1. Warren I don't know! Chap 1 **A/n: This just something I came up with at night before I went to sleep then I built it into an after, before and during school project!** God I wish I hadn't left him! I had everything authority, popularity, money and best of all love. Then I met him, Warren. I thought I loved Warren, but then he cheated on me, a thing my ex-boyfriend would never have done, but I did to him. I suddenly felt what it was like to have all sense of security whipped out from underneath me. I must have done that to him, the kind sensitive Logan Reese. I know you must be thinking Logan Reese, kind and sensitive, yeah right, well he changed for the better when I came back from France. When I left him I left the gang only to wave to or say a muffled hello in the halls. Logan can't meet my eye anymore and I can't meet his. He has this new girl now, she's a blonde bimbo, she's always on his arm. Her name's Julie. She's in my maths class and as thick as two short planks. So not his type, since he changed anyway. Warren cheated on me with Julie's friend Andrea, another blonde with no IQ. So now I walk about PCA all on my own. Depressing really. Dana Cruz, a loner. Dana Cruz, a loser. Dana Cruz, an outcast. That's me! I have no-one! I mean why would I need anyone! I'm fine on my own, why shouldn't I be? I'm Dana Cruz. Now I know who I love. I love Logan. I shouldn't have let him go. I shouldn't have gone to Warren. I now have a year, yes this is senior year, to win Logan over or I may not see him again. I may not get to see any of my old gang it again. I can't let him or them go, they mean everything to me. I need them, especially now! Where to start? Where to begin? I walked around campus looking for Warren. _This is when we were still together_He'd promised to meet me at the fountain. He wasn't there. Just that Julie, kissing Logan. Logan gave me an evil 'go away' stare. I gave him an 'I don't care care if you hate me' look. Of course I actually cared, but I didn't want him to know that! I searched for Warren everywhere, then I went back to the fountain. There was Warren, standing there as though he'd been there all along. "Where have you been?" he had the guts to ask me. "Looking for you." I said flatly. "I promised I'd meet you here, silly!" Warren smiled. "I came here first and you weren't here." I said threw gritted teeth. "Well sorry, I got held up!" Warren said rather annoyed. "By who?" I asked curiously. "My mates!" Warren shrugged. "But I just saw them and they said they hadn't seen you for at least an hour." I said just keeping my temper. "Well-it-was-my-my-other-friends." Warren stammered. I punched his arm. Don't lie to me!" I shouted. "O.K! O.K!" Warren moaned, "I was on my own, in my dorm." "Don't lie! I checked your dorm that's where your mates were." I punched his arm again, "I don't want to know where you were." I concluded. Warren looked at his feet, that confirmed it. Warren was cheating on me. "Who is she?" I stared him down. "Dana, please!" Warren begged. "Who is she?" I asked a little irritated. "Dana! At least get inside first!" Warren pleaded. "Why?" I said angrily. "Please!" Warren kissed me on the head, the kiss of death. "Fine!" I said moodily. I practically speed-walked to my dorm. I've got one to share with Andrea and Julie now. Julie smiled at me nervously and Andrea didn't even look up. Warren walked in behind me. "Girls, can I have a minute with Dana?" "Sure, Warren!" Andrea said in a way that I now know was flirtatiously. "Sure." Julie mumbled. The two girls left the room. I turned and faced him. "Tell me!" I ordered. "Dana, sit down!" Warren told me. "I don't want to sit down!" I yelled, "Just tell me who your little hussie girl is?" "O.K! O.K! It's-it's Andrea!" Warren looked at the floor. I was stunned, I couldn't move. "Babe?" Warren asked worriedly. "Don't babe me!" I screamed, "How long?" I asked desperately. "Since, the start of the semester." Warren mumbled staring at the floor. "Get out." I said barely above a whisper. "What?" Warren asked foolishly. "Get out!" I yelled. Warren put his arms around me. I pushed him away. Then I punched his chest. "Get out! Get out! Get out!" I screeched. I then broke down crying. Warren held my wrists. "Why? Why?" I sobbed. I jumped on my bed. Warren came over. I kicked him away and rolled over. I sobbed into my pillow. A few minutes later I heard the door click. I assumed Warren was gone. I cried even more. After about fifteen minutes I heard the door click again and the voices of Julie and Andrea, gossiping. I was so distraught I could only hear one line, "Serves her right for doing the same to Logan." Who cares who said it, all I know is that it was said. The two carried on for what seemed like years, while I calmed down. After a while I drifted off to sleep. I dreamt that I had never come back to PCA. I still lived with Mama in France I had another boyfriend, Pierre. He was cool. An O.K. guy, could say. I was in France for a year. I went for one reason and one reason only, Mama. I came back coz I had to. I had to get away from it all. Away from Tash. I woke up sick. I hadn't felt so sick since leaving Logan or since Tash. Oh Tash, how I miss you. I should have taken her with me. I should have taken her. I should have done. I need her. She's the only person I have hope in. Please send her over. She's the only thing I have ever done right in my whole cooked up life. I need her here. I need her here now! This is where I am now thinking all of this over. Wishing for Warren, wishing foe Logan and most of all wishing for Tash. How I miss Logan. It doesn't make sense. I didn't miss him one bit when I left him, but now I miss him like hell. I really am sick! Sick of my life. Sick of everything. Sick of Warren. Sick of Julie. Sick of Andrea. And sick of Mama. I'm not sick of Tash anymore. I just want my old life back. The life where I always fought with Logan, I always got annoyed with Nicole, Zoey was always trying to make everything perfect, Michael was Michael and Chase was over league crushing on Zoey. There was that new girl as well, Lola. The whole reason I'm stuck in a room with tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber. I will never have that again. Not now! Not ever! Zoey doesn't think I'm 'perfect' enough to be in her little gang. At the time I told her she could stuff it up her ass, but in actual fact I would kill to be a part of that group now. I would honestly kill! It must be something like 9:00 am now. I've a woken to some strange noises out side my door. I get up and walk dizzily to the door. I open the door slowly, I have to hold onto the door frame to steady myself. The door opens faster than I'd hoped. I grasp the door frame to stop myself falling over. I peer down the corridor. Two girls, there backs are to me, so I can't tell who they are. "Look I had a fucking rough night last night, keep the noise down!" I shout at them. "Dana?" one of the girls queries. **A/n:Well what do ya think? Who do ya think tha two girls are? What do ya think is gonna happen? Press the PURPLE button now!** 2. Tasha I Don't Know Chap 2 **A/n: Who were the two girls? Let's find out!!!!!** "Yeah that's my name!" I shoot. One of the girls spins around. "Dana, it's me! Nicole!" the one on the left screeches. I throw my hands to my ears. "We, me and Zo, came to see if you were alright!" Nicole asks almost normally. "It's all over campus already?" I ask worriedly. "No, no! Julie told Logan, Logan told Chase and Michael and they told us!" Nicole rambled. "Oh!" I sigh relieved. I'm worried though coz one of my best friends is still not saying anything. "So how are you?" Nicole asks seeing me frowning at Zoey's back. "Fine!" I mumble, "So how are you?" "Good! Good!" Nicole muttered. "Zoey at least talk to me!" I protest. "Why?" She asks then immediately clamps her hand to her mouth. Zoey spins round and faces me with an ugly scowl plastered on her face. "You don't get it do you?" She asks angrily. "Get what?" I ask puzzled. "That I don't want to be your friend anymore!" Zoey yells. "I get that! I didn't ask you to come here! You came here coz you were worried! For that I thank you! But if you're gonna bad mouth me and say that you don't wanna be my friend, then leave!" I shout stubbornly. "Look Dana! I don't want to leave! I have just as much right to be here as anyone! I actually came coz Nicole dragged me here!" Zoey whispers angrily. "Yeah, but you could still leave!" "God, you are so like Logan!" Zoey quickly clamps her hand back to her mouth. I roll my eyes. Brilliant, just as I forget about Logan, SHE reminds me! "I'm SO sorry! You don't want anything to do with him!" "I do!" I want to scream it, but all I do is mutter it. "What you do now? After practically ripping his heart out! I don't believe you, you bitch!" she hit a sore spot. "How could you? You wouldn't know a bitch she bit you in the ass!" I scream back. "Zo, Dana! Calm down!" Nicole orders suddenly, she shock us both, " Get in the room!" xx We both step in the room our heads hanging. Nicole pushes us down. "You two are acting like-like well a babies!" "Says the bimbo!" I state. "Shut it!" Nicole shouts. I obey. "You two will make it up!" she orders. We stare at her unbelievably. "Now?" Zoey asks. "Now!" Nicole screams. "Zoey, I love Logan!" "And all Warren had to do was cheat on you?!" "No! I do love him!" "So why'd you cheat in the first place?" "It's called flare!" "So? You can get flare any other way! You didn't have to send someone into spiralling depression!" "Logan was in spiralling depression?" "Basically! All he did was mope around, not flirting with anyone!" "I am an idiot!" "No comment!" "You hate me, don't you?" "Well...not completely!" "Why?" "You threw away everything! Your life! Your love! Your friends! I thought you were happy! Girls would kill to have what you had, but no you had to throw it away!" "I didn't want to throw it away! It started as a simple fling! No-one was ever to know ever! I foolishly went back for more! More and more! Then Logan walked in on us! I let him go there and then! Then you found out! That was horrible! YOU exiled me!" with that I hide my face in my pillow. "I didn't know it had affected you that much!" "No-one did! No-one ever did! No-one listens! No-one ever listens!" "Dana! Calm down!" "I can't calm down! Not now! Not ever!" "Yes, you can!" I start shaking. I can't stop. "Dana? Dana? Dana, what are you doing?" "I-can't-help-it!-I-can't-breathe!" "Yes, you can! Look at me! Breathe in! Out! In! Out!" I do as Zoey instructs. In and out. In and out. Slowly I settle. "Thanks, Zo!" She leans in and hugs me. I hug her back. She always knows what to do. "Come with us!" Nicole begs. I nod my head. Nicole smiles. I smile. Zoey smiles. Xx We are now sitting in dorm 101. It feels so nice to be in this dorm again with familiar faces. Zoey, Nicole, Chase and that other girl Lola. Michael isn't there and thankfully Logan isn't either. We're just talking like nothing's ever happened. At the back of my mind I am worrying that Logan's going to come in that door and murder me. As I said that worry is at the very back of my mind. Xx My very fears have come true, Logan's just stepped inside the door. "What's the bitch doing here?" I guess he's referring to me. No-one answers. "Don't tell me you've taken pity on her! Aw! You're so sweet! Unlike her!" "Logan, I'm sorry!" I yell. "Sorry for what?" "Sorry for everything!" "Why? I get to see you go threw everything I had to!" "I love you!" "No you don't! You just want me back coz you have no-one left!" "I do! I have my friends! I have my family! I especially have Tasha!" "Who the hell's Tasha? You always moaned how much you missed her yet you never told me who she was! You said you told me everything! We all know that's not true!" "You wouldn't understand who she was if I told you!" "What happened that summer? Why did you come back and ruin everything with an idiot who you barely even knew?" "Stuff happened! You wouldn't understand!" "Stop saying I wouldn't understand! I do understand! I understand a lot!" "Pierre and Tasha happened!" "Who the hell are they?" "Logan sit down!" "Why?" "I'll tell you who they are!" "Fine!" "Pierre is my ex-boyfriend! From France! We had a few stupid flings! Before I was with you! When I moved there for the year!" And I'm supposed to care?" "Yes, I got pregnant!" "Pregnant?" "Yes! I kept the baby!" "Where is it then? It would be about four, wouldn't it?" "Yes, she is four!" "You have a four year old kid? In France?" "Yeah that's who Tasha is!" "You look so-so-so good!" "Well, yes!" **A/n: What do you think? Is it too much to take in?** 3. America I Don't Know! Chap 3 **A/n: I so totally love this story! I love it more than Lovechain! Or Love Hurts and I Can Prove It! They are cool stories!** "You have a kid?" Nicole squeals. "Mhmm!" breathe, having to take a breather, "And I miss her like hell!" "You still didn't tell me what happened that summer! What happened two years ago?" Logan demands. "It's complicated!" "Just tell me!" "You got too mushy! I need flare! You knew that! I knew that!" "I was not mushy! Mushy is emotional, not being nice!" "Compared to the old Logan, the one I fell in love with, you were mushy!" "Well thank god I'm not nice anymore otherwise I'd forgive you! Which I was willing to do before you left me for the toad!" "I'm sorry for that! I really am!" "I don't care!" "I don't know!" "What don't you know? If your whole life's shit! If your whole life's gone coz of one little girl! One little girl ruined your whole life!" "Actually if it wasn't for Tasha I wouldn't of realised that I loved you!" "God she is bad luck! Every time you went to France in the holidays was to see that little brat?" "Tasha is not a brat! I'll prove it to you!" With that I push Logan out my way and march out the door. I can't believe that jerk. He offended my baby! My sweet little girl! She's the sweetest girl anyone has ever seen in their entire life. Word perfect in French and English. Xx I fight my way through the crowded girls' lounge and down my narrow corridor. My door is open so I push it open. Standing there is Warren and Andrea, kissing. "Oh purlease!" I announce without even thinking. The two whip round. Staring at me like I'm in an art gallery. "Dana, baby! Come here!" Warren sweet talks me. "Andrea's your baby now!" I retort. "No, no! She's my..." his voice trails off. "Dana, how'd Logan take the fact that you were back with HIS friends?" Andrea smirked being her evil bitchy self. I didn't answer. Why should I? She's not worth it! I walk past the two and sit on my bed cross-legged. It's far more interesting than those two losers. I pick up my phone and phone my mum. I know she'll freak when she remembers the cost for this bloody phone call, but I need Tasha. Now that my friends know about her I'm gonna organise to bring my sweet little child over for her first trip to America, to live forever, with me. I'm leaving school this year, I'll take a gap year for Tasha, get her into school. I need to get my life sorted. Then I'll get into collage, close to home. Do my degrees then I can live my life, with Tasha, whoever I decide to marry, if I marry, and probably more kids. Mama will just have to live on her own. That's what she deserves for leaving Dad. Xx I phoned Mama. She's phoned Dean Rivers. Tasha's coming this weekend. She'll stay in my dorm. I'm not telling Julie, Andrea or Warren. I'm not wasting my breath on them. They're not worth it. I can't wait to tell Zoey, if she'll still talk to me. Nicole will freak, Lola will I have no idea, Quinn will want to perform some sorta medical procedure on her, Chase will zone out to think about Zoey, Michael will be Michael and Logan will be a complete jerk as normal. She's coming here! Tasha's coming to PCA! I'm so excited! I'm going to tell them now! Xx I knock on Zo's dorm. She answers the door and sees my huge smile. I love being happy. "You've found a way to prove Logan wrong, haven't you?" Zoey smirks. She's my friend. My friend. My best friend. "Oh, yeah!" I beam back. "How?" "She's coming here! Tasha's coming here, to PCA!" "How?" "Tasha's coming to live here! My little girl's flying in in two days time! Then she'll stay here in America!" "She is! Oh my GOD! I'll finally get to meet the elusive Tasha!" "I know! Can I come in?" Zoey leans forward to my ear, "He's in there!" "Oh! Never mind! I'm in such a good mood not even he can make me angry tonight!" "Could anyone make you mad tonight? Come on in!" Zoey disappears into the room. I follow her. "Who was-" Logan asks, and pauses coz he sees me walk in. "Hey, everyone Tasha, Dana's daughter is coming this weekend!" Zoey announces, thankfully taking the weight off my shoulders. "Seriously?" Nicole shrieks. "Yeah! Too live!" I almost squeal, but I'm not an uncontrollable bimbo, thank you very much. "That is so cool!" Lola screams. "I know! You all get to meet my little girl! She's so sweet! And don't worry about your swearing she already knows all the words! In French and English!" I start to brag and then stop myself, I don't brag. I glance over at Logan. He has a stupid scowl on his face. I have found a way to get the old Logan back. I secretly smirk inside. "I still can't over the fact that you have a four year old kid! My sister Tia is her age! She still acts like a baby!" Chase exclaims. "You'll be surprised then when you meet my lil' angel!" I show off, yes I show off. "I hope so!" Chase smiles. It's amazing, he's actually paying attention to the topic on hand and not tha he thinks Zoey looks good in her brand new mini-skirt or whatever. I'm glowing with pride. I haven't spoken to Zoey and the gang for two years and suddenly I'm the centre of attention all because of my four year old child. Logan is brimming with jealousy. I bet that tonight he'll be on the phone to his daddy-dearest getting him to ship in a new sound system or whatnot to try and top me, but no-one can top this! I have a daughter and she's coming here to live with me. Xx It's normal for the next few minutes we talk and gossip. Chase zones out again. I can see it in his eyes. They just sorta glaze over. He's probably dreaming up some situation where Zoey confesses her secret obsession with him and they kiss. I can get into peoples' minds like this because I was one of them once. Going gaga every time I was in the same room as my 'crush'. Only he wasn't a 'crush' he was a true love and I blew it. I guess that by now you've guessed who I' talking about. Logan. Xx It's getting late now. "I better go! Gotta sleep! One more day of bloody classes to get through before my little princess comes!" I smile as I walk out the door. "Bye!" I hear as I shut the door. Surprisingly Logan's voice is amongst the others and it doesn't sound like he hates me. It sounds almost-almost normal. Spooky. I thought he would want to kill me, but no. Is that good news. Or is it just a habit. You know when someone says something you respond with the same thing you always say. Everyone else was saying 'bye', so was he saying 'bye' outta habit or because he wants to. I don't know! My head hurts. Xx I'm at my door now. I open it. The room is fortunately empty, so I get undress and get into bed. All I can think of is Logan. How much I regret losing him. How I may get him back. How he'll be able to meet the lil' gal who made me realise who I wanted to be with when I was fourteen. How his hair lies. How much he's changed in two years from that 'MUSHY' spoilt brat to the old Logan. The one I love. The one I fell in love with. **A/n: What do you think? What do you think will happen? What do you think will happen between Dana and Logan?** 4. Logan I Don't Know Chap 3 **A/n: Here we go again! I want to know what's going to happen!!!!! Most of what I believe is what I make Dana believe!!!!** School today, but I don't care! I'm going to see my lil girl tomorrow. She's coming. I still can't believe it. Something has to go wrong. It just has to. My whole world evolves around something going wrong. You probably think that's sad. I know, but if I didn't have that to hold on to I'd have nothing, except Tasha. Yay, Tasha's coming tomorrow. Shoot. Logan's told Julie and Andrea. I can guess. They've both come in with the most awful scowls on their faces. They glare at me. "YOU have a kid?" Andrea snarls. "What's it to you?" I retort. "Is IT staying in our dorm?" Andrea barks. "What's it to you?" I repeat. "Is your little brat staying in our dorm or not?" Andrea roars. "What's it to you?" I repeat again. "Look! I know she is! So, stop your bloody pantomime act!" Andrea screams outraged. "So what if she is?" I sigh, getting bored of this 'game'. "Her little 'brat' is called Tasha!" Julie tries to be kind. "Thanks Julie!" I mumble. "Whatever IT's called I don't want IT in our dorm! IT'll probably cry all the time!" Andrea shouts. "'IT' is four!" I shout back. "Oh, that makes it alright, then!" Andrea moans sarcastically, "Instead let's have IT asking ridiculous questions about simple little things!" "Tasha knows quite a lot for a child her age and she has never in her life asked me or my mom a question about 'simple little things'." I exclaim. I then storm out the room, down the hall and through the girls' lounge. I knock impatiently on Zoey's door. She answers. Xx "Where is he?" I scream. Zoey points backwards. I storm past. "YOU!" I roar. "What?" he asks innocently. "YOU told your bloody girlfriend about Tasha, didn't you?" "Why, yes! I believe I did!" "Idiot!" "What did you call me?" "What you are! An idiot!" "I'm not an idiot! I'm smarter than you! I haven't got a child!" "So, I have a child, who cares? Only you and your girlfriends best friend could make a drama out of that!" "I love drama, is that a crime?" "No, but..." "Ah! Not got an answer to that!" "Bastard!" "Hey! Hey, watch your language!" "Why?" "Coz your little girl is coming over from France!" "She knows every swear there is!" "Your not a very good mom!" "I know, I left her when she was a baby!" "Oh, yes!" "Anyway! Can you not tell your girlfriend things I'm gonna tell her!" "Oh, I'm so sorry, but me ad my GIRLFRIEND have an open relationship!" "Shut up!" "No, why should I?" "Coz your a twat!" "I hate you!" "You have no idea!" "No, idea about what? How you took my heart and ripped it into shreds? How you never loved me? How you need to get a life away from my friends?" "No! I didn't want to hurt you! I do love you! I don't need a life away, I have a life here!" "Don't ever say you love me!" "But I do!" "Don't lie!" "I'm not lying!" "Yes! You have to be! You have to be playing a trick!" "It's no trick!" "Look me in the eyes and tell me that!" I lean in and look in his eyes. "I love you always have and always will!" "I believe you!" I smile. "But, I can't love you!" I feel my eyes filling with tears. I can't stop it. Before I can say anything my face is drenched. "Why?" "I can't trust you!" I see his face, it's blurry, but I swear his eyes are filled with tears too. "No!-You-have-to!" "I-can't!" "Please!" "I-don't-know-how!" "Just-trust-me!" "How?" "Lose-the-bimbo!" "I'll-try!" Promise myself, I won't kiss him! "Thank you!" I hug him and leave the room. Xx Back in my dorm I lie face down on my bed. I'm crying on the inside. I could never cry aloud just in case Julie, Andrea or Warren saw me. That would be a disaster. Julie's come in. She's screaming. "Julie what's wrong?" Andrea and I ask in unison. "He's-dumped-me!-You've-said-something-to-him-Dana,-haven't-you?" she sobs. I feel guilty for a split second. "I didn't say anything!" I lie. "Yes, you have!" Andrea screams, getting involved. I don't answer. I won't answer. Xx Night time again. She's coming tomorrow morning. It seems unreal. Logan did what I said. He lost thew bimbo. Only downside is I now have a soap in my own dorm. How dramatic. Tasha's bed done up. Everything's ready to go. Now all I have to do is get a taxis in the morning to the airport and there I'll meet my baby, my precious little princess. **A/n: Dana and Logan might get back together!!!! Tasha's coming tomorrow!!!!! What's in store for Dana???? What did you think????** 5. Julie I Don't Know Chap 5 **A/n:: Fancy Pattern!!!! Yay!!! Hyper time over!!! Seriously this story rocks!!!!! Some French spoken in this chap!!! If it isn't right please tell me!!!!!!!!!** Today's the day! I'm up, dressed and in the taxi. I would have asked Logan to come, but he wasn't in his room. I think he's hiding from me. I'm not surprised! I did ask him to break up with his girlfriend, but usually he doesn't do anything I tell him. "Dana! Wait!" someone yells as I close the door. I shove the door open wide again. I look round. There he is! The guy you can always count on! Note the sarcasm! Logan Reese! "Logan?" I ask puzzled. "Wait! I'll come!" "Really?" "Of course! I dumped my girlfriend for you!" "Hurry up! Get in!" "I'm coming! You never change do you?" "Oh, come on! You've known me long enough!" "Yeah, but you change your attitude everyday!" "Just get in! I don't want Mama and Tasha to wait long!" Logan gets in the car. I think he wants to hold my hand. He stops. I reach over and clasp his. He smiles at me with that smile I fell in love with. Not that awful smirk, but a genuine smile. I smile back, an actual smile. I know freaky. Two people who never smile properly are smiling at each other, ironic. "Dana, why did you ever leave me?" Logan mutters, so the driver can't hear. "I didn't want to! First it was a one off fling! Then a full out affair! When you found out, I just couldn't admit I was wrong! I just couldn't!" I murmur, finally admitting what I dreaded. "Why does that sound so much like you?" Logan tries to be sarcastic, but fails. "I don't know!" I sigh, I can't get mad with him, not now. Xx Before long we arrive at the airport. "That's them, right?" Logan points at a young girl and an older woman. Weirdly, Logan picks out Tasha and Mama out right away. Freaks me out as he has never met Tasha and only met Mama once. "Yeah! How'd you know?" I ask confused. "They look like you!" Logan shrugs. "Mama!" I yell to the older woman. "Dana? Ca va?" Mama shouts to me. "Dana!" Tasha cries. "Dana?" Logan whispers in my ear. I nod to answer his question and answer Mama's with, "Je suis fatiguee!" "Oh, moi enfant!" Mama says as she hugs me. I feel my cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. "Mama, sil vou plait! Kis kisse en angle!" I moan. "Oops! Sorry, Dana! I completely forgot!" Mama apologises, "Is that Warren?" she whispers. "No, Mama! That's Logan!" I correct her. "Dana!" Tasha whines. "Tasha!" I whine back. "Stop it!" Tasha protests. "Stop it!" I copy. "Clementine!" Tasha begs Mama. "Clementine!" I mimic. "Dana, please!" Mama asks. "Fine!" I huff. "Fine!" Tasha huffs trying to be like me. I see Logan shake his head slowly. I give him the stare of death. He stares me out. "Aurevoir, Mama!" I kiss her cheek, grab Tasha's bag and clasp Tasha's hand. Tasha kissed Mama and skipped along beside me. "Aurevoir, my babies! Aurevoir, I mean bye, Logan!" Mama waved, tears gathering in her eyes. "Bye!" Logan replys. "Salut, Clementine!" Tasha smiles. Xx We get to PCA, only to arrive in front of Zoey and the gang. They are all smiling and waving at us. I shake my head. Tasha snaps her seatbelt off and jumps up to look out the window. She whistles when she sees how big the campus is and jumps down when she sees everyone waving at her. "Who are they?" Tasha's voice wavers. "My friends!" I beam. "You said no fuss!" Tasha whispers shyly. "Hey, this is a surprise to me too! What about you, Logan?" I ask starting to suspect him. "Beats me!" Logan shrugs truthfully. I relax. It's probably one of Zoey's 'make everyone happy' plans. I smile. The taxi stops. We all get out. Tasha stands behind me, clutch my knee-length skirt. "Tasha, this is Zoey, Nicole, Lola, Quinn, Chase and Michael!" I say pointing to everyone, "Everyone this is Tasha!" "Hey, Tasha!" they all say unison. "Dana, they scare me!" Tasha whispers. I laugh. Logan heard too and he laughs with me. Tasha glares up at me. "Aren't you the sweetest!" Nicole squeals. "Dana, who is this scary girl?" Tasha clutches my skirt even tighter. "That's Nicole! You'll get used to her!" I sigh. "Okay!" Tasha says uncertainly, "Can we go in now?" "Right!" Logan smiles. Tasha looks at him suspiciously. I laugh again and get strange looks from the rest of them. Logan grabs my hand. I get even more strange looks. Tasha grabs my other hand. Their looks soften. Xx We're sitting in front of the 46" wide screen TV in Logan's dorm, watching those really dippy Disney movies. We have two blubbering 'babies' because we had to watch Bambi. The only thing with 'babies' is that none of them are Tasha. She sits there on the edge of the seat. Her eyes are filled with evil, so's her face. There's a knock at the door. Chase goes and answers it. "Chase, is Logan there?" I hear a voice chirp from the door. Logan immediately pretends to cut his throat and shake his head, but it's too late. "Yeah, Julie! Come on in!" Chase smiles, unknowingly. Logan pushes me away as we are sitting really close, as in he had one arm round me and held my hand in the other. "Logan? It's true then! Andrea was right! You split up with me for that-that trollop!" Julie screams. "Really, Julie, what did you expect? She's the love of my life!" Logan raises his eyebrows. "I was your steady girlfriend for two years and you couldn't stop telling me how much you hated her!" Julie cries. I shoot Logan a warning look. "I said I hated her, I did, but I still loved her!" Logan confesses. I smile at Logan, he smiles back. Julie lunges forward as if to slap him. I stand up, so does Tasha. "The dynamic duo! How cute?" Julie says in her sarcasm smothered voice. "That's a big word for someone like you!" I snap. "Like what?" Julie asks nastily. "A bimbo! No offense Nicole!" I shout. The rest are staring at me. I don't have to look I can feel their eyes burning me. "Um..." Nicole starts. I don't hear the end. Julie's hand slaps my face. I fall back with shock. My head hits something. Wham! It hurts! And then black! **A/n: What do you think????? What should happen next???** 6. What? I Don't Know Chap 6 **A/n: I really want people to like this story!!! I really do!!!!** It's the first day of PCA. Zoey and Nicole come into the dorm. I make a scene, Zoey offers her bed, but I take Nicole's. The scene changes to a few days later when me and Zoey beat Logan's ass at basketball. We were so happy that day. It flashes to the dance when I kneed Logan. It changes again to the end of semester beach party. God, I could have killed Quinn that day. The next is the day I told them I signed up for the exchange program and I wouldn't be coming back the next semester. Then the day I met Pierre outside the mart in Paris. He slipped his number inside my bag and I thought he was stealing my purse, so I sort of the kneed him where the sun don't shine. The next is me and him in bed for the first time. We were so hesitant. Then the day I found out I was pregnant. I cried loads that day, but Pierre was there for me to lean on. The next the day I ran away from the aubaution clinic. I was about to go in, but as soon as no-one was watching me I legged it. I don't believe in aubautions, Mama was making me do it. Then the day I had Tasha. She was so tiny and fragile. I cried buckets of happy tears. The next the day I left Paris to come back to PCA. The crying Mama did made Tasha cry. Then the day I told Logan I loved him. We kissed so much. The next the day I first slept with him. Then the day I met Warren. The day I slept with him. The day Logan found out. The last time I slept with Warren. A few days ago when he told me he was cheating on me with Andrea. The next day when I told Logan about Tasha. Today when we picked Tasha up from the airport. And finally when Julie slapped me, but what sticks in my mind is the scene when I last slept with Warren. I don't know why, it just does. Xx I can hear faint voices now. "Dana? Dana, it's Logan! Please wake up!" "Mommy? Mommy! Mommy, talk to me!" "Dana! Oh my god, Dana!" "Oh, Dana, please wake up! If you die I will never forgive myself!" "Mommy's going to die? Mommy, please don't die!" "Shut up, Lola! Now is not the time to practise for the stage!" There's silence from the group as I hear the doors bang open and heavy footsteps. There are a few groans too. "Dana, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to knock you out!" Dana, baby? It's Warren! Can you hear me? Show any signs!" "Why would she even wake up for you? You cheated on her!" "Like she cheated on you?!?" "She loves me!" "Then why'd she cheat?" "Why did you?" There's silence again. I'm trying to wake up, but I can't. I'm starting to feel again. There's small hands clutching my left hand and bigger female hands holding my right. "Mommy, wake up!" I try again. I feel my eyes twitch and flutter open. I close them tight again at the sudden burst of light. Then I slowly open them. "Dana, sweetheart!" Warren exclaims as he moves up to my head. I groan and roll my head over, but it hurts so much. I move it back and close my eyes. Logan pushes Warren out of the way and ushers Tasha forward. He touches my cheeks and I open my eyes again. He smiles. I try to smile, but all I can do is wince. "Mommy, don't you ever scare me like that again!" Tasha orders. "Fine!" I cringe. A nurse comes in the room. "Oh, good, you're awake!" she states the obvious, "May I speak to Dana alone?" The gang, Warren, Julie, Andrea and Tasha file out of the room leaving me with the over-league happy, dumb, blonde nurse. "Dana, you have sustained a bad head injury. To be precise you have fractured at the very back. It will heal in four to six weeks." she explains. That doesn't sound to bad, right? Four weeks of school, six tops. That's not bad at all. "There is something else, we had your blood, part of our routine, you see, well we-" the nurse stutters. "Spit it out!" I mutter. "Are you aware you're pregnant?" the nurse says. It rings around my head like a bell. How can I be pregnant? I'm taking birth control pills. That's why the image of the last time me and Warren slept together stuck in my mind. That's why I missed Tasha so much. "Would you like me to leave?" the bearer of bad news asks. I try to nod my head, but it hurts too much. Instead I glare at her and she takes the hint. I can't believe I'm pregnant again. Mama will kill me! This can't be happening. Unless that morning...Oh my God! I had an algebra test and was so busy last minute cramming, I forgot. That night I slept with him to relieve stress, how could I be so foolish? That's why I felt dizzy. I'm dead! How can I explain this to Logan? How can I keep Warren away now? How could I be so stupid? What if I've hurt the baby with the two pills I've taken in the last four days? Oh, my god, I'm a helpless teenage mother! Warren's the father of my unborn child, yet I love Logan. My life sounds like a mushy gushy soap opera. Xx They're coming back in now, Zoey, Logan, Chase, Nicole, Lola, Michael, Quinn, Tasha, all the ones I love, Warren, Julie and Andrea, the people I could murder. "Dana, what's wrong?" Tasha asks worriedly. "I'm just sore!" I lie, I haven't actually given my new injury a second thought, all I can think about is my stupidity, "Do they have to be here?" "No, I suppose not!" Logan smirks. "I'm sorry, Dana! I really am!" Julie apologises. I don't answer. Why should I? I wouldn't be in hospital for the third time in my life, if it weren't for her. Andrea just smirks and walks out the door. "Night, babes!" Warren tries to kiss my head. I block him. He smiles. I hate being helpless! I help being centre of attention! I hate being pregnant! "Thank God, they're gone!" Logan sighed, only loud enough for me to hear. He looks at me worriedly when I don't laugh. I'm just thinking of stuff I should say, but I don't because I'm thinking. I'm deep in thought. Every thing's black again. Xx This time I see Tasha, me, Logan and a bundle in my arms. I zoom in on the bundle and it's a baby, my baby. It looks like me with Warren's blue eyes. Then Warren comes and takes it away, Logan goes off with Julie and Mama takes Tasha back. I'm left alone, standing in the midst of nothingness. I open my eyes slowly. Xx The same ditsy nurse as before is standing above me. "What happened?" I mumble. "You collapsed! Don't worry, it's to be expected as, you know, you're pregnant with a nasty head injury. I've told you're friends you're just tired! They've gone home, except the little girl! She claims she doesn't know where she lives and the rest agreed!" the nurse talks a mile a minute in her chirpy voice, "You're scheduled for a brain scan in an hour!" "The little girl's my daughter!" I smile forcedly. "Oh!" That shut her up. The nurse walked out and Tasha bounded in. I need to tell someone, I need to talk to someone. I don't know if I can trust Tasha though. "Tasha, if I tell you something really exciting, do you promise not to tell anyone else?" I ask hopefully. "Promise! Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!" Tasha chants happily. "Come and sit here!" I pat a spot on the bed next to me. Tasha climbs up on the bed and sits next to me. "I'm having a baby!" I whisper to her. Tasha's eyes look as though they are going to pop out of her head, her face is white and her jaw is loose. "Clementine is going to kill you!" she mutters. "I know!" I sigh. "I'm going to be a big sister!" Tasha's mood brightens. A smile is plastered upon her face, her cheeks are rosy and her eyes sparkling. "You can't tell anyone!" I warn. "Not even Logan?" "Especially not Logan!" "Why?" "He might leave me!" "Isn't it his!" "No, it's Warren's!" "But, you're with Logan!" "That was today and two years ago!" "Logan won't leave you!" "He will! He didn't even want me back! And now Warren won't leave me alone!" "Why don't you like Warren?" "He cheated on me!" "Warren said you cheated on Logan and Logan still loves you!" At that I am speechless and not just because I didn't have an answer to that, but because Warren had been discussing my life with my daughter. **A/n: That's a very busy chap!!!!! What do you think????? Please, please, please, press the purple button!!!!! I'm counting on it!!!!** 7. Logan the idiot! I Don't Know! Chap 7 **A/n: Here we go!!!!! Let's roll!!!!! Luv u Vanessa Hudgens!!!!! Luv ur album V!!!!!! I'm rambling coz I'm random!!!! If u find it annoying then u don't like me!!!!!** "Dana, are you mad?" Tasha asks whilst looking at her feet. "Of course I'm fucking mad! Not at you, at Warren! He doesn't have the right to talk to you! Especially about me!" I yell. "I'm sorry!" Tasha mumbles. "It's not your fault, I should have warned you about him!" I sigh. "Where can I sleep?" Tasha yawns. I bite my lip. Tasha looks at me hopefully. "In here I suppose!" I throw open the cover and wince. Tasha softly crawls into the bed and cuddles into me. I can't help smiling. She falls asleep almost immediately. Xx I'm going to throw up. I thrust my hand to the bedside table and feel around for the pot. Someone passes it to me. I don't have time to look as I am chucking my insides up. When I'm done I pass it back to the person and close my eyes for a minute to regroup and remember. I slowly turn my head and glance to my left. Logan's sitting there. "Logan?" I whisper remembering Tasha's beside me. "Hi!" he leans in and kisses me. It's so nice to feel his lips touch mine again. "Hey!" I breathe, "How did you know I needed that?" "Your face was going green." Logan answers. "I have to tell you something." I admit. "What?" Logan holds my hand. "I'm, you're gonna hate me," tears well in my eyes. "I won't!" Logan shakes his head, his beautiful hair flows round his head. "You will, I know you will! I'm-" he cuts me off. "Pregnant?" he asks and immediately looks at his feet. "How'd ya-" he cuts me off again. "I can guess! I can read you like a book!" he rambles. "You are angry, aren't you?" I mumble. "No! Why would I be? Stupid question, there are a thousand reasons! I love you too much to lose you again!" Logan looks into my eyes and smiles. I can see he means it. I can see he loves me. I can see he cares. I smile back. "I'm keeping it!" I state. "Of course!" Logan smiles. "You told him, then?" Tasha yawns. "Yeah!" Logan answers. "I'm glad you two sorted it out, now can I please get to sleep?" Tasha moans. "You are so your mother's daughter!" Logan rolls his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" I snap. "Just that she acts a lot like you!" Logan remarks. "Uh!" I retort. Xx Zoey's here now. I've sworn Logan to secrecy. There is noway he's going to tell anyone, I hope. I love the fact I can trust him again. I love the fact I love him. I LOVE him. "So Dana, do you know when you're getting out?" she asks in her chirpy enthusiastic way. I try to shake my head, wince and say, "No." "Oh! Did Tasha have a good night?" she asks, her voice slightly down-trodden. "I hope it's soon though, I'm going mad in here! For fun, I've counted all the tiles on the ceiling!" I joke. "How many are there?" she giggles. "A hundred and ninety-four and and a half!" I laugh. Xx Warren's here. I want him to go, but I can't wake up. I'm stuck in a semi-conscious unconsciousness. Logan's here too. They're arguing. I can hear them. I know what they are saying. "I have a right to be here!" Warren screams. "How?" Logan shouts. "I love her!" "She doesn't love you!" "She does deep down!" "Don't keep your hopes up!" "Why not?" "She's mine, Warren! My girlfriend! And although she's having your kid she loves me!" Oh my god! He told him! He fucking told the bastard! The one person I didn't want to know, he told! "She's pregnant?" "No!" "She is, isn't she?" "Don't be stupid!" "Logan?" "I shouldn't have said anything!" "Is she?" "It's confidential!" "Please?" "Warren, just leave her alone!" "My mom will kill me!" "How do you think her mom will react?" "She's on the pill though! Ain't she?" "I don't know! I froze her out of my life for two years, I don't know much about her anymore!" Then I completely blank out. I can't hear them anymore. Xx I wake up and Logan's still here. I groan. "Dana?" he asks slowly. I roll my eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks unaware. I close my eyes. Why should I answer him? "What have I done now?" Logan bites his lip, even though I've got my eyes closed I know that's what he's doing. "You should know!" I snap. "You heard me and Warren, didn't you?" Logan sighs. "Yes!" I yell. My head throbs, so I clutch it. Logan comes over to me and reaches to my head. "Don't touch me!" I scream. Logan pulls back. He walks out the room. I cry. I thought I could trust him. I really did. I thought he understood me. Xx Tasha's asleep and I'm crying again. I'm really crying. I know I've let him down before. I know I blow things way out of proportion. I know I love him. I know I'm pregnant. I know I can't handle this. I know I want him. I want him. I LOVE him. It's scary. I don't think I can handle this alone. I don't think he loves me anymore. I don't think I can sleep. I know I can't sleep. Xx **A/n: Another busy chap!!!!!! Please, please, please, please, make my day and review!!!!! Please tell me what you think!!!!!** 8. Future? What future? I Don't Know! Chap 8 **A/n: Here we go!!!! Remember my b'day is in 35 days!!!!!** I wake up and fling my hand to the side of the bed. I fumble for the pan, sling it towards my mouth and throw up again. This is annoying. I remember what happened yesterday which makes me throw up even more. I put the pan back on the table and open my eyes. Tasha is sitting on the floor. Playing with a Bratz doll. It's Sasha, I think. Not one I've bought her or I've seen Mama with. "Tasha, where did you get that?" I ask sleepily. "Logan." Tasha mumbles. "When did he give it to you?" I mutter. "Why don't you ask him?" Tasha whispers. I look to the other side of the room. Logan sits there. He looks worried. I groan. "Dana, please forgive me!" he begs. "Why should I?" I moan. "I love you!" "I swore you to secrecy!" "I'm only human!" "Look," I sigh, "I didn't want Warren to know, he'll use it as an excuse to stay with me." "He doesn't want his parents to kill him! Dana, he won't stay with you!" "You don't know him!" "Dana, he doesn't love you, he won't want a baby with a girl he doesn't love if his parents will disown him!" "Shut up!" "No! I want you to listen to me!" "Why should I?" "Dana, I love you! He doesn't! I will look after you and both your kids! He won't!" It hits me. He's negotiated something with Warren. "What have you promised him?" "Nothing!" "Liar!" "I've given him nothing!" "Stop lying!" "A thousand." "A thousand? I'm not worth a thousand!" "Dana, you're worth anything!" "You don't need to buy me!" "From Warren I do! He doesn't know when to stop!" "Logan, come here." I kiss him. I love him. I need him. Xx I'm my own with the nurse. Logan took Tasha to get some food. "Dana, we've run some tests and it seems that you have a problem." the nurse explains. "What sort of problem?" I bite my lip and hold my stomach. "A brain problem." "How bad?" I bite my lip so hard that I can actually taste blood. "If you have this baby you are endangering your health. There is a small minor bleed to your brain." I close my eyes. "Your head will not heal if you keep this baby." My head throbs. I clench my stomach. "I'll leave you to think about it." I feel my eyes well with tears. I don't cry. Or at least that's what I've told myself all these years. I cried in front of Warren. I've done that a million times, and yet I tell myself I don't cry. Xx Logan's back. I have my eyes closed. He's talking about our future. I start to cry. "Dana? What's the matter?" Logan whispers. "Tasha, leave." I mutter. "Why, Dana?" she asks slowly. "Just do it!" I order. Tasha leaves the room with her Bratz doll. The door closes as the tears flood from my eyes. "Dana? Tell me!" Logan holds my hand gently. "I-have-a-minor-bleed-to-my-brain." I sob, "If I keep the baby I die." Logan's silent and I'm crying. Xx I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling, counting the tiles, even though I've already counted them. Logan went. I made him. I couldn't continue crying in front of him. I made him take Tasha with him. I can't cry in front of her. Not even when she was a baby. I had to put her in a separate room to cry. This time it's different, I'm not ready to die, but I can't have an aubautions. I can't. They're wrong, but I could die. Xx In the morning I snatch the pot, throw up, put it back and count the tiles again. No-one brought any magazines for me. No-one brought anything for me to do. I need Mama. I can't call her, though, she'll kill me. I'm on my own. None of my friends can know. I'd become a charity case. Although I am one now. Some people think they have it bad, when they're pet gold fish dies and they have to flush it down the toilet, I am dying because I'm pregnant with brain damage. I have come to a conclusion, I'm going to risk my life. I've lived enough. My little one needs to live more than I do. I need to talk to Logan. Xx Lunchtime, although you won't catch me eating. Logan's come. He's left Tasha with Zoey. I cry into his chest. "What's your decision?" he whispers. "I'm going to die." I sniff. "I'll look after it, I'll look after Tasha, I promise!" "No, you're going to college!" "Dana, I have my future all planned out, I'm going to be a producer, just like my dad!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah!" "Do you know how much this means to me?" "Yes! I love you, that's why I'm doing it!" "Logan, promise me, you'll live on?" "I promise! I already have someone lined up!?!" "Who?!?" "Tasha!?!" "Ha ha!?! Very funny!?!" "She's a lot like you!" "You are not dating my four year old daughter when-" "If," "when I die!" "The nurse said there's still a chance!" "I know, but I just have this feeling!" "Feelings are nothing!" "They are to me!" "Dana, I have a feeling you are still going to be with me this time next year." "If I am, then I'll..." "Marry me?" "I'd love to do that right now!" "I know, me too!" I kiss him. He's mine. He's my Logan. I know what this is doing to his insides, but he loves me. He's promised to look after my kids and he even loves me enough to marry me. I love him and he loves me. I hope I am alive this time next year. I stop kissing Logan and hug him. Logan strokes my hair behind my ear and I drift off to sleep. Xx **A/n: Well a very eventful chap!!!!!! What do you think?????** 9. And BREATHE I Don't Know! Chap 9 **A/n: OMG!!!!! My b'day is in a month!!!!!** xx They've given me so many drugs, I hope I don't die on them. At least they're letting me out. I haven't told Zoey or anyone else that I'm going to die and Warren's going to keep quiet for a while, so I can tell them in my own time I'm pregnant again. Logan sits in my room, whilst I change in the bathroom. 'The bearer of bad news' as Logan calls the nurse, helps me change. I'm feeling stronger, but every time I feel better I remember my fate. Xx I'm dressed and sitting in the back of Logan's limo. He sits with me. I cuddled into him. I feel safe, for a while. I feel loved. I fall asleep. Xx Logan shakes my shoulders. I hold my head. He quickly cradles it. I sit up slowly in the black leather seats and look out the black tinted windows. The PCA campus spreads to each side of me. I missed it, when I was in hospital. The shops, the restaurants, the grass, the fresh air and most of all the freedom. In nine months time I will yet again be deprived of all of this. It aches inside to think about it. Logan thinks I'm brave. He doesn't know how I feel inside, he doesn't know that I'm worried about dying, I'm worried about him, Tasha and my baby. What if we both die? Then all of this would be for nothing. What if Logan can't handle it? Then both my babies will be taken back to France. What if I live and my baby dies? Then I can't live anymore. Xx I'm in my dorm. I'm resting against the wall. I feel sore. Tasha can sense something is up. She knows it's something bad. She steers clear of me and stays with Zoey. It hurts me on the inside to think that my lil' girl doesn't want to be near me. Logan's at basketball practise. If I weren't pregnant with this stupid bleed I would go and whip his ass, metaphorically of course. I could totally beat him still. I could before I had Tasha, I could when I was with Logan, I could when I was with Warren, who's to say I can't now? I'm going to. Xx I change into my shorts and tank-top and head down to the basketball court. People stare at me. They know who I am and they know I've been in hospital, it also doesn't help that I've got this head support thing. I make my way down to the court. Logan drops his ball and runs to me. "What are you doing here?" he asks worriedly. "I've come to practise." I roll my eyes. "Should you be?" "I have to live, if I'm going to die!" "Take it easy, then." "I can do what I want!" "Please, Dana?" "Fine..." I play alongside Logan. I am winning, big surprise. I don't think he's actually trying, but oh well, at least I can rub it in his face afterwards. Tasha comes and watches. I can see her eyes light up. I feel free. Zoey's here too. She's watching me really weirdly. I think she knows something, which thing, I don't know, but she knows something about me. I carry on playing, winning against Logan. No-one else matters, just him and me, battling out. Xx That was fun. I won, no surprise. We're all now sitting in the girls' lounge. It's comfortable and relaxing and it's an added bonus that I don't have to count tiles. Logan has his arm round me and Tasha sits my other side on the edge of the couch. We're watching The Little Mermaid or some trash like that, but for Tasha's sake I pretend I like it. I think Zoey and Nicole like it more than her though. They sing all the songs, Tasha sings them in French. God, if I hear 'Kiss The Girl' again in French or English I will scream. Ashley Tisdale does wonders to that song, if it weren't for her, we'd still have that crab, Sebastien stuck in our heads. We're at the end, where Ariel finally marries the prince. As soon as it finishes. Nicole quickly flips the discs. Now we're watching The Little Mermaid 2: Return To The Sea. Could this get any worse? Apparently it can! Julie, Andrea and Warren just walked in. He turns to leave realising Logan and I were there. Andrea grabs his sleeve and pulls him onto the couch directly behind, that's facing in the opposite direction. I know she's kissing him, I know she's trying to rub it in my face. Logan turns cold, I stay loose to show him I'm alright and relaxed, but really I'm not. SHE's there. Julie. I'm going to die and it's all HER fault. I suppose I could not die, but then I will hate her because SHE'd have killed my baby. I hate HER. It's just occurred to me, this is all HER fault. SHE's ruined my life. SHE's ended my life. I get up and walk out. Xx I sit in my dorm. I cry. My red quilt is soaked with my tears. The door is locked. I feel my head throb and my vision blurs. I fall backwards on the bed and fall asleep, clutching my quilt. Xx I wake up in the morning and belt down the hall to the bathroom. I missed the days of morning sickness, psych. Xx Tasha's still asleep, but I've got class. I change as she semi-sleeps. HER and Andrea watch me as I dress Tasha. It's as if the slut and HER have never seen a little girl being dressed before. I change my self and take Tasha to Dean Rivers office. She would spend the day there. The plan was for her to stay in the art department all day, but Miss Kasey is off today, so it's not a good idea to leave her with the subs. "Miss you, Dana." she whispers as I hug her goodbye. "I'll miss you too." I sigh, I hug her hard. I walk out the door. I know Dean Rivers is shaking his head with that stern look on his face, but I don't care. I'm going to live a life, until I die in around nine months. Tasha waves and clutches her Sasha Bratz doll, I wave back happily. Xx We've got this stupid assignment in Health. We've got to look after a robot baby. How lame is that? I've already had a kid, and I've got another one on the way, that sounds really slutty, why would I need to learn from a robot. Tell me the truth am I a slut? I need to know if I'm a slut, like Andrea. Now that would be bad. Logan's my partner for this stupid task. Two weeks we've got to look after this awful robot baby, together. At least he loves me. Zoey's with Chase, no surprise there, he probably broke into the classroom to make it like that, Nicole is with this guy she fancies, big time, not, Luc, Michael's with Vanessa, Chase probably rigged that up for him, Warren's with Andrea and SHE's with some poor guy named Craig. Why do we have to look after a robot? Stupid Warren, he made me sign up for this class in the first place. Now I have to look after a robot baby when I will never get to look after my own. Logan and Warren keep looking at me nervously. I think Warren knows he's not to have anything to do with me, but I suppose it is his baby. Maybe, just maybe, if he does well in this class I'll let him see his own, when it's born. Now we're getting a lecture about this stupid, ugly doll. Next thing I know I'm slamming the doll down and storming out the room. Xx I walk down the path, to the fountain, I'm going to be expelled, I just know it. I suppose Dean Rivers will understand when I tell him why I'm doing it. I suppose I should go back and explain, I'm under stress. I should go back and tell them I know I've been an ass. I turn back and Warren's there. "What the HELL are you doing here?" I scream. "I was sent to check on you." Warren whispers. "Why you? Why not Logan? Why not Zoey?" I shout. "I don't know." Warren sighs. **A/n: And...REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** 10. IT IS REAL! IT IS NOW! I Don't Know Chap 10 **A/n: Vernon's in the pub all alone when a bomb is gonna go off!!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!** xx "You shouldn't have taken all that money!" I yell. "I didn't want to take any of it!" he whispers. "So why did you?" "To shut him up!" "Warren, there is something else..." "What? Is the baby gone? What's wrong?" "No, the baby's fine...It's me...Your hussie's best friend is going to kill me!" "What do you mean?" "I have a bleed!" "Sorry?" "I have a bleed to my brain..." "So you could die?" "I'm going to die! The strain of having this baby will kill me!" "Get rid of it!" "I've made my decision, Warren, I'm ready to die!" "Dana, please, I love you!" "I'm sorry Warren. I never loved you, yeah the sex was amazing, but I never felt anything towards you." "Not even for one second?" "I'm sorry Warren." "You're lying!" "I'm not!" "You're going to die when you have my kid, then you turn round and tell me you don't love me! You have to be lying!" "Warren, I love Logan, not you!" "You've got to get back to class!" He walks off and doesn't look back. I've upset him. I told myself I loved him once. I didn't actually love him, I liked him, I really liked him, but Andrea made me turn, thankfully, now I'm back with the love of my life, for the rest of my life. I'm not scared anymore. I'm nervous about what will happen to Tasha, Logan and my unborn baby, but I'm not scared. I've come to terms with dying. I just hope he can cope, and I hope he can move on. Xx Tasha is asleep. Turns out my teacher didn't report my 'outburst' as she called, so Dana Cruz gets away with it once more. I'm working on a list, you know, a list of things to do before I die. I haven't got anything impossible or massive. Just stuff like 'choose a unisex name for my baby' or 'make a video for my baby'. Stupid, sentimental things like that, things that mean nothing to anyone but Logan, Tasha and the baby. I really know what I'm doing, but I don't know what they'll do. I don't know how to tell Tasha or my friends I'm going to die. I don't know how I'm going to feel when I die. I don't know how to die. I might not die, like Logan says. I may just make it. I may live out the rest of my life on life support if I don't die. The nurse slipped this panflet in with my meds. It's called 'So you're going to die'. It tells you that you should make a list, as I have, make a will, as I'm working on, sorta, and to tell anyone it will matter to, I'm working on it. How can I tell everyone I'm going to die? Xx I'm lying here. It must be about 6am. I can't sleep so I'm working on my will. It's not something you want to be working on at eighteen is it? I've given everything to Tasha and the baby, Logan has to hold on to it until they are old enough. I can't do this. Xx I feel unusually happy, chirpy sort of. I go about acting like Nicole would. I suppose I could even put Nicole to shame. I can control it. It's as if I have all this excess energy I've been saving for years that won't need. Zoey keeps sending me freaked out looks, Nicole laughs, Lola frowns, Chase shakes his bushy hair, Michael rolls his eyes, Warren sends me worried looks, Julie is very guilty, Andrea is all over Warren as if to make me jealous and Tasha steers clear again, but Logan understands. I sit in homeroom, I can feel Warrens eyes burning a hole in the back of my neck, I can feel Logan squeezing my hand, I can feel Zoey's dirty looks, I can hear Nicole's piercing laugh, I can hear Andrea hushed sexual whispers to Warren, I can feel Julie's guilt, I can feel the breeze as Chase shakes his bushy hair, I can see Michael's eyes repeatedly go into the back of his head, I can sense Tasha's sadness, I can see Lola's frown and worst of all I know I will not have all these senses for much longer. I don't quite know why Lola is frowning. It could be that she likes Logan, that she's worried or that she is appalled at my behaviour. When the bell rings I skip out of class and down the hall. As I reach English my head is throbbing, but I don't have time for that. I sit in my seat lightly. Warren sits beside as we sat together before and we wont be able to change. I let my body language fail me as I sit as though I am enjoying it. I know what is happening to me, Warren knows what is happening to me and Logan knows what is happening to me, but everyone else is oblivious. They don't know why I'm acting like this. They don't know what I'm going through and if I tell Zoey she will flip. Xx Lunch. I've gone a whole day without acting like my normal self. I've been a bimbo who's cracked Nicole up, ticked Lola off, freaked Zoey out, confused Chase, worried Logan, wound up Michael, upset Warren, ignored Andrea, made Julie feel even more guilty and pushed Tasha even further away. Nicole keeps laughing at my behaviour as I already told you. I seem to be making her laugh, which is very worrying as I used to fight with her all the time, but she was the one who tried to make Zoey my friend again. Lola's ticked off coz she thinks I'm taking the mickey out of the stereotype 'bimbo'. I don't even know her that well. The year I came back from France I spent so much time with Logan I didn't have time to get to know Lola. When I got exiled I didn't need to get to know her anyway and now I'm going to die, why should I bother. I've freaked Zoey out because I've been acting weirdly. She's my best friend, I would say always has been and always will, but she's the one that exiled me when I broke Logan's heart and I'm dying soon. Chase is always confused at me. Logan's worried because I'm acting different from my normal sarcastic self. Michael's wound up. I pissed him off. He told me to calm down. I told him I didn't know what he meant. I know exactly what he meant. He's pissed off at me. Warren's upset at me, as in English he asked me if I was lying about not loving him. I told him the truth. It was the sex that spurred me on. Andrea ignores me. Like she always does. It doesn't surprise one bit. Julie seems to feel even more guilty. I want to know if she knows I'm dying. I need to know if he let it slip. I had to tell him everything. Tasha, my angel is avoiding me. She was up and dressed before I even had the chance to touch the floor. She even got Zoey to take her to the art department. She knows something is up, but as most four year olds don't, doesn't quite know what. The last thing I want is my lil' girl never to speak to me again. Xx Night again. As I watch Tasha sleep I feel tense. Usually it's relaxing for me, but tomorrow I'm telling them all what's happening with me. I'm going to cry, Logan will cry, Tasha will cry, Nicole will cry and Zoey will cry, Chase and Michael will be very sad, I think. Xx Today's the day. I am in incredibly nervous. I'm not bubbly and chirpy, I'm depressed. I can't be bothered getting up, but I do. Tasha also seems down in the dumps. I go over to her bed. "Tasha..." I trail. "Mommy, you're not well because of the baby, are you?" she whispers as she moves closer to me. "I suppose you could say that." I mutter, "I'll tell you later." "Can I speak to Daddy today?" Oh my god, Pierre. I hadn't even considered him. He'll want Tasha when I die, won't he? "Um...we'll see..." "Thanks, Mommy!" xx I've finished with classes today. I can feel tears stinging my eyes as I sit down with them all Tasha sits on my knee. Logan holds my hand. I told him what I was going to do and he supports my decision. Zoey and Nicole look at me worriedly. "I have-have something to tell you," I gulp, "I have a b-b-bleed to my brain." "What do you mean, Dana?" Zoey's eyebrows furrow. "When I f-f-f-fell and f-f-f-fractured my skull," I stutter, "I developed a bleed." "Those can be fixed, right?" Lola inquires. Logan shakes his head. "What does that mean?" Zoey snaps unintentionally. "It means I'm going to d-d-d-die." I whisper. "Why?" "How? "What?" They shoot questions at me. I let the tears flow that I have been holding in all day. "Warren's baby..." Logan mumbles. He too has tears flooding his face. "They can't operate whilst I'm p-p-p-pregnant!" I almost yell. "And getting rid of it is out of the question." Logan looks at his feet, "There is a chance that she could live." "No Logan, there isn't! I'm getting weaker and this is only the start of it!" I shout. "I have faith!" Logan breathes. Zoey's crying now, Nicole is bawling and Tasha is looking up at me really shocked. Xx **A/n: That chap really shocks me!!!!!! What do you think????? Look out for the sequel 'Death is upon me' and the sequel to that will be named shortly!!!!!** End file.
I Don't Know! by Zina Nevirone
Zoey 101
Romeo and Juliet **Ah, sick days! Sitting on the couch with my little doggy Jasper watching the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and was inspired by Lena and Kostos's Romeo and Juliet type relationship. ** **Romeo and Juliet** "But Logan, our friends will never let us be together," Quinn whispered, gazing up at the millions of sparkling stars in the sky. Her boyfriend just smiled, and snaked an arm around her shivering shoulders, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "We have now," he murmured into her ear. As if music just started playing, they began to dance, on the beaches of PCA. Their secret shared world, taking place in private, a little inside joke between the two that were never expected to be together. Her long chestnut hair fell freely down her back, as she tipped her head back and laughed. Nobody but the two of them knew about this moment, and they intended to keep it that way, until the end of time. Slowly, he pulled her toward him, and placed a romantic kiss on her soft lips, tingles spreading from his toes to his nose, and though he was ashamed to say, Quinn Pensky brought out the best in him. They shared their quiet kiss beneath the stars, a frenzy of emotions flowing through their bodies, a single one sticking out above all. Love. **Pretty pretty please review and check out my other Zoey 101 fics! ** **Thanks!** **Grey Eyed** **PS Zoey 101 is not mine. ** End file.
Romeo and Juliet by Velosarahptor
Zoey 101
Changing Hearts **A.N: This is for Maddie. She wanted Zogan so here you go Maddie. I hope you like it. ** **Disclaimer: No way do I own anyone in this. ** It happened so fast, no one could really process what happened. It all started on November 10th, senior year. That was the day the casting call for Chase's new play, Miracles, was sent out. People who auditioned greedily looked at the board for their name, hopelessly hoping they were on the ones picked for the lead roles. Zoey had been one of the ones that auditioned for the main role, and Chase had to admit, her acting had gotten better. Chase couldn't audition sadly, because he was the director and Mr. Forbes, the new drama teacher, wouldn't let the couple audition together, no matter how much they tried. Zoey auditioned alone as Chase watched, jealousy coursing his veins, as he remembered the multiple kisses the two main leads, Brooke and Matthew, shared together. (Hey, Chase couldn't help but make the two main lead's names the last names of himself and his girlfriend. It was destiny) Chase really wasn't worried that much. All the guys that auditioned were pretty bad, especially Wayne Gilbert. (Who knows why Firewire auditioned? Maybe to meet a girl, Chase supposed) The problem came when Logan Reese stepped up on that stage to claim his role as lead actor. Chase had gotten a little worried. Logan was still a fabulous actor. But why should he be worried? Quinn and Logan were still together and happily in love. Of course, Lola also auditioned, and Chase had in his right mind to choose Lola as the main, but unfortunately, Mr. Forbes and Mark Del Figgalo (the other director) thought Zoey was the best, so Chase had to give the role up to Zoey and Logan. Zoey was so excited when she raced up to the casting board. She took Chase's hand and hurried through the crowd, just as Lola and Vince came around. "Hey Zoe, I'm excited, aren't you? I hope I got the main role, since Mr. Cranky Pants won't tell us who got what part," Lola said, directing a glare toward Chase. Chase smiled sheepishly. "You'll find out soon," he said. The four made it to the board, which was filled with students, including Logan and Quinn. Zoey remembered hearing Firewire's protests. "I got the part of Toot, the lackey?" Firewire said as he ran off with his friends. Zoey and Lola pushed through the crowd as Logan and Quinn came out. Quinn had a worried yet happy look on her face, Logan had his familiar smirk on his lips. "Congrats Brooks, or should I say, Brooke? It looks like me and you will be spending a whole lot of time together," Logan said, holding tightly onto his girlfriend's hand. Zoey looked panicked and pushed people through the crowd, quickly scanning the list. **** Miracles **A Play Written By: Chase Matthews** **Summary of Play: **Brooke and Matthew did not expect to fall in love. Through heartache, pain, and drama, these two will try to make it through their friendship, and find love with each other. **Cast:** **Brooke:**Zoey Brooks **Matthew: **Logan Reese **Wendy:**Lola Martinez That's all Zoey looked at as she spun around, enraged. She had to act with Logan, again?! It was bad enough the first time! But Logan did change, and he loved Quinn now, so this should be easy, right? So, now, it is December 19th, the night of the play's opening day. Zoey is nervous, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. She doesn't know why she's nervous. She knows her lines really well. After all, Mr. Forbes made her practice with Logan every day. She remembers everything so well, where to go, what to do, when to get onstage and offstage. She was nervous mostly because of Chase. Chase is so worried lately, that Zoey might fall in love with Logan. Zoey keeps telling Chase it will never happen. Besides, Logan is happy with Quinn. But spending time with Logan has seen a side of him Zoey's never seen before. He's so vulnerable and sweet. He tells her things he can tell anyone about. He talks about his girlfriend, and how much he cares about her. He tells her about his father, and how he feels unloved sometimes from him when he does something wrong. Zoey listens, because that's how she is. The two are closer than anyone expected. Zoey and Logan are like best friends now, and Chase definitely has expressed how much he doesn't like this. "Don't be jealous. The day I fall in love with Logan is the day Quinn quits science forever," Zoey reassures him several times. Zoey smiles now, as Chase comes backstage to wish his girlfriend good luck. He pecks her on the lips, but now it doesn't mean anything. Lately, the attraction between her and Chase has been dead. Both her and Chase know that, but she will not say anything, and neither will Chase because once they do, everything will change, as will their friendship, and they rather fake still being madly in love than confront their feelings. "Hey Zoe, good luck out there. I know you'll do fine," Chase tells her. Zoey smiles as she hugs her boyfriend. "Thanks Chase. And this really is an excellent play. You definitely outdid yourself this time," Zoey says as Logan comes around the corner, Quinn beside him. Zoey notices she looks upset. Zoey wants to ask what's wrong, but Quinn smiles sadly and pecks Logan on the cheek. "Good luck Logan," she says, giving Zoey a quick glance before leaving. Zoey and Chase both notice the tension in the air. Zoey sees Logan looking upset as well, and Zoey wants to know why. She feels a pang of sadness and wants to hug the boy in front of her, but before she can do anything, Mr. Forbes comes around the corner. "Ready you two?" he asks. Logan and Zoey nod. "Ready as we'll ever be," Logan says, and Zoey notices he doesn't sound like Logan. He sounds broken. But Logan covers it up as best as he can, with a faint smirk playing on his lips, but Zoey knows he's faking. "Ok. Come along Chase," Mr. Forbes says. Chase gives Zoey a reassuring smile before following Mr. Forbes out. Zoey turns to Logan as she gives him a small smile. "Nervous?" Logan asks her. Zoey nods, her blonde hair falling in front of her face again. Logan reaches over and pushes it back behind her hair. Zoey blushes subconsciously as he does this. He's close to her as he gives her a hug. Zoey can smell the cologne the put on himself. Zoey doesn't know why but her heart speeds up, and Zoey wonders if she's actually falling for Logan Reese. It can't be possibly, he's dating Quinn and she's dating Chase. This cannot happen. Her heart can't speed up when Logan's here, she can't get all nervous when he's here. It's just not possible. Logan lets go of her finally, as Zoey breathes in relief. "Good luck out there," Logan whispers in her ear as the play begins. The play is a success. Everything went perfectly, and Zoey and Logan were amazing. The kisses had been saved for that specific night, and when they kissed, Zoey knew Chase and her had to break up. She just doesn't love him anymore. She breaks up with him right after the play. It was a mutual agreement. Chase tells her he's fallen in love with somebody else. When Zoey asks who, Chase refuses to answer. "It's too embarassing. I didn't think I'd fall for her," Chase admits sadly. Zoey nods as she kisses his cheek. "I'm sorry," she says. Chase realizes why Zoey breaks up with him, but he doesn't say it aloud. Because he knows Zoey doesn't want to admit she's fallen for Logan Reese. So, the two depart on a good note, and they promise to remain good friends. Zoey decides not to go for Logan just yet. She can't admit her feelings for Logan, since Quinn and Logan are still dating. It's silly anyways. So, for the next few days during the play's performances, Zoey keeps her love for Logan a secret. * * * It is now January 12th. Zoey notices Quinn and Logan haven't been spending time with each other for the past few weeks. It's like they're avoiding each other. Quinn hasn't been eating with them, and Logan has been avoiding everyone. Zoey decides to go see what's wrong, maybe it's something she can help out with. She finds the boy at Quinn and Logan's bench. He has his face buried in his hands, like he's crying. Zoey takes a seat next to the blonde boy. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. He glances up to her and she realizes he has been crying. He looks at her with his vulnerable brown eyes, which Zoey loves so much. Finally, he manages to say, "I guess I'm still upset about Quinn and I breaking up." Zoey looks surprised. "Wait, what? When did this happen?" she asks. Logan takes a deep breathe before he tells her the whole story. The two broke up on opening night of the play, because Logan and Quinn both fell in love with another person. It is mutual, but Logan still loves her deep down, he just loves someone else more. When Zoey questions who it is, he shakes his head. "I can't tell you. Not now. I don't know if she feels the same way. I mean, she was dating someone else who she loved dearly, and I don't know if she's over him yet," Logan admits. Zoey nods, heart broken. It couldn't be her, could it? Zoey, however, just comforts Logan till he's done crying. No words are exchanged, just the company is enough. * * * February 14th, Valentine's Day. It's the day of the dance, and Zoey and Logan are flying solo. They're the only ones, in fact. Stacey's going with Mark, Michael with Lisa, Lola with Vince, and Dustin, weirdly enough with Trisha Kirby. Dustin is doing this mostly to make Gabriella Dyrone jealous. And the weirdest thing ever, Chase and Quinn are at the dance together. Zoey finds it totally weird, but Chase admits it to her finally, after he asks Quinn to the dance. Quinn is the person he's fallen in love with now. He doesn't know how it happened, but it did, and weirdly enough Quinn admits to liking Chase just as much. So now the two are at the dance together, happily in love and blissfully unaware of the depressed Zoey and Logan sitting at a table, watching everyone dance miserably. Zoey sighs as she sits beside Logan, drinking her punch. She wishes she were more brave, so she can admit her feelings to Logan and be done with it. Finally, Logan turns to her as a slow song comes on. "Do you want to dance?" the boy asks, nervousness all over his face, though Zoey doesn't know why. She nods as she stands up and the two walk onto the dance floor. Logan puts his hand on her waist, one hand in hers, as Zoey puts a hand on his shoulder. They start moving slowly to the music. At first, it is silent, but Logan breaks the silence. "So, why didn't you come with a date?" he asks softly. Zoey shrugs, her blonde hair swaying helplessly. "There's only one guy I wanted to come with, but I couldn't. I was too chicken to ask him. How about you?" Zoey asks. Logan shrugs as Zoey looks up into his eyes. He smiles very faintly. "Same reason as you. There's only one girl for me, but I didn't think she would say yes. Turns out, though, she doesn't have a date either," he murmurs. He holds her head up as Zoey realizes who he's talking about. The music soon changes to another slow song, but Zoey and Logan are blissfully unaware. Zoey's blue eyes meet Logan's brown as a magnetic pull keeps them together. Their heads slowly close toward each other, their hands dropping to their side. No words are exchanged between the two. Logan's eyes trace toward her beautiful shaped lips, Zoey looking at his big bright eyes. As if by magic, their lips connect in a soft kiss. It's unlike anything Zoey's ever felt. She brings her hands up around Logan's neck. The kiss deepens as the two don't let go. Logan's hands wrap around Zoey's petite waist. Zoey's hands squeeze his neck. They don't dare break the kiss, not caring who's watching. They only break the kiss a few seconds later because of the lack of air. Zoey and Logan have ridiculous smiles on their faces. She smiles. "You're the one I want," Logan whispers in her ear. Zoey smiles. "Same," she whispers, breathless as their lips meet once more in a blissful kiss. Logan breaks the kiss seconds later though, even though Zoey is pouting. "Will you be my girlfriend Zoey Brooks?" he asks. Zoey nods. "Of course, Matthew," she jokes as he smiles, bringing his lips onto hers once more. In the distance, Chase and Quinn, hands intertwined, smile. **Ok, so that was my first Zogan oneshot. I personally think I didn't do a good job. I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of Zogan. I used to like it, but I'm just starting to like it again. So I really hope you like it Maddie. I did my best.** **I'll have many more oneshots coming out for y'all. So, review, and tell me, did I do a decent job? I tried. Thanks guys!!** End file.
Changing Hearts by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **_A/N:_**** Hey guys! This is my first Fanfic ever so I'm a little nervous about what you guys are gonna say. I just wanna apologise beforehand about any mistakes or errors that I might have accidentally made. One more thing, the content of the story is not VERY bad so there won't actually be any...physical or very detailed stuff happening. Sorry if that's what you thought. I hope I got the rating right! Haha... Moving on! Oh! Also Dana AND Lola are in this. Enjoy!** It was a warm Saturday afternoon and the sun was still up, not going down till a few more hours. Zoey, Lola, Dana and Nicole were all on the couch in the girls lounge chatting about the best Girly Cow episode when Quinn came running in with an exhausted and mischevious look on her face. "No way! Episode 34 was totally the best because- Oh hey Quinn! You look all sweaty and out of breath. Eww." Nicole pointed out as Quinn ran in and stood infront of them. "Hey guys. Thanks for once again pointing out the obvious Nicole." Quinn replied rolling her eyes, "Anyways I'm doing an experiment-" This collected groans from the girls. "Like I was saying, I'm doing an experiment and I need you guys to be my test subjects" This made the girls stop their complaining and look at Quinn warily when they heard this. "Wait a minute. Us? Why not some hamsters or gerbils like any normal person would test on?...Well normal in this case anyways." Zoey asked "No way! I wouldn't want to hurt such innocent creatures. Besides, this test is completely harmless." Quinn tried to reassure. "That's what you said last time and we all ended up bald" Dana murmured but still loud enough for everyone to hear. After giving a glare to Dana, Quinn continued "Its just a visual experiment and I'll explain everything to you at my room if you guys agree to it." The girls thought the idea over still anxious about all of it when the questions they were thinking were finally asked. "So we don't have to...consume anything? We are not going to explode or end up hairless? Lola asked to which Dana added 'Again' to lola's sentence. "No, Nope and..There is a very low chance that you will..again. Just follow me and all questions will hopefully be answered." Quinn replied. After another several minutes of silence, the girls finally agreed and headed off to Quinn's room. Once they all arrived at Quinn's room they came in to find a quite large TV, a long couch and a HD camcorder near the TV right in front of the couch, able to film anyone who sits there in perfect definition. "Woah!" Exclaimed Dana, looking around the room questioning what they had to do. "Well there seems to be no sight of food or liquids so that's a good sign" Nicole pointed out. "Okay Quinn we're here so explain." Zoey asked, still a little anxious about the whole idea. "Okay. I'm doing a test on your sex drives and how long it takes for you to crack. I call it, The Horny Test." Quinn received horrified and confused stares after her explanation so she decided to elaborate a little bit more, "Its for my Science project and we are learning about puberty and the things that happen to you blah blah blah. Anyways, I'm going to show you all some pornography and all you have to do is sit and watch it." The horrified and confused stares intensified. A good long five minutes passed until Lola finally broke the silence, "..So your telling us that you want us to sit here and just watch porn while you record our reactions?" "Yes. That is correct. Yes." Quinn replied. To be honest, the girls were a little relieved that nothing dangerous was entering their bodies this time but they still had a lot of questions unanswered. Quinn seemed to read their minds and further explain, "Do not worry no one will see this but the teacher and its Mr Sung so he won't care or tell anyone it was you guys anyways." This seemed to relieve the girls alittle bit. "Okay, I don't know what stuff your all into so I just picked the best straight and lesbian pornography." Quinn's eyebrows scrunched up as she realised there might have been alittle fault. "Wait a minute, you guys have at least watched pornography once before to know what its is right?" She didn't get any replies but the reddened embarrassed wide-eyes looks she received were enough to tell that they have and most likely more than once. Quinn just chuckled and walked a little forward towards a door. The girls all took that as a cue to sit on the sofa. Dana on the far left and next to her is Lola then Nicole and Zoey on the far right. All with their arms crossed. "So, any more questions?" Asked Quinn "Yeah, where will you be while all of this is happening?" Questioned Zoey. "I will be in the other room," she pointed to her bedroom, "Where I can see all you guys on my computer but of course I'm going to be reading and only checking the screen every 20 minutes." The girls nodded in understanding. "Oh! One more question!" Lola started, "Why'd you get lesbian porn?" Quinn chuckled,"Right, well let's just say that I know some things about you guys that you don't know about each other and it will be very interesting to see your reactions to everything." Quinn answered cryptically. She received confused and a little nervous stares. Quinn was just about to walk away when she remembered a little piece of extra information. "One more piece of info. If, later on, you feel the need to...relieve yourselves of sexual frustration then you may leave but that means you will be disqualified. You will be also recorded of the time it takes from when we begin to when you leave, the last person to go or announce giving up shall end the experiment. Now, without further distraction we shall begin. Remember to be yourselves. Enjoy!" Explained Quinn as she walked off into her bedroom. There was an awkward uncomfortable silence after Quinn exited for a few minutes until Zoey finally spoke up, "Oh my God I can't believe we actually agreed to this." "I know! At least its better than consuming something that results in hair loss." Dana exclaimed. After another several minutes passed and a video popped up on the TV. There first appeared a tall very handsome man with bright blue eyes, tanned skin and brown hair that was all messy since he was just coming out of a swimming pool meaning he was all wet and his abs were glistening in the sun. Most of the girls sighed dreamily at his appearance with Nicole being the loudest. Then, a very beautiful woman also tanned with green eyes that shined came out near the pool and sat on the side where you can see her abs, not as defined as the man's but still there, her wavy blonde hair that reaches just pass her shoulders, her big double D breasts barely covered by the bikini she was wearing and her long toned legs that nicely complimented her big rounded ass. This time only 3 out of the 4 girls sighed but it was barely audible as to not reveal anything to each other. As the video goes on, the very attractive couple end up on the kitchen table and the man inbetween the woman's legs. (You don't really have to guess what they're doing.) The woman's moans coming out of the TV and echoing in the room. Nicole's legs are pressed together and her hands are on each each leg, rubbing up and down her thighs while trying to control her heavy laboured breathing. The rest of the girls were doing pretty well, obviously they couldn't help but fell warmth around their lower abdomen but were holding up pretty good. It has only been 10 minutes after all. Meanwhile, in the other room, Quinn was reading Einstein's Theory of Relativity only now and then glancing at the screen to see any changes in each of the girls. What she did notice though, was how it was effecting Nicole. She decided to do a full stat on the girls's condition since 20 minutes is about to pass and the video is about to be coming to an end. "Nicole has minor panting, has her hands into fists and is sweating quite profusely. I estimate she will break after the second video or so. Lola has minor sweating and mostly normal breathing patterns. Zoey...well she seems to be fine just a little surprised. Interesting. And Dana is still has her arms crossed, revealing nothing" Quinn wrote down on her graph. She decided to play shorter videos to see if that adds more affect. _**A/N:**__** Okay so I'm gonna stop there for now just to see how well this goes. If you guys like it then I'll make another few chapters! Hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to review! Hope it wasn't to bad! **_ 2. Chapter 2 _**A/N: **__**Hey guys! So I'm back again. Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you guys like the storyline. To recap, the girls just finished watching porno number 1 and the only one it seems to be affecting is Nicole...For now. I'm just gonna pick up from there. Once again, sorry for any mistakes or errors that might occur accidentally! Enjoy! **_ The video ended with the man shooting his load all over the woman. When the video ended all the girls had mixed expressions including amusement suprisement and a hint of arousal. The screen went black and there was an awkward silence, everyone was still sitting there with their arms crossed just trying to let what they saw sink in, until Dana just couldn't take the silence anymore. "Okay so that was-" Dana tried to say. "Don't even. This was not one of my smartest ideas agreeing to this and I'm Zoey Brooks!" Zoey joked while the other girls chuckled at that. "What do you think Quinn has for us next?" Lola asked, clearing her throat afterwards realizing it was a little husky. "I'm not sure but I really want this to finish-" Zoey stopped talking after she realized that the normally most loudest person was definitely not being loud at all, "Hey Nicole your being really quiet. What's up?" "Nothing I'm fine." Nicole said, loud enough for the rest of the girls to hear how husky her voice was. Dana, only just realizing Nicole's behaviour change, realized that the video affected her. "No way! Looks like little Nicole is frustrated!" Nicole teased with a huge smirk. "Shut up I am not!" Nicole exclaimed husky voice still audible, face reddening with embarrassment. "Yes you so are." Dana said giggling a little. "Well its not like your not so be quiet." Nicole tried. "Ha! So you do admit it. And how would you even know its not like I'm the one sitting there with extremely dilated pupils, a husky voice and-" Suddenly the screen came back on with two very attractive women in just a bra and seethrough panties, "Ohmygod." Dana whispered eyes widening at the screen. The lead up to the sex was not as long as the previous video so they both ended up on the couch, the blonde saddling the brunette, both making out with each other heavily. Quinn, in the other room decided to put in lesbian porn to see if that will change the girls's reactions. She was back to reading her book after glancing at the screen again. Before she went onto her new chapter though, she saw that Dana's attention was strongly captured by the video. She just chuckled, this experiment was getting more and more interesting. The rest of the girls were confused and Nicole a little relieved at Dana's abrupt stop until they realized what was showing on the TV. There were two girls making out so wha-OH. They found out why she stopped and were alittle surprised for the reason. "Woah!" Lola gasped accidentally. She didn't mean to say that. No one could find out about her! Dana heard Lola and came out of her daze. She realized that her abrupt stop might have made them suspicious, of course the video was making her a little horny but she couldn't reveal that to them! She wanted to win this experiment so she sat back, still with her arms crossed and told herself to relax. Nicole gulped, anything is able to get her off now straight or not. She look around at the girls, all of them had the same arms crossed posture but they all had different expressions, Zoey had a face of horror with her head cocked to the side, she was also sitting next to Lola and saw that her eyes were almost totally black, she tried to stretch over to see Dana and from all she could see was that her arms were crossed but her nails were digging into her arms. At this point the girls on the screen were completely naked and moaning as loud as ever. The brunette went inbetween the blonde legs, (Once again you can kind of picture what's going) making the blonde scream the brunette's name in ecstacy. What was the brunettes name? Nicole. The girls's eyes widened and all turned their head to look at Nicole, seeing her reaction. Nicole's jaw dropped, it just had to be her name! Before anyone could say anything the woman having the time of her life on the screen moaned out Nicole's name so sexily that Nicole thought she was going to burst. Nicole couldn't take it anymore, she was breathing heavily at this point. She was wishing for it to stop. But it didn't. The blonde girl was about to orgasm and she made sure everyone knew that. "Oh Nicole right there! That-" She moaned again, "That's it! Right there right there! NICOLE!" She screamed as she came. Nicole's hands were shaking, she was beyond aroused. She put her hands into fists and crossed her legs tight, it still wasn't working. She needed get off. She got up and speed walked out of Quinn's room without a word. Quinn, who decided to tune in for the last couple of minutes of the video, saw Nicole's hurried exit. "I knew it wouldn't take long for her to crack. She is Nicole after all...And so was the brunette in the video." Quinn laughed as she put in the next video, she didn't expect her name to be the same just a lucky coincidence. "Well there goes Nicole." Zoey sighed. The videos were kind of getting her aroused but she was too stubborn to leave just yet, she wanted to win. "So what did you guys think of the-" Lola started saying until she heard a moan, she thought she was just hearing things until she heard it again this time alittle louder. "Hey did you guys hear that?" She asked. All the girls turned their heads to the TV but it was still off so they waited to hear it again. This time it was a loud long moan and they realized who it was coming from a few doors down. "Oh my gosh it's Nicole!" Exclaimed Dana, her voice a little husky. "Looks like she is relieving her sexual frustration." She quoted Quinn. "It better not be on my bed!" Zoey muttered The TV turned on again and there were three people, a man and two other women. All of them look like the normal super hot porn stars that anyone would drool over. The video went on with all three of them in a bed giving each person pleasure and orgasms. Lola wasn't even watching, she was imagining what Nicole was doing in their shared room and really wanted to her. She decided against this for no suspicion to be aimed at her until Nicole started moaning again. Her moans were louder than the video so all of the girls heard her. "Damn that girl has a voice" Dana murmured. Lola bit her bottom lip hard, she needed to go. She bets what Nicole is doing is actually better then she imagined it. Meanwhile, Quinn was just finishing her 5th chapter the principle of relativity when she heard Nicole's moans. She looked back at the screen and saw Lola biting her bottom lip and squirming in her seat alittle. Quinn smirked, she heard the timer go telling her that 20 minutes has passed and wrote an update of the stats. "Nicole has been disqualified leaving in a rush most likely to masturbate, Dana's breathing patterns are heavy but she is still revealing nothing although she does have dilated pupils which means she is obviously attracted to what is played to her, Zoey's breathing patterns are abit above average and nothing has changed with her and Lola is sqiurming in her seat with laboured breathing. I'm not quite sure who will crack next but we shall see." Quinn noted down. **_A/N: __Okay so that's chapter 2 for you guys! Its a bit dirtier than the first but it's the way I had to make it. Next chapter will have a lot more happening between two of the girls, that's right one leaves. Can you guess who? Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please review and tell me what you think! _** 3. Chapter 3 _**A/N:**__** Hey guys! Happy New Year! I was going to do a New Years story but i thought i should just focus on this one. Anyways, I'm so glad that your enjoying the story! I appreciate the reviews! Sorry for any accidental errors or mistakes! To recap, Nicole has left which leaves Dana, Zoey and Lola and one of them is on the verge of cracking... Enjoy!**_ As the third porno ended, Lola was sitting there with her legs pressed together, her hand in her hair and her teeth digging Into her bottom lip. Dana was not far off but she was revealing nothing, she wanted to win and she was not going to let her hormones get in the way of it...even though that was the main part of the experiment. Zoey was thinking the same thing. The TV came back on and there were two fully grown Rottweiler dogs, the male went to the female and got into the mating position. "WHAT THE HELL QUINN!?" Dana yelled, shock and disgust on her face. Back in Quinn's room, Quinn heard Dana's outburst and looked at the screen. She realised she picked the wrong video. "Sorry guys! Wrong video!" Quinn tried to apologise. "Why do you even have videos like that?" Zoey asked, muffled because of her hands covering her face. Quinn didn't reply and Dana guessed she watched them, "You watch doggy porn!?" She yelled at Quinn. "Will you be quiet?! No I do not watch dog pornography, it was for another experiment." Quinn said matter-of-factly. She put in the correct video before anyone could protest and went on reading her book. The girls on the couch didn't know what to think of Quinn's explanation but before they could think further about it, the TV came back on. It was lesbian porn again and these women were latina. They had beautiful brown wavy hair, gorgeous faces and fantastic bodies all guys wish they could be with. As the video went on Dana couldn't help but think about her and Lola, the video reminded her of Lola and herself since they were also hot latinas. As she began to fantasize about them more she began to get more and more turned on but she couldn't help it, the moans coming from the TV and the images in her head were starting to get to her. It was even worse that Lola was sitting right next to her. She dug her nails into her arms and tried to control her breathing. Lola knew she wasn't going to win, Dana and Zoey were too stubborn. She really wanted to see who would win betweeen the two but if she didn't leave now she would masturbate on the spot and that was not going to happen. She also wanted to see how Nicole was doing in their bedroom. The video progressed and so did the sex and moaning. Lola decided to leave or she would explode and as she stood up she accidentally put her hand on Dana's inner thigh very near her crotch. Dana was immediately pulled out from her thoughts with a loud gasp. She leaned forward alittle and jerked her hips when she felt Lola's hand, the warmth from Lola's hand so close to wear she needed it most made her moan but she quickly stopped when she heard herself. Lola was oblivious to Dana's reaction and too horny to care. She yelled bye as she walked out of the room without turning back. Zoey looked back at Dana to see how she was coping. Dana had her head down with her eyes closed and her nails digging into her skin so hard she was probably bleeding. She looked like she was trying to get her breathimg in check too. Lola might have been oblivious but Zoey wasn't. From as much as Zoey saw before, she realized that Dana wasn't very far off from Lola's position but she had more control, when Lola touched her that was what made her crack. She was now trying to calm herself down. Zoey knew this was going to keep happening unless she had something to do with it and Zoey wanted to win. "And then there two of us" Zoey said sliding closer to Dana since she is at the other end of the couch. Hearing this, Dana immediately open opened her eyes and resumed to her original position, "Yep, may the best girl win" Dana replied with a very husky voice and a smirk. Zoey knew she was just trying to play cool. She moved closer to Dana so their shoulders were practically touching. The video on the TV ended and was just playing nonstop lesbian porn, Dana was very confused about why Zoey was coming so close to her but she was more focused on keeping her hormones in check. Zoey put her hand on Dana's thigh which made Dana gasp, "What are you doing?" Dana asked. "I never realised how hot you are." Zoey answered in a sexily husky voice as she rubbed her hand up and down Dana's thigh. "W-What? Your just trying to distract me!" Dana exclaimed. "Why and how would i do that? Its not like your attracted girls or anything." This made Dana cough and splutter out an 'Im not'. "Exactly. So why can't I just comfort my friend?" Zoey moved her hand to Dana's inner thigh and rubbed up and down. "Z-Zoey you n-need stop." Dana said, voice very husky at this point. She was getting very aroused and she didn't want to lose. She uncrossed her arms, got Zoey's travelling hand and put in on Zoey's lap. She exhaled and closed her eyes. "Why? Are you getting frustrated?" Zoey teased. Dana opened her eyes in surprisement. "N-No! I'm just really hot. Are you hot?" Dana asked, trying to change the subject. "Not really" Zoey moved her head close to Dana's ear and whispered "But you are." huskily before biting her ear lobe softly. Dana moaned and her eyes fluttered closed as Zoey was nibbling on her ear lobe. It was like she was under a spell, Dana couldn't stop her even if she wanted to. Zoeys hand went back to Dana's inner thigh, slowly making her way to her crotch. Zoey moved down to kiss Dana's neck, occasionally nipping and sucking which in turn making Dana moan. As her hand got to Dana's groin, she cupped and squeezed her crotch which made Dana moan loudly and jerk her hips to Zoey's hand. "Oh Dana." Zoey moaned as she went back to nibbling her ear. Dana was pretty much panting at this point, she was fighting herself to stay and beat Zoey but what Zoey was doing to her was making her beyond aroused. Dana needed to stop this and the only way she could was to do something to surprise Zoey. Dana turned her head and kissed Zoey. Zoey froze in surprisement but kissed her back with even more force. Dana saddled Zoey and put each hand on Zoey's side and rubbed up and down while still kissing her. Zoey moaned and kissed back until she realised that Dana was just trying to distract her so she decided to fight back. Zoey turned them so she was saddling Dana and started grind right on Dana's groin, Dana moaned and stopped kissing to pant and close her eyes. Zoey grinded harder against her and put each her hands on Dana's side. She started to moan knowing that will get Dana even more frustrated. "Oh Dana" Zoey moaned huskily staring right at Dana. Dana bit her bottom lip and tried to talk "Ohmygod. Zoey y-you need to-" She was silenced by Zoey's lips and the fast grinding she was receiving. Dana pushed Zoey off her, breathing heavily she stood up and reluctantly spluttered out, "Y-You win Z-Zoey." Before running out of Quinns room. Zoey was shocked to see Dana leave so quickly but soon her expression changed to happiness as she realised she won. "Oh my god I won! I won Quinn! I won this stupid horny test!" Zoey exclaimed in a husky voice. She looked around for a moment and realised how horny she actually was and yelled "See ya!" As she speed walked out the room. Quinn saw everything that Zoey and Dana did and was left with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. When Zoey yelled her success she came back to reality. "There was no winning it was an experiment! And it is not stupid!" Quinn yelled out before Zoey left the room. Quinn just sat back on her chair and decided to do the last update on the stats for the girls,"Lola was disqualified and walked out probably going to help her and Nicole sexually, After that Zoey seemed to trick Dana into exiting by doing sexual acts such as dry humping and kissing which inturn made Dana leave to most likely masturbate and Zoey was the last to leave resulting that Zoey has the best control of her sex drive even though she cheated when it came to getting rid of Dana. It took 4 hours for every girl to crack." She wrote down on her notepad. Quinn turned off the porn showing in the other room. She glanced at her computer screen and realised something, the little red recording circle was not glowing. "IT WAS NEVER RECORDING!?" Quinn yelled out. She ran to the other room to where the camera was and saw that it was in fact never recording. Quinn ran to the hallway and yelled, "It was never recording! Can we do it again!?" When no one replied she went back inside, sat on the couch and cried out of stress. _**A/N:**__** Well I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter! It took me a while to make it but I did it. I did make this one a little bit more silly at first then kinda dirty but it is rated M so I just had to put something in there. Poor Quinn right? I will be making one more chapter! And please don't forget to review! Thanks for reading!**_ 4. Chapter 4 _**A/N:**__** Hey guys! Okay so I apologise for not putting a new chapter in for SO long! It's just been quite busy since the new year began but im back! You guys seriously didn't think I was just gonna leave all you hanging!? Its the last chapter of course not! To recap, Lola cracked, Zoey tricked Dana into breaking meaning Zoey won but Quinn forgot to press record leaving her very upset. This is just the aftermath. I apologise for the accidental mistakes and errors! Enjoy!**_ Much later in the evening, all the girls except for Quinn were back in the girl's lounge. There was a very awkward silence as they all sat there trying not to stare at each other. They were all in different positions, Dana with her arms crossed, Zoey with her arms in her lap, Nicole sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and Lola copying Nicole's position on the floor. No one knew what to say. After another 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence, Zoey just decided to break the ice. "So what did you guys think of the experiment?" Zoey asked. A few minutes past until the silence was broken again. "Honestly? It was hot!" Nicole exclaimed, all the girls looked at her, surprised from her sudden outburst and shocked at how open she was being about the topic. "What happened when I left?" She asked. "Well we just kept watching videos. Actually, Quinn accidentally put in two dogs going at it. We don't know why or how she got the video but it certainly was something I didn't enjoy." Lola answered, grimacing at the memories of the dog porn. "Eww. That girl can be seriously weird at times but I'm kinda upset I didn't see it. Anything else?" Nicole said. She really didn't know what to expect, she just wanted to know if anything happened between each other when she left. Zoey was confused about Nicole's question, they just sat there and watched porn what else would she expect?... Except with what happened with her Dana but she wasn't going to discuss that yet. "Well Lola was the next to leave." Then she remembered the moans she heard from their dorm. "Oh. And there was one more thing..." She trailed off. Dana and Lola seemed to understand what Zoey was talking about. While Nicole was confused about the three girls's uncomfortable, blushing faces, "What? What was the other thing?" Nicole asked getting impatient. "We heard you moaning when you were masturbating." Dana explained. Receiving a horrified face by Nicole in return, she decided to elaborate further, "Your very loud you know. We heard you loud and clear from a few doors down so think about the people inbetween." Dana finished with a smirk. It was now Nicole's turn to blush violently as she was left completely speechless with her mouth hanging open. After a few minutes of full on gawping, she decided to try and defend herself, "Well, like I said it was hot." "We get that. Just try not to be so loud about it next time." Dana replied, once again making Nicole blush. "What happened after I left? Like who won?" Lola pondered out loud turning to face Dana and Zoey. Zoey blushed and looked at the ground while Dana was staring wide-eyed at Lola trying to form an answer. Nicole saw their reactions and tried to piece up the two, after some more thinking her jaw dropped. "Oh my God! You guys did not!" Nicole exclaimed. Lola was confused about Nicole's sudden outburst but she quickly understood and gasped loudly. They both gave Zoey and Dana very shocked expressions. By that time Dana seemed to snap back into reality and she tried to defend herself, "No! It-It wasn't like that." Lola could tell something was up, she was feeling tension since they all arrived at the girls lounge but she just guessed it was the experiment or Nicole masturbating. What she wasn't expecting was this and she decided to know what 'this' is. "Wasn't like what? Were you guys doing something dirty?" She asked. "We were not! We.." Zoey tried to explain but she just couldn't. After looking at Dana and seeing her position with her arms crossed, nails digging into her arms, she just decided to come clean. Nicole's and Lola's impatient stares weren't helping her either and it was obvious Dana was not going to say the story. Zoey sighed and proceeded to tell the story. "Okay. After Lola left, I knew that Dana is very stubborn and I was very determined to win so I-I made a plan to make Dana break and leave." She explained to the two very intrigued girls. "Yes? Obviously something happened between the two of you and we wanna know all of it!" Nicole said after several seconds of waiting. Zoey sighed again and continued. "I could tell she was already flustered before because of a certain someone." Zoey pointedly looked at Lola who was confused at her statement. Lola tried to think back to before she left and if she interacted with Dana to make her that flustered and that's when she remembered when she was trying to stand up and remembered where her hand was. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry Dana! It-It was an accident! I didn't even realise-" Lola apologised, but was cut off. "Its fine." Dana replied looking at her shoes, feeling embarrassed that Lola made her aroused and that Zoey knew. "Anyways, I started moving closer to her and I put my hand on her thigh rubbing it up and down. She was getting more flustered by the minute and I wanted to push further, I started to move my hand to her inner thigh and-" Zoey realised her voice was getting a little husky so she cleared her throat. But someone beat her to saying the next part. "I stopped her and asked what she is doing, that's when I realised that she was just trying to distract me which I pointed out. After that a few comments were passed to eachother and her hand was back to my inner thigh, rubbing up and down while she was sucking on my ear lobe. Her hand was slowly making her way to my crotch and she was kissing and biting my neck and.." Dana trailed off as she started daydreaming about their encounter, getting very aroused. Once Zoey realised that Dana was not going to keep talking, she decided to continue. "Right. She started moaning and so did I just to try and get her more turned on when she k-kissed me. I froze but I kissed her back with more power and then she saddled me and we made out for a while until I realised she was trying to distract me. I turned us around so I was saddling her, we started making out again but this time I...grinded into her. I kept going harder and faster and there was a lot of moaning and more kissing. She tried to object but I just kissed her until she finally pushed me off her and announced her defeat." By the time Zoey finished she realised she was near panting and tried to control her breathing. When Zoey looked back at Nicole and Lola she saw their mouths hanging open with a mixed expression of surprisement and arousal. She glaced back at Dana who was just staring at Zoey with very dilated pupils. It was silent for several minutes until Nicole broke it. "That. Was. HOT! I wish I could have seen that!" Nicole exclaimed, her voice a little lower than usual. Dana glared at Nicole before turning her glare to Zoey, "You cheated! You distracted me!" She said with a husky voice. "What do you mean?" Zoey asked, trying to play dumb. "You know what I mean. You admitted it! You knew I was horny and used it to your advantage!" Dana exclaimed. "Its not my fault you were. Actually, it kinda was." Zoey teased with a smirk staring right into Dana's eyes. Dana and Zoey just glared at each other for a long time, all you could hear was their heavy breathing while Lola and Nicole were looking between the two girls finding their little argument incredibly hot. This kept going on for a few minutes until Dana sighed angrily, "Whatever it was just in the heat of the moment. We were already watching porn and stuff." "So even a few touches here and there can't get you back to your horny state or even further?" Zoey challenged, going closer to Dana and running her finger in the valley inbetween Dana's breasts while biting her lip suggestively. Dana's breath hitched at the contact and she licked her bottom lip, which Zoey found incredibly sexy. "Never. But I recommend you don't do that again." Dana breathed out huskily staring right into Zoey's eyes. "Why? Are you gonna jump on me and grind on me until I cum?" Zoey replied staring right back at Dana. "Oh my God, you guys are so hot." Nicole whispered loudly staring at the two girls, her voice was very husky. This outburst brought Zoey and Dana out of their little flirtatious bubble and brought their attention back to the two girls infront of them. Zoey just chuckled, husky voice still audible. "It's not like Dana here is attracted to girls anyways." She teased with a smirk, using her words she said before. "I'm not!" Dana replied, blushing. "Yeah right." Lola replied sarcastically, giggling a little. "Don't let me get started on you and little miss Bi-Curious next to you." Dana said angrily. "Hey! I-I'm so into boys and if anyone's Bi-Curious it's you and Zoey!" Nicole defended. "Anyways!" Zoey started, trying to change the subject. "Where did you guys all go to...release yourselves of sexual frustration?" She asked awkwardly. They didn't see each other at all since they met at the girl's lounge. "I was in our dorm." Nicole answered, blushing again when she remembered that they heard her. "I was in the bathroom." Lola replied after Nicole. "What a shame. You could have come and helped me out." Dana said to Lola winking, she smirked at Lola's obvious flusteredness after she heard the comment. Dana just looked at Nicole in disbelief, "See what I'm talking about!" She exclaimed going back to her previous point. Suddenly, her look of annoyance turned into a look of confusion. "Wait a minute, did you say you were in the bathroom?" She asked Lola. Lola looked at Dana weirdly before replying, "Yeah? Why?" Dana's jaw dropped, "I-I was in the b-bathroom too." She spluttered out. "The boys's dorm! I was in their dorm!" Zoey said, after several minutes of an awkward silence. "Since the boys went on a camping trip I just went there." Silence took on after that. It wasn't awkward just filled with sexual tension. That was until Quinn walked in with an upset and annoyed look on her face. "Geez. You'd think she'd be happy about recording us getting all worked up but obviously not." Dana muttered. Zoey heard this and glared at Dana before asking Quinn what's wrong. "I didn't record. I forgot to press that stupid button and record you guys! I'm going to fail!" Quinn exclaimed. To be honest, all the girls were quite relieved that the camera did not record them but they couldn't help but feel sorry for Quinn. "Don't worry Quinn. Besides, you wrote down some points right? So just take that in and I'm sure you'll get an awesome grade." Zoey replied, trying to help her friend. "Yeah I guess your right. Thanks Zoey." Quinn got up and walked to the door before turning around, "Oh and don't worry your secrets are safe with me. Next time try and be more quiet Nicole and Lola you should have just followed Nicole and have your fun together. By the way, Zoey and Dana? You guys were kinda hot when you were on each other." She bluntly stated before walking off. Leaving all the girls violently blushing. "This is definetly worse then being bald." Dana stated, they other girls furiously nodding in agreement. _**A/N:**__** Well there you go! I made it longer than normal for you guys since it's the last chapter and all. It has a bit more humour in it BUT there are definetly some feelings attached between some of the girls. I will be making some more stories so don't forget me! I hope you guys enjoyed this story and I really appreciate the reviews you gave me. Not too bad for my first story? Anyways please don't forget to review! **_ End file.
The Horny Test by ThatWeirdAwkwardKid
Zoey 101
Swallowing the Spite **A/N:** This was my characterization test. After doing character bios in Drama I, I better understand how to get inside a character's head. Here I put that practice to use. You should enjoy it, and I did try to make it more interesting though some switch-ups. Hope you enjoy!** * * * ** **"Swallowing the Spite"** I watched as he picked at his nails, seemingly nervous, waiting for me to approach. I wondered why he was getting so worked up about it. This was something that we'd been planning for weeks, and I was so glad that we were finally going to get it over with and move along with our lives. Taking one giant step forward, I almost topple onto the table that sits in front of him as another student flies past me, a huge brown cardboard box in his arms. Then I realized why he was so nervous. Maybe I would change my mind, and his girlfriend would have to choose between us. Of course, many would assume that she would choose _him_, since she was truly, madly, and deeply in love with him. Unfortunately for him, things didn't usually work out in his favor. Besides the fact that he was a horrible person in itself, he didn't deserve someone like her. A much better person for the candidate would be...say, Zoey. I love her, she's like a sister to me, but she wouldn't care how he treated her friends. With Quinn it _does_ matter, and that's why I feel closer to her on a personal level. Aside from the fact that we also hang out more, she truly takes the time to understand people's true feelings and motives. She is a true mediator and motivator, and that's why I'm thankful to have her in my life. Slipping into the hardback chair across from him, I wait for him to start off the conversation. To my surprise, he doesn't even acknowledge me, he only rests his elbows on the table. "So...what are we going to do about this?" he asks, raising his eyes to meet mine. That's when I realize they're bloodshot. His hair is also frazzled. He looks as if he hasn't slept in days. I can't help but to notice that his arms are less toned, which probably means that he'd taken less time tanning and working out to think about Quinn, me and the whole mess we are going through. "I didn't come her to sit and stare at you," he goes on, groaning. "I just want to get this over with, I just want to see the love of my life happy again." "So do I," I remind him, my face hard as ice. * * * She's sitting in front of me, and I know why we're doing this. Secretly, we want to be able to get along. We want to be friends. Although I've told her time and time again that she's the one preventing it, she won't admit to the fact. Currently, I am downright annoyed. I don't care about her and her petty problems with her star quarterback boyfriend and his anger management issues and all the other bullshit she's got going on. This is just like how it is with my dad and his girlfriends. I always hate the new slut he brings to our townhouse over the summer, and he always makes me take her out to coffee. No, not Brandon or Davis or Connor or Arlynn, but me. Just because I was born last. Just because he never actually married my mom and I'm a bastard because of that. It's unfair, but my protests get me nowhere. Coping. That's what he always tries to explain to me. Apparently, I suck at doing that. Somehow, I have grasped the concept, though. Through my interpersonal relationships. Like with Chase, Michael, Quinn, I guess Zoey...maybe Lola. Back then I guess Nicole and Dana, too. All the things I told them I told them in confidence, whether the information was supposed to remain confidential or not. But you know what's sad? I learned all of this crap in counseling. Counseling. My dad enrolled me in this program, so I'd make better choices and learn how to avoid making the same mistakes. So I cursed him. I yelled and screamed and shouted and I might have even cried. He didn't understand why it was so hard for me sometimes. It was all his fault I was even at PCA. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but it was he who convinced my mom that I was a delinquent and that I needed the opportunity to make positive social choices. As much as I wanted my mom to understand that PCA wasn't the best place for me to do that, I couldn't quite persuade her, and she let my dad be the dictator once again. Worried. That's what I am right now. About Quinn. As much as my love for her is undying, and will remain that way, I can't help it that my mind runs off without me sometimes. What if she chooses Lola as her friend and dumps me as her boyfriend? Maybe Lola will open her big yap and tell her that it's because of _my_ actions that we're all tangled up in this in the first place. She'll tell her that if I wasn't always such an egotistical sexist jerk, she wouldn't ridicule me because she wouldn't have anything to ridicule me _about_. Frankly, I don't get it. It's all one big maze to me. I knew she'd understand it, though. Quinn will listen to anything Lola says because she's the sister she was supposed to have but will never have because she died at birth. The reason she told me that is because as she matured, she realized it was something she should keep close to her heart and locked inside her mind. At a certain time, she told me that she wanted to share it with the first person she loved with all her heart. And by the looks of things - like her eyes welling up with tears, and her cheeks turning a blotchy red and her bottom lip jumping up and down - that person is me. I can't tell _her_ that, though. I hate her and she hates me. It's because she hates me that I hate her. When she first came here, I ignored her like she was a pesky fly buzzing around the room. But she chose to resent me, maybe because of her slowly developing insanity. Being as mature as I could be in such a situation, I didn't hold it against her. Maybe she was fighting someone like I was. After all, I wouldn't wish a demon like my dad into anyone's life. * * * "I just want to let you know that Quinn is my sister," I declare, "we're almost family." "She's going to be my wife," he spits, slamming his fist down onto the table. "Oh yeah?" I inquire harshly, tilting my head to one side. "When did you propose?" "Two Sundays ago. And she...she said yes," he announces, his voice dropping on the last word. "Then what's there to be sad about? Why are we here?" she retorts, appearing to spit fire. Through my sleepy eyes, I see her clutch the strap of her bag more tightly and purse her lips. "Quinn took it back...she took it back because she said she wasn't sure about something. And I'm pretty damn sure that something is _you_." "Well, if you weren't Logan Reese, I would be happy as a million suns for Quinn. But're awful. You use females and then toss them away like used condoms when they don't appeal to you anymore. You dislike people for no reason, and use their flaws against them. You act the way you do for no reason. When I was new, I thought you were racist. The way you treated Michael as if he was just another slave getting paid to obey you... it sickened me. I'm pretty sure not a soul has ever done anything wrong or bad to you with the way you've grown up your whole life. And instead of being thankful, and showing sympathy towards those less fortunate than you, you make fun of them. Sir, those are the reasons why I have always despised you and always will," I announced, my voice rising and dropping where necessary. My little rant sure as hell scared him though. I had expected him to interject, but he sat there, stunned into silence. * * * Pressing my palms down flat onto the table, I heave one great big sigh. Now I understand why Lola is such a great actress. Because she can pretend. She can pretend that everything that comes out if her mouth is true. "Look Martinez. I don't know if a bird shit on your face the other day, or if someone spits in your coffee every morning, and to tell you the truth, I really don't care. I just want my girlfriend back. We've got ten minutes to settle this because personally, I've got better things to do with my time." "Whatever," she replies, retrieving a cell phone from her purse. Most likely to text someone useless information or make an unnecessary call. "The only reason I treat you a certain way, well in your eyes at least, is because of how you treat me. Back in freshman year when you were new, I didn't say a word to you. You were roomed with Nicole and Zoey, and they all thought you were off your nut. But guess what? I didn't say anything because I knew the kind of shit people would say if they found out about me. About how my dad treats me. When I saw how you dressed and acted, how your voice sounded... to be honest, I couldn't have disagreed with my friends more at that point. Deep down, I wanted to connect with you... have a heart to heart," I explained, my heart clenching in my chest with each word I spoke. Watching as her eyes seemed to cloud over, I stopped, waiting for her to say something. "So then why didn't you?" came her strangled reply. Although I didn't know if there was a frog caught in her throat or not, I did know one thing... she was about to cry. Tough as I am, I'm not of those guys who hates it when girls cry. It just annoys me that people are so sensitive when there is much worse going on around them. But maybe she was on her period, or maybe she and Vince had hit a rough spot, or worse yet... maybe she feared she was pregnant. "Why didn't you try to talk to me? You saw that I needed friends." When no reply came, she continued on. "Oh, please! What I was thinking to even assume that you had or could have possibly had a conscience. You probably just wanted to stick your tongue down my throat!" "Now that's where the line is drawn!" I shouted, pointing an index finger at her. "Don't even try to associate me now with the old person that I used to be." Lowering my voice, I looked away as I saw her raise the back of her hand to her face. "Just for the record, I didn't want to touch you... not even with a twenty foot pole. But I did want to see what was going on with you, where you were coming from. Because I have those same problems with my dad. He has all the money, and he uses it against me. In the end, we end up trying to blackmail each other and he just deducts tens of thousands from my trust fund when he pleases. I may be wealthy, but I don't get along with either of my parents. My siblings, who I barely get to see nicknamed our father Hitler. That's how bad he is. My mother lets him walk all over her, just because she feels bad about the fact that she let him get her pregnant out of wedlock. It really pisses me off, and I'm sure you guys have seen how Malcolm can get, but it gets worse. He's hit us before. And I'm pretty sure he's hit every single one of his wives. At the end of the day though, I don't give a flying fuck what happens to my dad. Because...because he's going to rot in hell anyway." Sobs were echoing out of her throat, and her head was completely in her hands now. I knew that the ten minutes were far gone, but now I wanted to see what she had to say. Somewhere inside of me wanted to find out if Lola Martinez actually had a heart. * * * "Wow," I croaked after ten minutes of crying my eyes out. "And I thought my step-dad was bad." I figured I could take all the time I needed, since I'd sat and listened to Logan moan about his dad. But his story really hit me. I didn't think he had another side to him, but I was wrong. Since he'd made me his therapist, now he was going to be mine. "On the other hand, what you said about how I treated you... it might be somewhat true..." she stammers, but I know she's not done. "But it's only because I wanted to be like everyone else... I wanted to fit in for once. And when I saw Zoey and Nicole and almost all of the girls on campus teasing you, poking fun at you and calling you a jerk, I just had to go along with them and make it as part of the norm." After a few tense moments of complete silence, where I was sure he was going to get up and walk away, I decided I had better say something if I wanted him to stay. Not that he'd listen, but maybe he would show me some sympathy... or at least pity. "He's a drunk," I finally announced. "He drinks all the time. He forces himself on my mom, and he started... he started touching me right before I left for PCA. My sister never admitted it, but I think that... I'm pretty sure that he assaulted her." Choking on air, on tears, on my heart, I waited for Logan to start laughing. In some twisted way, I sort of wanted him to. Maybe that would give me the courage to stand up for myself. "I'm sorry," he whispers. A few seconds later, I hear the sound of a zipper and then I feel him settle down on my side of the table. "But you see... I was right. Something was going on with you, and I was just determined to figure out what. And I know, and now you know. So that's over with. We both know that we won't be discussing this conversation with anyone else, so it's okay." Pulling out what looked like a wallet from his pocket, he tossed it down onto the table in front of me. I didn't dare open it, so he reached for it instead. Pulling up the top flap, he unzipped another part and pulled out what I thought was a slip of paper. But it was a picture. Refusing to look, I kept my head down and hoped he wouldn't try to force me to. As I'd predicted. He tapped me on the shoulder until I actually raised my head, very much annoyed. "What?" I shouted, feeling the extreme swelling of my eyes as I blinked. He pointed, and I saw him and Quinn. Their cheeks were pressed together, and they were both grinning like idiots. "That's us. On my bed, right after I proposed to her," he told me, thrusting the picture into my hands. I wasn't prepared for this and I knew it. Something inside my soul told me not to look, but I did anyway. Right away, I saw love... true love. Friendship, very close friendship to the highest degree. Two people that made each other very happy. "You see how happy Quinn is with me in her life? How she maintains her health and doesn't really try to blow things up anymore? That's in part because of the big role I have in some of her decision making. I want _that_ Quinn back. I love her no less now than I did before, but I want her to look at me like she did after I asked her that particular question. Those gleaming eyes, that bright smile, the tears of joy... and I want that all and I want it forever." "Okay," I respond, handing the picture back to him. "But now I have something to show you." Unzipping my Gucci clutch, I reach in and pull out my cell phone once again. "Here," I say, placing my phone delicately into his rough, worn palms. Instantly, he begins flipping through the pictures of me, Quinn and some of Zoey. As he scrolls through, I watch his facial expressions change with our antics and zaniness that we decided to preserve on film. "Do you see how happy she is with me as a friend?" "Yeah," he tells me, nodding slowly. "We have to make this work. You and I have to be civil, because we both want her in our lives, right?" I inquire, sniffling a little too noisily. "Absolutely," he responds, closing my cell phone and handing it back to me. "So... if we're going to do this... uh, how about we, uh... hang out? Go for coffee, or ice cream... er..." "Yeah, totally! I'd love to!" I proclaim, now a little too chirpy. "But we have to go for ice cream. I downed like five cups of espresso this morning because I was so nervous." Admitting something like that took guts, but I realize that I'm not so intimidated by the mere sight of him anymore. "Espresso? More like plain black. That's what starts my day," he responds sort of awkwardly. "Well duh, you're gonna prefer black. You're a guy!" I yell, pushing his shoulder. "Whatever," he mumbles, rising to his feet. I stand a little shakily, and then we step out from the bench. Hastily, he throws his arm around my shoulder, maybe in an attempt to comfort me. He reminded me of Vince when we first started going out. Although I was pleased that we'd finally gotten over that bump in the road, I wasn't just going to let him wind his arm around my shoulder like we were suddenly best friends. "We're just going to get some ice cream and try to... bond," I forced out. "We're not brother and sister-in-law quite yet." "Pish posh," he jokes as we walk on. I'm now confident that we have somewhere to start. As we stroll down the campus, probably getting odd looks from our classmates who secretly enjoy our childish banter, I realize that I, _we_, just made a life changing decision together. We both stepped up, showing signs of maturity, because we both want something, someone. In our lives, we all have to come to the conclusion that not everything is in our grasp, but when it is, we should talk it out if there is conflict. Do what is best for ourselves and if possible, everyone else that is involved in the situation. He laughs out of nowhere, and I do, too. We don't look at each other, but I'm happy that everything (hopefully) is cool between us now. This is what becoming an adult is all about. Taking steps in the right direction. Eliminating the problem, finding a solution. Swallowing the spite. Like we'll do after we graduate. Like we're doing right now. Maybe Quinn and Logan will become newlyweds right out of high school, maybe they won't. What I _do_ know is that when they do get married, I'll be there. I'll be in attendance as the maid of honor and as a friend of the groom. * * * **A/N:** There's no romantic stuff in there, so... don't hate. I just always loved their scarce interactions, and I gave them some background. Review please. End file.
Swallowing the Spite by Underneath All Elsewhere
Zoey 101
And So I Kinda Went Off From What I Usually Write This is from the episode (november sumthin [like eleventh oh seven) where Zoey Chase, creepy chick that never had a bf, Logan, Micheal, Micheals Gf, ETC. Compete in the hand on a van contest for blinx or w/e the company. For the trip for two to anywhere. KAY. So here is what I wish would happen...Oh yeah its from towards the end of the episode. HeresalinebreakformyforstZoey101ficcy.WEW.Checkoutmyotherfics! "Zo." Pause. "Zoe?" Chase asked, looking at Zoeys back. (Zo and Zoe say the same...Chases nickname for Zoey) She was slowly sliding down the side of the van from her sleepiness. Logan snapped to attention when Chase had called out to Zoey in worry. "C'mon, Zoe, stay awake with me." "I will after," She yawned deeply. "A little nap." Her eyes closed and she began to slide down the side of the van again. Chase reached up with his free hand and put it ontop of Zoey's to keep hers on the van. Logan yawned loudly. "Thats cheating Chase." Chase gave him a glare as he nudged Zoey. "Zoe, wake up." Zoey opened one eye and looked at him. "Huh?" "How about this, Zoe," He cautiously wrapped his free hand, the one that had been holding Zoeys to the van, around her waist. "Lean against me and take a nap. Ill keep your hand on the van." "Are you sure Chase?" He moved his hand that was on the van around hers to keep it propped up on the van. "Yeah. Ill wake you up in an hour or so, okay? I know you havent slept well because of the fight between your parents." (I made the fight up) "Thanks Chase." Ten minutes later, Logan turned his head to where Chase was in the shadows. "About time you made a move on her." "What do you mean?" "What do I mean?!" "Ssssh. You'll wake her." "You've liked her since you met her and yet you never made a move. Both of you went through others but nothing felt right, did it?" "For once you're actually speaking sense." "Dont let the judges see you or you'll both be out." He smirked at Chase. "You wouldnt." Chase was glaring at Logan. "For once, I wont. Thats just because this'll get you two FINALLY together." "Maybe." Chase said, almost murmured, as he rested his head on Zoey's. BREAKER...ITS A FEW...LIKE FOUR OR FIVE...HOURS LATER Zoey was beginning to come to when she heard the announcer. "...seventeenth hour and three people are left in the predawn light." She opened her eyes and looked up. Chase was asleep with his head on her shoulder and...Logan was holding their hands to the van. "Logan?" She was completely confused. "I should have let you two lose thing finally got accomplished." He gave her a smile. "Huh?" Logan gave her his patented 'Are-you-really-that-stupid' look. "Look at him. Sheesh. I have to tell the two of you EVERYTHING." That was when it clicked in Zoeys head. "Oh." Logan finally let their hands go and let Zoey hold hers and Chase's up along with holding Chase up. She didnt mind because she had liked Chase for a while but his breath was gliding past her neck and she was beginning to feel weird. "Chase." Zoeys soft tones cut through Chase's dream. "Chase, wake up." He snapped awake. "Huh? Wass goin on? Wassamatter?" Zoey chuckled. "Just wanted to wake you before it got light out." Chase opened his eyes and realized he was leaning on Zoeys shoulder. "I fell asleep didnt I?" "Its fine, Chase." Zoey yawned and almost pulled her hand from the side of the van. "She took her hand off!" Logans call broke through the silence. The sponsors were shooting around the side of the van. Zoeys hand was still firmly against the van and Logan looked sad. "He doesnt need that chair!" Chase pointed out. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT "And he's out!" The announcer called. When Chase yelled her had pulled his hand away from the side of the van. He growled and kick punched the van. "Urgh! Kick his butt Zoe." He said after the sponsors went to take their seats again. "You can beat him easy." Before walking off he kissed her cheek quickly. BREAKER...AROUND TEN IN THE MORNING "...Its been twenty one hours. A group of students had collected two hours ago around eight A.m. All we have left is Logan Reese and Zoey Brooks..." Zoey was zoning in and out, the last thing she really remembered was Chase kissing her cheek. She'd win it for him. "Twenty one and a half hours." "Zoe?" It was Chase calling her name in a worried manner again from the fence. She looked up at him and he gave her a thumbs up. A smile took residence on her face and she nodded to him. Logan yawned deeply and looked through the crowd. "Logey-poo!" The chick with the kinda bad speech with no BF called. "Oh god. Why did I tell her Id date her for a week just to get rid of her?" "Because you want to win that bad." Zoey said chuckling at him. "Twenty two hours everyone. You two can take a ten minute break for lasting so long." Zoey yawned and smiled and pulled her hand from the van. She immediately waked over to Chase. "Hey." He said softly, knowing too much noise would give her sleep deprived brain an ache. "Hey." She hugged him lightly then laid her head on his shoulder to rest her eyes a minute. Chase hugged her but sat her down in a chair. "Id recommend you sit as long as you can." He then sat beside her and pulled her head back to his shoulder. "Not much longer." "I know." She yawned again. "EW. GET OFF ME!" "Logan." Zoey and Chase said together, chuckling. "Alright contestants, one minute. Better come back now." Zoey stood and after giving Chase a hug, went back and touched the van. For the next hour, students came and went but Chase and Logans new Girlfriend stayed for it all. "Logan." Zoey said after the announcer yelled 'TWENTY FOUR HOURS WEW.' "Yeah?" He was as tired as her. "I have an idea." "Whats that?" "We take our hands off." "You actually do think for contests. On three." "One...Two...Three." They said together and... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT "And he's out!" "She cheated." "No rules." The announcer walked off. "You cheated." Logan said turning to Zoey. "I never said together and besides I thought you said girls couldnt compete?" Logan growled. "Remember you're playing against the country. The ones with the longest time wins." The crowd had run back with the BRRT. They all called Zoeys name. "You can do it, Zoe!" Chase yelled above them all. "Twenty six twenty." Came the call later on. Zoey was running on reserves. She was barely standing still. "Twenty seven fourteen." Zoey had fallen asleep and her hand was still resting against the van. Everyone was surprised and she had woken with the yell, still touching the van. "Thirty. Half an hour break." Chase was still there and he gave Joey food and water plus a chair. "How are you doing, Zoe?" "Tired and hungry." She said before digging in. Twenty five minutes later Zoey was done eating and using the restroom. "Zoe?" Chase asked. "Yeah?" "I want you to think about this but..." He blushed and looked away. "Will you go out with me?" Before Zory could say anything the announcer spoke. "Back to position!" Zoey was back against the van and the count continued. She had a bit more energy with the food she had and continued on strongly. "Thirty one and a half hours and its dark again. Zoey Brooks is just beating it and continuing strong." It started to rain on the thirty third hour but Zoey didnt quit. Chase was allowed to hold an umbrella up for her and her kept talking about random things to keep her awake. "...And Micheal made her mad again and she slapped him. She later realized it was because he was tired." Chase was talking about Michael and his girlfriend had a fight. "You doing alright?" Zoey yawned. "Yeah." "Thirty five forty three." The rain began to slow around the thirty sixth hour and Chase had to move off. Zoey leaned her head against the van side and yawned. It was hard staying on her feet for so long. "Thirty nine sixteen. Someone wants this young lady to win. Theiy're blaring music to extreme levels." Zoey smiled when the music was coming from her dorm but it was Chase's music. Only Lola would Dare turn her stereo up that loud. "Forty two oh three. One hour before dawn and the loud music had been fading in and out four three hours." Zoey leaned heavilly back against the van and smiled, thinking of her friends. She leaned her head back and looked at the starry sky. "Forty two thirty." Zoey looked over to the east and watched the sun rise. She was so into the sun rising that she didnt hear Chase, Lola, Quinn, and Micheal come out and come to the fence. "Forty three nine." "Zoey!" Lola called. "Not much longer." She smiled at them. "So tired." She mumbled. "Keep going!" Quinn yelled. "At forty four I need a soda." She told them. "Alright." Zoey leaned away from the van and stretched one handed. "Its hard to stretch with one hand." The others chuckled. They all waited and watched. "Forty four." Came later, seemingly forever after. "Ten minute break." Zoey yawned and walked to the others and sat in the chair Chase got out of. "One Mountain Dew for miss Zoey." Lola said smiling. "Thanks." "Four more hours, Zoe." Zoey looked dead on her feet to them and yet somehow she was supposed to last four more hours. Chase hoped the soda would help her. "Back to the van." Zoey was back to the van with her soda, lid off, and ready as could be to go. "I want to see Logans face when I hit fifty." Chase nodded to her. "We need you to make forty eight first." She gave him a smile. Soon after she was in her own Mountain Dew world. "Forty five twenty." "URGH!" She was bored and needed to pee. The urge to pee had hit her five minutes before and it wasnt helping her at all. "Forty six thirty." Zoey had almost ran to the bathroom at forty six. She really had to go that bad. "Forty seven ten." She yawned again and smiled at her friends laid out watching her, or in Micheals case watching his girlfriend. It was a good thing it wasd a summer thing and her and her friendshad stayed for the summer or shed be dead tired for classes the next five or so days. "Forty seven forty." "TWENTY MINUTES ZOEY!" Quinn yelled. "Someone needs to find Logan." Lola said. "Ill find him." Quinn called. "And Marc." Her boyfriend. "Forty eight nineteen." Logan finally arrived. He noticed Zoey was still fighting on and his respect for her raised up. "Forty eight thirty two." Quinn rearrived with Marc then. She told them she had been distracted...kissing Marc. "Forty nine nineteen." Zoey shifted from foot to foot then laid her head back on the van to stare at the speckled clouded sky. She heard Chase yelling at Logan for saying she couldnt compete. "...she's made it a day longer than you." Logan crossed his arms pouting. No one spoke after that. "Forty nine thirty seven." Logan yawned, bored. "Give up." "Twenty three more minutes and ill be done." Zoey replied. During one of Zoeys breaks, Chase had told her about admitting he liked her druiong the summer boys vs. girls event and how her phone had fallen in the water. She had chuckled at their musfortune and before Chase could get a reply again, was called off. "Forty seven forty two." Zoey yawned and sighed. Time seemed too slow. "Forty seven fifty." Everyone was happy. The rest of the school was cheering her on. "Forty seven fifty nine!" "Ten..." "Nine..." Everyone was counting the seconds down before fifty. They all wanted Zoey to hit it...except Logan. "Six..." "Five..." "Four..." "THREE..." "TWO..." "ONE...!" FIFTY HOURS!. ZOEY BROOKS HAD MADE A NEW RECORD!" The announcer called happily. Zoey walked off to her friends and collapsed into a chair. "Twenty six more hours than you Logan." Her voice was tired and weak. Less than an hour later, Chase, Lola, Zoey and Quinn were in the girls room. Chase had an arm around Zoeys waist and her head was resting on his shoulder. When Zoey yawned for the fourth time, Chase helped her lay down then kissed her forehead. "Good job, Joe" She smiled at him and was soon asleep, still holding Chase's hand. Chase smiled down at her then looked over at Lola and Quinn. The two girls were smiling ear to ear. "Thats soooo cute!" Lola said. "You two make the most perfect beautiful cute couple EVER." Chase shook his head. They really were insane. Nearly two days passed before Chase saw Zoey again. She came up beind him and hugged him. "Hey Chase." "Zoe!" He was happy to see her. He scooped her up in a hug and spun her around. When he put her down, he kissed her lightly on the lips. "Im glad you read everything as a yes before doing that." She said smiling. Chase linked hands with her and they began walking off. In the distance, Logan was running away from his crazy girlfriend. "NO! I dont want this. NO...NOOOOOO!" She tackled him an tried to kiss him. Chase chuckled while Zoey laughed then kissed his cheek. Everyone they passed that day awed at them. WRAP UP... Zoey did win the contest by nearly nineteen hoursand brought her little brother with her, since she knew all of her friends would fight, to Disney World for a week. When they got back the first people to greet them were their parents who werent fighting. Chase, as soon as he saw her at school kissed her lightly again, earning too many aws to be comfortable with. Everything for Zoey was great, never better. "Never better, Chase." She told him as they laid in a hammock. HereiswhereImgoingtoebdit.Whatchathink?StupidIknow.ButehIwantedtogetitout.Checkmyprofileformorestories.Youknowyouwantto. End file.
