The capital of the Wesfolk, where Jevyan reigned; presumably where the gates to orcland were opened\n\nIslefolk Land\n\nThis is where the Islefolk (Haldric's folk) live. The boundary is the same as that of the Wesfolk; the islefolk land is to the southeast.\n\n Notable cities:\n Blackmore: {??}\n Clearwater Port: {??}\n Southbay: {??}\n\nCampaign References\n\nThis section collates specific facts about geography asserted in the the text of mainline campaigns, implied by map dots (track) or by features on a battle map (map). It aims to be complete as to locations on the main map and identifiably adjacent to it. Two groups of off-map locations are confined to single campaigns, the Green Isle in The Rise of Wesnoth and the Far North in Son of the Black Eye; those locations are not listed here.\nHeir To The Throne\n\nKonrad was raised in the Aethenwood (track, The Elves Besieged). He returns to the mainland very near the location where Haldric the Great first landed in 1YW. (map, Bay of Pearls). The fight with Muff Malal takes place on the peninsula north of the Bay of Pearls (track, Bay of Pearls). The city of Elensefar is actually located on a large island in the mouth of the Great River (map, The Siege of Elensefar). The crossroads fight takes place where the roads from Carcyn, Dan'Tonk and Fort Tahn meet (track, Crossroads). Konrad meets Li'sar on the road between Dan'Tonk and Carcyn (track, The Princess of Wesnoth). Konrad fights undead in the Brown Hills southeast of Gryphon Mountain (track, Valley of Death). The track for Gryphon Mountain unsurprisingly lands on the Gryphon Mountain map feature; equally unsurprisingly, the track for Ford of Abez lands on the Ford of Abez map feature.\n\nNorth of the Great River this campaign is our basic textual evidence for several important features. The country around the easternmost tip of the Swamp of Dread is described as \"abundant pine forests nestled in rolling foothills\" (track and text, Northern Winter) and, at least during the Turmoil of Asheviere, is inhabited by orcs. Dwarven Doors and Knalga are located in the center of the southern arm of the Heart Mountains, south-southeast of Lake Vrug (The Dwarven Doors). Lionel, the Lost General, is found in an orcish warren at the northern edge of the southern Heart Mountains, north-northeast of Knalga and adjacent to the valley of the Arkan-thoria (The Lost General). Konrad re-encounters Li'sar north across that valley in the foothills of the northern Heart Mountains (track, Hasty Alliance). The Scepter of Fire is found in those same foothills a bit further east and south, just north of the southernmost bend of the Arkan-thoria (Scepter of Fire).\n\nKonrad's party travels southeast through the caverns, under the Arkan-thoria, to just south of a northward bend of the river (A Choice Must Be Made). Kalenz says that this river is called 'Longlier' by men and 'Arkan-thoria' by the Elves. He further says that the homeland of his people lies to the east and north. Kalenz identifies their location at the easternmost edge of the southern Heart Mountains (track, Snow Plains) as \"...once the home of my people. We left here centuries ago\" (text). In the next scenario, the North Elves are contacted at the confluence of the Arkan-thoria and the Listra (track, Home of the North Elves). Konrad's party take refuge in Emetria, an Elven castle located just within the border of the southern lobe Lintanir Forest. The Elven Council takes place in the elven capital of Elensiria, location not specified.\n\nKonrad crosses the Great River into Wesnoth just north of Soradoc (Return to Wesnoth). The country between the Elven forests and the river is inhabited by, among other things, \"hermit mages\" (text). He then crosses the river into the Estmark Hills hills east of the Weldyn River (track, Test of the Clans).\n\nNeither the Estmark Hills, nor the Heart Mountains, nor the swamp between them and the Great River are named in this campaign, but one scenario title refers to the latter as Swamp of Dread.\n\nContinuity problems: the map for 'The Princess of Wesnoth' is difficult to reconcile with the track location; the lake to the south should be large enough to show on the main map and is difficult to fit in a valley in the Brown Hills. Likewise, the map for Home of the North Elves shows only an east-west river probably too small to be the Arkan-thoria, and not the Listra that it should flow into.\n\nThe campaign maps feature map labels\nA Tale of Two Brothers\n\nThis campaign has a tracking map. In text, the village of Maghre is described as being in the \"western reaches of Wesnoth\" (Rooting Out a Mage). In The Chase, the haunted forest is identified as the Grey Woods.\nAn Orcish Incursion\n\nThis campaign has a map and a journey track. No places are named other than Wesmere; the action takes place north and west of there. A pass that is bottleneck route through the northern mountains figures in the action.\nThe South Guard\n\nThis campaign takes place off the main map and has its own background map.\n\nWe know from it that the city of Westin is located southwest of Fort Tahn (track, Born To The Banner) and is capital of the frontier province of Kerlath (text), also that the Aethenwood is to the west (text).\n\nThere is no map track after the second scenario. We learn that south of Westin , Kerlath is bounded by dense woods, \"a bastion of the ancient heart forest of the Great Continent so dense and gloomy that even elves forbore from dwelling there.\" (Born to the Banner) South of it an unspecified distance lies the elven Vale of Tears, and much further south of that the Black River, of which Etheliel says \"No elf, still living, has crossed it.\"\n\nThe campaign maps feature map labels\nLiberty\n\nThis campaign uses a modified version of the main Wesnoth map for tracking. The map shows the villages of Dallben and Delwyn, and some small patches of forest, between the forest of Wesmere and the ocean; also it labels the Grey Woods. Text (The Raid) identifies this as the province of Annuvin, a frontier area of Wesnoth. It is clear that Elensefar is the chief city of Annuvin.\n\nBaldras and his party travel south to Elensefar (track, A Strategy of Hope). From there they go upriver to Carcyn (track, Hide And Seek), and south to the Grey Woods (track, The Grey Woods), then south on the road to Aldril. The campaign finishes at Halstead. In the Epilogue, there is a reference to villagers fleeing southwest to settle on the Three Sisters.\n\nThe scenario maps feature map labels\nThe Rise of Wesnoth\n\nThis campaign has its own tracking map for the Green Isle, which is our only actual source of information about the Green Isle's geography; there are few Great Continent locations of interest. There is a \"Ka'lian\", however in this campaign the Ka'lian is meeting in the Grey Woods, instead of their usual location in the Forest of Wesmere.\n\nThe lady Jessene uses the term \"Old Continent\" to describe the ancestral home of her people, and implies that it lies in \"the far West\".\nThe Legend of Wesmere\n\nThis campaign uses a modified version of the main Wesnoth map for tracking. The map shows far fewer settlements with the notable addition of a castle settlement in the Swamp of Dread, called Saurgrath (the location of The Saurian Treasury).\n\nThe map track for Hostile Mountains shows Kalenz starting from the Lintanir Forest and moving across the easternmost Heart Mountains to a spot on the Arkan-thoria. They travel to Wesmere Forest (The Ka'lian Under Attack); the map tracking runs almost lengthwise through the Heart Mountains. The Ka'lian is near the northeast edge of Wesmere forest; the Elvish treasury is further west (track, The Elvish Treasury). The Saurian treasury in the westernmost foothills of the Heart Mountains (track, The Saurian Treasury); Kalenz and his men avoid the direct route from it back to Wesmere by going north from it and that they return via the eastern approaches to Wesmere. On the way, they re-encounter Olurf in the southeastern reaches of the Heart Mountains (Acquaintance In Need). They march back to the north edge of Wesmere Forest (track, Elves' Last Stand).\n\nIn Council of Hard Choices we learn that the mage Crelanu lives in \"the mountains of Thoria\". The route north goes over the mountains to the \"Arkan-thoria\" (track: Bounty Hunters), the name is confirmed in text. The mountains of Thoria themselves are just north of the valley of the Arkan-thoria (track, Cliffs of Thoria). Crelanu's keep is well into the northern Heart Mountains, right at the northern edge of the map (track, Battle of the Book).\n\nKalenz and friends \"return to the Ka'lian\" (News From The Front); then to orcish forces are \"encamped south of the Great River, and have surrounded the fortified human settlement of Tath\". The track for Breaking the Siege indicates that the killing of the Great Chief took place at the southeastern tip of the Heart Mountains and that Breaking the Siege takes place on the River Listra, just north of the confluence with the Arkan-thoria.\n\nThe remaining scenarios convey no new information; the track points are all east of the River Listra between it and the Lintanir Forest.\n\nKalenz's home map has big water to the east. This has to be a lake off the NE corner of the main map, emptying into the main course of the Listra.\n\n"}
