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Ispitivanje biološke stabilnosti vode za piće primenom rotirajućih prstenastih reaktora | Investigation of drinking water biostability usingrotating annular reactors | U radu su predstavljeni rezultati ispitivanja biološke stabilnosti vode za piće primenom rotirajućih prstenastih reaktora (eng. rotating annular reactor, RAR). Pomoću RAR praćen je uticaj odabranih faktora na suspendovani i pričvršćeni mikrobni rast pri kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima koji su simulirali distributivne sisteme. Pored toga, u cilju potpunog razumevanja biološke stabilnosti vode za piće izvršeno je ispitivanje metoda za određivanje biodegradabilne frakcije organske materije, BDOC i AOC test. Poređenjem BDOC testova sa nativnom populacijom bakterija pričvršćenom za pesak iantracit utvrđena je efikasnija primena biološkog aktivnog peska. Primenom peska za inokulaciju uzorka, vrednost BDOC u podzemnoj vodi sa teritorije srednjeg Banata iznosila je 1,27 mgC/l. U ispitivanju AOC testa sa suspendovanim standardnim kulturama Pseudomonas fluorescens P17 (ATCC 49642) i Spirillum sp. NOX (ATCC 49643), AOC iskorišćen od strane NOX je imao veću vrednost u odnosu na P17, što pokazuje da su karboksilne kiseline dominantan supstrat za rast. Vrednost AOC u tretiranoj podzemnoj vodi iznosila 32 μg acetat-C/l. Veće vrednosti BDOC ukazuju na prisustvo jedinjenja veće molekulske mase u ovoj frakciji u odnosu na AOC frakciju biodegradabilne organske materije. U ispitivanju biostabilnosti podzemne vode sa teritorije srednjeg Banatatokom tretmana, najveća količina biofilma je razvijena u RAR sa ozoniranom vodom (13,30 CFU/cm2), što potvrđuje efekte ozonizacije na biodegradabilnost organske materije i ponovni rast mikroorganizama. Tokom tretmana zabeleženo je variranje razvoja biofilma, pri čemu je najmanji stepen rasta biofilma uočen u RAR sa vodom nakon GAC filtracije (1,10 CFU/cm2). Tokom mikrobne kolonizacije test-pločica RAR pri laminarnom i turbulentnom protoku uočen je sličan trend rasta bakterija u biofilmu u sintetičkoj smeši organskih i neorganskih nutrijenata. Međutim, tokom dominacije suspendovanog rasta u sistemu voda-biofilm pri neprotocnim uslovima, ponašanje biofilmova razvijenih pri protočnim (laminarnim i turbulentnim) uslovima je bilo različto. Uočen je manji udeo bakterija prisutnih u vodenoj fazi kod biofilma nastalim pri turbulentnom protoku u odnosu na veće oslobađanje ćelija iz biofilma nastalim pri laminarnim uslovima, nakon 48h 78% i 89% suspendovanih bakterija, redom. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da su biofilmovi razvijeni pri turbulentnom protoku snažniji, stabilniji i jače pričvršćeni nego pri laminarnom protoku. Tokom praćenja sekundarne kolonizacije odvojenih ćelija biofilma uočeno je da se primarni biofilm ponaša kao stalni rezervoar ćelija koje su sposobne da zauzmu nove površine vrlo brzo pri različitim hidrodinamičkim uslovima. Brojnost bakterija u biofilmu razvijenom na sekundarnim test-pločicama nakon 24 h iznosila je 32000±1200 CFU/cm2 u odnosu na 16±1 CFU/cm2 primarne test-pločice. Ustanovljen je izraženiji potencijal kolonizacije novih površina odvojenim želijama iz primarnog biofilma koji je formiran pri turbulentnim uslovima u odnosu na laminarne uslove. Proces stvaranja biofilma na test-pločicama od nerđajućeg čelika (SS), polivinilhlorida(PVC) i polietilena(PE) je bio vrlo sličan. Samo debljina biofilma je bila veća na PE (4,0-5,5 kg/m3) nego na SS i PVC test-pločicama (2,7-3,6 kg/m3 i 2,8-3,9 kg/m3, redom). Ustanovljen je uticaj materijala cevi na rast biofilma u RAR snabdevanim vodom iz distributivnog sistema grada Novog Sada, naročito za vreme početne faze procesa. Biofilmovi formirani na različitim materijalima u RAR su uticali na mikrobiološki kvalitet vode, zavisno od njihove bakterijske gustine. SEM analiza potvrdila je prisustvo biofilma na test-pločicama u eksperimentima, ukazujući na uspe!nu primenu RAR u ispitivanju biofilma i biostabilnosti vode za piće. Rezultati dobijeni tokom ispitivanja ukazuju da se primenom odabranih i optimizovanih, zavisno od cilja ispitivanja i vrste uzorka, BDOC i AOC testova može efikasno definisati biolo!ka stabilnost vode za piće. Pored toga, sistematski pristup odabiru odgovarajućih materijala cevi, koji je zasnovan na pouzdanim testovima i definisanim kriterijumima, može se primeniti u cilju osiguravanja kvaliteta vode sa mikrobiološkog aspekta. Ispitivanja su pokazala uspešnu primenuRAR u simulaciji mikrobnog rasta u cevima pri kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima i značaj istovremenog ispitivanja imobilisanog i suspendovanog rasta u definisanom hidrodinamičkom sistemu. Primena RAR kao model biofilma je ukazala na njegov značaj u ispitivanju potencijala ponovnog naseljavanja površina otkinutih delova i/ili pojedinačnih ćelija biofilma za uspostavljanje efikasne kontrole mikrobnih problema u distributivnim sitemima vode za piće. | This thesis presents theresults of investigation of drinking water biostability using the rotating annular reactor (RAR). The effects of selected factors on the suspended and attached microbial growth under controlled laboratory conditions that simulated the distribution systems were monitored using RAR. In addition, in order to completeunderstanding of the drinking water biological stability, methods for determining biodegradable organic matter fractions, BDOC and AOC methods were tested. Comparing the BDOC tests with the native population of bacteria attached to sand and anthracite, a better application of biologically active sand was established. Using BDOC test with sand, the BDOC value in groundwater from the territory of the Central Banat (Republic of Serbia) was 1.27 mgC/L. In the investigation of AOC tests with standard suspended culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens P17(ATCC 49642) and Sprillumsp. NOX (ATCC 49643), AOC utilized by NOX had a higher value compared to the P17, which shows that the carboxylic acid are dominant substrate for growth. The AOC value in the treated ground water was 32 μg acetate-C/L. The higher BDOC values indicate the presence of higher molecular weight compounds in this fraction compared to the AOC biodegradable fraction of organic matter. In the investigation of biostability during treatment of groundwater from the territory of the Central Banat (Republic of Serbia), the largest amount of biofilm was developed in the RAR with ozonated water (13.30 CFU/cm2), confirming the effects of ozonation on organic matter biodegradability and microbial regrowth. During treatment the variation of biofilm development was detected and in the RAR with water after GAC filtration the lowest level of biofilm growth (1.10 CFU/cm2) was observed. During the microbial colonization of the RAR test-coupons under laminar and turbulent flow, the similar trend of growth of bacteria in the biofilm in synthetic mixture of organic and inorganic nutrients was observed. However, the higher numbers of immobilized bacteria under the turbulent conditions in the same growth period (16 days) were recorded. During the domination of suspended growth in water-biofilm system under non-flow conditions, the behavior of biofilms developed under flow (laminar and turbulent) conditions were different. There was a smaller proportion of bacteria present inthe aqueous phase of the biofilm formed under the turbulent flow over a larger release of cells from biofilms formed under laminar conditions, after 48h 78% and 89% of the suspended bacteria, respectively. These results indicate that biofilms developed under turbulent flow were stronger, more stable and more strongly attached than the ones under laminar flow. During monitoring of the secondary colonization of the dettached biofilm cells, it was noted that the primary biofilm was a constant reservoir of cells that are able to occupy the new areas very quickly under different hydrodynamic conditions. The abundance of bacteria in the biofilm developed on the secondary test-coupons after 24 h was 32 000±1200 CFU/cm2 compared to 16±1 CFU/cm2 on the primary test-coupons. A stronger potential for colonization of new areas by dettached cells from the primary biofilm formed under the turbulent conditions in comparison to laminar conditions was found. The biofilm formation processes on SS, PVC and PE test-coupons werevery similar. Only biofilm thickness was greater on the PE (4.0 to 5.5 kg/m3) than the SS and PVC test-coupons (2.7 to 3.6 kg/m3 and 2.8 to 3.9 kg/m3, respectively). There was a slight influence of pipe material on the biofilm growth, especially during the initial stages of the process. Biofilms formed on different materials in the RAR with water from the distribution system of the city of Novi Sad (Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia) have showed the influence on the microbiological quality of water, depending on their bacterial density. SEM analysis confirmed the biofilm presence on test-coupons in the experiments, indicating the successful implementation of RAR in the examination of biofilm and drinking water biostability. The results obtained during the investigations indicate that the application of selected and optimized, depending on the test objective and sample types, BDOC and AOC tests can effectively define the biological stability. In addition, a systematic approach for electing appropriate pipe materials, which is based on reliable tests and defined criteria, specific for the investigated drinking water distribution system can be applied to ensure he water quality from a microbiological point of view. The investigations have shown the successful application of RAR in the simulation of microbial growth in the pipes under controlled laboratory conditions as well as the importance of simultaneous examination of immobilized and suspended growth under defined hydrodynamic system. Implementation of RAR as amodel biofilm indicated its importance in examining the potential resettlement area by dettached parts and/or individual biofilm cells to establish effective control of microbial problems in the drinking water distribution system. | false |
Analiza učestalosti poremećaja ishrane u studentskoj populaciji | Analysis of the prevalence of eating disorders in the student population | Uvod
Poremećaji ishrane su kompeksni poremećaji koji se javljaju kod mladih u sve
većem broju.
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje prevalencije poremećaja ishrane
u studentskoj populaciji, dok su specifični ciljevi uključili određivanje prevalencije po
dijagnostičkim kategorijama; određivanje obrasca ishrane i percepcije telesne šeme;
prisustva kompenzatornih oblika ponašanja i depresivne simptomatologije.
Metod rada
Studija obuhvata analizu uzorka od 1.059 slučajno odabranih studenata različitih
viših škola i fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Srbija, koji su prilikom redovnih
godišnjih sistematskih pregleda u Zavodu za zdravstvenu zaštitu, popunili bateriju
anonimnih upitnika: socio-demografski upitnik, upitnik anamnestičkih podataka,
dijagnostičku skalu poremećaja ishrane i Bekov upitnik za procenu stepena
Prevalencija poremećaja ishrane bila je 29,0%. Prevalencija anoreksije nervoze
u ukupnom uzorku studenata je bila 1,9%, a samo među ženskim polom 3,2%.
Prevalencija bulimije nervoze je bila 13,5%, a poremećaja ishrane po tipu prejedanja
14,4%. Studenti sa detektovanim poremećajem ishrane tipa anoreksije i bulimije
nervoze su ispoljili više depresivnih simptoma u poređenju sa studentima, kod kojih ovi
poremećaji nisu detektovani. Prevalencija depresije u ukupnom uzorku studenata bila je
viša od prevalencije poremećaja ishrane (31% vs. 29%).
Primena rezultata ovog istraživanja trebalo bi da nađe svoje mesto u
integrisanim multidisciplinarnim preventivnim programima, u svakodnevnoj rutinskoj
praksi primarne zdravstvene zaštite, savetovalištima za adolescente i mlade,
savetovalištima za ishranu, kao i na specijalizovanim odeljenjima bolesti poremećaja
ishrane. | Introduction
Eating disorders are complex illnesses, reported among adolescents and young
people in a greater number each day.
The aim of the research was to determine the prevalence of eating disorders in
the student population and the prevalence according to diagnostic categories; to
determine eating habits, body perception, compensatory behaviors and depressive
The study includes analysis of a sample of 1.059 randomly selected students
from various colleges and faculties of Belgrade University, Serbia, who in the regular
annual health examination at the Institute for Health Care Belgrade, have fulfilled the
anonymous questionnaires: Social-demographic questionnaire, Anamnesis
questionnaire, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire and Beck Depression
The prevalence of eating disorders was 29.0%. The prevalence of anorexia
nervosa in the total sample was 1.9%, and only among female students 3.2%. The
prevalence of bulimia nervosa was 13.5%, and binge eating disorder 14.4%. Students
with detected anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are exhibiting more depressive
symptoms when compared with students in which these disorders are not detected. The
prevalence of depression in the total sample was higher than the prevalence of eating
disorders (31% vs. 29%).
Application of the results of this research should find its place in integrated,
multidisciplinary prevention programs, in the everyday routine practice of primary
health care, in counseling for adolescents and young people, counseling for nutrition, as
well as at the specialized departments of eating disorders. | true |
Razvoj novih modela komasacije u funkciji urbanističkog uređenja naselja | Development of new land readjustment models in the function of urban land development | Predmet proučavanja u ovom radu odnosi se na mogućnost razvoja novih
modela urbane komasacije u funkciji urbanističkog uređenja naselja. Urbana
komasacija se, kao instrument realizacije urbanističkog uređenja, koristi već
duže vreme u mnogim razvijenim zemljama i zemljama u razvoju. U Srbiji, gde se do
sada nije primenjivao ovaj instrument za uređenje građevinskog zemljišta, su
prepoznati potencijali urbane komasacije i otpočeo je proces implementacije u
zakonske i institucionalne okvire.
U radu je definisan novi tehnološki proces realizacije postupka urbane
komasacije kroz niz faza koje predstavljaju logički sistematizivane i hronološki
definisane aktivnosti. Istraživanje je realizovano na osnovu sagledavanja
karakteristika sistema prostornog i ubanističkog uređenja naselja u Srbiji i
osnovnih principa i specifičnosti urbane komasacije. Razmatrana je mogućnost
primene urbane komasacije kao alternative postojećim instrumentima sa aspekta
trenutnog stanja i potencijalnih koristi koje bi jedan ovakav instrument doneo.
Sagledana je potreba i ciljevi razvoja modela i analizirani su bitni
elementi koji imaju uticaja na jedan takav proces. Razvoj modela urbane komasacije
podrazumevao je postavljanje sistema procesa urbane komasacije u kome su, na
osnovu prepoznatih parametara, definisani optimalni modeli. Definisanjem
tehnološkog procesa urbane komasacije, stvoreni su preduslovi za prepoznavanje
ključnih faza procesa u kojima se, na osnovu analiziranih kriterijuma, donose
odluke o primeni određenog modela.
Analizirane su mogućnosti primene definisanih modela u zavisnosti od
klasifikacije naselja. Izvedeni su zaključci o stepenu moguće primene određenih
modela u konkretnim tipovima naselja, odnosno urbanističkih blokova.
Testiranjem definisanih modela na stavrnim primerima dokazano je da
predložena metodologija određivanja modela funkcioniše na različitim
ekperimentalnim područjima sa različitim karakteristikama. Time je dokazana
mogućnosti primene predloženog sistema na sva potencijana komasaciona područja
bez obzira na njihove specifičnosti.
Realizovana istraživanja i dobijeni rezultati doprinose proširenju fonda
relevantnih znanja iz oblasti urbane komasacije i realizacije urbanističkog
planiranja, u isto vreme predstavljajući osnovu za efikasnije planiranje i
sprovođenje radova iz ove oblasti. | The subject of study in this paper refers to the development of new land
readjustment models in the function of urban development of settlements. Land
readjustment, as a tool of urban policy implementation, is used for a long time in many
developed and developing countries. In Serbia, where this tool has not been used for urban
land development, potentials of land readjustment have been recognized and the process of
implementation in the legal and institutional frameworks began.
The paper defines a new technological process of realization of the land
readjustment procedure through a series of phases that include logically systematized and
chronologically defined activities. The research was conducted based on the review of
characteristics of the system of spatial and urban planning of settlements in Serbia and the
basic principles and specifics of land readjustment. The possibility of use of land
readjustment as an alternative to existing tools was also considered in terms of the current
situation and the potential benefits that such tool would bring.
The needs and goals of model development were discussed and essential elements
that influence such a process were analyzed. The development of the land readjustment
model included the setting up of the system of land readjustment process in which, on the
basis of recognized parameters, optimal models were defined. By defining the
technological process of land readjustment, preconditions were created for the recognition
of the key stages of the process, in which, based on the analyzed criteria, decisions on the
application of a particular model will be made.
The possibilities of applying the defined models were analyzed depending on the
classification of the settlements. Conclusions were drawn about the degree of possible
application of certain models for specific types of settlements or urban blocks.
Within a case-study research it was demonstrated that the proposed methodology
for determining the model can be used for different experimental areas with different
characteristics. Thus, the possibility of application of the suggested system to all
prospective land readjustment areas, regardless of their specificities, was proved.
Realized research and the results contribute to the expansion of the relevant
knowledge base in the field of land readjustment and implementation of urban planning,
while, at the same time, representing the basis for more effective planning and
implementation of works in this field. | true |
Optimalni modeli za planiranje i upravljanje troškovima realizacije građevinskih projekata | Optimal models for planning and managing expences of construction project realisation | Cilj izrade ove disertacije je naučni opis konceptualnog okvira za planiranje i kontrolu
realizacije građevinskih projekata baziranog na savremenim metodama usklađenim sa realnim
stanjem domaćeg građevinarstva, kako bi se omogućilo uspešno upravljanje projektima u skladu
sa zahtevima i standardima međunarodnih ugovora.
U prvom delu disertacije definisani su: predmet i ciljevi istraživanja, kao i metodologija izrade
disertacije. Nakon toga objašnjene su sadašnje ekonomske karakteristike građevinskog tržišta,
predviđanje budućih kretanja i predložene su mere za poboljšanje funkcionisanja građevinskog
sektora u Srbiji. U drugom delu disertacije objašnjena je važnost planerskog pristupa pri
upravljanju građevinskim projektima, gde su pobrojani i ukratko objašnjeni i načini sprovođenja
tenderskih postupaka pri izboru izvođača radova, kao segment kojim najviše može da se utiče
na trajanje i uspešnost realizacije projekta. U trećem delu objašnjeni su standardni modeli za
kontrolu realizacije projekata, i data je detaljna metodologija za analizu i upravljanje rizicima.
Na osnovu analize nedostataka standardnih savremenih metoda formiran je model za planiranje
i kontrolu realizacije, baziran na kontroli direktno angažovanih ljudskih resursa sa akcentom na
finansijsko planiranje, zasnovan na principima upravljanja lancima snabdevanja (supply chain
management), a kontrola realizacije je bazirana na primeni "last planner" metodologije. Ovaj
model je predstavljen kao osnova za razvoj i prilagođavanje konkretnim problemima u praksi,
pri realizaciji zasnovanoj na transparentnom prikazivanju troškova. U četvrtom poglavlju dat je
prikaz primene neuralnih mreža kao osnova za matematičko modeliranje modula za planiranje
troškova na građevinskim projektima.
Podaci koji su prikupljeni sa projekata gde je primenjena analiza zarađene vrednosti su
korišćeni za trening neuralne mreže kako bi se ustanovila zavisnost parametara kojima se meri
uspešnost projekata. Međutim, sa raspoloživim uzorkom nije se postigla dovoljna tačnost iako
se sa povećanjem broja podataka za trening greška smanjivala, tako da nije moguće koristiti
ovakav model, ali ga je moguće unaprediti sa dodatnim podacima za trening, kako bi se
povećala tačnost ustanovljenog modela.
Na osnovu izvršenih analiza i prikupljenih podataka iz prakse definisane su dve neuralne mreže,
jedna za predviđanje uspešnosti kompletnog projekta sa šest ulaznih i dve izlazne varijable, koje
predstavljaju % izvršenja i PF faktor na nivou kompletnog projekta, koja nije dala očekivane
rezultate, i druga sa deset ulaznih i dve izlazne varijable, koje predstavljaju troškove izgradnje i
ostvareni profit izvođača radova, i koje su iskorišćene kao osnova za trening neuralne mreže, u
programu MatLab.
Kako podaci vezani za troškove građenja predstavljaju praktično linearnu aproksimaciju, sa
dovoljnom tačnošću može se razviti model u kome ulazni podaci ne moraju biti visoke tačnosti,
već se mogu aproksimirati u unapred određenom opsegu. Ovo je i potvrđeno primenom heksa
asocijativne memorije.
U šestom poglavlju model je primenjen na 3 karakteristična slučaja iz prakse, i postignuta je
dovoljna tačnost za donošenje odluke o razvoju određenih projekata. Na kraju su dati zaključci
do kojih se došlo takom izrade ove disertacije.
IV | The aim of this dissertation is a scientific description of the conceptual framework for planning
and controlling the implementation of construction projects based on modern methods
compatible with the real situation of the domestic construction industry, in order to enable
successful projects management in accordance with the requirements and standards of
international contracts.
The first part of the thesis defines the subject and research objectives as well as the
methodology of the dissertation. Afterwards the current economic characteristics of the
construction market, forecasting future trends are explained and the measures for the
improvement of construction sector functioning in Serbia. The second part of the thesis explains
the importance of the planning approach in construction projects management, where also the
ways of tendering procedures implementation in the selection of contractors are listed and
briefly explained as a segment that can mostly affect the duration and success of the project
completion. The third section explains the standard models for the control of project
implementation, and provides a detailed methodology for the risk analysis and management.
Based on the analysis of standard modern methods deficiencies the model for planning and
implementation control is formed based on the control of directly involved human resources
with the emphasis on financial planning. It is formed on the principles of supply chain
management based on "the last planner" methodology. This model is presented as a basis for the
development and adaptation of specific problems in practice at the implementation with a
transparent presentation of costs. The third chapter gives an overview of neural networks
application as a basis for mathematical modeling of modules for planning costs on construction
The data collected from the projects where the analysis of earned value is applied have been
used for the neural network training to establish the dependence of the parameters which
measure the success of projects. However, sufficient accuracy was not achieved with the
available sample, although error decreased with the increase of the number of data for training;
thus it is not possible to use such a model, but it can be improved with additional data for
training in order to increase the accuracy of the established model.
Based on the analyses and data collected from the practice defined by the two neural networks,
one for predicting the success of the overall project with six input and two output variables that
represent the completion percentage as well as PF factor at the level of the overall project,
which has not made the expected results, and the other with ten input and two output variables,
which represent construction costs and realized contractors’ profit, and which are used as the
basis for neural network training in Matlab program.
As the data regarding the construction costs are practically a linear approximation with
sufficient accuracy the model can be developed in which input data need not be of high
accuracy, but can be approximated in a predetermined range. This has been confirmed by using
a hex of associative memory.
In the sixth chapter this model is applied to three typical case studies, and sufficient accuracy is
achieved to make a decision on the development of certain projects. Finally, the conclusions are
given reached during the dissertation completion.
VI | true |
Prevalenca i molekularna tipizacija zoonotskog parazita Blastocystis sp. kod svinja sa teritorije Vojvodine | Prevalenca i molekularna tipizacija zoonotskog parazita Blastocystis sp. kod svinja sa teritorije Vojvodine | Blastocystis je parazitska protozoa gastrointestinalnog trakta koja se viđa kod ljudi
i mnoštva životinja. Parazit ima svetsku distribuciju i predstavlja veoma čest nalaz
u različitim parazitološkim ispitivanjima. Iako je prošlo više od 100 godina od
kada je Blastocystis prvi put opisan, i pored napora brojnih istraživača još uvek
postoje brojne nepoznanice oko ovog mikroorganizma. Neka od najvažnijih pitanja jesu
da li Blastocystis uzrokuje oboljenja ljudi i koja je uloga životinja, odnosno kontakta
čovek-životinja u epidemiologiji infekcije kod ljudi. Sve veći broj podataka iz
epidemioloških, in-vivo i in-vitro studija jasno ukazuje na Blastocystis kao patogeni
mikroorganizam. U prirodi postoji mnoštvo genotipova, a novija zapažanja ukazuju da
su ljudi domaćini velikog broja zoonotskih genotipova. Izolati Blastocystis sp. su
svrstani u genetske varijetete, odnosno suptipove (ST) od 1-17, na osnovu molekularne
Visoka prevalenca ovog parazita kod svinja i prisustvo suptipova ST5, ali i ST1 i
ST3 može biti dokaz da su svinje prirodni rezervoar infekcije i da mogu biti dobar
model u istraživanju patogeneze infekcije kod ljudi. Sa epidemiološkog aspekta,
bliski kontakt ljudi i svinja, bilo da je reč o intenzivnom uzgoju ili malim seoskim
domaćinstvima, predstavlja rizik u smislu zoonotske transmisije blastocistisa. Ova
disertacija predstavlja prvu epidemiološku studiju o prevalenci i molekularnoj
karakterizaciji zoonotskog parazita Blastocystis sp. kod svinja sa teritorije Srbije.
U cilju procene prevalence Blastocystis sp. kod svinja sa teritorije Vojvodine,
ukupno je sakupljeno 403 individualna uzorka fecesa svinja. Uzorkovanje je izvršeno
na ukupno 10 farmi za intenzivni uzgoj svinja. Uzorci su bili raspoređeni
proporcionalno broju svinja određene kategorije. Od svih uzoraka su pripremljeni
nativni razmazi, koji su pregledani svetlosnim mikroskopom. Za umnožavanje parazita
u cilju lakše laboratorijske dijagnostike primenjena je ksenična (ne-sterilna) metoda
in vitro kultivacije. Sve kulture su takođe pregledane svetlosnim mikroskopom. DNK je
izolovana iz 48 nasumice odabranih uzoraka u cilju upoređivanja performansi
različitih dijagnostičkih pristupa. Za 38 nasumično odabranih uzoraka, koji su bili
pozitivni pri in vitro kultivaciji, urađena je suptipizacija sa STS prajmerima
specifičnim za suptipove očekivane kod svinja: ST1, ST2, ST3 i ST5.
Nativnim pregledom je Blastocystis sp. identifikovan u 41,69% uzoraka, dok je
kultivacijom parazit ustanovljen u 70,22% uzoraka. Blastocystis je pronađen kod svih
kategorija svinja, na svih deset farmi. Prilikom upoređivanja tradicionalnih
parazitoloških dijagnostičkih postupaka i molekularne dijagnostike, ustanovljena je
osetljivost direktnog mikroskopskog pregleda od 46,15%, odnosno in vitro kultivacije
od 84,62%. Pri molekularnoj suptipizaciji od 38 uzoraka, koji su bili pozitivni u
kulturi u 25 uzoraka smo ustanovili najmanje jedan od traženih suptipova.
U zaključku, ustanovljena visoka prevalenca blastocistisa kod svinja iz
intenzivnog uzgoja, potvrđuje ulogu svinja kao prirodnih rezervoara ove zoonotske
protozoe. Potvrđena je hipoteza da su svinje rezervoar određenih zoonotskih suptipova
Blastocystis sp. i da predstavljaju faktor rizika u širenju infekcije na ljude. U
najvećem broju uzoraka ustanovljeno je prisustvo suptipa ST1, koji je jedan od najčešće
dokazanih suptipova kod ljudi. Na drugom mestu po zastupljenosti je bio suptip ST5,
koji predstavlja rizik po ljude koji su u neposrednom svakodnevnom kontaktu sa
svinjama, kao što su radnici na farmama i klanicama. Suptip ST3 koji se najčešće
dovodi u vezu sa sindromom iritabilnog kolona (IBS) je bio prisutan u 24% uzorka,
koji su bili uspešno tipizirani. Jedan od zaključaka ove disertacije je i da su
dijagnostičke performanse in vitro kultivacije i molekularnih tehnika u dijagnostici
Blastocystis sp. kod svinja superiorne u odnosu na tradicionalni i opšte prihvaćen
nativni pregled fekalnog materijala. | Blastocystis is a common protist colonizing the gastrointestinal tract of humans and various
animals. This parasite has a worldwide distribution and presents a frequent finding in different
parasitological surveys. Blastocystis has been described for the first time over a century ago, but
despite the efforts of many researchers, there are still many unknowns about this microorganism.
Some of the most important questions are whether Blastocystis causes disease in humans and
what is the role of animals or the animal-human contact in the epidemiology of human
blastocystosis. An increasing number of data from epidemiological, in-vivo and in-vitro studies
clearly suggests that Blastocystis is a pathogenic microorganism. In the nature several genotypes
exist and contemporary observations are suggesting that humans are hosts for a large number of
zoonotic genotypes. Based on molecular characterization, isolates of Blastocystis sp. are
classified into genetic variants, so called subtypes (ST) from 1 to 17.
High prevalence of this parasite in pigs and the presence of subtypes ST5, ST1 and ST3
suggests that that pigs are a natural reservoir of infection and can be a good model in studying
the pathogenesis of infection in humans. The close contact of humans and pigs, whether we
speak about intensive farming or small rural households, represents a substantial risk of zoonotic
transmission of Blastocystis. This thesis presents the first epidemiological study on prevalence
and molecular characterization of zoonotic parasite Blastocystis sp. in pigs from Serbia.
In order to assess the prevalence of Blastocystis sp. in pigs from Vojvodina province, a total
of 403 individual faecal samples were collected. Samples were collected from 10 intensive
growing systems. Samples were taken at random and proportionate to each production category
of pigs. Direct wet mounts were made from all samples and examined under a microscope. Xenic
(non sterile) in vitro cultivation was used for multiplication and easier diagnosis of the parasite.
All cultured samples were also examined under a light microscope. DNA was extracted from 48
randomly selected samples for the purpose of comparison of different diagnostic approaches. 38
randomly selected culture positive samples were subjected to subtyping with STS primer sets for
subtypes expected in pigs: ST1, ST2, ST3 and ST5.
Blastocystis sp. was present in 168 samples when wet mount preparations were analyzed
under the microscope, indicating a prevalence of 41.69%. 283 samples were culture positive
indicating a prevalence of 70.22%. Blastocystis was found in all the farms included in the study
and at all categories of pigs. When we compared the performances of PCR and traditional
parasitological techniques the estimated sensitivity of direct wet mount was 46.15%, while the
sensitivity of in vitro cultivation was 84.62%. From 38 randomly selected culture positive
samples we identified one of the sought subtypes (ST1-ST3 and ST5) in 25 samples.
In conclusion, the high prevalence of Blastocystis in pigs from intensive growing systems
confirms the role of pigs as natural reservoirs of this zoonotic parasite. As hypothesized, our
investigation showed the presence of all sought subtypes. ST1 was the predominant subtype,
present in 96% (24/25) of samples in which we identified Blastocystis with STS primers. ST1 is
one of the subtypes most commonly reported in humans, thus a high incidence of this subtype in
pigs should not be neglected when we try to evaluate the zoonotic potential. ST5 was identified
in 64% samples. ST5 as a potential zoonotic subtype has a significance in industrial swine
production, were increased risk of zoonotic transmission exists. ST3 was identified in 24% of
samples. This subtype is frequently associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). One of the
conclusions of this thesis is that diagnostic performances of in vitro cultivation and molecular
techniques in diagnosis of Blastocystis in pigs, are superior compared to the widely accepted
direct faecal smear examination. | true |
Finansiranje spoljne trgovine Srbije | Serbian foreign trade financing | Preduzećima, koja se bave spoljnom trgovinom, finansijska sredstva su potrebna za
organizovanje proizvodnje za izvoz i za finansiranje prodaje robe i usluga inostranim
partnerima. Ekonomska i finansijska teorija, trgovinska i bankarska praksa,
zakonodavstva pojedinih zemalja razvili su različite modalitete finansiranja. Izbor
finansijskih opcija, koje su prisutne na finansijskom tržištu, na prvom mestu zavisi od:
veličine preduzeća, vrste i faze razvoja preduzeća, pristupa finansiranju i troškova
finansiranja, uslova međunarodnih plaćanja, upravljanja rizicima i stabilnosti
makroekonomskog okruženja.
Sa razvojem oblika trgovanja razvijali su se međunarodno finansijsko tržište,
instrumenti i mehanizmi finansiranja i institucije na nacionalnom i nadnacionalnom
nivou. Transnacionalne kompanije u međunarodnoj trgovini su donele nove, složenije
oblike organizovanja i poslovanja. Novi modeli spoljnotrgovinskih poslova vezani su
za pojavu međunarodnih mreža proizvodnje i distribucije, koje su dovele do promene
ekonomskog okruženja sa kojim se suočavaju države, industrije i pojedine firme. U
finansiranju međunarodne trgovine dolazi do pomeranja težišta od klasičnih
instrumenata ka stranim direktnim investicijama i kros border kreditima, tako da
finansiranje dolazi u rang faktora konkurentnosti kao što su: tehnološka intenzivnost i
kvalitet proizvoda. Nove tehnologije jasnije ističu činjenicu da finansiranje trgovine
postaje samo po sebi stanje konkurentnosti trgovaca i sastavni je deo cene i kvaliteta
trgovinskih transakcija.
U savremenom svetu podizanje nacionalne konkurentnosti je široko prihvaćen
koncept. Podizanje konkurentnosti zemlje je proces unapređenja poslovnog ambijenta
koji treba da omogući povećanje priliva stranih i domaćih investicija, povećanje
izvoza i uvoza robe i usluga. Izgradnja nacionalnog modela finansiranja trgovine je
jedan od stubova savremenog shvatanja konkurentnosti.
U kom pravcu i kojim intenzitetom Srbija može da prevaziđe veliki tehnološki
debalans u privredi i da poveća izvoz u velikoj meri zavisi od razvijenosti sistema
finansiranja spoljne trgovine. Sistem finansijske podrške spoljnotrgovinskim
poslovima u zemljama sa kojima Srbija ima najveću spoljotrgovinsku razmenu
dobrim delom oblikuje sistem finansijske podrške u Srbiji u cilju održavanja nivoa
postojeće i povećanja buduće spoljnotrgovinske razmene. | Companies engaged in foreign trade, financial resources are needed for the
organization of production for export and to finance the sale of goods and services to
foreign partners. The economic and financial theory, trade and banking practice, the
legislation of individual countries have developed different modes of financing. The
choice of financing options, which are present in the financial market in the first place
depends on: size of company, type and stage of company development, access to
financing and funding costs, the conditions of international payments, risk
management and stable macroeconomic environment.
With the development of forms of merchandising were developing international
financial markets, instruments and financing mechanisms and institutions at national
and supranational level.TNCs in international trade have brought new, more complex
forms of organization and operation. New models of foreign trade are related to the
emergence of international production and distribution networks, which have led to
changes in economic environment faced by government, industry and individual
companies. The financing of international trade leads to shifting the focus from
classical instruments to foreign direct investments and cross border credits, so the
funding comes in the competitiveness ranking of factors such as technological
intensity and quality products. New technologies clearly point to the fact that the
financing of trade becomes itself the state of competitiveness of traders and is an
integral part of the price and quality of commercial transactions.
In the modern world to raise national competitiveness is a widely accepted
concept. Raising the competitiveness of the country's process of improving the
business environment that should enable increased inflow of foreign and domestic
investment, increase exports and imports of goods and services. Building a national
model of trade finance is one of the pillars of modern conceptions of competitiveness.
The direction and intensity with which Serbia can overcome major technological
imbalances in the economy and to increase exports to a large extent depends on the
development of the system of financing foreign trade. The system of financial support
to foreign trade activities in the countries with which Serbia has the largest share
foreign trade largely shape the system of financial support to Serbia in order to
maintain the level of existing and future increase in foreign trade. | true |
Stochastic model for the assessment of acceptable toll rates | Stohastički model za utvrđivanje optimalne putarine | Učešće privatnog sektora u realizaciji putnih projekata sa naplatom putarine
zastupljeno je širom sveta. Ovaj model koristi znanje i iskustvo privatnog
sektora u upravljanju putnim projektima i mobiliše privatni kapital kroz
javno-privatno partnerstvo (JPP). Jedna od najznačajnijih karakteristika JPP
projekata je podela rizika između javnog i privatnog partnera. Procena
finansijske osnovanosti projekta, ključnog faktora za učešće privatnog
sektora, osnovni je proces celokupnog razvoja projekta sve do zaključenja
finansijskog aranžmana za projekat.
Tradicionalna analiza novčanih tokova finansijske opravdanosti projekta je
pokazala svoje nedostatke u dosta slučajeva. Iz uzorka realizovanih projekta koji
su imali poteškoće u operativnoj fazi, može se zaključiti da je neophodno
uvesti napredne modele verovatnoće zbog njihove mogućnosti da realnije
predstave neizvesnost. Važno je da se uvide rizici projekta i u ranim fazama
finansijske analize obzirom da ova informacija pomaže u sagledavanju
potencijalnih finansijskih rizika i omogućava svim zainteresovanim stranama
da pravilno sklope sporazum. Parametri koji se često koriste za procenu
finansijske opravdanosti projekta su godišnji racio pokrića duga, interna
stopa rentabiliteta projekta i interna stopa povraćaja uloženog kapitala. Iako
neki od postojećih modela za analizu projekta mogu donosiocima odluka i
ključnim interesnim grupama da deluju komplikovano za razumevanje i
interpretaciju, postoje drugi razumljiviji i smisleniji načini opisivanja i
prezentovanja problema.
Ovo istraživanje predstavlja metodološki okvir za rano utvrđivanje optimalne
visine putarine za JPP putne projekte sa naplatom putarine uzimajući u obzir
različite neizvesnosti. Putarina se smatra optimalnom ako je prihvatljiva za
sve ključne učesnike u projektu. Ovaj pristup koristi unapred definisana
finansijska ograničenja godišnji racio pokrića duga, interne stope
rentabiliteta projekta i interne stope povraćaja uloženog kapitala sa jedne
strane, i rizike projekta kao što su nestabilnost obima saobraćaja, varijacije u
troškovima izgradnje, i varijacije u troškovima upravljanja i održavanja, sa
druge strane. Izabrani finansijski parametri predstavljaju prioritete ili
zahteve potencijalnih investitora koji moraju biti ispunjeni kako bi se
investiralo u JPP projekat. Ovi prioriteti i finansijski zahtevi se baziraju
na proceni profila rizika projekta od strane investitora, a takođe zavise i od
aktivnosti na tržištu kapitala.
Rezultat ovog pristupa je opseg visine putarine koji pokriva moguća scenarija
rizika. Ovi rezultati mogu da posluže kao osnova za komparativnu analizu
socijalno prihvatljive visine putarine, pretpostavljajući da je poznata, i
finansijski zahtevane putarine. Očekuje se da rana identifikacija razlike
između ove dve vrednosti putarine predstavlja značajnu informaciju za sve
učesnike u projektu. Ova razlika omogućava da se sagledaju potrebe za dodatnim
finansijskim instrumentima, kao što su garancije ili subvencije, kako bi se
realizovao projekat koji je prihvatljiv i za javnog i za privatnog partnera,
investitore, banke i korisnike.
Matematički model korišćen u ovom istraživanju ima dva hijerarshijska
modusa implementacije - deterministički (koji je brži) i stohastički (koji je
aplikacije Svetske banke omogućava proračun putarine za zadati set
finansijskih ograničenja. Ovaj pristup je korišćen za testiranje osetljivosti
putarine na promene u obimu saobraćaja, troškova izgradnje i troškova
upravljanja i održavanja kao tri izabrana rizika u ovom istraživanju. Analiza
osetljivosti pokazuje postojanje veze između promena ovih parametara koja je
dalje razmatrana u stohastičkom matematičkom modelu.
Prepoznajući zanačajan broj rizika u JPP putnim projektima sa naplatom
putarine, tri spomenuta rizika su izabrana za stohastički matematički model
kroz modele slučajnih promenljivih. Troškovi izgradnje i troškovi održavanja
i upravljanja su predstavljeni kao neprekidne slučajne promenljive, dok obim
saobraćaja ima dodatnu stohastičku komponentu predstavljajući promenu
saobraćaja kroz vreme kao slučajni proces.
Primena stohastičkog modela je predstavljena kroz dve studije slučaja koje su
izabrane kako bi se predstavilo da uticaj makro ekonomske situacije u zemlji i
saobraćajne prognoze može da se obuhvati modelom. Rezultati pokazuju da
društveno prihvatljive cene putarina pokrivaju manji udeo rizika. U okviru
zaključka istaknuta je važnost pravovremenih i razumljivih informacija o
potencijalnim scenarijima rizika koje su ključne u podizanju svesti kod
donosioca odluka i ključnih interesnih grupa o mogućim skupim promašajima. | Private participation in the delivery of toll road projects has been used worldwide. It is a
model which incorporates private sector knowledge and experience in the management
of highway projects and mobilizes private capital through Public-Private Partnerships
(PPP). One of the most prevailing characteristics of PPP projects is risk sharing between
the public and private partners. Assessment of a project’s financial soundness, a crucial
factor for private sector involvement, is the basic underlying process throughout the
project’s development until the project reaches financial closure.
The traditional cash flow analysis of the financial feasibility of a project has shown
weaknesses in many cases. From the pool of delivered projects which have experienced
difficulties in their operations, it can be learned that advanced probabilistic models need
to be introduced due to their feature of representing uncertainties more realistically. It is
important to capture a project’s uncertainties even in early phases of financial analysis
since this information helps in the identification of potential financial risks and assists
all sides to structure the deal properly. Parameters commonly used for the evaluation of
a project’s financial feasibility are the annual debt service cover ratio (ADSCR), the
internal rate of return (IRR), and the return on equity (ROE). Although some existing
models for analysis of a project may seem difficult for decision makers and stakeholders
to interpret and understand, there are prospective ways of describing and representing
the problem in more understandable and meaningful ways.
This research presents a methodological framework for an early assessment of
acceptable toll rates for PPP toll road projects taking into account multiple uncertainties.
A toll rate is considered acceptable if it is acceptable for all stakeholders. This approach
takes into account predefined financial constraints ADSCR, IRR and ROE on one side,
and the project’s uncertainties, such as volatility of traffic volumes, construction costs
variation, and operation and maintenance costs variation on the other side. Selected
financial parameters represent the preferences or requirements of potential investors that
must be fulfilled in order for them to invest in a PPP project. These preferences and
financial requirements are based on investors' assessments of a project's risk profile and
also depend on activities on capital markets.
The results of this approach provide the range of toll rates covering possible risks
scenarios. These results can serve as a basis for a comparative analysis of the socially
acceptable toll rate, assuming it is known, and the financially required toll rate. It is
anticipated that the early identification of the possible gap between these two values
represents valuable information for all parties involved in the project. This gap helps in
the identification of the need for additional financial instruments, such as guarantees or
subsidies, in order to implement a project that is acceptable for private and public
partners, equity investors, lenders and users.
The mathematical model used in this research has two hierarchical implementation
modes - deterministic (which is quicker) and stochastic (which is more extensive). In
the deterministic model, the mathematical re-formulation of the World Bank (WB)
Toolkit enables the toll rate calculation for the given set of selected financial
constraints. This approach is used to test the sensitivity of toll rates to changes in traffic
volume, construction costs, and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs as three risks
under the consideration in this research. The sensitivity analysis shows the existence of
relations between changes in these parameters which were further elaborated in the
stochastic mathematical model.
Recognizing the number of risks in PPP toll road projects, the three mentioned risks
have been chosen to be included in the stochastic mathematical model as models of
random variables. Construction and O&M costs are presented as continuous random
variables, while the traffic volume has the additional stochastic component which
represents traffic evolution over time as random walk.
The application of this stochastic model is presented through two case studies, chosen to
present how a country's macro-economic conditions and traffic forecast may be
captured with the model. Results reveal the minor share of risks covered by socially
acceptable toll rates. Concluding remarks show the importance of timely and
understandable information about potential risk scenarios that are crucial in raising
awareness among decision makers and stakeholders about possible costly downturns. | true |
Hidrodinamički uticaji na evakuacione objekte hidrotehničkih građevina | Hydrodynamic Loads on the Evacuation Facilities of Hydraulic Structures. | U
hidrodinamički uticaji na zidove i dno umirujućeg bazena
iza stepenastog brzotoka gravitacionih betonskih brana. Na
karakteristika stepenastog brzotoka (stepen suženja i
visina stepenika) i parametara tečenja (protoka i dubine
donje vode) na hidrodinamička opterećenja u umirujućem
bazenu. Na osnovu analize rezultata modelskih ispitivanja,
izvedene su empirijske jednačine, kojima se, u zavisnosti od
pomenutih parametara, opisuju hidrodinamički pritisci
na zidove i dno umirujućeg bazena. Provera predloženih
hidrauličkih modelskih ispitivanja stepenastog peliva na
brani „Buzina“. Rezultati ispitivanja na fizičkom modelu
zatim su korišćeni za određivanje empirijskih izraza za
dobijanje merodavnih hidrodinamičkih uticaja na zidove i
dno umirujućeg bazena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata
predložene su mere za osiguranje umirujućeg bazena od pojave
potpritisaka, odnosno od štetnih uticaja kavitacione
erozije usled hidrodinamičkih uticaja. Rezultati ovog
istraživanja se mogu uspešno primeniti pri projektovanju
umirujućih bazena, pre svega u nižim fazama projektovanja. | Hydrodynamic loads on the walls and the bottom of the stilling
basin downstream of the stepped chute of a concrete gravity dam
have been analysed. A physical scale model was constructed to
invetigate the influence of the stepped chute geometry (the
constriction angle and the step height) and flow characteristics
(discharge, expressed via the Froude number at the constriction,
and the downstream flow depth) on the hydrodynamic loads in
the stilling basin. Based on the scale model results, new empirical
expressions for the assessment of hydraulic loads on the walls and
the bottom of the stilling basin are proposed. In addition, the risk
of flow induced vibrations and cavitation were estimated. The
obtained expressions were tested and validated using the results
obtained on the physical scale model of the Buzina dam stepped
spillway. The obtained results can be used during the early design
stages for the assessment of hydrodynamic loads in stilling basins. | true |
Algoritmi za unapređenje konvergencije u proračunu tokova snaga na velikim simulacionim modelima | Algorithms for convergence improvement to large load flow simulation models. | Proračun tokova snaga je najčešće upotrebljivana analiza u operativnom
planiranju rada elektroenergetskog sistema. Obnovljivi izvori su uzrokovali da
operator mora da radi analize tokova snaga i/ili analize siturnosti što je brže
moguće u cilju predikcije sledećeg koraka u regulaciji elektroenergetskog
sistema. LU dekompozicija Jakobijan matrice traje najduže tokom Newton-
Raphson iterativne metode. Vreme trajanja proračuna pojavljuje se kao kritičan
problem kada se proračun tokova snaga izvodi na modelima velikog
elektroenergetskog sistemema. U ovom slučaju, LU dekompozicija Jacobian
matrice ne bi trebalo da se izvodi u iteracijama u kojima stopa konvergencije
nije narušena ali se izvodi u iteracijama u kojima je stopa konvergencije ispod
specificiranog nivoa. Drugim rečima, u disertaciji su modifikovani Newton-
Raphson metod, koji eliminiše ponavljanje LU dekompozicije Jacobian matrice i
generički Newton-Raphson metod kombinovani u zavisnosti od stope
konvergencije. Disertacija predstavlja primenu predložene kombinovane
Newton-Raphson metode koja je bazirana na kontroli stope konvergencije.
Izvedeno je poređenje kombinovanovane, Shamanskii, opšte i modifikovane
Newton-Raphson metode uzimajući u obzir vreme trajanja proračuna i broj
zahtevanih iteracija da bi se postigla konvergencija u proračunu na modelima
različitih dimenzija.
Male ili nulte impedanse vodova često uzrokuju divergenciju ili
pogrešnu konvergenciju u proračunu tokova snaga. Impedansa spojnih polja je
Stanko P. Janković, Algoritmi za unapređenje konvergencije u proračunu tokova snaga na velikim simulacionim modelima, doktorska disertacija
skoro uvek jednaka nultoj vrednosti, dok je impedansa vodova koji povezuju
postrojenjima obično veoma mala. Disertacija ima za cilj da predstavi pristup u
kome se čvorovi povezani malim ili nultim impedansama spajaju u jedan čvor a
zatim se rešava sistem nelinearnih jednačina za proračun tokova snage bez ovih
vodova. Nakon uspešnog rešenja nelinearnog sistema jednačina u proračunu
tokova snage izračunavaju se tokovi snage kroz male ili nulte impedanse pomoću
sistema linearnih jednačina. Glavna prednost rešavanja sistema linearnih
jednačina u poređenju sa rešavanjem sistema nelinearnih jednačina je ta što se
linearni sistem rešava u jednom koraku bez iterativne procedure. U
disertaciji je prikazan pristup proračuna sistema lineranih jednačina koje
predstavljaju aktivne i reaktivne tokove snaga kroz vodove sa istom efektivnom
vrednosti napona i ugla na oba kraja voda. | Load flow is the most used calculations in power system operation planning.
Renewable resources have caused that system operator has to do power flow analysis
and/or contingency analysis as fast as possible in order to predict next step in power
system control. LU Decomposition of Jacobian matrix remains the most
Computational time appears to be critical issue when load flow calculation is performed
on large power system load flow models. In this case, Jacobian matrix LU
decomposition should not be performed in iterations in which convergence rate is not
violated but performed in iterations in which convergence rate drop below specified
level. In other words, modified Newton–Raphson Method which eliminates the repeated
Jacobian matrix LU decomposition and generic Newton–Raphson method are combined
depending on convergence rate in Dissertation. The Dissertation presents application of
proposed combined Newton–Raphson method which is based on convergence rate
control. Comparison of combined, Shamanskii, generic, and modified Newton–Raphson
methods is carried out taking into consideration computational time and number of
iterations required to achieve convergence of load flow models of various dimensions.
Small or zero impedance lines are frequent cause of power flow calculation
divergence or invalid convergence. Impedances of bus couplers are almost equal to zero
while impedances of lines which connect generators high voltage busbars to
neighboring substations are usually very small. This Dissertation presents an approach
by which buses connected by small or zero impedance lines are merged into single bus
and nonlinear system of power flow equations is solved without these lines. After
Станко П. Јанковић, Алгоритми за унапређење конвергенције у прорачуну токова снага на великим симулационим моделима, докторска дисертација
solution of nonlinear systems of power flow equations is found, power flows through
small or zero impedance lines are solved as system of linear equations. The main
advantage of solving system of linear equations comparing to solving system of
nonlinear equations is that linear system is solved in one step without iterative
procedure. The approach of solving the system of linear equations representing active
and reactive power flows through lines with the same voltages and angles at their
terminals is presented in the Dissertation. | true |
Impact of calibration period on parameter estimates in the conceptual hydrologic models of various structures | Утицај периода калибрације на оцене параметара концептуалних хидролошких модела различитих структура | Konceptualni hidrološki modeli su našli široku primenu u izradi hidroloških prognoza i predikcija, i u analizi uticaja klimatskih promena na vodne resurse. Stoga je pouzdanost simulacija dobijenih primenom ovih modela veoma važna. Međutim, u hidrološkim simulacijama postoje neizvesnosti, koje potiču i od ocena parametara modela. Na ocene parametara modela utiču greške u podacima, izbor kriterijumskih funkcija i optimizacionog algoritma, ali i karakteristike kalibracionog perioda. Naime, kalibracija modela tokom različitih perioda daće različite ocene parametara, zato što parametri koji su optimalni tokom jednog perioda ne moraju biti optimalni izvan njega. Posledica varijabilnosti optimalnih parametara u vremenu je i lošija efikasnost modela tj. manje pouzdane simulacije van kalibracionog perioda. Imajući u vidu da se hidrološki modeli koriste za hidrološke simulacije van kalibracionog perioda, za njihovu primenu ključno je izučavanje promenljivosti optimalnih parametara modela tokom vremena. U ovoj disertaciji analiziran je uticaj kalibracionog perioda na ocene parametara hidrološkog modela 3DNet-Catch. Za kalibraciju modela korišćen je savremeni algoritam za višekriterijumsku optimizaciju AMALGAM, koji predstavlja kombinaciju nekoliko globalnih optimizacionih algoritama. Hidrološki model je kalibrisan na svim periodima dužine od jedne do 25 uzastopnih hidroloških godina, uz jednu hidrološku godinu namenjenu „zagrevanju“ modela. Ovakav pristup je nazvan „dinamička“ kalibracija modela. Početni opsezi parametara, kao i podešavanja za optimizacioni algoritam (npr. broj članova populacije, verovatnoća mutacije i dr.) isti su za sve kalibracione periode za razmatrani sliv. Nakon optimizacije parametara izdvojena su tzv. međusobno nedominantna rešenja (Pareto optimalni skupovi parametara ili skupovi sa Pareto fronta), na osnovu kojih je vršena analiza promenljivosti... | Conceptual hydrologic models are commonly applied for flow forecasting, estimation of design flows and assessment of climate change impact on water resources. Therefore, reliability of hydrologic simulations obtained by employing these models is crucial. However, these simulations are fraught with uncertainties, which stem, inter alia, from parameter estimates. The parameter estimates are affected by data errors, objective functions and optimisation algorithm employed for model calibration, but also by properties of the calibration period. Namely, model calibration over different periods may result in quite different parameter estimates because parameter optimality does not hold outside the calibration period. This temporal variability of optimal parameter estimates yields deterioration in model performance outside the calibration period. Therefore, variability of optimal parameter estimates is major issue when it comes to application of hydrologic models, because these models are primarily used for runoff simulations outside the calibration period. In this Thesis temporal variability in parameters of the 3DNet-Catch model is analysed. The AMALGAM algorithm, aimed at multi-objective optimisation, is applied for model calibration. The model is calibrated in dynamic manner, over all 1- to 25-year long calibration periods, with one water year prior to every calibration aimed at model warmup. Prior ranges of the parameters and settings for the optimisation algorithms (e.g. population size, mutation probability, etc.) are kept constant through all simulations for given catchment. The analysis of temporal variability in model parameters is based on the non-dominated, or Pareto-optimal sets, which are selected subsequent to the optimisation of the initially sampled population of parameter sets. Impact of combination of objective functions used for model calibration and model structural complexity on temporal variability in the Pareto-optimal parameters is also examined in this research. To isolate temporal variability in parameters from anthropogenic effects (e.g. urbanisation or river engineering works) three catchments that have not undergone human-induced changes are considered in this research: the Kolubara River catchment upstream of the Slovac... | false |
Kognitivne posledice rane ozlede mozga kod dece sa cerebralnom paralizom normalne inteligencije | Cognitive consequences of early brain injury in children with cerebral palsy and normal intelligence | Jedan od najvećih izazova razvojne psihologije je da objasni mehanizme
kognitivnog razvoja, odnosno kognitivnih promena. Razvojni put je usmeren ka
sve većoj diferencijaciji i specijalizaciji (modulisanosti) mehanizama
kognitivne obrade. Pretpostavke da su biološka ograničenja u razvoju manje
modulisana, a da sredina ima značajniju formativnu ulogu u neuronskom rastu
mogle bi značajno promeniti i naše viđenje fenomenologije neurokognitivnih
poremećaja kakve vidimo u detinjstvu. Ovako posmatrano, sam razvoj bi mogao
biti osnovni činilac koji modelira način ispoljavanja poremećaja, a produženi
period neurokognitivnog postnatalnog razvoja, onaj kritički činilac koji će
odrediti na kakav način će biti oblikovana rezultujuća modalna organizacija
(ili specifičnost) tog korteksa. Stoga, savremene teorije neurokognitivnog
razvoja naglašavaju ulogu dinamičke interakcije sazrevanja i iskustva u procesu
formiranja mentalne strukture individue i pretpostavljaju da, u sklopu
plastične reorganizacije nezrelog mozga kod rano nastalih cerebralnih lezija, a
naročito u kontekstu rano ispoljenih izmena na planu kognitivne organizacije,
načelno možemo očekivati difuznije posledice po organizaciju saznajnih
funkcija nego što se to događa kod moždanih ozleda odraslih.
Posmatrano iz tog ugla, cerebralna paraliza (CP), kao stanje
neprogresivnog motornog oštećenja uzrokovanog cerebralnim ili cerebelarnim
oštećenjem nastalim tokom pre- ili perinatalnog razvoja, u kojoj se ukupno
kognitivno sazrevanje odigrava na supstratu statične moždane ozlede prisutne
već u samom početku iskustvene adaptacije na sredinu, može predstavljati
karakteristike razvoja određenih kognitivnih sposobnosti u slučaju rane
cerebralne anomalije.
Kognitivno funkcionisanje dece sa spastičnom formom CP po pravilu je
izmenjeno u smeru mentalne ometenosti u oko polovine slučajeva, kao i
specifičnih kognitivnih izmena.
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je da ispita uticaj, odnosno posledice
ranog oštećenja mozga na kasniji kognitivni razvoj i kognitivnu organizaciju
kod dece sa spastičnom formom CP, normalne inteligencije. U fokusu ovog
istraživanja biće pitanje da li se a) opšti kognitivni razvoj, b) vizuoprostorna
organizacija, v) opšta jezička sposobnost i g) kontrolne saznajne funkcije, kod
ove dece razvijaju na tipičan ili atipičan način. Posmatraće se i uticaj
faktora, kao što su vreme proteklo od ozlede, rani psihomotorni razvoj, stanje
čula vida, funkcionalni motorički status (fina motorika i krupna motorika sa
kontrolom posturalnih reakcija), kao i lateralizovanost oštećenja.
Istraživanje je obavljeno na ispitanicima sa ranim statičnim ozledama
mozga, sa spastičnom formom cerebralne parlize, prenatalnog ili perinatalnog
porekla, bez epileptičnih napada i sa normalnom ili skoro normalnom
inteligencijom (u okviru 1,5 standardne devijacije).
Opšte kognitivno postignuće posmatrano kroz ukupni IQ dobijen na
kompozitnom kliničkom testu WISC ima pozitivno asimetričnu distribuciju,
sa aritmetičkom sredinom u okviru jedne standardne devijacije od formalno
definisanog proseka.
Specifični kognitivni domeni takođe pokazuju pozitivno asimetričnu
raspodelu skorova. Verbalni je značajno bolji od vizuoprostornog i
egzekutivnog, koji su ispod proseka ponderisanih skorova na WISC-u. Najslabiji
je vizuoprostorni, dok je relativno novi (i u literaturi nedovoljno istražen)
podatak da je i egzekutivni takođe „zona slabosti“.
Na opšte kognitivno postignuće, kao i na domene, utiču i faktori
očuvanosti čula vida, ranog psihomotornog razvoja, motoričkog funkcionalnog
statusa, kao i delimično, za vizuoprostorni faktor vreme proteklo od ozlede
(gestacijska nedelja rođenja). Lateralizacija oštećenja nije se pokazala
značajnom. Što više faktora deluje udruženo, njihov negativan uticaj je
izraženiji, pa je i testovno postignuće slabije.
Vreme proteklo od ozlede, uzeto kao indikator stabilnosti opšte
sposobnosti ispoljilo se kao prepoznatljiv činilac kasnijih kognitivnih
sposobnosti kod dece sa CP. | One of the biggest challenges of developmental psychology is to explain the
mechanisms of cognitive development, i.e. cognitive changes. The development path is
directed towards increasing differentiation and specialization (modulation) of
mechanisms of cognitive processing. Assumptions that the biological limitations in the
development are less modulated, and that the environment has a significant formative
role in neural growth could significantly change our view of the phenomenology of
neurocognitive disorders that we see in childhood. From this perspective, the
development itself could be a major factor that models the way of the manifestation of
the disorder, while prolonged period of neurocognitive postnatal development is the
critical factor that will determine in what way the resulting modal organization (or
specificity) of the cortex will be formed. Therefore, the modern theories of
neurocognitive development emphasize the role of the dynamic interaction of
maturation and experience in the process of forming mental structure of the individual
and assume that, as a part of plastic reorganization of the immature brain in case of the
early cerebral lesions, especially in the context of the early manifested changes in the
field of cognitive organization, we can in principle expect more diffuse consequences
for the organization of cognitive functions than in the case of the brain injuries in adults.
From that aspect, cerebral palsy (CP), as a state of non-progressive motor
disorder caused by cerebral or cerebellar damage incurred during the prenatal or
perinatal development, where the total cognitive maturation takes place on the substrate
of the static brain injury present in the very beginning of empirical adaptation to
environment, may represent a suitable paradigm for discussion of issues related to the
capabilities and characteristics of the development of certain cognitive abilities in case
of early cerebral anomaly.
Cognitive fuctioning in children with spastic CP is, as a rule, altered in direction
of mental disability in about half the cases, as well as in case of specific cognitive
The main goal of this study is to examine the impact, i.e. consequences of early
brain damage on later cognitive development and cognitive organization in children
with spastic CP and normal inteligence. The focus of this research will be a question
whether a) general cognitive development, b) visuospatial organization, c) general
linguistic ability and d) control cognitive functions in these children develop in a typical
or atypical way. The impact of factors, such as time elapsed from the occurence of
injury, early psychomotor development, state of sense of sight, functional motor status
(fine and gross motor skills with control of postural reactions), as well as impact of
laterality of impairment will be considered.
The research was conducted on subjects with early static brain lesions, spastic
CP of prenatal or perinatal origin, without epilepsy and with normal to near-normal
intelligence (with a standard deviation of 1.5).
General cognitive achievement viewed through full IQ obtained using the WISC,
composite clinical test, has positively skewed distribution, with a mean within one
standard deviation from formally defined average.
Specific cognitive domains also show positively skewed distribution of scores.
Verbal score is significantly better than visuospatial and executive scores which are
below average of standard scores according to WISC. The lowest proved to be
visuospatial one, while relatively new (and in literature insufficiently covered) fact is
that the executive score belongs to "weakness zone", too.
General cognitive achievement as well as domains are influenced by the factors
such as preservation of sight, early psychomotor development, motor functional status,
and partly time elapsed from the occurrence of the injury (gestational age) in case of
visuospatial factor. Lateralization of damage did not appear to be significant. The more
factors are acting jointly, the more pronounced their negative impact, so the test
performance is worse.
Time elapsed from the occurence of injury, taken as an indicator of stability of
general ability, manifested as distinctive factor of later cognitive abilities in children
with CP. | true |
Određivanje komponenti disperzija vremenski varijabilnih grešaka u GPS određivanju koordinata | Estimation of time-variable error variance components in GPS determination of coordinates | Korišćenjem potpuno novog pristupa u istraživanju rezidualnih uticaja na relativno GPS pozicioniranje, koji podrazumijeva primjenu dvofaktorske hijerarhijske klasifikacije sa slučajnim efektima, bez interakcija, u integralnom sagledavanju tih uticaja zajedno sa čisto slučajnim uticajima, korišćenjem jednog linearnog modela, dobijene su pouzdane ANOVA ocjene. Na osnovu istih, primjenom metode momenata, dobijene su definitivne ocjene komponenti disperzija relativnih koordinata e, n i u. Za potrebe istraživanja, korišćeni su GPS podaci prikupljeni sa intervalom registracije od 30 s na krajnjim stanicama pet baznih linija različitih dužina (5.6, 13.6, 40, 129.5 i 281.9 km), u toku četvorogodišnjeg perioda (2008-2011). Istraživanje je sprovedeno pojedinačno nad vremenskim serijama koja uključuju fiksna rješenja dobijena samo za period obdanice, period noći i cjelodnevni period. Pri razmatranju cjelodnevnog ponašanja rezidualnih uticaja, ispostavilo se da su srednje vrijednosti standarda zajedničkog uticaja reziduala troposferske i jonosferske refrakcije, koje odgovaraju koordinatama e, n i u, redom, sljedeće: 0.1104, 0.0952 i 0.3709 mm/km. Što se tiče uticaja reziduala "far-field" višestruke refleksije, srednje vrijednosti standarda, podrazumijevajući isti redosljed navođenja, su: 4.1, 5.7 i 11.8 mm. Zajednički uticaj reziduala "near-field" višestruke refleksije i reziduala ekscentriciteta i varijacija faznih centara antena prijemnika, po istom redosljedu prikaza, karakterišu sljedeće srednje vrijednosti standarda: 2.7, 4.1 i 12.1 mm. ANOVA ocjene imaju zanemarljiv stepen korelacije i, kao i standardi razmatranih komponentnih rezidualnih uticaja, posjeduju sezonski karakter, dostižući maksimume u ljetnjim, a minimume u zimskim mjesecima. | By using a fully new approach in researching residual effects on relative GPS positioning, which implies applying of two-way nested classification with random effects, with no interactions, in an integral consideration of these effects along with pure random effects, through using a linear model, reliable ANOVA estimates were obtained. Based on those estimates, applying the method of moments, definitive variance components of relative coordinates e, n and u were obtained. For the research purpose, GPS data collected with the registration interval of 30 s, at the ending stations of five baselines with different lengths (5.6, 13.6, 40, 129.5 i 281.9 km), during the full fouryear period (2008-2011), were used. The research was conducted individualy by using monthly time series that included fixed solutions obtained only for daytime, nighttime and whole-day period. In consideration of whole-day behaviour of the residual effects, it turned out that the mean standard deviations of the joint effect of tropospheric and ionospheric residual, corresponding to the coordinates e, n and u, are, respectively, the following: 0.1104, 0.0952 and 0.3709 mm/km. As for the "far-field" multipath residual effect, the mean standard deviations, assuming the same order of presentation, are: 4.1, 5.7 and 11.8 mm. The joint effect of the "near-field" multipath and receiver antenna phase center offsets and variations residuals, in the same order of view, are characterized by the following mean standard deviations: 2.7, 4.1 and 12.1 mm. The ANOVA estimates are with a negligible degree of correlation and, as well as standard deviations of the considered component residual effects, have a sesonal pattern, reaching their maximums in the summer, and the minimums in the winter months. | false |
Procene učinka i pokazatelji efikasnosti drenažnih sistema za upravljanje režimom podzemnih voda na poljoprivrednim područjima | Performance evaluation and indicators of the efficiency of drainage systems for management of the groundwater regime on agricultural land. | Rizik od prevlaživanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta podzemnim vodama je u manjoj ili većoj
meri zastupljen na svim poljoprivrednim površinama. Poznavanje režima podzemnih voda,
u različitim prirodnim uslovima, predstavlja osnov za izbor i primenu tehnički ispravnih i
ekonomski opravdanih rešenja u oblasti upravljanja režimom podzemnih voda. Upravljanje
režimom podzemnih voda na poljoprivrednim područjima je značajno i predstavlja veoma
složen i kreativan posao koji iziskuje relevantne i pouzdane informacije o prirodnoj sredini i
objektima drenažnih sistema. Takođe, drenažni sistemi najčešće pokrivaju veoma velike
površine i sa socio-ekonomskog stanovišta predstavljaju jedne od najvrednijih
infrastrukturnih sistema. I pored toga ne postoji jasna metodologija sa kojom bi se mogli
kvantifikovati efekti njihovog rada.
Procene učinka su poslednjih godina uobičajene u analizi rada irigacionih sistema,
prvenstveno zbog sve većih deficita vode za navodnjavanje u većini aridnih područja u svetu.
Razvoju metodologije za procene učinka drenažnih sistema na poljoprivrednim zemljištima se
do skoro nije posvećivala značajnija pažnja. Praktična primena procena učinka još uvek nije
uobičajena u analizi rada drenažnih sistema u svetu, a pogotovu ne u Srbiji. Razlozi za to su
različiti: velika prostorna i vremenska varijabilnost prirodnih uticaja, čak i u okviru istog sliva,
neravnomeran stepen razvoja, planiranja, izgradnje i rada drenažnih sistema, što otežava
definisanje jedinstvenih pokazatelja koji bi važili za sva područja.
U disertaciji su pre svega definisani najvažniji tehnički i ekonomski pokazatelji učinka, kao i
metodologija za njihovo određivanje. Pošlo se od činjenice da se na osnovu saznanja o
hidrološkim, fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima istraživanog područja i parametrima bilansa
podzemnih voda, planira i gradi drenažni sistem. Od tog trenutka, rad drenažnog sistema,
kao i efekti projektovanih mera za upravljanje režimom podzemnih voda na
poljoprivrednim područjima, mogu se simulirati primenom odgovarajućih matematičkih
modela. Na osnovu tih simulacija se prate pokazatelji učinka drenažnog sistema Svrha
procena učinka je da se oceni funkcionisanje sistema u odnosu na postavljene standarde,
MR MILE M. BOŽIĆ, dipl.inž.građ.
kao i da se predloži i metodologija, prvo za smanjenje neodređenosti pokazatelja učinka, a
zatim i njihovo poboljšanje.
U okviru disertacije prikazana je metodologija za utvrđivanje pokazatelja učinka
kompleksnih drenažnih sistema, imajući u vidu tačnost ulaznih podataka na osnovu kojih se
oni računaju. Saznanja takvih analiza ukazuju na složenost utvrđivanja učinka, mera za
smanjenje neodređenosti pokazatelja i mera vezanih za ekonomsko-socijalno poboljšanje
samih vrednosti pokazatelja. Posebna pažnja je posvećena oceni učinka drenažnih sistema
za upravljanje režimom podzemnih voda na poljoprivrednim područjima.
Proteklih decenija, u zemljama sa tradicijom u izgradnji drenaže, konstatovano je da je za
procene učinka drenažnih sistema na poljoprivrednim područjima neophodno više
osmatranja i merenja na drenažnim poljima, odnosno više relevantnih informacija. S
obzirom da često u procenama učinka postoje nedovoljno istražene relacije između
prirodnog okruženja i drenažnog sistema, predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su relevantni
pokazatelji za procene učinka, popravljanje njihove neodređenosti i primena tako dobijenih
saznanja na izgrađenom i osmotrivom drenažnom sistemu na području Pančevačkog rita.
Režim podzemnih voda na ovom izuzetno složenom drenažnom sistemu, koga čine sedam
podslivova, zavisi od prirodnih i antropogenih faktora. Za popravljanje učinka dosadašnjeg,
potpuno neadekvatnog upravljanja režimom podzemnih voda, analizirano je nekoliko
različitih scenarija koji su obuhvatali odgovarajuće upravljačke, tehničke i ekonomske
kriterijume. Pokazano je da se pokazatelji učinka postojećeg sistema za odvodnjavanje mogu
značajno poboljšati uz sprovođenje određenih tehničkih i upravljačkih mera. Imajući u vidu
složenost drenažnog sistema za odvodnjavanje u Pančevačkom ritu analizirana je
neodređenost pokazatelja efikasnosti rada drenažnog sistema. To su neodređenost visina
padavina, količina prepumpanih voda iz crpnih stanica i osetljivost na promenu relevantnih
ekonomskih pokazatelja rada postojećeg drenažnog sistema. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da
za ispitivane parametre postoji izvestan stepen neodređenosti. Najveći stepen neodređenosti
je utvrđen pri određivanju količina prepumpanih voda u crpnim stanicama i kreće se od
15% do čak 40%.
Metodologija za procenu i popravljanje pokazatelja učinka drenažnih sistema za upravljanje
režimom podzemnih voda na poljoprivrednim područjima, prikazana u disertaciji,
predstavlja doprinos u procesu izrade novih planova, strategija i propisa za razvoj drenažnih
MR MILE M. BOŽIĆ, dipl.inž.građ.
DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA | The risk of waterlogging in agricultural land, due to high groundwater levels, exists to a
degree in all agricultural areas. Understanding the groundwater regime in different natural
conditions forms the basis for selecting and implementing technically correct and
economically viable solutions in a field of groundwater management. Groundwater
management in agricultural areas is important and represents very complex and creative
work that requires relevant and reliable data on the natural environment and structures of
the drainage systems. Also, drainage systems mostly cover wide areas and represent one of
the most valuable infrastructural systems, from a socio-economic point of view. In spite of
this, there is no clear methodology for quantifying the effects of their work.
In recent years, performance evaluation of irrigation systems has become common,
primarily due to the increasing deficit of water for irrigation in arid regions worldwide. Until
recently, developing a methodology for the assessment of the performance of agricultural
land drainage systems hasn’t drawn much attention. Therefore, a practical application of the
performance evaluation of drainage systems operation is not common yet, especially not in
Serbia. The reasons for this are various: large spatial and temporal variability of natural
influences, even within the same drainage basin, uneven levels of development, planning,
construction and operation of drainage systems, which impedes the defining of unique
indicators that would cover all areas.
The most important technical and economic performance indicators, as well as the
methodology for their determination, are defined in this dissertation. The starting point is
the fact that an understanding of hydrological and physical-mechanical properties of the
study area and the parameters of the groundwater balance form the basis for planning and
building a drainage system. From that point on, the operation of a drainage system, as well
as the effects of the designed measures for groundwater management in agricultural areas,
can be simulated using the appropriate mathematical models. These simulations are used to
observe the performance indicators of the system. The purpose of the performance
evaluations is to assess the functioning of the system in relation to the set standards, and to
MR MILE M. BOŽIĆ, dipl.inž.građ.
propose a methodology for decreasing the uncertainty of performance indicators, as well as
for their improvement.
The methodology for determining the performance indicators of complex drainage systems
is given in this dissertation, taking into account the accuracy of input data used for their
calculation. The findings of these analyses indicate the complexity of determining the
performance, the measures for reducing the uncertainty of indicators and measures related
to the socio-economic improvement of the indicator values themselves. Special attention is
paid to the performance assessment of drainage systems for groundwater management in
agricultural areas.
In recent decades, in countries with a tradition of drainage construction, it has been noted
that additional observations and measurements in the drainage fields, i.e. more relevant
information, is required for the performance evaluation of drainage systems in agricultural
areas. Considering that the relations between the environment and drainage systems are
often insufficiently examined in performance evaluations, the focus of this research is on
the relevant indicators for the performance evaluation, decreasing their uncertainty and
applying the obtained knowledge on the existing drainage system in the area of Pančevački
Rit. The groundwater regime in this extremely complex drainage system, which consists of
seven sub-basins, depends on natural and anthropogenic factors. To alleviate the effect of
the current, and the completely inadequate management of the groundwater regime, a number
of different scenarios that include adequate operational, technical and economic criteria were
analyzed. It is shown that the performance indicators of the existing drainage system can be
significantly improved by implementing certain technical and control measures. Given the
complexity of the drainage system in Pančevački Rit, the uncertainty of efficiency indicators
was analyzed. These uncertainties include the amount of precipitation, the amount of water
pumped by pumping stations and the sensitivity to change of the relevant economic
indicators of the existing drainage system operation. The results indicate that a degree of
uncertainty exists for the examined parameters. The highest degree of uncertainty was
established in determination of the amount of pumped water, and ranges from 15 to 40%.
The methodology for assessing and improving the performance indicators of drainage
systems used for groundwater management in agricultural areas, which is presented in this
dissertation, represents a contribution to the development of new plans, strategies and
regulations regarding the development of drainage systems.
MR MILE M. BOŽIĆ, dipl.inž.građ.
Razvoj tehnika za rešavanje inverznog fotoakustičkog problema | Developing the techniques for solving the inverse problem in photoacoustics. | Fotoakustičke merne metode se intenzivno razvijaju u poslednje četiri decenije
i nalaze sve raznovrsniju primenu u nauci, tehnici, medicini i stomatologiji:
od istraživanja veze između strukture materije i njenih termalnih, elastičnih,
optičkih, električnih i drugih fizičkih osobina, posebno na niskoj vremenskoj
karakterizacije nanoelektronskih naprava i fotonskih kristala, pa sve do in
vivo dijagnostike u medicini. Pored razvoja lasera i laserskih dioda, koji se
koriste kao nedestruktivna pobuda u fotoakustičkim metodama, sve preciznijih
mikrofona i ultrazvučnih senzora, kao i prateće elektronike za poboljšanje
odnosa signal-šum, razvoju fotoakustičkih metoda i širenju njihove primene
značajno doprinose: razvoj teorijskih modela za opisivanje dominantnih procesa
pri interakciji elektromagnetskog zračenja sa materijom, razvoj teorije
provođenja toplote i elastičnih poremećaja kroz raznovrsne supstance, ali i
eksponencijalnih problema matematičke fizike i neuronskih mreža za
karakterizaciju uzoraka do razvoja algoritama za rekonstrukciju slike, kada se
fototermalne i fotoakustičke metode primenjuju u oslikavanju površine
materijala i strukture ispod površine različitih uzoraka i naprava.
Do skoro se smatralo da su svi rezonantni efekti u fotoakustičkom odzivu
posledica uticaja mernog lanca, pre svega elektronske rezonance mikrofona,
ultrazvučnog senzora, funkcijskog generatora koji upravlja amplitudskom
modulacijom laserske pobude ili lock-in pojačavača i težilo se definisanju i
korišćenju samo onog dela fotoakustičkog odziva u kojem se rezonance ne
pojavljuju, što je značajno sužavalo mogućnosti fotoakustičkog metoda u
određivanju onih dinamičkih svojstava u uzorku koji dolaze do izražaja na
visokim učestanostima (preko 10 kiloherca), odnosno procesa koji se dešavaju
na kratkoj vremenskoj skali, ispod 0.1 milisekunde (veoma brzi procesi).
Nedavni razvoj generalizovanog modela za prostiranje optički proizvedenog
termodinamičkog poremećaja u uzorku uzima u obzir konačnu brzinu prostiranja
toplote, predviđajući postojanje toplotnih i akustičkih rezonanci u FA odzivu
čiji položaj i veličina zavise od fizičkih svojstava uzorka. To znači da je
neophodno detaljno istražiti rezonantne efekte u fotoakustičkom odzivu i
razviti nove metode za rešavanje inverznog fotoakustičkog problema. Ovo bi
omogućilo određivanje brzine prostiranja toplote, svojstva koje do sada nije
mereno ni za jednu supstancijalnu sredinu, povećalo tačnost procene fizičkih
svojstava uzorka i rezoluciju fotoakustičke tomografije, veoma bitne za
medicinske primene.
Predmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji jeste razvoj metode za
rešavanje inverznog fotoakustičkog problema u sredinama u kojima je izražen
uticaj toplotne memorije. Ovo obuhvata razvoj generalizovane teorije
fotoakustičkog odziva i razvoj tehnika za određivanje parametara teorijsko-
matematičkog simulacionog modela u značajno širem frekventnom opsegu od
onog koji se trenutno koristi (od 50 herca do iznad 10 kiloherca). Kako se radi
sa loše postavljenim problemom matematičke fizike u čijoj osnovi je
hiperbolička diferencijalna jednačina, razvijene su dve različite tehnike
pristupa: matematička samousaglašena procedura za rešavanje eksponencijalnih
problema i upotreba neuronske mreže obučavane na generalizovanom modelu.
Cilj istraživanja
Cilj ovog istraživanja je prevashodno povećanje broja svojstava materijala i
naprava karakterisanih fotoakustičkim merenjima i to sa zadovoljavajućom
tačnošću. Posledično, sekundarni ciljevi postaju i proširenje mogućnosti
fotoakustičke karakterizacije, povećanje tačnosti određivanja dinamičkih
svojstava materijala i povećanje rezolucije fotoakustičke tomografije.
Unapređenje metoda fotoakustičkog oslikavanja (imidžinga) raznovrsnih
materijala (od makromolekulskih nanostruktura, preko nanoelektronskih i
nanofotonskih naprava, sve do bioloških tkiva) veoma je važno za
karakterizaciju i oslikavanje materijala sa niskim stepenom uređenja. Sa
praktične tačke gledišta (posebno za biomedicinske primene), ali i sa
teorijskog stanovišta, preciznijim određivanjem dinamičkih parametara, a
posebno brzine prostiranja toplote koja do sada nije merena, omogućilo bi se
bolje fundamentalno opisivanje transportnih procesa.
Značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u povećanju mogućnosti fotoakustičkih
mernih tehnika za nedestruktivnu karakterizaciju, oslikavanje i tomografiju,
ostvarivanju veće tačnosti i veće preciznosti pri određivanju fizičkih
svojstava ovim metodama i proširenju primene ovih metoda u medicinskoj
dijagnostici i inženjeringu osobina elektronskih naprava.
Polazne hipoteze
Neka eksperimentalna fotoakustička merenja prikazana u literaturi i neka
naša preliminarna merenja ukazuju na postojanje rezonantnih efekata u
fotoakustičkom odzivu u čujnom akustičkom opsegu. U literaturi su do sada
rezonantni efekti smatrani posledicom uticaja elektronskih komponenti
mernog sistema. Detaljnijim proračunima mogućih elektronskih rezonantnih
efekata pokazano je da se oni nalaze na učestanostima koje su stotinak puta veće
od onih na kojima su uočeni rezonantni maksimumi (pikovi). Eksperimentalno
izmereni rezonanti pikovi se ne mogu pripisati uticaju mernog lanca. Njihova
pojava može biti posledica male brzine prostiranja toplote kroz merene uzorke.
Ova pretpostavka nije obuhvaćena standardnim modelima fotoakustičkog odziva.
U našem istraživanju razvili smo generalizovani model transmisionog
fotoakustičkog odziva koji uključuje mogućnost postojanja toplotnih rezonanci
kao posledice male brzine prostiranja toplote kroz uzorke niskog stepena
strukturnog uređenja, kao i mogućnost postojanja akustičnih rezonanci kao
posledice konstrukcije merne aparature.
Metode istraživanja
U istraživanju su primenjene i eksperimentalne i teorijske metode.
Eksperimentalno su mereni fotoakustički odzivi aluminijuma i bakra, kao
referentnih uzoraka (materijali visokog stepena strukturnog uređenja) i
kristaliničnosti (materijali niskog stepena strukturnog uređenja). Merenja su
obavljana korišćenjem dveju različitih fotoakustičkih postavki.
Teorijske metode koje su bile korišćene su: furijeova transformacija za
svođenje parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednačina na obične, metoda neodređenih
koeficijenata za rešavanje običnih diferencijalnih jednačina u kompleksnom
domenu, metode za rešavanje eksponencijalnih problema matematičke fizike,
formiranje električne analogije za fotoakustički odziv i korišćenje alata
razvijenih u teoriji sistema automatskog upravljanja i teoriji filtara za
proračunavanje odziva ovakvog sistema, teorija neuronskih mreža i razvoj
trostepene neuronske mreže za određivanje parametara modela fotoakustičkog
upotrebljene su različite numeričke metode, poput regresije, linearizacije,
usrednjavanja i fitovanja, kao i algoritmi za rekonstrukciju slike.
vii | Photoacoustic (PA) measurement methods have been intensively developed in the last
four decades and have found versatile application in science, technique, medicine and
dentistry: from explorations of the relationship between structure of matter and its
thermal, elastic, optical, electrical and other physical properties (especially at low time-
scale – under 0.1 ms and small space-frame – submicron), through characterization of
nanoelectronic devices and photon crystals, all the way to in vivo diagnostics in
medicine. Along with the development of lasers and laser diodes, used as non-
destructive excitation in PA methods, with growing precision of microphones and
ultrasound sensors as well as the accompanying electronics aimed at signal-to-noise
(SNR) ratio improvement, the development of PA methods and broadening of their
application field are significantly influenced by: the development of theoretical models
aimed at describing dominant processes in the interaction of electromagnetic (EM)
radiation with matter, the development of the theory of heat conduction and elastic
movements through different substances, but also the development of the methodology
for the determination of model parameters – from solving exponential problems of
mathematical physics and neural networks aimed at sample characterization, to the
development of image reconstruction algorithms, where photothermal (PT) and PA
methods are utilized in the imaging of surface and sub-surface structure of different
samples and devices.
Until recently, all resonant effects in PA response were regarded as the consequence of
the influence of the measurement chain, primarily originating from the electronic
resonances of the microphone, the ultrasound sensor, the function generator running the
modulation of the excitation signal, or the lock-in amplifier. Consequently, a general
aspiration was the defining and the utilization of the part of the PA response where the
resonances were absent, thus constricting the potential of PA methods in determination
of those dynamical properties of the sample detectable only at high frequencies (above
10 kHz) – i.e. the ultrafast processes (occurring at short time-scale, under 0.1 ms).
Recent development of the generalized model of the propagation of optically induced
thermodynamical perturbation in the sample accounts for the definite heat propagation
velocity, presuming the existence of thermal and acoustic resonances in PA response,
whose position and intensity are dependent upon physical properties of the sample. This
underlines the necessity of a detailed investigation of resonant effects in PA response
and the development of novel methods for solving the inverse PA problem in order to
enable the determination of heat propagation velocity, a parameter that has never before
been measured for any substantial environment, and to improve the accuracy of physical
parameter estimation and the resolution of PA tomography (of particular importance in
medical application).
The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the development of the method for solving
the inverse PA problem in the media with noticeable thermal memory influence. This
includes the development of the generalized theory of PA response as well as the
development of the techniques for the determination of theoretically/mathematically
simulated (TMS) model parameters in a considerably wider frequency range then the
one currently used (from 50 Hz to above 10 kHz). Since this is a particularly ill-posed
problem of mathematical physics, originating from the usage of hyperbolic differential
equation, two different approaches were exercised: a mathematical self consistent
procedure for exponential problem solving and the development of a neural network
trained on the generalized model.
Exploration aims
The main aim of this exploration is improvement of the number of material properties
which can be characterized by PA methods, with satisfactory level of accuracy.
Consequently, secondary goals include the broadening of the possibilities of PA
characterization, improving the accuracy of the estimation of dynamic properties of the
material. The improvement of PA imaging methods of different materials (from
macromolecular structures, through nanoelectronic/nanophotonic devices, to biological
tissues) is of utter importance in the characterization of soft matter (i.e. the material
with low level of structural arrangement). From a practical point of view, this relates to
biomedical applications, but also from a theoretical point of view, more precise
determination of dynamic parameters – especially heat propagation velocity – would
potentiate a better fundamental description of transport processes.
The significance of this exploration is the augmentation of the possibilities of PA
measurement techniques in non-destructive characterization, imaging and tomography.
Greater accuracy and better precision are to be achieved in determination of physical
properties by these methods, as well as broadening their application range in medical
diagnostics and engineering of properties of electronic devices.
Starting hypothesis
There are certain PA measurements throughout the literature, as well some of our own
preliminary experimental results, which point out to the existence of resonant effects in
PA response, in the audible modulation frequency range. Literature based
considerations of these effects have, until now, related them to the influence of the
electronic components of the measurement chain; however, detailed calculations have
shown these resonant peaks to be possible only at frequencies around hundred times
higher in comparison to the frequencies of the spotted ones. Thus, experimentally
obtained resonant peaks cannot be attributed to the influence of the measurement chain.
On the other hand, their occurrence can be due to the low heat propagation velocity
through the measured samples – an assumption which is not contained in conventional
PA response models. In our exploration, the starting point was the generalized model of
transmission PA response, which accounts for the existence of heat resonances as the
consequence of low heat propagation velocity through the samples of low level of
structural arrangement, as well as for the existence of acoustic resonances as the
consequence of measurement apparatus construction.
Exploration methods
Exploration methods deployed were both experimental and theoretical.
As for the experimental methods, the PA response of aluminum, copper and other high
structurally arranged reference samples were recorded, along with several types of
reference materials of lower level of structural arrangement, which were followed by
the measurements of PA response of macromolecular materials of different level of
crystallinity. The measurements were conducted with two different experimental PA
Theoretical methods of interest were: Fourier transform for solving partial differential
equations, method of indeterminate coefficients for solving ordinary differential
equations in complex domain, methods for solving exponential problems of
mathematical physics, electrical analogies in PA response with tools developed in signal
acquisition and processing with filter theories, and the application of three-level neural
network for the determination of PA TMS model parameters. Besides, the utilization of
different numerical methods, such as regression, linearization, averaging and fitting, as
well as image reconstruction algorithms is considered default.
xii | true |
Numeričko modeliranje otvorenih tokova zasnovano na praćenju fluidnih delića | Numerical modelling of free surface flows based on the SPH method | U doktorskoj disertaciji se analizira praktična strana primene u hi-
drotehnici, jedne od najpoznatijih predstavnika numeričkih metoda koje
ne zahtevaju računsku mrežu, koja se na engleskom jeziku naziva Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics (skraćeno SPH). Primenljivost metode ispitana
je korišćenjem dve varijante metode, jedne koja služi za numeričko mo-
deliranje prostornog strujanja i druge koja služi za modeliranje stru-
janja u horizontalnoj ravni. S obzirom na to da su razmatrane varijante
metode numerički nekonzistentne i da dosadašnjim teorijskim anali-
zama nije potvrđena stabilnost metode, postojao je interes da se u radu
na primerima iz hidrotehničke prakse oceni tačnost metode. Takođe,
s obzirom da je metoda izvorno namenjena modeliranju izrazito neusta-
ljenih pojava, a da ima određene prednosti koje bi se i u drugim slu-
čajevima mogle iskoristiti, analizirana je primenljivost metode i u
modeliranju ustaljenih pojava. U analizi su korišćena dva standardna
SPH modela koja su u toku izrade disertacije dopunjena (izmenjena) kako
bi se rešavali izabrani problemi iz oblasti hidraulike otvorenih to-
kova. Tačnost SPH metode je ocenjivana u rešavanju problema rušenja
brane, burnog tečenja u zakrivljenim cevima i strujanja na modelu rečne
krivine. Dopune korišćenih modela su se odnosile na probleme defi-
nisanja graničnih uslova, modeliranja disipacije mehaničke energije i
određivanja pritiska prilikom interakcije fluida i čvrstih tela. | The application of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method (SPH) in free
surface flow modelling is analysed in this dissertation. For this purpose, two
different versions of the SPH model are used. The first model deals with the
3D flow, while the second one is used for solving shallow water equations.
Since the previous theoretical analyses have not confirmed stability of the SPH
method, there was an interest to assess the accuracy of the SPH method in diffe-
rent engineering problems. In addition to the analysis of unsteady phenomena,
special attention is given to the assessment of the method’s ability to simulate
steady flow. The accuracy of the SPH method is evaluated in solving dam-
break problems, the supercritical flow in a circular bend and the 2D-flow in
natural watercourses. Two standard SPH models are used in this dissertation,
both of which were modified (improved) in order to simulate the studied pheno-
mena. Modifications of the models are made to obtain proper modelling of bo-
undary conditions, energy dissipation process and fluid-structures interaction. | true |
Nelinearna analiza stabilnosti okvirnih nosača | Nonlinear stability analysis of the frame structures | U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazana je nelinearna analiza stabilnosti
okvirnih nosača, odnosno istraživan je fenomen gubitka stabilnosti okvirnih
nosača u elasto-plastičnoj oblasti. Numerička analiza je sprovedena primenom
metode konačnih elemenata. Matrice krutosti su izvedene korišćenjem
trigonometrijskih interpolacionih funkcija koje se odnose na tačno rešenje
diferencijalne jednačine savijanja štapa prema teoriji drugog reda. U slučaju
kada se izvijanje konstrukcije dešava u plastičnoj oblasti, konstantan modul
elastičnosti E u matrici krutosti zamenjen je tangentnim modulom Et koji prati
promenu krutosti štapa u neelastičnoj oblasti i funkcija je nivoa opterećenja
u štapu. Za potrebe ove disertacije formiran je deo računarskog programa ALIN
koji može da se koristi za elastičnu i elasto-plastičnu analizu stabilnosti
okvirnih konstrukcija. Ovaj program je napisan u C++ programskom jeziku.
Primenom ovog programa omogućeno je i određivanje kritičnog opterećenja
okvirnih nosača u elastičnoj i neelastičnoj oblasti. U disertaciji je formiran
i algoritam za proračun dužina izvijanja pritisnutih štapova stubova
okvirnih nosača, a koji se bazira na proračunu globalne analize stabilnosti
okvirne konstrukcije. Rezultati primenom ovog algoritma upoređeni su sa
rešenjima koja se dobijaju korišćenjem evropskih EC3 i domaćih JUS standarda
za okvirne čelične konstrukcije, a koja su približnog karaktera. Važno je
naglasiti da u navedenim evropskim i domaćim standardima i kritična sila u
plastičnoj oblasti određuje se samo približnim proračunom. Ovaj postupak
predviđa da se prvo odredi kritična sila u elastičnoj oblasti, a zatim se na
bazi krivih izvijanja definisanih preko približnih, empirijskih formula,
određuje kritična sila u plastičnoj oblasti. U okviru ove disertacije
formulisan je algoritam numeričkog proračuna kojim se ovaj približan,
„mešovit“ proračun zamenjuje tačnijim proračunom koji omogućuje praćenje
fenomena gubitka stabilnosti okvirnog nosača u plastičnoj oblasti i direktno
određivanje njegove kritične sile u toj oblasti. | In this doctoral thesis the nonlinear stability analysis of frame structures is presented.
The phenomenon of instability of frames in elasto-plastic domain was investigated.
Numerical analysis was performed by the finite element method. Stiffness matrices
were derived using the trigonometric shape functions related to exact solution of the
differential equation of bending according to the second order theory. When the
buckling of structure occurs in plastic domain, it is necessary to replace the constant
modulus of elasticity E with the tangent modulus Et. Tangent modulus is stress
dependent function and takes into account the changes of the member stiffness in the
inelastic range. For the purposes of numerical investigation in this thesis, part of the
computer program ALIN was created in a way that this program now can be used for
elastic and elasto-plastic stability analysis of frame structures. This program is
developed in the C++ programming language. Using this program, it is possible to
calculate the critical load of frames in the elastic and inelastic domain. In this thesis, the
algorithm for the calculation of buckling lengths of compressed columns of the frames
was established. The algorithm is based on the calculation of the global stability
analysis of frame structures. Results obtained using this algorithm were compared with
the approximate solutions from the European (EC3) and national (JUS) standards for the
steel structures. It is important to emphasize that in these standards, calculation of the
critical load in the plastic domain is also based on the approximate procedure. This
procedure means that the critical load in the elastic domain should be calculated first,
and after that, on the basis of the buckling curves, the critical load in the plastic domain
can be obtained. These curves are defined by the approximate, empirical formulas.
Instead of such “mixed” procedure given in the standards, in this thesis a more accurate
procedure is presented. By this procedure it is possible to follow the behavior of the
plane frames in plastic domain and to calculate the real critical load in that domain. | true |
Žensko preduzetništvo kroz samozapošljavanje u Srbiji tokom tranzicije : uporedna analiza i empirijsko istraživanje | Female entrepreneurship in Serbia in the course of transition | Predmet i cilj disertacije je da prikupi ĉinjeniĉnu graĊu koja dokazuje da je ţensko preduzetništvofaktor ekonomskog razvoja i da je nacionalna ekonomija bogatija ukoliko ţene imaju ravnopravan pristup resursima, zapošljavanju i biznisu. Fokus disertacije je na samozapošljavanju kao najrasprostranjenijem obliku ţenskog preduzetništva posebno u zemljama u tranziciji. Uporedna analiza trendova u ţenskom preduzetništvu obuhvata trendove u Evropi, zemljama u razvoju, regionu Zapadnog Balkana i Istoĉne Evrope, a zatim i primer Srbije, koji ukljuĉuje i primarno empirijsko istraţivanje. Rezultat uporedne analize pokazuje da je ţensko preduzetništvo u zemljama u tranziciji preduzetništvo nuţde dok je u evropskim zemljama ono preteţno podstaknuto traganjem za novim poslovnim izazovima i šansama. TakoĊe, u zemljama u regionu, ovo preduzetništvo gotovo u istoj meri ima odlike kako socijalne kategorije tako i ekonomske, razvojne. Ekonomije u tranziciji su u većoj meri opterećene nezaposlenošću, javnim dugom, nedovoljnom konkuretnošću, što u velikoj meri objašnjava ĉinjenicu da u ovim društvima ranjive kategorije stanovništva inkliniraju preduzetništvu kao poslednjoj šansi da se samozaposle. U Srbiji, socijalnoj dimenziji doprinosi još i ĉinjenica da ne postoji sistemska podrška ţenskom preduzetništvu i da ako postoji, ona je uglavnom vezana za subvencije za samozapošljavanje i u funkciji je aktivnih mera na trţištu rada, ĉiji je cilj smanjenje opšte stope nezaposlenosti a posebno nezaposlenosti ţena, ĉiji je udeo u nezaposlenom stanovništvu veći u odnosu na muškarce. U Srbiji je zanimljivo je da je primetan stalni trend smanjivanja jaza u stopama nezaposlenosti ţena i muškaraca, koji se dodatno ubrzao od poĉetka ekonomske krize (Arandarenko, 2011). | The subject and aim of the thesis is to collect material with facts proving that women entrepreneurship is a factor of economic development and that national economy is wealthier if women have equal access to resources, employment and business. The thesis is focused on self-employment as the widespread form of women entrepreneurship, especially in transition countries. The comparative analysis of trends in women entrepreneurship encompasses trends in Europe, developing countries, regions of the West Balkans and Eastern Europe, as well as the example of Serbia, which includes the primary empirical research. The result of the comparative analysis shows that women entrepreneurship in transition countries is entrepreneurship of need, while in the European countries it is for the most part stimulated by quest for new business challenges and chances. Also, in the countries in the region, this type of entrepreneurship almost to the same extent has features of both social category and economic, developmental one. Economies in transition are to a greater extent burdened by unemployment, public debt, insufficient competitiveness, which greatly explains the fact that in these societies vulnerable categories of population incline to entrepreneurship as the last chance to get self-employed. In Serbia, to the social dimension is also contributing the fact that there is no system support to women entrepreneurship; and even if it exists, it is mainly related to subsidies for self-employment and serves as active measures at the labour market, aiming at reduction of general unemployment rate, in particular women unemployment, whose share in the unemployed population is higher than men‟s. | false |
Analiza mogućnosti definisanja i realizacije državnog prostornog geodetskog referentnog sistema na bazi globalnog terestričkog referentnog sistema | Analysis of Definition and Realization Possibility of the National Spatial Geodetic Reference system Based on Global Terrestrial Reference System. | Doktorska disertacija posvećena je formulisanju odgovarajućeg modela
transformacije prostornih podataka između globalnog i lokalnog geodetskog
referentnog sistema na području Republike Srbije, pri čemu se u najvećoj meri
obuhvataju distorzije i deformacije u realizaciji jednog ili oba sistema.
U cilju istraživanja novih načina modelovanja distorzija geodetske mreže
određeni su globalni transformacioni parametri primenom međudatumske
Helmertove T7D transformacije sličnosti i FIT transformacijom zasnovanoj na
modelu direktne projekcije. Distorzije su modelovane primenom sledećih modela:
Briggs-og MCS modela, LSC modela sa korelacionom dužinom od 30 km, TIN
modela sa težinom
za eksponent
e 1.00
i za eksponent
e 2.00
Međusobnim poređenjem statističkih pokazatelja utvrđeno je da se najbolji rezultati
modelovanja distorzija u tačkama geodetske mreže dobijaju primenom kolokacije po
metodi najmanjih kvadrata, sa korelacionom dužinom od 30 km i to nakon FIT
transformacije, tj. primenom FIT+LSC30 modela. Za vrednosti standardne devijacije
razlike reziduala po koordinatnim osama dobija se
0.044m i
dok je standardna devijacija vektora horizontalnog položaja
. | Doctoral dissertation is dedicated to the formulation of an appropriate model
of spatial information transformation between the global and local geodetic
reference system on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, whereby distortions
and deformations in the realization of one or both systems are largely taken into
In order to study new ways of geodetic network distortion modeling, global
transformation parameters have been determined using Helmert T7D datum
transformation of similarities and FIT transformation based on the model of direct
projection. Distortions have been modeled using the following models: Briggs MCS
model, LSC model with correlation length of 30km, TIN model with weight
for the exponent
e 1.00
and for the exponent
e 2.00
Through mutual comparison of statistical indicators, it has been found that the
best results of distortion modeling in geodetic network points are obtained using
collocation by the least squares method, with the correlation length of 30 km, this
being done after FIT transformation, i.e. applying FIT + LSC30 model. For the
difference of the residuals standard deviation values obtained on coordinate axes
0.044m and
while the standard deviation of the
horizontal position vector is
. | true |
Analiza alternativnih modela poreza na dohodak fizičkih lica - efekti primene u Srbiji | Analysis of alternative personal income tax models - effects of application in Serbia | Porez na dohodak graĎana je jedan od poreskih oblika kod kojeg, kako u ekonomskoj teoriji, tako i u praksi, postoji veliki broj otvorenih pitanja, zbog izraţenog trade-off odnosa izmeĎu pravičnosti i efikasnosti. Stoga ne postoji uniformno, najbolje rešenje, već se ocena performansi poreza na dohodak vrši na osnovu definisanih ciljeva oporezivanja i odgovarajućih kriterijuma koji iz tih ciljeva proizilaze, polazeći od vaţećih teorijskih stavova i društvenih preferencija. Tako u savremenoj ekonomskoj teoriji postoji saglasnost da bi ovaj poreski oblik trebalo da bude horizontalno pravičan, da implicira niske troškove primene i umereno poresko opterećenje, jer je ocenjeno da ovaj porez, više nego većina drugih poreza, negativno utiče na ekonomsku efikasnost i dugoročan privredni rast. Često se takoĎe navodi da bi ovaj poreski oblik trebalo da bude i vertikalno pravičan (progresivan), što predstavlja legitiman cilj, ali koji proizilazi iz ličnih vrednosnih sudova, tako da oko njega ne postoji saglasnost. Postojeći sistem poreza na dohodak u Srbiji ne obezbeĎuje zadovoljavajući nivo horizontalne (ni vertikalne) pravičnosti u oporezivanju, alokativno je pristrasan, i relativno sloţen, što izaziva relativno visoke troškove administriranja i primene, zbog čega je njegova reforma neophodna. S obzirom da je reč o porezu koji u velikoj meri moţe uticati na ponašanje ekonomskih agenata, pri čemu ti ekonomski efekti zavise kako od parametrizacije poreza, tako i od strukturnih karakteristika svake zemlje (nivo i struktura dohodaka, nivo poreskog morala, preferencije društva i sl.) za utemeljeno ocenjivanje različitih rešenja neophodno je izvršiti empirijsku analizu osnovnih ekonomskih efekata, na podacima koji se odnose na konkretnu zemlju. Cilj ovog rada je da pruţi pregled relevantnih klasičnih i savremenih teorijskih stavova u vezi sa oporezivanjem dohotka graĎana, da na osnovu analiza iskustava drugih zemalja uputi na opšte zaključke u pogledu ekonomskih performansi alternativnih modela poreza na dohodak, i da na osnovu mikro i makroekonomskih podataka za Srbiju bude izvršena empirijska ocena i analiza osnovnih ekonomskih efekata koji bi u Srbiji bili ostvareni u slučaju primene svakog od razmatranih modela oporezivanja dohotka. | In economic theory and practice there are many open questions related to design of personal income tax – probably more than in case of other taxes, due to equity-efficiency trade-off, which is highly related to this tax. Therefore, there is no uniform, single best solution, since the performances of each income tax model are dependent on the defined goals of taxation and respective criteria, which arise from the theory and social preferences. There is a consensus in contemporary economic theory on the need to provide horizontal equity in taxation of personal income, as well as modest administration and compliance costs and low tax burden, since there is empirical evidence that this tax distorts economic efficiency and long term economic growth, more than the most of other taxes. It is often argued that income tax should be vertically equitable (progressive), which is legitimate goal, but stemming from personal judgements, which is why there is no common agreement on this goal. Current personal income tax in Serbia is not horizontally (nor vertically) equitable, neither allocative neutral and rather complex, triggering relatively high administration and compliance costs, which is why its reform is necessary. Since this tax may have large influence on behavior of economic agents, the economic effects being dependent on its parameterization and structural features of each particular country (level and structure of income, tax moral, social preferences, etc.), in order to provide evidence based assessment of different income tax models, it is necessary to perform empirical estimate and analysis of main economic effects, based on the data related to that country. The aim of this paper is to provide insight into relevant classical and contemporary theory of income taxation, to make general conclusions on features of alternative income tax schemes based on the analysis of experience of other countries and to make empirical estimate and analysis of economic effects which would arise in Serbia in case of introduction of each of the alternative income tax models, based on relevant micro and macroeconomic data. In that respect, three revenue neutral income tax reform scenarios for Serbia have been drafted – flat, dual and comprehensive. Each of the reform scenarios is based on respective pure theoretical model. | false |
Modelling transport of micropollutants in biofiltration systems for stormwater treatment | Моделирање транспорта микрополутаната у биофилтерским системима за третман кишних вода | Biofiltration systems, also known as bioretentions or rain-gardens, are widely used for
stormwater treatment. In order to successfully design biofilters, it is important to
improve models that can predict their performance. This thesis presents a rare model
that can simulate removal of a wide range of micro-pollutants from stormwater by
biofilters. The model is based on (1) a bucket approach for water flow simulation, and
(2) advection/dispersion transport equations for pollutant transport and fate. The latter
includes chemical non-equilibrium two-site model of sorption, first-order decay, and
volatilization, thus is a compromise between the limited availability of data (on
stormwater micro-pollutants) and the required complexity to accurately describe the
nature of the phenomenon.
The model was calibrated and independently validated on two field data series collected
for different organic micro-pollutants at two biofilters of different design. This included
data on triazines (atrazine, prometryn, and simazine), glyphosate, and chloroform. The
data included variable and challenging biofilter operational conditions; e.g. variable
inflow volumes, dry and wet period dynamics, and inflow pollutant concentrations. The
model was able to simulate water flow well, with slight discrepancies being observed
only during long dry periods when, presumably, soil cracking occurred. In general, the
agreement between simulated and measured pollutographs was good. As with flows, the
long dry periods posed a problem for water quality simulation (e.g. simazine and
prometryn were difficult to model in low inflow events that followed prolonged dry
periods). However, it was encouraging that pollutant transport and fate parameters
estimated by the model calibration were in agreement with available literature data. This
suggests that the model could probably be adopted for assessment of biofilter
performance of other stormwater micro-pollutants (PAHs, phenols, phthalates, etc.).
The model, therefore, could be applied in practice for sizing of biofilter systems and
their validation monitoring, when used for stormwater harvesting.
The model was run with laboratory data from batch studies (fluorescein as referent
pollutant) and column studies (herbicides: atrazine, prometryn, simazine, glyphosate). A
procedure was developed for the estimation of parameters from batch studies, and a
regular calibration method was used for parameter estimation from column tests.
Parameters for both sorption and degradation were found to be underestimated from
batch studies. This is hypothesized to be due to differences in the water to soil ratio in
batch studies, when compared to the field. The sorption parameters estimated from
columns were also somewhat underestimated, and when used with the model produced
higher outflow pollutant concentrations. This is especially the case with glyphosate, and
only slightly with the triazines. Column studies also indicate less-kinetic-sorption
behaviour when compared with the field data. It is hypothesized that kinetic sorption
behaviour on the field may be apparent, and a consequence of the assumption that the
flow is one dimensional, when in reality it is not, leading to conclusion that the kinetic
behaviour is due to structural heterogeneity of the biofiltration material, rather than
Uncertainty analysis was conducted using GLUE methodology that pointed the most
sensitive parameters: soil-water partitioning coefficient and fraction of sites prone to
instantaneous sorption. Additionally, the predictive uncertainty was assessed by making
95% confidence intervals for model predictions, and it suggested that the model is
Stormwater biofilter, micropollutant modelling, atrazine, simazine, prometryn,
glyphosate, chloroform, uncertainty analysis
Research area: Civil Engineering
Specific research areas: Ecological engineering, Fluid mechanics and hydraulics,
Transport processes in hydrotechnical engineering
UDC: 628.1/.4(043.3)
Biofilterski sistemi, poznati i kao bioretenzije ili kišne bašte, se često
koriste za tretman kišnih voda. Da bi biofilteri bili uspešno projektovani,
neophodno je poboljšanje modela koji mogu da predvide njihovo ponašanje. Ova
disertacija sadrži model koji može da simulira otklanjanje šire grupe
mikropolutanata iz kišnih voda pomoću biofiltera. Model je baziran na (1)
metodi linearnih rezervoara kojima se opisuje tok vode i (2) advektivno-
disperzivne transportne jednačine za transport mikropolutanata. Transportna
jednačina sadrži i model za hemijski neuravnoteženu dvostepenu sorpciju,
biorazgradnju po reakciji prvog reda, i volatilizaciju, i tako predstavlja
kompromis između ograničenih podataka (o mikropolutantima u kišnom
oticaju) i neophodne složenosti da se opiše priroda fenomena.
Model je kalibrisan i nezavisno verifikovan na dve serije terenskih podataka
prikupljene za različite organske mikropolutante na dva biofiltera. Podaci su
o triazinima (atrazin, prometrin, simazin), glifosatu, i hloroformu. Podaci
obuhvataju operativne uslove koji su varijabilni i izazovni: varijabilne
zapremine vode na ulazu u biofilter, različitu dinamiku sušnih i kišnih
perioda i varijabilne koncentracije zagađivača u kišnoj vodi. Model je
uspešno simulirao tok vode, sa razlikama u merenim i simuliranim
vrednostima protoka uočljivim u periodima posle dugih suša, kada je zemljište
ispucalo. Slaganje između simuliranih i merenih polutograma je bilo uglavnom
dobro. Kao i sa protocima, dugi sušni periodi su predstavljali problem i za
simulacije kvaliteta vode (npr. simazin i prometrin nisu najbolje modelirani u
periodu malovodnih kišnih epizoda koje su usledile posle dugog sušnog
perioda). Međutim, bilo je ohrabrujuće da su parametri model za transport
polutanata ocenjeni putem kalibracije bili u saglasnosti sa vrednostima u
literaturi. Ovo daje naznake da bi model mogao da se koristi i za simuliranje
ponašanja drugih mikropolutanta (policikličnih ugljovodonica, fenola,
ftalata, itd.) u biofilterima. Model bi, dakle, mogao da se primeni i u praksi
za dimenzionisanje biofilterskih sistema i validacioni monitoring.
Model je isproban i sa laboratorijskim podacima sa batch testova (fluorescein
kao referentni mikropolutant) i sa kolona (herbicidi: atrazin, prometrin,
simazin i glifosat). Razvijena je procedura za procenu paramatera modela
korišćenjem podataka sa batch testova, a podaci sa kolona su korišćeni za
kalibraciju modela. Parametri modela koji opisuju sorpciju i biorazgradnju
određeni pomoću batch testova su bili malo potcenjeni. Smatra se da je uzrok
tome različit odnos zemljište-voda koji je primenjen u testovima u odnosu na
onaj koji se nalazio na terenu. Sorpcioni parametri određeni sa kolona su
takođe bili malo potcenjeni, i davali su veće izlazne koncentracije
mikropolutanata. Ovo je posebno slučaj sa glifosatom, i malo manje sa
triazinima. Podaci sa kolona su pokazali da se u njima odvija proces sorpcije
koji ima daleko manje karakteristiku kinetike, nego ono što su pokazali podaci
sa terena. Smatra se da je kinetika sorpcije na terenu verovatno prividna, i da
je posledica pretpostavke da je tok vode kroz biofilter jednodimenzionalan.
Takođe se smatra da je jedan od razloga za prividno kinetičke karakteristike
sorpcije na terenu strukturalna heterogenost biofilterskog materijala, a ne
hemijska (što je pretpostavka modela).
Analiza neodređenosti je sprovedena korišćenjem GLUE metodologije koja je
ukazala na najosetljivije parametre modela: koeficijent particije i procenat
sorpcionih mesta koja su sklona instant sorpciji. Dodatno, napravljen je 95%
interval poverenja, koji je pokazao da je većina merenja dobro obuhvaćena
Anja Ranđelović
Doctoral Dissertation
Belgrade, 2016
Ања Ранђеловић
докторска дисертација
Београд, 2016
Проф. др Ана Делетић, Универзитет Monash, Факултет за
инжењерство, Департман за грађевину
Доцент др Ненад Јаћимовић, Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински
Чланови комисије:
Проф. др Ана Делетић, Универзитет Monash, Факултет за
инжењерство, Департман за грађевину
Проф. др Душан Продановић, Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински
В. проф. др Зорана Науновић, Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински
Доцент др Бранислава Лекић, Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински
Доцент др Ненад Јаћимовић, Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински
Датум одбране докторске дисертације: ________________________
Посебну захвалност дугујем ментору, проф. др Ани Делетић, која ми је несебично
пружала подршку у досадашњем научном и стручном усавршавању. Права је
привилегија радити са њом и њеним тимом. Захваљујем проф. др Душану
Продановићу јер су ми његови мудри савети помогли да будем бољи стручњак и
човек. Захваљујем ментору, доц др Ненаду Јаћимовићу, на пажљивом исчитавању
Дисертације. Велику захвалност дугујем свим члановима Комисије на подршци и
на корисним сугестијама оком израде и прегледа Дисертације.
My eternal gratitude goes to my good friend and colleague dr Kefeng Zhang, without
whom this Thesis would not be the same. It has been my privilege to endure this voyage
with you. I am grateful to my colleagues in the Civil Engineering Department,
especially to Cintia, David, Dušan and Sandy, who each, in their own way, helped me
finish this thesis.
Захваљујем од срца и свим колегама са Института за хидротехнику који су увек
били расположени за дискусију или спремни да ми помогну, међу којима бих
издвојила Жељка, Андријану, Љиљу и Драгутина. Посебно бих се захвалила Буди
и Душану, са којима сам дуго делила канцеларију и који су моји најстарији и
највреднији саборци у овој дисциплини. Захваљујем се и Николи Златановићу на
бројим корисним сугестијама и дискусијама.
Посебну, највећу захвалност дугујем мојим најближима, Урошу и мами, који су
ми током година пружали безрезервну подршку. Немам речи којима могу описати
колико ми је то значило!
У Београду, 2016
Biofiltration systems, also known as bioretentions or rain-gardens, are widely used for
stormwater treatment. In order to successfully design biofilters, it is important to
improve models that can predict their performance. This thesis presents a rare model
that can simulate removal of a wide range of micro-pollutants from stormwater by
biofilters. The model is based on (1) a bucket approach for water flow simulation, and
(2) advection/dispersion transport equations for pollutant transport and fate. The latter
includes chemical non-equilibrium two-site model of sorption, first-order decay, and
volatilization, thus is a compromise between the limited availability of data (on
stormwater micro-pollutants) and the required complexity to accurately describe the
nature of the phenomenon.
The model was calibrated and independently validated on two field data series collected
for different organic micro-pollutants at two biofilters of different design. This included
data on triazines (atrazine, prometryn, and simazine), glyphosate, and chloroform. The
data included variable and challenging biofilter operational conditions; e.g. variable
inflow volumes, dry and wet period dynamics, and inflow pollutant concentrations. The
model was able to simulate water flow well, with slight discrepancies being observed
only during long dry periods when, presumably, soil cracking occurred. In general, the
agreement between simulated and measured pollutographs was good. As with flows, the
long dry periods posed a problem for water quality simulation (e.g. simazine and
prometryn were difficult to model in low inflow events that followed prolonged dry
periods). However, it was encouraging that pollutant transport and fate parameters
estimated by the model calibration were in agreement with available literature data. This
suggests that the model could probably be adopted for assessment of biofilter
performance of other stormwater micro-pollutants (PAHs, phenols, phthalates, etc.).
The model, therefore, could be applied in practice for sizing of biofilter systems and
their validation monitoring, when used for stormwater harvesting.
The model was run with laboratory data from batch studies (fluorescein as referent
pollutant) and column studies (herbicides: atrazine, prometryn, simazine, glyphosate). A
procedure was developed for the estimation of parameters from batch studies, and a
regular calibration method was used for parameter estimation from column tests.
Parameters for both sorption and degradation were found to be underestimated from
batch studies. This is hypothesized to be due to differences in the water to soil ratio in
batch studies, when compared to the field. The sorption parameters estimated from
columns were also somewhat underestimated, and when used with the model produced
higher outflow pollutant concentrations. This is especially the case with glyphosate, and
only slightly with the triazines. Column studies also indicate less-kinetic-sorption
behaviour when compared with the field data. It is hypothesized that kinetic sorption
behaviour on the field may be apparent, and a consequence of the assumption that the
flow is one dimensional, when in reality it is not, leading to conclusion that the kinetic
behaviour is due to structural heterogeneity of the biofiltration material, rather than
Uncertainty analysis was conducted using GLUE methodology that pointed the most
sensitive parameters: soil-water partitioning coefficient and fraction of sites prone to
instantaneous sorption. Additionally, the predictive uncertainty was assessed by making
95% confidence intervals for model predictions, and it suggested that the model is
sound. | true |
Optimizacija uticaja konstruktivnog i oplatnog sistema na troškove i trajanje građenja stambeno poslovnih objekata | Optimaztion of the impact of superstructure and formwork systems on cost and duration for residential buildings. | Istraživanja u okviru doktorske disertacije se odnose na razvoj i unapređenje koncepta
upravljanja investicionim projektima u fazi grubih građevinskih radova za stambeno-poslovne
objekte. U tom smislu pošlo se od hipoteze da troškovi i trajanja variraju od projekta do projekta
u zavisnosti od primene različitih konstruktivnih i oplatnih sistema.
U radu je dat detaljan opis konstruktivnih i oplatnih sistema koji koji se koriste na
tržištu Srbije i Beograda uz prezentaciju njihovih karakteristika i načina izbora. Analiza
literature sprovedena je u cilju sagledavanja potencijalne primene različitih metoda i alata iz
raspoloživih oblasti znanja koje se mogu primeniti za procenu troškova i trajanja građenja
konstrukcije. Zatim je razmatrana modifikacija dosadašnje primene metode projektovanja na
bazi performansi (Performance Based Design – PBD), kako bi se njenim korišćenjem povratne
informacije iz izvođačke prakse uvrstile u proces projektovanja u cilju unapređenja kvaliteta
projekta sa aspekta troškova i trajanja radova.
Na osnovu merenja utrošaka osnovnih resursa (utrošak betona, armature i rada) na
realizovanim projektima sračunati su: tržišna cena grubih građevinskih radova i trajanje radova
na konstrukciji. Na osnovu ovih podataka izvršena je klasifikacija tipova konstrukcije
stambeno-poslovnih objekata sa aspekta troškova i trajanja građenja konstrukcije. Analiza i
validacija ovako grupisanih podataka sprovedena je primenom jednostruke unakrsne validacije
(LOOCV) i regresione analize.
Dobijeni zaključci činili su osnovu za predlaganje integrisanog modela za optimizaciju
troškova i trajanja građenja konstrukcije stambeno-poslovnih objekata.
Model je testiran kroz studiju slučaja za dva objekta iz baze realizovanih projekata.
Rezultati testiranja potvrđuju da se predloženi model realno može primeniti u praksi čime je
unapređen koncept upravljanja investicionim projektima u fazi grubih građevinskih radova. | Research within this doctoral dissertation is related to development and improvement of
project management practice regarding residential and commercial buildings superstructure
works. In this respect, the original hypothesis was that the costs and duration vary from project
to project, depending on the use of various superstructure and formwork systems.
The document offers a detailed description of the construction and formwork systems
used on the market of Serbia and Belgrade, as well as the presentation of their characteristics
and a method of their selection. Analysis of the literature was conducted in order to review the
potential use of different methods and tools from the available areas of knowledge that can be
applied to estimate the costs and the duration of construction period. Also, modification of the
current application of Performance Based Design - PBD was considered, in order to include the
feedback from the performance practice of its use in the design process and to improve the
quality of the project in the terms of costs and works duration.
Based on consumption of basic resources (consumption of concrete, reinforcement and
labor) the following aspects of implemented projects were calculated: the market price of rough
construction works and the duration of construction works. The types of construction for
residential and commercial buildings were classified in terms of costs and duration of
construction based on this data. Analysis and validation of such grouped data was carried out
using the Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) and regression analysis.
The resulting conclusions were the basis for proposing an integrated model to
optimize the costs and project duration for residential and commercial buildings.
The model was tested through a case study of two buildings from the project database.
practice, which improves the concept of investment projects management at the stage of rough
construction works. | true |
Međunarodni trgovinski režim i modaliteti dalje liberalizacije međunarodne trgovine uslugama | International trade regime and modalities of further international trade in services liberalization | U prvom delu su proučene teorijske pretpostavke za analizu
međunarodne trgovine uslugama. Predstavljena su viđenja važnijih
međunarodnih organizacija u pogledu definisanja i klasifikacije
usluga. Posvećena je pažnja i problemima u statističkom praćenju
međunarodne trgovine uslugama i ukazano je na značaj sektora usluga na
privredni razvoj svake zemlje i na razvoj međunarodne trgovine.
U drugom delu su analizirani međunarodni trgovinski i
investicioni tokovi u sektoru usluga. Takođe su razmotreni i efekti
liberalizacije trgovine uslugama na društveni bruto proizvod i
kretanja platnog bilansa.
Treći deo je posvećen međunarodnom trgovinskom režimu za
usluge. Razmotren je režim trgovine uslugama za vreme GATT i pravila
STO za trgovinu uslugama. To podrazumeva analizu Opšteg sporazuma o
trgovini uslugama i specifičnosti liberalizacije trgovine uslugama
pod okriljem STO. Na kraju ovog dela, identifikovan je prosečan nivo
liberalizacije trgovine uslugama u okviru STO. Upoređeni su nivoi
liberalizacije trgovine uslugama najuticajnijih članica STO i
članica koje su u skorije vreme pristupile STO.
U četvrtom delu je analiziran proces dalje liberalizacije
trgovine uslugama u okviru STO. Posmatran je dosadašnji tok pregovora
u okviru Doha runde multilateralnih trgovinskih pregovora, kao i
uticaj regionalnih integracija i inicijativa na ove pregovore.
Analiziran je i uticaj različitih nivoa liberalizacije na domaću
U petom delu su saznanja iz prethodnog istraživanja primenjena
na Srbiju. Pošto je Srbija u procesu pregovora o pristupanju STO,
najpre su identifikovane i objašnjene karakteristike tog procesa.
Nakon toga je analiziran dosadašnji tok i trenutno stanje u
pregovorima. Pre nego što se pristupilo analizi uticaja različitih
nivoa liberalizacije, razmotren je i značaj sektora usluga za privredu
Srbije. | Theoretical preconditions for analysis of international trade with
services are discussed in the first part. The definitions and classifications of
services, set by the most important international organizations are presented.
Attention is drawn to the problems in keeping statistical records of
international trade with services and to the importance of services sector to
national economies and development of international trade.
In the second part, international trade and investment flows are
analyzed. Also, the effects of liberalization on GDP and balance of payment
are discussed.
Third part is about international trade regime for services. It`s origin is
identified during GATT and WTO rules and regulations for international trade
with services are taken into consideration. General Agreement for trade in
Services and the level of liberalization of trade with services within WTO are
In the fourth part there is a discussion about the process of further
liberalization of international trade with services. Both parts of this process,
regional and global and their interaction are analyzed. The influences of
different levels of services trade liberalization on domestic economy are
In the last part, everything that is previously mentioned is connected to
Serbia. Before that, since Serbia is currently in the WTO Accession Process,
main characteristics of the Process are explained. The analysis is then
directed to current status in negotiations, importance of services sector for
Serbian economy and the influences of different levels of services trade
liberalization. | true |
Upravljanje rizicima pri izgradnji kapitalnih infrastrukturnih objekata u cilju poboljšanja njihove održivosti | Risk management during planning and construction of large infrastructure projects for improving their sustainability | Investicioni projekat u građevinarstvu se definiše kao kompleksan tehničko-tehnološki, organizacioni, pravni, ekonomski i finansijski poduhvat koji se sastoji od skupa koordinisanih i kontrolisanih aktivnosti sa jasno definisanim početkom i krajem, čiji je cilj izgradnja, rekonstrukcija, modifikacija i/ili opremanje objekta ili objekata koji su potrebni investitoru. Kompleksnost je, kao karakteristika projekta i okruženja u kome se projekat realizuje, naročito izražena kod velikih infrastrukturnih investicionih projekata. Predmet istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji jesu kapitalni infrastrukturni projekti velike investicione vrednosti, veće od pedeset miliona evra. Razmatrani su projekti izgradnje objekata sistema ekonomske materijalne infrastrukture, i to: objekata saobraćajne (autoputevi, železničke pruge, metro linije i aerodromi), energetske (objekti za proizvodnju i prenos električne energije i gasa) i hidrotehničke (hidrotehničke konstrukcije) infrastrukture. Ovi projekti predstavljaju motore razvoja svakog društva i države. S obzirom na potencijalne dugoročne ekonomske, društvene i ekološke efekte koje veliki infrastrukturni projekti mogu proizvesti, proces njihovog pokretanja, planiranja i realizacije je uvek praćen značajnom pažnjom celokupnog društva. Prethodna istraživanja pokazuju da je i pored značaja koji kapitalni infrastrukturni projekti imaju, njihova realizacija veoma često neuspešna, i to kako u pogledu neispunjenja tradicionalnih kriterijuma uspeha projekata (troškovi, vreme, kvalitet), tako i u pogledu negativih ekonomskih efekata projekata i negativnih efekata projekata na društveno i ekološko okruženje. Ova tri aspekta uticaja na okruženja projekta (ekonomski, društveni i ekološki uticaji) čine tri aspekta održivosti i primene principa održivog razvoja na konrektnom projektu. Kao glavni razlozi za odstupanja od planiranih performansi realizovanih kapitalnih infrastrukturnih projekata u literaturi se navode rizici koji proističu iz specifičnosti ovakvih projekata. Kapitalni infrastrukturni projekti su, u odnosu na građevinske projekte manje investicione vrednosti, investiciono zahtevniji, značajno kompleksniji, prisutna je veća neizvesnost, veći broj učesnika, dugotrajniji su, i njihovi potencijalni efekti na ekonomiju, društvo i okolinu su veći, dalekosežniji i privlače više pažnje javnosti. Prethodna istraživanja takođe otkrivaju da, za sada, ne postoji jedinstvena metodologija za procenu održivosti infrastrukturnih objekata u ranim fazama realizacije investicionog projekta. Konačno, oblast upravljanja rizicima prilikom realizacije infrastrukturnih projekata nije u dovoljnoj meri obrađena u domaćoj stručnoj i naučnoj literaturi. U prvom delu istraživanja za potrebe ove disertacije sprovedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje sa ciljem identifikacije ključnih rizika po ostvarenje troškovnih i vremenskih performansi projekata izgradnje infrastrukturnih objekata u Srbiji. Osim toga, ispitano je i postojanje prakse upravljanja rizicima na investicionim projektima u Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati tog dela istraživanja su pokazali da su najznačajniji rizici pri realizaciji infrastrukturnih objekata u Srbiji: Nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za realizaciju projekta, Finansijski rizik, Politički rizik i Korupcija. Takođe, bez obzira što postoji svest da je primena upravljanja rizicima važna i što postoji potreba za njegovom primenom, u Srbiji se upravljanje rizicima ne primenjuje dovoljno i prisutan je manjak znanja u vezi sa upravljanjem rizicima. Međutim, među praktičarima iz oblasti građevinarstva postoji izražena zainteresovanost da se o upravljanju rizicima nauči više. S obzirom na ovakve rezultate, u daljem istraživanju analizirani su i prikazani mogući pristupi za analizu rizika i integraciju analize ekonomske, socijalne i ekološke održivosti projekta u fazi formiranja koncepcije kapitalnog infrastrukturnog projekta. Predložena su i razmotrena dva pristupa – kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza rizika, uz primenu socijalne Cost-Benefit analize (SCBA). Mogućnost i implikacije praktične primene predloženih pristupa analizirani su na primeru dve studije slučaja kapitalnih infrastrukturnih objekata (izgradnja postrojenja za insineraciju komunalnog čvrstog otpada i izgradnja deonice auto-puta). U disertaciji je pokazano da primena predstavljene SCBA uz monetarizaciju eksternih efekata projekata omogućava svođenje na istu meru i sveobuhvatno sagledavanje potencijalnih ekonomskih, društvenih i ekoloških uticaja projekta kroz ceo životni ciklus. Primena kvalitativne analize rizika omogućava pravovremenu identifikaciju, rangiranje i sistematičan prikaz potencijalnih pretnji po ostvarenje pojedinih ciljeva projekta, te predlog mera za otklanjanje ili umanjenje pretnji. Stohastički pristup i Monte-Carlo analiza za kvantitativnu analizu rizika u studiji opravdanosti doprinose većoj pouzdanosti procene finansijskih i društveno-ekonomskih rezultata projekta. Prikazanu metodologiju i pristup je moguće koristiti u budućim predinvesticionim analizama kapitalnih infrastrukturnih objekata, naročito na domaćem tržištu i tržištu zemalja u razvoju. Cilj daljeg istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje mogućnosti za razvoj ekspertskog sistema za procenu rizika u ranim fazama realizacije kapitalnih infrastrukturnih projekata. Izvršena je provera hipoteze da je na osnovu poznatih istorijskih podataka o ostvarenju planiranih troškova i rokova realizacije i o karakteristikama realizovaniih kapitalniih infrastrukturniih projekata i njihovog okruženja moguće napraviti model za predviđanje uspešnosti realizacije na novim projektima, ukoliko su karakteristike novih projekata i njihovog okruženja poznate. Usvojena metodologija istraživanja podrazumevala je najpre prikupljanje podataka sa realizovanih kapitalnih infrastrukturnih projekata, njihovu pripremu a zatim analizu primenom metoda mašinskog učenja. Mašinsko učenje je oblast kompjuterskih nauka koja se bavi kreiranjem i analizom metoda na kojima počivaju računarski programi koji uče iz iskustva. Prikupljeni su podaci o 30 saobraćajnih, 12 energetskih i 2 hidrotehnička kapitalna projekta (ukupno 44 projekta, svaki vrednosti preko petsto miliona evra) realizovana na teritoriji Evrope. Podaci su sistematizovani u obliku 3 binarna pokazatelja uspešnosti projekata (prekoračenje troškova, kašnjenje u fazi građenja i kašnjenje u fazi planiranja) i 46 binarnih atributa projekata, koji opisuju izvore rizika iz 5 kategorija: učesnici na projektu (interni i eksterni), spoljašnje okruženje projekta (pravno, društvenoekonomsko, političko), upravljanje projektom, tehnološki aspekti, razno. Metodologija prikupljanja i pripreme podataka zasnivala se na metodologiji rada formiranoj u okviru međunarodne naučne COST akcije TU1003: "Megaproject – Efficient Design and Delivery of Megaprojects in the European Union". Zatim je, prema originalno osmišljenoj metodologiji, zasnovanoj na prethodnim istraživanjima u oblastima procene rizika i primene metoda mašinskog učenja u upravljanju projektima, izvršena uporedna analiza performansi dvanaest predloženih modela za predviđanje prekoračenja Miljan S. Mikić, dipl. građ. inž. 8 planiranih troškova izgradnje, kašnjenja u fazi građenja, kao i kašnjenja u fazi planiranja realizacije projekata. Ispitana je mogućnost kombinovane primene statističkih metoda (Selekcija podskupa atributa zasnovana na korelaciji i Selekcija zasnovana na vrednosti informacionog dobitka) i metoda mašinskog učenja (Metoda vektora podrške, Veštačke neuralne mreže, K-najbližih suseda, Drvo odlučivanja, Naivni Bajesov klasifikator i Logistička regresija). Dobijeni rezultati su dokazali da je za dati skup prikupljenih podataka bilo moguće napraviti modele za predviđanje navedenih pokazatelja uspešnosti u ranoj fazi realizacije kapitalnih infrastrukturnih projekata. Istraživanje predmetnog skupa podataka je takođe identifikikovalo podskupove od relativno malog broja ključnih izvora rizika iz faze pre početka građenja (3-10, zavisno od problema) čije poznavanje je dovoljno da se ostvare dobijene, relativno visoke performanse predviđanja. Za dati skup prikupljenih podataka, najznačajnije identifikovane kategorije rizika jesu: Društveno-ekonomsko okruženje projekta, Eksterni učesnici na projektu i Tehnološki aspekti projekta. Veoma bitna distinkcija primenjenog pristupa u odnosu na analizu korelacije pojedinačnih izvora rizika i pokazatelja performansi projekata jeste da se ovde nastoji utvrditi zajednički uticaj koji više izvora rizika istovremeno imaju na performanse projekata. Primena predloženih modela, za rano predviđanje uspešnosti realizacije projekata, najveću korist donela bi investitoru i donosiocima odluka u ranoj fazi realizacije projekta, jer bi mogla da pruži bolji uvid u očekivane performanse datog projekta, kao i da upozori na izvore rizika zbog kojih bi performanse projekta potencijalno mogle biti ugrožene. Kako bi ekspertski sistem za procenu rizika prilikom pokretanja i realizacije kapitalnih infrastrukturnih projekata bio zaokružen, neophodan je dalji rad na dopunjavanju baze podataka. | A construction investment project is defined as a complex technical and technological, organizational, legal, economic and financial endeavour that consists of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with a clearly defined beginning and end, with the goal of building, reconstructing, modifying and/or equipping a facility or facilities that are required by the investor. Project and project environment complexity is particularly emphasised on large infrastructure investment projects. The subject of the research in this dissertation are large infrastructure projects with an investment value of more than fifty million euros. The projects of planning and construction of hard (physical) economic infrastructure were investigated; those included ones in the traffic (highways, railways, subway lines and airports), energy (facilities for the production and transmission of electricity and gas) and hydro-technical sector. The above listed projects represent the development engines of any society and state. Given the potential long-term economic, social and environmental effects that large infrastructure projects can produce, their planning and construction process is always followed closely by the entire society. Previous research shows that, despite the importance of large infrastructure projects, their implementation is often unsuccessful, both in terms of failure to meet the traditional project success criteria (cost, time, quality), as well as in terms of the adverse economic, social and environmental effects that the projects can create. Analysis of these three impacts (economic, social and environmental), as aspects of sustainability, allows for the incorporation of sustainable development principles within a specific project. In the literature, risks that arrise from specific characteristics of large infrastructure projects are identified as the main cause of deviations from the planned performance of large infrastructure projects. In comparison to construction projects of smaller investment value, large infrastructure projects are: financially more demanding; significantly more complex; carry a greater uncertainty; include more stakeholders; are Miljan S. Mikić, dipl. građ. inž. 11 longer lasting, and their potential effects on the economy, society and the environment are greater, more far-reaching and generate more public attention. At present, there is no single accepted methodology for sustainability assessment in the early phase (phase of conducting pre-feasiblity anf feasibility study) of an investment project. Additionally, the area of risk management on infrastructure projects is not sufficiently addressed in the domestic professional and scientific literature. In the first part of the dissertation, quantitative research was conducted in order to identify the key risks to achieving cost and time performance of infrastructure construction projects in Serbia. In addition, risk management practices related to investment projects in Serbia were investigated. Research results showed that the most significant risks associated with construction infrastructure projects in Serbia are: the lack of funds for project implementation; financial and political risks; and corruption. Also, regardless of the fact that there is awareness of the importance of risk management and the need for its implementation, risk management is not implemented well in Serbia and there is a lack of knowledge in relation to risk management. However, there is a strong interest to learn more about risk management among the practitioners in the construction field. Considering obtained results, in further research, possible approaches for risk analysis and integration of project economic, social and environmental sustainability analysis were addressed. Two approaches were proposed and investigated – a qualitative and a quantitative risk analysis, along with applying a Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA). The possibility and implications of the practical application of the proposed approaches were analysed on two case studies of major infrastructure projects (Municipal solid waste incineration plant and a Motorway section). The application of the presented SCBA with monetization of the project external effects allows for comprehensive consideration of the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of the project throughout the entire life cycle of the infrastructure facility. The application of qualitative risk analysis enables the timely identification, ranking and systematic overview of potential threats for the achievement of specific project objectives and the proposal of measures for the elimination or reduction of threats. The stochastic approach and Monte-Carlo Analysis for quantitative risk analysis in the project feasibility study allows the higher reliability of assessment of the project financial and socio-economic results. The studied methodology and approach can be used in future pre-investment analyses of major infrastructure facilities, especially in the domestic market and the market of developing countries. The further objective of this dissertation was to examine the possiblity for developing an expert system for risk assessment in the early phase of large infrastructure projects. The hypothesis was that based on the known historical data on the achievement of planned cost and deadlines and the characteristics of large infrastructure projects and their environment, it is possible to create a model that can predict the success or failure (regarding cost and time performance) of new projects, if the characteristics of new projects and their environment are known. The adopted research methodology consisted of data collection from completed large infrastructure projects, data preparation and analysis using machine learning methods. Machine learning is a field of computer science that deals with the creation and analysis of methods that are used by computer programs that learn from experience. In previous studies, it has been proven that certain machine learning methods can be successfully used to predict the performance of construction investment projects. Data from 30 traffic, 12 energy and 2 hydro-technical large infrastructure projects (a total of 44 projects, each with the investment value of more than five hundred million euros) completed in Europe were collected. The data were transformed to the form of three binary project success indicators (Cost overrun, Delay in the construction phase and a Delay in the planning phase) and 46 binary project attributes, which describe the sources of risk from five categories of project characteristics and characteristic of the project environment: Project stakeholders (internal and external); The external environment of the project (legal, socio-economic, political); Project management; Technological aspects; and Miscellaneous. The methodology of collecting and preparing the data was based on the methodology of work of the international scientific COST Action TU1003: "Megaproject - Efficient Design and Delivery of Megaprojects in the European Union". Then, according to the newly proposed methodology that was based on previous research in the areas of risk assessment and the application of machine learning methods in project management, a comparative analysis of the performance of the twelve proposed models for the prediction of the exceedance of the planned construction costs, the delay in the construction phase, as well as the delay in the planning phase execution of the projects was performed. The possibility of the combined application of statistical methods (the selection of a subset of attributes based on correlation and the selection based on the value of information gain) and machine learning methods (Support vectors machine, Artificial neural networks, K-nearest neighbour, Decision tree, Naive Bayesian classifier, Logistic regression) was analysed. The results have shown that, for a given set of collected data, it was possible to build models that predict success indicators in the early implementation stage of large infrastructure projects. The research also resulted with the identification of subsets of a relatively small number of key sources of risk from the pre-construction phase of project development (3-10 sources of risk, depending on the problem) whose knowledge is sufficient to yield relatively high performance predictions for a given set of collected data. The most important identified risk categories are: the socio-economic environment of the project; the external stakeholders in the project; and the technological aspects of the project. A very important distinction between the approach applied in this dissertation and the correlation analysis of individual sources of risk and project performance indicators is that in this dissertation the attempt was to determine the combined concurrent effect of multiple sources of risk on project performance. The greatest benefit of the application of proposed models for the early prediction of project success is to the investor and the decision-makers at the early stage of a project, as the models can provide a better insight into the expected performance of a given project, as well as to draw attention to the sources of risk that would potentially endanger project performance. In order to finalize the expert system for risk assessment during the planning and construction phases of large infrastructure projects, further research should be aimed at broadening the database of large infrastructure projects. | false |
Automatsko kartriranje klimatskih varijabli primenom prostorno-vremenskih geostatičkih metoda | Automated mapping of climatic variables using spatio-temporal geostatistical methods | Javno dostupni meteorološki podaci, kako sa stanica tako i iz daljinske detekcije, korišćeni su za prostorno vremensku interpolaciju temperature vazduha iznad površine Zemlje. Zastupljenost i pogodnost javno dostupnih podataka je ocenjena, kroz tri aspekta kontrole kvaliteta: (a) zastupljenost u geografskom i prostornom domenu, (b) zastupljenost u karaktestičnom prostoru (feature space; bazirano na MaxEnt metodi), kao i (c) pogodnost korišćenja podataka za prostorno-vremensku predikciju (na osnovu kros-validacije prostorno-vremnskog regresionog kriginga). Rezultati pokazuju da je kombinovani set podataka (GSOD i ECA&D) značajno klasteriran i u geografskom i u karakterističnom prostoru. Uprkos klasteriranju, preliminarni rezultati globalne interpolacije primenom prostorno-vremenskog regresionog kriginga koristeći merenja sa stanica i snimke daljinske detekcije su pokazali da se tako mogu dobiti precizne globalne karte dnevne temperature. Oko 9000 stanica kombinovanog seta podataka (GSOD i ECA&D) je korišćeno za prostorno-vremensko geostatističko modeliranje i predikciju dnevnih temperatura u rezoluciji 1 km, iznad površine Zemlje. Za predikciju srednjih, minimalnih i maksimalnih temperatura korišćen je regresioni kriging uz pomoćne prediktore: MODIS LST 8-dnevni snimci, topografski lejeri (DEM i TWI) i geometrijski temperaturni trend. Model i predikcija se odnose na 2011 godinu, ali ista metodologija bi se mogla primeniti od 2001 godine do danas (od kada su dostupni MODIS snimci). Rezultati pokazuju da je prosečna tačnost predikcije za srednju, minimalnu i maksimalnu temperaturu vazduha oko ±2°C za oblasti gusto pokrivene stanicama i između ±2°C i ±4°C za oblasti koje su slabo pokrivene stanicama. Najniža tačnost predikcije je dobijena u planinskim predelima i na Antartiku, oko 6°C. R softverski paket, meteo, je razvijen kao resenje za automatsko kartiranje. Razvijen je i paket plotGoogleMaps za automatsku vizuelizaciju na Web-u, koristeći Google Maps API. | Publicly available global meteorological data sets, from ground stations and remote sensing, are used for spatio-temporal interpolation of air temperature data for global land areas. Publicly available data sets were assessed for representation and usability for global spatio-temporal analysis. Three aspects of data quality were considered: (a) representation in the geographical and temporal domains, (b) representation in the feature space (based on the MaxEnt method), and (c) usability i.e. fitness of use for spatio-temporal interpolation (based on cross-validation of spatio-temporal regression-kriging models). The results show that clustering of meteorological stations in the combined data set (GSOD and ECA&D) is significant in both geographical and feature space. Despite the geographical and feature space clustering, preliminary tested global spatio-temporal model using station observations and remote sensing images, shows this method can be used for accurate mapping of daily temperature. Around 9000 stations from merged GSOD and ECA&D daily meteorological data sets were used to build spatio-temporal geostatistical models and predict daily air temperature at ground resolution of 1 km for the global land mass. Predictions were made for the mean, maximum and minimum temperature using spatio-temporal regression-kriging with a time series of MODIS 8 day images, topographic layers (DEM and TWI) and a geometrical temperature trend as covariates. The model and predictions were built for the year 2011 only, but the same methodology can be extended for the whole range of the MODIS LST images (2001–today). The results show that the average accuracy for predicting mean, maximum and minimum daily temperatures is RMSE = ± 2°C for areas densely covered with stations, and between ± 2°C and ± 4°C for areas with lower station density. The lowest prediction accuracy was observed in highlands (> 1000 m) and in Antarctica with a RMSE around 6°C. Automated mapping framework is developed and implemented as R package meteo. Likewise, package plotGoogleMaps for automated visualisation on the Web, base on Google Maps API is developed. | false |
Konkurentski i finansijski efekti međunarodnih preuzimanja u Srbiji | Competitivenes and financial effects of cross border acquisitions in Serbia | Proces globalizacije značajno je ubrzan tokom prethodne dve decenije.