And So I Kinda Went Off From What I Usually Write by ShadeWarrior
Zoey 101
First **Another old one =D.** **First Oneshot** **. . . . . . . . . .** "What's wrong?" Logan asked his friend, Quinn as he pulled up beside the bench she was sitting on with his mo-ped. Quinn shook her head, turning away from him and pushing her hair behind her ears. Logan got off of his motor scooter and sat next to her on the bench. "Quinn," Logan whined, gripping her small hand in his and patting it reassuringly. She sniffled and stared at him. Logan bit hip lip and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes, but she stopped him, wiping them away with her own hand and smudging the makeup she had taken hours to apply. "Do you honestly care?" she asked in a stuffed-up and very hurt sounding tone. Logan squeezed the hand he held in his and nodded. She stared at him incredulously and he grimaced. "I know I seem insensitive," he began, a few moments into their stare-down, "but I really care about you Quinn." Quinn swallowed hard and looked away from Logan. "Mark broke up with me," she said with a sob. Logan moved closer to her and draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. "What?" he asked slightly too loud and Quinn tensed next to him. "Yeah," she replied after a few moments, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the comfort she was getting out of his slight embrace. "Why?" he asked, leaning forward so that he could see her face. "For Brooke," she muttered and Logan straightened slightly. "Well," he began, "She is pretty cute..." Quinn pulled away from him and narrowed her eyes. "Gee, thanks Logan," she growled, standing up and beginning to stomp off in the opposite direction. "Quinn," Logan said, speeding after her and catching her by the arm, "wait." "Why?" Quinn asked, refusing to look at him, "I can't compete with her." Logan sighed and pulled Quinn around to face him. "You shouldn't have to," he said, gazing into her eyes. Quinn blinked. "What?" She asked, slightly confused. "If Mark wants Brooke then he can have her," Logan whispered, pressing his forehead against hers, "in my book, you're better." "Logan," Quinn began, but he stopped her. "I'm not finished," he said pressing a finger against her lips, "you might be a total spaz sometimes--"Quinn rolled her eyes--"But you're beautiful, and smart, and all the things Brooke isn't." Quinn bit her lip and stared into Logan's eyes. Logan smiled down at her before backing away slightly and retrieving her glasses from the bench she had been sitting on. "Here," he said, placing them on her face, "now there's the Quinn I know." Quinn smiled at him as another sob escaped her lips and a tear rolled down her cheek. His expression softened and he reached out to wipe away her sadness. She leaned into his touch, eyes closing and her lips parting slightly. "Logan," she whispered as he moved closer to her, tracing his fingertips along her neck as he pressed his lips against hers. Quinn breathed in deeply through her nose, gripping the front of Logan's shirt in her fists as she kissed him back. "Faster!" A familiar voice screamed from beside them as they heard a horse gallop past. They jumped apart then and watched as Zoey and Micheal made their way towards one of the many school buildings on horseback. "Wow," Quinn said, touching her lips and watching the two on the horse. Logan smiled to himself and stared at her. "Weirdest day ever," he said, absently pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Uh huh," Quinn agreed, eyes still wide from the shock of the kiss. **. . . . . . . . . . .** "Where have you two been?" Zoey asked as Logan and Quinn approached the group later on that evening. Quinn shrugged. "I've been in class," Logan answered, eying Quinn suspiciously. "Uh huh," Micheal said as the two sat next to each other at the table. Quinn stared down at her food, a light blush forming across her cheeks as Logan slowly began eating. "You okay Quinn?" Lola asked. Quinn just shrugged and stared at her plate. Lola and Zoey exchanged worried looks. "How did it go with--"Zoey began, pausing for a moment to weigh Quinn's reaction--"Mark?" Quinn looked up and rolled her eyes. "He's happy with Brooke," she muttered. "You don't sound too happy about that," Logan said, looking at Quinn out of the corner of his eye. "They deserve each other," she said spitefully before adding, "I'm better off without him." "Can we change the subject please?" Micheal asked as James took a seat next to Zoey. "Logan," James began as he sat down, "Becca was looking for you." Logan glanced up and nodded. "What for?" Logan asked as he felt Quinn's gaze bore into him. "Something about Norwegian shampoo," James replied. Logan merely shrugged and went back to eating. "Okay," Zoey said, "What is wrong with you two?" Quinn shrugged. "Nothing," Logan answered. **. . . . . . . . . . .** "I don't feel very hungry," Quinn said after awhile, grabbing her tray and dumping it in the nearest trashcan before stalking off in the direction of their dormitories. The group watched her go for a few moments before Logan stood up and stretched, dumping his tray and heading in the opposite direction without even saying so much as good-night. "Weird day," Lola said as they watched Logan stalk off in the opposite direction. "Totally," Zoey agreed. **. . . . . . . . . . .** **R&R even though it sucks!** End file.
First by Fabled Diamond
Zoey 101
School Dance Remake **Chase's pov** Zoey picked Glenn instead of me. Bleh. I really wanted to be here with Zoey and now I'm watching them dance while drowning my sorrows in punch. That should be me. All of sudden Glenn leans in and kisses Zoey. I don't even know what she did because I stormed out because I couldn't stand to watch that. Why does my life suck? I mean the girl I'm in love with kissing another guy. I ran all the way to my room and just laid on the couch watching TV. **Zoey's pov** I was dancing with Glenn because I wanted to get to know him. Chase is my best friend in the whole world so I know everything about him. Then Glenn leaned in and kissed me. I kicked him in the shin and looked to Chase running out the door. And not just like going out the door but actually running. I chased him and realized he went in his room. I knocked on the door and I heard him get up. Chase opened the door and looked surprised to see me. "Hey don't you have a date who you're supposed to be dancing with." He said. "What, a guy can't kiss me when I'm on a date with him?" I asked frankly annoyed. "No. That's fine. Just kiss him while I have no date." He told me and now I was pretty mad. He acted like it was it my fault that he had no date. "What do you want from me? It's not my fault you're dateless. I know you already so I wanted to meet Glenn. You know when he kissed me I kicked him and I thought I picked the wrong guy but he seems better than my best friend." I yelled. He looked really hurt when I said that. He pushed past me and went to the bathroom. Wow, that didn't work well. "Chase are you okay?" I asked through the door. When I didn't get an answer I just walked in. so what if it's the boy's bathroom. Chase is probably the only boy who isn't at the dance. "What's wrong dude?" I asked him. "I love you. Okay? That's what wrong. That's why I got jealous and mad and it hurt when you said that you think he's better. I'm in love with you Zoey Brooks." He told me. "how do you feel about me?" Chase asked. I just kissed him. Figured it was the best way to answer and to ease the pain I caused in his heart. "I think there's a dance we should be getting to. I'd like to go with my new boyfriend." I said as he grabbed my hand and smiled. **A/N so what do you people think. I'm obsessed with Zoey 101 and have a lot more fan fiction one-shots. I spent the past 9 hours on the computer doing things that have to do with Zoey 101. I love Chase and Zoey. Chase is so cute with his bush on a head. I'm becoming more of a writer so expert more stories. Also request stories, follow me on twitter at R5lover32, PM me, and review. Those are my favorites. And remember they're just suggesting. ** End file.
School Dance Remake by BeaTVLover
Zoey 101
Our Songs **So, I got this idea from one of Lady Liln's stories. Here are the rules:** **1. Get your iPod, mp3, Zune, or whatever. ** **2. Put it on shuffle. ** **3. Write a drabble based on that song in the time it takes you to listen to that song. ** **4. Go to next song, and he same as step 3. ** **5. Repeat step 4 until you have done 10 drabbles. ** **6. Tag 5 more people! But I don't know who to tag, so I'm not going to.** **These are mainly couple drabbles with one group, and two singles. Review, and tell me what you think! If this goes well, I'm going to do it for other things like HSM and Harry Potter.** * * * **1) Bleeding Love: Leona Lewis: (Quinn/Logan)** She thought that when Mark broke up with her, she would never be open to love again. Then Logan happened to her. She wasn't prepared for it, but it turned into something beautiful. She never felt that way around anyone else. He made her happier than ever before. They kept it a secret for a very long time. When they finally announced it, their friends were shocked to say the least. They thought she had needed someone, and Logan was the first one she saw. They didn't see how they were meant for each other. Her friends urged her to break up with him, so her heart wouldn't be broken. People whispered, and cast looks of disbelief at them when they passed in the halls. But she didn't care what anyone else thought or said. She loved him. **2)Sweet Escape: Gwen Stefani: (Zoey/Chase)** After all that had happened that year, she needed a chance to get away, to be able to think it over, and get her thoughts together. The whole year had passed in a blur, and she was still confused and couldn't believe some of the stuff that had happened. She had found out that her best friend was in love with her. She got what seemed to be the best boyfriend ever. Then she broke up with him. Then Chase came back, and she found herself completely in love with him. On the side, her friends added to the drama and excitement. Quinn and Logan got together. All of them ended up suprisingly becoming friends with Vince Blake of all people. Logan had anger management classes. Michael made friends with a horse. A completely crazy year. She was still trying to catch up with everything. Then her parents told her about Hawaii. This was her chance for a break to think, to be able to get to know Chase as a boyfriend. and just a chance for a sweet escape from everything. **3) If I Had It My Way: Emma Roberts: (Lola)** She hated drama. True she was an actress, and that's what she did. But when it was just pretend, and she didn't have to deal with the problems the character she was portraying did, it wasn't as bad. When her friends had one issue after another every week, it got a little annoying. She helped them out as much as she could, while hiding her annoyance. They had to make it much more of a big deal than it had to be. Logan and Quinn hid their secret for almost 4 months. It would have been so much easier if they had just admitted it. Zoey had her issues with Chase and James. Michael was just over dramatic about the whole roller coaster thing. They all made a huge deal out of Vince, when he was truly a nice guy. The whole high school drama thing was so overplayed. She was sick of it. If it were up to her, she would make it so less complicated. **4) That's My Goal: Wade Jed-Daniels: (Chase/Zoey)** He was finished. Finished with skirting the issue, and being too scared to face it head on. He was finally going to get the girl. He was going to tell her that he loved her. He had waited for four long years. He was done waiting. He didn't care if she had a boyfriend, or didn't like him back. He was past caring. He just wanted to put himself out there, and hope for the best. It was a bold move, he knew, and could cost them their friendship, but it was that or keep on pretending not to care. No more making excuses or lying. He just hoped that it was enough, and that she would love him back when he told her. That was Chase's goal. **5) Almost Lover: A Fine Frenzy: (Lola/Michael)** She had always liked him. A lot. He was funny, talented, sweet, and an all-around great guy. She was very good at hiding her feelings though. Too good. He had no clue. Eventually she started dropping hints. Flirting a little here and there. It was easy. They were very good friends. They clicked. She hoped that it would turn into something new though. She felt hope. He flirted back, or at least she considered it flirting. She opened herself up to him more than anything. She was so sure they were close, when he found someone else. He left a deep scar without knowing. She never told him how much he hurt her. She had to watch them together all the time, and pretend she didn't care. He didn't seem to notice. But then again, that's what almost lovers always do. **6) These Words (I Love You I Love You): Natasha Bedingfield: (Michael/Lisa)** Music was the one thing that connected them better than anything. They enjoyed the same music, loved singing together, their dates ususally invovled musical theatre, and they were constantly making each other mix CD's. But when it came to telling him how she felt, she wasn't so sure. She never was the best with words. Of course she then turned to music. She combed her music, but couldn't come up with any songs that really described them. How could she tell him? She started writing. It was pure and straight from the heart. She didn't go back in and try to fix anything. When she sang it for him, he scooped her up in a huge hug, and gave her a kiss that proved that he understood, and felt the exact same way. **7) Gotta Go My Own Way: Vanessa Hudgens: (Zoey/James)** She wanted to love him. She really did. He was nice, sweet, and almost perfect. But there was just something that wasn't right. Something was missing from their relationship. She knew that it couldn't be perfect, but it was as if she was expecting something more from him. That was perfectly ridiculous, because he already did everything and anything for her. But there wasn't that spark. She couldn't connect to him, and they were definitely were attracted to each other, but she felt as if they weren't really friends. They didn't know much about each other. She didn't know his greatest fear, closest family member, or even his favorite cereal. She didn't want to break up with him, but she could tell that it wasn't going to work out. She had to go her own way. **8) The Rose: LeAnne Rimes: (Quinn/Logan)** She thought she knew love. She was wrong. Everything she thought that she had found with Mark turned out to be nothing. A one-sided attraction, where she expressed the only interest in the relationship. With Logan, she was connected to him. They understood each other. Taking it slowly was best, because then their relationship, love, and compassion for each other was able to grow and be nurtured, making them stronger as a couple, and as individuals. Their love grew almost like a rose. **9) Who I Am Hates Who I've Been: Relient K: (Logan, with hints of Quogan)** He used to be a jerk. Yes he admitted it to himself. He was the king of mean, always having a biting remark, a quick sharp comeback, and the below-the-belt insults. He didn't care what people thought of him, or the after-effects it had on others. It made him feel powereful, cool, in control, and like nothing could touch him when he was insulting people. Then he started realizing he was losing friends. People he used to be really close to, stopped hanging out with him, because he was so mean. Girls didn't clamor to him anymore. He was afraid of losing his close friends. It might actually drive her away He actually really listened to what he had said to Dustin, and felt a deep wave of remorse. He resolved to be a better person. He knew it would be hard, but he didn't want to lose his friends, and didn't want to be remembered as Logan Reese: The good-looking jerk. He hated his old self, and wanted to change it. **10) Everytime We Touch: Cascada: (Any pairing)** When he slips his hand in hers. When she runs her fingers through his hair. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. A hug. A kiss. Walking arm in arm or hand in hand. Casually resing his arm on her shoulder. She leans her head on his shoulder. Eskimo kisses. Placing a finger on his mouth to shush him. Arms grazing in class. Piggy back rides. Picking her up and swinging her around. Holding her close when dancing. Hiting him when he says something dumb. Taping him on the shoulder. Breathing on her ear gently. Just sitting, leaning on each other. Everytime they touch. There's that spark of electricity. Feeling the warmth of the other person. Wanting to stay wrapped in their arms forever. * * * **So what did you think? Are they any good? Sorry the last ones were shorter. I thought they turned out pretty good. R&R pretty please!** End file.
Our Songs by doodleswriter357
Zoey 101
Smiles **A/N: Okay, so this just came to me last night, and I know it's short, but I just had to post it on here. I know the summary says it's a oneshot, but it's written in three small parts. In case you can't figure it out on your own, especially since I never wrote any names, part 1 is about Quinn and Mark, part 2 is about Logan, and part 3 is about Quinn and Logan. Please review!** Part 1 She puts a smile on her face simply to help her ignore the wrongs that are being done to her, but everyone knows what's going on behind her false sense of happiness. How could people not notice that he treats her with as much respect as the dirt he walks on? Her fear of being alone and unwanted compels her to stay with him, even though she knows she deserves better. Yes, she deserves better, but was there anyone better out there that would actually want her? _Her, _the science geek, the one everyone loves to tease? She keeps a smile on her face, in hopes that one day she will finally get her fairy tale ending. Part 2 He puts a smile on his face to keep his reputation, but everyone knows he isn't happy. His countless escapades with numerous girls don't seem to manage to fill the void in his heart. He puts a smile on his face to hide the fact that it's killing him inside to watch the girl he cares about the most get treated like scum. He couldn't tell people that though, or they would be relentless in their taunting. Seriously, _the rich, hot jock being in love with the school geek? _Nobody would buy it. He smiles because it's all he can manage to do until he can muster up the courage to tell her how he feels, and hope that she feels the same way. Part 3 They smile so that people will think everything's normal. They anxiously await their secret lunches and late night meetings together. They don't look or act any different, but everyone can tell they both seem happier. Their smiles seem to fade though, as they realize they can't keep their relationship a secret forever. Now he wears a true smile on his face as he professes his love to her in front of the entire prom, running to her with all the joy and happiness that a person could experience in a lifetime. She smiles back as they embrace, and she knows she has found the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with. **A/N: It's very short, I know, but I just had to get it out of my head! Also sorry for repeating the word smile so much, lol. Please review and tell me what you thought of it! :) ** End file.
Smiles by kelren5
Zoey 101
Maybe **Disclaimer: If I owned Zoey 101, Jamie Lynn would have never played Zoey. Alexa Nikolas would because she is 1,000,000 times better. ** There wasn't a greeting card or creative gift I could give you, so I just started writing and it all came out. Maybe it was the day I first met you, I felt a spark right away, not neccasarily a spark of romance but a personality click. We meshed together I think we were meant to be best friends from the start. Maybe it's the way we can sit with each other and just talk for hours about everything and about nothing. We don't need to see movies, or play games or whatever. We're just happy with each other's company. Maybe it's when I'm sad and it feels nothing in the world can make me feel better. You come and somehow manage to make me smile or laugh. You bring my spirits up. You succeed. Maybe it's when you look at me and I immediatly know what you're thinking. Maybe it's the fist time you told me I was beautiful. I felt like the prettiest girl in the world. Maybe it was at the Prom when you shyly asked me if I would dance with you even though I was already dancing with my date, Richard Prescott. You stumbled over your words until Rich finally got it, smiled at me, and let you take my hand. It was a slow song. I had my hands around your neck and smiled at you. We talked a little bit but mostly we just stared at each other and smiled. Maybe it was our first kiss. It was soft, subtle, and sweet. It was perfect. Maybe it was the day that you proposed. You were shaking. You were so nervous as you slowly pulled the ring out of your jacket pocket. In fact your hand was shaking so bad that the box flew out of your hand and our waiter, who also happened to be an amazing catcher, grabbed it in midair. I was cracking up by then and you looked embarresed but then opened the box, revealing the prettiest engagement ring I've ever seen. It was an interesting but extremely romantic proposal. Maybe it was our wedding day. Everything was how I had imagined it. All my childhood dreams came to life. Time stood still and you were the only one I saw even if there was a bunch of our family and friends in the room. Maybe it was the day our first daughter was born. Joanna Cecile Matthews- Six pounds and nine ounces, a small bundle wrapped in pink. You had a look of adornment and love on your face when you first met her, when you first held her. Maybe it's now- As we spend a simple evening on the couch watching old movies while the babies are sleeping in the playpen peacefully. You're falling asleep too, after a hard week at work, I am not surprised. Or maybe there isn't a way to pinpoint one thing. Maybe it's just you. I love you, Chase. Happy Anniversary. Love, Zoey * * * A/N: Short little one-shot that I found hiding in my hardrive. I had to modify it a bit, but I like it. What do you think? Oh, I found this cool video with Alexa Nikolas talking about her former co-star getting pregnant. It's really quite interesting. check out my story Aloha Means Hello and Good-bye and my other stories if you liked this one. :) Thank you and please review! End file.
Maybe by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Basketball * * * **Basketball** * * * ** By: Luna Ace** **Summary: Dana and Logan haven't been seeing eye to eye since she came back from France. Yet, the two meet up for a one on one basketball game. Who will win and who will lose? One-shot.** * * * It was very odd for her to have risen at seven in the morning on a Saturday. Usually she slept till noon. It was unusual that she was out the door by eight-- when her roommates eventually got up. She didn't want anything to ruin her day. Today was a very special day. Today she was going to play a little one on on with Logan Reese-- the egomaniac jerk that had become her friend... _somewhat_. She remembered how this had began; it began last week at Basketball practice. _She and her roommate were sitting on the bleachers watching the boys play the game. They were more like playing Horse. They were laughing it up as the bushy haired boy was prone to losing this game. And, he eventually sat down by them-- which left the egomaniac jerk-- Logan and his African-American friend- Michael._ "_Your not as good playing Basketball," her friend said._ "_Laugh it up Zoey. I'll get you back someway." he said._ _Her friend just smiled, and then pushed him over and begun to run away. She shook her head and smiled a knowing smile. The two were still friends of course, but everyone wished-- for their sake they would finally admit they loved each over. _ "_I'm going to get you Zoe." he muttered as he too began to run after Zoey. She then began to laugh it up and turned her back to the game. It look like the real game had begun. She knew that Michael had H-O, and Logan had H-O-R. She started rooting for Michael, but deep down she knew who she was really rooting for, Logan._ _But, he was arrogant. And, somehow when she was away in France she found herself missing him the most. She then stood up, and walked over towards Michael and Logan. Logan had just thrown the ball to Michael but she had caught it._ "_Hey Cruz! Don't interfere!" Logan shouted._ _Her lips formed a smile as she balanced the ball on one finger watching it spin. Michael was laughing right away. It looked as if she was intimating him._ "_Well, Reese," she muttered. "I bet you can't beat me one on one in a basketball game." _ _Logan blinked. He wonder what was going on in her mind. He looked at Michael who recently had a smile faded._ "_Sure Cruz," he retorted. "What are the stakes?"_ _Now, Michael was interested. He grabbed the ball that was twirling above her finger. She looked at him, and smiled. But, Logan shook his head._ "_Whoever looses will be a personal slave to the winner. And has to wear a cheer leading uniform. That's right. Cheer leading."_ "_I'm not wearing th-"_ _But, she held up her hand. "I'm going to get you back Reese. You don't mess with my girls!" she screamed and begun walking away._ She was dressed in an old PCA basketball jersey which she had got freshmen year, and black shorts. It had felt good to wear PCA clothing again. Yet, she knew that she wasn't going to be intimidated by Logan. She couldn't and she wouldn't. She knocked on the Guy's dorm room-- hoping that Logan and Michael were ready. "Come in," a voice from inside spoke. She grasped the the knob tightly and thought about what she was going to do today. He was going down-- way down. She wanted to ruin him. If she won the first thing to go would be those mirrors. She sighed contently as she opened the door quickly. "Where's Logan?" she asked in disgust as she saw two teenage boys sit on the couch. Michael was wearing a referee's shirt and sweat pants. The other boy, who had dark brown bushy hair and green eyes wore a blue shirt with the England Flag on it, and a pair of jeans. "In the shower. Dana what are you doing up?" the bushy haired friend asked as he picked up his laptop to type something. "She and Logan are headed down to the basketball courts this morning," Michael said. The bushy haired boy looked up at Dana and then Michael. He began to wonder what's going on. But, decided against it. This was Dana they were talking about. And, she was taking on Logan in a basketball game? Now, that was interesting. Just then Logan walked into the room dressed in a PCA wrestling shirt and jogging shorts. He looked between his roommates and Dana. He knew he wasn't going to lose today. No matter what he was going to prove to her he was better. Michael then stood up and ushered Dana towards the door. "See ya later." Michael said as he wandered out the door. The bushy-haired boy didn't look up. "Have fun guys." He was engrossed playing literati with his best friend. * * * "You can't make the basket." Logan taunted as he tried charging towards her. "Wanna bet Reese?" Dana whispered as she slipped beside him for about half a second dribbling the ball. She was then at the free throw line and threw the ball into the basket. She then snickered as she passed the ball over to him. Michael watched from the side lines and kept score in his head. He didn't want to be here, and if it turned ugly he'll leave. And, yet Dana and Logan made him promise that he'll keep score. Logan started to dribble the ball as he ran over towards his side of the court, Dana was keeping up with him. More like she was one _small_ step behind him. She was winning there was no doubt about it. The score was all ready 20-19. Dana had the extra point. She was instantly reminded of the first week of PCA. It was boys versus girls in an all out basketball game. None of the girls were really any good at it. But, there was this one girl-- her best friend and now dorm mate, Zoey Brooks. Dana had trigger one of the girl's leaving the made team by asking to play. And, she played all out. But, getting back to the task at hand. Logan just had scored two points giving him the lead by one. She had the ball now. She was now determined by whomever watch to make a shot at the three point line. * * * "_Ten seconds!"_ Michael shouted. She needed this shot to beat Logan Reese. She stopped at the three point line and got herself ready. "_Eight seconds."_ Michael wasn't helping and Logan was jumping up in the air all ready by her basket. "_Six seconds."_ Nothing mattered in the world then this. Everything came down to this as she begun to jump into the air. "_Four seconds."_ She let the ball go as felt her feet touch the ground. Her heat started beating as the ball hit the rim of the basket. "_Two seconds."_ The ball swirled around the rim for a second then fell towards the basket. Dana was shocked the ball didn't go into the basket. "_Zero. Time."_ * * * The three of them walked into the lounge after their game. Dana was beyond mad and had her arms crossed. Secretly, she was pleased. She was willing to do anything for Logan. But, she didn't want to show it. He stopped her a minute later after Michael made an excuse to go find potato chips or something. "Aw... don't be mad," he said obnoxiously. She turned her head away. She liked this game. But, she didn't want to show it. "Fine," he sighed. "I won't have you be my slave for a week, but..." Dana couldn't take it anymore. She leaned into the obnoxious jerk and kissed him, softly on the lips. Then, she scrambled away. She was a temptress at heart. His temptress. And, Logan just stood there befuddled for a minute. Then he ran after her. "Dana wait up!" he called. She stopped and looked behind her. There was Logan walking towards her, a soft smile on _his_ face. He then cupped her chin when he got near her and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. Breaking apart he ask three little words that would surely enough have her hit him on the head. "_Wanna make out?"_ **Fin.** * * * **A/N: Never thought I would actually write a Logan/Dana pairing. Um, literati is a game that can actually be found on Yahoo! Games for those who don't know. Been suck writing this all day,but it was actually quite fun-- and I got to watch some old episodes to see how Dana acted.** **R&R! Feedback please!** **-Ace. ** End file.
Basketball by Luna Ace
Zoey 101
Misheard A/n: I haven't written in ages. Bu I found this one shot and figured I might aswell post it... it's cute. Chase's POV: Takes place in art. There... the vision of beauty infront of me is Zoey Brooks. There are no words to describe her, the whole thousand monkeys, thousand typewriters, thousand year bit, simply no words at all. (Although sometimes I worry a monkey would have more of a chance with Zoey than me) I can't help but stare, she's gorgeous. Her light hair frames her face, which is lowered as she works on yet another masterpiece. She has a small blotch of blue paint on her nose - damnit. Even her flaws seem perfect. She has her pointy pink tongue stuck slightly out between her teeth and lips in concntration, it's taking all of my strength not to grab her and kiss her right now. She looks at me... looking at her, I quickly look away. "Stop moving!" She giggles. Her laughing could make the most amazing angel heaven has on offer incredibly jealous. "It's hard to paint you when you're not still." I immediately obey, hell I would do anything for this girl. She's doing the tongue thing again, if I didn't know better I'd swear she was trying to provoke me. I wish. Girs lik herd't flirt with guys like me. "Chase kiss me." Woah wait... WHAT? "Huh?" I stutter unable to believe my own ears. "What... what did you say?" "I said 'Do this for me'." She makes a motion with her head, I copy her, my heart racing and sinking at the same time. I know I only misheard but I so wish I hadn't. How AWESOME would it be to kiss Zoey Brooks?" I must be sweating, but she's too kind to say anything. I'm overheating now. See how she flusters me! She scowls as I pull my overshirt off. "I will not tell you again Matthews, sit still." She picks up paint brush loaded with green paint she'd been using for my eyes, and flicks at me splattering me with hase-eye-colored droplets. She giggles. "Wanna date?" "Pardon?" I choke. "I asked for the black paint." She said very calmly. I have no reason to disbelieve her so I blow it off and hand her the black paint. Trying to focus on my modelling on my goddess watching, I am failing miserably in my attempt to get kissing/dating Zoey at her suggestion out of my mind. She sighs dramatically. "Show me that you care." "What?!" I'm almost POSITIVE I heard that. "I said I HATE your hair." Okay... either she's really saying these things or I'm going insane. "Sorry for the bushiostyness of my hair." I ty to catch the attention of my friend Logan, who's flirting with an exasperated Lola, who's clearly uninterested. I grab the eraser and move my and swiftly under the table it hits his head and he jumps, causing Lola to screech. He turns and mouths 'What?' I signal at Zoey awkwardly, trying desperately not to gain her attention (for once). She notices however. "Okay gorgeous, go tak to him. but not without a goodbye kiss." Logan raises his eyebrows, did he hear it too. "For goodness sakes! Go talk to him. But hurry coz I gotta finish this." She snaps givin me the evil eyes. I scuttle across to Logan. "DUDE!" He laughs. "Am I going crazy or did she just ask me to kiss her?" I have to ask. "That's what I heard." He says patting me on the back. "You both need your hearing checked." Lola said, dismissing my hopes with a shake of her head. "She's been doing it all lesson." I protest, now feeling slightly more confident in my hearing. "Asking me to kiss her and dateher and stuff, then changing what she said." Nicole shakes her head too. "I have the ears of a bat... except cuter and with solid gold earrings, if she'd asked you out I'd have heard from here. You KNOW I live for that stuff." I have to admit... Nicole would be up on the gossip. "Maybe we DO need our hearing checked." I say with a sigh. I let myself get carred away. Behind me Zoey yells. "BOO!" She laughs as I recover from the shock. "Unfunny." I mutter darkly, she turns around the piece of paper in her hand to show a finished portrait of me. She actually made me look... handsome, rather than boy-next-door cute. "Awesome." The bell rings. Another wasted lesson. I wish I could just work up the courage to tell her. I hang back with her, because she and I have science together next, trust her to spend an eternity trying to gather her stuff. "Chase." She says eventually, having her bag packed and ready to go. "If your hearing's bothering you I'll talk louder." I try to brush it off as nothing, feeling embarrassed that Zoey thinks I'm going deaf. "I love you." She says. I just stare at her, looking cheekily back at me. I look up to check if I mistook the word 'love' for above or dove or something... apparently not. "What did you say?" I breathe. "You heard me." She smirks. I can't speak... did she... are we... is she... wow. I can't believe this. She broaders her smirk. "You're a good listener, but not much of a talker." "So you WERE saying all that stuff?" I ask. She giggles. Damn her, must she make me melt? "Wanna kiss me?" She queries. I think I do need my hearing checked. This is ZOEY BROOKS. "Yeah..." I choke out eventually. "Yeah I do." "Gotta catch me first Matthews!" She cackles and run off down the corridor. A/n: Cute. End file.
Misheard by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
Unimaginable Thoughts **hey, u guys! this is my first fic, so no flames. oneshot! major dl, so enjoy!** **i dont own zoey 101, but i wish i did.** **dana's pov** ok,so im here in art, with logan breathing down my back. SO ANNOYING! even though he is really hott. WAIT! I'm not thinking that. no logan thoughts, whatsoever. ok, dont freak out. just breathe. breathe. In, out. "Dana, are you ok? You look really mad. Are you gonna kill someone? Because it's not worth going to jail over some stupid thing like that. Oh, I know! You could get a hit man and---" "Logan, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Considering that i'm in a really good mood today, i didn't yell at him. You wanna know why i'm in a good mood? Yes you do! It's because my cousin got me front row Killers tickets! FRONT ROW! To the Killers! Besides the fact that they are the best band in the history of bands, I HAVE FRONT ROW TICKETS! But, back to the most boring class of the day. Why did Ms.Carr have to make us be partners? That lady is so wack! She loves it when we argue. She just stands there laughing at us, while we're yelling at eachother. And she wants me to tutor him! I mean, i don't want to toot my own horn, but I'm really good at art, and Logan's just...bad. i should have just been partnered with Stephanie, or someone like that. But Logan? He hardly knows how to put the brush on the canvas, let alone do something with it! Ok, so we're right here in art, and i'm teaching him how to paint a bird. Th bimbo doesn't even know how to draw a bird! Come on.Although I do love being close to him! He uses Suave Mens' Body-wash.(The only reason I can tell is my brother uses it.) And it smells really good! Wait, no! I, Dana 'Danger' Cruz, do NOT like _logan. ewwwwwwww!_ **logan's pov** dana, dana, dana, dana, dana, dana. i love her so much! but she would never like me. im too...wait no scratch that! there's nothing wrong with me! im perfect. alright, so we're here in art, and she's teaching me how to draw a bird. did i ever tell you how much i love birds? especially the kind she paints... Suddenly she gets this weird look on her face, and I ask her if anythings wrong, being the sweet, caring, considerate, emotional guy that i am. and then i start rambling on something about hit men, and she just says "Logan, i'm fine. Don't worry about me." God, she must think i'm an idiot. Just rambling on, having no idea what i'm saying. GOD, I'M SO STUPID! why do i make such a fool out of myself in-front of her? something's wrong with me. and i've got to find out. "Dana, um...i know this is kind of random and everything, but..." "What, Logan? We still have a lot of work to do on your brush-strokes, and if you want a B by the end of the quarter, then we have to work hard." "I seriously don't care about my grade in art. It's stupid anyways. Who needs to know brush-strokes when they're going to be a famous and handsome actor/movie publisher? Not me." She laughed (ACTUALLY LAUGHED!) at my cockiness, and put the brush down. I guess she was in a really good mood today, since she didn't even roll her eyes or anything. "Ok, I guess I could hear what you have to say." Summoning up all the courage within me, I started to feel like Chase. AHHHH, I CAN ACTUALLY FEEL THE HAIR GROWING! NOOOOOOO! "look, Dana, I really...I kind of...What I mean to say is..." "What? she said smirking at how i was making such a fool out of myself. "I kind you." I said sheepishly, looking down because i didn't want to see the look on her face when she ran out of the room. "Logan look at me." I looked up obediently. "I...kind" She said, putting one word out there at a time, as if she was unsure if she really wanted it out there in the open. A huge smile crept up my face and I said "Well, babe, let's say we get the hell out of here and go get some ice cream?" I asked, my cocky personality back. "Oh, and i just thought i had seen the soft side of you! I guess I was wrong." She said, joking around. "It's still here, babe. Just waitin for ya to come on in!" I said, knowing I could get under her skin. "Pervert." And we headed out of class and went out into the sunset. awaiting our destiny. Screw that, I just want some ice cream! End file.
Unimaginable Thoughts by 2much2handle
Zoey 101
Young wwe supserstars prologue -This is a story about a few of wwe superstars when they were younger !!!!! It all started out with Randy Keith Orton and his mother and his father . Chapter 1 Randys mom, RANDY !!! , she yells . Randy runs downstairs scared that hes in trouble . Randys mom glares at Randy when he gets downstairs. Randy says, what mom. Randys mom says, why are there wwe registrtion forms in the mailbox your not JOINING THAT CRAP YOU WILL TURN OUT LIKE YOUR FATHER. Randy says, mom your wrong wwe will teach me respect and how to look out for myself please mom let me join. Randys mom, Randy if I let you join this you better thank me for the rest of your life. Randy says, so you will let me join mom, really excited. Bob comes in the room. Randys mom doesn t say anything else but she nods at Randy to tell him thinks to hiself gosh mom and dad must be fighting he goes upstairs to his bedroom and calls Cody. Cody answers, hello randy im kinda still trying to convince my mom to let me join wwe i almost had her then you called man I ll call you later to let you know what she says. Randy hangs up hoping Cody can join wwe with him both there fathers had grown up fighting eachother and outside of wwe were best friends so since him and Cody were already best friends he thought that would make them even better bestfreinds. Randy didn t know why he really wanted to be a wwe wrestler he just thought it would be had grown up around the orginazation and had always dreamed of being part of it one Randy just had to wait till the application for it came back with an answer on it. Randy hoped very muh that would accept him to be a superstar. Chapter 2 Next morning Randy wakes up to the smell of pancakes and orange juice in the kitchen. He goes dowstairs and eats then heads off to goes to his locker and then sees Cody coming his way. Randy,"Hey Cody what did your mom say about the wrestling thing." Cody,"she said yes Randy but she said i better think about it i dont know what she means by that though so im just going to send in my registration tonight when i get home." Randy," alright now mission one is complete now we wait on the registration forms to come back mission 2 is to get girlfriends so who do you like." Cody," i sorta like Maryse but im scared to tell her man." Randy," i will tell her for you if you'd like me to." Cody," thanks please do that for me man and who do you like." Randy," i like Maria." Cody," I will ask her out for you man." Cody sees Maria walking to her locker. Maria opens her locker and Cody walks towards her to ask her out for Randy. Cody," hey Maria whats up." Maria," nothing much man just another boring day at school i guess." Cody," i was kinda wondering do you like Randy." Maria,:" ya hes hott." Cody," would you go out with him." Maria,"Sure tell him i will and dont you like Maryse she wanted me to ask you out for her." Cody," alright tell her i will." Cody walks away suprised that Maryse likes him and goes and tells Randy the whole thing then its night time and Cody does his registration forms and goes to bed after he puts them in the mail lays in bed thinking of what wwe might be for him and Cody and what its like dating lays asleep dreaming of lays in bed dreaming of Cody. Chapter 3 The next morning Cody gets up and sees that it has snowed and theres not going to be any school so he walks back inside and begins to work out. Randy goes to the diner across the street from were he lives and gets some breakfast as he eats he thinks of Maria before he knows it hes finished with his food. He leaves the diner and goes over to Codys house. Cody is still working out. Randy sneaks behind Cody and scares him. Cody yells and then slaps Randy. Randy just laughs at Cody and calls him a sissy fighter for slapping and not punching. Cody gets mad and storms off. Randy tells him hes being a baby about it and they should just go see there girls that would make them both feel better , so Cody goes and gets dressed and Randy waits on him. Cody and Randy leave Codys house and go to the park were they see Maria and Maryse talking. When Maria and Maryse notice them they begin to smile at them. Cody begins to blush when Maryse blows him a kiss. Randy giggles and walks over to Maria and hugs her. Maria," hey baby." Randy," hey babe you look really nice today." Maria, "thanks." Maryse," honey i'm hungry how about me and you go and get some breakfast together." Cody," sure lets go now" he walks away holding Maryses hand. Maria and Randy decide to have a snowball fight between the two of them and at the end of the snowball fight have a very romantic and Maryse end up eating then going to Codys house and making out for about three hours. Then Maryse gets a call and has to go home because her dad needs her help cleaning everything for her moms birthday which was the next kisses his beloved girlfriend goodbye then he goes upstairs and rests listening to his mp3 gets a call from his mom that his little sister was hit by a car. Randy," Maria my little sister was hit by a car and is in the hospital." He begins to tear up and Maria tells him that she'll drive them to the hospital. They grab there coats and head to the hospital." Randys little sister ends up being fine but shes on crutches for a few months. Randy finally gets his wwe registration forms back in the mail , but is afraid to open the envolope so he goes over to Marias and they open the envolope together. When they finally get the envolope opened it says this," Dear Randy Keith Orton, i got your registration forms and i'm writing you to tell you that i appove you for the wwe ,but the trainer you asked for is no longer a worker for wwe , so you must train with your father or Ted Diabase also known as THE MILLION DOLLAR MAN please call this number to give me your decision 706-670-4532. Thanks love,Mr. Mccmahon." Randy smiles then kisses Maria. Maria smiles at Randy and asks him if once he gets in the wwe if he can play some cards on and get him to let her be a wwe tells her he will try but theres no promises on it because can be a jerk sometimes. Chapter 4 Randy then gets Maria in and Cody gets his forms back telling him he may join the wwe they all get in even Maryse and then they start fighting for the tittles. Cody and Maryse end up breaking up and so do Maria and Randy. Then Cody and Randy stop being friends because of the wwe title they keep fighting over it and Randy becomes a nieve jerk that only cares about what he has not anyone else. Cody becomes a good wwe superstar , but ends up being a jerk to women. Well that was a good story now plz enjoy it. End file.
Young wwe supserstars by wwelover12
Zoey 101
True Love _**True Love **_ A Dana and Logan one shot. It's my first time so please be nice to me. It's Just Dana going on about a certain young man Logan Reese. The player of Pacific Coast Academy. The boy that can't keep his eyes out of mirror or gel out of his hair (trust me Dustin told us). The young boy whom gets anything he wants just by picking up his phone and calling daddy, Brags about his ability to get the lady's. He barley wears T-shirt's just so he can show of his "magnificent arms" He is drives everyone up the wall but his stupid grin makes my heart melt. He thinks I look gorgeous when I'm mad (which is definitely a plus since I mostly always mad). He loves my curly caramel locks, my deep brown eyes and my smile. When he compliments me he only mostly uses words like beautiful. Not hot or sexy (his usual words of the day). He constantly says he loves me and I always say it back because I do. Even though he is probably the most annoying person on this side of the earth and probably the most self-centred human nothing can overcome the way we feel about each other which just proves nothing can overcome True Love!!!!! A/N. Cheesy I know but it's my first story so Please Read and Review End file.
True Love by The-Lster
Zoey 101
1. The 7 Things **I heard the song **_**7 Things **_**by Miley Cyrus and the song just screams Quogan. And it's my favorite song ever :) So I wrote this. Here's **_**The 7 Things.**_ **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or the song **_**7 Things**_**.** Quinn Pensky lay in her bed, sobbing into her pillow. She was crying because Logan had just broke up with her while they had a fight. It was such a dumb fight, she didn't even remember what the fight was about. But she remembered her and Logan breaking up. Quinn tried to stop crying, but then she would think of her and Logan's relationship and cry again. _Sha, Sha, Sha_ _I probably shouldn't say this_ _ But at times I get so scared _ _ When I think about the previous_ _ Relationship we shared _ _I'm so stupid, _Quinn said. She and Logan had been so happy together. How could she let one little fight ruin everything. When hearing footsteps coming toward the room, Quinn quickly sat up, grabbing a book from the table near her bed and pretended to read it. She didn't want her friends to know she was crying. Second later, Zoey and Lola came into the room. Quinn kept her head down so that her bangs covered her eyes. "Hi Quinn," Zoey said, "Watcha reading?" "Oh, just a book," Quinn said with a nervous laugh. Lola leaned down to see the cover of her book "You're reading a Physics book?" she asked. Quinn tried to make up a lie, but instead, tears fell from her eyes again. Lola was taken aback. _It was awesome, but we lost it _ _ It's not possible for me not to care _ "I'm sorry Quinn," she said quickly, "You can read your Physics book." "It's not that," Quinn said, "Logan and I broke up." Zoey and Lola gasped in surprise. "Why?" Lola asked. "We got into some dumb fight," Quinn sobbed, "I-I don't even remember what it was about." Even though it was sunny outside, Quinn felt as though she was standing under a huge dark storm. _And now we're standing in the rain _ _ But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear _ _ My dear _ "I hate him for this," Quinn said bitterly. _The seven things I hate about you _ _The seven things I hate about you _ _ Oh, you _ _ You're vain _ _ Your games _ _ You're insecure _ _ You love me, you like her _ _ You made me laugh, you made me cry, I don't know which side to buy _ _ Your friends, they're jerks when you act like them, just know it hurts _ _ I wanna be with the one I know _ _ And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do _ _ You make me love you _ Quinn's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller I. D. "It's Logan," she said. Quinn answered her phone. "What do you want?" Quinn snapped. "Quinn, I..." Logan asked. His sentence trailed off. Quinn waited for an apology. Although knowing Logan, he would probably want her to apologize first. He better not have the nerve to text her an apology. She's delete it faster than he could spell chemistry. She refused to go back to him until he apologized. _It's awkward and silent _ _ As I wait for you to say _ _ What I need to hear now _ _ Your sincere apology _ _ When you mean it I'll believe it _ _ If you text it I'll delete it _ _ Let's be clear _ _Oh, I'm not comin' back _ _ You're taking seven steps here _ _The seven things I hate about you _ _ You're vain _ _ Your games _ _ You're insecure _ _You love me, you like her _ _ You made me laugh, you made me cry, I don't know which side to buy _ _ Your friends, they're jerks when you act like them, just know it hurts _ _ I wanna be with the one I know _ _ And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do _ _ You make me love you _ "Quinn, I really need to talk to you," Logan said, "Can you meet me at the fountain?" Quinn sighed. Her mouth wanted her to say no, but then she thought that Logan might have wanted to apologize. They could fix their relationship. Although Quinn said she hate Logan, truth was she loved him to death. _And compared to all the great things _ _ That would take too long to write_ _ I probably should mention _ _ The seven that I like _ _The seven things I like about you_ _ Your hair _ _ Your eyes _ _ Your old Levi's _ _ When we kiss, I'm hypnotized _ _ You made me laugh, you made me cry, but I guess that's both I'll have to buy _ _ Your hand in mine when we're intertwined, everything's alright _ _ I wanna be with the one I know _ _ And the seventh thing I like the most that you do _ _ You make me love you _ _Sha, sha_ _ You do, oh _ _ Oooo ooo _ _ La la la _ _ Oooo ooo _ "Okay," she said, "I'll meet you there." **There's chapter 1! I hope you liked it! Please Review!** 2. The 7 Things Quinn Hates **Here's chapter 2! I hope you liked it! Please Review!** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or the song **_**7 Things**_**.** As Quinn walked by herself to the fountain to meet Logan, she began to think of why she hated him. _You're vain_ If you were to look up vain in the dictionary, you would see Logan's picture. He was the most vain person Quinn had ever met. So full of himself about his look and abilities. Walking around as if he was God's gift to the world. _Your games_ Logan loved too play games with Quinn. One minute they would be making out, the next minute he would run off with a wink and a smirk, running of to basketball or football practice or something, leaving behind a frustrated Quinn. _You're insecure_ Believe it or not, Logan could be so insecure sometimes. He would freak out over the smallest hair out of place or the smallest blemish on his face. _You love me, you like her_ Quinn hated when girls flirted with Logan, knowing that she was his girlfriend. Oh, but Logan didn't seem to mind. He's flirt right back. Logan insisted that it was just to 'Please his audience,' and that he had eyes only for her, that he loved Quinn with all his heart. But could Quinn believe him? _You made me laugh, you made me cry, I don't know which side to buy_ Logan could make Quinn laugh. Or, like when he broke up with her, cry. She didn't know what to do. Should she stay with a guy that made her cry? But Logan was the only person that could make her laugh so hard that her sides hurt. _Your friends, they're jerks when you act like them, just know it hurts_ Quinn hated when Logan acted like his friends. She didn't mean about Chase, Michael, James or Vince. They were cool. She was talking the guys on the football and basketball team. The kind that treated girls like pieces of meat. That leered at the cheerleaders while they were practicing in their ridiculously tiny outfits. And Quinn hated when Logan acted like them _And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do. You make me love you_ The number one thing that Quinn hated about Logan was that despite all his faults, she still loved him. **There's chapter 2. I hope you liked it! Please Review!** 3. The 7 Things Quinn Likes **Here's chapter 3! I hope you like it! Please Review!** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or the song _7 Things._** Quinn was halfway to the fountain when she started thinking of the things she liked about Logan. _You're hair_ Quinn loved Logan's dark brown curly hair. It was so soft and she loved running her fingers through it, especially when they were kissing. She liked the little moans Logan would make while they were kissing and she was running her fingers through his hair. _Your eyes_ Logan had the most beautiful dark brown eyes Quinn had seen. And they held so many emotions. Quinn remembered the look in his eyes when he comforted her after her break-up with Mark. His eyes were full of compassion and caring. Other times, when it was just the two of them, Logan looked at Quinn with a strange look in his eyes. A look that he reserved only for Quinn. _Your old Levi's_ Okay, Quinn would admit, Logan had the cutest butt of anyone she'd seen. Especially when he wore his old dark Levi's. She loved those old Levi's on him. One time, Quinn actually pinched Logan's butt when he was wearing those Levi's. To this day, Quinn still giggled when she remembered the look on his face. _When we kiss, I'm hypnotized_ Logan's kisses were enough to make Quinn's head spin. His lips moved gently against hers. His hands would cradle her head with his soft hands. A simple peck on the lips was enough to nearly give Quinn cardiac arrest. After one of their make-out sessions, Quinn was in la-la land for at least a good hour. Usually more. _You made me laugh, you made me cry, but I guess that's both I'll have to buy_ Even though Logan made Quinn both laugh and cry, Quinn decided that that was part of a relationship. All relationships had their ups and downs. _Your hand in mine when we're intertwined, everything's alright _ When Logan held Quinn's hand, it was like everything in the world was alright. Nothing could touch them or hurt them. _And the seventh thing I like the most that you do. You make me love you _ Quinn loved the fact that she loved Logan. She couldn't imagine her life without him. He made her laugh when she was down. He made her feel special. Like she was more than just some science geek. Logan gave her a special feeling that she never had before, not even when she was with Mark. **There's chapter 3! I hope you liked it! Please Review!** 4. Meeting Logan **Here's chapter 4! Enjoy! ** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.** Quinn reached the fountain. She saw Logan sitting on the edge of the fountain. He stood up when he saw her coming. "Hi Quinn," he said nervously. "Hey," Quinn said. There was an awkward silence. "Quinn, I'm sorry I lost my temper like that," Logan said, "That fight was so stupid." "I'm sorry too," Quinn said, "I overreacted. What was that fight even about?" Logan thought for a moment. "Cheese?" he suggested. Quinn couldn't help but laugh. "So, are we back together?" Logan asked with that irresistible grin of his. Quinn grinned back and said, "You tell me." She leaned forward and kissed Logan on the lips. Logan wrapped his arms around her, deepening the kiss. The parted for a moment, resting their foreheads against each other. "Is that a yes?" Logan asked. Quinn's smile widened. "It's a yes," Quinn said. Logan grinned and leaned down, kissing her again. **There's the end of **_**The 7 Things**_**. I hope you liked it! Please Review!** End file.
The 7 Things by MoonlightSpirit
Zoey 101
1. Late shift part1 Locked up with love-thanx to freakygeniusgirl for the idea Chase's P.O.V. we were in my dorm watching tv when i burst, "kazu has me working a late shift from 9 to 12:00! i might die of loneliness here!" i shouted to zoey who was doodling in her note book. "yeah," she said obviously not paying attention "soo can you stay the late shift with me?" i asked curiously. "yeah," she said. i decided to have some fun. "do you think logan is 'hot'?" i decided to ask "yeah," she said still clearly not paying attention. "can i geta monkey get drunk and jump on your bed?" i said laughing "yeah-huh hey chase!" she whinned realizing i made fun of her. "ok so it turns out: your staying the late-shift with me, you think logan is hot (she hit me with her book that she was doodling in, when i looked in it i saw my name in a couple of places., and i can get a monkey-my new dream- get drunk and jump on you bed." she actually laughed. "fine i'll stay the late shift with you if you will, um... maybe go to the movies the next day?" she said getting nervious at the end. cool she'll stay the shift- WAIT she just asked me out! oh man oh man oh man! i cant be in a room without having the urge to kiss her, let alone a theater. i'll mess up and shewont talk to me. no i REFUSE to go! "sure." i said a little to eagar **(spellcheck that 4 me thanx :-D)** "great!" she said smiling she turned to leave but came back for her notebook. "bye" she said and kissed me on the cheek. well here it is, i dont like for people to wait for chapters so if i get over ...15 review i'll post the next one PUSH THE BUTTON! PUSH THE BUTTON! come on u no u want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REVIEW! 2. Late shif part2 Zoey's P.O.V. "yay! i have a date with chase!" i started dancing around the room untill i heard the door open. i stopped as soon as i did and without turnning around i said "who ever is there, get out." "i have a right to be here! its my room too you know?!?"** (which do u like? huh the'?!?' or the '!?!' i like the!?! so lets try that again) REWIND** "i have a right to be here! its my room too you know!?!" i heard lola say. "so i didnt correctly hear WHO do you really have a date with?" i decided to tell because lola has a way of 'forcefully' getting secrets out of people. "chase." i said clearly embarrased "OHMIGAWD!!!!!" lola shouted so loud i had to cover my ears, she sat on my bed, "TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT, WHO ASKED WHO OUT, YOU OR CHASE OHMIGAWD!!!" "LOLA!" i shouted "i cant tell you if i'm deaf! kay? good, so i was doodling in my-- dont touch that!" lola was reaching for my notebook. she grabbed it and held it above her head reading it outloud. "history: zc zc cz cz zoey mathews z+c love. awww so cute, whats this gonna be your wedding present." she teased "GIVE IT BACK" i yelled grabbing it, "your getting it wrinkled." "so tell me what happened." "well i was doodling and he tricked me into saying 'logan was hot, i looked at him and he instantly 'forgot' that. i said i'd do his late shift if he he went out with m-me." i ended quietly "which reminds me, i'm late bye lola!" 3. Locked In! Zoey's P.O.V. **thanks to freakygenuisgurl () for the idea...Again :-D** it was really dark out when i left our dorm. at first i thought i was lost cause i was wandering for what i thought was hours so i sat down and cried, then when i stopped i looked at my watch to see what time it was. it was dark so i couldnt see. i needed light so i wallked up to the quickest source of light. when i looked up i saw the bright lights of Sushi Rox. _well duh!_ i said to myself. * * * When i looked in i saw Chase with a mop, mopping the floors of Sushi Rox, singing along to his iPod, when i had walked in. "Baby, take me on a journey, I been thinkin' lately, I could use, a little time along with you. Crazy, let's do something maybe, you've been on my mind. You got me, right where you want me." he sang. he was pretty good. "And where would that be Mr. Matthews?" i asked laughing. He jumped at my voice, and turned around. "Um... Zoe, you heard?" Chase asked nervously. "Yeah." "Oh. your late. anyways could you help me put this stuff away?" "Sure. lola wouldnt let me go." i said and we walked to the closet in the back to put away the mopping stuff. * * * Normal P.O.V. Kazu came went inside Sushi Rox to find Chase was not there. "Chase!" he called (with his heavey accent). "Chase!" 'He must have left' Kazu thought.' Kazu took his things, locked up Sushi Rox, and left. * * * Zoey P.o.v Chase and i came back in from the supply closet, surprised to find the lights were turned off. "Chase?" i asked. "Hey it wasn't me." Chase said. i walked around by my sense of touch, (since it was to dark.) and sat down in a 'chair' "Zoe?" i heard Chase ask. "Yeah?" i answered. "That isn't a chair." i was about to stand up. " i dont mind as long as you just dont- ow- kick your legs." i swear i saw his cheeks glowing red "Sorry." "It's okay." chase and i sat with my head leaning dozing in and out on his shoulder till he realized something. "zoe we gotta get out of here." i got up and chase got up after me _ruining the perfect moment we were having_. then chase walked over to where he 'thought' was the door. Chase pulled on the handles of the door, but it would not budge. "Zoey?" he said his eyes were glittering in the dark. "Yeah?" "i think we're locked in." **-Gabby** 4. Being Bored, Chases POV **Heads up this is the most boring chappie ever written!! oh ps this is placed in the second season, thats cause no one looked to old or fake with tons of make up cough jamie cough cough** **Disclaimer:" dont own.. .sue me...NOT LITERALLY!!** "what!" zoey screamed, "we cant be locked in! no one was here but us! chase do something!" "i cant if i'm deaf!" i shouted at her. "sorry..." "my only guess is that... Kazu came and locked up... And he has the keys." "lets break a window" she suggested "kay zo, and then the alarm will go off!" "sorry its just an idea..." "fine looks like were stuck. were spending the night. great." _just great _i thought we sat down on the floor next to each other. "so," she said "whaddya wanna do." "i dunno? you?" he said sighing "truth or dare?" "kay!" she said getting excited and moved infrotn of me. "let me get some food first." i came back with a lot of sushi. "wow thats a LOOOOOOOOOOT of sushi." she said "yeah so lets play!" "ok truth or dare.?" she asked "uhhhh...truth-- um i mean dare! dare!" "i dare you to stay in the cooler for ten minutes in your underwear. i'll count." "aww zoooeeeey, come on zo!" she gave me a pout and i left the room and just stood on the cooler. she will never know my secrect. "your done!" shelled in. i had finnished rubbing ice cubes on my arm. she touched my arm to see if i actually felt cold. "poor baby," she kidded and ate a california roll. "ok truth or dare?" i asked "umm darnit chase! ...truth?" i decided to leave the intense stuff till later. "what was the worst day of your life?" then she looked as if she was about to cry." y-you dont need to say if you dont want t-to." i added. "w-when my mom d-died." a silent tear slid down her cheek. "awww zo dont cry?" i asked and pulled her into a hug "nobody but you knows my real mom died when i was 4." she sighed and rolled onto my lap."i dont wanna play anymore." "one more question please?" i begged "fine," she said, "chase your hope less." "who do you have a crush on?" i saw her eyes widen "um um never mind... i dont want you to answer. it's something you would probabalytell your roomates," "kay thanks... i'm tired." i looked at the clock on the wall. it read 12:00. "come here." i said getting up. i walked over to the closet and grabbed some table cloths. i sat against a wall folding two up- leavuing one huge one.i put one of the foleded sheets behind my head. "lie down" i said. she looked at the floor. "its tile... tiles are cold." "zoooeeeey " i whined she shook her head no. then i lifted the covers off of me I saw her look happy for a second but quickly tried to hide it. maybe she does like me after all. she laid down on my lap. i was amazed on how light she was. i waited till i heard her fall asleep then i started to think about this. zoey in my arms at night. how in the world would i survive the night. maybe yawn if i just sleep on that... at least we will get discovered in the morning...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,,...,,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,...,,,,,,...,,,...,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,...,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... OH MY GOD ITS A FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **Man! i love cliffies i love adding 'ies' at the end... cliffies chappies fanfictionies... japanies** **-xXGabbyXx** 5. Surviving Saturday: with Chase **btw 'sc plz' means spell check** I woke up before chase and decided to wander aroung wondering why Kazu Handn't shown up yet. i walked into the kitchen to get some sushi. you'd be amazed of how much the place smelled of dead fish. i ran outside, took a breath and ran in getting everything i needed to make some california roll. i ran out into chase. "watcha doin zo?" he said grogly **(sc plz?) ** ''nuthin," i said becoming aware of how tired i was. i was about to fall asleep and crash to the ground when chase caught me in his arms. his big,strong,muscular **(cough cough) **arms. he carried me over to the cluster of sheets and sat me down ontop of him. "hey zo," he said to me i was now half asleep. "today is a saturday," "g'nite" i said falling asleep "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i than yelled completely awake now. "OHMIGAWD do you have your cellphone!?!left mine why didnt i bring mine oh man how will i survive eating sushi this weekend. oh god!" i finished and started crying. chase shocked me with his next question. "are you done yet zo?" i looked up at him and stopped crying. "sorry... i-i-i-i." i just put my head in my hands. not crying but talking to myself. "god how am i suppose to survive this weekend. please kazu, come back." chase got up and walked to the computer. he turned it on...more like tried to turn it on.. cause it wouldnt. "great!" he exclaimed and walked over to his ordering phone. no dial tone. "absoloutely faboulious" **(fab-bo-le-ous my teacher uses that alot)** * * * Meanwhile... "where is chase and zoey?" nicole asked getting worried "dont know, dont care," logan said admireing **(sc plz?) **himself. "dude how can you be so heart less man?" lola asked "" michael asked "you gotta prob wit dat?" lola answered "dont ask shes going through this 'gangsta' mood now. you down wit it?" nicole asked making everybody laugh. * * * i sat staring at chase paceing the room. then he just sat down. "you have your cellphone?" he asked i shook my head no. "luckly i do...bad luck its outta batteries." we moped arond for a little until i realized something. "lets face it, we're stuck here." chase nodded **(sc plz?)** "so since we realize that we're stuck here what do you want to do?" "lets play truth or dare again. dont worry i'll be a little thoughtful with my questions. ok?" i nodded my head. "truth or dare chase?" "dare,'' he said. i could tell he regreted it after he said. "i dare you to... lick the floor." "its a good thing i mopped the floor before you came." he licked the floor. "groooooooooooooooose" "truth or dare zo?" "ummm truth." "do you have a crush on anybody at PCA?" "may-be" she said having a fake look of innocence on her face. "ok so thats a yes, i'll just choose truth before you ask," "who do you have a crush on here?" oh man i've been longing to ask that question to see if it was me. "aww come on zo?" change pov Now was time to test out my new skill. not many guys could do this.. cry. "zoooooooooeeeeeeey?" i whined letting the first tear slide down my cheek. "wow chase fake crying, i know how too. smooth. how'd she know? "how'd you know?" "were in the same drama class... and PE and math, social studies,science, history,heal" she said trailing off. "you havent answered my qusetion chase!" wow she was determined. "its you- yolanda. yeah yolanda! from...history?" "chase how could you lie to me? i'm in your huistory class there is no one named yolanda there! theres no yolanda in the whole school! god chase how could you lie to me! i thought- i were my friend." she wiped a tear and ran into the supply closet. i literally rammed my head into the wall hopeing to knock some sense into me. "GOD!" i yelled. * * * **Review! ok i'm starting this new thing with my chapters. i will post a question, you need to ansewer it correctly to earn the next chapter. winner will get a heads up for the next chapter. questions will get harder from chappie to chappie. my profile may have clues at time check it out. this means you need to review for the next chapter. here's the first question its absoloutely easy:** **WHAT DO CHAD (high school musical) AND CHASE (zoey101) HAVE IN COMMON?** **ANSWER 4 NEXT CHAPPIE!!!!!!!!!** 6. Surviving Saturday: With Zoey **thanx to all of my P.W.A.C.T.R. (People Who Actually Care To Review) ** **except i'm to lazy to actually post names, maybe i will next time. the answer to the last question is that Chase and Chad both have** ** bushy hair. its really obvious! the next question will come at the end of the chappie.** **NOW ON-WARD!!!!!!!!!!!! (to the story.. i mean)** * * * **Zoeys pov** I was SO mad at chase for lying to me! at first he said you, but then changed it to yolanda. we dont even have a yolanda in our class let alone at our school! i was really mad at him.i walked out of the closet and wiped away my tears. then i move literally as far away from him as possible in the store and rummaged through my purse for that electronic sudoku... chase had given me... well ther emust be something else here. there was lipgloss- chase gave in a kit at christmass- a brush- chase gave it to me at my b-day- along with a compact a a wrist watch, a weird 'thing' quinn gave her to hold, a note boook with chase written with it. that was it. she walked up to the trash can that was 'ironicly' placed next to chase and wa6tched the entire contenints or her purse- all from chase...except the 'thing'...that chase delivered!- god, he is every where! why did i even like him. i saw : the sudoku fall out, a special pen with special ink that was metalic, gum, nail hardner, nail file, more lipstick and lipgloss, a mini hand book for the sudoku, and i literally threw the notebook in there startling chase. "why did i even spen time with a loser like you!?!!!" i shouted at him and walked to my spot. "aww com eon zo! i-i didnt mean to hurt you.'' chase bargined with me. "well what did you mean?" i said while my eyes were starting to tear. * * * "seriously where is zoey and chase?" nicole asked. the guys were hanging out in the girls room at 7:30pm. "dunno dut shizzle" lola said makeing everybody laugh. ''lola, you gotta learn the walk before the talk. ya know wat i mean, dawg." micheal said walking across the room 'gangsta' style. he was actually good. "woah you're good," lola said latching on to a happy micheal. "could you teach me...uh i-i-i-i mean. woah look at you getting all down sweets, maaaaan ya gotta teach me how ya do, you...right?'' "you... need a **_lot _**of work to be done." "awww love bugs" logan whispered to nicole. "hello lets get back to the crisist of Zoey an d Chase!" "fine."logan said and then whispered "nagger." ''OH I KNOW THE NAGGING DANCE!" nicole screeched. .she got up and did th enagging dance from the Fairy odd-parrents. "ya nag it to the left, ya nag it to the right, comeon everybody lets nag tonite! yeah!" every body stared at nicole till she sat down. * * * **What Disney Channel Original movie and what discovery kids TV show does Shadia Simions star in?(emily from life with derek) use :** **Raceism** **Black hole (that just gives it away)** 7. Surviving Saturday: with Chase part 2 **The answer for the last question was The color of friendship and strange days at blake holsey high! 1 person got it right...1 PERSON!** * * * i saw zoey come marching over and dump the entire continents of her purse, a 'thing' that Quinn had made and i offered to deliver**(you will find out what the thing does later)** um and stuff that i gave her from the past birthday/holidays. but one thing caught my eye. it was a note book. and it was collered all over with highlights that you could mistake it for a neon sign. she screamed at me for being sucha a loser and when she walked away i agreed with her. i was a loser. she turnd so she wasnt facing me so i looked in the trash-ewww- for the neon book. i took it out and flipped through it. the first 25 pages didnt have anything but then aroung the 35 pg i saw a little heart with a CZ written in it. CZ. CZ. What the heck does that mean?...CHASEZOEY?!?!?! SHE LIKE ME! ME SHE LIKE! i said the words over and over again till i realized that she was mad because she was jealous! i really wanted to walk over and say sorry but its better to do that tomorrow because if we get together tonight then...well we might, just a teenie bit, have a wittle bit of strongness about that...if you know what i mean. i stopped gazing through my thoughts and looked at the rest of the book. PG 1 Zoey loves chase Thy will be married june 1st on a beach The cake will be: 4 ft high, chocolate ice cream, and Vanilla 3 Zoey and chase 4 EVA! E Zoey loves chase. Chase Will have 4 kids :lauren, Ramon, ramona(twins) and jacle **(it took forever to do that! SO I MIGHT ONLY DOO 1 PAGE MABE 2 IF I GET A LOT OF REVIEWS srry caps locks was on hehe)** it took all of my will pover and strength to not walk over there say i'm sorry and kiss her. i just watched her face. she was sleeping now, she was so peaceful. i whispered her name "zoey?" to see if she was faking it. she didnt wake up but shuddered. she was awake. "zoey i'm s-sorry, if you want to know who i like just think about how i studdered before, please?" zoey turned away as if to say 'try some other girl'. telling her would be some work * * * Mean while at zoey's dorm... lola and michael were practicing the 'gangsta' walk, you know holding their belt and slouching with each step while nicole was rambling on and on about where zoey and chase would be. "i mean where could they be-" nicole said "nic-" quinn started "Quinn! i'm talking, as i said; they could be at your no nono nonon you guys just left there maybe they could be seeing a campus movie? no the theaters are closed off campus movie-" "NIC-" quin startred again "omg quinn how could you be soo rude?!? aaaaaaaaaaaaanyways maybe the could be at the beach, unles they slept there, but then the campus officers would find them-" "NICOLE I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" quinn shouted at nicole ganin geverybody-even michael and lola's- attention. "michael remember when chase gave zoey that thing?" michael nodded hs head, "well its a trackign device/minicamcorter. i could track down their location." nicole started to talk, "yeah but-" "NIOCOLE how rude! interrupting me, while i'm talking?" quinn said acting flabbergasted **(flabergasted haha) **"thank you now i could track them down on my laptop if logan could get off of his ONLINE DATING WEBSITE!" she shouted loudly. logan blushed. * * * **hi peoples!!!!! i love u u love me lets gat together and kill barney! wait...hes allready dead...LETS KILL...THAT MCDONALD DUDE...YEAH!!!! ok as u have realized i am hyper.** **This question is** **DURING THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY WHAT IS THEIR DADS NAME?** 8. Surviving Sleep: With ME! **Zack and Codys' dads name is Kurt** **Stuff to know: regular zoey& chase italic's the gang... and i sometimes call 'get' gat** ewwwwwwwwwwwwww! Logan!i knew you were a perv but thats disgusting! Online dating!?! I-I thought you loved me!" lola said/screamed at logan. "huh? what no! i am not a perv! a-a-and i was logging in as m-my cosin...Bob. and i DO like you." logan said as lola watched, and logan becoming aware of what he said added "no no no! not like that! ewww!" "great so now i'm 'ewww'?" lola answered, "dude, she is not 'ewww'!" michael said "dude YOU just think she's now eww cause you-" logan got cut off "WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THE DARN LAPTOP!" quin shouted frightining them **(spell check plz?) "**thank you! " she said taking it. "now if i canjust send out my signal tracking devise and drag on to the location i can see where they are...SUSHI ROX! but how did they get stuck there?" "maybe- i mean Well ya know dat dey mite hve been ya know...locked in by the sushi owner?" lola tried to speak gangster, "well if i activate its hovering devise i gan turn on the camcorder and see where they are and talk to them with my wireless micrphone." everybody stared at quinn in disbelief. "how much stuff can you fit onto a bracelet?" quinn opend her mouth to answer but Michael said "Dont answer that." so Quinn went back to typing. Mean while . . . _You like him You like im You like him You like him You like him You like him You like him You like him You like him You like im You like him You like him You like him You like im You like him You like him _zoey listend to the broken record in her head. she tried not to think about it but her conscience comes back with is full speed so she decided to challenge her conscience by saying _ you STILL like him, _as in she liked him still after everything he did to her. zoey started looking through her purse but remembered she threw everything out. then she heard a beeping noise, great he lied about his cellphone to! ZOEY'S POV "so you lie about who you like,and now about not having a cell phone? nice chase." i tolk him "i admitt i lied about the girl that i liked but i dont have my cell-" chase was cut off by quinns thing beeping loudly. "BLEEP" it came from the trash. i self consciencely made my way over to the trash can by chase. i was about to reach but it came itself. "woah!" i said backing into chase. '_zoey chase!' _ it said "who are you and how. are. you. doing that?" _'oh shut it ya big baby! it us, ya know s'it. Michael Logan Quinn, -_lola was cut off by nicole shouting 'ME TOO!'- _ uh so's you got's it?'_ _"_ LOLA what is up with your voice?' '_oh she's like goin through this hip hop/gangsta phase so michael and her have been tryin it out...word.' _ chase and i busted a gut laughing when Quinn said 'Word'. "yes , thank you that you asked, i am doing fine...except for the fack that i am stuck in a resyaraunt with a huge liar!" i shouted remembering that i was stuck here "hey i said i was lying zo-" "dont call me that! only REAL friends call me that!" i jumped in. "but i am a real friend!" chase argued "NO YOUR NOT! real friends dont lie.'' "zo-'' "what did i say about calling me that! only close friends could." "_ hey i'm not a close friend? you dont let us call you that!" _ somebody from the thing said, "jnever mind! could you please come and get us out!" inside the dor everybody looked at eachother, "no." quinn said simply. "WHAT!?!?" zoey shouted "well obviously you guy have a problem and need to work it out so until you do... Bye!" quin replyed and hung up, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" zoey accuse chase "my fault i think your over reacting!" "i am not!" "yes you are!" and chase and Zo...i mean zoey quarrled into the night. while quinn secrectly turned on her camcorder and taped the whole thing. **i wouldnt call it a cliffy caause i wouldve ended it at 'no' but i gave a few more senteces.** **-xXGabbyXx** **ps i will start the new chapter for Gone. its really good for all you high school musical fans! someone said that they liked the questions i put at the end of the chapter so here's this one:** **FILL IN THE BLANK (high school musical) "Ryan, we need to save this show from people who dont know the diffrence between a ** ** and " sharpay said. i actually wrote it down by memory YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! read on my fellow citezens!** 9. Swelling **sorry for the late chapter! have too many stories to work on. which should i update first?** **PREV:** _"never mind! could you please come and get us out!" inside the doom everybody looked at eachother, _ _"no." quinn said simply._ _"WHAT!?!?" zoey shouted_ _"well obviously you guys have a problem and need to work it out so until you do... Bye!" quin replyed and hung up,_ _"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" zoey accuse chase_ _"my fault i think your over reacting!"_ _"i am not!"_ _"yes you are!"_ _and chase and Zo...i mean zoey quarrled into the night. while quinn secrectly turned back on her camcorder and taped the whole thing._ "shut up! shut up! just shut UP!" zoey screamed at chase. zoey was red-faced and panting. "ok i take it you wont forgive me, but is there anything that i could do to make you happy?" chase said "yes! just shut up! i want to sleep! we have one more day toghether so i want to sleep!" chase picked up the sheets that were by him and walked over to zoey. he put them down by her and walked back to his spot on the cold floor. on his way he turned off the light. as he sat down zoey loooked at the sheets and whispered, "y-you really are sorry." and she started to cry. really loud. chase didnt hear what she said, all he heard was her cryign, "do you want me to come over there?" he asked "no stay away from me!" she shouted barely audible. chase got up anyways and sat down next to her. zoey had to stand her ground so she hit him and punched him until she actually slapped him. as soon as she did chase gasped. "oh. oh chase, i didnt mean to-" "if you didnt mean to then why did you start in the first place!?! you know what zoey? i could stand the hitting and the punching but that was too far! i understand that your angry but still!... GOD!" chase yelled and walked to a chair and sat down. "chase, i-i'm sorry." she started crying. CHASE'S POV i felt the sting in my cheek. it hurts so much. i think its swelling...and so is my heart. **cliffy! i dont want them to express there love until the last day they spend so heres a shoprt chapter** End file.
locked up with love by Munch-a-Bunch
Zoey 101
Wedding Day Blues This fic is being written as though Dana never left. Zoey and Chase are getting married and Dana is dying inside because of a huge secret. Read and review, please. I stand and watch, a fake smile plastered on my face. Today is your wedding day. You are marrying Chase, and I'm just the lonely, single, bridesmaid. I try as hard as I can to keep back the tears. I look around and see that everyone is crying. But you and everyone else are crying happy tears. If I let the tears come, they won't be happy. They will be the tears of a broken heart. The tears that come from the bridesmaid in love with the bride, forced to sit and watch in fake happiness as the bride and groom share their first kiss as husband and wife. I hate Chase for marrying you. I know that he had a crush on you since the first time he met you, but, I've been in love with you since halfway through our first year at PCA. You smile over at me while you walk down the isle with Chase. I let one lone tear trail down my face. You're married now. I missed my chance with you. Still, I hate Chase. Nicole walks up to me from the first row. "Are you okay, Dana?" I smile a fake smile up at her. "I'm fine. Why?" "You just looked... sad." Nicole shrugs and follows the rest of the wedding guests out of the chapel. I stay behind, unable to keep the smile on m face any longer. I sat down where I stood. I brought my knees up to my chin. I wrap my arms around my knees. Then, I bury my head into my knees and start to sob. I hear the door open and I look up, surprised to see you standing there looking worriedly at me. You sit down on the floor next to me. "What's wrong, Dana?" You put your arm around me and I feel my face grow red. "Nothing." "It's not nothing." "Just go be happy with Chase and the rest of your friends and family. I'll be fine. Really, just go." I smile warmly at you. "Dana, I can see that something is bothering you. Please just tell me what it is!" "I can't, Zoey. I swear, if I could, I would. I just cannot tell you. Just go have fun. Tell Chase I said I'm sorry I didn't come to the party." I try as hard as I can to say Chase's name without hate in my voice. You sigh and stand up. "Fine, Dana. I give up. If you won't tell me what's wrong, I won't bother you. Enjoy your misery." As I watch you walk out of the chapel, I almost want to go after you. And what exactly is keeping me from chasing you? Right, Chase. Chase is why I don't chase you every time I watch you leave me for a better life. A life where you don't need me. A life where all you need is Chase. When you're out of the chapel and the door closes, I lay my head in my hands, tears once again spilling out of my eyes. I look up just a little so that I can see the closed door. I whisper, "If you really want to know what's wrong, Zoey, I'll tell you." More tears spill from my eyes. "I love you." End file.
Wedding Day Blues by ILoveTheBlackDaggerBrotherhood
Zoey 101
Cry **The AN:** I just listened to "Cry" by Rihanna and this idea popped into my head. I think the song fits to Dana's personality. R&R, please. **The Summary:** Songfic to "Cry" by Rihanna. Dana thinks about her feelings for Logan and the situation she's managed to get herself into. **The Couple:** It isn't visible in the story, but I thought of Dana and Logan of Zoey 101. DL **The author:** itisjustmyself **The Disclaimer:** No. I still don't Zoey 101 or the characters. And my parents think the show's a little too expensive for a christmas prestent. And my name's Angi, not Rihanna, so I guess I don't own the Song "Cry" by Rihanna either. **The Story:** **"Cry" ~ Songfic ** _I'm not the type to get my heart broken_ _I'm not the type to get upset and cry_ **Here I sit and remember all the times I laughed about ****other girls with their love problems. I was never like them, to fall in love and to get my heart broken each week. It was never me to sit around and cry about anything.** '_Cause I never leave my heart open_ _Never hurts me to say goodbye_ _Relationships don't get deep to me_ **I never was like them to leave my heart open for anyone to rip it out of me. I liked my friends and family, but I didn't depend on them like others. ****Saying goodbye was easy for me. Way easier than for anybody else. I was never into the whole relationship thing and certainly needed a whole lot of time to form something like a relationship and to let people get to me.** _Never got the whole in love thing_ _And someone can say they love me truly_ _But at that time it didn't mean a thing_ **It has never been like it is with other girls. I was never in love with anybody and I did never crush that easy on anybody than other girls do. I have been told I was loved, but it never mattered to me. I didn't mean anything to me. I was strong and didn't depend on anything or anybody.** _My mind is gone_ _I'm spinning round_ **And yet I sit here feeling empty and left. I can't think straight any**** longer.** _And deep inside my tears_ _I'll drown_ _I'm losing grip_ _What's happening?_ **I feel like crying, something I haven't done for ages. I feel as if the world is spinning faster for everybody, but I am stuck the way it is now. I always felt like anything is under my control, but now I don't know what is up with me.** _I stray from love this is how I feel_ _This time was different_ _Felt like I was just a victim_ _And it cut me like a knife_ _When you walked out of my live_ **Somehow it was different with him. Normally I was always the hunter and not the hunted one. I was the one to hurt people, not to get hurt. But he changed it. The day he walked out of my life, I felt pain. Pain I had never experienced before. He left me and it hurt.** _Now I'm in this condition_ _And I've got all the symptoms_ _Of a girl with a broken heart_ _But no matter what_ _You'll never see me cry._ **He managed to get me heart broken. He managed to hurt me and here I sit with the same situation than other girls. I'm heart broken. But still, I'm strong. He won't ever see what pain and hurt he caused me. He will never see how far he brought me. He will never see me cry.** _Did it happen when we first kissed_ '_Cause it's hurting me to let it go_ **I don't know what happened. I had never a problem to let people go out of my life. I mean that is the whole point of living. You have to learn ****how to let go.** _Maybe cause we spend so much time_ _And I know that it's no more_ _I should have never let you hold me, baby_ _Maybe that'd why I'm sad to see us apart_ **I don't know what was wrong. I don't know why he is the only person in the whole world that can hurt me. And why he is the only one I am really missing.** _I didn't give it to you on purpose_ _Can't figure out how you stole my heart_ **I just don't know how he managed to break down my walls. How he managed to steal my heart. I never let anyone get this close and yet he somehow got.** _How did I get here with you?_ _Ill never know_ **I just don't know how I got in this situation with him and I guess I'll never know.** _And never meant to let it get so personal_ **It was never my intention to end up like this, heart broken like any other girl, heart broken like those I couldn't stand.** _And after all I tried to do_ _To stay away from loving you_ **I tired anything to get him out of my thoughts, anything I could imagine, but nothing worked. I went away, hoping to forget him, but he stayed, stayed in my mind.** _I'm broken hearted I can't let you know_ _And I won't let it show_ _You won't see me cry_ **And yet, I am still myself. He won't see what he did, nobody will. Nobody will ever see me cry.** _But no matter what_ _You'll never see me cry._ _All my life_ **No matter what else he will do. Nobody, and ****especially not he, will ever see me cry.** R&R please End file.
Cry by Itisjustmyself
Zoey 101
Pointless **Summary: **Yeah, I'll admit it. I miss you. I miss us, but I can't think about that anymore. I've got to move on because this. This is pointless. **AN: **I was inspired by the quote I used as the summary. I don't know, it just felt like a good spark for a story. This is a post-break up conversation between Dana and Logan, it's a one-shot and it's pointless because **we all know Dana and Logan would NEVER break up in real life and we know they'd end up together in the end ALL THE TIME.** Don't we. (; _______________________________________________________________ "Dana, would you just talk to me?" Logan asked, following her down her empty hallway that lead to the famous room 101. The hallway was empty because once again, Dana and Logan had missed the bus that would have taken them to the last party of the year. "There's nothing to talk about. Stop. Following. Me." She ordered without turning around. She got to her door, but Logan quickly rushed in front of her. She looked every where but at him. "There's a lot to talk about." Logan said, leaning on the wall so he was blocking the doorknob. "No. Really. There's not. You broke up with me, remember?" Dana said folding her arms across her chest, staring down at her feet. Key in hand, ready for his slightest move out of the way. "I know... I've been thinking about that. A lot, actually." Logan said, watching her stare down. Dana felt her chest sink. It's been almost a month since he broke her heart. Broke seemed like such a small word compaired to what he did. Dana fell for Logan, and boy. Did she fall hard. They were together for 4 months before he broke up with her. She couldn't get out of bed for almost 3 entire days. He mad her feel horrible about herself, like it was all her fault that he wasn't interested in her. He succeeded in _shattering _Dana _Danger_ Cruz. "Yeah, that's nice. Will you move now?" Dana asked with a fake polite voice, she had to concentrate very hard to keep her voice from cracking. "No. Dana, I know I hurt you and I broke your heart but-" "Broke my heart? Logan. You don't understand the half of it," Dana said, her voice becoming stronger, but her control becoming weaker on all of her emotions that were building just being in his presance. "You completely _crushed me._ I spent so many nights crying over you. You made me think so much of myself. That maybe I was actually worth something for once in my life, and when you broke up with me. I thought it was all my fault. I beat myself up all the time because I wasn't good enough for you to be happy with. I would have done anything for you Logan. I _loved _you." "Dana, I understand that. I swear I do, trust me. I don't like that I hurt you, and I want to fix it." Logan said. He moved to take her hands in his. She didn't fight it. Dispite that, she still couldn't look at him. _Not now._ "Really? How do you plan on doing that?" Dana said. She was overly skeptic about this. "Well... We could start over. We could go out to dinner tonight at 7?" Logan asked, his smirk sliding on his face again. "You're kidding me right? Do you think that's going to fix everything?" Dana said pulling her hand away. She was almost laughing, and Logan didn't understand. She turned her back to him and looked forward, trying to stop her laughter. "Yeah, actually I do... Don't you miss me? Miss everything we had?" Logan said stepping forward. Dana looked down again, shaking her head. Logan watched her take a deep breath, her shoulders moving up and then gently down. Dana turned around and looked him straight in the eye. No sign of tears. No sign of happyness. No. Nothing like that. Just pain. Everything she felt the last month all bottled up in her eyes. "Logan, I'll admit it. I miss you. I miss us, but I can't think about that anymore. I've got to move on because this. This is **pointless**." Dana said. She glared at him, and walked away down the hallway. It was the bravest thing she could have done. It took every ounce of dignity she had left to walk away from him. He just stood there, watching her walk away. Knowing that she was better then his games.... _And how about yourself? Do you have what it takes, To raise the steaks and show that you have it in To just pick up and go. Give me a reason just to see this through, Until the end because I'm onto you. I'm gonna need a shovel to dig myself out of this one._ _In this heat you'll be sweating out your dignity, You'll always be such a __**catastrophe.**_ **AN: **Those lyrics are from Four Year Strong's song, Catastrophe. I just heard them go, "Show that you have it in you to just pick up and go", and I thought it fit Dana's situation pretty well. I'm heartbroken, so that'll probably explain all of this giving up on boyfriend's thing. vVVVVClick that buttonVVVVv :D End file.
Pointless by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
1. I'm back! How longs it been? A year? Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 1 **A/n: If this shocks ya, dinna blame me! Yes It's ma fault, but don't blame me! Any way the shocks make tha story! If you do not know who 4 of the characters are you might wanna read Lovechain! I wrote that not long ago! Oh by the way this is in 3rd year! Oh and guess who's come to stay!** Logan had his arms wrapped round Dana. "You know what Logan?" Dana murmured as she hang from his arms. "What?" Logan asked softly. "You could have any girl in school, so why me?" Dana whispered, as Logan pulled her close. "Coz you're the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on!" Logan whispered back. Dana smiled and closed her eyes, Logan moved his head towards Dana's ready for a kiss, but before they could do anything they heard shouting outside the dorm. Logan let go of Dana and she fell back on to the floor. She had just struggled up the floor Michael stormed in his face red in fury. "Maddy, I hope you rot in hell!" he screamed, "Don't you ever come near me again!" he slammed the door then, glanced at Logan and Dana, "Sorry!" "Way to go Mike, just spoil the moment!" Logan shouted at him. "I said I was sorry!" Michael shouted back. "Guys, I'm going!" Dana screamed over the raging boys. They didn't hear her so she just walked out. Dana went to find Maddy. The first place she thought of was the beach. Maddy said it made her mind flow. Dana wasn't sure if she was the best of friends to help Maddy out because Maddy had just had a few problems (Of which you'll know about if you read Lovechain!) to go over, her brother wanted to help her, but that's just not Maddy. When Dana got down to the beach Maddy was dipping her feet in a nearby rock pool. When Dana got closer she could see the mark where Michael had hit on her arms, but of course Dana didn't know that, only Maddy and Michael knew that. Although it had been two months since Maddy had told them, Michael still wasn't taking it well. "Maddy, what happened to your arms?" Dana asked worriedly. "Nothing!" Maddy snapped. (Do you remember how Michael slapped her in Lovechain, well guess who did this!) Dana stood in front of Maddy and looked into her eyes. "Tell me!" Dana demanded. "Why should I?" Maddy asked. "Coz I'm a friend and I have to know these things!" Dana replied. "If I tell you you can't tell a living soul." Maddy whispered. "Promise!" Dana said softly as she sat down beside Maddy. "If I talk to Michael he beats me up." Maddy whispered into Dana's ear. Dana's face went blank, "Why?" "I don't know! It's not like we were in a serious relationship or anything!" Maddy said a little louder. "I know, but you did hurt him!" Dana said, while staring worriedly at Maddy's poor bruised arms, "But then again he shouldn't have hurt you. Has he hurt you before?" "Well, you know when my face was bruised the night after you know... that was him and last week he wholloped my leg!" Maddy replied while rolling up her white jeans. Dana gasped as Maddy revealed a swollen, purple lump just below her knee, "I've got a few things to say to Michael!" Dana roared, then stood up. She was stopped by Maddy who was holding tightly onto Dana's knee-length skirt. Dana glared at her. "Maddy someones gotta confront him!" Dana said furiously. "No they don't!" Maddy pleaded. "If he hurts you again, I'm gonna kill him! Or get your brother to do it!" Dana roared as she flopped back down beside Maddy reluctantly. "Don't tell Adam!" Maddy cried. "He needs to know!" Dana replied. "No he doesn't!" Maddy insisted. "You'll tell him eventually, won't you?" Dana asked seriously. "Yes! Yes, of course! I think!" Maddy stuttered. "Of course you will! And we'll figure out a way to help Michael and you as soon as you tell him!" Dana commanded. "Yes, Mam!" Maddy replied sarcastically. "I mean it, Maddy!" Dana whispered, while glaring at her, "Now put my jacket on and let's go back to our dorms!" Dana stood up again and threw Maddy her denim jacket. Maddy obediently put it on and followed Dana back to her dorm. When they'd made sure Quinn wasn't in the room, Maddy took off Dana's jacket handed it to Dana and found her own pink one. "Now, promise me ya'll stay away from Michael and ya'll tell Adam soon!" Dana whispered, just in case Nicole, Quinn or Zoey heard in their dorm next door. Dana walked out. Maddy was left standing next to her huge wardrobe which was filled with pink and white garments. Maddy noticed something was different about the room someone had put an extra wardrobe and bed in their dorm. There was a book on the extra bed. The title read Lola, the true born star. "Someone's big-headed!" Maddy muttered, as she walked out of the room to go and pay a visit to Zoey and Nicole. In their dorm was another girl. Maddy didn't recognise her. She had soft brunette hair with green streaks. Her face was also soft, but her outfit made you dizzy. She was wearing a black dress top with green spots and a green mini-skirt. "Oh, hi Maddy!" Zoey greeted. "Hi! Who's this?" Maddy asked gesturing at the brunette girl. "Hi, Maddy! I'm Lola! I stayed in Zoey and Nicole's dorm when Dana went to France for that one year! What was that, one year ago?" she babbled on, another Nicole. "Lola, it was just a few months ago!" Dana replied as she rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah! Well my parents tried me at stage school, but I didn't fit in, so I came back here!" Lola babbled even more. "She'll be staying with you and Quinn, is that O.K?" Nicole asked excitedly. "Mmhm!" Maddy answered. "Maddy what's tha matter?" Zoey asked thoughtfully. "Nothing! I'm just thinking!" Maddy replied. "Watcha thinking about?" Nicole asked. "Stuff!" Maddy replied with a quick glance at Dana. "Uh huh!" Lola said, obviously not believing her. "Just tell 'em!" Dana shouted, then she remembered that Lola didn't even know the first thing that happened when Maddy first came two months ago, "You don't have to, but I might not be able to keep the secret by myself!" "Lola, you know when I first came..." In Chase, Logan and Michael's dorm, Logan and Michael were still tearing each others heads off. (A/n: OJO what type of speech is this? You guessed right or wrong, a metaphor!) Then Chase came in looking worried. "Lola's back!" he shouted worryingly over the two screaming boys. They stopped immediately and stared at Chase, who still looked worried. "What did you say?" Michael asked not knowing if he'd heard correctly. "Lola is back." Chase repeated slowly, so that Michael could catch on. "So why are you so worried?" Logan asked puzzled. "Coz she didn't know I liked Zoey and now I'm going out with her!" Chase shouted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "So that's why you broke up?" Michael said. "Yes!" Chase shouted. "O.K! So what are you gonna do about?" Logan asked strategically. "Tell her before Zoey!" Chase yelled as he ran out the room. "Wow, that is big!" Lola replied, "Poor Michael!" "Yeah, poor Michael!" Dana said sarcastically, "Well look what he did to Maddy!" Dana roared as she whipped Maddy's jacket off and revealed her bruised arms. "Dana!" Maddy protested, but it was too late the girls had already seen her arms. "Maddy, how?" Zoey asked worriedly. "Yeah, why'd he do this?" Nicole asked shocked. "Those look painful!" Lola exclaimed. "What looks painful?" Chase asked from the doorway. It was a good job Maddy had her back to the door. Dana quickly threw Maddy's jacket over her arms. "Nothing!" they all replied in one voice. "Alright, I'll believe you this once!" Chase muttered, "Hey Lola! Can I talk to you a minute?" Lola shrugged her shoulders, "Sure!" Outside the room Chase lent against the wall, Lola lent against it next to him and looked at him. "So what's up?" Lola asked casually. "You know when we broke up I told you the girl I liked was from my hometown, well I lied! She's actually in PCA! And you know her! It's-" Chase explained. "Zoey!" Lola interrupted, "I know!" "How'd you know?" Chase asked curiously. "It's easy, by the way you act around her!" Lola replied in a matter of fact way. "So you cool with it?" Chase asked hopefully. "Uh huh!" Lola replied, then headed back into the room. Chase shrugged then walked back to his dorm. Back in Zoey, Dana and Nicole's dorm Lola was still curious about Maddy's bruises, but Zoey, Dana, Nicole and Maddy wanted to know what Chase wanted especially, after all it was her boyfriend. (A/n: I bet you all wish that you'd read Lovechain now! Well you still can! This story is so not over!) "So, what did Chase want?" Zoey asked impatiently. "Just a catch up! No biggie!" Lola replied happily, it's a good job she can act. "O.K!" Zoey chirped, then turned her attention back to Maddy, "What happened to your arms, Maddy?" "I went to apologise to Michael, for the 50th time this week and he asked me why I even kissed him in the first place. Before I could answer he was punching my arms. Then he said I should rot in hell and stay away from him. So I ran to the beach and told Dana!" Maddy told them as she rolled up her trouser leg, they all gasped when they saw the swollen lump, all except Dana who had seen it already, "And last week he did this!" "Ouch, you must be in agony, but I can understand why he did it! Can't you?" Lola exclaimed. "No, Lola! I can't!" shouted Dana. "Neither can I!" Nicole squealed. "Nor me!" Zoey cried. "Well I'm definitely taking Michael's side for this one!" Lola exclaimed. "Why's that? Coz you like him?" Dana asked casually. "Maybe I do! Maybe I don't! You'll find out all in good time!" Lola shouted as she left the room. "Does she or doesn't she?" Nicole asked extremely confused. "She does!" Dana and Zoey replied together. Maddy looked at her feet, then looked at the other three. They were all staring at her. "Maddy, do you still like him?" Nicole asked confused at Maddy's behaviour. "I don't know!" Maddy whined. "Well maybe you should sleep on it!" Zoey suggested thoughtfully. "I think I will! See ya in the morning! Goodnight!" Maddy called as she flounced out of the room. "I think I'll turn in too!" Zoey yawned, it had been another busy day. "Night, Zo!" Nicole called as she climbed the ladder to her bed and flopped down in it, "Night, Dana!" Dana got undressed and into bed. In the middle of the night, outside there was a loud crash and a flash. A thunderstorm. The only thing Dana's afraid of. Dana got out of bed and ran down the long corridor all the way to Logan's dorm. She knocked on the door. There was another flash and a huge bang. "Dana, what do you want, it's the middle of the night?" said a very tired Logan as he opened the door. "Logan, please don't laugh, but I'm scared of thunderstorms can I stay with you?" Dana whispered. "Well seeming that tomorrow's Saturday and Chase and Michael are staying in Paul and Adam's room, I suppose so." Logan replied. They went over to Logan's bed and Dana jumped in followed by Logan. He then realised that he wasn't tired anymore. "Fancy that, Dana Cruz, afraid of thunderstorms!" he chortled. "Oh, shut up!" Dana murmured then she held in a very passionate kiss indeed. **A/n: I'm gonna leave ya there now! Soz! This Chap is for my best friend in the whole world AHSMAYM! She has a really weird and freaky name so these are her initials! So for you Rhia!** 2. Spin the bottle! Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 2 **A/n:The next bit of tha story is gonna be in the morning when Dana and Logan wake up!** "Good morning, sunshine!" Logan greeted as he gently kissed Dana. "Morning! But I don't know about good! I didn't get any sleep at all!" Dana complained. "Well you better get back to your dorm before our DA finds out you're here!" Logan whispered. "Or Coco finds out I'm gone!" Dana whispered back. Then she got out of bed, kissed Logan lovingly and ran back to her own dorm. "Dana, where have you been?" Nicole yawned, she'd only just woken up. "Just out!" Dana replied while shrugging her shoulders. "At nine in the morning in your pj's!" Zoey exclaimed, as she jumped out of bed. "I slept in the common room last night, no biggie!" Dana shouted. "Why'd ya do that?" Nicole asked. "Coz she's scared of storms remember!" Zoey shouted as she jumped into her day clothes. "As I said, no big deal!" Dana screamed. "O.K! End subject!" Nicole announced, "So, Dana how do ya like Lola?" "She's O.K. I suppose!" Dana shrugged, "A bit like you I suppose!" Nicole threw her pillow at Dana, "Hey!" "Oh, what about her sticking up for Michael after she'd seen Maddy's arms?" Zoey complained. "That was horrible!" Dana whispered, remembering how thin the walls were. "Talk about awful! I mean how awful can you get? Wasn't she awful?" Nicole babbled on. "Yes, she was!" Zoey whispered, "Yeah Maddy hurt Michael, but still, look at Maddy's arms and her leg!" "Are you by any chance talking about me?" they gasped and span round. Standing in the doorway was Lola. They all cringed. "I knew you'd believe me!" Lola exclaimed, "A new girl! Michael is her ex-boyfriend and he thinks I used to like him! It's perfect!" "Lola, I don't think you should play with them!" Zoey whispered. "Yeah, they've been through enough!" Dana added. "But Maddy will see if she likes him or not!" Lola admitted. "She's right!" Nicole sighed. "Fine, I won't tell as long as you don't hurt her too much!" Dana cried. "Same here!" Zoey agreed. "So it's agreed, no-one will blab?" Lola asked hopefully. "Yes!" the rest agreed. "Logan, why did I just see Dana run out of here in her pj's?" Chase asked sleepily. "What? No she didn't!" Logan lied. "Who was that then?" Michael asked just as sleepily. "Just one of those boys next door asked for some dating advice!" Logan replied making it up as he went along. "O.K! Well I have some advice, lose the dress top and put some jeans on!" Michael said angrily. "Oh and Zoey wants to know if we'll go and play 'spin the bottle'?" Chase said quickly, before Michael did something he would regret, "I'm definitely going, what about you two? Remember Lola's back!" "Yeah, but Chase Lola likes you! Not me! Not Logan! But you!" Michael answered. "No she doesn't!" Chase laughed. "Wanna bet!" Logan added. "Not really!" Michael and Chase shouted quickly. "So what time have we gotta be there?" Logan asked upset that he didn't get to bet. "Actually in five minutes!" Chase grimaced. "What? How long have you been planning this?"Michael asked furiously. "Actually she just texted me!" Chase grimaced again. "Where have we gotta go?" Logan asked, dreading the answer. "Down the beach!" Chase shouted as he ran out the room for safety, luckily he was already dressed. Michael and Logan quickly got dressed then ran out after him. Down the beach Zoey was fixing up the bottle, when Chase ran up to her and pulled her down. "Save me! Logan, Michael! I'm not here!" Chase panted. Zoey pushed him off her, stood up, dusted her outfit down and went back to fixing up the 'spin the bottle'. And sure enough a short while after a flustered Michael and Logan came down into the soft sand. "Zoey, have you seen Chase?" Logan asked suspiciously. There was a small sneeze behind Zoey and Michael sneaked up. And he reached out and grabbed Chase's ankle and dragged him from out behind the rock. **(A/n:I thought now would be a good time to say two things. 1. The rock is the same one Dustin hit his head on! 2. I have written for a new story called 'Acting Up' which takes you to Lola's few months at Stage School!)** "No! Please don't hurt me!" Chase cried. "Whatever made you think we would do that?" Michael asked curiously. "Well, your face!" Chase gestured upwards. Zoey glanced nervously at the girls who were just walking down the path followed by Dustin, in his wheelchair, Adam and Paul. Maddy glared at Zoey then twitched her head in Adam's direction. **(Anyone who read Lovechain will already know that Adam is Maddy's brother and Quinn's boyfriend and that Paul is Nicole's boyfriend and the why Dustin's in a wheelchair!) **Soon after the normal group of girls, Nicole, Dana and Lola, came Quinn and Rachel. **(Rachael is Paul's sister and Dustin's girlfriend!)** "So, you ready to play?" Zoey asked friendlily. The group just nodded their heads and sat down in a circle round the electronic bottle. Zoey clasped the bottle and span it round. Zoey being perfect was trained in bottle spinning, **(Like Gina in Un-fabulous!)** so the bottle span round and stopped in front of Chase. Zoey went round and kissed Chase willingly, Chase smiled. "Zoey, how come you always get to kiss the guys you want?" Nicole whined/asked. Zoey blushed, "It's all in the wrist! Chase your turn!" Chase nervously span the bottle, then grimaced when he saw who it stopped at. Lola. "Get it over with Chase! It's my turn next!" Lola demanded. Chase got up kissed her gingerly, then sat down again and sighed with relief. Lola took the bottle span it round closed her eyes and prayed it would stop at Michael. She was lucky! Michael looked shocked when she smiled at him. Lola stood up, walked over to Michael and knelt down. She looked at Michael, then took a deep breath and she kissed him. Instead of her holding on to him, he wouldn't stop. After a few minutes, they broke apart and Lola ran back to her space and sat down. Everyone except Michael stared at her, she smiled back at them. When they turned their attention to Michael, he blushed and span the bottle. The bottle stopped at Quinn. Michael grimaced. Michael got up, pecked Quinn's lips, then quickly rubbed his own. Quinn however took out one of those things you use for your ears and swiped it across her lips and stuck it a plastic bag. "What's that for?" Michael asked curiously. "It's your DNA for your clone." Quinn replied as if it was an everyday thing. "But I don't want a clone!" Michael protested. "Well I'll store it for when you die, unless I invent something to stop people dying." Quinn answered. Then she span the bottle, unluckily it stopped right in front of Rachael. "I am so not kissing her!" Rachael whined, she was only eleven and she'd seen enough girls' kissing to last her forever. "Well, Rachael, it is the rule of the game, but we could bend the rules..." Zoey said, hopefully looking at everyone. They all shook their heads. Zoey and Rachael sighed. Quinn reluctantly got up, walked over to Rachael and pecked her lips. "Quick, get me a cup of water!" Rachael screamed. Quinn rubbed her lips with another ear brush and put it in a separate plastic bag. "I'm not even gonna ask what that's for coz I already know!" Rachael mused. "Yep, it's for your clone!" Quinn replied, obviously not realizing Rachael didn't care. "O.K! My turn!" Rachael cried. She quickly span the bottle, then smiled at Dustin. The bottle had stopped at him. She went over to him, he stood up and they both kissed. Dustin smiled and knelt down as Rachael went back to her space. Dustin span the bottle. It stopped at Maddy. She looked shocked. This was gonna be her first kiss, since Nicole. **(Now I bet you really wish you read Lovechain!) **Dustin carefully walked round to her and reached up for a kiss. Maddy gingerly kissed him then sat down. **(Remember Dustin doesn't know about Maddy!)** "Maddy, are you sure you want to have a turn?" Nicole asked thoughtfully. "It's her turn! She's gotta do it!" Dustin answered for her. Maddy sighed and span the bottle. Dana gasped when she saw it was pointing at Logan. Maddy slowly got up and went over to Logan and kissed him lightly. Then hurried back to her place, and dropped down. Dana looked at her enviously, but quickly shook it off. It was Logan's turn next. "So, Logan, who'd ya hope get?" Dana asked sarcastically. "My secret!" Logan smirked, the same old Logan Reese. "Well spin then!" Dana said impatiently. Logan span the bottle it whizzed round, making Dana even more impatient. It stopped directly in front of Dana. Dana lent towards Logan, who was sitting right beside her and they kissed passionately. "Too much!" Dustin eventually cried. So Logan and Dana had to break apart. "We'll continue in my dorm later!" Logan whispered in Dana's ear. Dana giggled, then span the bottle round. She stared at Paul who it had stopped at, then slowly got up went round and quickly kissed him. She hurried back to her space and gestured to Paul to take his turn. So Paul did, he span it, so it looked as if it would never stop. And when it did it stopped about a millimeters to the left of Nicole, but Michael really didn't want to kiss Paul. "It's Nicole's turn!" Michael insisted. "Are you sure?" Logan teased, then took it back almost immediately. "Yay!" Nicole squealed. Nicole turned her head towards Paul and kissed him lovingly. "My turn!" she screamed. "We know, we know!" Paul muttered. Nicole didn't hear him and span the bottle excitedly. It stopped exactly in front of Adam, Nicole grimaced and rolled her eyes. Then she turned her head towards Adam and kissed him reluctantly. Adam quickly span the bottle and smiled at Quinn, when it stopped at her. They kissed kinda weirdly, which made you wanna gag and say awe at the same time! "O.K, now everyone's had a shot shall we call that the end of the game?" Zoey asked everyone knowingly. **(I always knew she was a know it all! Whoops I've lost my trail of thought! Oh well I'll come up with something fantastic!)** They all nodded their heads and got up, all except Dustin who wheeled himself along in his wheelchair. In the girls lounge, all the girls were doing their thing. Maddy was painting her toe-nails with Nicole, Zoey and Lola, Quinn was working on her cloning project, Rachael was reading Driftwood, not caring about the fact that it's a British book, **(Go, Rachael! Go, Rachael! That's my fav book!) **and Dana was thinking of an excuse to sneak of to see Logan. After a while, Michael turned up. "Could I um... speak to um... Lola?" Michael stuttered. "Uh-huh!" Lola replied, while she scrambled to her feet. "Ooh!" Nicole squealed. And Zoey mouthed "Tell us how it goes!" Maddy glanced up nervously, then went back to doing her toe-nails. "Maddy, you do like him! Don't you?" Nicole asked excitedly. Maddy shook her head slowly. "Then you must like Lola?" Nicole said sarcastically. Maddy didn't pick up the sarcasm and shook her head rapidly. "Sarcasm, Maddy! Sarcasm!" Nicole sighed. "Uh huh!" Maddy whispered. "Maddy are you OK?" Zoey asked thoughtfully. "Mmhm!" Maddy replied, too busy thinking to give a proper reply. "Maddy! Speak to us!" Nicole whined. "There's nothing to talk about!" Maddy answered softly. "Yeah, there is! You liking Michael!" Dana exclaimed. "I don't like him! You know I don't!" Maddy cried. By the fountain Lola and Michael are talking. "What was that kiss about?" Michael asked Lola. Lola traced her hand in the water and didn't look at him. Michael grabbed her and turned her face towards his. "What was it about?" Michael asked again. Lola looked him in the eyes, "I like you!" she whispered, then looked back at the water. "Lola, I though you liked Chase?" Michael asked softly. "I did, but I don't!" Lola whispered. "So why do ya like me?" Michael asked, very confused. "I don't know! I just do!" Lola answered quietly. "I don't understand it! One minute, Chase is the guy you wanna be with and the next I am! Who's next Logan?" Michael stated. "God, no!" Lola screamed, "I just like you now!" "Well, that kiss was amazing... I don't know! I'll just have to think!" Michael said slowly, "Later Lola!" Michael walked away and round the corner. When Lola was sure he wouldn't see, she reached up and pulled the air down. "Yes!" she screamed. **A/n: Isn't Lola evil! OK, for now I'm gonna work on 'Acting up', then come and work on this again, so don't beg for updates!** 3. Dana and Maddy, friends? Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 3 **A/n: It's been such a long time!!!!! I wonder if I can pick up exactly where I was!!!! Here's a try!!!!!** "So?" Nicole asked as Lola walked back in the room. "So, what?" Lola shrugged, she had been thinking about her long lost twin, how was she going to tell him it was her? "How'd it go with Michael?" Nicole giggled. "I confused him! That was it!" Lola shook her head. "Is he going to go out with you?" Zoey asked, trying to be involved in the conversation. "I have no idea, he has no idea!" Lola sighed. "That's good then!" Maddy was heard to mutter. "What does that mean?" Lola snapped. "That's good then means anything you want it to!" Maddy said in monotone. "Maddy? What does it mean to you?" Dana asked interested. "I really don't know!" Maddy sighed. "You'll need to find out!" Dana stated, raising her eyebrows. "I'm going to bed!" Maddy yawned forcedly. "Goodnight Maddy!" they all chimed. "I'm gonna turn in too!" Lola fake yawned. "Don't you dare have a go at her!" Zoey warned. "Yes, Mum!" Lola rolled her eyes. "I mean it, Lola!" Zoey said strongly. "Fine!" Lola huffed as she stalked out the door. Xx "Hey, Lola! Did you tell him? Did you tell my brother he's your twin? Did you talk to him?" Dizzy squealed, demanding answers. "No! Sorry! Wasn't the right time!" Lola shook her head. "Do you wanna meet my new friend?" Dizzy more pleaded than asked. "I don't see why not!" Lola shrugged. Dizzy lead Lola out of her dorm and into the girls' lounge. "Lola meet Rachael!" Dizzy giggled, "And this is her boyfriend Dustin!" "Lola, your Dizzy's sister?" Dustin asked. "Can't you see their likeness?" Rachael elbowed him in her soft way. "Now you mention it...yeah! Same hair, except the streaks, same face, except the makeup, same clothes, except the colour and the same build, except the height!" Dustin observed. "You never said you had a younger sister!" Rachael pointed out. "It never came up!" Lola shrugged. "How do you know them?" Dizzy demanded. "Dustin is Zoey's brother and Rachael is Paul's sister!" Lola stated. "It's a small world!" Dizzy laughed. "Or a small school!" Rachael added. "Night, Diz!" Lola hugged her little sister. "Night, Lola!" Dizzy hugged her back. "Goodnight, you two!" Lola yawned, for real this time. "Goodnight!" Dustin and Rachael chimed in unison. Lola walked to her real room this time. Xx _DramaQueen101 logged in at 9:39pm_. _DynamiteThatImplodes: Hey, Lola! Missing u loads!_ _DramaQueen101: Missing u 2!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: I still don't get why u left!_ _DramaQueen101: I need 2 find my TWIN!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Somethin' else happened! I can tell!_ _DramaQueen101: Nothin' else happened! _ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Right..._ _DramaQueen101: Chris!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Fine!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: So what's happening with Chase?_ _DramaQueen101: Nothin'! He's going out with Zoey! I knew it! I hate her!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Not as much as I hate Sylvia! She's deliberately flirting with Sammy! In front of me! I've tried everything! Kissing him in front of her! Holding his hand! Whispering stuff in his ear! When will she get the picture!_ _DramaQueen101: Wow! She is demented!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Ya think!?_ _DramaQueen101: Alright! Alright! Calm down!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Believe me! I am calm!_ _DramaQueen101: Can you tell Jamie, Dizzy still loves him and misses him loads?_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Will do!_ _DramaQueen101: Thnx Chris!_ _xxhotstuffxx logged in at 9:59pm._ _QueenOfMean logged in at 9:59pm._ _xxhotstuffxx: Is any1 'ere?_ _DramaQueen101: Yeah! Me and Chris!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: Lola is that Logan?_ _DramaQueen101: Unfortunately, yes!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes: I'm going then! Bye!_ _DramaQueen101: Bubi!_ _DynamiteThatImplodes logged out at 10:09pm._ _xxhotstuffxx: What's wrong with me?_ _DramaQueen101: U scare her!_ _QueenOfMean: I'm not surprised!_ _xxhotstuffxx: Dana! I'll tell every1 'bout last night!_ _QueenOfMean: U wouldn't dare!_ _xxhotstuffxx: Oh, I would!_ _QueenOfMean: I'll mess u up Reese!_ _xxhotstuffxx: In ur dreams Cruz!_ _QueenOfMean: Gladly!_ _DramaQueen101 logged out at 10:16pm._ _xxhotstuffxx: U frightened her away!_ _QueenOfMean: I did, did I?_ _QueenOfMean logged out at 10:21pm._ _xxhotstuffxx: Why does that keep happening?_ _Babylicious logged in at 10:23pm._ _Babylicious: Logan's alone again! I haven't forgotten about our last encounter! I'm so sorry about Sindy-Lou! She's jealous!_ _xxhotstuffxx: So will u b!_ _Babylicious: Y?_ _xxhotstuffxx: I have a gf now!_ _Babylicious: Oh, but u always have gfs!_ _xxhotstuffxx: This one is totally steady! It's Dana Cruz!_ _Babylicious: Oh yes! The one u love so much, who hates u!_ _xxhotstuffxx: She probs still hates me, but she loves me!_ _Babylicious: I have 2 go now! My mom's coming!_ _Babylicious logged off at 10:38pm._ _xxhotstuffxx logged off at 10:39pm._ Xx The storm was back. Dana's eyes were flooded with fear. She jumped out her bed and again ran to Logan's dorm. Logan had just logged off and was wide awake. "Logan! It's back!" Dana whispered worriedly. "Come on in!" Logan foolishly laughed. "Shut up!" Dana punched him. "Fine! Sorry!" Logan apologised. "I am really really scared of thunderstorms! And you promised you wouldn't laugh!" Dana stated. "I know! I know!" Logan sighed. "Let me passed!" Dana demanded. "You know, Chase and Michael are at Paul and Adam's again!" Logan's eyebrows raised. "I'm fifteen!" "That makes two of us!" "Logan!" "What?" "Logan!" With that Dana kissed him full on. Every time the lightening flashed and the thunder roared, Dana shuddered. Xx In the morning Maddy walked out for breakfast. She grabbed a sandwich and made her way to the usual table. As she wandered there she realised Michael was there. He looked her in the eyes and shook his head. Maddy had to divert her way to a table nearby. Zoey saw her divert, but did not see the cause. "Maddy, come on over!" she called. Maddy shook her head and wrapped her jacket tighter round her. "Oh, please Maddy!" Nicole begged. Maddy remained in her seat. Dana and Logan walked round the corner. Logan had two trays and Dana walked beside him, smiling away. Dana's eyes sprang from Maddy to the gang. She signalled to Logan to sit there. He plunked the trays down and slumped into the seat. Michael shot him a glare. Logan shrugged back. "It's coz of him, isn't it?" Dana whispered. Maddy nodded. "Michael Barrett is going to find himself in an early grave!" Dana muttered. "Dana, don't!" Maddy pleaded. "Alright! Fine! I won't kill him!" Dana sighed, "Yet!" "Dana!" Maddy warned. Dana sighed deeply, shook her head and ate her breakfast. Xx "I wonder why Maddy won't sit with us?" Zoey pondered. Michael slammed his spoon down and stomped off. "I think that answers that!" Chase stated. "Really?" Dana said sarcastically from the other table, she had over-heard. "Eave-dropper! Eaves-dropper!" Nicole chanted childishly. "Shut up!" Dana ordered. Nicole obeyed. "Maddy, come with me!" Dana whispered. "No, I've actually got to go!" Maddy stammered. With that she got up and ran. Dana picked up her tray and flung it down on the other table. "Dana, what the hell is wrong with you?" Logan whispered in her ear as he moved across to join her. "Nothing's wrong!" Dana muttered. "Stop the mood then!" Logan murmured as he sat down. "You're not my father!" Dana whispered angrily. "I'm not trying to be!" Logan almost shouted, then reembered it was a private conversation. Dana got up again and stalked off. "What's wrong with her?" Chase asked. "Don't ask!" Logan shook his head roughly. Xx Dana strolled down the beach. She was searching for Maddy. Maddy sat by the rock pools, tracing her hand in the water. Dana approached slowly. Maddy looked up and smiled. "Why do you always come after me?" She asked. "No-one else would! So I do! It's nice to talk to someone who you can understand and are not intimidated by!" Dana stated. "You're intimidated by Zoey, aren't you?" "A bit, yes!" "Why?" "This isn't about me! This about you!" "I'm lez! I'm alright with that! People hating me I hate!" "I gathered that!" "Good! I didn't mean to hurt Michael! I was going to tell him! I really was!" "What I don't get is why you kissed him in the first place?" "I think I felt passion! I actually felt something! The same thing I feel from Alison! Only Alison can rot in Hell!" "Alison's your, you know, right?" "Yeah!" "Why do you hate her?" "She's screwed my life up! If it wasn't for her I would never have gotten the idea into my head!" "Someone else would have suggested it!" "She suggested the cover up! She has Ryan! I have no-one! It's a stupid plan!" "Well, yeah! If it means people will get hurt!" "I didn't think of that! I didn't have time! I don't want Mom to find out! If she does I'll be taken home again! I won't have that!" "I won't have that!" "If you tell Adam, Michael's been beating me up, he'll tell Mom, then it'll be bye bye Maddy!" "I would probably have his head if you got sent home!" "You wouldn't have the chance! I'd have already killed him!" "Thanks, Dana! You've been a real help!" "No problem! If I have something to talk about I can come to you, right?" "Of course!" Maddy and Dana hugged. **A/n: Long time, no write! I hope this is to your liking! What do you think?** 4. Stunned! Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 4 **A/n: Here we go again!!!!** Michael kicked an empty bottle across the silent campus. He sat down hard on the fountain wall. He plunked his hand into the running water and sank into a deep thought. Lola strolled up beside him and sat down behind him. Michael didn't realise she was there and carried on pulling the water around. "Michael?" Lola whispered. Michael jumped and almost fell in. Lola caught him. "Thanks." Michael muttered. "So?" "So, what?" "About last night?" "Lola, look at me!" "Why?" "Just do it!" "Fine!" Michael turned around and looked at Lola. Lola looked deep into his eyes. "Do you still love Chase?" Michael asked slowly. Lola paused. She had to stop the voice that was screaming inside of her 'YES!' and hold it down. "No." Lola looked him in the eye and lied. "Then this will answer your question!" Michael then lent in and kissed her. She kissed him back. They didn't stop. Xx Dana and Maddy were walking back to their dorms. " I had to change school's again because-" as they passed the fountain something caught Maddy's eye causing her to stop mid-sentence. "Maddy?" Dana waved her hand up and down in front of her face. Maddy didn't blink, she just stared at this one point. Dana followed her gaze to find Lola and Michael kissing. "Maddy, come on!" Dana ordered. Dana pulled on her sleeve and tugged her behind her as she walked in the opposite direction and took the long way to their dorms. They didn't speak at all. Xx Maddy sat face down on her bed. She didn't move or speak. Dana sat uncomfortably on the couch. "How could I be so stupid?" Maddy eventually mumbled. "How were you stupid?" Dana asked. "I led him on! I kissed him! I kissed a guy!" Maddy muttered, barely audible. "If I told you something really secret, promise you won't tell anyone, especially Zoey?" Dana whispered. Maddy didn't answer. "Never mind!" Dana sighed. "He likes Lola!" Maddy cried. "Maddy-I' to go!" Dana stuttered. She grabbed her clutch bag and left the room. Xx Logan sat in his dorm. He decided to log into the chatroom. _xxhotstuffxx logged in at 12:07pm._ _Babylicious: Hey, Logan! How's u?_ _xxhotstuffxx: Good! U?_ _Babylicious: Alright! How's the gf?_ _xxhotstuffxx: Dana's, Dana!_ _Babylicious: Narrow it down here?_ _xxhotstuffxx: Stubborn, moody and selfish!_ _Babylicious: Y do ya luv her, then?_ _xxhotstuffxx: She's sexy, gorgeous and really good 2 tlk to all ya have to do is press tha right buttons!_ _Babylicious: U'd know all about that?!?_ _xxhotstuffxx: Yes, I would! We're soul mates!_ _Babylicious: Soul mates? I thought u didn't believe in that junk!_ _xxhotstuffxx: I didn't, but I do now!_ _Babylicious: Gotta go!_ _xxhotstuffxx: Bubi!_ _Babylicious logged out at 12:22pm._ _xxhotstuffxx logged out at 12:23pm._ Dana came in the room and slipped her arms round his neck. "A storm, by any chance?" Logan smirked. "No!" Dana smiled. "What, then?" Logan asked. "What's up with you?" "I'm imitating you!" "What are you talking about?" "This morning, you were in a complete strop!" "No I wasn't!" "Ask anyone!" "Sorry!" "About what?" Dana moved in front of Logan, then sat on the couch and sighed. "Dana, do you know what you're sorry about?" Logan asked strongly. "I'm not a little girl!" "That's not what I mean!" "I know what you mean!" "Answer me, then!" "No!" "Then tell why you were in a mood!" "Michael and Maddy." "What about them?" "He's with Lola! Maddy saw them! Now she won't speak or move!" "So?" "Logan, she likes him. She really likes him." "She's gay! Don't be stupid!" "I'm not stupid!" "How can she like him?" "She just does!" "How do you know?" "The body language! I lived in France for a year, I learned to read body language." "Dana, don't meddle!" "Why?" "You can't!" "Oh my god! You don't think I can be like Zoey!" "No, that's not what I meant!" "Yes, it is!" Dana then stormed out the room. Xx Dustin, Rachael and Dizzy sat in the girls' lounge. "Why are you at this school?" Rachael asked interested. "Coz Lola is!" Dizzy shrugged. "Why is she back?" Dustin inquired. "Can't say!" Dizzy muttered. "Why not?" Rachael questioned. "I promised!" Dizzy mumbled. "Who?" Dustin asked silently. "Lola!" Dizzy sighed, "Look, you'll find out soon, I promise!" "Okay!" Dustin smiled. "K!" Rachael beamed. Xx "I can't believe he said that!" Dana mumbled to no-one in particular. "Who said what?" Nicole asked, eyes bright. "Well, obviously the guy is Logan, he's the only one who ever offends her!" Zoey sighed. "What'd he say?" Lola inquired. "How'd it go with Michael today?" Dana smirked. "How'd you..." Lola trailed. "What about Michael?" Nicole questioned. "She kissed him, fall on at the fountain!" Dana couldn't resist blabbing. "Oh! How'd you...He...He kissed me!" Lola stuttered, for once lost for words. "Maddy won't move, speak or listen!" Dana sighed. "What does that mean, then?" Lola asked puzzled. "I don't know! She sort of froze when she saw you and refused to move!" Dana bit her lip. "I think she-" Zoey began. "Hey, gals! Can I speak to Lola?" Michael smiled from the door. "Yeah, sure, Michael!" Lola beamed. "Someone bounces back quick." Dana muttered. Zoey shot her a 'be more careful' look. **A/n: I think that was a very well done chap!!!! What did you think??? Now do you see that purple button that says 'Go'????? Press it!!!! Now type something to brighten up my day!!!!!!** 5. Dead? Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 5 **A/n: I like this!!!! Actually I love this!!!!** "Lola, have you told anyone?" Michael asked nervously. "No, and-" Michael kissed her to stop her before she said the 'forbidden' name, "-saw us kissing by the fountain and sort of told everyone." "I haven't told the 'heartthrob' or mister 'madly in love'. They both had their own styles this is ours, let the world find out in it's own due course." "That's a very good idea!" Michael kissed her goodbye and went back to his dorm happier than he had been in ages. Lola smiled. Xx "This is the biggest acting experience I've had in my whole life!" Lola exclaimed exhausted as she collapsed on Zoey's couch. "How is it so big?" Zoey asked. "I have to pretend I'm in love with someone I'm not twenty-four/seven! It's hard Zo!" Lola complained. Lola crossed her legs, flipped her shoes off and held onto her feet. "Paul is so dreamy!" Nicole came in the room fantasying. "Having a good time, then?" Dana mused. "We all know where you where last night, Dana, so put a sock in it!" Zoey snapped. "How?" Dana asked quietly. "You really think we'd believe you'd kipped out in the lounge? Logan also had his dorm to himself, but Chase swears he saw you leaving his dorm." Zoey explained. "Crap!" Dana exclaimed, "Do you know anything else, Miss 'Know It All'?" Zoey shot Dana a look that didn't affect Dana in anyway. Dana just shook her head and rolled over in her bed. "Night, guys!" Lola yawned. She left Zoey and Dana to continue their mother/daughter like argument. "Don't shake your head at me Dana!" Zoey warned. Dana rolled back over and stared at her. "Why does everyone assume they are my parents?" Dana screamed, "My parents aren't here! They're dead!" With that she jumped up and out of bed and ran out the room. Nicole and Zoey stared after her. They were speechless. Xx "Zoey, what do you want?" Logan groaned. He had been woken up with the music of Razorlight and 'America'. "Have you seen, Dana?" Zoey asked worriedly. "No, I haven't seen her since one! Why?" Logan queried. "Well, she had one of her 'moments'! She told us her parents are dead! Now we can't find her!" Zoey explained in a panicked manner. "Where are you?" "Back at the dorm!" "Where have you looked?" "Everywhere!" "Tried the beach!" "Everywhere, but the rocks! They scare me!" "I'll go there!" Logan hung up, jumped into his shoes and ran flustered out the door. Xx Dana sat at the top of the rocks at the beach. Her cheeks were streaked with tears. The sky was dark and starting to flash. The thunder clapped and someone called her name through the wind. Whoever it was Dana ignored them even though she was scared out her wits. She could see the trail she had taken being lit up and the crack Dustin had fallen over when he fell. "Dana?" Logan panted as he climbed up the rocks. "Go away!" Dana mumbled. "No!" Logan stated. Dana turned her back to him. He shook his head, clambered over the rocks, sat next to her and put his arm round her. Dana shrugged him off. "Dana, why didn't you tell me?" Logan abandoned trying to put his arm round her and cupped her face. Her face was streaked with tears and stiff. Dana closed her eyes and cried. She allowed Logan to pull her head into his chest. She sobbed and sobbed. "How long Dana?" Logan asked soothingly. "Why-do-you-think-went-to-France?" "For the extra credit?" "No! I-couldn't-stand-to-stay-here!" "Why did you come back?" "My-aunt-and-uncle-can't-afford-to-keep-me-there,-so-now-I-live-with-my-boring-uncle-who's-always-drunk!" "Dana, you should have told someone, if not me!" "I-couldn't!-I'm-messed-up-as it is!" "You're not messed up!" "I-am!-You-know-it!" "I've never thought you were messed up!" Logan pushed a strand of her behind her ear. Dana half-smiled. "I've-kept-it-a-secret-for-two-years!-I-couldn't-let-people-know!" "It's a bit late for that!" "Really?!?" "It's amazing! You're pouring you're heart out and yet you find the strength to be sarcastic!" "What-can-I-say?-I'm-me!" "I love you!" "Love-you too!" Logan kissed her, clasped her hand and lead her slowly down the rocks as the sky roared and flashed. Xx Dana rubbed her eyes and rolled over in her bed. Her eyes snapped open when she realised that Logan was on her dorm floor. He was asleep. Dana lay there for five minutes watching his chest rise and fall. Then she kicked him. Logan jumped up. "I wasn't asleep! I was thinking!" he shouted, thinking he was in class. "It's me, you idiot!" Dana hissed. "Oh, right! I knew that!" Logan lied. Dana glared at Logan and he just shrugged. "Do you know how hard it is for me to get up every morning?" Dana sighed. "I don't think I could ever imagine it!" Logan whispered. "If it weren't for you, Zoey and the gang, I never would!" Dana smiled. She kissed. He kissed her back. "Why are there people talking?" a voice muttered from top bunk. Dana stopped kissing Logan and looked up. Nicole was looking down sleepily. "Oh, it's you two!" Nicole yawned and flopped back to sleep. Dana giggled and Logan smiled. "What's the time?" she asked him when she stopped. "Nine." Logan answered. "Want breakfast?" "Yep! You?" Dana rolled her eyes, grabbed some clothes and walked out. "See you later, Nicole!" Logan whispered. "Yes, I would like fries with that." Nicole muttered. Logan shook his head and walked out after Dana. Xx "Hey, Dustin!" Zoey greeted her little brother as she walked over to the boys' dorm. "Hey, Zo!" Dustin smiled, he was extremely happy considering he has a brain tumor. "How's you today?" Zoey asked. "Much better, thanks!" Dustin beamed, "No chair today!" "Why not?" "I don't always need it!" "Be careful!" "You're not Mom!" "I know! I don't wanna be!" "Stop fussing then!" "Fine!" Zoey stormed off. Dustin stared amazed at her back. Xx "Hey, Dana!" Maddy greeted, unaware of last night's events. "If you're only being nice because of my parents, then stuff you!" Dana snapped without thinking. "What about your parents?" Maddy asked sweetly. Dana shook her head and walked into the cubicle, changed and walked out, without saying another word to Maddy. Maddy stood there confused as to why her only friend, as far as she was concerned, wasn't talking to her. Xx Dana was miles away, sitting on the sand. The calm after the storm as her mother used to say. Her mom was a lot like her, stubborn, prone to tantrums and beautiful. Her dad was also a lot like her, stubborn, prone to tantrums and smart. They had died in a car crash. She had been in the car with them, but it would appear she had been left untouched. In actual fact she had internal scarring that would never be healed and would rule her life forever. "I thought you might be here." a voice whispered behind her. "Go away!" Dana muttered. "No!" the voice stated. The girl the voice belonged to knelt down beside her. "Please, go away!" Dana begged. "I said, no!" the girl shouted. "Why are you here?" Dana asked slowly. "I know you told them!" the girl muttered. "How?" "It's called gossip!" "How could there be gossip?" "Well, Jeni says that Krissy told her that Bridget told her that Hannah told her that Lizzie told her that this girl Nicole told Kate." "That spaz!" "Who? Kate?" "No, Nicole!" "Why?" "She's my dorm mate! She can't keep her mouth shut for two seconds!" "God, I hate her already! Now people can link we're sisters!" "I know! Like our surnames weren't a big enough coincidence!" "Look, Dana! I know it's hard! And I do apologise for not talking to you since, you know..." "Jodie, I forgive you, as long as you talk to me and come and meet my friends and um..." "Boyfriend?" "How'd ya know?" "You're my baby sis! I know stuff!" Dana hugged her. "Come and meet them now!" "K!" Dana pulled her older sister behind her as she walked up the beach. Xx "Hey, Chase!" Dana greeted as he opened the door, "Is Logan here?" "" Chase stuttered, he now knew of Dana's parents and didn't know what to say. "Yes, I am!" Logan pushed him aside and slammed the door. "Hey, Logan! This is-" Dana got cut off. "Jodie! I know her!" Logan sighed. "She's my sister!" Dana smiled, not quite knowing the reaction to expect. "Your...sister?" Logan stumbled over the words. "Yeah, I'm her sister and you're Logan Reese!" Jodie said with complete 'Dana attitude', "Jodie friends with Jeni Peters! You do know me!" "Yes...I do!" Logan whispered. "Logan, you didn't? With my sister?" Dana cringed at the thought. "Yeah, well! Blondes, what can I say, gullable!" Logan smirked. "I am not gullable!" Jodie protested. "To make out with Logan, you have to be!" Dana giggled. "What does that make you, then?" Logan laughed. Dana didn't respond, she just gave him a look. Xx "Why does Zoey have to treat me like a baby?" Dustin complained at lunch. "Coz she's your big sis and you have a brain tuber!" Rachael replied. "It's called a tumor, not a tuber!" Dizzy corrected. "She's trying to suffocate me!" Dustin whined. "No, she's trying to be kind!" Dizzy answered. "She'll kill me, before the brain thingy does!" Dustin moaned. Xx **A/n: Excellent!!!! I love it!!!!! What did you think???? You know you wanna tell me!!!!!** 6. Come together! Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 6 **A/n: Yet another update from Zinaalla!!!! Go me, it's my birthday!!!!! Okay, not for another 39 days!!!!! TeeHee!!!!!!** xx Zoey, Chase, Quinn, Adam, Michael, Lola, Paul and Nicole sat at one table and Maddy, Dana, Jodie, Logan, Dizzy, Dustin, Rachael and Tia, Chase's hyperactive eleven year old sister. "I know something you don't know! Na na, na na! I know something you don't! Oh da doo da day!" Tia sang. "What?" Dizzy asked excitedly. "Nothing!" Tia sniggered. Dizzy and Rachael laughed. Dustin failed to see the humor. "Maddy, do you have any siblings?" Jodie smiled. "Yeah, see that guy over there?" Maddy points at Adam, "That's my older brother!" "And your social life?" Jodie dug deeper. Maddy's face grew red. Dana and Logan looked slightly uncomfortable and Rachael gulped. "So?" Jodie asked not realising everyone's reaction. "Single." Maddy muttered. "I don't see why, you're one hot chick!" Jodie exclaimed. "There's a good reason for that!" Dana raised her eye brows. "Oh..." Jodie bit her lip and turned and pinky shade. "I'm alright, Dana! I can talk about it!" Maddy sighed confidently. "Okay." Dana apologised. "I'm a lesbian, Jodie!" Maddy buried her head. "So's Kate!" Jodie unusually smiled. "Kate's a lesbian?" Dana asked shocked. "Yeah, has been for the last year! She claims she gets a kick out of girls she could never get from guys!" Jodie shrugged. Xx Over at the other table Michael scowled at Maddy as she explained her life. Lola looked from him to her. She swore she saw his gaze soften. "What do you think of Jodie?" Zoey asked looking warily and the blonde version of Dana as she smiled away. "She's cool!" Lola grinned knowing Zoey completely disagreed. "She called me a spaz!" Nicole moaned. "No-one calls Nicole a spaz!" Paul warned. "Except Dana." Nicole whispered. "What do you think Chase?" Lola asked trying to take the subject away from how spazzy Nicole is. "She's alright, I suppose." Chase muttered. "Michael?" Lola smiled at her fake/real boyfriend. "She's like Dana!" Michael shrugged, his eyes were still focused on Maddy. "Michael, come with me!" Lola tugged on his sleeve and dragged him off. Michael followed her willingly. Xx When they were at the fountain, Lola turned and faced him. "Michael, you love Maddy!" Lola stated. "No!" Michael argued. "Yes, you do!" Lola shouted. "I-" "Shut up! I knew you did! I was acting! I pretended to like you, to see if you still liked her! I knew it!" "What are you talking about?" "Face facts!" "They're wrong facts!" "No! You like her! She likes you! You abuse her because you can't admit that!" "How do you know that?" "I'm psychic!?!" "When did she tell you I hit her?" "Dana told us all actually!" "I knew that BITCH was trouble!" "Dana is not trouble! I know she is not perfect, but she's her! Now go to Maddy, tell her you love her and kiss her!" "No!" "Why?" "I'm afraid!" "Afraid of what? Rejection?" "No!" "Good, she loves you!" "I'm afraid of what'll happen!" "I'll go and get her! It can be your secret! I won't tell anyone! I can just say I broke up with you or something!" "That'd be good!" Lola left Michael to sit on the fountain and think. Xx Lola approached the tables. No-one looked up. Lola walked towards Maddy. "Can I have a word?" she asked. "Um...sure!" Maddy stuttered. She reluctantly left the table and waved Dana, Jodie and Logan goodbye. Maddy then followed Lola away from both tables and up towards the fountain. Xx Michael waited half-eagerly, half-worriedly for Lola to return and bring Maddy. "I'm back, Michael!" Lola smiled. "Hey! Maddy." Michael greeted. "Michael!" Lola insisted. She then sat back on the fountain and forced Michael up. "Maddy, I'm sorry I hit you!" Michael apologised. "I forgive you!" Maddy turned to leave. Michael grabbed her arm, "I love you!" "How could someone who loves me hurt me?" Maddy turned to face him. "Sounds like someone else I know!" Michael took both her hands in his. "I'm sorry!" Maddy's brown eyes dulled. "I'm sorry too!" Michael smiled. "And in for the kiss." Lola muttered. The two looked at her awkwardly. "Sorry!" Lola's rosy cheeks flushed redder. Michael lent in on Maddy and kissed her passionately. Maddy kissed him back. Xx After a few minutes they broke apart. Both were red with embarrassment and Lola was smiling at a task well accomplished. "We're not telling anyone, are we?" Maddy whispered. "Please Maddy! Don't!" Michael pleaded. "I'd prefer it if we didn't anyway!" Maddy smiled. "And my work here is done!" Lola exclaimed. "This was all part of your plan wasn't it!" Maddy asked, the idea had just hit her. "Sort of!" Lola confessed. "And unusually I'm okay with that!" Michael beamed. Lola started to cry. "Lola?" Maddy asked worriedly. "It's part of the act!"Lola sniffed as she walked back to the tables. Xx Two days later Dana was in the bathroom throwing up. "Dana?" Jodie shouted through the door. Dana didn't respond, but carried on chucking her guts up. "Is the door locked?" Jodie yelled. Jodie then lightly pushed the door and it swung open. She knelt down beside her sister and swept back her hair. "What did you eat last night?" Jodie asked calmly. "Pizza." Dana lifted her head. Her face was pale, her hair ratty and eyes dull. "Dana, have you slept with Logan?" Jodie whispered. Dana nodded her head before throwing up again. "I'll get Jeni!" Jodie sighed. Jodie then removed her scrunchie and put it in Dana's hair. "Don't move!" Jodie warned. "Do you honestly think I can?!?" Dana choked. Jodie shut the cubicle door behind her and ran to find Jodie. Dana began to cry. Xx Jodie ran into her shared dorm with Jeni and Krissy. Jeni looked up from her nails and Krissy looked up from her usual everyday last minute homework. "Pregnancy test?" Jeni asked. "Over there!" Jeni gestured, "Who for?" "Dana!" Jodie replied as she grabbed a pregnancy test from Jeni's stash. "Logan's?" Krissy sighed. "Been there, done that!" Jeni sighed. "Hmmm!" Krissy added. "Bye!" Jodie waved as she ran out the room. Xx "I'm back!" Jodie exclaimed. "I'm done!" Dana stated. "Here!" Jodie gave her the test. "Thanks!" Dana mumbled. Xx "You never speak of your home life, Logan!" Zoey stated at breakfast. "I do!" Logan protested. "Not your dad!" Chase laughed. "There's just me, dad, Kelsi and Jaz!" Logan shrugged. "Jaz?" Dana asked whilst cradling her throbbing head. "My three month old half-sister!" Logan sighed. "Oh!" Dana half-moaned. She pushed her porridge to the side and covered her mouth. Her eyes slowly started to close. "Dana? Stay awake!" Jodie nudged her. "Tell them I'm not going to class today." Dana groaned. "Okay." Logan answered glancing nervously at her pale face and messy hair. Dana allowed her eyes to close. Jodie let her. Logan let her. They all let her. Xx Dana lay in her bed. "How could this be happening to me?" she moaned. Her head was throbbing, her stomach lurching and the room spinning. **A/n: What do you think?????? I think it's eventful!!!!!** 7. Gone or is it? Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It) Chap 7 **A/n: Most definitely the last chap, then all you guys and gals will have to wait for 'Lost at Sea' for the next installment!!!!!!!** xx After classes Jodie came into Dana's dorm. Dana was asleep, but still looked green and restless. Jodie sat down beside her. "Dana." Jodie whispered. "What?" Dana muttered. "Wake up a minute." Jodie sighed. "Why?" Dana yawns, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "Dana, you're pregnant, that's why." Jodie uttered, so that no-one, apart from Dana, could hear. "How can I be pregnant?" "You know how." "It's a rhetorical question!" "Right." "He has a three month year old sister." "Half-sister." "Like that makes it any better!" "What makes what better?" Nicole stepped in the room, her 'I've just been kissing Paul' face on. Zoey came in after her. Zoey too was smiling abnormally. "I'll leave you three alone." Jodie stated, jumping up from the floor and running out the room. "What's up, Dana?" Nicole asked, her once smiley face dimmed. "Jodie, why?" Dana muttered. "Tell us!" Zoey demanded, sitting down on her bed. "Tell you what?" Dana groaned, not believing that her own flesh and blood would put her in this difficult position. "Tell us what's wrong with you!" Nicole jumped to the floor to begin listening. "Nothing, I'm just sick." Dana insinuated. "Liar!" Zoey raised her voice. "How am I a liar?" Dana cried, sitting up quickly. "Well, we stopped in Quinn's room with Lola, Lola was crying over Michael, Nicole was telling me how lovely Paul is, so I sorta switched off. I could hear a murmuring in the background. Turns out Quinn's bugged our room and left it on. I heard you and Jodie speaking. I can't believe you're pregnant!" Zoey explained. "Ohmygod! You're pregnant!" Nicole shrieked. "Yes, and if you don't shut up, the whole of Brenner Hall will know!" Dana warned. "Sorry." Nicole mumbled. "You're getting rid of it, aren't you?" Zoey asked. Dana went silent. "Dana?" Zoey repeated. Dana nodded her head reluctantly. "Good." Zoey whispered, "And we won't have to tell Logan." "Why do I have to get rid of it?" Dana muttered. "You're fifteen!" Zoey shouted. "And?" Dana inquired. "Teenage mother, says it all." Zoey rolled her eyes. "Fine!" Dana rolled over in the bed and went back to sleep. Xx Dana went into class the next day, but all she could think of was that Zoey was making her kill her baby. She had only been pregnant a few days, but could already feel the hormones taking hold. She was softer than she had been and something, a force of some kind, was pulling her away from Logan. Logan had found this, but if he tried to talk to Dana, she walked off, if he sent her a text it was deleted and his emails unread. Zoey had noticed this too and was slightly worried. She wasn't quite sure if it was her fault or not. Dana wasn't sure why she was doing any of these things either. She wanted to talk to Logan as she loves him a lot, but something just wasn't letting her near Logan. Dana felt the pain of watching her true love being hurt over and over again, because of something she had done, or hadn't, or something that Zoey had done. Dana was scared, scared of what her uncle would think, scared of what Logan would say and scared of who she was. Xx Dana walked up to Logan that night. "Dana why have you been avoiding me?" Logan asked in hurt tone. "I haven't been, not on purpose." Dana sighed. "What's your problem, then?" Logan demanded to know. "I haven't got a problem, we have a problem." Dana whispered. "What do you mean?" Logan gripped Dana's hands. Dana gulped and looked into Logan's eyes. "Tell me!" Logan ordered. "I'm pregnant." Dana uttered. "What?" "You heard me." "How could I be so stupid?!?" "How were you stupid?" "I let you!" "That doesn't make you stupid!" "It does in my books!" "Your books need updating!" "You know what I mean, Dana!" "No, I don't! This was both our fault and three days time, there'll be no more problem!" "What?" "You know what I said!" "SHE's pressuring you into this, isn't she?" "Yes, partially, plus I'm just fifteen! Zoey said that I don't need this and she's right!" "Dana, please, don't do it!" "Do you know how dead I will be if I keep it?!? My uncle will kill me in one of his drunken rages!" "Please, I'm begging you!" "I know you are." "Please!" "I've made my decision and I've booked the appointment, every thing's ready." "Why? Why, do you have to go through with this?" "I'm not ready to have a human being growing inside me!" "I love you!" "That won't work." "What does this mean for us?" "I guess we're over." With that Dana walked off. Tears actually began flooding down Logan's cheeks. He loved Dana and always knew he would, but now, Dana didn't want to know. Xx It was three days later. Dana was sitting in the clinic waiting area. Today was the day she would lose her baby. She was alone, as that is how she wanted it. After this day, she no longer have to worry about Logan, his baby or Zoey, as she had already broken up with Logan, began avoiding Zoey and was about to get rid of her baby. It's amazing how much damage one night can do to your whole life. "Miss Cruz?" a nurse smiled. Dana nodded slowly. "We'll be ready for you in a minute." she responded. The door to the clinic swung open and the warm mid-spring breeze span round Dana. The nurse went in the door behind her leaving her on her own. There was no-one else there in the waiting room, no-one for her to talk to. Dana got up and decided to let the wind blow on her. She hovered by the door, remembering what Logan had said, remembering Logan begging her, pleading with her. Dana opened the door and stood gazing out. Xx **A/n: Did she stay or did she leave????? What do you think???? Don't forget to read 'Lost at Sea' when I post it!!!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!! Show me I'm loved!!!!** End file.
