16 values
'Perhaps it's not reasonable to expect the benefits of saying something like we should make our computer passwords 'iloveporn420' to exceed the costs...|||It's also strange how these people don't seem to be nearly as anti-Neo-Nazi as they were anti-Nazi...|||My Mom is an ESTP. Every day is say whatever pops into her head day. I'm exhausted within 5 minutes of being around her...|||That must be a good feeling to be part of a likeable group...:rolleyes:|||To anyone who likes watching documentaries, check out Forks Over Knives and What the Health.|||Not to mention that dogs need to be walked...outside...where lots of strangers will want to stop you and talk to you about your dog...:shocked:|||Among other things, being able to distinguish between intimacy and passion helped me to realize that what I really want in my friendships is intimacy as it is defined in the theory. I had always...|||My INFJ friend introduced me to this theory a few years ago, and I found it very useful. I particularly like the distinction between intimacy and passion (as those are commonly conflated), and I...|||To be fair, there's no such thing as an asshole or a bigot: Those are just labels that we apply to people when they appear to display behaviors/characteristics that we (subjectively) don't like...|||Because ESTJs are the most common personality type (https://mypersonality.info/personality-types/population-gender/)...|||I've never been that way, until very recently. I have always been the person that wanted to stay in touch with good friends when life has taken us in different directions, but (long story short) I've...|||I've thought a lot about whether cats have personality types and/or whether they use the cognitive functions. I'm pretty sure all cats are Sensors, and I also tend to think that they use both Se...|||There are multiple different theories about what constitutes a perfect match. One of the most popular is the one that suggests that a perfect match involves sharing either the N or the S, and then...|||The general explanation for why Jesus performed miracles was to provide evidence in support of his claim to be the son of God.|||As you know, I am an older INTJ male who has a younger INFJ female friend, so it seems like I should have something useful to add. I’m not sure that I do, but your comment “I guess he doesn't like...|||It makes sense that the most similar type to any given type is the type with the opposite E or I and the same N/S, F/T, J/P, which (as you note) for the INFJ would be the ENFJ. Perhaps the...|||According to this Psychology Fact #451 (PSYCHOLOGY) Being unable to get someone off your mind indicates that you are also on that person’s mind. I could believe this if it said If you know...|||INFJ - It is completely mind-boggling to me that you are coming back to my city today, and that you still haven’t contacted me since July. I have to say: I am disappointed in you, and in how...|||I guess I've just struggled to figure out whether I am in or out with my pal. She has said several things that made me feel more in and more C3, but her ignoring me for the past 5+ months makes...|||Thanks, Rebecca M. So it sounds as if there are 3 categories of people for you: (1) Those that doesn't deserve any of your energy, (2) Those that do deserve your energy but whom you nevertheless...|||Are you like this with everyone in your life, or only people who are a low priority for you? Put another way, if you treat someone like this, could that person reasonably conclude that you don't...|||My INFJ friend (who moved to a different part of the world a year ago) emailed me on July 23rd to say that she would definitely schedule a phone call with me in August. I haven't heard a peep...|||Don't miss these exciting Aapprriill threads, coming soon to an INFJ-Forum near you: 1. What's your real name? 2. What's your birthday? 3. What's your social security number? 4. What's your...|||Sounds like we have the same friends...:dry:|||The INFJ: Everyone's Favorite Feminine Hygiene Product|||Dear INFJ, INTJs aren't flaky people, (I'm pretty sure Te is anti-flake), so I think your lunch date should materialize on Friday. INTJs also typically have well-thought-out reasons for the plans...|||Being around my ESTP mother makes me completely exhausted, in a manner of just a few minutes...|||Huh uh, you said Ass-ume...|||Thanks for asking. I'm happy to weigh in. Yes, I tend to regard these social conventions as silly and just ignore them. I'm completely oblivious to this kind of thing, and if I need to know...|||We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It's run by a big eastern syndicate, you know.|||Thanks for explaining, ladies. What you said rings true for me. My ex-INFJ friend was usually the one to bring up an unspoken conflict between us that I was inclined to leave unspoken. She used to...|||Where does INFJ's alleged need for harmony fit in...?|||Interesting. Is this the same INTJ that was involved in the wedding schedule kerfuffle? Not sure whether it's an INTJ thing or not, but I definitely don't enjoy discussing subjects that have...|||I think I resemble this remark. Care to elaborate...? PS: Nothing like a surprise visit from Gene Parmesan...|||That must be a really good feeling. I hope to someday get there in relation to my (former?) INFJ friend...|||That's great! I'm glad it worked out that way...|||Were you the one who initially suggested getting together with him for tea? If so, he will probably expect you to be the one to follow through on your suggestion by also suggesting a particular place...|||At the risk of repeating what others have said, your conclusion here is almost certainly incorrect. For starters, I think he probably cares a lot about your feelings, which is why he asked your...|||Thanks, Igor. That was very touching to read. From what you've written it sounds like there have been situations where you have cut people from your life, even if (1) you still liked/loved and cared...|||Yes. If you say you're gonna do something, do it; if you don't think you can follow through on something, don't commit to it in the first place.|||Out of curiosity, 1. How did those female friends respond to you cutting them from your life? 2. Did you ever discuss this with them? 3. Did they ever try to contact you?|||Dear INFJ, As you know, it has always bothered me when you cancel plans with me or when you don’t follow through on some commitment you’ve made. It took me a long time to realize that I am...|||I can't speak for all INTJs, but I actually think I am quite aware of how other people are feeling, at least more than the stereotypical description of INTJs would suggest. The issue, though, is that...|||Not sure if you know this or not, but Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a thing...|||Funny story: My Dad cheated on my Mom and they divorced when I was one year old. I grew up blaming myself, and thinking that if even my own Dad doesn't love me, then I must be inherently unlovable....|||Isolated|||When an overstressed/unhappy INTJ has isolated him/herself from others, I would say that the best way for someone else to respond is to do something nice for the iNTJ to show that you care (such as...|||Te helps, too...|||I have a very hard time moving on when a friendship has ended without me really understanding why. I obsess until I get understanding and closure, and if I don't get them, then I think about it for...|||Makes me wonder if our types are the most likely to deal with porn and related addictions...'
'When I was about 8 or 9 I started realizing how many threatening things there were in this world (real or imaginary). I began sleeping with weapons under my pillow and on my bed. I had to be...|||Sorry for not accurately describing him. He isn't suicidal in the slightest. He was put on suicide watch because he wants out of general population. He is mentally ill. Prison is not the place for...|||Does anyone else find it difficult or even impossible to be angry, mad, upset, or hate someone if you are able to understand them and know why they did what they did, even if what they did is...|||I pretty much despise most social media. Social media is the perfect thing to preoccupy vapid, self-absorbed people who are fixated solely on stroking their own ego. At least that seems to be the...|||I know we are a future oriented type but I honestly don't see anything different happening in the future. I mean, technology will likely advance, but I don't really see our nature changing. We will...|||I chose to enter the criminal justice/law enforcement field because I wanted to help people. I wanted to make a difference and do something meaningful. I still don't know if I chose well. It has been...|||52% intj 14% intp 9% infj 5% enfj 4% istj|||I'm fairly certain that all of my childhood friends were people that I initially dismissed or even despised. On the other hand, I never befriended the people I actually tried to be friends with or...|||Mike Brown did more than merely shoplift in the convenience store video. What he did was robbery, which is a violent, personal crime. The number of times he was shot is mostly irrelevant. In...|||You are the blinded one. First, you may misunderstand Tennessee v. Garner, or at the least choose to understand the part of it that you want to. You can't shoot a fleeing felon unless they pose a...|||I praise officer Wilson for putting the thug Mike Brown where he rightfully belongs. In a grave.|||A lot of people listen but do not really hear, for they only truly hear themselves. Their minds are not quiet enough. Too much hearing of their own inner voice, interpreting and changing yours into...|||If you are patient, you could discuss it with them and see if they can type themselves. Perhaps they will learn more about typology and could figure out their type for you, or you could even help...|||If true knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing, then how can you know that you know nothing, and yet still know nothing? Ignoring the possible impossibility, it would seem a tool with...|||Posting in yet another bait thread authored by the biggest troll to ever frequent these boards. OP, you should apologize for creating such an awful whine thread. You are responsible for the...|||90% wow... Explains a lot.|||All of mine are lengthy and involved emotional expositions. Heavy on the feels. Long, long, and very long. For example, I wrote a simple letter to a classmate telling her how much she inspired me,...|||With a name like trollmaster I would have figured you'd be the one encouraging them do do those things. :)|||I feel your frustration. I just never go to them, lol. Or if I do, I will lay low and then I cut out early. I often feel very guilty about it later, though. It really is a situation which has...|||I am largely indifferent. However, there is often an odd contradiction at works. Whenever I am around people, I want to be alone. Whenever I am alone, I want to be around people. Most of the time...|||I don't think I strongly relate to anyone, but that may just be a personal thing. I had always wondered if I was actually INFP, but the enneagram cleared that up for me a bit. Type 4. I would say...|||Welcome :)|||Hello and welcome to the forums. I know it can be very difficult to decide on a college major, especially when you're interested in so many things. I changes my major three times. You seem to have...|||I dismissed this initially. Call me crazy, but after watching it I buy what he's saying.|||This thread was a major success. Took the bait. Hook, line, and sinker.|||As has been said, being evaluated and actually being a good teacher are vastly different things. There is only one thing of concern in today's school, and that is passing some proficiency test....|||Your post is written very well and is clearly thought out. I think the main problem is that a majority of people are simply unaware of the problem. This can be for a number of reasons, but I think...|||When you are beside a secluded nature trail writing in your journal and you see a person walking by. You stop writing and say hello, because you don't want to be rude. The person notices, but...|||Selective Protector then! It is so true too....|||24 years old as well. College student. This feeling is a guaranteed daily experience for me. I have always felt this way, to some extent, but especially the past few years as it has been becoming...|||lol I love how you say your kind, as if INFJs are an alien species or something. Welcome to this world, space traveler! I too have noticed how slow it is on here compared to other boards....|||If you could only take 1 album to a deserted tropical island, what album would it be? Would you prefer something you enjoy, so as to make the experience more pleasurable? Would you instead prefer...|||I see your name! I will not fall victim to your tricky shenanigans, Mr. Trollmaster! Have you considered that all those ENTPs, who claimed you were not ENTP, were not actually themselves ENTP?...|||My Sensory Detail Childhood fix came in the form of memorizing all the car manufacturers/models in the parking lot outside our apartment. I was extremely proud of being able to remember who...|||lol omg|||So you have been swayed by a behavioral description on the internet, and while on LSD?|||Welcome to PerC. This is definitely the place you're looking for. :)|||I Masquerade so often that I'm not even sure if I have a type, or rather a lack of a type. It took me a long time before I figured out that the shifting of personalities was who I was. I'm so many...|||You may be in the minority, but you are not alone :) FWB just seems so shallow and meaningless. But I supposed that's what some people want....|||Tribes 2, The video game that ruined video games.™ Morrowind, + Skyrim/Oblivion. Morrowind is perhaps my favorite game of all time. Defined my childhood lol Knights of the Old Republic, 1 +2 , Such...|||Dying without ever having truly lived. All around me I see others enjoying that which is seemingly so unattainable for me. Being relegated to a life of observation. So many people have touched my...|||How is that relevant? How would that lessen my ability to point out your flaws in reasoning? You can divert the issue anyway you want to. You can create any number of pointless arguments to...|||As I have previously said, I have not said I could or that I could not. I have done nothing besides point out your mistaken reasoning. I know this might be painful, but please do try to comprehend...|||No, that is not a fair deal. I have made no claim that I could tell how people are male or female when they are wearing clothes, nor did I claim that I could not. You will not sidetrack me away from...|||I'm trying to do so. I would justly assume that you, being the one claiming these people are INFJ, would have the answers as to why you are claiming they are INFJ. These are your allegations. They...|||I don't know. How do you? You're the one trying to do so. I'll leave it up to you to explain your own faulty reasoning.|||No, but it is confirmation bias when it's your specific intent to prove a person as a certain type, and then selectively confirm said type merely on the grounds of them having similarities among...|||People are inherently similar in many aspects, regardless of their type. In comparing two individuals, or an individual to a group, you are going to find similarities. Accepting that, then can you...|||So, you're basically asserting that you believe she's an INFJ...... simply because you believe she's an INFJ? You're using your opinion of her being an INFJ to validate your very opinion of her being...|||I imagine an NF type would try to save it from being killed, or something along those lines.'
'At times I really do wish I am more E and less I.|||Is it not more prudent to choose the least damaging method in any situation regardless if it is telling the truth or keep it to yourself? Note not telling isn't lying.|||ENTPs are very similar to INTP except they are better at expressing themselves which makes less weird because people understands them.|||It isn't anything visually lewd. It's just I could never have imagine sex between a guy and a formless voice be so hot. Beyond that the whole movie itself is very touching and definitely worth...|||Social conditioning is pretty much part of that outer circumstances, right? So you're not exactly rejecting it, are you?|||VR porn with a conscience. That's the shit man. Ever seen the movie HER? The sex scene was fucking hot.|||Males and females too for that matter. Well sometimes a strong belief can outwardly appear like ego. I tend to be vigilant before passing such judgement.|||I don't think there is one direct causation that create the situation as it is today. My Ne forbids it from believing it. Biological, social conditioning, both to me are very viable factors. My Ti...|||Intuitive types are not sensing types with another layer absolutely not, they just have different priority when it come to which part of the brain to use. But consider this: 1. Sensory information...|||:sleepytime::sleepytime: No worries. :happy: 2am here I should probably sleep. Good night.|||I think you've misunderstood what I meant by majority. Thinking males and feeling females are the majority in the world population today and this is the underlying assumption of this thread that I...|||Remember we are talking about majority vs minority here. The facts are there are more thinking males and feeling females within the world population and we're trying to explain the reason why. I have...|||You are correct in saying that, that's why there are still some thinking females and some feeling males. However, it is usually the need of families that would have the greatest impact on a...|||MBTI Personality types in Anime âx80x94 MBTI in Naruto I find myself agree with the results on this site a lot.|||You never fail to entertain Mr. Madman. I can so see this turn into a movie. Divergent -> Insurgent -> Allegiant -> Emergent|||I rather think social conditioning plays a bigger role than in-built biology. For a long time there wasn't any difference between the 2. When society was simple, since women are biologically made to...|||If we look at the structure of our brain where it is divided into portions by the bodily functions it governs, it is logical that while both sensors and intuitives utilise the portion that governs...|||INTPs are weird and they don't bother to hide it. INFJs are weirder but they hide it better. PS: I vote for INTP though. I take being weird as a compliment.|||This made my day. On the topic I personally haven't actively pursuited anyone yet in my life. I guess passive pursuit is what I use, try to impress them through intellect and make them court me...|||On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done...|||As Australian I feel compelled to correct you: Koalas are not bears. They also happen to be INTP - high intelligent but sleep more hours a day than being awake. They have low sex drive too apparently...|||Isn't life part of an energy transfer system?|||Looking badass with dark blue jeans and white cotton shirt with blue and red around the collar, finishing it off with brown vintage leather jacket with scarf.|||You're not real.|||Generally speaking being an INFJ that relies on Ti too much isn't healthy, as with any type that constantly relies on their 3rd and 4th function. It's really best to just be yourself, rely on the...|||Humans evolve awareness due to survival necessity. Many conditions needs to be met before there is any chance a machine can becomes self-aware. 1. It must be given an incredibly difficult to...|||This is what I think. It is an advanced ability to collect, manager and analyse information evolved out of necessity driven by the most basic instinct of improving survivability.|||The force flows through both smart and stupid people.|||That's preposterous you delusional religious maniac. :laughing:|||Well that's too bad. It seems you will need a higher power to help you out with your higher moral dilemmas, at least I gave it a shot.|||You're welcome. I hope that resolves your moral troubles on this topic.|||Do nothing, the universe will adjust itself. Or you can seduce Yulia yourself. Turn her attention away from the unworthy and then tell her the truth when she no longer cares.|||It started off as a way to bug another human being. What is for dinner tonight? Why? Because I'm hungry! Why? Because I'm human and human feels hungry. Why? Because I was born...|||Ever since the invention of farming, it has always been smart people that innovates and drive technological advancement that improves quality of life. It's true along the way technologies has also...|||I'm quite into physical touchy feelies, mental ones bugs me :kitteh:|||Pfffffft it's you INTJs make us INTP looks like lazy mofos without any sense of personal hygiene. Not saying it's not true, but it's more prominent when compared... Jokes aside, nothing wrong with...|||I agree. Inflation is a good word to describe it. It was so at the tip of my tongue.|||Testing avatar and signature edit: working as intended. Carry on folks.|||Yup the definition of intelligence is debatable and so any study that doesn't address the variations surrounding this is superficial as shit. This is something I discover with the help of the PerC...|||Lol yes I can so imagine that.|||I think so. Funny how in reality there are so much more sensors than intuitives but here it's reversed. These statistics hardly has any meaning beyond the PerC community.|||NTs and NF are most active here and they have good respect for each other and hence explain the statistics.|||I think the article is ridiculous, exaggerating meaningless statistics for click, but I'm chiming in mostly just wanting to say I'm lactose intolerant and I like boobs and chiseled jaws.|||Ever resort to manipulation someone, where encouragement fails, into doing something that's actually good for them, yet they are reluctant to pursuit themselves due to reasons such as self confidence...|||Don't really have favorites. I would ideally like to be more judging and less perceiving. and a little more extroverted than introverted. But these adjustments can be made over time. Overall however...|||I do think I'm superior at pushing logics in general, because that's what NTs do, and naturally we come off as superior in a logical debate. I also think I'm vastly inferior in socialising with...|||I stand corrected.|||To darkmatter and RainIsMyColour. To me what your dad did was abandonment which is what people do when they cannot solve a problem but not a solution itself. I'm very skeptical about people who...|||I'm not sure about that. He is now years after but it doesn't sound like he was back then in the heat of the debate when it mattered.|||INFJs have a tendency to always look for improvement be in in self or other people, so when they brand an emotion as negative, they see it as self improvement if they can somehow feel less of such...'
'I'm an ENTP currently in a relationship with an INFP. It's going quite well, there have been some problems, but they haven't really been because of personality clashes. Anything you guys...|||I love the night. I just wish I wasn't always tired. I also love the day, but only when it is really sunny. I can't stand days (like today) when it is just overcast and you see barely any light.|||I read somewhere that you shouldn't do the Enneagram test before you are 25, as until that point your personality is still developing. To learn so much about yourself when you are still young can...|||Father: ENFJ Mother: ESFJ|||Yeah I think that is how I should act. I am a notorious over-thinker.|||The one I have read most about is the 9/11 attacks. A whole lot of fishy things went on. I also love the really ancient stuff like - as several other people have already mentioned - the...|||I can't quite identify with your personal root of depression, but I find that depression has only one cause, and only one cure. The cause is over-thinking. Doesn't matter what it's about, but if...|||I do work out and I have quite a lot of self confidence (other people think so as well). I do pretty much all you said I should, but that's what makes my lack of ability to initiate in the kind of...|||I used to never care about how I looked really. That's changed somewhat. I like looking nice, and I buy myself some nice clothing, but I still don't really care all that much about what other people...|||Mzansi - I do similar things to people I don't know (or barely know), but it is when they are more than simply acquaintances, but less than friends. I feel as though they fall between two camps...|||Sorry but I totally disagree with this. Scientific epistemology is totally dependent on faith as well. Plus faith isn't absence of proof, it is simply belief when you don't know 100% for sure. I had...|||Dear ENTJ, Don't think I'll obey you like everyone else. If we go head to head, you'll find my will is just as strong as yours. Signed, INTP|||Pro-life. I've become even more convinced of this since starting my philosophy degree.|||I find I have a big problem with initiating things with people. Now random people I have never met before I am fine with, and it's the same with close friends. But I find it really hard to...|||I agree totally. I think you can find joy and meaning in life without a deity, just not objective meaning. Big difference! I liked the idea of being free from any objective meaning, that was why...|||Thanks bro, but I already knew what Nihilism was. As I said in my post, I study philosophy, so that is kind of a given :) To explain further, as you correctly guessed, I do think life is totally...|||I'm a theist. I used to want to be an atheist (I kind of liked the idea of meaningless for a while). Plus the abuse I got because I was a theist made me want to be accepted I guess. So I felt...|||While I never became an atheist. I outgrew any desire to be an atheist when I was 18.|||That makes me think I am an ENTP it describes me so well.|||Eternal means exists outside of time. Everlasting means exists forever within time. I believe the first, Richard Swimburne belives the second. Why?|||Read 'Is there a God?' Swimburne gives a fairly good definition (but I don't agree with all of it). I would start there.|||I'm not blaming anything. I am just saying, INTJs are known to be literal, and when you are on an INTJ forum you should be more careful saying what you mean, as people will take you on what you say....|||I take everything too literally. I'm an INTJ. But I take you on what you say, and I will show you why what you said was wrong. Do you know what an appeal to ridicule is? I mean look it up....|||What would consitute as evidence in your eyes? I find most atheists say that they are open if the evidence is there, but then refuse to say what the evidence required is. That is a very close minded...|||Another appeal to ridicule. You really should learn your fallacies. Please tell me where in Christianity a 'fairy' is mentioned? Or scratch that, where in the five largest religions a 'fairy' is...|||Most atheists are ignoring the hard questions. The arguments for God vastly outweight the arguments against. Most of you became atheists over emotional issues (problem of evil etc.) and yet...|||What has the realization Santa doesn't exist have to do with this discussion? Aappeal to ridicule much?|||Highly religious Catholic. I contemplated atheism, but found it would be dishonest. Deism is a much more honest position (in my view). But I read a lot about the subject, weighed up the evidence...|||Not a problem :) Thank you very much for the link. I'll look into it at once.|||Sorry I was being stupid. I totally mis-understood what you were saying. With SJs they like some one who will help with their projects or every day work. What Keirsey would call the 'help mate'...|||Thanks, that's really interesting. Does that mean asking ENFJs about their emotions or noticing one of their emotional responces and being interested in that? As for SJs and SPs, it all depends on...|||Sure, but he did believe in a God. That was all west was saying. He never stated he was 'religious'.|||I kind of like it, but I have only watched one episode. I don't think I would enjoy it in the long run though. Something about it just wound me up slightly.|||As an INTx I find that if people show an interest in one of my subjects (philosophy, theology etc.) I instantly find them much better looking. Literally once somone started talking to be about Alvin...|||Does anyone else find people a lot more attractive if you know they have a thing for you?|||Why do you believe atheism to be a religion?|||It's not a religion. It isn't even a world view. Naturalism however is a world view, and as almost all atheists are also naturalists, I'd argue against that rather than simply the statement of...|||Yeah I agree anyway. I think the only point such a line of argument could possibly prove is you can be a great mind and Christian (I dont' think anyone would argue against that) and that these people...|||I am personally friends with six Roman Catholic NTs who are all under the age of 25.|||INTPs can be over introvert, and can just go off and do their own thing randomly. Things like that annoy me. But generally I get on great with INTPs.|||Darwin was an agnostic. On page 94 of his autobiography he says: The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an Agnostic. And why...|||I don't know. (I'm in a self destructive mood today - ask me tomorrow and I'll be able to give you a clear, ballenced, rationally thought out answer).|||I remember my dad saying he used to argue with his Theology professor regularly. I think often though with INTJ/Ps we can think we understand what the other person is saying, they are trying to...|||Not always, but quite often.|||I get along great with INTPs, and I might be an INTJ.|||Perhaps. I like to think I am soft on the inside as well though.|||At first I saw that the melon was hard on the outside but soft on the inside, while peach is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. I just can't connect with a watermolon in the same way....|||I'd have to say peach. But that might just be because I like peach more than watermelon...|||I'm going through the same problem. I have no idea if I am an INTP or an INTJ. I love planning things out, and I know I am way more productive when I do so, but I also love keeping things open. The...|||Used to be. Made some friends. Not any more.'
'Your turn to choose :)|||Cute you think so.|||24692 Please show me something you believe is perfect.|||Dear @Heather White Karnas Firstly, thank you for this thread. I have enjoyed reading your advice. You seem very insightful. My question is about romance between myself (ENFP) and my partner...|||Dreading flying home. Can't wait to get there. I think I'll do another sassy pose for the naked xray.|||Happens to the best of 'em. lol. I totally sadface when my boyfriend accidentally loses facial hair. lol|||<--- Unstable, mentally ill, physically f'd.|||I kind of love that you accidentally shaved your beard all off. :)|||Requiem for a Dream...just because it hit me so hard emotionally that I did not stop sobbing until it'd been over for 4 hours. :/|||You know you're an ENFP when you reread your own joke from a few days ago and laugh out loud. :)|||24633 199 | Extra Ordinary My fav webcomic...that many of my friends stare at me bug eyed for laughing tears at. And I hear, I don't get it. What's to get? It's hilarious :)|||You sound dreamy. :) Welcome.|||Those are my weaknesses too. In fact, at this moment I've got a full can of Coca-Cola within reach, right in front of the empty...and a cigarette hanging from my lips. Motivation does seem to go...|||Yeah one of my aunts posted it on FB saying something about god keeping an eye on us. Uh no...looks like he's got a gaping anus on us there.|||So there's a bitch manual out there, that teaches lady folk how to snag a man bitch style? Pass.|||24536 Show me a moth going to a flame.|||Patriotic Americans make me feel like a misanthropist.|||Welcome! I like your user pic. The Office is my fav right now since it's always on when nothing else is. lol It was only a bit ago that I came here (few weeks perhaps) looking to find mostly...|||And me without my party hat. Welcome.|||Just a few days ago I saw Dexter for the first time - the first episode. He stated about his foster sister, She's the only person in the world who loves me. I think that's nice. I don't have...|||Ghost stories? Yes please. I've got a few. I'll tell the best one. When I was 17 years old I was renting a room in an a house built in the late 1800's. It was an enormous house. And...|||I guess it's intuition, but I don't know. I do know that when I get a feeling, I check it out. When I was 16 I had a sudden intense urge to be there for my friend whom I hadn't spoken to in...|||Confession: I want to hug you.|||Are you sure you're not high right now? asked my my very own mother, when I definitely was not high.|||Confession: I just broke a lizard and I feel extremely guilty and think I should be broken too - it'd only be fair. :'( I just wanted to play with him for a minute! And I did...but he lost a...|||I woke up Tuesday in the Detroit 'burbs. Was in Nashville for about 20 breathless minutes. About to call it a night an hour outside Tampa. *contented sigh*|||I am an ENFP, and I... Wish a bunch of Scientists (sup INTJs?) would get together and work toward eliminating the human body's need for sleep. Yup, I'm having a way past my bed time, too...|||What is your opinion on glitter?|||Nope. I'm not that stable that I'd stick with it to get and keep it fruitful. I would assist someone else with their awesome idea, for a time, however.|||I'm guilty too. Had a new family baby without a name for a bit. I got a new asshole while being told that ''it'' was inappropriate, even though she was unnamed. Sheesh.|||When your J partner has a near meltdown when you've repeatedly used baby, measuring, or decorative spoons instead of washing dishes.|||Every dad burn time!|||I can't speak for the rest of us, but you've got my number. Lol.|||I use my right index finger to write math problems on the imaginary chalk board in front of me, or if I'm in public...somewhere less visible. When I'm in an extra good mood I have been known to...|||As a youngster I was often called a smartass by the adults in my family for pointing out how they were not doing what they were instructing me to do. As an adult it's similar...I'm called a smart...|||I like that today was the most inviting day for naps. It was raining steadily and gray outside, and my partner and I both fell in and out of naps all day...waking randomly to do a few things between...|||I can see the basic attraction to the INTP type. Thinkers are handy...especially for those less inclined to think things through. :)|||...like rainbows!|||I'm gonna take a crazy leap and guess this might just be your observation on those NT types and not a proper generalization about NT types.|||One of my favorite activities to do with my INTJ partner is to get him talking creatively. (He likes to come up with television show, movie, and comic book ideas, among other creative type...|||I just celebrated 5 years with my INTJ partner. It hasn't been an easy fiver, but definitely worth the celebration. We are very opposite. The environment does get volatile. Our arguments can't...|||You are not alone.|||6:50pm - fighting the urge to nap. Probably gonna cave soon.|||Maybe a day completely alone. 2 days with a pet. On the 3rd day I'm gonna need a person. Oh, there was more. Do you spend much time alone? Yes. Daily chunks of hours by myself. Are you...|||and I wish I could control my focus better.|||Confession: I can't stand myself today.|||Always highly caffeinatd here. :)|||Ditto. *sigh*|||Today I like where my life, and both the relationships and personal endeavors in it, seem to be headed.|||You have been extremely helpful. I have very much identified with what you've stated. I sincerely apologize if my question was worded in such a way to lump everyone together and cause tension...'
'Depends if you're a grower or show-er. I'm a grower. Means I look like I exited a polar bear swim when not aroused. When it's game time, it's draining blood from every part of my body. Also it...|||Satori. Amazing sex. A proper vanilla milkshake.|||INTP's are strange. I find they have an extreme wild side once tamed by my intellectual sparring. Go there. Don't ask, just go there. Up for anything new.|||1. What is your profile name? RantnRave 2. Why would you answer #1 when we could clearly see your name? Because the truth will set you free. 3. What is your thanks received to thanks...|||If it's pointless, drink more scotch. Maybe the point is pleasure. Maybe it is pain. I'm sticking with scotch.|||Terror is just that; generating terror. This attack makes people terrified to leave their homes. Thus the terrorists win. Where they win is likely unintentional. Our own desire and need for...|||Intellectual rage boner. Epic post.|||The greatest cure to social anxiety is facing your fear. Walk up to random people and start a conversation. You perceive yourself as weak in this position but the group you approach will think it's...|||I just think everything got way off track here with the racism accusations flying around. Stating that Sharia Law is a bad thing would get applause even from Muslims. Stating that African...|||Actually... no. Bribery is propagated by the African nations. First world nations which refuse to bribe political leaders do not win contracts in Africa. Simple as that. Anti-bribery laws...|||Apologist is someone who believes that guilt should be passed on through generations for crimes committed. I don't care about black slaves. Canada allowed thousands of slaves in through the...|||Winning the birth lottery.|||I'm sorry you take this so seriously.|||Labeling me a racist for what? You're an apologist. Slavery started in Africa. In the US the largest slave trader ever was a black man. I did not support the Iraq war and am Canadian which we...|||Because you have brought absolutely nothing to a board labelled The Debate Forum. It's expected that to participate you make some attempt to prop up your beliefs behind something with substance...|||You know what, maybe you're right. Let's just sit here sipping our Starbucks $6.50 cafe latte on a smooth Italian Natuzzi leather sofa knowing that the world is all full of great people that just...|||As individuals of course they can. Millions upon millions have. The main post I see is extremism and segregation. There are some that wish to attack the civil liberties of their host nations...|||Their societies cannot integrate and be part of the Western world. Therefore, individually they have to integrate. Many do so without any issues as I posted above. I've never once stated that...|||Their societies are too violent for the Western World is not directed against individuals. Millions of black people have integrated well into society. I have Muslim friends, which have taught me...|||I don't see any racism here. That's a pretty harsh word. What I do see are people discussing about societal integration and how it fails many cultures. I'm all for immigration to let others come...|||Hermann Goering Commander of the air force in Nazi Germany I am no moralist, but ... my problem with Himmler's genocide is that [he killed women and children]: I appreciate women, and I think it...|||Get a Taurus .17 HMR revolver. Tiny round with ridiculous accuracy. It's hard to kill someone with that unless you aim for a main kill area. Often times just discharging in the air is enough to...|||Try a TENS unit. Pierce yourself and then let it go. I had this for physio and my god could that bastard sting if you weren't careful. It won't kill you but it will certainly let go those...|||While they are a minority, they must also realize the the discrimination they face is from a minority as well. Most people that I know simply do not care about any sexual affiliations. Perhaps they...|||International business and inventions have made me a happy guy. I've traveled the world and got the T-shirt. Used the cash to invest in myself. International Sales by brokering is great. If you...|||Here's my take on productivity... When it's time to work, I kill it. I go in with full focus on what needs to be done TODAY. Goals are great to have but are too far away to have any value right...|||I love how it all comes down to money. You know that most kids that have wealthy parents grow up being raised by a nanny which is not even related to them and do so in their parents shadow. Rich...|||It depends. There are some pretty frail and depressed people here. I'd worry about being responsible for a suicide or 3.|||Classifications, groupings, rating systems and point scoring is a great way to excuse a lack of accomplishment in the world and also berate those that have worked extremely hard to obtain it. All...|||Good game.|||Sure. I work everyday to create an ideal for me. My idealist wife and I love daydreaming about our ideal society.|||Ugh...|||I put a fitness room in my facility and work out with my co-workers. We keep each other motivated.|||The only destruction being witnessed here today is pretty self explanatory.|||Takes one to know what? Insecurity? By your post alone you show that the only value this place brings you is the opinion of others. According to you there is no standard to live up to and that...|||Sounds like massive insecurity masked with a blanket of revived teenage angst. Insane people are unaware of their insanity. That's the whole point.|||Just ask her what's going on.|||When you start talking to many people and time is valuable, you learn pretty quickly to trust your intuition that someone just is not there yet. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are...|||The saying: Nothing is impossible. Paradox: This means that it is possible for something to be impossible.|||You know it's not universal. One thing being in the military taught me was that different people deal with loss and stress differently. The toughest guys can cry, lose their shit and end up on Vet...|||I was going to ask what do you consider a debate and this post hit right on it. I rarely debate as that would assume both sides are battling intelligence on a specific topic. Generally I talk...|||Most women don't care if you have a horse cock or are average. Orgasm's are the ultimate goal. Make her squeal and it's a done deal. If you have a small dick, it's like a woman with an A cup. ...|||Start doing things you enjoy and try to spin a profit. People will buy all sorts of stupid shit so if you're a notch above, you can generate an income. These days, the world is at your finger...|||Being Alpha is pretty much being comfortable in your own skin. Accept your perceived weaknesses and focus on your strengths. Alpha's often lack compassion which is something that in my opinion...|||Both. Greatest movies in history.|||I think everything stated falls under this category. Stupid people: - blame others for their failures - pretend to know things they do not - always have a friend or buddy that have or have...|||Wow that's like my life. Bullied like hell until I grew into my wit. Cocky, arrogant and never back down from a challenge is something that should be fostered and matured. My wit was like a 5th...|||She's probably intimidated by your intelligence and simply has no answer to your questions.|||Is your illness something that is wrong with you, or is it a bi-product of your environment?|||My experience with this was covered lightly in the 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss. It is well documented in history that we used to sleep twice a day. The industrial age changed us from farmers to...'
'Wow, yes, in fact I believe that and I've come across many people that find their inferior function as a source of irritation. For example, most intuitives find engaging in activities that require...|||Ok...let me put it this way: How can a person with Dominant Introverted Intuition -which means that they practically live in a world of ideas and possibilities stemming from the subconscious- pay so...|||Yes, thank you! I was about to post the exact same thing. My mom is an ISFJ, so I can easily recognise her behaviour patterns anywhere. I've also extended my knowledge of the ISFJ type by reading...|||laurie17 what a vivid imagination!! Fascinating! That's actually proof that part of us really knows it's a dream, so we can create a unique person to protect us, that appears in every dream....|||Wow... I said the exact same thing to my dad yesterday, when he asked me why I'm so tired. There are times that I want to go to sleep, JUST TO STOP THINKING FOR A MOMENT all those things that...|||wow... I couldn't have described it better. I have all of those dreams and also: -dreams, where I fight for my life -dreams, where I fight for my life and the lives of those in the dream...|||I guess the most horrifying thing for me is that I get sooo easily hurt by critisism. And for INFJ, a person that wants to be strong enough to protect all those people dear to him -and not only...|||I really hope you're right. I, for one, share your opinion. But I've read enough about ENTP's manipulative behaviour towards INFJs to benefit from them by having them solve their psychological...|||OMG, I'm blushing.. :P :) Thank you :) I'd love to meet Hokahey , seastallion , peacenluv78 and many other people in PerC, especially from the INFJ forum :P Which I hope to be possible in a few...|||My mother is an ISFJ but my situation is identical to yours. I mean, there's not one thing that you mentioned that she didn't do to me. Where to begin? It's a given that she's bossy and will try to...|||Oh no, my relationship with my father is excellent. My relationship with my mother, on the other hand, is the worst. I will elaborate on another post :) My grandmother 's amazing. She is a loving...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_yTphvyiPU&ob=av2e|||It's hard to cope with the critisism and the insults of the people close to you, but it's a million times more difficult to cope with this kind of insults when the offenders are your own parents. I...|||As many of you I'm sure, I'm surrounded by xSxJ relatives, which are very strict, imposing and narrow minded and won't accept anything that isn't done as they instructed. So my entire life I've been...|||I definitely agree. I open up and express my feelings only to people who I trust and have earned my trust. Otherwise I'm not expressing my feelings or deepest fears, but I'm simply being enthusiastic...|||Very Curious you should say that... My father is an ENTJ and my mother an ISFJ too. Well my father, he doesn't seem like a fierce fieldmarshal to me, on the contrary. I think that the fact he grew up...|||hahahaa !!! XD hilarious|||Thank you. No need to be sorry, no hard feelings :)|||Well said :) very inspiring :)|||No arguing! I didn't insinuate anything different... As a said before I asked for the sake of philosophy and a clearer view of different idealist approaches. I happen to study Socrates who wanted to...|||Guys, calm down... I ask merely out of philosophical interest and out of curiosity about what other idealists believe regarding this matter... Of course I know what the role of an idealist is in a...|||What is the role of the Idealist in a modern society? Are there any great causes left for Idealists to pursue? What are those? How can Idealists achieve their goals and by what means will they be ...|||What is the role of the Idealist in a modern society? Are there any great causes left for Idealists to pursue? What are those? How can Idealists achieve their goals and by what means will they be ...|||Thank you :) that was most helpfull and insightfull! You're right, we should love and support ourselves, reward them, confort them, otherwise we won't be able to help anyone...|||Apparently what agitates us is a conbination of lack of confidence, stress, and unreasonable fears (or guilts). If considering the facts or evidence helps us regain a calm mind and dismiss painful...|||Unfortunately, it seems that it is a common thing for INFJs to be insecure and lacking confidence about themselves, which often inhibits their progression and even leads to some kind of...|||ahaa.....interesting ;) ^^|||oh my god!!! sooo true... my intj friend calls me that...|||I completely relate to that! I actually enjoy activities that require solitude because I can relax and reflect on my thoughts. As for physical activities, such as joking or running, doing it with...|||Well, you're free to go out with any girl you want and believe what you want to believe. But saying you have proof of what you said and merely refering to two unfortunate relationships with INFJ...|||Thank YOU ! :) I 'll try to do what you suggested :)|||I admire you :) I haven't gotten to that level yet!! ... of completely ignoring them, I usually fall into depression... :/ what a strong character I am, ha?? :(|||hahahahaaha !! Congradulations! You're the first INFJ mentioning sex in a thread ! :P|||Father: ENTP Mother: ISFJ Sister: ENFP Me: INFJ Or... what one could describe as a living hell..... :P|||You're lucky to be born a boy and not have an SJ mother to try and teach to you how to be a good housewife and take care of the house and its chores, even if that means that you'd have to spare...|||Well good luck with that... :) Your mother is propably an NF... at least you have someone in your family that can understand you... :(|||Judging from your father's occupations, he could be a ENTP engineer.... just a thought...the E and the P can be quite confusing when looking for a personality type, so that a NT can be mistaken for a...|||I have the EXACTLY the same problem with my mother... they're SJ...Don't doubt it for a second....We just have to explain it to them, what bothers us, hope that they understand and make the slightest...|||The Proof, do you have ANY PROOF of that???|||My dear INTJ I am a complete stranger to you and you have absolutely no reason to listen to what I have to say to you, but, for what it's worth, I'll tell you what I think... NOBODY -and I mean...|||Iconoclastic Visionary Itachi RULES!!!|||a great movie and a great song (treasure planet)|||So, If you were a cartoon character who would you be??? I for one would like to be Pocahontas because she always protected her tribe (especially in the 2nd movie) and was a good representative of...|||''Honestly''............. ''Actually''.............. ''Oh GOD!!!''..........|||I actually forgot to mention the most important thing... The way I managed to get through my depressive phase was by reminding myself of my goals...of all the things I wanted to accomplish, all...|||I relate myself to most of these....I'll try exercising....Until now I didn't have the time to do such a thing...but I think I would love going to the pool... I adoore swimming, it relaxes me...it's...|||Thank you :)|||iF that is true this is extremely fortunate!!! A good roomate that you can actually communicate with and that literally lets you live your life as you want and doesn't impose his/hers ideas on you,...|||When everyone around you keep saying you're absent - minded and that this is a clear indication that you're an ''artistic nature'' and you cannot do anything else efficiently.... HATE THEM when...|||you know you could always post one photo already taken or the photo you have in your profile.... :PP just kidding....'
'Do we ever truly trust anyone?|||I found it amusing, but honestly I didn't even crack a smile.|||Assuming I had no time to prepare, I would write a bunch of scribbles, that resemble some sort of writing, on big signs and parade them in populated areas making sure they are seen and recorded....|||John Wick For the second time|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIMgebabaN4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBecM3CQVD8|||A girl|||When you, ... don't take the shits, [you] just disturb them. ^Deadpool quote the resonates as an ENTP|||Anyone with experience with transitioning from friendship to dating? A girl and I found we had a mutual liking and started dating. So far things have been good and we didn't find the transition too...|||I don't know much but I think I always win.|||A woman sits down at the dining table to eat her dinner. Suddenly, Knock knock Who's there? Amanda Amanda who? Amanda the table! She pulls her chair back as a man jumps out at her. He had a...|||Yesss|||No, people treating me different would be the last thing that I would want as I try to fuck up as much shit as possible.|||You have greatly disappointed your username.|||Fair enough, carry on.|||I'll bite. What the hell are you talking about?|||A parrot with a speech impediment|||620249|||I wish I had some advice to give, but I have a few similar issues but haven't figured out the solution to them. However, I do want to ask why your used to be (or still are) depressed.|||Well hi|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knfrxj0T5NY|||I didn't think Linear Algebra would difficult. Come on, it's only linear! Just algebra! Here I am screwing up the steps it takes to complete co-factor expansion, when taking the determinant of a 4x4...|||And what if he is a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together to be used as fuel? Do you have a problem with that? I really hope you do. It will be so much fun.|||Welcome Maya. That's a fantastic beginning of a deep thought. Maya.... life is going nowhere.|||I think you're wasting your time. You clearly won. When he loses, instead of admitting defeat, bigolmumu seems to attempt shitty jokes, make light of the opposing argument and dishearten the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ1fgWl_HLc&list=PL0AKMTW-MjuqldktfwIxn2BDNNF1WKERn&index=1|||Whether I should partake in the activity of purchasing and playing the lottery (particularly scratchers) more often. Once in while I'm sure is fine.|||grandpa2390 The Last of Us?|||For why?|||Procrastinating. But expertly, I might add.|||Last Christmas I gave you my 728 hearts. But the very next day you gave them away.|||I'm not commit the time to analyze this deeply but I really like border collies. Those dogs are really smart and can be really well trained. They're also energetic and cute.|||I should be working on Calculus right now. Seriously. I need to get it done. Am I going to? Nah probably not, there is no important class to go to tomorrow so I'll do it during the day. But I have 2...|||MartySpooks Welcome, please come to the ENTP side and join in on some discussion. If you want some entertainment, check out this guy trying to stir shit up....|||NineTypesOfLight I must say your 'post to thank' ratio is something to be admired.|||I can appreciate you coming here to stir up some shit just for fun. ENTPs like that as well. But I have to say you did it very poorly, you didn't raise any good points and got more defensive than any...|||Oh I'm sorry, am I making to many good points?|||Aaah this is fantastic. I never said that you needed to know other people's opinions of you. The point was that your priority concern is the opinions themselves. Which you did not deny and my point...|||Hey thanks. Yeah I get waves of recurring interest with MBTI. I do love it though.|||I do love strawberry cheesecake. But I see your point, you concern yourself greatly with what everyone thinks of you. Something a lot of us ENTPs are above, but I understand that a lesser human like...|||Yes but you choosing the words that sounds smartest instead of the most appropriate ones just proves that you are putting on a facade, and do not possess true intelligence or intellectual integrity.|||I used oxymoronity for a good reason. The root of 'oxymoron' is 'moron', and 'moronity' is a real word whereas 'moronitude' is not. But I find it comical for you, someone who claims to be so...|||Hmmm... Can't tell if joking, or honestly didn't expect opinions to arise on a POLL.|||I am excited to witness your profound intelligence, bigoltitties4 In my experience people are fascinated by our...oxymoronity. We are the most introverted of the extroverts, having high IQ's...|||I watched the new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 trailer and realized that baby groot collectibles and toys and paraphernalia are going to sell like fucking crazy!|||Basic Questions: 1) 17 2) Soon Toronto, ON (University) 3) Finding I'm having too many friend groups that won't interact well with each other 4) Future engineer (discipline undetermined) ...|||How good? Can you smell blood from 0.25 miles away? Sharks can. Are you better than a shark? I don't think so. Nothing smells better than sharks. Well maybe that's not true. But let's pretend it's...|||I agree, let's keep the jokes to off-color and not offensive and dark. I'll start. What's the difference between Paul Walker and my computer? ... I actually care when my computer crashes. ...|||My most recent break-up was like this, I got bored of her and broke it off. I think the biggest mistake was that at the beginning of the relationship I convinced myself that I could overcome the...|||What breaks as soon as you give it to a 4-year old? Her hips. Only 10 seconds, watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d23zvlJIihs What do you get when you stick scissors into a four year...'
'Green, Blue, Gold, Orange. Well yeah, could see which choices went with which temperament. I think especially NT's got this right away? Though saying any other type with somewhat of an understandig...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htLHLHCgt4A|||I actually answer their rhetorical questions every now and again or give an explanation. Pisses them off in return.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=1UBbuA6l5ho#! Zero. Nothing for you's ever good enough Zero Nothing makes you whole|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAg5KjnAhuU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcXMhwF4EtQ Could watch this (her) for hours.|||Her words exactly. Note that two weeks later a childhood friend of mine died. I told her I had a difficult time processing all of that. She told me he wouldn't have wanted me to be upset about it....|||This will be retold.|||Looking at the bottom right corner of my computer screen made me realise it's december already. Holy shitballs.|||Means i'm having teh lulz.|||Hi all, I play bass in a band called Sanity's Rage. Wanted to throw a couple of vids on here so feel free to give me your onions! We just released our first full-length album called You Are What You...|||Nearly killed me. When I was about 11, me and my sister had a huge fight (she's 4 years my senior), and when she ran away from me and slammed the kitchen door shut, I broke one of the small, thick...|||Well, depends I remember about 4 years ago, one of my little nephews (I have lots of them, me and my sister are about 10-20 years older than the rest of the grandchildren on my dad's side) came...|||Same here, messed up electric boogaloo. And I don't believe real happiness is found in someone else. I'd like to tell you where it's really at, but I haven't figured that one out myself. And just...|||Andy Kaufman should've wrestled INTP women.|||Fuck hipsters. When I had to go get my glasses a couple months back, the girl there pointed me to the hipster-models. I literally said Fuck no, i'm not wearing that. Always hated radio and always...|||Let's compare penisses.|||Took me a year to realise I had feelings for the person I was with in my last LTR. Ended about half a year ago, and I still frequently have fucked up dreams about it. Simple thing is to ban them from...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2EG1mKVUCg They do paint a picture...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMgv8bl0iGg INTx girl? Just fun to see her tell her off and then act all whatever, i'm busy. At about 1:00. It also turns out an elderly man in Serbia, on his...|||If anyone called me that, there would be a possibility of a fist in the face. Or a snide comment. Or a sarcastisc clapping of the hands. My stare is too intense I think for anyone who doesn't know me...|||I can think of a few ways. OT: Find yourself an NT man. Ladies... And why does independence scare men away? I believe that studies once showed that we as men would actually be happier with a...|||54497|||Tired in so many ways. With a dash of isolation and a hint of confusion/worry about the future.|||Wish it would be possible to move freely in time...|||Yes, it matters. Found that it doesn't mean anything without a connection, so at this point i'm not pursuing anything related to it for a while now. I'm foolish at the whole thing personally, get...|||Direction in life, personal space, understanding (if you're interested enough to find out her type, i'm guessing you're doing fine). These things seem pretty obvious considering she's a teenager, but...|||54458 54459 I'm all smiles.|||An INFP friend of mine told me her most recent ex found her to be empty at times. I laughed. OT: I quite like my introversion, and don't have much problems with it. It's just who I am and i'll...|||When the hell did this thing become about marriage? Marriage is a non-issue to me, so therefore disregard it. What I meant by courting was the setup to the date. I was just stating that it all boils...|||Are you guys Turks or Greeks? ... .. . I'll leave this here. But seriously, welcome.|||Welcome! Looking forward to reading your posts. Also, I fear i'm turning to a hermit lifestyle...save me :)|||Okay, you've done it. What's Synesthesia? And urr,welcome.|||Welcome. I like your kind.|||Canadian eh, would like to go there and be bear food sometime. ENFP? Sounds good (in theory), want more NF people in my life myself. What's so great about it then? Are there little (or big) things...|||The whole reason you're courting is to get into their pants. The way you go about the so called courting however, determines how creepy it is. Also, any woman not liking that must have issues. I've...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ir75kLsSE|||What's wrong with that?|||I'm pretty much procrastinating in the sense that I don't seem to do a whole hell of a lot whem i'm off work. I'm either too tired or spend time thinking about how awful my job is. Just pretty much...|||Men. Though I can be just as content in the company of a woman who's not overly sensitive and doesn't mind the occasional crude remark (even better when she makes them herself). Slightly off-topic:...|||How do you go about trying to determine what other people's type might be? What things to look for while observing or what kind of questions to ask them? It's something i'd really like to know/learn...|||Out of all the ones I slept with (not a ridiculous amount considering my age, i'd say about average) there was only one I really cared about. Also the only one with who it was actually any good. Long...|||Tinnitus.|||That it is possible to become a private detective. 2 year course. Now this makes for about 23 career options.|||Welcome. Try out YouTube, Perceiving vs. Judging, for example. It gives you some info on the topic.|||Welcome, I very much enjoy the company of INFP's.|||An INTP female...Would love to interact with one in the wild. I wonder if it would be awkward or familiar...Also, welcome.|||Welcome. New Zealand, so do you know Sarah Walker? Fell in love with her during the Olympics this summer.|||Welcome. Seems things like this are brought upon by certain turning points in life, I can relate. I also like your hat and suspected cool demeanor.|||Welcome, fellow newcomer.'
'I would say INFJ because they are rare and tend to act very differently in different situations. They also have super different interests depending on which infj you talk to, so they are hard for...|||Super shy, kind of awkward. Not always straightforward in the way they act, can be confusing. Rather hesitant in wondering whether someone is worth pursuing. Acts differently depending on who the...|||When it comes to relationships, I actually tend to prefer the socionics model, which I have not seen too much of here on PerC, interestingly. There is a lot of interesting information about...|||Sometimes we can't see the value of what we're giving and it can be hard to know whether giving is even worth it. Like am I giving someone something they will treasure? But I also know that I don't...|||I feel like relations of duality and activity are way underrepresented then again that's a socionics thing in an mbti forum out of nowhere aaaaiiiii|||:) sorry i saw this so late, but thank you. i get annoyed when he flat out ignores my messages. i know he doesn't mean it personally, as many don't. But it also reminds me that I got angry at him a...|||Dear male ISFJ, I've known you for three years. I remember the first time I walked into that classroom, and you immediately made me feel welcome when you told us that we were the best. You taught...|||Stolen from the ISFJ forum XD I thought it'd be a great addition to the ENFJ forum since we tend to care too much about other people and have trouble saying what we wish we could say to them. ...|||Ask him :) Communication is important. Writing is good if you like that. You'll be fine.|||(1) how is it like to lose your identity sometimes and get caught up in what people are doing? How do you ground your identity? Many ENFJs are described to care about others to the degree of...|||O____O ; v ;|||awww you're welcome! :hug: eh, i suppose i don't mind the whole being too selfless part. but sometimes it's really draining. especially if i care a lot for someone who doesn't care in return....|||o h m y g o d, lift your head. you are NOT an unnecessary version of the INFJ!!! INFJs have the functions: Ni - sees patterns and the possible consequences of actions. Fe - in tune with the...|||Not when my mom is an ISTJ she thinks i can't make decisions for myself :(|||Reminds me of what people say about trips to Auschwitz. Makes me want to visit there to experience it. There's a bunch of places that I like. idk if I have a favorite. i like the library for when...|||Isfj/infp|||This is interesting because I was just staring at the thumbnail for a very long time and wondering how everyone else could make out the cliff or trees or whatever. Then I clicked on it and was like...|||awh > w < I don't understand what a space flea is but hopefully it's not a bad thing.|||Teachers!! <3 Sounds like a really special teacher :D I have an ENFP teacher whom I adore. I don't have many NF friends >.< so it's easy to feel like they don't get me because they don't have this...|||nice profile pic :3 yup there are those people who really don't care about me so i don't really care about them. generally it's people who have been nice to me or proven that they're worth my...|||oh my god! you get me :D|||Just curious, because a lot of my friends (most of them SJs) don't seem to do this. I fall in love with people so often and I spend a LOT of time caring about them. I don't see it as a...|||After thinking about this for a while, I came to a realization about myself and ENFJs in general: You guys are thinking way too hard about this whole not really knowing how an ENFJ feels about you...|||OMG YOU ARE ADORABLE that was really courageous, you're so cool :D you can just tell from what you wrote how much you adore him XD so it's okay -- treasure those feelings no matter what happens. ...|||;A; but i like being a dreamer and i do get stuff done can't we all just be friends and have world peace That being said, Ni is not really any more special than Si, Se, Ne. I'm biased...|||I write journal entries and complain about my life if i don't want to bother other people if i really need to, will talk to someone trusted hot showers are really nice. music.|||Be honest with her. I also once had a strong idea about what friends where supposed to do, and I was very upset when my friend and I drifted apart because I could not tell why she didn't want to hang...|||Vlogbrothers is my favorite channel! (John Green himself is an INFP) I find it funny because in his latest video, he said something really similar to what my ENFP teacher said lol. The teacher...|||did she laugh or smile when she said you were just weird like that? if i were to say something like that, i'd accompany it with the patting of the weird person's head :D although i don't think...|||Warning: 2 kewl 4 u jk jk|||Se takes in sensory information from surroundings, present time. They tend to love experiences with sensory thrills (such as rollercoasters, sports). I have Se in my tertiary. Don't know how much I...|||chill out for a bit... people are people (unfortunately). don't go doing anything on a whim lol... but yeah i kind of got the feeling that you didn't trust him 100% or feel completely comfortable...|||how do i deal with an istj mother...? she's a wonderful person but i really can't stand her nagging sometimes. i'm in high school and i need space... for example, this happened 5 minutes ago:...|||Ni is making connections between events and being able to make predictions as a result of that. Usually it's predicting what a person would do based upon what we already know about them. For...|||You sound like a very caring individual. My advice would be for you to get help from a trusted adult. If he is emotionally broken or unstable, he needs professional help to recover from that. ...|||Sounds just like him to do that haha. I can tell I get really annoying and clingy at times. I guess it kind of sucks that most people get sensitive if you were to tell them I don't want to talk....|||I think in the end, if you want this to blossom into something, you need to trust him enough and know that you can make mistakes without fearing that he won't like you because you said something....|||Reading stuff like this is always so mind opening because I have two ESTJ friends who get on my nerves sometimes. For example, one of them just flat out doesn't respond when I ask a question that...|||Okay. Sounds like there's a lot of clues that he's interested. If you can see yourself being comfortable around him and such, I'd say go for it. Okay, I don't really know what go for it means,...|||I don't know exactly what he's like (and you don't know if your types are accurate), but people in general will give you clues if they are interested. If you aren't able to pick up on any obvious...|||????? need something?|||I love thinking about the people I love and admire. You probably do too! Post descriptions of the people you love. Tell me about the things they have done for you, good times you've shared together,...|||Change do the dishes to please do the dishes or can you do the dishes? If you ask if she wants to, she's more likely to say no, I don't want to. lol i'm sorry that probably wasn't a big...|||How do I deal with how i dislike being wrong? I know everyone is wrong at times and it's best to just get over it and move on, but it makes me feel like even after all of this time, I don't actually...|||I can tell you were upset, and I'm sorry about that -- i didn't mean to attack your beliefs or actions or anything. what you talk about makes a lot of sense, anyway. let's just drop the debate and...|||The point I was trying to make is that you always try to find the truth, but you fail just as much as your sister in trying to do so, and you need to realize that. We're all human. It's not just you,...|||Exactly my point! :D The answer to each scenario is different because even though all three save the greatest number of people and are therefore utilitarian (doing the greatest good for the greatest...|||Wow, this has been really eye opening for me to read. I'm an ENFJ who is shy, so I'm really similar to the INFJs. I can't completely understand the situation, because I'm not you, but my very...|||My sister and I are pretty different from our parents? Me: ENFJ Sis: INTJ Mom: ISTJ Dad: ESTP I guess my sister is more similar to my mom, but I'm not really like either of them. I don't know...|||You know you're a feeler when you feel bad about pirating music'
I believe in being passionately and courageously yourself. I believe in speaking up about what is important to you. Stepping out of your comfort zone. Being unashamed and comfortable in your own...|||:victorious: so much talking, so little photos!|||how do i go about making new friends? I live in a city where the only person i know is my partner, and i feel like i rely way too much on him socially. its putting a bit of strain on the...|||Has anyone here been referred to as an 'ice queen?' I have been many times and wasn't sure what was meant by it..|||Me too! *hi5* :D|||I can definitely relate to this. For me, writing it down is admitting to the reality of the emotion or problem. It just seems too raw.|||gah his voice.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idcaRTg4-fM|||haha. oops.|||'The inability to correctly perceive reality is often responsible for humans' insane behaviour. And every time they substitute an all-purpose, sloppy slang word for the words that would accurately...|||I went for my first skydive yesterday! it was the most amazing experience I've ever had and i plan to partake in many more.. I now know why birds sing in the morning. Seriously though.. it was...|||Thank fuck this is only a small percentage of the population..|||Get rid of this idiotic capitalist system and try something that actually has the potential to work. Infinite growth was never going to work, they knew that from the start.|||Sometimes a feeling, image, or sound pops into my head out of nowhere. And anywhere from a day to a couple weeks later i see it happen in real life. For example a scene from a tv show or an...|||New Zealand :D|||Eldest of 7, 3 to my mum and 3 to my dad. They are all half siblings and theres a 5 year gap between me and the eldest of them.|||Oh for real? Shows how much i know haha|||double post.|||Sorry butting in here :P I'm 18 and I've been vegetarian my whole life. I don't know how you vegans do it though.. Chocolate is a good friend of mine haha|||Thank you very muchly:happy:|||48641|||I don't find high prestige places appealing at all. They seem.. unnecessary. I'd feel so guilty owning a big house when there are so many people who don't even have a roof over their head. From...|||Type One: 29 Type Two: 18 Type Three: 5 Type Four:|||This whole album is great. But this song.. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4wkPoVILSQ|||i rarely see any of my family.. and I'm cool with it. My cousins are really rude to me anyway, because I'm weird or something. don't blame them though.. I get so nervous at family events that i hide...|||mraow.|||yep.. i currently have -$2 in my account.. should have never gotten a debit card. Online shopping is so easy..|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joBGJcKyalI&amp;feature=related|||And this.. gah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW_5YdPL9Go|||This song.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVDSGWS4pmo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhI5CTn3wjw&amp;feature=player_embedded|||How do you stay motivated to exercise? And what do you do to stay fit?|||Has anyone here seen the documentary Collapse, with Michael Ruppert? If you haven't, i highly recommend watching it. Its kinda scary to think that our civilisation is falling apart and what will...|||December 4th :proud:|||46748 467494675046751 These are from Shaun Tans book, The Red Tree.. He is amazing :D|||nothing bad will happen if you're in a good headspace and surrounded by people you trust will look after you..|||oh i love mushrooms :) the last LSD trip i had turned bad.. I was at a rave and i took a much higher dosage then usual. I remember thinking everyone was plotting against me to have me killed.. I...|||i didn't talk to anyone apart from my close friends. i was extremely shy and awkward. and i smoked lots of weed. haha. yep thats about it..|||I feel like a scared, lonely child in a world full of angry, heartless people. I'm scared this feeling wont ever go away|||confused and frustrated.. i found out my boyf is texting another girl, saying that he should leave me and he doesn't really like me that much.. but when i tried to break up with him he started crying...|||i just found out my boyf is texting another girl behind my back.. i didn't confront him. and now I'm apologising to him. shit. how the hell did that even happen..|||i fear being alone. But even more i fear the vulnerability of being close to someone. More then anything i fear being seen as stupid.|||yeah this happened to me just today. i ended up leaving my partners place without any explanation..|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcQ83tOZ4Wk|||I'm about to go for a working visa in europe.. eep so nervous.. and excited :D I'd love to hear any stories and adventures from fellow travellers? Tell me stuffs :happy:|||sometimes i wish i was mute so i didn't have to talk to people. but then i realise how much it would suck if i couldn't voice my opinions when i really wanted to|||I've done this a few times.. most recently 4/5. also had 6 and 9|||how so?|||I recently watched a doco about Synaesthesia and I'm curious to know if anyone on this forum has it or has come in contact with it in any way? for anyone who doesn't know.. its the connecting of...|||Yeah i do.. i hate it when people don't make eye contact with me|||Most of the girls i meet these days seem kind of shallow. not all of course, but yeah. I don't really know what to say to a lot of them.. In saying that, my best friends are both girls. Only...
'Arion is a spin on Orion, The Hunter constellation. I never really gave it much thought, but I would probably change it now if I could to make it Latin, maybe something like Incendia e (the fire...|||Right now? Mozart's Fantasia. Most of the time I'm in a Pathetique Sonata mov. 1 mood when I'm passionate on pursuing something, and an Adelaide (1795, Beethoven) mood when I'm longing for...|||Red Dragon... Still 3 more chapters 'till they introduce Hannibal Lecter... Blast. :dry:|||This is beautiful (in German, but Jussi is Swedish): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajdbVlTkiAE Music composed by Ludwig van Beethoven 1795, written by Friedrich von Matthisson. Jussi...|||Pantalaimon - I'm in. Most of you seem to hate/have hated the junior/senior high school social environment, but luckily many children in my school seem to be Ns, thus 'fitting in' does not pose a...|||Kind of curious about your username Wien1938... wasn't Austria invaded in 1938 (plus the Vienna reference)?|||LOL Seraphiel. I haven't read Nature by Emerson, but now that I look him up it seems an interesting read.|||I swear, this is the funniest thing I have ever read. Everyone I know with a decent sense of humour has laughed. http://philosophy.eserver.org/chicken.txt I dare you. Keep a straight face as...|||...ENTP on a sugar rush? Or are you guys normally like that? :proud: Well, sort of. I admire the wolf's ability to be adaptable, but about 80% of my inclination to my avatar was due to the...|||What is it about cats that draws us... their mysterious allure? The independent air about them? Not minding being ignored as Master does their Multivariable Calculus assignment?:proud: What do you...|||Well, I'll tell you guys how my life is progressing. I currently have a thing for Mozart's Requiem - I listen to Confutatis almost every day. My brother calls me a morbid child, unsurprisingly,...|||What do you think his type is?|||Thanks for the link. Yes, I knew that he had stood on the entrance of Auschwitz, pointing and declaring, Left, left, left, right, left... Left was the gas chambers. Apparently the Angel of...|||Hm. No, not that the E or I could have proven relevant to anything in the modern day... It seems that the historical figures which so intrigue me are either my or remarkably close to my type. The...|||Does anyone have an idea? There are people in history who deeply intrigue me, and Mengele certainly is a mystery. I get a xNTx impression. Also: Albert Speer is an INTP, no?|||I'm an identical twin, and though genetically we are exact copies of each other, we are not so in a psychological sense. Of course, we have many similarities. But in contrast, my twin seems to be...|||I put seven, though as I look it over it could have been anywhere in the 7-9 range. Generally, life for me is simple and non-problematic. When I do stumble over something, usually I mean so...|||Regarding Pride and Prejudice: Mr. Darcy is simply awesome. I do respect the character Elizabeth Bennett though, for her strong opinions and refusing to go by society's rules simply because of...|||I'm sorry, I did mean 2,000 pages. Excuse my error...|||A simple sentence to describe the whole Twilight series: What a waste of two thousand words. Spare me from this torture. However, I am curious to know if anyone thinks Carlisle is the only...|||Thanks Perseus|||3 usually, if asked something. 4 if I'm with people I trust or the subject is way too interesting for me to be on the sidelines - then I will probably explode into lecture, and people just watch me...|||All that was given to me word for word is Hamilton hated dueling, ... However, can we conclude from that that maybe Hamilton did not find it a logical action to solve relations? I do not know...|||I read in history class that Hamilton was killed in a duel. I now hate Aaron Burr with a passion... Okay, that's illogical, but Hamilton didn't even want to shoot at Burr and he was murdered...|||[Originally posted in the general What's my Type? forum, found this more suiting] 1. Alexander Hamilton (interesting figure) 2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Mozart was a bit annoying. I much...|||1. Alexander Hamilton (interesting figure) 2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Mozart was a bit annoying. I much prefer Beethoven and can relate to him more.) 3. Herbert von Karajan (a simply amazing...|||Generally? I like to discover things on my own. The classroom is a typically a limited learning environment - directed at the general student body. Thus, the assignment, directed at the average...|||I always had a lot of S tendencies - I took another MBTI test today, and came out 50/50 with N and S. For the sake of being an INTJ, let's see if we can settle this. :proud: - I love astronomy......|||I would appreciate that very much if you could.|||I'll have to do more research on the wings since I'm a bit undecided on that.|||Hm. I'll ask.|||I see. I do suppose I'm a type 5 then. Is an Ennegram wing sort of your second function?|||Thanks, I'll make note of them.|||1. Can you explain the differences between an enneagram 5 and a 1? I fit both, but I am leaning more towards five. 2. What is an enneagram wing? Thanks. I'm new to the Enneagram.|||It's different there I guess. The girls at my school fuss over the same stupid things, but they know never to bring up the subject because apparently I already give them the first impression that if...|||I love music. I'm learning to play piano, and I can pretty much memorize whole movements of symphonies in my head. I mainly stick with Beethoven, Bach and Chopin, but a bit of Mozart and Satie is...|||Arratez, you're definitely not alone. And those two ignorant kids said the earth was made 200 years ago? I have a sudden desire to yell in their faces with objection. Ohh... that irritates me......|||There's a good friend of mine who I'm pretty sure is a J. Okay, he has always been getting bounced back from regular to advanced classes back to regular again. This year he's in advanced in math...|||I don't like math. Useful, yes... fascinating, hardly. Science and History are more like it. I like Language Arts solely for the creative writing. The grammar is boring though my grammar is...|||Welcome gladiatorqueen... Give me a moment so I can think of something worthwhile to say. Hmm. Oh. Well it is refreshing you like Mythbusters. Do you ever watch those astronomy showings on...|||Obsessions. They've been piling on my bookshelf for years... Examples: 1. The Holocaust 2. Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin (two Rs or one R?) 3. Sci - Fi/Star Trek (recently acquired obsession... hah)...|||Thanks for the posts. 1. The people seem very friendly 2. Their country is beautiful 3. My interest in the Holocaust 4. The language in very nice sounding 5. I'm up for a challenge ...|||Thanks guys - that is established... Polish is Slavic. It sounds nothing like the East Slavs though that tend to use the Cyrillic alphabet. Russian doesn't flow nearly as well as Polish. Definitely...|||Well, I like studying languages. Right now I have a lot on my plate - Spanish and German. But after I'm done studying these, can anyone tell me about Polish? It sounds like an awesome language....|||Thank you guys for all your takes on those... dark times. Fortunately, I have another 5 years to go till I graduate high school... see where that takes me...:mellow:|||Yeah, my brother has Asperger's and is exactly as described - a sensitive INTP. However, I think he would be just the same without Asperger's.... of course, that's not very accurate, since I've known...|||Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling|||Heh, Cold Shower type. My bro loves cold showers (literal sense). I never see him as cold... but I may be biased :laughing:.|||Hmm. I have a lot of J characteristics, but unfortunately I am quite a procrastinator. That is, unless I get to do a project I;m really interested in. But math... eh, not so much...|||I, too, regard being social as alien to me. However, unlike some people, I have no problem with that. If kids tease me it's behind my back because they can't say anything to the physically disabled -...'
'I am 50/50 on the j/p scale. It looks like this: patiently waiting...patiently waiting...patiently waiti-where the heck are they? It is really unpredictable and I don't know whether I will struggle...|||I think the chameleon qualities (some INFJ's have) can cause INFJ's to be mistyped. Also, personally I feel there is an element to us that makes us unable to perceive correctly how others view us. We...|||I put a sequin in my eye because my first grade teacher wore contact lenses and I wanted to be her. It hurt after a bit. The school nurse thought I was insane. I was a weirdo:rolleyes: haha|||I've done both haha you're not alone:happy:|||How does Si help you in sports? Vague question, but I'm hoping for some answers. I know some ISTJ's that are good athletes and am wondering how it all works. Could you describe it?|||This speaks to me on many different levels. I've driven away people by being this way (didn't read the post you're responding to, just happened to catch this little blurb).|||Read this entire post thinking 'Huh? Me, too!' :shocked: It's like you just plucked the thoughts from my brain.|||yup yup yup :happy: story of my life actually :laughing:|||My mom is an INFP. We just discovered this today! :happy: She was unhealthy the whole time I was growing up. I thought she was some kind of SJ. I already knew about the stress and shadow functions,...|||My MBTI Personality Type - Understanding MBTI Type Dynamics - Lifelong Type Development this and some other sites say otherwise. We probably all develop at our own pace, though depending on...|||Hi everyone. A friend came out ENTP. She is 34 and has hit the 'Fe' development stage over the last year (which made think xNFJ). How did this affect you older ENTP's? It's almost like she 'woke up'...|||I am so sorry you are going through this. I get the anger thing. I think when we are going through things back to back throughout the years, we don't stop and think it through. It's a bit of a...|||Difficulty saying no...and if I do say no I am called all sorts of things.|||I thought it was really funny, too. Got the DVD and the fam has watched it probably 20 times or so and we're still laughing:wink: 'darkness...no parents...' Batman's song gets stuck in my head.|||I'm having trouble putting up boundaries with a relative who has been emotionally manipulative/verbally abusive to me my whole life. Everytime I put a boundary there, she knocks it over. My Fe starts...|||I'm needing to vent,...anxiety attacks. Do any of you get them? It usually happens when there is conflict in my environment. I need peace-which is unrealistic to have all the time.|||this:)|||Forgive the ignorance, but what's a sea lab? Do you study sea creatures? THAT would be cool.|||1. Lying to my grandmother-she knew I was lying and didn't scold me. Instead she called me on it by saying, ok, show me you can do this. I (a few years later) watched her die-huge moment in my life...|||This one is beautiful. I struggle more with this than anything. My ENFJ bff says this & says 'you are only one person'. I remind her of the same:)|||Thanks for your response MNiS I've actually been wondering about them for a while.|||Well, my mom is all about no one respecting her. She keeps everything. She wants everyone to think she is competent and can do everything on her own. Is that an INTP? I was thinking unhealthy INFP or...|||My parents are a mystery. They have issues and were abusive throughout childhood in all ways. Personality? Dad wanted things a certain way/very particular and so did my mom...J's? They were...|||I have issues with Fi because I don't always understand it-you could be an INFP or and ISTJ...I start to think I get it, then I realize I didn't even scratch the surface. Ask my family what they...|||I was rejected today by my mother. I feel she has rejected me my whole life so it's not like it's a surprise. She said I was her worst behaved child and was so attention seeking. As an adult she has...|||this and how did you arrive at ENTP-immediate or did it take a while?:happy:|||My family describes me as a child who was constantly seeking Se experiences. I know I have the right functions and INFJ fits quite well, so that's not the question I have here. It's more along the...|||It's funny to look at all the different MBTI animal charts people come up with. I saw wolf thrown around out there for INFJ's. I probably identify w/owl, but thats already taken by the intp's :wink:...|||Ok, this is vague...but here it is. I have several people in my life that ask questions such as the following: He said he didn't want to be together anymore and that he would like me to stop...|||I've observed that many (though not all) people who have N as their more dominate function often have memory issues. You think this is true or not & why? I get called 'Dory' from the movie Finding...|||this...and can't stand people watching what I'm doing over my shoulder|||Which function (s) causes a consistent bent towards the WHAT IF???? dilema: WHAT IF I don't make enough money? WHAT IF she doesn't like my project? WHAT IF my car breaks down? I know some of...|||Together 16yrs, married just over 14. Him: ISTJ Moi: INFJ He thinks I'm goofy, sometimes oblivious, too sensitive, have ideas that come out of nowhere, capable and a good mom. I think he's...|||I feel that way about almost anything I get in life. :wink:|||I see Fe and Se. Looks like xNFJ to me for sure.|||Since childhood (the dawn of time) ENFJ's. Always-and not intentionally:) We just always find each other :proud:|||I'm love avoidant. Always have been...|||True...my husband would agree with you!|||When your friends tell you you're a mystery because you hang out with the group for a whole week, then disappear off the face of the earth for two.|||Are you externally or internally motivated? Does it depend on what the situation is? Does it make a difference whether the motivation is needed regarding tasks or people? This is probably a little...|||Already did. They came up with ENFJ if I wasn't an INFJ. My functions are clear. :happy: Regardless of how it read, I didn't mean to sound like I was asking for validation...I just didn't understand...|||Thanks:happy: It actually makes sense to me that there is a correlation. The SJ's in my life are more task oriented regardless of whether they are a E/I or T/F. The N/P's and N/J's I know are...|||...and that is what I am looking for. I think it's the Ni he sees. It seems unfocused to a strong 'J' like him & the SJ's in my family.|||My husband thinks I'm a perceiver. He's an ISTJ and is the very definition of a 'J'. My J/P scores on tests are close to even. I start a project. Most likely it's not going the way I expected so...|||Between the months of January and December I sit on the edge of reason and remember That if I let them hold me and hear my mind They'll have me locked up in no time This world isn't ready for...|||I have a feeling...shoot me, will ya...that if we were to do a poll these days that some of the types would shift a little in #'s. I don't know as if the catagories would change much. I still see a...|||Are you an 'I' that is told by others that you talk too much? Is it random-do you sporadically talk a lot or is it only with certain people? Do you feel like you have a habit of giving too much...|||been lonely... lonely for fourteen years and I've run out of tears run until I've plum run out of time Which was never any friend of mine or so I thought... And the biggest threat in all...|||You don't understand how much this just helped me. I have been trying to keep my family of origin together. It's not my job but I am the oldest, suffered indefinately...but still feel the need to be...|||Been there...and yes, I'm glad you pointed out the difference between being manipulative and having influence. My husband passes out and sometimes it goes into a seizure. I have told him 1)...'
