import sys |
from prody import * |
import pandas as pd |
from rdkit import Chem |
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem |
from io import StringIO |
import requests |
from mpi4py import MPI |
from mpi4py.futures import MPICommExecutor |
from mpi4py.futures import MPIPoolExecutor |
import re |
from functools import partial |
import gzip |
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import ExactMolWt |
import numpy as np |
import os |
mol_wt_cutoff = 100 |
min_atoms = 3 |
punctuation_regex = r"""(\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>>?|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])""" |
molecule_regex = r"""(\[[^\]]+]|Br?|Cl?|N|O|S|P|F|I|b|c|n|o|s|p|\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>>?|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])""" |
max_seq = 2046 |
max_smiles = 510 |
ubiquitous_ligands = ['PEG', 'ADP', 'FAD', 'NAD', 'ATP', 'MPD', 'NAP', 'GDP', 'MES', |
'GTP', 'FMN', 'HEC', 'TRS', 'CIT', 'PGE', 'ANP', 'SAH', 'NDP', |
'PG4', 'EPE', 'AMP', 'COA', 'MLI', 'FES', 'GNP', 'MRD', 'GSH', |
'FLC', 'AGS', 'NAI', 'SAM', 'PCW', '1PE', 'TLA', 'BOG', 'CYC', |
'UDP', 'PX4', 'NAG', 'IMP', 'POP', 'UMP', 'PLM', 'HEZ', 'TPP', |
'ACP', 'LDA', 'ACO', 'CLR', 'BGC', 'P6G', 'LMT', 'OGA', 'DTT', |
'POV', 'FBP', 'AKG', 'MLA', 'ADN', 'NHE', '7Q9', 'CMP', 'BTB', |
'PLP', 'CAC', 'SIN', 'C2E', '2AN', 'OCT', '17F', 'TAR', 'BTN', |
'XYP', 'MAN', '5GP', 'GAL', 'GLC', 'DTP', 'DGT', 'PEB', 'THP', |
'BEZ', 'CTP', 'GSP', 'HED', 'ADE', 'TYD', 'TTP', 'BNG', 'IHP', |
'FDA', 'PEP', 'ALF', 'APR', 'MTX', 'MLT', 'LU8', 'UTP', 'APC', |
'BLA', 'C8E', 'D10', 'CHT', 'BO2', '3BV', 'ORO', 'MPO', 'Y01', |
'OLC', 'B3P', 'G6P', 'PMP', 'D12', 'NDG', 'A3P', '78M', 'F6P', |
'U5P', 'PRP', 'UPG', 'THM', 'SFG', 'MYR', 'FEO', 'PG0', 'CXS', |
'AR6', 'CHD', 'WO4', 'C5P', 'UFP', 'GCP', 'HDD', 'SRT', 'STU', |
'CDP', 'TCL', '04C', 'MYA', 'URA', 'PLG', 'MTA', 'BMP', 'SAL', |
'TA1', 'UD1', 'OLA', 'BCN', 'LMR', 'BMA', 'OAA', 'TAM', 'MBO', |
'MMA', 'SPD', 'MTE', 'AP5', 'TMP', 'PGA', 'GLA', '3PG', 'FUL', |
'PQQ', '9TY', 'DUR', 'PPV', 'SPM', 'SIA', 'DUP', 'GTX', '1PG', |
'GUN', 'ETF', 'FDP', 'MFU', 'G2P', 'PC', 'DST', 'INI'] |
def get_protein_sequence_and_coords(receptor): |
calpha = receptor.select('calpha') |
xyz = calpha.getCoords() |
seq = calpha.getSequence() |
return seq, xyz.tolist() |
def tokenize_ligand(mol): |
smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) |
atom_order = [int(s) for s in list(filter(None,re.sub(r'[\[\]]','',mol.GetProp("_smilesAtomOutputOrder")).split(',')))] |
tokens = list(filter(None, re.split(molecule_regex, smi))) |
masked_tokens = [re.sub(punctuation_regex,'',s) for s in tokens] |
k = 0 |
token_pos = [] |
for i,token in enumerate(masked_tokens): |
if token != '': |
token_pos.append(tuple(mol.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition(atom_order[k]))) |
k += 1 |
else: |
token_pos.append((np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)) |
return smi, token_pos |
def read_ligand_expo(): |
""" |
Read Ligand Expo data, try to find a file called |
Components-smiles-stereo-oe.smi in the current directory. |
If you can't find the file, grab it from the RCSB |
:return: Ligand Expo as a dictionary with ligand id as the key |
""" |
file_name = "Components-smiles-stereo-oe.smi" |
try: |
df = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep="\t", |
header=None, |
names=["SMILES", "ID", "Name"]) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
url = f"http://ligand-expo.rcsb.org/dictionaries/{file_name}" |
print(url) |
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) |
open('Components-smiles-stereo-oe.smi', 'wb').write(r.content) |
df = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep="\t", |
header=None, |