Love Hurts And I Can Prove It by Zina Nevirone
Zoey 101
Halloween A/n: Hi. Just a Z/C thing. Trying to cure my slight writers block. It's like someone built a wall between me and writing talent. My comp will be down for a few days. So deal with it. Chapter 1: "And then..." Dana said, the torch under her chin. "She heard a disembodied voice say 'Don't look under the bed' So... naturally..." "Please don't look under the bed please don't look under the bed please don't look under the bed." Begged Zoey closing her eyes. Nicole had point blank refused to listen to scary stories, but it was halloween. Scary stories were a must. "She looked under the bed..." "I told her not to!" Zoey wailed, covering her face with her hands. "So what was under the bed?" Asked Logan curiously. "Nothing." Dana said with a smirk. "That's not scary!" Complained Dustin. "The story isn't finished!" Pouted Dana. "Let me tell it!" "How about not?" Zoey suggested timidly. "So anyway... she tells herself 'It's just Mickey being stupid' but then... she remembers Mickey's at her boyfriend's house for the night... so she slowly straightens up... and... RAH!" Dana jumped on Zoey. Zoey screamed loudly and gripped onto Chase very tightly. Dana laughed and so did everyone apart from Zoey who was close to tears. "It's only a story Zoey..." Chase said soothingly, trying not to lose his voice at the fact Zoey Brooks, his long time crush, was cuddling him as though her life depended on it. He slipped one arm around her and rubbed her back. "Only a story." "Dana I'm gonna kill you tomorrow." She mumbled into his shirt. Dana laughed. "That is... if you live until tomorrow, bed time." Zoey gave an anguished cry. She reluctantly followed a snickering Dana up to room 101. Changing her clothes and climbing into bed Zoey shivvered. "Dana..." "No, you're NOT climbing in with me ok. And Nicole's on the top bunk. Deal with it." Zoey gave a frightened squeak and glanced under the bed. She screamed. Dana jumped. "What!" She asked, a little fright in her voice. She hurried over and pulled the stuffed toy from under Zoey's bed and clouted her with it. "It's a TEDDY for gods sakes. Go-to-bed!" Dana growled and threw the toy at Zoey. Zoey watched for the next half an hour as Dana fell asleep. She was terrified. Stupid Halloween! Stupid scary stories! She kept expecting to hear a disembodied voice. Then the storm blew in. High pressure and the fact that they lived near an ocean coupled together andintensified all storms over PCA. Normally she didn't mind the thunder, but due to the fact she was scared silly, it was just enough to tip her over the edge. Enough was enough. She placed her bare feet on the ground shakily, expecting something to grab her ankles from below the bed. She hurried out of room 101, and down the corridor. She grabbed a spare umbrella and coat from the hallway and ran out into the night. The moon was barely visible among the clouds and she could barely see anything infront of her because of the sheer amount of rain. She crept into Bradford hall, removed the soaking wet rain coat and hung up the umbrella. She knew where she was headed. She stole silently up the stairs. Barely able to stop herself from screaming when the lightning illuminated her elongated shadow and made it look as though someone was following her. She hammered on room 32. There was no answer, and Zoey was frightened that they were all in bed. She considered knocking again when the door opened. "Zoey?" Asked Chase in disbelief. His hair was tousled, his eyes were red and he had obviously been awoken by Zoey's knocking. He was wearing only a baggy T-shirt and a pair of boxers. "Can I come in?" Zoey whispered. "Sure." He stood aside and switched on the light. She stepped inside and shiverred. "Dana scared me with her spooky stories... and then there was the storm and... it sounds really stupid but I got so frightened... I ... I panicked." She whispered looking at her feet. It was 2am. Far too late to be disturbing anyone. She felt incredibly guilty. "It's not stupid." Chase assured her. "Can I... can I stay the night?" She asked awkwardly. Chase gulped. On the one hand this was his best friend. She was frightened and he was the only one there for her, of course she should be allowed stay! On the other hand he didn't know how he'd be able to contain himself with Zoey laying a few feet away from him. He nodded. "Yeah sure..." He squeaked. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket from the cupboard and laid them on the floor for him to sleep on. Zoey deserved the bed. "Chase can... this is going to sound really stupid but I was sort of hoping... maybe that I could share with you?" "Share?" Ok, that did it! No way in hell would he be able to keep his thoughts to himself! "Yeah... the bed's big enough... and I trust you." She told him. "I'm just... I'm really scared and... I could do with... it's stupid." She said again, avoiding his eye. He stood up and threw the blanket and the pillow vaguely in Michael's direction. "Want me to leave the light on?" He asked. She shook her head. "I'm fine with the dark." She tried to reassure herself. He slid in beside her. They lay beside each other for a moment, completely rigid and ignoring the other. Zoey terrified of the dark and Chase terrified of Zoey, then it dawned on him. She was frightened. A cuddle wouldn't go amiss... surely? A cuddle between two friends? "You uh... want to be held right now?" He asked daringly. "Yeah." She whispered softly. He slid one arm under her waist and brought her closer to him. The other arm slid over her and held her in place. Both of her arms clasped around his waist. He could feel her breathing. He could hear her heart beating. It was almost unbearable. He stroked her back gently. "It's only a thunder storm," He said soothingly. "On Halloween..." She added. "Halloween is just another day on the calendar." He promised her. She buried her head in his chest. "I hate Halloween." She muttered. He smiled, oblivious to her, it wasn't Halloween anymore. It was November 1st. "Zoey..." He trailed off. "What?" She asked sleepily. "Nothing... nothing." His grasp on her did not relent. Being so close to Zoey, close enough to smell her Cherry Shampoo. Close enough to feel her breath on his chest. Close enough to kiss... it was absolutely impossible. "Zoey... I'm in... I... I love you." He blurted very suddenly, at the same time a large crack of thunder sounded. "Huh, I didn't hear the question sorry..." She asked sleepily. She didn't believe her ears. Had she heard what she had thought she'd heard? "Um... nevermind." He mumbled. "Night Zoey..." "Night." She whispered raising her head and kissing his cheek softly. "Thanks for having me." "You're welcome. Night..." For a while after there was silence. Chase was unable to sleep. How many nights had he dreamt about falling asleep beside Zoey? And now she was here. Zoey was scared of the thunder. She wasn't ready to sleep either. "Chase..." She asked softly, testing to see if he was still awake. "Yeah?" He was. "What you said earlier, when the thunder drowned you out..." She trailed off awkwardly. "Ah I told you, forget it." He closed his eyes, trying to block her out. He would not have this conversation! "No... I THINK I heard it." She said awkwardly. "But uh... I don't wanna say anything unless I misheard, because I'll seem really stupid." "It doesn't matter..." Chase promised her. "Drop it?" "No... Chase tell me?" She pleaded. She heard his heart speed up. Was he as frightened of the thunder as she was? "Ok... I said..." He took a deep breath. "I love you." "Oh, well. That makes more sense than what I thought you said." She laughed. "What... what did you think I said?" He asked curious at what she had believed nonsensical in comparison to 'I love you' "Zoey, look out above you..." She giggled. "I thought you were trying to scare me." "No." He mumbled. "Chase, question." She said eventually. "Shoot." "You love me or you're in love with me?" She asked. "Aren't they the same thing?" He asked cautiously. He was worried that any moment she'd pull out of the embrace and hit him. Or that he'd wake up. "No. You love me. You love Elvis. You love Dana. We're all friends. You're in love with me... Logan's in love with himself. You understand?" "Oh then uh... the second one. I'm in love with you." He blushed. He couldn't believe she was being so calm about this. He thanked god he'd not fallen for Dana, who would have belted him, or Nicole who would have screamed very very loudly and ran around yelling it from the rooftops. "Oh..." "We uh... have school tomorrow, we should probably get to sleep." He mumbled. "Chase we should talk about this." She said gently. "I don't want to." He muttered in annoyance. "Suit yourself..." She whispered. "Goodnight." * * * "Morning..." Logan chirped, throwing himself off the bunk. "Woah dude, didn't know you had company." He snickered. "Shut up." Chase muttered, going to wipe his eyes. Then he saw Zoey. He froze. He remembered everything that had happened last night. Everything that had been said. It was seriously cringe worthy. "She spend the night?" He asked uncertainly. "No..." Chase said sarcastically. "She just materialised here, infact I don't even know her name." "Ok, ok..." He said rolling his eyes. "You wanna get her back to Butler before Dana and Nicole tell Coco she's been eaten by the thing under the bed. You know how girls get." "I know." Chase nudged Zoey. "Hey, sleeping beauty... time to get up." "Time s'it?" She asked groggily. "Time for school, come on... up." He ushered her. She gave a dramatic sigh. "I suppose I have to." She sat up blearily, looked at Chase for a moment then smiled as she remembered. "Thanks for last night..." "Like I said, no problem..." He rolled out of bed, grabbed a pillow and hit Michael with it. Logan and Chase snickered as he sat up alert and yelled "I'm up I'm up!" "We do that with Dana." Zoey said with a wicked smile. "Only we attack her with water." "Aw Zoey! Why'd you have to give them ideas!" Michael whined. Then he did a double take. "Zoey?" "In the flesh..." She smirked. She suddenly felt the statement a little more appropriate. She was scarcely dressed in comparison. It didn't matter when it was 2am and she was running to Chase for help but in the cold light of day it seemed downright wrong. She blushed slightly. She had to get all the way to Butler unnoticed like this. "Uh..." Michael turned to Chase. "She with you?" "Yeah..." Chase mumbled, pulling out clothes for him to wear the following day. Zoey watched him for a moment, intrigued. The boy was 'In love' with her, self confessed. "Chase?" She asked nervously. He didn't look up. "About what you said last night..." She trailed off awkwardly. "I don't want to talk about it." He muttered. "Chase! You don't just tell a girl you're in love with her and then ignore her, it's kinda rude." "You what?" Michael spluttered. "Dude! You told her!" Logan's eyes widened. Zoey guessed maybe he told them already...which was kinda rude too. Shouldn't she have been the first to know... well second including Chase himself. "Look Zoey... just drop it ok." "No I won't drop it." Zoey said slightly haughtily. "I don't want to talk about it." He whined, still not looking at her. "Well fine then." She said in the same haughty manner. "We won't talk..." She crossed to him and tugged his short sleeve. He turned around to tell her once again to drop it. She pulled him closer and kissed him very quickly. There was a second of awkward silence and Zoey panicked. She fled. She stumbled over Logan's skateboard and she practically jumped over Chase's guitar. And then she was gone. She careered down the corridors and into the main yard before she even thought of grabbing a coat or the umbrella she'd left behind. There was no need for an umbrella, as the weather was absolutely fine now, all remnants of last nights storm completely forgotten. However she could have done with the coat, as it was November first and 7am. "Zoey?" Asked Nicole in disbelief. Zoey smiled. "Ok, where've you been?" Dana questioned, towelling her hair softly. "You've been gone all morning." "Would you guys believe, that I just kissed Chase Matthews?" "GROSS!" Screeched Nicole childishly. "What's so gross about it?" Dana asked in confusion. She thought it was about time. They had been skirting around each other for too long. "He's Chase... he, and Michael are off limits Zo... you can't kiss them!" "Hey hold on a minute, why isn't Logan off limits?" Zoey asked curiously. Nicole shrugged. "He's kinda hot. So why did you kiss Chase?" "He says he's in love with me." Zoey said with a light blush as she pulled clothes out of her wardrobe. "And I guess... I dunno I sorta like him. Sorta. I'm not ready to say the 'L' word just yet. But maybe soon." "Aww..." Dana cooed. "Cute, but if you don't want to be late for art you're going to have to move quickly." And she left. Nicole nodded. "Gotta go... see you Zo." She paused and smiled. "That rhymed." * * * Zoey was a little late but the art teacher was thankfully merciful. Many Halloween parties appeared to have gone overboard and some of the kids even turned up seemingly hungover "Sorry." She whispered, sliding into her usual seat between Chase and Dana and across from Logan. "You're late." Logan added snidely. "I wonder why?" "I'm not that late, and I was getting dressed." Zoey complained. "It's not my fault." "Well if a certain someone hadn't shown up in our room at 2am then she wouldn't be having this problem." Logan commented. Zoey blushed. "Hey leave her alone!" Dana said jumping to her friends defence. "Yeah, said someone's gonna punch you if you don't be quiet." Zoey didn't need Dana to defend her. She could fight her own battles. "Is she now?" Logan asked with a smirk. "Chase your girlfriend's teasing me." He whined. "She's not my girlfriend..." Chase mumbled, etching onto the paper he'd been given. "Why not?" Zoey said nothing. Chase said nothing. Dana rolled her eyes. "For the schools 'hottest' boy you don't know much about romance do you?" She asked. "I happen to know a lot about romance, actually." "It's a new relationship. They're shy around each other, they're awkward and it'll be like this for a while." Zoey leaned over and whispered at Chase. "You think they'd have something better to talk about." "Yeah... they seem preoccupied with us... weird." "Hey at least they're not fighting." She added. He nodded. " about that kiss earlier..." "I don't want to talk about it." Zoey knew it was cold but it was what he had done to her. "Suit yourself..." "What? Wait... you're not mad?" "Why would I be mad?" He asked. Zoey pulled a face. He was supposed to get incredibly jealous... why wasn't he getting jealous? Dah! He wasn't normal. "I dunno... because I'm a hopeless flirt?" She suggested. "No you're not... you're a good kisser that's what you are." He teased. Zoey blushed furiously. "Wait a minute... when did I become the victim here?" She asked curiously. Up until a moment ago she had been the one teasing him. Chase shrugged. "My pumpkin looks like an apple with a face on it." He complained. Zoey reached over and took his hand. She slowly lead his pencil. "Like this..." He froze at the touch of her hand. She smiled and slid along the bench closer to him. Dana stood up and went to sit beside Logan instead. "I wanna leave them alone." She whispered to him as he looked at her quizzically. She stared at Logan's picture of Freddy Kruger and then of her own picture of a skull. She hesitated then grabbed his pencil and added a black bow and lipstick. Nobody had said that was forbidden. And it looked cute. "So..." Zoey said. "What're we?" "I don't know..." "Useful isn't it?" She smiled. He nodded. "Um... I think it's finished..." He muttered looking at his finished pumpkin. Admittedly it didn't look particularly scary but... "Enough to give a girl nightmares." "Here's hoping." He teased. * * * The thunder cracked again and Zoey screeched. Dana threw a pillow at her absently. This time she didn't hesitate in running out into the rain and up to room 32. She knocked on the door shaking in the cold. "S'open." Chase called. She hurried in and for a moment she just stood there staring at him. The light was off but the bedside lamp was on, making everything glow an ethereal orange. Logan snickered. "Scared yourself again Brooks?" He asked. She nodded in fright as the thunder cracked again. Chase put down his book and crossed to her. He wrapped his arms around her. "Zo you're frozen." He gasped. "Yeah I forgot a coat." She said. "Come on. Into bed." he ushered her into the bottom bunk. "Before your brother beats me up for letting you get a cold." "Thanks." After a few minutes she warmed up. Chase wrapped one arm over her and she took this as an invite. She cuddled closer. He slid his other arm under her and rubbed her back gently. There was a very long silence then Zoey whispered. "Kiss me." It was a surprising request but Chase complied, placing a butterfly kiss on her expectant lips. She gave a gentle smile and lay her head in the crook of his neck. "She'd better be gone by morning." Logan said from above. "I will." Zoey promised. "Leave when you want Zo, don't listen to him it's a Friday." Zoey checked their clock. "Saturday." She corrected. "Saturday." He laughed. As the lightning outside flashed ominously illuminating everything and elongating the shadows, she nuzzled into his shirt, causing him to blush. "I love you." He whispered again. "Heard it that time." She said softly. "I wanna talk now." He said eventually. Zoey shook her head, cutely. "I don't." She said. He sighed. She traced her hand up his stomach, causing him to shiver. She ran her fingers up along his chest on top of his shirt. He got jolts up his spine. She stopped at his collarbone, slowly drawing circles up his neck. He closed his eyes. How could she tease him like this? Her hand snaked around the back of his neck and she pulled him closer kissing him, a lot deeper than the first two times. He was shocked but didn't argue. "No need for words." She whispered gently. He smiled softly and ran the back of his fingers down her cheek. "Good." He leaned across and kissed her again. "You know what..." She said, pleased with the kiss. "Dana should scare me more often." A/n: Just a fluffy little oneshot. Reviews are welcome End file.
Halloween by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
1. you know you like him! Zoey was sitting under a tree doing homework on a sunny day at Pacific Coast Academy boarding school. Classes had just finished and she decided to start on homework. "Chase, I don't get this problem, can you help me?" she asked her friend who was also sitting under the tree doing homework with her. "Sure, what's the problem?" "Its this math stuff, I don't get it." "Oh that stuff? Sorry Zoe, I don't get it anymore than you do." " Well I guess I'll ask Nicole or something. See you later!" yelled Zoey as she was leaving. "Bye." muttered Chase, even though Zoey was already gone. Ever since he first saw her at Pacific Coast Academy, he thought she was pretty. Now that he knew her a little better he kinda liked her. When Zoey got back to her dorm she asked Nicole for help on the math problem. Nicole didn't get it either, so Dana ended up helping her instead. " Thanks Dana!" Zoey said. "No problem, just don't ask again!" "Okay, I wont", Zoey muttered sarcastically. " I cant wait until Logan comes to drop off the sushi. He's soooo cute!" exclaimed Nicole. " He's not that cute" Dana said. "Okay, so maybe he's number two on my cute lip chart but he's still sooooo cute!" exclaimed Nicole. Just as she finished speaking there was a knock at the door. " I'm coming!" yelled Dana. " Hey girls, heres the sushi." Nicole's smile faded off her face when she realized it wasn't Logan... it was Chase. " Oh thanks, Chase!" Zoey said. "But where is Logan?" Nicole said unhappily. "He's out sick." "Okay, bye now!" Dana said, kind of irritated. Then she shut the door right in his face. "Great, it was Chase again, what is that, like the 30th time now?" Nicole said, mad. "Why what's wrong with him?" Zoey asked curiously. "I don't know, he's just not that cute and he's boring." Nicole said. "Nicole, How could you say that?" "Ooh, Zoey likes Chase!" Dana said in a song-like way. " I do not!" Zoey said. Then why were you standing up for him when Nicole was criticizing him!" "Because he's not boring and he is..." "CUTE!" Nicole chimed in. "Zoey likes Chase, Zoey likes chase!" Dana and Nicole were both chanting. " I don't think he's cute, okay. Lets just go to bed." Zoey turned off the light and they drifted off to sleep. 2. Can I ask you something? I just want to say thanks to goldhilaryfan and rockopera for your reviews. The very next day, Zoey was sitting in Science class doodling in her notebook when a speech bursts out of the loudspeakers. "_Attention PCA students. This Friday is PCA's first Annual Spring Dance. There will be condiments available with purchase. Hope to see you all there!"_ "Wow PCA'S first ever dance! Why is it their first?" wondered Zoey. " Why do you think?" Chase asked sarcastically " Oh yeah." Said Zoey remembering that this was the first year that PCA had girls. " I can't wait!'" Nicole exclaimed. " Zoey, what should we wear!" "I don't know. " Zoey said, not that interested. " Are you going to ask Zoey?" Michael asked Chase. " I dont know, you think I should?" Chase asked. " Go for it!" Michael said. Just as Chase was about to get up, the bell rang. " You know what. I'll just ask her later." Chase decided. " Okay then. Catch you later!" Michael said, already out the door of the classroom. At lunch Zoey and Nicole were sitting next to each other and Michael and Chase were sitting across from them. " Are you guys excited for the dance? " Chase asked Nicole and Zoey. " I guess. It sounds pretty fun." Zoey said. " What do you mean pretty fun! I can't wait!" Nicole exclaimed. After lunch everyone went back to their dorms. " Um Zoey, can I ask you something?" Chase pulled Zoey away from the crowd. " Well actually, I have to finish some homework. Look I'll talk to you in the morning, okay?" "Yeah, sure." Chase muttered. " All right, see you tomorrow. Bye!" Zoey said as she headed into her dorm. " Bye!" Chase said as he walked away. Back in the girl,s dorm, Dana was reading a fashion magazine and Zoey and Nicole were chatting and doing homework. While they were finishing up their last problem, Zoey was telling Nicole how Chase had wanted to ask her something. " What does he want to ask you? " Nicole asked. " I don't know. I told him I had to do homework and that I would see him tomorrow." Zoey explained. " Well tell him to come over here so you can tell him the answer!" Nicole demanded. " Its past 8:00 . Remember the boys can't be in the girl's dorms past 8:00 pm." " Oh yeah!" Nicole said. " You know its getting late anyway so why don't we just call it a night, besides he said he will just ask me tomorrow." Zoey said. " All right, lets go to bed." Nicole said. I Hope you liked chappie # 2, because this _is_ my first fanfic! 3. Like a date **A/N** I really appreciate all of your reviews. I love your guys' support. that's what makes me write. So thank you! Now here's chappie three. Zoey woke up extra early that morning because she was really eager to know what the question that Chase had for her was. " Zoey, is that you? " Nicole said just waking up. " Yeah, its me. Do you need anything? " Zoey asked. " Not really. Just curious why are you up a half hour earlier than were supposed to wake up? I mean, I would take all the chance of sleep I can get. " Nicole managed to get out half asleep. " I know but Im really curious what that question that Chase wanted to ask me! " Zoey yelled. Besides the alarm clock is going to ring any second. " Just as she said that the alarm burst through their ear drums. " Turn it off! " Dana demanded. Nicole pressed the button and the noise was suddenly gone. " Come on you guys we have to get down there! " Zoey demanded. " Were coming, were coming." Nicole said still a little tired. As soon as the girls got down to the science room, Zoey was looking around for Chase. Where is he. Zoey thought. " Okay class take your seats. " Mr. Bender said as he came in the classroom. " Today we are going to be talking abou- " Um sorry, we ran a little late. " Chase said as Michael and him hurried to their seats. " It's okay gentleman. Just try to get started a little sooner. " Mr. Bender said. " Chase, where were you? " Zoey hissed over to him. " I'll tell you after class. " He hissed back. " When Science was over they went to lunch. " So Zoe, can I talk to you? " Chase asked. Nicole and Michael were leaning in to listen. " Privately. " He finished. " Yeah sure, what is it? " Zoey said as they were leaving their seats. " Well you know how the first PCA Spring Dance is on Friday? " Chase muttered. " Well yeah. There's flyers pretty much everywhere! " Zoey answered. " Well, I was kind of wondering if you wanted to go with me... sort of like a date? " Chase finally managed to get out. " Oh. so that was the question that you wanted to ask me last night? " Zoey asked. " Yeah." Chase said. " Chase look, I really really like you... but just as a friend. " Zoey said. " Oh. " Chase muttered " I'm really sorry. " Can we still be friends? " Zoey asked. " Yeah sure. " " Great so were all good? " Zoey said. " Yeah all good. " Chase said. So why did he feel so crummy? When they sat back down. Everyone was quiet. Nicole wanted to know what he asked her and Michael wanted to know the answer. Chase was just stirring around his food. He felt like such an idiot. I mean how could he not have known that Zoey didn't like him back. I guess it was obvious. " Hey man, are you okay? " Michael asked him. " Yeah, never better. " Chase muttered and got up to go back to his dorm. Michael looked at Zoey than got up and ran after him. Okay this is the end of chappie 3. Sorry it was kinda long. I just had a lot to write. Please RR! 4. Any regrets? Thanks for the reviews. I appreciate it. Now here's chappie 4. The next day. Zoey felt pretty good. I mean she didn't want to go with Chase. " I think we should start heading down. Dont you Zoe? " Nicole asked " What, oh yeah sure. " Zoey said. When they got to the science room down stairs, Zoey kept looking at Chase. But he never looked at her back. Does this mean that Chase liked her. Zoey thought. " " Okay students, today we are going to be talking mainly about the dance mainly because its in two days. Now what are the expectations following the dance? " Mr. Bender asked. " Yes, Nicole. " Mr. Bender picked her to tell everyone. " To... dance? " Nicole asked kind of puzzled at the question. " Well yes but we need to be good student right? " Mr. Bender asked abruptly. " Yeah. " Muttered everyone in the class. After Science Zoey was opening her locker. Nicole's locker was about 10 lockers away from her's. Zoey was looking over at Nicole's locker. Chase had just walked up to her and was asking her something. Oh no. Zoey thought thinking he was asking her to ask Zoey for another chance. No matter what Zoey was going to say no. She hoped this thing with Chase wouldn't ruin their friendship. As Chase left Nicole's locker, she shut it and ran up to Zoey. " Zoey, I have to tell you something! " Nicole said excitedly. " Don't tell me Chase wants another chance? " Zoey said as the two were walking up to their dorm. " Nope." Nicole said as they entered their dorm. " Well then what? " Zoey wondered. " Chase just asked me to the dance! " Nicole blurted out. " He did. " Zoey said as the smile was fading off her face. " Yeah, and I said yes! Now I have a date for the dance! You should really get one, zoe! " Nicole said happily. " Thats okay, Im fine just going with myself. " Zoey lied. " Oh well, suit your self. " Nicole said. Zoey suddenly felt this whif of jealously. Why did he ask Nicole? Why would he like her? " Wait a second. You said that you didn't think he was cute and that he was boring! " Zoey yelled. " Well I changed my mind. Besides why do you even care, you don't like him, do you? " Nicole said. " No of course not! Who. Me. Like. Chase? " Zoey asked. " Please, I just like him as a friend. " Zoey reminded her. " So why arent you happy for me? " Nicole asked abrubtly. " I am happy for you! " Zoey yelled. " Well you don't sound like it! " Nicole yelled. " You know what, I dont even care! Have fun at the dance with Chase. I couldn't be more happy for you! " Zoey yelled as she ran out the door and slammed it. Zoey was running to get to the bathroom, trying not to let tears run down her face. She didn't like Chase. Then why were tears running down her eyes? " Hey Zoe, whats up? " Chase asked. Zoey just ran right by him, turned the corner of the hall and ran into the girls bathroom. Now she couldn't help it, the tears were pouring out. " Why do I feel this way? " She muttered to herself. I dopnt like Chase. I dont like Chase. I dont regret anything I said. Or did she? **A/N** Please RR. I hope you liked it! 5. Do I really like Chase? Thanks for the review you guys! The next morning, Zoey opened her eyes to find that she wasn't in her bed. She wasn't even in her dorm room. " What happened? " She muttered to herself. When she finally opened her eyes all the way she realized she was in the girls bathroom. " What am I doing here?" She said. I must have slept here last night from... crying. She thought. " I better go get Nicole. " Zoey said. Wait- Zoey thought. Im mad at her remember. She's going to the dance with Chase. Zoey reminded herself. How could Nicole do this to me. I mean I don't like him. Zoey said over and over again. Zoey had to go to her dorm and face Nicole sometime. I mean, she had to get some new clothes for today. Otherwise Chase would think she looked the same as yesterday. " Wait Zoe- are you trying to dress pretty for Chase? " She asked herself. No Zoey you look fine, just the way you are. She said. No matter what she still had to get some new clothes or else she will feel dirty. When she turned the corner and slid the metal key into the opening. Her heart was beating. What were Nicole and Dana doing while she was gone. I hope there not talking about me, she thought. When she opened the door. The room seamed very quiet. Dana was reading which was very unusual. And Nicole was no where to be seen. " Where's Nicole? " Zoey asked Dana. Dana didn't answer. " Dana?" Zoey yelled. " What? " Dana finally responded. " Where's Nicole? " " Oh Nicole? She went downstairs early to catch up with Chase... I think. " What! Zoey thought. First she's going to the dance with him and now she's acting like there boyfriends and girlfriend. " I don't get it. " Zoey slouched onto the sofa. " You don't get what? " " Why he is now suddenly into her. You do know, he had asked me before he asked her! " Zoey yelled. " Okay, im not going to get into this. " Dana said then continued reading her book. Zoey ran out of the room and shut the door. When she got down to Science class, she was right on time. " Okay class. Take your own seats please. " Mr. Bender said as he came into the door. After he said that Nicole got up from Chase's desk and went to her own. " Okay everyone. Tomorrow is the big dance. " Mr. Bender reminded the class. Nicole shot Zoey a dirty look. What's her problem. Zoey thought. After class was over it was lunch time. Zoey sat on the opposite side of Nicole. Chase sat by Nicole and Michael sat at another table for that day. Everyone was silent and started staring at their food. I don't get, Zoey thought. I thought he was my friend. Now he loves Nicole. It's like were ex-friends. Without saying anything, Zoey got up from her seat and walked to the girls lounge. " Hey Zoey, are you sad that Chase didn't ask you to the dance! " Zoey recognized that voice. It was Logan Reese. " Logan, not right now. Anytime but now! " Zoey said. " I know your sad but get over it. " Logan smirked and walked away, laughing. Why does he have to be such a jerk? Zoey thought. Zoey thought for a moment. " Do I regret anything? " She muttered to herself. Why would I, I mean I don't like Chase? Or do I? Then it came to her. She _does_ like Chase. I can't believe I didn't realize it before. " I guess I have a crush on Chase. " Zoey said not too loud so all the girls at PCA would know about her big secret. Too bad she said no to him in the first place, because now look. " She told herself. " He's going with Nicole. " She said. Zoey really needed a friend right now but who to turn to? She was mad at Nicole for going to the dance with Chase and she was mad at Chase for asking her. **A/N** I really hope you liked this chappie. Please RR! Thanks! 6. I like you too Thanks for all the reviews! I want to take a poll. Who thinks I should stop after the dance or if I should keep going? Please write in your review! Thanks! Zoey woke up the next morning with a painful stomach ache. She wondered if it was the heat or that today was the dance and Chase and Nicole were going together. She thought it was the dance. She still couldn't believe she told him no. I thought he was my friend and now he's my best friends boyfriend. She wondered if she should even go to the dance. Maybe it's not even worth it. Zoey went out to the hall to fill her water bottle up in the local drinking fountain. The first person she saw was Logan. " Hey Zoey want to go to the dance with me? " Logan smirked. " I'd rather kiss a pig than go to the dance with you! ' Zoey said even though she really wouldn't. " Suit yourself but you know Im cute! " Logan said than he walked away laughing. Yeah a cute _jerk_. Since today was the dance all classes were canceled. That was the only thing Zoey was happy about today because all the teachers would just talk about the dance which made Zoey want to puke. It's three-thirty and the dance was at five. " I might as well go. " She muttered to herself. Just before she opened the door to go in her dorm room to get ready she saw Nicole whisper to Chase that she had to go get ready because it takes a lot of time to get ready. Zoey wanted to scream so loud that she would just knock them both out, but all she did was roll her eyes. She knew Chase saw her and she was glad because now he knew how she was feeling. Zoey hadn't talked to Chase or Nicole in two days. that was not normal. Why is Chase tourchering me like this? Zoey thought. When Zoey got into her room and was looking through some of the dresses she had. Or was she in the mood for a skirt or just jeans? she didn't know. She didn't know anything. Just then Dana and Nicole walked in the room, without saying a word. Zoey would have usually said something by now but since they weren't talking then neither was she. " Why can't you guys just make up and be friends? " Dana said suddenly breaking the silence. " Because she always gets what she wants!" Zoey blurted out. " No I don't! " Yelled Nicole. "Your just jealous because I have a date to the dance and you don't! " Me jealous of you! " Zoey was now arguing with Nicole. " Why would I be jealous of you? " " Are you kidding? I see how you look at Chase which is now practically my boyfriend! Nicole yelled. " He's your boyfriend? " Dana chimed in. Nicole looked at Dana than back at Zoey. " Well almost! But pretty much! " She replied. " Why can't you be happy for me instead of getting out on my case? " Because that's just the way I feel! " Zoey said, now with tears coming down her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. " Besides if you like him which I know you do then why didn't you just say yes when he asked you? " Nicole yelled. " Okay you guys. Everyone's going to hear us. " Dana said breaking up the argument. " She's right, lets just go back to our own closets and pick out our own outfits. " Zoey agreed trying to calm down. All three girls turned back around to face their closet and pick something to wear for the dance. Zoey remembered how she and Nicole used to share clothes. Nicole had better clothes than Zoey. Zoey glanced at the clock. It was four-fourty-five. Almost Five. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Since Zoey's closet is the closest to the door she might as well answer it. She opened it. There standing outside her door was Chase. He had on a red silky shirt and black pants on. " Nicole will be out in a minute. " She told him. ' Actually I wanted to talk to you. " He said. Zoey was extremely surprised. She couldn't believe that Chase want ed to talk to to her. She stepped outside her room, so Nicole or Dana couldn't hear what they were talking about. Whatever they were going to talk about. " Yeah sure, what is it? " She asked him. " Well what's wrong? I mean you haven't talked to me in two days, you keep on rolling your eyes at me, and you never answer me when I try to talk to you. So im begging to think something's wrong. " Chase said in all one sentence. " Look, I know I said no before when you asked me to the dance but... " Zoey managed to get that little part out. " But what? " Chase asked her. Zoey knew that this was going to be tough. " But I changed my mind. Chase, what Im trying to say is that I realized that I really like you and not just as a friend. I know you are going with Nicole but I just had to tell you. " Zoey said it. She was so proud of herself. " I like you too. " Chase replied. Thanks for reading! Sorry this was a longer chappie! But please RR, and tell me if you think I should go on after the dance! I hope you liked it! 7. The big dance! Thanks for the reviews. I still don't know if I should keep writing after the dance. Let me know! " I like you too. " Chase spoke so calmly. Zoey was about to fall over. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. " But aren't you going to with Nicole?" Zoey asked. " Well yeah, but you said no so I asked her instead. Zoey, I'm sorry if you felt this as a offence." Chase said. " That's okay, I just thought that maybe we should be friends and then you asked Nicle and I guess I just got a little jealous that you likd her. im sorry too. " Zoey told him. " Well, I better get back inside and pick out an outfit." " Right, I'll be back in like 10 minutes." Chase said. At first Zoey was confused why he was coming back but then she remembered, that he was still going to the dance with Nicole. When she went back inside, everthing was still quiet. Even if Nicole or Dana didn't talk to her, part of her felt really happy and satisfied. She was releived to know that Chase liked her. She turnded back to her closet in a good mood. Maybe I should wair a skirt she decided. She was in a good mood. No matter what anybody said, she was in a good mood. Zoey decided she was going to wear a light blue jean skirt witha bright pink sleeveless top. While she was applying her makeup, there was a knock at the door. Zoey was about to answer it when Nicole cut in front of her and opened the door. " Hey Chase. You look so cute!" Nicole exclaimed. She put her arm around his waist then smirked at Zoey and walked out of the door. Zoey was still happy, she had a look of happiness on her face. " Why are you so happy?" Dana asked. " No reason." Zoey said doing the finishing touches of mascara. " I mean, why would you be happy that Chase just picked Nicole up and went to the dance. I thought you were jealous?" Dana added. " I was, but some things have changed. " Zoey responded. " Well it's off to the dance!" Zoey exclaimed. " Okay. " Dana muttered to herself. When Zoey got to the dance, Hilary Duff's song "Fly" was playing and she saw Nicole and Chase were dancing. But that didn't bother her because she remembered that Chase said that he like her. Zoey thought. Zoey was just standing on the sides of the floor where everyone was dancing. It was still hard to see Chase dancing with Nicole after he had told her that he liked her. Why didn't he just come up to her and ask her to dance, Zoey thought. Then " Boulavard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day came on. Everyone was dancing and having a good time... except for her. She had no one to dance with and Nicole was his date so he had to keep dancing with her. Zoey decided to get some punch and try to have a good time. Just then Chase came up to her. " Hey Zoe, whats up?" Chase asked. She could see nicole staring at her. But not in a mean way. She was in a way smiling at her. Zoey was puzzled. Was this some kind of a trick to make her like Chase and Nicole was part of it? " Nothing just having a good time at the dance. " Zoey lied. " Listen, I don't think that me and Nicole make such a great couple. " Chase explained. " Zoey, what I'm trying to say is do you want to dance?" Chase asked. " Yeah." zoey answered. The held hands and he led her out to the dance floor. Zoey put her hands on his shouldes and he put his on her waist. I guess he really does like me, Zoey thought. Just then the principal came onto the stage. " Excuse me, students!" He yelled out to the crowd. Everyone calmed down. " Were going to anounce Pacific Coast Academy's first every pince and prncess." Everyone screamed and shouted. " The prince and princess of 2005 is Chase and ... Nicole!" Everyone was clapping for them. They both went on the stage and got their crown. " Thankyou!" They both said. " Now it's time for your solo dance." The principal shoved them on the dance floor. Right when Nicole got off the stage she walked up to Zoey. " Zoey, your my best friend, and we should have never got into a fight because of some stupid boy, no offense Chase." Nicole said. " None taken. " Chase chimed in. " What Im trying to say is that I'm really really sorry and I guess I knew you liked Chase an- Nicole was cut off by Zoey. " Do you mind not telling the whole school that I like Chase?" Zoey whispered. " Sorry but you two belong together. " Nicole took the crown off her head and passed it to Zoey's head. " You should hve this." Nicole said. " Aaahhh, Nicole! Thankyou! Your the best friend that anyone could ever have!" Zoey exclaimed. Instead of taking Nicole onto the dance floor, he took Zoey. " I really like you, Zoey." Chase said. " I like you too." She answered. Suddenly he leaned in and gave her a slight kiss on her cheek. Zoey felt like a princess. She was definataly living the Cinderella dream. **A/N** Thanks and I hope you liked the chappie and if you think I shouldn't continue then I hope you liked the story! The poll is still on! 8. The Happy Ending? Thanks for the reviews! I love having your support. The day after the dance, Zoey felt good. She found out that Chase liked her too and that Nicole wasn't mad at her anymore. Since it was sunday, Zoey could do whatever she wanted. She decided to go to the beach since she really hadn't gone to the beach much since she got to PCA. Zoey put her bathing suit on under her clothes and packed up her purse. When Zoey got down there she found a nice spot, set her things down and laid down to tan. " Hey Zoey." She opened her eyes to see Chase. " Hey Chase." Zoey answered. " So did you have fun at the dance?" Chase asked. " Duh! It was so much fun!" Zoey exclaimed. " I didn't know you liked me. Then why did you say no?" Chase asked. " It's kind of a long story. See, when you asked me, I just liked you as a friend. Then when you asked Nicole I guess my jealousy got to me. Im sorry." She said. " Don't be sorry. I shouldn't have rushed into things. I know we were just friends and now I ruined it." Chase said. " No you didn't, but now that you mention it, I was wondering if we are like going steady or anything?" Zoey muttered. " I don't know." Chase answered. " Well you like me and I like you so..." " Maybe we should." Zoey said. " One of us has to say something." Chase said. Well it's not going to be me, Zoey thought. I think your looking for a certain answer and I don't want to give you the wrong one!" Zoey said. " Me neither." Chase said. they both smiled. Fine I'll say it, Zoey thought. " Okay, I think we should be boyfriend and girlfriend." Zoey was proud of herself. She couldn't believe it. Before the dance had started she was glad she said no and now he's her boyfriend. " You do?" Chase muttered. " Yeah, I've never had one before." Zoey said. " I haven't either. Okay then I want to give you this." Chase pulled out out a seashell that was a tanish-pink. it had swirls around it and at the bottom it was pointy. " Thanks Chase." Zoey said. " When did you get this?" " On the first day you came to PCA." chase answered. " This is so sweet." Zoey told him. " I wish I had something for yo-" Zoey was cut off. " That's okay, I don't need need anything." Chase said. Just then Nicole came. " Hey Zoe." Nicole was squinting because of the sun in her eyes. " Hi." Zoey answered. " I think I'm going to catch some waves." Chase said entering the water. " I'm really sorry." Nicole said. " I shouldn't have said yes to him. I know you like him." Nicole said. " I didn't like him before when he asked me and then he asked you and I just got a little jealous. Im really sorry. Still best friends?" Zoey asked. " Definitely." Nicole answered " Hey come on you guys, the water's great!" Chase yelled to them from the Pacific Ocean. " Were coming!" Zoey yelled back. Nicole and Zoey undressed into their bathing suits and ran into the water. " I'm glad your my girlfriend, Zoey." Chase told her. " Me too." Zoey said. When they got out of the water, everyone put their clothes on and decided to head back to their dorms. Nicole already left. " How about I give you a ride back to the dorm?" Chase said getting on his bike. " Sounds good to me." Zoey said and put on her helmet and they rode off into the sunset. if I continue I do not no what to write, so any idea's? I hope you liked this chappie! End file.
Too Late Now? by lipshake
Zoey 101
Empty Pca Logan, Chase, Dustin, and James decided to stay at PCA for their Spring Break. (Dustin is about 14 while the others are 16) Since they were the only kids on the premises they felt as if they lived in a huge mansion, and could do whatever they want. Chase and Logan would always play Hallway Hockey while James and Dustin would always ride their skateboards everywhere. When they were hungry James and Logan would pick up the vending machine and drop it so they can get free food, Basically they were gonna live the life for the Next 10 days. " Woah, guys..We really have this whole campus to ourselves, i have never seen it this quiet or empty before" Said James with an excited look on his face "Yeah, this kinda happened to us before, but our crazy depressed advisor drove off without us...dropping her clothes and ravioli" said chase as everyone laughed. "Did Zoey and her friends stay too?" Asked Dustin "No, i think they went to a beach house for the week" answer James "It's the first day of spring break are we just gonna stand here and talk? Or are we gonna explore the campus and actually do fun stuff?" Asked Logan "It's only the first day we can take it a bit easy and just walk around a check out stuff we've never seen before" James said Logan sighed "I guess" "Great, lets go" said James as he put on his flip flops. The boys walked around the whole campus, and actually did realize some stuff that were never realize by them..Like how a stain on the side of a wall looks like a lady getting anal. But that wasn't enough for the boys. They wanted more to do on their Spring Break. "Hey, James i got an idea" said Logan as he pulled James away from Logan and Dustin "What?" Said James "How horny are you?" Logan asked "I've actually been pretty horny all day" James said with a perky smile "Good..I got a plan so we can get some alone time from Dustin and Logan" said Logan "What's the plan?" Said James "Okay..We're gonna get in a 'fight' and i push you into the fountain, i feel bad, and then i walk you back to the dorm so you can get changed!" Logan said "Don't you think they're gonna suspect something? I mean they're not dumb" James questioned They're gonna suspect something..but they're not gonna suspect us to be fucking in the dorm room" Logan answered "Well...okay i guess..Just tell me the Que." said James as they started walking back towards Dustin and James who barely realized they were even gone. They talked for a couple minutes, and that's when Logan gave James the Signal "Logan" James said "I need to get something off my chest" "What is it?" Asked Logan "Why do you always act like..Such a bitch towards everyone?" "What the hell?" Said Logan "Yeah, you act like you're the shit when you're just wimpy little Logan " James said Logan held his head down "you're pissing me off James.. I suggest you just shut the fuck up." James laughed "what am i supposed to be? Afraid of you?" As soon as James said that he felt Logan shove him, and he flew into the fountain, leaving him soaked. Logan looked up in sympathy "Aw, man..I'm so sorry..i didn't mean to hurt you or anything.." Said logan as he pulled his hand out for James to grab onto "you okay?" "Yeah i'm fine...i need to go change my Clothes though." James said as he squeezed the water out his clothes Both Chase and Dustin remain speechless. "I'll go with you" logan said "We'll meet You guys later" "Um..okay.. We'll be on the basketball courts playing basketball if you need us" said Chase "Okay" said Logan and James as they started walking away. "I cant believe that shit worked!" Said Logan Excitedly "now I'm about to fuck your brains out" "Uh uh uh." Said James "i want my dick sucked first since i had to fall in that dirty ass Fountain where everyone throws their coins in" "Ugh, fine" said Logan with a smile. Logan couldn't stop staring at James abs through his wet white T-shirt..and could see a bulge in his shorts also due to the wetness..or maybe it was a forming boner. When they reached the room the first thing they did was lock the door and start kissing. While they were kissing James Clothes somehow flew off leaving him in his underwear and Logan pushed him onto the bed. Logan grabbed James boner through his underwear and licked it through the fabric cause James to Shudder and give out a few moans. They drying underwear was once again went due to logan sucking it and licking it. Eventually logan pulled them off revealing James 7 1/2 inch Tan cock with nice big pink balls. Logan's mouth watered, and he immediately engulfed the dick in his mouth and shoved down as much as he could "Oh Logan.." Said James as he moved his fingers around in Logan's Brown Curly hair. "Don't stop" Logan continued sucking his dick for about 5 minutes, and every time he would go a little bit faster and now he's going at top speed which his making James moan like crazy, but soon James reached his climax and cummed inside of Logan's mouth. Logan licked up every last drop of James cum" "I want some more" said Logan as he looked up at James and Smiled. "But i wanna fuck you now" Logan took off his clothes revealing his 7 inch light brown cock. James laid on his Back on the edge of the bed and Rested his feet on top of Logan's shoulders giving Logan access to his Pink hole. "Hold up real quick" said Logan as he walked over to his drawer "i forgot i had some lube in here" "Thank god you remembered" said James laughing. Logan walked back over Lubricated his dick and James Asshole "woah..its cold" said James. Logan and James got back in the same position. Logan slowly penetrated James ass. When he had his head in he made sure James was alright and continued to insert until his whole length was in it, and also hitting James sweet spot causing him to jump a big and moan in pleasure. "L-Logan...don't fuck me..make love to me.." Said James. Logan followed and slowly started to make love to James as he bent over and started kissing his neck. "Oh..oh Logan! That feels so good..Now you can fuck me" said James as logan got back up from kissing his neck and started going faster and harder. Each time Logan hit that sweet spot James would say "ugh" or "oh my god" which turned Logan on knowing he was making James feel amazing. "I want you to cum in me" said James. While Logan was fucking James, James was also Jerking his dick off" "What's Taking Logan and James so long?" Asked Dustin "I don't know..wanna go check on them?" Said Chase "Ehh..i guess its kind of a long walk to the dorm" Dustin "We already did 2 games of basketball..there's nothing else to really to do so i guess it really wouldn't matter." Chase said "Then i guess we can." Said Dustin as he threw away his half eaten sandwich "Hey! That was a perfectly good sandwich" said chase "Not anymore" said Dustin as we walked away" -Back to Logan and James. Chase is still fucking James hard, making his scream his name. Both of them were about to reach their climax. Logan kept on fucking and fucking..and soon he cummed all inside of James, and right after James cummed all over his chest and face. Logan went in and out a couple more times slowly because his cock felt good inside of James Warm ass mixed with his wet and warm cum. He also licked off all of the cum on James chest and face leaving him with a kiss on the lips. Both boys were breathing heavily. "Tonight...its my turn to fuck you" said James as he and Logan smiled and put on their clothes. This Time James wore his flip flops, some black Hollister sweat shorts that made him have a bulge that made his dick look bigger, and a bright green tank top, showing off his abs. As soon as they finished putting on their clothes a knock came on the door. "Logan?..James? Can you unlock the door please?" Said Chase as James and Logan looked at each other "That was such perfect timing" whispered James James went up to the door and unlocked it. "Hey guys .. We told you that we'd meet up with you later." Said James "Yeah, we know, we just decided to check up on you guys, make sure you aren't strangling each other to death" said chase Everyone laughed "oh no no, me and Logan worked stuff out, we apologized, and now were cool" james said "Wait..what? Logan? Apologized?!" Chase said as his naw dropped "Yeah, he apologized, he's actually a real cool dude" said James. "Well okay, what time is it?" Asked Chase "Its 6:35" said Dustin "Hey, can we chill in here maybe until around 8, and then we can head off to bed just for today..i already feel really tired." Said Chase "Sure, i'll put on a movie" said James. James went looking through his dresser, since he buys bootlegged movies that show perfectly from earl..the weird kid down the hallway "You guys wanna Watch The Conjuring? Texas Chainsaw Massacre? About last night? Mama? Or We're the millers?" Asked James "I've always wanted to watch the conjuring" said Dustin "Me too" said chase "Then i guess were watching the conjuring" said James as he put the disc in the DvD player. During the movie, since it was dark in the room, logan and James sat on the single bed, which was behind Chase and Dustin, they would rub each others cocks through their pants and were careful so Dustin and Chase wouldn't See them. After the movie it was about 8:45 and Dustin and Chase decided to sleep in Dustin's dorm down the hallway. So everyone said goodnight and separated. Dustin and Chase went to Dustin's dorm, and Logan And James stayed in their original Dorm. "They dorm is all to ourselves baby" said James giving logan s kiss on the lips. He smiled "Here" said logan as he moved over to the far side of the bed "lay down with me?" James took off his shorts and shirt leaving him in his underwear (this is how he originally sleeps) and hopped in the bed with logan and began to cuddle with him. It was a long silence between the two, but it wasn't an awkward silence. Logan started deeply into James Crystal Blue eyes. He couldn't get enough of them. Their faces became closer and closer, and soon they were locking lips and grinding against each other. "I love this... So much" said logan "Me too" said James Both boys grew hard ons, but they didn't just wanna fuck yet. They continued kissing, for about another 10 minutes, and thats when the underwear flew off. Soon they were kissing, fully naked and dicks rubbing against each other. Soon Logan stopped kissing, and flipped over on all four's "Fuck me daddy" said Logan poking his ass up showing off his pink hole readied for fucking James took the lube out of the drawer again and put a decent amount of it on his fingers. He inserted one finger into Logan's hole, he waited a bit, going in and out and inserted another lubed up finger. Now scissoring him, after he felt he was loose enough, he added a third finger. "How does that feel?" Asked James "Good..but i want the real shit now" said Logan James took his fingers out and lubed up his dick, and put a little bit more lube on Logan's ass..just in case. James rubbed his large, pink pulsating head around Logan's asshole, teasing him, making him shudder a bit. "Ooo, just fuck me already!" said Logan James shoved the head of his dick in Logan's ass, and slowly shoved the rest of it in, causing Logan's face to scrunch up, he then released it, once James hit that special spot. "Oh..yeah..James fuck me already" said Logan James started to fuck Logan slowly, each time he goes out half of his head shows, and each time he went in he went faster and harder, leaving Logan's mouth hanging open and only moans are coming out. "Just like that James... Please don't stop it feels too good." Said logan James stopped "Beg for it." It took a moment for logan to realize what he had to say "Please, fuck me daddy" After that James went as fast as he could, and every time he hit logan's sweet spot the word "daddy" flew out his mouth which made James even hornier so he just went faster and faster. Logan started to jack off in the process of being fucked, he couldn't help it. All you could hear was James balls smacking against Logan's ass but soon James reached his climax and cummed inside of logan, he then pulled out and more cum spurted out onto logan's back. Right after that, logan stood on his knees and continued to jack off vigorously and cummed all over the pale blue walls. Both boys fell onto the bed, and once again cuddled each other. "I loved that so much, i'm so glad we stayed here for Spring Break." Said Logan "Me too" said James as he kissed Logan's lips. "But im tired as hell now, so Imma hit they hay" "Yeah me too" said Logan They both stared at each other in a lovely silence, until they fell asleep, holding each other, naked and cum everywhere. End file.
Empty Pca by Imthecreator
Zoey 101
The Perfect Drug Now my lips were chapped and dry. He was my first. Logan/Nicole * * * **"The Perfect Drug"** It was at a party. As usual. Teenage girl, teenage guy. Lips. Smackers chapstick. Frilly skirts with flip flops and washed out jeans with sneakers. "So," he began, siddling up next to me. "I heard you were single." "So... I heard_ you_ were an asshole," I retorted, cocking my head to one side. He probably thought I was a bimbo who'd lead him into one of the upstairs bedrooms and let him have his way with me. Well, he was wrong. So wrong. Totally wrong. I mean, hello! My hair is brown, not blond. "Why, who told you that, Nicole? Am I right?" I figured he was talking about my name, so I nodded, studying him more closely. He _was_ pretty hot. Not good enough to even get onto my C.L.C. (Cute Lip Chart) yet, but if he worked hard enough he could be placed in the one hundredth spot by default. "My new friend and roommate Zoey said she heard you were a player. Which means I should stay away from you," I realized, backing up towards a crowded couch and plopping down next to a guy who looked like he had a raccoon sitting on his head. "Hey," I slurred, pretending to be drunk. "Hi," he said, waving at me like we were in third grade. I think his name was Chance or Chester or something equally stupid and dorky. Or maybe it was the name of a bank.... He totally seemed like Zoey's type, though. "I really gotta pee," he mumbled out of nowhere, ducking his head before standing to his full height. I watched him elbow his way through the crowd. He looked so awkward and gangly it was hard to watch. When I turned my head,_ he_ was already sitting next to me on the couch. "You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" "No." He smirked, showing literally of his teeth. All of them that I could_ see _anyway. "I like you, Nicole. I think we should make - I mean - _hang_ out." "Nice." I fake smiled at him, tossing some hair over my shoulder. He was _way_ too confident, just like Zoey had said. Where _was_ Zoey anyway? And what about Dana? Were they too busy trying to hook up with guys like I was pretending to be? "Um, so... do you wanna dance?" "It'd be my pleasure," he said, rising to his feet and taking one of my hands gingerly in one of his. He kissed the top of each of my knuckles and smiled at me. He could seduce me with that smile. He had perfect white teeth and everything. If he was that much nicer, maybe I would kiss him. Or hell, maybe even make out with him. Maybe... just maybe, when I turned eighteen I would even have sex with him. Oh my gosh, I thought about sex... with this hot guy I barely know that Zoey told me to avoid. What am I doing? We walked over to the makeshift dance floor and started grinding. It was really hot at first, but then his hands decided they wanted to take a vacation... up my skirt. We were barely thirteen, what was this guy doing? "Get off of me!" I shouted, pushing him away. I grabbed a discarded cup of punch from a nearby tabletop and splashed it into his face. "Stay away from me, pig!" "My brother taught me all the tricks," he told me, wiping some of the sticky, sweet juice from his eyes. I ran off in the other direction, feeling embarrassed for some reason. Surely somebody had seen. And now everyone was going to think I was a total slut. Which I totally wasn't... at least not _yet_. I'm only a minor slut in training who has barely even opened the book on slutography. He needed to back off and try to pull stunts on older chicks who would think it was cute and laugh. Because I just wasn't ready for those things, especially not with strangers. In the bathroom, I reapplied my mango chapstick and pulled my skirt down as far it could go without exposing my wannabe thong. Hopefully I wouldn't have to see him again and I could just forget about the whole thing. I opened the door and he was standing there. "Do you need a tampon or a pad or something? There are probably some in the cabinet." He reached down and tried to open the cabinet under the sink but I kneed his arm out of the way. "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying so hard?" I yelled, walking back towards the living area. "You don't even know me!" "But I will soon," he whispered, running his index finger up and down my right arm. I did shiver, but not because I was getting turned on or anything. He had some pretty sharp nails. Maybe he even filed them. Speaking of non-masculine things some males do anyway, his eyebrows did seem to have a little arch to them. Gosh, he probably shaved his legs, too. Could he be a metrosexual....? "No, you won't," I grumbled, walking in the direction of the kitchen. I knew he was going to follow me. "Yes, I will. If you just let me." He opened the fridge and pulled out a six pack of beer. "Did anyone ever tell you alcohol is the first step to a male and a female getting to know each other?" he asked me, raising his eyebrows. "No." I shook my head. "I mean, my dad owns a juice company, but what you said about the booze makes no sense at all." "So, you aren't that dumb after all." Dumb? Who had told him I was dumb? Sighing, he cracked open one of the beers and pressed it to my lips. It was ice cold and had ruined my fresh coat! "Gosh, you are so annoying!" I yelled, scratching with him my jagged nails. I'd been biting them ever since I'd first heard about this party. What a mixer this was. "Fine." He brought the can to his own lips and began chugging it. "If you don't want to try it, then I will." "Oh please, like you haven't already." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest matter-of-factly. "You're right, sweetheart. How did you guess?" "Because you mentioned something about an older brother... look, can I go now? And have you not follow me like a pathetic puppy dog?" "Ah, you might wanna stop tossing out insults, honey. This _is_ my house, ya know." "What?!" I practically screamed. "This isn't a house, it's three times the size of mine! And _you_ live here?" "Ever heard of Malcolm Reese? He's my pops." "Wow," I breathed out. I think Malcolm Reese was a movie guy or something. And now I knew one of his sons, who apparently wanted to hook up with me. Score! "Come on, sugar tits. Take one sip." Thrusting the can into my hands, he slid an arm around my waist. "What did you just call me?" I asked. "Just drink it!" he yelled, and so I did. It was bitter, but it didn't really burn my throat. It tasted like what I imagined drinking pee would taste like. I started giggling ten minutes later. We were sitting on the couch, and now I was actually letting him grope me. Under my skirt, my boobs, pretty much anywhere. I'm not sure if I was drunk or not, but I probably was. "You know, Nicole. I had a great time tonight." "What time is it?" I sighed. It was probably later than I had thought. There was no more music blaring, much less people wandering around.... "Almost midnight." He stopped snapping my bra strap against my back and really looked at me. Cupping my face with both of his hands, he smiled. "It was great talking to you, getting to know you and all. You're the perfect drug, baby." "Right." Our faces were really close together. He could probably smell my breath. Hopefully it didn't reek that badly. He kissed me, and it felt so weird. His lips were chapped, and he sucked off all that was left of my mango chapstick. In a way, it was still great, though. I'd lost my kissing virginity to....? What was his name again? At least I hadn't hopped into bed with him. "Can I have your number?" I pulled an orange Sharpie out of my purse and scribbled '1-800-Ur-a-Jrk' into his palm and shoved it into his face. "Oh by the way... can I have your name?" I asked, standing up. "It's Logan. Logan Reese." He smirked for like, the fiftieth time that night. Gosh, he was an idiot. "You know you'll be coming back for more." He turned away and began studying his palm, probably trying to make out the numbers that weren't really even there. "Have a nice night, Logan." Now my lips were chapped and dry. He was my first. Squee! I had finally a kissed a guy and it wasn't so bad. I think we were both tipsy... I think. I'll never forget it, though. Maybe Zoey was wrong. Logan wasn't such an asshole. I'd only move him up a level to P.H.I.G. (Pretty Hot Idiot Guy). I just made that one up in my head. Only Logan is classified under P.H.I.G. I might have to unclassify him. There's no way I'd ever want him to appear special, not even in my diaries. Besides, he called me the perfect drug, and how off the wall is that? * * * Just something quick and short that I've always wanted to write. Please review and tell me your thoughts. End file.
The Perfect Drug by Underneath All Elsewhere
Zoey 101
Sometimes PEOPLE Happen For A Reason Summary; Logan is sick and tired of Zoey always treating him like he was some dirty low life, so he confronts her about it. What's gonna happen? Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. "Okay Brooks talk, now." Logan sat down next to Zoey on her bed. "Uh I have no idea what to say to you Reese." Zoey replied coldly. "Okay let's start of with why have you been being so mean to me these past couple of weeks?" Logan replied just as coldly. "Hm, let me think about that, oh yeah! Because you're a self absorbed jerk who only cares about what his hair looks like and how much money he has in his wallet." Zoey almost yelled. "What else is new?" Logan scoffed. "You do realize that wasn't a compliment." Zoey questioned him. "Yup, I know." Logan said. "Then why did you just agree with me?" Zoey asked him. "Because it shows self confidence," Zoey looked at him questionably, "I am comfortable with who I am, even if I am selfish and obsessed with girls and money. You Brooks don't know who you are! You can't figure out your own mind. You just broke up with James. Someone who can almost compare to ME. Now you're walking around campus all depressed and you don't even know why!" "Logan I-" Zoey started. "Oh let's not forget about something else. You are the only girl at P.C.A. who refuses to kiss..." Logan stopped himself before he went to far. "Who hasn't kissed who?" Zoey looked up at Logan. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second. Zoey realized that she knew the reason she was being so mean to him these past few weeks, and why he was so angered by it. They liked each other. Logan Reese liked Zoey Brooks, and Zoey Brooks liked Logan Reese back. Logan knew he would hurt Quinn by feeling this way and Zoey would hurt Chase, but they just couldn't help their feelings. It was the way it was. Zoey started to cry, because she knew they could never be together. "Zoe? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" Logan put his arm around Zoey, who fell into his embrace. "Logan, you didn't hurt me. Everyone else is hurting me. I think I know who you were talking about and I'm sorry I just couldn't admit it. I like you Logan, I really really like you. I'm scared and I don't know what to do about it." She sobbed. "Hey, Brooks, look at me," Logan tilted her chin up to look at him. "Who cares what other people think, you're really sweet and nice and cute and no one would dare touch you when they know that you're going out with me, Logan Reese." "Logan that's not the only thing I'm scared of, I'm also scared of you." She pulled away and walked over to her window. "Why would you be scared of me? I would never hurt you, I know I had an anger issue but I'm ok now really!" Logan tried to convince her. "It's not that, It's just that you are a player Logan you always have been ever since you came to P.C.A. and I just don't think I can be with someone like that. Ever." Zoey faced him. "Zoey, at least give us a chance. We can make it through anything together, I've never liked any girl the way I like you." "You said that to Quinn too and look at you right now, trying to cheat on her with me." "How did you know that?" "She talks in her sleep." Zoey shrugged. "Zoey I'm begging you give us a chance." "One chance right here, right now. Kiss me, if I don't feel anything and neither do you, or if one of us doesn't feel anything we never speak of this again. To anyone." "Deal." Logan didn't wait for Zoey to change her mind, he took her waist and kissed her passionately. They immediately pulled apart. "EW!" Zoey screamed horrified. "UGH!" Logan screamed equally horrified. "That was horrible!" Zoey laughed. "Agreed, just friends?" Logan asked holding out his hand. "Yeah just friends." Zoey took his hand. When she did he pulled her towards him again and gave her another kiss. She pulled away stunned. "Just making sure." Logan said. Zoey slapped him. They both laughed and then Zoey opened her bedroom door. "You can leave now Reese." "Wouldn't want it any other way Brooks." He left and Zoey sat on her bed thinking, _Me and Logan Yuck! _ Suddenly Zoey's video chat started blinking, Chase wanted to video chat. She immediately hit connect. "Hey Zoe," "Hey Chase." His room looked a little different to Zoey. "I really miss you, I don't know how much longer I could've dealt with you being so far away." "Yeah me too, wait what do you mean could've?" "Just walk out to the Quad, you'll see." He disconnected the chat and Zoey ran to the Quad so fast she couldn't feel her legs once she got there. "Need some water?" Someone had offered Zoey a water bottle. "Yeah thanks," Zoey turned to see who it was and saw Chase standing over her smiling. "Hey Zoey." "CHASE!" She threw her arms around him. He put his arms around her waist and gave her a big hug. He kissed the top of her head and said again, "I've missed you." "Chase! I'm so glad you are back!" All Zoey could think about was Chase and how much she had missed him. "We have a lot to talk about. Zoey, remember when you first found out that I was in love with you and you said you might be in love with me?" "Yeah, actually I've been dreaming about that chat, except we were actually in front of each other and not across the world." "Zoey, I still love you and like you heard me say, I don't think that feeling will ever go away. How do you feel. No pressure or anything." Chase asked. Zoey just sat for a moment thinking, her thoughts wondered back to Logan, he looked kinda like Chase in her mind. Maybe that was why she was having those feelings. Did she love Chase.? She always loved him like a brother, but was she in love with Chase? She looked at him. His green eyes were just amazing staring into her brown eyes and at that moment she knew. "Chase? I love you." He couldn't contain his happiness he just kissed her. The minute she realized what was going on she pulled him closer and ran her hands through his hair. He in turn put his hands around her waist and pulled to closer. They broke apart for air and kept their foreheads touching. "I love you Zoey Brooks." "I love you Chase." * * * Thanks guys, I really am proud of it READ AND REVIEW! End file.
Sometimes PEOPLE Happen For A Reason by Oceana Mist
Zoey 101
Thunder Storm Warning: Femslash Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 I am not making any money on this what so ever (It's Halloween night and there is a big storm...most of the students at PCA are at the big Halloween party) time - 11:45 place - room 101 Nicole and Zoey had just got back from the haunted house, which Logan was in charge of it was late so they decided to go to bed...after about 45 minutes zoey woke up to the sound of her roommate/best friend crying Zoey: Nicole? no answer from Nicole just sniffling zoey: nicole what's wrong? nicole: I'm sorry for waking you Zoey: don't worry about, and don't even try to tell me that its nothing Nicole: the haunted house kind of freaked me out is all by now Zoey is sitting on the edge of Nicole's bed zoey: well then why were you crying...did it scare you that much? Nicole: well that and the storm, I really don't like storms as if on cue the thunder clapped which made nicole scream and practically jump on zoey Zoey: (stroking Nicole's hair) shhhh its ok I'm here you have nothing to worry about nicole just sat in Zoey's arms for about 10 minutes, then zoey stood up motioning for nicole to do the same, the girls went over to Zoey's bed and got in Nicole and Zoey were facing each other and BANG the thunder hit once more...but this time this felt safe because she was in Zoey's arms...Zoey made her feel safe Nicole: Zoe? Zoey: yeah Nicole: I'm sorry for ruining your night Zoey: what do you mean ruining my night. Nicole: well i woke you up and now I'm keeping you awake an... Before she could finish she felt zoey's lips to her first she was in shock but she really didn't seem to mind in fact it felt kind of right...she had been kissed my numerous amounts of guys but not one had felt like this...she returned the kiss everything felt perfect...when Zoey broke the kiss they just looked in each others eyes Zoey: do you still think you ruined my night? Nicole: i guess not And with that the two girls fell asleep in each others arms The next morning they awoke to Dana standing there at the foot of the bed with a very confused look on her face Dana: what the... umm what happened last night? Nicole was afraid to answer she turned and looked at zoey with fear in her eyes Zoey: Nicole was scared of the storm so i let her sleep in my bed. Dana: yeah right...i came back last night and i opened the door quietly cause i thought you would be sleeping and you were kissing...i saw that and i bolted nicole was on the verge of tears zoey: are you serious. nicole:(thinking to herself) omg omg omg Dana: yeah look its fine if you two want to like be...together zoey: so your ok with this. Dana: well yeah why wouldn't i be nicole: you wont tell anyone will you? Dana: i know i can be a bh but i would never do that to you guys Zoey and Nicole looked at Dana and smiled...they were together and that was all that mattered they knew they would eventually have to tell people but for now they were perfectly fine keeping it within room 101 The End and like I said my first fic ever so be nice and please no flames End file.
Thunder Storm by cale.lucas
Zoey 101
Where it hurts A/n: Sorry I've been away for a while. One-shot. D/L Summary: Logan calls Dana the 'B' word. And for some reason it really hurts. How can she hurt him as much as he hurt her? With a little help from Quinn she plans revenge Where it hurts. Dana lay on Zoey's bed. Lola sighed, she was doodling in her notebook. Zoey chewed her bottom lip. Nicole was obviously thinking hard. "How about this?" Suggested Lola. She held a sketch up to Dana of a rather violent occurance between she and Logan. Dana sighed and shook her head. "I could beat him up, but that'd only dent his ego. I wanna make him cry." She said longingly. Lola looked at her picture. "That'd make me cry." She said decisively. " Me too." Nicole said with a shudder. "Why can't you two just kiss and make up?" Zoey asked with a nervous quip. "Because. Because he has to treat me right. I know he likes me. He knows I like him. But it's as simple as... I won't respect him til he respects me." "And hurting him and making him cry is showing respect - How?" Lola and Dana rolled their eyes. They understood. Love was a weird game and there were strange rules. Speaking of weird and strange things. "Hello people!" Quinn said rushing in without knocking. "Look what I made!" "What?" Nicole asked curiously looking at the strange device in Quinn's hands. It wasn't unusual for Quinn to make things, but the trouble was her inventions sometimes got the gang into trouble. Like the time she had accidentally disintegrated the boys clothes. Or the time she knocked out the whole school. The device she had in her hand was a long wooden strick with three metal protrustions and a tempting red button. "It's a self hammering hammer!" "Uh... Quinn..." "Just put it on the pesky nail that's in the way and..." Quinn placed the self-hammering-hammer on a spot in the wall. "Quinn, don't." Growled Lola. "Quinn!" The other three girls cried. but the lure of the red button was too strong for Quinn, and she pressed it. Three rather large holes appears in the wall and several cracks. "It might be a little too powerful.! Quinn said sheepishly, staring into the hall through one of the large holes that went all the way through the wall. "A LITTLE!" Lola cried. "Quinn, how do you make a boy cry! Asked Nicole suddenly. "Duh, you hit him where it hurts." Quinn said exasperatedly, as she fiddled with the self-hammering-hammer. Dana suddenly had an idea. Slightly stunned that the winning suggestion had come from Quinn, she smiled. "Perfect!" "Hey!" Lola said in annoyance. "I said that." "Not what she said..." Dana shook her head. "Quinn can I borrow your hammer?" "Well sure but... it still needs adjustments." Quinn handed over her latest brainchild. Dana smirked. "Oh you cant hit him with that! You'll kill him." Zoey cried. "Or stop him having kids." Nicole said. Although, the thought of Logan not multiplying was a good one, Dana would be in trouble. Dana shook her head. What she had in mind was far different from what they assumed. Quinn had told her to hit him where it hurt. So she would. She acted ruthlessly. Spared no mercy. With every click of the self-hammering-hammer she replayed the events of the previous day. Nobody had ever made her cry before. She had to make him cry. She just had to. * * * "So uh... Wanna make out?" It was the billionth time he'd asked it. Dana was used to it. "Drop dead." It was the common response. "Stuff it." Dana just smiled at him. There was a time she'd have hit him for requesting to make out with her. But they both knew the truth was that they liked it. "Ugh. You two are seriously vomit-inducing." Zoey snapped. She was just jealous. "Well, he is." Dana said calmly. "Uh, whatever you say." "Are you implying, Mr Reese that I am odd looking?" "No. I think your gorgeous." He flirted. "Do you think I'm gorgeous?" "No. I think you're gross." She had been so cool about it. He glared. "Why do you always do that!" He demanded. "What?" "Rag on me all the time!" Logan seriously growled. Dana knew she'd over stepped the mark. "Sorry Logan." She apologised, reaching for the sugar. "Do you like me or not!" He asked. Everyone at the table sat in silence. "If you're gonna yell at me then no!" It wasn't unusual for Logan to suddenly snap. For his mood to change. Dana had to tolerate it because she was exactly the same. "You are a serious Bitch," He sighed. "You know that Cruz?" "I'm a what?" She tried to stop her voice shaking. "A bitch." he snapped. Dana felt her eyes smart. Her hands trembled. "Dana...?" He was waiting for a rise out of her. "Is that what you think of me?" She asked. "Yeah." he didn't. But Dana had had enough. She started to cry. Logan was slightly shocked, but too proud to not take it further. "Bravo Dana. Any girl can cry." She stood up and walked away,. wiping her eyes. Secretly imagining revenge plots. * * * She was exhausted. Taking Quinn's hammer she crawled the ladder and lay on his bed. Closing her eyes sleepily, she smiled at the thought of what he would think when he found her. He screamed loudly. Like a girl. His eyes watered. "Wha... what happened!" He demanded. Dana sleepily opened one of her eyes. She gave herself a soft smile. "What on... How did..." Dana had both eyes open by now. She leaned over the bed. He looked up and saw her. Suddenly his angry face softened. He sighed and climbed the ladder. He sat on the bed beside her and looked at the hammer in her hand. "I really hurt you?" He said in disbelief. She nodded and said nothing. He sighed and stroked her hair. "We even now?" "Yeah." She nodded. "Good. Less smashing." he sighed. He leaned down and kissed her gently. She gave a half smile. "Look Logan." She pointed down at the wreckage below. He looked over and felt his eyes smart. Then he smiled. "I'm not gonna cry." He knew that was what she wanted. "I'll buy more." Dana pouted. She'd forgotten that he was rich. He smirked and leaned in, wanting to kiss her again but she pulled back and pouted again. "I'll get revenge." She promised. "I'm sure you will." he had no doubt about it. he kissed him quickly then hopped off the bed and crunched her way to the door. Logan sighed. As he looked at the shards of silver, sparkling in the light. Dana had smashed all the mirror in the dorm room. His eyes watered. He hadn't known he'd hurt her that bad. She had really hit him where it hurt. "I like you." He told her. She looked back to see he was crying and she grinned. "I like you too." She said with a small smile. And she left him among the shattered glass. They knew that tomorrow it would be back to the playful flirting, the constant bickering, and maybe even making out. But right now they were both hurt. He sighed, as he began picking up the shattered mirror pieces. "I'll tell you something Dana." He muttered to himself, staring at the billions of tiny reflections, twinkling at him as though laughing. "You sure know how to hit a guy where it hurts." A/n: Well. Just a short ONE SHOT comedy romance thing. End file.
Where it hurts by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
I Want More **Author's Note : I do not own Zoey101** **Summary: They have been dating for a while now but what if he wants more?QUOGAN ** **Chapter 1** "Do you love me?" Quinn asked Logan "I love you more than the sky is blue" Logan said The couple was laying down in the sand on the beach at around 9 o'clock. They had been dating now for 6 months and Logan thought he could want nothing more. "I have to go. Walk me to m dorm?" Quinn asked "Sure why not" When the couple reached the dorm they came to find that Lola and Zoey were still out on their dates. Quinn attempted to give Logan a simple goodbye kiss but he deepened it. Pretty soon tey began kissing passionately. Logan began to gently push Quinn towards the bed all without unlocking their lips. He stopped kissing her just to take his shirt off. "Are you sure?" he asked "Yes, teach me to make love, Logan." And with that they continued to make out. Logan started to unbutton the shorts that Quinn was wearing. While she was undoing the buttons on his jeans. After all of the clothes have been discarded. They both started to roam each others bodies with their hands. Quinn purposely avoiding the buldge being his penis. "Logan, teach me to make love" They kissed passionately Quinn woke up by the sun forcing its way through the blinds on the windows. She had had the most wierd dream. Little did she know that none of it was a dream. She rolled over only to find something in her bed! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Quinn screamed "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!," Logan screamed, "What happened" "Logan, what are you doing here, then she looked around her room to see that Lola and Zoey were not there and Logans and herself clothes were discarded onto the floor. "Logan, did we....?"she started "I think we did" he answered "I think you should go" she said while grabing the comforter to cover herself up. "but.." he started "Just go." She gave him a quick peck on the lips before opening and closing the door for him "What did I do?" she thought END OF STORY **Author's Note: I know it was a short story and sorry about not going into the details about the sex e-mail me and give me some ideas do not forget to review people. If you review I can know that people like reading my stories and then I can make longer ones** End file.
