Seducing Columbus Seducing Columbus by patricia51 (Sequel to "Doing Wichita". Wichita decides that it's high time to move her romance with Columbus to the next level. Wichita's POV.) I realized I was holding my breath as I watched Tallahassee and my sister drive away. Okay I'm always a bit nervous when she goes with him on one of his little expeditions. Today is not even one of the occasional zombie hunts he goes on when he's bored. We really do need diesel fuel for our generator and he had located an old truck stop on the interstate not twenty miles from here. We've all been there before and cleaned out the zombies weeks ago. I remember to take a breath. I have to, I need the air, as I run quietly up the stairs to the second floor and out onto the porch there that overlooks the road. The dust trail left by Tallahassee's Escalade can still be seen rising through the trees. It veers to the left and I know that they're on the road leading down to the old country store we found when we left the city. Not too long now and they'll be on the hard top highway. I wait, straining my eyes and occasionally remembering to take another breath of air. Finally the dust stops indicating their progress and that pretty well means that they won't be turning back because they forgot something. Tallahassee told me they'd only be gone a few hours. That gives me more than enough time. Today my biggest concern isn't that something will happen to Little Rock. I know he'll take care of her. My concern today is that they don't come back early. Back down the stairs I hurry. I pause and listen. Columbus is in the kitchen. I slip closer and peek. He's busy arranging the canned goods he and I brought back from a trip yesterday. We went a different direction about forty miles and found an old grocery store. Three zombies total and we handled them without getting out of the car. Tallahassee was disappointed that we didn't find any Twinkies. Columbus was happy that we found several twelve packs of Mountain Dew Code Red. We can't afford to run the generator all the time so we don't have refrigeration (besides which everything that requires cold has already spoiled) so he cools them a few at a time in the stream that runs behind the house. It was, of course, Tallahassee who found the generator and hooked it up. He was glad it was diesel. I didn't understand that then but he explained it. Diesel fuel would still be around after all the gas was looted. Diesel engines were tougher than gas ones and would last longer. It was while running the generator this morning that we discovered the fuel tank was down to less than half. By then we had run the pump to fill the water tank and heated water for cleaning up, for washing clothes (which task I had just finished) and more to the point of the moment for me, for bathing. I scampered once more up the stairs, scattering my clothes in the bedroom I share with my sister and hopped into the shower. While I scrubbed myself I thought about Columbus and me. Who would have guessed it? The two of us I mean. I never have thought much about guys other than picking out the next one to "lose my engagement ring" in front of. Okay, that's not entirely true. I may not be entitled to wear white at my wedding, assuming such an event could possibly take place in this world we live in but I'm really not all that experienced. I never had sex with guys in order to set them up. Besides being wrong it's counterproductive anyway. It's the suggestion of sex, the HINT of sex that draws the guy's attention away from what he should be thinking about. When I first met Columbus he was just another guy to take to the cleaners. Our car had broken down and we were hiding. Heck we were in the stock room of a grocery store that had several zombies in it. I had watched Tallahassee (I didn't know his name then of course) handle them and knew he would be hard to fool. The other guy was just someone along for the ride. Well I was wrong. I first began to realize it when Tallahassee had disarmed my sister and I slammed on the brakes to cover him, in a panic that he would harm her. The verbal explosion by Columbus made all three of us feel just a little sheepish. And he got under my skin enough for me to panic and take off the morning after I nearly kissed him. Yet he came after us anyway and faced his greatest fear to rescue me and Little Rock. And what can you say about a sweet guy whose greatest wish was to brush my hair away from my ear? I've been falling for him ever since. So, today is the day. I step out of the shower, dry off and after I make sure the hall is clear I head back to the bedroom. Waiting in the back of the closet is a short satin robe. I don it and fasten the tie around me. It's just long enough to cover my rear end but just barely. I shaved my legs this morning after Tallahassee announced his plans for the day. Quickly I check myself in the mirror. I brush my hair and fix my face. Light makeup only, nothing heavy. My heart is beating quite fast. I really, deep down inside, am a romantic at heart and what I'm planning is going to seal the relationship between Columbus and me. I wonder if my sister will mind swapping rooms with him. I could move into his but there's more room here. I tiptoe down the stairs, pausing only to retrieve the secreted bottle of wine I hid earlier. I smile. It's the same vintage we had that night at Bill Murray's place. I carefully open the door and prop myself against the archway in the most seductive pose I can manage. I clear my throat and he turns to face me. His eyes get big and he nearly drops his Mountain Dew. "Don t make me drink alone," I say in my huskiest voice, holding up the bottle of wine. Then I turn and slowly walk away, looking over my shoulder as I do. He's right behind me and yep, his eyes are fastened on my legs and rear end. We SHOULD mount the stairs to a bedroom but by the sound of his heavy breathing, which by the way is mingling with mine, we might not have time. I pivot into the living room and the over stuffed couch. Turning to face him I balance the wine bottle in one hand and tug the tie to my robe with the other. I shrug my shoulders and the satin pools at my feet. I smile. Thud. Oh my. OH My. OH MYYYYYYY. I hastily set the wine bottle down, blessing the fact that I hadn't opened it yet. Then I pick up my robe and slip it back on before dragging Columbus to the couch. Somehow I get him on it and pile pillow under his feet to raise them higher than his head. Then I wait for him to come around and try to decide what the heck I'm going to do now that my great plan has crashed and burned. But how was I to know that Columbus would faint when he saw me nude? (The End) (Thanks to WyldCard4 whose nice review of "Doing Wichita" gave me the idea for this one.) End file.
Seducing Columbus by patricia51
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 4 ZOMBIE HUNTER part 4 Max shot a zipline and went to a building to place the first charge. Then he hopped onto another building to place a charge. Then he threw a grenade in a truck that blew up next to a gas station causing a big explosion. Zombies came stampeding and max got on his zipline to escape the charges. The charges went off killing tons of zombies and made a barricade. Squads of 15 set out to kill zombies who got in the barrier and find max. Max climbed rubbish and saw a flare set off probably for him to find. He ran to it but saw only dead soldiers. He walked to his base and met up with an army jeep. He saw Jeremiah was in it and said, "Why are you here sir". Jeremiah said, "Were going to leave you me and a few troops". "Where you can't do this what about everyone else", "To bad for them lets enjoy are escape". Max jumped out and rolled to a stop to see the base blow up and fall. Max ran to the wreckage and saw Zack limping to him. End file.
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 4 by LoganNOVELZ101
Zombie Kill of the Week Tallahassee's zombie kill for the week was a little old lady who had crawled out of a broken fridge at a supermarket. He had been reaching into the fridge for a coke when out popped the old lady, blood running down her face, brandishing her purse as if it was the ultimate zombie weapon of doom. She smacked him around the head with it and he swore. Wichita laughed as she saw Tallahassee, cool as anything, take a large screwdriver out of his pocket and shove it into her temple. "Bitch," Tallahassee said. He ground the screwdriver in just a little bit more for emphasis. Columbus looked closely at the old lady. She looked like she would have been one of those doddering types before the zombie apocalypse struck. Then again, before the zombie apocalypse, he probably would have helped her across the road and asked about her grandkids. She probably would have invited him back for a cup of tea and he would have been obliged to drink it even though he hated tea. He would have probably sat there chatting to her for several hours before going home to play World of Warcraft. Now, Columbus took out his pistol and fired a couple of shots into her head. "Rule two," he said, kissing the barrel of his gun. Wichita poked him in the ribs. "You and your rules," she said affectionately. "How did you ever survive before this?" Columbus shrugged. He'd been asking himself the same question. "Dunno," he said, "but aren't you glad that you have me now?" "Nope," Tallahassee growled, but Columbus ignored him. -***- Columbus's zombie kill of the week was a little girl wearing a fairy costume. He couldn't understand how she had managed to stay alive so long, but a double-tap to her head sent her tumbling off the rafters. She landed straight on a spike, causing blood to spurt all over him. Her pink fairy shoes glistened in the sunlight and the tiara sparkled. "Y'know," Columbus said, as he kicked her just to make sure, "I kinda feel sorry for her." Wichita rolled her eyes. "You're way too nice, y'know that?" Columbus shrugged. "Ew," Wichita told him as he tried to hug her afterwards. "Go wash up." Obligingly, Columbus dumped some Purell on his hands. He rubbed them together vigorously, wrinkling his nose at the smell of alcohol. He wondered what they were going to do in a few years when all the Purell ran out. Even Purell had a use-by date. "Wash," Wichita ordered. "With water." With a sigh, Columbus went over and washed his hands. With water. He squeezed some more Purell on them afterwards just to make sure. Wichita grinned up at him from where she was lazing about on a lawn chair. "Come here," she said, with a wink. Columbus bent over to kiss her. She smelt wonderful, like freshly slain zombies and bubbling energy. -***- Little Rock's zombie kill of the week was the only planned one. They had all been teaching her how to drive. "Be careful," Wichita ordered as Little Rock drove along the highway, swerving to pass the stationary cars by the side of the road. "Don't go above 70." "Zombies up ahead!" Tallahassee shouted, as he leaned out of the car window. The blaring sound of his machine gun sounded in the darkness. The zombies turned their heads, looking rather creepy by the glow of their headlights. "Say what," Columbus said slowly. "Little Rock, how about you take this one." Tallahassee pouted. Or he would have pouted if he wasn't such a great big hulking man. Great big hulking men definitely did not pout, Columbus thought. Little Rock frowned but nodded. "Well, okay," she said. "Drive up to them," Columbus said, "and then open your door suddenly to knock them out. Then a double-tap to the forehead should do it." "You and your double-tap," Tallahassee said with a snort. "She could just run them over with the car." He patted the car. "This car can stand it. She's a strong girl." "The double-tap is safer," Columbus argued. "But it means the door is open," Tallahassee pointed out. Little Rock rolled her eyes. "How about I do both?" Columbus watched with abject amazement as she proceeded to do exactly that. He hadn't realised, but Little Rock was probably going to turn out to be better than Wichita at killing zombies. That would be a mighty achievement. "Atta girl!" Wichita crowed. "That's my sister." -***- Wichita's zombie kill of the week was a chainsaw. They came across a very nice, almost untouched hardware store in the middle of Kansas City at the beginning of the week and she had almost immediately pounced on the chainsaw. "I've always wanted one of these," she exclaimed as she held it up. "Good zombie killing device," Tallahassee grunted. Wichita got to use her chainsaw almost immediately. As they were leaving the hardware store, a horde of zombies attacked them, blood dripping off their jaws and fingers outstretched, ready to dig into their soft vulnerable skin. With a few swipes of Wichita's chainsaw, zombie heads went flying. Wichita's eyes gleamed as she gazed around at the destruction. "Brilliant!" she exclaimed. Little Rock giggled. "Quite a good chainsaw," she agreed. Columbus nodded as he wrapped his arms around Wichita. He kissed her on the ear, relishing the smell of freshly killed zombies in the air. "We've done good these last few days," he murmured. "Give it a few months," Tallahassee growled, "and America will be zombie free!" Columbus tightened his arms around Wichita and hoped that Tallahassee was right. Then again, he thought, he enjoyed their current life. Once the zombies were gone, Columbus wasn't sure what he was going to do. He'd never thrived in a normal society but right now, as they were travelling across America, killing random zombies, he felt alive for the first time ever. Columbus felt like he was thriving on this. Fresh air, wind at his back, and a trail of dead zombies. This was life and he loved it! End file.
Zombie Kill of the Week by Ayla Pascal
Rule Number Thirty Nine Title: Rule Number Thirty Nine Summary: Rule #39 in Z-land: Don't get in a separate car with Tallahassee. I learned this the hard way while traveling in a car with just him and I. [Tallahassee/Columbus] Warnings: MALE/MALE RELATIONSHIP. LANGUAGE. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY EITHER OR DO NOT ENJOY THE PAIRING, DO NOT BITCH TO ME ABOUT IT. ALSO, THERE IS INSINUATED WICHITA/COLUMBUS, JUST SO YOU KNOW. AND IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR PLOTLESS SMUT GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Disclaimer: I do not own Zombieland. IIIII Rule # 39 in Z-land: Don't get in a separate car with Tallahassee. You see, we decided about a three months ago--yes, I count the days, if only so I can remember each holiday and my birthday--to get another car. It meant worrying about dividing up fuel but it also means more supplies. Since we have four people to feed and there's dwindling amount of food left in the States, we have to keep thinking about our survival. That shoots down the rule of "Travel Light", which I always favored, but I was overruled by the rest of the group (they don't follow the rules like I do). "We need to stop in Dallas," says Wichita over the walkie talkie. I fumble with it, jumping at it's static. I had just gotten to sleep, too. I push down on the button and say, "You are--You're not serious, right? I mean, I've heard that place is overrun--" "We don't have a choice. My sister has the flu and she needs more fluids." "I know she's sick, a-and believe me, I sympathize with that, but we need to think clearly with our heads, not our hearts." "With our heads and not our hearts? What kind of bullshit are you tryin' to pull on Wichita, spit fuck?" Ah, yes, the nickname. We always have to go to the nickname, don't we? "Aren't we a little old for name calling?" I ask meekly. I'm not exactly Mr. Bravado around Tallahassee but I do try to send out more manly vibes so he doesn't pick on me as much, but I'm not sure if it's manly at all to be sending out vibes in the first place. "We're stopping in Dallas and that's final." She must have forgotten to take her hand off the button because this comes through: "Just thank God that we're in Texas, in the heat, and not in the cold of Dakota where your flu could get worse, okay Little Rock? Please, hold on, we're almost to Dallas. Thirteen miles." I can almost picture Wichita's soft eyes gazing down at her little sister, running her fingers through her hair. It was a nice image; not something you often see in Z-land. Although I would never run my fingers through Little Rocks hair, for many different reasons, but the top two being _hello, she's sick!_ Do you want to get the flu while in Z-land? You can barely run and if you get the squirts whilst escaping, well, you're extremely uncomfortable. And the reason is that it would be creepy, me being nineteen and her being twelve. I see there's another an intersection up ahead and I say into the walkie, "I think we should go east." Static, then: "What's east?" "Um, hopefully not Dallas and some smaller town where there's not as many zombies." "You don't understand the urgency of the situation. She's throwing up and she's dehydrated. She needs anti-nausea suppositories and liquids. Not soda, but water. Now gather up whatever courage you have and deal with the fact that we're going into Dallas." I sigh. I guess I didn't want to run into any zombies today. It would be nice for one day--just one day!--to not fear for my safety or the safety of someone else. But, of course, Wichita is right. We have to do our best to get something for Little Rock. I feel protective of both of the girls and as a man it's my duty to protect the women . . . while hiding behind Tallahassee, because I'm still not too big on playing the hero like he is. "Maybe we'll find some Twinkies," hopefully says Tallahassee. "Why would they have Twinkies in a pharmacy?" I question. "Boy, don't you know that Twinkies have healing powers?" IIIII I hold my shotgun close to me as we enter the Dallas city limit. There are signs lining the street saying CONTAGIOUS VIRUS IN AREA: DO NOT ENTER. If this were a cliche world, there would be a tumbleweed going across the front of our cars as we drive side by side down the pavement, searching for a pharmacy. It's a large enough city so I thought it would be overrun with those soulless creatures, flesh hanging loosely from their bodies, blood gushing from wounds and over their torn lips. I just gave myself the shivers thinking about it. Tallahassee looks at me and says, "I think we need to have a chat, us two." "Um, shouldn't we be looking for a pharmacy?" "You can do two things, can't ya?" "Suuure." I give him a sideways glance. I think I know where this is going, and I'm not particularly fond of it. Well, sort of not. Okay, okay, I enjoy it, but it took me a while to get used to the idea . . . "Now you know I only pity fuck you," says Tallahassee, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to a beat only in his head. "It's nothing personal. I just need to get my needs met, and you're a pretty convinient hole to put my dick in." "Lovely imagery, Tallahassee," I drone. "Oh don't be so mad," laughs Tallahassee. "I'm only telling ya the truth. Would you rather I lie? Besides, you know you enjoy our time together, more than I like if I'm being honest. But anyway my point being that I think we should, you know, do it more often?" "And have the girls catch us?" I say, my voice a pitch higher at the thought. I glance out the window looking for our elusive pharmacy. "I'm supposed to be with Wichita. Not with you." "You can be with Wichita all you want. I don't give two shits. But you remain with me, you got that? I don't have any other release." "Well there's always--um--you know--" "Masturbation?" he says. "That. Yeah. Mmhmm." It's not that I can't say masturbation . . . it's just that I prefer not to. While people are around me. Or ever. "Well lookie here, we have a genius. Don't you think I know that already?" Tallahassee reaches over and pats my chest in a rough way. I do like the way he lingered for a second, running his hand slowly down my chest to my stomach, but it only lasts for a moment. Then he pulls his hand away and I can breathe again. Our "time together" was a complete fluke. We were all drunk (except for Little Rock, of course, we still have morals) and when we got into our separate cars to go to bed I ended up hitting on Tallahassee. In other words, I grabbed his crotch. I don't know why, or what the fuck I was thinking, or maybe not thinking at all, but dammit I wanted someone to be close to me and Tallahassee was the one within grabbing range. If Wichita had been in the car I'm pretty sure I would have hit on her too. I've always liked girls, but this was the first time I'd ever kissed another man. Apparently though it wasn't Tallahassee's first time. With all his tough talk I would have that he would be opposed to being "queer" but nope, he's been through this before. It went back to before his son Buck, he says, because after his son was born he didn't have time for anyone else. But as it became more frequent we grew a strange connection. As much as it annoys him I've always been a cuddler, so he allows me to cuddle every once and a while. And as much as it annoys me he's pretty much a horny bastard, so I let him have his way with me whenever he wants (you don't deny Tallahassee anything. Ever.) "I found one," says Wichita over the walkie. "Upper right corner. And we have a bunch of dead ones walking around to be prepared to march through them." Tallahassee grabs the walkie from me and says, "I don't suppose that you would leave Jessie--" ("Nice try but that's a unisex name," I mumble and I get one of those Tallahassee stares that would give anyone nightmares) "--beside me to guard your sister, would ya? We'll storm the place, just you and me." There's a moment of silence before, "Why may I ask would I do this?" "Because you have better aim than Columbus and you don't flinch every time you fire a gun." "Hey, I'm a nervous man!" I defend myself. "I can't help it if guns still terrify me!" I do still have a long list of phobias . . . fucking clowns. "Okay. But Columbus better do his job well," says Wichita. "Time to nut up or shut up, pretty boy," chuckles Tallahassee. "Just be glad I saved your ass from going through them zombies." I do like to think, in his own way, Tallhassee is trying to be protective of me. Maybe he's attempting to get me out of the zombies way so I don't get hurt. Then again, I could be much more of a wuss than Wichita and he'd rather not have to protect someone while trying to look for medication. Yeah, that's probably it. Sigh. IIIII We park two blocks away from the pharmacy. Wichita, in the car stationed next to us, has a pair of binoculars looking at the zombies. From what I can tell, there's about twenty of them, all fighting over a dead body. There's one standing on the outside with his head tipped back looking up at the darkening sky. If my eyesight was better I could tell whether or not if he was gurgling his own blood which I notice a lot of zombies seem to do. "Be quiet so you don't attract their attention," orders Tallahassee. "Because if something happens to Little Rock, you know that if the zombies don't get you, Wichita will." I gulp. I'm pretty much scared of the rest of my group - they're much more hardened then me. Even the twelve year old. "Just be careful, would ya?" Tallahassee snaps. It's as though he's angry with himself for caring. "Sure thing." Slowly I get out of the car and lightly shut the door. Then I tip-toe over to the white Hummer and get in the back seat with Little Rock. Wichita exits the drivers seat and she smiles at me, her bright eyes boring into mine for only a moment, but that's all I need for my insides to turn to mush. I feel guilty for cheating on her with Tallahassee, but what am I supposed to do? I have feelings for the man, no matter how masochistic they might be. She packs two guns into the back pockets and slings one over her shoulder. I can't deny that I find it attractive that Wichita is packing heat. Nothing like a woman with guns. I realize that I'm staring so I get into the car and shut the door without only a tiny sound. I watch as they both head towards danger. Two people I care about much more than I care to admit, and it's hard to see them do this. But it's for Little Rock, so it's completely justifiable. But I am in no way getting near the poor girl. "You don't have to--" cough "--scrunch up so close to the window." I realize I am huddled away from Little Rock, clutching my gun as though it's going to protect me from the germs she holds within every sneeze and cough. "Um, we should slide down a little more. In case any zombies pass by or if those zombies by the pharmacy get curious about what's inside the cars." So we do and we lay in our uncomfortable positions for about a minute or two when Little Rock says, "I feel awful." "Of course you do. You have the flu." "No, no. I mean that Wichita and Tallahassee are risking their lives for medicine and water. I mean, all I have is the flu. I'll get over it. I can drink soda. I don't have to--" cough, hack, sniffle "--drink water." "Water's the best way to keep hydrated," I inform. "And besides, we need to get you back into tip-top shape as soon as possible. It's not good to be sick in Z-land." "I know. Wichita said that too," she mutters. "It bugs me that I can't atleast see them. I want to have a peek." "No, Little Rock," I tell her. "Stay down. If there are any rogue zombies around I have to shoot it, which will only tell more zombies that there's two delicious meals sitting helplessly in a car." "You may be helpless but I'm not," she says, pulling out a pistol from within her blanket. "My gun is bigger than yours," I huff. "It's not the size that counts but what you do with it," she responds sagely. We then hear gunshots and the gargling yelps of zombies. I hear Tallahassee whooping with every shot he makes. He's a loud one all right. As much as it pains me not to know what is going on out there we must take cover in the car, otherwise we'll be in big trouble. We can't exactly scurry off if a zombie comes a-knocking and these windows aren't thick enough to hold off a zombie for long. As I start thinking about this I begin to worry more and more about our safety but I've learned how to shut off my brain. I think back to times when I was happy. There aren't many. Mostly they include nights alone, playing World of Warcraft, eating stale pizza and drinking Code Red Mountain Dew. Although I do have a few happy memories with these guys. They truly are like my new family. Except I'm sleeping with one of them. Creepy. Very, very creepy. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts swirling through my head. Even when I'm trying to be positive, I'm nervous as all hell. Thanks Mom and Dad. You really taught me how to live. Eventually the gunfire dies down and we exhale, hoping no one besides the zombies is hurt. We don't hear any yelling besides Tallahassee's whooping so that's a plus. I look at Little Rock who looks like she's about to blow chunks. _Oh God. I know I don't pray to you much, if at all, but if you have any mercy you'll not have her throw up next to me. Do not throw up next to me do not throw up next to me do not throw up next to oh God she's throwing up next to me._ She's trying to make as little sound as possible which I commend her for but does she have to _do it so close to me?_ Luckily Little Rock has a bucket so he's not spilling all over the nice leather seats. I tentatively reach out and lightly rub her back in circles, my hand barely touching her shirt, but I hope she finds it comforting atleast a little bit. She gives me a small smirk in recognition that yes it does help her out. But I'm soon overthrown with the smell of puke and I want to ralph myself, but I bite it back. I can't because I am a very loud puker. I moan, groan, and whine because it's like I can _feel _the germs screaming as they exit my body. It's a weird sensation and I've never admitted it aloud. I get enough weird looks as it is. "I'm going to throw it out," I tell her. "I don't think that's a good idea," says Little Rock with much reluctance. "If I don't throw it out then I'm going to be sick. And you won't like me when I'm sick." I set my double barrell next to me and grab the barf bucket by it's handle. I don't dare touch it's sides. I open my door slowly . . . And then I hear a gut-wrenching growl. "Oh shit," I whisper. I look up to see a zombie who has only it's legs, it's arms long gone, although some flesh at the shoulders still remains. Blood and pus seeps through jagged holes in it's face and from between it's tarnished lips protrudes a most vicious smell. So I do something that serves a double purpose; I get rid of the puke by throwing it into the zombies face. Thankfully it doesn't lurch forward but instead falls back, flopping on the ground like a fish out of water. It doesn't have any arms so it can't push itself up again. Just as I think we're safe I hear Little Rock yell, "There's another one over here!" I make the mistake of slamming the door, though I do have the sense to bring the bucket in with me. But the slamming of the door only announces to more zombies that there are live ones in the area. I grab my double barrell, if only for the security, and point it at the zombie as though I'll shoot. I can't -- we can't afford to break the glass. But it'll soon rupture on it's own with the way the zombie is bashing it's bloody nubs that shouldn't be called fingers against the window. Then out of nowhere another one pops up at my window and starts screeching. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I hiss to myself. I don't know what to do. I'm panicking, sweating, and hypervenolating. If these windows break, I'm dead. So fucking dead. Not because we can't shoot the zombies, but because we'll have to go through the process of finding another functional car, and it'll be all my fault. Little Rock has her pistol in her shaking hands. She's coughing into her elbow and I can see her distress in her eyes. _Tallahassee, where are you?_ _Bang! Bang!_ Two shots for the zombies by my side, and I look back. Tallahassee is standing there with his guns in his hands and a backpack on his back which I suppose is full of water, breathing heavy, looking at me with something in his eyes. Concern. _Bang!_ The one on Little Rock's side is taken care of thanks to Wichita. "You take the other car. I'll take this one. We don't need to be here any more," says Tallahassee to Wichita, who nods, smiles sadly down at her sister and motions for her sister to roll down the window. When Tallahassee starts the car she rolls it down and throws her some anti nausea pills. "I thought you'd rather have these than suppositories," she jokes. "Thanks, sis." Then Wichita hurries into her car and is soon following us. I crawl into the front seat so Little Rock can stretch out and get comfortable, maybe take a nap. Which, as we go along, an hour whizzing by us like nothing she's finally asleep. And I'm able to finally relax, take in a deep breath, and get some sleep as well. IIIII It was a while before Tallahassee woke me up. Perhaps two hours or so. I jump at his touch but when I realize it's him, I actually lean into his hand which is placed on my shoulder. I'm hardly awake so it's not my fault that I want some attention. Tallahassee has the sense to pull away. "We're stopping. We've got first shift." "Great," I mumble. I see Wichita pull over and we stop ten feet behind the car. There's no reason to wake up Little Rock, she's sleeping peacefully in the backseat, so we don't. We quickly exit the car and go to our designated car. Wichita steps out and asks, "How is she?" "She's fine. She's sawing logs in there," answers Tallahassee. "I'm not that tired, Tallahassee. If you want to sleep in there with Little Rock I can't take first shift with Columbus," offers Wichita, and I can tell from the mischevious smirk on her face that she has no intention of watching for zombies while in the car with me. "No. We can handle it," says Tallahassee, sounding very possessive. "Okay. Night." And she gives me a peck on the cheek that makes me feel like the biggest pile of shit in the world. Then she walks towards the other car while Tallahassee and I get in ours. There's a couple minutes of silence and then Tallahassee says, "I can see how much you like her." I give him a sideways glance. Where the hell could this be going? "If--" He coughs uncomfortably and fidgets in his seat. "If you only want to fuck Wichita, I understand. It's not like you're used to sleeping with another man. Hell, I'm still not sure if you swing both ways." "I don't," I say. "But . . . for you I do. I _am_ attracted to you. Even when I first met you, I was . . . well, I felt a connection." "Don't make this about connections," he sneers. "Us? We have no connection. What I do with you is purely animal instinct. Fuckin' isn't about connections." For some reason I flare up at this statement. This man claims he doesn't care for me, or anyone, but -- "I saw how concerned you were about me after you shot those zombies. You do fucking care, so stop acting like such a god damn hard ass and nut up or shut up!" I throw my gun in the backseat and reach out, my lips connecting with his. I'm not a rough kisser, I've always been gentle, but I'm kissing so harshly it's as though I'm trying to communicate my frustration through the kiss. Trying to message to him how much I fucking care, and how much he cares about me, whether he likes to admit it or not. Apparently me making the first move turns him on because he kisses back with immense fervor. I loose control and shiver as he bites at my bottom lip, pulling back on it and when he lets go, I push myself forward to try and connect again but he pushes me down underneath him. His voice is gravelly as he grunts, "Get in the back seat." I shakily grab my gun and put it where I was sitting, then climb into the backseat. There is no question of who will be on top. Tallahassee always has to remain in control. If I try to switch, he'll reprimand me by only prolonging the foreplay, which I fucking hate. "Sho-shouldn't we be w-watching for zombies?" I ask as he lifts up shirt, then bringing his hot mouth down onto my stomach. I slightly arch at the sensation rippling through my body as his tongue plays with my skin, suckling, nibbling. "This won't take longer than ten minutes," he grumbles. Tallahassee smirks, grabbing my shaking hands and holding them high above my head. Like I said, he's an utter control freak. "Tallahassee . . . " I moan when he takes a nipple into his mouth, teasing the nub by flicking his tongue over it. He uses his free hand to grab my crotch, teasingly rubbing across my jeans, in the most unbearable way. I can feel myself hardening under his touch. "Tallahassee, j-just . . . " I can't even get a damned sentence out. "You're so easily overloaded," he laughs. He squeezes my privates and I jerk upwards. "Now, tell me what you want me to do." "J-jerk me off." I have the sense not to say "Fuck me" because his thrusts are very hard. I watch through clouded eyes as he smirks, "Jerk me off, _what?"_ "Jerk m-me o-off, _please_," I urge. He brings his mouth down to my neck, trailing up my jawline, eventually meeting with my mouth once again. I kiss back fervently and when our tongues meet a spark ignites within me. My groin starts to ache with the want--no, the _need_-- that I am feeling right now. I can't possibly feel any hotter than this, can I? But then Tallahassee takes it up a notch, reaching down within the confines of my jeans for my hardened member, and I whimper when he runs a finger over the tip. He lets go off my hands and runs his thumb over my bottom lip slowly with his right hand and grabs my dick with his left. I reach up and start to run my fingers over his smooth chest. I guess I had been so focused on what I was feeling that I didn't notice him when he had taken off his shirt. I grab onto his shoulders and squeeze as hard as I can to get some pressure out of my body because he still hasn't started to stroke yet. Tallahassee crushes his mouth into mine, demanding entrance into my mouth with his tongue which I all-too-willingly give, and then he begins the agonizingly slow strokes. I want to tell him to hurry the hell up but he's successfully silenced me with his demanding kisses. I moan into his mouth hoping he'll get the message but it's as though I said nothing at all. Tallahassee starts to go faster and I buck, hoping to speed along the process. He's most likely hurrying this along so I can return the favor; I can feel the hard lump between his legs with my knee. As he said before, I'm easily overloaded. It doesn't take much to make me come. So after a minute of vigorous stroking I'm hitting climax; a wonderous, too-good-to-be-true feeling that I thought I would never have in Z-land. But thanks to one horny kick ass, Twinkie-loving zombie killer he made it come true. Tallahassee covers my mouth with his hand to muffle my pleasured cry. Then he sits back and watches as I try to catch my breath. "You're not very good at handjobs," says Tallahassee, "but what about blowjobs?" I'm stammering even before I form a sentence in my head. "I-I've never--I mean, I--" "There's a first time for everything." "I can't. I'll just jerk you off--" "You're still _shaking_," Tallahassee points out. "I don't want to feel like some seventy year old is jerking me off." "I have a bad gag reflex," I respond. "I even gag on toothpaste. Nasty stuff." "Then what the fuck am I supposed to do, Sally? Do it myself?" I hate it when he calls me girls names. I snap back, "Go ahead then. We shouldn't even be doing this. I-I mean, there are cannabilistic freaks running around! How can we even _think_ about sex when--when our lives are at stake?" "You're only saying that because you got your needs taken care of. Me? I'm still as hard as a rock over here." "Look, Tallhassee, I'm sorry." I sit up and look him in the eyes. "Maybe I'm just not cut out for this." "For being gay? I swear, if Wichita had never came along, I would have sworn you were gay." "Really?" "You look like a bitch, you act like a bitch. Then I guessed you must have been some guys bitch in the past." He groans, fidgeting in his seat, trying to get in a more comfortable position. He must be throbbing painfully by now. I genuinely do feel sorry for the guy, especially when he did his end of the bargain. "I'll try not to take that offensively," I say with a sarcastic smile. "Get in the front seat and look for fucking zombies. I have to take care of myself." "What? You can't stand me watching you do it?" "No, it's too private." He sounds so serious that, well, it's hard to believe. I blink. "Wait. What? You're kidding me. You've fucked me, jerked me off, let me jerk _you _off, but watching you _masturbate _is where you cross the line?" "Look, you can mess with a mans dick, but you do not watch him while he messes with it himself. It's perverted." I laugh out loud and nod my head. "Perfect sense. Mmhmm." There's a moment of silence before he says, "Do I have to shove you into the front seat? Because I'll do it. When I am hard I am not one to be fucked with." I take his threat seriously and climb into the front seat. I hear a zip, and then little moans and pants. He's not a very loud person when he ejaculates either. My face becomes red as I imagine how it felt when Tallahassee did fuck me; he did it hard, but it hit all of the right spots at the right times, and now I regret not letting him fuck me. Oh well. There's always next time. And I'm sure there will be a next time, and a time after that, because, well, I'm attached. Even though I shouldn't be, I am. I don't care if he says he isn't but I think he might be the littlest attached to me too. If him moaning my name while he jacks off is anything to go by. Not very romantic, but what can I say? That's Tallahassee. He's not going to change for anybody, especially not his little fuck toy. IIIII IF ONLY I WERE A SLINKY SAYS: I must use the noose, I can't kill you all with my hands! . . . Wait, what? End file.
Rule Number Thirty Nine by If Only I Were A Slinky
1. Chapter 1 **This is an idea I had in association with "Zombieland Rules 1-31". Columbus is called Austin here, as in "Austin, Texas"; this seemed like the best way to harmonize with the movie. I will be using this new story in part to develop a few ideas about different effects of the virus.** **I'm adding a few song excerpts as I finish this, from "Growing Young" by Rich Mullins. ** _I've gone so far from my home I've seen the world and I have known So many secrets I wish now I did not know 'Cause they have crept into my heart They have left it cold and dark_ _And bleeding, Bleeding and falling apart _ _Week 6, Day 1._ _Location Tuscola. Solo again. Reports of outbreaks in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah. No news from Austin. No news from Ohio. Wireless service intermittent. Observed light armor units of the US Army, direction west. Course of action: Resume progress north, east._ Austin had no interest in a new partnership. Indeed, his last addition to the rules had been, _One is safer than one of two._ But he could not bring himself to move on when he heard the shots, and cries for help. He ran toward the motel. As he approached, he heard loud talking and shouts. Then more shots rang out, from three different weapons, including a shotgun and a submachine gun. It was clear that the shooters were firing at each other. He almost turned around, but then he heard a woman cry out, "We haven't hurt anyone!" He ran nearer, staying under what cover there was. There were two shotgun blasts, and an answering volley from the other two weapons. There was a strangled male cry, and an anguished woman's scream. The vehicle in the parking lot was a marked police vehicle, a fact which meant very little in Zombieland. It gave him pause to see that the two men moving in had official insignias sewn onto their uniforms, but his course of action was settled in his mind. "Halt!" he shouted. One turned, but hesitated to shoot. Austin didn't. He dived behind a car as the man's partner opened up with an MP5. Then there was a shotgun blast. He peered over the car, and saw a woman coming out of the room, stepping over a dead man. Her profile could have been beautiful. He stood up and stepped toward her. "Stay back!" she shouted. As she spoke, she turned, and he saw the other side of her face- and the lesion on one cheek. "Thank you," she said as he backed up. "Now go." 15 minutes later, with the hotel well behind him, he stopped to write: _Rule 17: Don't be a hero._ 2. Chapter 2 **Another chapter with semi-autobiographical elements. I do have abilities and experiences on the lines of what I describe here, though I can't say I've ever put myself through this kind of test...** _Week 6, day 2._ _Location outskirts of Abilene. Primary infestation in evidence. Course of action? Pro: As a fire cannot burn once fuel is used up, a disease cannot propagate w/o living hosts. By advancing through area of infestation, I can reach a place where most of the infected are already deceased. Con: Type I infections will still be prevalent. Pro: Resources within the city will still be intact. Some of the uninfected likely to be alive and offering effective resistance. Con: Longevity of the infected remains unknown. Ample evidence suggests early estimates were low. Pro: Longer times between infection and death a plausible result of mutation and selection. Variants of the virus that allow victims to live longer will have spread further. Those closer to source of outbreak will have died more quickly and in greater percentages. Conclusion: Proceed while avoiding city center._ Austin shot out the lock of the office building, and paused to catch his breath. He knew there would have to be a new rule: _Don't sprint unless you have a place to sprint to._ Outside, he heard the footfalls of the pursuing zombies.He wasn't unduly worried: The group was at most 12, large for a pack not in the class of a swarm. More importantly, it was daylight. While many zombies would hunt by day when given the opportunity, they were not nearly as aggressive or persistent. If they lost visual contact, then usually they would simply walk away. Even if these didn't, he had other options. The greatest advantage of the "zombies" over the uninfected was their superior night vision. But Austin in particular was at least their equal: He could navigate a room by the light from some LED alarm clocks. It took time for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the building after the light of the late afternoon sun, however. As he stood there, something hissed in the dark. Against the diffuse green light from an unseen "EXIT" sign, he saw a silhouette of deeper darkness moving forward. He cried out in pain at the sound and especially the flash of his own gun. The zombie inside fell, still gargling. One of the zombies outside growled and sniffed. He knew it was most prudent to flee, but he also knew that it was never wise to leave one of the infected at his back if it could be avoided. And so, as the thrashing zombie began to rise, he made a mark of its gleaming teeth and brought the stock down once, twice, three times on its face. Then he ran, less from the zombies at the door than from the light that would pour in as they entered. As his eyes adjusted, the office became a constellation of lights, from the distant EXIT to the blinking lights on computers to sunlight coming through closed blinds that, to his senses, seemed as pointless as a screen door on a submarine. He easily navigated past cubicles, around upended furniture, stepped over a dark, partially glistening shape that he did not care to inspect closely even in the dark. He smiled at the sound of his pursuers crashing after him. He paused to reload his gun by the garish reddish-orange glow of a coffee maker. Then he bolted for the inviting green glow of EXIT, directly across from where he stood. He halted with a stifled but audible cry. The cubicles, with walls just solid enough, stood between him and safety. Behind him, a zombie squalled and came faster. He stepped in front of the oncoming figure and closed his eyes as he fired into its face. Even through his eyelids, the muzzle flash made spots swim before his eyes. Still, he had no trouble seeing the rest of the zombies- at least three, but not the whole of the original pack- orient themselves on his position. He reached for the coffee maker, and finding the pot hot and satisfactorily heavy, he threw it at the zombies. There was a crash, a splash and a hiss of spilling hot water, and a scream of pain, followed by scuffling and snarling as zombies ran into each other. He sprinted once again, easily rounding a corner, but as he turned he slipped on something unspeakable and managed to skid and lose his balance at the same time. Austin rolled over in time to fire his gun at the first zombie to round the corner. The blast with its high upward angle literally lifted the zombie from its feet, to smash through the glass front of an office and land with a crunch of breaking wood and bone. His rule of double-tapping notwithstanding, he was sure it was not getting back up. He loaded his backup shells, one of which was still in his mouth and the other of which he could feel underneath him, and as he rose fired at three more as they rounded the corner. One dropped with buckshot in the heart, another staggered and fell badly wounded, and a third came straight for him. He darted into an alcove where a copier's counter glowed, the zombie right behind. There was a slam and a crackle followed by a bright light and a scream as he xeroxed the zombie's head. Then, as the blinded zombie groped after him, there was a heavy thunk from a paper cutter. The zombie screamed and fell, in too much pain for even a creature of instinctive hate to bear, and writhed where it lay until the stock of the shotgun caved its nose in. Another zombie rounded the corner, and the wounded one got to its feet. Together, they ran after Austin, while he ran toward an inviting green glow even nearer and brighter than the sign that was his goal. But he could not seem to build up speed. He almost tripped several times, and there was an unaccountable flapping sound as he ran. Then he rounded another corner, and found that the green glow was not an EXIT sign but a "Sprite" vending machine. A zombie grabbed him by the arm, and he lunged into the closest thing to shelter at hand: the space between the machine and the wall of the alcove in which it rested. The two zombies pounded and pushed the vending machine, until Austin gave a push of his own. The machine fell forward, squarely on top of a zombie. The illuminated front caved in, adding electric sparks and cutting shards to the crushing weight of the machine. The dying zombie managed only a single gargle. The other, which was already wounded, grabbed at him over the machine. It tripped and fell, but on landing on the back of the machine pushed itself forward. He met it with two blows to the back of its head. He ran for the exit, still hounded by poor balance and a strange flapping sound. Just as he reached the door, a final zombie came running at him from the other direction. He bodychecked the door with his forearm over his face, and the zombie screamed and staggered at the sudden sunlight. Half-blinded himself, he shoved the zombie, felt it brush past him and heard it hit its head first on a railing and then on the concrete. His own eyes watered as he looked down at the creature laying at the bottom of a short flight of stairs, thrashing, twitching and trying to cover its eyes. "I feel for you," he said. Then he kicked it in the head, and as he did he realized the source of his problems: The sole of his right shoe had come halfway off, and as his kick drove home the self-destruction of his shoe became complete. As he limped away, having done the best he could to repair the shoe with duct tape, he wrote yet another rule: _Look for __quality__ footwear._ **A couple more things: I have received a comment on the alternate name I give for Columbus. I didn't intend it to be his "real" name, and I have already indicated an alternate explanation, but on consideration I can accept this as a point of ambiguity.** **Finally, a true story: Perhaps a year ago, I bought a second-hand alarm clock/CD player, which I got rid of for a simple reason: The LED display kept me awake at night!** **Thanks for reading! Reviews/comments VERY welcome! More to come, though I think I'll do some more material for "Fear and Loafing" and "The Rookie" first.** 3. Chapter 3 _Week 6, day 3. _ _Zombie encounters have dropped off as I move further into the city. Was city evacuated? Were most of the zombies killed? If the latter is true, what happened to the bodies? Approaching mall in southwest Abilene. Hope to acquire new shoes and transportation by noon._ The figures before Austin were clearly not zombies- after all, two of the three had guns- but he could not bring himself to consider them human. Not when what he could see of their faces were covered in lesions. These were lepers- the unknown fraction of a percentile of the infected who did not become violent, nonverbal psychotics. "Let me pass," he said. "I don't have anything you want." "But perhaps we have what you need," said the central figure, who was clearly a woman. A dust mask hid most of her face. It was clear enough that she was blind. "I don't need any help," he said. "Please, leave me alone." "We were told you saved a sister, Austin," said the woman. He had not volunteered his name, real or assumed, to her or the woman he had saved, but he was not surprised. The lepers were notorious for crude but well-executed "mind-reading" tricks, which they used to convince others of the common delusion that their survival had conferred psychic or spiritual gifts upon them. "Yes, well, I didn't do it for any favors," he said. "I don't know if I should have done it at all." "Your reasons do not matter to us," the woman said. "We know a good deal about you. You have great courage, but you think yourself a coward because you also have great fears. You have great knowledge, but less wisdom. You have known great sorrow and little love. Long before the Pestilence, you already knew what it is to live as a pariah and a fugitive. You remember the hands that were turned against you, but never saw the hands that have reached out to help..." Her sonorous proclamation had a kind of hypnotic quality. He broke the spell with a shout: "* me! What are you trying to do, make me listen to my own life story at gunpoint? Here's something you probably didn't know: Yesterday I killed eight zombies in the dark! I don't need anyone's help then, and I don't need it now." He strode between the lepers, flinching as he brushed against one of them. The lepers did not suffer the same effects of the virus, but could still spread it, and anyone they infected would become a zombie. The woman laughed. "Do you value pride over your life? And do you know why there were only eight?" He froze, then kept walking. 4. Chapter 4 **Fair warning: This has a good contender for THE most disgusting zombie kill ever.** "Foot Locker, Foot Action, Finish Line... Shoe Depot," Austin said. He turned away from the mall directory and started toward the nearest entrance, pulling a large suitcase on wheels behind him. The mall was a single story, except for some of the anchor stores. This suited him well: He had learned to avoid being above the ground floor of a building, and had been meaning to add it to his rules. To his discomfort, the path to the entrance went right past a pizza place. Zombies predictably concentrated in restaurants and grocery stores, until the food ran out or spoiled beyond what even zombies could stomach He kept a close eye on the windows, and while nothing moved within, he froze at the sight of what was on the wall. There, like Jackson Pollack working with a spaghetti dinner, was a panorama of splatter, both stains and chunks, of red, black and even less wholesome hues. "Gushers," he muttered. He thought for a moment, then put on dishwashers' gloves and a dust mask and pulled up his hood. He entered in front of a "Penney's" whose gates were wide open. He hurried away from it, the sound of the wheels coming loudly on the mall's hard floors. At his approach, a zombie in the uniform of a security guard lurched out of a restroom in front of him. It moved more slowly than any of the others he had encountered, and instead of growling, screaming and hissing, it gargled, coughed and choked. A red foam bubbled from its mouth. He ducked and stepped to one side, just before a semi-solid reddish-black mass the size of a golf ball ejected from the zombie's mouth. While they were still alive and sane, medical authorities had identified three strains of the HPNE (Human Psychotic Necrotizing Encephalitis) virus. Strain 0 was a comparatively mild form of the virus, transmitted exclusively through contaminated beef, that had circulated through northern Mexico and the US border states a year before the Pandemic. At the time, the few hundred fatalities were misreported as drug-related crimes, misdiagnosed as rabies, or had simply gone unnoticed. It was suspected that those who became lepers had developed what immunity they had through exposure to Strain 0. Strain 1, transmitted by human blood and saliva, was responsible for the main outbreak in the US, as well as independent local outbreaks along the border. Strain 2, also known as Pneumonic Psychotic Necrotizing Encephalitis, was the deadliest of the three, and it was _airborne_. The zombie hacked again and coughed out a more diffuse spray of crimson foam. Then it lunged for Austin. Rather than shooting, he balled his jacket sleeve around his fist and punched it in the ear, then kicked it in the shins as it staggered. It retched as it fell, to land face-down in a pool of its own vomit. Austin put his heel to the back of its neck and pinned it there. The slime bubbled as it struggled to breath. After about a minute, it lay still. He bent down and pulled a massive key ring from its belt. The encounter explained much of what Austin had seen. Compared to Strain 1, Strain 2 was a clumsy and heavy-handed killer. Its effects manifested in half as much time, and included massive congestion and infection in the lungs, which precluded the occasional displays of speed and strength seen in Strain 1 zombies. Its legacy was scattered, localized but extraordinarily lethal outbreaks in urban areas on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Somehow, one of those outbreaks had occurred in Abilene, where its quick action paradoxically deflected the slow and steady spread of Strain 1 behind it. Most of the other stores Austin passed had crowd control barricades down. He passed two stores with a lone zombie lying behind the barricade. Both looked thin, and even hungrier than might be expected. One snarled as he passed, the other merely tracked him listlessly. He could be assured that there were no more in there with them: Any zombie that starved would long since have turned on its own kind. On the other hand, the pack of five zombies that followed the sound of little wheels out of the Penney's and down the corridor were well-fed and united in one purpose. Two more zombies fell in step as they passed the barred and silent storefront of Shoe Depot. The zombies slowed when the sound of the wheels ceased. Then they heard it again, from within a candy store across the corridor. The pack wandered inside, fanning out, and about half of them started eating candy. They all turned at the sound of flapping rubber, just in time to see Austin shut and lock the storefront. 5. Chapter 5 **Shameless plug for Hi Tec! I wonder if they'd pay me.** **v** Austin shed his shoes as soon as he had closed the barricade in front of Shoe Depot, a medium-sized store on the corner of the L-shaped corridor. He glanced at the inside of the shoes, only to confirm that the size numbers had long since worn beyond visibility. He looked around for one of the ubiquitous metal devices for checking shoe size, but none was in sight, and he did not care to check in the back, from which there came a very strong stench. Instead, he grabbed several shoes that looked close and began testing by trial and error, after he wrote down a new rule. _Rule 21: Know your sizes before you go into a store._ Austin determined his size soon enough, and after that he had little trouble choosing his shoes: a pair of Hi Tec shoes, which looked half-sneaker and half-boot. The design made the shoes a good choice for walking (and running) both around town and through more rugged terrain. He also stowed a promising pair of sneakers in the suitcase. He rummaged behind the counter for the device to remove the security devices attached to the shoes. He found it, and finally discovered a size checker, which gave him a good laugh. He removed the device from his Hi Tec shoes and put them back on behind the counter. A shadow fell over him, and he looked up to see a single zombie standing between him and the storefront. There was no confusion or disorientation on his part. He knew the "gushers" were more intelligent than Strain 1 zombies. This one must have been in the back, living off whatever was making the smell. Its distended belly showed that it had been well-fed, enough that it would not have taken immediate interest when he passed by. But, when he had been in the store long enough, it finally came out. He calmly deduced all these things in seconds, while he let the more instinctive part of his mind handle what to do about it. With the shotgun out of reach, and too noisy to be used except as a last resort in any event, he snatched up the size checker. One blow spun the zombie 90 degrees, deflecting an especially thick spew in the same direction. The second, edge on with the heavy heel end, fractured the back of its skull while shedding less blood than might be expected. The zombie staggered, rebounded off the wall and fell back, spraying the ceiling with its last hack. He grabbed the shotgun and the suitcase, and ran out- forgetting to take the security devices off the sneakers in the suitcase. A loud alarm sounded. A zombie screeched. He looked left, right and straight ahead, and saw zombies coming from each direction. Again, he quickly and calmly worked out what he had done wrong. He had not taken into account the slow speed of "gushers". When he had done a circle to lead them away, only the closest had arrived in time to see and chase him. While he was in the shoe store, others, probably from within the Penney's and the Dillard's across from him, had caught up. Setting off the alarm was only his culminating mistake, attracting the immediate attention of the already curious zombies. He looked about for some path to safety, knowing, if he escaped, what his next rule would be: _Rule 22: When it doubt, know your way out._ 6. Chapter 6 _I've seen silver turn to dross Seen the very best there ever was And I'll tell you, it ain't worth what it costs And I remember my father's house What I wouldn't give right now Just to see him and hear him tell me that he loves me so much _ _Rule 24: Beware of malls, department stores and especially department stores in malls._ Austin penciled in his latest rule as he crouched in the elevator of Penney's. As it came to a stop on the third floor, he lunged for the close button. He wasn't fast enough. The door opened, and six zombies were waiting for him. He fired low as the doors opened, felling two zombies with wounds to the leg. He killed a third with a point-blank head shot. The doors started to close, but a zombie was already reaching through. Before the elevator doors could touch its outstretched arms, he grabbed it by the wrist and pulled it inside. It slammed into the wall on momentum, and three blows of the stock finished it. He pushed floor 1, and then penciled something else in his notebook: _Rule 25: Beware of elevators._ Suddenly and prematurely, the elevator stopped. He frantically slapped a shell in his shotgun. He raised it instinctively, but barely held his fire when he found himself looking into the face of the female leper. "Are you sure you don't want our help?" she said. "* no!" He pounded on the close button. The leper kept the doors open with a thrust of her cane. "Then we shall help ourselves!" Her companions reached in and dragged out the body of the zombie. As far as Austin had been able to determine, no one knew, as a matter of personal observation, why the lepers killed zombies and collected the bodies, but one single explanation was known to all and questioned by none. The doors opened on the ground floor and the face of a single, poorly fed zombie. He blasted it and ran over its carcass, lifting the suitcase over the carcass. Behind him, a leper leaned out and spoke to another. He assured himself that he had _not _heard the leper say, "Shame, we cudda fattened tha' un up." At least ten zombies approached at the sound of the shot, the most well-fed managing a jog. He ran, circling the bottom of a shaft that ran through all three floors. He flinched in disgust when he brushed past a severed leg dangling on a string. He glimpsed one of the zombies that followed stop to sample the flesh, and be promptly hauled up. He reached the bottom of an escalator and ran up, realizing too late that it was a down escalator. He ran faster, then looked over his shoulder and laughed to see a logjam of zombies at the bottom, striving with minimal success to go up the down escalator. He decided on a new, admittedly specialized rule: _Rule 26: Zombies can be evaded by running up a down escalator._ As Austin reached the top, a very fat zombie lurched into his path. He pulled the trigger, but the gun clicked empty. Foam bubbled in the zombie's throat as it stepped onto the escalator, while he tried in vain to retreat. Then the zombie fell headlong, letting fly with a spew that arced over his head. With luggage lifted as high as possible, he scampered over the carcass to the top. Waiting there were the female leper and a companion wielding what looked like a sack with a bowling ball in it. 7. Chapter 7 Austin looked down and around on a scene of methodical capture or slaughter. He saw seven lepers, two armed with rifles, and each with at least one machete or carving knife, but these were being kept in reserve while they used more quiet and tidy methods. Four zombies hung strangling from the guard rails. At the top of the up escalator, across the shaft from him, a leper stunned one zombie after another simply by thrusting out a wooden bat, as if bunting, as they reached the top. Two more dragged away each zombie before it could rise, using prepared lengths of rope either to bind it or strangle it, with the captives and the killed being in approximately equal numbers. A duo on the ground floor took on zombies with croquet mallets, striking usually without drawing blood, but wearing down with repeated blows to the sides of the head, the knees, the belly and lower back. As he watched, the leper with the bowling ball descended and joined in, finishing a zombie vomiting on hands and knees with a single blow to the back of the head. Austin looked at the woman. "Do you- have a name?" "Call me Sybil," she said, with a Mexican accent that had not been noticeable before. There was a commotion by the up escalator. A zombie ducked under the bat, and then bit one of the men with the rope. It was quickly and calmly dispatched, but the bitten man looked at his hand with every sign of real concern. Austin turned back to Sybil. "You don't- really-" "No, not _them_," she said, in a decidedly open-ended answer to the unfinished question. "But we find uses for them." "They say you're immune, that the zombies won't even try to attack you." "`They' say many things," she said with pointed irony. "But that is true enough; these, however, are the exception to prove the rule. We, and the `regular' zombies, are infected with a different strain, and that is enough to make a difference. That is why we take measures such as these." Austin took a step back. "Then you're still infected, still contagious, just like people say." "Yes, but what difference would it make to them if we weren't?" she said. "You know even better than we what ordinary people will do in the name of prejudice." "How- how many of you are there?" "Far fewer than there were, and we were never many." "Is- is there anything you need?" She met him with a piercing stare. "No. But perhaps there is something we want." She stepped closer. "When you saved our sister, you placed us in your debt. But what we offered you in repayment, you refused. Thus, it is not in repayment of the debt but as a magnanimous gift that we have saved you. Now you are in our debt, so that we can ask what we wish of you." "* that!" Austin countered belligerently. "You may believe in karma, or the golden rule, or something like that, but I don't! I believe in logic, and what I can see, and in what keeps me alive! You can't hold me over a barrel with mystical bull*!" "Austin- you lie," she said succinctly, and though he would not look her in the eye long enough to be sure it seemed he saw a tear in her eye. "You do not know what to believe, about many things, but you have always believed in justice, even when it seems that all you see is injustice. If I had seen it in no other way, I would know it just as well by what you did for our sister. That is why you are a _good_ man, and if you deny justice now you murder yourself!" "Well, just tell me what you want," he said sullenly. "Leave. The path is clear. Go. Do not turn, or pause, or even glance aside, until you are far from this place." "Fine, I have what I need anyway." He descended the stairs, left the store, exited the mall by the same way he had entered. The sound of little wheels could be heard as he went by the pizza place, an empty storefront... then, abruptly, they stopped. Austin looked over his shoulder. He almost moved on. But then, like a moth to a flame, like Gollum to the Ring, he walked into the mall's huge two-story bookstore. 8. Chapter 8 _Week 7, day 1: "Midway in this life's journey, I went astray, and woke alone in a dark wood. How I came to it I cannot say, so drugged and loose with sleep had I become when I first wandered from the True Way."_ _Still at the bookstore. Finished rereading _Divine Comedy_. Starting to read _I Am Legend. It was somewhat counterintuitive but nonetheless true that, as alarm gave way to panic, bookstores were hit especially badly by the mobs. The periodical racks toward the front were a shambles, the floor littered with torn, trampled and not-infrequently bloodstained magazines, as well as a snow of subscription cards. News magazine had been chiefly sought after, with those on firearms, camping and automobiles vying for runners up. Among the books, the corresponding sections had also been gutted. But fiction had been virtually untouched. As the hours reached late afternoon, Austin sat reading. He had seen exactly three zombies since the desperate day in Penney's, only one of which had come close enough to warrant his attention, though the state of its body, left in the parking lot, showed that quite a few more were coming by at night. For that reason, he spent the nights in a locked storeroom, with his jacket stuffed at the base of the door to hide the glow from the flashlight he read by. As he read Matheson's tale of the last man in a world of the undead, psychotically killing the new rulers of the Earth by day and escaping into his books and records while they cried out at his door by night, he decided he could relate. Even apart from being in a world of mindless cannibals, that is. He had always been isolated. His books, music and movies had always been better companionship than the people around him, even his parents. Thus he, unlike Robert Neville, was not forced into his situation, but predisposed to it. He paused a moment, then somewhat uneasily continued to read: _"There was no solace in liquor. Before you got happy, you collapsed. Already the room was straightening out, the sounds outside were starting to nibble at his eardrums. `Come out, Neville!'" _ He jumped and reached for his shotgun as a sound of pounding broke through his concentration. How long had it been going on? He had always had trouble, when reading or doing something else he enjoyed, with "tuning out" other things. In the "United States of Zombieland", it was liable to get him killed. And as he listened, the pounding intermixed with shouts: "Come out! Come out, Austin!" His surprise and fear quickly became indignation. He stormed to the door, to find a dozen or so lepers. It was no surprise to him that Sybil was at the front. "What the * do you want?" "We want our debts repaid," Sybil said. "I asked one thing of you, and you refused. I am giving you another chance. Go, now, or you will never leave." "Well, * you, maybe I don't want to leave!" "But you must." "I don't have to do anything! Now go away!" As he turned, Sybil said, "At least look at this." Slowly, reluctantly, he turned back. She held against the glass a poorly cropped, half-sheet flier. Ones like it were everywhere, mass-printed and distributed by every possible means, up to and including airdropped "bombs" that strewed thousands of them over the landscape. Even with the populace desperate enough literally to fight tooth and nail for potentially useful information, they were ignored or discarded, so that that they might be seen piled in drifts by the wind like so many leaves. But this one was clearly fresh, and the graphic was different from any he had seen. He opened the door and took it. Then the lepers walked away, with Sybil lingering just a little. Carefully holding it where the lepers had not, Austin examined the flier- in fact, a booklet of about 20 pages. A map of the US showed the spread of the virus. There was little he did not already know. One week after Patient 0, the outbreak was general in Oklahoma, and spreading to neighboring states. At the same time, major outbeaks were occurring ahead of the general outbreak: Austin, Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; New York City... Still, it had taken two more weeks for the onset of a general Pandemic to occur. But after that, the spread had been exponential. The map showed that Washington DC was gone. Areas uninhabitable for other reasons- chemical spills, nuclear accidents, and fires- were also marked. It represented uninfected areas as several islands, albeit large ones, in a sea of infection. His eyes settled on one particular island: _Ohio._ 9. Chapter 9 _Week 7, day 5: Limited zombie activity. Could mall swarm have been majority of population? Consistent with early estimates of 1/1000 long-term survival rate: Pre-Pandemic population 115K=ca. 100 zombies. No sign of lepers. Evidence of humans, not friendly._ _One more day._ Austin was most assuredly acting against _Rule 7: Travel light._ But then, he wasn't traveling far. As he pushed the dolly across the parking lot, he mused that surely, of all the people left alive in the world, only he would have thought of breaking into a bank to _make a deposit_. Somehow, in the midst of the chaos and carnage, one of the bank vaults had been left open, without being emptied of all of its contents. Austin had finished that, and now he was finishing refilling it. They were, he knew, not the treasured books of the world. He had made sure to put in a few: Dante, of course, John Donne, Swift, Poe and HG Wells, plus books on the art Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Bosch, Audobon and Van Gogh. But the vast majority were more specialized tomes, all paperbacks so he could carry more of them: Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Phillip K. Dick, Robert Howard, Tolkien, and so many more. Then there were the DVDs, and those he had chosen with more care. He had chosen his own favorites, but even then with an eye to what withstood the test of time: _Twilight Zone, Get Smart, Fantasia, Star Wars_ and _King Kong_. Then he covered the "classics", whether he liked them or not: _Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, I Love Lucy_... He couldn't resist adding _Ghostbusters,_ _The Thing_ and two volumes of _Pinky and the Brain_. He also made sure to leave a working DVD player. He took one last look at the vault, then at the heartbreakingly slender haul he had left for himself: _Inferno, Island of Dr. Moreau, I Robot, _and _Rats, Bats and Vats_. He had, on consideration, rammed _I Am Legend _down a paper shredder. Before regret could become doubt, he slammed the vault door shut. As he walked to the car he had chosen to acquire, he considered whether the bank was a safe place to leave such a hoard. It was as secure as could be against the elements, but not against looters. He believed that threat was less than it might seem. Cash had long since come to mean very little: While it was still generally negotiable, the $50 was the new $1. Precious metals and jewels still commanded respect, but too much of them, plus too few people able to tell gold from gold-plated and diamond from zirconium, had diminished their value. The truly canny raiders had learned to turn their attention elsewhere: grocery stores, gun shops, and the gas station where he had seen a man in military fatigues with his half his head blown off, still fresh. He sped toward the city limits, at what was for him an adventurous speed of 35 mph. As he approached the city limits, a vehicle appeared in the rear view mirror. It was a Hummer, not an H1 or H2 SUV but an actual, military-issue HMMWV, built like a limpet crossbred with a brick, but rapidly gaining on him. He slowed and moved over as far as he could. The Hummer sped up and went straight for his bumper. He swerved and sped up, but still took a glancing blow to the rear that sent his car carreening. The car bounced off one of the wrecks lining one side of the road, then plowed to a halt among the vehicles on the other side. 10. Chapter 10 "_Really now, search your soul, lovie- Is the vampire so bad? All he does is drink blood."_ The men who piled out of the Hummer all wore military fatigues and gas masks. There were three, and Austin could see there was room for a fourth. He reached for the shotgun, but raised his hands when one of them leveled a submachine gun at him. "What do you want?" he said. "You know what we want." The nearest smashed his window with the butt of the SMG, while the other two covered him with assault rifles. "No... All I have is food, ammo for the 12 gauge... And a couple rolls of paper towels." "You was in the bank," said the one with the subgun, whom Austin supposed was the _brains_ of the operation. "And before that, you was with them." "The lepers? All they did was talk to me, and kill a bunch of zombies... They do that... Everyone knows that." "Naw... They was helping you. Joey saw 'nuff to know that." There was no indication that Joey was one of the other two. "I- I helped one of them," Austin said. "It was almost two weeks ago." "Yeah? An' what did you get outta that?... Maybe they didn't give you nothin', maybe they jus' tole ya where ta go." He seemed to acquire a drawl spontaneously as he spoke. "Everybody knows..." "What?" Austin shouted, suddenly more exasperated than scared. In a part of his mind, he was no longer on a post-apocalyptic road facing trained soldiers, but on a playground as a fourth-grader facing older kids aspiring to be juvenile delinquents. "What does everybody know? The lepers eat the zombies? Probably, except who's really seen them do it? And what else? Are they saying they * diamonds now? Except, what's a diamond really worth nowadays?" The man slung the SMG and drew a survival knife. Austin swore. "Fine! You want to know why I was in the bank? I was filling the vault with books. So some day, if anyone lives through this, someone else will find them and learn something about what life used to be like, learn how their lives can be better. But I guess that was pretty stupid of me, because if people like you are the ones who come out on top, then the rest of us are better off dead!" He impulsively spat, the drops hitting the left eyepiece of the gas mask with an audible tink. He started to jerk back, but the man caught him by the shirt. "Ya know, ya look like enough of a faggy, ya might be tellin' the truth," said the other man. "But just in case... an' so we'll at least get a little fun..." He hauled Austin forward, through what was left of the glass. Then, as the jagged edges tore into his shirt without quite drawing blood, he caught a glimpse of fourth figure, and shouted: "Yes! I need you! Please!" Then two of the men turned, to see the third already falling, and Sybil leaping at them with raised sword cane. Somehow, the blind lepress caught the man with the subgun with a single thrust through the right eyepiece. The other man brought his rifle to bear, but she was already closer than the muzzle. As they grappled, Austin added a single shotgun blast to settle the matter. Sybill turned, her face streaked with blood, and her unseeing eyes pierced his soul. She smiled. He stammered, trying to speak. Then she shifted, to thrust into the belly of the leader as he lunged at her with the knife. He slashed in vain, held at bay by the shaft. Then he fired the subgun, a long, wild burst that did more than enough. Sybill was seemingly flung back. The raider leaned against the car, dropping the subgun to clutch at his wound. As Austin's shotgun pressed to his mask, the man cocked his blind eye and chuckled: "Go ahead and do it, big man." Austin flinched, and his attacker struck him, sending a shotgun blast wide. The raider threw open the door, raising the knife he still had in one hand, then turned when the door struck something. Sybill was up, though her entire torso seemed to be a mass of blood. He slammed the door and drove the knife into her chest. She lurched back before he could pull it out, then she removed it herself- and pounced. Austin turned away and shut his eyes, but the screams went on and on, high-pitched long and hideous. It was not pity but the pain of even listening to the raider's final agonies that brought him to load another shell and fire. 11. Chapter 11 **Last chapter... Thanks for the reviews, of which there are quite a few for a story that hasn't had much traffic. I have mixed songs with my fan fiction, esp. "Zombieland", and I finally thought of a song for this story as I drafted this. Check chapters 1 and 6 for others.** _I've been broken now, I've been saved_ _I've learned to cry, and I've learned how to pray_ _And I'm learning, learning even I can be changed._ Sybill leaned against the car, her mask finally lowered to show her face: She was old but not elderly, in the dusk between late 40s and early 60s, and had clearly been beautiful before the lesions. Austin knelt beside her, and as he looked on her it seemed to him she was beautiful for him. A light drizzle of rain mixed with her blood and his tears. "You understand now... one of you understands," she said. "We could have hunted you as we hunt the zombies, killed you before you tried to kill us... Some of us would have... But we stopped them. I taught them, not to fight you unless attacked, if even then... To hunt those who hunt you, feed on what you cannot... Ours is not to rule the Earth... only to clean up the mess." "I promise," Austin said, "I'll always remember you. And I'll change." "No," she whispered, "no, you won't." As tears welled in his eyes, and he tried to stammer a reply, she smiled and continued, "Sometimes you will remember, sometimes you will forget, and you will regret, but you will not change... not yet, and not for me. You cannot do that now, any more than a flower can bloom in the snow. But you will meet another, and if you think I am beautiful, she will shine in your eyes like the sun. For her, you will be all that you are, and become all you can be. Then some day, soon I think, you will grow enough to know that what you wish had been different could have been no other way. And if you grow enough, and I think you will, you will learn a harder lesson, but the one which will set you free: That what you will learn, those you love always knew, and those you wish you could ask for forgiveness, already gave it. When that day comes... _then _remember me." She smiled again, and was still smiling as the bleeding of wounds stopped with the beating of her heart. Then, without his knowing when or from where they had come, the two lepers with rifles were standing over him, almost eldritch in the mist-like rain. They lifted Sybil, and before they disappeared as unaccountably as they had come, one paused long enough to lay at his feet a necklace with the symbol of the lepers, a heart cleft almost in two. The heart was ruby, and the chain, as far as Austin could tell, was pure gold. _And everybody used to tell me big boys don't cry_ _Well I've been around enough to know that that was the lie_ _That held back the tears in the eyes of a thousand prodigal sons _ It was raining harder as he drove the Humvee beyond the city limits. His mood wavered between profound grief, anxiety and a sort of indignation. He would head for the Dallas area, perhaps Garland. Then he would resupply before going north. If Ohio was secure, he could still go home. He could still see his parents again, at least once. He could still... do _something_ different. His hopes and fears were interrupted as the engine sputtered and died. Before stepping out into the now-pouring rain, he penciled in his notebook: _Rule 29: Don't drive a car without checking the fuel gauge._ Another 15 miles down the road, he added: _Rule 30: Also check the tires._ _And our Father still waits and He watches down the road_ _To see the crying boys come running back to His arms_ _And be growing young_ _Growing young _ End file.