+ {"text": "Timeline of wesnoth\n\nThis is a chronological history of the country of Wesnoth and surrounding regions, gleaned from written accounts and verbal histories passed down through the generations. Portions of entries surrounded by parentheses and containing a question mark are assumed or unconfirmed information. The history is sorted by era, and within the era by date, using the Foundation of Wesnoth as a base. BW=Before Wesnoth, YW=Years Wesnoth. They function the same way as BC and AD do in our timekeeping system. Each of the eras is summarized before the timeline for that era begins. This history of the Great Continent is a subject of active scholarship.\n\nThe world that Wesnoth resides in is called Irdya. Before the Great Fall and the (unchronicled) technological age, this name is only rarely used.\n\nSpoiler warning! This page contains plot spoilers to several campaigns.\n\n\nThe Founding of Wesnoth\n\nThe Taming of the Wild\n\nThe Golden Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe First Dark Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe Turmoil of Asheviere\n\nThe Age of Fear\n\nThe Silver Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe Legacy of Black-Eye Karun\n\nAfter the Great Fall\nPrehistory - 20 YW: The Founding of Wesnoth\n\nDuring the age of the Founding of Wesnoth, there were two important geographic locations, these being the Green Isle and the Great Continent. Haldric is the main historical figure at this time. This age ends with the founding of Wesnoth as a country in the Great Continent, and with Orcs attacking both elves and men from the sea.\nPrehistory\n\n Elves and Dwarves inhabit the Great Continent.\n Humans inhabit the distant West.\n Haldric's people colonise the Green Isle from a continent further to the west.\n\n200 BW\n\n The Lich-Lords arrive on the Green Isle after losing a war in the distant West.\n After a long war Haldric's people come to dominate the Green Isle.\n The 'Wesfolk' and their Lich-Lords are pushed onto marginal lands.\n\n12 BW\n\n The Crown Prince of Southbay discovers the Great Continent.\n\n11-7 BW\n\n The Crown Prince makes several voyages between the Green Isle and the Great Continent.\n\n6 BW\n\n Following these voyages to the Great Continent, the elder Crown Prince falls ill and dies.\n His younger brother is implicated in a plot to kill him.\n As a distraction the younger Prince starts a war with the Wesfolk and their Lich-Lords.\n The Lich-Lords sense they will be destroyed and open gates to the homeland of the Orcs in the West.\n\n5-2 BW\n\n The Green Isle is overrun with Orcs.\n The Wesfolk desert their Lich-Lords as they fear becoming prey for the Orcs.\n Haldric leads the evacuation of the survivors to the Great Continent. The Rise of Wesnoth begins.\n\n1 BW\n\n Human settlers, led by Prince Haldric, arrive at the western coast of the Great Continent (the landfall occurs in the future Bay of Pearls) in large numbers.\n Humans arrive in the middle of a simmering dispute between the Elves and Dwarves.\n The Elves and Dwarves are distrustful of humans, and there is a small skirmish.\n Messengers from Wesmere Forest come and ask Haldric to come before the Ka'lian.\n Prince Haldric asks the Four Elvish Lords (Dionli, Logalmier, Aryad, and El'Isomithir) for help and land.\n They set before him four quests to prove his worth, which he completes.\n\n1 YW\n\n Haldric is granted the plains north and south of the Great River.\n Haldric agrees to a Pact of Mutual Defence with the Elves, but the Ka'lian decides it will betray him and allow humans and orcs to exhaust each other in war if the opportunity presents. Haldric, learning of this, considers the Pact a dead letter.\n The Ruby of Fire is temporarily hidden, and the lich-lord Jevyan is deceived into believing it is held by the Elves.\n Haldric founds the country of Wesnoth in the central plain south of the great River.\n Reign of Haldric I (formerly prince Haldric) begins. The Rise of Wesnoth ends.\n\n2 YW\n\n Orcs, following the ships fleeing from the Green Isle, begin to arrive on the Great Continent.\n These Orcs are defeated by Haldric's forces.\n Some of the Orcish survivors flee back to the Green Isle, others move to attack the Elves.\n King Haldric helps the Elves fight the surviving Orcs.\n\n8 YW\n\n A second wave of Orcs arrive from the Green Isle; these Orcs begin claiming large portions of the northern Great Continent for themselves.\n Erlornas of Wesmere is involved in the first direct elvish clash with orcs (An Orcish Incursion takes place in 8-9YW).\n Haldric I publicly repudiates the Pact he spoke with the Elves, refusing to give aid.\n\n9-11 YW\n\n Many Elves are killed in battle by the Orcs.\n Elvish emissaries are turned away from Wesnoth.\n\n12 YW\n\n Orcs fail to take the Wesmere Forest and instead march down the coast, devastating human settlements there.\n Elves refuse to aid the Humans in confronting the Orcs.\n Human refugees from the coastal settlements relocate in what will become known as the Great Central Plain. Dan'Tonk, which will become Wesnoth's largest city, is founded.\n\n20 YW\n\n Haldric I dies.\n Haldric II ascends to the throne.\n Kalenz and Landar escape an orcish invasion of their home in Lintanir Forest. The Legend of Wesmere begins.\n Humans and elves decisively defeat the orcs at Tath, thus halting the orcish advance.\n A new treaty between humans and elves is signed and King Haldric II allows emissaries of the Elves to return to Wesnoth.\n Elves inform Haldric II of the danger posed by the unshielded Ruby of Fire.\n Kalenz and Landar, later to become successive High Lords of the Elves, are able to sneak into an orcish camp by stealth and assassinate the Great Chief Brurbar. A long orcish civil war for succession follows. The orcs are unable to undertake action against any other race during this period and Wesnoth enjoys a long period during which it can expand with little opposition.\n\n20-130 YW: The Taming of the Wild\n\nThis era is that in which the kingdom of Wesnoth expanded and defined its borders, and settled the area which it had claimed for its own. The Taming of the Wild refers to the settling of the unsettled lands, as well as to the colonization of the Northlands. The end of this era is marked by friction between the city-state of Elensefar and the country of Wesnoth, which will continue for the next several hundred years.\n21 YW\n\n Founding of the Great Academy on Alduin.\n\n Kalenz is relieved of command by the Ka'lian. He retires to Lintanir Forest with Cleodil. A faction of xenophobic elves begins to gather around Landar.\n\n22 YW\n\n While studying at the Academy, Ardonna resolves to spend the winter researching the Lich Lords' longevity.\n\n23 YW\n\n Action of Secrets of the Ancients takes place.\n\n25-40 YW\n\n In 25 YW Haldric II sends an expedition to retrieve the Ruby of Fire from its place of concealment.\n Haldric II commissions a Dwarven tribe to build the Sceptre of Fire with the Ruby of Fire as its centerpiece; Elves associated with Landar's faction attack during the transfer. Sceptre of Fire begins.\n Action of The Sceptre of Fire takes place. Haldric II is informed that the Sceptre was both completed and lost in the year 40. It will not be recovered for nearly 500 years.\n With the death of Thursagan, the Runemaster, all runemasters are killed and runesmithing is lost for several centuries.\n\n26-50 YW\n\n Landar declares himself High Lord of the Elves, leading to civil war.\n\n51 YW\n\n Wesnothian New Writing (the script later called \"steel-hand\", to distinguish it from the more complex \"brush-hand\" cursive brought from the Green Isle) is promulgated by royal decree. From this date all royal documents and public inscriptions are in New Writing. It spreads rapidly via the mercantile class. The older brush-hand writing continues to be used for magical purposes, scholarship, and in certain elevated literary forms.