I Want More by 19chixrok95
Zoey 101
1. Dancing on Water _**Black Swan **_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter One: Dance on Water In the darkness; In the shadows illuminated by a single spot of white light; Dancing with innocent, fearful passion, a young blond girl, clad in a pure, white tutu gently dropped her right arm down from her face; her eyes closed with a look of devoted sorrow on her face, the princess gave everything she had to her dance. Gentle, enchanting music seemed to fill the air. Twirling with all her love and heart flowing through her body, the innocent child suddenly felt darkness approach. His body drenched with coarse feathers as black as the seed of night, von Rothbart touched on the girl with his clawed hands, only to have her flee from him atop her weak, prancing feet. As the sorcerer's horns piercing the white light above him, Rothbart pursued the princess. Finally, the wicked man enclosed on the little, blond dancer. Darkness flashing into the scene, a flurry of white feathers flew from Rothbart's clasp. Desperately wanting to escape, the girl twirled out, but was now clad in a dress of white feathers. Her face pale and her form changed, the child flapped her winged arms up and down with tortured devotion to freedom. Still, the evil man remained, watching the swan before him fall into crushed tears as her life died with her. Among the darkness, small pedals of pure white feathers fell to the ground. Slowly, gently opening her rested, loving eyes, the seventeen-year-old Zoey Brooks took in a fresh breath of the morning's gentle air. Her long blond hair resting on her petite shoulders, the girl rose up, gazing into the yellow embrace of the her window. Letting out a joyful moan, Zoey set her bare feet onto the floor, letting her loose, pink pajama pants flow around her ankles. The girl cracked her neck from left to right, then got onto her feet, and walked over to her bathroom. Dropping her clothing onto the floor, the teenager entered her shower, closing the tinted glass door behind her. Cool, comforting beads of water rained down on her back, soaking her streaming blond hair. Sighing in a warm embrace, Zoey covered her breasts as she looked to the sky. After about ten minutes, the girl shut off the water, grabbed one of the pink towels off the wall, and wrapped it around herself as she hummed a sweet tune. Suddenly, the door knob began to turn, then, without warning, opened wide. Startled, Zoey's head shot back to see a dirty-blond-haired woman in her early thirties standing in the doorway. "Mommy, you scared me," Zoey said, starting to brush out her moist locks. "I just wanted to let you know it's almost time," Ms. Brooks replied, her voice sweet and gentle. "You're gonna be late." "I have plenty of time," the teenager replied, drying off her neck. "Here, I'll help you get ready," Zoey's mother said, walking over to her daughter and taking the brush she gave her. "Just sit down, angel." Zoey nodded, then took a seat on a small stool, enjoying the feeling of the bristles running through her hair. Closing her eyes, the girl took in a moment of comfort, then started filing her clear nails. "I had the weirdest dream last night," she gently said, her voice almost in a whisper. "I was dancing the part of Swan Queen...then Rothbart cast his spell. I felt it all." "Were you dancing Odette?" Ms. Brooks asked, working through her daughter's flawless hair. "Mm hmm," the girl happily answered. "It was amazing..." Sitting down at the breakfast table, Zoey looked at the grapefruit her mother prepared for her. "Oh, look," she cooed. "So pink, so pretty." "You're in a good mood, sweetheart," the girl's mother replied, taking a seat across from her. "You must be looking forward to the new season." "Yeah, it's really great being there," Zoey said. "I think they're starting to like me...The other dancers, you know?" "Well, they should," Ms. Brooks replied. "You're the sweetest girl there...I told you they'd come around once they saw the real you. Do you know what your first production's gonna be?" "Not sure yet," the blond answered. "Leroy always picks an amazing one, though. Oh, I'd better do my stretching." "Don't do too much," the woman called after her daughter as she ran off to her room. "You don't wanna pull anything." "Thanks, Mom," Zoey called back. Using delicate, precise movements, the teenager gently dusted her shoulders and legs with powder, taped up each of her toes, put her hair back into a sophisticated bun, then put on her new pink, pointe shoes over her soft pink stockings. Her heels pattering lightly on the sidewalk, Zoey held her light coat to her chest as she made her way into the performing district of Los Angeles. The air was cool and calm on her neck and face, blowing back loose hairs around her face. This would be the girl's third year performing for Pacific Coast Academy for the Classical Arts, having made a name for herself as timid but endlessly devoted. Her roles usually consisted of young girls, frilly fairies or princesses, and the background swans in Swan Lake (her personal favorite ballet). This year would be different, she knew. Inside the main hall, the walls were warmly colored with reds and golden trimmings. As always, posters and fliers coated the siding. The actresses' dressing room was almost entirely white with black lines separating the tiles. Lighting up perhaps the entire city was the Grand Hall, where every ballet had been held since Leroy's first production. Endless rows of plush red chairs and balconies decorated with grand Victorian hues and designs. Massive red velvet curtains shielded an elaborate stage in the heart of the section. Year after year, Zoey had performed there, dreaming of stardom and approval of her watchers. Until opening night, none but the star were allowed on that stage. For rehearsals and warm-ups, an auditorium was the center of the building. Times had been hard on the school, and rumors spoke of its closing. Everything was riding on the first production of the year, which was still to be announced. As always, every female ballerina was sitting before the mirrors, preparing their makeup and hair. Many of which were clad in their tights and bra's (with the usual exception of Zoey, who was always too shy to show off her body). "I hear our little Rebecca's retiring this year," one of the girls said, her voice laced with mockery. "It's about time," another girl replied. "She should've been out of here when she got more wrinkles than her mother." Zoey ignored the cruel comments, and gently stroked her cheeks with some light blush. "If she didn't sleep with Thomas, she wouldn't even be working here," another girl snarled. "You don't know that," Zoey finally declared. "Excuse me?" a raven-haired girl shot back. "Rebecca's a great dancer..." the blond defended herself, fighting back her desire to hide under a rock. "She was talented." "Yeah, in bed," a light brunette replied, causing the others to start laughing. Dana Cruz, one of the first ballerinas at Leroy's academy, casually walked in, her tasseled, shining brunette hair glistening under the lights. Her face was mature and laced with a sense of darkness and raw beauty. Zoey caught herself staring at her sharp features and natural boldness. The girl strode over to her usual seat and threw off her top, shaking out her long locks. Her well-developed breasts were covered by a skin-tight black bra. Dana's tight, toned stomach seemed illuminated She knew everyone, never had any trouble fitting in, getting noticed, getting what she wanted; she had a dangerous vibe to her. Her hands gripping the bar before her with all their might, Zoey crouched down until she was nearly sitting on the wooden floor. Zoey's movements were gentle and poised, showing her innocence and passion for the dance. Suddenly, the door opened, catching everyone's attention. As usual, every ballerina lined up in their assigned rows. "Ladies," Thomas called out, his slight accent showing with every word. "As you all know, our company has been suffering...but I intend to change that." Zoey gazed at the strong man before her. "Our first production of this year will be my new version of Swan Lake." Feeling her heart warm over and skip a complete beat, Zoey dropped her jaw in the form of a wide, childish smile. "Now, as you know, Rebecca Martin will be retiring after years of dedicated performing...Sadly, this will leave us without a Swan Queen. For her final role, she will be performing the role of The Sovereign Princess. Auditions will be held tomorrow." Zoey's guilt for Rebecca's departure was outweighed by her youthful excitement; she could do it this year. The role of Swan Queen would be a dream in reality. Turning around, the blond felt a sharp collision with another dancer. "Oh, I'm sorry," Zoey said, collecting her bearings then opening her eyes to see Rebecca in front of her. "Rebecca...hi." "Hi," the older girl replied, obviously in no mood to talk. Rebecca was in her early twenties, slightly larger in frame than Zoey but by no means overweight, and crowned with long, thick, straight black hair. "I'm really sorry you're retiring," Zoey continued, nervous and timid as ever. "You're such a beautiful dancer." The former Prima Donna remained silent for a moment. Zoey began to grow nervous, knowing that her comment may have struck a nerve. "Thank you," Rebecca finally said, sounding defeated, but not by the blond girl. "But it really doesn't matter. They're done with me." The dark-haired girl looked at the little dancer before her, and seemed to take some kind of pity or concern towards her. "You're one of the only people here who's for real... Be careful with him." With a faint, supportive smile, Rebecca walked out of the building, her tote bag slung over her shoulder. Zoey stood still for a second, watching the young woman walk away. Fathoming what she said wasn't easy, or even really desired; Leroy was a good guy. Why would she need to be careful around him? Finally, the blond teenager put on her light, gray and pink coat, and walked down the hall leading outside. Above her, the sky was gray and overcast, giving off a chilling aura. Keeping to herself, Zoey went on with dainty, innocent movements. "Hey," called the voice of a young man. Not knowing anyone would be speaking to her (let alone a young man), Zoey kept walking. "Hey," the boy called again, catching the blond's attention. "Hey," said a young man with a moderately muscular, thin frame and well-managed, curly hair as he jogged over to the girl. "Hi," Zoey said, her voice sweet. "Hey," the young man replied, not aware of how repetitive he was being. "You're Zoey Brooks, right?" "Yeah, and you must be...Chad?" the blond replied. "Chase," the curly-haired boy politely corrected. "Chase Matthews. I was the Nutcracker last year at the Christmas production. You were the, uh... Sugarplum Fairy, right?" "Yeah, I guess those kind of roles are my forte'," Zoey humbly answered. "That's kind of cool, though," Chase replied. "You're really were born for that kind of part." Zoey smiled and blushed, tried to hide it by putting her head down and stroking through her hair. " gonna try out for Swan Lake? Or, um, were you gonna be one of the Little Swans again?" "Um, I was actually gonna try for the part of Swan Queen this year," the blond girl timidly answered. "I feel like this is my year, you know?" "...Awesome," the young man replied. "Odette and Odile...Good luck. I hope you make it." "Thanks," Zoey replied. "I hope you get your part, too...Well, I'll see you around." "See yuh," Chase repeated, watching Zoey walk away from him. The blond girl walked by house after house, skyscraper after streetlight, trying to avoid eye contact with other people walking around her. At last, she reached her mother's house, unlocked the door, and walked in. "Hi, Mommy," Zoey called out, closing the door behind her. "I'll be in there in a second, honey," Ms. Brooks called back, her voice gentle. She must have been painting. Ever since Zoey was born, her mother painted, having given up her own dreams of ballet for her daughter. Each of her paintings were of either Zoey or the two together; Ms. Brooks always said Zoey had a natural innocence and beauty to her that made her perfect for a portrait model. Taking off her ballet slippers and setting them neatly in their box, the teenager took a seat on the couch and tried to settle her stomach. This was all so exciting; so incredible. Swan Queen was finally available to her, and she would do everything in her power to get it. Since her childhood, Zoey admired any dancer able to portray Odette, the White Swan and Odile, the Black Swan. It took innocence, fearfulness, and youthful energy to be Odette. Odile, on the other hand, took darkness, passion, devastating nerve, and pure dark beauty. Her mother's footsteps into the warm, earthy living room broke Zoey's concentration. "How was it today, darling?" Ms. Brooks asked, kissing her beloved daughter's forehead. Lightly stroking the hair out of Zoey's face, the woman then untied her daughter's bun, letting her long blond hair fall to her shoulders. "It was wonderful," Zoey answered, appreciating her mother's interest and help. "I know I'm going to be Swan Queen this year." "I know you will, angel," Ms. Brooks warmly replied. "Come on, I have dinner waiting in the oven." With a smile, the two walked into the kitchen together. That night, Zoey stepped out of the shower, her hair soaked and pulled tightly back. Wrapped in a pink towel, the girl wiped the steam off the mirror. Feeling a slight pinch on the back of her shoulder, the girl gave a confused look, and turned to her side. A scraggly, orange-hued rash was forming on her upper back. "Oh," Zoey moaned, gently touching the ailing patch of skin. "Ow!" Feeling a stabbing pain in her big toe, the girl took a seat on a stool, and began to sob. "Mommy!" she called, her voice starting to break. "Let me take a look," Ms. Brooks said, looking at her daughter's toe; her nail was frayed and flooded under with what seemed to be blood. "Ow... This might sting alittle." The woman pulled out a pair of clippers, and quickly clipped off a gouged section of nail from her daughter's ailing toe. Zoey winced in pain. "Almost done." Finally, Ms. Brooks had the wound cleaned and wrapped. "There you go," she whispered, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you," Zoey weakly replied, still recovering from the painful ordeal. "Come on, baby," dark blond woman said, gently taking her daughter's hand. "Let's get you dressed and off to bed." Zoey stood up and walked to her bedroom. Stroking her daughter's blond locks, Ms. Brooks smiled warmly. Bundled in her warm pink and white-spotted sheets, Zoey smiled like an infant. "Always be my baby girl?" "Always," the teenager answered with a grin. Smiling, Ms. Brooks kissed her little angel's forehead, then turned on her music box. The small plastic ballerina began to twirl on its painted tiptoes as the soothing music played. "Night, Mommy," a tired, half-asleep Zoey said, rolling onto her side. "Night, pumpkin," Ms. Brooks replied, turning off the light and gently closing her daughter's door. Even in the silence of the night, Zoey found herself aroused by the thoughts of Swan Lake, and Chase. Things seemed so different than last year. Swan Lake; the idea down to its magical core bled into Zoey's dreams yet again. Odette, the young, innocent, loving princess is seduced by the wicked sorceror, von Rothbart. In his infinite evil, the wizard turns Odette into a swan. Heartbroken, the girl's family cries an entire river over her (hearby known as Swan Lake). Now, Odette is only human by night. Meanwhile, Prince Siegfried, who now seemed much like Chase, was a young prince forced to marry by his next birthday. Should he choose not to marry, he will lose everything, even though the thought of marrying for anything but love disgusts him. Finally, the two tortured souls come together by a twist of fate one night at Swan Lake. Siegfried's proposal of love seems strong enough to save Odette from Rothbart's curse...but the wicked sorceror would never allow it; sending his malicious but beautiful daughter, Odile in disguise of Odette, the evil man manages to get the prince to pledge his love for the wrong girl. Everything is ruined, and Odette will be trapped as a swan forever. Realizing his mistake, Siegfried attempts to beg forgiveness from his true love, only to watch her kill herself by diving into the lake. In desperation, the young man jumps in as well. In death, the two find peace and love together. Rothbart, rendered powerless by the force of true love, crumbles into nothingness, and the kingdom is at peace once again. Odile; darkness, the ruination of love. To be Odette, one must conquer the Black Swan. 2. Bleeding Darkness _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Two: Bleeding Darkness Rebecca put all of her weight on her right leg as it rested on the bar in front of her. Her joints throbbing, her muscles burning with an intoxicating pain, the Prima Donna let out silenced, subdued breath after breath. As her waist down, folding in her stomach until her body formed the shape of a seven, Rebecca held herself in place. Agonized, the girl remained still. No matter what anyone said, she was still flawless. "Auditions for Swan Queen begin now," Leroy declared, sparking the heartbeat of every dancer in the room. Rebecca snarled under her breath, so angry she was sick. Zoey swallowed hard, tried to steady her breath and furious heartbeat, then walked over to the other girls auditioning. Everyone in line was tall, confident, and very developed. Being as shy as she was, Zoey couldn't help but feel dwarfed, especially when the raven-haired girl from before turned back to her and scoffed. _Maybe I'm wasting my time, _the blond thought, growing discouraged. _They're all prettier, stronger, and better than me._ Suddenly, the stinging flared up in Zoey's back, though she ignored it. "Hey," called an excited, female voice. Turning around, the blond saw none other than Dana Cruz standing behind her. "Zoey, right?" "Um, yeah," Zoey answered. "You're're an amazing dancer." "Thanks," Dana replied. "I've seen you in action, too...You're not bad...Break a leg out there." "Thank you," the blond replied, somewhat preoccupied. After what felt like hours, it was Zoey's turn to audition. "Zoey Brooks...," Thomas said, closing the door behind the young woman. "What made you decide to try out for Swan Queen? I thought you'd be content with your usual role. What is it? Aleara? The young swan?" "Um, no," Zoey answered. "I really think I can do this." "Now that Rebecca's gone?" Leroy quickly replied. Before Zoey could answer what seemed like a demeaning question, the silver-haired man continued on. "You never tried out for the part before...why now?" "I really feel like I can do it this year," the blond answered, growing more nervous by the second. "What's different about this year?" Thomas asked. Unable to answer, the girl just looked at the floor, trying to keep her composure. "Is it because you feel Rebecca was better than you?" "...Yes," Zoey finally managed to squeak out. "You think you're just a second choice?" the French man concluded. "...You do know what this character is, don't you?" "Yeah," the blond answered, her body trembling inside. "...A young princess...untouched by the world. She's seduced by an evil sorcerer...von Rothbart, who turns her into a swan. Then, when she and Prince Siegfried fall in love...Odile, the Black Swan tricks him into thinking she's Odette...and then he professes his love for her instead...and..." "I know the story," Leroy interrupted. "Just tell me about the characters...Odette and Odile." "...Odette," Zoey timidly began. "She's sweet, innocent, fearful, a child...The White Swan. Odile...the Black Swan...darkness, devastating beauty. She destroys everything for Odette and Siegfried." "That's very poetic," the man replied. "You know alot about this...but can you give yourself to it?" "...I think I can," the blond answered, trying so hard to avoid contact with the director's eyes. "Show me," Leroy boldly replied, taking a seat in a dark-green chair. Everything about him; his eyes and the expecting look he locked onto her, the reclined position he sat in, and way he covered his mouth as in engulfed in thought, screamed judgment towards Zoey. Taking in a deep breath and swallowing hard, the girl looked up to the sky, gently raised her arms in the air until they connected above her head, and began performing The Dance of the White Swan. Her movements graceful and timid, Zoey pranced on the tops of her toes, clad in her pointe shoes. All fluency and grace flowing through her like an ocean, the girl felt one with the White Swan. "Stop, stop," Thomas quickly interrupted. "...I knew you could dance the White Swan...but the Black Swan...she's dark, and she's powerful. And it's freakin' hard to play both... It's not enough...If you want to have a chance dancing the Swan Queen, you have to show me your dark side. Can you do that?" _Dark side; shattering the childlike nature Zoey seemed to constantly exude. Turning her body into a devastating, shadow of beauty. Was she even capable of that, _Leroy wondered. Nodding in agreement, Zoey took in a deep breath, stepped back, and pressed her left foot into her right calf. Quickly, the blond teenager began to twirl, trying with all her might to perfect the moves Odile performed. _What am I doing wrong? _Zoey asked herself, growing uneasy at the sight of Thomas' prying gaze. _I have to get this perfect..._ "You don't get it, do you?" Thomas finally said, causing Zoey to give up and stand weakly on her feet. "...You're trying to impress me...trying to get every move perfect...Just like a child too afraid to color outside the lines." "But, I...," Zoey began, obviously falling apart inside. "You need to grow the fuck up!" Leroy snapped, his enraged voice harshly echoing through his office. Silence surrounded Zoey with throbbing intensity. Trying to hide her swelling tears, the girl looked down at the floor, tightly clenching her right arm. "...I'm sorry, but I don't think you're right for the part. Maybe you should get used to the Little Swan." Too upset to speak, Zoey stood up, keeping her head down, and began to head for the door. "That's it?" the French man asked. "You can't come up with anything to say to me?" The blond shook her head, and continued to walk away. "Close the door," Thomas commanded. Zoey turned around, puzzled and scared. Leroy quickly got up, shut the door, let out a deep, disappointed breath that depressed his shoulders, then turned to Zoey. "Why?" Too confused and weak, the teenager desperately hoped for her director to continue speaking, but he was determined to drive something out of her. His gaze was intense and frightening. "I don't know," Zoey whispered with a cracking voice. "I just want to be perfect. I want them to love me." "Who?" Thomas asked, sounding sympathetic; taken off-guard. "Who do you want to love you?" "...The people watching...the audiences, the other dancers," Zoey explained. "You'll never win the audience," the Frenchman replied. "Those other dancers'll never give you respect...Not if you wait around for it like a helpless child...You have to take it! Make them love you!" Zoey swallowed hard, not matter how much she tried to silence it. "You're not used to hearing that, are you?...You just can follow every step perfectly, and everything will be happy, right? Is that what they taught you at school? Is that what you tell yourself? Because that's wrong! Tell me what you want!" "I want love," the girl hoarsely answered. "Tell me!" Leroy screamed. "I want love!" Zoey screamed, her face tightening and turning blood red as she forced everything she had into her lungs. "Then take it!" the man demanded, furious. Leroy violently grabbed Zoey's petite shoulders, and forced himself onto her lips. Taken by his cool intensity, the girl began to force back, feeling something she'd never truly felt before; lust, power, violent want. Zoey's closed eyes gave way to her vicious spirit, and she breathed into Thomas' mouth, her avarice refusing to relent. Their lips cascading and tearing into the others, the two continued the undying dance of passion. Suddenly, a stabbing pain shot into Leroy's mouth, forcing him to pull back. "Ah!" he exclaimed heavily, under his breath. "You bit me?" "No, I...I'm sorry," Zoey nervously replied, returning to her controlled human self. "I'm...I'm just sorry." Ashamed and terrified, the teenager ran out of the room. Dana watched her fellow dancer charge away, but did nothing. Sitting alone, leaning against the cold brick walls in the main hallway, Zoey tried to collect her composure once again. Not only had she made a complete fool of herself, but she failed to obtain the role of her dreams. "It hurts, doesn't it?" asked a familiar voice. The girl looked up, her eyes stained over and swollen with tears. "Rebecca," Zoey said, her voice weak. "Wha..." "I know how it feels..." the dark-haired girl continued. "Being burns. He used to call me his Little Princess." Not able to respond, the blond just dropped her head, trying so hard not to cry. Rebecca gently touched the girl on her shoulder, then walked away. At long last, the day was over, and Zoey, still loathing herself for her failure, dawned her soft coat, and began her walk home. Her hair tied back in a casual bun design, the teenager felt the cool wind on her neck as she approached the door. "Hey, Zoey," called a comforting voice. "Hey, how'd the audition go?" "Oh, hey Chase," Zoey weakly replied. Clearing her throat, the girl tried to continue on; "...I don't think so...How 'bout you?" "I think I nailed it," the young man answered. "Sorry know. I'm sure you'll be great in another role." Struggling to remain calm, Zoey nodded. With an awkward wave, the girl departed from her fellow dancer. "I'll see you later," Chase called out, sharing Zoey's uneasiness. As she walked away from the studio, Zoey wiped the hot, welling tears from her eyes. Before her, the horizon was illuminated with the dark yellow and scarlet colors of a consuming dusk. The air was cold, and the city was quiet. At this moment, Zoey came to know nothing could comfort her. Feeling a new rawness on her back, the girl tightly clenched her rash. However, this gave little comfort other than a sharp flow of raw relief. She was tired; weak, barely able to remain conscious. Rubbing at her puffy, sore, bloodshot eyes, Zoey continued on. "Hey!" a woman's voice called out, followed by the sound of racing footsteps. The blond girl turned around to see Dana running towards her. "Zoey... how'd the audition go?" An agonizing lump bulged within the girl's throat. "Oh," Zoey began, rubbing some fresh tears out of her swollen, sticky eyes. "I don't really wanna talk about it." "...I'm sorry," the shining brunette warmly replied, putting her right arm around the younger ballerina's back. "That sucks...I really thought you'd get it." "Thanks," Zoey replied, taken back alittle. "I'm sorry, but my mom's waiting for me at home." The girl felt Dana grab her arm, wanting to hold her back. Her grasp was gentle but determined. "I mean, you're so determined...I tried out, too," Dana continued, not wanting her desired friend to leave. "But I don't think I was nearly as good. Maybe I'll see you around?" "Um...sure," the blond replied, walking away. It felt like hours, but the Brooks' humble home soon came into view. Arriving at her house, Zoey walked towards her mother, looked her straight in the eye, then broke down in tears. "Honey..." Ms. Brooks said, warmly embracing her daughter and stroking her hair down. "'s okay," she whispered, hearing her angel's sobs muffled into her chest. Her tears bitter and burning in her face, Zoey couldn't help but relive every painful moment; her loss of control, her wasted dance, and all those things Leroy said to her. Too upset to eat, the teenager tucked herself into bed, waited for her mother to kiss her and turn on her music box, then prepared to drift into sleep. "It'll be better in the morning," she promised her hurt child. "It always is...Night, angel." Zoey's tears slid onto her pillow. Under a deep, blue night's sky, the currents and waves of the lake flowed and cascaded, shimmering with the reflection of the moon's light. A gentle blessing of cool wind graced the area as a young woman clad in a beautiful white dress slowly pranced towards the water she'd grown so used to. From the forest, shrouded in darkness, a young man with curly hair walked towards the girl whom his heart called for. Turning to the man, the girl turned fearful, dancing away from him. However, the humble boy, a prince with endless wanderlust and torture, pursued; he took the White Swan-girl's soft hand, and the two began to dance. Among the Gothic beauty of a raging blue waterfall, the two stayed united beyond all the forces of the cruel world. Enlocked in pleasure and pure happiness, the couple continued their sacred tango, scattering a mist of white feathers into the air. However, even in the deepest currents of peace, dark feathers began to fall from the skies. As they rained over the loving scene, Odette felt weaker inside. Her blond hair was violently churned in the breeze that grew ruthless. Soon, a dark, radiantly beautiful woman clad entirely in a dress bleeding over with black feathers laced with silver lining their edges. Odette's face was pale and coupled with jagged black and silver coverings on her red eyes. Emotionally crippled and encompassed by shadow, the two began a sensuous dance that seemed to light the air on fire. Then, they kissed; shattering everything. Odette felt herself die inside, falling to the ground in the defeated clutch of ecstasy. Jumping in her bed, Zoey took in several deep breaths, her face coated in cold sweat that made her hair cling to her neck. Walking into the main hall of the studio, Zoey looked straight ahead at the sheet that would forever define her future. Rebecca stormed out of the room, then slammed the door to her old room; "Swan Queen" golden letters engraved in the dark wood formed. Shocked, the blond continued on. "There she is," Dana said, a wide smile on her lovely face. The other girls scoffed and spit, departing from the scene. Zoey walked on, and read the list of names and their destined roles; Rebecca was the Sovereign Princess, Chase Matthews: Prince Siegfried, Dana one of the Little Swans, and then...Zoey Brooks; Swan Queen. Her heart pounding viciously and her nerve endings lit in a numbing shock, Zoey couldn't help but drop her jaw. "...You made it," Chase exclaimed. Zoey felt herself drawn to the boy, but controlled herself. "Looks like we're written for each other." Rushing into the bathroom, the blond closed herself in a stall, gathered her breath and composure, then made a phone call. "Hi, Mommy," she said, barely able to contain herself; her smile bursting off of her face. "...I made it, Mom..." Zoey could hear her mother let out a delighted shriek at the news. "...I love you, Mommy...bye." Her heart fluttering, the girl walked out of the room, her entire body (even the rash) floating with a heavenly lightness. 3. Numbing Streams _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Three: Numbing Streams "I'm so glad you made Swan Queen," Chase said, his warm, soft voice almost in a whisper. "Really?" Zoey replied, smiling. Her entire being lightened, the girl felt herself come to peace with everything around her. "You're so devoted," the young man continued. "And I couldn't know, dancing with anyone else." "I know you're gonna be a wonderful Siegfried," Zoey warmly said. "So majestic, so at odds with the world." Chase stared at the girl, listening so intensely to every word she said. A strong connection began to burn in the teenagers' hearts, drawing them so close together. "Hey, do you, hang out...after practice tomorrow?" Chase finally gathered up the courage to ask. "...That'd be great," the blond answered. "Thank you." "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," Thomas called out. "Tomorrow night, I will be making the announcement of the new Swan Queen. I expect every one of you to be there." Rebecca felt herself grow sick. She began to despise everything about Thomas Leroy. "Miss Zoey Brooks...Please follow me." Folding her lips inward as she smiled, the blond girl followed her director into the main hallway. "If you don't mind my asking...what changed your mind?" Zoey asked, trying to keep her voice low. "You did," Thomas answered plainly. "...This will be your new room." "Rebecca's dressing room?" Zoey asked, taken back. "Not anymore," the man answered. "You're the Swan Queen...this is your time." Leroy departed, letting Zoey take in her new room; enjoying her new title. Taking a seat in the chair, looking at herself in Rebecca's mirror, Zoey studied herself. She never thought she'd be here, but it all felt so right. She was Odette...and Odile. That night, the teenager walked into her home, looked around, and saw no sign of her mother. "Mommy?" she called, walking into her mom's painting room. So many renditions and forms of her own face stared back at Zoey; each one glowing with an aura of childlike innocence and fearfulness. Each one pretty and graceful. In some ways, it made her uneasy. "Zoey, is that you?" Ms. Brooks called. Zoey followed her mother's voice into the living room. There, several rows of candles illuminated an entirely redecorated setting. Posters from previous Swan Lake productions lined the walls. Several music boxes with unique ballerinas clad in pink, white, or black tutu's rested on the counters. "My daughter...Swan Queen." Zoey smiled so brightly, and ran into her mother's embrace. "I am so proud of you." "Thanks, Mommy," the teenager replied, enjoying her mother's warm embrace. "Look at them," the dark-blond-haired woman said, looking up at the posters. Zoey did as she was told. "Rebecca...Victoria...and now you...You can be everything they were. You can make a name for yourself, live out every one of your dreams." Zoey smiled as her mother rested her hand on her shoulder. "I knew you could do it...I always knew." "Thanks, Mom," the blond girl whispered, fixated on the frozen moment in Rebecca's life; she was clad in the black dress, topped with a jagged black tiara. Then, to her left was a reversed portrait of her clad in the white dress. Under the cool, overcast morning's sky, Zoey walked to Pacific Coast Academy. Having arrived eariler than most of the other dancers, the girl found herself alone in the dimmed down building. Making her way through the hallway, Zoey grew nervous about her awaiting performances. Suddenly, another girl, clad in mostly black and other dark clothing walked by, turning her head to keep Zoey in her sights. The blond girl couldn't help but notice that the unfamiliar figure looked like her on so many levels. Ignoring this slight discomfort, the soon-to-be Prima dancer kept on her way. Leroy was awaiting his newest star. "There you are," the Frenchman excitedly greeted the girl. "Are you ready to show the world who you are?" After a rough day of failed attempts, Zoey and Chase met up outside the academy. "Hey, Swan Queen," the young man greeted, his voice almost dreamy. "Hey," Zoey replied. "I'm so tired." "Yeah, Leroy's working you pretty hard," Chase added. "For what it's worth, though, you're doing an amazing job." Zoey smiled, feeling her face heat up in a blush. "I'm really glad I get to be the man who falls in love with you." Feeling so flattered, so swept back, the blond covered her face by lowering her head and letting her hair fall. Lifting up her head, Chase gazed into Zoey's passionate eyes, which were all too often hidden behind tears, or simply staring at the floor. The two leaned close to each other, just looking at their eyes. "I...really like you." Zoey couldn't move, but that didn't feel wrong right now. That night, Zoey arrived alongside Leroy; she was clad in an elegant white dress (lined with ocean blue satin) that gently flowed down her thin body and pooled around her legs, where a pair of white high heels shined. Her hair pulled back into a complex horizontal hive style, her face decorated with a slight essence of makeup, Zoey looked every text book's definition of gorgeous. Thomas was clad in a very expensive and sophisticated black tuxedo, black tie, jet black pants, and shined black shoes. The hotel rented for the night was extremely beautiful; golden walls with intricate designs seemingly burned into them. A beautiful wooden dance floor was the center of the room; shined and flawless in every sense. Hundreds of critics, dancers, and sophisticated men and women flooded the entire area. Above everything, a massive, shining chandelier glimmering with pure crystalline glass shards. The band Leroy hired to perform was currently playing Dance of the Little Swans, consuming the scene with powerful grace and elegance. Several young men noticed Zoey, praising her for one reason or another. "Don't be nervous," Thomas whispered to his star. "They're all here for you...They're at your mercy." Nodding, the girl looked around, and saw an angry, groggy Rebecca giving some money to a bar tender. Moving slowly with poise, Thomas escorted his Swan Queen up to the top of the stairs. "Ladies and gentlemen," he called out, raising his glass into the air. All conversation and music halted, and all eyes turned onto the two. "It is my distinguished pleasure to announce our newest Swan Queen...the lovely...Zoey Brooks." Every single person cheered for the young woman. After the initial introductions and questionings, Zoey was free to roam around the ball room. Being too young to drink, she mostly leaned against the wall and avoided confrontations. Feeling a stinging in her fingers, the girl quickly glanced down to see blood swelling up around her right pointer finger. Zoey casually entered the ladies' room, shut and locked the door, and began running cold water on her ailing finger. At first, it stung, but after the blood clotted, the wound seemed tame. Noticing a piece of dead skin hanging off, still clinging to the tender flesh coating her nails, Zoey tightly pinched the transparent coating, then, in one fluent jolt, tore it. A large section of flesh peeled back, revealing a red and raw layer of skin. Gasping, the girl quickly ran her finger under icy water. A knock at the door was heard under the stream of water. "Hey, you almost done in there?" another girl called in. "I'll be done in a second," Zoey politely called back. Looking down, the wound was gone. Still trembling, the blond opened the door, and saw Dana clad in a devastating black dress lined on the neck with feathers. Her hair was down straight, letting it cover down to her lower shoulders. "Zoey, hey," the young woman excitedly said, quickly closing the door behind her. "Hey, do you have a minute?" "Um, sure," Zoey answered. "What's up?" "I just wanted to...really congratulate you," Dana explained. "I'm so glad you got the part." "Thank you," the girl humbly replied, smiling. "I can't wait to see you on stage," the shining brunette continued, sitting down on the marble counter where the sink was located. "There's just...something about you I never got from Rebecca, you know?" At this moment, all the composure and fright Dana seemed to exude was gone. She was acting like a school girl. Suddenly, the young woman began to slowly slip off her thin black panties. "You're gonna be amazing." Growing uneasy, Zoey quickly thought of an excuse. "Thank you very much...I'm sorry, but Thomas is probably looking for me." Shocked and seeming hurt, Dana remained silent as Zoey closed the door, leaving her alone. Leaving the bathroom, the girl walked towards a cozy-looking seat warmly placed by a golden table with an artificial but fancy rotary phone resting atop it, and gently took a seat. "You little tramp," snarled a somewhat familiar voice. Zoey looked up to see Rebecca standing right in front of her. "Rebecca," the blond said, startled. "Why would he make you Swan Queen?" Rebecca demanded, her speech somewhat slurred. "What'd you sleep with him or something?" "...No," Zoey replied, struggling to keep her composure. "_I_ didn't have to." Deeply hurt, Rebecca remained silent for a moment. "You stupid whore," the woman continued, furious. "You're only gonna be good to him until you get old...then you'll be just like me." "I don't see that happening," Zoey snapped, standing up sharply. "I'm the perfect Swan Queen...that's why he chose me, and let you go." "Hey," Thomas shouted, walking over to the two, and glaring at Rebecca. "What the hell's going on here?" Shaking from her outburst, Zoey was unable to respond. "You...get out of here," Leroy commanded, shoving Rebecca away from Zoey. "This one's cute," the former Swan Queen snarled as she was escorted into the hallway. Zoey followed. "She's the perfect Odette." With that, the bitter woman left the building. "I am sorry about that," Thomas said, looking at Rebecca as she stormed out. "She's jealous...always has been. Come on, I wanna talk to you about something. I'm staying on the fourth floor tonight." The two arrived at Leroy's temporary lodging, where he has already stocked the wine cellar and added to the contemporary decorations. "I don't want there to be any boundaries between us," he said, his voice warm. "I want you to know that I am here for you...Is that alright?" "Great," Zoey answered, still torn up from the argument. "...Thank you." Thomas leaned back on the couch, looking at the lighted fan spinning above him. "She used to be like you," he said, taking a sip of the red liquid. "Timid, shy...but there was always something about her...She had this...anger to her...and lust. No matter how good she had it, no matter how good she was...she always wanted more. She was so much like Odile...that she could barely portray Odette at one point. At first, it amazed me...what she'd become...But I realized what a price her transformation came at..." Zoey swallowed hard, astounded and terrified all at the same time. "I know, somewhere inside of have The Black Swan...underneath everything you show to those around you...I felt that hunger inside you...that dark lust...that's why I chose you. I knew I saw a taste of your dark side in that bite..." Leaning back and clenching her soda, Zoey looked down at the floor. "...Rebecca said she felt like she was betrayed," she whispered. "She betrayed herself," Thomas replied. "She was so obsessed with having everything that she lost sight of her passion...When you dance, I can tell what you strive for...perfection. Maybe you think perfection means love...The truth is, though...perfection isn't getting everything's about losing yourself, touching on that thing inside yourself for that one instant." Thomas' passion was showing in his voice. It was inspiring in so many ways. "That one moment when you're one with your fear, your rage, your love...when you feel like you're dancing on water...That's perfection. That's what's caged up inside you...trying to get free." Zoey was dumbfounded. "I have a little...homework project for you tonight...I want you to get in touch with your sexuality... once you get closer to get closer to The Black Swan...Touch yourself...whatever it takes." Those words were terrifying; Why? "It's getting late," Zoey finally said, standing up. Leroy stood up with her, as the code of conduct dictates. "...Thank you...for everything." Thomas nodded, then handed the girl her coat so she could depart. She was still so weak. Making her way home, Zoey looked around for someone. Who, though? Maybe it was Chase, who she hadn't seen all night. Turning, Zoey caught something that made her sick; Chase holding another girl, rubbing up against her, and violently kissing her lips. The sight hurt, almost to a sickening point. Why would he do that? After what he'd said... "Hey," Dana said, putting her hand on Zoey's shoulder. "Look, Zoe...I'm really sorry to've just...thrown myself at you like that." "Nah, I'm sorry for just leaving you back there," Zoey replied, knowing her tears were beyond her control. "...If you don't mind," her voice began cracking so badly, and her eyes were blinded by burning tears. "I could really use someone right now." Dana wrapped her arms around her friend's back, tightly holding her as she cried out loud. "It's okay, little swan," the older girl whispered, rubbing up and down Zoey's back. "I'm here." That night, Dana walked her fellow ballerina home. "Thank you," Zoey said, wiping away the last of her tears. "If you ever need know, door's always open," the shining brunette assured her friend. With a mutual smile, the two departed from one another. There was a message on the phone when Zoey entered the living room. _Hey, Zoey, it's Chase, _the electronically cracking voice said. _Look, I did something really stupid tonight...and I'm sorry. Look, please talk to me tomorrow...And, um...bye, I guess._ With that, the message ended. Too upset to speak to the traitor, Zoey stroked over her running nose, threw her coat off, and went to bed alone. "Night, Mom," she called out. "Good night, pumpkin," Ms. Brooks said, walking in, giving her daughter a kiss, turning on her music box, then walking out. The burning had returned to Zoey's back, but it felt almost good at this point. _Touch yourself... whatever it takes, _she heard Leroy's voice repeating. Everything seemed so horrible. Nothing was going right. It was so late... Zoey rolled onto her stomach, and merely fell asleep. 4. Sway of Shadows _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Four: Sway of Shadows Awakening from the consuming darkness of her dreams, Zoey sat let out several heavy breaths, then rose up into a sitting position. Yelllow and orange hues flowed in through the open curtains, warming the teenager's cheeks. Her eyes were swollen, puffy, and coated with sticky, half-dried tears from last night. Feeling weak, Zoey gently dropped her legs on the soft pink carpeting of her bedroom, and slowly swaggered into her bathroom. Slowly dropping her robe, the girl gazed at herself in the mirror, clad only in her soft, pink bra and panties. As her long, straight, blond locks fell to her shoulders, Zoey turned around to see her rash had worsened; red streaks coursed down her sickly organge-hued upper back. As before, the rash was only in two areas, but seemed to be growing larger and coated in heavily textured depressed bumps. Lightly stroking her fingers down the ailing areas, Zoey grew concerned. _I can't tell Mom about this, _she thought. _I can't miss training today._ Covering up her rash with some conealer and powder, the girl got dressed in her white and pink leotard, covered up with her jacket, and put her hair into a ponytail tucked into its tie to resemble a bun. "Bye, Mommy," Zoey called out. "Wait a minute," Ms. Brooks called back, running over to her daughter. "...I wanted to give you this before...I didn't make it as a dancer...but I know you can." With that, the woman placed a white swan barret designed to look like diamond in her daughter's tightly groomed locks. "...Thank you," Zoey replied, her voice weak with shock. Giving her mother a hug, the girl then ran out the door and towards the academy. _Little Angel, _someone whispered. Quickly shooting her head back, the teenager saw nothing and no one. Letting the strange occurance go, Zoey continued on her way, the Dance of the Swans beating in her mind. "Clea'," an older, female instructor directed Zoey. "Grand clea'...excellent." The blond nodded with the expected courtesy, and continued on the warm-up routine. "Alright, this is one of the crucial points in the production," Thomas declared, his voice booming in the acoustics of the room. "Odile has made her dark, passionate love to Rothbart's plan; seducing the prince...therefore destroying Odette. Zoe, I need you to be a seductress...Take us." The man sat down in the first row of black bleacher seats coated with dull green-gray fabric, and began studying the scene before him. Nervously, Zoey walked into the center of the wooden dance floor, threw her hand out towards Chase, and tried to hide her anger. The two began to prance around, their fingers entertwined, but their eyes and souls distant. "Now!" Leroy ordered. "Seduce us!" Zoey pulled away from her prince, and began to twirl, her right arm in the air, arced over her head. "Stop. Stop." Zoey immediately haulted in her tracks. "What's going on out there?" The man walked over to the couple. "What the hell? It's like you're pissed at each other." "It's nothing," Zoey silently replied, hiding her fury towards her so-called friend. "Can we have a minute, please?" Chase asked, obviously stressed. "Bet you've been saying that alot lately," Dana threw in, her voice almost in a whisper. "...Whatever," Leroy finally gave in. "Whatever the hell you want." With that, the Frenchman quickly departed from the room, leaving a sense of shame and disappointment with the dancers. "Why were you kissing her?" Zoey demanded of her prince. "After what you said to me!" "I don't know," Chase answered. "I was...I don't know. I'm really sorry. She was coming onto me, I couldn't find you, I..." "Is that all it takes?" a disgusted Zoey whispered, deeply hurt. Shaking her head, fighting back the tears that were welling up so heavily in her eyes, the blond turned away, and stormed off. Leaning against the cool brick wall, Zoey tried to regain her composure. "I know you're upset...but you don't need him," said a soft, French-accented man's voice. "Use your anger...Make him your toy." The girl looked up at Thomas, her eyes stained a saturated rosy color from her crying earlier. "If you're not strong now, you'll never be," Leroy lightly declared, holding out his hand for his young dancer to take. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Zoey took it. Joining their palms against one another, Chase and Zoey engaged each other in a furious dance. The theme was obvious: Odile was in control. Holding her hand out in front of her, the girl felt herself start to shake. "Come on!" Thomas shouted. "Seduce us! Attack it! Attack it!" Twirling with all her might, Zoey tried so hard to make herself a thing of fear. However, she failed; her movements were too weak, her hatred flawed and relenting. "Enough." Chase walked off to dance on his own. Leroy approached Zoey, who was still trembling. "You know what? You make me sick," the Frenchman snarled under his breath. "You have it inside yourself, but you're afraid. How are you going to succeed at anything if you let someone like that tear you down?" Leroy's voice raising to an all-out holler, the room echoed, then fell into complete, devastating silence. Zoey felt her heart sink; everything she was shattered within her. She wasn't perfect, not a woman, nothing. Disgusted, Thomas stormed out of the room, leaving the little ballerina alone, bathing in her sorrow. "Look, the baby's crying," one of the other dancers scoffed. "Wonder if she's gonna run home to Mommy," another one added with a cruel laugh. "She's just like Rebecca. She knows how to go to bed, but that's it." Soon, the room fell into a blurred silence, leaving Zoey laying on her knees on the floor. "Hey," greeted a familiar voice. "Dana, hey," Zoey replied, wiping away her tears and getting up onto her aching, half-numb legs. "...I'm sorry, but I really don't feel liking talking right now." "It might be better than being alone," the shining brunette said. "You've been really torn up...Chase is just a jerk. You shouldn't be upset because he was cheating on you...he's just not worth it." Zoey swallowed hard, trying to figure out what she was feeling. "Find Leroy...make him give you a second chance." Feeling empowered by her friend's words, the blond nodded, then ran to find Leroy. "Thomas," she called, looking around for the man. "Thomas!" "What is it?" the Frenchman replied, sitting in his office. "I'm sorry...I was being stupid," Zoey answered. "Chase wasn't worth it, and..." "That's just what I'm talking about," Leroy interrupted. "He's _not _worth it, but you're still a wreck...even though you're acting strong." Firmly putting his arms on her shoulders, Thomas gazed deeply into Zoey's eyes. "The only one standing in your you." With that, the room fell to darkness, and Zoey again found herself alone and devastated. Walking towards her home, the blond felt herself sink into depression. Dana was wrong; the flaws were in herself, not in Chase, not in Leroy. Tears began to burn once again. "How'd it go?" Dana asked, seemingly coming out of the shadows. "It didn't," Zoey answered. "...Maybe I'm not right for the part." "Yes, you are," Dana argued, extremely confident in her opinion. "You just need to lose yourself when you're playing The Black Swan. Hey, you wanna get some dinner tonight?" "Um, maybe tomorrow," the blond sadly answered. "My mom's probably got dinner waiting already." Dana laughed under her breath. "Okay, I'll count on tomorrow," the shining brunette said. "See yuh, little swan." With that, the girl departed from Zoey. After her mother tucking her in and turning on her music box, Zoey lay awake in her bed, trying to forget everything. Everything was shrowded in darkness, and depression seemed to bleed into every aspect of the girl's mind. Nothing seemed right; tension was burning within her body. _Touch yourself...Whatever it takes._ Ignoring her initial fear and reluctance, Zoey slowly moved her right hand, and slid it down into her panties. Practically consumed in a completely new feeling, the teenager took in a deep, ecstasy-filled gasp, which then evolved into a sigh. Her eyes closing, Zoey felt her body float with an intense cling of relief and frightening pleasure. The teenager felt her heart begin to violently flutter, and her breath growing heavier. Turning over onto her knees so that her stomach was facing down, Zoey began to more vigorously touch herself. Soon, her sighs turned to moans. _This feels...wrong, _she suddenly came to realize, her sexual lust turning into bitter regret. Slowly, Zoey rolled onto her back, ashamed of herself, but deeply desiring more of that sweet pleasure. Finally, the girl managed to fall asleep. Her dulled mind provided her with weak subtle images too vague for her to recall. Opening her eyes, Zoey gazed up at the ceiling, sighed, and went to take a shower. "Mommy," she said, sitting down across from her mother at the table. "W-would it be okay if I went out with a friend tonight?" "...Sure, honey," Ms. Brooks answered, somewhat let down. "Who is she?" "Her name's Dana," Zoey answered. "She's an amazing dancer...and really nice." "Don't be out too late," the woman said. "And you remember the rules. No drinking, no inappropriate behavior..." "Mom, I know," the blond playfully interrupted. "I'm a big girl. I'll be fine." Walking her way to the studio, Zoey was determined to work harder today. Her mother's white swan glistening in her beautiful locks, the girl recalled what Leroy said about The Black Swan. "Okay, we just need to get your measurements for your costume," a near-elderly woman informed Zoey, putting a tape measure around her tummy. The teen remained still, looking at her less than satisfactory self in the mirror. "You're dark, you're beautiful, you have everyone in this entire room under your control," Thomas declared, watching Zoey attempt to dance the part of Odile. Leaping into the air, trying to put more of her strength in each move, the blond tried to feel a greater power within herself. Her movements were precisely like the text books described, but not passionate. "Stop," the Frenchman said, his voice lacking in ambition. "...Zoey, come over here." The young dancer followed her director near the bleacher seats. "Look...Rebecca was in an accident the night of the party." "...Is she okay?" Zoey asked, startled. "She's in the hospital," Leroy answered. "I'm sure she did it on purpose...That's just her way, though...Driven by her emotions beyond all else... That may have made her a wonderful Swan Queen...but has its damages." Looking at the floor, the blond tried to ignore what she was being told. "It's my fault," Zoey confessed, her voice starting to crack. "Those things I said to her..." "I'm sure it was all true," Thomas interrupted. "This is not your fault... You stood up for yourself...and it's about freakin' time, too. That strength you had that night...the lust I saw inside have to become it...Become The Black Swan." Zoey looked out onto the wooden floor, and saw Chase standing alone, waiting for her. "Seduce him," Leroy whispered in the girl's ear. "Make him your toy." Swallowing any feelings she ever had for her betrayer of a prince, Zoey nodded in uneasy agreement, and pranced over to the boy. As the composers began the overture for the dance between Odile and Prince Siegfried. Chase and Zoey touched the tips of their fingers together, uniting their passions for a moment, and began forming a circle in their prance. Her eyes locked in an almost sinister gaze, the blond quickly pulled away, leaving her hand just below her prince's chin, then began to twirl. Again, her motions lacked passion and self-expression. However, Chase seemed uneasy, almost lingering with his wicked lover's departure; subdued by her emotional giving, then removal. "Better," Leroy declared. "But not what I need...Take it from the top." Her left leg supported on the bar, Zoey gently bent down, her right arm softly arced over her head. Ignoring the stinging in her back, the girl continued her graceful practice. Her stomach had been in knots ever since she was chosen as Swan Queen, but seemed much worse today. The idea of touching herself reared once again, seeming to be the solution, but Zoey ignored it. Glancing onto the dance floor, the blond saw Dana dancing with a thin but muscular young man in an act very similar to Odile's climactic dance. Dana's passion and pleasure caught Zoey's eye, taking her back alittle. "Look at her," Leroy whispered in the girl's ear. "Beautiful...sensual...She's not faking it." Zoey continued staring at the shining brunette; she was so pretty, and seemed to know how to make the dance her own in every way. Jealousy started to burn within her as she watched her friend laugh and enjoy herself. After class, Zoey and Dana met up outside the school. "So, hope you're in the mood for Tex Mex tonight," Dana said. "I'm starving." "Yeah," the blond replied, forgetting her negative emotions. "I need to make a stop first, then I'll meet you..." "It's called Riverside," the shining brunette continued for her friend. "Sounds great. Can't wait." With that, Dana departed, leaving Zoey to wander off to the place she so deeply felt she should be. Sterile, white, enlocked with a light buzzing that only masked the overall silence. Men and women in pale white and blue uniforms went about their ways, checking on patients. Zoey made her way to the fourth floor, where she had been told a certain woman was. The door was open, so the teenager simply walked in to see Rebecca unconscious, clad in a dark blue hospital gown. Her hair was unkempt and scattered on the pillow, her skin dry, and her eyes closed tightly in what looked like a sad form. It hurt for Zoey to see the once-proud figure so weak and helpless. She had been in a car accident, from what she was led to believe, yet there were no scars on her. Feeling a childlike curiosity, Zoey slowly, carefully pulled the warm blanket up, revealing Rebecca's still, scarred legs that seemed to be ailed by an all-too familiar orange, bloody rash. Shocked, the blond quickly dropped the sheets, her breath heavy. Looking around, she soon came to see this was no place for her to be. Some part of her wanted to apologize for what had been said before, but Zoey couldn't bring herself to it now. As the blond walked into town to meet Dana, her cell phone rang. Voice mail kicked in; _Zoey, it's Chase...what the hell was that today? Look, I don't know what's on, but...I'm sorry. Um, talk to you later, I guess._ Ignoring this, Zoey shut off her phone, and continued on her way. "Hey," called out a weak, female voice that left an eerily familiar ring in the teenager's ear. The voice sounded like a scared young woman needing help. Shocked, Zoey looked for the source of the sound, but saw no one. "Hey, little swan," Dana greeted her friend with a large smile. "What kept you?" Zoey gave a laughing shrug, then walked into the restraunt with the shining brunette. Dana was clad in mostly black, her hair pulled back into a wild style that flared out around her neck. Following their dinner, the two girls went back to Zoey's home. "Mind if I come in?" Dana asked, holding her coat around her hand. Growing uneasy about her friend's attire, the blond began to panic. "My mom's really strict," Zoey stuttered. "Maybe you should put your coat back on." "But I'm not cold," Dana playfully argued. Before anything more could be done or said, Ms. Brooks quickly opened the door. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, acting like it was an accident. "I was just taking out the trash." Zoey's mother set down a black garbage bag on the porch, then looked directly at Dana. " must be Dana." Somewhat uncomfortable, the curly brunette smiled, mouthed "hey", and gave a slight, quick lift of her right hand. "Would you girls like some coffee?" "Sure," Dana and Zoey answered harmonically. With that, the three headed into the house. Zoey and Dana sat on the couch while Ms. Brooks got the coffee. Amidst the silence, the shining brunette put her pointer and middle finger down on Zoey's leg like two little feet. With a mild smile, Dana playfully walked her fingers up the blond's leg, growing very close to an area that was to be beyond reach. "No," Zoey whispered, her voice growing weak. With a growing smile, the older girl continued up her friend's leg. "Stop it." "Here you go, girls," Ms. Brooks called in, arriving with the drinks. Dana quickly jerked her hand away before the woman could see her. "How do you take it, dear?" "Um, black's fine," Dana answered with an innocent smile. Ms. Brooks gave the girls the mugs of coffee (Zoey's made her special way), then sat down next to them. "So, how long have you two been friends?" she asked. "We just got to know each other afew days ago," Dana answered. "Zoey's an amazing dancer...I'd been wanting to talk to her for a long time." "Dana's one of the best dancers at the school," Zoey continued. "And we didn't have to sleep with anyone to get that way," the shining brunette threw in, much to Zoey's terror. Ms. Brooks cleared her throat in discomfort. "...Kidding." A devastating silence remained in the air for a moment. "We're both going to be swans," Zoey threw in, desperate to make everything better. "Leroy said the Sovereign Princess might be that Nicole girl we met last year." "Oh, she was sweet," Ms. Brooks replied. "Are you one of the young swans, Dana?" "Yeah," Dana answered. "I'm taking some lessons from your daughter. She's really an amazing dancer. We're all so glad she got Swan Queen." "Me too," the woman agreed. "It's all she's dreamed of." Zoey gazed down into her coffee. Though she had learned to keep it introverted, the blond was uneasy. "I don't blame her," the brunette replied. "Swan Lake's awesome. I mean,..." Zoey felt herself start to drift as her friend spoke. _Little angel...little angel, _she heard Dana whisper. "What?" Zoey said, interrupting the two and causing a moment of silence. Dana looked shocked. "Oh...sorry." After about half an hour, the shining brunette had to go back to her apartment, but asked Zoey to see her off. "I had a nice time," Zoey sweetly declared, standing under the light of the porch with her friend. "Same here," Dana replied with a smile that penetrated the younger girl. "How 'bout we hang out again? Like, tomorrow?" "Oh, I don't know," the blond nervously began. "I mean, these dinners are really important to my mom, and..." "Just...think about it," Dana interrupted, her voice almost in a whisper as she began to walk into the darkness. "Night." With that, the girl walked off, leaving Zoey taken back and seeming to want more. "I don't like her," Ms. Brooks said when Zoey sat back down beside her. "Be careful around her, hun." Giving a quick nod, the teenager went upstairs. 5. Seduction by Darkness _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Five: Seduction by Darkness "You're doing it! Perfect! Perfect!" Leroy praised Zoey as she performed The Swan Song with all of her passion. "The Black Swan has stolen your love, broken everything...You can't bear this life anymore...So you return to the Lake, and vow to jump...Killing yourself, but in doing so, finding peace and love forever more!" Clad in her usual pink and gray leotard, the blond teenager danced her way up onto the white stand designed for her swan song, performing the exact moves she'd known and loved since her childhood. "Everything is shattered...You will never be human again...Jump!" Zoey formed an arc over her head with her hands, joining the tips of her fingers, then dove onto the mat set up for the death scene; Odette falling into Swan Lake in one final burst of humanity. "Excellent," Thomas called out. "Very well-done, Zoe. Take five for now." Zoey raised herself up, brushed off her skirt, and walked over to the bleachers to do a cool-down stretch. "Zoey," greeted a familiar voice. It was Chase, the unfaithful prince, still trying to explain his immature behavior. "Um, can Like, in the hallway?" Not having any desire to listen, Zoey nodded, and followed the boy into the darkened hallway. "What is it?" the blond asked. "Look, I'm sorry about the other night...kissing that girl," Chase repeated from before. "It's just...I was's no excuse, but..." "Then why did you do it?" Zoey interrupted, her voice growing forceful. "You're playing my said you liked me...Why didn't you even try to find me?" "I don't know...I just...I'm sorry," the curly-haired boy shamefully explained, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl he'd hurt so badly. "I was an idiot. Look, I know I don't have any right to...but can we still be...friends?" "...After Swan Lake...I don't want to talk to you," Zoey answered, knowing how much she was hurting both her and Chase. Swallowing a swelling lump in his throat, the curly-haired boy nodded, then walked off. Leaning back against the cold wall, Zoey began to cry, though she kept it tightly muffled under her hand. As her tears grew more violent, the girl began slamming her back into the wall, her eyes tightly closed. Deep red colors spread over the ballerina's face as she restrained herself. Taking in several deep breaths, Zoey managed to calm herself enough to avoid hyperventilating. _It hurt so much to force someone out of her life, but it had to be done, she knew._ After another grueling day, Zoey walked out of the building, feeling a cold embrace on her neck. "Zoey! Hey, Zoey!" Dana called out, running towards the ballerina. "Hey, where you going?" "I was just headed home," Zoey answered. "...Oh, I completely forgot about tonight." "That's fine," the shining brunette replied. "You had a rough day...why don't we get a drink?" "I-I can't," the blond nervously stuttered. "My Mom's really..." "Overprotective?" Dana answered. "Babying? Come on, she'll be fine." "I...I should call her," Zoey began to reply, pulling out her cell phone. Dana took the phone, and turned it off. "Grow up," the shining brunette whispered. "Live alittle." Reluctant at first, Zoey stared at Dana, then nodded and gave in to her. It was dark over the city of Los Angeles as Dana drove her car into the city. Her confidence and dark composure seemed stronger than ever as she took Zoey to the club. As always, bright lights illuminated every single building and skyscraper around. "You're gonna love this place," the older girl said, not taking her eyes off the highway road. Zoey glanced down at her lap, feeling out of place and kind of uneasy. "Do you know what time we'll be back?" the blond shyly asked. "Relax, Zoe," Dana replied, smiling. "You're gonna have an awesome time." The younger ballerina looked straight ahead, then felt something drop onto her skirt. "In case you wanna spruce up," the brunette explained, staring at the flashing headlights ahead of her. Zoey lifted up the black undergarment by its thin straps, looking it over. "...Thanks," the blond said. "Maybe you're right...I'm just really worked up over this part, you know?" "Everyone knows," Dana replied. "...But tonight, your only care should be how long you can dance...and with who." Finally, the two pulled up to a bar in a block crowded with tall shops and apartments. A buzzing, purple-hued sign formed the name "Crystal Side Bar and Grill". "A-are you sure we're allowed to..." Zoey began to ask, growing nervous as she entered a major no-no spot. "Sssh," Dana interrupted, putting her hand in front of her friend's chest. "Ssh...I know the manager, it's a cool place,...we'll be fine. Come on, I'm starving." The two walked inside. Zoey noticed the dim lighting, large crowds of grown men and women, and the blaring dance music past the dark silver-colored restaurant section. Dana led her friend to an empty table, and dropped her purse beside her foot. Zoey took a seat, cleared her throat, then began looking over a menu. "Hey, sexy," a taller, thinly-built, lightly Italian waiter with his short hair oiled into an unruly style greeted. Dana gave a flirtatious smile back, then turned to her menu. "What can I get you two?" "Hmm," the older brunette said. "I'll take a cherry wine...and she'll take a light one." Zoey grew uncomfortable. "But, I'm..." the blond began to plead. However, the waiter took off towards the bar. "It's fine," Dana interrupted. "I'll be here if you can't handle it...You don't need to worry." Zoey nodded, then looked over the menu. "What's good here?" she asked. "Not him," the shining brunette answered, tilting her head towards the bus boy with a sinister smile. Zoey giggled, trying to hid it behind her hand. The two got their drinks, then placed their orders, sending their waiter back to the kitchen. Zoey stared at the light blue-colored plastic glass of bubbling light beer. "You can wait until your food comes," Dana said, taking a sip of her wine. "It makes it alittle easier." The blond nodded, then began twirling her straw through the ice and liquid. "So...does he call you that too?" the older dancer asked, sounding kind of excited. "Huh?" Zoey asked. "You know, Little Princess," Dana answered, doing a mocking impression of Leroy. "No," the younger girl answered with a shake of her head. "He only calls Rebecca that." "I don't know," Dana confidently, humorously replied, playing with her drink. "He seems to like you...It's only a matter of time before you take her place in his heart." "Stop it," Zoey chuckled. "...What makes you think he likes me? He's always screaming." "I can tell," the brunette explained. "The way he looks at you, the way he acts when he thinks no one's looking...Wait a minute...Oh my gosh..." "What?" Zoey retorted, growing somewhat defensive. "You like him, don't you?" Dana insisted, unable to hide the growing smile on her face. "No," Zoey shot back. "Little Zoey's hot for teacher," the older ballerina joked. "Aren't I right?" "No!" the blond snapped. "Stop it." "Oh, come on, he melts your little tutu, doesn't he?" Dana teased. "You can tell me..." "...Maybe alittle," Zoey admitted. "He knows what he's doing...I like that about him. And he seems like he's...I don't know, there for me." "You're his Swan Queen," the brunette replied, her tone growing sympathetic. "As long as you're his number're safe with him." Dana gently rubbed her friend's hand. "...But I don't think you two are know. He's a jerk. That's all" "I know," Zoey replied. "It just feels nice, I guess." "Here you go, girls," the Italian bus boy greeted, bringing over the dancers' food. "One bacon deluxe for you..." "Yum," Dana playfully replied. "And a chicken salad," the man continued, giving Zoey her food. "Dressing on the side." "Thank you," Zoey said, sounding like a child, as usual. "Enjoy," the young man told Dana, obviously trying to flirt. "I might," the young woman shot down, looking at her food. Getting the message, the bus boy departed. The two girls looked at one another, and shared a giggle. After about ten minutes, Dana looked at Zoey. "Take a sip," she said, her voice gentle. "Come on, you must be parched." "I'm fine," Zoey replied, her voice timid. "Please..." Dana pleaded, sounding very vulnerable. "Just one little glass." _Lose yourself._ With a sigh, Zoey took a drink. At first, she looked disgusted with it, then felt something shift inside herself. "Feels cool, huh?" Zoey nodded, then wiped her mouth off. "Here," Dana said, handing Zoey the black buste' from under the table. "You know..." Zoey smiled, then took her undergarment under her arm. "Be right back," the blond said, going off to the girls' room. Making sure no one else was in the room, Zoey quickly pulled off her top, let her hair drop down, then dawned the black garment Dana gave her; sliding it on over her bra, then adjusting and fitting the straps. Gazing at herself in the mirror, her breasts lifted and lightly accentuated, her hair down and going unruly, her face looking more mature, and basking in the darkness of a bar. Everything about this was so against her way of being, but it felt good in a sense. The blond then quickly pulled on her top. Taking in a deep breath, feeling the alcohol coldly kiss her throat, Zoey went out to see Dana sitting at their table, waiting. "Hey, sexy," Dana playfully greeted. "You look great." "Thanks," Zoey replied, sitting down. "And, um...thanks know." "Hey..." Dana replied, leaning forward, her voice turning into a whisper. "You know what Thomas was telling you...about making guys your toys?" Zoey nodded. "Let's try it...tonight...Right now." "I-I don't know if..." the blond began to reply, growing extremely nervous. "You're hot, you're a stranger here...come on," the brunette pleaded, sounding confident. "You be as strong as you want, as weak as you want... It's you, Zoey..." Feeling a truth to what her friend was saying, Zoey stared into Dana's eyes, sharing in the confidence the older girl knew she had. Finally, the blond nodded, agreeing to Dana's plan. "Kay," Zoey decided, her voice somewhat cracking out of fear. "Come on," the shining brunette instructed, grabbing her purse and drink and heading over to the bar. Zoey grabbed her beer and followed, trying to walk in a confident stride like Dana. For about five minutes, the two sat at the bar, sipping at their drinks. "Hey," greeted a young man with short but gorgeous brown hair. Another man, who wore his blond hair longer joined the brunette boy in sitting next to the girls. "Um, mind if we sit here?" "Sure," Dana answered. "You two...lovers or something?" "I was just about to ask you two the same question," the long-haired man shot back with a slight smile. "Name's James by the way." "Zoey," Zoey introduced herself. "Cruz," Dana added. "But you can call me Dana." "Dana...sounds foreign," the brunette declared, leaning alittle closer to the curly-haired young woman. "Zoey..." James said, sounding genuinely interested. "That's a pretty name." "Thanks," the blond girl replied. "James sounds...sweet. Is that a good summary of you?" "It can be," James answered with a smile that suggested mixed intentions. Zoey smiled, gazing into the boy's eyes. "Wanna get a table?" the brunette boy asked. "Only if it comes with drinks," Dana answered. Feeling nervous, Zoey took another drink of her beer, swallowing it hard. Once the group had settled into their rounded booth table, another round of stronger drinks arrived. "So, you two sisters?" James asked. "In some ways," Dana answered, an heir of mystery to her voice. The shining brunette shut her eyes and took a sip of her pink Margaretta. "We dance together," Zoey explained. "We're both swans in Swan Lake." "Ballerina's," James replied. "Wow...How is that?" "It's...nice," Zoey answered. "Really hard, but it pays off when you feel that moment of perfection." The brunette young man let out a whisper that made the statement, "This girl's nuts." "You'd never make it," Dana replied to the boy. "I can tell." "Really?" the brunette shot back. Dana nodded with a wicked smile. "Lemme show you." The young man pulled Dana out onto the dance floor. "I've...never really met a ballerina," James said. "I love Swan Lake, though...The prince falls for a girl who got turned into a swan." "And they both need true love to free themselves," Zoey continued. The blond took in a shot, then hit it down hard on the table. "Mmm," she groaned, trying to pull herself back to earth. "...But Odile fools Siegfried into pledging his love for Odette to her...and Odette kills herself." "It's a really beautiful story," James replied. "...Are...are you Odette?" "...I hear that alot," Zoey answered, staring at the table. "But...I'm really trying for The Black Swan." The blond looked at the boy, striking fear into him for a moment. "You seem like her..." James whispered. "Powerful...beautiful..." Suddenly, Zoey felt a stabbing pain in her back, but she chose to ignore it. "It's painful, you know?" the girl said. "Everything you have to do to master a role...but sometimes pain feels good..." Closing her eyes, Zoey looked into the air and let out a heavy, almost pleasured sigh. James felt his heart start to spike; he'd never met anyone like Zoey before. "Hey, Zoe," Dana softly greeted her friend, taking a seat next to her. Zoey let out what sounded like a purr, and lay her head on Dana's shoulder, smelling her fresh, enticing hair. The shining brunette let out a satisfied sigh, and returned the gesture. James' face started to burn at the sight of the two girls. "Should I go?" the blond young man asked, feeling extremely nervous and uneasy. "No," Zoey wined, leaning over and resting on the boy's shoulder. "Dance with me." With that, the blond pulled the boy out, lead by Dana and her man, onto the dance floor. Vicious cycles of red, green, blue, and purple strobe lights illuminated the room, then left it in complete darkness. Flash after flash, thrust of the hips, whip of the men and women's long locks. Beads of sweat intensified by pounding of fiery, passionate heart beats. Their heads pounding, their pulses spiked like a collapsing waterfall, the couples, singles, and partiers threw themselves into every single move. Zoey thrust her hips towards James' body, then tore herself away, leaving him agonizing in the reels of seduction. Gently stroking under his slightly roughened chin, the blond gazed into his eyes, wearing a wicked smile. She was seductive, in control, dangerous. Passion bled into every part of her body, as Dana did the same. Soon, it was obvious the club belonged to the two swans. Zoey's breath was loud, laced with sexual ecstasy as she whipped her head to the side, splattering small streams of sweat into whoever was strong enough to get close to her. The music swelled, consuming everything. Zoey and James forced one another against the cold brick wall, tearing into each other's lips until it burned. Soon, her arms began flowing like the burning wings of a swan in the winds of a hurricane. James gave in; falling into her chest, breathing with every beat of strength his pounding heart allowed, and dying for her not to stop. Her feet throbbing, her eyes bloodshot, Zoey threw herself into Dana's arms, rubbing against her face and breathing every one of her breaths. It felt as if every living being in the room was cheering the young ballerina's name. Laying her throbbing neck into the seat of the cab, knowing neither her nor Dana were in any shape to drive themselves home, Zoey closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath. Looking over at her friend, Dana smiled, and began prancing her fingers up the blond's leg. "Having fun?" she asked, her seductive voice almost like a whisper in Zoey's ear. "I am now," the younger girl answered, feeling her friend's fingers reach her in a forbidden place. Her neck giving way, Zoey leaned into Dana's shoulder. The shining brunette smiled, her eyes closed, as she took in the smell of the blond's cascading blond hair. "You were amazing out there," Dana whispered into her friend's mirror. "It's always was." When the cab pulled up to the Brooks' house, Zoey started giggling, as did the shining brunette. "Ssh," Zoey hushed her fellow dancer, putting her pointer finger over her mouth as they stealthfully entered the front door. Suddenly, the light turned on to reveal Ms. Brooks sitting at the table, her arms crossed, and a scowl burned into her face. "Do you have any idea how late it is?" she snarled. "Not really," Zoey answered with a giggle. "I had dinner waiting for two hours," Ms. Brooks continued. "You didn't call. You didn't come home; I didn't know what the hell happened to you!" "Chill out, Mom," Dana shot back, her voice laced with mockery. "And I told you not to associate with her!" the dark blond hollered, growing enraged. "Mom, relax," Zoey pleaded, unable to keep a straight face. "All we did was make out, have some beers..." The two teenagers exploded into laughter, much to Ms. Brooks' fury. "This is not like you at all, Zoey," the woman scolded her daughter. "Ever since you got this role, you have been completely out of control. Go to your room!" "Only if she comes with me," the blond replied with a laugh, pulling Dana by the hand. "No!" Ms. Brooks shouted, roughly grabbing her daughter's shoulder, trying to yank the two apart. "Stop this! Now, go to your room!" Zoey jerked back with an aggravated grunt, breaking her mom's grip, and dealing a powerful emotional blow. With a disgusted scowl, the blond pulled her lover up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door behind her. Zoey quickly blocked the door with a chair. "Zoey!" Ms. Brooks called out, more hurt than anything else as she tried to push the door open. "What is this?" "It's called privacy," Zoey shouted back, sounding hurt. "I'm not a kid anymore! Now leave me alone!" The blond violently chucked a pillow into the door, shutting it with a loud bang. Breathing heavily, still reeling from the shock of her behavior, Zoey tried to steady her trembling body, and turned around to see Dana standing so perfectly, so flawlessly just in front of her; her dark beauty eminating among the shadows, and her powerful seduction burning in the young girl's eyes. Walking closer to her lover, Dana put her hand on the back of Zoey's neck, and began kissing her soft, cool lips. Feeling fiery lust within her, Zoey roughly opened and closed her lips against the shining brunette's. Every fear she had about her sexuality suddenly melted away. Growing violent, the blond clenched the back of her lover's hair, pushing her towards the wall. Suddenly pulling back, Dana let out a quick, exhausted sigh, then threw off Zoey's shirt and buste', revealing her tiny, thin-strapped pink bra. Her raging desire refusing to relent, the younger girl quickly pulled off the shining brunette's top, then squatted down and tore her pants down. Clad in a black tank top and panties, Dana gazed dreamily at her lover, who was stepping out of her own pants, revealing her all-too gorgeous laced, pink panties. Tearing her tank top off, the older ballerina wrapped her arms around Zoey's back, tightly feeling her thin, toned back. Letting out a vigorous sigh, the blond pushed her body forward, letting it cores against Dana's toned, sweat-painted stomach. The embrace was consuming, causing Zoey to tilt her head back in ecstasy's coils. Suddenly growing empowered, Dana pushed her lover onto her own pink-colored bed, then pinned herself above her. The brunette gazed into Zoey's lust-gleaming eyes, then smiled as she did, and leaned down to violently kissed her and gasping for breath, the two shared in each other's strength and passion. Feeling one with her sexuality, feeling like she was in control, Zoey stared daringly into her lover's face, then felt her body give way to a sweet weakness. Dana smiled a heavy smile, purred with overpowering ecstasy, and ran her hands down the younger girl's chest, sliding her pink bra off of her beautiful but semi-starved breasts. Kissing Zoey's neck, the shining brunette moved herself down her lover's body, kissing every inch she covered. Black shreds of something scattered weakly in the air, floating weightless above and past the blond girl's body. Zoey moaned, her body wracked with agonizing pleasure. Every nerve was burning with icy fire, making her heart flutter so fast it practically flat lined. However, Dana wouldn't relent; reached the blond's panties, the older girl pulled them down, and began kissing a forbidden area. Her head giving way and depressing into a pillow, Odette breathed heavily; giving futile efforts to control her heart and body. Odile continued on. _Little angel._ Her breaths turning to moans, turning to suffering gasps, Zoey tightly closed her eyes, and tilted her head to the side. Finally, the girl's gasps turned to a defeated scream, then became silent breaths. Dana got up on her knees, smiled and let out a satisfied sigh, then kissed her lover's warm lips. In the midst of what felt like pure happiness, Zoey wrapped her arms around the shining brunette, and felt everything slip into darkness. 6. Wings of Change _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Six: Wings of Change The light of the morning blocked out by her shut curtains, Zoey awoke atop a ravaged bed. Her head throbbing, her body clammy and clad only in her wrinkled, undone bra and panties, the girl looked at her clock, and felt her heart painfully skip a beat. _Oh my gosh, I'm late! _she screamed to herself, jumping up and putting on her clothes. Dana was no where in sight, though she had left the door closed for her lover's privacy. Terrified of Leroy's disappointment, Zoey charged out the door and ran down the stairs. Being a ballet student for years, the teenager had learned to overcome different forms of pain, even unique ones; it was all a frame of mind. Ms. Brooks caught her daughters eye from inside the living room. The woman was sitting on the couch, an upset scowl locked on her face. "Why didn't you wake me up?" Zoey called, her voice starting to crack. "You're not a kid anymore," Ms. Brooks answered, her voice laced with sorrow. "You don't need me now." In a furious shriek, the blond threw herself out the door and ran off to class. Under the cold, ice-laced sky, Zoey ran into PCA, sprinted through the door, and entered the Grand Hall. There, she saw, much to her horror, Dana and Leroy talking atop the stage. "Thomas!" the younger girl called, trying to stop herself from growing frantic. "Thomas, I'm so sorry. I had no idea I..." "It's fine," the Frenchman replied, obviously disappointed with his lead dancer. "Go get dressed." Her heart sinking, Zoey swallowed her tears, and walked off to her dressing room. Dana pulled her bra upward, then pulled her hair down in the back. "Where'd you go?" Zoey insisted, running into the dressing room. "Oh, look, the Swan Queen's gracing us with her presence," one of the other dancers scoffed. Dana walked over to Zoey, then motioned for her to come into the hallway. There, the older girl looked straight into her lover's face. "I was drunk and you let me oversleep," Zoey whispered, her voice starting to crack. "You said you'd be there for me." "I tried to wake you up, but you kept conkin' out," the shining brunette replied. "I told Leroy you were sick." Zoey's face formed an upset glare, her breath starting to tremble. "We slept together..." she whispered, starting to feel herself lose control. "You just left! What was Thomas talking to you about? Looked pretty serious." Dana's glance grew cold. "He made me your alternate," she answered, her tone lacking any trace of emotion. The younger girl's expression turned hurt and on the border of tears. Feeling hurt, betrayed, used, and shattered, Zoey turned around and stormed off. "It was just in case," Dana called out, trying to make everything better. However, Zoey kept walking. "Leroy, I am so sorry," the young ballerina pleaded, her voice timid. "...Zoey," Thomas sighed, sitting his Swan Queen down on the bleachers, then taking a seat next to her. "I don't know if all this is right for you...Dana told me you've been really uptight lately." "What?" Zoey gasped, growing defensive against the girl she thought her friend. "She's lying. I want this...I'll do whatever it takes to be..." "To be perfect," Leroy completed the sentence. "You're killing yourself over that...but you're not making the role your own...You don't have that passion Rebecca had inside herself." "I'm trying," the blond pleaded, tears forming in her eyes as the feeling of helplessness spread throughout her body. "I'm just...I'm sorry." Thomas let out a disgusted sigh through his nose. "Prove me wrong," he said. "Make me eat every one of my words. Chase!" The curly-haired boy ran over to Zoey. "Here," Leroy said, handing the girl a tutu designed like the one she would wear as Odile. Zoey took the dress, quickly put it over her waist, and went onto center stage with her prince. One of the composers began the song, and Zoey and Chase touched their finger tips together, prancing in circles. Slowly dropping her arm, the blond graced the bottom of her prince's chin, then thrust herself away, twirling herself around on the tips of her toes. Her anger blazing, Zoey glared into Chase's eyes, spiking his heart with a brief instant of fear. "Stop," Thomas called out, walking over to his lead dancer. "Better than ever," he whispered. "Your anger...that fear in his eye...Tap deeper into it...make it your bed." Zoey began to think of the book she'd read by Thomas' request; The Bed of Procrustes. Courage, elegance. However, to be The Black Swan, the girl knew she had to go beyond that. Looking into Chase's eyes, Zoey felt his fear towards her. It felt wrong to be using his emotions like this, but he deserved it. Tilting her head towards the sky, the blond continued practicing her dance. It didn't seem to take long before the sun sank into darkness. Leroy walked over to Zoey, who was stretching her leg on a wooden bar. "Zoe," he said, his voice light. "You've been working all day...go home." "I'm fine," Zoey replied, her breath weighing on her voice. "'ve done enough," Leroy continued. "Please...just go home." Dropping her head slightly, the young ballerina agreed, then put on her coat and departed from the academy. The wind turned icy and cold as Zoey walked home. Few stars were glistening over the world that was shrouded in darkness. Pulling her soft jacket closer to her chest, the girl nervously looked from side to side. _Little angel, _someone whispered. Zoey shot her head back, saw a frightening girl who looked almost exactly like her smiling an evil smile into her eyes, gasped, and charged away. Her breath heavy, the girl tried desperately to get back to her home. After what felt like an eternity, the little ballerina reached her house, slamming the door behind her. "Zoey, is that you?" Ms. Brooks called in from the living room. Her voice was casual, and she didn't seem to be making an effort to leave the room. "Yeah," the teenager answered. Zoey tried to keep her composure, then let out a defeated sigh, and ran into the living room. Like a scared child, the girl wrapped her arms around her mother. "Mommy, I'm so sorry," she cried, her eyes tightly closed. "Please...hold me." "It's okay, baby," Ms. Brooks replied, gently rubbing her daughter's back. "'s okay. I'm here, my little angel." Tucking her daughter into her bed, which had been made up since her departure, the older Brooks woman turned on Zoey's music box, kissed her forehead, then left the room. Zoey lay awake in her bed, still recovering from her nightmarish encounter. Soon, she managed to fall asleep. Black feathers dropped from the sky. Their movements were slow and graceful as they helplessly tumbled into white nothingness. Slashing her black-feathered hands through the air, Dana smiled a dark, seductive smile that made Zoey's heart stop for a moment. Shooting up in her bed, the young dancer let out several heavy gasps, feeling cold sweat all over her body. Sitting on her stool, clad in a pink towel, Zoey let her mother gently comb out her soggy, long, blond hair. Staring down with a distant look on her face, the teenager felt things around her shift into a dull state. She was like a child again; too scared to take what the real world had to give. Following a long walk, Zoey reached PCA, expecting to see Dana in her dressing room or dancing her role with Chase. Entering the Grand Hall, the blond approached Thomas. "Thomas," she called out, causing the Frenchman to turn away from his dancers. "I'm ready...What do you want me to do today?" "Practice your dance with Chase," Leroy answered, showing little enthusiasm. It was obvious what he was thinking at this point; she was a lost cause. "I-is she here?" Zoey asked, growing upset. "Dana?" "Yeah," Thomas answered. "She's working with Chase's understudy." Swallowing hard, Zoey nodded, then walked onto the dance floor. Chase was lacking in emotion, less giving to his partner, and obviously not willing to have his feelings tampered with. Despite their emotional scars, the two joined their finger tips, and began to flow around. Pulling back, Zoey felt her pain and fear cascade through her body, causing her to spin into nothingness. Leroy wasn't even watching. It wouldn't matter; she was too weak to be The Black Swan, anyway. Tears began to burn in the girl's eyes, and she stormed off. "Thomas!" she called, stepping in front of her director. "Come with me." The blond grabbed the Frenchman's arm and pulled him into the hallway. "What the hell?" Leroy shouted. "You're not even watching me anymore," Zoey cried. "_I'm_ the Swan Queen!...Not her!" "Zoey, you're not getting it," Thomas replied, trying to make his lead dancer understand. "She is the Black Swan...she lives, sleeps, and breathes darkness...sensuality. You can't get beyond the White Swan." "But I'm trying...I was learning," the blond cried, her voice cracking and her eyes welling over with tears. "You said you saw it in me. Why are you giving up?" "Because _you_ did," Thomas declared, flooding the area with silence. "Because when you walked in late that day, I saw a scared child about ready to cry...I saw the same thing today...She's inside of you, but you're afraid...You'll destroy yourself before you get where you want to be." "No, I won't," Zoey whispered, too afraid to even look at the man. "...I'll give you one more chance..." Leroy gave in. "Maybe it's not for you...maybe it's for me...and who I saw inside of you...Don't let anything stop you. Not Dana, not Chase, not even me..." Zoey nodded, then departed from the hall. "Hey, Swan Queen," Dana greeted the girl who once considered herself her friend. Zoey gave a hurt glare to the shining brunette, then continued on her way. Her heart crippled, the teenager gazed into Chase's eyes, walking forward with all the pain and suffering she'd been through. Twirling around in circles, the two teenagers felt themselves take on different lives, only to have it end all too soon. "Look," Chase whispered, pulling out of Zoey's grasp. "What's wrong with you? You haven't been acting like yourself." "Things change," the blond shot back, her voice cold. With that, Zoey departed. Dana caught the younger ballerina out of the corner of her eye while she danced with her temporary partner. "Zoey, can you come over here again, please?" Leroy called out, gesturing towards the blond. "The rest of you, you're done for the day." Everyone left to either the dressing room or to the door. Dana, however, lingered around the corner for a moment. "I saw the way you spoke to him...the way you refused him any mercy..." The Frenchman gently took the girl in his arm. "Do you really think he deserved it?" Zoey replied. "I don't know," Thomas answered, holding his Swan Queen close to him. "But I do know when I see that darkness in you...You are getting closer... But only on a trial basis. Become her...the girl I saw with that bite..." Leroy forced Zoey against his chest, kissing her repeatedly on her lips. At first, the girl resisted, remembering the pain she felt from Dana that night. "Don't fight me..." Suddenly, the teenager began to return the sexual attacks, forcing Leroy back alittle. It was a losing battle for the ballerina, though; Thomas was superior to her, and she was at his mercy. _Please, don't stop, _Zoey begged to herself. Then, as if to destroy her, Leroy pulled back, leaving the young dancer crippled in ecstasy's feigning grasp. "That was me seducing you," he said, disappointed. "It's supposed to be the other way around." Thomas began to walk away. "Come back!" Zoey begged, feeling herself collapse inside. "Thomas!" However, the man kept walking, maybe to find Dana. What hurt worse than the sexual fall was the fact that he was right; Odette was at the mercy of those around her. She was weak, and would remain so until she took things into her own hands. _How, though?_ It all seemed so terrifying. Tears streamed down Zoey's cheeks. _Just a frightened little girl, _she thought. Fairytales, Shakespeare, magazines; they all send the same message...Girls are nothing without men. They are the ones to be swayed, not the ones to take men by their hearts and sway them. Feeling the chilling wind on her body, Zoey kept walking, keeping her fear and anger inside herself. "Hey," called out a painful voice. "Zoey!" Turning around, the blond glared at Dana, who was running up to her. "What do you want?" Zoey snarled. "Whoa, princess," Dana retorted, sounding hurt and violent. "What the hell's your problem, anyway?" "What do you think?" the younger girl yelled. "You got me drunk, slept with me, left me, and now you're trying to steal my role! You're just a selfish bitch!" "Oh, that hurts," the shining brunette shot back. "Well, look...I've seen the way you act around him...but I've seen the way he looks at me. I'm Odile! You're just a kid who got in over her head!" "You're wrong!" Zoey shouted, losing her composure and feeling her face start to burn. "Leroy gave me the role because you don't have the control of the innocence for it!" "And what do you have?" Dana shot back, her voice trembling with rage. "A pretty face and a childish trust for everyone around you! You couldn't dance The Black Swan if you wrote the roll!" "...I am done with you," the blond whispered, her voice filled with fury. "Whatever we were...any friendship you ever pretended we's over!" Zoey stormed off into the night, leaving the almost unaffected shining brunette behind. Once she was out of Dana's sight, the teenager felt a furious pain on her upper back. Clenching the spot of her rash, Zoey mashed her lips together for a second, then continued towards home. A sudden cracking sound broke the girl's concentration. Her fingers throbbing, Zoey hesitantly moved her hand in front of her face to see her nails withered and frayed at the tips and the skin underneath soaked in blood. Wincing, the teenager began running. "Ow. Mommy, it hurts," she moaned, trying to hold back tears as her mom treated the wound. "It'll be okay, Angel," Ms. Brooks replied, dabbing her daughter's cuticles. The alcoholic rub stung for brief, agonizing instants, causing Zoey to take in sharp breaths. "What happened?" "I don't know," the blond answered. "My fingers are just really tender." With weak, timid eyes, Zoey looked up at her mom. "You were right about her...Dana. She was just using me." Burning, stinging tears welled up in the girl's eyes. "...What did she do?" the dirty-blond woman finally asked. Her composure broken, Zoey sobbed, took in a deep, trembling breath, and told her mother everything; "We slept together, Mom," she croaked out. "...Then she left so she could try to steal my part." Sniffeling violently, the girl broke down completely. Warmly embracing her suffering daughter, Ms. Brooks gently stroked the child's back. "It's okay," she whispered. Her daughter losing her virginity was painful enough, but the fact that she was taken advantage of made it agonizing. "Always be my baby girl?" the woman asked, stroking her child's hair out of her face. "...Always," Zoey answered, her voice tired. Letting the soothing sounds that put her to sleep as a child ease her mind, the teenager soon faded into sleep. The thought of Dana going after her role was still burning in her mind, though. Throwing powder on her shoulders, Zoey got dressed, and prepared for another day of competing for her own role. Tapping into her sexuality would be harder than ever, but it had to be done. "I'm not giving up," she declared, glaring into Leroy's eyes. The Frenchman nodded, and watched his lead dancer perform the White Swan. There was no doubt that Zoey was destined for that role. Dana, on the other hand, seemed like the perfect Odile. As always, the girl's performance was flawless and passionate. Her pain and suffering made her closer to Odette, Zoey felt. Dana watched after finishing the dance of Odile. Her cold expression would have hurt the younger dancer, if they meant anything to each other anymore. After class, Zoey slung her bag over her shoulder, and walked past the Grand Hall to see something that horrified her; Dana and Chase against the wall, violently kissing one another. Her mouth helplessly gaped open, the blond stared at the two; maybe this was how it was from the very beginning. Chase and Dana going behind her back; fooling her all along. The shining brunette moaned with pleasure as Chase began gnawing on her neck until it ached. Barely able to control herself, Zoey charged away. "Thomas!" she called, praying her director was still inside. "Thomas!" "What, what is it?" Leroy asked, looking away from his forms. "What's going on?" "It's...Chase and Dana," the teenager answered, her breath uncontrollable. "I saw them..." "Zoey, Zoey, Zoey," the Frenchman quickly whispered, trying to calm the prima donna. "Look at're falling apart. Maybe you need a break." Zoey shook her head, shrieking with every breath. "Like a week...or a month." "No!" the blond screamed, her neck burning with fury. "I earned this role!" "Then whatter you upset about?" Leroy shot back. "If this is your role...make sure they all know it." "How do I do that?" Zoey asked, the tears burning and her voice cracking so badly every word was a whisper. "Don't you get it?" the French director said, sounding almost upset. "It's that helpless attitude that's costing you the role..." "I'm sorry," Zoey cried, about to break down in scared tears. "Stop apologizing!" Thomas screamed, unable to swallow his lead dancer's cowardice and childishness. "You're so fucking weak!" Those words echoing throughout the hall, the Frenchman departed. Mortified, the teenage girl charged home, threw herself into bed, wrapped herself in the blankets, and fell asleep. No one understood what she was going through. Suddenly, the feeling of her hair being stroked awoke Zoey. "W...what time is it?" she asked, finding herself in her mother's embrace. "It's early," Ms. Brooks answered, her voice gentle. "I just need to talk to you." "What?" the girl asked, her voice muffled. "...It's about the role," the woman answered, much to her daughter's horror. "You've been obsessing over it...and I've seen the marks...You're cutting yourself again, aren't you?" Jerking out of her mom's arms, Zoey looked deep into her eyes. "You're trying to get me to quit, aren't you?" she demanded, sounding offended. "I've gone through too much, I'm not..." "Honey...honey," Ms. Brooks pleaded, trying to calm the girl down. "It's not like that...I just want you to take it easy. Don't get yourself hurt." "...Okay," Zoey accepted, settling back into her mother's embrace. The sound of the doorbell ringing caught Ms. Brooks attention. "I'll be right back, angel," she whispered, leaving her daughter. Slowly opening the door, the blond woman saw none other than Dana Cruz standing on her porch. "Is Zoey home?" she asked, her voice lacking in any form of emotion. "...You stay away from my daughter," Ms. Brooks whispered, her voice quaking with anger that was almost enough to make even Dana quake. With that, Ms. Brooks slammed the door in the older ballerina's face. 7. Leave it Behind _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Seven: Leave it Behind Sitting on the stool in her bathroom, her body tightly wrapped in a pink towel, and her soaked hair draped back, Zoey remained in darkness. Maybe it was tears soaking her cheeks, or maybe the water from the shower she hadn't managed to dry herself off from. She was cold, alone, and struggling. Letting out a heavy sigh, Zoey began to feel herself grow sick. The rash on her back had grown numb, but it was still grizzly. Her eyes weak, scared, and laced with tears, the blond looked up towards the roof, and made a decision; Reaching inside the bottom of her towel, Zoey began to feel a rush of pleasure through her body. Ever since Dana's hideous betrayal, the younger dancer couldn't help but feel a need for more of that dark satisfaction. However, the pain that came with it had its toll, as did the stress and fear of the all those days. Sighing, the blond felt herself grow weak. Her heart fluttering, Zoey lowered herself onto her knees on the cool, moist floor. As each breath grew heavier and more violent, the girl felt her towel begin to slide off her body. Taking in furious, defeated breaths, Zoey felt her body begin to perspire. "Zoey," Ms. Brooks called in, sending a flash of terror into the teen's heart. Her jaw dropped, Zoey quickly pulled herself together and took a seat on the stool. "What are you doing?" "I-I'm getting out of the shower," the ballerina nervously called back. "I was having some trouble sleeping..." After a minor reply from her mother that dismissed the entire situation as an innocent happening, Zoey continued her guilty pleasuring. Her moans returning, turning into gasps, the girl slowly, gracefully fell into the side of the shower. The relief flowed bled every inch of her body, practically paralyzing the teenager. Struggling to catch her breath and rate of her heart, Zoey desperately lifted her head to the sky, her eyes tightly shut. "Hey, little angel," whispered a sinister, all-too happy voice in the girl's ear. Gasping in fear and shooting her head back, Zoey saw a dark, corrupted Dana Cruz gazing into her face with a horrid, shadowy smile. With a loud scream, the blond wrapped herself in her towel again and charged for the door. As she struggled to turn the knob, Zoey turned around for a brief instant, and found herself alone. Breathing heavily, the young ballerina tried to find her stalker, or any sign that she wasn't just hallucinating. However, no such solace existed. "Honey, are you okay?" Ms. Brooks called in again. "...I'm fine," Zoey yelled out, her voice aliitle too loud and short. Looking around, the blond girl attempted to regain her composure. As the sun majestically rose over the horizon, painting the sky a consuming yellow above, and red along its beginning, Zoey walked towards PCA. Last night felt like a bad dream; its terror still creeping through the teenager's veins. Walking through the front doors of the building, the girl entered her dressing room, dressed for a rough day, and went out to rehearse. Her arms waving up and down like the wings of a swan, Zoey felt herself grow closer to Odile. _Don't be afraid, _she told herself. "Good," Leroy said in passing. "Dana, I need you and Chase to go over some of the routine." "What?" a startled Zoey asked, turning away from her dancing. "Just as a precaution," the Frenchman replied. "In case you can't make it opening night." "...I'll be there," the blond answered, her voice almost grave. "She doesn't need to dance with him." Taking a second to take in his lead dancer's attitude, Thomas nodded in agreement. "Scratch that," he said. "Dana, go practice with the other girls for the Dance of the Swans." Sickened, the shining brunette walked over to her fellow dancers. "Zoey, Chase! You know the number." Joining their finger tips, the two young dancers flowed around one another, hanging on the borderline of reality with their dark dance. Her eyes void of any emotion, Zoey gazed at Chase as they circled one another. _Nice job, little angel, _Dana whispered, breaking the young dancer's concentration. "Stop," Thomas called out, walking over to his prima donna. "What happened? You almost got it." "I heard...someone was talking to me," Zoey answered, uneasy. "I don't know." "Zoey," Leroy replied, looking around to see if anyone was close enough to hear. Leaning down, the Frenchman hushed his voice. "...Are you sure you want to do this? Opening night is in one day." "I can do it," the blond answered, sounding confident but insecure deep down. "Are you sure?" the Frenchman shot back, striking fear into the ballerina for a brief instant. With that, Leroy departed. "What the hell was that?" Dana snarled at Zoey, running up beside her. "...That was me defending myself," Zoey bluntly answered. "This is my role...You're not taking it from me." The blond girl coldly walked away from her former lover. Once she was out of sight, Zoey let her fear out, charging after Leroy. "Thomas!" she called. "Thomas!" "What?" Leroy responded, turning around just before reaching the staircase in the dark hall. "What's wrong?" "It's Dana," the girl answered, trying to catch her breath. "...She's after me...She's been following me." Thomas didn't respond; merely looked at his dancer with concern that clearly didn't matter. "Please believe me," she cried, fighting back tears. "Zoe...calm down," Leroy settled the girl. "No one is after you...Dana won't take your role. Not if you don't let her." "But..." Zoey weakly began to say. "No one is after you," Thomas assured her, his voice soft and gentle. "...Everything's okay. Just...become Odile...become The Black Swan..." Zoey nodded before walking away. "I've been worried about you, angel," Ms. Brooks said, sitting across from her daughter. "...You've been so uneasy lately." "I'm fine," the blond answered, not looking up from the pointe shows she was working on. "That...Dana girl stopped over last night," the dirty blond continued, sounding slightly nervous. Zoey looked up. "I sent her away." "Why didn't you tell me?" Zoey asked, something growing in her voice. "It was late, you were upset enough, I didn't want to..." Zoey's mother explained. "But you know what we did together..." Zoey interrupted, her voice getting louder and closer to cracking. "Why didn't you tell me? I had a right to know!" "Why do you still care about her?" Ms. Brooks asked. "She hurt you so badly..." "I don't know's my life, though!" the blond shrieked. "You need to let me grow up!" Silence filled the air. "...I need to lay down." Zoey charged up the stairs. "Zoey!" the woman yelled. "Get down here this instant! You are not going to see her again!" "Leave me alone!" Zoey hollered. "...I'm moving out!" The sound of a door slamming broke Ms. Brooks' heart inside. Seeing her child, whom she raised from her infancy, was becoming something...dark. Throwing her stuffed animals into the wall, Zoey felt her rage course under her skin; swelling out until it practically tore through her. Clenching her hair with both hands, the teenager let out an agonized shriek, then grabbed her pillow and violently tore it down onto the floor. What was wrong with her? Why did Dana still have this effect on her? She was using her; that was it. Chase was the same way. As her rage reached its climax, Zoey thrust her fists into the wall, feeling a vicious burning on her back once again. Her fingers were raw and throbbing. Pulling down the back of her shirt, the blond girl saw that the rash was spreading and becoming gored. Gasping, Zoey stepped back, then froze when she caught something in her face; a small patch of skin was peeling on her right cheek. Her mouth gaped open, the ballerina clenched the flaking, nearly transparent piece of flesh, and pulled down on it. With a slight cling, the skin peeled off in a thick strand, moving in a circular form. Clenching her beautiful face up in growing terror, Zoey watched as more and more of her skin shredded off in her hands. Like the fading skin of an onion, the flesh was removed, leaving behind a weak underlayer on her cheek. Gasping so silently, the girl kept peeling off the dead skin; piece after piece in circular sections. _Little angel, _Dana's voice mocked. Thrusting herself back, Zoey saw nothing, clenched the back of her neck, and threw herself into her bed. Catching her breath, the blond girl tried to settle down again. Turning on her music box, Zoey listened to the sweet tune, hoping to find some comfort. Angered and rash, the girl swiped at the box, knocking it on the floor and shattering it. Wrapping her sheets around her neck, the young ballerina let herself slowly fade into a gray requiem. "Zoey," Thomas said, his voice soft. "I'm growing more and more worried about you...You're making yourself sick over this role." "I'm fine," the blond answered, walking out of the room. "Thank you, though." Entering the studio, Zoey approached the center of the room. "Look who's back," Dana said, her voice hushed and bitter. "We need to talk." "There's nothing to talk about," the younger girl snarled, keeping her emotions under control. "You wanted something, didn't get it. You're done with me, aren't you?" "No," the shining brunette answered. "Is that what you think? The whole world's after your role?...You're wrong. You're just like a kid! You get something nice, and you're scared some bully's gonna take it from you! I didn't do those things with you because I wanted your role..." "Then why'd you leave and go with Leroy that morning?" Zoey asked, not waiting for the rest of Dana's story. "...I'm sorry," the older dancer confessed. "But I really do have feelings for you...when I slept with you...It wasn't because I wanted to...exploit you or whatever you wanna call it...I saw something in you, and...I don't know...I wanted to make you see it." " touch with my sexuality?" Zoey asked, having heard those words before. "With a dark side I felt with you," Dana answered. "You're always a certain way...and I wanted something more. It wasn't like I was changing you...I was just helping you find yourself." "...You're alot like her," the blond croaked out. Something began to change inside the blond girl. It looked like the room was growing darker. "Who?" Dana asked, starting to lose her control. "The Black Swan," Zoey answered, looking into her former friend's eyes with blinding strength. "You go onto my level...shatter things...and make it all look like a piece of art..." The young woman looked away from the girl's eyes, breaking up inside. "It's amazing...I hated you...but it was beyond that... I guess I was wrong...I'm not done with you...We can't be...done like that. We're sisters...the Black and White Swan...but it can't be like that...I'm The Swan Queen. I have to be both...and I am." "So..." Dana began, hoping so badly for a continuation. "You helped me with the helped me find a new side of myself," Zoey answered. "I need to become her, though..." With a faint smile, the blond girl departed from her friend, leaving her speechless and dumbfounded. Zoey passed by Rebecca's room in the hospital, saw her sitting in a wheelchair. Her legs had been all but shattered in the accident, and dancing would no longer be in her life. She was broken; crippled by herself. Taking a seat next to her, Zoey looked into Rebecca's weakened face. Shaking her head, the former Swan Queen shattered the dream, leaving Zoey alone in the main hallway of the studio after her talk with Dana. _Little angel, _a familiar voice whispered. Cold sweat ran down the girl's neck. Her heart rate spiked, and her aching fingers began to act up again. Upon turning around, Zoey saw she was alone once again. 8. Night of Terror _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Eight: Eve of Swan Lake (Night of Terror) It wasn't Dana. She was wrong. But she wasn't crazy. There is someone. Someone out to get her. Darkness cascaded over the city the night before the production, leaving with it the intoxicating patterns of so many nights before. Odette and Odile dancing in the surreal dream-like state of Swan Lake. The White Swan's seduction, falling before the wicked hands of von Rothbart. A curse that tainted everything, needing true love to break it; a destiny that was never meant to be fulfilled... Murdered at the hands of The Black Swan; her deception tainting Prince Siegfried's intentions and love. An innocent girl trapped in a world she couldn't handle. A dark girl willing to do everything in her wicked power to shatter everything. Purity, seduction, trust, deception, a love forged beyond the clutches of the world's cruelty, a black choice to take everything. In the end, no comfort exists, losses can never be reprimanded, and desperation consumes all. Falling with her last breath of humanity, the innocent child dives into the lake cried over her cruel fate, ending everything she ever had to find a brighter world. Zoey sat alone in her bedroom, staring into nothingness and trying to find herself again. When everything started out, she was just a normal girl who just tried to make all those around her happy. She didn't know how horrible the world is, or have the desire to pursue it. Love was something shared between a mother and her daughter, dedication was only a matter of working hard. Sex was never a factor; not since what had happened...Romance was something in the stories. Sleep was a time for endless dreams and peace. Things weren't like that now; sex was laced within everything. Love was a lie; something to control and manipulate. Dance was life. Dreams were nightmares. Zoey stood up, her feet planted in the carpeting of her old bedroom, and began the dance she knew and loved with all of her young heart. Lightly dropping her right arm down, the White Swan felt herself touch on peace once again. Her movements graceful and innocent, the girl felt serenity flow around her. Among the darkness, a single white light seemed to shine down on her body. Every fiber of her being projecting the glow of youthful fearfulness, love, and torture. As the tips of her toes pranced forward, Zoey felt the ground beneath her shift and flow like water on an ocean. A lake forged of the tears from her loved ones; Odette was one with her pain and loss. Her beauty and innocence glowed within her heart, soul, and body as she dropped her left arm to feel the mistful air, her eyes gently closed with a look of sorrow. Everything was at peace as Zoey cascaded through the darkness of the mystical realm that once was her room. Then, with a sudden stroke of darkness, Zoey slashed her arms down; feeling the light erupt into shadows. Her spirit soaring and burning in the endless darkness, Odile felt herself grow one with her sensuality. Screams and cruel whispers shredded her ears. _Little angel, _whispered a haunting voice. Letting out a slight scream, Zoey felt her back become crippled with a burning pain. Unlike before, the rash was entirely consuming. Zoey felt herself drop to the floor, everything soaking in the cold waters of Swan Lake. Peace shattered around her, and the child opened her eyes to find herself back in a painful reality. Making her way through the dark night, Zoey saw PCA grow closer and closer. Each step becoming heavier and slowed, the teenager struggled on. At last, she was in the main studio. Thankfully, the lights had been left on. "Thomas!" she called, praying her director was still inside, waiting for her. "Thomas!" No one answered. Trying to collect her bearings, Zoey set down her bag, stood in front of the wall of mirrors, and propped her right leg on the sideways wooden pole. Bending her body until her tummy was flat against her leg, the blond teenager let out a light breath. As her heart pounded, Zoey kept trying to forget her horrors. Looking up, the White Swan saw her frightened reflection staring back at her. Closing her mouth and gently tilting her head to the left, the girl watched herself. Bringing her neck back to its center, Zoey slowly turned to the right, and saw no movement in her reflection. A sinister feeling exuded from the second rendering of the dancer. Growing scared and upset, Zoey endlessly glanced at the strange sight before her. Suddenly, the lights went out, silencing the reflection and shrouding everything in shadow. "Hey," she called out, sounding timid and weak. "Hey, is someone there?...I'm still working...Hello?" Growing terrified, the teenager ran down the main hallway. "Leroy! Thomas!...Anyone! Thomas!" Finally, the girl stumbled on the back of the school, where a weak, dim blue light shined enough to mimic the shine of dying moon. Slowly stepping forward, hiding behind every wall she could find, Zoey let in heavy breaths that she tried to silence, and saw two figures. One was on a table, the other beside the table, leaning down and violently kissing the shadowy figure. Soon, it became obvious that it was Leroy. His movements swift, vicious, and unrelenting, the Frenchman became animalistic and monstrous. Among a shroud of darkness, Leroy's body bled over with coarse black feathers. The hideous, wicked, avian face of Rothbart looked up from his mistress and glared into Zoey's eyes. Gasping with unsuppressed terror, the blond girl forced herself away, running with all her strength and force. Darkness and surreal devastation filled everything. Someone had replaced her in Thomas' eyes. Nightmares had entered reality. Running onward, Zoey let out isolated winces of pain and sorrow. Sweat iced over her young body as she approached an all-too familiar place. Under the balcony of the hospital entrance, the girl was surrounded by wide but slightly weak orange lights. Going to the fourth floor of the hospital, Zoey slowly walked to the room Rebecca was resting in. Her hair was frail, her skin dry and pale, her body bound in a wheelchair, and her eyes closed and surrounded by dark bags. The once proud Swan Queen was dying in ever sense. Carefully walking over to the older dancer, Zoey felt her heart start to race. Finding herself right in front of the woman who was once her idol, the blond girl stared at her, knowing there would be no response. Silence encompassed the entire building as the two Swans were face to face. Things had been said and done; everything that Rebecca was was slowly, painfully dying. Taking in a heavy gulp that forced down a scared, swelling lump in her throat, Zoey leaned in towards the former prima dancer and, in one final act of honoring, stroked the dark, coarse locks out of Rebecca's face. Suddenly, the blond felt a crushing grip around her wrist, took in a deep, shocked breath, and saw Rebecca glaring up at her with bloodshot eyes and a dark scowl. "...Whatter you doing here?" she asked, her voice hushed and weak but still laced with anger. "...I...I need your help," Zoey squeaked out, fighting back her resentment and fear. "I know what it's be replaced...Someone's after me... Please, you have to help me...What do I do?" Her anger not relenting, the crippled ballerina glared at the child, and said nothing. Zoey's eyes began to give way to glistening tears, and her breaths grew rough and heavy. "...You still don't get it, do you?" Rebecca asked, her voice laced with disgust. "Still looking for the answers from everybody else...You think you're in control just because you stood up to some bullies?... And now you're coming to me for advice..." "I just want to be perfect..." Zoey cried, her voice reduced to sad whispers. "Like you..." Her head dropping down to the shadow-covered floor, the older girl blindly reached onto the small wooden table designed to hold her meals, grabbed the nail file Leroy gave her when she was his Little Princess, and clenched it tightly in her right hand. "I'm not perfect..." she finally said. "I've had my swan song...and I'm nothing now." In one final act of fury, Rebecca thrust the file into her cheek. Zoey gasped and jumped back, feeling the girl's pain. "Nothing!" Pulling the metal weapon out of her face, letting the blood seep out, the dying swan clenched her teeth. "Nothing! Nothing!" Stabbing herself again and again, Rebecca left her successor to watch the blood spray from her cheeks. "Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!" Zoey lunged forward, trying to tear the weapon from the prima donna's hand. "Please stop!" she begged, terrified beyond her wildest dreams. However, the woman wouldn't relent, and continued embedding the cold sharp, rough silver into her flesh. "Nothing!" Terrified, Zoey gave up her struggle, and charged to safety. Her heart pounding viciously enough to shatter her chest, the girl kept on; feeling like a nightmare where the attacker could never be outran. At long last, she reached the elevator, repeatedly pressed the button to shut the door, heard the metal doors close in front of her, then looked at her hands; fresh, hot blood covered and stainer her trembling hands. Clenching her aching fingers into a fist, Zoey ran out of the hospital and into the merciless, icy night before her. In the clutches of a nightmare, the teenager sprinted for her life, hearing the relentless whispers stalking every inch of her suffering mind. _Little angel. Little angel. Little angel._ "Stop it!" Zoey screamed, trying to force the voices to stop. Several women nearby stared at the child, revealing faces that matched a dying reflection of Zoey herself. Gasping and begging for air and relief, the girl charged away from everyone. The only haven was her home. Slamming the door to her darkened home, Zoey charged away from any doors or windows. Every inch of her back burning with a deep, goring pain, the young ballerina headed for the voices she heard; some source of solace. "Mommy?" she asked, again willing to accept the codling of her mother. Entering her mom's study, Zoey turned on a light. Every single painting; every frozen moment of her in her youthful, innocent rendering was screaming at her, infiltrating every part of her. "Mommy!" they taunted, their voices that of Zoey herself. "Mommy! Little angel! Little angel! Little angel." Every face was bleeding black ink, the ballerina's twirling in endless motions, and smiles turning to tears and vicious scowls. Her desperation and terror exploding within her agonized mind, Zoey clenched the sides of her head. "Stop!" she screamed, letting all of her fright erupt. Charging over to the taunting faces, the blond tore down every one of them; the only way to silence them. Hearing the paper shredding between her fingers, feeling the pain and ink oozing off, Zoey began to cry like a child; her eyes streaming uncontrollably, her breath constant and failing to keep the oxygen in her body. "Zoey," called a familiar voice. A grizzly image of Rebecca furious and covered in her own blood flashed in the teenager's mind as she turned to see her mother. "...What are you doing?" Seeing the paintings were merely lifeless, frozen moments in time, Zoey collected herself to the best of her ability, then angrily ran out of the room. "Angel?" Ms. Brooks called out, her voice deep with concern and pain. Ignoring her, the girl kept going, reached her room, and slammed the door behind her, shrouding the room in shadow. Rebecca's voice still burned; telling her she wasn't the Black Swan. Remembering her dark passion, her power. Her rage growing, even with the endless fear that the monsters were coming after her, Zoey blocked the door, her teeth tightly clenched. "Zoey!" "Leave me alone!" the girl shouted back. Suddenly, the pain in her back began to burn, feeling like it was shattering her spine. Letting out an agonized sigh, the blond tried to pull herself forward. Throwing off her top, Zoey gazed into her mirror, and saw her rash had spread to almost her entire back. Every one of her pours was bulged out like goose bumps on a fearful infant. Thousands of tiny, thin, spiny, black studs began to swell out of her roughly textured flesh. Her hands shaking with absolute terror, Zoey pinched one of the spines, and pulled on it. Clinging to her tender, raw flesh, the strange growth finally tore off, leaving behind a ring of torn, gored skin. Lifting what looked like the bud of a black feather to her sweat-painted face, which was now growing a sickly orange color, Zoey's throbbing eyes swallowed the horror before them. Pure, red blood violently flowed into the teenager's sclera's to become dark red; the eyes of a swan. Gasping, Zoey tried to put some form of rationality into this terrifying transformation. She no longer looked like herself, except for her grizzly long, blond hair. "Zoey, open this door!" Ms. Brooks called in, pounding on her daughter's door. "Go away!" the girl screamed, her voice reaching a high, violent pitch. "Just leave me alone! I hate you!" The pain grew worse, all but crippling the young ballerina. Every single pain she'd experienced was flashing over her body. Stepping back, trying to cover her warped, red eyes, Zoey froze, and heard a horrid cracking sound; her leg had broken and was bent backwards. Drowning in the brutal agony, the girl held still, and witnessed her other leg snap back as the bone was crushed out of its form. All her strength fading, Zoey collapsed onto the floor with a powerful impact, knocking her out and putting a temporary end to her horrific suffering. Her body lay still in the red-hued room, bathed in the darkness. 9. Swan Song _**Black Swan**_ _**Shadow of Cascade**_ Chapter Nine: Swan Song Her world consumed in a new realm devoted to the dark clutches of fear, Zoey slowly regained consciousness, finding herself gently resting atop her unmade bed. Lightly clenching her throbbing head, the blond girl opened her eyes, allowing the blurred room around her to become her bedroom once again. "Whuh..." she softly moaned, finding her hands in pink, knit gloves. Her body had returned to its young, beautiful self once again, leaving no sign of last night's ravages. "Hi, honey," Ms. Brooks replied, her voice gentle as she stroked her beloved daughter's hair. Zoey soon came to find that her mother's arms were wrapped around her. "...You're okay...You were up scratching all night." The teenager slowly rose up, her body still weak from the ordeal. "No," Ms. Brooks softly said, easing her daughter back down. "Just stay need to wait your fever out." "No..." Zoey moaned, forcing herself into a sitting position. "I have to dance tonight." "I called the studio," the dirty blond woman replied. "Just lay down." "You what?" the girl snapped. "No! I've worked so hard! Why didn't you help me when I needed you last night?" "Honey, honey," Ms. Brooks comforted her daughter. "Please..." Zoey jumped down, giving her mother a shocked, furious glare. "I am done with you!" she shrieked, running out the door. "This is what I'm meant to do!" "Zoey, stop!" the woman screamed, growing upset. "This role is ruining you!..." Ms. Brooks chased after her daughter, grabbing her shoulder. "What happened to my baby girl?...My little angel?" Violently jerking away from her mother, Zoey turned around. "...She's gone!" she screamed. With that, the blond girl stormed out of the house and into the shadow-coated night. Everything Zoey was had shattered; she was no longer an innocent child. Darkness was all around her, she could feel. All the horror from the previous night remained, threatening to consume her. Just like the night of Rothbart's seduction and betrayal in Odette's heart, each star was glistening with dull silver intensity over a disconnected, illuminated world. Cold breeze spiked every nerve in Zoey's body as she entered PCA's front door and made her way down the main hall. "Zoey, what happened?" Dana asked, running up to and alongside the prima donna. "They said you were sick." "I'm fine," the blond bluntly answered, not turning her head. "...Thanks." The shining brunette followed her friend into her dressing room. " okay?" Dana asked, watching Zoey remove most of her clothing and gently stroke her face with the white makeup for the first act. "Better than ever," she answered, grave intensity behind every word. Pulling her hair back and forming an extremely tight, elegant bun, the younger ballerina continued to disguise her face with the soft white concealer. The older girl departed from the room just as Leroy approached. "Zoey," the Frenchman said, sounding shocked. "I...I thought you were sick, I..." "I'm here, aren't I?" Zoey sharply responded, feeling a soothing sensation all over her body. "Did you get someone to replace me already?" "...I promised I'd give it to...she needs this," Thomas quickly formulated his lie. "And I've become this," the blond shot back, her eyes glaring through Leroy's very soul. "And I don't think you need another disappointment? After Rebecca?" The director looked down at the floor, feeling something new and frightening from his newest lead dancer. "I'm not afraid to do everything I have to for this role...Good luck finding that with someone else." Zoey continued preparing herself. Darkly satisfied, Leroy leaned down, putting his arms around the young ballerina's shoulders. "I'm seeing her inside you again," he whispered. "You should," Zoey whispered back, gently tilting her head up to Thomas' ear. "Don't let anything stop you," the Frenchman continued. "You're the only thing standing in your way." After Leroy departed, Zoey breathed in and out, remembering her old self. Shadows subsided within her, and she made her way to the backstage in the Grand Hall. A sense of fear existed inside the teenager as she passed the dark bricks, seeing the place where Chase was currently dancing in the prologue number. Dana, clad in a pretty, dainty pink tutu awaited her role with several other girls. Purity; Innocence; Youthful fear; Faith; Tenderness; Clad in a pure white dress, her hair gently pulled back as she cascaded her feet out of the darkness and into the enchanting valley, Odette's face was glowing with childlike grace and dedication to her dance. Her eyes gently closed; a look of sorrow on her face, Zoey let her right arm slowly slide down, taking in the beautiful serenity of the air around her; giving her love to the world. Every movement, every action was pure and a perfect display of hope and dreams of a young flower. The orchestra's song was gentle and smooth, like a lullaby for an infant. Fog began to flow in over the floor, filling the young princess with sorrow at the loss of her land's soft peacefulness. From the dark clutches of a world unseen, projecting a malicious essence, von Rothbart tore through the mist. His body covered with grizzly black feathers and razor-sharp horns, the sorcerer caught Odette in his black, soulless eyes, and saw her innocence. A spark of wicked pleasure forming on his dark, beaked visage, Rothbart put his clawed hands out in a forceful, commanding style. Feeling her body surrounded by a terrifying attraction, the White Swan slowly, timidly approached the evil sorcerer with an intoxicated, defeated look on her young face. The light of the moon bleeding over a fateful red color, the fog turned black around the two as they began to dance; Odette sharing her beauty with Rothbart. Despite her fearfulness, the child felt the sorcerer mercilessly pursue her; trying to wrap his claws around her in a manor she knew to flee from. However, the wicked sorcerer followed, no expression on his avian face, no morality to stop him. Growing desperate and remorseful, the White Swan twirled forward, but soon found her attempts at peace futile as Rothbart drew himself closer, and wrapped his shadowy essence around her. With an epic, terrifying strike, the orchestra erupted; the lights flashed for one violent instant, and the evil beast released his grip, revealing Odette in a white, feathered dress seen only for an instant. As the audience roared, the thick, red velvet curtains closed around the two dancers. Sitting among the other members of the audience, Ms. Brooks saw her daughter return to her, only to lose her once again. Once the curtains opened, the queen, along with several other dancers portraying Odette's family gathered around the forest where Rothbart inflicted his wrath. Slowly, each one began to mourn for the innocent child they'd lost. Tears fell to the ground, and Swan Lake slowly rose in the background. Knowing they could do nothing but shed more tears, the royal family left the area, vowing to never again return. Chase again entered the stage, holding a crossbow to show Prince Siegfried's fateful hunting attempt. In another land, just outside the forest several months later, the young man, desiring to be alone with his grief; knowing his future had been written for him, the prince walked on, knowing that, should it exist in the first place, love would never find him. Prehaps to wipe away a tear, Siegfried looked up to the sky to see what was surely a flock of swans flying above him. Hoping to lose himself in what was his favorite childhood sport, the handsome boy mounted his bow, and pranced into the forest after the swans. Come nightfall, he had reached the resting place of the water fowls, and was astounded; under the celestial radiance of the full moon, Siegfried stood before the glistening lake, where two rows of young swans, looking more like women than birds danced a sorrowful dance around one figure. Their movements were dedicated, precise, but undertoned with youthful error. Enlocked in curiosity, the prince slowly walked forward, leaving his weapon behind. Slowly, weakly, sadly, Odette rose from her resting position, more woman than swan, and sorrowfully dropped her head to the side with her eyes closed in a sobbing state. Lifting her arms up and letting them shower down in the tear-coated mist, the young woman slowly pranced forward among the rows of her mourners. As destiny was written, Odette found herself dancing on the water; one with peace and dreams. Feeling her pain, the young man felt himself taken back by the young princess. Feelings he'd never before been touched by; innocence and persuit he'd never fallen into, deep works of art dancing in his mind and soul that he'd never found himself able to fathom flooded Siegfried as Odette grew closer to him. She was afraid, though; the world that had treated her so cruelly would never be her heaven again. As if understanding her, the boy gently took her hand, letting her know that not everyone had fallen under the spell of darkness that had become Rothbart. Coming to strength, the White Swan engaged herself in Siegfried's dance. Their shield dropping around their queen, the little swans stood by as the young couple twirled and cascaded through the forest; basking in each other's magic. Love was real for once in their young lives; mercy and innocent pleasure had returned to them. Zoey felt herself fall into Chase as she rested her feathered head into his strong neck. White pedals of a stripped rose flowed along the air under the protective glow of the moon, blessing the lovers forever more. Flowing together, Odette let Siegfried into her life, as she'd vowed to never do again. Evil was dying. Zoey felt herself flow as one with the dance. The defining moment reached; Siegfried threw himself back from his soulmate, and she twirled away from him. Then, the White Swan, giving all of her trust to the young man she knew she'd be eternally safe with, lept into the air and into his arms. Raising her up, Siegfried allowed her to breathe among the winds; blowing endlessly like a feather lost in the storm. _Little angel, _whispered a mocking voice that caught Zoey's attention. Beneath her, Chase began to shake, then dropped her. However, Odette quickly wrapped herself around him, letting his spirit become her crutch as her body melted to the ground. Astounded with shock, the crowds cheered endlessly, their only requiem coming with the closing of the curtains. Her heart starting to race, Zoey departed from her prince, who had once again betrayed her, and headed for her dressing room. For now, the White Swan was dead; hanging on the cliff Siegfried would never rescue her from. Then, from the darkness, The Black Swan would rise. Leroy roughly charged towards the curly-haired boy, rage coursing through his body. "What was that?" he demanded. Chase made some weak excuse, but Leroy would not fall to it. "No, what the hell was that?" he screamed, striking fear into every living being behind that curtain. Knowing it was more than Chase that had made her fall, Zoey began to grow afraid once more. Someone had plotted this against her; jeopardized everything she had worked and suffered for; everything she could never recover from. Perfection was everything now; no matter what. Swan Lake had been changed, the girl knew, but that didn't seem wrong right now; maybe she was taking a stand throughout all of this. Pushing her door open, Zoey, who was feeling the crippling of her emotions begin once again, despite her inner strength, closed her eyes to find some solace, and shut the door behind her. _Nice little fall, little angel, _that grizzly, malicious, familiar voice haunted the blond girl. Shooting her head back, Zoey felt something inside her die as she gazed at herself standing in front of her. Her skin was pale, dry, and rough, her eyes bloodshot but cruel above all. Long strands of unkempt, coarse blond hair bled down from her forehead to her shoulders, which were dressed in Odile's black dress. A shadowy aura surrounded her. Unable to speak, the girl merely let her jaw drop. _Don't be afraid, baby girl, _Zoey's dark self mocked, walking closer to the child. _I've always been here...right by your side...always inside of you... You thought it was Chase...then your beloved Dana...then Rebecca when you were desperate...but you never got it, did you? You could never see it was right inside you all along? I am you, Zoey...everything you cried over, everything you woke up screaming over...everything you always wanted to be but were always too weak to let out._ "...Leave me alone," Zoey begged, her voice starting to crack. "_I'm _the Black Swan." _...No, _the dark figure taunted, her face forming into a saddened expression. The older shadow of the ballerina began to slowly, happily walk around her younger self. _You're're a child. I'm the Black Swan...I'm the one who loved it when that man attacked you...the one who bit Leroy...the one who gave herself to were just the one holding me back. But not now... I'l dance the Black can be Odette, then come home crying to Mommy...How's that sound,... little angel? _The dark being rested her thin hand on Zoey's back, making her rash burn again. _It's my role._ "Stop it!" Zoey screamed, throwing the dark entity off of her, and pushing her back. Growing vicious, the blond girl grabbed her older self, and smashed her into that mirror; the mirror she could never believe she was looking into. Rebecca seemed to fade as the shards of glass shattered and fell to the ground like rain drops on a torrent. Tearing her dark side down to the ground, letting her bleeding flesh grind into the broken shards, Zoey held the shadowy being's arms down, glaring into her bloodshot eyes. Dana's breaths seemed to begin in the teenager's ear; just as they did when they eternally gave themselves to one another. _I'm never gonna stop. _Zoey's adult self rose off the ground, and began crushing the child's neck with her bleeding fingers. Zoey gasped for air as her windpipe closed in on itself. _I am you! You can't live without me! _ "...Yes...I...Can!" the girl screamed, letting her fury out for the first time in her life. Every nerve ending burning with fiery, agonizing pain, Zoey grabbed her wicked doppelganger's hands, crushing them inside her own, then threw her on the floor. "You had your time!...It's your swan song!" The teenager grabbed one of the shards of glass, and impaled her dark side with it, silencing her forever more. "It's _my_ life," Zoey whispered, bent down before her dying side. Removing the black gown from her adult self, Zoey prepared for her performance. Darkness was slowly returning to her. Sitting down at her other mirror, the teenager removed her makeup as the White Swan, and removed her clothing to reveal her thin, toned body. As always, the rash was there. Dawning the black dress for herself, Zoey felt herself begin to change. Stroking down her cheeks with the white makeup, the girl watched herself become more and more dark. Soon, her lips were painted with a seductive black lipstick that left an undertone of red. Her eyes were lined with sharp black wing-designed shadow, and her hair was pulled back. Letting out a deep, almost pleasured sigh, the blond girl pulled the black net over her lovely young face. Her eyes seemed to bleed over red once again, but not out of pain. Dawning a jagged, jet black tiara, Zoey felt herself begin to grow one with her painful transformations The ballroom glowed with black and silver lights, illuminating it with an ominous presence. Suddenly, the darkness faded, revealing an extravagant, golden room lit by rows of lights along the wall. Siegfried and Odile, whom he believed to be his beloved princess walked forward, pulled apart, then gazed into each others eyes. Zoey's red, bloodshot eyes glistened with malicious intensity. The two joined themselves at their finger tips, and began a dark, sacred dance. Odile smiled a wicked smile, slowly rose her hand up, graced the prince's lower chin with a deep, seductive touch, then thrust herself away. Feeling her darkness, her passion, every torture she'd went through bleeding through her body, Zoey felt the darkness around her, but didn't fear it anymore; letting it become her, the girl thrust her energy out, leaving Siegfried helplessly seduced by her black power. Odile joined with her deceived love, controlling every motion and movement he made. His heart and soul was hers. Rage flowed out of her body and into his as a weapon. The bright colors began to fade into darkness; golden lights becoming cold silver, and the walls bleeding over with shadows. _You're the only thing standing in your way...She's gone!..._The sighs of ecstasy, the gasps of terror, the look of agony on her dying face, cascading on water... Zoey felt herself fade away and die inside, leaving behind what she truly hid inside her; her dark, unrelenting self. Dark, sensuous, beautiful, powerful...perfect. As if tearing out of her own, weak flesh, Zoey removed the veil from her face, and felt her body flow with the rising darkness. No one could tell her now...nothing could stop her...She was The Black Swan. Dana's defeated breaths whistled in her ears. Her childhood tears burned inside her eyes, and she felt the transformation begin; just like the night before. It felt amazing; beautiful. Shedding her human form, Zoey felt her rash ravage over her body; her arms warped into the vicious bumps of a swan's skin, letting the black spines grow once more. Sighing, feeling her heart pound above the weight of the air, the girl felt her body consumed with sexual ecstasy. Hearing the music that would cue her fate, the Swan Queen cascaded among the shadows to center stage; spinning with all her passion, lust, defeat, victory, and rage. Devastating and beautiful, Odile thrust herself in circles, shattering Odette, Siegfried, and who she once was. Her body transformed with the black desire within her; black, glistening feathers spread over her, swallowing her in a beautiful sacrifice. Moving before the thousands watching her, Zoey took their love, fear, and desire as her hands bled into large, powerful, Gothic black wings. Her knees gelled backwards, her eyes glew with red, intoxicating light, and she was at that moment one with her inner blackness and sensuality. In that instant, The Black Swan thrust her wings backwards, flawlessly executing the dance that now answered to her, and her alone; shattering everything the young, weak Zoey Brooks had ever been, and leaving a fiery blaze of eternal glory for Odile. She had reached it...That one moment...That flash of perfection. It was hers. Lights shined over the girl, letting every living being in the audience roar with applause and endless devotion. Chase felt his heart burn over with a terrifying love for Zoey; he was powerless against her. Taking a bow, The Black Swan looked to Leroy, and let the curtains hide her advance towards him. Knowing she was in control, Zoey wrapped her arms around him, forced her lips into his, and made him hers. The Frenchman was smitten, defenseless, and completely seduced by the prima donna; his Little Princess. Pulling away, Zoey gave a mocking smile that they both responded to, then went back to her dressing room. "Perfection," Thomas whispered, his heart fluttering so hard it was silenced but felt. Dana smiled a shameless smile at her lover, feeling herself touched by that same black beauty. Now clad in her white dress, her eyes returned to their original, childlike state, Zoey danced in center stage as the White Swan. Her movements graceful, restrained, flawless, the girl came to know her prince had betrayed her. Every one of the little swans knew what was to come, and remained by their queen at her darkest hour. Rothbart danced with them, showing that he would always be there to shatter any failed attempt at love; the spell would never be broken, and the lovers would be forever apart. Her humanity fading, the princess rose to a ledge above the lake cried over her tragedy, her feet gently tapping on the ground. Gently, the scared little girl raised her arms above her head, forming an arc. Zoey looked towards the audience, and saw her mother. Tears filled her eyes, and her body grew weak. Then, in one final act of love, hope, and the limitless ability to dream, the White Swan dove down into the river. As her body plummeted, Zoey found herself once again; grace would never die. Shadows would never consume all, even in the darkest of nights. White light soared down into Swan Lake at this last giving of herself. Hitting the cold embrace of the ocean of tears, Odette let herself disappear in the current. Siegfried felt himself fade as well. Her sacrifice illuminating the land, the White Swan would forever be a pure, youthful, fearful being; never tainted by the cruel world around her. Knowing this, Rothbart let out a silent cry of defeat, and melted to the earth in total defeat. Odette and Siegfried found one another in death; letting their love live forever in the only permanent they knew. Millions of white feathers cascaded down from the sky and onto the land. Every single member of the audience, cast, and crew rose to their feet, roaring and applauding with all their hearts. Claps and screams lit up the air; every one devoted to Zoey Brooks. Laying on the matt, Zoey knew she had achieved it; touched on perfection. Everything had led to this one moment of love. The little swans assembled around their queen, clapping and smiling with approval. Quinn Pensky (who had been given contacts for the occasion, wore her hair in a tight bun that left her face clear, and had used some light eye liner around her glistening pupils), looking younger due to her costume, ran over with fellow Young Swan, Lola Martinez, who was also clad in all pink with her hair tightly pulled back. Dana stood among the girls, but was the first to join Zoey, bent down, and smiled into her beautiful young face. "You did it! They love you!" Leroy shouted, taken back by pure happiness. "My Little Princess...You always had it inside you. You did it!" The Frenchman hugged his lead dancer, then pulled back, letting Dana take his place. "Amazing," the shining brunette whispered, surrendering herself to her lover for the first time. "You were perfect..." "Yes I was," Zoey whispered, her voice overpowered with astounded satisfaction as she lay her tired and aching body down on the cushion. Blood stained her elegant white gown, but it was obvious this would never stop her. Raising up, the blond girl firmly kissed Dana's warm lips under the golden lights of the simulated sunset. The shining brunette closed her eyes, letting Zoey take her away like never before. _This is my life...Whatever it takes, I'll do what I have to to find perfection...To live and bask in the glow of love and the approval I've taken. No price is too much for me...I can always take what comes, and turn it into myself. No one helped me find myself, and nothing could stop me from pursuing what I have been my entire life. My name is Zoey Brooks. This was only one time I went through the suffering for perfection. I've been through horror's clutches, and I'll keep coming back...keep getting stronger. All to be perfect...All to find perfection for that one instant. I am Zoey Brooks...The Black Swan._ An ocean of black feathers blocked out everything. Then, white feathers began to fall from the sky, gracing the earth with their purity. Still, the audience roared Zoey's name. One of the strongest cries came from a voice the child knew well. "I knew you could do it, baby girl." _ Zoey Brooks Swan Queen/ Odette_ _Dana Cruz Odile_ _Thomas Leroy von Rothbart_ _Chase Matthews Siegfried_ _Rebecca Martin Dying Swan_ _Ms. Brooks Sovereign Queen_ End file.
Black Swan: Shadow of Cascade by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
1. Not Going Away **I do not own Zoey 101 or Crush** * * * Chase Matthews was in love. He was in love with his best friend. So cliche, right? Sometimes he wondered if it was just a crush. Sometimes he wondered if she felt the same. _I hung up the phone tonight Something happened for the first time deep inside It was a rush, what a rush_ 'Cause the possibility That you would ever feel the same way about me It's just too much, just too much Chase watched as she study with her friends. He knew it wasn't a crush. But the possibility that she would might never feel the same hurt to much. _Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I've just got to know_ Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush? Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Zoey Brooks was in love with her best friend. She didn't like to admit but she was. She wondered if he felt the same. If all he thought about was her. If he got butterflies in his stomach. _Has it ever crossed your mind When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends? Is there more, is there more?_ See it's a chance we've gotta take 'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last Last forever, forever Chase wondered if she thought of them more as friends. He wondered if she would ever feel the same. _Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?_ Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy _Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I've just got to know_ Chase knew this crush wasn't going away anytime soon. He tried to hide it by dating another girl but, boy, did that not work. He told people he didn't care when she left for England. That didn't work either. Zoey also tried to hide her crush. She dated other boys. She pretended not to care when he went out with Lola for a day. She put on a fake smile when he left to go after he and left her. _Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?_ Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy * * * **A/N: I'm going to do two different versions of this song. R&R please** 2. Not Just a Crush **A/N: Okay, I promised an update today and a preview of The Sisterhood sohere you go.** **The Sisterhood Preview: Zoey, Nicole, Quinn, and Lola have been best friends since they were little. They've always been their for each other. Then everything changed when they got accpected to go to a boarding school. ****Zoey's POV: We called ourselves sisters. Our parents called us The Sisterhood. We always thought nothing would change and we would be the best of friends. We even made a scrapbook of our lives together. When we got accecpted to go to PCA, we made a pact and put in the scrapbook. But everything did change as soon as we got there. We promised we would always be there for each other and be sisters. But, boy, did we not keep that promise.** **Well there's your preview. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 or Crush** * * * Logan Reese thought he was crazy. He thought is wasn't possible. He could _he _fall for _her_. _Maybe it's just a crush, _he thought. But he knew he was wrong. When his friends figured it out, he denied it. Told them he would never like a spaz. But after awhile, he stopped denying it. He was falling for Quinn Pensky. _Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I've just got to know_ Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush? Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy For three years, Logan would hide that he fell for her. He pretended to hate her, made her mad. He secretly wondered if she felt the same. He doubt it but that still didn't stop him from wondering. _Has it ever crossed your mind When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends? Is there more, is there more?_ See it's a chance we've gotta take 'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last Last forever, forever Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush? When Zoey lefted for England and Chase went after her, Logan knew he had to tell her or he would spend the rest of his life wondering what could be. A couple months later, he saw her on a bench crying. He stopped and comforted her. From that day on, he never wondered. In the summer, he told her about his crush for three years. She laughed and said it was cute and she had a crush on him too. He smiled and knew it wasn't just a crush. _Do you ever think when you're all alone All that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?_ Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy End file.
Crush by SouthernB3lle
Zoey 101
Night Sky Disclaimer: I do NOT own zoey 101. "Our song is the slamming screen door sneaking out late tapping on your window when were on the phone and you talks real slow cuz its late and your mamma don't know Our song is the way he laughs, the first date man I didn't kiss him when I should have and when I got home for I said amen asking god if he, could play it again." She whispered and leaned back in her chair. Tears falling one by one, she doesn't stop to wipe them from her face, she lets them fall. She sighs and looks out at the clear night sky. Wherever she goes, she has that night sky. Something that helps her clear her mind, and lets her just get all of the days emotions out. That night sky. "Are you alright?" Her blond haired roommate asked. "Ya, don't worry Ashlyn. You can go out with Aaron. I'll be...around." She finished and sighed. "Alright. See ya later!" Ashlyn finished and shut the door. "I'm gonna take a walk. This dorm is so captive." She grabbed her jacket and slipped on her vans. "Our song is the slamming screen door, sneaking out late tapping on your window..." She sang to herself and sat on the sand. She looked at the reflection the moon made off the waves. "I miss PCA so much, I don't even know why I left. That was probably the worst decision of my life, leaving my dream school." She closed her eyes and continued to quietly cry. "I wish I could go back. I cant just drop everything and leave though. I have a life here, as much as I hate it." She sighed and leaned back. She was lying on the sand. Staring up at the ever mesmerizing sky. "I miss everything, especially the gang. We had the most fun, not a dull moment. Especially with my best friend." She finished and turned over on her stomach. She fell asleep, thinking of her old life. The sun shone brightly overhead as she opened her eyes and realized she was still on the beach. "Screw this, I'm goin' back to PCA." She mumbled and made her way back to her dorm. She slammed the door to her room and started to pack. She fixed her makeup which was messed up from all the crying she did last night. She boarded her plane and soon enough was looking at PCA. "Cant wait to see my best friend. Although I miss someone a lot more than him." She said to herself and made her way to Butler Hall. She bumped into her best friend on the way. "Michael!" She screamed and hugged him tight. He hugged back just as tight. "DANA!! Wha-How-GIRL WE MISSED YOU!" He exclaimed and led her to her dorm. Once she was done unpacking in 101 she went out to find the gang, knowing they'd be eating dinner. "Guys, ever wonder how Dana's been?" Zoey asked. Dana smirked as she approached the table. "I've been doin fine, thank you very much." She responded. Everyone whipped their heads around to find Dana standing there. They all got up and hugged her. Logan came up and hugged her so tight, but it felt so right. Later that night, she was found gazing up at the night sky, on the beach by herself. "Our song is the slamming screen door sneak-" "Sneaking out late, tapping on your window." She turned stood up and turned around to find Logan standing there with a red rose. "Logan, remember." She said and hugged him. "Of course I do. Thats the song we sang at the dance...together." He said and wiped her tears away. He gave her the rose and looked into her eyes. "Dana Maria Cruz, I Love you." "Logan Alexander Reese, I Love you too." She said and kissed him. The best kiss of their lives. Under the night sky. **Awww, I loved writing this!! please review and check out my other stories!!** **-Talar** End file.
Night Sky by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
Too Fast, Too Far **-too fast, too far-** **logan/quinn.** **By Katie** **a/n: LQ is complete love, and there's not enough good one-shots about them...I know, you're probably like, "Are you crazy, there's fifty million!" But you see, fifty million just doesn't cut it. (;** **disclaimer: Nope.** _:x:_ He tastes like peanut butter to you. It's too sweet and you don't like it. For some reason, however, you're glad that you brother is the one with the peanut allergy and not you. But he (Logan) only tastes like peanut butter on Tuesdays after lunch. Tuesdays are the days when he has homemade peanut butter sandwiches for lunch ("Because my mom used to make me them every Tuesday when I was in grade school"). Usually, though, he just tastes like mint breath spray. You wonder what he actually tastes like. So you ask. And he says he doesn't know. You mean to throw away your breath spray, but you forget. And it's another month before you remember about your "no breath spray" rule. But it's a Tuesday, so he tastes like peanut butter. The next day you remember, though. "Hey," he smiles, sidling up to you during free period. "Hi," you reply, kissing his cheek. "Are you - " You launch yourself at him, molding your mouths together. At first he's stiff and unsure, but then he relaxes. Your tongue pries his lips apart, and when you taste him, minus the peanut butter and breath spray, you nearly faint. He tastes like mint still, but now it's warmer and less covered up. There's traces of cinnamon or brown sugar or some other spice, but it doesn't matter. This isn't a time to be scientific, geeky Quinn. This is a time to be reckless, free-spirited Quinn. "I liked that. Can we do it again?" Logan laughs. "Maybe later," you smirk, and place one last chaste kiss upon his lips. His arms snake around your waist, and you smile in contentment. Nothing makes you happier then to be able to hug Logan in public. You're glad that your friends are now aware of your relationship. That secret romance thing was so overrated. You didn't used to be into PDA, but Logan's changed a lot of things about your personality. His hands run up and down your back, and his lips occasionally brush across your forehead. You wonder why you didn't start dating him before. He is everything you've ever wanted or needed, and you truly believe that with all of your heart. And yet, when he kisses you, you still feel an unexplainable void in your heart. You don't know why, since most people envy you. You're beautiful (Logan thinks so, at least), have the _best _friends, and perfect grades. Most important, you have _him_. Logan. So why do you still feel empty? The void is filled soon enough. One weekend, you and Logan are sitting out by the fountain. Your head is resting on his shoulder, and his arm is wrapped protectively around your waist. It is a seemingly ordinary Saturday night. But it's not. Something different is in the air tonight. "Hey, Quinn?" Logan whispers against your hair? "Hm?" "I love you." The words startle you at first. It's not everyday you hear a declaration of love from your boyfriend. You look up and smile, place a vestal kiss on his lips and reply softly; "I love you too." Logan dips down to press his mouth to yours again, his hands cupping your cheeks. The kiss is different from any other kiss you've ever shared. You like it, but it scares you a little how serious it is. And although you both move slowly, things almost go too far. You both make sure to keep your hands on each other's faces, entangled in each other's hair. His fingers never once touch the hem of your shirt, and your digits firmly stay raveled in his dark curls. You curse yourself for being so smitten with Logan. He is the most beautiful boy you've ever met, and you want nothing more than for him to have you, both body and soul. When you leave him that night, the void is gone. You now know that you have Logan's heart, fully, and no other girl does. The weeks pass in bliss; complete, total, incandescent bliss. Whenever you look at Logan, you can't help but smile. It's quite embarrassing, especially when you're trying to do things in class. Important things. On one occasion, you were giving a report in American History on the importance of the Lowell System during the Industrial Revolution. You caught Logan's eye in the middle of it. He smirked. You smiled at him, and completely lost your train of thought. The bliss ends, though, almost as quickly as it comes. You and Logan cross your boundaries one night. "I have to leave," you whisper into his ear when your shirt comes off. "Quinn, are you - " "I have to go," you repeat, tugging your shirt (ironically your favorite) on. You don't even tell him goodbye or I love you. Only "I have to go" over and over again. You're ashamed at your lack of willpower. And you're humiliated. You love Logan, but you aren't ready for something so incredibly intimate. When you see Logan the next day, you collapse into tears. "Quinn, please don't cry." he murmurs, wiping away your tears. "I - " "Quinn, we didn't do anything. Nothing happened." "I know, I'm being so stupid and weird," you laugh humorlessly at yourself. "No you're not. You're being Quinn." Logan says, stroking your hair as if you're a small child (you're acting like one, but that's not the same as actually being one). After that morning, you hate even being in the same room with him. You miss his minty warm taste, and his soft touch, but you're afraid that you'll both go too far again. At lunch, you no longer sit by him. You spend your free periods alone or with Zoey and Lola. You can hardly remember the last time you went on a date with Logan, much less talked to him. A simple, accidental brush of his hand is enough to send "Alert" signals charging throughout your head. You don't officially break up with him; after several weeks, you scarcely see him. So you don't consider it breaking up. You consider it growing apart. You end up being Lab Partners in Chemistry. Chemistry. The irony does not escape you. By the grim look on his face, it doesn't escape Logan either. "Two drops of ammonia," you mumble, absently skimming over the lab directions. "Quinn, can we talk? I mean, you've been ignoring me for the past two months. Tell me what's wrong, Quinn. Please." Logan says lowly, his voice thick with an incomprehensible emotion. You freeze and stare at him; "I didn't mean for it to end like this." "But it was going to end eventually?" "I guess - " "You know what? Whatever. Let's just get this over with. Then you'll never have to speak to me again. I promise." his voice is bitter and harsh, and almost tired for some reason. This isn't your Logan. Your Logan is funny and makes you smile. Your Logan has you wrapped around his finger. This Logan does..._not._ You watch as he scribbles down whatever you tell him to on the lab sheet (has his handwriting always been that illegible?). And you watch as new Logan completely takes over. You tell yourself lies, that he's not like this because of you. But he is. It's heartbreaking and you wish that you weren't such a coward sometimes. You wish that you could throw your arms around his neck and kiss him and tell him that you're still in love with him and you never, for once second, let him go. New Logan skips class and starts hanging out with a new crowd of friends, namely the slut population of PCA. And you don't feel bad calling them sluts, because everyone else calls them that. They don't deserve Logan. You know they don't, and deep down, he probably knows too. The final straw comes when you walk in on Logan and some blonde girl (wearing too much make-up, you add) half naked in his dorm room. The blonde just smirks when she sees you, and pulls on her tank top, which is so low cut that you wonder if she ever feels a draft. When she leaves, you glare at him. "_What _are you doing, Logan?" "Christ Quinn, you're such a spaz sometimes, you know that?" he hisses, pulling his shirt back on. "What's wrong with you? Skipping class? Ditching your friends? Having sex with girls you don't even know? Tell me, what is this?" you chastise him, ignoring the "spaz" comment. He gives you a look as if you've just sprouted a third eyeball from your forehead. He stand up and looks you directly in the eye. "This is me trying to forget about you, Pensky," he says, looking at you. "Oh, Logan," you whisper, even though you knew his ulterior motives (subconsciously, of course) all along. "What did I do, Quinn? Did I love you too much? Am I not smart enough? Not good-looking enough? Is it because I'm selfish? Tell me and I can fix it. Please Quinn, just tell me what I did wrong, because I can't figure it out." Logan looks at your with such a sadness that your heart breaks a million times over. You've never seen Logan like this before. So distraught. So unsure. You walk up to him and bring your hands to his face. You aren't used to being the strong one. You're Quinn, and you're usually confident and sure about most things, but Logan is one thing where you're always slightly unsure and a little unstable. "You didn't do anything. Don't ever blame yourself, do you understand? You are the single most perfect, amazing, wonderful boy that I've ever met. I'm the one who's to blame. Blame me for this. Me. Blame me, Logan," you whisper, and shake your head vigorously. You will away your tears fruitlessly and he them away, just like he always used to. And you've also never seen Logan cry before, but you see a tear in his eye. It's so out of character for him. So outrageously strange and unfathomable. You don't know how to react. He closes his eyes and starts to rub away the tear. "Let me." You smile a little, and his hands slowly return to his sides. The tear starts to roll down his cheek, and you wipe it away. "I'm miserable," Logan whispers. "Me too," you admit in defeat. You're sick of lying. It's not fun, and it's even more overrated than secret romances. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he snakes his owns arms around your waist. Suddenly, you aren't scared anymore. Not even a little bit. "I love you, Logan. I never stopped," you say. He looks down at you, and his brown eyes are starry. You can't remember the last time you saw his eyes looking so glittery and wonderful, but you know it's been a while. Forever. Too long. "I love you too, Quinn," he sighs in contentment, and kisses your cheek. There are no more tears. Only happiness. You smile, and he kisses you gently on the lips. It's a sweet kiss, one that sens your heart into spasms. You had forgotten what that was like. The kiss makes you forget about the blonde girl, which you're definitely going to kick his butt for later. "I was wrong, you know. We were never going to end." you say when you separate. "Took you long enough to figure that out, _Pensky_," he teases. "Watch it, _Reese_, I'm still not happy about you doing..._you know_...with those other girls." you glare playfully, withdrawing from his embrace. "Aw, Quinn. I'm only human," he moans. You laugh; "I'm only kidding, Logan." His smile returns, and he pulls you back into his loving, steadfast embrace. "So does this mean that you're my girlfriend again?" Logan asks hopefully, almost childishly. You smile and rest your hand on his cheek. He looks at you, as if re-memorizing every curve on your face, every dimple, every fleck of green in your brown eyes. "Of course it does." He grins, and dips down to kiss your lips, less softly this time. As soon he allows your tongue entrance into his mouth, you remember. It's Tuesday afternoon. And now, peanut butter is your favorite food in the _entire _world. _:x:_ **I know, they're both sort of OC, but I think they'd react different to each other in certain situations. So yes. ** **Please review with more than "so cute!" or "i loved it!", thanks.** End file.
Too Fast, Too Far by DramaticStarlet
Zoey 101
Invisible Hey all my first one shot Please please please review What you doing tonight I wish I could be a fly on your wall Are you really alone Who's stealing your dreams Why can't I breath you into my life So tell me What would it take to make you see I'm alive If I was invisible Then I could just watch you in your room If I was invincible I'd make you mine tonight If hearts were unbreakable Then I could just tell you where I stand I would be the smartest man If I was invisible Wait I already am Saw you facing the crowd I called out your name You don't hear a sound I keep tracing your steps Each move that you make Wish I could read what goes through your mind Wish you could touch me with the colours of your life If I was invisible Then I could just watch you in your room If I was invincible I'd make you mine tonight If hearts were unbreakable Then I could just tell you where I stand I would be the smartest man If I was invisible Wait I already am Invisible I am nothing without you Just a shadow passing through If I was invisible Then I could just watch you in your room If I was invincible I'd make you mine tonight If hearts were unbreakable Then I could tell you where I stand I would be the smartest man If I was invisible If I was invisible If I was invisible Wait I already am Invisible by d-side Chase's pov As I copied the words from a song book tears streaming down my face took it down and added my own personal note: Zoey I just wanted to let you know my feelings and as I am not too good at this whole letter writing malarkey so I searched for the perfect song to show you how I feel about you, I hope you like it, I know it's not very personal but it's the best I can do, I love you Xxx Chase There I'd done it five hours of searching and gruelling writing later, I had the letter that was hopefully going to express how I feel about her , I took myself and the letter up from my desk and grabbed my key and headed out the door, with shaky hands I popped the letter under Zoey's door, I looked at her door one more time and left, now only fate could decide what happens next Zoey's pov I was reading cosmo magazine when a letter came under my door, my best friend Nicole had given it to me 'what's this all about' I asked her, she just shrugged her shoulders in an unknowing fashion as I ripped open the letter , I began reading out loud 'what you doing tonight , I wish I could be a fly on your wall, are you really alone, who's stealing your dreams, why can't I breath you into my life' I stopped right there as my eyes diverted to the name on the bottom of the page Chase it read, I read the rest to myself , I was in tears by the time I had gotten to the part where it said , I know it's not very personal but it's the best I can do, I love you , Nicole was looking at me now in a confused way, so I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and put the letter in my pillowcase and headed for the girls bathroom, well that's what I told Nicole I was on my way to Chase's dorm to ask him what the letter meant. Chase's pov I waited in my room and tried to keep myself occupied but I just couldn't focus on geography when a possible love life and a possible end of friendship was at stake , I was pacing up and down my room when I heard a knock on my door, 'who is it' I asked nervously 'erm it's Zoey, can we talk' I stared at the door in shock I didn't think she would actually talk to me in person but here she was, 'I'm coming' I said trying to disguise my high pitched voice which failed miserably, I opened the door to see the most beautiful sight I had ever seen Zoey that is 'come in' she looked beautiful just like the first time I saw her which is why I smacked into that pole anyway 'I read the letter' she said nervously 'and' I said prompting her 'and it's very sweet' oh no I thought she said that after the dance and nothing happened there, great I had just poured my feelings out onto a scrap of paper and gave it to her, 'but' I said prompting her again 'there's no buts just a little something I should have done a long time ago' she said coming towards me, her beautiful eyes staring into mine, as she placed a passionate kiss on my lips I realised it was worth waiting for. End file.