Njegova glavna karakteristika je nastanak novog poslovnog okruženja. Novo poslovno
okruženje se sa jedne strane odlikuje obiljem poslovnih prilika, usled dostupnosti novih
tržišta, a sa druge obiljem opasnosti, usled izloženosti globalnoj konkurenciji.
Kompanije su na promenjen poslovni ambijent reagovale internacionalizacijom
poslovanja, a sve u cilju korišćenja mogućnosti koje su se otvorile i adekvatnog
internacionalizacije, a naročito međunarodna preuzimanja, dobila su na svojoj
atraktivnosti i značaju. Liberalizacijom regulative koja se odnosi na inostrane
investicije, naročito kroz masovne privatizacije, državni organi bivših socijalističkih
zemalja, uključujući i Srbiju, kreirali su pretpostavke za dinamičan razvoj
međunarodnih preuzimanja. Usled neefikasnog institucionalnog i specifičnog poslovnog
ambijenta u tranzicionim zemljama, inače složen proces međunarodnih preuzimanja
postaje još kompleksniji. U okviru disertacije biće izložen strategijski model planiranja i
implementacije međunarodnih preuzimanja čija bi primena trebalo da doprinese
kreiranju vrednosti za vlasnike. Nakon toga biće analizirani efekti međunarodnih
preuzimanja u Srbiji na nacionalni izvoz kao i izvoz preuzetih kompanija, razvoj
finansijskog položaja preuzetih kompanija i konačno efekti transferisanja međunarodnih
standarda poslovanja kao izuzetno značajne imovine nematerijalnog karaktera. | The proces of globalization have been accelerated significantly over the past
two decades. New business environment stemmed from globalization as its most
prominent and most significant output. The new environment offers abundance of
opportunities, yet competition in global field brings along variety of threats as well. In
response to these new circumstances, companies decided to internationalize their
operations and thus reap benefits from the new opportunities and properly manage
business risks. International investment strategies, especially international acquisitions,
mark rising attractiveness and importance in this period. Governments in ex socialist
countries, including Serbia, liberalized foreign investment regulations, mainly through
mass privatizations, and thus set the bases for dynamic development of international
acquisitions. The process of international acquisitions already being very complex
became even more intricate due to inefficient institutions and specific business
environment in transition economies. This dissertation defines the strategic model for
planning and implementation of international acquisitions whose practical application is
expected to make contribution to shareholder value creation. The effects international
acquisitions in Serbia had on national export, export and development of financial
performances of acquired companies, and the effects of passing on global business
practices, as a highly significant intangible asset, are then analyzed. | true |
Granična nosivost oslonačke veze ošupljenih montažnih betonskih ploča | Ultimate Strength of Hollow Core Slabs Supporting Connection | Industrija prefabrikovanih betonskih elemenata je grana građevinske industrije koja je u
stalnom porastu, kako zbog niskih troškova automatizovane proizvodnje, tako i zbog
sve značajnije ekološke vrednosti. Takođe, uporedo sa visokim standardima kvaliteta
proizvoda i brzine građenja, ova grana građevinske industrije je i grana sa najvećim
brojem inovacija u pogledu upotrebljenih savremenih materijala i iskorišćenja nosivosti
konstruktivnih elemenata. Jedan od takvih primera je i konstruktivni sistem
kontinuiranih ošupljenih montažnih ploča, za koji je predlog proračuna objavljen u
specijalnoj fib-ovoj publikaciji (FIB Commission 6 Prefabrication 2000). Publikacija
sadrži postupak proračuna statičkih uticaja i granične nosivosti poprečnih preseka i
pretpostavljenih mehanizama loma koji nisu eksperimentalno potvrđeni. Polazeći od
nereprezentativan pogled na naprezanje kontinuirane ošupljene ploče, osmišljen je
program eksperimentalnog istraživanja koje se nalazi u osnovi rada.
Sprovedeno eksperimentalno istraživanje se sastoji u ispitivanju do loma deset
kompozitnih greda, formiranih od prefabrikovanih prethodno napregnutih ošupljenih
ploča i naknadno ugrađenog betona. Statički uticaju u ispitanim prostim gredama
odgovaraju statičkim uticajima na delu kontinualnog sistema uz središnje oslonce.
Rezultati ispitivanja nedvosmisleno ukazuju da metod proračuna prikazan u publikaciji
nije adekvatan i da može prouzrokovati neprihvatljiv odgovor sistema u kome je
kontinualizacija izvršena ugrađivanjem armature u topingu. Na osnovu rezultata
ispitivanja i zabeleženog odgovora greda, predložene su izmene projektnih kriterijuma.
Uporedo sa istraživanjem granične nosivosti oslonačke veze kontinuiranih ošupljenih
ploča, istraživanje je usmereno i na određivanje mehanizma prenošenja transverzalne
sile kroz prslinu. Detaljna merenja pomeranja na bočnom licu ispitanih greda ukazuju
da je prenošenje transverzalne sile kroz prslinu osnovni mehanizam, a da su oblik
poprečnog preseka kompozitne grede i smičuće prsline na kojoj je zabeležen lom,
osnovni uzroci odstupanja izmerene granične nosivosti pri smicanju u odnosu na
predikciju propisa. | Precast concrete industry is a constantly growing branch of the construction industry,
due to cost efficiency and ecological value. Also, along with the high quality standards
and short construction time, it is the branch of construction industry with the largest
number of innovations in terms of new materials and load bearing capacity efficiency of
structural elements. An example is the structural system of continuous hollow core
slabs, for which the design recommendation is published in a special fib publication
(FIB Commission 6 Prefabrication 2000). The publication contains analysis and design
method which is not experimentally proven. Starting from the assumption that the
existing recommendations are potentially unrepresentative, an experimental research
program is designed.
An extensive experimental program consisting of load-testing ten large scale beams,
composed from prefabricated hollow core slabs and in-situ concrete, has been
performed. The test results indicate that the design method presented in the publication
is not adequate and may cause unacceptable response of the structural system in which
the continuity of hollow core slabs is provided by structural topping reinforcement.
Based on the test results, modifications of the design criteria are proposed.
Along with the research on ultimate strength of continuous hollow core slabs supporting
connection, research has been focused on the mechanism of shear transfer through the
cracked beam. Detailed measurements of displacement in the experimental specimens
indicated that aggregate interlock is the primary shear transfer mechanism, and that the
cross section characteristics and geometry of the critical shear crack are explanations of
the code prediction shear strength underestimation.
iv | true |
Model za prognozu i procenu troškova izgradnje armirano-betonskih drumskih mostova | Model for Forecasting and Assessment of Construction Cost of Reinforced-Concrete Bridges | U radu su predstavljene i analizirane najsavremenije tehnike mašinskog učenja koje se mogu
primeniti kod procene troškova izgradnje armirano-betonskih drumskih mostova. Analizirana je
primena veštačkih neuronskih mreža, ansambla regresionih stabala, modela zasnovanih na metodi
potpornih vektora, Gausovih slučajnih procesa.
Formirana baza podataka o troškovima izgradnje mostova zajedno sa njihovim projektnim
karakteristikama predstavljala je osnovu za formiranje modela za procenu. Modeli su formirani
na osnovu podataka za 181 armirano-betonski drumski most čija vrednost prevazilazi 100 miliona
Model zasnovan na metodi Gausovih procesa pokazao je najveću tačnost procene troškova
izgradnje mostova. Istraživanje je ukazalo da primena ARD funkcija kovarijanse daje modele
najveće tačnosti, a pored toga omogućava i sagledavanje značaja koje imaju pojedine ulazne
promenljive na tačnost modela. Primenom modela sa ARD funkcijom kovarijanse formirani su i
modeli za procenu utroška betona, visokovrednog i rebrastog čelika.
Postignuta je tačnost modela kod procene ugovorenih troškova izgradnje izražena preko srednje
apsolutne procentualne greške od 10,86%. Kod modela za procenu utroška ključnih materijala za
izgradnju postignuta je tačnost modela čija je gornja granica 11,64% izražena preko srednje
apsolutne procentualne greške.
Sprovedeno istraživanje potvrđuje da je u ranim fazama razvoja projekta metodama baziranim
na veštačkoj inteligenciji moguća brza i dovoljno precizna procena troškova izgradnje armirano-
betonskih drumskih mostova i utroška ključnih materijala za njihovu gradnju. | Contemporary machine learning techniques for assessment of construction costs of reinforced-
concrete bridges, including artificial neural networks, regression tree ensembles, support vector
regression and Gaussian random processes, are proposed and analysed in this dissertation.
The database of construction costs and project characteristics is created, that served as a basis for
building the assessment model. Data for 181 reinforced-concrete bridges were used in the database
with the total value of over 100 000 000 EUR.
The model based on Gaussian processes has shown the best performance in forecasting the
construction costs of bridges. The results have proved that using the Automatic Relevance
Determination (ARD) covariance function leads to the best prediction model, and moreover, it
enables the assessment of the influence of input variables on the model performance. Models for
the assessment of costs of concrete, as well as ribbed steel, were analysed.
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) was used as the performance criterion. The best
performing model gives MAPE equal to 10,86% for forecasting the contracted construction costs
and MAPE equal to 11.64% for quantity estimation of the key construction materials.
The research carried out in this dissertation confirms that the use of artificial intelligence based
methods enables fast and accurate forecasting of construction costs of reinforced-concrete bridges,
as well as the assessment of quantity estimation of the construction materials, even in early project
phases. | true |
Strujanje u stepenastom brzotoku sa postepenim smanjenjem širine korita | Flow in the gradually converging stepped spillway | Stepenasti brzotoci su popularna mera za disipaciju energije prelivene vode.
Svoju popularnost duguju dobrim disipacionim karakteristikama i nižom cenom
izgradnje u odnosu na klasične brzotoke sa glatnim dnom. Efikasnost disipacije
energije stepenastog brzotoka raste sa povećanjem njegove širine. U ovoj diser-
taciji analizirane su hidrauličke posledice strujanja u stepenastom brzotoku sa
postepenim smanjenjem širine kanala. Istraživanje je sprovedeno merenjima na
dva fizička modela i numeričkim simulacijama.
Na fizičkim modelima ispitan je uticaj geometrijskih karakteristika brzo-
toka (ugao suženja brzotoka, visina stepenika) i hidrauličkih parametara (protok)
na hidrodinamičke karakteristike. U blizini zida javili su se stojeći talasi, što
je uočeno po lokalnom povećanju brzina i dubina a smanjenju koncentracije vazduha.
Rezultati su ukazali da brzotok sa suženjem kanala ima nešto lošije disipacione
karakteristike u poređenju sa prizmatičnim brzotokom jednake širine na uzvodnom
kraju. To je uočeno po lokalnom povećanju energetske kote u blizini zida brzotoka.
Takođe, rezultati merenja su pokazali i da disipacija energije opada sa povećanjem
ugla suženja kanala. Rezultati su pokazali da postojeće regresione zavisnosti ne
daju pouzdanu procenu dubina vode uz zid. Izračunate vrednosti ne samo da su bile
značajno veće od izmerenih već su imale i različit trend; na fizičkom modelu je
uočena pojava lokalnih minimuma dubina dok je regresionom zavisnošću proce-
njeno stalno povećanje dubina u nizvodnom smeru. Rezultati merenja su ukazali da
su suženjem brzotoka narušene i njegove aeracione karakteristike; vrednost fre-
kvencije nailaska mehurića/kapljica i specifične površine kontakta među faza-
ma su snižene u blizini zida. Uočeno je i da su aeracione karakteristike bolje pri
manjim uglovima suženja kanala.
Rezultati merenja su pokazali da je moguće unaprediti postojeće metode mere-
nja na hidrauličkim modelima sa aerisanim tokovima. Razvijen je pojednostavljeni
postupak za procenu nagiba linije energetske kote pri strujanju vode i vazduha. Re-
zultati merenja su takođe pokazali je da sondama sa tri senzora provodnosti, moguće
odrediti i pravac vektora brzine mešavine u ravni paralelnoj pseudo-dnu kanala.
U proračunu aerisanog toka, primenjen je Ojlerovski višefazni model kojim
su zasebno modelirani voda i vazduh. Primenjeni numerički model je u određenoj
meri uspeo da reprodukuje izmereno strujno polje. Najbolja slaganja dobijena su za
polje brzine za šta se pretpostavlja da je uzrok postojanje stojećeg talasa. Nešto
lošije slaganje ostvareno je za dubine uz zid i koncetracije vazduha duž brzotoka,
što se pretpostavlja da je uzrokovano nedostatkom modela aeracije. Važna posle-
dica rezultata numeričkog modela je da je preostala energija na nizvodnom kraju
brzotoka veća od izmerene i pretpostavlja se da će rezultati numeričkog modela
biti na strani sigurnosti ukoliko se primene na projektovanje ovakvih objekata. | Stepped spillways are popular energy dissipators. Compared to classic smooth spillways,
stepped spillways present a good balance between energy dissipation and low construction
costs. Energy efficiency dissipation is proportional to spillway width. This dissertation
deals with hydraulics of the gradually converging stepped spillways. The research included
measurements on two scale-models and numerical simulations.
Research conducted on scale-models included the influence of geometry (chute con-
vergence angle, step height) and flow-rate on the flow field in the chute. Standing waves
emerged in the vicinity of side walls, they were observed by the local increase in depths
and velocity magnitude, and the decrease in the air concentration. Results show that the
converging stepped spillways have somewhat lower dissipation, compared to the prisma-
tic ones of equal weir width. This was observed by the local increase in residual energy
head inside the standing wave. Results also show that increase in convergence angle leads
to decrease in energy dissipation. Results have shown that existins regression equations
cannot provide good estimates for depths along the side-walls. Compared to the measu-
red ones, calculated depths were higher and had different trend; measured values show
local minima while computed values show constant increase in the downstream directi-
on. Measurements show that convergence reduces the aeration; bubble/droplet frequency
and specific area decrease close to the wall of a converging chute. Aeration inside the
converging spillway is better for low convergence angles.
Results show viable improvements for flow field measurements in scale-models
with aerated flows. This dissertation presents a simplified method for measuring slope
of the energy grade line. Current results are promising and require further improvements.
Results have also shown that probes with three conductivity sensors can be used to esti-
mate velocity direction in a plane parallel to pseudo-bottom.
Eulerian multiphase model was used for simulating aerated flow in converging step-
ped slippway. Used numerical model had limited success in reproducing measured flow
field. Best agreements was obtained for velocity magnitudes, which was attributed to the
standing wave. Results show somewhat bad agreements for depths along the walls and
air-concentration along the chute, which was attributed to the lack of air-entrainemnt mo-
del. The important consequence of the results is that the computed residual energy head
was larger than measured and one can assume that the numerical models’ results are one
the safe side if applied for designing gradually converging stepped spillways. | true |
Određivanje kvaliteta geometrije koloseka primenom fraktalne analize mernih podataka | Assessment of track geometry quality using fractal analysis of measured data | Predmet istraživanja u ovoj Disertaciji je određivanje kvaliteta
geometrije koloseka primenom fraktalne analize nad izmerenim parametrima
geometrije koloseka. U okviru Disertacije je dat pregled glavnih parametara
geometrije koloseka i njihovih granica tolerancije u skladu sa serijom
standarda EN 13848. Izvršeno je testiranje četiri metode fraktalne analize na
primeru jednog parametra geometrije koloseka, nakon čega je izabrana metoda
kojom su dobijeni najpouzdaniji rezultati – boks metoda.
Za primenu boks metode razvijen je softverski alat korišćenjem
programskog jezika AutoLISP, koji omogućava predstavljanje rezultata analize u
CAD okruženju. Primenom boks metode izvršena je analiza parametara
geometrije koloseka na deonici Lajkovac-Valjevo železničke pruge Beograd-
Vrbnica. Parametri geometrije koloseka su prvo analizirani pojedinačno, kako
bi se utvrdili odseci na kojima svaki parametar ima najlošiji kvalitet,
odnosno najveću fraktalnu dimenziju. Potom je predložena metodologija za
definisanje indeksa kvaliteta koloseka primenom fraktalne analize. Utvrđene
su dve referentne deonice, od kojih jedna ima najbolji, a druga najlošiji
kvalitet geometrije koloseka.
Na referentnim deonicama su sprovedena odgovarajuća terenska ispitivanja
primenom savremenih nedestruktivnih tehnika merenja, kako bi se dokazalo da loš
kvalitet geometrije koloseka ukazuje na loše stanje konstrukcije gornjeg i donjeg
stroja železničke pruge. Rezultati sprovedenih terenskih ispitivanja su
potvrdili da se primenom fraktalne analize parametara geometrije koloseka može
odrediti kvalitet geometrije kao indikator stanja konstrukcije gornjeg i donjeg
stroja železničke pruge. | The research presented in this thesis implies assessment of track geometry quality
using fractal analysis of measured data. This research presents main track geometry
parameters and there limits according to standard series EN 13848. Four fractal analysis
methods were tested using single track geometry parameter. Afterwards, box method
was chosen due to the most reliable results it provided.
Application of box method was conducted using software tool developed with
AutoLISP programming language, since it provides representation of the obtained
results in CAD environment. Box method was applied for the analysis of track
geometry parameters on the section Lajkovac-Valjevo on the rail line Belgrade-Vrbnica.
Track geometry parameters were analysed separately in order to determine section with
worst geometry (section with largest fractal dimension) for each parameter. New
method for assessment of track geometry quality using fractal analysis was proposed.
Two reference sections were defined using the proposed method, one with best track
geometry quality and other with worst geometry quality.
Two reference sections were additionally investigated in the field in order to prove
that poor track geometry quality indicates poor condition of railway superstructure and
substructure. Results of filed investigations confirmed that fractal analysis of track
geometry parameters could provide basis for determination of railway superstructure and
substructure condition. | true |
Behaviour of shear connections realised by connectors fastened with cartridge fired pins | Ponašanje smičućih spojeva izvedenih moždanicima sa ekserima sa eksplozivnim upucavanjem | Savremeni trendovi u građevinarstvu se najčešće ogledaju u povećanim zahtevima
za ubrzanom gradnjom, što je uticalo na razvoj novih vrtsa prefabrikovanih
betonskih ploča i sredstava za sprezanje. Sprezanje prefabrikovanih betonskih
ploča i čeličnih grednih nosača najčešće se postiže postavljanjem moždanika u
otvore u betonskoj ploči, koji su za to predviđeni u procesu prefabrikacije.
Predmet naučnog istraživanja je ponašanje smičućih spojeva ostvarenih pomoću
X-HVB moždanika u prefabrikovanim betonskim pločama. X-HVB 110
moždanici povezani su sa čeličnim profilima uz pomoć dva X-ENP-21 HVB
mehanička spojna sredstva (eksera) eksplozivnim upucavanjem. Prikazano
ispitivanje treba da doprinese boljem razumevanju ponašanja X-HVB moždanika
u smičućim spojevima, koje je trenutno zasnovano na ispitivanjima u punim i
spregnutim betonskim pločama na profilisanim limovima. Takođe, ispitivanje
treba da doprinese proširenju trenutno male baze eksperimentalnih ispitivanja,
koja su najvećim delom sadržana u tehničkim izveštajima koji nisu lako dostupni
istraživačima. Uporedna analiza nosivosti zavarenih moždanika sa glavom i X-
HVB moždanika u spregnutim pločama sa profilisanim limom, prezentovana u
ovom radu, naglasila je potrebu za dodatnim ispitivanjima ove vrste moždanika
kada su oni grupisani na rastojanjima koja su manja od minimalno preporučenih,
kako bi se zadovoljile trenutne preporuke u pogledu minimalnog procenta
parcijalnog smičućeg spoja. Detaljno eksperimentalno ispitivanje X-HVB 110
moždanika postavljenih u otvore prefabrikovanih betonskih ploča sporvedno je
u ovom radu. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo uticaj položaja i međusobnog rastojanja
moždanika u odnosu na pravac smičuće sile kao i različite jačine ugradnje
eksera. U
cilju jasnog sagledavanja ponašanja ove
vrste moždanika,
eksperimentalno ispitivanje eskera je sprovedeno kroz testove smicanja i
zatezanja. Numerički modeli bazirani na metodi konačnih elemenata razvijeni su
za potrebe simuliranja smičućih spojeva sa X-HVB 110 moždanicima kao i eskera
sa eksplozivnim upucavanjem koji su opterećeni na smicanje i zatezanje i
kalibrisani su prema rezultatima eksperimentalnog ispitivanja. Simulacija
ugradnje eksera sa eksplozivnim upucavanjem koja je definisana kroz numeričke
modele rezultovala je prednaprezanjem eksera i definisanjem posebnih uslova
interakcije između eksera i osnovnog materijala. Numerički modeli su razvijeni
kroz opsežnu kalibraciju osnovnih parametara koji su korišteni za definisanje
procesa ugradnje i naknadno su analizirani kroz studiju osetljivosti sprovednu
na modelima sa X-HVB 110 moždanicima. Parametarska analiza sprovedena je na
modelima smičućih spojeva X-HVB 110 moždanika kroz promenu mehaničkih
svojstava betona i osnovnog čeličnog materijala. Osnovni modeli loma koji su se
pojavili kroz eksperimentalno ispitivanje povezani su sa deformacijom eksera i
njihovim izvlačenjem iz osnovnog čeličnog materijala. Razvijeni numerički
modeli smičućih spojeva sa X-HVB 110 moždanicima potvrdili su ovakve vidove
loma. Nosivost na izvačenje eksera iz osnovnog čeličnog materijala definisana
je kroz ekvivalentni napon pritiska i koeficijent trenja koji je razvijen na
kontaktnoj površini između eksera i osnovnog čeličnog materijala. Ovakav način
numeričkog modeliranja procesa ugradnje eskera pokazao je dobro slaganje sa
rezultatima eksperimentalnog ispitivanja i naglašava uklještenje eksera u
osnovni čelični materijal kao najdominantniji mehanizam ankerovanja.
Prediktivni izrazi za nosivost eksera na izvlačenje i nosivost X-HVB
moždanika u smičućim spojevima definisani su u ovom radu na osnovu
prezentovanog eksperimentalnog i numeričkog ispitivanja. | New demands towards fast construction resulted in development of different types of
prefabricated concrete slabs and shear connectors. Composite action between steel beam
and concrete slabs can be achieved with group positioning of shear connectors in
envisaged openings of prefabricated concrete slabs. The aim of presented investigation is
to promote application of mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated
concrete slabs. X-HVB 110 shear connectors fastened to the steel base material with X-
ENP-21 HVB cartridge fired pins are used in experimental and numerical analysis
presented in this thesis. Presented investigation should improve understanding of X-HVB
shear connectors behaviour which is currently based on their application in solid or
composite concrete slabs. Also, this investigation should result in extension of currently
small basis of experimental results, which are mostly part of the technical reports and are
considered as proprietary. Feasibility study presented in this work highlighted the
importance of further investigation of X-HVB shear connectors in group arrangement, at
distances smaller than minimal recommended, in order to satisfy current
recommendations for minimal partial shear connection degree in composite floor
structures with profiled steel sheeting. Detail examination of X-HVB 110 shear
connectors positioned in envisaged openings of prefabricated composite slabs is
performed. The experiment aims at understanding the effects of the spacing between shear
connectors, orientation of shear connectors relative to the shear force direction and
installation power level used for installation of cartridge fired pins, when they are used
for prefabricated composite construction. In order to generate all structural performance
data, this investigation included experimental investigation of cartridge fired pins
performed through shear and tension tests. Extensive finite element analysis is conducted
in this research in order to develop and calibrate FE models of push-out test specimens of
X-HVB 110 shear connectors, and shear and tension tests of cartridge fired pins, based
on the results of presented experimental research. The novelty in the FE modelling
approach developed in this study is phenomenological simulation of installation
procedure of cartridge fired pins resulting in preloading of the pins and interaction with
the base material. Numerical FE models are developed through extensive calibration of
main parameters which are introduced in FE simulation of firing the pins in tension tests
and further sensitivity study. Parametric study of push-out FE models is performed for X-
HVB 110 shear connectors through variation of concrete and steel base material
properties. Main failure mechanisms which are obtained through experimental
investigation of X-HVB 110 shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs are related
to deformation capacity and pull-out of cartridge fired pins from the steel base material.
Developed FE models of push-out test series matched the failure mechanisms obtained
through experimental investigation. Pull-out of cartridge fired pins in FE models is
defined by equivalent compressive contact stresses and friction at the interface between
the base material and pins modelled as separate parts. This resembles the physical
mechanism of the load transfer of cartridge fired pins and is a recommended modelling
procedure as it gives good agreement with experimental results. Presented FE modelling
approach of installation procedure of cartridge fired pins highlights the clamping of the
fastener in steel base material as the most dominant anchorage mechanism. Prediction
models for pull-out resistance of cartridge fired pins loaded in tension and shear resistance
of X-HVB shear connectors are proposed based on the presented results of experimental
and numerical investigation. | true |
Innovative system for seismic resistant masonry infills in reinforced concrete frame structures | Иновативни систем за сеизмички отпорну зидану испуну у армиранобетонским рамовским конструкцијама | Armiranobetonske (AB) konstrukcije sa zidanom ispunom se vrlo često koriste u
građevinarstvu. Zbog dobrih svojstava u pogledu trajnosti, termičkih karakteristika,
dobre izolacije od buke, vlage, vatre, njihova izgradnja je uobičajena u mnogim
zemljama. S obzirom na to, AB konstrukcije sa zidanom ispunom su prisutne i u
seizmički aktivnim područijima. Iako se zidana ispuna smatra nekonstruktivnim
elementom koji se obično zanemaruje u proračunu, uočeno je da je tradicionalna zidana
ispuna, povezana sa okolnim ramom preko maltera, podložna značajnom oštećenju pri
dejstvu zemljotresa. Pored ekonomskih gubitaka usled popravki i ponovne izgradnje
ispune, prisutni su i troškovi popravke oštećenja nosećeg sistema, opreme,
troškovi preseljenja stanara, kao i gubici potencijalne dobiti. Posledice ponekad
mogu da budu i katastrofalne, odnosno može doći do totalnog rušenje konstrukcija i
gubitka ljudskih života. Zbog toga se ulaže značajan napor kako bi se interakcija
ispune i nosećeg sistema uzela u obzir na korektan način u proračunu. Međutim zbog
kompleksnosti ponašanja zidane ispune, do sada nije predložen ni jedan praktično
primenjiv proračunski koncept.
U ovoj disertacija predstavljen je sistem INODIS (Innovative Decoupled Infill System)
čijom primenom zidana ispuna u AB konstrukcijama postaje seizmički otporna. Ovaj
sistem se zasniva na ugradnji elastomera između zidane ispune i okolnog rama. Na ovaj
način se omogućavaju relativna pomeranja rama u odnosu na ispunu, bez oštećivanja
ispune a istovremeno se pruža potpora za opterećenje upravno na ravan zida.
Eksperimentalno su ispitane sve komponente AB ramova sa zidanom ispunom i
predloženim inovativnim sistemom. Zatim su eksperimentalno ispitani AB ramovi
sa zidanom ispunom od šupljih opekarskih blokova i primenjenim sistemom INODIS.
Ispitivani su slučajevi sa opterećenjem u ravni ispune kao i opterećenjem upravno na
ravan ispune, posebno i u kombinaciji. Ovi eksperimentalni rezultati su upoređeni
sa rezultatima eksperimentalnih testova na AB ramu bez ispune i AB ramu sa
tradicionalnom zidanom ispunom. Rezultati su pokazali izuzetno krto ponašanje
tradicionalne ispune, kao i značajno smanjenje nosivosti pri sekvencijalno nanetom
opterećenju i još veće smanjenje seizmičke nosivosti kada su opterećenja naneta
istovremeno. Ovo je sve rešeno primenom INODIS sistema, koji je omogućio da se
dostignu velike vrednosti relativnog međuspratnog pomeranja bez pojave oštećenja u
ispuni i u isto vreme pružio pouzdanu vezu za prihvatanje opterećenja upravno na
ravan zida. Takođe, viskoelastično ponašanje elastomera doprinelo je povećanju
disipacije energije i poboljšanju nivoa prigušenja sistema.
Dobijeni eksperimentalni podaci su iskorišćeni za validaciju numeričkog modela.
Razvijeni numerički model može da opiše nelinearno ponašanje sistema, što je i
pokazano zadovoljavajućim poklapanjem eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata u
odgovoru konstrukcije, kao i formiranju oštećenja u ispuni. Validirani model je
iskorišćen za parametarsku analizu kako bi se identifikovali ključni parametri
koji utiču na ponašanje ramova sa zidanom ispunom i INODIS sistemom. Parametarska
analiza i eksperimentalni rezultati su iskorišćeni za razvijanje proračunskog
koncepta za praktičnu primenu INODIS sistema. Ekonomska analiza predloženog
sistema je pokazala neznatno povećanje inicijalnih troškova, tako da se može
zaključiti da INODIS sistem predstavlja praktično primenjivo rešenje. | Reinforced concrete (RC) structures with masonry infill walls constitute a significant portion
of buildings, since their use is common in many countries due to the good performances of
infills with respect to, temperature, noise, moisture, fire and durability. Therefore, RC
structures with masonry infill walls are a popular form of construction in seismic regions too.
Although, infill walls are mostly considered as non-structural elements and thus are typically
neglected in the design process, the observations after earthquakes have shown that they
interact with the structural system during seismic actions and that the traditional infill walls,
connected with the mortar to the surrounding frame, are vulnerable to earthquake motions.
Beside economic loss due to the repair or reconstruction of some infills, repair of damages to
structural system, equipment, rental and relocation costs and general income losses,
sometimes the consequences were total collapses of buildings and loss of human lives.
Therefore, a huge effort has been made to consider the interaction of the structural system
with the infill walls, but due to the complexity of the infill wall behaviour, no practical design
procedures or solutions have been developed.
This thesis presents the INODIS system (Innovative Decoupled Infill System) that makes
seismic resistant masonry infills in RC frames structures. This system decouples infill wall
form the surrounding frame through a circumferential arrangement of the U-shaped elastomer
placed between the infill panel and the frame columns and beams. This allows for relative
displacements between the frame and infill, without damaging an infill and simultaneously
enabling a support for the out-of-plane loads.
The behaviour of the decoupling system is investigated through the tests on system
components and on a RC frames filled with hollow clay bricks subjected to separate and
combined in-plane and out-of-plane loads. These test results are compared to the results
obtained from tests on RC frames with and without traditional infills. The experimental
results showed quite brittle behaviour of traditional infills as well as significant reduction of
resistances for sequentially applied loading and even higher reductions of the seismic
resistance if the loads are applied simultaneously. This was all solved with the application of
the INODIS system, which helped in reaching high in-plane drifts without experiencing
damage in infill wall and at the same time providеd reliable connection for the out-of-plane
loading. Additionally, viscoelastic behaviour of elastomers provided high level of energy
dissipation and improvеd damping capacity of the infilled frame.
The experimental data has been used to validate the numerical micro-model. The developed
numerical model describes the inelastic behaviour of the system, as indicated by the obtained
results of the overall structural response as well as the formation of damage in the infilled
wall. Satisfactory agreement was found between experimental and numerical results. The
validated models have been used in parametric studies to identify the significant parameters
influencing the behaviour of infilled frames with the INODIS system. The parametric study
and experimental findings have been used to develop the design concept for the practical
application of the INODIS system. Economic analysis of the solution showed the negligible
increase of initial costs, thus it can be concluded that the INODIS systems presents practically
applicable solution. | true |
An integrated network-level management model for maintenance of flexible pavements | Интегрисани модел управљања одржавањем фл[е]!ксибилних коловоза на нивоу меже | Poslednjih
infrastrukture, na državnom i lokalnom nivou, se suočavaju sa novim zahtevima
kada je reč o održavanju puteva. Pored potrebe da se smanje ukupni troškovi
održavanja putne mreže i usklade sa realnim mogućnostima i raspoloživim
budžetom, i da se u isto vreme obezbedi održavanje putne mreže u odgovarajućem i
stabilnom stanju, preduzeća koja upravljaju putnom infrastrukturom se nalaze
pred još zahtevnijim izazovom, a to je uključivanje klimatskih promena i uticaja
na životnu sredinu u proces odlučivanja.
Mnoge studije i istraživački projekti su istraživali uticaj stanja
kolovoznog zastora na potrošnju goriva i troškove održavanja. Rezultati
pokazuju da bi održavanje kolovoza, na nivou putne mreže, na najnižem nivou
ravnosti smanjilo potrošnju goriva i rezervnih delova vozila, što je takođe
korisno i za životnu sredinu. S druge strane, intenzivni radovi održavanja,
koji su neophodni kako bi putevi bili u odličnom stanju ravnosti, praćeni su
značajnim emisijama i negativnim uticajem na životnu sredinu.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se integrišu model procene troškova,
optimizacioni model održavanja i modeli uticaja na životnu sredinu, kako bi
se adekvatno odgovorilo savremenim zahtevima, koji uključuju razvoj i primenu
strategija koje nisu samo ekonomski, već i ekološki održive.
Primenjen optimizacioni model je zasnovan na metodi „exhaustive search“,
a kasnije je primenjena višekriterijumska optimizacija sa upotrebom genetskih
algoritama, dok su modeli procene troškova razvijeni korišćenjem regresione
analize, stabala odlučivanja i veštačkih neuronskih mreža.
Razvijena metodologija nalazi optimalan plan održavanja putne mreže R
Srbije, tj rešenje koje je i ekonomski i ekološki opravdano. Međutim,
primenjena metodologija može lako da se primeni na bilo koju drugu putnu
mrežu širom sveta. | In recent years, road agencies and authorities, responsible for maintaining road
networks on a national level, are being faced with new challenges. In addition to their
attempt to keep overall maintenance costs low while keeping their road networks in an
appropriate condition, road agencies are facing even more demanding challenges as they
become obliged to incorporate effects of global climate change and other environmental
and social impacts into their decision making process.
Many studies and research initiatives have investigated the impact of the
pavement condition on vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, indicating that
maintaining the pavement network at the lowest pavement roughness level would lower
fuel and parts consumption, which is beneficial for the environment. Conversely, more
intensive pavement maintenance activities, which are required to keep roads as smooth
as possible, are accompanied with significant emissions and negative environmental
The objective of this research was to integrate and consolidate cost estimation
models, cost optimization models, and environmental impacts models, in order to
adequately respond to modern requirements, which include the implementation of
strategies that are not only economically but also environmentally sustainable.
Optimization model applied was based on exhaustive search, and later on multi-
criteria optimization with the use of Genetic Algorithms, while cost estimation models
were created using regression analysis, classification trees and Artificial Neural
Developed methodology found an optimal maintenance plan for Serbian road
network, a solution that is both economically and environmentally sound. However, the
applied methodology can easily be applied on any other network worldwide. | true |
Decision support algorithms for sectorization of water distribution networks | Algoritmi za podršku odlučivanja pri sektorizaciji mreža pod pritiskom | Komunalna preduzeća koja upravljaju vodovodnim sistemima, naročita ona u
zemljama u razvoju, suočena su sa problemima dotrajale i loše održavane
distributivne mrže koji za posledicu imaju značajne količine vode koja se gubi
u distribuciji. Prvi korak ka smanjenju gubitaka u vodovodnom sistemu je
procena vodnog bilansa u distributivnoj mreži kako bi se utvrdilo početno
stanje sistema, a zatim i pristupilo planiranju i preduzimanju mera za smanjenje
gubitaka kako bi se to stanje popravilo. Najisplativija, i opšte prihvaćena,
strategija za ostvarivanje ovog cilja je podela distributivne mreže, odnosno
njena sektorizacija, na tzv. osnovne zone bilansiranja (OZB). OZB se u mreži
uspostavljaju jasnim definisanjem njihovih granica, na kojima se instaliraju
izolacioni zatvarači i merači protoka. Izbor OZB nije jednoznačan, i prilikom
njihovog definisanja mora se voditi računa o planiranim intervencijama u
mreži koje mogu imati negativan uticaj na vodosnabdevanje potrošača i
raspored pritisaka u mreži.
U ovoj diserataciji su prikazane i testirane nove metode i algoritmi namenjeni
za podršku odlučivanju prilikom sektorizacije vodovodne distributivne mreže
na OZB. Prezentovane metode i algoritmi nadomešćuju nedostatke postojećih
metoda i mogu biti od koristi inženjerima koji se u praksi bave zadatkom
sektorizacije distributivnih mreža.
Osnovni cilj metodologije za sektorizaciju prikazane u ovoj disertaciji je
definisanje rasporeda OZB koji će omogućiti efikasno praćenje vodnog bilansa
u distributivnoj mreži. Osnovni kriterijumi za vrednovanje i izbor
optimalnog rešenja su minimalna ulaganja u neophodne intervencije u mreži i
očuvanje pouzdanosti sistema. U disertaciji je prikazan novi algoritam za
SEctorization), zasnovan na prethodno navedenom osnovnom cilju i kriterijumima.
Sektorizacija primenom DeNSE algoritma je bazirana na upotrebi novog
indeksa uniformnosti mreže, koji omogućava identifikaciju zona u mreži
ujednačenih prema potrošnji. Za definisanje OZB, na granice prethodno
identifikovanih zona potrebno je postaviti merače protoka i izolacione
zatvarače. Za ove potrebe razvijena je i prikazana metodlogija zasnovna na
praktičnim inženjerskim principima. Za procenu pouzdanosti sistema nakon
sektorizacije korišćeni su usvojeni indikatori performansi (PIs – Performance
Indicators). Predviđena je i mogućnost za hijerarhijsku sektorizaciju
distributivne mreže, naročito privlačna za komunalna preduzeća koja
raspolažu ograničenim finansijskim sredstvima i imaju potrebu da proces
sektorizacije izvedu u nekoliko faza. Usled problema sa značajnim računarskim
vremenom koji imaju postojeće metode za sektorizaciju koje koriste
optimizaciju, u okviru istraživanja je razvijen i novi metod za hidraulički
proračun mreža pod pritiskom, nazvan TRIBAL-DQ. TRIBAL-DQ metod je
zasnovan na primeni novog algoritma za identifikaciju prstenova u mreži
baziranog na triangulaciji (TRIBAL – TRIangulation Based ALgorithm) i
baziranog na metodi prstenova (DQ).
TRIBAL-DQ metod je testiran na brojnim distributivnim mrežama različite
složenosti. U ovoj disertaciji su prikazani samo rezultati dobijeni primenom
na test-mrežama poznatim iz literature, kako bi se potvrdila njihova valjanost.
TRIBAL-DQ metod je upoređen sa metodom koju koristi najpoznatiji softver za
hidraulički proračun mreža pod pritiskom – EPANET. Rezultati prikazuju
značajnu prednost novog metoda u pogledu računarske efikasnonsti, uz očuvanje
numeričke stabilnosti i tačnosti rešenja hidrauličkog proračuna.
DeNSE algoritam je upoređen sa postojećim metodama za sektorizaciju
distributivnih mreža. Rezultati potvrđuju da je novi algoritam u stanju da
identifikuje skup mogućih rešenja, koja ne ugrožavaju pouzdanost sistema i
snabdevanje potrošača. Računarska efikasnonst DeNSE algoritma je jedna od
njegovih najznačajnijih prednosti jer omogućava identifikaciju ne jednog, već
skupa mogućih rešenja za realne distributivne mreže u relativno kratkom
računarskom vremenu. Ova činjenica posebno dolazi do izražaja kada se
računarsko vreme DeNSE algoritma uporedi sa računarskim vremenom metoda
koje koriste optimizacione algoritme (minuti u poređenju sa satima). | Many water utilities, especially ones in developing countries, continue to operate low
efficient water distribution networks (WDNs) and are consequently faced with
significant amount of water (e.g. leakage) and revenue losses (i.e. non-revenue water –
NRW). First step in reducing the NRW is assessment of water balance in WDN aimed
to establish the baseline level of water losses. Then, water utilities can plan NRW
reduction activities according to this baseline. Sectorization of WDN into District
Metered Areas (DMAs) is the most cost-effective strategy used for active leakage (i.e.
water loss) control, achieved by monitoring the flow data on DMAs’ boundaries.
Sectorization of WDN has to be designed carefully, as required network interventions
can endanger network’s water supply and pressure distribution.
In this thesis new methods and algorithms, aimed to support making more effective and
objective decisions regarding the WDN sectorization procedure, are presented, tested
and validated. Presented methods and algorithms are part of proposed decision support
methodology compensating for disadvantages in available methods, valuable to
practicing engineers commencing implementation of sectorization strategy in WDN.
Main sectorization objective adopted in methodology presented in this thesis is to
design layout of DMAs that will allow efficient tracking of water balance in the
network. Least investment for field implementation and maintaining the same level of
WDN’s operational efficiency are adopted as main design criteria. New sectorization
algorithm, named DeNSE (Distribution Network SEctorization), is developed and
presented, adopting above-named objective and design criteria. DeNSE algorithm
utilizes newly developed uniformity index which drives the sectorization process and
identifies clusters. New engineering heuristic is developed and used for placing the
flow-meters and isolation valves on clusters’ boundary edges, making them DMAs.
Post-sectorization operational efficiency of WDN is evaluated using adopted
performance indicators (PIs). Top-down approach to hierarchical sectorization of WDN,
particulary convenient for water utilities constrained with limited funding and
insufficient reliable input data, is also implemented in DeNSE algorithm. New method
for hydraulic simulation, named TRIBAL-DQ is developed to address the issue of low
computational efficiency, recognized in available sectorization methodologies
employing optimization. TRIBAL-DQ is a loop-flow based method which combines
the novel TRIangulation Based ALgorithm (TRIBAL) for loop identification with
efficient implementation of the loop-flow hydraulic solver (DQ).
TRIBAL-DQ method is tested on various networks of different complexities and
topologies. This thesis reports only results of testing on literature benchmark networks,
used to validate methods’ performance. TRIBAL-DQ method based hydraulic solver is
compared to the node based solver implemented in EPANET, most prominent software
for hydraulic calculation of WDN. New TRIBAL-DQ solver showed significant
dominance in computational efficiency, with stable numerical performance and same
level of prediction accuracy.
DeNSE algorithm is benchmarked against other available sectorization methodologies
on real-sized WDN. Obtained results demonstrate the ability of DeNSE algorithm to
identify good set of feasible solutions, without worsening operational status of the
WDN compared to its baseline condition. Reported computational efficiency of the
algorithm is one of its strong points, as it allows generation of feasible solutions for
large WDN in reasonable time. In this field, algorithm particularly outperforms methods
employing multi-objective optimization (e.g. minutes compared to hours). | true |
Granična nosivost armiranobetonskih grednih nosača od betona sa velikim sadržajem letećeg pepela | Ultimate Capacity of High Volume Fly Ash Reinforced Concrete Beams. | Beton je jedan od najčešće korišćenih materijala današnjice. Međutim,
tokom proizvodnje cementa, ispušta se približno jedna tona CO2 za svaku
tonu proizvedenog portland cementnog klinkera. Do sada je uloženo puno
truda u pronalaženje održivih rešenja za beton kao konstrukcijski
materijal. Svi ovi napori imaju za cilj unapređenja životne sredine na
isti način: očuvanjem prirodnih resursa, smanjenjem emisije CO2 i
smanjenjem količine nastalog otpada. Svi ovi ciljevi se mogu postići
upotrebom letećeg pepela kao delimične zamene cementa u betonu:
korišćenjem otpada umesto prirodnih resursa za proizvodnju betona,
smanjenjem emisije CO2 kroz smanjenje korišćenja portland cementa i
smanjenjem količine deponovanog pepela. Upravo iz navedenih razloga,
danas je sveprisutna opšta težnja zamene većih količina portland cementa
u betonu različitim zamenjujućim cementnim materijalima (CM).
Beton sa velikim sadržajem letećeg pepela (BVSLP)—beton sa najmanje 50%
letećeg pepela u ukupnoj masi CM—postao je jedna od najperspektivnijih
održivih alternativa konvencionalnom cementom betonu. Pregled
postojeće literature i raspoloživih izvora pokazao je da se BVSLP
trenutno uglavnom koristi kao deo temelja konstrukcija. Međutim,
potrebno je još dosta istraživanja da bi sa sigurnošću mogao da se
primenjuje u građevinskoj industriji kao konstrukcijski beton. Većina
istraživanja sprovedenih do sada usmerena je na određivanje fizičkih i
mehaničkih svojstava BVSLP. Kroz ograničen broj studija sprovedeno je
testiranje konstruktivnih elemenata u punoj veličini proizvedenih od
armiranobetonskim konstrukcijama. Glavna svrha ovog istraživanja bila je
::: vi :::
Ova teza predstavlja eksperimentalni program razvijen u dve faze. U prvoj
fazi sprovedeno je eksperimentalno istraživanje kako bi se definisao
proces dobijanja BVSLP napravljenog sa letećim pepelom klase F iz jedne
termoelektrane iz Srbije, a koji se može koristiti kao konstrukcijski
beton. Eksperimentalni program se sastojao od sedamnaest mešavina BVSLP
i dve mešavine cementnog betona. Pokazano je da se može proizvesti BVSLP
koji sadrži više od 50% letećeg pepela klase F u ukupnoj masi CM koji ima
čvrstoću pri pritisku pri starosti od tri dana veću od 20 MPa i čvrstoću
pri starosti od 28 dana veću od 40 MPa uz adekvatnu ugradljivost. Procena
mehaničkih karakteristika BVSLP izvršena je i na osnovu baze koji čine
odgovarajući eksperimentalni rezultati BVSLP pronađeni u literaturi.
definisanih za mehaničke karakteristike cementnih betona na BVSLP.
Došlo se do zaključka da se isti oblik ovih jednačina može primeniti na
BVSLP, uz neophodne modifikacije. Dat je novi predlog faktora
efikasnosti letećeg pepela kao funkcije njegovog hemijskog sastava i
veličine čestica.
U drugoj fazi eksperimentalnog programa ispitano je ponašanje pri
savijanju i smicanju armiranobetonskih grednih nosača raspona 3.0 m,
napravljenih od cementnog betona i BVSLP. Ponašanje greda pri savijanju
ispitano je na dve grede od BVSLP (64% letećeg pepela u ukupnoj masi CM) i
dve grede od cementnog betona napravljene sa različitim procentom
armiranja podužnom armaturom (0.28% i 1.46%). Ponašanje greda pri
smicanju ispitano je na šest greda od BVSLP (50% letećeg pepela u ukupnoj
masi CM) i šest greda od cementnog betona napravljenih sa različitim
0.28%). Analizirano je ponašanje greda, sa fokusom na deformacije nastale
usled kratkotrajnog opterećenja, dilatacije u betonu i armaturi, glavne
dilatacije u betonu, prsline, vrstu loma i čvrstoću pri savijanju i
smicanju. U nastavku je analizirana mogućnost primene različitih
::: vii :::
armiranobetonskih elemenata napravljenih od cementnih betona na grede
napravljene od BVSLP. Poređenje i analiza ponašanja armiranobetonskih
greda od cementnih betona i BVSLP izvršena je na osnovu sopstvenih
eksperimentalnih rezultata i baze rezultata ispitanih greda od BVSLP iz
dostupne literature.
Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da ne postoje značajne razlike između
granične nosivosti pri savijanju i smicanju greda napravljenih od
cementnih betona i BVSLP. Aktuelni standardi koji definišu graničnu
napravljenih od cementnih betona mogu se primeniti u analizi elemenata
od BVSLP sa istom tačnošću. | Concrete is the most widely used construction material today. However, during
cement production, approximately one ton of CO2 is released for each ton of
Portland cement clinker produced. So far, immense effort has been put into finding
sustainable solutions for concrete as a structural material. All of these efforts aim
at the same environmental improvements: preservation of natural resources,
lowering of CO2 emissions, and decreasing the amount of generated waste. With fly
ash as a partial replacement of cement in concrete all these aims can be
accomplished: using waste instead of natural resources for concrete production,
lowering CO2 emissions through the reduction of Portland cement use and
decreasing the amount of deposited fly ash in landfills. It is for these reasons that
today there is a general trend of replacing higher amounts of Portland cement in
concrete with different supplementary cementitious materials (CM).
High volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC)—concrete with at least 50% of fly ash in
total CM mass—has become one of the most promising sustainable alternatives to
conventional concrete. Reviewing the existing literature and available sources
revealed that HVFAC is currently mostly used on construction sites as a part of
foundations. However, much more research is still needed for its safe application
in the construction industry as structural concrete. Most research so far focused
only on the evaluation of HVFAC physical and mechanical properties. Only a
limited number of studies implemented full-scale testing of structural members
produced with HVFAC to determine its potential use in reinforced concrete
structures. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate HVFAC as concrete
for structural application.
This thesis presents an experimental program developed in two phases. In the first
phase, research was performed in order to define the process of developing
structural-grade HVFAC mix design using a class F fly ash obtained from one power
plant in Serbia. The experimental program consisted of seventeen HVFAC and two
::: ix :::
cement concrete mixtures. It was shown that HVFAC containing more than 50% of
class F fly ash in total CM mass can be produced to have 3-day compressive
strength greater than 20 MPa and 28-day strength greater than 40 MPa with
adequate workability. The evaluation of HVFAC mechanical properties was also
performed based on a database of all adequate HVFAC experimental results found
in literature. The possible application of current guidelines defined for mechanical
properties of cement concrete to HVFAC was also analyzed. It was concluded that
the same form of these equations can be used on HVFAC with necessary
modifications. The new proposal for fly ash efficiency factor as a function of its
chemical composition and fineness was presented.
In the second phase of the experimental program, flexural and shear performance
of simply supported reinforced concrete beams with a span of 3.0 m constructed
with HVFAC and cement concrete was investigated. Flexural behavior was tested
on two HVFAC (64% of fly ash in CM) and two cement concrete beams made with
different longitudinal reinforcement ratios (0.28% and 1.46%). Shear behavior
was tested on six HVFAC (50% of fly ash in CM mass) and six cement concrete
beams made with different shear reinforcement ratios (0%, 0.14%, and 0.28%).
The overall behavior of the beams was analyzed, with a focus on short-term
deflections, concrete and steel strains, principal concrete strains, crack patterns,
failure modes, and flexural and shear strength. Furthermore, the application of
different design codes defining flexural and shear strength for reinforced cement
concrete structures was evaluated for their applicability to HVFAC beams. The
flexural and shear behavior of reinforced cement concrete and HVFAC beams was
compared and discussed based on own experimental results and a database of
collected results on HVFAC beams from available literature.
The obtained results indicate that there are no significant differences between
reinforced cement concrete and HVFAC beam flexural and shear strengths.
Available design code predictions defining the flexural and shear strength of
reinforced cement concrete structural members can be applied to the design of
reinforced HVFAC elements with the same accuracy.
::: x ::: | true |
Internalizacija eksternih troškova u funkciji obezbeđenja održivog razvoja drumskog saobraćaja | Internalisation of external costs for the purpose of providing sustainable development of road transport | Zbog negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi, s jedne, i neophodnosti
održivog razvoja, s druge strane, transportni sektor se, danas, nalazi pred velikim
ispitom. Zbog toga se u mnogim zemljama ulažu jako veliki napori u kreiranje i
sprovođenje strategije razvoja saobraćaja koja će istovremeno omogućiti veću
mobilnost ljudi i robe i obezbediti poboljšanje ekoloških uslova. Zbog toga, postoji
rastući interes za pronalaženje i primenu različitih planskih, regulativnih, tehnoloških,
mekih i ekonomskih instrumenata koji mogu da doprinesu ostvarivanju ove strategije.
Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je istraživanje i analiza najznačajnijih ekonomskih
instrumenata u funkciji održivog razvoja saobraćaja i drugo, njihova primena u svrhu
internalizacije eksternih troškova u drumskom saobraćaju.
Cilj ove disertacije jeste da ukaže na mogućnost da se, osim za dostizanje ekonomskih i
društvenih ciljeva, ekonomski instrumenti mogu upotrebiti i kao efikasno sredstvo za
dostizanje i ekoloških ciljeva u drumskom saobraćaju. Konkretnije, cilj disertacije je
iznalaženje rešenja za internalizaciju eksternih troškova u drumskom saobraćaju, a time
i za obezbeđenje preduslova za njegov održivi razvoj.
U radu je izvršena sistematizacija, analiza i kritičko preispitivanje prednosti i
nedostataka, a time i potencijalnih mogućnosti različitih ekonomskih instrumenata za
internalizaciju eksternih troškova u drumskom saobraćaju. Uporedo, izvršena je i
sistematizacija i analiza različitih ekonomskih podsticaja koji se ili predlažu ili već
primenjuju na nivou Evropske unije ili na nivou pojedinačnih zemalja članica.
Na osnovu praktičnih iskustava i na osnovu same prirode pojedinih eksternih troškova,
identifikovani su i predloženi ekonomski instrumenti koji su se pokazali kao najbolja
rešenja za internalizaciju datog eksternog troška. U situaciji kada se pokazalo da je sama
internalizacija teško izvodljiva pronađeni su i predloženi oni instrumenti koji su se javili
kao najbolje rešenja za istovremeno ostvarivanje definisanih ekoloških i finansijskih
Predložena je i nova metodologija za internalizaciju eksternih troškova emisije CO2 i
zagađivača iz putničkih automobila i lakih komercijalnih vozila do 3,5 tone. Ova
metodologija, osim CO2, u obzir uzima, takođe, i zagađivače čija je emisija regulisana
euro standardima (CO, HC, NOx i PM), kao i starost i pređeni put vozila. Predložena
metodologija je testirana na nekim od najprodavanijih modela putničkih automobila u
Takođe, ispitane su i predstavljene prednosti ovog novog ekonomskog instrumenta u
odnosu na porez na gorivo, kao i u odnosu na postojeće poreze u vezi sa vozilom koji
kao obračunsku bazu koriste emisiju CO2 ili neku od tehničkih karakteristika vozila.
U disertaciji je dat doprinos definisanju strategije internalizacije eksternih troškova u
drumskom saobraćaju, a samim tim i doprinos politici održivog razvoja drumskog, ali i
saobraćaja uopšte. | Due to the negative impact on the environment and human health, on one hand, and the
necessity for sustainable development, on the other, the transport sector today faces a
great challenge. Great efforts are therefore made in many countries to create and
implement a transport development strategy which will enable better mobility of people
and goods, and at the same time provide better environmental conditions. Hence, there
is a growing interest in finding and implementing different planning, regulatory,
technological, soft and economic instruments which could contribute to achieving this
The subject of this dissertation is the research and analysis of most important economic
instruments for the purpose of sustainable development and, in addition, their
implementation with the purpose of external costs internalization in road traffic.
The aim of this dissertation is to indicate to the possibility that, apart from achieving
economic and social objectives, economic instruments can be also used as an efficient
means for achieving ecological objectives in road traffic. More concretely, the purpose
of the dissertation is ascertainment of the solutions for internalization of external costs
in road traffic and thus provision of the preconditions for its sustainable development.
The dissertation has systematized, analyzed and critically reviewed the advantages and
disadvantages as well as prospective potentials of different economic instruments for
internalization of external costs in road traffic. At the same time, systematization and
analyses was performed of different economic incentives which are either recommended
or already implemented at the level of the European Union or at the level of individual
member states have.
On the basis of practical experience and based on the very nature of certain external
costs, the economic instruments, which proved as the best solutions for internalization
of the given external cost, have been identified and proposed. In the situation when the
very internalization proved to be hardly feasible, the instruments which appeared as the
best solutions for simultaneous realization of defined ecological and financial objectives
have been found and recommended.
New methodology for internalisation of external costs of CO2 and pollutant emissions
from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles up to 3.500 tonnes has been
proposed. This methodology, besides the CO2, also takes into account the pollutants
whose emissions are regulated by the Euro standards (CO, HC, NOx and PM), as well
as the vehicle age and kilometres driven. The proposed methodology has been tested on
some of the best selling passenger cars in Europe.
Furthermore, the advantages of this new economic instrument have been examined and
presented in relation to fuel tax as well as in relation to the existing taxes relative to the
vehicle which apply CO2 emission or some of the vehicle characteristics as the
calculation basis.
The dissertation gives contribution to defining the strategy of internalization of road
traffic external costs, and thereby the contribution to the policy of sustainable
development of road traffic and of the traffic in general. | true |
Karakteristike asfaltnih mešavina sa agregatom od recikliranog betona | Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures with Recycled PCC Aggregate. | U cilju implementacije i promocije održivog razvoja u oblasti graditeljstva,
sprovedena su obimna eksperimentalna ispitivanja kako karakteristika recikliranog
agregata (RCA), tako i karakteristika asfaltnih mešavina sa delimičnom zamenom
prirodnog agregata recikliranim. Reciklirani agregat koji je korišćen u istraživanju
dobijen je drobljenjem originalnog cementnog betona klase čvrstoće C35/45.
U cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta recikliranog agregata, krupan RCA (d>4 mm) je
izložen tretmanima hlorovodoničnom kiselinom (potapanjem u 0.1 mol/dm3 HCl) i
ubrzanoj karbonatizaciji (koncentraciji CO2 od 4%). Pomenutim tretmanima su u
manjoj meri poboljšane karakteristike RCA, pa su dalja ispitivanja uticaja RCA na
karakteristike asfalt betona sprovedena samo za netretirani RCA.
Eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima je obuhvaćeno 10 asfaltnih mešavina. Osim
kontrolne mešavine, formirane su tri grupe mešavina sa delimičnom zamenom sitnog
(0/4 mm), krupnog (4/22.5 mm) i sitnog i krupnog (0/22.5 mm) prirodnog agregata
recikliranim. Svaku grupu su činile mešavine sa tri različita sadržaja RCA: 15%, 30% i
45%. Projektovane su asfaltne mešavine za noseći sloj kolovozne konstrukcije AC 22
BASE sa ciljanim sadržajem šupljina ispunjenih vazduhom od 5.2%.
Glavni deo eksperimentalnog rada je obuhvatio ispitivanje modula krutosti i
otpornosti asfalntih mešavina na dejstvo vode, trajnu deformaciju, zamor i niske
temperature. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je moguća primena kompletnog RCA (i
sitan i krupan agregat); da mešavine sa RCA imaju istu ili bolju otpornost na zamor u
odnosu na kontrolnu mešavinu; i da je maksimalna količina RCA u manjoj meri
ograničena otpornošću na niske temperature.
Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata razvijena je metodologija za upotrebu
RCA kao delimične zamene prirodnog agregata i date su preporuke za dalja istraživanja. | As a part of the implementation and promotion of sustainable construction
development, large experimental research was conducted. This research included testing
of the recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and properties of asphalt mixtures in which
this aggregate was applied as a partial replacement of the natural aggregate. Recycled
concrete aggregate used in the conducted experiments was obtained by crushing of the
original cement concrete (strength class C35/45).
In order to improve it's quality, coarse RCA was exposed to the treatments with
hydrochloric acid (by pre-soaking into 0.1 mol/dm3 HCl) and carbon dioxide
(accelerated carbonation with 4% concentration of CO2). Mentioned treatments induced
improvements in the properties of RCA, to a lesser extent. Therefore, only untreated
RCA was used as a partial replacement of the natural aggregate in production of asphalt
Experimental research was conducted on the 10 different asphalt mixtures. Three
groups of mixtures with RCA were tested in addition to the control mixture. In the first
group, only fine aggregate (0/4 mm) was replaced by RCA; in the second group, the
replacement was applied only to coarse aggregate (4/22.4 mm), while the third group
included mixtures in which both fine and coarse aggregate were replaced by RCA. Each
group included three different contents of RCA: 15%, 30%, and 45%. All asphalt
mixtures were designed for the base course AC 22 BASE, targeting 5.2% of air
entrained voids.
Main part of the experiment consisted of different asphalt mixture’s testing, such
as measurements of: the stiffness modulus, resistance to water, permanent deformation,
fatigue and low temperatures. Obtained results show that application of the total (both
fine and coarse) RCA is possible as mixtures with RCA expressed equal or improved
fatigue resistance when compared to the referent mixture. Still, the amount of the RCA
used should be limited according to its low temperatures resistance.
Methodology for the RCA application, when it is used as a partial replacement
of the natural aggregate in asphalt mixtures, was developed based on the presented
results, together with guidelines for the future research.
ix | true |
Regionalne nejednakosti i privredni rast : primer Srbije | Regional inequalities and economic growth : the example of Serbia | Predmet disertacije jeste analiziranje odnosa međuzavisnosti regionalnih, pre svega
ekonomskih, nejednakosti i privrednog rasta. U radu se posebna pažnja, kako sa teorijskog
konvergencije/divergencije unutar nacionalnih ekonomija. Cilj rada je da se: (a) bliže odrede
osnovni razlozi zbog kojih se ekonomske aktivnosti koncentrišu u prostoru, (b) analizira
međuzavisnost regionalnih ekonomskih nejednakosti i privrednog rasta, (c) testira postojanje
beta i sigma konvergencije na nivou regiona i subregiona u Republici Srbiji, (d) identifikuju
interregionalne i intraregionalne nejednakosti u Republici Srbiji i da se, shodno tome, sugerišu
mere za smanjenje ukupne regionalne ekonomske nejednakosti.
U disertaciji su sagledani i kritički ocenjeni razlozi zbog kojih se ekonomska aktivnost
koncentriše u prostoru. Pokazano je koje su osnovne centrifugalne i centripetalne sile koje
utiču na prostornu koncentraciju/disperziju ekonomskih aktivnosti.
U radu je konstatovano da prostorne nejednakosti predstavljaju važno pitanje iz više
razloga. Pored činjenice da postoji zavisnost između prostornih/regionalnih nejednakosti i
privrednog rasta, važno pitanje kojem isto tako treba posvetiti punu pažnju jeste odnos
ekonomskih i drugih oblika regionalnih nejednakosti (socijalne, etničke, političke, verske itd.)
čija interakcija predstavlja potencijalnu opasnost za socijalnu i političku stabilnost.
U disertaciji je ukazano da regionalne nejednakosti imaju dve osnovne dimenzije. Prva
je postojanje nejednakosti između posmatranih teritorijalnih jedinica (regiona), a druga je
postojanje nejednakosti unutar posmatranih teritorijalnih jedinica (regiona). Dekomponovanje
ukupne regionalne nejednakosti na interregionalnu i intraregionalnu komponentu može da
bude od koristi kreatorima politike regionalnog razvoja. Razlikovanje pomenutih koncepata
nejednakosti suštinski je važno prilikom kreiranja i kombinovanja mera ekonomske politike
usmerenih na smanjenje teritorijalnih nejednakosti.
U radu je ukazano da se razvoj regiona bazira na uslovima i mogućnostima koji postoje
unutar regiona za apsorbovanje, implementaciju i dalje kreiranje novih tehničko-tehnoloških
rešenja, ideja i inovacija. Pri tome, ne treba dovoditi u pitanje neophodnost postojanja politike
regionalnog (prostornog) razvoja, već joj treba pristupati na novi način – sprovoditi mere koje
će dovesti do toga da svaki region pruža svoj maksimum. Pristup regionalnom razvoju treba u
daleko većoj meri zasnivati na endogenom regionalnom rastu. Neophodno je kreirati takve
mere i politike regionalnog razvoja koje će podržavati rast u svim regionima (a ne samo u onim
manje razvijenim). Cilj regionalne politike treba da bude da stimuliše sve lokalitete da razviju
sopstveni potencijal za rast, pre svega na osnovu svog unutrašnjeg, endogenog potencijala
(teritorijalnog kapitala). U narednom periodu u Srbiji treba primenjivati tzv. place-based koncept
čije su glavne karakteristike zasnovane na prilagođavanju intervencija specifičnim teritorijalnim
okolnostima. Ovakav, integrativni metod razvoja karakterističan je po tome što objedinjuje
delovanje sektorskih i prostornih javnih politika.
U empirijskom delu rada smo utvrdili da je beta (β) konvergencija bila prisutna u Srbiji
tokom posmatranog vremenskog intervala (2001-2010. godina), ali da je ona bila izuzetno
slabog inzenziteta. Isto tako, potvrdili smo da i u slučaju Republike Srbije važi pretpostavka da
vrednost pokazatelja regionalnih nejednakosti značajno raste sa stepenom dezagregiranja
teritorije - što je manja osnovna teritorijalna jedinica, teritorijalne (regionalne) nejednakosti su
veće, i obrnuto. Dinamika regionalnih dispariteta u BDV po stanovniku u Srbiji tokom
desetogodišnjeg posmatranog perioda (2001-2010.) nedvosmisleno ukazuje na prisustvo sigma
divergencije. Dalje, dekomponovanjem ukupne regionalne nejednakosti na interregionalnu i
intraregionalnu komponentu utvrdili smo da se najveći deo ukupne regionalne nejednakosti
(preko 75%) u svim posmatranim godinama generiše na nivou između regiona, dok doprinos
intraregionalne komponente ukupnoj regionalnoj nejednakosti iznosi nešto manje od 25%.
Rezultati sprovedene empirijske analize sugerišu da se Williamson-ova hipoteza može smatrati
potvrđenom u slučaju regiona u Srbiji, tokom posmatranog vremenskog intervala. Sa porastom
BDV po stanovniku regionalne nejednakosti se najpre povećavaju, dostižu maksimalnu
vrednost u određenoj tački, a potom počinju da se smanjuju. | The subject of the dissertation is analysis of interdependence of regional, particularly
economic, inequalities and economic growth. The paper gives a particular attention, both from
the theoretical and empirical point, to the concepts of beta (β) and sigma (σ)
convergence/divergence within national economies. The aim of this study is to: (a) determine
more closely the main reasons for spatial concentration of the economic activities concentrate,
(b) analyze the interdependence of regional economic inequalities and economic growth, (c)
test the existence of beta and sigma convergence at regional and sub-regional level in the
Republic of Serbia, (d) identify interregional and intraregional disparities in Republic of Serbia,
and that, therefore, suggest measures for reducing the overall regional economic inequalities.
In dissertation there were perceived and critically evaluated the reasons for
concentration of economic activities in space. It is shown what are the basic centrifugal and
centripetal forces that affect the spatial concentration/dispersion of economic activities.
The study concludes that spatial inequalities are an important issue for several reasons.
Despite the fact that there is a dependency between spatial/regional inequalities and economic
growth, an important issue which also need to be treated with lot of attention is the
relationship between economic and other forms of regional inequalities (social, ethnic, political,
religious, etc.) whose interaction represent a potential threat to the social and political stability.
The thesis points out that regional inequalities have two main dimensions. The first is
the existence of inequalities between observed territorial units (regions) and the other is the
existence of inequalities within observed territorial units (regions). Decomposition of the
overall regional inequality on interregional and intraregional component may be useful to
policy makers for regional development. The distinction between these concepts of inequalities
is essential in creating and combining economic policy measures aimed at reducing territorial
The study points out that the development of the regions is based on the conditions
and opportunities that exist within the region for absorption, implementation and further
creation of new technological solutions, ideas and innovations. In doing so, it should not be
questioned the necessity for the policy of regional (spatial) development, but it should be
approached in a new way - implement measures that will result in each region provides its
maximum. Approach to regional development should be based to a much greater extent on the
endogenous regional growth. It is necessary to create such regional development measures and
policies that will support growth in all regions (not only in the less developed). The aim of
regional policy should be to encourage all localities to develop their own potential for growth,
dominantly on the basis of its internal, endogenous potentials (territorial capital). During the
next period, in Serbia a place-based concept should be applied, whose main characteristics are
based on adjusting interventions to specific territorial circumstances. Such integrative method
of development is characterized in that it combines sector and spatial policies.
