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logon,"{S4I2-N2NJ20NQ-8516CQST}","02/21/2011 11:43:39","CDE1846","PC-7773","Logon"
email,"{U4B0-W5NB89YV-8111RGOM}","02/21/2011 11:44:48","CDE1846","PC-7773","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","869226","C:\33B3fZ4\T0NO6UHX.doc(171932);C:\ACM3964\IP78EXWC.doc(659160)","jobsearch","In addition, this position is subject to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) requirements, with specific position certification required. Seven to ten years of relevant work experience in one of these fields, including at least five years work experience as a Systems Engineer. You'll serve as a QA Manager for a start-up that is making apps for the Android OS and iOS. Thank you for your interest in CACI International! Prepare correspondence, documents, and reports as required."
file,"{X7R6-L0HQ40MS-6995YJWF}","02/21/2011 11:45:49","CDE1846","PC-7773","C:\33B3fZ4\T0NO6UHX.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Application Instructions: For immediate confidential consideration, please apply online by clicking ""Apply Now to Join Our Team."" Coordinate efforts with other personnel engaged in related fields of study and application to reduce the possibility of program duplication and maximize benefits. You will need to upload your MSWord resume and answer a few questions."
email,"{N0N6-Y6RG90GU-4604LROS}","02/21/2011 11:47:24","CDE1846","PC-7773","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","202986","C:\33B3fZ4\T0NO6UHX.doc(171932)","jobsearch","Prior experience with Marine Corp weapons systems is preferred. Develop cost estimates, lifecycle cost and economic analysis and metrics related to weapons systems, personnel, communications systems, installations, operations, force structure and more."
file,"{C8O3-B0KQ15HO-2084QPAS}","02/21/2011 11:52:05","CDE1846","PC-7773","C:\75J52H6\76XFNRMY.doc","File Open","False","False","Yellowtailed_Black_Cockatoo","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Furthermore, plantations generally lack undergrowth which might have prevented cockatoos from damaging younger trees. They are generally common or locally very common in a wide range of habits, although they tend to be locally rare at the limits of their range. In 2004, a captive Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo and two free-living Tawny Frogmouths (Podargus strigoides) suffering neurological symptoms were shown to be hosting the rat nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis."
email,"{O8R5-D7FQ84HX-6521OHYG}","02/21/2011 11:53:07","CDE1846","PC-7773","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1878907","C:\33B3fZ4\T0NO6UHX.doc(171932);C:\33B3fZ4\IWY6XQKH.doc(1689004)","jobsearch","Tasking will include logistics analysis, FMS case exaction and management relating to the above systems. At Lockheed Martin, what you achieve makes a difference on a global scale. This experience must include: Conducts training programs on SIS. The Company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; and decommissioning and closure services."
logon,"{Q7U9-N9NE16YN-0589NIOB}","02/21/2011 11:54:33","CDE1846","PC-7773","Logoff"
logon,"{Z4A4-G5CZ31ZC-7161XTND}","03/17/2011 18:34:15","CDE1846","PC-3933","Logon"
file,"{O5M8-I8PA48WK-6903PMQR}","03/17/2011 18:35:41","CDE1846","PC-3933","C:\NDW3217\2ZKN5SSF.txt","File Open","False","False","Uranus","58-52-30-42 A Uranus orbiter and probe has been recommended by NASA's decadal survey; the proposal envisages launch during 2020-2023 and a 13-year cruise to Uranus. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus was also the first planet discovered with a telescope."
file,"{Y4K7-U8DK32WY-5214TLCL}","03/17/2011 18:36:46","CDE1846","PC-3933","C:\71W9187\U72DKNR8.jpg","File Open","False","False","vacation","FF-D8 "
file,"{Q2Q2-K3IB44XA-1027IGNN}","03/17/2011 18:37:28","CDE1846","PC-3933","C:\75Tdd11\89MDWBRP.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 A masters or PhD degree in electrical engineering may be substituted for the year of professional experience. The ability to analyze complex documents and enforce proper standards and formats."
file,"{I2R4-V9JI74IZ-8802CLUB}","03/17/2011 18:37:45","CDE1846","PC-3933","C:\ANMP7FMC.doc","File Open","False","False","news","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 So Hamza approached forward and called on Ubayda and Ali to join him. Muhammad eventually sided with Abu Bakr, and most prisoners were spared, either because of clan relations (one was Muhammad's son-in-law), desire for ransom, or the hope that they would later convert to Islam (in fact, several later did). However, many early Muslim sources indicate that no serious fighting was expected, and the future Caliph Uthman stayed behind to care for his sick wife Ruqayyah,the daughter of the Prophet. As a result, when Muhammad marched into Mecca six years later, it was Abu Sufyan who helped negotiate its peaceful surrender. Most contemporary knowledge of the battle at Badr comes from traditional Islamic accounts, both hadiths and biographies of Muhammad, recorded in written form some time after the battle."
email,"{R6U8-J1VD39NY-8006HNNQ}","03/17/2011 18:38:45","CDE1846","PC-3933","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2721986","C:\75Tdd11\89MDWBRP.zip(2699840)","jobsearch","Familiarity with Management Information Systems for International Logistics (MISIL),and Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Agreement (CLSSA), and NAVAIR security/ technical transfer policies preferred. Performs functional analysis, timeline analysis, detail trade studies, requirements allocation and interface definition studies to translate customer requirements into hardware and software specifications. Experience identifying new applications and development techniques to achieve advances in immersive technologies; integrating and coordinating the work of multi-disciplinary teams of academia, industry, and government; and designing and implementing innovative hardware and software components into viable test beds for training system evaluations. Start your application process by clicking APPLY NOW."
email,"{J6Y8-Z7XP96YQ-9121QXBT}","03/17/2011 18:40:22","CDE1846","PC-3933","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","3585332","C:\75Tdd11\89MDWBRP.zip(2699840);C:\75Tdd11\BLMKFCWV.doc(857794)","jobsearch","Troubleshoots problems issues at user sites; traces and identifies the source of processing failures. Work experience with Strategic Systems Program (SSP). DoD Acquisition training and work experience."
email,"{O3S6-G3XL01CR-9996RDVA}","03/17/2011 18:42:03","CDE1846","PC-3933","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","457849","C:\LQFV7WMK.doc(435216)","superbowl","Vesicular textures are up to 5%, suggesting that the lava erupted subaerially. A large volcanic eruption from any volcanoes in the Mount Cayley field would have major effects on the Sea-to-Sky Highway and municipalities such as Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton and probably Vancouver. Mathews based this on the age of the underlying till, the existence of pillow lava close to the bottom of some lavas, indicating subaqueous volcanism, the columnar jointing at the edges of the lavas, indicating rapid cooling, and the absence of apparent palaeogeography. Andesite at Slag Hill consists of 70% dark brown volcanic glass with varied degrees of trachytic texture in the plagioclastic matrix and less than 5% of the andesite comprises vesicular textures."
logon,"{H9D1-A9YW65PZ-1424WAWI}","03/17/2011 18:44:53","CDE1846","PC-3933","Logoff"
logon,"{Q3U2-Y6CE51YZ-5769KTAD}","03/22/2011 17:50:00","CDE1846","PC-5014","Logon"
email,"{X8O9-Q2AS46NM-7708WKML}","03/22/2011 17:51:21","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","194250","C:\53c5f85\98A4D5RU.pdf(167516)","Postmans_Park","The Committee selected 24 names, 22 proposed by Watts before his death and two from press reports of 1905, and De Morgan was duly commissioned to produce the new set of tablets. I cannot but believe a general response would be made to such a suggestion, and intelligent consideration and artistic power might combine to make London richer by a work that is beautiful, and our nation richer by a record that is infinitely honourable. By then the decline in the population of the City of London had reduced the congregation to less than 80, and the parishes of St Leonard, Foster Lane and Christ Church Greyfriars were merged with nearby St Sepulchre-without-Newgate."