Invisible by BiG gIrL -former big bitch
Zoey 101
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing I am really bored at the moment, and was listening to my favorite song. I finally got the idea of this one-shot dialogue drabble. It's a bit different from all of my other stories, and most stories/one-shots on here. You may be confused at first, but that is the point. There is a bit of mystery in it. Not the genre 'mystery,' but a hidden meaning almost. I hope you like it. **Bold** and_ italics_ are the lyrics. Regular font is the dialogue. The song is called: **Wolf In Sheep's Clothing**. By: **This Providence.** _ * * * __Wolf In Sheep's Clothing_ One-shot _** * * * **_ _**You're throwing everything you have at me **_ "You liar!" **Cheap shots, low blows, will you ever let it go ** "Will you shut up?"_ _ _**You're so pathetic, give it a rest **_ "You're pathetic!" _**You're not gonna win, you're never gonna**_ "You can't win sweetie. No matter what you say, there is nothing you can do." **You love the sound of your own voice** "You're an egotistical pig!" _**And the crown of death upon your head, come on **_ "But I have reasons for that." _**You and all your royalty, on the edge of infamy **_ "You think you are the best of the best Logan, but you aren't! You have no reasons for being the self centered idiot you are!" _**You're going to taste my fist **_ "Oh yes I do Dana." ** _You're so good at stretching the truth into a sugar coated lie_**_ _ "Why do you do this?" _**Everyone takes a bite **_ "Everyone believes me, don't they? It's like I have control." _**I have been dining with the enemy **_ "No, not everyone Logan. Not me." _**It was a wolf in sheep's clothing, now it's so clear to me** _ "It doesn't matter much if you believe me or not. Am I not who you thought I was my dear Dana?" _**I've had enough of your games **_ "I have had enough of you and your head games!" **_If you're not trembling you'd better be _** "Oh, I know. That's why I especially enjoy them. Aren't you scared you could be next?" _**Cause we're gonna be the end of you **_ "No, because no one will believe you. This is the end of your filthy lies you tell out of your disgusting mouth." _**I've had enough of your games **_ "Dana, you haven't seen all the games that I am able to play." _**I'm gonna show them who you really are **_ "I will show everyone Logan Reese! I will show them all who you really are! How you lie about everything you say!" _**I can tell you right now, it wont be pretty**_ "This won't be pretty. You will get yourself into this mess and no one looks up to you." _**I can't convince anyone, anything** _ "Maybe I will convince them. You never know Logan, what games** I** can play myself." _**Provoking the anger of, a jealous god **_ "You won't be able to do a damn thing Dana!" _**Still you spin a web of lies, fear, lust, pride, greed and shame **_ "You're a liar, and will be caught. I don't care what I have to do to prove you wrong!" _**You said no one, oh, you said no one escapes the pain** _ "Then kiss me." _**I've had enough of your games **_ "That's enough of your disgusting games Logan." _**If your not trembling you'd better be **_ "Oh, I'm not playing games here. Kiss me, and this is all over. All the rumors I start, all the stuff I shake up, all the feelings I hurt." _**Cause we're gonna be the end of you** _ "This is the end of it." _**I've had enough of your games **_ "You choose to, or not to Dana. It's your choice." _**I'm gonna show them who you really are **_ "Logan, everyone will find out you are a lying manipulative pig no matter what I do! One day or another." _**I can tell you right now, it wont be pretty** _ "Oh, is that the best you can do Dana? You coward." _**I'm a coward not a fighter, disguised as a lover **_ "I guess I am a coward for not kissing you." _**In disguise, in disguise **_ "You want to." _**For so long now, you held me down** _ "You have done this so long Logan. Lying to everyone around you. Stirring up trouble." _**You held me, you held me down **_ "Everyone needs a bit of drama in their life's." _**You held me down **_ "What are you going to do next Logan?" _**You held me down for so long **_ "More than you can think of." _**But its not gonna last **_ "This scheme of yours will never last! These lies will stop! You hurt people by doing this Logan. You know it. Do you enjoy it somehow?" _**Cause I can see right through your beautiful eyes **_ "I will not answer that question of yours. Dana, this scheme can last, but you can stop it, and you knowhow.I can see through your beautiful eyes you want to kiss me. Just that simple thing and this whole rumorthing is over. Done with." _**I've had enough of your games **_ "I don't believe you. You've lied, and played these games too many times." _**If your not trembling you'd better be **_ "Maybe I have, they will keep going on Dana. You never know, you can be destroyed next like Nicole was. Do you remember what happened to Nicole?" _**Cause we're gonna be the end of you **_ "Yes I remember, that is why this is the end!" _**I've had enough of your games **_ "Are you now saying you will kiss me?" _**I'm gonna show them who you really are **_ "I am going to show you Logan." **_I can tell you right now, it won't be pretty _** "Then kiss me." _**You're throwing everything you have at me **_ "You're trying, and trying Logan. You're trying everything you have, every game you can think of. But you have run out of games to play me." _**Cheap shots, low blows, will you ever let it go **_ "Ouch. You hurt me so. There are still games I can play. Still things I can say to destroy you. It's your choice Dana. All your choice. My wish is quite simple, and no one will hear anything of what you have to do." _**You're so pathetic, give it a rest **_ "You're so pathetic, it's not even funny!" _**You're not gonna win, you're never gonna**_ "You won't win Dana. You never will, so kiss me, right here, right now, and all my lies will be over. Like I said before." With that, she kissed him in pure frustration. * * * **I hope you liked it. It was fun to write, but a big challenge. Thank you for your help Hopeless Romantic 86.This wasjust a short break from my other stories. ** **_Please_ review.** **--Brittany** End file.
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by BrittanyOXYMORON
Zoey 101
10 Things I Hate About You So this is my first fanfic.So you can flame if you want but I'd prefer is you didn't Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 or 10 things I hate about you or Fall Out Boy if I did I be filthy stinking rich _Italics are thoughts_ Dana's writing * * * "But why? " Logan asked the curly brown haired girl who had just finished yelling about how she hated him. "Because you're a stupid jerk who thinks he is better than everyone" Dana screamed at Logan. "I want a Better excuse than that." He told her "Fine I'll give you ten good reasons!" "When?" "Tomorrow on your desk!" "GOOD!!" Logan yelled. Dana throwed the basketball at him and walked away. "Dude, why do you guys have to fight so much?" Chase asked. "Yeah man, the constant fighting is getting kind of old." Michael stated. "I don't know it's just like a habit" Logan told the two "well sorry dude but some habits need to be broken." Michael told him." Mike me breaking the habit of arguing with Dana is like me telling you to break the habit of eating potato chips, It just can't be done. ""True "Michael said. "Yeah and I really would like to see the reasons Dana hates you "chase said. Room 101 "Hey day what's up" "Logan being an arrogant asshole again "Dana told Lola "harsh much "Nicole said "It's not harsh it's true ""he wants me to give him 10 reasons why I hate him." She informed them sitting down at her laptop and plugging her head phones." Alright "Lola said "me and nikki are going to meet Zo, Chase, and mike at Sushi rocs. "Bye"Dana said as she started listening to fall out boys Dance Dance and started typing. Tomorrow morning in class Logan's P.O.V. As I walked into class I spotted a piece of paper on my desk. It was folded in thirds and read Logan on the side of it. I sat down as dana gave me evil smirk. I opened the paper and there it were ten reasons why she hated me I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you Obsess over your hair. I hate the way you play basketball. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb coocky smile, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you don't call. 10. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. The last one confused me a little I think it means she likes me then I noticed two people reading over my shoulder. Normal P.O.V "Dude I think she likes you "Michael said "yeah man" chase said. I opened my mouth to say something but the bell for class to begin rang. Dana's P.O.V. Damit I knew I shouldn't of wrote that last one but oh well worst comes to worst he never ever talks to me again but we've never had an actual conversation so nothing new. Just as Logan opens his mouth to say something the bell rang thank god Saved by the bell. After class Normal P.O.V. "Dana can I talk to you for a minute?" Logan asked "first of all your already talking to me, Second of all your all only if it is a minute, "third of if its about the note yes I like no scratch that I danger Cruz LOVE the Logan Resse "She said using air quotes. Then Logan did the unthinkable he kissed Dana right then and there in the Hall in front of about 50 people _Dana's P.O.V._ _HOLLY CRAP Logan Reese is kissing me well he was right about one thing he is a good kisser I wonder what would happen if I kiss back might as well find out._ Logan's P.O.V. _OH SHIT I'm kissing Dana "danger" Cruz and she's kissing me back_ Normal P.O.V. "OH "Said Michael "MY" Chase said "GOD" Nicole, Zoey, and Lola Said at the same time loud enough to break Logan and Dana apart " So what does that mean" Dana asked Logan " What do think " he said grabbing her hand "I love you Dana" " I'll Pick you Up at 7:00"Logan said "yeah just Me and you " she told him "But i Get to pick the movie"Dana said "Who Said We Were Going to A move and What are we seeing ?" "I Did And we are seeing 10 Things I Hate About You, its about a girl hates this boy but she really likes him and writes down 10 Reasons why she dosnt". "Id Like That" He Said. "I Know" Dana replied "See Ya latter Princess" he said turnig "Later Pretttyboy" she said turning to their other friends then she turned around again. " Oh and Logan "Dana said as the boy turned around "I Don't Hate you And I can't think of Ten reasons why I would " then she turned around and went to class. * * * Yeah I'm finally finished no wonder so many stories aren't uploaded talk about writers block Please review End file.
10 Things I Hate About You by danaisawesome
Zoey 101
So Surreal **So Surreal** * * * **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.** **Rating: K** **AN: This is my 2nd Zoey 101 fic. I'm a huge Quogan fan!! This is written like a diary entry. It's super short. I hope you like it! Please review. :)** * * * **Quinn's POV** Dear Diary, I love it. The way he says my name. He says it the same way he says everyone else's name, but somehow it just sounds different to me. More special. I get goosebumps. It's crazy, weird, amazing, and totally unlike me. I don't feel things like this. Especially not for guys like Logan Reese. With Mark I just felt wanted. Don't get me wrong, Mark made me feel good about myself and he was a great boyfriend most of the time. I wouldn't have stayed with him for so long if he wasn't. It's different with Logan though. I have butterflies and I worry about how I look. The more I get to know and learn about Logan, the harder I fall. He's fallen for me too. He told me he thinks he loves me the other day when we were watching a movie in his dorm while everyone else was out somewhere. It's all just so surreal. I mean, Logan, the hottest guy in school, dating me, the geekiest girl. When Logan told me he might love me a lot, I told him I might love him a lot too. Logan just makes me feel complete. He says we should tell our friends about us. He says I've changed him in the best possible way and that he doesn't care what anyone thinks. I agreed that we should tell them and we're going to in a few minutes. Everyone is supposed to be meeting us at Sushi Rox. I'm so nervous I'm shaking. We've been dating for about six months now and its been getting harder and harder to hide it. Honestly, I don't know how our friends haven't figured it out yet. We flirt in front of them all the time without even thinking about it. As nervous as I am, I can't wait until everyone knows. I'm tired of hiding it and I really want to see what they all say about us. Sorry about skipping around subjects so much Diary, but so much is running through my head right now. Since Logan told me he loved me, he says it constantly. Everytime we see or talk to each other, he says I love you at least thirty million times. If we're around other people he will whisper it to me or put his hand to his mouth like he's yawning and mouth the words, "I love you," to me. It's so sweet. He's turned me into some silly little school girl. I guess I really am one though. Did I mention how great of a kisser Logan is? I mean, wow! I know he's made out with like every girl at school but seriously, that boy can kiss! He always tells me I'm the best kisser he's ever kissed and I'm like, "No way!" He always knows what to say to make me feel better when I'm having a bad day. I don't know how he does it. So what if he's not very smart. He gives me feelings that no one else can or ever has before. He's just amaz...Logan just got here. We've got to go tell our friends about us. Wish us luck! Love, Quinn End file.
So Surreal by foreverdreams3
Zoey 101
About Time **Room 202, Chase, Michael, and Logan's room** '**_It's the last semester; I've got to tell her.' _Chase thought to himself. '_I'm gonna tell her today.'_** **Chase has had this crush on Zoey since he first saw her. She's the last thing he thinks about when he goes to sleep and the first thing when he wakes up. Today he was gonna tell her how he felt. ** **The only doubts he had were is she felt the same way or would she ever be his friend again. Little did he know a certain blonde was thinking the same thing and talking to her roommates about it. ** **Room 101, Zoey, Nicole, and Lola's room** "**Chase is really cute don't you think?" Zoey said to Nicole and Lola. "Whatever." They both said. For the past week Zoey had been in this phase where all she thought and said was about Chase. Now they, more specifically Lola, were really getting fed up with it. ** "**Zoey, if you like Chase so much go tell him how you feel or I will!" Lola screamed. That stopped Zoey right in her tracks. ** "**You wouldn't?" she said** "**Oh yes I would and I think I will right now." Lola sad as she walked out the door. ** "**NOOO" Zoey screamed, running after Lola only to find her gone. She walked down the path to the beach where she sat to think. ** "**Really, Zoey said she liked me?" Lola had just told Chase that Zoey liked him and he was acting ecstatic. "Should I ask her out?" "Wait, I can't do this, Zoey can't like me." All of a sudden he became very depressed. ** "**YOU IDIOT! Of course you can. I'm not going to sit back and watch my two best friends dance around each other. I'm going to help you ask her out." ** "**Really, you'll help me. Thank you so much. Now what's this brilliant idea you have?" ** **1 WEEK LATER** **Zoey and Chase had avoided each other all week. Until Friday when Zoey found a note on her bed from Chase.** _**Zoey,**_ _**Meet me at the beach **_ _**Chase**_ **So an hour later Zoey was on her way to the beach. When she got there no one was there. So she sat on a rock waiting for Chase until she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see Chase. ** **Zoey was so used to seeing him in his baggy jeans and grungy t-shirt her jaw dropped when she saw Chase now. He was wearing black dress pants and a red button up shirt. ** "**Hey Zoey, listen I need to tell you something so please just hear me out before you say anything ok?" Not trusting her voice she just nodded. ** "**Ok, since the first time I saw you, I felt different. I started to fall in love with you. Ever since then I've fallen more in love with you. I always wanted to be the guy you allowed to hold and kiss you. But I know we can never be that way. Also, you're the first thing I think of when I get up and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep. If something ever happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So if you never want to be my friend anymore I understand, I just wanted to tell you." He then starts to walk away when she doesn't say anything. ** **When he was halfway to the dorms she screams, "CHASE WAIT!!" She then starts to run towards him. Chase turns around just in time to see Zoey come running right into him, hugging him at the same time. ** "**Chase I love you too. I just didn't know if you felt the same way. Then Lola went and told you and we avoided each other all week. I thought you hated me."** "**Zoey, I could never hate you. Even if I tried." There was a few seconds of silence then they leaned toward each other for the greatest moment of their lives. Their first kiss. When they broke apart after a few minutes Chase had a look of determination in his eyes. ** **Zoey saw this and became confused. "Chase, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm just fine, Zoey I've waited to ask you this for two years now. Will you be my girlfriend?" ** "**Yes Chase I'll be your girlfriend." Zoey said Chase was so happy that he picked her up and spun her around. Next thing they knew, they heard screams near the dorms. They turn around and see Nicole and Lola running towards them yelling. ** **Logan and Michael are right behind them with looks that just scream 'About time!'** **Zoey and Chase were a couple all throughout their time at PCA. They went to the same collage. Chase proposed to Zoey in their senior year and she accepted. They got married the following year. Chase is a music producer and Zoey is a teacher at PCA. The have two kids that both attend PCA.** **Anyone who knew them in their time at PCA and saw them now would just say "About Time!"** End file.
About Time by pyrolover0404
Zoey 101
Via webcam Disclaimer: I think all of u know well enough I do not own Zoey 101...or Dana would still be on the show! Logan P.O.V I can't believe this happened. Remember when I had to pay 4,000 dollars for Sushi Rox? Now...Now...Now. Do you believe that? THE GYM BURNED DOWN. Damn Seniors. Alright. Zoey...being the perfect little idea maker that she is made ANOTHER people auction. "Alright. For Zoey, Lola, and Nicole. Who wants the bid?" Dean Rivers announced. I shot my hand up. Smirking. "Mr. Reese?" I put my hand down and walked over. "10,000. On the spot." I said and heard shouts and cheers from the crowd. I looked at Zoey, Lola and Nicole. Their mouths were hanging wide open. "Does your father approve Mr. Reese?" I turned back to the dean. "Yes. He does. I asked him before." I replied and handed over a 10,000 dollar check to Dean Rivers. "Alright then. Auction closed." He finished and people began to walk away. I made my over to the girls. "Follow me to the dorm." I said. As soon as we walked through the door. I shut it and locked it. "No cheer leading Logan." Zoey said. "No. Trust me. No more. Look, I need a HUGE favor." I said and walked over to Zoey. "What?" She said annoyed. "Do you have Dana via webcam?" I asked. Looking fiercely at her. "Yea. Why?" "Just. Get her on." I said and walked over to the computer. "...Okay?" She replied and walked over to the computer, turning it on and connecting. I got up to get a blix. I stopped short when I heard a truly angelic voice. (Italics is Zoey and the gang. Bold is Dana) "_DANA!! What's up?!" _I heard Zoey scream. "**Hey Zo! Nothin, just got back from detention...again. Man, French people are REALLY strict. How are you guys?" **Dana finished. God I missed her so much. "_Were good. We...Lola, Nicole, and I...uhhh...gotta go though. Sorry." _She said and left. "**Alright?" Dana questioned. **I went over and sat in my computer chair, my head down the whole time. "**And you would be?" **She questioned. "_Funny, I thought you'd remember me Cruz." _I said and looked at her. She was as beautiful as ever. I couldn't believe a person could be that pretty. I know, I used BEAUTIFUL, and PRETTY. Well...thats what she is. "**Reese!! I...uh...Reese. Whats up?"** She hesitated. I smiled on the inside. It was cute. "_Nothin, I'll be right back though. Bathroom." _I rushed into the bathroom and closed the door. (5 Minutes Later) I came back out to hear "Get Low" By Flo-Rida from my computer. I return to my seat to see Dana...dancing? She was good though. Well...time to embarrass her. "_Shake that ass girl. You know I like it." _ She turned around in alarm and turned a crimson red. "_Aww...shows over?" _I smirked. "**Shut the fuck up Reese." **She said and sat down. "_You know Cruz, you still owe me a make-out session from 8th grade." _I replied. "**No chance in hell Reese. Listen, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" ** "_Okay. Bye babe." _I winked. She put on a disgusted face and shut the webcam off. (Next Day. Still Logan P.O.V) I walked back to my dorm after classes. I was eager to see Dana again. I turned on my webcam to see darkness. A lot of darkness. "_Dana...Dana?" _I asked. I watched her scramble out of bed and sit in front of the computer. "**REESE!!! IF I WAS THERE I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WAKE ME UP?!!!!!!!"** "_Whoa. Sexy mami. Back it up baby_. _Save some for when you actually DO see me." _I said and winked. Not forgetting my smirk. "_C'mon mamacita. I know you want me." _I finished. "**You know Reese. I'm on vacation. Don't tell anyone, but I'm comin to PCA tomorrow. Staying for a good while. So...I'll kill you then." **My heart stopped. My breath hitched in my throat. I got sweaty out of nowhere...and I felt like I was going to pass out. "_Fine, go back to sleep. You obviously have anger issues to work out."_ I said and shut my webcam off. I sighed and leaned back in my chair...She's coming back. Tomorrow. I decided to just fall asleep. It's probably best. I went over to my bed and closed my eyes. Dreaming of her... (Dana P.O.V) _Crush Crush Crush Crush Crush_ 1-2-3-4 Nothing compares to The quiet evening alone Just the one, two I was just counting on That never happened I guess I'm dreamin' again Let's be more than this I rolled out of bed and shut of my damn alarm clock radio thing. My flight left in two hours. I got dressed and had a quick breakfast. I got a taxi and made it to the airport just in time. It took the taxi driver FOREVER to freakin understand me. I got on my plane and started to relax. A flood of emotions soon overtook me though. Happiness, excitement. Mostly fear. Would Logan accept me? Like...does he...does he like me? Because I-I think I Love him. _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ (Logan P.O.V) I tossed and turned in my bed. I didn't bother to get up the whole day. I just laid there. I sighed and got up, rubbing my eyes. I didn't bother to change. All I had on were my boxers. Black and pink boxers may I add. I heard a knock at the door and walked over. I opened it, and almost fainted from lack of oxygen. "H-H-Hey Reese." She stuttered. I couldn't find my voice. She looked...absolutely HOT! A red tanktop, black REALLY SHORT SHORTS, and boots. "Sexy mami. Come to make-out?" I said and leaned on the door frame. Trying to keep my cool in front of her. "Ugh no!" She said and walked passed me. I shut the door and sat next to her. "I...I missed you Logan." She said and looked up at me. I looked into her eyes. The most gorgeous shade of brown...ever. "I missed you too Dana." I replied. "Unexpected huh?" She shyly stated. "This doesn't sound like 'Danger' Cruz. Are you alright?" I moved closer to her. She looked at me. Never broke our gaze. "Guess I'm just nervous." She said and gave me a small smile. "You have absolutely nothing to be nervous about." I replied and gently kissed her. She gave in. Apple lipgloss. Yummy. I pulled away and looked at her. "You have me, trust me. You don't have anything to be nervous about." I finished and held her hand. "I-I-I love you Logan." I looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. "I love you too Dana. Always and Forever." **FLUFF!! I liked this oneshot. It wasn't too short, or too long. I think it was nice. REVIEW PEOPLE!! Please check out my other stories too! They're lonely and want reviews!** **-Talar** End file.
Via webcam by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
What If She Knew _**What If She Knew.**_ Chase & Zoey were sitting by the waterfall. "do you really wanna know?" Chase said. "I Really wanna know." Zoey replied. "ok, the message was-" Chase was cut off by their friends running towards them screaming, "guys, the show starts in about 30 seconds." Logan said looking at his watch. "and were not gonna let you two miss it." Michael said and pulled them off away and they ran into the Lounge. The Show was starting and it was introducing everyone then it showed the games. Chase looked at Zoey, she was smiling, and then she smiled at him and smiled back at the TV. He smiled sadly, then in his mind, Michael's Voice kept on telling him. _Just Tell Zoey You Love Her._ Chase sighed, and texted her the message. _Zoey, _ _The Message that I sent and had to erase was.. _ He looked up at Zoey one more, She was Beautiful, he sighed. _That I love You. _ He sent it and sighed, he looked over at Zoey waiting for her to grab her TekMate. and realized it wasn't in her case. Back at the Waterfall, The Dean saw Zoey's TekMate, and grabbed it before it got into the water. "I better give this to ." and he went to his office. **The Next Day In Lola, Quinn, & Zoey's Room.** "I Can't find my TekMate! Where is it!" Zoey shrieked, throwing pillows and stuff all over the room. "Chill Zoey! You Probably left it in the lounge." Lola said. Zoey sighed, "I'll go check." before she could walk out the door, The Dean came in, "Hi girls." he smiled. "Hi Dean." they all three smiled. "Zoey, I found your Tekmate out by the waterfall." she grabbed it from him. "omg! I was looking for this everywhere! Thankyou Dean." She smiled. "no problem" he left. Zoey smiled and turned to her TekMate, she got a new message, and she read it, and her smile dropped. "omg" she whispered. "what? what is it?" Lola and Quinn said. "Chase loves me." she choke out looking at Lola and Quinn. "I gotta go." she left the room to find chase. Chase was doing Homework then Zoey knocked on the door. "come in." he shouted. Zoey came in, "hey." she spoke softly. he looked up smiling softly, "hey" "listen, I got your message." she held up her TekMate. Chase eyes went wide, then he sighed, "well you wanted to know what the message was, and that was it, I love you." Zoey gulped, "why didn't you tell me?" she asked. Chase stood up and walked over to her. "I was afraid that if you would like me that way, and it would do something to our friendship, and I couldn't risk losing you as a friend." he spoke. She was speechless. "If I lost you as a girlfriend, I would be ok, but if i lost you as my friend, I would go insane." He whispered. "really?" she said softly. "yeah, I Love You Zoey." he said staring deeply into her eyes. "I..I love you too Chase." she smiled at him and he smiled back. "Kiss me Chase." She smiled. he smiled, and leaned in and connected his lips to hers. as soon as air became a problem, the pulled away breathlessely. "You Have no idea how long I've wanted that." he said holding her close to him. she giggled, "I Think i might." she smiled softly. "Zoey?" he gulped. "yes." "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully. "what am I? Crazy? yes of course." then she passionately kissed him. **That was my first Zoey101 Story. ** **please tell me what you think.** End file.
What If She Knew by PrettyLittleLiarsFan2288
Zoey 101
The party Chase is in his dorm room looking very sees him and talks to him. "What's up dude?" "Well I have this crush on Zoey but she dating James.""What? That guy just came to PCA and she's already falling for him and not me when I've had a crush on her since like forever.""Why don't you move on?" "Why don't you move on!""Well I liked her longer.""Fine Lola's hot anyway." "You like Lola?""I have homework to do." Logan walks out and Chase gets an Idea he'll have a wine tasting party for fun and for Zoey. (In the girls dorm) Zoey Is daydreaming about James she gets awoken from her gaze by a familiar voice. "Zoey,Zoey, anybody home?"said Nicole "Yea I'm fine."Zoey responded"Why don't we stop homework and play Truth or Dare." Quinn suggested."Okay."everyone responded. Dana spins the bottle and it landed on Nicole. "Okay Nicole Truth or Dare?""Umm Dare." "Kay hmmm I dare you to...delete every guys numbers in your phone." "Even Chase,Michael, Logan,James,Danny,and Mark?" "No you keep those just err-yone else's." Nicole starts to cry but does the dare. Quinn spins the bottle and it lands on Stacey. "Okay Stacey Truth or Dare?""Dare dare dare!" " Ok destroy 5 of you cotton swab sculptures." Stacey gets sad but does the dare. Zoey spins the bottle and it lands on Lola."So Truth Or Dare.""Truth.""Good choice is it true that you have a crush on Logan?" "Maybe we should get back to our homework.""But you didn't answer her question ." At the Wine tasting party everyone is drunk and the dorm advisors were singing 'Don't You Want Me' and they fell into slots Nicole was stripper girl drunk, Dana and Quinn were angry girl drunk,Zoey was sad girl drunk,and Stacey and Lola were Happy girl drunk. While the dorm advisors were singing their hearts out, Lola and Logan started dancing together and then they started making out. Chase asked Zoey to come to him to his dorm they started making out then it turned into something more and when they woke up clothes were everywhere and Zoey was the first to wake up when Chase woke up he got greeted to a slap and he said: "Well good morning to you to""No not good morning bad morning" and then slaps him again. "Why do you keep slapping me?!""Because one I know why you had that wine tasting party two I'm dating James and three: SLAP!"she leaves leaving Chase's face redder than a red ranger's suit. Logan and Michael finally woke up. " Dude why do you look like you just fell in a volcano?" Logan asked. "Why are you so dumb? Why does Lola like you? Why do I hate you so much?"Michael asked."I'm not dumb,cause I'm smoking hot like on fire, and cause You're a jerk."and throws a pillow in his face. "Um Zoey just slapped me like a lot." Chase said. "Why was Zoey here?"Logan asked. "Because I threw the wine tasting party to get closer to Zoey and the answer of what I mean by that is I'm naked put the puzzle pieces together.""Did you wear protection?!""Shut up! Logan are you sure you're not retarded?" "Hey you shut up" And the two boys get into an argument. "Yes I did." "Wow so how did it feel?""Are you sure?""Shut up Michael." "Good I mean it didn't feel bad"The next day James comes back from Maine and Zoey tells him everything and James drops his stuff and ran to the boys dorm and starts punching Chase in the face. "Why do you think he's doing that?" Logan asked"Ok I'm serious we need to take an iq test to see if your a retard or a dunderhead because your just stupid. I'm guessing because Zoey told him everything."Oh" Logan said. "Ooh, aah ,oh that's gonna leave a mark" the say simultaneously. Then Lola and Nicole walk in the dorm"Ooh aah oh that's gonna leave a mark" the girls say simultaneously." Well lets go on that date you promised" Nicole said while pulling Michael away." I'm here for my bra."Lola said to Logan." Really can't I just keep it I mean a memory of the first time we made out."Logan said. "Bra." Logan gives the Latina back her bra." So you wanna make out?"he asks"ok"she responds." Guys are you gonna help me hello getting beat up here wow you're great friends!"Chase screams. Zoey walks in. "James stop!"she cries " This ones for Zoey{PUNCH},this ones for me{PUNCH},and this ones cause its kinda fun{PUNCH}.Zoey pulls James away from Chase and Lola and Logan stop making out and turn their attention to the love triangle. "Look I understand you're mad but violence is never the answer"Zoey says. "Yea" Chase says while looking at he's bloody lip."Shut up!"James shouts at him. Zoey sends James somewhere to calm down and has a talk with Chase while Lola and Logan are still making out of course." So ya over me now"Zoey asks." Yea I definitely got the message don't mess with James or his girlfriend or else you end up like this or worse I mean if you hadn't shown up." He responded." Can those two hear us?" Zoey asked. "Nope not at all they must be really enjoying themselves"Chase responded. The next day Chase is in casts and scrapes and bruises and Dana and Nicole are taking him somewhere. "Where are you guys taking me?" He asks."Shut up and go with it"Dana responds. They walk in the room and James says :" Chase I'm sorry for jacking up your face and other parts an I hope you'll forgive me."James says." That depends what flavor is the cake."Chase responds." Chocolate."James says." oh Let's PARTAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" They party and Chase realizes he can't have Zoey and starts dating Quinn Dana ends up with Danny Lola and Logan still together Nicole and Michael Still together Stacey and Mark start to go out and James and Zoey go out THE END End file.
The party by MysteriouslyAnonymous
Zoey 101
Hate **Hate** He hated her. He had hated her every day since she had kicked his but at basketball for the first time. He didn't hate her because of it. He didn't hate her because of the way she enjoyed smashing his oversized ego. In fact it was nothing of the sort. _I turned around Before I could run I found you already settled down in the back of my mind I know this is just a customary fever The moon is our deceiver that will leave you running blind _ He hated her because of the way every mean comment that left her perfect lips smashed something inside him. _Your heart is pullin' If I didn't know any better I'd be fallin' Deeper and deeper it's true I'd hear it callin' If I didn't know any better And I'd be in love with you _ She had shown him he had a heart by breaking it. _ Didn't want to Look in the eyes of the one that I would be drawn to I'm a moth lost in a fire And I know this is just a beautiful illusion, a case of the confusion, between love and desire _ He hated her because he could never hate her. _ Your heart is pullin' If I didn't know any better I'd be fallin' Deeper and deeper it's true I'd hear it callin' If I didn't know any better And I'd be in love _ He hated her because she was the only girl who he could ever love and the only girl he could never have. _When the flame burns out And fine'ly settles down And you'd forget I ever came around_ She was leaving. This was the end. In a few months he'd be nothing but a bitter memory. And he would never get to say goodbye. No, he corrected, that was of his own doing, because the great Logan Reese was afraid to face the only girl he couldn't live without. _ Your heart is pullin' If I didn't know any better I'd be fallin' Deeper and deeper it's true I'd hear it callin' If didn't know any better And I'd be in love with you _ He pulled out a magazine and tried to read as she stared out the window crying as the car pulled away from everything she knew and loved._ _ _I turned around Before I could run I found you already settled down in the back of my mind_ **Song by Alison Krauss** End file.
Hate by Captain-Kate-Finch
Zoey 101
Zoey's Birthday Zoey's Birthday disclaimer: I do not own anything having to do with Zoey 101...except for this story of course Chase Matthews was sitting in his dorm room playing video games with his roommate, Michael Barret. "So Chase," Michael asked, "What do you have planned for Zoey's birthday? Maybe you could tell her that you love her." "That is a terrible idea. What if she doesn't feel the same way? I'm pretty sure that would make her birthday very awkward." "What is she loves you back? It would be the happiest day of her life." Just then Logan Reese stormed in to the room. Throwing his bag on the floor and sitting down he began to sulk. "What's wrong with you, Ritchie Rich" asked Michael. "The women just don't seem to realize that I am the perfect guy for them. They say I'm a jerk." "What a shocker," said Chase in a fake surprised voice. Zoey Brooks was sitting on her bed daydreaming. She was thinking about what would happen on her perfect birthday. She didn't want a party or even a lot of presents. The only thing that would make her truly happy is Chase Matthews. "Hey Zo, since tomorrow is your birthday, I think that we should spend a little time at the beach. Nothing much just us girls, hanging out and getting some sun." Lola Martinez stated casually. Zoey knew something was up by the way that her roommate Nichole Bristow was rocking back and forth with an excited look on her face. "Yeah, sure, sounds great," Zoey tried her best to put on her happy voice. "Well we gotta go somewhere. Be back later." Nichole shouted. The Gang was planning a surprise birthday party for Zoey. They were all meeting in the lounge to discuss the event. "Okay everyone, we all know that tomorrow is Zoey's birthday. All of us should know about her surprise party." Lola said in an authoritative voice. "We know, we know. Please can I go now? I need to pick about a super hot outfit that makes me look even hotter." "Whatever Logan, just remember that you are helping Michael with the music." "Since Logan is in such a hurry to go, I'll just finish up by reminding every one to meet on the beach at 6 o'clock. And don't tell Zoey." "Hey don't look at me ," Nichole whined. Back at the boy's dorm Chase was fingering a tiny silver chain, with a small heart pennant, that was inscribed with the phrase "_I love you". _Chase had made up his mind he was going to tell Zoey how he felt about her. "Hey Dude, what cha got there?" Michael asked as he came in. "I'm gonna tell her. I even bought her a necklace." "I think my little Chasey is finally becoming a man." Michael cooed, like a mother would her baby boy. The next evening Lola ushered Zoey to the beach. When they arrived, Zoey was shocked to see about half of PCA greeting her. "Lola what did you do?" she asked, "Remember when I said I didn't want a party? Well I meant it." "A girl can't turn sixteen without a party." Lola said enthusiastically. "Look I think I see Nichole and Logan. Let's go over and talk to them. When the pair had finally made their way to Logan and Nichole, Zoey asked, "Has anyone seen Chase anywhere." "He was still in our room when I left. He seemed to be uncontrollably nervous for some reason." Logan answered. "I think I'm gonna try and find him." Without waiting for a response Zoey left. She was walking to the boy's dorm when she spotted a tall person with bushy hair walking toward that beach. She immediately recognized it as Chase. "Hey Chase, wait up," she said as she rushed towards him. "Hey Zo, don't you have a party to be at?" He asked her. "I'm not much for big parties and besides, you weren't even there. It's no fun without you." "I was just headed over there, but will you take a walk with me instead? I have something kinda important to tell you." Zoey and Chase walked in silence for a few minutes before Chase finally broke the silence. "Zoey, I ummm," his voice was shaking uncontrollably. He tried again "Zoey I lllo lllov ummmmm." "Chase, are you okay?" asked Zoey worriedly. "Zoey, I love you and I have since the first time I saw you and I think you are beautiful and and and and" Chase was unable to finish because he felt a pair of lips come crashing down on his. "Here I got this for you," Chase managed to say between kisses. He took the black box from his pocket and shoved it in Zoey's hand. Zoey opened the box and found the silver necklace. "Chase its beautiful." Zoey said in awe, "But it doesn't even compare to the present I just received. Chase looked deeply hurt. "I got you and that's all I ever wanted. I love you Chase." And with that Chase kissed Zoey with more passion than we had ever done anything. End file.
Zoey's Birthday by kay2thezee
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Senior Prom** **Check my profile for updates** **Chapter 1** **This story isn't going to be that long probably a two or three shot.** "**Quinn who are you going to prom with?" asks Zoey at the same time Chase asks Logan "Logan who are you going to prom with?"** **Quinn and Logan share a secret glance that says 'let them wonder'** **They answer "You'll see," Before sharing a telepathic message 'wanna go make out' 'of course'** "**I have to go return some library books" says Quinn leaving.** **Logan leaves. "Where is he off to?" asks Zoey** "**Probably finding some girl to make out with," says Chad "Or finding someone to take to prom," says Michael** **With Logan and Quinn** My dorm Quinn xx No Mine Logan xx LOGAN Quinn xx Ok yours See you in a few Logan xx **5 minutes later Logan is at Quinn's room and is about to knock when he hears Zoey and Lola's voices coming down the corridor.** **He inwardly cursers and his eyes frantically look for a place to hide to his annoyance there isn't any and Zoey and Lola round the corner.** "**Logan what are you doing here?" asks Quinn** "**I was going to ask Quinn to tutor me in Math for finals," says Logan** **Zoey and Lola exchange a look.** "**You have A and B's in all your subjects why would you need a tutor," says Zoey** "**Because I don't get math there a hot girl in my class and I can't concentrate," explains Logan. This was in fact true there was a hot girl in his math class his girlfriend Quinn.** **Zoey and Lola unlock the door and go in Logan following them.** **Quinn looks up from her spot on her bed to see Lola, Zoey and Logan entering the room.** "**Logan wants to be tutored in Math there a girl in his class he can't concentrate," says Zoey** "**Sure when do you want to start?" asks Quinn looking at Logan** "**Whenever you're free I know you're busy with your own finals, friends and Quinnventions," says Logan >Zoey and Lola share a look of disbelief Logan was actually being nice to Quinn.<strong> "**I could probably tutor you for about an hour now before dinner," says Quinn** "**Cool," says Logan** **Quinn grabs her phone and math textbook before leaving the room and dragging Logan with her.** "**You guys could just study in here we'll get out of your way," calls Zoey** **Logan and Quinn come back and Lola and Zoey leave. As soon as Quinn hears there voices disappearing down the corridor she locks the door.** "**So when your math final?" asks Quinn chucking the textbook on the table.** "**You know I'm good at math. Zoey and Lola found me outside your door so I made an excuse," says Logan** "**That their was a hot girl in your class and you can't concentrate on math only here tell me about this hot girl," says Quinn sitting on the couch.** "**Well for starters she isn't hot she is stunningly beautiful, she's the smartest girl here at PCA. She has brown wavy hair with braids thrown in randomly. She has glasses that cover her gorgeous brown eyes and she sitting right in front of me," grins Logan** "**You're so sweet," breaths Quinn** "**So wanna make out?" asks Logan** "**Sweet moment over but yes," says Quinn** **They both smiled and then slowly leaned in Logan's hand reaching up to Quinn's face and Quinn's hand reaching up to Logan's face. Their lips meet and the whole world was drowned out it was just them. There lips moulded together and start to move as one gently brushing each other lips in sync until Logan's tongue starts to trace Quinn's lips until she parts her mouth to give him entrance and there tongues start to dance together in the familiar way that only they know.** **However the fussing of their mouths can not be forever and they break away when oxygen becomes needed.** "**I still don't know why you haven't made an invention that will let us make out for hours without parting for oxygen," mumbles Logan** "**Because I spend all my time making out with you," retorts Quinn** **With that comment Logan crushes his lips onto Quinn's who gladly accepts them.** **Review Please** **Gabriella Somerfield** 2. Chapter 2 **Senior Prom** **Check my profile for updates** **It's time for Senior Prom at PCA. Who will go with who? And is it finally time for Logan and Quinn's relationship to come out of the shadows?** **Chapter 2** "**I don't know Logan," sighs Quinn frustrated** "**Well neither do I," huffs Logan "You're supposed to be the smart," he mutters** "**You're supposed to be smart as well," shouts Quinn** "**I am smart," shouts Logan** "**We're not going to get anywhere if we start arguing," states Quinn** "**Yeah you're right I'm sorry for getting angry at you," apologizes Logan >"Me too," apologizes Quinn<strong> **Logan pulls her into a hug.** "**I'm sorry baby," he whispers** **Quinn giggles** "**Hey what's so funny I'm being nice," says Logan** "**It's the fact that you're being so heartfelt and you aren't with anyone else it just sometimes doesn't strike me as you," giggles Quinn** **Nights later it is prom and Zoey, Chase, Lola and her date Vince and Michael and Lisa are grooving on the dance floor waiting to see who Logan and Quinn come with.** **When they see Logan and Quinn walk into prom hand in hand.** **Lisa smiles. Zoey and Chase looked shocked. Michael starts laughing. Vince looks smug like he knew it would happen and Lola starts making sick noises.** "**Quinn what are you doing with you hate him don't you want to remember for being special not for it being with Logan?" asks Lola** "**It will be special because I am with Logan," says Quinn** "**Logan doesn't have a romantic bone in his body," laughs Michael "Ow!" he exclaims when Lisa smacks him up the head.** "**Actually he has 206," says Quinn before Logan leads her off to dance the 6 stare after them.** "**Is she are they serious?" asks Chase** "**I think it's sweet," says Lisa** "**Oh my gross there ew," says Lola looking after the couple** **The other 5 turn to see Logan and Quinn in a tight embrace on the dance floor sharing a sweet tender kiss.** "**I guess that means there together," says Chase** "**Ew," says Lola** "**Well we found out who they were going with," says Zoey** "**And it sweet," says Lisa** **Later that night the 5 corner the couple and demand a story.** "**Why him you could off gone out with anyone and you choose him," screeches Lola** "**I love him," says Quinn** "**You hate him," says Lola** "**This is some sort of practical joke isn't it?" asks Zoey** "**No," says Logan "We're dating," he adds** **Michael and Zoey bursts out laughing and Quinn gets up and runs away in tears.** "**You're are friends and you don't believe us," says Logan getting up and going after Quinn.** **And he finds her in the place it all began the bench.** **Review Please** **Gabriella Somerfield** 3. Chapter 3 **Senior Prom** **Check my profile for updates** **It's time for Senior Prom at PCA. Who will go with who? And is it finally time for Logan and Quinn's relationship to come out of the shadows?** **Chapter 3** **The next morning Quinn was still devastated that Zoey and Lola hated her and Logan together. She still had tears marks on her face from were she had been crying in her sleep.** **Meanwhile in Logan's dorm, Chase and Michael are sat on the couch talking in hushed voices.** "**If your talking about me say it out loud," says Logan coming back in the room from his shower.** "**We think that if you love Quinn and are serious about this relationship-"** **Logan interrupts** "**I love her and I totally committed I have been with Quinn for a year," says Logan** "**A year whoa," says Michael** "**But anyway what we're saying is we support you 100% just don't hurt her," says Chase** "**I promise I won't," says Logan** **Back over at the girls dorm. Lola and Zoey have just come back into their dorm from breakfast.** "**Oh your up good," says Lola "We want to talk to you," she adds** "**I don't want to hear it," says Quinn making for the door** **Zoey blocks the door.** "**No you need to hear this," says Lola pushing Quinn into her seat.** "**We think that this is just a fling to Logan he's going to break your heart and then you'll be crushed like you were when Mark broke up with you in sophomore year," says Lola** "**Do you remember a week after that I was so happy suddenly that was because of Logan he talked to me and made me realize that I shouldn't make myself feel sad because it was Mark loss that he dumped me. And I'm some much happier with Logan then I ever was with Mark," says Quinn** **Lola and Zoey exchange a look.** "**What?" asks Quinn** "**Are you sure you're the only one he's seeing," says Lola** "**I can't believe you would say that," says Quinn** "**Well I'm not going to support it because I think he is going to let you down," says Lola "And it's just ew," she adds** "**Let me out of here," says Quinn** **Zoey sets aside and Quinn runs out on the verge of tears.** "**Why did you let her out she's just going to run to Logan," says Lola** "**I know Logan and he has never been with someone for a year," says Zoey** "**Yeah I know him as well when I got here he had a table full of girls and he was flirting with them and making dates with every girl and I'm talking about 15 girls and he suddenly turns into a one woman guy 6 months later," says Lola** "**Stranger things have happen," says Zoey leaving the room** **Quinn was blind as by her tears as she ran across campus towards her boyfriend's dorm.** **The three boys are in deep conversation when the brunette bursts into the room the tears still streaming.** "**Quinn what happened?" asks Logan leaping to his feet to embrace his girlfriend.** "**Lola completely hates us," cries Quinn "She is just completely against us and that is a fling and am I sure your not seeing someone else," adds Quinn** "**I can promise you I'm not," says Logan** "**I know she's just completely unsupported of us," says Quinn** "**And Zoey?" asks Chase** "**She seems half and half," says Quinn** "**It'll be ok," says Logan** "**I just don't want to lose my friend," says Quinn** "**I know," says Logan** **Review Please** **Gabriella Somerfields** 4. Chapter 4 **Senior Prom** **Check my profile for updates** **It's time for Senior Prom at PCA. Who will go with who? And is it finally time for Logan and Quinn's relationship to come out of the shadows?** **Chapter 4** **It's been 4 years now since senior year at PCA.** **Logan is a film director like his dad. Lola is an actress like she wanted to be. Zoey is a fashion designer with her own range. Quinn is a scientist/inventor. Michael and Chase have their own show that branched from the Chase and Michael show they had at PCA.** **Logan and Quinn are still together happy and married. Zoey and Chase sadly didn't work out but are still good friends. Michael is still with Lisa and engaged. Lola is still very happy with Vince.** **However Quinn served her ties with Lola and Zoey after graduation as they didn't support her relationship with Logan. But they ties Logan and Quinn had with Chase and Michael are still going strong.** **Logan is directing a new film that is said to bed the next big hit. And Lola has been cast in it. She still believes Logan was no good for Quinn's. And since Quinn rarely went to award shows and premiers Logan was always swamped with girls leaving Lola to believe she was right. Logan was never a one woman man.** **Logan and Quinn had both gone to NYC to do their collage courses.** **The film is going all according to schedule. However Lola has not seen Logan with any girls, she expected him to have extras and assistants clinging to him.** **She is surprised when she sees Logan wave away the girls that go up to him.** **On day 25 on set a brunette that Lola has never seen on set before come onto set.** **She walks right up to Logan in his chair and he turns to great her with a kiss.** "**That's another who's so not Quinn," thinks Lola** **However she is shocked when the girl turns round and sees she is Quinn.** **As she studies them she realizes Quinn and Logan both have identical wedding bands on there left hand. Plus Quinn is sporting a rather small but noticeable baby bump. Lola sighs she guesses she should go apologize.** **Striding over she taps Quinn on the shoulder.** "**Can I apologize?" asks Lola** **Quinn looks at her.** "**I'm sorry I didn't support you and I'm sorry I said what I did but I honselty thought Logan would break your heart. I was trying to protect you," says Lola** "**I know you were I guess I can forgive you," says Quinn** **The two girls hug.** **And 3 months later when the films premiers Zoey, Chase, Lola, Logan, Quinn and Michael are all together once again, with their respective dates.** **The next day in the paper the photo is entitled Friends Reunited.** **The End** **Review Please** **Gabriella Somerfield** End file.
Senior Prom by Gabriella Somerfield
Zoey 101
1. Guess What? **Title: **Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 1:** Guess What? **Disclaimer:** Money can't buy you true happiness, but it could buy you everything else! Wait... I mean, I don't own Zoey 101, Nick does. * * * Chase began riding around Pacific Coast Academy on his bicycle. Pacific Coast used to be an all boys school before the rules changed. Zoey was one of the first girls to ever attend Pacific Coast. She has a bunch of other friends who all enjoy playing around with all the other guys. Pacific Coast will never again have another boring year. While Chase was riding on his bike, Zoey stood on the back of his bike holding his shoulders. "Chase is always over Zoey." Michael said to Logan. "Well, yeah! He likes her." Logan remarked shrugging his shoulders. "Seriously?" Michael asked looking at the two pass them on the bike. "Couldn't you tell? You need glasses" Logan asked as he got up from the table they were sitting on and walked off, leaving Michael confused. Michael reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of shades. "If Duncan told Logan my secret, I'll kill him!" He said to himself as he put on the shades and took a last look at Zoey and Chase as they faded into the sunset. Chase stopped his bike right near the girls' dorms. "Here we are." Chase said as Zoey hopped off the bike. "Thanks!" Zoey said as Chase started peddling and rode away. Zoey tucked her shoulder length hair behind her ear and put on a questionable face. 'When will he ask?' Zoey thought to herself as she walked up the stairs and into her dorm. When Chase parked his bike on near the boys' dorm Michael already seemed to be waiting for him. "Please tell me I'm not blind." Michael asked. Chase squinted his eyes in a questionable way and smirk. "I would, but that would be lying." Chase said as he walked up the stairs. "Seriously. I never realized you have a crush on..." Michael stopped in his tracks. "On?" Chased asked as he stopped on the last few stairs and looked at Michael, hoping he'd finish the sentence. "You know..." Michael said in a low tone. "No." Michael ran up the stairs after Chase said that and began to wonder into space. Zoey was sitting in her dorm having a small group of friends over. You can't really help it, only a small amount of girls are in Pacific Coast. "Oh my god! Logan is a hunk!" Quinn screamed out of silence. The girls in the dorm just stared at Quinn for a few minutes as she bit her lip. "Did I say that out loud?" Quinn asked the girls before taking a baby spoon of squashed peas. "No, what about Chase?" Dana asked covering her mouth immediately after while peeking at Zoey. "What about him?" Zoey asked as she looked down to the floor and finished painting her nails. "Still bummed her never asked you out yet?" Nicole asked as patting Zoey on the back, all the girls having compassion for Zoey. * * * **Author's Note:** This is the first Zoey 101 fanfiction! I feel so special!!! Anyway, leave behind your reviews and opinions. This was actually just a starter, expect longer chapters in the future. 2. Helping Out **Title: **Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 2:** Helping Out * * * Dustin began walking to his 8th grade class with a smile on his face. He was pretty young though. While walking through the good morning's breeze, he found Zoey eating lunch alone. He decided to entertain Zoey for a few minutes, or until Nicole turn up. "He sis!" He said as he took a seat next to her. "Oh. Hey!" Zoey said, turning her happy voice down to a disappointed one. "Uhh, yeah. Hello! Your annoying kid brother is telling you hi!" Dustin said waving a hand in her dazed face. "Shrimp." Zoey said in a low voice. Dustin walked off with a confused face. As Dustin walked up the stair, he turned around and noticed that Zoey's eyes were lit when Chased passed by. "Hi!" Zoey waved as Chase walked over to her table. "Hi Zoey!" Chase said in a unusual happy mood. "Why the happy face?" Zoey asked out of curiosity. Chase rolled his eyes and then began to pout with sad eyes to follow. "Very funny!" Zoey said as she gave Chase a playful push. "I really am, aren't I?" Chase asked sarcastically and began to smile. They suddenly became quiet around each other and looked in every direction instead of themselves. Chase took a watch ast his bare wrist and jumped up. "Oh my god! Look what time it is!" Chase screamed as he ran across the other side of the school. Dustin put a smirk on his face and finished walking up the stairs. Zoey let out a light sigh and tucked her hair behind her ear as she closed her eyes and put her head down. Michael was passing through at the moment. "Oh, hey Zoey. I hardly recognized you with a frown on your face." Michael said sitting next to Zoey. "Oh. Hi." Zoey said as she lifted her head. "What's wrong?" "Hm, nothing. Really." Zoey said as she grabbed her book bag and swung it on her back. Michael looked as if he wanted to say something but was rather shy. Michael looked around and overheard an unfamiliar girl having pity for Zoey. "Poor Zoey." The girl said as she walked off. "Am I the only one who doesn't know what going on?!?" Michael asked himself, looking rather stupid in front of the passing students. Zoey walked to class a little after the conversations and sat next to Nicole. "Hi!" Nicole said as Zoey took a seat. "Never start a conversation with hi until Chase gives me a kiss." "Uhh... Okaaaayyy" Nicole dragged her words, she looked more confused than she sounded. "Don't even bother to ask." Zoey said, following Nicole's confused face gestures. "Look! If you are worrying about Chase not asking you out, just tell him how you feel." Dana said, the two girls never realizing she was listening behind Zoey. "I know I would!" Dana added as she backed p into her seat. "Can you believe her?" Zoey asked looking over to Nicole. "Huh?" Nicole asked, acting as if she didn't hear. After class Nicole found herself sitting on the same table as Michael. "So..." Nicole said, hoping he'd start a conversation. "What boy?!? You sat next to me!" Nicole said with an attitude. "Whoa! Somebody woke up on the wet side of the bed." Michael said under a giggling voice. "Ha! Funny... I am so outta here." Nicole said as she raised out of her seat. "Wait! I have a question. Does Zoey like Chase?" Michael asked. Nicole didn't know if he were serious or not. "Have you've been wearing your glasses?" Nicole asked as she walked off. "Since when did my secret become known.?!?" Michael asked himself out loud, passing students once again looking at him with curious faces. Michael ran up to Dustin who was studying for a math test. "Have you told anyone my secret?" Michael asked. "What are you talking about?" Dustin asked, mind still concentrated on his work. "About my... Eyesight." Michael whispered in Dustin's ear. "Oh. Right. That's worth a million conversations." Dustin said sarcastically, lifting his eyes from his books. "Now there goes a million conversations!" Michael remarked at Zoey and Chase passing passed them on their bikes. "Yeah... I wonder why they aren't dating yet." Dustin said. "Even you know?!?" Michael said in a loud voice. "Uh... Did I miss something. I though it was hard to miss." Dustin said. "Sometimes... I wish I could just help them." Michael said. "Yeah! That's exactly what I was thinking." Dustin said as he popped his head. "Come on!" Dustin added as he raised from the bench and grabbed Michael's hand, running toward Zoey, who was sitting on the stairs. "Still bummed." Michael asked as he sat next to her. "I guess." Zoey said as she laid her chin on her knees and Dustin sat next to her too. "Is this about someone who's name start with a C and end with an hase?" Dustin asked. "Obvious?" Zoey asked sarcastically. "I don't think so." Michael laughed. "I just don't get guys!" Zoey said. "Me neither!" Dustin agreed. Zoey and Michael just gave a long stare at Dustin. "Well! I don't!" Dustin said. "Look, although you may not always act like it... You're on of my coolest friends." Michael said. "Yeah. And you're one of my coolest sisters too!" Dustin added to Michael's comment. "She's your only sister." Michael commented. "Well, yeah. I was trying to be funny." Dustin said. "Don't try!" Michael said. "Any point you guys?!?" Zoey asked in a sudden rage. "Yeah. How about me and Michael try to get you two together!" Dustin offered. "As if!" Michael said before Dustin reached over Zoey's body and pinched his back. "As if we wouldn't help!" Michael hurried. "Thanks you guys!" Zoey said as she put her arms around the both of them. "Too close!" Dustin said as he walked off. "Yeah..." Michael agreed as he walked off with him. Zoey just stood on the stairs with a smile on her face. 3. Take A Hint **Title:** Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 3:** Take A Hint * * * "Okay bud... How are we going to do this?" Michael asked Dustin as they sat in his room gently stroking their chin. "Hmm... Maybe we can tell Chase how Zoey feels." Dustin suggested. Michael looked at Dustin with the right side of his lip lifted above the others. "Bad idea!" Dustin let out after being frightened by the hard stare. "Come on... Think... Romantic... Or something." Michael said as he thought even hard. "I don't know anything about romance! The only girl I know is Zoey!" Dustin said. "What about your mom?" Michael asked he put his hand down from his chin. "Oh! She is a girl! Isn't she!" Dustin said in excitement. Michael just sighed, shook his head, and finished thinking. Zoey was sitting in her dorm with Dana, Nicole, and Quinn lying in her bed. "Ugh! Boys stink!" Zoey said in a disgusted tone. "What boys are you talking about?" Nicole asked. "All of them. If they like you... Why won't they just come out and say it?" Zoey asked. "Who likes me?" Nicole asked in excitement as she jumped up from the bed. "Down doggy!" Dana sad as she pulled down Nicole from her ear. "She meant herself..." She added.. "Aww... I'm sorry Zoey." Nicole said as she patted Zoey on the back. "Please Nicole, no pity pats." Zoey said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Oooh! Pity pats! A new word to add in my pocket book of PCA slang!" Quinn said as she jumped out of Zoey bed and reached in her back pocket for a mini notebook. "Hello? Can you not read Quinn?" Dana asked as she pointed to a neon sign on their wall. "No losers aloud?" Quinn read with squinting eyes through her glasses. "I think you accidentally misspelled allowed." Quinn added. "Only a geek would notice that! Out! Now!" Dana said as she pointed to the door. "That's okay. It's about time I hang out with someone under my own intelligent standards!" Quinn said as she poked her tongue out at Dana and walked toward the door. "And I'll always remember how cruel you were to me..." Quinn said as she stood before the open door. "Sure! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Dana said as she ran toward the door and slammed it shut. "Ouch!" All the girls had a great laughter at Quinn's last word. Michael and Dustin were walking down the dorms together until they ran into Chase. "Hi!" Dustin said as he waved. "What's up with the dynamic duo?" Chase asked. "Well, Zoey hasn't been feeling too good because you..." Michael's words were cut by a pinch from the back. "Probably... passed her a virus." Dustin said, finishing off Michael's words. "Yeah! That's it!" Michael said nervously as he shook his head. "Oh... That's weird, I haven't coughed or sneezed in months..." Chase said as he lifted an eyebrow. "Well what do you know! It wasn't you!" Michael laughed nervously and ran off, Dustin right behind him. "You guys may wanna slow down. It's..." Chase's words were cut by the thud of the two hitting the floor. "Wet." He let out before he walked off in laughter. "Hey! Hitting this floor just gave me an idea!" Michael said in excitement as he pulled himself up from the floor. "That's impossible." Dustin said as he continue to lay on the floor. "I'm telling you! It's a fool-proof plan!" Michael said as he let out his hand to help out Dustin. "And this is coming from you..." Dustin said as he grabbed Michael's hand and let himself up from the floor. "Okay... I'm listening." Dustin said "Jealously is the best policy! We have someone make the moves on Zoey and Chase couldn't help himself but to realize how much he likes Zoey and then he'll go in for it and ask her out!" Michael said as he walked off in a smile, jumping up and down, rather excited about his plan. "Aww man!" Dustin said as he placed his head to the ground and walked slowly behind him. * * * **Author's Note**: Well, I hope you liked this chapter. It's pretty obvious that I changed my story format. Please tell me what you think about the new format and the story itself. All comments are appreciated! 4. Mixed Emotions **Title:** Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 4:** Mixed Emotions * * * "So, what's the plan?" Dustin asked as he and Michael sat at a table together. "Oh... We need one of those?" Michael asked as he looked at Dustin with a raised eyebrow. "You're the genius!" Michael added as he finally caught on to what he said. "Not with girls! How many times do I have to explain this to you?" Dustin said. "Okay. Who should be the one to hit on Zoey?" Michael asked as he looked around school. "Hmm... How about Logan?" Dustin suggested. "Your joking... Right?" "Oh... Yeah!" Dustin said in cheeks that glowed red of embarrassment. "Come on! Think! Who do we know is real good friends with Zoey and will get real close to Zoey without taking it to his head." Michael asked as he looked across the table at Dustin. Dustin just let out a glowing bright smile as he laid his eyes on Michael. "Oh no! Not going there!" Michael said as he got an idea of what Dustin was thinking. "Come on! You gotta!" He said as he was chasing Michael through the school. Zoey was walking down the hallways when she seen Chase playing hacky-sack. "So, since when did you know how to play hacky-sack." Zoey asked as she went to him. "Since before I was born." Chase responded with a smile. "Don't ask." He said as he noticed Zoey staring at him. "Can you teach me?" She asked as she grabbed the beanbag out of the air while he was pitching it. "Sure! Just remember your hands and your feet is one." Chase said while Zoey had the bag in her hand. "In non-spiritual mode?" Zoey asked. "If you can catch it with your hands, then you can do it with your feet." Chase responded. Zoey threw the bag in the air and caught it. "Good! Now do it with your feet." Zoey threw the beanbag in the air and lifted her feet in the air, only kicking it across the hallway. "No. Not quite." Chase said as he moved up closer to Zoey. He went down on his knees to place her feet in the right position. Afterwards, he stood back up and reached in for her hand. "Remember, you have no hands at this moment." Chase said as he held her hands behind her back. "Chase. You hands are so..." Zoey stopped herself from telling him how comfortable she was with him holding her. "Cold." She let out, changing her sentence. "Thanks... I guess." Chase said as he loosened his grip on her hand. Zoey threw the ball into the air with her foot and used her other foot to catch it. After she caught it, she turned around in joy and smiled at Chase. "I did it!" Zoey said as she grabbed Chase's hand and jumped around in a jolly manner. Zoey soon stopped jumping and stood stiff against the ground, still holding Chase's hand. Chase was smiling at her as they found themselves going in closer to each other. Zoey was breathing Chase's air as they moved in even closer. Zoey's grip on Chase's hand loosened and her heart began to pound. 'Is it going to happen? Now?' She asked herself as she looked into Chase's blue eyes. Dustin and Michael were running down the hallway, not noticing how close Zoey and Chase were. Michael bumped into Chase as he was running from a pleading Dustin. Chase caught his balance after he was almost knocked down. "I gotta go." Chase said as he walked off. "I got a question." Zoey said as her head was turned toward Chase's fading body. "What is it?" Michael asked. "Aren't you guys supposed to be helping me, because I'm confused!" Zoey screamed as she walked off in anger. "See! Look what you did?" Michael said, pointing his fingers toward Dustin. "Me? You must be crazy!" Dustin said as he pointed right back. "Well, at least my ideas are sane!" Michael said. "Mines are too! It'll work! Please! Just give it a try!" Dustin pleaded once more as he got on both of his knees. "Alright! Whatever... Just... Get up. That doesn't look right." Michael said as he reach in his arm and help pull Dustin back on his feet. "Great! The entire plan starts today!" Dustin said as he and Michael walked off with smiles on their faces. 5. Lying on a Heart **Title:** Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 5:** Lying on a Heart * * * "Suave Michael! You have to look suave!" Dustin hollered as he trained Michael how to walk with pride. "What's wrong with the normal way I walk?" Michael asked as he stopped in his tracks. "You're seriously asking that question?" Dustin said as he walked up to Michael. Michael let out a deep breath and walked away. "You know, for a short stack, you sure is a smart aleck..." Michael whispered to himself. "You say something?" Dustin asked as turned to a smoothly walked Michael." "Oh nothing! Just thinking about how much Zoey owes me." Michael said as he started to get the hang of how to walk. "What's up with this casual walk anyway?" Michael asked. "Don't the ladies love a smooth boyfriend?" Dustin asked. "As if I would know. But I do know that I am NOT Zoey's boyfriend!" Michael said raising his voice quite a bit. "Of course not. Not to me and you anyway." Dustin commented. "Does Zoey know? About the plan?" "Of course... Not! She's going to find out soon enough." Dustin responded. "You know what! I'm finished with this training! It's time you tell Zoey, and I'll break the bad news to Chase." Michael said as he walked out of Dustin's dorm and toward his. Michael entered the room and found Chase sitting on a couch, watching television. He took a deep breath as Michael turned around and put on a excited smile. "Dude! Guess what?" Michael said excited as he jumped up and down. "Me... and Zoey!" Michael added after Chase gave a shrug." "You and Zoey... What?" Chase asked as he got up from his seat. "Us! We're together!" Michael said with a cheesy smile. "Together?" "Dating! Going out! You know... Me boyfriend, Zoey girlfriend!" Michael said as Chase let out a gasp underneath his breath. "That's... It's..." Chase continued to breath hard. "Hmm? You wanted to say something?" Michael said as he smiled, expected Chase to admit his feelings to Zoey. "That's great!" Chase said as he put on a fake smile and walked toward the door. "Really? Your excited for me?" Michael said as he smile began to fade. "Yeah... I am!" Chase said as he kept his eyes from Michael. "Oh... That's great..." Michael said in a low voice. He noticed that his smile was fading so he put on a smile and came up with an idea. "You know what! Me and Zoey are planning to go to the movies tonight! You should come!" Michael added. "Sure will!" Chase said in an excited mode as he smiled and walked outside the dorm. "Ugh! Dustin is so stupid! I knew this was bound to fail!" Michael said as he slowly slipped on his clothes and looked out the window to a dragging Chase. Dustin knocked on Zoey's door. Zoey answered the door and smiled. "So? How's everything you're your oh so evil scheme?" Zoey asked in a tease. "Uh! Great! Matter a fact, it's so perfect... We got you a boyfriend!" Dustin said as he smiled. "Chase admitted that he likes me?" Zoey said in an excited tone as she jumped up and down. "Uhhh... Not quite!" "Then what do you mean short stack?" Zoey said as her tone became angry. "Chase doesn't want you as a girlfriend because he can have you as a girlfriend..." Dustin said. "Your point?" "If he couldn't have you, you'll become a desire to him. He'll be begging for your love. You'll be undesirable!" Dustin said in an excited tone, trying to make Zoey happy. "I don't believe you! Don't you know it's the 21st Century! That _reverse psychology_ deal doesn't work anymore!" Zoey said as she became disgusted. "Oh... Well! Too late!" Dustin said as he raised his finger in the air. "Okay weirdo? Who's my boyfriend?" Zoey asked as Michael opened the door and walked into her dorm. "Hi baby!" Michael said as he lifted his hand slowly and waved. "Oh my god! Oh no! I don't believe this!" Zoey said as she squeezed her head together. "Don't worry baby! We're gonna be alright." Michael said as he got behind her and patted her on the back. "Thanks's a bunch pea brain! I'm very... VERY grateful!" Zoey said with her cheeks blushing red of slight anger. "Don't worry Zoe, I've got this plan all together. Get dressed, we got a date tonight sweetheart." Michael said as he smiled in her face. "Don't call me that!" Zoey said as she walked near her closet. The room was quiet at that moment and everyone in the room was looking around in every direction and whistled. "You can leave anytime now!" Zoey said as she pointed toward the door. "Oh! Right! Sorry..." Michael said as he grabbed Dustin by the shoulder and dragged him out the room. After Zoey slipped on her outing clothes, Dana walked into the door with a confused face. "Correct me if I'm wrong but..." Dana was interrupted by Zoey's words. "Are you sure. I'd probably run out of breath." Zoey said in laughter. "Oh! That was smart! Ever thought about becoming a comedian." Dana asked with a fake laughter. "No... Not really." Zoey said. "That was even smarter!" "Haha! Anyway, what were you saying?" Zoey asked. "I thought you were supposed to be the depressed one... Not Chase." "What do ya mean?" Zoey asked as she put on a confused look. "I seen Chase a few minutes ago. He claimed he wasn't disappointed but... His teary eyes didn't quite send me that message." Dana said. "Aww! He was crying? That's so sweet, yet, so sad... What was wrong with him?" Zoey asked before Dana let out a shrug and began to comb out her hair. "I'm going on a date tonight. It's going to be with Michael... He has this plot..." Zoey was cut off by Dana. "I'm not interested in the details. Just go..." Dana said as she began to comb her hair. "And... Good luck!" Dana said as she let out a friendly smirk and continued to comb out her hair. "Thanks!" Zoey said as she left the room and found confidence in herself. 6. A Date That'll Last Forever! **Title:** Never Tell A Secret **Chapter 6: **A Date That'll Last Forever! * * * Zoey and Michael walked up the theater stairs with their arms wrapped around each other. "Do you actually think that Chase will get jealous about this date?" Zoey asked as she looked around the theater for him. "I think he already is." Michael said as he helped her. "There he goes!" Zoey shouted as she pointed across the room. She moved her hands down to Michael's and slightly squeezed it. "Play along?" She said as Michael began to look her in the face. "Hey you guys!" Chase said as he past them up with speed and agility. "What a rush!" Michael said sarcastically before Zoey gave him a shove down the stairs. While Michael was lying flat back on the stairs he spotted Dustin, looking at him with laughter. "Something funny squirt?" Michael asked as he got on his feet. "Well, I don't know about something, but I know someone is!" Dustin said with a sly smile on his face. "So, how's the date?" Dustin added. "Uhhh, well, I think Chase is getting really jealous and he maybe ready to ask her." Michael said as he turned around and found Zoey talking to Chase. "Oh no! I just thought about something!" Michael added in a shocking tone. "Really? I always thought you were kinda late to your thoughts..." Dustin said seriously with a raised eyebrow. "No! It's about my rep!" Michael said. "Michael. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you never truly had a rep. Sorry!" Dustin said playfully as he shrugged his shoulders. "No! I'm not kidding! If Zoey cheats on me with Chase then I'd be the because loser in school!" Michael said as he turned once more to look at Zoey and Chase. "Cheat on you? Did you forget the whole point of this lie?" Dustin asked as he looked at Michael with squinting eyes. "It wasn't to make me look bad. I've gotta get to Zoey and make sure she doesn't break up with me!" Michael shouted as Dustin tried hard to hold him back. Zoey and Chase were standing near the door to the theater room laughing and having a good time. "You never answered my question..." Zoey said. "I don't really know how to answer to choosing between eating pig guts or hog guts!" Chase said with a small laughter. "It's not that hard of a decision. All you have to..." Zoey's sentence was broke by the arms of someone wrapped around her waist. "Hey baby!" Michael said with a hard breathing tone as he placed his fingers on her face and brung her lips toward his, with his eyes closed. Zoey looked at Chase walk into the movie room with a disappointed look in his eyes. Zoey broke the kiss, drowning in her breath. "I thought you were supposed to be helping me!" Zoey shouted in a disappointed tone. "What! Well you know what! It's over!" Michael shouted in a loud tone, making sure the other classmates heard him. He then stomped out of the theater and gave a wink to Zoey as he left the building. "You're an idiot!" Michael said in a laughing tone as they walked off, knowing they did their job was done. Zoey walked into the theater with frown on her face. She looked around the room a few times before she spotted Chase sitting alone during the previews. She walked over to his seat and sat next to him. "So, how are ya?" She asked, hoping he'd bring up Michael. "I'm great! How's your boyfriend?" Chase said playfully, trying to hide his sarcasm. "Boyfriend?" "You know, the guy who you were making out with like 2 seconds ago?" Chase said as he found the strength to look Zoey in the eye. "Me and Michael are over... It just wasn't working out..." Zoey said with a sigh as she placed her head downward. They spent almost half of the movie in silence. Chase took a few stares into Zoey's eyes. Desperate to tell her something. "I know..." Chase said as he looked at her. "You know? How? You watched this movie already?" Zoey asked. "No. I know about you and Michael. I overheard your last conversation." He said as she looked him in the eye. "At first I was confused. But now I know. You did it because..." Chase choked under his breath, he could hardly get the last words out of his mouth. He placed his hands on her cheek and went in for a kiss. Their lips connected with passion and movement. "I like you too." He said as he broke the kiss. "Zoey... Would you go out with me?" Me asked in a loud tone. The other movie viewers switched their entire attention to the two. "Yes!" Zoey shouted out loud as she rushed in and gave him a kiss, the entire crowed sigh in relief. "It's about time!" They all shouted as they applauded to the new couple. **The End * * * ** **Author's Note:** Sorry for the dull ending, I just couldn't end it a good way without it losing its Zoey 101 feel. I think this is the ending of this story. I was originally planning for another chapter but I just can't imagine making it up to nearly 1000 words without making the chapter a fluff. Don't all look down in despair though, I am planning for a sequel! It's gonna be real good! So watch out for it sometime in the summer! Thank you all so much for the reviews once again! End file.
Never Tell A Secret by Fire Tears X
Zoey 101
Lips of an Angel _"Logan..."_ _I felt tears roam along my cheeks and Logan tried to wipe them away from my face._ _"I love you Quinn."_ _I lost my composure and right in front of his doorstep, I broke down._ _He knelt down next me and wrapped his arms around me. _ _"I will never forget you, you know that, right?"_ _I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, pressing myself against him one lat time before turning to my parents' vehicle._ _"Mhm. I do."_ _I pulled away from him and he tried to smile. _ _"I'll make sure to write."_ _He nodded his confirmation._ _"I love you Logan."_ _I sobbed out once more before standing and turning to meet my parents._ I couldn't take it anymore. Every second I was away from him brought my mind to its knees and my knees pressed against my chest while I took a horrifyingly feeble position on the kitchen floor. Aaron walked in and I just stared up at him. "It's _Logan_ again, isn't it?" I just nodded and buried my head into my knees once again. He took a seat next to me and patted my back. He sat in silence while I gently sobbed away as if nothing in the world would ever make me happy again. "You know, if it'll get you to stop crying, maybe you should talk to him." I shot a glare at him. Why on Earth would he suggest something so stupid? Only a male would be obtuse enough in nature to even mention something so incredibly insipid. "Here." He stood and handed me the phone. I continued to glare, this time, not as harshly as I was before. "I thought you were joking." I managed to breathe out through the soft sobs I was still uncontrollably emitting. "If you're sad for any reason, I will try and do anything I possibly can to change that, and if for some reason **I** can't change it, then I will try and help find someone who can. In this case..." He took a deep breath and let out a very disappointed sigh. "It's Logan." _Perhaps, he has a point._ I gingerly took the phone from him and stood from the floor. "Thank you." I stretched out my arms to give him a hug and he warmly accepted. "Let me know when you're off the phone. I'll watch some tv in the living room while you go to the bedroom and talk to him." I nodded and proceeded to dial his number. After what felt like an eternity of ringing, a groggy male voice answered. "Hello?" I breathed a sigh of relief. "Logan?" _Logan's POV_ The second I heard her voice, the phone slipped out of my hand and onto the floor. "Baby, who is it?" I looked over at Lisa who was laying beside me. "Just some people down at the studio. I'll be right back." I grabbed the phone. "Hello?" My voice was barely above a whisper as I made my way over to the living room. "Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?" I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. "Kind of, I can't really be on the phone right now, I mean my girlfriend is in the other room. Why are you calling me so late anyway?" "Oh I forgot, California is an hour ahead of us." "Yeah... Anyway...-" I noticed right then, something I should've picked up on the moment I heard her voice. "Quinn, are you crying? What's wrong?" I heard her sob softly. "Nothing, I'm just glad to finally hear you're voice again." I smiled, "you have no idea how happy I am to hear from you but-" "I love you Logan, and I can't get you out of my head. I've dreamt of you almost every night. It's so hard being away from you." I sighed. _'Just tell her_ "Quinn, it's funny that you're calling me actually." "Why?" "I was thinking about you all day because last night, I dreamt of you too. I dreamt that you were in my arms and when I woke up, I was actually disappointed to see Lisa snuggled against my chest." "Logan..." "I never stopped loving you. It's so difficult to pretend day in and day out that I don't miss you. Chase and Michael are the only ones who know." I heard her let out a small sob. "Honey, stop crying, we'll see each other soon." "I know." She sniffed, "I just wish you were here is all." I heard a male's voice mutter something. "Is that you're boyfriend? Does he know you're talking to me?" "Relax Logan. He was actually the one who told me to call you." "Oh okay, so he's not going to try and beat me up or anything?" She laughed. _God I missed her laugh._ "No, what about your girlfriend? Does she know you're talking to me?" I smiled, "No, I don't think she has a clue." "Logan!" She said in her cute little fake-stern voice. I really love that voice. I really love her. "I miss hearing you say my name." I finally managed to say. "I miss hearing your voice, _Logan_." I wanted to grab her, hold her and tell her to never leave me again, to stay with me. But she was already too far. "You will always be my Angel. My beautiful, darling little Angel." "I will always love you. You know that, right?" I smiled, "You can count on it." If there's one thing Quinn has taught me it's this: I wont be able to fully move on from her, no matter how hard I try. "I'm leaving Aaron." Her voice broke my thoughts, 'I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood. Did you say you were leaving Aaron?" "Yes I did." She said it very casually. "But-" "I'm moving back to California tomorrow." I smiled the biggest smile I ever have. I ran to my computer and booked her a first class ticket for 6am tomorrow morning. She's leaving Alaska and finally coming home. "Logan? Hello?" I was so caught up, I didn't realize I was still talking to her. "Oh, yeah, whatever ticket you have, cancel it and get your money back. You're plane leaves Anchorage International at 6am, and you are flying first class my love." She squealed, I love it when she does that. "Eleven and a half hours more until I get to be with you again. Right where I'm supposed to be." I smiled, "Yes, now get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning when you get here." With that, she hung up the phone and I made my way over to the bedroom. I grabbed all of Lisa's things and packed them into her suitcase. I took a look at her, she was a bomb shell, but everyone had a chance with her. I wasn't any special exception. End file.
Lips of an Angel by Jazmyne aka t4jc
Zoey 101
Inspired by Blix Pacific Coast Academy was considered one of the best boarding schools on the entire west coast. Interestingly, it used to be an all-boys school until about a year ago, when a large group of girls enrolled. The girls' dorm was packed to the rafters. This was unusual. But, given the circumstances that day, it was justified. "When did that get here?" "This morning. I cannot believe the dean let us install a Blix machine." "It does seem sort of out of character. But whatever, it's Blix!" Zoey shrugged at the comment her friend, Nicole, had made. Blix was the greatest soda ever, with the possible exception of Wahoo Punch. But Dean Rivers was against such things, and would have preferred everyone drink solely water and coffee. Lola Martinez was eying the machine in the way that only Lola Martinez could. "Why would they even put that nasty new blueberry stuff in a Blix machine? Everyone knows that carbonation and blue fruits cannot live in harmony! Right!" "What's with the drama?" Zoey asked her. "It's not that bad of a flavor." "Yes it is! And the drama is for drama class." "Like always?" "Yeah, but this time we need to perform a skit about someone who over-reacts to everything." "Why would-?" "I have no idea. Will you help me?" "Sure." Zoey sat down in one of the chairs, and opened a can of her favorite flavor of Blix soda. "Now, do you have anything in particular you want to do your skit about?" "I did, but then I found out that annoying blonde girl-" "Terri?" "-Yeah, her. But she's already told everyone her idea, which was the same as mine." "That's alright. We can come up with something different. Hey, Nicole, come help us out over here." "Sure, what with?" "Drama." "Name something I could do a skit about. I need to over-react to something." "Um, what about the new Blix machine? You could, like, have a spaz about how they placed it in here." "So, like this?" Lola took a breath and screamed. "Oh mah gawd, it's a Blix machine! Our very own Blix machine! I've been dreaming about this day since I was a little girl, and now it's finally come to be!" She then screamed again. "Yeah, like that." "What are you ladies talking about?" Logan questioned, walking into the dorm. "Something interesting I hope. Maybe about me?" "You wish." "Yes, I do." "Why are you so immature?" Zoey asked him, pushing him gently. Unfortunately for Logan, the Blix he was drinking spilled all over himself. "Look what you did! This jacket was a gift from my uncle and now you've got soda all over it! I should sue you!" Lola smiled. She had finally found inspiration. End file.
Inspired by Blix by via-the-internet
Zoey 101
Spring Break Up Part Two Me: Okay, I don't own Zoey 10 I had to write this one shot. RR * * * Chase bit his lip, Zoey didn't have her Tex-Mate with her? Where was it? Could she has possibly left it by the water? Chase raced out of the room even though Gender Defenders wasn't over.. He ran to where Zoey and he was a few minutes ealier, the Tex-Mate, ruined. He walked slowly back to his dorm, not wanting to see the rest of the show. When he got in his room, he plopped down on his bed and fell alseep. A few hours later, he was awoken to a loud knock at the dorm door. "Come in," he murmured past his pillow. "Chase?" A soft voice asked. "Zoey? Zo! Hey, what's up?" He asked. Zoey shook her head, "Chase, what did that message say? You came close to telling me before the show, but we got interupted.." Chase bit his lip, "Well... uh... it said.." "Well?" Zoey asked. "I'd rather not say.." Chase muttered. "Chase, if you can't trust me with what you wrote, how can I trust you?" Zoey asked. Chase looked up, surprised at what she had just said. "I..I.." Zoey shook her head, "Chase, I don't want to be mad at you!" "Neither do I!" Chase said. "Then tell me!" Zoey said. Chase swallowed. "Umm.. I..." Zoey shook her head again and started out the door. "Bye Chase.." "Zoey, wait!" Chase rushed in front of the door. "Chase move!" Zoey said, trying to push him out of the way. "As I said, how can I trust you if you can't trust me?" That's when Chase snapped. "I want you to trust me Zoey! I just didn't want to ruin our friendship by letting you know my true feelings! I didn't want you to know I've had a crush on you since your first day of PCA. I didn't want you to know that the message said that I love you.." Chase was unaware of Zoey staring at him with her mouth half way to the floor. At this moment, pure insincit kicked in for Chase, he turn and rush out the door as fast as his legs would carry him, he manged to get as far as beside Sushi Rox where noone could see him, that's when reality came in, he stumbled but quickly caught himself. _What the hell was that?_ he demanded of himself. He walked to his dorm where Zoey was just then leaving. "Zoey.. I'm sorry for going off at you like that.." "No, Chase, it's okay... Did you really mean that?" Chase sighed. "Yea, I guess I did.." Zoey and Chase stood in silence for a moment. The Zoey wrapped her arms around Chase, Chase almost fell backwards. "Woah!" Chase smiled. Michael was right, he should have told Zoey earlier. Zoey broke free. "Chase Matthews, I love you!" Zoey said. Chase to this day can't explain what came over him, but he took Zoey in his arms, brough her closer to him, and kissed her, right there in the middle of the boy's dorm. "I love you too, Zoey Brooks.." End file.
Spring Break Up Part Two by silvertyra
Zoey 101
Don't Mess With Dana One day at PCA at the girls' dormitory, Nicole and Dana were having a huge fight over Nicole being so loud and hyper all the time. Dana was so mad, she pushed her against the wall of the room. "Why do you always gotta be such an annoying boy-crazy valley-girl, every time you see one boy you like you have you open your mouth about it for hours!" Dana yelled. Nicole got up and said with her hands on her hips. "Well... if you find me so annoying, then why do you bother talking to me then you rude-meenie slob?" Dana then shoved her and said. "Because we sleep in the same dorm room you idiot!" "Stop calling me names!" Nicole slapped her. Dana was now taking deep breaths in anger. She then tackled Nicole on the floor,as they were both fist-fighting each other. Zoey was in the bathroom, washing her face. A girl then said. "Zoey your roommates are fighting and this time they're trying to kill each other." Zoey rolled her eyes and said. "Those 2 are really starting to make my blood boil." She walked to her dorm room, with her arms crossed, and when she walked in she facepalmed. Dana was pulling Nicole's hair as Nicole was screaming, grabbing her by her neck. "I'll kill you!" Dana yelled. "How can you kill me when you're already dead!" Nicole yelled as she then kicked her off her. "Guys! That's enough!" Zoey yelled, as she then grabbed 2 pillows off her bed and thew them both at them. "Ow! What gives Zoey!" Nicole asked, rubbing her head. "You're a wimp! You let a little pillow hurt you, at least I got guts. Guys like a tough girl, not a wimp like you!" Dana teased, crossing her arms. Nicole then just was staring at Dana angry and silent for a second. Then she picked up the pillow and ran towards her, hitting her with it, screaming like a maniac. Dana was kicking her as she kept hitting her with the pillow. Zoey then ran to them and got into the fight, braking it up. "Guys! Cut it out! Can you two just calm down and explain why you're both at each other's throats again. It's really getting me into a mood, and you guys don't wanna see me angry." Nicole began crying as she began to explain. "She started it! She said I'm annoying and loud all the time. It's no true!" She started sobbing. Dana then looked at Zoey, while pointing to Nicole and said. "See... don't you a little annoyed with all this baby's whining?" Zoey then rolled her eyes and said. "Dana, it's not nice to insult someone just because they annoy you." Dana then shoved Zoey and said. "Fine, take your little friend's side, you're not much better then she is." Zoey put her hands on her hips and said. "Oh, you did not just shove me Dana?" Dana then grabbed Zoey by the shoulders and said. "I think I did!" She then shoved Zoey over to her bed. Zoey then stood up and was very furious, as she was approaching Dana slowly. Zoey then shoved her back and said. "You are rude, a bully, stuck up, a slob, a jerk, and much more. And you have the nerve to constantly put down Nicole? I think the worst thing that's happened to me being here at PCA is knowing lowlife jerks like you and Logan." "Oh, so now you're comparing me to that idiot Logan?" Dana replied, crossing her arms angry. "You know actually I am, in-fact you two are allot alike." Zoey stated, nodding. Nicole then gasped as she agreed with Zoey. "Oh, my gosh! I completely agree! I actually think her and Logan would be perfect for each other." Dana's eyes widened shocked, after hearing that. She then started coming at Nicole, outraged, Zoey jumped in front of Nicole. "Just calm down Dana, she's just being silly as always." Nicole then put her hands on her hips and said. "You're calling me silly? Does that mean you think I'm annoying too?" Zoey then just rolled her eyes and said. "Guys, enough of this already, we need to get to class." Nicole and Dana nodded as the girls then walked out of their dorm, as Zoey was hoping Nicole and Dana could try to go for the rest of the day without killing each other. Later that day at lunch time the 3 girls were sitting together at one of the tables. Nicole was eating allot of chicken tenders. "Oh, my gosh! How great are these chicken tenders? I love these chicken tenders!" "If you keep eating those so fast you're gonna start putting on weight." Dana said with a mean look, laughing a little. Nicole then took a gulp of her drink spit it in Dana's face. Dana then picked up her fork and pointed it towards Nicole and said. "If you do that one more time I will-" "Okay, enough!" Zoey interupted, as Nicole and Dana were now both quiet, giving each other the stare-down Chase, Michael, and Logan then walked over to the table, joining them. "Hey, Zoey, I see Nicole and Dana are having another one of their face-offs, they're really at each other huh?" Chase said. Zoey nodded with her arms crossed and said. "Oh, big time, since this morning. I keep having to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't murder each other." "She started this whole thing! I was trying to be mature and do the the right thing!" Dana shouted. Nicole then got up in Dana's face at the table and said. "Are you kidding me? You started it cause you hurt my feelings for no reason!" "I was just giving you some criticism you whining little baby!" Dana yelled back in Nicole's face. Logan then banged his hand on table and said. "Will you two just stop! I'm sick of always hearing you girls jabbering over such random stupidity! Just stop." Nicole and Dana then stopped screaming at each other as they looked at Logan angry. "Oh, you're getting on us. Well, you know what? I'm tired of the way you act! You're so full of yourself, always looking at yourself in the mirror, it's disgusting how coincided you are." Dana said to Logan. Just then Logan was looking at himself through a small mirror he pulled out of his pocket. "See! You're doing it right now!" Dana yelled. Logan then put the mirror down and said. "Yeah, well at least I got a better personality then you, that's for sure!" Nicole then whispered to Zoey. "You see? they're perfect for each other." Zoey nodded. "I heard that! There's no way I would ever go for a jerk like Logan, I hate his guts!" Dana shouted in anger. "Well, the way you're fighting with me so much today just makes me think you're hiding your true feelings for me." Logan said with a smile, crossing his arms. "Maybe you're the one who likes me jerk." Dana shouted back. "Will you just ask each other out already." Zoey said, rolling her eyes. "Why don't you just go ahead and ask me out Logan? If you got the guts to." Dana shouted. "I think you're just worried I'll turn you down." Logan said, laughing a little. Dana then slammed on the table and said. "Oh, that's it!" She then sat up and walked to Logan. "Stand up right now?" Logan's eyes widened in shock. "What the heck are you talking about?" He asked. "Stand up right now! I want to see what you're made of." Dana demanded with her hands on her hips. Logan then stood up and said. "Look, I'm not gonna fight a girl if that's what you're planning." Dana then grabbed Logan by the shoulders and held him close to her as she was gonna kiss him, and she was smiling. Zoey and the others all looked shocked. As Logan was about to think she was gonna kiss him his jaw dropped and she then spit in his mouth, and walked back to the other side of the table to sit down. "You crazy skunkbag! I can't believe you just-" Logan said disgusted, as he then ran away, screaming in anger. Zoey, Nicole, Chase, and Michael were all bursting in laughter. The End. **Author's note: I hoped you guys liked this Zoey 101 one-shot. Please review!** End file.
Don't Mess With Dana by CartoonEdsBoy2009
Zoey 101
The memories Zoey and Chase are 23 years old and engaged they remember all the memories of their 9 years old being best friends and if you minus that by their 5 years of dating. They remember all the memories from Year 8-10 while they were at PCA. Please read & review. In script form. Oneshot. The memories Zoey: Hey Chase Chase: Yeah hun Zoey: Remember when we first meet Chase: Of course I do that's the moment I fell in love with you Zoey: Remember that Basket ball game boys verse girls 5 on 5 game Chase: Yep, how could I forget that Zoey: Remember the time that Logan put a webcam in the girls lounge so he would find out our secrets Chase: Yeah and me and Michael had the set Logan straight by tickling him Zoey: Remember that commercial we had to make for Mr. Bender's class Chase: Yeah yours won and Logan actually thought his was better just because he had the set up and the play that I wrote and you get cast for the lead girl Zoey: Yeah and Logan ended up being cast as the lead male can you believe that he can act Chase: Until I saw that I wouldn't believe him Zoey: Hey remember when we had to raise money to get Drake bell to play at our Spring Fling and ended up spending some of the money to fix a car but Drake didn't care that we didn't have the right amount of money Chase: And he ended up singing Highway to nowhere Zoey: Remember the time when I designed that cool backpack and then Stacey stole my idea Chase: With some help you created a new backpack Zoey: One that had a massager and an mp3 player on it Chase: Wasn't that idea because Nicole spilt a drink on the PCA bag and had to buy it so you created a whole new version of the bag Zoey: Well also did it because we had run out of money Chase; Remember Disc golf Zoey: How can anyone forget? We had to run laps in PE so we decided to start disc golf Chase: Remember the first team we ever played Zoey: That team from jail now that was scary Chase: It sure was and then they ran away Zoey: I know remember the school dance when I got paired up the with two people because somebody stole my answers to the test Chase: I said I was sorry Zoey: I know (kissed Chase) Chase: And at the end of the semester and we ended up at the wrong beach because of Logan Zoey: At least we had Quinn to help us get back to PCA Chase: Yeah lucky and then the next semester Logan brought this huge entertainment system into our dorm room Zoey: And Dana left and we got a new room mate Lola at first I thought she was weird until that prank ended Chase: I know what you mean (kisses Zoey) Zoey: Hey remember the time capsule that we buried Chase: Yeah I do and you still haven't told me what you said about me Zoey: Oh yeah you'll know in 2 years Chase: But I want to know now (kisses Zoey) Zoey: Not gonna help Chase: Remember when we ran against each other for class president Zoey: Yep and we ended up dropping up and Quinn was so excited that Mark ended up as class president Chase: I know Zoey: Remember the Haunted House and we scared Logan away Chase: I know that was so funny Zoey: You are so mean (hits Chase on the arm) Chase: Ow why'd you do that for? Zoey: Because Chase: Remember when we almost kissed because of that bad girl Trisha Zoey: I remember that and then Dustin knocked you down because he thought I was Trisha Chase: Yeah that's not one of the best parts of my life, what about the Chase and Michael show Zoey: Yeah and it ended up that me and Logan got on it that was just weird Chase: I know we thought it was going to ruin the show but it ended up that more people watched it and then it got cancelled by Dean Rivers Zoey: Remember when we me and Nicole dressed Lola up as a guy oh and with the help of Quinn and Michael Chase: Michael helped that's why he went to the nurse Zoey: Yep Chase: And that robot war thing and then Quinn saved our buts Zoey: Our buts? Don't you mean my but? Chase; Same thing, I still can't believe that whole Lola liking me incident Zoey: I know Chase: Remember going to Logan's house for spring break Zoey: Yeah I do and you took my Tex Mate Chase: Hey I had to delete a message before you saw it Zoey: I know Chase: Remember when Sushi Rox burnt down and we helped fix it up by People Auction Zoey: Yeah and me, Lola and Nicole had to be Logan's personal cheerleaders Chase: Me and Michael had to do crazy things to Coach Keller Zoey: And then about a week later Quinn got depressed because of her lama Chase: And me, Logan and Michael couldn't say the letter 's' and Michael lost when he said Vanessa and he had to wear a hula skirt and a flashing helmet Zoey: Then the next school year you bring back a new girlfriend without telling me and I found out that because you guys were having a make out session Chase: Yeah and why did you open the door Zoey: Because Lola and Quinn told me that you liked me Chase: Oh Zoey: You know she was a bitch when she came in and told me that you and me couldn't be friends any more Chase: now that was mean Zoey: And then the hot Dean turns up because of Dustin and his friends and we set up a date with him and Coco Chase: Yeah I remember that Zoey: Then it was our moon bars Chase: And the Vince Blake incident Zoey: Then we got invited into the Silver Hammer Society Chase: Now that was weird the there was Michael crushing on Lisa Zoey: Me joining the wresting team after stopping a fight and that whole balloon incident Chase: Then my birthday Zoey: And getting stuck in my dorm room because of Quinn and one of her germs Chase: Us getting into a fight because of a stupid radio Zoey: Studying for that huge exam and that whole adventure because of that exam Chase: I wouldn't call that an adventure Zoey: Yeah I broke my ankle because of that ghost Chase: Those were good memories Zoey: I know Ends with Chase and Zoey kissing The end You liked it? I think I'll do a sequel with some other Zoey 101 characters or Chase and Zoey again telling about the other memories Mandy End file.
The memories by niley4ever
Zoey 101
1. The new beginning **UPDATE:final chapter out now! ** * * * **Disclaimer:** I do not own the zoey101 characters,scripts,or anything with zoey101 * * * ** A/N:**This is your story you decide were things go from here. This story is based on Zoey 101 it follows the regular story line, but you get to change that, at the end of every chapter is 3 choices in the reviews put either A,B,C for whichever choice you want. I hope you enjoy the story._(new chapters every Monday)_ **_(NOTE:If I don't get enough reviews then the story follows the story line so unless you want a boring old storyline you should choose.)_** * * * Zoey POV I can't believe after all these years they are finally letting girl go to pca, I'm so exited to go that I almost fall out of the car. "punch buggy red" Dustin says as he punches dad, "ow" dad says in pain, I look at the car as it passes and realize it wasn't a buggy "um I don't think that was a buggy" "oh sorry dad" "ya well tell that to my bruise" dad says rubbing his arm. I giggle at dad and his bruise which makes me almost miss the big Pacific Coast Academy sign, "oh there it is dad, hurry!"I say wanting to jump out of the car "calm down Zoey were almost there", dad says to me as he is trying no to lose focus of the road. We drive for another 5 minutes before I see the school "oh there it is turn dad turn!" I shriek grabbing the steering wheel,"Zooooeeeyyy",dad laughs as he pulls my hands off the wheel "let go of the wheel your going to make me have an accident," "If you don't let me go I'm going to have an accident" Dustin says, emphasizing his urge to pee. "Can't you just hold it for 5 more minutes" dad says not wanting to stop,"no I can't" Dustin pleads barley being able to hold on to it,dad pulls over and Dustin goes pee behind a tree, he gets back in the car and we drive up to the school. We stop at the pca drop off parking lot, Dustin starts unpacking. Dad tells me he's going to find a map as he walks away.I'm amazed at how big the school is,"hi" a boy with a big afro says as he rides his bike. Being nice I say hi back, he keeps staring at me which makes him loose control of his bike and crash into a flag pole. * * * **(readers choice)** A:run over to him and ask if hes ok? B:laugh at him? C:walk away? **A/N:**Remember this it your story so go ahead and choose,A,B,C and post it in the reviews. **_(NOTE:If I don't get enough reviews then the story follows the story line so unless you want a boring old storyline you should choose.)_** 2. walking away **Disclaimer:** Ya ya ya I own nothing * * * **A/N: **Thank you guys for voting, the winning choice is walk away with 5votes, chapter 3 will be out next Monday.(the chapters will be getting a lot bigger) * * * **Zoey pov** I shouldn't, yes it's fine Zoey you don't want to make a scene on your first day, do you?, hay you shut up I'm going over there to help him, oh ya then why are you walking away hu?, damn you evil part of me, "who's that" dad asks as I stand at the car ignoring the bushy haired kid "not sure, some kid who just fell" oh god I feel so bad doing this,you'll be fine, don't worry you won't see him again "shut up!" I blurt out not meaning for the words to come out, "oh sorry" I say to the brunette girl standing in the door of my dorm room. I was fighting with myself so much that I didn't remember walking into my room"hi you must be Zoey" the petite brunette says in a squeaky voice "hi I'm Nicole, nice to meet you" "you too" I say trying to not feel sorry for the bike incident. * * * **Chase pov** Smooth move idiot you made her scared of you now she'll never want to talk with you, you couldn't simple stop riding and then say hi could you, no you had to look cool riding up to here and saying hi at the same time, you know your accident prone dumb ass, she's probably totally forgotten about me and the whole thing. * * * **Zoey pov** "Zoey,Zoey,ZOEY, **EARTH TO ZOEY!**" Nicole screams at the top of her lungs as I jump off my bed "WHAT!" I scream back "I've been asking you if you wanted to check out campus for the past 5 minutes, what's wrong?" Nicole asks me"nothing it's just I may have made a bad decision today"I say in a sad voice "well if it has anything to do with boys you know I'm all ears"we both laugh."well actually it is"I say "oh tell me more","ok well" I tell her the rest of the story "you just ignored him, that's mean" Nicole says with disgust "well it was my first day and I didn't want to make a scene"I try to explain my point, but we just end up bickering about it for a good 30 minutes before she asks"so should we go for that tour?" "yes, let's go before it's too late" I say with excitement. I've been waiting all day for a tour and now I get to go for one, we check out all the other dorms then we check the rest of the area, as were heading back I see the bushy haired kid going into the basket ball court. What should I do ? * * * **(READERS CHOICE)** ** A:**Look at that bushy hair why would you want to talk to him? **B:**Go try to say sorry for ignoring him. **C:**Go back to your dorm and try to forget about him. **A/N: **Don't worry fans Zoey and chase will meet in the next 2 chapters no matter what choice you choose. 3. Making new friends **DISCLAIMER:Do I really need to do this every chapter?** * * * **A/N:By unanimous vote, talking to chase is the choice you guys wanted, I hope you guys enjoy.** * * * Zoey pov I need to go talk to him before he hates me forever, what makes you so certain he doesn't already, shut up evil Zoey you don't control me,pff ya that's what you think. "Zoey just go talk to him it's not rocket science" Nicole says "your right it's not" I say as I walk over to him, hay you bushy hair!" bushy hair really Zoey really "are you talking to me"the bushy haired teen says "yes sorry I don't know your name" "chase, yours" "Zoey, nice to meet you" "you too, hay weren't you that girl who i saw at the flag pole" "um no, sorry"I lie "no I'm sure it was you" "ok I'm sorry I didn't help you it would have made a scene and I don't really want to do that on my first day" I plead hoping he'll forgive me "Zoey it's fine I'm accident prone"chase and I laughed "are you blushing Zoey" chase asks, looking into my eyes "um no I don't know what your talking about" we both laugh again "so do you want to go catch a movie on campus with me" chase asks, say no Zoey your too busy you'll be blushing the whole time , shut up shut up shut up, "I would love to" I say resisting my evil side "great, well I'll see you around 6:30, I'm going to basket ball tryouts" chase says as he walks away. "wow you really like him" Nicole giggles "no I don't, and besides we barley know each other" "ya well that doesn't mean you don't like him, you love bird Nicole giggles again," Oh shut up Nicole, I'm going to the movie with him,bye" I say as I walk out of the dorm. * * * Chase pov Yes yes yes yes, final no more bad accidents for chase Matthews,"what are you so cherry about" Logan says "nothing why?" I replied knowing he's up to something "no reason ,bye" Logan says as he leaves, Michael walks in and grabs two blix bottles and passes one to me, "so you have a movie date hay?"Michael says nudging me, it's not a date it's a friends, movie, time" "ya sure whatever you want to call it" Michael laughs "ha ha ha funny, well see you later " "have fun on your date" "it's not a date " I protest as I walk out "it's a date!" Michael yells out into the hall.I walk up to the movie theater, only Zoey isn't here"I thought we said 6:30" I mumble to myself, "we did" Zoey says behind me,making me jump up and scream, Zoey stands there laughing at me "that wasn't funny" I say, my heart racing " really was" she says still laughing,"let's just go see the movie" I say trying to overcome my heart attack. After the movie we walk down to the girls lounge and play would you rather for about an hour."I had fun" Zoey says "me to",we both go back to our dorms,I couldn't stop thinking about Zoey the whole night. * * * Zoey pov That was the best night I've had at pca yet,"Zoey, your still dreaming aren't you"Nicole says "no, no I'm not" I protest, my phone rings, all that runs through my head is, could it be chase"hello" I say "aha, ok ,sure , ok bye" I hang up "who was it" Nicole says urgently "chase he asked if I could go to sushi rockx with him" "what I'm not invited"Nicole slouches "yes you and Dana are invited too" I laugh. We get ready for sushi rockx, and leave, "hay chase" I say overly exited "oh hay zo" chase says as I walk in with Nicole and Dana. * * * No pov "ok so now that were done introducing each other can we eat" Logan protests "sure let's eat"chase says, they all start eating, Zoey raises her glass"to friendship" "to friendship" everyone says. They all get up and leave sushi rockx "so were should we go guys" Nicole says "boys lounge " Michael replies "sure" Dana says. "you so want me" Logan smirks to Dana"and your a gross pig" Dana scoffs at Logan "guys calm down, try not to kill each other" chase says " ya come on you two, let's play some would you rather"Zoey says trying to break it up "no thanks I'm going to bed"Dana walks off "she so wants this"Logan smiles "you really are a pig"Zoey rolls her eyes "your going to want me to some day" Logan says as he walks back to the boys dorm."well I guess it's just us four"chase states the obvious "so should we play some would you rather?" Michael asks "sure" Zoey and Nicole replies. * * * **FEW WEEKS LATER** Zoey pov Wow I still can't believe it's been 5 months since I started going to pca, I've met so many people and made the best group of friends. I walk into drama class and sit through the most boring class ever, it was all about Shakespeare,"don't forget class we will be holding auditions for our schools very own play tomorrow, written by non other than chase Matthews" the teacher says as everyone walks out. I should try for the role, I've always wanted to act, I will. I walk in for auditions, chase is standing on stage. Then call me up and I read the dialog they give me "ok so we'll read from scene g"chase says"you don't know what planet this is"chase starts acting "no, I lost control of my star ship so I started swimming"I say acting my best"wait your an alien" "I am" "it's not everyday an incredibly cute alien washes up on my beach" "you think I'm incredibly cute"I say as I feel myself starting to blush "I incredibly do" everyone starts clapping" "bra and vo" the teacher says "I'll talk it over with chase and we'll let you know" * * * Chase pov Yes Zoey was the best one I get to kiss her, "so we'll give the hula girl roll to Nicole and make Zoey our lead" the teacher says after we agree on Zoey, "cool Zoey it is, ha, that's great" I say trying to hide my excitement of getting to kiss her "is that cause your character gets to kiss Zoey's character in the final scene, hum" "you know I completely forgot about that" "ha ya , well I'm going to get the boys to audition" the teacher says as he walks out "I'm kissin Zoey" I say as I look at her photo. * * * Zoey pov "Logan!,how did this happen" I screech at chase"well he tried out, and well he was slightly awesome" "I can barley stand talking to him how will I do an entire play with him" "I don't know " "you think I should quit" "well it's up to you" what should I do? * * * (READERS CHOICE) Zoey's choice: A:Quite the play B:Deal with Logan C:Change the play Chase's choice: A:Stop the play B:Stop Logan from acting C:Help Zoey change the script * * * **A/N: **Hey guys and gals, I want to thank you again for all the support. Above you will notice 2 choices, I thought of a great plot line for the rest of the book so I am leaving 2 choices, here's an example of how to choose. REVIEW:guest Zoey:B Chase:A And that's how you vote, they don't have to be the same choice just write the letter next to the name. 4. The play part1 **DISCLAIMER:DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER!?** * * * **A/N: **Sorry for the whole mix up with dates guys I'm going away for the weekend, hope this cliffhanger chapter will keep you on the edge of your seat. * * * Zoey pov I don't know what I should do I mean I can't stand him yet I don't really want to quite the play, "I think you should quite" chase says trying to help make my decision for me, I don't want to quite the play, I mean what could I little kiss do,"I'm going to continue in the play" I say to chase, "what no are you crazy I mean it's Logan were talking about here!" "I know but it's just a play what's wrong with it, it's just one little kiss nothing bad could happen" "I'll tell you what's wrong with it Logan's wrong with it, one kiss will turn into a date, and a date will turn into boyfriend and girlfriend, and then, ugh I can't even imagine what comes after that" "chase why are you acting so jealous, nothing is going to happen I promise, here if something happens then I will give you this giraffe necklace my mom gave me to make up for it" "you promise nothing bad will happen" "promise" "ok fine" chase said as he walked away to his dorm. I wish I could have made that look more convincing what are you talking about Zoey you would never date someone as self centered as Logan, but he is cute, shut up, what are you saying, nothing is going to happen, right? * * * Chase pov I don't believe it Logan is going to pull some type of move on Zoey and she's going to fall for him, what are you saying Zoey would never do something like that, god what am I going to do, "you want to get Logan out of the play don't you" Michael says knowing exactly what my problem is, "ye, yes how did you know" "everyone knows man you've been acting like a jealous fool Logan even knows, the only one who doesn't know is Zoey, man can't you just tell her you love her already" "I don't love Zoey" "k well I guess you don't care about the kissing Zoey and Logan are going to be doing then" Michael says laughing " um, just out of curiosity how would I stop them from kissing" "simple, you change the script" Michael says as he walks out of the boys dorm. That's it that's all I need to do If I can change the script then Logan can't kiss Zoey, ok what should Zoey do, hum ah yes she leans in to kill the life guard, perfect. * * * Logan pov "what, what do you mean the script is changed" I yell at the drama teacher, "well chase decided to change the script and I think it is an amazing twist to the story" " well I don't so change it back!" I yell again "Logan please stop yelling, if you want the script changed please talk to chase" the drama teacher says to me as he walks away,"oh I'll gladly talk to chase" I say as a grin appears on my face. "change the god damn script!" I yell at chase, "no you were meant to be killed by Zoey" "oh ya and that's why you wanted to be the life guard so bad hay, just admit your afraid that if me and Zoey kiss she'll love me and not you" "no I'm not in love with Zoey and the script stays this way, that's final" chase says as he passes me and leaves the boys dorm. * * * Zoey pov "he did what!" I yell at Logan "he changed the script, so that you kill me" Logan says with a sad look on his face, "why would he do this?, he told me he wasn't going to be jealous" "I don't know why but I have an idea" "what is it?" "we do the script as planed but don't tell anyone" Logan says as a smile appears on his face "I guess we could still kiss but, I don't know" "oh come on nothing will happen, it's what the script should have been" "fine but we tell no one ok?" "ok fine" Logan says as he walks off, yes I'm kissing Logan, wait what did I just say, oh no am I, falling in love with Logan Reese. * * * No pov "is everyone ready" the drama teacher said "yes " everyone else said "ok here we go" the teacher said as he pulls the rope for the curtain. "ok the kill scene" chase whispers to the people on stage, " Zora, Ive only known you for this long but can I kiss you" Logan acts out, "say no and kill him Zoey" chase said as Zoey looked at him, "yes you may"Zoey said as both her's and Logan's lips touched in front of the whole school audience,chase stood there flabbergasted. Everyone clapped an started to leave and chase started to get angry. "what the hell was that" he said to Logan, "it's what the original script said to do"Logan said smirking at chase, "you talked her into this you bastard!" chase yells at Logan "no chase I chose to do it" Zoey said shyly towards chase, "ya right, this was all Logan, I'm going to kill you!" chase says as he runs and tackles Logan, punching him on the way down. * * * Chase pov I shouldn't have done that, Zoey is going to hate me forever and she probably loves Logan now. "chase?" Zoey says walking behind me, "Zoey!, I'm so sorry I was just mad that you guys didn't go along with the script, and you, and Logan, and" I say ranting on, "chase,here" "Zoey says handing me her giraffe necklace,"what,why?" "I broke the promise, I'm sorry chase." * * * **TO BE CONTINUED!** * * * _**A/N: as you can see there is no choice because this is a cliffhanger(hay I'm going away and couldn't write the whole thing in the time span sorry) but I promise next Monday (September 3) I will have 2 chapters 4.2, and a new mystery story is going to be coming out soon. **_ 5. The play part 2 **DISCLAIMER:I guess I am doing this every chapter! ** * * * **A/n:Hello guys and gals, thank you so much for all the reviews and everything else like that, unfortunately, the other story will be coming to a close in a few chapters, but there will be a sequel so you guys can look forward to that, also a new story will be coming out soon, it's a mystery/drama story. Now I hope you enjoy the end to chapter 4, I had tons of fun writing it, due to my wording of some characters I changed the rating, I also changed the summery, so thing of chapter 4.2 and onward the second arc. Anyway I'm ranting, enjoy the chapter.(remember you don't need to just choose a choice at the end of the story, you can also just tell me what you think of the story). ** * * * Chase pov I'm going to kill him, I'm going to frickin kill that rat bastard,"were the hell is Logan!?, I yell at Michael at I bash in the door,"woh calm down chase" "don't tell me to calm down, I asked you, were the hell is that scamming rat bastard "."chase what happened,just sit down and tell me" Michael says as he shuts the door behind me.I sit down and explain the story to him, by the end his jaw is lying on the ground and hes almost crying,"I'm sorry man but there's not much you can do" "DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" I scream at him. "what's with all the screaming in here" Logan asks as he opened the door,"you!" I scream "me?, what did I do?" Logan asks "you talked Zoey into liking you, I'm going to kill you!" I say as I charge at Logan full speed, smashing him through some drywall, "I didn't do anything Matthews, she said herself she loves me!" Logan yells at me as I struggle to get up, "it's a lie she will never love you!" "oh ya is that cause you love her?" the moment those words come out of his mouth I felt a surge of strength, I punched him knocking him unconscious,I keep punching him before Michael the principle and Zoey all pull me back. When I am able to stand I see a crowd of people scared, as I turn to Zoey I see a face I've never seen on her before, hatred, scorn, and shock, not to anything or anyone but me. * * * Zoey pov "Please wake up Logan, please, please, please, please" I plead as I sit in a chair next to Logan's bed, in the hospital. I still can't believe chase knocked him out like that, what is going through his head, I hope he doesn't get suspended but I don't want him to hurt Logan again, all I remember was hearing there was a fight going on in the boys dorm and when I got there all I herd was it's cause you love her, and then I saw them both smash through a wall. Does chase love me? is that why he's been acting so jealous, either way, I don't care it's too late I love Logan, no one else. "Zoey" I turn around and see chase standing in the doorway"what do you want?" "look I'm sorry for what I did, and I just wanted to come see if Logan was ok?" "Logan's fine, just fine couldn't be better except for the small fact that he's not waking up!"I yell at chase which I've never done before,"I'm so sorry I just came to apologize and say goodbye to you and Logan" "goodbye?" "ya, what you think a fight like that people will just forget, no, no one would, I'm suspended for the rest of the semester, goodbye Zoey" chase says as he walks out of the room. * * * No pov "What he's suspended,for how long?" Michael asked worried that he'll never see his friend again "he's gone until next semester" "no this can't be, Logan should be suspended to!" Michael acts out of the ordinary "hay leave Logan out of this, it's not his fault that chase was jealous". "guys come quick Logan's waking up" Quinn shouts from the other room. Everyone runs into the room to see Logan, slowly opening his eyes, "ouch, what the hell hit me" Logan asks being his usual self,"chase, that's who hit you" Zoey said acting more like Logan "oh, I'm so glad your awake" Quinn said hugging Logan, everyone looked at her strangely,"oh I mean we all missed you"she said as she jumped off of Logan. "you want to go grab some sushi, or are you still not feeling good" Zoey asks holding his hand, "no I think I'm ok you go I'll meet you there" "ok love you" Zoey says kissing Logan and leaving the room with her friends following. * * * Logan's pov Yes everything is going according to plan, chase is suspended for a semester, Zoey is falling for me, and everyone is blaming it on chase, little did they know I'm only trying to prove to Dana that I am bad ass, this will surly get her attention. "oh hay Dana, everything is going according to plan, what did I tell you, I could do it" "ya it looks like you did, now for the last test, dump Zoey, and you and me will go out" "what?, that's really cruel" "that's the point, now get to it" Dana says as she walks off. Is this really the best thing to do, I mean Zoey would be crushed, but I really love Dana. * * * Zoey pov "Get the hell out of here!" "Zoey please just listen to me, things just weren't working out between us, I am sorry" Logan pleads to me, "chase was right you are a backstabbing, two timing, player, get out of here! I don't want to see you ever again!" "Zoey please" "GET THE HELL OUT, NOW!" I yell at Logan as he runs out, I jump onto my bed and cried until I fall asleep. "Zoey, wake up" Nicole and Quinn stood over me, worried "are you ok Zoey, everyone was wondering what was going on, all we saw was you and Logan leave and the next thing we hear was screaming and Logan running away"Quinn asks,"you basically explained what happened" "what do you mean?" "he dumped me, for Dana" I say which makes me hurt on the inside, "that player, I knew he was no good" Nicole says in her usual peppy voice,"screw Logan, what about chase?" I ask them, "what about chase?" Quinn asked, "he's suspended, cause of something Logan did" "your right, Logan should be the one who's getting suspended" Nicole says, "so what are we waiting here for let's talk to Dean Rivers" I say jumping out of bed "wow Zoey, your acting really confident, for someone who just got dumped" Quinn says "well that's cause this is revenge". * * * No pov "What, no, how, what did I do!" Logan yells at the dean, "you were involved in the fight, that took place 2 days ago in the boys dorm, anonymous sources came and pointed this out,and therefore I have no choice but to suspend you until next semester"dean rivers said with a frown "this can't be happening, chase was the one who attacked me" "yes but it was also proven that you fought back, and that counts for suspension, I am sorry but you need to pack your bags and leave the school by the end of the day today" Dean Rivers walks way,"anonymous source?,ZOEY!" Logan says as he runs for Dana's room. "Dana?" Logan says as he slams her door open "woh hi, what's wrong" "Zoey, that's what's wrong" "WHAT,what do you mean?" "she, she got me suspended" "WHAT,for how long" "a semester, same as chase, apparently the fight was my fault as well" "I thought you got knocked out" "I did, but I threw a punch or two at chase, which counts as fighting" "no this can't be happening, chase was suppose to get suspended and Zoey's heart was going to be broken, not this your not suppose to be suspended"Dana starts to cry,"it's ok you can go one semester without me and then we'll be back together" "so you were just backstabbing me" a voice from the door said, Logan turned and saw Zoey standing there"I should have believed chase, well Dana now you know how it feels" "you bitch!" Dana yells at Zoey as she wipes her tears and walks to the door"I will get you for this" Dana says as she passes Zoey and leaves the room. * * * **A/N:So I'm sorry for those peoples out there who love chase and Logan but unlike happy ever after stories, there not coming back, I will however do chapters were they send letters, the main antagonist for the rest of the story is Dana, I haven't decided if the sequel will follow this storyline or the regular story line for season 2. Thankx again for reading hope you enjoy the chapters to come.** 6. who's left **DISCLAIMER: I don't see a reason for me to keep doing this, but, I own nothing, sadly ;( ** * * * **A/N:hello guys and gals, I just want to thank you guys again for all your views, favorites, comments. If anyone of you didn't know, yes it is true the other story will be coming to a close, but the good this is I am going to make a sequel, that is if you guys want one,(you should check my profile often cause I update it with new stories, old ones, and coming soon),this chapter might not be all that great cause I had a massive writers block and I couldn't think of anything to write for the longest time, but non the less, I hope you guys like this chapter, and the choice at the end of this chapter will be the biggest one ever!(italics are messages)** * * * Zoey pov _ Hi mom and dad, these passed few months have be very very chaotic,what with chase and Logan leaving and now Dana with the vendetta over my head that never goes away she has sabotaged everything I do, I almost want to leave but my friends tell me to never give up, I keep thinking of ways to get Dana off my back, and the only way I think I can do that is to get her out of this school, but I don't know what other drama that could bring up, on the other hand, my grades are still perfect,Quinn and Nicole are still good friends of mine, Michael has a room all to himself, and he emails chase everyday. So that is pretty much all that's going on, oh and if you want to send a give candy is good, or money, or candy and money lol, bye mom and dad._ "Zoey come on let's go, we have class!" Quinn yells at me from afar "ok I'm coming!" I yell back. As we walk into class and all I see is Dana staring at me,like she's ready to kill me,I sit on the other side of the class."hello class" Mr. bender says "hi" everyone replies,I look down at my desk and see a note, I open it and read it. _Zoey, I am going to make the rest of your semester here at pca, a living hell, I hope your ready for me. Signed Dana_ Holy shit I think I was just given my fist death threat,I need to stop this the bell rings I walk out of class, scared, I walk very fast to my dorm, I open the door and I see her Dana standing there,with the same look in her eyes. "so,looks like both Logan and chase are gone, and it's just you and me" Dana says in a scary way "ya, what about it" "what about it!" she screams "you got Logan suspended and now I'm going to get you suspended" "I'm sorry but it's not fair that chase get's blamed for it all when you and Logan were planing on getting him suspended, what is your problem with him and I anyway"? I ask "everything, especially the fact that you got Logan suspended" "so what you got chase suspended" "oh, so sad, are you going to cry, are you sad cause your little high school crush is suspended, hm?" "I don't have a crush on him,now get out of my room!" I say pointing to the door, "I will get you for this" Dana says as she walks out.I check my email and see theirs a new one from chase I click it. _Hi Zoey, I don't know if your going to read this, I am really sorry for the whole Logan fight incident, from what I herd, he and Dana were in cahoots, I'm really sorry to hear that. As for me, public school isn't that bad I mean I do have to go home everyday instead of hanging with you, I really miss you Zoey, I hope Dana doesn't give you much trouble. Chase._ I finish reading his email and feel so sad and depressed, I really miss chase too. I felt so depressed that I just fell asleep on my bed. * * * Dana pov Finally, Logan emailed me, I miss him so much. _Hay Dana, I'm sorry about the whole chase fight incident,I really love you lot's and I hope Zoey isn't being really mean to you. On a good note I'm talking with my dad who is talking to the dean, he says that I might be able to get back into school early,in the mean time I'm just helping my dad with his movies and tv shows. I love you lots and hope your ok. love, yours Logan _OH he loves me,wait what, he could be coming back early, hm I wonder if I could get enough people to help me in getting him back earlier. Then Zoey might leave pca. * * * Zoey pov "bring Logan back, bring Logan back,bring Logan back" "what the heck is that?" I ask to myself, I walk outside in my robe and see a big mob outside dean rivers office."what do you want" I hear the dean yell "we want Logan back!" the big mob yells, "wait did they just say they want Logan back" I ask to myself again,I run up to Nicole who's in the crowd. "what's going on?" I ask her "oh, hi Zoey, Dana organized a mob to get Logan back" she says in her usual high pitch girl voice, "what I thought we got rid of Logan because he got chase suspended" "ya, but dana said that if we get Logan back that chase will come back too" "what,this is ridiculous" "ok,ok Logan can come back to school, but only for the final week of school"dean rivers yells out his door, "ya, we did it guys, Logan is coming back!" Dana says as she stands on a table next to her"you see Zoey now were going to get chase back too"Nicole says brainlessly, I shake my head "do you have any idea what you just helped out with"I say as I walk away. I can't believe that Nicole and my other friends helped Dana out like that,I start to weep "I just wish everything could go back to the way they were,before the fighting,before the play, before we even knew each other,I just want to start over"I yell out,"I think I can help miss brooks"I look up and see dean rivers,"dean what are you doing here" "I can help, the school board has said that, by law,when one student is suspended for a fight, and then let back in, the other is allowed back as well" when I heard these words I jumped up and hugged dean rivers and run to tell chase. * * * Dana pov I have finally done it, Logan's coming back and chase isn't that's got to make Zoey leave the school, with that everyone will love me and not that blonde bimbo bitch. _Dear Logan, I have worked with tons of other people to get you back into the school, and I am proud to say that dean rivers has let you back in for the last week of school, I can't wait to see you next week, love Dana._ * * * Zoey pov Yes Dana is going to get so mad and then she might final leave me, my friends, and this school alone. _hay chase,I ran into dean rivers who told me that Logan was coming back to school early, when I heard this I was so sad that I almost wanted to leave the school, but then he told me that, by law, when one student from a fight get's to come back so does the other student. So that mean you get to come back, I can't wait to see you next week. Signed Zoey_ * * * (readers choice yay it's back) A:end at 10 chapters B:make a sequel C:end next chapter and make a sequel D:end at 10 chapters and make a sequel * * * **A/N:thank you guys so much for that views and the choices you have made, I know these choice aren't the ones your used to, but there the same you vote for whichever choice you want.** 7. exam week **A/N:This is going to be the second to last chapter, hope you guys &gals love it.** * * * Chases pov _I can't wait to see you next week. Signed Zoey_ I read this and literally jump out of my bed,run around the room, and run to tell my parents. * * * Logan's pov _Dean rivers has let you back in for the last week of school, I can't wait to see you next week, love Dana._ "wow she is so amazing",wait why am I still sitting here, I think to myself. I get up and pack my stuff and jump into my limo. * * * Zoey's pov "you love chase, you love chase"I hear Nicole and Quinn say as I stand waiting for chase to arrive. "I do not love chase" "yes you do"Nicole says giggle, I look over and see Dana with a glare, the same one she gave me in science class, she obviously hates me for somehow getting chase back and ruining her life. I look at the stairs and I see chase there with his bushy afro,and as I run up to hug him, chase being his usual self, trips down the last stair and lands on his side. "omg chase are you ok" I say as I run to his aid. "ya I'm fine" "are you ever going to stop falling" I ask giggling a little bit "I can't help it I have two left feet" we laugh and Michael and I help chase up. We all wait for Logan, although I don't care if he ever comes back. Logan walks down the stairs, Dana hugs, then kisses Logan,I'm sick to my stomach, and as I turn around to go back to my dorm, Logan calls for me,I turn around. "what do you want!"I say with a bit more hatred then I meant to let off "I'm sorry about everything I did, you too chase"Logan says directing his attention to chase and I. "wait what" Dana shouts at Logan "that hore got you suspended!" "hay, watch the language"Quinn butts in "stay out of this science nerd" "Dana why can't you be like Logan and just forgive and forget?"I ask her "because you broke Logan and I up for over 5 months" "but he's back, chase is back, can't we all just have some last minute fun, I mean it is the last week of school"Dana just turns and walks away to her dorm. "I'm sorry about all of this chase and Zoey"Logan says compassionately. "it's fine, you forgave and we will forget"chase says smiling. "now how about moving your stuff back into our dorm?"Michael asks "in a minute, there's something I need to take care of, and with that Logan ran off in the direction of Dana's room. * * * Logan's pov I can't believe I'm doing this, I really love her,but she's become someone else, I don't even know her anymore, I knock on her door "Dana, can I come in" "no go away" "please Dana, we need to talk" "fine, you got 5 minutes" she unlocks the door and I walk in. "Dana, I'm sorry, but I agree with chase and Zoey, your acting different, meaner than your usual self" "ya, what's your point" "my point is I don't want to date someone who's overly crude,I'm braking up with you"she looks at me for a minute. "um, I , um I need some time, I completely understand,that's why I was looking at these" she shows me these brochures for a European exchange student program. "no Dana you don't have to do that" "no I want to, I realized why I was being so mean it's cause I have to much stress, I need to distress, I need to focus on some schooling" "I understand" I stand up and leave her room, I walk back to my dorm, and for the first time in years I start to cry. * * * **A few days later** Chase's pov it's 3 days before we get to go to the awesome beach party, I'm jumping up and down when Zoey tells me to calm down. "I'm sorry I just can't wait for the awesome beach party" I say bouncing all over the place "is it really good?" "that's right, this is your first year you've never been to it, it's the best" "ok enough talk, we need to focus on our science" "ok, fine"I say letting out a sigh. I open my science book, and read the first line. "so how does this whole dominate gene crap go again?" I ask Zoey, hoping she knows "oh, well,I have brown eyes, and you have green eyes" "green eyes got it" I say even though I don't understand a thing "so if we ever got married and had kids, there's a 70% chance they'll have brown eyes and a 30% chance they'll have green eyes" "are you asking to marry me"I kid "focus chase you don't want to fail the exam" Zoey says seriously "chill Zoey I won't fail" "you never know, and if you fail you can't go to the beach party" Zoey get's up and walks away. I wake up the next morning and check off another date on my calendar and then proceed to chuck a pillow at Logan "what do you want chase I'm sleeping"Logan asks groggily "we still have one more day of classes you know?"I say "so my classes aren't for another hour" "oh sorry"I say, not really sorry for waking him,I go to the wash room, shower, brush my teeth,and walk to my science class. "hay chase"I look over and see Zoey waving for me "hay zo, how was your chemistry exam?"I ask her, as I get in talking distance "horrible, I'm afraid I failed it" "you haven't failed anything before,so I'm sure your fine"I say giving her reassuring trust "are you going to your biology exam?" "ya, you?" "same!"Zoey says smiling. I can't help get the feeling like she's hiding something from me. "is something wrong?" "no, why?" "zo, I can tel when something its wrong with you" "there's nothing wrong with me" "ok, sorry for asking, you go ahead to science class I'll catch up,I have to go check something" "ok see you there" "bye"I say running for the girls dorm Zoey's pov I don't want chase to find out, it will wreck him,I arrive in science class and take a seat,I look over and see chase walk in, head down, eyes sad. "oh no"I whisper "did he find out" I breeze through the biology test, and when the teacher calls for the tests, I'm the first one there, I hand in my test and book it for my dorm,I close and lock my door. "why didn't you tell us"I turn around and see Nicole, Quinn, and Dana, who has now become more cheery "didn't tell you what?"I ask back, obviously trying to see if they know "you know what where talking about" "no I don't know what your talking about?"I lie "Zoey stop lying, just tell us" "there's nothing to tell"I turn around and open the door, chase quickly fills that gap "woh, hi chase, what's up" "just tell us Zoey, don't lie to your friends"chase pleads "I don't know what you guys are talking about" "yes you do Zoey"Quinn buts in "about what?"I ask them, knowing my lie is about to break. Chase steps closer to me and says, "you failed your chemistry exam" * * * **A/N:Hope you guys and gal enjoyed this chapter, I know a lot of you choose to end it this chapter but I just can't let go of this story, don't worry though, it will end before the 11th chapter lol.** 8. friends never leave **A/N: This is the last chapter, I'm sad to say, but this has only been my first, of many fan fic stories that I plan on doing, so don't be sad, cause remeber, there's a sequel. I hope you guys&gals love the last chapter. ** * * * **Zoey's pov** shit they found out, no, I don't want chase to freak out. "it's not a big deal, you guys can go to the beach party without me"I say putting on a fake smile. chase steps forward,"I failed biology" "what" everyone asked "I heard Zoey say to the councilor that she failed her chemistry exam, and that she would have to stay hear until it's done" "so you just blew your exam for me"I ask chase "uh, partly" "what do you mean" "I actual, failed worse than I was planning on doing,I have to stay until I finish mine as well" "what!?, chase!, why would you do something like that for me"I ask as I slap him in the head "ow, I'm sorry but I didn't want you to be lonely for the next week" "wait week?, that means you guys will miss the beach party"Logan points out "it's ok guys you go have fun, we can stay in touch through email"I say, holding back tears "oh Zoey" Quinn says as she, Nicole and even Dana move in for a group hug,Michael and Logan walk over to me and we shake hands, until Michael starts crying and pulls us into a hug. "it's ok guys we'll see each other next year"I say as a tear rolls down my face. * * * THE NEXT DAY **no pov** "hay Zoey" chase yells from afar "oh, hay chase, want to go to sushi rockx?"Zoey asks "sure I'll meet you there in five" "you bet"Zoey says smiling away. "so your almost finished your exam"Zoey asks chase, as there sitting waiting for there sushi "ya, I'll probably finish it by the end of the day, what about your exam" "I might be able to finish it by the end of the day,It's to bad we couldn't go to the beach party" "hay Zoey don't act like that, we can still do fun things" "no we can't" "ok fine we can't,but we can talk about our year here at PCA" "what do you have in mind exactly"Zoey asks "well, like a look back at how we all met, and how things went"chase suggests "ok well we could write a book, about it, a journal, or a diary, and we can write in it at the end of every year" "that's a great idea,here"chase says pulling a blank book out of his bag "that's perfect,so what should we write first" How we all met? _Zoey and I met by accident, when I hit a flag pole, she then looked away, afraid to help me up, I walked away to the school nurse, who helped me._ _The next day Zoey and I officially met, we exchanged words, before I asked if we could all hang at sushi rockx. That night at sushi rockx, everyone met each other, Logan the player,Nicole the goofy one,Quinn the science genius, Dana the grouchy one, Michael the crazy one,Zoey the smart, beautiful, funny one, and me chase, the accident prone one._ "what happened next zo?"chase asks Zoey as he finishes writing in his part "well,the fight with you Logan, me and Dana" "oh ya, not the most pleasant time"chase says looking sad. _We were all fighting because I dated Logan, and chase, did not agree with this, him and Logan got into a big fist fight, causing both of them to get suspended for the rest of the semester, but dean rivers let them both back for the last week._ "now for this week"chase says "yup, the week were we missed the biggest party, and a fun activity with our friends before we left to go back home, not to see each other for another 5 months" "wow you make it seem so bad"chase and Zoey laugh _Zoey and I, both failed an exam, which caused us to miss the big beach party, so right now as were writing this, me and Zoey are eating sushi, at school all alone._ "wow chase you made that sound worse than it was" they both laugh again "I'm sorry everything had to end this way, chase"Zoey says "it's not your fault Zoey, we both failed, and there's nothing we can do to change that"chase says as he leans in to hug Zoey. "It's one more day and then we can go home"chase says "that's just it I don't want to go home" "I don't either Zoey, I don't either". * * * The next day **no pov** "yes I'm final done, yes, yes, yes"chase runs out of his class screaming "chase!, I'm done too"Zoey yells at chase, as she runs up to him "let's go have some more victory sushi"chase says as he takes Zoey's hand and they both run to sushi rockx "I can't believe the year is over"Zoey says to chase "I can't either,it felt like it went by in a week" "chase, you have to remember, you were gone for most of the school year" "you have a point there" Zoey and chase, finish there sushi, get up and take one last walk around campus. "this place is so big"chase points out "ya, and didn't dean rivers say they were going to expand it over summer vacation" "really?, this schools already big enough" chase says laughing "well my dad told me to meet him here, so I guess this is goodbye"Zoey says, looking like she's about to cry "don't cry Zoey, remember, we have email, and in less than 5 months we will be going back to school, don't worry everyone will be there to say hi, Logan, Michael,Quinn Nicole, Dana, they all will be there too, so don't cry" "chase, can't we all say our proper goodbyes first?" a voice from behind chase asked, chase turned to see all his friends, standing there "what are you guys doing here" Zoey screeched as she ran up and hugged Nicole and Quinn "we couldn't just leave you guys like that, we had to give a proper goodbye"Logan says "and, Mr. smarty pants over there got us lost so we had to come back" Michael added "this is the best way to end the school year, I love all of you" Zoey said as they all hugged each other. With that Zoey knew, she not only had the best friends ever, but friends that she would love forever. * * * **A/N:thank you guys& gals so much for the support, I'm sad to say that this is the last chapter to the story, but there is more. If you check my profile you know that I have 2 other stories coming soon, one is a sequel to this and that other is a Halloween story. I hope everyone enjoyed this story.** _Your kryis_ End file.
