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(05-2015) | |
Computer and Internet Monitoring Program Agreement | |
NAME: Sullivan ,John Earle CR21-78 PACTS #: Client ID | |
I understand I have been ordered , as a condition of Pretrial Release Supervision , to participate in the United | |
States Probation and Pretrial Services Computer and Internet Monitoring Program under: | |
APPENDIX A : Computer and Internet Use, as approved | |
1) I acknowledge I am to comply with all program r ules set forth in this appendix and the instructions U.S. | |
Probation and Pretrial Services Office (USPO) . I understand that this appendix is, by reference, part of | |
the order setting conditions for my release . I acknowledge I am to comply with its provisions and the | |
instructions of the USPO, failure to do so may be considered a violation of my supervision and may | |
result in an adverse action. I agree to call the USPO if I have any questions about the rules of the | |
program, or if I ex perience any problems that may hinder my compliance with this program. | |
2) I understand I must complete and provide the C IMP Questionnaire to my supervising officer as directed. | |
I further understand I am to provide the USPO all previous, current, and future internet identifications | |
(i.e. internet email addresses, logon identification, screen names, etc). | |
3) I shall possess and/or access only computer hardware and software ( including operating system | |
software) approved by the USPO . I shal l obtain permission fro m the USPO prior to obtaining or | |
accessing any additional computer hardware/software or making any alterations to my system . | |
4) I will not use any system settings, program s, or device s designed to hide, alter or delete records/logs of | |
my computer use, Internet activities or files stored on my assigned computer(s). This includes the use | |
of encryption, virtual machines, steganography, and cache/cookie removal software. | |
5) If the court has not prohibited my use or possession of a computer, I understand that I may only use | |
computer (s) in my home or at my place of employment that have been approved by the USPO. I | |
further understand I am responsible for the content, programs, and data that may be stored or accessed | |
by a computer I am permitted to use | |
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6) I agree to allow the USPO to inspect, configure, and/or install software/hardware designed to monitor | |
computer activities on any computer I am authorized to use. I understand that the software may record | |
any and all activity on my computer. I further understand that a notice may be placed on the computer | |
at the time of installation to warn others of the existence of the monitoring software on my computer. I | |
agree not to attempt to remove, tamp er with, reverse engineer, or in any way circumvent the | |
software/hardware. | |
7) I understand that the USPO may use measures to assist in monitoring compliance with these conditions | |
such as adjusting of my computer, the configuration removal of programs and app lications that may | |
interfere with monitoring my compliance, and may apply tamper resistant tape over unused ports a s well | |
as seal my computer case. | |
8) I will notify all individuals that have access to my computer system that it is subject to monitoring | |
and/o r search/seizure. | |
9) I shall not create or assist directly or indirectly in the creation of any electronic bulletin board, ISP, or | |
any other public or private network without the consent of the USPO . Any approval shall be subject to | |
any condition set by the USPO or the Court with regard to that approval. | |
10) I understand the USPO may determine a program, application, website and/or material may be | |
detrimental to my success in this program and therefore ask the Court to prohibit future access to same. | |
11) I understand that my officer will use telephone calls and unannounced personal visits to monitor my | |
compliance. When I am at home, I agree to promptly answer my telephone and/or door. | |
12) I will provide copies of credit card billing reco rds or other financial records as directed by the USPO to | |
corroborate by use of the internet and purchases of electronic devices subject to the program . | |
13) The USPO utilizes commercially available software applications. While there are no known conflicts | |
or defects in the software Office for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damage | |
whatsoever including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit, lost or damaged packages, I indicate by | |
my signature below that I accept a ll responsibility and risk for the computer intake and software | |
installation and use on my computer(s). Further I agree to hold harmless the U.S. Probation data, other | |
personal commercial or economic loss, or warranties voided as a result of computer insp ection, search, | |
and/or use of monitoring software. | |
14) All repairs to your authorized computer system must be pre -authorized by the USPO . Documentation | |
indicating repairs done and reason for repairs may be required, and y our authorized computer system | |
may be subject to examination by the USPO prior to and after authorized repairs . | |
15) I will not access any computer(s) or online service (s) using someone else =s account, name, designation, | |
or alias. I understand I am to only access the Int ernet on a computer and account reported to and | |
approved by the USPO . Furthermore, I will not utilize any service which conceals, spoofs, or | |
anonymizes my Internet address , or computer use . | |
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16) I will access email accounts, including web -mail accounts, via a pproved protocols (i.e. POP, IMAP, | |
SMTP) and approved email clients (i.e. Outlook, Outlook Express). | |
17) I will not download, possess and/or install copyrighted material (for which I do not possess a lic ense) , | |
which include but is not limited to protected audio files, video files, software applications, etc., that I did | |
not legitimately purchase or obtain the legal authorization to utilize. Nor shall I download, possess | |
and/or install applications which allow for the circumvention and/or decryption of copyright protection | |
measures. | |
18) I will not purchase, download, possess, utilize , and/or install any unapproved anti -virus, anti -spyware, | |
firewall, internet security applications, file password protection, encryption, cryptography, and/or | |
steganography, including Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) | |
connection s. | |
19) I will not view, possess, and/or compose any material that describes or promotes the unauthorized access | |
to computer systems. This includes, but is not limited to, spoofing/defacing web sites, how to launch | |
denial of service attacks, how to gain unauth orized access to information maintained by corporate, | |
government, education computer systems, etc. | |
20) I will not purchase, download, possess, upload, and/or install freeware/shareware/software applications | |
whose primary purpose is to cause damage to other co mputer systems (i.e. viruses, worms) and/or | |
covertly install remote connection/back door applications not authorized by users of other computer | |
systems (i.e. Trojan Horses (NetBus, Back Orifice)). | |
21) I will not use any freeware/shareware/software application or other device which wipes (secure file | |
deletion) disk space, drives, media, etc. unless approved by the USPO . | |
22) I will not utilize network/internet storage, cloud computing, or other applications/methods which store | |
data to any location other than my app roved computer system(s), unless approved by the USPO. | |
23) I will not change or attempt to change, circumvent, or disable any restrictions and/or settings established | |
by the Probation Department and my supervision officer, my Internet Serv ice Provider, monitoring | |
software/hardware, and/or biometric user authentication hardware/software. Nor shall I possess or use | |
removable media (i.e. CD -R=s, DVDs, External Hard Drives, USB flash drives) configured with | |
bootable operating systems or stealt h applications. | |
24) I will not change, re -install, or upgrade the current operating system (i.e. Windows, iOS, etc.) on any | |
authorized computer without pre -approval and authorization by USPO . This includes but is not limited | |
to utilizing the "system restore" function available in some operating systems. | |
25) I will not have another individual access the Internet on my behalf to obtain files, access websites, or | |
other information/data which I am restricted from accessing myself. | |
26) Any computer and/or other device which allows Internet access and/or digital media storage within my | |
residence, or otherwise accessible by me, is subject to random examinations/analysis/search by the | |
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(05-2015) | |
Sworn to on the record 2/16/21 | |
Defendant Date | |
U.S. Probation Officer Date | |
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