file,"{N5J3-X9JW53NO-1200KXVS}","03/22/2011 17:51:31","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\52s6447\1Y371ELW.doc","File Open","False","False","School_for_Creative_and_Performing_Arts","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Its reputation recovered in the years that followed and in 2009-10, the school was featured in the MTV reality series Taking the Stage, filmed at the school and featuring SCPA students. Students must audition for admission; fewer than 20 percent of those who apply each year are accepted."
email,"{F6Q8-L7GY29MM-2915MANO}","03/22/2011 17:52:08","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","943549","C:\361Kzq8\3Z2CPOME.pdf(924035)","HMS_Lion_1910","Lion had an uneventful time for the rest of the war, conducting patrols of the North Sea as the High Seas Fleet was forbidden to risk any more losses. Admiral Hipper set sail on 15 December 1914 for another such raid and successfully bombarded several English towns, but British destroyers escorting the 1st BCS had already encountered German destroyers of the High Seas Fleet at 5:15 am and fought an inconclusive action with them. Beatty's ships maintained full speed to try to put some separation between them and the High Seas Fleet and gradually moved out of range. The remains of 'Q' turret were removed during this period and not replaced until later."
email,"{E4R3-Y3KQ79YK-3434IGMX}","03/22/2011 17:52:57","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1403879","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327);C:\IAS0857\O1OJ1WY6.doc(1022973)","jobsearch","B.S. degree with at least 15 years relevant experience, A.S. degree with 20 years relevant experience, or High School Diploma with at least 25 years relevant experience. Performs functional analysis, timeline analysis, detail trade studies, requirements allocation and interface definition studies to translate customer requirements into hardware and software specifications. Application Instructions: For immediate confidential consideration, please apply online by clicking ""Apply Now to Join Our Team."" Current clearance highly desired. Apply systems engineering expertise focusing on requirements generation, concept/technology development, risk assessments and test and evaluation of emerging missile systems and alternate payloads for SSBN/SSGN."
email,"{U5A2-G0BZ40VW-5577EQPB}","03/22/2011 17:53:42","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","383279","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327)","jobsearch","Job Description - Provide systems engineering expertise, special technical study leadership, and project management to support the systems development, integration, analysis, and test & evaluation of large-scale weapon systems and payloads. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science English, Journalism, Business or related writing field or equivalent experience and seven to nine years experience with developing formal documentation, technical reports, and instructions. We are essentially looking for a QA expert to join an incredibly talented and seasoned team of industry veterans."
file,"{E3X7-F2DY60ZC-7123FHIX}","03/22/2011 17:54:57","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
file,"{P2Y0-O6BC27LR-0978DJRH}","03/22/2011 17:55:49","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
email,"{Z4B2-O5SW02JR-2377OOIA}","03/22/2011 17:56:34","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","447857","C:\IAS0857\JCNZZ12A.doc(407733)","M249_light_machine_gun","In June, it was requested that the SAW specifications document be revised to emphasize standard 5.56 mm ammunition. A report entitled Lessons Learned in Afghanistan was released by Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Dean and SFC Sam Newland of the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center in 2002. Actual design of alternative cartridges for the LMG did not begin until July 1971. Neither design was finalized by March 1972, when the Army published the specifications document for the planned SAW."
file,"{N4N8-B2RZ26VA-7364INTO}","03/22/2011 17:58:08","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
file,"{F5Q8-H7BZ09PW-6515HQCP}","03/22/2011 17:58:59","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\IAS0857\JCNZZ12A.doc","File Open","False","False","M249_light_machine_gun","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 At this time, the nomenclature ""Squad Automatic Weapon"" (SAW) was introduced. The M2 was a large-caliber heavy machine gun, usually mounted on vehicles or in fixed emplacements."
file,"{Z7Y3-P9AT98CH-1318ZOMM}","03/22/2011 18:00:49","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\53c5f85\5FXA20SS.doc","File Open","False","False","Uranus","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 In a letter to Herschel, Lalande described it as ""un globe surmonte par la premiere lettre de votre nom"" (""a globe surmounted by the first letter of your surname""). Sir William Herschel announced its discovery on March 13, 1781, expanding the known boundaries of the Solar System for the first time in modern history. Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune, and both are of different chemical composition than the larger gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn."
email,"{M9V2-K3LK20RE-1155HGOK}","03/22/2011 18:01:10","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","393457","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327)","jobsearch","B.S. degree with at least 15 years relevant experience, A.S. degree with 20 years relevant experience, or High School Diploma with at least 25 years relevant experience. In addition, this position is subject to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) requirements, with specific position certification required. May maintain the computer center software collection."
file,"{V0W1-O1SK67NO-7199MRYR}","03/22/2011 18:01:12","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
file,"{J3T2-Q8CL40ZS-9034JUAY}","03/22/2011 18:01:43","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
email,"{Y4C7-E2JP23QH-3405EKTE}","03/22/2011 18:01:49","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","384943","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327)","jobsearch","This position has a full performance level of ND-4. Candidate will also work closely with customers to plan, conduct, and record minutes for software support engineering reviews. This experience must include: Analyses are performed at all levels of total system product to include: concept, design, fabrication, test, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal. Payment of licenses, certification, and academic degrees as applicable"
email,"{F2S8-Y1IQ51TH-0119WOLJ}","03/22/2011 18:01:54","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2114150","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327);C:\52s6447\AXL0BB9S.zip(1748052)","jobsearch","Serves as an information source to users regarding data processing systems. URS has approximately 45,000 employees in a network of offices in more than 30 countries. Reviews records to verify students recently enrolled, moved or released have been recorded properly."
email,"{K5E7-D9WH66TJ-6817WXOI}","03/22/2011 18:02:46","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1867274","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327);C:\IAS0857\C4QZOK37.doc(1496143)","jobsearch","Located north of Washington, DC, APL is a division of one of the world's premier research universities, The Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Performance of this effort will be predominately at Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB), Albany, GA; and coordination with MCLB Barstow, CA.The individual assigned will be a key member of a high performance multi-functional team responsible for all phases of procurement and sustainment support of anti-armor systems and associated equipment. Job Description: URS is seeking senior-level Equipment Specialists to provide support to the Marine Corps Systems Command, Infantry Weapons Directorate, Product Group 13, Program Manager Anti-Armor Weapons (PM AAW), responsible for on-site Equipment Specialist and Life-Cycle Logistician support of developmental, production, and legacy anti-armor systems (Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided (TOW); Saber/ Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS); Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW)/ SMAW II; and Javelin), and their munitions and enablers."
file,"{N8A0-I3NU80KN-5610XISM}","03/22/2011 18:03:05","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
email,"{J9Y8-C3IX92CU-2818RYUQ}","03/22/2011 18:03:22","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","597322","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327);C:\361Kzq8\JH8S50W2.pdf(54383);C:\IAS0857\HM1Q0N24.zip(157352)","jobsearch","Position requires the ability to travel domestically and internationally, up to 25%.Position will require ability to obtain and maintain a security clearance. Performs general clerical tasks such as maintaining files, screening calls, taking messages, giving information. Must have the experience in developing creative and unique graphics software and hardware solutions from concept to completion to solve complex simulation and modeling problems as required for the development of weapons simulation systems."