Zoey101:The other story by kryis451
Zoey 101
Six Degrees **A.N So,this is kind of different from **_**Safe**_**. I will be really drawing from some personal experience so it may be emotional at points. I hope you guys like it.** **Inspired by The Script's **_**Six Degrees of Separation.**_ **I OWN NOTHING.** **WARNING: Chase is a tad OOC.** _**First, you think the worst is a broken heart.**_ Chase Matthews eased his self down onto the couch next to Zoey Brooks. "Can I talk to you?" Zoey appeared to become uncomfortable. "I don't think that's such a good-" "I _need_ to talk to you." he asserted. "Okay." He ran his hands over his thighs, sighing heavily. This wouldn't be easy for him. "Rebecca has a big problem with you and me being friends. " "I know." "She said... " He paused to give her a quizzical look. "You know?" Zoey nodded. " Yeah, she came to my room and told me to stay away from you." "She sorta said the same thing to me today." "Did you explain to her that we're just friends?" "Yeah." "And she said? " "That if I wanted her to be my girlfriend I can't... hang out with you anymore and talk to you." She took a deep breath, resigning herself to what was about to happen. "Okay, I get it. Look, the most important thing to me is that you're happy." Chase's green eyes filled with tears. This was the girl he had loved for two years. He was still in love with her, to be honest. "I'm so sorry,Zoey. I just have to see were this thing with Rebecca could go." She felt a lump form in her throat . She could do this. She could be the supportive best friend...former best friend, anyway. "It's fine, Chase. I'll miss you but I'll be okay...eventually." That was a lie. She would never be okay with losing her best friend. And truthfully, the boy she had loved since that first day all those years ago. She saw his bottom lip quiver so she reached for his hand. "Just promise me something,yeah?" she asked. "Anything." he vowed. " You won't leave our friends. No matter what. " "I wasn't planning on it. You aren't thinking about-?" "No." Silence settled over them. This was were the great adventure that was their friendship ended. "You are the best friend I could have ever asked for,Zo. No one else could be this understanding. " " I just want you happy, Chase. If me being out of your life is what that takes, I'll step aside." He pulled her in for one last hug, sobbing into her shoulder. Zoey stayed strong,however, patting his back then pulling away. "Go." He obeyed, standing and walking towards the door. He gave her one last regretful look before exiting the lounge,taking her heart with him. Chase did not go back to his room that night. At least, not before curfew. He wandered around campus, stopping at all of his favorite places. He sat on the edge of the fountain for about an hour, then at the base of that fateful flag pole. He even fell asleep on the beach for a few minutes before deciding he should make his way back to Room 148. He snuck in quietly, using his key and tried to slide beneath the covers of his bed. No luck. His dorm light flickered on as he turned to face his roommates. "Man,where the hell have you been?" Michael questioned. "Do you know what time it is? " Logan demanded. "I was out." "Out? The boy says he was out! Do you know how worried we were?" "Sorry, _Dad."_ Chase barked, sarcasm heavy in his voice. He was so not in the mood for this shit. His best friend gaped at him. "What crawled up your butt,_Matthews_? You only get like this when it involves something with-" Chase saw it dawn on Michael just who could cause him to act this way. He already missed her so much it hurt. Michael sighed, throwing an arm around his bushy haired friend. "What happened, Chase?" " I can't be friends with Zoey anymore. " "Why the hell not? " "Rebecca isn't cool with it. " Logan shook his head. "So you are choosing some chick you've barely known three months over the love of your life? Smart. " "Zoey isn't the love of my life." Chase grumbled. "Sure, and I am not the most attractive person in this room." Logan scoffed. Michael gave him a look that clearly said to shut up. "Listen,man. Logan is kind of right. Zoey is your girl best friend. Why would you give that up?" "I want to see if there could be a future with Rebecca. I can't do that with Zoey hanging around. Besides,she is totally okay with it. She told me that my happiness was all that mattered. " "She would say that, you idiot. Zoey is practically the most selfless person in this entire school. You've broke her heart but she won't show it." Logan said harshly, glaring at Chase. The other boy shook his head. "Well it is too late. I've already ended it. " He walked away from his roommates, stripping down to his boxers and climbing under the covers with out another word. The remaining occupants of Room 148 exchanged a quick glance before turning off the lights and following his lead. _**What's gonna kill you is the second part**_ He knew it was going to be difficult but never could he have imagined it would be that bad. She didn't show up for the Gang's daily breakfast at Milo's on campus. Nor did she appear for the late afternoon movie or picnic dinner on the beach. He should have known she would do this, tear herself away from the group to allow him to be with them and Rebecca. He avoided the glares that Quinn sent him, as well as the snide remarks Lola tossed towards Rebecca. Chase couldn't really blame them , or Zoey. He tried to make himself feel better by believing this would all blow over. She'd be back the next day in her normal seat ,quietly eating grapes. _**And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle**_ She wasn't. Neither were Lola or Quinn. Their absence was felt greatly as the boys tried to go about the usual morning routine. However, without Quinn for Logan to bicker with or Lola to be dramatic about how cold her coffee was getting, they found it tough to do so. Micheal picked at his stack of pancakes as Rebecca launched into an explanation about something none of the boys, including her boyfriend, particularly cared about. Roommate drama already, blah blah blah. Logan was growing tired already of his roommate's girlfriend yapping but had resigned himself to the fact there was little he could do at the moment. He could ,however, bail the hell out of there. "I'm going to go pick up some FroYo for the girls. " He announced, shoving his tray to the center or the table and leaving. "Hey,yeah. I'll go with you. I could use some of that myself." Michael agreed, quickly standing. "Ciya Chase." "Bye dude." Before he could spit out a proper good bye they were gone. _**And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself**_ The next morning, both of his so called best friends left him to have breakfast with Rebecca on his own. He didn't think a boyfriend had ever hated eating a meal alone with his girlfriend as much as he had. "Traitors." He had mumbled under his breath as he located Logan and Michael carrying white take out trays towards the girls lounge later that day. He felt as though he was being exiled. This feeling only lasted the day. On the fourth day, everything seemed to return to normal. Zoey was even present for a few moments at a time before running off to the "library" or some other location that required her immediate attention. Though it was only momentary, it was refreshing to see her bright face. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. _**Fifth, you see them out with someone else**_ Chase Matthews had never felt more betrayed than he did in that moment as he watched Logan Reese pull a certain blonde into his chest. Zoey's arms wrapped around his torso in return. Chase could see her smile as she hugged back. Had he sent Zoey running to Logan Reese for comfort? The thought of Logan's brand of 'comfort' sent a wave of nausea straight to his gut. As she broke from the hug and walked away, Chase began to make his way towards the rich boy with a purpose. "How dare you!" he growled, shoving his roommate with as much force as he could muster. "Chase, it is not what you think!" "Not what I think? Enlighten me, Reese. How was the way you were just hugging her in anyway 'not what I think'?" "Listen asshole, she's spent the last few days bawling her eyes out in the privacy of her own room. .her." He accentuated each word with a slight push. "And that hug you saw? That was me being her friend because you sure as hell aren't being that. The only reason we are all still talking to you is because she _begged _us no to alienate you. She knows that you need us just as much as she does. " With a disapproving shake of his head, Logan left the bushy haired boy to consider what he had just said. _**And the sixth, is when you admit you may have fucked up a little**_ He hadn't slept in over a week, not since Logan told him off. Luckily, classes would not be starting until Monday of the next week. Chase spent his nights, sitting up on his bunk bed torn between screaming about how stupid he had been and drafting a break up text to Rebecca. Did she deserve a face to face end to their realtionship? Not in his book. He'd given up everything for her. Zoey had been his everything and it may be too late for him to fix that. He finally built the courage up to send the message. _**"Becca,we need to talk."**_ _**"Wut about?"**_ _**"I don't think we are working out."**_ _**"R u jking?"**_ _**"No. I am serious. "**_ _**"U r break'n up with me by txt? Gawd,ur such a scumbag."**_ _**"I am sorry you feel that way."**_ _**"Is this about HER?"**_ He didn't bother to answer, there was no need for it. They both knew the truth. Chase checked his clock. 7 p.m. It would take him about ten minutes to make his way to Fulton Hall. It was growing dark as Chase made his way across campus , running as fast as his awkward legs would take him. (He really needed to work on his coordination.) When he finally reached Room 101, he was out of breath but knocked with the strength of someone with more stamina. Lola opened the door, a curious look on her face that soon slipped into a blank stare. "What do you want?" "I need to see Zoey." "No." "Lola, please. I don't have time to mess around. I need to see her, _now_." The Latina wouldn't budge. Growing impatient, Chase pushed passed her into the room. His eyes landed automatically on Zoey. She greeted him with a look of pure shock. "Hey ,you shouldn't be in here. " She said with genuine concern. He didn't answer her. He simply grabbed her by the shoulders. "I need you to listen to me, okay?" Zoey nodded, wide eyed. "I screwed up. Majorly. It took me a few weeks to figure that out but my eyes are wide open,Zo. " Her brown orbs filled with tears and her bottom lip trembled. She wanted to be angry with him, to yell or scream. Maybe even throw a few punches, but Zoey wasn't a violent person. She didn't like to use her fists, she would sure as hell use her words though. "Chase, I've been pathetically sitting around for nearly two weeks. My heart was ripped open by you choosing her. Like I had been the one to give you the ultimatum. I've spent days trying to figure out where I went wrong. " "You didn't. It was me, all me." He told her, his own green eyes full to the brim and his voice thick with the hurt he too was feeling. She was silent, no longer looking at him. Zoey was a forgiving person at heart , all she really wanted to do is throw her arms around his neck and never let go again. "Are you still with _her?" _ "No. I broke up with her before coming here. " "Because of me?" She asked, feeling a little guilty. Rebecca may be a skunkbag but she was still a human being. " That, and being with her just never felt right. Hell, being with anyone feels wrong. Want to know why? _Because_ _they aren't you." _he whispered the last part, hoping not to offend Lola. Zoey's jaw dropped, her heart fluttering. Quinn and Lola exchanged looks of shock. He had admitted it! He had finally said it! Quinn, having waited a tad longer than Lola for this moment, became overwhelmed with thoughts. It would happen at last, all Zoey had to do is tell him how she had always felt about him and life as they knew it would be changed for the better. "What do you mean,Chase?" Zoey asked wearily. She would not allow herself to get her hopes up. "I am in love with you, Zoey Brooks. I have been since I hit that stupid flag pole. I literally and figuratively fell for you that day. I never got back up. " "Chase, you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that. " she told him, a smile breaking onto her face. His features scrunched together in confusion. "What?" "I'm in love with you too, stupid!" she giggled. "I haven't known as long as you have. I think I figured it out sometime around the dance in 8th grade. " Suddenly, it was almost as if the weight on Chase's heart was gone. She loved him too! He could have flown in that moment, he was certain of that. "Well don't just stand there, kiss already!" Lola demanded. "Out!" Zoey yelled, annoyed at her friends blatant lack of respect for her privacy. "Going!" Lola chirped, pulling Quinn along with her and slamming the door behind them. Chase watched them go before turning to Zoey with a wide grin. "Well, you heard the girl." He chuckled, drawing her too him by the waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself onto tip toes to press her lips to his in a sweet,blissful kiss. _**No there's no starting over,**_ _**Without finding closure, you'd take them back,**_ _**No hesitation.**_ **A.N: Well there you go,my first one shot! :3 I'll have an update for **_**Safe**_** probably tomorrow night. I'm spending the weekend with Soul and we've been side by side writing/drawing ^^.** **Again I own nothing.** End file.
Six Degrees by MadamSoprano
Zoey 101
Chemistry **Chemistry** Disclaimer: I don't own Zoeyy 101, Nick does. * * * She was often blind about these things. You know the kind of things that people have when liking someone. Look at Chase and Zoey, for example, they both had chemistry, even if they were too shy to admit it. The ironic thing was the fact that Quinn had a boyfriend as well. But sadly enough, she didn't see that Mark wasn't the truly the guy for her. Even though Quinn always followed facts, the only thing that made sensed to her. But love, never comes easily for anyone. The fact is that love rarely follows facts, only emotions that stomp out all logic. The fact is Quinn was in denial. She didn't have the same kind of chemistry that Zoey and Chase. She didn't have any chemistry with Logan. _So why did her heart beat a little faster, and gets butterflies in her stomach when ever she sees Logan?_ _Quinn might be in denial_, but others can perfectly see that she had chemistry with Logan. If only she could follow through with those facts, and if only Logan can follow through as well. But like in chemistry, where mixing the wrong chemicals results in a catastrophic event, Quinn knew she couldn't touch Logan. Not even a little bit. Besides, she had a boyfriend. And that was more than enough chemistry that she could follow through. * * * End file.
Chemistry by lilyqueen777
Zoey 101
Protectin Her A.N one-shot! 1st one:)! "When I feel like crashing down You seem to be around There you are" Zoey looked over her song. She was going to sing at the dance. She picked that song for a special person. If you knew her, you knew who it was. You guessed it: Chase Bartholamewl Matthews. She loved him and maybe that song would let him know that. If it didn't, stuff it! Nicole came in. "Hey Zo." She said in her normal perky mood. "Hey, do you think this song would tell Chase anything?" Zoey asked, handing her the lyrics. " what?" Nicole asked. She should dye her hair blonde. At least that's what Logan said. "That I love him?" Zoey suggested. "Yeah." Nicole said. "Good." Zoey smiled. Later that night, Zoey was backstage waiting to be called. "PCA,GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR OWN: ZOEY BROOKS!"Michael announced. He was the DJ. Everyone cheered. Especially her friends. She smiled and exhaled. She went on stage. "HELLO PCA! HOW WE DOIN'!" Zoey asked. Chase was looking at her outfit: a dark mint green silk shirt with lace straps, denim ripped jeans, and flip- flops. He was his mind. She looked at Michael and nodded. The music started. "This song is dedicated to a very special friend...infact he's my best." Zoey said. "You, you're always there for me When I need you most Day and night you're by my side Protecting me When I feel like crashing down You seem to be around There you are You're not that far cause Whenever, where ever baby You'll protect me No matter what You hold me tight With all your might And you will never let me go Protecting me Protecting me" Zoey sung. "You, you listen to me when I speak out loud and you You know right when My hearts been bent When my life's been tumbling around You take me off the ground You tell me everthings ok Whenever, where ever baby You'll protect me No matter what You hold me tight With all your might And you will never let me go You will never let me go You will never let me go You will never let me go When it's my turn To help you out I'll gladly lift you up Without a doubt" Chase wondered who she was singing to. "Whenever,whenever where ever baby You'll protect me No matter what With all your might And you will never let me go Whenever, where ever baby I'll protect you I'll hold you tight With all my might And I will never let you go Let you go You, you're always there for me When I need you most Day and night you're by my side Protecting me Protecting me Protecting me" Zoey looked at everyone. Everyone cheered. For her, she realized. She smiled and thanked them. Then she headed backstage. Chase was waiting for her. Zoey smiled at him. "Who was the person?" Chase asked. Zoey kissed him. He kissed back. Zoey eventually pulled back. "And it always will be." She said. _Fin._ A.N I hope you read the lyrics! If y'all liked that then check out my profile tell me what story to write, email me, and reveiw. :)! Short and sappy. End file.
Protectin Her by happybunnyluvr007liscence2kill
Zoey 101
Hiding away Hiding Away _**Hiding Away**_ _Hiding losing the day as if it doesn't really matter saying good bye scared to say why afraid it will shatter our love._ Chase wiped the tears from Zoey's eyes and held her hand. He had just said that they needed to take a break. He didn't tell her why because he was afraid she wouldn't love her anymore if he did. _I need some faith now to trust you some how. Why are we keeping our secrets why are we hiding ourselves away any way we can._ Chase got up and left the room tears spilling from his own eyes. He hated lying to her it always made her cry it always ended like this. He flung himself on the couch and called Michael. Michael was always supportive but Chase didn't think he would be this time. _How will we know where will we go will ever really have to. Sometimes it's clear when you are near nothing can shatter our love._ Michael as Chase had predicted was not on his side this time. Michael yelled "Chase you do this to her every time you think about Rebecca! You can't keep calling off the engagement and then begging for her to take you back! I don't she will this time Chase. Now it's late and I think you just made me wake Lola up." Chase went into the bed room Zoey had cried herself to sleep. She still had her clothing on Chase took her nightgown out of the closet and put it on her. He crawled into bed beside her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. _Show me some faith now trust me somehow I won't let you hide away._ In the morning Zoey got up and got dressed thinking that this would be like any other morning. Chase touched her arm and said "Zoe I'm not so sure we need to take a break. I love you." Zoey said "Chase we do this every other month tell me what's wrong. Do I say things that upset you? Have I been unkind or hurtful? I want you to stop hiding things from me." Our relation ship would be perfect if you would just tell me what's wrong." Chase said "Zoe as much as I love you I still might have feelings for Rebecca." Zoey said "Chase why you weren't honest with me from the start? If you and I are going to continue living together we have to stop hiding things from each other. Promise me that we won't have another night like last night if you love me." Chase smiled and said "I love you Zoe and this won't happen again ever because I love you." End file.
Hiding away by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
Pain **AN: So, I am in the mood for some serious angst right now. So, sadly, after reading a House MD story (one of the shows I am currently obsessed about, the other show being The Latest Buzz. Go Noah/Rebecca!), a Chase/Cameron angst story, this little oneshot popped in my head. Be warned, very VERY angsty, and no happy ending for anyone. So, enjoy! So, try to figure out the couple. I'll mention the couple I thought of at the end, or near to it. Though it might be painfully obvious after a while.** My happiness crumbled in an instant moment. Despair and anger filled me, boiling up through my skin and hands, up to my brain, which didn't comprehend much at that single moment. Words spit out of her lips like wildfire, accusations being thrown at me. I barely understood her logic, where this all was coming from. My hand subconsciously clenched, though I would never hit her. She was much too fragile and beautiful for that. We were outside, it was after dinner. The date had started out so innocently, so fun. One little glance at the dirty blonde girl sitting in the corner with her boyfriend, and everything turned. I shouted words back at her, angry and accusations thrown at her as well. I accused her of being close-comforted with her ex boyfriend. She denied it, just as I denied all her accusations of not being in love with her, and cheating on her with other beautiful women every night. We took our fighting outside. It felt awful, my life and knowledge falling apart, everything I thought I knew about her changed in an instant. Mistakes thrown around, words lashing out as people stared. The couple that were supposed to be perfect, not so perfect anymore. It hurt the fight. Well, not really, since I was on an adrenaline rush, but I knew it would impact me later. Finally, the words died down, the shouting decreased, until finally a dangerous look in her eyes and three little words spat out of her ruby red lips. "I hate you." Footsteps retreating from the scene, as I watched her go, knowing we had just broken up for good. ----- We used to be so happy. We never fought. It was like fighting was not in our vocabulary. We were the happy couple, the ones that were the ones to follow, the cute adorable couple. All our friends thought so too, everyone thought we'd remain together, except for Lola. She thought we were too different to stay together. She knew it would be a matter of time before we separated. I was never fond of Lola, I never liked her. She was such a kiss up to teachers, she had a horrible unforgiving boyfriend, Vince. They did not belong together either. I never ever forgave Vince for his actions. He would always remain the same, unchanged boy that beat up me and my friends in the tenth grade. Senior year was upon us and they still remained together. It sickened me deeply. Those two were so happy and they didn't realize how imperfect they were for each other. Utterly disgusting, but Lola can take care of herself. Just like me and my girlfriend had been doing. The fights started in the middle of senior year, around November. It was so little. We fought, but got back together after a couple of days. The pain was never too big, just small jabs at the heart, small jabs at my body. It never lasted, and I knew it. Probably around the time of March then the fighting increased, became more violent, in words. No, we never fought physically, but it might as well have been. My heart ached every time we fought, the adrenaline always ending after a few minutes after the fight, the pain and loss increasing dramatically until it became harder to breathe. The fights became longer, lasting up to a week. Every time, I heard Lola laughing in our faces. The pain always overtook me, the loss of my girlfriend burning in my throat. Every time, I shrugged it off, but they all always knew. We always avoided each other until we were calm enough to apologize. Words said to each other calmly, forgiveness then a kiss to seal our makeup. Nothing, though, prepared me for that awful fight that May afternoon of our senior year, the first time she ever uttered the most hated three words in the universe. Words that she never said to anyone, not even her parents. ---- Two days after our fight became two weeks, then three weeks. The pain of losing her became a lot to bear. The fire burned in my throat from crying secretly, the tightening in my chest and stomach stayed. I loved her, and never wanted to break up with her. The fight was stupid, that was for sure. I wish it had never happened. But it did, and no way would she ever forgive me ever again. The fight was too painful. Now we were both suffering. I saw her after that, just glances and stuff. She looked as distant and miserable as I. But I would not confront her. She would apologize to me for saying those words, and then I would make my apologies. I would not, however, go after any girls. Doing that just reminded me of the pain still etched inside of me. The hurt, I knew would never go away. I cared about her too much. After eighteen years of being alone, I finally found a girl that cared about me and then ended up breaking my heart within a year. And I knew this feeling would never go away. I loved her. But I was too chicken to apologize to her. It was a warm May evening, the end of May, coming up to graduation. I was in Sushi Roxs alone, stirring my root beer with my straw slowly. Then she entered, with her ex boyfriend. The pain that remained in the back of my mind and body came full out again, jealousy coursing my veins as she sat, smiling her pearly white smile as that guy helped her sit. Finally he learned to be a gentleman, I thought miserably. I want to desperately go up to her and apologize for my actions then punch her date out. Well, I presumed he was her date. But I wouldn't. I controlled my anger as I sipped my root beer, my eyes staring at her directly. She didn't notice. Of course she didn't, she was too busy laughing at a joke that guy was trying to tell her. I wanted to cry at that minute, wanting to do something to show I was affected by the breakup more than I should be. But I couldn't. It was too embarrassing. A guy like me crying over a girl like her. Preposterous! I made up my mind to talk to her tomorrow though. I had to be strong and get back together with her. If I didn't, I would be emotionally hurt for life. Even just apologizing would get the guilt off of me. Yes, that is what I'll do, I decided calmly as I kept watching her, not noticing the door to Sushi Roxs open. Everything changed so fast. My heart started beating quickly as I wished I could have noticed the dark figure at the door. There was no time to react. Voices started speaking quickly as Kazu and the man confronted. Everyone froze in shock as the man brought out a familiar yet unfamiliar object, I didn't recognize personally but had seen. The death weapon of doom, black and most likely cold. A gun. Pleading came across Kazu's lips as the man laughed, pointing the gun and talking. I didn't understand anything they were saying, I was too frozen in fear. I looked at the girl across the room, my ex girlfriend. Our eyes connected, each saying the same thing: help. The fear rose up in my chest, emotional pain shooting across me like daggers of ice. I felt like throwing up, the bile rising in my throat. I was worried about one thing, and one thing only: the girl that I loved across the room, nearest to the gunman. I desperately wanted to keep her safe, wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. Hope rose in me that maybe the gunman would just leave and not hurt anybody. My hope suddenly came crashing down as the shots and screams started. Chaos was everywhere. People ran around frantically, trying to escape. People hid under tables, running like mad. I stayed frozen by the wall, watching everything unravel. I kept my eyes on her and her date. I didn't hear Kazu's screams before he died, I didn't see Stacey Dillson scream in terror before she collapsed in a pool of her own blood. I didn't even notice Dustin Brooks grab his date before getting shot in the leg. I just kept my eyes on her. She was watching her date, her own ex boyfriend, get shot, falling to his own death. I wanted to smirk, saying that it was meant to be, the old scum deserved to die for making her happy. But I just couldn't move. She was up on her feet at once, screaming and scrambling away from her dead ex as the gunman pointed the gun at her. My heart pounded louder than ever, my pain and fear hitting me full force, freezing me as the single gunshot changed my life forever. She didn't have any time to react. The bullet entered her chest. She fell in a tangled heap, her leg hitting a chair as it fell over. My whole life changed as the sirens started, getting closer. I watched the gunman run out before I moved. I ran past all the bodies, either dead or injured, lying on the ground. I didn't stop until I reached her. I bent down beside her, tears forming in my own eyes. She was struggling to breathe, her hair pooled out on the floor, her chest dripping with blood. I scooped her up in my arms, thankful she was with me again, warmth tricking down my arms. I felt whole again, even though she was dying. Her eyes were slightly glazed. She looked up at me, struggling to find her voice. "Lo-gan," she rasped. I put my finger to her lips. I fixed her skewed glasses, putting them upright, her chocolate brown eyes looking up at me. "Don't say anything. Save your breath," I told her softly. She nodded slowly as she looked down at her bleeding chest then back up at me. My eyes definitely filled with tears. She was dying, and there was nothing I could do. "I'm-so-so-sorry," she managed to say. I smiled softly as I pressed my lips to her forehead. I shook my head quickly as I also struggled to breathe, though for me it was for different reasons. "No, I'm sorry. I was a jerk, a complete jerk. I didn't mean any of it Quinn," I told her. I didn't want her to die; I wanted her to stay with me forever more. She took several deep breaths. I vaguely heard sirens coming closer, voices all around. But really, it was just me and her in the room, nobody else. She smiled as much as she could as she opened her mouth again. "I-I love you," she managed to say. I smiled, though tears were falling down my face. "I love you too Quinn," I told her. She seemed content at that, happy she could hear those words as her breathing slowed. I pressed my lips to hers once more, knowing if she died, that was what she would want. Oh heck, we both knew she was dying. I didn't like it though. My chest tightened, the pain rising up as her eyes fluttered, looking up at me before closing completely. Seconds later, I felt her stop breathing, and in that moment a part of me died with her, the pain so bad and unbearable, I felt like I couldn't breathe. She was dead, I knew it. She was gone, and I would never be with her again. I would never see her alive, hear her bubbling laugh, apologize for everything I did wrong, kiss her as if she were the only girl in the world. Nothing would ever be the same to me. I didn't hear the voices around me as paramedics came, I didn't feel someone tap me on the shoulder. When someone ripped my love out of my hands, I knew but was too far gone to realize it. Quinn was gone, and I was gone too. ----- The funeral was simple. It was the day of graduation, we mourned over everyone that died that day. Kazu, Mark, Stacey, Walter, Rebecca, Quinn. Dustin was in a wheelchair, as the bullet that entered his leg hit a specific part of his body that somehow froze both his legs. After we all graduated, I went to Seattle to attend Quinn's funeral. Every one of my friends did. Zoey and Chase were speechless, Michael was very upset, as was Lisa, Lola was heartbroken and Vince was sad he couldn't get to know Quinn. As for me, I hadn't spoken a word since she died, it was too painful. After everyone left after we buried her, I stayed behind. I knelt at her gravestone, reading it. _Quinn Isobel Pensky_ _March 21__st__, 1991-May 27__th__, 2009_ _Loving daughter, friend and girlfriend_ _May she rest in peace_ I sighed as I laid one single lily on her gravestone, her favourite flower I remembered. I looked up to the clouds, practically feeling Quinn watching over us. I knew I would never fall in love like I did with Quinn ever again. But I would try to be happy for Quinn's sake. I would go to college, just like she wanted, and I would be happy for her. I wouldn't forget her, ever. I would never be with her again, well someday I would. But knowing she was watching over us made all the difference. And the pain would go away, eventually. I just had to be patient. I stood up and whispered, "I love you Quinn. I'll never forget you. Goodbye," before leaving the graveyard, the wind blowing softly. **See, I told you depressing. I hope you liked it, cause I wrote it, in like, an hour. Well, review. And yes, it is sad that Quinn and Logan were the couple, but I was in that mood.** **And I have many more oneshots to come, so wait for those! Now I'm going to bed!** End file.
Pain by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Till' I See You Again** _"You're right. Everything you guys said was true."_ _"We know you miss Zoey man," Michael said._ _"I don't just miss her. I'm in love with her. I've been in love with Zoey ever since I met her. When she got out of her Dad's car, I saw her standing there and I rode my bike into that stupid flag pole. I was in love with Zoey before I hit the ground. I don't think that feeling's ever gonna go away."_ Chase had finally admitted it...again, to Michael and Logan and to himself that he was in love with Zoey Brooks. He sat there on the floor of his dorm room, breathing heavily, feeling disorientated. He thought he was over it. He thought that they were just friends, just really, really, close friends. But his feelings for her had never really died. It was like a cactus that his mom had last summer. It was a nice little cactus, about two inches tall, but in the winter, the cactus died. When spring came, Mrs. Matthews put the cactus outside. Chase never really paid attention to it until August, right before he went back to PCA. He was with Rebecca at the time. She was inside watching tv on the couch. He had gone outside to get his shoes that he had left by the trampoline when he saw it- the little cactus was about a twelve inches high now. "Mom," Chase found his mother in the kitchen chopping walnuts for her famous chocolate chip cookies, "When did that cactus grow? I thought it died last year. Is it new?" Mrs. Matthews looked at her son like he had lost his mind,"Um... I'm not sure. I put it outside last April and I guess it just grew over the summer." "But I thought it was dead." "Honey, why are you so bent out of shape over a plant." "I-I don't know. It's just weird." "Why don't you go back in the living room. It's not proper to leave your girlfriend alone watching television while you fret about a cactus." "Alright Mom." He did what she said and forgot about it...until now. His love for Zoey really was like the cactus...even though that was possibly the strangest analogy he had ever come up with. He loved Zoey for those first two years, every day a little bit more. Then during Spring Break everything had crumbled down. He was SO close to telling her but once that stupid tek-mate fell in the fountain he gave it up. Rebecca was sort of a rebound, in a way. He needed to find some way to distract himself. He had convinced himself and his friends that he stopped loving Zoey. But, man, the look on her face when she walked in on him and Rebecca kissing. It was possibly the worst feeling he had ever had. He felt embarrassed, upset, and just awful that she had to see that. She had a look of hurt on her face that cut him inside so deeply he couldn't even describe. Then when the year went on, when he and Rebecca broke up, and he and Zoey had gotten even closer than before he started falling again but he wouldn't admit it to himself. He still loved her, maybe a million times more than before. He just stared at Logan and Michael, not knowing what else to say. There was nothing left to say. Zoey was gone and she couldn't come back. She said so herself. "So what are you going to do?" Logan asked, quietly. "I don't know," Chase said. About a half a second later his cell phone rang. Still feeling numb and oddly free from his piled up feelings he let it go to voice mail without even checking who it was. "I think you should tell her," Michael said. "You always think I should tell her. It's too messy. Especially now that she's gone." "Who said love isn't messy? It's possibly the most complicated feeling in the world," Michael said,"The way I see it is that you could either tell her, and get it over with or keep these feeling to yourself and everyone but Zoey and be miserable." "And what if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" Chase asked. "Than you'll move on and get on with your life. You'll find someone new...that doesn't have the gross habits of a chimpanzee." Chase rolled his eyes and thought for a moment. Logan stood up,"Why don't we leave you alone to think about it." He pulled out the key for the padlock from his pocket and motioned for Michael to follow him. They unlocked the door and walked out. Chase sat there for awhile, thinking, unable to move. He picked up the decapitated giraffe and it's head. Maybe he could have his Mom sew its head back on its body. Zoey gave it to him for Christmas last year. Who knew it would mean so much to him now? Even the mere thought of not being able to see Zoey again killed him. It was like a part of him had died. And it didn't help much that she was mad at him right now. Suddenly Chase remembered the phone call he got earlier and reached into his pocket. Maybe it was her, he thought. He looked at his missed calls list and sighed. It was only his cousin Antwan. Chase stood up and grabbed some shampoo, soap, and a change of clothes. He needed to take a shower. * * * A/N: Next chapter will explore Zoey's side of the story. I have been waiting for this episode (Good-bye Zoey Part 2) FOREVER! I can't believe it and used my shock to write this story. Normally this isn't my style of story but I felt like I needed to write it or I would die from...something. Thanks for reading if you did and please review:) 2. Chapter 2 **'Till I See You Again** **-**Chapter 2- Zoey continued to stare at the screen, even after Chase left the room. She felt frozen to her computer chair, unable to speak, unable to think, just trying to process what she had just heard. It was the weirdest feeling she had ever felt in her life. "I don't just miss her. I'm in love with her." The words played over and over again in her head. How was she supposed to react? Should she call him? And if she did what would she say? Should she pretend she didn't hear it? "Chase wants to tell you he's in love with you!" Lola had told her the first day of school last year. Zoey didn't want to believe her. She knew that they were just friends. They were nothing more than just a girl and guy who happened to be with each other all the time. Nothing more, nothing less. All the walks, the long talks, dinners at Sushi Rox, it was just them being best friends. Memories weaved in and out of Zoey's mind. The eighth grade dance when Chase was so upset that she had chosen Glen Davis over him, that play he wrote, when he was going insane because she was going to kiss Logan, when she wasn't doing so well in Chemistry and she went to Logan for help, Chase thought they were dating and started hiding in bushes, trying to find out what was going on, and every time she even mentioned anyone that she might be interested in, like Danny. It finally hit her, Chase was _jealous. _It was all coming together, all the secrets, the techmate, the general Chase weirdness. It was all making sense. Completely overwhelmed with that awkward tingly, hot feeling Zoey managed to stand up and move toward her bedroom door. But...there was a hint of hope that Zoey had always kept hidden so deep inside her heart. It was always there. The simple wonder of what it would be like to be with him as more than just friends. And there was always the feeling of attraction because of their natural chemistry. Their bodies naturally leaned closer than with any of her other guy friends. And there was the occasional romantic vibe. Like when they had to hold hands, pretending to be girlfriend and boyfriend so Trisha would quit stalking Chase. Zoey had felt strange with his hand enveloping hers at first. But after the first five seconds she felt something different- his hand was rough yet soft at the same time. She felt secure and warm. And then there was the dance. He had spent hours working on that dance so she wouldn't have to drop out. He had ended up sleeping in but they danced anyway. He held her, spun her, and looked at her in a way that made her want to melt. Zoey's head was spinning, and just as if she was on a merry-go-round, she felt overwhelmingly dizzy with her feelings- happy that Chase could love her so much, angry that he had just let her move to London without even a good-bye, sad because she missed him and needed her best friend, and one more feeling. What was it? It was a mere flicker in the midst of confusion. Suddenly she knew. But that's ridiculous, Zoey thought. Yet she still walked out her door and into the kitchen where her parents sat, paying bills. "Mom? Dad?" "What is it Zoe?" Mrs. Brooks asked. "I need to go back. Just for a weekend." Mr. and Mrs. Brooks looked at each other, looks of befuddlement written across their faces. "Why?" Mr. Brooks asked. "I need to take care of something. Then I promise I'll be back for good." Smiling, Mrs. Brooks looked at her husband and they read each others minds. It was an inside joke of theirs. "Sure, hon. As long as it's really important," Mr. Brooks said. "It is." "I'll call the airline," Mrs. Brooks said. "I'll call PCA," Mr. Brooks said. "Thanks," Zoey walked back into her room, flopped on her bed, and smiled into her pillow thinking, _I love him too. * * * _A/N: Part 3/3 will come by next Friday. I'm glad I was the first to write one of these because if I wasn't I would probably let other people's ideas screw up my own. Did you like my use of the word befuddlement? Haha. Good times. Review please! You guys are awesome! Noelle 3. Chapter 3 **'Til I See You Again** -Chapter 3- Zoey would not answer her phone when Chase called. He tried at least three times. It was getting depressing. He had said sorry, so what was the problem? Now that Chase finally realized that he loved Zoey, he also realized how incredibly disgusting Gretchen was and the only thing that she and Zoey had in common were their looks. So he told Gretchen he couldn't hang out with her anymore and she said, "That's stupid," and walked away. So now it was a Saturday afternoon, the time that he and Zoey would usually be hanging out. Whether it was foosball, tennis, listening to music, catching a movie at the theater, they would always hang out on Saturday afternoon. This only depressed him more. He was laying on his bed playing with a rubik's cube. It was impossible. He had been trying to get all nine colors of red on one side, nine of yellow on the other side, and etc. What was the point of rubik's cubes anyway? To give people like Chase migranes? Zoey could always complete the rubik's cube. _Why didn't I say good-bye? Why didn't I swallow my stupid pride and tell her not to go? **Why didn't I tell her I love her?**_ The questions circled around, over and over in Chase's head. But they would always go unanswered. "Dude, Chase," Michael walked into his room, "What are you doing?" "Trying to solve this stupid puzzle," Chase pointed to the rubik's cube. "Chase, you need to quit moping around like a sad puppy dog. Live your life. Don't waste it here wallowing about Zoey." "I am not wallowing. Girls wallow. I am trying to solve this impossible puzzle. It's giving me a migrane." "Whatever. I was coming to see if you want to come to Sushi Rox with me, Nicole, Lola, Quinn, and Mark. Do you?" "Sure," Chase said sarcastically, "I'm there every day from 3 to 8 with the smell of raw fish permanently in my nostrils. Of course I'd love to go with you guys." "Forget it. I don't even feel like dealing with you today," Michael shook his head and shut the door. Chase rolled his eyes. Michael didn't understand. No one could truly understand what Chase was going through. He dropped thr rubik's cube and picked up his cell phone. Dialing Zoey's new number, his heart sped up. It rang a long time and just like the other three times, her voicemail came on. * * * "We're about 15 minutes from landing, folks, so fasten your seatbelts, put your trays up and get ready come into a beautiful sunny day in California," the captain of Zoey's plane said over the intercom. Finally, Zoey thought. Finally, finally, finally. It was a long exhausting flight from London to California and all Zoey wanted to do was take a nap. The plane landed smoothly and people started getting up and getting on their phones. It seemed like getting off the plane was taking forever. She had to meet the cab at 7:30 and it was now 7:20. Finally when it was her turn to get off the plane, Zoey grabbed her bags and rushed down the aisle. She found her cab and he started on the forty something minute drive to PCA. * * * It was 8:30 and the sun was just starting to go down. Chase felt like a walk so he decided to hang out at the beach. As he stood up, his cell phone fell out of his pocket. * * * She was close to tears, knowing that she would have less than a day to spend there. She missed it. Her stomach hurt sometimes she missed it so much. And not just it. She missed Lola, Quinn and her mad genius ways, Michael, Mark, her little brother, and yes, even Logan. But it was Chase, her bushy haired friend, that she missed the most. She ran to his dorm, unable to stand the wait. She knocked this time, learning her lesson from the Rebecca incendent last September. Michael answered and Zoey thought that he might pass out. "Hey Michael." "Zoey, you're here. You're- you're here? How are you here? Are you moving back? What happened? Wait, you ARE Zoey right? You aren't some freakish look a like that Chase brought back are you?" Michael rambled on and on. Zoey just hugged Michael,"Yes, it's me." "You didn't answer any of my questions." "I can't stay long." Michael's face fell,"Well, then why or how are you here?" "I- I need to tell Chase something. Where is he?" "I don't know. What? What do you need to tell him?" "I saw something. I heard something..." "What?" "When you and Logan were doing that intervention...or whatever that was. The webcam was on and I saw the whole thing." "The WHOLE thing?!" "The whole thing." "Wow... I think I need to sit." Michael collapsed on a nearby bench. "Please tell me where Chase is. I have GOT to talk to him. I leave in seven hours." "I really don't know. He was all depressed and then he just left." "Okay...Chase...depresssed. He's either by the fountain, in a hammock, or on the beach," Zoey said to herself, "I'll see you later Michael." She ran around the campus of PCA like a mad woman. He wasn't by the fountain, there was no one in the hammock. It was almost getting dark. There was a few more minutes before it was PCA's curfew. She went to the beach anyway and sure enough, he was there skipping rocks, not very well because of the strong waves. She came up behind him, her stomach in knots. "Chase?" He didn't turn around, probaly too much in a daze to hear her. She sat down beside him and he still didn't notice. "Chase!" she said his name a little louder this time. "Huh? Zoey?!" Chase just stared. * * * A/N: Sorry, final chapter coming soon. 4. Chapter 4 **'Till I See You Again** -Final Chapter- "Zoey, what are you doing here? I thought you were in London. I thought you weren't coming back. I-" Chase pulled her into a hug. "Chase, I really can't exsplain all that right now. I just need to tell you something," Zoey said, suddenly feeling shy for the first time around him. "What is it? It must be important if you flew all the way back here for it," Chase said softly. "I really was going to tell you about London and everything. I just didn't know how. I was so mixed up so I put it off until I got everyone else's opinion." "I know you were mixed up. Well... I do now." "Your opinion means the world to me. _You_ mean the world to me. You are the best friend I've ever had. When I thought you didn't care about me everything was different. I felt alone and bitter and made my decision on impulse. I didn't even think it out. I just jumped." "I am so sorry, Zoe, I didn't mean for that to happen. I was so stupid." "I know. It was just a huge screw up. Everything,"Zoey played with the sand with her index finger,"And... I have something else to tell you." "What?" Chase asked, not knowing what to expect. "Well, I had done a lot of thinking on the flight and in my room and in class and pretty much everywhere because, well, England is boring." "Ok.." "I came to a conclusion about our friendship, our relationship, and my feelings for you," Zoey was talking in a quicker pace now, getting even more nervous and still unable to figure out how she was going to tell him. "What?" "I think I'm in love with you," Zoey finally said. There was a lot of silence. Chase didn't know what to say, how to react, what to do. Finally he said, "Well, I think I'm in love with you too." "So..." Zoey looked at her feet. "Well, we both love each other and you still have to go back to London..." "Tommorow morning." "This sucks." Zoey stood up, reached for his hand, and pulled him up and into a kiss. "That didn't suck." "No." The kissed a little longer next time. "I've always loved you, Zoey. Ever since I met you. I've always tried to tell you but it never worked out. I just want you to know that." "I know that." "How?" "It's not important." "" "What?" "How in the world am I going to live without you?" "It's just one semester. I'll be back next year." "Promise?" "Yes." "Seriously, you aren't going to fall in love with a some dude with a cool english accent are you?" "I'd say the chances are slim. Extremely slim." "Well...we should be getting back, probably." "Yeah, we probably should." The couple kissed once more and walked hand in hand, back toward PCA. The next morning at six a.m, Zoey and Chase walked out to the cab that was coming for her. Once she had her bags in, Chase pulled Zoey in a deep kiss. "One more for the road," he said after it broke and their lips collided again. The cab driver honked. Zoey had to go. They hugged and with a tear in Zoey's eye she got in and said, "'I love you, Chase." "I love you too, Zoe." Chase watched the cab drive off and for a minute he was filled with sadness, but then he smile knowing that what they had was good. He whispered to himself, "'Til I see you again." A/N: The End. End file.
Till I See You Again by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Zoey ideas Zoey Stories Like No Other Mutant Dance: At PCA, the hottest trend is DNA manipulation for beauty. However, with a major dance approaching, some people take it too far... Zoey by Day: When an experiment goes horribly wrong, Zoey finds herself walking in another's shoes, but only by night... Nicole 2.0: A computer error turns Nicole Bristow into a whole new person. At first, she is thrilled, but what if she can't change back? End file.
Zoey ideas by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
Friends Disclaimer: Zoey 101, the characters, and the concept are all property of Nickelodeon. No money has been made from this story and no copyright infringement is intended. Friends He found her sitting on the bleachers beside the basketball court. The moon was full tonight and in its light she looked even more beautiful than she did during the day. He noticed that facial expression of hers perfectly. In was the combination of pissed-off and slightly sad that only she could make. He walked up behind her quietly and snapped her bra strap. She screamed in both shock and from the mild pain inflicted on her shoulder and back. In a flash she was on her feet and whirled around to face him. "Do that to me again and I'll castrate you, creep!" "You wouldn't do that to me Dana, you love me too much" Logan said with a smug expression on his face. "Yeah, love the image I get in my head late at night of your face after you learned your lesson about using a webcam to spy on the girls." "So you do think about me when you dream" Logan said with a grin on his face. "Is there something in particular you want Logan? A black eye or broken nose, perhaps? I am so not in the mood for your idiotic games tonight." "PMS much." "I am not. You know, you could feel a bit sorrier about what you did!" "Oh really? Tell me what I've done this time, oh smart one." "You know fully well what you've done. If you hadn't dropped that huge water balloon right on Zoey, she wouldn't have been so upset. And if she wasn't so upset, we never would have dressed up the statue. And if we hadn't dressed up the statue, Zoey wouldn't be packing to leave right know. You do nothing but ruin people's lives, Logan! She was the one friend I had in this whole school, and now she's leaving, because of you!" "You don't even like Zoey; you're always fighting with her. And it's not my fault you guys defaced the statue!" "You started it with this whole prank week thing. And Zoey is my friend, even if we do fight. Although I guess you wouldn't know about friends, since everyone here doesn't like you and you have no friends." "I have plenty of friends, I'm a popular guy!" "Yeah, popular for being a jerk! You don't have anyone here and you hate that and now I'm going to be all alone too. I hate you, Logan Reese!" With that, Dana turned and stormed back to the girls' dorm. As Logan watched her leave, he couldn't help but feel a bit shocked; partially about what she said and partially about how it hurt him a bit. He would never admit she was right, but he knew what it felt like to not have a best friend and he felt a bit sorry for her. All night Logan tossed and turned, knowing he had to do something. Early the next day, he had all the guys meet in the boys' lounge and told them of a plan he had thought up. After the prank the guys pulled on the statue proved to be successful and Zoey was readmitted to PCA, Logan caught sight of Dana out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look at her and they shared a small smile. Neither of them would ever admit it, but at that moment, Logan and Dana realized that maybe they each did have someone for them at PCA. **A/N: Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Positives (of course) and negatives that can help me improve would be lovely. But please, no flames!** End file.
Friends by xJadedGurlx
Zoey 101
1. Questions and Would'ja Rather Plans **Confusion** **Summary:_Chase is such a bad liar!_ What should have happened after _Lola Likes Chase. _Everybody gets confused. CZ. ** **A/N: Just to be clear, there'll be five or six chapters, with two different POVs each chapter. Character thoughts in italics. Enjoy story!** **Disclaimer: Do I really need to state the obvious? I DON'T OWN IT!** **Lola POV.** As I'm walking up to our dorm, I wonder why Chase said he'd go out with me if he liked another girl. _Duh, cause he didn't want to hurt my feelings! And it's not like the other girl's going to find out, if she's from his hometown. Although,_ _Chase always gets really flustered when he's lying, and he got pretty flustered there... maybe she does go to PCA, and he didn't want me to know._ I go into the dorm, and lie on my bed. _That would make sense._ _I suppose he thought I'd try to meddle in it or something if I knew who it was.Or maybe he thought I'd get jealous ofher.I wonder who it is. Maybe it's Trisha... nah, that's insane. He had to pretend to go out with Zoey to get away from her!_ Nicole comes into the dorm. "Hey Lola!Weren't you supposed to be on that date with Chase now?" _She somehow makes a simple sentence seem like a really peppy thing to say. _"Well, we sort of broke up," I reply, and Nicole gasps. "You's are still friends, but, right? Now I see what Zoey meant!" This sort of confuses me. "No, it's all good. Chase just didn't really seem interested. Oh, but he did say that he liked another girl. He said she's from his hometown, but I think she goes to PCA, and he just didn't want me to know. Wait, what did Zoey say?" _Wow, I sounded like Nicole there!_ Nicole looks more confused than I felt a moment ago. "Erm, she said that she was worried in case one of you got hurt. But, if Chase liked another girl, why'd he go out with you in the first place?" "Well, I think it was probably because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Or maybe because he thought he didn't stand a chance with the girl. Or maybe both. So, who do you think Chase likes? And where's Zoey?"_ I want answers! Ok, so there's only two questions. But still._ "Zoey went to Sushi Rox for a take out, since this is Chase's night off. And I have no idea who Chase likes. Maybe Zoey'll think of someone it could be." Suddenly, I think of something. "Nicole! I just had an idea. Come with me." _This might just lead to some answers._ **Chase POV.** So I'm walking up to my dorm now, because there's not much else to do right now, when I run into the worst possible person. Logan. I have a bad feeling about this. "Hey Chase." _He can't say anything too bad, right?_ "Where's your little girlfriend, then?" _As usual, I'm wrong. He couldn't have said anything worse. This conversation is NOT going to go well._ "Erm, who says I have a girlfriend?" _Why, why, why do I say stupid stuff all the time? Now he's just going to tease me about not being able to go out with a girl for longer than a week, or how desperate I am for Zoey, or something like that. _ "Dude! The whole class is talkin' about you and Lola! You have the memory of a - wait, what sort of animal has a bad memory?" He pauses for a moment with a confused look on his face _-_ _why does he even bother coming to school?_ "Wait - do you mean you broke up? After only going out for what, a day?" _He's one to talk! He never goes out with a girl for any length of time! "_ I can't believe she dumped you already!" _Okay, he's gone too far. _ "Okay now let me set you straight. She did not dump me, we both decided not to go out any more. And since when can you hang on to a girl longer than a day?" I'm sort of shouting. "Calm down, man! And just so you know, I've got a date with Tracey Baldwin in ten minutes. I'll let you know how that goes later. See ya." _Could he be more obnoxious? And how does he get all these dates? He gets at least on a week. Still, the date probably won't last long._ Since Logan made me kind of mad, I decide to go to Sushi Rox for a California roll to calm me down. Just outside, I bump into Zoey. "Oh, er, hey Zo. Look, I'm really sorry about blowing you off earlier. D'ya wanna play Would'ja Rather later on the beach instead?" _Please don't still be mad at me..._ She smiles. "That's ok, you're forgiven. Would'ja rather sounds like fun, though. Dustin told me he had a date, so maybe they could join us?"_ This isn't really in keeping with the plan, y'know, that I could maybe **tell** her while playing, but she makes a cute face I can't say no to. _ "Yeah, sure, no problem, that'll be fine. I'll ask Dustin later. At seven?" "Great. See you there. Bye!" She walks off towards her dorm. I find Dustin close to the fountain with his date, Sandy. They say they'll be at the beach at seven. So it looks like I'm going to have a pretty good evening. That cheers me up a bit. But that's not the best part. As I'm walking back to my dorm with my sushi, I meet Logan. Who's soaking wet. I ask him, "So, how'd the date go?" And he replies by throwing a nearby basketball at me. Just my luck I had to meet him beside the basketball court! That is definitely going to leave a bruise! **Ok, chapter finished. If you enjoyed the story so far, please review! Flames will be used to roast marshmallows! Next chapter will be posted by Friday most likely. Until then, bye!** **Stripysockz** 2. Acting and Water Balloons **A/N: Thanks for reviewing people! You guys rock. ** **Cookiecreme: Yeah, basketballs are dangerous!** **GlamWeasel: Thanks! I'll try to keep it realistic the whole way through.** **EEE: That's a really nice thing to say, thanks.** **Zang: I don't think there are any others, actually! There aren't any complete ones, anyway.** **dancingwithreality: I thought so too. And I'm going to try to go through all the main characters.** **larabaybee: I'll try to update as fast as I can!** **Disclaimer: See chapter 1!** **On with story! ** **Nicole POV.** So, me and Lola are in our dorm, and then all of a sudden she drags me out. And she doesn't even tell me where we're going! _Maybe I should ask her. _"Lola? Um, where are we going? Do you think you know who Chase likes or something?" She doesn't even stop walking! "You'll see. And, I don't know who Chase likes, otherwise we wouldn't have to go." _Ok,_ _call me blonde - well, actually, I'm a brunette, but I am kind of ditzy sometimes, and everyone says I'm really peppy and everything, kind of like a blonde - but what is she talking about?_ We end up outside Chase's dorm room. "Ok, Lola, do you wanna tell me what's goin' on here? Because I have, like, no clue! Are we going to, like, read his diary or something?" Lola glares at me. "What?" I don't know what I did. _Why does she look mad at me?_ "Shut up! Michael's in there, and I don't want him to know why!" she hisses at me. _It's kinda scary actually. What's she gonna do? _"Michael probably knows who Chase likes, so if we can get him to tell us who it is, we can try and set them up!" _Is she crazy or something?_ "Yeah, but how are we gonna do that? Michael always keeps people's secrets. He's not like Logan or anything. Which is good, because if there were too many people like Logan, then -" Lola cuts me off. _People do that a lot. I think it's because I talk a lot and it gets on their nerves. Or maybe it's because if they didn't they wouldn't get a chance to talk._ "Nicole! I get it, ok? We're going to use a little trick I learnt while I was in training to be an actress." _Ooh, I get where she's going! _"He's going to let it slip by accident, I know he wouldn't just tell us. And yes, the thought of multiple Logans is a horrible one." _You can say that again! _"Now, here's what you have to do. When I get him suitably confused say that Chase asked you out and told you he loves you. I'll look at you when you have to say that. Now lets go." I open my mouth to ask what she's going to do, but she doesn't give me the chance. _People do that a lot too._ "Just do it. It'll probably work better if you don't know what's going on." She opens the door and shouts, "MICHAEL!" so loud it hurts my ears. He jumps so hard he falls off the chair he's sitting in. "What do you people want? To give me a bruise or somethin'? If that's what it is then -" At this point Lola throws a pillow at him. _If that had been a basketball it would have given him another bruise! _He would have complained about being assaulted at this point, but Lola never gave him the chance to say anything. "What are you and Chase playing at? Are you trying to murder our feelings or something? Usually that's what Logan tries and fails to do!" At this point I get the feeling I'm supposed to be cross with him, so I try to look mad. Lola continues ranting - I can see why she's an actress. Though I still don't know what she's doing. "Wait, is Logan in on this too? If so what does he do? You two are really good at screwing with our heads! All I want to know is why, Michael! Why did you do this to me and Nicole?" She finally stops shouting now, and Michael looked like he'd just been asked a question in Maths, his worst subject, when he'd been talking a minute before - confusion and guilt were written over his face. "What the heck are you talkin' about?" He pauses for a moment, then he sort of seems to realise something. "Oh, you mean, Chase told you? Wait, what does Nicole have to do with this?" Lola falters for a moment, and I wonder if there's more to this. I can tell she's thinking the same thing. She soon recovers though. "Nicole? Why don't you tell him?" She looks at me. For a moment I forget what I 'm supposed to say. "Oh. Right. Well, Chase asked me out and told me he loves me. Which is, like, totally insane, because he's going out with Lola. And I'm not going to let him cheat on Lola, 'cause that would be like betraying her." Then Lola made a cut-throat motion behind Michael's back, and I stopped talking. Micheal looked really worried. "What? He told you he loved you?" He seems to be talking to himself more than to us. _Normally I'd think he was being rude, doing that, but we were screwing with his mind, so I suppose he had an excuse. _"That's insane, he loves Zoey!" At the same time, me and Lola gasped and shouted, "ZOEY?" Michael slapped his forehead. We both knew what he was thinking. "OOPS!" **Logan POV** _Is this Pick On Logan day or something? 'Cause Tracey just pushed me in the fountain, then Chase teased me about it! This isn't right, I'm supposed to be picking on them! _Chase is talking, but I'm not really listening. Something about going to the beach, and Zoey. _Honestly, that guy is head over heels! And he actually thinks I don't know that! Someone's gotta do something. _Right about then, I have an idea. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's usually a good one. At half past seven, I put everything I need in my bag, put it on my back, and walk down to the beach. There I find Chase, Zoey, Dustin and the girl I set him up with earlier playing Would'ja Rather. _How did Dustin not get dumped when I did?_ _That's not right either! This has been a very weird day. And for them, it's going to get weirder! _I took the water balloons out of my bag, and set them in a pile on the ground. See, the plan is, I soak them, scarper so they don't find out it was me and kill me, then Chase and Zoey get together while they're getting dried. _Ok, so it's not the best plan, but it could work._ I launch the attack. I hit Dustin first - mainly because I can't believe his date worked out and mine didn't and that made me kind of mad at him - then Chase, then Zoey, then the other girl - Sandy, I think her name was. I throw a couple more at Chase and Zoey, then try and scarper. Unfortunately, Dustin sees me, and chases me. Chase, Zoey and Sandy are too upset over being wet to even notice Dustin going, though. Dustin catches up to me - _the kid is fast, ok_ - and as I look behind to see if I could shake him off at the quad, he sees my face. "Logan?" he asks. "Why did you just soak us?" "Umm," I decide to play the truth card, because I can't think of anything else to say, "I was trying to get Chase and Zoey to finally realise they like each other?" Dustin looks a bit confused at this. "You really expect me to believe that?" _This could be bad! _"How does soaking us make Chase and Zoey like each other?" _Kids! They're so annoying. And why has he changed his hair back? He'll never get another date! _ "Because when they're getting dried they'll realise that they like each other!" Dustin looks at me funny. "Well, it could work!" _Ok, so it wasn't the best idea in the world!_ "There's one thing I don't understand. No, two. How does that work? And why'd you have to soak me and Sandy too?" Right then I decide to run for it. "Bye, Dustin!" And with that I run back to my dorm. It's not until later I realise that I should have told Dustin not to tell Chase and Zoey that I soaked them, or why. After ten minutes Michael comes in. "This has been a VERY weird day," he remarks. And I completely agree with him. On a normal day, I don't get pushed in the fountain, and my hair stays perfect. So today can't have been a normal day. **A/N: Ok, chapter 2 done. If you review you get a cookie, and if you have any ideas that you want to see in this fic PM me. Bye!** **Stripysockz** 3. Explanations and Aspirin Tricks **A/N: Cookies to ness345 and Ryan (last name deleted)!** **ness345: Thanks! You're not really supposed to get what Logan was doing, since he's - how do I put this nicely - not as good smart as the others.** **Ryan (last name deleted): Sorry, it's been ages since I updated!** **Disclaimer: I'm shocked you don't have it memorised by now! J/K! I don't own it... though I wish I did... sigh.** **Michael POV** _Aww man! I can't believe I just spilled Chase's biggest secret to Lola and Nicole. And knowing Nicole, half the school'll probably know by tomorrow! I've gotta try and fix this. _"You aren't plannin' on tellin' anybody I said that, right? 'Cause that would be kind of embarrassing for Chase and Zoey and everything..." Lola is staring into space with her mouth wide open, and Nicole has a weird look on her face, which makes her look kind of like a fish. _Are they listening to me? I don't think they're listening to me! That is so rude! _"Are you two listening to me?" Lola jumps. "Yes, I mean I am now, but I wasn't - what? Zoey? My head hurts..." _For some strange reason I'm not surprised at that. Though I don't know why they didn't see it before. It's kind of obvious he likes her and all. Besides, I should be the one with a sore head - Lola was NOTshouting at herself a minute ago! And Chase does NOT love Nicole!_ "Do you people want to tell me what's goin' on here? 'Cause I for one am confused! Badly confused!" Nicole goes over to the mini fridge. She seems to be recovering from the shock better than Lola, who's had to sit down. "Well, how about we all have a drink of Blix to clear our brains, first? 'Cause my brain's all, um, unclear." I nod. Blix sounds good right now. She opens the fridge and throws one to me, gives one to Lola, and takes one for herself. After about a minute, Lola gets up. "Where you goin'?" I don't want her to go without making her swear not to tell anybody. And, I want to know what they were talking about earlier. "Back to my dorm. You got a problem with that?" _DO I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT! I have at least two!_ "As a matter of fact I do. You two are not leaving this dorm until I know what was going on earlier." They glance at each other. "Ok, I suppose I could tell you." _Oh, how nice of you, Lola! It's not like I deserve one or anything! _"It's a long story though, so maybe Nicole should tell it, she can talk faster than me." "Um, yeah, sure. Ok, so, I walked into the dorm, and Lola was lying on her bed, and she told me that she and Chase broke up, and then I was worried because I thought they weren't friends anymore, and that would be bad, but she said they were still friends." _It takes a moment before I understand this, she said it all in one breath. Lola was right - Nicole could probably talk faster than a French person - they always seem to talk really fast. _"Then, she said she thought Chase liked someone from PCA, but she didn't know who. Then she dragged me out to here, and told me that we were going to trick you into telling us who Chase liked, and I had to say that Chase asked me out and told me he loved me when she looked at me. Then she came in here and started shouting at you." She looked at Lola. "That's everything, right?" "I think so. But now my head hurts more. Maybe I should have told the story, you talk _too_ fast." She does look a bit woozy. "I'm going back to the dorm room now." _NO! NOT GOOD! I still haven't sworn them to secrecy! _ "Wait! First you have to promise you won't tell anybody! And, that you won't meddle." They look at each other. _Lola's plotting something, I can tell. Either that or she's about to faint. Either way it's not good._ "Michael, do you have any aspirin? I could really use some, we've run out in our dorm." She does look like she needs it. "Yeah, there's some in the bathroom. I'll get it for you." I get it, and I can hear them whispering while I'm in the bathroom. "Here you go, Lola." "Thanks." She smiled weakly. "I think it was the shock." She took some and I put the rest back in the bathroom. _She is definitely coming down with something, I reckon the shock just made it worse. _When I come out of the bathroom, however, they're gone. _I forgot she was an actress, she was probably pretending most of the time so they wouldn't have to promise not to meddle! I've gotta catch them before Nicole tells the whole school!_ First, I check the cafeteria, then the library, then the quad. However, I can't find them anywhere. _OK, they're girls. That's where I'd go. Maybe they go somewhere else to hide because they're girls! Um, if I was a girl, where would I go? If I wanted to meddle in someone's life, where would I go? _I walked around for a while, thinking, and eventually ended up outside the girl's dorm. _Oh, maybe they went in here! I can't believe I never thought of that before! _ I go in, but they're not in the lounge, so I check their dorm room. They aren't there either. Then I go to ask Quinn. _They'd probably ask her for help, since she's really smart. _I knock on Quinn's door. After a moment, she answers. "Hey, have you seen Lola and Nicole?" _Please say yes!_ She looks confused for a moment. "Actually, I did see them. They said something about you chasing them, though. They also said they were going to the cafeteria, I think." She paused for a moment. "I'm glad you're here, though. Dustin said he has a date, and I have a new Quinnvention that I wanted to test, so, if you have a few minutes..." _She can't be serious. She can NOT think that I would actually test one of her Quinnventions!_ "Actually, Quinn, I really have to go. I'll see you later, ok?" She looks a bit disappointed, but she lets me go anyway. I spend the rest of the day searching campus for Nicole and Lola, but I don't find them. I go back to my dorm hoping Nicole keeps her mouth shut and Lola doesn't have any ideas. Logan's already there. "This has been a VERY weird day," I say. And for some reason, he agrees with me without asking questions. **A/N: I know I said I would do two POVs each chapter, but I can't think of anything to do for Dustin. I'll do his POV next chapter, and in chapter 5 I might go back to two POVs each chapter. Tell me what you think in your reviews, and if you have any ideas mention those too. If you want to beta or co-author the fic PM me.** **Stripysockz** 4. Lying and Truth or Dare **A/N: I am so, so, so sorry about the lack of updates! But I have the story planned out now - before I was mostly going on momentum and people asking for updates - and the next chapter will be the last one. If that seems sudden, it all comes together next chapter. Oh, and I'm not going to do Dustin POV after all. Sorry! It'll be one POV both chapters. Enough of my babbling - review replies!** **hayheads: Thanks a lot! The summary does kinda suck, but it'll do. I don't think I'll become a writer when I'm older, though. I don't have the willpower!** **Ryan (last name deleted): You're welcome! I don't think I'll be able to fit Sandy POV in though. Sorry! I might do a Sandy/Dustin moment at the very end, though.** **larabaybee: Oops, you're right, actually. Sorry about that, I'll try not to do it again in the next chapters.** **Exoticariesness: Thanks! I'm definitely not going to discontinue it.** **xxRadioactive Jellybeanxx: Zoey's POV is next chapter. Keep reading!** **Disclaimer: People who think I own it stand up. If you stood up, please go and see a counsellor.** **Quinn POV** As I finish dusting off my latest Quinnvention, the calorie-extracting machine, Lola and Nicole suddenly burst through the door without knocking, duck behind the bed, and shout, "If Michael asks, we're going to the cafeteria!" I am momentarily confused, but before I can interrogate them to find out why they're causing such a commotion, there's a knock on the door. I open it and discover Michael there. He is breathing very fast, and looks like he's been chasing someone all over campus. _Wait a minute... _"Hey, have you seen Lola and Nicole?" _Ahhh - that explains it!_ "Actually, I did see them. They said something about you chasing them, though. They also said they were going to the cafeteria, I think." I pause for a moment to think. _I need to get him out of here fast - Nicole will start to giggle if he stays too long!_ "I'm glad you're here, though. Dustin said he has a date, and I have a new Quinnvention that I wanted to test, so, if you have a few minutes..." _That should send him running - I always sense fear emnating from him when I talk about my Quinnventions. _Sure enough, he starts to panic slightly. "Actually, Quinn, I really have to go. I'll see you later, ok?" With that, he practically sprints down the corridor. Lola and Nicole got up. "Wow, way to go Quinn! I didn't know you were so good at lying!" _Neither did I. I still don't know exactly what's going on here though, so I need to find out. Lola and Nicole may need my help with something. _ "May I ask why you two are running away from Michael?" At this, Lola immediately sits down. "What?" I ask, perplexed. "It's Nicole's job to tell the story. I don't think I'll get as bad a headache if I'm sitting down. It's a very long story." _That explains it - I'm working on a theory that Nicole's tongue moves as fast as the sound it produces. The results so far are fairly positive, though the experiment is still in the early stages. _I sit down too. When Nicole sees this, she starts to speak. Very fast. "I went up to the dorm, and Lola was lyin' on the bed, and she said her and Chase broke up, and I was scared in case they weren't friends anymore, 'cause that would be, like, totally suckish, but she said it was cool." _Please tell me the story is nearly over... _"Then she said that Chase liked another girl, and she thought she went to PCA, but she wasn't sure. Then we went to Michael's, and tricked him into telling us who it was. It was Zoey!" She pauses here to let it sink in. _Thank goodness. Since I am more tuned in to the emotions of others than most, I had already suspected this. But I wasn't sure - at least she's stopped talking! _My relief was short lived. "Then he wanted us to promise we wouldn't meddle, but we didn't want to, so Lola pretended to feel sick, so he went to get aspirin, and we ran. He's been chasing us over campus for the past half hour." _After about ten seconds, all of this sinks in._ Lola spoke up. "What we need to do is find a way to get Chase and Zoey together. Brainstorm, people!" I thought with all my considerable brain. After about forty seconds, Nicole gasped. "I've got it! It's, like, so totally obvious! Ok, we invite Chase, Michael and Logan over once Zoey gets back from wherever she is, and then play Truth or Dare!" _That just might work! It's so easy! Only Nicole could come up with something like that._ "Nicole, that's... brilliant! Trust you to think of that!" _Apparently Lola shares my point of view. _ "In your room?" _It's best to work out all the details of a plan first. If you don't - well, look what happened to my banapples!_ "I don't think we'd all fit in my room, with all my stuff." Lola and Nicole nod. "What exactly should we do?" With a smile on her face, Lola answered, "Don't worry, Quinn. I know exactly what we're going to do. Now, listen..." She tells us her plan of action. I like it - straight to the point and quite amusing to watch, I assume. We're going to have some fun! **A/N: Well, there's chapter 4! I gave you a very slight cliffie there at the end! Please review, I have over a thousand hits for this story, but only 13 reviews! Reviewers will get virtual cookies!** **Stripysockz** 5. Dressing, Confessing, Professing! **A/N: This is the last chapter, so enjoy! I actually decided to put a little Chase POV in, since it wouldn't make as much sense without it. It just goes to show that I can never make my mind up, LOL! Cookies to Amy93Calloway, Falling From Grace89, FutureStArLeT101, xxRadioactive Jellybeanxx, and larabaybee! Now, replies!** **Amy93Calloway: Thanks, I liked that part too!** **Falling From Grace89: Thank you! You're welcome! I'll try to make Truth or Dare as unpredictable as possible!** **FutureStArLeT101: Sorry, and thank you! Here's the update! xxRadioactive Jellybeanxx: Because they ran away, they weren't actually sworn to secrecy. ** **larabaybee: Chocolate chip or double chocolate? LOL!** **Disclaimer: I don't own either Zoey 101 or any lyrics used.** **This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely reviewers, happybunnyluvr007liscense2kill, GlamWeasel, EEE, Zang, dancingwithreality, larabaybee, ness345, Ryan (last name deleted), hayheads, Exoticariesness, xxRadioactive Jellybean, FutureStArLeT101, Falling From Grace89, and Amy93Calloway! Thanks for reviewing!** **Zoey POV** _Who on earth was that? Whoever it was, I'm gonna kill them! _I look around, and see Dustin chasing after someone running away towards the quad. _Or maybe Dustin will kill them for me. _Chase, Dustin's girlfriend, Sandy, and me are all soaked. "Come on, we can't stay out here or we'll catch a cold. I hope Dustin has enough sense-" Chase cut me off. "Zoey, I told you that you fuss over Dustin way too much! Chill, he's a cool dude, he's not gonna do something stupid." _I'm not fussing! I'm just being a good big sister!_ "Ok, but we still need to get dried off. It's cold tonight. I suppose since Dustin's running - Chase, quit rolling your eyes!" _He's impossible! No, Logan's impossible. Chase is difficult. But still. _"Come on!" I practically drag Chase a couple of steps before he shakes me off and walks beside me normally. Sandy is following behind. At the fountain, we split up. Chase and I go left to our dorms, while Sandy goes right to hers. "Bye, Sandy!" I call after her. _She's a nice girl, Dustin made a good choice - better than Trisha, anyway. He never said how they got together, I'll have to ask him the next time I see him. _ When I get to the dorm, Quinn's there with Nicole and Lola. Lola and Quinn are discussing something quietly when I get in, while Nicole's listening to her iPod, but they all gasp when they see me. "Oh my gosh, what happened Zo? Did you, like, fall in the pool or something?" _Three guesses who said that. _ "Why are you covered in water? I have a machine that could instantly evaporate water, if you need it." _Sometimes, having Quinn around really comes in handy. _ "It is safe though, right?" _Hey, I remember what happened when Logan and Michael got sprayed by a skunk! That is _so_ not happening to me! _"Relax Zoey, I've had it for a few months now. It definitely works." "In that case, great! Could you get it, and I'll tell you all what happened." Quinn runs off to her room and returns with a funny looking cube thing. She presses a couple of buttons, and a blue light shoots out one side. Once I'm completely dry, she turns it off, sets it down, and Lola asks, "So, what's the deal?" "Well, me, Chase, Dustin, and Sandy, Dustin's girlfriend were sitting on the beach playing Would'ja Rather, when someone comes and pelts us with water balloons! We didn't see who it was, but we saw him running away and Dustin chased him. Then I came back here. That's it." _I'm kind of confused - why would someone do that? It makes no sense. Judging by the looks on the other's faces, I think they feel the same._ "That is, like, so weird!" Nicole gasps."Hey, I just had the best idea! Do you want to play Truth or Dare? We can invite the guys round, and it'll be like Would'ja rather but with more people!" _That doesn't sound half bad! _ "Yeah, sure! I'll call Chase now." I get up, lift my cell, and ring Chase. He answers on the second ring. "Hi Zo! Now's not really a good time, can you call back?" "Not changed yet? Well, is Michael or Logan there? It doesn't really matter who I talk to." "Yup! Hey, Mike, come here!" "Hello?" "Hi Michael, it's Zoey. Do you three want to come over once Chase is changed?" "Yeah sure, sounds cool! Hang on till I ask them, though." After a minute, Michael says, "Yeah, we're on our way now. See you!" "Bye!" I hang up. "Ok, they're coming! Are we using a bottle or are we gonna just go round in a circle?" "I have an empty blix bottle here. I always think it's more fun with a bottle, anyway. That cool?"_ Lola's right, it is more fun that way._ After ten minutes, there's a knock on the door and the three boys come in. Chase's hair looks quite funny since it's still wet, and Logan looks very grumpy - the other two had probably made him come! "So, what are we gonna do?" asked Michael. Waving the bottle in the air, Nicole practically shouts, "Truth or Dare baby!" The boys all jump a little - Nicole on a sugar high is scarier than Logan when he's lost his mirror! And she's just eaten three chocolate bars! "Oh, great! First, I get pushed in the fountain, then I get chased by Du- um, a dog - now I have to play Truth or Dare! Could this day get any worse?" Both me and Chase look at him kind of funny after this _- I could have sworn he almost said Dustin there! I wonder if Chase is thinking the same thing._ "Let's get this party started!" _This should be funny - she scares the guys when she's hyper! _Nicole sets her iPod in its speakers, and puts it on shuffle. Fittingly, the first song is _Get This Party Started_, by Pink! _Weird!_ _I'm coming up, so you better get this party started I'm coming up, so you better get this party started _ _Get this party started on a Saturday night Everybody's waiting for me to arrive Sending out the message to all of my friends We'll be looking flashy in my Mercedes Benz_ _I've got lots of style, check my gold diamond rings_ _I can go for miles if you know what I mean_ "I'm going first!" Nicole spins the bottle, and it lands on Lola. "Truth or Dare?" She pauses for a moment, then adds an evil laugh. _Like I already said, she's scary on a sugar high._ "Dare. I mean truth! Truth!" Lola panics a little at this slip of the tongue - the worst dares come from Nicole at the best of times! Nicole's eyes light up, and after a minute she sits up straighter with an evil look. "I dare you to shout 'I'm getting married to Logan' out the window!" _Wow, that's the worst dare she's ever given! Actually, it's not, but I'm not gonna go there - that was horrible! _Lola goes over to the window and shouts, then sits back down. Her face is bright red. "I'm going to get you for that!" she says, glaring at Nicole, who giggles. She spins and it lands on me. "Truth or dare Zo?" I think for a moment before choosing - _Dare makes a game more fun, but after a horrible one like that, I'd just get a horrible one too!_ "Truth." Lola grins. "What was the worst dare you ever had to do?" _Oh, no way! That's evil! _I'm desperate, because I don't want to tell the guys about _that, _so I try to get her to change it. "You already know the answer to that! That's not fair!" Lola just grins. "That's not the rules Zo! Tell us!" I sigh. "Fine. Once, Nicole was even more hyper than she is now." At this the guys just stare at me. "Yes, I know that seems impossible, but she was." Nicole starts giggling beside me. _I think I know where that missing slice of cake went. _"Anyway, we were playing Truth or Dare, and she dared me to steal a pair of Logan's boxers and sleep with them under my pillow that night." _I just know my face is redder than Lola's now! I'm gonna kill her! _ Logan jumps up. "That was you? Those were my lucky ones - I mean my favourite ones?"This sets everybody off giggling - and Logan's the third person tonight to blush really badly. _That could have been worse - at least they're laughing at Logan, and not me!_ After everybody's calmed down, I spin the bottle, and it lands on Logan. "Okay, Truth or Dare?" _ Whichever he chooses, I know exactly what to do. _After a moment, he decides on Truth. I look at Chase before I ask, "Okay Logan, was it you who soaked me, Chase, Sandy and Dustin earlier?" Logan looks like he's about to hit the closest possible thing for a couple of seconds, before confessing, "Ok, fine, that was me. So?" _He is the biggest jerk ever! So?! _"Let's see who has to suffer at the hands of the hottest guy on campus now!" _I'm not sure but I think _everybody _rolled their eyes there! _So_ typical! _He spins, and it lands on Quinn. "Truth or Dare?" Quinn immediately says "Truth. I don't like dares." Logan thinks for a while, then smirks even more evilly than usual. "Okay Quinn, I was wondering - is Mark your first boyfriend?" _That insensitive pig! _Quinn blushed absolutely scarlet, and nodded. "I thought so - you seem like the fewer people, stay together longer type." _Since when is Logan so deep? Not that I mind, it's a pleasant change! Talk about Jekyll and Hyde!_ Quinn spins the bottle, and it lands on Nicole, who immediately cheers and claps her hands. "I thought I was, like, never gonna get a go! I love going, 'cause then I can make people reveal secrets or do something horrible afterwards! Yay!" _By now, I've learnt that when she's in one of these super hyper moods, just let her burn herself out. And never, never, interrupt. Unfortunately, the guys don't know this. _ "Nicole, chill! What is with you, you're like a chipmunk on crack with some kind of talking problem like, um-" Logan pauses to think, and Quinn takes pity on him - which was fairly nice, since he'd just humiliated her. "Tourette's Syndrome?" she suggests. "Yeah, that! I don't know what it is, but who cares. Oh, and you're kinda loopy too." Logan leans back on his bean bag. After glaring at him for a second, Nicole bounces on the bed she's sitting on, and hits Quinn lightly on the shoulder to get her attention. "I pick dare. There's been too many truths," announces Nicole. After barely a second's thought - _well, she's supersmart_ - Quinn leans forward and says, "I dare you to not wear any make up tomorrow!" Everyone bursts out laughing at the look on Nicole's face after this, and I can't help joining in. _Hopefully, this'll calm her down. _It does - Nicole slides down on to the floor, squished in between Lola and Michael, both of whom look _very _annoyed at the intrusion, since they were sitting fairly close together. Then, she leans forward to spin the bottle, which lands on me again. "Okay Zo, truth or dare?" _Though_ _she's still fairly peppy, I think I'll take dare - it could be worse! _ "Dare me!" I reply, grinning. She, Lola and Quinn exchange looks. _Uh oh. This can't be good. _ Without hesitation, Nicole says, "I dare you to kiss Chase - on the lips!" I can't help it, my mouth drops open. "Would it help if there was mistletoe?" she asks, producing a sprig from behind her back. _What on earth is she doing with - no, I don't want to know. I value my sanity. _At this, both Michael and Logan start howling with laughter, while Quinn and Lola are giggling a bit too. _You mean people! _I look at Chase, who meets my gaze. Nicole holds the mistletoe over us, and we both lean forwards. **Chase POV ** We both lean forwards. _Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening! I'm finally going to get to kiss Zoey Brooks! If Dustin bursts in and interrupts this time, I think I'll kill him! _Our lips meet, and it feels like, for that one second, we're spinning around and floating on air. But the next, it's over, she's pulling away, and I have to act like it's no big deal, like it's just a laugh. I hate fate. Hey, that rhymed! **Zoey POV** As I pull away, I think about the kiss for a couple of seconds. _That wasn't so bad - just kinda embarrassing. Actually, it felt nice - almost right. I could have sworn a tingle ran down my spine - I must have gotten an electric shock. _ Logan, Michael and Lola are still in hysterics after a couple of minutes, so I go to the mini-fridge, to get some water to scare them with - and, if necessary, to _really_ pour over them. Michael and Lola immediately stop laughing, but Logan just can't, so I pour a bit of water over him,and he soon shuts up. After a while, I spin the bottle, and the game begins again. It lands on Michael this time. "Well, Truth or Dare?" Michael smiles. "I always pick Dare. I think Truth's kinda borin'." _I guess he has a point, but I like Truth, so I'm gonna give him something evil! _After about ten seconds, I have an idea. "Ok, I have an idea, but I need to ask Nicole if it's all right with her 'cause it uses her stuff. Come over here where the others won't hear," I say, going over to the corner. She follows me, and I whisper my plan in her ear. She screams when I'm done. "Zoey! That is like, the best Dare _ever_! How did you think of that? Never mind. Of course you can use my stuff!" _Well, I could have done without the screaming, but at least she agreed. _We both sit down again. "Ok Michael, I dare you to dress up as a girl for the rest of the game - with clothes that we pick out. I had to ask Nicole because she has the girliest clothes," I explained. Michael glares at me. "Go into the bathroom, we'll come in with clothes for you in a minute." With another glare, he gets up and walks away. Logan's completely convulsed now, but everyone's ignoring him. After a few minutes, we decide on a sparkly pink halterneck, a miniskirt, and a pair of long stripy socks, **(A/N: Tee hee!) **and I take them into the bathroom. "Here you go," I grin at him. He takes them grumpily and shoos me out. After about ten minutes, he still hasn't come back out, so Logan goes and bangs on the door. "Mike! Come out, you're as slow as a girl! The clothes must have done something to you!" The door immediately cracks open, and Michael mutters through the crack, "I'm changed, but I don't wanna come out, I feel like an idiot!" At this, Logan pulls the door the rest of the way open and Michael, who must have been leaning on it, falls on to the floor, bangs into Logan's legs, and knocks him over too. The rest of us all start giggling, and Nicole shouts, "DOMINOES!" at the top of her voice - well, almost. This just makes us laugh more, especially when Logan doesn't bother standing up, and just crawls back into the circle. "Can we get on with the game now?" asks Michael. He spins the bottle and it lands on Lola. "Truth or dare Lola?" She thinks for a second, then shrugs and smiles. "What the heck? Dare me, Barrett!" I see him look around the room for inspiration, and his eyes fall on the iPod, which shows that the current song is almost finished. "Okay, the song's almost done. When the next one comes on, I dare you to dance like an idiot to it the whole way through!" Her face falls for a second, then she shrugs again and walks over to the small space in the middle of the room which is clear. After another ten seconds, the song changes to Bob Sinclair's _Everybody Dance Now_. _How fitting - again! _Lola starts waving her arms around like crazy, and I hear Michael whisper to Logan, "All she needs is an afro wig and she's a total hippie!" They both crack up laughing. It's true though - she's wearing flared trousers, clunky boots and a sparkly top! _Soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, Soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, Soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, soul clap, Get up, get up!_ Yeah woah Me wanna see everybody all move Dance all Dollarman coming at ya We just wanna big up Cutee B Bob Sinclair It's like dancing, listen it It's the way just bounce Yah Everybody dance now! Let's go whoo! Let's go Make it hot Come on Let's go Rock, rock, say what, rock Let's go Everybody dance now! Rock this party Dance everybody Make it hot in this party Don't stop, move your body Rock this party Dance everybody Make it hot in this party Everybody dance now! By the end of the song, we're all in hysterics, except Lola, who falls on the bed, exhausted. She spins the bottle, which lands on Chase. "Truth," says Chase, without waiting to be asked. Lola shot a grin at Nicole and Quinn. "Alright Chase - who do you have a crush on? You never said _exactly _earlier." she asks. **Chase POV** I can just feel the colour draining from my face. _Why would she ask _that _question? Does she know? How could she, though? Did she find out, then do this in revenge for me going out with her and not really liking her? TOO MANY QUESTIONS! I thought we were cool, anyway! Should I tell the truth, or say someone else? No, I just have to go for it. Maybe it'll work out for the best. _ "Ok, fine. I admit it." Everyone except Zoey and Logan look round at each other at this. "I... I have a crush on Zoey." I look down at the floor. I can't look at Zoey. I'm afraid of what I might see written on her face - she's very easy to read. _Would it be confusion? Maybe. Worry about how I'm going to take it that she doesn't feel the same way? Probably. Or happiness that she now knows I feel the same as her? Almost definitely not._ A new song comes on over the speakers - _If We Were A Movie_ from Hannah Montana. _Uh oh! There you go again, talkin' cinematic. Yeah you! You're charming, Got everybody star struck. I know how you always seem to go For the obvious instead of me But get a ticket and you'll see_ If we were a movie You'd be the right guy And I'd be the best friend That you'd fall in love with, In the end we'd be laughing Watching the sunset Fade to black, Show the names, Play that happy song _Weird! If you switch the genders - as in, right girl instead of right guy, that almost describes us!_ _Yeah, yeah When you call me I can hear it in your voice Oh sure! Wanna see me, and tell me all about her La la! I'll be acting through my tears. Guess you'll never know That I should win An Oscar for this scene I'm in _ _When she was in the play with Logan, and had the crush on him, it hurt so bad. It was cruel of fate, really - I had to pretend to be supportive, when really, it was killing me. I'd written the script too - stupid irony!_ _ If we were a movie You'd be the right guy And I'd be the best friend That you'd fall in love with, The end we'd be laughing Watching the sunset Fade to black, Show the names, Play that happy song,_ Wish I could tell you there's a twist Some kind of hero in disguise And we're together, it's for real No playin' Wish I could tell you there's a kiss Like something more than in my mind I see it could be amazing That kiss... it was amazing. I just wish that we could be together, though - it didn't mean anything, really, so imagine what a kiss she meant would be like! If we were a movie You'd be the right guy And I'd be the best friend That you'd fall in love with, In the end we'd be laughing Watching the sunset Fade to black, Show the names, Play that happy song _But fate hates me, so I guess now she knows, things will just be worse than they were before - all awkward, we won't even be friends. _A voice interrupts my thoughts. "Chase?" I look up, and see Zoey. "Come out on the balcony with me. I wanna talk." _Uh oh. _We walk out. The moon is out and shining brightly. There's lots of stars too... it's very romantic. _More irony. Just great. _Zoey looks at the sky for a moment before turning to me, the moon behind her head making her hair sparkle. She looks so beautiful. "Chase - when you were going out with Lola, I felt really worried. At least, I thought so." She leans on the balcony, looking out towards the fountain. "After the kiss... I realised it was actually jealousy." _My hearing's going wonky! _"That kiss, it just felt right!" _Yep, I'm losing it._ I follow her gaze. Dustin and Sandy are sitting on the edge, talking. Dustin leans over and gives Sandy a kiss before they both stand up and walk away. I glance over at Zoey. She looks back at me. Without thinking, I lean over and softly press my lips against hers. She kisses back, and we stand there for what seems like forever. Eventually, we break apart, smiling. _And I thought the other kiss was amazing!_ **A/N: I can't BELIEVE how long that was! I've never written something that length before! I hope you enjoyed it. This is my Christmas present to all my readers, so if you're a nice person and want to give one back, review! This took me quite a long time, and it only takes a minute to review. This completes Confusion, but I may write some oneshots in the future. Until then, Merry Christmas! In other words, bye bye, au revoir, adios, ciao, or whatever!** End file.
Confusion by Stripysockz
Zoey 101
Alibi **_Okay, so this is my first Zoey 101 fic. It's been a while since I've written any fanfics, so this isn't my best work. But I got this idea earlier today while I was listening to the song Alibi by The Downtown Fiction. _** **_Just for a side-note, there is no such thing as Quogan in this story. Quinn and Mark are still a happy couple._** **_Don't hate me xD_** **_So, I hope you like it :)_** * * * Lola couldn't believe they were here again, in Dean Rivers' office trying to convince the man that Michael and Logan were innocent of something they clearly hadn't done. Last time they were here, it was because Dean Rivers' trophy had been mysteriously smashed, and it turned out to be one of the school janitors who had done it. Here they were, the three girls and James standing behind the seats which sat the boys who were now accused of stealing the answers to an upcoming Trigonometry test and selling them to students across campus. Dean Rivers turned from the TV monitor where they had just watched the two boys goofing off near the entrance of the building where the test answers had been locked away. "This is a serious offense. If you two don't come clean, I'll have no choice but to expel you both." "But we didn't do it!" Logan said. "You two were the last ones seen in that area before Mr. Jacobs found that the answer sheet was missing last night around nine o'clock." "That doesn't mean they stole the test," Lola said crossing her arms. Zoey nodded, placing a hand on her hip. She looked at the two boys in the chairs. "What time were you guys near the building?" Michael shared a look with his comrade and shrugged. "I think it was like, 5:30 or something. We were trying to avoid Stacey so we hid in the bushes for a few minutes. We left once we were sure she was gone." "See? Five-thirty is early. Anyone else could've gone into the building before nine and stolen the test answers," Zoey said. The old teacher standing next to Dean Rivers narrowed his eyes. "That proves nothing. They're lying about leaving the building before stealing the answers." "Wait," James said. He looked at Michael, then to Dean Rivers. "Michael was hanging out with me, Zoey, Mark, and Quinn just after 5:30. We were shooting hoops in the gym until almost ten last night. It definitely wasn't Michael." "And if you don't believe him, you can call up Coach Keller, 'cause he was there the whole time," Quinn said. Her nose scrunched up. "And yelling at Mark half the time." "Fine, I'll give him a call after," Dean Rivers said. He turned his attention to Logan. "But that doesn't get you off the hook. Unless you have proof of being somewhere else around that time." Lola's eyes followed everyone else's to Logan, who sat there not saying a word. She watched as he squirmed in his seat, unsure of what to say. She was sure the others were thinking that he had been the one to do it. She bit her lip, knowing exactly where Logan had been from 5:30 till about 9:30 the previous night. His eyes briefly met hers, then went back to the Dean's. He shook his head. "I swear I wasn't in the building at all," he said. "So then where were you?" Curious eyes watched the rich teen as he sighed, looking downward. "I can't say." "You see?" Mr. Jacobs said. "He's guilty! Guilty!" Michael looked at his best friend and roommate. "Dude, what are you doing?" "What were you doing last night that's so bad you can't tell?" Zoey asked. "Especially if it's gonna keep you from getting expelled?" Quinn added. Logan looked his friends, his eyes stopping on Lola for a few seconds longer than the others. "I just can't tell you." Dean Rivers sighed, pulling out a folder. "I'm afraid I have no other choice. I'm gonna have to call your father to have you picked up." As the four teens began trying to talk Dean Rivers out of taking action Lola tuned out. Her eyes were fixed on the usually obnoxious teen who was suddenly interested in his worn out Converse. Over the last few weeks she had seen a completely different side of him, but not when they were in the presence of their friends, or anyone else for that matter. He was really showing a different side right there in front of her eyes, for keeping this secret under the circumstances. The Latina closed her eyes and let out a breath, not believing what she was about to do. "Logan isn't lying, he wasn't in the building when the test answers were stolen." She ignored the fact that all her friends were starting at her with wide eyes. "He wasn't even on campus." "Then where was he?" Dean Rivers asked, putting his phone down. "Lola-" She held up her hand, stopping Logan from continuing. "He was at Vacarro." Her friends, minus Logan, looked at her surprised. "And _how_ do you know that?" Zoey asked. "Because," she let out a breath, ignoring Logan shaking his head, "I was there, with him." Michael let out a chuckle. "Uh why?" Lola looked at Logan biting her lip. Before she could answer, he stood up, putting his hands in his pockets. "We were on a date." "What?" "He's kidding right?" "Okay, now I'm _sure_ he did it." Ignoring the sudden outbursts of his friends, he pulled out his wallet, taking out a small piece of paper and handing it to Dean Rivers. "Here's the receipt. It's got the time I had the table reserved for and when I paid." Michael studied his two best friends. "You're serious, aren't you?" Logan looked at the Latina next to him and smiled, taking her hand, and she returned the smile. The two looked at their friends, no longer aware of the adults in the room. "Yeah." "So you two have been dating and didn't tell us?" James asked. "We were afraid to tell you," Lola said. "Because you didn't think we'd take it well, right?" Zoey asked, showing no anger at the two. They nodded. "Well, I have to admit, it is a little weird," Quinn said. "Since you two always fight." "So, you're okay with this?" Lola asked. Their friends nodded. "Yeah," Michael said, "I mean, like Quinn said, it's weird..." Zoey smiled at the two. "But we'll just have to get used to it." * * * _**Okay, I hope you liked it. It wasn't anything great, but... yeah. **_ _**And just to let y'all know, I don't hate Quinn/Logan together in the series, but I AM more of a Lola/Logan shipper. I really don't know why, I just think they'd be a fun couple. **_ _**So hopefully I'll have more Zoey 101 fics on the way! :)**_ _**Please leave a review! :D**_ End file.
Alibi by T-Kiwi02
Zoey 101
Who Invented This Stupid Holiday? _**Who Created This Stupid Holiday?**_ **Logan's POV** Valentine's Day. Who created that stupid holiday? I mean sure, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend it's great, but what about us single folks? Hmm? Are we just supposed to sulk around acting all suckish (Remind me later when I'm happier to congratulate Nicole on coming up with an awesome new word)? Well, that's what I'm doing now. If only the girl I loved didn't move away I would probably be happy and not so sulky. Ever since she left, I haven't been the same. Sure, to other people I didn't seem to change. To them I'm still cranky, conceited, jerky, Logan, but on the inside I'm cranky, sulky, unhappy, Logan. Man, do I miss that girl who would rip out my heart, stomp on it, yet have me coming back for more. I even sometimes enjoyed the fights we had. It was our own special way of flirting. Or at least I thought so. All I want this Valentine's Day is to see her one more time. Even if I never get to see her again in my lifetime. I hear the door open and in walks Chase. "Hey, Logan. You coming to breakfast or what?" Yea. As if I'm actually going to eat breakfast with those losers... "Yea, I'll come." Well, those losers are my friends, and maybe they will help me get my mind off of her. No such luck... When Chase and I got there, he sat next to Zoey. Michael and Nicole were talking to each other and Nicole kept on giggling and Michael kept on smiling some sort of love-struck smile. I sat down and stared at them in disgust. I turned to Chase to ask him something, but I couldn't. He was a little, scratch that, extremely preoccupied. I guess he finally confessed his feelings to Zoey, because they were totally making-out. It was kind of ironic that I, Logan Reese, the hottest boy in school who could get any girl with the snap of my finger, was single and all of my friends were taken. I was so busy thinking about my misfortunes that I didn't realize someone sit down next to me. I only realized it when the person said, "Wow. I guess I was away for a pretty long time." I turned to see who the speaker was. "**DANA!**" I jumped up extremely shocked. She smiled at me and said, "In the flesh." I surprised myself by hugging her and saying, "I missed you so much!" She laughed at this. "I missed you too, Logan." I released her and just stared at her admiringly. "What are you looking at pretty boy?" "You." "Take a picture. It lasts longer." "Believe me. I have many, but they're not as pretty or awesome as seeing you in person." My eyes grew wide. For some reason, whenever she's around, I never have control over what I'm saying. It's kind of like word vomit...If you are wondering, yes I did get that from Mean Girls. What can I say? Lindsay Lohan is amazing! Of course, not as amazing as Dana, though... "Logan...Did you mean that?" "Every word." She looked shocked, but then her face quickly grew angry. "I should have known. That had Logan written right over it. You trick a girl into thinking you like her and then you kick her to the curb." She got up and hurried off. What the heck just happened? I got up and rushed after her. I found her sitting on the bleachers by the basketball court crying. She looked up and saw me. "Logan, go away." I disobeyed her and sat down next to her. "Dana...I honestly meant every word that I said." She tried to say something, but I cut her off. "Listen to me. Ever since you went to France, I haven't been the same. I have been unhappy and lonely. The minute you left I realized something. I realized that there is one thing I love more than money and everything my dad buys for me. It's you." I looked at her and she looked at me, trying to read my expression. I think that she saw that there was no lies being told. She nodded her head, wiped her eyes, and decided to share a few words. "I understand. I understand completely. I was the same way. Hence the reason I came back. I couldn't spend one more day without you. I didn't believe you at first because I thought it was too good to be true. I love you Logan, and I always will." "I love you too, Dana." She smiled and kissed me. Not a long kiss, but a short sweet one. "Wanna make-out?" She asked me? "Hey! That's my line!" "Well, do you?" "You know it, babe!" And with that, while sitting on the bleachers, Dana, my true love, and I became girlfriend and boyfriend. Remind me later to praise whoever created this wonderful holiday. Valentine's Day rocks! * * * **A/N: I know that that was a pretty strange story and a bit rushed, but let me just tell you that the idea I had in my head was much better. Also, I know it's a little late for Valentine's Day, but I wasn't able to use the computer until today. Thanks for reading!** End file.
Who Invented This Stupid Holiday? by apparox148
Zoey 101
There You'll Be **A/N: ****Kinda depressing...** * * * It happened one warm night in October. Zoey, Chase, and their two year old son, Christopher, were coming home from a late movie at the local drive-in theater. Zoey was driving her old 2000 cheve cavalier. She made quiet conversation with Chase as she drove through the dark roads.The baby was sleeping in the backseat. To get back to their house from the drive-in you need to go over the old railroad tracks. All of a sudden, the car started smoking and stopped, right there on the tracks. "Oh my gosh!" Zoey exclaimed. She thought quickly back to driver's education where she was told that if her car was to stop on top of the tracks, she should get out of the car with everyone and stay as far away back from the tracks as possible. Then call for help. That's exactly what they did. Zoey and Chase unclicked their seatbelts and rushed out of the car slamming the doors behind them. Her heart sank when she saw the baby still asleep still in the back seat. Zoey didn't realize that she had hit the power lock button. She didn't realize she left the car key in the ignition. _Ok, this is a bad situation but we can figure something out_, Zoey told herself. Thoughts of hope and confidence vanished once she heard the deafening horn of the train. It was still really far away but it was fast. Zoey and Chase looked at each other, terror in both of their eyes. Chase sprinted toward the bushes, picked up a huge rock, and smashed the driver's seat window. Christopher was awake by then, screaming a piercing, hair raising scream. Once Chase hit the unlock button, Zoey scrambled for the door that the baby was it. She flung it open. The train was coming closer and closer. Zoey fumbled with the baby's car seat. She couldn't get the seatbelt undone. She didn't know why she couldn't do it. Her mind wasn't working right. Before she knew it the train was about 100 feet away. Chase shoved her out of the way to take over. She layed on the pavement, her ankle throbbing, helplessly watching her husband struggle with the car seat. He managed to get the seatbelt undone and lift the baby out of the seat but as he tried to rush back to Zoey, his foot got stuck in between the two metal bars. Zoey tried to go to him and help but he pleaded for her to stay back. She did as she was told and before she knew it, the train crashed into the small car making the loudest, unbearable sound she had heard in her entire life. A piece of debris flew at her and knocked her unconscious. * * * She had no memory of the accident when she awoke. Her mom was there the moment she opened her eyes, holding her hand. She looked at her, confused," Mom? What are you doing in my house?" Mrs. Brooks closed her eyes and gently shook her head. She couldn't bear to tell her. Zoey looked around the room and then at her foot, which was in a cast and throbbing. She gently touched her hand to her head and felt the big gash that had been wrapped up. "What happened? Where's Chase? Where's Christopher? Where's my baby?" Zoey asked franticly. "Zoey...they...there was an accident. Do you remember the train?" Her mom asked her gently stroking her arm. Suddenly she felt very sick,_"Zoey stay back!"_ Chase's voice echoed through her mind. She remembered the horrible noise and her baby's scream. She remembered."No,"Zoey whispered. It was just a dream. She knew that had to be just a dream. That couldn't have happened. Zoey refused to believe that it was real. A gentle looking older man approached her bed an spoke softly to her, "Ms. Matthews I'm Dr.-" "MRS. Matthews," Zoey interrupted the doctor testily. "I'm so sorry," was all the doctor could say. He had never been good at breaking news to the patients like this," You had quite an accident. You're lucky to be alive." "Where's Chase?" Zoey demanded. Deep down, she knew but she wanted a straight forward answer. No sugar coating it. No avoiding the horrible truth. "He died, Zoey. The impact of the train killed him and Christopher. I'm so sorry," Her mom whispered tears dripping her face. Zoey reached for her mother and hugged her, sobbing. Why did this have to happen? * * * She couldn't sleep. The events of that night kept playing over and over in her head. Whenever she closed her eyes she saw the bright headlights in her face. Sometimes she would swear that she heard the baby crying and walked to his room to see an empty crib. Sometimes she'd wake up and reach for Chase who would be still sleeping beside her but he wasn't there either. She cried almost all the time, the littlest things triggering it. She felt so guilty. It was all her fault. She locked the keys in the car. Her car stopped on the tracks. She just sat and watched Chase and her son die and was too stupid to do anything about it. If only she had done something. If only this didn't happen. She was in a land of if onlys and why's. There were so many questions unanswered and it was killing her. The wake was an enormous event. Almost 350 people came to say good-bye to her husband and child. She didn't want to see any of them. While they had the ceremony she went to the lobby and sat her mind empty and flowing with thoughts and memories at the same time. She wished the memories would just go away. Every wonderful memory just caused her more pain. Their lives at PCA, the day he shyly asked her out, the day he proposed over a candlelit dinner overlooking a terrific view of Chicago, their simple but sweet wedding, and the day that their beautiful son was born. It was all too painful thinking that when she would want to kiss him and hug him or just talk she couldn't. "Hey," Nicole whispered. She sat down next to her friend. Following her was Michael, Logan, Dana, Lola, and Quinn. Zoey looked up at her friends and gave them a tight lipped smile. They had all stayed close even when they left PCA. "Are you ok?" Lola asked gently. What a stupid question, Zoey thought. Of course she wasn't ok. "What Lola means is," Dana looked around at her friends," We're here for you." "Thanks," Zoey gave them a real smile that time. She lost alot, but she didn't lose it all. _When I think back On these times And the dreams We left behind I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get To have you in my life When I look back On these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me _ _In my dreams I'll always see you soar Above the sky In my heart There will always be a place For you for all my life I'll keep a part Of you with me And everywhere I am There you'll be And everywhere I am There you'll be _ * * * A/N: Ok. Sorry for the not so happy fun story but in the past week two people I know have died. The first- my grandma to cancer. The second my friend's son. He drowned. Life isn't always PCA perfect, if you know what I mean. This fanfic is really for me. Closure,I guess. Review if you wish. P.S. The part of the song at the end is "There You'll Be" By Faith Hill. * * * End file.
There You'll Be by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Letters **AN: So, this idea just came to me from listening to a song, Letters To You by Finch. If you heard the song, the lyrics are kinda in a sad/mad mood. So I hope you enjoy.** **This will, obviously be in a letter-format.** **Disclaimer: Nope, I own nothing. Nada. Zilch.** My dearest Michael, This is my fifteenth letter this year to write to you, another letter not replied to. I haven't gotten a single letter from you ever since you started dating her (names are not necessary). I've called so many times, unanswered and unheard of. At first, in my heart, I tried to convince myself you were just busy. But now I know better. We promised, when we broke up two years ago, that we'd still be friends, calling and stuff. But I guess after a year, you've broken this sacred promise. I'm not mad. No, really, I'm not. I'm disappointed. That girl's a great girl, I should know. I was friends with her for years before you started dating her. It's just that ever since college started those six years ago, when we were eighteen, she's changed. She's not the innocent, sweet, quirky girl I used to know. She's different, meaner in a way. I don't like it one bit. You see the change, I know. You are just so oblivious to see what to do. I just want to protect you Michael. In any way I can. Do I really need to reminisce on the past? All three of us went to Berkeley for college. Logan and Quinn to USC, remember? They weren't that far from us and visited whenever they could? They even noticed the change. It was when she started hanging around that girl, Yulee and her posse, along with her new boyfriend, Chad. That's when she changed, ignoring us, becoming meaner, doing drugs and smoking and stuff. I remember you telling me you'd never date a girl that did drugs or smoked. Don't you? Your grandfather died of second hand smoke for goodness sake! Remember Chase? He went to Boston University. We all got together on his birthday (in March of our first year of college). She never showed up. And she was good friends with Chase at PCA. They even dated briefly in senior year. Chase had been so disappointed, and so had you. Everyone was. Where did our sweet, innocent friend go? Dana and Nicole had been upset too. They came back in senior year, don't forget, and becoming friends with the whole gang again. Even Stacy Dillson, who somehow weirdly enough became our friend when she lost her lisp. She was less annoying in a way, she changed. It was as if the lisp had changed her whole future. I still keep in touch with Dana. Weirdly enough, we became really close friends, despite our differences. Dana and your new girlfriend grew apart. I almost forgot about little Dustin. He's not so little anymore. He's, what, twenty-one now? Me and him still talk. Ever since he grew up, we talk often, and he lives near me which is better. Basically, what I'm trying to say, your girlfriend's changed too much for us to like. We miss the old her. I just wish you could see that she's never going to change back if she still hangs out with her new loser friends. I talked to Vince yesterday. He says you don't call either. It's like you're distancing yourself from everyone. I don't like it Michael, I don't like it one bit. Remember who your friends are. Also, when you two break up (yes, I mean when), we'll still be there for you, no matter how jerkish you are acting. Everyone misses you; I wish you would call us just to let us know how you are. I also miss you superstar. Don't forget about your friends. I'm going to end it here since it's doubtful you'll even read this. Say hi to Zoey for me. Tell her whenever she's ready to come back to earth and have her senses back, to call me. And I'm sorry you'll be missing Chase and Lola's fantastic New Years spectacular. It truly is wonderful. Maybe in the New Year, you'll finally see what a mistake you're making. I miss you Michael Barrett. Have a happy New Years with Zoey. And I'll never forget the wonderful relationship we shared together. Love from all my heart, Lisa Angelica Perkins P.S. Lola also says hi and wishes you the best with little miss Brooks, even though I don't think she means it. I don't think any of us likes this new Zoey. Come back to your senses Michael and give us a call! **Ok, so that's it. Short, and sweet. So, did you expect these pairings. At first I planned to have Lola as the new, changed girlfriend. Then I planned to have Lola as the girl writing the letter and Zoey as the girlfriend. Then, I actually considered Quinn as the girlfriend, but then finally decided on this, since I love Lisa. So, what do you think? I know it's sort. It's supposed to be. I really hope you liked it guys.** **If you want a sequel on what happens when Michael gets the letter, if he writes a letter back or decides to call her to talk, then I'll write it. ** **I hope this is good enough, my last oneshot/fanfic before 2009! Woot!** End file.
Letters by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
1. Coming Back? No One Else Knew What Happened The Last Night Summary: We all know that Dana left, but the question is what happened when she DID leave. A/N: I'm bored. Stupid Thanksgiving break. I having wrote in like forever but whatever. Read and Review please. It was one of those days for Zoey Brooks. You know those days that are not good enough to be good days, but not bad enough to be bad days, yeah it was one of those days. That is until lunch came. THe whole gang was there--Zoey, Chase, Nicole, Logan, Lola, Michael, and Quinn. Nicole was throwing grapes at Michael when he told her how well he did on his math test. He passed, while Nicole got a 37...percent. Logan cell phone rang, he looked at it and chose to ignore it. Chase looked at him and wondered. "Who is it?" "What's it to you?" Logan got all defensive. "Nothing. I was just wondering..." "It's none of your business," He got up and walked away, "Jeez..." Chase, Zoey, and Quinn all exchanged glances. "Was he always this grumpy?" asked Lola, who barely knew him. "Probably a chemical inbalance in his brain," Quinn suggested. "Why?" "Maybe--" Quinn was about to answer when Zoey's phone rang. "It's Dana," She stated. "Well, answer it!" Nicole said, finally joining the conversation. "Hi Dana! What's up?" "I've got news!" "Are you coming home?" Nicole asked, grabbing the phone. "Hi Nicole, can you put Zoey back on?" "How'd you know it was me?" 'Nicole, I can tell by your voice." "Oh..." "Can you put Zoey on?" Dana asked. "Fine." "Hey Dana!" Zoey was back. "Hey. So the news..." "What is it?" "The program's over Friday.." "I thought it was two years." "It was, but when I got there someone told me I should come back." "Who?" "It's not important. I've talked to housing, I'm with you and Nicole again. See you Monday." "Bye." Zoey hung up, "Guys, Dana's coming back." Nicole screamed of joy. Lola looked confused. Chase and Michael found Logan in their room. "What's up?" Michael asked. "Why do you care?" Logan snapped. "I've got good news," Chase teased. "What?" Logan asked, not looking up from his comic book. "Dana's coming back." "WHAT? You've got to be kidding. No way in hell. Not now." "She said someone asked her not to stay the two years." FLASHBACK Nicole was crying. "I promise I'll call." "You don't understand Dana! You'll never come back." "Of course I will." Michael and Chase were in the dorm with Logan. "Said goodbye yet?" asked Chase. "Nope. Not planning too," said Logan. "What?" asked Michael. "Why should I?" asked Logan. It was now one AM. It was raining and Dana was entering her cab. "STOP!" It was Logan. And he was soaking wet. END FLASHBACK 2. Because I'm not in Paris **No One Else Knew What Happened The Last Night** _CHAPTER 2_ Summary: We all know that Dana left, but the question is what happened when she DID leave. Disclaimer: I forgot to put this up the first time...I don't own Zoey 101...please just leave me ALONE! A/N: Please Read and Review for me. It makes me very very happy. Logan continued to be unhappy for the rest of the week. It didn't seem to help when people told him, who everyone seem to think was the love of his lfe, Dana was coming back. In fact, some might argue that just made it worse. The days passed and it was now Sunday. Logan looked like a nervous wreck. No longer were girls coming up to him, because girls didn't see him! He was up in his room 24/7 with the exceptions of classes. He even paid Chase and Michael to bring him food. "_What_ is that smell?" Zoey complained. "_What _are you doing here?" Logan asked. "_Why_ aren't you downstairs hitting on hot girls?" "_Why_ are you such a bitch?" "_Why _aren't you more happy about Dana?" "_Why_ don't you asking my questions?" "I'm working on Chase on a project here. You should leave. Where is Chase?" "Chase is looking for you." "Damn it," She took out her cell phone, "I told him here at 3. Are you going to answer my question?" "Which one?" "About Dana." "That's none of your business." "Fine, Asshole," Zoey was pissed, "Tell Chasse to met me later." 25 minutes later, Chase showed up. "You're girlfriend came by." "Who came?" "Zoey." "Zoey's not my girlfriend." "Really?" "Logan, you're really pissing me off." By the time the day ended, everyone got pissed by Logan. He wouldn't tell anyone what was wrong. Night came and then dawn. And with dawn, came Dana. FLASHBACK "Logan? What are you doing?" "You can't leave." "Why?" Dana asked. "Because...I'm not in France," Logan said. END FLASHBACK A/N: Wouldn't one think Logan would be HAPPY that Dana's coming. Well, that one person hasn't heard the full story. 3. Lies, all the way from France **No One Else Knew What Happen The Last Night** _Chapter 3_ Response to Reviews: (A/N: Sometimes I respond sometimes I don't. I mainly don't respond because I forgot. Don't take it personally.) Wow, I got a lot of reviews so quick. **Ghostwriter626:** I'm sorry you're confused, if you tell me what confused you, I can try to get you un-confused. **Stardust104**: Thanks so much. You'll have to wait to see what happens. **Music4mysoul:** Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you like it. **lilyflowr33**: Thanks! I'm updating now. **topazchick08**: Thanks! You'll find out what happens soon. A/N: Sorry if you don't see your name. This is all the reviews I got at the time of publishing. I'll get you in chapter four. **_Disclaimer_**: Me? Own Zoey? Noo...maybe you can get it for me for christmas. A/N: Now, that you're officially bored, on with the story! _Chapter 3: Lies, all the way from France_ "She's be here in 20 minutes!" screamed Nicole "Who is Dana anyway?" asked Lola. "Who's Dana? Who's Dana? What are you? New?" Nicole said. "Um...Nicole, she is new," Quinn said. "Not the point," Nicole said, acting stupid. "I'm going to go get the guys...and possibly Logan, who's acting a lot worse than a guy," Zoey told the girls. "Let's just hope he cheers up when Dana comes," Nicole said optimistically. "Doubtful," muttered Zoey. "Seriously, who is Dana?" Asked Lola. It took Zoey 5 minutes to walk down to Chase, Michael, and Logan's room. She walked past Mark DelFiggaglo's room and 3 doors down, she found the guy's room. She knocked, "GUYS! Dana's here in 15." No answer. "Come on, let me in." "We would Zoey but Logan's having a mental breakdown." "Whatever. I'm coming in." Zoey was smart to know the guys never locked there door. She walked in, "You really should lock your door." "Why?" Michael asked. "Because people can walk in and steal your stuff," Zoey answered, "LOGAN? WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED?" Logan was in some black sweats without a shirt "And you smell like you haven't showered in a week," Chase said. "Not moving," Logan said slowly. "He talks!" Michael exclaimed, "Congrats Zoey, you got him to talk." Zoey's phone rang, "She's here," Nicole exclaimed. Zoey hung up. "Whatever Logan. Come on guys, let's go." It only took three minutes to walk back, the three were all so happy, they basicaly ran the whole way. When they got there, Dana had arrived. The whole gang mins Logan was reunited again. "Zoey, Chase, Michael, what's up?" Dana asked. "Who cares about us," asked Michael, "You were in France. Tell us about it!" "Later, I've got gifts for all you guys," Dana said, "Even you Lola, Zoey told me what you might want." After everyone opened there gifts, Nicole noticed there was one last gift, "Who's that for?" "Me," Dana lied. "You brought yourself colonge?" Chase asked. "No, it was from a guy in France, I didn't really like him, but he wanted me to spray it on my pillow to remember him," Dana continued her lie. "Whatever Dana," said Zoey, who obviously didn't believe her. Lola noticed a diamond necklace, she had on, "What a pretty necklace." "It must be new,' said Nicole, "I don't remember it. Do you Zo?" "Nope. Is it new Dana?" "Yep, from my mom when I went to Paris, she said it would gain attention," Dana lied. "You're mom was always so cool," Nicole said. "Dana?" "Yeah, Quinn?" "Can I have the necklace to melt it?" "No, Quinn." Later: Dana sees Logan...and it's not pretty Zoey is suspicious 4. No! **No One Else Knew What Happened The Last Night--Chapter 4** **_Disclaimer_**: I'm just a fan! JUST like you. (Unless your the creator, which I doubt you are, but if you are, it is SO incredibly cool you're reading this!) Reviews: _First of all, I think it's so awesome you guys are reviewing. You are the ones that keep me going, you and my boredom._ **Stardust104: **Thanks for reviewing. You'll find out what happens soon. (Read on!) **Leslie: **I'm glad you like it. I'll update now. **topazchick08: **Thanks for reviewing again. It's cool you came back. Why is Dana lying? I dunno. Ask the author...wait that's me! **Ghostwriter626: **You read Chapter 3? Are you still confused? (I guess you're suppose to be alittle, maybe) **Ashley:** What's wrong with Logan? Hmmm...good question. Ask the writer...wait that's still me.Thanks for reading **Chapter 4--Here Again** "So Dana? Wanna go get some sushi?" "Maybe later, Nicole. I have to go do something." "What?" asked Lola. "Dean Rivers' Report on France. Gotta turn it in," Dana lied. She wasn't going to do that. She had a bone to pick. And not with Dean Rivers. Dana grabbed a bag, which looked suspiciously like the bag of presents, and left. Zoey was deep into thought. Two minutes later, she got up and left. "Hey Zo? Where you going?" Nicole asked. No response. She looked at Lola and shrugged, "Wanna play cards?" Zoey ran to catch up with Dana, but was careful not to be seen. Zoey's phone rang, "And Zo, wanna get a pizza with Michael and me?" It was Chase. "Where are you guys?" "The boardwalk," Chase responded. "Can't. But, hey, is Logan with you?" "Nope." Chase hung up the phone. He looked at Michael who said, "Strike 3. You're out." "What was Strikes 1 and 2?" Chase asked. "I dunno," Michael shrugged. Zoey had no time for pizza. Something was up with Dana, something was wrong, and she needed to spy. She follow Dana to no other place than (no!) Logan, Michael, and Chase's dorm. _Michael and Chase aren't there. She must need to see--NO!--Logan? No way. She's probably just trying to cheer him up. Dana? NO! Oh my god, she brought the bag of presents. THE COLONGE! NO! That's it! Logan's pretending to be so upset because he's secretly dating Dana! _(A/N: say it with me: NO!) She ran to get everyone. There was a knock on room 32, Bulter Hall (A/N: I can't remember that stuff, I have no clue if it's right.) "Open it yourself," said Logan inside. "LOGAN REESE! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW! IT LOCKED!" screamed Dana outside. "Oh it's you.In that case, I won't be opening the door." "Yeah, you will or I'll tell everyone how much of a jerk you are and then no hot girls will date you," Dana threatened. Logan opened the door. Dana threw the colonge at him, "This is for you, I bought it before you started being a jerk. Oh," Dana yelled while taking off a necklace, "I believe this is yours." (A/N: Neckalce from Chapter 3) "That was a gift," Logan yelled. FLASHBACK: "Because I'm not in France," Logan said. "Logan, I can't just leave." "Of course you can." "It's an oppournity of a lifetime," Dana sounded sorry. "Fine. But, I want you to have this." It was a pearl necklace. The necklace. Logan pressed his lips against hers, "If you have to leave, take it. I like you Dana. Promise you'll come back." "Promise you'll call." "I promise." END FLASHBACK A/N: You're confused? You should be. Logan and Dana were fine when she left. And now Dana's all pissed? Why? And what's going to happened when Zoey tells NICOLE that Logan and Dana are secretly dating? (Yeah right!) 5. What's MY problem? **No One Else Knew what Happened the Last Night** _Part 5By CallMeMaddy_ Response to My Reviewers: What I really like, is I've seen some of you people before, thanks for coming back! **Music4mysoul:** I guess your kind of right, but, like anyone else, the character changes when you worry. **Stardust104:** I doubt you figured it out this early, but feel free to e-mail me your prediction and I'll tell you if it's correct **Leslie: **Thank you for coming back and reviewing again. **Noelle Joi:** Thank you. I'm updating now **Ashley:**You're suppose to be confused. Why do you ask me if Dana and Logan are angry, I'm not the writer (Well, I am) Incase your wondering, this is my way of saying "I'm not going to tell." (These are all the reviews I got at time of publishing, all new reviews will be responded to in Chapter 6.) **Part 5 ** Zoey called an emergency meeting at the boardwalk because Chase and Michael were already there. Nicole arrived five minutes later with Quinn and Lola. "What's up?" Nicole asked in her bubbly voice. "I don't know how to say it but..." Zoey asked. "Tell us," begged Lola. "This is really big..." Zoey teased. "What is it?" asked Chase, frustrated. "Ok, ok, Logan and Dana are secretly dating," Zoey yelled finally, causing everyone in the parlor to look at her, she lowered her voice, "But you can't tell ANYONE." Everyone agreed. No one told except one person. GUESS WHO? Nicole. (A/N: SHOCKER!) She couldn't even wait until they got their pizza, she ended up telling the waiter, who didn't even know them. Then she texted Vicky and Susan. ""Hey, that was a gift," Logan Reese yelled at Dana Cruz. "Yeah, A gift I don't want," Dana said coldly. "What's your problem?" Logan yelled. "My problem? How about your problem?" FLASHBACK: "I promise," Logan said. "Logan?" "Yeah, Dana?" "I've decided I'm only going to the first semester." Logan smiled. That meant Dana would be back for the second half of 9th grade." "Dana?" "Yeah." "I love you." "That was quick. I guess I love you too." END FLASHBACK "I don't have a problem." "Really? How about the fact you said you loved me and you didn't even bother to call or email." "I WAS BUSY!" Logan said defensively. Dana glared, "Ok, but you couldn't bother to return MY calls, and when you'd answer you'd hang up." Logan didn't have an answer. FLASHBACK: "So Dana who's that a picture of?" asked Lily, a girl at Dana's new school. "Oh, that' Logan. My boyfriend. He said he loved me before I left." "If he's your boyfriend, why doesn't he call?" "Um...He gave me this pearl necklace!" "When was the last time you talked to him?" END FLASHBACK Logan still didn't answer. "Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll have you know that there was plenty of guys who wanted me. But I told them I wasn't single. Some boyfriend you are." Dana left. "Wait!" yelled Logan, but she didn't turn around. A/N: That's chap.5. Now, you know why she's mad. But she's still mad. And it gets worse when people think they are dating. And I wonder who Dana blames? There was also be more Zoey/Chase. Hopefully. 6. Upsetting the Queen **No One Else Knew What Happened The Last NightChapter 6** _by CallmeMaddy_ Response to Reviews: Ginger Lovell: Thanks for reading. You're right, Zoey does have a big mouth. Iluvmatt90: I'm sorry you don't understand. If you tell me why, maybe I can explain it to you. Ghostwriter626:Thanks for coming back and reviewing. tutorgrl323:I think I've seen you reviewing some other fanfics of mine, thanks for reviewing this one. **DISCLAIMER: **I _don't _own Zoey 101, but I _do _own a lucky penny! _Chapter 6: Upsetting the Queen_ Logan sat in his chair and played his new video game, some NFL football game. A/N: GO STEELERS! Sorry. _Dana's stupid. Who needs her. _Another voice came into his head, do? Man, you REALLY screwed up. _Chase and Michael walked in the door. "So, Dana was here earlier?" Michael thought Dana came to make out with Logan, not to scream at him. "Yeah...WAIT! How'd you know that?" Logan asked. "Everyone knows," answered Chase, "We ALL know about you and Dana." "How'd you find out," asked Logan, "Well, it doesn't matter, you're on my side right?" Chase gave him a funny look, "Whatever. So you admit about you and Dana." "Um, yeah, I guess. I mean that's why she came." A/N: Logan thinks they know about Dana and his fight, when they think Dana and Logan are dating. Logan saying that's why she came, is going to haunt him...a lot. The three boys went to bed. Sunday left and Monday came. Chase had media first period, along with Zoey. "I'm telling you, he admitted it. You're right. Dana and Logan are dating!" Chase said that alittle loud. Anyone who hadn't heard Logan and Dana were dating from Nicole, had heard it from Chase. "Chase," Zoey warned, "Quiet." "Sorry," Chase raised his voice, "Just kidding." No one believed him. News spread like a wildfire. Kathy, the only bigger gossip than Nicole, was, of course, in Chase and Zoey's class. -- _New Text Message!_ FROM: Kathy TO: Glenn Davis, Vicky, Ollie, Todd, Mr. Bender (A/N: lol), Brad, Tom, Ellen, Louise, Emily, Susan, Sally, John, Bob (A/N: etc. etc. etc.) NEW COUPLE! Dana Cruz and Logan Reese- DATING! -- Dana Cruz sat in geometry, 2nd period, when Emily, Kathy's best friend and big gossip, looked at her. She laughed. She told her seat partner Ralph, who also laughed. Lola was Dana's seat partner. "What are they laughing at?" Dana asked. "You. They probably found out you and Logan were dating?" "WHAT? WHO SAID THAT?" "Um, Zoey talked to Chase in first. Said that Logan admitted to Chase and Michael you two were dating." "Logan," Dana muttered,"Is so dead. Lola start spreading the word this rumor isn't true." 'It's not true?" "Not even close." -- Dana and Logan both had basketball next. "Glad to have you back on the team, Mrs. Reese," joked Brad Johnson, who was Logan's bud. "When's the wedding?" asked Glenn Davis. Logan arrived with Chase and Michael. Dana glared. "Uh oh. What did I do to upset the queen now?" "Is that suppose to be a joke?" Dana asked. "Yeah. Haha. Funny? Dana, do you have to be mad every minute of the day?" Logan asked. "Yes. Because you have to be an ass every minute of the day." There was a chorus of "ooooo's" coming from there teammates. "Are you STILL mad because I didn't call you?" Logan asked. Dana ignored Logan...again and started warming-up. "Chase,old buddy. Why is Dana mad now?" "I dunno. She's YOUR GIRLFRIEND! Ask her." "Girlfriend?" Logan asked, "What are you talking about?" A/N: Dana's rep is destroyed, as everyone thinks she's dating a jerk. Logan is confused and usual. Is it really his fault? No. Dana should be mad at Chase, Zoey, and Nicole. NOT Logan. But that's not how life works. :) 7. What Girlfriend? **No One Else Know What Happened The Last Night** _Chapter 7 by CallmeMaddy_ **Disclaimer: **I don't own Zoey 101, but I do own a lucky penny Response to Reviews: **Ashley: **Your questions are somewhat answered in the 6th chapter. Thanks for reviewing. **Stardust104: **I'm glad someone figured it out! Thanks for reviewing again. **Ghostwriter626:** You don't have to say anything. It's cool that you read it. **Music4mysoul:** Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you liked it. **#1:** I KNOW Dana and Logan should be together, but I'm evil. This is all the reviews received at time being written **Chapter 7** Logan looked at Chase funny, "Girlfriend?" Chase looked back at Logan. Logan asked again, "Come on, man this isn't fuuny, what are you talking about?" "You can stop, everyone knows you two are dating," Glenn answered. "Says who?" Logan asked. "I dunno. I heard it from Kathy," Brad responded. "Well, it's not true!" Logan yelled. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Brad asked. Dana came over to ask them to practice, but instead ended listening to the boys' conversation. "I'm gonna find out who started this rumor, and beat the crap outta them." Chase and Zoey looked at each other. _Uh oh._ Michael looked confused, "But you admitted it last night." "No I didn't." "Yeah you did. We said we know about you and Dana. And you said how'd ya find out. And Chase said so you admit it and you said yeah." Chase continued, "And I told Zoey. Nicole also told some people. Zoey was the one who thought that was happenning." FLASHBACK (TO CONFUSE YOU LESS): _"Everyone knows," answered Chase, "We ALL know about you and Dana."_ _"How'd you find out," asked Logan, "Well, it doesn't matter, you're on my side right?"_ _Chase gave him a funny look, "Whatever. So you admit about you and Dana."_ _"Um, yeah, I guess. I mean that's why she came." _A/N: Logan thinks they know about Dana and his fight, when they think Dana and Logan are dating. Logan saying that's why she came, is going to haunt him...a lot. END FLASHBACK "No," Logan said annoyed, "I admitted about mine and Dana's fight." "What fight?" Zoey asked. "Logan's a jerk. Nothing new. He said he loved me, but never called..." Dana started a full-on rant about Logan. Logan stopped her, "DANA! Don't you think we should be trying to figure out who started this stupid rumor." Zoey and Chase knew they were all fault, but stayed quiet. "WE? No, no we. I will try to figure it out, while you stare at a mirror." "But--" "I still hate you," Dana snapped. She walked off. Logan walked in the other direction. Zoey looked at Chase, "We are so dead." "No? Really?" Chase asked sarcastically. "If I die first, I want to to know...oh nevermind." -- Logan and Dana had biology together. And lucky for Dana, they were lab partners. "Shut up and work," Dana snapped. "Listen. I know who started the rumor." Dana started to pay attention, "Who?" Logan just repeated two sentences Chase had said, "I told Zoey and Nicole told some people.Zoey was the one who thought that was happenning. " "Zoey, Nicole, and Chase?" "Who else?" A/N: Only a couple more chapters left. Logan says sorry. Does Dana forgive him? How much trouble are Chase, Zoey and Nicole are? "If I die first, I want to to know...oh nevermind." Zoey wants to know what Chase means! Is she that stupid? We're almost done! 8. I came back for him **No One Else Knew What Knew What Happened The Last Night--Chapter Ocho (Eight for those who need to brush up on Spanish)** _by CallmeMaddy_ Reviewers: I Love you Guys! topazchick08:I'm writing more now. Thanks for reviewing. Ashley: If you starting getting email alert, you can click on the link in the email and be the first to read (That's what I do with alot of stuff...) Yeah, only a couple more chapters but I've started a new fanfic and I'm working on two others. They all do or will have Dana and Logan. music4mysoul: I'm sorry my stuff is short, I am not really good at working on one story at once, so they end up shorter and I have to work on a different fanfic. Ginger Lovell: I've posted everything up to Ultimate, now! (Yay me!) And your right, Zoey and Chase...naiive and shy. Sarah: I'm glad you love this story, but it's ending soon. But I have three other fanfic currently being writing and those aren't close to done AT ALL! Ghostwriter626:Thanks for reviewing. Fun writing? Sometimes I do, but right now I'm have writer's block so it's not fun. _Disclaimer: _I don't own Zoey 101, but I do own a lucky penny. **A/N:** I think I'm almost done with this one. There may be a sequel, but if there is, not soon. I just started a new fanfic because I'm ended this one quick, its called What happens in Detention, stays in Detention. Basically, everyone gets detention on an off-day so they are stuck in detention...for the whole day! It's going to be good, I promise. So go read Chapter one after you finish this. Oh, and also, Ginger Lovell has a really good Zoey 101 message board, so go check it out: http/ultimatezoey101. Read this, read my newest fanfic, and go to the message board, oh and review too! I am a very demending author, no new chapters until yo do these things! Just kidding. Ok, now, enough of me... **CHAPTER 8** "Chase! Come on! Tell me, what you wanted me to know!" Zoey pleaded. "I changed my mind. It's not that important..." "That's too bad..." Taunted Zoey. "Why?" "Oh, I was just going to tell you want I said on the Time Capsule tape." "WHAT?" Chase exclaimed. Zoey gave him a devilish look, "Oh, come on, tell me what you said about me." "Well, I said you were my best friend and you're really nice and funny," Zoey responded. Chase was disappointed, "Oh." "But that's not what I wanted to say..." "Oh?" Zoey leaned over and kissed him, "I was nervous to tell you, but after you said 'I want you to know...' I thought I better take the risk." "And Dana's going to kill us..." "That too." They both laughed. Chase was really shocked. Zoey just kissed him! "Zo, how long have you liked me?" "Ever since you fell off your bike." "Which time?" (A/N: He's fallen off during the pilot, Back to PCA, and Quinn's Date, now that I think of it...) "The first time," Zoey laughed, "I can't believe I started to believe in Love at First Sight." "It's ok... I believe in it too." (A/N: Aww.) -- "Who Else?" Dana got very angry, very fast, "They...are SO dead." "See, I told ya I didn't do it." Dana glared at him, "Now's not the time Reese." "I figured it out! Not we, I," Logan said mocking Dana's line-- _WE? No, no we. I will try to figure it out, while you stare at a mirror_ "Hush. Now, they are going to pay." "How?" "Zoey's now dating Chase. And Nicole's..." "But that's GOOD for them." "Damn, you're right." "I know. I'm a genius," Logan was as cocky as ever. Dana was getting less and less mad at Logan and more and more mad at Zoey, Chase, and Nicole. And then she reliazed... **FLASHBACK:** _"Logan?"_ _"Yeah, Dana?"_ _"I've decided I'm only going to the first semester."_ _Logan smiled. That meant Dana would be back for the second half of 9th grade._ **End Flashback** _I came back for him..._ A/N: Really, really short Chapter! Sorry. But it's an important Chapter, right? Zoey and Chase. Dana and Logan...Dana reliazing WHY she came that's big. Probably 1-2 more chapters. This fic's plot is almost done...but I have others I'm writing.Please review! 9. Wanna Make Out? **No One Else Knew What Happened ** _by CallmeMaddyFINAL CHAPTER (Chapter 9)_ Disclaimer: I envy the owners. **A/N**:THIS IS THE **FINAL CHAPTER.** Yay! The pain of reading it is done! Feel happy. Accomplished. Something. Concerning the link to Ultimate, a great Zoey site, I don't know why it won't let me post the link to Ultimate. I have put it into my profile, so go there. REVIEWS: **Ashley**-I'm not sure what you mean by "thanxs for that! but can u try sending it agen, 4 sum reason i didnt get it!" I think you mean the website for Ultimate, you can find the link in my profile. Thanks for reviewing! **Ryoku's Jiki Sweetie: **Major DL in this chappie! Its the finale! **Ghostwriter626-**Thanks! **topazchick08**-When Dana says "Zoey dating Chase, Nicole's now dating-" She's planning to spread a rumor about them, like they did to her. Sorry if that wasn't clear. She's not getting together with anyone in this fanfic. **scrivania**-Thanks for reading! I'm updating now so you'll find out the end! **Sarah-**Thanks so much. **Stardust104-**Thanks. **RonluVr34-**I'm not sure if your the same Sarah as before, but thank you! **THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER:** Dana stopped dead in her tracks. _I came back for him. Oh crap I came back for the guy I've been a bitch to._ Dana was in a trance. Logan finally tried to get her attention, "Yoo-hoo Dana?" "Logan!" Dana yelled snapping out of her trance. "What's wrong?" Logan asked. "Everything, Logan...I...we can't talk about this here...not in Bio. I NEED to talk to you after class." -- "It's ok... I believe in it too," Chase replied. Zoey was speechless. "Um...are you going to say something?" Chase asked. Nothing. "Please?" asked Chase. "Chase Matthews...just said...he was in love with me." "Well...technically...I said I believed in love at first sight," Chase joked. All of the sudden, a third voice appeared, Nicole's, "Chase, you're ruining the moment." "Nicole, what are you doing here?" Zoey asked. "Well, I'm NOT eavesdropping," Nicole was such a bad liar, "Ok, maybe I was, but come on, you two are so cute together!" "Uh...Thanks?" Chase guessed. "So, now you two are dating right? RIGHT?" Nicole asked. "Nosy...aren't we?" Chase answered. "Are you?" Uncomfortable pause. "Well..." Chase started. "We haven't really thought about it..." Zoey started. "WELL! DECIDE NOW!" Nicole demanded. "Uh..." Chase said, "Zoey, will you be my girlfriend?" Zoey pretended to think about it..."Uh...YEAH!" -- "So..." Logan started, "You wanted to talk?" Logan and Dana decided to go to the beach. "Yeah..." Dana anwsered. "Ok...about what?" Dana laughed, "I think you know." "Nope," Logan lied, he knew exactly what was going on. "I'm a bitch," Dana admitted. " are," Logan agreed. "LOGAN!" "Hey, you said it!" Logan thought this was too easy. "You're not supposed to agree...I'm trying to say sorry." "Honey. You're forgiven on one basis," Logan said to her. "What?" "We picked up where we left off before you left," Logan said, "And pretend the rest of this didn't happen..." "Logan," DANA started, "Wanna make out?" Logan couldn't believe it, "I so want to reject you like you did to me right now." Dana glared. Logan continued, "But, hey, you win some you lose some." And Logan finally made out with Dana--upon DANA's request. They did pick it up where they left off. They were together. Like it's suppose to be. THE END A/N: Are you going to miss me...I have a solution! Go read my other fanfics! Who ever knew that Nicole would end up getting Chase and Zoey together. Logan and Dana...together...NOW THAT'S HOW LIFE SHOULD BE! Anyway... THE END! Happy Holidays folks. End file.