'304242 304250|||I am going to be realistic here for myself: -Enough Weight lifting sets and 0.5-1 mile run 3x week -Youtube fetish; sometimes I just repeat videos I like over and over again -_- -Watching Movies...|||Complete Loyalty/Support and Love throughout, even in times where you start doubting. Accept him for who he is (get ready for some awkwardness in the beginning and constant distant communications...|||I also turn on my google maps with traffic info and scanner radio app in my area (LAPD always changes their ham frequencies often; quite annoying compare to CHP). But then I also focus on watching my...|||One answer: Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible|||sometimes, when I tried to post images and others as well, its too tiny (even clicking it doesn't resize it to the original size). You guys should let larger resolution of pictures allowed on...|||I need to complain the webmaster of PERC, image re sizing standards needs to change. Just looking at that tiny chart, makes my eye sight bad; can see colors but its too small|||303730|||Generally, for me I don't like math at all; I lost it after when I finished Post-Linear Calculus or Differential calculus in college. It's more about being patient and just staring at it like you...|||Came across this song in a xm radio playlist (Verse) We walked til our souls wore thin With any luck we did it again We got drunk til the sun went down But it was funny cuz it never did ...|||Matthew 24 3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. x93Tell us,x94 they said, x93when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end...|||I don't like Disney in general but this is the best short film I've seen; I remember buying Wreck-it Ralph just for this and not ever watching Wreck-it Ralph haha|||I suggest try Computer Science, Medical majors or in the Sciences; its hard but it will be well worth it when you graduate out of college with this (even with just above 3.0 in these majors are going...|||It depends, if its simple number calculations such as crunching numbers as a financial analyst or payroll then no problem however if its inferential or linear calculus on finding the exact...|||Sweet Texting or Calling?|||259330 In the ponds cool depths; the happy frog plays in spring; his life, a slow game.|||Romans 1:18-32 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about...|||that too haha|||This made my insides all gooey and nicely warm. One more thing if you do get further into a relationship (applies to most INFJs); there will be a lot of times where he wants to be alone (seems...|||Although not knowing this personality callsign, but in those fun information paper mats at Chinese restaurants that has the Chinese zodiacs on it and the animals that correlations to; always avoid...|||It's super cold out in LA; ~50 degrees; just seeing outside my condo parking lot, people are turning into their homes :D probably got a legitimate excuse of not doing anything outside because its so...|||I think the main thing that makes a INFJ sexy is the continuous inner strength/strong will and our staunch principle/beliefs that we inherited since birth (which is very rare).|||Sloth. Yeah......definitely a sloth|||peace corps? humanitarian aid? red cross? it may not be paid but it leads to a job, especially if you done peace corps; many employers including fortune 500 companies will value these kind of...|||same, until I reach a certain milestone in my life or have/done something special, like marriage or a defining career, then probably. But even at that point, there's always thoughts of doing better...|||you tempting me with food pronz? :laughing:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHDkf2TUOoY Beware, its super freaky and scary. But even I wouldn't suggest watching it|||Oxygen|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQaBWziYvY|||5 years is plenty then, just be very subtle in your approach :wink: I wish you good luck Sienna! Hopefully it will be a good day for the both of you!|||You could try applying to the Peace Corps or doing a humanitarian aid but I think you might need a College degree|||It takes time for INFJ's to open up (could a long time or short time; it depends on the partner), deep inside INFJ's want genuine human interaction; what we convey in the outside is completely...|||Glad to meet somebody who understands that propane is a great source of fuel, I'll tell you h'what :laughing: Yeah don't worry, as long as you are very friendly, compassionate, honest, and sincere...|||186066|||We just have a lot of humility so definitely not putting ourselves down. Definitely give a very straight-forward answer (eliminates misunderstandings); for ex. I like you and I want to be more than...|||I believe 유재석/Yoo Jae-suk is an ENFJ, but I am not sure; could be INxx..... Btw is this thread limited to KPOP members/Comedians? no actors or actresses?|||185594 just joking....lawl|||oh I see that you fancy him....he might be a in the EN/ES~ type, doubt in the IN~|||Welcome to the forum! hope you'll be able to be part of the community here as well I (since I'm new too) :happy:|||definitely! thanks for the output, planning to speak with a recruiter about this soon. Yeah hopefully the needs of the military can accommodate my choices because there's not much going on right now;...|||Science is a man-made idea. If you think science is definite, then how come we don't have a cure to cancer already? its already been 8 decades since the discovery of penicillin and cancer has existed...|||Thanks for the input! yeah, that was the case for me to consider military service as a last resort but that mentality quickly changed over time for me. Although, I am currently seeking out career...|||same, I only picked a major where I can get easy 3.0+ gpa grades and breeze through like a chore but like everyone else you wished you had a degree in something that was worthy, like computer game...|||smallest class: Boolean Algebra and Logic about 350 (at the start of the quarter) largest class: Programming in C/C++ as a Second Language ~970 (offered once a year)|||Hi there fellow INFJ's! This is my first time in this forum, so forgive me if I posted this in the wrong place. I thought It would be better to ask about these kind of questions to people who...'
'Like BilgePump, I was also a late bloomer when it comes to the dating scene. I was too shy in middle and high school to approach girls but once I was in university I started gaining some confidence....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTXf0Rtp98s|||I'm currently working on a comic about a team of young superheroes with a friend and this is one of the characters I designed. She is called DiodeAndra and she is a cyborg. I originally designed...|||I've been working on a Link cosplay. Here's the master sword I just made! I'm going for a more realistic look, so I went with a gold hilt instead of the purple blue one while giving the handle the...|||I grew in a church going catholic family. I went to church every Sunday with my family until I graduated high school and left for university, at which point I only went to church when I visited my...|||I've finally caved and bought Alcest's new album from last year. This one leans towards more shoegaze than metal compared to his previous albums but that's necessarily a bad thing. ...|||ENFPs make for great company; they are usually a lot fun. Some of my best friends have been ENFP actually, but I don't think I could ever date one because they are usually too intense in big doses....|||Sounds intriguing. I like grunge, I like shoegaze, so in theory the combination sounds like a winner!|||What kind of music do you play?|||Dragonball Z (of course, for nostalgia purposes) Neon Genesis Evangelion (this anime restored my interest in anime when I was 17 after I had abandoned it as childish cartoons when I entered to...|||I think she is a INTJ.|||Here's a glimpse at my sketch book. I may have posted these before since I've had these uploaded on my PC for a while now. http://i60.tinypic.com/o5z383.jpg http://i59.tinypic.com/25smxqe.jpg ...|||I like temperate climates, when it`s not to hot nor too cold, like in the fall or spring. I grew up in in New Brunswick, Canada, where it can get pretty cold during the winter but we also pretty hot...|||My girlfriend is an INTJ, I'm pretty sure. She took the test once, and that's what she thinks she remembers getting and it makes sense to me. We have been together for four years so obviously we...|||I got a haircut a couple of days ago and it's shorter than what I wanted. :( Before: http://i62.tinypic.com/29ld56p.jpg After: http://i61.tinypic.com/16gzfhh.jpg|||Quite often. Over the last few years, I have become better at acting extroverted. Someone once commented that they were suprised that I considered myself introverted. I think as you get older, you...|||http://s15.postimg.org/4a5mqvrd3/peace.jpg http://s15.postimg.org/a4l174fgn/pickup_truck.jpg http://s15.postimg.org/luyyoi893/purple_car.jpg http://s15.postimg.org/5miqf0zev/red_curves.jpg ...|||I went to a car show last weekend. http://i58.tinypic.com/bi9d13.jpg http://i59.tinypic.com/2911dms.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/wv8g0w.jpg ...|||That last one especially is really beautiful. :O|||I made this for my girlfriend's birthday a while back. As most nedy girls of her generation, she's a huge sailor moon fan. I had it printed out as a poster too. http://i61.tinypic.com/axhgk5.jpg|||We may be idealists, but we are guiding lights. If the rest of the world takes only a portion of what we dream up, then maybe we have done the world some good. Careful though, not all INFPs are...|||I used to have off the grid living fantasies but I've come to the conclusion that it's kind of pointless and self-indulgent, if you're doing it for environmental reasons anyway. The reason it's...|||I'm on Personality Cafe on and off, with varying degrees of frequency. I also visit Tumblr quite a bit, mostly for a NSFW blog that my girlfriend and I manage. There are various YouTube channels that...|||I used to be good at math up to high school, where my marks started to drop a little bit, from 90s to low 80s to occasional 70s. I usually understood the concepts and stuff, it was mostly just little...|||Some staples of my wardrobe include band t-shirts, plain black t-shirts, a few plain coloured v-necks, button-up shirts (either in plaid, stripes, or plain colors like white, black, grey, or dark...|||My personal style has kind of a retro approach to it, which spans from the 60s to the 90s, but with a bit of a modern twist to it. I also generally draw inspiration from my favourite artists and...|||In the last few years, I've become really connected to Neil Young. While I've been a fan of his music for a long time, lately I've been particularly interested in Neil Young as an artist and as a...|||I like them with beans. Franks and beans. Mmm. (You should probably clear out the room afterwards though)|||I had a job interview the other day. http://i57.tinypic.com/21mt079.jpg|||I've been working on a Link (from the Legend of Zelda) costume. Here are some pics of the progress. Working on some chainmail. http://i58.tinypic.com/2jfes9.jpg I'm not doing the whole shirt...|||Yeah, my girlfriend is classically trained Clarinetist with a Bachelor in music and a minor in English, so that may have something to do with it. She was trained to deconstruct music on an academic...|||Mine just refers to my surname, which is LeBlanc. So nothing too exciting, haha.|||I'm pretty decent. I'm better at it than my girlfriend. She's been getting better though because we often cook together. When we first started dating, she didn't even know how to make pasta. She grew...|||So my girlfriend of three years is a thinker, I reckon she is an ISTJ/INTJ. We get along very well and we understand each other for the most part, but even today I sometimes have a hard time...|||When posting a photo, uncheck the Retrieve remote file and reference locally check mark-y thing.|||Yes!!! Actually, I've been told several times that I kind of look like David Tennant. Or often it's just like, you look like that Doctor Who guy, which then I assume they mean David Tennant...|||Thanks! Unfortunately, it's been put on hiatus because my girlfriend, who's writing it, got caught up in school work. Hopefully, we will resume working on it at a later date.|||I'm pretty introverted but I'm not as shy as I used to be. As a personal goal, I forced myself to participate more in class discussions while I was attending university. While I've come out of my...|||I can empathize. Until I met my significant other, I felt this way too. I never felt integral to anyone's life. I mean, I had friends and everything but I never felt like the important one in the...|||Recently I've become fond of these the 0.5mm http://www.pilotpen.co.uk/en/media/catalog/product/cache/6/image/900x675/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/4/9/4902505085680_48.jpg or the 0.7mm...|||You seem to be using a mobile browser becuase it says using Tapatalk, so I'm not sure if it's different. But on a regular browser, you click on the little icon that looks like a picture frame and...|||I love cookies, especially freshly baked chocolate chips cookies. When I was a kid my mom had to limit me to two cookies a day, it was awful. Unfortunately, I don't eat cookies much these days....|||I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Socially I'm a libertarian. I don't want governments telling me what I can or can't do if it doesn't effect other people. For example, I'm in favour of gay rights and...|||I can't honestly remember. There have been several times where I felt like crying. I had lump in my throat and I was feeling some really strong emotions, but it never happened. Sometimes I feel like...|||Oh god, yes. I'm not so bad now, though. I worked at a call centre for a couple of summer when I was a student so that forced me to overcome my phobia of phones. But even to this day, I will...|||It's the glasses! It's actually just a candid picture with an instigram filter, but it turned out pretty nice.|||I have some of that in me as well, but I don't let it dominate me all the time. I can balance having fun and worrying about the important issues. If I thought about that kind of stuff all the time,...|||A picture my girlfriend found on her phone from this summer. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/12386_10153847687165451_304525018_n.jpg|||A pink glittery explosion. Ominous.|||Taken at work, in my cubicle. It's hard to see but it's casual friday so i'm wearing a radiohead tshirt. http://i57.tinypic.com/amxxk4.jpg'
'Great topic! Ideally, I would like to operate from a starting point of trust, but too much experience has proven otherwise. I don't get hurt that much either, but that's because I'm usually on alert...|||Hm...Complex|||Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.|||Bookmarked. Thanks for that. Sometimes I need a reminder that my world has become too small.|||Hahaha, I do this all the time, it drives people nuts. Something big is in the air, I can feel it.|||1 - Life experience. People usually come to me for advice and I usually have an answer based on experience or from knowing how others deal with things. I feel like an old soul sometimes lol. 2 -...|||I struggled a lot with this. I wanted to be real and genuine. When I told people what I was planning, I got some very odd looks too, like it never occurred to them at all, or Why would you want to...|||You're on Wikipedia, it's hours later, and you're way way WAY WAY WAY off the topic you originally started with, feeling full and satisifed.|||Sorry to hear that, man. I participate in cancer forums, and yes, people with other types of cancer do post in subforums for specific types. Things start to get nasty on internet forums when...|||The Roman Emperors were no fools. They used games to distract the populace while the Empire was disintegrating and corruption was rampant. Similarities to today? I think so. The empire is crumbling...|||The Internet is a godsend for me. My world really opened up and allowed me to express myself much better. I'm way more outgoing and articulate online. On forums, I can take all the time I want to...|||Fight or flight? That would make a lot of sense. I tend towards flight, so if I'm confronted like that and I can't flee easily, I totally go off the board.|||I typically donate goods to organizations and not money. That way I know it's much more likely to be real, tangible help I'm providing, and at the same time I'm not wasting stuff by throwing it away....|||The Super Bowl is history. I thought I would be free of the sports chatter for awhile. Now people are already talking about baseball, all the while happily ignoring everything important going on...|||I hate the good morning ritual. Walking into my building at work, I have to say good morning to eleventy billion people. I just saw you yesterday.|||I could write a book on this, but I'm going to stick to responding to your post above. As someone who has battled it ever since I can remember, I agree that therapy is the long term solution to...|||You aren't alone Silt! I think you've got a great attitude for a lasting relationship! My wife and I have been through some very hard times, and without commitment on both our parts, we could...|||I know you've got my back.|||Hehe. Great fun! We mostly laugh at each other's quirks now. That's a guy thing for sure, but I usually do read the directions lol. Here's one I got this morning: You can't eat that for...|||The tendency to remain silent seems to be a pretty common one here, I'm glad I'm not alone. I don't think I'm weird because of it, but a lot of people do think I'm weird. I just don't feel the need...|||Scored really low on lawful ;> Not surprising. I usually find a way to get around rules and conventions if needed and tend to distrust authority figures in general. I got the same alignment on...|||Yes, many times. I really dislike that word too. It's very subjective. So anyone who uses it is subjecting you to their definition of 'normal'. Usually this will conform to societal conventions but...|||ISTJ wife: Why do you always change things at the last minute?! ISTJ wife: That's not in the plan! ISTJ wife: The sign says not to do that! ISTJ wife: Nevermind. I'll do it. ISTJ wife:...|||I'm an only child with an ISFJ mother and an ISTJ father. Growing up INFP was...difficult. They were both very distant and rigid and uncomfortable with me trying to express myself, expecially in...|||And the fact that we forget to eat so much ;>|||That is an really good one, had to have been written by an INFP or with heavy contributions from them. I have a very hard time with finding the right words to comunicate my ideas and insights...|||If it's in nature, so be it, doesn't bother me. It's NATURE! Nature does not succumb to any rules or values of ours. THIS, however, is yet another example of human meddling in nature for sport,...|||I feel like this quite a bit too. I recently got my enneagram and it's 5w4. I've had a great deal of inner conflict and turmoil since I was a child, including this issue. Can you please explain this...|||I was just wondering if there are any common traits among us when it comes to work habits. Unless there's something I have to do right away, a lot of times I'll be able to do an entire day's work...|||I took one look at it and thought, Hey! That's me! I've gone on solitary walks in the woods thousands of times. The guy in the picture is moving ahead, but looking back almost forlornly. That's...|||I can get very passive-aggressive, usually after I get slighted in some way. It won't show on the outside, but inside I'll be seething, plotting, and generally being very subtle and insidious. At the...|||Maybe it's my INFP nature and impatience with convention, but I really dislike cliches. A lot of people must like them, because they're so prevalent in society. Love them or hate them? What...|||If you were perfect at it, you'd be Jesus! We're all fallen.|||I had to struggle with this recently and I'd rather not see anyone else have to go through it. It's called a midlife crisis for a reason, and it seems to be happening earlier and earlier. I think it...|||Think of this debt as an investment. There's a big difference between consumer debt and investment debt, short term and long term debt. Try to look at it this way. People are rarely unable to start...|||Everyone wants me to quit smoking. I know what it's doing to me, but I like it too much.|||Are ADHD people of the inattentive type really NPs who are being medicated to conform to society?|||Why doesn't anyone else understand how the world works?|||- when you call someone, get their voicemail, and hang up because you feel silly talking to voicemail - when you call someone, get their voicemail, and it's important enough to leave one, but you...|||Thanks Kytaari, if you want to talk about it I'm around. I have more experience than anyone should have in this area :/ I'm pretty sure I'm INFP and always was, I just repressed my F so much...|||A woman. It would have to be a woman. I've only cried a few times in my life and only once in front of a guy. He is my dearest and closest friend but still...I felt uncomfortable. I learned from a...|||This. The less people understand someone, the more fearful and uneasy they become of that person. They are also likely to be very uncomfortable in their own skin. I don't get hostility, but I do...|||I'm 38 and I'm getting a lot of good advice from this thread ;> A few things hit me especially hard. I can't emphasize these enough. Stay true to yourself. Many people will want you to be...|||My wife is a solid ISTJ, almost the complete opposite of me. It took us a long time to come to an understanding of each other, but I think that was more due to our individual personality quirks and...|||Thanks, I've tried to start but just ended up erasing a couple drafts haha. A lifelong issue. I've got so much to say but can't seem to find a good way to express it and get lost in the wording. Damn...|||Hey everyone, I'm Patrick. I've been lurking quite a bit, researching the hell out of everything about personality here and teh interwebs in general. I really took 'Know thyself' to heart and its...'
'INTJ- toxicology|||more than just sometimes, unfortunately.|||caught me red handed. I was trying to be discreet (obviously).|||my god no. i worship the ground a certain entp walks on.|||I really should. Thanks(:|||I'm not an ENFJ, but I was very close friends with one, and she got excited over every little thing that her crush/boyfriend would do for her. Anything that requires a lot of time, thought, and...|||Not an NF, but I really enjoy their videos. Hearing other types talk about their personality is a great reference for me to understanding the MBTI in a way that applies to real life. It makes it...|||I've always had difficulty sympathizing with others because of my inability to feel their emotions. Whenever I try to comfort someone, I end up trying really hard not to look fake more than actually...|||Philosophy, yessssss|||I only really like certain kinds of math and science... Geometry, Trig, Chemistry, Calculus, and Biology. But I detest Physics and Algebra. I've always loved art, and I wish I was better at...|||Haha, I'm actually the opposite. I don't have huge scary tantrums at all. I have a short temper and it's only released through venting/ranting. And that's every day.|||Definitely not a 2. I want to say either a 4 or a 7. 7 because happiness is extremely important to you, and you seem to be very optimistic. 4 because you seem to really be into expressing...|||I stereotype most girls as Fe users, too(or feelers, in general) . Not gonna lie. I also assume that all athletic people are S types. Analyzing your speech? Hmm.. I did see a chart about the...|||Yeah, I sometimes think they can be fake, but they always give good advice. I have a couple of FJ friends who I used to be really close to, but even now that we barely talk, I can still count on them...|||Haha, my sister messes with me all the time just because she KNOWS she'll get a reaction. It may have something to do with Neuroticism or (lack of) Agreeableness, which are definitely traits I...|||Very true. Most people I know have little or no knowledge of Myers-Briggs, let alone cognitive functions. It's just difficult for me as I am not in touch with who I am to hear others insist that I'm...|||That's exactly what annoys me.|||oh gosh, yes. They usually disagree with me just to be contrary (and vice versa).|||mmmkay, well I'm an INTJ. Sincerity is extremely important to me and extremely evident in my personality. It's just hard to explain to people that I'm a thinker after they witnessed so many of my...|||I'm by myself 90% of the time but when I'm not, I'm still more in tune to my own emotions.|||I also studied up a bit more on Fi vs Fe.... and I think I'm Fi... Fi is more focused on my own emotions, right? I just express mine a lot more than the average INTJ.|||That makes sense. I have a friend who is undoubtedly an INFJ and she mostly just cares about other people. She's not competitive and she generally loves being around people and helping them. Not I.|||noooooooo come baaaack humansssss|||There is no way I'm an ISxP. It's hard for people to really tell what kind of person I am over the Internet, but I can assure I'm most likely a paranoid Ni-dom.|||After reading this, I really think I'm an INTJ: Most INTJs do not give a hoot whether they offend people and upset social harmony. They will not be afraid to tell you that you’re a complete...|||Okay, here goes nothing. (These aren't in order) 1. Physical health 2. Knowledge 3. Competence 4. Honesty (this one's a biggie!) 5. Imagination 6. Success 7. Loyalty 8. Humor/Happiness 9....|||I was definitely like that when I was younger. I didn't pee in anyone's bag, but I was always wanting revenge.|||I never assumed that. After getting ENTJ on every Myers-Briggs test I've taken (a lot), I still think I'm an introvert. An introvert who likes attention, but still an introvert. My current issue is...|||The struggle is real, isn't it?|||10 things I value? Ouch. I'd really have to think about that one. I'm not very self-reflective. Does that have anything to do with my type?|||Pretty much everyone has at some point. And I don't really think that anyone loves small talk. But it would seem that because Intuitive types are more big picture oriented, they would...|||208418 These are from the test you have in the link. I actually am, according to this, (slightly) more extroverted than introverted. And the emotional stability is quite low, unsurprisingly. I...|||Well I did score in the 99th percentile for neuroticism on the Five Factor test... But it doesn't have to do with thinking or feeling at all?|||If any of you guys have witnessed my venting on this website, you might have questioned whether or not I'm really an INTJ. A few people, in fact, have proposed (without any basis other than the fact...|||I said MOSTLY. and, considering the fact that the majority of the US population and the majority of people I know are sensing, that's my observation. I'm just trying to give the little facts from my...|||blah, blah, blah you're going way into the details, senser. you know what i mean. it doesn't have to be articulated perfectly for people to get the idea.|||The awkward outcasts/nerds in high school (I speak for myself)|||1. people who wear fake glasses 2. people who can't wait in line for more than 30 seconds 3. people who come through the 15 items or less lane with like, 200 items 4. people who call themselves...|||I use it! and I love it! There's just one small issue. THEY DON'T HAVE TOOL!|||Also, welcome ENTP! I hope this doesn't sound weird (it does), but I have a fetish for ENTPs!|||I h8 small talk. I love deep, philosophical conversations. Every time I start talking about abstract topics to my classmates (mostly sesning people) or, better yet my mother (also sensing), they...|||Sexy. Them and ENTPs. Can't. get. over. it. how. cool. they. are.|||So are INTJs the least special, then, since they're opposites?|||Clothes and money. I'm shallow. Also a much, much higher IQ. That could use some work.|||I'd say just keep getting to know this guy. There's always more to learn about an INTJ. See what you find about him, his true values and what he regards as important. The more you learn, the more you...|||Mental disability, in my case. But you can't just assume that all of us are arrogant sociopaths who completely deny having feelings. Then what type(s) is special, in your opinion?|||slay|||Yeah, weird, huh?|||My mom does that too! She doesn't know how to just CHILL! (not that I do, either, in a sense.)|||oh my'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U8ozDhuhMs This song will never get old. Ever.|||Bah, why do I have to get so captivated and somewhat fixated on obscure things? :sad:. I watched Amagami SS, which I REALLY liked, and it turns out that it was adapted from a visual novel, which...|||Thread warning Please remember to keep the forum rules in mind when posting and avoid making personal attacks. Also please stick to the topic.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gh6tXCxvvE I don't know what makes it be the case, but gosh visual novels have AMAZING soundtracks: the kinds where you just want to put it on in the background and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX5Jmfmkgx0|||Congrats! :D.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b62RgDBmly8|||Yay! Congrats!!! Here's to many many more :D. https://www.organicfacts.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/mushroom.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeSyAgUvwHI|||Congrats! Love the avatar too :D!|||You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the...|||I tend to find it hard to reach out to people, and especially when it comes to asking for help/advice on something that's important to me. That said, last week I was able to do so twice with two...|||Congrats! :D.|||Congrats Catwalk! :D. Here's to many more! :D.|||In continuing with the hug the entire everything theme, and assuming they exist (which I suspect is true but of course under a different moniker), I want to hug a tsundere. Where to find one,...|||Congrats! Awesome and hope to see many more :happy:.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6b9ap_ykBE Everyone should be allowed to experience this gem (Steins;Gate) at least once in their lives. Such an incredible story.|||A few months ago I decided to aim for a goal that I really want. The goal will only be reached next year, but it's important that the groundwork be laid out now in order for everything to flow...|||OMG! They... There... There is actually a performance of the Bravely Default soundtrack! With an orchestra!!! An actual orchestra!!!! And it already had one of the best soundtracks of any game I've...|||It's so sad that people have to hide parts of themselves and be silent about things they enjoy doing, when the things they're hiding aren't problematic or illegal, or hurting others, or even anywhere...|||Congrats Maybe! :happy:.|||Congrats, GG :D.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmbnVwMXe1E This song is so soothing and makes me feel happy :happy:.|||I feel like a rickety Catalina that's about to try to fly through a hurricane - without much fuel... I'm scared, and I don't really know what to do, both about the fear and about its cause. Even...|||I finished Pokemon Omega Ruby today! It's not such a big deal, of course, but I've never finished a Pokemon game, and wanted to for a really long time now (since soon after Gold came out), but never...|||Congrats! :D.|||Despite a few very key advances in one area, it would seem the anxiety is spreading in another... Yay! /s|||Congrats! :D|||I woke up this morning to- correction - you woke me up this morning because you needed help making a schedule. So I did that, and only after that did you spring on me that you also needed a bigger...|||There's a goal I have - a big, long-held goal with a lot of roadblocks in the way, and a lot of complications that have made progressing towards achieving it rather difficult, but today I managed to...|||I found a recipe for custard powder! :D. Been craving custard for years but the powder is expensive and kind of hard to get, and I just came across a recipe, and it is super easy to make, too! This...|||:laughing:!|||I'm not sure if we need to get milk or not. Maybe there's some in the fridge? I just can't seem to remember if there's any or not, though :unsure:.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejx3jTRD_ME|||Congrats! :D.|||No worries! What I said isn't a spoiler :D. The first couple of episodes are kind of slow but it does pick up (quite well), so hopefully you can push through :D. If you can, I highly encourage...|||OMG Westworld finale... OMG... Just... OMG... What a fantastic show and for real what a fantastic finale.. I can't even... And now that that's done, just over a month and The Young Pope...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV5lzRHrGeg There ought to be rules against making songs this catchy.|||Congrats, and a big step! I hope it works out fantastically for you :happy:. PS, I love the avatar :D. (Is he ever going to stop commenting about my avatar?) No. No, he isn't >:D|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ElORM9O-0U 90's music is so awesome :D. Maximum nostalgia :D. ~~~ I'm listening to this song atm. Brings back so many memories :D. ...|||Pifanjr - this never gets old :D. TY again for sharing it with me :D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gaid72fqzNE|||Frustrated, overwhelmed, disappointed, sad, and taken for granted. It feels like I'm constantly listening to others, trying to support them, pay attention to them, and show them care and...|||Congrats! :D. Greatly enjoy reading your posts :happy:.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrXpFh2IHZY I wish I could forget everything about Life is Strange so I could go through it again for the first time. SUCH a great game.|||Oh you!|||Congrats! :D. Hope to see many more :happy:.|||I feel like I'm starting to understand, in a way that clicks for me and makes sense on a level where it sinks in and grows (rather than just bounces, or doesn't really take root), that how others...|||Congrats! :D. Here's to many more :happy:.|||Closed by OP request.|||Congrats! :D. Here's to many more :happy:.'
It doesn't really point to anything. Not that I know of at least.|||11 is a prime number?|||Hey, come here. COME HERE. Feel my face. I just shaved. feel my face. come here. It's smooth because I just shaved. come on, try it. feel my face. COME ON. JUST FEEL MY FACE. FEEL MY FACE. ...|||Rules are good. If I didn't need to find ways around stupid rules, how would my mind ever stay in shape?|||Why?|||I have fixed routes in my house. My room is on the second floor, so I often move from the second floor to the ground floor and vice versa. I've moved this route so many times that I always do it in...|||Semantics of the word hurt. To you it means injury (correct me if I'm wrong). To me, hurt is the feeling of pain in any form. Is perfect emotional health possible? If so, very well done. I'm...|||Is it though? is hurt contradictory with health? The tearing down of muscle fibers hurt, but when not taken to excess, this will eventually result in a stronger muscle that can better resist the...|||Vulnerability is not a goal or measure of emotional health in the same way legs are no goal or measure of soccer skills, but as legs are necessary to play soccer, so vulnerability is necessary to...|||I think the best attitude to adopt is to realize that you are enough, for now. But not for tomorrow. Tomorrow you have to be better.|||Vulnerability is not only a 'tool' or 'something you might want to try'. I think vulnerability is absolutely necessary for emotional health. Only if you are truthful about your thoughts and...|||Superiority is to function is a superior way, yes. But, the word superior needs a qualifyer to describe something. Superior simply means better. So if you say something(or someone) is better,...|||I wouldn't say that it is unnecessary to type you because of the problems you have, nor have I suggested that. I would say however, that it is unnecessary to type you in general. It may be necessary...|||Forget your ex. Your relationship with your ex is unstable as shown by the fact that you have broken up before. This signifies an incompatibility. Getting back with him, even if you could, is not a...|||I'm sorry to say this but it seems like you have a lot of problems. I suggest instead of trying to figure out how the way you work fits in four letters, try to figure out how to change yourself...|||Good luck with yours.|||I like writing as well, but like you I rarely get things done. I don't work on it a lot, because I don't often feel like it. However, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it when I do work on it. However,...|||If they suck, they're prostitutes.|||At high velocities? Most solid objects really...|||I think the reason you get bored too easily is that you play against innanimate objects.|||1. Blood transfusion. Save the patient or respect the families religious beliefs and effectively let her die? Save the patient. 2. The resume. Hope for the best OR destroy your competitor's...|||But if your content with being alone becomes part of your identity, then you start valuing it and consequently get attached to it. So anything you value will cause suffering. And if you dont value...|||If attachments cause suffering and the idea that you are lacking something is an attachment, then what is not having an attachment? What does not cause suffering?|||If attachments cause suffering and the idea that you are lacking something is an attachment, then what is not having an attachment? What does not cause suffering?|||Yes, but that works both ways. In fact that works in all ways. By your logic any attachment to any thought or belief will cause suffering. Maybe I misunderstand, but doesn't that also mean that...|||So does lack of attachment. What is a human to do?|||There is no problem then. Just find a girlfriend.|||Sure they are monolingual. Whether that language is English is a different matter.|||Is there a good reason you cannot be her boyfriend?|||Every person on this forum born outside the anglosphere will probably be multilingual.|||OMG. I can't believe someone would do such a thing. They skinned her alive. The horror. But that's not the end of it. Those bastards are probably going to burn her alive as well, and if that...|||You already have been.|||I think I might be overcooked...|||How are every-day differences, different from other differences?|||Worrying I wont get enough sleep to compensate for the jetlag. And consequently not being able to get enough sleep because I'm worrying too much about getting enough sleep to compensate for the...|||Some would consider not having a douchey picture for an avatar, but that's just my opinion. Do whatever you want. I mean, the avatar is only how you represent yourself to everyone on the forum,...|||Sometimes it may be unnecessary to say sorry, but I don't think that whether you do so or not matters much. And it is probably not a problem that's worth worrying about. Being sorry is an...|||I'd say you can reduce the probability of getting cancer by eating right, but it is never a guerantee. In the same way a smoker that is more likely to getting cancer may live to be a hundred years...|||Actually, there is an actual cure for cancer. To kill all the cancer cells in the body you just have to kill all the cells in the body, by limiting or stopping oxygen to the brain. It's not very...|||It's very much a stretch to say that insecurity and confidence can be the same thing, but I understand your meaning. I also disagree with it. But then I'm holding the definition for the...|||Explain?|||Pretty much this.[/QUOTE] The consensus is pretty clear.|||If I could go back in time and meet a younger version of myself, then I wouldn't waste any time meeting a younger version of myself. I mean, come on. If I had the ability and knowledge to travel...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r36wnaSqJtw|||Kiss her.|||Don't spend your days off with people.|||I disagree. Western society seems more individualistic than it has ever been. There is less need to conform than in the past.|||1. Yes 2. Only when traveling 3. As much as I would enjoy any good meal 4. The kind that serves food I like(no specifics) 5. Depends on the restaurant. Usually something with meat and...|||Then you have to take your pants down. It's more efficient to just stand.|||My laptop screen is only attached to the computer/keyboard-part by some wires, the actual casing that's supposed to support the screen is gone. I place books behind the screen to keep it up. My...
'When I click on the links for the updated posts, my url shows a blank screen.|||Corporations are not the place for individuals. Mass produced minds fit the corporate-human resource commodity model. INTJ, don't give up, don't surrender. You have the resourcefulness in you....|||Atheists want scientific rigour and logic applied to Religion; however scientific rigour is missing from its own ideologies namely Atheism and Scientism, the argument being religion is illogical,...|||If a religious faith can be proven by way of scientific method it ceases to be a faith. A testable and provable fact requires no faith to exist or be asserted incontrovertibly. So what would a...|||Other examples on industry giant Google on introducing the other element to Robotics, AI to power up the robotics. Google buys AI company DeepMind after big robotics, home devices acquisitions - ABC...|||If the Robotics Mass Introduction Program is real, then there should be examples of such and projection plans for their introduction, if so then, what's up with Google and so on? Google’s Driverless...|||You know you're INTJ when the debate of ideas Means War.|||The given assumption INTJ= generally atheist. Well we need metrics for this, and do they mean anything as to claim of superior intellect or whathaveyou? Atheism has the value as any other...|||In other words being assertive and asserting.|||Citation of cases would be interesting to tell how Ouija boards lead to unwanted results, we can learn from experience, right?|||I think the question regarding the quality of the faith given out by the congregation is not just determined by the level attention given to its particular members. There is not way for the...|||Believing on Ouija Boards is one thing, do they work is the question.|||Yes, communication with spirits, demons and other entities, seeking to use the device to manipulate the users, perhaps there are some stories to fill the gaps on this?|||In general terms churches as such are under the umbrella of the Federal Council of Churches and around the world under the World Council of Churches with a set worldly agenda. Some people are...|||Not Ouija boards, but there are other more accurate devices. Ouija boards for some reason have a bad reputation at outing Intuitive precognition (divination). Software applications can be more...|||Dreamed of living in the outer planets, in a colony ressembling The Wild West with high tech. Gotta keep the dream journal on hard copy, recollections lasting for about 10 minutes.|||If people want quality moderation, they need to pay their fees for the time and effort needed to moderate actual debates. For admins, moderating actual debates, not just ordinary posting with the...|||Speaking of robots taking over, this observation is in regards to DARPA, Google and other organisations seeking to promote robots and AI to replace humans, despite the record US unemployment,...|||The logic of Cult of Personality is flawed, why not become one's own cult of personality, the only person who doesn't hide things from you.|||You know you're INTJ when you release social engineering of society has reduced effect on you.|||Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I8mWG6HlmU|||If Atheists and their like-minded militants didn't harass, there wouldn't be a problem .|||Sounds like a mind-profiler probe...|||Experience detachment like the Buddha, the anger goes away, your neocortex can then compute higher order thoughts. You miss on the repetitive neurosis. I just accept people as they are flaws and...|||Give me spiritual, I don't get anything out of Penny Cruz.|||Move along - there is nothing to look, the perpetrator remains at large, there are a number helpful members of the public aiding the Police with the investigations.|||10 hours, it does sound epic.|||Insecure people are a pest and the best treatment for pest is fumigation with nerve gas, preferably slow acting.|||Don't forget to wax, peel and work out.|||I know the Transhumanists hate and fear, for they are very much human, despite the conceit of superiority, ignorance is palpable. ONLY HUMAN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgZ7gMze7A&ob=av3e|||West Side Story has pretty good melodies, gee I am still straight after it, my aesthetic perceptions are expanding. Excellent DVD and choreography, be cool dude. Brilliant stuff. Thank you God,...|||Tubular Bells album by David Oldfield.|||Apple Fanboys; silly people never heard of military AI being used in IT consumer products. See CALO and SIRI.|||I accept them, otherwise the mind chatter gets out of control.|||Stuff the ignorant and arrogant fools for they come together. The words you're looking for are Apocrypha and Seventh Heaven.|||Freud Allegories aside (it is bunk science any way, didn't you notice? Easy metaphors), it is surrogate masturbation (self-indulgence), for the artisans, it is called the peak prowess in skill...|||PS:from my research the Ancient Orders of the Christian Knights are alive and well and willing to do what it takes to do the job. It was an interesting time away from the forum, doing library...|||I am at war against Atheist and Socialist Scum, I am only protecting the Judeo-Christian Civilization from Cultural Genocide that made it great. Atheists and socialists where they hold power commit...|||Communcation skills baby. Speak to the audience, not to yourself. They have no duty to even pay attention to anyone.|||Sure, after a while you to know the people on the list... so where are the brain busting insights from the INTJs?|||I like to stick to real people. No one knows where psychos lurk in internet forums. Me picky?|||Empirical testing. Knowledge is like swiss cheese, irrational and illogical is the holes.|||INTJs have too much curiosity to allow themselves to be squares... intellectual but not stone-cold autistic fool. Nerds are a different species, more sex appeal needed too...|||INTJs have the Introversion and Intituition, trumps Extroversion, however INTJs can over-intellectualize into absurdity what makes them hot-blooded humans. Extroversion is over-rated for the...|||Sounds like an enticing real-life romance, actually rather addictive once you get to appreciate the aesthetics of it. Give me a glass of red and a heroic romance and adventure...even Reality shifts....|||Speak of Necromancy and be freaked out with knowledge of the actual Black Arts. Otherwise it is a storm in a tea cup. Fair point? INTJs are allowing personality profile category determine what...|||INTJs keep the eyes on the big picture, don't suffer over small fry especially when it is not mission critical yet endevor to remain accurate. Too much to ask?|||Listening to Brad Fiedel's electronic sountrack to The Terminator; where the remainders of Humanity fight the Artilect Singularity called SKYNET. Thanks to the sic-fi writers for sending us a...|||So, the answer is not demanded from a particular person any way. So the issue is...|||No worries, the issue with INTJ girl versus INTJ boy is that the emotions are stronger in the girl. Can the boy neuter and suppress his nature by will alone?'
'Sometimes I'll think really mean things about myself and I think gosh, if I acted the same way towards a friend as I do towards myself I'd be a really awful friend. I think part of healing is...|||You know it's funny I figured out my subtypes a while back when I was maybe not so self aware, but this thread made me go back and look through it all again and it turns out sp/so does seem...|||I feel like my fixes have different instincts, but that's only based off subtype descriptions (Naranjo and Chestnut), which I don't really know how much faith to put into. But I'm not sure how else...|||I don't really mind techno actually - I occasionally go to house parties where that's all they play and I'm fine with it but it does bore me after a while, don't really see the point. I like deep...|||Ah well I'll never be bothered in that case haha|||614 - the philosopher 425210 425242 425274 425194|||Well I'm lucky enough to have some pretty decent contacts in various fields through my parents. I think I'd be ok with working my way up slowly anyways, boring doesn't bother me if I know it's...|||This does seem to reflect type 7 but a lot of it also just makes sense if you're an Ne dom. Maybe if you talk a bit about how you experience/what you think of the 3 emotions; fear, shame and...|||I'm willing to believe that, I only have a pretty elemental understanding of the type. I'm curious to hear if other 8s feel this way about lust too. Under this angle I'm seeing why OP is having...|||Actual betrayal is not exactly what scares me about betrayal though. I know I'll be able to cope quite well if it ever happens. My issue is not knowing when the rug could be pulled out from under me,...|||Gluttony arises to fill/hide a sense of emptiness in the 7. To avoid feeling trapped and anxious, which would mean being faced with unpleasant things, the glutton fills it all with excitement and...|||Ah yeah that does sound quite 4/9 like. I'd love to hear a 6 tell me they feel like their head is in the clouds. I think a word to describe 6 is 'alert', we have kind of a nervous energy, like we're...|||Hello I'm currently trying to make some big decisions, like what I want to do with my life, what masters degree to chose and all that fun stuff. I'm really interested in the work most NGO's do, in...|||Perhaps I'm projecting because I relate a lot to this, but some of it sounds very 6-ish, the crushing doubt, the sense of things lacking in meaning... 6 disintegrates to 3, which is an image type...|||Yes! hehe figures it goes both ways We can PM if you want to 'buddy up' ^_^|||Well that's what gives empathy the tremendous value it has. I can relate a lot to this. I guess I keep thinking this one person will come along and just get it all. I've been lucky enough to...|||I'm a 614 :) I'm a bit of a lurker but I often relate to your posts|||Yes! This is kind of why I asked my question. He talks mostly about being part of an actual concrete group, appropriate behavior within it, awareness of the relations between people and finding...|||Can a social last be concerned with social/political issues, the direction humanity is going in, and want to contribute to building a better world? Or does this have nothing to do with the social...|||Hi can I get my name changed to kitsu please? :)|||Coucou, j'suis parisienne aussi :) mais je vis à Bruxelles en ce moment. J'espère que tu te plairas ici.|||I am a 614, very sure of that. I only have two close friends The first is a 954 Qualities I appreciate: deeply reflective, beautiful internal landscape, very calm, soft and solitary, always...|||Newsroom o/ I think my heart has died a little since that ended Sunday|||Whenever I listen to music. Also for the hour between the time I go to bed at night and the time I fall asleep I usually unwind all the emotions of the day. The rest of the time I feel emotion...|||@jcal , 7w8 3w4 1w2 sx/sp It's really hard to pick only 5, I just went with the mood I'm in now rather than try to describe my whole personality. ...|||I've never watched the show, but I just looked up snippets of him on youtube and yes that does seem fitting!|||For some reason, fiction isn't filled with superphobic sixes. I guess we don't really make for interesting plot lines. Person sits locked in their room in the foetus position talking to themselves...|||Oh I meant boring in the kindest of ways :) I like that we SP doms are usually subdued and mellow people, I consider this a respectable quality.|||Haha we are kinda boring|||I really hate sharing my food.|||This isn't just your life you're affecting anymore, smoking can have catastrophic effects on a baby's health and development. I understand that it's hard to quit, I truly do, especially if there are...|||Pride|||I feel like it makes more sense for me to describe my original unhealthy state first because what I experience as essence really came in complete dual opposition to that so they make most sense...|||Thank you for indulging me ;)|||Is it totally OCD to mention I didn't want a capital B? Sorry :P|||Hi, I'd like my name changed to Merry blues Thanks !|||Well not necessarily. There is a general valuing of a withdrawn and analytical perspective/careful defining of a personal worldview, a general dislike for consensus and small talk, a vivid internal...|||If they're based on PerC members, I wouldn't trust them... So many mistypes -_-|||Where did you get this from?|||Haha ! As I said it's not all of them, but in general I feel very uncomfortable around people who have an impersonal approach to relationships (that's more my fault than theirs). But it goes both...|||Types I get along with really well: INFP - INTP - ESFP - ENFP - ISFP - INFJ - ISTJ Types I really enjoy as people but can have a hard time connecting with: INTJ - ENTP - ISTP Meh: ESFJ -...|||Wonderful question I agree that one shouldn't limit their understanding of personality to a model, which is definitely something that needs to be better understood around this forum. However...|||INTP or INTJ - 649 sp/sx yummy :'(|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TTztEeL7Yg In times like these In times like those What will be will be And so it goes And it always goes on and on... On and on it goes And there has...|||When you say subjective thinking that means Ti in official MBTI theory (introverted thinking = thinking from a subjective standpoint). When you ask why is subjective thinking annoying, and...|||It's funny that you'd say that on your introductory thread to a forum that revolves around understanding that there is a whole lot behind labels :P When you get into them, the types and cognitive...|||This is sweet :3 Warm welcome to the forum ! I noticed that you maintained your original typing of INTJ Do you disagree with our (mine and a few others) assessment as SEI/ISFJ ?|||Are you sure that these are the right people for you? A quality of Fe, which I think often hinders INFJ's otherwise incredible lucidity, is to partially suppress their personal opinions about...|||118689 The eleventh Doctor Who, as played by Matt Smith (I want to marry him)|||I enquired into type because I'm usure if I'm NeFi or FiNe, but I don't consider any other options viable. My tritype does make me highly reclusive, and quite Te-like, though. Except for...'
'For once, I do not actually agree with the majority of advice in this thread, with the exception of one poster: cmouse79 We ENFPs overthink things easily and read between the lines, especially if...|||Kissing is like a 'quick' way to show you are affectionate to your partner. It feels nice. It feels even nicer if you kiss your partner the right way and they get a big grin or smile on their...|||I must admit I did not read all of the posts in this thread, but here's my two pieces of pastry: Whenever one of my INTJ friends overstepped themselves and hurt me or my feelings or offended me, I...|||A few things INTJs like to hear, according to my experience: 1) Any form of sincere gratitude: 'Thank you, <insert-name-here>!', or 'This is a big help, thanks <insert-name-here>!'. Especially...|||Currently working in the software development field, but branching out in a more managerial direction within that field. As long as I can use my social skills and assets, along with my practical...|||Exactly this! I just shift my attention from one set of friends to another. I think it is healthy enough behavior. You don't want to be floating around the same people all the time, anyway. So I...|||One of the hardest things in college to do, for some individuals, is getting out of their own shell and learn to meet new people. See if people from your classes seem agreeable enough to get along...|||The way we have it set up is that we get a room, en-suite, and we can indicate preferences about the type of house-mates we have regarding student accommodation. See if something kind of like that is...|||Your logic is interesting, but it does not add up. Especially on the drunk part. People are not as likely to suppress certain actions when they drink, unlike when they do not drink. The concept is...|||I always keep mine in check regularly, without much stimulus required (such as reading, games etc). Though if I have access to stimuli of choice, I'll listen to music. I find music to be the most...|||Equilibrium - Rise Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6jy8_EN8xc Only have the instrumental video on YT, but it will do... it's wonderful to listen to if you love your metal!|||Better internet, and for the next month to pass by. So many big things happening in my life at the moment. Lot's of big changes. It is kind of tricky to deal with it all. But after next month,...|||What you have to realize is that even the most introvert of individuals still require social contact. It's a fact. You are no exception to this rule. It is important for you to surround yourself...|||Let's ignore the fact that the story is very scripted with no room for budging the situation as described, for arguments sake. If you were on the receiving end, would you really want a person to...|||This concept takes a while to get your head around, but Maye is absolutely correct. Don't go doing things you'll regret just because a relationship did not work out. You made a good decision to...|||I never said not to be a feminist or a career woman. Nor did I say that men feel threatened by it. :| I clearly stated You can have your own career, but don't let that be the primary focus. The...|||I think what cybersloth81 was trying to say is that if any form of feminism, even the vibe of it is portrayed on your dating profile, it can turn some people away. Because your profile is meant to...|||Excellent news! Except for the competition part. In what respect is there competition? A few more details would be useful if you want our advice on that. I am glad that the date went well. Make...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPjHUFe4AKk Mmmm. Delicious. Love Devin Townsend.|||This is what happened for me. I was insured through the driving school which was included in the overall fee for it. Just do it through a driving school, it avoids a lot of hassle, IMO.|||My sister is actually a sensory type. I have not, to my knowledge, met anyone else who happens to be a sensory type. So I cannot really answer that question effectively. Spending time with my sister...|||Quite often. I look around me, at the people who are apparently happy and successful in life. Feeling like they are all that, and then there's me. These kinds of thoughts are upsetting. They keep...|||Exactly what this one here said. If I don't get intellectual stimulation once in a while, I feel like it's been a wasted day. That's probably why I am attracted to people who thrive in...|||Exactly what this guy said. He owes you a certain degree of consideration when he is in a relationship with you, I think. You have to respect your partner, and they have to respect you. I think it...|||What this post tells me is that you carry a lot of uncertainty within yourself. The solution is relatively straight forward, and I'd like to explain it my way. The first thing I want to say, is...|||Based on the (limited) information and the responses people have given, it most likely is a case of a bad first impression either through profile picture, or possibly information on the profile...|||I'm not really the right person to ask. I don't really go out there looking for them. Maybe I *should*, but I don't at the moment. They are meant to be quite rare however, according to some results...|||Opposites attract, and there's just enough common ground to learn and grow from one another with INTJ and ENFP. :) That said, I find myself stupidly attracted to INTJs. Apparently INFJs are a good...|||Not really sure how to feel. I have been in a feeling limbo for a while. Lots of transitions happening in my life, the majority which really f*cking suck beyond description. Unsure how I will...|||Sunless Rise - Eidolon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSWCr1VxBvo Certainly a thing for those who like more melody in their heavier metal.|||Here is a question for you (or to any of the ENFPs out there), a question of a more serious nature. How do you, as an ENFP, handle people who do not treat you with equal respect in any kind of...|||It most likely is a case of desperation from the guys. I am willing to bet you are not the only lady that they approach in this fashion on that site. You are most likely just another target to...|||My results: Gender: male Age: 16-26 Intelligence: above-average Idea adoption: conservative MBTI personality profile: ISFP Closest alternative we found: ISTP|||IMO, I would purchase laptops from the MSi or Asus brand. They have a slightly better rep than HP or Dell. The specs that were suggested by people are on point, and 15 inches on the screen is...|||I would not really label myself as the bubbly personality either, though my INTJ friend has slapped the nickname Glitterz on me. I have no idea why! lol... :P Having said that, I just tend to be...|||I like it, but I don't love it. 1) I do software development. 2) Studied for 4 years, personally learning more in the workplace than I do at college. 3) I can create anything! I am planning...|||I think that depends on the maturity of the INFJ themselves. They do care about making the world a better place, but I found that Locke has behavioral patterns to show he cares. Like at the start...|||Yep. All the time. I find it ultimately falls down on the fact that people are happy to point out flaws in someone. I don't think it matters if you are an ENFP or not, but since this is an ENFP...|||I don't think I'd want that much control, to be honest... but if I did, I would probably create a world where people would be more brave in general. And throw in the odd mythical creature here and...|||I'd estimate him at an INFJ, though it's a tough guess. Brilliant book series though, absolutely worth the read. One of the best fantasy series out there today, no doubt about it.|||I would personally enjoy it if my SO showed forms of affection. I would not go overboard with it myself, though. Holding hands, maybe the odd small kiss here and there, my arm over her shoulder, that...|||ENFPs are very friendly by nature to pretty much anyone. If we can resolve a situation with a smile, that's what we will do. If we can do that and make friends on the way, even better. If he is...|||We ENFPs still have to self-reflect by introverting away from people. And the amount we have to do that depends on the friend. Some people are more mentally or socially exhausting. Now, don't take...|||I did chuckle a bit at this stuff, I won't lie. Because the behavioural and mental thinking patterns are so atypical of INTJs. What’s the best course of action? (before, during and after) ...|||Count on it that he's distracted, based on the information that you've given, because: 1) He lives in a nearby city. Guaranteed it costs time and money to travel from the one city to another....|||That's the best part about INTJs. They balance us out when it comes to pure logic and organizing things. We need our healthy batch of INTJs! *gives Poizon soda and a bro-fist* :D|||I've been called over-analytical because I like digging into details of things. It's for my own understanding and to really get a good grasp of said thing, whatever that may be. Lately been called...|||1) Words of affirmation go the longest mile for me. Anyone can be a liar, but the words hold true if the feeling behind them are true as well. It's like an open declaration which sends out a firm...|||You can actually ask an ENFP out without making it too awkward. We actually love simple things, and if you ask him out in a very simple fashion and just have a nice time, it gives you the perfect...|||It might have been said before. But personally in my chosen circle of friends, if you do not put an effort forward to try and maintain some form of contact with me, you automatically fall of my I...'
'SpreeFirit Warm greetings to you too! *insert picture of cute rodent thing rolling around and apology for the lack of tech skills necesary to make that happen* Not sure why, You chose to write...|||windmill slam Awesome post!!! Like, seriously, wow! :D lots of good stuff! So don't hop over to the INTP forum just yet! To paraphrase what I'm gathering from your analogies: The main...|||Such as.......? And, ISTPs, do you agree with the cryptic signals part before the pounce? You guys are a straightforward bunch, so I doubt the signals are meant to be cryptic....or are they?|||Oh, so that's what you kids call it these days ;) (Sorry for being of no help whatsoever)|||Why, thank you :) since my tried-and-true methods don't exactly work with ISTPs, the only tools I have left for reconnaissance purposes are my googley eyes and my adorable guesses....so, in other...|||I think I read somewhere that ISTPs like/need to feel needed, first of all, is this true? And second of all, if it is, it seems like there could be an awful fine line between making the ISTP feel...|||Why do you get all mother hen on them?|||I think the specifics are REALLY helpful; even if they're just based off of you personally, it's starting to help me formulate a general lens in which to view what he does and therefore how I should...|||I wonder how many years of unsaid butthurt it took Waif to get enough material to make this thread :tongue: That being said, a lot of it does really ring true, as long as you take out the...|||Thanks, this really helped put things into perspective! But this whole Ti-Se dichotomy doesn't exactly make sense to me yet in terms of an ISTP in a possible relationship situation....yes, you...|||Hmmm, an ENFP adding fluffy emphasis? Well, I never!!! :crazy: Now THAT sounds a little more technical and emotionless ISTP to me! Heaven forbid there's an ISTP out there that's one of...|||Thank you! That post is the culmination of quite a bit of head scratching on my part about ISTP behavior and subsequent thread-stalking about said subject, and I'm glad I could turn it into something...|||I think I've forced all the ISTPs to go into processing mode :cool: mission complete|||Wow, I'm super sorry! I bet that made your head hurt trying to read all that :blushed: Hopefully the edit made it semi-ok, I'm still not good at paragraphing since I pretty much talk in one huge...|||Hi everyone! Confession: I've been lurking on this thread for a bit and soaking up all I can about you ISTPs :th_wink: so now I think in order to make myself not (well, less) creepy, I came to the...|||ENFP Female Most: INTJ, ISTP, INTP Least: ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ|||As one of the many ENFP's helplessly intrigued/baffled by an ISTP, I've been trying to read up as much as possible on the subject (blame the Si). I've read a lot of threads that give me pieces of the...|||Update: I tried telling him that even though we haven't hung out too much that I would really like to get to know him better so I invited him to my school's basketball game, but he just kind of...|||Alrighty, I guess it's go-time now, like Glyphs said!!!!! :D Let me just find a wheelbarrow to carry around the gigantic balls I'll need for this one haha :P whew, time to be direct!!! Apolo -...|||When you appreciate the kitteh smiley on here just a LITTLE too much lol :kitteh:|||Is it possible to be TOO direct??? Is it possible to come back from this?? Like have I reached the point of no return??|||Too bad this one's already taken.....or else I'd even be tempted to swoop in on this random ENFP lady too haha, kidding! :kitteh: But seriously, she needs a trophy or something for being like the...|||I'm not sure TrueGenius knew what she was getting herself into when she made this thread........262946|||Is it that time where we all kumbaya now?|||Phil - You know you like it :P Cinnamon83 - Dawwww, thanks *blushes* Glad I could help! *resumes supportive lezzing out, but even more intensely to make Phil feel awkward*|||Vacious - Thanks for the insight :D First of all, congratulations on all the dates with beautiful ladies haha! You little ladies man, you! Do you have any idea why you just seem to attract all these...|||Ok, now that I know she's an ENFP, let me get a little more detailed and hopefully give you some perspective. The fact that she is copying you so much means that she absolutely adores you and thinks...|||Is your ENFP best friend the one you were mentioning on the thread about imitating??? Funny you should bring that up because I was just looking at that thread and I was like, wow, this person who's...|||Why does it make you annoyed to be imitated? Yeah, she's imitating you and it's lame, but I think you need to pinpoint what it is about her imitating you that bothers you. Because imitation ISN'T a...|||Totally fine, don't worry about it haha :) I could definitely see where it could be misleading and I'm sorry that I got your blood pumpin' a little bit with the first post lol :P|||Should I just tell him outright that I think he's really interesting and cool and that I'd like to get to know him better? Or would that be creepy of me and scare him off??|||I don't really see him around unless I randomly bump into him on campus (we go to the same school)...and if texting is a snooze-fest for you guys, then how do I get to know him better? Like I feel...|||#1: I don't really refuse to do much, whether out of fear or out of anything. I like to dive in head first and then see what happens. If nothing else, it'll probably make for a good story. #2: The...|||Sorry you feel this way, but I think a lot of your opinions are unfounded. I apologize for coming off as I did. Unfortunately I left out as much detail as I could to keep it short and sweet for the...|||1. Sentence length: Realllllllll long...I'm pretty sure my conversations are all just one long run-on sentence. I dance around the subject for a little bit while my brain catches up to my mouth and...|||Check out this thread, it's REALLY entertaining and can help you a lot in terms of being able to recognize the types. Enjoy :D ...|||ENFP here :D INFP best friend: I call her mini-me because we're pretty much the same person. We view the world the same way and we connect on so many different levels. I can be shallow and fluffy...|||Hahahahaha! I know, right?! He's giving you guys a bad name :P But unfortunately, yes, I'm sure.....my dad's an ISTP so I know how to spot 'em|||Sorry I wasn't super clear about that! Oops! He's not the one with a girlfriend, I was referring to guy I like talking about his roommate and his roommate's girlfriend|||261770Not sure how this is an uninteresting and unimportant thread haha......! But then again, I don't think it's possible to have an uninteresting and unimportant thread if we ENFP's have anything...|||Hey ISTP's! I just wanted to get the inside scoop from you guys!!! I've done as much research as I can, but I want some answers from actual ISTP's! So ENFP here, and I've hooked up with this ISTP...|||Now that we've gotten THAT out of the way......let's be civil about talking about what we don't like about the other types lol :P|||So the thing I've found with pretty much every description for MBTI types is that they highlight all the good parts about each type and then stop there. With as much class as we can muster, can we...|||I agree, totally useless and not cool or fun to use at all lol :P tanstaafl28 But is there really some Ne bashing going on??|||Haha! Fortunately it's not! I was just like, hmm my audience for this question is going to be ENFP's so might as well have some fun with it! *insert fictional dog-kidnapping sequence* lol But yeah...|||So I was looking at the 'passive aggressive' thread and it made me wonder how all you ENFP's deal with people-related problems! Whether it's the hairstylist giving you a really ugly haircut, your...|||I'm not sure if we're actually passive aggressive or if, as Perceivers, we just wait for more information to come in before we handle a problem. I personally have to eliminate every single...|||I think that's the best How did you guys meet story I've ever heard! What a great little coincidence :D oh and are you sure he wasn't just trying to steal your phone lol|||.....and pillow fights lol|||dawilliams - Solid advice! You disagreed with the suggestion I made to just go out and find another dude, which I think needs some more explanation. Since I have zero real-life experience with INTJ's...'
'I don't know if this is a problem for OP as well, but getting through the initial bunny rabbit fear stage is the hardest part. Someone does something you don't really like or inidicates the potential...|||If he were a naked male model who would make you scream while feeding you the delicious food he cooked. Oh and he came with passive income of a million dollars per minute.|||Third on the stress. I only obsess about work during the first few weeks of a new job or if I'm too tight on money.|||If you're looking for a link to enneagram type, those subforums are the place to ask this. About 50% of INTP's are 4w5 so you won't get much of an even spread here. That said, comfy clothes...|||Hey now, don't edit your posts to erase your message. This ain't snapchat.|||I've been told I'm too analytical, I think too much and that makes me intimidating. My personal favorite is inhuman. It's not true, I have feelings and emotions and I can care about people. How I...|||Fights where one person accuses the other of not trying enough is never a small fight. I've said and received that statement enough times to know it is never small and no one is the martyr. He...|||I like all my friends and I wouldn't hang out with anyone that I didn't like. But all of my friends also do things that drive me batshit crazy too or things that I fundamentally disagree with. If I...|||I was just promoted into a leadership role and this summarizes my first week. https://media3.giphy.com/media/z3UyOWj4LYolW/giphy.gif|||When facing a stubborn bullheaded pig - tell them the holes in their ideas, give a solid explanation as to why and offer an alternate solution. Then say the part of their idea that you agree with. If...|||Other: Games, animal care, animal psychology, psychology, science, architectural science and history, cooking, larger DIY projects, smithing, nutrition, writing, grammar, medicine, biology,...|||The only time I've have ever had trouble finding things to analyze is simply when I am too exhausted to really notice anything.|||Money is freedom and passive income is the way to go.|||http://www.myhumblekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/banyanroots.jpg...|||http://www.myhumblekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/banyanroots.jpg...|||If you have anxiety, you should be cautious about using any drug as all of them have great potential at exacerbating it, stimulant or depressant. Weed treats all individuals differently, but in my...|||Similarly, with everyone else, I wouldn't go visit a grave after their burial. I can appreciate the desire, but for me, it would just rip the scab off of an old wound. I much prefer the idea of...|||Yeah, small risks sound about right. I only smoke as a coping mechanism and swearing- I swear like a half naked drunk in the red light district.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYaoKHGP0dc&list=PLWklwxMTl4syenM-NN3NXjNW6DyT6bDMG&index=4|||Looks like OP didn't value their INTP's word and somehow expected other INTP's to side with her. Shame, really.|||Well, legal wasn't a stipulation in your original post. To be honest, I didn't think that would be a problem since you were talking about pain killers and the like. But if you are looking for a...|||Small amounts of Indicia will help everything slow down, large amounts will knock you on your ass though. Personally, I found just being slightly high did the trick while being extremely high just...|||I agree with what was said above. I have depression and I have a back injury. So I have a direct comparison. At their absolute worst: Physical Ongoing pain: Physical Short term pain:...|||I have loved so incredibly deeply but the thought of that person dying has never entered the realm of possibilities. I think vulnerability and love have a lot to do with eachother, because you can...|||No, I don't get it at all. I have asked these people they say it always inspires them. The one friend does have a goal of starting her own production buisness and that's what she wants to stay...|||Most laws line up with my moral code. Like murder for example. But I just don't generally like to do things that would directly harm another person. I just don't see a good reason why. But 16...|||Being totally alone throughout my life. I don't mean in romance, but just alone altogether. No friends or family. Literally, no one to rely on. Being vulnerable. Outside of the existential stuff-...|||My left hand is so incredibly useless.... How in the world would you notice something like that via forum?|||11Quality Time 9Physical Touch 5Words of Affirmation 3Receiving Gifts 2Acts of Service Results aren't surprising really. I'm very touchy feely and love to spend time with those who are...|||https://media.giphy.com/media/4LsN0YwgIsvaU/giphy.gif|||Recently, I've played Fallout 4 for the second go around, got bored at about 70%ish through the story and switched to the Witcher 3 and have just beaten that for the second time. After that it will...|||One thing to watch for is the chameleon INTP. If we want to we can make ourselves appear as other personalities if needed/wanted. I have not met enough INTP's to say how to spot one, though. The only...|||I don't unusually try to be emotional when writing, but when I do it still ends up being very reminiscent without actually stating emotions or cause and effect style. Hey, remember that thing we...|||Did I read? What? Books? God no. This- exactly.|||Every single one of those fields is over saturated and that in fact none of those jobs can be succeeded in unless you're just naturally very gifted, or are- in fact- an extremely hard worker. Those...|||In non-personal situations, I definitely defend my reasoning but I wouldn't say it's necessarily defensive. I have x opinion for x reasons or no, it's x thing for x reasons and the majority of...|||I love boring jobs. I think being a dishwasher gave me the most freedom to have my mind wander, but the job I have now is also pretty good. It's like a more complicated data entry, so it's not just...|||I think the thing is that you can be intelligent and not be an asshole about it. Also I think people, in general, are intimidated by intelligence... or more specifically those who are more...|||Under The Same Sky - Joeseph Kim and Stephan Talty|||Haha, I like the imagery. You should change your avatar to a duck I don't need arch support unless I'm standing for long periods of time. My arches are freakishly high, makes even buying tennis...|||I, in fact, own 2 dresses. I guess they're considered day dresses, but they have lace, therefore, that means I dressed up. I sometimes wear make up too, but I don't really find makeup to be too much...|||You know what though, it's all too true. I personally stay out of social situations where men just sort of come up to greet me (or dates really), but there too many women I know where their only...|||Dang, now I kind of want to meet you. She makes you sound like a unicorn that poops magic and rainbows. I've also been told I'm obviously very intelligent and well-spoken and my personal...|||1. On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to the idea of having a life partner? 3-4 I'll only marry if I have a relationship that I can see as long-lasting. I've seen many marriages that devolve...|||What were you in high school? Nerd, Jock, Gamer, Computer Geek, Prep, Ghetto or others? Full outcast, didn't belong to any single group - mostly shunned. There was a rumor that I was a psychopath...|||MBTI reigns pretty close to horoscope territory, so it's all in good fun|||I get allergies every season change, even in winter from all the sand they put on the roads. About once a year I'll get a lingering feeling that I'm coming down with something that never comes and I...|||I don't fit any single one, but my order to letters would be ITNP according to tests. These are the top five. IPTN - gamer (pothead) – This mode uses themselves as the basic element in their...|||Wish I could tell you in an objective instructional way, but I don't have great idea myself. This is my general process- maybe you'll be able to glean something from it. When it comes to verbal or...|||I write long notes, leave little gifts around places, little handmade presents, make them food, keep stuff they like around the house, lots of compliments, public displays of affection, generally...'
'Most ESTPs I know tend to dream big and are quite precise as to where they'd like to be in life. So yeah, another shitty stereotype.|||Prioritize ;--)|||My thoughts exactly. I guess he's trying to prove something to himself. Hence the why not have Fi which is obvious B.S.|||Yes but how why not have Fi is a question lol. It's not like I chose not to have it.|||Silly me, why didn't I think about that. And what the hell are you talking about?|||Just an interesting article I stumbled upon. Full articleA Little Bit of Personality: Type Heroes: ESTP - The Spartan I found the below part to be spot-on. Are you a bitter ESTP? Have you at...|||People, this thread is for ESTPs to answer. 1) If you werent ESTP, which other type would you like to be: ENTJ 2) Who are you attracted to: ENFP|||ESTP because: -Se: Self-explanatory -Ti: Knowing what makes the other person tick (especially after several encounters, it gets better with time, yay) -Fe: Wanting to please Of course, this...|||yeah I think you are most likely an ESTP...though what you said is more indicative of your Enneagram type (most probably 3 or may be 7) .|||I like it but I don't take it seriously.|||I have no interest in that. I did when I was younger though.|||I feel my Introverted thinking is very weak ...I'm probably in the a Se-Fe loop which means I spend a lot of time clowning around :tongue:. Any insight to get more in touch with my Ti?|||I cant stand the lack of honesty and directness of many NFPs. Them being centered around their feelings makes me perceive them as selfish too. I like INFJs. I find them caring and they never fail to...|||I create trouble.|||Whatever. I like to make friends.|||Dump the b*tch|||Many fictions books have important insights into aspects of reality and human nature.|||I don't read a lot but when I find a book that I like, I disconnect from the world and make one with the book.|||Someone's being annoyingly condescending..|||Weightlifting, feels so good.|||Con tricks? that's what they say :)|||Personal relationships :p|||Nop..your need one type from each center both 7w8 & 5w6 are head types.|||It all started with a boring, lonely afternoon when I started typing personnality test on Fb only to stumble upon a Myer-Briggs quizz. It seemed less shitty than other quizzes on Fb and so I got...|||A mix of Slytherin and Gryffindor...|||Something's wrong here.|||I take care of my appearance if eveyrhing else is going smoothly. If i'm busy fixing some problem, or have a goal in sight then I just put on anything in my way. :p|||xNFPs..|||Because I tend to really click with INFPs. In fact, two of the very few people that I consider to be my real friends are infps, one is a male, the other is female and is stuyding abroad. I don't...|||1 You guys are cute together & He definetely got that crazy-intense ESTP gaze...Wish you all the best.|||I don't think you can develop your inferior function consciously..Most people tend to feel pretty balanced if they really develop their auxiliary function though..I'd say try to develop your Ni...|||Sounds more like an ISTP than ESTP but who knows...anyway, I'd say just let him get out of his stress mode, then when he's in his happy-go-lucky mood, try to talk to him about his issue, he'll be...|||Why are you quoting some post of mine that I wrote 5months ago and that wasn't written for you so I can read your story about so-called ESTPs douchebags in your life? I don't give a fuck.......|||Welcome, we need more ESTPs here :--).|||There it is. Feel free ton contribute. I'll write some stuffs later on..|||The istps have theirs , why don't we make ours? I feel like there a lot of the things that we, ESTPs, tend to go through in the same way, a lot of shared experience, it would be great if we...|||jhfjeojdjkjnklk|||Being alone for a prolonged period of time...|||I am like that sometimes except for the tears part.|||Well. I need that NF thing to balance my STness :--) Oh don't worry, we probably love our own type as mch as the other types. I guess we're just too realistic to realize that constantly having...|||Ouf course, what makes you doubt that?|||No we can't be , there is something about Se-ti that makes it impossible for us to be kind.|||INFPs, ENFPs...|||8 and 1? You can't have two gut types.|||Thanks! I'm of Arabic origins..|||45911|||Alcoholic|||I do...however I stopped doing it at some point, I got tired of getting into fistfights with random strangers...|||Let's revive that shit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BpfydZdTE0&amp;feature=player_embedded (that vid screams Se lol)|||My best friend in uni is an INTP. We get an impressive amount of work done when studying together for exams( we both are majoring in Maths), he offers alternative solutions, I keep him on track...'