\n\n50-93 YW\n\n Elvish civil war (and The Legend of Wesmere) ends. Kalenz declared High Lord, begins reorganizing and militarizing Elvish society to fight the orcs. In late 93 YW he cedes control to a reconstituted Ka'lian and retires again to the Forest of Lintanir.\n\n161-164 YW\n\n The newly crowned king sought to make safe once and for all the wildlands that separated the human cities surrounding Weldyn and the coastal regions of Elensefar.\n The grand army of Wesnoth, personally led by the High Council of Archmagi, destroyed all enemies residing within Wesnoth.\n The city-state of Elensefar is formally united to the kingdom. Settlements from it spread north of the river into the new frontier province of Annuvin, carefully avoiding the margins of Wesmere Forest.\n\n164-176 YW\n\n During this twelve year span, the western fortress of Halstead was erected in the very heart of the western wilderlands.\n\n199 YW\n\n Emboldened by the far-reaching arm of Halstead's protection, settlement in the west explodes\n The settlements of Aldril and Carcyn grow to become major cities, the first as an important port due to its position on the Bay of Pearls, and the second as a stop on the road to Elensefar and military outpost along the Great River\n Settlers from Carcyn cross the Great River to establish the first settlements north of it and east of Wesmere.\n\n200-350 YW: The Golden Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe Golden Age of Wesnoth was the time of the great kings, and of peace and prosperity within the kingdom. The Orcs had suffered a grave defeat at the hands of Wesnoth and Elensefar seventy-five years earlier, so they did not pose much of a threat, and whenever they did attack they were quickly defeated. This allowed the army to lessen in size, and the kings of this age to undertake the great public works they are renowned for. The era ends when the king of Wesnoth dies without an heir, and a new dynasty begins.\n251 YW\n\n Cleodil, wife of Kalenz, dies.\n\n350 YW\n\n Disintegration of the Kingdom follows the death of Haldric IV.\n Elensefar remains a province of Wesnoth but exerts increasing independence due to isolation.\n Treaty between lord of Elensefar and king of Wesnoth signed.\n\n350-417 YW: The First Dark Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe first Dark Age was a time of strife and invasion. When Haldric IV died, he left Wesnoth without a king, and the next 70 years were marked by short-lived dynasties, attacks by ever more aggressive orcs, and the further separation of Wesnoth and Elensefar. The Dark Age ended when Garard I took the throne, and began a new dynasty that would last for several hundred years.\n360 YW\n\n Malin Keshar born in Parthyn.\n\n363 YW\n\n Last of Kalenz's children dies. Kalenz, condemned to outlive his offspring by the potion of Crelanu, leaves the Forest of Lintanir and begins wandering the Great Continent.\n\n Village of Maghre terrorized by a minor necromancer. Action of A Tale of Two Brothers takes place.\n\n389 YW\n\n Garard, a future king of Wesnoth, is born.\n Malin Keshar returns to Parthyn from the Academy at Alduin. Descent Into Darkness begins.\n\n417-530 YW: The Turmoil of Asheviere\n\nKing Garard's dynasty was long-lived and productive, but it was also punctuated by significant turmoil: the end of the first king's reign was marred by orcish and undead raids, and the second was murdered by his own wife and son. It was not until 517 YW that the usurpation of the throne by Queen Mother Asheviere was ended.\n417 YW\n\n Ending years of strife and division, Garard I seizes the throne and becomes king of Wesnoth, beginning the Garardine Dynasty.\n\n440 YW\n\n Crown Prince Garard II is born.\n\n442 YW\n\n Delfador, later called \"the Great\", is born.\n\n450 YW\n\n Prince Arand is born.\n\n468 YW\n\n Zorlan becomes Great Chief of the northern orcs\n Delfador graduates from the Great Academy. Delfador's Memoirs begins.\n\n470 YW\n\n Garard I dies; Garard II ascends to the throne of Wesnoth\n Orcs under Great Chief Zorlan and undead raised by the necromancer Iliah-Malal raid Wesnoth's borders. All but the first and the last three scenarios of Delfador's Memoirs take place in this year.\n Control of the Estmarks is effectively lost during this war, not to be regained for decades. Outposts are built on the near side of the Weldyn to repel orc raids. The long watch of the River Guard begins.\n\n478 YW\n\n Garard II marries Asheviere.\n Garard issues the Edict of the Sceptre, providing that the crown shall settle after his death on whichever member of the royal family successfully retrieves it from the Caverns of Flame.\n\n480 YW\n\n Crown Prince Eldred is born.\n\n483 YW\n\n Erain and Ethyn, identical twins and brothers of Eldred, are born.\n\n498 YW\n\n Princess Li'sar is born.\n\n500 YW\n\n Prince Konrad is born, the youngest of several sons of Prince Arand.\n Wesnoth and the orcs of the north go to war.\n\n501 YW\nBetrayal on the battlefield\n\n Garard leads his army to orc encampment at Galcadar by the Ford of Abez.\n Garard's forces split into two groups, one led by himself and the other by his son Eldred.\n Eldred betrays his father and attacks him with the troops under his control.\n Eldred slays King Garard and his uncle Prince Arand on the battlefield of Abez.\n\nReprisal\n\n Delfador escapes the battle and heads to Weldyn.\n Eldred gives tribute to the Orcish king, who stops his attacks.\n Delfador gathers a force of Loyalists to avenge Garard's Death.\n Eldred's forces confront Delfador's Loyalists at Weldyn.\n The Loyalists are defeated, but Eldred is slain by Delfador in the fight.\n\nAsheviere seizes power\n\n Asheviere orders the slaughter of Garard's nephews and declares herself Queen of Wesnoth.\n Hearing of the news Delfador infiltrates the palace.\n Delfador finds the youngest prince Konrad as he is slain.\n Delfador flees, taking Konrad's body for burial to the land of the Elves.\n While traveling through Wesnoth, Elf Lady Parandra finds an orphaned human child.\n Parandra and Delfador agree to give the orphan the identity of Prince Konrad.\n Delfador and Konrad flee to live in refuge with the Wood Elves of the great southwestern forest.\n\nThe country resists Asheviere\n\n Elensefar refuses to submit to Asheviere and declares itself an independent city-state.\n After several defeats, Wesnoth's army retreats from the remote areas of the kingdom. The western Wesnothian border recedes, is fixed, and remains heavily defended.\n As a result of the loyalist withdrawal, several small human communities on the west coast of the Great Continent live in relative independence while elves flourish in the great forest to the southwest of Wesnoth.\n A band of Wesnoth citizens organizes resistance to Asheviere's siezure of power. They are eventually forced to abandon their home and settle in the Three Sisters (Liberty).\n\n502-517 YW\n\n Delfador raises Konrad under the protection of the Elves.\n\n517 YW\n\n Asheviere hires Orcish forces to hunt down her nephew-in-law Konrad.\n Orcish forces converge on Delfador's refuge.\n Konrad flees his home with the elves and embark upon a quest to regain the throne of Wesnoth. Heir To The Throne begins.\n\n518 YW\n\n Konrad crosses the Great River into the Northlands on a search for the Sceptre of Fire.\n They enter the Caves of Knalga, allied with Princess Li'sar, and find it.\n They return to Wesnoth and claim the throne. Heir to the Throne ends.\n\n522 YW\n\n Birth of Princess Ana'sar.\n\n530 YW\n\n Wesnothian colonists begin reclaiming the Estmarks.\n\n544 YW\n\n With both sides of the lower Weldyn River again civilized territory, the River Guard posts south of Soradoc are abandoned. Wesnothian military activity shifts eastward into the Estmarks.\n\n530-630 YW: The Age of Fear\n\nThe Age of Fear takes its names from the events of the end of the era. On the surface, the first 77 years were very uneventful for the kingdom of Wesnoth. However, during this time unexplainable magical events took place, especially in the eastern lands. Previously tamed lands were slowly claimed by wilderness as fear and paranoia gradually overshadowed the spirit of pioneering and adventure displayed earlier in Wesnoth's history. In the last 10 years of the age, Wesnoth bore the brunt of the most powerful Undead attack ever and was nearly destroyed. By the end of the era, most of Wesnoth had been made barren, most of the great buildings inside and outside of Weldyn were razed, and the population of Wesnoth was half of what it had been.