No One Else Knew What Happened The Last Night by Callmemaddy
Zoey 101
Vince is back! Logan and Michael had made a mess of things- and themselves- again. They were covered in layers of Cheese and mush that they had planned to go all over Vince Blake. Of course things had gone astray. Would it- could it- go any other way! Quinn was staring across the way, at the two idiot boys. She sighed and got up to talk to them. She took a glance behind her, to see if anyone else was going to move- that would be a no. "I'm going to go talk to them." She giggled and stood up. "I find her very suspicious lately." Zoey muttered. "Me too," James told her. "I agree," Lola muttered, looking at her boyfriend, who nodded. Quinn was just approaching the two boys, and they heard her yell: "How did you two idiots ruin such a simple plan?" But, she asked it with a half smile. "I don't know." Logan sighed at her. "Really, How did this happen." Michael yelled at the sky, and walked to the table, to speak with his friends. "Gosh, Logan, you smell disturbing." She laughed. "Really," He asked her, before grabbing her- honeymoon style- and picking her up. "Logan!" She screamed as she got covered in layers of that icky orange gunk. "Who smells bad now?" They heard him yell before carrying her away. They heard her giggle, before they both disappeared from sight. "Wow, weird!" Lola exclaimed, waiting for the two to come back. "I know, really weird!" Zoey murmured in agreement. It was that moment that Quinn and Logan came back, both even more covered in crap, if that was possible, now though they had acquired grass stains, and pieces of grass. "I'm going to take a shower, thank you very much, Logan Reese!" She yelled, poking him in the chest. "Me too, my mouth tastes like... blaech!" He agreed with her. Then they both left from sight. Zoey looked around and asked. "Was it just me, or did Quinn have some stuff on her mouth too." Mummers of agreement satisfied Zoey with the right answer. End file.
Vince is back! by tellmethatyouloveme13
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Dateline** **a/n:This story is about strange goings on with romance. So enjoy!** One quiet Saturday morning Zoey, Dana and Nicole were helping Quinn tidy her room. She was supposed to be getting a new room-mate today at lunch-time and Zoey, Dana and Nicole were making her room look 'normal'. "Zoey, are you in there? I need to speak to you!" shouted Chase. "Yeah, Chase! I'm in here! Come in, but take your shoes off!" Zoey shouted back. "Actually, could you come out here I need to talk to you in private?" Chase asked. "Alright! I'm coming!" Zoey sighed. Nicole, Dana and Quinn glanced at each other nervously. They knew what was going to happen. Meanwhile outside the room Chase had his fingers crossed behind his back. Then when Zoey came out of the room he started to blush. She was wearing a blue crop top which showed off her belly button, a purple mini skirt which showed her skinny knees, she had painted her toe-nails blue and her hair was tucked under a purple headscarf. Chase took three long breathes then said softly, "Zoey you know how there's been some sortta spark between us lately? Well I was thinking would you like to go out some-time? If you do..." "Chase I'd love to!" she screamed, then she reached out and kissed him on the lips and swung her arms round his neck and he kissed her back and hugged tight. When they finally broke away they felt a sudden rush of joy and commitment and they felt like walking in hand and hand into the room, but Zoey made Chase take off his shoes, then Zoey gripped his hand and they walked back into Quinn's room together. "Nicole, Dana, Quinn! Me and Chase have something to tell you all. We're dating!" Zoey announced, another rush of joy ran through her. It felt even better to say it. "That's great!" cried Nicole, with a pang of jealousy. There's never been a boy good-lookingly great enough for her to have a crush. "Awesome!" said Dana, she had a secret crush who she knew loved her back, but they never wanted to admit it. "Who are we gonna tell next?" asked Chase, then he added,"Babe!" "Michael and Logan! Who else?" Zoey answered, making sure she pronounced it just right. It was weird to be dating Chase, well he was one of her best friends, but suddenly he was being promoted to boyfriend. It was so weird. She wondered what would happen next? How long would it last? So off they went to find Michael and Logan. Michael was lying on the couch in front of the T.V. and Logan was on his laptop typing something which looked suspiciously like a love letter, but Zoey didn't think twice about it. She just wanted to tell them about her and Chase. They didn't need to say anything to Michael, he saw their hands linked and got the message. Logan on the other hand didn't even know they were there. When Chase called his name he practically jumped a mile, obviously he didn't want anyone to see what was on the computer because he turned away immediately. "What? What are you doing here?" he said grumpily. "What a nice welcome." Zoey said sarcastically. "Well what do you want?" he said even more grumpily. "We just wanted to tell you some good news!" said Chase. "You're dating! Fantastic! Can I get on with this now?" Logan blurted out. "That's great!" said Michael with more enthusiasm, but with a slight hint of jealousy, girls just didn't wanna date him. "Well now to find Dustin. You know where he is, Michael?" asked Chase. "No, sorry." replied Michael. "He's out on campus with Rachael." Logan replied, "I think he's at the sushi bar." "Thanks, Logan!" Zoey said appreciatively. So off they went to the sushi bar across campus. They decided that they would leave Dustin on his date with Rachael (Rachael has been Dustin's girl friend for two weeks), so Zoey was going on her first unofficial date with Chase. One hour later Chase and Zoey joined tables with Dustin and Rachael, so now it was time to tell Dustin their news. "Dustin, me and Chase have something to tell you. We're going out!" Zoey announced, it sounded perfect. "That's great, Zo!" said Dustin happily. At one o'clock exactly, the gang was in room 102 when they got a knock on the door. Dana opened the door and the most amazing girl standing was there. She had ebony black hair flowing down her back, a pink double sleeved T-shirt, a long white skirt and and black stilettos. "Hello, I'm Madeline." she whispered, "I think this is my room. I'm new here!" "Quinn, it's for you." shouted Dana and Quinn came running. "Thanks, Dana." Quinn said shakily, "Hi, I'm Quinn! You must be my new room mate. I've been waiting all day for you to arrive. Come on in!" "Thanks, Quinn!" said Madeline, she went in the room then she smiled when she saw everyone chatting and carrying on as normal. Quinn gave a loud whistle and there was silence everyone looked up. Then they saw Madeline and Michael wolf whistled. Madeline blushed a fiery red, so she clashed with her out fit. "This is Madeline!" Quinn finally said. "Oh please don't call me that!" Madeline cried, "Call me Maddy!" "Right, Maddy!" Quinn said nicely, "This is Zoey, Chase, Michael, Dana, Logan, Dustin and Rachael." she pointed to each person as she said it. The next morning at breakfast everyone was sitting at the table, except Logan and Dana. Then who should come round the corner, but the very two. "Don't you ever knock!" screamed Dana. "Sorry I didn't think!" Logan screamed back. "Yeah that's right you don't think, your too thick!" "But at least I look good!" "Well at least I'm not in love with my self!" "Well you still should make an effort of getting ready in the morning!" "I was, but then I got a visit from someone when I was still in my underwear!" "Oh, shut up!" "You shut up!" "Urghhhh! I hate you!" "I hate you more!" "Guys! We're trying to eat brekkie!" cried Nicole. "Do they always fight, Zoey?" Maddy asked. "Of course." Zoey replied, then she shouted, "Dana, I saved you a seat!" "Logan your seat's here!" called Chase. It was weird how they always fought. Logan never fought with anyone, yet here he was fighting with Dana. Dana on the other hand fought all the time, but not like this. After breakfast the girls were in room 101 and the boys were supposedly outside. Zoey, Nicole and Maddy were painting their toenails, Dana was staring contentedly out of the bedroom and Quinn was reading Quantum Physics For Beginners, then there was a rap on the door and a letter was pushed under. Nicole jumped up grabbed the letter and opened the door there was no-one there. She read the envelope. "Dana, you have a secret admire!" A/n: Sorry have to leave you there. My sister wants on the computer! 2. Chapter 2 Dateline Chapter 2 **A/N: So you catching on what's happening! I hope so! Here we go again...** "Here you go Dana." Nicole said as she handed over the the pink envelope. Dana took it nervously and carefully opened it. She had a suspicion who it was from, but she wasn't sure if she was right. She decided to run to the bathroom and open it there. She dashed out the room with six eyes following her. "What's her problem?" Maddy asked. "She's never got anything like this." replied Nicole, "Neither have I." "Or me!" said Zoey, scared she'd been forgotten. Meanwhile in the bathrooms Dana had opened the letter. It read: Dear Dana, You know you love me and I love you, so why can't we just admit it. We fight all the time, so why don't stop fighting. If you wanna admit you love me come to the sushi bar today at 12. Love You Know Who xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx She thought she knew it she recognized the way it was written like he talked. She clutched the letter to her chest, but then caught the clock in the corner of her eye. It was half 11. "Oh no!" she moaned. She hurried back to the room and changed into her best pair of jeans and blue tank top and blue striped trainers. By the time she was ready it was quarter to 12. Dana had 15 minutes to run across campus. Zoey had seen her running round the room making herself look glam. "Dana were are you going?" she asked. "Nowhere special. Gotta go! Bye!" replied Dana as she went out the door. "Where's she going?" asked Nicole, who had just returned from carrying all Maddy's make-up kit back to room 102. "I don't know, but I think it's about that letter because she was all dressed up." said Zoey kind of jealously. "Right!" said Nicole with an even more jealous tone, "On the other hand Maddy has a brother and we're going to go and get the boys and then meet him. You comin'?" "Yeah!" Zoey said happily, any chance she got at seeing Chase she would have jumped out a window. Outside Michael and Chase were playing frisbee. but where was Logan? "Where's Logan?" asked Zoey. "I don't know!" replied Chase, "Where's Dana?" "I don't know either!" Zoey said with a deep sigh. 5 minutes later, they were outside another room and Maddy pushed open the door and they stepped into to a wondrous vortex of inventions, (i.e. Quinn Heaven). Maddy took a deep breath in, "Home!" she cried. "Home?" queried everyone else. "Yes, home! I grew up with inventions and experiments all around me. My brother he's scientific. I was actually hoping for a room mate who was a bit like him, but I guess I wasn't in luck." Maddy said back happily. "I am like that, honest!" cried Quinn, "I just hid all my Quinventions!" "Why did you do that?" asked Maddy. "To look normal!" replied Quinn. "You didn't need to do that. I don't believe in normality!" said Maddy with a flourish. Then from out behind the door popped a gorgeous boy. He had black hair which was gelled into spikes, a blue baggy t-shirt, white jeans and black shoes. "Hey, I'm Adam, Maddy's sister." said the boy. "Hi!" everyone said enthusiastically. "So were are we going?" Adam asked. "Cinema?" said Maddy. "Yeah, sure!" Zoey answered. Everyone else just nodded their heads in agreement. So off they walked to the Cinema right across campus. Adam and Quinn went ahead talking English, but it was as if they were speaking another language. Zoey and Chase went hand in hand talking about the next step in their relationship. Michael and Maddy walked together telling joke after joke and poor Nicole was left back on her own. She walked slowly, then she suddenly realized she was all alone, no-one loved her. **A/n: did you like that chapter? Well mores coming soon!** 3. Chapter 3 Dateline Chapter 3 **A/n: You seeing what's happening yet? I hope so! Ready for another chapter? Here we go...** At the sushi bar Dana was wondering if she was right. She couldn't see him anywhere, but it was only five to 12. Then round the corner he came swishing his fluffy hair. Logan, Dana's dream boy. He waltzed right up to her. "You admit it then?" asked Logan. "Of course!" Dana said, as if it was nothing. "Well what do we do now?" "Usually we tell everyone." "But wouldn't that takeaway Zoey and Chases happiness." "Of course not!" "How will we tell them?" "What are we best at?" "Arguing! But I don't see how that will help!" "We start it off as if it's another fight, then we shout that we love each other and then we fall into each others arms. Kapesh!" "Kapesh!" Dana reached forwards and pecked his cheek and then flounced. She felt she was on top of the world. Logan flashed red, but he 'was' on top of the world. Meanwhile at the Cinema, they were queuing at the ticket box. When it was there turn, Maddy stepped forward. "Seven tickets for South Pacific, please." she asked. The man handed over their tickets and she gave him the money. Then they went to the snack bar. Nicole got a large bucket of popcorn and a large drink, but everyone else got a large popcorn and a large drink to share with someone. Zoey shared with Chase, Quinn shared with Adam and Maddy shared with Michael. When they paid they then headed to screen 5. When the film started Zoey and Chase started to kiss, Zoey didn't even notice there was anyone around her, neither did Chase. Nicole couldn't concentrate on the film even though it was her favourite. Half way through the film Maddy started to kiss Michael and Adam kissed Quinn once and she kissed him back, but somehow they couldn't stop. Nicole couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and ran out the room all the way to the bathroom. Then she saw it, two girls making out and thought, maybe there was no boy for her. **A/n:Do you know what's gonna happen next? Hold that thought! More comin' soon!** 4. Chapter 4 Lovechain Chapter 4 **a/n:What do you thinks gonna happen next? Ready? Let's go...** Dana felt wonderful, she hadn't felt like this since the time she first set eyes on Logan. He'd swished his fluffy hair at her and said, "What are you looking at? Oh it's you, you wanna make out?" She had reluctantly said no as she had only just met him, then she pushed him back, he fell into coffee table, and walked on. All the people in the room looked up to her from then on so she maintained her image. When the film had finished and all the couples broke up Zoey immediately looked up to see if Nicole was crying, she always did, to find that she wasn't there. "Have any of you seen, Nicole?" she asked. "No!" they all replied. Maddy got up and dashed towards the bathroom. When she got there she peered round and cried, "Nicole are you in here?" There was a muffled reply, "Yeah! Why?" "Have you been crying?" "No!" Nicole sniffled, "Well, yes." "Why?" asked Maddy, "I realised something." "What?" "I don't think I love boys, I love girls!" "What?" "I think I love girls!" "It's O.K! I know I do!" "What?" "I've known for ages." "But you were just kissing Michael!" "It's a cover up! Not even my brother knows about this and I tell him everything!" "So no-one knows about it?" "Just you!" Then Maddy leaned forward and squeezed Nicole's hand tight and lead her out towards the others, but as they got to the door Maddy stopped and turned round. "Nicole you gotta find a cover up!" she said then she leaned forward and kissed her on the fore-head and then carried on leading her out the door to the others. When they reached them, they all saw Nicole's eyes were red. "Nicole, you've seen that movie tons of times it can't always upset you." said Michael, a little bit horribly. "Well it does!" Nicole cried, a little hurt. "Sorry" said Michael, with a hurtful tone, "You're such a baby!" "Michael, don't hurt Nicole's feelings! Say sorry!" Zoey snapped. "Sorry!" said Michael, not really meaning it. "Right that's sorted. Sushi!" said Chase, rubbing his stomach. "Alright!" said Zoey happily. "I think I'll pass!" Nicole whispered, she couldn't bare to be around people, she hadn't even come to terms with her self let alone being round other people hiding a secret. "Why? It cant be about the baby thing Nicole!" exclaimed Michael. "No, I'm just not hungry." whispered Nicole. "Neither am I!" said Maddy loudly, so that they all span round to look at her. "Well I'm going!" shouted Quinn and Adam at the exact same time. "I'm going to." Michael said basically annoyed with everyone, but hungry. So then they all went out the door and split and went they're separate ways. Maddy and Nicole walked back to their separate dorms. They didn't speak all the way, but when they reached the door Nicole could of sworn she heard Maddy say "I love you!" Nicole opened the door and Dana was lying on her bed humming 'Crazy in Love'. When she saw Nicole she shouted, "Where have you been?" "You haven't exactly been worrying, have you?" "No!" "Where were you?" "Nowhere special!" "Tell!" "You'll find out soon enough!" "Ooh!" Across campus Logan was still sitting thinking through what just happened between him and Dana, when round the corner Zoey, Chase, Michael, Quinn and Adam came. He snapped straight out of it and looked at them. "Dining alone or did we have a friend, Logan?" asked Chase. "Huh! Oh...alone!" said Logan a little startled. "Michael, I think we have a friend for you!" called Chase. "No thanks, I've just eaten!" replied Logan as he stood up and hurried away. As he was walking he switched on his mobile and started texting Dana: Hey Babe! When are we gonna do this? I wanna know! Luv xxhotstuffxx Dana was in the bathroom when her phone went off and wasn't there to answer it. Nicole ran to the phone and switched the tone of, she hated the tune, the name of the person flashed on, Logan, xxhotstuffxx. Nicole couldn't stop herself, she accepted the message. When she read what was on the screen, her face fell. Now she felt guilty! Dana came back into the room, "What are you doing on my bed?" she screamed then her eyes diverted to Nicole's hand, "What are you doing with my phone?" Nicole ran and screamed, Maddy came out from her room and ran round the corner. "What's all this noise about?" she cried. Dana who was by now advancing towards Nicole with her fists clenched span round. "She was on my bed clutching my phone!" said Dana, who was fuming by now, "And who are you? Another Zoey?" then she flopped down on the swivel chair and put her head in her hands, "Oh god I didn't mean that! I'm so sorry! Please don't tell Zoey!" "We wont, will we Nicole." said Maddy softly. "Of course not, as long as you tell me what Logan means by do this?" said Nicole innocently. "You toe-rag! You weren't reading my texts were you? I hate you!" cried Dana, "Anyway you'll find out soon. Now give me my phone, I need to reply!" Nicole stretched her arm as far as it would go and as Dana took the phone she twisted Nicole's arm slightly. "Owwww!" screamed Nicole, "That really hurt!" "Serves you right then!" shouted Dana contentedly, "Now I wanna reply to this text in peace!" She texted Logan back saying: xxhotstuffxx, do ya know where the others are? If ya do text ma back and tell ma! Queen of Mean xx Five minutes later she got a text back saying: In the sushi bar! xxhotstuffxx Dana was happy with that. She decided to tell Maddy and Nicole straight out. "About that text, well as you know it was from Logan, but you didn't know was that we're going out!" "Since when!" cried Nicole. "Since 12 o'clock!" "What?" cried Maddy, "That's great!" "Do the others know?" asked Nicole impatiently. "No, not yet!" said Dana back happily, "That's where I need your help! I need you to go to the sushi bar and make them stay there until me and Logan get there. When we do we will be fighting, then we're gonna say we love each other then fall into each others arms and kiss! Good plan!" "Excellent!" cried Nicole astonishedly. "Fantastic!" said Maddy happily. 5. Chapter 5 Lovechain Chap 5 **a/n:The tension's rising for Nicole.** Back at the sushi bar Zoey, Chase, Michael, Quinn and Adam were all drinking smoothies quietly thinking to themselves. Then Chase broke the silence, "So Michael you're dating Maddy, now?" "Suppose!" Michael replied. "And you're dating Quinn?" said Chase obviously talking to Adam. "Of course!" Adam and Quinn replied at the same time. "Well Nicole looked awful jealous. We're gonna have to hook her up with someone, but who." said Zoey a little concerned. "I don't know!" said Chase, "What's her type?" "I don't know, do you Zoey!" replied Quinn, "Does she even have a type?" "I haven't seen her date anyone have you? And she hasn't really taken an interest in anyone, except Paul." Paul was in the same lab class as Nicole. He had short blonde hair, light blue eyes and was probably the same size as Logan. He had shown a lot of interest in her in the last month and she had to him. He is also Rachael's brother. "Paul it is then!" said Adam happily. Before they could say anymore Maddy and Nicole came walking in the door. "Hey guys, what's up?" called Maddy. Dana and Logan were wondering what to start of they're fight with. "Well I could kick you. That sure would start you off, as for me I can turn myself on!" boasted Dana. "Sure, but since when can you turn off!" said Logan sarcastically. "I can!" cried Dana. "Alright I was only kidding." whispered Logan, his cocky attitude gone. "Right we'll say whatever comes to mind." said Dana quietly. They walked to the corner pretending they didn't know each other then Dana turned towards Logan. "Sorry, this is gonna hurt!" whispered Dana. She then gave him one almighty kick, which knocked him down. "Aaargh! I hate you!" screamed Logan. "Well I hate you more!" Dana shouted back. "Do you now?" "Yes I do!" "Slut!" They opened the door, but you could hardly hear the ping. "Self obsessed jerk!" "Freak!" "Bitch!" "What did you call me?" "A bitch!" "That's what you are!" "No I'm not!" she had a fake tear in her eye. "I'm sorry!" he grabbed her arms, "I love you!" "I love you too!" then they kissed. It was as if they really had been fighting. They hung on kissing for a while. Time seemed to have paused everyone was looking at them. It was kinda embarrassing, but to them it felt great. When they finally broke away everyone was looking at them, but all Dana had to do was give her 'what are you looking at' look and everyone went back to their own buisness. "Wow!" said a shocked Michael. "What? They've been working up to that for weeks!" cried Zoey. "It's just for Dana to go from mean to that in seconds!" said Michael, still shocked. "And the best bit is it was all fake!" said Dana happily. "Except for the love bit! We really do love each other!" cried Logan, afraid she was pretending about it all. "I was getting round to that!" she said loudly. "Sounds like someone's getting back to her normal self." said Logan quietly. "Yes I suppose I am. I do have everything I want. Great friends, a gorgeous self-absorbed beauty of a boy-friend and I go to PCA. What more could I want?" Dana cried, she really was very happy, but something was missing her family. "You must be missing something, everybody does!" said Logan, "I'm missing something! My major millionaire dad!" "Well I suppose I do miss my family." Dana whispered. "It's OK! We understand! We have left ours aswell!" said Zoey comfortingly. Then Dustin and Rachael came in the door. "OK! Maybe I haven't left Dustin, but everyone else in my family is at home." Zoey laughed, "You had good-timing Dust!" "Hey guys!" Rachael and Dustin called at the same time. "Hi!" everyone else said. "So what's been happening?" Dustin asked. "Well Maddy's going out with Michael, Dana with Logan, I'm still with Chase, Quinn's with Maddy's brother Adam, but poor Nicole's all on her own." replied Zoey. "Well she could always go with my brother Paul!" said Rachael kindly, "He's crazy about her! What do ya think, Nicole?" "I'm crazy about him too! Where is he?" asked Nicole, desperate for a cover up, or was she really crazy about him? "I think he's at the beach!" said Rachael fondly. "Well we'll make an outing of it!" exclaimed Adam, "I'll take my darling Quinn and all of you can take your partners, and hopefully we'll get one for Nicole." "Correction, we will get a boy-friend for Nicole. As I said my brother is mad about her." cried Rachael. "And if I object?" asked Nicole. "You live with jealousy!" shouted everyone else. "Wait what about my sushi!" Chase and Michael shouted at the same time. "Alright first we'll get some sushi." sighed Zoey, "But we've gotta go soon!" "Don't worry it's Sunday he won't leave the beach till eight unless he has something important to do!" said Rachael comfortingly. "OK!" cried Nicole, "First sushi, then beach! Deal!" "Deal!" cried everyone else. Once they'd eaten their sushi they strolled down to the beach. Skimming stones along the waves was Paul. In Nicole's eye she was gorgeus. As they approached he spun round. "Oh, hi Nicole." he said shyly. "Hi!" replied Nicole a little more boldly. "How did you find lab on Friday?" asked Paul. "Quite hard actually. And you?" responded Nicole. "Really hard!" groaned Paul, "But I liked it because I got to see you." then he blushed. "Um...Thanks!" Nicole then blushed violently, maybe he suspicions were wrong, maybe she did like boys. A/n: Read Big Tubbie and cast your vote, Thanks! Zinaalla P.S. There is more! 6. Chapter 6 Lovechain Chap 6 **A/n: You saw what happened, what a spot to leave Nicole! Does she love him or is it Maddy she loves! Read on to find out!** "Well I like you too, Paul!" whispered Nicole, not really knowing if she did love him or not, but she thought she did. "You do! I loved you for like forever!" cried Paul, then he glanced round to see who heard, his sister was one of them, "Would you like to be my girl-friend?" "Of course I would!" then Nicole leapt forward and kissed him on the lips, it felt wonderful, maybe she did love him. When they broke apart they both blushed, it was a good job everyone else was kissing their girl-friends and boy-friends. "So you do love me, fooling around in lab class with me wasn't just a show, it was real!" whispered Paul "Yes it was real, Paul! Yes it was!" said Nicole, she was starting to believe that she did love him. "You know what? Does that that mean I get to hang with my sis and the rest of them?" asked Paul. "Of course it does, your my boy-friend!" replied Nicole. "And Rachael's my sis and she said I couldn't!" complained Paul. "But this is different, my friends are yours!" exclaimed Nicole, "I really do love you and you love me!" "Oh right! Kiss me baby." whispered Paul. Meanwhile Dana and Logan had snuck away. "Logan we should have told someone we were going, we don't want them looking for us!" said Dana with a worrying tone. "I'll text someone then!" as Logan said this he whipped his mobile out, "Who shall I text?" "Zoey!" said Dana knowing that she would understand. "I love you Dana, please stay with me for the rest of my life?" Logan asked lovingly. "I can't promise, you know that, but I'll try!" Logan sent the text to Zoey then he wrapped his arms round Dana's waist and started to kiss her, she kissed him back. They were locked together in a passionate kiss, holding on for what seemed like hours, but was only minutes. Then Logan's phone started to ring. "Don't answer it, Logan!" Dana pleaded. But Logan glanced at the caller ID, "It's Zoey! I better get it!" he sighed. "OK!" Dana said miserably. "Hi Zoey, what's up? He's done what? I'll come straight away!" said Logan into his phone. "What is it?" asked Dana with a worried look. At the beach everyone was huddled round Dustin, who was lying on his back with his leg at a funny angle and he was unconscious. "Who have you called?" asked Dana who was running way ahead of Logan who was panting in the distance. "We've called the ambulance and Mr Bender, who has arrived already!" sobbed Zoey, tears were streaming down her cheeks. "The...recovery...position." panted a puffed out Logan, then he fell down in the sand. Dana stepped forward and fixed Dustin into the recovery position. "How did it happen?" she asked. "He was playing on the rocks with me, when he slipped on one and fell onto that rock." cried Rachael who was just as upset as Zoey, "What if he hit his head? What would I do then? This is all my fault, I suggested it!" (a/n:OK! I don't know if there are rocks on their beach, but I needed something!) "It's not your fault Rachael!" said a comforting voice, it was Mr Bender, "I go on the rocks all the time, this could have happened to me or my kids, but it happened to Dustin! It's not your fault!" (OK! I don't know if Mr Bender has kids, but he does in my stories!) When the ambulance arrived Logan was standing up normally and Dustin was semi-awake. "Who's gonna come in the back with him?" asked young skinny lady. "Zoey!" everyone said. "Everyone else can come in my car!" shouted Mr Bender. So everyone except Zoey and Dustin, who got in the ambulance, piled into the back of Mr Bender's car. "We'll try and follow you!" called Mr Bender to the paramedics, "So we'll meet you there!" "Right I'll see you all there!" sobbed Zoey as the doors closed. Mr Bender did his best to follow the ambulance, but when he finally lost it he took a short cut. Nobody was saying anything. Chase was hugging his legs, Maddy and Michael were avoiding eye-contact and were sitting at separate ends of the car, Nicole and Rachael were leaning into Paul, Quinn an Adam were holding hands, Dana and Logan were hugging each other comfortingly and Mr Bender was concentrating on the road. Then Quinn broke the silence, "He'll be alright! He's a strong kid, you know that Rachael! Don't you?" "Of course I do! I am a year older than him, but I am just so scared!" Rachael replied, then she broke down crying. "Zoey looked traumatized!" Chase finally said, he hadn't said anything since he heard Rachael scream when Dustin fell. "Are you all right Chase?" asked Logan suspiciously. "No I'm not! My girl-friend's brother is unconscious and we're rushing to the hospital! How the hell do you think I feel?" Chase screamed, he was so frustrated. "Cool it, man!" cried Michael, "Everything will be all right. As Quinn said he's a strong kid like his sister, he may not be as perfect, but he's strong!" "What do you mean he's not perfect, he is!" screamed Rachael. "Right break it up, you lot! We're there!" called Mr Bender. In the emergency room Dustin was lying on the table still semi-awake, Zoey was in the waiting room. "What am I gonna do? I can't sit here on my own I'll go mad! I wish Mr Bender would hurry up! Oh Chase I need you! Oh someone break the silence!" whispered Zoey to her self. As if by magic the whole group came pushing in through the door. Chase ran towards Zoey. "Oh Zoey, have you heard anything yet?" asked a desperate Chase. "He's still semi-awake! They're going to take him to x-ray in a moment, but they'll tell me when he wakes up!" said a happier Zoey. "You here that, Rachael! He's gonna be OK!" said a very happy Paul. Meanwhile Dustin was being taken to x-ray, when he woke up. He tried to talk to but his mouth felt numb, he couldn't speak, so it sounded like this, "Hair om pie?" Meaning "Where am I?" A big bouncy nurse came bounding over, "Oh hello little un! You're in the hospital! From what we could gather from your sister, you fell off the rocks you were playing on and injured your leg and you might have hit your head! Don't try to talk, we can't understand you! Sorry, pet!" As she said this his ears were ringing either her voice, he tried to protest at being called little but he was too sore, and he couldn't speak either. "What you don't like being called little?" she semi-asked, he winced at her, "Well I'll just get your sister and then I'll be back." after she said this she bounded out into the waiting room. "Zoey, Dustin is awake, but he can't speak and he can barely move, but things are looking up!" she said kindly, "Oh and he might not be able to remember much either." Zoey didn't know whether to be happy or sad, she decided to be happy he was awake, but sad he couldn't talk. "Would you and one or two of your friends like to come and see him?" the nurse asked. "Yes, please!" whispered Zoey, then she turned round to talk to her friends, "Chase and Rachael would you come with me?" "Of course, I have to see Dustin!" cried Rachael. "I'll go as long as I don't have to look at him, I hate pain!" whispered Chase. "You don't have to do it if you don't want!" whispered Zoey. "But I do, to be with you!" whispered Chase back. So they walked through to the emergency room. Chase had his arm round Zoey and Rachael was walking ahead with the nurse, who wasn't helping by telling stupid hospital jokes. When they got to there, they saw Dustin lying on his back looking up at the roof. Zoey cried she'd never seen him like this. "Ro!" he tried to say Zo, "Sagel!" meaning Rachael. "Dustin, don't speak!" said the nurse sternly. "Dustin, you're gonna be fine! Isn't he?" sobbed Rachael. "Of course he is!" boomed the nurse. "Chase is here aswell Dust! But he's not gonna look!" Zoey said softly. "Gasse!" Dustin had tried to say Chase. "Yes I'm here! Owwww! Zoey!" said Chase, still not looking, "What was that for?" "He's reaching for you if you looked!" said Zoey a little annoyed. Chase opened his eyes and sure enough, Dustin's hand was searching for him. Chase clutched his hand and thought maybe he wont recover. "Degal!" they looked at him, "Hair Degal?" "What do you think he means?" asked the nurse. "I have no idea!" complained Chase. "Degal! Degal!" Dustin kept groaning the same word. " OK! Stop talking!" cried the nurse, "We'll figure out what you're saying. Anything you know sound like that?" Chase racked his brain cells then he thought, "Michael!" Dustin groaned in agreement, then tried to make a gesture with his hand, but failed. "Do you want the rest of them?" asked Rachael. Dustin again groaned in agreement. "I suppose they could come in as long as you don't speak!" Dustin groaned again. "I'll get them!" cried Chase, desperate to get out the room. "Hurry back!" called Zoey as he headed out the door. **A/n: Is Dustin gonna be OK? Who does Nicole really like? Will Maddy tell Michael her secret? Find out in the next chapter!** **Zinaalla** 7. Chapter 7 Lovechain Chap7 **a/n: I left you in suspense there, but you wanna know more, if not why are you reading this!** Chase strolled through the corridor, then he started thinking about the last time he visited. _Flashback_ "_Chase, come quick! The baby's here!" his dad shouted._ _Chase ran to the room his mom and dad were in. His mom had the baby in her arms but it didn't look right. He was only ten at the time._ _The midwife looked at the child and said "Excuse me can I talk to the father out-side."_ "_OK!" his father said_ _The midwife took him out-side. Chase heard his dad let out one long "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"_ _Then she came back in and Chase was told to leave the room. Then when he came back in the room the baby, who by the way was a girl, was hooked up to machines._ "_What's wrong with her?" he asked._ "_Turns out her legs are in a funny position, and because she's a premature baby she can't handle the pain so she has to survive off machines." explained the nurse._ _End Flashback_ The baby died later that day. He'd never gotten over it, that's why he hates hospitals. By the time he got to the others he was in tears. Michael pulled him aside, he was the only one who knew. "Is this all about that time or Dustin or both?" Michael asked. "That time!" sobbed Chase. "Leave the subject! I'm sorry about it, you know I am, but you gotta pull yourself together for Dustin and Zoey!" whispered Michael. "Dustin and Zoey, something I was suppose to say!" Chase said slowly, then he remembered, "That's it! Dustin wants you all in there with him!" he called to everyone. They all followed Chase into the emergency room to find Dustin in a wheel-chair. "We have to take him to the Darwin-Jones ward.(a/n:couldn't think of anything else!) We need this room for someone else. So if you'd all like to follow me we'll go there now!" the nurse said kindly. So they trooped through the hospital. Quinn and Adam were yet again speaking in science geek, Maddy and Michael were telling jokes, but the laughter was weak, Nicole and Paul were holding hands but they were thinking intensely, Zoey was hanging onto Chase while Chase was crying into her hair, Rachael was talking to Dustin while he formed what looked like a smile, Dana and Logan were walking separately thinking about what happen next. Will everyone's relationship get through this tough one? What will happen to Dustin? That's all Logan could think of and he's the self centered one. Dana on the other hand just kept thinking about Zoey and Dustin, then Chase. When they got to the ward Dustin was asleep, Zoey and Chase were both half-asleep, Logan and Dana had moved together and Logan was sniffing lovingly at Dana's hair, Maddy and Michael had stopped the stupid jokes and were now holding hands but not saying anything, Adam and Quinn were still speaking geek, Nicole and Paul were still holding hands too but they were talking to each other about Dustin and Rachael and Rachael was walking beside Dustin. "Here we are!" said the nurse. "Can we stay awhile?" pleaded Rachael. "Yes, of course!" boomed the nurse, "Now Dustin, wake up!" "Moo, issss te egly!" Dustin groaned as he woke up, then he realised where he was and grunted. "Right time to get into bed!" said Zoey kindly. When Dustin was all settled down in bed he looked round for Zoey, Rachael and his other friends, all he could see was them all asleep on the floor, except Chase who was sitting in the chair hugging his knees. "Chase?" Dustin managed to ask. "I'm here!" replied Chase, "Wait you can talk!" "Wrong?" Dustin asked. "Well hospitals bring back bad memories!" "Why?" "I lost my baby sister when I was ten!" "Oh!" "I loved the idea of having someone else to love, but it just didn't work!" "Who else?" "Just Michael here!" "Sorry!" "I don't wanna talk about it anymore!" Then Mr Bender walked into the ward "Well I've gotta go now! I'll pick you up tomorrow at one!" he said. "What about class?" asked Chase. "I'll explain and you'll be excused!" said Mr Bender, "You get some rest!" "Thanks! Bye!" whispered Chase. "Bye!" grumbled Dustin. "Bye!" whispered Mr Bender, then he walked away. Then Chase and Dustin felt themselves drifting to sleep. When Zoey woke up she saw Dustin curled up in bed with his leg in a sling, Chase was strewn out on the chair, Quinn had her head on Adam's chest, Paul was lying on his back with his left arm round Rachael and his right round Nicole, Logan had his arms round Dana and Dana had her arms round Logan and Maddy and Michael had their backs to each other. Then she glanced at her watch. "Oh no! We're late! Chase, Michael, Maddy, Nicole, Paul, Rachael, Dana and Logan! We're late!" she cried. None of them woke up, but Dustin did. "No, class! Bender say!" he grumbled. "What no class because Mr Bender said we could stay?" Zoey asked him. Dustin just nodded his head. "Oh Dustin, you don't know how much we worried!" cried Zoey, "I was in tears, so was Rachael! It was funny though, when I phoned Logan because he'd gone off with Dana and they came running. When Logan got to the beach he collapsed beside you, but at least he wasn't panicking because he remembered the recovery position!" Dustin managed a laugh, "Zo, I love you!" "I love you too, Dustin!" "Chase love you!" "And I love him!" "He hate hospitals!" "It certainly looks like that!" "Reason! Sister!" "But he has no sister or brother!" "Exactly!" "Oh! He lost his baby sister while she was still in hospital! That's terrible!" "I know! Don't say!" "I won't! You know me!" "Yes!" then Dustin went back to sleep. When everyone except Dustin was awake they started talking. "Rachael, he's talking better." Zoey said comfortingly. "He is that's great!" cried Rachael. "Yeah I was talking to him earlier this morning! He was actually almost speaking in sentences!" said Zoey, quickly glancing at the clock, it was quarter to one, "Chase do you know what time Mr Bender's gonna picking us up?" "Ummmm! One, I think!" stuttered Chase, not quite ready to wake up yet. "We are here for another fifteen minutes, we better wake Dustin up to talk to before we go." sighed Zoey, "Dustin, wake up!" "Mom, go away!" moaned Dustin. "Mom's at home, Dustin! You haven't seen her for ages! We're about to go, well when Mr Bender comes anyway!" called Zoey softly. "Zoey, I love you,but I'm trying to sleep!" Dustin moaned. "Your talking proper in sentences! That's great!" cried Zoey and Rachael. "I am! Good, now let me sleep!" Dustin snapped. "Dustin we're about to leave when Mr Bender comes and all you want to do is sleep, well you could do that when we're gone!" cried Rachael, getting frustrated because he wouldn't talk to her, "If you're not gonna talk to me I wont ever talk to you, but that wouldn't mean we were over!" "Alright! I'm awake! Come over and kiss me!" then Dustin realized who was in the room, "And the rest of you can look away!" "You know what, as soon as your leg's better you can come to my house, because it will be the summer!" whispered Rachael in Dustin's ear. "Right!" he whispered back, then he shouted, "You can look back now!" Everyone sighed then span round. "So has the prince doing?" asked the nurse, who came bounding round the corner. "Who are you calling the prince?" Dustin replied cheekily. "Oh, so you're all better now are you?" asked the nurse, just as cheekily. "Except for a broken leg, yeah I'm fine, thanks!" Dustin answered back happily. "And your using full sentences now! I think you can go back to PCA today with your friends and sister!" exclaimed the nurse. "I can! Whoopee!" cried Dustin. When Mr Bender arrived he went to talk to the nurse. When he had finished he was followed by the nurse who was pushing a wheel-chair. "Well Dustin, you're coming back with us!" announced Mr Bender. "YES!" screamed Dustin. "Calm down! Now you're to come back next week for a check up!" said the nurse soothingly. "Dustin's coming home!" cried Rachael. "Yes, the little dude's gonna be alright!" whooped Michael. "Alright, ready to go?" asked Mr Bender. "YES!" replied the group. When they got back to PCA everyone except Dustin had to go back to class. "See ya later!" called Dustin as Mr Bender wheeled him back to his room. "You take it easy, man!" shouted Michael as he ran in the other direction. "Bye!" the rest called as they ran after him. "Well he's all better!" sang Rachael, then she skipped down the hall, while the others turned right and went into their class. "Hello children!" said Mrs Flak kindly, "Please sit in your seats!" "How come they haven't been here all day?" asked Vikki snobbishly. "Family emergency!" Chase blurted out, "Well sort of!" "Right settle down! And get on with your work!" After their lessons they went back to room 101. "What an eventful day!" Rachael sighed. "Yes, it has, but not as much yesterday!" Zoey breathed. "Uh huh!" Logan agreed, "I mean Adam and Quinn got together, so did Michael and Maddy, Nicole and Paul and me and Dana. Then Dustin had his fall." "But maybe it was to signify the start of our new lives!" Dana added. "You know what you maybe right!" exclaimed Zoey then she gave everyone a glass of cherryade, "To new beginnings!" "To new beginnings!" everyone cried. When the boys had to go back to their dorm the girls, except Maddy and Nicole, went to dinner. So in room 101 it was just Nicole and Maddy. "So Nicole do you still feel the way you did yesterday?" Maddy asked casually. "I really don't know I haven't given it another thought since after Dana and Logan. I don't know! I think I love Paul! But I really don't know! I'm just so confused!" Nicole sighed, then she flopped back on her bed, "How did you feel when you first discovered?" "I was so confused, but then I started thinking it was OK because there are other girls like me and maybe you are too." "I just don't know!" Meanwhile in the boys dormitories, Logan was lying on his bed dreaming about Dana, Chase was watching the clouds drift by, while Michael, Adam, Paul and Dustin, who had been moved in with Chase, Michael ad Logan's room by Mr Bender, were talking about how beautiful their girls were. "Well Rachael's so beautiful, I can't believe I never talked to her till two months!" said Dustin happily. "I agree my sister's cute but you obviously haven't seen Nicole lately!" exclaimed Paul. "Well Quinn doesn't need to be beautiful, she has brains, but she is cute!" Adam called. "Maddy is just perfect, too perfect!" Michael said dreamily. "You know what, I thi..." Dustin started to say then dropped off. "Dustin!" cried Michael, "Dustin, answer me!" At the cafeteria Dana, Quinn, Rachael and Zoey were finished their dinner and were heading back to their dorm. "Do you think Nicole's hiding something?" asked Zoey. "I don't know!" replied Quinn. "Me either!" answered Rachael. "Well she definitely has something to hide!" cried Dana, they all stared at her, "You've seen her, she's all shifty!" "Hmmmmm! I wonder what could it be?" Zoey stammered. They walked round the corner, then opened the door. They couldn't believe their eyes. What they saw was freaking them out. Back in the dorm about five minutes ago Maddy and Nicole were sitting on the sofa together. "So do you feel like you did yesterday?" Maddy asked again. "I really don't know!" cried Nicole. "Do you wanna find out then?" Maddy called then lent forward. Back in the Boys dorm Michael was still trying to see how Dustin was. "Dustin, please answer me!" Michael started to scream, "OK! Chase go and get Mr Bender! I'll go and get Zoey! Logan!" Logan didn't answer, he was too busy looking at the ceiling, "You just look at the roof! The rest of you stay with Dustin!" Then he ran out the room he ran all the way to room 101 where he found Dana, Zoey, Quinn and Rachael staring into the room. He touched Zoey on the shoulder, she turned round to reveal Nicole and Maddy kissing. He stood there staring for a minute or two. Then he turned to face Zoey. "Dustin, he just stopped talking, stopped moving, he didn't respond!" shouted Michael. "What?" Zoey screamed, then she ran out of the room all the way to the boys dorm. But Michael stayed there, by this time Maddy and Nicole had broken apart and Nicole had run out of the room. Michael looked at Maddy and Maddy looked back at him. The others took this as their cue to exit. **A/n:Same with me! What did you think please review! I love you all! This chap is for Apa!** 8. Chapter 8 Lovechain Chap 8 **a/n:I don't blame you if you hate me! I'm dying to find out what happens next aswell! I am ready to go! This next chap has mild swearing here and there!** "Maddy! I...don't...understand!!...Why?...How?..." Michael stammered, lost for words. "Michael, I'm sorry! I do love you, just not the way you love me! I am so not into boys the way I should, I suppose! I've known for ages, but apart from me Nicole's the only one that knows!" explained Maddy. "So why Nicole?" Michael asked slowly. "I was helping her decide something." whispered Maddy. "What who's lips to kiss? When were you gonna tell me?" shouted Michael. "No! I wasn't gonna tell you! I needed a cover! I'm so sorry! I couldn't tell anyone, except Nicole!" whispered Maddy. "You used me! I hate you! I'm never gonna talk to you again!" screamed Michael, then he ran out of the room. He left Maddy standing, staring after him. "How could I have done this?" Maddy questioned herself, "I suck, I am so horrible! I've broken his heart! I better go to Dustin!" then she strolled towards the boys dorm. When she got there she found Mr Bender and the rest crowded round Dustin. Logan had his arm round Dana, Chase was comforting Zoey, who was crying into his shoulder, Adam and Quinn were looking shocked, but they were holding hands, Rachael was cuddling into Paul, Nicole was trying to avoid eye contact with Paul, Michael and Maddy, Michael was shooting nasty looks at Maddy and Nicole, Mr Bender was lifting Dustin's eyelids up, checking his forehead and he kept glancing at his watch and poor Dustin was lying limply in his wheel-chair. "Where is that bloody ambulance?" shouted Mr Bender. "It will be coming!" said Adam comfortingly. "Yes, but I wish it would hurry up!" Mr Bender shouted even louder than before. "Mr Bender, just calm down!" Maddy cried. Everyone stared at her, except Nicole and Dustin, Nicole was still trying to avoid looking at her and you know why Dustin couldn't. "Oh look at Miss Perfect! Did you hear what she said? Well you should have seen what she was doing!" exclaimed Michael. "Who's 'she' the cat's mother?" Maddy shouted back. "No, the girl who was kissing Nicole! What's her name again? Oh yeah, Maddy!" Michael said rather loudly. "Shut the hell up, Michael!" Maddy whispered, but Adam still heard him. "Maddy is this true?" Adam asked softly. Maddy burst into tears and nodded her head. "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you kiss Michael and then Nicole? I can't believe this! I thought you told me everything!" Adam half-questioned, half-screamed. "I...don't...know!...For...a...cover...up!!...I'm...sorry!...I'!" Maddy said between sobs. "Hello, guys! I see you've got issues, but there's an even bigger issue here! Dustin!" shouted Mr Bender. Then they heard squeaky wheels, like on a shopping trolley. Then two paramedics came in with a bed. "Where's the casualty?" one asked. "Right here!" replied Mr Bender, "He just got out hospital earlier today. He fell off some rocks yesterday and broke his leg and temporarily lost the ability to speak!" "Right, well this could just be a relapse!" the second paramedic reassured him. "A relapse can't that sometimes be fatal?" Zoey cried. "Yes, but only one in a million." the first paramedic told her, "Now who's going to be in the ambulance with him?" Zoey stepped forward. "And who's coming with me?" asked Mr Bender, expecting them all to want to be there for Dustin. "I will!" Rachael cried, even though she was freaked out by what she'd seen, but her boyfriend was yet again unconscious. "Logan and I are coming!" called Dana. "I am!" Logan cried. "Yes!" Dana roared. "I'm coming!" shouted Quinn, she was starting to feel guilty about all her experiments on him. "I'm not!" whispered Maddy. "I'm staying too! Just to get an explanation!" cried Michael. "Me too!" whispered Paul, "And Nicole should stay too!" "Alright!" Nicole mumbled while looking her at her feet. "I'm staying aswell!" everyone stared at him, "For my little sis!" "I'll come!" Chase said reluctantly. Zoey then reached up and kissed him on the cheek, then she walked off with the paramedics and her unconscious brother. Quinn, Rachael, Dana, Logan and Chase all got into the back of Mr Bender's car while Mr Bender got into the front of his car. Then they drove off. In the boys dorm Michael was still staring at Maddy, Maddy was crying, Paul was trying to get Nicole's attention, Adam was standing beside Maddy holding her head against his chest and Nicole was still looking at her feet. "Maddy, Shhhh! It's alright!" Adam was trying to calm Maddy down, "Everything will be alright!" "Everything will not be fucking alright!" Michael screamed furiously. "Like you know the story!" Maddy screamed back. "From what I've heard and seen you're a...a...LESIBIAN!" Michael shouted. "Sorry, I can't love boys, it's not a crime!" Maddy shouted back. "Yeah, but it's not exactly the best when you find your girlfriend kissing one of your best-friends!" Michael screamed. "As I said before, I was helping her decide something!" Maddy screamed back. "What, who to cheat on her new boyfriend with?" Michael shouted. "Actually, she was helping me to decide whether I loved girls or boys!" Nicole grumbled. "Nicole, why didn't you tell me?" asked Paul. "I was scared, but Maddy found me yesterday and talked to me! I was so confused!" whispered Nicole. "So what did you do then? Decide to make-out?" Michael said horribly. "No, no! I did that to help her, that was just today!" cried Maddy. "And that was the only way!" Michael said sarcastically. "No, but it was the most efficient!" yelled Maddy. "It was! It really was!" Nicole cried, trying to defend Maddy, but she just made it worse. "Maddy if I fact, I am never gonna speak to you again! Blame yourself!" Michael roared then he ran and jumped into his bed. "Nicole, come to the beach and talk with me?" gestured Paul, then he walked towards the door. But before he got there black ebony hair went swishing past. Followed by another. Nicole walked a few paces behind Paul, but she did follow him. Michael just lay there on his pillow. "Why me?" he sobbed, "It's not like I deserve this! I haven't done anything wrong! You know me, I know me, so why has this happened?" In room 102 Maddy was pouring her eyes out, she was also baracading the door. "Maddy, let me in!" Adam shouted, "I just wanna talk to you!" "I',...except...Quinn!" Maddy sobbed. "Why Quinn?" asked Adam. "Duh! It's her room!" Maddy shouted. "Maddy please talk to me!" Adam begged, "You know I'll always love you! You're my little sis!" then he sighed, "I suppose I'll just have to ask Michael!" "You wouldn't!" Maddy gasped. "Of course I would!" Adam said rather loudly. Maddy stepped away from the door and let him in. "Well, now what happened?" Adam asked as he pushed her down onto the couch. "Ever since I was twelve I never thought about boys in the way my friends did, instead I thought about girls." Maddy replied, Adam looked at her and gestured for her to go on, "This year the urge has got even bigger! Then I met Michael. I thought he was sweet in a friendly way, but when he kissed me at the cinema it felt right. When the movie ended and Nicole wasn't there and I went to find her. I asked her what was wrong and she said... she said..." Michael was standing at the door listening in. "Don't mind me! I'm just waiting for you, Adam. How long will you be sitting in Quinn's dorm admiring her stuff?" Michael asked, he was pretending that Maddy didn't exist. "Probably quite a while!" Adam replied, "She has a lot of beautiful stuff!" he had decided to go along with his denial process. "O.K! See ya later!" Michael shouted then he walked away. "You could have told him to quit it!" Maddy cried. "I thought we should leave him to deny it, then when he's ready he'll accept it! Now please carry on!" Adam said encouragingly. "She said that she didn't think she loved boys anymore, so I told her I knew I didn't love boys. Then today to help her decide I kissed her!" Maddy said calmly then she started to sob. "Have you had any, you know, relationships?" Adam asked quietly. "Just one, Alison!" Maddy whispered. "That's why you two were so close!" Adam whispered back. Maddy nodded her head. At the beach Paul and Nicole were sitting in the sands. "Nicole, why?" asked Paul. "I don't know!" Nicole whispered, "I just felt left out at the cinema, but then I found out you had feelings for me and I had feelings for you! Then I couldn't remember which was me and which was imagination! I had to check which was real so I let Maddy kiss me!" "Couldn't you just have talked to me?" Paul asked slowly. "Probably, but I couldn't do it!" Nicole answered as fast as she could. "So are your feelings for me real or just your imagination?" Paul asked quietly. "Yes, of course my feelings for you are real!" exclaimed Nicole. "So why did you kiss Maddy?" Paul asked anxiously. "I don't know! She kissed me and I just went with it!" Nicole cried, then she burst into tears. "Shh! Don't cry, sugar plum!" Paul said comfortingly. "You're not mad with me!" Nicole sobbed. "Why would I be mad?" questioned Paul. "Cause I kissed a girl!" Nicole sobbed louder. "That's no reason to be mad!" exclaimed Paul, "Come on, back to your dorm! I 'might' tuck you in if you stop crying!" Nicole sniffled a few times, then stood up. "I'm coming! I love you more than anything! Do you love me more than anything?" Nicole babbled, back to her normal self, "Race ya there!" then she tore off up the beach. "Wait up!" cried Paul. When he caught up with Nicole, she was stood stock still. "Nicole what's the matter?" Paul asked, then he looked at where she was looking. Michael was standing in front of her smirking. "Oh a gay girl! Keep her away! I don't wanna catch cooties!" Michael screamed. "Michael stop being so childish!" Paul roared. "Why? She's gay and probably does have cooties!" Michael shouted. "Nicole is not gay! Maddy kissed her and she got lost in the moment!" Paul said calmly. "I am not gay! Michael you know I'm not!" cried Nicole angrily. "How do I know that? You've never had a boyfriend!" Michael shouted furiously. "Alright, you've never had a girlfriend does that mean you're gay too?" Nicole screamed. "Good point, I'm sorry Nicole!" Michael whispered and then diverted his eyes to his feet. "I don't know! You didn't believe me! What about Maddy? How is she? Have you seen her?" Nicole started to babble. "Who's Maddy?" Michael asked sarcastically. "Your girlfriend, mate!" replied Paul. "I don't have a girlfriend!" Michael said sarcastically. Nicole lent over to Paul and whispered in his ear, "He's in denial!" "No he's not he's right...Oh I get it!" Paul whispered back. "Just go along with it!" Nicole whispered quickly. "Right!" Paul accidentally said aloud. "Right, what?" Michael asked curiously. "Right, you don't have a girlfriend!" Nicole said quickly, before Paul could open his mouth. "Thanks, for understanding Michael! Bye!" Nicole called as she continued her race with Paul, "You're gonna lose, Paul!" "That's not fair!" Paul cried as he tore after her, "Bye, Michael!" When they got to room 101 Nicole was tired, but she had won. She jumped into bed. "You have to carry out the deal! I stopped crying, so you have to tuck me in!" Nicole cried as she scrambled into her top bunk bed. "I know!" Paul panted. Then he stretched up to her bed and pulled the duvet right over her. He fondly stroked her hair for a few minutes until she fell asleep. Then he kissed her forehead and tip-toed silently out the room, only to bump into Adam. "Hi! How's Maddy?" Paul whispered. "Traumatized!" Adam whispered back, "And Nicole?" "Happy, fast asleep! We better go and find Michael! He's in denial, with your sister that is!" explained Paul as he shut the door, then he added, "I knew your sister was too perfect!" "What's that suppose to mean?" exclaimed Adam. "You know, that she looks and acts perfectly, just like you I suppose, but you're too brainy, she had to have something weird about her, but she got the worst thing!" Paul rambled. "Right, I get ya! You've been with Nicole too long! You're rambling! A ha ha ha!" Adam said slowly, "Where do ya think Michael would be?" "Me and Nicole just saw him down the beach! Ready to go?" Paul replied. "Yeah, sure!" Adam sighed, maybe living at PCA would be harder than he thought. When they got to the beach they found Michael pouring sand through his fingers. "Hey, man!" Paul called. Michael looked up nervously, then gave a weak wave, then he went back to tracing his fingers in the sand. Paul and Adam sat down beside him, one either side of Michael. "Do you wanna talk?" Adam asked. "About what?" Michael asked slowly. "Maddy!" Paul cried. "Who's Maddy?" Michael asked as if it was nothing. "Your girlfriend!" exclaimed Paul and Adam at the same time. "As I said before, I don't have a bloody girlfriend!" Michael shouted. "Yes you do, Michael! She's my sister! You've been dating her for a whole day! Come on, man!" Adam cried angrily. That did it, Michael started to cry, "!!...Why...can'" "She wants to! But she can't! She's trying to, but she can't! Why don't you just be her friend, that's what she needs!" cried Adam calmly. "I can't bear to look at her, how can I be her friend?" Michael whispered. "She didn't mean to hurt you, she's made her self ill worrying that she's hurt you!" Adam whispered back. "She's ill!" Michael cried. "Not very bad, but she's depressed!" Adam replied. "Just going to see how she is!" Michael shouted, then he ran up the beach towards the girls' building. Paul and Adam strolled up the beach after him, only they turned towards the boys dorm. At the hospital Zoey was standing watching Dustin, who was lying on the bed still unconscious, Rachael was kneeling at Zoey's feet holding Dustin's hand, Quinn was sitting on the floor beside Rachael feeling a little guilty for all the experiments she'd done on Dustin, Chase had his arms wrapped round Zoey's waist, Logan was nuzzling Dana's hair, Dana had her head on Logan's chest and Mr Bender was sitting in the chair rocking backwards and forwards staring at Dustin. Then the nurse the same as before came in with a doctor. "We're going to have to take Dustin down for a brain scan in the morning, but for now I suggest you all go back to PCA and get some sleep. Dustin has to stay here for the night, but Zoey and Rachael you can come back in the morning. The rest of you I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay at school, then you can come over in the afternoon." The doctor rambled on, "And by the way I'm Doctor Samson!" "Maybe the rest of your friends would like to come in the afternoon aswell!" the nurse suggested. "If they haven't killed each other!" Zoey muttered. "What was that Zoey?" the nurse asked. "Nothing!" Zoey said. "O.K! Ready to go?" Mr Bender asked quietly "Yes!" the group whispered. Back at PCA Michael was walking into the girls building. "She's hurt me so much and she's the one depressed! Maybe I should give her what she deserves!" Michael whispered to himself. He walked into Maddy and Quinn's room, but instead of asking how Maddy was he walked up to her and slapped her across the face, then he ran out the room. Maddy just sat on her couch looking mortified. Then she started sobbing uncontrollably. "Why did I have to hurt him?" Maddy asked herself. Nicole came in her eyes shut, "Can you keep it down in here, I'm trying to sleep!" she shouted, then she span round and walked out. "I don't think she hates me too!" Maddy whispered, then she crawled into her bed a fell asleep. In one of the boys' dorms Adam was stroking a picture of Maddy as a toddler. "How can you do this to me?" Adam asked the photo, "You could have told me! I would have helped, I promise!" then he also climbed into a his bed. In another boys' dorm Paul was wriggling into his pj's. "You know what, it's a good job I'm understanding if I was someone else I would have dumped her!" then he flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes. In Logan, Chase and Michael's dorm Michael was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. "I love her! I slapped her! I hate her! No, I love her! I'm so confused! I'll sleep on it!" Michael was arguing with himself. Then he turned on his side and shut his eyes, but he couldn't sleep. **A/n: Well I have to and I keep being nagged to post this! This chap is for Jny777! I hope ya enjoyed it! PLZ review!** 9. Chapter 9 Lovechain Chap 9 **a/n: This chap may be the last! But there is a whole series! The next story is called 'Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It)' that story's mainly about Logan and Dana, Maddy and Michael, some about the others but probably not a lot!** When Logan, Dana, Quinn, Rachael, Zoey and Chase got back from the hospital it was ten pm. "All of you bed now!" shouted Mr Bender. Logan and Dana moaned, Quinn and Rachael yawned, Zoey and Chase kissed each other then they all walked back to their dorms. "Wait, Zoey, Rachael! I'll pick you up at seven!" Mr Bender shouted after the girls. "O.K!" Rachael shouted back, then whispered "I hope he is alright!" "He will be Rach!" Zoey said confidently, "This is my little bro Dustin we're talking about! He won't let something like this get him down! I hope!" "He will get through this! I've done a lot of experiments on him! He's survived them all right!" Quinn started to cry. "Quinn cool it!" Dana said with a smile spread across her face. "Why are you so happy?" Zoey asked angrily. "I am what I am!" Dana replied, then she ran all the way to the girls building. "I don't see why she's all chirpy! All I can think of right now is poor little Dustin!" Chase said, then he turned to face Logan, "Don't you agree?" Logan was too busy daydreaming he didn't notice the flower pot in front of him or to answer Chase's question. He carried on walking and went tumbling over. Logan stood up and blushed a fiery red, then said uncomfortably, "Sorry, what did you say?" "Don't you agree that Dana shouldn't be so chirpy?" Chase shouted furiously. "She is what she is!" Logan cried then ran into the one boys' buildings. "What is up with those two?" Chase asked. "I have no idea!" replied Zoey, she looked at Rachael. "Ditto!" Rachael answered. "I have about as much knowledge on them as I do on boys! Ditto!" Quinn replied before they could even glance at her. "Well there is something up! And I'm gonna find out!" exclaimed Chase, "With the help of you guys, of course!" "O.K!" Zoey, Quinn and Rachael shouted together. In room 101 Nicole was sitting in her bed struggling to get back to sleep. Then Dana came in the door. "Hi, Dana!" Nicole whispered calmly. Dana glanced at her uncomfortably, then sat on the couch, "Hi!" she said a little warily. Nicole got out of bed and went and sat beside her. Dana stared at Nicole nervously. "Don't worry, I'm completely straight! I promise!" Nicole whispered. "Good because I need your help!" Dana sighed. "With what?" Nicole asked cautiously. "Well, Zoey's very upset, so I wanna make her feel better by setting up a romantic date between her and Chase." Dana whispered. "That sounds lovely! What about you and Logan, how's it going?" Nicole whispered back. "Oh, Nicole, I thought I'd never ever say this, but I wanna stay with him! I don't know if he feels the same way, coz he's got all those other girls!" Dana exclaimed. "Dana, he doesn't want those girls, he wants you!" Nicole almost screamed. "O.K! Back to Zoey and Chase! When, where, how?" Dana whispered. But before Nicole could answer Zoey came in. "Oh, hi!" Nicole said awkwardly. "Hi, Nikki! Hi, Dana!" Zoey said sleepily, then she collapsed onto her own bed and fell asleep. "Awwww! Isn't she sweet!" Nicole whispered, then she jumped onto her bed, tucked herself in and went to sleep herself. Dana sat on the couch and thought about Logan, "I do love him, I really do!" she thought, feeling happy jumped into bed, still fully dressed, shoes on and all. In the boy's dorm Logan was sitting on their couch, smiling. Only one word was ringing through his mind, Dana! Then Chase came through the door. Logan jumped. "Only me, Logan!" Chase whispered, as he tip-toed into the room and sat beside Logan. "Who do you think loves you most, your family or Zoey?" Logan asked out of the blue. "I can't answer that!" Chase whispered. "Dana loves me more!" Logan whispered. "Logan you can't answer that!" Chase said quietly. "She loves me a little bit more!" Logan mumbled, then he climbed the ladder to his bed, wriggled under his duvet and he also fell asleep. Chase sighed at him and wondered what was going through that self-obsessed mind of his. Chase sighed again and walked to his bed. He lay down on it and lost his trail of thought and drifted off to sleep. At breakfast the following morning no-one was speaking. Maddy was staring at her food, Michael was staring at Maddy, Zoey was stirring her food round with one hand the other she was holding her head up, Chase was building a waffle hut (A/n: I say most people build them when they're nervous!), Rachael didn't take any food, Quinn took food, but didn't eat it instead she put it all in a plastic bag, Adam glanced at Maddy every now and then, Paul gazed lovingly at Nicole, Nicole gazed back at him, Dana was writing Logan repeatedly in her cereal and Logan stared into space. After a few minutes Zoey glanced at her watch. "Shit! Rachael, we gotta go!" Zoey shouted, as she jumped out of her chair. Rachael jumped up aswell and followed Zoey at a run. When they got to Mr Bender's car he was leaning against the car with his eyes shut. "Mr Bender we're here!" Rachael panted. Mr Bender opened his eyes, "You ready?" he asked. Zoey put her hand in her pocket to check if Dustin's special baby teddy was there, then she nodded her head. "Yes!" Rachael said anxiously. She and Zoey jumped into the back of Mr Bender's car and Mr Bender got in the front and started the car. Zoey put her hand back in her and played with the baby teddy, while Rachael watched the road. At every line she made a wish, the same wish. Dustin will be O.K! Chase, Maddy, Michael, Adam, Quinn, Logan, Dana, Paul and Nicole were still sitting at their usual with an uncomfortable silence. Chase gave a fake cough. Everyone looked at him. "We have to start talking to each other!" Chase announced. "I agree!" Dana cried. "Me two!" Logan called. "Me three!" Nicole said irritably. Michael got up and stormed away leaving a bag of potato chips behind. A few seconds later he came back his face a fiery red and grabbed the chips and stormed away again. "Somethings up with him!" Dana mumbled. Amazingly Maddy was defending Michael, "He just has things to deal with! Seemingly as he won't let me near him, you'll just have to help him!" her cheek was bruised where Michael had slapped her the night before and that was when they all noticed it. "Maddy, what happened to your face?" exclaimed Adam. "I just ummmm...fell!" Maddy stammered looking for an answer. "It doesn't look like that!" Adam shouted. Then he got up and went over to Maddy to look at her sore cheek, but before he got to her she stood up shoved him and ran off in the opposite direction from Michael. The only thoughts running through her head was 'where am I going?' and 'who am I?'. "She is one freaky chick!" Paul announced. Adam dusted himself off and jumped to his sisters rescue, "She's not freaky!" "You're wrong! She is!" Chase said (a/n: remember he hasn't been told about what happened yesterday, but he's the only one, except Dustin, but he's unconscious.), "She's too perfect! She's shifty! And on top of that she likes Michael's jokes!" Everyone except Chase glanced nervously at each other. "Logan, you tell him!" Dana demanded. Logan groaned then stood up, "Chase, come with me!" Chase followed Logan to a nearby bench, while the group watched his mouth form an 'O' and his eyes just about pop out his head. Then he glanced awkwardly at Nicole. He jumped up and came and sat back at the table. Nothing felt right, or did it? No-one knew. (a/n: Not even I know!) "Nicole, why?" Chase asked nervously. "I don't know! I think it was my imagination that made me feel that way!" Nicole babbled, she didn't mind talking about it but it was uncomfortable. "So is it possible, that ye know Maddy's feelings are imaginary?" Chase asked curiously. "Poss..." Dana was cut off. "Nuh huh!" Adam had butted in, "She's had a sorta relationship before!" "And you didn't tell him?" Logan shouted as he rejoined the group. "I didn't know till last night!" Adam shouted back. "O.K! Cool it, man!" Logan said calmly. Dana lent over to Logan and whispered, "Softie!" Logan blushed violently and covered his face. Dana laughed, a new power over Logan was brilliant. "Maddy's very emotional!" Paul stated. "She's always been like this! When we were little, if I fell over she'd be there in two seconds telling me not to move! As we got older she over-reacted to everything, like when Mom and Dad had a tiny fight and Dad ended up sleeping on the couch for the night, Maddy went hysterical! It just so happens that Maddy over-reacts!" Adam explained with a curious face. "Is that a sign? Being over-reactive!" Nicole asked curiously. "No-way!" Dana exclaimed, "My Mom is over-reactive and she's happily married!" "Alright!" Nicole nodded happy with her answer. "Does anyone have the time?" Quinn asked gruffly, speaking for the first time in ages. "Yes it's...Oh shoot! We've gotta get to class!" Adam replied. The whole table jumped up and ran for class. They were all in their seats as the bell rang. A puffed out Mrs Flak bounded in. At the hospital Rachael and Zoey were waiting impatiently for Dustin to get back from his brain scan. Then Dr. Samson, the one from last night came in with a very concerned face. Zoey's heart leapt into her mouth. "Hello!" Dr. Samson greeted. "Hi!" Rachael and Zoey said back. "We found a lump on the outside of Dustin's brain!" the Doctor said trying to keep a straight face, Zoey and Rachael gasped, "The problem is it can't be removed until he's twelve!" the doctor looked at their faces and continued, "It won't grow if he takes some medicine, but he might collapse twice a day! Once in mid-morning and once in late afternoon!" Zoey pulled Rachael close to her and Rachael started to cry. Zoey didn't cry because she knew that Dustin would get through this. "Girls, I have to get back to PCA!" Mr Bender said apologetically, "When I come back I'll take the others, but you stay here O.K!" The girls both nodded their heads and sat down. Zoey took the little Teddy Bear out of her pocket and showed it to Rachael. "This is Caleb! He belongs to me and my brother! If one of us is injured or ill he stays with us and mak es us better! I know it's not true, but Dustin believes in him, after that time I broke my arm and it was better in four weeks instead of six!" Zoey announced when Mr Bender had gone. "He's so sweet! Where did you get him?" Rachael said softly. "I won him in a Lucky Dip when I was five!" Zoey replied. "Cool!" Rachael whispered. The cheery nurse bounded in. "Girls, guess who's awake?" she smiled. The two girls looked at each and smiled then stood up. "He can talk properly, he's sitting up and refusing to take his medicine without someone called Caleb!" the nurse continued. Zoey laughed, then showed the nurse the tiny teddy. "Right, follow me!" the nurse said cheerily. Zoey and Rachael followed only a few steps behind the nurse. The nurse kept her eyes forward and her tanned skin shone in the light from the window. See, big can be beautiful. When they got to the ward Dustin was sitting up with his mouth firmly shut and his leg hanging from a sling. "He...Ugh gross!" Dustin protested. "I got it in you!" Dr. Samson smiled. "You couldn't have waited five minutes! Caleb's here!" Dustin said a little annoyed. "No, you needed to take that medicine before you did anything!" Dr. Samson replied happily. "Zoey I need Caleb! You did take him,didn't you!" Dustin whined. "I might have down!" Zoey replied a huge smile on her face. "Zoey!" Dustin whined. "Here!" Zoey said happily as she thrust the small bear towards Dustin. Suddenly a smile spread across Dustin's face. "I feel better already!" Dustin announced. "Hey Dustin!" Rachael whispered as she stepped toward the bed Dustin was lying on. "Hi Rachael! I missed you!" Dustin said happily. "Awwww ain't that sweet!" Zoey cried irritably. "Zoey!" Dustin shouted angrily. "We'll leave you so we can look at the other patients! If you need us we're just up the ward!" Dr. Samson shouted as he strolled up the ward. "I don't like that man! Do you Caleb?" Dustin asked the bear, then made it shake it's head. Zoey laughed, "It's nice to see you still play with toys!" "Zoey, I'm serious now! Mom and Dad are gonna arrive in an hour!" Dustin said in a monotone voice. Zoey didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Her Mom didn't get along with her while she baby'd Dustin. "You should've told me before! I would've worn something better! Now Mom's gonna think I'm a slut!" Zoey started to rage. Rachael quickly grabbed her hands and pushed her into the chair beside the bed, "Why would your Mom think you're a slut?" she asked calmly. "My Mom hates me! I have to wear skirts all the time at home! But if one of my friends come in jeans it's 'why don't you wear something like that' and when I do it's 'get those dreadful things off'!"Zoey screamed. "She's come to see Dustin, not comment on what you wear! Maybe this is 'new beginnings'!" Rachael said flatly still holding Zoey's arms. "Let go of me!" Zoey shouted, then she jumped out of the chair and ran. She didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that she was out the door and tearing across the car-park in ten minutes flat. Then she saw a familiar blue sports car and her mind was trying to run away from it, but her body was running towards it. Out of the car stepped a brunette with all her features and a blonde haired man. She flung herself at the man. "Dad, oh Dad! I've missed you so!" then she looked at the woman, "I've missed you too Mom!" Zoey ran to her Mom and kissed her cheek. "I've missed you baby!" Zoey's Mom said flatly, "Now where's Dustin?" "Right inside, Mom!" the words clung to Zoey's tongue. Zoey's Mom walked ahead, more like speed-walked. "Hello, baby!" Zoey's Dad said kindly, "I know your Mom hasn't been that kind to you lately, but that's only because she's gotten fired from work and has to find a new job!" "Oh no! Mom loved her job!" Zoey cried sadly. "If you're kind to her she'll be nice to you!" Zoey's Dad whispered(A/n:From now on I'll call Zoey's Mom ZM and Zoey's Dad ZD). "I'll do that!" Zoey whispered back. "Michael Barrett?" asked their lab teacher. "Here!" Michael replied. "Nicole Bristow?" "Here!" Nicole answered. "Zoey Brooks?" there was a long silence, "Zoey Brooks?" "Sir, she's not here coz she's gone to see her brother." Nicole replied uneasily. "Thank you! Dana Cruz?" "Here!" Dana answered. "Quinn Pensky?" "Here!" replied Quinn. "Madeline Foster?" Michael looked round the classroom, "Madeline Foster?" there was a very long silence, "Does anyone know where Madeline is?" Everyone shook there heads. "Right she's marked off! Paul Lunar?" "Here!" answered Paul. "Chase Mathews?" "Here!" replied Chase. "Logan Reese?" "The one and only!" answered Logan. Everyone laughed, even the teacher. "Vikki Tyler?" (a/n: I don't know her surname!) "Here!" Where is Maddy? Michael kept asking himself. Wait a second why could I care! Maddy wasn't in class all day. At the end of the day she wasn't in her room. Quinn decided to look for her down the beach. She found Maddy sitting in the sand, hugging her legs and pouring her eyes out. When Quinn reached her her eyes were all puffy and red. She had tears stained down her cheeks and her face was pure white. "Maddy?" Quinn said softly, "Why weren't you in class?" "I don't um...feel well!" Maddy stammered. "Have you been crying?" Quinn asked kindly. "No, Quinn I bloody well haven't! I just poured a bucket of water on my face every two minutes!" Maddy shouted sarcastically, then she noticed Quinn's hurt face, "I'm sorry, Quinn! It's just I don't know what to do! Yeah, my brother's O.K. with it, but Michael isn't and I still don't know Chase's reaction! Why me? Why can't I be normal?" "You have to remember to be who you wanna be!" Quinn answered, I can't believe councilling in lab class really payed off, she thought. "But what I wanna be makes Michael mad at me!" Maddy answered. Just then Adam came running down the beach. "Hey, Adam!" Quinn greeted. "Maddy, Quinn! Mr Bender wants us to go to the hospital to see Dustin! Are you coming?" Adam asked comfortably. "Um...Alright!" Maddy agreed. "Of course!" Quinn replied. So they walked up the beach to Mr Bender's car. In the back waiting for them was the rest of the group. At the hospital ZM was cuddling up with Zoey. "Zoey I can't help not being able to cuddle you! It was just too hard for me to you know, love your dad, Dustin, you and my job! I know it's a stupid excuse, I do love you! I hope you'll forgive me!" ZM apologised. "It's O.K., Mom!" Zoey whispered, "Now I know you love me I understand!" Zoey looked at the door just as the rest of the group came in the door. "Zoey!" Chase shouted as he came through the door. ZM looked at Zoey, Zoey smiled at her, ZM nodded her head. "Hey, Chase!" Zoey greeted. "Hey, Zo! How's Dustin?" asked Quinn. "Fine! I'll tell you the story later!" Zoey replied. "Let's go and see him!" ZM announced. Everyone nodded and followed ZM through into Dustin's ward. Dustin was sitting up and playing 'Hospital Showdown' with ZD and Rachael. (Hospital Showdown was originally called Showdown but you can change the name depending on where you are! If you would like the rules say so in your review!) Rachael had just caught the pillow and was throwing it to Dustin when Zoey and the others burst in the door. Rachael's face flashed red. "Ahhh, my sister has a dark side!" Paul said with a hint of evil in his voice. "Yes, Paul! Yes I do!" Rachael replied cheekily. "Now, now! It's not exactly evil to play showdown in a hospital, is it?" ZD exclaimed. "No, I suppose it isn't!" Paul sighed, "But I suppose everything is back to normal!" he shot an awkward glare at Maddy and glanced at Dustin. "Everything is!" announced Dustin. Maybe he doesn't need to know about Maddy! Zoey thought. Maybe he's too young to understand. **A/n: I hope you liked it! I can give you the next three stories in the series! They are 'Love Hurts(And I can prove it)', 'Lost at Sea' and 'Aloha from Tokyo'! This chap is dedicated to Will Hater Witch Lover 'OJO' for nagging me to post it! Can you all wait for my next story? I can't!** End file.
Lovechain by Zina Nevirone
Zoey 101
Once Upon A Daydream **Once Upon A Daydream** There was one time of day that Zoey loved the most- Sunset. Especially when she was at home in Louisiana because she had a special seat in her bedroom right by her big window. She sat there on that particular night, watching shades of gold and pink appear slowly in the sky as the sun went down. Excitement filled her gut. Summer was over. Tommorow at seven in the morning she would be headed to wonderful Pacific Coast Academy. Like all years she spent at PCA she had always missed her friends during the summer. However this year was different. This summer was a little more lonely. This summer she missed her friends just a little more than she had last year- one particular was on her mind quite a bit. The way they parted was what kept running through her mind. She proboly thought of it every day. It was their yearly tradition- their private little beach party. She was sitting on the beach alone for a few minutes as the rest of her friends talked about the year and how it went when Chase came and sat with her at the edge of the water... _Zoey's heart sped up when she felt the warmth of Chase's body next to hers. Something was different about him ever since the Prom. He went with an older girl named Kelly and Zoey went with a junior named Andrew. They were both surprised to be asked and even more surprised when Kelly and Andrew ditched her and Chase for each other. They were left alone and danced and talked and laughed. Only Zoey left feeling different for him. She started to like him alot... more than just her best friend._ _"Hey, Zoe," he said, a subtle sadness in his voice he was trying so hard to hide. _ _"Hi," she replied. __"Well, yet another year is over here at this wonderful school and I still don't hate it. Aren't kids supposed to hate school?" _ _"Not if they are surronded by wonderful friends," Zoey answered slowly. _ _"Very true," Chase said._ _The waves hit the shore as Zoey and Chase soaked in the peaceful silence. Like a magnet, Zoey's head came closer to Chase and she rested her head on his shoulder._ _"I'm gonna miss you this summer," Zoey said._ _"Me too," He draped his hand over her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. _ _"You know you're my best friend, right?" Zoey asked. _ _"Yes, I know. And you're mine too," Chase replied._ _There was more silence. _ _"Well, we're gonna call and e-mail each other like crazy, right?The summer will fly by like nothing." _ _"Sure."_ _The rest of the night flew by and before they knew it their parents were there and Zoey and Chase were saying their good-byes for three months_. Different scenarios ran through her head on just how Chase would harm himself this year. He always did. First it was his bike into a tree...right? And then the next year he fell down the stairs. Last year he was running to get the single bed and tripped with his 800 pounds of luggage. Zoey smiled. How would it happen this year? Would he trip over a tree stump as he ran to her? Or would he actually make it to her with out injuring himself?... Nah. _"Zoey," He'd call out from across the large campus of PCA. _ _"Chase!" They'd run to each other, their eyes locked the whole time. When they met he'd pull her into one of his big hugs that only he gave her. _ _"I missed you," She'd whisper to him as they held each other. _ _"Me too. Zoe, I need to tell you something," Chase would say softly._ _"I have something to tell you too," She'd reply..._ "Zoey it's time for dinner," Dustin knocked on her door. "Alright, I'm coming." Zoey dragged herself away from the sunset and the thoughts of Chase. She walked downstairs, joining her parents and Dustin for dinner for the last time until Thanksgiving. * * * The ride to PCA was long and torturing. It was a two day trip with the stops. This year they weren't able to fly. Zoey sat most of the time writing in her journal or watching a movie on the portable dvd player. About two hours before arriving she was as jumpy as ever. This was it. Her phone rang and it was Chase. "Hey," She said. "Hi. I'm here, where are you? I'm just checking in to make sure your not dead. Nicole and Lola said that you haven't gotten here yet." Zoey laughed,"I'm not dead." "That's good," Chase replied," Look, when you get here meet me at the beach. I need to talk to you." "It's gonna be late," Zoey protested even though that's what she wanted to do more than anything. The practical side took over her. "Come on, please. It won't take long, I promise." "Alright." Zoey spent the rest of the ride wondering what he was going to say. When they finally pulled up to PCA Zoey was practically jumping in her seat. "Zoey you're so excited to leave me for three months. I'm hurt," Mr. Brooks teased his daughter. "She's excited to see Chase," Dustin said looking up from his PSP. Zoey playfully smacked him on the arm as her cheeks turned a deep crimson. "No, I'm just happy to be back at school," She said. "Uh-huh," Mr. Brooks said. "I like school!" Zoey said in her defense. "And Chase," Dustin finished for her. "Go back to you're gameboy or whatever it is you've been playing with for the past five hours, okay Dustin?" Zoey said more irritated than before. Her mind wandered to Chase yet again. Even though she knew what Dustin said was true, she would never admit it. Lola, Quinn, and Nicole would give her the hardest time about it. _"I told you! I told you!" Nicole would scream._ _"I knew it was true," Lola would add._ _"All the evidence was there," Quinn would say._ "We're here," Mr. Brooks said as he slowly parked in the parking space outside of Zoey's dorm. She and Dustin said their good-byes to him and she rushed to her room to drop her stuff off and meet Chase at the beach. "This is it," she murmured to herself as she rushed to the roaring ocean. _"Zoey you look beautiful," He'd say._ _"You look pretty nice too," She'd reply._ _Their lips would come together like magnets and would hold this kiss long._ WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Where did that come from?! She just liked him, never imagined kissing him or anything else romantic that couples do. But then again, she just did. Was this real? Was this really her feelings? The shock of her fantasy carried on until she saw him. He saw at the same place they said good-bye three months ago. "Chase," She spoke his name in a low, breathy tone, not at all like her normal voice. "Hey, I didn't know when you were gonna get here. I was just about to go back to my dorm," Chase said. "I'm here," She replied in the same low tone. "The sun is setting." "Yep, this is my favorite time of day." "I know." The goldish ball of light was slowly disapeering as the moon showed it's face. The colors were beautiful- perhaps the prettiest they had ever seen. The two spoke of their summer easily as they lay in the sand together. "I really love my home in Michigan. We live right by the lake. But there's something about the ocean. There's something about this school. I feel so safe here." "I know exactly what you mean. Louisiana is great but I love it here more than any other place I've been." "I missed you," Zoey said after a long silence. "Yeah." There was no 'I miss you too.' Zoey doubted he had feelings for her in return for a moment. Disapointment waved over her, but only for a moment. "Zoe?" "Yeah?" "I missed you too. I missed you alot, " His voice was shaking. There was more silence. The two sat up. "We'd better go," Zoey said somberly. The black of darkness showed it's ugly face. They had to leave. Nothing had happened. Nothing that Zoey wanted to happen, that is. "Zoey?" Chase asked again as they reached her dorm. "Yeah," She answered again, only a bit sharper and a tad impatient. "You know I love you, right?" She stared at him like he was insane,"Sure. We're best friends. We always will be." "No," He shook his head,"I mean I really love you." Zoey's eyes widened and became lost in his. She felt like she was going to faint...or puke, either one. "You do?" "Yeah, I've held that in a long time. About four years.After the dance and the last day we spent together you were all I could think about" "Wow. Chase, I need to tell you something too," She managed to utter out. "What's that?" She leaned in closer to him, like a magnet, and kissed him. "I love you too." Chase smiled happily. Not knowing what to do, the two parted to their seprate dorms waiting for tommorow to come with a great impatience. As Chase walked away he stubbed his toe on rock and fell flat on his face. Zoey gasped. "I'm okay!" He called to her. Zoey smiled. It was like a fairy tale, like a dream. Only- this wasn't a part of her imagination. It had really happened. * * * **A/N: I'm baaaaack! ** **The idea for that story snuck up on me like a wild buffalo hunting a sheep. YES!** **I will continue my other stories, and I don't mean to beg but for the love of all things green people if you read my story REVIEW! Even if you think it sucks. I need everyone's imput. ** **Thankies. ** **Noelle. ** End file.
Once Upon A Daydream by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Zoey 101 Spring Breakup: What if? 1Zoey 101 Spring Break-up: What if? Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of Zoey 101 but I do own the plot. After all of the students left the lounge Chase went up to Zoey. "Hey where's your TekMate?" Chase asked her. Zoey turned to him "Wow I didn't even know it wasn't there. I guess I must have left it somewhere" she said while pulling Chase by the arm to go look. While looking Chase was lost in his won little world...yes you guessed it he was thinking about the girl tugging at his arm to hurry up. "Chase come on hurry up I think I know where it is. I think I left it at the fountain earlier." Chase finally snapped back into real life and started to run after Zoey who was already way ahead of him. "Zoey wait up" Chase yelled. When they got to the fountain Zoey looked really hurt. Chase saw this and didn't know what was the matter till he looked down inside of the fountain and saw...Zoey's TekMate in the water. "Great just great it won't work" Zoey said. "Well maybe if we take it to ...uh.. Quinn she can fix it" "Good idea Chase" Zoey said while hugging him then taking off. When Quinn had told them it would take just about a half hour to fix it they went to get a smoothie. After having a smoothie they went back to Quinn's dorm and found her about ready to walk out the door with the TekMate...and it was working. "Thank you sooooo much Quinn" Zoey said. "Hey no problem I just had to..." " Yea yea that is great anyway we gotta go" Chase said while pulling Zoey out the door. They went back to Zoey's dorm and she realized she had a text message. So when she opened it and read it she was shocked. She turned to Chase and smiled. She walked closer to him and said "Well guess what I wouldn't have minded having realized that over spring break then I would have been able to do this on camera" She walked up to him and kissed him. He put his arms around her waist and she snaked her arms around his neck. "So does this mean you love me too?" Chase asked breaking away. Zoey kissed him again. "So I'll take that as a Yes?" Chase asked again and Zoey nodded. They were finally together and they were both soooo happy Well this is my first fan fic sooo don't be harsh. Please review and tell me what you think. Chaseandzoforeva End file.
Zoey 101 Spring Breakup: What if? by chaseandzoforeva
Zoey 101
and we just keep running Dana Cruz and Logan Reese are on the track team for a reason. He runs because he wants to be alone for once - shockingly - away from other people who want him for his money and connections. She runs because she wants to get away, and because there's nowhere else for her to turn. i. They snicker as she walks past with her dark clothing and rolling eyes and eyeliner, and she catches whispers of, _Emo bitch._ But she's gotten used to it. She's scary, that Danger Cruz. She's scary and angry and acts like the world owes her something that it took from her when probably, at home, she's waltzing around with maids and butlers and has iPods by the dozen and rich dinners every night. She acts rich, anyways, throwing around money like she doesn't need it. They can't even see through her wall, her fake face; how do they expect her to open up and become a sunshine girlie? "Hey Daaaana," Some dolled-up girl is up in her face now. She's obviously looking for glamour. "Fuckface," Dana greets her. The girl wrinkles her nose with distaste at Dana's choice selection of words. "If you don't need anything, get out of my face." As if she's going to spare any of her precious lunch time for some girl who wants to play-fight. When the girl doesn't budge from her spot, leering at Dana as if to wait for her to make the first move, Dana rolls her eyes. "Look, honey, I'm trying to eat my noodles in peace. Either you get out, or I can take you out." She does not bluff; bluffing is stupid. But Dana is fit from basketball and jogging, and she is strong from having to shove people off of her all the time. "Uh no. I'm pretty sure I can knock you out, dolly." At this, Dana snarls. She loathes being compared to a doll at all. Having gorgeous curly hair and nice skin does not equal Barbie and her friends. "Oh, sorry, did I hit a sore spot?" She pouts in a mocking fashion. Dana sets down her instant noodle cup. She lunges. The fight starts. Later, Dana Cruz and Amelia Cerfert are admitted into the principal's office. Cerfert gets off easy because of her weepy 'Dana provoked me first' act ( the black eye and bruises and cuts did help, unfortunately ). Dana doesn't get off as easy. It's not her first offense, but they want to make it her last. "Look, Dana, it's not that we want to punish you." The Dean tries to look sympathetic. Dana glares into his eyes. He's such a bad actor. "We want you to be a better person, but it won't happen if you continue to get into fights." "Mm," she grunts, flipping back some stray curls. She doesn't say that Cerfert was the one to try and knock up a fight. They won't believe her, because they never believe her. "We want you to try out for a team, Dana. Maybe some teamwork will crush the idea of communication and friendliness into you. It's not a suggestion, either. If I hear from any of the coaches that there has been no Dana Cruz, it'll be another strike on your part. You can't afford another strike, we both know that." The Dean leans in for that last part, as if it's a secret between him and Dana. "Mmhm," Dana lifts her chin a little in defiance. She can't stand being ordered around. "Now get out of my office, Dana, I have a game of table-golf to play." _What, the, fuck, _she thinks to herself, but she keeps the thought locked inside her head. She leaves, and then decides to try out for basketball, which is expected of her. "Look, Dana, tryouts were last Monday. We've got the whole team assembled now, we can't just take you in without notice. Besides, I asked you if you wanted to try out already." The basketball coach frowns, a little regretful that Dana didn't try out, because he's seen her play. "Please," she says, halfway to pleading. Her mamma will be so disappointed if she's kicked out of PCA - and the one thing Dana doesn't want to do is disappoint her mamma. "I'm sorry, Dana. You should've come on time." He leaves, and she punches the wall so hard she tears her knuckle and has to go to the infirmary. "Dana...?" Nicole's voice rebounds off the walls. "Are you okay? We heard what happened with Amelia Cerfert." "Man, what went down was sick!" Michael's voice topples over hers, but a smack from Zoey quiets him down. Dana turns to look at the group of people, all decorated with worried expressions, towering over where she sits, staring at the white bandage wrapped over her hand. "I'm fine," she replies curtly, and when she says nothing more, they all leave, except for Nicole, because Zoey has to go to basketball practise ( since she actually tried out ), and Michael has gone to find Quinn for some potato chips, and Chase has gone to stop him from getting those potato chips. "Dana," Nicole says quietly, and it's weird to hear her tone so low, because usually, it's at the top of the world. "She was provoking me, the bitch," Dana growls. "And after, she fucking cried to the Dean. Fuck! Fuck!" She starts to yell, but Nicole just watches because there's nothing she can really do besides that. "What the fuck do I do, Nicole?" Her voice breaks. "What are you supposed to do?" "Communicate and be friendly and learn teamwork. I can't get kicked out of PCA, I can't. Really." She turns away from Nicole and scratches at the stray tear that's leaked out. When it's gone, she turns back with fierce eyes. "There's still track and field, and soccer..." "Soccer's for wusses!" "I like soccer..." Nicole pouts, kicking at the ground with her boot. "No, you like shirtless boys playing soccer." Dana rolls her eyes when Nicole makes a face of 'I surrender' and cries, "Same difference!" So she tries out for track and field, because she's good at jogging and she figures track and field shouldn't be too different from training for basketball. She signs her name with a flourish on the sign-up sheet, and half a week later, they announce the times for try-outs. So she goes, donning her basketball shorts and her older brother's t-shirt from college, and she runs. ii. There are girls flocking towards Logan, and there's only three plausible reasons: One, because he's rich, and Two, because he's good-looking. The third reason he excludes, and that's because nobody ever goes to him for _that_ reason. The third reason is because they actually like him as a person, and they just want to talk after a long day of school. But nobody ever talks to Logan Reese _just because_, they always have a reason. It's probably his fault for buttering it up and making it so that _everyone_ knows the son of Malcolm Reese. "Hey babe," he smirks, and the girl rubs herself against him. He doesn't even remember her name, but he knows he slept with her twice, and she was pretty good, in their drunken state. "Hey Logan," she purrs, and then goes on her tip-toes and tickles his ear with her whispers of, "Can I borrow fifty bucks?" He blinks. He should have known that was coming. In the world of poor people, the phrase _Can I borrow money?_ is as good as saying _Give me some money, I'll pay you back in another lifetime_. But he slides fifty bucks into her hand, grinning and kissing her neck before he leaves. As he goes, he hears her laughing to her friends about how putty he is in her hands. She wishes. "Logan!" Quinn is dashing up to him. "I need to know your measurements!" Against his will, his face bursts into flames. " - The fuck? Why do you need my _measurements?_" "I'm conducting an experiment to see if ten male specimens' personalities play a part in their measurement. Of course, they always say that the cockier a boy is, the smaller his... ahem... is. I'm seeing if that's true, of course." Quinn flips back her hair and smiles. "No," Logan begins walking away from her. How glad he is that he didn't sleep with Quinn in the few months that they were dating. Now, everything's the same as it was before, except that Quinn feels a little more need to torture him every once in a while ( even though she was the one who wanted to break up in the first place ). "But Logan, you're a necessity to this experiment! You're so arrogant and cocky that it's like you're a whole new species of the male gender!" Quinn yells at him from behind, as he strolls away, his ears red. He doesn't need Quinn to tell him that he's arrogant. And cocky. Arrogant and cocky. That's how people describe him. Even in the four months they were dating, Quinn still hasn't been shaken from her belief that he sits on his high pedestal. He shakes his head and goes to have a nap. When he wakes up, he's aching everywhere, and Michael and Chase are laughing at him. He makes an indignant face at them. "Dude, you were sleeping in the greatest position _ever_." Michael attempts a standing demonstration of it, but fails miserably, and that sets off another booming laugh attack from both his roommates. Logan flashes them the finger and gets out of bed, trying to soothe his sore muscles. It couldn't have been _that_ bad, he thinks as he rubs his neck. Dana pushes past him. As he prepares a snarky comment, he realizes that she's already running and gone, and he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, and chases after her. "Hey, Cruz!" "Get away from me, Reese," Dana says, turning her head to shoot him a warning glance. "I'm busy." "You can't be busy, you're just running," he scoffs. "I'm _training_," she corrects him hastily, her breath coming in short bursts, "And I've been running non-stop, so don't judge me." As her legs continue to move, she brings a hand up to move hair that's caught onto her face. "Training for what, running from the cops?" He snickers. Dana takes a deep breath and ignores him, continuing to run. "No, dumbass, I'm training for track and field - not like you'd care, you get more exercise doing those whor-" He tackles her, covering her mouth. "Are you trying to say something?" He hisses at her, their faces only an inch apart. Her eyes flash challengingly and she bites him. "Ow!" "What if I am?" She answers his question, shaking her curls back behind her shoulders. "All I'm trying to say is that you're such a man-whore that sex _is_ your daily exercise." She smiles angellically at him, and he feels his blood boiling. "You're a bitter bitch, you know that?" "Yup. It's half your fault." She smiles again, but this time, it's one of the coldest smiles he's ever seen - and it's strange, because it doesn't fit her, even though it fits her personality. Dana is all warm colours - caramel eyes and chocolate-blonde curls and tanned skin. Sometimes he wonders if there's a cold person out there too - blue eyes and blue skin and blue hair. He snorts at her, though, as they begin to silently run together. When they're done running, they slump down on a park bench and pant. "Are you trying out for the team?" Dana's question is out-of-the-blue. "I guess. I got nothing better to do." He doesn't tell her that when he runs with her, he shuts out the rest of the world because it's kinda cool just to be in sync with her footsteps, breathe when she breathes. He doesn't tell her that he forgets about the girls who want him for his money and his looks and for status, because she's nothing like that - she's just a girl who doesn't really like him, but will tolerate him just because she's the same as him. "Good. I don't wanna try out alone." "What's this? The great Danger Cruz, afraid?" Logan's voice is taunting again. He doesn't want the deep atmosphere that comes with two friends that actually _talk_ to each other decently - no fights and brawls breaking out at random, no dirty talking, nothing. She laughs in response, managing a _Fuck you_ as she cackles. Then they're both laughing, sitting on the park bench and choking on their laughter, and they don't even know why they're laughing. iii. They hold hands sometimes. They don't really _like_ each other, but it's nice to hold someone else's hand when you rarely get the chance to with others. When they hold hands, they're always alone or hiding their hands underneath the table, or slumping together, looking like they're just smushed up to one another. "Your hand's sweaty," Dana murmurs into Logan's ear, as they sit at the very back of the room, hunched together in one stuffy table, and the teacher is going on about the lesson in the front. Nobody's really paying him any attention except for Zoey and Chase and maybe Quinn, but chances are better that Quinn is really just working on a new experiment ( maybe one that doesn't have to do with boys' ... _ahems_ ). "Then don't hold it." That stops the conversation clear. Neither hand lets go, and they sit through the rest of the lesson quietly. "I saw you." Amelia Cerfert's voice is shrill with anger. "I saw you cuddling up to Logan. _I'm_ going out with him, so who the fuck do you think _you_ are to hold him! He loves _me!_" Delusional. She's delusional. Dana looks up slowly, munching down on her instant noodles once again. This scene is a replay of the previous scene, but hopefully this time, there will be no cafeteria brawl. She takes her time in replying. "Look, fuckface, shouldn't you have figured it out before you started dating him? Reese is only in love with himself." She slams her hands down onto the table and gets up, leaving the cup and Amelia Cerfert behind. "Hey," Logan says, running to catch up with Dana. She's on her jog again, and this time she's gone without him. "Hm," she says. They jog in silence for the next fifteen minutes, and when they stop for a water-fountain break, Logan grins nastily and asks, "Wanna make out?" She stares at him for a long while before smacking him and scoffing, "What?! What _is_ that!" He snickers and rubs his head. "What's your deal, honestly?" "What's _your_ deal, Cruz?" "We're not playing this game, Reese." She warns him. He sticks his tongue at her, and she stomps on his foot before whirling around and continuing to run. "Hey! Wait up!" "Screw it," Dana murmurs underneath her breath, and sprints all the way down to her dorm and slams the door shut, ignoring stunned looks from both Nicole and Lola ( Zoey bunks with Quinn nowadays ). Somewhere else, Logan wonders what the hell Dana's problem is. iv. They run often nowadays - now that both of them are on the track team - and so much else has changed - Mark and Quinn are back together, in some strange sense of normality ( it seemed as if they'd never broken up, the way they were now ), and Chase has finally given up on Zoey, because she had dated James in the short time he was gone, and he just couldn't really handle the way he felt as if he was being stepped on anymore. He's left Zoey alone, and she can't figure out why. The only thing that has remained constant this whole time is their running, and the feeling of being the same ( not similar, but one person altogether ) when they run, mostly silent and never talking too much, because it requires too much breath. And then - "How'd you react if I told you I'm in love with you?" Logan asks nonchalantly, flicking at his hair, which he still keeps constantly curled to perfection. They play this game sometimes - of random what-if questions and what-if answers, and sometimes, they are disappointed by the answers the other gives. "I'd laugh, because Logan Reese is only in love with himself." Dana repeats what she'd said to Amelia Cerfert months ago. "Well, come up with a better one," his voice is strangely husky, and she looks up to see him leaning in and her brain has malfunctioned because all it says now is, _Oh Lord, oh Lord, this isn't right, what the fuck, this isn't what's supposed to happen!_ And even though her brain is saying that, her body is responding on its own. Her hand finds itself in his hair, and she's surprised that there isn't the usual goop of gel in it because it feels soft and cared for, and then she thinks again, _Oh god, stop making me fall in love with you._ And now he's left her lips, and she's finding herself wanting to pull him back and do that all over again. She touches her lips and blinks at him. "What" - she breathes - "was that?" "That was nothing," he replied, "Compared to what I could be doing." She blushes and gets up and begins to jog ( she's been running from him a lot these days ). "Yo!" He yells behind her, and he begins to sprint after her. She won't ever let anyone know this - that it feels so warm and good to know that someone is chasing after her because they want her - because nobody's ever really wanted her around much. They hold hands sometimes. Okay, way more than just sometimes - they hold hands so often that it's crazy that their hands can even separate and stay attached to their own respective bodies. There are still the whispers of _Emo bitch_ and there are still girls who throw themselves at Logan just so that they can get on his good side - none of that has changed. But they don't run _from_ those fuck-ups who insist on making them miserable - they run _at_ them, full speed, and they're doing just fine. End file.
and we just keep running by talk of michelangelo
Zoey 101
Would You Rather? **Would You Rather?** It was the day after Gender Defenders aired on TV. Zoey had managed to forget all about the TechMate message fiasco and her friendship with Chase was back to normal. Chase and Zoey were sitting at Sushi Rox eating Zoey's favorite, California rolls. They had asked Lola, Michael, Nicole, Logan, and Quinn to come with them but they were all mysteriously busy. "Hey, do you want to play Would You Rather?" Chase asked Zoey. "Sure Chase. But you ask the first question," Zoey said. "Okay. Would you rather eat a bucket of fried worms, or a carton of raw eggs?" Chase asked. "Eww. I'd have to say the worms, but those are both disgusting," Zoey said, shuddering. "Okay, Zoe. It's your turn," Chase said. "Hmm... Would you rather wear a dress or a skirt?" Zoey asked. "A skirt. Maybe I could pass it off for a kilt," Chase said, smiling. Zoey laughed, and Chase gazed at her, listening to her laugh. It sounded like ringing bells. It wasn't too giggly, but not to rough or low either. If possible, Chase fell more in love with her right then. "Chase? Are you alright?" Zoey asked, looking concerned. Chase snapped out of his trance. "Yeah, fine," he said in a higher pitch than normal, "Would you rather kiss Logan or a monkey?" "Monkey," Zoey responded automatically. "Logan or a horse?" Chase asked. "Horse," Zoey said again. "Logan or..." Chase then trailed off, looking embarrassed. "Chase? What's wrong?" Zoey asked. "Logan or... m-me?" Chase asked. "You," Zoey said, looking down at the floor. Chase put a hand under her chin, and lifted her face up so her eyes met his. "Zoey?" Chase asked, his face very close to hers. "Y-yeah?" she responded. "Would you rather kiss me, or not?" Chase asked. Zoey's breath caught in her throat, and she closed the distance between them. Their lips met in a sweet, promising kiss. When they finally broke apart, their foreheads rested together, and Chase brought his hand to her cheek. "Now I have one more question for you," Chase said. "Go for it," Zoey said, slightly out of breath. "Would you rather be my girlfriend or not?" Chase asked. Zoey responded with another kiss, slightly more passionate than the last. They finally broke apart after what seemed like an eternity, but still held each other close. "Should I take that as a yes?" Chase asked with a delirious smile on his face. "Most definitely," Zoey replied, and then kissed him again. "Hey Zoe? Do you still want to know what the message was that I sent to your TechMate?" Chase asked. Zoey nodded eagerly, and waited for an explanation. "Okay, I'll tell you. Let's go over to the couch for this though, it's pretty important," Chase said, taking hold of Zoey's hand and leading her over to the couch. "Now can you tell me?" Zoey asked impatiently. "Yeah, I can. You see, I sent a message to Michael that said something about how I didn't want to tell you something really important. The message basically said that I love you, Zoe. I always have," Chase said. Zoey's jaw dropped to the floor, but she managed to say a few words. "I love you too, Chase," Zoey said. Chase smiled triumphantly, and pulled Zoey in for another kiss. At that moment, nothing mattered but him, her, and their love. As they pulled away, a great idea popped into his mind. There was no way she could say no. "Would you rather go to the movies or the beach with me tomorrow?" Chase asked. "The beach would be great," Zoey said, smiling. Chase sighed in relief. He was hoping she'd pick the beach. They shared another kiss, and when the broke apart, cuddled together on the couch. All that Chase could think about were images of Zoey in a bikini. **The End!** End file.
Would You Rather? by Mrs. Roonil Wazlib
Zoey 101
Twisted Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 or the song A/N: so this was the most popular voted song, and it didn't surprise me one bit. I think this song fits perfectly the Logan and Quinn and relationship, cause their relationship is twisted and we all know it and we love it because of that. Now vote for the next song as of right now its tied between like three, so vote and make the decision for me, thanks. Enjoy! **Twisted** _**Baby, you're a wrecking ball**_ _**Crashing into me**_ _**Nothing I can do but fall**_ _**Piece by piece**_ _**You broke down, every part of me**_ _**That even thought I would**_ _**Never need you, baby**_ He shattered everything. Destroyed the perfect little world she had lived in. He had come along and with one kiss blown a hole through her life. His kiss had destroyed what she thought was right and what was accepted. That one kiss had blown her world to pieces and she loved it. Quinn had always thought herself independent and sure of herself. But then Logan kissed her, and she began to feel pieces fall from her. Then they started dating, but hid it, and a few more holes appeared in her perfect ordered world. Then he announced to the entire school that he loved her and the last few pieces disappeared and she stepped into the light. It was as if she was a badly made puzzle, one who's pieces really didn't fit but where pushed together just to finish it. Now she was fixed, she was perfectly together. She never thought she would need Logan Reese. But she was wrong. She needed him more than she needed anything else. His smile made her smile, his laugh made her laugh. Her heart beat when his heart beat, she cried when he cried. Nothing could affect her more than his love. Yeah, she never thought she would need someone so much, but she did, really needed his love. _**It's twisted**_ _**Messed up**_ __ _**And the more I think about it**_ _**It's crazy, but so what**_ _**I might never understand it**_ _**I'm caught up and I'm hanging on**_ _**I'm gonna love you, even if it's wrong**_ "Screwed up", "twisted", "odd", "weird", and "wrong", were all phrase her friends threw at her when they heard she was dating Logan. With the disbelief also came the confusion, such as Michael's constant utterance of "Huh?" No one understood it, no one could wrap their mind fully around the phenomenon they were now a part of. But Quinn could care less; she couldn't care if people thought her crazy or were continually asking her if she needed to talk to the school physiologist. She loved Logan Reese and nothing was going to change that. Sure it was twisted and odd. It was against the social norm for them to be together. But Quinn didn't care, she was going to love Logan Reese, even if it was wrong. _**Everybody's telling me**_ _**I'm over my head**_ _**But they can't feel you lovin' me**_ _**They all say**_ _**I've gone crazy**_ _**Maybe, but it's too late to save me**_ _**I'm too tangled.**_ Lola and Zoey had sat her down the night after prom and tried to talk, "sense," into her they said. They kept saying that she had no idea what she was doing. It was Logan they were talking about. Logan the play-boy, the guy who had different girlfriend every week. Did she know what she was doing? Quinn sat and listened. She argued against them trying to get them to understand. But they didn't want to hear it; they weren't going to listen so she gave up. She sat back and let them rant as her mind wandered. She was thinking about the night before when he had shouted he loved her to the whole school. She had beamed, knowing he loved her more than anything. She then thought about all those secret meeting they had. Whenever they were together she always felt special and as if she was the only girl he saw or cared about. Zoey, Lola and everyone else would never understand. They would never feel the love she felt from Logan. She could never expect them to understand why she fell so hard for him. But she didn't care, she was tangled in his love and she never wanted to come undone. _**Maybe it's not right**_ _**But that's alright**_ _**Yeah, it's alright tonight**_ It may be wrong, not right, whatever. She loved Logan and she was going to love him forever. No one could change that. No so called social disorder, or how things were suppose to be, was going to change her mind. Yeah, maybe it wasn't right, but she didn't care, nothing mattered but having Logan beside her. _**It's twisted**_ _**Messed up**_ _**And the more I think about it**_ _**It's crazy but so what**_ _**I may never understand it**_ _**I'm caught up and I'm hanging on,**_ _**I'm gonna leave you even if it's wrong**_ There was no way for her to explain it. There were no experiments to be done. Her scientific mind would never be able to explain it, but she didn't care. She was crazy, sure. She needed mental attention, so what. She had no idea what she was doing, who cares. She realized all this, but she was happy. She was finally better then happy, she was excited, ecstatic. She was flying high and never wanted to come back down to her. Yeah, she was tangled in this twisted thing but that twisted thing was love and nothing was going to change her twisted lover for Logan Reese. _**Even if it's twisted**_ _**Even if it's just a little bit**_ _**Just a little bit**_ _**Just a little twisted yeah**_ _**It's twisted**_ _**Yeah**_ **A/N: there you go, I am proud of this one, so review and let me know what you think. Also remember to vote on my poll, for the next song. Thanks for reading.** End file.