Shoe shopping by David N. Brown
1. Chapter 1 **I gave Little Rock the name Sarah, since they never gave her one in the movie. If you don't like ****this sort of thing, don't read. Takes place before the zombie outbreak. Christa and Sarah are ** **step sisters, but they knew each other before that happened. ** "Miss Glen, do try to pay attention!", said Mrs. Lenure calling from the blackboard. "Sorry, Mrs. Lenure. It won't happen again", said Sarah taking her eyes off the window. She had been doing this in class a lot lately, there was nothing much that interested her any more, nearly a year had passed and her mother still hadn't given her a very good reason for leaving her dad. She had been seeing quite a few men, almost every nights; usually at 3 am Sarah heard the sound of the front door opening and the clicking of heels. Some times faint whispers were heard and laughing as her mother made her way up to her room thinking her only daughter couldn't hear any of the rompous going on in the room no more than three feet away. "Miss Glen!", Mrs. Lenure shouted once more. Sarah hadn't realized she was staring out the window again, Mrs. Lenure must have been really sucking the life out of the room today. "I'm very sorry. Really, I am." "You've had your head in the clouds a lot this week! I'm starting to get tired of it, you never listen", Mrs. Lenure went on as students around the room laughed at Sarah, who was trying her best not to turn bright red. "I want you to report to the principal's office!" Sarah couldn't believe it, she had never been in that much trouble before, she was a well behaved teenager, especially for her age. Even with her pleas Sarah obliged, students watched her as she walked out the door, whispering to each other and the erupting into cruel laughter. Sarah sat on a bench just outside the principal's office, she was the only one there, apparently there weren't many troublemakers today. While she was waiting, Sarah began to worry about the school making a call home, it was bad enough that her grades were slipping. But just as she was stuck on that thought, her mind drifted as the smell of wild flowers filled the air; she sniffed the air in a frenzy, taking it all in. She wanted to follow it but she knew she would only get into more trouble. But the smell was just so overwhelming, she just had to know what it was. She decided it wouldn't take that long and she would get back in time for when the principal was ready for her. She scurried down the long hallway that lead to the main entrance of the school, there she saw one of the most stunning women she had ever seen. Red hair that was up in a short pony tail, turquoise eyes that were in the shape of an Anime character and a blue dress that complemented her small curves. Although this woman also had one of the things Sarah couldn't stand for, a cigarette; she thought it was disgusting and that there was no good reason for a person to do so. Her dad smoked nearly three packs a day, it was almost impossible to see how he could pull that off. He wasn't the most stressed out person in the world but for some reason he couldn't go a day without filling his lungs. "Smoking's bad for you!", she called to the redhead. The smoking vixen turned to the half pint, giving her a slight look of resentment. Sarah approached her getting a whiff of the wild flower smell, though now it was drowned out by the smoke. "Oh, yeah? Well I can't help it I've got an addictive personality." "I've never seen you here before. Are you a transfer student?" "I'm a sub." "Really? You look awfully young to be a teacher." "How old are you, kid? Shouldn't you be playing in a sandbox somewhere?" "I'm fifteen, a lot of people think I'm younger", Sarah said with annoyance ringing in her voice. "Puff?" "Are you serious?", asked Sarah, floored by the woman's offer. "Yes. Geez, I started probably when I was younger than you." "No way, it's not attractive and it's not healthy." "You're a broken record, kid. So why aren't you in class?" Sarah felt she could trust her, she was an authority figure but she didn't seem like a stickler for the rules, she was smoking inside of a school after all. "Well, to be honest I'm supposed to be going to the principal's office", she said while looking down at the floor, it was if she was telling her mom this news. "Oh. What did you do?" "I wasn't paying attention during class. It's been really hard for me lately because..." Sarah couldn't bring herself to say it, as if she was still in denial like the day she found out. "Because?", asked the Redhead, "Don't worry, you can tell me. Who am I going to shock with this information about a girl I just met?" "Okay. My mom and dad split up. I never saw it coming, I mean, they never fought or anything." The Redhead gave a sympathetic smile, she put a hand on the innocent girl's shoulder. "I can relate, my parents split too. I'm living at my dad's, not sure where my mom ran off to. My dad is seeing some harlot, he's actually thinking about marriage even though they've been going out for like two months and I haven't even met her." "That's awful!" "My parents never really seemed all that close but when they told me they were getting a divorce it was like a punch in the gut." "That's terrible. I'm Sarah by the way", she said while putting her hand out to shake. The redhead hesitated at first but shook her hand gently. "Miss Treblame." Sarah was glad to get this off her chest, she had no one to talk to about it, no one to relate to. "So, are you going to face the music?" "Yeah." "Wow, really? Cause I wouldn't. But then, I guess it's probably better you do the opposite of what I do." All Sarah could do was smile and nod. "Well, I should jet. Good luck, Sarah." She got one last whiff of the woman's wild flowers, she kind of wished her mom would bother to buy her such strong perfume one day. Once Sarah went into the office, the principal seemed to have no clue who she was, almost mistaking her for a new student. He was a fat, older gentleman, though he was kind he seemed like he was not all there, not to say he was incompetent but just a little lost in the shuffle of the day. His secretary quickly brought his attention to a phone call from Mrs. Lenure about a student of hers, his bright and happy mood ended. Sarah would face disciplinary action if she didn't get her grades up and start paying attention in her classes. Teachers were starting to make complaints about her attitude, Sarah didn't know what to make of this, from what she knew she had a positive attitude. For some reason this public school actually cared if their students did well instead of giving them the choice of throwing their lives away. No matter how much Sarah begged, a phone call was made home. Luckily they got the answering machine, her Mom wasn't home yet so she might have a chance to erase the message off the machine if she wasn't kept after school. Since this was her second strike, Sarah was warned that if she had a third she would eventually have to Just as the fat principal was telling her to run along to class, a rather plainly dressed woman entered, knocking on the frame of the door. Another new person Sarah had never seen before, she looked to be at least 25 years old, her hair was up in a ponytail and she had very pale skin, the kind that you see on a sick or dying person. "Yes, may I help you?", asked the principal, back to his cheery self. "Yes, I'm substituting for Mr. Black's science lab. Its my first day at this school and I can`t seem to find the room." "Oh, you must be Miss Treblame. Room 405. Just down the hall past the cafeteria. I'm sure Sarah would have no problem showing you where it is." Sarah was sceptical. Who was this woman? The Miss Treblame she met was a beautiful redhead with wild flower perfume, this Miss Treblame was quite average with an unnoticeable lavender perfume. She had no choice but to escort her to the science lab, the entire time in wonder of who she talked to earlier. It could have been possible that another Treblame was substituting, though this couldn't be a very common name since this was the first time Sarah had heard of it. She thought about asking this Treblame if she knew of another Treblame teaching that day but decided not to bring it up; for all she knew they could be sisters or cousins. The pale sub remained silent as they walked up to the room, she had almost no personality that Sarah could read. "Thank you very much, Sarah. Have a nice day." "Yeah, you too", said Sarah, still puzzled. Sarah was on her way back to class when she passed a large box with a lock on it, it was used to collect paid donations, checks, money, and whatever else from businesses and parents ; Sarah couldn't remember what the cause was for, not that she really cared. The rest of the day went as it always did, Sarah went to class, talked to a few friends and then headed to her bus after the bell. She was nervous about the message being on the answering machine, she tried to remember a time when her mom was home early but that was back when her parents were together. Once she entered her home, the first thing Sarah saw was the blinking red light form the answering machine. She raced over to the end table next to the couch, almost knocking it over as she pounced for it. She decided to listen to it first, get a laugh. "Hello, Miss Glen, this is Sarah's principal, Mr. Walton. I'm calling in regards to your daughter's behaviour, I believe you have discussed this with her teachers before. She was being disruptive in class earlier today, this isn't the first time. She will face disciplinary action if this continues and as a result of her grades may need to be on academic probation. If you wish to discuss this further with me you can make a call into the school through my secretary at 555-9977. Good day." _"What a douche!",_ thought Sarah_. "Ha! Mr. Walton, seriously?"_ She pressed the delete button. Her mom didn't attend the last PTA meetings so she didn't know how deep her daughter was. "I'll make it up to you mom", saying to herself as she walked up to her room. She rarely buckled down to study but she decided that maybe it was time to at least give it a try, she was getting behind in homeroom assignments. As she was looking through pages of her math textbook there was a knock at the door. Her mom poked her head in, not even asking if it was okay to enter. "How's it going?", she asked. "Wait, are you doing your homework?" "Yup." "What did you do?" "Nothing, I just wanted to catch up that's all." Sarah scribbled away at her desk, her mom sat on her bed for a moment. Sarah could sense her watching her. "Kind of hard to get anything done when you're looking at me like that." "Sorry. I wanted to tell you something but it can wait until after dinner." Sarah put her pencil down and faced her. "That's okay, what is it?" "It's about dinner tomorrow. Do you mind if I have someone over?" Sarah had lost track of her boyfriends, her mom went through one every few months. "Who?" "You remember Brad?" Sarah had to think for a second, she recalled a blond haired gentleman with a goatee but she remembered him being a total dick and her mom not returning his calls. There was a younger man she had only seen once by accident when she was trying to get into the bathroom one night, who was kind of chubby. But no, he said his name was Johnathan. Maybe she had not met this Brad. "You know, he took us out to the movies two weeks ago." Then it hit her. Brad! He was tall with dark brown hair, he was constantly trying to impress her with those really lame jokes and kept whispering to her mom throughout the movie. He was an alright guy and everything but he just seemed like he was trying way too hard. "Oh, right! No, I don't care." "You mean you don't mind. He's going to bring his daughter along too." "Oh", she said with little enthusiasm. Brad had an older daughter he kept talking about, she couldn't meet them at the movies that night because she had to work; apparently she dropped out of high school and was doing quite well for herself. Sarah wished she could do the same but she knew she would upset her mother if she ever did. She constantly told her the horrors of working behind a counter and at a grill like so many of their relatives that were drop outs, but Sarah knew that work was work and wouldn't matter what she went on to do with her life, at least she might get some decently paid job with a degree. Besides, how well off could Brad's daughter be? Minimum wage most likely and not a penny more. "Please be good, I'm sure you two will get along." "What makes you so sure? Didn't Brad say she dropped out after her first semester of grade eleven? What if she's some kind of drug addict? Or a dealer?" "Sarah!" "You don't know!" "Please, promise me you won't make a scene tomorrow." Sarah thought it over for a moment, she had never made a scene before, or at least nothing too severe to embarrass her mother. "Okay, I promise." "Good. I know that all of this must be hard on you, Sarah. When you're a little older I'm sure you'll understand. You're father and I love you and..." "Mom, I know, you told this a hundred times already. Brad's a cool guy and if he makes you happy then he makes me happy." Her mom wrapped her arms around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad. So how was school?" Sarah's eyes widened. "Ah, it was okay." The next day at school, all Sarah could think about was dinner and more specifically the people attending. What if her mom fell in love with Brad and got married? Would she have to share a room with his daughter? What if she was a total bitch? She wasn't sure if she was ready for a stepsister, let alone a stepfather. She was so focused on the subject that she became oblivious to to commotion going on throughout the day. Apparently someone had stolen the money from the donation box and a few purses in the staff lounge. Principal Walton was having surveillance footage looked at and was interviewing students, calling upon them throughout the day. Sarah nearly jumped when her name was called, she had to see the principal a second day in a row. Once in the office, sitting down, Sarah felt more nervous than the previous day and she wasn't even guilty of the crime. "So, here we are again Miss Glen." "I didn't do anything, honest!", said the panicked girl. "I didn't say that you did. I just want to ask you a few questions about yesterday", said Mr. Walton, a little suspicious. "Did you see anybody near the donation box? Anybody waiting around?" "No. I didn't see anybody." Of course this wasn't true and Sarah knew it; some how that so called Miss Treblame must have been behind it all. "Are you sure? You can tell me. If you are covering for a friend I mind you that you would only be hurting yourself." "No, Mr. Walton. I didn't see anyone." She tried to speak as honest as she could without stumbling over her words. Mr. Walton looked her in the eyes for a moment as if to know if she were lying or not. "Okay, then, I'll let you get back to your class. I know that you were here around the time this occurred." As Sarah was about to get up and leave, Mr. Walton halted her with a final word. "Did your mother talk to you?" "Uh, yeah, we talked about that...", Sarah replied, a little unsure. "Uh-huh, so you think you can focus in class and show respect to your teachers?", Mr. Walton stated, a little suspicious. "Alright then, have a nice day Miss Glen." He was really on the ball today, he was actually quite intimidating. Sarah had a feeling that he might make another call home, she felt knots in her stomach. She later found out that over five thousand dollars had been stolen and the surveillance footage didn't show anyone at the donation box or in the teacher's lounge, rooting through unattended purses; one camera showed the box locked up and closed, but then a jump in time showed the lock broken and the lid wide open, like someone erased the footage that would have showed the thief. "They're like a ninja or something!", said Sarah's friend, Kim, walking to the bus. "That was really mean! Why would somebody do that?", asked Sarah's best friend, Jill, a tall girl with a terrible complextion. "It was a very good cause and then they had to come along and ruin it", said Kim completely disgusted. Sarah was quiet walking to the bus, she had more important things to worry about, like tonight's dinner guests. "What's up, Sarah?", asked Jill. "Oh, right! You're mom is having over that guy and his crackhead daughter!" Sarah shushed her. "I didn't say she was a crackhead! But I am a little worried what she's like." "Yeah! You might have to move in with them!", said Kim, growing concern. "Doesn't he live outside the city?" "Yeah...but I don't know. Do you think that would really happen?", asked Sarah, now growing some concern. "That's what happened to my old best friend", said Jill. "What old best friend?", Sarah scoffed. "I'm just messing with you Sarah, geez! I'm sure this girl isn't a total bitch, maybe you two have a lot in common. Just think positive!" Sarah waved goodbye to her friends as she boarded her bus. She was on edge for the entire bus ride, not only because of company, but also because she might have to erase another message. Before the bus even came to a complete stop, Sarah bolted from her seat and flew to the front of the bus. Running up her street, Sarah caught sight of her Mom's red minivan in the driveway. "_What the hell is she doing home so early?"_ She ran up the steps and opened the front door quickly, she ran into the living room to find the answering machine blinking again. But before she could get to it, her mom called from the kitchen. "Sarah? Is that you? I might need your help in here!" "_Maybe it's not him, probably not. I hope!"_ Her mom was slaving away in the kitchen, she had baked biscuits among other things, a roast was in the oven. "I had to get off work a little early, had to have some time to get ready. They should be here within the hour." "Is there more people coming? It looks like you made enough for ten people!" "It will be fine, they can take leftovers." Sarah assisted her with the vegetables, peeling was certainly not her strong suit. Once they were boiling, She helped set the table. Her mom corrected her with the set up of utensils, even though it didn't seem like that big a deal since she had already impressed this guy. Once it looked like everything was ready, there was a knock at the door. "Would you get that? I have to check on the roast", her Mom said, scooting to the kitchen. As much as she would have like to protest, she walked to the front door and opened it. "Hello, Sarah!", said Brad, "I'd like you to meet Christa, my daughter." A girl with long, wavy red hair walked up beside him, Sarah's eyes widened, the girl's widened also. "_Miss Treblame?"_, Sarah thought. **There it is so far, I'll try to update every few days or so, can't promise that I'll keep it clean from here on out. Leave a review please!** 2. Chapter 2 **After that long intro I decided to shorten this chapter up. Though they haven`t fallen in love yet, it will happen in time. Enjoy!** Sarah stood in shock, facing Christa or Miss Treblame as she knew her. She was wearing her strong perfume again. "Can we come in?", asked Brad with a smile. Sarah broke her trance and moved aside to let them through the door. "Yes, please come in!" Sarah met eyes with Christa as she walked by, Christa gave her a dirty look. Sarah had a feeling that things weren't going to go very well, especially if this girl was a wanted criminal. Once her mom came out of the kitchen, they greeted one another. Her mom gave Christa a tight hug, by the look of her face, it wasn't welcomed. Once it came to Sarah showing any kind of friendliness towards the girl it came as a simple, limp handshake and unenthusiastic "Hello." If things didn't start off awkward enough, at the dinner table, Brad tried to lighten the mood. "So, Sarah, how is school?", he asked, Father like. "Oh, alright I guess", she said while playing with her mashed carrots. "Not thinking of dropping out?", he asked with a laugh. Christa was in the middle of taking a bite of the roast beef, but stopped; she gave her him a dagger eyed stare. He cleared his throat a little before continuing. "Christa, why don't you say something?" She looked annoyed, she didn't want to be there as much as Sarah. "Tell them about your job", he said encouragingly. "I just help people out with computers, Dad, it's not that big a deal." "Wouldn't you need college for that?", Sarah asked without thinking that it would upset her. Surprisingly, Christa didn't seem upset with her question. "Nope. It was the only decent job I could get without a piece of paper." "Christa is very bright, I can understand that being in a high school environment can be tough. I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping out", Brad said as he got a shocked look from Sarah's Mom. "Brad! Don't give her any ideas!" "Sorry. I was just saying. I graduated from Yale, but I don't have much to show for it. I'm not a professor or a lawyer. I don't own my own business." "Yet", said Ms. Glen giving him a peck on the cheek. Sarah and Christa scrunched up their faces and looked away, they're parents getting it on wasn't something they wanted to think about. Sarah decided to change the subject, she wanted to learn more about Christa. "So...Christa, what computers do you work on?" "Macs." "I don't own a Mac, I have a PC. What's the difference?" Christa just looked at her for a moment, with a blank stare. Sarah had used a Mac before and understood that they were much more advanced and easier to use than her Gateway, PC; she just wanted to see if she could stump her. She knew that this computer job she claimed to have was bullshit. "Uh...well...Macs organize folders better than a PC, Macs aren't vulnerable to viruses or malware and it certainly doesn't lag as easily. A Mac wouldn't overheat as easily as your Gateway would." "_Okay, so she knew a little."_ "So you go to that North Hill High downtown, right?", she asked, pretending to be oblivious, like she had never been. "Yeah", said Sarah. "Somebody came into the school and stole five thousand dollars." She gave Christa a serious look, Christa just looked at her with a smile. "Do they know who?" "No...not yet." Christa's smile faded. "That's awful!", said her mom. "Where did they even get that much money?" "The school had a donation box and apparently there were some purses that they stole from too." "I hate when people steal from the community, especially a school or churches", her mom exclaimed. "Don't you Bradley?" Brad was in the middle of bites of his piece of roast, he was only half listening to this conversation. "Uh, yes. Some people have nothing better to do, a bunch of teens probably too. Job deserters, those punks that hang out downtown loitering." Christa rolled her eyes, she must have had to endure her father talking this way in front of people a lot. "I think I'm going out for a smoke", said Christa, digging through her purse. "Christa", her father said, lifting an eyebrow. "Oh. Would any of you care to join me?", she asked, looking around the table. Sarah's mom shook her head no, she hadn't smoked for nearly four years; it had been hard enough avoiding it when she was still married since her ex smoked constantly. Christa was getting up to walk out the front door, Sarah assumed she was just going to leave. As much as it was interesting having her over, she was glad that this awkward tension was gone. She was left alone with her mom and her potential father, finishing their food at the table. Though it quickly became boring without the criminal there, somehow the conversation drifted to talk about modern art and music that Sarah neither understood or cared for; she would rather confront Christa about her theft than listen to two adults talk about nothing the least bit exciting. "May I be excused?", Sarah asked. Her mom looked at her plate that had the smallest piece of roast left on her plate. "Alright, then. Just don't go hiding up in your room", her mom said as Sarah got up from her seat. "I won't. I'll be around." Her mom would never let her get too close to cigarette smoke, especially in her own home, but Sarah would just keep her distance away from the redhead; her mom was too busy at the time any way to care. She crept to the front door, she could smell the nasty nicotine, at least she never thought of leaving. She opened the door and stuck her head out. "Hey", she said. "Hey", Christa said back. "I assume you have questions." "I sure do, 'Miss Treblame'." "Please, don't tell anyone", she said as she took a long puff of her cigarette. "That computer job is fake isn't it?" "No. I kept that job for a month before they realized I didn't know what I was doing." "How long have you been doing this? Have you stole from schools before?" "Churches, schools, from people at gas stations, wherever there's a sucker. I've been at this for a while. When I started high school I got bored quite easily, I needed something to do. Conning people isn't the same as something like shoplifting, there's sort of more of a reward, it's not just a cheap thrill." "It's still stealing", said Sarah, trying to show a conscience. "Can't knock it till you try it", Christa stated after another puff. Sarah couldn't believe this girl, she was definitely not someone she could look up to as a role model. "Are you going to tell on me?" "I think you should turn yourself in." "That's not going to happen." "Are you going to stop? I mean, it's not like you can keep this up forever." "Why not? I found something I'm good at, it would be a shame that I waste my talent." Sarah frowned, there was no way in convincing her. "So, how was your stint in the principal's office?", Christa asked with a devilish smile. "Fine, I just have to pay attention in class." "Oh, really?", she asked, not looking convinced of the younger girl's story. "So, he didn't call home?" "No. Why do you ask?" "I saw you looking over at the answering machine, you're funny." "I don't know where you get the idea", Sarah said trying her best not to blush, looking as honest as she absolutely could. "Same thing happened to me. You deleted the first message, but now you're thinking every call that comes in is going to be him again." "What do I do? Do I delete every message that comes in?", Sarah asked a little in panic. "No, all you need is an older woman that's not your mom to call into the school and have them told that they're aware of your situation and action will be taken." "But where am I going to find an older woman willing to do that?" Christa looked at the girl for a moment, waiting for to catch on, then her eyes lit up as Christa gave her a small smile. "You'd really do that for me?" "Only if you'll keep your mouth shut, kid", Christa said, putting the remainder of her used cigarette out. Sarah thought about it and decided she didn`t have much choice from making sure her mom didn`t find out. They shook on it, she wouldn`t tell on Christa, as long as she made a call to her school, posing as her mom. Once Christa's father was ready to leave, they said their goodbyes, that would probably not be their last. As Sarah helped clear the table, after their guests left, she noticed that the answering machine wasn`t blinking any more. **Please leave a comment. tell me how I`m doing, if there`s anything you want to happen, what you hope doesn`t. Third chapter in a few days!** 3. Chapter 3 **There is a subtle slash in this chapter. Enjoy!** Months had passed since the dinner night when Sarah met Christa. She continued to keep her secret, not telling her mom, her close friends, nobody about Christa's involvement in the stealing of the donation box. Christa held up her end of the bargain, she called into the school and gave a very convincing performance due to her husky voice. _"Smoking all of those cigarettes paid off", _Sarah thought. She was glad that the two of them would get along okay, she wouldn't have to worry about any fighting; or so she thought. It would turn out that their parents had became closer than they had before; though Sarah thought she would be fine with whatever her mother decided, she wasn't expecting her to get engaged so quickly. It was a Friday night, they were at Brad's house this time, outside of the city. He said on the phone that he had some important news. Sarah didn't clue in that he might be popping the question until she was at the house and greeted by a less than enthusiastic Christa. At the dinner table, Brad got out of his chair and walked over to her mom, standing on one knee. Sarah had her mouth opened, speechless. Christa continued to eat from her plate, covering her eyes with her free hand, trying not to be a part of the moment. It wasn't long before they moved in, Sarah didn't feel right about any of it. Not only was she leaving the city and close contact from friends, but now she was with a new family that wasn't her own and soon would be. It was a strange feeling living in the large home, it was nice and everything but she knew it would never feel like a home to her. She could understand why Christa wasn't liking this, but then, why wouldn't she just move out? She turned 19, making her technically an adult, if she didn't want to be a part of this family she could go live her life. Sarah wondered if she needed to sponge off her dad a little longer, maybe her cons weren't pulling in the cash like they used to, she probably needed to lay low after what she did at the school. Sarah would some times ask her what her next job was, but Christa would just ignore her. Their rooms were across from each others, they would usually only talk if they came out at the same time to use the bathroom or dinner. Sarah really wanted to make this work, if they were going to be step sisters, she at least wanted to get along. Her mom and Brad planned to get married that Summer and she and Christa were both going to be bridesmaids, much to Christa's distaste. "It'll be fun!", said Sarah, who liked weddings. "Whatever", Christa said, lighting up a smoke outside. "I'm only doing this one thing for my dad and that's it." "I wanted to thank you again for calling into my school, that was really nice of you." "Just saving my butt, Sarah. That was the deal." "think that maybe you could teach me your trade?", Sarah asked. "Trade? Is that what you're calling it?" "Well, your line of work. I'd be willing to learn." "I'm not one for giving lessons." "Oh", she said, with slight disappointment. As the wedding day approached, Sarah noticed that there was a lot of noise going on in Christa's room at night. She could hear Christa moaning, at first she thought innocently that it was her having nightmares but soon realized it sounded like whatever was happening to her, she was enjoying. There was never the sound of anyone else in the room until a few nights later. A male voice. "_Well, at least she's got somebody in there this time!", _Sarah thought. After a few moans and the occasional curse word, there was silence, but not for long. What started out as soft whispers got louder. As much as she didn't like to eavesdrop, Sarah got out of bed and walked out into the hallway, making sure she didn't get too close to her future step sister's door. She couldn't make out any of what was being said since they were trying to keep their voices down, Brad could wake up any minute to see what going on. Sarah didn't know if he was aware that his daughter brought boys over to spend the night but she did assume that he had rules against it. Without warning, Christa's door swung open, Sarah backed off. A tall young man came out, with Christa not far behind; they didn't notice the short girl standing there, they were too deep into their argument to take notice. "I want you out! Go!", Christa urged. "You're overreacting! A lot of girls like that!" "I'm not those girls." "No, I guess not! You're just some crazy bitch!" "Get out of here!", she said, pushing him forward. He pushed back, a little too hard, and pinned her against the wall. Sarah wanted to say something, but couldn't bring herself to utter a word. "You'll always be an easy whore!", he said before letting her go and walking downstairs. Christa stood in the hallway, holding herself with her back to Sarah. "What did you see in him?", Sarah asked. Christa turned to her, she looked like she was holding back tears. "You deserve a lot better than him." "Shut up and go to bed!", Christa said, going back into her bedroom. Sarah tried to forget about what happened, the next day she went along like nothing was wrong, she couldn't get over that dick that was over the other night, he didn't appear all that good looking, like a greaser. She hoped Christa wouldn't see him again. That night there was a thunder storm, she hated those, ever since she was a kid, tonight was especially bad, it was raining hard and the thunder was almost deafening. She didn't let her mom know that she was still afraid of thunder or that she still had her night light. She had the covers over her head, whimpering slightly, she heard a knock on her door. She crept over, expecting her mom to be on the other side to see if she was doing okay, what she got was Christa. "Hey", said Christa, looking sort of jumpy. "I know that this is going to sound weird, but I really hate thunderstorms and was wondering..." "Do you want to sleep in my bed?" "Yeah, if you don't mind." Sarah smiled, she was glad she wasn't the only one in the house that had a problem. The two climbed into bed, though there wasn't much room for them both to be in it, they managed to get a position that made them both comfortable. "I love your bed!", Christa said, aloud. "Quit hogging the covers!", Sarah said, grabbing the large comforter. "At least leave me some", she said laughing. They both laid on their sides, facing one another. "I'm sorry about last night", said Christa. "That's okay. That guy was a real ass, you should call the cops on him..." "Yeah, I really doubt I'll be going to them for help any time soon." When Christa was Sarah's age she had a few run ins with them, nothing too serious, mostly ditching school and sneaking into movie theatres. "You're not going to see him again, are you?" "No", she said. They talked throughout the remainder of the night, forgetting about the storm. Once wedding day came, Sarah and Christa had gotten along even better than they had before. Miss Glen, soon to be Mrs. Jones, picked out purple bridesmaid dresses. Sarah loved her, Christa like purple but she wasn't quite the dress wearing type, she wasn't much of the celebrating type either, she put on a fake, happy persona for the remainder of the day. After their parents honeymoon, they hung out one hot Summer day in the backyard as a family. Sarah was anxiously waiting for a day to swim in the pool. She had on a new blue bikini, she liked the one Christa had on, it was a light burgundy. She wasn't sure why, but she was glad she was showing off some skin, she was a beautiful young woman; now if only she let her hair down, it was in a ponytail all day. She sunbathed while Sarah and her dad and new step mom swam in the pool, not completely ignoring them. Sarah got out of the pool, she picked up a water gun that was set near by, she started filling it up with water. Christa started rubbing herself with lotion when she noticed her step sister holding the water gun. "You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking", said Christa. "Don't want to get wet?", Sarah asked with a smile. "No", Christa replied, rubbing her legs. "Why don't you come help me out over here." "What do you want me to do?" Christa held up the lotion bottle. "Will you do my back?" Sarah hesitated at first, she wasn't sure why. "Um, sure." Christa lied on her stomach on the long deck chair. Sarah squirted the lotion into her hand. "Don't be afraid to use a lot", Christa said, closing her eyes and relaxing. Sarah put a little more into the palm of her hand. She looked over her step sister's body nervously, she wasn't sure what was coming over her. She rubbed the lotion on to her back, using both hands to spread it out, she liked the feel of Christa's skin, it was very smooth. Christa moaned slightly in response as Sarah massaged her back. "Do you like that?", Sarah giggled. "Yes", Christa replied. "Go a little lower." Sarah obliged, doing the small of her back, causing the redhead to let out a sigh. Sarah's mom noticed the two girls on the side of the pool, she called over. "Sarah! Are you getting along with your sister!" Sarah looked back at her mom for a second and then back at Christa. "Yeah, Mom!" Once she was done giving a rather sensual massage to her step sister, Christa gave her thanks. "I'll have to get you to do that more of...", Christa started to say before getting a blast of cold water in the back. "Ahhh!" Christa ran for the pool, after Sarah. "You're dead!" Sarah laughed, jumping into the pool, Christa in hot pursue of her. Their parents laughed as they watched their children innocently splash water at each other and eventually at them as well. Christa eventually got a hold of her little sister, holding her arms so she couldn't move. "There's no escape!", Christa said. Sarah was alright with that, because she didn't want to. **Next chapter in a few days :)** 4. Chapter 4 **Continuing the saga between Christa and Sarah. Sarah is discovering new feelings about her her step sister, is there anyone she can turn to?** Sarah wasn't sure how to deal with these new feelings she was having about her step sister, it was strange and new. It was hard to get over the fact that she made Christa moan while she was massaging her, it was like music to her ears. Her legs felt smooth, creamy and were strong like she must have worked out. She was starting to have trouble sleeping, having these thoughts and knowing the girl was just across the hall. At the kitchen table she would catch herself ogling her, half expecting her to catch her in the act. It was coming to a point where she couldn't keep quiet, she had to ask someone what was going on, if there was something seriously wrong with her. Of course she couldn't go to Christa, she might freak and then she would never see or hear from her again. She went to the one person she could trust. "Mom, are you busy?", Sarah asked, walking into the kitchen. "A little, why what's up?" Her mom replied to her in a vaguely uninterested way. She didn't even look up from her task of cutting up vegetables for dinner. "I need to ask you about something", she said seriously. Her face held a look of apprehension. Sarah knew that her mom would be surprised. She had never actually came to her mom willingly for advice. "Okay, go ahead." Her mom spoke slowly and clearly. "'s kind of hard to explain." Sarah trailed off in her sentence, not really wanting to out what she needed to say so soon. "Is it about someone at school? Is someone bothering you?" Her mom shot the questions off rapidly, curious to know what. She knew she could never flat out tell her that she felt butterflies in her stomach every time she thought about Christa, that might send her through the roof. "Well...yeah it's about someone at school...who's a little older...but not too old, that's not the problem." "So you like him or her?" "Her?", Sarah asked surprised. "It's okay if it's a girl, hon. I'll still love you." She didn't think her mom would really be cool with that, she remembered when they watched a movie that had a brief scene where two girls shared a kiss and she looked uncomfortable watching it, going as far as looking away from the screen. She wasn't at all that hateful type, she wasn't what you could call racist or homophobic or ignorant, she didn't judge other people. "No it's...I've just...I'm really confused about my feelings for this person." "I see. We haven't really had a talk about dating, have we?" Her mother asked, seeing as how they hardly had the time to have many talks about the subject. "I think you should tell them how you feel, it couldn't hurt." "But what if it does. What if they don't feel the same way about me?" "Rejection can be hard, I know. But you can't go on not knowing if they did have those same feelings." She wrapped her arms around her. "Talk to Christa, I'm sure she knows more about this than I do. I'm not exactly up with the teenage scenes these days." Sarah laughed nervously, she was not up for talking to her about that or much at all. She was jumpy when Christa was in the same room and couldn't even look her in the eyes when talking, she actually felt like she wasn't worthy to be in here presence. She made a new decision, to deal with repressing these feelings she was so ashamed of, she didn't think at the time it would backfire in the long run. When she was getting ready for bed that night, Christa was getting home from "work" at the same time. They met in the hallway, Sarah was exiting the bathroom. "Hey", Christa said. "Hey", Sarah said, a little on edge. "Are you okay? Did I do something to piss you off?" "No, I've just...ah...kid at school." "Want to talk about it?" "No, that's okay. I talked to mom about it." Sarah noticed Christa had a very big hand bag, she must have cleaned out a quite a few people. "I was wondering, I know how you want to be a part of my _trade _as you called it, I was going to be doing something tomorrow that would require a partner in crime. Interested?" Sarah's face was practically glowing. "Yes! What will we be doing?" "First of all, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone." "Of course. I promise I won't tell anybody." "If mom and dad asks, we're going to the mall. It's not really a lie because that's where we're going to be." "So what are we doing? Are we stealing from a charity?" "No. No donation boxes or from needy kids or anything. I've got it all worked out we just need some cat food." "Why?" "You'll see. How good are you at acting?" "Ah, I was Dorthy in the school play of the Wizard of Oz. Parents said I was really good." "Show me pouting." Sarah stuck out her bottom lip and gave a puppy dog look. Christa was more than pleased with what she saw. She gave her a big hug. "That's fabulous! We might pull this off. Now go get some sleep, we start bright and early." Sarah could hardly wait, at least she would get to spend some time with her. Maybe she would get a better understanding of these feelings while bonding. **More to come, I'll try getting another chapter ready some time in the next few days. Good day!** 5. Chapter 5 **Their first con together!** Sarah was startled by a knock at her bedroom door, she looked over at her alarm clock; it was 6:30AM. That's when she remembered she was going to be doing things with Christa today. She knew she said bright and early but she wasn't sure exactly how bright and how early she had in mind. She slowly got out of bed and opened her door to find Christa, fully clothed and ready to go in a long black skirt and white blouse; it was as if she was dressed to wait on someone. "I wasn't sure just how early you were getting up. The mall doesn't open for a few hours." said a sleepy eyed Sarah. "I need to make sure I have everything and we need to go over a few things. I always make sure I go over everything at least twice before I go out and do these", said Christa. Sarah helped her load a few things into her car, they needed to be quiet since their parents were still in bed. Christa explained what use they would have with the items they packed in the trunk. Sarah was especially curious about the cat food, which they still needed to pick up. Other items included, a glass table that looked expensive, a display sign that was obviously stolen and some perfume bottles that were nearly empty. Sarah could smell that wild flower smell again coming from some of them. Christa hung out at the mall more than a few times and swindled folks out of money at a corner that wasn't occupied by a booth or kiosk. She tended to collect cheap, used bottles of perfume, fill them with water, and sell them as expensive, imported perfume. "So what's the deal with the cat food?" Sarah asked, still puzzled. "There's this hipster chick that has a stand set up in the front entrance of the mall, she sells a lot of good stuff. Perfume, candles, crafts. She's kind of a bitch so I want to sabotage her. That's where you and the cat food come in." she said with a smile. "Which reminds me, I should put on my blonde wig." She dug out a long, platinum blonde wig from a bag; she needed to change her appearance before so that no one she had previously screwed over months before would recognize her. "You're like Hannah Montana." said Sarah. Christa rolled her eyes at that statement. "Whoever that is." The car ride consisted of talking about Sarah's performance in all of this and if she could be convincing as a regular customer looking to buy from the hipster girl and not only saying she smells something but also to plant cat food somewhere near the booth without her knowing. "It will have to be expired too, your mom threw out the stuff I had been saving. It was good too because I had it against the register for like a month." "Does it have to be cat food?" Sarah questioned, trying to think of a substitute. "Well, if you can think of something else that would smell just as gross." As Sarah was thinking, she caught whiff of something disgusting, she held her nose. Christa looked out her window to see if she could tell where it was coming from. There was a back alley and it was where a sushi restaurant was, the smell was definitely rotten fish. "I don't understand how people can eat raw fish." Sarah exclaimed. Christa stopped the car, she handed her blonde wig to her. "Hold on to this, please." She jumped out of the car and ran into the alley. Sarah thought she looked funny running in high heels she had on and at the same time very sexy, she caught herself smiling a little. Her smile faded a bit when she seen her step sister return carrying a small garbage bag, she threw it in the back seat and got back in he car. "As long as it's not touching my stuff it should be good." Christa said taking her wig back from Sarah. All of the windows were cracked open as they continued driving to the mall, Sarah continued holding her nose. At the mall parking lot it was fairly empty, only employee vehicles were there. They got the perfume and table out of the car first. Christa sniffed the air, the rotten fish odour seemed to stick to the car. "I don't smell like fish do I?" Sarah leaned in close to her and sniffed her, which was something she didn't think she would be doing. "No, you smell great." She helped her carry the things inside, she was given instructions to go back for some of the rotten fish when hipster girl was getting her booth ready. "Remember, you need to be conspicuous. You know what conspicuous means, right?" "Yes, I read." Sarah replied. "Pretend you don't know me, we never met." "Like you're a completely different person." Sarah said, continuing her sentence. They found the spot in the mall Christa wanted, once she was set up, Sarah went into position. From a distance, it looked pretty convincing, there was nothing that gave it away. She retrieved the fish and found the hipster girl, already done setting up at her booth. Sarah didn't really want to sabotage her, the things she had for sale didn't look all that bad, some were homemade and looked like something she would own. What made it even harder was that the girl seemed really sweet and didn't look like a very stuck up person, she just seemed like one of those one with the Earth crowd. But she couldn't let Christa down, this could be the only time that they would con people together or at least spend this kind of time together. She went ahead with her mission when the hipster girl had her back turned, talking to an older guy at his booth. She put the bits of fish where she wouldn't find them, it would probably take a while to notice the odour from where she was. Christa gave herself a spritz of her own perfume, she eyed the front doors, the customers would be arriving any minute. She looked over at Sarah, who was now in position, in a way she was proud that she was there with her, she reminded her of a younger version of herself. Once the shoppers arrived, quite a few people were lining up to check out the hipster girl's booth, at first it didn't look like Sarah was going to do it, she just stood at a distance, watching each customer go up. Eventually she walked up and took a look around, once there was a few other people she asked them if they smelled anything funny. An older woman told her she didn't smell anything because she had a cold and once she asked a young woman she said she couldn't smell anything besides the in scents. Sarah decided to hang back and see if there was any change. Christa was only doing okay, she managed to con a few people into buying the expensive, watered down perfume but it was going very slow. Sarah noticed somebody sniffing the air and they looked kind of grossed out; the temperature did rise a few degrees in the last little while so it was possible that the fish was beginning to become more rank. She walked up and asked a new group of potential customers if they noticed anything. "Now that you mention it, I do smell something." exclaimed a man. Others showed their distaste, Sarah told them she was going to try the counter where the beautiful blonde was selling perfume. They followed behind her, as Sarah left the booth she caught a glare from the hipster girl who was looking around and sniffing the items. Sarah was the first to go up to Christa and asked some questions about the perfume; she had practised her lines with Christa. "Miss, may I try a sample of your perfume?", "Where does it come from?", "What's in it." She had to try hard to make sure her performance was genuine. She made a few trips, bringing packs back to Christa. At the end of the day, Christa made quite the profit, as they made there way out of the mall, hipster girl was close behind. "Hey! You little bitch! You were helping her steal my customers!" she said hysterically. Sarah didn't know what to say, Christa did the talking for her. "I'm not sure what you mean, I haven't seen this girl before. She's just helping me take my things to my car." "You look familiar. Have you been at this mall before?" she asked, getting suspicious. "Are you a cop?" Christa asked with a laugh. "Look, why don't you get along to your car and go home." "I'm on to you. You did something to my booth! I'm going to fucking make sure you get what's coming to you!" "Calm down now, you don't want to scrunch up your face like that. It's a good way to get wrinkles." Sarah said, noticing the lines forming on her face. "I'm sure she might have something for that." "You bitch!" she said just as Christa took a step forward and squinted her eyes at her. "You call her a bitch again and you'll have to deal with me! It will be a makeover I'm sure you couldn't afford!" The hipster girl stuck her nose in the air and walked off to her crappy looking Minivan. As Sarah walked with Christa to her car she couldn't help but smile, no one had ever stood up for her like that. "Wow, you were so cool." she said with a toothy grin. "No one has ever did that for me." "Well, you're my sister now, so people have to know they can't mess with you as long as I'm around." "Today was really fun, Christa." "Yeah, maybe we can do it again some time." Sarah was counting on it. **More to come. Please leave a review :). I'll try writing as many chapters as I can, I do have some ideas for future stories with these two. Back soon.** 6. Chapter 6 **Sarah is really starting to warm up to Christa now, but will Christa ever feel the same way?** On the car ride back home, the two partners in crime talked about their first con together. Sarah couldn't get over that hipster girl calling her a bitch. "I actually felt sorry for her," Sarah said a little ticked off. "but you were right, she is a bitch." "Was there ever any doubt? When I'm right, I'm right." Christa said confidently, holding on to the wheel and peeling through busy streets. "Brad's right, you are a genius." Christa smiled and put her blonde wig on top of the young girl's head. "Let's hope your mom ordered out tonight, there's only so much of her cooking I can take." she said, crinkling her nose. "Christa, why do you always say your mom or my dad? I mean, we are family." "I don't really feel part of this family, Sarah. I have to remind myself that. It's fine for you, you'll still be living at home for a while. I, on the other hand, am going cross country." "What?" Sarah asked, alarmed. "You're leaving, when?" "In another week or two, I'm going to try some things to save up." "What are you saving up for?" "Don't laugh but I'm trying to get breast implants." She said seriously, looking straight ahead at the road. Sarah was in shock, she couldn't understand why Christa would want to do that to herself, she had a nice body, she didn't want her to change. "But, Christa! You look great, you don't need breast implants!" "This really isn't for me, it's to attract business. You know how businesses invest in attracting customers, this is kind of the same idea." "But you're beautiful." Christa just smiled. "I understand your concern but it is my body after all. You're almost as bad as my dad when I told him I was getting my ears pierced." "Do you think I'm beautiful, Christa?" she asked. "Do you think I would need something like that?" She wanted to know this, not just to see if she would reconsider doing this to herself but also to find out if there was the slightest chance that Christa found her attractive. "You are beautiful. You wouldn't need silicone, but I sure do." She was impossible to convince otherwise, Sarah tried most of the way home. "Would you ever strip for strangers?" she asked seriously, looking her in the eyes awaiting an answer. "What? No, of course not." "Would you do porn?" Christa laughed at this, she couldn't help herself after that question. "Are you serious? I'm not getting double J's or anything, God! I'm still going to be me, nothing is going to change that." Sarah tried to smile. "You do know how to look after yourself, I'm sorry. I just sort of worry about you. How long do you think you'll be scamming people? Forever?" "Most likely." "Do you ever think you'll settle down and well, you know, have a family?" "I don't know, maybe. I don't really want kids but..." "That guy that was at the house that night, you're not seeing him any more...right?" "No." "He's not the kind of guy you would see yourself having a life with?" "Sarah, do you think you can just drop this? I don't want to talk about my body or my sex life with you." She stayed silent for a few minutes. She noticed Christa rubbing the back of her neck. "Is your neck sore?" "A little." she said with a groan. Sarah reached over to her and rubbed the back of her neck. "Mmmm. Yeah, a little to the left. Say, feel like hanging out by the pool and massaging me like before? You do have a certain touch." "Sure" Sarah said. "But only if you'll do the same for me." Christa laughed. "Alright, but I'm not sure how good I'd be." Sarah didn't care as long as she would be touched by her. She thought about how wrong that sounded in her head. She really couldn't repress these feelings for Christa. She would have to deal with them one way or another and if worse came to worse, she would have to have a talk with her about them. At home they changed into their swim wear and walked out to the pool, they had the whole backyard to themselves. Christa lied on a deck chair on her stomach and waited for Sarah to get the oil. As Sarah was putting the oil in her hands she looked at Christa, really looked at her. She started to feel butterflies in her stomach much like the first time they were out here. It wasn't fair to her why she was living with this beautiful girl and she felt this way. She was starting to think she was a boy in a girl's body. "What's the hold up?" Christa asked, turning her head to look back at Sarah who was at this point looking down the older girl's waist. She massaged the back of her neck and worked her shoulders. She wished she could do this everyday, Christa's skin was really addicting. "I should take you with me" Christa said letting out a whimper. Sarah leaned in to make sure she was hearing this correctly. "What did you say?" "I could use a masseuse on the road." Sarah proceeded on her back, using her thumbs. "I promise I won't be any trouble." "I'm sure you won't be" Christa said, closing her eyes. The massage went on for a while, Sarah was just getting to her legs. "Say, I think it's your turn now. If you still want it." She sat up and stuck her hands out at Sarah like they were claws, she just smiled. "Okay, but I'm sure you can't be that bad." "I'll be right **back!**" Christa **shouted **as she ran across the deck. Sarah sat on the deck chair, she could hardly wait to get a massage from her. She didn't know why but she had the feeling that someone was watching her. "Hey, what you're doing is wrong." said a gruff voice. Sarah turned to see a man standing next door watching her. "What?" "I've been watching you, that's not right what you're doing." He looked really mad, Sarah couldn't figure out what he was going on about. He couldn't possibly know what she was up to, he was just some crazy old man. He walked back inside of his house just as Christa came back out. "What's wrong?" "Some old man next door said what we were doing is wrong." Christa laughed at that. "Oh, he's just some old guy that never got laid in his life, he just wants everyone to be as miserable as he is. Why what did he think we were doing?" "I don't know I guess he must have thought we were...doing things to each other" Sarah said innocently. "Perv. Now lie down on your stomach" Sarah obliged and let her rub her back. She was going a little rough so Sarah spoke up. "Ah, Christa that's a little too hard" she groaned. "Sorry" she tried something different but it still didn't work. "Wow, you are bad at this." "Told you." Sarah instructed her on where and how and eventually she got it right. After some time, Christa curled up on the chair next to her. "Move over." She lied on her back and closed her eyes, once it looked like she was asleep, Sarah lied on top of her, whispering into her ear. "Can I still come with you cross country?" She thought she heard an, _"Mhmm."_ She eventually dosed off herself. **I noticed people have been adding this story to their favourites and story alerts but I haven't read a review from all of you. Think you can change that? I'd like to know what you all think. Bye for now.** 7. Chapter 7 **Back! Sorry about the long break between chapters, took a little while to sit down and write this. Where I last left off, Sarah was invited to go with Christa for the Summer but have things changed?** Sarah woke up in her own bed, the last thing she remembered was cuddling next to Christa on the deck. She wondered if she had carried her there or if it might have been her mom or step father Brad; most likely Christa. She missed her already, she might have done a terrible job massaging her but they could always work on that if they were ever to try it again. That's when she remembered Christa saying she would take her with her for the Summer, the whole thing about needing a personal masseuse. She could hardly wait to leave with her, it would be great, thrilling, it would be...Romantic! She loved Christa, there was no denying that any more, her voice, her touch, her humour. Sure she was a criminal but she wasn't all bad. She hadn't killed anyone or did anything besides smoke a cigarette now and again, so she thought. The next day Sarah noticed how golden Christa was looking, she received quite the tan from the day before. She caught Sarah looking up from her cereal at her, smiling. "What?" she asked a little annoyed. "Nothing" Sarah said, going back to her soggy bites, "You're not much of a morning person, are you?" "No, not really" Christa said, finishing her bowl. "So, where are we going first on the trip?" Christa just looked at her for a moment, oblivious to what she was talking about, "We?" Sarah's stomach sank, she was really hoping she didn't imagine her saying she was allowed to come. "You weren't joking when you said that yesterday, were you?" "No. But I'm not really sure, might be a bad idea, Sarah. I don't think you're ready." she said with a frown. "What am I supposed to do all Summer? It will be boring here without you" Sarah said with a sigh. "Look, if you can prove to me that you're ready for something like this then maybe I'll reconsider." "Like how? What do I have to do?" "Surprise me" she said taking her bowl over to the sink, she rustled the younger girl's head as she did so. Sarah enjoyed that, but now she had to focus on what she could do to prove herself ready for a trip like this. She thought she already proved herself quite useful. In her room she tried to come up with some cons that she could possibly do on her own, but she was stuck, she wasn't sure how Christa came up with them. She did some research online but couldn't find any she would be comfortable doing, she wasn't really one for scamming people out of money. Even if she did find a con that would work who's to say if she stole from innocent people who were on tough times and needed that hard earned cash for something like a new home or even a new organ. She could get caught, what was going to happen if they saw right through her? Would they call the cops? What then, would she just get off with a slap on the wrist as they say? What hard time would she spend imprisoned? How on Earth does Christa pull off these jobs without asking these questions, she must have had some conscience. Sarah's room phone rang, she stopped her brainstorming to answer it. "Hello?" "Sarah? It's Jill. What are you doing?" asked her absolute best friend in the world. "Kind of busy" Sarah said, looking over what she had written for ideas for scams; the title con ideas and one bullet had been put down. "Hanging out with your new sister?" she asked mockingly. Sarah could hear a faint giggle in the background. She wasn't sure if Jill was implying something. "No, I'm alone." "That's a surprise, you seem to be spending a lot of time with her" she paused, probably to contain herself from laughing. "Is somebody there with you?" "No it's just me" she said as she shared a laugh with somebody else, it started to sound like two other people were in the room with her. "So are we still on for the Summer?" Sarah remembered telling her she would be getting a job with her at the mall but those plans had changed, especially what had happened on her previous visit there. "I really don't think that's going to happen, I sort of promised Christa I'd go with her this Summer." "What the hell, Sarah? You're like joined at the hip or something! Can't you possibly get away?" Just as Jill was going on about her unusual relationship she heard yelling coming from outside. She looked out her window to see the same old man as before, he looked mad. She heard Christa's voice yelling at him, he was at the fence and didn't move. Sarah couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but she knew he was hurting Christa by the way she was angrily calling back at him. "Ass hole" she said softly, "I'll call you back later okay." She found a saddened Christa, slumped over at the kitchen table, she put her hands on her lap and looked her over. "What happened?" "That old man out there. He's some bigot! He said I was living in sin and that I was an abomination. A slut! He kept going on and on." Sarah touched her chin and brought her face up to face hers, Christa's eyes were welting, she tried to smile. Her hair was covering most of her face, Sarah parted it to get a better look at her. "Let's get him back" she said with a toothy grin. Sarah's plan was simple, she had looked up several ways to make a perfect elaborate plan. It was juvenile but it would work with Christa's help. It was the late evening and the old man next door was watching TV and listening to some old records by himself. Two loud knocks at the front door nearly rocked him out of his reclining chair. He was furious at the thought someone would be disturbing him at this hour. He opened the door, ready to yell but no one was there, what was there was a small white box. He was hesitant to touch it, for all he knew there was dog shit, it wouldn't be the first time except usually then it would be in a flaming brown bag. He didn't smell anything as he bent down to pick it up, he was just lifting the top when he received quite the shock. He got quite the mouth full of blue paint. A paint bomb went off and exploded all over him, he was bright blue. He could hardly believe it, he was cursing like crazy, staggering back and forth across his porch, half blinded. He wanted to tear the kids who did this a new one, he wanted to lynch them. Meanwhile Sarah and Christa were trying to stop from laughing, they were hiding in some bushes not far from the old man's house. "Thanks" Christa said. "He had it coming. We girls have to stick up for each other." "We better get back home. We have some packing to do." "We? Really? You mean it?" "You have proved yourself worthy, young padawan" Christa said with a huge smile. **I'll try to have the next chapter up by the end of the week, trying to come up with future chapter storylines and cons. I f you have anything to share like con ideas or for the story in general feel free to write it down in a comment/review. Good day :)** 8. Chapter 8 **Yeah...So it's been a while. Sarah and Christa gear up for the Summer and have no idea what lies ahead of them. Enjoy!** Sarah couldn't believe it, she would be away from the house this summer; the first time in ages since that horrible camp she had the misfortune of being sent to. Her mom was a little nervous to see her go but she thought she would be in good hands since Christa was in charge of this little road trip. She was not wise to their deception, she only thought they were going up state not across the country; she believed they were going to some kind of amusement park and Christa was doing something as part of her job with Sarah as her assistant. "I'll be calling in on you twice a day" she told her, handing her daughter a new cell phone. They were just in the middle of packing Christa's car. "Don't worry" said Christa. "I won't take my eyes off her." "I know, it's just that I worry. Motherly instincts." "Mom, you were freaked out when I stayed over one night for a sleepover a block away!" Sarah pointed out. As she recalled, her mom called in repeatedly when she stayed at an older friend's house way back a few years and ended up embarrassing her. She gave her a hug and got into the car, the duo sped off. Sarah could hardly wait, she was never on a real road trip before, she wanted to broaden her horizons. Being with her step sister and love interest was something thrilling in and of it self. After about an hour of driving and listening to music, Christa told her to open the glove box. Sarah did so and discovered a bag of diamond rings, at first glance they looked very real but once she took one out and examined it by squinting her eyes, it was obviously fake. "Oh, so we're going to sell these to people?" "Not exactly" Christa said, making a turn onto the highway, "What I do isn't all about ripping people off with cheap little trinkets. With any luck I'll get enough money to buy a nicer ride." "What's wrong with this one?" Sarah asked, looking over the interior. "Are you kidding? There's a hole in the floor in the backseat, the air conditioning doesn't work and the brake pedal sticks some times" said Christa as she put her foot down on the brake pedal. "Why don't you just take it to a body shop?" "Sarah, when you've been doing this as long as I have you learn that that shit almost never works. The best cons involve fixing cars." Christa made a stop at a gas station, Sarah assumed she was going to buy some cigarettes. She hadn't been wearing her perfume lately, she missed that. She thought about what Christa had on today; tight, navy blue jeans, black boots, and a tight white top. Then something bright and red was in the corner of the fantasizing girl's eye. A brand new red convertible was on the back of a truck, it pulled into the gas station. It would be a perfect car for Christa, it certainly wouldn't have coffee stains on the seats, that's for sure. Christa was coming back to the car with a bag of chips among other things. "Christa, look!" Sarah exclaimed, pointing at the red convertible, strapped to the back of the rig. "Wow. It must be a raffle car" she said, sitting in the driver's seat and opening a bag of Doritos. Sarah looked through the bags of groceries; no cigarettes, "No cigarettes?" "I'm on the patch" the redhead said, patting her arm. Sarah could see a sticker under her sleeve. "I know how much you hate smoking." This made Sarah smile, she never thought she would quit on account of her. "So, want to get that car?" Christa had her mouth full, she swallowed it down and pondered, "I'll need to think about it. We have to find out where it's going and work out a strategy." Sarah rubbed her chin, trying to think of something, Christa pointed out that she looked like she was putting on her super villain thinking-cap. They drove for some time and saw that the truck was unloading the car in front of an electronic store. A large banner read: **WIN A CAR!** There was a crowd of people. Christa guessed that it had to have been either a draw or one of those really lame games where you had to keep touching the car until eventually people would get bored enough to leave and one person would be left. Once they got out of Christa's car they walked over and found out that it was in fact just touching the car. "I think I know how we can win" Sarah said looking over the rules that were written on a sign, next to the car. They were required to have at least one hand on the car and were allowed bathroom breaks, but only at a scheduled time. "Let's hear it" Christa said, kneeling down so that Sarah could whisper into her ear. Christa smiled and nodded. They had to sign a form for participation. It was them against nine other people. There was a young couple that looked like they were newlyweds, an old man, a fat woman who looked like she wouldn't be able to even fit in any of the seats, along with some other everyday people. Nearly two hours had passed by, the conning duo sat on the ground with their hands on the bumper, no one had left yet. Their first break was announced, they were given ten minutes, this was where Sarah's plan came in. The most important rule for bathroom breaks was that you had to be back in time or else be disqualified. She was positive that they would be able to find ways to eat up time for most of the competitors. Christa went up to the old man who had just come out of the washroom, wiping his hands on his pants in a rush to get back to the car. "Excuse me sir." "Sorry, young lady I have to get back to my post" he said walking past her. She grabbed his sleeve. "I dropped my contact lens" she said, turning her back to him and bending over, her butt in the air. She decided to go for the whole dumb girl in distress, this guy looked like he went for the young girls. "I'd like to help you, really..." "I know that car must mean the world to you, but I did hear them say they were going to give us an extra five minutes" she said convincingly. He agreed to help, looking around the dirt for a fake contact. She told him she would look over near a bench that wasn't that far from them but what she really did was go back to the car where Sarah waited. The man didn't get back in time, he was mad but he didn't make a scene about it. Eventually the fat woman got tired and went home along with a few other people. Once the next break came, Christa did the exact same ploy to some other men and even one girl that she thought was a lesbian. She tried it on the newlyweds; the husband any way but he was clever to her scheme and went back to the car, plus his new wife was giving him a dirty look when he eyed her behind when she bent over. When they were back at the bumper, Sarah whispered into Christa's ear, all the while looking at the couple and laughing, Christa laughed also. She wasn't saying anything funny she was just telling her to look at the couple and laugh. The couple was a little annoyed but they weren't budging. It was only down to them, everyone else had gone home and most of the crowd had thinned out, the novelty was wearing off. Sarah mocked a yawn, causing the wife to do also and then her hubby. Just before their next break was going to start, a wasp flew around the husband's ear, he took his hand off the car for a brief second. "Ha, I saw that" Sarah said, pointing at him with her free hand. He was forced to watch his wife with the small crowd. It was starting to get dark and the guy told his wife just to let them have it, but she wasn't giving up. "You know what" Christa said, "I know you two must be on your honeymoon and this would be perfect for you." Sarah had no idea what she was doing until she felt her step sister force something into her hand. The newly wed walked over to Christa, her hand sliding across the car door. "How dumb do you think I am? I know that you're not taking your hand off that car!" Christa took her hand off the car, leaving only Sarah as their only hope. She got a look at what was put in her hand and smiled. The young woman was confused, Sarah said she would shake on it that she played a good game and that she won fair and square. She stuck her hand out and Sarah took her free hand putting a furry white object in her hand. She jumped back, it was a mouse, but not a real one, the kind a cat would chase around. Sarah had won the car. Both newlyweds were furious and demanded that they be disqualified for that but there was nothing in the rules that were against tricking your competitors. Christa and Sarah took their things and drove off in their new car. They stopped at a liquor store and then drove off to a motel. They sat in the a parking lot since it wasn't that cheap to rent a room there for the night. Christa encouraged Sarah to drink some coolers that she bought. Sarah was hesitant at first since she never drank before but decided that she was up for a taste. It didn't take long for Christa to get drunk, she continued to congratulate the younger sibling, everything was going fine until she did the most unlikely thing. She leaned over to Sarah and started brushing her hand over her left cheek, saying how glad she was that she came with her. She looked at her strange; like almost as if she wanted her, like she wanted to make out or something. "Christa? Are you okay?" "You really are beautiful. You know that?" she said, moving in closer to her face. Sarah would've been all fine to do so but she was hoping that her first kiss would be when Christa was sober, not saying it wasn't hot just that it could be more classy. "Christa, we're sisters." "Step sisters, remember?" Christa said, puckering her lips, Sarah closed her eyes and puckered up also. She had never felt nor tasted anything like this. Christa's lips were so full and soft, she obviously had the practice and experience. It was as magical as Sarah had hoped, she was feeling light headed and could feel her heart pumping blood at a fantastic speed, like a charge of horses through an open field. But just as she was going to put her hands through her red hair, Christa backed off and sat back in her seat. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that" she said, she opened her door and got out of the car. Sarah had no idea where she was going. She felt bad, Christa didn't know how she felt about her so maybe she wasn't sure if it was okay. She wouldn't have minded kissing and snuggling with her but the trouble was, Sarah didn't know if Christa would be for that and now that she found out that she would have been it made her angry with herself that she didn't try anything with her before, letting her know. Now she might never have Christa as a girlfriend or a partner but as a confused sister; a confused sister that hopefully won't do anything stupid and be alive come morning. **So, relationship under way? Further conflict? Zombies? You'll see...** 9. Chapter 9 **The exciting aftermath from the night before. Could the kiss Sarah got from Christa really mean anything?** "_What was I thinking?" _Christa thought as she washed her hair in the motel bathroom, _"She's still in high school and not to mention you're both straight! Aren't we? Okay maybe not me but I'm certain she's...Hmmm. Think, she's been acting just as strange as you. Stranger about this living situation."_ She heard a knock and what sounded like Sarah, she quickly dried her hair with a hand dryer. Once she exited the bathroom she flew past Sarah, pretending as if everything was cool. "All yours" she mumbled. "Wait!" Sarah called as Christa was walking back to the car, "Can we talk?" Christa walked back to her, "There's nothing to talk about, Sarah. I was drunk and I did something very stupid. I'm sorry for traumatizing you." "You didn't traumatize me...I was glad you did that. I mean I was hoping you'd be sober and it was me making the first move but..." Christa's eyes widened, bigger than Sarah had ever seen them, "Ok, I'm going to pretend that you didn't just say that." Christa got into the car, Sarah followed, walking up to the driver's side. "Christa, this isn't easy for me to say but...I think I've been in love with you ever since I met you at my school." Christa closed her eyes tight trying best to think of this as all part of some nightmare; though she felt the same way, she had to admit that to herself. "You love me too, don't you?" Christa shook her head, she didn't want to believe any of this. Sarah jumped into the passenger seat and placed a hand on Christa's thigh, caressing it, Christa looked up at her with her sparkling eyes. Sarah wanted to recapture the night from before only this time with her in the driver's seat; figuratively of course. "Remember when we gave each other massages in the backyard? It felt so good rubbing your body and when I showed you how I liked it you made me feel these's hard to explain but..." Christa had to cut her short, it was just too much for her to bare, "We're sisters. That's our only bond." Sarah looked down at the floor of the car, "I don't think I could ever love you like a sister." Christa placed a hand on Sarah's chin and lifted her head to face her. She stared at her with those same seductive eyes as the night before, "Neither can I." She kissed her, starting off with simple kisses on the lips but then Christa got the idea of nibbling on the younger girl's collarbone. Sarah let out a moan, she thought that this was so perfect, the girl she loved was loving her back. "I always thought my first kiss would be special" she said aloud. Christa stopped to look at her seriously for a moment, "This is your first? Oh, boy. Am I going to have fun with you!" She sucked on her neck and then kissed her up and down, they started gently but Sarah wanted it more rough, first with closed mouth kisses followed by open mouth. They paid no attention if there was anyone watching them, not like they cared. Christa broke the kiss to get some air, after a few seconds of gasping she lifted Sarah onto her lap. She had her back against the steering wheel, just as Sarah was about to continue kissing her she accidentally put her hand down on the horn, the loud honk caused her to jump forward. Christa held onto her and laughed a little causing Sarah to also. They eventually got the hang of things with the making out and things were getting pretty hot, the windows were evident of this as they began to steam up. Christa let go of her step sister for a moment to speak her mind. "We don't have to go too far with this you know. Don't get me wrong, I'm liking this but I think that maybe we should take it one step at at time." Sarah smiled and nodded in agreement, "Okay." "We should probably stop and go get something to eat any way. Pick this up where we left off." "Please, just a bit longer" Sarah pleaded with doe eyes. Christa smiled, she couldn't say no to that look, "Ok, a few more minutes but then we're finding a diner because I'm starving." They kissed for ten more minutes, Sarah got off of the older girl's lap and sat in the passenger seat. She asked Christa if she could hold her hand while she drove, Christa was perfectly fine with that. Sarah squeezed her hand tight as they drove not too far from the motel. "You're so funny" she said, "You know, I think I had a crush on you when I first saw you at school too, I just didn't realize it then." "When did you realize it?" Sarah asked, more than curious, her eyes widened. "When we had dinner at your house for the first time" she said with a smirk. Sarah thought about that awkward night, there was almost no sign that Christa liked her though, more like she didn't want to get caught after stealing the donation money. Then she thought about the first few weeks of living in the new house how Christa acted like she hated her, it was a defence mechanism, she didn't know how to deal with these feelings, she must have thought she was some kind of pervert the way Sarah thought about herself. She remembered the night after Christa got into a fight with that guy that stayed the night, the thunderstorm; Christa was acting really cute about how she hated the sound of thunder and wanted to sleep in her bed with her. "So, that night you wanted to sleep in my bed with me?" Sarah asked, a little giddy. "I was afraid of the thunder, but it was a good excuse to sleep under the covers with you" Christa said, trying not to blush. "Oh, Christa, that's so romantic!" Sarah said aloud, putting her arms around her. Christa had to do her best to concentrate on the road, keeping both hands on the wheel as the young girl in love had her arms tight around her neck. Christa told her to calm down, Sarah had a tough time doing so, it was even tougher when Christa told her it was hard stopping herself from touching her small body, curled up in bed like that. Sarah planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Once they reached the diner, Christa told her to keep her hands to herself once they were out of the car, she didn't want to draw any kind of attention to them. Sarah obliged but it was difficult, she learned so much since last night, Christa really did like her as much as she did, maybe even more. They ordered some eggs and hash browns and took them back to the car. While they ate, Christa told her about the oil massage and saying that no guy had ever made her feel that way, when she moaned it was real, she said it was the closest she probably had to having an orgasm; she only wished that when it came time for her to return the favour to Sarah, she had been ready and would have given the same feeling. "Christa, this is amazing, I never thought I'd ever be in love with anyone before. Not a girl any way. I think you're the hottest person on the planet and the fact that you don't care what people think of you, you do whatever you want and get away with it!" Sarah said after shovelling the eggs into her mouth. But just as Sarah was getting carried away, Christa cleared her on the reality, "Sarah, you do realize what we're doing is wrong, right?" "What do you mean?" Sarah asked innocently, not taking into account about what their parents might think. "Your mom might freak, my dad definitely will. Like we're not biologically related but it is sort of...Like, I'm older than you and..." "Age shouldn't matter, besides, I can think for myself. My mom doesn't have to know, this will be our little secret." "I don't know. I mean I'm crazy about you kid. Plus, after this Summer I'm going back home one more time and then I'm gone. What then?" Sarah forgot about Christa leaving for good, she was hoping she could convince her to stay. Or there was always Plan B...Run away... **I'll try to write more in the next few days. I have more ideas to lengthen the story, like relationship wise, but I am open to any suggestions/Ideas.