email,"{O8H2-P4OB41GM-4116PAMG}","03/22/2011 18:03:27","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","183600","C:\53c5f85\98A4D5RU.pdf(167516)","Postmans_Park","The burial ground was cleared and the ground level raised by {convert|6|ft|m} to allow its incorporation into the new park. Reginald Brabazon, 12th Earl of Meath, founder and Chairman of the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), decided to put the weight of his organisation behind the campaign, and through a combination of public donations and donations from the London County Council, Corporation of London and Kyrle Society, raised the remaining ?7,000 in less than six months. William De Morgan was unwilling to compromise on quality or embrace the trend towards mass production, and by this time his work was significantly more expensive than similar works by other designers. It transpired that the only manufacturer able to supply suitable tiles was Royal Doulton, although they were unable or unwilling to replicate De Morgan's designs, and they were duly commissioned to manufacture the 24 tiles, delivered in May 1908. Despite the unification of the parishes of Christ Church Greyfriars and St Leonard, Foster Lane, the churches continued to operate separate burial grounds."
file,"{H1O1-O3KW36LC-7132QWKA}","03/22/2011 18:04:11","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
file,"{N9X6-B6EU36PE-3880OYKY}","03/22/2011 18:04:28","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
file,"{K7K3-L3QF32DE-6990LDEI}","03/22/2011 18:05:06","CDE1846","PC-5014","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Working knowledge of digital sound systems, audio systems, and video production and- processing methods. Wyle is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif. and comprises the following operating entities: Aerospace Group, Information Systems Group, Integrated Science and Engineering Group, and CAS Group. VT Group is searching for qualified Longbow Instructor and/or Maintenance Test Pilots with recent flight experience for the Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) operator training devices program."
email,"{G1F3-S3KE10WG-5812RFRW}","03/22/2011 18:05:06","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","376211","C:\361Kzq8\7R4T6PQ4.doc(350327)","jobsearch","Payment of licenses, certification, and academic degrees as applicable Senior level analyst require experience and subject matter expertise. Valid California driver license."
email,"{J1M6-R6RC72VN-6049DUMB}","03/22/2011 18:05:45","CDE1846","PC-5014","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","3080275","C:\53c5f85\5FXA20SS.doc(3065042)","Uranus","It has equatorial and polar radii of 25 559 ? 4 and 24 973 ? 20 km, respectively. Extensional processes associated with upwelling diapirs are the likely origin of the moon's 'racetrack'-like coronae. The Uranian system has a unique configuration among the planets because its axis of rotation is tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its revolution about the Sun. The ionosphere is mainly sustained by solar UV radiation and its density depends on the solar activity."
logon,"{O8Z0-T4KO36JA-7446HRDD}","03/22/2011 18:06:45","CDE1846","PC-5014","Logoff"
logon,"{V0T4-E4WB22LK-3617CLHQ}","03/29/2011 18:35:59","CDE1846","PC-2386","Logon"
file,"{Z7N3-G4MI52QG-6202MVPW}","03/29/2011 18:38:10","CDE1846","PC-2386","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Proven ability to interact successfully with government customers on a daily basis. KAEGAN Corporation is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer."
email,"{H3A5-X1PP37DP-4311HQLZ}","03/29/2011 18:38:37","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","750330","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc(102538);C:\88LZS71\74OZUQZA.jpg(613957)","jobsearch","Exciting opportunities exist in the following areas: infrastructure vulnerability, chem-bio defense systems, asymmetric weapons, surface ship combat systems architecture, systems engineering, war fighting assessment, combat systems, battle group interoperability, electromagnetic mission assurance, strategic warfare systems, strike warfare systems, surface launched weapons systems, ship self defense, force systems architecture, underwater weapons, mines, amphibious warfare, sensor systems, and electromagnetic systems. Performs clerical and record keeping activities for the educational programs of ACOE. The position is at the Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL and requires travel to various US and OCONUS locations. Paid employment related training and education"
file,"{W9J8-W8GB89QG-8571IZQN}","03/29/2011 18:38:53","CDE1846","PC-2386","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Proven ability to interact successfully with government customers on a daily basis. KAEGAN Corporation is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer."
email,"{A3Q1-E2WT66UF-9917FOBK}","03/29/2011 18:40:33","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","3089720","C:\LMZ1501\TSZ70KKD.pdf(1176818);C:\LMZ1501\Y91EVINL.txt(964292);C:\Q2QJ7UOF.doc(679354);C:\88LZS71\WJ0L3U1Y.pdf(227663)","HMS_Lion_1910","The German objective was to bombard Sunderland on the 19th, with extensive reconnaissance provided by airships and submarines. The German fire was accurate from the beginning, but the British over-estimated the range as the German ships blended into the haze."
email,"{F2U3-W9MC56XW-2517VVIR}","03/29/2011 18:42:49","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","135394","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc(102538)","jobsearch","Bonuses, incentives, and awards as appropriate for the job. Supervision of other Equipment Specialists or warehouse personnel could be required.Position is contingent upon award of contract, with anticipated work start in 2011. DoD Acquisition training and work experience."
file,"{I6S6-Z0ZU89NP-6744EFHM}","03/29/2011 18:43:26","CDE1846","PC-2386","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Proven ability to interact successfully with government customers on a daily basis. KAEGAN Corporation is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer."
email,"{T2G9-D7XH34PG-6385IFNA}","03/29/2011 18:44:41","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1628232","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc(102538);C:\88LZS71\HE7E0S9Z.pdf(1493278)","jobsearch","Analyses are performed at all levels of total system product to include: concept, design, fabrication, test, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal. We are not a Rails shop, so Ruby experience isn't that helpful for us."
email,"{O0P1-X5NE43ZE-1898KYVN}","03/29/2011 18:45:11","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1437969","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc(102538);C:\U8RWKLCJ.pdf(1315309)","jobsearch","For positions that perform IT responsibilities, use E646, Systems Engr-IT. Working knowledge of Microsoft Project and Adobe Acrobat desired. URS Corporation - a FORTUNE 500 Company - is a fully integrated engineering, construction and technical services organization with the capabilities to support every stage of the project life cycle."
file,"{G6H4-S4FF05KE-3503DIWS}","03/29/2011 18:46:06","CDE1846","PC-2386","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Proven ability to interact successfully with government customers on a daily basis. KAEGAN Corporation is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer."
email,"{G8W8-L4ZI13MD-8448TOSX}","03/29/2011 18:48:27","CDE1846","PC-2386","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","3029488","C:\88LZS71\2V6UT1DH.doc(102538);C:\367SSYEO.zip(1720518);C:\7WM1L0SS.doc(1167943)","jobsearch","Proven ability to interact successfully with government customers on a daily basis. For the ND-3 (intermediate) level: A bachelors degree as described above and one year of specialized professional engineering experience is required. Provides technical support to staff on SIS operations."
logon,"{C1U1-F7YA38KP-4119HLEE}","03/29/2011 18:50:43","CDE1846","PC-2386","Logoff"
logon,"{F5A5-T8YP15DH-1234BMEB}","04/06/2011 17:33:21","CDE1846","PC-5128","Logon"
file,"{Q2N5-M0ZJ33QF-2509SMAQ}","04/06/2011 17:34:24","CDE1846","PC-5128","C:\13R4k55\2RBI4PHU.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation or equivalent; three years related experience in computer operations, software applications and database management; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Please visit us at www.caci.com For more information about our organization, please visit our web site at www.jhuapl.edu. Join CACI International *Applicant selected may be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information."
file,"{D8D9-U6FR49IQ-6221VKUU}","04/06/2011 17:35:50","CDE1846","PC-5128","C:\13R4k55\2RBI4PHU.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation or equivalent; three years related experience in computer operations, software applications and database management; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Please visit us at www.caci.com For more information about our organization, please visit our web site at www.jhuapl.edu. Join CACI International *Applicant selected may be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information."
email,"{M2Q0-F9TJ81ET-1730RGWR}","04/06/2011 17:41:26","CDE1846","PC-5128","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1466905","C:\TKS1549\BULN2S37.pdf(1074613);C:\55k3fK4\0LZN4ZIE.doc(376783)","superbowl","They are generally found in areas of volcanic activity that are geologically young. Of the entire volcanic field, the southern portion has the most known volcanoes. The relationship of Betty's Bump with Ember Ridge is unclear but it likely represents a separate volcanic feature due to its topographic isolation. Microxenocrysts of orthoclase likely exist in andesite at Ring Mountain."