'Disorder Rating Information Paranoid: Moderate more info | forum|||I've been told more than once I should have my own radio show, and one acting director I've had constantly told me he thinks my voice is fantastic. Personally, it's hard for me to see the appeal....|||My favorite video game is easily Metroid: Prime. I love the pure sense of atmosphere and adventure it gives me, how it truly makes me feel immersed in an alien world that I'm completely free to...|||Lonely, abandoned, longing. I think I'd give anything for a hug and someone to talk to.|||Everywhere I feel like an outsider, unnecessary, the extra piece that got accidentally packaged with the rest of the jigsaw puzzle. Where I see problems, everyone else sees advantages or comfort, and...|||Isolated, ignored, misunderstood - like I exist in a glass box everywhere I go.|||Thank you so much for all the responses so far! It's my first real thread, and I wasn't sure how well it'd go over, but you've all given some great advice. I think the problem for me might lie in...|||Happy I was sorta kidding, but thanks anyway. Something along those lines would be nice, I think.|||I propose that we implement a hug button in addition to the thank button.|||As some might guess from the excessive posts I've made about it already, I've been feeling incredibly depressed for quite some time now. One of the things about it I've found hardest to deal with are...|||-The satisfaction of helping someone in their time of need -Our gift for deep (overly) analytical thought -Abstract thinking and metaphors coming so easily to mind -A sense of wisdom learned early...|||Why can't I work up more confidence in myself? It makes me feel so worthless and ignored...|||You know, sometimes, people get sentimental value from the groups they're in, and sometimes, they get very emotional about it. Who the hell are you to question that, to act as if you're above it...|||The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood Dystopian fiction told through stream-of-consciousness narration. What's not to love?|||I'm very solidly introverted. But it doesn't mean I don't struggle with loneliness. It's been my experience that introversion is something of an obstacle to connectedness, really. I think I just...|||Why is it that no matter how many people I talk to, no matter how connected I feel in one moment, I always end up going home feeling depressed and alone? I wish it would go away...|||Taphos I hear the voices past the stone, The words all muffled by the walls (The air stays still in suffocating calm) Inside the earth I sink down deep,|||Thank you for your support. I want you to know that hearing that does give me a little extra bit of light. I hope you find a way out of your despair as well.|||Depressed and so very, utterly, hopelessly lonely. I feel like I'm descending back into that dark place I thought I was out of. It's scaring me.|||Extroverted, cheerful, kind, and passionate people that love finding deeper meanings and exploration of all sorts. Generally helps if they tend to be individualistic and are very much their own...|||The First Step From a whisper I discover escape And wander in The new questions|||I got a 10. My self-confidence tends to fluctuate, however. Plenty of my answers on this test contradicted one another, in fact, though I'd still say I answered honestly. But I agree with...|||Immobilized. Unsure of what I want. Not despairing so much as dull.|||It doesn't seem very practical to try to solve my current problems by picking up new ones. And of course, it is impossible to use materialism to solve an immaterial struggle. But today I am...|||Tired, but I think I can continue on. After some rest, that is.|||So awfully sad. Full of the urge to hide away in a dark corner somewhere. I wish I could just get out of my head...|||When people use math terminology as verbs. You do not times 3 by 4 to get 12, you multiply it. You do not minus 6 from 23 to get 17, you subtract it. And other glaring grammatical mistakes as...|||While I understand and admire the concept of unconditional love, I have always found the term for it to be a bit contradictory, since, as Arclight pointed out, everything has conditions. One might...|||Sonically rich music, good literature, meditation, cutesy/heart-warming films or TV shows (usually animated), finishing a musical or written project, and petting cats. Oh, and hugs. Those are nice...|||Like I'm completely invisible, and unable to interact with the world. Filled with an urge to lock myself in my room and cry for hours. So what else is new?|||If only I could be more open and kind around people, if only I could leave some sort of positive impact on them, maybe they'd care about me... But no one ever will. All I'll ever be is ignored and...|||My avatar is a picture of Grey Voice, an important but perhaps not terribly well-known character from the Metroid games (a series which I admire tremendously, primarily for its ability to flawlessly...|||3) Withdrawn, retiring, dreamy, hardheaded, reserved 4) Irritable, touchy, suspicious, undependable I think I get a bit of 1 in there too, but not enough to beat these two.|||Well, I'll give answering these questions a go. In general, I'm a very neat and organized person, occasionally to extremes; I have tendencies to make sure chairs are perfectly parallel to the...|||Horribly depressed. Well, actually, worse than that, as it's mixed with a heavy dose of misanthropy as well. No one else seems to have any sense of justice or knowledge of the radical idea that other...|||Toxic relationships are so utterly depressing to see. One party so self-centered and heartless that they profit from emotional abuse, the other so passive and meek that they just take it all without...|||Btmangan is profoundly analytical, always reliable to give greater insight into an issue. He's never afraid to speak his mind, which is helpful as it gives us insight into a rather well-thought-out...|||Never directly, but I can certainly gather that people think of me that way. There's always a sense of shock on the rare occasion that I swear or make a crude joke - they just don't see it coming...|||Why, oh WHY did I have to be born allergic to cats? It feels so cruel to not be able to pet one without having my eyes itch like mad immediately afterward. :crying:|||I do sometimes, and it frightens me. One of the few qualities I let myself be proud of is my concern for other people, and when I find my belief in that quality to be contradictory to my actual...|||You're a great listener. You have such a great understanding of language. You always help me so much. Have you ever thought of going into radio? Because you have such a nice voice. But...|||I vaguely recall seeing these back when I was in elementary school (I was fortunate enough to receive an education that focused a great deal on different cultures and viewpoints). I don't think I...|||I keep working to cheer myself and get myself motivated and out of my head but nothing's working. No matter what I do, everything just keeps looking so bleak... I would give absolutely anything to...|||Well, look at that. I made another post that just went on whining about poor me this and that AGAIN. It's incredible. Absolutely incredible. I join a forum full of nice, intelligent people, and I...|||I think about it often. Heck, it's in the back of my head right now. The reasoning for it varies. Sometimes I feel so guilty and full of self-loathing that I believe I deserve to die, and doing it...|||Horribly depressed. Full of guilt and self-hatred. The air is a foul pestilence of vapors. It went away for awhile and I thought it might last. But it didn't. It never does...|||Well, for me, the problem stems from a sense of loneliness, isolation, and alienation, which leads to a craving for contact and to feel valued in the eyes of another, or at least for some form of...|||Rather ill. And strangely lonely. That lust for attention that always makes me feel guilty.|||I got a 23. I've identified as an HSP for awhile now. It's been pretty helpful to see information on the subject.|||Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good...'
'A General Introduction To Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud.|||A HUGE one when I decide to turn on the charm. It's very easy, really, because as ENTPs, we are adaptable and it's so simple to know exactly how to speak/act around certain people to mess with them a...|||My Fe is pretty developed, to some extent, at the least. Although I have a tendency to be a bit too apathetic to other's feelings. Supposedly, it is my teenage angst and general dislike for the rest...|||I'd like to imagine that I get along with the NTs except the ENTJs, as far as I know, I don't get along with the ENTJs I know very well. My best friend happens to be an INFJ so there you go.|||I go on tumblr until I reach my post limit and then mourn over character deaths, watching TV shows till I have to sleep and put off my homework. It doesn't make the boredom go away but hey, I'm a bit...|||The way I see it, the thing with ENTPs is that we think about all the possibilities that could happen and it makes it hard to make decisions knowing all the things that could happen. I honestly think...|||Oh, just normal things. Not much going on today. Like murderers, pizza and how much I hate every one.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AlEvy0fJto Badass classical music.|||Went to the bookstore two days ago. Planning on reading the Sherlock Holmes stories, The Hobbit, a book on Marilyn Monroe's death as well as one on Audrey Hepburn's life.|||I used to be really upset about how I was nice to people without getting anything back- but eventually I managed to get my head out of my ass. I've come to realise a while ago that you can't - and...|||Well first of all, I'm not even old enough to consume alcohol yet, but I have managed to have some now and then, and although it feels fun for awhile, if I drink too much it makes me feel terrible...|||I don't wear socks with my shoes.|||The one episode my friend showed me was alright. I laughed once during the whole thing. Perhaps I don't find it as funny as it is to most people.|||I would like my wedding to be in my backyard or some place like that, my mother the only witness from my family, and the rest, just a few close friends. Lots of alcohol.|||I do realise now that I am, indeed, afraid of failing, but that is rather minimal. I am afraid of space/the universe because it is vast and infinite. The worst thing, though, is my fear of...|||I got INTP a couple of times because dodgy MBTI tests often mistake being anti-social for being introverted. I got ENFP once.|||I|||I get bored. Shit happens.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TtyxpRjMwc|||Well done.|||Ugh. Anything but coffins. Buried the middle of the woods in the suburbs of Ireland; I don't care.|||Pssh guys. Brainy's the new sexy.|||Took the test thrice: Score of 16,18 and 17, accordingly.|||If I was smart enough I would probably be able to think of some tactics to make me more attractive anyway. Except like most of you I'm already smart and attractive.|||I hardly vent but when I do I brutally scar someone extremely hard by screaming and taking everything out on one person. And they'll feel terrible and hate me for the rest of my life.|||Wondering if my parents divorce had anything to do with me being an ENTP. If it does then I feel kinda bad since I like being an ENTP. Meh.|||You DO exist asdfghjkkl|||well I mean most of the ENTPs. The thing with me is that I get interested in a lot of things but then I get bored of it and give up on it. Sometimes I am far too lazy to do anything and get bored....|||Guys, I'm flattered.|||Excuse my lack of elaboration, I'm rather drowsy. Also, no need to apologise, curiosity is good. So to start with, I need guys who are smart like me, or smarter and can discuss and debate...|||The grotesque noise of pure boredom radiating from and around me.|||I know it's an ENTP thing to get trapped inside the universe of boredom a lot, and it sucks. How do you cope with it? Personally, I like to groan a lot and complain to my mother about it and...|||I don't know about the rest of the ENTP girls, but I just find other people so dull; as they don't make me think or stimulate my mind in any way. I think all the guys that don't want to date me just...|||Wearing band/fandom shirts out in public is me hoping that my (non-existent) soul mate that loves all the same things that I do will see my shirt and fall in love with me and marry me and we will...|||Mostly lots of Classic Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Alternative Rock, Rock & Roll (The Chuck Berry sort not the poser type) and the sort of Pop/Doo-wop of the 1960's. I like quite a bit of Jazz and stuff...|||I do that all the time- I only have two friends, partly because a lot of people don't like me and also partly because I chose to hang out with only those two people. I just think everyone else is...|||I can get dates if I want them by acting like the type of girl they like- but I'd rather not because it's boring. But when I act myself? I don't know.. a few guys like it, and I think most of them...|||Had that pizza again|||About why EVERYTHING IS SO BORING. I'm dying. I have nothing to do.|||I only consider two people to be my friends- my best friend an INFP and the other guy a ESFP.|||they need to put more m&ms in that. There are far too little in a single packet.|||I don't see what's so fantastic and great about my birthday at all - I don't feel special or older, at most I just get a bunch of people I don't care about faking their joy and wishing me A happy...|||We sure are fun and interesting, aren't we?|||Whatever I feel like and whatever is comfortable enough - Band shirts, skirts, casual dresses, shorts, whatever. Though most of the time I stick to PJs and isolate myself from the stupidity...|||Whatever I feel like and whatever is comfortable enough - Band shirts, skirts, casual dresses, shorts, whatever. Though most of the time I stick to PJs and isolate myself from the stupidity...|||Stay up till 4:30 in the morning and wake up at 1. Decline outings with friends. Sleep. Watch movies. Sleep. And perhaps go overseas with my parent if he has made plans. Basically- Holidays are...|||Perhaps I was stressing it a little bit and it's probably different from every ENTJ. But this is from the ENTJs I know, and perhaps my dad is a little more extreme with it because he actually works...|||Pretty funny, us and trying to understand feelings, huh? Thought quite a bit about George Harrison today- 29th being his death anniversary and all and the fact that I'm a huge Beatles fan. Also...|||Your score: 18 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42) 53 - 63 is...|||I don't know if this counts, but I kind of have to get this off my chest anyway. I make guys that like me think that I'm interested in them too because I need the self esteem and I do it for the...'
'Wicked game the weekend.|||I don't flirt really. Hah! J/K. If I have no interest I simply don't talk. But if I do then I would approach the person of interest and spark a conversation since I'm really good at it.|||I live in my own world. I was single for the past decade so it seems. It was the best years of my life till now that I'm happily taken by someone so wonderful. It really happened when I least...|||One who can make me cry since it's nearly impossible for me to cry over anything.|||Never. I prefer to appear oblivious.|||Nope. I've known this since I was a child. I take it as a compliment. LOL|||I've seen him sneak glances at me plenty of times.|||He talks to everyone else but me and when he does he'd get bloody sarcastic. Being an introvert, I find it difficult to converse with him. IMHO, it's a possibility that he doesn't like me. Correct me...|||I never knew there are such people. They are loving and caring and so much fun to be around! Seems like they love everyone. What signs would an ENFP show if he has interest in dating you?|||Absolutely. It's something I've never been able to explain w/out coming off a little crazy.|||Spending time with them. Buying stuff for them. I can't think of anything else.|||It's rare. I've been in several relationships in the past but have only fallen in love once. I did begin to have feelings for someone but he was too busy in love with someone else's significant...|||My result is 29|||I never cease to amaze myself.|||I play draw my thing on Facebook. Made high scores. No one wants to play me anymore so in the meantime I give that attention to my nostrils. They're quite amusing.|||True. My back up plan would be to catch a bit of their story and emphasize on it as if I listened. IRL I usually don't talk to anyone unless they are very close and dear to me. My church and...|||I recall collecting books. I had a pet cat. I didn't like the typical toys.|||I have more self confidence than it appears to be. Perhaps, I enjoy the underestimation of others.|||I seriously have something like this on my Facebook: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/byfatewemeet/Icons/funny.gif|||I seriously have something like this on my Facebook. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/byfatewemeet/Icons/funny.gif|||I have done so plenty of times in the past. It's actually a recurring predicament that I position myself. I haven't yet found a way out. I sometimes just NOD to avoid hurting others. It works most...|||my eyes hert from reading these posts|||We're all double Ds with mini skirts.|||No one IRL would ever know I'm INTJ. Yes, they know I'm an introvert but I would never disclose which type. It's none of anyones business.|||No dating sites of any kind. Only forums.|||I'm a Christian. I don't see it as a religion. I see it as the truth. LOL|||My mother.|||If I didn't plan for that it wouldn't happen. I have better things to do than to sit and socialize. LOL|||It's highly likely that I wouldn't.|||People usually find me intimidating.|||No one I know seems to understand why I am this way ^|||Myself-my ex-one of my nephews and one of my nieces are INTJs. The only time anyone would ever have the opportunity to meet one of us would be at our home, work, or school. We do not go to social...|||I hate being expected to hug and I hate being hugged. Only close family members get hugs or are allowed to hug me. Even at that, I still feel like gggrrr.|||Sometimes.|||I remember especially social security numbers. Haha!|||Very true. Never easily but deeply yes.|||ENFPs are fun to be around. I greatly enjoy their company. In fact, I really really like an ENFP but he mentioned once that the feeling was not mutual. I left it as is. Not to say, that I gave up or...|||Why of course! You know he love you. Since we love the person, we don't mind. We just laugh at ourselves inside as well.|||I totally agree with the snapping. I have been called out on this numerous times at work especially. It is just part of me. The death stare as well.|||INTJs usually don't keep close connection with their ex's. I don't. It took me almost five years to change my mindset about my INTJ ex. He doesn't use harsh words but he takes action in cold and...|||Door slamming is possible with all circumstances.|||Not really.|||Wake up. Turn on my computer. Go onto youtube and put on my playlist. Take a shower. Breakfast. Read Read Read. Log into my Facebook. Write my thoughts in my notes that I keep only to myself. Poems...|||I'm not afraid of discussing my feelings with those I do trust. But then again, I trust very few. To be completely honest, I actually haven't disclose anything in depth with anyone. I write in my...|||If I had a lover I'd be roaming around in my birthday suit and making love all day.|||Singing Learning Forums Looking ridiculously sexy. Manipulating people (obstacles) if they get in my way. On my computer web surfing or reading articles/news. Book store/Library whenever I...|||Well paid Assassinator.|||Love making? Yes. Having sex? NO. One nighties? NEVER.|||I suppose this is part of my nature. It's likely due to the fact that I feel that anyone I do not know is less of importance to me therefore the lack of emotional response. Whereas those I know are...|||I don't hate it. I show it whenever nature calls. It would be fake for me to try to overdo it just to appear to be like others.'
'So I recently started working at a grocery store (first real job) and I'm having trouble getting along with some of my coworkers, I'm trying to decide if I should give them space and hope they forget...|||If your talking about physical differences read this Tracking, Vol. I, Chapter 5|||This makes me wonder what INTPs were like before computers and maybe books|||by Worst INTP title I meant it was a poor name for INTPs especially compared to the other NTs|||http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/98409-extraverted-sensation-function-se-misconceptions.html i hope this helps|||do you guys like being called Designer theorists and if not what you change it too|||Accept the hater, embrace the hater, become one with the hater, hater. “If ***** ain't hating on you, you doing something wrong” Riley Freeman – Boondocks|||www.psychologische-typen.com: Erkenne Dich selbst!|||Jon Niednagel says NTs are voice skilled so do guys consider yourselves good singers #13 FCIR / ENTP x93Strategistx94 x93precocious planner,x94 imaginative, alert to possibilities; quick thinking; likes...|||Hawkeye: ISTP Thor: ESTP Ironman: ENTP Captain America: ESTJ Black Widow: ISTP Nick Fury: ENTJ or BAMF Loki: INTJ Bruce Banner: INTP Ti Ne part I think Hulk is banner in the grip:Si Fe Se...|||Does he/she use: A. Se with Ni B. Ne with Si how can you tell|||also there are different levels of development a type in a tert loop might act differently than a healthy one so keirseys descriptions might not feel right Personal Growth|||INFP Profile by Lenore Thomson INFPs are the type of whom people say, x93Still waters run deep.x94 Oriented by Introverted Feeling and extraverted Intuition, theyx92re both highly idealistic and...|||Tracking the Elusive Human, Vol. I: A Practical Guide to C.G. Jung's Psychological Types, W.H. Sheldon's Body and Temperament Types, and Their Integration - book Tracking the Elusive Human, Vol. 1|||Well what I took from the article is that each temperament puts an emphasis on one letter in your type code. So SPs its the P or Se function NT its the T function NF its the F function SJ its the...|||I guess another way you could put is Sensing= apparent or immediate Thinking= coercion Intuitive = distant or hidden feeling= cooperation so STs try to force the immediate situation in logical order...|||I think masculine men and feminine women have balanced E/I|||Only a Game: Other Play Styles sorry this one isnt as good the author says the had a hard time relating the NF temperament with video games|||ST masculine ideals SF feminine ideals NT anti feminine NF anti masculine|||Only a Game: Logistical Play|||Only a Game: Tactical Play|||Only a Game: Strategic Play|||If your code includes SP, your best fit pattern is probably Artisan If your code includes SJ, your best fit pattern is probably Guardian If your code includes NT, your best fit pattern is probably...|||^^^ Ditto but they do shift from berens/Nardi to Jung/Lenore Plus they have Yakawa who plays the same role as Functianalyst|||This article was mainly for ENJs and maybe ISPs who want to develop Ni but yeah your probably right|||A person who is using introverted feeling is living principally by the subjective factor (Jung, 1971, p. 387). It is difficult to give an intellectual account of the introverted feeling process,...|||When a person uses the introverted intuitive function, he or she moves from image to image, chasing every possibility (Jung, 1971, p. 400). This individual perceives the possibilities, the...|||A person using introverted thinking is strongly influenced by ideas but these ideas have their origin not in objective data but in subjective foundation (Jung, 1971, p. 383). This individual...|||A person using extraverted sensing has a well-developed sense for objective facts. Life becomes an accumulation of actual experiences of concrete objects (Jung, 1971, p. 363). The individual...|||We Like Sportz - YouTube|||When a person uses extraverted intuition, he or she is oriented by the object that is never to be found in the world of accepted reality-values; instead the individual is always seeking out...|||dario nardi new book Ti types: Show high use of four regions that afford complex logical reasoning: F3, F4, P3, P4 Use F3 to linearly derive solutions. (highest for ESTPs followed by INTPs) Use...|||Can you elaborate|||In a way nardis research proves lenores theory If you to personalitypathways lenore says that the quadrants are essential for the process to take place but the parts used are in different parts of...|||ISTP +heart=ISFP ISTP +brain=INTX see how F'd up this is|||The book preview didn't explain much. what happens if your an unhealthy type would you still be directive or informative. like a Se Te loop would that be directive or informative|||so ISPs aren't really more N keirsey just doesn't really understand what N means|||do interaction styles apply to just their individual temperaments or can you be directive to all types|||what do interaction styles come from|||:If ISTP look n shouldn't INTP look s for the same reason|||This seems like the shutdown question If you were an E would you be ESTP or ENTP|||I mean Ne Ti hunts for possiblities in the outside world while Ni Te cultivates one idea at a time on the farm|||Js want to control the world around them Ps want to adapt to the world around them|||sensors focus on where things are at intutiors focus on where things are going or where they came from I dont understand the whole sentence length thing cause Ti looks to make complex things simple|||INTJs structure their lives so it looks like whatever Ni wants it to look like INTP want to understand life so they theoreticaly handle what ever comes up the j vs p thing is life farmer vs...|||I play but you know being black its expected All my brothers play so no real choice|||yeah I think your right but I was thinking more about normative temperaments TP FJ FP TJ and how migght pick up things from one another TPs are pragmatic but NTPs get along with NTJs with structure...|||http://personalitycafe.com/intp-articles/15683-development-intp-children.html cant find one for ISTP|||he's right INTPs rely too much on comfort (Si) avoid the tert and do something ENTPish or ISTPish|||It sure as hell does! I know I don't wanna be one of those INTP people sounds a little typist'
'I can honestly say that I only have two people, my best friend and my boyfriend, who truly know everything about me. They get me, and even when it's scary, I tell them my deepest, darkest secrets and...|||I had several wonderful ENFP teachers. They were fun and inspiring and I learned the most in their classrooms. One teacher even let my friends and I make a sitcom spoof of Belovedx85which I'm sure was...|||Time travel novels, movies, and shows always seem so cool! But when I think about time travel for myself, I get frustrated because life would be way lamer for a woman in any other time period. Guess...|||I wonder what type of person I would be if my only memories were of the dreams I have at night. Dreams are supposed to be our deepest subconscious, right? So maybe I'd be a really authentic version...|||When you're having a lonely feeling day but happen to run into 10 people you know and the people you are with ask you Do you know everyone?|||Here's an interesting question. If you were to pick your MBTI and you could be anything BESIDES an ENFP…Which type would you pick and why? I think I would be ENTJ. They are some cool,...|||This is strictly out of curiosity, but what are your opinions on what makes a relationship work verses what makes one fail? What personal experiences have you had that make you feel that way? ...|||I have put out more than a few literal fires while all my friends stand around looking surprised. I always thought it was so strange how it's harder for me to decide how to lead an obstinate group of...|||You might recommend therapy as well. I know a lot of people who cry out for help but are too scared to try therapy because of weird stigmas about it. The more people who advocate for it, the less...|||Sometimes I think I come across as too straightforward online. It's mostly a result of trying to be clear and concise…but I like the way this is put! I deeply hope things work out for the best for...|||Nonono, the people who don't think you're funny aren't funny ;). Very different.|||Funny. I would consider myself both of these things, and I'm an ENFP. Though perhaps I'm not career oriented and feminist in the corporate, cut throat, man bashing way you might dislike? Or maybe...|||When my INFP and I first started dating he would shut down after arguments as well. I could always tell something was bothering him though and eventually I would create a safe way to address his...|||I suspect the people who say that ACTUALLY have no sense of humor and because cute pictures: 127945|||Okay, assuming the OP had good intentions, I'll bite. Losers is a strange term to associate with INFPs. All the INFPs I know are very driven and have extremely high standards for themselves and...|||ai.tran.75 your uncle sounds wonderful. I hope to be a bit like him someday as well :)|||I feel like I have an excessive number of ENFPs where I live. Maybe the culture of the place draws ENFPs to it? Just move to Colorado :wink:|||Nope! Not unless the other person was super awkward about it. But hugs are pretty much in un-awkward territory.|||I recieved almost all of this exact advice from someone else today. It's nice to hear some solid and reasonable feedback. I get excited about starting new things but also nervous. Having a rough path...|||My best friend is and ENFJ. When we were younger I would have to tell her I needed space sometimes. It was never because I didn't want to be around her at all, I just needed more alone time. She...|||lol, I trust my friends much that if they all tell each other everything I don't mind. With my family it's a little different. They love me but don't understand me quite as well. I think I'm afraid...|||Do you enjoy other ENFPs? I just began working with a woman who has all the same interests and gets excited about the same things as I do. It's so much fun because it's like looking into a mirror of...|||I'm this way as well. I'll express things like we're happy or I'm a little frustrated with X but I very rarely bring my relationships up with my family, and if they do come up, I don't go into...|||Don't worry, it didn't feel like you were passing judgement. I was just trying to explain that if you form the right connection with a woman who says she only wants to focus on her career, her...|||Hm, I think the ENTJs I know fit into my life better (activities and social situations) whereas with the INTPs, I would have to make a little extra room for, but they might be immediately easier to...|||I think, as an ENFP woman, this easy to say and enjoy because it's HARD to focus on career and relationships at the same time…and it's very annoying as an independent woman to always feel as if you...|||119810Me and my adorable hedgehog :D|||Katfeatherfoot I definitely understand what you're saying. I've also done my share of dating with people who have been disrespectful and it sucks! I guess I think there's a line when you're getting...|||I don't know. My INFP was totally clueless when I was trying to get the ball rolling with our relationship. I did all the start up work (and emotional risk taking) and it paid off. I think there are...|||Don't we all hate being wrong ;). Don't worry about it at all.|||Thanks MsBossyPants, I just graduated and am working at a restaurant, so not many mentor programs there ;) but I LOVE your suggestion of taking an evening class. It inspired me to look up some...|||A dash is generally used to indicate and. Sorry if I misinterpreted.|||I'm looking for a mentor in the field of marketing, journalism, or freelance writing...basically someone with experience who can help me get started on the right path. Unfortunately I don't actually...|||I'd say this is a great start. My guess is she's open to friendship, but making a real friendship takes work, so you may also have to be willing to keep asking her to hang out...a lot. I make...|||Huh, I'm trying to think what the INFPs I know would do. If it's been a really long time since you've heard from him and you're frustrated and ready to give up, I might just text him something like...|||I'm interested in which types are drawn to careers in writing, marketing, and journalism and how different types might approach these career paths in different ways. So: 1) What type are you? ...|||Nope. I've never been diagnosed with anything and I was always a good student/kid. I just wanted to make everyone so happy that I never acted out. I remember writing writhing journal entries whenever...|||I love this question! At first I often don't want them to know…probably because I don't want to act too fast and scare them away…and because I'm still figuring out who they are. If I like someone for...|||Honestly, if I'm really into you, I'm not going to act the same way around you as I do everyone else. What people might think is flirty for me is the only way I know how to interact with people (at...|||Oh my god I do all of these things. Including the outfits and crying bit! Lol, it's amazing how long a minor breakdown over nothing can take haha.|||Interesting, I feel very similar. I wonder if the NF makes us naturally good at commitment and the P makes us hesitant to put boarders and definitions around relationships. Or maybe both ENFPs and...|||Are you looking for long term relationships/marriage? Do you feel you're good at this type of commitment?|||Honestly, to the outside world I feel like I act pretty much the same way I always do. I'm a bit day-dreamy no matter what, so love doesn't change that either, it just gives me something to focus on....|||I find that, more often than not, people surprise me in a good way. Usually, the second I make a negative judgement, I learn more about them and what they've gone through and what they're passionate...|||Huh, good question. I think it doesx85sometimes. Sometimes I want to feel all the joy in the world and spread it and be free, which is what that picture symbolizes for me. Other times I want to be...|||Describe your ideal self :)|||Sloth for me as well. Especially if it's cold outside.|||Haha, how weird is that?! As for the rest…interesting. Can I ask you a specific question? Would you want to get serious with her or would you think of her as marriage material if you thought she...|||This is the next step of action, but I'm looking for advice on how to best do this. I feel like we've had a lot of conversations where I can't communicate what I need well enough. He ends up asking...|||ENFPs generally do not lead anyone on for fun, because hurting other people is the last thing we want to do. We CAN, however, be selfish and continue a friendship even if we know the other person...'
'And then there are the not so nice men who obviously exist. But I'm done with this part of the planet so I chose to focus on the good ones. :tongue:|||Hey darling. Welcome! :) God, I love your name. This place is the best, we have a little Robot coming and going every now and then... Don't worry, you'll find your place soon 'round here c:|||It's a bit funny to read those descriptions because I was often typed as an ENFP/INFJ during my pre-teen years and I think it would've matched me. The sparkly eye thing really does, I was a wide-eyed...|||To me it was more of a dog flag, I can't see a pillow. If you turn your head to the side, it looks like a little robot. Either way, the dog is not that much of a dog, maybe it's a toy? Alright, I'm...|||I've never met a male INFP, have I? At least, not in the physical world. I think it's just hard for me to spot introverts when I prefer to be crowded by talkative people. Either way, it does seem...|||*fragile rainbow-colored tears* Please, invite me to your wedding.|||Why are there so many wonderful and attractive men on this world? How does one begin to explain? Sincerely, a female enfj who still doesn't comprehend how the male kind words.|||You know you're an ENFJ when you can never crack a joke without thinking twice because it might be offensive and you'd hate to hurt anybody's feelings.|||John - INTJ. It seems like such an important, self-sufficient name. Someone who takes charge and fulfills their duties to the best of their abilities whilst still maintaining a sense of solitude and...|||I don't think I've ever met an ISFP before. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm surrounded by xSTx/xNTxs all the time!|||I'm in love with The 1975's new album. A friend of mine also showed me a couple of Kodaline songs and I've been obsessed since... Not to mention Florence + The Machine. Those are just totally...|||I do have a very strict single mom. So I can relate to you, because my mom was typed as an I/ESTJ. I think we fight a lot because mostly our personalities tend to clash. I usually don't like giving...|||I'm eighteen, so I still consider myself a teenager. I think that will hardly ever go away from my personality. But whilst growing up, I went through major phases in my life, both darker and lighter...|||I think you can be selfish by doing good. Doing good for the wrong reasons can happen, just as much as doing it for the sake of simply doing it. I've met dozens of people who've been this way, where...|||It can be hard, you know?? Like sometimes you just sort of go, 'dang.. this person is a mystery to me' and that's how it works for me, so I try not to overthink because you can never know for sure if...|||I have recently admitted the developing of an ED in my life and therapy has improved my stability throughout the last few months, however, I could easily find myself in these lines. [/B] When I...|||Self-confidence, intelligence and integrity. And a good sense of humor. If he's a dog person, then that's great! (Baking cakes? WELL THAT'S EVEN MORE AWESOME!)|||You know, I think I can easily detect myself along these lines! I usually value friendship over love, so I always prefer to have a guy as a friend rather than a boyfriend. And if I ever have a...|||I agree with everything, except forloves crowds (sometimes I'm too shy), seductive, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, dangerous and attachment prone. I'm not always a super risk taker, most of...|||I just feel awkward and laugh and then drop something and go to let's-embarrass-myself-mood and although I like flirting, I don't do it often because I always end up embarrassing myself. It's a must.|||Saaame. I can't help but do the eye-roll thing WHEN I SHOULD NOT. I'm not proud because it's probably rude, but then, I'm not going to pretend I agree with what a certain person says just because...|||Being hated/judged/ignored. The worst thing to ever happen to me, which ironically comes from what I also love the most.. People!|||(Does a hug help?) There are like a ten thousand things I'd like to say, but they seem oh so useless, I think hugs make it for most of my verbal comfort. Yep.|||OH MY GOD I NEED LIKE A POSTER OF THIS OR SOMETHING BECAUSE HAHA OMG I CACKLED. But seriously, that's the way to go.|||You're too young. It makes me so angry.|||You don't have to be manly. The most manly thing a woman looks for in a man, is possibly confidence. God, I do love confident men. Makes everything much better, you go! (:|||BE FUNNY. AND SASSY. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING JUST SHOW SOME HUMOR. (In caps lock because it's one of those things that matter in life)|||You know, I do that so often and it makes me severely anxious, to the point where I need to focus and start rationalizing. I think laughing and repeating positive affirmations is such a good way to...|||Completely random and out of the blue, but how many ENFPs consider themselves sassy? I was wondering about it, I've been thinking of how some kind of behaviors can be applied to each types and I...|||I support many causes but I don't go around protesting because I don't think I'd be taken serious, which is a shame. I protest silently, if such thing exists. (:laughing:)|||Exactly. A real headache. But indeed interesting! Thank you for your thoughts and such :)|||What if I weren't myself? Who would I be? What if I hadn't won the life racing? And who would have won? So many doubts that have no answer. '-'|||Always. Always embarrassed by the amount of love I can feel for a person and they will never be able to understand. Therefore I'll never be able to express my feelings towards them. It's so hard...|||If I could achieve anything in my life it'd be a horse. Seriously you have no idea. I love horses but they're so freaking expensive. It's like keeping a child, or worse. x3|||I saw myself along these lines!|||Harry Potter wouldn't exist.|||When little things are the ones that matter the most to you.|||Hey Ben, welcome to our INFP place. :D|||Aww it's okay. But I love hugs so I won't complain.|||I'm not a woman. I'm a rabbit who looks like a girl. But that's fine, I give pretty good advice for a bunny.|||It occurred to me I have a huge list. Wow. Well, anyway, I definitely choose Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice!|||I wish for everyone to stay true to themselves and their dream. I wish for people to find a little hope in their lives and to take the best from everything. I wish for the world to be a better place....|||I was wondering (as usual) and every MBTI type has its stereotypes, right? Now, when it comes to us INFPs, what are the stereotypes you've seen? Do you find it hard to be an INFP because of them?...|||When in all of a sudden you have a creativity attack and you just HAVE to do something about it.|||When you talk to yourself all the time.|||It's hard to be a hundred percent sure about it, dear.. But I'd say it's hardly a pick up line assuming INFPs seem to run away from patterns when it comes to flirting. At least this happens with me.|||Dann, you're incredible and surprising. AND I AM NOTICING HOW BRILLIANT YOU ARE NOW.|||Awkward question. You know the answer yourself, right?|||When you think that blood is really beautiful.|||When you know you will never grow up.'
'I just cry it out, literally. After a good cry, I usually feel better. If it's something I can talk about, I try to find someone to talk to. If it's over something in my control (almost never!) like...|||INFJ (84% 84% 58% 63%) 2w1|||Repping Cancer :)|||Oh no, I blatantly asked. I hinted then asked then hinted then asked. then we fought about it lastnight because I made a comment that he didn't like regarding the fact that he wouldn't come....|||why waste your precious time? Even if you take it to the extreme- like someone kills your family member... what could it possibly help for you to seek revenge? your better off focusing energy on...|||LOL I'm just doing some moon astrology and put my birthdate in down to the time, it's scary how accurate some of the personality stuff is.. then there are some predictions, I'm just gonna copy and...|||the moment you stop caring about others' (ESPECIALLY STRANGERS) opinions of you is the moment that those people (ESPECIALLY STRANGERS) stop trying to get under your skin. I used to be...|||hahahaha love them all... glad to know i'm not the only INFJ who is has an extremely silly/corny/strange sense of humor. =]|||just needed a vent, feel a little better already even though I'm still upset.. oh well.|||ugh just when i think i'm emotionally balanced.. a plummet.. i have a show tomorrow and i just wanted him [bf] to come to it.. i had been hinting at it all week to blatantly asking him a few...|||^gah i'm such a stereotypical girl in some ways, its a shame the stereotypical girls never gave me a chance in high school bahaha|||cotton candy pink|||one of my INFP best friend's is more like an extrovert when he's around people, but he's stupid/silly/embarasses himself in large groups (which is part of the reason everyone loves him lol) but he's...|||lmaoo this thread is funny.. but uh my suspected ESTP boyfriend does know how to talk to ladies.. he doesnt really work any angles, he's just good at flirting =] and he prefers talking to girls over...|||I've been told I have an intimidating gaze also... hmm|||^your so pretty,Kelsey!! =]|||I'm assuming my eyes are quite beautiful, as that's what I've been told by a lot of people.. but let me see if I can find a photo.. ...|||Empathy is absorbing the feeling of others around you, particularly when they are in pain or sad.. You cry, I cry Empathy is also seeing someone who is sad or in emotional pain and taking action...|||I think a big difference here might be that the introvert is extremely talkative/social in intimate settings (1-2 other people) and the extrovert is extremely talkative/social in large crowds of...|||NOOOO!!! one of my INFP best friends is definitely not a coward.. he was one of the only people to stand between me and my ex when I was scared to death my ex was going to hurt me.. he held him back...|||So I know there's a few threads like this floating around but I want one with active people on it.. people that I actually have been interacting with recently. Feel free to post photos of...|||how the hell did hitler end up being an INFJ? aren't we the most compassionate? lmfao|||LOL this may be TMI, but the thing I admired about my boyfriend when we first started dating is how comfortable he was with no clothes on. I'm getting there, and I'm fine around him now definitely.....|||57... above average.. If I took this test a year ago, I'd probably have at least 10 points more? Only because I was much more emotional and sensitive back then.. I've taken efforts to kind of...|||Well I'm definitely an INFJ and definitely an introvert.. However, in the past year I've developed the ability to be more social and extroverted.. Basically, I don't crawl into my hole as often as I...|||I had a brief 5th grade boyfriend which was a joke and lasted a week. Had another such boyfriend my freshman year in high school, we held hands! (big deal I know) My first relationshit (not a typo)...|||I would say so. I have never been to therapy (went with my ex a few times, but that was about him.. not me) because my horses are my therapy. I used to sit in my gelding's (boy horse) stall and cry...|||My opinion is that every single person has good and evil in them. Sort of like the cognitive functions, these qualities can be introverted or extroverted.. They can be well developed or avoided. The...|||maybe i dont count, but I told my boyfriend I loved him the night I expressed my feelings for him.. I had been denying the fact for 6 or so months.. but I also knew subconsciously he wasn't a feeler...|||my boyfriend (suspected estp) would do something like that in high school. happy to say he has matured beyond that sort of behavior, but school is definitely not one of his strong suits! (and...|||never thought of it that way.. people definitely drain me after awhile..|||When I read the title, I thought the thread was going to be about how we might change our memories based on our perceptions of others' actions or events during the memory. For example, when in a...|||LOL i've always hated cats.. now that im slightly more mature i let the cats choose me, and i like the cats that do... i'm more of a dog/horse person tbh.|||I'm definitely not offended that you thought I might not be an INFJ, I just wanted to validate myself a little bit.. I could give you a list of INFJ-y characteristics I have, though I occasionally...|||Razare, I suppose your right!|||You may be on to something. A guy in my math class (I was a freshman in a sophomore math class) in high school used to make unrelenting fun of me for being well endowed (boobs, I mean) and I was in...|||True. but I never seem to get the attention that I want. (I suppose I mean that in past tense... since I have my boyfriend and he's all the male attention I really need) Very rarely does a good...|||I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE. Sorry, flaming my own thread. but, I literally say that to every single person who asks what I mean. my boyfriend gets it too much.. but thats because he asks me at the dumbest...|||I've been told many times about how attractive I am, but since I was young I've pretty much refused to see myself in terms of beauty (externally) and am not one to say I'm prettier than ___ or even...|||LOL the guy in high school was weird because I gave him friends only signals, told him I only liked him as a friend, told our mutual friends (his guy friends who asked me how I felt about him so...|||A lot of valid points. I've always been one to try to understand people, but I'm not always sure that he has. I'm not sure what his type is, and couldn't even begin to guess- some people typed him...|||1. What is your view about love? I believe you can choose to love people or you can fall in love. If you choose to love people, you love them despite their flaws or the hurt they cause you. If you...|||I'm sure this happens regardless of type, but I feel like most girls probably don't have to put up (or maybe it's that refuse to put up?) with guys developing feelings when you were clearly sending...|||OMG! I never realized it was an INFJ (well sort of did, but not to such an extent) thing to hate selfish, inconsiderate people! I always thought it was a learned behavior of mine, and not necessarily...|||Yes. I attract all sorts of weirdos, some not so bad when you get to know them.. others I realize i need to cut loose before it becomes an issue. I dont want to be mean either, but you should...|||I can definitely relate. I have been called selfish, spiteful, and other things I can't recall ATM. It's funny because I'm never selfish (until recently, I realized I needed to be a little more...|||I hate cops and have bad experiences with most of the cops I have come across. I know that it is an individual thing and I know some cops are nice people who do their job well. The rest of them are...|||I think the argument can also be made, according to the last paragraph of your Individualistic Doer: Love that if a ESTP commits to someone who is their opposite (according to functions), they...|||I try not to nag, though sometimes I admit I feel there is no other option. Since he's been doing his own thing (without needing my nagging) I haven't been nagging at all.. My boyfriend has become...|||I'm sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you did what you could. It's a shame he didn't do his part as well. I understand being the sick one as I'm often given a similar attitude (though, most...'
'Yeah fuck those baby pictures! I don't care if it's a natural tendency to find those things cute! Nothing can control me! Also fuck food! Who cares if I'm hungry! Like seriously you don't control...|||All I read was Uhmm sorry I don't get what you said so ur wrong|||This for sure. Although I would extend that to any and all xxFJs since they all tend to overlook their own understandings of things all too often (with Ti being the 3rd or 4th on the order). If not...|||I try to look as fashionable and cool as possible with the least amount of effort imaginable..|||I'm gonna go ahead and back this guy up. While I've never been a boss, I understand that in a work situation, efficiency is everything. I don't know why all of you aloof ENTPs are over-analyzing...|||Miss ENTP, you don't seem like an ENTP to me. But that's what I always says when reading something like this online. In my experience, I can't even imagine a liar better than I am. To feel hurt by...|||Happiness is just a chemical reaction in your brain saying, good job dude, you did something beneficial to your species. Like reproduction, or building something, or even just surviving another...|||There certainly is meaning to life, but humans are incapable of ever understanding it. Imagine a tiny little white blood cell pondering it's existence. Do you think it will ever realize that...|||Based on a few things I've read, I'm starting to believe that there is a specific opposite to every personality type which may either cause you to get extremely stressed out in certain scenarios or...|||First off, welcome to the forums! It's good to see newcomers! Tsk tsk. Ne-dominant people are supposed to get things like Te or Ti instantly. At least I did. However, ENTPs I know are never...|||I share the same hatred for bags, so it's a relief that I'm not the only fool in the world. They just won't comply with my superior Ne skills.|||From the sound of it, this person seems either ENTP or ESTP. Both are very active people but one uses Ne/Si and the other is Se/Ni. If they are a doer person and just wants to be active with...|||I don't often feel offended, but when people can't fathom my high levels of self-esteem and confidence.. they tend to call it out as false confidence or having a big ego. It's crazy what insecurities...|||Hello, after a good 5 months of being The Wordsmith, I'd like to make my return as Lifehacker. Much appreciated!|||Si feels like reality to me. It's pretty much anything that's right under my nose (which is often the hardest place for me to search for answers). Understanding the world better as a whole and how...|||Very interesting words! What are we gonna do about it? As an INFP, you have been gifted with the incredible ability to love the world and nurture it until it can change for better or worse. I'm...|||I read that ENTPs, when they really like someone, tame down their flirting and become cautious, and I feel like an ENTP pursuing and INFJ would be so amusing to watch like: ENTP: *laughing with...|||zanah0dia Very insightful response! I appreciate that!|||ENTP Most likely to get away with murder.|||The Visionaries asked me to bring this here for INFP pleasure. 326810|||As a logical thinker I would say 10/10. Means define the end regardless of whether they were intentional or not.|||326682|||Very very carefully. Seriously though, talk for extended periods of time until they look like they want to leave. Then convince them that you'll leave if they do your bidding.|||This right here sounds very true. It's all about energy and where it is received through social interaction. Introvert - I harness the energy from this thought in my own thinking and then through...|||The Wordsmith would be indubitably necessary. Many thanks!|||Welcome to the beauty of being a wordsmith among the peasants of society. Yes I can say I've had this experience. Every female I've been friends with in the past few years has tried to pursue me...|||I fear never realizing my true potential as a human being. Our brains and instincts drive us to live. Sex and love are designed to make a species reproduce with attractive traits. Our selfless...|||I have no clue what you are talking about! I'm off to the next thread.|||I could be a little too altruistic, but I don't weigh my own success by how much money I make. I think what I value most is a true friendship - someone that's comfortable sharing their inner world...|||I have been friends with an INFJ for a few months. She would just listen to me all day with glittering eyes as I whisked her off her feet into storytelling land. Both of us are aspiring filmmakers,...|||This is definitely the answer I am looking for. It is very hard to mention this at all to an INFP because ENTPs are all about confronting issues head-on and going straight to the point. But...|||Telepathy! That way we could argue with people without even speaking!|||By High Maintenance I mean INFPs are overly idealistic at times and expect to much from situations. Like one time I was slow dancing with one, and she had eyes everywhere except on me. Constantly...|||Definitely the strategist INTJ. I also know one excellent INTJ anime character that pretty much confirms this. ...|||Perhaps some NTs don't see a difference between these four things (or don't wish to believe they do). I remember a time when I thought that there were right and wrong ways to go about life, but that...|||Like I said, each of these is a crucial aspect of life. I may be a cynic for romance but I still get teary at The Avengers just because of how beautiful some of the context is. What I want to know is...|||Enlightenment - Pursuing knowledge and change for a better reality. Selflessness - Discovering beauty and love, finding meaning within the soul. Independence - Being truly content and giving up all...|||So what you're saying is - we just have to take our shirt off in public. Now I understand! The ENTPs love that an INFJ can be so understanding and conclusive about thoughts that we just want to...|||I know one INFP and she definitely fits the bill, excessively immature and emotional with the most redundant of things. What I'm wondering is if anyone else has been in a situation where someone has...|||INFPs are idealists, often attractive to NTs for their inspirational energy and passion. A muse per se. INFPs often take their idealism too far, setting themselves up for disappointment as,...|||NF Types: *Says anything* Me: Get your grubby little feelings out of here. Take a moment and generalize the scenario with me: -Men are dominantly thinkers, women are dominantly feelers. Tested...|||I adore INFPs. They bottle up all their emotions and make it extremely interesting to unveil. Planning a conversation with an INFP is like planning a bank heist.|||Definitely not an INTP, but I've been in a similar situation with an INFP lately.. It sounds like he is straight to the point about things and tends not to waste time with someone if he feels that...|||You need to quote people in order for them to be notified of your reply. Or at least an LoveDragonDon would work I think! I'm pretty new here myself and I have seen people post things like indirect...|||when you are making an argument but realize a valid argument against yourself before you finish the first.|||Forgiving people is ridiculously easy. I actually probably give people way too many chances just because I think they're stupid for making mistakes in the first place. It still hurts though, because...|||I wish more people thought of me like Robert Downey Jr.|||Conscience is pattern recognition. It's an ability to understand or question the way you think. I'm not like most girls. -Most Girls|||What depresses me the most is a lack of ideas. I think like there is a minimum amount of new things that I must learn each and every day or it would be considered a wasted day of negativity. I...|||How about characters that try to live entirely in the moment and forget about both the future and the past? Such as a drunkard drowning his sorrows with alcohol.'
'from the little that you offered, sounds exactly like me. and just to be clear, i dont think im making up for the fact that im not a feeler rather than i simply express things this way because thats...|||again, dont take this personally, but its much more likely for confirmation bias to be affecting your perception than empirically constructed/double blinded/triple blinded/numerously...|||I don't mean to be offensive but high intelligence is Empirically Not correlated to mental disorders in general. what I forgot to add is that mental disorders correlated with high intelligence is a...|||Please reject these two premises because they are arbitrary abductions/inductions. If those are your experiences, focus your above-average intelligence on working through them, have some discipline...|||so when your friends took the mbti test, what measures did you take to counter-balance confounding?|||man, this thread is so juicy. i'd call myself an 'anti-theist' (rip hitchens) yet i would never make such a contentious thread, its pointless. but since im here...The idea of religious pluralism...|||im betting there was once an intj-like person that made an enfp-like person feel very inferior. it happens a lot. also, many people secretly want to be cold and calculating like House. this...|||you are right. i had actually meant to make an edit to that mistake (but edit function wasnt working at the time) to say that religion was the first form of philosophy lol. edit: didnt realize...|||one year i went to alaska to hunt wolverins with my uncle. we used 12 gauge shotties and blasted upwards of 50 wolverines. they kept attacking my cousins lol!|||btw dont miss chinese philosopher Lao Tzu|||philosophy is considered to be the first form of science. Ii think it is a very good supplement to a possible expertise and/or your own character. If you like it that much by all means major in it,...|||it doesn't happen just from negative instances either...|||happens all the time, i try to just accept it and move on|||ask exactly what you suspect? OR 1. gather info 2. create hypothesis 3. test hypothesis (ask a science teacher for ideas if need be) 4. gather data 5. analyze 6. conclude|||omg, i use to love pharcyde. this was the first song i ever heard from them.|||doesnt sound like an intj to me, but thats not much info to go off of anyways. on the other hand, i have a friend that use to try to get me to hangout all the time and wouldnt really respect the...|||so glad you said that for me. you smart intj you.|||im trying to reconcile your post with the yin yang symbol in your sig lolol|||something like sitting up straight can have a profound effect on aesthetic. which is to say, pics or liezzz....|||pics please|||i second what bast said, im in a similar position and currently looking for some new people whom i can relate with. that said ive spent a lot of time in the past with xSxJ. they are fun but i usually...|||this seems too late but this is too fun 1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea Yezzzz. early grey, darjeeeeeling, green tea (no matcha), jasmine green tea 2) Do you often think about...|||Feist Currently: Joan as Policewoman Marina and the Diamonds My Brightest Diamond Kings of Convenience First Aid Kit & Feist|||curiosity, thinks before talking, and sits on face|||i think you did okay. its what i probably would have done. moments like that i do not have the capacity to think of something polite yet assertive. i just start fitting an essays worth of character...|||i prefer Morgan Freeman to narrate but this is pretty accurate and affirming, thank you|||LOL yea, run something tragic on your system. crash it. really hard.|||ah i see, maybe it will ease the transition from ME to Vista?|||your introverted intuition is using too much processing power. set 3-4 priorities, scrap all other processes. your quad-core processor sounds like it can only handle maximum of four tasks on each...|||no i meant role reversal for venting. however, that does remind me of something i always do for fun with my mom. you know moms always has 'sayings' that she always repeats? sometimes ill quote...|||try a role reversal. do you ever vent to her? sometimes when we see a person go off on something we feel the same about, we naturally go the other way.|||1) I'll tell her I bought the textbooks. I would also like to add that I would not have spent it on other things in the first place lol Is rejecting the premise of your question an option? 2)...|||everyone should be free to define their own version of a soul-mate. a friend of mine likes to bring up a good point in the harry potter world. harry and hermoine are quite the match for each...|||im going to try pigeonholing what some of us has said. i am really turned on when someone can talk and relate in a self-exploratory kind of manner, treating one as an object to itself. Sort of...|||mmm what is there to say that hasn't already been said... its definitely not just an INFJ thing. I think all types can fall victim to the extremely rigid romance pathology that Disney princess...|||the hardest drug i have done is coke, twice. my lowest point in life was when i was smoking weed for 2 years 24/7. your thread makes me wonder if i would have even tested out to be an INFJ if i did...|||wow...and I thought I ask for a lot. I only look for a couple of things now-a-days besides a basic physical attractiveness. 1) Feeling strongly about issues that concerns other people 2)...|||Like a couple of people have mentioned above, I too become a little more cheery and joyous when I drink. Sober, I tend to have more filters in my expressions. A huge factor in my drunk behavior has a...||| Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain I do this^ very well. what I don't do very well is: not letting my quest for individuality...|||you missed the part where i expressed that i am different from most of the people in my social circle and that changing friends is hard. if you feel that you and the girls you know are contrary to...|||thanks for resonating. but now you got me thinking of the two ENTJs that i have dated whom were too underdeveloped. And then this INFJ whom I had a chance with but seems to be incapable of...|||well, why i would want to keep someone i am attracted to in the friend zone is to see if our companionship can withstand the test of time. Also, things like values, beliefs, and life goals are not...|||Forgive me but your questions seem a bit vague. It sounds like you are asking out of a personal premise yet the wording is very broad. Therefore, I'm going to offer a meta point here. I don't like...|||I practically pull my hair-out sometimes/all-the-time because i feel like in social situations i can be so dysfunctional, awkward, judgmental, and most of all, self-conscious. Ironically, i have...|||There's gossip, and there's analytic sympathetic gossip.|||back in high school i would only listen to indie hip hop, and given the nature of indie music, i shared the same music taste with VERY few people. to vent this frustration, i would memorize an entire...|||the giver, in the most literal sense, is always in such a power position that allows one to exert energy. the benefactor in turn have a power position in the sense that there is an affect on the...|||I have a fear of people taking things I say the wrong way. For example, I like to say sure in the affirmative and in a serious tone. People often think I am being sarcastic which bugs the hell out...|||This is a bit vague of a question for me. I dated two bisexuals. Its irrelevent to me whether they are straight or bi. That being said, both of the them had strong emotional issues. << Does...|||This is my bane right now, ive made a little progress though. I have a coffee shop that I frequent where I am familiar with a few regulars and employees, I go there to read but it also serves as an...'
'Sometimes I ask myself things like this when I get sudden feelings that don't make sense to me. If I'm patient with myself and choose not to suppress my feelings at all, even negative ones, honest...|||Sorry I derailed a bit, but my point is I put a lot of thought into flirting, although I usually take the direct route and continue observing for what to do next.|||personally, though I will have to read through the other comments to see if it's the same for everyone, I directly ask people at, easily accept rejection of such ideas, and openly compliment other...|||To address your P'ness: MBTI says we're J's or Judgers. But the truth is Perceiving dominates my life (I'm assuming it's this way for other INFJ's). The only way judging factors in is that I reserve...|||I'm usually daydreaming while I do my chores and the rest of my body is on autopilot. I'm not sure if I'm alone here (but I believe I'm not). I mean have you ever day dreamed you were on flying in...|||I detach and attach to other people in a very abrupt manner. I should learn to stop doing that though. It would be better for everyone if I just took things a bit (or a lot) slower.|||I come down with this a lot. I haven't found a cure for it. Are there any things you've noticed? I tend to spend more and get out of the house more. I also tend to meet more people Do you...|||I guess I like the being yourself bit a lot more. A lot of people hate it when I be myself. There are a lot of annoying qualities to me. I guess I dislike the fact that it turns others off or that it...|||Inner Strength|||Most things. Perhaps there's an addiction to finding things to get addicted to - Then I will plead guilty.|||I do sometimes have those thoughts; but they aren't often. I mostly imagine things and I don't really mind if they would or wouldn't come true because I think of them as just thoughts. Some of the...|||I'll say my mom. Not that I'm a momma's boy or anything. That's my baby brother. He got most of his influence from Dad though IMO|||The article touches some points about both MBTI models; but it needs more depth. What I mean is it only explores some parts of the personalities being described; not all. That's my take on it.|||I'll say no for now... I'm not that ready yet.|||Nope... and I doubt they ever will... The people at work don't understand me either. In fact, I don't think that my best friend understands parts of me that I'd like him to. Sigh... My extended...|||Fall in love with someone who can make time stop - figuratively, romantically, and heck perhaps literally. That timeless feeling...|||INFP - and I was so happy when I thought that I was. Then I found out I was INFJ, but I guess I'm still happy. I guess knowing myself is better than upholding a title or being someone I am not.|||True. I'm hanging out with a group of extroverts, and no matter what they do, they seem to find something odd or peculiar about one another (I'm no exception of course, so I guess I mean I've become...|||I'm into drama and other such novels. *Blushing; followed by awkward prolonged awkward silence and the sound of crickets* That and I might sometimes read a few primers in my spare time.|||Sometimes, when you hang out with people who are different from you, you tend to find these differences to be too striking. Perhaps it's the people you're with. I feel the same way among certain...|||I hope you pass those exams. I too want to leave the same legacy in this world. Not Children... just make the world a better place and pass on from it afterwards. Thank you for being a good...|||Hang-out or favor requests made by friends or others during times when I'm about to sleep... I find lack of sleep to be very uncomfortable for me. It seems to affect me more than most people. If I...|||I agree about the persistence part. Even if you've got the right brain structure for it, you're not going to get very far if you don't maintain an open mind and the diligence that's required.|||Growing up, I used to think I wasn't attractive enough or blah blah blah whatever things I see in my face. It kind of made me sad. One time, in high school, I asked my mom if I looked ugly; as...|||Awkward: Sometimes I don't pay enough attention. I'm sometimes... no often... oblivious to my surroundings and my mind's attention is directed to whatever thought occurs to me, which led me to...|||One day the vine wilted I forgot to water it the day before and the day before and the day before And then... it was no more I cannot revive the dead vine that lays limp and frail because I...|||I believe in you too Not that you that you show nor the you that they see But the you that you are to me Funny meeting someone online without a fancy picture just a mind, a soul, and a heart...|||I self council; but I don't think I can call it objective. I guess it's an objective, subjective mix. The internal council meeting I have with myself and the other aspects of my persona give me...|||I enjoyed your story Lad. I remember this one time, a family pet (a dog with black hair) used to be nice to me... However I noticed the other dogs (its relatives) would somehow either ignore or...|||Chose the other option. I think I avoid social interaction after considering both situation and preference. Though this might seem like something an extrovert would say; I would more often choose...|||Sitting on the edge of a boat that sails down the winding river I cradle an empty stomach while overlooking the path to the future clutching it tightly in my arms with unwavering...|||I would probably say something like Interesting. and contemplate on it until my thoughts wander. When I get lonely, I tend to think about other things - an instant remedy to that lonely feeling. I...|||In all honesty... whomever I am around I feel like they think I'm weird; and thus I feel like myself. I can however alter my external presentation to suit the situation if I feel like it (I know it...|||Sometimes the mind has reasons in the unconscious. By that I mean that you have reasons for doing something but you don't always think of the reasons for you to do it. Sometimes by way of habit it...|||If you want them now, you might have to put more and more effort each time you try to look for your specific friend. I guess I used to want specific people in my life just so I would have another...|||True... sometimes sketchier men tend to get the girls before the other ones do.|||Grades shmades. Those are superficial ways of appraising a person. Teachers only use them because of their convenience in measuring how well a student is performing. I mean, you're not the only...|||I apologize for editing certain words so that they're in bold; but I want to present another option to the one you've pointed out (as indicated by the words in bold). If you want an opportunity to do...|||Well, I read about Keirsey's temperaments on the 16 personality roles (they correspond to the MBTI types in some way); and the one for ESTP falls under Artisans. I read they tend to have difficulty...|||Um... I'm a bit extreme... so if I were you, I might do something sudden... like... delete my character, avatar, city, file (or whatever you make in the game to play). After doing so, I would delete...|||It sounds appropriate for the occasion. Then again; I am not fully certain of your goals. I have a feeling you might like to reconnect with them because they are dear friends of yours. An INFP friend...|||I've been around for a while on PerC; and I can say we usually have this sort of topic. We have a few threads about finding one's path and career and how it's a struggle for most. It's interesting to...|||In my case, I wouldn't say just guys... I sometimes have difficulty talking to ladies too... it's more of a depends-on-whom-I'm-talking-to sort of thing.|||1. I don't think I can say I have good control over my thoughts... I don't necessitate that sort of thinking or feeling... it's just that whenever I start to feel like I want to do it (even if it's...|||Indeed. My hands aren't very INFJ either. Both of them are a bit too Extroverted Sensing for me lol|||This may have some truth to it... All the functions aren't perfect, and maybe this is one of the setbacks of Fi... But we all know how Fe can screw us (and other people) up as well, I believe....|||I've experienced this feeling before. I wouldn't call it love at first sight though. That may be because I attribute something deeper to love than anything a thought or initial expression will ever...|||I am guilty of living in the past... but I admit it makes me really sad to think about what could have been. When I eventually get bored of that, I want to contemplate about anything at all. It...|||I am learning to lie; but only because it has a right time and a right place. That is not always... I believe having to always lie is going overboard. Screwing people up secretly and laughing at...|||Ah... I get like that once in a while. Then I sense others don't want to talk about the things that I want to discuss at times... It's sometime after that I get really quiet and fade from their...'
'Any help is great help. Never be afraid to ask for it :)|||Less than USD 30k after taxes. Do I win a prize, do I? Do I?|||ESTP: Lying, cheating, used projection when faced with problems, overall just unreliable, Mummy's boy. ISTJ: Ungenerous, calculating, Mummy's boy, needed to be trained on hygiene issues, fucked...|||1. That is a hard question to answer. Considering this is less than a year, I am unable to articulate something tangible other than him sometimes helping me out with work issues, teaching me to ride...|||Thanks, I just couldn't wrap my head around combating their opinions with objectivity as an attempt to invalidate their thoughts and thus their individuality; logic comes across as a personal...|||That's deep, could you elaborate? I'm having trouble visualising that. But I do know he wavers between meaningful logic i.e. God cannot exist because if he did we wouldn't need traffic laws and...|||I don't think of it as a slacker statement at all; being able to captain and manage your life on your own is fantastic. The exception is the people who wear it on their sleeve, and expect people to...|||He has fixed understanding/expectations of things and basically if you are on the opposite end you must be wrong. Has a need/expectation to check in on almost anything....which has its pros and...|||Thank you and I think you are spot on here : They act out because they are trying to make you react not because they deeply feel something. And yes it seems my usually diplomatic methods of...|||FFS that part about not wanting to pull the finger out, then getting a bitch fit when told to get around their sh*t really sh*ts me. I've tried logical deduction; but the logic he employs is...|||Clever and thank you for your insight. I am very fun and caring but I don't appreciate someone spending every other day, for several mins to hours, ranting about something he is unable/unwilling...|||My INTP is stressed out at work, but started finding fault in our relationship over (what I think are) quite trivial things. Got to the point where he accused me of making up a story/lying about an...|||Anyone experienced an INTP partner who is nitpicky, ranty and argumentative? How do you not turn almost every conversation into an argument about whose opinion is right/wrong/logical/illogical?|||The types who are irresponsible, illogical, ignorant and lazy.|||This is my process with things that appeal to my senses, and also which I think give me real satisfaction: - When was the last time I bought it? Can I skip this instance and still pull through on...|||That's a hard one. I find that because I like doing things in a certain way with expectations of results already planned out, someone doing it differently and potentially upending the plans drives me...|||Do you find that you need to understand the root cause of a discomfort as soon as possible? I've noticed that if someone has had a misunderstanding about a situation with me (usually because I said...|||I've learnt to embrace them - especially if they don't interrupt my plans, only the people I like are invited, it is being hosted at a venue I love or will love, with my preferred menu and that it...|||Don't mind meeting new - interesting - people. I get fired up when the conversation is exciting and challenging, unfortunately I've been told a few times that people want to switch off when they are...|||Even better. You can't get rid of no matter how much you tried, even the Robovacuum runs out of batteries at some point.|||I thought we were materialised from diamond dust.|||<on the way to a wedding dinner> The girls: So, RO we want to inform you ahead that this wedding will incorporate lots of entertainment...like cultural dances, KPop dances, singing. So be warned...|||On the fence. Ant's Life was good, and I think in the end it is the story line still that reels me in. Animation or not, if the story line is predictable or boring I'll just go bake a pie.|||INTP. Pros: Teaches me how to relax and go with the flow (this is almost impossible for me, and I am secretly anxious by wasting the day away waking up late, cooking brunch, listening to new...|||Indeed, that is under the presumption that one didn't take their time to evaluate the other person. I'm coming from the standpoint that once a full evaluation is done, time is not wasted. Generally...|||I didn't type my mother; we're over the problems now, we get along fine. I don't talk about the hurt, but she's done a lot to change her responses and as I was critical in helping her overcome a...|||I'd like to see someone suck me off, simply because it would be physically impossible and I'm utterly unimpressed by superficial behaviour as an attempt to curry favours with me. You're either...|||Don't: 1) Commit logical fallacy. If she is right, don't tell her she is wrong. She will lose respect for you very quickly and shut your opinions out. 2) Your last para suggests you have...|||1) ENTJs don't get intimidated by commitment. More often than not, we demand it. If something is good, it doesn't get too fast for us. In fact, you snooze, you lose. 2) My humble advice? Stop...|||Thanks, humbled indeed. As a marketeer, I live to give perspective. LOL.|||Sorry if my reply sounded like an attack. It was not. I caught on to what you were saying. I was simply venting my frustration - in extension to your argument - that these tests are mostly...|||#truestory 1: I was frustrated about the progress of a budding romance, where the guy wouldn't step up and pursue. My take on it was he simply wasn't interested and was lazy; everyone else opined he...|||Talk about the hot guys, point them out when you are out and say Damn, I wish I had him. Then look at him, shrug and sigh. That should be sufficiently clear.|||Step 1: I don't like this. I don't want this. Step 2: You can't make me. Please stop. Step 3: Really? Just f--- off already.|||I'd have to contend with that. I've said before that environment and culture have a strong impact on behaviours and I disagree that that all Te-doms disregard relationships swiftly. In my experience,...|||Enfp, estj.|||In my case, women are more vocal about enforcing the stereotypes than men. I live in a more traditional society and gender roles are still reinforced here, albeit there being more changes. Men who...|||Sorry you're going through that, I feel for you - had the same thing. I got flamed for it in the end because the knob was in the boss' good books (he's a flake like her). In the end, another...|||1. Being called a bitch because I'm right and aggressive and determined. 2. Being underestimated because I have an obvious chest. 3. Being called uncool when I shoot down a sexist comment with my...|||It's interesting that I can relate (as a woman) those same things I would do for my SO. I suppose these traits are less gender-relevant.|||HAHA I said Thanks! before in the past and the face on the guy....Visa moment.|||Your job is to say Alright darling.|||A: Oh uhh haha, you ARE FUNNY! Hey, what is that you are drinking? B: That's nice. Did you have a think about that question I asked about kids and marriage? C: That's nice. Are we going home...|||HAHAHAHAHAHA. The SO and I were talking about the meaning behind Lionel Ritchie's Easy and how it could be useful in delivering a meaningful breakup discussion intro.|||That was fun! I got Number of lives : Neutral Pedestrians > Passengers Upholding the law > lawlessness Avoiding intervention (more towards 'less mattered') Gender: Neutral Humans > Animals...|||I don't know if this will apply to your relationship, but my experience with INTPs: - Can be very 'ranty' and has a tendency to go on and on about...whatever. It's not that I don't care, I do, but...|||10: Traveling with family and friends in a rented apartment, I was speaking to 'someone' in my sleep who asked questions who were were etc. I woke up to the noise of a barking dog at 3am, but we were...|||Yes, through personal spiritual experiences. As they say, I felt I was touched and have been spiritual since. I wouldn't say religious, since a lot of the dogma bewilder me but to each his own.|||Non verbal actions, mostly. I've only said it once first; I was young and stupid then, and rushed them as a method to get the person to commit. My bad. Almost on all other occasions it has been...|||Um mate you asked What's the best place to go looking for women with the traits I outlined as desirable? You're welcome.'
'It made me go totally batshit insane the first time. After that I've been fine. I get bit nervous during the peak but I'm usually just fine after that|||It's Reimu from Touhou. Guess it just reflects my general appearance and mood. (not a girl tough, but i do have long hair) She smokes, somewhat empty gaze and looks like she is bored. General gloomy...|||A boot to the head|||As long as it's not just beating the living shit out of the kid just for the sake of it, it's okay. In moderate amounts.|||Keywords, shitload of tabs. Quantity over quality. I use keywords that are somewhat near the subject and see what i find. Usually it reveals something else interesting too. Usually just how to if...|||I can't really pick one, most of them have happened while I was drunk anyway. The memories of them ain't exactly accurate either. I guess it would be something in lines of going to somewhere I've...|||I do think out loud sometimes. It depends who I'm with and where.|||I'm not really always honest and tend to be manipulate too. Depends on the situation tough. I respect honesty at the same time. It really doesn't make sense. Could have something to do with my...|||My purpose is to live and die.|||Wake up Go to school Go home Sit on the computer (Anime, youtube, chatting, whatever catches my interest) Go to sleep Weekends I'm usually drunk in my room while listening to music at high...|||I think it would be horrible since you have limited amount of choices. And if you don't feel satisfied with any of them, or if all of them end up killing you soon. Something like that.|||Haruhi Suzumiya Ore no imouto Serial experiments lain Those two came to me first. Third one is the most important. I have watched it three or four times already. Go watch it if you are thinking...|||Why do you want to be INTJ|||No. 10char|||They don't.|||I don't prefer either.|||Do you watch anime? If you do, what is your favorite series?|||They're not|||I postpone things as much as I can. About writing essays.. I'm just going to go about my stuff normally until I have day or two left. Only that I'm almost constantly thinking about ideas and how...|||I'll have to start using this one|||This was important song to me, especially when I was younger, guess it still is. To some extent. There are a few others but this one was the first to pop into my head. I'm tired and don't want to...|||The opposite of boredom|||Have fun. 10char|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Manekineko or just plain Neko. (Neko means cat in japanese) - Any nicknames? In real life, yes * Male/Female/Trans? - Male/ Trans, not...|||Jellyfish facinate me and I'm bit scared of them. I've never seen one in real life. I don't think I want to see one. Mushrooms freak me out too, i love them as a food, but seeing them EWW. Scares...|||Making people angry is amusing. Watching how they react to things and so on. It's not good for my social status and I have to watch out that I don't take it too far. Guess the topic was about making...|||I like text messages and I respond to them most of the time. If they are something worth responding to, like questions or so. I'm not sure about the part someone I don't know so well asking me to...|||I would like to have my name changed to Manekineko because quite few of my friends read these forums and i don't want them knowing what i say on the internet Thanks|||I did not read the thread but in my opinion it depends on the person. You can't just say someone is not suitable for a relationship based on MBTI type. It can give some advice, like what to expect...|||Not any real hobbies. I entertain myself in my free time by watching anime, browsing couple different forums, keep clicking the stumbleupon button in my browser and chatting with few people online....|||It's impossible to say what exactly. Guess music with lyrics i can relate to/ or lyrics that are similiar to current mood.|||Never been in love. I have had strong feeling towards someone, but i don't think it was love. .__.|||1.) Geniuses- I'm not genious 2.) Psychopaths- Introverts 3.) No feelings- They are well hidden 4.) Atheist- Not every single intj, but i am one. 5.) Cocky- Yes 6.) Not romantic- Most of the...|||Yep. People always ask me Why do you talk about yourself in 3rd person? It's amusing and adds a bit of variety in my life. My life is usually pretty boring so i like to mix it up a bit. It's not...|||Melodic death metal, japanese music ( mostly vocaloid, touhou and trance etc ), some trance and even some pop and instrumental. I'm going to list just a couple bands here: Mors principium est...|||Do you make people go trough series of tests while trying to get to know them? Like finding if they're worth your time? I mean like testing ability to notice sarcasm and other similiar tests. I...|||I agree on the What about when you intimidate people by trying to be helpful and they take it as criticism? part. I just don't get along with some people because of this. My friends know...|||Happy birthday from me too. I won't put any nice pictures here. It's too troublesome (sorry).|||Mors principium est - Cleansing rain|||I think that you would need couple NT's and few SJ's or SP's. Every type has it's weaknesses and strengths. You are going to need a well balanced group of people if you want to take over the world. ...|||I'm also bored. Someone suggest something for me? Actually, does anyone have ideas what to do when bored?|||I was called the small, quiet, annoying emo kid. Thats all.|||I'm listening to Marilyn Manson and i'm pretty tired. I slept for 11 hours today but i am still tired. On top of all shit, my head hurts like hell.|||I talk Finnish and English My mother tongue is Finnish.|||I only wear black. Black tight jeans, black hoodie, leather jacket, black comfortable shoes. I also wear this black hat, but i don't know what it is called and i cant find a picture. Its almost...|||Stargate; it's the only TV- program i can watch without getting frustrated ( my English is shitty, forgive me )|||I don't like any parties, so i don't celebrate about my birthday.|||Just say it straight. Make sure that the INTJ does not think you are joking. Explain why you like her. She probably wants to know.|||This is my second post in here and i dont know what to tell about myself - I'm INTJ - I have been reading the forums for a while, but not posting - I hate christmas, the stupid songs and all -...|||Could relationship between ENFP female and INTJ male work?'
I'm going to England in three weeks!|||HAVE TO study.|||I'm feeling good at the moment!|||Sleepy, finished, running.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81Ojd3d2rY|||So, apparently I made my girlfriend cry because of that letter I sent her. In a good way I hope..|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfV71vAkZ2c|||Yesterday I sent a really long letter to my girlfriend where I explained how much she means to me. It's without a doubt the most honest and important letter I've ever written. I hope she understand...|||Hang in there man. I'm sure you'll find someone some day that is right for you. You're a great guy! Remember that and don't compare yourself to other people too much (easier said than done though)....|||I bought a guitar today!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twogF75dQgk|||That was unexpected.|||Well, I'm a drummer and I like Alice in Chains, but I really have to disagree on that comparison. He's one ugly mudda if you ask me.|||Psychology, letters, laundry.|||Quote of the day.|||Sounds a lot like me to be honest.|||Most recent picture of me: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn286/BlackLodgeDwarf/P5120046.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPYy6eXsTCc|||I just realized that I think and worry waaaay too much about the future. Maybe even so much that I sometimes forget to live right now, or be happy about the things I have in my life at this moment....|||I feel a bit sad since I miss a lot of people.|||Rain, memory, tears.|||I just cried for the first time in a very long time. For some reason I started thinking about my now deceased grandfather. He's the only person who has ever been like a father to me. I miss him so...|||It's not just you.|||Going with my girlfriend to my familys summer house today. Really looking forward to it!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmv7KvEe6sY|||Stars and Wind.|||Thinking about England.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaN3YEbYbng|||I'm still filling in for a spanish teacher at my old elementary school. And wow, I really don't like kids.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd-6WweqD0Y|||I'm either sick or allergic as hell right now.|||I'm a lot like this as well. However I do have a couple of friends that I hang out with. But mostly I find people to be beyond boring and uninteresting. So I'd rather be alone than with any of them....|||I play drums, and have been doing so for about 2 years now. Hadn't really touched a drum set before I started playing back in september 2009. Now I can play this without too much trouble: ...|||Michael82 - I wish you all the best man. Hope things works out for you in the end! Good luck with everything!|||Hey everyone! I've been away from this place for a while due to life coming in the way. I don't really have time to go through all the pages I haven't read, so I just marked them all read. I'll...|||I feel like this is going to be a good day.|||Wow, you look much more... organized nowadays.|||Don't like kids.|||I'm actually re-watching Cosmos. Incredible show, and beyond incredible man.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyFhsG8Ip4E|||So here's the most recent picture of me. Most of the other ones I've uploaded have been quite old. Anyway, I don't really have black hair, I just like pictures with a high contrast. ...|||I've been really busy the entire week so I haven't really been able to spend so much time here. Had to go through like 10 pages of this thread yesterday lol.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F565r3ArQy8|||Hungry, tired and in need of company of some sort.|||I'm planning on moving to an old English cathedral and become a mysterious gothic character all dressed in black roabs.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCMm1mJ3DRs|||A million times yes!|||Haven't seen my girlfriend in like 4-5 weeks now. Today I miss her sooooo much..|||I hate kids.|||So damn tired.