In the empirical part of the research we found that the beta (β) convergence was
present in Serbia during the observed period (2001-2010), but it was extremely weak. Also, we
confirmed that in the case of the Republic of Serbia assumption that regional inequalities
increases significantly with the level of disaggregation of territory is correct - the smaller the
basic territorial unit, territorial (regional) disparities are larger, and vice versa. The dynamics of
regional disparities in GVA per capita in Serbia during the ten years period (2001-2010) strongly
suggests the presence of sigma divergence. Furthermore, by decomposing the overall regional
inequality on interregional and intraregional component, we found that most of the overall
regional inequality (over 75%), in all the years under review, is generated between regions,
while the contribution of intraregional component to overall regional inequality is less than
25%. The results of conducted empirical analysis suggest that Williamson's hypothesis is
confirmed in the case of regions in Serbia, during the observed period of time. With the
increase in GVA per capita regional inequalities first increase, reach the maximum value at a
certain point and then begin to decrease. | true |
Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made with Recycled and Waste Materials Under Long-Term Loading | Ponašanje armiranobetonskih grednih elemenata od betona sa recikliranim i otpadnim materijalima pod dugotrajnim opterećenjem. | Beton je drugi najkoriš´ceniji materijal na svetu nakon vode i njegova proizvodnja je odgovorna za veliku potrošnju prirodnih sirovina i uticaj na životnu sredinu zbog ˇcega su istraživaˇci poˇceli potragu za održivim alternativama konvencionalnim betonima od Portland cementa. Med¯u ovim ’zelenim betonima’, u Srbiji najviše potencijala imaju betoni sa recikliranim agregatom (RAC) i betoni sa velikim sadržajem lete´ceg pepela (HVFAC)... | Concrete is the second most-used material in the world after water and its production places a large strain on natural resources and the environment. This has prompted the search for sustainable alternatives to traditional Portland cement concrete. Among these ’green concretes’, most promising, in the case of Serbia, are recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) and high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC)... | false |
Monetarni transmisioni mehanizam | Jedno od ključnih pitanja za procjenu monetarnog sistema i monetarne politike u nekoj zemlji predstavlja analiza monetarnog transmisionog mehanizma – veza i kanala putem kojih odluke o monetarnoj politici utiču na likvidnost i prinose na finansijskim trištima, što u konačnom utiče na odluke o potrošnji i investicijama domaćinstava i preduzeća. Transmisioni kanali preko kojih funkcioniše monetarna politika su najčešće kompleksni i međusobno isprepleteni, pri čemu se efekti mjera monetarne politike na ključne makroekonomske varijable, kao što su inflacija i autput, javljaju uz duge i varijabilne vremenske pomake. Njihova identifikacija je značajna zbog toga što oni determinišu najefikasniji set instrumenata monetarne politike, tajming promjena politike, a samim time i osnovna ograničenja sa kojima se centralna banka suočava pri donošenju odluka o monetarnoj politici. U literaturi je identifikovano nekoliko kanala: kanal kamatnih stopa, kanal (ostalih) cijena aktiva, kanal deviznog kursa, kreditni kanal, kanal očekivanja i kanal preuzimanja rizika, pri čemu se nerijetko izdvaja i kanal troškova kao zaseban kanal monetarne transmisije. Jačina pojedinačnih kanala mijenja se tokom vremena, tako da se proces monetarne transmisije mora kontinuirano izučavati i iznova procjenjivati. Značaj svakog od tih kanala zavisi od niza faktora, prije svega od ekonomske, zakonske i finansijske strukture posmatrane zemlje. Monetarni transmisioni mehanizam u zemljama u razvoju i tranziciji može biti u značajnoj mjeri različit od onoga koji se obično opisuje u ekonomijama sa sofisticiranijim finansijskim sistemima. Specifično makroekonomsko i finansijsko okruženje tih zemalja ima značajne implikacije na različite konvencionalne kanale monetarne transmisije. Niz faktora, kao što su slabi institucionalni okviri, umanjena uloga tržišta hartija od vrijednosti, nesavršena konkurencija u bankarskom sektoru, rezultirajući visoki troškovi bankarskih kredita privatnim preduzećima i druge slabosti predstavljaju smetnju funkcionisanju pojedinih tradicionalnih kanala. Dodatno, postoji uvjerenje da monetarna transmisija može biti slaba i nepouzdana u kontekstu tih zemalja, pri čemu su postojeći empirijski dokazi konzistentni sa ovim stanovištem. | One of the key issues in assessing monetary system and monetary policy in an economy is the analysis of the monetary transmission mechanism – links and channels through which monetary policy decisions influence liquidity and returns in financial markets, and ultimately spending and investment decisions of households and enterprises. The transmission channels through which monetary policy operates are often complex and intertwined, while the effects of monetary policy measures on key macroeconomic variables, such as inflation and output, appear with long and variable time lags. Their identification is significant because they determine the most efficient set of monetary policy instruments, the timing of monetary policy changes, and thus the main limitations a central bank is facing in making monetary policy decisions. Several channels have been identified in the literature: interest rate channel, (other) assets prices channel, exchange rate channel, credit channel, expectations channel and risk taking channel, while the cost channel is often singled out as a separate channel of the monetary transmission. The strength of individual channels changes through time so the process of the monetary transmission has to be continuously analyzed and repeatedly assessed. The significance of those channels depends on several factors, primarily on economic, legal and financial structure of the observed economy. Monetary transmission mechanism in developing and transitional economies may to a significant degree be different from that often depicted in economies with more sophisticated financial systems. The specific macroeconomic and financial environment of those economies has significant implications on different conventional channels of monetary transmission. Various factors, such as weak institutional frameworks, diminished role of securities market, imperfect competition in the banking sector, resulting high costs of bank credits to private enterprises and other weaknesses impede the functioning of individual traditional channels. Additionally, there is belief that the monetary transmission can be weak and unreliable in the context of those countries, while the existing empirical evidence is consistent with this view. Improving capabilities to quantify specific links in the monetary transmission mechanism that xiv operates in individual developing and transitional countries requires opening of the „black box“ of monetary transmission in those countries. | false |
Izdvajanje i vizuelizacija znanja iz tekstualnih izvora za potrebe upravljanja investicionim projektima u građevinarstvu | Knowledge Extraction and Visualization from Textual Sources Intended for Construction Project Management | Tokom životnog ciklusa investicionog projekta stvara se veliki korpus
nestruktuiranih i polustruktuiranih dokumenata. Tradicionalni pristupi u
skladištenju i organizovanju informacija iz nestruktuiranih podatka su
orijentisani na rad sa dokumentima, što ih čini nepodesnim za analizu i
izdvajanje znanja. U nestruktuiranim dokumentima je otežano prikupljanje,
analiza i ponovno korišćenje relevantnih informacija u integralnom obliku,
što može izazvati probleme na projektu usled neblagovremenih ili
neodgovarajućih odluka.
U ovoj disertaciji je prikazana reprezentacija informacija izdvojenih
iz nestruktuiranih tekstualnih dokumenata u obliku grafa značajnih fraza,
koji korisnicima treba da omogući vizuelizaciju i analizu značajnih
činjenica na projektu sa minimalnom količinom uloženog truda. Sa ciljem da
se konstruiše domenski nezavisna reprezentacija sa minimalnim trudom
eksperta za prethodno konfigurisanje, značajne fraze su detektovane u
višejezičnom okruženju primenom statističkih mera za određivanje
korelisanosti para reči. Graf sadrži automatski izdvojene značajne fraze koje
su povezane na osnovu sličnosti semantičkih konteksta.
Reprezentacija je implementirana u grafovskoj bazi podataka što
korisnicima omogućava da detektuju i vizuelizuju različite skrivene obrasce
u podacima. Neinformativne fraze su filtrirane kroz postupke određivanja
entropije skupa konteksta i dinamičnosti susedstva fraze kroz više grafova
koji predstavljaju trenutke u vremenu. Prikazana je heuristika za izdvajanje
kompleksnih koncepata, zasnovana na iterativnoj proceduri za detekciju
bliskih fraza koje pripadaju istom semantičkom podgrafu. Mogućnosti
primene predložene reprezentacije su demonstrirane na grafu konstruisanom
za postojeći korpus dokumenata sa međunarodnog investicionog projekta. | During a construction project lifecycle, an extensive corpus of unstructured or
semi-structured text documents is generated. Traditional approaches for information
storing and organizing are document-oriented, which is highly inconvenient for data
analysis and knowledge extraction. The nature of unstructured sources impedes users’
acquisition, analysis, and reuse of relevant information, leading to possible negative
effects in the project management process.
This dissertation suggests a procedure for automatic extraction of relevant
project concepts from unstructured text documents. Concepts are organized in the form
of a key-phrase network, intended to provide users with the possibility to visualize and
analyze valuable project facts with less effort. With the objective of constructing a
domain-independent and language-independent key-phrase network, with minimal
expert involvement for configuration, an approach to detect key phrases was examined
by using measures of correlation for word pairs. A network contains key phrases
automatically extracted from various types of unstructured documents, with relations
based on the similarity of semantic contexts.
The representation was implemented as a graph database, enabling project
participants to extract and visualize various patterns in data. The problem of noisy key
phrases was reduced by introducing the entropy score for a set of co-occurring contexts
and the measure of phrase neighborhood dynamics throughout construction project
lifecycle. A heuristic for extraction of complex concepts is presented, based on the
iterative procedure for detection of adjacent key phrases belonging to a same semantic
subnetwork. Possible applications, such as concept tracking through time or
determination of communication patterns between project participants, is
demonstrated using a key-phrase network generated for the existing document corpus
from an international construction project. | true |
Probabilistički pristup projektovanju stanovništva Srbije | Probabilistic approach to projecting the population of Serbia | Tradicionalni pristup tretiranja neizvesnosti u projekcijama stanovništva putem formulisanja varijanti u rasponu od visoke do niske ne može se smatrati zadovoljavajućim jer je nejasno kolika je verovatnoća da će interval između varijanti pokriti stvarnu veličinu populacije. Takođe, varijante determinističkih projekcija nisu međusobno konzistentne budući da netačno odražavaju relativnu neizvesnost različitih tipova pokazatelja kao što su broj stanovnika, stopa fertiliteta i koeficijenti starosne zavisnosti. Iako je brz razvoj tehnika probabilističkog prognoziranja populacije u poslednjih deceniju-dve omogućio prevazilaženje brojnih ograničenja konvecionalnih determinističkih prognoza, stohastički pristup još uvek nije našao svoje mesto u zvaničnim projekcijama. Kroz primenu tih tehnika ova disertacija predstavlja prvu sveobuhvatnu probabilističku prognozu stanovništva Srbije. U tu svrhu koristi tri glavna metoda ovog pristupa: ekstrapolaciju vremenskih serija, analizu istorijskih projekcionih grešaka i metod ekspertskog mišljenja. Na primeru populacione prognoze Srbije do 2050, pokazano je kako elementi ova tri metoda mogu biti kombinovani prilikom izračunavanja intervala predviđanja buduće populacije i njene polno-starosne strukture. Analizirane su sličnosti i razlike sa najnovijom zavničnom projekcijom Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, 2002-2032, kao i sa dostupnim stohastičkim projekcijama drugih država. Posebna pažnja posvećena je izgradnji uslovnih stohastičkih prognoza kao načinu da se korisniku ponudi scenaristička interpretacija stohastičkih rezultata. Probabilistička prognoza pokazuje da će se Srbija suočiti sa intenziviranjem populacionog starenja bez šansi da se taj proces vrati na današnji nivo. S obzirom na aktuelni trend populacionog smanjenja države, porast plodnosti je jedan od dva neophodna uslova da se u narednim decenijama povrati današnji broj stanovnika. Drugi je snažan priliv imigranata, koji je moguć tek uz suštinsku promenu političkih i ekonomskih uslova u zemlji. Čak i tada, šanse su svega 12% da će Srbija 2050. imati više stanovnika nego danas. | The traditional way of dealing with uncertainty in population projections through high and low variants is unsatisfactory because it remains unclear how likely it is that the interval between these variants will cover the actual population size. Besides, variants of deterministic projections are internally inconsistent in the sense that they misrepresent the relative uncertainty in different measures such as population size, fertility, and old-age dependency ratios. Even the techniques of probabilistic population forecasting are increasingly being recognised as a profitable means of overcoming many of the limitations of conventional deterministic forecasts, probabilistic approaches have not yet found their way into official population projections. This dissertation applies these techniques to present the first comprehensive set of probabilistic population forecasts for Serbia. It reviews three main methods to compute probabilistic forecasts, namely time series extrapolation, analysis of historical forecast errors, and expert judgement. It was illustrated, by the case of Serbia up to 2050, how elements of these three methods can be combined when computing prediction intervals for a population’s future size and age-sex composition. Stochastic results are compared with those of the latest official population forecast computed by Statistical Office of Serbia for period 2002-2032 as well as with the results of available stochastic forecasts for other countries. Special attention is dedicated to constructing conditional stochastic forecasts as a way of overcoming the lack of scenario-based interpretation in stochastic results. Stochastic forecast shows that Serbia will face significant population ageing with no chances to revert the process during the projection. With respect to decreasing trend of population size, fertility increase is one of two indispensable conditions if Serbia wants to restore its current size. The other is huge immigration that could be accomplished if the country experience fundamental political and economic changes in the forthcoming period. Even then, there is only 12 percent probability that Serbia’s population size in 2050 will be higher than it is today. | false |
Analitička metoda za kontrolu prohodnosti i proračun elemenata situacionog plana površinskih raskrsnica | Analytical method for critical vehicle swept path testing and intersection layout elements calculation | Osnovni motiv za izradu ove disertacije je potreba za većim stepenom
automatizacije procesa projektovanja situacionog plana površinskih raskrsnica kroz
eliminaciju iterativnog procesa ponavljanja nekoliko serija simulacija kretanja
merodavnog vozila prilikom analiza prohodnosti. Disertacija je podeljena na tri dela.
U prvom delu određene su realne trajektorije povlačenja vozila pomoću GNSS
RTK kinematičke metode diferencijalnog pozicioniranja u realnom vremenu. Razvijena
je originalna metodologija za precizno utvrđivanje niza položaja i orijentacija testnih
vozila na osnovu GPS koordinata snimljenih tokom praćenja zadatih putanja na test
poligonu. Predložena metodologija smanjuje greške pri snimanju trajektorija nastale
usled zanemarivanja nivelacionih karakteristika kolovoza i nemogućnosti preciznog
postavljanja GPS rovera u odnosu na zaobljene karoserije vozila.
U drugom delu, razvijeni su matematički modeli za proračun položaja vozila sa
jednim, dva i tri sloga koja prate vodeće kružne putanje, kao i nov analitički postupak za
proračun položaja vozila u kome se dostiže maksimalni offtracking, odnosno,
maksimalno odstupanje centra poslednje osovine vozila od vodeće putanje. Utvrđeno je
da su trajektorije povlačenja vozila sračunate pomoću matematičkih modela na "strani
sigurnosti" u odnosu na trajektorije iz opšteprihvaćene Halter-ove simulacije, koje su
istovremeno na "strani sigurnosti" u odnosu na realne trajektorije povlačenja dobijene
na osnovu eksperimentalnih merenja.
U trećem delu, razvijen je softverski alat za pronalaženje optimalnih kombinacija
geometrijskih parametara trocentričnih krivina koje najbolje aproksimiraju trajektorije
povlačenja iz matematičkih modela. Najvažniji rezultat dobijen primenom razvijenog
softverskog alata je nova geometrijska forma trocentrične krivine sa optimalnom
kombinacijom geometrijskih parametara za aproksimaciju trajektorija povlačenja vozila. | The aim of this dissertation is to achieve a higher level of automation when
developing crossroad plans. The immediate goal is to develop and improve methods for
vehicle trajectories mathematical modeling, thus eliminating repetitive vehicle
movement simulations.
In its first part, a new method of recording vehicles' trajectories by using a real-
time kinematic differential positioning technique was developed and presented. It was
revealed that the existing methods of vehicle tracking based on Global Positioning
System (GPS) technology are prone to errors. Not taking into account realistic
pavement morphology (grading characteristics) while converting the raw data and
inaccurate positioning of GPS receivers on modern streamlined vehicle bodies have
been the major sources of errors. New methods of converting recorded trajectories into
real-world coordinates overcame these deficiencies.
In the second part, mathematical models for calculating the positions of one, two
and three unit vehicles following circular steering paths were developed. In relation to
existing mathematical models, accuracy has been improved and new methods for
calculating maximum offtracking were developed. It was also demonstrated that all
mathematically modeled vehicle movement trajectories were on the safe side in relation
to the ones obtained from the widely accepted Halter's graphoanalitical method which
were, in turn, on the safe side in relation to the experimentally recorded trajectories.
In the third part, software for automatic retrieval of optimal 3-centered
compound curves, producing minimal offsets on the safe side from the mathematically
modeled trajectories, was developed. Unlike sophisticated formulas underpinning the
modeling of vehicles' trajectories, optimal 3-centered compound curves are simple
shapes, well suited for an average crossroad designer. | true |
Finansijska integracija - teorijska i empirijska analiza | Financial integration-theoretical and empirical analysis | Predmet istraživanja rada su finansijski sektor i finansijske institucije evropskih zemalja.
Istaknuto obeležje evropskih finansijskih tokova u poslednje dve decenije je finansijska
integracija. Ona se shvata kao stanje realnosti u kojem su ekonomski subjekti iz različitih
zemalja, koji mogu biti na strani ponude ili tražnje za finansijskim uslugama, u svakom
smislu ravnopravni kada nastupaju na jedinstvenom tržištu finansijskih usluga i da se
ponašaju u skladu sa tim. Korisnici finansijskih usluga ne ispoljavaju preferenciju prema
lokalnim finansijskim institucijama i mogu da biraju pružaoca finansijske usluge iz bilo
koje zemlje čije lokalno tržište finansijskih usluga je samo deo jedinstvenog tržišta
finansijskih usluga. Pružaoci finansijskih usluga mogu slobodno plasirati svoje usluge na
celom jedinstvenom tržištu i ne nude povoljnije uslove svojim lokalnim klijentima.
Značaj finansijske integracije je višestruk. Ona doprinosi razvoju finansijskog sistema
tako što podstiče konkurenciju, proširuje tržište i povećava efikasnost finansijskih
institucija. Dubina i širina finansijskih tržišta rastu. Ovo se prenosi na performanse i
strukturu privrede. Niži troškovi finansijskog posredovanja i niža cena kapitala stimulišu
rast investicija i ekonomske aktivnosti, dok savršenije i efikasnije finansijske institucije
garantuju efikasniju alokaciju kapitala.
Cilj rada je da postavi teorijsko-analitički okvir za razumevanje procesa finansijske
integracije, njegovih osnovnih karakteristika i ekonomskih konsekvenci, i da dâ ocenu
dosadašnjeg razvoja i tekućeg stanja finansijske integracije na različitim segmentima
tržišta finansijskih usluga u dve grupe zemalja - evrozoni i zemljama istočne Evrope.
Korišćeni indikatori finansijske integracije sugerišu da je tržište novca u evrozoni
najintegrisaniji segment, dok je tržište bankarskih usluga najmanje integrisan segment.
Uzorno visok nivo integracije pre krize su ispoljavali i tržište državnih obveznica i tržište
korporativnih obveznica. Nakon izbijanja finansijske krize dolazi do pogoršavanja stanja
finansijske integracije pri čemu se zemlje diferenciraju u dve grupe - zemlje zahvaćene
krizom suverenog duga i zemlje bez krize suverenog duga. Stanje integracije u zemljama
bez krize suverenog duga se stabilno vraća na pretkrizni nivo, tako da se pogoršanje
finansijske integracije u evrozoni u celini pripisuje drugoj grupi. Tržište akcija je jedino
na koje finansijska kriza nije ostavila negativan trag.
Analiza u zemljama istočne Evrope pokazuje stabilan napredak u integraciji tržišta novca
i neuspeh integracije tržišta državnih obveznica. Tržište bankarskih usluga ispoljava
heterogene nalaze o stepenu integracije. Upadljive su razlike u brzini konvergencije
različitih bankarskih kamatnih stopa, kao i uticaj finansijske krize na nju. Veličina
dugoročnih razlika u kamatnim stopama ukazuje na sistematske različitosti ekonomskog
okruženja među zemljama koje onemogućavaju potpunu uniformnost kamatnih stopa. Na
opstanak segmentacije tržišta snažno utiču određene lokalne specifičnosti i ponašanja
ekonomskih subjekata, što je argumentovano i na primeru Srbije. U ovom radu se Srbija
po prvi put pojavljuje u analizama evropske finansijske integracije.
Perspektiva evropske finansijske integracije ostaje snažna uprkos nepovoljnim
događajima koji se zbivaju u poslednjim godinama. Finansijske institucije u rastućem
stepenu profilišu svoju poslovnu strategiju uzimajući u obzir integrisani evropski
finansijski prostor kao fokalno tržište. Analiza performansi nacionalnih bankarskih
sektora ukazuje na atraktivnost tržišta zemalja istočne Evrope ka kojima migriraju banke
iz zapadne Evrope.
Finansijska integracija je delikatan proces čija razvojna putanja ne sme biti prepuštena
inerciji tržišnih dešavanja. Nosioci javne vlasti moraju biti involvirani u tokove odvijanja
finansijske integracije, kroz razvijanje akcionih planova i preduzimanje projekata koji
doprinose njenom ubrzanju i učvršćuju postignuti napredak. Evrozona je poučan primer.
Na osnovu uvida u iskustva finansijske integracije svih analiziranih zemalja može se
zaključiti da zadovoljavajuće makroekonomske perfomanse, zdrav finansijski sistem i
fleksibilne finansijske institucije čine potporne stubove dostignuća savršene finansijske
integracije. | This paper deals with the financial sector and financial institutions of the European
countries. The financial integration is a prominent feature of European financial flows in
the last two decades. It is interpreted as a state of affairs in which economic agents from
different countries, who either supply or demand financial services, are in formal sense in
equal position when dealing with financial services and behave accordingly in the
financial services markets. The users of financial services do not show preference for
domestic financial institutions and can choose the provider of financial services on their
own from any country whose local market in financial services is only part of the single
market in financial services. Financial service providers are free to sell their services
throughout the single market and do not offer better terms for using financial services to
their domestic customers.
The role and importance of financial integration is manyfold. It contributes to the
development of the financial system by fostering competition, expanding markets and
increasing the efficiency of financial institutions. The depth and breadth of financial
markets rise. These developments affect the performances and structure of the national
economy. The falling costs of financial intermediation and a lower cost of capital spur
growth in investments and real economic activity, while more competent and efficient
financial institutions warrant more efficient allocation of capital.
The aim of the paper is to set a theoretical and analytical framework for understanding
the complex process of financial integration, its main characteristics and economic
consequences, and to provide an assessment of evolution and current state of financial
integration in various segments of the financial services market in two groups of
countries - the euro area and the countries of Eastern Europe.
Employed indicators of financial integration suggest that the money markets in the euro
area represent the most integrated segment of financial system, while the banking markets
are the least integrated segment. The government bond and corporate bond markets were
displaying appropriately high level of integration in the years preceding the crisis. After
the onset of the financial crisis the state of financial integration in euro area deteriorates
whereby countries differentiate into two groups - the countries affected by the sovereign
debt crisis and the countries without a sovereign debt crisis. Afterwards, financial
integration in countries without a sovereign debt crisis is steadily returning to the pre-
crisis level, so that the deterioration of financial integration in the euro area as a whole
can be fully attributed to disintegration forces in the second group of countries. Equity
markets are precedent, since the financial crisis has not had negative repercussions on
their degree of integration.
Analysis of the countries of Eastern Europe shows steady progress in the integration of
money markets and the failure of the government bond markets integration. The banking
markets exhibit heterogeneous findings concerning the degree of integration in the
different sub-segments. Marked differences in the speed of convergence of various bank
interest rates were observed, and the same holds for the impact of the financial crisis on
its change. The magnitude in long-term interest rates differences indicates systematic
differences across the country's economic environments that hinder ultimate uniformity
of interest rates. The persistent market segmentation is strongly linked to certain local
peculiarities and behavior of economic agents, which is arguably the case in Serbia. In
this paper, it is the first time Serbia is included in the analysis of European financial
The prospect of European financial integration remains robust despite the adverse events
occurring in recent years. European financial institutions are increasingly formulating and
implementing their business strategy, taking into account the integrated European
financial area as a focal market. Analysis of national banking sector performances
indicates increasing attractiveness of the markets in Eastern Europe, so that Western
European banks intensively seek to penetrate those markets.
Financial integration is a delicate process whose development path must not be left to the
intact interplay of market forces. Public authorities must be involved in determining how
financial integration unfolds through the development of adequate policies and action
plans, and by undertaking measures and projects that contribute to its acceleration and
safeguard progress achieved. The euro area is instructive example in that regard.
Based on the insight into the experiences of financial integration of all countries
analyzed, it can be concluded that a satisfactory macroeconomic performances, sound
financial system and flexible financial institutions are main supporting pillars for
achievement of perfect financial integration. | true |
Fleksibilnost i sigurnost na tržištu rada i uticaj na nezaposlenost u zemljama u tranziciji | Flexibility and security in the labour market | Predmet rada je analiza ishoda na tržištu rada u zavisnosti od odnosa fleksibilnosti
i sigurnosti na ovom tržištu. Zemlje u tranziciji se na svom putu oblikovanja
institucionalnog okvira suočavaju sa dva različita pristupa – s jedne strane je ortodoksni
pristup koji preporučuje što veću fleksibilnost na tržištu rada, a s druge tzv. “flexicurity”
pristup prema kojem samo povećanje fleksibilnosti ne dovodi obavezno do bolje efikasnosti
tržišta rada, dok fleksibilnost i sigurnost ne moraju nužno biti kontradiktorne. Predstavnici
različitih teorijskih pravaca se u velikoj meri spore oko pitanja postojanja stabilne prirodne
stope nezaposlenosti i problema delovanja histerezis efekta na tržištu rada. U skladu sa
različitim pretpostavkama od kojih se polazi, razlikuju se i preporuke za vođenje
ekonomske politike, kao i stavovi oko smera u kome je neophodno vršiti reforme institucija
tržišta rada. U radu je izvršena procena kretanja prirodne stope nezaposlenosti u zemljama
evrozone u periodu od 2000. do 2010. godine, polazeći od jednačine Filipsove krive.
Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je prirodna stopa nezaposlenosti povećana sa izbijanjem
recesije i da je ostala na višem nivou i nakon otpočinjanja privrednog oporavka. Takođe,
reakcije različitih režima tržišta rada na recesiju su se u velikoj meri razlikovale, s tim da
režimi koji su dizajnirani više u skladu sa ortodoksnim preporukama nisu uvek imali bolje
performanse od režima sa „čvršćim“ institucijama.
Institucije tržišta rada koje su ključne za određivanje odnosa fleksibilnosti i sigurnosti na
ovom tržištu su: zakonodavna zaštita zaposlenja, sistem naknada za nezaposlene i aktivne
politike na tržištu rada. Empirijsku procenu uticaja ovih institucija na performanse tržišta
rada otežava činjenica da institute zakonodavne zaštite zaposlenja i sistema naknada za
nezaposlene karakteriše veliki broj dimenzija koje je teško numerički obuhvatiti.
Regresionom analizom je pokazano da, pri proceni uticaja na nezaposlenost, jednostrano
prikazivanje sistema naknade za nezaposlene ne daje rezultate koji su u skladu sa teorijskim
predviđanjima. U radu je razvijen kompozitni indikator sistema naknade za slučaj
nezaposlenosti, dok su postojeći EPL indeksi koji numerički prikazuju striktnost regulative
vezane za zakonsku zaštitu zaposlenja korigovani u cilju boljeg obuhvatanja
implementacije pravnih normi koje regulišu ovu oblast. Korigovani indeksi pokazuju da se
Srbija, zajedno sa većinom ostalih zemalja u tranziciji, u prostoru fleksibilnost-sigurnost
nalazi u tzv. „Istočnom kvadrantu“ koji karakteriše niska sigurnost dohotka i/ili zaposlenja i
umerena fleksibilnost tržišta rada. Dobijeni indeksi takođe pokazuju da su u zemljama u
tranziciji određeni elementi sigurnosti često precenjeni, dok je fleksibilnost prema
korigovanim indeksima u poređenju sa drugim zemljama viša nego što to pokazuju
zvanični indeksi.
U radu se naglašava značaj sveobuhvatnog pristupa reformi tržišta rada, u smislu da se
institucije tržišta rada ne mogu posmatrati odvojeno od opšteg institucionalnog okvira i
makroekonomskog okruženja. Institucionalna rešenja iz različitih oblasti moraju biti
komplementarna, jer bi fokusiranje na isključivo jedan institucionalni segment i
dizajniranje reformi bez uzimanja kompletnog institucionalnog sistema u obzir dovelo do
suboptimalnih rešenja. | The goal of the dissertation is to analyze the influence of the relationship
between flexibility and security in the labour market on labour market outcomes. Regarding
labour market reform, transition economies are faced with two opposite approaches:
according to the orthodox (neoliberal) approach, enhancement of labour market flexibility
should improve labour market outcomes, while according to the „flexicurity“ approach,
which is more consistent with the European social model, more flexibility doesn`t
necessarily lead to superior labour market outcomes, and flexibility and security in the
labour market do not necessarily need to be regarded as incompatible variables.
Different theoretical approaches mostly disagree about issues of existence of a stable
natural rate of unemployment and the problem of hysteresis effect on the labor market. In
line with different assumptions in their models, different theoretical approaches often
provide quite opposite recommendations regarding desirable economic policy measures and
direction of labour market reforms. This thesis provides the estimates of changes of natural
rate of unemployment in Euro zone in the period between 2000 and 2010, using the Phillips
curve equation as a basis for estimation. Results show that natural rate of unemployment
has increased with the outbreak of the crisis, and remained on the higher level after the
economic recovery started. Different labour market regimes had different paths of labour
market adjustment during the crisis, and the regimes which were more aligned with
orthodox recommendations did not necessarily have superior labour market performance
compared with those with more rigid/generous institutions.
Employment protection legislation, unemployment benefit system and active labour market
policies are among key labour market institutions whose design to a great extent influences
the balance between flexibility and security in the labour market. Empirical assessment of
these influences is impeded by the fact that, at least regarding EPL and the unemployment
benefit system, these institutions are multidimensional and very hard to capture with a
single numerical parameter.
Linear regression is used to show that, when estimating their influence on unemployment,
using numerical indicators that omit several important dimensions of these institutions,
often leads to findings that are counterintuitive and not in line with theoretical predictions.
In this study, the composite indicator of the unemployment benefit system is derived, while
existing EPL indices are modified in order to better capture the implementation of legal
norms regulating this field. New indices show that Serbia, along with most other transition
countries, belongs to the „Eastern quadrant“ which is characterized by low
employment/income security and moderate labour market flexibility. Derived indices also
show that elements of security in transition economies are often overestimated, while
official indices in many cases underestimate flexibility, in comparison to modified indices.
The importance of a comprehensive approach, which takes into account not only labour
market institutions, but also the macroeconomic environment and their interactions with a
broader set of institutions is emphasized in the thesis. Institutional solutions from different
segments can be complementary, and focusing exclusively on one segment of the
institutional design and reform without taking full account of the institutional system may
lead to suboptimal solutions. | true |
Tranzicione privrede Evrope : konvergencija, izvoz i ukupna faktorska produktivnost | Transition European countries : convergence, export and total factor productivity | Prvi deo doktorske disertacije sadrži rezultate empirijske analize konvergencije dohotka
koje smo sproveli na uzorku evropskih zemalja. Za razliku od ranijih istraživanja, ova
analiza se zasniva na analizi vremenskih serija i pristupa posmatranja u parovima (engl.
Pair-wise pristupu, Pesaran, 2007) i identifikuje četiri slučaja: dugoročnu konvergenciju,
sustizanje, zaostajanje i divergenciju. Rezultati ukazuju na to da među 24 posmatrane
evropske zemlje preovladava sustizanje, a nisu pronađeni nikakvi značajni dokazi o
postojanju dugoročne konvergencije na nivou celog uzorka. Ipak, pojavljuju se tri kluba
konvergencije, koja se sastoje od zemalja koje beleže dugoročnu konvergenciju, pri čemu
su se dva kluba izdvojila među zemljama u tranziciji, a jedan među razvijenim državama,
što ukazuje na sličan model rasta kod zemalja koje pripadaju svakom od ta tri kluba.
Dobijeni rezultati nam, ipak, ne dopuštaju da sa sigurnošću tvrdimo da kretanja dohotka
članica kluba neće pokazati sistematske tendencije ka divergenciji ili budućim
promenama u “članstvu”.
U drugom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati ocenjenih izvoznih funkcija 10
Centralno-Istočno evropskih zemalja. Iako su posmatrane zemlje imale brz privredni rast
pre krize, V5 grupa (Češka Republika, Mađarska, Poljska, Slovačka i Slovenija) je bila
relativno uspešna jer je taj rast bazirala na rastu izvoza i uravnoteženom tekućem
deficitu, dok je B5 grupa (Bugarska, Estonija, Letonija, Litvanija, Rumunija) rast
ostvarivala na bazi priliva inostranog kapitala i povećanja domaće tražnje. Sa nastankom
krize se pokazuje da je model rasta B5 grupe dugoročno neodrživ i u znatnoj meri
iscrpljen. Korišćenjem modela nestacionarnih panela, ocenjujemo koeficijente uz izvozne
determinante primenom nove metodologije koja dozvoljava heterogenost parametara
među jedinicama posmatranja, kao i zajedničke efekte - ocena grupnih sredina (engl.
Mean Group Estimator, skraćeno MG ocena, Pesaran i Smith, 1995) i ocena sredine
grupe sa zajedničkim korelisanim efektima (engl. Common Correlated Effects Mean
Group estimator, skraćeno: CCEMG, Pesaran, 2006). Identifikovali smo da su bruto
domaći proizvod i realni efektivni devizni kurs signifikantne promenljive u jednačinama
izvoza obe grupe. U V5 grupi, pored ove dve varijable, značajan uticaj na izvoz ima i
nivo stranih direktnih investicija. Analiza ovih rezultata pokazuje da je način ulaganja
stranih direktnih investicija, tj. propratni efekti stranih direktnih investicija na porast
proizvodnje koji nisu posledica porasta proizvodnih kapaciteta, već rezultat rasta
produktivnosti, znanja, kvaliteta proizvoda, izvoznog tržišta i dr., predstavljali ključnu
razliku u ostvarenim izvoznim rezultatima zemalja navedene dve grupe, što je u skladu sa
zaključcima nekih prethodnih istraživanja, na koje se naše istraživanje nadovezuje
(Kutan i Vukšić, 2007, Rahman, 2008).
Tema trećeg dela je ukupna faktorska produktivnost, kao važan faktor dugoročnog
privrednog rasta i istaknut razlog postojećih razlika u dohotku između zemalja.
Ekonometrijskim metodama ocenjujemo koeficijente u Kob-Daglasovoj proizvodnoj
funkciji na osnovu regresije u kojoj figurišu bruto domaći proizvod po zaposlenom
(produktivnost rada) i kapital po zaposlenom (tehnička opremljenost rada), koju smo
izveli iz jednačine privrednog rasta u kojoj figurišu njegove osnovne determinante -
kapital i radna snaga, nakon uvođenja pretpostavke o konstantnim prinosima. Iz
kointegracione veze produktivnosti i tehničke opremljenosti rada dobijamo važan
rezudual u ekonomskoj literaturi – tzv. rezidual Solova, koji pokazuje dinamiku kretanja
ukupne faktorske produktivnosti u prethodnom periodu u Srbiji. Ocenjenu seriju ukupne
faktorske produktivnosti poredimo sa podacima PWT (Penn World Table) i objašnjavamo
razlike u metodologiji. Na kraju, ukazujemo da se u literaturi izdvaja veliki broj
determinanti ovog značajnog „reziduala“. Za Srbiju prvenstveno stavljamo naglasak na
neke osnovne faktore, kao što su ljudski kapital, uslovi poslovanja, pravni sistem,
institucije i infrastruktura, koji bi trebalo u narednom periodu da budu važne teme pri
formulisanju ekonomske politike za povećanje produktivnosti. | The first part of this doctoral thesis contains results from empirical analysis of income
convergence, which we conducted on a sample of European countries. Unlike previous
research, this analysis is based on time-series analysis and the pair-wise approach
(Pesaran, 2007), identifying four cases: long-run convergence, catching-up, lagging-
behind, and divergence. The results suggest that catching-up prevails between observed
24 European countries, while no significant evidence was found for the existence of long-
run convergence at the whole sample level. Still, three convergence clubs appear, that
consist of countries recording long-run convergence, two in transitional countries and
one involving advanced countries, which indicate the similar growth model of the
countries belonging to each club. Nevertheless, the results do not allow us to claim with
certainty that income paths of club members will not exhibit systematic tendencies toward
divergence or future changes in their „membership“ status.
The second part of the thesis contains the results of estimated export functions of 10
Central European countries. Although all the observed countries recorded fast economic
growth before the crisis, V5 group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and
Slovenia) was relatively successful because their growth was based on export growth and
balanced current account deficit, whereas B5 group (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
and Romania) recorded growth based on foreign capital inflow and the increase in
domestic demand. With the onset of crisis, it becomes evident that the growth model of
B5 group is unsustainable in the long run and that it has been mostly exhausted. Using
the nonstationary panel data model, we estimate the coefficients along with export
determinants by applying new methodology which allows the heterogeneity of parameters
between the observed units, as well as common effects – Mean Group (MG) estimator
(Pesaran and Smith, 1995) and Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG)
estimator, (Pesaran, 2006). We observed that gross domestic product and real effective
exchange rate are significant variables in export equations of both groups. Beside these
two variables, export in V5 group is also significantly influenced by the level of foreign
direct investment. The analysis of these results shows that the mode of investing foreign
direct investment, i.e. the accompanying effects of foreign direct investment on the
increase in production, which are not the result of the increase of production capacities
but of productivity, knowledge, quality of the product, export matket, etc., represented the
key difference between achieved export results of countries from the two groups, which
is consistent with the conclusions of some earlier research that we built on (Kutan and
Vukšić, 2007, Rahman, 2008).
The subject of the third part is the total factor productivity, as an important factor of long-
term economic growth and a prominent reason for the existing differences in income
between countries. We use econometric methods to rate coefficients in the Cobb-Douglas
production function based on the regression with gross domestic product per worker
(labor productivity) and capital per worker (capital-labor ratio) as determinants. We
derived this regression from the equation of economic growth with its basic determinants
being the capital and labor force, following the introduction of assumption of constant
returns. From the cointegration relationship between labor productivity and capital-
labor ratio, we get an important residual from the economic literature – the so called
Solow residual, which shows the dynamics of total factor productivity changes in Serbia
in the recent past. We then compare the assessed series of total factor productivity with
data from PWT (Penn World Table) and explain the differences in methodology. Finally,
we indicate that a large number of determinants of this important „residual“ is found in
the literature. When it comes to Serbia, we place the emphasis primarily on certain basic
factors such as human capital, business conditions, legal system, institutions and
infrastructure, which should, in the near future, represent important subjects in the
process of formulating economic policies aimed at increasing productivity. | true |
Problem valutne neusaglašenosti javnog duga u uslovima valutne supstitucije | Public debt currency mismatch problem in circumstances of currency substitution | Predmet ove doktorske disertacije jeste problem valutne neusaglašenosti duga i denominacije državnih hartija od vrednosti na tržištima u razvoju i graničnim tržištima (engl. Frontier Market, Pre-emerging Market). Poseban akcenat se stavlja na tržišta koje karakteriše visok stepen valutne supstitucije (dolarizacije, alt. "evroizacije") kao i identifikaciju nužnih preduslova i smernica za razvoj tržišta dugovnih državnih hartija od vrednosti u Republici Srbiji, s osvrtom na stanja na tržištima u regionu. | The subject of this PhD dissertation is the problem of debt currency mismatch and government securities’ currency denomination in emerging markets and frontier markets (Pre-emerging markets). Special emphasis is placed on markets which are characterized by a high degree of currency substitution (dollarization, "Euroization") as well as on identification of the necessary prerequisites and guidelines for the development of debt government securities market in the Republic of Serbia, with regard to conditions in the region. | false |
Privredno čudo zemalja istočne i jugoistočne Azije | The East Asian and the Southeast Asian economic miracle | Brz privredni rast azijskih novoindustrijalizovanih zemalja (NiZ), poznat kao azijsko privredno čudo,
nameće dva pitanja: prvo, koji faktori su doprineli takvom rastu i drugo, da li druge zemlje u razvoju
(ZUR) mogu da repliciraju iste politike radi iniciranja jednako brzog rasta.
Svi se slažu da su azijske NiZ zabeležile spektakularan rast, ali ne postoji saglasnost zašto su ove zemlje
sasvim iznenada i neočekivano počele da rastu tako brzo. Kao podrška različitim gledištima o poreklu
privrednog čuda, razvijen je čitav niz tzv. stilizovanih činjenica. Međutim, sveukupno, ne postoje ni
jednostavni, ni definitivni odgovori.
Postoji saglasnost da ne postoji jedan jedini azijski model razvoja. Međutim, svakako postoje određene
sličnosti u pristupima razvoju Japana, zemalja Istočne Azije (IA) i zemalja Jugoistočne Azije (JIA) koje se
prvenstveno duguju činjenici da su sve ove zemlje kasnopridošlice na svetsko tržište.
Teorije privrednog razvoja su posvetile relativno malu pažnju izuzetnosti azijskih NiZ. Najveći deo
rasprave se zamrzao na dva polarizovana stanovišta, onom koje primat daje tržištu, odnosno onom koje
primat daje državi.
Dinamički proces razvoja ovih zemalja je analiziran putem sveobuhvatnog ispitivanja ekonomskih,
političkih, socijalnih i kulturoloških faktora. U tom smislu, obuhvaćeni su: prvo, elementi čuda oko čijeg
doprinosa nema spora, kao što su: stvaranje Istočno/Jugoistočnih azijskih regionalnih svetskih sistema, pro
investiciona makroekonomska politika, politika otvorene industrijalizacije, akumulacija ljudskog kapitala,
pragmatizam u sprovođenju ekonomske politike, itd; drugo, faktori uspeha koji su ostali nespomenuti,
nedovoljno istraženi ili im nije dat dovoljan značaj: američka hladnoratovska politika i trgovinski režim
Pax Americana, aktivnost kineske dijaspore, dinamičan proces menjanja komparativnih prednost, itd.; i
konačno, komponente čuda oko čijeg doprinosa još uvek postoje kontroverze: tzv. japanski razvojni
kolonijalizam, developmentalistička država, intervencije industrijske politike, (ne)ravnomerna distribucija
dohotka i bogatstva, visoke stope investicija i/ili ukupna faktorska produktivnost, spoljna trgovina, itd.
Do snažne ekspanzije trgovine, investicija i drugih ekonomskih veza u okviru regiona IA je došlo bez
formalnih regionalnih institucionalnih aranžmana koji su stimulisali integraciju u Evropi ili na Američkom
kontinentu. Regionalna ekonomska konfiguracija i proces hvatanja priključka u IA se često obeležavaju
obrascem gusaka u letu.
Azijska finansijska kriza je naizgled zadala fatalni udarac tvrdnjama o superiornosti državom vođenog
azijskog kapitalizma i očekivanjima o azijskom veku. Za usporenje rasta i izvoza posle krize većina
azijskih ekonomista krivi pre različite ciklične, nego strukturne faktore. Međutim, usporenje otkriva
nekoliko strukturnih problema koji moraju biti rešeni ukoliko azijske NiZ žele da održe brz rast. S druge
strane, finansijska kriza nije dovela do negacije opšteg ekonomskog okvira ili razvoja regiona. Kriza ne
znači da je azijsko čudo završeno.
Lekcije iz azijskog iskustva se ne mogu izvući na mehanički način. Uspeh azijskih NiZ može, delom, biti
povezan sa posebnim uslovima koji teško mogu da budu ponovljeni negde drugde. U bilo kom momentu
vremena svaka zemlja se suočava sa jedinstvenom situacijom koja zavisi od mnoštva faktora. Sve je teže
za kasnopridošlice da uhvate priključak zato što je svetska privreda postala kompleksnija i asimetrično
međuzavisna. Uspeh azijskih NiZ ne opovrgava tendenciju pogoršanja uslova za većinu zemalja da uhvate
priključak sa RZ. | The rapid growth of Asian newly industrialized countries, known as the Asian economic miracle, raises
two questions: first, what factors have contributed to this growth, and second, whether other developing
countries can replicate the same policy to initiate equally rapid growth.
While everybody agrees that Asian NICs recorded spectacular growth, no one agrees why these countries
are quite suddenly and unexpectedly began to grow so quickly. In support of different views on the origin
of the economic miracle, a series of so-called stylized facts was developed. However, overall, there is
neither a simple nor a definitive answer.
There is agreement that there is no single Asian model of development. However, there are certainly
some similarities in the approaches to the development of Japan, East Asian countries and Southeast Asian
countries, which is primarily due to the fact that all these countries are latecomers in the world market.
Theories of economic development are devoted relatively little attention to the exceptionality of Asian
NICs. Much of the discussion is polarized at two opposing viewpoints, one that gives primacy to the
Market, and one that gives primacy to the Government.
The dynamic process of development of these countries is analyzed through a comprehensive examination
of economic, political, social and cultural factors. Accordingly, the work includes: firstly, the elements of
miracle around whose contribution there is no dispute, such as: the creation of the East / South East Asian
regional world-systems, pro-investment macroeconomic policy, policy of open industrialization, human
capital accumulation, pragmatism in the implementation of economic policy, etc; secondly, the factors of
success that remain unmentioned, not fully investigated or without satisfactory importance: American
Cold War policy and trade regime Pax Americana, the activity of the Chinese diaspora, dynamic process
of changing comparative advantages, etc; and finally, components of miracle whose contributions are still
controversial: the so-called Japanese developmental colonialism, developmentalist state, industrial policy
interventions, (in)equal income and wealth distribution, high investment rates and / or total factor
productivity, foreign trade, etc.
The rapid expansion of trade, investment and other economic ties within the East Asia region is reached
with no formal regional institutional arrangements that stimulated integration in Europe or in the
Americas. Regional economic configuration and catching-up process of the East Asia are often depicted
by flying-wild-geese pattern.
The Asian financial crisis was seemingly a fatal blow to the claims of the superiority of state-led Asian
capitalism and expectations about the Asian century. For slowing growth and exports rates after the crisis,
most Asian economists rather blame various cyclical than structural factors. However, slowing reveals
several structural problems that must be solved if the Asian NICs want to maintain rapid growth. On the
other hand, the financial crisis did not lead to the negation of the general economic framework and
development of the region. The crisis does not mean that the Asian miracle is over.
Lessons from the Asian experience can not be drawn mechanically. The success of the Asian NICs may,
in part, be associated with particular conditions that can hardly be replicated elsewhere. At any moment in
time, each country is faced with a unique situation that depends on many factors. It’s getting harder for
latecomers to catch up because the world economy has become more complex and asymmetrically
interdependent. The success of the Asian NICs does not deny the tendency of worsening conditions for
most countries to catch up with the developed countries. | true |
Konstitutivne jednačine za pesak u njihova primena pri numeričkoj analizi ponašanja trakastog temelja | Constitutive equations for sand and their application in numericalanalysis of strip foundation behavior | Rešavanjem graničnih problema fundiranja i mehanike tla u građevinarstvu razvijen je veliki
broj konstitutivnih modela i svaki je uspešan za određenu vrstu tla i za specifičnu putanju
opterećenja. Zbog nehomogenosti i različitosti prirode tla, još uvek ne postoji generalni
model koji uspešno opisuje ponašanje različitih vrsta tla pri proizvoljnim putanjama napona.
Drugim rečima, još uvek ne postoji odgovarajući spoj matematičkih formulacija deformacije
tla opisanih u mehanici kontinuuma i mehanici individualnih čestica.
U ovom radu su korišćeni osnovni principi nelinearne mehanike kontinuuma i matematičke
teorije plastičnosti. Temeljna konstrukcija i tlo su diskretizovani konačnim elementima a
konstitutivne jednačine su primenjene za rešavanje granične nosivosti trakastog temelja
oslonjenog na deformabilni sloj peska. Tlo je opisano kao homogeno, izotropno i
elastoplastično telo koje se monotono opterećuje u dreniranim uslovima.
Nelinearni Mohr-Coulombov (NMC) konstitutivni model je razvijen u cilju formulacije
problema granične nosivosti i deformacije tla usled zadatog opterećenja. U radu je NMC
model formulisan na osnovu četiri polazne pretpostavke:
1. Ugao smičuće otpornosti nelinearne anvelope loma ima hiperboličku zavisnost od
normalnih napona (Maksimović, 1989.).
2. Ugao dilatancije se može odrediti kao odnos između ekvivalentne srednje zapreminske
i ekvivalentne smičuće plastične deformacije.
3. Ugao dilatancije u linearnom modelu smičuće otpornosti jednak je maksimalnoj
dilatanciji nelinearnog modela.
4. Bazni ugao nelinearne smičuće otpornosti se računa na osnovu aproksimacije da su
tangentna smičuća otpornost za nelinearni i smičuća otpornost linearnog
konstitutivnog modela jednake u određenoj vrednosti normalnog napona.
Na osnovu NMC modela napravljen je računarski program da bi se analizirali različiti
aspekti ponašanja trakastog temelja na deformabilnom sloju peska. Za verifikaciju
predloženog modela korišćeni su rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja koji su publikovani u
stručnoj literaturi.
Doktorska disertacija predstavlja nastavak istraživačkog rada prikazanog u magistarskom
radu: "Primena Mohr-Coulomb-ovog modela za rešavanje nekih problema u geotehnici". | constitutive models is developed in civil engineering each being successful for a certain kind
of soil and for a specific path of loading. Due to inhomogeneous nature of different soils,
there is no one general model to describe behavior of all kinds of soil and under all possible
paths of loading. In other words, there is no accepted way to connect mathematical
formulations of soil deformation by continuum mechanics and particle mechanics.
In presented work, basic principles of nonlinear continuum mechanics and mathematics of
theory of plasticity were used. Base construction and soil were netted with finite elements
while constitutive formulations were applied to strip foundation on deformable sand. Soil is
described as homogeneous, isotropic, and elastoplastic body which is monotonically loaded
in drained conditions.
Nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb (NMC) constitutive model is developed to describe soil
deformation under applied load. In the PhD dissertation, NMC model is formulated based on
four assumptions:
1. Angle of shearing resistance for nonlinear failure envelope has hyperbolic
dependence on normal stresses (Maksimović, 1989).
2. Dilatation angle may be looked as the ratio between equivalent mean volumetric and
equivalent shear plastic deformation.
3. In linear model, dilatation angle of shearing resistance is equal to the maximum
dilatation angle in nonlinear model.
4. Basic angle in nonlinear model is calculated based on approximation that tangents of
shear resistance for linear and nonlinear models were equal at one specific point of
normal stress.
Based on described NMC model, a computer program is developed to look at different
behavior of strip foundation on deformable layer of sand. To verify new model, comparison
was done with results from laboratory testing published in literature.
PhD thesis is a continuation of investigation presented in MS thesis: "Application of Mohr-
Coulomb model for solving certain problems in geo-technique". | true |
Administrativne barijere i izgradnja institucionalnog kapaciteta u međunarodnoj trgovini | Administrative barriers and trade capacity building | Tokom druge polovine 20. veka, uloga meĊunarodne trgovine je bila od suštinskog
znaĉaja za odvijanje razvojnog procesa u mnogim zemljama, kao i povećanja njihove
konkurentnosti na svetskom trţištu. Razvojni proces je uslov za ostvarenje privrednog
rasta, a u sluĉaju mnogih Zemalja u razvoju, bitan je zbog uticaja na smanjenje
siromaštva. Bez obzira na tako znaĉajnu ulogu, meĊunarodna trgovina je tokom prošlog
veka bila ograniĉavna velikim brojem barijera i to u obliku carina, ali i necarinskih
barijera. U savremenom periodu, neke od necarinskih barijera postale su „manje
vidljive―, a nastale su kao posledica nedovoljno efikasnog i nedovoljno efektivnog rada
carinske sluţbe i ostalih, sa njihovim radom povezanih sluţbi znaĉajnih za realizaciju
spoljnotrgovinskih poslova. Kao posledica njihovog delovanja, nastajali su visoki
transakcioni troškovi trgovine, koji utiĉu na smanjenje obima i vrednosti meĊunarodne
trgovine. Te barijere su administrativne proceduralne necarinske barijere, ĉija upotreba
još uvek nije regulisana na multilateralnom nivou, mada se oĉekuje donošenje
Sporazuma o olakšavanju meĊunarodne trgovine, nakon što je obelodanjen Nacrt
budućeg sporazuma o olakšavanju meĊunarodne trgovine. Olakšavanje meĊunarodne
trgovine se odnosi na više oblasti o kojima se pregovara pod okriljem WTO, a cilj same
inicijative je da se omogući rast meĊunarodne trgovine, da se snize transakcioni
troškovi trgovine, a ukljuĉuje i unapreĊenje voĊenja carinskih postupaka, kao i
prilagoĊavanje novim zahtevima za ostvarenjem principa bezbednosti ustanovljenim na
meĊunarodnom nivou.
Razvoj transportne i trgovinske infrastrukture, poznate i pod pojmom „tvrde― i „meke―
infrastrukture tokom poslednjih decenija najviše utiĉe na smanjenje transakcionih
troškova trgovine, ĉime se smanjuje uticaj administrativnih proceduralnih necarinskih
barijera na meĊunarodnu trgovinu. Sam proces izgradnje trgovinske infrastrukture
naziva se izgradnja trgovinskog kapaciteta. Ovaj kompleksni proces povezan je sa
modernizacijom rada carinske sluţbe, širom sveta, a naroĉito u Zemljama u razvoju.
Nedostatak neophodnih sredstava bio je osnovni razlog pokretanja novog Programa
pomoći za razvoj meĊunarodne trgovine. Taj Program je zapravo inicijativa koja se kao
multilateralan projekat razvila pod okriljem Svetske trgovinske organizacije, a sa ciljem
da se pruţi pomoć Zemljama u razvoju, a naroĉito Najmanje razvijenim meĊu njima,
kako bi mogle da izgrade neophodan trgovinski kapacitet, da bi mogle da ostvare korist
od procesa liberalizacije meĊunarodne trgovine. Primena Programa povezana je sa
regionalnim programima za razvoj meĊunarodne trgovine.
Cilj ovog rada jeste ukazivanje na rastuću ulogu administrativnih barijera u
meĊunarodnoj trgovini. Pored toga, u radu je pokazano na koje vrste ovih barijera mogu
naići uĉesnici u spoljnotrgovinskom poslovanju, s obzirom da je izvršeno klasifikovanje
ovih barijera i nauĉno prikazana njihova primena, sa posebnim osvrtom na razvojnu
dimenziju meĊunarodne trgovine. Pokazano je i da se njihov uticaj moţe smanjiti
ukoliko se izgradi trgovinski kapacitet, naroĉito u zemljama koje nemaju dovoljan
stepen razvijenosti trgovinskog kapaciteta, kao i transportnog kapaciteta.
Predmet istraţivanja su reprezentativni primeri zemalja, obraĊeni u vidu studija sluĉaja,
kako Razvijenih, tako i Zemalja u razvoju i Zemalja u tranziciji, meĊu kojima se nalazi i
Srbija. Opravdanost istraţivanja nalazimo u polaznoj hipotezi da su administrativne
barijere najrestriktivniji deo necarinskih barijera i da još nisu regulisane na
multilateralnom nivou. Pokazano je da je smanjenje uticaja ovih barijera na odvijanje
trgovinskih tokova ostvarivo ukoliko se smanje transakcioni troškovi trgovine, a
naroĉito će to biti omogućeno Zemljama u razvoju, ukoliko im se omogući brţa
izgradnja trgovinskog kapaciteta u odnosu na izgradnju koju one samostalno mogu da
finansiraju. I ulaganje u izgradnju transportnog kapaciteta svakako bi dalo rezultate u
vidu poboljšanja izvoznih performansi Zemalja u razvoju, ali je visina tih ulaganja
ograniĉavajući faktor, pa se onda pre moţe pristupiti skromnijim ulaganjima u izgradnju
trgovinskog kapaciteta, odnosno „meke― infrastrukture, u oĉekivanju takoĊe pozitivnog
uticaja na izvozne performanse.
Nauĉno-istraţivaĉke metode koje su korišćene tokom izrade ovog rada, odreĊene su
samim predmetom i ciljem istraţivanja. Korišćeni su: metod analize, metod sinteze i
metod generalizacije. S obzirom na razliĉitu poziciju Zemalja u razvoju u odnosu na
Razvijene zemlje, kada je ova oblast u pitanju, polazili smo od posebnih sluĉajeva i
dolazili do opšte ocene i uoĉavanja zajedniĉkih karakteristika, što nam je omogućio
metod indukcije. Za posebnu obradu primera Srbije, na osnovu prethodno steĉenih
znanja iz ove oblasti, korišćen je metod dedukcije. Prikupljanje podataka neophodnih za
ovo istraţivanje, obavljeno je zahvaljujući kabinetskom istraţivanju. Za donošenje
zakljuĉaka korišćeni su kvantitativni podaci dostupni iz dosadašnjih istraţivanja,
metodologija MeĊunarodne banke za obnovu i razvoj, iskazana primenom Indeksa
logistiĉkih performansi, kao i indikatori iz studije „Poslovanje―, indeksi Svetskog
ekonomskog foruma, poput Indeksa omogućavanja meĊunarodne trgovine, kao i
razultati više gravitacionih modela koji su pokazali uticaj administrativnih barijera na
proces olakšavanja i odvijanja meĊunarodne trgovine. Korišćene su i standardne
statistiĉke metode, poput metoda biranja uzoraka, kao i sloţenije, poput korelacije i
Doprinos rada jeste ukazivanje na ovu specifiĉnu grupu necarinskih barijera, o kojoj se
do sada malo pisalo, s obzirom da je njihova primena tek u poslednjih dvadesetak
godina, znaĉajno intenzivirana. Imajući u vidu da Srbija još uvek nije ĉlanica WTO, kao
i da oĉekujemo da to postane u skorijem periodu, otvaraju se mogućnosti da Srbija
uzme aktivnije uĉešće u multilateralnim pregovorima koji se odnose upravo na još ovu
preostalu grupu necarinskih barijera. To je naroĉito vaţno zato što su ostale vrste
necarinskih barijera već regulisane na multilateralnom nivou, ali bez uĉešća Srbije. | International trade, especially during the second half of the 20th century, has played an
essential role in many countries` development process as well as in increasing their
competitiveness in the world market. Development process is a precondition for
fostering economic growth and for many developing countries, it is important since it
affect the reduction of poverty. Despite such an essential role, international trade was
limited by a large number of tariff and non-tariff barriers during the last century. Today,
some of these non-tariff barriers have become „less visible― and they have emerged as a
consequence of insufficiently efficient and effective work of customs administrations as
well as other border administration necessary for making foreign trade transactions.
Consequently, their implementation has incurred high transaction costs which reduce
international trade. These barriers are called administrative procedural non-tariff
barriers and although new Agreement on Trade Facilitation is under way, after WTO
Draft Consolidated Negotiating Text on Trade Facilitation has been announced, they are
still not regulated at a multilateral level. Trade Facilitation is related to many policies
under negotiation at the WTO and the aim of that initiative is to facilitate trade
expansion, reduce trade transaction costs as well as to streamline of clearance
procedures and meet new international security requirements.
Infrastructure development which consists of transport and trade infrastructure, also
known as „hard― and „soft― infrastructure, has in last few decades been a major factor in
reducing trade transaction costs thus diminishing the administrative procedural non-
tariff barriers impact on international trade. The process of improving trade
infrastructure is called Trade Capacity Building. This complex process is related to the
modernization of customs administration all around the world, especially in the
Developing countires. A lack of funds for that purpose has motivated the launch of the
new programme, the Aid for Trade. The Aid for Trade is an inititative developed as a
multilateral project under the auspices of WTO, with the aim to help developing
countires, especially the Least developed of them, to build the trade capacity which is
necessary for their taking full advantage of trade liberalization benefits. Its
implementation is connected with regional aid initiatives in the area of trade.
The aim of this thesis is to point out the ever-increasing role of administrative barriers
in international trade. In addition, the thesis establishes an array of barriers which
participants in international trade may encounter, taking into account that these barriers
have been classified and their use scientifically demonstrated with a special
consideration of developmental aspect of international trade. It has also been shown that
their impact can be diminished provided there is a trading capacity, especially in the
countries in which trading and transportation capacities are insufficiently developed.
This research deals with the representative examples of Developed as well as
Developing and Transitional countries, among which is Serbia, treated as case studies.
The justification for this research we find in the initial hypothesis that administrative
barriers represent the most restrictive area among non-tariff barriers not yet being
regulated on a multilateral level. It has been shown that it is possible to diminish the
impact of these barriers on ongoing trade if Trade Transaction Costs are reduced and
these conditions will, in particular, pave the way for Developing countries provided that
they are enabled a faster development of trading capacities than the development they
can finance independently. Investments in the development of transportation capacities
would certainly result in better exportation performance of Developing countries.
However, the amount of investments is a limiting factor and, as a consequence, only
modest investments in the development of trading capacities are possible, i.e.
predominantly investing in ―soft‖ infrastructure, which is also expected to have a
positive influence on export performance.
Scientific research methods used in this thesis have been determined by its subject
matter and its aim. Analysis, synthesis and generalization have been used as methods of
research. Considering a different position Developing countries hold in relation to
Developed countries, in this area, we start from specific cases in order to reach a general
assessment and gain an insight into the common features, which was possible to achieve
by using induction method. In order to process the examples from Serbia, a method of
deduction has been used, based on our previous knowledge in this area. Gathering data
necessary for this research has been completed using desk research. In order to reach
conclusions, we have used quantitative data available from previous research,
Methodology of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development which
involves using Logistic Performance Index as well as indicators from the study ―Doing
Business‖, World Economic Forum indexes such as the Enabling Trade Index and also
the results of a number of gravity models which have shown the influence of
administrative barriers on the process of facilitating international trade. In addition,
standard statistical methods have been used, such as the method of sampling, as well as
some more complex ones, such as correlation and regression.
The contribution of this thesis is to pinpoint a specific group of insufficiently research
non-tariff barriers, considering that their use has been significantly intensified over the
course of the last twenty years. Bearing in mind the fact that Serbia is not yet a member
of WTO as well as our expectations to become one in the near future, new possibilities
are opening up for Serbia to take a more active part in multilateral negotiations which
refer to the remaining group of non-tariff barriers. This is of great importance because
the other types of non-tariff barriers have already been regulated on a multilateral level,
but without the participation of Serbia. | true |
Uloga Ramsarskih područja u kreiranju integralne turističke ponude Vojvodine | The role of Ramsar sites in the creation of integral tourism offer of Vojvodina | Biodiverzitet, geonasleđe, raznovrsnost ekosistema, prirodnih predela i
kulture lokalnih zajednica u Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine i njihovoj
okolini, predstavljaju dobar potencijal i osnovu za razvoj turizma u Vojvodini.
Izuzetna vrednost, kao i ugroženost i nestajanje ovakvih prostora dovela je do
opsežnih istraživanja i rasprava o njihovoj zaštiti i racionalnom korišćenju.
Važan segment mudrog korišćenja vlažnih staništa pripada turizmu, koji može
značajno doprineti zaštiti i očuvanju prirodnih vrednosti na kojima se zasniva
turistička atraktivnost Ramsarskih područja, kroz ostvarivanje novčanih
prihoda i korišćenju istih za finansiranje troškova zaštite.
Osnovni cilj istraživanja u okviru ove disertacije je postavljanje naučno
relevantnih metodoloških osnova organizacije i realizacije turizma u
Ramsarkim područjima Vojvodine, koje će biti aplikativno prihvatljive i
objašnjene adekvatnim teorijskim okvirom.
Zadaci istraživanja odnosili su se na razradu problematike turizma u
Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine, s jedne strane analizom motivskih vrednosti
kojima raspolažu ovi lokaliteti, a sa druge analizom zadovoljstva turista koji
ih posećuju.
Kako se zadovoljstvo turista tumači kao vodeći indikator ka
uspostavljanju dugoročne održivosti, jer je presudan za ponovljene posete
destinaciji, kao i pozitivne/negativne preporuke budućim posetiocima, u
disertaciji je urađena analiza faktora koji utiču na zadovoljstvo turista u
Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su turisti u Ramsarskim područjima
najzadovoljniji prirodnim turističkim motivima. Kada se radi o zadovoljstvu
uslugom, polovina ispitanika je izrazila neutralan stav, dok je veći procenat
druge polovine ispitanika imalo pozitivan stav, odnosno bili su zadovoljni
uslugom u Ramsarskim područjima. Ovo nam govori da kvalitet usluge koji se
pruža turistima u Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine nije na zavidnom nivou i
da bi svakako trebalo poraditi na njegovom unapređenju. Takođe, došlo se do
rezultata da su turisti u Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine najmanje zadovoljni
objektima infrastrukture.
Analiza postojećih propagandnih aktivnosti je pokazala siromašno
stanje ovih aktivnosti i potrebu da se u narednom periodu uz saradnju
relevantnih institucija, poboljša izbor štampanih promotivnih materijala,
prezentacija Ramsarskih područja na sajmovima i relevantnim skupovima, kao i
posetiocima, uz neophodnu edukaciju i animiranje, treba biti prioritet u
aktivnostima razvoja turizma u ovim zaštićenim lokalitetima.
Da bi turizam u Ramsarskim područjima Vojvodine odgovorio na sve
zahteve savremenih turista, neophodno je sanirati probleme koji postoje,
unaprediti menadžment i marketing u ovim lokalitetima i slediti primere
turistički razvijenijih Ramsarskih područja u okruženju, ali i šire. | Biodiversity, geoheritage, diversity of ecosystems, natural landscapes and local
communities’ culture in Ramsar sites of Vojvodina and their surrounding, make a good
potential and the grounds for the development of tourism in Vojvodina. Their exquisite
value, as well as these sites being endangered and disappearing, led to extensive
research and discussions concerning their protection and rational use. An important
segment of the wise use of wetlands belongs to tourism, as tourism can significantly
contribute to the protection and preservation of natural values the tourist attractiveness
of the Ramsar sites is based on, by earning monetary income and using that income to
finance the costs of protection.
The basic goal of the research conducted through this dissertation was to set the
scientifically-relevant methodological bases for the organization and realization of
tourist activities in Ramsar sites of Vojvodina that will be applicable and explained by
adequate theoretical framework.
The research tasks referred to the elaboration of issues concerning tourism in
Ramsar sites of Vojvodina. On the one hand the tasks concerned the analysis of
motivational values these sites have, and on the other hand they concerned the analysis
of the satisfaction of tourists visiting those sites.
As tourist satisfaction is interpreted as the leading indicator towards the
establishing of long-term sustainability, being decisive for the repeated visits to the
destination, as well as for the positive/negative recommendations to future visitors, an
analysis concerning the factors affecting tourist satisfaction in Ramsar sites of
Vojvodina has been performed within this dissertation.
The research results show that tourists visiting Ramsar sites are most satisfied
with natural-based tourist motifs. When it comes to satisfaction with services, one half
of the examinees stated their neutral position, whereas more examinees among the other
half expressed positive position, i.e. they were satisfied with the services provided at
Ramsar sites. This tells us that the quality of services provided to tourist in the Ramsar
sites of Vojvodina is not at an enviable level and that it should certainly be improved.
Also, the findings showed that tourists visiting Ramsar sites of Vojvodina are least
satisfied with infrastructure facilities.
The analysis of the existing promotional activities showed the lack of these
activities and, over the forthcoming period and with the assistance of relevant
institutions, the necessity of improving the assortment of printed promotional material,
the presentation of Ramsar sites in fairs and relevant events, as well as the need to
improve the web presentation. Informing potential visitors about Ramsar sites, with
necessary education and animating, should be the priority among the activities
concerning tourism development at these protected sites.
For the tourism in Ramsar sites of Vojvodina to respond to all modern tourists’
requests, it is necessary to resolve the existing problematic issues, improve the
management and marketing of these sites and follow the examples of better developed
Ramsar sites, in terms of tourism, in the surrounding countries and beyond. | true |
Metodologija analize rizika pri upravljanju infrastrukturnim sredstvima vodovodnih sistema | Risk analysis methodology in watersupply sistems infrastucture asset management | Cilj naučnog istraživanja je utvrđivanje metodologije analize rizika pri upravljanju infrastrukturnim sredstvima vodovodnih sistema, kao doprinos naučnom rešavanju unapređenja donošenja odluka pri upravljanju složenim komunalnim sistemima. Osnovna hipoteza je da funkcionisanje i upravljanje vodovodnim sistemom mora da bude plansko, da uključi sve zainteresovane strane, da vodi računa o životnom veku sredstava, da se zasniva na poznavanju funkcija, performansi i stanja sredstava, kako postojećih tako i ciljnih. Dodatne hipoteze postavljene su kao iskazi koji su proveravani istraživanjem: (h1) Rizik koji se razmatra mora biti sveobuhvatan i ukupan; (h2) Upravljanje sredstvima može da se vrši na odgovarajući način jedino putem upravljanja sistemom kao celinom; i (h3) Metodologija analize rizika treba da bude saglasna prirodi sistema koji se razmatra. Naučne metode koje su primenjene tokom rada na disertaciji su: empirijska istraživanja na izabranom vodovodnom sistemu, modeliranje i analiza rizika, i primena teorije sistema i teorije kontrole. Razmatranje rizika je centralno pitanje procesa odlučivanja. Rizik je delikatan za definisanje i kao društveni konstrukt predmet je psiholoških pristrasnosti. Tradicionalno, rizik se sagledava putem verovatnoća i posledica dešavanja neželjenih događaja. Na ovaj način, analiza rizika ne obuhvata manjkavosti u planiranju, projektovanju i funkcionisanju, niti opisuje indirektne, nelinearne i povratne veze koje karakterišu mnoge neželjene događaje u složenim sistemima. Planovi za bezbednost vode i HACCP, kao tipične metode analize rizika u sektoru voda, prevashodno se tiču zdravstvenih aspekata, ali sve je veći zahtev za širenje domena van zdravstvenih ili strogo tehničkih aspekata, zbog obuhvatanja i organizacionih i ljudskih faktora radi efektivnog upravljanja rizikom. Aktuelno definisanje upravljanja infrastrukturnim sredstvima više je usmereno na samu organizaciju nego na tehnički sistem, u smislu promene filozofije razmišljanja i rada (i) od funkcijskog (ii) preko usmerenog na sredstva (iii) do usmerenog na organizaciju. Ciljevi (organizacije) uvode integraciju pojedinih sredstava u sistem. Cilj je svojstvo organizacije, odnosno sistema, a ne sredstava. Tek vodovodni sistem u celini je okvir za upravljanje pojedinim sredstvima. Rešavanje problematike snabdevanja vodom je suočavanje sa složenim problemima, a jedan način obuhvatanja složenosti je apstrakcija hijerarhije kroz različite formate predstave sistema i znanja. Brojne interesne strane, česte promene unutrašnjih odnosa i uslova okruženja, zahtevaju adaptivnost sistema pri funkcionisanju, a kao takvi, sistemi imaju veću izdržljivost. U skladu sa principima inženjeringa izdržljivosti, otkaz je rezultat (neodgovarajućih) adaptacija potrebnih da bi se nosilo sa trenutim uslovima, a ne kvara. Kod sistema za snabdevanje vodom za piće tehnički delovi sistema čvrsto su integrisani sa ljudskim aktivnostima, pa se mogu smatrati socio-tehničkim sistemima, hijerarhijskim po strukturi... | The objective of the research is to determine the methodology of the risk analysis (RA) in the infrastructure asset management (IAM) of water supply systems (WSS), as a contribution to scientifically solve the improvement of decision-making (DM) in the management of complex utility systems. The basic hypothesis is that the operation and management of a WSS has to be planned, to involve all stakeholders, to take into account the assets lifecycle, to be based on the knowledge of functions, performance, and condition of assets, both actual and target. Additional hypotheses are formulated as statements that have been tested by research: (h1) The risk under consideration has to be comprehensive and total; (h2) AM can be done properly only by managing the system as a whole; and (h3) RA methodology should be in accordance with the nature of the respected system. Scientific methods applied during the research are: empirical research on a selected WSS, modeling and RA, and the application of systems and control theory. Consideration of risk is the central issue in the DM process. Risk is delicate to define, and as a social construct, is a subject to psychological biases. Traditionally, risk is perceived by the likelihood and consequences of occurrence of unwanted events. In this way, the RA does not include deficiencies in the planning, design and operation, nor does it describe indirect, non-linear links, and feedbacks that characterize many unwanted events in complex systems. Water Safety Plans and HACCP, as typical methods of RA in the water sector, are primarily concerned with health aspects, but there is an increasing request for the expansion of the domain outside the of health or strictly technical aspects, due to the inclusion of organizational and human factors for effective risk management. Current definitions of IAM are more focused on the organization itself rather than on the technical system, in terms of changes in the philosophy of thinking and operation (i) from functional (ii) through directed to assets (iii) to directed to organization. The objectives (of organization) introduce the integration of individual assets in the system. The objective is the property of organization, that is, the system, not assets. Only the WSS as a whole is a framework for the management of individual assets. Solving the problem of water supply is facing complex issues, and one way to comprise the complexity is the abstraction of hierarchy through various formats of the notion of the system and knowledge. Numerous stakeholders, frequent changes in internal relations and environmental conditions, require the adaptiveness of the system in functioning, and as such, systems have greater resilience. In accordance with the principles of resilience engineering, failure is the result of (inappropriate) adaptations necessary to overcome the current conditions, not of malfunction. In the WSS, technical parts of the system are tightly integrated with human activities, so they can be considered as socio-technical systems, hierarchical in structure... | false |
Aktivnost žena, rodni jaz u zaradama i zamka neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti | Female activity, gender pay gap and, inactivity and unemployment trap. | Disertacija istražuje četiri različita aspekta tržišta rada u Srbiji, a to su: aktivnost žena,
rodni jaz u zaradama, zamka neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti i modeliranje dinamike stope
nezaposlenosti. Prvi cilj istraživanja je da se ispita da li je uzrok niske aktivnosti i
zaposlenosti žena radnog uzrasta prisustvo dece i broj dece. Drugi cilj je ispitati da li
razlika u zaradama između muškaraca i žena može biti objašnjena karakteristikama lica
ili je razlika u zaradama posledica diskriminacije, ili je posledica oba efekta. Rodni jaz u
zaradama posebno smo istražili za zaposlene kod poslodavca i za samozaposlene. Treći
cilj jeste da se istraži da li se nezaposlena i neaktivna lica radnog uzrasta nalaze u zamci,
odnosno da li je poresko-socijalni sistem destimulativan sa aspekta spremnosti pojedinca
da radi za tržišnu zaradu. Četvrti cilj je ispitati dinamiku stope nezaposlenosti u Srbiji. Za
istraživanje aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena, rodnog jaza u zaradama, zamke neaktivnosti i
nezaposlenosti koristimo mikropodatke Ankete o dohotku i uslovima života u periodu
2013−2016. Makroekonometrijska analiza se zasniva na podacima Republičkog zavoda
za statistiku o stopi nezaposlenosti, indeksu potrošačkih cena i zaradama u periodu januar
2014 – septembar 2017.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da prisustvo dece smanjuje verovatnoću aktivnosti, ali ne
utiče statistički značajno na verovatnoću zaposlenosti. Veći broj dece smanjuje
verovatnoću aktivnosti i verovatnoću zaposlenosti žena sa decom. Uticaj prisustva dece
na verovatnoću zaposlenost i aktivnosti je ocenjen probit metodom. Uticaj broja dece na
verovatnoću aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena sa decom je ocenjen probit metodom i
metodom instrumentalnih varijabli, pri čemu dajemo prednost probit metodu.