** 10. Chapter 10 **Continuing their story, Christa introduces Sarah to a new con and something more...** Sarah knew that this was crazy, falling in love with her step sister of all people, but she didn't care what anybody else thought about it. She was starting to believe Christa was her soul mate, she didn't tell Christa this out of fear that she would be creeped out, but they had such a strong bond. She was still excited after the first kiss she had gotten from her, even though she was drunk, it was still very sweet. She never would have thought Christa would ever feel the same way about her, she was a little short and she thought of herself as slightly over weight, starting to get love handles as they were called; Christa must not have cared, a girl like that going for someone like Sarah seemed unlikely to happen, but she thought maybe there was just something about her that clicked. The following day after her confrontation with the red head, she was schooled on their next little con. Christa explained the purpose of the plastic rings and how they would get them some green. Christa would be looking around on the ground like she did when she was searching for her fake contact, with her butt in the air. A passerby (a naive man) would ask what she was looking for and she would say, "My engagement ring." She would make a deal with the individual saying that if he found the ring and returned it, she would send him a reward. Sarah would play the part of a girl finding the ring, the same time the naive man would be searching for it. Since they would be desperate enough they would bargain with her, most likely with all of the money they have on them. Sarah thought it was genius, but wondered how many people would be gullible enough. Christa changed in the car into a tight blouse and skirt, she came out and demonstrated to Sarah how it would go down, with her curvy butt in the air. Sarah then realized how this would work, she couldn't keep her eyes off of the derriere. "I can feel you looking at me" Christa called, taking a peek back at the girl. Sarah turned her head away, trying not to blush, "I didn't say stop." Sarah continued to watch the girl on all fours crawl on the ground. Sarah helped her stand and helped brush some dirt off her skirt, she was getting a little grabby, as if she thought she could be sneaky and cop a feel. "Whoa, there, getting a little grabby are we?" Sarah didn't say anything, she felt a little embarrassed that she had been caught red handed doing that, even though she was all over Christa in the car the previous day, "I was kidding. You're fun to tease." Sarah remembered that her mom would be checking in soon to see how she was making out on the trip. It was awkward keeping out all of the little details and lying the way she was to her. "Yeah, mom, Christa and I are getting along just fine. No, she's not bossy or anything. She's taking good care of me." She wasn't telling a total lie, Christa was taking care of her, just in her own special way and they were definitely getting along; she couldn't say much for the bossy parts, not with the cons but some times how she liked to be kissed. She was on her way to being featured on some trashy talk show in an episode called, _"My Sleazy Family...I'm in Love with my Step Sister!" _She couldn't just lie to her forever, but how would she react to something like this? Maybe she would be okay if she was interested in girls...but this was like some kind of crazy borderline incest...well maybe not that far but something close and something that some people might be very accepting to. "Sarah, most people out here are doing their cousin, they can't judge us" Christa said as they drove up to a gas station, "Just remember that you can't tell anyone about this, at least not yet, not for a while." "Okay" Sarah said, unbuckling her seat belt, ready to exit the car and get into position. "You remember what to do, right? When I leave the gas station, that's your cue" Christa said, stopping the car. Sarah hopped out and waited near a dumpster, watching Christa park the red corvette next to the gas pumps. She watched her do the whole routine to some poor sap who worked there, once the corvette was leaving, she got into position. She already had the ring on her, making it look like she picked it up off the ground. The gas station attendant rushed over to her and told her it was his ring. "Don't I get a reward? It looks pretty valuable." He of course didn't have time for this and wanted to mail it off to the mysterious woman who had lost it. He emptied the cash register and forked over the cash. Sarah thought about how much it was like a robbery, only without guns or anything to give them a reason to call the cops and this guy was obviously desperate. Christa was waiting for her, out of sight from the gas station attendee. She was pleased with what she brought back, it was a pretty good stack of money for a place like that. Sarah buckled up as Christa counted the money. "You did good, kid" Christa said with a smile. "Don't I get a reward?" Sarah asked, moving in for a kiss. Christa brought her in close, holding the back of her head. "You'll have a very big reward tonight" Christa said with a bigger smile, exposing her white teeth. Sarah could only imagine what that meant since Christa refused to reveal what she had in mind, "You'll see, cutie, you'll see." Sarah was becoming impatient as the sun set, Christa drove them out on a kind of look out point and left Sarah in the car by herself. She would never ditch her, especially in a car like this one. There was a burger joint not far that she said she would go and pick something up for them. She couldn't piece together why she wanted to go by herself. There was nothing good on the radio to listen to or anything to keep her preoccupied. She was getting restless and was ready to leave the car and venture out to find her when she her a breathy voice just outside her window. "Don't turn around and close your eyes" The voice commanded softly, Sarah did as she was told. She knew it was Christa, it had to be, she could smell the familiar perfume that she thankfully decided to wear again. She heard the door to the driver's side open and shut, a body sat down next to her. She could feel the sensation of air being blown into her ear, it was tingling and relaxing. Sarah was feeling the temperature rise, even though her window was opened. She couldn't help but suspect Christa wasn't wearing any clothes which excited her but at the same time was a frightening thing to think about since she might be required to take her clothes off as well. She felt her familiar soft lips press against her own, feeling the same sensation as she had before, along with something new; a wet tongue was sliding its way into her mouth. At first she was a little disgusted, why would Christa think she would be into this? Tongue kissing only sounded sexy when you called it French kissing and there wasn't much sexy about it. She then found the tongue not all that disgusting as it lashed back and forth over her own, it wasn't that bad at all. She decided to play along and got her tongue into Christa's mouth as well. Before she knew it, she was lashing tongues with her, her eyes still closed. Then the tongue left her mouth, she didn't want it to end though, much to her surprise since she at first hated what was being done to her. She opened her eyes to find Christa staring back at her, dreamy eyed and fully clothed. "How was that?" she asked, a little bit of drool hanging from her bottom lip. Sarah took a moment to respond, "That was amazing! I had no idea what you were going to do!" "Okay, time to eat, your food is getting cold" Christa said, pushing a brown paper bag in front of her." "Can't we kiss a bit longer? I was just getting the hang of it" Sarah said, giving a puppy dog look. "You can't always get your way with that look. But you are so adorable when you do that!" She opened her mouth around the curious young girl's mouth, wide, using her tongue to massage hers and got a massage in return, Sarah still couldn't get over how good it felt and tasted. She moaned into Christa's mouth causing Christa to moan also, both in a frenzy before Christa let go to lick Sarah's neck. "You really are a good masseuse" Christa complemented. "You're so good at that" said Sarah, letting her have room to have at her neck, "You really know how to use that tongue of yours." "Maybe I'll use this tongue to massage your whole body, how does that sound?" Christa asked as she licked her cheekbone. "Mmmm, that would be nice" Sarah said smiling. They eventually took a break and ate their cold burgers. Sarah could only wonder about what the next day had in store. **Okay, so slightly more naughty than before. More to come. Same as before, if you have any suggestions for cons or plot points, I'm all ears. Thanks for your feedback so far, you guys are great! :)** 11. Chapter 11 **Sarah continues her romance with Christa, what dangers could possibly lie ahead?** The Summer was nearly over and Sarah was having the time of her life, it had been the most eventful break in recent memory and she was spending it with her lover. "So what are we going to do today, Christa?" Sarah asked as they drove along the highway. "Same thing we do everyday, Sarah, find the dumbest people we can and con them out of a butt load of money" Christa said as she slurped some cherry slushy. "We should work on a team motto" Sarah suggested aloud, "But seriously, what are we doing today exactly?" "Well, we could do another ring scam but I know you're bored with that. There's one I always wanted to try out but it's risky...dangerous even." That got Sarah's attention, danger was part of this life Christa chose and for whatever reason made her ten times hotter. She immediately bugged her into revealing what she had in mind, "Okay, next stop and I'll show you, jeez." She parked in an empty parking lot just outside of a truck stop diner. Sarah got out of the car and followed her close behind as she made her way to the trunk. Sarah quickly got the impression that Christa was going to maybe pull out her blonde wig again but instead something much more alluring. In a tote bag she had a police uniform, a rather skimpy one, Sarah had to admit, more something a stripper might wear as she worked a pole. "Are you going to be a stripper? I thought you said you would never take your clothes off for money" Sarah said surprised. "No" Christa said quickly, "I'm going to pose as a police officer. Do you really think it looks like a stripper outfit?" Christa took out a short blue skirt and tight top. Sarah took a closer look in the bag and noticed handcuff and a gun, a fake one that only shot blanks, "Now I see why you said this would be dangerous" Sarah said, quickly putting the gun down. What exactly do you plan on doing?" "I'm going to be a cop who takes bribes" she told her honestly. "But, don't you need a siren and an actual police car" asked Sarah, lifting an eyebrow. "Luckily, people around here wouldn't stop to think about stuff like that. If it's anything like back home, as soon as they see the blue they think they're fucked." Sarah thought it was weird to hear Christa swear like that, she was trying to hold back on the cussing and smoking as much as she could around her. She didn't hold back on acting a little naughty once and while like late at night when they were all alone. Christa was really good at flirting, Sarah felt like a fool for trying to flirt back because she didn't feel like she could come off as being sexy. She tried blowing into her ear and kiss her neck to see if that might turn her on but she was never really confident that it worked. Even though Christa said it would be dangerous to dress up like that, impersonating an officer and all, she changed in the trucker washroom. Sarah waited outside, her back to the door, she didn't hear anything behind her until it was too late. "Put your hands where I can see them!" a familiar yet huskier voice rang. Sarah did as she was told. "Now turn around slowly, young lady" Sarah did, she turned to see Christa in her uniform/revealing costume. Though the badge she wore was obviously a fake, no one would probably take notice since they would be too preoccupied eyeing up the uniform, short skirt and all. Christa's hair was tied back and she even had a police hat on. She holstered her gun after she knew Sarah was impressed. They went inside the truck stop diner for something to eat, Sarah was starting to worry about these frequent diner trips and what they were doing to her body, Christa told her she looked fine and not to worry since the next place they go to will probably have a salad bar. Christa was cautious, she made sure there was no police car outside, Sarah told her the coast was clear inside for any other blue uniforms or whatever colour they might be wearing in this state. The large, beefy truck drivers peeked at Christa, not taking their eyes off her as she walked up to the counter. The waitress was friendly enough, she thought she was an actual cop, Sarah had to keep from laughing. After they finished a small meal the waitress asked Christa what the situation was about an outbreak of a virus which left her baffled. She told the waitress they were working on it and was on her way. "What do you think she meant? Could it be like the bird flu or something?" Sarah asked, concerned. "Nothing for us to worry about, let's hit the road" Christa said as they walked to her car. They drove along a highway that looked pretty deserted except for a few eight wheelers every couple miles. The next town was almost a ghost town or the aftermath of doomsday; there were cars abandoned out in the street and store windows smashed. Christa crept along in the car driving slow enough to see if there was anyone around. "This is creepy" Sarah said aloud, "Where is everybody?" "I don't know but I do know that they're probably not here for a reason. Guess today was kind of a bust with the uniform" Christa sighed. "Don't give up so easily" Sarah said with a smile, "If everyone's gone we should at least look around to see if there's anything they might have left behind." Christa was impressed of how eager she was to at least not leave empty handed, "Bravo" Christa said, turning on to another street, "You want me to keep wearing this, don't you?" "I do like you in a uniform" Sarah said with a sincere grin. It didn't matter where Christ parked, no one would be around, she held on to Sarah's hand just in case. Though the town might be deserted there could still be looters or crazy rednecks around. "Christa, can you wear that everyday?" Sarah asked as she was being pulled along. "We have to think about the right times, I can't just wander around in every town we come across in this. I could easily get caught. "So, could you maybe wear that for me tonight?" Sarah asked, innocently flashing her eyelashes. "If you're good" Christa pointed out. "But I'm always good" Sarah reminded. They rooted in a grocery store that had food that had not yet expired and a hardware store and even a gun shop for whatever money or supplies they may need. Christa wasn't one to call herself a thief or a robber but this was an exception since no one else was around. "Do we need guns?" Sarah asked, pointing to a gun rack. "We're not Bonnie and Clyde" Christa said as she took a few dollars from an open cash register. Their next stop was a clothing store, Sarah noticed that it was starting to get dark, she reminded Christa of this. "I get what you're doing" she laughed. Christa sat her down at a bench next to two changing stalls, Sarah was excited to kiss a cop even if it was pretend. She was practically sitting in Christa's lap as she tried blowing into her ear and suckling her neck, at that time Christa had an idea. "We should do some role play." "Like what? Cop and a shoplifter?" Sarah questioned, she wasn't really in the mood to stop her own fantasy now. "I was thinking sexy cop and girl who's lost in the mall" Christa said with a laugh. "Are you making fun of me because I look really young?" Sarah asked, a little annoyed. "No, of course not. I just thought you might think it would be hot." "It does sound hot and it could be fun" Sarah thought, "Okay." "Lets see how your acting has improved" Christa said with a laugh. Christa instructed her to stand around near the change area, Christa would walk over to her and ask if she's lost and then would take off from there. Sarah walked around aimlessly in a circle, Christa walked up to her, swaying her hips back and forth as she approached her. "Hello there, young lady. Are you lost?" "Yeah" Sarah said, nodding, looking down at the floor. Christa put her hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with a smile. "Well, good looking, what's say we find your parents?" Christa led Sarah into one of the changing stalls. There she took her clothes off for Sarah, even going as far as taking off her top and revealing her bra.. "And you wanted to get breasts implants?" Sarah asked, stunned. Before Christa could answer a voice called from outside. "Hey, is there anyone in here?" **Uh-Oh, who could it be? haha. More to come in the following week! Comment/Review :)** 12. Chapter 12 **Next chapter! Christa and Sarah are in a tight jam as they are in a stall while someone calls from outside. What will happen next?** Sarah felt the soft laced design of her step sister's bra with her hands, feeling the shapes it made, she hadn't planned on seeing her naked just yet, she felt she would have to be on a special good behaviour on the trip to have an opportunity like that. Their brief time in the changing stall was going to be cut short and they would be both be caught with their pants down; a figure of speech but Christa did have her blue policewoman skirt around her ankles. "Is anyone in here?" A manly voice called, well not exactly manly but a young man's voice. He would hopefully be on his way and they wouldn't have to worry about having the stall door rudely swung open, "If there are any souls in here, just so ya know, we're finding refuge in the next town over. Anyone left in here, be advised that the illness is spreading and to take precaution! There's a truck outside, this is your last chance!" Christa whispered to Sarah, telling her to be quiet. It wasn't long before she heard the man leave, dragging his feet along the tiled floor and closing the front door behind him. Sarah was scared after hearing about an illness spreading, likely what the waitress talked about at the diner. Christa told her they might as well finish up and be on their way. Sarah nibbled on one of Christa's ears playfully. "My goodness, young lady" Christa said , tilting her head back in awe. Sarah felt up her back, feeling how warm her body was getting. Just when it was getting good Christa stopped and told her it was time to hit the road. Sarah could hardly wait to try this again with the police outfit, it made things so much hotter. Walking outside to their car they spotted someone in a dark hoodie trying to jack it, Christa held up her gun and pointed it at him, "Step away from the car ass hole!" she called. Without even turning around to face her he ran and she ran after him, "Stay with the car!" she ordered Sarah. She did as she was told but she would have rather helped her in stopping the dirt bag. It take long before the faux police officer had the perp cornered in a dead end alley. She had her gun drawn on him. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to get out of here!" said the no face guy, his hood covering everything but his mouth and yellow stained teeth. "Did you take anything out of my car?" "N-no!" he stammered. "Empty your pockets!" Christa ordered. He did so, he didn't have much on him for money but did have a bag of weed. She picked up the bag slowly, looking at him seriously as if she would book him, "What do we have here? Looks like I'm going to need to hold onto this." "Come on, man...Ma'am I mean..." He said with his hands in the air, "I didn't even think there was anybody left in this town." "That's not much of an excuse" she said, pocketing the bag for herself. "Why are you still here any way, I thought this place was like evacuated or something" he said curiously; after he caught his breath and thought about it for a minute he realized he was being had, there was no way this attractive redhead was on the right side of the law. "You're not really a cop, are you?" Christa didn't want him to think any differently that she was but for whatever reason she felt that she could trust this guy, he was really no different from her. She lowered her toy weapon and shook her head, "Nah, man. We're on the same team." "I'm not on anybody's team, I'm just trying to get a vehicle out of this town and head to Vegas" he said with a grin. "Vegas, huh? Going to win big?" Christa said with a laugh. "Maybe, I won ten grand the last visit" he sneered. Christa lifted an eyebrow, this was intriguing, she wasn't one to team up with somebody she just met and who was going to steal her car no less, "Can I have my stuff back?" "I think maybe I'll hold onto it. And why don't you take off the hood so I can see if there's anything worth looking at underneath" she said raising the gun once again. He did so, revealing shaggy, long, uncombed hair and baby blue eyes, he wasn't too bad to look at, "You didn't have to try and steal my car, I would've been alright to give you a ride, Vegas isn't on my route but I can take you as far as I can." "Thank you" he said relieved that he wouldn't die today. She walked back to the corvette, Sarah leaning up against it, her jaw almost hit the ground once she saw that she was having a friendly conversation with this guy. "_What, does she think he's cute or something? There's no way this douche bag is coming with us!" _Sarah thought angrily. Christa introduced him, even though she didn't know his name. "Just call me Vegas" he said with a flash of those yellow teeth, enough to make Sarah gag. "Then you can call me Wichita and this little lady...Little Rock" Christa said with a smile. Vegas laughed at the sound of that since she was very small. Sarah was full of questions for him during his ride, she was suspecting that he was some wanted felon. "You know, you could have just taken that bus that came by earlier, they were only going to the next town over but at least it would have been a start" she said with a frown. "You heard that about a bus boarding, huh?" he chuckled, "I just did that to see if there was anyone still around in case I ran into any trouble...guess that plan backfired. That town's been deserted for a few weeks now." Christa couldn't get over how ingenious that was, it was something she would have probably done, "Some kind of sickness, had to quarantine everybody, but it's not airborne or anything though, the state police are still fuzzy with all of the details." "Of all the cars you could have stolen, why this one?" asked Sarah as they drove along. "You're just full of questions, huh? I dunno, guess this caught my eye, it's a fine machine. Not very smart though if I wanted to stay low, which I do." "Are the police after you?" she asked, worried. "Sarah, don't pester" Christa said to her, darting a glare, "But they're not, right?" "Not any more, out of their jurisdiction" he said slyly as if trying to impress the older sibling. "And what exactly did you do?" Christa asked, her hands glued to the steering wheel, eyes off the road. "Just a little mishap involving a stolen police car, I might have or might not have totalled it into a convenience store. I was pretty buzzed at the time" Christa was speechless after that. "But how is that out of their jurisdiction?" Sarah asked, confused. "Happened a couple states over, don't worry they don't even know what I look like. Now I have a question for you. Are you two sisters?" Sarah was going to answer with step sisters but Christa butted in, "Yup." "Really? You two don't look nothing alike" he said, studying both their faces, "So, what's with the police outfit?" "Just something for fun" Sarah said with a sly grin. Christa wasn't impressed by what she was hinting at. "Something I wanted to try out to scam a couple people" Christa said covering up her kinkiness towards the young girl. "You sure fooled me" said Vegas. He asked more questions about their trip and where they were headed, Christa only gave vague details in case this guy might come after them and try anything. It wasn't long before red and blue lights appeared in the rear view mirror causing Christa to tense up. "Oh, shit!" said Vegas turning to look out the back window, a police car speeding up behind them, in hot pursuit. "I thought you said you were out of their jurisdiction!" Sarah yelled. "Well, shit, I don't know too much about that stuff! Maybe their after you guys!" "Bullshit!" said Sarah. "Calm down!" Christa called back, she started to slow the car down and was readying to pull over to the side. The police car zoomed past her and up a hill, paying no attention to her. "Guess we're not what he's after" Vegas said, calming down with a light chuckle, playing it all cool. "Just to be safe maybe I should let you out here" Christa said with a straight face, looking at him in his baby blue eyes. "What? This is like the middle of nowhere" he said wide eyed at Christa's decision. "People pick up hitchhikers all the time, right? I can't endanger my little sister's life, you understand." She gave him a bottle of water and the shaggy young man exited the car. "Maybe we'll run into each other again" he said again flashing those yellow pearls. "Not likely" Sarah said from the back window as they drove away. After he was gone, Vegas was the only thing Christa was able to talk about, irritating Sarah. Sarah remembered that she liked bad boys and constantly had them over, she feared that she was growing tired of a kid like her. Christa showed her the marijuana she confiscated from him. Sarah wasn't the least bit thrilled. "What if he laced it with something?" she asked like she had seen something about that on TV. "If you feel that way, fine, more for me" Christa said, putting it back in her shirt pocket. They took shelter in another parking lot for the night, Sarah could only hope they wouldn't run into any more creeps like Vegas. Once they found a gym where they could shower, got something to eat and texted Sarah's mom, they were on the road. Sarah couldn't quite pin point it, but Christa was acting weird, but not a usual side effect from taking drugs; she hadn't even got to see if the bag of marijuana was empty. "Are you feeling okay, Christa?" Sarah asked, sniffing her. "I'm fine, just feeling a little frisky today for whatever reason" she said with one hand on the wheel. "Really?" Sarah said, lifting her eye brows, "Want to stop over there so we can fool around? Nobody should see us." She pointed to a highway sign, a usual lookout post for highway police but there was no one around, it was risky but got the blood pumping. Christa patted her head, wrestling up her hair. "That's a good girl, I'm not sure what it is but you're looking especially hot today" she said with a smile. She parked the car behind the sign and reached over the passenger seat for Sarah's belt, "Let's take those pants off." Sarah unbuckled and slid out of her pants, Christa felt her leg, up and down. She caressed her thighs and kissed her plump lips. Sarah was worried about her love handles but Christa wasn't complaining, she escaped her jeans as well. Sarah felt her up like she was on the deck back home massaging the older girl's body. "I can't believe that guy. Remind me never to trust somebody like him or anybody for that matter. It's just going to be me and you. You're my responsibility" Christa said, sucking on Sarah's neck. She took her shirt off and climbed onto the young girl's lap. She pushed her bra in her face, Sarah put her mouth on the bra, tugging at it. "What are you doing?" Christa laughed. "Trying to take your bra off with my teeth, is it sexy?" "Yes. You are very sexy" Christa said, making out with her gently. **Vegas will return in future chapters. Zombies will be coming soon...** 13. Chapter 13 **Continuing this little saga. Still not sure I'll tie it too close to the movie but I'll give it a try. Enjoy.** Sarah still couldn't get over Christa's behaviour, either it was the pot or something was in the air. Christa had almost forgotten about the fact that Sarah's school would be starting up in just a week and a half and she had to take her back home. "If you stick around with me I'm pretty sure your mom will be mad at the both of us. She might end up calling the cops and reporting this as a kidnapping" Christa said as she drove, still in her underwear. "I'm sure she wouldn't do that. Are you really leaving forever? Will you write to me? Will I get to see you again?" Sarah asked, concerned that her first love would abandon her. "Don't worry about that. Once I find a place to settle for a couple of months I will text you" Christa said while she held her hand, "Maybe Christmas or next Summer we can do this again." She kissed Sarah's hand, Sarah trembled at the feeling of her soft, wet lips on her skin. She was regretting not making love to her, they didn't do very much, she never got to see Christa naked, she would usually fall asleep just when it was getting good. Christa told her that she would wait at least another year before trying anything like that; she had suggested dry humping with their clothes on but Sarah didn't think it sounded all that fun. After some time of driving they passed by signs warning of CONTAMINATION AHEAD and HAZARDOUS! There was a road block, police and military vehicles stopping anyone from driving through. Sarah was scared, this outbreak was getting worse, her mother and step father could be in serious trouble. They were told by a solider to turn around, all entry into the next state had been blocked, everyone would be under quarantine. "That's just great!" Christa said in a sarcastic voice as she made a U-turn. "What do we do now?" Sarah asked, holding on to her arm. "I guess we find a motel. Not much we can do." "Do you think they're okay?" Sarah asked, looking into Christa's eyes for an answer. "I'm sure they are. Whatever's happening, we know it isn't some airborne virus and I'm sure the news or something is telling them what to do" Christa said, thinking of the first few things that came to mind to comfort her. Later that night in their motel room, Sarah checked for any messages on her phone; nothing. She tried calling the house but a machine came on telling her the number was temporarily out of service. "Perfect" Sarah said, tossing her phone aside. She felt a pair of arms hold her from behind, she looked up to see Christa smiling. "I told you. Don't worry." "But the phone..." sarah started but was stopped by a kiss. "I know something that will take your mind off of this. Remember when I said I would massage your body with my tongue? I wasn't lying" she said while giving her a sensual look, "I want to make you feel good." Sarah nodded, she was so glad, it would be something she wanted from her, it would be much better than an actual massage with her clumsy hands. Christa undressed her and had her on the bed in her bra and panties. "I still haven't seen you naked" Sarah told her with a sneaky grin. "Well, then. I guess I need to get naked with you" she said, taking off her shirt. Sarah watched in amazement as she got to see the sexy red head topless, Christa tossed her shirt to her like a stripper and took her pants off next. After eyeing her up, Sarah lied down on the bed on her stomach. Christa licked her back delicately. She loved the sounds Sarah made, she licked her soft legs, her neck and shoulders then politely asked for her to remove her bra. Sarah obliged, revealing her budding nipples; she was a little embarrassed but Christa didn't seem to mind them. Sarah thanked Christa by massaging her back with her tongue, nibbling as she went along; Christa let out soft moans. The next morning while they were getting ready to see if the situation with the roadblock had improved they were startled by a loud bang at the door. "Probably the owner" Christa said as she slipped into a top. There was no peep hole to see who was outside, Sarah sat on the edge of the bed watching Christa slowly reach for the door knob. A second loud bang startled them both, it was not a normal knock. Christa opened the door slowly only to have the door hit her in the face nearly knocking her over. Sarah was in shock to see a man drenched in what she thought was his own blood, he closed the door and went about pushing the bed in front of it. "What the fuck are you doing? Who are you?" Christa hollered, holding the side of her face in pain. "There's five of them out there! I think they seen me!" he said insanely. "Who?" Sarah asked, still shocked by the blood on him. He explained that there was some kind of infection causing people to act animalistic, as if they had rabbis, he was forced to kill two of them and needed a place to take shelter. Christa told him to leave but he refused telling her calmly to allow him to stay for at least an hour so he knows they had lost track of him. Sarah convinced her that he had been through a lot and should rest. Christa was okay with it, as long as it was only an hour and not a minute longer. Sarah fetched him some water from the bathroom to drink, once she gave it to him she noticed a bite mark on his hand. "Yeah, they got me pretty bad, I thought they wanted to take my whole hand off. Crazy bastards." He closed his eyes only for a second, sitting on the bed, exhausted from the running. Christa was becoming impatient, she didn't want this guy here any longer, the cops might be after him, she didn't want to have any part in that. She yelled into his ear even though Sarah told her to leave him alone. His eyes opened and there was something wrong, they weren't dilated, they were strange. He started foaming at the mouth, hissing at her. **More soon. I might be starting a Sky High fic next (Slash of course) but probably not until after another chapter of Undying Love. You should check out the Sky High fic Super Evil, looks interesting. Bye for now :)** 14. Chapter 14 **Hey! It's been a while! Christa and Sarah have found their first zombie and will certainly not be their last. See how they manage...Oh, and there are some brief moments of sexuality so be warned.** He lunged at her, opening his foamy jaw like a rabid dog. Christa tried to get away from him. He got a hold of her, wrapping his arms around her tightly, she couldn't break free. Sarah grabbed a lamp and whacked him over his head; it seemed to have only slightly irritated him. Christa dropped to the floor. He advanced toward Sarah, hissing at her and looking at her with wild animal eyes. She was backed into a corner, waving the broken lamp at him like a baseball bat. Just when it looked like it was all over for her, there was a loud boom followed by the rabid man hitting the floor. Christa was standing behind him, holding a gun that belonged to the man. She rushed over to her shaking step sister. "Are you okay? I think it's time to go" she said softly. Sarah nodded without saying a word, she just wanted out of there, away from this mess. On their way out of the room, Christa held the gun close, stealthy like a cop. She held Sarah closel, walking to their car. They drove, not knowing where they were going; Christa knew the police would likely be on their way soon after that gun shot; it was technically self defence but she didn't want to have to deal with all that. "Wow" she said aloud, "I killed someone." Sarah didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say to that. Christa was nervous she started to laugh, not believing what she did not even when she spoke of it. Sarah laughed a little herself, still in complete shock. Eventually they stopped behind a convenience store for a moment to collect themselves. Sarah decided to keep Christa's mind at ease, she moved over to the driver's seat and sat in her lap, "Now this is what I'm talking about" Christa said, locking lips with her. "It's what I'm here for" Sarah said as she french kissed the red head. "You're getting so much better at this" Christa said proudly. "I had a good tutor over the summer" she said with a grin. Christa sucked on her neck, Sarah let out a loud moan, it was then that she noticed how foggy the windows were getting. She decided to tell her how she felt, even though she already knew and had said it before, "I love you." Christa faced her for a second, looking deep into her eyes, "I love you too" she said puckering up her plump, movie star lips. She pulled Sarah in and guided her to her breasts, "Do you know what motor boating is?" "Uh, I think so" Sarah guessed, though not entirely sure. She helped remove her top and bra and Christa shook her breasts in the girl's face. Sarah thought it was funny. She was instructed to bury her face into them. She felt the soft skin brush her face and felt the instinct to suck on the exposed breasts. "Give them a little bite" Christa said softly. She felt the sensation of her nipples bit and pulled, something she missed. Eventually Sarah was lying in Christa's arms and cuddling with her, "I'll never leave you. I'm always going to be here." Weeks went on and they still couldn't get into contact with their parents, the road blocks were still up. Sarah didn't want to be on the road constantly without any stops in between, she wanted to see her mother again she wanted to come clean with the truth about her secret. Christa told her it might be too much for her mother to hear, they could both get into a lot of trouble, "It's not like she's going to take it well that her only daughter is in love with her step daughter. It does sound a bit blasphemous" Christa pointed out as they sat in a diner booth. "I guess. I just don't want to keep lying to her" Sarah said with a frown. "What lies? You're having a good time with me. You're helping me on the road" she said with a smile, "And then some." New reports scared Sarah late at night as there was starting to be wide spread panic about similar cases of people acting strange and attacking people. It was starting to be like a real life horror movie. Christa didn't want her watching any more TV until things calmed down, it was starting to stress her out. "But what if they're zombies? Maybe that guy you killed was a zombie, he didn't stop until he was shot in the head" she said a little paranoid. Christa rustled her hair, "I assure you there are no zombies" she said before kissing her on the forehead. Their new hotel room had more space and bigger bed and even adult movies. Christa decided to put one on as a joke. She teased Sarah with the cover; it featured two ridiculously large breasted women. They lied down on the bed and watched it together, they laughed at just how stupid it was and the acting, not to forget mentioning how their breasts were like a size FF. Sarah forgot about their worries as the two leads started squirting each other with whip creme. The whip creme sparked an idea in Christa's head, she wanted to be naughty with the other girl, she wanted to play out another fantasy. She ordered whip creme. "What are you going to do with that?" Sarah asked with a sly grin. "You'll see" Christa said with sensual eyes. Sarah put her arms around her waist and brought her in for a more intense lip lock, "My goodness, young lady!" Christa laughed, "Did you really mean it when you said I was the hottest girl on the planet?" "Of course I did" Sarah said, lifting her head up for air, "I don't think anyone comes close. Do you really think I'm good looking? Have you seen my rolls?" Christa felt her stomach and the small love handles that had gotten a little bigger from the start of the Summer; all of the diner food wasn't a healthy diet, "That's nothing, just more of you to love." Something else was on Sarah's mind, ever since she had seen those fake rings for one of Christa's cons she thought about marriage. She thought about proposing to the older girl in the back of her mind, she of course couldn't imagine bringing it up to her without getting a weird, awkward silence but she wanted to know Christa's thoughts about it. Christa told her about her thoughts for the future already, she didn't dream about having kids or a family which was okay with Sarah but she wondered if she would ever consider marrying her younger step sister, as wrong as it probably sounded; but then again she might get the same talk she did about coming out to her mom, _"Hey, Mom, so I really like Christa now, I like her so much we both fell in love and now I'm going to marry her."_ Christa grabbed a hold of Sarah's butt while she was daydreaming, "Well, you certainly improved down here. Now I've got something I can grab onto" said Christa, using both hands. Sarah spanked her with an open hand, causing her to yelp, "Careful, someone's going to be knocking on our door complaining about the noise at this rate." "I bet you wouldn't care so much if you were with some boy like Vegas" Sarah said jokingly. Christa gave her a funny look, "What? No, I just don't want anyone bothering us. Are you jealous of Vegas?" Sarah took her eyes off her and looked down at the floor, "Sarah." "I seen the way you looked at him" Sarah moped. "Sarah, I was acting. I kicked him out too, remember? I told you that it's just going to be me and you." "But what about what people might think?" "I don't give a shit, you'll be legally an adult soon any way and what business is it of there's?" Christa smiled at her and she smiled back, they hugged tightly before Christa said she had to go powder her nose. Sarah was left alone with the porno, all was calm until she was disturbed by the sound of burning rubber outside; annoyed she walked over to the window to see what it could be. Pushing the curtain she saw Vegas emerge from a newly stolen trans am. It seemed he had found them once again and would likely come in and ruin their evening. **See how Vegas will stir things up in the following chapter which shall be coming along ASAP.** 15. Chapter 15 **So sorry this has taken so long, stuff sort of came up. Thank so far for your feedback, really tankful for that! This chapter is a little short but I will continue as soon as I get the chance :)** Sarah kept quiet about seeing Vegas in the parking lot, she thought he would be long gone by morning, off to some other town. She had some fun with Christa and a couple cans of whip cream. She woke up before Christa and ran to the window for a trace of the trans am; it was parked in the same place it was the previous night, she could only imagine that he was planning on staying here for a few days. Christa didn't know what her hurry was to get a move on, repeating that they should be on the road. Christa told her they should stay there for at least a few nights then they would try coning a new community or at least fellow travellers. Sarah didn't want her leaving the room, even though she told the guy off before, she was afraid she might fall for the shaggy haired loser. Christa did tell her that it would only be her and Sarah but she didn't think she could trust her alone with a guy like him, she could wind up getting hurt. She decided to keep an eye on her as long as Vegas was staying there, hopefully he would be gone by morning. Things were going well throughout the following day, no run ins with Vegas or much of the other guests. "I'll go pick us up something" Christa said around dinner time. "Want me to go with you?" Sarah asked, worried. "No, I'll be fine, just chill" she said, grabbing her purse, "Make sure to keep the door locked, only answer to me" She kissed her goodbye and left the room. Sarah watched her from the window until she got into the car. Once she drove off Sarah decided to snoop around and find exactly where Vegas was staying. She peeked into a few windows unnoticed, most of the rooms didn't have the light on so it was difficult to see who exactly was occupying. It wasn't long until she caught sight of the red convertible. She headed back to the room and waited for Christa to return with her dinner. She sat on the bed and waited for what seemed to be ten minutes. She decided to go outside and see what was up, as she opened the door she received a shock. "Howdy" said Vegas with a flash of those yellow teeth, the sight of them made Sarah feel the urge to vomit. Christa stood at his side holding her dinner in a Styrofoam container, she actually seemed okay that he was there and that was what Sarah feared the most. He sat in with them, Christa even shared some of what she had in her own Styrofoam dish with him. Sarah didn't take her eyes off him as he scarfed down her girlfriend's food. He told them how there was almost nowhere to go because of the barricades, more and more people reported attacks by rapid people. He informed them that he knew a few cool people that lived on the road and were looking for the same answers. "They're pretty awesome, I think you'd like them" Vegas said with a sly grin directed at Sarah. "We kicked you out on the highway and you want to help us, what's the catch?" Sarah asked raising an eyebrow. "Sarah, let's hear him out" Christa said, while giving Vegas a look Sarah wasn't recognized with. "They have a little place not far from here, all our age, they've got money, food, shelter..." he went on, trying to convince them to come along. While Sarah wanted to object, Christa was all for it; Sarah couldn't make out what was happening, unless maybe Christa was planning on conning these people. They followed behind Vegas in his trans am. Sarah couldn't get over Christa's expression, she didn't look menacing or angry but there was something about a sparkle in her eye that didn't look right and whatever it was had something to do with Vegas. "Christa" Sarah said softly. "Yes?" "You're planning a con, right?" "What? No, I just want to meet these people and see if they are what he claims. If things look bad, we leave" Christa said with a frown. "I thought you said before that it was just going to be you and me" Sarah said, bowing her head. "Don't be like that, please. Things change" she said, attempting a smile. They drove up to a dilapidated house, some teenagers holding what looked like high powered weapons came out to greet them; after some quick introductions curiosity of Vegas, the girls felt at ease. The inside of the house was more inviting, completely redone. Sarah was liking the idea of staying with these people for a small while but then she noticed the attention Christa was getting, there was a hunk young man with thick side burns wearing a blazer; every bit of the kind of bad boy Christa liked. Sarah heard his name, "James." She was quickly introduced to the others but didn't care, she wasn't interested in making any new friends, she was only interested in keeping this guy away from her imaginary fiancee. **To Be Continued...** 16. Chapter 16 **Back! With a longer chapter. Sarah was some new competition and has to get Christa back. Hope you like it.** It had been three days. Three days of Christa spending time with the other teenagers and young adults. Three days of flirting with James. Three days of neglecting Sarah. The way Christa talked before about not caring what other people thought of them being together was a total lie, she always told anyone who asked what their relations were, she was her sister; it may have been true but Sarah wanted to be recognized for more than that and wanted guys like James to keep his grabby hands away. Christa brushed her off whenever she wanted to venture off for a little make out session or heavy petting, she didn't even want to sleep in the same bed; she claimed to be wanting to sleep in a room with some of the other girls her age so they wouldn't get suspicious. On their third night at the house, Christa gave her a quick peck on the cheek before heading to the girls' bedroom. "You're going to see him, aren't you?" Sarah asked. Christa turned around to see her step-sister's serious face. "Sarah, I'm going to be right across the hall with the other girls" Christa said, not guilty. "I see the way you look at him" Sarah scoffed. Christa sat next to her on the edge of the bed. She comforted her by stroking her hair. "I don't see anything in him. He's just some guy. You're my girl and you always will be" Christa said, before kissing her lightly on the lips. She smiled widely and walked out the door. Sarah was convinced she was going to lose her, she couldn't trust James or Christa for that matter. When she was first introduced to James he seemed kind of shady but everyone said he was a really nice guy once you got to know him. Sarah knew that a guy that dressed in leather and ratty clothes like him had to be a dirt bag. Through the night she couldn't sleep, all she could think about was her girlfriend having sex with James somewhere. She wandered the halls of the house and was confronted by a shadowy figure, it grabbed her by the arm. She retaliated by punching it in the chest. "Ow!" it hollered. The voice flicked on a light switch. It was Vegas. Sarah hit him again, this time in the shoulder, "What are you doing out here?" "I should ask you the same question" she said, ticked off. "I can't sleep, that and I'm patrolling for anything suspicious" Vegas said, trying to act all tough. "Right" Sarah said, rolling her eyes, "Where's James' room?" "Why do you need to know that?" "I'm worried about my sister. I don't trust her with him" Vegas looked at her and grinned, "You sure do look out for her. I don't think she's with him tonight." "Was she with him any other night?" Sarah asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Not in his room, that's for sure. I think they went for a walk outside the other night." A thousand pictures flashed in Sarah's head. He took her for a walk under the starry night, hand in hand and tried to get fresh. Bastard. Vegas assured her nothing happened and if she wanted he could keep an eye on the two of them. "That's okay, Vegas. I think it's best if no one but me gets involved" Sarah said, giving him a glare. The days went on with Christa acting innocent about trying anything with James or any of the other guys at the house. One day James showed Christa how to use a shotgun, even though she clearly knew how to load and pump it already by how persistent she was. Sarah couldn't take it any more, she had to find a way to win Christa back before she lost her forever but she had to calm down and think of a plan. She remembered what they said in school on one of the few days she had bothered to pay attention, something about how to deal with a tragedy or misfortune in your life, a kind of therapy; it could be drawing, painting, writing, dance, anything. Late one night, Sarah decided to write about her frustrations down about Christa and James but without using their real names. Her story began like this: **Chapter 1** _In an old run down home lived two troubled step-sisters, one was a young girl who was short for her age and spent a lot of time alone in her room doing her homework. The second girl also spent a lot of time in her room but instead of doing homework she practised playing a guitar and listened to rock music really loudly so that her young step-sister couldn't concentrate on her work. Her mother and step-father didn't do anything about it, they also didn't do anything about her drug and alcohol abuse, the provocative way she dressed or the boys she went out to see late at night; to them she was an angel._ _The young step-sister knocked on her door one evening when the music was louder than usual, she had some math questions that needed to be done. "What the hell do you want?" the older step-sister shrieked. The young step-sister couldn't help but notice her fiery red hair was uncombed and that she was in her underwear._ "_It's a little loud" the young girl said, trying her best to look at the red head in the eyes._ "_I don't care, you brat!" she shrieked louder, "God! You're always complaining!" She shut the door in her face. _ _The young step-sister went back to her room and tried to drown out the loud electric guitar solos with a pair of ear muffs. She fell asleep at her desk, stuck on a problem. She was awakened to bright lights shining through her bedroom window. It was her older step-sister's ride. She poked her head out of her room and into the hallway to see her step-sister dressed very provocatively and frenching some punk rocker with a Mohawk. She grimaced at the sight of seeing their tongues slide into each others mouth. Her older step-sister caught her looking and gave her the finger._ "_Don't you have some algebra homework you little geek?" she called, breaking the scutcheon._ "_Where are you going?" she asked her with concern._ "_I'm going out to a party! Don't tattle!" she said, pushing her date forward. They left quickly into the night. The young girl knew she had to save her from this life she was living, but how? She didn't think of herself as much of a savior for anyone but it crushed her to see her step-sister act this way. She had __been having strong feelings for her, feelings she did not dare to share. Even if her step-sister felt the same and wanted to be with her, what did she have to offer her? She was such a wild child, a..._ Sarah heard someone opening her door, she tossed her paper aside and made it look like she was asleep the entire time. Christa entered the room to find her "fast asleep". She took off her shirt and climbed into bed with her. She snuggled up, holding her arms around her waist tightly. Sarah smiled. Maybe James wasn't much competition after all. **More to come. Sorry for the story within a story, I might continue that, might not.** 17. Chapter 17 **Continuing after a longish break. Thanks for your comments and reviews. Glad people like this story. I'll try to keep it up as long as I can! Enjoy!** Christa's visits in her room were all too brief, Sarah didn't feel all that close to her any more, like she was holding back from telling her what she really felt; she thought the worst, that this was all some kind of phase, a game and she wasn't in the mood to be part of it, she loved Christa with all her heart but she didn't like to be used like that. She lusted after this James character, fell for his charms like a schoolgirl, completely ignoring her; she didn't want to talk about home, acknowledge their relationship or about cons they could pull, especially on these saps. She spent most of her time writing her own fan fiction about the red head as an escape, what she would love to do to James, but was unable to do to the fact he was bigger than her and had a lot of muscle. **Chapter 2** _The young step-sister slaved away in her room, working on her homework one evening while her step-sister tuned her guitar. She had lost her ear muffs so she tried humming a tune to drone the guitar out, the older step-sister could hear this and banged on her wall._ "_Hey! Cut that out!"_ _The younger step-sister continued to hum, this time a bit louder, the older step-sister banged harder, making a dent in the wall. She grabbed her cordless phone and called up her trashy boyfriend with the Mohawk._ "_Can you come over? My little step-sister is being a pest!"_ _In no time he arrived at the house on a Harley motorbike, looking the same as that night he so rudely came by that night before; wearing the same clothes and looking like he hadn't even showered. He climbed up to the older step-sister's window, she was glad he got there in such a hurry, she wasn't sure she could stand her sister much longer. The younger step-sister had more than guitar tuning to bother her while she worked, now she had to feel a small earthquake coming from the next room, she could hear the loud moans of her step-sister as her wall vibrated and her own bed shook. Just when she thought it was over, there was an aftershock, with her step-sister letting out a orgasmic shriek._ "What are you writing about?" an older girl's voice asked. Sarah looked up to see one of the others who went by Lisa, looking down at her. She covered the page she was on with her hands. Lisa laughed, "Don't worry, I won't read it. Don't you want to come outside and join us?" Many of the young people there tried encouraging Sarah to befriend them but none of them seemed all that interesting or trustworthy for that matter. Lisa was the friendliest, making her seem more of an enemy than an ally; Sarah always wondered if she had some hidden agenda. "We're playing target practise outside, it's a lot of fun." "I'm sure" Sarah said, looking back down at her unfinished page. "You can always finish this later. Maybe coming outside for a bit will inspire you" Lisa said with a forced smile. Sarah decided there was no winning with her and decided to join her. The young men and women were sure enough, shooting at targets with some pretty big guns including sniper rifles, these guys didn't just play around they all seemed like crack-shots. She already knew Christa could handle one of those; James was showing off to her again, hitting dead centre on a target every time. "Would you like to try?" Lisa asked. "Why do you guys have all of these guns any way?" Sarah asked suspiciously. "Protection" Lisa said, grinning. Sarah didn't like that. Christa didn't even realize she was out of her room, it was almost as if she had forgotten about her. James noticed her though he walked over to her with the biggest gun they had, "Here, you can try my gun" he said with a shit eating grin. He put it in her hands, it was practically bigger than her. Christa watched her closely and looked somewhat impressed with the way she was handling it. "Think you can hit that target?" He pointed to a target not that far from them. She saw Christa smiling at her, she smiled back, it reminded her of the first time they realized their love for each other, it was happening all over again. Everyone watched Sarah as she aimed for the centre target. _"Yeah, right"_ she thought to herself. Then she thought about James, he was just standing there, a clear shot, nobody in the way, he wasn't facing her so he wouldn't even see it coming. He wouldn't know what hit him because he would already be dead. But Sarah quickly took her mind off the fact that he would be stupid enough to put a firearm in her hand, oblivious to the hatred she had for him. She pulled the trigger and hit the target, just a little ways of the centre. Everyone cheered for her effort, at least shooting the target. "Not bad" James said, taking his gun back. Christa gave her a hug and whispered into her ear, "That was so hot." She imagined Christa wanted her after that little show but that would have to wait. At least she had a little more inspiration for her story. **To Be Continued...** 18. Chapter 18 **Wow, chapter 18! The longest story I've written so far. Hope you like it.** Sarah could hardly wait, Christa was going to visit her that very night for sure; she wrote more of her story to pass the time since now she had some sweet inspiration. **Chapter 3** _The poor young step-sister was recovering from the night before, hearing her older step-sister make such noise. With all this sleeping around and abuse it didn't seem like she would ever change. Working away, the younger step-sister heard a knock at the door, she put her book aside and opened it. To her surprise it was her step-sister, she didn't look like she angry, actually glad to see her._ "_Yes?" _ "_I thought maybe you'd like to come over to my room" the older step-sister said softly, giving her a flattering look._ "_Um...well" _ "_Come on, can't you give the homework a break?" she asked, biting her bottom lick._ _The younger step-sister had never seen her act like this before, it was very unusual for her ever to act this nice._ "_Okay, but not for too long" younger said, attempting a smile. She followed her older step-sister into her slightly tidied up room, like she was cleaning it for her arrival. She sat next to her on her big bed then something unexpected happened, the older step-sister touched her leg and started caressing it._ "_I couldn't stop thinking about you all night, you little book worm" The young step-sister only looked at her, confused, she felt a bit awkward, unsure what she was getting at, "You must have heard me last night. I was so close to shouting out your name. I can't explain it, but every time I see you, you drive me wild."_ "_W-what do you mean?" the young girl asked, looking her in the eyes. The red head's eyes seemed to sparkle in a sensual way._ "_I want you. I want your body close to mine" she said, pulling the younger step-sister closer._ "_Oh, my" the younger step-sister exclaimed, "I had no idea you felt that way. I've been thinking about you a lot lately too."_ _The embraced, the older step-sister wasn't letting go, she kissed with her sweet lips all over the younger step-sister. She removed her clothes quickly and carefully. Her kisses were warms and loving._ "_I'm going to rock your world!" she said before sucking on her younger sibling's nipples._ "_Oh, yes!" the younger step-sister declared._ There was a light tap at Sarah's door. Christa poked her head in, "Can I come in?" Sarah nodded happily and stuck her arms out for a hug; she was shocked to see more than she bargained for when Christa opened the door wider, she hardly had anything on, just some sexy black lingerie draped with a see-through nightie. "Wow, you're beautiful!" Sarah said, looking her up and down, "I mean, you've always been beautiful but wow..." Christa curled into bed with her, she stroked her hair and kissed her cheek, "I'm sorry I haven't paid that much attention to you these last few days but all of that is going to change." Sarah swallowed hard, her stomach turned and her knees felt weak, Christa was ready to do the deed, something she thought she would hold off on a bit longer, "James is a total douche. You should have seen him try to put the moves on me, it was a total joke. Everyone here is just so lame." "I know, right?" Sarah said with a laugh. "You're way cooler. When I saw you holding that gun, it struck a nerve and when you shot that target, my heart couldn't stop beating" Christa said as she kissed Sarah gently, "You put me in the mood." "Mood?" Sarah questioned, still not believing this could be it. "Yeah, you know" said Christa, flashing her eyelashes. She took notice of how innocent Sarah's expression was, "Or, maybe we can just snuggle." Sarah smiled widely, she helped Christa slip out of her revealing outfit; naked, Christa slipped under the covers with her and made out with her, getting some sensual moans from the younger girl. Little did they know, the door had opened a crack, a green eye was spying on them and was shocked by the sight. It was Lisa, she had noticed Christa had left her room and heard some noise, this was pretty bad since she didn't know Christa and Sarah weren't biological sisters. **More to come :)** 19. Chapter 19 **Back for more? What will happen now that someone knows Christa and Sarah's secret? Please review!...Oh! And I wrote a fanfic for the movie Sky High (That Disney movie with Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a femslash story called 'A Cabin Horror Romance.' Check it out! Enjoy!** Lisa kept quiet about what she saw but it was all the more harder when she ran into Christa the next day, she wanted to tell her what she was doing was immoral. She thought about telling James since he sort of had a thing for the red head but decided it was probably best he remained clueless; it wasn't long before someone noticed how anti-social Lisa was acting, Vegas found her outside sitting alone. "Hey, what's up? You've been quiet all day, you're not like your usual self" Vegas said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Oh, Vegas, I seen something awful but I'm afraid to tell anyone" Lisa said, shaking. "Can you tell me?" "I don't think I can." "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone...Unless you want me to. What happened?" Lisa looked him in the eyes and bit her lip, "It's that girl Wichita and her sister." "What about them, did you see them hurt someone?" Vegas asked with a little concern. Lisa swallowed hard, "No...Last night...I seen them both in bed together and Wichita was naked!" Vegas looked at her uncertain, trying to piece together what she was talking about, he knew the two girls seemed inseparable when he met them and Sarah, or Little Rock as he knew her was somewhat protective of her older sis. "Maybe she was just trying to keep her warm, you know, body heat." "Don't be so naive!" Lisa exclaimed, "They're kissing sisters!" "Did you actually see that?" "" "I'd say you need more evidence to back this up" "Are you just saying that because you think this is hot?" Lisa questioned, folding her arms and scoffing at him. "No, I just don't want you telling anyone else this unless you know for sure. We don't really know that much about them, maybe they used to share a bed and Wichita liked to sleep naked." "You wish" "Are you going to convince the others to kick them out?" "Yes, Vegas! We can't have these two living with us, they're sick!" Lisa said hysterically, "I want you to come to me if you see anything suspicious." "Do you want me to take pictures or is that out of the question?" Vegas asked with a cheeky smile. Lisa gave him a cold stare, it wasn't long until he left her alone. Meanwhile Sarah was helping Christa in the laundry room and she had an idea. "Christa?" she said innocently. "Yes?" Christa said while emptying the washer. "I think I'm ready now" Sarah said with a smile, she didn't want to keep Christa waiting any longer, she knew she wanted this just as much as she did. "Oh, really?" Christa asked, raising an eyebrow. She lifted Sarah and sat her down on top of the dryer, she kissed and nibbled on her neck, "I'm so glad you want to do this now, I wasn't sure how much longer I could control myself." Sarah helped take her shirt off and kissed her collar bone, that's when she noticed a nicotine patch on Christa's arm. "Oh, so that's how you stopped smoking." "I did it for you" Christa said, kissing her on the lips, "I love you so much." Stripping out of their clothes and becoming more intimate, the two didn't realize the door open a crack. "You know what?" Sarah giggled, "I'm glad our parents introduced us." Christa held her tightly and was ready to pleasure her but was interrupted by a sneeze, she turned her head and saw the door shut. "Shit!" she said aloud. "Was somebody spying on us?" Sarah asked, confused and startled. "Get your clothes on, I think it's time to go" Christa said, pulling her jeans up. **Please Review!** 20. Chapter 20 **Back! Sorry for the wait. Christa and Sarah get in quite deep and must come clean about their relationship. This chapter contains sexual situations so be advised!** **C**hrista struggled to get her pants back on, she instructed Sarah to head back to her room and gather her things, she didn't want to deal with the drama after somebody witnessed their little act of love. "What do you think they're going to do?" Sarah asked her as she rushed. "I dunno, out us to everyone, maybe beat the shit out of us, most likely me" Christa said, collecting her things. Sarah ran out into the hall and immediately had her arm grabbed by one of the young people in desperation; they led her down the hall, all the while Sarah was protesting and asking for an explanation. "We're being attacked!" they shouted. "By who?" She was handed a rifle and pushed outside with the others who had opened fire with what they had on a bunch of people trying to get into the house. "What's going on?" yelled a husky voice, Christa being pushed outside soon after. A shotgun was placed in her hands by James, he gave her a wink in a smile, she rolled his eyes, "Who are you shooting?" "It's not who, it's what!" James told her, taking aim, "It's the undead! Zombies!" "I knew it!" Sarah shouted to Christa. Christa wasn't so sure until she took time to examine the targets, they were moving fast, foaming at the mouth and snarling their way, it was just like the night in their rented out room, that guy who barged his way in, the exact same only not falling apart. The zombie pack was blood thirsty and determined to get a taste of their flesh. James told Christa to get a load of his fire and aim, still not backing down on flirting with her. Christa was busy though, she was swooning over Sarah and the way she handled herself shooting the undead. Sarah encouraged her to join her side in picking them off before they got any closer. Christa leaned over to her and whispered into her ear, "I'm going to give it to you later." James noticed the attention Christa was giving her younger sister but didn't know what to make of it. The zombies became out of hand, the group of young people had to split up. Christa held Sarah's hand and led her to their car, this would have to do as their getaway and they not having to deal with whoever spied on them. "I left my clothes back inside!" said Sarah. "I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe, now let's go!" Christa insisted, opening her door. They buckled up only to discover stowaways in the back seat, "Who's back there?" Christa demanded. Lisa popped up, facing the redhead terrified. James sat up a second later. "Planning on leaving?" Lisa asked. "What are you doing in my car?" "Hiding out, obviously!" "We're leaving, so out!" Christa screamed. "Whoa, babe! Take it easy." said James. "Don't call me babe!" "What's going on here, is it something I did?" "James, I think there's something you should know" Lisa said as she gave Christa a stern look. James looked at her strangely and then Christa, she was exchanging a secretive smile with Sarah. "About what?" "James, I think what your nosey friend is trying to say is that I'm in love" Christa said confidentially. "With who?" "Me" Sarah said, holding Christa's hand. James was confused, he couldn't make any sense out of this, "You're in love with your sister?" "Step sister" corrected Christa. "That doesn't make it any better! You're both sick!" Lisa shouted. "Shut up, bitch!" Christa hollered back, "Now get out!" Lisa wasn't moving, nor was James, that's when Sarah aimed her rifle at them, "She said out!" The two opened their doors and bolted. Christa gave her a kiss on the cheek for her bravery. "Let's say we get on out of here and have ourselves some alone time." "Sounds good" Sarah said, returning a kiss. They parked in an abandoned parking lot and settled in for the night, not that the two of them expected to get much sleep. With no interruptions, they got busy, stripping off their clothes and making out in the backseat. Christa kissed Sarah's soft, naked body and admired her breasts' shape, she massaged them and licked. Sarah wanted to be more dominate and got Christa on her back, she enjoyed getting the sounds out of her that she did. Together they moaned and screamed into the night, giving into their urges. Sarah touched her sweet lips but really wanted to give Christa an orgasm, something she never thought possible until Christa showed her by guiding her hands. "Oh, yes! That's it!" Christa shouted "Yeah? You like that?" Sarah shouted back. "AH-HUH!" "Then you're gonna love this!" Sarah began to hump Christa, lying on top of her and slapping her woman hood against hers, Christa enjoyed every second of it. She licked her inner thighs and did everything to make the night special the way Christa made their first kiss so special. They held each other in their arms for the rest of the long night, exhausted and sweaty. In the early hours of the morning, Sarah popped the question, "Christa?" "Yes?" Christa asked with her eyes shut. "Will you...Will you marry me?" After a brief moment of silence Christa answered, "Yes", she looked Sarah in the eyes, "Yes, I'll marry you Sarah." Getting dressed in the same clothes as the day before they headed to a diner to get something to eat. Sarah waited in the car as Christa went inside to order. "Ham and eggs" Sarah said as Christa was getting out. "You know, I think I like you bossing me around" she said with a smile. Sarah gave her a slap on the behind, Christa purred back at her. Sarah was more than proud, she had a sexy fiancee and felt like a billion dollars. Her worries of Christa cheating on her were put to rest, or so she thought. Christa came back with their breakfast and at the same time, two college freshmen drove up to Christa's window. "Hey, good looking, where are you headed?" asked one horn dog. "Yeah, sexy? How about we get your number?" asked the other. Christa just smiled, "Well, I think my fiancee will have a problem with that." Sarah sat up, looking in the boys' direction with a smile and a wave. The college boys were more than confused, they looked at each other and back at the girls. Christa kissed Sarah passionately and drove away, leaving them in the dust. 21. Chapter 21 **Back! Not sure how much longer I will be continuing with this story, I sort of want to move on but I want a good way to end it. I don't really want to include Columbus and Tallahasse because this is sort of more of an alternate universe. I'll try to continue as much as I can. Review/Comment!** Sarah was sound asleep in the back seat, she was snuggled up with Christa, her fiancee. Christa's arm was around the girl's waist as she lied beneath her. There was a sudden hissing sound, Sarah awoke to it, oblivious to what it could be. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at Christa only to find a monster looking back at her, she paniced. Christa was no longer Chrisa she was one of them, one of those zombies they had gunned down. "No!" Sarah screamed in disbeilf, it couldn't be true, her love was turned into a flesh eater. Zombie Christa's eyes glowed an eery animal yellow and foam was erupting out of her mouth like a volcano. Her arm became tightly gripped around Sarah's waist, not letting go. Sarah tried with all her might to get away from her, for fear of getting bitten. "Sorry for this!" Sarah said just before elbowing her. Zombie Christa let go and Sarah jumped to the other side of the backseat in a last attempt effort to get to safety. With her gun nowhere in sight she didn't have much to defend herself with. She had trouble opening the door, she had to kick Zombie Christa away. Just as she finally got the door to open, her legs were held down and Zombie Christa was only inches away from lunging at her neck. Sarah screamed, she was surely done for. "Sarah! Sarah! What's wrong?" a familiar voice called. Sarah opened her eyes, coming face to face with a normal faced Christa, "Did you have a nightmare?" Sarah threw her arms around her, "Oh, Christa, it was awful! You were a zombie and..." "Shh!" Christa said into her ear, "It's okay." Christa kissed her neck gently. "Your eyes were like a wild animal, you wanted to eat me." "Hmmm" thought Christa, "That wouldn't be such a bad idea." She kissed her passionatley and laid her on her back, "If you don't mind, I'd like to be in control this time" Christa said with a smile. "Okay" Sarah said, smiling back. She made Sarah moan through the rest of the night, aking her forget about her bad dream for a little while. "Don't worry" Christa told her. "But, what if something like that happens? What you or even me gets turned" "That won't happen." "You don't know that." "I'm going to make sure nothing like that ever happens" Christa said as she stroked her hair. "Would you shoot me if I was bit?" Christa stopped stroking her hair, "I...I don't know if I could." "I wouldn't want to suffer and I don't want to turn you into's worse than death." Christa kissed her forehead, "I'd want the same. Let's promise to have each other's back, no matter what." "I love you" Sarah muttered. "I love you too." "I'm going to get you the biggest diamond for your finger" Sarah spoke as she was drifting back to sleep. "You don't have to do that." "I want to, you deserve it" Sarah said just as she went off to sleep, dreaming better thoughts. Christa smied, watching her sleep and thought about how lucky she was to have her. 22. Chapter 22 **Last chapter to the longest story I've ever written. So what will happen to Sarah and Christa? ** Christa and Sarah spent their days doing whatever they could to get money, whether it was doing their phony ring scheme or some other means of con that used Christa as a damsel for a clueless, horny man. They listened to the radio for any updates on what was happening on other sides of the world, this "Zombie Outbreak" was global now and there were few survivors; the whole outbreak made it harder to con people because everyone was on their own and didn't take shit from anybody because they didn't trust anyone but themselves. Christa drove them constantly, town after town, they had to keep moving and find resources they could use, they couldn't stop for long because there were hardly any safe havens. They salvaged food from abandoned stores and gathered any essentials that may come in useful. At their next stop, Sarah noticed a jewelery store, she knew she had to find a better engagement ring for Christa, for the while since she popped the question she was wearing one of their fake rings. Christa wanted to check out a gas station, Sarah told her she'd meet her inside in five minutes. Christa didn't like being apart from her for too long, even though she was quite capable of taking care of herself with her shotgun. "Okay, five minutes, and not a second more. I swear to God if anything happens to you, I will kill you." Sarah rolled her eyes and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, she didn't tell her where she was going, only that it wasn't too far. She ran across the road once Christa was inside the gas station, by the looks of the jewelery store it had been looted, there were glass display cases smashed and empty boxes. She carefully walked inside, her gun by her side, she walked until she found a display case for rings that looked like it had been ransacked. On her knees she checked each of the boxes for a ring, she threw away all of the empty ones she came across into a pile. Just when she was going to give up, she had found the biggest diamond she'd ever seen; there was no doubting Christa would love this. Just when she was putting the ring box in her pocket a strange growl was coming from behind her. She turned around but there was nothing there, but when she turned her head back around she was face to face with a familiar sight. "Oh jeez." It was a rabid, foaming at the mouth zombie, what looked like a former employee of the store and he looked pissed. Sarah backed away and reached for her gun, the zombie picked it up and threw it aside, knowing exactly what it was. Sarah would have to run for it which was crazy but there was no other solution. She ran for the door where there were two other zombies waiting outside, they looked like they were newly turned. She was conered, she was wishing now she wasn't so stupid and not letting Christa come with her, she shouldn't have left her. What if she was facing the exact same situation? BOOM! BOOM! The two zombies at the front door went down and Christa emerged from behind their motionless bodies. She aimed her gun at what looked like Sarah's head, she ducked and Christa fired. Sarah looked back to see the jewelery store zombie's body was lying on the floor and his head was no more. Christa took her hand and marched her out of the store, she was fumed, if she didn't get there in time her fiancee could have been eaten. "Are you mad at me?" Sarah asked in the car. "I'm irritated...I don't know what I would do if something happened to you!" Christa said with tears forming in her eyes. Sarah took this as an oppurtunity to console her with a kiss. Christa sucked on the younger girl's face tenderly. Driving along a deserted highway, Sarah felt something in her pocket; the ring! She had almost forgotten all about it. "Hey, Christa, I've got something to show you" she said, taking the box out of her pocket. "What?" Christa asked her, trying to keep an eye on the road. Sarah opened the box to reveal the rock, the beautiful sparkle of the diamond got Christa's immideate attention; not even looking at the road she slammed on the breaks. Sarah slid it on her ring finger and watched as she happily examined it. "What do you think?" "Sarah!" Christa said, hugging her tight. Sarah could hardly wait until later, they would probably have great make up sex. On their car ride in hopes of finding some civilization or at least a secure pit stop they found a tiny chapel. Sarah's eyes widened, this could be their only chance to find someone to marry them. Christa told her not to hold out much luck, the owners could have abandoned the business. She parked the car and they knocked on the door. "Who's there?" a voice hollered. "Costumers!" Christa hollered back. The doors opened, a man dressed as a reverand stepped out holding a shotgun. "Infected?" "No. Clean." He walked them inside where there was an older woman at an old organ, "What's their business, Carl?" "Marriage" Sarah smiled. "Oh, we never had one like this before" she said while looking at both girls. It was simply done, the girls made up their own vows, they didn't need much time, they knew exactly what to say. Christa said Sarah was her whole world and that there was no way she'd ever leave her behind. Sarah said something similar but included their time together on the road and getting to know each other. Reverend Carl said kiss the bride and they had their marriage finalized. They were invited to stay at the chapel as long as they wanted but Christa insisted they should hit the road. "This is going to be the best honeymoon ever" Sarah said squeezing Christa's hand as she drove. Christa smiled at her, "Just you wait and see." It was getting late, Sarah fiddled with the buttons on the radio to see if they got a signal; she was about to give up but heard a news bulletin about a quarantine about 30 miles from them, survivors were from all over, including the rest of their family... **THE END** 23. Chapter 23 **Hello! No this isn't a new chapter but I am going to write a new love story about these two but an AU mind you. I'm split on making them step sisters again, don't think I'll do an incest story unless I get a lot of requests. It will involve Christa/Wichita, a stripper who questions her sexuality when she falls for younger girl,Little Rock whose significintly. This story will be up in a few days so stay tuned!** End file.