file,"{A2O8-T6LD74FO-7193JCPO}","04/06/2011 17:42:32","CDE1846","PC-5128","C:\953Pm49\2RBI4PHU.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation or equivalent; three years related experience in computer operations, software applications and database management; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Please visit us at www.caci.com For more information about our organization, please visit our web site at www.jhuapl.edu. Join CACI International *Applicant selected may be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information."
file,"{T2L0-W4GO18OU-3104YBXZ}","04/06/2011 17:44:18","CDE1846","PC-5128","C:\LZDR799P.doc","File Open","False","False","superbowl,vacation","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Andesite at Slag Hill consists of 70% dark brown volcanic glass with varied degrees of trachytic texture in the plagioclastic matrix and less than 5% of the andesite comprises vesicular textures. At Ring Mountain, andesite comprises 70% brown volcanic glass and vesicular textures as much as 15%. In 1937, The Times described the half-mile between the railway station and the city (an area including the site of the proposed college) as ""something between a refuse heap and a slum""; Nuffield had originally bought the canal basin to beautify that part of the city before he had the idea of building a college to accomplish this. The Second World War meant that construction work on the main college buildings could not begin until 21 April 1949, when the foundation stone was laid; work on the warden's residence had begun in October 1948."
email,"{Y4P3-A0IV12AY-7553HOJX}","04/06/2011 17:45:41","CDE1846","PC-5128","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","149885","C:\953Pm49\2RBI4PHU.doc(120898)","jobsearch","For positions that perform IT responsibilities, use E646, Systems Engr-IT. Promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed. Leads engineering process activities including development, implementation, and training. Reviews records to verify students recently enrolled, moved or released have been recorded properly."
file,"{F3L8-P8OE39VU-7202OHHN}","04/06/2011 17:48:44","CDE1846","PC-5128","C:\TKS1549\2RBI4PHU.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation or equivalent; three years related experience in computer operations, software applications and database management; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Please visit us at www.caci.com For more information about our organization, please visit our web site at www.jhuapl.edu. Join CACI International *Applicant selected may be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information."
logon,"{J5V8-F1ME62EV-4370DIRK}","04/06/2011 17:50:06","CDE1846","PC-5128","Logoff"
logon,"{N9X3-C5ST65YQ-9300QTFQ}","04/07/2011 17:44:50","CDE1846","PC-4738","Logon"
file,"{I7I3-N9SA38HI-8022TYGQ}","04/07/2011 17:47:17","CDE1846","PC-4738","C:\33tR2W2\206B51GA.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 We can fill your career with variety, make a long-term commitment to your continuous development and give you the responsibility to make a difference. We work on more than 600 programs that protect our homeland and advance the nation's vision in research and space science, at an annual funding level of about $980 million. Analyses are performed at all levels of total system product to include: concept, design, fabrication, test, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal. Qualifications Required: This position requires a bachelors or higher degree in engineering."
email,"{E6E5-T6ZL58GP-6484XZFA}","04/07/2011 17:50:18","CDE1846","PC-4738","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","989753","C:\0O3OLD7F.pdf(933952)","Postmans_Park","On 1 July 1904 George Frederic Watts died at New Little Holland House, aged 87. Immediately outside the London Wall at Aldersgate, a short distance north of St Leonard, Foster Lane on Little Britain, is the church of St Botolph's Aldersgate (sometimes referred to as ""St Botolph Without Aldersgate"", a reference to its position immediately outside the historic city gate). The churchwardens and the MPGA began to consider ideas for initiatives which would publicise the campaign and provide a reason to justify preserving the whole of the park. Disliking Royal Doulton's tiling designs, and with her time and money increasingly devoted to the maintenance of the Watts Gallery, Mary Watts by now was losing interest in the memorial and by 1930 had handed complete control to the Heroic Self Sacrifice Memorial Committee."
file,"{O7K2-C9KV64QC-0411SXXS}","04/07/2011 17:50:22","CDE1846","PC-4738","C:\33tR2W2\206B51GA.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 We can fill your career with variety, make a long-term commitment to your continuous development and give you the responsibility to make a difference. We work on more than 600 programs that protect our homeland and advance the nation's vision in research and space science, at an annual funding level of about $980 million. Analyses are performed at all levels of total system product to include: concept, design, fabrication, test, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal. Qualifications Required: This position requires a bachelors or higher degree in engineering."
email,"{G9J1-C0OW60SN-9028YECS}","04/07/2011 17:51:12","CDE1846","PC-4738","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1091756","C:\0O3OLD7F.pdf(933952);C:\33tR2W2\MTQIP50Q.doc(132860)","Postmans_Park","It is not too much to say that the history of Her Majesty's reign would gain a lustre were the nation to erect a monument, say, here in London, to record the names of these likely to be forgotten heroes. In place of Peel's statue, a large bronze sculpture of the Minotaur by Michael Ayrton was unveiled in 1973. Christ Church Greyfriars' burial ground was a short distance northeast of the church, on the eastern side of King Edward Street, and St Leonard, Foster Lane's, was about {convert|50|ft|m} further east. PC Smith and the manager of the factory shepherded them back to safety in the building, but Smith was caught by the blast of one of the bombs and died."
email,"{B1G1-S7XH79QS-6304LBEC}","04/07/2011 17:52:18","CDE1846","PC-4738","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","702275","C:\33tR2W2\JQ2IMV13.doc(671938)","Uranus","Uranus revolves around the Sun once every 84 Earth years. Operation Uranus was the successful military operation in World War II by the Soviet army to take back Stalingrad and marked the turning point in the land war against the Wehrmacht."
email,"{Z4C9-Y0NV57IX-1949HEWX}","04/07/2011 17:52:27","CDE1846","PC-4738","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","7007912","C:\33tR2W2\JQ2IMV13.doc(671938);C:\ZAW2012\R89MWUSI.doc(502450);C:\33tR2W2\PQ87P6R3.doc(318390);C:\ZAW2012\YDGQA0WE.txt(756623);C:\ZAW2012\T1SCJ1B6.doc(817115);C:\33tR2W2\206B51GA.doc(229661);C:\ZAW2012\MDEVL9JM.doc(937947);C:\ZAW2012\TFCXRHU9.doc(1683685);C:\ZAW2012\BK290HGW.doc(1061204)","Uranus","In comparison, the magnetic field of Earth is roughly as strong at either pole, and its ""magnetic equator"" is roughly parallel with its geographical equator. Windspeeds at ?40? latitude range from 150 to 200 m/s. Since the collar obscures all clouds below that parallel, speeds between it and the southern pole are impossible to measure. A later proposal, ?, is a hybrid of the symbols for Mars and the Sun because Uranus was the Sky in Greek mythology, which was thought to be dominated by the combined powers of the Sun and Mars. Why Uranus's internal temperature is so low is still not understood. One hypothesis is that, unlike the magnetic fields of the terrestrial and gas giant planets, which are generated within their cores, the ice giants' magnetic fields are generated by motion at relatively shallow depths, for instance, in the water-ammonia ocean."