Žene u Srbiji zarađuju manje nego muškarci. Koristimo Oaxaca−Blinder metodu za
dekomponovanje razlike u zaradama prema polu. Razlika u zaradama ne može biti
objašnjena samo karakteristikama lica, već je posledica i diskriminacije. Objašnjeni deo
jaza u zaradama je negativan, jer su karakteristike zaposlenih žena bolje nego
karakteristike zaposlenih muškaraca. Razlika u karakteristikama lica doprinosi smanjenju
jaza u zaradama. Korigovani jaz u zaradama je veći za samozaposlene nego za zaposlene
kod poslodavca. Takođe, razlikuje se struktura jaza u zaradama samozaposlenih i
zaposlenih kod poslodavca. Iako su karakteristike samozaposlenih žena bolje nego
karakteristike samozaposlenih muškaraca, karakteristike lica nisu statistički značajne u
objašnjavanju jaza u zaradama samozaposlenih, već je celokupan jaz posledica
Poresko-socijalni sistem nije destimulativan sa aspekta spremnosti nezaposlenih i
neaktivnih lica radnog uzrasta da rade za tržišnu zaradu. Spremnost pojedinca da radi je
analizirana na osnovu indikatora stope zamene. Stopa zamene je izračunata primenom
mikrosimulacionog modela.
Hipoteza o prirodnoj stopi nezaposlenosti je empirijski potvrđena. Korišćenjem
vektorskog autoregresionog modela možemo zaključiti da je dinamika stope
nezaposlenosti u značajnoj meri objašnjena dinamikom stope inflacije i indeksa realnih
zarada. | The dissertation investigates four different aspects of labour market in Serbia, such as
female activity, gender pay gap, inactivity and unemployment trap and modelling
unemployment rate dynamics. Firstly, we investigate whether low activity and the
employment of working-age women is caused by the presence of children and the number
of children. Secondly, we investigate whether the difference in wages between males and
females can be explained by the difference in characteristics, or by discrimination, or by
both effects. We estimate the gender pay gap for both the employees and the self-
employed. Thirdly, we investigate unemployment and inactivity trap for the working-age
people, i.e. if the tax-benefit system is destimulative for work for the market wage.
Fourthly, the unemployment rate dynamics is investigated for Serbia. Survey of Income
and Living Conditions microdata is used for female activity and employment, gender pay
gap, unemployment and inactivity trap in the 2013-2016 period. Macroeconometric
analysis is based on the data on unemployment rate, consumer price index and wages in
the January 2014 – September 2017 period, published by Statistical Office of Republic
of Serbia.
According to our results, the presence of children reduces the probability to be active, but
it does not have statistically significant influence on the probability to be employed. The
number of children reduces both the probability to be active and the probability to be
employed for women with children. We use probit method to estimate the influence of
presence of children on the probability to be active and employed. We use probit method
and instrumental variable method to estimate the influence of the number of children on
the probability to be active and employed, whereas probit method is preferred.
Women in Serbia earn less than men. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique is used
for decomposing gender pay gap. The gender pay gap cannot only be explained by the
difference in characteristics, but it is also the consequence of discrimination. Explained
part of the gender pay gap is negative, suggesting that employed women have better
characteristics than employed men. The difference in characteristics reduces gender pay
gap. The adjusted gender pay gap is higher for the self-employed than for the employees.
Also, the structure of the gender pay gap differs between the employees and self-
employed. Although the characteristics of self-employed women are better than self-
employed men, the difference in characteristics is not statistically significant and the
entire wage gap is the consequence of discrimination.
The tax-benefit system is not destimulative for work for market wage for both the
unemployed and the inactive people in the working-age. Willingness to work is analysed
by using the indicator of net replacement rate. The net replacement rate is calculated by
using OECD methodology on microdata without using tax-benefit microsimulation
The natural rate of unemployment hypothesis is empirically accepted. Estimated vector
autoregressive model shows that the dynamic of unemployment rate is significantly
explained by the dynamic of the inflation rate and real wage index. | true |
Implementacija funkcija paketskog procesiranja u internet ruterima velikog kapaciteta | Implementation of packet processing functions in high capacity internet routers. | Internet predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih temelja razvoja modernog društva i učestvuje u svim aspektima svakodnevnog života - poslovnom, socijalnom, zabavnom, edukativnom itd. Internet je postigao globalni uspeh zahvaljujući svojoj robusnosti i mogućnosti da povezuje različite tehnologije u jednu meñusobno povezanu mrežu. Osnovu arhitekture Interneta čine ruteri koji omogućavaju globalnu povezanost svih delova Internet mreže. Pošto ruteri čine osnovnu gradivnu jedinicu Interneta, performanse i mogućnosti rutera imaju ogroman uticaj na kvalitet rada Internet mreže. Broj Internet korisnika neprestano raste. Takoñe, razvijaju se i nove aplikacije i servisi koji zahtevaju sve veće protoke, usled čega se u Internet mreži instaliraju linkovi sve većih kapaciteta. Kao posledica, količina saobraćaja na Internetu neprestano raste, pa samim tim Internet ruteri postaju sve opterećeniji, naročito u jezgru Internet mreže gde je saobraćaj najintezivniji. Internet ruteri moraju neprestano da se usavršavaju i unapreñuju, da bi mogli veoma brzo obrañivati ogromne količine podataka. Dodatne otežavajuće okolnosti sa stanovišta obrade podataka u ruterima su potreba za uvoñenjem mehanizama kvaliteta servisa i multikast saobraćaj koji je sve popularniji. Mnogi istraživači i naučnici rade na unapreñivanju funkcionalnosti rutera i razvoju novih rešenja i algoritama koji treba da omoguće efikasniji rad rutera. Meñutim, velik problem u razvoju novih rešenja i unapreñenja postojećih funkcija je zatvorenost rutera komercijalnih proizvoñača pa samim tim razvijana rešenja se tipično ispituju zasebno bez potpune integracije sa svim funkcijama rutera. Ovakav način ispitivanja je nepotpun jer ne omogućava kompletan uvid u kvalitet rada novog rešenja u realnom okruženju. Da bi se izbegli navedeni problemi, razvojni tim pod vodstvom dr Aleksandre Smiljanić je u okviru projekta „Sistemska integracija Internet rutera“ podržanog od strane Ministarstva za Nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije započeo razvoj prototipa Internet rutera. Konačni cilj projekta je bio razvoj komercijalnog proizvoda, meñutim, pored ovog cilja namera je bila i da se obezbedi otvorena platforma istraživačima i studentima na kojoj bi mogli da proučavaju internu strukturu i arhitekturu rutera i da razvijaju i testiraju nova rešenja u realnom okruženju. | Internet is one of the most important parts of the modern society. It participates in all aspects of everyday’s life - business, social, entertainment, education etc. Internet achieved global success thanks to its robustness and internetworking between various technologies. Routers enable Internet’s global connectivity and thus represent the foundation of the Internet. As routers are the main components of the Internet, their performances and capabilities have great impact on Internet quality performances. The number of Internet users continuously grows. New applications and services that demand high throughput are constantly developed, and as consequence higher capacity links are installed. The Internet traffic continuously grows, so Internet routers are more and more loaded with traffic, especially in the Internet core, where Internet traffic is most intensive. Therefore, Internet routers must be always upgraded to support high speed processing of large amount of the Internet traffic. QoS mechanisms and multicast traffic represent additional difficulties in the future router development. Many researchers and scientists are involved in router development process that includes development of new solutions and algorithms that enable more efficient router performances. However, the main problem in the development process is the closed router architecture in routers of commercial companies, thus developed solutions are tested without complete integration with the rest of the router functions. This leads to incomplete development and testing. To avoid aforementioned problems, research team led by Aleksandra Smiljanić started Internet router prototype development in the project „System integration of the Internet router“ supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science. The main goal of the project was development of the commercial router. Also, very important goal was development of the open source platform for researchers and students that would be used for the education purposes, as well as the research purposes where new solutions could be tested in the real environment. Internet routers contain two planes - data plane and control plane. Data plane is implemented in hardware and is responsible for fast IP packet processing. Control plane is implemented in software and is responsible for communication with router’s environment (neighbor routers, administrators and etc.). In this PhD thesis IP packet processors are developed and implemented. IP packet processors represent the most important part of the data plane. | false |
Realizacija novih metamaterijala na bazi kvantnih kaskadnih lasera u vrlo jakom magnetnom polju | The realization of new metamaterials based on quantum cascade lasers in a very strong magnetic field | Metamaterijali su veštački elektromagnetni materijali, dizajnirani tako da
obezbeđuju realizaciju unapred zadatih karakteristika koje se ne mogu naći
kod materijala u prirodi. Zbog mogućnosti inženjeringa efektivnih parametara
medijuma (dielektrične permitivnosti i magnetske permeabilnosti), kao i
obezbeđujući tako interakciju elektromagnetskih talasa sa sistemom na željeni
način, metamaterijali privlače značajnu pažnju šire naučne zajednice.
poluprovodničkih struktura koje pri odgovarajućim uslovima pokazuju
osobinu negativnog indeksa prelamanja na određenim frekvencijama
upadnog zračenja.
Osnovni doprinos rada se ogleda u izboru adekvatne poluprovodničke
strukture za modelovanje metamaterijala. U pitanju je anizotropna struktura
sastavljena od naizmenično postavljenih slojeva dva različita poluprovodnika
koja čini kvantnikaskadni laser (QCL), dizajnirana tako da može dostići
optičko pojačanje u srednjem infracrvenom i terahercnom delu spektra.
Teorijski je razmatrana propagacija elektromagnetnog zračenja u ovakvoj
strukturi i izložena su detaljna izvođenja njenog indeksa prelamanja. Posebna
pažnja je posvećena razmatranju uticaja jakog spoljašnjeg magnetnog polja
usmerenog u pravcu rasta strukture na osobine metamaterijala. Strukturni
profil QCL-a smešten u takvo polje dozvoljava postizanje dovoljno velike
inverzne populacije neophodne za manipulaciju permitivnosti i ostvarivanje
levorukog (engl. ,,left-handed’’) režima.
Razmatran je dizajn metamaterijala na bazi GaAs/AlGaAs kvantnih
kaskadnih lasera, a simulacije su rađene za strukturu koja emituje svetlost u
srednjem infracrvenom (
λ = 7,3μm
) i dve koje emituju u terahercnom delu
spektra ( 4,6THz i 3,9THz ). Urađena je teorijska analiza uslova pri kojima
QCL radi kao metamaterijal sa negativnim indeksom prelamanja, pa su za
analizirane strukture numerički određivani opsezi talasnih dužina pri kojima
se ovaj efekat javlja. Kako veličine tih opsega mogu da variraju, posebno je
bilo interesantno ispitati kako se one menjaju sa temperaturom, nivoom
dopiranja i jačinom magnetnog polja. Analizirani su i uslovi pri kojima ovi
opsezi izostaju, pa se QCL za sve talasne dužine ponaša kao metamaterijal sa
pozitivnim indeksom prelamanja. Određene su minimalne površinske
koncentracije za svaku od posmatranih struktura koje je neophodno ostvariti
kako bi se QCL ponašao kao LH metamaterijal u magnetnom polju.
Dobijeni numerički rezultati pokazuju kako se promenama jačine
magnetnog polja menja opseg frekvencija na kojima metamaterijal ostvaruje
negativno prelamanje, i kako je moguće prelaziti iz jednog u drugi režim rada
- iz LH u RH, i obrnuto. Međutim, kod terahercne strukture sa dve kvantne
jame po periodi javlja se neosetljivost na promene intenziteta polja. | Metamaterials are artificial electromagnetic materials, designed to have
characteristics otherwise not found in nature. Due to possibility of engineering
effective parameters of the medium (dielectric permittivity and magnetic
permeability), as well as designing “unnatural“ characteristics of these
structures, therefore controlling the interaction of electromagnetic waves with
the medium, metamaterials are getting significant attention in the scientific
The subject of this disertation is design of single negative semiconductor
structures which, under certain circumstances, exhibit negative refraction at
specific frequencies.
The main contribution of this thesis lies in choosing of an appropriate
semiconductor structure for the metamaterial design. It is an anisotropic
nanostructure with the structural arrangement as in a quantum cascade laser
(QCL), designed to achieve optical gain in the mid-infrared and terahertz part
of the spectrum. The propagation of the electromagnetic waves through this
type of structure is theoretically analyzed, as well as the refractive index, with
detailed derivations exposed. The entire structure is placed in a strong
external magnetic field, which facilitates the attainment of sufficient
population inversion, necessary to manipulate the permittivity, and enable a
left-handed regime.
The calculations are performed for three GaAs/AlGaAs QCLs which are
designed to emit radiation in mid-infrared (at
λ = 7,3μm
) and terahertz part
of spectrum (at 4,6THz and 3,9THz ). It is shown at which conditions QCL
can be used as metamaterial with negative refracting index, and it is
numerically analized at which wavelengths this effect appears. As these
wavelength ranges can vary, it was interesting to see how material’s
characteristics change with temperature, doping levels and magnetic field
strength. It is analyzed at which conditions these frequencies cannot be found,
so QCL behaves as metamaterial with positive refractive index. The minimal
total sheet doping density is found for each analyzed structure, so that QCL
can be considered to be LH metamaterial in magnetic field.
The numerical results show that by changing the magnetic field value
one can change the frequency range at which metamaterial exhibit negative
refraction, and that it is possible to go from one working regine to another –
from LH to RH, and vice versa. However, the terahertz structure with two
quantum wells per period remains insensitive to magnetic field changes. | true |
Uklanjanje šuma sa višekanalnih slika bazirano na statističkim funkcijama dubine | Noise removal from multi-channel digital images based on statistical depth functions | U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji biće predstavljen novi metod za uklanjanje
šuma iz višekanalnih digitalnih slika zasnovan na funkcijama statisitičke dubine,
preciznije izmenjenoj verziji DEEEPLOC algoritma predstavljenog u radu A. Struyf i
P.J. Rousseeuw (Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis 34, 415-426 (2000)) za izračunavanje
približne vrednosti poluprostorne (Tukey-eve) najdublje lokacije (medijane) u
višedimenzionalnom slučaju. Zbog svoje inherentne višedimenzionalne prirode,
predstavljeni metod eliminiše šum istovremeno na svim kanalima slike bez njihovog
razdvajanja, čime održava spektralnu korelaciju između kanala u višekanalnoj slici.
Rezultati otklanjanja šuma primenom predstavljenog filtera prostornog domena na
standardnim slikama za testiranje pokazuju bolje performanse ovog filtera u odnosu na
trenutno najpriznatije i najviše korišćene filtere za otklanjanje impulsnih i mešovitih
šumova u višekanalnim slikama u smislu objektivnih kriterijuma efektivnosti (odnosa
vršnih vrednosti signala i šuma (PSNR), srednje apsolutne greške (MAE) i
normalizovanih udaljenosti boja (NCD)), kao i vizuelnog kvaliteta. Predstavljeni filter
uspešno održava ivice i fine detalje na slikama, i veoma je efektivan za otklanjanje
srednjih i jakih višekanalnih šumova. | In this doctoral dissertation a novel method is proposed for
removing noise from multi-channel digital images based on statistical depth functions,
or more precisely an adapted version of the DEEPLOC algorithm introduced by A.
Struyf and P.J. Rousseeuw (Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis 34, 415-426 (2000)) for
calculation of approximate halfspace (Tukey’s) deepest location (median) in multivariate
case. Due to its intrinsic multivariate/multidimensional nature, the proposed method
eliminates the noise simultaneously on all channels without their separation, which
preserves the spectral correlation between channels in a multi-channel image.
Denoising results of this new non-linear spatial domain filter applied to benchmark
images outperform currently used state-of-the-art filters for impulse and mixed noise
removal from multi-channel images in terms of both objective effectiveness criteria
(peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), mean absolute error (MAE) and normalised colour
distance (NCD)) and visual quality. Proposed filter successfully preserves the edges and
fine image details, and is very effective for removal of medium and heavy multi-channel
noise. | true |
Prilog sintezi opšteg modela dinamike humanoidnih robota sa posebnim osvrtom na sportsko-trenažne aktivnosti | Contribution to the synthesis of the general model of humanoid robot dynamics with a special focus on sports and training activities | U tezi je data suštinska analiza različitih vrsta kretanja humanoidnih
sistema. Pokazana je direktna veza između humanoidne robotike i
biomehanike, njihov zajednički doprinos razvoju obe naučne grane
mećusobnim prožimanjem. Kretanje humanoidnih sistema jeste najsloženija
vrsta kretanja, kako sa stanovišta biomehanike tako i sa stanovišta
humanodne robotike. Da bi uspešno opisali ovu vrstu kretanja bilo je
potrebno analizirati različite vrste kretanja, utvrditi pravilnost i uslove
za održivost ovih vrsta kretanja. Utvrđeno je da stabilnost kretanja
humanoidinih sistema ne može biti adekvatno opisana standardnim
testovima stabilnosti, već je potrebno uvesti nove principe i metode kojima
se može obezbediti stabilnost kretanja i ponovljivost. Uveden je i objašnjen
pojam dinamičkog balansa humanoidnog sistema, njegova primena i metode
provere. Pokazano je da je ZMP univerzalni indikator očuvanja dinamičkog
balansa kretanja humanoidinih sistema u posmatranom trenutku. Analizirane
su različite vrste kretanja i data sitematizacija na regularna i neregularna
kretanja humanoidnih sistema. Objašnjen je uticaj ZMP-a na održavanje
dinamičkog balansa kod regularnih i neregularnih kretanja kao i metode za
određivanje situacija kada može dođi do gubitka dinamičkog balansa.
Pokazano je da su moguća kretanja humanoidnih sistema i u stanju dinamičkog
disbalansa ali pod specifičnim uslovima. Dat je osvrt na ranije predloženi
generalni pristup modelovanju humanoidnih sistema i njegovoj primeni u
sportskim i trenažnim aktivnostima kao i primer modelovanja jednog
odabranog kretanja – skoka u dalj iz mesta. Objašnjen je odnos dužine skoka u
zavisnosti od veličine aktuacionih momenata u pojedinim ključnim
zglobovima za dati humanoidni model sa 20 stepeni slobode. | The fundamental data analysis of various types of humanoid motion systems are
presented in the thesis. Direct relationship between the humanoid robotics, and
biomechanics, their joint contribution to the development of both scientific areas of
the mutual interactions are demonstrated. The movement of humanoid systems is the
most complex types of movement, both from the standpoint of biomechanics and
humanoid robotics. In order to successfully describe this type of movement it is
necessary to analyze different types of movements, and to determine whether the
conditions for the sustainability of these types of movements. It is shown that the
stability of motion of humanoidini systems can not be adequately described by
standard tests of stability. It is necessary to introduce new principles and methods
that can provide stability and repeatability of movements. The concept of dynamic
balance of the humanoid systems is introduced and explained, together with its
implementation and verification methods. It is shown that ZMP is universal indicator
of dynamic balance preservation during the humanoidinih system movement at the
observed moment of time. Different types of movements and systematization of
regular and irregular motion of humanoid systems are analyzed and explained. ZMP
influence on dynamic balance maintainance of regular and irregular movements are
explained as well as methods for determining when a situation may come to a loss of
dynamic balance. Possiblities of movements of humanoid systems during dynamic
imbalances are shown under specific conditions. It also outlines the Previosly
propose general approach of modeling of humanoid systems are underlined as wekk
as its application in sports and training activities. Selected example of long jump
simulation and modeling are explained an analysed. The relationships of the length
of the jump depending on the moments actuated in the key joints for given humanoid
model with 20 degrees of freedom are explained. | true |
Optička spektroskopija oksidnih nanoprahova | Optical spectroscopy of oxide nanopowders | U ovom radu izloženi su rezultati istraživanja strukturnih i optičkih svojstava oksidnih nanoprahova primenom metoda ramanske, fotoluminescentne i infracrvene spektroskopije. Predloženi su fenomenološki modeli za analizu eksperimentalnih ramanskih i IC spektara, koji polaze od osnovnih svojstava odgovarajućih kristalnih materijala, a zatim uvode specifičnosti nanomaterijala, kako bi bliže odredili njihove karakteristike. U tom cilju razvijeni su numerički modeli i programi, koji su testirani u odnosu na eksperimentalne podatke o poznatim efektima u nanomaterijalima, a zatim su modelovani eksperimentalni spektri odabranih nanoprahova. Korišćeni su anatas TiO2 nanoprahovi, sintetisani laserski indukovanom pirolizom, kao i čist CeO2-δ i dopirani Ce1−xY(Nd)xO2−δ nanoprahovi, sintetisani samopropagirajućom sintezom na sobnoj temperatri. Takođe su izloženi su rezultati karakterizacije ispitivanih nanomaterijala metodama difrakcije X-zraka (XRD), merenja specifične površine (BET) i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM), kao i osnovni literaturni podatci o strukturnim, simetrijskim i vibracijskim karakteristikama odgovarajućih kristalnih struktura, neophodno za modelovanje eksperimentalih spektara. Dat je pregled defekata, koji mogu da nastanu u ovim materijalima i imaju uticaj na njihova strukturna i elektronska svojstva, sa posebnim osvrtom na defekte povezane sa promenom stehiometrije. Razvijeni su, opisani i primenjeni numerički model i originalni softver za primenu modela fononskog ograničenja (MFO) za analizu ramanskih spektara nanostrukturnih materijala, koji se može koristiti za široku klasu nanostrukturnih materijala (nanoprahovi, kvantne tačke, kvantne žice, tanki filmovi). MFO modeluje efekte fononskog ograničenja, fononske disperzije, distribucije dimenzija nanočestica, mikronaprezanja, nestehiometrije, kao i anharmonijski efekat. Model je primenjen na ramanske spektre anatas TiO2 nanopahova, kao i čistih i dopiranih CeO2-δ nanoprahova, a rezultati su upoređeni sa eksperimentalnim spektrima. Na osnovu analize ramanskog pomeraja i asimetričnog širenja kod najintenzivnijeg anatas Eg moda i F2g moda u CeO2, izvedeni su zaključci o prisustvu, odnosno dominaciji pojedinih efekata u merenim uzorcima nanoprahova. Metoda ramanske spektroskopije posebno je primenjena u analizi defekata, koji se javljaju u navedenim nanoprahovima, usled nestehiometrije i/ili dopiranja. Prikazana je detaljna analiza uticaja pojedinih parametara MFO na položaj, širinu i oblik modelovanog ramanskog spektra nanomaterijala. Razmatrani su uticaji jačine i dimenzije fononskog ograničenja, fononski disperzija, simetrije i anizotropije Brillouin-ove zone, distribucije dimenzija nanočestica, usrednjenog i nehomogenog naprezanja, odstupanja od stehiometrije i anharmonijskog efekta. Posebno je analiziran uticaj oblika raspodele dimenzije nanočestice, kroz primenu simetrične i asimetrične Gaussove raspodele, kao i efekte usrednjenog, odnosno nehomogenog naprezanja kristalne rešetke na pomeranje i asimetrično širenje modelovanog ramanskog moda... | In this work the research of structural and optical properties of oxide nanopowders by Raman, photoluminescence and infrared spectroscopy have been presented. The phenomenological models for analyzing experimental Raman and infrared spectra have been proposed, based on properties of corresponding bulk materials, and specific properties of nanomaterials have been introduced into models, in order to determine the properties of these particular nanopowders. Numerical models and corresponding software have been developed and tested regarding the experimental data of already known effects in nanomaterials, and than the experimental spectra of chosen nanopowders have been modeled. The TiO2 nanopowders in anatase phase, synthesized by laser induced pyrolisis, have been used, as well as the pure CeO2-δ and doped Ce1−xY(Nd)xO2−δ nanopowders, sunthesized by the method of self propagated room temperature. Investigated nanomaterials have also been charactersed by the methods of X-ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface measurements (BET), and scanning tunneling microscopy (SEM), and basic literature data on structural, symmetry and vibrational characteristics of corresponding bulk crystal structures, important in the process of modeling the experimental spectra, have been presented. The review of deffects, which can appear and influence the structural and electronic properties if these materials has also been given, with special attention to defectes related to the changes in stoichiometry. Numerical model and original software for apllication of the phonon confinement model (PCM) to the Raman spectra of nanostructural materials have been developed, described and applied. This model may be applied to the wide class of nanostructural materials, such as nanopowders, quantum dots, nanowires, thin films. The PCM has been used to explore the efects of phonon confinement, phonon dispersions, particle size distribution, microstrain, nonstoichiometry, as well as the anharmonic effects. The model has been applied to calculate Raman spectra of anatase nanopowders and pure and doped CeO2-δ nanopowders, and compare the results with experimental spectra, in order to describe the effects present in particular oxide nanopowders, by analyzing the Raman shift and asymmetrical broadening of the most intensive Eg mode in anatase and F2g mode in the spectra of CeO2-δ samples. The Raman spectroscopy has also been applied to analyze the defects, which have appeared in those nanopowders, due to nonstoichiometry and/or doping. The influence of PCM parameterers on the shift, linewidth and shape of Raman mode has been analyzed in details, with particular attention to the confinement strength, phonon dispersions, symmetry and anisotropy of Brillouin zone, particle size distribution, average and inhomogeneous strain, nonstoichiometry and anharmonic effects. The influence of the shape of particle size distribution (symmetrical and asymmetrical Gauss distribution) on Raman shift and asymmetrical broadenig has been discussed... | false |
Ekonometrijsko modeliranje efikasnosti i održivosti javne potrošnje u evropskim zemljama | Econometric modeling of efficiency and sustainability of public expenditure in European countries | U ovom radu se analizira fiskalna održivost, uticaj javne potrošnje na produbljivanje
fiskalnog deficita i efikasnost politika javne potrošnje u 28 ekonomija Evropske Unije u
periodu 1995-2014. godine, u okviru ekonometrijskih metoda nestacionarnih
heterogenih panela, sa zavisnošću uporednih podataka.
Fiskalna održivost je analizirana objedinjenjem pristupa o fiskalnoj održivosti
zasnovanog na varijablama toka i pristupa na bazi modela stok-tok sa ciljem da se
istraži drugi sloj kointegracije između javnog duga i javne potrošnje. Kako bi se
obuhvatili heterogeni parametri i zavisnost po uporednim podacima u analiziranom
uzorku panela, korišćen je metod (združenih) grupnih sredina i metodi sa zajedničkim
korelisanim faktorima. Rezultati kointegracione analize upućuju da postoji slaba
održivost, dok rezultati multikointegracionog pristupa pružaju heterogenu evidenciju o
dubljoj kointegraciji, izdvajajući grupe ekonomija u kojima fiskalne vlasti prilagođavaju
javnu potrošnju kako bi stabilizovale javni dug, u odnosu na ad hoc promene javne
Pri istraživanju uticaja politika javne potrošnje na fiskalni deficit, upoređivani su
rezultati dobijeni u klasičnim modelima panela prilagođenim kako bi obuhvatili uslovnu
heterogenost i nestacionarnost, sa novim metodama zasnovanim na pristupu sa
zajedničkim korelisanim faktorima. Dijagnostički testovi pokazuju da su preferabilni
metodi koji obuhvataju neidentifikovane zajedničke faktore i zavisnost uporednih
podataka. Determinante koje doprinose i remete fiskalnu ravnotežu su identifikovane,
pri čemu u homogenom i heterogenom modelu izdaci za penzije predstavljaju važan
remetilački faktor. U zemljama u kojima nije značajno faktorsko opterećenje, nije
značajno ni prilagođavanje ravnotežnoj vezi, niti uticaj politika javne potrošnje na
fiskalni deficit, upućujući da je pridržavanje fiskalnog okvira EU ključni faktor
Analiza efikasnosti diskrecionih mera na području politika socijalnog
osiguranja, zdravstva i obrazovanja pri ispunjenju postavljenih ciljeva, ukazuje da
postoji izražena heterogenost među članicama EU. Rezultati se ne mogu uopštiti za
grupe evropskih zemalja (stare članice/emergentne ekonomije Evrope), jer postoje veće
sličnosti između definisanih grupa, nego unutar grupa. Ispostavlja se da pristupanje EU
ne znači automatsko poboljšanje u fiskalnoj politici, ali su pozitivna iskustva u
kontekstu najbolje prakse zabeležena u određenim emergentnim ekonomijama Evrope. | This paper analyzes fiscal sustainability, public expenditure influence on fiscal deficit
deepening and efficiency of public expenditure policies in 28 countries of the European
Union in the period 1995-2014, within econometric framework of nonstationary
heterogeneous panels with cross-sectional dependence.
Fiscal sustainability is analyzed by unifying the approach for fiscal sustainability
testing based on flow variables, and the approach based on stock-flow models, with the
aim to investigate second layer of cointegration, between public debt and public
expenditure. In order to obtain heterogeneous parameters and cross-sectional
dependency in analyzed sample, (pooled) mean group and common correlated factors
approach are used. The results of cointegration analysis point to weak sustainability,
while results of multicointegration approach provide heterogeneous evidence of deeper
cointegration, distinguishing groups of economies in which fiscal authorities adjust their
public expenditure in order to stabilize public debt, relative to ad hoc changes in public
In exploring public expenditure influence on fiscal deficit, we compared the
results obtained by standard panel estimators modified to encompass restricted
heterogeneity and nonstationarity, and results obtained by using estimators from
common correlated factors approach. Diagnostic tests showed that preferable estimators
are those which account for unobserved common factors incorporating cross-section
dependence. The determinants which contribute and disturb fiscal balance are identified.
According to the main findings of the paper pension expenditure is important
disturbance factor. In economies with nonsignificant factor loadings, fiscal adjustment
is not significant, nor public expenditure influence on fiscal deficit, indicating that
compliance with EU fiscal framework is crucial factor of fiscal sustainability.
Analysis of discretionary measures efficiency in the area of social insurance,
health and education policies in meeting goals, indicates that there is a significant
heterogeneity among the EU member states. The results could not be generalized to the
groups of European countries (old members/emerging European economies), because
there are more similarities between defined groups than within groups. It turns out that
joining the EU does not automatically improve fiscal policy, but the positive
experiences in the context of best practices are observed in certain emerging European
economies. | true |
Upravljanje reciklabilnim materijalima iz čvrstog komunalnog otpada | Managament of recycables from municipal solid waste | Rad je koncipiran tako da se sastoji iz dvije zasebne cjeline, od kojih se prva
sastoji iz jednog, a druga iz dva dijela.
U prvom dijelu rada prikazana je analiza količina komunalnog otpada u regionu
Banja Luka – Republika Srpska. Iskazane su količine otpada sa regionalne
deponije u koju se sliva komunalni otpad iz osam opština regiona. Izvršene su
analize promjena količina otpada u funkciji promjene broja stanovnika,
nacionalnog dohotka i godišnjeg doba. Na osnovu podataka i funkcionalnih
zavisnosti predstavljenih u radu može se u daljim analizama izvršiti procjena
količina otpada u narednim godinama. Formiran model bi se mogao primijeniti
U drugom - eksperimentalnom dijelu rada vršeno je mjerenje mehaničih osobina
višestruko prerađivanog otpadnog polipropilena punjenog staklenim prahom
granulacije manje od 0,5 mm. Praćena je promjena mehaničkih osobina čistog
polipropilena i polipropilena sa dodatkom 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% i 30%
masenog udjela staklenog praha kroz šest ciklusa prerade. Izvršena su
ispitivanja zatezanjem, savijanjem, smicanjem, pritiskom, puzanjem, udarom i
ispitivanje tvrdoće. Na osnovu izmjerenih vrijednosti karakterističnih
veličina preračunavanjem su dobijene vrijednosti napona i deformacija.
U trećem dijelu rada analizirani su rezultati dobijeni eksperimentalnim
putem, te su korištenjem metode najmanjih kvadrata formirane zavisnosti
promjene posmatrane veličine (napona, izduženja, deformacije ili tvrdoće) u
funkciji ciklusa prerade i udjela staklenog praha. | This paper consists of two separate parts, the first one consisting of one and the second
one consisting of two parts.
The first part presents an analysis of communal waste amount in Banja Luka region, in
the Republic of Srpska. Amounts of the waste from the regional landfill, into which the
communal waste from eight municipalities in the region is being transported, are shown.
Changes of waste amount have been analyzed in the function of changes in population,
national income and season. Based on the data and functional dependencies presented in
this paper, it is possible to estimate the amount of waste in future years, through further
analysis. Formed model could be also applied in the regions with similar level of
development, geographic and demographic characteristics.
In the second – experimental part of the paper, measuring of mechanical characteristics
of multiple processed waste polypropylene filled with glass powder with granulation
less than 0,5 mm was performed. Changes of mechanical characteristics of pure
polypropylene and polypropylene with addition of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%
of mass share of glass powder through six cycles of treatment were monitored. Research
was carried out through tightening, bending, removing, pressing, crawling, stroking and
hardness testing. Based on the measured values of characteristic parameters, values of
voltage and deformities were obtained.
In the third part, the results obtained through experimental method were analyzed, and
using the method of the least squares, change dependencies of the observed parameter
were formed (voltage, elongation, deformity and hardness) in the function of processing
cycles and share of glass powder. | true |
Samoorganizujuće neuralne mreže za analizu glavnih komponenata | Unsupervised neural networks for principal component analysis | Ovaj rad je posvećen jednostavnim biološki verovatnim algoritmima za ekstrakciju glavnih/sporednih komponenata i/ili njihovih potprostora iz kovarijansne matrice ulaznog signala, kao i pronalaženju generalnog metoda za transformaciju metoda za analizu glavnih i sporednih potprostora u metode za analizu glavnih i sporednih komponenata. Proučavane su jednostavne, homogene neuralne mreže, bazirane na lokalnim izračunavanjima, što sve zajedno daje dobru osnovu za jednostavnu implementaciju u paralelnom hardveru. Teorijski doprinos ovog rada se ogleda u sledećem: - pokazano je da direktna primena Hebovog zakona ne dovodi do divergencije sinaptičkog vektora ako se taj zakon primeni na mreži odgovarajuće strukture; - predložena je struktura neuralne mreže za izračunavanje PSA, koja je u mnogo čemu slična sa strukturom dela retine kod riba; - prikazan je generalni metod koji transformiše PSA/MSA metode u PCA/MCA metode i tako omogućava formiranje veoma velikog broja novih PCA/MCA algoritama. Korišćenjem ove transformacije moguće je formiranje homogenih algoritama na bazi Hebovog zakona učenja, koji koriste samo lokalno dostupne podatke za modifikaciju vrednosti sinaptičke matrice, i koji bi onda mogli biti smatrani za biološki verovatne. Praktična primena originalnih metoda koje su predložene u ovom radu se može naći u mogućem modelovanju računskih principa koji se koriste u realnim neuralnim mrežama i kod jednostavne realizacije PSA/MSA ili PCA/MCA algoritama u paralelnom hardveru. | This thesis is devoted to the simple biologically plausible algorithms for extraction of the principal/minor components/subspace from input signal covariance matrix, as well as discovery of a general method that transforms principal/minor subspace analysis methods into principal/minor component analysis methods. Analyzed neural networks are simple, their structure is homogeneous and proposed learning rules are based on local calculations. These features make proposed neural networks suitable for implementation in parallel hardware. Theoretical contributions of this thesis are: - It is shown that direct implementation of the basic Hebbian scheme would not lead to unrealistic growth of the synaptic strengths, thanks to the adopted network structure; - Proposition of the PSA algorithm which is implemented in a neural network whose structure shows high degree similarity with a part of the fish retina wiring; - A new method which transforms PSA/MSA methods into PCA/MCA methods is proposed. By implementation of this method it is possible to create a big number of new PCA/MCA methods. Also, use of the proposed transformation facilitates creation of homogeneous algorithms based on Hebbian learning rule, which use only locally available information for modification of synaptic matrix, and which could be, consequently, considered as a biologically plausible. Practical implementation of the proposed methods could be found in modeling of the general computational principles which are used in real neural networks, as well as in construction of simple neural networks for PSA/MSA or PCA/MCA which are suitable for realization in parallel hardware. | false |
Uticaj upravljanja rizikom na vrednost preduzeća u elektro-energetskom sektoru | The impact of risk management on company value in power sector | Upravljanje rizikom u preduzeću predstavlja složen sistem identifikovanja, merenja i
praćenja relevantnih rizika, kao i donošenje odgovarajućih odluka kojima se izloženost
datim rizicima usklađuje sa definisanim apetitom za rizik. Ova disertacija bavi se
relativno novom koncepcijom upravljanja rizikom koja sve aktivnosti u procesu
upravljanja rizikom i odluke vezane za rizik oblikuje iz perspektive uticaja na vrednost
preduzeća. U pitanju je povezivanje koncepcija upravljanja vrednošću (engl. VBM-value
based management) i upravljanja rizikom u preduzeću (engl. ERM-enterprise risk
management), u čijem se preseku nalazi jedno od najizazovnijih pitanja poslovne
ekonomije, pitanje procene vrednosti preduzeća (engl. company valuation). Rezultirajuća
koncepcija označava se kao upravljanje rizikom bazirano na vrednosti (engl. VB ERM-
value based risk management).
U disertaciji je testirana primena koncepcije VBERM na primeru preduzeća iz elektro-
energetskog sektora u Srbiji. Uticaj upravljanja rizikom na vrednost odabranog
preduzeća je ispitivan pomoću stohastičkih i determinističkih metoda scenario analize i
simulacije. Da bi se to postiglo, prvo je formulisan finansijski model koji stavlja u vezu
ključne rizike iz tzv. „univerzuma rizika“, pokretače vrednosti i vrednost preduzeća. U
sledećem koraku, izvršeno je merenje parcijalnog i agregatnog uticaja ključnih rizika na
vrednost poštujući identifikovane korelacione veze.
Rezultati istraživanja govore o intenzitetu uticaja sistematskog i specifičnog rizika na
preduzeća u Srbiji, kao i o dometima primene determinističkih naspram stohastičkih
metoda u upravljanju rizikom u realnom sektoru. | Enterprise risk management is a complex system that includes identification,
measurement, and monitoring of all relevant risks, as well as appropriate decision making
that aligns exposure to those risks with predefined risk appetite. This dissertation deals
with relatively new concept of risk management that assesses all activities and decisions
in the risk management process from the perspective of value creation. Precisely, it is an
alignment between Value based management (VBM) and Enterprise risk management
(ERM) concepts, with one of the most challenging issues in business economics, the
calculation of company value, at their intersection. The emerging concept is known as
Value based enterprise risk management (VB ERM).
Empirical test of the application of VB ERM was performed in the power company in
Serbia. The impact of risk management on analyzed company value was calculated by
using stochastic and deterministic scenario analysis and simulations. In order to achieve
that, a financial model was first created, one that connects key risks from the so-called
“risk universe”, value drivers, and company value. In the following phase of research,
measurement of individual and aggregate impact of key risks on company value was
performed, by respecting previously identified correlations.
The results of the analysis point to the significance of systematic vs. idiosyncratic risk for
companies in Serbia, as well as to the importance and scope of deterministic vs. stochastic
methods in risk management in the real sector. | true |
Metode analize signala sa inercijalnih senzora za analizu hoda pacijenata sa oštećenim obrascem hoda | Inertial sensors signal processing methods for gait analysis of patients with impaired gait patterns | Analiza hoda je postala široko rasprostranjen klinički alat koji se koristi
za objektivnu evaluaciju obrasca hoda, efekata hirurških intervencija, oporavka ili
efekata terapije. Sve veći broj kliničara bira pogodne tretmane za lečenje pacijenata na
osnovu informacija o kinematici i kinetici hoda. Procena i kvantifikacija parametara
hoda je važan zahtev u oblasti ortopedije i rehabilitacije, ali takođe i u sportu, rekreaciji
i posebno u razvoju tehnologija za ljude u procesu starenja.
U cilju objektivne procene obrasca hoda, razvijen je bežični senzorski sistem
čije su senzorske jedinice bežične, malih dimenzija i jednostavno se montiraju na
segmente nogu subjekta čiji se hoda analizira. Senzorske jedinice podržavaju 3D
inercijalne senzore (senzore ubrzanja i ugaonih brzina, tj. akcelerometre i žiroskope),
kao i senzore sile. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je doprinos metodologiji za obradu podataka
sa inercijalnih senzora i razvoj novih metoda obrade signala sa inercijalnih senzora u
procesu određivanja kinematičkih veličina koje su uobičajene u analizi hoda (uglovi u
zglobovima, brzina kretanja, dužina koraka). Ova metodologija je od posebne važnosti
za objektivnu procenu nivoa motornog deficita, progresa bolesti i efikasnosti terapija,
kao i efikasnosti primenjene motorne kontrole (prilikom funkcionalne električne
U toku istraživanja razvijeno je nekoliko metoda za računanje uglova segmenata
nogu ili zglobova, u zavisnosti od senzorske konfiguracije i složenosti algoritma. U
disertaciji su odvojeno prikazani slučajevi u kojima je neophodno posmatrati kretanje u
prostoru (3D analiza) i mnogo češći slučaj kad se kinematika može redukovati na
sagitalnu ravan (2D analiza). Algoritmi uključuju i kalibraciju senzora, eliminaciju
drifta, rekonstrukciju trajektorije i izračunavanje niza drugih relevantnih podataka koji
karakterišu obrazac hoda. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa postojećim sistemima za
analizu hoda koji su validirani za kliničke primene. (sistemi sa kamerama, goniometri,
U toku istraživanja je, prema posebno definisanim modelima koje su odobrili
etički komiteti medicinskih ustanova, bio snimljen hod većeg broja ispitanika sa raznim
tipovima motornih deficita. Jedan deo ovih istraživanja je rađen na Klinici za
neurologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije, a drugi deo u Institutu za rehabilitaciju
„Dr. Miroslav Zotović“ u Beogradu. Cilj ovih kliničkih studija je bio da se na osnovu
analize odredi koje specifičnosti moraju da se analiziraju posebnim metodama obrade
signala, a koje daju značajne elemente za dijagnostiku motornog deficita.
Poseban fokus teze je klinička primena razvijenih algoritama na analizu hoda
pacijenata sa Parkinsonovom bolešću koji, osim uobičajene analize parametara hoda,
omogućavaju prepoznavanje promena parametara hoda u okviru snimljene sekvence
hoda, prepoznavanje poremećaja nastalih u toku snimljene sekvence hoda (tzv.
„freezing“ epizode), određivanje njihovog trajanja i klasifikaciju podtipova svake od tih
epizoda. Rezultat teze takodje obuhvata i opise kliničkog protokola za praćenje efekata
terapije pacijenata nakon moždanog udara pomoću razvijenog senzorskog sistema.
Rezultat ovog istraživanja je sistem koji omogućava jednostavno postavljanje i
korišćenje sistema sa inercijalnim senzorima. Za ovaj sistem razvijen je korisnički
interfejs koji omogućava obradu snimljenih podataka primenom razvijenih metoda sa
ciljem generisanja objektivne slike motornog deficita pacijenta koji je od interesa za
kliničare (prikaz vremensko-prostornih parametara hoda, uglova u zglobovima,
trajektorije nogu, profila sila), kao i smeštanje dobijenih rezultata u bazu podataka ili
izvoz u Excel formatu. | Gait analysis has become a widely used clinical tool which provides
objective evaluation of the gait pattern, the effects of surgical interventions, recovery or
therapy progress, and more and more clinicians are choosing therapy treatments based
on gait kinematics and kinetics. Measuring gait parameters is an important requirement
in the orthopedic and rehabilitation fields, but also in sports and fitness, and
development of technologies for elderly population.
In order to provide objective evaluation of the gait pattern, we have developed
sensor system with light and small wireless sensor units, which can be easily mounted
on body. These sensor units comprise 3-D inertial sensors (accelerometers and
gyroscopes) and force sensing resistors, and our recommended setup includes one
sensor unit per each segment of both legs. The main goal of this research is contribution
to the methodology for processing of signals from inertial sensors (accelerometer pairs,
or accelerometer and gyroscope sensor units). By using signal processing algorithms
developed for this research, inertial sensors allow objective assessment of the quality of
the gait pattern. This methodology is especially important for assessment of the motor
deficit, progress of the disease and therapy effectiveness, and effectiveness of
performed motor control (functional electrical stimulation).
We have developed several methods for estimation of leg segment angles and
joint angles, which differ in sensor configuration and algorithm complexity. Methods
based only on accelerometers offer reliable angle estimations, which are limited to
sagittal plane analysis, while the method using accelerometers and gyroscopes allows 3-
D analysis. All this algorithms include sensor calibration, drift minimization, trajectory
reconstruction and calculation of numerous other parameters relevant to gait pattern
analysis. The obtained results were compared with other commercial systems which are
validated for clinical applications (camera systems, goniometers, encoders).
This research also includes two clinical studies. The study with patients with
Parkinson’s disease was performed at the Neurology Clinic, Clinical Centre of Serbia,
in Belgrade. The other study, recording hemiplegic patients during their recovery after
stroke, was performed at the Rehabilitation clinic “Dr. Miroslav Zotovic” in Belgrade.
The database recorded in these two clinics comprises more than one hundred patients
with different types and levels of gait impairments. The goal of these studies was to
determine which specificities of the gait patterns or gait deformities require special
signal processing methods, and which characteristics are essential for diagnostic of
motor deficit.
A special focus of the thesis is clinical application of the developed gait analysis
algorithms for patients with PD, which required the development of specific algorithms
for signal processing that would provide detailed assessment of their gait patterns. For
this application, besides providing the usual gait parameters we developed the
algorithms for recognition of the changes and deformities in gait pattern (freezing of
gait), duration and classification of these episodes. This thesis also includes description
of the clinical protocol for monitoring the rehabilitation effects for patients after stroke.
The result of this research is a system that enables simple donning and doffing of
the hardware, and simple use (both signal recording and processing). For this system,
graphical user interface has been developed which enables processing of recorded files
(gait sequences) by implementing the developed methods and plotting the kinematics
curves, force profiles, spectrum of the movement or spatio-temporal gait parameters. As
well as saving the obtained results in database or exporting to Excel format. | true |
Ekscitonska struktura i optička svojstva poluprovodničkih nanotačaka i nanoprstenova | The exciton structure and optical properties of semiconductor nanodots and nanorings | Ova disertacija se bavi proračunom stanja neutralnog ekscitona u
poluprovodničkim nanotačakama (kvantnim tačkama) i nanoprstenovima (kvantnim
prstenovima) i modelovanjem njihovih optičkih osobina. Neutralni eksciton je
kvazičestica koja predstavlja vezano stanje elektrona i šupljine izmeĎu kojih postoji
privlačna Coulombova sila. Iako je električno neutralan, polarizacija ekscitona je
konačna usled različitog konfiniranja elektrona i šupljine u nanotačkama. Ovo dovodi
do povoljnih uslova za manifestaciju efekata kvantne interferencije, kakav je ekscitonski
Aharonov-Bohmov (AB) efekat. Ovaj istaknuti efekat, koji otvara mogućnosti primene
nanotačaka i nanoprstenova u nanoelektronici i fotonici, uslovljen je sastavom i
morfologijom nanostrukture koji suštinski zavise od tehnologije koja se koristi za izradu
nanotačaka i nanoprstenova.
Stoga je u disertaciji dat sistematizovan prikaz novijih tehnika za formiranje
nanotačaka i nanoprstenova. Prva prikazana tehnika je modifikovana kapljična
epitaksija, koja se koristi za proizvodnju nenapregnutih GaAs/(Al,Ga)As nanotačaka,
čiji se oblik moţe kontrolisati izborom odreĎenih tehnoloških parametara. Druga
tehnika je Stranski-Krastanow (SK) mod narastanja, koji se koristi za proizvodnju
napregnutih nanotačaka, kao što su one od (In,Ga)As u matrici od GaAs. Dimenzije
ovih nanotačaka su reda nanometra, i paţljivom kontrolom parametara rasta ove
nanotačke se mogu pretvoriti u strukture slične prstenovima, koje se nazivaju
nanoprstenovi. MeĎutim, po rastu nanoprstena zaostaje tanak sloj unutar njegovog
nominalnog otvora, tako da topologija ove strukture nije dvostruko povezana. Dat je
sumarni pregled III-V poluprovodničkih jedinjenja i njihovih legura koje se koriste za
proizvodnju analiziranih nanotačaka i nanoprstenova. Prikazane su i diskutovane
formule koje se koriste za računanje parametara zonske strukture za datu temperaturu,
molski udeo itd.
Detaljno su opisani teorijski modeli analiziranih nanostruktura. Razmatrane su
osobenosti aksijalno simetričnih nanotačaka i nanoprstenova. Korišćena su dva modela
naprezanja koji su zasnovani na mehanici kontinuuma: kontinualno mehanički-model
(CM) za slučaj kada je anizotropija elastičnih osobina prisutna u strukturi i jednostavni
model izotropne elastičnosti (IE). Pokazano je da se rezultati dva modela malo
meĎusobno razlikuju za analizirane aksijalno simetrične strukture. U slučaju
idealizovane geometrije sa strmim granicama na mestu heterospoja postojeći IE model
je sveden na numeričko rešavanje jednodimenzionih (1D) integrala.
Prikazana je teorija jednočestičnih stanja u električnom i magnetskom polju. Za
računanje elektronskih stanja korišćena je jednozonska teorija efektivnih masa, dok su
šupljinska stanja izračunata koristeći dva modela, jednozonsku aproksimaciju i
višezonsku kp teoriju. Aksijalna aproksimacija je primenjena i na kinetički deo 4-
zonskog kp hamiltonijana i na deo koji zavisi od naprezanja. U ovom novom pristupu,
vandijagonalni elementi se zadrţavaju u delu hamiltonijana koji zavisi od naprezanja,
što predstavlja unapreĎenje u odnosu na ranije korišćene aksijalno simetrične kp
modele koji su koristili dijagonalnu aproksimaciju za ovaj deo šupljinskog
hamiltonijana. Za proračun ekscitonskih stanja, formirani su modeli bazirani na pristupu
egzaktne dijagonalizacije u realnom i inverznom prostoru. TakoĎe su definisani
karakteristični dimenzioni parametri neutralnog ekscitona i uvedene su metode za
procenu amplitude oscilacija energije osnovnog stanja ekscitona. Pored toga, izvedeni
su jednostavni modeli ekscitonskih stanja bazirani na adijabatskoj aproksimaciji, koji su
primenjeni na strukturu sačinjenu od lateralno spregnutih kvantnih prstenova. NaĎena
su: (1) analititička rešenja za slučaj kada se Coulombova interakcija zanemari i (2)
numeričko rešenje 3D jednačine za ekscitonske energetske nivoe kada je Coulombova
interakcija uključena u model. NaĎeno je da Coulombova interakcija značajno smanjuje
nanoprstenovima I tipa.
Metod egzaktne dijagonalizacije je korišćen za analizu uticaja nedostajućeg
otvora u kvantnim tačkama sličnim prstenovima na zavisnost ekscitonskih nivoa od
magnetskog polja. Analizirana su dva tipa ovakvih napregnutih (In,Ga)As/GaAs
nanotačaka: (1) nanotačke oblika sličnog šoljici, koje su nazvane nanošoljice i (2)
nanotačke koje se eksperimentalno realizuju, pri čemu je uvedena aproksimacija
aksijalne simetrije ovih tačaka. Za oba slučaja, naĎeno je da naprezanje i mešanje
izmeĎu zona dovode do povećanja polarizacije ekscitona, što dovodi do uvećanja
amplitude ekscitonskih Aharonov-Bohmovih oscilacija. Zanimljivo je da smo našli da
zbog posebnog oblika, eksperimentalne kvantne tačke slične prstenovima pokazuju veće
ekscitonske Aharonov-Bohmove oscilacije od nanošoljica. MeĎutim, za obe strukture
smo došli do istog zaključka: odsustvo otvora u kvantnim tačkama sličnim prstenovima
dovodi do uvećanja ekscitonskog Aharonov-Bohmovog efekta.
Poslednji deo disertacije je posvećen ispitivanju mogućnosti povećanja
amplitude oscilacija primenom električnog polja. Da bi u potpunosti razmotrili na koji
način električno polje utiče na ekscitonska stanja, razmotrili smo nenapregnute strukture
koje imaju oblik nanoprstena na nanodisku, a mogu se napraviti pomoću modifikovane
kapljične epitaksije. Ustanovljeno je da se pomoću primenjenog električnog polja mogu
pojaviti višestruki preseci optički aktivnog i neaktivnog stanja u osnovnom stanju
ekscitona. Prema tome, rezultati našeg proračuna pokazuju istaknutu pojavu optičke
manifestacije ekscitonskog AB efekta (optički ekscitonski Aharonov-Bohmov efekat) u
prisustvu električnog polja.
Sumarno, ova disertacija pokazuje da naprezanje, mešanje izmeĎu zona i
električno polje imaju povoljan uticaj na ekscitonski Aharonov-Bohmov efekat u
realističnim nanotačkama sličnim prstenovima, ali koje nemaju formiran kompletan
otvor. Dobijeni rezultati se kvalitativno dobro slaţu sa rezultatima eksperimentalnih
merenja. Pored toga, naši proračuni pruţaju smernice za uvećanje ekscitonskog
Aharonov-Bohmovog efekta izborom geometrije strukture i korišćenja različitih
materijala za fabrikaciju ovih nanotačaka. Da bi se razvijeni model unapredio potrebno
je razmotriti razne dodatne faktore, kao što su anizotropija elastičnih osobina i
odstupanja geometrije strukture od aksijalno simetričnog oblika. Ove posebnosti bi još
više pribliţile teorijske rezultate eksperimentalnim. MeĎutim, čak i modeli prikazani u
ovoj disertaciji se mogu uspešno koristiti za predikciju optičkih karakteristika struktura
sličnih prstenovima, što moţe biti značajno za njihove potencijalne primene. | The main objective of the presented thesis is the calculation of the neutral
exciton states in semiconductor nanodots (quantum dots) and nanorings (quantum
rings) and the modelling of their optical properties. The neutral exciton is a quasiparticle
that represents a bound state of the electron and hole which mutually interact by the
attractive Coulomb force. Although the exciton is an electrically neutral object, the
different confinement of the electron and hole in the nanodot brings about a finite
exciton polarization. This in turn establishes a favorable condition for the manifestation
of quantum interference effects, such as the excitonic Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect. This
quantum effect, which opens up venues for practical applications of nanorings and
nanodots in nanoelectronics and photonics, is influenced by the composition and the
morphology of the specific nanostructure, which essentially depends on the technology
employed for the fabrication of those nanodots and nanorings.
Therefore, recent techniques for the fabrication of nanodots and nanorings are
systematically reviewed in the thesis. The first is the modified droplet epitaxy, which
allows the fabrication of unstrained GaAs/(Al,Ga)As nanodots, whose shape could be
easily controlled by varying certain technological parameters. The second technique is
the Stranski-Krastanow (SK) mode of epitaxial growth, which is employed to produce
strained nanodots, such as those made of (In,Ga)As in a matrix of GaAs. Their
dimensions are of the order of a few nanometers, and by careful control of the growth
parameters these nanodots can be turned into ring-like structures, which are called
nanorings. However, after growth a thin layer remains inside the nominal ring opening,
therefore they do not have double connected topology. The properties of III-V
semiconductor compounds and their alloys which are employed to fabricate the
analyzed nanodots and nanorings are reviewed. The formulas for computing various
band structure parameters for a given temperature, mole fraction etc. are given and
The theoretical models of the analyzed nanodots are described in detail.
Peculiarities of the axially symmetric nanodots and nanorings are considered. I used two
models of elasticity which are based on continuum mechanics: the continuum-
mechanical model (CM) was applied to the case when anisotropic elasticity is present in
the structure, and a simple model of isotropic elasticity (IE). I showed that the results of
those two models negligibly deviate from each other for the analyzed axially symmetric
structures. Furthermore, in the case of an idealized geometry with steep boundaries at
the heterojunction the results of the IE model could be reduced to one-dimensional (1D)
integrals that have to be calculated numerically.
The theory of the single-particle states in electric and magnetic fields was
presented. The electron states were computed by the single-band effective-mass theory,
whereas the hole states are computed by both the single-band approximation and the
multiband kp theory. The axial approximation was applied to both the kinetic and
strain dependent parts of the 4-band kp Hamiltonian. In this new approach, the off-
diagonal terms are kept in the strain dependent part, which is a considerable
improvement over the previously used axially symmetric kp models which adopted the
diagonal approximation to this part of the Hamiltonian. For the calculation of the
exciton states, the exact diagonalization procedures in coordinate and momentum space
were used. Also, the characteristic dimensional parameters of a neutral exciton were
defined, and a few methods to assess the amplitude of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations
of the exciton ground energy level were introduced. Furthermore, the simplified models
of the exciton states were derived in the adiabatic approximation and were applied to the
case of laterally coupled nanorings. I found: (1) the analytical solutions for the case
when the Coulomb interaction is neglected, and (2) the numerical solution of the 3D
equation for the exciton energy levels when the Coulomb interaction is included in the
model. The exciton polarization in the analyzed laterally coupled type-I
GaAs/(Al,Ga)As nanorings was found to be significantly reduced by the Coulomb
The exact diagonalization was employed in order to analyze how the absence of
the opening in the ring-like quantum dot affects the magnetic field dependence of the
exciton energy levels. Two types of such strained (In,Ga)As/GaAs nanodots were
analyzed: (1) the cup-like nanodots, which are called nanocups and (2) ring-like
quantum dots that are similar to the experimental geometry, which was simplified by
imposing axial symmetry of the structure. For both cases, strain and hole mixing were
found to increase the exciton polarization, which leads to an increase of the amplitude
of the excitonic AB oscillations. Quite interestingly I found that, due to the peculiar
shape, experimental ring-like quantum dots exhibit larger excitonic Aharonov-Bohm
oscillations than the nanocups. However, for both these systems I found that: the
absence of the opening in ring-like quantum dots leads to an increase of the excitonic
Aharonov-Bohm effect.
In the last part of the thesis I examined the possibility of increasing the
amplitude of the excitonic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations by means of an applied electric
field. In order to fully resolve the influence of electric field on the exciton states, I
considered an unstrained structure which has the form of a nanoring on a nanodisk and
which can be made by the modified droplet epitaxy technique. It is shown that multiple
crossings of the optically active and inactive exciton states in the exciton ground energy
level can be induced by the applied electric field. Therefore, our calculations revealed a
striking appearance of the optical manifestation of the excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect
(the optical excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect) in the presence of an electric field.
To summarize, the presented thesis shows that strain, band mixing, and electric
field can have a beneficial influence on the appearance of the excitonic Aharonov-Bohm
effect in a ring-shaped realistic nanodot lacking a complete opening in its center (ring-
like quantum dot). The obtained results are in qualitative agreement with the results of
experimental measurements. Furthermore, our calculations provide guidelines for
further enhancement of the excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect by varying the structure
geometry and the use of different materials for the fabrication of these nanodots. Few
additional issues have to be considered when further improving the model, i.e. one
should include the elastic anisotropy and deviations of the structure geometry from axial
symmetry. Such subtleties could therefore bring our theoretical results closer to those of
experimental measurements. However, even in the present form the developed models
could be successfully employed to predict the optical characteristics of ring-like
structures, which may be relevant for their possible applications. | true |
B-splajn heksaedarski elementi za elektromagnetsko modelovanje | B-spline hexahedral elements for 3D electromagnetic modeling | U ovoj tezi je razmotrena formulacija trodimenzione (3D) metode konačnih
elemenata (MKE) uz upotrebu B-splajn funkcija i korišćenje heksaedarskih
elemenata. Pri tome su B-splajn funkcije korišćene i za geometrijsko
modelovanje i za modelovanje električnog polja. Budući da nova formulacija
omogućava nezavisno geometrijsko modelovanje i modelovanje polja, proučene su i
formulisane dve varijante metode, i to metoda koja koristi hijerarhijske
polinomske funkcije za modelovanje polja i metoda koja koristi B-splajn
funkcije za modelovanje polja. Obe varijante metode koriste B-splajn funkcije za
geometrijsko modelovanje. Ispitana je i veza između dve varijante metode. Kako
bi 3D geometrijski modeli mogli da se koriste u MKE potrebno je
parametrizovanje i diskretizovanje geometrije. Ova tema je dodatno razmotrena
imajući u vidu specifičnosti modelovanja geometrije pomoću B-splajn funkcija.
Budući da je najzahtevniji deo MKE algoritma popunjavanje MKE matrica,
izvedeni su izrazi za njihovo popunjavanje i prikazani u detaljima.
Formulisane metode su primenjene na nekoliko pogodnih primera koji u
određenoj meri ilustruju realne inženjerske probleme kao što su netrivijalna
geometrija, izbor funkcija za aproksimaciju polja i slično. Pri tome su metode
upoređene ili sa analitičkim rešenjem ili sa referentnim numeričkim
rešenjem. Dat je i primer realistične analize MKE konvergencije bez upotrebe
referentnih rešenja i modela. Na kraju su date smernice za moguće poboljšanje
uvedenih metoda i pravci daljeg istraživanja. | This thesis presents a novel three-dimensional (3D) formulation of the finite element
method (FEM) which utilizes B-spline functions and hexahedral elements. B-spline
functions were used for both geometric modeling and electric field modeling. Since this
novel formulation enables independent geometric and field modeling, two variations of
the FEM were studied; the first utilizes hierarchical polynomial functions for field
modeling and the second utilizes B-spline functions for field modeling. Both variations
of the method utilize B-spline functions for geometric modeling. Possible relations
between the two variations of the method were also studied in detail. In order to use 3D
geometric models as input for the FEM analysis, further efforts to parametrize and
discretize the geometry were needed. These topics were discussed in detail having in
mind specificities of the B-spline functions when used for geometric modeling. Since
FEM matrix assembly is the most demanding task in implementation of the FEM
algorithm, detailed analytic expressions for entries in the FEM matrices were given.
Formulated methods were illustrated using several suitable examples which resemble
difficulties met in real-life engineering problems (non trivial geometry, field-
approximation choices, etc.). The calculated results were compared either with the
analytical solutions, or with the high quality numerical solutions. An example of
realistic FEM convergence analysis, which does not use referent solutions and models
was also given. Concluding remarks state future research directions and possible
improvements of the proposed methods. | true |
Ograničena racionalnost u teoriji monopolističke konkurencije | Monopolistic competition theory and bounded rationality | Od trenutka nastanka Čemberlinove teoreme o višku kapaciteta, literatura koja se bavi
monopolističkom konkurencijom bila je prevashodno zaokupljena pitanjem koje se tiče
optimalnosti proizvedene količine i broja varijeteta proizvoda primenjujući analizu
parcijalne ili opšte ravnoteže. Nasuprot ranijim zaključcima koji su broj proizvoda kojim
rezultuje tržišni proces tretirali kao preveliki sa stanovišta društvenog blagostanja, Diksit-
Stiglic-ov model bio je jedan od prvih koji nam je ponudio suprotno tumačenje.
Modelirajući potrošačevu ljubav prema raznovrsnosti, ovaj model opšte ravnoteže
pokazuje, u jednom dosta opštem kontekstu, pod kojim uslovima možemo očekivati da
tržište proizvede optimalan rezultat. Upravo je to razlog zbog čega je ovaj model postao
neka vrsta repera u oblasti. Nakon ovog rezultata lako je bilo zamisliti situacije u kojima
postoji preveliki i premali broj varijeteta proizvoda u odnosu na društveno-optimalni.
Pored toga, čak i u slučaju da je moguće utvrditi da li raznovrsnost treba da bude veća ili
manja, model je ukazao na činjenicu da postoji problem sa regulacijom koja u datim
okolnostima verovatno ne bi mogla da bude neutralna. Ono što želimo da pokažemo u
radu tiče se uticaja ograničene racionalnosti potrošača na njegovu ljubav prema
raznovrsnosti u okvirima Diksit-Stiglic-ovog modela. Veći izbor bi trebalo da bude
poželjan osim u slučaju da kreira dodatne troškove za potrošača koji se duguju njegovoj
ograničenoj racionalnosti. Implikacije ovakvog gledanja na problem pružaju nam neke
nove uvide. Jedan od njih je da bi regulacija trebalo da poprimi potpuno drugačiji oblik
od onog koji se uglavnom predlaže u literaturi. | Ever since the emergence of Chamberlin’s concept of excess capacity, monopolistic
competition literature was primarily occupied with the question of under-production and
over-differentiation within the partial or general equilibrium framework. Dixit-Stiglitz
model was one of the first to come up with the findings which differed from the early
wisdom. Making ‘love of variety’ part of consumer’s preferences, this general
equilibrium model shed light, in a rather general context, on conditions under which we
can expect the markets to make the correct decision concerning product diversity. That is
probably why the model quickly became the benchmark in this field. Given this result it
was easy to conceive cases where the equilibrium exploits economies of scale too far
from the point of view of social optimality. In addition, the model emphasized the
important fact that, even if it was possible to determine whether diversity is too large of
too small, the distortions connected with regulation were not insignificant. What we wish
to show in this paper concerns the impact of consumer’s bounded rationality on his ‘love
of variety’ perception within the Dixit-Stiglitz framework. The expansion of choice
should be desirable except when it creates additional costs for the consumer due to his
bounded rationality. Implications of this view should provide some new insights. One of
them is that regulation should take on a completely different form from the one that
usually prevails in monopolistic competition literature. | true |
Uticaj tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća | The impact of big data technologies on organizational design of the company | Sa razvojem tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka, za koje se u literaturi i
praksi ustalio izraz Big Data, uticaj tehnologije na organizacioni dizajn je ponovo
postao važno i aktuelno pitanje u teoriji i praksi menadžmenta i organizacije.
Tehnologija je zauzela važno mesto u procesu dizajniranja organizacija počev od 1960-
ih godina, pa do današnjih dana kada njen uticaj postaje sve intenzivniji. Predmet
disertacije je istraživanje uticaja tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka (Big
Data tehnologija) na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća. Big Data tehnologije predstavljaju
skup novih tehnologija, tehnika, alata, potrebnih znanja i veština za rad sa podacima
koji imaju nove osobine (obim, strukturu, brzinu). Polazeći od razumevanja
organizacionog dizajna kao skupa organizacionih dimenzija koji čine organizaciona
struktura kao njegovo jezgro, a zatim i drugih dimenzija organizacije koje su povezane
sa strukturom (strategija, ljudi, procesi), cilj disertacije jeste da identifikuje način na
koji Big Data tehnologije utiču na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća.
Rezultati sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da su Big Data tehnologije
prodrle u svaku delatnost, preduzeće, proces, odluku i aktivnost i da su dovele do
promena u načinu na koji preduzeća funkcionišu kroz uticaj na dimenzije
organizacionog dizajna i parametre organizacione strukture. Na jednoj strani, ove
tehnologije predstavljaju determinantu okruženja i suočavaju preduzeća sa velikom
količinom podataka iz novih izvora, dok sa druge strane predstavljaju resurs
organizacije koji omogućava preduzećima koja ih primenjuju da sve te podatke iskoriste
i na njihovoj osnovi izgrade konkurentsku prednost. | With the development of Big Data technologies, the impact of technology on
organizational design has become an important and attractive issue in the theory and
practice of management and organization again. Technology has taken an important
place in the process of designing an organization, starting from the 1960s until this day
and age when its influence is becoming more prominent. The subject of the dissertation
is to examine the impact of Big Data technologies on organizational design of the
company. Big Data technology represents new technologies, techniques, tools,
knowledge and skills which are necessary to work with data with new attributes
(volume, variety, velocity). Starting from the understanding of organizational design as
a set of organizational dimensions which consists of organizational structure as its core
dimension, and other dimensions that are associated with structure (strategy, people,
processes), the aim of the dissertation is to identify how Big Data technologies affect
organizational design of the company.
Results from conducted empirical research showed that Big Data technologies have
penetrated in each industry, company, process, decision, activity and changed the way
in which companies function through the impact on dimensions of organizational design
and parameters of organizational structure. On the one hand, Big Data technologies
represent a factor from environment that confronts the companies with large quantities
of data from new sources, while on the other hand represent a resource of organization
that enables companies that use them to build competitive advantage on the basis of
collected data. | true |
Vanbračni fertilitet u Srbiji od polovine HH veka | Nonmarital fertility in Serbia from the mid-20th century | Porast rađanja van braka, prisutan u svim evropskim zemljama u poslednjih
nekoliko decenija, zabeležen je i u Srbiji. Početkom 2010‐ih svako četvrto dete
rođeno u Srbiji rođeno je van braka, što u poređenju sa ostalim evropskim
zemljama predstavlja umereno visoki udeo vanbračnih rađanja. Predmet
istraživanja doktorske disertacije su rađanja van braka u Srbiji, od 1950. do
2014. godine. Rad ima dva osnovna cilja, teorijski i praktični. Teorijski cilj je
sagledavanje vanbračnog fertiliteta i njegovih karakteristika, kome u
dosadašnjim istraživanjima fertiliteta u Srbiji nije posvećena dovoljna
pažnja. U tom smislu, fenomen rađanja van braka se sagledava na opštem i
individualnom nivou. Drugi cilj disertacije je da pruži rezultate koji mogu
imati praktičnu primenu prilikom pripremanja i sprovođenja relevantnih
strategija i programa na državnom i lokalnom nivou.