\n\nIt was in this era that certain areas of the chaotic Northlands were for the first time put into any kind of law and order. A small group of humans and dwarves, accepting anyone of any race who wished to join, formed themselves into the \"Northern Alliance\u201d, with the vision of making the Northlands safe to live in. Over time, this alliance grew slowly but steadily in power. By the end of the era, the alliance had succeeded in making a few small areas, including Knalga and the surrounding regions, stable and prosperous. Consequently, many people evacuated from the wasteland that most of Wesnoth had become and moved north - depleting the population of Wesnoth still further.\n533 YW\n\n Delfador succumbs to old age and dies, his body is entombed alongside his staff in Eregonor.\n The next great sage of Wesnoth, Dacyn, is born.\n\n534 YW\n\n The small community of Dwarven Doors, in the Northlands just outside Knalga, rebels against the Orcish overlords. Northern Rebirth begins.\n The residents, led by Tallin, head underground and find dwarves, whom they ally with.\n Their combined forces destroy a lich who is attempting to claim Knalga as his own.\n Abhai finds the Rod of Justice\n\n535 YW\n\n The warlord-aspirant Rakshas attacks Tallin and his forces, but does not penetrate the dwarves' defences.\n To help defeat the orcs, Tallin secures the help of two Liches, and rescues an elvish princess to secure the help of the elves.\n Assisted by his new allies, Tallin smashes the forces of Rakshas.\n According to some historians, Tallin and the elvish princess are married; others say they parted in bad blood.\n To preserve the new-found peace in the Northlands, Tallin and his allies form the Northern Alliance. Northern Rebirth ends.\n\n550 YW\n\n Lord Hamel of Knalga sends an expedition to Kal Kartha to determine the fate of the Hammer of Thursagan (The Hammer of Thursagan takes place in late 550 YW to early 551 YW.).\n Dwarves at Knalga and elsewhere begin to reclaim the lost art of runesmithing.\n Wesnothian colonization expands southward past Fort Tahn.\n\n563 YW\n\n Konrad and Li'sar die after an extraordinarily long reign.\n Princess Ana'sar becomes queen.\n The seer Galdren becomes prominent at the court of Weldyn.\n\n585 YW\n\n Queen Ana'sar retires.\n Haldric VII becomes king of Wesnoth.\n\n589 YW\n\n Dacyn the White Mage and Ravanal, an eastern wizard, compete to be the king's advisor.\n The seer Galdren dies after advising Haldric VII to choose Dacyn.\n The king does as Galdren advises.\n\n593 YW\n\n Ravanal reveals that he has turned to evil, and flees from Weldyn.\n Konrad II is born.\n Certain southern frontier regions are formally annexed to the Kingdom of Wesnoth as the Province of Kerlath.\n\n598 YW\n\n South Guard organized as a semi-detached formation of the Royal Army, to protect the inhabitants of the frontier province of Kerlath.\n\n607 YW\n\n South Guard ceases reporting. Haldric VII sends Deoran, grandson of Haldiel, to investigate. The South Guard takes place in 607-608 YW.\n\n612 YW\n\n Haldric VII dies. Konrad II is crowned King of Wesnoth.\n Dacyn continues his duties as advisor with Konrad II.\n\n625 YW\n\n Mysterious disappearances of livestock and peasants cause partial evacuation of the the Estmark Hills. Lords of the Horse Plains report increased banditry from there.\n Konrad II sends Dacyn with Owaec and Gweddry to man the old River Guard strongpoints. Eastern Invasion begins.\n\n626 YW\n\n Mal-Ravanal attacks the middle outpost where Gweddry and Dacyn are stationed.\n Dacyn and Gweddry travel to the northern outpost, and, with Owaec, retreat into the northlands.\n In the Far North, the wife of Kai Laudiss slain in a large raid by the orcs of Tirigaz on Jotha\n Kai Laudiss slain by poisoned orcish dart during failed attack on the Port of Tirigaz orcs. His son, Krellis succeeds him as Kai and relies on the wisdom of Cylanna, a priestess.\n The merfolk city of Jotha is overrun by undead (Mal Kevek and others). The action of Dead Water takes place.\n\n627 YW\n\n Wesnoth's last defences are broken and the undead march on Wesnoth\n In the northlands, the orcs drive Gweddry's army back across the river.\n Weldyn is besieged.\n Gweddry breaks through undead lines to reach Weldyn and a council is held.\n Gweddry's army is fortunate and kills Mal-Ravanal. Eastern Invasion ends. Dead Water ends (about this time).\n Wesnoth is saved, but large portions have been laid waste by the undead.\n After destroying Mal-Ravanal's henchmen the mermen relaxed and began rebuilding in earnest, and soon Jotha was restored.\n\n628-673 YW: The Silver Age of Wesnoth\n\nThe Silver Age, or restoration of the Wesnothian kingdom, essentially coincides with the rest of the long and successful reign of Konrad II. During this period Wesnoth largely recovered from the damage that Mal-Ravanal's undead attack had done. It would, however, never quite regain the majesty it had at the height of its power.\n\nThe Northlands, aided by a second wave of colonization north from Wesnoth, become more civilised and stable. Although nowhere near as prosperous as Wesnoth was during its Golden Age, the Northlands developed towns of significant size and a thriving - if somewhat dangerous - trade network.\n\nFour major powers soon came to dominate much of the Northlands. First there were the dwarves, who controlled most of the mountains and a vast array of underground tunnels and caverns. To the east, shrouded in mystery, lay the Elvish forests which continued to be inaccessible to anyone not of elvish blood. The remaining landscape was dominated either by orcish tribes, or independent human earldoms. As competition for the land grew fierce, wars smoldered between human and orcish forces.\n628-635 YW\n\n Konrad II begins his attempt to rebuild Wesnoth.\n\n673 YW\n\n Konrad II dies, bringing the Garardine Dynasty to an end. Second Wesnothian civil war begins.\n\n786-826 YW: The Legacy of Black-Eye Karun\n\nAfter decades of struggle, Black-Eye Karun becomes the first warlord since the assassination of Great Chief Brurbar in 20 YW to unite all the different squabbling orcish tribes under his banner. Among his many accomplishments as a Sovereign, his most famous is the creation of the Great Council.\n\nKarun was a far-sighted individual and he knew that after his death the orcish tribes would once again turn to fighting among themselves, with little he could do to prevent that and consequent peril from the Wesnothians and elves.\n\nConsequently, Karun selected from among all the different tribes six of the most sober and wisest orcs and thus created the Great Council. It was the Great Council's job to stay aloof from any tribal or territorial squabbling amongst the orcs, but yet always remain there to give advice to whomever came to seek it. In order to preserve the orcish race in the event of an emergency, he invested in them the power to call up The Great Horde. It was established that every orc, no matter what tribe he came from, must obey the summons of The Great Horde and follow wholeheartedly the leader that the Great Council put at the head of The Great Horde.\n786 YW\n\n Karun is born.\n\n805 YW\n\n Karun devised the formation of the Great Council.\n\n811 YW\n\n A border dispute between Karun and a human enclave aligned with the Northern Alliance leaves several men and orcs dead and begins a feud that will grow into a fifteen-year war.\n\n812 YW\n\n Rahul I becomes Lord Protector of the Northern Alliance.\n\n816 YW\n\n Kapou\u2019e is born\n\n826 YW\n\n Rahul I (Lord Protector of the Northern Alliance) and Black Eye Karun sign a peace treaty ending a 15 year war between the humans and the orcs. Soon after this Karun, is ambushed and killed in mysterious circumstances.\n\n829 YW\n\n Frustrated by the fallout of Karun's supposed assassination, Rahul I resigns, and Howgarth III takes his place as Lord Protector.\n\n842 YW\n\n Famine in the Northlands. Famine led humans to colonize some orcish lands and push orcs into desolated hill country. The few orcish tribes who had remained part of the Alliance, feeling the pressure, either left Alliance territory or revolted and were destroyed.\n Retaliating, the orcs systematically slaughtered human colonies and villages on their lands. Then, Earl Lanbec'h \u2014 the most powerful human warlord of the North \u2014 determined to abolish the orcish menace raised an army and conferred leadership of it to his son-in-law Baron Alber.\n In response, the Great Council set up by the Black Eye Karun calls upon The Great Horde and bestows leadership of it upon Kapou\u2019e; Son of the Black Eye begins.