Twisted by shmibby
Zoey 101
Here, Finally Here Summary: I never liked Lola Martinez very much, and now I know why. A/N: So I'm sure that a ton of people have already written songfics to You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. But I decided to also. So yeah, I hope you like it. I was just listening to the song and was like "OMG, I have to!" Hah. Oh and the flashbacks will be italicized and the song lyrics will be bolded. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey101 or You Belong With Me, or Taylor Swift for that matter. Dana's POV I finally know why I have never really liked Lola. Of course she didn't know I didn't like her. She thinks we're best friends I'm sure. I was nice to her, shockingly. And she was nice to me, but there was something about her that I know I never liked. And today I finally found out what it was. **You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset. Shes going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do** _Flashback_ _You had just got off of the phone with your girlfriend, Lola. She was upset with you. You, the jock, the ego, the hottie of PCA, Logan Reese. Lola was mad about something that you said to her. It just came out wrong. You meant for it to sound funny. I mean after all you were just commenting about how she obsesses over to many things. Except you were talking to Lola after all. So to her that comment wasn't funny at all. I thought it was pretty dang hilarious though._ _She annoyed me after all, and you knew I didn't like her well._ _End Flashback_ **I'm in the room it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do** I walked across my room to get my Ipod off of the desk top. I then turned around and went to go back and lay on my bed in my original position. I put the head phones over my ears and pressed shuffle. I started listening to one of my favorite bands, Paramore. Lola hates them. You and I both know that. But that doesn't bother me. Apparently she's taken it to oblivion that you love this band to. Sometimes I wonder if she really even knows you. She never seems to get that you're more than great hair and looks. So much more than that. You have great potential, even though you don't always show it. Why is it so hard for you to see that Lola manipulates you? She doesn't care. Why can't you see she's your toy of the week? Sometimes I sware you are as oblivious as Zoey. **But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day When you wake up and find What you're, looking for has been here the whole time** Lola just bothers me in general. Why did you pick her? Oh, I know why. Because she looks great in a mini skirt and she's the captain of the cheer team, right? She just looks great. You know Reese, you could of had me. You actually could have. The only problem was that you couldn't see me there. I've always been here and you've known that, you just haven't paid attention. Sometimes I even dream about you. Isn't that sad? Me, Dana "Danger" Cruz, fantasizing about being with Logan Reese. **If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along so why can't you see, you You belong with me You belong with me** Logan, I wish you would get it through your head that she will never understand you like I do. I know you. I've always been here. Always. It aggravates me when you don't notice me. And that's shocking because you're the only person that I actually want to be noticed by. Only you're head is on some cloud where you life is just perfect with Lola. Can you really not tell that you belong with me? I totally understand you too. After all, I'm here for you, you tell me everything. It's because to you I'm just one of those people who will listen if someone talks. So I have a right to say that I know you better that just about anyone of your other friends. You could almost say it's a fact that I know you better. **Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughin' on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn't this easy** _Flashback_ _We were walking on the shore of the beach. Just you and me, and right then the name Lola didn't matter. She wasn't important right there. We were walking barefoot and you had on a pair of worn-out jeans. Those were my favorite pair of pants that you wore. _ _You and me simply walked on the beach and talked for hours about anything that came to mind. This is how it should be. You and me together. Not having to care about anything else. This should be easy. Right? Of course it wasn't. Things always had to be complicated._ _End Flashback_ **And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you're fine I know you better then that Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that** I laid on my bed, starting to think about little things about you. Mainly your smiled. Every time you flashed your teeth at me it you make me got weak, I wanted to melt. I know it sounded cheesy, but it was true. And ever since you started going out with Lola I saw less and less of that smile that made my heart thump rapidly in my chest. Lola has been bringing you down and you keep saying that you're fine, but when will you realize that I know you WAY better than that. I've never understood why you didn't just dump Lola, I guessed it was a guy thing. It disappointed me to see you beating yourself up for someone who wasn't even treating you respectfully. She's the type who uses guys to get what she wants. Part of me hopes that you know that, the other part knows that you don't. **She wears high heels I wear sneakers Shes cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time** I'm still here Logan. Wake up and smell the flowers. **If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along so why can't you see You belong with me** **Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time how could you not know Baby you belong with me You belong with me** I decided to get out off of my bed. I needed to walk around. I took off my head phones and set them along with my Ipod on top of my bed. I shoved my feet into a pair of Vans and then walked out of the door. I felt an urge to got to Logan's dorm, so I did. I had no idea what I would say to him though. When I got there, in front of a white door marked 32 at the top, I froze. I had a million things that I could say to him, heck was he even in his room? I tried to gather up some courage, but it wasn't working. **Oh I remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're about to cry And know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me** Then I remembered one certain, rainy night when you came to my dorm. _Flashback_ _I was really early in the morning. Almost three o'clock. I was having troubles sleeping when I heard a knock at the door. I went to go open it to find you, Logan, standing there with rain dripping from your hair. You didn't seem to care that it was messed up. _ _You asked if you could come in and I agreed. We sat on my bed in pure darkness, just talking. You were mainly talking about random things. It turned out that you hadn't been able to sleep either and just needed someone to talk to. We talked about all of our favorite songs, which were so much alike. As well as most of out dreams. From embarrassing to scary. You even told me about the dream you had of us to getting married. You were embarrassed at first to be telling me this as you got into details of my dress and all the colors. I wished the entire time that your dream would come true, but you thought your dream meant nothing, and you told me that. You just wanted us to be friends, no matter what your dreams said._ _But I knew that you belonged with me._ _End Flashback_ That convinced me. I knocked on the door, and then I heard footsteps. You opened the door. "Hey Dana," You had greeted. Then you opened the door wider as if to let me in, but I didn't budge. I noticed that you were the only one in the room, thankfully. **Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along so why can't you see You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time how could you not know Baby you belong with me You belong with me** "Logan, I'm right here." I had stated firmly. "I know," You said confused, "Do you want to come in? I have something to tell you." "No, Logan," I had tried again, "I mean, I'm here. You're here. Don't you see?" "What do you mean Dana?" You looked at me like I was crazy. "Logan," I hadn't known how to say this. "Do you notice me?" "Yeah Dana," You had said, like it was obvious. "You're right in front of me." "Do you _notice _me?" I was getting impatient. "Dana, I'm not in the mood for guessing games." You had replied and I thought you were angry. "I have some news to tell you." And that's when I noticed him smiling, finally smiling. A smile had crept across my face too. You had done it, you had broken up with Lola, and you were happy. I hugged you fiercely, hoping you would feel something. "What?" You has asked me. "What made you do that?" I ended up asking. "You know," You replied, "I finally figured something out." "And what might that be?" "That you belong with me," You replied, and then leaned in. You pressed your lips firmly against mine. I could tell that you had finally figured out were you belong, not just by your words, but by the way you kissed me. I felt loved. All because you and me were here, finally. **You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me** **You belong with me** _The End _ A/N: So did you like it? I did. It was pretty fun to write. I extremely liked this story :D Review if you wish. Happy Readings! Lana End file.
Here, Finally by kazma.kay
Zoey 101
Be mine Be mine Logan was pacing back and forth in his dorm room thinking about how in the heck a little comfort turned into a fire burning passionate kiss WOW his lips are still tingling. "Logan are you going to sushi rocks with us" asked James him and Michel just came from class and was going to meet the girls for lunch. If he goes it might be weird being in front of Quinn after the kiss. "No" Logan said a little paranoid. "Funny Quinn said the same thing something about feeling sick and I don't know ok bye". Then James left the room to meet Michel, Zoey, and Lola. "GOSH!!!!!" why is this so hard it's not like I actually like Quinn she's a little science nerd and so not my type!!!" screamed Logan he did not think one kiss would make him go this nuts. "I got to go talk to her maybe if I kiss her again I won't feel anything it was probably just a fluke" Logan said and walked out of his dorm determined to prove his point. As he walked around campus he kept on thinking about what if it was not a fluke and what if he really did feel something and it was LOVE gosh he so can't take that he's LOGAN RESSE ladies man and womanizer he soooooo does not fall in LOVE ,especially NOT with girls like Quinn. Once he finally reached his destination he slowly knocked on the door "come in" yelled a voice he easily guessed was hers she was probably working on one of her weird quinnventions. As he walked in he saw her on the floor writing something down on a piece of paper probably research she was soo smart she's always smart she has an IQ of 177 and man dose she show it. Once He walked in he said "Quinn can we talk about what happened at the bench" after he said that she quickly got up and turned around to see it was Logan hahaha exactly the person she did not want to see at the moment after the kiss she could barely walk it's like someone knocked her off her feet or took the breath right out of her there was no way she could talk to him and not kiss him again she liked that kiss and wanted another. "Umm sure" G_osh how dose Quinn do it she's so calm and I'm a wreck gosh I hope I don't look a stupid as I feel_ Thought Logan as he was looking at Quinn. "ok just to ask did you feel anything because I did but maybe if we kiss again we could prove it was just a fluke" said Logan now he was so nervous of kissing Quinn again and really hoped it was just a fluke. "I like that idea" said Quinn as she put her arms around his neck and he put his around her waist "but what if we do feel something" Quinn whispered in his ear. "Then I guess we will just have to go from there". After that he kissed her lips hard and passionately and she returned kissing back with an unbelievable force sticking her fingers although out his curls as they were kissing he decides to lick her lips and pull her closer as he pulls her closer she lets out a long moan his name slipping out a few times. After he hears that he then decides to back her in to a wall and lift her up as her legs wrap around his hips he lets out a couple moans and then they make their way over to the bed and he pushes her gently on it. As the heavy and steamy make out section goes on he makes a slow trail of kisses down her neck and then back to her lips. After five more minutes of kissing they finally pull apart and sit up on her bed. Their hair a demolished mess her makeup smeared and lips swollen and a forming hickey on her neck along with his shirt that is now all the way across the room and her skirt up to her thigh and half sleeve shirt almost off. "Ok looks like there's a little more than friendship between us" said Logan a little out of breath from there crazy make out section "you think "giggled Quinn as she laid herself back on her bed pulling Logan down with her so she could snuggle with him. "So does this mean were dating then" asked Logan snuggling back he never thought in his wildest dreams that he would like Quinn and on the other hand dating her and snuggling with her. "Of course" said Quinn as she snuggled even deeper into her new boyfriend's chest. "Good" said Logan smiling as he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. "Hey look Logan has a soft side" she giggled again and yawned. "Hahaha very funny but yes I do it just took the right girl to bring it out" said Logan with a small yawn and another smile. "Hey you know I'm really glad you decided to be mine" said Logan looking at her in her eyes and they really were beautiful. "Me too and I would not have it any other way" whispered Quinn as she fell asleep in Logan's arms and they just laid asleep in her dorm room with smiles on their faces glad that they had each other. End file.
Be mine by cAndIcE101
Zoey 101
Afraid I guess this could be called a "fluff". This is my first fanfic. R&R please. * * * **Afraid** **_Logan & Quinn, two names, two different people, two broken hearts but one break-up._** She sees him sitting in the bench, supposedly _their_ bench and their eyes met. Her eyes are filled with despair, anger but mostly sadness. While his eyes show his pain, the regret of losing her, how he misses her smiles and his love for her. She walks away while thoughts start to fill her mind. She knew she can never answer these, and there was no scientific explanation for it. She promised herself that she will never let any tear drop fall, especially if _he_ is the reason of her sorrow. But she failed, once again she saw herself crying for the same reason, _Logan_. He tried to stop her. He called for her name but she never looked back. He started to lose hope. However, she stopped running away from him, he was surprised by her action. Then he noticed that tears were falling from her eyes, she was crying. There was silence at the moment, but a shaky voice broke that silence. "Logan," he heard her say his name "Why did you broke up with me?". He felt his knees get weak. Suddenly he was speechless; he can't seem to remember the words he practiced in front of the mirror over and over again. He looked for the right words, because he can't afford to lose her again, he can't afford to lose _Quinn_. The silence continued. They continue to stare at each other's eyes. "Because I Love you" he said with assurance. "But, huh, I can't-" before she can say anything he broke her off with words that are hard to believe. "I am afraid, to love you even more, that's why I broke up with you, before I hurt you and before you feel the pain of loving someone like me." He said with an aching voice, he continue to talk hiding his own pain "I don't want you to be like the other girls I've dated before, because you're the only girl that I have loved and still love. I want to be right there for you in everyday of your life, but what can I say or do; I'm not good enough for you." She was stunned by his words. "I Love you and I'm not afraid to love you even more. But these words can't be compared to what you have said." she said with confidence. Then again tears fall from her eyes but now because of joy. He walked closer to her and gently wiped her tears away. That's when their lips met. Two mended hearts, two different people, two names but one _Logan & Quinn._ * * * It's short,I know. So what did you think? Please REViEW. End file.
Afraid by asdfjklsemicolonnnn
Zoey 101
1. this ain't a scene its a arms race summary:Logan still has the web cam in a teddybear and gave it to Dana. The girls have no clue about it and they bring it back to their room and start taking a quiz that is about their perfect guy. What will Logan do to get his dream girl? What secrets will get out? I do not own Zoey 101 and if I did I would make Dana and Logan go out. Logan sat up in his bed and turned on his computer. It was late so his roommates were asleep. He put his head phones on and pulled up the link to the webcam that he stashed inside a teddybear and gave to the girls. When it turned on he saw Zoey painting her nails on her bed, Nicole was sitting on a bean bag chair reading a magazine, while Dana was listening to her ipod on her bed. "Oh...look at this quiz I just found in this says 'Whos your perfect man?'."Nicole said. _'this is gonna be good'_Logan thought as he listened closer "I wanna take it what about you Dana?"Zoey asked as she got off her bed and sat down on the floor. "I'll take it even though I already know who it is." Dana said as she put the ipod on the charger and sat down across from Zoey. "Ok first turns you on/drives you crazy when a guy dose what?"Nicole asked "I like it when a guy gives me white roses and chocolates when he dosent have to" Zoey said. _typical Zoey answer...oh Dana's answer is comming up I got to remember this' _Logan thought as he grabed a pen and a scratch paper. "I just lose control when a guy kisses my neck and when hes always on time for a date." Dana said closing her eyes. _'God she is so beautiful...and yes I Logan Reese said beautiful not hot or sexy...beautiful because she is.'_ Logan thought as he listned closer. "Ok next question...You cant stand when a guy dose what?" Nicole said as she wrote down their answers."Zoey?" "I cant stand a guy that is always hyper and he gets really jealous really fast even when he dosent have to." Zoey answred getting a bag of chips and pouring them in to a bowl. "What about you Dana?"Nicole asked after she wrote down Zoeys answer. "Well I hate it when a guy is late unless he has a good excuse...oh and if he is way overprotective of me."Dana said taking a sip of her blix. "What do you mean overprotective?" Nicole asked. "Like he wont let me go surfing because hes afraid that I might get hurt or skateboard." Dana said._' What ever guy dosent let Dana skate totaly dosent know her at all!'_ Logan thought "Yeah can I add that to my answer too?" Zoey asked trying to look at the quiz but Nicole pulled it away. "I'll do it." Nicole said writhing it down.Then there was a knock on the door, it was Coco the DA for the girls. "Time for bed girls and hurry up cuz I gotta go watch Leno now so dont make me come back here to check on you guys." Coco said as she left._'NO! Not now it was just getting so good!_ Logan thought as he yawned. After Coco left the girls went back to the game. "Well next question." Nicole said."How do you like a guy to treat you?" "Well I like a guy that wont treat me like im weak just because im a girl because belive me I can take anything a guy can take and more." Dana said showing her famous attitude. _'God this is definatly going to help me win Danas heart!.'_Logan smiled. Thats why he loved Dana she didnt care that she was a girl or not she could beat the crap out to anyone and she acts so tough but he knew that she wasnt always that strong, it was all just a act. "I like a hopless romantic." Zoey said "Plain and simple." Logan smirked '_Chase is a total romantic why can't she just see that he is in love with her!'_ "I like a guy that can be romantic sometimes like on v-day or a special occasion not all the time." Dana said during a yawn. "Its getting really late we should get to bed." "Wait one more question then we can finish it tomorrow, please!" Nicole asked Dana. "Fine, one more" Dana said laying down in her bed. "OOOHHH, ok if a guy had to give you a flower what kind would it be and why?" She asked. "I like roses."Zoey said."Cuz they smell really good." "I like dasiys." Dana answred. "because there not common and really nice. Now can we go to sleep...wait im not asking i am going to sleep." The other 2 girls agreed and Zoey turned off the light. Back to what Logan was doing... "Yes hello, I would like to order 6 dozen daisys...ok send them to Mr.Benders homeroom class... for Dana Cruz." Logan said into his phone. 2. the music or the misery The nexted day... "Ok, class time to get to the lession." Mr.Bender said as he went to the whiteboard and started to write down notes for the class to take. Dana turned on her laptop and instantly got an IM. **Uknowimhot-** hey babe **One-tuff-chick-(**yes i ment to spell that wrong) what do u want Logan **Uknow-im-hot-** just wondering how my friend was doing, god is that such a crime? **One-tuff-chick- ** coming from Logan Reese the boy who dosent care about anyone but himself yes **Uknowimhot- **first of all I do care about other people and second im not a boy im ALL man **One-tuff-chick-** says who **Uknowimhot-** ask any girl at PCA Dana looks over at Logan and rolles her eyes in disgust. He just smirks back and winks at her. **One-tuff-chick-** ur disgusting u know that **Uknowimhot- **no im just really hot and I dont blame the girls for falling for me **One-tuff-chick- **can I just ask u one quick question **Uknowimhot-** sure baby anything **One-tuff-chick-** how did u get in here **Uknowimhot-** what r u talking about **One-tuff-chick-** I mean ur ego is just way to big how did it fit through the door **Uknowimhot-** ha ha ha very funny Cruz **One-tuff-chick- **I thought it was funny As soon as she hit send there was a knock at the door. When Mr.Bender answred it a guy came in with a bouquet of flowers in hand. "I'm looking for a Mrs.Dana Cruz." The man said. "Oh shes right over here!" Nicole shouted and pointed to Dana. "Yeah thats me."Dana said as he walked over and handed her the flowers. She looked at the flowers and saw that they were her favorite flowers,dasiys. She looked around the room and she stoped and looked at Logan but then shifted her glance to the new student Wrenn Sanders. Dana smiled at him and looked back at her flowers after he smiled back at her. Logan shot daggers out of his eyes at him. Then another 5 guys came in all looking for dana with the same flowers. After the last guy the bell wrang. "Oh my god looks like Dana has a secret someone!" Nicole screamed as she helped Dana with the flowers. "Yeah, Dana who do you think gave them to you?" Zoey asked as she took one too. "I don't know but I kinda have a feeling that it was Wrenn Sanders." Dana said smelling the flowers. "WRENN SANDERS! You think he gave you all of these?" Logan said. "Yeah."Dana said a little freaked out. "God you have no clue whats right in front of you! your so dense." Logan said as he stormed off. "Ok...what just happend?" Chase asked. "I have no clue." Dana said as she looked at the retreating Logan. "Hey girls we should really go put these in some water." Zoey and Nicole nodded and said bye to Michale and Chase as they went to band practice. When they got back they put the flowers in vases and Nicole picked up the quiz. "Ok, lets finish up the quiz." Nicole said as she sat down. Just as she said that Logan got back into his room and noticed the time, he had to go to band practice with Chase and Michale. He checked his email and noticed that the girls were in the web cams view. Logan knew that he couldnt miss this practice because they had a gig really soon so he recorded it so he could watch it later. "The next question...what is the most romantic thing a guy could ever do for you?"Nicole asked when she found the paper with their answers on it. "I love it when a guy sets up a romantic candel light dinner for just the 2 of us." Zoey said. "I think that it would be the most romantic thing if a guy wrote and sang a song just for me." Dana said dreamy eyed. "Thats a good answer Dana." Nicole complimented. Dana smiled her phone vibrated and fell off of the desk. She picked up the phone and looked at the texted message and it was from Wrenn. "Who is the texted from?" Zoey asked in her noisy way. "Its from Wrenn he asked me if I wanted to go skating later." Dana said. "Well are you?" Nicole asked. "I don't know." She answred sitting down on her bed. "Don't you want to ask him if he sent you the flowers?" Nicole asked. "Now im not all that sure if he sent the flowers." Dana said. "What do you mean?" Zoey asked. "Im not really sure but im going to find out." Dana said as she got up and left the room. OH cliffy! Whats Dana going to do? how is it going to effect Logan and Wrenn? i need ideas if i get a good one then ill update faster if not then it will take longer and longer for you to see the shiny pretty purple next button at the bottom of the screen. (incert evil laugh here) 3. of all the joints in the world After Dana ran out of the room to god knows where... "Dana! Dana!" Zoey yelled as she went after her but Dana was already out of the buliding before Zoey even got out of the dorm. Zoey started to run after her but when she rounded a corner and got knocked over. "Hey watch where.." The man said but then relized who he knocked over."Oh Zoey im so sorry!" "Dont worry about it Chase." She said as she got up and brushed herself off. "So Zo I was just comming to ask you if you wanted to go to Sushi Roxz with me for some lunch?" Chase asked with a goofy smile on. "Ok sure Chase, just let me grab my coat." Zoey said and headed back inside her dorm. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Chase asked a wall. "Yes I told you I heard her say it on the web cam." The wall talked back. "Well thanks for the money to do this Logan." Chase said looking back around the corner to see Logan. "Yeah well don't tell me or anyone else about it or I will hurt you." Logan said with all seriousness in his tone. "Ok, I wont and why did you do this for me?" He asked another stupid question. "Because you and Mrs.Perfect are ment to be just like me and Dana are." Logan answred with a smug smirk on his lips. "Don't call her that!" Chase said. "Call who what?" Zoey asked with her jacket in her hands."And why are you talking to a wall?" "Oh no reason." Chase said. "You look really nice." "Oh thanks Chase." Zoey said blushing. She was wearing a light blue tang top with music notes all over it in diffrent colors, she also had ripped jeans on, and some baby blue Phat Pharms on. "Now off to Sushi Roxz ma'lady." Chase said bowing down and ushering her to the door. "Ok then sir." Zoey said laughing. On the walk over to Sushi Roxz they talked about lots of diffrent things like what they were going to so over the summer and how come Logan wont ask Dana out yet. They also talked about how the band was doing. "Ok here we are ma'am." Chase said opening the door for Zoey. She walked in and saw no one in there except them with candels around one table. Chase grabbed Zoeys hand and took her over to the tabel and pulled out her chair for her. She sat down and was in shock as Kazu (no clue how to spell that) came over, took there order and went in the back. "Chase this is...this is...perfect." She wispred the last part but he still heard her and smiled. "I'm glad you like it, listen Zo I have to tell you something thats really important." Chase said looking into her eyes. "Ok what is it Chase?" Zoey looked scared. _'Is he leaving!?!' _she thought "Ok Zoey you have no idea how hard this is to say, but I think about you all the time and at first I thought that this would pass but after 2 years its still here and I wasn't that sure what it was at first but now I know I...I love you Zoey Ann Brookes" Chase said. Zoey let out a breath and laughed a little. "Um ok im a little confused, I dont really think that this is that funny!" Chase said looking at her like she had 3 heads. "No, its not funny im just laugh because I have loved you for as long as the first day I saw you run into the pole on your bike." Zoey said reaching over the tabel and kissing Chase on the lips. Even though it only was for a second it was the best kiss of his life. After that they ate and they couldn't stop looking at each other. "So Zo will you be my girlfriend?" Chase asked after they ate and he was walking her back to her dorm. "It would be kinda weird if I didn't" Zoey said kissing him on the cheek. Just then they saw Dana in a liplock with a boy. "Oh my god is that..." HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! im so evil i leave u with another cliffy! tell me if u think that the guy should be Wrenn or Logan cuz i think i have an idea for both. ur welcome for all of the people that wanted a Chase/Zoey chapter so there it was and just to let u know the chapter names have nothing to do with the chapters so next chapter will be when i get enough votes for either Wrenn or Logan. 4. grand theft autum _'Wheres Wrenn'_ Dana thought as she ran out of her dorm pushing aside the calls from Zoey. Dana ran to the spot that Wrenn told her to met him at. The skate park on campus just a little farther than the cafeteria. When she got there she saw only Wrenn skating on the half pipe. He tried to do a McTwist but landed on his butt with his skateboard rolling to Dana. She picked it up and skated it back over to him. "You know you do need a skateboard to skate right?" Wrenn asked as he got off his butt and sat down on the side while Dana sat down right next to him. "Yeah I didn't come to skate. I need to ask you something." Dana said looking at her feet. "Um sure D, whats up?" He asked looking at her in the eyes. "You know those flowers that came in the class today, do you have any idea who sent them?" Dana said looking at him strait in the eyes. "Yeah I knew that you liked white roses so I gave them to you." Wrenn said smirking. "Ok thats what I thought." Dana said getting up and walking off once again ignoring the calls from Wrenn telling her to come back. Her phone started to vibrate in her pocket informing her that she had a new text message. She looked at it and saw that it was from Logan it said, '_Meet me out side ur dorm house ,Logan xoxo'_ as soon as she read this she started walking.She finally found him sitting on the side of the fountain with a guitar in his hands. "No laughing ok?" Logan asked. Dana nodded in response. Logan started to play the guitar and started singing: _Something 'bout the way you shine,_ _When the lights go out,_ _I wanna make you mine,_ _Something 'bout the way it seems,_ _Your always here,_ _In my dreams_ _And when there's no one there,_ _No im not scared,_ _But im in love,_ _With you._ With that he ended. Dana was there almost in tears when he walked over to her. "So what did you think?" Logan asked her. She smiled and hugged him tight, "I loved it but," She pulled away "Did you mean it?" "Yes Dana I ment every single word in there, and I really ment the last 2 lines." Logan said grinning like an idiot. "I knew it! You sent me the flowers didn't you!?!" Dana said. "Yeah, But how did you find out it was me?" Logan asked shocked. "Well, my first clue was when you went all crazy when I said I thought it was Wrenn, the second clue was when I asked him if he knew who sent the flowers he said that he did it and that they were roses not dasiys and my last clue was probley the best clue You left the teddy bear open and I found the web cam today so I knew you knew all that stuff." Dana said smirking at how stupid boys were. "Wow thats good you should be a cop or something." Logan said smirking. "Well?" Dana asked him. "Well what?" Logan asked back. "Are you gonna ask me to be your girlfriend or not?" Dana said crossing her arms. "Oh yeah, Dana will you be my girlfriend?" Logan asked. Dana pretended to think "Of course Logan!" She kissed him right there in front of half of the school on the doorstep of Dana's dorm house. "Oh my god is that Dana and Logan!?!" Zoey and Chase said at the same time breaking up the kiss receving a glare from Dana and a smirk from Logan. "Are you guys a couple?" Zoey asked Dana. "We could ask you 2 the same thing." Logan said looking down at their hands smirking. They both blushed and looked at each other. Logan and Dana smirked at both of them and walked off together hand in hand. **_THE END_** End file.
The Quiz by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
The Rules of Kissing **The AN:** Hey Guys XD So here I got something for you. I know it's kinda short but totally cute and fluffy. XD I guess that's all there is to come for the next week. I know you hear that excuse often,and I know how annoyed I am every time an author tells it to me,but sadly I gotta go to school. And my school is a little bit un-normal and so I have school each day from 8 am to 5 pm. I'm really sorry, but I reallly have to study, because if I fail my final graduation in two and a half years, this year now is my graduation grade.(Wanna have a better explanation? Wanna know more about the German school system? Write me a message or a review.) Now, I promise I'll try to post as often as possible, but don't be angry with me if it takes a little longer. And in two and a half weeks I've got chrostmas holidays and then there'll be more. Now that was long... Well... Have fun, enjoy it and R&R please. XD **The Couple:** LONG LIVE DL! **The Author:** itisjustmyself** ** **The Disclaimer:** Wait... let me check... No Zoey 101 isn't standing in my cupboard, so I guess it doesn't belong to me. **The Story:** _**The rules of kissing**_ **_"Don't you know the rules of kissing?" Logan asked. _** **_"No." Dana shook her head. _** **_"Well, it's easy. Kiss on the cheek means I want us to be friends and only friends." He looked at her. "And that was all there was between me and Zoey. Wanna know the rest?" Dana nodded. _** **_"Kiss on the lips means I'm in love with you." She smiled at him and he continued. _** **_"Kiss at the neck means I can't get enough of you" He said before leaning over and slowly kissing the point where her neck went over into her hair. Dana felt a shiver go down her spine and couldn't help but smile once again. _** **_"Kiss onto the ear means I just wanna play with you and kiss onto the head is like your big brother. You know, something like, I'll protect you." He moved his hand into her caramel locks and started to play with them. _** **_"And did I tell you what it means if a guy plays with the girl's hair?" Dana shook her head once again, somehow afraid how he could do this to her. To make her unable to speak or move, nobody had ever owned that kind of power over her. _** **_"It means he wants you to be his girl."_** End file.
The Rules of Kissing by Itisjustmyself
Zoey 101
Between Kisses A/N: Takes place sometime after _Vince is Back_. XXX She likes to talk. A lot. As in, all the time. But most especially between kisses. It's something he's slowly getting used to, one of the millions of tiny details about her he's never known before, and cannot believe he has lived without for the four years they've been friends. How unnatural that past life seems now, before secret smiles across the table and stolen kisses at lunch. Was he even really living before? He isn't sure. These are some things he's learning: She has gorgeous eyes, something he hadn't noticed until he'd really taken the time to see how they glow when she smiles, really smiles, just for him. He thinks it's a crime that she hides those beautiful eyes behind glasses, but at the same time, he likes to think that he's the only one who really gets to see what's beneath them. Her hair is soft and smooth and long, and sometimes during class he daydreams about the last time he had the chance to run his fingers through it. He's never paid particular attention to girls' hair before; what girl could have better hair than him? But hers is something different. It always smells good, like the best day at the beach he can imagine, and he thinks she's maybe used that genius brain of hers to develop her own special kind of shampoo, because he's never smelled anything like it before. That's another thing: her brilliance extends far beyond anyone or anything he's ever encountered before. He thinks that someday, she's going to find a cure for cancer _and_ create the best candy ever, at the same time. Sometimes her smarts stun him so much he can't even speak; being with her makes him realize how dumb he can be. She claims that he isn't dumb, just not driven; every time he's with her he feels like his IQ has risen a few points. How has he never appreciated how smart she is before? He'd never truly considered himself a "sweet" and "lovable" guy before, but she's changed that, too. Her heart is so big, and full, and she's ready to give it at any moment; she's always looking out for her friends. He can't believe how easy it is to open up to her, how easy it is to let her steal his heart; she does so effortlessly, and he lets her. Being with her has an effect on him, something that now translates into his interactions with others. He's never felt this way before, so free, so happy. And then there's the talking. He wonders if she's as chatty when she's with other people as she is with him. Before getting together, he hardly spoke one kind word to her a day, let alone had lengthy conversations about everything and anything. But it's so simple with her, to tell her his life and his hopes and his fears and not worry about being judged or rejected. She talks on and on, a mile a minute, and he doesn't care; he loves the sound of her voice, he loves how intense she can become about a topic. At first, the talking ceased completely when the kissing commenced. Then, as days progressed, she'd break them up with words in between, telling him a story or a thought. After a couple of weeks, he never knew when she would pull her lips away from his to interrupt with a sudden matter, her eyes bright and her hair tousled, her lip gloss smudged but her smile wide. He thought this would bother him. He's always been all about less talk, more action, hasn't he? Apparently not. As much as he enjoys the kissing, (and he _does_ enjoy the kissing), he thinks he enjoys hearing her ramblings in between kisses just as much. "We can't keep meeting like this," she says jokingly after he's grabbed her as she walks by, pulling her behind the science building and pinning her against the wall. He's kissing her neck and her glasses are askew. "I _like_ meeting like this," he says, making his way back up her neck to find her mouth. They stay like that for a while, hidden by the building and the palm trees. His tongue is skirting her lower lip and her hands are tangled in his hair, but suddenly she pulls away from him, panting a little, and he waits eagerly for what she has to say. It's always something new and interesting. Unlike normal when she just comes out with it, this time she just stares at his face for a minute, a smile on her lips. He knows he's good-looking, but this is getting ridiculous. "What?" he asks, puzzled. "I'm falling for you," she tells him, as confident in her speech as always. He suddenly wonders if he's ever heard a girl tell him she loves him. He can't recall even hearing a girl ever tell him she was falling for him. "Is that so," he replies, grinning. He takes a hand off of her waist and adjusts her glasses, then tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. He keeps grinning in a self-satisfied sort of way. She's a bit more timid now, but tries to hide it with a defiant expression. For a moment he feels like it's the girl he used to know, the one he fought with every other second, the one he hardly knew anything about. "Do you have a problem with that?" He takes his time responding. He loves to make her squirm. "I'd only have a problem with it if I didn't feel the same way." She smirks. "What's this? Logan Reese, showing a tender side?" "You're the only one who gets to see my tender side," he reminds her, with a small leer following. She swats at his chest and rolls her eyes in a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you sort of manner. He catches her off-guard in a kiss, and this time he's the one to break it to say something. He feels his heart hammering against his ribs. "I'm falling for you too, Quinn." She likes that line so much that she presses her lips against his, hard and passionate, and he thinks she may have bit his lip and he is totally okay with that. He's really getting into it when she breaks the kiss again. "You know, we really should tell everyone eventually." She's raised an eyebrow in a challenging way, waiting for his response. "Eventually," he finally says. He doesn't want to share this with anyone yet, not with their best friends, and certainly not with DelFigello. He wants to keep just this one, precious thing between the two of them for as long as possible. "Maybe we can-" "Quinn, shut up and let me kiss you," he interjects sharply. She lets him, gladly. He does like her talk in between kisses, but sometimes, he likes the silence more. XXX _End._ End file.
Between Kisses by KateToast
Zoey 101
Our secret (English version) So logan came back to his big huge mansion (since he's rich) and found his beautiful wife sitting on the couch curled up in one of her new chemistry textbook that was given to her in her job as a scientist two months ago(logan is 24and quinn is 22). Logan's job is as a producer and director and also creators of television shows and channels and well he's pretty rich. He closes the door and sneaks up behind quinn and starts kissing her neck, she kind got scared so she turns around to see who it is and finds her husband there still kissing her and then starts sucking on a sweet spot on her neck that he knew was really ticklish and she squirmed a bit but still loving the feeling of the affect her husband was having on her and, because of this she moaned his named "Logan" with this it turned logan on. He finally let go and she says "well isn't somebody in a good mood tonight", and he says " can I just show how much I love ma lady". With this she just laughs and set her book on the table and starts walking towards the kitchen and says, "are you hungry"?, he says "No I already ate at the set". She says, "Oh Okay", and then gets a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and starts walking back to the living room, but didn't notice logan following behind her, she was just wearing a navy blue bra with a matching thin lacy panties with a green tank top over it and also with long tight yoga pants. Logan wasn't following her behind and she kind of started asking her self 'where could that boy be now', and before she knows it turns around logan puts his two arms around her waist, she turns around and logan bends down and captured her mouth with a searing kiss and filled with a passion and lust. Before you know it logan licked her bottom lip asking for permission to let him slip his tongue inside her and she was more than happy to let him in and parted her lips and he entered her put was a war of a tongue battle between them and finally Quinn surrendered and logan took over, as the time went by the kiss became more heated and logan grabbed her ass and she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist and they parted for a few minutes and logan said, "why don't we finish this upstairs in our bedroom" with his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. Quinn said, "I knew something was up when you came in the house and started kissing me all around my neck, and yes let's finish this upstairs", she said while she still had her legs wrapped around Logan's waist and with one hand on her back and with another on her ass logan was keeping her in place. He walked her up the stairs with Quinn leaving logan a hickie on the side of his neck by the time she was finished logan had already locked the door to the room. Soon logan put Quinn down and started having a make out session and Quinn reached for the hemline of his shirt and started yanking on it trying to tell him to take it off and he didn't need her yank it again cause she trying to take it off and logan jumped in helped her take it off and his shirt was off and Quinn couldn't help it but to grind her breast against his bare chest showing his muscles and six pack and the way she was grinding her breast against his bare chest made logan lose control a bit and picked her up and dropped her on the bed with this she moaned out his name, "logan", logan started roaming his hands all over her body and she was sighing and moaning where ever his hands touched her and finally he took off her tank top revealing a navy Blue bra that exposed some cleavages. Logan took a step back and was bitting his bottom lip looking down at his wife with a bra and some tight yoga pants that gave her butt a big lift. Then Quinn noticed him staring at her and said,"what are you looking at"? He says, " at you, you look so damn sexy. With this she just laughs and takes Logan's pants off and logan takes her tights off. And by accident he rubs his center against hers and she moans at the feeling logan says, "sorry I didn't mean to do that". Quinn says, "don't apologize keep going". With that he kept rubbing his center against hers, " Oh" Quinn moaned as he kept rubbing his center against her and their underwear's were the only thing that was blocking them from being one. Logan bent down and kissed her in the mouth and it was a passionate one. Finally logan unhooked the clasp of the bra and threw the garment on the floor and started leaving trails of kisses down to her chest and her breast he then took one of her nipples and started sucking on it and swirling his tongue around it and later on he was giving the same treatment to the other with this Quinn started moaning and arching her back up to make him touch her more when he was done giving attention to her breast his hands started wandering around her thighs, her waist, and stomach but not the spot that she desperately want him to touch she sat up and took Logan's underwear's off and logan did the same to her and he got on his knees and with his knees he separated her legs apart so that he can better accesses to her. With that she arched her back into him and said, "no more teasing I want you now"! And logan reached in their drawers and took out a pack of cm and Quinn helped him put it on, on his 9 inch ck. Then logan positioned himself slowly entered her and she moans, "oh, logan your huge". With this it made logan smiled because when they do it she will always say he's big. She moans, "Mmmmmmm ohhh ohhh yes right there oh". Logan just smiled kept thrusting into her, then Quinn wanted more and a sudden vibe came and she says, "faster", then logan gripped the sheets and started thrusting into her really fast and he says," Love-you-baby" he groans and comes. Quinn says, "I love you too", and pulls out of her and he says, "wow that was"...and she says, "amazing". He collapses next to her and captures her mouth in a passionate kiss. And pull the covers up and cover them selves and drifted off to sleep. * * * **Hi, everyone I'm new to this, so if you don't mind could you please review and say what you think of it. I know my grammar isn't the best. I'll update another chapter soon. YAY! ** End file.
Our secret (English version) by CeceluvsBTR
Zoey 101
Fly Away Fly Away **** (I own nothing! Characters belong to Nick and song belongs to JoJo :)) **Got to fly away >Got to fly away<strong> Quinn Pensky awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock. She sat up reluctantly, knowing she couldn't just hit "Snooze" today. She heard a groan from above her "Ugh, turn it off!" "Sorry," Quinn murmured and then shut the alarm clock off. She unplugged it and wrapped the cord around the alarm clock. Today she was leaving. She was leaving PCA. Leaving her friends. And most importantly, her boyfriend, Logan Reese. Quinn had gotten an amazing opportunity to start college 6 months early. She still didn't know if she could board that plane. She didn't want to leave, but this had been her dream. If she didn't take this, the spot at Stanford may be taken by the time she gets out of high school. She couldn't risk that. Stanford was her dream school. She had wanted to get in to it ever since she figured out what it was. So right now you might be wondering why she might not board the plane. One word, Logan She and Logan had been together for a year now and they loved each other more than you can imagine. Quinn didn't want to leave her boyfriend. She was too frightened that he would find someone better. Quinn placed her alarm clock in one of her suitcases. She felt a tear slip out of her eye and down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and got her cloths that she was going to wear. She took a shower and then continued to get ready. She didn't want to do this **Since I was a little girl I knew what I wanted >One day I would see the world and make my mark on it<br>Put in time, sacrificed never thought of thinking twice >Since I was a little girl I dreamed<strong> Logan walked to Quinn's dorm. Slowly, but fast enough that he wouldn't make her late for her plane. Logan hated that fact the Quinn was leaving. He knew that it was her dream, but he loved her. He's afraid she'll find someone smarter, older, and nicer. Someone better. Logan knocked on the door. Quinn opened it and smiled through her tears. "Hey" She choked and hugged him tightly "Hey" He pulled her close and breathe din her scent, knowing that he wouldn't smell it for a long time. "Are you ready?" Logan asked Quinn nodded, she walked over to her bed that was stripped from its blankets and sheets. Her carryon luggage sat there. PCA already dropped off her other stuff at the airport. She grabbed it and then heard a rustling behind her. She and Logan turned around and saw Zoey getting out of bed. Zoey's eyes filled with tears as she looked around the room. Quinn's weird experiments were gone. Zoey walked up to Quinn and embraced her. "I'll miss you Quinn" "I'll miss you too, Zoey" Quinn hugged her friend "By the way, I knew you didn't really want to room with me after Nicole left" Quinn cracked a smile "W-what?" Zoey's eyes widened "Was it that obvious?" "Yeah, but I understand" Quinn smiled and then stood on her bed to reach Lola. She shook her and then Lola groaned "What?" Lola turned over and looked at Quinn's tear filled eyes. "You're leaving already?" Quinn nodded "I'll miss you Quinn" Lola hugged Quinn and smiled as she pulled away "Good luck" "Thanks" Quinn smiled She jumped off the bed and then she and Logan grabbed her bags. "I'll call you when I get there" Quinn smiled "Bye, Quinn" "Bye" Quinn smiled and she and Logan walked out the door. She took one last look back and smiled. No one was up yet and so the halls were empty. Quinn had never seen Logan get up this early. She had tried to get him up, but he would end up waving her off and falling asleep again. But he knew how important this was to her. She had said goodbye to Michael and Chase last night. She knew that they wouldn't like being woken up this early. Logan and Quinn drove toward the airport. Every turn they got closer and Quinn wanted to go back. Quinn didn't say that though because she knew that Logan would tell her to just do what her wanted. She knew her heart longed to be at PCA. But she couldn't disappoint her parents. They had wanted this for her for so long. Quinn looked out the window, trying her hardest not to cry. It didn't work of course. The tears spilled from her eyes quickly, she couldn't contain it. Logan grabbed her hand and she smiled at him in thanks. Soon, they were at the airport. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and Logan opened her door for her. "Thanks" Quinn smiled and he smiled softly back. They sat on seats until the plane left. They talked for an hour, saying what their favorite memory was and why. Or even just sitting in silence as Quinn leaned against Logan's shoulder. "Flight 23 now boarding" The voice rumbled over all of the goodbyes going on. Quinn stood up and Logan followed suit. **Now I'm standing with you in this terminal >With a ticket so far from your love<strong> Quinn's eyes were pooled with tears "I'm gonna miss you so much" She swung her arms around his neck and hung to him. "I'm gonna miss you too" Logan said and she pulled away, but she still hung on to him. "I love you" Quinn placed her hand on his cheek "I love you too, Logan" Quinn smiled and they leaned in for a kiss. Fireworks went off and she pulled away, crying even more. She couldn't get enough of him. She loved when he wrapped his arms around her protectively or kisses her forehead when she's sad. Or glares at Mark if he walks anywhere near her. She really does love him.**** **Can I have one more kiss, one more touch >I just can't get enough of you<br>But I'm in a rush I got to fly away >Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three<br>There's a doorway to my dreams >I could go or I could stay<br>Should I change my life or miss my flight?** "I don't wanna go" "Quinn, this is a great opportunity for you. I'll call you every night. I'll be at PCA when you're becoming smarter as the day goes by" Logan smiled "If that's possible" They both laughed slightly and he kissed her one more time. "I don't want you to go either, but this is your dream. Go and live it. I don't want to hold you back." Quinn looked up and saw a tear fall down Logan's cheek. She had never seen him cry before. Quinn hugged him once more and smiled at the scent. "If someone would've told me that I was going to end up being in love with you a couple years ago, I'd start laughing and ask what their problem was?" Quinn smiled and rested her head on his chest "And I would've laughed so hard that I would forget what was going on" "But look at us now" Quinn smiled "Look at us now" Logan echoed "Last call for flight 23" the voice said "I really should go" Quinn sniffed "I love you so much" "I love you too, don't ever forget that" "I won't" Logan smiled Quinn walked toward the tunnel. She looked back at Logan and he smiled and signaled for her to keep walking. She smiled and mouthed 'I'll miss you" and he smiled softly and mouthed 'I'll miss you, too' Quinn turned around "This is it" Quinn remembered just 2 hours ago. She had gotten a Blix form the fridge and she had started to drink it. She heard her phone vibrating and she saw Logan calling. She almost started to cry right then **My alarm clock in the morning said you got to go now >The breakfast you were calling and my heart just broke down<br>Cause tomorrow we will be waking up separately >Wish I never heard that clock ring<br>See I don't want to win if my hearts got to lose >(Don't want to win, don't want to lose)<br>So how in the world do I choose?** **I just need one more kiss, one more touch >I just can't get enough of you<br>But I'm in a rush I got to fly away (fly away) >Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three<br>There's a doorway to my dreams >I could go or I could stay<br>Should I change my life or miss my flight? >(Change my life or miss my flight?)<strong> Quinn prayed that Logan didn't fall in love with someone else; She would never be able to deal with the pain. **How can you measure the promise of love >When it's weighing against a chance that comes once<br>How can I leave when I know he's the one >When the dust settles he might now be here<br>And I'm standing with you in this terminal >Crying my eyes out in tears<strong> Quinn found her seat and saw that she was sitting with an elderly lady. "Hello, dear" She smiled "Hi" She knew she probably looked horrible. Red eyes, screwed up hair. "I know this is not my business, but are you alright?" "It's fine" Quinn smiled then frowned "And not really. I got into college early and I had to leave all my friends and my boyfriend that I love" "And let me guess" the older lady smiled "You just now said goodbye to him" Quinn nodded and broke down again "Dear, I know what you mean. My daughter was just like you. She was smart, pretty, and more. She got accepted to Yale early and she didn't want to leave though, her boyfriend was where she was and she knew that he was the one. Yale was her dream though. But once she got there, it hurt so much that she came back home and she was much happier" "Where is she now?" Quinn asked, wiping at her eyes "Married to her boyfriend" The elderly lady smiled Quinn said nothing, she nodded and stared out the window. She had to think, and the old lady knew that too.**** **I just need one more kiss, one more touch >I just can't get enough of you<br>But I'm in a rush I got to fly away (fly away) >Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three<br>(Planes waiting up for me at gate twenty-three) >There's a doorway to my dreams<br>I could go or I could stay >Should I change my life or miss my flight?<br>(Should I change my life or miss my flight?) >Should I change my life or miss my flight?<br>What do I do? (change my life or miss my flight?) >Fly away, MmmMmm<br>Got to fly away >I got to fly away<strong> Quinn walked down the familiar hallway. She smiled as people looked at her and smiled, saying hi. She knocked on the door and she smiled as it swung open to reveal Logan. "Hey" Quinn smiled and she didn't get a reply but she was swept into the room and into Logan's arms. "What are you doing here?" "Once I was there, I realized I wasn't ready to fly away from you" Quinn smiled and Logan kissed her sweetly **(Wow, this is a long one-shot. Hope you liked it. I fell in love with the song as soon as I heard it. Listen to it if you have never heard it. It's beautiful ** End file.
Fly Away by my-middle-name-is-awkward
Zoey 101
The Election (Choey Version) **Zoey's P.O.V** I was pissed at Chase and I didn't care I was in the boys locker room. I needed to talk to him and he's in here. I walked in the locker room and all the boys freaked out because I'm a girl. Geez. I didn't see Chase anywhere. "Where's Chase?" I yelled. They pointed to the shower section and I just sighed. Oh boy. "Which one?" one boy pointed to a certain shower and I nodded my head. "Hey Chase, we gotta talk." I told him sounding mad about it. "Yeah well can we talk when I have clothes on and I can see you?" I heard him say from the other side of the curtain. "Well I want to talk now so answer this one question. What is this?" I asked as I put my hand through the curtain with the "Chase Buck". "What is it?" I told him everything you can do with it. "This isn't me. It was Logan. Why are you getting mad at me?" he sounded pretty pissed. "Maybe because you said you would fix it and it's getting worse." I was really mad at him. "Close your eyes Zoey." What. "Why?" I asked. "Oh I don't know, it's just I want to get out of the shower. And I'll be only a towel." Chase replied. "So you don't me to see you in just a towel?" I said in a baby voice. "Um not really." I heard him say. I had an idea. I pulled the curtain back a little so I can step in. Chase was facing me. "Zoey!" Chase screamed and put his hands over my eyes. "Chase, I'm your best friend, what's there to hide?" I said giggling. "Zoey just get out of the guy's locker room, before you get in trouble with the school and me. I jumped out of the shower and walked out the door. **-At dinner-** **Chase's P.O.V. ** I was so pissed at Zoey right now. I mean why on earth would she even go in the shower when her best friend is in there. And she's mad at me for something I didn't do. Everyone is going to Sushi Rox for dinner but I feel like going out or seeing Zoey for the rest of the night. I decided to change into my pajamas and watch TV for the rest of the night. It was 7:30 and the guys are coming back in an hour since they are going to a movie with the girls. I took off my clothes so I was just in my boxers. Just the door opened and Zoey was standing there. She shut the door so nobody could see. "Zoey! Knock! There's a door for a reason!" I screamed at her. She turned around to make it a little better. "Sorry. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for before. But I don't regret it." She told me. What! She didn't regret it. What is that supposed to mean. "What do you mean you don't regret it?" I asked softly confused. She turned around to be facing me in just my boxers. "I didn't regret it because I like what I saw just like now." She explained stepping closer to me. She walked behind me and put her lips on my neck. And oh m God! It felt so good and I felt her smile into my neck when I moaned. I turned around and kissed her lips. This is an awesome day. "Listen Zoey I don't know what your thinking but I know I don't want to do it at 17, more like 20. But don't stop what you're doing. Kay." I said to her. She mumbled same. Her lips were on my earlobe. I moved so I could kiss her neck. I could hear her moaning. Then she moaned my name and I was over and I bit her neck, licking it so soothe the pain. The election is the best thing that's ever freaking happened to me. End file.
The Election (Choey Version) by BeaTVLover
Zoey 101
Falling All Over Again Disclaimer: I do not own... _**Falling All Over Again**_ "The best thing about tonight's that were not fighting..." He whispered into the cold fall air. He sighed as he leaned on his balcony railing. "We can't be live too far away..." He sighed and ran his hair through is curly brown hair. It saddened him... He broke her heart... Now she wanted nothing to do with him... It hurt him inside, because he loved her so much, and he couldn't do anything about it... He couldn't hold her, kiss her, and tell her how much he loved her... Because she lived to far away... He could always call... That would only make the swollen feeling in his chest worse... Although... He always wanted to hear her voice again... He walked back inside, letting a few tears fall from his face... "Stupid kiss...god I'm so stupid." He mumbled to himself... Truth being... Every time he saw her, he would fall in love all over again... That's the truth, he's never told anyone that... And the night he admitted that he was in love with her, was the night she left him... Two years ago that day was... And he still can't forget the kiss they shared... He had never felt so much love in a kiss before in his life... Now she was gone... He looked at the picture of her he had on his nightstand... He woke up to it every morning, and fell asleep to it every night... He smiled whenever he saw that picture... Because truth is, wherever she was... He knew he would always love her... He changed out of his day clothes, and crawled into his bed... Sleep not able to overtake him, he thought about her... Her curves... The way a smile always tugged at her lips even when she was at her angriest... The way her hair was always in perfect curls... How seeing her smile for one day was enough to make him happy for a week... The room was plunged into total darkness... Just the way he liked it... His roommates were asleep, giving him silence and more time to think about her... How whenever he asked to make-out, she'd reject it, even though he'd see her smile and blush once she turned around... That would make him smile... He smiled every time he thought of her, because it made him feel happy... Because it was the closest he was ever going to get to seeing her again... He sighed at that... And... Without anyone ever knowing... He would cry every night... For two years straight... He heard about how she heard about the Quinn incident... He just did that to try and get over her... He wasn't a fool... He was just misjudged... She made him feel right though... She made him feel, like nothing else mattered... Like as long as she was there, nothing could go wrong... And when she left... Everything went wrong... And it hurt... It hurt because he wouldn't be able to feel the happiness that he once felt... He felt that aching in his chest again... He laid on his stomach and cried into the pillow... Because truth being... He loved her... And he can't stop loving her... Mostly because... He just doesn't want to forget Dana Cruz... **Okay, not as deep, kind of from a different angle, but pleassee review! I'll be posting more chapters to other stories very soon...** **REVIEW!** **-Talar** End file.
Falling All Over Again by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
Face Down Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is my first Zoey 101 story! please review, hope you like it. Song - _Face Down_ by **The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus** **!Licheal!** Micheal's POV _**Hey girl you know you drive me crazy **__**One look puts the rhythm in my hand **__**Still I never understand why you hang around **__**I see what going down**_ I was sitting at a table waiting for Lola. It was summer and Lola invited me to spend a few weeks with her and her family. I stay at a hotel about a mile from Lola's house. Lola's going to an acting camp, so we hang out afterward. She started dating Vince Blake. He is always angry and mean with Lola. _I don't know why she dates him. If she was dating me I would be nice and happy to have her around._ _**Cover up with make-up in the mirror **__**Tell yourself it's never going to happen again **__**You cry alone and then he swears he loves you**_ I saw Lola coming and was shocked. Bruises were all over her face ans arms. "Lola what happened," I said when she got close. She was hyperventilating and sobbing. "V-Vince, h-he hurt m-me," she said through sobs. I remembered last week when she had the large bruise on her eye. She said she hit something while she was at the theater. "How long has he been doing this," I asked. She laid her head on my shoulder and cried. "A week after we started dating," She said. "Lola you've been dating for a month," I said shocked. Who could go that long in pain. "I wore make-up so you wouldn't get worried, but he gets worse everytime," she cried. "Why did you stay with him then," I asked. Lola shrugged. "He said he'll stop," she said sadly. I hugged her. _Why would someone do this to someone else._ _**Do you feel like a man **__**When you push her around **__**Do you feel better now **__**As she falls to the ground **__**Well tell you my friend **__**One day this world's going to end **__**As your lives crumble down **__**A new life she has found**_ Lola's POV I was walking home after confessing to Micheal what was happening between me and Vince. _He's so understanding, why did I start dating Vince, I knew I should have dated Micheal_. I entered my house and Vince was there. Before I could say anything Vince grabbed me by the hair and threw me down. _I wish my parents were here, why did they have to go see my cousin._ "Where were you," Vince yelled at me. "With Micheal," I yelled back. "Stop going by him, your my girl and can't talk to him," he yelled. Vince picked me up and started shacking me hard. "Listen to me, stop dating him now, you hear me, huh! STOP!," he screamed. I kicked him as hard as I could in the groin and ran to my room. I pick up the phone and started dialing my mom's cell. Pick up, PLEASE, pick up. _"Hello"_ "Mom" _"We're not here right now but if you leave your name and number we'll get back"_ "Uhh" I slammed the phone down. Who to call...Micheal! While dialing Vince started banging on the door. "Come out now" Vince screamed. _**A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect **__**Every action in this world bear a consequence **__**If you wait around forever you will surely drown **__**I see what's going down**_ _Pick up...hurry! _After two rings someone answers. _Don't be another answering machine_ _"Hello"_ "Micheal" _"Lola"_ "Hurry please! Vince is at my house." _"Coming"_ He hung up. Right when I hung up the door splintered and Vince came in. _**I see the way you go and say you're right again **__**Say you're right again **__**Heed my lecture**_ Vince grabbed me and threw me to the ground, hitting my side on the way down. I lay there in total fear of what was going to happen to me. Vince was standing over me when Micheal came in. _Thank God!_ "Leave her alone, Vince" Micheal yelled. Vince turned to him. "What are you going to do, huh, I'm with my girlfriend and can do whatever I want," Vince said. _**Do you feel like a man **__**When you push her around **__**Do you feel better now **__**As she falls to the ground **__**Well tell you my friend **__**One day this world's going to end **__**As your lives crumble down **__**A new life she has found**_ "You think it makes you stronger or Better to do this. To beat up someone who you believe is weaker. Lola doesn't fight back because she is to nice of a person. She cares about everyone, even a scumbag like you. I never told her this, but now I think she should. Lola, I love you and wish you were happy and not getting hurt by him," Micheal said while looking at me. I started to stand up a little, even though it hurt. "You-," Vince said through grinding teeth. _**Face dirt in the dirt **__**She says this doesn't hurt **__**She says I've finally had enough**_ _****_ _**Face dirt in the dirt **__**She says this doesn't hurt **__**She says I've finally had enough**_ ___** **__**One day she will tell you that she had enough **__**It's coming round again**_ "Stop, Vince. You've hurt me for a month and I've had enough. I'm leaving you and am never coming back. Micheal actually means it when he says he loves me, but you say it so you can keep hurting me. I'm done and you'd better leave," I said. _I didn't stutter! Good job, Lola!_ He stared at me and then looked at Micheal. Micheal walked over to me and put his arm around me. "Yeah, leave," Micheal said. Vince glared and then walked out of the house. "Thanks," I said. Micheal smiled. He leaned over and softly kissed me. _This is way better._ _**Do you feel like a man **__**When you push her around **__**Do you feel better now **__**As she falls to the ground **__**Well tell you my friend **__**One day this world's going to end **__**As your lives crumble down **__**A new life she has found**_ _**Do you feel like a man **__**When you push her around **__**Do you feel better now **__**As she falls to the ground **__**Well tell you my friend **__**One day this world's going to end **__**As your lives crumble down **__**A new life she has found**_ _**Face dirt in the dirt **__**She says this doesn't hurt **__**She says I've finally had enough**_ End file.
Face Down by LilyJackson
Zoey 101
Chase's girlfriend edited Zoey: "Oh, yeah, they were kissing." Lola: "Are you a thousand percent sure they were kissing?" Zoey: "Either that, or Chase was trying to suck the teeth out of her mouth." "He said, 'This is Rebecca, my girlfriend'" Lola: You're sure he said Girlfriend? Quinn: I don't like her. Lola: What's to like? Zoey: You guys don't even know her, and I appreciate you pointless hatred of Chase's girlfriend, but it's really not necessary. Lola: Oh, so you're okay with Chase having a girlfriend? Zoey: Sure, why wouldn't I be? Rebecca: Oh, wait, wait, let me see if I can do this. Lola, Quinn, Michael, Logan, and Zoey. We already kind of met. Zoey: Yeah, sorry for barging in like that. Rebecca: Oh, it's totally cool. Rebecca and Chase sat down. Rebecca smiled at Zoey and looked at the other people. Rebecca: Oh, but you guys definitely will. Your stuff is awesome. Chase: Who's nice? Lola gagged at the sight of it. Zoey looked at Lola, then touched her elbow to shut her up. Lola looked at Zoey, and they both turned around and smiled at Rebecca. "So, Lola, have you ever thought about being a model," Rebecca asked. "Well, no. I'm more into acting," Lola said. "Oh, well, that works, too," Rebecca said. "What do you mean," Lola asked. "Well, it's just you're so pretty. I mean, actually, all three of you girls are. Must be something in the water here at PCA. I better start drinking it," Rebecca said, Zoey smiling and Rebecca smiling back at her. Zoey walked back to her room and sat on her bed and got on the computer. Lola was on her bed, throwing a piece of paper in the garbage. She got off her bed. "I'm going to go do some laundry," Lola said. "Hey, toss this t-shirt in," Zoey asked. "Right in here," Lola said. Zoey tossed the t-shirt in, and she and Lola giggled. "You guys busy," Rebecca asked Lola and Zoey. "Nope," Zoey said. "Hey, Rebecca," Lola said. "Come on in," Zoey said. Rebecca walked in, and she and Zoey both smiled at each other. "Wow, awesome room," Rebecca said to Zoey. "Oh, thanks," Zoey said to the girl in front of her. Rebecca pointed to the painting behind Zoey. "You paint that," she asked. "I wish. No, my dad got that for me when he was in Vancover," Zoey said. "Oh, you don't mind if I shut this do you," Rebecca asked, as she walked over to shut the door. Rebecca walked over to Zoey's bed and shut the Computer and put it on the ground and her textbooks and her pen that was on the bed. She sat on the bed, next to Zoey. "Hey, did Chase hear from that guy at toonjuice yet," Zoey asked. "No, not yet. But I know they're going to say yes. Chase and Michael are so talented," Rebecca said. I know. Their toons rock," Zoey said. "Yeah," Rebecca said, "anyways, speaking of chase, I hear you guys are really close friends," Rebecca said, running her fingers through Zoey's hair. "Oh, yeah, Chase is like the best guy friend I've ever had," Zoey said. "Yeah, well, not anymore," Rebecca stated, smiling and twisting Zoey's hair in her fingers. "What do you mean," Zoey asked. "I'm breaking up with Chase," Rebecca said, taking out her phone. The text message said,"I don't want you talking to Zoey anymore." Chase texted back, "What?" Rebecca texted back,"Ever again." Rebecca texted back. Chase responded, "Rebecca, you think you can tell me who I can't talk to?" "You heard what I said!" Rebecca shouted. "I can't believe you," Chase said. "Look, Chase, I talked to some people around here. I know you used to like Zoey. Is that true or not," she asked. "I'm over it," said Chase. "Good, because I'm your girlfriend now, and you can't be all buddy-buddy with a girl that you used to like," Rebecca said. "I...", Chase stuttered. "Go tell Zoey you can't be friends with her anymore," Rebecca said. "I am breaking up with you," Chase said. Rebecca closed her phone and gave it to Zoey, who put it on the bedside table. Zoey texted Lola asking where she was. "Where are you and when are you going to be back," Zoey asked. "Oh, hey, Zoey, I am hanging out with Quinn and Logan and Chase and Michael, and Quinn and I will be back tomorrow night," Lola said. "Okay, see you tomorrow, then," Zoey said. "Bye," Lola texted Zoey. "What did Lola say," Rebecca asked. Zoey handed Rebecca her phone, and she put it near the bedside table, right next to hers. "She and Quinn will be back tomorrow, so I guess we have the room tonight all to ourselves," Zoey said. Rebecca looked out the window and saw Chase. "Chase is coming," Rebecca said. "Okay, close the curtains, and I'll lock the door," Zoey said. Rebecca shut the curtains, and Zoey locked the door. "Okay, hide in the closet. I'll handle Chase, and don't make a noise when you're in the closet. We can't let anybody, including Chase, know you're in here with me. Chase probably told his friends you didn't want him talking to me," Zoey said. Rebecca went into the closet and closed it, not making a sound. Chase was at the door knocking. Zoey opened the door. "Hey, Chase, um, what are you doing," Zoey asked. "I had to talk to you," Chase said. "Sure talk," Zoey said. "Privately," Chase said, coming in. Zoey closed the door. "Rebecca came down to my room yesterday, and she told me that she wants me to stay away from you," Zoey said. "Yeah, she kind of said the same thing to me just 20 minutes ago, so I dumped her, and I came down here to ask you out tonight. Do you want to come see a movie with me tonight," Chase said. "No, because I really do not like you that way, and I know you used to have a crush on me. I really also do not want to be your girlfriend or your friend," Zoey said. "Maybe that is a good idea," Chase said, "because Rebecca will be mad if she sees us together," Chase said. "Get out of my room!" Zoey shouted, and Chase walked out, and she shut and locked the door. Rebecca came out of the closet. "Did he fall for it," Rebecca asked, smiling. "Yes, he did," Zoey said, shaking her head. "So, what do you want to do, Rebecca," Zoey asked. "Let's watch Halloween II (1981)," Rebecca said, putting in the VHS, as Zoey turned off the lights, leaving only the lamp on. Zoey took Rebecca's hand, leading her to the bed. They both sat on it and pulled the covers up. Rebecca was watching the movie, her fingers intertwined with Zoey's. Zoey scooted closer to Rebecca. Rebecca was playing with Zoey's hair, and they both closed their eyes at the scary part. Zoey leaned in to kiss Rebecca's lips. Rebecca kicked off her flip-flops. Rebecca took the pony tail out of Zoey's hair. She took off Zoey's earrings and Zoey took off Rebecca's necklace. She let Zoey take off her earrings and put their 4 earrings and pony tail and Rebecca's necklace on top of the bedside table. Rebecca sat on top of Zoey, pressing their bodies close together. "Rebecca, are you sure you want to do this," Zoey asked. "Yes," Rebecca answered, kissing Zoey's lips. Zoey parted her lips and Rebecca put her tongue in, their tongues fighting for dominance. The kiss was hot. "Zoey, it's awfully hot in here. You need to be out of this tank-top," Rebecca said, raising the top over Zoey's head, a strawberry pink bra undeneath. "And you need to be out of these shorts," Zoey said, undoing Rebecca's belt and throwing it on the ground. Zoey lifted up Rebecca's chin and kissed her lips. Zoey sat on Rebecca, Rebecca sliding down Zoey's pajama pants, dark blue panties underneath. Zoey made way toward Rebecca's v-neck, and Rebecca smiled, kissing Zoey back. Zoey lifted it over her head. Rebecca undid Zoey's bra, throwing it to the ground. Zoey slid down her panties, kicking them off her feet, onto the ground. Zoey unzipped Rebecca's shorts and unbuttoned them. Rebecca wiggled out of them, blue panties underneath. Zoey was surprised and kissed Rebecca, pulling her panties down her legs. Rebecca sat on Zoey, cupping her breasts. Rebecca put one finger into Zoey's clit, also putting another one inside. Zoey unbuttoned Rebecca's button-up pink shirt. Rebecca put a third finger into Zoey. Zoey whimpered. Rebecca healed Zoey, kissing her. She pulled fingers out of Zoey, squirting it all over Zoey's face and her face. Rebecca licked it off of Zoey's face and her face, and she licked her fingers clean. "Your turn, baby," Zoey said, lifting the pink shirt over Rebecca's head, throwing it to the ground, a berry purple bra underneath. She undid the bra, throwing it onto the pile of clothes, leaving both girls completely naked. Zoey cupped Rebecca's breasts, then kissed her lips. She inserted one finger into Rebecca, adding another, and then a third. "Rebecca, let's not tell Chase or anyone about this," Zoey said. Rebecca whimpered. Zoey pulled her fingers out and it squirted on her face and Rebecca's. She licked it off Rebecca's face, and her face and licked her fingers clean. They turned off the lamp. "Zoey, what if I get scared during the movie," Rebecca asked. "Just bury your head in my shoulder," Zoey said. They both pulled up the covers and went to sleep, their bodies pressed closely together. They both kissed each other on the lips, as they fell asleep, snuggling into each others' arms. End file.
Chase's girlfriend edited by williamyandre
Zoey 101
Those Eyes Those Eyes DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ZOEY 101, PERIOD. Author's Note: Mostly Logan's POV set in Quinn Missed the Mark. Logan's POV Never in my wildest dreams, I would find myself comforting the most smartest girl in the entire school and some what friend, Quinn Pensky. When I saw her wearing that skimpy outfit, it was a 180 turn from what she used to wear and what she normally wears. She had her long brunette hair straightened, wearing a lot of make up, and wasn't wearing her glasses. It was at that moment, I got a bad feeling that something was seriously wrong with her. As we talked, I put on her glasses, and the next thing I knew I was kissing her. Then she kissed right back at me. It was the most unexpected thing ever. I fall and chased girls that look and dress really hot by my standards. Quinn is more beautiful than those bimbos and Stacey combined. What I do not understand is why would Mark dumped Quinn for Brooke Margolin in the first place. I mean Quinn gave two years into their relationship. Plus what did Quinn see in him? I suppose no one will ever know. I mean sure he had another girl friend before Quinn named Courtney. I guess it is a puzzling mystery that will remain unsolved. Everyone knows Quinn as the science geek. However there are somethings about her that I did not know about her. For instance, I was floored when Chase and Michael told me that Quinn used to be a pageant girl. I thought they are tricking me into something. When they brought me to this girl who had a tape, I was shocked and taken back about the whole thing. I suppose it was the first time I saw Quinn in a new light. I would never admit it to anyone especially to Quinn that I started to like her. If anything, Quinn is a real girl unlike those bimbos at school. Her best feature has to be those eyes that she has. Sure, I didn't notice them during that first year, but as time went on I did notice them. There were times that Quinn got me and the others in a jam. However sometimes, I wish that she would speak in plain English when explaining her science stuff to us. Mark is an idiot for dumping Quinn, and Mark was a lucky guy for dating her. I suppose that I am the lucky guy for dating her now. Quinn Pensky, she may be the science geek, but she has the best beautiful eyes at PCA. There is not a girl and Stacey that can not and will not take that away from Quinn. End End file.
Those Eyes by Thewhatzupwriter26
Zoey 101
Farewell, to Love Setting: The physical challwnge of Zoey 101 Spring Break-Up Gender Defenders Author's Note: Very small, but just to let you know, Zoey and Chase's helmets, yeah, not here. So, you should get an idea what's gonna happen. Disclamier: Unfortunally, Nickelodeon owns Zoey 101. Not me. SCREW U, NICK! Zoey hit Chase with all she had. Her rage, her fury, all her negative energy through her fighting. She wished that she had never came to PCA and never met Chase. Then, her heart wouldn't have been so broken when he betrayed her. If he was suppose to be her best friend. If was, then how come he couldn't tell her this one secret. She felt as if he betrayed her, lied behind her back, ever since she knew him. How could he? She thought. It was all that she could think besides the hatred that half her body felt. The other half? It if, he had a reason. The exact reason she did for feeling so weird when some girl would take a move on Chase. Because...he loved her? But, no, she told him plently of times he could tell her anything. Wouldn't he have the knowleedge that she meant that to? But...what if he thought, she wouldn't love him back. She first thought that. She still thought that. But, why couldn't he just tell her? Chase defended best he could, but Zoey was just too mad with him, she had the upper hand. Oh, had badly he wanted to talk to her about all this. Say he was sorry, tell her the truth, beg for her forgivness. But, how could he? She wouldn't talk to him. His heart ached, and still did, fro mthe day when he saw that betrayed, hurt look upon her sweet, sweet face. When she gave him that look, giving him the answer to his question of their friendship. He caught a quick glimpse of her brown eyes. They still held the hurt that haunted his nightmares. He had to fight ever urge in his body, every night, to cry. To just jump out of bed and run over to her room and talk to her. Yet, he didn't know of what he'd really need to do. Comfort her, rekindle her broken heart. For, she cried, every night. The memory of what he did came and tortured her heart. Reasons of why he did haunted her dreams. Oh, how she felt. Broken, as if her whole world had crashed and shattered upon her, and she had to return it to it's reasonable state. Inside, she was becoming death. She was dying. The worse part? Her enemy, her hate for Chase...was the only cure for her fatal sickness. Chase lost balance as he lunged forward. He knocked Zoey's staff out of her hand as it fell to the side of them in the pool. Zoey looked from her staff to Chase repeatedly, her eyes more furious, more hurt. Chase's showing just how sorry he was. Zoey looked at Chase one last time, whispering something only he could here. "So, you want to win that badly." The voices and chants of the others drowned out as the two stared at each other. Zoey began to back up off the post, shaking her head as she went. Finally, her body vanished beneath the water. The boys yelled and jumped into the pool, showing off their victory. The girls just sighed. Chase's eyes fixed upon the post of which was now blank. Something caught his eye. The corner of the pool where the girls stood. There was something there. It was Realisation dawned as Chase threw his staff and guards off as he dove into the water. The water above him turned slightly purple. The others watched him in confusion. Chase surfaced with Zoey unconscious in his arms. Mr. Reese and his secretary(I forget her name) rushed over to the hudling group, giving medium amount of room to Chase and Zoey's body. Chase felt for a pulse, but one didn't arrive to his fingers. He pulled back, astonished and scared. He fought back tears. He began CPR, following instructions from Quinn. avail came. They heard rustling, everyone turned to see cameramen walk out gradually. Great, now the whole world of viewers knew of Zoey's death. " Zoey? " Chase whispered shakilly. She didn't respond. Her blonde hair soon lost its shimmer and her skin went white. He gasped. She had...died. No, no this couldn't be. But it has. Droplets of water began to trickle out of his eyes as Chase cried. The others went wide-eyed. Dustin hugged Michael as he tried to comfort the only child. Lola kneeled beside Chase as he cried on her shoulder. She hugged him. "No. No" He repeated as he sobbed. But it was true. Zoey Brookes had died. She had drowned. She had killed herself. All because of his betrayal. The funeral was held on the own grounds of PCA. The night of their return she was buried. Under the tree she always sat under, in a secretive spot of campus. Good, Chase thought, then no one can bother her. He wanted the best for her soul, since he had already screwed up her life on Earth. Gender Defenders never went on air. Their little 'incident' never reached other's eyes. When asked about Zoey, the group would answer she had returned home. Though confused why she was gone and Dustin remained, they never questioned again. Every night at midnight, Chase would bring a pink carnation to Zoey's grave. Upon it he read. Zoey Brookes 1993-2006 From Friends: Zoey, we'll all miss you. You were the best a friend could ask for. From Dustin: I'm going to miss you, sis. I don't if I can go on. From Chase: Zoey, I love you. I wish I could've told you that. His heart broke more each and every time he read that, and he came here many times. There was a pile of carnations. He placed his recent one upon it. Other flowers and things had been placed. Chase wiped away tears before the reached his skin. He looked to the pictures set upon the top of the stone One was of the all them first semester, another second semester. They sat upon the sides of a larger picture. The second semester school picture of Zoey. Her smile glimmered white, but he knew, feet under him, a eternal frown sat upon her face. Behind her grave sat a trunk with a lock. It was to be buried as a time capsule, only to be dug up by them, in rememberance of Zoey, for all her belonging layed inside it. Chase stood and began to walk away. He looked back upon it, then looked ahead. He knew, sooner or later he'd jion her, hopefully. For sooner or later, he to would die. Die, of a crushed heart. For, you see, no one can go on. Without Love. End file.
Farewell, to Love by Cr8zeCorbinFangirl
Zoey 101
Deathgrip **A/N:** This fic doesn't involve real romance, but it does involve two characters you may not like together. If you don't like any original or unique pairings, please **don't read or review** this story. I don't write for popular pairings, and I most likely never will. For the open-minded, read on and enjoy! -- "**Deathgrip"** Running towards you, I jog my memory for what to say to make you break. Usually you would always help me if I needed anything, and I prayed to God that that hadn't changed. "Michael, I need to get to class in four minutes or I'll be in big trouble!" I yell, stamping my foot in anger. At first you seem nonchalant, but then you realize how serious I am. This week, you happened to have found a horse on campus, or rather, _it_ found _you_. You reach up and throw yourself over it, and then sit up and reach down for my arm. "Come on! This horse is pretty darn fast!" I don't usually buy into mysterious things that quickly, but you are a very convincing person. "Just come on, ask questions later!" you yell, grabbing my hand before I hoist myself up onto the horse. As soon as you pull on the reins, the horse is off. Stamping on the bright green grass, blinding sun clouding my eyesight, arms around your waist holding on tight, I feel..._normal_. Nothing in my life has ever remained constant, but you have. Chase is gone, James is just a filler, Logan's an ass, and all my girlfriends just wouldn't understand. Yet you do. You understand almost every issue you're confronted with. That's the best thing about you. Wind whipping through my hair, bag slapping against my side, breath held in my throat, I can see why you're the peacemaker now. The funnyman is on one side, the peacemaker, the more important side, on the other. I would never be happy with Chase's absence, but since you two were the best of friends, I suppose you're the next best thing. I am far from _in_ love with you, but I _do_ love you. James is basically my everything right now, but he doesn't know me nearly as well as you do. Like a brother, a best friend, a family member. Relating to you is simple, whether I speak or simply use my eyes to communicate with you. "You all right back there, Zo?" you say over your shoulder. "Yeah!" I respond, tightening my grip around your waist. Just like man and wife, riding off into the sunset, their love as obvious as the golden sun shining down above them. Sure, we are atop a throughbred, but there's no difference. We will never marry, or ride off into the sunset, but we would make a beautiful pair. Racing through time, nobody to get in our way, as pleased as ever. Duck my head so a branch on a tree doesn't snag my hair. Lean to the left so I don't bump into any tall signs. Hold on even tighter when I feel as though I'm about to slip off. But I know you wouldn't let that happen. You're my protector. The link between me and my one true love. No matter what, you'll always be there, and I'm pretty sure you'll be the best man at my and Chase's wedding. Suddenly, we are coming upon a bench under a tree, and I think I see Logan and Quinn..._kissing_. But the horse is so fast, and we race by in such a flurry that I can't be sure. Since almost every event that's taken place recently has been out of the ordinary, I wouldn't exactly be astonished if their lips _had_ met. Beads of sweat are forming along the back of your neck, but I don't care. Your scent is as subtle as the smell of a freshly picked daisy on a chilly summer day. Probably due to a hug from Lisa, but I'm not certain. Leaning forward a bit, I rest my head on your back, so I feel more secure. As the horses hooves meet solid ground once again, the blood coursing through my veins seems to speed up. Soon I look up, to make sure the horse doesn't race past the building. Aware you are, though, as you pull on the reins sharply, bringing the horse to a halt. My deathgrip on you has loosened, but I know you'll always have a deathgrip on my heart. Arms fall to my sides, my heartbeat slowing. Sliding off the edge, you plant your feet firmly on the ground, and then reach up to help me down. My palms are moist, so I almost crash into you, sending you staggering backwards. I'm standing firmly soon though, so I steady you by wrapping my arms around your shoulders. "Thanks Michael," I whisper hoarsely, tears springing to my eyes. One tear makes it way down my cheek, slowly trickling until it reaches the tip of my chin. Pulling away, you look into my eyes, yours full of concern. "You all right?" you ask softly, keeping a hand on my shoulder just in case. "Yeah," I reply, bringing my hand up to my face to wipe my cheeks dry. "I'm fine, perfectly fine." Before you can turn away, to jump back atop your horse and ride off into the distance, I stop you by brushing your elbow lightly. "Yeah?" you ask, voice not sounding the least bit annoyed. "Just...thanks for always being there," I say, out of nowhere. "You're like a brother to me, and it's nice to know that at least one person has my back." "Aw, shucks." Making a joke out of the most serious situations, as usual. That's what makes you you, and I love that. "You know I'll always be there for you, Zo. You're a beautiful person, and it's so nice to be around you. I'm glad we're friends, and I'm glad you think so highly of me," you say in a heroic voice, clasping the front of your shirt and turning your eyes up to the brilliant blue sky up above. "And you always know how to make me crack a smile," I add, spreading my arms for another hug. "Thanks, hon." This time when we pull apart, I give you a quick kiss on the cheek. The corners of your lips stay turned up, and I beam back. "Go to class, you're about to be late!" you remind me, pushing my shoulder lightly. "Oh yes!" I say, dashing towards the building. You climb back onto the horse, and tug on the reins again. I watch you ride off, but before you disappear, I see you turn around and give me one last wave. Waving back, I finally push through the school building's doors and race up the stairs just before the final bell rings. -- **A/N:** What did you think? I don't like Zoey and Michael together, but I love their friendship. Please tell me if you enjoyed it, what you think I could or should have done to make it better, etc. in a review. Thanks! End file.
Deathgrip by Underneath All Elsewhere
Zoey 101
What Dreams Are Made Of **k, here's a one shot. Because I don't feel like updating my story's right now. ) But I want everyone who reads this to review please. Because like all my other stats, it says like 800 people have read them, & only like 20 people reviewed. So I want everyone to review. If you hate it, love it, or just don't care, please tell me. ). ** **And I have an idea for a shipper name if you like it. How about "Lana". It sounds better that Dogan or something like that. Haha. So, what do you think?** **Disclaimer: You know, I really do hate writing these things. But I'm not getting sued. ). Don't own itttttttttttttttttttt. There, happy now.** * * * "Logan! Get the hell away from me now!" Dana spat as Logan hit her in the face with the basketball at practice. "What! It was an accident! Or are you not tough enough to handle a little pain." Logan drawled out using the words "little" and "pain" in a baby voice. "Logan! URGH, you are so infuriating!" Dana yelled at him causing a even bigger scene then there already was. "You got it baby cakes, now, wanna make out?" Logan said wiggling his eyebrows. "Just kick his ass already Dana!" Glen Davis called out. "You know what, I think that's a good idea." Dana told him menacingly, slowly approaching Logan. He threw his head back and rolled his eyes stuffing his hands into his gym short's pockets. "Oh really _Danger_, and are you going to do that, now... or later?" "Okay you to, that is ENOUGH!" Coacher Jenkins yelled at them. "You both..." He stopped thinking of something to say. "Go hit the showers, you're done for today!" "But coach! Tomorrow's the game! I need to practice some more!" Dana yelled at him, not in anger, but she really did need to practice. "Well, I'm cool with it, I'm already so good, I don't _need_ the extra practice." Logan said directly at Dana with that smirk on his face. Dana's face went red and stalked off. "Reese, go appologize to her." Coach Jenkins said at Logan, obviously annoyed by the 2's antics every practice. "But why! I didn't even to anything!" Logan said giving him "the eyes". "Just do it." The coach spat out. "Or your not playing in tomorrow's game? Got it?" There was a round of 'ooooh' as Logan was still standing there staring back at the coach. "And I mean **now.**" He growled at him. Logan gave him one last look as they saw Dana coming out of the Locker Room, heading out the door with her gym bag, her hair curly and in a high ponytail wearing her street clothes. "Fine." Logan said to him and walked out. * * * Once he got outside, he couldn't make out which way she had went. He shrugged and went left. It was then he found her sitting by the fountain, back to the world, just staring at the water falling. "What do you want Reese?" She asked not once turning around. "Okay, that was weird? How did you know that was me?" He asked a little spooked. "Well, first of all, who else would it be? And second, I could hear everything in the Locker Room, you two weren't exactly being "quite" you know. And I don't want your appology." She said to him turning around now, her eye's big and sincere. "Nothing you say to me will make me "forgive you". You didn't do anything, except being a jerk, which I guess comes naturally. So you don't need to appologize for your behavior towards me. Because I could really care less if you gave me some fake appology in attempt to make me feel _better_." She told him flat out shrugging. Logan was aloss for words. He had no idea what to say to her now. He couldn't appologize like that coach said to. Well, even without the coach, he was probably going to say sorry later or something. He always did. Him and Danacould never really stay mad at eachother to begin with. "Well then, I won't appologize for being a jerk, or whatev, but for hitting you in the face with the ball, okay? Which, was an accident." He said sincerely sitting down next to her. His eyes honest and big. _Oh god, she's about to cry. She has like alot of emotional girl stuff going on... which is probably all my fault. She looks so hott right now though... I know, me thinking _Dana_ is hott. But it's true. Who wouldn't think Dana is hott?_ There was an akward silence, just both of them sitting there staring at eachother. Logan did what his heart was telling him to do. He kissed her, and he didn't care if she kissed him back either. He needed to. After he felt the intital shock come from Dana, she kissed him back. Logan took that as a sign to kiss her even harder, his pent up energy and angst he was feeling, he just let it out. Logan's tounge grazed the bottom of Dana's lip, and she opened her mouth to let his tounge roam. Logan lowered her back against the rim of the fountain, only kissing her deeper, not breaking their connection. He began to kiss her neck up and down, just sprinkling it with hot kisses. "Logan... what are we doing?" Dana asked, out of breathe and dazed. "We... are... kissing..." He said still trailing kisses up her neck and to her face. He grinded his hips into hers almost painfully, and found his way back to her mouth. "Take me." Dana gasped. Logan shot up from bed, hair all messed and he was panting. _It was a fucking dream! No way was that a dream!_ He glanced around the room, to find Michael still sleaping, and Chase coming out of the bathroom in his basketball clothes. "Come on man, we have to go to practice, Saturday morning at 8. Remember? And it is now... 7: 45. Let's go." Chase said throwing him a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "Yeah... I'm coming." Logan said slowly and still a little dazed. * * * Practice was normal. Normal as itcould have been.Glen passed him the ball and he made the shot. They checked it, and Logan was now again, in control of the ball. He saw Dana was open near the basket, and he passed it to her, and it hit her in the face. "Dana! I'm so sorry." Logan said running up to her, worried that he may have broke her nose or something. "Logan! Get the hell away from me now!" Dana yelled at him. _Oh lord, that's what she said in the dream!_ "Um, y-yeah, okay." He said stuttering. Dana stalked off into the Locker Room to leave. "Logan, go appologize to her." Coach Jenkins said. Logan was completely dumbfounded. He was reliving it, almost completely. He saw Dana leave the gym in her normal clothes. "Okay!" Logan yelled excitedly and ran out after her. He turned left and saw her sitting on the fountain. "What do you want Reese?" He never said anything. He went right up to her and kissed her, just like in the dream. * * * **Fin! I'm done now. I was booored.** End file.
What Dreams Are Made Of by dallascity
Zoey 101
The Tagging Game **A/N: Okay so here are my ten, um, I think they're called drabbles! Sorry if they aren't very good but i didn't have that long to write them! :) Review if you want!** **1.Like Sexy Dynamite-The Orion Experience (Quogan)** Logan and Quinn's relationship was different: no one knew exactly how, but it was just different. Every time Quinn thought about him, a grin that was a mile wide came to her face. Upon waking up every morning, she got dressed and went to class in a good mood because of thoughts of her gorgeous boyfriend. Their evening make out sessions were what she looked forward to all day long. He made her happy in more ways than he would ever know, and she felt so lucky to have him. She was so glad to have him in her life and didn't know how she had ever survived in the past without him. **2.Solid Ground-Saucy Monky (Supposed to be Quogan, but you could make it about any of the couples)** She just stood there, looking down at his grave. She knew he was in a better place, but she couldn't stand that he was there without her. Since he had been gone, she felt so shallow and alone. He was what had set her straight, what had helped her through every obstacle throughout their eventful lives. Without him, she didn't feel like she was really living either. Everyone around her could tell she was dead inside without him. She just stood there, looking at his grave, and knew that now he was a million miles away from solid ground, in Heaven. **3.When I Grow Up-The Pussycat Dolls (Lola)** It was always Lola's dream to be famous, to be a legend. She had always done anything and everything to get attention. Sure, it's everyone's dream to be famous, but this was her passion. She just wanted to be known in the world, to make a difference. Now, as she sat here in her Manhattan apartment, she couldn't help but smile as she looked around and thought of all of her achievements. She was proud of herself, she had reached her goal and life couldn't be any better. **4.Pushin' Me Away-Jonas Brothers (Mark/Quinn, Quogan)** Mark was pushing her away. Everything he did and everything he said (or rather, didn't say) was just wrong. Quinn had no choice but to break up with him, he never showed any emotion or any concern when she needed him the most. She needed someone she could depend on, someone who would listen, and offer their help. As she felt pushed farther away from Mark with every kiss and every conversation, she was pushed closer to Logan, who was always there. He was perfect; no wonder she was pushed right into his arms. **5.Shut Up and Let Me Go-The Ting Tings (Mark/Quinn, hint of Quogan)** Everyone wondered how Quinn had gotten sucked into Mark's grip; he seemed to control everything she did. They could tell he was hurting her, not necessarily physically, but she was getting damaged. Every kiss was torture, all the time they spent together was a nightmare for her. She needed a savior, someone to get Mark to let her go. She needed to be free of this and with someone better, who would never hurt her. **6.Lost-Menudo (Quogan)** Logan Reese was losing his mind for this girl. Every time he thought of her, he almost lost all control. He had liked her for a while, but she had had a boyfriend, and he respected the guy code. Now that she was single, he felt like he was going insane. What would people say? He didn't even think she noticed him. He decided to go for it and ask her out. He went up nervously and talked to her, stuttering the whole time. _I probably look so lost _he thought, but to his surprise, she said yes to his attempt at asking her out, and they have both been happy ever since. **7.Awake & Alive-Scott Bennett (Quogan)** Before, he had felt lost and trapped, trapped in this stupid stereotypical rich kid reputation. Now that he had started dating Quinn, Logan had never felt so great. Everyone noticed he seemed so much more alive, more alert. She had gotten him to accept new things, like science. Before, he would never have believed it if someone told him in 8th grade when girls came to PCA that he would be dating Quinn, the science nerd, the target of many of his teasings. But now, after getting to know her and all of her amazing qualities, he would have never believed it if someone told him he wasn't going to date a girl like her, the perfect girl for him. **8.I'm Shakin'-Rooney (Choey)** Chase still couldn't believe his luck in life as he sat with Zoey in the hammock. "Chase, you're shaking," she laughed. It's true, he was shaking. He was shaken up over the fact that he had finally gotten his dream girl, he was finally happy. It all seemed too good to be true. The day of the prom was one of the best days of his life, and he would definitely never forget it. **9.Stutter-The Piper Downs (Quogan)** Logan couldn't believe the effect Quinn had on him. He had always been the smooth talker before when it came to the ladies, but now, he didn't know what was going on. Ever since she had broken up with Mark, Logan seemed to see her in a different light. He had no problem teasing her before, whether it was behind her back or right to her face. Now, every time he was near her, he couldn't even finish a whole sentence. All he managed to do was stutter. **10.Permanent Midnite-Saucy Monky (Quogan)** Logan and Quinn wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight, which is why they kept it a secret. This wasn't too bad, except for the fact that they had to wait until about midnight to meet up for their make out sessions. This was their favorite time of the day because they got to be with each other, which is what they loved. They wished this moment of the day would last forever, they could be together, in a permanent midnight. **A/N: Okay, they are kind of silly I know, but oh well. I also realize that most of them are Quogan, but I couldn't help myself, they are the cutest couple ever! :) ** **Here are my tags, sorry if you've been tagged before but im not keeping track or anything so um yeah:** PimpKuja Quogan4L PnayBabyGurl Music of the wind STOPshannon End file.
The Tagging Game by kelren5
Zoey 101
Whispered Confessions **Whispered Confessions** * * * **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.** **Rating: K** **AN: This is still going by the show, like how everyone is and everything. Everything that has happened in the show has happened with just a little more added on. It sounds confusing, I know, but once you read it you'll understand...I hope!** * * * **Quinn's POV** I was sitting in chemistry directy in front of him. Today was the same as just about every other day since we broke up. We've hardly spoken at all in the month we haven't been together. He's gone his way and I've gone mine. Am I happy? No, not really. Even though it was mostly my decision to break-up, it hurt then and it still does. We just got where we found our relationship almost impossible to keep secret anymore. Both of us were just too afraid to let anyone find out about us. What would people think? I mean honestly, the smartest girl in school dating the hottest AND most popular guy in school. Impossible! We knew no one would understand, so when we thougoht we couldn't stand not being able to kiss or hug or even hold hands in public any longer and we were still too afraid of what people would think of us, I suggested we take a "break." It wasn't what I wanted and by the look on his face, I'm guessing it wasn't what he wanted either. We promised we'd still be friends and at the time I thought we would, but it got to be too awkward and we just talked occasionally. I've tried to move on and I thought I was doing pretty well with it, but then he has to go and say something sweet and have every memory of us come flooding back into my mind. The worst part is, I can't even tell my best friends why I'm so upset. Today in chemistry (remember I sit in front of him) our teacher began to talk all about, well, chemistry. Since mine and Logan's desks are touching, I can feel his every move. I felt him lean forward and I tensed instantly. He stayed that way for only a second before he started to whisper things that only the two of us could hear. "You know, I can't ever get you off my mind. You have the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen. You're the nicest and sweetest person I've ever met. You're gorgeous. You always smell so good; just like peppermints. I love how you do your hair, you know with all the braids. You're the weirdest person I know, and yet somehow, the best." When he got done talking, I turned around with tears in my eyes. "I still like you. A lot." I know it was lame, but it was the best I could do. "Miss Pensky," the teacher asked when he noticed me turned around, "is there something that you and Mr. Reese would like to share with the class?" I began to shake my head no, but Logan said yes and stood up. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me up next to him. "Quinn and I are dating. Again." Logan then squeezed my hand and sat back down as I did the same. Our teacher rolled his eyes and all the students began to look at each other and whisper. We were talked about for weeks, but now it's pretty much back to normal. People still gossip about us now and then, but we are ok wtih it. Our friends actually weren't as shocked as we thought they'd be. They were really great about everything. As for Logan and I, well we're perfect! End file.
Whispered Confessions by foreverdreams3
Zoey 101
From The Rooftops A/n: Just a fluffy C/Z one-shot. **_From the rooftops_** Everyone noticed Chase and Zoey had been spending a lot of time together recently. It didn't surprise or bother their friends, everyone was just waiting for him to confess. Truth was Chase had the hugest crush on his friend, but didn't want to risk it all by telling her. Zoey's feeling were a mystery. her girlfriends had long suspected that she may indeed return the affection, but had always got a shrug when they quizzed her. "Ok, it's your turn so you pick the DVD. I'm busy I'll be back in like ten minutes I promise ok." He told her. "Um... ok. Where?" "Box under my bed..." he shrugged, and with that final statementhe disappeared out of the room. Zoey kneeled at the end of his bed and tugged the hefty box from underneath it. There was a section full of DVD's and several other curiosities. She picked up an open book, it appeared to be blank. She flippe a page back and saw that it was his journal. She knew she oughta put it away but after reading only a few sentences her worries were relieved. It was true. Chase Matthews had a crush on her. She smiled to herself, proud that she could act without caution. Then her smile faded. She picked up an orange CD case with the words 'Zoey Time Capsule' on it. She recognised it beforehand. "How did..." The story suddenly seemed to click. She felt invaded, violated, and betrayed. She stood up, taking the DVD with her, and ran as fast as her feet could take her to brenner hall. * * * "RIP HIS THROAT OUT!" Lola said, outraged. "I'd kill him. That's SO out of bounds!" Nicole squeaked. "I can't believe he did that!" Quinn sounded disgusted at her friends behaviour. "Me neither." Zoey sighed, staring at the DVD. "What're you going to do about it?" Lola questioned. She could see how upset her friend was, how could someone who loved her so much make her look that tearful? There was a knock at the door. Quinn jumped up and opened it, her plaits bobbing behind her. "Oh it's you..." She said awkwardly. "Zoey." Quinn turned to see if Zoey wanted to talk to Chase, who was standing behind her looking clueless. "Hey Chase." Zoey said bouncily, alarming all her girlfriends. "You ok, you kinda ran off." "Yeah." Zoey grinned, laughing it off as her girlfriends looked on in shock. "I got my period and I had to come down here." She smiled. Chase blushed and became awkward. He couldn't handle 'girl issues' "Oh uh... ok..." She could tell he was flustered. She skipped towards the door. "Coming or what?" She held the door open and allowed Chase to walk out. "What're you doing?" Lola hissed at Zoey. "Are you insane?" Nicole and Quinn chanted. "Look I... I'll think of something." She promised them, before disappearing off after her bushy haired friend. As soon as they were in his dorm room Zoey locked the door. Chase looked innocently confused. "Sit." Zoey instructed coldly. "Huh?" "Chase sit down." Chase didn't want to argue with Zoey, so he did as he was told, knowing that if Logan his obnoxious roommate had been around he would have accused him of being whipped. "Do you like me?" She asked bluntly. "Like you?" he questioned, trying to avoid the awkward situation this was bound to lead to. "Don't as me what I mean Chase you know what I mean do you like me yes or no?" She demanded, crossing her arms, having kept the DVD hidden. "I... um... you see..." "Spit it out Matthews!" She ordered, Chase instantly missed the bubbly Zoey from a few moments ago. "Yes, yes I do. There I said it, Happy!" He blabbed. "Ecstatic." Zoey said suddenly alarmingly calm. She stood up, flicked the DVD out of it's case and put it on. "Hi I'm Zoey Brooks and if you're watching this it must be 20 years from now I bet a lot of stuff's changed since I went to PCA..." The DVD Zoey piped up. Chase gulped. "Where'd that come from?" He said, his throat drying. How could he have been so stupid as to forget to rebury that. "Box under your bed." Zoey said coolly. It unnerved him. He could tell she was furious. "So having Nicole as my roommate is definitely one of the best things about my life here at PCA. And now I wanna tell you about one of the most special people I've ever met. His name is Chase Matthews..." He grabbed the remote and paused it unable to bare the tension. "I didn't watch it." He swore "I don't believe you." Zoey cried out. "Well it's true... ask Michael." Chase said hoping to help. "MICHAEL TOO!" She screeched, sounding more and more upset by the minute. "Zoey I swear on my life I didn't watch it and neither did Michael. I was gonna, then I felt bad and turned it off." He breathed. "Well, gimme the remote." Zoey ordered. "Huh?" "Chase don't test me!" She said irately. "Give it." Chase very reluctantly handed her the remoted. He saw her finger dart for play. "I hope it says I'm a huge jerk and a total dolt." He mumbled darkly. "It doesn't." Zoey said coolly. She hit play "And he's one of the funniest, coolest, nicest guys at this school. He's my shoulder to cry on when things go wrong. I know that i could leave my diary open infront of him and he wouldn't look because I trust him." Chase gulped, feeling sick at invading her privacy. "But it's a good thing he doesn't read my diary, because I mention him quite a bit." Chase sank lower in his chair. "For a long time I've suspected he has a crush on me. Which I hope I'm right about coz otherwise I seem totally conceited right now. I've been thinking about it a lot. I guess... ok. I have a crush on him too. It'll be interesting to see in 20 years time, what, if anything, happened with the two of us." Zoey pressed pause. "I... I don't know what to say..." He breathed honestly. "You could try 'I'm sorry'." Zoey suggested, feeling devastated. This was not how Chase was supposed to discover her feelings. Chase was still in shock at Zoey revealing she too had a crush on him. "I wouldn't read your diary." He promised. "And I shouldn't have dug up the time capsule... curiosity is an evil evil thing." he told her. "And love is... well love makes you do really REALLY stupid stuff. I'm sorry Zo... forgive me?" "What you did was wrong Chase. Really wrong. I don'y know if I can forgive you." Chase felt his heart breaking. If she felt even just a fraction of what he felt for her it must be tearing her up inside and he felt so awful. Zoey absently pulled at aloose thread in the couch. "I know it was wrong..." He sighed. "Zoey... I love you." "Hm..." She said caguely as though she was only half listening. "But instead of telling me you betrayed my trust. You violated my privacy. You COULD have just asked me out but... you had to make sure you were going to get the answer you wanted." Zoey felt the tears, stinging the back of her eyes. Her voice was weak. "Zoey please... don't cry. I'm not worth it Zo..." "You think." She said sarcastically. Chase shrugged. "I'm sorry. And I love you. And I can scream it from the rooftops and it wouldn't change your mind would it?" Zoey shook her head. "What COULD change your mind? Ask and I'll do it." He promised her. For a long moment there was silence, Chase sighed again, knowing he'd well and truly screwed up. Knowing that she had indeed had a crush on him but it was over now was worse than never having her. "Kiss me." She said suddenly. "But I thought you were mad at.." He started. "Chase, don't argue with me. Just do it." She instructed. Her voice showed no emotion at all. Chase was worried. He knew she was mad but he wasn't sure how mad. Very apprehensively, Chase kissed her. He was cautious, incase she turned round and smacked him, which he felt he would totally deserve. Srprisingly though, she didn't hit him, she kissed him back, roughly. he could tell just from her kiss she was really mad, and was devastated when he noticed she was crying. He raised his hands to cup her face, trying to wipe away her tears. She didn't allow that, and pulled his hands away from her face, settling them on her shoulders. She opened her mouth a little, turning the kiss french. It took a VERY long time but eventually she broke off. She continued to cry silently. "Y'ok?" He asked, staring at her quizzically. That was NOT how their first kiss was meant to be. "No." She whispered. "That should've felt wrong! I should SO hate you right now but..." "But..." He asked hopefully. "But all I want to do is that again." She sobbed. "Please Zo... please stop crying. Please." He begged. "Chase you're my friend. You shouldn't have dug up that capsule." "I know." He said sadly. "And I get the feeling I'll be paying for it all through high school. He raised his hand to dfiddle with her hair. She flinched away. For over an hour they sat in an unbearable silence. Curfew was fastly approaching, the California sun was about to set before she stood up to leave. "Goodbye Chase." "Want me to walk you back to your dorm?" he queried. "No." She said curtly. "Um... ok... I love you?" It was such a lame thing to say and really random, but he meant it, and wanted her to know it. "I'm not sure how I feel about you anymore Chase. I thought I could trust you..." And with that she left. He felt miserable. * * * "Hey..." Zoey said stepping out onto the sunned rooftop of the boys dorm. "You mad at me?" She asked him cautiously. "No, are you mad at me?" He asked, apprehensive. "Not right now... should I be?" She added nervously. "Probably." He still felt guilty about what he did. Zoey sat on the deck chair. "Yell it from the rooftoops Chase." She pleaded, laying back, closing her eyes to the sun. "Yell what?" "If you love me so much... tell them." She indicated over the edge vaguely. Chase looked thoughtful. He knew this was her revenge. He crossed to the side, so everyone could see him. Clearing his throat he yelled. "I'M IN LOVE WITH ZOEY BROOKS! YOU HEAR ME PCA! I SAID I LOVE ZOEY BROOKS!" "Nice try Chase!" yelled Logan, who was sat below with Dustin and Michael. "She's not here!" Logan was of course being his usual self. "No!" Zoey called, leaning over the edge. "She's up here!" Zoey straightened up and turned to face him. "You're forgiven." "Thanks... friends again?" He asked hopefully. "Phht... yeah right." Chase looked hurt. "Chase c'mere." She raised her arms and slid them around his neck. From below, Dustin, Logan, and Michael watched in interest, getting a good visual but not audio. "You wanna kiss me?" Zoey asked. Chase nodded slowly, suddenly aware that a girl who by all rights oughta hate his guts had him leaning over the edge of a very tall building. "Then what's stopping you?" "I guess I need permission." "You got it." She smiled softly. Chase wasted no time, leaning in and kissing her softly. Below Logan yelled. "ABOUT TIME!" Zoey broke off and giggled. She then threw the DVD backwards over her shoulder and pulling Chase back to kiss her. The DVD very nearly hit Logan. "WATCH IT!" He cried, shielding his hair from any more objects that might fall. "I love you." Zoey said. "Just... don't go through my stuff." She pleaded. "Speaking of which... did you read my journal?" He questioned. Zoey facefaulted. "Chase... shut up and kissed me." He did as instructed, kissing her deeply, his arms around her waist glad that this time she wasn't crying. Whilst Logan muttered below something about assaults on his hair. A/n: There we go. Done. REVIEW NOW. End file.
From The Rooftops by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
Shattered **A/N-** So I'm writing this cause I'm kind of in a sad mood. I figured this was the best way to get it out, but it didn't help much. Taylor Swift, being sad, and FanFiction don't mix well. I hope you like it even though it's super sad. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Zoey101. **Shattered: * * * ** She had known all along. She was just a replacement. She couldn't help it though, she had fallen, and she fell hard. Secretly she hoped that maybe he was using his new girl to make her jealous. In her mind though she knew it wasn't so. She had found out that they dated while she was in France. And they dated for a good five or six months. They had broken up because she cheated with Mark Delfiggalo, but she promised she would never do it again. And even though everyone, including him, knew she was cheating on him again they stayed together. Dana just doesn't understand why Logan would put himself back in the same situation again. * * * When Dana came back from France to find Logan who hadn't been with Quinn for about a month wanting to date her, she jumped at the chance. Somehow she had known all along that he was just going to hurt her. And that's exactly what happened. And yet, she still loves him. * * * Dana watches Logan and Quinn walk around campus hand in hand and it makes her almost physically ill. She just can't handle it. People always told her about how much he liked her, except one person she talked to, who told her that he thought Logan had liked her, but that he likes Quinn a lot. Dana sits silently watching Quinn cheat on Logan, and Logan just deal with it. She can't stand to just sit by and watch, but what else can she do? She loves him more than herself, but she can't make him love her. Dana has always been this strong girl, who really didn't care about guys. But, when Logan Reese entered her life, her walls crumpled and she fell in love. She doesn't understand how she can care so much about this person who doesn't even talk to her anymore, all she knows is that she has never felt this way about someone before. She had the butterflies, the heart flutters, the nervousness. And she still does, and that in itself worries her. What worries her most though, is knowing that she'll never stop loving him, and she doesn't know if he'll ever love her again. He did love her, just not as much as he loved Quinn. * * * Logan and Dana had a good relationship. Logan always tried to make her feel better when she was upset and he always told her he loved her. And Dana did the same for him. He had claimed to hate Quinn, but then she noticed him start to talk about her a little bit again, and then they started dating again. He didn't cheat or anything, they had been an on then off couple, but they had stayed friends. Until Quinn came back into the picture. After that he wanted nothing to do with her. And it shattered her. **Shattered.** **A/N:** Wow, is all I can say. I didn't expect it to come out the way it did. But, whatever. I'm undecided about whether or not I like it. R&R please? - Katie. End file.
Shattered by HLP - Katon
Zoey 101
Love Just Is A/n: Short fluffy one shot. Love just is Love. Such a short word yet so freakin hard to describe. Love is when I show up late, my alarm having failed, I've run to class, slopped milk down my untucked shirt and my skirt is on sideways, yet he still finds it in him to say "Good morning beautiful." Laced with sarcasm as it is I know he means it. Love is when I trip in basketball and he says "Nice going Cruz!" Yet he still comes over to check on me. Love is when I'm tired and I fall asleep on the couch. It's when he calls me hopeless and carries me upstairs. It's when he thinks I'm asleep and he touches my face softly and mumbles "You're an idiot." Love is when he's the only one who can make me cry. Nobody makes Dana Cruz cry. But love is when he's the only one who can make me laugh. Love is when I hit him and he goes ballistic, then smirks and says "Nice shot though." Love is that day in 10th grade he kissed me. A wacky feeling. Floating on air. I'm flying a million miles away just because Logan Reese kissed me. That's love. Then, he had the gall to pull back and say "Meh, you're not half bad." Love is when he took me home. It wasn't about sex. It wasn't about dirt. It was about cuddling. And arguing. We're good at arguing. Good at cuddling too. I know it's love when he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. Hearing his heart beat with mine. Feeling him nuzzle my neck gently. "You wear too much perfume." Love was the day he proposed. Threw a ring box at me and grinned cheekily. "Dana, we've been living together for long enough, you gonna marry me or what?" (Love was also the size of the ring... wow) Love is the day I wore white. The day he made me change my name. The day he said 'I do' and when I said 'I do' his reply was. "Yeah, you'd better." Before kissing me. See with Logan love is different. Love is something weird. It's that feeling that really charges me up, but at the same time gets me down. See I don't know who invented love or why it's so confusing. I don't know WHAT love is exactly. Love just... is. A/n: Done. Shortest fic evvvvurrr. End file.
Love Just Is by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
Take me away Take me away _**Take me away**_ _I can not find a way to describe it. It's there inside all I do is hide. I wish that it would just go away what would you do you?_ **Zoey proverb** I feel lost and afraid. I feel like a part of me is missing. I just want this feeling to go away. I hate hiding from my friends but I don't think there's anything they could do to help me. I really don't want to worry James either. _All the pain I thought I knew all the thoughts lead back to you back to what was never said back and forth inside my head. I can't handle this confusion I'm unable come and take me away._ I called Chase last night but he didn't answer the phone. I don't know why but I have a felling that the cause of all my pain is Chase. I'm confused and I can't handle it anymore. I wish that one of my friends would take me away from here. _I feel like I am all alone all by myself I need to get around this. My words are cold I don't want them to hurt you. If I show you I don't think you understand because no one understands._ Even when Quinn and Lola are with me I feel alone. I feel like I'm by myself when I'm with my boyfriend. Quinn thinks I'm in I love you shock what ever that is. I left before they could tell me. I made Quinn cry last night. I didn't mean to she said that I was upset because I missed Chase and I got angry. I called her a skunk bag and spazz. Then she ran into the bathroom sobbing. She must have come back to the room after I was asleep. They don't understand and I don't expect any of them to understand. _I'm going no where on and on and I'm getting no where on and on. I'm going nowhere off and on and off and on._ I think I hear someone coming into the room but I could be wrong. I heard someone say "Zoe can I ask you something? I want to know if you still love me." I thought it was James so I said no that the one I loved was far away. It wasn't James it was Chase! I smiled and said "I'm not going any where and if you heard what I said you would know that I love you. I've felt lost without you. Can you take me away from here I can't deal with this stress. I want to know everything about what happened while you were far away from me." End file.
Take me away by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
Silly Littttle hearts _Silly Little Hearts_ **That silly boy just can't see.** **What those silly little heart in my notebook mean to me.** **What they stand for and what they mean.** **whats in my heart remains on seen. ** **Those silly little hearts are carefully placed.** **But when the teacher walks by there erased.** **He ask me what the hearts are for.** **But I don't answer, I just draw more.** **But theres one big heart in the back,not like the rest.** **For some reason I like it best.** **It say C/Z are forever.** **Which means were always gonna be together.** **I just wish he'd find out what the hearts are for.** **So I would have to hide that big heart any more.** _**This is zoey's pov.**_ End file.
Silly Littttle hearts by Temperance Alibella Potter
Zoey 101
Mondays **Mondays** Mondays. Mondays are the dreaded day. Adults have to go back to work. Kids have to go back to school. Everyone's tired from the weekend. It seems like Mondays are the only day for me when something goes wrong. I forget to finish my Geography homework or I have to break up an early morning spat between Nicole and Dana. It's always one thing that goes wrong but I get over it. Well, this monday is different. On this paticular monday, everything went wrong. The day started out normally. I got up, took a shower, got dressed, etc. You know the routine. I went to go get some coffee with Chase before we went to our first class. As soon as I went to take a sip of it some gou dressed in a PCA Stingray suit was running extremely fast and ran right into Chase, who ran into me, spilling my scalding hot coffee all over me. "I'm sorry. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, Zoe!" Chase apologized over and over. "It's ok. I'm gonna go run back to my dorm to change my shirt. Cover for me with Ms. Stinson, ok?" I asked him. Our teacher, Ms. Stinson practically has a heart attack when someone is late to class. She always says,"You people have no excuse to be late to my English class. You live here. Get alarm clocks, and use them!" So I rushed back and changed clothes. I got to class about thirty secounds after the bell rang. Chase gave me a sympathetic look from his seat. Ms. Stinson was in an awful mood. She looked at me and all she said was,"You're late Miss Brooks. Detention." Detention?! I had never gotten a detention in my entire life.I started to protest," But Ms. Stinson, I-" She cut me off,"I don't want to hear it, Miss Brooks. I am not in a good mood. Be in the detention hall at three o'clock sharp or you'll have two more detentions." "Yes Mam," I said as I sat down. After class Chase and I walked out. "Zoey I'm so sorry you got detention. I tried to exsplain that you had just got hot coffee dumped on you but she didn't listen," Chase exsplained. "Don't worry about it. Detentions not that long. Only two and a half hours. Plus, look on the bright side- I can do my homework without having to listen to Nicole and Dana argue," I pointed out. "There's a plus!" Chase said excitedly. "Yeah, I have to get to Pre-Cal or I'll have another detention. See ya later," I dashed toward my class but there was no one in there. It turned out that they were in the computer room to work on a project that I had completely forgotten about. Luckily my teacher Mr. Knight is very nice but I missed 3/4 of the class so I didn't get much done. I have to do it all tonight. The rest of the day went worse than I exspected it to be. After Pre-Calculas my mom called telling me that our old german sheperhd, Nakita was hit by a car ( I cried), I failed a history quiz, I forgot my lunch money back at my dorm so I didn't have lunch, and I twisted my ankle and stubbed my toe because I tripped over a gigantic rock that was in the middle of the sidewalk. In detention they didn't let me work on any of my school work. I just had to sit there and stare at a wall Plus there was a kid with red hair who kep having gas. I felt like I was in jail. After it was finally 5:30 and they let us go I was starving, my foot was throbbing, I was as stressed as I have ever been at PCA because of all my homework and I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment because I was so exhausted. Just as I walked out the door I heard someone ask,"Did you have a bad day?" I turned around and there was Chase, leaning on the brick wall, a take out bag from Sushi Rox in his hand. He smiled. I did my best to hobble over to the wall. "I did," I said,"How'd ya know?" "It's Monday," Chase replied. "I hate Mondays," I replied bitterly. "Me too. I think everyone does. I knew you'd be hungry so I got you some sushi," Chase said. "Thanks. Wanna sit?" I asked. "Sure." We sat together on a bench by a fountain eating in silence. "So what else made your day so bad besides the coffee and the detention?" He asked. I told him about my calculas project, my dead dog, the lunch money, and my twisted throbbing ankle. He looked at me with worry and said,"Ow. Let me see." He gently picked up my left ankle and studied it,"That doesn't look good, Zoe. I think it may be more than just a twisted ankle. We'd better get you to the nurse." "Maybe you're right," I said, frustrated with how badly my day was going. I stood up and yelped in pain. "Here, don't freak out. I'm gonna pick you up," And before I knew it I was in Chase's arms on my way to the nurse. "Oh, Chase this isn't really nessacary. I can walk," I said in what I knew was going to be a useless arguement. Chase always looks out for me. Kinda like my brother. "If you walk on it, it may get worse," he said. When we got to the nurse's office she examined it and announced that it was sprained. I have to use crutches for a week. I think I'd rather have Chase carry me around all week. It felt good to have someone to hold me and to care for me so deeply. When we got back to my room I thanked him for the sushi and he thanked me for the good night we had spent together. I felt an odd feeling sweep over me. It was the same feeling that I get when I had a crush on Leonardo Dicaprio in 1999. It couldn't be...I didn't like Chase, did I? At first I was in denial and than I thought back to all of the times he'd been there for me. It seemed so obvious, I should have realized that I liked him a long time ago. "Hey, Chase?" "Yeah?" "Will you do me a favor?" I asked. "Anything." "Kiss me," I said. And he did. I love Mondays. * * * A/N: It's fall break and I haven't been able to stop writing. I love it! Review please! Noelle End file.
Mondays by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Writing to You **AN: Okay, so this is supposed to be CZ. ** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or the song 'P.S. I'm still not over you' by Rihanna.** **--** Zoey Brooks sat at the kitchen table of her apartment. She lived in New York City with her best friend, Nicole Bristow. She still had her blond hair, and it had grown out a lot. The girls are 19 now, and are in college at NYU. **Whats up?I know we haven't spoken for a whileBut I was thinkin bout youAnd it kinda made me smileSo many things to sayAnd I'll put em in a letterThought it might be easierThe words might come out better** Zoey stared at her blank piece of paper, thinking of what to write. She was planning on writing a letter to Chase Matthews, her ex-boyfriend. They had been best friends in high school, actually all through their PCA years. They broke up a few weeks after graduation, and hadn't spoken since. She looked at her paper again, and began to write. **How's your mother, how's your little brother?Does he still look just like you?So many things I wanna know the answers toWish I could press rewindAnd rewrite every lineTo the story of me and you** Nicole had just entered the room, brushing her waist-length highlighted brown hair. She looked at Zoey and smiled. She had been the one to convince Zoey that she needed to get in touch with Chase again. It would be good for her, Nicole knew. She peered over Zoey's shoulder but Zoey pushed her away. Zoey then continued writing. **Don't you know I've tried and I've triedTo get you out my mindBut it don't get no betterAs each day goes byAnd I'm lost and confusedI've got nothin to loseHope to hear from you soonP.S. I'm still not over youStill not over you** _Dear Chase,_ _How are you? It's been a while since I've talked to you. Michael told me you are doing great with your degree in writing. You are at Brown University, right? I have so many things I'd like to ask you. I thought a letter would be a better way to talk to you, then calling or something. _ _How's your mom? How's your sister? Is she still at PCA? Do you like it at Brown? I bet it's nice there. Nicole says hi. I live with her, did you know that. You probably didn't, you probably don't care either. Michael says you don't like to talk about what happened between us. That's fine, I really don't like talking about it either. _ _I still have all your letters that you wrote me at PCA. I have all the pictures too. I couldn't imagine throwing them out. I've tried to get you out of my mind, but I just can't. I think about you all the time, Chase. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I need to tell someone. Nicole doesn't understand. Did you hear that Logan and Dana are together? They are trying not to kill each other. Quinn and Logan broke up about a month ago. They say the feeling was mutual, they just didn't have that spark anymore. Michael and Lola are together, but you probably knew that since you and Mike still talk._ _Sorry for rambling on, it's just that I miss you. You are the only one that didn't come to NYU. It's weird. I wish you were here with us. It's not the same without you. Even though you aren't here, we still manage to bring you up in conversation._ _Hope to hear from you,_ _Zoey Brooks_ _P.S. - I Miss You._ **Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble onBut there's a lot of feelings that remain since you've been goneI guess you thought that I would put it all behind meBut it seems there's always somethin right there to remind meLike a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v.Boy it aint easy** Zoey stood and put the letter in the envelope. She wrote the address Michael had given her neatly on the front. On the flap she wrote her return address. She put a stamp on it and put on her shoes. **When I hear our songI get that same old feelingWish I could press rewindTurn back the hands of timeAnd I shouldn't be telling you** "Nicole! I'm going to the post office. Be back in a while." Zoey yelled down the hall. "Alright. I'll be here." With that, Zoey left. She walked quickly down to the post office and in the doors. She went up to the desk and handed the lady the letter. The lady checked it and said thank you. Zoey started walking home, slowly. **Don't you know I've tried and I've triedTo get you out my mindBut it don't get no betterAs each day goes byAnd I'm lost and confusedI've got nothin to loseHope to hear from you soonP.S. I'm still not over youStill not over you** -- A week later, Nicole brought the mail into the apartment. She smiled at Zoey and held up an envelope. It was address to Zoey Brooks. Zoey would've known that handwriting anywhere. She ripped it open and began reading. **Did you know I kept all of your picturesDon't have the strength to part with them yetOh no...Tried to erase the way your kisses tasteBut some things a girl can never forget** _Dear Zoey,_ _I'm fine. How are you? Yes, I'm at Brown. Writing is great. I love it here. How's NYU? My mom is great, and Sara is too. Yea, she's still at PCA. She likes Dustin actually, but don't tell him. She would kill me. Hi, Nicole. Yes, I did know that you live with Nicole. You act like I don't care about you at all. I can't get you out of my mind either. Yes, I knew about Dana and Logan. I'm happy for them. I heard about Quinn and Logan too. Do you think that just because I'm down here at Brown I don't know anything about our friends? You weren't rambling. I know the feeling. It's weird for me to not be with you guys anymore. Glad to know you guys didn't forget me. I miss you too._ _Love, Chase._ Zoey smiled at the letter, and folded it up. She showed it to Nicole later, and Nicole thought it was sweet. As she laid in bed that night, Zoey was glad she'd written to Chase. She couldn't believe that she thought he wouldn't write back. Of course he would, he's not that mean. **Don't you know I've tried and I've triedTo get you out my mindBut it don't get no betterAs each day goes byAnd I'm lost and confusedI've got nothin to loseHope to hear from you soonP.S. I'm still not over youStill not over you** Zoey fell asleep that night, thinking about what she would say in her return letter to Chase. It was good to be thinking about him again, without problems. **AN: Okay, so this is my first CZ oneshot. Tell me what you think. Two oneshots in two days, wow. I'm proud of myself.** **-Breanna** End file.
Writing to You by rockstar1212
Zoey 101
Hello Disclaimer: I do not own anything! Although I wish I did... **Hello** The moment he pulled away from Quinn Pensky was the moment Logan Reese realized something. _My god, I-I love HER!_ _**I've been alone with you inside my mind And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times I sometimes see you pass outside my door Hello, is it me you're looking for? **_ "I-I gotta go Quinn." The boy said and rushed off. "LOGAN! WAIT! WHERE?!" She yelled at him, not expecting an answer, but shocked when he turned around and answered her. "TO FIGURE OUT SOMETHING!" He said, and ran to reach his dream girl. _Figure out something?_ She thought, walking back to find the gang. _Maybe he's getting something?...for me?_ _**I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your smile You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide 'Cause you know just what to say And you know just what to do And I want to tell you so much, I love you ... **_ She rushed up and told the rest of her friends about what happened. After shocked glances and puzzled looks, they tried to figure out where he might be. Running through the darkness, the gang of friends found themselves at the basketball courts, and hid behind the bleachers. Seeing a tan, Latina girl. Shooting free throws. "DAMN! Why won't they go in?!" She screamed, obviously frustrated. Sighing, she put the ball back into her grasp and set herself for another shot. The kids behind the bleachers were frightened, but continued to watch... A tall man came up behind her and helped her with the shot. "Here boo. Do it like this." He smirked and put his hands over hers. Bending her legs she let the shot go, making a beautiful "SWISH" sound. She turned around and faced him. "I'm not your boo." She looked at him straight in the eye. _** I long to see the sunlight in your hair And tell you time and time again how much I care Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow Hello, I've just got to let you know **_** ** He pushed the hair out of her face and looked at her face, which the moonlight was reflecting beautifully off of. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear, something that flattered, flustered, and angered her... All at the same time. "I wish you were my boo." He said and walked off. "REESE!" She screamed, unaware of the people behind the bleachers witnessing this whole scene. He turned around and looked at her. "Yes, Dana?" He smirked. She smiled and they just stood there, looking at each other for a minute or so. _** 'Cause I wonder where you are And I wonder what you do Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you? Tell me how to win your heart For I haven't got a clue But let me start by saying, I love you ... **_ "I...I wanna be your boo." She said and smiled. Quinn was tearing up behind the bleachers, the teenagers were sitting there, jaws dropped, eyes gone wide. They leaned in and kissed, savoring every moment. "It was you I was looking for this whole time." She said and hugged him. "I love you boo." He said and hugged her back. "I love you too baby." She said and closed her eyes, feeling safe in his arms, comfortable. _So he figured it out. He loves HER. Dana Cruz. Not Quinn, but Dana. _ Quinn Pensky sat behind the bleachers, crying. She was sad, but very happy. She knew they'd somehow end up together. She just didn't think it would happen the day it did. _**Hello, is it me you're looking for? 'Cause I wonder where you are And I wonder what you do Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you? Tell me how to win your heart For I haven't got a clue But let me start by saying ... I love you **_ **Cute little oneshot! I was bored. Review and tell me if you liked it! I liked the idea. Check out ** **all of my other stories. Tell me what you think!** **-Talar** End file.
Hello by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
Touch Me, Taste Me "I'm always right. What's the point?" "No. Let's go again. Put it back on." Logan laughs, but ties the bandanna around his eyes again and slips back into darkness, the world around him sharper to his other senses. He hears the scrape of the cup as it is pushed forward, feels Michael's hand stabilising his grip on the slidy plastic. Logan lifts the cup to his lips and waits for the liquid to touch his taste-buds. He can already smell the flavour but says nothing. He smacks his lips, and then smiles. "Cranberry-grape." His smile widens as both Micheal and Chase make small noises of approval, and he pushes away the cup. "Next one," Chase mutters, and Logan reaches forward for the next cup. Chase's fingers linger on his for a second too long, but again, he stays silent. Logan slurps, licks his lips, ignores the way they tingle as he feels Chase's intent gaze on him. "Apple-cherry," he declares, and his friends let out twin cries of amazement. "Dude, that's incredible," comes Michael's awe struck voice, and Logan doesn't hear Chase's remark, so assumes he must have nodded his agreement, as he so often does, Jewish afro bobbing with muted enthusiasm. "I could do this all day," Logan boasts as always, his gigantic ego ego inflated by the small praises. "I told you, I'm always right." "Right," Chase says, his tone amused. Michael begins to snicker, and Logan, strangely vulnerable without his sight, puts up his guard- he knows they are up to no good. "Here," Michael finally manages, "try this one." Logan grips the cup and takes a swig of completely neutral liquid. He frowns, appearing to observe the cup through the thick cloth over his eyes. "Nice try, guys. I'm not stupid. This is just plain water." "Yeah," Chase replies, suppressing laughter, "but where's it from?" Logan raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "The tap?" "The toilet," his friends sputter, exploding into gut-clenching peals of mirth as Logan rips of the bandanna and lunges for their throats. "Kidding!" Chase wheezes, gripping the counter as he doubles over, his shoulders heaving. "Just... Just kidding!" Logan stomps off and doesn't speak to either of them for the rest of the day. --- That night, Michael is out with his girl, and Chase is with Zoey. Logan is alone. He eyes the phone beside him, his fingers itching to call one of his best friends, to tell them how lonely he is now, how lonely he always gets, how his happiness from money only lasts so long, how much he realises he loves him and supposes he always has, how his pride would never allow him to dial, how he knows he never will. He sighs and flops back onto the pillow, music playing in his ears. He doesn't hear the door open, but he senses the presence and he sits up to see Chase, eyes red, a weak smile on his face. Logan's heart, which, despite popular belief, he has, clenches painfully. Chase spies the black bandanna on the dresser, and picks it up as he makes his way over to Logan's bed and takes a seat. Logan's heart speeds up as Chase, unusually silent, leans forward as he removes the headphones from his ears and brushes long wavy hair away gently, reaching around to tie the bandanna in place. In his dark world once again, Logan hears the harshness of his breathing and tries to calm down, strange anticipation rushing through his veins. Chase's warm hand is on his face, tracing the sharp angles of his features, the other on his shoulder and slowly making its way up his neck. And if Logan hadn't been expecting this for months, he would've been so freaked out. But he knows Chase has been wondering, fantasising. Logan's hands shuffle forward blindly until they collide with the rough denim of Chase's jeans, and he slides them up to Chase's chest, gripping the soft material between his fingers, feeling Chase's heart beating just as fast as his beneath his hands. Chase freezes, and Logan thinks he may have taken it too far too fast before Chase relaxes again, and moves close enough for Logan to feel a clothed leg against his. Logan can feel Chase's warm breath washing over his lips, and he bites one nervously. Chase makes a quiet noise that Logan chooses not to discern, focusing instead on the shiver he would have missed had his hands not had such a firm grip. Chase's thumb finds its way across Logan's bottom lip, and in his suprise, Logan lets it go. Logan's heart jumps as Chase's nose bumps his and his lips close as he swallows thickly, his mouth dry. "Wait." Logan knows it means so much more to him than it does to Chase. "Do you want this?" Chase stops. It's so quiet, Logan imagines that he can hear Chase thinking. And then Chase's lips brush his and move away, hesitant and unsure, and Logan's stomach twists up, down and around, and Chase has avoided his question. Logan's left hand sneaks up to Chase's hair, and he strokes through the tight curls as he coaxes Chase back to his mouth. Their lips touch again, and then again, and then a rhythm begins- push, pull, press, yeild- and Chase offers Logan a taste, and Logan takes it eagerly, warmth sweeping through him in waves. Chase pulls back, gasping a little, and breathes a question into Logan's ear. "What do you taste?" Logan brings Chase back to his lips and kisses him again, searching for his answer. Logan tastes tears and salt and orange TicTacs and pain and Zoey and heartbreak and lust and fear and a hundred other distinct flavours he'll have to figure out with time, but he only says one thing. "Perfection." Chase smiles against his lips and whispers, "You're wrong." Because he knows he'll be going back to Zoey in the morning, and he knows Logan knows it too. Logan says nothing, but he gives a sad smile, because he knows he's always right. * * * **A/N: I saw the beginning of this on Nick the other day, and the idea popped straight into my head. I couldn't stop laughing when they said the toilet water bit in the show- Logan's face killed it.** **Please, leave a review. :D You lot inspire me.** End file.
Touch Me, Taste Me by Indifferently Different
Zoey 101