logon,"{X9A0-J5MH39KM-7447OIDH}","04/07/2011 17:56:56","CDE1846","PC-4738","Logoff"
logon,"{L9R1-G8OJ48AZ-6840CRCC}","04/11/2011 17:58:08","CDE1846","PC-4174","Logon"
file,"{O5Y5-X6IO99HH-8012QNUJ}","04/11/2011 17:59:19","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
email,"{Q7S8-B6DK36CP-3440NMLN}","04/11/2011 17:59:44","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1058150","C:\KDT1190\O8CIUG3I.doc(1029109)","Yellowtailed_Black_Cockatoo","It is unclear whether this is adaptive or because of loss of habitat elsewhere. Chicks fledge from the nest three months after hatching, and remain in the company of their parents until the next breeding season. Furthermore, plantations generally lack undergrowth which might have prevented cockatoos from damaging younger trees. Birds of the xanthanotus race on the mainland average heavier than the Tasmanian birds; the males on the mainland weigh on average around 630 g and females 637 g (1.4 lb), while those on Tasmania average 583 and 585 g (1.3 lb) respectively. Moulting appears to take place in stages over the course of a year, and is poorly understood."
email,"{N8R2-C4OZ87JC-0352GJOE}","04/11/2011 18:01:54","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","368772","C:\KDT1190\Z67ZO9W6.zip(347954)","vacation","The travel writer Jan Morris said that the college was ""a hodge-podge from the start"". The Warden's Lodging would have been ""one of the most handsome and commodious of its kind"". After a meeting with the University's Vice-Chancellor, A. D. Lindsay, Nuffield wrote to him on 15 August 1939 to say that he felt ""obliged to adhere to my adverse judgement of the plans"". In the hall, there were to be aisles on the north and south sides of the main body of the hall, as in a basilica, with the arches and columns of the aisles designed in a Greek Doric style."
email,"{A9B2-Q0KN71JP-7067WDYL}","04/11/2011 18:02:20","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1366552","C:\KDT1190\QWLXJ4ME.doc(1339633)","HMS_Lion_1910","Lion was significantly larger than her predecessors of the {sclass|Indefatigable|battlecruiser|4}. Ten minutes later she had closed the range enough to identify German torpedo boats and had engaged them. Lion and the rest of the battlecruisers reached Rosyth on the morning of 2 June 1916 where she began repairs that lasted until 19 July. She had a metacentric height of {convert|6|ft|1} at deep load."
email,"{L9K1-V6QJ89HR-2472DWSP}","04/11/2011 18:02:59","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","310533","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","Click Apply Now to be redirected to APL's Employment Website. Find out more about our operations and activities. At least 5 years of experience must be as analyst on complex programs."
email,"{R1D6-V8FE32IS-9551MJHK}","04/11/2011 18:03:02","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","304054","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","Payment of licenses, certification, and academic degrees as applicable The ability to analyze complex documents and enforce proper standards and formats. Celebrating our 50th year in business, CACI sustains an exceptional record of success by providing professional services and IT solutions needed to prevail in the areas of defense, intelligence, homeland security, and IT modernization and government transformation."
email,"{P4G8-V0SI04AA-9813RZRF}","04/11/2011 18:03:09","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2714722","C:\34XFzC0\ZVWYSXQ9.zip(2142051);C:\284ZH99\HAMYMN5X.pdf(540256)","superbowl","In their language it means ""Landing Place of the Thunderbird"". Little Ring Mountain at the northernmost end of the field had not been studied at the time and was not included on Souther's 1980 map."
email,"{A8U0-A8VE64VI-5123EMVG}","04/11/2011 18:03:32","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2911546","C:\86Gkn31\8R5MW6HH.pdf(2879270)","Harry_Trott","While Trott did not take a wicket in the Tests, he took 38 wickets in all first-class matches that season. Until 2005, Trott's club team, South Melbourne Cricket Club was based at Harry Trott Oval in Albert Park, while Bendigo United Cricket Club, for whom Trott played in 1902, still play at the Harry Trott Oval in the Bendigo suburb of Kennington. In 1891-92, Lord Sheffield's team (captained by W. G. Grace) toured Australia, the first English side to do so in four years. He originated a persistent myth that workers at the Sheffield steelworks generated extra plumes of smoke when the Australians were batting at nearby Bramall Lane, in order to reduce the quality of the light. In a tense finish, Australia made the 125 runs needed for victory with three wickets in hand."
file,"{S9A3-A5AT79CO-1239EZYY}","04/11/2011 18:03:48","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\O8CIUG3I.doc","File Open","False","False","Yellowtailed_Black_Cockatoo","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 Their loud eerie wailing calls carry for long distances. Birds of subspecies funereus (Queensland to eastern Victoria) have longer wings and tails and darker plumage overall, while those of xanthanotus (western Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania) have more prominent scalloping. Softly growling, he approaches the female and bows three or four times to her."
email,"{K8H0-B7LI79OA-4005PYFG}","04/11/2011 18:04:01","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1410909","C:\KDT1190\ZRSNP8DZ.doc(1372136)","Postmans_Park","Such were, indeed, the salt of the earth, and it was by producing characters such as theirs that a nation waxed strong.} However, in 1910 she told the Committee that she was unable to fund the project, as she was devoting her time and money to the Watts Mortuary Chapel and the Watts Gallery in Compton."
email,"{O0U1-D7HZ22XU-9484WGJR}","04/11/2011 18:04:02","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","317637","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","The Company's business is focused on four key market sectors: Federal, Infrastructure, Power, and Industrial & Commercial.We are currently seeking a Senior Software Engineer to support our office in Beavercreek, Ohio.Responsibilities:Provide high-level expert advice, assistance, guidance or counsel in support of management, technical, organizational and business improvement or investigative efforts for COMSEC and cryptographic systems contributors to the weapons systems Modernization development program. Leads engineering process activities including development, implementation, and training. Job Requirements Minimum Requirements: Bachelor's Degree and at least 7 years of related experience is required. Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. Must have the experience in developing creative and unique graphics software and hardware solutions from concept to completion to solve complex simulation and modeling problems as required for the development of weapons simulation systems."
email,"{R1Z2-X6GO30HG-6110WHVZ}","04/11/2011 18:04:19","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","323277","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","Project management experience. Maintain continuous review and analysis of applicable research and development programs, other Laboratories, DOD, and civilian agencies, and the operational requirements received from higher headquarters to determine research and development efforts required and insure that state-of-the-art is reflected in efforts to meet Navy operational requirements. Flexible work environment and alternate work schedules Analyses are performed at all levels of total system product to include: concept, design, fabrication, test, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal."
file,"{I5S8-O9NA23VE-9318KXRW}","04/11/2011 18:04:31","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
file,"{X7J6-U0HW15ZM-8416GHUZ}","04/11/2011 18:05:06","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
file,"{U1T5-O6NH34MB-7326WIQR}","04/11/2011 18:05:32","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
email,"{C4U0-D7GA55YY-2519QOVL}","04/11/2011 18:06:02","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","307719","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","Provide solutions concerning the applicability of technical methodology used, degree of conformance to requirements, and overall project performance. The perfect candidate would have experience writing test plans, managing on and off site teams, controlling all the QA aspects for a given product, and, of course, he/she would need to be a top tier tester, capable of reproducing bugs on a whim and clearly explaining them to any developer that might need more information. Based on results of investigations, accomplish and verify specific technology by the implementation of virtual worlds and simulated devices into demonstrable test beds or training systems. URS is seeking a System Safety Analyst to provide safety engineering support to the Marine Corps Systems Command Infantry Weapons Systems Anti-Armor Weapons Product Group in Stafford Virginia. Perform experimental research in areas where present data, criteria, methods, or techniques are significantly inadequate, controversial, or contain critical gaps, in order to arrive at completely new techniques that may have applicability to problem areas under investigation."
email,"{S1V3-B3KS52WQ-0478GIMU}","04/11/2011 18:06:24","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2457445","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144);C:\34XFzC0\ZVWYSXQ9.zip(2142051)","jobsearch","5+ years QA experience QA Lead experience Test experience on Android and iOS devices Comfort with Android developer and iOS tools (e.g. DDMS, Xcode, ADB, etc) Experience running automated tests Experience managing an off-site QA team Ability to write effective test plans Proven ability to be creative and find unusual, edge case bugs Experience testing social apps (preferred) The candidate will plan, organize, and assist in managing critical aspects of the development, production, and/or deployment of systems, subsystems, and equipment."