U radu se primenjuju kvantitativni i kvalitativni metod. Koriste se metodi
demografske i statističke analize, kako bi se sagledala rasprostranjenost i
karakteristike rađanja van braka. Kvalitativni metod, u formi anketnog
istraživanja putem intervjua sprovedenog u Beogradu, primenjen je sa ciljem da
bi se stekao uvid u fenomen vanbračnog rađanja na individualnom nivou.
Na osnovu rezultata kvantitativne i kvalitativne analize u radu potvrđene su
definisane polazne pretpostavke. Preko niza pokazatelja sagledano je da se
vanbračni fertilitet u Srbiji po mnogim obeležjima razlikuje od bračnog
fertiliteta. Utvrđene su prostorne razlike u nivou vanbračnog fertiliteta u
Srbiji, kako između velikih područja (Centralna Srbija i Vojvodina), tako i na
nižem, opštinskom, nivou. Takođe, uočene su i dve prostorne zone, zona visokog
udela vanbračnih rađanja na istoku Srbije i zona niskog i umereno niskog udela
u zapadnom delu Centralne Srbije. U radu je pokazano kako su se u poslednjih
šezdeset pet godina odlike rađanja van braka u Srbiji menjale. Takođe, utvrđene
su sličnosti između vanbračnog fertiliteta u Srbiji i drugim evropskim
zemljama, kako u udelu vanbračnih rađanja, tako i u postojanju regionalnih
razlika u nivou vanbračnog fertiliteta i preovlađujućoj obrazovnoj strukturi
majki koje rađaju van braka.
karakteristike majki koje rađaju van braka u Srbiji ukazuju na njihov nepovoljan
socioekonomski status. Zbog toga je i položaj dece rođene van braka nepovoljniji
češće nego dece rođene u braku. Tome dodatno doprinosi i znatno veća
nepostojanost vanbračnih nego bračnih zajednica. Tako nastale jednoroditeljske
porodice, koje najčešće čine samohrane majke i njihova deca, nose sa sobom rizik
od manjka finansijskih sredstava i socijalnih resursa. Učešće očeva u odgajanju
i finansiranju dece sa kojom ne žive je značajno manje nego u porodicama sa oba
roditelja. Na to upućuju i rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja predstavljenog
u radu. U rešavanju egzistencijalnih problema i u svakodnevnom odgajanju dece
značajnu podršku majkama pružaju njihove primarne porodice. Babe i dede,
takođe, deci nadomešćuju nedostajuću ili malo prisutnu očevu podršku i
učestvovanje u odgajanju. U radu je ponuđeno dosta argumenata u prilog zaključku
da rađanja van braka u Srbiji početkom dvadeset prvog veka u manjoj meri
predstavljaju pojavu povezanu sa prihvatanjem novih vrednosti i normi, a više
nastavak dugoročnih tendencija u sredini sa dominantnim tradicionalnim
moralnim ormama.
Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na potrebu sprovođenja odgovarajućih mera
socijalne i populacione politike u Srbiji, usmerenih ka onim porodicama sa
decom rođenom van braka koje se nalaze u nepovoljnom položaju. U tom smislu
posebno se izdvajaju jednoroditeljske porodice majki sa decom. Moguće mere
države i lokalne samouprave se mogu definisati u okviru sistema socijalne i
zdravstvene zaštite, obrazovnog sistema, kao i u zakonskim rešenjima. Saznanja
dobijena ovim istraživanjem mogu biti produbljena sprovođenjem novog
istraživanja zasnovanog na reprezentativnom uzorku na nacionalnom nivou,
što bi omogućilo potpunije sagledavanje fenomena vanbračnog rađanja u Srbiji. | The increase in nonmarital fertility, observed in all European countries over the past
several decades, was also registered in Serbia. At the beginning of 2010s, one in four
children born in Serbia is born outside of marriage, which is a moderately high share in
comparison with other European countries. The subject of the doctoral dissertation is
nonmarital fertility in Serbia in the period from 1950 to 2014. This paper has two main
objectives, a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical objective is to consider the
extramarital fertility and its characteristics, a subject which has still not received
sufficient attention in the study of fertility. In this regard, the phenomenon of nonmarital
births is observed at the overall and the individual level. The second aim of the
dissertation is to provide results that can be of practical use in preparing and
implementing relevant strategies and programs at the national and local level.
Quantitative and qualitative methods are used in the paper. Methods of demographic
and statistical analysis are used with the aim to examine the prevalence and
characteristics of nonmarital births. The qualitative method, in the form of an interview
survey conducted in Belgrade, is applied with the aim of gaining insight into the
phenomenon of extramarital childbearing at the individual level.
The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis in the paper confirm the defined
hypotheses. Based on a set of indicators it was confirmed that the nonmarital fertility in
Serbia differs in numerous characteristics from marital fertility. Spatial differences in
the level of extramarital fertility in Serbia were determined between two main regions
(Central Serbia and Vojvodina), as well as at the municipality level. Also, two clearly
distinguished zones were observed, a zone with a high share of extramarital births in the
eastern part of Serbia and a zone with low or moderate extramarital births in the
western part of the Central Serbia. The paper showed changes in the characteristics of
nonmarital fertility in Serbia that have taken place in the last sixty five years. Also,
similarities between nonmarital fertility in Serbia and other European countries were
determined, both in the proportion of extramarital births and in the existence of
regional differences in the level of extramarital births and in the prevailing educational
structure of mothers of extramarital children.
The analysis of statistical data led to the conclusion that certain characteristics of
mothers who give birth out of marriage in Serbia indicate their unfavorable
socioeconomic status. Consequently, the socioeconomic status of extramarital children
is unfavorable more often than that of children born in marriage. The considerably
lower stability of consensual unions in comparison with marital unions additionally
contributes to this disadvantage. The resulting single parent families, most usually single
mothers and their children, have an increased risk of a shortage of financial and social
resources. The participation of nonresidential fathers in raising and financing children is
significantly lower than in families with both parents. This was also indicated by the
results of qualitative research presented in this paper. Mothers receive a significant
amount of support in solving existential problems and in everyday childrearing from
their parents and siblings. Grandparents also compensate the children for the lack or
low level of the father's support and participation in childrearing. This paper offers
numerour arguments in support of the conclusion that nonmarital fertility in Serbia at
the beginning of 21st century is to a lesser extent a phenomenon related to adopting
new values and norms but instead related to a greater extent to a continuation of long‐
term tendencies in an environment with dominant traditional moral norms.
The research results indicate the need for the implementation of adequate measures of
social and population policy in Serbia, directed towards disadvantaged families with
children born outside marriage. In this regard, families comprising of a single mother
and her children stand out. Possible measures at the national and local level can be
defined within the systems of social and health care, within the education system, as
well as in legislative solutions. The findings obtained through this research can be
expanded by conducting new research on a representative sample at the national level,
which would enable a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of
nonmarital fertility in Serbia. | true |
Efikasni ARQ algoritmi bazirani na majoritetnoj logici | Efficient ARQ algorithm based on majority logic decision | Primena diverziti tehnike i majoritetnog kombinovanja paketa predstavlja jednostavno i
atraktivno rešenje za kontrolu grešaka u bežičnim telekomunikacionim sistemima. Ove
tehnike su posebno interesantne u paketski orijentisanim mrežama sa višestrukim putanjama
i kooperativnim mrežama sa jednom ili više predajnih i prijemnih antena. Tipičan primer su
bežične senzorske mreže koje često rade u ekstremno otežanim uslovima prenosa, pri čemu
zahtevi za pouzdanim prenosom imaju veći prioritet od zahteva za racionalnim korišćenjem
komunikacionih kapaciteta. Teorijski i aproksimativni izrazi za verovatnoću pogrešnog
prenosa paketa u slučaju proizvoljnog broja kanala sa različitim verovatnoćama grešaka
predstavljaju ključne parametre za procenu energetske efikasnosti senzorskih čvorova.
Cilj rada: U okviru ove problematike, u tezi su postavljeni sledeći ciljevi: (i) da se dobiju
teorijski izrazi za verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa paketa u slučaju primene selektivnog i
majoritetnog odlučivanja, u uslovima kada su verovatnoće grešaka različite na različitim
putanjama i kada je broj mogućih paralelnih putanja proizvoljan; analitički izrazi su veoma
bitni prilikom odreĎivanja optimalnog broja putanja u senzorskoj mreži sa ciljem maksimalne
uštede potrošnje energije u senzorskim čvorovima, (ii) da se analizira efikasnost hibridne
ARQ šeme imajući u vidu različita scenarija pristizanja paketa u odredišni čvor; naime,
prisustvo prostornih putanja pri kojima su na pojedim putanjama uslovi prenosa loši, ne
obezbeĎuje garantovano prepoznavanje paketa i prenos po svim putanjama, tako da se
uslovi za majoritetno odlučivanje mogu obezbediti posle jedne ili više retransmisija; zbog
toga, realni scenario je kombinacija prostornog i vremenskog diverzitija u korist jednog ili
drugog scenarija, (iii) da se sagleda mogućnost implementacije imajući u vidu korišćenje
poznatih standarda i postojećih hardverskih i softverskih rešenja koja se koriste u senzorskim
mrežama; posebno težište je bilo dato modifikaciji rešenja neohodnih za implementaciju
korekcije grešaka na bazi majoritetnog kombinovanja paketa.
OdreĎivanje izraza za verovatnoću retransmisije predstavlja izazovni problem, posebno
složen kada je broj nezavisnih putanja proizvoljan. To je bio osnovni razlog da su gotovo svi
autori u objavljenim istraživanjima usvajali nerealnu pretpostavku da su kanalne verovatnoće
grešaka (Bit Error Rate, BER) po nezavisnim putanjama brojčano jednake. Čak i pri tim
uslovima, većina autora se ograničava na razmatranje samo tri putanje. Izuzetak
predstavljaju radovi Carsona Lama i koautora u kojima se daju opšta rešenja za proizvoljni
broj putanja (kanala). Za razliku od ovog pristupa, postavljen je cilj da se izvede opšta
formula kako za proizvoljan broj nezavisnih putanja, tako i za različite vrednosti kanalnih
Postojanje nezavisnih transmisionih putanja obezbeĎuje prijem više kopija istog okvira. U
normalnim okolnostima, uprkos postojanju grešaka na pojedinim bitskim pozicijama,
pretpostavimo da će prisustvo svih okvira biti ispravno detektovano. U tom slučaju, na
prijemnoj strani će postojati potpun komplet okvira, tako da će se, ukoliko je potrebno,
primeniti majoritetno kombinovanje. MeĎutim, takoĎe je realna mogućnost da se ne
prepozna prisustvo prenetog okvira. To će imati za posledicu “deficit” paketa, koji se mora
nadoknaditi tokom narednih retransmisija. Mogući su veoma različiti scenariji prikupljanja
paketa za majoritetno odlučivanje, od toga da se problem reši posle prve retransmisije, do
slučaja kada broj retransmisija mora biti jednak ili veći od broja nezavisnih putanja. TakoĎe,
posle pojedinih retransmisija, može doći do “suficita” paketa koji se mogu koristiti za
majoritetno odlučivanje, tako da se u takvim prilikama javlja problem izbora pogodnih
“kandidata” za ovo odlučivanje. U svakom slučaju, potreba za retransmisijom utiče na
smanjenje efikasnosti primenjene metode, pa je od interesa da se ovaj problem detaljnije
ispita. Sa ciljem dobijanja okvirnog uvida u propusnost, odabrana su tri karakteristična
scenarija od kojih dva daju granične slučajeve, jedan koji odgovara čisto prostornom
diverzitiju, i drugi, koji odgovara čisto vremenskom diverzitiju. Analiza je bila zasnovana na
modelovanju procesa retransmisije posredstvom odgovarajućih Markovljevih modela koji su
poslužili za odreĎivanje propusnosti na bazi srednje vrednosti trajanja retransmisionih
Atraktivnost primene hibridne ARQ tehnike sa majoritetnim kombinovanjem zasniva se na
većoj jednostavnosti realizacije u poreĎenju sa drugim hibridnim metodama. To nikako ne
znači da je problem trivijalan ili krajnje jednostavan. Da bi se obezbedila uspešna realizacija,
potrebno je sprovesti opsežnu analizu raspoloživih komponenti i modifikaciju dostupnih
rešenja koja se koriste u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama. Pri tome, polazni okvir je bio: (i) da
se utvrdi pogodna topološka i komunikaciona postavka senzorske mreže; (ii) da se razmotre
i predlože izmene i modifikacije funkcija postojećeg protokola koje se odnose na kontrolu
grešaka u okviru drugog sloja referentnog modela; (iii) da se sagledaju neophodne
modifikacije primopredajnika dostupnih na komercijalnom tržištu; i (iv) da se bliže odrede
hardverska i softverska rešenja koja omogućuju implementaciju majoritetnog kombinovanja.
Metode istraživanja: Svakom od navedenih otvorenih pitanja pristupalo se kao zasebnim
tematskim celinama, pri čemu su korišćeni posebni prikladni telekomunikacioni modeli i
usvajane specifične pretpostavke kako bi se kompletno razmatranje učinilo jasnim i
celishodnim. Kombinovane su metode teorijske i simulacione analize. Matematička analiza je
vršena na bazi teorijskih modela uzimajući u obzir izvesna ograničenja koja podrazumevaju
idealnu sinhronizaciju na nivou bita i okvira, sporopromenljivi kanal u odnosu na dužinu
trajanja okvira, poznatu dužinu okvira i dr.. Kao pomoćno sredstvo prilikom računanja opšteg
izraza za verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa paketa u slučaju diverziti prenosa sa proizvoljnim
brojem putanja, korišćeni su udžbenici iz kombinatorike, i to teorema uključivanja i
isključivanja. Teorijski rezultati su verifikovani simulacijom realnih modela na računaru.
Rezultati i zaključci: U tezi su izvršena značajna teorijska i praktična istraživanja koja su
rezultirala sledećim doprinosima: (i) izveden je izraz u zatvorenom obliku za verovatnoću
pogrešnog prenosa paketa za tri i pet kanala sa različitim kanalnim verovatnoćama, (ii)
izveden je izraz za verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa za proizvoljan broj kanala sa različitim
kanalnim verovatnoćama; uraĎen je programski paket koji na bazi opšteg izraza računa
verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa paketa za proizvoljan broj kanala, različite dužine paketa i
različite kanalne verovatnoće; uporedna analiza je pokazala da dodatna primena
majoritetnog kombinovanja može značajno da smanji verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa u
odnosu na selektivno kombinovanje. (iii) razvijeni su pogodni aproksimativni izrazi koji
omogućuju lakše sagledavanje uticaja pojedinih parametara kao što su broj kanala i dužina
paketa, na verovatnoću pogrešnog prenosa, (iv) uveden je pojam ekvivalentne kanalne
verovatnoće koja se može koristiti kao dobar reprezent kanala sa različitim verovatnoćama
grešaka čiji značaj nije samo u pojednostavljenju složenog izraza za verovatnoću pogrešnog
prenosa paketa, već i u jednodimenzionalnoj grafičkoj predstavi funkcije više promenljivih;
pokazano je da se verovatnoća pogrešnog prenosa paketa relativno malo menja bez obzira
na velike odnose pojedinih kanalnih verovatnoća, (v) razvijeni su modeli tri karakteristična
scenarija prenosa paketa od izvornog do odredišnog čvora i izvedeni izrazi za propusnost na
bazi retransmisionih ciklusa; analiziran je uticaj ključnih parametara kao što su broj kanala,
dužina paketa i normalizovano kružno kašnjenje, (vi) rezultati istraživanja su ilustrovani na
primeru jedne hipotetičke senzorske mreže; dat je predlog modifikacije standarda koji
reguliše razmenu podataka u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama malog protoka; predloženo je
da okvir sadrži dva posebna CRC polja koja nezavisno kontrolišu MAC heder i informacioni
sadržaj okvira.
Dalji razvoj: Buduća istraživanja se sagledavaju u dva pravca, teorijski i praktični. Kod
teorijskih istraživanja, primenjena metodologija bi mogla da se proširi i na druge “tvrde”
postupke kao što su generalizovano kombinovanje paketa i adaptivne varijante
kombinovanja različitih postupaka. U praktičnim istraživanjima ima mogućnosti za detaljniju
razradu hardverskih i softverskih rešenja u cilju realizacije pojedinih modula i funkcije
majoritetnog kombinovanja paketa u okviru odgovarajućih standarda. Na kraju, napomenimo
da posebno interesantnu oblast primene predstavljaju ne samo senzorske mreže, već i drugi
tipovi mreža i telekomunikacionih sistema. | The application of diversity technique and majority packet combining is a simple and
attractive solution for error control in wireless telecommunication systems. These techniques
are especially interesting in packet-oriented multipath and cooperative networks with one or
more transmitting and receiving antennas. A typical example is wireless sensor network
which often operates in extremely harsh conditions, where requirements for reliable packet
transmission have a higher priority than requirements for efficient usage of communication
capacities. Theoretical and approximate expressions of packet error probabilities in the case
of an arbitrary number of channels with distinct channel error probabilities are key
parameters for estimation of the energy efficiency of sensor nodes.
Goal of research: As part of this problem, the thesis sets the following objectives: (i) to
obtain theoretical expressions for packet error probability in the case of application of
selective and majority decision when the number of parallel channels is arbitrary and channel
error probabilities are distinct; analitical expressions are very important in determining the
optimal number of paths in a sensor network in order to achieve maximum saving of energy
in sensor nodes, (ii) to analyze the throughput efficiency of a hybrid ARQ scheme,
considering various scenarios of packet receiving in the destination node; namely, the
presence of spatial paths, with poor transmission conditions in certain paths, does not
provide guaranteed detection and transmission of frame copies via all paths, so that the
conditions for majority combining may be provided after one or more retransmissions;
therefore, the real scenario is a combination of space and time diversity in favor of one or the
other scenario, (iii) to examine the possibility of implementation of majority combining, having
in mind the known standards and the usage of existing hardware and software solutions in
sensor networks; the particular focus was given to the modification of solutions required for
the implementation of error correction, based on majority packet combining.
Determining an expression for the retransmission probability is a challenging problem,
especially complex when the number of independent paths is arbitrary. It was the main
reason why almost all authors of published research papers adopted an unrealistic
assumption that channel error probabilities in independent paths are numerically equal. Even
under such conditions, most authors have limited their research to only three paths. The
exceptions are papers by Carson Lam and co-authors, in which general solutions for the
arbitrary number of paths (channels) are given. In contrast to this approach, our goal was to
derive the general expression that takes into account both the arbitrary number of paths and
distinct values of channel probabilities.
The existence of independent transmission paths enables the reception of more frame
copies. Under normal circumstances, despite the errors in certain bit positions, let us assume
that the presence of all frame copies will be properly detected. In that case, a complete set of
frame copies will be available at the receiving side, so that, if necessary, majority combining
can be applied. However, there is a real possibility that it does not recognize the presence of
any transmitted frame copies. This will result in a “deficit” of frame copies, which must be
compensated for by subsequent retransmissions. Various scenarios of packet collecting for
majority decision are possible, such as the case of solving the problem after the first
retransmission, or the case of solving the problem when the number of retransmissions must
be equal or greater than the number of independent paths. Furthermore, after certain
retransmissions, a “surplus” of frame copies can appear. In such circumstances, the surplus
will create the problem of choosing a suitable “candidate” for majority decision-making. In
any case, the need for retransmission will reduce the efficiency of the applied method, and it
is of interest to investigate this problem further. In order to obtain an insight in the throughput,
three typical scenarios are selected. Two of them represent extreme cases: one corresponds
to pure space diversity, whereas the other one corresponds to pure time diversity. The
analysis was based on the modeling of the retransmission process, by using appropriate
Markov models to determine the throughput efficiency based on the mean duration of
retransmission cycles.
The attractiveness of applying hybrid ARQ with majority combining scheme lies in higher
simplicity of realization in comparison with other hybrid methods. This definitely does not
mean that the problem is trivial or extremely simple. To ensure effective implementation, it
requires extensive analysis of available components and modification of available solutions
used in wireless sensor networks. In addition, the initial framework was: (i) to determine the
suitable topological and communication setup of the sensor network; (ii) to consider and
propose modifications to the functions of valid protocols related to error control in the second
layer of the reference model, (iii) to consider the necessary modifications to transceivers
available on the commercial market; and (iv) to specify in detail the hardware and software
solutions that enable the implementation of majority combining.
Research methods: Each of these outstanding issues have been approached as a separate
topic, using special appropriate telecommunication models and making specific assumptions
to ensure the clarity and relevance of the entire consideration. Theoretical and simulation
methods have been combined. Mathematical analysis has been performed based on
theoretical models, taking into account certain constrains that imply perfect bit and frame
synchronization, slowly time-varying channel in relation to frame duration, known frame
length, etc. As an aid in derivation of the general expression for packet error probability in the
case of diversity transmission with an arbitrary number of paths, the principle of inclusion and
exclusion from the combinatorics has been used. Theoretical results have been verified by
computer simulation of realistic models.
Results and conclusions: The thesis has included important theoretical and practical
research, which resulted in the following contributions: (i) the close-form expression is
derived for the packet error probability for three and five channels with distinct channel error
probabilities, (ii) an expression is derived for the packet error probability in the case of an
arbitrary number of channels with distinct channel error probabilities; a software package
based on the general expression has been created to calculate the packet error probability
for arbitrary number of paths, various frame lengths and distinct channel error probabilities;
the comparative analysis has shown that an additional application of majority combining can
significantly reduce the transmission error probability compared to selective combining. (iii)
suitable approximate expressions have been developed, allowing for easier understanding of
the effect of certain parameters, such as the number of channels and frame length, on the
transmission error probability, (iv) the concept of equivalent channel probability has been
introduced, which can be used as a good representation of channels with distinct error
probabilities, whose importance is not only in the simplification of a complex expression for
the packet error probability, but also in the one-dimensional graphics representation of a
function of several variables; it has been illustrated that packet error probability changes a
little irrespective of the relations between individual channel error probabilities, (v) models of
three typical scenarios of packet transmission from a source to a destination node have been
developed and expressions for the throughput efficiency based on retransmission cycles
have been derived; the effect of key parameters, such as the number of channels, packet
length and normalized round trip delay have been analyzed, (vi) research results have been
illustrated in a hypotetical sensor network; the proposal for modification of the standard that
regulates the exchange of data in low rate wireless sensor networks has been given; it has
been proposed that a frame should contain two separate CRC fields which independently
control MAC header and data payload fields.
Further development: The future research is envisaged in two directions - theoretical and
practical. In theoretical research, the applied methodology could be extended to other “hard”
procedures, such as generalized packet combining and the adaptive versions of various
combining procedures. In practical research, there are possibilities for more detailed
elaboration of hardware and software solutions, with a view to implementing individual
modules and functions of majority packet combining under appropriate standards. Finally, it
is fair to say that particularly interesting area of application are not only sensor networks, but
also other types of networks and telecommunication systems. | true |
Novi oblici tercijarnih delatnosti i njihov uticaj na transformaciju privrednih struktura zemalja u razvoju | New forms of tertiary sector and their influence on transformation economy structures in developing countries | Poslednje decenije ovog veka obeležile su promene pa rticipacije sektrora u ekonomskom razvoju kojima je tercijarni sektor do bio na značaju. Sektor koji je permanentno bio zapostavlj en i čiji je uticaj bio minimiziran, postao je lokomotiva ekonomsko g prosperiteta, naročito u razvijenim tržišnim ekonomijam a. Međusektorska preraspodela ekonomskog uticaja dinamičkog j e karaktera. Na početku ljudskog razvoja najznačajniji je b io primarni sektor sa poljoprivredom kao dominantnom gran om delatnosti. Prva industrijsko - tehnološka revolucija uslovi la je da na značaju dobije sekundarni sektor sa teškom industrijom kao vodećom granom, a najnovija, treća tehnološka revolucij a gde su nosioci razvoja kompjuterska tehnologija sa informacijom ka o osnovnim razvojnim resursom, doprinela je prosperite tu servisnog sektora koji se direktno bavi proizvodnjom, obradom i ra zvojem informacija. Tehnološki napredak nije pozitivno delovao isključivo n a razvoj tercijarnog sektora, jer ne postoji delatnost u svakom o d tri sektora koja u sebi ne uključuje informaciju kao resurs. Stoga ne postoji bojazan da će razvijene tržišne ekonomije postati servi sna, uslužna društva sa zapostavljenim primarnim i sekundarni m sektorom. Pre bi se moglo govoriti o novim načinima zaj edničkog tržišnog delovanja i sektora međuzavisnosti koja je dan as izraženija nego ikada, bez obzira na povećani uticaj tercijarnog sektora. | Last decades of this century have brought about chang es in the sectors participation in economic development by which t ertiary sector assumed greater importance. The sector which has b een permanently neglected, and whose influence has been mi nimized, became a locomotive of the economic prosperity, part icularly in developed market economies. Intersectoral redistribution of economic influence has dynamic characteristic. In the very beginning of the human deve lopment the primary sector with agriculture as dominant activit y was the most important one. First industrial and technological revolution attributed greater importance to the secondary (indus trial) sector with heavy industry as a leading branch, and new third technology with information as a main development resource has b rought prosperity to the tertiary sector which directly produces, processes and develops information. Tehnological progress has not positively influenced o nly the tertiary sector but the others as well since there is no activity in either of the three sectors which does not include info rmation as a resource. Therefore there is no worry that developed market economies will become service producing societes that disr egard the primary and secondary sectors. It is rather a quest ion of new methods of the joint market action and sectoral interd ependence which is today more expressed than ever, regardless of an increased impact made by tertiary sector. | false |
Analiza determinanti, dinamike i održivosti tekućeg računa bilansa plaćanja | Current account determinants, dynamics and sustainability analysis | APSTRAKT Spoljne neravnoteže su fenomen koji je značajnu pažnju dobio kako u teorijskim i empirijskim istraživanjima, tako i među kreatorima ekonomske politike tokom prethodnih decenija. Velike globalne neravnoteže koje su prethodile izbijanju svetske nansijske krize 2008. godine su u najmanju ruku doprinele širenju krize, ako ne i njenom nastanku. Makroekonomske implikacije spoljnih neravnoteža zahtevaju identi kaciju faktora koji su doprineli njihovom nastanku i širenju, ocenu potrebe za merama ekonomske politike i njihovih dometa u otklanjanju neravnoteža, kao i ocenu rizika spoljnih prilagođavanja u budućnosti. Imajući to u vidu, teza nastoji da da odgovore na neka od sledećih pitanja: 1. U kojoj meri se determinante teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja razlikuju me u zemljama? Koliki su dometi mera ekonomske politike u otklanjanju spoljne neravnoteµze u Srbiji? Da li je trenutna spoljna pozicija Srbije odrµziva? Veliki deo studija determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja u analizi primenjuje panel tehnike. Ovo je opravdano po to je ideja da se u analizu ukljuµci to ve´ci broj razlµcitih determinanti, a po pravilu su dostupne godi nje serije podataka, to implicira relativno kratke uzorke za ve´cinu zemalja u razvoju i zemalja sa trµzi tem u nastajanju. Me utim, potencijalno ograniµcenje panel tehnika je da se znaµcaj determinanti moµze razlikovati izme u zemalja u velikom uzorku, pa ova heterogenost moµze uticati na validnost nalnih ocena parametara. Kako bi se ovaj problem prevazi ao prvi deo ove teze koristi tehnike modelskog uproseµcavanja koje omogu´cavaju da se u analizu ukljuµce sve relevantne var- ijable dok se ona fokusira na podatke samo jedne zemlje. Analiza determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja sprovedena je u u uzorku koji obuhvata period od poslednjih 20 godina u malim otvoreni privredama sa ksnim (Maroko, Ukrajina i Estonija) i eks- ibilnim kursom (Srbija, Poljska i Gruzija), sa ciljem da se identi kuju potencijalne raz- like me u njima. Rezultati analize ukazuju da se determinante teku´ceg raµcuna razlikuju me u zemljama kako u pogledu smera, tako i u pogledu veliµcine uticaja, to u velikoj meri umanjuje primenljivost u literaturi uobiµcajenih panel studija, posebno u kontek- stu analize odrµzivosti pozicija. | ABSTRACT External imbalances have been in the focus of both academic literature and policy discussion over the past decades. Build-up of external imbalances in the period prior to the 2008 crisis contributed at least to the propagation of its negative shocks if not to its emergence. Macroeconomic implications of external imbalances show that it is important to identify their main drivers, assess the need for policy action and its potential e¤ects and quantify the risks of future external adjustments. Given the importance of these issues the thesis aims to answer the following questions: 1. To what extent current account determinants di¤er among countries? How big is the potential impact of policy measures on the external adjustment in Serbia? Is Serbia s current external position sustainable? A large number of empirical studies of the current account (CA) determinants use panel econometric tech- niques. This is reasonable, since on one hand the idea is to include all relevant determ- inants, while on the other hand annual data series are typically available, which implies relatively short samples for most of the emerging and developing economies. However, the importance of potential determinants may di¤er across the large number of countries and this heterogeneity may bias the resulting parameter estimates for individual coun- tries. To overcome this issue the thesis uses model averaging techniques which allows it to include all relevant CA determinants in the analysis while focusing on the individual country s data. The determinants of CA balances are estimated over past 20 years for small open economies with xed (Morocco, Ukraine and Estonia) and exible exchange rate (Serbia, Poland and Georgia), with the aim of identifying potential di¤erences among them. Di¤erent coe¢ cient signs and magnitudes indicate heterogeneity among countries, highlighting the drawbacks of panel estimates, particularly for the analysis of external sustainability. Once the main determinants are identi ed, this part of the thesis uses es- timated in uences of macro-variables on the CA balance to generate a rich set of possible outcomes for the external position of the country. The results of external sustainability assessment for Serbia suggest that scal adjustment can reduce CA de cit and stabilize external position close to its current level in the medium term. The analysis also warns that lack of success in scal consolidation coupled with external shocks may easily push external position on an unsustainable path. | false |
Mikrotalasni filtri u talasovodnoj tehnici sa štampanim diskontinuitetima | Microwave waveguide filters using printed-circuit discontinuities | Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je projektovanje mikrotalasnih
filtara propusnika i nepropusnika opsega učestanosti realizovanih u talasovodnoj tehnici
sa štampanim diskontinuitetima. Predložen je novi metod projektovanja talasovodnih
filtara, kao naučni doprinos disertacije. Ova tematika svakako pripada aktuelnoj i
značajnoj oblasti mikrotalasne tehnike, o čemu svedoče brojne publikacije. Poslednjih
godina, ova problematika dobija novi zamah usled sve većih zahteva za
komunikacionih sistema na mikrotalasnim učestanostima. Mikrotalasni filtri u
talasovodnoj tehnici imaju značajnu primenu u sistemima gde su potrebne velike snage i
mali gubici.
Cilj istraživanja je realizacija mikrotalasnih filtara sa više propusnih ili
nepropusnih opsega u talasovodnoj tehnici korišćenjem štampanih diskontinuiteta koji
imaju bolje karakteristike u odnosu na karakteristike odgovarajućih mikrotalasnih filtara
objavljenih u dostupnoj otvorenoj literaturi. Kriterijumi za poređenje karakteristika
filtara uključuju veličinu zauzeća strukture, relativnu širinu propusnog odnosno
nepropusnog opsega, selektivnost amplitudske karakteristike i uneto slabljenje. Takođe,
u postupku projektovanja filtara sa više propusnih ili nepropusnih opsega u talasovodnoj
tehnici uvodi se novi način realizacije mikrotalasnih rezonatora, u poređenju sa do sada
predloženim realizacijama u dostupnoj literaturi.
Novi metod projektovanja filtara u talasovodnoj tehnici polazi od razvoja novih
rezonatora u vidu štampanih pregrada koje se postavljaju u unutrašnjost pravougaonog
talasovoda. Pri tome, ideja je da se ostvari jedna ili više rezonantnih učestanosti
primenom jedne rezonantne pregrade, što se postiže optimalnim rasporedom više
rezonatora na njoj. Poželjno je da ovi rezonatori ne budu međusobno spregnuti, jer to
omogućava da se modifikacijom parametara svakog pojedinačnog rezonatora nezavisno
podešava svaki od propusnih/nepropusnih opsega. Time se stiču uslovi za realizaciju
filtara sa više propusnih/nepropusnih opsega primenom ovih rezonatora. U zavisnosti od
načina realizacije štampanih pregrada sa rezonatorima, mogu se menjati frekvencijske
karakteristike rezonatora i filtara. Kao dobro rešenje koje omogućava jednostavnu ali
fleksibilnu realizaciju, korišćeni su polutalasni pravougaoni rezonatori sa prorezom i
četvrttalasni rezonatori. Pri tome, za sve realizacije u izabranom opsegu učestanosti
može se koristiti isti talasovod, bez promena u njegovoj strukturi.
Kada su u pitanju filtri višega reda, sa više propusnih/nepropusnih opsega,
realizovani primenom pregrada u H ravni, razmatra se mogućnost optimalnog rasporeda
štampanih pregrada u talasovodu, jer je potrebno da se za svaku od centralnih
učestanosti realizuje invertor pomoću odsečka talasovoda. Takođe, kod filtara
propusnika opsega učestanosti, razmatra se realizacija savijene pregrade u H ravni
pravougaonog talasovoda da bi se zadovoljila dužina odsečka talasovoda jednaka
četvrtini vođene talasne dužine. U cilju realizacije kompaktnog filtra, razmatra se
mogućnost minijaturizacije invertora uvođenjem pogodno realizovanih dodatnih
pregrada između pregrada sa rezonatorima. Kada su u pitanju filtri višega reda sa
pregradom u E ravni, vodi se računa o rasporedu rezonatora na pregradi, radi njihovog
međusobnog sprezanja.
Ono što je takođe od značaja prilikom realizacije talasovodnih filtara i
eksperimentalne verifikacije jeste ostvarivanje preciznog položaja pregrada u H ravni
unutar talasovoda. Da bi se ovo postiglo, predlažu se strukture koje treba da drže
pregrade, jednostavne su za izradu i ne degradiraju odziv filtra.
Pošto se očekuje da ovakve talasovodne strukture rade u zahtevnim uslovima,
ispitan je uticaj različitih parametara na odziv filtra kao i osetljivost frekvencijskog
odziva strukture na ove promene. Pokazuje se da predložena rešenja zadovoljavaju
zahteve u pogledu robusnosti strukture.
Na osnovu predloženog metoda projektovanja filtara razvija se algoritam čiji
koraci podrazumevaju izradu brojnih trodimenzionalnih elektromagnetskih modela,
podešavanje parametara rezonatora i filtara, ispitivanje amplitudskih karakteristika,
sintezu odgovarajućih mikrotalasnih kola i, konačno, eksperimentalnu verifikaciju
merenjem na laboratorijskom prototipu. Da bi se ovo postiglo, korišćeni su softverski
alati koji podržavaju trodimenzionalne elektromagnetske simulacije i alati za realizaciju
mikrotalasnih kola. Rezultati dobijeni simulacijama provereni su i eksperimentalno, u
cilju verifikacije predloženog metoda projektovanja filtara.
vi | The scope of the research presented in this doctoral dissertation is design of
discontinuities. A new method for waveguide filter design is proposed, as a scientific
contribution of the dissertation. This topic certainly belongs to the popular and
significant field of microwave engineering, as confirmed by numerous publications. In
recent years, this topic has gained attention due to more demanding requirements
regarding miniaturization of microwave devices, which represent integral parts of
communication systems operating at microwave frequencies. Microwave waveguide
filters have significant application in the systems where high power and small losses are
The object of the research is implementation of microwave waveguide filters,
with multiple pass bands or rejection bands, using printed-circuit discontinuities, which
have better characteristics compared to the characteristics of corresponding microwave
filters already published in the available literature. Comparison criteria regarding filter
characteristics include the size of the structure, fractional bandwidth of the pass band or
rejection band, selectivity of the amplitude response and insertion loss. Also, as part of
the multi-band waveguide filters design procedure, a novel method for implementing
microwave resonators is introduced, compared to the previously proposed
implementations found in the available literature.
Novel method for waveguide filter design starts from the development of novel
resonators in a form of printed-circuit inserts, placed inside the rectangular waveguide.
Thereby, the idea is to have one or more resonant frequencies by employing only one
resonant insert, which can be accomplished by means of optimal distribution of the
resonators on the insert. Preferably, these resonators should not be mutually coupled,
because in that case it is possible to independently tune each of the pass bands/rejection
bands by modifying the parameters of each individual resonator. Thus, conditions for
implementing multi-band filters using these resonators are met. Depending on the
method of printed-circuit inserts implementation, the frequency responses of the
resonators and filters can be changed. Split-ring resonators and quarter-wave resonators
are used as good solution, providing simple and flexible implementation. Thereby, the
same waveguide can be used for various implementations in the chosen frequency band,
without changing its structure.
Regarding higher-order filters, with multiple pass bands/rejection bands,
implemented using the inserts in the H plane, the possibility to optimally align printed
circuits in the waveguide is considered, because it is necessary to employ inverter as a
waveguide section for each central frequency. Also, for the bandpass filters,
implementation of folded insert in the H plane of the rectangular waveguide is
considered, in order to achieve the waveguide section length equal to a quarter of the
guided wavelength. For the compact filter implementation, the possibility to miniaturize
the inverters is considered, by introducing properly designed additional inserts between
the inserts containing resonators. Regarding higher-order filters implemented using the
inserts in the E plane, the distribution of the resonators on the insert is considered, in
order to achieve their mutual coupling.
The other important issue regarding waveguide filters implementation and
experimental verification is to achieve precise positioning of inserts in the H plane,
inside the waveguide. In order to accomplish this, structures intended to hold the inserts
are proposed. Their fabrication is simple and they do not degrade the filter response.
Since it is expected to have these waveguide structures operating in demanding
conditions, the influence of various parameters on the filter response is investigated, as
well as the frequency response sensitivity. It has been shown that the proposed solutions
meet the requirements regarding structure robustness.
Based on the proposed filter design method, the algorithm is developed,
including steps which assume making numerous three dimensional electromagnetic
models, adjusting the parameters of the resonators and filters, investigating amplitude
responses and, finally, experimental verification by performing measurements using
laboratory prototype. In order to achieve this, software packages which support three
dimensional electromagnetic simulations and tools for microwave circuit synthesis are
used. Simulation results are also experimentally validated, in order to verify the
proposed method for filter design.
ix | true |
Održivi ruralni razvoj - koncept i merenje | Sustainable rural development -concept and measurement | Održivi razvoj kao savremena razvojna paradigma dobija na sve većem značaju
u XXI veku. Reč je o konceptu uravnoteženog razvoja kroz integralno obuhvatanje i
podjednako uvažavanje tri razvojna aspekta, poput ekonomije, društva i životne
sredine, tako da se obezbedi zadovoljenje potreba sadašnjih generacija bez
ugrožavanja mogućnosti da buduće generacije zadovolje sopstvene potrebe.
Značajan doprinos u sagledavanju ovakvog razvojnog pristupa može da pruži,
upravo, koncept ruralnog razvoja koji predstavlja jedan od katalizatora održivog
razvoja. S jedne strane, ruralni razvoj ima značajnu ulogu s aspekta društveno-
ekonomskog razvoja svake zemlje. S druge strane, ruralni razvoj ima značajnu ulogu
s aspekta zaštite životne sredine kao ambijenta u kome egzistira stanovništvo
jedne zemlje. Upravo, ovakav multidimenzionalni razvojni pristup u poimanju
koncepta ruralnog razvoja u sebi, svakako, sadrži i moguću perspektivu tranzicije
razvojne paradigme ka održivom razvoju. U tom kontekstu, može se formirati nova
razvojna sintagma pod nazivom održivi ruralni razvoj koja predstavlja koncept,
kompleksnu oblast razvoja i savremenu razvojnu filozofiju. Konceptualnim
povezivanjem održivog i ruralnog razvoja kao dva komplementarna razvojna pristupa
s aspekta kompleksnosti i multidimenzionalnosti nastaje nova razvojna sintagma
pod nazivom održivi ruralni razvoj. Nova razvojna sintagma pod nazivom održivi
ruralni razvoj može se posmatrati kao strateški značajna pojavna forma
koncepta održivog razvoja koja integriše i usaglašava ekonomske, društvene i
ekološke razvojne aspekte ruralnih područja. U poslednje vreme sve više se ističe
neophodnost kreiranja odgovarajućeg pokazatelja za merenje održivog ruralnog
razvoja određene zemlje.
Predmet naučno-istraživačkog rada u okviru doktorske disertacije je
ispitivanje mogućnosti primene i afirmacije koncepta održivog razvoja kao
savremene razvojne paradigme sa ruralnog aspekta kroz konceptualni pristup
formulisanja, analize i vrednovanja nove razvojne sintagme pod nazivom održivi
ruralni razvoj.
Održivi ruralni razvoj - koncept i merenje
Doktorska disertacija
R a d o j i c a S a r i ć
Osnovni cilj naučno-istraživačkog rada u okviru doktorske disertacije je
kreiranje odgovarajućeg kompozitnog indeksa kao modela koji pruža mogućnost
merenja dostignutog prosečnog nivoa (ne)održivog ruralnog razvoja određene zemlje
Imajući u vidu predmet i osnovni cilj naučno-istraživačkog rada u okviru
multidisciplinaran teorijsko-metodološki pristup u definisanju i analizi
predmetne razvojne problematike. Naime, primenjena metodologija kao konceptualni
okvir naučno-istraživačkog rada u okviru doktorske disertacije zasniva se na
komparativnu analizu primenom raznovrsnih naučnih metoda.
Uzimajući u obzir ostvarene rezultate naučno-istraživačkog rada u okviru
doktorske disertacije koji proizilaze iz kreiranja i analize modela kompozitnog
indeksa, može se zaključiti da nijedna zemlja EU nema održivi ruralni razvoj,
niti je veoma blizu dostizanja istog, što predstavlja negativnu činjenicu i
zabrinjavajuću okolnost. Kreirani model kompozitnog indeksa definiše dobru
polaznu osnovu za vođenje adekvatne razvojne politike u domenu ruralnih područja, a
u funkciji dostizanja i očuvanja održivog ruralnog razvoja određene zemlje EU. | Sustainable development as a modern paradigm of development has become an
issue with highest priority in the 21st century. It is a concept of balanced development which
integrally comprises and equally takes into consideration the three aspects of development:
economy, society and environment, and last, but not the least, the ability of the present
generations to fulfill their needs without lessening the chance of the future generations to
fulfill theirs.
A significant contribution to observing the essence of this issue is made by the
concept of rural development, which is one of the catalysts of sustainable development. On
the one hand, rural development plays an important role from the aspect of socio-economic
development of every country. On the other hand, rural development plays an important role
from the aspect of protection of the environment as the ambience where the population of a
country lives. This multidimensional development approach to understanding rural
development contains in itself possible prospects of the transition of the development
paradigm towards sustainable development. In this context, a new development syntagm can
be formed under the name of sustainable rural development, which is simultaneously a
concept, a complex field of development and a modern philosophy of development. The
conceptual linking sustainable and rural development as two complementary development
approaches, seen from the aspects of complexity and multidimensionality, creates a new
development syntagm under the name of sustainable rural development. This new
development syntagm, sustainable rural development, can be seen as a strategically
significant manifestation of the concept of sustainable development which integrates and
reconciles the economic, social and ecological aspects of development in rural аreas.
Creating a reliable indicator for measuring sustainable rural development of a particular
country has recently become indispensable.
The subject of this scientific research paper within a doctoral dissertation is
research of the possibilities of application and affirmation of the concept of sustainable
development as a modern development paradigm from the rural aspect through a conceptual
approach to formulating, analysis and evaluation of the new development syntagm under the
name of sustainable rural development.
Одрживи рурални развој - концепт и мерење
Докторска дисертација
Р а д о ј и ц а С а р и ћ
The basic goal of this scientific research paper within a doctoral dissertation is
creating an appropriate composite index as a model that gives the possibility of measuring
the achieved average level of (un)sustainable rural development of a particular EU country.
Considering the subject and the basic goal of this scientific research paper within a
doctoral dissertation, a complex, integrally systematic, and multidisciplinary theoretical-
methodological approach to defining and analyzing the subject was applied. The applied
methodology as a conceptual framework of this scientific research paper within a doctoral
dissertation is based on theoretical-empirical research, using qualitative, quantitative and
comparative analysis by means of diverse scientific methods.
With regard to the achieved results of this scientific research paper within a
doctoral dissertation, which themselves result from creating and analyzing the composite
index model, one can reach the conclusion that no single EU country has so far achieved
sustainable rural development, nor are they anywhere near reaching it, which is an
alarming fact. The created composite index model defines a solid starting base for managing
the development policies in the domain of rural areas, with the aim of achieving and
preserving sustainable rural development of a particular EU country. | true |
Modelovanje poluprovodničkih optičkih pojačavača za primene u optičkim pristupnim mrežama | Modeling of semiconductor optical amplifiers for optical access networks | Predmet ove disertacije jeste razvoj detaljnih i efikasnih numeričkih i analitičkih modela poluprovodničkih optičkih pojačivača, za primrnu u pristupnim optičkim mrežeme... | The object of the dissertation is the development of various detailed and efficient numerical and analytical models of semiconductor optical amplifiers, employed in access optical networks. Starting from the optical properties of active regions based on the bulk semiconductor and the multiple quantum wells, the theoretical model of the two most commonly used amplier types traveling-wave and reective, is developed, such that the ampliers are optimized to be polarization insensitive. The models are based on a system of integro-dierential equations, written with respect to carrier densities, spectral photon densities of the signals and noise, and signals' phases for both propagation directions. First o, a wideband steady-state amplier model is developed, together with the accompanying numerical algorithm, further used for a detailed amplier analysis. It has been shown that the reective amplier exhibits pronounced resonances and antiresonances in the spectrum of the output amplied spontaneous emission noise. The transmission gain of the reective ampliers proves to be higher in comparison to the traveling-wave ones. Results show that spectrally dependent connement factor and refractive index variation signicantly inuence the transmission gain. Relying on a set of appropriately chosen approximations, a new, semi-analytical model is developed, together with the algorithm for its implementation. Semianalytical model provides reliable results within the time that is up to two orders of magnitude shorter in comparison with the wideband steady-state model, which makes it an attractive choice for software solutions intended for modeling of complex optical communication systems. Dynamic analysis starts with the large signal numerical model, implemented using the ½up-wind scheme for equation solving. It has been shown that both amplier types can be successfully used in electro-optic signal (re)modulation. Dynamic characteristics are further studied using a detailed small-signal model with the current modeled as a traveling microwave. Results reveal that reective ampliers exhibit two maxima in −3dB bandwidth dependence on input optical power, which is not the case with their traveling-wave counterparts. Finally, analytical formulae for −3dB bandwidth of both amplier types are developed, for a commonly chosen transparency operating regime, which show excellent qualitative agreement with the results obtained using the numerical model. Based on the obtained results, guidelines are provided for the choice of operating regime, geometrical and structural amplier parameters, for increasing the transmission gain and the modulation bandwidth. | false |
Ocena kvaliteta artikulacije glasova srpskog jezika primenom neuronskih mreža | Evaluation the quality of articulation phonemes of serbian language using neural networks. | Glavni zadatak istraživanja prikazanog u disertaciji je modeliranje složenog procesa
logopedske procene kvaliteta artikulacije fonema srpskog jezika, zasnovane na inteligentnim
„data driven“ učećim modelima. Multidisciplinarna priroda i složenost zadatka determinisala
je sledeći niz metodoloških koraka za njegovo izvršenje: a) deskriptivna analiza procesa
artikulacije, kao najvažnijeg i najsloženijeg aspekta u psiho-fiziološkom procesu produkcje
govornog izraza, u svetlu definicije i komparativne analize njegovih tipičnih i atipičnih
realizacija; b) karakterizacija akustičke manifestacije procesa artikulacije govornog izraza,
kao pojave pogodne za posrednu analizu kvaliteta artikulacije preko instrumentalnih
eksperimentalnih metoda; c) deskripcija procesa auditivne percepcije i evaluacije kvaliteta
artikulacije od strane eksperta (logopeda) zasnovane na treniranom slušanju, odnosno, na
sinhronizovanoj analizi skupa relevantnih artikulacionih i akustičkih atributa govornog
signala, u skladu sa standardnim testovima; d) deskripcija procesa formiranja logopedskog
ukupnog akustičkog utiska, odnosno akustičke slike artikulacije govormog izraza i njegove
sublimacije u odgovarajuću vrednost na standardnoj numeričkoj skali ocena; e) uspostavljanja
različitih modela algoritamske korespondencije između vektora akustičkih obeležja i
numeričkih indikatora klasa različitog kvaliteta artikulacije što rezultuje računarskim
modeliranjem procesa logopedske ocene kvaliteta artikulacije zasnovanim na inteligentnim
učećim prediktorima, gde se računar nalazi u sličnom informacionom okruženju kao i
logoped. | The main task of the research presented in the dissertation is the modeling of the complex
process of speech therapist assessment of the quality of the articulation of Serbian phonemes,
based on intelligent "data driven" learning models. The multidisciplinary nature and
complexity of the task determined the following set of methodological steps for its execution:
a) a descriptive analysis of the articulation process, as the most important and complicated
aspect of the psycho-physiological process, the production of speech expression, in the light
of the definition and comparative analysis of its typical and atypical realizations; b) the
characterization of an acoustic manifestation of the process of articulation of speech
expression, as phenomena suitable for the indirect analysis of articulation through
instrumental experimental acoustic methods; c) Describing the process of audible perception
and evaluating the quality of articulation by the expert (speech therapist) based on a trained
listening, or, in a synchronized analysis of a set of relevant articulation and acoustic attributes
of the speech signal, in accordance with standard tests; d) the description of the process of
forming the speech therapist total acoustic impression, that is, the acoustic image of the
articulation of the speech term and its sublimation in the corresponding value on the standard
numerical scaling scale; e) the establishment of different models of algorithmic
correspondence between the acoustic feature vectors and the numerical indicators of the
classes of different articulation quality, which results in computer modeling of the process of
speech therapist articulation quality assessment based on intelligent learning predictors, where
the computer is located in a similar information environment as well as speech therapist. | true |
Niskodimenzionalni prostorno-teksturalni deskriptori multispektralnih slika | Low-dimensional spatial-textural descriptors of multispectral images. | Prepoznavanje vizuelnog i semantickog sadrzaja u slikama primjenom racunarskih programa ima sve veci znacaj u raznim granama privrede i industrije, medicini, vojnoj industriji, itd. Prepoznavanje sadrzaja u slikama se u vecini prakticnih aplikacija oslanja na metode obrade koje na osnovu numerickih vrijednosti na digitalnim slikama odreduju njihov sadrzaj. U mnogim slucajevima vazno je odrediti koliko je sadrzaj dvije slike slican, da li prikazuju isti objekat ili isti dogadaj. Sa druge strane, svjedoci smo da se razvojem moderne tehnologije nezaustavljivo povecava broj generisanih digitalnih slika. Savremeni klinicki centri opremljeni digitalnom radiologijom, dnevno generisu i do nekoliko desetaka hiljada novih snimaka. Manuelno opisivanje sadrzaja tako velikog broja slika predstavlja praktican problem. Takode, svakodnevno dobijamo veliku kolicinu podataka snimljenih tehnikama daljinske detekcije, pri cemu specicne aplikacije zahtjevaju brzo prepoznavanje sadrzaja takvih snimaka. Potreba za prepoznavanjem vizuelnog i semantickog sadrzaja u slikama dovela je do razvoja velikog broja pristupa za opisivanje tog sadrzaja na nacin pogodan za koriscenje u racunarskim sistemima. Cesto se slikama pridruzuju odgovarajuci deskriptori koji treba da opisu" sadrzaj u slikama. Ti deskriptori su vektori numeri ckih vrijednosti ili skup kljucnih rijeci, koji treba da budu odredeni tako da se pomocu njih mogu razlikovati slike razlicitog vizuelnog ili semantickog sadrzaja ili prepoznati slike slicnog sadrzaja. Posto ljudski vizuelni sistem ekasno koristi informacije o teksturi za prepoznavanje objekata, u prakticnim aplikacijama se cesto koriste deskriptori teksture. Razvoj tehnologije omogucio je upotrebu jeftinih multispektralnih kamera, pa se postavlja pitanje kako opisati sadrzaj slika sa vecim brojem spektralnih opsega. Jednostavno prosirivanje deskriptora i upotreba dodatnih podataka moze posluziti da se na odgovarajuci nacin opise sadrzaj multispektralnih slika, ali sa znacajnim povecanjem potrebnih memorijskih resursa i racunarske kompleksnosti. U ovoj disertaciji su predlozene su metode za izdvajanje niskodimenzionalnih deskriptora multispektralnih slika, pogodnih za automatsku klasikaciju slika. Takode, razmotreni su pristupi za ukljucivanje podataka o prostornom rasporedu lokalnih obiljezja na slikama u deskriptor, kako bi se povecala tacnost klasikacije. Na kraju, predlozena je nova metoda za izdvajanje niskodimenzionalnih prostorno-teksturalnih deskriptora za multispektralne slike... | Recognition of visual and semantic content on images using computer programs gained an importance in various elds of agriculture, industry, medicine, military industry etc. Most practical applications use certain methods based on the numerical value of the digital images to determine what is a content of those images. In many cases, it is important to determine a level of visual or semantic similarity between two dierent images, does two images showing the same object or maybe the same event. We are witnessing that development of modern technology cause unstoppable increase of the number of daily generated digital images. Modern clinical centers, equipped with digital radiology, generate up to tens of thousands of new images per day, so their manual annotation presents a practical problem. Moreover, each day brings a large amount of remotely sensed images and many specic applications require fast identication of their visual content. The need to recognize visual and semantic content in images initiated the development of a large number of methods for description of image contents, in such a manner suitable for use in specic computer systems. Images are is associated with appropriate descriptors that should describe" the visual or semantic content of those images. These descriptors can be vectors with numerical values, which should be calculated so it is possible to use them to distinguish between images with dierent visual or semantic content or to recognize images with similar content. Since the human visual system eectively relies on texture to identify objects, texture descriptors are often used in practical applications. Technology development enable the widespread usage of cheap multispectral cameras, which can capture the data beyond visible spectra. Thus, it is necessary to investigate how to represent and describe the content of multispectral images in the way suitable for practical applications based on image classication. Simple extension of descriptors can increase classication accuracy, but with the cost of more memory resources and computational complexity. In this dissertation, dierent methods for extraction of low-dimensional descriptors for multispectral images are proposed, which used for automatic image classi cation. Moreover, the usage of spatial position of local textural features is discussed as well. It was concluded that extension of texture descriptor of grayscale images with additional data providing spatial-based texture features, can increase classication accuracy... | false |
Unapređenje sistema nacionalnih računa za potrebe vođenja ekonomske politike | Improvement of system of national accounts for the economic policy analysis | Sistem nacionalnih računa (SNR) nastao je i više puta unapreĎivan na meĎunarodnom nivou
sa ciljem da omogući, izmeĎu ostalog, što potpuniju osnovu za analizu ekonomske politike.
Polazeći od činjenice da će se u Srbiji nakon pribliţavanja standardima Evropske unije
izraĎivati celokupan SNR, što trenutno nije slučaj, i od teze holandskog autora Bosa da će
vlade sve manje koristiti SNR, u radu je ispitano koju ulogu nacionalni računi trenutno imaju
u analizi ekonomske politike. Cilj istraţivanja je bio da se utvrde načini unapreĎenja upotrebe
nacionalnih računa u Srbiji nakon njegove dopune, po oblastima upotrebe. Korišćenjem
postojećih podataka, intervjua i kvantitativne analize, to jest ekonometrijske analize
vremenskih serija, utvrĎeno je da se u tri oblasti upotrebe SNR, analizi putem indikatora,
analizi tokova sredstava i makroekonometrijskom modeliranju, moţe ostvariti napredak već i
sada, a posebno nakon dopune statističke produkcije. Posebno je vaţno da će biti moguće
unaprediti makroekonometrijsko modeliranje u Srbiji, što je pokazano na primeru funkcije
potrošnje. Komparativna analiza imovinskog efekta u Srbiji, Sloveniji, Češkoj i Holandiji
pokazala je da varijabla stambene imovine nije značajna u funkciji potrošnje u Srbiji jer ne
dominiraju hipoteke u svojinskoj strukturi stambenog fonda i nema finansijskih inovacija kao
u razvijenim zemljama. SNR i njegovo stalno unapreĎivanje je potreban ali ne i dovoljan
uslov dobre ekonomske politike. SNRje bio dovoljno razvijen za analizu za potrebe voĎenja
ekonomske politike u sprečavanju neravnoteţa koje su u poslednjoj krizi imale udela, ali je
tek analiza podataka nacionalnih računa eks-post omogućila unapreĎenje analize putem
indikatora i standarda na osnovu kojih se mogu sprečiti neki budući mehurovi i neravnoteţe. | The System of National Accounts (SNA) was designed and has been improved several times
on the international level with the aim to provide the best possible complete basis for the
economic policy analysis. Starting from the fact that after the transition to the standards of the
European Union in Serbia the whole system of national accounts will be compiled, which
currently is not the case, and from the thesis of the Dutch author Bos that SNA will be less
used by the governments, in this dissertation the current role of the SNA in economic policy
analysis has been analyzed. The aim of the research was to establish the ways of improvement
in different areas of the use of SNA in Serbia, after its completion. By using the existing data,
interview and quantitative i.e. econometric analysis of the time series, it has been concluded
that in three areas of the use of SNA - indicator analysis, flow of funds analysis and
macroeconometric modeling, the improvement is possible even now, and especially after the
completion of statistical production. It is especially important that it will be possible to
improve the macroeconomic modeling in Serbia, which has been shown on the example of
consumption function. The comparative analysis of the wealth effect in Serbia, Slovenia,
Czech Republic and the Netherlands has shown that the housing wealth variable is not
significant in consumption function in Serbia, because mortgages are not dominant in the
ownership structure of the housing wealth, and there are no financial innovations present, as it
is the case in the developed countries. The SNA and its constant improvement is a necessary
but not sufficient condition for a good economic policy. The SNA has been developed enough
for the economic policy analysis to prevent imbalances which took part in the last crisis, but
only the ex post analysis of the SNA data has enabled improvement of the indicator analysis
and standards as the basis which may prevent future bubbles and imbalances. | true |
Organizaciono-metodološki problemi obračuna i upravljanja troškovima lanca vrednosti | Organizational and methodological problems of the value chain cost accounting and cost management | Intenzivna globalna konkurencija i tehnološke inovacije, u kombinaciji sa
promenljivim zahtevima potrošača, primoravaju preduzeća da iznalaze nove pristupe i
instrumente upravljanja, da menjaju proizvodne sisteme i investiraju u nove tehnologije.
Nove tehnologije karakteriše veća fleksibilnost proizvodnih procesa, organizacije rada i
upravljanja. Posledica ovih promena je skraćenje životnog ciklusa proizvoda, promena u
strukturi troškova i karaktera pojedinih vrsta troškova. Promene u poslovnom okruženju
preduzeća su izazvane i podizanjem standarda kvaliteta, povećanim zahtevima u
pogledu društvene odgovornosti i održivog razvoja, kao i povećanjem zahteva u vezi sa
ekološkom zaštitom, što značajno usložnjava proces upravljanja u savremenom
preduzeću. Postizanje i održanje konkurentske prednosti zahteva brza tehničko-
tehnološka prilagodjavanja i visoka ulaganja u vezi s tim, visoku proizvodno-prodajnu
fleksibilnost kako po širini i dubini asortimana, tako i po veličini serija, prodajnih i
postprodajnih usluga. Sve to uslovljava visoke i rastuće opšte troškove, posebno
aktivnosti podrške i velike razlike između proizvoda, pojedinih serija, tržišta, grupa
kupaca i sl. u pogledu apsorbovanja pojedinih aktivnosti, posebno aktivnosti podrške,
pri čemu tradicionalna obračunska metodologija može da produkuje nedovoljno tačne
podatke o troškovima proizvoda za odgovarajuća tržišta i kupce.
Znatno povećanje učešća opštih troškova u ukupnim troškovima preduzeća,
učinilo je da obračunski postupci s opštim troškovima postanu centralni problem
obračuna i upravljanja troškovima. Neprimereni postupci alokacije opštih troškova na
proizvode i usluge su ključni uzroci netačnosti troškova. Korišćenje direktnih troškova,
čije učešće u ukupnim troškovima drastično opada, kao osnove za alokaciju, ne
odgovara zahtevu uzročnosti u alokaciji opštih troškova na proizvode i dovodi do
ozbiljnih poremećaja troškova proizvoda. Posledice netačnosti podataka o troškovima
su donošenje pogrešnih odluka u preduzeću i ugrožena objektivnost finansijskog
izveštavanja. S obzirom na to da primenjuje nove, adekvatne tehnike alokacije opštih
troškova, obračun troškova po aktivnostima predstavlja sofisticiran način alokacije
opštih troškova u smislu da je konzistentan sa principom uzročnosti.
Obračun i upravljanja troškovima kroz lanac vrednosti spada u grupu
savremenih, strategijski i tržišno orijentisanih koncepata sa elementima upravljanja
troškovima lanca vrednosti nabavke, internog lanca vrednosti, lanca vrednosti kanala
distribucije i lanca vrednosti potrošača. Za uspešnu implementaciju i funkcionisanje
ovog koncepta potrebna je računovodstveno-informaciona podrška od strane adekvatno
organizovanog računovodstva troškova. Na ovom nivou razvoja računovodstvene
teorije, ne može se govoriti o postojanju jednog adekvatanog celovitog sistema
obračuna troškova koji bi mogao da pruži informacionu podršku procesu integrisanog
upravljanja troškovima celokupnog lanca vrednosti. Smatramo da koncept obračuna
troškova po aktivnostima (ABC) ima kapacitete da, adekvatnijim obuhvatanjem i
analizom strukturalnih i proceduralnih aktivnosti i uzročnika njihovih troškova,
informaciono podrži upravljanje troškovima kroz veći deo lanca vrednosti. Integrisano
upravljanje troškovima u lancu nabavke primenom TC (Target Costing) i ABC
koncepta doprinosi postizanju efekta sinergije lanca vrednosti, putem sinhronizacije i
sažimanja raznovrsnih aktivnosti i procesa, u pravcu dostizanja ciljnih troškova, uz
istovremeno očuvanje i poboljšanje kvaliteta i funkcionalnosti proizvoda. Takođe,
integrisana primena ABC i Kaizen koncepta daje adekvatan rezultat u postizanju
efikasnijeg sistema distribucije, čime se daje doprinos postizanju konkurentske
prednosti čitavog lanca vrednosti.
Upravljanje u savremenim uslovima poslovanja zahteva tačne i pravovremene
informacije o troškovima procesa i aktivnosti, troškovima proizvoda i drugih objekata
troškova. Odgovor na takve zahteve daje obračun troškova po aktivnostima. Prirodni
nastavak razvoja te menadžerske prakse je budžetiranje zasnovano na aktivnostima.
Obračun troškova po aktivnostima i budžetiranje po aktivnostima vide se kao stubovi
efikasnog procesa primene poslovne strategije.
Obračun troškova po aktivnostima obezbeđuje informacionu osnovu za
praćenje i kontrolu jednog od dva osnovna izvora konkurentske prednosti - niskih
troškova. Ovo se postiže kontinuiranim praćenjem procesa poslovanja i eliminisanjem
rasipanja resursa. Na osnovu podataka o troškovima pojedinih procesa i aktivnosti
menadžment može da utvrdi njihov doprinos uspehu preduzeća, kao i da odluči o
prepuštanju određenih procesa i aktivnosti drugim preduzećima. Tačnost podataka o
troškovima, koje obezbeđuje ABC, je uslovljena pronalaženjem adekvatne veze između
opštih troškova i objekata troškova, identifikovanjem i praćenjem uzročnika troškova i
mera izlaza aktivnosti, kao i praćenjem ponašanja troškova različitih nivoa proizvoda.
Dakle, ABC metodologija obezbeđuje fundamentalnu osnovu za praćenje, analizu i
upravljanje troškovima, što je pretpostavka za donošenje kvalitetnih operativnih odluka
i adekvatno strategijsko odlučivanje kao osnovu dugoročne orijentacije preduzeća.
Pritom, ABC se pojavljuje kao komplementarni sistem obračuna troškova sa opšte
prihvaćenom tehnikom strategijskog planiranja i implementacije poznatom pod
nazivom Usklađena lista (Balanced Scorecard-BSC). | Intensive global competition and technological innovations together with
changing customer demands, force companies to develop new management approaches
and instruments, change production systems and invest in new technologies
characterised by a higher flexibility of the production process, organisation of work and
management. This leads to shortening of the product life cycle, changes in the cost
structure and character of particular types of costs, as a result. Changes in the business
environment are also induced by a rise in quality standards, increasing demands in
regard to social responsibility and sustainable development, as well as growing
demands for environmental protection, which significantly makes management process
in a contemporary enterprise ever more complex. Gaining and sustaining competitive
advantage requires rapid technical and technological adjustments hence huge
investments, and a high level of production and sales flexibility as regards not only the
breadth/width and depth of the product line, but also the line size, sales and after-sales
services. This all leads to high and mounting overhead costs, particularly of support
activities, and a broad difference between products, specific product lines, markets,
groups of customers, etc. in relation to the absorption of some activities, support
activities in particular, where the conventional cost accounting methodology may result
in insufficiently accurate data on product costs for some markets and customers.
A significant increase of overhead cost participation in the company’s total
costs, necessitated that overhead cost accounting procedures be regarded as a central
cost accounting and cost management problem. Key reasons for such cost inaccuracies
are inappropriate overhead cost allocation procedures for products and services. Using
direct costs, whose participation in total costs drastically declines, as a basis for cost
allocation, is inappropriate to the cause of overhead cost allocation to products and
causes serious disturbances in product costs. The consequences of inaccurate data on
costs are erroneous decision making and threatened objectivity of financial reporting.
Considering that it implements new and accurate techniques, activity-based costing
presents a sophisticated way of overhead cost allocation being consistent with the cause
and effect principle.
The value chain cost accounting and cost management belongs to a group of
contemporary, strategy- and market-oriented concepts with elements of the supply chain
cost management, the internal value chain, the distribution channel and the customer
value chain. Its successful implementation and functioning is contingent on the
accounting information support from adequately organised cost accounting. At this level
of development of accounting theory, there is no adequate and comprehensive system of
cost accounting able to provide information support to a process of integrated cost
management of the entire value chain. We firmly believe that activity-based costing
(ABC) has capacity to, by adequately including and analysing structural and procedural
activities and their cost drivers, provide information support to cost management
through a larger part of the value chain. Integrated supply chain cost management by
applying TC (Target Costing) and ABC concepts contributes to achieving synergy
effect of the value chain, via synchronization and reduction of various activities and
processes, to reach target costs, at the same time maintaining and improving product
quality and functionality. In addition, an integrated application of ABC and Kaizen
concepts produces an adequate result of creating a more efficient distribution system,
which contributes to gaining competitive advantage of the entire value chain.
Management in contemporary business operations requires accurate and timely
information on the costs of processes and activities, product costs and other cost objects.
The answer to these demands is the creation of activity-based costing. Natural extension
of the development of that management practice is activity-based budgeting (ABB).
Activity-based costing and activity-based budgeting are viewed as pillars of an efficient
business strategy implementation process.
Activity-based costing provides an information basis for monitoring and
controlling one of the two sources of competitive advantage – low costs, which is
achieved by continuous monitoring of the business process and eliminating the waste of
resources. On the basis of cost information about particular processes and activities,
management may determine their contribution to the success of a company, and may
decide to transfer certain processes and activities to another company. Accuracy of cost
information, provided by ABC, is conditioned by finding an adequate relation between
overhead costs and cost objects, identifying and observing cost drivers and output
measures of activities, and by monitoring cost behaviour of different levels of a product.
Therefore, the ABC methodology provides a solid basis for cost monitoring, analysis,
and management, as a prerequisite for making quality operational and adequate strategic
decisions on which the long-term orientation of a company is founded. ABC is also
complementary to the widely accepted technique of strategic planning and
implementation known as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). | true |
Metodi projektovanja monolitnih mikrotalasnih integrisanih kola predviđenih za rad sa signalima učestanosti oko 60 GHz | Design of monolithic microwave integrated circuits for 60 GHz band | Potreba za bežičnim komunikacioniom linkovima velikih brzina prenosa poda-
taka je podstaknuta ekspanzijom prenosivih uređaja i multimedijalnih servisa, uz
pogodnost da priroda korišćenja dozvoljava a ponekad i zahteva ograničen domet.
Problem kapaciteta komunikacionih linkova i sve većeg broja korisnika se može rešiti
prelaskom u opseg učestanosti od 30 do 300 GHz, koji se naziva i milimetarski opseg.
Visoka radna učestanost pruža mogućnost korišćenja kanala velikog kapaciteta, kao
i fizički malih antenskih nizova za fokusiranje i prostornu lokalizaciju prijemnog i
predajnog snopa. Milimetarski opseg nalazi primene i u ostalim oblastima, kao što
su industrijske, medicinske i bezbednosne. U komercijalnim primenama od interesa
je opseg učestanosti oko 60 GHz, koji je dodeljen za nelicenciranu upotrebu širom
Razvoj CMOS i BiCMOS tehnologija je omogućio da se sistemi u 60 GHz-om
opsegu mogu integrisati u standardnim procesima. Pored viših radnih učestanosti,
skaliranje tehnologija uvodi i tehnološka ograničenja koja degradiraju performanse
ukoliko se njihov uticaj zanemari. Zanemareni efekti mogu doprineti većim gubi-
cima, koji povećavaju faktor šuma prijemnika i degradiraju efikasnost predajnika,
ali i parazitnim preslušavanjima koja rezultuju neželjenim spektralnim komponen-
tama. Stoga je potrebno razmotriti kvalitativne i kvantitativne pokazatelje uticaja
tehnoloških ograničenja na performanse i prilagoditi postupak projektovanja.