Undying Love by Be Obscene
Give Thanks There is no turkey. That right off the bat was going to be obvious. There is however, a deer, prepared pretty well which almost more then makes up for the fact that there is no traditional bird at the table. The windows and door are boarded up, their weapons on their laps just in case and still, despite it all, the setting could not look more perfect. Sure, the mashed potatoes are instant and not as creamy without milk to be added and the pumpkin pie made from canned rather then fresh, but Columbus supposes that maybe, they should just be thankful for the fact that they're even having something like Thanksgiving and still have much to be thankful for. In the soft glow of candle light, all the faces at the table are solemn, everyone waiting for some one to say something. A prayer, perhaps? It's Tallahassee who finally roles his eyes and bows his head. For a second, Columbus ponders the possibility that the man might say something serious and meaningful, with him practically filling the role of team dad and all. But there are no pearls of wisdom today and he simply says, "Bless the meat, lets eat." "Amen!" Little Rock throws in before digging in. Wichita looks like she might say something about the 'prayer', but she doesn't. Just begins heaping the corn and green beans onto her plate. "You know, it's funny. Every year, my parents used to make us go around the table and say what we were thankful for." Columbus mutters and for a second, they stare. A biscuit in Little Rock's mouth, Tallahassee cutting deer meat and Wichita across from him, all open mouthed like he's just said the world's stupidest thing. So he hangs his head. "It was kinda dumb." "It's not dumb," To his shock, it's Tallahassee who says it. "Go on, somebody say somethin' they're thankful for." "Razors." Wichita offers up, prompting the stares to move from Columbus to her. "Excuse me if I like my legs to be smooth." "Breaks," Little Rock adds. "Like, on a car." Her thing to be thankful for gives them a moment to recall the deer on the table and how it would have died, had the breaks not been employed as fast as they were. Tallahassee doesn't even get his mouth open when Wichita is staring him down. "If you say 'Twinkies', so help me-" "Hostess." He shoots her a 'so there' look. They go around the table a few times since there's only four of them. McDonald's toys (what's left of them any way), hatchets, baseball bats, seat belts and CDs are some of the offerings made. But finally, when it comes back to Columbus, it's his next choice that makes them stop and pause, considering what they have on this day. "Family." End file.
Give Thanks by LunaBelieves
Shoulda Got a Puppy With all these humans turning to zombies... you kind of lose faith in the ones who ain't. Weither you're watching your best friend bite take a fruity-gushers' bite of out your neighbor, or witnessing the miracle of life as your mother claws open her own womb and tears out the living thing inside her, you cant shake another man's hand the same way. You dont know if he's going to bite it off like some rabid Easter Bunny. Humanity is some zombi-ity. Now-a-days, if you've just seen a man chew off of the nose of an old lady, you roll your eyes and keep walking. You've become desensitized to anything bad that happens to anyone but yourself. You do it because you cant trust anyone, or anything. In Present-Day ZombieLand, it's more gut-wrenching to see a puppy get run over by a car than a little girl fall off her big-wheel and eat torn apart by her big-brother. Maybe that's why Tallahassee refrenced his own son as a puppy. I dont blame him. Your own son might be the next Zombizilla; animals you trust- like puppies and kitties- it makes it easier to think about, not a litle boy with blood dripping from his lips and purple, swollen eyes with the dark intent to pull your guts out. Speaking of guts, I cant help but feel proud of myself for what I did back at Pacific Playland. Scratch that- Tallahassee deserves all the credit. He put on a one-man suicidal mission to save our asses. ...Fuck him. He knew he wasnt going to die. He's just trying to hog all the attention, be the hero. Let me start over. I did a ballin' job back there, and I deserve a pat on that back. I conquored my fear and busted the skull of that poka-dotted red-nosed basterd! I saved the world, and got the girl of my dreams! I- "You've been awful quiet ever since we left DisneyLand," says Tallahassee, startling me from my thoughts. I look at him. He gives me an odd look, one hand allowing the steering-wheel to burn across his lose hand as he steers to the left. In the back-seat, Wichita and Little Rock snuggle against eachother, their seatbelts securely around their mid-section in case of a sudden and violent head-on collusion with the car. I open my mouth, trying to form words other than the ones I am thinking to myself. I twist my head around to look at the babes, then at the road, but Tallhase speaks up, casting a glance to the back. "You look pretty tired yourself," he says. "I thought me and you'd have some bonding time as we drive to a new future, but if you just want a nap, then I guess-" I shake my head quickly, saying even faster, "No, no. I dont- uh..." I give him an assuring smile. "I'm fine." "Fine like your woman's behind?" "E-excuse me, what?" "I knew you two were going to get hitched the moment I saw her." "Oh, right," I say cooly. I lick my lips. "Was it before or after they pretended to be bitten?" "Correction on your behalf: Little Rock was the only one "bitten."" "Wait- are you changing the subject?" "Are you?" he asks with a hidden smile. I shift in my seat. "No, but I'm going to right now!" We are steadily raising our voices, but I dont think the girls will wake up. They're pretty tired. "Let me hear it!" requests Tallahassee. "Why did you-" I hesitate, then one word pops into my mind and doesnt go away- like the scent of a freshly popped can of Pringles: pig. "Why did you call me a pig back there?" I demand. "Back where?" "You know where." "Back at the Barnyard?" "Back at Paradise Playland!" The older man shurgs. "Cant a guy give another man a complliment?" I am infuriated fro reasons that surpass my own understanding. The words that spit out of my mouth of ones I will forever regret. "Oh, so I get the honored role of being a pig, while- while you're precious Buck is the pick of the litter?" Tallahassee stomps his foot onto the brake, sending me flying forward in my seat, the belt cutting into my chest, my head snapping forward, nearly hitting the dashboard. Thank God for safety-lock. I recover and look behind me at the girls. They're still alseep. I hear the distant sound of a seatbelt being unbuckled, then a firm grip latches onto my left shoulder. I yelp and turn with wild eyes at my would-be assassin. Tallahassee leans close to me, his powerful frame making my inside turn cold with fear; this man, if he wanted to, can kill me with his bear hands. Hands! With nervous fingers, I clasp my hands and beg for forgiveness. "I-I spoke out of line, I didn't know what I was saying, I'm sorry if I hurt you feelings!" "No." says the older man. He squishes up closer, and for a moment I feel almost aroused, thinking he's turned on by me. Instead, he unbuckles my seatbelt, leans further over, and opens my door. I look outside will a sheepish expression, then back at the man. "Wha-what are you doing?" I ask, already knowing. He was planning on abandoning me. "Y-you dont have to do this." I say quickly. "I'm sorry, and I'll make it up to you-" "No," he repeates heavily. "No, you're sorry I'm mad at you. You're sorry because you realize your words are getting you into trouble. You're sorry you're bad of lying." Tallahassee uses his booted-foot to push me out onto the road, then shuts and locks the door before I can fully stand. "No, please dont do this!" I urge. "You dont want to, really! Y-you need me, and I need you!" I come up with at least ten more good lines that should have melted the ice from his cold gaze, but once he decides he's heard enough of my bullshit, he says, "I've heard enough of your bullshit." then promptly drives away, spinning the tires just enough to kick dirt into my eyes. "Yeah, thats really mature!" I shout, my voice breaking. I stand watching the tail lights turn to darkness, then I realie how utterly lost I am. Both mentally and physically. Tallahsse was right. I'm not sorry. Anything I've ever done is for the good of myself; the girl was to keep me happy, keep me from feeling lonely. I felt I needed her because I knew there was probably no one else left alive. My role as 'hero' was to earn praise for my ever-so-wavering ego. I crave attention, just like every secretly depressed person: All they want is to be accepted and loved above anyone else. To be special- but in a good way. Maybe Tallahassee is right: I am a bad liar. But I do need him; I wasnt lying about that. He's my father figure I never had. Without him, who do I look to? Myself? Heh, yeah right. Nobody ever likes themself, thats why they make friends who will make them feel better. But in this day-and-age...with ZombiLand's population dropping, and humanity near extinction, who has time for friends? Not like you can trust them. I turn at last from the direction of where Tallahassee vanished, and face the road from where I came. I have no future anymore. My life is empty, and I have no friends, nor will I ever. ZombiLand is...full of zombies. It would be easier to make friends with a puppy. ... End End file.
Shoulda Got a Puppy by Stumble
A Man In The Making Title: A Man In The Making Summary: This is my first time getting drunk and I guess that I do stupid things while under the influence. Flirting with Tallahassee is one of them. Columbus/Tallahassee. Disclaimer: I do not own Zombieland. IIIII We'd parked the Hummer outside this very nice two story abode. The girls are slumbering upstairs peacefully while Tallahassee and I have the routine job of taking first shift. In about four hours we go wake up Wichita and Little Rock and they take the next shift, and then we eat breakfast. I'm looking forward to a nice, warm bed to sleep in instead of reclined in the front seat of the Hummer. Or having to sleep in the backseat sitting up straight, which is completely uncomfortable. I sit on the couch, wondering if there are still nerds like me out there that would like to log onto World of Warcraft just to see if anyone's survived, and that's when Tallahassee comes into the front room holding up two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. "I hope you intend to try and drink two shots at the same time," I tell him. "Because you know me, I'm--" He interrupts me, plopping down on the cushion next to me, saying, "No excuses, spit fuck. Tonight you become a man." I like to think I'm a man. I do, in fact, have male genitalia, but since I'm not the stereotypical man that Tallahassee is--gun-toting, hollering, drinking whenever he can kind of man--I guess I'm not considered a 'man' in that respect. No matter. It's not like the rest of the world is here to make fun of my lack of masculinity anymore. It's true that I never had any friends, and that I was a loner, but it didn't mean I was invisible. I was the target of many bullies. I wonder how they would react to seeing me shooting down the undead? Shocked, most likely. "And don't pull that 'one and done' shit on me either, ya hear me? I'm not falling for it." Florida pours vodka into each of the glasses and hands me one. I take it with reluctance. When I just sit there and look at it he says, "Swallowin' it is the most preferable way to drink vodka if that's what you're wondering." "No. I was wondering why you're shoving alcohol down my throat." "I'm not shovin' it down you're throat. I'm strongly suggesting that you do it, otherwise I'll be forced to call ya Petunia for the rest of our travels," says Tallahassee. "You call me girl names all of the time," I remind him flatly. "Sure I do. That's because you're a bitch." Tallahassee states this as though it were a scientific fact. Then he downs his shot then looks at me expectantly. I want to pull the trick I did like on the first day I met him but he's staring me down. I don't even have the spine of one of those teacup chihuahuas; you know the type, the ones that are always shaking and look as though they're about to piss on their owners? Yeah, those ones have more guts than I do. Standing up to Tallahassee is one of the dumbest things a person can do and I'm not about to attempt it. So I swallow the clear liquid down. It burns my throat and I squeeze my eyes tightly as I try to wrap my mind around the fact that I just took my first real drink of alcohol. I've always been afraid of it (as I am of everything). I imagine myself probably being one of those stupid drunks, like the ones that go drunk driving and then call nine-one-one on themselves. It's not as foul tasting as I would have thought it to be. Actually, I like the warmth settling in my stomach, and I smile goofily at the cowboy sitting next to me. I find myself holding out the shot glass, insinuating that I wish for more. "Well look at you. Our little princess likes the Schnapps," he chuckles. He pours me another one and one for himself. "Bottoms up." I look at my glass and ask, "Should we really be getting drunk when we're on watch? We can't exactly shoot zombies while intoxicated." "I don't know about you but I am completely in control when I'm wasted. I can drive, shoot a gun, and cook the best damn meal you've ever tasted." "I wouldn't exactly let you use a stove while drunk," I murmur. "Anyway, I'm not cut out for heavy drinking. Maybe I should leave it at one--" He gives me a strong pat on the back making me almost spill my vodka. "This isn't the time to be all uptight. The girls are asleep, there's no zombies around, and we have a bottle of vodka. What more could a guy ask for?" "World of Warcraft and a girlfriend." I down my second shot and then I feel woozy. I set down my glass and hold my head in my hands, trying to keep down the liquids and what I ate for dinner (mmmm refried beans). Two drinks and my body has already had enough? Wichita was right, I do have the guts of a guppy. It takes a while for me to stop coughing. Atleast ten minutes or so. Meanwhile, the alcohol courses through my system, making me dizzy with delight. "So you're telling me that you're straight?" questioned Florida with a snicker. He refilled my vodka glass when I was done coughing. "Well . . . " I blink and down the next shot without a single care in the world. I feel lightheaded, and it's as though I can feel the alcohol coursing through my veins. It's a strange, awkward feeling that makes me feel all warm through my arms, legs, torso, and especially my head. "I'm not saying I'm gay or anything . . . " "But ya do want to fuck Wichita, don't ya?" Images pop into my mind that I quickly shake off. Literally, I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts, and Tallahassee construes this as me saying no. "I didn't think so," He said, taking a shot. "You're attracted to women, somewhat, but the idea of fuckin' 'em doesn't appeal to ya." It was a statement, not a question. "I don't--I don't even think about making love to anybody in a post-apocalyptic world where there's frickin' zombies trying to eat you twenty four seven. So I guess the answers no." "Want any more?" He holds up the bottle. "No, no," I murmur. I run my hand through my hair trying to steady myself. I know that if I stand up I'm going to keel over, and then I'd never hear the end of it. I think I'm slurring my words but I can't really tell. They sound normal enough to me. I lean back on the couch and find that that's not comfortable enough, so I try a daring move. I don't even realize I've done it before I'm actually there. I lay my head on Tallahassee's shoulder. My hands rest on his knee. "What the hell do ya think you're doing?" It doesn't come out as angry, just . . . weirded out, perhaps. As though he wasn't expecting it. Hell, I wasn't expecting to do that and I was the one who did it. I want to respond to what he's saying, but somehow my brain demands that I say, "You smell good. Did you put on that cologne we found in Detroit?" Tallahassee chuckles and he knocks away my hands. He crosses his arms and says, "You're this close to becomin' a _flat _little spit fuck." Against all things holy I set my hands again on his knee to be more comfortable. It's not as though I'm trying to be a bother, I just want to be comfy and cozy while sitting on this couch. There aren't many comforts left in Zombieland and this feels very nice. I smile goofily and look up at him. I completely ignore the fact that he's glaring back at me. "I never noticed how blue your eyes were before," I say. "Okay, no more vodka for you. Ever." "No, no. Really. Look at me. Come on, look at me!" Tallahassee refuses and I murmur happily, "You--you have pretty blue eyes." "You're really gone, ain't ya? I shouldn't have let you had more than two shots," He chastised himself. "I'm not _gone_," I blurt out. "I ain't going nowhere. I'm staying right here. With you." For what it's worth he hasn't pushed me away. Yet. He seems a little uncomfortable, and he keeps glancing at the stairs as though he's worried Little Rock or Wichita might come downstairs any moment and yell, "Ah-ha! I knew they were rump rangers!" How ridiculous. Though it is kind of weird to see Tallahassee uncomfortable. He's usually so sure of himself. But I've shaken him by simply invading his boundaries. Me, on the other hand, I couldn't care less if he invaded my boundaries. In fact, I _want _him to. This strange urge to kiss him befalls me and I have to wonder if I've gone crazy. No, not crazy. Just drunk off my ass. They should have a warning label on that vodka bottle: _Homosexual tendencies for the unsure hetero. Also, it works in thirty minutes or less. Have fun you horny bastard._ "Tallahassee?" "What now?" He turns to look at me. Biiig mistake. I let my lips sink into his. I don't use any force, but I gently use my tongue to carress his lips which taste of the vodka we've been consuming for the past half hour. I'm surprised to feel him respond. I didn't think he was drunk enough to actually reply (other than throwing me off of him). Instead I get a roaring intensity from him in return. I'm still as careful as possible, unsure of myself, or what the hell I'm doing making out with Tallahassee of all people. I thought he was as straight as an arrow. He pulls back after a couple of minutes and looks me dead in the eyes, as though searching for something. Maybe he doesn't find it because the next words out of his mouth are, "I shouldn't have let that happen. I should _not_ have let that happen." "C'mon, I'm okay. You're okay. Right?" "I'm fine. It's you who's so jacked up on vodka that you're not thinkin' straight. Literally." "I'm _fine_," I say, putting my hand on his chest and gripping his shirt. "You make funny faces when you're upset. It's kinda cute." I try to connect with his lips again, wanting the feeling of his slightly chapped lips on mine so badly that there's an ache inside of me. But he stops me by pushing me away. "I'm going to let you go up to bed before you make a big mistake," he growls. "I can finish this shift on my own." "Wha? Mistake? Why is--?" "You're not gay, Columbus," Tallahassee reminds me. "You like Wichita, remember?" "But you said earlier--" "Forget whatever I said. I was only trying to--I don't know. Just either shut the hell up or get out of my sight." The tone in his voice tells me Tallhassee is not joking around. "I-I'm sorry," I say. "I didn't mean to kiss you. Something went wrong with my head and I guess I lost it for a second. I don't want you mad at me. You'll make my life a living hell if you're mad at me." "Wait, wait. Lets get one thing clear. I am not mad at you," says Tallahassee. "I'm just taking a step back before you do something you'll regret. I refuse to take advantage of someone who is drunk and doesn't even know what the hell they're doin'." I blink as I slowly process that information. I then shake my head and reply, "But I really like you. I mean, yeah, I like Wichita, but I like you better. You can be a little immature, and you're always yelling at me, but I--I'm just . . . I don't know either." I put my head in my hands. "'M sorry, Tallahassee. I shouldn't have forced myself on you. It's just that I'm attracted to you and it rears its ugly head when I'm drunk." "Your attraction to me isn't ugly, spit fuck. I find you rather endearin', you with all your nervousness and obsessive ways, so don't think you've forced yourself on me. No one can force anythin' on me, anyways. Do I look like a guy who can be forced?" I look at him in his snakeskin jacket, still wearing his cowboy hat and leather boots, and I smile. "No. No, you don't." "If you had said yes I would have had to bitch-slap ya." There's a couple minutes of silence where Tallahassee takes one more shot of vodka. He sits back and relaxes, fingering his gun in his holster on his hip, whistling some song I don't know. I know I'm staring but I can't help it; I keep imagining his lips on mine, craving the roughness I felt when he kissed so passionately back. "If you didn't like me kissing you," I say, "then why did you kiss back?" "I never said I didn't like you kissin' me," he retorts sharply. "I distinctly remember saying I jus' don't want you makin' a mistake you'll regret later." I narrow my eyes at him and take this as a challenge. I hop up on my feet, feeling a bit wobbly but I regain my balance almost immediately, and then facing him I sit on his lap, legs on either side of me. I enjoy the surprise in his face but I'm absolutely enthralled when I silence any words with a kiss so lovely that my insides turn into liquid. This time there's no holding back. I give it all that I've got and apparently this turns him right on, because I can feel a stir from inside of his pants. Tallahassee doesn't like to be dominated though, I should have guessed that from the beginning, because I'm soon on my back on the couch, with his calloused fingers rubbing against my stomach. His dirty fingernails break my skin and I gasp into his mouth, making him smirk. I can't believe we've taken it this far but I can't say that I'm disappointed. Not in the least. This is exactly what I want. I just wish I could make him believe that. I try to tell him through my kisses that this is what I desire more than anything in the world right now. In this moment, all I want is him. When he brings his mouth to my jawline I shiver. He leaves a trail of nibbles and kisses down my neck, suckling at my jugular vein, and he swiftly removes my shirt so he can get a good look at me. I'm rather OCD with my grooming - I don't like chest hair, and I never have, so I shave it off. Same goes for stomach hair and underarm hair. So Tallahassee runs his hands all over my smooth chest and I moan, arching slightly when he kisses my chest. A certain body part of mine is responding, throbbing, in response to what he's doing to me, and I want to tell him to do something about it, but I'm afraid that he'll stop if I push him too far. I don't think he wants to fuck me. I think he only wants to mess around. I don't really care; he can play with me all he wants, I can finish it myself when he's satisfied. _Dammit _he is _great _with his mouth. To my dismay he then sits back, huffing and puffing, a hunger in his eyes that I have never seen before. He wants me, and bad, I can tell, but he's still not convinced I have feelings for him. As he said, he doesn't want to "take advantage of a drunk person." "You--you can take advantage of me all you want, Tallahassee," I say breathily. I gasp for breath, trying to steady my breathing. "I'm yours." "I've never heard anythin' hotter in my life," he says lowly. He dips his head and kisses my stomach, lowering his mouth down to the fringe of my jeans. I grab his shoulders and begin to hypervenolate. Is he going to go that far? Do I _want _him to go that far? "Let me tell you somethin', you delicious scrawny spit fuck," he growls, getting face to face with me. "If you can remember this in the mornin', then we'll seal the deal some other time, all right?" I nod although I want him to just get on with it. Tallahassee sits up and lets me recover myself. I try my hardest to cover the erection in my pants but it's no use, he's spotted it. He shrugs and mutters, "Go ahead. Go to the bathroom." I rush my way up the stairs. IIIII The rest of the night goes in a blur. After I had taken care of myself, I headed down and kept watch with Tallahassee. Nothing was awkward about it, we just didn't feel like talking. If we did we would probably end up jumping on eachother again (me on bottom, of course). Sooner rather than later the girls show up and are ready for their shift. Tallahassee still refuses to share a bed with me so I'm forced to sleep on the floor. I'm not sleeping in the guest room because we found one of the infected in there, and it had been on the bed, and no way am I going to risk becoming one of those monsters. The next four hours I sleep like a baby. I have a pillow, a blanket, and the floor. That's all I need to rest. We're both woken up by Little Rock knocking on the door saying, "Wichita found some good eggs. We're having scrambled eggs for breakfast if you want to join us!" I look at my watch and see that it's eight in the morning. I yawn widely, and look over at Tallahassee, who is putting on his cowboy hat. My head is pounding and I'm hoping that I can find some Tylenol or Excedrin for my pulsing headache. Damn hangovers. But despite all of this pain . . . I smirk. "I remember last night." He smirks back. "I was hopin' you would, Sally, I was hopin' you would." IIIII IF ONLY I WERE A SLINKY SAYS: Not my best work, I wrote this only writers block hoping to get my groove back, but I hope you enjoyed it enough to review. I know people are reading this, so review you fuckers--I mean, you wonderful human beings. :D End file.
A Man In The Making by If Only I Were A Slinky
Showtunes by the Sea Columbus smiled at the smell of the sea, slurping quietly on his thumb. It was peaceful, he decided. The zombies were gone for now, god knows where. They were slowly dying off. They were still people in a sense. Diseased, bloodthirsty people, but people nonetheless. With a lack of humans, they were starving. Not that they had the common sense to drink or sleep anyway. Soon, they'd go extinct, another blip in man kind's long and bloody history. A large hand skimmed down his back, stopping to give his ass a slight squeeze. Columbus jumped and winced when his teeth accidentally bit into his thumb. "Hold on there, spit-fuck." Tallahassee soothed. "Just me." "I know that." He said, irritated. "You freaked me out though." He tilted his head back and placed his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at the amused look in his lover's eyes. "What doesn't freak you out?" "Pancakes." Ohio responded automatically. "You never hear of a pancake hurting anyone or someone choking on a pancake. They just sit there all fluffy and soft and wonderful, just kind of like, oh, he-e-e-ey you want a piece of me? I don't mind, really, take a bite, I'm magically delicious!" He mocked in a squeaky high-pitched voice. He was rewarded with a laughing smile. "That's Lucky Charms, babe." "Guys!" Little Rock screamed suddenly, "Look what I found!" The teen rushes out of a rundown store labeled _Sounds by the Sea, _clutching a multitude of CDs in her arms and gun bouncing along her shapely hips. "Chicago, Hairspray, Sweeney Todd, Wicked, Really Rosie, Rocky Horror, all of it!" She cheered. "Show tunes by the dozen!" "Are you going to add it to your South Park doll collection?" Columbus asked, amused as he picked out a dusty CD. Little Rock had grown up well in Zombieland, a down to Earth and beautiful woman. He had no doubt she would be a survivor, even after the so-called apocalypse passed. "I don't mind breaking into things but it's just sad for you to make me do it to grab-machines." Tallahassee says seriously. "And we aren't playing chick music in my car." Little Rock deflated. "Wichita would have let me do it." She mumbled. Columbus melted slightly and pulled the girl into a hug. "We'll sneak 'em in when he goes to the bathroom." He promises in a whisper. She sniffs and smiles weakly. Tallahassee is stiff and is looking out onto the ocean, a strange look in his eyes. "I heard that." He says gruffly. "Just go put the damn things in the back seat with Lenny and Pan." "Kenny and Stan." She responds, trudging back to the car. "Poor kid." Columbus whispered to himself. Wichita's death wasn't mentioned much, but it wasn't ignored. The woman had died with honor. Not to be caught with her pants down, she had thrown herself off a building instead of being eaten by zombies. "She's a tuff little bitch." He responds, throwing an arm over Ohio's shoulders and pulling him close. "She'll be just fine." Columbus doesn't respond, breathing out and watching his breath float away in a cloud. "The coast is freezing." He mumbles. "California's burning." He's reminded. "The west is filled with tornadoes." Little Rock says, linking their fingers. "The web officially crashed today." Columbus mumbles in addition. "I could still get World of Warcraft earlier. People were still logging in. This one guy said he hadn't eaten in a week and was going to die playing." "Did he?" Little Rock asks. "I'm not sure; he stopped logging in a week ago." Columbus smiles bitterly and turns towards the car. "Come on, let's go, we're burning daylight. I want to be in Canada by sundown." "He's right; we should get going before night hits. I don't see any of those undead fuckers now but I don't want to take any chances." Tallahassee mutters, cocking his gun and looking around. "You too, Lone Ranger." He teases gently when he sees the man isn't moving. Tallahassee shoots him a withering look but complies, helping Little Rock into her seat. "Let's hit it." He hollers, revving the engine. "You hear that, zombie bastards? Try and catch me now!" He lets out a whoop and they tear down the abandoned street, playing chicken with parked cars and rushing the former humans like a bull. Little Rock lets out a happy screech, Wichita forgotten for now while Sweet Transvestite blasts from the stereos. Columbus laughs and buckles up, pulling the strap tighter around his skinny chest. Ice has crusted over his window but there's no one they don't want to hit anyway. The engine roars loudly in his ears but it's more of a comforting sound than anything else. As long as cars work they'll have a means of escape, they'll travel the world and when they're finished they'll just start all over. Because things will heat up and the fire will stop and eventually, not soon, but eventually, things will get better. Who knows, maybe there are still some geniuses alive, holed up in their basements making a cure right now. "You know something?" He muses to Tallahassee, pressing a soft kiss to a calloused palm. "I always wanted to go to China." The hand curls around his chin and a pair of warm lips meets his own. "It's a good thing we got all the time in the world then, huh, spit-fuck?" The older man laughs as they collide with a zombie dressed like a stripper. "Ireland next!" Little Rock chimes. "I want to see if Artemis Fowl is still alive!" "Hell, we'll hijack a plane and fly to bloody England and check up on Harry Fucking Potter while we're at it!" Tallahassee exclaims, making a sharp turn to avoid a school bus. Columbus smiles and tilts his head back, bouncing it against the seat. "We can't do that." He says mildly. "Why not?" Little Rock demands, "It's not like we have anywhere to be." "Because you need a special knock to get into Diagon Alley, remember?" She sighs in exasperation as Tallahassee bursts out with "Nerd burn!" And together, one big dysfunctional family, blood and flesh smeared to the bottom of their tires, they zoom off into the sunset. End file.
Showtunes by the Sea by The Truth's Lie
Never Alone **Just a fluffy one-shot I wanted to try. Hope you guys like it!! :D** **I own nothing!!** * * * It wasn't an unusual dream, especially nowadays. The dream of being chased but you can never run fast enough to escape the impending horde behind you. It seemed to happen a lot more recently, for whatever reason. It may have been due to the incident at Pacific Playland or any of the other times he'd been chased around parking lots, down highways, or through abandoned grocery stores. One thing was for sure though, Columbus was pretty damn sick of the dream. This one was just like all the others. He was alone, in the middle of some God-forsaken town, and they were everywhere. At first they didn't see him, they were too busy ransacking buildings and cars, looking for anyone who happened to still have a pulse. And then it was like the light was turned on and he was in the center of it. They all saw him at once, dead eyes narrowing at the new target. There were hundreds, maybe thousands in every direction, and he was completely defenseless. Sometimes he had a shotgun in his dreams, sometimes it was a chainsaw, or some other weapon. Tonight it was nothing. Nothing but the clothes on his back and the adrenaline racing through his veins. He looked for an opening, anyway out he could find. There was no place to go, the zombies had him completely cornered. The thing about zombies was, while they're not particularly fast or bright, they do know how to hunt in packs and that's what this was. It was little more than a pack or hungry, cannibalistic wolves. The first one made a flying lunge at him, tripping over a shattered ankle. Another ran at him, hands outstretched and grabbing. He fell back, tumbling over the fallen zombie and landing hard on his hip. And then they were all on him, tearing, ripping, biting through flesh and bone. Columbus screamed and struggled and fought but it was useless. He had become walking lunch meat. Columbus sat up suddenly, a sharp intake of breath accompanying the movement. His heart was racing, breathing coming out in short, ragged gasps. A terrifying second of confusion assaulted him as he looked around the darkened room, his mind reeling and trying to remember where the hell he was. "Easy there, tiger." A southern voice drawled from a few feet away, the owner hidden in the darkness. "Nothin's gunna getcha." The confusion passed and Columbus could breathe a little easier. "Tallahassee?" He asked, unable to keep the shakiness out of his voice. "Yeah." The older man said, flicking on a lamp next to the bed. They were in a house, one of the many they'd broken into and stayed in over the past few days. He and Tallahassee had camped out in a guest room, two single beds pressed up against either wall. The opposite bed looked like it hadn't been touched. It was still dark outside, the table-side clock reading out 3:27am. "Now keep it down, you'll wake the girls." Columbus fell back onto the bed, covering his eyes with his hands. Wichita and Little rock were in the room across the hall, sleeping soundly and completely oblivious to his night terrors. The house was as locked down as possible, the doors and windows blocked and barricaded with chairs and boards and anything else they could find. They were safe, at least for now. He struggled to take a deep breath, convince himself the dream was just that, a dream. Tallahassee looked over from whatever he was doing, eyes narrowing slightly from beneath his trademark cowboy hat. "You okay?" "Uh...y-yeah..." Columbus said after a second, swallowing hard to force the bile back down his throat. "Bullshit." He ignored it and propped himself up on his elbows. "What are you doing up?" Tallahassee shrugged half-hearted and leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. "Couldn't with you tossin' and turnin' all night." He smirked, his attempt at humor falling short. When the younger man failed to respond he sighed and stood, walking over to the bed and falling onto the foot of it. "What was the dream about?" He asked, irritated with himself for actually being concerned. Columbus shook his head. "It's nothing." "Once again: bullshit." The younger man shook his head again and looked down at the blankets he'd become tangled in during his nightmare. His skin felt damp thanks to the layer of sweat he'd broken into and he shivered unconsciously. "Just a nightmare." "Well I know that genius. What was it about? And don't tell me 'nothin'' again unless you want to loose some teeth." Even the false threat seemed lighter. There was a brief silence, nothing but the sound of both men breathing filling the room. The strange thing about Zombieland was the uneasy silence in even the largest cities. Hell, Los Angeles had been like a ghost town and its one of the largest in this part of the country. "I was alone..." Columbus said finally, never taking his eyes off the bed. "I was alone and there were zombies everywhere. I didn't have a weapon..." He swallowed again to fight back the tremble in his voice. He finally looked up but not at Tallahassee, at the ceiling. Tears prickled his eyes but he refused to let them fall. "Do you ever think this is all pointless?" He asked to no one in particular, eyes searching the plaster above him. "All of what?" The older man asked, frowning slightly in confusion. "Everything." Columbus said, hand absently indicating the boarded up window beside the bed. "Us driving around all the time, fighting all these things when they outnumber us a couple thousand to one? I mean, what's the point? They're going to win eventually..." A sharp punch to the shoulder brought him back to the present. Tallahassee was glaring at him, blue eyes dark. "That's enough. I get that you're scared and feel like things are hopeless but now is not the time to be losin' it. Because once you give up, its all over. You're pretty much servin' yourself up on a silver platter." "But what are we supposed to do, huh?!" Columbus nearly shouted, keeping his voice controlled just enough to prevent waking the girls. It was the first time since the plague had wiped out nearly everyone he knew that he allowed himself to freak out. He felt it was pretty justified. "Tallahassee, its going to happen. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually we're going to get to a point where we're outnumbered and our luck is going to run out." He shook his head, running his fingers through his dark hair. He sighed and kept his eyes closed for a second, waving a hand dismissively. "I'm sorry...I just..." He shook his head again. "I don't know. I'm sorry..." Tallahassee watched him for a second, trying to find the words to calm the panicky young man. "You know, right after my son died I felt the same way you do." He said quietly, staring at the opposite wall. "I felt like I had lost everything, that boy meant the world to me. I thought about givin' up and just lettin' them take me too but then I figured Buck wouldn't ever get the justice he deserved. That's what got me through; knowin' that I could kick some major zombie ass and avenge my son." He looked back to the younger man. "The point is you can't give up when things look tough. You gotta keep goin' for all those who can't. Its the only thing we have left." Columbus was silent for a second, letting the words sink in. "And kid, as long as I'm around you don't have to ever worry about bein' alone." The younger man looked up. "Really?" There was a humorless chuckle. "Well where the hell else am I goin' to go?" The pleading look on Columbus's face made the smile fade. Tallahassee nodded slightly, not looking at him. When the hell had he become so attached to these kids? "Really." For some reason that was all it took to appease the younger man. Columbus seemed to visibly relax, a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding releasing slowly. "Sorry I kept you up..." He apologized weakly, trying to make up for his earlier outburst. "S'fine." Tallahassee mumbled, standing slowly and walking over to pat him on the shoulder. "Go back to sleep, kid. I'll be here in the morning." And with that he turned off the lamp and the room fell into darkness again. For the firs time in nearly three months, Columbus fell asleep and dreamed of nothing. * * * **So was it okay?? I just really like the idea of Tallahassee watching the door while the others sleep, its really cute to me :D** End file.