'Actually, I didn't want to admit it but I was drunk when I wrote my first post. I've killed a part of me in response, don't worry. Maybe you do have a good understanding of F - but really; she has...|||After reading my post, I can see many mistakes. So let me try and rephrase. Apologies for the inconsideration I put to my words. (Amazingly so, in fact.) I jumped the gun on everything I said. Rest...|||Curious, who is from US and who is from UK? Different societies and all that; I can relate to certain mentalities to understand a little better. Either way, who is moving where and for what...|||I've debated this for a long time. I'm from England and I've generally despised a lot of people that I thought were ESTP. However, I've been living in Japan for the past 8 months and I'm now dating...|||If you're worried. Give her a little more time; then just ask and give her a date you're free. Try not to hesitate about getting what you want. They also have the same right - and if they wanna...|||either or; sounds like he has a very well balanced T/F. Understands and appreciates both side of the coin in that respect. I wouldn't worry beyond that, actually. He sounds like someone I'd want to...|||I'm glad you noticed, although probably easily, the fact that he hugs you a little tighter and puts his head close. He probably just doesn't have the words the explain his feelings on it. To me, the...|||Love her. Insults me, Upsets me and will not stop doing what she wants to do unless there's something to make her think otherwise. She's incredibly nice to people, even though I think it hurts her...|||Yep. It has seemed to me, to be my life goal for a few years. I dream to have children. The reason I keep reaching is to be able to show someone a world in which they can ultimately control. I want...|||Cannabis is not a health problem. The problem is, that it promotes social values and attitudes which are unwelcome in capitalist based society. I beg you to watch the video whilst listening to...|||If you're comfortable being alone for a long amount of time, then there's no problem. Most of my social interaction comes from work/school. After these, I just want to go home and chill, maybe with...|||Honestly, sometimes I think the enneagram is a better source of information for dealing with people. However, it seems to me like you're the one trying out all the new strategies to keep the peace...|||Don't care about the shit that is. Accept that shit, defend you're right to take control of that shit so that you can then enjoy whatever the hell you want to enjoy. Don't get pushed around, and...|||I think there's a reason to be concerned. How can an 18 year old know the true effects of such a possible(probable) life changing experience at a young age? I'm not saying an 18 year old can't think...|||I'm dating an ESTP girl. It's a blast. She's healthy, with a good sense of everything except me. She just knows I'm kind and I care about her very much. I'd only fault her on the fact that she really...|||I'm pretty sure I'm a Type 4. I did read a few Type 9 articles that resonated with me, but never to the extent that most Type 4 articles do. I'm also in agreement about the creativity aspects, I just...|||Haha, honestly - that's kind of what I thought. It went down a 'treat'. (oh, the puns!). I'm studying in Fukuoka, at Seinan Gakuin^^. What about you!?|||Dig a little deeper, learn who they are and what they like. Only shy people dislike questions, and I'm fairly sure that ESTP's aren't shy (They would happily answer your questions, I'm sure). I'm...|||I have a crazy theory on the link between cannabis and food. Honestly, I think that weed smokers always know it's the weed making them want to eat all the crap in their fridge, and because they know...|||I was a Japanese School girl. The outfit was my girlfriends and I am currently studying abroad in Japan... I mention this, because I normally hate the idea of dressing up at Halloween, but this years...|||Hesher. Hesher is a loner. He hates the world and everyone in it. He has long greasy hair and homemade tattoos. He is malnourished and smokes a lot of cigarettes. He likes fire and blowing things...|||I don't trust myself with it because I've gotten it wrong a few times, just like everyone else. Although, I'm great at spotting if one person fancies another but if the spot-light is on me, I'm...|||My best friend is an ESTJ. He's a very socially-anxious person, which I think helped bring us together when we were younger.|||I dunno man, but Tom Waits is awesome, and you've just given me a song that I'll try not to forget. Cheers!|||Two very interesting articles, thanks for sharing :)|||It doesn't really bother me. I can emphasise with the people that share the same interests and hobbies with the media, because I suppose that the media can often be seen as blowing things way out of...|||Playful, nervous, excited.|||That is fantastic! You really made me smile, cheers Stephen! (It would make such a good avatar....... ;P)|||(Artist--> Song Title) 1. Shpongle - Nothing Is Something Worth Doing 2. Calexico - Victor Jaras Hands 3. Parov Stelar - Catgroove 4. múm - Dancing Behind My Eyelids 5. múm - We Have A...|||Thanks for the chat ;)|||No problem Flora. I actually prefer the company of people above my age, but I can assume that this preference isn't shared both ways, especially outside of the normal family/social events. I even...|||I can vibrate my eyeballs... but I've met a few people that can do that. I like to smell people that walk past me, but I don't really do anything outside of my head. I just like to consciously sniff...|||Heh, yeah...and you're in Japan? It's where I'm heading in August if all goes well. Now this sure is a coincidence... huh!?|||The dancer is also great to watch. I think he is self-taught? He uploads a lot, anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twqM56f_cVo|||I think it's nice to think about learning how to live happily for yourself, before you consider other people. If you can't make yourself happy in a sad place, then I don't believe you're as strong as...|||I'm from North-East, but I have just come back from living in Preston. And yeah, I've been kinda jealous of those state-side too... I just enjoy an adventure, I'll be honest. There is a nice feeling...|||It's in fact Wilson (and Leary) who I first began to develop an appreciation for, and then Mckenna (who I've just recently discovered); all in a steady tempo that I've been able to keep up with. I'm...|||Where!? I'm in ;) obligations don't scare me! (much)|||That seems like the most appropriate stance to take on philosophy to be honest man. You can't go too wrong if you're choosing your own beliefs. I suppose you can make a mistake from time to time, but...|||Some of these people hold several titles, but I'd put 'Philosopher' under each one, even if it wasn't their main living vice. Timothy Leary Robert Anton Wilson Antero Alli Terence Mckenna...|||I didn't know where to post this, so I thought I'd post it here. My INFJ friend (and another) took magic mushrooms and he invited me over half way through the trip to make sure everything was...|||Hi Selene, nice to meet you. I don't know why you assume you have to save everybody, because you don't and you can't. You're also assuming that they want to be saved. Whilst this may be true in...|||Too many people.|||How is intelligence important to me? Well going by this definition; “A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think...|||You know you may be an introvert when you've decided to respond to someone in a very outgoing, almost fanatical and extroverted way just to outright express the feeling of boredom and despair you...|||Thanks for that video Teigue. I enjoyed listening to him speak about his writing.|||Enjoy dreaming, but make an effort to explore, to learn, and to understand the outside world for your own personal growth. Go out, experiment, and develop an interest in the negatives of society....|||Seems it's nice for people to defend themselves once in a while. INFP's really shouldn't have any reason to be so miserable; we're always able to defend our points of view it seems, or at least...|||Pretty Good Day|||- oops, I messed that up; failed to quote Mumbo Jumbo Hate is the last thing I thought of, I completely agree with you. Although many people in this thread seem to agree that the author of the...'
'https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1474/26711128731_9d4e94e3d1_z_d.jpg Started learning how to surf a few months ago! :D https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1499/26778335815_382c10e251_z_d.jpg|||Friend: (insert complicated solution to a problem here) Me: Why don't you just do this? Friend: Why do you always have to one-up me with a simpler solution? or Friend: Damn, the _______ isn't...|||http://i58.tinypic.com/ejc6sw.jpg|||Thought it'd be nice to have a spot to share pics or descriptions anything you've been working on or completed, big or small. Doesn't matter if you built a house or cooked a bomb-ass grilled cheese...|||It's actually an entry level youth development program through the state, so there isn't any prior experience to join. Their separation rate is pretty high though as well. Not many stick around for...|||Aw that's a shame. No national parks or forests around there? And yeah I've had a fun time at this job. Gotta leave and go back to school this summer though. I work for my state...|||I work for my state Conservation Corps. It's pretty much ISTP heaven. We do labor contracts for the forest service, state parks, national parks, Caltrans, CALFIRE, DWP, etc. I get to do cool shit...|||Work hard, play hard! http://i59.tinypic.com/29qoco6.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/1at03.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/fy0808.jpg|||We're supposed to be big? Haha what made you think that? Welcome btw! I'm 5'5 and 160lbs. I guess I'm semi-big since I gained 15lbs of muscle over the summer. O.o|||We had a base camp where we built a latrine, but finding places to cathole while hiking or at work was a bitch, yeah. Haha. We could use TP though!|||Bitches I'm BACK! Didn't just survive the program, I fuckin' thrived doing that shit. Dealing with my crew wasn't that bad at all either. I miss the mountains already. :(|||Just spent the last 5 months living and working in the mountains, buildin' trail! https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3841/15355193395_c65a763a84_z.jpg ...|||Yeah that could be true too, haha. And yeah I'm not sure why it's not more popular. I only knew about it because I signed up for email updates from AmeriCorps. Actually, nope! It wasn't a...|||Thank you for the well wishes guys. :D Nope - I'll still have my own tent, so one could quietly manage to do that I believe. :p Got my specific assignment today. I'm going to be a trail worker in...|||Thank you! :) Oh, one other thing though--nothing romantic/no sex for 5 months. THAT I'm going to have a problem with... lol. Thank you for the advice! Yeah apparently must of the alumni...|||For the most part, I love it. I like feeling... useful I guess. Downsides? Not being able to really fit into a society that's seemingly made for xxxJ's. And also, how much effort it takes to...|||This is pretty long, but I love it so fucking much. x93One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast....a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic....|||Just thought I'd share this with you ISTPers--I just got accepted into this program, where I'll live and work in the mountains (in a tent) for 5 months with a crew of 12-17 people, doing hard trail...|||The topic kinda came up in the feels through music thread. So what's your soft spot that gets your lacrimal glands going? Or for those who refuse to ever shed a tear, what makes you feel strong...|||Here's one song that kinda invoke some feelings solely from music itself, rather than it being attached to a certain memory by association. It's in Japanese and I have no idea what the fuck the...|||Has there been a things that make you cry thread yet? Haha|||I guess I meant that we sort of have atypical emotional tendencies. Being moved by music isn't inherently strange, but I'm not sure how many people that are moved by music are also pretty emotionless...|||Affected by music? Add me to the list. I remember mentioning in another thread that music is one of the few things that can really get my emotions going. Anywhere from that weird happy feeling I get...|||I play a few instruments and do graphic design for a living. I also can draw, but the last major portrait I made was a couple of years ago. I've never taken an art class and never was trained as a...|||The Se genres you had listed (dubstep, house, edm) have more obvious and steady rhythms, usually 120bpm, which is the most danceable tempo. I think that's why you associated them with Se But...|||Yeahhh, I'm not fond of all the Se choices either. Particularly dubstep. Eek. Early dubstep sounded alright to me, but I find most of it to just be kind of... nauseating? I like random things...|||1. Working part-time as a graphic designer, also self-employed doing random freelance work (ALYSSA MORENO | DESIGNER if you need anything ;)) 2. Free time = read random shit on the internet, learn...|||Welp, I fucking hate writing... pretty much in all forms except conversations (posts/chats). Though, when I do write, I'm apparently excellent at it.|||I wouldn't say I'm noncommittal... just very guarded. When I love someone, I really fucking love them. I'm just very, very wary of having my loyalty exploited, so I keep people at a distance until I...|||http://i57.tinypic.com/23r261f.jpg|||Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Teddy Roosevelt|||This. Apparently I'm missing #2, which means I lack diplomacy and I need to learn to work behind-the-scenes.. which is BS because I'm actually a very diplomatic person that hates being in the...|||I have a fwb (that happens to be hispanic, haha) that I'd see on and off for almost 2 years, and we'd see each other ever 4 - 8 weeks because we're both broke and live quite far apart. I have a high...|||Haha I don't know what to say about it. It's fun, and I crave it a lot? Eh, lol.|||I don't know about you guys, but I'm not a fan of dancing. I think there's only one or two times in my life that I can think of that I went dancing and enjoyed it. The friends that went with me those...|||Guilt does nothing for me. When I think of all the bad shit that might happen I just shrug it off. I have too much of that I don't give a fuck attitude. Guilt works a little better when other...|||I love dogs. I feel like I can understand them pretty well--probably more so than people. I think I'm drawn more to them then they are to me, haha. The dog might be curious about you because...|||I may superficially seem like an adrenaline junkie, and I've thrown the term around to describe myself jokingly since I'm into snowboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing and the like, but I am...|||You must be a pretty functional stoner then. I'm jealous, haha. Everything's more interesting for me too but I'm pretty useless once I'm stoned, unless I'm doing something physically active....|||One day, when I'm not a broke-ass, I'll get my AR-15. I wanna capitalize on my random knack for shooting that I just discovered when my dad and uncle took me to the range. :D|||w00t! Glad someone else understands the feeling! Haha. I feel like I fall less when I'm going while stoned. At the same time I can take in the scenery and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors in a...|||Geeking out for the Doctor Who 50th, har har. http://i43.tinypic.com/1z14f2r.jpg Haha sorry for the ultra late reply! This is actually in the San Bernardino Forest, near Holcomb Valley. :)...|||I smoke basically every night from a nice, tall bong when I'm done for the day. I don't smoke in the day unless I'm doing something active. Weed + snowboarding / rock climbing / mountain biking =...|||Habits? What habits? I sleep whenevs.|||Random! Well, this is an old thread but I'm down to talk about sex. Not sure how to start though. Er, sex is fun?|||Me hiking out from a rock climbing trip on the weekend. :) http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7445/10529560564_23572aa407_z.jpg And some POV shots from my GoPro, because they're stereotypically...|||No problem. :) I accept them reluctantly, haha. Well, now I learned to just say thank you instead of coming up with reasons why I don't deserve a compliment. And I rarely give any...|||Hm. I can't really relate to any of this. I think most of the traits and characteristics you're describing aren't solely caused by, er, ISTPness. Maybe he's a narcissist? Just throwing things out...|||Ignorance. Arrogance. General douchebaggery. Lack of spontaneity. Stubbornness. You never know man. I've perfected the art of acting like I'm fine when I'm fucking dying inside.|||Fuck studying. :)'
'^THOSE ARE SO GOOD! Whenever I see personality cafe in my bookmarks, I automatically start singing ABC Café from Les Mis. It's amazing. Oh and how cool would it be to rewrite a musical on...|||THE ACADEMY AWARDS ARE ON TONIGHT! Which means I get to see my idol Helena Bonham Carter perform on stage with the rest of the Les Mis cast! And then I get to see my other idol Tim Burton because he...|||I FINALLY FOUND THE QUOTE THAT SUMS UP WHO I AM. And of course, it comes from none other than my idol Tim Burton. Maybe it’s just in America, but it seems that if you’re passionate about...|||Philosophy needs to come back. And therapy needs to be about helping people achieve their best, not about how much money you can make. If I ever make it through grad school and become a...|||When you completely forget the entire ride home in the car because you were talking and thinking to yourself.|||If I were to do anything, I would probably go more towards counseling (you can always do research on the side); the hard part is... who would I counsel? Kids? Family? Couples? Only anxiety/depression...|||Exactly! They just need to do a general Masters and Doctorate. I wouldn't even care if that would take 10 years to get. If they taught me everything it would be worth it!|||Thanks, love. <3 I'm thinking about having a go in yoga or meditation or something. I need to find my inner place, if that makes sense. It always calms me down.|||I'm actually about to graduate in May with a degree in psychology. I want to get my masters and doctorate for psych, but the problem with that is you have to REALLY know what you want to do. And I...|||I think I'm going to do something big in this lifetime and then extremely frustrated and annoyed because I can't figure out my purpose in life. And then analyze everything and then start...|||This just made me cry, haha.|||That's definitely me. One day I'm living life and being extremely happy, the next I'm depressed and becoming a philosopher. It's a fricken roller coaster, but I think that is what feeds our...|||I don't understand why, every time I get into an argument with someone (which is NOT often at all), they seem to somehow completely turn it around on me, and then I have to end up apologizing. ...|||Downton Abbey. SO MANY FEEEEEELS. 60619|||When you miss class because you're too busy browsing this website and Tumblr. Whoopsie.|||60586 60587 I felt like Marla had to be a part of this. And I want part too! I actually love being alone though, does that count?|||I saw it three times, and I'm dying to see it one time more (get it?) before it leaves the theater. I'm obsessed with Helena Bonham Carter, which was my main reason for going. BUT I read the...|||The Gangster Squad. Didn't like it, not really into those kinds of films. I only saw it because Emma Stone was in it, haha.|||100% yes. I could be alone forever and never get lonely. I enjoy my solitude (: I'm 21 (almost 22), and I'm at uni (last semester!), yet I currently live with my aunt (who is only 20 minutes...|||I absolutely agree with this. My sister is an INTP. When we were younger (she's 5 and a half years older than me, mind) I ALWAYS thought she was way too emotionless and only cared about facts and...|||When you want people to be there for you but they never seem to say the right thing; yet you get mad because you're an extremely good advice giver.|||My sister is an INTP. I love her to death, but (I don't know if this is characteristic of all INTPs) she doesn't express her emotion to anyone (except her fiancé, which is good of course) and it...|||Not sure if I could help, but I loved the book Please Understand Me: II by Keirsey. Welcome (:|||“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” This quote literally just touched my soul! I love it!|||Side note: I love how a lot of non-INFP people are saying how they wished we opened up more. I feel like either 1.) we honestly indulge in the fact that we are deeply internal and private, 2.) we...|||None (: I'm still enjoying learning about myself and learning my place in this world. I'm just one of those people who are not interested in guys unless I know they will be my soul mate/love at first...|||When I was trying to figure out who I was and what my purpose was (which I still am but not to the extent when I was completely and utterly lost as anything) yes. Absolutely. And I would let it...|||Ok I took the test twice and got the same thing (The Helper Advocate): 2w3, 5w4, 9w8 ... but how do you guys get those three numbers in a row from the poll? What am I doing wrong?! Your core...|||I love writing. Absolutely anything, really; but I never finish what I started. I have a feeling one day I might write a book, but I need something that really comes naturally to me to write about,...|||I can honestly say he doesn't sound like an INFP at all... I am highly independent (probably because of the introversion) and when I'm in relationships I am very caring (not dependent OR clingy). ...|||That we don't use logic at all. That all of us are insecure. I think the reason that many think that we are religious, is because we tend to be very spiritual towards things. Every...|||I cried all the way home from my class tomorrow because I want to make a difference in this world so badly. I hate/love when those passionate moments come to me! They are getting me ready for...|||I don't like shoes as well! I actually like wearing socks as shoes, but I can't wear socks while I'm in bed. Instead of having dreams that I went to school naked, I had dreams that I went to school...|||This makes me so happy!! I am as well! (I actually was obsessed with him first, and then I discovered a longgg time ago that Helena and Tim were actually partners and then my eyes opened and my life...|||I've never had a favorite book (well one, kind of) until I read Les Misérables by Victor Hugo last summer. And now I'm reading Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray) and I have to say, that...|||I love being outside, but only if it's for the day. I LOATHE camping. I have to say though, going on a random bike ride or walk by myself is extremely wonderful because it's a great time just to...|||I become EXTREMELY passionate about things I love. Like way too obsessive. Especially with people I idolize (Helena Bonham Carter). It's funny/annoying because I really can't explain to people how...|||You are SO weird. I feel bad that I can't help you, but I can't give advice like you do. Why can't you think like a normal person for once! (this just made me incredibly sad to type, and...|||59348 ^I can't help laughing and thinking how much that sounds like Thanksgiving every time I see it. Oh and wouldn't it be really interesting to conduct a study that shows the correlation...|||When you'd rather sit at home and learn about who you are then go hang out with your best friend... whoops.|||I know I can always go to you for things I've never met someone like you. You are really weird... but in a good way. You are creative.|||Wow, I just realized that I take pictures of everyone else except me! Here are the two most recent ones I could find (I have a weird crooked smile BUT I LOVE IT SO DON'T JUDGE ME (: ) 5934659347|||I LOATHED that book. Seriously, the writing is TERRIBLE. The only reason why I finished the first one is because I get freaked out when I leave a book unfinished. It literally haunts me, haha. But...|||I actually love my own company. I've never felt lonely when I've been alone for hours on end, and when I'm able to do things on my own without worrying about other people, it just creates this...|||When you make up excuses all the time just to not hang out with people (whoops). When you're envisioning your dream home, the first thing that comes to mind is that a room needs to be dedicated as...|||When you sit down to study for an exam and have to take a break every ten minutes just to stay focused. When, even when you try and plan things out, you end up forgetting the most important...|||When you constantly need to know why you performed a certain action or why you said a certain thing, and then contemplate what lead up to you doing that, so you spend hours inside your head feeling...|||Aw thanks guys!! And welcome to you as well, kfronda! (: I'm glad to see so many INFPs around!|||That's awesome! Are you the youngest or oldest? And thanks, by the way!|||Hello! Ever since I took the Briggs-Myers test I've been fascinated at how accurate all of the information I have found about it is relating towards me. It actually creeped me out at first. ...'
'Are they nice? INFJ. Are they an asshole? INTJ. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||He's not even weird really. He's just a loser. But other than that he's pretty average in all respects. I don't see any evidence of the creativity, imagination, artistic/literary/intellectual...|||I think it's about whether you get off more on the sex itself or the orgasm.|||I got ENTP so it works, but I'm gonna be honest: I didn't see much revolutionary about this test. In fact, this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising I've seen since the film The...|||Uh, where's the intuition in Milhouse?|||I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.|||I will post the same thing I posted in the main Trump thread but extended: I would say Donald Trump is quite possibly the single most extreme personality I have ever witnessed. I literally believe...|||I would say Donald Trump is quite possibly the single most extreme personality I have ever witnessed. I literally believe he is at 100% on every single MBTI scale. 100% E, 100% S, 100% T, and 100% P....|||I hate questions like these, these unwinnable scenarios. It's not fair, it's set up so that there's no way I can kill all 6!|||Oh yeah, ESTPs can be clever for sure, didn't mean to imply otherwise. They just tend to be a bit more direct in their methods. Even a guy like Donald Trump, he may not be Tuco, but he's definitely...|||Saul/Jimmy is def an ENTP and probably the character on TV who I relate to most, except I've gotten mixed up in somewhat fewer crazy shenanigans. (So far...) Don't think that just because con man...|||Bernie Sanders? An INFP? What strain of weed are you smoking bruh, I wanna try it. Dude is straight up ENFJ. He may be a bit sloppier than the stereotypical J, but that's probably just because...|||Your username is disgusting and your profile pic isn't helping matters. Someone ban this fuck.|||Don Draper was an ISTP with a strong intuitive side. Very clearly I, T, and P anyway, that's for sure. Not sure where you'd get something like ENTJ from other than the executive stereotype. But...|||RIP First of all. The knee jerk reaction to his type may be ESxP because he was an athlete, but after reading about him and particularly after watching this video: ...|||Katniss - ISTP (obvious, have no idea where anyone's getting things like IxTJ from, clearly a textbook SP) Peeta - ENFJ Gale - ESTJ President Snow - INTJ Haymitch - INTP Effie - ESFP Prim -...|||I did some a few months back in what I think goes without saying was objectively the best post in this thread so far, but I've got some more to bless you all with now: ESTJ:...|||ENTJs get shit done but they can also be bossy and overbearing at times. INTPs are chill but some (not all) of them can be kind of annoying dweebs. And INTJs just suck.|||Except that's not any more accurate so... Yeah. Sorry, I'm just not buying the idea that attractive or unattractive people are more likely to be any type than any other. You may have INFJs for...|||They aren't though? Someone's probably pointed out in this thread already that these types (especially ESFPs) may tend to be more likely to put effort into their dress, style, and the way they...|||There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel...|||That explains why the type most correlated to Asperger's is ISTJ...|||14, ENTP, not an Aspie|||How can someone so hot be so stupid? Oh wait, that doesn't make sense.|||^|||If you have to be explained to why Trump is an ESTP, you have failed at MBTI and have probably failed at life.|||Idk what the hell you all are talking about. Brian has never seemed like an ENFP. And since when has ENFP equaled liberal caricature? What, INTPs can't be liberals? Most of them are...|||Been rewatching the show lately, preparing for new season. Dale Cooper is definitely not a T, LOL. ENFJ for sure. Warm, cheery, friendly, gregarious, outgoing, caring, sympathetic, passionate,...|||:rolleyes:|||Kendrick is not even close to an extrovert. He literally wrote a whole song about being an introvert. I think he's probably INFJ on further reflection.|||You would say wrong.|||Changed my mind on Paul, I think he's ESTJ, below average agreeableness. The rest I stand by.|||Is it smart? Is it funny? Is it sexy? If your answer be yes to all three, an ENTP it may be.|||I don't support Trump because I do not happen to be mentally retarded.|||The better to fuck with my dear.|||Oh yeah, well, I had sex with your wife.|||By the way, anyone who says Hillary Clinton is an extrovert is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy off. Celebrity Types really is cancer. I don't know how anyone could possibly think that woman is an extrovert,...|||The only relevant candidates left. I've made some slight changes. Hillary Clinton: INTJ Bernie Sanders: ENFJ Donald Trump: ESTP Ted Cruz: ENTP Marco Rubio: ESFJ After today, only the INTJ...|||Hillary is definitely not an extrovert, but otherwise yeah you're mostly right in the sense that she is a lot more cautious, rehearsed, and a planner. She is extremely conscientious while Trump is...|||If we ignore functions, he is unsympathetic, blunt, hard, abrasive, and unafraid to hurt feelings or say exactly what he thinks without filter - so F is out of the question. And he's also impulsive,...|||100% preference. Anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong. The test is CLEARLY a measure of preference, not a measure of ability at all. Which is, frankly, why it sucks at predicting job...|||Lol ESTJ|||This is completely wrong. How do you explain xxTP types who are neurotic and disagreeable? Are you saying they're all either FPs or TJs? Or xxFP types who are low neuroticism? Are they actually TPs?...|||I know I've been through this subject before, but I just cannot stress it enough. Go read some of their unbearably snobby and pretentious articles and then look at their admin comments below and...|||Lol I can't believe we're still talking about this. The guy was INFJ as sure as Einstein was INTP.|||Political liberalness is associated with high openness to experience on the Big Five, which is in turn associated with an N preference in MBTI. So a disproportionate number of all N types (including...|||Ha, you wish: I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you to guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. - Not an introvert...|||Nah. Both types are stereotyped as: 1. Likes to argue 2. Troublemakers 3. Daredevils 4. Manipulative 5. Pranksters/jokesters 6. Opportunists 7. Persuasive 8. Rebellious|||ENTP is literally the only type even close to 1% as possible as ESTP, but no. He's an ESTP.|||wat'
'http://media.tumblr.com/bd22c59cf9eadc1efcc00121ffe74528/tumblr_inline_mx1a4l0kyG1qe6nze.gif|||eraserhead 1977 it's hard to believe if there is an INFP who doesn't like this movie|||nice taste --- zoith|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bm-kdLwBVc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0AGUywHntw|||They are the easiest prey for MBTI's propagandas. Thank for they Ne (curiosity) and Fi (melancholic) IMHO :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzpRU347BDU&feature=kp|||Does external link couldn't work on perC? Be patient, gonna fix it asap :)|||126329 126345 126321|||Am i the only INTJ [The Scientists] who have little interest on science? Kind of ironic, huh? :D|||Q : How common is it for an ISTJ to troll? A : Not so common, not a matter of incompetence, more on priority. Q : How effective would they be? A : Well, it seems fair to say would you be...|||Someone told me that i'm an alien, i must've been radiating my handsomeness well :D|||Congratulation! :D|||Really? Uhm..You might be the special case then :D Just my blabbering :D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be7iNHw8QoQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIAiVIN8Ck|||I need someone who imaginative, easy going, smart, cheerful, supportive and energetic. So ENFP 7w6 sx/so would be great.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIElwqDgFnQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pcmzz8Bl2Y|||Daily basis, i am usually wear black dark t-shirt with short camo. If i going outside, i usually add them with hoodies and skater shoes or sandal. In formal form, i used to wear dress shirt...|||It is ironic to found that this sort of threads are actually preferred by introverts.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGFToiLtXro|||Some people are excellent at creating chaos, the rest do the cleaning.|||Rush 2013. This movie took me back to memories of my rivalries with my best friend, it was very precious to me. Excellent movie.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOVzXYEU3Bk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WElvEZj0Ltw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMLsF8ajI6U|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5TnPjOd_To|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIzDsGyxsQM|||I didn't see you mentioning your band manager. This problem should be discussed with entire band and must be solved together. Maybe your keyboardist just need to take some keyboard course without...|||Failure is all a matter of perspective. What is more important is whether we will learn from our mistakes and make progress in life, or just ignore it and make the same mistakes from time to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMCbJB4yNXo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qksTlo_1Tpw|||GoosePeelings Mechanical fingers! Are they still good?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_09wFxoaeQ|||Football Manager 14.|||He would like to give Kagura or Sinpachi a deathly punch rather than deathly reasoning. Just looking at their typical black comedy, makes me believe that he is a Sensory type. And for Ni, look...|||Yes, i agree with that statement, but an INTP would be more interested in sword analyst, not practical. I will mention some of gintoki personality that indicate Se: He is mostly seen eating or...|||If you mean that he has a high Ne, of course he has, but I can't believe an INTP can fight as he does.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7C90sLh5Ok This song has been stuck in my head since I was young. The first song I learned on guitar. The first song that can make me cry in the middle of a crowd...|||Sober.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QP-SIW6iKY|||Can you summarize what did you meant? Actually i have headache for trying to understand your scientist words :) Right to the point. Like what others men do.|||I understand, and i respect your opinions. But it doesn't change my believing. Usually i didn't debating until this far, because my language limitation. The truth, i had been through this...|||How the hell you could think like that? So irrational. People who want to save the unborn baby, obviously wants to save the lives of their loved ones as well. I think the ones should be...|||This is out of context. Context : abortion Sure, i do. Did you said that i don't want to save the lives of the people i know and love just because of i am anti-abortion? My friend, you...|||Selamat bergabung!|||This is same questions as; should I only date a person which my mother prefers?|||I respect your perspective, but i stick to my statement. There are many great people who didn't recognize who was their parents or they were just being unwanted child. But through hardworking,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvetJ9U_tVY'
'Sometimes. And my Chinese zodiac sign's a dog. But I suppose I'm slightly more similar to a squirrel.|||How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (But when you're reading it you have to keep this in mind: What I found most interesting was that the last chapter of How to Win Friends...|||10 Myths About Introverts | CarlKingdom.com :: Writer. Director. Artist.|||^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIu8JUz2N44&feature=related|||I agree with you on there being a difference between an unfertilized egg and a fish- But the thing is that when eggs are produced all the male chicks get killed because they can't lay eggs when...|||That song would be kind of perfect:D - but I have to take an excerpt that only lasts 20 seconds >.<. Well, I'm definitely considering it... And thanks to everyone else!! I really appreciated your...|||Ach wie cool, die Unterhaltung hätten wir ja die ganze Zeit auf Deutsch führen können^^.|||it does^^- and I bet it would stand out :D|||What song would you like to be played at your graduation? (We all get to choose and I can't really decide, so I'd be really grateful for some new suggestions... Thanks!! =) )|||ethylester, I remember you from when I first found this site. I really enjoy reading your posts and it's always nice to see your avatar because it gives me a feeling of familiarity and it somehow...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5mZ9hT9ezQ|||First of all, if you're inside, try to get out and go somewhere where you can be alone, or, if you prefer, somewhere where there are lots of people. Just don't stay the way you are right now if you...|||Yes, I used to have that feeling a lot. When I was a kid I was sort of waiting for my story to begin- I was into fantasy- So I was somehow always anticipating the moment when the adventure would...|||I remember you, you're one of the people who used to post when I first came here, welcome back! :) By the way: When I was about 13 I discovered the thing with finding happiness everywhere and being...|||Well, this might help if you want to think your way out of a rut. Here's a link: http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/studienwahl/waswillich/fragen1/fragen1.pdf But you probably don't understand German, so...|||[/QUOTE](The thing with wanting to make a thread is true and it's what I was going to post it just like that, but then I had this idea(sort of a story about two INFPs or whatever you want to turn it...|||When I'm stressed I often get into these two states: There's the one in which I'm really quiet and not really there and I feel quite dizzy and as if I'm in a dream, that gets relieved by music or...|||I was just listening to this and the pictures and the beginning of the song fits, although the part afterwards doesn't sound that lonely... AND it synchs up really well with this scene from Star Wars...|||I'm subscribed to this thread and when I read this I thought you'd be an NF, so when I came on here I was a bit surprised. XD But that fits in with your comment. Sensors using metaphors and Thinkers...|||The title made me think of this one: Dreams ...|||Maybe being a healer isn't just about healing those who fight (I suppose you mean for the good side) but also healing those who do wrong.;) Because that can actually be worse than being treated badly...|||Me too!XD My voice has become much more distinct in the last year or the last few years. (I'm sixteen.) I didn't always know it was there. When I was about thirteen I read something about...|||Amélie Poulain, perhaps? (Do people outside of Europe know this film?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aip3836VtZ0|||As a kid, I used to think that I might be whisked off into another world at any moment. And sometimes, if it got really windy or something I thought: It's going to happen now=)! -Oh no! You're not...|||Actually, I can really relate to some of the stuff on this thread. But I did think that I might be an ISFP once and my N isn't very strong. Well, after reading parts of this thread I went to the...|||Yes! SQUIRRELS!!!!!! :D And clothespins and huge lakes with floating libraries and trees made of chocolate :))))...|||I think that the way the person in this song behaves and feels might describe (some) INFPs or NFs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRjjpMGO6o&feature=related|||Oh my God! I used to do that when I explained Chemistry to a friend. And I put philosophical things about relationships in there, too^^.|||I googled it and found this: http://operationmd.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/ist2_437828_giant_smiley_big_smile.gif?w=228&h=228 And also this,...|||Well, it's cool you did now. -Edit (again): Oh, now I get it! You did, you only had to close out of here. Sorry!- I just noticed that this got lots of replies in a short time. I did a long post and...|||Whoa! 14 views and 13 replies Nearly everyone who looked at this has replied^^! Edit: Oh, wrong! (blush), but still...|||Do you know about Masquerade? It's the survival game we're supposed to play.(I'm referring NFs) Please look at this... That was written by an INFJ. And this: If you really mean this, the...|||Oh, welcome! =) And loads of us lurk- Me too! Especially, when I'm looking at other types' forums... And if you need to convey any other emotions: ~(:-( <- Studying's making me tired and I'm...|||I was thinking about this today. I'm doing a project for school on the GDP and how it doesn't really measure wealth and how we're really focused on economical growth even though there is a limit...|||Well yeah, but to me it sounded as if I was about to molest someone for a moment-What does that say about me? :/ But if it had said guy instead of girl, it might have sounded a bit like that....|||lmao Oh my God, yeah! Especially Prepare to feel loved^^!|||Hey, this thread is kind of similar^^... http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/51296-why-dont-i-post-here-more-often.html#post1187247 I just looked at your profile and saw that you're...|||I'm not an INTP but perhaps you don't get enough sleep... That can be a big problem.|||The part with evil and adapt to society made me actually shake my head and mouth No XD. You know, in the way that you sometimes talk to someone in a movie when a hurt person might be about to...|||me too!! sometimes I even switch languages, so I'm sure the people around me don't understand XD!|||rainbow =)|||Oh, I'm going to volunteer this summer. I've wanted to do this for ages and it's finally worked out! =) So I haven't made any experiences yet, but I think it'll be nice even though some people can't...|||Yeah, I was wondering if you actually meant that, because you posted so quickly XD.|||The thing with Sybil and the MK-Ultra is scary, isn't it? That's interesting, too...|||Oh, this is weird... I was looking at this thread yesterday: http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/2352-crazy-way-choose-your-type.html Here are some quotes: (Catalysts equals dreamers...|||Mine was tiny, too, at first! I don't know if you care anymore, but first you've got to select edit post. Then you click on that yellow bit on your picture. A box should appear and you've got to...|||I've only watched one real horror movie and I felt sorry for the monsters, especially for the evil spirits XD. I mean, imagine being that tortured and pained to turn evil and to have to hurt others....|||Oooh! This is stunning, isn't it? ;) : 13657|||So, it wasn't pointless. I think it's a lovely thread :), it made me feel better about myself. By the way, I make comments like I know this sounds silly or I'm probably wrong but or This isn't...|||Oh, I just read your thread, thought Should I answer?, then snuck away^^... And when I want to post something, it can be like this: I type it in. I look at it... I'm not convinced. I copy...'
'I suggest you to, xD|||It is, if you prefer fish over meat you might want to try that recipe but with Bacalhau (i don´t know if this word has a translation) wich is fish, lol xD|||INFP with ADD here, I do relate to this, but I dont think it would make a difference since INFP´s are naturally imaginative.|||WELCOME!! I hope you enjoy your stay. :D|||Are you cleaned up and organized?|||I´m an INFP and they irritate me because of that too and if you actually say something to them like: hey you´re whining too much, they go like: You dont know what life is. -.-|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJfhZamFmo&NR=1&feature=fvwp|||Welcome, I´m from portugal.|||Stranger: hi You: hey You: m f? Stranger: f You: how are u? Stranger: im good but bore you? Stranger: *bored You: fine You: where u from? Stranger: usa|||Im always with my hands on my pockets.|||Ironically I was just listening to a song named «What is love?» LOL|||That was deep!|||Sometimes I have weird homicidal thoughts, its scary!|||Today I made a beautifull drawing :)|||I have trouble mantaining interest too, I think our problem is not being uninterested, we are interested, but we cannot handle schedules and deadlines...|||Beautifull!|||A person opened up to me. :)|||No, but be carefull with the badass look, INFP´s are highly sensitive.|||I loooove their sense of humor and they are probably the best company you will have if you´re on a happy mood, but I dislike their lack of emotions.|||Yeeeeeeey INFP´s rule after all :D|||I always keep imagining that im waiting for the train with my brother and when the train comes I push him to the train line, and then (when I stop imagining) I feel this weird sensation in my hand...|||And because we´re lazy...|||I started playing ME1 recently, thought the gameplay was boring but people say the story is so great I have to play it. Is the story that great?|||Yeeeeeeey new ENFJ, Welcome!!!|||Chai Latte|||RPG´s and shooters mostly, thinking about getting L.A. Noire, looks pretty cool.|||sun, beach, ice-cream :D|||cam3llia´s right, the only thing you can do is wait.|||They won´t stand up for theirselves (unless of course their values are threatened) but they stand up for their partner.|||Mine is like near the ocean and has this strange giant birds with many colors flying around and there´s this fantasied persons who have superpowers (for example one girl controls electricity) and...|||I think the girl in the video talks about that too on other videos, here´s the link YouTube - DevineMiracles&#39;s Channel Good luck!|||That happens to me, I saw something in the internet about seeing your own auras and it said that people with a crystal aura tend to absorb traits from other persons, but that whole aura thing is...|||How the fuck did you do that?|||Take off your pants right now!!!!!!!!|||I was going to post something, but then I read your comment. xD|||I would pick healing people too.|||miguel.domingues8 (portuguese name...)|||if you could have a superpower what would it be, why and what would you do with it?|||But if we get our minds into something, then we´re not lazy anymore.|||Yes, we are.|||I often ask this question to myself, I think we´re meant to be hurted, to understand emotions and pain so we can help others overcome their pain. I mean we´re called «the healers» right?|||That song is beautifull!|||eyegasm +.+|||I have the same problem too, and the worst thing is that when you actually stand up for yourself, you feel bad after -.- I mean, damn!!|||No need to be shy around here, we all are suportive and caring.|||Dear person , stop eating my cookies, DAMN YOU!|||Try to find something that gives meaning to your life, fantasize , listen to music, dedicate yourself to something... I dont know.|||I know how it feels, one year ago I was depressed for the same reason, I tried talking to my parents (what was really hard for me, showing my emotions like that) and they told me they wanted to see...|||Welcome to the forum!|||My need to please everybody, people think it´s a flaw but if everyone had that same need the world would be a better place.'
'Yes, sir.|||I can't make my stupid anxiety stop. Stupid emotion.|||Nay! True. I just can't decide.|||Yes, she is.|||Not feeling sleepy the whole day. I have been sleeping fine, but I am still tired all day, sleepy all day. That is not good.|||I just want my Switch and the copy of Splatoon 2 I ordered to be delivered.|||Quite accurate.|||I did play a few hours of Maple Story back in the 00s, but it wasn't my MMO of choice. I was more into the late Trickster Online and before it, Ragnarok Online. All adorable games. I really miss...|||Yes. Could be an INFP, perhaps.|||The only thing better than keyboard and mouse for shooters, for me, is motion controls. Motion controls gives a game like Splatoon a lot more control that you have if you only use the buttons and...|||Pseudo INFJs are common. I am not sure what type would be the most likely to mistype themselves, though. Type most likely to only play online competitive games.|||Yes, as usual.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4KjLWUZkbU Ah...Dear little Ocelotte, where have you gone? Are you hiding from me? Come out... come out. Don't be afraid. You were born a child of dragons, what...|||Based on your profile, no. It is not tryhard enough for an INTP. But based on post history, INTP seems like a good fit. I totally didn't notice the King of Fighters reference. I am so used to K'...|||I could stay and chat or I could head to bed and sleep. I choose the latter. Polls are nice.|||I believe she is.|||From what I researched, it seems to be the opposite. Fi users are far more sure about who they are and what they stand for. Ti users, in comparison, question things and themselves too much. I don't...|||A very tiny house so cleaning it isn't troublesome. I seriously don't enjoy cleaning, but I need my place to be as clean as possible. So... a tiny house. With a garden.|||Yes, Mr. Vampire. Edit: Yes for Athena as well. It is just a quote from one of my favorite games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vByX90Ezn0s.|||Usually very pleasing dreams, which makes waking up all that more difficult. My bad dreams really do leave a mark, though, because of how bad they are. My dreams are usually filled by...|||Perhaps, but you come off as INFP to me.|||I see. Thanks for responding.|||Do you have any desire of being an actual mouse or having mouse-like physical characteristics? Or is this exclusively about your personality and behavior?|||I only know three of those characters (Ciel, Hannibal, Lelouch). I think they are all INTJs? I am not sure about Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal, but I see the Silence of the Lambs version of Hannibal as...|||I was going to ask how do you know how a mouse feels, in the first place, but I suppose the question just proves your point. I find this intriguing.|||:blushed: ^ This emote freaks me out. Every time I read a post with one of those, all I can think is why.|||I don't see why Alphys qualifies as INTP. Just because she is a scientist it doesn't mean she has to be INTP or INTJ. I think she is too concerned about her own feelings and tries too much to please...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U5rJ3WH3tI|||I think a lot of artists are mistyped by people as feelers, INFPs in particular. When reading threads on the Guess the type forum, for example, every other thread there is someone instantly typing...|||I think Pogo's works are interesting fits for INTP. His works are all about putting little sounds from a film or cartoon together to form a song. It is like he sees music as puzzles and the songs he...|||Negative.|||Death. Perhaps not even death could stop my curiosity.|||Cool. Perhaps it is less of a Ti thing (if it is a Ti thing at all) and more of a general aspect of the human mind.|||Interesting. I am a Ti-dom and it is like there are two mes within my mind. Two Reilas. Those two mes are constantly debating on things. For example, when I was researching to help me figure out my...|||Sophie. But I am not really having any kids.|||I have a five years old dachshund. :kitteh: Photos.|||I can't think of anything else for you, sir. INTJ it is.|||I can see you as an INTP, but I am not entirely convinced.|||Because of what you mentioned before about planning on suicide, I am assuming the doctor you mention is a psychologist. If so, I felt the same way on my first day of therapy. I didn't know what to...|||I used to play it, but like with any other online game I tried playing, I eventually got bored of the repetition. Once I learned mostly everything about the characters, abilities, maps, strategies...|||My favorite colors are black, brown and purple. I am an INTP.|||You don't need to bold and underline that word to make your point. I am not blind or mentally challenged. I know the subject of the thread very well, yet I never ever read the World of Warcraft...|||You don't have an anime avatar, so obviously not an INTP. Jokes aside, INTP seems accurate for you.|||What does playing World of Warcraft has to do with someone being INTP?|||I am not sure. Weren't you ISTJ a few days ago?|||Bleach was such a train-wreck during its final years. That ending was like dousing an open wound on kerosene and setting it on fire.|||From my experience, INFJs can come off as know it all at times, but overall I don't have issues when dealing with them. Pleasant folks, when not unhealthy, of course.|||I can't speak for every INTP girl, but I love cuddling. The challenge is having the INTP girl become close to you.|||MBTI: INTP Enneagram (with wing): 9w1 Socionics: ILI Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Star Sign Zodiac: Libra, supposedly Chinese Zodiac: Horse Not interested on the...|||I am familiar with your posts by now and you give me a completely different vibe from Athena_, who I am more confident to be an INTJ. Perhaps it is a matter of different enneagram types. Still, when...'
'Do you believe in destiny? .....no. Destiny is a lazy person's excuse for not getting up and taking action. Do you enjoy flirting for its own sake? No. There's no benefit to that. Does...|||Thanks guys. I'm planning on telling my teacher first tomorrow, to see if the problem is something I should tell a counselor first. I really do want to go, but I just find it very hard to believe...|||Oddly enough, I never enjoyed playing with Legos. My mother bought me a set as a child and I rarely played with it. However, when I was especially young, I attended ballet school and they had a...|||Seems completely serious to me. I've told him many times the idea of doing so is absurd and impractical, as well as a bit insane, considering we're too young to be thinking about such things. From my...|||Normally, I do not panic easily. But recently, a classmate of mine has become very interested in weapons and killing. For Christmas, he received an Assassin's Creed 3 video game. I also received one...|||It's possible that you may have mistyped her. But whether or not you did, don't completely avoid ESFPs. Same goes for other types. I'm actually good friends with an ESFP. We're complete opposites,...|||@savichick Although I like most animals in general, your rabbit is *insert positive adjective here*. His eyes are huge. How old is he? Did the rest of the litter just die...naturally? @jzgroth...|||I see you have some repressed issues involving chihuahuas. My yorkie was quite similar, although I still loved her. I pity all the animals I care for. Only a third of all the animals I have ever...|||Chihuahuas seem adorable, but somehow give off this spoiled vibe. xD I wanted one before I got my yorkie, but after learning how yorkies are quite stubborn dogs, and knowing that chihuahuas are...|||Those cats creep the crap out of me. But thanks, nonetheless. xD *goes to do some intense research on cats*|||SwordsmanBudo Why? Why? Why? Just...just why would you post that picture? I have been deprived of a furry animal (wow...the wrongness) and you just had to go and post that. Thanks. Just made my...|||I like dogs, cats, and reptiles. However, I don't hang around many dogs or cats because of allergies. The only dog I have ever owned was a Yorkie. The place I live at currently only allows cats. I...|||http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs3/1926541_o.gif|||Just wondering whether or not any of you INTJs have pets. We're obviously not known as people persons, however do you guys own pets for the company? Just to start it off, I have two turtles and a...|||Would you ever adopt a child? Probably. If I am ever married, there are slim chances that I would change my mind and want to actually give birth. So, yes. Would you ever cheat on your partner? No,...|||1. Happy are you? 5. 2. Socially skilled are you? 5. 3. Lazy are you? 6.5 4. Emotional are you? 2 5. Book smart are you? 9|||I know for a fact that INTJs have at least some kind of trouble with their emotions. As an INTJ who is not all that experienced in life, I just wanted to know what the rest of you think (anyone,...|||Mom: ISTJ Dad: ISFJ Me: INTJ Maternal Grandmother: INxJ Paternal Grandmother: ISxP|||Sports were a no-no. It wasn't as though I was terrible at them, I did fine in fact, however, it just was not my thing. Sometimes, I might like to go swimming, and because I was super tall, and my...|||I have only one friend. Well, that's how I like to think of it. She's an ExTx. I simply don't like to have people in my realm of darkness. Plus, I don't need friends much. I do find without...|||Depends on the person I'm fighting with. If they're ignorant and simply a tad too less intelligent than I, I'd probably just ignore the person and let it be. However, if I know for a fact that I am...|||Now, I know that it is typical that INTJs tend to have clean rooms and whatnot, but I am not included in that number, unfortunately. I work on so many projects that have seemed to pile up on a shelf...|||I'm not included in that number.|||Yes, I'm sure that many of you can say that the movie totally sucked (and if you don't, at least the critics do), but just wondering, what are the personality types of the characters? There's...|||8:43 - My bearded dragon is seriously stinking up the living room. Dx|||Does she know about your feelings? .______.|||First of all, you shouldn't be relying on types for your love life. It's like only falling in love with people whose names start with K. Everyone is different. Personally, I don't think INTJs have a...|||Do you find it easier to hug somebody you only see as a friend rather than a romantic interest? Nah. I typically just hug family members if anyone. I've hugged a friend once or twice, but then...|||1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea. Hm. I haven't tried tea so many times. There is some sort of tea in some Vietnamese restaurants that I've taken a sip of and have no problem with, but...|||I don't think you understand. I'm not looking to show off or anything. I'm just wondering if being too quiet is a problem. I really don't care if other people tell me to be more outgoing, but so many...|||Batman Andy Dufresne|||Thank you for your help. :3 I definitely don't want to be overlooked, because I know that I am just as good as extroverts, but why can't people just pay attention to everyone? I guess I might speak...|||I don't see how that answers my question. .-. But thank you for commenting...?|||Thank you so much for your help. Dx Hopefully, we won't be as close this year (what a bad thing to hope Dx), and I don't have to tell her it right to her face.|||Actually, I believe that I was according to Keirsey (not quite sure), that INTJs are more compatible with ENFPs, because they are the complete opposite, excluding the N they have in common. I...|||I've decided, again, to ask the people who share my personality type for advice. I am currently a student doing extremely well in school. Top grades and everything. However, I'd rather keep to myself...|||INTJs usually have a close group of friends. I have a very close relationship with a friend of mine that I met in my elementary years. As years passed, we were separated from each other. Recently, we...|||Heller. Welcome to the place. :3|||I've been wondering whether or not INTJs have that unique ability that enables them to easily befriend special people (people suffering from autism, etc.). If so, why? Does it have anything to do...|||True. However, I did feel a bit guilty after that incident with the guy classmate. He's smart, but doesn't know how to use it. And his arrogant, jerk personality makes everyone hate him. The fact...|||It's happened to me several times in the past. There was that guy in elementary who would constantly nag me and try to piss me off because I got good grades. There was a lot competition in school,...|||xD Thank you. You've been most helpful.|||What is Danny O'Donoghue's, The Script's lead vocalist, personality type? If you would like an interview sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb1neuHbo54 (He's the one in the middle.) ...|||I have no idea whether to feel flattered or creeped out by this thread.|||Thank you. :3|||As an INTJ teen, I often find myself a bit at war with my parents. My father is an ISTP and my mother is an ISTJ. My father is constantly lecturing me, which I know is his way of helping me, but...|||What personality type do you tend to get along well with? As in friendships/dating?|||I do not need, although I would like to, know this information. The reason in this case is because I am currently developing a character for a small story of mine. I am currently trying to make him...|||I'm sure that you INTJs will be able to answer such a problem. As a person still quite new to the Meyer-Briggs and Jung personality types, I am unsure of the answer to this question: What personality...|||Personally, I HATE reading anything that is not organized, grammatically correct, with misspellings. Often, I just stop reading whatever it is, and move on. Although I don't go too crazy about simple...'
'You're fucking mental.|||Night Owl. I've adopted a normal sleeping pattern as of late, though. Also, I'm virgin.|||My grandmother is an ISFJ. She's great, but she also can get on my last nerves with nagging and her conservative(not political) thinking. I don't know how I'll be able to handle that with a...|||Well, I should probably change my type thingamajig because I'm certain that I'm an xNTP(leaning ENTP).|||I had an ESFJ girlfriend at one point and she hated everything that you love about Ti. Every. Thing. Maybe if she was ENFJ she would have enjoyed me more. Shut down function is fucking annoying...|||How have I not seen Real Genius? An 80s sci-fi comedy and I haven't seen it?! I'm a disgrace. I do debate for debate sake, but it starts out as me attempting to get a point across to some peon....|||I'm perfectly fine with being in a meaningless relationship. Not interested. I want to have fun, that's about it.|||Cool profile picture. I'm fond of Blondie.|||One glaring NTP trait I possess is my willingness to debate. Incessantly debate. I can somewhat relate to the Ne brainstorming thing. And the two times I've taken the test I was either barely sensing...|||This would be so easier if there was like an island filled with IxTP girls. Too bad Themyscira isn't real. Wonder Woman reference.|||I have plenty of bars. What would you do for a klondike? I'd say I'm open-minded towards hauntings being legitimate. I spent a year alternating between researching supernatural phenomena, UFO...|||I have an inquire regarding your soundcloud. You got bars?!|||Know anyone interested in following up on UFO sightings and exploring haunted areas?|||That's what I was thinking to myself. I need an ISTP girlfriend probably lol I think I'm looking at it from the perspective of I will be with that girl because I'm bored, but if it did evolve into...|||I couldn't find semen bucket on urban dictionary.|||Semen bucket is funny. Distasteful, but hilarious. And I don't know if it runs that deep. It might, but I doubt it. I don't think I've entered a state of numbness. I'm just fucking bored and want...|||Maybe I'm using the wrong words. I'm not into long, introspective analysis about what I want. It's dreary, perhaps even boring to do that. All I need for right now is some girl that I can have...|||I'm bored with being alone and not being able to do shit with anyone. I just want to share my hobbies with someone else. Maybe get into a little bit of trouble.|||I'll admit that it's partially about sex. The rest is about companionship if I'm being serious for a moment. I have three friends. One lives in another state, one lives in another country and the...|||lol victim I'd want to be with someone as detached as I am that way this explaining stuff doesn't have to happen. I tried this with an INTJ girl before, but she still ended up being too much of a...|||Meh. It might be selfish, but I don't really care. I would hope a girl wouldn't expect too much out of me anyway.|||I get along with my one ISFP friend well enough. We get by on banter and making music together. Never had a real bad argument with him before. Probably because we don't speak often. The INFPs...|||Maybe it's a bullshit question. Maybe it's not. Most likely it is. I'm just bored as shit and dare I say... lonely. I'm thinking maybe I need to enter into the dating world, something I've never...|||Was friends with a bunch of xNFPs as well. All ended terribly.|||I only have three friends. An INTJ, ISTJ and an ISFP. Wish I hung around more TPs.|||Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an ENTP if there ever was one.|||I used to follow like 20-50 people who would bring up cis scum every hour on the hour and I would sit there thinking, what in the actual fuck is cis scum?. Honestly, I thought at first cis was...|||I wonder. Just judging from my posts on here would you think I was an xNTP? This thread seems to always be active so I'm gonna ask here. I might get a decent answer.|||I think that post did a nice job of painting how shitty people can be when their Si is complete garbage. Twitter is a good place for debating if you're into that. But I understand. Archived things....|||That post is fucking hilarious. Blue was the color of the smurf doll I had that got ruined in the wash. I implore you to deactivate. I finally did. Twitter is way better.|||Lmao. Response of the decade. No hyperbole.|||ESTJ for Ana?|||I know a bit about the history of Hung Ga. Classic folklore stuff. The fist techniques. Never heard of Plum Flower Fist before, but I guess that's because I haven't studied Chinese martial arts...|||Also, I don't know if I responded to your visitor message the right way since I've never gotten one before lol.|||Yep, big downside to Krav Maga, and especially Hung Ga, is it's way harder to find schools for that. They probably cost a fortune to attend too. From what I've learned, boxing is like dirt cheap when...|||I learned about Hung Ga when I was researching close combat fighting techniques. Teach me everything you know.|||You ever thought about Krav Maga? Hung Ga?|||You've described exactly why I hate running. It's the most boring of all cardio and exercise in general. Jumping rope is okay, but that also can get a bit too repetitive. Weightlifting is something...|||It's hard for me to listen to music while training. It's like a huge distraction for me as I want to be in the zone with zero distractions.|||I'd rather be riding around outside than sitting in the house using one of those stationary bikes. I might have to borrow a bike if you know what I mean.|||I need to try something because I've been pushing my luck with my weight and eating habits as of late. I want to get myself down to 196 lbs. but I don't have the urgency to do so. There's gotta be...|||Bold is what I wholeheartedly agree with. I don't sit around buying into every conspiracy theory, but it's because the logic behind them didn't line up and not because it's just bullshit so why...|||This thread is old, but I don't care. I would date the living fuck out of Michelle Rodriguez.|||Well, if you think you're unhealthy you should get that fixed, mate.|||Yeah, like that far right chick communismkills. I only brought up Hitler as a reference to the other person's INFJ comment. References are my thing.|||You would also bash someone's face in if they tried physically harming a dog(or any animal)? Please join me in a life full of vigilante justice. And yeah I finally stopped being lazy and...|||You've summed up how I would answer this question.|||I never get to meet other SPs on tumblr. I did follow one girl who was ESTP, but we never interacted. Maybe there are a bunch of Hitlers on tumblr, though. Far left Hitlers.|||That's probably what I'm going to do. I'd prefer to be on a bike than driving a car.|||I don't have a license at all. Never felt like I needed one because I can get to places I need to on foot, but I've been contemplating getting a motorcycle license. Do any of you have a motorcycle...'
'Yea, that's right, I didn't think so.....|||Ok but you need to understand that 0 rulers would equate every man for himself. What of the notion of public servants rather than rulers? It seems it would be more logical to remove the money and...|||But how can you say that with such certainty? Where are the examples of success? I do understand your point but it seems bleak. You are advocating every man for himself rather than attempting...|||I think we are debating the same stance. Yet you keep interjecting things I have not said and then introducing a counterpoint to it. Its like you are debating yourself. I have never said that...|||Lol wut?! Do I really have to list all of humanities accomplishments since the 1700's?! Really? You might want to compare the percentage of daughters that have been murdered today vs the amount...|||And what have I ever said that led you to believe that I want the psychopaths to have any power? most of the population maintains some form of morality This is what I said. Each word...|||Lets be clear, there is nothing passive about my aggression guy. If you have anything to add besides ad hominem and a weak analogy, then please do present it. Otherwise stay off the tracks when the...|||Yea guy that's kind of how progression works. It starts with idle hands. You see as early man first started fashioning rudimentary tools, it made their lives just a little bit easier and gave them...|||So you are on team lion then? I believe that I said most are not psychopaths. Yea its funny how its all connected right? Context is so key.|||This doesn't follow, the bureaucrats in power are funded by the rich. And just as those in government are power mad psychopaths, the rich are money mad psychopaths. This more than anything limits...|||You may not be aware of this, but making on to your ignore list is a badge of honor to everyone on it.|||the existence of social programs does not mean that our economy is based on social economics.... So if the corporations are profiting from racism then wouldn't it follow that they would be...|||yes this a side effect of living in a society. Your welcome to go live in a cave like Tucken. Or perhaps like the lion on the Savannah. Yes the poor are outsmarting and out profiting the...|||Scenic Route Engaging script well acted Multiple plot twists Streaming on Netflix|||followed by areally dishonest and 100% emotional & selfish statement: Diseased thought process is diseased.|||Yes we must all act now if we are going to reverse the obvious oppression of white males that has gone on since the beginning of recorded history.|||Im sure it didn't take long. Those right wing propaganda sites are all connected.|||•Women in some cases make more than men. I lol'd at this one. OMG who the fuck let this happen?|||Yea he does that a lot. Its kind of like his thing.|||Miss Rand...lol...grrrrg....Oh I just threw up in my mouth a little bit......|||And I would say the overwhelming majority of analogies used fall into this category. There may be exceptions but they are few and far between.|||Why not use pure logic to demonstrate inconsistencies? The nature of the inconsistencies may vary between the analogies, thusly rendering them incongruent.|||The typical analogy user tends to use A to establish a connection based on feeling rather than reason, and then apply the same feeling to B even if the circumstances differ.|||Yes, why apply reason when an emotional connection is so much simpler? Accepting logical fallacy is now the new logic. 99.9% get it so fuck ad populum.|||If the factors in both A and B are equal, then your analogy may hold water. Otherwise it is just a fallacious short cut. Why then not use the effort to convey an actual understanding, rather...|||I would agree with this however it does not in any way represent the analogy I was referring to.|||Well unfortunately 99.99% of the pop at large do it wrong.|||Analogies are typically used in place of sound reasoning in two ways: 1. The analogy used is confirming bias using two scenarios that rarely if ever are apples to apples. 2. The analogy is used...|||I don't know where you get your information from, however atheism is on the rise but still dwarfed compared to those who believe in god. The second half of your post is completely irrelevant to...|||Lol Analogies are nothing more than a lazy thought process to begin with and this one might be the worst ive ever seen. Its irony is probably lost on both the poster and yourself. And then your...|||And from the ridiculously bad analogy department....|||Chuck Norris would eat him for lunch...|||Did anyone else think that the final episode of season 1 was a letdown?|||Your right, it was not the plan of god, but rather the plan for god. If it is the priority for most churches now then it stands to reason that it was the priority for the men who started this...|||Damnit, now i am going to have to back to mixing my instant mashed potatoes with paint thinner....|||I recently bought a house and i discovered that the government had installed a series of pipes that pump it into the house. Should i be concerned? I have been showering in it and washing my clothes...|||I will quote The Terminator here: Dr. Silberman: [He shuts off the VCR screen on which the police and Sarah have been watching the interview] This is great stuff. I could make a career out of...|||two words: Blade Runner|||Wait? what? did i just stumble into the ESFJ forum by accident?|||might as well call it freezer burn|||christian rock is an oxymoron...|||Given that all the sects of christianity cannot agree on how to interpret the apostles teachings, and the fact that the teachings have been told and re-told, translated and re-translated for over...|||The main priority of the church is aquiring and maintaining their customer base. What they write in their texts is what their customer base wants to hear to justify them making the decision to become...|||so be it. Im not saying you spun it. Im saying they spun it and you bought it. Evidently you missed this part of your article:|||So if the church covered it up for the sake of the worshippers, then why did they put these priests back into circulation again? They could have given these offenders desk jobs away from children so...|||So then why did the church re-assign these pedophiles to other parishes but not limit their exposure to children and in many cases the abuse continued? This is clear evidence that the churches first...|||I would love a serious answer. Although im sure the answer to the priest question will be the age old cop-out mans will. But i would love to hear an answer on the contraception question because i...|||By social justice and social movements do you mean hiding child molesting priests and attempting to abolish contraception in favor of abstinence? Howd that work out?|||Do you remeber what your life was like before you were born? Its exactly like that.|||You do realize that the entire point of your post is also merely a claim and there is not sufficient knowledge available to confirm or disconfirm your premise? I could start a thread supposing...'
'523417 523441 FUCK PENCILS. I'M A REBEL. Can't have all caps :D Sorry, this post may have been overly vulg- ah, I doubt you all care. It's the INTP forum after all.|||46. I had more open at one time on my school chromebook... but it crashed. Oops...|||Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck Fuck, fuck fuck fuck FUCK. Fuck fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. A haiku of my typical speech pattern. Thank you.|||I have a new found interest in fountain pens. I shall now absorb all the possible information I can on fountain pens and spend money (that I will surely regret) on fountain pens. Wish me luck.|||The Battlefleet Gothic: Armada multiplayer beta is really fun. I keep getting annihilated by the AI on normal though. Worth it to see the beautiful as fuck ships go up in beautiful as fuck...|||I mean if we're talking Harry Potter, there's obviously only one solution... https://youtu.be/VpkALk7G1LA (spoilers if lalti's post didn't make that obvious... oh, what does it matter? Like...|||At what page of this thread does responding with the same general idea in different words become effective?|||This. When I was first talking to the INFJ I'm with, whenever she would ask me a feeling related question she would take my extended silence as me being mad or upset or whatever it may be, so I...|||I never thought otherwise :happy:|||Usually I'm comfortable saying things like I miss you actually to her, just not others. It's something about feelings being weird and confusing to me, and I guess I'm worried I'll be judged if I...|||Depending on what's bothering me I may not be too keen talking about it. I'll use what I'm currently stressed about as an example; I was very clearly stressed out on Friday at school, but it's not...|||Drooling over Battlefleet Gothic: Armada videos... ...for the emperor! yay unoriginal and barely amusing jokes|||Another update. She's currently hospitalized, and will be there through the weekend, possibly more. She also isn't allowed to use her phone. It sucks. I wish I could make sure she is doing okay. I...|||I'm not sure, we haven't been able to talk much. How do I feel about it? In what way? The accuracy of the diagnosis or what it means to me? I think it's correct, but I'm assuming you meant...|||I planned on staying with her anyways, as long as I can that is.|||Update: She saw a therapist today. Psychosis with depression, as I expected. So... yeah. Just felt like I would add that.|||Thanks. She's supposed to be starting therapy within a week. I honestly do care about her, a lot. It would be nice to have something to put my mind at ease, I guess, lol. It's weird I...|||So this isn't a very fun post to make. Okay, man, how do I start. So for anyone who doesn't know me on here, I should probably give my age. I'm 14, and the girl I am seeing currently is 15. She's...|||My dad just got me Modest Mouse tickets for their next concert here in Chicago. So that. A lot of that. May as well throw in a song by them. I'm sure it's been posted though. ...|||Probably like, a freeze dried potato. Although my girlfriend says I'm a scalding hot potato, apparently.|||This is pretty much what I'm going through right now. I relate almost entirely to the INTP description, and the functions (Ti-Fe rather than Fi-Te), but I have some not-very-INTP... quirks? ...|||Uh... yeah. This. See? I can be helpful too! :)|||Does it mean anything that most of the music in this thread isn't really my taste? I tend to listen to more electronic music that's atmospheric and usually not very repetitive. I do like symphonic...|||a) Galaxy S6 Edge+ b) Two hands, I'm 14 (sometimes one hand, usually left) c) Texting, calling, Internet browsing d) Most of my free time e) Don't have it f) Don't have it g) Vibrate in my...|||I said cry, not die.|||I can't remember the last time I cried. Now I feel like I'm missing out. Someone make me cry.|||Yes, MBTI can be somewhat of a generalization, I never stated otherwise. That's partially why I was stating that being a thinker doesn't equate to disliking fantasy.|||I've only ever actually interacted with a few, (even though high school is rampant with then) and they all just look at me like I'm insane when I speak. One called me a lonely nerd, and then went on...|||ESFJ's Edit: unless an obsession in disliking INTP's count No offence to ESFJ's|||Hmph. No appreciation around here. Well, that's... a bit generous... That's probably better.|||Clearly. I keep walking by my family while listening to music and breaking out into sexually suggestive dance moves for no apparent reason. I mean it's not entirely out of the ordinary, just the...|||Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I just had oral surgery.|||Clearly the dog is trying to up his dance skills, and the cat is trying to fuck up an unfortunate hamster stuck in the ball. Maybe more, the cat is homecoming queen/king, and the dog is trying to...|||That guy up there ^. Fuck that guy. Not really. Just felt like saying that. Edit: Oh of course it makes a new page. Wonderful. Edit #2: I should probably actually contribute though,...|||I'm not entirely sure; I'm an INTP. I need like, an emotional translator or something. Wait, why am I here?|||In a way I could be seen as boring on the outside, if you consider browsing the Internet and reading boring (some don't), however... if I'm a social situation (basically always, I'm in high school) I...|||Oh no. I feel obliged to post my 4th grade to 6th grade afro phase. *sigh* We'll see.|||INTP's aren't supposed to have emotions? Well shit. Bye everyone, evidently I'm not an INTP.|||This is pointless Online tests mean nothing. IQ doesn't even mean much in the first place. But I was bored, so I took it. Got a 150. Yeah, no. I'm not that smart. I'm 14 though, so that may...|||Bipolar II and minor social anxiety I used to have depression as well|||Hey babe, are you a Sith Lord? Because I'd love to penetrate you with my light saber... ;) I used a dank force push and memed him back to 8chan so he could rub his 1337 saber|||14 here as well.|||This one kid in my grade (ISTJ) who thinks of himself as an ultimate leet 4chan trollolol super hilarious dank memer decided to spoil The Force Awakens for me because he's a trollolol 4chaner lol...|||I was unaware they didn't mix. Where did you hear that? I guess it depends on the individual. A hyper-INTP and hyper-INFJ might not mix well, but... I'm dating an INFJ with very strong...|||You do realize she said INTP, yes? Besides, the thread is 2 years old. Just let it die from here...|||... Huh. I have no fricking clue.|||Not a thing I personally do. If someone gives me a reason to be disappointed, I will express my thoughts and intentions. If I say I want to end the relationship, and if I say I would prefer not...|||Definitely. Anywhere I can learn to improve myself is a good place to be.|||Necrilia I can't say the INTP you know reminds me of myself... maybe that's because I have pretty strong Fe due to my experiences with depression and whatnot. I tend to put my partner in front of...|||We'll see about that. I tend to make relationships go... bad.'