\n\n843 YW\n\n Half of the Great Council is treacherously slain by the allied human forces and orcish unity disintegrates. Faced with the extermination of all the orcs on the Great Continent, Kapou\u2019e forcibly asserts his control over the orcish territories and defeats the enemy forces. The Northern Alliance arrives on the scene in time for the final battle and helps Kapou\u2019e defeat the forces of the northern earldoms, who had broken the treaty. Kapou\u2019e then assumes the position of Sovereign over the northern tribes, and his rule ushers in an unprecedented era of unity and prosperity for the orcs.\n After 843: Portions of Kapou'e's army act as mercenaries in foreign struggles with other races which keeps them from attacking their nearest neighbors.\n\n852 YW\n\n Kapou\u2019e repels a large elvish invasion.\n\n858 YW\n\n The humans once again stage an invasion but prove to be no match for the united orcish forces under the leadership of Kapou\u2019e. Son of the Black Eye ends.\n\nAfter the Great Fall\n\nAt some unknown point in the future, an unspeakable cataclysm scorched the surface of the lands and the God-Demon Zhangor terrorizes the world. The Wesnoth magicians try to raise up a 3rd sun in the sky, Gaia, but they fail and the 'sun' falls down over Weldyn. The capital is no more. The King and his family are dead and there is no heir. The local leaders tear apart Wesnoth. The nights become longer, days hotter. Evil creatures show up. Forests die, hills turn into rocky wastelands and fields become barren deserts. In the apocalypse allies turn against each other and friends fight over what few resources remain. The great nations were destroyed, and huge numbers of people died. Still amidst the chaos somehow small groups of people survived, sheltered in hidden places. In this post-apocalyptic world survival is a daily struggle as a few remaining tribes eke out an existence among the ruins of fallen empires. Heroic bands of elves, nomadic refugee humans, savage hordes of orcs and dark necromancers all forge new lives under the merciless dual suns, Sela and Naia, of this new Irdya. In the meantime an evil entity named Uria arises, scarring the history for life.\n??? Post-Wesnoth\n\n The Quenoth elves adapt to life in barren world of the Great Southern Desert. Over time they lost their affinity for the woodlands of their ancestry and embrace life in the sandy wastelands.\n Under the leadership of Tanuil, the Quenoth elves build and sustain a fortified village around a rare oasis. The village thrives amidst the hostilities of the desert.\n One night, a meteor storm rains from the sky and destroys the village of the Quenoth elves. Under the Burning Suns begins. The next day, Tanuil, like many others, is missing and presumed dead. Kalehssar (Kaleh), nephew of Tanuil, takes leadership of the remaining Quenoth elves as the surviving next of kin.\n Kaleh, heeding the voice of his god Eloh in his dreams, gathers the remaining Quenoth elves and leads them north to a new promised land, foregoing rebuilding of their desert village.\n The Quenoth elves battle their way north through Undead, Orcs, Bandits and other evil, venturing underground beneath a large mountain range at the command of Eloh.\n Befriending unexpected allies underground, Kaleh's forces survive to the other side of the mountain.\n Keratur, son of Tanuil and survivor of the cataclysm, insane with fright attacks Kaleh. Kaleh defeats Keratur.\n Kaleh defies commands given him by a vision of Eloh.\n The Quenoth reach the ocean. Aided by Merfolk, they escape the mainland and head for a newly discovered island, a place where the Quenoth may settle in peace.\n On the island, the Quenoth confront Yechnagoth, the Eater of Souls and impersonator of Eloh. Yechnagoth and army are destroyed by the Quenoth.\n Kaleh and the elves settle on their newfound, and newly named, Quenoth Isle. Under the Burning Suns ends.\n\nHistory Credits\n\nTimelined by Kamahawk and Turin. Revised to incorporate material from later version of Legend of Wesmere and reconcile different versions of the history of the Sceptre of Fire by Eric S. Raymond.\n\n History derived from:\n The Rise of Wesnoth\n Legend of Wesmere\n Delfador's Memoirs\n Liberty\n Heir to the Throne\n Northern Rebirth\n The Hammer of Thursagan\n Eastern Invasion\n Dead Water\n Under the Burning Suns\n Setting details derived from:\n Invasion from the Unknown\n"}
+ {"text": "Future History\nHistory and setting details derived from:\n\n Descent into Darkness\n The Dark Hordes (Wesnoth 1.0 version only)\n Under the Burning Suns\n Invasion from the Unknown\n After the Storm\nLate History: Irdya Before the Fall\nAround 1046 YW, many events which would later lead to the consolidation of Wesnoth as the dominant Empire on the Great Continent take place. An improbable hero is born, an artifact of the past is captured and subsequently recovered, and Wesnoth expands for a last time before its definitive end at the dawn of the Golden Age of Irdya.\n1066 YW\n\n Elynia-Thanadria, daughter of Delanith-Is\u00e1wen and an unknown wayfarer, is born in Lintanir Forest.\n\n1067 YW\n\n Civil war in Lintanir Forest.\n The Enchantress Niryone from Wesmere finds and adopts Elynia.\n\n1072 YW\n\n Niryone takes Elynia as her apprentice, training her in the ways of elvish magic and simple hand-to-hand combat.\n\n1081-1093 YW: The First Empire of Wesnoth\n1081-1088 YW\n\n The dark sorcerer Mizenwyn incites a revolt resulting in civil war in Wesnoth. He shortly thereafter seizes the Sceptre of Fire and the kingdom's throne.\n Mizenwyn declares himself Supreme Leader of the First Empire of Wesnoth.\n The High Council of Archmagi is abolished; all members who can be found are executed on charges of treason to the Empire.\n Mizenwyn annexes new lands to Wesnoth by conquest and forces the Northern Alliance to relinquish control of their lands south of the Heart Mountains. Elensefar is reconquered by Wesnoth.\n The elvish communities in Wesmere, Lintanir, and Aethenwood declare neutrality towards Wesnoth.\n\n1089 YW\n\n Civilizations not under the Empire's control devise a plan to distract the military, infiltrate Weldyn and put an end to Mizenwyn and the Empire of Wesnoth.\n The Ka'lian chooses Niryone and her disciple, Elynia, to lead the infiltration.\n\n1090 YW\n\n The relentless skirmishes on the frontiers catch Mizenwyn's attention while Niryone's group infilitrates the Empire, and eventually Weldyn itself.\n Niryone and Elynia confront Mizenwyn in the capital.\n Niryone is mortally wounded during the fight. Elynia steals the Sceptre of Fire from the sorcerer's hands, and manages to use its power to destroy him.\n The First Empire of Wesnoth is dissolved, and the victors choose a new king and line to govern Wesnoth: the Delvhar dinasty.\n The Council of War orders that the Sceptre of Fire must be disassembled, and its core, destroyed. Elynia volunteers to drive this mission to completion.\n\n1091 YW\n\n Runecrafters of Knalga disassemble the Sceptre.\n Elynia betrays the Council of War, bribing the dwarves for embedding the Ruby of Fire into Niryone's staff. To ensure nobody finds out, she casts an amnesia spell on the crafters.\n\n1092 YW\n\n Elynia informs the Council of War of the \"success\" of her mission, claiming to have disposed of the Ruby in the underground lava streams found in the deepest reaches of Knalga. The Council trusts her words.\n\n1091-1157 YW: Delvhar Dynasty\n1091 YW\n\n Delvhar I becomes King of Wesnoth.\n\n1092 YW\n\n The Council of War is dissolved.\n\n1094 YW\n\n Orcish civil war ensues among the tribes near Glamdrol.\n A Great Chief arises amongst the orcs.\n\n1095 YW\n\n Orcs attack the fortress of Erzen - a battle ensues.\n Brothers Gwiti and Nati Ha'atel use their magic skills to raise former enemies and deceased allies for help on the battle-field. The result is catastrophic for their side, and the battle is lost.\n Gwiti and Nati are banished from the continent. The Dark Hordes I begins.\n\n1096 YW\n\n Gwiti Ha'atel takes over the Tower of Kaleon searching for the Tome of Crelanu.\n\n1097 YW\n\n Gwiti Ha'atel finds Crelanu's book.\n Gwiti Ha'atel withdraws to the mountains, fleeing from Lord Aretu's army. The Dark Hordes I ends.\n\n1099 YW\n\n Gwiti Ha'atel launches a surprise attack on Wesnoth. The headquarters of the Council of Archmagi are completely destroyed and everyone inside is slain.\n Elynia is called upon by the remaining members of the Council of Archmagi to pursue and defeat the necromancer.\n Elynia confronts the necromancer but she is fatally injured. Gwiti leaves the battlefield assuming her dead.\n Argan, an outsider of unknown origins with an advanced knowledge of dark magic, finds Elynia and saves her from certain death.\n\n1100 YW\n\n Elynia finds Gwiti Ha'atel again in the Estmarks, and takes on him for the second and last time.