Never Alone by LaylaBinx
1. Prologue **I wrote this a while ago, and typed it up for my "Zombie Vegas" ebook. It's going to be relevant in the storyline I have planned, so I decided to use it to open this fic.** Week 16 As the Caddy barreled down the freeway, Little Rock stretched out on the back seat, channel-surfing and trying to ignore the muffled sounds still coming from the rear. She raised her head a little, and flipped back a channel. "Columbus! Wichita! Tal! You have to see this!" Tal parked on the shoulder, and they all watched the TV. "... da governor of California, and da acting president of da United States. And we are all in some seriously * up *." "Yeah," said Wichita, who watched with her chin resting on the top of the seat, "starting with you being in charge." "Hey!" said Little Rock. "Be nice to the Governator." "And people made a big deal out of where Obama was born," Columbus mused. "I am holding dis position only in a _de facto_ capacity, until an eligible American-born citizen is found or appointed. At dis time, da president, vice president, attorney general and secretaries of State, Defense, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health, Transportation, Education and Veterans' Affairs are confirmed dead. All oders in da line of succession are missing or incommunicado. Da remnants of da military and government need a civilian leader. For now, I'm it. I'm no happier about dis dan any of you." "That's unlikely," muttered Wichita. "You will have heard stories of places unaffected by the HPNE virus. Whatever da specifics, dere is no trood to it. It is absolutely confirmed dat every region, every state, every major city in da United States, Mexico and Canada has been reached by da virus. Do not attempt to relocate based on a rumor. "Do not attempt to seek long-term shelter in a private residence, no matter how safe it appears. If you stay in one place long enough, da infected will find you, and you can't fight off dem all. If you are alone or in a small group, your best option is to stay on da move. Arm and equip yourselves, but stick wid what you know you can use. On da run isn't da time to try out bigger and better. And remember, better cars and bigger guns are no substitute for a good plan." "Or a plot," Wichita said. "Do not attempt to reach refugee camps. All of dem have been evacuated and shut down, where dey were not already overrun. Do not seek shelter in military facilities, even where it is confirmed dey are functional. All military personnel are under standing orders not to assist individual civilians. But, dey are still working for you, by protecting and maintaining core assets: power plants, water plants, oil wells and refineries, fields and factories. Dey can't help you, but dey are giving you da best chance you have to help yourselves. "And help each oder, too! No matter your location and situation, you are not alone. Dere are communities of hundreds, dousands, still functioning, supporting themselves and fighting off da infected. Find dem! Be careful, do not make yourself too vulnerable without establishing intentions. But if you see oders who can help you, or who you can help, don't be afraid to reach out to dem. Wherever dere are people helping each oder, dere is America! "It may seem da virus has won. But da infected won't live forever, dey are already dying. Don't listen to da voices of despair and selfishness. It's time to show da world- we will be back!" Little Rock cheered, and Columbus gave her a high-five. Tal wiped tears from his eyes. 2. Cabazon **This is a real landmark, which I've reidden past quite a few times. It was my first idea for Cass's "temple" in _The Rookie_.** "Columbus should see this," said Little Rock. Both she and Tal frowned. They were in Cabazon, California, home of one of the United States' most notorious roadside attractions. Innocent passerbys going through Palm Springs found themselves confronted by Dinny, a 150-foot-long concrete brontosaurus, and Mr. Rex, a 100-ton, 65-foot-tall tyrannosaurus. If they were unwary, they might end up in the belly of the brontosaurus- with nothing but dated paleo art and cheesy souvenirs to show for it. Tal held up a plastic dinosaur with a young-Earth creationist slogan. "Maybe not..." He peered out a porthole. "No zombies." "That's not the only thing we have to worry about," Little Rock said. "Maybe not even the worst..." Tal nodded. It was 24 hours since they left the company of a man named Branson Missouri. Little Rock and her sister had first met Branson in southeast Oklahoma, as a fleeing middle manager whom they relieved of his car and his gun. After pairing with Tal and Columbus, they met Branson again, as the leader of a biker band that tried to take them captive in a Nevada strip mall. At their next meeting, they had come to Branson's headquarters, only to be attacked by three of his men with a score to settle. Branson had intervened on their side, executing one of his own men and leaving another to die in the process. Afterward, they stayed and fought alongside Branson's men, to defend an abandoned bombing range from 10,000 zombies. But they departed in fear, after Little Rock read Branson's mad plans to wipe out the vestiges of civilization. Tallahassee was sure they were being followed. "Listen," Tal said, "I heard you can climb up in Mr. Rex's mouth. Let's go check it out. It will give us a better view, too." The open mouth of the tyrannosaur proved to be a good vantage point indeed. Tal could see around the town, and sketched a little map of what roads were clear. "Oh, no," Little Rock said. She pointed mutely. In the distance, an Aztec step pyramid reared out of the top of a larger building, as if to trump the cheesy charm of Dinny and Rex with an architectural _trompe l'oeil_ that was garish, tasteless and probably politically incorrect to boot. The building at the base of the pyramid was a mall. Even as Tal watched, three zombies emerged from the mall. For some reason, zombies concentrated in malls more densely that any other structure. There were bound to be more already on the way, and still more already coming. There was an insidiousness to the zombies' diffuse, semi-random movements: You would see one, no problem; then a few, still nothing you can't handle; and then before you knew it, you were surrounded by scores or hundreds. This wasn't that bad, but it would be soon enough. "Little Rock," he said, "run for the Caddy. I can cover you." By the time he had unlimbered his weapon, there were already two packs of zombies approaching Mr. Rex. He had with him an LSW, a modified M16 with a folding bipod and a 100-round drum. Propping up the gun rather awkwardly on the dinosaur's teeth, he shot a zombie that was approaching Little Rock. The others mostly looked in her direction, but she went into a credible imitation of the zombies' jerky gait. It could work well enough to reach safety before zombies got close, but that wouldn't get her to the Caddy: Six zombies already had the vehicle surrounded. He started shooting more zombies, always away from the Caddy. It gave the girl just enough time to power-lurch for the relative safety of Dinny. One zombie's eyes locked on her, but Tal shot it before it could call to the rest. But she all but blew her chance by going into a final sprint. Five zombies went straight for her, and a spray of cyclic fire wasn't enough to stop them all. She reached the brontosaurus, barely, but had to use a pistol to stop a zombie that tried to go in after her. By now, there were well over 50 zombies, and more were still coming. He fired three more short bursts, then reached into his vest. He took out first a tube, then a pistol grip, and put them together to assemble a grenade launcher. He fired at five zombies feeding on one of their dead; a concussion grenade left them stunned or injured, and set other zombies keening and even staggering at the loud noise and bright flash of detonation. He reloaded and fired in the direction of the Caddy, scattering the zombies around it with a cloud of tear gas. While zombies reeled at the sounds and smells, a short, palid figure lurched through their midst, right up to the Caddy. Little Rock pulled a kerchief over her face while she unlocked the door. A stumbling zombie bumped into the open door, and screeched. She slammed the door just in time. Tal smiled, then frowned. "No! Not for me!" Little Rock backed over the better part of a pack. She was unfazed, until a zombie began pounding on the window beside her. The window was mostly protected by reinforced mesh, but the upper left quarter of the covering was cut away. The attacker stayed with her even as others fell behind or went under. She realized it was the same zombie that had almost caught her, with its hand caught in the door. The hand struck glass wrist-first through the opening in the mesh, and the "shatter-proof" glass cracked. She shrieked, and reflexively opened the door to send the zombie sprawling, fortunately into two more that tried to reach inside. In the seconds of distraction, she backed onto Mr. Rex's foot. "Tal!" she shouted through the open sunroof, "come down!" He shook his head. Behind him, he could hear zombies snarling and jostling with each other on their way up. After two false starts, she rolled forward- and stopped. Tal grinned. It was well over fifty feet to the ground, but there was a chance... The grenade launcher fired, blasting away some of the teeth in the upper jaw. A zombie was flung out, and another slammed face-first onto a broken tooth. Then Tal swung out of the open mouth, and scrabbled down what handholds could be found on Mr. Rex's cheek and neck, to catch hold finally of the little protuberance of an arm. From there, he made his leap, landed on a fabric cargo shell on the roof of the Caddy and tumbled and rolled into the sunroof. He rose with both weapons raised, and fired the grenade launcher, cutting a swath through the oncoming zombies with a flechette canister. Little Rock drove the other way, jumping curbs and medians, while Tal stood tall in the shotgun seat, laughing as he emptied the LSW at the pursuing swarm. 3. Wheels Up The most direct route from Palm Springs to Vegas went straight through the tiny town of Baker. That was why Tal was especially wary driving through Baker. "Do you still think somebody's following us?" Little Rock asked. "I don't know," he said. "I thought we lost them when we went through that swarm. Maybe we did. But I've seen the same car twice- There! Brown, butt ugly brick, parked in that driveway. It's called a VW Thing, and it will stick out like a sore thumb anywhere." "But it's not moving..." "Yeah, so we don't notice. All they have to do is park, watch us go by and figure out where we're going to be next. They won't be alone." "What can we do?" "We could go up there and see who's in the car. That would be risky. The other way is to go a different direction, one they wouldn't be expecting. I know exactly where..." As they drove a winding path north, Little Rock looked back with a pair of binoculars. "Tal?... The Thing is gone." Tal accelerated with a chuckle. "I think I see another one... There!" Tal looked, and frowned. He saw no vehicle, but something was kicking up a column of dust. "What are you doing?" Little Rock said, almost whining. "You're slowing down! They'll catch up!" "No they won't," he said. "They aren't trying to catch us, they're trying to scare us into a trap. But we can't go back. And what the hell is that-" He swerved, just as a blue sports car lunged out from the midst of the wrecks. It struck a glancing impact to the driver's side, with more force than a car its size should have been able to muster. It had been modified, with a bolted-on heavy bumper and larger wheels, but it had been a formidable machine to begin with. Tal knew it for a Subaru XT- probably the only sports car ever built with four-wheel drive. The Thing pulled onto the road through a gap left by the XT. Tal got back up to speed, maneuvering through a cluster of wrecks. The XT followed, pushing aside a car. Someone in the thing fired an assault rifle. Looking to one side, Tal saw the column of dust still trailing them. What was it? The XT pulled back, while the Thing moved in. Two bursts of assault rifle fire took out a tail light. So that was their game: aiming for the tires. He swerved left, holding his speed steady at 40 mph. The Thing's rag top peeled back, and the rifleman stood up. Little Rock shrieked as rounds pelted her door. No more pissing around, apparently. Tal sped up to forty-five, and the Thing accelerated in turn. The rifleman sneered as the SUV pulled to the right, and took aim at the rear window. Before he could fire, Tal dropped his speed to thirty in a squeal of brakes. The driver braked and swerved just in time to avoid a rear end collision. The rifleman was nearly flung out of the vehicle, and the rifle flew from his hands and went under the wheels. Fortunately, he toppled into the back seat just before the Thing crashed. Little Rock joined Tal in a whoop, but their cry was cut short as the XT roared in. A brutal "PIT" attack to their right rear sent the larger vehicle careening. Tal swerved to scrape by a wrecked bus, and overcorrected to avoid crashing into a pileup on the shoulder. The XT closed in again, expecting to deliver a coup de grace with another PIT. But just before it could strike the left side of the rear bumper, Tal accelerated, passing fifty and soaring toward sixty. The XT missed, fishtailed, and crashed in a shower of debris. "Now, we're home fr-" The words died on Tal's lips. The dust column was still trailing them, and as he watched, a squat crimson shape burst through the piled wrecks. "What the-?" It looked like a motorcycle crossed with a tank, and connoisseurs would have known it for a _kettenkrad_- World War 2's smallest and fastest artillery tractor, and would have either wept or drooled at major modifications. Its tub-like hull was only four feet high, and with the one rider all but reclining in a definitely non-standard seat that leaned back over the engine housing, it had been easy to stay out of sight. Now, it reared up in a wheelie as it passed the wrecks, and easily gained on the Caddy. A twist of the lengthened handle bars fired a submachine gun mounted over the wheel. "I don't know what the hell that is," Tal said, "but I don't want to mess with it now! Get Old Smokie ready!" Little Rock was already pulling a remote control out of the glove compartment. Tal tried to gain on the freakish vehicle, but it easily matched his speed. With a hairpin turn, the kettenkrad rammed the Caddy, backed by enormous torque and traction and a full ton of mass. Only the brevity of the contact prevented the stout tractor from driving the truck off the road. As it was, Tal struggled at the wheel, watching in dread as the crazy machine closed in again. Then, from boxes above the rear wheel wells, impenetrable clouds of smoke erupted. He saw nothing, but heard a terrific crash. "Now what?" said Little Rock. "We go straight ahead," Tal said, "to somewhere nobody will be waiting for us: Death Valley!" 4. Emergency **This is only a segue, but I had some fun. I always have a good time with Branson; along with Jack Ketch, he's probably my favorite character in this series to write for.** Branson Missouri's office was known to his men as "the Book Mobile". The large, early 1980s-vintage fifth-wheel trailer was hitched to his D200 pickup. He kept a sizable collection of books, of many sorts. Currently, he was reading_ Achtung- Panzer!_ "...Tanks would never be able to produce their full effect until weapons on whose support they must inevitably rely were brought up to their standard of speed and of cross-country performance..." The knock at the door had a decidedly urgent tone. "Come in," he said. Enid Oklahoma entered. "Missouri... There's a problem with Tallahassee and the girl." "I gave strict orders that they were to be left strictly alone," Branson said suspiciously. "Was there a problem?" "It appears that an unaligned operation tried to attack them around Baker." Branson scowled for a moment, then chuckled. "Were any of them hurt?" "I gather they totalled a car." "That will be punishment enough. So, where is the problem?" "It appears that the Panhandler was... spooked. He changed his route." Branson leaned forward. "North." Enid nodded. "Damn it. I didn't want to have to act against him. Or _them_, either. But we can't have Circus Circus getting word about Death Valley." Branson sighed. Enid remained standing, silent. "Sir," the lieutenant said, "are you giving the order...?" "Yes! Yes, that's my order. Execute the plans I have prepared. Get the tanks ready, and the Thing. We're going to take Death Valley!" Little Rock drove as the Caddy cruised through the desolate yet spectacular landscape of Death Valley. "Stay to the dirt road," Tal warned. "It may not look much better than the desert, but there's mud pits that can trap a Humvee in Death Valley." "It's a beautiful place," Little Rock said. "I'm glad we went this way. You said the main road will get us most of the way to Vegas?" Tal nodded. "We'll come out a little to the west. On the way, we can make a stop at Furnace Creek. It's a little town with facilities for tourists. I hear they even have a golf course. I might stop for nine holes..." "Wait... You mean somebody went to the bottom of Death Valley... looked around... and decided it needed a golf course?" "I guess so." He looked out the window, and froze. To the east, trailing the Caddy, was a low-flying attack helicopter. 5. Oasis **Just a short to keep things moving...** The helicopter swooped over the Caddy, low enough to rock the vehicle. A humvee was closing behind them. From overhead, a command blared: "PULL OVER!" "What do we do?" Little Rock said. "The only thing we can," said Tallahassee. He pulled off the trail and stopped. The men who came out of the Humvee wore US Army fatigues, and looked like they could have earned them. Tal raised his hands. "We're just passing through," he said. "We don't want any trouble!" "Where are you from?" a soldier asked. Tal was defiantly silent, but Little Rock blurted out, "Vegas!" "In that case," the soldier continued, "there's someone who wants to see you." One of the soldiers, introduced as Dakota, drove the Caddy, talking to Little Rock, and soon enough Tal eased up enough to talk to him. "So, you're based in Furnace Creek?" he said. "Yeah," Dakota answered. "You can see it straight ahead." There it was, sure enough, a miraculous patch of green amidst the bare landscape of Death Valley. "Furnace Creek is built over an aquifer, that turns out more water than the few people there had any use for. Now, we're using it to grow crops. It's as safe as a place can be from the infected, though a couple times a swarm has actually gotten far enough for us to have to deal with them. With the helicopters, we can send out the food to wherever it's needed." They were now passing through the Furnace Creek golf course, now converted to a farm. Tal became moderately excited. "There's a whole bread basket here! Look! There's squash, beans, peas..." He fell awkwardly silent. "What?" said Little Rock. "It's not like I've never seen pot before." "It's mostly plants right now," Dakota said, "but the farmers are also raising chickens and a few turkeys, and even a few cows." "Listen," said Tal, "do you happen to know if... there's any Twinkies in storage somewhere?" "Storage?" Dakota said with a frown. "We _make_ Twinkies!" "Tal?" Little Rock said. "C'mon, a joke's a joke..." Tal remained slumped in the seat, seemingly swooning and certainly drooling. 6. Host "So," Tal said as they drove into town, "do you hear much out here?" "We get constant reports," Dakota said. "There are troops in every major city that's still standing. But what they tell us isn't much help for putting a bigger picture together. They have specific missions, mostly about preserving utilities, and to do their job they avoid travelling. Aerial intel is supposed to be doing a lot more good, but whatever they turn up goes straight to the top. But what really keeps us going-" he got a gleam in his eye. "-Is stories." He chuckled. "We still have enough contact with civilians that we hear whatever they hear. We know 99.9% of it is bunk, but at least it's what the rest of the world is really talking about. There's a few of what you could call folk heroes. There's the Panhandler, a drifter they say can kill a zombie with anything, and really wants to find a Twinkie." He matched Tal's smirk with a knowing glance. "But the one we hear about most is the Samaritan." Tal frowned. "They say he isn't much more than a boy, and the one thing they say about what he looks like is that he has curly hair," Dakota continued, increasingly inattentive to Tal's reactions. As it happened, he looked jealous, but curious, and a little suspicious. "He only carries a 12-gauge double, and doesn't even use it that often. The story goes that he made his first kill with the top of a toilet tank. " Tal raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. "And they say he's fast, cunning, and he can see in the dark as well as the zombies. There's a crazy story that he outmaneuvered and killed a pack of zombies in an office with the lights out, and survived an attack by a swarm in a mall." Little Rock studiously stared at the ceiling. "Then there's one we heard just recently... It goes that Branson Missouri captured the Panhandler, and the Samaritan had to rescue him." "That's a lie!" shouted Tallahassee, then fell silent, his face flushed. "There's one more thing they say about this guy... It's that he's only afraid of one thing... clowns." Little Rock burst out laughing. "This is the man who wants to see you," Dakota said as they pulled up to one of the largest and most lavish of the guest lodges. Parked out front was a Humvee limousine, heavily armed and armored. Tal and Little Rock were silent and nervous as they entered the cabin. "Hello," a deep voice announced. "We have been waiting for you." Both stared, but it was the girl who squealed: "President Arnold!" 7. Q&A **OK, this is just a reply to a review, but I hope it will shed some new light on my ideas for these stories.** _I'm dying to know how they will get out the million + heading to Vegas. _ I came up with more like 100K for the size of the horde... In any event, I'm working on ideas. _The 'leper' concept is fascinating. _ The lepers were a late idea in the evolution of the story arc, but they have made it especially rewarding to write. The different characters have all resonated with me personally. I love writing dialogue for Jack Ketch. I found the Pariahs to be particularly unnerving villains, more so than some of the non-human characters I've come up with. And, I think the Sybil has a lot in common with a real person who was there for me. _What is up with Christa's pregnancy?_ Not sure what's meant here... I don't mean for there to be any major surprises or mysteries. One thing I am still thinking over is how far along she actually is. So far, I've tried to leave it ambiguous, which is a useful device for handling major foulups and flipflops. _Are she and Columbus sharing the same dreams? _ Not what I was thinking of, but an interesting interpretation. The dreams are intended to represent the anxieties they both feel. _Why are there any survivors in Vegas if the virus is airborne? _ My idea, which I meant to be reasonably explicit, is that one strain of the virus is airborne. I modeled it after the pneumonic version of "Black Plague", which isn't particularly "efficient". The back story is that, while "Strain 2" is deadlier and theoretically more contagious, the strain that spreads by bites infects far more people. _Will you continue this story line?_ Definitely. I have been doing some other things- "Jacob and 2 Women", just finished, and a couple "Exotroopers" stories still in progress. But, I have always intended to finish the "Vegas saga" arc. 8. Chiefs From the mountains to the northeast of Death Valley, Branson looked the other way, toward the distant lights of Las Vegas. "Karakorum," he muttered. "Whuh?" grunted Enid. "It was the capitol of the Mongol empire," Branson said. "When they conquered, they took all the plunder and slaves they could carry and use, and destroyed the rest. The best of the best went back to Karakorum. To build the palaces of the khans, they laid the cities of half the world to waste. They were the worst of both worlds: They destroyed like barbarians, and exploited like `civilized' men. That's what Vegas is and always was. Just look at the casinos. The men who built them couldn't create without plundering what others created- and they didn't do it by conquest, but by imitation. Caesar's Palace. New York, New York. Luxor. Paris, for cryin' out loud! What others took centuries to build, for better or worse, they copied in a matter of months, for nothing better than a receptacle for false hopes. If men like that are the ones who try to rebuild America, then America is going to die!" "Holy *, boss," said Enid, "are we going to loot the place, or preach fire and brimstone at 'em?" "I don't know what to do about Vegas," Branson said. "There's too much we still have to learn. I know what I would like to do about Furnace Creek. That's why I left them alone this long. It's going to be a bad business, but it has to be done." "We might have had a chance, if not for da emergency meetings," Acting President Schwarzenegger said. "People start turning to zombies, and what's da first ding people do? Da leaders of da city go to city hall. City hall send people to da county seat. Da county sends people to da state capitol. Da state sends people to Washington. And dey don't just send deir leaders, dey send deir leaders' advisors, and guards, and speech writers, and secretaries... Who could screen dem all? Who would try, when da zombies are already on da loose? Den when da people saw deir leaders killed by da zombies dey were supposed to stop, dey figured, noding will do any good. "I made different choices. My first action was to restrict road travel. I vetoed plans for evacuation and refugee camps. I didn't even declare martial law. It actually looked like dings would work. But Los Angeles was already being overrun. People who were safe panicked and ran. Da Army started pulling out troops. Others deserted, or mutinied. Den an outbreak started in San Francisco. I still had National Guard troops, and some Army and Air Force people. I did the only ding I could: I ordered dem to fall back. "Da president ding- it wasn't anybody's idea. I was in command of operational Army forces. Dey reported to me da way dey would to a commander-in-chief, and after a while, dey started calling me dat. Den, when Washington fell, some of da officers suggested making it a formal title. After a while, I took dem up on it." "Are you sure there's no one else left?" Little Rock said. Arnold frowned. "I dink so, but it's not just a question of who is still alive. We know of dree oder governors, two senators, five representatives... but none of dem are helping to rebuild. Some can't, some won't. Even in da line of presidential succession, dere's six with a question mark. Some, we're pretty sure of: Da secretary of the treasury was on a plane dat went down. We have an unconfirmed visual sighting of da Pres Pro Tem, infected. Da secretaries of Health and Housing were last seen investigating complaints about a refugee camp in Missouri. Bad idea. But we have no information on da Speaker of da House; as of five weeks ago, the Secretary of Energy was alive in Canada; and we have an authenticated report dat da Secretary of Homeland Security boarded an Air Force jet headed for Nevada." Tallahassee and Little Rock glanced at each other. "So... What do you do?" Little Rock said. "I command da National Guard of California, and attached units of da US Army and Air Force," he said. "I oversee da development of agriculture in Furnace Creek. I give approval to new research on the virus. But mostly, I give people hope." With that, he sighed. 9. Home Front **Another segue chapter... not sure where this arc is going to go.** "Come here," Wichita called to Columbus. He walked into the dining room of their house, looking almost but not quite reluctant. As her belly swelled, his wife had been increasingly demanding: For help, for conversation, for lovemaking, and even the last was beginning to feel more like a chore. She took his hands and guided them to her midriff. "What is it?" he said nervously. "Wait... There! Did you feel that?" He nodded cautiously. He had felt something, but he thought it was more likely to be her own muscles spasming than the baby stirring. She clasped her hands to her belly. "I've been feeling things happen, but I could never feel it from outside before. Oh, god, this is so exciting!" He reached out and took her hands, tentatively. That morning, she had spent an hour crying because she was too big for yet another pair of pants. She grinned and blushed self-consciously. "Wow, hormones. Still, isn't this exciting?" He leaned in for a kiss, angling so her hip brushed between his legs. "Oh my god, are you turned on?" "Um... Are you?" "No!" she shoved him back and turned away. He used the opportunity to sigh in relief. She turned back and said slyly, "But I can take care of you if you need it." "No... No, I'm okay." Having managed to reverse his sigh, he finished breathing out. She returned to him, slipping an arm around his waist. "Any news on Tal and Little Rock? He sighed again. "We have confirmation they went into California. We found out about a pitched battle around the Chocolate Mountains involving the bikers; the story is multiple swarms, or even a horde. Then there's a fresh mass kill site outside Palm Springs that could have Tal's name on it: A swarm, taken with grenades and a large volume of .22 NATO fire, plus the ones that were run over." Wichita nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like them." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know they're out there. I know he's with her. But I don't worry about that. I worry about where she is. For all the places we were, and all the things we did- I took care of her. I kept her out of the worst places, out of the things that would get her hurt. I don't know if Tal can do that. I know he would try, but I don't know if it would work." She shook her head, and then seemed abruptly to snap out of it. "What's happening in the city?" "They say we're close to securing the strip, except for the lots around the ruins of Caesar's Palace," Columbus said. "Treasure Island announced securing the Imperial yesterday. There's a report that they got Mr. Magoo... and somebody saw Andy Capp, leaving." Now Wichita sighed. "Did he still have my gun?" "They didn't say," Columbus answered. She had dropped a Skorpion machine pistol during an expedition to Sunrise Hospital, now reduced to rubble by a chain of accidents triggered by an insane leper and an MRI machine, and the city's most notorious zombie had picked it up. "It's not quite official, but they're talking about a combined operation to clear the last few casinos. I'll probably go with them." She guided his head toward her. "What else is the matter?" she said. "We... we finished the study of the Las Vegas food supply," he said. "By our best predictions- I mean, absolute best case scenario, all the way- we starve within 6 months." He looked her squarely in the eyes. "We have to leave Vegas." She returned his gaze, sad but not surprised. He hugged her. "Sorry for the gloom. I'm sure we'll do okay. Why don't you go to the casino, and meet with Chief Sahara? I can catch up." As his wife walked out, he gave a last wave, shut the door and walked back to the laundry room. The figure seemed to precipitate out of the shadows. It was a big man, grotesquely lesioned, wearing a shirt with the Union Jack. "You could have knocked," he said coolly. Jack Ketch shrugged. "Hey, I'm on the Ten Most Wanted Zombies list. It don't exactly pay to advertise." "Why are you here?" Columbus said. "I need your help," Ketch said. "Now." 10. Trail of Anarchy **Okay, finally back to the front of the "Vegas Saga" arc. This chapter is more of a "recap" with some new backstory. I may be adding a scene for earlier in the storyline next. And, shameless plug, a revised ebook version of "Fear and loafing in Las Vegas" is now on sale for Kindle!** **Trail of anarchy** "Now," the acting president said grimly, "what do you know about Branson Missouri?" Little Rock spoke first. "We were just at his camp," she said. "He invited us, and let us leave. Then in Baker somebody tried to kill us." "We know," Arnold said. "But dere's more to it, isn't dere? People come to his base by invitation only, and dat takes a lot." "We met him once before," Tal said, "in some strip mall on the way to Vegas. There were only four people with him then. He tried to take us hostage, but we fought our way free, just as more of his gang were arriving. He called them off. Then two months later, we went back to get our SUV, and we found a message inviting us to meet with him." "Dat's his style," Ahnold said. "Da people who put up a good fight against him are da ones he offers da best terms as allies." His eyes met Little Rock, and she abruptly burst into tears. After a couple of fits and starts, she described her and her sister's very first encounter with Branson. "He never said what he did before, but we could tell he had been in business. We both knew the type," she said. "He said, after we took his car, that he met a biker named Enid- Oklahoma, I mean. I guess that's how he got started." "We know about him, too," Ahnold said kindly. "We can't conclusively identify him, but he was part of an escape from a state prison in Oklahoma. It was a hardened facility, for violent repeat offenders wid hard time. Odder prisons like it were relatively safe: Lots of outbreaks started in jails, but incarcerated offenders and deir guards were insulated from da initial outbreak. But dere, an outbreak started among da prisoners, not starting from one, but wid multiple prisoners in separate blocks going prodromal at once. Nobody knows how; dere's a deory dat da prison cafeteria received a batch of da contaminated meat. Da guards tried to retreat to da administrative centers, and seal da prisoners in. But some of da prisoners already had guns and explosives, probably for an escape attempt dat was already in da works. Dey gaddered odder prisoners and even some of da surviving guards into an organized resistance. Da last reports say dat dey had seized overrun guard stations as deir own command centers, and were setting explosives to power and communication lines. "Dirty to fifty finally blew deir way out. A lot of dem died before dey got far, but den dey seemed to get better organized. Dey started systematically searching towns, not just blowing dru and grabbing whatever loot dey ran across. Dey traded for information an services. And dey started making alliances. Da most significant was wid a corps of da Texas national guard dat mutinied during da retreat from Dallas. After dat, dey had access to automatic weapons. Artillery. Anti-vehicle weapons. And above all, people who knew how to use dem. After dat, dey easily outmatched any dreat dey encountered: Zombie swarms, odder outlaws, even units of da US and Mexican militaries. But dey didn't become a consolidated power until they reached southern California." "That sounds like Branson," Little Rock said. "We left him in the right place..." "It's too late for pointing fingers," Arnold said. "What can you tell us about his camp?" "From what we saw, he has at least five hundred men," Tal said. Arnold nodded. "It looked like a mixed bag, but a lot of them definitely know what they're doing.- Do you know about the tanks?" Arnold nodded. "Well, he's got one they called the Thing. It's like a zombie-killing super weapon..." He described the vehicle, and its role in stopping 10,000 zombies. Arnold grew concerned. "Da vehicle you are describing was fielded in the 1960s, and considered a failure," he said. "It was dought dat da only ones dat weren't scrapped were in museums." "Well, maybe he found it in a museum," Tal said. "Wherever he got it, it can take on just about anything." "Actually, its main armament is long obsolete as anti-armory weaponry," Arnold said. "We know of infantry anti-tank missiles in Branson's arsenal dat pose a greater dreat to a modern armored fighting vehicle. But it wouldn't be Branson's style to engage that kind of target. If anding is doctrine to him, it's striking an enemy's weakest point. For us, here, dat will be our fields and our irrigation systems. If he destroys dem, dere will be nodding left word fighting for." "What can you do to stop him?" Tal asked. Arnold answered almost flatly, "We can't." 11. Congress of the Lepers **This chapter references "Shoe Shopping", my favorite but least trafficed installment in the "Vegas Saga".** It was, perhaps, a kind of poetic justice that the developers who built Vegas on the proceeds of gamblers' shattered dreams liberally sprinkled the city with their own failed ambitions. None of the defunct projects had been as spectacular as the Fountainebleau Tower. The second tallest building in Vegas, it had been built to its full height, but never completed, with construction stopped indefinitely well before the Pandemic brought down civilization. It stood within a few hundred feet of Circus Circus, ignored in the general offensive, standing forlorn over the post-apocalyptic cityscape. Columbus switched an eye patch from one side to another as he stepped inside the tower. There was enough light inside that it still took a moment for his sight to adjust. "Come on," Ketch hissed. He had trouble making out the leper's form in the dark. He followed uncertainly, into an open space littered with scaffolding and tarps. As his sight improved, he almost jumped: Beneath the lumpy, semi-shapeless wrappings of canvas and plastic were an unguessable number of huddled shapes. He was in the midst of a gathering of the lepers. "You... you were all here, the whole time?" he said. A heap of rags rose into a human shape, and strode ponderously toward him. "No," said the shape, in a soft but unquestionably masculine voice. "We have come from far and wide, to see if what was told is true: that our brother had found the Samaritan." Columbus's gaze darted about. He was still unable to say how many there were, but there could not be less than twenty. Then he looked to Ketch. There had been a certain tone in the other leper's voice... "They didn't come for you," he said. "They don't even like you." Ketch shrugged. "I never said I was popular." "Our brother is _respected_," said the other leper. "He has done no wrong by our laws, and his wisdom and talents are questioned by none. But, he is reckoned... indiscreet. He comes too close to the _gente_, and he draws too much attention to himself. Many of us are as wary of him as we are of your kind. But for you, we have come." "Wait... look... I don't think you understand-" "Please, hold your tongue," said the other leper. "First, we must decide if you are the one of which we were told." From one of the less conspicuous lumps, a voice spoke: "I saw the Samaritan flee a dorm in College Station, armed with only the lid of a toilet tank." Another: "I saw him enter a dark building in Abilene, pursued by seven zombies. Only one followed him out." "I saw him act as live bait for the Panhandler in a store in Linden." "I saw him kill a giant _peyoso_ with only a hammer." On and on came the testimony, until finally a feminine voice came from the darkest recess: "I, the Sybill, saw him face two armed men to save me." "Oh, god," Austin said, as the final speaker came forward. "So," said the first leper, "is this man the Samaritan?" "I thought he would have more of a tan." "I could swear he had more muscles." "I'm sure he was thinner." "He has shed a brother's blood!" The Sybill cleared her throat, and the male waved for silence. "This is not the man who saved me," she said, and the other lepers hissed, until the moderator waved for silence. "This one is bolder. Perhaps wiser." She sniffed. "He has known a woman- my word, and sired a son. And I smell on him the blood of a fallen brother- and before that, my mother!" "I can explain..." "We need no explanations," Sybill said caustically. "No, this is not the one who saved me- for that was hardly a man, but only a boy. This is the boy, grown into a man- and he is better for it." Columbus fell to his knees and wept. 12. Rescue Columbus raised his head. "You... you really understand. And you still respect me... care about me." "Yes, Samaritan," said the Sybil. "And now you can begin to understand, that those who knew you always have." He shook his head. "I... I don't know. And- I'm not ready to talk about it. Maybe it doesn't really matter. I think the last thing the first Sybil tried to teach me was not to keep thinking about the past. Just tell me- why have you brought me here now?" "There is great danger coming," said the male "disciple". "We cannot yet tell you all that we know, and there is much which we ourselves still do not know. There are danger still far away. There are dangers within your very domains. But the greatest danger of all is neither near nor far, but just beyond the bounds of what you know." "The air force base," Columbus said. As the casinos pushed outward, the new frontier had become an intersection of the Las Vegas freeway, running roughly parallel to the Boulevard, and the winding Veterans' Memorial Highway. While outlying colonies and outposts extended further north, settlement and exploration dropped off sharply beyond Washington Street, and the metropolitan area beyond central North Las Vegas was virtually terra incognita. All that was known was that Nellis Air Force Base had stood on the northeastern edge of the Vegas metro area. "You understand, then," the Sybil said. "But others are not ready." He nodded sadly in agreement. "Lots of people are sure they've seen military aircraft flying over. But a lot of the people in charge think it's wishful thinking, and a lot of it _is_ wishful thinking: Too many people assume that, if planes are coming out of the base, then it's the military coming to save us. So... what do you know?" "Little more than you," said the disciple. "In any event, the base itself does not concern us most. You know that, to the south, there was an airport. Parts of it still work..." "We suspected as much," Columbus said with a nod. "Someone has kept the Luxor light working, and we found a remote observation post in Trump tower, hooked up to a system that turned a light on and off. It drew a lot of attention, and it just happened to distract people from looking further south." "Good. But what you do not know, what none but the Brethren could have discovered, is that a research station has been set up there, one where captives are taken. Zombies... and our brothers and sisters." Columbus gaped. "You mean there are more of you? Already here?" "I told you there used to be more of us," Ketch said. "You know that some of us went bad, like Alice and the Tweedles. Your hunting parties took quite a few: Usually, they were so heavy-handed we got away before they came with a block of us, but sometimes one of us would get unlucky, and it added up. We lost more to starvation and disease. But we kept track of those things, and all of them put together couldn't account for what's happened to us. It happened one by one, so we didn't notice at first. But it started happening faster, brothers and sisters vanishing within hours, even minutes of each other. We still don't know how, but we do finally know where they're being taken..." "The airport?" Columbus said, puzzled. "No," said the Sybil, "Luxor." "Do you know what they're doing?" Columbus asked. "Nothing good. We can smell their feelings... fear, and mistrust, and oppression, right through the glass of the pyramid." "Hey, wait, let's think about it... I mean, yes, they shouldn't treat you like that... but the simplest explanation is that they're just trying to study what makes you immune, something that could help other people." He thought he saw a dark look cross Jack Ketch's face. "Maybe cure you." A chorus of hisses and even shrieks came from the dark. "Speak no more of that," Sybil said. "Enough to say this: Even if they mean to do good, their means are evil, and in the end whatever they do will be twisted into greater evil. And we suspect that even their goals are already turning... You fought the Tweedles. As best we can tell, they started out as a pair of small-time hash pushers. Imagine, then, if they had been trained soldiers. Do you think your people haven't? Do you think they would not think of trying to produce such a thing?" Columbus nodded, making a note to tell the hunting parties to search the territory captured from clan Tweedle _very_ carefully. "We're moving on to the south," he said with care. "In the next few days, we move into the Planet Hollywood complex. In a week, we start scouting around the airport. I'm going to be responsible for a lot of the effort. I can request... lattittude in planning our approach." "Good," said the Disciple. "But it must be soon. Foul work is being done, and other threats are coming." Columbus gave another nod. "I can ask to go ahead, then, on my own if it comes to that. But right now, I have to go. There are..." He faltered at the new reality that had pushed into his life. "...People who need me." Sybill nodded, and he was sure he saw a smile. "Then go to them, Samaritan. Especially to her. Brother Ketch, go with him." As Columbus and the leper walked furtively back toward the Circus perimeter, the young man spoke: "I know why you came to me. I don't think you told her, but I'm sure she knows." "Of course," Ketch said. "Do you need to say it?" "No," Columbus said, as he thought it: _The only thing that could take a leper by surprise was another leper._ 13. King Ahnold **Another chapter that should give everybody reason to be pissed off. It may seem like a complete cop-out, but I planned this out back in Spring; I just decided to shorten things to get back up to speed.** "We can't stay here," Tal said. "We should never have come. Even if Branson didn't want us dead before, he won't want Vegas to know about this place." "We knew da risks," Arnold said. "We are already planning a way out." He opened a laptop. "Da best route to Vegas is to go north to da Veteran's Memorial Highway. Dat's no good. Branson is even stronger in da nort than he is to da sout. Da 190 is better, but he will be ready for dat. Your best bet is one of da `ghost town' routes- especially dis one here, Greenwater Canyon. It's named for a ghost town dat was abandoned by 1910. Dere was never a paved road, but a good four-wheel drive trail was put in. Da park service closed it four years ago, because dey feared traffic would damage petroglyphs in the canyon, but da trail appears to be well preserved, even wid no maintenance. It ends at a paved road into a town called Shoshone. From dere, you can try to get onto da 160, or go furder sout and double back on I15." "That will do it," Tal said. "Sorry we couldn't stay sooner." As he spoke, a phone started to ring, again and again and again. "Are you going to answer that?" Little Rock said. "Not until you go," Arnold said. Tallahassee shook his hand. "I just want to say... I would have voted for you." As the Caddy started, a shell whistled in the distance. As they turned onto the road for the canyon, there was a sound of rotors. In the rear view mirror, Tal saw the attack helicopter rise into the air, followed by an Osprey tiltrotor. It rose in a rolling takeoff, then pivoted dramatically northward before dropping its rotors to horizontal. Shooting in only a moment from hover to full throttle, it seemed virtually to vanish in a streak of silver. Scotty's Castle stood miles to the north of Furnace Creek. A freakish product of the Prohibition era, the mansion had attempted to imitate both a Spanish mission and a Medieval castle. It had made a serviceable fortification for a loyal squad of US Marines, but the defenders had been in no position to offer even short-lived resistance when ranged by a 15cm howitzer on the far side of a mountain overlooking the structure. Now, the Marines were retreating, while a score of bikers moved in. Already, Branson mounted a miniature parapet, from which he saw the Osprey depart. "Uh... Did we just win?" Enid said. The chief lowered his binoculars and scowled. "It doesn't matter. It never did. What matters is exegesis." "Huh?" Branson sighed. "I'll put it this way. 1500 years ago, according to later oral tradition, a chief in the furthest outpost of a disintegrating empire declared himself king, with the blessing of a tribal warlock and a dozen barons. His kingdom must have been small, and his control over the barons was so weak he had to bargain with them just to keep the peace in his own court from turning on each other. His reign ended with his overthrow by his own illegitimate son, after which his kingdom disintegrated so quickly and completely that even direct evidence of his existence was lost- if, of course, he did exist. And there's no particular reason why anyone should care if he did, apart from the story he inspired- of King Arthur, lord of Camelot." Enid stared, with the vaguely suspicious look of someone trying to identify leftovers from the deeper recesses of a fridge. "So... what... the Pres could come back to turn things around at the last minute, like King Arthur was supposed to?" Branson sighed. "No! Arnold doesn't matter, and he never will- not to us. He's nothing but a figurehead set up to preserve morale. He all but admitted it himself. When push came to shove, he made more of a difference by running than he ever could have fighting. But when you're a figurehead, it doesn't have to matter what you _do_. What's important is what you can bring people to _believe_ in. King Arthur made the English believe in Camelot, when they didn't even have an England, and the odds aren't bad that President Arnold can make people believe in the USA, even while they scrabble for their lives in its carcass. He's already written the perfect story for the new dark age: the humble beginning, the paradise carved from the wastelands, the heroic last stand, the sacrifice for the greater good- and he didn't even have to die at the end. Meanwhile, we've type-cast ourselves, not even as Mordred and Morgana, but only the barbarians stuck outside Camelot's gates." Enid answered rather too politely: "So... what do we do?" "We rewrite this story," Branson said. "If they want King Arthur, we give them Don Qixote. If they want barbarians that can be banished safely out of sight, we become the Knight of the Mirror to show them reality: What's gone is gone, and it was never worth what it cost." Enid rolled his eyes. "Go ahead and roll your eyes!" Branson said, giving his second-in-command a start. "But take a moment and listen! You can hear it even from here!" Enid turned an ear reluctantly. He could have dismissed it as blowing wind, but once he listened, there was no way to deny what it was, and even if he could there was no denying what he could see: People, scores and hundreds, lined up along the road to Furnace Creek, cheering the retreating Marines like conquering heroes. "What do we do?" Enid said, still calm but no longer condescending. "First and foremost," Branson said coldly, "we make sure whatever story gets told comes from us first. Find Tal and the girl, and stop them by any means necessary." 14. Air Strike As the Caddy roared toward the canyon, a barricade came into view. "They never reopened the road!" Little Rock said in alarm. "Well, my daddy used to say," Tal said as he accelerated, "anything you can drive over is optional." The barricade went under with a slight bump. Greenwater Canyon was rather bland compared to other sites of the southwest. The sides of the canyon were shallowly sloped, and the rocks were drab shades of gray and brown, with few features beyond the occasional cave. The only striking features were jagged lines of dark rock on the crests of the hills. "I think we just passed a petroglyph," Little Rock said. "That's nice, but we don't have time to look at pictures," Tal said. Abruptly, he turned off the road, braked and turned off the engine. "What are you doing?" Little Rock exclaimed. "You just said we don't have time to stop!" "Hush," Tal hissed. "Listen." They heard the sound of motorcycles- coming from the other direction. It took two tries to get the engine started. Tallahassee accelerated to highway speed, heedless of the pummeling to the vehicle's tough suspension. Then he veered off the road again, following a foot trail around a hill. He stopped again, this time leaving the engine running, and scrambled up the hill. From behind the scrub on a crest of the dark rock, he saw eight bikers on four-wheeled ATVs and two armed dune buggies drive by, kicking up a veritable dust storm. He chuckled as he withdrew. "They aren't looking for us, just heading for Furnace Creek," he said. "They probably won't know we were here until they see the knocked-over barricade. There's a side-loop a mile or two ahead that will get us to the other end of the track. By the time they turn around and look for us, we can be on the road to Shoshone." "Ookaay," Little Rock said dubiously. The side loop proved to be a narrower side canyon, with sides steep enough to really look like a canyon. Tal slowed to 25. They passed a mural of petroglyphs, white squiggles of animals, stick men and less decipherable shapes. Tal had to swerve and impulsively beeped a horn when a bighorn sheep took its time bounding out of the way. Little Rock stood up in her seat to look around through the sunroof. She relaxed, but then dropped down in sudden panic. "Tal! Tal! There's a Red Baron plane out there!" "Huh?" he said. "You know, the red plane with three wings! I just saw one fly over the canyon!" "It's called a Dreidecker," Tal said patiently, "and there's no way Branson ha... ha..." In the distance, a red triplane was cruising through the sky. Tal put his foot to the gas pedal. The plane was turning and speeding up, already growing larger. He realized there was something cockeyed about how quickly it seemed to be closing in. Little Rock shrieked as the craft dropped below the level of the hills. The swooping plane filled the windshield, twin guns blazed, and he cried out at a sudden pain in his shoulder. Then, in the rear view mirror, he saw the plane, already growing smaller, waggle its wings before disappearing around a corner a hundred feet back. The pilot's head turned as if looking back. Tal slowed almost to walking pace, as he examined a flesh wound from a BB pellet. "Little Rock, get the shotgun!" he said. "I'm on it!" she said, pumping an Ithaca stockless 20-gauge. The triplane shot back into view over the ridge. A miniature only in relative proportions, it had a wingspan of at least eight feet. A blast of the shotgun came too late. Little Rock took a breath and fired again. The plane rolled effortlessly out of the way, then rose steeply. As it went up, something came dropping down. Tal swerved, and the vehicle was jolted by a small but perfectly functional bomb. "Close the sunroof!" Tal shouted. "No! Leave it open!" Little Rock answered. She fired two blasts in succession. The plane nimbly dodged the first, but the second blew away half of its top wing. The unbalanced plane made a banking turn, dropping a second bomb that bounced off the hood. She tracked ahead of it and fired her last shell. The blast tore away the undercarriage, and left blue sky showing through the bottom of the fuselage. It spiraled downward for an emergency landing, but the strain of a tight turn broke the damaged fuselage in two. "Way to go, girl!" Tal said, taking a hand off the wheel for a high five. Then the vehicle rocked at the detonation of the bomb somewhere under the car, followed immediately by a second, greater jolt as a tire ruptured. Tal and Little Rock both screamed as the vehicle fishtailed. Tal managed to regain control in time to make a tight turn. But there was nothing he could do about an antiquated shack that appeared unexpectedly in their path. 15. Broken trail **Sorry for the very long wait. I'm hoping to get things to a higher pace, and maybe wrap up the saga in the next month or two. Thanks to everyone who has been following!** Branson had found his truck and fifth-wheel trailer together in northern Texas, at the scene of an escape that ended in the original owner's driveway. The truck was a 1963 Dodge D200 crewcab. The trailer was a 1950s Spartan, modifier into a split-level fifth-wheel design. Branson did much of his reading and planning in the raised front of the trailer, where elevation, wrap-around windows and a swiveling stool provided a perfect place to survey his domain. Whether or not he actually cared to watch his encamped underlings, his presence kept them alert and well-motivated. The arrangement also ensured that anyone entering unexpectedly had to clamber up the stairs to reach him. Thus, he was already turned around and collected when Enid Oklahoma arrived. "What news?" he said. "The Baron spotted and engaged Tallahassee's SUV five minutes ago," Enid said, "It was shot down, but appears to have inflicted significant damage. We sent in Snoop for another pass, and observed a thick column of smoke consistent with a vehicle fire. It would be dangerous to approach, and respectfully, I don't believe it's worth it." "Order the search to continue. Dead or alive, I want them found," Branson said. "But I agree, there's no point in approaching the blaze. If they are alive, they will be getting away from there as quickly as they can. In fact, they could have set the fire as a diversion..." He frowned. "Yes, I think that's a strong possibility. Cars don't catch fire that easily, you know. Tell the search party to fan out, form a perimeter around the crash site. Oh, and send a group to set up camp in Shoshone. That's their most likely objective, but I expect they sill have a contingency." Then, turning to look directly at Enid, he finished gravely, "And unhitch the trailer. I want the truck ready for pursuit." ATVs and dune buggies fanned out, and then began to circle. "I have a fresh track," a searcher radioed. "It looks like the girl." Branson himself radioed the reply: "We're sending backup. Don't go after her alone." The rider, a revolving-door convict who answered to the name of Smokie, shook his head. Then, he heard a voice. "Hey. Mister." He turned his head. Shallow rock walls with a little vegetation rose on either side of them. She was crouching behind an outcropping. "Please don't call in. I can make it worth your while." "Really," he said. "What do you have in mind?" "What comes to your mind?" "How about," he said, "some good hash?" "Sorry, my sister says I'm not old enough." "Then how about..." He heard a rustle in the brush behind him. His gun was drawn in a moment. As he drew a bead on a waving bush, the girl's pistol prodded into his lower back. "How about," she said, "you give me a ride?" "Think about this as a risk assessment. If you shoot with that, it probably won't go through my vest," Smokie said calmly. "If Branson found out I helped you, even at gun point, he would kill me." "If I got away, he'd probably kill you even if you did your best to stop me," she countered. "He might. But it doesn't really matter, because there's backup on the way." "I know. We were counting on it." He pivoted, starting into a kick. She kicked first, hitting him in the back of the knee he was standing on. He toppled face-first, slamming his helmet against a rock. "Thanks," she said as she picked up his dropped submachine gun. "I was out of ammo. You should have a little time to decide how to explain _this_ to Branson." Then she went roaring off on his own four-wheeler. She had scarcely gone forty feet before she saw more riders in pursuit. She yelped and went faster, but still well short of the unfamiliar vehicle's top speed, struggling to keep from being thrown off as it bounced over the landscape. However, her unpredictable course made it difficult for the bikers to stay on her tail. Finally, a dune buggy drove across her path, firing a warning volley with a machine gun. She turned yet again, but her new course ended at a cliff. She braked and jumped down. "Okay! I give up!" she said, raising her hands and setting down her weapon. Four bikers dismounted and closed in, while the dune buggy pulled up to cover them. "Where's the Panhandler?" a biker said gruffly. She hesitated, then said tearfully. "He's... he's... he's in the car." Two bikers looked at each other in confusion and growing suspicion. That was when the Caddy suddenly peeled out from a cave in the cliff. The ATVs were knocked aside like so many traffic cones, and the Caddy swerved to deliver a glancing impact that flipped the dune buggy. Two of the bikers were injured by a tumbling ATV, and another dropped his weapon diving out of the way of the Caddy. Little Rock snatched up her weapon and ran for the SUV, but a fourth biker stepped into her path with gun drawn. "You aren't going anywhere," he said. "Panhandler! Get out of the vehicle, or I shoot." Tallahassee's mare's leg clicked. "Drop the gun, or _I_ shoot." "I got kevlar, Mac," said the biker, without turning. "Besides, I heard about your little secret. The word's all over the camp. When it comes to zombies, you're as deadly as they come, but against people, even people like us, you can't even pull the-" A shot rang out and the biker fell to hands and knees. "He may not, but I can," Little Rock said. There was awkward silence as they drove away. Within an hour, Enid delivered the verdict: "We lost them. The girl drew the search party after her intentionally. That gave the Panhandler time to repair the vehicle, and made a hole in the perimeter. I suppose punishments are in order...?" Branson smiled grimly. "By all rights, yes, but I suspect that being beaten by a thirteen-year-old girl and a man who can't fire at a live human is punishment enough." "They were definitely headed south, like you thought," Enid said. "If we regroup and give chase, we can still catch them." "No need," Branson said. Enid looked surprised. "If they are headed south, we can let them go. If they go back north, we can be waiting for them." His second-in-command scowled. "Something else, sir," Enid said. "We found the scene of the blaze. It was deliberately set, like you thought. They set a tire on fire with gasoline. It looks like they broke a water bottle on it, to make more smoke. We found this at the scene." He held up an unopened box of twinkies. 16. Lepers' Crusade **Here goes with a subplot I have put a lot of thought into how (or even if) to tell. I settled on a form of a mystery story, which isn't really my style, and on further consideration have decided on a direction that fits with the simply-plotted, character-driven kind of story that I like and do best. This chapter is simply introducing the characters.** "Bruce is already mad at you for not helping enough at Paris," Wichita warned Columbus. "He'll bonk you over the head if he hears about this." "That's why we're waiting to tell him till after," Columbus said. He gave her a goodbye kiss as he stepped out of the Tremors truck. "Austin," she said, "you haven't told me what you're doing either." He nodded. "I want to. This will have to do. Come out, brethren." Suddenly, the detritus lining the alley in which the truck was parked sprouted into a dozen rag-clad forms. _"Ola, senora,"_ said the tallest of the lesioned figures. Wichita sized him up respectfully, then snarled at a man she recognized: "Jack Ketch." "Hey, I saved your life, and his, and _his_ too," he said, pointing last at her belly. "It's not my fault I had to cut a few corners." "You left me in the dark, unarmed, against a trio of cannibals," she said. "Hey, you had a chance to take down two out of three, and you weren't unarmed then." "Enough." A female figure stepped forward, the Sybil. She looked over Wichita. "So, this is la Peliroja- the other half of the legend." "Legend?" said Wichita, glancing to Columbus and Ketch. "So it- it's really true? I mean, you- you lead the lepers? And you saved my husband?" "Listen better, child," said the Sybil. "It was he who saved me." "I- I'm sorry," she said. Waving to Columbus, she said, "He- he hardly ever talks about you, you know. I heard more from Ketch than I ever have from him. It's... hard to sort out." She looked around her. "Well, if you know who I am, and my baby's father is going with you, then tell me- who are you?" "We don't have time," said a muscular leper with blonde hair, better dressed and with a subtly different bearing than the others. "For her, we make time," said Sybil. "Eleven brothers and sisters go with me upon the quest. Ketch you know." She then pointed to the tall leper, who grinned to reveal a mouth full of fillings. "This is Boca. These are Jaime and Juan, witnesses for my Mother." She indicated two masked men standing close to her, and then an older leper close by. "This is Qijano, a brother as infamous as Ketch for his bravery." She then pointed to two adolescent girls, one older than the other, crouching close together. "These are Luna and Estrella, sisters from before the change. They have seen you before, without being seen, and a few times gave help, before you ever knew of your need. Such is the way of the Brothers and Sisters." She pointed to two even younger lepers skulking by the alley walls. "These young ones are Conejo, the swift, and Lagertijo, the climber." She waved at a fat leper who seemed to sprawl even while standing up, and said somewhat disdainfully, "That is Tuerto. He may appear ineffectual, but he is good at finding things out." Finally, she looked to the blonde man. "And this, this is Tigre Blanco. He was a warrior, before, and is an even deadlier one now. He knows the ways of _soldados_. Only with his help may we prevail." Wichita surveyed the gathered lepers. "Thank you," she said. "I know words aren't enough, but with all my heart, thank you. I hope you all come home safe. And please, whatever else happens, keep my man safe." Columbus turned and kissed her goodbye, once on the lips and once on her belly. Tears welled in her eyes. He walked away, without looking back, not because he was aloof, as he might once have been, but because if he looked back, he would turn back. As she started Tremors, Sybil called out to her: "Peace, Peliroja. Your man will return, and the son within you will have many brothers and sisters." As Tremors rolled away, Columbus stared at Sybil, almost livid. "How could you do that?" he said. "Just promise her I'll be back safe and sound, give her a certainty when she should be preparing for the worst? If I don't make it, what do you think that will do to her? To the baby? And don't give me your psychic games. Even if you believe it, * it, even if there's _something_ to it, you know you can't foresee everything! So how do you get away with telling her that?" "_Samaritan,"_ Sybil said, with the casual force of a drill sergeant. Jaime and Juan drew closer. "Know this, Samaritan: You _will_ return alive to your bride. Whether it is in victory or in shame, whether you return with us or as lone survivor, whether you and she live to celebrate the day or rue it, all that may be uncertain, but you _will __**without a doubt**_return. And even if you believe my prophecy might fail, consider what it means for you: You carried her heart, and then her child's future, and now you carry your hope as well, and if you fall, you smash them all. So perhaps, rather than chastising me for giving her hope, you should be more vigilant not to fail her yourself, and perhaps then, my prophecy will bring its own fulfillment." She let a moment of silence pass, then turned. "Come, we must go quickly, lest all be lost." As Columbus followed, a leper fell in step beside him. It was Tigre Blanco- the White Tiger. "I like you," he said. "I like you just the way you are. Keep your head down, don't get cocky, and you will get through fine prophecy or no." Then the Tiger moved to the lead, and behind him Columbus involuntarily shuddered. 17. Tiger **For the time being, I'm planning to keep the focus on Columbus's part of the story. Could the first person to read this new chapter please review, just to let me know there was some traffic? For some reason, the traffic counters have been showing nothing for the better part of a week, and I'm almost certain it's a technical glitch. Incidentally, I've decided on a perfect person to play Jack Ketch: Michael Massee, who has come to my attention playing Kubrick on Supernatural. And for Tigre, my best idea is... Hillary Swank? Hey, I'd be scared. Also, I have "Wheel in the Sky" stuck in my head from watching Supernatural season 2, so if anyone wants to imagine a background song, that will do as well as anything. Whew, on to the actual chapter...** Columbus shifted from one position to another in the lepers' ragged column. The only ones among them who was friendly, by any conventional definition, were Tuerto, whose name meant One-Eye, and Qijano, probably named for Don Quixote. Tuerto spoke little English, and his delivery in Spanish was fast and of indifferent grammar. Quijano seemed reasonably fluent in English, but when he tried to speak at any length, he easily became overexcited, and was liable to start dropping Spanish words, phrases and whole sentences into the mix. The others were uniformly a bust. Ketch was clamming up in the presence of the other lepers. Sybil, Jaime and Juan spoke mostly to each other. Boca (literally "the Mouth", and almost certainly named for the Bond villain Jaws) showed no speech of any kind. Conejo and Lagertijo were scarcely less taciturn. The sisters Luna and Estrella, eerily like his wife and sister-in-law, spoke to each other in short bursts of Spanish or English, but showed no interest in speaking to him. That left Tigre Blanco, the White Tiger. After addressing Columbus briefly as they started out, Tigre was all but silent. When he spoke at all, it was in whispers to the Sybil. He quickly concluded that Tigre was trying to hide how much he rather than Sybil was making the decisions. After several fruitless attempts to speak to Tigre, he casually came up alongside Jack Ketch. "Talk about something else, or keep walking," Ketch said. "Huh?- I mean, what do you mean?" "I know you have questions. But some things, Brothers don't ask, and Brothers don't tell. So don't ask." Columbus started to formulate a protest, but soon let it slide, dropping back. Their journey was already well beyond the frontiers of the casinos, much further than it was necessary to go to reach Luxor. Their course was south and west, into Spring Valley, and at the rate they were going it would take them into Enterprise. He scowled again. "And they say you're a jumpy one," came a voice in his ear. He started, stifling a shout and almost bringing his .22/.410 to bear. El Tigre was alongside him, he could not guess for how long, and he felt nearly equal parts terror and disgust. "Hey. Nothing personal," Tigre said, waving a hand in a vague conciliatory gesture. "If it helps, in your place I'd be suspicious about me too. So, let's lay everything down. Any questions you have, you can ask me, and I'll make you a promise: If I don't tell you the whole truth, I won't tell you any lies, either... Hold on." He flitted to Sybil, and within moments, their course had changed. Columbus was looking back suspiciously when Tigre spoke in his ear again: "Pick up the pace. We have a prying eye overhead." He looked back again, still suspicious, and was almost rear-ended by Tuerto, who muttered unintelligibly as he went by. "Now. Where were we?" Tigre said. "Right, I gave you a deal, ask any question, and I either give you the true answer, or no answer. Look me in the eye and see if I'm lying." Columbus looked carefully at Tigre. Behind the lesions and more than one scar was a face that was incredibly young, certainly younger than himself, maybe too young to drink. But behind the face was the gaze of a mind in a shadow. He had seen it before, on the face of his sister-in-law the only time she had caught herself talking about her biological sister, on Tal when he talked about his son, sometimes on his wife's face when he saw her gazing at him. But this shadow was longer and deeper than he could have imagined. He did not let himself be lulled into trusting Tigre, but he could tell that he was not just putting on a friendly face, and that the answers to any questions he might ask would likely be trivial compared to the dark depths of secrets behind those eyes. "Okay," he said. "Where are we going?" "A safe spot, in the right place," Tigre said. "From there, we can make our way where we're going as safely as it's possible to do it." "Where are you from?" Columbus asked. "I was born on American dirt, but the dirt was in West Germany," Tigre said. "No, I'm not quite as young as I look. So, now it's 20 questions; I can roll with that." "How did you get infected?" Columbus asked. There was a hiss of breath, then a low chuckle. "That's one of those questions Jack was trying to warn you about," Tigre said. "But you didn't know, and I said you could ask, so no harm, no foul. As it happens, I didn't get bit, I got a shot: I volunteered to test a vaccine." Columbus almost stopped in his tracks. "There's a vaccine?" A nudge of Tigre's elbow kept him moving. "There was, at least. It worked, too, except, of course, not all the time..." "_When?_" "Oh, I got it in week 5, after I heard about it at the end of week 3. Lot of people tried to talk me out of it. Some of them would have liked to flat-out stop me, but all those rules about not forcing or fooling people into `volunteering', well, they can be swung both ways... But I expect you mean when they had it, and I wasn't anywhere near that pay grade. Still, reading 'tween the lines, I think they put the pieces together on Strain 0, maybe a few months before Tulsa." Columbus shook his head, almost dizzy at the flurry of thoughts. "Then why didn't they mass produce it? Or warn the police and the hospitals? Or why not just tighten inspections of meat and livestock on the border? Any of those things could have stopped the Pandemic, and there's no excuse that they didn't! They knew it all, and they didn't do anything!" Tigre shook his head. "People always say that, after. Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor, 9/11... They go nuts, blaming, suspecting, even rewriting history. They never understand how it really was for the people who were really there. Talk about `fog of war', I've seen it, and I've seen enough to know, it's not half as bad as the fog of politics. People making deals, keeping secrets, telling lies, planning for next year but not for next week, saving pennies and wasting pounds, straining gnats and swallowing camels, seein' leaves but not a * forest. And then the * hits the windshield, and everybody starts saying, how could anybody be that stupid, when they should be amazed they didn't * up even worse than they did. I'm not on the Sybil's vibe a lot of the time, but I'm with her on this one. You just gotta have peace." Columbus nodded, but still was breathing heavily. "I think maybe that's enough for now," Tigre said. "But if you have a question, I'll be there for you to ask." "Wait," Columbus said. "You were a soldier. You must have been with other soldiers. What happened to them?" "That one," Tigre said after a long pause, "I think I need to take a rain check on." "Do any of them know the answer?" Columbus said, waving his arm to indicate the rest of the lepers. "Or _any_ answer?" Tigre shook his head. "Again, it's like Ketch said: Brothers don't ask, and Brothers don't tell." Under Columbus's hard stare, he added, "Not that we need to, always. Sybil, I'm pretty sure she knows, most of it. Ketch, I wouldn't put it past him to make a few good guesses. And Tuerto, there's no tellin' what he knows." "So tell me if I have this right: One leper could know something terrible about another, and the other could know he knew... and you wouldn't even talk about it?" Now Tigre halted. The darkness behind his gaze could have made two black search lamps of anti-light to cast utter darkness wherever they fell. "Why don't you return a favor, Samaritan, and answer me a question." He leaned nearer. "When you wake up screaming in your beautiful Peliroja's arms... does she ever say if you were screaming _words_?" He drew back in satisfaction. "Then maybe we aren't so different after all." 18. Guardian angels As unnerved as Columbus was by Tigre, the soldier did not bother him as much as the sister's Luna and Estrella. He supposed that it was as much as anything that they reminded him so readily of his wife and weeks-absent sister-in-law. But, there were many less benign sources of discomfort. They did not try to talk to him, and if he approached them, they would more often than not actively withdraw. Yet, they seemed fascinated by him, especially Estrella. Often, he heard the younger sister coming close behind, which, given the lepers' stealth, he believed meant she wanted him to know he was there. Not that he was likely to see her if he turned around. She did it again as they passed into Enterprise, winding through a residential street. He turned around to catch a glimpse of a child's shadow, and an all-too-close look at Tuerto as he came plodding up from behind. He also saw Jack Ketch, grinning, and went for him. "What's going on with those two?" he hissed. "Why are you asking me?" Ketch said in bemusement. "You think we read minds?" "Isn't that what _you_ want people to think?" "Now where'd you get that idea?" "When I met the first Sybil, she told me my name." "So you think she had to read your mind to know that?" "No, but she said it like it was supposed to be some big mystery, and she wanted me to think it was psychic or something?" "So, what, if a Brother happens to know something, and one of the Gente jumps to a completely silly conclusion about how he knew it, then we're responsible for him being silly? And I thought you were one of the better ones..." Columbus sighed. "Never mind that. I just want to know, why does Estrella keep following me?" "Why do you think she's following you?" Columbus heard a scampering sound behind him, but didn't bother to turn. "I can hear her, but she's never there when I look." "So... you think she's following you because you can't see her following you? Amazing what forensic science can do these days." There was an audible giggle. "Don't tell me you didn't hear that." "Okay, I won't." Then, with a sly glance, he added, "Though, if she is following you, it might just be that she's following up on her investment." Then he sped forward. "Samaritan." It was Estrella, close enough to whisper and still be heard, and this time, there had been no sounds to advertise her presence. "What?" he said, and when she did not speak, repeated irritably, _"What?"