'removing post|||Removing post|||removing post|||removing post|||Need to remove my post.|||It can be an absolute terror. As friends or acquaintances they are ok but when it comes to more the constant miscommunication and emotional verbal diarrhea is enough to make one go crazy. Reading...|||I probably should elaborate on the the best comment I said earlier. I don't know how else to put it into words...most of the SJs I encounter and spend time with seem like they are not very open to...|||Holding on to grudges. I don't live in the past, I forget and move on. I don't understand the point of remembering past wrongdoings. It makes life more complicated.|||All the parts I put in bold sound all too familiar to me. I have several ESFJ sisters and it is utter hell. I know a few ESFJ males and females outside my family and I don't think anything other than...|||Oh yes. I sometimes forget how badly I need it and then I start getting frustrated about everything. After spending a full day with people I need a full day or several for recovery. I can't even text...|||To be the best. However, this often leads to many SJs being harsh, judgmental, and very jealous of other's successes since they expect themselves to be better than everyone else in their own...|||Double Post|||I have two types of flirting (1) shy awkward and silly (2) aggressive If the male is an aggressive type -I'll find a way to position myself closer to them. -I'll try to smile at them. -Do...|||1.) I find that most INTPs are much more rigid than INTJs. I have an INTP mother who is a micromanager. I also coxed for a boat of four people with the stroke seat being an INTP and he wrote me a...|||92/100 masculine 64/100 feminine 57/100 androgynous Wow no wonder I make most men poop their pants and here I thought I was starting to become too nice and 'soft'. I think I scored pretty high...|||Good for you! Yep I felt that it was bad for my emotional and mental health although my parents were absolutely wonderful and never bothered me. I would first look at the economic factors of course...|||I've learned that most of the time people don't even realize they are being manipulative and explaining it to them won't do any good because they'll just tell me I'm 'overthinking'. It also depends...|||Yes I am exactly the same way especially since I work with primarily male engineers. I smile and laugh too much though :/ I am currently staying away from all relationships because I find that...|||Idk I live in a very rainy city with little sun which may be the reason. However, I regularly get B12 shots and definitely have vitamin D deficiency.|||Yea like Elaith metioned almost ANY gift will be fine. Stationary, nice pens, a beautiful journal for her writing, a nice hat (is it cold where you live?), scarf, cool socks, fun slippers or...|||I had this happen with an ESTJ male who apparently is still romantically interested in me. Can't tell whether he actually likes me or the idea that if he 'gets me' he will forever have control over...|||Hmm a lot of people mentioned getting revenge on that person. Personally, I think the worst form of revenge and easiest on my conscious is not reacting to the situation....not letting the person see...|||Love reading. Haven't read fiction in a while but when I did I would read well over 10/week --> 520 per year so yes I can very safely say I've read well over 5,000 novels in my short life ( <25yrs )...|||I'd immediately inform the test moderator or prof whatever and restart with a pencil after negotiating as much extra time I could *fingers crossed it's not an SJ prof*|||Lol PolexiaSmallPox can't tell whether you are joking or actually serious! There was and is no fight that I am aware of. I was asking a question because it's something I've been curious about for...|||Wow I wish I could just shell out $50 bucks to do the official MBTI. Did you find the questions to be consistent with the EvsI, SvsN, FvsT, and JvsP usual stuff, or were the questions more aimed at...|||Do you also picture half naked men in a leather flap caveman thingy or should I call it a thong? :tongue: But in all honesty I find the whole Ukrainian/Russian language thing somewhat of a puzzle....|||Ugh don't ask me how I came upon this post but whenever I hear or read any Ukrainian language I instantly think of village folk. I can't believe Ukrainian is still even a language. Do you know the...|||What are the different seasons? Top early spring and bottom end of summer?|||Yep :laughing: I was trying to use a scientific explanation as to why the ISTP gaze seems warmer and not as penetrating as the INTJ glare. There are plenty of other subjective physical qualifiers...|||I find this link quite helpful in explaining the common demeanor: When does an ISTP look like an INTP or INTJ? In conversation I have an ISTP sister and her number one complaint to me --> You are...|||YES! Argh! But then again you can sometimes use it to your advantage tehee.|||This is a complaint against ISFJ types based on my extremely needy ISFJ sister. By needy I mean she wants everyone to need her and cries at the drop of a hat whenever she senses anyone is excluding...|||Freedom which is why I think free time/vacation currently has the most votes (although I didn't vote). Why is the below not on the list? -freedom -intellectual pursuits -health and body...|||What are you studying? Life in academia is a whole different world. It's pretty nice and can be quite lazy actually and the benefits are amazing depending on how great the campus and offices are :P|||Master's and then various certificate programs (undergrad in mechatronics, then grad in mechanical engineering, then management programs ). Sigh, kinda wish I hadn't gone the grad school route. The...|||With those eyes, your cat has too much Se going on. That would be one unhealthy INTJ cat :/|||I'm in the same dilemma. Currently looking for a job although a few places I've previously worked for are fighting for me to come back to work for them yet it seems like there is no way for me to...|||Yep. Especially since you are a difficult to read ENFP. A straightforward person is a sigh of relief for any IxTx type.|||I've met some ISTPs both male and female that were very nice and in tune with their Fe (and no they were not ISFP with the Fi main function). They're the type that easily gets hurt at things I say. I...|||NOT sexist. That is the absolute worst and deal breaker for me!|||I'm in a generous and silly mood right now. Hmm, shall I post or shall I not?|||Ah yes I forgot about the smile! :tongue: And occasional silliness!|||If he lets you touch him!!! Or if he tries to touch you or tries to get closer to you when you are sitting or standing together, etc. Hmm not sure whether he is romantically smitten yet but if he...|||Random MBTI types coming to this thread and saying, Wow, you INTJs are annoyed by everything! Uh yea, there many things that actually don't bother an INTJ but would probably annoy >95% of the...|||Yep seems ISTJ. Sigh, why do you even like him? OK I think I'm done with this thread lol.|||BTW how do you know he is INTJ? To be honest I get a vibe that this guy is an ISTJ not an INTJ. ISTJs tend to need more quality time and hanging out and blah blah blah really slow and easy friendship...|||Just trying to be helpful^^^|||You mean philophobic? BTW I chose the picture (off Google) because it looks just like me as a child and especially the glare. That is EXACTLY the look I had on my face while reading your post ;)...|||Bahahahahaha soooo truuuue! You are so awesome emberfly!!! XD We need to hang out sometime.Lol :)))))))))))))))))))))) ttyl edit: /sarcasm'
'our society is trained to be unable to tell the difference between compatibility and attraction. in more pragmatic societies, uninfluenced by romanticism, they don't have this problem. ...|||Wouldn't it be nice if you people were all as special as you think you are?|||Like now? kkkkkkjkjkjkjk|||unleashthehounds: Yeeeah, I don't think these people are going to give you good advice. Your problem is WAAY outside the scope of anything Jung ever looked at. What you're describing is not...|||these things are always the exact opposite of who I am. I'm a capricorn, who's supposed to be stable and reliable and stuff... This thing agrees, only, this is not me. At all. I'm a loner, a...|||Online tests, I ususually get between 120 and 145 or so. Big range, eh? In highschool, they tested me and I came out as 138. I'll second that it doesn't really indicate anything other than your...|||OK, according to scientists who are smart and like... know shit, this test has absolutely nothing to do with hemisphere dominance, since the perception in a lack of depth cues occurs entirely in the...|||Cats. They're just so damn cute and awesome and they purr at you and make biscuits and all kinds of awesome stuff. Dogs are nice, but they're just so hyper and weird. They also smell bad, and...|||Just goes to show that myers-briggs can't predict who's going to get along with who. I envy you.|||I would fucking stab him.|||Nah, unrequited love is nowhere near as painful as living around people who hate you every day.|||The tests are usually pretty bad anyway. Badly phrased questions because they don't really filter out your motivations, and how you come to your decision. Like you said, you may just be going to...|||I'm not really up on philosophy, since I don't really have the patience for it, but I like a lot of ideas from eastern philosophies, even if I'm probably picking and choosing components of their...|||Judging by the Jungian descriptions, I'd say I'm 60% Fi, 40% Ti. That is to say, I related to the Fi description a bit more than the Ti one... and that I'm pulling those numbers out of my ass. ...|||topics like this are kind of disingenuous to me.|||Yes! (What do you MEAN it has to be ten characters long?)|||They're really easy to talk to, but be prepared for everything between you to be cold and distant. My best friend for around ten years was an INTP. While he had feelings and crap, they weren't...|||Enneagram doesn't really measure something innate, like MBTI.|||So, you mean like Humphrey Bogart or Ray Romano? There are a lot of girls who like them. I still haven't figured them out, but they're awesome, especially because they give me hope that the PUA...|||seconded. I can't really explain it, but... I'm such an idealist, I guess, that once I see some glimpse of a better way to live, I just grasp it and can't let go. If it entails becoming clingy...|||These are just the men unfortunate enough to have shown low social value, and therefore become objects of their disgust. If that same loser guy was able to show high social value, then they would be...|||(Edit: Lots of personal info, but hell, I'll go ahead and vent. You people don't know me. You don't know what I got!) The saddest thing is, they don't realize it. They think that they're just...|||Hahahah, probably not. And if so, they're likely already taken since that's the number one thing that puts women off of most men. People are all so ready to talk about how men think with their...|||she sounds adorable|||I'm all for the no-compromises approach to living, never faking anything, but seriously, it's not at all realistic. Everyone has to fake being some way from time to time, whether it's faking...|||:/ it's awful that you feel that way. Have hope, though... Most everyone in the world has done that sort of thing, and I'm sure your soulmate, or whoever ends up making you the most happy would not...|||The worst thing is it's probably because you like them, and make it transparent that this is the case, that they don't like you -_- Yep. I still yearn for stuff and act like a major doofus, but...|||I was raised an atheist, and I'm a little bit sad about that. I hear stories from my friends about how they would pray with utmost sincerity, and really believed that there was a god looking out for...|||Oy gevalt! STOP THINKING THIS WAY, IT WILL ONLY BRING YOU PAIN! I know exactly how you feel! But seriously, stop this. This is classic Si-Fi loop, where emotions, both negative and positive...|||This is not worth dedicating all this thought and energy to. Just go and talk to her. Damn your aspirations, and what you believe your life will be with her. If you continue to think that it's...|||This is probably tangential, but the most infuriating thing that ever happened to me was this guy I knew in high school was a huge jerk to me in front of other people, but when I was the only person...|||Almost always something small and fast, and with an awesome melee attack. Or something skinny and tall, with a really good ranged attack. I like to think of my characters as either easy going,...|||I prefer to point out hypocrisy. :B|||That's really not normal. Everyone has at least some sex drive, even if they never think about it.|||We're going to have to face it... as horrible as this is, women like jerks. As a matter of fact niceness in a man actually elicits a disgust reaction. This is why women will pull away from you...|||Not really comfortable with it, honestly. The people in my real life have always had a really extremely twisted view of it. For example, one time, I was watching this weird video on the...|||I know. This is why I've loved computers in general ever since I was a kid. They're not judgmental; all they do is help. If you speak their language, they're infinitely faithful, and won't leave...|||Damn, man. This is why I wish I was an INTJ. They're thinkers, with an extraverted judging function, and they can get things done, but there's just something so... magical and uncanny about their...|||Are you done nit-picking?|||I know, I dislike that too. Being made the center of attention... blegh.|||Hahah, I agree, not worth it. I did this when I was a kid, maybe sixth or seventh grade. I actually knew back then about myers briggs, I've always been interested in this sort of thing. I...|||Just one friend I met over the internet. I have another friend who is sort of close, but he's an INTP, and is not interested in feelings and stuff, even though for the most part we see the world...|||Really, the myers briggs profile is not the be all end all of your personality... I don't even like when people call their four-letter code their personality. It isn't. All that code tells you...|||I completely understand enjoying sadness. I just think it's tragic, especially years down the road, looking back on those times.|||Are unhappy and sad the same thing? I've spent the last... well, most of my life generally unhappy. I'm changing things now, and I'm not as unhappy anymore.|||I explained everything I can think of in that post... do you mean to ask what Fi is? Fi is introverted feeling, the dominant function of INFP. It reacts strongly to situations, such as...|||Sounds a little like what would be diagnosed as OCD. I used to have something that was the same, I'd have words that I'd latch on to, which I'd use to deaden my thoughts. I'd use it whenever I was...|||I like soul, but not for that reason. I like any kind of music where someone is just singing their heart out, (often times if they can't even sing!) and soul is pretty much the epitome of that,...|||Had only a few friends. Basically, the first group of people to accept me I hung out with until graduation. It was very empty. I had no idea how to connect with people on a deep level like I...|||I definitely have this... But I don't believe it's a necessary counter-balance to our good experiences. I think that it's an acquired taste, like coffee. For me, there's just something so... ...'
neither??? But forced with a gun, I guess building. Tho the designing seems like a pretty BS gig.|||Short term memory can be slack. But long term memory is nasty good.|||It was more of a religious experience.|||a hand to push it over. I win.|||cogito ergo sum|||Usually, I'll let them blabber about whatever it is, just waiting...... then I'll find a weak point in their logic, and call them out on it. Usually shuts them up pretty quickly.|||wow, pretty solid: ISTP/INFJ: Ti/Ni or Ni/Ti--Schizoid Personality Disorder. These types are socially incompetent for lack of trying, because they see little to no value in significant interaction...|||Every day try and get better in some area. Always push yourself.|||Oh yeah. I'm a master at projecting and reading body language. The sweet trick is reading peoples eyes when they are lying. Tho it gets me in trouble when broads give off signals and gets me losing...|||lacks discipline. I'd be out on the street if I tried to pull that shit.|||completing something that I set out to do....bonus points if it was challenging.|||guess it comes down to what drives you and what your goals are in life|||I go by the avatars|||Usually it's that I don't want to talk, so I find ways to blow them off. wait, that doesn't sound right....|||cleanliness is godliness|||Masculine: Pretty much everything. Feminine: I'm really picky about shoes? Style and Fit wise.|||Usually best to ignore it. Usually just your ego(?) trying to avoid you having to make change.|||B.S. in Finance. Working on the MBA. Enjoy it, but some of the theory that's proposed is bullshit and having to assume it's correct to satisfy the professor is ridiculous.|||heroin .|||way too paranoid and antisocial, had to quit after I developed a tolerance. Though my grades went up.|||I thrive under pressure. But my hidden J does seem to come out.|||Used to more so, now I tend to get pissed off because of all the cunts driving too slow. But if you get me on a pretty abandoned road, I'm money.|||I don't like lying, but I'm really good at it.|||nice weather we're having today.|||I can't deal with F's. I got to have a TJ that will challenge me, otherwise I get way too bored.|||sexually????|||last broad I 'dated' tried the jealousy card on me. Called it on her, totally blew her off, and haven't spoke to her again. Tread with caution.|||I'm not sure about allah, but I think Jesus would taste like stale bread and grape juice.|||ESTJs, not ISTJs. Gotta have someone to bring me out of my shell. But that one didn't end too well either. But ditto what someone said earlier, I'm not intimidated by STJs and they seem to be pretty...|||old enough to know better|||I've been told quite a few times that I'm stuck-up/arrogrant. Now that I look at it, I do have a few narcissistic traits, but I would never outwardly express those views to anyone else.|||some bints were clearly speaking about me last evening: We have a break in the middle of our class, so i go take a stroll down the hallway to get the blood circulating back in the ole legs. Anyway, I...|||never had it. I remember really seriously praying twice in my life. I enjoy sleeping in on Sunday.|||I hate kids. They're so annoying. Not sure if it's a product of poor parents or kids just being annoying in general. Really have no interest in having any. Another newsflash: people don't care about...|||do lots of cool shit. not that big into family, religion, sacrifice, love. Just me.|||Oh yeah. I got out of my way to try and spin my car out when driving in the snow. Snow skiing and sailing both take on pretty adrenaline filled experiences. Even when I procrastinate I get a rush...|||sounds like a friends with benefits situation to me.|||lots of head.|||usually work out any problems that have been on my mind. Come to an end when all the hot water is gone.|||likewise...i'm not on speaking terms with any of mine. hahahah.|||there's an old saying back where I come from: don't shit where you eat. I try to follow that.|||a disaster.|||yep. I'm very picky about clothes and shoes.|||work to live. Somewhere with 35-40 degree slope mountains and waist deep powder.|||Not exactly a good way to endear yourself by saying you look down upon us.|||Interesting reading about the competitiveness not coming from others but from within. Never really thought about it that way before, I'm going to have to see how I react to competitive situations and...|||whip it out.|||Keep trying to change out of being a night owl, but always end up on a bender and going to bed at 3 AM completely ruining any progress I had made.|||similar aviation background that you have, father is an air traffic controller, uncle is a 777 FO. Uncle told me in no certain terms not to become a pilot. You make more money working at...|||I was reading an article on Lance Armstrong and picked out the following as definite characteristics I see in myself. Was wonder if this is typical ISTP behavior? It's not that I like winning,...
'Yeah, all of there albums are great and so different.|||I'm alone because that is the way reality was made.|||Is Amazing! Everyone should go listen to it anyway you can. Even if you don't like the band :P|||I would have to say mine was Lovely Molly.|||I've only had one legitimate relationship and that was for 2 and a half months 3 and a half years ago. This year will have to be different though!|||Sex is something I haven't done in awhile and probably won't do for awhile. It's something I've only done with people I barely wanted to do it with :/ It's something that seems to mean nothing to me...|||In no particular order mine are: Coheed and Cambria Crystal Castles Incubus Tool Matt & Kim Cake and I guess that's it|||I just watch this movie called Spin that I found on netflix last night. It had Excellent music in it!|||Serial Experiment Lain.|||Just saw Cloud Atlas last night. I thought it was ok but when I thought back on it I realized it was better then I had thought. Anyone else see it?|||Block After Block by Matt and Kim ...|||Anyone else like the band Tool? I find there music to have healing qualities.|||Anytime anyone drinks they can act different from the last time they got drunk :P But I suppose I usually get waaay more talkitive and I can talk with anyone. I just wish I could flirt with people...|||I always feel like I am about to write a long post but then I end up feeling like i have nothing to say when I try to type something up. I like reading what other people have to say more often but...|||Wow I just realized I will write a response to something and look back at it and think to myself, is that that really how I feel Its like I don't even know what I believe until I say it or I just...|||Well I can't tell for sure what you are but my guess would be that you are one of the 16 MBTI types and one of the 9 ennegram types :P Seriously though I think you could be INFJ or INFP possibly. I...|||Well the first 2 times I took the test I was happy because I got INFP even though most of the descriptions barely sound anything like me :P The last 2 times I have taken the test I got INTP which...|||So I decided I should make a post about how I'm always thinking about things I can post on this site but once I get online I never know what to write. It probably has to do with my lack of ambition....|||This thread is so much better than the you know your an infp thread! I can barely relate to anything on that threads but a lot of the things on this thread really resonate with me!|||I didnt read what the poll said before voting :P I assumed it asked what I thought was the most likely to be an infp so i clicked on only child lol|||Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one like this :P I am only good at finding places in a town though. I can easily get lost out in the country.|||So does anyone else here like to debate things with people close to them and hate being wrong? :P And is anyone really good at directions but horrible at giving directions. Like you know exactly how...|||You know your an infp when you want to reply to this thread but you know doing so will only make you more lonely because you know it wont help you have a deep conversation with anyone which is all...|||I dont think anyone could dislike CocoRosie!|||To post a pic or not to post a pic? :P|||I would have to say i am searching for meaning :P|||I try to get along with everyone. Even more so with people that seem to dislike me. Like there always tends to be random people that become friends with all of my friends and my friends don't think...|||I think I could possibly be an ENFP but its hard to tell because i rarely leave my house during the week. I have always wanted to know how to talk to random people but i seem to lack the ability to...|||Haha yes they are both hard to describe and thats why it corresponds with me :P|||Wow i'm practically the exact same way in all the things you listed. I've had so many imaginary conversations its almost as if I've lived multiple lifetimes :crazy: Ha it is like writing a...|||Thanx for the encouragement :) Although i have been trying to find a purpose and everytime i feel driven to start something i realize my dreams are way bigger than reality :frustrating:|||It really is hard to finish things. I have pretty much just been sitting at home for the past 3 years doing practically nothing. I had to make myself come on this site and write something in some...|||So i always find myself imagining having conversations with people before i do. Like trying to see how the conversation will go before i really have one. I was even imagining posting this before i...|||I really don't like that i procrastinate to the point of being obsolete :P I wish i wasn't posting things on this site. I'm much to insecure lol Where did the past 3 years go :/|||The system is so warped that it would take hundreds of years for any global change to occur unless of course there was some global plague and the survivors rebuilt the world which in turn would most...|||How am i supposed to know what type other people are!!! I like whatever type likes me the most :)|||hmm i could possibly be a six then.|||True but sometimes its hard for people to find the differences within there own head. Like im thinking i might actually be a type 9 or 6.|||Yeah i know what motivates me at times but then at other times i feel clueless|||no_id I completly agree with you. My real problem though is identifying what motivates me :/|||I found it quite odd to read that right now because i was really feeling i could be a six earlier today and then i started feeling like i could be a nine and just happened to be reading about nines...|||I think nines daydreaming would be more for escaping reality so they dont have to deal with it but fours would be more for them to intensify there feelings and build up there ideal image of them self.|||I think its easy for most people to feel like a 6 at work. after all it is work :P I feel alot like a 6 and 4 at the same time but ive come to the conclusion that im type 4 because everything is so...|||Ive taken multiple ennegram test off of different sites and ive mostly gotten type 4.|||Well lately ive been pretty anti social and trying to ignore reality. Im pretty shy and get rally anxious when i feel i have nothing. I tend to ramble when i talk but i dont get why anyone wouldnt do...|||Yeah i do. Just couldn't think of anything else at the time and wanted to write something quick. I think i was just trying to prove to myself that i can actually write because i never do and this is...|||Ok so im pretty sure im type 4 because as a kid i didn't have many friends. I spent alot of time in my head and I always felt different from everyone else and i still do. But i feel like i could be a...'
'I'm just curious if you guys have any experience regarding and INFJ and ESTJ developing some type of small friendship. I want to get to know her more, but she's really a closed-off person when it...|||My ISFP boyfriend is wonderful at public speaking. I do not know how, but I guess it's his Te; it may be a little more developed than other ISFP's. However, his parents are social workers who...|||Yeah this is what I'm noticing about myself also. Justice is becoming more important than mercy - not completely, but it's getting more balanced.|||Hey, Before college, I remember being not as assertive. I would please others a little too much and not stand up when I could have. My Fe was like a wall of what I truly wanted for myself. ...|||1. A manly man that is also comfortable and mature with his emotions. 2. A sappy and hopeless romantic 3. Good and dependable 4. Has Faith 5. Polite and matters 6. Has general care for other...|||Maybe I just notice this ISFP's emotional side more, because he opens up to me. We're dating, so that would make sense.|||Hello, An ISTP I know said that, Emotions are stupid. She also hates conflict and avoids it, which I thought was interesting since she's a Thinker. Do you think she just hates conflict that...|||I'm just curious to see how emotional male ISFP's are. Would you consider yourself too emotional for a guy etc.|||I feel that too: no longer having to please people that have known me forever, for I am in a wholeeee new environment.|||Very interesting! The manipulation seems mean, but it is SO true (I feel, for INFJs). I have definitely done this before.|||Hey, Just wondering how you and your personality changed when you went to college. :)|||I've heard this: the ability for INFJ's to know someone quickly and being open and not fake.|||Oh, I'm very messy. I'm organized with school, but I scatter stuff everywhere. That's how my mind is (scattered), so it's a form of self-expression :)|||Hey, Just curious. I just met this ENFJ about a month ago, and I'm just really surprised how much we get along. He's like an extroverted version of me! (literally ha). So, just wanted to know if...|||Thanks :) My Fe gets annoying sometimes -_-|||I did some self-exploring or whatever, and I realized I'm still an introvert. I'm just a huge humanitarian.|||Yeah. I wrote down all the people I talked to after a breakup, and it was 11.|||I also noticed I talk out loud a lot when I'm alone.. xD|||Hey all, I'm just curious to see what other INFJ's are like. I'm currently undecided on whether or not I'm actually ENFJ? I'll just describe my thoughts: -I feel like my mind is a complex web...|||Possible ;). I don't know. Just as I get older I get more and more talkative.|||Hey, I feel like I'm undecided on if I'm extroverted of introverted (ENFJ or INFJ). I took the functions test, and it always says ENFJ. The first time I took the MBTI I got ENFJ, and then I...|||Since you do not open up about your feelings often, does that mean your actions reveal them?|||I know you do not like to talk about your emotions too much, but I'm just curious on what makes some of you be affected greatly - emotionally. For example, as an INFJ, homeless people affect me....|||Do you let anyone in on your deepest thoughts? Or emotions? Do you keep it in alllll the time, or is there someone you actually open up to?|||I doorslammed when I was angry at something, but not to a person. I've felt like I wanted to once a while ago. My reason for slamming my door when I was angry, was because I do not want to hurt...|||Haha oops. Well it's both German and English :) But yes, I agree with what you said. I am using my Ti more, but I'm notttt very good at it. My INTP has helped me realize that my worries are not...|||Ha, nice. I like German. I guess through this, you've learned that INFJ's are not logical in the mind. JUST to let you know :) My INTP is always saying, It makes no senseeee. Oh, I know. My Ni...|||Why so bitter? I'm not perfect lol.|||Well, your reply further supported my idea. Narrow-minded. Thinking I'm incapable of understanding something, even though I'm just wanting clarification. Patience lol. I don't have a 3.9 GPA for...|||Well, your reply further supported my idea. Narrow-minded. Thinking I'm incapable of understanding something, even though I'm just wanting clarification. Patience lol. I don't have a 3.9 GPA for...|||How does this apply? lol|||Sometimes they are fussy and narrow-minded about things.|||I am curious from an INTP-perspective on relationships. I mean romantic relationships. I'm an INFJ dating an INTP, and I'm just wondering. and bored :) So, what are your thoughts?|||Yeah. This INTP has been teaching me to not even think about the future...you really do not know what's going to happen, so why waste time thinking about it?|||I worry about the future and future conflict. I just think too much and live in the moment too less.|||From my experience with INTP... -if something is superficial or cliche -huge crowds (he or she just gets quiet) -illogical actions from emotions clouding someone's mind -people that can't have a...|||It seems like violent jokes seem funny to INTP's I know. They say them, and I'm like...:-O (because I'm INFJ and take everything to heart) haha|||True. I think the same thing goes for INFJ's and INTP's.|||So know what you mean...|||What's the red wire? lol|||I got an INTP to open up! :D|||ISTP brother lovesss calculus and math. He's in electrical engineering. Loves it. His Ti is happy ^_^|||I'm INFJ, and I go to my brother for help on something (he's older than me). He gives one word answers or, can't do anything about that. Do you not like helping people? Do you not know how? Does...|||I can relate to basically all of this! Especially the INFJ stare. o.O|||Ahh I see. Makes sense. I feel like I get that with a lot of sensing types in my life. It's like... NEVERMIND...when I try to explain myself.|||I'm curious to see how NF's (particularly INFJ's) benefit INTP's. Do we have help you with improving your comfort with emotions? Do we give you a new perspective in life? Do we just intrigue you with...|||Okay I'm a little confused haha, what do you mean exactly?|||I feel like it could be partly due to our stare... like when I'm thinking of something complex, I have this really serious gaze.|||I've been called out on my eyes and my weird laugh...so maybe :P|||I'm the same with personal space! Also eye movements. Constantly looking everywhere...I think it signifies my fleeting thoughts.'
'Hi, been a while since i visited this forum. I would like you guys to use your knowledge and understanding of MBTI to determine my type. I have had a lot of trouble trying to find out my type,...|||Interesting i've been single for 4 years now too. I see that those who are in love, have their own philosophical idea or poetic description about love. They love being in love. Those who are single,...|||Yeah, it can't happen over night of course, but i guess the seeds are being planted slowly, i believe this is going to be the future. Hopefully.|||Yeah, the reptilian thing is a bit hard to digest i agree, but he has some very interesting and inspiring thoughts that really bring a smile on my face, i don't smile often, but what he says and his...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO0-u900OG4&feature=related|||That is just insane to say that poverty is needed or even to entertain the thought. There is plenty of food and other resources for everyone, but the fact is that the few at the top don't want to...|||I am very into these theories, and i just stepped on the path of collecting as much as information as possible about this. I like especially David Icke, Alex jones and Jacque Fresco. Been watching...|||Wow, 5 positive vs. 10 negative. Your positive views seem to be quite general and negative ones seem pretty detailed, seems like you are focused more on his negative sides. Of course in any...|||Hehe, i was in an online relationship for a couple of months. It ended just few days ago, possibly cause i was there too much and started to cling. Although i knew that before and talked to the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAamahIYsk|||Mind of an INTP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMVMB9Ha6jo|||Ten characters ? Nice bicycle btw, that should fit my needs :laughing: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4030/4646637491_acf0c3e4f0_z.jpg|||Abstract art is good, but im not a big fan of it, i like spacey and futuristic wallpapers on my desktop. As for the two tests chiagirl sent me, i got both ISTP's, so i guess my feeling side is...|||And probably when you go to sleep or eat, you think about your work, school or gym, you don't have much time to clear your mind, especially when you are an introvert. When i would be in your...|||Yeah, feel free to hijack this thread Erbse, this thread is open for hijacking for everybody. Just make sure you don't crash. That other test is pretty good indeed, im on it right now, my brains...|||Yeah i know, Persistence of Memory if im correct. I don't know the artist of your avatar pic, but i have seen it on the internet, it's pretty mindbending. Now what comes to sticking around, i guess...|||I haven't really considered it, this shit is actually confusing, i think im somekind of a 17th type in MBTI :crazy: i get different results often, i tend to change my mind after i have done or...|||Im here, you have found me, finally. Welcome :happy:|||Hi, so i have tested myself lately in different places and in different moods and at different times, and it seems that ISTP is my real personality, before that i was (test results) ISFP, some things...|||Im 23 and i listen mostly to electronic music, and 9 times out of 10 they're without vocals. I find vocals a bit disturbing in music, except rap music, which i listen to a lot. To me music has to be...|||Hehe, it's a fake rumour i guess, anybody could be a fag :crazy: I have heard that leftys are more intelligent and creative, i am more creative(i don't know about the intelligence) yes, but on the...|||I hear that leftys are fags ...|||Lefty here, i get asked a lot of times, like i am a somekind of an alien Are you really lefthanded?? :crazy:|||Of course, if i hear or see anything that is mainstream i turn it off or i ignore it. It's junk to me mostly, i love the underground, it's so warm and cozy here.|||Oh no, not Facebook. I had an account, mostly for my musical purpose, to promote my songs or others people songs. I have deleted it now, im kind of sick of watching what other people are doing or...|||Yeah, it happens from time to time, probably the best cure is to go out and live your life to the fullest. Then you can come back and put that life in your art again.|||First of all get yourself together, i've been there too, i had a girl who i believed loved me, and i made things i've never done for a girl ever before, forgot myself and everybody else around me. I...|||Actually at the moment, im really sick of being an artist or a creative person.|||Yeah, feels like so much better after doing something on your own, doing art is like kind of a meditation, you feel a lot calmer after finishing something.|||I think that you are more positively impulsive, it's more like spontaneity in a relationship, like kissing or hugging out of nowhere, or doing some unexpected positive stuff, you can't really plan...|||I just do it, i don't even know why, i have tried to find some rational explanations for my creativity, but creativity isn't much of a rational thing, it's something that comes out of your soul or...|||I have quit work on impulse, thown loads of cell phones into pieces, some lamps and almost have broke my table. Sometimes randomly flipping on people and sometimes leaving on impulse. Fuck's sake,...|||Yeah, for me the need for freedom is a must, it has caused a lot of pain in my previous relationships, since i wasn't aware of my need for freedom and i just unconsciouscly started to find exit routs...|||Thanks guys, im famous now :crazy: No, the vid is pretty awesome, good job Neko.|||Hmm, haven't experienced paranoia, but certainly i start going a little crazy, like wanting to leave the party :laughing:|||Another chilled out and peaceful tune i made today: kick back and relax :wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlZTaQqRVkY|||Liars, manipulators, cheaters.Sometimes it makes me very angry when i have accidentally hit my leg against a sturdy object or something...poor toes, and then comes the anger :angry: :laughing:|||You would have to buy some hardware too, like a decent soundcard, to record your guitar and violin and of course a mic for your vocals. As for software, i would recommend you FL Studio, it's great...|||Mostly i listen to what moves my mind, there has to be a certain groove, a vibe or something.Wide and deep sounds with melancholic and beatiful melodies.And it certainly must be something different...|||I've been using my trusty FL Studio 9, and a couple of good software synths.I don't know quite much about recording, as i like to create sounds myself with synthesizers, of course i use premade...|||I'm not good at holding a brush, or shooting something, but i can make some sounds: YouTube - tanelkrm's Channel|||Nice relaxing song with simple and true-to-life lyrics :laughing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agfKhj_qLVM|||New link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zxg5D_pmqg|||Behind any computer you can find them:laughing: But really, you could find one from a grocery shop, music shop or maybe library, that's what i think.Of course from a good party at times. And...|||A song i made yesterday and finished this morning.Listen in HD :wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3OPiKlVZ_c|||YouTube - Ovnimoon and Via Axis - Galactic Mantra|||Again another baby just popped out. YouTube - Sanity - Takeoff|||And this is my own track i just kind of finished. YouTube - &#x202a;Sanity - As Time Melts&#x202c;&lrm;|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUSVY4K_ozA|||Think this thread needs a little waking after a while. Here's a beatiful song, very melodic and carries a nice emotion with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TZEhXJQ5EI'
'I have to tell you that we're probably the most complex people you'll ever know. We do have emotions and feelings, but we don't express them as freely as others. We may change our minds and make...|||To get things going, do you guys like to flirt? I like to flirt but contrary to some who flirt because they want to fool around, I flirt because you're really attractive and I'd like to get to know...|||I have a mix of participative and delegating leadership style. I'd like to involve everyone in the decision making process and let them move the discussion along and let them mold and mix their ideas...|||I've been wondering about things lately and I know that many of my friends find me to be complex and even contradictory. They wonder why I have a penchant for debates and public speaking but was...|||I'm center-right on social issues. The facts are the the taking of the life of an innocent fetus is murder and that is why abortion ought to be illegal except in the cases of rape, incest or when the...|||There are so many meanings of life. But the meaning of life to me is working hard and getting into my desired career. It means to earn big money. It means to have a nice home and nice cars. It means...|||Aliens do not exist. They are the imaginary creation of sci-fi folks and ancient cultures that worshiped rocks. If there were aliens, they would've taken over our universe or done something bad to us...|||I've had that experience once and it was awful. But I realized that it was probably due to a string of mistakes and blunders on my part. I was over-obsessive and hedged everything on that...|||41833418344183541836 So...What do you think after analyzing my handwriting personality?|||I have a set of very personal values that I have very close to my heart. They include integrity, loyalty and respect. Those are just some of them I can think of. I also find my personal relationship...|||Lachesis Thank you. That was very sweet of you. I do realize that a lot of men reject their emotional side and often try to get rid of emotion thinking it would make them unmanly. Well, the thing is...|||Absolutely! Some people say I'm too formal or a snob, but I'm not. It's just my blood and my personality to be attracted to classy things. And I will work for those classy things and I will get them....|||I was just in a depressed mood a couple of days ago. I felt hopeless and trapped and sad. I felt really horrible and I had nausea and fatigue. You should find some place to direct that energy. I...|||I have to say I'm mature but I shan't say I dislike immature people. But I just can't stand people who don't have any values or integrity. As long as you're fun and immature but a real person and not...|||Yes it does. It's usually when I'm feeling stressed out or when I'm in a place or around people I'm uncomfortable with or those whom I don't trust. I thought my teachers were trying to gather us...|||I definitely agree with that. I mean, I'm usually thinking of something, making plans in my head and considering the impact or whatever of certain decisions. It kind of scares people off though once...|||I have to say that I have a million different thoughts and ideas in my head every second so it wouldn't be surprising if some of them were intrusive. I don't pay much attention to them since I...|||Well I don't want to be just anyone. I want to be someone. I don't want to be a vanilla, ordinary person. I want to be successful and I want to be happy and I want to achieve my dreams.|||I've been thinking about things lately and I just don't think public school is working out that well. I don't want to have to get the same response from my teachers year after year. He has more...|||it's impossible|||4091140912|||But I can't. I know how it feels that something is worse in your head than in reality, but I'm afraid that these things will tear relationships apart, tear away trust, tear away the very thin fabric...|||I've decided to have a fresh start at live but one thing, some things have been troubling me. My past decisions, words, actions and events are haunting me. It's not a crime, it's just things I've...|||Hi, my name is Wesley. I used to hang out at the ENFP Forum but I know that I really am an INFP. I mean, I've been lying to myself. I've always wanted to be more extroverted to fit in and talk to...|||I don't want you to feel sad or anything. I think that I haven't behaved very well on this thread and I apologize for it. I admit that. But I am my own person. I am awake. I just want to thank you...|||Nice try. I'm never going to be a socialist. I'm never going to be a Democrat ever again. Guess what? I've done my work and I've developed my political views and I stand by them. Period. I've...|||I really hate it when people resort to personal attacks. What is wrong with you? Just because we disagree doesn't make me uneducated and narrow. Stop the personal attacks. Look at yourself. Why do...|||What do you mean I'm trying to looking sympathetic? Are you crazy? What's Displaying affect? I mean, come one, this is stupid. We were discussing issues and then I was in a conversation with...|||But what if I want both? I could have money but no love and be lonely for the rest of my life. Or I could have love but no money and not be able to achieve my dreams. But what if I want both? I could...|||I guess we just disagree. I'm a rightie and you're a lefty. But we're still friends right? I'll just stop talking about politics in these threads. I promise.|||I'm sorry that I've offended you. I suppose I'm just trying a little too hard as a 15-year old kid. I have big dreams and big ambitions. I see everything out there. I'm just very sorry that I've...|||It's a Brave New World for me. That's what I'm seeing when I look into the future. I have so many dreams, so many ambitions and so many goals. And they are big. I just feel like I'm being held back....|||I agree with you. We should all get to be our own persons. I'm sad to hear that you and your Dad are in that situation. I wish you all the best regarding that issue. On a side note, a romantic...|||I just have this weird public expressions of love fantasy so I figured it wouldn't be weird since it really demonstrated our relationship. I mean, I would love for my future wife to kiss me and for...|||Why? Do you hate politics? Don't worry, we'll still love each other at the end of the day and I'll still love you. :)|||Let me just tell you that even if you confiscated all the money the rich have, you would not be able to pay off this debt. The solution is to first balance the budget and then pay off the debt in the...|||First of all, I would just like to state that I do believe in romantic fantasies. I do believe that a relationship can be as good as you dream of it. My romantic fantasy...I don't know what you'd...|||I still think Hillary's an INTJ. Some say she's an ENTJ but I think she's an INTJ. I can just feel it. But since this is about relationships with INTJs I'd just like to ask you guys what you think. I...|||Yes I do. Some say it's a fairy tale and the product of unrealistic idealism but yes, I do believe in love. I believe in romance. I believe that one day, I will meet the love of my life. I know it. I...|||I will respond to that. How did the economy crash? How did the financial institutions crash? They crashed because they were greedy. But you have to realize that no sane, reasonable CEO would go to...|||I'm sorry you misunderstood my statement. They pay 50% of all the income taxes here out of all the taxes collected. Not the tax rate. And I disagree with you. There is nothing wrong with being rich....|||Hi again, guys, how are you? So, I've been checking out Hillary Clinton in her earlier days and as First Lady and I find her to be quite an attractive lady. And I'm also talking about her...|||Listen, my parents didn't feed me anything and I don't like personal attacks. It took me 2 years to develop my political views and I was a moderate and then I was a liberal Democrat and now I'm a...|||I disagree with you. The rich pay over 50% of all the income tax and that's a fact. I think that all tax rates ought to be lowered and some of the loopholes ought to be eliminated. There is nothing...|||It's even worse when I judge him by his actions. He's a disaster. All he wants to do is to tax more and spend more, thinking that will somehow revive our economy when his $800 billion stimulus was a...|||Well we disagree with you. He's not done a very good job at all. Regarding taxes, he wants to have a 2.3% additional tax on medical devices such as heart stents and ultrasounds, thinking that it will...|||As President, I will: -Reduce income tax rates with the top rate being 25%, followed by 15% and then 10%. -Reduce capital gains tax to 10%, corporate tax rate to 15%. -Reform Medicare with Premium...|||Or maybe I'll be a journalist and I'll interview all the celebrities and host a talk show and interview the President of the United States. I'll then be a reality star and have my own show. Or then I...|||I'm 15 years old and I want to study law or something like that. Then I would run for public office. I'm going to run for Mayor, State Senator, Governor, Congress and then I'm going to run for...|||Whenever I see him, I always see this certain uncertainty, this certain insecurity in him. I see him trying to say the right things. I see him worrying about how the audience would react. I see him...'
'https://vintageberlinguide.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/tumblr_na57fredaa1qbuqcio1_500.gif?w=470 Well look who's back! Hi Deadly Decorum!|||The last 15 minutes or so were positively harrowing and included a devastating twist (that came from GRRM). involving Hodor. Something also happened to Summer but I'm praying it isn't what it...|||Pocket-sized Bitch score: 108 Analysis You are a pocket-sized bitch. Your bitchiness, although limited, has been known to rear its ugly face in inopportune times. In all of your...|||http://s12.favim.com/orig/160206/black-and-white-classic-crying-emotional-Favim.com-3966212.gif Tonight's Game of Thrones episode broke me. I probably disturbed my neighbors with my screaming.|||My blood is treacherous. Why must I be O-positive? At least I don't drink beer. Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others? and now I'm going to try to catch up.|||I hate weddings and I hate being stuck in a car and I hate when it is raining while I am stuck in a car and I hate buffets and I hate meat and I hate hunting and I hate when people are stressing me...|||I don't think I fit the dichotomies either...not perfectly. But maybe my understanding is wrong, or I'm trying to resist being put in a box or something, or the dichotomies don't completely work. ...|||I keep meaning to look at your threads and Curi's thread but I've been getting distracted by anxiety. Maybe on Sunday when the wedding is over I'll be able to focus. omg that gif is so cute.|||Life is so awkward. Does anyone manage to get through it without feeling awkward and embarrassed at times? If so, I envy them.|||definitely did not think it necessary. I also wasn't trying to say there are mental issues or mood disorders involved (I think hope whispers took it as a comment on her mental health and it wasn't)....|||I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it. :( I think it does depend on the family and the therapist. It was unpleasant but ultimately beneficial for me—but in my case it was just conducted with...|||sorry I seem to be in that stupid taking-things-personally mode. :abnormal:|||Sorry, unclear language on my part) by giving them a break I meant more like...understanding? ex: if they can't accept the apology right away, then give it time) I think you and your parents might...|||I feel like what I said about the mental ward is being interpreted as me thinking this is a great idea which is very painful to me considering what I have personally been through.|||I get that I was wrong. this is why I think family therapy would be a good idea.|||yep. rare book and laptop.|||I'm probably wrong. I just have trouble imagining what parents would do, especially when this is happening with an adult. No one in my family has exhibited such behavior (to my knowledge). The...|||to be perfectly clear I agree about the mental ward being unhelpful (I hate such places) but a number of parents would probably go that route (at least for an overnight observation type deal) because...|||I think they can but they will probably experience a lot of stress or be difficult to work with unless they are particularly healthy. Trent Reznor seems like a clear 5 to me. I wonder about Greta...|||well I hate insincere apologies and would probably have taken it similarly...so it might be an Fi thing, but it could also just be an emotional exhaustion thing....I don't think his reaction here is...|||So many people are having family issues right now and I don't know what to say so...I'm sorry that things suck right now.|||hope whispers :( Next time she says something like about healthier habits and you don't know what she means...maybe ask? or tell her about why driving is important to you? Might also be a good...|||I agree with her critique. The film has some decent points, but Gerard Butler kills it for me. She has some earlier videos about The Phantom of the Opera ...|||If I ever get decent lighting around here, maybe I'll make youtube videos wherein I just drink wine and criticize things) https://media.giphy.com/media/u7TwrMijpvdp6/giphy.gif|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m5I_5Vnh6A I am loving this. Don't know that hope whispers or angelcat will feel the same. But yes. this one will probably have broader appeal: ...|||It would be easier to deal with it if it was just a food preference issue. But it isn't. It is a this food will make me sick if I eat it, but if i don't eat i will be judged/pestered (in a...|||i know i'm doing that immature si thing where i'm like I've done this before and it was terrible i won't do it again don't make me noooooooo|||lol i'm very light and i take medication. i don't need to worry about cheap and easy because a glass of anything will probably be sufficient to get me tipsy if I drink it quick enough...and that...|||no...that's not how receptions in america work. you usually either get an option of choosing from 2-3 already selected dishes that you cannot alter or it is a buffet style deal. since we didn't...|||I would but I can't drink on an empty stomach.|||Lucky you. they are all Fe users. except for fiancé's mother. but the grandmother is the sweetest woman in the world but that also means she needs to caretake caretake caretake. I am mindful...|||I thought I was mostly over the anxiety thing, but everytime I think about going to the wedding this weekend (fiancé's cousin) and all that entails(travel, not having food, people constantly asking...|||yeah...that sounds like sx-last to me)|||I think the quote has multiple interpretations/applications) But isn't it hell to be cut off from the awareness of that goodness and love? And how does an instance of a little hell mean...|||The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven ~Paradise Lost by John Milton One of my favourite quotes|||Nap? :concern: http://45.media.tumblr.com/4e92cf12c461146ba212ff478b884782/tumblr_nfz3gkVmum1qb6v6ro5_500.gif|||https://media.giphy.com/media/13cXHBqGdocB1K/giphy.gif|||I can pick my 3 favourite (music) artists fairly easily: PJ Harvey, Fiona Apple, and Tom Waits. But the list feels incomplete: there are so many other artists that I love; so many others that...|||Greyhart Predictably, Russia Declares War on Eurovision - The New Yorker whiny babies. the performance by that Russian guy was neat with the steps and the lights and all, but the song itself...|||I LOVE MAINE COONS. My friend has too and they are so fluffy and fun. Man I need to learn how to cook. That looks good!|||I know there are a number of things I irrationally hate (I feel guilty about some of them), yet the only one coming to me right now is Julia Roberts. Definitely causes the Bitch Eating Crackers...|||http://media2.giphy.com/media/WvNQYwR4x7AfS/giphy.gif Okay I'm actually curious about the Syrio one) Why do you hate it?|||I'm so used to thinking of you as EII; however, of any of the other types, LII seems the most plausible for you. (I just wanted to use a dramatic gif :fox:)|||the season that gave us a stark reunion and launched 1,000 tormund/brienne fanfics. so, a significant improvement. even though villain sue ramsay is getting extremely tiresome, Dorne continued...|||Game of Thrones https://media.giphy.com/media/5fBH6zj2z7INF3en7qg/giphy.gif STARK REUNION, MY HEART!|||https://media.giphy.com/media/3oEdvdvKzuuGTsX7Ta/giphy.gif|||My stab at Game of Thrones alignments based on this chart http://easydamus.com/Composite2.png with these value definitions Daenerys: Neutral Good ~ Values Benevolence and Universalism...|||Shared this before, but I like this way of looking at the alignments (it is how I settled on Chaotic Good over Neutral Good) Real Alignments? I do value benevolence, but I value...|||I think you are Chaotic Neutral)|||http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/hodor-hodor-gif.gif'
'Congrats! :)|||I have two younger sisters and two older half brothers.|||Welcome!!!|||I made peanut butter fudge with my sister!|||I'm fine. :)|||Watching TV.|||Barriers - David Archuleta|||I'm doing homework. =P|||I'm fine. :tongue:|||Listening to music.|||Who's That Girl - Hilary Duff|||Playing an online fish game.|||I voted for the first time in the Texas primaries. ^_^|||You Can - David Archuleta|||I got an idea for a new story.|||But you only have two lives, not a cycle of lives. I guess if you broaden the definition enough, you can say I believe in it. :-l|||Waiting for my hair to dry.|||Running Away - Jesse McCartney|||In a weird way I guess you could say they're 'other lives'. But typically people who preach re-incarnation mean that after you die you get a new body on earth. I believe you go somewhere not on earth...|||Everything happens for a reason. Whatever bad things are going on right now, they all serve a greater purpose. God loves you. I'm in Texas studying politics and the liberal arts with great...|||Nope, I don't believe it. You go to heaven, hell, or purgatory after you die, not another life.|||I don't really feel alone, but lonely. I've got tons of friends. It's easy for me to meet people and I get along with just about everyone. But I feel like I'm the person that everyone likes and...|||Reading, writing, biking, hiking, walking, soccer, watching football, camping, canoeing. drawing, computer games, roleplaying, listening to music, and daydreaming.|||I'm in college in Texas. For spring break I'm going back to Minnesota. It's not much of a vacation. lol In the summer my grandma will probably once again organize an all-family weekend trip to...|||I love my family. I've always had a great relationship with my parents and siblings. I'm pretty close to my aunts, uncles, and cousins too; at least the ones that live close.|||I Will Believe - Nichole Nordeman|||-waves- Hiya! Welcome. :)|||Welcome. Enjoy your stay. :)|||I'm good. =)|||Enjoying being done with classes for the day.|||Open Up Your Eyes|||I'll be getting ready for bed in a second.|||For class I'm reading Paradise Lost.|||I'm doing pretty good.|||Chocolate fountain. ^_^|||Relaxing and listening to music.|||Kiss the Girl - Ashley Tisdale|||Getting ready to go to bed.|||http://www.aire.org/ea/images/312.gif|||What You Mean to Me - Sterling Knight|||Protecting Me - Aly & AJ|||I got a sunburn. LOL, the reason it's good is because that means it's hot enough outside for me to be able to get a sunburn. I love the sun. :)|||I'm great! It's 64 degrees outside and the Texas sun is out. I've been outside for hours. I have a slight sunburn. XD|||Something About the Sunshine - Anna Margaret|||Welcome!!!|||Yes, I love to explore. There are woodsy areas around my college campus. I love walking around to see what's there.|||I don't think I'd really change anything. Fun game though. I drank poison as a toddler and now my physical is down to 1. XD|||Does anyone else love taking walks? I find walks help me release my emotions in a positive way and give me a chance to think things over. Plus, it's great exercise and always good to get fresh air.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjKUx2GItAo|||My room at home is very messy. There are books and papers all over the place. My walls are covered in quotes, posters, and framed pictures. There are a lot of religious symbols around my room. I've...'
'Evrything changed for me once I hit middle age, now I've realized social connections are truly the only thing worthwhile in life. As such I've had more interest in revitalizing old friendships,...|||Update: After a week of no contact I chanced sending her a brief email (stupid), basically stating I understand her right to end my involvement in her life but I still was confused, but if she ever...|||Not a player at all. 3 gifts were all modest and seemed to cheap a gift unless I bundled. Wife knows I'm a generous gift giving type person.|||Well after watching a good video from another responder here on an INFJ doorslam, I'm more convinced it doesnt apply as there was no record of fraying. It went from perfectly normal to you're (me)...|||Well I believe after researching the topic she suffers from borderline personality disorder. She went from having warm fuzzy feelings for me to making me enemy #1 within a couple days. Oozing hatred...|||The gifts were birthday, and Xmas gifts. I agree I may have inadvertently been leadng her on|||Well she was overwhelming appreciative actually regarding the B'day gift I sent her told me it was the best gift she'd gotten in years doesnt sound like she was creeped out does it? I wish I knew...|||Don't consider her another woman like you would a mistress, simply a friend who happens to be female. She isn't the only female friend I have or the only one I sent Xmas gifts too. And my wife is...|||Perhaps, but yes as I never ever wanted to cause her pain, our friendship will stay terminated. QUOTE=Viajador;14275642]Sounds like she's got feelings for you - which explains the impulsive,...|||In hindsight I agree the gifts may have been overboard. My best friend over the last 13 years is a woman (Entp) I met at my last job. In fact she's coming back to my state for a visit and she's...|||OK, at a new job I quickly noticed an attractive coworker I'd run into the halls @ work, seemingly daily, always smiling at me. Soon It became apparent to me she was flirting, you know it had to be...|||Learn to smile more.|||Nah, there are personality types that are drawn to us just by us being us. Personally, I've found most (not all) of my relationships in life follow true to socionics concept of quadras. Our quadra...|||Agree, that's why I married one.|||I always found entp and fashion to be antonyms.|||1) Cannot decipher their own feelings/ emotions, especially strong ones and tend to compartmentalize them to avoid them. 2)If they get hurt in a relationship by someone they geniunely care about,...|||That.:tongue:|||Not the best of friends to have. ENTP's generally have too little resilience for relationship setbacks. Typically if an ENTP's feelings are hurt(can only be done by someone they geniunely care...|||And when we're not stressed we pay very little attention to details of our physical environment.They do develop as we mature. Hence I now have become considerably more socially inclined as I reached...|||For clarification, if you're an INTJ you are Ni, Te, Fi, Se in that order, we all are, that's what dictates being an INTJ. We just differ in the rate and degree of development of those four conscious...|||Once /if I get comfortable in the relationship I'd say pretty damn good:happy:|||What he said. A similar scenario happened to me when I was in my late teens involving an ISFP gal. I fell head over heels for her. There in lies the seeds of destruction for a young INTJ, as we...|||Unhealthy INTJ's are often experiencing an inferior function episode that can last days to months. Normally they'll resemble an ESFP in a negative/childish sort of way. Projection of unconscious weak...|||Passions: Escatology; Typology, nutrition, & all things relating to dogs.|||Tell me about it. Going on 10 months now with an ENTP I was close to at one time and I apparently crossed the magic line and poof....I don't exist anymore. So irrational. Not friends anymore? Ok,...|||I see limerance as a natural state that all types fall into now and again. Sometimes it ends, sometimes it matures into love. How long it lasts or how frequently it occurs might me type related...|||If you'll pardon me the image of a vampire bat comes to mind. They'll suck a little blood for nourishment, move on to others then come back another day when the host has made more fresh...|||This is something I learned a few years back about entp's. This is part of maintaining successful friendships w/you'll, I basically need to let the friendship be directed by the entp. I've managed...|||Good information. I guess the only part that bothers me is the cold shoulder/silent treatment? What's that all about? I don't hold grudges and after a few days /week I'm ready to mend fences. At one...|||Speaking from an outsiders point of view and one who has won & lost a few entp friendships, connecting initially comes naturally as an INTJ. What tends to happen is when the friendship(even inner...|||Is there a basic criteria common to all types, or is it type specific? AS an INTJ can someone be considered a close friend if you only socialize with them at work/school or a very specific setting?...|||I'm wasn't refering to permanent changes that come about through maturity or personal growth, but rather those temporary out of character episodes(negative) all folks go through from time to time....|||Entp's really have a unique definition of loyality. You tend to be loyal to friends that make you happy. The problem here especially if it's one of those rare folks you've made a rare...|||Apparently so. You write too much like an ENTP I guess:tongue:.|||Hmmmm...go by the name sunlover......:tongue:|||What defines a person's type is the sequence of the 8 cognitive functions. However what varies between those of the same type is the development rate of the functions and the resultant interplay...|||Another very important yet often overlooked aspect to successful longterm romantic relationship is knowing each others love language. I've seen some relationships that were not very compatible...|||So true. One the real negatives of being an xNTX, there are so few of us around to find someone to relate with. I some months back had a falling out with the only xNTx I was close friends with, an...|||All the above......especially the part about indifferent & dismissive to others feelings and emotions:dry:|||That's funny as I've also felt I'm some sort of ENTP magnet. What I've learned is that normally it's ya'll who get the ball rolling, sometimes almost appearing pushy in developing the friendship....|||surrounded by heathens......just kidding:tongue:|||From a non-Entp perspective, don't be so hard on yourself. What you need to realize is your having and expressing emotions is no more the problem than Entp's not being able to understand or express...|||We INTJ's don't handle strong emotions of any type well. It will eventually mess up our thought processes. Kind of like a computer virus that tends to slow things down and generally gunk up the...|||I've always gone by the credo if everyone is heading this way, I'll head the other way.:cool:|||Yes, provided the change was initiated by me.:wink:|||Human nature never changes. We don't all subscribe we came from apes either.:wink:|||It's funny, I've had a few of shots at romantic relationships w/ some Entp women during my life. Two turned into the love/hate type of relationship, one just kinda ended abruptly just when I thought...|||Spock...not Dr.........Mr.|||Some eye color genes have greater influence due to the protein they code for being more effective than that produced by a recessive eye color gene. Brown eye color gene>green eye color gene>blue eye...|||My INFP stepson drove me crazy on this point. Sweet kid, but the worst case of selective hearing I'd ever experienced.:confused:'
'Dear ExTx teammate (whom I like, duh,) The season is over and I’m not sure what to do. I texted and asked if you wanted to play another game at the bar where we usually meet, but you said you...|||Although, you are correct, it wasn't my original intent, I try to appreciate a good ribbing when I get too self-absorbed in my own observations/general perceptions. Lol! And yes, LiquidLight is...|||Haha! I'm using this next time. And I very much agree that I must be over-inferring, which is why I asked INFJ's what extroverted thinking is (and therefore what to do--how's that for inferring?!),...|||Here.|||Perhaps this is a form of stupidity, but I find that whenever NT's start a tirade about intelligence, I feel the need to sock them with their own stupidity--except I can only do this in person and...|||I enjoy always being surprised to find out how loved and cherished I am. Seriously, it's always a shock every time someone comes out and tells me, and then like 5 people chime in. It is always nice...|||All I can tell you is that my INFJ-ness has me strapping on my morality armor ready to take on this situation, ready for any kind of fight. The fact that this is my go-to reaction, let me say:...|||...when you're mad that you're something so annoying as *human* and you catch a cold: a tiny little organism that wreaks havoc on your body, which you already have enough of a hard time acknowledging...|||As an INFJ, the fact that you'd be hiding (I'm sorry but people just stink at this--you'd be better off fooling me by being obvious: It can't possibly this simple!?!?!) and what you are trying to...|||Dear ExFJ co-worker, So last Friday, somehow the subject of our fellow ENxx (I suspect TP) co-worker comes up and how all of his friends are getting married and he’s worried about it and you tell...|||...when after you see a man (I don't think he was her father) audibly smack a child's bottom and yell, Your mother doesn't want you! you immediately see every avenue you could use to terrify and...|||Sorry, cringing at bad grammar is all part of the charm! :wink: But if you are asking where to find us, honestly, I'm looking for other INFJ's too and if they're like me, they are either at home,...|||...when you bake sweets that ruin store-bought foods for yourself and others, they are so good, yet when people ask you what your secret is, you can only answer, I get free-handed with the sugar,...|||Omigo-, this is so me when I was in school!|||I had a somewhat similar experience: in 5th grade, after my having moved to a new state that previous summer, school used to start with some 10 problems or something of the like, written on the board...|||Okay so after thinking long and hard--and then realizing that doing so is one of my biggest contributing problems, I've come to the conclusion that I've become overly introspective. I became fixated...|||Dear xx(I suspect IS)TJ boss: I must admit I'm immensely amused when you tell me that you were just talking about me--in a good way--and proceed to question my reasoning (which I understand, that...|||I admit I was miffed after reading this. I was trying to explain that I'm trying my best to see things through another's eyes, but it's obvious that I am not successful. Perhaps you are still...|||Namely, from my own experience, admittedly, so I'll use myself as an example. Oftentimes the conflict--near constant conflict environment, to use your words--is my own perception. It is admitting...|||Happiness 101(ish) I think #'s 1 & 2 most aptly apply to your situation (called life): 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy | Purpose Fairy|||I've tried math to figure this out. I gave dominant functions a value of 4, auxiliary = 3, tertiary = 2, inferior = 1. I just used the plus signs to signify the grouping. (I dunno why, really.) ...|||I cannot answer this in the best way possible, as I cannot see you to read your body language (that's incredibly helpful for me to be helpful) but I will take a stab at it anyway. Again, I believe...|||Delilah, I picked There's a chair in the middle of the room as an example of how confusing it is to me to say something that becomes so obvious, as soon as it is said--and then repeat it over and...|||LiquidLight, Thanks for explaining the idea of a formula. As I read your response, I realized that this may be why I do not understand Te, ultimately: why does everything have to fit an...|||This is my dad exactly. If he can't figure out the weather by seeing it on tv or finding it on the internet fast enough, he'll go outside and report back an announcement to everyone that it is...|||That's just it though (maybe I didn't say it in my first post): I'm trying to figure it out (Okay, are they irritated with it being there? Would they prefer it somewhere else? What's up with the...|||I'm asking INFJ's in hopes that one of you will be able to answer a two-fold question: what is with my perception of the phenomenon that bewilders me about Te and please explain it in a way that...|||Dear girlfriend of my (male) dart teammate, First of all, I had *no* idea from the limited interactions I first had with him that he was seeing anyone. Believe you me, as soon as I found out, I...|||I had the exact same--immediate--reaction as superdooper: I want to give you a hug and let you know it's alright to try standing on your Fe legs; I won't judge! That said, it would seem that you...|||I love anything that jars my Ni. Thanks for the post! :laughing:|||...you get awash with overwhelming feelings about other people's response to the newly elected pope--and you're not even a devout Catholic!|||At first, I was going to say no. Children carry on genes to further the human race, but then I guess, from a purely biological standpoint, yes: so that we as a species don't die out. Also, you need...|||How sad! :unsure: Perhaps, ExTJ's would want someone to validate their unique existence and IxTP's would want... well, 'cuddles' comes to mind first, but more seriously: someone considerate of their...|||Isn't the latter universal? Don't we all want what we can't have?|||For some reason I find this behavior immensely endearing! :proud:|||INTP's are lumped in this as well, but have you ever seen this? http://www.enfpforum.com/enfpforum/Portals/0/MBTI%20Pics/Types/xntps%20dionoriders.jpg ...|||...you think of the book you reserved with your local library from a series you were reading over two months ago--and the next day you get a text message saying that it's in. (True story. I swear on...|||@LiteratureNerd, I hear you, sister: Dear silver-haired, blue-eyed, presumably straight men, Quit hitting on me. I eerily consistently get hit on by a lot of you guys, married or not, who are...|||Parents, in an attempt to understand their own child, badger their child with questions whenever the child is less than happy--which is understandable, really, but I just want to tell them to shut up...|||Dear (I'm pretty sure) ISTJ boss, Thank you for once again reminding me why I dislike interacting with you. I had no idea that you did the hiring for other departments in the company. I mean,...|||I got Generous Thinker Confidencehttp://personaldna.com/images/bar.jpghttp://personaldna.com/images/bar2.jpg LowHigh 4...|||After reading this, I immediately thought, Once again, I'm told I need to be a writer, as *that* is what I did from a very young age. Some months ago, I had taken a seminar on what I should do...|||This has happened on more than one occasion and it's not always a bad thing, but I am, again, 'absorbing' another person's personality. A couple of people, actually. And even more accurately, I'm...|||This might be TMI, but I am on my last nerve... Dear horrible case of PMS, You can... go someplace horrible. I can hardly work, drive a car, stop pushing on pull doors, or not rip anyone's...|||Every so often, when talking with someone, you can hear the 'true' meaning or what the person left out or that the person doesn't understand in your head. Example: Person A: Ducks are stupid My...|||Try adopting a new persona, so to speak. One that pretty much expects that people will like you, naturally. I've found that people very readily change their reactions to people *after years of...|||I don't know if other people do this because I'm too worried about people's reactions if I explained this out loud, in person, but there are times when I get the sense that some celebrity is about to...|||Dewymorning, I've done that for years! lol I'm known (when I was in school, now at work) for organizing my food: -M&M's and Skittles by color frequency/relationship to other colors (ie,...|||Every day. I drive myself nuts with wondering about this. I believe it falls in line with the ever-present question of why? that is prevalent among Ni-users (or so I read somewhere...)|||This is me, exactly. :dry:'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QmJMN3lbJk|||The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. It's a trip without the acid (or shrooms, etc.).|||Momo by Michael Ende.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfq_foa5Mo|||IxFx TMLT unabashedly tell a lewd joke when in a formal setting?|||What would you do if you had the first encounter with an extraterrestrial that no one else knew about (supposing that they're benevolent)? Respond to the person above you, then come up with a new...|||Actually, I just checked rottentomatoes.com and found that most audiences liked it, even though critics panned it. This site's more eloquent than me: ...|||Boy: Reese, Elliott, Tegan Girl: Tatum, Piper, Genevieve|||Are there any films that have gotten from both critics and audiences that you like? What are they? Here's mine *The Butterfly Effect *Freddy Got Fingered *The League of Extraordinary...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlia9YUHvTU|||Quit cigarettes a few weeks ago and have managed to save a lot of money.|||xSTJs and ISTPs. ISTJs and ESTJs are hard-asses and ISTPs always seem like they're going to fly off the handle to me.|||nachos and salsa|||XNFP. I'm actually glad I heard that song; it's nice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeWjzBHUdsI|||SONGS Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) Unchained Melody (most popular version) N.I.B. (Black Sabbath) Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) Diamonds and Rust (John Baez, and later Judas Priest) FILMS...|||Cyrano de Bergerac. Also, does French-German count? If so, it's Vampyr.|||All Along the Watchtower covered by Jimi Hendrix should be an obvious one. Also, Hush covered by Deep Purple and Lake of Fire covered by Nirvana.|||First of all, nobody deserves to be called a retard. Secondly, not everything about being autistic is negative. Everyone has a forte, and that includes people who are lower functioning, too....|||Toxic? Really? I have Schizoaffective Disorder and I take umbrage to that. My friends without mental illnesses are very understanding about my condition, and often tell me that I am kind and good at...|||I would say that you definitely have the profile pattern for a person with High Functioning Autism (Asperger's is no long in the DSM). However, I am not a doctor; you should seek a psychiatrist.|||I'm an atheist and I have not read the Bible cover to cover, but I do know that rabbits don't chew their own cud, the moon doesn't make its own light, you can't make a goat spotted by having its...|||The San people of southern Africa are directly related to the first humans. Technically, they originated in Ethiopia, or, at least, in the Horn of Africa.|||There is more evidence for altruism in mammals than there are in reptilians, amphibians, etc. because we are mostly social animals (I guess it depends on your definition of social in this case,...|||xNxP TMLT dislike little children but love babies?|||I wish I could give you good advice, but I have this problem, too. If getting out there is enough to solve the problem, I'd have been in a great relationship a long time ago; I've tried pretty much...|||I guess I'm kind of an anchor for some people who know me. My mom has a lot of issues with depression that seems both natural and genetic. My best friend went to jail a few times, and, out of all his...|||gloves|||I'm feeling fat...and sassy!|||Icy NiTe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_in_Star_Wars#/media/File:Star-Wars-aurek-besh-alphabet-chart.svg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klingon_alphabets#/media/File:Kli_piqad.GIF ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_0BPqWpM_M&list=PLNoAkMh7BciJSznRSLWvuUgz96G2O2H5t|||I really don't like that song. ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlia9YUHvTU|||Yeah, I go to Omniglot sometimes, usually to re-learn phrases in other languages that I'd forgotten about and will need on my trip around the world. Thanks! I love it, too.|||I use my specialized form of numerology to predict what kind of a woman would date me. No joke.|||1. Zooey Deschanel 2. Emma Stone 3. Bret Anderson (female) of the Donnas|||Only with any pretty lady who smiles at me.|||I'm actually from the States. Energumen is a word that also exists in English; it's just pronounced differently and is rarely used.|||Very good point! I didn't think of that. What if people had forcefield technology?|||When I was a preteen, I invented a religion without dogma in which there was a winged goddess and a three-headed lion god, both ruling the Multiverse equally. The symbol for it was a barber's pole.|||My apologies for the alliteration. Imagine that only weapons used for hunting would exist, but wouldn't be able to harm humans. Would people still find other ways of killing each other, maybe...|||My personal favorites are Balinese, Russian, and Thai. There are also numerous Asian Indian scripts I like, but I'm too lazy to look for them now. Extinct writing systems I like are the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knOjd5g8XcY|||Someone likes Leonardo DiCaprio. I'd say ESTP. *Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit) *Albus Dumbledore (The Harry Potter series) *Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia) *Hellboy...|||ENFJ TMLT exercise and lift weights daily so that he/she can get physical revenge on someone who's abused/harassed him/her.|||xSFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf8jvSPA3XQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spaghQ7MeV8|||xNTP TMLT have invented his/her own religion at a young age, but didn't follow it or take it seriously?|||Strange, but fun. ENFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWlkmkZW2hk|||My heart is my shield that softens the blow My mind is the sword that strikes anew I am the lord of the dragons I am the lady of pagans I am the one who wounds with rue|||whodunit|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSzyLu4kjiI'
'I agree with this entire philosophy. Becoming rich is easy but does require discipline which is hard for most people. Basically everyone should learn how to make money, save and live well beneath...|||Companies are trying to make money; you should first ask, how are they making money? Insurance is to hedge risk for so there will always be a profit to the company you get it from except in very...|||I noticed that some people get pretty uptight when they see an animal pooping. What gives? http://www.quickmeme.com/img/46/460e0634bbd19d482a23e41478daca336ef0abfe98929d7831a3c91fa26fc803.jpg|||You can get a job at McDonalds or large chain today provided you at least appear enthusiastic and dress/groom/act appropriately for the job. Minimum wage jobs are usually transitional jobs that...|||Everyone except for a very few (perhaps 2-3) in the IT industry I have worked with for the past 20+ years has been a thinker that has succeeded around me. This is not to say feelers can't succeed,...|||Challenge Accepted|||If you are passionate about art and good at IT you could consider being a UX developer. I studied this quite a bit since I love art and design, just be prepared that most people out there don't know...|||Short periods of more intense hours could be due to major changes at work; I personally had about 6 months of this at the company I worked for for about 10 years, although most of the time I am more...|||It may sound odd me asking; but what was your childhood like? Major anxiety issues as well as a number of other sets of beliefs often to stem from unprocessed childhood trauma that needs to be worked...|||I was terrible at math because of how I was taught and what my personality and learning styles were. I have a need to understand how an equation is useful, build a personal connection with it, and...|||What is your passion? If nothing, what are you curious about? What job do you want to do with your degree? Would this sort of career meet your financial needs?|||I am here to help; please be honest as I am not encouraging self attack, but being an INTP I recommend looking inward first; Why aren't you proficient in it? What are you lacking to be...|||Don't focus on the degree, focus on the career you want. Once you find out the career you want, you can do a job hunt and find out what degree best serves people of that career choice. Bad degrees...|||I would consider the following signs of INTP immaturity Feeling that they lack a voice (their work/ideas being ignored) Feeling their ideas are naturally superior since they are well thought out...|||All students by the time they reach junior high should know the following; if you don't know these, immediately do so and your stress will almost disappear: Learn Mnemonic techniques and use...|||I didn't see a big deviation in high school; in college the difficulty for different degrees is astronomically more difficult which means work loads will vary significantly. I got a double BS in...|||I struggled with this a bit too and almost dropped out, but instead just took a short break from college. Here is what I would recommend: Short Term Ideas for Income: If you are cute you can...|||While I have a love and solid background in the subject, unless you are wealthy or a trust fund baby I would recommend against getting a degree in the subject for a number of reasons. What...|||At my company we get into a hiring phase frequently when we are not in the annual or mid year review process. People completely unqualified apply regularly due to the higher salaries and benefits...|||Yes it is a real thing and I identify with that strongly. Some people say you need to learn for the test, and to that I would agree only to the extent that you get a 'C' in the class. Standardized...|||Is what we call ADHD just a misdiagnosed systemic failure of eduction? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU6o2_UFSEY|||An interesting question, however worldviews are primary based on indoctrination, and therefore geographically distributed.|||I talked to BigApplePi and I got a work around that worked for himl For other people that may be having issues, try the Hybrid Mode. It works great for me without any issues on: - Firefox...|||The concept of privledged is a completely irrational notion. You are not privledged just because you have an higher income -- you could have earned it through hard work; You are not privedged or...|||When I was paying attention or care about something I have an eidetic memory... partially because of a mnemonics course I took (and would recommend to anyone).|||meltedsorbet Or what about: From my 1859 first edition =)|||Here are some more... Library of Congress 218498 Alexandria 218506 Louvre Museum 218514|||Should be in the philosophy forum =) From the time of the ancient Greeks authenticity has been a valued virtue among philosophers since being honest with yourself is crucial for determining your...|||wow i was tired when i posted this; I thought it was, what is your favorite day of the year.. lol My least favorite is probably a toss up between valentines day and Easter; both are celebrated in...|||I don't think it will let me post something that long so in summary: I am an Atheist, but dislikes most other Atheists Pro-Euthanasia Anti-Capital Punishment Suicide booths, sure! ...|||BigApplePi I get where you are coming from. From what I understand, INTP's can more easily look at things from a perspective that eliminates their personal feelings... it doesn't mean it is...|||Thanks. That makes more sense.|||Wordplay and toilet humor; sorry to admit the latter yet I find that I make for a tough crowd. Actually humor has rules; If you want to ruin the magic watch this video and it will disillusion you...|||Psychologists would lead you to believe this is an oddity, however it is not. I was very artistic until I got midway through college, where started as an art major actually and I am a classic INTP. I...|||Yes I found myself victim of this confirmation bias as well as a younger-ling. So I would point out that a sign of a immature Ti / INTP would be to attack anything with logic instead of picking...|||Agreed. I have had a lot of the same thoughts myself and decidedly joined this forum and a few social groups as an experiment of similar ideas. I like the forum aspect since it creates a record of my...|||I just noticed that I never heard the term Ti; what is this BTW?|||Halloween! It has all the best traits of a holiday from my perspective: Shenanigans dressing up and playing pretend, scaring people (in a fun way), and goofing off. The weather is the best...|||Same. As both a blessing and a curse I am an information vampire of sorts. I almost never watch or do anything for entertainment as a deliberate decision since about 2000. This means I can talk...|||All I am saying is that it entirely depends on the audience. I personally have disdain for speakers never bringing up nuanced points since they are usually worthless rhetoric's. Sadly many...|||Yes and No. The question is a bit vague so I will explain the difficulty lies within vagueness of what you mean by open-mindedness: open-mindedness meaning: not to be torn by ideas about...|||Incorrect. Consumerism is a result of Social Engineering and made worse by Government tampering/regulation, which means you are no longer dealing with Free Market Capitalism, but a bastardized...|||First I agree people do things for money and personal gain. But I would like to see a strong valid argument that shows how that is a bad thing and a definition of what you mean by bad. Remember...|||These are really two different taxonomies so they can't really be fairly compared except from purely social well being / economic perspectives so I shall constrain my comments to such. Socialism...|||Yes, I bought copies of most of those within the last 5 years.|||I clearly stated that most so called therapy is for the weak minded and my rational for it which was based on direct observation. I understand you disagree; I accept this and that is ok. I would have...|||Again, you are saying that I said things that I did not; I do not appreciate when that is done to what I write or say. If you choose to use this form of rhetoric again I will no longer continue to...|||You are putting words into my mouth. Therapy is not medicine. The reason it exists for the most part is a perceived value from those who use the service. For the most part I observe what people call...|||Feelings, as in the experience is a real thing that can be measured. I agree, facts are not magic, magic is make believe. I agree that a person's life is not a fact, it is a collection of...|||LostFavor Reading what you wrote reminded me of one of my other pet peeves of psychology: There is an inerrant flaw with Therapy that is identical to Alcoholics Anonymous: The underlying premise...'