\n Elynia uses the power of Light for the first time to win the battle, and defeat Gwiti, who casts a curse upon her with his final words. Eye-witnesses would spread the word about the events of that day, referring to the elf as the \"Lady of Light\".\n\n1155 YW\n\n Delvhar I dies after an extremely long reign.\n Delvhar II assumes the throne.\n\n1157 YW\n\n Delvhar II dies under strange circumstances.\n Wesnoth plunges into anarchy, and the kingdom fragments into three main territories: the State of Weldyn, Eastern Ervalia and Aethenoth.\n\n1163 YW\n\n Elynia assists Prestim against a necromancer, Mal Arkal-Thil. The feat earns her the title of the \"Source of Light\" by the orcs.\n\n1168 YW\n\n Elynia is contacted by a mysterious seer who instructs her to seek a gifted warrior named Vikren, in Parthyn\n Elynia contacts Vikren and persuades him to incite revolution.\n Revolution begins in the State of Weldyn.\n\n1169 YW\n\n Elynia meets Argan again.\n Argan secretly marries Elynia to avoid any potential conflicts within the Ka'lian, as she knows that her influence on them can still be useful.\n\n1169-1171 YW\n\n During this time, Vikren gathers the power to walk onto Weldyn and take over the capital by force, vanquishing the separatists.\n Vikren I declares himself Supreme Leader of the Second Empire of Wesnoth on 1171 YW.\n\n1171-1597 YW: The Second Empire of Wesnoth\n1171 YW\n\n Vikren I proclaims Elynia as his most trusted advisor.\n\n1172 YW\n\n Eastern Ervalia joins the Empire.\n\n1173 YW\n\n Aethenoth joins the Empire.\n Several northern earldoms join the Empire during the next years.\n\n1190 YW\n\n Elensefar joins the Empire.\n\nThe Second Sun\n1520 YW\n\n Vikren VIII assumes the throne.\n\n1537 YW\n\n An ancient Lich by the name of Mal Keshar terrorizes Northern Alliance territory.\n Elynia is sent by Emperor Vikren VIII to destroy Mal Keshar.\n\n1541 YW\n\n Unable to locate the lich, Elynia abandons her mission.\n\n1542 YW\n\n Vikren VIII secretly decrees the creation of Naia, an artificial sun to serve as Irdya's second sun. He gives specific orders to conceal the matter from Elynia.\n\n1557 YW\n\n Naia is created and sent to the skies by the High Council of Archmagi.\n Ambassadors are sent everywhere in the known world after the fact, to reassure all that the intentions behind the creation of the new sun are benign.\n Enraged, Elynia resigns from her position as advisor to the Empire.\n A long period of unprecedented prosperity, peace and self-confidence follows.\n\n1764 YW\n\n Vikren XII dies.\n Vikren XIII assumes the throne.\n\n1791 YW\n\n Mystics of Wesmere open a portal to a different world, and meet Zhangor, an elvish sorcerer who presents himself as a seer. Zhangor foretells to them the catastrophe looming over Wesnoth, and demands to be treated as a god in exchange of protection for Wesmere.\n\n1797\n\n Death of Vikren XIII.\n As there is no rightful heir, a nobleman, Dantair, is named Emperor by the Council of Archmagi.\n\n1799 YW: The Fall\n1799 YW (start)\n\n Wesmere's trade and political connections to the outer world are cut off.\n Dantair of Wesnoth demands the immediate creation of Gaia, the third sun.\n\n1799 YW (middle)\n\n The magi's attempt to lift the third sun fails, causing the third sun to fall and crash into the Great Continent at some distance from Weldyn.\n A massive cataclysm ensues, devastating the entirety of Irdya. All shorelines are completely reshaped, large volcanic eruptions occur, and aftershocks in the form of great earthquakes continue to occur over the course of years. Buildings are completely or partially destroyed by the natural disasters. The Old Continent begins to sink.\n Dantair of Wesnoth is brutally murdered by panicked citizens.\n Social order falls apart in all civilizations of Irdya.\n Pollution and debris from the fallen sun and volcanic activity cause cyclic periods of absolute darkness over the whole world, making it impossible to keep accurate track of time using astronomical means for over two centuries. Poisonous air decimates a large part of the surviving population and vegetation. The increased temperatures result in massive floods all over the land.\n Races fight each other and among themselves for the scarce basic resources left by the disasters.\n\nApproximately 100 years after the Fall\n\n Most forests have dried up and can no longer sustain the Elvish civilization. Elves from the forests of the Great Continent abandon their homes and seek refuge in Wesmere, reported to remain mysteriously intact.\n Elynia and Argan lead the elves out of Lintanir Forest.\n Elves seeking shelter in Wesmere are ambushed, and killed or sacrificed to Zhangor.\n The War of Wesmere begins. After a year, the elves from Aethenwood and Lintanir manage to force the Wesmere locals to retreat into the capital. Eventually, Elynia and Argan succeed in their efforts to lead an invasion to confront and take down Zhangor himself.\n Zhangor reveals his true appearance and identity as a Demon Lord hailing from Inferno.\n Elynia and Argan combine their powers of Light and Darkness to summon the Union for the first time.\n Zhangor is vanquished, and the remains of his body banished from Irdya. Wesmere Forest is almost completely destroyed in the process, causing high casualties on both bands.\n The Ka'lian is deemed an instrument of Zhangor's corruption and abolished; its members are executed. Warriors and priests previously loyal to the Demon Lord meet the same fate, except for the priestess Anlind\u00eb, who is spared by Lord Telchior of Thelien.\n Differences with respect to the events in Wesmere result in two major groups parting ways.\n Lord Quetor'el of Aethenwood leads his people south.\n Lord Telchior of Thelien leads his people east following Anlind\u00eb's instructions.\n Elynia and Argan enter and descend into the Heart Mountains with a small group of followers.\n Argan is trapped underground. After a long time trying to locate him through various means, Elynia abandons any hope of finding him, and enters a form of magical stasis.\n\nApproximately 115 years after the Fall\n\n Lord Quetor'el dies.\n\nApproximately 120 years after the Fall\n\n Telchior's band settles in a newly found valley at some distance northeast from Lintanir. They name it the Valley of Elynia.\n\nCenturies after the Fall\n\n Quetor'el's band adapts to life on the desert. Over time, the lore of their ancestors begins to be forgotten. Numerous disastrous battles with the barbarians result in the deaths of many of their druids, and old tablets and scrolls are lost, damaged, ciphered, or written in languages no-one understands anymore. A large amount of the ancient knowledge relearned by younger generations is either inaccurate or false. Focused on survival instead of nature and the research of magic, the desert elves gradually lose connection with the faerie realm.\n Various elvish settlements are established in the Great Southern Desert, and in time, lost to invaders. The settlement of the Quenoth elves is ultimately the last to fall.\n\nIrdya After the Fall\nThe Beginnings of the Chaos Empire\n\nSome time long after the Fall of the Third Sun, a new leader arises among the coastal human settlements in Kalari, and teaches a previously unknown form of magic to a handful of adepts who help him take control of the locals, aided by a mysterious power emanating from Zocthanol Isle in the Vast Sea. Together, they begin preparing the stage for the eventual takeover of Irdya by Uria, Guardian of Life and Supreme Empress of Inferno/Urvatha.\n\nFrom this point onwards, the timeline is structured around the point at which the largest gateway to Inferno was opened in the Valley of Weldyn, and divided in two periods: Before the Empire (BE) and During the Empire (DE).\n238-212 BE: Purification of Zochtanol\n238 BE\n\n Mal-Zagarn (Argan), leader of the Chaos cult and the Voice of Uria, leads an expedition to investigate millenarian ruins in the depths of the Heart Mountains, searching for weapons according to Uria's instructions.\n\n236 BE\n\n Argan returns to Kalari and spreads the word about Uria and the changes she promises for the ravaged world of Irdya amongst other human settlements north and south of Kalari.\n Mal Hekuba joins the Iron Triad.\n\n233 BE\n\n Elyssa is born in the Pass of the Temple of Fire.\n The Iron Triad commences the construction of a new fortress in the valley of Weldyn, salvaging documents and artifacts from the ruins of the ancient Empire's capital in the process.\n\n231 BE\n\n The Pass of the Temple of Fire is assaulted by Argan and a host of demons aided by the first few biomechanical (Shaxthal) beasts created after the Fall, in response to an earlier refusal to join Uria's cause. Only two Fire Priests and Elyssa are spared.