Kritični blokovi za domet primopredajnika su malošumni pojačavač na prijemnoj
strani i pojačavač snage na predajnoj strani. U okviru teze predstavljen je postupak
projektovanja malošumnog pojačavača i pojačavača snage za rad u 60 GHz-om op-
segu i širokopojasnog delitelja učestanosti. Uvedene su nove smernice projektovanja
koje uzimaju u obzir tehnološka ograničenja. Pokazano je da se pravilnim particioni-
sanjem elektromagnetskog modela može postići dobro slaganje rezultata simulacije
i merenja. Projektovana kola su fabrikovana u IHP Microelectronics korišćenjem
0.25 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS procesa (fT/fmax = 200 GHz). Parametri fabrikovanih
kola su izmereni i verifikovani na stopicama čipa, upotrebom mikrotalasnih sondi. | The need for high capacity wireless data links is driven by expansion of mobile
devices and multimedia services, with the advantage that a typical use case allows,
and sometimes demands, a limited range. Problems of limited communication link
capacity and growing number of users can be solved by moving to frequency range
of 30 - 300 GHz, also known as millimeter range. High operating frequency allows
the use of high capacity channels, and physically small antenna arrays for beam
steering and spatial localization. Millimeter region of spectrum is also suitable for
industrial, scientific and security applications. Unlicensed 60 GHz band is available
worldwide, and is attractive for commercial applications.
Development of CMOS and BiCMOS technologies has enabled the integration
of complete 60 GHz systems in standard processes. Technology scaling enables the
use of higher operating frequencies, but imposes new design constraints which may
degrade the performance if their effect is neglected. Neglected effects may contribute
to higher losses, which increase the noise figure of receiver and degrade transmitter
efficiency, and also to parasitic coupling which results in undesired spectral com-
ponents. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative measure of technology constraints
impact on performance degradation needs to be evaluated, and applied to circuit
design process.
Critical blocks for transceiver range are low noise amplifier on receiver, and po-
wer amplifier on transmitter side.
Design procedures for 60 GHz low noise and
power amplifiers, and wideband frequency divider are presented in this thesis. Gu-
idelines for technology constraints aware design are used in the presented design
flow. Good agreement of experimental and simulation results is achieved by proper
electromagnetic model partitioning. Designed circuits have been fabricated in IHP
Microelectronics 0.25 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS process (fT/fmax = 200 GHz). Test chip
parameters have been measured and verified on-wafer by using microwave probes. | true |
Koncentracija u trgovini na malo kao determinanta profitabilnosti maloprodajnih preduzeća | U savremenim uslovima poslovanja, istraživanje procesa koncentracije i
intenziteta konkurencije u maloprodaji visoko obrtnih proizvoda postaje sve značajnije.
Predmet ovog rada jeste analiza stepena koncentracije u maloprodaji visoko obrtnih
proizvoda koju karakteriše oligopolski tip tržišne strukture. U Republici Srbiji,
maloprodaja se suočava sa značajnim promenama kao što su jačanje konkurencije,
koncentracija na lokalnim tržištima, spajanja i pripajanja, kao i razvoj novih
maloprodajnih formata. Rast tržišnog učešća velikih maloprodajnih lanaca doveo je do
smanjenja ukupnog broja malih maloprodavaca, kao i rasta stepena koncentrisanosti
U ovom radu, pokazano je da od kvalitetnog određivanja relevantnog tržišta zavisi i
kvalitetna ocena tržišne moći. Kvalitetno određivanje relevantnog tržišta se sprovodi
korišćenjem brojnih kvantitativnih tehnika koji su bazirani na konceptu hipotetičkog
U radu su predstavljeni i analizirani važni pokazatelji koncentracije na tržištu
maloprodaje visoko obrtnih proizvoda u periodu od 2009. do 2012. godine. Nivo
koncentrisanosti tržišta može se izmeriti korišćenjem brojnih pokazatelja, od kojih su
najčešće korišćeni racio koncentracije i Herfindal Hiršmanov indeks. Na osnovu
vrednosti ovih pokazatelja tržište maloprodaje visoko obrtnih proizvoda u Srbiji je na
osnovu definicije Evropske komisije u periodu od 2009. do 2010. godine bilo slabo
koncentrisano, dok je od 2011. godine bilo umereno koncentrisano.
Prilikom istraživanja uslova konkurencije na maloprodajnom tržištu visoko obrtnih
proizvoda neophodno je izvršiti analizu tržišne strukture, odrediti relevantno tržište, te
ustanoviti veze koje postoje između nivoa koncentracije i poslovnih aktivnosti
maloprodajnih preduzeća. Između nivoa koncentracije i poslovnih aktivnosti u
maloprodaji postoji direktna veza koja nije jednosmerna. Kao što nivo koncentracije utiče
na promene ponašanja dobavljača i potrošača, te na razvoj novih maloprodajnih formata,
takođe i ove promene su imale uticaj na proces koncentracije.
U Republici Srbiji, čija je maloprodajna struktura još uvek daleko od modernog tržišta,
prosečna bruto marža deset najvećih maloprodavaca je na znatno nižem nivou nego u
maloprodaji Evropske unije. Na osnovu istraživanja strategijskog profitnog modela i
upravljanja gotovinskim ciklusom, pokazano je da u proseku deset najvećih
maloprodavaca visoko obrtnih proizvoda u poređenju sa maloprodavcima iz Evropske
unije imaju negativnu profitabilnost, duže vreme obrta zaliha i potraživanja od kupaca,
kao i znatno duže vreme plaćanja obaveza prema dobavljačima.
U radu su prezentovani i analizirani faktori koji su imali presudan uticaj na institucionalni
razvoj maloprodaje. Na osnovu razlike u strukturi maloprodajnih formata može se
odrediti nivo razvijenosti određenog tržišta. Najveći uticaj na proces koncentracije imao
je rast učešća supermarketa i hipermarketa u prometu visoko obrtnih proizvoda.
Iako visoko koncentrisano tržište maloprodaje može imati pozitivne efekte pre svega
prema potrošačima, aktuelni tokovi u Evropskoj uniji nameću pitanja negativnih efekata
pre svega prema proizvođačima. | In modern business conditions, the study of the process of concentration
and the intensity of competition in the FMCG retailing is becoming increasingly
important. The subject of this paper analyze the degree of concentration in the FMCG
retailing which characterized by oligopoly type of market structure. In Serbia, FMCG
retailing facing significant changes, such as growing competition, concentration in local
markets, mergers and acquisitions, as well as the development of new retail formats. The
growth of the market share of large retail chains has led to a reduction in the total number
of small retailers, as well as increase the level of concentration of the market.
In this paper, it is shown that the quality of the determination of the relevant market
depends on the quality assessment of market power. Quality determination of the relevant
market is carried out using a number of quantitative techniques that are based on the
concept of hypothetical monopolist.
The paper presents and analyzes the important indicators of concentration in the FMCG
retail market in the period from 2009. to 2012. Level of market concentration can be
measured using a number of indicators, some of which are commonly used concentration
ratio and the Herfindahl Hirschman index. The values of these indicators retail market of
the FMCG in Serbia is based on the definition of the European Commission from 2009.
to 2010., was poorly concentrated, while from 2011. was the moderately concentrated.
While researching the conditions of competition in the FMCG retail it is necessary to
carry out an analysis of market structure, determine the relevant market, and establish
relationships that exist between the level of concentration and business activity of retail
enterprises. Between the level of concentration and business activity in the retail there is
a direct relationship, competition in the FMCG retail market is necessary to perform an
analysis that is not one-way. As the levels of concentration influences the behavior
change suppliers and consumers, and the development of new retail formats, and these
changes also had an impact on the process of concentration.
In the Republic of Serbia, whose retail structure is still far from the modern market, the
average gross profit margin of the ten largest retailers is considerably lower than retail in
the European Union. Based on the research of strategic profit model and the cash
conversion cycle, it has been shown that on average, the ten largest FMCG retailers high
in comparison with retailers in the European Union have a negative profitability, the
longer days of inventories outstanding and days sales outstanding, as well as a
significantly longer payments to suppliers.
The paper presents and analyzes the factors that have a crucial impact on the institutional
development of FMCG retail. On the basis of differences in the structure of retail formats
can be determined by the level of development of a specific market. The biggest impact
on the process of concentration was the growth in the share of supermarkets and
hypermarkets in FMCG retail.
Although highly concentrated retail market can have positive effects primarily by
consumers, current events in the EU raise issues negative effects primarily to producers. | true |
Radijacioni efekti u superizolatorima | Radiation effects in superinsulators | Superprizolatorsko stanje je po prvi put eksperimentalno uočeno pre svega
nekoliko godina. Za elektrotehničke primene, najznačajnija osobina superizolatora je
beskonačna električna otpornost. Superizolatorsko stanje moguće je shvatiti kao dualno
superprovodnom, pri čemu oba opstaju samo do određenih kritičnih vrednosti ista tri
parametra: temperature, primenjenog napona i jačine magnetnog polja. Moguće primene
superizolatora su za izolaciju kablova (pogotovo superprovodnih kablova, čija
konstrukcija podrazumeva hlađenje do niskih temperatura na kojima se održavaju i
superprovodno i superizolatorsko stanje), galvanskih elemenata (čime bi gubici usled
struja curenja mogli da se svedu na zanemarljiv nivo) i komponenti u tehnologiji
integrisanih kola (što bi omogućilo izradu znatno tanjih dielektričnih slojeva).
Nakon razmatranja opštih karakteristika izolatorskih materijala i osobina
superprovodnog stanja, u radu je dat opis mikroskopskih i makroskopskih karakteristika
superizolatorske faze. Detaljno su razmotreni efekti zračenja na materijale, u zavisnosti
od vrste zračenja i osobina materijalne sredine kroz koju ono prolazi. Posebna pažnja
posvećena je interakciji zračenja sa izolatorskim materijalima, sa naglaskom na
radijaciona oštećenja u čvrstim izolatorima.
Izloženi su principi Monte Carlo metoda simulacije prolaska zračenja kroz
materijal, koje se zasnivaju na numeričkoj simulaciji slučajnih veličina na osnovu
poznatih raspodela.
Prikazani su rezultati numeričkih simulacija dejstva zračenja na analizirane
superizolatorske filmove, kojim su obuhvaćeni gubici energije upadnog zračenja putem
jonizacije, fononskog pobuđivanja rešetke i izmeštanja atoma materijala. Numerička
simulacija sporvedena u radu dovedena je u vezu sa teorijskim modelom
superizolatorske faze, uzimajući u obzir sve specifičnosti ovog stanja. Uočeno je da
svaki od tri vida deponovanja energije zračenja u superizolatorima dovodi do
specifičnih promena njegovih fizičkih osobina, koje mogu da budu prolazne ili trajne.
Efekti zračenja razmatrani su sa stanovišta strukturnih promena unutar ispitivanih
filmova, kao i promena električnih osobina, kao što su specifična električna otpornost i
strujno-naponska karakteristika. Radijacione promene su upoređene za razne tipove
zračenja i debljine filmova superizolatorskih materijala.
Ispitivanja i analiza sprovedeni u disertaciji ukazuju da se za određene energetske
opsege, flunse i vrste zračenja mogu očekivati znatni efekti u superizolatorima, čak i pri
nanometarskim debljinama ovih materijala. Zaključci o dejstvu zračenja na filmove u
superizolatorskom stanju omogućili su da u disertaciji budu predložene metode
radijacionog očvršćavanja složenijih struktura u kojima bi se našli filmovi
superizolatora. | Superinsulating state was experimentally observed for the first time only a couple
of years ago. The most important property of superinsulators, for their use in electrical
engineering, is the infinite electrical resistance. The superinsulating state can be viewed
as being dual to the superconducting one, with both states subsisting only below certain
critical values of the same three parameters: temperature, applied voltage, and magnetic
field strength. Possible applications of superinsulators are for cable insulation
(especially of superconducting cables that have to be cooled to low temperatures, at
which both the superconducting and the superinsulating state can exist), insulation of
galvanic elements (for reducing leakage current losses to a negligible level), and
insulation of components in integrated circuit technology (which could make dielectric
layers even thinner).
After surveying general characteristics of insulating materials and the properties of
the superconducting state, the dissertation provides a description of microscopic and
macroscopic characteristics of the superinsulating phase. A detailed review of radiation
effects in materials is included, depending on the type of radiation and the properties of
the medium it traverses. Special attention is given to the interaction of radiation with
insulating materials, emphasizing radiation damage in solid state insulators.
The principles of using Monte Carlo methods for simulating the passage of
radiation through matter are represented.
Results of numerical simulations of radiation effects in the analyzed
superinsulating films are presented. Simulated radiation transport included incident
radiation energy losses through ionization, phonon excitation, and atom displacement.
The conducted numerical simulation was linked to the theoretical model of the
superinsulating phase, taking account of all the specific traits of this state. It was noted
that all three modes of radiation energy deposition in superinsulators bring about either
transient or permanent changes of their properties. Radiation effects were considered
with respect to structural changes within the investigated films, as well as the changes
of electrical properties, such as the specific electrical resistance and the current-voltage
characteristic. Radiation-induced changes were compared for various types of radiation
and different superinsulating film thicknesses.
Investigation and analysis conducted in the dissertation suggest that for certain
energy ranges, fluence levels and types of radiation considerable effects in
superinsulators are to be expected, even at nanometer thickness. Based on the
conclusions about radiation effects in superinsulating films, methods for radiation
hardening of complex structures comprising these films are proposed in the dissertation. | true |
Izgradnja savremenih principa procenjivanja u funkciji vremenskog povezivanja prihoda i rashoda | The construction of modern measurement principles in the function of matching of revenues and expenses | Proces finansijskog izveštavanja i finansijski izveštaji koje produkuje
su od izuzetnog značaja budući da obezbeđuju neophodnu informacionu osnovu za
donošenje ekonomskih odluka. Početkom novog veka, problematika finansijskog
izveštavanja je kao nikada do tada u fokusu razmatranja veoma širokog kruga
učesnika, uključujući čak parlamente i vlade, a povod za to je predstavljalo
nekoliko talasa skandala u finansijskom izveštavanju i dugogodišnja
finansijska kriza. Između ostalog kao važna tema ovih rasprava nametnuo se
odnos računovodstva istorijskog troška i računovodstva fer vrednosti. Ova
rasprava se u osnovi svodi na debatu o pouzdanosti i relevantnosti.
Primarni cilj finansijskog izveštavanja kod računovodstva istorijskog
troška predstavlja utvrđivanje tačnog i uporedivog periodičnog rezultata, dok
je primarni cilj računovodstva fer vrednosti utvrđivanje fer vrednosti neto
imovine. Kako je normativna osnova savremenog finansijskog izveštavanja u
osnovi svojevrsna kombinacija ova dva koncepta finansijskog izveštavanja to je
potrebno obezbediti i pomirenje ova dva cilja. Ispravna periodizacija prihoda
i rashoda, kao pretpostavka obračuna uspeha, kao i ispravno vrednovanje
sredstava i obaveza (neto imovine) stimulisali su računovodstvenu praksu na
razvoj računovodstvenih principa a računovodstvenu teoriju na ispitivanje
postojećih i izgradnju savremenih principa procenjivanja koji su u funkciji
realizacije ciljeva finansijskog izveštavanja. Računovodstveni principi,
dakle, predstavljaju instrument za ispunjenje ciljeva finansijskog izveštavanja.
Računovodstveni principi su ugrađeni u zakonsku i profesionalnu
regulativu, ali imaju i funkciju dopune računovodstvenih standarda kad god
neka pitanja nisu eksplicitno regulisana standardima ili/i postoji visok
stepen prosuđivanja. Imajući u vidu njihov značaj, kao najvažniji ciljevi ovog
rada su: (1) produbljivanje teorijskih saznanja u vezi sa računovodstvenim
principima kao i sagledavanje praktičnih implikacija njihovog respektovanja
na finansijsko izveštavanje preduzeća, (2) analiza dometa i ograničenja
računovodstva istorijskog troška, (3) analiza računovodstva fer vrednosti kao
mogućnosti i ograničenja i preduslova za uspešnu primenu, i (4) analiza
primene računovodstva fer vrednosti u finansijskom izveštavanju u Srbiji.
Radikalno promenjeni uslovi poslovanja naročito u poslednjih nekoliko
decenija doveli su do rasta informacionih potreba korisnika i promena u
njihovim potrebama. Zadovoljavanje informacionih potreba investitora postaje
glavni cilj finansijskog izveštavanja. Finansijski izveštaji, zasnovani na
primeni istorijskih troškova, ne odražavaju na najbolji način ekonomsku
realnost i stoga ne mogu da zadovolje informacione potrebe investitora.
Računovodstvo istorijskog troška je suviše jednostavno u slučajevima
kompleksnih i komplikovanih finansijskih transakcija, jer propušta da
identifikuje promenljivost ekonomske vrednosti, ono ne rešava probleme koji
se vezuju za priznavanje/nepriznavanje pojedinih komponenti sredstava i obaveza,
prisutna je potreba za brojnim procenjivanjima, a postoji i krupan problem
ispravne periodizacije rashoda i prihoda. Sve ovo je stvorilo plodno tle za
uvođenje i sve veću primenu računovodstva fer vrednosti.
Računovodstvo fer vrednosti sa fokusom na bilans stanja fundamentalno
se razlikuje od računovodstva istorijskog troška koje se fokusira na bilans
uspeha. U radu smo pokazali da se promenom fokusa dovode u pitanje vekovima
razvijani računovodstveni principi – narušavaju se princip konzervativizma
i princip istorijskog troška, suspenduje se princip realizacije a mečing
princip se suštinski menja. Reforma računovodstvenih principa u skladu sa
fer vrednošću sračunata je na podizanje transparentnosti finansijskih
izveštaja čime se ispravljaju nedostaci računovodstva istorijskog troška
informacije računovodstvo fer vrednosti pruža investitorima korisnije
informacije na osnovu kojih će evaluirati efikasnost menadžmenta, proceniti
vrednost preduzeća i donositi odluke o investiranju.
Uprkos činjenici da računovodstvo fer vrednosti ima brojne prednosti u
odnosu na računovodstvo istorijskog troška, sa izbijanjem finansijske krize
otvorili su se brojni kompleksni problemi vezani za primenu fer vrednosti,
koji su u disertaciji identifikovani i kritički analizirani.
Pokazano je da računovodstvo fer vrednosti dovodi do većih promena
vrednosti sredstava i obaveza u bilansu stanja i većih fluktuacija periodičnog
rezultata – pojačane volatilnosti finansijskih izveštaja. Pojačana volatilnost
je uslovljena tržišnom nestabilnošću, nepreciznostima i greškama u merenju
fer vrednosti, spojem sa računovodstvom istorijskog troška u hibridnom
modelu izveštavanja, kao i povratnim efektima njene procikličnosti. Kao takva
ona otežava odlučivanje, projektovanje budućih ostvarenja i aktuelizuje problem
merenja prinosa na kapital. U radu je pokazano da je računovodstvo fer
vrednosti potencijalno nepouzdano u odsustvu aktivnih tržišta i da narušava
uporedivost finansijskih izveštaja. Uz to, usled prisustva značajnog stepena
prosuđivanja, moguće pristrasnosti menadžmenta u determinisanju fer vrednosti
i problema u konstrukciji modela vrednovanja, utvrđenim fer vrednostima na
drugom a naročito na trećem nivou merenja (mark-to-model) nedostaje pouzdanost
što povećava rizike u pogledu izobličavanja finansijskih izveštaja. Prisutni
problemi u određivanju fer vrednosti i nedovoljna pouzdanost čine pojačana i
kvalitetnija obelodanjivanja
fer vrednosti u
napomenama nužnim.
Potencijalno prociklično dejstvo odnosi se na činjenicu da računovodstvo fer
vrednosti može podsticati dalji rast tržišnih cena i zaduživanja u uslovima
rasta finansijskih tržišta i vršiti pritisak na smanjenje tržišnih cena u
uslovima pada finansijskih tržišta, te uzrokovati pojačanu finansijsku
nestabilnost. Ukazano je i da računovodstvo fer vrednosti može dovesti u
nerealizovani dobici kao komponenta rezultata mogu postati predmet raspodele.
Hibridni model finansijskog izveštavanja, koji integriše elemente
istorijskih troškova i fer vrednosti, se nameće kao neizbežna normativna
osnova. Ipak, kombinovanje ova dva koncepta znatno usložnjava proces
finansijskog izveštavanja. Stoga, zbog postojanja dualnosti, normativna osnova
nameće korisnicima povećane zahteve u vezi sa razumevanjem pravila priznavanja
i načina procenjivanja elemenata finansijskih izveštaja. Komplikovan proces
finansijskog izveštavanja i složena primena fer vrednosti sa svim
implikacijama koje sa sobom donosi ne znači da menadžment preduzeća treba da
bude amnestiran od odgovornosti za donošenje loših poslovnih odluka.
Računovodstvo fer vrednosti kao i računovodstvo istorijskog troška je tu da
izveštava, a menadžeri se moraju dobro upoznati sa efektima njihove
kombinovane primene i u potpunosti preuzeti odgovornost za investicione
odluke, adekvatnu procenu rizika i posledice politike raspodele dobitka.
Empirijsko istraživanje primene računovodstva fer vrednosti u Srbiji
pokazalo je visoku sklonost preduzeća ka primeni koncepta fer vrednosti, što
se uočava kod vrednovanja onih pozicija na koje se ovaj koncept nije morao
primeniti – investicionih nekretnina, nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme.
Merenje na prvom nivou ograničeno je razvijenošću finansijskog tržišta, ali
je merenje na trećem nivou i to po prinosnom pristupu široko zastupljeno.
Uočeno je da domaće računovođe dosta čvrsto veruju da fer vrednost obezbeđuje
najvrednije i najrelevantnije informacije za investitore, ali i da vide fer
vrednost kao podesno sredstvo za nedozvoljeno oblikovanje rezultata i prevarne
radnje u finansijskom izveštavanju. Rezultati analize otkrivaju da je nedovoljno
pažnje poklonjeno kontinuiranim obukama računovođa za primenu računovodstva
fer vrednosti i da skoro dve trećine preduzeća ne vrši periodično
preispitivanje izabranih modela i procedura procene. | The financial reporting process and the financial statements that this process
produces are of great importance as they provide the necessary information basis for
making economic decisions. At the start of the new century a wide array of
stakeholders, including even parliaments and governments are focusing on the problem
of financial reporting to the extent never before seen. This is caused by a string of
scandals in financial reporting and the prolonged financial crisis. Also, the relationship
between the historical cost accounting and fair value accounting arises as an important
issue in the discussions. At its essence, this discussion boils down to debating reliability
and relevancy.
The primary goal of financial reporting on historical cost is to establish accurate
and comparable earnings, while the primary aim of fair value accounting is to establish
fair value of net assets. Given that, at its essence, modern financial reporting is based on
a kind of combination of these two concepts of financial reporting, it is therefore
necessary to reconcile these two goals. Accurate matching of revenues and expenses, as
a precondition for the calculation of earnings, as well as accurate measurement of assets
and liabilities (net assets) have stimulated the accounting practice to develop accounting
principles, while the accounting theory was stimulated to question the existing and
develop modern measurement principles whose purpose is to achieve financial reporting
targets. Therefore, accounting principles are an instrument of achieving the goals of
financial reporting.
Accounting principles have been incorporated into legislation and professional
regulations, but they also function as a supplement to the accounting standards
whenever certain issues are not explicitly regulated by standards or/and there is a high
degree of judgment. Bearing in mind their importance, the key goals of this paper are:
(1) expansion of theoretical knowledge about accounting principles as well as analysis
of practical implications of their effect on a company’s financial reporting, (2) analysis
of the achievements and limitations of historical cost accounting, (3) analysis of fair
value accounting as a modern concept of financial reporting, examination of its benefits
and limitations and the preconditions for successful implementation, and (4) analysis of
the implementation of fair value accounting in financial reporting in Serbia.
Drastically changed operating conditions, particularly in the past several
decades, have resulted in increased information needs of users and a change in their
needs. Meeting the information needs of investors is becoming the main goal of
financial reporting. Financial statements, based on the implementation of historical cost
do not reflect the economic reality in the best manner and cannot, therefore, meet the
information needs of investors. Historical cost accounting is too simple in cases of
complex and intricate financial transactions, as it fails to identify the variability of
economic value, does not solve the problems related to recognition of certain
components of assets and liabilities, there is a need for numerous measurements, and
there is a major problem of accurate matching of revenues and expenses. All this has
created a fertile environment for the introduction and the ever increasing application of
fair value accounting.
Fair value accounting, which focuses on balance-sheet, is fundamentally
different from the historical cost accounting, which focuses on the income statement.
The paper shows that the change in focus questions the century old accounting
principles – violates the conservatism principle and the historical cost principle,
suspends the realization principle, while fundamentally changing the matching
principle. The reform of accounting principles in accordance with fair value is intended
to raise the transparency of financial statements and thereby eliminate the shortcomings
of the historical cost accounting (latent reserves and/or hidden losses). By providing
more relevant information, the fair value accounting provides investors with more
useful information that will serve as basis for management performance evaluation,
company valuation and investment decision-making.
Despite the fact that fair value accounting has numerous advantages over
historical cost accounting, with the advent of financial crisis many complex problems
emerged regarding the application of fair value, which are identified and critically
analysed in the paper.
It was shown that fair value accounting results in greater changes in the value of
assets and liabilities in the balance-sheet and greater fluctuations in earnings – increased
volatility of financial statements. Increased volatility is caused by market instability,
inaccuracies and errors in the fair value measurement, incorporation of historical cost
accounting into the mixed model of financial reporting, as well as the feedback effect of
its procyclicality. As such it hinders the decision making process, estimation of future
profitability – performances and raises the issue of measuring the rate of return on
equity. The paper shows that fair value accounting is potentially unreliable in the
absence of active markets and that it compromises the comparability of financial
statements. Moreover, due to the high degree of judgement, possible management bias
in measuring fair value and the problems in constructing the valuation models, the
estimated fair values based on the Level 2 inputs and especially on the Level 3 inputs
(mark-to-model) lack in reliability, which increases the risks of fraudulent financial
reporting. Problems inherent in fair value measurement and insufficient reliability make
it necessary to include additional, high quality fair value disclosures in the notes to
financial statements. The potential procyclical effect is related to the fact that fair value
accounting may promote further increase in market prices and borrowing in the
environment characterised by the growth of financial markets and may exert pressure on
market prices to go down at times of financial market decline and, consequently cause
greater financial instability. It was also pointed out that fair value accounting may
jeopardize equity maintenance and the company’s going concern, as unrealized gains
may undergo distribution, as a component of earnings.
Mixed model of financial reporting, which combines the elements of historical
cost and fair value, is imposing itself as an unavoidable normative foundation.
However, combining these two concepts greatly complexifies the process of financial
reporting. Therefore, as a result of duality, the normative foundation places greater
demands on the users in relation to understanding the rules of recognition and
measurement of the elements of financial statements. The complex process of financial
reporting and the complex implementation of fair value, with all its intrinsic
implications, do not imply that the company management should be freed from
responsibility for making bad business decisions. The purpose of fair value accounting,
as well as of historical cost accounting, is to report, and the managers must get properly
acquainted with the effects of their combined implementation and must assume full
responsibility for investment decisions, adequate risk assessment and the consequences
of the profit distribution policies.
Empirical survey of the implementation of fair value accounting in Serbia
showed great trend among companies towards implementing the fair value concept,
which is shown in those items to which this concept need not have been applied –
investment property, property, plant and equipment. Application of fair value
measurement based on Level 1 inputs is limited by the underdevelopment of financial
markets, but the valuation based on the Level 3 inputs, using income approach, is
widely adopted. It is worth noticing that local accountants quite firmly believe that fair
value provides the most valuable and most relevant information for investors, but they
also see fair value as a convenient tool for “cooking books” and for fraudulent financial
reporting. Results of the analysis show that not enough attention was paid to continuous
education of accountants for the implementation of fair value accounting and that
almost two thirds of companies do not review, in regular intervals, the selected
evaluation models and procedures. | true |
Vrednovanje i efekti odloženih poreza na performanse kompanija | Valuation of deferred taxes and its impact on companies' performance | Odlaganje poreskih plaćanja jedna je od najatraktivnijih kompanijskih strategija na polju upravljanja poreskim opterećenjem, ali iznosi odloženih poreza (kao i odloženih poreskih ušteda) dugo nisu mogli da se sagledaju iz finansijskih izveštaja. Dilema oko toga da li uopšte treba izveštavati o odloženim porezima i u kojoj meri njihovo iskazivanje omogućava realniju procenu performansi poslovanja još uvek je aktuelna. Cilj ove disertacije je da jednim celovitim istraživanjem fenomena odloženih poreza doprinese razrešenju postavljenih dilema... | Tax deferral is one of the most attractive tax management strategie, but amounts of deferred taxes (as well as deferred tax savings) could not be perceived from the financial statements for a long period of time. Weather or not deferred taxes should be reported and to what extant they provide better evaluation of firm’s performance is still a question. The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to answer of this question by providing a comprehensive research of the deffered taxes phenomenon. Deferred taxes result from temporary differences between financial accounting and tax rules of the calculation of periodic results. In order to assess justification for these differences and perspectives of deferred tax, a comparison between objectives and basic concepts of financial versus tax reporting was made, as well as the comparative analysis of the status and tendencies across certain countries with the emphasis on demonstrated advantages and disadvantages of different relationships between one and the other reporting system. It was shown that the compliance of income calculation for accounting and tax purposes would be at the expense of the achievement of objectives for both financial reporting and income taxation, so that the divergence is conceptually founded and desirable. However, this does not mean that ,in the same time, there does exist a possibility of using identical approaches on many issues. The divergence raises reporting costs and it is justified only if it contributes to the increase of expressive power of presented reports. Advantages of divergence over uniform model back up expectations that the differences between accounting and tax rules will keep on occurring, as well as deferred tax. The deffered taxes amount increases with the increase of the temporary differences and tax rates which applied to the temporary differences and give the amounts of of future increase and decrease of tax payments. | false |
Ekonomske pretpostavke i mogući razvojni efekti kreativnog sektora nacionalne privrede | Economic assumptions and possible developmental effects of the national economy's creative sector | Ovaj doktorski rad bavi se istraživanjem, analizom i procenom doprinosa
kreativnog sektora ekonomskom rastu (i razvoju) u cilju dolaženja do relevantnih
saznanja u kojoj meri i pod kojim uslovima kreativni sektor može doprineti bržem
ekonomskog napretku. Predmet istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je koncept kreativnog
sektora i njegove praktične implikacije na ekonomski razvoj. Kreativni sektor kao
koncept za veoma kratko vreme je prihvaćen kao jedan od moguíh obrazaca za razvojne
probleme, kako razvijenih, tako i nerazvijenih zemalja. Shodno tome, sve su izraženije
tendencije da se razvojne mogućnosti jedne zemlje mere opsegom i razvojem
kreativnog sektora, kao i koncentracijom i mobilizacijom kreativne klase.
Rad se sastoji od 5 delova. Prvi deo rada bavi se genezom koncepta i
razmatranjem najvažnijiih pristupa značajnih za razumevanje kreativnosti kao
ekonomski relevantnog faktora. U drugom delu prikazana je analiza savremenih
razvojnih tendencija u kreativnom sektoru i globalnog ekonomskog konteksta. Posebno
se razmatraju faktori koji utiču na rast ovog sektora u savremenim uslovima,
konkurentnost i reperkusije krize na razvoj kreativnog sektora. Treći deo disertacije bavi
se analizom koncepta kreativne klase i efektima koje ona ima ne ekonomski razvoj
pojedinih zemalja. U četvrtom delu razmatra se uticaj realokacije investicija i radnog
inputa na ekonomski rast u teorijsko-metodološkom smislu i na primerima Finaske i
Kanade. Peti deo posvećen je razmatranju razvojne uloge kreativnog sektora u Srbiji i
osnovnih pretpostavki njegovog razvoja u našoj zemlji. | The subject matter of this doctoral thesis are threefold: to research, to analyze
and to evaluate creative sector’s contribution to economic growth (and development).
Its aim is to reach relevant conclusions regarding the extent and conditions under which
creative sector can contribute to faster economic growth. The subject of research is the
concept of creative sector and its practical implications for economic growth. As a
concept creative sector has been readily accepted as a general model for development
problems in both developed and undeveloped countries. As a consequence there is a
growing tendency to consider a country’s development potential as a measure of scope
and growth of its creative sector, and concetration and mobilization of its creative class.
The thesis is in five sections. Section one presents the genesis of the concept
and discusses the most significant approaches relevant to the understanding of creativity
as significant economic factor. Section two analyses contemporary development
tendencies in the creative sector itself and global economic context. The factors
affecting the growth of the creative sector in present-day conditions are particularly
analysed, including competitiveness and crisis consequences affecting the creative
sector. Section three analyses the concept of the creative class and its influence on the
economic development in selected countries. The subject of section four is theoretical-
methodological analyses of the influence fix capital investment and labour reallocation
on economic growth, using Finland and Canada as case studies. Serbia’s creative sector
is discussed in section five, namely from the point of its developmental potential. Also,
in section five, basic assumptions concerning the development of Serbia’s creative
sector are made. | true |
Analiza mogućnosti sniženja izolacionih nivoa objekata visokih napona 400kV,220kV i 110kV primenom Monte karlo simulacije | The analysis of insulation level reduction possibility for 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV high voltage equipment by Monte Carlo simulation | U doktorskoj disertaciji je izvršena analiza parametara pouzdanosti objekata 400 kV, 220 kV i 110 kV standardizovanih podnosivih napona pri delovanju atmosferskih i sklopnih prenapona. U analizi je korišćena originalna metoda izračunavanja rizika preskoka, odnosno proboja sistema izolacija. Izračunavanje rizika je izvršeno na osnovu poznavanja verovatnoća preskoka, odnosno proboja jediničnih izolacija pri delovanju prenapona različite prirode. Utvrđeni su parametri pouzdanosti pri delovanju atmosferskih i sklopnih prenapona na konkretnim objektima elektroenergetskog sistema Elektroprivrede Srbije i to: nadzemnih vodova 400 kV, 220 kV i 110 kV, transformatorskih stanica 400 kV/220 kV, 400 kV/110 kV i 220 kV/110 kV i energetskih transformatora 400 kV/220 kV, 400 kV/110 kV i 220 kV/110 kV. To je urađeno za postojeću izolaciju objekata i za ostale izolacije koje su standardima predviđene za najviše napone opreme 420 kV, 245 kV i 123 kV. Izvršena je analiza mogućnosti sniženja izolacije i ustanovljeno je da se izolacije sa najnižim standardizovanim podnosivim naponima sa zadovoljavajućom pouzdanosću mogu koristiti u elektroenergetskom sistemu Elektroprivrede Srbije. | The thesis presents the reliability analysis of 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV networks for standardized withstand voltages, under the influence of lightning and switching overvoltages. In this analysis the original calculation method for flashover, i.e. breakdown risk, of the insulations system is used. The calculations of risks were performed on the basis of probability knowledge on flashover, i.e. breakdown of the unit insulation under the influence of different overvoltages. The parameters of the reliability are established under the influence of lightning and switching overvoltages for concrete objects of Serbian electric power system; namely: 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV, transmission lines, 400 kV/220 kV, 400 kV/110 kV, and 220 kV/110 kV transformer stations and 4O0 kV/220 kV, 400 kV/110 kV and 220 kV/110 kV transformers. This is done for insulation systems of existing objects and for all another insulation levels encountered in standards for 420 kV, 245 kV and 123 kV highest voltage of equipment. The analysis of possibility for insulation level reduction is given. Established is, that insulation with the lowest standard withstand voltages can be used with satisfactory reliability in the electric power sistem of Serbia. | false |
Radijaciona otpornost fleš memorija izrađenih u duboko-submikronskoj tehnologiji | Radiation resistance of flash memory manufactured in deep-submicron technology | U radu radijaciona otpornost fleš memorija izrañenih u duboko-submikronskoj
tehnologiji, razmatra se aktuelan problem pouzdanosti rada elektronskih memorija u
uslovima dejstva jonizujućeg zračenja. Rad je aktuelan pošto visoki stepen
minijaturizacije komponenata integrisanih u fleš memorije prouzrokovao izuzetnu
osetljivost ovog tipa memorija na efekte jonizujućeg zračenja. Efekti jonizujućeg
zračenja mogu biti takvi da dovedu do promene memorisanih podataka ili čak do
fizičkog uništenja samih komponenata.
Rad je teoretskog, eksperimentalnog i numeričkog karaktera. U uvodnim
poglavljima se navode osnovni podacio interakciji zračenja sa materijalom, definiše
doza zračenja, ukratko prikazuje metoda Monte - Karlo za simulaciju nuklearnih
interakcija, daju podaci o tipovima i konstruktivnim rešenjima ispitivanih fleš memorija.
U poglavlju u kome se govori o eksperimentu, ukratko su prikazana polja zračenja
Instituta za nuklearne nauke Vinča, gde je eksperimentalni deo rada rañen, i definisane
energije i doze primenjivanog zračenja. U poglavlju koje sledi dati su rezultati brojnih
autora, meñu kojima je bio i autor teze, o radijacionoj otpornosti MOSFETA sa
izolovanim gejtom, na kome se u osnovi, bazira funkcionisanje fleš memorija.
Nakon toga je data teorija radijacionih efekata na fleš memorije na kojima se
nalaze i originalna tumačenja ovih efekata. Na kraju rada su prikazani i prodiskutovani
eksperimentalno i numerički dobijeni efekti zračenja na konkretnim fleš memorijama.
Rezultati dobijeni realnim i numeričkim eksperimentom su pokazali dobro slaganje,
kako meñusobno, tako i sa teoretski očekivanim rezultatima. | Dissertation "Radiation Hardness of Flash Memories Fabricated in Deep
Submicron Technology" investigates the relevant problem of electronic memory
reliability under exposure to ionizing radiation. The dissertation is up-to-date because
the high degree of miniaturization of components integrated into flash memories makes
this type of memory very sensitive to ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation effects can
cause changes in the stored content or even physical destruction of memory
The dissertation is theoretical, experimental, and numerical in character.
Introductory chapters provide basic information about the interaction of radiation with
materials, state the definition of the absorbed dose, describe concisely the Monte Carlo
methods for simulating nuclear interactions, and provide data about the types and
construction details of the investigated flash memories. The chapter concerned with the
experiment gives a short depiction of radiation fields at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear
Sciences, where the experimental part was conducted, and defines the energies and
doses of utilized radiation. The next chapter provides results by several authors,
including the author of the dissertation, on the radiation hardness of MOSFETs with
insulated gates, which form the basis of flash memories.
The next part of the dissertation deals with the theory of radiation effects in flash
memories, including original explanations of these effects. The final part presents and
discusses the effects observed experimentally and numerically in specific flash
memories. Results from real and numerical experiments are in good agreement, both
with one another and with the theoretically anticipated values. | true |
Uticaj doznaka iz inostranstva na smanjenje siromaštva | Impact of remittances on poverty reduction | Doznake iz inostranstva predstavljaju deo dohotka koji emigranti šalju
porodici, rođacima, prijateljima u matičnoj zemlji. Njihova veličina
neposredno je povezana sa oblicima i strukturom migracionih kretanja. Rast
zastupljenosti privremenih i cirkularnih migracija radnika nasuprot trajnim
migracijama doprinosi povećanju priliva doznaka. Uporedo sa povećanjem obima
doznaka raste i njihov makroekonomski i mikroekonomski značaj. Za većinu
zemalja u razvoju sa obimnim emigracionim tokovima, doznake iz inostranstva
predstavljaju značajan i relativno stabilan izvor spoljnog finansiranja
privrede koji obezbeđuje održavanje platnobilansne ravnoteže. U odnosu na
tokove stranih direktnih investicija i portfolio investicija doznake
pokazuju nižu volatilnost, odnosno znatno manje reaguju na makroekonomske
šokove. Cikličan karakter doznaka u odnosu na kretanje BDP-a zemlje prijema
određen je motivima slanja doznaka. U zemljama niskog dohotka, u kojima
preovlađuju altruistički motivi slanja, doznake pokazuju kontraciklični
karakter, dok se procikličnost doznaka u odnosu na BDP zemlje prijema vezuje za
izraženo prisustvo investicionih motiva.
Za domaćinstva primaoce, doznake predstavljaju značajan izvor dodatnog
dohotka koji omogućava veću potrošnju, viši životni standard, obezbeđenje
obrazovanja i zdravstvenih usluga za članove, što je rezultat prisustva
altruističkih motiva emigranata. Sklonost slanju doznaka određena je
brojnim socio-demografskim karakteristikama emigranata, kao i stepenom
njihove društvene i emotivne povezanosti sa emigracionom zemljom. Veća
verovatnoća slanja doznaka prisutna je kod emigranata čiji supružnik, deca
ili roditelji žive u matičnoj zemlji, kao i kod onih koji planiraju povratak,
investiranje i/ili imaju intenzivne društvene kontakte sa osobama u
matičnoj zemlji. Podsticanje privremenih i cirkularnih migracija doprinosi
rastu priliva doznaka, dok programi sjedinjavanja porodica imigranata i
dobijanja državljanstva, kao i duži period rada u inostranstvu vode
asimilaciji i većoj integrisanosti u društveni život imigracione zemlje, te
slabe motive slanja doznaka.
Sprovedena empirijska istraživanja pokazuju da domaćinstva najčešće
koriste doznake iz inostranstva za potrošnju, kupovinu zemljišta, izgradnju
stambenih objekata i u manjem obimu za investicione aktivnosti. Navedena
upotreba doznaka ukazuje na njihov moguć doprinos ublažavanju siromaštva.
Direktni efekti doznaka na smanjenje siromaštva prisutni su ukoliko doznake
primaju siromašna i domaćinstva izložena riziku siromaštva. Povećavajući
potrošnju, investicije i zaposlenost doznake podstiču privredni rast i
posredno utiču na smanjenje siromaštva i onih domaćinstava koja ne primaju
doznake. Primenom LSDV modela fiksnih efekata sa panel-korigovanim
standardnim greškama na uzorku od deset tranzicionih zemalja ocenjeni su
direktni i ukupni efekti doznaka na stopu siromaštva, dubinu i oštrinu
siromaštva. Rezultati pokazuju da doznake iz inostranstva imaju veoma mali
negativan uticaj na pokazatelje siromaštva koji nije statistički značajan na
nivou celog uzorka. Ipak je uočena razlika u efektima doznaka na smanjenje
siromaštva u zavisnosti od visine dohotka posmatranih zemalja. U zemljama
višeg srednjeg dohotka direktan doprinos doznaka ublažavanju siromaštva je
neznatan i nije statistički značajan. Rast doznaka u zemljama nižeg srednjeg
dohotka ima statistički značajan direktan efekat na smanjenje sva tri
pokazatelja siromaštva. Uključivanjem i indirektnih efekata koji se
ostvaruju posredstvom uticaja doznaka na rast BDP-a per capita, ukupan
doprinos doznaka smanjenju siromaštva postaje veći i statistički značajan za
obe grupe zemalja u odnosu na ocenjen direktan efekat.
Empirijsko istraživanje direktnog uticaja doznaka na ublažavanje
siromaštva u Srbiji sprovedeno je uz tretiranje doznaka: kao egzogenog
transfera novca i kao potencijalnog supstituta za zarade koje bi emigranti
ostvarili da su ostali u matičnoj zemlji. Na osnovu rezultata moguće je
zaključiti da efekti zavise od zastupljenosti primalaca doznaka u nižim
decilima potrošnje i visine udela doznaka u ukupnom dohotku domaćinstava
primalaca. Tretirajući doznake kao potencijalni supstitut zarada koje bi
emigranti ostvarili da su ostali u zemlji, neposredni efekti odsustva
doznaka i emigracije na rast pokazatelja siromaštva su niski, jer većina
domaćinstava primalaca doznaka prema visini potrošnje pripada višim
decilima. Među ruralnim domaćinstvima doznake više doprinose ublažavanju
siromaštva nego smanjenju udela siromašnih. Posmatrano prema regionima,
veći neposredan uticaj doznaka na nivo pokazatelja siromaštva u odnosu na
zemlju kao celinu prisutan je u Zapadnoj Srbiji i Šumadiji. | Remittances represent a part of an income the emigrants send to their families,
relatives, friends living in the home country. Their size is directly connected with forms
and structure of migrations. The growth of temporary and circular labour migration
flows, as opposed to the permanent migration, contributes to the remittance inflows
increasing. Along with the remittances volume increasing, their macroeconomic and
microeconomic importance grows too. For the most developing countries with large
emigration flows, remittances represent a substantial and relatively stable source of
external financing of economy, providing in this way the balance of payments
maintenance. Comparing with the foreign direct investments and portfolio investments,
remittances show lower volatility i.e. they react significantly less to macroeconomic
shocks. Remittance cyclical properties, in relation to the GDP of the receiving country,
have been determined with the motives of sending remittances. In the low income
countries where prevail altruistic motives of sending, remittances are countercyclical,
while procyclicality of remittances, in relation to the GDP of receiving countries, has
been connected with prevailing presence of investment motives.
For the remittance receiving households, remittances represent a substantial
source of additional income providing a higher consumption, higher standard of living,
education and health care services for the members – showing the emigrants altruistic
motives. Their tendency to send remittances has been determined with a number of
socio-demographic characteristics of the emigrants, as well as with a degree of their
social and emotional connection with emigration country. The emigrants whose spouse,
children or parents live in the home country as well as those who plan to return, to
invest and/or have more intensive social contacts with the persons in their home
country, have a higher likelihood for sending the remittances. The incitement of
temporary and circular migrations contributes to the remittance inflows growth while
programs of family reunification and acquisition of legal permanent resident status as
well as a longer period of working abroad lead to assimilation and higher integration
in the society of immigration country and weak motives for sending remittances.
Empirical studies show that the households mostly use remittances for
consumption, buying land, residence objects building and, in a smaller amount, for
investment activities. Stated usage of remittances points to their possible contribution in
poverty alleviation. Direct effects of remittances on poverty reduction are present if the
poor households and the households exposed to the poverty risk received remittances.
The remittances contribute the economic growth and indirectly influence on poverty
reduction even those households that don’t receive remittances by increasing
consumption, investments and employment. Using a panel sample of ten transition
countries and LSDV fixed effects model with panel-corrected standard errors, the direct
and total effects of remittances on poverty index, poverty depth and poverty severity
were estimated. The results show that remittances have very small negative influence on
poverty indicators, being not statistically significant on the whole sample level.
However, there is a difference in effects of remittances on poverty reduction depending
on observed countries income level. In upper middle income countries from the sample,
the direct effects of remittances on poverty reduction are very small and not statistically
significant. The increase of remittances in lower middle income countries from the
sample has statistically significant direct impact on reduction of all three poverty
indicators. Including indirect effects being realized through an influence of remittances
on the GDP per capita growth, total effects of remittances on poverty reduction become
higher and statistically significant for both groups of countries compared to estimated
direct effects.
Empirical research of a direct impact of remittances on poverty reduction in
Serbia was conducted treating remittances as: exogenous transfer of money and
potential substitute of earnings the emigrants would have if they stayed in the home
country. The results show that size of effects depends on presence of remittance
receiving households in lower deciles of consumption distribution and remittances
share level in total income of these households. Treating remittances as a potential
substitute of earnings the emigrants would have if they stayed in the home country, the
direct effects of remittances and emigration absence on the poverty indicators growth
are low because the most of remittance receiving households, according the
consumption level, belong to the higher deciles of distribution. Among rural
households, remittances rather contribute the poverty alleviation than reduction of the
poor’s share. According the results in regions, higher direct effect of remittances on
poverty indicators, compared to the country as a whole, we can notice in West Serbia
and Sumadija. | true |
Određivanje pozicije mobilnih korisnika u javnim mobilnim sistemima korišćenjem metoda zasnovanih na support vector machine algoritmima | Mobile user positioning in public land mobile networks by using methods based on support vector machines. | Tokom prethodnih godina, potreba za podrškom sve većeg broja LBS (Location
Based Services) servisa dovela je do intezivnog razvoja tehnika za pozicioniranje
mobilnih korisnika (objekata) u radio sistemima. Pri tom, zahtevi koje sistemi za
pozicioniranje treba da ispune, prvenstveno po pitanju tačnosti, ali i po pitanju
kašnjenja, dostupnosti servisa, kompleksnosti i cene implementacije, postaju sve
U okviru ove disertacije napravljen je pregled postojećih standardizovanih i
nestandardizovanih metoda pozicioniranja u radio sistemima. Na osnovu sprovedene
analize uočena su dva ključna nedostatka koja se javljaju pri korišćenju infrastrukture
različitih radio sistema: dostupnost sistema u različitim tipovima okruženja i/ili cena
Definisana je nova tehnika pozicioniranja koja se zasniva na korišćenju postojeće,
globalno rasprostranjene infrastrukutre javnih mobilnih sistema (GSM - Global System
for Mobile Communications, DCS - Digital Communication System, UMTS - Universal
Mobile Telecommunication System, LTE - Long-Term Evolution). Osim smanjenja cene
implementacije sistema za pozicioniranje usled iskorišćenja već raspoložive mrežne
infrastrukture, dodatni motiv za primenu ovog pristupa je dobro radio pokrivanje koje
pružaju javni mobilni sistemi (Public Land Mobile Networks, PLMN), kako u outdoor
okruženjima različitog stepena urbanizacije, tako i u indoor okruženjima. Drugim
rečima, moguće je obezbediti dostupnost sistema za pozicioniranje nezavisno od tipa
okruženja u kome se korisnik nalazi.
U okviru disertacije razvijena su dva nova algoritma za određivanje inicijalne
pozicije mobilnog terminala na osnovu nivoa signala (Received Signal Strength, RSS)
PLMN ćelija u njegovom okruženju i primeni Support Vector Machine algoritama
mašinskog učenja. Prvi metod se zasniva na korišćenju Support Vector Regression
Doktorska disertacija
Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
(SVR) algoritma za aproksimaciju nelinearne funkcije koja opisuje vezu između
izmerenih RSS nivoa i prostornih koordinata u nekoj geografskoj oblasti. Drugi pristup
koristi princip segmenatcije geografskog okruženja od interasa na podprostore,
korišćenjem multiclass klasifikatora realizovanog sa Support Vector Classification
(SVC) strukturama. Naknadnom upotrebom SVR algoritama, za svaku podoblast se
aproksimira funkcija za predikciju pozicije korisnika.
Performanse obe metode pozicioniranja verifikovane su korišćenjem realnih
podataka koji su prikupljeni tokom mernih kampanja sprovedenih u outdoor i indoor
okruženju na teritoriji grada Beograda.
Izvršena je analiza performansi SVR metode u outdoor okruženju za slučaj
korišćenja infrastrukutre GSM i/ili DCS sistema jednog operatora, kao i za slučaj
definisanja različitog broja izvora radio signala (ćelija) koji su relevantni za proces
pozicioniranja. Pokazano je da povećanje broja relevatnih ćelija čiji se signal koristi u
procesu pozioniranja, utiče na smanjenje broja velikih vrednosti grešaka pozicioniranja,
ali da opšte performanse SVR metode pozicioniranja zavise u velikoj meri od kvaliteta
signala relevantnih ćelija (nivoa i stabilnosti signala u prostoru od interesa).
Dodatno, pokazano je da se primenom principa segmentacije prostora i
kombinovane SVC&SVR metode može dalje unaprediti tačnost pozicioniranja u
outdoor okruženju, obezbeđivanjem veće homogenosti podataka koji se koriste za
rešavanje problema regresije. Najveći doprinos primene ovog principa uočen je u
domenu smanjenja broja grešaka srednje veličine (tj. medium-sized grešaka), na račun
porasta broja relativno manjih vrednosti grešaka estimacije. Navedeni efekat postaje još
izraženiji sa porastom stepena segmentacije.
Rezultati verifikacije SVR i SVC&SVR metode u realnom outdoor okruženju
pokazali su da se primenom predloženih metoda može ostvariti tačnost pozicioniranja
koja je u skladu sa zahtevima definisanim od strane Federalne komisije za komunikacije
(Federal Communications Commission, FCC), a da se pri tom ne zahtevaju nikakve
izmene postojeće GSM (DCS) signalizacije, kao ni izmene na mobilnim terminalima.
Ograničavanjem broja relevantnih ćelija na 7, u skladu sa veličinom mernog izveštaja
podržanog GSM/DCS standardom, primenom SVR metode u 67% slučajeva ostvarena
je greška pozicioniranja manja od 47.2m (47.2m|67%), odnosno greška manja od 210m
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Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
u 90% slučajeva (210m|90%). Primenom SVC&SVR metode postignuto je dalje
unapređenje tačnosti: 31.6m|67% i 192m|90%.
U okviru disertacije izvršena je i analiza uticaja istovremenog korišćenja
infrastrukture većeg broja mobilnih operatora (Telenor, Mobilne Telefonije Srbije –
MTS i VIP), kao i 5 različitih kriterijuma za selekciju relevantnih ćelija, na tačnost
pozicioniranja. U tu svrhu, implementirano je 20 različitih SVR modela za
pozicioniranje u test indoor okruženju. Pokazano je da se korišćenjem infrastrukutre
većeg broja mobilnih operatora može postići veća tačnost pozicioniranja, nego u slučaju
korišćenja infrastrukture samo jednog operatora. Dodatno, pokazano je da je primena
kriterijuma koji vrši selekciju ćelija koje imaju relativno visoke nivoe signala u
određenom delu nekog okruženja (bez obzira na njihovu opštu radio-vidljivost u datom
okruženju), pogodna u slučaju korišćenja infrastrukture i jednog i većeg broja operatora,
kao i u slučaju primene principa segmentacije prostora na manje celine.
Prednosti uvođenja principa segmentacije prostora i primene kombinovane
SVC&SVR metode potvrđene su i u slučaju indoor okruženja. Analiza performansi
SVC&SVR metode u indoor okruženju izvršena je za 6 različitih podela prostora, a
dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da povećanje stepena segmentacije prostora ima smisla
samo do određene granice, kada porast broja velikih vrednosti grešaka, uzrokovan
pogrešnom detekcijom podprostora, počinje da umanjuje dobitak ovog pristupa.
Tačnost SVR i SVC&SVR metode postignute tokom procesa verifikacije u
realnom indoor okruženju, zadovoljavaju zahteve Federalne komisije za komunikacije
definisane za indoor okruženja. Prilikom korišćenja infrastrukture sva tri mobilna
operatora, SVR metod ostvario je srednju vrednost greške pozicioniranja od 10.1m, dok
je primenom SVC&SVR metode postignuto dalje smanjenje vrednosti srednje greške
pozicioniranja za 27%.
U okviru disertacije je takođe izvršeno poređenje performansi SVR i SVC&SVR
metode sa performansama drugih, relevantnih PLMN tehnika, koje su verifikovane u
realnim outdoor i indoor okruženjima. U cilju verodostojnog poređenja, metode koje su
u relevantnim istraživanjima pokazale najbolje performanse, implementirane su i u
outdoor i indoor okruženjima razmatranim u okviru ovog istraživanja. Pri identičnim
uslovima, predložene SVR i SVC&SVR metode su ostvarile bolje performanse od
Doktorska disertacija
Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
drugih fingerprinting tehnika zasnovanih na primeni kNN (k Nearest Neighbours),
ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) i SVM algoritama.
Vreme potrebno za proračun prostornih koordinata SVR i SVC&SVR metode u
online fazi iznosi manje od jedne sekunde, što ih čini pogodnim za realizaciju LBS
servisa sa striktnim zahtevima po pitanju kašnjenja.
Implementacija predloženih metoda ne zahteva nikakve hardverske izmene na
mobilnim terminalima. Izmene na strani mrežne infrastrukture ograničene su na
izgradnju određenog broja SMLC (Service Mobile Location Centre) centara, u kojima
se vrši proračun pozicije mobilnog korisnika. Dodatno, iako pozicioniranje korišćenjem
većeg broja RSS merenja, od onog podržanog standardnom formom mernog izveštaja,
zahteva određene izmene postojeće signalizacije u PLMN mrežama, date izmene ne bi
trebalo da imaju veliki uticaj na kapacitet same PLMN mreže. | Over the last years, the necessity of providing the support for various Location
Based Services (LBS) has led to the intensive development of the techniques for mobile
user (objects) positioning in radio systems. At the same time, the requirements that need
to be fulfilled by the positioning technique in terms of accuracy, latency, availability,
complexity and implementation costs, are getting higher.
In this dissertation, the overview of existing standardized and non-standardized
positioning methods has been made. Based on the conducted analysis, two main
drawbacks that occur when the infrastructure of the most radio system is used, have
been detected: system availability in different types of environments and/or
implementation costs.
A new positioning technique that utilizes existing, globally deployed network
infrastructure of Public Land Mobile Networks, PLMN (GSM - Global System for
Mobile Communications, DCS - Digital Communication System, UMTS - Universal
Mobile Telecommunication System, LTE - Long-Term Evolution), has been proposed.
Beside the implementation costs reductions due to the usage of already available
network infrastructure, the additional motive for applying this approach is the good
radio coverage of PLMN networks, both in indoor and outdoor environments of
different urbanization levels. Therefore, it is possible to provide positioning system
availability regardless of the type of environment in which user currently resides.
In this dissertation, two new algorithms for mobile terminal initial position
determination, which use measured received signal strength levels (RSS) of nearby
PLMN cells and Support Vector Machine learning algorithms, have been proposed. The
first method is based on the use of Support Vector Regression algorithm for
approximating a nonlinear function that describes relation between the measured RSS
Doktorska disertacija
Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
levels and the spatial coordinates in some geographical area. The second approach uses
the space-partitioning principle that divides a geographical area into smaller subspaces,
by using multiclass classifier implemented with Support Vector Classification (SVC)
structures. With the subsequent use of SVR algorithms, the function that estimates the
exact spatial coordinates is being approximated for each subarea.
The proposed methods are verified by implementing SVR and combined
SVC&SVR models using real data gathered during measurement campaigns conducted
in outdoor and indoor environments on the territory of Belgrade city.
Performances of SVR positioning method in outdoor environment have been
analysed for different scenarios of using infrastructure of GSM and/or DCS system of a
one mobile operator, as well as for a different number of relevant radio sources (cells)
defined. It has been shown that the increase in the number of relevant cells, whose
signals are being used for the positioning purposes, reduces the number of big-scaled
positioning errors. However, attention must be paid to the signal quality of relevant cells
(in terms of signal levels and dynamics within the area of interest).
In addition, it has been shown that the use of space partitioning principle and
combined SVC&SVR positioning algorithm can further improve positioning accuracy
in outdoor environment, by providing better homogeneity of data used for solving the
regression problem. The biggest contribution of this approach was observed in the
decrease of the number of medium-sized positioning errors, on the account of the
increase of the number of relatively small ones. This effect becomes even more
pronounced with the higher degree of space-partitioning.
The results of SVR and SVC&SVR methods verification in the real outdoor
environment has shown that these methods can achieve accuracy that is in accordance
with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements, without requiring
any modifications of the existing GSM (DCS) signalling, nor modifications of mobile
devices. By limiting the number of relevant cells to 7, in compliance with the size of
measurement report supported by the GSM/DCS signalling, the positioning error of less
than 47.2m in 67% cases (47.2m|67%) and less than 210m in 90% cases (210m|90%)
has been achieved with SVR method. By applying SVC&SVR method, the accuracy is
further improved to 31.6m|67% and 192m|90%.
Doktorska disertacija
Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Within the dissertation, the impact of the simultaneous use of multiple mobile
operators’ infrastructures (Telenor, MTS and VIP) on positioning accuracy, as well as
the impact of applying 5 different criteria for selecting relevant cells, was also analysed.
For this purpose, 20 different SVR models for positioning in indoor environment have
been implemented. It has been shown that the use of infrastructures of multiple mobile
operators can provide higher positioning accuracy, compared to the case when
infrastructure of only one operator is used. Additionally, the criteria that selects the cells
that have relatively high signal levels in the certain part of the observed environment
(regardless of their overall radio-visibility) has proven good performance in the case of
both single-operator or multi-operator solutions, as well as in the case when space
partitioning principle is applied.
The advantages of introducing the space partitioning principle and using
combined SVC&SVR method were also confirmed in the case of indoor environment.
The performance of SVC&SVR method in indoor environment was analysed for 6
different space partitions. The obtained results have shown that increasing the number
of partitions provides accuracy improvements, but only to a certain point, when the
increased number of large-scaled errors, caused by the wrong subspace selection, begins
to decrease the performance gain achieved by the subspace size reduction.
It has been shown that accuracies obtained with SVR and SVC&SVR positioning
methods in indoor environment are also in accordance with the FCC indoor
requirements. The multi-operator SVR method has obtained the mean positioning error
of 10.1m, while combined SVC&SVR method has provided further reduction of the
mean positioning error by 27%.
The performances of SVR and SVC&SVR methods have also been compared to
the performance of other relevant PLMN techniques, which have been verified in real
outdoor and indoor environments. To provide a credible comparison, the methods for
which the best performances were reported in the relevant studies, have also been
implemented for outdoor and indoor environments used in this study. When compared
over the same test beds, the proposed SVR and SVC&SVR methods have demonstrated
better accuracy than other fingerprinting techniques based on kNN (k Nearest
Neighbours), ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and SVM algorithms.
Doktorska disertacija
Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
In the case of both SVR and SVC&SVR methods, the time needed for position
estimation in online phase is less than a second, which makes them suitable for the LBS
services with the strict latency requirements.
The implementation of the proposed methods does not require any hardware
changes to mobile devices. Changes to the network infrastructure are limited to the
implementation of a certain number of SMLC (Service Mobile Location Center), in
which the calculation of a user position is to be carried out. In addition, although
positioning with the use of a larger number of RSS measurements, compared to the one
supported by the standard measurement report, requires certain modifications of the
existing PLMN signalling, these changes should not have a major impact on the PLMN
network capacity. | true |
Teorijska i empirijska analiza efikasnosti stečajnog procesa | The efficiency of bankruptcy process - theoretical and empirical analysis | Predmet ovog rada su teorijske i empirijske osnove za sagledavanje efikasnosti stečajnih postupaka i stečajnih sistema. Opšti cilj rada usmeren je na istraživanje efikasnosti stečajnog procesa u kontekstu relevantnih konceptualizacija, teorijskih orijentacija, praktičnih aspekata i rezultata empirijskih istraživanja. Rad je strukturiran u četiri celine. U prvom delu rada definisani su bazični pojmovi: finansijske nevolje, insolventnost i stečaj. Potom, su prezentovana dva dominantna teorijska pristupa stečajnom procesu: teorija nagodbe kreditora i teorija stečajne politike (ili deobe gubitaka). Ova dva teorijska pristupa razlikuju se ne samo po određivanju cilja stečajnog procesa, već i po poimanju njegovih bitnih elemenata. U nastavku se razmatra značenje koncepta efikasnosti u kontekstu insolventnosti. Najpre se sagledava relevantnost standarnih kriterijuma efikasnosti – Pareto i Kaldor- Hicks kriterijum, a potom i Posnerov princip maksimiziranja bogatstva. Ukazuje se na njihove prednosti i ograničenja, a uporedo se izlaže razlika između supstancijalnih i proceduralnih ciljeva zakonodavstava, uključujući i zakonodavstvo insolventnosti. Ovoj distinkciji ciljeva primeren je i alternativni koncept efikasnosti – koncept efikasnosti zasnovan na transakcionim troškovima. Ex ante i ex post efikasnost stečajnog procesa su njegove podjednako važne odrednice. Ex post efikasnosti se obično pridaje veći značaj jer je usredsređena na preusmeravanje imovine dužnika u produktivne upotrebe i na najveći stepen namirenja poverilaca. Stečaj ima i važnu ex ante funkciju, jer njegovi ex post ishodi određuju ne samo podsticaje dužnika i kreditora, već i cenu kredita i njegovu dostupnost. A dostupnost kredita i uslovi po kojima se oni odobravaju predstavljaju vrlo važan preduslov rasta preduzeća i važnu kompetitivnu prednost privreda. Iz tog razloga, kada se koncipiraju stečajni sistemi veoma se vodi računa i o ex ante aspektu efikasnosti, jer ona nije uvek kompatibilna sa ex post efikasnošću. Prvi deo završava prezentacijom dva standardna stečajna postuka: likvidacije i reorganizacije. Reorganizaciji se poklanja veći prostor jer je njena analitička osnova mnogo kompleksnija. Naročita pažnja se poklanja pregovaračkom procesu koji se može razumeti samo ako se u obzir uzmu svi legalni okviri koji ga strukturiraju. | The research focuses on theoretical and empirical basis for understanding the efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings and insolvency systems. This dissertation aimed to investigate the efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings in the context of relevant conceptualization, theoretical orientations, practical aspects and results of empirical research. The dissertation is structured in four parts. In the first part are defined the basic concepts: financial distresses, insolvency and bankruptcy. Then, there have been presented two dominant theoretical approaches to the bankruptcy: creditors’ bargain theory and the bankruptcy-policy (or loss-distribution) theory. These two theoretical approaches differ not only in determining the objective of the bankruptcy process, but also for the understanding of its essential elements. Further on is considered the meaning of the concept of efficiency in the context of insolvency. Initially is regarded the relevance of standard efficiency criteria – Pareto and Kaldor-Hicks criterion, and then Posner's wealth maximization principle. We indicate on their advantages and limitations, and simultaneously expose the difference between substantive and procedural goals of legislation, including insolvency law. For this distinction an alternative concept of efficiency is suitable – the transaction cost efficiency. Ex ante and ex post efficiency of the bankruptcy process are its equally important determinants. Ex post efficiency is usually given greater importance because it is focused on redirecting the debtor's assets into productive use and the highest degree of creditors recovery. Bankruptcy has also an important ex ante function, because its ex post outcome determined not only incentives for debtors and creditors, but also the cost of the loans and their availability. Availability of loans and the conditions under that they are granted are very important precondition for the growth of enterprises and an important competitive advantage of economies. For this reason, when the bankruptcy systems are conceived it greatly takes into account the ex ante aspect of efficiency, because it is not always compatible with ex post efficiency. The first part ends with the presentation of two standard bankruptcy proceedings: liquidation (bankruptcy liquidation) and reorganization (bankruptcy reorganization). | false |
Dejstvo finasterida na bihejvioralne, elektroencefalografske i ćelijske promene u hepatičnoj encefalopatiji izazvanoj tioacetamidom kod pacova | The effects of finasteride on behavioral, electroencephalographic and cellular changes in thioacetamide-induced hepatic encephalopathy in rats | Hepatiĉna encefalopatija (HE) predstavlja neuropsihijatrijski sindrom, koji se razvija kao posledica akutne ili hroniĉne insuficijencije jetre. Za ispitivanje patogeneze HE koriste se razliĉiti eksperimentalni modeli, ukljuĉujući model izazvan portno-kavnim šantom, stenozom portne vene, modele izazvane hepatotoksiĉnim agensima (tioacetamid, D-galaktozamin, paracetamol, azoksimetan, ugljen-tetrahlorid) i modele ciroze jetre. U razvoju HE kljuĉnu ulogu ima hiperamonijemija, a mehanizmi ukljuĉeni u patogenezu HE ukljuĉuju: citotoksiĉni edem mozga, poremećaje neurotransmisije (preteţno glutamatergiĉke i GABA-ergiĉke), energetske poremećaje, oksidacijski stres, mitohondrijsku disfunkciju i neuroinflamaciju. U HE povećava se sinteza neurosteroida, koji pozitivnom alosternom modulacijom receptora za gama-aminobuternu kiselinu (GABAA receptora) pojaĉavaju efekte GABA u centralnom nervnom sistemu. Finasterid, inhibitor 5α-reduktaze i sinteze neurosteroida, potencijalno moţe menjati tok HE. Ciljevi ove disertacije su bili: da se ispitaju bihejvioralne i elektroencefalografske (EEG) promene u HE izazvanoj tioacetamidom kod pacova; da se odrede parametri oksidacijskog stresa i antioksidacijske zaštite, aktivnost acetilholinesteraze (AchE) i ekspresiju ćelijskih markera u razliĉitim moţdanim regionima u intoksikaciji tioacetamidom; da se ispita uticaj finasterida na bihejvioralne, EEG i ćelijske promene u HE izazvanoj tioacetamidom kod pacova. U cilju ispitivanja efekata tioacetamida (TAA) na ponašanje, EEG i ćelijske promene muţjaci Wistar pacova su podeljeni u sledeće grupe: 1. kontrolna grupa (n=8); 2. eksperimentalna grupa tretirana TAA na dozno zavisan naĉin: TAA300 (300 mg/kg, n=8), TAA600 (600 mg/kg, n=10) i TAA900 (900 mg/kg, n=18). Dnevne doze TAA (300 mg/kg) su primenjene tokom jednog (TAA300), dva (TAA600) ili tri uzastopna dana (TAA900). U cilju ispitivanja uticaja finasterida na HE izazvanu TAA-om, ţivotinje su podeljene u sledeće grupe: 1. kontrolna grupa (n=8); 2. TAA900 grupa tretirana TAA (900 mg/kg, n=18); 3. grupa tretirana finasteridom, FIN (150 mg/kg, n=8); 4. FIN+TAA900 grupa (n=10) tretirana finasteridom (150 mg/kg) i TAA (900 mg/kg)... | Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) represents a neuropsychiatric syndrome, that appears as a consequence of acute or chronic liver failure. Various experimental models are used for the investigation of the pathogenesis of HE, including porto-caval shunt, portal vein stricture, models induced by hepatotoxic agents (thioacetamide, D-galactosamine, acetaminophen, azoxymethane, carbon tetrachloride) and models of liver cirrhosis. Hyperammonemia has a pivotal role in the development of HE, and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of HE include: cytotoxic brain edema, alterations in neurotransmission (especially glutamatergic and GABAergic), energy disturbances, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation. The synthesis of neurosteroids is increased in HE and by positive allosteric modulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors they potentiate the effects og GABA in the central nervous system. Finasteride, 5α-reductase and neurosteroid synthesis inhibitor, may potentially modulate the course of HE. The aims of this dissertation were: to investigate the behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) changes in thioacetamide-induced HE in rats; to determine the parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidative protection, the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and cellular marker expression in various brain regions; to investigate the effects of finasteride on behavioral, EEG and cellular changes in thioacetamide-induced HE in rats. In order to investigate the effects of thioacetamide (TAA) on the behavior, EEG and cellular changes male Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: 1. control; 2. experimental group treated with TAA in a dose-dependent manner: TAA300 (300 mg/kg; n=8), TAA600 (600 mg/kg; n=10) and TAA900 (900 mg/kg; n=18). Daily doses of TAA (300 mg/kg) were administered once (TAA300), twice (TAA600) or three times (TAA900) in subsequent days. In order to investigate the effects of finasteride on TAA-induced HE, the animals were divided into the following groups: 1. control (n=8); 2. TAA900 group treated with TAA (900 mg/kg; n=18); 3. FIN group treated with finasteride (150 mg/kg; n=8); 4. FIN+TAA900 group (n=10) treated with FIN (150 mg/kg) and TAA (900 mg/kg)... | false |
Direktna kontrola momenta asinhronog motora napajanog iz strujnog pretvarača učestanosti | Direct torque control of a current source inverter fed induction motor | U disertaciji je prikazana jedna nova strategija upravljanja asinhronim pogonom sa strujnim pretvaračem učestanosti zasnovana na direktnoj kontroli momenta motora. Cilj je da se ovakvom pogonu obezbede bolje dinamičke performanse od onih kod ekvivalentnog vektorski upravljanog pogona, a uz pojednostavljenje upravljačke strukture i njenu jednostavniju implementaciju u mikroprocesorski sistem. U tu svrhu su prvo data teorijska razmatranja direktne kontrole momenta kod asinhronog motora i prikaz različitih pristupa za realizaciju ove upravljačke strukture. Nakon toga analizirana je primena direktne kontrole momenta kod asinhronog pogona sa strujnim pretvaračem učestanosti pomoću adekvatnog matematičkog modela pogona. Pri tome je težište stavljeno na specifičnost topologije strujnog pretvarača i način na koji se vrši transfer struje iz jednosmernog međukola u motor. Rezultati istraživanja su iskorišćeni za izradu upravljačke strategije koja pored brzog odziva momenta kao kod vektorske kontrole obezbeđuje jednostavniji algoritam upravljanja bez upotrebe obrtne transformacije i zahteva za upotrebom senzora brzine na vratilu motora. Za razliku od rešenja direktne kontrole momenta sa asinhronim motorom napajanim iz strujnog invertora predloženih u literaturi, datih bez eksperimentalne verifikacije, algoritam izložen u disertaciji je zasnovan na radu invertora sa konstantnom učestanošću uz modifikaciju optimalne tablice aktiviranja prekidača u invertoru. Ovim su izbegnuti problemi pri upravljanju direktnom kontrolom momenta korišćenjem histerezisnog regulatora momenta (značajne pulsacije momenta, neophodnost filtriranja estimiranog signala momenta, potreba adaptacije širine histerezisa u zavisnosti od brzine motora). Analiza performansi predložene strategije upravljanja je izvršena simulacijom na računaru, a zatim se pristupilo razvoju upravljačkog algoritma u programskom jeziku C. Upravljački algoritam je implementiran i testiran pomoću mikroprocesorskog sistema u okviru realizovanog laboratorijskog prototipa pogona sa klasičnim tiristorskim pretvaračem učestanosti. Svi postignuti rezultati, kako simulacijom tako i eksperimentom, potvrdili su ispravnost predložene upravljačke strategije. | The new control strategy based on direct torque control of CSI fed induction motor is presented. The goal of this work is to obtain better performances than exist in similar vector controlled drive, but with reduced control structure and its simpler implementation in the microprocessor system. For that purpose the theory of direct torque control (DTC) is given and different DTC-based strategies are described. Than, the analysis of DTC strategy in CSI fed induction motor drive is performed with adequate mathematical model. The aim of analysis were specific current converter topology and the way of current transfer from DC link to motor. Obtained results are used for developing such a control strategy that, besides a fast torque response as in vector control of the same drive, provide simpler control algorithm without necessity for coordinate transformation and speed sensor on the motor shaft. Contrary to the direct torque control of CSI drive presented in the known literature without experimental results, algorithm suggested in dissertation is based on constant-switching-frequency with modification of the inverter optimal switching table. With such a solution, problems detected under DTC using torque hysteresis controller are avoided (significant torque pulsations, requirement for filtering estimated torque and adaptation of hysteresis bandwidth in depend of motor speed). Performance analysis of recommended control strategy is completed on PC conmputer and than, the control algorithm is developed as software written in C programming language. Control algorithm is implemented and tested in the microprocessor system. This system is a part of the realized drive prototype with a standard thyristor type frequency converter. All results that are obtained by simulation and by experiment confirm the exactness of the proposed control strategy. | false |
Procena individualnih prediktivnih faktora za nastanak karcinoma kolona | An analysis of individual predictive factors for the development of colon carcinoma | Uvod: Kolorektalni karcinom (CRC) najčešće nastaje sporadično kao rezultat
akumulacije genetskih promena u sadejstvu sa različitim spoljašnjim uticajima kao
rizičnim faktorima. Jedan je od najčešćih malignih tumora kod oba pola i značajan
zdravstveni problem kako u svetu tako i u Srbiji. Nažalost, polovina bolesnika se
otkriva u uznapredovaloj fazi bolesti. Stoga su prepoznavanje prediktivnih faktora za
nastanak bolesti i prevencija od izuzetnog značaja u borbi protiv ekspanzije CRC-a.
socioekonomskih i dijetetskih faktora kao i celokupnog stila života za nastanak
kolorektalnog karcinoma koristeći pojedine statističke pokazatelje i Bayes-ovu analizu u
cilju identifikacije najznačajnijih za nastanak bolesti. Želeli smo da procenimo
prediktivni potencijal biomarkera karcinoembrionskog antigena (CEA) i karbohidratnog
antigena 19-9 (CA 19-9) kod detekcije obolelih u ranim fazama bolesti. Cilj je bio i
dizajniranje novog grafičkog okvira koji povezuje pojedine parametre i određuje njihov
značaj u individualnoj proceni rizika.