'You can't. Transfer to a position where he is not your supervisor or get a job somewhere else entirely. I had an ESTJ supervisor for many years and there was just no getting to him. ESTJs are Te>Si...|||To meet my INFJ :happy:|||I am as well in support of a Personal Finance sub-forum!!|||I have done no such thing... maybe twice but only because my scent wasn't already on it. Cat. What brings you here? Would you like a smoke? I have an extra pipe.|||My best friend is an ESTP. We look for new adventures and just do a bunch of different things in general. We debate a lot and try to one up each other all the time. Lot's of fun. He does get more...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYxun5p3UEM|||Don't mean to derail the thread, but I have an INTJ dad, and he too has a bad sense of style. However, it applies to personal appearance and coordination. He's very conservative when it comes to...|||That makes a lot of sense. Spot on.|||Yes I do :happy:|||Women just get more attention in general. Studies have shown that people are more openly receptive to females. Take for example automated phone messages. They're mostly women's voices. This is not...|||This is not personality type dependent. I haven't seen any research supporting such a correlation. Personally, I drink sometimes. And that's a big sometimes. I don't easily become addicted to...|||I have an ESTP friend that isn't a big talker and sometimes (as in very few times) feels good being alone. This makes him believe he's an introvert. Everyone around him he's extroverted and doubly so...|||I explain a lot of what seems random and tie it back to MBTI. I see her arrange things in a neat order fashion to the point of almost OCD and she says she might be OCD. I explain to her that ESFJs...|||Absolutely no ENTPs I've known in person have had that 'in your face i'm super awesome' bravado that shows up here on Personality Cafe. We know we are awesome but I think it really only comes out on...|||I have an ESFJ friend and she likes it when I talk about MBTI. It's probably because I explain things in a way that she could walk away with and apply. She definitely won't study it on her own...|||Both kids must go or both kids don't go. I think the kid that gets left out is going to have some serious self esteem issues as he gets older.|||Like I said before, it's just a thought. A hypothesis bouncing around my head that can easily be disproved The only reason I said all that is because it's my first and immediate interpretation of...|||Accidental repost|||Infjlady26 Can we get an update? I'm really curious as to what has developed.|||Vexed If you're looking for just friends, I would recommend meetup.com. It's a place where people gather together for a certain topic or activity. I'm a member of a few meetups including the...|||Vexed It's all a matter of comfort levels and what risks you're willing to take. You have to define for yourself what you're willing to post and at the same time realizing that risks will have to...|||This is actually an extroverted trait. Extroverts tend to speak more quickly and it appears rushed. Introverts have a slower, more controlled rate of speech. There's a book called The Art of Speed...|||I kinda always look for vibes. I've come across people that I just got a bad vibe from. Sometimes I can't pinpoint why and some times I can (text book behavior traits, etc.). For the times I can't...|||I'm an ENTP and I run out of talking batteries real quick. I much prefer to listen.|||I would say just list what's true for you on your own profile and avoid those that say just friends. I also have an assumption that these people can't be honest with themselves or others about...|||I chose knowledge because that's what I naturally strive. I'm addicted to it. However, I do believe love is more important,|||I find it odd. Maybe even hypocritical for some that list that as an option. Finding friends and activity partners shouldn't be entirely hard where you resort to a dating site. Even for people who...|||Squirrel demand is high these days and they know it too. I had to give mine a pay raise and medical benefits. I've been thinking of outsourcing.|||As someone that used frequent said Chat, I fifth this!|||This right here is super important. If two or more strengths fall into a theme, then it is a strong asset you bring to a team environment. A lot of people tend to be strong in two themes, even though...|||I was in my college cross country and track and field team. I absolutely love it and even though I don't run every single day like I used to, I try to squeeze in a good thirty minutes to an hour...|||This! This right here! As an ENTP I feel the same way. I've been on dates where I did the whole open the door/ pull out her seat/ buy her a flower/ etc. and knew I was being measured on social...|||Nothing can hold my interest for too long. I'm interested in a lot of things and can focus for maybe and hour or two on a subject. However, any more focus after that becomes excruciatingly difficult...|||I have tried to use calendars and planners but always forget after a few days. I think the longest I've gone writing out my days was three weeks. And that's because it was a required assignment.|||Wait. Hold the phone. I see what's going on here. I saw your other post about this guy not being on a date until recently. As a late bloomer, I can relate to your INFJ man. He doesn't know what...|||Definitely. I feel guilty about disappointing those close to me and also feel that I have failed to live up to a certain standard as a human being. Keyword is close people, or fairly close. ...|||This is your dream. Your deepest thoughts. I am your subconscious asking you to run away with me. I am asking you to run away with yourself. Are you up to the challenge? That. was....|||To everyone on this thread: What if I told you you weren't really here. That you're not really awake as you read and post on this thread. Instead, you're dreaming that you're here and posting...|||So we are only number 2 in your book? Who do we have to kill in order to move up a notch?|||My answer applies to any ENTP that finds it hard to finish something: Do projects/assignments with other people. We're so used to studying under the traditional structure in which we've been...|||Welcome OokySpooky. You'll have a lot of fun here. And no need to worry about squirrels distracting you, us ENTPs have sent them away on secret missions.|||This is fantastic! I was just talking about MBTI and strengths finder correlation at an MBTI meetup last Sunday. I had no idea that a study had already been done! What I don't get is how you got my...|||!!!!!! I remember this!!! Small world we live in! :happy:|||I'm a Thank whore. That's why.|||I came here to write exactly that. Have a lawyer sign the agreement. Make sure both parties have a method for compensating in case either one does not perform as defined in the contract. i.e. If a...|||I'm known to be exceptionally well in a crisis situation. I love to explore and have gotten myself into some frightening situation because of it. Early on I discovered my ability to keep calm...|||Yes. After a while I got fed up and started mentioning other people who think too much. Einstein, Hawking, and any other famous scientist/ceo/respected political leader. Then I calmly suggested...|||Hey jenecis, If you live in the Los Angeles area, then it's super easy to find an INFJ male. There's an mbti meetup held twice a month at a coffee shop in Pasadena. In fact, there's one tomorrow...|||LOL! I do that too. One time a co worker got pissed off and was cursing at his computer because some program wasn't working. I said the good old Emperor Palpatine quote and he began slamming his...|||That all sounds like me. I always had a low GPA because I just didn't do the work in high school. Yet I could out perform just about anyone whenever I gave a damn. Check on the remedial program....'
'I put ENTJ and ENFJ|||What do you guys think? I included the characters from the second Lion King too, you don't have to answer those if you don't know. Here's my opinion: Simba x96 ENFP Nala-ENTJ Mufasa-INFJ Scar-INTJ...|||Thanks! I'm okay with paying a charge, I was actually trying to find where to buy it on the internet.|||There was a big thing awhile ago where some kitties were getting kidney failure on Science Diet, so I'm going to avoid that. I'd consider getting organic pet food, but it's no better. It advertises...|||Is there like an official u200bMBTI test? Does anyone have a link to it?|||I do believe in soulmates. I don't how to describe it but I think that if I ever find mine, I will know.|||Bro. ESTJ. Just.. ESTJ.|||The specific issue definitely dictates it. If it's something minor I can generally let it smooth over by distracting myself, but even that's debatable.|||I get angry a lot. I usually cry or pound on a table or punch a wall or something. I either dwell on what's making me angry and basically drown myself in the unpleasant feeling, or try to distract...|||Ice cream.|||Who do you think is more quiet, ISFP or INFP? Either. It really just depends on the person. I'm not quiet when I'm around people I know and like. I can be quite loud. Who is better at verbal...|||I have a contradicting opinion of people. Whenever they approach me or I am surrounded by them, I shun them. I want them to go away and I want to be alone.. But when I am completely isolated, and I...|||Hello cat owners. What brand of food do you use? The price of Fancy Feast has just gone up so much that I can't feed it to my cats. $.73 for an itty bitty can. The ingredients in dry cat food are...|||My grandma is deep, complex and cares about humanity. She's an ISFJ. Point: Being deep complex and caring doesn't mean he's INF. Pablo Picasso, one of the most famous artists in the world, is...|||I only heard about this asshole through South Park. After I saw the episode that featured him, I got curious about him. I saw some videos, read some lyrics (the songs were so awful I couldn't listen...|||Trying to decide what to eat.|||I remember random facts about my friend because I care about her and those facts are important to me. I'm retarded at remembering details.|||How do you know for sure that she's ISFP, has she told you that or is it just your assumption from living with her? If you don't like living with her, kick her out or move out.|||http://youtu.be/YZs3EADi2pQ Kitty.|||Crucio, I think you sound ESFJ. ^.^|||Do they complain if you play it while they are around? Or do you just not want to be rude?|||Really my only advice is to give her space. But also, don't wait for her to initiate contact. Send her a text message/email every couple of days saying good morning, asking how she is doing. But DO...|||http://youtu.be/F3O39V8juHs|||Even if she just casually piled on an I like you statement, it means A LOT. Like what the above poster said, she wouldn't say she liked you unless she really meant it. Even if she shrugged it off...|||I'm listening to music, getting ready to watch a movie.|||ENFJ. They are the type I look up to most. Maybe Enneagram 9.|||I know English. I never had an opportunity to learn anything else.|||I thought this was stupid and I hated almost every answer choice equally. Here's my result: Believer As a Believer you believe the world has almost infinite possibilities. You believe people...|||I'm okay, not superb but good. I'm thinking about how my arms feel. I feel full, especially in my arms. I wonder if I'm having some inflammatory issues or something.|||I currently desire different hair. The hair I have right now has lost it's appeal.|||Applesauce.|||Mine is medium/long and I always wear it down.|||Infp.|||You seem more extroverted. ESFP.|||I dreamed that I went outside my house and I was in a field of long grass. I thought I saw a kitten, so I went to pick it up and it was a baby deer! Then I looked around and there were baby deer all...|||I don't understand. I give it to people straight. I hate that wishy-washy beating around the bush stuff. If I don't like you, I tell you. However, I do feel some hurt inside for making you hurt.|||Pisces with Capricorn ascendant.|||I don't know too many celebrities.. I think P!nk is attractive. She looks really odd with long hair though.|||Let's see. I think I'm slightly less rambling when I type, and I have better grammar and say less cuss words.|||Boss I think ENTJ.|||I love road trips! I usually just listen to music and draw the whole time I'm in the car, but.. Something about the car going makes the music more enjoyable. I know that does not make sense but there...|||Looking at what has inferior Si I see ENTP and ENFP. Both are just not possible because I'm clearly introverted. Is there any other possibility?|||Mbti: ISFP Enneagram: 4w5-7w8-8w9 sx Zodiac: Pisces Day of birth (with time if you know): Not really comfortable sharing this. Socionics type (if you know it): I only took the test once, I got...|||Ice cream with m&ms in it, mm. I'm thinking about making me some tuna and crackers, but I'm not really hungry. It would still taste good.. Hmm..|||http://youtu.be/8TT87u5RQiA|||The descriptions you gave me were just like two sentences. I didn't relate to any of them except Ni, and then like half of Ne, Ti and Fi. Extraverted Sensing: Acts on concrete data from here...|||ltldslwmn I can test as either F or T. I think one of the reasons I can test as a T is because I've discovered that some fear of rejection and even some jealousy of others blocks me from saying...|||Si: What I disagree with -.. Drawn to the concrete and specific details of any information presented. I don't care about most information presented to me. Definitely don't want to hear details...|||Stepped on a kitten. I felt so guilty, but I didn't see him there. He was okay though.|||Anyone Se dominant, seems they'd be out enjoying the world.'
Be passionate now, be at peace later. If you have something you could get passionate about, go for it. Peace is nice but it can be boring and offers no rewards. I have no passion and my life is...|||My biggest weakness is my bed, once I lay down I can't move for at least 10 hours and I usually don't go to bed until 6am...|||Thank you for this. Truely.|||Mother: ENFJ Father: ISTP Younger Sister: ENFJ Older Half-brother: INFP or ENFP?|||My mother.|||Copy and paste, and I used two.|||-Web comics -Lurking around this forum -The health benefits of nicotine -The Singularity|||I'm feeling disappointed in myself. Also annoyed because I just had to use a g and that particular key on my keyboard is broken.|||Whether you are arguing for or against religion, I see it like this; I'm right, you're wrong, agree with me or you're a fool. Most people who hate religion tend to be just as preachy as those who...|||I would ask why.|||I do not argue with children. Grow up and try to have a debate without resorting to disrespect and insults. Then I will respond.|||You cannot disprove God anymore than I can prove it. Questioning is all we can do but we will never know because something like God cannot be proven or disproven, you say it's just a construct of the...|||What do you mean 'you people'? HM? I'm indeed standoffish, but it's not because I want to be, I personally won't voice my opinion to someone who can't take criticism, I've never been called...|||Never study or do my work... I get distracted and forget.|||I never claimed that the desire was a conscious one, or I didn't mean to. If you are not consciously selfish, you are subconsciously selfish. As my father once said; 'Put a toy between two toddlers...|||You are entitled to your own opinion, I'm not offended. How often do you want to do something that offers no reward? Never. I believe you might think too highly of people, we do not just want to do...|||I wish I weren't an awkward idiot in the real world.|||Yes. I sometimes even feel the need to lay down. Nothing saps my energy quicker than emotions, I would rather do manual labor.|||It's complicated. Good or bad everything has some sort of selfish motive, but I didn't mean to imply we are purely selfish. I do mean to imply that underneath it all we are all a little bit ugly....|||No, I understand now, thank you. I never said people weren't good, they are just selfish, which I guess could be considered bad to most.|||So you agree? I am merely saying that is how our mind works. Your argument doesn't make sense to me... I apologize.|||But you are doing it because you enjoy doing it. Not because it's right. The pleasure in doing something you think is right is your motive. I also believe there are other motives you might just not...|||thewindlistens, you sir, are a liar, to me or yourself I cannot say.|||Selfish, I wish we were capable of being selfless but we always have ulterior motives when being kind, it's usually to score points with another person, God, society, whoever. My desire to be...|||I like to be right and I like to argue. Most other people do too.|||Ha. I'll start one and charge a 10 dollar monthly fee. I will probably make a 100 dollars a month if I am extremely lucky.|||I wonder if anyone will respond?|||I can't talk to people, I'm awkward at first. I am way to detached from reality, all the time. I spend 80% of my day staring off into space instead of doing my work or developing healthy social...|||I don't fear death, I used to, but I would like to know what happens. If nothing happens and I just rot, what do I care? I'll be dead. If something does happen, awesome, assuming I don't burn in a...|||I have 2 friends, not really close to them. They got into smoking pot and drinking and it pretty much consumed their life and while I enjoy it from time to time, it isn't all I like to do or think...|||I can't be or have not been angry with anyone for more than a day or most of the time a few hours. Holding a grudge requires a lot more commitment and energy than I can muster. Forgive and forget, to...|||I can't handle energetic people, and they seem to always be happy. I hate it when they think I am depressed and have to approach me out of pity. Some girl once ask for my phone number and I later...|||Little Girl: Mommy! Some boy at school pulled my hair. Mom: Oh, honey, he must like you! Little Girl: Hmm...|||It really bugs me that people have this problem when I can't get a single girlfriend. I resent you all, but I get where you are coming from. :>|||Change the subject.|||Not crazy about mint. I like it plain when it's hot and with lemon when it's cold.|||I only drink green tea, but I love it, hot or cold. I don't have it as much as I would like... I should buy some tomorrow.|||Sometimes I will look back on conversations and wonder if I was unknowingly being mocked or messed with. Does that count?|||I know how to find out. Go die. Simple, right?|||We all don't know are selves as much as we think we do. Someone once told me that male Feelers tend to want to believe they are Thinkers. How much research have you committed to this?|||Thinkers and Feelers think differently, but they can be intellectually equal. Thinking as an inferior function does not make you less intelligent.|||I cannot prove it or disprove it. I would like to believe so, though. It is highly unlikely, I will give you that.|||The mind plays tricks, you have to remember all of the bad as well. The person you are talking so fondly of threw you aside without any remorse, she almost immediately started dating again, then she...|||It's funny how someone who dumped you because they were bored, accused you of not valuing the relationship.|||I feel your pain. My mother is the same way.|||It's been a few years since I've cried, but a few movies have had me fighting off tears.|||Is someone who can turn your friends against you and destroy your self-esteem with a song terrifying? Yes.|||This is terrifying.|||Introverts are probably all misunderstood. INTJs seem to be saying that they think differently than others in a way they can't explain. I think you all might have a problem understanding others if...|||Your post is more pointless than the one you are criticizing. Stay on topic. I am determind to learn more about INTJs and all I've learned so far is you all think you're right and determinded to let...
'I was really close friends with an ENFP in college until some stuff tore us apart in our friend group. Years upon years have passed and she made several attempts to fix it, but I was too hurt to let...|||Northern Lights I freaking love your descriptions of this. You have been very helpful. It would seriously be so cool to meet someone so similar to me. Szartsky based on your profile...|||I either get asked why I'm so angry or told that I need to smile at least once a day. It is beyond annoying. I'm also pretty even keeled and content majority of the time as long as I'm allowed to...|||jumbotoo I'm sure there are others out there. We just aren't in the typical spots. I wish more women were similar to me. I might have some girl friends then...|||We went hiking yesterday and it was disheartening to not be able to enjoy the summit completely due to other hikers. Some girl kept babbling about how she hiked all the way up herself and her friends...|||HAHAH omg yes I am a bit controlling. Good to know I fit you 95%. Part of my need for clarification is that my brother is also INTP/ISTP. I'm trying to observe him in person (he moved out of the...|||I'm not confused about who I am. The descriptions are confused. haha|||Blue Ribbon Harsh indeed. I obviously wrote this after I was interrupted multiple times by my coworkers to answer the same repetitive questions and the ESFJ over the wall was going on and on...|||OMG this just made my morning. LMAO|||Northern Lights Your description was very helpful. It appears that I have been confusing/misinterpreting which cognitive functions my traits fall into. Now that I read your perspective, I think I...|||jumbotoo Chicks can be so uptight about the weirdest things. As if it's not obvious based on a guy's eye movement and facial shifts that they want to sleep with you. It's the same gesture. If...|||Despite the fact that I haven't met any healthy INFPs who don't come across as bitter and cynical, I don't HATE their type. Bitter unhealthy INTJ's are horrible cocky douches and your encounter was...|||I have had this conversation with my INTJ partner at length. We used to fight a lot because he would do something different than I would have done. My argument typically included me slinging the...|||pwowq People tend to notice actions over words, so if you are able to figure out and fix something they have been stumped on for months, it becomes noteworthy. I am the go to person when...|||I've outlined my special needs. Please review and sign here. I need a replacement mom. One who won't slap me. And who will bed me.|||I'm going to kill you. You can scream for them. I do like the chase.|||I work at the morgue. I happen to like corpses. Can you play dead well? I'll put you on ice. Don't make a fucking sound.|||Tell me your safe word?|||Pregnant? No birth control needed.|||That is hilarious. I seriously wish I had another ISTP in my life. Everyone seems so freaking boring, concerned what everyone else thinks, and uptight. Bah conventionalists.|||Thanks for this thread. I was on the fence for over a year, but have finally narrowed it down to ISTP. Now I'm trying to figure my brother out. He's also either INTP or ISTP. I thought he was the...|||OMG haha you might be getting me started on the next big rabbit hole. I'll have to let you know when I can read it at home. My work computer is blocking the link right now. So lame.|||I thought that would be the dead give away too, but I don't just willy nilly tinker with them. I fix them if they need fixed to save money. Otherwise I get ass raped at shops thinking I'm just...|||Thank you Candy Apple , so I'm not hallucinating. I think this may have been environmental. My dad is an ESTJ and mom is INFP. I was a little daddy's girl as a kid and am still very close with...|||Candy Apple That's very in line what I have been reading. However that doesn't really help me when my perception of Se and Ne is blurred as well as Ni and Si. I feel like I do a lot of it all....|||haha I do this to a crazy extent, sometimes even when it makes no sense just because I don't want to fit into the expected. My mom calls me her Rebel without a cause. I drive myself nuts sometimes.|||I was always so excited to be 18 to be rid of retarded restrictions for things. Although Murdock is right, living adult life is expensive. I find it disheartening that I am unable to doing things I...|||I just posted a thread to sort of get a similar answer. Does Se have to utilize touch? I collect data via all sorts of means and was assuming it was Se. However, now reading more about Ne and Si,...|||I read over a bunch of the forums on here as well as a ton of ISTP vs INTP comparison, but I feel I need to ask for input from people who have interacted with these types for some clarity. Ix92m...|||Oh lord, I've BEGGED to be moved into the broom closet, if that would make it happen. Sadly, they won't move me anywhere except 1 desk over, which solves nothing. I'm not a shy person at all, I just...|||That's an interesting perspective and helpful. So some take it as a personal offense that we would rather keep to ourselves.|||That was sort of the point I was trying to get to, although now looking back my post sounds cynical and/or depressing. It was not my intension. I try to read the situation and act accordingly. I...|||That sounds absolutely awful!!! ENTJ's can be pretty overbearing. I've met quite a few. The more I get to know them the less I like them.|||I don't necessarily agree with that. There are a couple of my coworkers that go out of their way to bother me and laugh about it because they know it irritates me.|||You dehydrate yourself at work so you can avoid walking to the bathroom and therefore interacting with anyone along the way.|||You ruin someone's birthday and have no clue why. haha|||You would rather be in a natural disaster situation than consoling someone about a love life dilemma.|||Are extroverts oblivious to the fact that introverts want to be left alone or are they purposely trying to ruin our day? I avoid eye contact like it's my job, walking with my head down or angled...|||You ask how do you feel? when discussing relationship issues with you Thinker partner and wonder why they shut down.|||You know you are an Introvert when you're biggest fear is having Extroverted children.|||I'm a little disappointed that there are no posts in this thread yet.|||I totally agree. When I made my comment I was referring to the INTJ since they prize logic. But they tend to let their Fi override and block logic sometimes. At least my SO does.|||I can relate to the fear of change. My INTJ gets very set in his ways. Even on the smallest things like saying I want to do Legs at the gym but you get there and everyone is on the Legs equipment so...|||I'm pretty sure I sit, walk, and talk like a guy, but I have very feminine looks. I just prefer comfort and feeling natural than feeling like I have to act a certain way to fit in. I dress for...|||OMG SJ's drive me nuts with that crap. You poor thing!|||I'm ISTP - living in the moment, always busy, a million hobbies and projects going at any given time, no nonsense yet has childlike energy and quirks, sarcastic, funny apparently, can't understand...|||Maybe this is me pointing out that obvious thing that the INTJ misses, but.... INTJ's say they are not hard to read and if someone isn't sure, they should just ask. So, why not take the same...|||OMG he says this to me all the time. It literally does not compute for me, but I know how he is. ^Ditch comment, hilarious. I leave him alone for 5 minutes and he falls in a ditch. We hike a...|||Pretty much. I'm always elaborating and then look at his face, shake my head hopelessly, and just say, you'll know it when you see it.|||I know this is way late for the post date, but... I spent many months debating between ISTP and INTP myself. This test helped me. INTP or ISTP Test - CelebrityTypes.com I also realized...'
'I think kind behaviour can come from inner strength or weakness, and that there's a difference between being genuinely kind and being an overly accommodating doormat. When I am kind it's usually...|||Too many sticky threads for my taste... </disagreeable grumbling>|||I think I have feelings. Ew. Should I stomp them? It wouldn't be pleasant, but I can't let them run around like this! What if they bite? I could get rabies and die!|||So she went behind my back and complained to the landlord about me. When that didn't work, she went behind the landlord's back and complained to the tenancy tribunal about him. That didn't work...|||ISFJ is the big one for me. I know a few of them and we actually get along really well... until we start getting too close. A specific ISFJ and I have ongoing problems because neither of us has the...|||I received my first summons yesterday. My flatmate's reaction was 'HA HA YOU HAVE TO DO JURY DUTY LOL' My mum once told me that my granddad was really unlucky because he apparently got summoned so...|||Your words struck me that way. Whether you're actually like that, I don't know. Any proof that liking efficiency reduces the value you place on human life in the pipeline?|||Never. I read some school reports my mum saved from when I was six years old. They describe a 6-year-old INTP haha. However, I have been known to behave more like a different type (ENTP or ENTJ...|||I used to live with an ENTJ who could be quite critical. Not actually arrogant, but easily misinterpreted as such. As in, I'm going to explain this to you step-by-step. That way, you won't keep...|||That is much more familiar. Still can't say I'm sold on INTP as his type. The whole goal-setting, high ambition thing seems a bit out of character for an INTP. An INTP on a mission to implement some...|||Agreed. That seems like some kind of wizardry to me. INTPs like to dissect and check and build things. I could see ideas coming out of nowhere, but then they would be taken apart and recombined...|||I do that. I also do it when I'm reading music... can't really use 'but I preserved the meaning' as an excuse there haha.|||Hmm... well, Shostakovich 11 is conveniently an hour long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO2gqtw3rbw|||Yeah, I majored in music and there were a few INTPs and INTJs around. There were people of all types, actually. I don't think type affects your inclination towards art, but it might affect how the...|||I agreed to give a dude my number because he said he needed musicians for his studio. Several irritating text messages later, I'm certain he never had any intention of employing me and is only...|||Video: How to Do a Flat on the Viola | eHow - Something about this lady's demeanour scares the crap out of me. It's almost as if she's being extremely sarcastic or biting back barely suppressed...|||I don't know about being an assassin, but can tell you from experience that competition is fierce in the slacker field. Long hours, too.|||This is weird. Attraction is not something I experience very often. Nobody has distracted me like this in... well... ever? And the stupid thing is that I don't actually know anything about him, not...|||Without a degree I have nothing in the eyes of an employer. To pursue my ultimate dream and that is to work in the game industry. Games? I wanna make games is what most of my classmates...|||I feel lucky that so many of my friends are classical musicians. Of course it doesn't mean we all have the same taste, haha. People are looking for different experiences from music. Some people only...|||But what does it mean to you? I hate this question above all others.|||We did pretty much the same test over here: http://personalitycafe.com/personality-test-resources/11281-reading-peoples-facial-expressions.html I was surprised to score 36. I tried to ignore my...|||People just want to stay in their safe little bubble and not have you come along and burst it. #322 & #323 “My friend group has a case of the Creepy Dude. How do we clear that up?” |...|||RPG whinge: it's annoying when NPCs keep referring to how attractive your character is when you're trying to roleplay a character who's ugly :P|||if(INTP.shouldStudy()){ perC.browse(); }|||I know what you're talking about. Luckily, I don't mind walking in front of lines. As for why it happens, here's my guess: People who are talking to each other naturally stick together. Some people...|||Compliments are a band-aid solution for insecurities. They don't really get at the root of the problem. Unfortunately I'm not socially awesome enough to tell you what to say, but maybe you can try to...|||I have successfully subscribed. Thanks for the videos, looking forward to seeing more (:|||I normally just tell people that I majored in violin, but it was properly titled Classical Performance. Love performing in an orchestra. Hate performing solo. Tangent: classical performance screws...|||All of them haha. I got to play symphony no. 6 a couple of months ago, and no. 5 is coming up in August (excite!) If I wasn't a violinist, I'd want to play the french horn. ...|||Not today. I have exams in two weeks, so I quit coffee just this past Monday and replaced it with hot chocolate. They say it's addictive but I don't really feel any different, except that I...|||Even the language is unprofessional. I'm surprised anyone actually gives money to this website. There is almost nothing the INFP will do in order to avoid conflict. Eh?|||I have one eyeliner pencil and some lip glosses but they are all very old and almost unused. Sometimes I feel like looking pretty is a game that other people play but I don't really understand. On...|||How to be an idiot: Put pie in oven. Wait an hour. Retrieve delicious pie! - oh. Oven not turned on. No delicious pie... yet.|||Sometimes I teach violin. I recently asked a student if I could tune his violin for him and his mother said, 'No, we've already had it professionally tuned.' I mean, it's okay for her not to know...|||'As a woman, I find it difficult to reverse into angled car parks.' She then looked at me as though I was going to corroborate that I, too, cannot park a car, and it is indeed because I am female. I...|||Information is interpreted data. Information is barely sufficient. These are the only things I can remember from INFO101.|||Repetition? Unfortunately repetition is essential, but if you can focus you can make it rewarding instead of boring. If you feel bored, you are practising wrong and you should either work on...|||Huh? I find that they treat the nerds like total caricatures who have to fail at everyday life just so we can have a way to laugh down at them. Whoever said you can't think too much while watching...|||I did a BMus in performance but I'm no concert soloist, haha. It is an incredibly, incredibly hard path that you want to walk, and I suspect that might be why your teacher doesn't encourage you to...|||Always an INTP, though I did go through a stage of trying my very best to be an ESFP. The things that happen to you can easily affect your behaviour, but won't necessarily change you at your core. I...|||Jane Eyre, then I'll read Sense and Sensibility. I'm on a mission to read the classics.|||I don't suppose there's anyone who sees the value in both small talk and the pursuit of knowledge.|||Eat and sleep properly. Don't stay up til 2am unless you can afford to stay in bed til 10 the next morning. Focus in class so you don't have to spend as much of your valuable internet-browsing time...|||I suspect you can score up to 100% in either direction, otherwise the maximum score in anything would be 50%. You could think of it as scoring -11 extraverted.|||Musical > Logical > Visual/Spatial I'm studying, but sometimes I work as a violinist.|||It's pretty! Reminds me a little bit of Stravinsky and a little bit of Sibelius. And quite a lot of playing video games and watching movies :P|||You casually throw a witty, flirty, original pick-up line at someone... without meaning it that way. When you finally realise how forward it must have seemed, you get confused and clam up for a day...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2_F42A6cFs It's a bit long because there are two movements here. It's all good stuff but the first 9 minutes or so (Passacaglia) is definitely recommended listening.|||1) I don't know how to answer this question other than I don't put myself into situations like that. I guess I'd go borrow $200 from the bank to replace it. 2) Apparently I'm an idiot and I'd...'
Just to make things clear, my ex was 100% an INFJ. She tested that way from MBTI and Kersey and pretty much matched the book description. My best friend is an INFP and I work with several. I have...|||Thanks everyone for posting. This person does seem a little different, but as any of you who have been badly hurt in life know things that remind you of painful experiences can bring out a knee jerk...|||It's been a while since I've been on PerC but life has driven me back here. I'm hoping some of you INFJs can give me some help. I was married for 12 miserable years to an INFJ. She was very...|||I type him as a INFP. I have a INFP friend who is pretty much Po in human form.|||Any Suggestions? Looking to edit youtube vids.|||Ok, so as an ENTP I'm very prone to over thinking things. I'm very proud of my small sliver of Iroquois ancestry (1/64th) and think it's shameful how most of America has just moved on without...|||I've found both ESTPs and ISTPs great people to do things with. They're fun, spontainious and will take just about any date. I've never dated either type though and I'm sure that could complicate...|||Have you ever meditated? Settling yourself and breathing deeply helps with the stress. Until your world moves on you are going to have a lot of stress. You can't escape it, but you can deal with...|||I don't know your dad or the back story. He may be really frustrated. I'd say just be honest with him and tell him that before he can expect to have influence over your life he just needs to be...|||I have more thanks than posts, thank you. How does that feel? Fealing isn't rational, but it is judging. It may use input but there's no method behind the method.|||Just google the ennegram.|||No idea, but it's worth a try. Whatcha doing next weekend?|||Spa gift certs.|||Yup, we always have a comeback. That's why she needs to understand you too.|||Your friend is probably an ENTP or an ENTJ. I'd bet an ENTP. Get her into MBTI, that will give you a chance to explain who you are as an ENFP. NTs, especially young ones, have to think their way...|||in 10 years your major probably won't even matter, let alone your GPA. It does give you a good headstart, but it's not everything.|||You cannot think your way through feelings. You have to feel your way through them. Turn you massive brain off and go with how you feel. It's hard and awkward but very doable. Drinking taught me...|||I was home schooled as well, but I don't really have any regrets about that. I started taking college classes when I was 14 but never graduated with a degree. I do regret not finishing my degree. ...|||ESTPs and ISTPs are both good people to do things with. They're a lot of fun. Just don't expect them to want to hear about how you're redoing one of Einstein's theories.|||Welcome to the party! No jam here. But people do occasionaly take jello shots.|||Yup, this is always a good idea. You may even want to report it to the police. I'm shocked everyone is taking it so lightly in your school relevent to recent events. Odds are good nothing with...|||Just watch this http://youtu.be/LjbvnlSXrpk|||Water, sleep and exercise. I don't know anything about Candida, but probiotics help a lot of stomach problems. Make sure you sleep 8+ hours a night. Our bodies can fight a lot of problems, but...|||If you want a job at a major corporation get a 4 year degree in something usefull. Doesn't really matter what as long as it isn't Pre-Revolution Pottery Techiniques of Reformist in West Virginia or...|||Try poking around google+|||To go to bed, wish granted. I love myself.|||What, to be an EP I have to want to get things done on days I have nothing scheduled???? I tend to be overly focused but trust me I know how to waste a day off.|||Most of us drop out of college long before then. It would really depend on the financial impact of the decision.|||I don't know you, so I'm shooting in the dark here. But it may be a good idea to realize people can be your friend without becoming emotionally close to you. You need both types of friends. Take...|||If I had to bet - ENFP. Have you tried a kiersey based test? I personally think they are the most accurate.|||ENFPs always bring the party. We never have enough of them. Welcome to the Cafe!|||You probably should post this in the INFP forum. You'll probably hear a lot of similar stories there. You need to find a good friend to reinforce you. One of my best friends is an INFP and we...|||You're probably in a very negative enviroment at the moment. That kills the motivation of every INFP I know. Find a place for positive reinforcement then plod on to victory in the other areas of...|||Join the chess club. No, I'm serious. I have several INTP friends and they do well in situations around other NTs. Find a chess club, debate club, local dungeon and dragons club. Anyplace you're...|||I was married to an INFJ for 12 years. The thing I learned is she very muched needed someone to be emotionally close too. You need to find that person in your life. Don't try and ENTP, we don't...|||I had an extremely bad experience with an INFJ (Ex-wife) and although I find them very hot will never touch one again. You want nice emotional order in the world and I'm a bringer of chaos. Bad...|||We can never be strong enough to save our loved ones. From what you've said you weren't a coward, you wanted to be there for him. I hadn't thought about it in a while but I felt the same way when...|||It doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. Over the next 10 years your life will be in flux a lot and things will keep changing. Do what you want, where you want right now. Follow your dreams. ...|||I lost my father when I was 21. It will be 12 years ago on January 1st. While the intense grief won't be there forever, the hole in your heart will. No one can every be another father to you. ...|||Thanks guys. I should mention my mom lives 15 minutes from me and I see her 2-3 times a week. I do want to spend time with her. It is just that I'm on edge around her because of this.|||It may be hard for you to follow a traditional law path and be satisfied. The key is to know why you like something and what you truely like doing. If you can find a way to fulfill who you want to...|||I'm having some issues with my mother. I'm in my 30s and she is in her 60s. I'm nearly done with a divorce and she has terminal cancer. My father passed away about 12 years ago. She is an ENTJ if...|||Something very different that the last date.|||ENTPs are interested in systems. People are systems too.|||I learned this technique from a micro-managing ENTJ that it took 3-4 years to get out of my business. Always stay focused on productivity. Tell that manager how much you hate it when people make...|||It's cuz we're soo much smarter. Ne first rocks the world. They spend days, weeks, even years trying to figure something out and we Ne it in 30 seconds. Just because we don't write down the steps...|||The funny thing is that Kiersy wrote about how Idealists (NFs) hate lables and things that divide people, so in hating lables you're living up to your own! Now there are type haters, even here. ...|||And you're an INFJ at the moment....|||She does seem to rant like an ENTP, but she uses more sensor type wording so ESTP is possible too. She is funny either way.|||Than go find another ENTP! I have very developed Ti, so I can understand. I use it in all my personal decisions and I tend to fixate romantically more than most ENTPs, but probably not as much as...
'What do you mean. i thought Myers Bridds was a percentage of each letter, you could be only 50% extrovert or 90% Can't it be the same with F and and S?|||I think I might be borderline. It did come up in a test once. But most test tell me I am a ESTJ|||I don't deal very well with rejection at all. I like everyone to love me and I go out of my way to make sure that people do. But that only applies to people I want to befriend. If i hate your guts...|||Star Wars MBTI Chart | Geek in Heels I found this on Facebook. Seriously what do you guys think? That's a bit extreme... but when I show my friends they didn't say NO WAY! I wanted to be...|||my picture is in my profile|||This is got to be the worse week of my life, after my brother's death|||It's all over now. THE WORTH THING EVER. don't even think about it|||Oh it's nice to read something good about us for once lol :)|||Oh I have mixed feeling about this. I HATE the marketing of Christmas and all the gifts exchange that goes with it. But I like buying present if i am not under pressure to do so. If i am please by...|||I would love not to have to lecture it would mean the world would be perfect for me. I rant a lot especially @ work. sometimes my colleagues tell me to shut up when i have gone too far or overdone...|||yes we do love, but not always express the love in the most obvious manner. example: I love my mum, I don't see her often because I live abroad. she has just spent one week with me. I planned the...|||Hi, I grew up with my single mum. I know my father and meet up with him sometime but he never contributed financially or emotionaly to my upbringing. Hence why I don't celebrate Father's. He always...|||I do enjoy a good deep discussion but like someone mentioned before you end up talking about death. At work I often trigger conversations or debates from something I say but I am rarely the one that...|||Maybe try to take on her chores, if she always does the cooking do it for example. Other way is to plan a day with her, like quality time and do something like a relaxing day spa, or just a massage...|||So reading all this, how do you go from being an unhealthy ESTJ to a healthy one?|||I love being busy. But I always plan some down time too (otherwise I get run down and ill). I do a lot of sport, mainly rugby, train twice a week then games on Sundays. Then I have to fit the gym,...|||I am/ was in a ESTJ ,ESTJ relationship. In a middle of a break up. Don't really know what is going on. I called it off although I was the one most attached. Arguments were frequents. I couldn't...|||I am not trying to offend anyone or be racist but I have been in the UK for a bit and dated a lot of English and foreign men. I have lived in France and in the West indies. I have friends of lots of...|||Same I never impulse buy and I like to buy random gift. I check my bank account everyday and keep a very good track of my finances. Always looking for a bargain, a refund or a discount :). Never pay...|||It depends on the situation. I have apologized in the past when I have gone too far (I am pretty good at hurting people with the truth and shake their confidence to the core) or if i have made them...|||Very often, I will not back down of a heated argument, but later I might think about your arguments and if they are valid I will change my attitude. I always say that I love sales people, because...|||After 2 weeks of cheating on my boyfriend, i decided to call it off. its over. i am not better off, but he deserved better that this|||Day number 3 of cheating on my 7 months BF. I do like him a lot but i am obsessed by my Limerance object/ boss. One is real, the other psychologically satisfying. I hate being a cheat. I haven't had...|||my rising sun is on virgo and is very stong, i make list for everything, i love it|||I think homosexuality exists since antiquity, maybe as old as human history. so why wouldn't it be natural? maybe religious believes made us think that it is wrong. i don t think it is a trend. it...|||Especially in terms of friend. I have always chosen my friends, I am very suspicious of people choosing me as a friend because I think what do they want from me lol|||ha ha that always happens to me when my work colleagues go to the coffee machine and ask me if I would like a drink. Do I need the caffeine intake? I am driving far later? am I doing any sport? am I...|||Well I tried cut him off for 8 long months and I am now back to square one...|||I know for sure the outcome is not gonna be good. But how bad does it get?|||Maybe he should give you a to do list before he goes to work, and you can agree what you want to do or what you can't do. At leat like this he cannot be disappointed when something is not done. But...|||I am the same. something useful. I always have a list of stuff I need/ want but can't afford yet. So anything from that list. Clothes, accessories from my favorite shops. But I do appreciate a ...|||This is totally what I am going through with another ESTJ. Heart and mind are fighting all the time. I call them good and bad side. I want to be good and stay away (he has got a gf) but at the first...|||I know 3 male ESTJs|||Female here!|||I don't think lying is ever appropriate. Because one lie often brings more lies to cover up for the first one. I hate liars. I never heard anyone being thankful for being lied to. Everyone appreciate...|||I never used to look at thanks until now you have mentioned it. I just want to espress myself. But I do thank people if I agree with someone's idea or if they make me laugh and I have nothing to add...|||feel free to spell check, english is not my first language|||So why would we limit the natural selection to suicide or mental illnesses? If we think that way then why giving medicine for anything? By then we would have been resistant to almost most form of...|||That does make more sense|||people that are able to make me do a 180 are: sales people and people I care about that can sell me what they are talking about. If you present something new to me like a nice glossy brochure and...|||I am quite annoyed by that comment. It shows a lack of tolerence. It's not like we have chosen our type. You are judging all of us on your perception of the world and your encounter of a few of us....|||I also think we takemuch longer to open up. Before I can qualify someone as friend there must be a lot of trust in place, which obviously takes time to build. So yes maybe at first we might appear...|||I knew someone would mention us :-)|||Wow, I am glad ESTJs are not on the list. I think the coldness is just a perception if you are a warm person. I have a ISTJ friend and he can appear cold but I like him like that. He does not...|||My best friend is a ISTJ and I have never seen any violence directed towards me but I have heard stuff from his ex. I think he wasnot very nice to her. I went on holiday with him recently, and...|||Off course we can change. If we realize we are doing something wrong , off course we cannot be hypocrytes and carry on doing it. I have doing 180s more than once in my life if I see that i am onthe...|||I just can't go throught this, whneis it gonna stop. I just want him out of my head, I want to be normal again. The thoughts are creeping our of nowhere! I was so down and low last night after having...|||Today was soooo hard. It took me all my willpower to ignore him. I had to text my friend so many times to stop me. But i id it:happy:|||Don't worry, I am sure you meant no harm, I was just shocked by my loss of control (being a ESTJ kind of the worse thing ever). My life is busy, always. That leminence is in the background of...|||Ok, just read about it and the flood gates are shut now. It will go away and I am doing the right thing. And now I know there is no way in the world that anything can happen. And I am not the only...'
'For example he wants to make wall to defend USA against smuggling of narcotics, it seems to be Fe judging and Si together. And he speaks about new work places for more people, it can be also his Fe...|||Nothing personal to anybody, just saying. And one more thing: He doesn't look like introvert but more like extrovert. I mean i can recognize ESFJ's because they stand in a special relationship to...|||It seems to me that Donald Trump is ESFJ.|||It helps a lot thank you:D As INTP i notice what people are talking about and i can recognize their moods, i see when somebody is tired or happy. I am aware of atmosphere in a group. I will ask my...|||My girlfriend is ISFP type and I am INTP. We have been together more than 2.5 year now. We want to marry each other in near future. I think this summer. I was reading about ISFP-INTP,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjVQ36NhbMk&list=PLW6U6oYMkBiANNDDwnUkosZXhlGxYTb_m|||Intj|||thanks to what you write i can understand better my girlfriend, she is ISFP, i admire her so much, we are together almost eight months thx|||https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXE_i1lKJ55IO4FH63t9GLGsnNvxMlZNK5hhtmUopILJzQ2bDi|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dy9ncVdhgM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve9cBwI-pAg|||http://www.brenthaydey.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/sleep_cat.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6HEAvWYQxk|||I have written this before but with some errors, so one more time: Mom ISFP (4w3 ) Dad INTJ I am not 100% sure about the others: brother ISTP sister ENFP (or ENTP) sister INTJ ( She seems...|||http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/317/8/9/adventure_time_mbti_chart_by_ivan2294-d5kutyk.png For example INTP: In my youth, I was much like you. Motivated, hero strong, wore a silly...|||My dream now is to live in Japan and get know people there (I can learn much in this way) I think that it can be wonderful. I have to learn this language enough ( it can take about one year but I...|||There is something stupid with IQ tests. I found in the internet for example this: IQ tests are 'fundamentally flawed' and using them alone to measure intelligence is a 'fallacy', study finds -...|||INTP 1.) Going to bed knowing you can sleep for as long as you want OR a compliment from a stranger. 2.) The smell of freshly-baked bread OR a full fridge after grocery shopping. 3.)...|||I found it helpful to understand this things: It's from: An INTP Profile|||If you suck, everyone sucks.:sad: We are just people. I think for often that my future are bleak too, I know it's depressing, but what can we really know about future? It can be surprising. I can...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcAg0yDa5Cg|||I found this in internet: There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that play the devil. Truth can lie since half-truths are deceptive...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfXLL57T0ls|||http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/gorgeous-autumn-leaves-windows-8-wallpaper/traces-of-autumn-leaves-windows-8-wallpaper,1366x768,60451.jpg|||I'm thinking about that I should go to bed now.|||http://www.google.no/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=-ijMdG6E8d-oBM&tbnid=7ytSCIoJoLuWkM:&ved=0CAYQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marciewrites.com%2Fconfused-about-marcie-wri...|||Walking (for example) in a forest, playing with animals, reading, listening to music, writing diary.|||One avocado, one orange, five nuts, and ginger tea. (It's quite late here.)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE5nW0vaQ8I|||Taste of water. Sound of rain when I fall asleep.|||I remember only one time. It was more than 10 years ago when my uncle passed away.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcnvM2Eg_Rc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psLd4UBj52E|||breath of fresh air|||My dad is INTJ. I like him very much. We are similar but the way we think are quite different. He can be fanny and serious too. My mom is ISFP. She is quite different but the way we think are ......|||Really only one thing. When I was seven years old, my 26 years old brother died. (It's not painful to think about him now after so many years). My parents were very sad I can't imagine how. ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf8e3OozHlI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg0tJwc4ol8|||Why did you say that? Was it because of that I wrote? I don't often like theory, it seems to by strange for INTP but it's only my philosophy. It doesn't need to mean that I don't use theories. I...|||I thought that INTP are INTp in Socionics. I found there that the best relationship for INTp is with ESFp. I have started to believe that it was true, that they understand each other very well and...|||Yes, I know but I like Ghibli and I don't know much about the others. I can watch something new in the future.|||I'm INTP and look up to ESFP or ISFP (they are maybe most different than INTP , ESFP:Se, Fi, Te, Ni. Shadow functions Si, Fe, Ti, Ne ISFP: Fi, Se, Ni, Te. Shadow functions Fe, Si, Ne, Ti INTP:...|||I can't choose which one is the best (I like all of them) Spirited Away Howl's Moving Castle Princess Mononoke Whisper of the Heart Castle in the Sky My Neighbor Totoro Porco Rosso The Cat...|||lentils|||To sausages, piece of bread, pickles, one orange, ( I drank jasmine tea too). (But it was 1 pm and I'm hungry again now:))|||I'm not ISFP but I agree with this, I like it very much ( I would like to change my avatar and use this picture but people can be confused ( mix up INTP and IFSP): ...|||Yes!:)|||Didn't work. perhaps now: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/KSteel/emo2.jpg|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/osytek-albums-garden-etc-picture93264-img0017a.html (It's only experiment)|||It's boring to say that something is boring. (Is it potentially unpopular opinion?)'
'1. Yep. Very much so. I was born into a Baptist/Legalistic family and brainwashed for a good deal of my life. It wasn't till I was 19 that I came out of it and took a good look at it for myself....|||It's like seeing a unicorn become the banana king. :3|||And I wouldn't have known what it's like to be truly loved by someone. ;)|||actually...I'd wish you'd continue that thought over some coffee with me? ;)|||Pursue is such an open ended...relative word, wouldn't you agree my dear? ^.^' Who can traverse the unbridled paths of miss-fortuned lovers but those alone who were meant to cross it?|||Dichotomy|||Yep. that just about does it. *lmfao* You're awesome.|||I know this is a really old post, I can't help but comment on how true it is though. All around everything mentioned is quite real for many couples. One thing I've noticed is INFP's are like a grab...|||Heck yeah it is. ;)|||Mkay here's my take on sexy music (video specifically) as an infj. http://youtu.be/vW1hv37imjw What makes it sexy? Well, it's how he's singing and the nuances of his expressive eyes and...|||Never so far. I first took the test as part of a college course and got infj right off the bat. Out of all the kids in the class (about 80-100) I was one of 2 infj's. It was kind of embarrassing...|||My eyes start at the bottom and sort of lift up towards the fading trails in the background. Since it is a realistic photo, my mind wants to breathe fantasy into it. I try to imagine it more like...|||We've all played Checkers and Chess at one time or another I'm sure...even if it was out of boredom at Crackerbarrel. -_- But what I want to know is if certain types favor one over the other or if...|||Oh yeah. I've made it a habit to actively tell friends where I'm laying things like my purse, phone or coat down so I can make sure I don't forget it. After a nice long afternoon at a friend's house...|||Most? while the list could quite possibly be infinite...when I try to quantify it I'd have to say honesty. Without honesty, how can love grow? Deal breaker? gosh...lying to my face. You'll be...|||(Was typing and it took me too long to respond ahaha, I fail: My dear one, rain was not in my original blueprint...I preferred a great mist from the earth to sustain you and the creation around...|||Turn the music up. If it's techno, beat heavy I'll dance all around the room. If it's dark and soul heavy I'll sing like my heart will burst. Try getting me to do that in public...never. XD I...|||It depends SO much on the personality I'm spending time with. For instance, I have one friend (I won't mention her type because it's borderline) who from the moment I see her an energy meter pops up...|||Off the top of my head... Phantom of the Opera and Newsies|||I've heard INFJ from several INTJ's...so it must be right. o.o|||Oh gosh, uhm...big is so relative, haha. Two things. 1) I need to really decide which career I'm going to whole heartily pursue. I've studied and gotten my bachelor's in New Media/graphic design,...|||For me, beauty on the outside is easy to find. I've never been too picky...though every once in while a handsome guy can walk by and practically make me fall to my knees. ^.~ On the inside though,...|||omgoooooosh...there's something terrifying about seeing distant family members after a long time. Especially my cousins...I usually feel like we all have to do this fake dance of hugs and pretend...|||In high school it was analytical geometry. One of the few classes I felt I was actually using my brain in. In college I definitely enjoyed my logic and psychology classes most.|||yellow|||When you walk into a room...take one look at it's IQ...and promptly walk back out.|||It's like Christmas all over again! :D There's rarely something as uplifting to an infj as someone confiding in them. It's kind of like being asked to guard a secret treasure. I should say though, we...|||I don't know any that aren't female (that I can remember). And I haven't hit it off well with the girl's I do know, but I think that's more because they think I don't like them. I'm more reserved...|||Or maybe...I made an account in my sleep... :O omg, where did all this coffee come from?!|||Tyty :) Yeah I know, I thought that was weird...I'm gonna guess it's because I never hit the activation thing until my friend bugged me into getting online....or maybe it doesn't start counting...|||For the most part, I ALWAYS want to be left alone initially when I'm upset due to a fight. If I'm angry, let me leave right when I say I need to or you'll get a mouth full of frustration. I respect...|||Initially, I don't think I'd be able to ask a question. I'd probably fall to the ground and thank him for creating me. Even with all of the terrible events in life...I have seen love, honor, and...|||According to my Chinese Zodiac Pillar...a Fire Tiger.|||INTJ's huh?...hmm. I've known 3 for certain in my life, one of which I dated for some time. WITHOUT romantic interest, they tend to be full of quirky information and are mildly to highly interesting...|||Your moderation is a bit extreme don't you think? ;)|||Touche. I suppose asking if dying in moderation were good or bad might be opening a can of worms? awesome link btw. XD|||hmmm...I told myself I wouldn't just do empty posts for this...sooo tempting... It's more difficult not being able to post links yet too. let's see...how do I feel about both Hitler and Jesus...|||For the most part yes. :) ...like food for sure...spending habits...pets...drinking, lol but other things perhaps not. Would I want it said of me...Her smile and laugh were in moderation. ?...|||Lol, thank you my...conscious? ness? :)|||Tea ...I like it. Green tea is my 2nd favorite next to well brewed and mixed southern sweet tea. ...McDonald's sweet tea is probably cancerous.|||hmmm...oh! I can talk about how I found out my mbti... It was a required test in a college class. I got overly interested when I heard that infj's were the rarest type and researched it pretty hard...|||Heh, and hello there Mr. Cafebot. can I get an espresso? ...oh you're not that kind of bot... well darn.|||*thinks too hard and gives up* let's see...music is nice and ill-targeted... I like sad, dramatic music. It's kind of odd to me when I analyze myself because I'd prefer a full emotion over a...|||Hi world, sorry I'm a standard, overly-common infj so nothing too new here. :rolleyes: I made this account oh...3 years ago and got bored before I posted anything...then I got the bright idea to...'
'Haha, wow, that's interesting for sure. Yeah, I guess I'm ok with being a pixie at times too, but sometimes you just wanna get your feet grounded in reality, be principled and show some tough love. ...|||Being Erica and My So-Called Life. They're sooo good, in the sense that they present real life and real problems in an innovative way.|||So it seems like every time I wanna get to know an extroverted person, they invite me to meet up with a large group of people that I don't know, with loud music, and expect me to be okay with it. ...|||Yeah, super-lovey, head in the clouds, like fairies lol.|||Yeah, I remember when hugs used to mean something lol. I'm used to them now. I think sometimes I just picture this forum as a cult of pixies :P No offence! Everyone here's really nice and...|||Haha. awwww thanks :) It's gettin better. Honestly, being 90% Introverted and a borderline-INTP makes it kind of awkward for me. It feels like an overload of cuteness and poetic responses!|||my bad lol|||Yeah, I'm a type 5 INFP, and it takes me ages to open up. With even girls that I'm more comfortable with, I definitely have to have at least a bunch of solid friendly chats to make things more...|||What's cuter than a bunch of baby INFPs?! :tongue: Post your baby photos here!|||Dreamy dubstep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziJFbRiPUvg|||Alanis Morissette, if she really is an INFP. What a beautiful person :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqgO2OWV0IU|||Great question! I'm not really sure... I think I've read somewhere that it's a product of our upbringing|||The Distribution of Your Scores Type One: 34 Type Two: 23 Type Three: 27 Type Four: 37 Type Five: 54 Type Six: 45 Type Seven: 17 Type Eight: 22|||Wow, this is beautiful :) Thanks for sharing. I think this is her best song yet!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7WJzWbe7oI|||artists: 1. Red Hot Chili Peppers 2. Gyptian 3. Skindred 4. Skrillex 5. Jason Mraz songs: 1. Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers 2. Meet Me at the Corner - Red Hot Chili Peppers|||Do other INFPs feel uncomfortable shaking hands or is it just me? To me it's like, I just met you, why are we holding hands? lol|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyMrZV1I1EM Summery dance pop :)|||If you come to Canada man, there's PLENTY enough to go around =P Canadian girls are awesome.|||Haha, I guess I forgot I was in the INFP forum. In our imaginary worlds, those girls are models :laughing:|||For privacy purposes? Call me paranoid lol.|||Ah, what the heck, I'll post a new one. http://i52.tinypic.com/10hrm2h.jpg I'm surrounded by 3 ghosts of death =D|||+1 Erica seems very INFP too. This show is so idealistic it's ridiculous! Also very awesome :happy:|||INFPs identifying with Luna Lovegood?! SHOCKING!! LOL Haven't read many of the books, only seen the movies. I'm thinkin maybe Neville. I've had my friends compare me to Dobby, and I was pretty...|||It's interesting how most of you view this as a bad thing. I think it's probably a bad thing if you're acting more like the other person than you are yourself. In that scenario, because you're...|||Too damn catchy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8QoB3sifzw|||LOL. When he becomes an all-star centre-fielder and leads us to the World Series, I'll be laughing, and you'll remember this post. *grins* Edit: This deal was HUGE for us, we traded a bunch of...|||My Blue Jays just stole Colby Rasmus from your Cards!! LOL Yuppp, kudos to INFP fashion sense!|||http://i55.tinypic.com/2ms1qi8.jpg|||I'm glad you posted this, cuz this sounds a LOT like me lol. INFP bordering on INTP that used to have everything magically turn out amazing in school lol. Now I'm in university torn between...|||^^ Yuppp, natural beauties for SURE =D The femininity just shines through (kinda helps that they don't cake on the makeup and don't subscribe to labels).|||I have one that I know of. We pretty much only talk when we drink tho lol. Otherwise, we're both wayyy too shy. Softspoken, hipster-ish, artsy, and has a temperament that puts you at ease. That's...|||Hmm, weird lol. The consensus about Scorpios is that they are very secretive and mysterious, hiding within their scorpion shells. Scorpios are usually very hard to read though, so maybe she just...|||I'm Scorpio. It kinda fits cuz its a water sign, Scorpios are very introverted, and you gotta be pretty perceptive to have Scorpio eyes.|||The Red Hot Chili Peppers new single has leaked! http://popdust.com/2011/07/16/red-hot-chili-peppers-adventures-rain-dance-maggie-single-leak/?1310919392 They've definitely gone a different...|||You're welcome guys =D You saw them live, with John?!?! I REALLY hope I can do that in my lifetime.|||I read an interview with John Frusciante, probably my favourite guitarist. And what he says seems distinctly INFP. Not only INFP, but unbelievably mystic and general life philosophy. It really...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn5N-RmPDXc Dancehall, metal, dubstep, and drum n' bass =D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajXePDRO9Q8&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRp1G8Po3tM&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm4Tr9Sy6pk|||Haha, thanks man! It's fun, you should try it.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3C0m07y7Ss Amazing, Amazing song|||Singing and dancing my heart out, drinking till I lose my inhibitions, and being silly with close friends. The best party was actually my birthday at my house, cuz I got to do all 3. =D|||That actually sounds familiar =P Except I just make things up as I go along. If I'm in the mood to dance, I basically look like a spineless Michael Jackson on drugs. I really don't care what...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIm_6JsIQ3Q|||To paraphrase from Being Erica: It's not about not caring what people think, it's about letting caring what people think get in your way. Your parents' opinions, friends' opinions, etc.,...|||Rez, SenhorFrio and vanillabean Thanks for suggesting Being Erica, I watched the first 2 episodes and it's AMAZING! Also love the fact that it shows off Toronto, and I can recognize all the places ...|||I've been meaning to watch that show! Marshall looks like an INFP, because he can be very self-conscious and isn't really the most confident in social settings outside of the group.|||The thing with Introverted girls is that you really have to take charge and push them out of their comfort zone. I've had some experience, mostly unsuccessful, but from what I've seen (moreso for...'
'They will make the time to spend QUALITY time with you and will go to great lengths to ensure you are well taken care of. :)|||I found that I clicked with NFs best though this is no guarantee the relationship will last if both parties aren't willing to put in any effort. It also depends on what stage you are in life, what...|||There's a post on raptitude.com (don't remember the title) but it's related to this post. Basically, the reason why other people see our problems more clearly than we do is because they are detached...|||Ditto. Once INFJs like you and the feeling is mutual, they will make sure you're well taken care of. This includes asking what you've been up to or if there's anything we can do to keep you happy.|||Hey rezo, is that avatar of yours from FF XIV? Yeah to each their own. It depends on what people want to achieve. I'm sure you know the feeling of turning on a game console/pc at 6 pm and then...|||But online games like MMORPGs can be quite addictive and thus making certain people unable to experience real-life interaction to due spending a disproportionate amount of time in front of the...|||Hey, I don't see the need to view crying as a struggle. It's a coping skills, more like a healthy one if done in moderation. In fact, bottling it all up inside is detrimental. Ever noticed the relief...|||I can't even let go of my ipod nano that I bought in July 2007...though there's the occasional need to restart it still works like a charm. I'm thinking how hard that would be to part ways with...|||Hey man, hope you don't find this offensive (it's actually a compliment), but you're way stronger than you think. Give yourself a credit. I don't usually see ENTPs all of a sudden going emotional....|||That you do not have to do what you have always been told.|||The more ENFP + INFJ memes the better|||Yeah I know this is an old thread as well. So old but my undying flames to ENFPs never wither...|||When you realize silence is not always golden.|||When you over-analyze everything.|||Yeah been there done that. One thing I learned was that I could never please everyone.|||^ + 1|||Hey jenecis, simply put it, salvation is earned by grace through the confirmation of faith. Going through life, however, means having to learn what it takes to survive, which is a never ending...|||Noted. Chess pieces? Are you thinking of pawning them all ;) ?|||Yeah the MBTI can be a double-edged sword. So how to get out of the self-defeating box that you described in order to improve?|||Ix92ve been here for a while, but this is probably going to be my first thread (aside from the comments/replies in othersx92). If itx92s not apparent already, the world is dominated by S, T, or ST...|||Introverts can reserved or shy. I personally have been experienced both modes, but when I suddenly act like an extravert, the look on people's faces, their dismay, their astonishment... Priceless. ...|||“The point was to learn what it was we feared more: being misunderstood or being betrayed.” ― Adam Levin, The Instructions|||Doing the same mundane stuff over and over, and over|||“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option” (Unknown). I've been treated this way as well. It's just the way humans are. And I'm sure I'll encounter this...|||I'm all ears.|||ENFPs are always welcome here.|||Right, even research has shown that lack of sleep interferes with performance and causes a rise in cortisol, which leads to more stress. The link between physical/mental stress and insufficient rest...|||Glad to hear that. Your post reminded me of a quote by Plato: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.|||Yes, one should treat others in the way he/she would like to be treated. But let's look at this case scenario. I'm the one who expects my closest relatives to care about me but cannot, or I should...|||There was a post in our forum telling that all types, INFJs included, long to be understood. This could be the root cause of all of the chaotic events in the world as empathy is rarely found these...|||Some of the ways to cope with difficult situations: - increasing physical activity - seeking support from friends, family members, or relatives - spirituality|||The biggest misconception that people make is that if that unconditional love is truly the one, then I don't have to do any work. Then when a problem surfaces, I mistakenly think this is not the...|||Hanging around people that I'm not familiar with drains my energy quickly. Sometimes this situation is unavoidable; best to keep the guard up.|||When you welcome yourself, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to the world of indifference where nobody cares about you unless you have something to offer. The INFJ actors (from The Many Faces...|||Those calling us selfish either: - have barely uncovered the first layer of the onion - judge us from our dispassionate facial expressions Frankly speaking, we all have our selfish moments (it's...|||Very well-said. I might add that projecting Fe not only makes others uncomfortable, but us INFJs as well. Showing our vulnerable side in public is probably the last, if not the last, thing we ever...|||+1 As eyes are the window to the soul, the infamous INFJ death stare may have a serious repelling effect to those who have limited experience with Ni-Fe users.|||I have learned that miracles can happen if I have faith and put 100%+ work.|||I was about to mention that, but you said it perfectly.|||A better approach would be to find a healthier way to express negative emotions, and then figure out ways to tackle our issues with or without the help of others. Listening to people's problems is...|||When your professors and parents give you that attitude, how do you respond? How do you cope in the long-term if it's something you have to face on a regular basis? Yeah I was just making a...|||I know what you mean. If someone's venting out, I won't respond by telling them how great my day was. I'll listen and try to avoid talking about me. But most of the time, when it's my turn, they...|||People are just too selfish. What bothers me is that the next thing you know, INFJs are accused of being selfish self-centered individualistic egoists, which is not true at all. Being socially...|||Being perfectionist means striving to be a better version of yourself, not by comparing to others. Is that superiority complex or inferiority complex? Neither. About working in low-paying jobs...|||From the nature vs. nurture debate, personality is a product of genetics and ultimately shaped by the environment in which the person grows up. The hereditary properties have existed since the said...|||Empathy is also possessed by thinkers; they just don't choose to use it that often.|||Sometimes people just can't be open about what they want.|||Quasi-identical relationships as defined by socionics are characterized by major misunderstanding.|||So there's an INFJ living in Toowoomba as well as an ENFP in Brisbane QLD.|||No, it is not. For instance, no matter how giving and selfless a mother is to her son, even though she says she never expects anything back, she will still be grateful if her son at least shows her...'
'Existential thinkers: Like to spend time thinking about philosophical issues such as What is the meaning of life? Try to see beyond the 'here and now', and understand deeper meanings ...|||I think this VALS test is complete nonsense. I got Striver/Achiever......which I felt was the complete opposite of my personality.|||For me I'm very disconnected from emotions. I usually don't realize I'm hurt, sad or angry until there are tears running down my face. Almost as if my body recognizes the emotions I should feel, but...|||I most certainly would want to know the exact time of my death. I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to know. It's not that I'd want to make a 'plan'--gosh how I hate planning, but I think it...|||Sure, I'm a woman and I enjoy being an INTP. I like being classified as 'unique'; INTP females are like .5 -1% of the total population right? Being an INTP is my identity--I like being introverted, I...|||Nope, I have a few friends...and they are all female.|||I'm the oldest, with two younger autistic brothers.|||True, I agree with your entire post with the exception of religion--that doesn't really bother me.|||I absolutely adore manuals. I love finding out everything I can about whatever it is, I don't want to miss anything.|||Hmm....I like to think I'm open-minded and can step into a different mind-set and see things from their point of view. I like that I am never bored, I can always entertain myself...with just...|||1) Where do you all hide? Did the factory just explode at some point? I usually hide at home, but if I'm in public I tend to blend in with my surroundings. I do everything possible to make sure I...|||I don't notice too much of a difference to be honest.|||RAVENCLAW! You scored 24% Slytherin, 52% Ravenclaw, 20% Gryffindor, and 28% Hufflepuff! Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find...|||I definitely relate; I grew up with a mother who is an ENFJ....she lives for communication and sharing feelings, any problem needs to be talked about repeatedly until she feels comfortable to move...|||I don't appreciate poetry at all. It's never appealed to me; I don't find it freeing, interesting or even worth my time.|||I get super obsessive and have to know and understand everything about one little thing. For example when I found out my personality was INTP I read every book I could find, read every summary about...|||This topic fascinates me. I find that it very much so applies to my life. I don't think I ever quite step out of my 'introverted bubble' where no one can reach me...and I think people for the...|||I adore winning, but I've never felt like I have to win. I like the competition, I like the adrenaline and I like the challenge. But I feel uncomfortable if the game is unevenly matched or if the...|||Yeah, this is my life--exactly.|||My memory is extremely strange. My childhood for example, I have very vivid memories of certain things (remembering whole bits of conversations, what things smelled like, my surroundings, the...|||I dwell on my failures big time. I analyze everything I did wrong, what I could have done better....and it just sits and twists in my gut until I finally get distracted by something.|||Usually I can tolerate a lot, I generally shy away from conflict. But these things annoy me: Close-mindedness - Just try to wrap your mind around a different concept than you are used to, it's...|||I've always thought video games were completely pointless. So I guess I'm one of the INTP exceptions.|||While I can relate to forcing myself to express certain emotions.... I think the case for me is I have the emotions, but I don't recognize them. I might express them by smiling or crying, but...|||I've sat for about 10 minutes trying to think of the last time I was excited.....and I'm coming up blank. Some have mentioned getting excited about important changes that will affect their life. For...|||It's extremely hard for me to remember my dreams. If I am lucky I can remember maybe once every four months. But when I do remember my dreams, it's never vivid. I just get a sense of what is...|||Of course there are different levels of introversion. And being introverted isn't about isolation, it's about how you deal with the world and your problems. Such as do you solve your problems...|||It is extremely difficult if not impossible for me to share my creative work with others. First of all the task of actually completing something is difficult all in itself. And then to show someone...|||I'm not very focused--it takes a lot for me to finish something. Also I'm not very good handling emotions of others or what they expect from me.|||I never actively seek out music. I actually don't understand why so many people eat and breathe music--I enjoy my silence. It bothers me when people need to have music playing in the car or any other...|||I do have trouble relating to women, but I feel as though I have trouble relating to everyone. It's not a matter of I feel more comfortable around men than women; I just really have trouble relating...|||I would only talk when asked direct questions. I would nod and occasionally smile if I am supposed to be amused. After awhile if I am reaching my breaking point I would interject and say, I need to...|||My Mother: ENFJ My Father: ISTJ Imagine how surprised they were when they had a child who hated planning. :) When I was younger, my relationship with my mother wasn't good. She would...|||Depending on the situation, A or C is probably what I would do. I'm not really one to sit and feel guilty and very rarely do I shrug something off. In situations like competition/games, I...|||Eh...it depends on the situation. Generally, no...I don't really feel comfortable with public affection. The occasional hand holding or a quick kiss here or there is okay. But it just doesn't...|||I adore being an INTP. I love who I am, but like others have stated....I wish I was a bit more extroverted so it would be easier to meet people. But overall I'm perfectly content being extremely...|||I adore my PC, I can't imagine my life without it.|||Before I attempt to do anything in public, I have to practice it beforehand by myself and go over everything that could go wrong. I need to perfect it, but at the same time I don't want to be so...|||It's very hard for me to let go of stuff, it's not something that comes naturally to me. I think about it too much and analyze everything and anything that could have/did go wrong. For instance...|||I can greatly related to this post. Everything is exactly the same, except I am 2 inches shorter. I hate people I don't know picking me up or resting their elbow on my head (same with people I do...|||What makes me (an INTP) happy: Computers Lots of alone time People who are complicated but laid back No drama Indian Food Sleep Competence Discussions/Debates about my interests|||Of course it depends on the degree of manipulation but this is probably what I would do: If I don't know the person, I usually just give them a look and then walk away. I usually don't feel it...|||I am one of the mythical INTP females. I'm surprised that so many INTP females have said that they would be found at a library. While I adore books, I easily become disinterested in a book about...'
Wow I truly can't answer any of those questions because I can't go back to a time where I didn't feel these things. I think I always felt like I couldn't be a burden to my mother. She had a terrible...|||Excuse me?? I paid for the meal! It was me, not him and it was damned expensive too. I expect him to show me some common courtesy. Oh you didn't like your food? Well you pay next time asshole. If I...|||Can artificial intelligence create intelligence? I don't believe that's possible. Intelligence is a biological trait obtained by millions of years of evolution. (I say millions because it has been a...|||Well I think ISFJs are just one of those types that want to settle down and get married as quickly as possible. So where is there room for personal growth? Getting married and having children are...|||Oh my god...this has been such an ongoing conflict between my parents and I. My mother is an ISFJ and she just doesn't understand how I could possibly want to live my own state, let alone move across...|||We're all confused. I think I replied to this late at night and misread the profile as INTJ. Oh well.|||Sometimes I feel like I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. If I share what's going on in my life or vent, there is a point at which I'm perceived as going to far. You're sharing too much,...|||The issue is that most other personality types feel more freedom to express their emotions and just vent. People are more willing to listen to them. As an INTJ, I rarely ever feel like I can vent...|||Yep.|||My good friend has asperger's syndrome and he's, for the most part, a sweet guy. There are times however, when I would like to smack him for the way he talks to people. Example: The two of us are...|||Why are people getting so offended?|||Did we read the same post?? No. I thought he was actually a she. Which is probably a larger error.... Did I miss something?? I thought the person specified that their significant other was...|||It's funny you should say that... I think INTJs and INFPs have a very similar relationship as ENFJs and ENTPs. In socionics, they call this beneficiary relationships. One has what the other needs,...|||ISFJs are emotionally messy people. I've only ever dealt with ISFJ women so I don't know what ISFJ men are like. I think you have to look at the reality of your situation. He doesn't want to...|||Alternative rock, imo, tends to lean towards having an ambient quality. I think a lot of ITNJs appreciate this because (although we tend to see ourselves as practical and realistic) we truly enjoy...|||That's good that you have a group of friends. I feel like I've been struggling to find this for such a long time, I'm actually on the verge of giving up on that entirely. It makes me sad to admit it,...|||Their honesty doesn't bother me, it's their lack of respect that bothers me. I know what they think about other women, who wouldn't know that sort of thing?? The fact that they will say these...|||Awful awful dating experiences. I tend to be completely unimportant to any men I date. They are regularly crude around me because they don't seem to respect me. I have never been asked out by a man...|||I love you guys, but our relationships and friendships never last. At least this is the case for me, which is why I tend to give up on it quickly. 1. You're flaky. I can't deal with people who...|||I'm going to be 100% honest here. I absolutely hate being an INTJ female. There are various reasons, but I think the most obvious is the extreme alienation that goes along with it. I feel like I try...|||How about this...I feel like my friend treated me like I wasn't important, therefore I consider he behavior indicative of someone who is a jerk. We're dealing with introverted feeling here, not...|||Am I the only person who prefers non fiction?? One of my favorites is a book called The Fives Points by Tyler Anbinder. I also really enjoy a book called King Leopold's Ghost. Another...|||1. My entire life experience has been pretty dysfunctional 2. I always tried to overcome dysfunction by thinking way way ahead of the game. This has helped me in many cases throughout my...|||I happen to have an INTJ friend oddly enough. She can be nice and friendly when we get together, but then she can also be strangely aloof and rude for some reason. Example: My INTJ friend lives in...|||I always thought Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption was an INTJ. Sherlock Holmes has always fascinated me. Willy Wonka As for INTJ female characters? That's a tough one. I always...|||I think you're over analyzing this and seeing things that aren't there. I can't read anyone's mind :/ Remember, they are introverts so they feel very calm and at peace with each other. It's not...|||Think about the functions: 1. Introverted Intuition 2. Extroverted Thinking 3. Introverted feeling 4. Extroverted sensing. We see a dilapidated building everyday on our way to work. Our brain...|||I wrote the post at like two in the morning and wrote introverted thinking instead of extroverted. Please stop over analyzing. I wasn't aware of the fact that we were in a classroom and I was...|||I have like two INTJ friends. Sometimes I find that the immature ones are a bit abrasive as someone else put it. That being said, the two INTJ friends and I always have really terrific...|||I don't think socionics is really helpful. It's like the numerology of Personality Assessments.|||No...it's called I made a typo...Jesus..|||It's called a typo asshole. Seriously??|||Why probably? Could be an ISTJ...occasionally we are confused for each other. ISTPs as well. 1. My memories tend to be very impressionistic. They are really flashes of impressionistic things,...|||Hey, thanks for the reply! I'll go search for that video I'm glad to be of help. LOl, ah that explains it. You see, I live in the United States. So we are a very emotional, in the moment...|||Hey, thanks for the reply! I'll go search for that video I'm glad to be of help. LOl, ah that explains it. You see, I live in the United States. So we are a very emotional, in the moment...|||INTJs live in the clouds. Their heads are constantly in the clouds because that is where they do all of their imagining. We really can't help it because it's our dominant function; so it's an...|||Can I see this video?? What you're describing is not toxic shame, just...your one of the mill shame. We all feel it and it's natural to feel that when others are disappointed in us. It's a natural...|||Hmm. Maybe they're butthurt because you're being rude...Seriously??|||I'm so grateful social media didn't exist when I was in school...I can't imagine having to deal with that. Why would anyone want to be on display constantly? I don't get these people who put pictures...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HBmtq0q_wQ I made a short film when I was applying to film school. It is a fictitious short documentary. I've also done some photography, which is on my...|||I tend to do most of my thinking at night and I have this restless energy. Even when I know I need to get up early the next morning, I find it incredibly difficult to get up the next day. I'd rather...|||You're singing my song seriously... My moods and self esteem have been like a roller coaster for my entire life. I used to think it was completely my fault, but I began to realize that I am the...|||No way?? How is there no way? The thing about Donald Trump is that he's perfectly capable of looking at things in a logical way, except that his Si gets in the way. The man is a firm supporter of...|||I've never actually taken a real IQ test, but just out of high school I scored around 150ish? I tend to score high in some parts and lower in other parts. In terms of reading comprehension, numerical...|||Hmm, as an INTJ I don't really know how to answer this question. It really depends on what one finds seductive. I think NT women can certainly go for this look if they really want to. If they want to...|||Whenever I take these tests I always score very high in Verbal/Linguistic, numerical, and, logical intelligence. Spatial recognition and kinesthetic always tend to be on the lower end....that...|||This is a trait that I do not relate to at all as I have extreme amounts of patience most of the time. I'd argue inhuman amounts of patience that 90% of the people I come into contact typically don't...|||I've been cast aside by too many ENFPs to even explore this pairing. It's great when they're into you, but the second they find someone else is the second they disappear. Oh yeah, I had a friend....|||I'll take them old, I don't care! I sort of prefer being with older guys because I don't have to compete with their smartphones, comic book/dvd collections, or video game consoles.|||Speak for yourself, I will tolerate most glaring or irritating personality flaws for a friendly person to talk to. I think this might be why some of us attract the crazies or older guys. I'm not...