_ "What the Sybill said about Peliroja, it is true, Samaritan," she said. "We followed her, a long, long way, since before she met you." "How? In your own car?" She stifled a giggle. Lepers were rarely seen with any kind of technology, and it was absolutely unknown for them to travel in vehicles. "Impossible. They would have covered more distance in an hour than you could in a day." "Are you sure? Even with stops, breakdowns, detours?" "I don't have to be sure of anything," he said. "Even if you could have, why should I believe you did?" "We saw them, when they took the SUV, and the Hummer," she said. "We were watching them when they turned back." He froze. When Wichita and Little Rock robbed him and Tallahassee the second time, they had driven off, only to return. He had been grateful enough to stay with Wichita, but he had never asked her what had really happened. "What are you saying?" he said. "That you know why they turned around?" "I know what you want to know," she said, enunciating so carefully as to be stilted. "So?" he said. "You aren't know as much you want people to think, and I don't believe you even know as much as _you_ think. I don't need to ask you, and I don't have to believe you if you tell me." He walked faster, but she darted into his path, forcing him to slow but not stop as she spoke. "Truth, Samaritan. Not you have to ask, because _you know_. You know, she knows you know, and it takes you both to pieces." "Yeah? And how's that any of your business?" "Sybil said, Ketsh said, we care for them, and now you are with her." "They didn't ask you to follow them," he said. "They didn't even know you existed. And why you and them, anyway?" "Each of _los Hermanos_ may choose _una Gente_, to be as- guardian angel," she said, fumbling for English. "Not any nobody, _misma alma gemela..._ soulmate, yes? _La Peliroja_ is of Luna, and I am of _la Nina_, but I not gone with her." He nodded, but frowned. "Why not? For that matter, if you're their guardian angel, why didn't you help them more, like in the Playland?" "_Mandatos_," she said. "_Nunca revelao su mismo. Da que necesitado, no que deseado._" "So, what, not being seen was more important than keeping him from getting eaten?" She shook her head. "What they needed, we did already give." "What? What's that supposed to mean?" he said. She smiled and started to turn. He grabbed her shoulder, heedless of a wordless but obviously disapproving cry from Boca. "Me? Are you saying you set us up? Maybe like sabotaging the SUV while we were in the store?" She met his eyes, and he immediately let go. "No matter what we did. No matter, even, what they did," she said. "What matters, Samaritan, is, either speak to her, or forgive in your heart and let go." She turned and resumed a normal walking pace, stepping out onto a freeway. Then, suddenly, she stumbled and fell. Columbus's immediate response was to step forward to help her up, but Tigre, another presence he hadn't been aware of, caught him by the arm. He was about to protest, when he saw the blood pooling beneath Estrella's head. 19. Nightfall Wichita spent the afternoon in the camper shell of the Tremors Truck, in the parking lot of Terrible's, the southernmost functional settlement on or (technically) near the Vegas Strip. Built at the intersection of Flamingo and Paradise, and vaguely resembling an adobe mission, it was in an area that had suffered not only the heaviest zombie infestations, but the worst of the fires, plane crashes and military "interventions" that accompanied the outbreak. Incredibly, more than 300 people had held out with no outside support whatsoever, until the general offensive was pushed blocks sout of any other objective just to reach them. The rescuers had been nonplussed when the famed 300 met them with indifference. Fortunately, the people of Terrible's were far more welcoming to individual travelers, and for once Wichita was grateful as yet another passer-by stopped to offer her a gift. "From the management," he said, offering her a gift basket of soaps, lotions and shampoo. "And if you ask around, I'm sure you can find a place to use them." She smiled and thanked him, then cried out in surprise and delight as two more visitors approached: "Chacha! Bell!" "Cheetah!" a five-year-old shrieked as she ran up to hug Wichita. Her mother followed close behind. It had been only a month since the young woman had stepped off a militarized bus at Circus Circus, but they already considered each other good friends. Chacha reached Wichita and embraced her, while the little girl turned around and hugged her mother. "So, I heard the settlement board offered you a place to the south," Wichita said. "They talked about it, but they haven't given me anything solid yet," Chacha said. "Right now, I'm just doing piecework on the delivery circuit. I heard you were in the neighborhood..." Wichita escorted Chacha and Bell into the decidedly cozy camper, which consisted of a kitchen/corridor and a dining area whose two seats doubled as beds. Her guests went first, to sit down while she set about fixing early dinner on the Liliputian stove. "Ramen okay?" she said as she filled a pan with water. Bell cheered, and Chacha smiled. Wichita turned to shut the lower half of the camper door. That was when she heard the sound: A thin but piercing cry, more like a whistle than a scream, carried on the rising evening wind, with the depthless grief and hollow foreboding of a banshee's wail. What was eerie at several miles' range was agony at the scene in northern Enterprise, where Luna was on her knees, screaming over her sister's body. Columbus huddled against a wall, jamming his fists into his ears. He could not guess how the slight young woman could make such a sound for so long. He was beginning to wonder what it even meant, whether she cried out in grief, or warning to others, or to frighten away the unseen slayer. And still it went on, rising and falling like a siren but never cutting off. Finally, it was too much. He stepped toward the surviving sister, reached out and touched her shoulder. He cringed and stifled his own cry as she pivoted, suddenly silent, crouching like a panther about to spring. "I'm sorry!" he blurted. _"Por que?"_ Luna hissed. Only in the sudden silence did Columbus again become aware of the rest of the lepers, to a man (and woman) crouching, still but stiffly alert, their ragged, dirty clothes and grimy faces blending unnervingly with their surroundings. He found the Sybill, and all but whimpered, "Please. It... it wasn't my fault." "Who said it was?" Tigre said. He had missed one leper, and the one was close enough to whisper in his ear. The rest of the lepers stepped forward, their faces solemn but otherwise almost emotionless. "Wait," he said. "He- they- could still be out there." He looked at Estrella's heart-breakingly intact head. The pool of blood came from her mouth, probably nothing more than a bite to the tongue as she fell or a few teeth knocked out on impact. The mortal wound itself was smaller than a pencil, almost concealed in her hairline, without an exit wound to match. He did the detective work in seconds. A downward angle; small caliber, medium power; range, not great for a rifle, but well over the hundred-meter limit he had personally set for patrols and hunting parties. He muttered through clenched teeth, "Poachers." Poachers were a problem that had seemed to grow in perverse reaction to Columbus's own efforts. Even before he got things properly organized and systematized (with help from Jack Ketch) , every hunting party and security detail worth the name recognized on some level that, outside of desperate self-defense, fighting zombies required organization and rules. When he first started his campaign for better procedures, there had been widespread skepticism resistance, and even he had at first been willing to deal with violations lightly. He recognized that no amount of rules could displace instinct and emotion. More, in those early days, the cases that did come up seemed like honest shades of gray, like the sentry who shot at a zombie that was 200 meters away, but headed straight for the RV park's improvised playground. But over time, as even veterans like Tal fell into line, and better methods and just plain fewer zombies made truly desperate situations less frequent, something darker had emerged. At any and every level, there were some hunters that did not want to do things by his or any other rules. Some were outright miscreants, who viewed hunting as a cover for looting, profiteering and even more sordid activities. But they were less troublesome than those who seemed to be in it for enjoyment, addicted to challenges, or danger, or simply to killing. Whatever their motives, as increasingly specific rules and strict discipline cut in on their activities within authorized patrols, these men had become poachers. They hunted secretly; wandered through increasingly remote areas of the city with no attempt at documenting or even properly observing what they saw; engaged zombies at ranges either excessively long or insanely close; and generally willfully disregarding even rules meant for their own good. "The shooter's up high, back to the north," he said calmly. "Probably alone, and if he isn't, there won't be more than five altogether. He will be counting on the body drawing more zombies, so nobody can touch her. But if we wait long enough, maybe half an hour, he will give up and change position. Then we grab the body." "What for?" said the Sybil. He stared at her. "Don't- don't you bury your dead? I mean, you can't just..." "Burial?" said Ketch. "Eh, not so much..." Now Columbus gaped in disgust. "Many _Hermanos _have fallen," the Sybil said. "When the Spirit of life is departed, there are no laws what may be done with the flesh. Each may choose his own." He looked to Luna. She was rising back to her feet, her face as stern as the others. "Then what about the poacher?" he said. "We don't have to hide." He took out a mirror. "Poachers use mirrors like these for signals, mostly to warn each other off. If I go into the house and flash it, he might abandon his position. If one or a few of us double back, we could catch him." He looked meaningfully at Tigre, who only shrugged and said, "Then what?" "Well, I could think of something," Ketch said, "but we aren't that hard up for food." "He killed your sister," Columbus said, looking to Luna. "Given the chance, he would kill all of you. Even if he knew you were lepers, he might do it. And what he did isn't right even against zombies. We have rules..." "And do you know how many of those `poachers' there are?" the Sybil asked rhetorically. "Do you know how many of them are your own officers and deputies? Do you think they only act when they are off-duty? That there is no one willing to intervene to protect them from punishment? We know better than to expect justice, and we have more important things to do." And with no further comment, she turned and walked to the west. 20. Darkness **Now back to Tal and Little Rock, plus a scene I suppose was obligatory...** "I'm sure Austin's all right," Chacha said. Wichita looked abruptly up from the stove, and then smiled, but not quickly enough to hide a flinch. "Mama," said Bell, "what was the sound?" "I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," her mother assured her. "Why, I bet it's blocks away." "Really?" Chacha nodded, and smiled a little too wide. Krista returned the smile as she brought the first bowl of ramen. "So," Wichita said as she say down, "if it's not too personal... what happened with her daddy?" "Who's my Daddy?" Bell said. "Gone. Gone a long time," Chacha said. "He... In a lot of ways, he was wonderful, but his problems were... _big_ problems. He needed help, and I made sure he got it, but that meant, he never saw me again. Or Bell, ever." Bell gave a puzzled look as her mother's eyes teared up. "But enough about me," she said, with another smile that was a little too wide. "I know... Why not tell me about your foster sister? Or... Do you have any pictures?" Wichita smiled. "Funny you should mention it... For a longest time, we only had one picture of each other, that our foster parents took when she was 9 and I was 17. Then- _after-_ we decided to get a digital camera, you know, make a record of history, like anyone gave a- I mean, in case people ever tried to find out what happened. So, we took lots of pictures, only, we couldn't look at them. Then Columbus found us a little printer in one of the stores, and we printed a whole album..." She took out a book, and started to chatter, wrapped up enough that she did not register the subtle shock on Chacha's face. As dusk became definitive night, the Caddy was winding its way through the mountains east of Death Valley. Though it bore enough lights to illuminate a baseball diamond, none of them broke the darkness. "Seriously," Tallahassee said, "you gotta at least turn the headlights on." "Columbus says, no light is better than a little light," Little Rock said as she made another graceful turn, moving south to get around a mountain with no way over or through it. "Anyway, I'm fine. I've hunted zombies in less light than this." "Yeah, but that wasn't going forty." "I'm going 28, tops. Sheesh, you're starting to sound like Columbus." "Now that's just being mean," Tal said. After several minutes sulking in silence, he said, "Hey, even if you can drive in this light, what if someone else is on the road with their lights on?" "Uhhhh..." She screeched and swerved as a lighter shape darted across the road. "What was that?" Tal said. "It was a mountain goat," Little Rock said. "I saw two more... running." She slowed to twenty, then to fifteen, then to a stop. "I think we need to turn the brights on. Just a few seconds. I'll cover my eyes... Now." Even through her hands, the light from the huge lamps on the roof was distressingly bright. Tal swore, and the light went out even before she told him to turn it off. "What? What did you see?" "Zombies," he said, "to the south." Spots swam in front of her eyes, but she had no trouble making out a crowd of black shapes moving on the dark mountain side, still a mile or more away. "How many?" she said. She couldn't really see the individual zombies, but the undulating mass could not be less than thirty. "Hundreds. At least. It must be the horde." "Can you take over driving?" "Uh. I don't know how well I can see right now. We need to go faster, though." Little Rock got back up to speed, soon reaching 35 miles per hour. Even that was taxing her skills, as the Caddy almost fishtailed in the northward turn. There was a metallic thump as a zombie bounced off the grill guard. Tallahassee ventured to light a flashlight, letting a slit of a beam through his fingers. More zombies were on the road, but not many, or close together, walking the other way. These were the diffuse leading edge of the swarm whose main mass still lay behind. Little Rock swerved for another zombie, which tried without success to grab hold of the vehicle. Then the windshield went dark as a zombie rolled over the hood and bounced off the bars that protected the glass. Little Rock screeched, struggling for control as the Caddy bounced over rough ground. There was a clang as the vehicle struck a zombie in mid-air, and a terrible jolt as it landed. She hit the brakes, regaining enough control to get back onto the road, but allowing the zombies to gain on them. She winced at the muzzle flash as Tal fired through a half-open window. Then they were gaining speed as they went down a slope. She screeched again to see an abrupt hairpin turn, and got another jolt as she made the last-second U-turn down the switchback. "We're in the clear!" Tal said. "There's no way they can catch up to us now!" She exhaled, starting to relax. Then bars buckled and glass fractured as a zombie fell on the car from the road above. "Okay," Tal said a few minutes later, "that was close, but we're still going." "Um. I noticed a blinky light go on," Little Rock said. "Any idea what it means?" Tal took a look. "It means, we keep driving till sunup." He managed not to frown. "Your husband," Chacha said, "he's wonderful, isn't he?" "Oh, yeah," Wichita said with a sly smile. "You know, I think he and A- I mean, Little Rock hit it off even faster than we did. I mean, there were arguments, pranks, maybe a couple all-out fights, but they always knew they were in it together... He gets nervous around kids- he told me one of his phobias is being alone with a baby- but they love him. I don't think he realizes how much, unless that's what makes him nervous." She rubbed her belly. Chacha patted her shoulder. "I'm sure he's okay." Wichita smiled again, a little wistfully, gazing up through the camper window, paying little heed to how Chacha looked at the photo album. "I_ know_ he is. Maybe that's why I worry, because of how good he's gotten at taking care of himself. I love it, I really do, but sometimes I feel a little..." "Redundant?" Chacha said. "Yeah, I know how it is. You'll know a heck of a lot more when that baby's out of you." "Anyway," Wichita said, straightening a bit, "if he can't take care of himself, the people he's with sure can." The man's is unimportant. _He_ is unimportant. That, ultimately, is why he happens to be "poaching" zombies beyond the frontier of inhabited Vegas. And now, he is fearful. He does not know why his latest kill brought a terrible scream with it, and he most assuredly does not want to find out. He wants to be far away, very quickly, but he cannot let his hurry override the instinct of stealth. He knows, as he pedals away on an electric moped, that he has both the zombies, which he can already hear foraging in the dark, and the casino sentries to fear. Unfortunately, he is unaware that much greater dangers are much closer at hand, until a casual swing of a nightstick catches him in the throat. The voice he hears is deep for a woman's, and soft for a man's: "You picked a bad night to be out, and you made it a lot worse." He starts to rise, gripping his moped for support. Then there is a thunk, a whiz, and a metallic crunch as a small, sharp arrow pins his right wrist to the gear box. He starts to scream, but stifles the cry, biting his lip until it bleeds. "That's being smart. First time today." There is a rustle as a weapon is folded and stowed. "I'd really just as soon wrap this up quick," the androgynous voice says. Now shuffling feet are drawing closer. "But, it seems to me there's a _point_ that needs to be made. If it helps, you could think of this as fair shake. I mean, you could pull free. Or, if you can get to that pistol in your ankle holster, you can at least do a self-checkout." The departing figure's footsteps are drowned out by the feet that are now close indeed, and running. He reaches for the arrow, but the shaft is too deep to get a grip. Then, as the first of the zombies come in to view, he strains to reach his right calf with his left hand. Lagetijo cried out to Conejo with obvious joy. The Sibyl had quietly announced that they were drawing near a place that would be their refuge for the evening. Columbus was still in the dark where or what it was, but they were clearly close. Even as the lepers walked faster, he stopped in his tracks, once again almost getting rear-ended by Tuerto. "Did you hear a shot?" he said. "No," Jack Ketch said. "Now get a move on." As they drew near a tall, dark building, Columbus took one more suspicious look around. "Where's Tigre?" "Already here!" the White Tiger called out impatiently. 21. Morning **While the "lepers' crusade" adventure is being finished within "The Nevilles", I will be finishing out this story with the rest of Tal and LR's trip. Here's another chapter that's more of a segue, but I think it helps flesh out some ideas. Incidentally, the vehicle introduced here DOES exist (though the backstory is fictional), and it certainly looks like it would be at home on a post-apocalyptic freeway.** **Dawn** As the sky began to brighten with the approach of dawn, the Caddy was obviously struggling. Multiple "check engine" lights had been on for hours; ominous noises came from the engine, and now smoke was rising from under the hood. "Okay, okay, time to stop," Tal said. "You did great." "Did we wreck the Caddy?" Little Rock asked. "No," Tal said, "but this is as far as she'll go. When we got away from the horde, we must have taken damage to the radiator. Not a lot, but enough to build up. We're almost in sight of I15, though. If we can hail a friendly car, or one of the convoys, we can get help fixing the Caddy, or a ride back to Vegas, or even a tow." "What if Branson's men are on the road?" Little Rock asked. "That just means we needed to stop right about here anyway," Tal said. "Branson will have his men looking for the Caddy, but two people on foot won't be as easy to spot, and even if we're seen, they might not recognize us." "What if nobody comes at all?" "Then we can try to fix the Caddie ourselves. Just letting the engine cool down will do some good, and if we can patch the radiator, pour some water in, then we can make it back to Vegas. If that doesn't work, we still have the gear, the supplies, our weapons, the Caddy itself... And if the We could go for weeks just off what we have, we can supplement that with game." "Yeah," she said, smiling, "we can do just fine." It took almost 30 minutes to reach the road. By then, the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. The desert was cold in the night, but soon enough it would be approaching 100. Fortunately, there was already a pair of headlights in sight. "What is it?" Little Rock said, squinting at the glare. "It's a motorhome conversion," Tal said, "looks like a big old car, not a truck or a van. It... It looks kinda like..." He sounded like a man trying to convince himself of what he saw. "I think it... it's... it's an _Edsel_." "I'm Jackie," said the girl at the wheel. "You say you're headed for Vegas? I'm headed there myself. I heard there's no zombies there." Little Rock was sacked out on a bunk, but Tal sat up awake in a rear seat, listening for trouble from the outlandish conversion of the most notorious American car ever. An old man riding shotgun laughed. "I'm her Uncle Bill. And _relax_, son! This car may have been a marketing disaster, but it wasn't a deathtrap. Heck, it didn't even sell that badly. The losses were from the development and distribution costs..." "You an expert on Edsels?" Tal said. "You could say that. My first job was in an Edsel dealership." Tallahassee looked more leery than before. "I built this thing from one that came in unfinished. We got ones like that all the time. Ford tried to build it without dedicated assembly lines, and a lot were shipped with parts that still needed to be put in, making us do the rest of the work. So, this one came in with the whole back half missing. We didn't know how to do it, we didn't even have the parts to do it, unless they were mixed in with other stuff, and before we could sort things out, our location closed down. So, I said, I got back pay coming anyway; let me take it. So they just let me haul it off, and I combined it with a trailer body to make this one-of-a-kind motorhome." "So... you're sure your friend can pick up my Caddy okay?" Tal said. "Don't worry 'bout that, neither," Bill said. "We got tow trucks going all up and down the highway. It's Big Jake as will get yours, prob'ly. He's got a big ol' Dodge work truck, big wheels, big engine, it can pull just about anything. He might make the powwow 'fore we do." "And how does that work again?" "Well, it's not an organized thing, really," Jackie said, "and you must have heard about it before, anyway. There's always been people who spend most of their time on the road, from the ones who didn't have homes, or couldn't stay there, to the ones who had to be on the road to do their business, to the ones just out to explore and have fun, and all kinds in between. They formed whole, functioning subcultures, centered on trading goods services and information." "She was an anthropology major," Bill said in amusement. "...So, when people started fleeing the cities, the preexisting `migrant' cultures received them. While most of the newcomers just wanted to find a place to settle down, the migrants saw the Pandemic as a chance to do more within what was already their way of life: transport, trade, exploration, protection. So, they started developing more connections with each other, and made agreements who would do what and where, and on times and places to meet. We've been covering the corridor out of LA, and supplying the people who traffic in and out of Las Vegas. Right now we're on our way to a rendezvous with Il Duce itself." "So... What have things been like?" Tal said. Jackie was awkwardly quiet, but Bill spoke, sadly: "Not good, and getting worse. Even the other roamers don't understand what's happening. So Cal is going downhill fast. You can hardly get near LA anymore, San Diego's even worse, and nobody's even thinking about trying to get south of the border. A lot of good people are pulling out, or just vanishing." "Zombie troubles?" "No, believe it or not, zombie activity has been way down," Bill said. "It's looking like they finally really are dying off. The biggest problem is the roads. The worst of the logjams from wrecked cars has been cleared out, but the asphalt itself is wearing down. Plus, it's getting harder to find goods, especially food; what hasn't been picked clean is spoiling. Then there's raiders: Not nearly as many, but the ones that are still out there are crazy, the kind who will hit a place even if they know there's nothing worth taking, and keep anyone there around just long enough to have fun." He shook his head. "What about Branson?" Little Rock said. Jackie stiffened. Bill only looked sternly said. "You don't," he said, "say nothing about Branson." 22. Powwow **While I'm working ahead on the Nevilles/ "Lepers' Crusade" story, I decided it was way overdo to catch up a little with this one, and I decided to go ahead and throw in a couple twists I was saving.** It was approaching noon when the vehicle dubbed "Winni-Edsel" pulled into the "powwow" site in northern Arizona. Four buses, including the legendary Il Deuce Scenicruiser, were parked in a square, with smaller vehicles parked inside. "See?" said Bill, pointing to a familiar vehicle behind a tow truck. "They got it here first! Heck, might even have it fixed already." Tal whooped, and bounded out the back door while the Winni-Edsel was still moving, to run to his beloved Caddy. "Fixed? *, they washed and waxed it!" "Tal!" Little Rock shouted in warning. He followed a pointing finger to one of the other vehicles- a robin's-egg blue Dodge D200. "I hoped," Branson said as he stepped out of a little crowd by the Scenicruiser, "that we could get things back on the right foot." Tal drew his .45, only to have at least a dozen men draw their weapons. "Please! Gentleman! No need for that! Just a minor misunderstanding." "Was attacking the President a misunderstanding?" Little Rock shouted. There were murmurs, that indicated confusion more than concern. "Before anyone says something to regret, let me explain this," Branson said. "These are not my men. I came here alone- well, alone except for Enid." His lieutenant stepped into view. "The road warriors have a system for taking care of travelers. The reason they have it is because I cleared the worst of the scum off the road, and gave the ordinary people enough breathing space to regroup." "Yeah? And what did you ask for in return?" Little Rock asked rhetorically. "Not much," Branson said calmly. "Shares of salvaged materiel; better deals on goods and services I purchase from them; occasional assistance, and above all, simple information... not a steep price to pay for survival and prosperity. All of which is simply to say, that they know me for a reasonable and lenient man, and if you start making accusations, some might take it less kindly than I would." "Accusations? I saw your journal, jerkoff! You're crazy!" Abbs shouted. "You said Vegas marks the rebirth of a system that deserved to be destroyed! You want it wiped out!" Eyes began turning toward Branson. "I believe the young lady read my private notes, without understanding the context," he said. "I simply observed that resettling in a large city has accelerated the speed with which available resources are being consumed. These people here know it better than anyone. They are the ones who have saved the casinos from starvation month after month- and they know they cannot do it much longer. Vegas, as it exists, _is_ doomed, regardless of what I say or do." "Maybe- but you aren't planning on half-measures, are you?" Tal said, then addressed the crowd: "Did any of you know there's a whole horde of zombies, marching straight for Vegas? That's right, a horde. Not just thousands, but tens of thousands. He's known about it for months. He's even fought them... not to stop them, but just to keep them from overrunning his headquarters. He didn't tell you, because you would have told the people in Vegas, and he doesn't want any or them to know- not until it's too late." Curious glances at Branson were giving way to glares, but he looked more annoyed than concerned. "Panhandler... it was _always_ too late," he said wearily. "But I did try to warn Vegas, through you, once the magnitude of the threat became clear. If you hadn't delayed coming to me, and then tried a detour through Death Valley, your friends could have learned of the horde weeks ago." "Then why'd your people try to kill us in Baker?" Abbie snapped. "Purely a misunderstanding," Branson said. "You went through the territory of an independent group, whom I specifically advised to let you pass freely. My instructions were, apparently, disregarded. So, perhaps, we can finally settle this, before you make yourself look foolish." There was a brief hint of a sly smile as he looked down the barrel of Tallahassee's .45. Tal wavered, but Abbs looked about, and locked her gaze on a strange object on a trailer behind an '80s GMC, half-covered by a tarp. "If those weren't your men... and you're here alone," she said, marching to the trailer and pulling back the tarp, "then why is one of the vehicles that attacked us here?" The thing on the trailer was a kettenkrad. Branson looked at the object, briefly. "Enid," he said, almost deadpan, "do you by any chance know what Nails' _kettenkrad_ is doing here?" His lieutenant's answer was a shotgun blast. 23. Fracture **Finally, after a ludicrous amount of time to write this bit, the setup for what I wanted to do all along, with a twist or two I settled on along the way. Apologies in advance to my fellow kettenkrad fans. I'm introducing a new vehicle in the mix, and I settled on a 1957 Chevrolet 1800. 'Cause the Dodge D200 has a certain sinister quality, but for big, old and ugly, I knew I couldn't do "better" than a 1950s Chevy pickup.** It was a testament to Branson's hard-won reflexes that he dodged the brunt of the blast of a concealed, sawed-off 12-gauge. What hit, however, was enough to knock him off his feet, and he would surely have been killed if not for his flak vest. The dozen who had been covering Tal turned their guns toward Enid. "Sorry, just a bit of a personal disagreement," he said. "Now let's get down to business." Abbs shrieked as a pistol pressed into the back of her head. "Do you remember me now, girlie?" Nails said. "Now, I know you don't appreciate gunplay while you are trying to do business," Enid said, "and none of us would want to see a little girl get hurt..." "I'm 13, A-hole!" Abbie shouted. "All I want is safe passage, and a head start..." "Enid." Branson sat up, with a long, wheezing breath. "You... are officially... relieved." "Yeah? And who's going to take my place?" Enid countered. "Here's a counter-offer. We both stay in the gang. Only, I get to be Number 1, and you go down to Number 2." "I'd sooner take my chances back on the road alone," Branson said. "You don't have the business sense to last a month." "And you don't have the common sense to last a week on your own," Enid said. "Then I guess we both just take our chances," Branson said. "Fair enough," said Enid. He had already backed to the tow truck, and Nails followed with Abbie. He only laughed when he backed into Tal's 1911 gun. "Oh, big man got a big gun!" he said with a sneer. "Please! This little * has more _cojones _than you!" Tal tilted his head. "Let her go." "Nails! C'mon!" Enid said. "Oh, I'm comin'," Nails said. "I was just thinkin', I could use a little company. Maybe she could show me some of those tricks she picked up. An' I can teach her some of the ones I know... What do ya say to that, ya bald ol' fag?" Tal's finger twitched on the trigger, and a solitary tear ran down his cheek. "Tal!" Abbie said. "It... it's all right. You're you, and you're wonderful. Don't let him turn you into anything else." "If you hurt her," Tal said through gritted teeth, "I won't kill you... but you will wish I had." Nails seemed to pause for thought, and looked all the more thoughtful when he felt a shotgun muzzle in the nape of his neck. "If Enid Oklahoma wants to give himself a promotion, that's no particular concern of ours," Bill said, "though I'd bet not many of us would take him over Branson. But hurting a little girl, that's a whole other ball game." "Even if you pull that trigger," Nails sneered, "I can cut her throat before I hit the ground." "Nails!" Abbie said. His grip tightened at the reminder of his humiliation. "How'd you like a new name? Like- Leadfoot!" At that, she pushed her hand the last fraction of an inch into a concealed holster and pulled the trigger, sending a .22 round into his foot. He lurched back instinctively. The knive grazed Abbie's throat, but no more deeply then a paper cut. Then the girl was darting away, and every gun was pointing at him. Nails swung back, catching Bill in the face as he shifted position, and then shoved the older man at the other armed nomads. He would probably still have been taken from behind, if Enid hadn't chosen that moment to start the tow truck and loose the Caddy. Nomads scattered, in front and behind. The Caddy crushed the front of the GMC van, and whether by accident or design, the tow truck rammed Branson's Dodge. The D200 had been a sturdy work horse, but the even older, uglier and absolutely enormous Chevy tow truck plowed it aside with only a moment's effort. Tal grabbed Abbie and ran for the Caddy. He hesitated a moment as Branson shouted, "Hey!" He pointed at the D200. Its improvised wooden bumper and pieces of the grill had been knocked right off; the windshield was spider-webbed; the hood and one side of the cab were badly crumpled; and one of the front tires had ruptured. "I think I need a ride." Tal briefly surveyed the nomads, and saw nothing but emphatic indifference. "Get in," he said, heedless of a cry of surprise and disgust from Abbie. "What- the-?" Tal cut Abbie's rhetorical question short. "Enid wouldn't've done what he just did without preparing for it," Tal said. "That means, he's been looking for people in the gang who would back him in a takeover. If he can join with them before Branson gets back, they could pull it off before the rest even know what's going on." "Exactly," Branson said emphatically. "You have to take me back to Death Valley. Or would you really take him over me?" Abbie's only response was a shudder. "No," Tal said. "For one thing, Enid would expect it, and he would try to stop us. For another, we have to warn Vegas about the horde. And I am getting her back to her sister. Then we can work something out." Abbie gave him an odd look, vaguely uneasy at the way he had said "have to". "There!" she shouted, pointing. "There's the tow truck! But- that's not the direction of Death Valley, is it?" "No," Branson said, then to Tal, "Good idea, but he was a step ahead. He turned the truck around and went north- to intercept us." Back at the powwow, the nomads were still regathering their wits, but half a dozen had already regrouped to check for Nails. They relaxed when they saw that the van presumably belonging to him had been damaged too badly to drive. Then one pointed and shouted, too late. The tarp over the kettenkrad flew the rest of the way off, as the little tractor's powerful engine roared to life. Nails backed it right over the trailer's tail gate, and drove screeching out of the powwow- and north. 24. Duel **Now tying back into the Leper's Crusade/ Nevilles arc...** Wherever two roads merged, wrecked and abandoned cars were always piled up especially thick. Tal swore as the Caddy scraped metal as it plowed through a bottle neck at an on ramp. "Go faster!" Branson said urgently. "You don't have to tell me!" Tal hit the gas and watched the speedometer needle top 80. Not that it was going to do much good. With the state of the roads, the best one could really do, as a sustained average, was about fifty miles per hour. He would have to brake very shortly. But within a moment, he was glad to have accelerated when he did, as a tow truck came smashing off the on-ramp. He couldn't place the exact make and model of the truck, but a glance in the rear-view mirror confirmed the details that mattered. Make: Chevrolet six axle medium duty, late 1950s. Weight: 6,500 pounds _minimum_. Modifications: Lifted suspension, off-road tires, bumper-mounted plow, diesel engine. Prognosis: Outrun it, or get munched. And with that thought, he slowed and swerved around a minivan. The changes in speed and direction were enough to through off a ramming maneuver that spun the minivan out of the way. Branson drew a Glock and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Put that * thing away!" Tal shouted. "I've got trouble enough without live fire in the cab! You aren't getting anywhere with that dinky 9 mil anyway." "How about the Stakeout?" Abbie said, holding up the stockless shotgun. "That would do it," said Branson appreciatively. "Even if I didn't hit a thing, it would take out the windshield." "Yeah, and what happens if he loses control 10 yards from our bumper? That's the kind of thing nobody wins!" Tal snapped. "If you get a shot at the tires, take it. Otherwise, leave it alone!" "Hey, the Luxor light's on," Abbie said. "It's not even sunset yet," Tal said, keeping his eyes on the road. "And if it was on, you couldn't see it in daylight at this range." Branson whipped out a little pair of binoculars, to look at the cityscape still more than 20 miles distant. "No, she's right," he said. "Something's on in there. Wonder if it means something..." He was pitched to the floor as the Chevy scored a glancing blow to the Caddy's tail gate. Tal sped up, even as he struggled to keep control. He gained distance, but only because Enid had backed off to see if he could stay on the road. "I think we've got more trouble," Abbie said. In the rear view mirror, briefly no longer full of the Chevy's grill, Tal saw a little vehicle weaving through the wrecks. "Nails," Branson said. "If he was driving the truck, we would be dead already." The Chevy sped up and moved to one side. "He's coming alongside us!" Branson exclaimed. "Give me the gun!" "Uh-uh," said Abbs, "you got your own gun." She rolled down the window and slid the gun under the bars, angling it downward. The Chevy's wheel well was around the level of her door, and it would be no trouble to hit the front tire as Enid tried to pass... Well, if she didn't there were still the back tires... She fired twice. Buckshot ricocheted off the Chevy and back off the Caddy with a terrible din. Then Chevy slammed into the door with a grazing impact that buckled metal and popped off the window bars before the vehicles went careening apart. Of course, she dropped the gun. Branson shot off a full clip, to no perceptible effect. It was Tal who made good, pulling ahead and around a tanker trailer, while Enid had no choice but to brake desperately. Abbs and Tal both cheered. "One more ramp ahead, and we're free and clear!" Tal said enthusiastically. "Maybe not," Branson said. Even as he spoke, the kettenkrad came shooting forward from _under _the tanker trailer. Tal only had time to swear and swerve before the freakish vehicle rear-ended the Caddy. The SUV went fishtailing wildly, and he glimpsed the kettenkrad doing much the same. But the kettenkrad's traction and density promised a faster recovery. Meanwhile the Chevy was past the tanker trailer and gaining speed, while Tal had to brake not just to keep the Caddy from going off the road, but to navigate the jetsam of another on-ramp. Rather than try to ram again, Nails opened fire. Tal winced at the patter of bullets on the tailgate, all the while threading a path through the wrecks. With an especially hair-raising maneuver, he put two wrecks between the Caddy and the kettenkrad, smiling in satisfaction as he pushed for the edge of the field of wreckage. Then his face fell as the kettenkrad's incomparably compact shape went right between the wrecks. The rear view mirror clearly showed Nails' sneering face as he opened fire, but his attention was diverted by another freakish shape pulling through the field of wreckage. Nails gaped, and then swerved so violently the kettenkrad went plowing into the roadside wreckage, which was probably preferrable to the alternative. The world's smallest, fastest artillery tractor might have enough torque to run an SUV three times its size off the road, but it was not likely to fare well in a rear-end collision with the world's one and only WinnebEdsel. Bill and Jackie smiled and waved, and Abbie leaned out the window to wave back, but Tal squinted, then stared in horror at the rear view mirror. Over the WinnebEdsel's camper shell, he could clearly see the Chevy Bill could have pulled out of the way. Instead, with a hard, unflinching face he rode the center line, leaving Enid no way to get to the caddy except through his very one-of-a-kind motorhome. One almost lazy charge was enough to cave in the back and crumple the sides of the shell. Incredibly, the motorhome held its ground on the center line. Another hit, and the whole left side cave in. A third strike, and the WinnebEdsel finally spun out. But, in the process, it shed the entire camper shell, which smashed over the hood of the Chevy. The truck fishtailed wildly, smashing into several wrecks. But all too soon, it shed the remnants of the camper shell and closed in faster than before. Abbie stifled a shriek, then she gasped. Another vehicle was coming from behind, towering even over the monstrous Chevy. It was Il Deuce, the Scenicruiser. Tal braked, forcing Enid to choose between another ramming attack or getting out of the path of the bus. At the last second, he did the latter, plowing through the biggest available gap in the roadside wreckage. "Looks like the Road Warriors reconsidered `non-intervention'," Branson said, a little hoarsely. "Yup. Think that will put you out of a job?" Abbs said. Branson gave a philosophical smile. "Just another reason to diversify." "We're five miles out of Enterprise," Tal said. "Time to make any decisions." "If Enid is out of commission, then there will be time for me to arrange transportation with the Road Warriors," Branson said. "They won't help me fight, but they should provide transportation for a fair price- as long as I can convince them I can pay. My biggest problem will be replacing my lieutenant." There was a long silence, broken only when Abbs made a nearly random remark. "You know, it's kinda sad. Bill had the world's only WinnebEdsel. He built it, he kept it running all those years... and now it's gone." "Probably aren't many Edsels left, either," Branson said, sounding almost distracted as he squinted at the road ahead. "Hey, look!" Tal said. "I guess the WinnebEdsel isn't a loss yet." Pulling ahead of the bus came the almost skeletal cab and frame of Bill's Edsel. Abbs cheered. Branson looked intently ahead, now with binoculars, and swore. From the foot of Luxor casino, hundreds of zombies were pouring onto the Vegas strip. And to one side, unnoticed puffs of dust marked the trail of the kettenkrad. 25. Home Stretch **Now bring this story and "Nevilles" right together...** Only a single van and a motor scooter accompanied Krista as she pulled up in front of Luxor Casino. A forlorn gaze became alarm when the apex of the pyramid lit up. "Dear God," she murmured, "if Austin or the lepers are up there, they'll all be blind." "Nothing we can do about it," said Sydney. Q pulled up beside them on the scooter. "Get me a high enough vantage point, and I could," he said, fingering the grip of his enormous .50 BMG revolver. Krista shook her head and reached for the ignition. "Don't do that," Sydney said. He half-opened the truck's passenger-side door and leaned out, listening. "Oh *! Drive!" It was close enough to sunset for headlights to be turning on. Through Branson's binoculars, Abbie locked on one set moving ahead of the zombie swarm. "I think I see the Tremors Truck!" she exclaimed. A comparatively dim, cyclopean light turned, and was augmented by the double flash of an enormous gun. "And that would be Q's scooter..." Behind them, Il Deuce turned west onto a side street, though the now-skeletal WinnebEdsel stayed with them. "Perhaps we should turn back," said Branson. "No!" Abbie screeched. "We have to help Krista!" "And how would we do that?" A volley of assault rifle fire erupted from the Tremors Truck, and more poured out in all directions from the van. "It looks like they are better defended than we would be." Tal's expression grew pensive enough to hint at hesitation. Branson pressed the issue. "The sensible thing to do is to turn around and return to my camp. The longer we are occupied here, the more time Enid will have to assemble his favorites for a takeover." "No," Abbie said curtly. "I'm going back to my sister. You can make your own way home." "Abbs... Of course, we'll go back to Krista," Tal said. "But this isn't a cut-and-dry thing." Abbie frowned- indeed, glowered was not too strong a word. She looked ready to protest, argue or flat-out insult. But then she saw a single headlight in the rear view mirror. "Oh no." "Holy *, he just doesn't quit," Branson muttered. The kettenkrad was coming fast, well over sixty, perhaps topping seventy, and it was too close for more than a split second to react, which was just enough time for Tal to know that there was nothing he could do. But Bill was a little faster. He steered the WinnebEdsel into the kettenkrad's path, and when the very high-speed tractor moved in for a lazy ramming, he turned slightly and hit the brakes. The result was the virtually complete destruction of what remained of the WinnebEdsel's rear end as the kettenkrad ran over it, followed a moment later by the kettenkrad flying through the air. The tractor shed its tracks and all but destroyed its suspension as it came down roughly alongside the Caddy, but kept going. Abbie's last glimpse was of the little vehicle came as it skidded off the road, into a ditch. She thought it rolled over, and was not ashamed to be pleased. Then she gave a shriek as Tal swerved and braked, narrowly avoiding a side impact on the Tremors Truck as it drove west, leading at least a hundred zombies. "That's Krista! Follow her! Honk!" Tal complied grimly, while she cheerfully waved. Behind them, Q's scooter went weaving through the ragged leading edge of the swarm. The gunsmith thinned the zombies' ranks first with both barrels of a 4-gauge shotgun as he crossed the street and then with a full clip from an Uzi held sideways as he rode back the other way. His course brought him to a skidding halt that ended in a relatively gentle impact against a wrecked delivery van, drawing a line of zombies after him. Dismounting, he drew the .50 revolver, looking- very justifiably- more afraid of it than the zombies. He delayed firing while he crouched, unfolded a bipod and rested it on the back of the scooter, then grimaced as he pulled the trigger. The recoil of the first shot knocked him down, while the tracer round felled three of his immediate pursuers before sailing its deadly way into the swarm. "You had an LMG! Where is it?" Branson demanded as he leaned over the back of the seat. "It's in its original carrying case, and if you're climbing around while I'm trying to drive, the zombies may not have to catch up with us!" "Krista's waving for us to slow down," Abbie said. Tal squinted at the hand sticking out of the driver's side window. "Nah, she wants us to go aroun-!" As he spoke, Il Deuce whipped by in the other lane. "Okay," he said over the sounds of carnage as the bus plowed into the swarm, "she wants us to slow down." Q sat up, and ducked down again to avoid a wild volley of gunfire from the bus. "Well," he said, massaging his wrist and surveying the crushed, mangled and/or shot bodies in Il Deuce's wake, "that wasn't exactly sporting." He started to lift his scooter by the handlebars, stopping when he found that a close approach by the bus had left little except the handlebars. He gingerly picked up the gun instead, lying prone to rest the bipod on the edge of the asphalt. It was easy enough to pick out zombies by the light from the pyramid. There were a fair number of them, but he couldn't find two or more lined up with each other, so he held his fire. Then he saw a figure with an inordinate amount of exposed flesh and a small but prominent amount of glittery clothing. "Floozie Q," he said with a smile, "I always wanted to bag a stripper, but I wish it didn't have to be like this..." He twitched at the hint of a disturbance in the air, then a vibration in the ground. A certain instinct kicked in and he dropped lower in time to avoid a spray of whizzing bullets from a suppressed weapon. He looked up just in time to glimpse a figure with a lumpy cap strolling out of sight. "Andy Capp, you SOB!" The Caddy had not stopped moving before Abbie was out of the car and running to her sister. By the light of the Luxor apex, they embraced in tears. "I'm sorry!" Abbie said. "It's all right." Krista kissed her sister's head, while raising her eyes to look at Tal. "I love you, Abbs." "I love you too." Abbie squeezed her sister a little tighter, then said, "Where's Austin?" Krista opened her mouth for an awkward explanation, glancing toward the pyramid. The top of which, at that very moment, exploded. 26. Parting **And here's a scene I've planned for a LONG time, and I always knew somehow, I needed to set things up to give Jack Ketch the last word.** The lights were out in the apex of the Luxor pyramid, but merrily burning electrical fires were quite sufficient to light its environs. The light revealed swarm upon swarm of zombies pouring from the rear. Il Deuce had parked in the middle of the intersection with the boulevard, but scores still found ways around it, and hundreds moved in other directions entirely. Branson mowed down an approaching pack with a SAW. "C'mon!" he shouted to Tal. "Wherever we're going, we gotta go now!" Sydney called firmly to Krista, "This is as close as we're getting to an easy way out!" Then he swore and raised a carbine at a small but oddly tightknit group approaching through the midst of a diffuse mob. "Wait!" Krista shouted. "What?" Branson snarled. "One of them has a croquet mallet," Abbie said. Then the little group burst through the mob, and one of them stepped to the front; indeed, the others seemed to withdraw from him en masse. "Jack Ketch," Krista said, then almost snarled, "Where's Austin?" "T'ank 'ee kind'ee, ma'am," a leper said. Krista's gaze became a focused glare on Ketch's rather too pleasant expression. "What happened?" "Nay worries, nay worries," Ketch said, "yer man's comin', by 'is own way. Best you don't stand around 'ere, tho'." "What the *'s wrong with you?" Abbs said succinctly. "I... 'ave several 'ypotheses," he said. Already, the other lepers were receding back into the mob. The one who had spoken waited long enough to say, "Br'er Ketch, well, 'e broke a few mo' rules than usual, an' we don' rightly know what's gonna come o'it. Right now, 'e's on- you could call it probation. Sibyl's orders." "Or quarantine," Ketch said. "'Ey, I'm okay w'it." "_You_ put _him_ in quarantine?" Krista exclaimed. "Hey, you can't just pass him off on us!" "I think they just did," Abbs said. The last of the other lepers was gone before they knew it. "No worries, I'll be fine," Ketch said. "Rig' now, I th'nk I needda siddown. So, who do I ride with?" "Take my seat," Krista said, stepping almost protectively toward the camper door. She guided her sister by the hand, but Abbs pulled free and ran to the Caddy. Tal opened the door and almost leaped out to embrace her. Tears in his eyes, Tal kissed her on the forehead. "I love you... I love you like my own," he said. But even as he spoke, he drew back. Abbs could only stare, too choked with grief to protest. "Come on," Branson said once more, leaning out the door. "Well," a voice cut in, "ain't partin' such sweet sorrow?" From a forsaken side street, a form as grizzly and shambling as any zombie emerged- Nails. "You li'l skank, I'll cut you up if it's the last thing I do. An' you, you jus' step aside." Krista pumped her shotgun and shouted an inarticulate warning, but Tal and Abbs were in the field of fire. Tal lunged back to the girl. "You don't get to her without coming through me," he said. Nails drew a little pistol to go with his large knife. "Okee-dokee." Tal's hand tightened on the grip of his .45. "FOR *SAKE, DO SOMETHING!" Krista shrieked. Abbie herself tried to grab Tal's sidearm, to no conceivable avail. Nails only grinned. He was still grinning as a slender, pallid, silent figure leaped, and Floozie Q's teeth sank into his neck. Without a word, Tal shoved Abilene at her sister and darted back into the cab. Krista had to drag Abbs into the camper. Both vehicles peeled away, the Tremors truck jumping a curb to reach the boulevard and the SUV driving south. And Jack Ketch sill stood on the street, still looking cheerful, his eyes lighting on the spectacle of Floozie Q feeding. Except, events were taking a rather unexpected turn. With her legs nearly encircling the biker's enormous rib cage, one arm around his neck and the other snaked under his gun arm, the zombied stripper had a formidable hold despite the vast gap in size and strength, and her teeth tore into him again and again, wounding even through his denim jacket. But then Nails dropped his gun, grabbed the hand that clutched his chest and raised it just enough to meet his lowered jaws. Floozie Q shrieked, and when she pulled her hand free she was short the better part of two fingers. She screamed louder still as he grabbed her by the hair and turned his head to tear at her neck. Then Nails dropped the knife and pulled with both hands, hauling her over his shoulders to bite at her bare midriff. "Now that," Jack Ketch said, "even I think is disgusting." Floozy Q fell to the asphalt, writhing and shrieking as her prey pounced on her. Jack Ketch had already turned, humming a few nearly unrecogniseable bars of _Rule Britainia _as he strolled after the Tremors Truck. 27. Vegas Sunset **Okay, finally the last chapter of this thing. Thanks to everyone who's followed this far. I hope the next/last Saga episode will make it worth your while.** "Well," Branson said as they passed the Enterprise city limits, "you're well out of that." Tal braked, swinging his fist sideways for a glancing blow to the chieftain's job. Branson rolled nonchalantly with the punch, but began to look concerned when Tal whipped out the .45. "You listen to me. I think you're scum.The only reason I ever had to do a thing for you was because Enid's even worse. But I didn't think even you were low enough to let him get to her. And that's what you did, didn't you? Of all of us, you had a weapon loaded and ready, and a perfect shot to boot. Why didn't ya? Just tell me, why didn't ya?" "Well, I must say, it wouldn't look very good for you if you killed me for not doing what you wouldn't at the powwow," Branson said coolly. Tal fired out the window. "This ain't about me! Now tell me!" "Well... I could say I saw Floozie Q coming. I could say I wasn't familiar with the weapon. I could say it wouldn't have been that easy shooting around everyone and everything even from above. I could say any of those things, and not be lying. But that wouldn't be getting to the heart of it. Frankly, Nails always caused me more trouble than I could be convinced he was worth. All things considered, leaving him alive might do more harm to Enid than killing him. And that girl, well, she's a charmer, but she doesn't have what it takes to do what we will have to. You do, and if I had to choose, I'd make the same choice every time." Tal's finger quivered on the trigger. "God help you, you sick *." "If He was going to, I think I would know about it by now," Branson said calmly. Tal gave one last searing glare. Then he holstered the gun and restarted the car. By the last residue of the sun's light, hints of movement could be seen in the mountains ahead. The outliers of the horde were within sight of Vegas. End file.
Death Valley Drag by David N. Brown
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 2 ZOMBIE HUNTER part 2 Max walked to Jeremiah King and said, "Sorry sir but I failed", "No you didn't I shoulda knew the laptop is destroyed". Max saluted him and said, "Any other mission's sir?", "No dismissed". Max walked to his hut and looked over the charts to see if he missed something. He saw that the post in Orlando was a cure making sight just in case this ever happened. Max grabbed the folder and brought it to Jeremiah, he had a mission. Only this time was equipped with a tank and 2 extra soldiers. He blew open the wall and drove in, Zack got out and checked behind the counter while max went upstairs with Jason. A zombie tackled Jason and they fell down the steps, Max shot the zombie and saw Jason was dead. Max motioned for all the troops to follow him. Drake stopped the troops and said, "I'll move in and clear the way you come when I say so understand". Max said, "No we need another way". Drake said, "There is no other way I'm going in". Drake turned the corner and shot his way through, "Let's go". Max said, "Wait this is easy to easy I say we forget the mission and go". Drake said, "I gotta do everything myself". Then the door behind him smashed open letting zombies tear his limbs off and chewing on them while others came after the other troops. Max threw a grenade and sprinted for the tank. The other troops backed away shooting the zombies. The troops got away but the cure was still missing, they need a plan not a break in and go kind but a better kind. End file.
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 2 by LoganNOVELZ101
1. Chapter 1 **In this fic Christa is a stripper who begins to lust for her younger step sister. Her morals are quickly tested and the line between right and wrong is blurred.** She patted the soiled mattress, this wasn't quite like home that's for sure but it would do; Sarah May, just 16 had moved into a trailer home with her dad and new mom and step sister,it was going to take some getting used to that's for sure. Sarah May wouldn't have thought she'd ever be living in a trailer park where all the white trash live, or at least that's what she thought of when she even heard the word trailer. Her father made a respectable living working as a garbage man, her step mom was a waitress and her step sister just started working as a table dancer at the local skin bar. As Sarah May was unpacking she could feel someone staring at her, she turned around to face her beautiful step sister, Christa. "Oh, hi" she said, noticing that the firey redhead had just done up her makeup for her job, she would be leaving soon. "How are you making out?" "Good, I almost have all my stuff unpacked." "I'm so glad we're living together" Christa said with a wide grin looking around the room at the younger girl's stuffed animals and posters of rock bands. "Yeah, I've always wanted an older sister, this will be fun." "Well, Mom just about has dinner ready so get a move on" she left her younger sibling to herself. Sarah May still couldn't get over how beautiful her sister was, she had a breathy movie star voice, pirecing green eyes, a terrific smile, freckled, tanned skin and she was just shy of six feet; Sarah May was quite pretty as well, nothing compared to Christa but a cute girl-next-door. She had long brown hair and pale blue eyes, she was short for her age and her breasts were still developing. She also didn't have a juicy ass like Christa which she was a little jealous of. She sat down at the dinner table, Christa was wearing her stripper outfit already, heels and a G-string. Their mom Jackie, with curlers in her hair was a young woman, her and Christa could pass off as sisters. They weren't as white trash as some trailer folk but Sarah May could tell they were a bit naive, especially Christa; 19 years old she still didn't seem like she knew that much about the world, maybe a bit short of common sense but sarah May wasn't one to judge. Her father was out with the guys tonight so it was just the three women. "Well, gotta jet" said Christa, getting up from the table. "Hang on, young lady" her mother said stopping her at the door, "I got you something." She put in her daughter's hands a tube of lipstick, "The slutty ruby lipstick I wanted!" She kissed and hugged her mother, "See you later. Have a good night, Sarah May." "Aren't you forgetting something, honey? Let's see that butt!" said Jackie. Christa turned around and shook her butt in front of her mother and new sister, Sarah May watched in amazment as her tight lady lumps wobbled up and down; her eyes were literally glued to the naked rear. Jackie was cheering her on like one of those overbearing soccer moms. Christa put on her long jacket, covering her half naked body and headed out the door; Sarah May was curious to see her at her job but she was too young to go into a place like that, her older sister facsinated her and she knew there was so much more to learn about the beauty. **More to come! Please review!** 2. Chapter 2 **Hey, back! Sorry for the wait, I'll try my best to get it up earlier next time and have it a bit longer! Tell me what you think of this installment! Thanks for your support! This story is going to be rated M from here on out for language and sexuality, I touch on that a bit in this chapter but there will be more...** "So, what got you into stripping?" Sarah May asked as Christa brushed her long, straight hair. "Well, I've always wanted to be a dancer but I was rejected from every dance school and theater I tried out for. To be honest, I never thought I would be smart enough to be a stripper." Sarah May wasn't sure what she meant by that, from her understanding it wouldn't exactly take much brain power to take your clothes off in front of a bunch of strangers, "I like your hair." "Thanks, I haven't let anyone cut it in quite a while." "I envy you" Christa said, examining the strands, "So silky. Hey, can I put makeup on you?" "Make up?" Sarah May didn't normally use make up. "Yeah, let me doll you up a little" Christa said, facing her with a smile. She looked at how beautiful Christa's make up was, she didn't use a lot to make herself look trashy, "Uh...Well...OK!" Christa was delighted, she opened up her make up kit and started on Sarah May by doing her eye lashes. "You're such a little cutie." "So, are you going to give me a facial?" Christa laughed a little, she had her mind in the gutter, "What's so funny?" "Oh, it's just when you said facial I was thinking of something else" Christa said trying to play it innocently. "Like what?" Sarah May asked curiously. "Haven't you ever heard that word being used in another way before?" "No, what are you talking about?" "Well, some times if a guy is about to cum, he does it in a girl's face and that's also called a facial" Christa said with a giggle in her voice. "Ew!" Sarah May exclaimed, crinkling her nose; she couldn't imagine a girl letting a guy do that to them, "You haven't done anything like that, have you?" "Gosh no!" Christa said, passing it off, "But I have done other things." "Like what?" "I've taken it up the ass before" she said without hesitating. "Up the ass! Wouldn't that hurt?" "I couldn't sit down for a while" Christa smiled cheekily. "Why would you let someone do that to you?" Sarah May asked, shocked. "I believe you should experience everything at least once in life." "Well, I would never do anything like that." "Never say never, now close your eyes." Christa did up her mascara, it was at this time Jackie walked in the room. "My! My! Look at you! Now you two can pass yourseleves off as sisters!" Jackie said, touching Sarah May's face with both hands. "Hey, I'm not done yet!" Christa said annoyed. "Sorry, hun. I just wanted to come by and tell you that Bill has your early birthday present set up in your room." "Right now?" said Christa, her face lighting up; she practically jumped out of her skin she was so excited. Her mother led her into her room and showed her a shiny pole put in the middle of the room. Sarah May watched her older step sister dance and jump around the pole ecstically, but she didn't see what the big deal was, "A stripper pole in my room! This is going to be great!" She hugged her mom tightly. "Well, let's see you try it out" Jackie said with a toothy grin. Christa did her whole routine, she whipped her hair back and forth and lifting her legs so high they almost went over her head; Sarah May had to admit, she knew how to be seductive, except for maybe when she licked the pole that was a bit much. She spun around and was ready to throw her top off but Jackie stopped her. "Whoa, girl! Save it for the clients!" Sarah May giggled but that quickly stopped, "Sarah May, do you want to give it a try?" "Uh..." "Yes, let's see you up on this thing" Jackie said like an over bearing stage mother. "Maybe some other time" Sarah May encouraged. "Alright then, let's get back to work on your mascara" Christa said walking out of the room tugging on her hand. Sarah May was only now begining to realize that this family was a little different, everyone was very open especially with their sexuality and not quick to judge anyone on anything which was nice, _"I hope they don't expect me to live the same life as Christa"_ she thought to herself, _"I wouldn't want to undress in front of a bunch of old men...or have anything shoved up my butt!"_ "Would you like some of my slutty red lip stick?" Christa asked her, already untwisting the tube. "Maybe just a little" Sarah May nodded with a smile. "It's really not hard to make you look beautiful, Sarah May, you do that all on your own. You have a certain chrisma about you" Christa said flatteringly. "Thanks, sis" laughed Sarah May; she wouldn't realize it yet but Christa meant a lot more with that statement than she let on, a lot more but she didn't dare tell the young girl that; it would just be her little secret. **More coming soon! Don't forget to favorite/add a comment or review!** 3. Chapter 3 **Sorry for the delay! Christa has a seductive dream. Please review!** Christa was more than thrilled once she laid eyes on her shiny new stripper pole, she wished Sarah May would be just as excited. She figuered she was more of the brainy type and something as seductive as pole dancing just wasn't for her; it was a shame because Christa really wanted to impress her with her moves. _"At least she let me do her makeup, but I feel that we could do more. I just want to be a good big sister" _ thought Christa, lying on her bed, _"I'd really like to see her on that pole." _She drifted off to sleep and had a very bizare dream, it involved Sarah May; of course she had been thinking about her before dosing off but not in the way dipicted in her vague fantasy. Sarah May was in her room dressed casually with a long white t-shirt, everything seemed fine at first, she was smiling innocently but then everything changed, she was acting like a little slut; she was breathing heavily and whipping her hair back and forth, she spun around the stripper pole a few times before throwing her long white t-shirt at Christa. She was sporting a bra that supported her still developing breasts that were quite perky, Christa couldn't turn away, she knew it was wrong to google her sister up and and down but she was enjoying the show. Sarah May slowing undid her jeans and took them off while staring at the redhead seductively. She looked hot, purple matching bra and panties, she spun around the pole bare foot, amazing Christa who's jaw was ready to hit the floor; she was so daring, so mysterious and seductive, she desperatley wanted to join her up there. The sound of the running shower woke her up, _"Oh darrn!" _she wasn't finished dreaming yet. She couldn't believe what she was thinking, Sarah May dancing just for her and half naked, _"If only she had no clothes on at all" _Christa thought, _"What am I saying? That's your step sister, freak! And you like boys! You have a boyfriend!" _Christa did admire the female form but not so much to want to desire another woman. As she was getting out of bed she heard someone singing, it sounded like Sarah May and it was coming from the bathroom, muffled by the shower; Christa thought she sounded so cute, _"She's probably in there soaping up her adorable body!" _Christa wanted to put an end to these thoughts but instead found herself lying on her bed with a hand down her pants. It was crazy, it was wong but it felt right, she never masturbated so spontaniously before but all she could think about was a naked Sarah May in the shower and that dream of her on the pole. She moaned loudly not caring who heard her, her door wasn't even locked so anyone could walk in and catch her at any moment; the danger attracted her, the danger someone would catch her moaning and whispering her step sister's name. Her self pleasure ended at about the same time the shower was turned off so Sarah may would be non the wiser of what was happening. The two met in the kitchen, Sarah May was dressed for school in nothing overly flashing, quite ordinary but Christa thought she looked stunning, she even had some make up on. Christa was wearing tight short shorts and a tight white tank top and heart shaped ear rings, "You're looking really pretty this morning, Christa" said Sarah may after drinking a tall glass of OJ. "You look absolutley stunning" said Christa, meaning every word, "I'm glad you decided to use a little make up, not that you really need it of course." "Gee, thanks. But I know I'll never look as beautiful as you any way." Christa was flattered, she remembered when she told Sarah may that she took it up the ass before and how she reacted and what her retort was: _"You should try something at least once." _She had never had a lesbian experience before and she found the perfect person but she could never pressure her into something like that...But she could try. **Expect another chapter by Sunday!** 4. Chapter 4 **Had no choice but to upload this a bit late. Hope you like it. Leave a comment and have a great day!** Sarah May wasn't sure why but Christa was making her feel a little uneasy, something about the way she was acting at the breakfast table that morning; she was being friendly, that's for certain but a weird kind of friendly. Things at school went normally, she attended class with her friends and talked a bit before class started, got a heavy load of homework and found out the cute boy she liked maybe liked her too. It wasn't until school was out that things got as uncomfortable as they did at breakfast. "Hey, Sarah May!" called a degenerate named Toby, Toby was hanging with his equally douche bag friends by the bike rack outside, "Think your sister would date me?" "She has a boyfriend, Toby!" said Sarah May. "How about showing me her tits, then?" Sarah May just shook her head, aggravated, Toby and his friends followed her home, "Think she'd give me a lapdance, Sarah? Come on!" She continued walking away from him, not looking back, he started saying hurtful things and all because of her sister's profession. "Get us her panties, Sarah! We'll pay ya!" called one of the boys. "I'd like to stick my face between those ass cheeks!" Toby declared. "Shut up!" Sarah May hollored back at them, "You fucking, pigs!" "Oh, jealous!" Sarah May ran the rest of the way home, she couldn't handle it any more, she barged into the front of the home and threw her backpack at an unexpecting Christa, "What the heck?" "Oh, Christa, I'm sorry!" Sarah May cried as she threw her arms around the tall girl; Christa was enjoying this, though in the back of her mind she was telling herself not to cop a feel but to comfort her. "What happened?" Christa asked, stroking her silky hair. "Oh, it was horrible. Some boys from school...they were talking about you! They wanted your panties and and..." "Oh, is that all?' Christa laughed, "Don't worry about that, boys do that." "They were making fun of you. I felt so bad, I didn't know what to say. I wanted to fight them." "Fight them? You'd do that for me?" Christa asked with wide eyes. "If I didn't run away when I did I would have broken their noses" Sarah May giggled, begininng to calm down. Christa helped her sit down and went to get her something to drink, she was so happy to hear that Sarah may would fight for her, it was sweet; she accidently dropped a plastic cup and bent over to pick it up. Sarah May got a flash of butt like that night Jackie encouraged her to shake it before work, she could understand the boys going crazy but there was no need for them to be so crude. Christa knew she was sneeking a peek at her, she didn't get up right away, only when she knew Sarah may got a good eye full. She set the plastic cup of water in front of her, "Thanks" said Sarah May, drinking the cold cup. "Maybe we could do something tonight" Christa said, facing her. "Don't you have a date?" "I think it's cancelled. We could watch a movie in my room. It'll be a cold night so you can snuggle up with me" she said, flaunting her eyelashes. Sarah May didn't feel weird this time, she actually felt kind of excited, "Okay, that could be fun." "It's a date" smiled Christa. 5. Chapter 5 **Here it is! A brand new chapter! This chapter contains some brief strong language and sexual situations. Read at your own risk :)** Sarah May had her pjs on and brought a bowl of popcorn into Christa's room; Christa was wearing nothing more than a black wonder bra and tight shorts she had on that day. It wasn't a practiculary hot night but it was a bit warm. Sarah May walked past the shiney stripper pole, giving it a quick glimpse. "I saw you looking at it" Christa teased as Sarah May sat up in bed with her. "I was not" Sarah May laughed. "Sure...Come on, why don't you give it a go?" "Don't you want to watch the movie?" "I'd rather watch you instead" she said giving a rather seductive smile, moving her eyebrows up and down. "If I do it this once will you stop bugging me about it?" Sarah May sighed. Christa thought about it for a second, "Okay!" Sarah May got up and walked over to the pole, she noticed Christa holding her digital camera, "Hey, I didn't say you could take pictures of me." "Pleeaaasee?" Christa asked ever so nicely. "Alright" Sarah May scoffed. She put her hands on the pole and swung around, she tried to copy the way she saw Christa did it and the way she saw how most strippers did on TV and the movies but she just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. "You are so cute!" Christa said snapping away with the camera, Sarah May stuck her tongue out at her, "Can I offer a little bit of advice?" She jumped off the bed and tutored her younger sibling on the pole; she even showed her how she flirts and seduces patrons by flicking her hair back and forth and biting her lip. "So it's all about being a tease" said Sarah May. "Exactly!" "I don't think I'll ever master the pole like you." "Well, with a little practice, I think you could be a star, kid" Christa said trying to fake an accent, "Thanks for standing up for me again." "Just looking out for you. What are sisters for?" Sarah May said as Christa put her arms around her. "I care a lot about you, Sarah May." "I care a lot about you too, Christa..." Christa was fighting back the urge to kiss her little step-sister, she looked so sweet and innocent, so beautiful, with such soft pale skin and perfect pink lips. "I want to show you something" she said, backing away from her for a moment. Sarah May watched her curiously as she rumaged through her dresser, tossing shirt after shirt to the floor. Once Christa let out "UH-HUH!", Sarah May knew she had found whatever she was looking for and what she was looking for was a giant sized pink dildo, Sarah May's jaw dropped, "Pretty cool, huh?" "Whoa!" Sarah May said as Christa carried it to her in both hands. "I bought it a while ago. I haven't used it." "Well, yeah, you have a boyfriend. I mean why would you need to use it?" "Well...we actually broke up" Christa looked away briefly, "But I mean, it's no big deal." "Is he the one who did the butt?" Christa nodded, "I'm really sorry." "That's okay, I'll survive" she said trying to smile, "Want to suck on it?" "I don't think I can get my mouth around something that big!" she laughed. "I dare you" Christa teased, poking her with the prostetic cock. Sarah May took it and like a popsicle or freeze she put it in her mouth, but she couldn't fit very much of the tip. "That's disgusting!" she giggled as her drool dripped all over the shaft. "Hey, I'm giving you free lessons on how to please a guy, you should be thanking me." "Well, there's no way you can fit this thing in your mouth" Sarah May said confidently. "That sounds like a challenge" Christa declared; taking the the pink monstrousity in both hands she opened her jaw wide and shoved as much of the thing in her mouth as she could then deep throated it. Sarah May was amazed, impressed at how the older redhead could suck on the dildo so well, like she had done it so many times before. "Wow! I don't think I'll ever master the pole like you!" Sarah May smiled widely. Christa tried not to laugh as she was beginging to gag on her own spit. Once she was finished she handed the dildo over to her step sis and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "I guess you'll get a lot of use out of this" Sarah May held the large, wobbily thing in her hands, she noticed that there were some straps at the base. "Well, in order to get the full effect I need someone else to operate it" she said giving Sarah May a look with those gorgeous eyes of hers sparkiling. Sarah May didn't know what to say to that, alarms were going off in her head, Christa was hinting at her using the dildo on her! This was crazy!, "You're...Joking, right? I mean...Yeah, you're joking." ", not really" Christa confessed. Sarah May had to let this sink in, she suspected Christa might have had some kind of crush on her but not like this, "I...I don't know what to say." "I don't want to pressure you or anything, hun. But I've been thinking about being with a girl for a really long time and I thought that girl could be you." Sarah May shook her head, "I can't do that. It's just wrong on so many levels." "I understand. I'm sorry. I guess you must think I'm kind of sicko" Christa said, hanging her head in shame. "Wait, Christa. How do you put this on?" Sarah May started. "Are you serious?" Christa asked with her eyes wide in childish delight. "Well, I thought about what you said, being more adventorous and trying something at least once. But once things start getting weird, I'm stopping!" "That a girl!" Christa said hugging her. Sarah May started to take off her pjs but remembered she didn't have on any underwear, "I'm not wearing any panties!" "That's okay, the strap on will hide some of your naughty bits" Sarah May put her full trust in Christa, knowing that she would stop this perverse experiment once things got too weird for her; surprisingly enough she felt comfortable with it on, "Now I want you to face-fuck me, I'll suck on that nice big cock and get it all nice and lubed up for when you pound on me!" Sarah May was a little taken off guard by Christa's presistance but also found her heart racing at the thought of putting the dildo inside of such a beautiful young woman. Her cheeks blushed as Christa sat on her knees and began licking the tip as she looked up at Sarah May playfully. Christa worked the pink pipe, she spat on it and bobbed her head up and down. "Mmmphmmphhhahpmm!" Christa mummbled in delight. "Yeah!" Sarah May found herself saying, cheering on her big step sister and getting slightly aroused; she was encouraged to help put the dildo further in by moving forward. "That's it, Sarah May! Fuck my dirty face!" Sarah May laughed hysterically as the saliva dripped like cum from Christa's face, "Yeah! Take this big hard cock in your mouth!" She held the dildo and slapped Christa's face with it. Everything was going great, the two of them were having a blast and they were just getting started. Christa took off her short shorts and got up on her bed, wiggiling her ass for Sarah May. Sarah May found it getting hot and decided to take off her shirt, revealing two still developing bosoms in a pink-pokadot bra, "Ooh! Sexy mamma!" "So how do you want to do this?" Sarah May asked cheerfully. "Somebody's anxious!" said Christa, "And I want it doggy-style, please." Up on the bed on all fours, she waited to be pleased. "I really do like your ass, it's big and jiggily" Sarah May commented, patting her with both hands. "Don't forget sparkily. Now come on, enough foreplay!" Sarah May got into position, she slid the 12'' inch rod into Christa's vaginal opening, the noises she made amused her tremendously. Christa had a very breathy movie star voice and made her moans and shouts sound sexy in an animalistic way. Sarah May humped her, holding on to her waist for support; in and out and in and out, picking up the pace gradually. Christa held on to the comforter and caught herself shouting several times as she was being pounded from behind. She saw Sarah May's reflection in a small make up mirror on her dresser and saw how turned on Sarah May was getting, she was having a lot of fun, she was sweating and getting really horny. "Oh, Sarah May!" she cried. "Oh yeah!" Sarah May hollered, she made several pelvic thrusts and spanked Christa several times. "Yeah! Hit me harder!" The two of them moaning and cumming together in sync, both getting off on the lustful act they were doing, something so wrong but some how so right; Christa only wished she had a video camera so she could relive the moment. After cumming she licked the dildo once more. "Want to try it? I taste really good" Christa said, looking up at Sarah May with desirable eyes; she took some of juices off the rubber with her fingers and put two fingers in the brunette's mouth. "Mmmm!" Sarah May exclaimed, she couldn't believe what she was doing but she couldn't say no to that beautiful face. "Now it's your turn!" Christa smiled. Sarah May was nervous but also very excited to find out how it would feel with Christa at the wheel. End file.