email,"{S3G4-D3JR67LT-7990MBGZ}","04/11/2011 18:06:29","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","979404","C:\91Frb91\9LG6H4AP.doc(939010)","School_for_Creative_and_Performing_Arts","With the support of Waldrip and Tom Murray, director for the west-central division of Cincinnati elementary schools, they pushed for $119,000 as part of a tax levy referendum in May 1973; the measure was defeated. Carlisle went on extended leave in October 2007, pending an investigation into the alleged rape of a former student off school grounds."
email,"{E3L8-L3NW54GU-0136KNDM}","04/11/2011 18:06:55","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","369754","C:\KDT1190\Z67ZO9W6.zip(347954)","vacation","All but Holden and Maufe submitted photographs of their work, and the sub-committee then recommended Harrison, a decision confirmed after he was interviewed on 17 June 1938. Work was carried out in the library in 1999 to extend the total shelf-length to just under {convert|6|km}. Administration of Nuffield's donation was the responsibility of the University, as the college did not become an independent body until after the Second World War. A further delay in construction was announced in 1951, when labour and materials were restricted because of a government rearmament drive. There were further changes to Harrison's second design, as not only had inflation between 1937 and 1949 reduced the value of Nuffield's original donation, but additional savings had to be made in the difficult post-war economic situation."
file,"{C3K4-A8WJ00CD-9291VHXN}","04/11/2011 18:08:02","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
email,"{R8M6-K4YM19EN-9574RHHN}","04/11/2011 18:08:04","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2885917","C:\34XFzC0\ZVWYSXQ9.zip(2142051);C:\JFHDK1HX.jpg(722631);C:\S6VZ3HYK.doc(2128)","superbowl","These features are sometimes referred to as dying volcanoes because they seem to represent the last stage of volcanic activity as the magma at depth cools and hardens. The tsunami created by the earthquake ultimately devastated a winter village at Pachena Bay, killing all the people that lived there. This improvement is continuous and will support the understanding to monitor volcanoes in the Mount Cayley field for future volcanism. Obsidian is a black volcanic glass used to make knives, chisels, adzes and other sharp tools in pre-contact times."
email,"{Y2H0-H1QT07QL-8335XAQX}","04/11/2011 18:08:07","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","317784","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","Take the next step in your career today at CACI! Lead planning for upgrades to DOORS and System Architect applications, including coordination with Element representatives. For the ND-3 (intermediate) level: A bachelors degree as described above and one year of specialized professional engineering experience is required."
file,"{J6F3-G0ZG72BG-4967XNOF}","04/11/2011 18:08:13","CDE1846","PC-4174","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","50-4B-03-04-14 Offices are conveniently located in both the Pentagon and Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Both locations offer various transportation alternatives including the metro, Virginia Railway Express and a number of bus lines. Possible student loan repayment Ability to develop briefing materials and meeting minutes with working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point and Excel required. JOB OPENING Lead Technical Writer Position Number: JR 58841 Location: Dahlgren, VA MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN FOR SECURITY CLEARANCE PURPOSES CACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V"
email,"{H4L4-H7AS08RM-9893RMEF}","04/11/2011 18:08:30","CDE1846","PC-4174","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","316380","C:\KDT1190\25IN4DT6.zip(284144)","jobsearch","The ability to analyze complex documents and enforce proper standards and formats. The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) is a national leader in scientific research and development, located midway between Baltimore and Washington, DC."
logon,"{U9I8-Q7XC00EN-0916DCDL}","04/11/2011 18:10:10","CDE1846","PC-4174","Logoff"
logon,"{D1L6-R7KH69AY-1464CXGS}","04/15/2011 12:00:50","CDE1846","PC-8758","Logon"
file,"{F2Q7-X7JC58BF-4717BTUW}","04/15/2011 12:02:18","CDE1846","PC-8758","C:\21y8837\THPBBKSG.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 System engineering work experience focusing on early concept development, requirements generation, and risk assessment. Proven experience in developing complete weapon simulation systems from system concept to completion (systems development, system integration, system testing, and system demonstration)."
file,"{J5D9-S9EW10FD-4476LGOW}","04/15/2011 12:03:39","CDE1846","PC-8758","C:\21y8837\THPBBKSG.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 System engineering work experience focusing on early concept development, requirements generation, and risk assessment. Proven experience in developing complete weapon simulation systems from system concept to completion (systems development, system integration, system testing, and system demonstration)."
email,"{T1W3-H2OV63IC-0734JEDV}","04/15/2011 12:04:40","CDE1846","PC-8758","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1151675","C:\71Vq2T2\3PGKCDCG.doc(1124764)","jobsearch","U.S. Navy submarine operational knowledge. We invite you to explore opportunities with a systems integration leader that is all about defining the future with the technical solutions that change our world in real and measurable ways. We provide these services for the U.S. federal government, national governments of other countries, state and local government agencies in the United States and internationally, FORTUNE 500 companies and other multinational corporations."
email,"{L6Q7-S5VL08NF-9149TIHK}","04/15/2011 12:05:10","CDE1846","PC-8758","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1169839","C:\71Vq2T2\3PGKCDCG.doc(1124764)","jobsearch","Click Apply Now to be redirected to APL's Employment Website. Provide technical recommendations taking into consideration proposed approach to problem, personnel, and facilities to be utilized."
file,"{F1W9-D4CK08ZG-0210UXJM}","04/15/2011 12:05:39","CDE1846","PC-8758","C:\71Vq2T2\3PGKCDCG.doc","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 A great working environment, supporting your personal development and providing you with work and life choices that fit your individual needs are just a few of the ways we want to make sure we become your employer of choice. CACI Recognized as Contractor of the Year Over $300M by Washington Technology magazine"
file,"{P9S5-G9BA26RW-9102IXEM}","04/15/2011 12:06:47","CDE1846","PC-8758","C:\CDB2017\Y4MIQSAC.doc","File Open","False","False","School_for_Creative_and_Performing_Arts","D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1 In the aftermath of the 1996 fire, a group of local benefactors led by Kunzel formed the Greater Cincinnati Arts and Education Center (GCAEC) to, in Kunzel's words, ""transform the area around Washington Park into a unique arts community that would include a new School for the Creative and Performing Arts."" On the Ohio Department of Education 2009-2010 School Year Report card, SCPA was designated ""Effective"" and Schiel was designated ""Excellent."""
email,"{M5G1-N7IR28VH-2871TDNZ}","04/15/2011 12:07:29","CDE1846","PC-8758","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","590886","C:\21y8837\THPBBKSG.doc(575930)","jobsearch","Valid California driver license. Job Description - Provide systems engineering expertise, special technical study leadership, and project management to support the systems development, integration, analysis, and test & evaluation of large-scale weapon systems and payloads. What's required of you? Successful candidate(s) will provide parts cataloging; maintenance and reliability analysis; spares determination; provisioning and related sustainment actions; PQDR review and evaluation; implementation of life-cycle management measures; collecting, analyzing, interpreting and developing specialized information on equipment for use in life-cycle management decisions; analyzing, reviewing and inducting Provisional Technical Data (PTD) utilizing the LSA 036 format and Marine Interactive Computer Aided Provisioning System (MICAPS); participation in Provisioning Conferences and provisioning publication projects; and inventory, shipping and tracking of equipment and parts. Eligibility requirements include US citizenship."