'Sure. Male ISFJs tend to put up an unemotional side (prefer logic over feelings), due to the expectations of society of being a male. In addition to that, most ISFJs do not want to share their...|||Well if you don't count anime stuff, then J-Pop is just a blunder. Famous artists sing songs for anime OP/ED/OST, and a lot of J-Pop is dominated by anime/vocaloid stuff. Just see Nico Nico Douga,...|||Hmm perhaps the ISFJ you are meeting is has put a external Thinking, while deep down he's a Feeler? A lot of male ISFJs are like that, as to fit in the male stereotype (since we are usually described...|||I don't think addiction is always negative, but it sure can be and is perceived as. I mean addicted to helping people is a good thing right? And addicted to happiness is neutral as it's neither...|||Yep just add a dress there and it's perfect!|||I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. You would look even cuter :) Well Uniqlo's been my brand of choice ever since I came to Japan. It's definitely worth a try though. And that is all your cuteness|||Honestly what I believe, there is no such thing as a good Christian/Catholic wife, there is only a good wife. I mean I'm an ISFJ, and I understand that you want to be a good wife like an ISFJ is,...|||Hey, hey, let me tell you a secret here. You want cheap clothes, but with a good quality and design right? Look no further other than UNIQLO! Since it's a Japanese brand, a lot of people in Japan...|||Hahahah yep, if you count getting lost in the streets for 3 hours, it is definitely fun (for me it is) :)! I faced money problems though 2 years ago while visiting Japan, as I went to Akihabara 3...|||I very rarely insult someone now, unless they have really really angered me (which is again, once in 3 years). Before though, during my early puberty days, I insult anybody who gets angry at me...|||Oh I'm not from Japan, but I travel there usually every summer just for fun and to learn their language (summer school). Went to Korea because my mom got into the K-drama craze, my brother's gf...|||I should have been born in Japan, I swear I could meld there so easily. I love their food and culture, follow their customs unknowingly (like bowing heads, never shouting or those Asian stereotype...|||Well the only surefire way I have discovered so far was to completely shut it down. I've had a gaming addiction for about 4 years now, and it got to the point of almost ruining my life. So I...|||I've been learning Japanese for 2 years, and I would say I am a lazy student. I can speak, read and construct sentences, but not at an adequate level, probably N4 level. I should have been N3 by now,...|||Alright I just came back from Korea, and man was it exciting. I got lost in the streets of Jeju for an hour, went to Nami Island (where the Winter Sonata drama was shot), went with my Korean friends...|||Yeah I'm in school too, but it's so competitive and stressful that my friends in general try to avoid talking about it. I mean in 3 people scenarios, I'm fine as the other person could help me carry...|||And may I ask why CL is the queen? I love 2NE1 btw, their MV's are very interesting, especially I am the Best.|||How about Kawada Mami, do you like her music?|||Oh a good answer, thank you. So do you just talk about common things, such as things around you to keep the conversation going? As the only time I can become an extrovert is when I talk about my...|||I hate mainstream American music, so I drifted towards kpop and jpop and it was great. One of my favorites is hot young bloods by park bo young (I think that was the title)|||I'm the opposite though, I am not lenient to people and instead care more about animals. Animals listen, people don't.|||I vaguely understand it now, but still, I hate it whenever I go to an argument with an emotional person. I keep calm in an argument, say the logical things and almost all the time my reasoning is...|||That depends on the ISFJ's closeness/relationship with their religion. If the religion plays a major role in shaping their life or provides more security (which is mostly the case since you can fight...|||I think personally that ISFJs have the need to belong, and usually religion provides this belonging, that they need you and value you. I myself am a Christian/Catholic (still debating on this) by...|||You, yes, you. That is like all the ESTJ girls I have seen. Usually relates to guys more, loves to debate, attracts the free-spirited, the alpha-female a.k.a Mom, more masculine in personality but...|||Wow, those are just what I expected of the ESTJ women's desired traits. Though could you explain to me what passive aggressive and not playing the victim mean? I never understood it. .|||I agree, the best relationships start out as friendship, but then when girls start to have close guy friends, the girls start to lose interest in him right (I mean you have a guy with the perfect...|||Yeah in society people generally equate intelligence with scores. I quite hate it but that's the only surefire way to measure one's ability to think critically.|||This might be a bit biased, but our society have gender differentiation, and being a guy, I am always expected to start the conversation first (which gets annoying sometimes).|||Ok the general rule for all ISFJs is that we fear rejection, no? We crave acceptance from others, especially our loved ones, and if we don't get that we go in depression mode. Depression mode...|||Well I know at heart I am an ISFJ male, but due to society's standards and views of what a male should be like, and the school program I attend to (International Baccalaureate or IB), I feel that I...|||Can you explain more about the boring and adventurous part? What is boring to you, and what is adventurous to you? Such as are they like a good talker, or does extreme sports, stuff like that. ...|||Ok, most of it is what I expected, except 6 and 7. 6 came as a surprise, as I thought ESTJs prefer other E's due to their outgoing nature. 7 though, can you please elaborate? Best friends? Isn't...|||So ESTJ women, what do you prefer in a mate? The qualities/characteristics/stereotypes, how they dress up, etc. Anything. Also are these a must?: - Hard Working - Gets good grades (in...|||Your signature, please, it is beautiful but it's making my head dizzy. Back to topic, I see your ISFJ mate is a healthy type. The unhealthy ones are very controlling in an indirect way. Good job...|||Oh, my mistake then. I just thought that since most male ISFJ feel that they are a bit feminine, they have to fit into society's expectations. I mean male ISFJs are caring, nice, passive, reserved,...|||Well male ISFJs feel they have a duty to conform to male gender stereotypes. We on the outside express what society sees as manly, but on the inside we're likely a bit opposite on that. I don't know...|||Yes, I create a professional cold persona in public, staying quiet and expressionless. Once in the company of friends or family though, I go full retard and become a crazy extrovert.|||Agree with niss. Guys in general gain their confidence and joy through respect, either from your loved ones or friends or coworkers or boss, and many more. Respect usually defines us, so we like it....|||Wow that's good to know, very good to know in fact. Wouldn't want beautiful you being second place right? It also shows that he's definitely not an ISFJ, since ISFJs is loyal almost to their death if...|||Just to clarify, it was not inappropriate touching. We just do it to get a laugh from friends, and he sometimes teases me with pinching me painfully (it hurts quite a bit) but I don't get pissed or...|||The thing is that I usually do that to him everyday, just to get his reaction and he usually gets annoyed but that's it. I was surprised when he got really angry that time (rarely happens) and could...|||Hmm understood. Is it THAT bad? Can you elaborate why?|||So to the INTPs, specifically the males, what do you do when you get angry? So in the morning I was touching my INTP friend, though he was cranky and asked me to stop. In the end I just gave him a...|||Hmm, well then I guess I'll try to find out more about the other personality types. Thank you :)|||Ooh, seems like I'm not an anomaly. I thought we needed to fit exactly like the description given, thanks for the heads up! :)|||What this guy said. You could either choose the path of safety, or risk the path of danger. Safety means you stop trying, nothing will happen yet you won't feel content/happy. Danger means you keep...|||Well, I've been thinking lately. Some people identify themselves as ISFJ, and ISFJ are usually typed as hardworking individuals who are caring, nice and avoids conflict. Yet I myself am not as...|||Seems I'm late to a party, but just wanted to give you a tip. Keep in touch with him and reassure him that you won't leave/lose interest in him. We need that trust, that commitment, as if you leave...|||The amount of dreamers here are so much, going second is explorer, so much people... Well my results were: Anchor By The Book, Buttoned Down, Stalwart Anchors have an affinity for...'
'Is there an alternative way to have a breast crease?|||I'm not a doctor, but you'll need to see one.|||Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 84 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 114 of 200 You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits|||Warning: I will chew you up and spit you out in an argument.|||Do you have verbal diarrhea? How does it come out. For me, I just can't stop once I start. If I'm on a roll in a public setting with jokes or insults, I just keep going until the other person(s)...|||Warning: May be unintentionally (or lowkey intentionally) offensive when on a roll with jokes.|||I know you were intending to flatter and I should hate you but instead I'm flattered.|||Thanks. I think it's supposed to be biology sketches. They look like little plants, the text Fig.7 or No. 2, and what looks like cell multiplication, but might just be the inside of a cell....|||I think it's the Illuminati.|||For me it was just gas.|||I love them and my best friend is one. He's so special to me. We barely speak because life is really chaotic, but he's such a genuinely interesting and challenging person. It's fun to banter with him...|||242106 Greetings.|||1. If not superior, I definitely don't consider them equal to me, if that answers your second question. 2. No, I threaten the social. I take their lunch money.|||223082|||Be witty. Show me what I'm working with.|||:crazy:|||207602 I look mean.|||Something a little out of the ordinary for me: House hunting and home projects.|||I honestly never answer people on time and would get agitated almost instantly if someone badgered me for answers.|||188658 I'm more of a poser than anything else. I also look much sweeter in pictures.|||Though, to be honest, as an ENTP woman, I've gotten a lot of comments about how intimidating I am -- solely because I exhibit traits that are 'uncommon' for women. So... My revised addition is......|||INTJ for me.|||Polyamory makes no sense to people who are taught that feelings are mutually exclusive to the concept of mono-love. Polyamory makes complete sense to people who are taught or grow to feel otherwise....|||1.) What annoyed you most about any SPs you've known? Depends on cognitive func. but mostly, irrational, unstable (but who am I to talk), unyielding to ideas, not usually interested in depth in...|||It might just be me. I might just be misanthropic and awful. But I don't know how to (initially) get along with some people. Sure, I love to have laughs and joke around. But some people don't inspire...|||Oh my god, this is such a pressing issue in my life at this very moment. My room has recently gone through a transition from being moderately organized with some cluttered areas to being completely...|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10304355_10203402548258570_6958196694587292490_n.jpg Dressed up with somewhere to go.|||I'd like to apologize for all those who had to be exposed to me in big doses.|||I think I love you.|||Moar people.|||down.|||Well, shit guys. I'm late again!|||ENFJs are great in bed. Thanks for existing.|||I think that when I was young my personality was very much as it is now. I was funny, loved attention, intelligent, didn't do well in class but I was endearing enough that my teachers didn't mind, I...|||I don't draw very well, but I used to really enjoy it. That said, I never finish anything I start.|||He and I are close and I flirt with him in ways that are extreme even for me. Plus we have a history. How could he not tell me if he did? I can only assume he doesn't and thus I am bound to be...|||Also I hope INTJs know how terrifying it is to discuss feelings with you. I love you all, I hope you know.|||Shared how? I'm lost. But yeah, I've been completely crazy over one and I can't understand why he doesn't just attack me with feels and run away with me. We're clearly both attracted to each...|||Thanks for being super great but emotionally unavailable, INTJs! xox|||Hey, I'm from Toronto. Hurray, Canadians!|||Meh, I love him dearly and hope we'll be friends one day. He is a bit of a child. Actually. I'm older than him. I do think ISFJs are so genuinely sweet and darling. But we all have dark sides.|||It got so bad. I don't know if we'll ever be friends again. He's ignoring me now. I must've really hurt him because he never ignored me before. But how much insecure shit am I supposed to take?|||Oh I'm aware he's very unhealthy. He had many redeeming qualities, many many many. But for the most part, he was overwrought with flaws and weaknesses that I never could combat. He inspired so much...|||Self-pitying, overly emotional about nothing, unwilling to work on self without constant prodding, easily overwhelmed, avoidant... But this is a biased opinion.|||Blue and orange are my least favourite.|||You called me a flight risk Like I was a caged bird fighting my way out. But you should have known you can’t make a woman happy By being perfect for her. Sometimes you need to be unavailable,...|||When I cut someone out of my life, I do so in a way that cannot be reconnected. I must sever the ties so that no roots remain To grow. That is why, at times, I clasp my hands and fear their...|||Being in love with me Is inadvisable. I will make you wonder If the sole reason you met me Was to understand loss.|||Just a personal poll, how many men here wear fedoras and own a MRA shirt?|||I'm open to marrying you, so if you're interested...'
'Where does your wisdom come from? Specifically, I liked the part about optimists avoiding the bad. Avoidance is usually seen as a negative coping mechanism, but here it sounds positive.|||Commerce is too business-extroverted-people related for me. I'm planning on clinical psychology, but I don't know where to go from there.|||PLEASE tell me which type you think I am! (Don't say A just because I'm curious about how I come across to others. The curiosity is personal, but we all have personal inquiries now and then).|||I've wondered why we INTJs care so much about proper grammar. It seems more like a sensing issue than an intuitive one. Even though it bugs me when there are errors in books (hello editor -...|||Nope, PA not FL. Where did the whole Nate the Great thing come from anyway?|||I've always preferred the temperaments, too. The cognitive functions theory has a lot of correct points, but I don't think everything it contains is accurate. So far, though, I haven't found any...|||More female friends|||Most definately. Or if not, then something related to it. What label has been applied I can't exactly say as no one's ever said it to my face. I just get the looks, you know? At least I think...|||Caffeine - no. It physically hurts me (which actually can be the effect for some introverts). Soda - no. Sometimes when it's diet AND caffeine free, but at that point I think, why not just have...|||I sit right up front. That way, I don't have to see all the uninterested faces and make class more miserable for myself than it has to be. Ha ha. I usually find something at least somewhat -...|||I eat to live. This doesn't mean I don't enjoy food. I do. I like either doing things in abundance or doing them at a high intensity, though. Since eating intensely (swallowing w/o chewing much I...|||Why do you think you're weird?|||I don't drink or do drugs. I like having control of my mind. Any alteration - even if it's positive - is unnatural. I really dislike making the unnatural a part of me. TV and all that is...|||Introverts have been proven to be use more acetylcholine; extraverts use more dopamine.|||NatetheGreat someone had that nickname at the hs I went to. I don't think my hs was thug infested, but then again I wasn't really part of my hs. I did my work and that's about it. Do I know you?|||RainetheWolf, that was how I felt when I took my composition 2 class! It involved critical thinking so I thought I'd be excellent at it, but it turns out my professor was a STRONG S, and she...|||How could you NOT think about this? Though it's true as an introvert that I would prefer a small group of friends or sometimes even no one around at all, the fact that I feel that way just seems so...|||I guess the glasses aren't pointless then (they ARE increasing my GPA). They're just boring in the highest! What about the fact that I must take these boring classes? Are you suggesting I try to...|||I usually withdraw from the world with utmost gladness. It's only when I'm talking about something that interests me (psychology or philosophy primarily) that I become a confident presenter. Well...|||OK cool. This fits. I'm 5w4.|||I'll be a sophomore in college this fall, and I go to a liberal arts school. I can't stand the way we're required to take general education classes in order to expose us to variety or something....|||I'd prefer words to images. (Not that I wasn't confusing readers enough already with my post.)|||It's just that most INTJs I know are terrified of public speaking.|||hard scienceu2002 x96noun any of the natural or physical sciences, as chemistry, biology, physics, or astronomy, in which aspects of the universe are investigated by means of hypotheses and...|||I'm 5 w 4 for what it's worth.|||The hard sciences bore me to tears. The soft are fun though as long as I don't have to get emotionally involved - contradiction much? I know.|||Absolutely. I wonder if it's any coincidence that I always feel cold (temperature wise)?|||Michael I LOVE LOVE LOVE your post! That was so beautiful it hurts so much!!! You have GOT IT! Don't feel bad about going on and on because I got upset when I had to stop reading because I...|||I highly agree with INTJs as being scientists. However, I absolutely hate the fields of physics and chemistry. I like doing experients, but not with potions and such. I like doing life...|||Come on now. Who else out there uses isolation and withdrawing as almost a life rule? People suck and I don't give a f*** a great proportion of the time. Why do you put up with nonsense? Love?|||I've done my research and I'm definitely INTJ. I can be highly outgoing though and have no fear of public speaking. Somewhere along the line I heard about these special type introverts and I was...|||I was wondering when someone else was going to show his or her true introvert self! I had acquaintances in hs, not really friends. People I spoke to about schoolwork if I could.|||I second this completely! I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), yet I'm NT and calm as well? It doesn't add up. Even if Kiersey was looking for the overall pattern, I have a...|||I listen to mostly pop music - I'm 19 I guess. I listen to the lyrics, but I imagine how they could apply to my life. If the song's about a relationship, since I'm not all that experienced, I might...|||Maybe it's set to the N's?|||^^ You're on to something (about me that I thank you for because I haven't figured it out myself yet). Can you go into selfish productivity more? That feels like what I mean. Having the...|||The concept is rather obvious, but I think HannibalLecter brought it up because he was feeling a strong agreement with the statement at the time of his post.|||I also love if people correct me on something I wasn't aware of. If I've done my research, I'll be pissed at people for correcting me (then feel grateful later if I realize they really did point out...|||I thought you were putting the last two quotes together!|||I guess I should explain further (to myself and you all). I don't just want productivity; it's very true that even doing something like watching TV is accomplishing a task. I want admirable...|||I like this - I like ALL the replies, but this whole short vs. long term concept never so simply occured to me. I'm definitely a long-term productivity seeker. I maybe get distracted by the...|||Tine and I started to get this thought in her feelings thread, but I decided to open it up specifically here. Who out there is also a highly sensitive person (HSP)? We sense (through our five...|||It's so cool that I found another HSP buddy! You prove my theory wrong that we're all INTJs too. Don't worry, I like being proved wrong (or right) cuz that means I can move on, searching for more...|||My dad keeps presenting this idea to me, and I typed him as ENFP...I wonder? I'm a highly sensitive person. This results in my feelings being so powerful they can shock my body so much so that I...|||This coloring the font red/blue is a technique I use when I'm doing my own fun research. Must be an NT thing :)|||INSIGHTFUL OBSERVATIONS: Empecinado mentioned that the plot is already known. As T's, analyzation is a joy inexplainable. I believe N relates to the joy in finding more (new - not ever...|||JHBowden, opinion may not have been the best word. Viewpoint/perspective may have been better. I just was curious to how other NT's thought about this topic. Kiwigrl, of course you're always...|||I do it more to myself. Choosing to listen to others and let their ideas bother me is MY decision after all.|||Some parts of that were so dead on I literally felt pain (it hurts me to be understand I suppose because it's uncomfortable to me. It's uncomfy because I'm so unused to it). The interest part...|||Peter: (I keep addressing you this way - by name- because quoting your entire passage would waste space, and I have a serious aversion to waste - I think an I pattern). I have always pondered...'
Rim In some approximate order, it seems like you make a decision about the rightness or wrongness of something, defend that position, judge yourself and find yourself wanting, judge others and...|||Rim, how do you react when your buttons are pushed? I mean, beyond just criticality, rationalizing, and projection. What goes through your mind? Inferior Te and Inferior Fe can have many...|||Sorry for not responding to the earlier reply after posting those links! I'm in the process of moving house. I would just add that I think you're focusing more on Fi and Se at the moment because...|||Thanks for clarifying, I hope I didn't offend with the overemphasis on the social anxiety :happy: That makes a lot of sense. I'm warming to the idea of Ni-dom for you, though I still vote for...|||cool :kitteh: I could definitely see ISFP or INTJ for you with a well-developed tertiary in either case. Maybe you could look at the INJ and IFP childhood profiles and see if either of them...|||TrippedOnReality Since you're new here, how'd you come up with the username? What does it mean to you?|||Neat. So you're facing the river (at its mouth), and it flows past you but not through you in to the ocean of the past? Do I have it right?|||Ah, her, i believe, it's confusing with the avatar :happy: but yeah. I agree, she's a tough one to type! I know what you mean about the focus on external judgment. It does look like Fe, on the...|||I know exactly what you mean about feeling jealous of other people's brainstorming. If it helps, most brainstormers are not very skilled at winnowing ideas or finding the most appropriate idea for a...|||:laughing: Do you find it easier to come up with new ideas, or to evaluate existing ones? Do you find yourself naturally critical of ideas when people propose them, as if you're looking for the...|||Cool. This was mostly just for fun and to see how you would respond, it's hardly definitive. From some page back in the INFJ forum, and stolen earlier from elsewhere on PerC: Possibly NP...|||Your perception of time is beautiful and inspiring :-) Loads of Ne in there. Or Ni :-) Inure, if you take a look here, do you find yourself relating to any of the four cognitive styles? I'm...|||FacelessBeauty I'm responding to your post directly because you narrowed in on some interesting points. I'm not meaning to single you out, but specific points that you brought up made aspects of...|||Inure, sorry to drag you back in to this, but can you talk for a moment about how you perceive time?|||Hi abigaleblues, I dunno if you're still interested in hearing any feedback at this point, but on the off chance that you are ... First off, you appear to use either a behind-the-scenes or...|||:laughing: :crazy:|||I sympathize. I'm sure you're not a dumbass or you wouldn't be here :happy:|||Hi Overflow, thanks for the invite! I thought your photo response was pure Fi/Ne, I got the sense that you were making use of possibility-projection at a million miles an hour to give us all a...|||Ack, sorry for the brusqeueness of the last post! I was running out the door when I wrote it. There's no need to rush to type! If you're feeling stressed out or confused, the individual type...|||I think knowing how to handle social encounters is more of an experience thing. Our functions might drive us to experiences that we're more inclined to, so an Fe-dom will probably develop social...|||No problem, I'm glad I could help clarify things for you. Well, there's this theory of a cogitive function shadow personality which bears the the same functions as you but with the orientation...|||BimboBarbie, I understand the desire to help and the pain at being shot down when you're just giving your opinion, but calling somebody a weirdo when they're putting a great deal of trust in you by...|||So would you say that before you had these experiences, you'd react more emotionally when you were engaging with people? Or do you mean that as you've developed your thinking, you've gained...|||My apologies, I didn't mean to imply that you were. I was just curious what qualities you think of when you think of ISTPs or ESTPs. It's the way Ti works sometimes, assuming that other people are...|||I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure it doesn't help you in trying to figure this all out :unsure: I dunno. The things you talk about are all pretty common INFJ issues, you know? Patterns of...|||Thanks for that! I hadn't seen JungyesMBTIno's post yet, it's a good read :happy: I need to give it some time to process ... I'm not sure this will help. Part of this is just rewording...|||I'm glad you like it here :kitteh: Definitely stay a while, explore the different forums and chat with people, understanding is a journey!|||INTPs tend to interact with the environment through their ideas and use the myriad of possibilities in their heads to further refine their ideas. INTJs tend to want to observe more first, they're...|||I'm seeing a lot of balance between T and F, and pretty much zero Fi. Your perception seems very inward-directed as well. There's many pointers towards possible inferior Se, so INFJ is certainly...|||And even the enneagram tritype test isn't great :unsure: I think by looking at many different factors we can get a much better picture, but ultimately introspection, serious thought, and time are all...|||You really appear to operate on the Se-Ni axis, and your Se presents very strongly for an INFJ. You seem to have quite a lot of zest for life. Would you say this is true of yourself?|||Hi Aim, I think you do lead with your Feeling function. That's been consistent in both Cognitive function tests and in your original post. Can you talk about why you related more to Si/Ne?|||Ack, I know you just went through a bunch of effort, but do you mind trying this test instead? I think it will give us all a more clear picture of what's going on.|||Yeah, I think the desire to create art can stem from any function, you just see a difference of motivations involved. Ni-doms and Fi-doms are driven to explore art as expression of their internal...|||SO TRUE. It took me ages and tons of reading and time alone to process things to feel any kind of confidence in my understanding of cognitive functions and archetypes. I feel the same way about...|||Interesting. I don't see anything pointing to a specific type here, other than strong hints of subjective feeling. INFJs are sometimes weekend exhibitionists thanks to inferior Se, and can be...|||Hi Opulent, I understand your frustration. Hope I can help to clarify things for you. Te Te Te ... good lord this is very Te. :sad: I'm glad to hear that it's balanced out a bit and...|||Hi Cherryblossom, If you don't mind me asking, approximately how old are you? Also, can you describe the nature of your flexibility and spontenaity?|||It's important to understand the role that function order as well as the functions themselves play in type. The auxiliary function is the function we parent with, what the ego sends out in to the...|||Hi Aim, I get a strong Fi-dominant vibe off of you, with an Se focus on the present and physicality. I'd definitely look in to ISFP, with INFP as a possibility. ESFP or ENFP would be outside...|||Cuervo, you shouldn't be apologizing, you didn't do anything wrong and certainly weren't being rude! With that response, you definitely use Fe. I get a strong Ne-Si vibe from your responses, a...|||Ummm ... I feel a bit like an invader, seeing as I'm not a christian ... but as a spiritual person, I've been moved to tears by this song (well, really, by this whole album). Written, incidentally,...|||Definintely Ti-dom from your sense of disconnect around values and emotions. Your answser to question 6 points to a well-differentiated Ne function as well, and your writing style has the typical...|||Yay Sims! I've never assigned enneagram attributes to my sims when I play, but I regularly and strictly assign MBTI/JCF types to them, with the strict requirement that all my sims have a negative...|||LOL! I really hope that yelling at computers doesn't make you crazy, cause I do it all the fing time :laughing: I don't think there's anything abnormal about it. Technology is fundamentally...|||Doesn't look like 1024rot13 to me. I 1024rot13'd this message and it just looks like the same message! ps, make sure you don't 2048rot13 your message and time travel with it back to 1998 or you'll...|||I know, right? I'm always forgetting to rewind my CDs :frustrating:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LMmugjs1kw Perfect for those Ti-channeling moments. I find most music distracting when I'm trying to think, but Die Kunst der Fuge provides some kind of...|||Look out, NF invading your humor-sphere! This is NT humor. I especially like the 3rot13 command and the turbo command. maybe is pretty schweet, too :laughing: Aaaaaaand now I feel old.|||It's not easy being around someone who's behaving violently regardless of where it's directed - it can be a pretty triggering experience, especially if we think of the object as a proxy for...
'I don't think iNTPs are that serious. Maybe in person, but reading some of the posts people make on here, there's no way you can't tell me they haven't got a F function developed. It's worth asking...|||i'd rather be the opposite. i fucking hate feelings; they induce ADD.|||Isn't it ironic that the INTP, with their independence of mind, needs to reaffirm his or herself constantly?|||Mm, typology's been a good one to get into; more through the explanation rather than going around trying to type people up. That involves too much interest in other people.|||Most definitely! When I lock into something, I lock in hard. My downfall is, however, that I end up opening the flood gates of my mind and capacity for loving it, and completely drowning friends and...|||That's what I do, but I get the rush. I actually get the sensation of this shit, like oncoming, and have I get shit scared and supress it. Or, stop it. What the fuck is wrong with me.|||I've been using Fe for ages now, and where-in feeling is cool by me, really, it's intense. - it's an reaction to otherwise abject feelings, so rather than sidle with them, I can only assume that...|||No, I got bored about reading about governments. The scale's too big, and it takes too much effort to explain to people; I say that as if my reading endeavours are going to become some turning point,...|||I love it.|||Here's a video of from McDonalds CCTV. After spending the afternoon in the pub, and having a few spliffs outside, I was in McDonalds with friends and we were fucking about big time. A police officer...|||I've heard INFP... INTP can be shi-diculous when you're wanting to get things done. Sometimes it feels like there's too many potential avenues to walk down.|||He's obviously very type proud, defensive, or insecure.|||I'd spend more time with him; don't be so forthcoming. At the minute, it sounds like you're pining a little, and that's fair enough: feelings are feelings. What's good is you understand to him to...|||Whenever I see that a girl is going out of her way to get my attention, I completely disregard it. It sounds insensitive but I find it quite sad.|||Who knows. Of the three relationships I've been in, each one has been as tragic as the last. My thing is I've always been led, bar the last, where we really just got on a ridiculously playful,...|||A bitch has gotta be pretty special before she starts fucking with my energy.|||Dark humour, dead baby jokes, rape/murder jokes, anything goes. How does every black joke start? By looking over your shoulder. What's the difference between a bin full of dead babies and a...|||Compulsive drinking of tea and smoking, music, metaphors of everyday things that can describe people in literature, the thought of writing a book, thinking about how things could be better, working...|||I talked to a girl my brother's messed around quite a lot long term, and she said Honestly, you're the nicest kind of person - my throat felt like EURGH! I awkwardly made some comment about her...|||I ask this, having envision the deep valley of my conscious being from the top, because I realise that more than likely, I often develop attachment to close friends - they become my confidants,...|||I know it's not exclusively meant for social situations, but this reminds me of a former me - adhering to the many people you know as many different people. Sort of like compartmentalized...|||INTFish INTP. When I commit to someone emotionally, I usually do it fully; very open. BIG MISTAKE. Completely cuts out any sort of thinking process, but I put it down to abandonment issues, and...|||I live with two brothers and my mother; I'm in a downstairs room on the back of the house and it joins onto the kitchen - it is horrible, let me tell you. I'm constantly distracted by the sounds of...|||I only function rationally when I know I'm going to be free of any interuptions. I remember when I was about thirteen or fourteen, staying awake playing Metal Gear Solid 'til about 2 in the morning...|||I guess it sort of reminds me of having to write in a card for someone; I didn't have a fucking clue what to write. I stood next to my bosses desk for about 5 minutes whilst he got increasingly...|||You lucky sod! What's your occupation?|||If so, what do you do/where do you go to get it? I guess the question is primarily aimed at those that don't live alone. I moved away in September and felt the great need to connect with people;...|||So many time I've wandered into thought, what seemed like a brief stroll became a marathon, and then BAM! Back in the room, with a strong sense of, oh yeah, reality.|||Oh; well these were like strong impulses from my right brain, so I'm going to put it down to intuition.|||cool story bro|||Then, how would you explain saving penalties? There's no prenotion to be interpreted from that.|||That's a good one actually, history. I've never been interested in history, in what's already happened. Generally though, there's not a great deal I will argue about; if ever I do, they tend to be...|||I thought about this after posting, and fair dues - you can't help the way you feel about something, unless you really ruminate on it and decide for yourself WHY it shouldn't bother you, but I've...|||I think that's really conflicting. In any relationship, people are going to pertain to their own pleasures, do their own thing - it's part of the reason why I think so many relationships fail:...|||My main comprehension of intuition came whilst playing Pro Evolution Soccer, dribbling around players on the pitch. The way the movement of the players works is on an axis of eight directions. When...|||Oh, man... Really!? I see myself as having a great gift that I don't know what to implement to the best - I don't know how to make the most of it. I want it to manifest something amazing, that I can...|||INFPish INTP. I can be very forthcoming with people, enduring, though recently I can't really stand the bullshit of others.|||That GUI/VB is amazing! Kudos.|||I just had a fleeting memory come back to me from years ago. You know you're an INTP when the toughest lad at school tells you you can become anything you want...?|||You've got the whole of the internet to explore; extensive avenues of videos to watch on YouTube, networked together associatively like the complex network of neurons that you've disregarded, neurons...|||Depends; do you want to look at the prevalence of the virus or its physiology?|||Most of mine seem to be ideas for books and film combined with imagery. If I'm listening to a piece of music, I'll get a scenario for some film it may set, and then it'll stick in my brain. Though...|||Anyone who can do this shit well; I mean, interact with people on a one stop social demeanor, I reckon is well in touch with their feelings. In fact, I reckon INTPs are really reclusive FPs.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5U8bqFkpzc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDLXRtbeLg0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0rjIo4awu0|||Top thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drC-0u4ESsk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNybZbghUgo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_wBDYOa_Ew|||Oh, yeah, and I told my friend I didn't like his girlfriend so I'm kind of hoping that doesn't come back and kick me in the arse.|||Growing weed, and selling for mass profit. I've got it all planned out; I'll grow them in tree tops (though I haven't accounted for air pressure, stem flex for root development), or in a shed (where...|||That is just an example, right? You don't actually spend that much time thinking about which ice-cream you want?'
'*tells a joke, but nobody laughs *shares a random, serious thought, and everybody laughs|||I think it always depends on the -SFJ. However, generalizing all -SFJs and INFPs, I thought of the following. If an -SFJ was a rose, I think the INFP's angle on them would be looking up from...|||Interesting... so the difference between Fi and Fe is that Fi-users don't care if others believe the same things as they do?|||... ^ I want a shirt. I feel this way a lot, but I think I'm just in that age group. I don't know if this would work for you, (admittedly, most of the time I say it doesn't work for me, because I...|||I guess there's your reason I like cats better than people xDDDDDD I'm sorry :( I tried.|||I am personally very sensitive, and I totally empathize with your plight if it's how it seems to me. I try to set boundaries to keep myself pleasant, but others don't understand how important the...|||OLD 1. Would you want to live forever and why? Most likely, if the only catch was living forever, because then I would have no excuse to stay bored for very long. I would simply have to try...|||I object because NJ could be chatspeak for ninja and NP doesn't make me think of anything cool. T.T|||My social anxiety was so bad in high school that I couldn't even handle group work, but I tried out for a musical, made it, and stuck with it for the whole three months. Even though I spent most of...|||Seriously, no replies? This forum is really sad! :( Why no bromance, INFPs? And... whatever the girl version of that is?|||^ I want shirts.|||Wheeze I'm sorry for my misinterpretation! I'd feel uncomfortable giving my opinion about why you might do something, since I'm not you, but I didn't realize you were asking for our opinions about...|||Do you feel more afraid of people you see? Perhaps, do you see people here who are like you, and, if so, does that give you more confidence and care approaching others?|||*no words* *only hugs* :(((((((|||Is it because I do things like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xgjUhEG3U Is it sad if I'm perfectly serious?|||I am extremely confident in my Ne. I think either my Fi comes off as Fe, or I have a strong Fe. I'm fairly certain I have Fi. My values are at the core of my expression. Fairness and honesty are...|||What does hairiness have to do with our temperament, though?|||My parents both thought I was a T, which was weird, and some of my friends thought I was an extrovert. Why does no one understand me?? Oh, that's right, I'm an INFP is why. xDDDDDD|||I love having my hair played with and getting hugs and being close to people I like and trust. It makes me sad when people I'm close to don't like hugs and cuddles, though I understand. It really...|||That definitely happens to me. In fact, when I've made friends with someone I haven't felt this way about, I become very confused. This is not how relationships work. I tend to have an instinct...|||Hello, INFJs! This INFP is very, very, very much a perceiver. Because my letters are so similar to yours except in this one regard, I feel it would be a taddddd bit easier to comprehend the enigmatic...|||Mine is an ESTP. True to MBTI, the only things we have in common, temperamentally, have to do with our perceiving. She's SUPER extroverted, and knows someone pretty much everywhere we go. She's...|||This video. ... I don't know why I picked a clip with subtitles, but I love Amy Farrah Fowler in any language. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHsOzsHaEak|||I can hardly be judged for my narcissism. If you were me, you'd understand how fabulous it is up here! Lolzjk (mostly~). From what I understand, true narcissists aren't marked by a high opinion of...|||I thanked your post because thread-revival, yay! (I figure I should clarify I'm good without judgment~ xD Not for any particular reason except that I'm sensitive. Kudos to those of you curious...|||*looks at title**tries to resist temptation* *fails miserably* http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6zlViU5PBPY *cough* Anyway, the actual video. I plan to quote this...|||May I be neologismaker (lowercase g instead of a capital G) please? :D|||I feel like that Sponge I feel... Like a sponge? You know how a sponge picks up all The leftover spaghetti sauce off of What is a strong, clean, white plate underneath? And no matter how many...|||It depends how he acts towards me. If he's also into me, I let him flirt, and don't hold it against him for being completely and totally awkward (if he is; I don't have to be ;D). Then if we keep...|||kittymobile, Seamaid, I do hate this particular socionics website xD except for the descriptions of the kinds of relationships between types. Apparantly INFP and ISTP are the rather compatible...|||Is this analogous with INFPs where Fi does the same thing as Ti except it deals in emotions rather than logic? Ti-gathered knowledge is thorough, precise, and easily tested for truth. Imagine that...|||A man with character who really loves you has the capacity to do all these things, and is more likely to try, than a hormonal little boy who doesn’t love you at all. It’s not her fault to want the...|||I have male and female friends who do this, too. And I'm more of a listener than a talker maybe 5 days out of the week. Sometimes people just prefer to listen if they think you're interesting. ...|||I love that book. I'm reading Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, another classic American social commentary like Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, so I guess Huck Finn is my...|||I have a passion for puns. Especially terrible ones. This morning I realized that my type's functions, and the functions of several other types, line up to create words. Cheesy jokes were born! They...|||When I was five years old my ESFP ran over me with her tricycle. I don't remember this happening, so I must've forgiven her fully enough that my brain didn't think to retain the memory (or, I got a...|||I want to be able to read the word, social phobia like I would the name of an old rival. Oh yea, I remember them... I remember kicking their behind once. Oh gracious, it would be fabulous to...|||You never have to feel lost. The thing about INFPs is that we can pretend to be Js when the cause is important enough. Figure out what you want. Figure out how to get it. And you will get it.|||You know you're an INFP when your imagination is the only place you feel safe (which begs the question: is safety only in the imagination anyway?)|||I've tested as gifted, and I've been in classes with gifted kids most of my life. Honestly, I relate to gifted people equally poorly as regular people. xD|||I don't see myself as a great debater or artist. I see myself as above mediocre. That is, in part, because I'm used to seeing other people better than me. I'm used to being okay with that. After...|||Lawlz, a better question might be: what doesn't intimidate INFPs*? *Obviously a joke ;D|||You know you're an INFP when you envision exactly how you want to raise your children... even though you're not sure if you want children of your own. xD|||This morning, I decided to figure out why Type 2's stress arrow is 8 and its growth arrow is 4. I know 8-ing makes me feel better, but what does 4-ing even feel like? I wondered. Then, I remembered...|||I feel incredibly safe when I'm with my immediate family or my dad's family. I am all me, all the time. I spend most of my life outside of my home and their homes trying to either create or find the...|||http://www.zenfex.com/wp-content/file/smscomp/dancing_troll.gif|||Black-coffee bitter, Acidic tang, Smooth like wine Or a bassline twang-- Peace like tea: Warm memory, But, oh, so far away from me|||1. Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there... 2. I'm looking up towards skyscrapers and sunshine. The sidewalks are very clean and white, like the floors of the Getty museum...|||This evening, I realized: I like him. Unfortunately, this morning, I felt neither ugly nor stupid.|||When I had cats, my friends told me cats couldn't be trained, but they were wrong. Dogs are easy to train because usually they try to figure out why you're saying, No. (I think; I know about cats...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PEGDGxZdzA|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PEGDGxZdzA|||Avicii ill get a youtube vid. just a sec.|||I love my pillows more than my bed ._. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|||I hope this is worth it.|||Hello, this is my first post on here. I have taken the personality type test on here in the past, but I have not used the forums. In the past I have been a strong ISFP, but in the past year, I have...|||honestly, nothing. But that's not what I told everyone. It made me nervous that everyone around me knew what they wanted to be and I had no clue.|||Local Natives - Wide eyes (and all their other songs :3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QjvgWgHKCY|||Your Aspie score: 115 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 96 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits IN/SFP|||You are very lucky. Keep going with it! Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right.|||I rather enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and the two following that one.|||I am an Aries|||I don't really know what to necessarily believe right now. However, I have this image in my mind of a giant (i mean like GIANT. An infinite line) queue of souls(i guess?) somewhere, like limbo....|||Writing letters/thank you notes. I'd rather thank or congratulate someone in person. It's already difficult for me to put my thoughts into words, and I don't want to have a permanent blahblahblah I...|||When I am in public, I KNOW that people aren't looking at me (or i try to convince myself that), but I still feel self conscious. I think it probably has to do with the fact that I like to observe...|||Haven't slept yet.|||Iguana Salad Foot Pie That's how I've always remembered it... ._.|||Norcal. kind of close to sacramento|||Hello, A while ago, before I even joined this forum, I was consistently getting ISFP on my tests. Recently, I've tried a few of the ones listed on this forum. I seem to be in the middle with S and...|||dogs, laptop, MY pillow|||Best: um.. i got an A in choir :3 Worst: history, physics, chemistry, english; specifically book tests >:( i don't read to memorize every single detail. I read for pleasure. oh, and the finding...|||I think I remember being extroverted when i was very young, in early elementary school. I think I changed somewhere in 3rd to 4th grade. I'm thinking it might have been because I was a year younger...|||When I'm put in an unfamiliar setting, it's very difficult for me to try to make friends. I usually just go with the flow and wait for opportunities. If I can't make a friend, then oh well :/ I...|||When you were young did you like to leave home? Did it depend on if you were with or without your parents? Did it depend on the destination?|||i used to cry when i got angry and frustrated. I've made myself to stop tears when that happens now.|||I like the smell of peaches|||Well, finals is finally over. One last day of messing around in school until break :) Tomorrow will be fun.|||I think my procrastination has gone too far. I should be studying for my finals right now. These past few days I've gone and taken all but one of my finals without studying O_O What are your...|||I'd rather melt in and observe from afar. Although, occasionally being in the spotlight is nice when it's for something good :)|||I'm only speaking for myself, but I would be rice. Specifically sticky rice ._.|||1. An easy life 2. An awesome life 3. Being able to draw well I'm so selfish|||Leave, Door, Peep|||march 23, 199X|||I finished learning some a while ago and my teacher got me started on a couple songs. I'll edit this later with the exact song names. Studying (or at least trying to) for finals.|||1.) Artistic - I wish i was more of this. Although my friends tell me I am. 2.) Rebellious - Meh. sometimes 3.) Animal Lovers - of course 4.) Caring of others - man, too much 5.) Too...|||I was just wondering what types of videogames you guys liked (if you do like videogames) I'll write up a few that I really like :) Pokemon (I've stopped buying the games though :/ More like a...|||I enjoy card games. I don't like the games where you have no influence at all on the outcome. There's this korean card game called GoStop that I enjoy. I play that game to gamble with fake money...|||manatee. jk i have no idea.|||I have not had any dreams lately, but some that I remember from a few years back I have no idea what they were about. I remember one where I was sneaking into this highly secured building at...|||1. I enjoy observing my environment. Just like... staring at things and people. 2. I want to live in Korea. 3. I want to capture all the sights I see, but not in a photograph or video. Just in my...|||My friend must have taken the test incorrectly or something -.- He doesn't fit any of these.|||yarg. i couldn't figure out how to edit my post. Unrelated to romantic interests, a two of my best friends that I've had take the test are INTJ and ESTJ. I like talking to my ESTJ friend...|||I am quite sure that this would not last, but I feel attracted to an intj right now. But she's kind of intimidating O_o. I don't know what she actually thinks of me.|||Hello, I am currently learning to play piano and oboe. This is going to be my 11th year of taking piano and my 3rd (2nd? i dont remember ._.) year playing oboe. I find it frustrating when I'm...|||I like serious people. Not people who joke around all the time -.- I always feel embarrassed for those people when I'm around them. I'm not really sure why though. I love my glasses. I never got...|||SAME HERE. I get mad at: judgmental people arrogant people people who do things just so that they can be in control of something. (seriously... i hate these people so much) Being ordered to...|||Piano and oboe!(formerly clarinet) oh and in choir. but that was on accident. Supposed to be in band :dry: Don't like writing at all :('
'Find irony in it.|||Huh Major Depression:Slight Dysthymia:Very Slight Bipolar Disorder:Slight-Moderate Cyclothymia:High Seasonal Affective Disorder:Moderate Postpartum Depression:N/A|||Up until recently I very much doubted I had any attractive qualities at all. But my S.O. appears to have a different opinion about that. The following is his point of view, not mine: Ordev is...|||I may have some bad news for you. INTPs, at least, can be painfully insecure. A mandatory cliché: Date the person, not the type.|||I made an INFJ friend cry by being too distant/not caring enough/wanting to be alone. You know, the usual.|||Tips for fellow INTPs: You don't need to rush. You are not worse than others just because you haven't found a perfect mate yet or had fewer boyfriends/girlfriends than someone. Don't get into...|||I only read the first page and then jumped to the last expecting the continuing pony discussion. Boy, was I naive. Ahem... yeah, I like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Is it even relevant anymore?|||I learn the professor's version of the subject, not the subject itself. That's usually enough to get the best grades. So, to do that: class attendance, minimal assigned reading, then mirroring what...|||You made me go all d'awwww 35760 But seriously, I still read the forum sporadically. I just always was more of a lurker than a poster. So I haven't actually changed in that respect. Still,...|||Oh my, I'd never have expected to get into the hall of fame just because I went and got some booty to reply to Richard's thread. I'm so honored.|||Okay, I had one lying around for a while, complete with a caption. Please disregard the bathroom. Edit: and the quality. http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh634/ordev/1.jpg|||Well, okay, my verdict is that sex is nice. It's fun and pleasurable and brings you closer with the other person. I don't really get the obsessive seeking of sex just for the sake of sex, though....|||Oh, the revelation happened a while ago already http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/92803-dear-richard.html And not only fangirls, mind you.|||I'll just take whoever is left, thank you. I only have the hots for Richard anyway and there's too long a queue over there already|||*cough* Richard *cough*|||I made shittons of drawings for my crush, where my interest was shown in a very unambigious way. When we conversed in person the first few times I was very nervous, yes, but our conversation...|||I'll get back to you on that. Maybe.|||It's a contraction of Ordinary Deviant, the username I made up for myself as a teenager. With time I started thinking that it's kinda meh, though, but couldn't think of anything else I liked, so just...|||Yes, I thought it would be appropriate.|||People used to say that to me a lot, even when I (supposedly) felt happy/content, which actually ruined the (supposedly) good mood I was in. But something happened lately and now I can't get the...|||I've been doing this for the most of this past week, because I met someone, and my brain somehow concluded that this might be my true love without attaching any rationality to this conclusion...|||I doubt it watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=M32HTTaowW8|||Richard, I... http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/941/Handsomeface_original.jpg|||Socially awkward penguin is my second name.|||I'm just hysterically thanking both of you right now. Hope I don't miss the buttons.|||http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lilte6YPpO1qiq96ko1_500.png Let's each adopt an INTP and save this planet. I mean conquer it. What did we want to do with the planet, again?|||Ah, but that would still not fulfill Richard's commandment to procreate. Sorry, Richard! :] Anyway, not possible here. And how did we got on the topic of babies anyway? Geez, I'm not that good at...|||Sorry, I happen to be an evolutionary dead-end. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vAWcUv6d1bg/TPp-fM2HwpI/AAAAAAAAAUk/KymYpAmP2aY/s1600/dont-ask-dont-tell.jpg|||It seems I'm in love. Shit. It feels like hell. And yet... somewhat good. YOU NEVER WARNED ME ABOUT THIS, INTERNET|||When you post an xkcd comic instead of typing out a reply. (apparently not only I do this)|||http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/game_theory.png|||http://www.imageup.ru/img253/908746/huh.png|||http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh634/ordev/IMG_0682.jpg Only please don't start inventing crazy theories about this eye color being somehow genetically superior, mkay? Or... actually, go...|||I decided to clean my desk once in a lifetime and unexpectedly found a photo camera there. I haven't seen it for a year at least. And look, it still works. ...|||She is sitting on the bed. She takes a bite off an apple and gives it to me. I see that there are four seeds of different colors inside. She motions me to eat it. I take a bite. Everything...|||I have a cat who follows me everywhere. I guess we're both lonely.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rluU6BGpKw|||Here's one perspective http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKEjK-7Za6A&feature=g-all-u&context=G2cb63c2FAAAAAAAANAA|||I accidentally learned how such figures of speech are called today in one of my annual getting-lost-browsing-wikipedia moments. I like when that happens.|||http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh634/ordev/DSC001234.jpg Baby-faced since 1990|||Sorry for the derailment, but why do you think so? Isn't it as likely that if(when) humans come into contact with an alien species, this species could be at a lower level of development, or not...|||That's like a human hax, I always feel slightly sociopathic when I do that.|||It was somewhere in the What makes an INTP laugh thread.|||Why do you need to get there with so many books on the first floor?|||Huh, I was planning to read it, too. I liked The French Lieutenant's Woman.|||What's the book?|||Kinkythinker There's a reply with quote button under every post to quote whoever you're replying to. You can also use @ with someone's nickname, like I did, so that this person knows that...|||No, it all went down the tube after logical.|||Just pointing out that out of 12 you think that only 2 or 3 don't fit you (you are unsure about the 2nd one). Is that not many? Mine pretty much coincide with yours. If here the social...|||I did that, then I got fed up and destroyed this persona. Now most people don't like me, because they don't understand me, but I feel better. Maybe. It's a between a sledge-hammer and anvil...'
'Why not both? It's more fun to be open to diffrent possibilities! ;)|||I imagine INFPs as dreamy space prince, dyed hair (natural color or not) and oversized sweater. Idk if i'm wrong but if anyone want to argue my stereotypes please go ahead :'')|||They're cute! A bit awkward, but sensible and gentle.. Their femininity is actually pretty attractive, you just want to hug them and never let go <3|||hey guys ;)|||I often get asked to BE quiet but yeah............|||I really like boy names that start with A, so probably Adam or Alan. In girls, I really like names that are already an existing word like Justice or Hope, I guess it's a cultural thing :p|||Depends in what, if it's something insignificant like who is going to print paper copies faster then I'll just think that the other person competing is an idiot. If it's something big like a sport...|||I wasn't good in school at all lol I would always get distracted by other people and things, I prefered having fun with my friends rather than working and would always get grounded or get a bad...|||I want a dognut but I'm already fat so I can't eat one :( I like the ones with pink topping and rainbow sprinkles.. yum.|||I've got 90, INFJ, 3w2.|||All the time.|||Never happened to me lol Well, maybe one time :crazy: I am either doing other things or I forget that your texted me because I like to keep my notifications clean and tidy and when I get one from...|||What makes you very very sad?|||I've known an ENFJ once. 1) He was one of the most beautiful people I known and still know. Seriously. Eye-candy. 2) He was really fun to be with, he's really like a big brother I felt really...|||Me like drawing, riding motocycle, shooting from gun, wrestling bears and vodka.|||I wonder~ lol Some people mature faster I guess.. I've been an extrovert when I was a little kido, I believe that my introversion is not permanent since I'm naturally an extrovert. Basically I...|||I have gotten confused for an Extrovert before because of my ennegram, it's totally possible. Even though it makes you confused as fuk yourself.|||1) What are your goals/aspirations? Why? I want to help and protect people I love. 2) Out of all of the things you could accomplish, what is the one thing that if you did would make you think...|||These girls that go and cry on tumblr about their mental illnesses and issues..... Aren't INFJ supossed to have at least something in their brain? Also, Hitler. even though i kind of feel bad for...|||Plz help, oh people! You see I am an INFJ. But not a simple INFJ. An INFJ type 3! My INFJ side wants to work in psycology, calm and peace while also helping people. So forensic or criminal...|||Most of my family are Fs, exept my dad and uncle. My mom is INFP and my grandma is INFJ while my grandpa is ENFP. Uncle is ESTP and dad is ISTJ though.|||idk if i want too much but 702353 and i also don'y know what's wrong with the lips but when i first saw the image I was like *_________*-omg|||some|||Are you thinking I'm an idiot?|||And here we go, the most embarassing part of highschool that you actually will remember forever. As I am not the stupidest creature in this bulding I will just frame my thoughts that I can look back...|||One of those stereotypical gay best friends.|||I can't keep secrets......... I try though, and if my sense of friendship and pride is strong enough I will keep it.|||I do lift. Ice-cream from the freezer.|||I've eaten a bag of cheetos and snacked on dryied apples today.. no, i'm not starving myself, i just wasn'y hungry okay???? I'm probably going to end up pigging out in the middle of the...|||WHY THE FUCK DO MY PEDIATRICIAN DOES THAT???? FUCK!!!!!! You know, when they look you in the eyes and say Is everything okay? and then you start to histerically cry saying that nothing is okay?...|||Yeah but still.................... iz scary.|||Wat... I call my black friends nigga and they're fine with it.....|||I guess cuz we make good eye contact and it may seem that we like you romantically, so you like us back? Idk, I believe that attraction, care and love is reflective among humans and as we, INFJs...|||Sometimes i wonder if i am an extremely stupid human and everyone around me had never ever told the truth about anything and they are just very good acctors and that's how the world is set up so...|||Well it's just that logic and feeling are always contradicting themselves for me, and it's hard to figure out when i will be nice or spice, i guess?|||I read about angy ENFPs, haven't read the other one, I'll check it out. Even when they are angry they are facinating lol|||Si?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPRy1B4t5YA&list=RDhDIgwdHJXu8&index=3 Isn't it the most cute and adorable song/music video ever?|||Like, have you EVER seen ENFPs? They are like big dogs full of love that will never break your trust and that will love you until oceans disapear, the sky turns red and chickens learn how to fly....|||My closest friend is an INFP, ad that's it cuz i just don't realise why you have so much close friends tbh|||What happens if you boil a banana?|||How to become fiends with ENFP? Get in their eyesight.|||I was a white knight. Introverted though. From giving my lunch to the poor kid to getting in fights with boys because they were bulliying others. I used to get in trouble because of that though, my...|||That INFJs are unsocial creatures that never come out of their cave. I like doing new things and experiencing new people and places, it's just out of my comfort zone. That INFJs are these...|||I'm feeling like shit because i just ate frenchfries and yesterday before sleep i had bananas with nutella and i feel like a fat piece of shit and i'm so gross i need to go to the gym and clean my...|||*Morning light shining through the window creating geometrical paterns in the room. *The smell of night air mixed with tobacco smoke. <--- one of the strongest ones, can literally stop my panic...|||I don't read books. Books are for intellectuals.|||I want to be the ceregate mother for Milo Yiannopoulos and his future husband.|||Normal hug: Stranger hugs INFJ: INFJ stiffens and starts to panic internally while trying to understand to motifs of the stranger. Friend hugs INFJ: INFJ hugs the friend back. Best friend hugs...|||*goes in with magical INFJ hug*'
'4, 22, 31, 34, 37, 42, 54, 64, 72, 84 17 is the worst number ever and I am crazy|||http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w34/bored1492/deskpot-1.png|||Basically, it's these two combined. The INFPs I have known are articulate, but often carry their subjective opinions with such an air of certainty that it makes them seem stuck in a certain mindset. ...|||They can be very dumb, but speak as if they're intelligent.|||Do you believe in destiny? No, not really. Do you enjoy flirting for its own sake? /vomit Does analyzing complex things give you pleasure just for the sake of the act of analyzing? YUP. ...|||What color is INTJ's socks? White, always white. How do INTJ's take a shower? Soap on chest, then back, then legs, then nether regions, then feet. Shampoo, get lost in thought, rinse, get lost...|||These. The more stressed I become, the more superstitious I become. I tend to start cleaning or doing something mindless, also. I'll also become more distant, usually.|||HSN is awesome QVC is its inferior and odd counterpart Watching those shows is funny for a bit, I get to make fun of the women there. I could stand watching it if they were selling something cool...|||What is your hobby or passion? I'd describe my hobbies as a trinity of sorts: Guitar, Paintball, Videogames. Is it something that will benefit the human race? Maybe someone will hear a tune...|||I've been conditioned by my Hispanic upbringing to be completely fine with hugs and other physical affection. However, when I was younger and just being exposed to it, it was terrible. I'd...|||There are multiple men I know who are in the Men I would fuck if they were women category. EDIT: Also, *weird.|||I prefer you guys when you're nice. Stay nice.|||YouTube - CRUDBUMP: Fuck You If You Don't Like Christmas|||No, but this forum lacks a proper smilie to express what I wanted to Point is I also live in Florida most of the time anyways, I go to college in Alabama|||Exactly this, except add the possibilities of Oregon and Italy also. Sooo... you live in Florida? :laughing:|||To be perfectly clear, I was referencing the Cheveyo-Skycloud debate (sounds grand) I can't explain in words what that argument did to me|||I value the emotions of family and close friends enough to slow me down when making decisions - I often feel that I have to try and balance others' needs and it can be very stressful (I prefer being...|||reading that debate brought me a few years closer to death|||I didn't ask if anyone was enthusiastic about being sick. I asked how they felt about it. One can feel any number of ways: apathetic angry confident disappointed tired disoriented The...|||How do you guys feel about being sick? Personally, I really abhor being sick. I feel it's probably one of the biggest wastes of my time, as I can almost never do any good work when I'm sick. I...|||You sure gave up quickly there. 11 views ain't that much. Are you by any chance... EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED?|||Dancing. Dancing and bullets.|||I don't see how it's awful - it's not like they're my girlfriends or anything. I don't have to be all lovey-dovey for them and that's great to me. But yes be careful around INTJs anyways we're...|||Nothing. Or more truthfully, when somebody mentions that the situation is awkward.|||I usually avoid these types of people as much as possible. Depending on their level of closeness to me (family), I may express my distaste with their style of thought more often. But when dealing...|||* Used 20 times: Tom * Used 19 times: Fuck * Used 17 times: Also * Used 16 times: Fucking * Used 15 times: Time * Used 12 times: Shit * Used 10 times: Auburn * Used...|||To be honest, people will very, very rarely make changes from an argument. It's usually a waste of energy to try and say, Look at it this way, to somebody. Of course, there are certain types of...|||Two ENFP fuckbuddies. It's pretty awesome. They're always asking me questions and it can be fun to answer. They're not particularly smart or anything but they can be pretty random. It's not some...|||I tried to eat pistachios also, but they were more expensive, and it was easier to pinch my tongue or lips on them when trying to bust open a particularly difficult one, so I stopped. D:|||I eat way too god damn much. Though I burn calories extremely fast (I swear I have a higher body temperature because of it). I'll often have cravings for certain types of food: fats, sugars,...|||JD: INFJ Turk: ESFP Carla: ENFJ Elliott Reid: ESFJ Perry: ENTP or INTJ Bob Kelso: ISTJ|||Now that he's dead, what type do you think he was? To be honest, I find it very difficult to guess his type. If I had to take a shot in the dark, I'd say ENFJ.|||YouTube - Julian Casablancas - Tourist with Lyrics|||This. RTS games frustrate me due to their pacing, and how you can't really think up creative strategies - you just have to click very quickly. I absolutely love games like Advance Wars and Fire...|||Pretty much this. All of these combined, or if any one of them really stand out, and I'll love a song. A vocalist can make or break a song for me. Lyrics can be nonsensical - I dislike recordings...|||This isn't to say that I just blindly believed what the article said. All three typings fit with my observations. To me, Obama seems like a very matured ENFP, while Clinton definitely seems ESTJ...|||I trust this article more than a bunch of people on a forum trying to type a person by their TV personalities. They could just as easily be wearing a mask as they could be acting their true...|||^^^ I believe I just provided proof that he is not ENFJ. I mean the article can only be so wrong.|||Something that I've seen over the couple of years I've known MBTI is that I have had a very high tendency to simply clash with the INFJs I have encountered. Well, in a certain way. On a...|||What psychological personality tests reveal about Clinton, Obama, and McCain. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine ENFP|||Coming back to this 12 years later: extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************* (25.2) average useintroverted Sensing (Si) ****************************** (30.2) good...|||Very rarely am I impressed. If I am, it's almost always by other Intuitives, and it's often times another INTJ. I have met an ENFP who never ceased to impress me, however.|||Of the few ENTPs I've met, alot of them seem... stupid. I have a close ENTP friend, and while he's not too terrible to be around with, whenever I bring him around my other friends, they comment...|||Difficult to understand at times. Alot of ENFPs seem to have problems getting what they want to say across clearly, and I end up having to decipher what they're trying to say. It can get very...|||Jesus christ do you bring that list with you to dates also|||It's easy enough to ignore people's drivel on FB. I find it entertaining to make jokes on there, and make fun of people - it also keeps me connected to my friends back home. I don't seem to hate it...|||Irreversible Novelty Train Journey someone care to make sense of that|||Quadruple post wooo|||1. I can run surprisingly fast. 2. I'm attending school at Auburn University as a Biochem major.I'm a Freshman. 3. My father is an INFJ, my mother is an ESFP. I have a step father who is ISTP, and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEbb621s_GI'
Really? I didn't know INTJ has such a bad reputation. Obviously, some fellow INTJ were jerking around and leaving mean comments everywhere so you think we are trying to fit into the stereotype. ...|||They're exactly what I would do. He likes you very much haha.|||Hi from an INTJ. Welcome to the forum :) Do all Ni dom users like daydreaming? Haha|||Well, just to find a solution to fix my problem. I hope someone would suggest some opinions and that's all. And I thought maybe it's not just me who is often criticized.|||I am often criticized for expressing quick and stupid judgement, well especially in this forum :frustrating: Is it just me or is it the arrogance in INTJ? Do you have the same experience?|||Socionics is different from MBTI. That's right. Anyway, my sister is an ESFJ and we used to hate each other. But now, after years of trying to understand each other, we become kind of friends. It...|||How do Si and Se work in practice? If what you have suggested is for Se, what is for Si? Indeed I wanted to say the OP could have some events rather than just talk with sensors. However, I really...|||Another INTJ and religion debate... No, I won't talk about that. :dry: It's hard for us to get along with sensors. I agree with the OP that they use a different language. What WickedQueen has...|||That's one of the best videos about an INTJ I've ever seen. Well, he's right. Only an INTJ can beat an INTJ. Cool~ INTP and INTJ can give each other different perspective of ideas in a debate....|||You think you are popular? No, you are wrong. People hate you.|||My mum is ISFJ but I don't find her annoying at all. She may not understand my way of thinking but she cares me, she understands that I need space and gets used to my behaviors. I don't think these...|||Like bethdeth said, it's just some recharging time. I love to go wild at party too but I can't do that all the time. Just stay at home, figuring what I'm going to do is better than talking...|||I like you. Your subjective bunch of mishmash is just fascinating. :blushed: I can relate much to what you've said. I've got an ISTP friend and I find both of us quiet yet love to have fun so I...|||Hehe, I always hope I would meet other ESFJ besides my sister. She is sometimes annoying and she really hates complicated theories related to topics like cognitive functions, and the purpose of life....|||Really? No one likes Cantonese Chinese? I speak in Cantonese, one of the most difficult language for westerners to learn, it has nine tones. It's widely used in Hong Kong, Macau, and GuangZhou. I...|||When an INTJ said there's no God, another INTJ would stab him until he surrender which he would never. That's been repeated since I've got here. To me, I agree with some people that we tend to...|||You have your point but it doesn't seem to be correct when the population of INTJ female is calculated based on the results done by the INTJ women themselves. Among 1000 women who joined the...|||Science was my best subject in school but I was only above average in Maths. I like Science more than Maths because I think Maths is quite boring. I think many INTJs are good at maths and science...|||I think she's an ESFJ too. Well, Fe is extremely obvious and I would say it's a dom. I can't imagine Taylor being an typical ENFP. That kind of social butterfly? Just can't. She's a girl that has Fe...|||My sis is an ESFJ and all she cares are boys, friends, shopping and Facebook. Lately she asked me something about this stuff just because she is interested in the reason why she broke up with her ex....|||This is 3.0? Is there still a Poll for the month? I feel good about everything here and the autosave function is excellent!|||Hello, little INTP girl. Nice to meet ya! Welcome to the forum :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum. About your relationship, yeah, why so hurry?|||Welcome to the forum. The ISTP forum needs more people to post.|||Welcome to the forum :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum. :crazy:|||I'm not so sure what I would feel if someone I like beat me in sports. Who is the winner in the end is not so important. I guess I won't hate people for beating me in sports but I don't think I would...|||Welcome to the forum. It's common for people to get to know this whole thing when they look for career advice. :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum, the righty place for you to learn more about people. :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum. :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum. :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum. :crazy:|||Mmm... I think Mr.CafeBot is stalking LindseyCnl I'm excited too. Hunger Games. This thread could be posted in the entertainment forum. There'll be more responses.|||Welcome to the forum!!|||Your idea is similar to an idiom in China. That's true philosophy. Everyone said I'm crazy. Indeed I'm the normal and clear minded one.|||I love this thread. It should have a sticker on it. Maybe eventually it will. In a recent thread, my mask finally has broken down. In that thread, I felt one was criticizing other types and so...|||I think other types commenting in this forum actually helps introducing new ideas. Especially ideas from feelers and sensors.|||Hi Abbi, welcome to the forum. :crazy:|||Welcome to the forum.|||Welcome again, please don't bite me again... I am crying. I mean no offense. And I'm an adult, believe it or not.|||Welcome to the forum. Yeah, this forum is interesting.|||Your bite really hurts. Okay. Whatver oxytocin does, I have no intention to contradict you. It's just sarcasm. Sarcasm is love. I'm sorry for the rudeness in the previous post.|||Have I kissed a girl before? No, I haven't. And yes, I am young. You probably checked my profile to see me :)|||There's one of the most difficult questions in cognitive functions forum. I've spent days and weeks to understand the whole Ni and Ne thing. And you expect someone to explain to you in a few words? I...|||You guys are business nerds, right? Hi, I'm a science nerd now and may become a medical nerd. And I've no idea what you are talking about.|||I am just passing by and curious of what Ista had posted before they were merged by the mighty TreeBob. Don't stare at me, I'm not an INTP girl.|||I think it's hard to say whether you are which type just based on which teacher you preferred. Are you sure you are Ne? The difference between Ni and Ne is Ni eliminating possibilities linearly while...|||Hi, welcome to the forum :crazy:
'With you on ESFPs - I knew a very unhealthy one who was always wailing and crying about how sensitive she was and no one understood how hard it is to be her and if you didn't fall over yourself to...|||What I know is it's not my type!:laughing: I don't know - I was good friends with an ISTJ, and he was certainly serious a lot of the time and very practical, but he wasn't really cold. Maybe he...|||An ESFJs worst nightmare: tomorrow I am likely going to have to tell most of my office they are being furloughed, with no idea when they'll be coming back. It's almost a good thing this has been...|||I think it's different for everyone. Some people definitely do use it's not healthy to contain emotions as an excuse for bad behavior, and some people just let their emotions fly whether or not...|||The Ask an ISTJ Relationship Question thread is 638 pages (OK, half of that may be me, but still, that's impressive). :smile:|||I got Air 60 points; Fire 50 points; Water 30 points; Earth 25 points. I'm an ESFJ, so I have no clue what correlation there is here.|||PSL is delicious, but it's a fall thing! You can't have pumpkin in summer! Anyway, I'd say the innermost desire of every ESFJ is to have everyone like them. Not just saying everyone, but...|||I love clothes and dressing up - I wear a lot of black (New Yorker) but I like flashes of bright color and anything sparkly. I pretty much wear what's popular but I think I look good most of the...|||Sure, what's the problem?|||Good morning! I have two reasonably large monitors and I love having two - when I work at home, I'm always annoyed because it's really hard to cross-check things or do a lot of the back-and-forth...|||No problem - happy to have you here!|||We may seem like we have impossible expectations, but it's not all that bad. Generally, some recognition of what we're doing is enough to make us happy - we like the grand gesture, but the really...|||I like those shows for the most part, but I don't identify with anyone unless there's a really good reason (they have the same name, or same job, or something like that). And yes...I do pay...|||I know...I always say, it's nice to be nice to the nice. I mean, I like most of the people I meet, so why shouldn't I be nice to them? Sure, I like some more than others, but overall, I genuinely...|||Dang, if you had sent me that first one a year ago, I (possibly) wouldn't have spent the next year telling you all in excruciating detail pretty much exactly that. Because wow does that sound...|||I'm voting for my own type - I feel like an ESFJ woman and ISTJ man are kind of the All-American Couple cliche - everyone thinks their mom is an ESFJ and their dad is an ISTJ, so it must happen...|||Oh yeah, I have been with the bad boy that needs fixing more times than I can count - looking at my love life over the years, it's a see-saw between the bad boys who need fixing and the good boys who...|||I think it's really just a matter of my favorite saying, if you're happy, I'm happy. I like making people happy...sometimes that's cooking and sometimes, well...:wink: I mean, who wouldn't want a...|||Hi everyone! Just wanted to stop in and say hi to my ISTJ friends and those who hang out with them! I've been super-busy lately but I made it through my birthday without too many breakdowns, so...|||I feel like you've told me that before...:wink:|||Reading my post and the one above, I guess that's why folks think ESFJ's aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. :crazy:|||ESFJ: Reading (depending on my mood, fiction or non-fiction) Scrapbooking Other crafts (making signs, wreaths, etc.) Party planning Baking/cake decorating Cooking Watching sports Wasting time...|||I remember my ISTJ friend saying he kept helping us after he left the company because he felt guilty about leaving us when we needed him - he thought we were going out of business so he got another...|||So, so sorry to hear about Oreo! :( It is so hard to lose a pet! She was adorable, too - I can see why she was spoiled because who wouldn't want to love on that little pup! My sympathy to you...|||I want to meet the person who voted for ESFJ. Maybe they were drunk and hit the wrong button by mistake? :crazy:|||To each his own! My ISTJ friend actually had the responsibility for a while before he gave it to me and he went about it a lot differently - basically, the payroll got done, new hires and...|||Ugh on running into INTJ-m and ugh on the stomachache! On the other hand, the rest of it sounds like a lot of fun! :smile:|||Well, not necessarily, but if it's going to happen, I'd like people to enjoy me!|||True, that's me and my sister and she's like my best friend (even if she does get on my nerves sometimes).|||Soft shell crab because they're only available for one season of the year and when sauteed or fried, they are delicious. And you can eat every piece of them - no waste, no cracking shells, just...|||I got the computer back but his friend Joe who sent it to me didn't send the password, so I didn't/couldn't snoop. I didn't think I would anyway, but I might have. I guess because we were friends...|||I don't know who participates in this thread who knows me, but if anyone knows me and thinks I'm not typed correctly, I do want to know (a) what other type I'd be and (b) why. This should be fun!...|||T's computer should be coming back today - I am (so far) resisting the temptation to snoop in it before giving it to IT. I think that's why I slept badly, because part of me wants to look at his...|||My sister is a medical billing supervisor for a hospital group and loves it - she basically learned on the job. She started working for a doctor's office a while ago (front desk), they needed...|||Well, I work for a small company, so I am the HR Department - in a big place, either I'd specialize or I'd be a Senior Generalist, but I'm with a small company in the digital publishing space, so my...|||I refuse to admit to having been victimized (what's next, I feel triggered?), but if we want to know the most disliked type here, it is ESFJ hands-down. We're everyone's annoying mom,...|||Good luck with that - I work in HR and a lot of my job involves listening to people's problems all day, talking to people (interviews), working on corporate culture issues (party planning, making...|||Oh yeah, I wasn't a high school cheerleader - I was actually a Drama/Chorus kid. Who knew?|||Wow, the quote from me brings back a lot of memories! Anyway, I'm not sure what the problem is with ESFP-ESFJ communications - I was friends with an ESFP co-worker for a while and then we had a...|||Who, me?!? OOOOPS!!!!! :blushed: In the interest of full disclosure, the bitchiest people I've known personally were an ESFP (the frenemy) and someone whose type I'm not sure of - maybe ESTJ...|||It was literally my first thought - hand tools, electricity, danger!|||Yes, yes, yes!!! I have days where I'm just in a funk and don't know exactly why or where I have this sense of impending doom for no apparent reason. I've been like that forever, so I'm kind of...|||Just to add to the mom friend stereotype - be careful!|||I think that's a super-nice idea!|||The first one worked. The second one not so much...I ended up as an ESFP, because I am well-known for indecisiveness, although it's not P type indecisiveness, it's more like I want to check with...|||My family (and anyone who's ever been mad at me) says that I have an all about me attitude and don't think about others. (But a lot of other people say I'm always thinking of others, so I don't...|||Twice, once for 8 years and the current for 17 (getting married the first time at age 20 helps those numbers). Basically, I've been single for two years of my adult life, although I think the last...|||Yardiff Bey - how did you like Trust Me I'm Lying? I'm in the industry and thought it was fascinating and more than a little scary.|||If I'm gonna hang with you guys, I should talk about ISTJ's, right? So I ran my friend's chart through here, well, if you believe in this stuff, no wonder we never got together. Sun in Aquarius,...|||Leo (all about meeeee) with the Moon in Gemini (explains why I can never shut up), and Sagittarius rising (explains why I walk like I'm drunk when I'm stone-cold sober). Mercury in Virgo, Venus in...'