My Heart Says Yes But My Head Says No by Be Obscene
1. Houston, We Have A Problem **this is my first zombieland fanfic I hope yall enjoy.** **...** "MotherFuckers!" I screamed running after my truck that was tearing out of the driveway. When I couldnt keep with it, I gave up and walked back to the house kicking over a trash can and stomping on it three or four times. I thought for a second while pulling my hair up in a ponytail. Then it hit me. Id been letting Randy and Jack tag along for a while and I knew them pretty well. It was just a matter of time before they made thier move and I missed it. "I know exactly where your going." I walked in the house and grabbed my pack, bat, and my daddy's old shotgun and inspected what they took."Im commin after you, you dumbass pieces 'a shit." ... Tallahasee started the engine when everyone was ready to go. "Goodbye, house of Murry." He said sadly as they drove down the drive way and through the gate. Little Rock, sitting in The passenger seat, let out a giggle. "you think thats funny?" Tallahasee said Grumpily" Bill Murry was my idol." "I said I was sorry." Columbus defended in the backseat putting an arm around Wichitta. "Lets just drop it." She said boredly. ... Walking on foot sucked ass. Thats why I had the truck. Now thanks to dumb and dumber, my cowboy boots were starting to rub the hell outta my feet. I Didnt like being out in the open like this. I can be as tough as I need to be with humans, but when it comes to the New Owners of the world, I was scared shitless. I looked around for a while and spotted a bicycle laying on the sidewalk. "thank the Lord!" I squealed running to it and found the tires in a fairly good state. It was such a relief I had at least an easier and faster way to get away from those undead cannibles. I listed everything in my head I was determined to get back as I peddled out of town. 1. Mamma's diamond ring. 2. Daddy's pistol 3. Mamma's pistol 4. My compass (my Gran gave me) Dodge Ram All the things I had to remember my family by and they took them so Randy could go find this whore he always wanted to marry, And Jack could get to California. I was decent to the two, I knew they were backstabbing white trash, but I didnt judge. Now the situation is different, they should've know better to take from me. Pieces of Me. Items with value they'd never understand. Lifes a bitch, and its time to show just how much of one I can be. ... "When can we go back to Pacific PlayLand?" Little Rock asked. "Maybe when the world isnt covered in flesh eating zombies." Tallahasee replied sarcasticly. She stuck her tounge out at him. "Real mature." He commented, acting superior. ... I rode along a sidewalk and slowed to a a stop when I saw a zombie about 15 feet away on the other side of the rode. I gulped and started peddling as quietly as I could. However, of course, I went over some leaves signaling I was there. The zombie wipped its head around and came barreling after me. I screamed and started peddling as fast as I could, standing up to put more leg muscle into it. Thanks to that little mishap, within 5 minutes I attracted 3 zombies. "Not good! Not good!" I chanted out of breath. While looking back I went over a crack and went down with an 'oof!' I quickly scrambled up and forward. ... By now it was dark. Little Rock and Wichita were alseep in the backseat. "How long till the next town?" Columbus asked fiddling with the radio and some CDs. "about 7 more miles." Tallahasee answerd. They drove up to an intersection. "wait stop!" The younger male yelled causing Tallahasee to slam on the breaks. "What the hell spit-fuck!" He howled."there aint nobody on the roads but us and lights aint-" "No!" Columbus inturrupted pointing into the dark." Look! Turn the brights on!" The driver turnes on the lights of the car and saw a young woman running for her life. She turned around to shoot the group coming after her. She slung the shot gun over her shoulder and started smacking skulls with the bad she had sticking out of her bag. "wait here!" Tallahasee ordered grbbing a semi-automatic. He walked over and opened fire making sure not to hit the girl. ... They nearly surrounded me but all of a sudden started hitting the ground one by one as the sound of an automatic gun filled the air. I jumped out the way when one came at me ans tripped causing me to fall backwards bouncing my head off the ground. I saw the shooter walk up after a minute. "you ok there little lady?" He held out a hand. I grabbed it and his strong arm pulled me up. I was still breathing heavy and in shock from the fear and the concussion I probably had. I couldnt help but start to cry from all the frustration. ... When he helped her up she had two death grips on his jacket has she sobbed in his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her and helped her into the back seat. By now Wichitta was in the passenger seat and Columbus in the driver seat. Little Rock scooted over to let him in and they continued. ... When I got control back I leaned up wiping my eyes and popped my neck. "sorry, I dont normally cry, I just kinda lost it back there." I said." Iv never had so many come at me at once before." "Well your fine now." Came a boyish voice. " Im Columbus." " Wichitta." Said the girl in the passenger seat. " Little Rock." Said the little girl in the back with me. "And Im Tallahasee." Said the man I just bawled on. " like the cities?" I asked. "yes, the places we are from." Columbus answered. "Whats a girl like you doing out here?" He joked." And how old are you?" " im huntin' down some guys that took some things from me and im 28." "what do they call you?" The little girl asked " I guess you could call me Houston." ... **Yay first chapter down. I hope you enjoy it. Please review:)** **TheSpazChik** 2. Not again! **thanks Potter Zombie for reviewing.:)** **...** I looked down at my shotgun. "Shit!" I growled all of a sudden realizing something. "what?" Tallahassee asked alarmed. " My pack I left it on the road." I said trying to remember what all was in it."Let me out here I gotta run back and get it." I said opening the door. "your nuts!" Talahassee said."we cant go back there. Columbus slammed his foot on the brakes when I jumped out and ran for my bag. ... "damn woman!" Talahassee grumbled grabbin his gun and running after her. when he got half way to her she was already jogging back. "you tryin to give me a heart attack woman?" He demanded. "sorry, I got it lets head back."she said getting closer. "are you kidding, after this? Uh uh no!" He turned away. ... I stoped and stared atfter him. "what do you mean?" "I mean that your trouble and we dont need trouble! You cant just go jumping out of fucking cars!" "so what, you just go around saving survivers and then just ditch them 'cuz they wont part with their valuables?" "fuck you!" He called over his shoulder. "No!"I shouted." Fuck you!" I stomped my foot but when it went down the ankle rolled sideways pulling the tendon loose. I screamed as loud as I could. Out of frustration, the pain of my foot swelling, and the horrible feeling that I was gonna get left, for the third time since the world went to shit. I started limping in the direction of the car. Ride or no,I wasnt about to go back into town. ... When Columbis saw the man walk up he didnt see Houston. "hey wheres Houston?" Little Rock asked. "I told her to take a hike, we cant afford a stunt like that." He answerd getting in the back seat. "what!" She shouted. "That was a dick move." Wichitta commented. "well do you want to keep your good chance of surviving or are you gonna throw it away for someone who tried to jump out of a car to go run back _towards_ the zombie infested town to get a bag!" He yelled back. "Its not just a bag asshole!" He heard before he closed the door. He opened it back up and saw her in the street light. She was limping. "all I have is this bag. Everything that keeps me sane, and everything that helps me cope."she said walking around the car. "im going to find those two sons 'a bitches and im taking my stuff back, without your help!" ... I was so angry, and a little hurt. I wasnt about to apologize though for wanting my stuff back. So I just kept walking. ... "Go get her!" Wichitta demanded "Fuck that!" Talahasse said back. He looked to his side to see Little Rock staring at him with a weird look, then back to Wichitta, who now had the same look. And then Columbus turned to look at him. "Im gonna regret this." He mummbled getting out. ... I heard running and looked back to see Talahassee. "look im sorry, now lets go." He grabbed my hand. "No." I said riping from his grasp."is this a joke?" "no, now come on!" I rearedy fist back and hit him square in the jaw and he took it. He didnt hit me back he just looked at me. Out of anger I went to hit him again but he caught my fist. "im sorry." He said gently. I got this weird feeling in my gut and without a word I trudged past him and walked to the car. When I got in I held my foot out to him before he could get in. "what?" He asked. "I twisted my ankle." I told him."help me with my boot." ... Wichitta smirked when he sighed and eased Houston's boot off her bruised foot. And laughed when she shoved the other one out to him and he reluctantly pulled it off. She scooted in the middle careful of her foot and let him in and they resumed driving. **...** **Hmmm i wonder what that gut feeling was. How bout u? Please review and let me know what you think should happen next. Thanks:)** **TheSpazChik** 3. Twinkies, Makeup, and a Picture **thanks for the idea PotterZombie, i hope you like the way i write this with your awsome idea. I knew that sooner or later Tal's twinkie gauge would get low.** Talahassee woke as the rays of the sun shown on his face. He looked down to his side to see a head of blonde hair. For a second his half-consious state made him think that he was home and that he and Buck fell asleep on the couch again. He was snapped out of it when he layed his head back and felt a sharp pain in his jaw and remembered he got sucker punched the night before. his eyes glanced back at the head. He didnt realize he was staring untill his eyes met grass green irises. She leaned up and apologized for sleeping on him. "Its ok, im used to it."he replied gesturing to Little Rock snoozing on his other shoulder. ... "I see a store comin up on our right." I hears Columbus say tiredly."wanna stop again." "sure." Tallahassee and I said at the same time. We pulled over just in time for Little Rock to wake up. I gathered a few things and put them in a purse and went to slide out when I saw Talahassee was already waiting to help me out. "you sure you can walk?" He asked. "yes. See? the swelling has gone down and it doesnt hurt to much ill just walk it off." "if you say so."He said."so what your story again?" "two guys iv been goin around with stole from me and left me like I was." "and your gonna travel around to find them?" "if thats what it takes." "sounds crazy."he commented. "no, crazy is searching high 'n low for the world's last twinkie." I joked. He stopped and gave me a look. "what?" I asked "Im gonna ignore that remark and pretend I never heard it." I smiled realizing i hit the nail on the head. "outstanding." I said and started walking again. " tellin her about the twinkie story?" Columbus said walking past us."we went along forver until these two girls made us looks stupid. Long story short. I shot Bill Murry and Talahassee got his twinkie." "thanks to me." Little Rock said. "wait, you _shot_ Bill freakin Murry!" I growled Columbus backed away and ran inside to help Wichitta scout out the place. I laughed. "you aint gonna kill 'em are ya?" He asked "No." I said smiling." I just wanted to see his reaction. He a happy little spit-fuck aint he?" "your alright." He said patting my back."Now lets rustle up twinkies. ... Talahassee went down the sweets isle. Little Rock went down thw CDs. Columbus, the pharmacy. Where did Wichitta and Houston go? Straight to the makeup. He searched through the shelves. "where are you, you spongey, delicious bastards." He shoved the snowballs to the ground. He heard squeals and thought someone was under attack. He ran to the isle next to him to see Houston and Wichitta tearing through all the cosmetics. He shook his head and went back to looking for the twinkies. ... I picked out what I wanted and went to look around then I saw something. ... Columbus rounded the corner to the books with a bag of Lays and saw Houston staring at a poster of a "happy" mother and daughter. He noticed she placed a hand on her abdomen. She turned to see he was watching and walked away. He stood there for a while thinking why she would stare at that poster and look so sad. Talahassee walked up clearly pissed he hadnt found a single twinkie. "what are you staring at?" He asked. "I think Houston was a mother, or was going to be." Columbus answerd. "Its best to leave subjects like that alone." Talhassee said silently and walked away. ... I sat down on a bench in the front of the store and pulled out a picture of a little blonde baby girl with eyes as green as mine. "cute kid." Wichitta said sitting by me."whats her name?" "Skylar." I answered."I lost her." "Im sorry, it must have been horrible to watch something like that. "I didnt watch it, because it wasnt the zombies that took her from was her father." **Later that night...** We sat in a circle munching on anything and everything. Chips, dip that was still good, snowballs and cookies. ( A legit meal, i know) we secured the doors when it got dark and started getting ready for bed. We found a battery operated heater and sat around talking. "best thing about zombieland." Columbus said. "I still say not flushin the toilet. "Talahassee commented. "you dont have to pay a fortune for good langere." I said holding up black lace bra and panties. "ill drink to that." Wichita said. "worst thing?"Columbus said without thinking. Without warning Talahasee stood up and walked away. "what just happened?" I asked. "shit!" Columbus hissed. "his son." Little Rock said sadly. I grabbed a little radio and walked after him. He was leaned against the back wall. Took his hand and led him up staires. "come on." "where are we goin?" "just comeon." ... **Hmmm wonder whats upstaires...heres a hint, the roof. Whats gonna happen there? Tell me what you think about all this knew info on Houston's past and potterzombie, sorry I didnt do zombie kill of the week but it will come soon i just need a good idea. Comeon people tell me what you want. Your reviews are like candy and i have a sweet tooth. :)** **TheSpazChik** 4. The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head **sorry this took so long I kept rewritting and i got a great idea from potterzombie, so i just needed a day to figurr it out. I hope you like it. This chapter was written for Potterzombie for loving my story, giving me great advice, and because i freakin love ur profile. I laughed my ass off when i read it.** **...** "ok now, sit."she said making him sit down. He felt weird siting indian style. "I want you to clear your mind. The first step to a clear head is to take inventory on the problems." She put the radio beside him and turned on George Strait really low. He did dig deep. Maybe too deep. His mind went straight to Buck's face. Waking up and finding no trace of him but blood all around his room. His mind skipped to his ex, Brandee. She only wanted him for his money, so when she got it she left him to run off with some Cuban guy, like in a fairytale she thought. He was glad, as long as he had Buck she could go jump off a cliff. And that fucking music, hed rather listen to Willie Nelson. ... I watched as his jaw set and he looked like he was pissed. Step 2. "alright, now I want you to push it back and then let it all out with the first thing that comes to your mind." I said calmly. ... He hesitated, then did what she said. When it got to be too much he clenched the radio, and with a roar-like cry, slung it off the roof as hard as he could. then he felt a gentle hand bring him back to his sences. "Now, keep this feeling. think of good things." He closed his eyes taking deep breaths. "Do you feel the feelings of urgency, but contentment." Oddly, he did. "yes." He replied feeling a little free. "now, take this feeling and use it. Do or say the first thing that comes to your mind." ... I was expecting him to sigh or something, but what he did next suprized me. He turned. "thank you." he wispered and pressed his lips to mine. ... The first thing that popped into his head was her,Houston. A second later she responded then they broke apart. "s-sorry, I." He babbled worse than Columbus. "n-no you did good. Dont you feel better?"she said trying to change the subject. "yea, loads. Whered you learn that?" "its a secret." "maybe you are good for something." He said "aw thanks." she said sarcasticly and rolled her and started walking downtaires. "wait that came out wrong." He walked after her. When they got back to the others. Columbus was the first to speak. "slight problem guys, no blankets, but we do have three sleeping bags. "I call one!" Little Rock said running up to snatch it and went back towards the video games. "ok, so lets share." Houston said." Wichitta with Columbus, and that leaves me and you cowboy. She winked. "problem solved." Wichita commented joining Houston towards the women section to find clean clothes. The boys watched as the sauntered to the bras and underwear. "woah." Talahassee said. "i know." Columbus added. Then they snapped out of it and scrambled around trying to make the bags as comfortable as they could for the girls. Then they freaked out about their clothes. And finally relaxed. Talahassee was dosing he felt someone slide into the sleeping bag with him he tried to be a gentleman and give her alot of room but how would he sleep? "Houston?" "hmmm?" "sorry, but could I-?" He was cut off by her hand taking his and wrapping his arm around her waist. ... "its ok, i dont bite." I said when he hesitated. But if you bite me, you better be ready to lose your clothes, just sayin." "yes ma am." He chuckled. ... "nice panties." He commented tugging on her lace panties. When he realized a bra and underwear was all that she had on. He leaned down to her ear." I bet theyd look better on the floor." His hand slowly went down her leg. "dont tempt me cowboy."she said letting out a soft sigh. "is that what im doing?" He asked inocently. "you are so glad we are on the other side of the store." She said turning to kiss him. **...** **I know short chapter that took forever. But what do think should happen next. They go further or a zombie attacks. I could be a bitch and make both happen lol please review.:)** **TheSpazChik** 5. Mad **Oh potterZombie, no need to be sorry, explosions are insanley awsome. Sooooo i created a little something. And i hope you all like it.** **...** Indeed he was glad he was far away from the other three, he wanted to be alone with her more. He loved the feeling of her body on his and her lips. "wait." She said unzipping the bag and getting up." Ill be right back." I grabbed a flashlight and tip toe-ran to look for the tampon isle to find some condomns, and jumped when I saw Wichita. She was wearing Columbus's button up shirt over bra and panties. I smirked. "guess we'r caught." I said walking to her "yea." She replied kinda embaressed. "you picked good Wichitaa, Columbus has the guts of a gupee but, he's cute, smart. I can see how you could hit that." "thanks, Ya know, I think I really do love him." I smiled. "how about you and Florida?" She asked. I bit my bottom lip. "I dont know if its his rugged good looks or the fact that im attracted to older men." I replied." Maybe its both." She laughed. We said good luck to eachother and went our seperate ways. When I got back, Talahassee was asleep. "you. Have . Got. To. Be. FUCKING. Kidding. Me." I growled. I ripped the pillow out from under him and he didnt wake up. I put on a pair of jeans and a Lonhorns shirt with my cameo jacket and stomped of find the liquor with the pillow in hand. I spent the night on the roof with using the pillow as a cushion against the AC unit with a bottle of Jack. ... Talahassee woke with a sore head and no one next to him. Everyone met at the front. "anyone seen Houston?" Talahassee asked. "I did last night."Wichita smiled."how was it?" "how was what?" He asked. "i saw her pickin a box of condemns did she not come back?" "I dont know, I fell asleep. Shit! Fuck!" They spread out to search for her. He had a feeling so he went upstaires. when he saw her he knew he was in for it. "hey Houston wake up." He nudged her. He was greeted with a fist to the nose. He stumbled back. "you ASSHOLE! I fucking trusted you! I helped you, as a favor for saving me. Then you kiss me, tempt me to sleep with you. Then im gone five minutes and you fucking FALL ASLEEP?" "im sorry." He defended. she slammed the bottle of booze down and stared down at him, reared her foot back and slammed it into his crotch really hard. ... I watched as he howled in pain and left him up there to go gather my things. "Hey." Columbus said when he saw me. "hey." I replied coldly. " um are you-" "Do you wanna feel how hard I can punch?" He put his hands up to signal he was backing off. ... Columbus watched curiously as she cleanned out the registers, got boxes and boxes of bullets we already ruled out since we didnt need them, and then to the finger nail polish. ... "whats that for?" Little Rock asked. " well if you poor a little gun powder into nail polish and set it on fire you can throw it and the impact will cause it to explode, so you throw it at zombies and they go boom. "a zombie granade! Nice!" She commented. " thanks, its just something i wipped up about a few months ago." "and the bills and quarters?" Wichitaa asked. "well, the paper is good to feed fires just in case, and i saw in a movie that you can use a stack of quarters as bullets. So i tried it out, and it worked. A little too well though cuz the pistols it worked with were the ones that were stolen because of the idea." "Resident Evil, yea I saw that." Little Rock said. "yea, who'd thought I'd get a chance to use it?" I laughed. ... Talahessee walked by, still a little sore. He messed up, he knew he did damn she was so mad. He didnt talk to her for the rest of the time until they loaded up the car. "how long are you gonna refuse to talk to me?" He asked. "I dont know. " she said." When are you gonna learn the courtesy to stay awake after you coax someone into sex?" She asked, getting into the driver's seat. ... "where to everyone?" I asked "how about California? Its close." "we just came from ."Wichitta said. "just Beverly Hills, how about L.A?" "ok, sure." She agreed "ok, and on the way we might run into Jack on the way." I said cheerily." And I gotta warn you, in still a little buzzed, but i found some water and asprin this morning. ... "you think shes still mad?" Columbus asked Wichitta. Just then two zombies ran out from an alleyway. the car was thrown forward and right over them and was stopped a couple feet from them. The three watched Houston step out with her shotgun and shot both of the zombies in the head. ... I stepped back in and let out a sigh and smiled while buckling up. " alrighty lets go." I put the car into drive and on we went. ... " oh yea, id say shes still mad." Wichitaa said. ... **Sorry i had to make Houston mad at good ole Tal but I had to put a little conflict into the story. And i thought of the 'zombie grenades.' While painting my toe nails. I was like fingernail polish is flammable and a little gunpowder would add some zing to it. Thus the Zombie Grande was born...i hope no one steals it. Cuz then id be sad:(...please review.:)** **TheSpazChik** 6. Still Alive? **I dont own anything, not even the stores just my oc Houston. Jack, randy,skylar,shirley...idont know if i consider brandee an oc or whatever but yea, jacks mom, dont own buck, but hes so dern cute...** **...** as they drove, Talahassee started to notice that everything was slightly familiar. "just remembered." Wichita said." Pacific Playland is in L.A." "she gave Little Rock a look. So I wanted to check out the stores and stuff." ... " hey Little Rock?" I said from the driver seat." You got Master Card?" "no." She gave me a confused look. "Good! Cuz you dont need one where we're going." I took a sharp turn drove towards the mall. ... " she is scary-happy." Columbus said to Talahassee. they pulled up to a huge building. "ok everyone, its time to accessories." Houston chimed." Maybe we can find a sedwig." She said to Little Rock. " those are cool!" Little Rock said running to the door. ... I grabbed my shotgun, the bag of nail polish bottles and put a huge lighter in my pocket. We set out and kept our eyes peeled. The first store we came up to was a Buckle me and Talahassee tore through grabbin anything we liked as fast as we could. We put everything in a buggy we found. "omygod!" Wichitaa screamed." Look a Hot Topic." Laughing, we all ran after her,with Little Rock riding in the buggy with the clothes. ... Talahassee wondered why they hadnt seen a single zombie, but he went along with. He watched her. Smiling and laughing. They got past almost all the stores when they got to the third floor where they saw two zombies trying to get into a storage closet. Talahassee took quick care of them. Houston walked up with her shot gun and tried thr knob but it was locked. She took Talahassee's gun and shot the lock and kicked it in. then she started chuckling. ... "oh jackey, youve been a bad boy." I said to the man goveling at my feet."had a feelin id see you again. Now hand it over!" "im sorry! im sorry!" He took the big pistol from his belt and handed it over. "and?" I said. And he gave me my compass. "so whatcha doin here Jack? Wheres Randy?" I asked pullin him out of the closet by his shirt. "he left me here." He said with regret. " ah, well, no doubt hes in Montana with that bitch Shirley, with my ring, truck, and my other gun." I tapped the pistol on my chin." Im sure that he and I will have a little heart to heart when we bump into eachother." I pulled out a vest-like gun holster that held my pistol right under my chests. I looked to the left holder. "just one more to go." I said to myself. ... Talahassee put on his tough guy face and walked up to Houston and the guy called Jack. "this the guy who left you?" He asked. " yup, one of 'em." "well she's safe, thanks to us. but you left her, and FYI, Id beat whole-sale ass for alot less than that. So im gonna give you about..45 percent power." He socked Jack in the nose, knocking the man back and out. "what a pussy." Wichitaa commented. "well, we cant leave him here." I said." Any suggestions?" "he left you!" Wichitaa disagreed. I walked over to him. " hey wake up numb nuts." ... After they finally got him to wake up. Talahassee made him tell the group everything he knew. ... I ignored most of hos rammblinf untill I heard the name Brian. "wait! What do you know about man named Brian?" "uh stocky, short brown hair, hes traveling with his daughter, little blonde thing. Lets see uhhh." "Skylar." "yea thats it." "when?" I demanded getting in his face. "we met him a little while before we went with you, then met back up after we left." "anything else?" "y-yeah, he said something about meeting up with a chick and her little boy. Little blonde boy." This time both Talahassee and I got in his face. "where?" We growled. "theyr headin to Montana with Randy." "ok, Jack, as a reward where should we drop you off? Im feeling charitable right now." "Uh um just my mother's." ... They dropped him off at his mothers and made sure that she was still alive. "Damn woman never leaves her house." Jack laughed." Im very sorry-." "Houston." I told him. "Houston, like i said im sorry we left you." "its ok, you gave me my shit back, and told me where I can find my daughter. Now, getcher ass in that house before i use my first bulle on you instead of Brian." He nodded and ran into the house. I looked at Talahassee, then at the three in the back. " i dont want to get you all into this, but its my daughter, so you can drop me off if you want or..." "Houston, we are family now, and if theres a chance we can find Tal's son, then we are all for it."Wichitta answered I looked back at Talahassee and he nodded. I sat back straight and looked at the road. "its a small world afterall." I said putting the car into drive Before we left the city, we stopped to fill up the tank for our drive to Montana. .**...** **So...could Skylar and Buck be alive? Will Houston and Talahassee beat the crap out eachothers Exs? I may put a fight scene. Hehe please review and tell me how ya like the story so far or any ideas you might have that you want me to write about in future chapters. :)** **TheSpazChik** 7. The Little Death **I dont want this chpter to go too fast so heres a little pit stop before Montana. And the fight scenes will occur. Yusssss! Sorry Nepolean Dynamite moment lol.** "So, we are almost there, i believe i know where Shirley's hotel is located." I told Columbus." Right at the crack between Montana and Idaho." A laugh came from the back. "the crack." Talahassee said. I looked at him in the rearview." Thats adorable." I said sarcasticly. " so you know this Shirley?" Wichitta asked. " I know a bit about'er, Randy always had to gloat that he bagged himself the best girl for him and that she was staying at this hotel her family owned." "what are you gonna do when you find you daughter?" Talahassee asked. "I dont know." I sighed." What are you gonna do when you find your son?" " Im not sure." ... Talahassee hoped that the little boy they were talkin about was Buck. He looked down at the pictures of him in the wallet held together by duct tape that he and and Talahassee made together. He wondered if Buck had changed any. ... About an hour later we came upon a bar. We all agreed to stop to crash for the night. We searched everywhere to make sure it was clear. We still had the sleeping bags so we laid them out on the stage. A little while later I woke up and saw everyone asleep but no Talahassee. I searched around and foun him sitting behind the bar counter with a bottle of wiskey. I sighed and sat infront of him leaning on the back wall. "you ok?" He let out a ragged breath. "what if it aint Buck? If it is, what if he dont like me." "oh Tal, im sure that it is him and he will love you like I-." I cut myself off and grabbed his drink and took a big gulp. " like you what?" He asked taking the bottle back. "Like i knowwwwww thaaat SSky will love me too." I said quickly, taking the bottle back. "are you sure thats what you were going to say?" He smirked ... "uh huh." She answered unconvincingly. he took the bottle and stood up " comeon lets go explore." We took a flashlight and walked up to the second story and found an office connected to a private room. " hey look a laptop." I pointed to the desk." Its one of fancy shmancy Apple laptops." I sat down and turned it on and found it to be password protected. I went through all of the papers and drawers and found a little sticky note and typed it in and was granted access. "lets see, music where are you?" I clicked a little music note and found the music library and clicked on I Gotta Get Drunk by Willie Nelson. ... "mmmm i lost my virginity to this song." She said . "you shittin me? Me too." "nice." she smiled." Good taste." "so who was he?" Talahassee asked her. "hmm Bobby Jones, highschool quarterback, senior year." ... Then a box popped on thr screen that said **password expired. Would you like to renew or change your current password.** "yes change, id like to keep this but Poniboi69 aint my style." ... "put 'mypenis'" Talahassee grinned. he started walking around the room but stopped when he heard her fall out of her chair gasping for air and laughing. "what? Whats so damn funny?" She pointed to the computer. He looked at the screen to see a littiler box over the password box and it said ** ERROR password not long enough** He rolled his eyes. " ha ha very funny." "is it true?" She asked taking a drink of the wiskey." Is it not long enough?" "I asure you sweetheart, its long enough." "oh really?" She teased pushing him into the desk chair. It had no arms so it was easy for her to climb onto his lap and straddle him. "wanna prove it?" I wispered in his ear, blowing lightly along his neck enjoying the way he shivered. "woman, youll be the death of me." He chuckled putting his hands on my waist. "you know what the french call an orgasm?" I asked since he reminded me of my Chucky line." Le Petit de Muerta he Little Death." "is that so?" "comeon Tal, lets die a little." ... **I couldnt help it i had to put that line i plan on putting another one in there soon. So please review if youd like lemon or not dont want to screw it up and make you hate it. I enjoy goin on thr stats and seeing all these people reading my stories. please review.:)** **TheSpazChik** 8. Too easy **Sorry its been forever since i updated but iv been caught up in a story called Alphabetical Ruminations by Sweet Little Mary Sue. Its really good and damn can she write a love scene, lol im still a little light headed. XD so on with the story.** **...** He leaned in to kiss me but hesitated. "its ok." I asured him." Bobbys' old news." He leaned in again and brushed his lips against mine. He held my hips and suprized me by standing up and laying me on the leather couch in the empty room. He lowered himself using his hands to hold his full weight up as his lips decended onto mine. After a while, i stopped him. "somethings wrong." I said "what? I got the condom righ here." He said taking it from my back pocket. "no, thats not it." "then what?" "you need to lose your clothes." I smirked "iam a tad bit overdressed aint I?" "indeed." I giggled. He leaned up on his knees putting one between my legs and the other by my leg and slowly took his shirt off. He was an older man bout 45, but that didnt affect his body at all. He wasnt some muscly abbed guy you saw before the zombie attack, no he was the slighty hairy chessed man with the visable muscles of a hardworker, just enough muscles to help save his life. I pulled him back by tugging on his belt and the zipper of his jeans. He leaned down again and captured my lips and repositioned himself between my legs so he could wrap my legs around his waist. he got this wicked look in his eye and asked. "are you sure you said what you wanted to say back there behind the bar?" He said his lips a centimeter away from hers. "y-yes." She said trying to lean up but he leaned back dodging her lips. "dont lie to me." He said rubbing her side. She sighed and put her hands on his cheek and wispered. " what if I told you, im not just physically attracted to you?" He smiled and trailed her neck with kisses before he finally answered. "then I say that means you love me too." She smiled back and he finally kissed her passionatly, instead if lustfully. He moved from her lips back down to her neck while unbuttoning her shirt and skimming the outline of her breast with his lips causing her to let out a breath and arch into him. He unzipped her jeans and eased them off of her to reveal the lace panties he almost got her out of about a week ago. ... I couldnt believe we admitted we loved eachother. It had only been about 2 weeks and we are already at eacothers a good way. And we didnt even know eachother's names. I leaned to his ear."Anna." I wispered. he looked up with a hesitant face. "you dont have to tell me your name, I just wanted you to know mine." I said sort of regretting what I just did. He smiled." Paul." "what made you so bold Mr. No names?" "your gonna have to scream somethin other than Talahassee its just not sexy when the name is too long." ... I pushed him to the floor and straddled him, grabbibng his wrists and holding on ground. "when Im done with you, youll be screaming _my _name." I told him. ... Columbus walked up the staires to find the older adults and was greeted by an unexpected sight; the two sprawled on the floor asleep and very naked. he quietly shut the door and walked back down. " not bad for somekind of cock-blocking robot created in a to-secret government lab." He laughed to himself " hey where Texas and Florida?" Wichita asked. "theyre currently unable to umtangle at the moment." "finaly!" she laughed. ... When I woke up, I realized i was stilk on top of Talahassee, my Paul. I peeled off of him and got dressed feeling deliciously sore in some places. When I dressed I straddled him again leaning down to kiss him awake. "goodmorning Cowboy." I said sweetly, starting to rock my hips back and forth against him. He groaned and grabbed my ass, opening his eyes. "unless you want these clothes destroyed, i suggest you dont do that." He said. I could the affect already taking place as he grew hard under me. "this wont do." I told him grabbing the hard member gently. ... About 5 minutes later, everyone downstires could hear Talahassee cry out in pleasure. they soon packed up and continued there endevour to Montana. ... I drove us till we found the hotel. "this is it." we all got out quietly except for Little Rock, and headed in opposite directions. Me and Wichita go front and Talahassee and Columbus take the back. We walked inside the doors. I took upstaires I heard something in the men's bathroom so I slowly walked in and saw Randy takin a piss. I brought my pistol to his head. "Anna?" He said nervously." What are you doing here?" "getting back my gun, my truck, and my daughter. Now hand it over! And dont try anything, I have low tolerance today." He slowly took out the keys to my truck and turned around holding my pistol. With that i took it and knocked him over the head and walked out. hmmm that was to easy." I said checking the gun to find bullets. I looked up real quick and saw a baseball bat coming towards my head. ... Talahassee walked around with his gun in hand "Paul?" He heard. He wipped his head around. ... **Ok so finally they are there to kick ass and get thier kids. I didnt want to make it too graphic, but i hope you review and tell me what you think should happen while you still can only about 3 chapters left.** **TheSpazChik** 9. The Ugly truth **So sorry this has taken forever i got caught up in other stories. Here we go.** ... I dunked at fast as i could but couldnt dodge the hit to my back that sent me forward on my face. "you must be that Anna woman." The attacker said in a french accent. Shirley. i got back up. "what was your first clue?" "Brian knew you would come." I smirked." Im here for my girl." "i dont think so." She swung the bat again and i caught it befor it could hit me and i wrenched it from her grip. I kicked her in the stomach causing her to fall backwards. Ans i kneeled on her throat "i gotcha now pepe le bitch! wheres my baby girl?" "fuck you stup'd American white trash!" She croaked. I punched her so hard it knocked her out and walked away picking up the bat. "i havent played baseball in years. Little leauge, dont fail me now." ... "Brandee." Talahassee said." Your alive!" "Paul, what are you doing here?" "helping me." Came a voice. they both looked to see Houston walking up with a baseball bat. "wheres skylar and Buck, Brandee?" She asked. " Whos Skylar." She said."and B-Buck." "wrong answer." I said pullin out a pistol and pointing it at her. " i want my daughter back, you hear me Brian?" I shouted." Comeon out ya pussy and lose like a man! Or would you like me to shootcha knew girlfriend?" i waited for a minute and... nothing. "ok." I said goin for the trigger. "wait!" I heard an old familiar voice say. "Anna, im sorry." He walked out from around the corner." I never meant to-" "never meant to what Brian?" I asked, pointing the pistol at him." Never meant to knock me over the head? Never meant leave me for dead? Take my daughter?" ... Talahassee was confused. But while Houston was distracted, Brandee slowly started walking up to her, only to meet another pistol in her face. "where the fuck do ya think your goin?" Houston growled."iv fought too hard for too long and im taking back my daughter and hes taking back his son." She gestured to Talahassee. "you tellin me Buck really is alive?" He asked incrediously. "yes Tal, these two monsters took our children and left us fof dead, to them we are disposable." Houston turned to Brandee." I bet you didnt even love him. What? Was the money too good?" "shut up!" Brandee yelled. One thing Brandee hated was to to be called out on her faults, especially when they were true. "yea thats right!" Houston pressed." Isnt it? I can tell by the look on your ugly ass face." "shut the fuck up!" Brandee screamed running at the armed woman, who twirled her gun and backhanded the shit out of the attacking woman's face with the the butt of the gun. "shit!" Brandee yelled looking back up with a split lip. "come on Bitch!" Houston said. "Anna please." Brian said and felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see the man in a Cowboy hat. " hey there spit-fuck!" He said before he punched him with all his might. ... I watched as Brandee came at me again and stepped out of the way to grab her swinging arm and twist it but she grabbed my hair with the other hand and i cried out letting go of her arm and punching that split lip again. "taste good bitch?" I asked. She tried to come at me again but i grabbed her shoulders and put one foot on her diaphram as i went backwards and flipped us on the ground to where i was on top. "i would just shoot you Brandee, but then id never get to see your reaction." I said to her. "reaction to what?" She said struggling. I smirked and leaned over and whispered. "the reaction when i tell you i laid out your man_ good._ Had him moanin my name the whole time. You see i already got Brian. He may have left me, but one thing for sure. He was thinking of me everytime you two fucked. And now I got Paul my Talahassee." She snarled and punched me really hard. For a split second i was incoherent. but i woke back up when i realized she didnt punch me, she used the baseball bat to smack my ear. I fought her for it and threw it away. ... This man was a pretty good match, he could take a hit, but give one, not so much. Talahassee, looked over for a split second to see Houston get smacked in the side of the head with the ball bat. Thats when he took a good hit to the jaw. **...** **Ok all you zombie lovers, make me proud and blow my brains out with some reviews. And 2 more chapters left. What do you think will happen between these four as the battle of the Exs commences. Untill next chapter.:)** **TheSpazChik** 10. A good kick to the crotch **I'am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I hope y'all can forgive me and will enjoy this chapter and the next one which will be the final chapter. :) again I'am so very sorry that it took me 2 freakin years to update but I had a huge case of writers block with this story. So now here is the next chapter, finally!** * * * ><p>I tried to stand, but I couldn't quite get there. I was stuck on one foot and one knee as I grabbed Brandee by her shirt collar and slammed her head back on the ground. She thrashed her legs and clawed at my arms and face but I just slammed her head against the ground even harder, knocking her out.<p> "You fucked with the wrong bitch." I said, disoriented. ... Tallahassee smirked at the shorter man. "Ya got me good that time, I'll give ya that." "I got more, asshole." Brian smarted off. He finally had enough of this little game. When Brian lunged at him again, he held his leg up and kicked him so hard in the stomach, that he landed on his back, the air was knocked out of him. "You just keep yer' as parked there." Tallahassee said, and went to Houston. "Anna." He called." You ok, baby?" "Other than havin' a splitting headache, I'm fine." She replied. He reached her and helped her to her feet. "Lets go find our kids." He said, putting her arm around his neck and helped her walk so she could regain her balance. When they walked by Brian, still gasping for air, Houston stopped, reared her leg back and kicked him in the crotch. The two walked around the corner Brian had been hiding behind, hoping it would lead them to their children. They took turns looking in rooms as they went down the hall, when they heard a noise behind the door to their right. Just to be cautious they pulled out their guns and Tallahassee held his gun high, ready to fire as Houston opened the door. We couldn't believe our eyes. ... "We found them a few minutes ago." Columbus explained, Leaning against a small dresser."Wichita said went to go find you two." they were in a small room that had lots of bright colors on the wall but had pictures of employees on the back wall. This must have been an office or something. I fell to my knees at the sight of my baby girl. She was bigger than I remembered, her hair longer, her eyes brighter. "Mommy!" She squealed as she got up from her coloring book and ran to me. I hugged her tightly and cried like a newborn baby. "Oh, baby girl, I missed you so much!" I said through sobs. ... "Son?"Tallahassee shouted, getting alarmed."Buck! Where is he?!" "What?" Came a grumpy, yet sleepy voice. Tallahassee looked to the small mobile bed where Little Rock sat and ran to him. "Daddy?" Buck asked. Tallahassee plucked the boy up into a bear hug and danced in circles. ... I looked to Buck and Paul and couldn't believe this was actually happening. We had our children back and everyone was ok. "How cute." Came a voice. we turned to see Brian leaning against the door frame and pointing a gun at us. "Buck, Skylar." He said through clenched teeth." Come here, come to daddy." "You aren't taking my baby again, Brian!" I shouted." You can't have her!" "And you ain't my boy's daddy either, spit-fuck! So hit the road before I tear you a new one!" "I'm the one with the gun." Brian laughed." I call the shots." Columbus edged closer but was cut short when Brian pointed the gun at him. I held Skylar tighter to me and closed my eyes. "I'm waiting." Brian said to the kids. ... Slowly, Tallahassee sat Buck on his feet and urged him behind him. "Yer' gonna have to go through me." "Gladly." ... A shot rang out and the thud of something that had fell, but I couldn't open my eyes. I was too afraid to. **so thanks for reading I know its short but please feel free to bitch at me about my absence a much as you like and maybe tell me what you think about them finding Buck and Skylar and what you think might happen next. thanks again.** **TheSpazChik.** 11. What Matters The Most **Well I decided to finish this up while it was still on my mind instead of waiting. This is the final chapter and information about a sequel will be at the end in the bottom disclaimer. Happy reading:)** * * * ><p>My tears of joy were now of sorrow. What seamed like the first moment of peace in a long time was now a moment of fear and grief.<p> I still couldn't open my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped, holding my daughter closer. "Anna, baby. Open your eyes." What? Slowly I opened my eyes to see Paul alive and fine. Confused I looked at the door to see Wichita had shot Brian. "I thought-oh thank God!" Sighing, I stood and picked up Skylar and wiped my eyes. "Mommy? What happened to daddy? He fell down." Skylar asked with a scared and confused look on her face. "Baby, that wasn't your daddy." I lied. "That was someone else." "Who is he?" She asked. "We'll talk about it later, sweetie." I told her, looking to Paul. ... Tallahassee sighed and picked up Buck. He had actually thought he was going to be shot, but Wichita came in the nick of time. He glanced at Houston. "Everyone ok?" Wichita asked. After a minute, everyone nodded. "Well we need to go now." She said." Therese no telling how many there are around and how much noise we have made to attract them." ... I helped grab as much food and supplies as we could and we to high-tail it out of there. Tallahassee and Columbus were in front, Little Rock and Wichita covered the rear and I walked in the middle with the kids in the middle. We made it down one level before we had to go through a door to a hall. "Don't tell me we are lost." Columbus sighed. We kept forward until we found the main staircase that led us from from the second floor down to the lobby. To get to the staircase, we had to cross the double door to the small bar the hotel had. Tallahassee, went to one door and leaned against it to peak in the window. "Dammit." Theres about ten of them in there." "You'd think they would have been smart enough to clear out the whole place." I rolled my eyes. We went forward until we came up to the other entrance to the bar, the staircase was right there. ... "Why don't you go this time." Tal suggested to Columbus. The boy nodded and went to the door. He held still till he leaned to the door to look in. And suddenly went forward because the door hadn't been locked. "Hurry!" Houston shouted. We made a b line for the stairs. He looked back to the corpses were already out the unlocked doors and heading for them. ... I picked up Buck and handed him to Tal and Wichita got Sky. "I'll lead them away and round back to the front keep them safe." I instructed. She nodded and instead of going down the stairs with them, I made a lot of noise to get the zombie's attention. When I had it, I ran. I found the steps up to the third level and didn't have time to backtrack, so I went with it and went up. The further away from the others, the better. I made it to the door that led up to the roof and tried to hold the door closed, but they fought hard and left me no choice. I had to go up. ... When Tal and the others got to the car, he turned to make a headcount. "Where's Houston? "She said she was gonna round back to the front and get out." Wichita answered. "What?!" He gave Buck to Columbus and started for the hotel again. "Wait." Wichita called."We gotta be ready for her, Tal." He sighed and looked back to her and nodded. They loaded up and waited by the entrance. ... The roof was big and I had lots of room to run but it would soon run out. Tal was safe from them and so was Buck, Sky, Columbus,Wichita, and Little Rock. Screw the truck and the ring and the guns! I turned from the edge I had reached and pulled out my guns. What I had thought was ten had turned out to be more and eventually, I let my weapons drop. I was out of ammo. And they still kept coming. I hadn't quite thought this through. Oh, to hell with becoming one of them! I made a split second decision and let myself fall from the edge backwards. I didn't care if I died, as long as the ones I cared about were safe. Thats what matters the most. **Thanks so much for reading this is the last chapter. And I cant say if I will write a sequel or not but that depends on you guys. Tell me what you think and please review and alert and be on the lookout incase I do write a sequel:)** **TheSpazChik**. End file.
What Matters The Most by TheSpazChik
Sweet Dreams The gang found a place to stay for the night. Tallahassee was thankful since Columbus was being a paranoid bitch again. Both boys were doing the first watch while the girls rested up. Tallahassee fought back a yawn as Columbus was playing with his hoodie strings with a bored stoic look on his face. Finally, Wichita came downstairs with Little Rock, both arming themselves with loaded guns. Wichita gave Tallahassee a smirk which made him growl in annoyance. Little Rock smacked Columbus's arm, shaking him out of his trance of the hoodie strings. "Our turn to take over. You guys go to bed." Little Rock said. "Ah, thank God." Columbus said, getting up and stretching his arms. "Good night." Wichita said to them as the guys went up the stairs. "Sweet dreams!" Little Rock called out. That comment made Tallahassee scoff. Sweet dreams? In Zombieland? Very unlikely. More like disturbing nightmares and horrid memories of love ones dying being replayed over and over again in your head. As Tallahassee sat on the edge of his own bed, taking off his boots; Columbus was sitting on the edge of his own bed, untying his shoes and taking them off neatly. He got completely on his bed and laid down, sighing softly as he did. He turned to Tallahassee, who was taking off his hat and placing it beside his bedside. "Well, good night." Columbus said with a small smile. "Whatever." Tallahassee grumbled and turned around, facing his back to Columbus. "Sweet dreams..." Columbus hesitantly whispered. Tallahassee just scoffed again and snuggled more into his bed. Columbus sadly smiled and leaned over to turn off the lamp on the nightstand. The night continued quietly with the sound of both of the guys softly snoring. Tallahassee, though, felt something was out of the ordinary. He suddenly felt something tickling his face, and there was a warm glow on his face. He frowned, confused and opened his eyes slowly. Something was shining on his face and he squinted. He grumbled, thinking Columbus forgot to turn off the lamp or something. But he blinked some more again and noticed he was outside. He also noticed he was lying on the grass. Really confused now, Tallahassee sat up and looked around. Everything looked clean-cut and neat. He was outside a huge house on what looked like to be the country side. He noticed there was no zombies around. Just clean air and a fresh blue sky with the sun shining brightly. It felt like a nice summer afternoon. Tallahassee scratched his head, looking around still. When did the gang get here? They were suppose to be inside the broken up suburban house they found by luck. Not this perfect house. This beautiful house, with the walls painted blue and the door painted a clean white. Tallahassee slowly laid back down on the grass, confused. When he laid back down, he felt a fluff of hair brushing up next to him. Turning around, he noticed it was Columbus, smiling gently at him. Tallahassee almost jumped back but Columbus just grabbed his hand and made him stay still. They both sat up and Columbus was still holding his hand. Tallahassee was surprised he didn't have the urge to snap at the kid for sneaking up on him like that. It was probably the kid's smile. He looked so relaxed and, what was the word? Oh yes. Happy. The kid looked happy. Tallahassee also noticed Columbus wasn't wearing his usual outfit. His worn-out dirty outfit because they don't have time to do something as simple as laundry. Instead, the kid was wearing clean summer clothing. He was even barefooted! Columbus held his hand, tracing his thumb on Tallahassee's hand as he leaned over and rested his head on Tallahassee's shoulder. Tallahassee felt a small blush come over his face. Columbus glanced up at him and cutely smiled at him. It was enough to make Tallahassee almost swoon a bit. Tallahassee felt someone run past them and he looked to see it was Little Rock. The little girl actually looked like a little girl. She wasn't wearing her normal outfit either but a nice white summer dress with little yellow flower patters on it. Her hair was completely down, no bandana on. And she didn't have that bratty "I'm better than you" look on her face. Instead, she looked young and adorable. Little Rock's head looked up when Wichita came on the porch of the house. Even she looked different. Not at all bitchy or mean, but gentle and caring. She warmly smiled at her sister and walked back inside the house. Little Rock ran back after her, giggling. Tallahassee blinked, astounded. This can't possible be real. It just can't. He felt Columbus leave his presence, walking around the corner of the house. Tallahassee got up, dusting himself off. He went to go follow Columbus, when he heard something. A giggle, but a different type of giggle. It wasn't Little Rock and it sure wasn't Columbus. Tallahassee knew that giggle anywhere and he froze on the spot. Columbus came back around the corner of the house, holding Buck. Tallahassee felt a rush of fear come over him. It was his son. Columbus is holding his son. His alive and happy son. Columbus smiled up at Tallahassee as Buck giggled again, playing with Columbus's hair. Columbus laughed along with the toddler and tickled him, making the child shriek with laughter. Tallahassee could feel his body shake with shock. Columbus noticed Tallahassee didn't move from his spot and came up to him. Buck smiled up at him, looking the same. Same as before; young, cute, adorable. "Do you wanna hold him?" Columbus asked. Tallahassee noticed his mouth went dry and he cleared his throat. Buck giggled at the noise, grinning at him. Tallahassee hesitantly nodded and held out his arms. Buck laughed with joy and held out his own tiny arms towards his father. Tallahassee slowly grabbed Buck as if he was going to break. Buck pulled his arms around Tallahassee, hugging him tightly. Dear God, Tallahassee could feel himself tearing up. He heard a chuckle and Columbus was gently brushing the tears away with his thumbs. Columbus was softly smiling at him and Tallahassee stared into his eyes. He looked back at Buck, who innocently gave him a peck on his cheek. Tallahassee never felt so at peace before. He gently hugged his son, giving him a kiss on his perfect blonde head. He looked back at Columbus, who was happily watching the father and son scene. He pulled Columbus closer to him, making the kid blush a bit. Acting on impulse, he leaned down and caught Columbus's lips into a kiss. Columbus gently kissed back, closing his eyes as he did. Tallahassee broke the kiss and saw the dazed look on Ohio's face. He heard Buck giggled and he grinned at his son. In his arms were the two most important people to Tallahassee. He must of died and gone to heaven. He could hear the sisters inside the house, and the smell of a meal cooking. Yes, this had to be heaven. Tallahassee was sure about it; and he didn't want to leave it. Suddenly, Columbus was brushing his fingers on Tallahassee's ear. Tallahassee turned to him, smiling confusingly. Columbus just smiled back and whispered something to him. "Wake up." Tallahassee frowned. "What?" "Wake up." Columbus said again. Oh no. No, no, no. "What?" Tallahassee demanded again. "Wake up, you sleepy head. The girls are waiting for us downstairs." Columbus said again. Everything got drained out. The sky, the grass, the house, Buck. Tallahassee just focused on Columbus's face, saying over and over again, "Wake up." Finally, reality hit hard. Tallahassee opened his eyes slowly and Columbus was standing over him, his hand on his shoulder. He wasn't outside; he was back in the broken up suburban bedroom. He was on the lumpy bed and Columbus looked a bit stressed and nervous. "H-Hey. The girls are waiting for us downstairs." Columbus said again. Tallahassee looked up at him and Columbus frowned at him. Something was wrong, he could tell. Before Columbus could question him, Tallahassee grabbed his arm and pulled him down. Columbus gasped in shock and was eye-to-eye with Tallahassee. He blushed red and nervously gulped air. To Columbus, Tallahassee looked very angry. Maybe he should of let him sleep for a few more measly minutes, but Wichita was bugging him to wake Florida up so they can leave. Columbus nervously stuttered out an apology to Tallahassee, when he was interrupted. Tallahassee pulled him for a kiss. Columbus made a confused noise as Tallahassee kissed him and probably blushed even redder then before. Tallahassee manged to sneak his tongue in Columbus's mouth and Columbus quietly moaned. Tallahassee gently broke the lip-locked kiss. Columbus was lightly panting, looking at Tallahassee with a questioning look. "I just had the most beautiful, wonderful but yet depressin' dream ever." Tallahassee said to him. "O-Oh." Columbus said, as if he understood. Tallahassee forlorn a sigh and got up, Columbus moving back a bit so the man can have some space. Tallahassee leaned over for his hat, putting it on. Columbus allowed him to get ready. His face was now flushing a small pink as he touched his lips. Tallahassee grabbed his gun and walked to the door. Columbus followed, grabbing his own gun. "Hey, Tallahassee?" Columbus said to him. "What is it, spit-fuck?" Tallahassee grumbled, glancing over to him. "What was your dream about?" Columbus asked. Tallahassee hid a small smile as he opened the bedroom door. Columbus looked at him with curious eyes, waiting for an answer. Tallahassee looked over at him and Columbus felt himself blush again. "I'll tell you in private later." He said and walked out the room. Columbus blinked, slightly confused. He shrugged though and followed Tallahassee down the stairs. At least Tallahassee had dreams. Maybe the girls did too. Columbus, though, he couldn't remember the last time he had a decent dream; wherever it was a nightmare or just a nice dream. Every night, he went to bed and just slept. He wondered if that was depressing, that he didn't dream. Although, last night, Columbus could of swore he was somewhere different and everything was happy. But, it was all blurry. So, he wasn't sure if he had a dream last night or not. It didn't matter to him. He wanted to know about Tallahassee's dream. For some reason, it made him very curious. * * * **Author's Notes: **Hullo, fandom~ I's not ded. :D Nope, I've been just having a very busy summer. XP I start college soon, so yeah. Anyway, this fic was inspired by the song, _"Wake Up (You Sleepy Head)"_ by Clare & the Reasons. Hope you enjoyed your daily dose of angst mixed with some hurt/comfort. :Db R/R please. End file.