names=["SMILES", "ID", "Name"]) |
df.set_index("ID", inplace=True) |
return df.to_dict() |
def get_pdb_components(pdb_id): |
""" |
Split a protein-ligand pdb into protein and ligand components |
:param pdb_id: |
:return: |
""" |
with gzip.open(pdb_id,'rt') as f: |
pdb = parsePDBStream(f) |
protein = pdb.select('protein') |
ligand = pdb.select('not protein and not water') |
return protein, ligand |
def process_ligand(ligand, res_name, expo_dict): |
""" |
Add bond orders to a pdb ligand |
1. Select the ligand component with name "res_name" |
2. Get the corresponding SMILES from the Ligand Expo dictionary |
3. Create a template molecule from the SMILES in step 2 |
4. Write the PDB file to a stream |
5. Read the stream into an RDKit molecule |
6. Assign the bond orders from the template from step 3 |
:param ligand: ligand as generated by prody |
:param res_name: residue name of ligand to extract |
:param expo_dict: dictionary with LigandExpo |
:return: molecule with bond orders assigned |
""" |
sub_smiles = expo_dict['SMILES'][res_name] |
template = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(sub_smiles) |
allres = ligand.select(f"resname {res_name}") |
res = np.unique(allres.getResindices()) |
mols = [] |
for i in res: |
sub_mol = ligand.select(f"resname {res_name} and resindex {i}") |
output = StringIO() |
writePDBStream(output, sub_mol) |
pdb_string = output.getvalue() |
rd_mol = AllChem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_string) |
mols.append(AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, rd_mol)) |
return mols, template |
def process_entry(df_dict, pdb_fn): |
try: |
""" |
Slit pdb into protein and ligands, |
parse protein sequence and ligand tokens |
:param df_dict: ligand expo data |
:param pdb_fn: pdb entry file name |
:return: |
""" |
protein, ligand = get_pdb_components(pdb_fn) |
pdb_name = os.path.basename(pdb_fn).split('.')[-3][3:] |
ligand_mols = [] |
ligand_names = [] |
if ligand is not None: |
res_name_list = list(set(ligand.getResnames())) |
for res in res_name_list: |
mols, template = process_ligand(ligand, res, df_dict) |
mol_wt = ExactMolWt(template) |
natoms = template.GetNumAtoms() |
if mol_wt >= mol_wt_cutoff and natoms >= min_atoms and res not in ubiquitous_ligands: |
if len(mols) > 1: |
print('Found {} copies of {} ligand {}'.format(len(mols),pdb_name,res)) |
ligand_mols += mols |
ligand_names += [res]*len(mols) |
ligand_smiles = [] |
ligand_xyz = [] |
for mol, name in zip(ligand_mols, ligand_names): |
print('Processing {} and {}'.format(pdb_name, name)) |
smi, xyz = tokenize_ligand(mol) |
ligand_smiles.append(smi) |
ligand_xyz.append(xyz) |
seq, receptor_xyz = get_protein_sequence_and_coords(protein) |
return pdb_name, seq, receptor_xyz, ligand_names, ligand_smiles, ligand_xyz |
except Exception as e: |
print(repr(e)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
import glob |
filenames = glob.glob('pdb/*/*.gz') |
filenames = sorted(filenames) |
with MPICommExecutor(comm, root=0) as executor: |
if executor is not None: |
df_dict = read_ligand_expo() |
result = executor.map(partial(process_entry, df_dict), filenames, chunksize=2048) |
result = list(result) |
pdb_id = [r[0] for r in result if r is not None for ligand in r[3]] |
seq = [r[1] for r in result if r is not None for ligand in r[3]] |
receptor_xyz = [r[2] for r in result if r is not None for ligand in r[3]] |
lig_id = [l for r in result if r is not None for l in r[3]] |
lig_smiles = [s for r in result if r is not None for s in r[4]] |
lig_xyz = [xyz for r in result if r is not None for xyz in r[5]] |
import pandas as pd |
df = pd.DataFrame({'pdb_id': pdb_id, 'lig_id': lig_id, 'seq': seq, 'smiles': lig_smiles, 'receptor_xyz': receptor_xyz, 'ligand_xyz': lig_xyz}) |
df.to_parquet('data/pdb.parquet',index=False) |