\n The surviving priests are cursed by Argan to linger around as liches.\n The deserted ruins of the Temple of Fire are raided by a tribe of desert nomads; Elyssa is taken away and raised by them.\n\n228 BE\n\n Dwarvish experts begin to experiment with the development of mechanical automatons and other advanced contraptions.\n\n213 BE\n\n A meteor shower lays waste to the Quenoth elves' settlement in the Great Southern Desert. The survivors, led by the late lord's nephew Kalehssar, go on a journey to find a new home in the North, guided by Kaleh's visions of Eloh in his dreams. Under The Burning Suns begins.\n Kaleh's band meets Elyssa, a young fire mage who is investigating the ruins of the Empire of Wesnoth searching for the Sceptre of Fire.\n The desert elves descend into the depths of a mountain range. They meet King Thurongar of the dwarves after repelling an invasion of northern trolls. Elyssa separates from the group.\n The elves encounter human scouts sent by the Iron Triad. A vision of Eloh attempts to command Kaleh to surrender to them, but he declines.\n Merfolk messengers locate the desert elves and warn them of the menace hiding in Zocthanol Isle and holding control of the minds of many surface creatures on Irdya. During the elves' escape from the port of Ygriz, Eloh appears and turns a number of desert elves against Kaleh until she is finally banished.\n Kaleh's group arrives to Zocthanol Isle and confronts the impostor posing as Eloh in the citadel. She reveals herself as Yechnagoth, the Eater of Souls, formerly known as Merthiaal, the Guardian of Darkness. The elves manage to destroy her artificial body and put an end to her control over the surface dwellers. Under the Burning Suns ends.\n Argan secretly returns to Zocthanol Isle (now Quenoth Isle) and absconds with Merthiaal's energy heart organ.\n\n211-1 BE: Prelude\n211 BE\n\n A dwarvish guard returned from Zocthanol spreads word of the Quenoth elves' deeds.\n\n210 BE\n\n Elyssa is captured by Chaos scouts while traveling towards the valley of Weldyn. Following a fruitless attempt to escape, she is imprisoned in the Heart fortress.\n Argan finds out about Elyssa and discovers her in poor state after being tortured and humiliated by soldiers for weeks, and takes her to the main Chaos stronghold in Kalari Peninsula.\n Argan reaches an agreement with Uria to install the salvaged heart of the Guardian of Darkness in Elyssa's body in combination with technology from a world called 'Norsula', in order to allow the girl to live as another servant of Uria. In the process, he forfeits his free will, thus sealing his eventual fate.\n Elyssa rises again as the first artificial Guardian to exist, a fact which remains a secret between Argan, Uria, and her for the most part. In time, she begins to lead the Chaos military as the Warlord operating within Uria's and Argan's designs, also known as the Fire of Uria.\n\n203 BE\n\n The dwarven kingdom beneath the Heart Mountains begins trading with the Aragwaithi of the Far North.\n\n199 BE\n\n Demon Lord Nar-Hamoth joins the Iron Triad as the Shadow of Uria.\n\n188 BE\n\n The forces of Chaos force the dwarves inhabitating the main area of the Great Continent to retreat to the Heart Mountains. Some dwarven engineers and their technology are captured by the Iron Triad and mass-production of automatons and other advanced machinery finally takes off.\n\n121 BE\n\n The shaxthal hive in the Heart is built.\n\n109 BE\n\n The shaxthal hive in the devastated plains of Wesmere is built.\n\n101 BE\n\n Three shaxthal hives are built in the Great Southern Desert.\n\n90 BE\n\n Argan sends Mal-Dorzat with a battalion to conquer barbarian lands in the Far South of the Great Continent.\n An expedition led by Mal-Himir is sent to the East in search for the Old Continent.\n\n80-10 BE\n\n The human kingdoms in the Far North are unified by Adavyan of the Aragwaithi as she puts an end to her War of Consolidation.\n The dwarves stop sending scouts and merchants to the surface.\n Most orcish tribes in the main area of the Great Continent are obliterated by Chaos forces.\n\n0 BE\n\n Members of the Iron Triad create a breach connecting Irdya and Inferno/Urvatha within the depths of the Heart fortress, allowing demons to enter Irdya in absolutely unprecedented numbers.\n\n0-146 DE: The Chaos Empire's Apogee\n\nThe Chaos Empire begins after most of the Great Continent and the southern isles have been overrun by the combined forces of shaxthal creatures, demons and Chaos soldiers. Argan is designated as the eternal Emperor and rules Irdya along with the Iron Triad following Uria's designs.\n\nThe Far North at this point has become a relatively stable and thriving ensemble of human and orcish kingdoms. The humans have united under a single banner following Adavyan's lengthy War of Consolidation, governed by the pluralist Grand Council of the Northern Peoples based in the city of Raelthyn.\n\nThe dwarvish population is concentrated on the depths of the Heart Mountains, and more clans join the recently founded Kingdom of Herthgar.\n\nThe desert elves in Zocthanol Isle remain largely unaware of the events taking place in the Great Continent.\n144 DE\n\n Uria commands Argan to find and capture Elynia-Thanadria.\n Mal Kendria joins the Iron Triad.\n\n145 DE\n\n The Valley of Elynia, the last elvish community left in the Great Continent, is overrun by the forces of Chaos. The majority of the elves escape underground after the initial skirmishes, led by Galas and Anlind\u00eb. Invasion from the Unknown begins.\n\n146 DE\n\n Elyssa's expedition to the Heart Mountains stumbles upon the elvish forces, now supported by undead creatures under the control of an ancient lich named Mal Keshar.\n Galas' band allies with the dwarves of Herthgar to repel Elyssa's forces. Elyssa retreats and summons reinforcements.\n With the help of a dwarven runemaster by the name of Althurin, the elves find and awake Elynia just in time to hold Elyssa's second battalion back.\n Elves and dwarves are overwhelmed by the enemy forces and abandon the Heart Mountains as they capture Herthgar.\n Anlind\u00eb stays behind to fight Elyssa in a one-to-one duel. Although she loses the fight, she manages to incapacitate Elyssa and her troops by causing a section of the cave system to collapse before dying.\n\n147 DE - 151 DE: The Chaos Empire's Decay\n147 DE\n\n The elves of the Valley of Elynia join the northern peoples in alliance under the leadership of Lord Inodien and Lady Unarye, while Galas resigns from his position to join Elynia and Mal Keshar in their effort.\n The Grand Council of the Northern Peoples officially declare war against the Chaos Empire.\n Elynia, Galas, Mal Keshar, and a group of dwarves launch a suicidal attack on the Heart of the Empire. Elyssa faces Galas and his band directly this time, but as she is about to defeat them, Elynia summons the Union of the Powers of Light and Darkness.\n Elynia manages to defeat Elyssa. However, instead of killing her she decides to spare her life and allow her too flee from the Heart in exchange for information about Argan's present location.\n The group confronts Argan in his lair in the frozen wastelands of Inferno, and destroy him after some struggle. The power of the Union is broken, and the Orbs of Light and Darkness leave Elynia's and Argan's respective bodies. The energy released causes the connection between the Heart and Inferno to collapse, taking the entire stronghold down with it. Invasion from the Unknown ends.\n Uria gets hold of the Orbs of Light and Darkness.\n\n148 DE\n\n After the Storm I begins as Galas' band heads back to the Far North.\n Lord Inodien of the forest elves is found dead under mysterious circumstances. The ensuing conflict between the military leaders of the elves results in a civil war and the banishment of the elves from the Aragwaith country.\n Elynia, Galas, and Mal Keshar arrive to Quenoth Isle searching for more information about their enemies and Uria's plans.\n The group learns more about the origins of the alien creature that served as Yechnagoth's body in Zocthanol, as well as Uria's plans to take over Irdya using Yechnagoth to destroy the descendants of the Guardian of Earth, Xia'el (known as Eloh in older elvish literature), which include all elves and faerie lifeforms on Irdya and other worlds.\n After some deliberation, Elynia allows Mal Keshar to read the journal they recovered from Argan in the Heart, as she can't bring herself to do it on her own. Unbeknownst to them, some pages were previously removed or enchanted by Elyssa to obfuscate the whereabouts of Yechnagoth's heart and misdirect Elynia.