Metode: Ova prospektivna studija slučajeva i kontrola je sprovedena je u Kliničko
bolničkom centru Zemun u Službama gastroenterologije, opšte hirurgije i traumatologije
tokom 2014. i 2015. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno 372 ispitanika od kojih je 181
bolesnik sa histološki potvrđenom dijagnozom karcinoma kolona i 191 ispitanik u
kontrolnoj grupi koji su primljeni zbog akutnih, neneoplastičnih razloga. Da bi se
prikupile relevantne informacije vezane za faktore rizika dizajniran je specijalni upitnik.
Pitanja su se odnosila na širok spektar potencijalnih uticaja nepromenljivih i
promenljivih rizičnih faktora. Dijagnostika kolorektalnog karcinoma je podrazumevala
kliničke, endoskopske, histopatološke i laboratorijske preglede, ultrazvuk i
kompjuterizovanu tomografiju u skladu sa dobrom kliničkom praksom. U statističkoj
analizi prediktivne sposobnosti pojedinih parametara korišćena je binarna logistička
Characteristics (ROC) krive. Za potrebe Bayes-ove analize korišćena je serverska
verzija BayesiaLab 5.4 softvera.
Rezultati: Od ukupno ispitivana 63 potencijalno rizična faktora u predikciji nastanka
kolorektalnog karcinoma Bayes-ovom analizom je izdvojeno 26 sa najvećim stepenom
korelacije a logističkom regresionom analizom je izdvojeno 12 a od njih je u
međusobnoj korelaciji izdvojeno 8 od kojih najveću prediktivnu moć imaju
konzumiranje crvenih mesa, mesnih prerađevina i prisustvo CRC-a u porodici. Značajnu
prediktivnu vrednost ispoljili su i slanija hrana, starosna dob, bračni status, fizička
aktivnost i uzimanje aspirina. Iako su analitički pristupi ove dve metode različiti, uočava
se visok stepen podudarnosti između nalaza Bayes-ove mreže i logističke regresione
analize. ROC kriva potvrđuje da istovremeno testiranje CEA i CA 19-9 (AUC 0.842)
ima najveću senzitivnost i specifičnost kod ranih faza bolesti.
Zaključak: Našim ispitivanjem smo izdvojili faktore sa najvećom prediktivnom
vrednošću za procenu rizika od nastanka kolorektalnog karcinoma. Konstruisana je
Bayes-ova mreža kao korisno sredstvo za donošenje zaključaka na jednostavan i brz
način kombinujući iskustva lekara i podatke dobijene od pacijenata. Dok je logističkom
regresionom analizom izračunat rizik za CRC koji nose pojedini faktori, Bayes-ova
analiza je ukazala na postojanje međusobne povezanosti pojedinih faktora i njihove
veze sa kolorektalnim karcinomom. Istovremeno testiranje CEA i CA 19-9 poboljšava
dijagnostičku senzitivnost u ranom otkrivanju CRC-a. | Introduction: Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) usually arises sporadically and results from
interaction of genetic changes accumulation with some different external risk factors. It
is one of the most frequent cancers among both genders and important health problem
worldwide, as well as in Serbia. Unfortunately, the halves of the patients are detected in
advanced disease. Therefore, an identification of CRC development predictive factors is
crucial in the cope with it.
Objective: To identify and assess the predictive significance of certain demographic,
hereditary, socioeconomic, dietary and lifestyle factors as the most important causes of
CRC by using of certain statistical indicators and Bayesian analysis. Additionally,
predictive power of biomarkers (carcinoembryonic antigen - CEA and carbohydrate
antigen 19-9 - CA 19-9) in the patient’s early stages disease detection was evaluated.
Another aim of the study was to design a new graphical framework that linked
individual parameters and determined their importance in individual risk assessment.
Methods: This prospective case control study was conducted at the Departments of
Gastroenterology, General surgery and Traumatology of Clinical Hospital Centre
Zemun during 2014-2015. Out of 372 patients, 181 were with histologically confirmed
CRC and 191 control subjects were hospitalized due to acute non neoplastic reasons. In
order to collect relevant information regarding risk factors, a special questionnaire was
designed. The questions encompassed wide range impacts of determined risk factor.
Diagnostic evaluation of CRC included clinical, endoscopic, histological, and laboratory
examinations. Additionally, imaging procedures for secondaries detection were
performed (abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography), according to good
clinical practice. Binary logistic regression analysis model was used for assessment of
predictive ability of individual parameters. The diagnostic accuracy of tumor markers
was determined by calculating the sensitivity, specificity and application of Receiver
Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve. BayesianLab server version 5.4. was used in the
purpose of Bayesian analysis.
Results: Out of 63 examined potential risk factors in prediction of CRC occurrence,
Bayesian analysis identified 26 with the highest degree of correlation. Thereafter,
logistic regression analysis filtered another 8 risk factors; among them the highest
predictive power has had consumption of red meat, meat products and CRC family
history. Significant predictive value showed saltier foods, age, marital status, physical
activity, and aspirin consumption. Although analytical approaches of these two methods
are different, one can see a high degree of congruence between the findings of Bayesian
networks and logistic regression analysis. ROC curve confirmed that simultaneous
testing of CEA and CA 19-9 (AUC 0.842) has had the highest sensitivity and specificity
in the early stages of CRC.
Conclusion: Our investigation extracted factors with the highest predictive value for
risk assessment of developing CRC. Constructed Bayesian network demonstrated as a
useful tool in a simple and quick way of making conclusions by combining clinicians
experience and the data obtained from the patients. While logistic regression analysis
calculated risks for CRC by individual factors, Bayesian analysis indicated the existence
of the mutual connection of individual factors and their relationship with CRC.
Simultaneously testing CEA and CA 19-9 improve diagnostic sensitivity in early
detection of CRC. | true |
Statička i dinamička sinergija izolacionih osobina gasne smeše SF6/N2 | Static and dynamic synergy of insulating properties of gas mixture SF6/N2 | U disertaciji "Statička i dinamička sinergija izolacionih osobina gasne smeše
SF6/N2" razmatrana je efikasnost moderacionog efekta (efekta usporavanja slobodnih
elektrona neelastičnim sudarima sa molekulima N2 gasa koji povećava verovatnoću, tj.
efikasni presek, za formiranje negativnog SF6 jona) u smeši gasova SF6/N2 u slučaju
primene impulsnih napona različite brzine porasta impulsa sa promenjivim vremenom
porasta. Procentualni sastav smeše, pritisak, međuelektrodno rastojanje, oblik
električnog polja i način obrade površina elektroda su bili promenjivi parametri.
Statističkom analizom eksperimentalno dobijene slučajne promenjive impulsnih
probojnih napona i njihovim prikazivanjem preko impulsnih karakteristika je
ustanovljeno da se pri manjim brzinama impulsa javlja pozitivan sinergistički efekat
dodavanja N2 gasa u smešu, koji se gubi pri većim brzinama impulsa. Dobijeni rezultati
su objašnjeni odnosom vremenske konstante moderacionog procesa spektra (statistička
raspodela po energiji) slobodnih elektrona u gasu sa karakterisičnim vremenom
elementarnih procesa električnog pražnjenja u gasovima. | Dissertation "Static and Dynamic Synergy of Insulating Properties of Gas
Mixture SF6/N2" investigates the efficiency of a moderation effect (effect of slowing
down free electrons by inelastic collisions with molecules of N2 gas, which increases the
probability, cross section for formation of SF6 negative ions) in a mixture of SF6 and N2
gases, in case of the application of impulse voltages with varying rise times. The
moderation in question pertains to the slowing down of free electrons through nonelastic
collisions with molecules of N2 gas, which increases the probability, i.e. the effective
cross-section, for the formation of negative ions of SF6. Variable parameters included
relative mixture composition, pressure, inter-electrode gap, shape of the electric field,
and the manner of electrode surface processing. By applying statistical analysis to
experimentally obtained values of the impulse breakdown voltage random variable, and
presenting the results as impulse characteristics, it was established that a positive
synergetic effect of adding N2 gas into the mixture was achieved at smaller impulse
speeds. This effect was lost at greater impulse speeds. The obtained results were
explained by examining the relative ratio of the time constant characterizing the process
of moderating the spectrum (statistical distribution of energy) of free electrons, to the
characteristic time of elementary electric discharge processes in gases. | true |
Uticaj marketing odnosa na lojalnost kupaca u turizmu | The impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty in tourism | U savremenim uslovima poslovanja preduzeća u turizmu sve više primenjuju razliĉite strategije marketing odnosa kako bi izgradili, odrţali i poboljšali odnose sa stejkholderima i ostvarili profit. Predmet disertacije je uticaj kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo lojalnosti kupaca u zavisnosti od sociodemografskih karakteristika kupaca, imidţa i tradicije preduzeća u turizmu. Putem primene binarnog i ordinalnog logit modela u radu je predloţen model marketing odnosa koji se moţe primeniti u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju. Rezultati istraţivanja stavova kupaca i zaposlenih u turistiĉkim preduzećima potvrdili su polazne hipoteze u radu. PotvrĊena je pretpostavka da izgradnja poverenja kod kupaca i sprovoĊenje aktivnosti internog marketinga u preduzećima u turizmu dovodi do povećanja nivoa lojalnosti kupaca turistiĉkih usluga. Posebno se istiĉe uloga informacione tehnologije u upravljanju odnosima sa kupcima i izgradnji pozitivnog imidţa preduzeća u turizmu. U procesu rešavanja ţalbi kupaca ukazano je na razliku izmeĊu nivoa satisfakcije kupaca, pre i nakon njihovog podnošenja ţalbi u preduzećima u turizmu. Putem komparativne analize stavova kupaca koji imaju razliĉite sklonosti ka ţalbama, zakljuĉeno je da postoje razlike u uticaju pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo njihove lojalnosti prema turistiĉkom preduzeću. Znaĉaj rada se ogleda u identifikovanju kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju u poboljšanju marketing performansi turistiĉkih preduzeća i davanju predloga za razvoj kvalitetnih odnosa izmeĊu svih subjekata u turistiĉkom sektoru Srbije. | In modern business conditions enterprises in tourism increasingly apply different marketing strategies to build relationships, maintain and improve relationships with all stakeholders and make a profit. The subject of the thesis is the impact of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation on the customer loyalty depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the customers, the company's image and tradition in tourism. The model of relationship marketing, that can be applied to traditional and internet travel business, was proposed in the paper through the implementation of binary and ordinal logit model. The results of the research on the attitudes of customers and employees in tourism enterprises have confirmed the starting hypothesis in this paper. Therefore, the assumptions relating to the building trust with customers and implementation of internal marketing activities in companies in tourism leads to increased the levels of customer loyalty. The paper emphasizes the role of information technology in managing relationships with customers and building a positive image of companies in tourism. In the process of resolving customer complaints was pointed to the difference between the level of customer’s satisfaction before and after their filing complaints in tourism enterprises. Through comparative analysis of the customer’s attitudes who have different tendencies to complaints, it was concluded that there are differences in the impact of the assumptions of relationship marketing implementation on the level of their loyalty to the tourism enterprise. The importance of the paper has led to the identification of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation in traditional and internet tourism business, to improve marketing performance of tourism enterprises and make the recommendations for the quality relationships development between all subjects in the tourism sector of Serbia. | false |
Analiza strukture finansiranja najvećih preduzeća u Srbiji u periodu velike recesije | The analysis of financial structure in the largest enterprises in Serbia during the great recession | Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je struktura finansiranja najvećih preduzeća u
Srbiji u periodu globalne ekonomske krize koja je započela 2008. godine, u literaturi
poznate kao „Velika recesija“. Uzorak čini 186 najvećih preduzeća u Srbiji prema
kriterijumu visine poslovnih prihoda, a vremenski horizont posmatranja obuhvata
period od 2008-2014. godine.
Polazište u istraživanju predstavlja analiza makroekonomskog konteksta poslovanja
u Srbiji i analiza finansijskih performansi preduzeća na nivou privrede, po sektorima i
veličini preduzeća (velika, srednja i mala). Za razliku od analize privrede koja je
bazirana na agregiranim finansijskim izveštajima, analiza preduzeća iz uzorka vršena
je na bazi agregiranih i pojedinačnih finansijskih izveštaja, što je omogućilo da se
napravi jasna distinkcija između profitabilnih i neprofitabilnih, zaduženih i
prezaduženih, preduzeća koja rastu i onih u kontrakciji. Rezultati analize ukazuju na
promene u kretanju nivoa zaduženosti i strukturi obaveza, efekte finansijskog
leveridža, trend u kretanju likvidnosti i rizika bankrotstva najvećih preduzeća u Srbiji.
U cilju identifikovanja ključnih determinanti strukture finansiranja posmatranih
preduzeća, testirana su tri modela finansijskog leveridža (ukupni, kratkoročni i
dugoročni) primenom ekonometrijskih modela panela (modeli fiksnih individualnih
efekata). Takođe, u radu je identifikovan segment preduzeća najvećeg stepena
vajabiliteta, iz kojeg je odabrano reprezentativno preduzeće na kojem je analiziran
odnos međuzavisnosti strategije preduzeća i strukture finansiranja. Konačno, na bazi
rezultata dobijenih u empirijskom delu, u radu su date preporuke za finansijsko
restrukturiranje i poslovnu strategiju preduzeća iz uzorka. | The subject of this dissertation is the financial structure of the largest enterprises in
Serbia during the period of the global economic crisis that started in 2008, in literature
also known as the Great Recession. The research sample comprises 186 largest
enterprises in Serbia according to the amount of operating revenues in the period of
Empirical research starts with the analysis of macroeconomic business context in
Serbia as well as the analysis of financial performances of enterprises at the level of
the economy as a whole, sectoral level and the level of large, medium and small
enterprises. While the analysis at the level of economy was based on aggregated
financial statements, the analysis of the sampled enterprises was performed on the
basis of aggregated as well as individual financial statements. This approach allowed
for a clear distinction between profitable and unprofitable, indebted and over-
indebted as well as enterprises in growth or in contraction. The results of the analysis
indicate the changes in the level of indebtedness and the structure of liabilities, the
effects of financial leverage, the trends in liquidity and the risk of bankruptcy of the
largest enterprises in Serbia.
In order to identify the key determinants of the financial structure of the sampled
enterprises, three models of financial leverage were tested (total, short-term and long-
term) using panel data fixed effects models. Additionally, the segment of enterprises
with the highest level of viability was identified, from which a representative enterprise
was selected in order to analyze the interdependence between the enterprise strategy
and financial structure. Finally, on the basis of the results obtained in the empirical
work, the dissertation offers recommendations for the financial restructuring and
business strategy of sampled enterprises. | true |
Merenje i upravljanje profitabilnošću kupaca | Customer profitability measurement and management | Stvaranje vrednosti za vlasnike predstavlja primarni cilj svake profitno orijentisane
organizacije. Da bi se ostvario ovaj cilj potrebno je istovremeno zadovoljiti interese i ostalih
stejkholdera, s tim da interesi različitih stejkholdera mogu biti međusobno suprotstavljeni,
što otežava upravljanje preduzećem i njegovo usmeravanje ka ostvarenju željenih
performansi. Pored interesa, različiti stejkholderi imaju različit značaj, moć i na
raspolaganju različite instrumente za vršenje pritiska na preduzeće, ali po značaju i moći
kupci i vlasnici se mogu staviti u istu ravan.
Stvaranje vrednosti za kupce i za vlasnike je direktno uslovljeno i povezano. Stvoriti
vrednost za vlasnike znači kreirati odgovarajući neto novčani tok iz kojeg će se isplatiti
dividende i koji će osigurati sticanje kapitalnih dobitaka, pri čemu su kupci jedini
stejkholderi koji kroz kupovinu proizvoda i usluga obezbeđuju preduzeću prihode i
novčane prilive. Do kupovina proizvoda i usluga od strane kupaca, na kontinuiranoj
osnovi, doći će samo ako su zadovoljeni njihovi interesi, odnosno ako je stvorena vrednost
za njih, s tim da stvaranje vrednosti za kupce izaziva preduzeću troškove i novčane odlive,
koji u slučaju neadekvatnog upravljanja mogu da premaše kreirane prihode odnosno
novčane prilive. Iz toga sledi da je stvaranje vrednosti za kupce neophodan preduslov za
stvaranje vrednosti za vlasnike, ali da stvorena vrednost za kupce ne garantuje da će biti
stvorena i vrednost za vlasnike.
Istovremeno uvažavanje interesa i kupaca i vlasnika moguće je postići kroz upravljanje
profitabilnošću kupaca. Profitabilnost kupaca pokazuje da li je i u kojoj meri vrednost koja
je isporučena kupcima transformisana u vrednost za vlasnike. Nije moguće postići
profitabilnost kupaca ako prethodno nije stvorena vrednost za kupce, i nije moguće stvoriti
dodatu vrednosti za vlasnike ako kupci nisu stvorili profit za preduzeće.
Svaki kupac ne doprinosi podjednako profitabilnosti preduzeća. Obično, mali broj kupaca
generiše velike dobitke ili velike gubitke, a najveći broj kupaca značajnije ne utiče na nivo
profitabilnosti preduzeća. Razlike u nivou profitabilnosti kupaca uslovljene su razlikama u
vrsti i količini proizvoda koje kupci kupuju, zahtevima vezanim za prilagođavanje
proizvoda, visini prodajnih cena i odobrenih diskonta, načinu, učestalosti i veličini isporuke
proizvoda, brzini naplate potraživanja, vrsti dodatnih usluga koje kupci koriste, učestalosti
korišćenja tih usluga i sl. Brojni faktori koji utiču na nivo dobitka koji će kupci stvoriti
preduzeću zahtevaju pažljivo upravljanje odnosima sa kupcima.
Upravljačko računovodstvo može da doprinose podizanju kvaliteta upravljanja odnosima sa
kupcima kroz merenje istorijske i buduće profitabilnosti kupaca na nivou pojedinačnih
kupaca ili segmenata kupaca. Merenje istorijske profitabilnosti kupaca podrazumeva
sučeljavanje stvarnih prihoda i troškova koje su kupci prouzrokovali preduzeću u
prethodnom obračunskom periodu. Prihodi se relativno lako mogu da vežu za kupce, ali
postoje brojni izazovi na polju vezivanja troškova za kupce s obzirom na to da se manji deo
troškova može direktno da veže za kupce i da su prisutne dileme u pogledu toga koje
troškove treba uključiti u obračun profitabilnosti kupaca. Utvrđivanje buduće
profitabilnosti ili finansijske vrednosti kupaca podrazumeva projektovanje budućih
novčanih priliva i odliva za koje se pretpostavlja da će ih kupci izazvati u toku svog
životnog ciklusa i njihovo svođenje na sadašnju vrednost uz uvažavanje rizika ostvarivanja
projektovanog neto novčanog toka i vrednosti realnih opcija koje su prisutne kod ulaganja
u odnose sa kupcima. U fokusu našeg istraživanja su direktne finansijske koristi koje kupci
stvaraju za preduzeće, ali ne zanemarujemo ni to da kupci stvaraju preduzeću i određene
nefinansijske koriste koje se, pre ili kasnije, ispolje i na finansijske performanse preduzeća.
Upotreba informacija o profitabilnosti kupaca prilikom donošenja odluka ima za cilj da
maksimira profitabilnost kupaca i preduzeća u celini i da spreči nenamerno uspostavljanje
odnosa sa neprofitabilnim kupcima. Ove informacije omogućavaju prepoznavanje
profitabilnih kupaca koje treba privući i zadržati i redefinisanje odnosa sa postojećim
kupcima s namerom da se poveća profitabilnost profitabilnih kupaca i da se neprofitabilni
kupci prevedu u zonu rentabiliteta ili napuste, ako ih nije moguće učiniti profitabilnim.
Mogućnosti za povećanje profitabilnosti kupaca ne nalaze se samo u domenu
uspostavljanja i razvoja odnosa sa kupcima već se na profitabilnost kupaca može da utiče i
kroz povećanje efikasnosti, redizajniranje poslovnih procesa, racionalnije korišćenje resursa
i adekvatan izbor i upravljanje dobavljačima i distributerima koji utiču na sposobnost
preduzeća da stvori vrednost za kupce i transformiše je u vrednost za vlasnike. Zbog toga,
informaciona snaga ex post i ex ante merila profitabilnosti kupaca dolazi do izražaja tek kada
se povežu sa ostalim merilima performansi preduzeća.
Kako bismo stekli odgovarajući uvid u praksu merenja i upravljanja profitabilnošću kupaca,
na uzorku kompanija iz Republike Srbije sproveli smo empirijsko istraživanje o primeni i
iskustvima u primeni tehnika merenja profitabilnosti kupaca. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje
zastupljenosti tehnika merenje profitabilnosti kupaca u poslovnoj praksi kompanija u
Republici Srbiji, utvrđivanje u koje svrhe se koriste informacije o profitabilnosti kupaca,
ocena percepcije korisnosti merenja profitabilnosti kupaca, utvrđivanje da li primena
određenih tehnika merenja profitabilnosti kupaca zavisi od pojedinih karakteristika
preduzeća i identifikovanje barijera u primeni tehnika merenja profitabilnosti kupaca.
Dobijeni rezultati ne odstupaju značajnije od rezultata sličnih istraživanja rađenih u drugim
zemljama. Sva rađena istraživanja pokazuju da su istorijski orijentisane tehnike merenja
profitabilnosti kupaca u većoj meri zastupljene u poslovnoj praksi u odnosu na tehnike koje
podrazumevaju projektovanje finansijske vrednosti kupaca, što znači da i pored svih
učinjenih napora na prilagođavanju informacione ponude upravljačkog računovodstva
donošenju odluka u uslovima izražene konkurentnosti i neizvesnosti, ono je i dalje
dominantno istorijski orijentisano. | Creating value for owners is the primary goal of any profit oriented organization. In order
to achieve this goal, company have to simultaneously satisfy the interests of all
stakeholders. Different stakeholders have different interests which can be conflicted and it
makes difficult to manage the company and to accomplish the desired performance.
Different stakeholders also have different level of significance, power and available
instruments for doing pressure on the company, but according to importance and power,
owners and customers can be put on the same level.
Creating value for customers and owners is directly conditioned and connected. Creating
value for owners implies creating of the appropriate net cash flow from which will be paid
dividends and ensured capital gains. Customers are the only stakeholders who through the
purchase of products and services provide revenue and cash inflow to the company. They
will buy products and services on a continuous basis only if their interests are satisfied, i.e.
if company create value for them. At the same time, creating customer value produces cost
and cash outflow to the company. In case of bad customer relationship management, that
cost might be bigger than revenue which customers create for the company. Hence
creating customer value is essential precondition for creating owner value, but created
customer value does not guarantee that will be created the value for the owners.
The interests of customers and owners can be simultaneously respected through customer
profitability management. Customer profitability indicates whether and to what extent the
value that is delivered to the customers are transformed into value for the owners. It is not
possible to achieve customer profitability if value for customers is not previously created
and it is not possible to create owner value if customers did not previously create profit for
the company.
Each customer does not contribute equally to the profitability of the company. It is
common to find that a small number of customers generate large gains or large losses,
while the rest does not significantly affect the level of company’s profitability. Differences
in the level of customer profitability are caused by differences in the type and quantity of
products that customers buying, requirements for product customization, selling prices and
the amount of the discount granted, mode, frequency and size of product delivery, speed of
receivables collection, types of additional services customers use, frequency of their use,
etc. Bearing in mind that many factors affect the level of customer profitability, it is
necessary to carefully manage customer relationships.
Management accounting can contribute to improving the quality of customer relationship
management through measurement of historical and future customer profitability, at the
level of individual customers or customer segments. Measurement of historical customer
profitability implies determining differences between actual revenues and costs caused by
customers in previous accounting period. Revenue can be easily traced to customers but
there are many challenges in the field of tracing costs to customers because only a small
part of the costs in question can be directly traced to customers and because there exist
dilemmas concerning which costs should be included in the calculation of customer
profitability. Determining the future customer profitability or customer financial value
includes projecting cash inflows and outflows that will be generated by customers during
their life cycle and discounting future net cash flow to the present value with considering
risk of not achieving a predicted cash flow level and value of real options that are present in
customer relationship investment. The focus of this research is on direct financial benefits
that customers create for the company, but we are not neglecting the fact that customers
also create certain non-financial benefits that sooner or later will affect the company’s
financial performance.
The use of customer profitability information in decision making should enable
maximization of customer profitability and profitability of company and prevention of
unintentionally making a relationship with unprofitable customers. This information
enables identification of profitable customers that should be attracted and retained and
redefining relationships with existing customers in intention to maximize profitability of
profitable customers and turn unprofitable customers into profitable ones or abandon
them, if it is not possible to make them profitable. Opportunities for increasing customer
profitability aren't present just in field of establishing and developing relationships with
customers. It is possible to influence on customer profitability through efficiency
enhancement, business process redesigning, rational use of resources and appropriate
selection and management of suppliers and distributors that affect the company's ability to
create value for customers and transform it into value for the owners. Therefore,
information power of ex post and ex ante customer profitability measures comes to the
fore only when they are combined with other measures of company’s performance.
In order to gain adequate insight into the customer profitability measurement and
management practice, on a sample of companies from the Republic of Serbia, we carried
out an empirical research on the application and experience in the application of customer
accounting techniques. The aim of the research is to appraise the prevalence of customer
accounting techniques among companies from the Republic of Serbia, to determine the
purposes for which the customer profitability information are used, to assess practitioners’
perceptions of usefulness of customer profitability measurement, to determine whether the
use of customer accounting techniques depends on the company’s individual characteristics
and to identify barriers to the implementation of customer accounting techniques. The
results do not differ significantly from the results of similar studies done in other countries.
Research shows that ex post customer profitability measurement techniques are much
more present in business practice than ex ante customer profitability measurement
techniques. It means that, despite all the efforts made to adapt the management accounting
information supply to decision making in the conditions of high competition and
uncertainty, management accounting is still predominantly historically oriented. | true |
Efikasno elektromagnetsko modelovanje zasnovano na ortogonalizaciji funkcija bazisa i jednačina metode momenata | Efficient electromagnetic modeling based on basis function orthogonalization and orthogonalization of method of moments equations | Rad brojnih uređaja i sistema koji čine sastavni deo savremenog života se
zasniva na elektromagnetskim fenomenima koji su predmet izučavanja teorije
elektromagnetskog polja. Ova teorija opisuje interakcije između naelektrisanja i
struja Maksvelovim jednačinama čija su analitička rešenja u zatvorenoj formi
poznata samo za veoma ograničen broj posebnih slučajeva. U ostalim slučajevima
za rešenje ovih jednačina se koriste razne aproksimativne metode. Razvoj i
primena savremenih računara su fundamentalno promenili pristup rešavanju
Maksvelovih jednačina i među aproksimativnim metodama u prvi plan stavili
numeričke metode. Numerička elektromagnetika ima za cilj određivanje raspodele
kako izvora elektromagnetskog polja, tako i samog elektromagnetskog polja u
određenom delu prostora. Među metodama numeričke elektromagnetike, za
analizu tzv. otvorenih problema u frekvencijskom domenu, ističe se metoda
momenata (MoM) sa Galerkinovim testiranjem primenjena na površinske
integralne jednačine.
Povećanje složenosti i veličine problema, koji se mogu rešiti zadatim
računarskim resursima zahteva korišćenje različitih naprednih tehnika. U ovom
radu je fokus na kombinovanju funkcija bazisa višeg reda na više nivoa, sa ciljem
minimizacije kondicionog broja MoM matrične jednačine i minimizacije broja
iteracija potrebnih da se ova matrična jednačina reši iterativnim postupcima. U
skladu sa tim su u ovom radu sa jedne strane razmatrane efikasne metode za
maksimalnu ortogonalizaciju funkcija bazisa višeg reda i, sa druge strane metode
za efikasnu ortogonalizaciju vrsta i kolona matrične jednačine.
Pokazalo se da je za uspešnost ovih dveju tehnika ortogonalizacije potrebno
iste kombinovati sa matričnom ekvilibracijom, koja služi za ujednačavanje veličina
izvora i polja u površinskim integralnim jednačinama, kao i težina funkcija
bazisa / test funkcija u primeni metode momenata. Predložen je nov način
matrične ekvilibracije (prošireno dijagonalno skaliranje) koji se bazira na
kombinaciji dva tipa ekvilibracije zasnovanih na normama dijagonalnih elemenata
matrice i normama njenih vrsta/kolona.
Iako su maksimalno ortogonalizovane funkcije bazisa bile poznate i pre ovoga
rada, zbog komplikovanog načina njihovog zadavanja i još komplikovanije
primene, one nisu našle široku primenu. U ovoj disertaciji je razvijen jedan nov, i
pritom izuzetno jednostavan, postupak generisanja maksimalno ortogonalizovanih
(max-ortho) funkcija bazisa, koji se bazira na dvostepenoj primeni Gram-Šmitove
ortogonalizacije. Korišćenjem ovog postupka izvedeni su, tabelirani i nacrtani
izrazi za max-ortho funkcije bazisa zaključno sa osmim redom. Dodatna pažnja je
posvećena konverziji razvoja izraženih preko maksimalno ortogonalizovanih
funkcija bazisa u razvoje izražene preko modifikovanih funkcija bazisa, čime se
U disertaciji je razvijen jedan potpuno nov postupak prekondicioniranja MoM
prekondicioniranja se zasniva na istovremenom povećanju ortogonalnosti
jednačina metode momenata i smanjenju norme-2 vrsta/kolona. Novi postupak je
ograničen na simetrične matrice, kakve se dobijaju kombinacijom površinskih
integralnih jednačina poznatih kao EFIE i PMCHWT. U sklopu predstavljenog
novog postupka prekondicioniranja razmatrano je nekoliko varijanti izračunavanja
težinskih koeficijenata linearnog kombinovanja. Najefikasnijom, u smislu
kompromisa između broja potrebnih računskih operacija i efekata na smanjenje
kondicionog broja, se pokazala varijanta zasnovana na ortogonalizaciji posmatrane
vrste/kolone sa drugim vrstama/kolonama.
U disertaciji je dat niz numeričkih rezultata koji pokazuje da se kondicioni broj
MoM matrične jednačine, kao i broj iteracija potrebnih za njeno rešenje, može
smanjiti i za nekoliko redova veličine korišćenjem pojedinih metoda ili njihovih
kombinacija. Na taj način je pokazano da se korišćenjem predloženih metoda, ne
samo znatno ubrzava elektromagnetsko modelovanje, već i omogućava rešavanje
znatno komplikovanijih i električki većih problema nego do sada. | Various modern day devices and systems are based on electromagnetic
phenomena which are the subject of study of electromagnetic field theory. This
theory describes interactions between charges and the currents using Maxwell's
equations, which have known analytical solutions in closed form only for a very
limited number of special cases. In other cases, various approximation methods are
used to solve these equations. The development and widespread application of
contemporary computers have fundamentally changed the ways Maxwell's
equations are solved and have primarily emphasized numerical methods among
the various approximation methods. Computational electromagnetics aim to
determine the distribution of both the electromagnetic field sources, and the
electromagnetic fields themselves in designated spatial regions. Among the various
computational electromagnetics methods used for analysis of so called open region
problems in the frequency domain, especially pronounced is the Method of
Moments (MoM) applied to surface integral equations employing the Galerkin test
The objectives of increasing complexity and electrical size of structures that can
be modeled using available computing resources require the use of various
advanced techniques. In this dissertation we focus on diverse linear combinations
of higher order basis functions, with the primary objective of reducing the
condition number of the corresponding matrix equation and minimizing the
number of iterations required to solve the matrix equation using an iterative
method. Accordingly, this dissertation considered, on the one hand, effective
methods for obtaining maximally orthogonalized higher order basis functions, and,
on the other hand, methods for efficient row and column orthogonalization of the
matrix equation.
It was determined that, for these two orthogonalization techniques to perform
effectively, they need to be used in conjunction with matrix equilibration, which is
used to balance source and field quantities in surface integral equations, as well as
to scale basis/test functions when applying the Method of Moments. A new method
of matrix equilibration (extended diagonal scaling) is proposed, utilizing a
combination of two types of equilibration based on the norms of diagonal elements
of the system matrix and its row/column 2-norms.
Although maximally orthogonalized basis functions were introduced prior to
this dissertation, due to their complicated derivation and an even more
complicated mode of use, they have not received widespread application. In this
dissertation a novel, yet quite simple, method of generating maximally
orthogonalized (max-ortho) basis functions is developed, based on a two-stage
implementation of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Using this procedure
expressions for max-ortho basis functions up to the eighth order were derived,
tabulated and plotted. Special attention was paid to converting approximations
expressed in terms of maximally orthogonalized basis function to approximations
expressed in terms of modified basis function, which also enables the use of
existing post-processing algorithms.
This dissertation presents a completely new method for preconditioning a MoM
matrix obtained by the Galerkin test procedure. The new preconditioning method
is based on simultaneous increase of orthogonality of the MoM equations and a
reduction of the row/column 2-norms. The new procedure is limited to symmetric
systems, such as those obtained by using a combination of surface integral
equations known as EFIE and PMCHWT. Several approaches to generating the
weighting coefficients for the linear combination process were considered for the
new preconditioning method. The most efficient method, in terms of providing a
reduction of the condition number while using the least number of computations,
was shown to be the method based on orthogonalization of the active row/column
using other rows/columns.
The dissertation presents a series of numerical results showing that the
condition number of the MoM matrix equation, as well as the number of iterations
required for it to be solved, can be reduced by several orders of magnitude by
using either individual methods presented here, or a combination thereof. In this
manner, it is demonstrated that by employing the methods proposed, not only can
electromagnetic modeling be substantially accelerated, but also a greater range of
more complicated and electrically larger problems can be simulated. | true |
Stohastičnost impulsnog odziva gasne izolacije | Stochasic nature of gas insulation pulse response | Rad razmatra aktuelnu problematiku impulsnog odziva gasne izolacije u cilju razvoja vrlo brzih elektroenergetskih elektrogasnih prekidaća kao i razvoja fundamentalnih istraživanja u plazmi. Polazi se od gasnih pražnjenja na mikro osnovi, utvrđuju se osnovni zakoni pražnjenja na makro osnovi i dolazi do mogućnosti predviđanja i kontrole gasnih pražnjenja. Polazeći od slućajnosti procesa mehanizma električnog pražnjenja u gasovima razvijen je model inicijacije i razvoja pražnjenja do proboja razmatranjem kumulativnih procesa proizvodnje slobodnih elektrona, nastanka inicijalnih elektrona i razvoja pražnjenja do proboja (strimerskim i Tauzendovim mehanizmom) u realnom prostoru i u prostoru verovatnoće. Na bazi ovog modela razvijen je zakon porasta verovatnoće impulsnog proboja uz istovremenu promenu sve tri prostorne dimenzije izolacionog sistema: analiziran je uticaj povećanja broja slobodnih elektrona na stohastičnost impulsnog proboja gasne izolacije; određen je uticaj kontaminacije gasne izolacije provodnim i neprovodnim česticama na impulsni odziv gasne izolacije i razvijen metod teorijskog roračuna volt-sekundnih karakteristika gasne izolacije. | Actual problems of the pulse response of gas insulation are considered to achieve a development of very fast high energetic electro gas switches as well as the fundamental investigation of plasma. The fundamental laws of discharge at the micro bases are established and the possibility of prediction and control of the gas discharge are found, beginning from the analysis of the foundations of gas discharge at the macro base. A model of initiation and evolution of the electric discharge until the breakdown was developed by consideration of the cumulative processes in the production of free electrons, appearance of initial electrons and discharge evolution until the breakdown (using streamer and Townsend mechanisms) in the real and the probability spaces, proceeding from the incidental processes in the mechanisms of the electric discharge in gases. New model has enabled: the establishment of the law of pulse breakdown probability increase with change in all space dimensions of the insulating system at the same time; the analyses of the influence of the free electron number increase on the stochastic pulse breakdown of the gas insulation; determination of the influence of the gas insulation contamination by conducting and nonconducting particles on the pulse response of the gas insulation; and development of the method for theoretical calculation of the volt-second characteristics of the gas insulation. Theoretical results have been experimentally tested in the laboratories ali over the world. | false |
Usmereni releji bazirani na digitalnom faznom komparatoru | Directional relays based on digital phase comparator | U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljen je nov algoritam za usmereni relej
baziran na digitalnoj faznoj komparaciji. Za realizaciju digitalnog faznog komparatora
pošlo se od ideje da se ne računa fazni pomeraj između struje i referentnog napona, već
energija odnosno integral trenutne snage signala na intervalu dužine polovine osnovne
periode napona ili struje. Interval integracije je polovina osnovne periode jer je
frekvencija trenutne snage dva puta veća u odnosu na frekvenciju ulaznih signala.
Algoritam usmerenog releja koji se bazira na integralu trenutne snage signala ima
osobine faznog komparatora.
Podešavanje maksimalne osetljivosti releja vrši se direktno iz naponskog ili
strujnog registra. U odnosu na dosadašnja rešenja, ovakvim pristupom eliminisana je
potreba za impedansom modela voda Zm.
Izlaz koji generiše usmereni relej ograničen je na intervalu ±1, deljenjem srednje
snage signala prividnom snagom. Na taj način omogućeno je jednostavno zadavanje
praga reagovanja ili blokiranja releja, koji je različit od nule.
Opisani postupak u proračunima koristi samo jednostavne matematičke
operacije (sabiranje, množenje i deljenje) zbog čega u maloj meri koristi procesorsko
Zbog postojanja viših harmonika i jednosmerne komponente u ulaznim
signalima algoritam je u nastavku proširen digitalnim Fourierovim filtrom. To je
otvorilo mogućnost regulacije osetljivosti releja korišćenjem sinusne i kosinusne
komponente Fourierovog reda.
Brzina reagovanja releja zavisi od režima koji je prethodio kvaru i podešenog
praga reagovanja. Kreće se od trenutnog dejstva do 10 ms, što relej svrstava u one sa
brzim odzivom. Opisani algoritam može umesto trenutnih vrednosti signala da koristi
njihove priraštaje čime se dobija ultrabrzi usmereni relej. Vreme odziva ovog releja je
manje od 5 ms i nema zonu neosetljivosti.
U nastavku disertacije izloženo je nekoliko specifičnih primena digitalnog
faznog komparatora na realnim problemima. Svaki od algoritama detaljno je testiran
serijom računarski generisanih signala.
Kao prva primena predstavljen je algoritam za usmereni relej bez mrtve zone
reagovanja. Osnovni nedostatak klasičnih usmerenih zaštita predstavlja postojanje zone
neosetljivosti pri bliskim kratkim spojevima. Pri bliskim kvarovima napon na mestu
ugradnje releja postaje toliko mali da je praktično neupotrebljiv za ispravan rad releja.
Ovaj problem rešen je uvođenjem kašnjenja po naponu koji se koristi u proračunima.
Pri tome, posebna pažnja posvećena je problemu sinhronizacije kada stvarna frekvencija
sistema odstupi od naznačene. Za sinhronizaciju odbiraka koji ulaze u proračun
korišćena je metoda prolaska signala kroz nulu (Zero-crossing).
U nastavku je razvijena trofazna varijanta usmerenog releja baziranog na
digitalnom faznom komparatoru. Usmerena funkcija kombinovana je sa prekostrujnom i
distantnom zaštitom kako bi bili izvedeni konkretni uslovi reagovanja za sve vrste
kratkih spojeva u mreži: jednofazni kratak spoj, dvofazni kratak spoj, dvofazni kratak
spoj sa zemljom i trofazni kratak spoj.
Na kraju, predstavljen je i algoritam za usmereni relej bez naponskih ulaza
namenjen radu u izolovanim, radijalnim mrežama. Ovaj relej, umesto nultog napona kao
referentne veličine, koristi radne struje budući da se iste praktično ne menjaju pri pojavi
jednostrukog zemljospoja. Predložena tehnika može se primeniti u sistemima gde
naponski signali nisu dostupni i na taj način poveća upotrebljivost klasičnih
prekostrujnih releja. Korak dalje u odnosu na klasičnu usmerenu zemljospojnu zaštitu
predstavlja mogućnost izolovanja ne samo voda u kvaru već i faze pogođene kvarom.
Ovaj algoritam verifikovan je i kroz eksperiment na fizičkom modelu izolovane mreže
sa dva izvoda. | In this doctorial dissertation, a new algorithm for directional relay based on
digital phase comparison is presented. The basic idea for realization of digital phase
comparator is as follows: instead of calculating phase shift between the reference
voltage and current, this algorithm calculates energy i.e. integral of the instantaneous
power over one half-period of the voltage or current signal. The integration interval is
the half-period because the frequency of the instantaneous power is two times higher
than the frequency of the input signals. The algorithm for the directional element based
on the integral of instantaneous power possesses the features of the phase comparator.
The adjustment of relay sensitivity is performed directly from voltage or current
register. In comparison to existing solutions, this approach eliminates the necessity for
the line or network model impedance Zm.
The output signal, generated by the directional element is limited to interval ±1,
by division of the average signal power with the apparent power. This way, the tripping
or blocking threshold setting different than zero is enabled.
The described procedure uses only simple mathematical operations (addition,
multiplication and division) for calculations resulting in small CPU time occupation.
Due to existence of higher harmonics and/or direct component in input signals,
the algorithm is extended by Fourier filter. This opened a possibility for rough
regulation of the relay sensitivity by using only sine or cosine component of the Fourier
The relay tripping time depends upon the regime before the fault occurrence and
the adjusted tripping threshold. It varies from the instantaneous tripping to 10 ms so the
relay is characterized by high speed of response. Instead of instantaneous values of the
input signals, the described algorithm can use their increments and therefore further
increase the speed of response. The tripping time of this relay is less than 5 ms and
operates without dead tripping zone.
In the following chapters of dissertation, several specific applications of digital
phase comparator on practical problems are investigated. Each algorithm is tested in
detail with the series of computer-generated signals.
As the first application, the algorithm for directional relay without dead tripping
zone is displayed. The basic limitation of classical directional element is the existence
of insensitivity zone for close faults. At nearby faults, the voltage on the measuring site
becomes so low and practically useless for proper operation of the relay. The dead
tripping zone is eliminated by introducing voltage delay which is used for determination
of direction. Special attention is paid to the problem of synchronization which appears
when the signal frequency deviates from the assumed (rated) value. The described
problem is efficiently solved through application of the zero-crossing method.
In the following chapter, the three-phase directional relay based on digital phase
comparator is developed. The direction function is combined with overcurrent and
distant protection to develop unique tripping conditions for all types of faults: phase-to-
ground, two-phase, two-phase-to-ground and three-phase faults.
Finally, the algorithm for directional element without voltage inputs is
presented. This relay is intended for use in isolated networks. For the reference quantity
the algorithm does not use zero sequence voltage, but phase currents since in an isolated
network they vary only slightly upon a phase-to-earth fault occurs. The suggested
algorithm can be used in the system where voltage signal is not available, to increase
the functionality of simple overcurrent relay. Compared to classical directional earth-
fault protection, this technique detects not only the line containing a phase-to-earth fault
but also the faulted phase. This algorithm is also verified by performing an experiment
on the physical model of the isolated network with two lines. | true |
Model rešavanja sukoba korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije trgovinskih objekata | Predmet ovog istraživanja jeste izbor lokacije trgovinskih objekata posmatrano sa
stanovišta zaštite konkurencije što se ispoljava kroz analizu različitih razvojnih
strategija trgovinskih kompanija na jednoj strani i osnovnih ciljeva politike zaštite
konkurencije na drugoj strani. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se doprinese
teorijskim saznanjima u oblasti maloprodaje kroz jasan i na naučnoj osnovi predstavljen
uticaj koji propisi za zaštitu konkurencije mogu da imaju na izbor optimalne lokacije
trgovinskih objekata. Sa druge strane cilj je da se ispita značaj metoda i tehnika iz
oblasti teorije lokacije za definisanje geografskog relevantnog maloprodajnog tržišta.
Takođe, cilj je i definisanje smernica i metodologije za određivanje relevantnog tržišta u
maloprodaji, što će sa jedne strane koristiti regulatornim telima za zaštitu konkurencije,
dok će, sa druge strane, omogućiti menadžmentu maloprodajnih kompanija da sa većom
sigurnošću donosi strateške razvojne planove, pre svega po pitanju prostornog razvoja
koji neće narušiti konkurenciju na maloprodajnom tržištu. U skladu s tim prva polazna
hipoteza u okvuru ovog istraživanja je da u izboru lokacije prodajnih objekata postoje
različiti interesi u realizaciji korporativne i javne trgovinske politike. Testiranje ove
hipoteze sprovedeno je komparativnom analizom regulatornog okvira politike zaštite
konkurencije i osnovnih razvojnih ciljeva maloprodajnih kompanija. Rezultati testiranja
su pokazali da postoje jasni ciljevi korporativne i javne politike u lokaciji trgovinskih
objekata. Svaki maloprodavac, kao nosilac korporativne politike, nastoji da zauzme što
veći deo tržišta pozicionirajući svoje maloprodajne objekte na što atraktivnijim
lokacijama. Na drugoj strani osnovni ciljevi politike zaštite konkurencije, odnosno
javne politike, neposredno ukazuju na potrebu postojanja što većeg broja konkurenata
na relevantnom tržištu. Sučeljavajući navedene stavove jasno proizilazi da postoje
objektivno različiti interesi nosilaca korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije
trgovinskih objekata čime se potvrđuje prva hipoteza ovog istraživanja. Kakav efekat
ima efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije na razvoj trgovine na malo utvrđeno
je testiranjem podhipoteze da efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije u
tranzicionim zemljama pozitivno utiče na razvoj trgovine na malo. Na osnovu
sprovedene regresione analize može se zaključiti da politika za zaštitu konkurencije ima
pozitivan uticaj na razvijenost trgovine na malo čime se potvrđuje podhipoteza prve
polazne hipoteze. Potpuno sagledavanje objektivne potrebe za maloprodajnim
objektima moguće je samo ako se na pravi način odredi relevantno tržište trgovine na
malo. Za određivanje relevantnog tržišta proizvoda potrebno je sagledati lokalne
karakteristike potrošača i njihove preferencije u pogledu izbora maloprodajnih objekata.
Zbog toga se razmatra druga polazna hipoteza da pojedini faktori makrolokacije
različito utiču na tržišno područje maloprodajnih formata. U okviru ove hipoteze
testirane su dve podhipoteze. Prva da cene za potrošače predstavljaju najvažniji faktor
za izbor maloprodajnih formata veće prodajne površine (hipermarketi i supermarketi) i
druga da je udaljenost za potrošače najvažniji faktor za izbor maloprodajnih formata
manje prodajne površine (supereta, mini market i klasična prodavnica). Anketiranjem
potrošača potvrđena je istinitost za obe podhipoteze. Ispunjenost tvrdnji datih
navedenim podhipotezama potvrđuje i tačnost druge hipoteze, te stoga na osnovu
studije slučaja kojom je sprovedena analiza maloprodajnog tržišta u Beogradu dolazi se
do zaključka da pojedini faktori makrolokacije, a pre svega povoljne cene i udaljenost,
različito utiču na tržišno područje maloprodajnih formata. Za određivanje relevantnog
geografskog maloprodajnog tržišta neophodno je istražiti prirodu konkurencije koja
vlada na tržištu. Ona je u velikoj meri određena gravitacionim područjima
maloprodajnih objekata i stepenom u kome se ona preklapaju. Iz tog razloga je kao treća
polazna naučna hipoteza uzeta tvrdnja da je raspored prodajnih objekata koji pripadaju
istom tržišnom području maloprodajnih formata takav da postoje značajna preklapanja
njihovih gravitacionih krugova tako da celokupna teritorija određenog regiona
predstavlja jedinstveno geografsko relevantno tržište. Za testiranje ove hipoteze
korišćeni su rezultati dobijeni anketiranjem potrošača nakon obavljenih kupovina u
objektima obuhvaćenim reprezentativnim stratifikovanim uzorkom. Na osnovu pravila
neprekidnog lanca supstitucije i grafičkog prikaza gravitacionih područja hipermarketa i
supermarketa došlo se do zaključka da cela teritorija užeg jezgra grada Beograda
predstavlja jedinstveno geografsko relevantno tržište kada su u pitanju malprodajni
objekti čija je prodajna površina veća od 400 m², dok je za objekte manje od 400 m²
utvrđeno da u okviru užeg jezgra grada Beograda postoji više manjih regiona koji
predstavljaju odvojena relevantna geografska tržišta. Ovi zaključci potvrđuju treću
polaznu hipotezu koja kaže da je raspored prodajnih objekata koji pripradaju istom
tržišnom području maloprodajnih formata takav da postoje značajna preklapanja
njihovih gravitacionih krugova tako da celokupna teritorija određenog regiona
predstavlja jedinstveno geografsko relevantno tržište. Pored precizno određene
definicije relevantnog tržišta u trgovini na malo važno je sagledati i nivo saturacije na
osnovu koga se može doneti zaključak o (ne)postajanju aktivnog angažovanja javne
politike u procesu razvoja maloprodajne mreže. Zbog toga, je razmatrana i četvrta
hipoteza da postoje različiti nivoi regionalne saturacije sa trgovinskim uslugama zbog
nedovoljnog angažovanja javne politike. Rezultati sprovedene analize saturiranosti
maloprodajnog tržišta u Beogradu, kako sa stanovišta većih tako i sa stanovišta manjih
maloprodajnih formata, pokazuju da postoje različiti nivou saturacije sa trgovinskim
uslugama što je u velikoj meri rezultat nedovoljnog angažovanja javne politike u
lokaciji trgovinskih objekata, čime se potvrđuje stav četvrte polazne hipoteze.
Kompleksnost definisanog problema i postavljenih hipoteza u ovom istraživanju
uslovili su postojanje neophodnosti korišćenja različitith metoda i tehnika u primarnim
istraživanjima i za analizu sekundarnih podataka. Za testiranje hipoteze o postojanju
različitih interesa u sprovođenju korporativne i javne politike pri izboru lokacije
prodajnih objekata korišćen je metod analize relevantne literature iz ove oblasti, na
osnovu koga su definisani osnovni ciljevi korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije
trgovinskih objekata, ali i razmatrani različiti interesi u procesu njihovog sprovođenja.
Istraživanje je sprovedeno i upotrebom kvantitativnih metoda uz primenu korelacione i
regresione analize na osnovu kojih je testirano postojanje pozitivnog uticaja efikasne
primene politike zaštite konkurencije na razvoj trovine na malo. Analiza studije slučaja
korišćena je za testiranje ostalih polaznih hipoteza, ali i za analizu i određivanje
relevantnog tržišta u Beogradu. U okviru ove analize primenjene su razne tehnike i
metodi istraživanja: metod terenskog istraživanja, metod izbora stratifikovanog uzorka,
metod anketiranja, prostorno interaktivni metod određivanja gravitacionog područja,
metod analogije, metod neprekidnog lanca supstitucije i tehnike GIS analize. U ovom
istraživanju predstavljena je nova dimenzija teorije lokacije koja se ogleda kroz
uključivanje faktora politike zaštite konkurencije u analizu izbora optimalne lokacije
trgovinskog objekta, ali i kroz širenje mogućnosti primene teorije lokacije u drugim
oblastima. Značajan doprinos dat je teoriji politike zaštite konkurencije jer je u radu
definisana precizna metodologija za određivanje relevantnog maloprodajnog tržišta
zasnovana na naučnim metodama i modelima iz oblasti teorije lokacije i ekonomskim
karakteristikama lokalnog tržišta. Urađeno je i kvantitativno testiranje uticaja
efikasnosti politike zaštite konkurencije na razvoj trgovine na malo što praktično
predstavlja potpuno novi istraživački izazov kako u oblasti trgovine na malo, tako i u
oblasti politike zaštite konkurencije. U ovoj disertaciji, na sistematski način pronađen je
i definisan model rešavanja sukoba korporativne i javne politike u lokaciji trgovinskih
objekata što predstavlja značajan doprinos teoriji lokacije maloprodajnih objekata.
Praktično, upotrebom jedinstvene metodologije za definisanje i određivanje relevantnog
tržišta u trgovini na malo do koje se došlo u ovom istraživanju, izbegavaju se
potencijalni sukobi između nosilaca javne i korporativne plitike u lokaciji trgovinskih
objekata jer će jedinstvena definicija relevantnog tržišta u trgovini na malo ujediniti
njihove stavove po pitanju budećeg razvoja maloprodajne mreže trgovinskih objekata. | The subject of this research is related to appropriate selection of retail store location in
terms of competition policy which is conducted by an analysis of different development
strategies of retail companies, on one end, and basic goals of the competition policy, on
the other end. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to improve theoretical knowledge in
the field of retail through a clear and scientifically based effect which competition
regulations may have on the selection of optimal location of retail stores. On the other
hand, its aim is to discover the relevance of methods and techniques of the location
theory for defining a geographically relevant market in the retail industry. In addition,
its aim is also to define guidelines and methodologies in order to determine a relevant
retail market which will be of use to regulatory bodies for competition protection and
will enable the management of retail companies to prepare less risky strategic
development plans, mainly those regarding a location development that will not
negatively affect competition on the retail market. According to this, the first hypothesis
of this research states that there are different interests in choosing a retail store location
in terms of achieving a corporate and public trade policy. Testing of this hypothesis has
been conducted by a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework of the
competition policy and basic development goals of retail companies. The test results has
shown that there are clear goals of corporate and public policy regarding the location of
retail stores. Each retailer, as a carrier of corporate policy, tends to succeed on the
market by positioning its retail stores at most attractive locations. On the other hand, the
main goals of the competition policy and public policy are to directly point out the need
for more competitors in the relevant market. By confronting the two hypotheses it is
evident that there exist obviously different interests of the carriers of corporate and
public policy in terms of choosing retail store locations by which the first hypothesis of
this research is proved. A type of effects that result from an effective implementation of
the competition policy in the development of retail trade has been determined by testing
of a sub-hypothesis which claims that an efficient implementation of the competition
policy in countries undergoing transition has got positive effects on the development of
the retail trade. Based on a conducted regression analysis we can conclude that the
competition policy has positive effects on the development level of the retail trade by
which the sub-hypothesis of the first basic hypothesis has been confirmed. In order to
fully understand the necessity of retail stores, it is required to properly determine a
relevant market in the retail industry. For determining the relevant product market in the
retail industry it is necessary to consider local consumer characteristics and their
preferences in terms of selection of retail store. Therefore, the second basic hypothesis
states that certain macro-location factors have different effects on a retail format’s
market area. Within this hypothesis, two sub-hypotheses have been tested. The first one
claims that prices are the most important factor for customers in selecting retail stores of
the bigger size (hypermarkets and supermarkets) and the second claims that distance is
the most important factor for customers selecting retail stores of the smaller size
(superete, mini-markets and traditional corner shops). After performing customer
surveys, both sub-hypotheses have been proved correct. Proving of these claims given
by the stated sub-hypotheses proves the second hypothesis and, therefore, based on the
case study used in an analysis of the retail market in Belgrade, it can be concluded that
certain macro-location factors, meaning mainly a low price and distance, have different
effects on a market area for the different retail store formats. In order to determine the
relevant geographical retail market, it is necessary to research the nature of the
competition that exists on that market. This is mostly determined by an analysis of
catchment areas of retail stores and the extent in which they overlap. Because of this, as
the third basic scientific hypothesis we have taken into consideration a claim that the
layout of sales objects that belong to the same retail format’s market area is such that
there exist significant overlap of their gravitational circles because of which the total
territory of a certain region represents a unique geographical relevant market. For the
hypothesis testing purpose, results of consumer surveys have been used where
customers were surveyed upon completed shopping at retail store locations taken as
representative stratified samples. Based on the rule of unbroken chain of substitution
and graphic preview of hypermarkets’ and supermarkets’ catchment areas, we have
concluded that the entire territory of the Belgrade’s central area represents a unique
geographical relevant market in terms of retail objects bigger than 400 m2 and also that
there are several smaller regions which represent separated relevant geographical
markets of objects smaller than 400 m2. These conclusions prove our third basic
hypothesis which claims that the distribution of sales objects of the same retail format
within a market area has significant overlapping in their gravitational circles so that the
whole territory of a certain region represents a unique geographically relevant market.
Apart from a precisely determined definition of a relevant retail market, it is important
to consider the level of saturation based on which we may conclude the existence, or
lack thereof, of active public policy engagement in the process of retail network
development. Therefore, the fourth scientific hypothesis is based on a premise that
because of insufficient engagement of the public policy there are various levels of
regional saturation with certain retail services. The results of the conducted sales area
saturation analysis in Belgrade, from the viewpoint of both bigger and smaller retail
formats, shows that there are different levels of saturation with retail services, which is
mainly a result of an insufficient public policy engagement into retail object locations,
by which the premise of the fourth basic hypothesis has been confirmed. The
complexity of the defined problem and base hypotheses in this research has required
implementation of different methods and techniques in primary researches and analysis
of secondary data. In order to test the existence of different interests in the
implementation of the corporate and public policy in choosing of a retail store location,
references from relevant literature have been considered, based on which the main goals
of the corporate and public policy in choosing the location of retail stores were defined,
but also for considering different interests in the process of their implementation. The
research had been conducted by use of quantitative methods of correlation and
regression analysis based on which the existence of positive effects of the competition
policy on retail development were tested. A case study analysis has been used for
testing of the other base hypotheses, but also for an analysis and determination of the
relevant retail market in Belgrade. As part of this analysis, different techniques and
research methods have been used, such as: a field research method, stratified sample
method, survey method, space interactive method for determining a gravitational area,
analogy method, method of unbroken chain of substitution and GIS analysis techniques.
In this research a new dimension of the location theory was presented which is
characterized by inclusion of competition policy factors in analyzing the selection of
optimal retail store location, but also for increasing possibilities of the location theory
implementation in other areas. A significant contribution has been given to the
competition policy theory because the research defines a precise methodology for
determining a relevant retail market based on scientific methods and models from the
location theory and economic characteristics of the local market. Quantitative testing of
effects of the competition policy on the development of retail was implemented as well,
which actually represents a whole new research challenge in the area of retail and actual
competition policy. In this dissertation, a model for solving conflicts between the
corporate and public policy in terms of the retail store locations has been developed in a
systematic way, which presents a great contribution to the retail store location theory.
Practically, with the use of the unique methodology for defining the relevant retail
market that was developed in this research, all potential conflicts between the carriers of
the public and corporate policy in terms of the location of retail stores are avoided due
to the unique definition of the relevant retail market which will unite their opinions
regarding a future retail stores network development. | true |
Sociologija dominacije Pjera Burdijea | Sociology of domination of Pierre Bourdieu | Pjer Burdije je savremeni klasik i jedan od najuticajnijih sociologa današnjice. O njemu i njegovim delima se mnogo i naširoko pisalo i raspravljalo u struĉnoj literaturi. Cilj ove studije je da ponudi drugaĉiji pristup u prouĉavanju rada francuskog sociologa od onih postojećih. Originalnost pristupa proizlazi iz metodologije rada, koja samo po sebi nije nova ali je retko kad bila dosledno primenjena u izuĉavanju Burdijea, i osobenom interpretativnom kljuĉu kroz koji se teorijski opus ovog autora sagledava. Kad je reĉ o metodologiji, teţište je na preispitivanju teorijskih stanovišta (analiza teksta i intertekstualna uporedna analiza), ali se njihov nastanak i njihov razvoj razmatraju tako što se uzimaju u obzir svi oni društveni ĉinioci pod ĉijim uticajem se Burdije, kao društvena jedinka i kao sociolog, formirao (analiza konteksta – društvenog, intelektualnog, nauĉnog i akademskog). Na teorijskom nivou, Burdijeovom radu se pristupa kroz sveobuhvatno, temeljno, kritiĉko, preispitivanje njegovih shvatanja i kljuĉnih ideja, uz komentarisanje relevantnih osvrta na ta ista, kako bi se izneli argumenti u prilog teze da je Burdijeovu sociologiju najprimerenije okvalifikovati kao sociologiju dominacije. U uvodnom delu rada, najpre se daje kratak, sistematiĉan pregled relevantnih studija o Burdijeu i njegovoj sociologiji. Potom se identifikuju glavne odlike Burdijeove sociologije, one po kojima se ona svrstava u red kritiĉkih sociologija dominacije, ali i one koje je ĉine specifiĉnom u odnosu na srodne pristupe društvu i odnosima dominacije. Autorka tvrdi da posebnost Burdijeove sociologije dominacije dobrim delom proizlazi iz teorije polja, koja u njoj zauzima centralno mesto i predstavlja glavni analitiĉki okvir za primenu i razradu ostalih teorijskih pojmova. Da bi to pokazala, autorka, na samom poĉetku, prouĉava genezu Burdijeove teorijske konstrukcije i preispituje mesto teorije polja u njoj (prvo poglavlje „Burdijeova sociologija dominacije i njeni poĉeci―). Teorija polja je u ovom radu upotrebljena kao analitiĉko uporište iz kojeg se procenjuje da li i na koji naĉin Burdijeova sociologija funkcioniše kao sociologija dominacije. Upravo zbog toga, rad je najvećim svojim delom koncipiran oko analize Burdijeovog shvatanja nekoliko društvenih polja – politiĉkog polja (drugo poglavlje „Politiĉko polje i simboliĉko nasilje – kad reĉ postaje moć―), polja obrazovanja (treće poglavlje „Polje obrazovanja – kulturni sauĉesnik―), nauĉnog polja (ĉetvrto poglavlje „Nauĉno polje – dominacija na testu―), polja umetnosti (peto poglavlje „Polje umetnosti – dominacija kreativnosti i kreativnost dominacije―) i polja moći (šesto poglavlje „Polje moći – borba svih [polja] protiv svih [polja]―). Jedno posebno poglavlje je posvećeno Burdijeovom shvatanju muške dominacije koju je francuski sociolog smatrao nekom vrstom transverzale svih polja (Sedmo poglavlje, „Rodna dominacija – dva pola simboliĉkog kapitala―). U poslednjoj celini raspravlja se o Burdijeovoj društvenoj teoriji iz ugla odabranih poznavalaca, sledbenika i kritiĉara njegove misli (osmo poglavlje „NasleĊe i naslednici―). Njihov glas je upotrebljen kao komentar Burdijeovog viĊenja i Burdijeove vizije društvenog sveta i istovremeno kao uvod u preispitivanje heuristiĉke plodnosti i primenjivosti njegove teorijske aparature u istraţivanju dominacije u društvu XXI veka, kojim završava ovaj rad. U zakljuĉku autorka takoĊe ukazuje na neke Burdijeove ideje, koje izdvaja na osnovu prethodno izloţene analize njegovih tekstova o politici, obrazovanju, nauci, kulturi i umetnosti (ideje poput politike habitusa, racionalne pedagogije i dr.), za koje smatra da imaju znaĉajne politiĉke implikacije u smislu ukidanja odnosa dominacije u društvu i za ĉiju se praktiĉnu primenu zalaţe. | Pierre Bourdieu is a contemporary classic and one of the most influential sociologists of today. Both his writings and his academic personality have been subjects of many studies and discussions in the academic literature. The aim of this study is to offer an approach to the body of work of this French sociologist, different from a majority of the existing ones. The originality of the present approach stems from research methodology – which is not new in itself, but so far rarely consistently applied in studying Bourdieu – and also from adopting a unique interpretative perspective on Bourdieuʼs theoretical opus. The methodological focus is on examining the theoretical stances (text analysis and comparative intertextual analysis), their origins and their development, by taking into account all the social factors that had influenced Bourdieuʼs formation, as a social agent and sociologist (social, intellectual, scientific and academic contexts are analyzed). On the theoretical level, Bourdieuʼs work is approached by a comprehensive, thorough and critical examination of his views and key ideas. The existing relevant analyses written by other people are examined as well, with a view to building up the central argument of the dissertation: that Bourdieuʼs sociology is best described as sociology of domination. Introductory chapter begins with a brief, systematic survey of relevant studies of Bourdieu and his sociology. Then, the main features of Bourdieuʼs sociology are identified: the ones which help classify it as a critical sociology of domination and the others which point to differences between Bourdieuʼs sociology and other similar approaches to society and relations of domination. The author argues that the particularity of Bourdieuʼs sociology mainly stems from field theory, which has a central role in it and represents the principal analytical framework for the application and deployment of other theoretical concepts. In order to support that claim, the author explores, in the opening chapter, the genesis of Bourdieuʼs theoretical construction and discusses the role field theory plays in it (Chapter 1, „Bourdieuʼs Sociology of Domination and Its Beginnings―). This work uses field theory as an analytical anchor which helps to establish whether Bourdieuʼs sociology functions as a sociology of domination, and if so, in which way. For this reason, major attention is paid to Bourdieuʼs understanding of several social fields – political field (Chapter 2, „Political Field and Symbolic Violence – When Word Becomes Power―), field of education (Chapter 3, „Field of Education – The Cultural Accomplice―), scientific field (Chapter 4, „Scientific Field – Domination Put to Test―), field of art (Chapter 5, „Field of Art – Domination of Creativity and Creativity of Domination―) and field of power (Chapter 6, „Field of Power – The Battle of All/Fields Against All/Fields―). One chapter is dedicated to Bourdieuʼs view of masculine domination which the French sociologist considered to be in a certain way transversal to all fields (Chapter 7, „Masculine Domination – Two Genders of Symbolic Capital―). The final chapter discusses Bourdieuʼs social theory from the perspective of several of his major commentators, followers and critics (Chapter 8, „Legacy and Inheritors―). Their voice is used as a commentary on Bourdieuʼs view and vision of the social world, and at the same time as an overture for the final examination of this work – the question of heuristic potentials and applicability of his theoretical apparatus for the study of domination in the 21st century. In the conclusion, the author highlights and advocates the practical application of some of Bourdieuʼs ideas, identified in preceding analysis of Bourdieuʼs writings on politics, education, science, culture and art (ideas like politics of habitus, rational pedagogy, and others). These are considered to have important political implications, in terms of suspending the relations of domination in society. | false |