'I was with an ENFJ, and this is extremely accurate for them too.|||I often get that I look like I'm in trouble, getting into trouble, or am trouble.|||There seems to be something distinct about the ISFP expression. I notice some things about myself. There is always an intensity about my eyes, no matter what the rest of my face is doing. They either...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS_3GEdXvPQ|||EXACTLY what you just said.|||Sensual, soft, gentleness is the only thing that will get my attention. I turn away from anyone brash. I also tend not to view people in a romantic light... I don't know what flirting would even mean...|||I'm 5'1 :p|||Exactly. I hate traditional 'dating' (and most social traditions). Every relationship I've had has formed over time through friendship and mutual interests/activities. Every time I am pursued right...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydRAb9cwHnA&amp;list=PLwfwrr_cXGvUU1Hu6unMmV7e SqlaV5kS5&amp;index=83|||232906232914232922232930232938 Sometimes I even go INSIDE. ...but usually I'm not. At least if I can help it. I dangle between ISFP and INFP. Also you get a pretty good view of my room in...|||I think we could be best friends.|||I'm coming out of a lifelong abusive relationship with my parents. My dad is a drug addict, my mom has borderline personality disorder. Since I was around 4 I've struggled with an anxiety disorder....|||This is THE question. It's surprising how many people struggle with these two types, including myself. I have yet to figure it out.|||Zoe Keating, Aftermath from her album 'Legions' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk5zl_PvWpg but this is my favorite by Zoe. 'Lost' from 'Into The Trees' ...|||Since I was a small child, I have been called wise beyond my years, insightful, and of course intuitive. It's often paired with comments about my eyes. I have some deep knowing eyes or something....|||How do you feel this type combination works out in a relationship? I've noticed as a INFP 4w5 that I am seemingly ALWAYS drawn to the the 9w8 (more often ISFP or INFP).|||I understand now that the introverted feeling with an ENFP or INFP combined with my introverted feeling can make communication with words difficult as neither of us wants to take the emotional lead....|||Ummm... 92694926959269692697|||I don't match the stereotype. What a ridiculous notion that we're all soft and buttery and sensitive. I have better things to do than daydream and linger in romanticism, and I'm definitely not cute....|||I know a few ISFJ's. I think they tend to be extremely loyal, and that's why they hang around me, even though they often give me looks like I'm a wild woman. It can be fun for me as an ENFP because...|||@Mr.Blayz That's so terrible... although I was abused terribly it was at least more subtle most of the time in between fits of rage and drug binges. Emotional abuse is devastating because it's harder...|||@LadyD I feel like I could have written the last paragraph myself. It's so where I am in my life right now. Also vulnerability has been a lifelong issue... being naturally sensitive and in need of...|||I relate to both of these responses. I'm really good at numbing my emotions... or even choosing them. It wasn't always that way, but it developed fairly early in my childhood. I can make myself feel...|||ENFP, INFJ was the easiest relationship I've ever been in. I'm the ENFP. Though it was easy and formed effortlessly, it was not my most fulfilling. We we both too needy of each other. That may have...|||Well, tonight the inevitable happened. My dad's doing cocaine. He's not here right now, so we're currently safe. I honestly don't feel anything right now because everyone else is freaking out, and I...|||I understand. I don't keep up with the news either for this reason. Only really big important stories... the rest of the news is too much for me to handle. I actually feel nauseous and get a physical...|||That's the main reason I don't ask for help as much as I need to. I'm trying to get better about it. There are people that will want to help and be there for you if you let them. Then that barrier...|||Well buddy, as an ENFP 4w3, 7w8, 9w8, this happens to me all the time. I've come to accept it. The stronger the connection I have with that person the worse it is. If I love them enough they don't...|||So I've been learning about Enneagram, and I just found out my tritype 4,7,9 is called The Gentle Spirit or The healer. This is suddenly making more sense.|||@LeoCat Sometimes I feel so vulnerable. Especially laying in bed at night unable to protect myself, I wish I wasn't alone. It can be hard to fall asleep. All my life I've had no one to stick up for...|||ha, I can be very blunt. I'm totally comfortable telling the truth of most situations, even if it's socially unaccepted. Probably especially then... sometimes he gives me a look like he thinks I'm...|||ENFP - and that's what my current relationship is. Double ENFP relationships are exciting. That's the best word the describe them.|||That sounds like an ENFP to me... from my experience it helps to use MBTI and Enneagram and then it makes a lot more sense. I'm an MBTI ENFP, Enneagram 4w3, 4 7 8 tritype... but that last bit is...|||My ENFP is probably a type 2... although he also shows strong 7 traits. I know they kind of contradict. I think it's in his tritype, though I can't figure out which is dominant. I'm a 4w3. ...do you...|||You can't compare trauma stories. The hardest thing you've been through is all your mind knows how to adapt with. For some people losing a friendship can be a traumatising experience, because that's...|||I'm an ENFP 4w3 478. There doesn't seem to be very many of us around. I related to most of what you wrote, despite the difference in judging and perceiving. Perhaps I'll get into more detail later,...|||My childhood was very traumatising. I posted this originally here...|||@Humilis Curator Thank you for your input. I'm so happy that you've managed to turn it around for the better. Just reading what little you wrote about your childhood made me emotional because I can...|||I'm a 4w3, ENFP.|||I'm still young, so I haven't had a huge amount of experience. I don't know if I can say best to worst... they were all good for the time that they happened. I'll just start from the beginning and...|||I want to make the world hurt a little less.|||My mom is an INFP and I'm an ENFP. That surprisingly hasn't worked out so well much of the time in the past. We're doing a little better now that I'm older and more independant. I have a friend...|||I agree with the posts before me. Tell him you'd like him to be more punctual. He may not even realize how much it bothers you because it's so natural for an ENFP to go with the flow of whatever is...|||I'm having a similar situation with an ENFP... and I'm also an ENFP. We show people what we want them to see, and we're really good at playing different parts that the situation may call for. Having...|||Thank you. I'm sorry you could relate to it. It's conflicting, wanting to be understood but not wanting anyone to ever have to know that pain. I wouldn't be here today without God. I would have...|||@Laeonaboth would be accurate. Painful memories and feeling misunderstood. I do wonder if the inside of other people's heads is as complex as mine. Some people seem so good at... not thinking.|||My heart goes out to you. I'm an ENFP, but I'm close to in between the extravert/introvert area. My mom also has borderline personality disorder, and my dad is narcissistic. He's also a cocaine...|||@Animus Tigridis Of course I realize it's possible to recover, and I am. I was merely implying that while some parts of me are made stronger by dealing with such intense circumstances, others are...|||Well, that's true about me. Very few people actually see the real me. I show them what I want to show them... and I'm pretty good at it. I can make people believe anything about me, and they totally...|||It's been a couple months since my last PTSD fit of rage, but I just had one. I feel deflated and lonely... No one ever truly understands how deeply it hurts or how badly scarred I am... and I'm...'
'If you live in the united states,you may want to consider that we are the largest quaility gun producer in the world. Companies like Colt,Smith and wesson, Remington, Springfield etc. If Guns were...|||Lets think about the history of all weapons for a moment. Rocks, sticks, swords, etc. etc. I think it is safe to assume that we all agree that during the history of the human race, we humans have...|||What are you like 25? Pretty too.|||There are two types of all types of people; The good and the bad (and if you're bad then you can add in a third type which is ugly)|||I usually stick to the four NTs. But to pick one other than my own it would be INFP.|||what about the clinical uses of these drugs. I think that these chemicals can prove to be useful (in some cases) for the treatment of depression or even substance abuse. Many people that have...|||you INFP's are all beautiful and awesome. :blushed:|||I agree. That is a very good observation. However, there are things that I have experienced during my flights, that I have spent countless hours thinking about with my sober mindframe, and I still...|||It's fine! If he is in fact an INTP I would think that he appreciates your interest in his thoughts. Most of my thoughts are never voiced because I feel like most people would not care to hear me...|||My N is my strongest attribute, but I am very good at picking up details. It probably has to do with the way I was raised (by an ISTJ father) and a multitude of other life experiences.|||Nobody else huh?|||YES!! Pschadelics all the way.|||Religion? Or do you mean the manner in which I choose to live my life to preserve a healthy conscience? I maintain a Christ conciousness, but am open to many things like shamanism, and buddhism and...|||It sounded good before the talking part. My social skills may be inferior but my intelligence tells me that I just cannot pay another person to genuinely understand me. Also, one who would...|||I tend to think that we INTP's are more receptive to Lateral thinking than others. Partly because we usually take an observer position and see everything from afar. Now, what if we could move...|||First I would like to say that I apologise in advance for asking you all to do some reasearch for this topic. If you do not feel like doing so, that is ok, but I am very interested in , and value all...|||Any INTPS care what others think about them? I'm always trying to maintain a level of respect and be looked upon as normal. I dont know why, It's impossible to maintain this facade.|||99th percentile of what?|||Any INTPs here actually give a damn about keeping thier homes tidy? I do.|||That's our way of checking the level of your intelligence. We wouldn't want to waste our breath. No hard feelings :tongue:|||YouTube - Jason Becker- Altitudes|||Haha I like this:crazy:|||Oh but I am an animal.|||Dream job: Farmer, Inventor, College Professor, Reasearch scientist, male underwear model. Actual Job: Student|||The answers that we are all looking for can be better understood with the use of psychedelic entheogens.:wink:|||This is a good question. If plant life has no eyes, and we can watch a sunflower follow the sun, and light also helps our body produce Vitamin D etc etc.. Can we then assume that light can be sensed...|||I actually hate scrabble, I'm ok at it but I prefer chess.|||I think the questions we must ask ourselves are, what is consciousness? and where does it go? these can be theories or beliefs. Take an ice cube for example. Its solid, then it melts, then it...|||I would normally have no problem posting my pic on here but I just cant do it. I will however send you a pic upon request.|||Honesty is the only thing that can truly fix anything. Come clean with him before he finds out anyway.|||confession- Im only writing this one because I want to get past my first 15 post's tonight.|||I would have to say anything other than math.|||Ya so where can these creatures be found? I want one.|||I agree completely!|||I'm not socially incompetent, but the majority of society is just flat out incompetent and don't even know it. Who ever said that sheep were supposed to be white anyway?|||I am the youngest of 3.|||I wish I could try it out, it just seems to make sense. The problem is that I dont know any INTP females. I dont think i even know any other INTP's.|||Why do some young people (early 20's or even teens) have salt N' pepper hair color? It mus be genetic. It's usually a sign of aging, but why so young? Hmmm, Must just be a really old family line that...|||-People who do not wait for me to get to the point before they assume to know what im talking about. -Lack of philosophy in public schools. -People who can't seem to keep thier feelings out of a...|||Yet you still remain very attractive!|||I hate when they ask me a question that they really dont want the true answer to, because im going to tell them the truth and they are going to cry and then its my fault for being honest when they...|||I come from a very similar family background as you, and you do bring up a valid point, but I must say that in this day and age I think it would be safe to assume that many other types also had...'
'Guys how do you attach a picture on here?! gosh i feel like my parents just now .... P.s: KiRrRr you are gorgeous!! so is your natural habitat :))|||100% Respect :cheers2: , i sought marijuana in college, really wanted to try it, totally not worth it|||I've edited the inital post.. do let us know why, is it values and a moral issue, awareness and education, lack of interest etc... Optimist Mind, done !|||Thanks that was quite uplifting... and true! :rockon:|||Apparently doesn't do so well with criticism :P|||Hey guys , Since we seek mindless experiences by nature, I'm interested in knowing about ENFP's experience with drugs.. :topsy_turvy: :hampster: :brocoli: 1- what have you tried? 2- how...|||hahahahhahahaha|||Same! i actually evolved into that... :rockon:|||with honest hate things get too awkward ... !!! :anyone:|||our what Ifs are alien to you people #ISTP :P|||You know you'r ENFP when u switch sides in the middle of a debate.. because u'r just that open minded.... :rockon:|||I do not understand this thread, but soooo want to be part of it .. :jaded: :hampster: :rockon:|||Welcome welcome welcome welcome... baaaaghrghgrr *barfs a rainbow*|||.|||Hello Alice and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! I'm new as well but have been a persCafe reader for about 5 years. I also speak french, so hit me up sometimes if you feel like chatting :)|||@Laimah laimah.. your energy jumped through my screen.. thank u for trying to prove me wrong, u seem like a great person :) Great song!!|||Thank you Enfpleasantly for your response.. u are absolutely right. I do care too much what other people think. on saturday my short movie and music will be published which is completely out of my...|||I hate my innate vices, insecurities, my flirtatious nature. I hate the extroversion of my intuitive thoughts sometimes described as irrational, misunderstood, or even seen as paranoia (they still...|||Enfp : breaking bad, the wire, arrested development, modern family, seinfeld, frasier, misfits|||I love you.|||I agree with JamieBond.. I've moved in with my friends to a shared flat.. we work and motivate each other... and they've set a deadline for me.. I've been working on this short movie for a year...|||aren't all the characters in how i met your mother ExFP?... they're all so gooey and express too much emotion in my opinion, and they all follow their feelings when it comes to making decisions... ...|||hey kittiey ! welcome to the forum! we seem to have a lot in common.. im a film maker, musician, photographer.. looking forward to reading your thoughts :D|||nah sorry :S|||My guess is ExTP... @SweetSurrender|||Welcome to the forum! I stumbled upon your post and couldn't help but tell you how passionate you seem. It seems like u've come a long way in your research to self discovery to be able to define...|||follow up: it did not work.. hah|||and i love animals so much.. hate vegetables.... im hungry now.|||... and I'm different with each type of person i know or group of people i know... it gets awkward when they unite and i have to juggle both.|||I'm an enfp and i loove to procrastinate...... If you wanna know why i'll tell you guys tomorrow|||... and i get addicted to everything i like until i get sooooooooooo sick of it... (latest example thai food)|||UNDERRATED ARTISTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dte3-sSkWic UNRELATED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONv6fPM2mhE|||oooh...... heheh no coffee then! i thought most people had coffee after lunch and that it was ok.. anyway i really appreciate your advice! will stop the afternoon coffee for a start! and i will...|||thanks again for your reply dania.. i guess i took too much.. dont like the idea of getting dependent on prescription drugs either.. i do drink coffee but my last is at 3.00 pm which shouldn't be a...|||exactly.. same here! love mornings too, will definitely up the number of alarms :)|||all else did fail and diphenhydramine did help sometimes to get my pattern back on track... in these past 3 months i've taken exactly 10 times and now i'm immune to it... do u have any...|||I'm an enfp BUT i've disabled my facebook wall|||or the exact contrary|||when you nod when someone boring is talking and act as interested as your mind can take?|||definitely.. really like the idea of waking up so early.. why not i think. so thanks ;)|||hahahahaha GENUIS i love this solution! I am actually gonna give this a shot! because i get sleepy around 5 everyday anyway! Tried diphenhydramine pills last week... didn't like it much because i...|||thanks for your helpful responses! I hate being late! but it happens... seems like i should start showering at night then for a start! it's just that when the alarm goes off in the morning i away...|||As much as i'd like to live up to the artist image i try to project.. I feel like i just want to make money and just be... for the moment.|||i cant work out a sleep pattern.. a daily sleep/wake up routine... im usually late... sometimes oversleep (running out of excuses- killed my grandfather last friday) THAT ALL AND I LOVE MY NEW JOB...|||i think it's a great combo.. the best actually.. my best friend is infp .. been friends all our lives.. it will work . guaranteed........ :>|||Merry Christmas!|||when they notice it i smile.. sometimes it starts conversation|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYnmP8HOZ00 gangs of NY and much more|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxGM30dVovg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LM9LMvJ_vw'
'I despise all What would... type scenario pics that Facebook users seem to enjoy so much and I would never play these types of silly games. But the comment under this one cracked me up. MOON MOON...|||Clearly, something more is going on with him than he is letting on. I don't think it's because you're not a good friend or even relatable. You must relate somehow, because you have been good...|||I do that all the time. If they get a little too close to me, I will go to great lengths to avoid it going forward. The maddening part of that behavior for me is WHY do we do that? She didn't do...|||This makes me laugh. :) http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/You+doing+anything+after_098c7f_4942230.jpg|||Sometimes, I think it would be nice to be mentally retarded because then nothing would bother me and life would always be full of rainbows. Plus, I could say whatever I felt like and it would be no...|||Well...it appears your friends and family don't see it the same way you do. Plus, do you drink? Maybe they don't want to give you a kidney because if you blew through yours irresponsibly, you don't...|||You probably require a great deal of her time and attention. That's so incredibly draining for an introvert. Nearly all my friends have been extroverts, because they force me out of my shell and...|||It's interesting that your view it so drastically different. I wouldn't have been hurt at all; I would have appreciated that they were honest with me. A true friend is honest, yes? I don't think...|||Music is so subjective. Even if you put dozens of INTJ's in a room together and asked them to pick a song, I think the response would really vary. Everyone comes from a different background and...|||Excellent point.|||http://f.kulfoto.com/pic/0001/0048/3XKkm47136.jpg|||Perhaps, but it seems like those people are unintelligent and aren't thinking for themselves...like lemmings. But you're right, I shouldn't have made such a blanket statement to say they aren't out...|||I had this on my Facebook page for a while, hilarious.|||Never in the history of ever has someone said, OH, well I never thought of it that way. Your beliefs are right and mine are wrong. It's insulting to insinuate such a statement and religious...|||Religion is one of the most ridiculous lost causes there is, in my opinion. But it's also necessary to quell the masses I suppose. I'm always dumbfounded by the completely asinine amount of horror...|||The reasoning most bash God as you said is probably because most religions lack logic in a grandiose sort of manner. I think that it's always better to believe than not believe. I mean, why not...|||My children, that's it...because they are part of me and I would do anything for their survival. Which is the same reason I wouldn't give one to anyone else...it would compromise my ability to...|||I only watched a minute of that video. I didn't really like it because it was a bit creepy, how the body was all floaty and puppet like but dead. Plus, Slipknot isn't my type of music. The tune was...|||I would consider myself neutral. I am rarely unhappy, but for me personally - I equate happiness to being content. I'm never content. On occasion when I do take a moment out of life to realize I am...|||Success.|||How I view everyone else's thought process: http://media1.giphy.com/media/QUOs7hGpn6PS/giphy.gif My maddening INTJ thought process: ...|||Everything comes in size XXXXL at Wal-Mart. ;)|||You got me...but only when I wanna show off dat ass. 142737|||No way, I would work with myself to conquer the whole damn world. And the sex would be unbelievable.|||I would tell the truth while attempting to say it in a nice way. And most likely, I would majorly fail in trying to say it in a nice way. You could also say it in a way that blames the instrument...|||Annnnnd how. :) http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/32/93/c2/3293c263556ebc7ec2d6cd2113a90636.jpg|||Thank you. :) I have a great sense of humor...although, I'm not really spending any time displaying it here because that's not the task at all. But I assure you, I do. I appreciate your kind words...|||Fair enough. But that's what will make it such an interesting, ambitious task. :)|||I think I can make it work if I take enough time and energy to set it up correctly. And there's been a ton of helpful feedback from the responses I've received. I don't say much about that aspect,...|||I think what I said is being misinterpreted off what you said. I don't really care if I ever get married again. If it worked out that way, fine. If not, that's fine too. It's about finding...|||I was intrigued by your story, however I wouldn't have put so much time and energy into someone else's life like you did. That's really unhealthy hateful behavior and there's no honor in taking the...|||Yes, I suppose husband is an accurate term. I was married once. But I really did it more for the social experiment of finding out what being married was like. I loved him, but it was an incredibly...|||You make some fine points there. It definitely clashes with other values, cannot be a healthy way to handle a situation and borders on obsessive behavior.|||No, I'm an American with Swedish ancestry. I live in California; a state with a population of 33 million. I think the following would have to be removed: (--) = females (--) = children (--) =...|||I don't think the peopleofwalmart.com website is sad or mean. Trust me, the people of Wal-mart are not sad. They get dressed up looking like clowns and walk out of the house like that quite...|||You live in South Korea, yes? It irritates me to even need to explain Wal-Mart; we all have access to Google. The majority of Wal-mart customers are disgusting low-class people. It sure doesn't...|||Being that most people who post regularly in this forum don't appear to be American, it's a moot argument on my end. It's interesting anyway, to learn personality type has little to do with...|||It's just low class humor in my opinion. It's similar to poking fun at different races. I wouldn't post a derogatory comment regarding blacks. I'm not black so it would be considered racist, not...|||The thread should be renamed Laughing at Typical American Stereotypes. If you're an American, it is okay to poke fun. But if you're not an American...it's just being an asshole. Most Americans are...|||You know you're an INTJ when forget homework, this is you....almost always when around other people. 141529|||It's fine. I don't understand a lot of things and this is one of them, no bother at all.|||Okay.|||You could always find something to do and that may give you something to look forward to in life.|||It's also worth noting, I saw it in the Wal-Mart parking lot. :)|||You know you're an INTJ when everything about this makes you shake your head. 141289|||The folks on Hoarders are absolutely suffering from an illness. And the show is very depressing. There's no good feel at the end. It's sad because they commonly hoard animals and the conditions are...|||And they aren't funny (to me anyway).|||There was this guy I used to communicate with, who I really never liked very much - so I told him I to go away. I don't know his personality type, but it was overly mushy and had no ambition. I had...|||Beforehand: 1. Have confidence in yourself (tell yourself your best qualities and what makes you so awesome) 2. Pump yourself up - repeat in your head I can do this, I can do anything, I am the...|||Actually, you're correct. Infantile is a much better word to describe them. They may not be suicidal at all, however a common trait is definitely depression. I guess I went off on a tangent; I...'
'Who are your favorite outdoor writers or which are your favortie books?|||Tea!!!! Love the smell of coffee and drink it in the morning, but when I want to relax I'm all about the Tea. Rishi Tea has my favorite blends thus far! Rishi Tea: Organic Fair Trade Tea|||I think it depends on the passion. It is very difficult to be engulfed in one passion all day, every day, all year. I think there are career passions and recreational passions. I think I would rather...|||I too am considering this field of work. I've been working at a retail store for the past 5 years as a Customer Service/Sales Associate and have recently been promoted to department supervisor after...|||What is your job/ career? -Tech Center Supervisor @ Gander Mountain, an outdoor store, but I'm at Gunworld Gander Mountain, selling guns and hunting equipment...which I have no interest in....|||My girlfriend typed out as ESFJ, though she is kinda ISFJ too. She is amazing, to start, and we've been together for 8 years ever since high school. I'm going to be 26 soon and she will be 24, and...|||Haha, ya, me too! Gotta try meditating in the nuuude, it's relaxing and refreshing. Something about sleeping out in the fresh air also makes me frisky! haha Anyone want to go camping? haha JK! I'm...|||Sweet!! I can't wait for ski season here! I mostly XC ski, but I want to get an action camera this year so that I can take cool vids of the trails! telepariah: your picture looks like a kick ass...|||Thank you for your response! It isn't healthy, but it was before all of the changes. I've been there fore 5 years and it is difficult to leave because I love the people I work with and I am...|||How do we, as people who care about others as well as being introverts, develop leadership skills and skills that will help us to deal with difficult coworkers or bosses in a proffessional...|||Have any of you Outdoorsy INFP's ever used an action camera to record your adventures? I just became a Tech Center Supervisor at the Gander Mountain that I work at, and these action games look...|||Well, I got the supervisor role. Heres the thing, my store changed during its remodel. It used to be fishing, camping, outdoor apparrel, and hunting equipment, but now it is strictly hunting...|||So, now I have a dilemma on top of my previous dilemma. The machine job is still open to me, but at my outdoor retail job I was offered a supervisory position in a remodeled store close to where I...|||Thank you so much for the posts! My current job is full time with benefits but pays about $1.50 less than the new option and may not lead to anything greater with the company. I've been after...|||I could really use an INFP's advice on my current job situation. I would really really appreciate any advice that you guys might be able to offer: I currently work for an outdoor retailer in a...|||Parks and recreation=the right and accessability to health and happiness in every city for every person NRPA - National Recreation and Park Association|||Are you in the human services (i.e. Counseling, public service, socal science, recreation management, librarian, non-profit, humane services etc...) field where you strive to do better for society? ...|||Thanks for your post! Glad I was able to bring in a new INFP to the site! Any time with nature is worthwhile. That is why I'm interested in this sort of career. Nothing spells INFP more than...|||Has any INFP tried this career? Landscape Design, Architect, or Horticulture? I'm really thinking about a career in this field.|||I agree! I'm hoping to work at a nature center soon. Watching kids explore the outdoors brings out that young boy in me that used to go searching for frogs in the ponds! Oh, I'd so love to be a...|||Awesome! I'm an Eagle Scout as well! I loved being a part of Boy Scouts! I traveled all over the U.S. Did you get to travel anywhere special?|||So, how do you (as an infp) deal with the speech part of communications? I have no doubt in my one-on-one communication abilities, but I'm very shy and nervous in the oral commuication area. I think...|||I am not an overly religious person. I would call myself agnostic, but some part of me wants to believe in a higher power. Having said that... I've been depressed lately about life and college....|||I made a mistake with college. I've spent 6 years in college thus far with not much to show for it. I've changed my major 6+ times. I took a break last year and then decided to get back into by...|||Funny, I was just thinking about this today while I was at the mall with my girlfriend. We were in a Gap store and I got this overwhelming feeling of anxiety from looking at the photos of the models,...|||Hello my friends, I am wondering if any of you are studying Liberal Arts, Journalism, or Communications and what that is like for you. If you are in a Journalism or Communications career, what is...|||So, I've now been offered an events planning position within my company, but it doesn't come with compensation or benefits which I am currently without. The company is moving in a new direction, but...|||Yeah, I've been part time ever since I left my first college after one semester (to far from home). I have an Associate's Degree of Arts and Science with an emphasis in Cultural Studies (Geography,...|||Would any of you use volunteering as a substitute for gaining experience to get a job or going to college? I've been doing the college thing for the past 10 years and it is just not working out....|||Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any of you volunteer? If you do where do you volunteer and how often? And, have you ever been offered a job based on your volunteer work? Thanks!...|||Well, I didn't get the Supervisor position, but that's not a bad thing. This opens me up to the opportunity to possibly take on some summer work within the area that I'm most interested: parks and...|||That is by far the best advice and the best post anyone has ever replied to my post with! Thank you so very much for responding! You gave me some great insight. I'm starting to develop some of my...|||Hello Everybody! I am a part time student and currently working part time in retail. I have an opportunity to advance within my company from sales to managment which would give me full time pay...|||To all of you INFP's that celebrate Thanksgiving today, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I hope that you enjoy the time with friends and family!! :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:|||Some more pics from the same trip. Can you tell I was playing the part of an amateur photographer with a cheap digital camera? haha Wish I had a nice $1000 Canon! *writes on Christmas wish list* ...|||A few pictures from Minocqua, Wisconsin from this past September. A) The White Pier, notice the low water from the drought we are facing in that area. B) Me and a 22 Largemouth Bass, the biggest...|||Well, I made my choice. My heart and my head came to a compromise. I'm going to study Organizational Leadership (non-profit management in other words) with a minor in Environmental studies. I want to...|||Tomorrow I am going to my college to sign up for classes. I am returning back to this school after a semester break to try and figure out what I should study, but I still can't decide if I want to...|||It's complicated. I'm the only INFP in my family. My brother's are very down to earth and hands on types of people (working in carpentry and automobiles). They are careless, egotistical, and redneck....|||I'm pushing myself to commit to a major in English and minor in Environmental Studies/Geography. My alternative is Organizational Leadership major and Environmental Studies/Geography minor. I can't...|||Definitely visit each college that you have applied to and are accepted to. After 6 years of college between 4 different universitys, I can attest to the advice that an academic counselor gave me...|||DUDE! Awesome picture! I wish I had a decent camera to do outdoor photography! Glad to hear you're getting better! There is nothing worse than not being able to get outside! It's hard for me to...|||Anyone studying Organizational Leadership/Management or Non-Profit Management? What is it like and what do you want to do with your degree? I'm considering studying Organizational Leadership so...|||It's a high of 50 today here in SE Wisconsin, and I can't wait until the snow flies! I'm REALLY looking forward to cross country skiing this year! I just started last year, but only mid-way through...|||Wow! I just saw a glimpse of my future in your career change decision! First of all, CONGRATS! For making a well informed decision and sticking to it! Indecision is ruining my life and I'm only...|||I'm a Sales Associate at an outdoorsy store (hunting, fishing, camping) working full time hours w/out benefits for now. I dislike the corporate policies and working weekends, but I do like helping...|||Have you ever watched the movie Powder? He was in tune with feelings and was very intuitive and intelligent! I think Powder was an INFP! Someone completely different from the rest of the world. ...|||Absolutely!!!!! I usually can't go to bed without reading, writing, or watching a movie. Netflix is a miracle! I have such a big list of movies in my movie queue! I average around two movies a...|||Anyone recommend a good Christmas read?|||I mainly journel to get all of the thoughts out of my head. While journaling, I listen to music that suits my mood. Other than that I get away for a bit. I go for a walk/hike or take a drive. When I...'
'To everyone who's commented thus far, thank you much for the advice! I'm still in the basic planning stages right now, but these tips are going to give me a lot of direction with how to better...|||Hello, INTJs. I am looking for some unadulterated, uncensored input about a potential move I'm trying to plan. Knowing that Te is great for breaking down big picture stuff, like this move would be,...|||Developing your shadow functions is an admirable goal. As an INFJ who tests almost equal on T/F, I am working on growing my Fi and Te. If you're interested in developing Fe, without getting a brain...|||I remember the last parts of my dreams when I wake up. Most of the time, they're about people I know or places I've been, with bizarre logic and situations thrown in. I never remember the beginning...|||Your reply to Elaihr kind of proved my point, so yay for that. It feels like the nature of the thread is finding out how the conflict resolution process for INFJs and INFPs differ, how Ni+Fe works...|||@Marvin the Dendroid I feel like I know where this is going.:tongue: Can you always tell how you feel about something? To put it bluntly, yes. I was talking to a friend of mine earlier this...|||Another ASAP person here. My heart knows what it knows and, yes, if I'm having a conflict with someone, that conflict is going to be at the forefront of my thinking/feeling when I'm dealing with...|||I'm actively religious, specifically LDS/Mormon. How do I stay a believer? Prayer, scripture study, church attendance. My church is interesting in that the leaders of the church will gather twice...|||warweasel Sorry to hear about your dad's Montclair. My own dad had a relative pass away with a mid '50s Buick station wagon sitting in the front driveway that, I think, eventually got hauled off,...|||It happens all the time to me, on any kind of text formatting, whether it be italics, bold, underline, or a font style/size change. I always use Chrome, so I figured it was just bad programming that...|||I used to chase after emotion because it was better than sitting around and feeling numbed to everything. Certain things in my childhood and teenage years happened to where I pushed all of my...|||Hobbies: Writing stories Reading books Learning languages Learning in general Philosophy Psychology History Numismatics and notaphily (i.e. collecting coins/paper money)|||I drive a 1995 Mitsubishi Diamante, and I'd say it fits my personality just fine. :wink: It's a luxury car and it shows, from the leather seats and leather-wrapped steering wheel to the V6 4.0L...|||I have three dream cars which I will do my utmost to get when I'm older and more flushed with cash. The first one is a 1995 Mitsubishi Diamante, the car I own now. ...|||An INTP friend of mine came up with a pretty good system to work out when it's time to move on from something. I've added a few steps to it, myself, to round it out and make it more adaptable to any...|||@NotAlone Here's a passage that you may be familiar with, from Proverbs: Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding. He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame:...|||Copper North If we're going by NGC grading classifications here, it's easily a MS-61 or 62. Not really easy to see in the pictures, but there's a lot of little bag marks across the obverse, a few...|||Walt Disney with a golf club? Would you kindly not put that image in my head? :laughing: Since I promised them before, here's some pics of my collection, just a few things that I had with me at...|||Yeah, I've heard that story before, Copper North :rolleyes: My dad had a couple of gun shops here in town that he used to frequent back in the day (read: late 70s, early 80s), and the proprietor was...|||6'2|||My parents said that I had a really strong sense of integrity as a kid; when I would hear about people doing bad things, I would get infuriated and frustrated, literally throw fits because I couldn't...|||JTHearts shipwreck coins are cool! I had a large bronze Roman one, really pitted and dirty, which I tried for years to pin down for era/denomination, 'til it got stolen from my apartment along with...|||I totally forgot about this thread and I am so sorry, goodness, am I sorry. :confused: Copper North That's an awesome-sounding collection! What got you into collecting so early? Where do you get...|||I get these a lot when, like Felidire said, things that connect with me on a deep, emotional, (maybe even) subconscious level. I don't really get them all that much with other people's emotions, but...|||Xyte That's very cool! What's the oldest coin you've found so far? How many countries are you up to?|||Ahhhh, okay, gotcha. Well, that's still pretty neat with the penny collection, and actually, I could probably tell you a bit about that red seal $5 if you were interested.|||galactic collision Thanks! I'll be out of town this weekend, so I won't be able to reply 'til next week anyways, ha ha. You say that paper money collecting doesn't interest you much anymore,...|||galactic collision That's very cool! Have you been able to track down any of the harder to find pennies, like the 1921 or the 1914 D? I have a pretty large penny collection myself. I like your...|||Hi everyone! I'm an avid numismatist (coin collector) and I'd love to meet other PerC users who collect coins themselves. Even if you don't collect coins, maybe you've had questions about the hobby,...|||My auxiliary function is Fe, not Fi. That being said, I really appreciate (and have written lots about) Fi; both my INTP friend and I have found it very liberating. Maybe it's because we're both 1w2,...|||I think this problem can be fixed in two ways, both as important as the other. 1) You're looking for happiness and fulfillment in others' approval of you, which is, already, asking more than they...|||Se, I love it when you come out of the woodwork and just make everything a little bit better. I was cleaning out the interior of my car last night and had all the lights on (dome light and two...|||I used to struggle a lot with this, and some of the time, still do, quite seriously. What helped me was realizing and taking to heart two things: 1 - All people who even slightly fall under the...|||I certainly will, NomadLeviathan. I take it yours is giving you hell right about now?|||This is probably the first day in years where I've felt totally, just, okay with myself. When I first started looking into Fi, I didn't realize how much of it was sensations that they just don't...|||Gifford Maxim Picking up from my last post, I switched over to large size notes 393626393634 It turned out better than the last one since I opted to use separate pages for each side, then...|||As a currency/coin collector, I have really admired the kind of work and art that goes into money, and while I'm hardly what I'd call artistically inclined, I've gotten better at tracing bills....|||I think you're misinterpreting my posts. However, this thread's already been derailed once; I won't be derailing it again. If you wish to discuss this further, we can do so via PM.|||Hello, ENFJ As an INFJ guy, I'd like to offer up a few pointers here about INFJ guys and dating because I've seen some things that, frankly, worry me a little. I'm not intending to render moot...|||Hm. My point was more that some of his articles are little more than And to hell with this type in particular and less that he's rambling. I agree on the ENTP bit, but if I'm being brutally honest,...|||Okay, entirely sidestepping the very inappropriate and off-topic argument here, but thanks for posting the article that you did, Freeflowingthoughts I'm familiar with Stellar Maze from other links...|||Hey there. I'm a few years older than you, and like you, I've browsed the forums for a while to pick up nuggets of wisdom. - What are we to expect during our twenties and further on? To date...|||What's that? 382578 NTs invading, you say? 382586 I, for one, welcome our new NT overlords.|||Dreamer777 I've reread the article you posted and my reply here, seems to me I'm fitting the rôle of an INFJ struggling with inferior Se and tertiary Ti here. I've been looking for that one...|||Goodness, that was a lot of information. XD I read through some, but as it is, I'm having a hard enough time processing a little right now, so that much was a brain explosion level of data. Do I...|||Thanks for your continued interest in the topic, Dreamer, but I think I've settled it with this site. I'm INFJ, but that whole royal we, speaking for the group, I can tell you who's pregnant and...|||This is a late reply but it's been a busy week. I took the test, got INTJ, ISFP, ISTP. I've taken it a few times before, in different moods, and gotten different results, but INTJ seems to be...|||@Dreamer777 See @Curiphant's post for why I think I'm INTJ. I've spent a fair amount of time on the INFJ forum, participating in the threads, meeting some of the people there. They're good folks, but...|||I've been testing right on the edge of thinking/feeling when I take MBTI tests since I first got into it. First typed as an INTJ, then got outed as an INFJ by a friend. Now, I don't know what I am,...|||*sighs* I'm not interested in labels or being a special snowflake 1% INFJ guy anymore. Honestly, I'm just going to be myself, stop holding myself back for other people. Maybe I'll turn out being a...'
'I don't mean to bash on the theories regarding types (I do like them too), but I don't think they hold much weight in relationships. I think knowing differences between the types (perspective,...|||Hi everyone! I've come across this problem I've always had with my parents, but it's just recently elevated since I've returned from my first year of college. First off, I just want to say, my...|||Wheww... I have one hell of a rough time with my family. I get along amazingly with my brother, despite a 6 year age difference, which is amplified, as he is 11 and I am 17. Of all the siblings with...|||I kind of like being the way I am (6w7), because I'm never caught unexpected. When events happen, or are about to happen, I get glimpses of what can go wrong, but also what can go well. For the most...|||For the what is your biggest weakness? question, I've always rehearsed an answer. When asked, I breathe deeply, pretend I'm thinking, and slowly answer it, while taking some breaks in the middle of...|||I rarely have dreams to start out with (or at least those that I remember), let alone a lucid dream. I'm dying to have one... so many things I'd love to be able to do (like fly xD)|||I want to say definitely the latter, because, currently, no one can take my silly side. But my opinion might change when I meet someone that can.|||Fuzzballs are nice and friendly, until they get ruffled? ;D|||I have a disproportionate number of female ESFJs in my life (or so I think they are). Some annoy the hell out of me, some are okay, some are great. I've had interest in a few of them, but it's always...|||Oh yea.... those nx cards really raped my wallet xD But I had a ton of fun while I played, so no regrets~ I hear it's like completely changed now o_o|||Can't say I know too many others that are really into MBTI, or enneagram, or anything of the like. However, I could see myself being mistaken for an ENTP at times...|||Well, I'm still a teen, but I've learned a lot over the years, especially in high school. There's a lot of academics I learned, what I should do, what I shouldn't do, what I should prepare myself...|||When I thought more about it, it made more sense; kudos to you for thinking of such an anology. :D I actually went ahead and tried to google it... came up with some weird things.... hahahaha|||Well, my dad has his PhD in Physics. He pursued it for three main reasons: he's a very math oriented person, but realized a math major is not as useful as a physics one; physics just makes sense to...|||No problemo! In response to your last message, I think you were a bit overboard. No doubt you were frustrated and puzzled, but some of those words are pretty harsh. I don't agree with her behavior,...|||That's what I would do. Start off like you just met her, and then step into it.|||o_o I, personally, would not get mad at that. I'd just clarify what I meant, but given her emotional state at the time, perhaps it would be different. However, when someone explains what they meant...|||^^ That's true. It is best to try something and just talk to her again. I would clear the air and ask for forgiveness (I have Wicked's For Good stuck in my head), just to make sure there aren't any...|||Ahhh, I guess I'd be pretty on par with that. I forgive super easily, but I just generally hate fake people (like those that act nice for a reason). I don't want to be a condescending prick, but I...|||OHMYGOD. I LOVED playing maple, but I've been clean for 2 years xD (god I sound like an addict...).|||I agree, but I think she should have been the one to say something.|||I care a lot about my appearance and looking like I'm well put together too, but not so much for an effect on others, it's mostly just for me to feel nice. But when someone expects me to do...|||I guess she might've gotten attached to you, but I still don't see why she wouldn't have said something after the fight. I personally don't see how having a rough life and clearing things up are...|||Hmmm. I agree with the acting nice to get something part. Can you clarify on I'll gladly take a friend who's hurt me with good intentions? I'm confused why good intentions would hurt you, unless it...|||Not to be a killjoy, but generally, when the parents are against you, the chances are kind of slim. But if you want, you can send her a nice email, just asking her how she's doing. Make sure it's...|||Huh...that's not something I would ever do. Friends > pretty much everything else I have. I pretty much never blow up as a result of taking something the wrong way as I prefer to figure out why you...|||Ahhhh, the way you explain it, it sure does look like I have the two switched. But I guess my realism was more of a no matter how hard I try, nothing will change, which seems more cynical than...|||Mixed messages? Nope, definitely not in this case. Imagine, I said, You'll do fine, don't worry. It's hard to take that in a wrong way (at least to me). But she's historically misunderstood a lot...|||I'm not exactly sure if the right word would be Realism or Cynicism, but here goes. In most general descriptions, I've noticed that ENFPs tend to be described as idealistic. First off, I'm...|||Being alone and losing someone I care about. Gets me to be kind of clingy, and it really screws me over.|||With everyone saying teasing, I'd have to disagree. I tend to just tease anyone, physically and verbally, because I think it's fun. For me, if I talk to you on my own initiative A LOT, you're good....|||I've been called awkward a lot, but it's a completely different kind of awkward. More of the say-something-completely-unexpected awkward. I personally like it, it keeps people on their toes, and...|||Terribly selfish? No. Everyone has their agenda, and it is indeed nice to help people, but only when you have time / can make time. But what I think you have here is not being selfish, but being...|||Eh. I hate verbal affirmation. Never got it much as a kid, and I surely don't need it now as an adult (or almost adult :P). Empty, vague compliments generally make me distrust the person (especially...|||I always took the not-giving-a-damn-about-what-others-think part as learning to love yourself completely. I feel like it's a good way to live out your life, as it truly is *your* life. I care about...|||I do a lot of introspective thinking about who I am and how I can improve myself. The main reasons I change myself are: 1. It interferes with my lifestyle and interests. This generally doesn't...|||I mean, it's human to not like everyone you meet. I'm not sure if it's the same case for her, but I can say some dark/mean stuff about *people I don't like*. However, it's also pretty obvious I don't...|||^Totally agree. ------------------------------------------ I can't say I've met someone I'd actually want to date long term (and short term ones just aren't worth the breakup pain). I used to...|||I'm really touchy feely / huggy with my friends. But not so much with someone I like or am in a relationship with. It's kind of odd.|||Ahhh, I wish I could do that xD. It seems too harsh though =/. I think I've gotten the INFJ doorslam before. It's prettyyyyyyy bad|||Sorry for the double post as I'm not exactly sure how to mention someone in a post. I noticed you're a 6w7, just like me. How often do you get in this type of situation/ how easy is it for you to get...|||Thanks for all the responses guys! I actually forgot to give my own opinion xD. I notice I get really upset and hurt, but I have an immensely hard time pulling out. Especially if they contact you...|||I take it most ENFPs (and most people in general) are pretty good friends. What's your response when you realize that someone takes your time and attention for granted?|||Ahhh yes, I do do this, but I'm not exactly sure why. I guess it creates some sort of conversation (because waiters/waitresses are people too) and it's some form of guidance? However, I'm more...|||That's rare. I've never said that to anyone as of date.|||I listen to sappy, romantic-ish songs for the first part. Usually turns out to be RnB or pop. It makes no sense, but it works amazingly well for me. ...|||The idea of stress is pretty foreign to me. Might be because I'm kind of young, and there's not too much in my life other than school and friends. I don't get stressed before and after any sort of...|||Hmmm. I actually don't really go fish for compliments. At least not the empty ones from people that I don't know too well. For me, compliments can be broken down into two sections: Those general...|||I read the article a bit ago, and my first impression was this is some bull. If presented with a picture, which is what the women in the survey were, I would also say men with a non-smiling face is...|||I could easily take pretty obvious lately as pretty friendly lately. At least as far as my girl-friends are concerned, some can get pretty touchy and gushy, but without any feelings (or so I...'
'as title states. anyone know any tips or systems to improve decisiveness?|||Since all 3 have leaked, any thought on these albums? Born sinner was a bit boring for me but still good, Mac Miller was surprisingly good on this album and Yeezus blew me away. Kanye west is insane.|||Like the title said. I dont know if I was always an entp but i know i changed dramatically when something happened to me when to me when i was still a kid. but yeah discuss.|||green orange blue gold|||wow same here. me and my nt brother both hate phone conversations. i like continually assessing someones facial reactions and slight movements and gestures to things i say. i take in a lot of...|||9/10 made me laugh|||I voted for these three unlike those rule breakers above me :wink: not well-informed/ ignorant about the world materialistic not well-informed/ ignorant about the world|||oho clever.|||Personally i wouldnt know which type would be the anti entp type but from my experience it isnt istj's as most of you have said. two of my good friends are istj's and they're not boring to be around...|||Yeah me too. I got tired of how unproductive and apathetic it made me feel. I've moved on to better things|||legalize that green! i dont do it anymore. was a major pothead last year though.|||i never update my facebook status if that counts for anything.|||foolish me thinking that i would get a serious response from people like me haha.|||I dont like saying good luck but i cant really think of anything that would be a suitable replacement. I dont really like ill pray for your success or do your best. anyone have any cool replacements?|||Im pretty good i think. i have a good feel for rhythm and can groove to most things with a fast beat. Ive never done anything like ballroom dancing or salsa or anything|||god i hate math. it doesnt interest me at all. i know that if i applied myself i'd be doing well in my calc II class, but....whatever|||haha its cool. I should've known better but hey, i like trying new things. Maybe ill join SGA or something.|||Well i joined investment banking club, but that really wasn't for me. I dont think ive found my passion either so that kinda sucks. Ill try and get involved in more things though it seems like a good...|||Im in my second year of college (started out as comp sci major switching to poly sci/sociology next semester) and im considering taking a break. I really dont know what I want to do and college makes...|||He's my new favorite hip hop artist and and breath of fresh air in the hip hop scene. He is so consistent and his new album good kid maad city is a classic in my opinion. Any other opinions on him?|||how to do you guys think a entp and istj team would work out? would our strengths fill in each other's weaknesses or would we clash instead?|||To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson|||Its ok. At least im closer to narrowing down my options. I thought i was introverted because i was surrounded by people i really didnt connect with. At that point also i didnt understand why i felt...|||thanks for the response! is it normal as an entp to feel really introverted sometimes? im more unsure of whether im E or I|||I've been having doubts as to what my type is. If anyone can offer a little insight it would be much appreciated. 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For...|||Damn i need me an ENFP now.|||Im independent to a fault. Like others have said i wont ask for help when i need it, but i have gotten a little better at that i suppose. Its the need to be entirely self-sufficient i guess.|||I've never had a panic attack either, and sleep paralysis? Seems terrifying from what I've read. I really hope it never happens to me. The brain is an amazing thing.|||Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say it's 'suspicious' | Mail Online Check this bullcrap out. It's appalling.|||Someone was bored, and I don't eat ice cream. Last year, I ate it maybe twice or three times. I dunno.|||NTPI-the arcologist The second of the pure rationals, the NTPI tends towards creating utopian architectures. It does this out of a strong intuition of global truth. Reasonable. I see myself...|||I consider myself fairly driven/ambitions. I have plans to graduate college without any student loans(hopefully). I'm still trying to zero in on my desired field though.|||I fall into your first category. It's really REALLY hard to get out of that childhood indoctrinated mind state, but now I'm more of a deist instead of a Christian.|||Wow i never expected to be nominated. cool!|||It's not even about dominance! I know that no personality is dumber or smarter and I'm not advocating anything but with N's and S's there seems to be a difference in thinking that separates us and...|||I was a wrestler throughout highschool. It was pretty much a love hate relationship with it. But there's nothing like winning a match and getting that pin. Plus it got me really fit too. I like a lot...|||Which Is The Smartest MBTI Type? | Slayerment I would rather discuss the S v N comparison rather than the whole which individual type is smarter thing. For example sometimes some of my S...|||Yep. It's actually pretty easy. When you realize that they're of no use to you and don't offer you anything as a person all bridges get burned.|||Kush and Corinthians-Kendrick Lamar [Chorus: Kendrick Lamar] Ride to it, ride to it, cause you never know when a bullet might hit and you die to it, die to it Die to it, die to it, live your...|||Very few people listen to hip hop how sad. On another note I also like electronic style music but abhor metal. I don't really like rock either but I can tolerate some of it.|||This. The whole movie is amazing, and the business card scene is phenomenal. Now I have to go return some videotapes. One of my personal favorites is Moriarty from the BBC version of sherlock.|||Do I care about not keeping up with friends? Not really, I'll see them again in the fall I just wanted to know if this behavior is concurrent.|||Do any of you tend to do this? For example, school-wise when I'm home and put in almost next to zero effort in keeping communication with my friends. When I see them next year for example they always...|||From on outside perspective this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtmndVpJrW8 When I get so involved in something it's like nothing else exists.|||off topic but your avatar is hilarious Kakarookee. On topic my tendency to space out and the fact that my mind is a maelstrom of everything.|||Hey I like that song.|||So who caught that episode of jersey shore last night?|||my bro is an intj so I guess I know how to communicate or handle them. You get the idea.|||I love Hip hop most out of all the things I listen to. I take it most people here don't but w/e. This however is one of my favorite electronica tracks by Flying Lotus. It's absolutely amazing and...|||I love staying fit. Calisthenics all the way for me with some parkour as well. I eat healthy most of the time too. I like trying to push my body to its limits, when I feel like it.'
'I have no solution for your case, I can only tell you how thing unfold in my case. I had a very long platonic relationship with INFP , and what I notice : 1. INFP are very slow before deciding to...|||I don't there is a way to get out of the infj inner vision from outside, howewer its possible to let the infj consider that other option is equally possible and can be included in his vision, as Ni...|||don't you think that Ni-Fe is our identity . For exemple we perceive something trendy with Ni , then we judge if this tend is good or not according to Fe. Then we can hold this view long time . At...|||Dominance 39 % Compliance 33% Influence 19% Steadiness 9% You have a strong inner motivation to assertively create and implement new ideas. You handle pressure well - you strive...|||Thank you so much, it s what i secretly hoped, see a explosion of creativity from infp :)|||Hi, everyINFP there In my attempt to understand INFP, I found an article describing Fi as a sword in ground, I ' d like to know if INFP relate to this image of Fi. Another question is which...|||i have P decision making process sometime, but after J come back . But sometime day dream randomly like a P , I think I integrated some P stuff, and it s not Ni .|||[QUOTE=Invidia;3983675]I call this one Killing Time *rimshot* http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3787/9163991582_9349614340_z.jpg All the hours wound you, the last one kills|||about infp , that surprise me a lot, I read somewhere that INFP were shy , and kind of sensitive most idealist creature. So I thougt they are little bit frigid or afraid of that.|||One infp I know like to take photo and travel, so one day travel around place in nice weather and taking photo will make her happy , what would be your perfect day with your significant other ?|||actually we have opposite function Ni-fe-ti-se (infj) / Fi-Ne-si-te (infp)|||Pattern recognition from precognition|||I found a post by INFP about a feeling about healing and the world : it s very interresting : here it is (original link : INFP - Fish out of water )|||@MelanieM only honeymoon ?|||Hi , I'm curious to know if INFP had this idea of soulmate and how they view soulmate experience ? did that already happen that you feel that you found your soulmate ? how was it ? why ? what did...|||Hi, I m curious to know if INFP feel like they are healer ? for my part as INFJ , I really like feel like a protector (as keirsey called) because I 'm in some mission to protect what I believe...|||sound Ni, like the zhuang zi chinese poem, I dream i was a butterfly, when I a woke up I don't know if I am zhuang zi dreaming beeing a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming beeing me|||Thankx for your insight As infj , I can recognize is some of the negative trait you said, but mostly it s something that I get under stress period, . What I really love about INFP is the...|||Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being: ...|||Just very curious , for my part It s difficult to guess what infp female feel, always unsure (i think because of the fi)|||You are a Type 5 with a 6 wing: The Scientist Your trifix is 5w6, 1w9, 3w2. In enneagram theory, you have one type for how you relate to the world (either 8, 9, or 1), one type for how you...|||Knowing too much, causing pain If you think knowing too much is causing pain, then you don't know enough Knowing nothing, ignorance is bliss|||if you connect Ni with Ti you wouldn't take the wrong perception personnaly and then could improve your Ni :)|||I don't consciously exercise it, it manifest in my dream and when I try to understand them by connecting the dot with others dreams and experience. Also always searching a way to predict future and...|||I can feel what others feel, sometimes to the point I can't be sure what is mine and what isn't , but why do I have so much difficulties to understand my own feelings ? what do you do about it ? I...|||IEI especially first part , Ni http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/images/smilies/Ni.gif – Program function. Introversion of IEI's intuition dictates that his consciousness is submerged...|||especially , there is a factor time . You can plan what you want and the big trend you want, (for exemple I'd like to have this kind of carrerr in 5 years, and in 10 years I like this and then ... )...|||I fully agree with what you said. usually for infj , it's a blind spot because of their approach. Their confort zone is ethic, not technic , :) I myself realize what happened when I asked myself...|||yes that s what I said , moral and science are different . I will take an exemple. If someone ask a question like ; is it better to have decision made by a process where the members are equal or...|||I think INFJ tend to confuse moraly right / wrong and scientifically true or false Because INFJ hope that what they believe be morally right is true (or the truth), when you debate over the...|||Yes that why I love to speak with INTJ , because it give some real objective point of view that INFJ tend to lack (and myself included when I begin too passionated). Also , INTJ don't take it as...|||RLOAI (3.1% of women; 2.3% of men) withdrawn, loner, not wild and crazy, does not like the spotlight, worrying, crowd averse, afraid to draw attention to self, easily hurt,...|||Théodore 'Laurie' Laurence|||transcendental love|||Humanmetrics Jung Typology Testx99 Your Type ...|||i don't debate agressevely :) I was before when I was younger, but now I less in this approach. because first , I don't debate over thing I don't know , or I don't have enough precisly fact. Second...|||Yes I will meet her, and keep the good memories until I die, Not I won't meet someone that I know will betray me. So I prefer meet shortly someone I will love until end , than meet in long term...|||This is the character we have found you to be most similar to: http://psych.wfu.edu/woodlab/celebrity/images/scaletop.jpg http://psych.wfu.edu/woodlab/celebrity/images/redscale.jpg...|||I was randomly reading some tech magazine news , and suddenly find a usefull tools that appael me greatly , It's called the burn down chart , it track your progress everyday by mesuring the...|||40% infj 26% enfj 9% isfj 7% intj 4% estj|||a copy paste from :Special Education: The INFJ Temperament The INFJ Temperament If you've done the Myers Briggs test and know you're an INFJ, then hopefully, this discussion will be ...|||You Are Curious http://images.blogthings.com/whatdoesyourcollegemajorsayaboutyouquiz/curious.jpg|||INFJ / ENFP The Protector and the Inspirer An Introverted/Extraverted Relationship The level of both harmony and conflict within Introverted/Extraverted relationships can vary considerably,...|||Infj can use the Ni-Ti , when they are in this mode they will bring their plan until end (Ni get the vision , Ti implement the vision , The implement had been realized (Se) then new vision come from...|||yes , and plan is how I do in order to bring it to life :)|||Wow , can you elaborate the process you take when using your Ni in the law way ? For my part, Law is not so easy because I just like cyberlaw, others law are difficult to study for me and it became...|||I love to think about love, soulmate and destiny topic love to have sudden vision like to guess others mind , and validate it or not in real life like to understand how things unfold in reality ,...|||and what do you do to prevent from it ? mine is to not see last time the one I love before I die (even if I m still somewhat young) and I plan , plan and plan everything I can|||so what's yours ?|||promise is sacred , because the sincerity is sacred, and promise is based on the sincerity otherwise is just a lie for futur. promise is something like keeping your sincerity from start to end,...'
Hmm... My dad mentioned something about people working in healthcare where they come in with a degree and specialise. I kind of figured that psychology itself isn't that reliable of a field without...|||I am currently a freshman in university majoring in Cognitive Psychology with a (built-in) minor of Philosophy and a plan to minor in (possibly) Biology or Spanish. It is my understanding that...|||Most Happy - There's a plate of cookies on my stove and since my roommate's gone for the weekend they're all mine Most unhappy - I only have 2 friends; one of which is in another timezone and the...|||Short story: I normally never study and so now I'm suffering because of it. Up until now I've been able to get by through paying attention in class and doing my assignments; but right now I've just...|||I went and found another quiz that was gender neutral since I'm a straight female and got omega.|||When I was younger I used to have night terrors, sleep paralysis, and sometimes I'd wake up from a nightmare but whatever was scaring me would still be there as I woke up (almost like a half-dream...|||Exercise I try to exercise on on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I typically exercise outside because I'm not really in shape I'm kind of intimidated by people in gyms. With others. Large amounts of...|||Welcome!|||I guess, I've always been better with subjects like art, psychology, humanities, literature and history classes than with math and programming and stuff like that.|||My all time favourite is Hellsing. Ellen Lied was really good. I like Higurashi no nako koto ni, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Wolfs Rain, black butler, and a few others. I never got around to...|||I typically read philosophical or fantasy. More recently I've been ready a lot of psychological books. Crime stories are good and I also like ghost stories and whatnot.|||Hi! Welcome! I like anime too, and reading? What genres do you read?|||Welcome, it's nice to meet you! I notice we have similar interests. More specifically: anime, slacking, and singing. I can't play guitar though... Wish I could. Dreams are very interesting things too.|||Welcome!|||Because these sorts of things aren't exact, they're just a generalisation, I think things like this will happen. For me I would test multiple times and often get ISFP instead of INFP. It could have...|||Ok. Let's start with my room I guess. I'm kind of messy so I have my stuff everywhere, but I'm still clean (if that makes sense) like, I'm not really organized, but things aren't disgusting or...|||Is there anything else (specific) that you would like to know? Or should I just run on about random habits and stuff XD|||I don't necessarily contradict myself, but I tend to kind of jump around when I'm trying to tell someone something which might include me saying something contradictory without necessarily meaning...|||Welcome!|||Hi there! Welcome!|||Welcome!|||Maybe do a bit of research on the place you're going to see if there's anything of interest to you.|||Hi there! Welcome!|||Hi there!|||Welcome!|||To answer the title question, no (in my opinion). However, family is not exclusively the one you were born into. To be honest, There are people that I have known for a little less than a year that I...|||1.I donx92t remember exactly when I realized that there was evil, but sometime between 2nd and 4th grade I was kind of aware of it. It was something I kind of saw in these boys at my school. We had...|||Hi there!|||Hi there! Nice to meet you!|||Welcome!|||Hi there!|||You step on your laptop because you were too lazy to put it away before going to sleep.|||Hi there!|||The Smiths Francoise Hardy I the Mighty Anberlin CHVRCHES Coyote Theory Sublime Franz Ferdinand Hellogoodbye Rise Against|||That's good, I can probably learn from this because I've never been good at telling people how I feel about them. Also, I find your story rather odd because I've had a similar experience with an INTJ...|||This happens to me all the time, but I have no idea why. Part of me thinks that it has something to do with the way I come across to other people, but then I think maybe it's just a lack of...|||Although I dislike not having control over the situation sometimes, I realized that I'm not always going to be able to and sometimes I'm more comfortable with that. The outcome will usually depend on...|||I'm not sure where I am as far as religion goes. I used to be very religious until I moved, but then when I saw more of the world I began to question what I was taught as a kid and my perspective...|||In general, I think labels can be OK providing that people don't look to far into them and begin using them as an excuse to only understand what they can see... if that makes sense. For example, I...|||Hello, welcome!|||Hi!|||Yeah... I don't think that the procrastination goes away. However for me, I've recently started to make lists of things that I have to get done in order to get the larger project done. Eventually...|||My mother is ESTJ and my dad is ENTP. My relationship with my mum...eh... there's often a lot of misunderstandings but we get along for the most part. She kind of stresses me out though but I think...|||I guess my dream world would be very peaceful for the most part, the landscape would be more dramatic. Maybe brighter colors, really tall mountains, maybe some surreal things too like floating...|||I used to do stuff like that but with bugs and lizards XD|||Welcome!|||I used to do that. I remember my favorite museum was a converted prison and asylum in Kansas. They had a history of different treatments and torture methods and stuff.|||As a child, did anyone else have interests or obsessions that teachers or classmates think made you weird? When I was a kid I had this absolute obsession with the dead, mummies, ancient sacrifices,...|||Haha, I probably need that sort of motivation.|||Slagathor Last year I had a similar routine, but since I'm graduating in a couple of months, I've been hit with this wave of laziness and I've been putting my homework off to the last minute, also I...
'Just wondering, why do you type Finkelstein as ENFJ? I agree pretty well with the rest, but I see Finkelstein as more of an IXTP.|||Your anus.|||INFJ Batman.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LhgCkXUyzc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih4bm-91Wq4|||https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202688453466159 top scoring links : thingsforants|||I need a better way to procrastinate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iVXvAWyNBM|||Can the motivations of your fixes in your tritype swap around with those of your core?|||Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Japanese game show in which contestants have to find which pieces of furniture are chocolate. - Imgur|||Moya You know what, I actually think Thom Yorke is so/sx. He is much informal, unstable/uncentered, carefree, dynamic and expressive to be so/sp. I know from experience that so/sx 5's are...|||Oh if I do, it'll certainly be a surprise, though I'm not sure if it would be a pleasant or unpleasant one...|||Good evening, may I change my name to SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT?|||I know that my heart type is my weakest function, and that it is either 2w1 or 4w5. How do I know if I am a 4w5 fixer or if I am just confusing the description of type four with my disintegrated 1w9...|||Is it unusual for an INFJ to appear Ne-dom around friends? After reading a lot about the differences between Ne and Ni I can clearly tell that I utilize the convergent introverted intuition over the...|||INTPs, pray tell, what is love? (Not meaning to make a Haddaway reference)|||But that's what makes the show so likable!|||Pornography is devaluing. It's materialism that objectifies human beings with great human potential, people that could be so much more than objects in a magazine or video. I will not judge you for...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PN5JJDh78I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_3P4lPtcZI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8ybWaIvmaM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2UyRS5cPJk|||Lucid.|||I agree. I suppose the stereotypical ISTP in most people's minds is someone blunt, negative and cold like Steve Jobs whereas with INFJs it's a Gandhi figure, both are incorrect generalizations that...|||That's very interesting. I'm sorry, I made a false argument. The characteristics I associated with ISTP in my post are with people I know personally that are the type, they do not account for all...|||George Harrison was arguably the biggest innovator in the Beatles musically, introducing the Sitar and Indian spirituality to the West along with his abstract lyrics was far from unoriginal. None of...|||Perfect. I'm still not entirely convinced of John's type, but INFP does seem fitting. And coming from an INFJ, George Harrison has to be one of the most obvious INFJs in the public eye.|||Great band! I disagree with a lot of your typings but I could see their singer as an INFJ judging off of the interview.|||Humor is just such an odd concept when you think about it. I mean, what is the evolutionary advantage of developing laughter? What is laughter?|||Sounds wonderful. 93847 Now please hold be while I sob in my lonesomeness and offer me a chamber of comforting solace with your cushiony words.|||I'm interested to see how INTPs handle heavy emotions in others and how the inferior Fe comes into play. So let's say a stranger breaks down crying beside you, what do you do? Do you try to...|||Art at its finest.|||Aw, well this one is hurt. :crying:|||What is humor?|||I haven't seen this episode, but I can't stop laughing at whatever is happening in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDy4sBkRTHE Jameson is coming for Spiderman's pooper: ...|||You think too much.|||Bah, INFJs and their doubt and hyper-analysis. I can tell you're stressed, just follow your Ni dominance and stop screwing your mind up with tertiary Ti and you'll understand.|||You're just jealous of her dominant intuition.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFFW_9j9oMA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH0hikcwjIA Viewer discretion advised: http://trollpasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tale_of_Shrek|||Stop trying to be like me.|||I have a general hypothesis about the defining factor of INTPs that I'd like you to comment on: INTPs, as Ti-dom types, seek understanding as an end and follow the need to build a coherent,...|||(Cliche N-superiority complex intended) Stop defending your silly traditional tradition of duty-fulfilling dutiful duty of dutiful duty need to nurture easily offended people and be more open, you...|||Mi familia: Mom: ENFJ 6w7-2w1-1w2 sx/so Dad: ISTP 5w6-1w9-2w1 sp/so (unsure of stack) Brother: ENTP 9w8-5w6 sx/so Sister: ENFP 2w1-7w6 so/sx So my parents are tested shadow types :shocked:...|||Why do I have to have nipples, damn it? When the hell am I going to evolve out of them and not have to deal with them staring at me after hopping out of the shower?|||Definitely, I can identify with everything you said. I hate repetitive and mundane tasks and am bored by strict order. I have anxiety and other psychological issues that contribute to making the need...|||That is quite the understatement. Study history and see the accomplishments, power of thought and strength with the embodiment of reform in the guidance of Gandhi, Plato, Chomsky, Spinoza, Bohr,...|||That's the way I feel, I tend to be controlled when neutral and aloof when understress but often I am extremely extroverted and outgoing whenever I'm around friends or people I like. How can I be...|||What other myers briggs type would you say you can identify with best or are most similar to? What type would you say others are most likely to mistype you as or have you mistyped yourself as? Do you...|||I'm not sure what you mean by special cameras, but all of those are associations made between the input, empathy, and the processing instrument, abstract intuition. Perceiving such phenomena means...|||The thing is that I would not say the perception of precognition, hyper-empathy, clairvoyance and so on is not outside of nature and does not qualify as supernatural. The possession of these...|||Oh the insights... The horror, the horror! (You'll get that after you see the film :happy:) I advise reading Heart of Darkness if you haven't already as well, it's one of my favorites.|||Lemxn Thank you for your post, I'm glad you found something that you love. I guess you can't really be sure until you've looked around, I hope I have one of those moments like you did in physiology....|||I believe they could look a lot like this: 89307|||I can fly. :crazy: I'm sorry, but I believe the perception of these paranormal abilities is just a result of the misinterpretation of strong intuition, which qualifies as quite extraordinary in...'
'Backpacking and hitchhiking across the USA with a good friend as long I want to! :laughing: India, Australia (also hitchhiking!), Iceland, Norway, Scotland (I will in a few weeks!), Morocco, Africa...|||Dramatic, certainly! But some people actually like that because it brings some liveliness :cool: There's nothing wrong with that! Overly emotional, yes, I can be, not all the time, but when I feel...|||We need more music :happy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoPL7BExSQU|||I didn't, and couldn't follow the basketballs either. Got 11, plus two when I thought the ball was in white-shirted hands a second ago when I saw a black shirt carrying it :confused: I was guessing...|||Just noticed that the numbers don't correspond to the *'s. Now it makes sense :wink: Still it's strange how I feel an introverted function can be the base of my extravertion. I notice that my...|||Humans are amazing, human nature is amazing! :proud: I like how everyones world is so different to any others when you take a closer look. Or bigger, how when you travel to other countries, people...|||Queen of leaves, here's the results :happy: What's with Helena by the way? That poor girl. Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing...|||http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/assessment/develop_old.html I've just done this cognitive functions survey, counted every checked box and got these results: Fi 30 Ne 26 Fe 20 Ni 13 Si 11...|||I've watched that movie, Jesus Camp, about radical christians in the US. Not saying that the church you visit is that radical, or that many churches are that radical, but it's so damn intriguing...|||Willy, thanks for mentioning Tom Hanks and the volleyball! :laughing: That's exactly the one things that seems damn scary about the great McCandless-trick. I've cried while watching Into the Wild,...|||No, these stereotypes don't work. We're far too crazy for that! :wink: Welcome, by the way! The peer pressure is forcing me to tell you I'm distracted by something shiny around me: oooh look...|||Wow man! :shocked: Really, no offense, with the greatest respect to all of you, but we don't even think about that here anymore, those things you're against are considered medieval here man! ...|||Well, at least I agree with you on that viewpoint :proud: ...and this one :happy:|||hmm, left wing in the USA would be considered moderately right wing here in the Netherlands... Guess I'm in the middle, social liberal. You can do whatéver you want, based on your own...|||this sounds so familiar! Especially the part i've copied in bold type. I tend to not see that as masks, but rather as change through inspiration, and that comes and goes. It's an ENFP thing to see...|||Haha, very very very true :laughing:|||Made some with Motivator: Create your own motivational posters!, it's just too damn addicting! :proud: http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab122/datistochnietnormaalmeer/1232.jpg?t=1273403239 ...|||Welcome! We have virtual coffee here, I'm sure you'll have a relaxing stay:proud: A little more serious: girls screwing minds ánd school stress are a bit too much for everyone, but I'm sure you'll...|||That's indeed crazy, might just try it :proud: Sounds delicious|||Coffee! :mellow::proud:|||Wow, that's recognizable. I've been manipulated by the girl I had a crush on some time ago. Afterwards she called me to say she felt terribly guilty about it. Woah, then I realised I knéw it all the...|||Haha, ENFP's are just too damn stubborn :happy: I can be argumentative, but not always logical. I'm more likely to use emotional arguments. Yes, we're damn assertive and argumentative. Fe creates...|||Thanks everyone, your posts have been very helpful! I've brought it back to this. I'm open to a level that is uncommon to most people, I consider hardly anything as private. Today I realised that...|||I must say that I actually consider myself lucky with the friends I have... this is probably a problem from within me.|||That could very well be. It's maybe that most people have another way of helping. Like giving some advice then sincerely wishing you the best. My ideal is to have zero distance between people, and my...|||I'm going to be careful answering, I know that what I say today could very well look total nonsense to me tomorrow :wink: It's like I feel that I could move mountains for someone, getting myself...|||Considered it, but I don't know enough of the enneagrams to say that :wink: You're one...|||yes, actually, that's the strange part. I know them actually really well and they know me and we do care very much about each other, but still I don't feel satisfied today.|||Alright, I'm having one serious irrational emotional mood today... out of nowhere it seems, I felt great the last few days and don't see any clear reason why I shouldn't today. However, out of...|||Good evening everyone :happy:|||http://www.forumspile.com/Cliche-Double_post.jpg|||It seems we are just nutters on this forum and only become serious when some else type tells us we're just nutters and never become serious :wink: Nah that's not true, I can be very serious when I...|||Haha, I'm very convinced you're very well able :tongue: You'll be just fine :proud:|||Congratulations Rube! All that effort deserves some recognition :tongue:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbwkkXGmFrI Welcome! :happy:|||Bad temper, manipulative and hedonistic....?|||Woah, you all got very good tastes :happy: A few of my favorite bands and artists, ehm... Sigur Rós, The Mars Volta, Jamiroquai, Björk, Beirut, The Streets, A Tribe Called Quest, Bob Dylan, Herbie...|||It's about my brother (15 years :happy:) I've made him do an online test twice, he tested as an ENFJ both times. But I know those free test are very inaccurate, and I just can't see him as an...|||That's such a beautiful song!|||It seems we're just not good at being single. I agree with almost all things said... I love to be independent, but I far more like to be independent with an independent someone else :wink: Apart...|||Are mediocre days worse that really bad days? Maybe even yes. ... I feel mediocre today, but it´s just early now, let´s see what I can make of it :proud: What´s so bad about a mediocre day? I...|||Intuition is like having the conclusion made before you realize what´s the reasoning... it´s awesome:proud: Ni is maybe more some kind of a sudden intuitive insight in something not necessarily in...|||But now you think you´re an ENTJ? Maybe, if you don´t seem to fit any type, you shouldn´t see MBTI as some absolute truth. It works for some of us, and even as I hestitate to accept it, my type...|||I consider myself a non-believer... haha :wink: Try and convince me!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zj55gaAgM4&feature=related|||...I just realised that you´re probably on your way already :wink:|||Eylrid! :happy: Are you still planning to do this trip? I´m slightly shocked by all these negative reactions. Bet no-one of them has ever hitchhiked before... I´m planning to do a hitchhiking...|||Welcome! :happy: (How´s Sweden! Would love to go there once!)|||If you're asking people if you can talk about it with them, it seems you still don't know if they would actively help you if you didn't ask, but I guess that most people just don't think their help...|||Hmm, haha, just discovered that 'outing' is something else than the dutch 'uiting' which means 'expression'. Well, al least I just became one word better in english :happy: Lilsnowy, I don't...'