email,"{A3H0-C1CT82PI-8216JAZV}","04/15/2011 12:07:34","CDE1846","PC-8758","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2201982","C:\21y8837\1YMS1QWK.doc(2168830)","Harry_Trott","To the astonishment of his treating doctors and his teammates, he scored 98 runs in 40 minutes, including 20 fours and a six. In 1891-92, Lord Sheffield's team (captained by W. G. Grace) toured Australia, the first English side to do so in four years. In the Second Test at the Oval, Trott scored 92 runs in the second innings after the Australians were forced to follow-on; an innings described as ""really superb cricket"" and ""the finest exhibition he has ever given in England""."
email,"{J7L9-D9AN55IB-0616HSES}","04/15/2011 12:09:38","CDE1846","PC-8758","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2439985","C:\21y8837\THPBBKSG.doc(575930);C:\71Vq2T2\3PGKCDCG.doc(1124764);C:\71Vq2T2\DHDQ3VXE.pdf(712115)","jobsearch","Proven experience in developing complete weapon simulation systems from system concept to completion (systems development, system integration, system testing, and system demonstration). Technical Baseline products include the BMD System Specification, System Interface Control Documents, Capability Planning Specifications, Capability Needs Documents, and Master Integration Plan."
logon,"{J8L0-Q7EB81QU-4808RDNQ}","04/15/2011 12:11:52","CDE1846","PC-8758","Logoff"
logon,"{Q9P4-T5YC95SX-4727CDYJ}","04/25/2011 17:44:07","CDE1846","PC-7271","Logon"
email,"{W5E9-A3KK59IZ-8411EUMY}","04/25/2011 17:45:39","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","980019","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Outstanding Benefits to promote the well-being and betterment of our employees and their families This support includes studies, analysis and reports documenting any proposed developmental, consultative or implementation efforts/recommendations. TYPICAL DUTIES: Operates, installs upgrades, and monitors database records system for all site student records and for the Internal Network. Troubleshoots problems issues at user sites; traces and identifies the source of processing failures. Start your application process by clicking APPLY NOW."
file,"{V0F3-T3ET92JU-2769LNEA}","04/25/2011 17:45:45","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","25-50-44-46-2D URS Corporation is a fully integrated engineering, construction and technical services organization with the capabilities to support every stage of the project life cycle. Exceptionally strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Only two months old at the time, we presented at Techcrunch Disrupt in September won runner-up. VT is continuously growing, developing and changing as a company so in addition to people who can do a great job, we want our people to reflect our nature by growing with us through an exciting career journey. Participate in engineering products updates and approval of products through the established engineering review / approval process within SC&R Product Team, MDSET, and MDA."
email,"{H4G3-R1DB00SS-4135VOMP}","04/25/2011 17:46:05","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","978064","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Job Description: URS is seeking senior-level Equipment Specialists to provide support to the Marine Corps Systems Command, Infantry Weapons Directorate, Product Group 13, Program Manager Anti-Armor Weapons (PM AAW), responsible for on-site Equipment Specialist and Life-Cycle Logistician support of developmental, production, and legacy anti-armor systems (Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided (TOW); Saber/ Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS); Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW)/ SMAW II; and Javelin), and their munitions and enablers. URS Corporation is a fully integrated engineering, construction and technical services organization with the capabilities to support every stage of the project life cycle."
email,"{F5K6-P5HQ07ZQ-6142QZFF}","04/25/2011 17:46:53","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","980557","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Desired: Previous weapon systems security engineering and cryptographic systems experience with 5th generation fighter aircraft products. In general, a broad Systems Engineering background with strong coordination, organization, teaming, communication, and horizontal integration skills. They provide the skills that are not readily available in the military, but crucial to support military operations. Must have skills to develop technically sound plans and solutions to research problems and to present analyses and recommendations in a clear and convincing manner - orally and in writing. System experience and versatility in several BMDS functional areas (i.e., BMDS related sensors, weapons, battle management and command, control, communications) are desirable."
email,"{Q4L3-I2DL80WS-8166OTDZ}","04/25/2011 17:47:06","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","990020","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Exciting opportunities exist in the following areas: infrastructure vulnerability, chem-bio defense systems, asymmetric weapons, surface ship combat systems architecture, systems engineering, war fighting assessment, combat systems, battle group interoperability, electromagnetic mission assurance, strategic warfare systems, strike warfare systems, surface launched weapons systems, ship self defense, force systems architecture, underwater weapons, mines, amphibious warfare, sensor systems, and electromagnetic systems. Experience with baseline configuration management for an architecture encyclopedia within and for an extensive set of requirements documents (e.g, specifications and ICDs) traced within in systems engineering requirements database tool. Generous retirement programs CACI is a worldwide leader in systems integration, software, and simulation. The Groups engineering activities support MDA's efforts to define capabilities for BMDS builds, develop design packages to support requirements and architecture development, and provide engineering products to be reviewed by the MDA technical community."
email,"{V8W9-O9EA37FQ-0705VOAW}","04/25/2011 17:47:24","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","5529854","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180);C:\EMH1957\FAMN56KT.pdf(2025704);C:\38Z3W45\XW3KNJ3Y.pdf(724282);C:\794NQ39\HXZ2EBVD.pdf(1781268)","jobsearch","Provide technical recommendations taking into consideration proposed approach to problem, personnel, and facilities to be utilized. In addition, this position is subject to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) requirements, with specific position certification required. Candidate must have experience with MIL-STD 882 or similiar system safety analysis. Proven knowledge of graphics principles including: database construction, object manipulation, world coordinates, viewing coordinates, perspective, 3-D to 2-D projections, transformations, translation and rotations, texture mapping, lighting, shading, and Z-buffering"
email,"{Z3C9-R2JK13FV-0578SEZK}","04/25/2011 17:47:46","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2111608","C:\YACU1G6D.doc(2077556)","news","The Battle of Badr was extremely influential in the rise of two men who would determine the course of history on the Arabian peninsula for the next century. Hamza killed his opponent Utba, Ali killed his opponent Walid ibn Utba, then after Ubayda was wounded by his opponent Shayba, Ubayda then killed him. The Battle of Badr (???? ???), fought Saturday, March 13, 624 AD (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his opponents among the Quraish in Mecca."
file,"{D8R2-N1VF67QR-5062UUUT}","04/25/2011 17:47:55","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\84t4777\WWSNKJ7L.pdf","File Open","False","False","Yellowtailed_Black_Cockatoo","25-50-44-46-2D The same tree may be used for many years. It is unclear whether this is adaptive or because of loss of habitat elsewhere."
email,"{V5Y0-I4HY87VS-4102PASV}","04/25/2011 17:48:04","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2763543","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180);C:\794NQ39\HXZ2EBVD.pdf(1781268)","jobsearch","This position requires, at minimum, a secret clearance, though some will require a top secret clearance. Position will require ability to obtain and maintain a security clearance. Outstanding Benefits to promote the well-being and betterment of our employees and their families Thank you for your interest in CACI."
email,"{P6V3-S3OZ21XU-1128ITLK}","04/25/2011 17:48:24","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1876382","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180);C:\794NQ39\8ZZ81LPS.jpg(869660)","jobsearch","We offer a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; and decommissioning and closure services.URS provides these services for the U.S. federal government, national governments of other countries, state and local government agencies in the United States and internationally, FORTUNE 500 companies and other multinational corporations. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Provide scientific judgments, recommend modifications and alterations and/or determine feasibility of approaches and design features, desirability and acceptability of such engineering proposals."
email,"{D7R6-K1SR95MS-9440IVKE}","04/25/2011 17:48:31","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","979048","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","VT is continuously growing, developing and changing as a company so in addition to people who can do a great job, we want our people to reflect our nature by growing with us through an exciting career journey. The position is for a Longbow instructor and/or a maintenance pilot to perform as a subject matter expert in the LCT to assist in evaluation and test events, software integration, and hardware upgrades. The successful candidate will support the Unmanned Aircraft FMS Program Development. We want a dedicated QA veteran, whose aspirations are to break as many games and apps as possible."
