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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
6, |
0.5, |
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], |
[ |
11, |
0.5, |
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], |
[ |
17, |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 83.33, |
"support": 5 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
8, |
7.5, |
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], |
[ |
4, |
3.5, |
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], |
[ |
14, |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 100.0, |
"support": 7 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
10, |
-0.5, |
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[ |
12, |
1.5, |
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], |
[ |
13, |
3.5, |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 78.45, |
"support": 79 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
13, |
1.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
2, |
3.5, |
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], |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 64.29, |
"support": 66 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
1, |
1.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
9, |
0.5, |
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], |
[ |
7, |
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] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 85.87, |
"support": 63 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
8, |
7.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
12, |
2.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
18, |
1.0, |
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] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 100.0, |
"support": 77 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
19, |
5.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
8, |
7.5, |
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] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 70.85, |
"support": 143 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
19, |
5.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
18, |
2.5, |
true |
] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 89.46, |
"support": 245 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
13, |
1.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
2, |
0.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
1, |
0.5, |
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] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 76.88, |
"support": 128 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
18, |
0.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
8, |
5.5, |
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], |
[ |
4, |
4.0, |
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] |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 98.31, |
"support": 37 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
13, |
1.5, |
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], |
[ |
11, |
1.0, |
true |
], |
[ |
1, |
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] |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 100.0, |
"support": 18 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
4, |
3.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
8, |
0.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
20, |
3.5, |
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] |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 99.3, |
"support": 95 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
18, |
0.5, |
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], |
[ |
9, |
0.5, |
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], |
[ |
12, |
0.5, |
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] |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 94.03, |
"support": 124 |
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{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
20, |
2.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
3, |
0.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
1, |
0.5, |
true |
] |
], |
"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 64.29, |
"support": 20 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
4, |
3.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
7, |
0.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
19, |
4.5, |
true |
] |
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"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 100.0, |
"support": 232 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
18, |
0.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
2, |
4.5, |
true |
] |
], |
"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 86.51, |
"support": 207 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
12, |
2.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
11, |
0.5, |
true |
] |
], |
"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 84.64, |
"support": 235 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
14, |
2.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
10, |
-0.5, |
false |
], |
[ |
18, |
1.5, |
true |
] |
], |
"label": 0, |
"accuracy": 80.19, |
"support": 270 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
7, |
0.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
18, |
2.0, |
true |
], |
[ |
13, |
1.0, |
true |
] |
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"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 82.8, |
"support": 101 |
}, |
{ |
"rule": [ |
[ |
19, |
2.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
20, |
0.5, |
true |
], |
[ |
18, |
0.5, |
true |
] |
], |
"label": 1, |
"accuracy": 53.12, |
"support": 43 |
} |
], |
"rules_description": [ |
"if (gill-spacing <= 0.5) and (stalk-surface-above-ring > 0.5) and (ring-number > 0.5) then class: p (proba: 83.33%) | based on 5 samples", |
"if (gill-color > 7.5) and (odor <= 3.5) and (stalk-color-below-ring > 6.5) then class: e (proba: 100.0%) | based on 7 samples", |
"if (stalk-root <= -0.5) and (stalk-surface-below-ring <= 1.5) and (stalk-color-above-ring <= 3.5) then class: p (proba: 78.45%) | based on 79 samples", |
"if (stalk-color-above-ring <= 1.5) and (cap-color <= 3.5) and (spore-print-color > 2.5) then class: p (proba: 64.29%) | based on 66 samples", |
"if (cap-surface > 1.5) and (stalk-shape <= 0.5) and (gill-size > 0.5) then class: p (proba: 85.87%) | based on 63 samples", |
"if (gill-color <= 7.5) and (stalk-surface-below-ring > 2.5) and (ring-type > 1.0) then class: p (proba: 100.0%) | based on 77 samples", |
"if (spore-print-color > 2.5) and (spore-print-color <= 5.5) and (gill-color <= 7.5) then class: p (proba: 70.85%) | based on 143 samples", |
"if (spore-print-color > 2.5) and (spore-print-color <= 5.5) and (ring-type <= 2.5) then class: p (proba: 89.46%) | based on 245 samples", |
"if (stalk-color-above-ring > 1.5) and (cap-color > 0.5) and (cap-surface > 0.5) then class: p (proba: 76.88%) | based on 128 samples", |
"if (ring-type <= 0.5) and (gill-color > 5.5) and (odor <= 4.0) then class: e (proba: 98.31%) | based on 37 samples", |
"if (stalk-color-above-ring > 1.5) and (stalk-surface-above-ring <= 1.0) and (cap-surface > 1.5) then class: e (proba: 100.0%) | based on 18 samples", |
"if (odor <= 3.5) and (gill-color > 0.5) and (population > 3.5) then class: e (proba: 99.3%) | based on 95 samples", |
"if (ring-type <= 0.5) and (stalk-shape > 0.5) and (stalk-surface-below-ring <= 0.5) then class: e (proba: 94.03%) | based on 124 samples", |
"if (population > 2.5) and (bruises%3F <= 0.5) and (cap-surface <= 0.5) then class: p (proba: 64.29%) | based on 20 samples", |
"if (odor <= 3.5) and (gill-size > 0.5) and (spore-print-color <= 4.5) then class: e (proba: 100.0%) | based on 232 samples", |
"if (spore-print-color <= 2.5) and (ring-type <= 0.5) and (cap-color <= 4.5) then class: e (proba: 86.51%) | based on 207 samples", |
"if (stalk-surface-below-ring <= 2.5) and (spore-print-color <= 2.5) and (stalk-surface-above-ring <= 0.5) then class: e (proba: 84.64%) | based on 235 samples", |
"if (stalk-color-below-ring <= 2.5) and (stalk-root > -0.5) and (ring-type <= 1.5) then class: e (proba: 80.19%) | based on 270 samples", |
"if (gill-size <= 0.5) and (ring-type <= 2.0) and (stalk-color-above-ring <= 1.0) then class: p (proba: 82.8%) | based on 101 samples", |
"if (spore-print-color <= 2.5) and (population <= 0.5) and (ring-type <= 0.5) then class: p (proba: 53.12%) | based on 43 samples" |
], |
"config": { |
"n_trees": 20, |
"max_depth": 3, |
"max_features": 2, |
"used_data": 0.1 |
} |
} |