\n The group departs from the island heading for the Great Continent, with the purpose of informing the Grand Council about the Shaxthal hive in Wesmere and the heart of Yechnagoth kept in it.\n The fortress of Aran-Balgur in the Far North's southernmost reaches is taken over by Chaos forces. The Alliance's forces are forced to retreat to Glamdrol, Astar, and Nyldil.\n\n149 DE\n\n A storm forces Elynia and her group to land in Kalari Peninsula with a significantly damaged ship.\n Elynia and Galas are ambushed and captured by Chaos forces along with the staff of Elynia-Niryone, and taken to the Iron Triad two days later while Mal Keshar hatches his own infiltration and ambush plan to rescue the two elves.\n Mal Keshar's infiltration initially succeeds in releasing Elynia and Galas, but reinforcements assisted by Elyssa's magic turn their escape into a disastrous suicide mission. They are eventually cornered by Elyssa, who proceeds to kill Galas. Elynia uses a teleportation spell she found under Zocthanol to escape from the Iron Triad's headquarters, badly damaging Mal Keshar's body in the process.\n Kyara, a desert elf from Quenoth, and Horo, an orcish warrior, are sent by Elynia to the Far North as messengers for the Grand Council. Mal Keshar hands Argan's journal to Kyara in order to ensure its survival should Elynia's own suicide mission fail.\n Elynia and Mal Keshar assault the Shaxthal hive in Wesmere and destroy the largest biomechanical creature found within it, powered by what they assume is Yechnagoth's original heart. The uncontrolled amount of energy released causes Mal Keshar's soul to be pulled out of his body, and subsequently destroyed. The Wesmere wastelands disappear entirely, leaving just a massive crater behind. Elynia uses the teleportation spell once again just as her soul is being pulled by the destruction, and disappears from Irdya entirely. After the Storm I ends.\n Ivyel, an artificial creature powered by a replica of Yechnagoth's heart and modeled after Elynia's appearance, is used to obtain control of one of the elvish factions in the east for the Iron Triad and, more specifically, Mal Hekuba.\n Nyldil is overrun by Chaos forces, and the Bay of Glamdrol becomes infested with Shaxthal creatures.\n Uria finds the last of Zhangor's remains hidden in Inferno after his original defeat by Elynia and Argan.\n\n150 DE\n\n A large explosion erases Glamdrol and Nyldil from existence, forcing the northern peoples' army to withdraw to Fort Astar.\n Elynia reappears in the Heart Forest in the Far North, injured from the explosion in Wesmere. After helping the locals against a necromancer she secures their assistance to return to the Grand Council. Durvan, a hunter of the dark forest joins her. After the Storm II begins.\n On the way to Raelthyn, Elynia's band comes across a girl by the name of Allyna needing protection to deliver a message to the Grand Council.\n A portion of the Grand Council of the Northern Peoples meet with Elynia and the seer Valen to explain the situation and decide upon their next course of action. Elynia is dispatched along with one of Mal Keshar's disciples to the eastern borders of the northern country to investigate the situation with the false Lady of Light and assist Lady Unarye and the friendly elvish faction against their same-blooded enemies.\n Elynia's group is led by Allyna to Elorran, a former Demon Lord working against Uria's designs. Allyna reveals herself as Anya, a dark faerie born of an unknown demon and faerie. Although Elorran's intention is to destroy the Ruby of Fire powering staff of Elynia-Niryone so it doesn't fall into the enemy's hands, Elynia convinces him to postpone the task while she uses it a last time against Uria's army. Elorran informs her of the Guardian of Life's intention to use Irdya as a testing ground for an invasion to the alien world of Ethea.\n Demon Lord Zhangor returns to Irdya, now serving as the Fist of Uria and jeopardizing Elyssa's control of the Iron Council and the forces of Chaos.\n After repelling a host of enemy elves from the frontier, Elynia meets with Unarye and decides to bring the fight to the false Lady of Light's headquarters in the Valley of Elynia.\n Elynia leads her forces across the desert following Unarye's instructions.\n A portal allowing Chaos forces to quickly move between Aran-Balgur and Kalari is completed.\n Kyara and Horo find shelter in Fort Astar in exchange for joining General Bardyl's host.\n Chaos forces overrun the northern country.\n The false Lady of Light is unmasked by Elynia in Telchior's Hold, the largest stronghold in the forest elves' home valley. After pursuing her underground, Elynia and her band are confronted by a projection of Mal Hekuba, now working in opening another portal to Inferno and intent on taking on Elyssa, now revealed to be the bearer of Yechnagoth's original heart.\n The siege of Raelthyn begins. Most members of the Grand Council are lost during the city's defense.\n Elynia takes advantage of Ivyel to destroy Mal Hekuba and the various heart replicas powering the incomplete portal. She once again uses the teleportation to escape from the explosion, this time without any other consequences. However, she is seriously wounded after the fight with Mal Hekuba, and Elyssa takes the opportunity to obtain the staff and the Ruby of Fire without any opposition. After the Storm II ends.\n Zhangor sends the experimental Shaxthal Deathbringers along with a host of Chaos to obliterate Elorran and his rebel faction.\n In order to prevent Nar-Hamoth from continuing to spy on her through Mal Kendria, Elyssa removes the latter's soul from her body. Mal Ba'arth joins the Iron Triad. After the Storm: Final begins.\n Zhangor secures the support of the Chaos forces behind Elyssa's back and issues a ban on all Yechnagoth worship and imagery.\n Elynia, Anya, and Durvan teleport back to the northern country near the place where Elorran was slain. They promptly return to a devastated Raelthyn under siege from multiple fronts by the enemy, and defended by Torancyn, now Supreme Lord of the Aragwaith. After nearly one day and the first darkness of the second day they manage to repel the hostile troops with the elves' assistance.\n Valen resigns from her position in the now extinct Grand Council and provides Elynia with instructions given to her by Demon Lord Ergea.\n Elynia meets with Kyara and Horo in Fort Astar, and recovers Argan's journal. Following Ergea's instructions, she convinces General Bardyl of laying siege to Aran-Balgur with the support of the undead and additional militiamen recruited by Durvan along the way. Nar-Hamoth's elite troops near Astar are defeated.\n The siege of Aran-Balgur lasts two days. Elynia, Anya, and a disciple of Mal Keshar named Irylean use the portal to abandon the Far North along with a few men, undead minions, and forest faeries.\n Demon Lord Nar-Hamoth remains stranded in the Far North.\n Elynia meets Ergea in Kalari and receives instructions from her to retrieve a power hidden beneath Kalari to put an end to the war on Irdya. She leaves to confront on her own any opposition she might find in the Iron Council's headquarters. Anya is not informed of this.\n The calendar year ends.\n\n151 DE\n\n The Endless Night on Irdya begins at the turn of the year.\n At the behest of Ergea, Anya leads Elynia's and Ergea's troops in battle to create a distraction.\n Durvan and a host of Alliance troops provided by General Bardyl join the battle on the surface.\n Mal Kendria's body is destroyed by Elynia.\n Elynia confronts Elyssa in the stronghold's underground levels.\n Ergea's forces instigate a revolution in Kalari, releasing humans and demons oppressed by the Iron Triad's and the Empire's rule.\n The Gatekeeper on Ethea is slain by Elyssa through the breach in Kalari now connecting both worlds.\n Ergea's forces lay siege to a key fortress near Kalari Central as Zhangor sets up an ambush with Demon Lord Hem\u00e9rilyel's and the experimental Shaxthal Deathbringers' help as he prepares to confront Elyssa.\n Anya slays Demon Lord Hem\u00e9rilyel.\n Elyssa takes Elynia to the deepest levels of the stronghold, in search of Zhangor.\n Anya destroys the Deathbringers.\n The Storm Sisters working for Zhangor are captured by Ergea's forces during the siege to the Iron Council's headquarters.\n The last remaining member of the Iron Triad in Kalari, Mal Ba'arth, is destroyed by Anya.\n Zhangor is slain once again.\n Elynia, Elyssa, and Anya leave Irdya.\n The Endless Night ends on Irdya. After the Storm: Final ends.\n Demon Lord Ergea of the Storms assumes control of Kalari Peninsula.\n\n"}