file,"{I0E4-C9OO75SP-5013HCHO}","04/25/2011 17:49:24","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\84t4777\0QK1PMLU.pdf","File Open","False","False","superbowl,Partners_in_Crime_Doctor_Who","48-4C-38-32 These areas are adjacent to Canada's populated southwest corner where the population of British Columbia is the greatest. The most detailed study of Mount Cayley took place during this period. He also found the music ""a bit oppressive"" but concluded that, despite these criticisms, the show was ""still awfully nice television"". All we got in the way of terrifying space enemies was Sarah Lancashire hamming it up as an intergalactic super nanny, a couple of security guards with guns and lots of cute little fat babies."""
file,"{J6F7-Q1FZ00DK-6860KYAL}","04/25/2011 17:49:36","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","25-50-44-46-2D URS Corporation is a fully integrated engineering, construction and technical services organization with the capabilities to support every stage of the project life cycle. Exceptionally strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Only two months old at the time, we presented at Techcrunch Disrupt in September won runner-up. VT is continuously growing, developing and changing as a company so in addition to people who can do a great job, we want our people to reflect our nature by growing with us through an exciting career journey. Participate in engineering products updates and approval of products through the established engineering review / approval process within SC&R Product Team, MDSET, and MDA."
email,"{I4O4-A1JP90YS-6809LVAF}","04/25/2011 17:50:33","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","989414","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Knowledge of Trident SSBN and/or SSGN weapon systems and operations. Lead planning for upgrades to DOORS and System Architect applications, including coordination with Element representatives. This position requires previous experience with systems engineering process and system engineering tools, specifically, DOORS and System Architect, architecture development and analysis, requirements development and generation of engineering products through automation using custom programming/code are required. In addition, this position is subject to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) requirements, with specific position certification required. Experience tagging SGML documents in accordance with Navy standard DTDs"
email,"{F6B7-K0CP03LQ-3802URBI}","04/25/2011 17:50:34","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","1000997","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","If you're interested, please send an email with your resume and any other information you think might help set you apart from the pack pasted into the body, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Candidate should have experience in performing hazard analysis (i.e. preliminary, system, sub-system) on software, hardware, design, change proposals, fuzes. Responsible for development and execution of integrated project plans and Integrated Master Schedules; monitors engineering tasks to remain on schedule and within scope, with weekly evaluation of earned value management data."
email,"{A0G4-M5OU88ZS-5933KHTJ}","04/25/2011 17:50:54","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","5636607","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180);C:\EMH1957\ESX3WO58.doc(778427);C:\35C1AZ3X.doc(1122207);C:\38Z3W45\I3S7WOKT.exe(519228);C:\84t4777\ML4U8M3S.doc(1096394);C:\EMH1957\VIOHPNBC.doc(1136738)","jobsearch","URS is seeking a System Safety Analyst to provide safety engineering support to the Marine Corps Systems Command Infantry Weapons Systems Anti-Armor Weapons Product Group in Stafford Virginia. Mid-level staff analyst require experience, knowledge, skills and abilities relevant to the performance of Army analyses, primarily cost analysis. Tasking will include logistics analysis, FMS case exaction and management relating to the above systems. URS has approximately 45,000 employees in a network of offices in more than 30 countries."
email,"{S2L2-S0EK63VG-9710VTFQ}","04/25/2011 17:51:32","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","981411","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","We have approximately 45,000 employees in a network of offices in more than 30 countries. Ability to prioritize product generation needs across multiple internal MDSET customers. The position is at the Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL and requires travel to various US and OCONUS locations."
email,"{P3Z4-G8NM07MI-0130AHQT}","04/25/2011 17:51:33","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","976655","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","System engineering work experience focusing on early concept development, requirements generation, and risk assessment. Applicants not meeting this requirement may still apply and be selected, but must achieve the specific certification within 24 months of appointment."
email,"{G3H1-J4MY15ZJ-7875YDKY}","04/25/2011 17:52:27","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","2626524","C:\84t4777\WWSNKJ7L.pdf(834402);C:\92Qwf91\S08ZCWPC.zip(310820);C:\KGW1UMBW.doc(1453441)","Yellowtailed_Black_Cockatoo","The elongated bill has a pointed maxilla (upper beak), suited to digging out grubs from tree branches and trunks. The body feathers are edged with yellow giving a scalloped appearance. Furthermore, plantations generally lack undergrowth which might have prevented cockatoos from damaging younger trees. Their loud eerie wailing calls carry for long distances."
email,"{V8F8-F0JJ79ZP-0065SNUG}","04/25/2011 17:52:51","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","4477557","C:\YACU1G6D.doc(2077556);C:\EMH1957\VQ9RT8GA.doc(1631590);C:\38Z3W45\XW3KNJ3Y.pdf(724282)","news","It is even mentioned by name as part of a comparison with the Battle of Uhud. The Qur'an describes the force of the Muslim attack in many verses, which refer to thousands of angels descending from Heaven at Badr to terrify the Quraish. On the Muslim side, there was also a heavy desire for vengeance, as they had been persecuted and tortured by the Quraishi Meccans for years. By contrast, while little is known about the progress of the Quraishi army from the time it left Mecca until its arrival just outside Badr, several things are worth noting: although many Arab armies brought their women and children along on campaigns both to motivate and care for the men, the Meccan army did not."
email,"{Y4A8-Y2HD33VW-4646ZDJC}","04/25/2011 17:52:56","CDE1846","PC-7271","Ewing_Carlos@comcast.net","","","Carlos.Dieter.Ewing@dtaa.com","Send","999606","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf(958180)","jobsearch","Visit plants, other Government agencies, and universities to discuss technical requirements and objectives of research and development projects and to review progress of contractual work. Review LOA and P&A Proposals, review and development of Transportation Plans, Site Surveys, Support Equipment, briefings and general support. The Company's business is focused on four key market sectors: Federal, Infrastructure, Power, and Industrial & Commercial.We are currently seeking a Senior Software Engineer to support our office in Beavercreek, Ohio.Responsibilities:Provide high-level expert advice, assistance, guidance or counsel in support of management, technical, organizational and business improvement or investigative efforts for COMSEC and cryptographic systems contributors to the weapons systems Modernization development program. May develop and conduct training programs for personal computers, network systems, and software applications. Implements data recovery and startup procedures at local and remote sites."
file,"{Q8Q5-D0QL63IA-8829DIVN}","04/25/2011 17:52:57","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\84t4777\LKVBCPT6.pdf","File Open","False","False","jobsearch","25-50-44-46-2D URS Corporation is a fully integrated engineering, construction and technical services organization with the capabilities to support every stage of the project life cycle. Exceptionally strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Only two months old at the time, we presented at Techcrunch Disrupt in September won runner-up. VT is continuously growing, developing and changing as a company so in addition to people who can do a great job, we want our people to reflect our nature by growing with us through an exciting career journey. Participate in engineering products updates and approval of products through the established engineering review / approval process within SC&R Product Team, MDSET, and MDA."
file,"{D8G6-C0HF62VJ-3512HQWH}","04/25/2011 17:53:26","CDE1846","PC-7271","C:\92Qwf91\OVV9R8K0.pdf","File Open","False","False","Uranus","25-50-44-46-2D It is called a southern ""collar"". There are some reasons to believe that physical seasonal changes are happening in Uranus. All except two rings of Uranus are extremely narrow-they are usually a few kilometres wide. The five main satellites are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon. Uranus has a complicated planetary ring system, which was the second such system to be discovered in the Solar System after Saturn's."
logon,"{J8I5-B0TY39YW-8008SKSG}","04/25/2011 17:55:00","CDE1846","PC-7271","Logoff"