Sweet Dreams by gothgrrl13
1. Chapter 1 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 1 by patricia51 (Set moments before the end of the movie. Wichita panics when she realizes how much she cares for Columbus. Can she find him and Tallahassee and make things right?) (Columbus) I think I knew it even before she did. One moment Wichita was smiling back at me from the car window. I saw the smile fade. I saw the confusion spread over her face followed immediately by panic, sheer wild panic. Then the vehicle was screeching out of the parking lot, heading for the entrance to Pacific Playland. I could hear Little Rock screaming "What are you doing?" as she, fortunately, toppled back inside the car window she had been propped in rather than out on the ground. Maybe that would have been better. It might have stopped Wichita and let her get control of herself. Little Rock had started to toss something to Tallahassee. It wobbled through the air. Instead of reaching him the Twinkie fell on the ground in front of us. The tail lights faded and they were gone. I made a mental note that she must really be moving to get out of sight that fast. I heaved a sigh and picked up my shotgun. "What the hell just happened?" Tallahassee demanded not only of me but the world at large. I wanted to yell, scream, and throw things, anything at all to do something to release my frustration. Then everything let out of me like a balloon that had been popped and I felt nothing but empty. I should have known this was going to happen. I should have known that in this fucked-up world of Zombieland that nothing as good as Wichita was ever going to be mine. "I guess her trust issues got the better of her." He cocked an eye at me. "You're taking this pretty calmly considering how hell bent you were to come here and rescue her." I picked up my shotgun and shrugged. "I guess even I learn when someone's not that into me. Let's go." He bent over and picked up the Twinkie that Little Rock had thrown him. He studied it, jammed it unopened in a pocket and looked around. "Might as well." (Little Rock) The zombies were all dead for good, we were safely off that tower and back into the familiar environment of a car and I was just winding up to throw the Twinkie I had found to Tallahassee when the engine roared, the tires smoked and we were accelerating as though there was a mob of the infected right behind us. Where the Twinkie went I have no idea as I let go of it just in time to grab the car window frame and drop back into the passenger seat. By the light of the park I could see my sister's face and the look there scared me. "What are you doing?" I yelled at her. "Stop!" But I knew that she wasn't going to pay me any mind. In fact I was pretty sure she wasn't hearing me at all. Her face was frozen and she stared straight ahead without blinking. Her knuckles were so tight on the steering wheel that they were white. She drove as though she was barely seeing the road in front of us. I know she didn't see the pair of zombies that she flattened as we pulled back up onto the interstate. She started talking. I thought that must be a good thing until I realized that she wasn't talking to me. She was talking to herself and she was repeating our major rule over and over in a sing-song voice as though it were some kind of chant. "Trust no one, just you and me. Trust no one, just you and me." She scraped other cars abandoned on the road even when there was room to go around them. She just kept going, going as though the devil was behind us. I knew the devil wasn't but I thought that a certain former University of Texas boy from Columbus, Ohio had a lot to do with things. I was more than a little confused though. I had seen them hug; I had seen them kiss. Maybe that was it. Krista finally began to slow down a little as daylight began and the frozen look began to ease her face just a little. At last she stopped her recitation and fell silent. When that happened I went ahead and asked. "Was his kiss that bad?" (Wichita) "Was his kiss that bad?" I blinked. What did she say? In fact, as my mind began to take in the rising sun and the unfamiliar scenery around us that thought changed to "What the hell is going on? I looked around and added both "Where the hell are we?" and then "Where are Columbus and Tallahassee?" My head was pounding and my hands hurt. Why did my hands hurt? I was clenching the steering wheel so hard I though I might have left fingerprints in the plastic. I tried to relax them. Then I realized my entire body was stiff from tenseness, every muscle in it seemed knotted up. What was so strange was that I couldn't seem to remember anything from... from where? "Think Krista," I told myself even as I finally managed to ease off the gas petal and pull over to the side of the interstate. The interstate? What the hell were we doing here? And why did I have to keep asking myself questions that I should already know the answers to? I looked over at my little sister, who was looking back at me like I was a two-headed monster. She had been yelling at me earlier, I could recall that although I wasn't sure what it was she had been yelling or why. Why did my head hurt so badly? I desperately scanned the back seat as though I could find a certain someone under the seat cushions or something like that. And then I remembered. "Oh SHIT! Columbus!" (To be continued) (By the way, the title is taken from the song of the same name first released by The Four Seasons in 1966 and then again in 1979 by The Spinners in a medley with "Forgive Me Girl" with a Motown sound. You can find both at youtube.) > <p> 2. Chapter 2 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 2 by patricia51 (Wichita) "Oh SHIT! Columbus!" I collapsed back into the seat, all the pent up energy of the last few hours exhausted. "What did I just do?" I moan. "What you did is pretty clear," my sister reminded me. "Okay, so I know WHAT I did. WHY did I just do it? One moment I was feeling warm and happy. Columbus showed he had a lot more guts than a guppy. He and Tallahassee saved us. I was so excited when you pointed out they had showed up." The younger girl nodded. "You said we should start working on our apology." "Absolutely," I agreed. "And I meant it. I was surprised that they came after us but awfully glad that they did. I know Tallahassee likes killing zombies and I understand why he does but Columbus," I hesitated and my heart tightened and it was a moment before I could go on, "Columbus came for us. All the way for us. In spite of what he had to face." "For you," she corrected me. "He's in love with you. Oh he was glad to see me not being eaten too but that's more because he knew how much it would upset you." In spite of everything I manage to smile at my sister and for the first time since I lost it at the park I feel a little better. "That's true. When did you get so smart?" She made a dismissive gesture. "I've always been this smart, even if I don't know who Gandhi and Willie Nelson are." She looked thoughtful. "What did you mean by saying Columbus came for us in spite of what he had to face?" I could feel the smile fading from my face. Once again, how could I have done what I did? After what he faced? I sighed. "Columbus is the biggest bundle of walking; talking fears I have ever met in my life. I swear he's scared of everything. Of course as he pointed out that might well be why he has survived this long. He recognizes dangerous situations and he avoids them. But he didn't avoid the biggest one last night." My sister was really looking puzzled by now. "You mean zombies?" "No." I hesitated. He had told me this in confidence the night before but I needed to explain just how brave he had been and how little of a guppy he could be when the chips were down. "Columbus' greatest fear is of clowns." "You're kidding!" "No, seriously. And it's not all that uncommon. He told me there's even a word for it." I searched my memory. "Coulrophobia," I said triumphantly. "So when he came for us..." "Uh-huh. The last zombie he had to go through to get to us was a huge clown zombie. And he didn't have any shells left for his shotgun so he had to tackle it with that 'ring the bell' strongman hammer he grabbed up and used. I was surprised. I was happy. I was so darned proud of him. That's why I hugged and kissed him, not because he had just saved us, although I certainly was happy about THAT. I did it because he showed he's NOT a guppy; that he could face his greatest fear and overcome it." That, of course, was the perfect opening for my sister to ask the sixty-four hundred dollar question. "So why are we here and he and Tallahassee back there?" (Little Rock) I was very glad that Krista was finally back from wherever she had been for the last few hours. If she was freaked out I had been scared. Very scared. The two of us have been on our own for a long time, well before the infection and the collapse of everything. We're a team sure but she's the senior partner and I've always depended on her to be in control and to look after me. That's something she's always done too. I knew perfectly well that she hadn't believed in the idea of Pacific Playland being zombie free, that she was going along with me. And that was even before I heard her confiding in Columbus why she was doing it. I think she told Columbus a lot of things. Things she had never shared with any one but me and some things she had never told me. So why had we gone roaring away from him? We're pretty used to roaring away from places. Once I have the cash in hand from the "reward" for finding the lost "engagement ring" that our latest sucker is now gloating about we don't hang around. I mean not a good idea to still be in the same county when the guy discovers that the phone number and address that Krista gave him don't exist. She always parks a safe distance around at least one corner. We set that up ahead of time so I know exactly where she is and don't waste any time getting to her. After all, we've left some guy gloating how he forked over a few hundred dollars for a ring he's going to get three thousand for returning. And I'm neither naive nor stupid. I know the sight of Krista on her hands and knees with her legs showing and her short skirt tight over her rear end which she always carefully aims at the sucker has his brain so addled he's not thinking at all. Heck even before I show up to "find" the ring, which is of course safely in my pocket, he's still so fixated on her he hasn't realized that she drove off without paying for the gas she pumped. That's why the timing is so important. I have to get there while he's still imagining not only the money he's going to get but while he's also playing fantasies through his head about being with Krista. I know all about sex. I don't mean that the way it sounded. I mean I understand how Krista uses being sexy to make guys lower their guard and keep their minds bouncing back and forth between the thought of the reward and the thought of her. That has them practically drooling when I find the ring and willing to empty that cash drawer to get it. When we first started this I asked Krista if what we were doing wasn't dishonest. She didn't give me an immediate answer but rather thought about it a bit first. "Yes. And no. There's an old saying that you can't cheat an honest man. Think about it. What would really be the right thing for someone to do when a young girl finds an object that someone knows is worth a lot of money if it is returned to the owner and that someone has the address right in his pocket?" "He should tell her that there's a reward and give her the address to send the ring to." "Exactly. But these guys don't. They try to get the ring without offering anything. If pushed they'll shell out some money but that's because they're telling themselves that they'll get ten times that amount of money back. They're doing their best to cheat someone. So as far as I'm concerned they deserve it." Suddenly it hits me. THAT'S why she panicked. That's what she fled from. Columbus is the guy who'll give the girl who finds the ring the address to send it to so that she gets the three thousand dollars. And Krista doesn't know how to handle someone like that. (To be continued) (I know, pretty short chapters but I'm stopping where it seems right to me. Plus I'm trying to get it up as soon as I can. By the way, Coulrophobia IS a real word indicating an abnormal fear of clowns. It's not officially recognized though by the American Psychiatric Association. I was tickled though to find in the Wikipedia article on it that the very first example mentioned of its use on screen was... Columbus in Zombieland!) 3. Chapter 3 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 3 by patricia51 (Tallahassee) I can't believe that I have to remind Columbus of his own rules. He walked right up to that bathroom, jerked open the door and strolled in like he was, well, me. Not afraid of anything. Well he certainly wasn't prepared for anything either. Then when the zombie charged him he fired one shot and stepped over the body without looking back. Now I do that but then I pretty much expect them to me fully dead after I shoot them. Whatever happened to his "double-tap" thingy? Okay, I know perfectly well what happened. A certain dark-haired, dark-eyed gal happened when she took off on him. Again. Somehow I had to shake him out of it before he got himself killed. Or worse, got me killed although that wasn't very likely. But I had grown fond of the peppy little spit-fuck and it would be just my luck to be covering his skinny ass because he wasn't paying attention and have something sneak up on me. I'm not one for thinking things over a lot but that sudden take-off of the girls has me purely puzzled. One moment Wichita was leaning in the driver's widow with her arms crossed and smiling and the next she was peeling out of the parking lot in a move that Dale Earnhardt himself would have been proud of. Something about that just ain't right. She and Columbus had finally got to first base. That might not sound like much to most guys but for Columbus that was damn well hitting a home run. And Little Rock. I don't think she had any idea what was taking place. Then again I'm not sure even Wichita could have told us what was going through her mind. But I don't care what I told that little girl on the trip to Pacific Playland about not playing with her there. I miss her already and it's only been a couple of days. Hell, I don't just miss her I miss her something fierce. I don't care if she DIDN'T know who Bill Murray was I feel something towards her I ain't felt since I lost Buck. And that means her being gone was leaving a big old hole in my heart. Once we got over the shock of the girls doing their disappearing act again we took stock. We had a fair number of weapons but not a lot of ammo. On the other hand we, and I'm giving the other three credit too, had cleared the local neighborhood zombies out. As a precaution I found the main switchboard and shut everything down, although hell by now every zombie in miles had already shown up and done been handled. Then we settled in for the night. Zombies are easier to deal with when you can see them proper. Besides, I think we both had hopes that once she calmed down that Wichita would be back by the morning time. She wasn't. So we started walking. Now I've done plenty of walking in my life but I never really cottoned to it. Not when an alternative can be found. But that whole first day we couldn't find a car that worked. Well, not one that I was willing to be seen in even by the zombies. Speaking of zombies we purely had a time with them. We had agreed to head back to La Mansion de Murray but we got sidetracked several times and by sundown we really weren't much closer to there than when we started. We had found an old hardware store and raided their ammunition supplies as well as picked up some camping type stuff. When we holed up in an abandoned auto shop without windows and with steel doors to lock from the inside we were pretty well set. Several times during the day I'd see Columbus stop and strain as though he thought he could hear something. That something was, I was sure, the sound of our missing vehicle and missing gals. I understood. I was straining my ears too. (Little Rock) If I thought our mad dash away from Pacific Playland had been crazed, well, I hadn't seen anything yet. Krista seemed to think that the harder she stomped on the accelerator that the easier it would be to explain to Columbus why she had left him standing there right after he had saved our lives. How easy that was going to be I couldn't imagine because I knew that "You're the one who would give the girl the address" probably wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to him, even though he was familiar with our routine and had actually thought it was pretty funny, And that it WAS the guys' faults for trying to take advantage of a twelve year old girl. I wanted to close my eyes but figured at least I could scream warnings occasionally to my sister as she roared right back to where we had left Columbus and Tallahassee. This time I think she saw every one of the zombies that we ran over. In fact she seemed to be blaming them one and all for the situation we were in now. We went so fast that it was still daylight when we screeched back into the parking lot. And there we were, all by ourselves with only the bodies of a few more zombies than I recalled being there when we left. (Wichita) At least I was conscious on the drive back, regardless of what my sister thought. Yes, she spent a lot of time yelling "Truck on the right!" and "Look out for the bus!" and "You just ran over an entire zombie junior ballerina class! And yes, so trying to hop the railing in order to save time when I found the interchange I needed was blocked wasn't the smartest driving I've ever done but I really was focusing on my driving. I had to focus on the driving. Because for the life of me I had no clue what I was going to say to Columbus when we got back. All that kept running through my head was "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Now that I really needed one I couldn't come up with an apology that sounded even half real to my own ears. But I was damn sure going to try. That was why when we roared back into the parking lot the one thing I had not considered was what greeted my eyes. There was no one there. "What do we do now?" my sister asked. I had no idea. (To be continued) 4. Chapter 4 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 4 by patricia51 (Little Rock) It was just like when Krista had finally recovered from her panic attack out on the interstate. She just kept looking around with this puzzled look on her face, as though she was unable to accept the fact that Columbus just wasn't here. In fact I was starting to freak out about my sister's sudden habit of freaking out. "Krista!" When she turned to look at me I added "He's not here." She shook her head slowly sideways as though she was denying what I had just said. Then the confusion left her face and finally I was seeing the sister who had been taking care of me for years now, since we had found ourselves alone and on the road long before the infection swept over the country. There was determination on her face now. "You're right. Okay. They left. On foot but by now I'm sure they have a vehicle of some sort. So where would they go to?" "Back to that Ghostbusters guy's place, right?" I contributed. "Right." Instead of charging off immediately again Krista took stock of what we had and my stomach began to settle back down. She was thinking again, the thinking and planning that had kept us fed and housed and safe for so long. "Okay, we need gas. We need ammunition. We need food and we need sleep." "Then we'll find them?" I knew her thoughts were of Columbus and that was fine but I missed Tallahassee a lot. Not any kind of romantic way... YUCK!... but we had become friends and I knew he would look after me... us... both of us I mean. Like an older brother sort of or even a... I shied away from finishing that thought. Some wounds run too deep. "And then we'll find them," she said firmly. And now everything was going to be okay. Krista said so. We'll find them. (Columbus) I nearly got Tallahassee killed today. We were browsing a car dealer's lot and I wasn't paying attention. Again. So when the remaining sales staff poured out of the sales manager's office, where I doubt they had been holding a pep talk, I was staring out the showroom window. I mean at least I could have been looking under the hood of the Escalade Tallahassee had found or something. Oh who am I kidding? I don't know the first thing about cars other than the gas goes in one place and the key in another. So I'm thinking about dark-hair being brushed back over an ear and for once Tallahassee didn't have his game on. He was looking at the Caddy. I was supposed to be watching for zombies. Fortunately one thing zombies are not is silent. I heard the first slobber and turned in time to let go with one barrel into the one leading the charge. I guess he was probably the sales leader for the previous month or something like that that meant he got first bite. I should have double-tapped him but there wasn't time for that. I fired the other shell into the main group and watched the havoc the buckshot made as I dug out two more shells and broke the action open. This fortunately let Tallahassee drop down and the surge of bodies kind of went over him and he didn't get bitten. Everyone has kept telling me and telling me that a double-barrel shotgun is not the ideal weapon to carry. I understand what they're saying but look at it from my point of view. I know just about as much about guns as I do about cars. This shotgun is simple, it's easy to clean and it never jams because the spit-fuck using it, i.e. me, does something stupid with it like inserting the magazine backwards. By the time I reloaded and fired again Tallahassee had squirmed out of the pile and was methodically picking the zombies off, one bullet in the head to a customer. He never needed to double-tap. Well actually he did but I handled it for him. He nodded to me and turned his attention back to the Caddy. He didn't need to say anything. I knew darn well I had fucked up and he knew I knew. So he didn't point it out to me and I didn't have to apologize. I just thrust Wichita out of my mind, at least for now and concentrated on doing what I was supposed to be doing. Cleaning out the dealership meant once Tallahassee had the SUV running we were able to drive it over to the body shop and put an armored sweeper on the front like the one he had on the vehicle he had been driving when we first met. He felt much better with it on there; which meant I felt better two. And we even found stencils to allow him to paint a practically professional looking "3" on each door. "Dale himself would be proud of that," he nodded approvingly. We carefully fueled the vehicle and stocked it with everything else we had scrounged. Tallahassee had glance over at me rather casually , or at least trying to pretend to be casual, as we finished the loading so I played along, turning my head away and pretending rpt fascination with something or other in the back seat. As soon as he was sure I wasn't looking he slipped the Twinkie, still unopened, that Little Rock had tossed him, looked at it, sighed and put it into the glove compartment. Obviously I wasn't the only one missing someone though it was quite obvious that Tallahassee's feelings about Little Rock tended towards the paternal. I wondered what the back story was behind Wichita and Little Rock and how they had ended up on the road together but also alone. Where were their parents? What had happened in their past that set them on the path they had been traveling when the world ended? Tallahassee fired up the engine. I climbed on board and we were off. Since I no longer had any destination in mind at all it didn't matter to me that Tallahassee had decided we would head to Mexico in search of "Los Submerenos". One place was as good as another. I guess I was never going to know the answers to those questions. I really would have liked to though. (To be continued) 5. Chapter 5 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 5 by patricia51 (Wichita) I was keeping myself busy. Not that there wasn't quite a lot to do. We had to resupply just about everything; food, water, ammo and gas while keeping an eye out for wandering zombies. There seemed to be fewer of them nowadays then there were a couple of months ago when the infection reached its peak. I wondered if they were dying off for lack of people to eat or if there was some other reason their numbers seemed to be shrinking. Anyway that was just as well since until we lucked upon a suprising not looted Wal-Mart with an attached gas island. Apparently they had just stocked up for the fall hunting season as we were able to gather a lot of shells for both my shotgun and my sister's rifle. We also added a pistol that must have belonged to someone who wasn't as fast as we were since we found it in the middle of the floor still fully loaded. And the sporting goods section had boxes of nine millimeter ammo for it as well. Having ammo again was good, I was getting tired of having to run over any zombies we encountered and you can't do that very well in the aisles of a store. It can be done however, although it does tend to bend up the fenders a lot. So we loaded up and then drove back out, stopping near the grocery section to stock up on food and water. We took out the rmaining zombies, at longer range now and then drove back out the front doors. Well, why not? Someone else had done that already. I wondered if it could be... I shook my head. Could I have that much luck? Did I deserve that much luck? I had spent a rather sleepless night thinking. Although I'm not given much to self-examination at the best of times I had no choice but to examine my feelings and actions. I knew why I had bolted from Columbus and I knew what I would tell him when next I saw him. I refused to listen to the little voice that whispered in my left ear "You'll never see him again" or the other one that whispered in my right ear "Even if you do he'll never forgive you". I reminded myself that my right ear was the one he had brushed my hair over. That let me cling to hope. (Little Rock) I sure felt a lot better as we pulled away from what was left of that Wal-Mart. We were all stocked up and Krista was acting a whole lot more like her old self. What a relief. I didn't like the thought of having to take care of her. I WOULD of course if I needed to but she's been the only adult in our lives until lately so I was happy she was back to take care of me. "Where to next?" I asked. "Bill Murray's place maybe?" "Do you think they would have gone back there?" i didn't say anything but I was glad to know that we were still going to try to find Tallahassee. And Columbus too of course. "I don't know," she admitted, "But I really can't think of any other place to start looking. Can you?" "Nope." And off we went. (Columbus) I was keeping a sharp lookout, I really was. We had to pick our way through more abandoned, wrecked and burned cars, trucks and busses than I had ever seen. Everyone in LA must have tried to get out of town at the same time. More than once we found masses that we just couldn't get through and had to take another route. Sometimes we crossed the median and drove in the other lanes, sometimes we drove down the median and sometimes we had to flat turn around and try another way. Tallahassee was NOT enjoying himself. We didn't even see any zombies, which was fine with me, but he tended to brood about Buck when he didn't have them around to take out his anger on. We were turning off of yet another overpass when I thought I heard a distant horn honking. I looked around but we had already started down the ramp and my field of vision was curtailed. I listened intently but didn't hear anything. I chalked it up to my overactive imagination. Besides, very shortly I had a lot more on my mind than phantom car horns. (Wichita) "There they are! There they ARE!" My sister screamed right into my ear and I nearly crashed because her arm shot across right in front of my eyes. But who cared? I didn't crash. I just slammed on brakes and let my line of sight follow her finger. Yes it WAS a Escalade and black and that was Tallahassee's favorite vehicle but there were other people on the road every now and then so how could she be sure? Then I saw the number three painted on the driver's door and I slammed my hand repeatedly on the car horn until the other vehicle passed out of sight. "We lost them," I moaned. "No, I've got a bead on where they just turned on to the interstate. Thanks goodness we saw them." Thank goodness indeed. I twisted the wheel and headed in the direction she was pointing. And if my sister thought I drove like a wild woman the other night, well, she hadn't seen anything yet. All she could do after the first minute was hang on while I cut across highways and interchanges and bounced off a car or three. Well, hang on and shout things like "That highway off to the left" and "Would you slow DOWN?". As it turned out we made a wrong move somewhere because when we reached the edge of the correct ramp we weren't at the beginning of it. We really weren't even at the end where it merged on to the interstate. We were in fact up on a hillside looking nearly straight down. But that was good because as we jumped out of the car we hadn't been seen when the shots were fired. That made us stop and peek over the edge at what was going on. And what was going on I didn't like one bit. So what was I going to do about it? Fortunately I had an idea. I scampered back to the rear of the SUV and dug frantically for a few things I thoght I'd never need again but just couldn't make myself get rid of. (To be continued) 6. Chapter 6 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 6 by patricia51 (Tallahassee) Not that I'm ever going to admit it but this is mostly my fault. The situation Columbus and I are in right now that is. I had backtracked too many times trying to get going south and I was tired of it. I could HEAR the Twinkies down in Mexico calling me, and it was nearly noisy enough to drown out the other voices reminding me that we had unfinished business here in LA. I could claim that I was spending too much time looking over at Columbus. I was worried about him. I knew he was putting up a brave front about not caring but that little spit-fuck wasn't fooling me. He and I actually had something in common, besides being alive that is. We both tended to give ourselves completely when we let someone get close. That's why I first went with the place names rather than real ones. I've learned my lesson. You don't get close. Yea, I'm lying like a rug. I have got close. To all three of them. It hurt when the girls took off or at least Wichita did and Little Rock didn't have a choice in the matter from what I saw. The funny thing is that I kind of understand why Wichita acted like she did. Doesn't mean I agree with her though. The time to be peeling out of the parking lot is BEFORE going to first base with Columbus, not after. Because to that little spit-fuck that was a declaration of love. And the second funny thing, come to think of it, is that it might just be that for her as well. Okay so this was where my mind was instead of paying attention to the road. Yes, I could see that the line of vehicles was narrowing down and I was hoping the road wouldn't be blocked ahead because I'd have to back up for a good long time before we could turn around. So naturally when we rounded a sharp curve I wasn't surprised at all to see the road was indeed blocked. But what should have set off immediate alarm bells was the way it was blocked. Instead of stalled vehicles nose to tail there was an old bus sideways across the road. Even as I slammed on the brakes I realized it didn't get there by accident. I shifted into reverse but it was too late. (Little Rock) I've been scared a lot, especially over the last couple of months. But now I was REALLY scared. Looking down I could see Tallahassee and Columbus and the trap they had been caught in. Their vehicle was pinned front and rear between two lines of rusted cars and the half dozen guys surrounding them had guns. A lot of guns and they were pulling our guys from the SUV. I aimed down at them but they were too close together. And if I couldn't use my rifle than I knew Krista's shotgun would be even worse. What were we going to do? And what was she doing rummaging in the back of our vehicle? Then she was back beside me and my mouth must have dropped open because she grinned at me. A tight grin filled with worry but a grin never-the-less. She handed me her shotgun and pointed. "I'm going down that little walkway right there. Be ready. You'll know when the time is right to either toss me my shotgun or start shooting yourself. Don't worry little sister; I've got faith in you." Before I could protest she was gone, bending as low as she could in that outfit and slipping down the path that took her just to the other side of the rusting bus that was parked sideways across the road. She paused for a second; slipping on the shoes she had carried rather than worn as she descended. She adjusted her clothing, took a deep breath and walked around the bus. (Columbus) I can't fault Tallahassee. Or even me this time. I mean, who would have thought it? There are grocery stores all over, packed with food that will be good yet for a long time. There are other stores, most of them slightly looted of course but still filled with all the gadgets and gizmos and stuff you could want. True, you have to handle the zombies but that's not an insurmountable problem, you just have to be careful and with a group of armed survivors (and there probably aren't any survivors that aren't armed come to think of it) there's even less risk. So who is crazy enough to lurk out on a pretty much abandoned forever highway in the hopes of conducting a holdup? And, fuck me, who are crazy enough to jump out and yell "Give us all your money!"? Where the hell do they think they're going to spend it? Of course these guys probably ARE crazy. They're wild-eyed, dirty and the expressions in their eyes pretty much match those of the average zombie. So with three guns pointed at each of us after they fired several shots in the air to get our attention, Tallahassee and I looked at each other, shrugged and got out of the vehicle. The only problem I see is that we don't HAVE any money. I don't even have a wallet. When they find that out things go from extremely bad to genuine shit-storm. Two of them are slobbering now and "Kill 'em" seems to be the predominate sound they're grunting. I can see Tallahassee's arm tensing and I know he's about to make a try for his cut-down rifle when a strange clicking sound draws everyone's attention and what we see makes everyone's jaw drop and eyes bug out. All I can say is that no wonder Wichita had her marks brain dead by the time Little Rock finished the con. Because the woman walking towards us would make any vaguely heterosexual guy swallow his common sense. And any other sense he had. Long slender sexy legs peeking out from under the shortest, tightest black skirt I have ever seen and those legs made even more remarkable by the black high heels that are the source of the clicking sound. Hips swaying enticing back and forth. A low cut blouse showing that the wearer seems to have forgotten to wear a bra. And topping it all, black hair cascading around a beautiful face centered on two dark expressive eyes and a pair of lips that fairly shout "Kiss me. Kiss me NOW! "Hi fellas," the gorgeous apparition speaks with a million watt smile that freezes us all, except for a certain part on each guy that is responding as fast as it can to the vision before us. "I was hoping you could... oh damn." Something rang on the concrete and she turned sideways and bent over to pick whatever it was up. "God," was the murmur all around us as that already tight skirt pulled even closer to Wichita's butt as well as rode up almost to that butt even as her leg muscles flexed. I was pretty sure I heard drooling around me. Then Tallahassee's hand was blurring towards his holster; a rifle opened up from above us and I dove back into the front seat, grabbing my shotgun and rolling on my back to point it at the guys on my side. (To be continued) 7. Chapter 7 Working My Way Back to You, Chapter 7 by patricia51 (Little Rock) There was one long frozen moment and then it seemed like the whole world exploded. I took a shot at the guy nearest to Tallahassee. That guy seemed to be the one person that wasn't ogling my sister and still had his gun covering his target. I staggered him enough for Tallahassee to draw and then everything happened at once. Columbus dove back into the passenger's seat and then two of the guys on his side were falling. I guess catching a load of 12 gauge buckshot at close range does that. Tallahassee, as I expected, cleaned out his side in the blink of an eye. As I hefted Krista's shotgun to toss to her I saw it. There was one guy still on his feet. He had, along with the others, been staring at Krista. Staring? His eyes had been popping out. But even his excuse for a brain figured out something was going on and that she was part of it. All he had to do was lift the gun that was in his hands. I had her shotgun in one hand and my rifle in the other, Tallahassee was on the other side of the vehicle and Columbus was out of ammo and fumbling to reload. I swear I even saw the guy's finger tightening on the trigger. Then that gun was firing harmlessly into the air as one hundred pounds or so of skinny but enraged Texas college student knocked it and the guy holding it to the ground where Columbus proceeded to beat the guy unconscious with the butt of his shotgun. He was breathing heavily when he got up and spun around to check on Krista. The two of them just looked at each other. My attention was drawn away from that scene when what Tallahassee was yelling finally penetrated my mind. "Little Rock? Little Rock! LITTLE ROCK are you alright?" He must have been yelling for a bit because he suddenly loomed up in my line of sight, having apparently levitated up the forty foot bluff because I don't see how he could have climbed it that fast. But he was there and the look of relief in his eyes that I was okay made me feel very good. It WAS just like having a big brother who was worried about me. There was a LOT of awkward silence down on the road below us. Finally we yelled a few words to each other and decided to go back to Bill Murray's place after all. Columbus and Krista got in the car down there and Tallahassee and I took this one. We got out of there before all the noise drew any zombies. (Wichita) It was a long ride back to Bill's place, made even longer because neither Columbus nor I could seem to think of a single word to say to each other. Word? We could barely look at each other. One of us would sneak a peek and then the other would see and the first one would look back ahead again. That went on the whole way. If it hadn't been so serious it would have been funny. From his actions I knew that Columbus still cared for me and I hoped he realized I felt the same way about him too. Because of the criss-crossing and back-tracking we had all been doing it only took us a couple of hours to get to our destination. It didn't seem any longer then a week or so to me. When we finally got there we checked the mansion carefully, hid the vehicles in the garage and settled down. Tallahassee and my sister disappeared, leaving me with Columbus in the same room he and I had danced together in just a couple of nights before. (Columbus) I desperately wanted to hear what she had to say but the drive back to the mansion wasn't the place for it. So we settled in what I actually thought of as "our" room and I waited. She started to pace but brought up short with a wince. "What's wrong?" She sat down in a chair, pulling off one heel and then trying, and failing, to get the other one off. I went to her and repeated my question. "It's nothing; I cut my foot coming down the hillside. I think the shoe is glued to my foot," she said lightly, as though trying to make it a joke. "We need to do something about it." "Not yet. Not now. Damn, I wish I hadn't given this away," she looked like she was about to burst into tears. "I didn't want you to feel sorry for me during this conversation. I wanted you to hopefully listen to what I have to say; my excuses and apologies and my promise to never act like that again with a clear and open mind. And if you can't forgive me, well, I trust you to tell me that too and I'll have to live with that." I nodded and listened. I had already figured out that something really bad had happened in the lives of the two of them to make them both this cynical so young. And as for trust issues, well, I had commented on that more than once. If Krista and I were to get to a place that I was beginning to think that we both wanted to get to I needed to know what had happened to make Krista and Little Rock who they are. It really was a simple tale. I had always thought my parents were anything but mainstream, being paranoid loners like me (I often wondered how they had managed to get together close enough and long enough to have me) but they had nothing on Krista and Little Rock's folks. A mother that gave up, wandered off into her own world and died early was matched with a father that simply disappeared on them without a word, sign or note. The Family Services people tried to help but had to split up the siblings. They were bounced from home to home to rapid succession and at least once during that time there was an attempt to molest Krista. Finally she had found her sister and the two of them had escaped together and hit the road, coming up with their "lost engagement ring" idea and funding its start-up by "liberating" their car and some money from a crooked used car dealer who fell for Krista and involved her in one of his schemes. I was glad to learn all this. Not because I enjoyed the idea of all that had happened to her and her sister but because it let me understand her so much better. I waited as patiently as I could to find out what this had to do with why she had taken off the other night. Then she explained it. Little Rock had been the one that had put it into words for her; that I was the guy who wouldn't try to cheat her, the one she actually could trust. And for one moment she just couldn t figure out how to accept that. So she had run until she came to her senses. "There's nothing more that I can say except I'm sorry and that I'll never leave you again. If you still want me." The thing was that there did seem to be something more she wanted to say. When I asked her about it she shook her head. "I do want to say something more but I won't. I mean it but you might think of it as another con." I was pretty sure I knew what she was thinking. I hoped so. (Wichita) Columbus nodded with a look in his eyes I couldn't be sure of but gave me hope. He didn't say anything. Instead, he told me he'd be right back. He was, with a bowl of hot water, bandages and other stuff he had raided from the master bathroom. He carefully pried my other heel off, washed the cuts, applied antiseptic to them and then bandages. Once he was satisfied he took my hand and led me in a search for Tallahassee and Little Rock, walking slowly and supporting my arm to take the weight off my foot. We found them in another room. My sister was curled up asleep on a bed, covered in a blanket that Tallahassee was tucking in around her. Without noticing us he walked over to a chair near the bed and sat down where he could keep an eye on her. He folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes. We went back to our room. Columbus looked at me with a faraway look in his eyes. "The first time I ever let a woman into my life she tried to eat me. The second time," and here he looked directly at me and the faraway look was gone," well, I wish she would have tried to eat me because it would have hurt less." I winced. "But you came back. And I believe you when you say you'll stay. And I believe what you won't say but I know anyway." He was right in front of me now and how could I ever have though he was a guppy? He brushed the hair from my ear and whispered a first name. With that I knew he forgave me and loved me too. Now that he knew I really meant it I told him I did and with my sister and our adopted big brother in the other room safe and happy too we were a family. (The End) End file.
Working My Way Back to You by patricia51
Robotland The sound of feet running on the floor on top-or what sounded like feet, anyway- awoke me from my sleep. My rifle fell on the floor with a thud. I thought perhaps it was dream, a very bad one, but I still kept hearing it. It drowned my ears and sent unpleasant shivers down my spine. I squinted in the dim lighted space as I probe for my rifle. It was apocalypse up there, in the real world. For three months now the iRobcer, a fusion of robots and cyber creatures created to help human, have set a war against their creators. It was only a matter of time for it to happen. They were too smart, too capable. For a century human beings have been living with the iRobcer. Maids, cooks and handymen were fired when the iRobcer sensation hit. They became the staple of the year quickly. Everyone had one. Not once the microwave was touched to heat a food, iRobcer did anything for you. For fifty years they worked right and humans became dependent of them. Who could've possibly imagine these creatures made of steel and wires, controlled with buttons would be the cause of massive manslaughter? Or the so proclaimed iRobcer would lead to the World War IV? Around 2070 scientists- the creators of our future death weapon- realized a few imperfections in the iRobcer central memory and malfunctions on the wire system. They realized what it was. And what a surprise! Technology was advancing. The iRobcer were beginning to think. This was unknown to the public who kept buying- oblivious. At our new millennium, the scientists implemented a security mode in the iRobcer. This meant the iRobcer could defend their master when the iRobcer _sensed _danger. It was included bullets and pepper spray in the iRobcer. The iRobcer went from thinking simple words- yes, no, food- to phrases. And they started thinking on their own. ''Silas!'' I yelled, rifle poised. Where the hell was he? This is what I got to when I had a partner. Silas would always disappear when I needed him. I walked around the room, a safe deposit of a bank underground, looked behind archives and tables. No Silas. Finally, I stumbled into something. ''Hey, careful there,'' someone muttered, taking away an old newspaper from his face. ''I've been calling you!'' I shook my head at him in exasperation. ''I think they're coming.'' That seemed to wake him up. A six-feet tall boy with messy blond hair stood up and went to the steel door. I followed him and watched him cock his head to a side and press his ear against the door. ''No. I hear nothing.'' He turned around and looked at me as if crazy. ''We're underground, Ella.'' ''Oh, and just because we're underground we're safe? You don't know, they might use their bombs.'' ''I doubt that. Shit, how many bombs would one of them have in them? They have exploded to ruins the whole world.'' ''You never know with them.'' ''Relax. Okay?'' Green eyes looked at me. ''Fine. But if they come, I'll let them take you first.'' ''Deal. Now let me sleep.'' ''I don't get it. How can you sleep when you know people are being killed and we're probably next?'' He looked at me from his 'sleeping place'. A cardboard next to a gray archive. ''You just can't let it go. Can you? I never knew you talked this much.'' ''What?'' ''In school you were always quiet and minding your own business. If I knew you uttered at least a single word, I would've taken you out.'' I was stunned. This was not how the conversation should've gone. Silas and I were in the same school, same senior and had almost the same classes. He was the popular guy and I was the nerd who never spoke. By a cruel joke of fate, we had found each other in the eve of the war and since then were stuck together. ''You're not that bad.'' He admitted, looking at my face. ''You don't know what you're talking about. In fact, you should stop talking.'' ''I always noticed you, you know.'' He crossed his arms behind his head, muscles bulging through his tight polo shirt, and looked at the ceiling. ''You always had the right answers to what the teachers asked. Kind of annoying.'' He stopped. ''You always wore long skirts- like the one you're wearing right now- and a high ponytail. Many jocks wanted with you.'' _Shocking news, _I thought. A few of them had insinuated to me. I bit my lip and wondered to where this was heading. We'd never talked this much. ''I used to see you walking alone in the hallways, your head bowed down. You never smiled, you were always so serious.'' ''Silas, where is this going?'' I asked, seriously, looking at the archive instead of him. My heart was beating hard against my chest. Silas's been my crush since elementary. ''The thing is, Elle, I've always wanted to know you. You fascinated me but I didn't dare.'' Silence hung. I gulped hard. Why was this happening in the midst of a war? When iRobcer could be around the corner? I didn't realize he was getting up until he stood in front of me. ''I know it's the wrong moment to-'' I interrupted him. ''It is, you couldn't have picked a worse time.'' He chuckled slightly. ''But I like you. And if the iRobcer come right now, I want the last thing I touched to be you.'' ''I never knew you were this romantic.'' He took a few steps toward me and took the rifle from my hands and laid it the ground. ''Is that an okay?'' His face was so close to me, I was finding it hard to breathe. ''It's not the best time, Silas. What if-'' ''What if I kiss you and then deal with the iRobcer?'' He cupped my face. And how could say no to the thing I've been wanting to do since sixth grade when I realized what kissed meant. My face inched closer to him. My lips brushed his. I stared at him and then reached for his lips again. This time his hands were around my neck and pressed me. It started slowly. Our tongues exploring each other's mouth for the first time. I was wrapping my arms around him when I heard it. A searing noise. We broke apart and looked to the direction the sound came. The door. An iRobcer was tearing it down. End file.
Robotland by Lady Downey
Field Greens "We could try cannibalism," Little Rock said as she ate the last bite of an apple they'd scavenged off a tree while Tallahassee had actually chased down a zombie to try to kill it with a frisbee to which he'd glued razor blades. Grabbing the core from Little Rock's hand, Wichita scraped her teeth against the last bits of apple flesh still clinging around the pips. "We are not eating each other," she said as she wiped a tiny chunk of apple back into her mouth. "I don't want to have to weed that garden we started all alone." Tallahassee looked up from where he was crouched down and lovingly cleaning a crowbar of zombie detritus. "What if we was gonna eat you?" Wichita gave him a scathing look. "I'm the brains of this operation, obviously, so if you killed me? Enjoy figuring out how to stir-fry dirt." Columbus wandered over with a chipped platter covered in field greens. "Well, we've got this, at least, and I've got some water cooling to drink." "Ain't there no goddamn tea left?" Tallahassee said as he stuffed a dandelion leaf in his mouth and grimaced. "We're eatin' salad like fuckin' rabbits, there is _no_ ranch dressing out here to hide the taste, and we are not-even-figuratively waiting on our garden to grow. This sucks." Columbus frowned. "There was a zombie apocalypse and we are basically the only people left-" "-Since you killed Bill Murray," Tallahassee threw in as he grabbed another leaf. "-The only people left, and so we came to where it actually makes sense that there wouldn't be so many zombies since there weren't a lot of people here either, and you want to complain about a lack of ranch dressing and tea?" "Fuckin' Montana. I'm still mad about the Twinkies, too. Fuckers." Little Rock rolled her eyes. "There are animals out there to kill, too, you know. I, for one, would be willing to try bear." Wichita nodded and her eyes widened. "Oh! Or, we could go searching out some of the farms out here. What do you think the chances are that someone has some chickens or cows that survived?" "I think we got better luck finding ourselves a truck full of Twinkies, _iced_ tea and, hell, I'd take a raspberry vinaigrette right about now. Damn, son, did you even rinse this off?" Columbus looked down at the plate and then back up at Tallahassee. "What was going to get anything on them? They're plants!" Wichita grimaced. "So, maybe that's deer urine vinaigrette?" Little Rock grabbed a handful of the greens and started nibbling on them. "It's food and we can't waste the water right now on cleaning off leaves. If the animals can eat these without a problem, then we can too." Columbus gestured to her and said, "See?" Then he took out his gun and dashed off to the side to take out a stumbling zombie wearing overalls. He double-tapped and sighed. "Even when they're zombies, it's like these guys are trying to take over each other's land like something out of 'Little House on the Prairie'." He paused. "Not that I've seen any of that show, though." Wichita squinted at a leaf. "Is this spinach?" She shook her head. "Can you imagine what this place would have been like if the government hadn't paid people to not grow things?" "What?" Tallahassee sat up. "You're makin' that shit up." "I'm serious! They said it had something to do with pesticide and fertilizer runoff so they wanted land to sit empty for a while and they would pay farmers to do it. But really is was because they had some program where they bought food off of farmers that couldn't sell it all and it would just sit in a warehouse and rot, so they figured it would be easier to just pay those farmers to not grow what wasn't going to sell anyway." Columbus sat back down and brushed another field green off with his fingertips. "Can you imagine what Washington, D.C., was like when the zombies hit?" They all looked up for a moment; imagining. "Not much different, I guess?" Wichita finally said. Little Rock grabbed another handful of greens. "Probably a few more scattered body parts, at least." "Fuck, I want a hamburger." Tallahassee flicked a clover back toward the plate. "Hell, anything. Let's go out hunting after we finish up what the deer pissed on." Little Rock laughed. "Sure, why not?" Suddenly, they heard a moo. "That wasn't-" Columbus started. "That was a mother-fuckin' cow! I'm gonna find me that cow- And I'm gonna shoot it!" Tallahassee was already standing with his latest rifle held tightly in his hands. Wichita licked her bottom lip. "Maybe he followed zombie Farmer John over there?" Columbus already had his own gun in hand. "If there's one, what if there are more coming? We could have milk before bed tonight!" Little Rock shook her head. "Are you five?" "Hey, we still have a few of those cookies we found in that gas station back in, what was it, Idaho? Maybe they'd actually taste okay if we had some milk to go with them." Tallahassee rolled his eyes. "You can have milk if you can pry it from that cow's cold dead body!" He gave chase. Wichita laughed. "Columbus? Go with him. We'll stay here and guard the seedlings." Columbus' eyes narrowed. "You'd forgotten about the cookies, hadn't you?" "Hidden in the cellar behind the home-canned rhubard? Not on your life." She stood up and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Go shoot me a cow. And see about a chicken or two?" Columbus raced off after Tallahassee, and felt his mouth widen in a huge grin as he heard the other man whoop and let off a shot while screaming, "I'm gonna eat you!" Little Rock grabbed another handful of greens. "I'm glad. I didn't want to become a vegetarian." Wichita ran down to the cellar and came back a moment later to hand something to Little Rock. "I moved the chocolate stash behind the pickled pig's feet. I thought he'd forgotten about the cookies!" She opened the Hershey's Kiss in her hand and popped it in her mouth and groaned. "Soooooo good." Unwrapping her own, Little Rock plopped it on her tongue and grinned. "Boys are so stupid sometimes." Wrapping an arm around Little Rock, Wichita smiled tersely. "Kid, I really hope you get a chance to find out just how true that is." In the distance, they heard another gunshot and then a drawn-out moo. "I guess we should look for firewood if we're going to have steak for dinner?" Little Rock pointed toward the copse of pine trees between them and where the Great Cow Massacre was happening. Wichita shook her head. "Nah. I think we should just offer to do the dishes." "Is doing the dishes going to be actually washing them this time or just more target practice?" "Let's see how many plates we have?" End file.
Field Greens by tasukichiriko
Pure Stupidity I was watching Zombieland and couldn't stop laughing at some parts although I kind of predicted that Bill Murray was gonna die because they thought he was a zombie but anyway I decided to enter this skit I thought of a few months ago so hope you enjoy and please review of what you think of it * * * Pure Stupidity Joseph, Alvin, and Raph. Three teenagers at age 16 now usually these boys should be watching movies or studying for a test but unfortunately for them thats not gonna happen anytime soon as they now live in world ruled by zombies. Zombieland luckily for them they were able to escape a building before they could become zombie chow and now thanks to Alvin's experience as driver is cruising the streets of L.A Joseph: Hey Alvin can we stop over at that fast food restaurant I'm getting really hungry Raph: Look Joseph I know your hungry and all cause so are we but we can't just stop here and there I'm not sure if you notice but were in danger wherever we go Alvin: It's alright Raph we'll just have to stand in guard while Joseph gets what he needs Alvin then stops at a certain Fast Food Restaurant Alvin: Just make it quick and get something for as Joseph: Roger That Joseph then left the car and quickly entered the restaurant as Alvin and Raph took out the guns they got from a nearby gun shop and as if on queue Zombies started appearing our of nowhere as the two teens started shooting accurately at them Raph: I love it when were force shoot these guys it gives me that satisfied feeling I can never get back in our old lives Alvin: You know I'm really thankful I'm not a zombie right now As Joseph enters the restaurant he then makes his was to the register and greeted by a zombie cashier Joseph: Hey there Joe I see you got haircut so I'll have a double cheese burger and some fries oh and don't worry about drinks I'm in abit of hurry actually The zombie then gnarls at Joseph and then leaves him be and comes back with a tray with a Brain and zombiefied fingers Joseph then takes the tray Joseph: Thanks Joseph he then makes his way outside but then comes back and hands the zombie the brain Joseph: I was wondering can I get something with a little less worms and maggots in it The Zombie once again gnarls and takes the brain and eats it Joseph: Ok you can have that one but I'm so not paying for it Alvin then enters the restaurant and continues to shoot at the zombies outside and spots Joseph Alvin: Hey Joseph can you hurry it up abit Raph's going wild on the zombies outside and his starting to scare me alittle Joseph: Ok just wait alittle I'm still getting a burger Alvin then spots the zombie cashier and suddenly takes a round tray Alvin: Joseph look out a zombies behind you He then throws the tray slicing the zombies head off Joseph: DUDE that guy was taking my order Alvin: Come on Alvin then tries to drag Joseph who takes the fingers from the tray Joseph: Alright I'll just settle for the fries then He then takes the bite off one Joseph: Thats not half bad it's still not done though Joseph then let's go of Alvin hand and goes to the fryer and dips the hand in there and after a few minutes takes them all out and eat one Joseph: Now thats a good fry He then leaves the restaurant and meets up with Alvin and Raph with Raph continously laughing maniacally as a group of finish off zombies lay around him Alvin: Come on guys Alvin then enters the drivers seat as Joseph and Raph who was finally finish with his evil laugh also enter the vehicle and then leaves the place End file.
Pure Stupidity by Noxos
Beautiful The lights were spinning and he felt dizzy. Watching the mass of gyrating bodies made him feel uneasy. For fuck's sake! All he had wanted was some dinner! They had been driving back from classes and Tallahassee had demanded that they go into a dilapidated old bar because they served a special Twinkie dessert. After he stuffed himself with around thirty of them, he rushed to the bathroom, cussing and clutching his stomach. It wasn't his best moment to say the least. What Columbus hadn't realized was that the bar doubled as a popular club at night. He didn't care at first, but he was starting to notice the way they looked at him; hunched over and dressed in shabby sweats. He hoped that Tallahassee would be finished puking soon. Lost in thought, he hadn't noticed a guy separate from the crowd and come towards him. The guy was good looking; he was well toned, had sand hair, and, kinda looked like the boy next door. He walked with confidence, perhaps too much. "Hey there beautiful-eyes, let me treat you. What do you want to drink?" he said. His voice startled Columbus, who hadn't noticed him. He nervously turned his head to face him. Columbus stuttered, "U-Um, I'm k-kinda here with s-somebody. H-he's in t-the bathroom, but t-thanks for the offer." If possible, mystery guy's smile seemed whiter. "Now, don't play hard to get. I think we both know nobody's in the bathroom. Just let me buy you a drink and I'll let you dance with me for a bit", came his arrogant tone. This guy was starting to annoy Columbus. He tried one more time. "T-There really is someone in the bathroom and I'm leaving as soon as he's done. I'm sure there's someone else who wants to dance with you", he spoke firmly this time. To Columbus's surprise the guy started to snicker, eventually throwing back his head and howling with laughter. He smiled meanly, "Oh god, you actually though I was serious? I was dared to do this. My friend paid me twenty bucks to sweet talk you. You really are a fagot! What gives you the right to turn me down? Your dressed like a hobo and probably have never been laid in your life!" Columbus didn't know what to say. He lowered his head and whispered, "Please stop this." His words seemed to goad the other guy even more. "What, did you actually think that I was going to sleep with you? God, I bet no living thing would ever want you. I bet you're a little whore who actually has to beg people to kiss. You're pathetic, a stuttering piece of shit. Hey, here's an idea. If you kiss my feet, I might actually think about t-" Tallahassee was done throwing up; he flushed the toiled and put his had back on. He rose unsteadily to his feet and walked to his sink. He rinsed his mouth and splashed water in his face. God, this bar was horrible. The food was sub-par and the Twinkies in his dessert were stale. The only thing that would turn this night around would be going home and getting some good southern comfort from Columbus. Shit, he hoped he hadn't left spit-fuck waiting too long. He opened the door of the men's bathroom and headed towards Columbus. He was annoyed to spot a blond kid talking to HIS Columbus, but stopped dead at hearing: "..I bet no living thing would ever want you." Oh hell no. Nobody had ever had much of a problem with Columbus, who was known around campus as a sweet computer geek who would help if you were in a jam. Tallahassee's rage grew as the jackass continued see red. When his vision returned, he found himself connecting his fist to the bastard's face. Columbus was surprised to hear those awful, cutting words stop. He raised his head and was greeted with the sight of Tallahassee beating the shit out of the jerk that had harassed him. He stood still for a moment, processing the sight. His mind quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Tallahassee was not stopped, he would soon be charged for murder. With shaking legs, he slowly approached the two. He slowly placed both hands on Tallahassee's shaking shoulders. "Stop Talla. Your going to kill him if you don't stop" sounded shaky and small to his own ears. Slowly, Talla rose. He lifted the quaking boy by the front of his shirt. He roared, "And this piece of shit would deserve it. Apologize!" "I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again! Please!" croaked out the poor bastard who dared insult Columbus in front of Tallahassee. Tallahassee flung him aside and turned around to envelop Columbus. Columbus's knees gave out and he would have fallen if not for Tallahassee. Tallahassee lifted him bridal style and for once, Columbus did not complain. The crowd that had gathered parted to let them reach them through the door; Tallahassee would have sooner eaten his own hand than pay for the meal they had tonight. He carried Columbus to their yellow hummer and opened the door with surprising ease. He gently set Columbus onto to seat and even buckled him in. He then proceeded to go around the car, open the door, and start driving. The entire car ride was silent. Tallahassee parked close to their dorm and then carried Columbus to the dorm and up a flight of stairs to their dorm room, he didn't give a fuck about who saw. Columbus's headed to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving Tallahassee to brush his teeth, strip off his pants and shirt, and climb into bed. Soon, Columbus emerged from the bathroom, matching Tallahassee in wearing only boxers. It wasn't after he climbed into bed that he spoke. "He's right you know, the guy from the bar", his voice sounded scratchy and tired. Tallahassee's reaction was predictable. He yelled, "Like hell he is! Are you drunk or something, 'cause you must be in order to believe shit like that!" Columbus shook his head and smiled sadly, "Believe it or not he is right. I've never really known what you see in me. I dress shabbily and don't pay almost any attention to my appearance. I stutter and I'm nervous and I am gay. Everyone knows I'm not exactly attractive and you're the only person whose every slept with me. It's okay, I've accepted it." Even as he said this, his voice quavered. He started to sob and pressed his face into Tallahassee's chest, wrapping his arms around him. Tallahassee rubbed soothing circles into Columbus's back. His heart broke at Columbus's words. "You really must be drunk. Now listen here, I'm only going to say all of this romantic mush once. If I wanted someone who was always was obsessed about their appearance, I would've dated a girl. I think you're stuttering's cute and your not nervous, just cautious. Mind you, that's something I quite appreciate. It saves me a ton of trouble most of the time. There's nothing wrong with being gay, I think you're just about the only man I've ever been attracted too. I liked the fact that you were a virgin our first time, I don't like sluts or whores", his words were uncharacteristically soft for him. He continued, "I love you. I love the way you're so anal about something's, it makes me laugh. I love the way you always face the day instead of avoiding it. I love the way you always eat pancakes with a mountain of whipped cream. I love you've never judged me on anything and don't involve yourself with petty things. Everything I've said is true. Your beautiful, please don't ever change." Tallahassee began to worry when Columbus stopped making any sounds, but his worries were erased when Columbus raised his head and caught him in a kiss. It was soft, unlike most other kisses they shared. That night they didn't have sex, instead they just lay under the covers and cuddled. Whispering secrets and sappy wishes to each other. Tallahassee fell asleep spooning with Columbus. His last thought was to buy a new gun and find the fucker from the bar. After all, Columbus had told him he looked sexy when using a gun. End file.
Beautiful by LintyFresh
Leo Plays Hotline Miami Leo plays Hotline Miami A/N Hotline Miami is a good game, you should play it! But it's really hard and stuff, so unlike Leo you should play it with a controller. Or get the PS3 version. Also, as always, please review! "LOGGING INTO STEAM AND STUFF" ADA said. "OMG LEO THERE'S A WEEKLY DEAL MAN YOU GOTTA GET IT" ADA said again. It was excited even though it's not supposed to be able to show emotion. "HOTLINE MIAMI IS 75% OFF LEO GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT" ADA said. "What's it like?" Leo asked. "It's a good game, that's ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ALRIGHT NOW GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT!" ADA screamed. "OK fine" Leo said. He was hesitant even though it was two freakin' dollars, but he swiped his credit card, and Hotline Miami was his! "YESSSSSSSSSSS" Leo said. He was excited to play Hotline Miami! There was a sequel coming out soon, so this would help him get the hype. As he was excited to play his brand-new game, he had to wait for it to download. "Sigh" Leo said. He didn't sigh, though. Eventually, the game downloaded, and Leo booted up the game! The music was fawkin' GORGEOUS. It was all eightiesy and awesome and it was really good. He was glad that he had spent two dollars and fourty-nine cents on it. "CRAP I DON'T UNDERSTAND RUSSIAN" Leo said, but he saw that it said "HOTLINE MIAMI" under it. This made him amazingly happy. He was happy to LIVE. The game started, and Leo was in a room with a bunch of weird guys in animal masks. "This is weird" Leo thought to himself. It really was. After all this dialogue stopped, Leo was in the apartment. He grabbed the phone and it told him to pick up some cookies at the bakery. "Oh boy, this game seems happy and good and nice and BEAUTIFUL!" Leo said. He got to the metro, and put on a chicken mask. As he opened the door, he knocked someone over! "OH NO ARE YOU OKAY?" Leo said to the screen. Obviously, there wasn't an answer. Leo accidentally pressed the space key, and mashed the guard's brains in! "OH NO WHAT DID I DO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Leo said. "HOLY CRAP I KILLED SOMEONE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Leo said. He couldn't take it any longer. He stopped the game and started crying. And farting. It was quite repulsive, to be honest. His tears looked like the Devolver Digital logo. Weird stuff. He would've taken out the game and smashed it into a billion pieces, but Hotline Miami is a downloadable game, so a very disappointed Leo just deleted the game, unable to take the fact that he killed an enemy in a video game. Even Jacket facepalmed at this. Then, Leo abandoned the Jehuty in Mars and stuff. And that's how the Jehuty gets stuck there in Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner! **THE END** End file.
Leo Plays Hotline Miami by Herbert J Schlomiczaihjioanego
Zone of The Enders
Find Me In Your Eyes At last, she was free to move... Celvice traveled through the corridors of Atlantis, finally released from her confinment in the medical area. All she wanted to do now was see Leo. She was so very worried about him, especially since he returned from Antilia. He seemed so tired, so sorrowful... What had happened to him? His door finally came into sight. Celvice hesitated before knocking, something holding her back. She was concerned about him, but she was also... uncertain about how _she_ felt inside. Maybe she was merely confused, or just thinking too much about him lately. Regardless... Leo's voice was choked with tears as he yelled for the knocker to leave him alone. Celvice would have been hurt if she had not known he was unaware she was the one wanting to see him. Almost whispering, she called, "It's me, Leo..." "Celvice..." She opened the door, finding Leo bathed in darkness, the light setting turned low. He was sitting on the side of the bed in the tiny room, his face buried in his hands. His falling tears were aparent even from her place at the door. Sobs wracked his body, causing him to shake and tremble. The sight pained her, but she knew, or at least wanted to believe, that she could comfort him somehow. Sitting beside him, her hands resting clasped in her lap, she asked him gently, "What's wrong, Leo?" As if to preserve his image, he tried to wipe away his tears, his eyes seeming red. Why was he so upset? What had happened to him since Viola had shot her? Leo sniffled, then muttered, "Celvice, everything's... Everything's just so screwed up. I'm losing everyone. I nearly lost you." She sighed, her eyes drifting over to him. Did he really care about her so much? Celvice tried to comfort him, saying, "But I'm fine now, Leo. You saved me." He leapt to his feet, shouting, "But what about everyone else!? My father is probably dead, but who cares, right!? He never wanted me anyway! Nobody's ever wanted me!" Too quietly, Celvice whispered, "I want you, Leo..." She was saddened by his alarming outburst, and yet found her feelings for him growing. Never looking back at her, Leo continued, "And what about everyone that died on Antilia!? I couldn't save them, and now they're dead! What about everyone I killed!? You know Elena and Thunderheart will want me to kill again, and I'm already trapped in this bloody destiny..." Celvice rose to her feet, wanting to comfort him. She knew this path impressed upon him was and would be hard, but they were together. Could he not just accept his fate and embrace her? He turned away from her completely and faced the other wall. His voice dropped low: "And ADA... She's going to die. She's going to destroy herself on Mars. I can't help her, Celvice, and I'm so tired of failing everyone." Leo buried his face in his hands again, unable to restrain his growing sobs. His body shook terribly with Celvice standing there watching him, her own tears developing. They cascaded down the sides of her face, like falling stars. What could she say to him? She wanted to tell him how she felt, but also wished to quell his terrible sorrow... Carefully, she reached forward and placed her hands on his shoulders. He thankfully did not force them away, and even stopped shaking after a moment. Celvice slowly turned him around to face her, their tears mirrored on their faces. She could see her face shining in Leo's sapphire eyes, and it warmed her slightly. A smile crossed her face in an effort to comfort him, but instead of returning a smile, he embraced her tightly, as if to never lose hold of her again. Finally, after so long an intimate embrace, he pulled back slightly, his face so close and staring into Celvice's. A tender moment passed between them, watching the other. Slowly, carefully, with emotion rising inside of them, they shared a sweet, gentle kiss, their eyes closing to savor the moment. The wonderful taste still linguering on their lips, they held each other strongly again, a warm feeling enveloping them. After a silent, tender moment, Leo told her softly, "I'm sorry I shouted, Celvice." Half-humorously, half-truthfully, she told him, "I'm sorry I didn't kiss you sooner." A small laugh escaped his lips, and he backed away from her slightly, the tiny smiles on both their faces evident. Leo placed a gentle hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears, then gently kissed her again, falling into her comforting arms once more. "Celvice..." "It's okay now, Leo. Everything's okay." Disclaimer: I do not own Zone Of The Enders, of course, but this fanfic is mine. AN:This was way too short, I know, don't remind me; but hey, so was the game. Still, I enjoyed it (both the game and this story, that is). I know (at least from some other fanficer's summery thingy) that Leo and Celvice are pretty young, but I like to think they can have a sweet, simple romance like the one I have in this story. Well, since Leo's in the next game, and certainly older, we can hope/assume the two of them are together, which would certainly give me another, better fanfic to write. As soon as I see the series and play the next game, I'll be certain to come back and write more for this wonderful Z.O.E. universe. ^_^ End file.
Find Me In Your Eyes by Zilindico
Zone of The Enders
Like this? Me: As said before, this is a one-shot fanfic about Razma and Semyl from Z.O.E Fist of Mars (for the game-boy advance) Fluffy I believe is the right term to use for this fic, hope you like it and I don't own Z.O.E. I meant to have this up for St Valentine's Day, but never managed to get it done in time. Its set about a month after the game ends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Like this? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Razma gazed up at the stars from his spot on a rocky outcrop at the edge of one of the domes. He was dressed in his usually flight jacket and jeans, and his unruly red hair spiked in all directions. He shifted his position, causing the dust of the Martian soil to cloud around him. Somewhere up there, amongst the stars, were Cage and Myona...He hoped, nah...He knew they were happy together, roaming the stars. He sighed and looked down. It seemed everyone in BIS had found happiness. Warren and Mebius had gotten together and had started to raise the child he had found, Cage and Myona were wandering amongst the stars together, Yukito had managed to make amends with his father and the two were working out their differences and Semyl was now able to devote more time to the kids in the orphanage, they were her family after all. Razma began to stare at the dust below him. "And what do I have...?" He had no family to go back to and no-one to love. No...That wasn't true. He had no-one who loved him back. Maybe he should just leave and go off and spend the rest of his life alone. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a picture that was badly crumpled. He smoothed it out with his hand and smiled at it. The picture was one stored in the memory of the Caliburnus LEV. It was of its pilot Semyl. Razma's smile grew at the sight of the smiling girl; the picture was from after a victory, so Semyl was giving off one of her large cheery smiles. She was always calling him 'the idiot', and Razma had to admit he deserved it. He began to talk to himself once more as he threw a rock from his perch. "Why am I such a jerk? I'm always being such a big jerk towards her..." "What girl you pining after now?" Razma whirled his head around when he heard the new voice. He was surprised when he saw the figure that had climbed up to his little 'thinking' spot. He quickly shoved the picture in his pocket, not wanting the girl to see it; after all, it was of her. Semyl brushed the strands of her chestnut hair from her eyes. It was pointing in all directions as always. She was dressed in her regular attire of a green sleeveless jacket, tight green skirt with blue biking shorts underneath and blue gloves. The gloves and her knees were dusty from climbing up the rock face, she pulled off her gloves and dusted off her knees and walked over to sit with Razma. 'Thinking of some girl as usual' she thought to herself. "So this is where you've been hiding for the past week." Semyl grinned. "The others were starting to worry." She lied. To be quite frank the others hadn't really been worried. They wondered where he had gone, but guessed that he had just wandered off, or gone on a little holiday without telling anyone. Only Semyl had been worried, but she found herself unable to admit it. "Oh...Were they..." Razma sighed, very out of character. Semyl didn't know how to react, and the two sat in silence for a while, until Razma spoke up. "Semyl." "Hmmm...Yes?" Razma took a deep breath. "I...I just wanted to apologize." Semyl blinked in confusion. "You...apologize? For what?" "For...for everything. For all the times I've been a real jerk towards you. And especially for that time when the UNSF were going to execute you, Mebius and Myona...When I said I wasn't worried about you I was lying." Semyl wasn't sure what to think, she remained silent and confused. "I was worried about you...In all honesty I was more scared than I ever had been in my life, even when Phil tried to kill me wasn't as scary as when I saw your face on that screen showing those to be executed. Ms Robin said we shouldn't go as it would be too risky, and Deckson was having doubts...But I was too scared to care. I would have gone after you even if I had to leave my LEV at the base and quit BIS and do it on foot, I would have come to save you." "You...You were worried about me?" Semyl asked nervously. Razma felt that she would burst out laughing at any minute and start calling him an idiot, so he just stayed silent and looked down, nodding his head. Semyl could feel herself blush. She had a bad habit of being too hard on Razma and not trusting him enough. It was rare for her to see a genuine burst of emotion like this from him, and she wasn't sure how to respond. She gazed back out at the stars. "This is a really lovely spot. I guess you take every girl you meet up here eh?" she grinned, teasing him. Razma looked at Semyl's grin and then to the stars. "No. I've always wanted to find somebody special enough to share this view with, but..." "But what?" "I just felt that every girl I've been out with didn't really care about me all that much. You would be the first girl to come up here since my family came here for picnics back when we had some kind of stability." In honesty Semyl was the only girl he'd ever wanted to bring up here. The only one he could ever truly love...but he felt she would never go with him. Probably say he'd try something perverted. "Oh." Semyl blushed out of embarrassment. "I've never met your family Razma; come to think of it you never talk about them." Razma looked down at Semyl for a moment then to the ground. When he spoke, his voice was cracked and filled with sorrow. "That's because they're dead. My home was bombed and I was the only one left alive. Deckson found me and took me in. I was only 14." "Oh..." Semyl was an orphan, and had never known her parents. So in a way she could sympathise with Razma...but in another she couldn't. She had been abandoned at birth; his entire family was ripped from him and died before his eyes. And yet for as long as she had known him he was a happy person and she never suspected this sort of sadness to be in him. The importance of this place just hit Semyl. Razma had wanted to bring the girl he believed was his soul-mate up here, and she had just come barging in. "I...I guess you don't want me up here. I'll...I'll just go." She began to get up but felt Razma's hand wrap around her wrist to keep her on the ground. "No. It's okay. I was starting to get lonely sitting up here all the time on my own." Semyl eased herself back into a sitting position and looked up at Razma. "Razma...I'm sorry for hitting you and calling you an idiot all the time. And I'm really sorry for hitting you with the hammer that time when you were in the medical bay." Razma looked down at Semyl, he blinked as his eyes met with hers, and he looked down at the ground to avoid getting lost in them. "No. You were right to call me an idiot, and I deserved it all the times you hit me. Especially that time in the medical bay. I'm just a jerk." He turned his head to face away from Semyl. Semyl reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "No you're not! Yes, at times you can be a bit of a jerk, but you always come through when we've needed you, when I've needed you. You've risked your life to protect people and things that mean nothing to you, but everything to me...I'm the jerk. I always assume the worst about you and when you go out of your way to help me I never thank you and I just get on at you more...I'm such a bitch..." She let her hand fall from Razma's shoulder and took her turn to stare at the ground. Her head looked up when she felt Razma pick her hand up from the ground, a sincere smile on his face. "No you're not Semyl. You're a very good person." "I guess we should agree that we're both good people before we spend all night at this." Razma began to chuckle and so did Semyl. After a burst of laughter the two returned to staring at the stars. About 10 minutes passed in silence, until Semyl spoke up. "Say Razma. If you did find that 'special someone' to bring up here, rather than have me barging in here, what would you do with them?" She turned to look up at her friend. Razma turned and looked at her. "I guess the first thing I would do, after we'd sat down, would be to slide my arm around her waist and pull her in close. Kinda like this." Semyl felt her heart miss a beat as Razma's arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in against his body. Her breathing became short and light. "Then what?" Razma smiled, wandering why she was going along with this. "Well...I'd wait to see if she approved of me doing it, by wrapping her arm around my waist and leaning against me." Semyl took her turn to smile; her breathing grew a little more comfortable. "Kinda like this?" She slid her arm around Razma's form and pulled herself in even closer, resting her head on his shoulder. Razma let out a 'hmm' of approval. "Then what?" "I'd lay my head against hers. Kinda like this." Razma lay his head on Semyl's, enjoying the scent of her perfume, and the soft feel of her chestnut hair against his cheek. "Then what?" Semyl tilted her head from the stars to Razma's face. In response, Razma tilted his head to look straight into her eyes. "We'd look at the stars for a while then I would probably turn to face her. Kinda like this." He shifted so his whole body was facing Semyl's. "Then I'd wait to see if she'd turn to face me." "Kinda like this?" Semyl asked as she shifted around to face Razma. "Then what?" Razma's face held a look of nervousness and peace as he spoke. "I would wrap my arms around her, kinda like this." Semyl stopped breathing for a few seconds as she felt both of Razma's arms around her body, holding her tightly but gently. "I guess you'd want the girl to wrap her arms around this." She gently wrapped her bare slender arms around Razma's waist and pulled in close, feeling the muscles under his shirt with her cheek as she rested her head on his chest for a moment, before looking up at him. "Then what." "I'd lean in closer...kinda like this..." There was barely any room between their faces, he could feel Semyl's quick breaths on his face, and doubts nagging him in the back of his head over what he was about to do. "Then...I'd...kiss her..." He finished off the space between them and pushed his lips to hers. Semyl's eyes widened as his closed. For a moment she was at a loss. Then peace overcame here and she began to return the kiss. Her eyes closed and she could feel Razma's embrace tighten as hers did. She parted her lips, allowing Razma to take the kiss to its full form. After a few seconds they drew back, each taking in sharp breaths. " that." Razma finished. Both of their faces were burning red. For a moment he thought that Semyl would slap him, but was surprised when she spoke rather than hit him. "Then what?" "I'd wait to see if she kissed me back...or slapped me and walked off." Semyl grinned and moved her arms from Razma's waist to his neck and pulled in close, kissing him. This kiss went as far as the last and lasted longer. Both felt a wave of passion and a sense of peace and belonging well up inside them. Eventually the broke away. "Kinda like that?" Razma's reddened face grinned. "Kiss me again and maybe I'll tell you." Semyl returned the grin, rather than hit him as Razma expected. She pulled herself in close again and the two kissed again. And so the night passed, with the two on the spot on the rock never breaking their embrace. Razma had found his place and that the one he loved with all his heart loved him back. His father, before he had died, had said that the rock was a place of great magic. For if you and the one you love spend the night there, you will be together for the rest of your years and your love will never cease. Razma had never really believed what his father had said...until that night...and all the nights after it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Me: I apologise again for not getting this up on St Valentine's Day. But I wanted this to be done to the full extent. A belated happy Valentine's Day to all of you and you're loved ones. End file.
Like this? by Keyo-Red Angel of Hope
Zone of The Enders
ZOE 2nd runner Mining away in Vascillia with a LEV. Almost bored to death. Stumbles upon an orbital frame. That made BARAM become insane. Hacked away at Mosquitoes and other frames. Only to fight someone that will become a friend. Enters a battle ship to find a long dead friend. Sensors going mad, proximity alarm going off. Enters the next room only to find Anubis. Loses the battle and Neptis comes along. Impales Jehuty and all seems wrong. Pale as a ghost with a hint of insanity and a grin of a devil Nohman steps in. Offers Dingo a place in BARAM. Offer refused and only to find that he will be shot and abused. Resurrected by the lovely Ken 2 months later. Eye's open, seeking revenge, heads out of the ship with the catapult's shot. The deserted and destroyed terrain of Mars, attacked by Narita's only to face a vic viper afterwards. Another fight with Neptis, only to protect a city after wards and destroys a train carrying an orbital frame. A final fight against the Neptis fame. Infects the Arkjet's fame making it seem insane. Ken enters Jehuty to fight the Inherit frame to obtain O-shift. Another fight against the Anubis frame, the outcome is losing again. Near Aumann there is Anubis yet again but this one is a fake, Dingo cries out "Leo wait!" yet due to he's rage he doesn't listen and the real one comes. Greatly damaging Jehuty one hopefully last fight against Anubis, disabling Anubis for combat. Finally in the core of Aumann. Where Nohman is slain. The self-destruct begins and Aumann is being destroyed. Sending all of the energy shoots Anubis and prevents the destruction of the solar system. Dingo is given he's body back and this is where it ends. Hope you all liked! Thanks for checking it out. End file.
ZOE 2nd runner by Hiniberus Delius
Zone of The Enders
Tomorrow will be a brighter day Well, this is a short prequel to ZoE: FoM. There are spoilers for the game, beware. "Tomorrow will be a brighter day" Finally, everything was set. His sister was among the Bonaparte III's passengers, the frames were safe in the deck, Lewy would be aboard, too... and Cage didn't suspect anything. Everything was just like another trip on the Bonaparte III... Ares sighed, tired but satisfied with his job. Anxious with the events to come tomorrow, he sat down and laid on a sofa, as he stared at the wide space that was just a window away from him. The shinning stars made him feel small, even if he was so used to them that he usually paid little to none attention to them. That night, everything was different. He found it strange to be alone, as he had gotten used to having Cage following him everywhere. Whatever, it was peaceful. Cage wasn't a bad guy, but he could be really dull, heavy and tiring, sometimes. Especially with that lack of self-steem and love for himself that he had, which meant that he, Ares Enduwa for everyone there, would have to go to his rescue every now and then. "It's so proper of a Martian", he thought, bitterly. "He can't do anything on his own, and the others are always to blame for his actions -or lack of actions, which is the same" But tomorrow... Ahhh, tomorrow... "Tomorrow will be a brighter day", Ares found himself saying out loudly. His eyes opened quickly, and he felt cold for a second. That silly, innocent phrase was bringing back to him lots of painful memories, but also the reason that explained why his tomorrow was going to be so special... * * * "I'm sick of this place", a young light-haired boy said, annoyed. "Don't use the word sick, or they'll dispose of you sooner", a gorgeous black-haired girl, around twelve-years-old, just like the boy, said quickly. "The least you call their attention, the better" "I know, but I just want to leave this place" "That's what we all want here, Vale, so you aren't being original", the girl said, as something that resembled a smile arose in her face. Vale sighed, hoping that all that torment would end up really soon. A thing that he had been expecting since... he had already lost the count. It could have been weeks, months or even an entire year since the spaceship he had boarded with his parents and his sister had fallen down and they had been captured by a fat, grey-haired Earthian by the name of Dr Zephyrs. He took all the survivors to his Lab, and then he used them as subjects in experiments. He had changed their name to "Subject n something", and did with them what he pleased. He took the children away from their parents, and placed them in a different sector. He had never seen his parents alive again, and he was sure that they were dead by that moment. He had seen them being taken to Zephyrs' Labs, but he had never seen them coming out from them. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen anybody coming out well from that room. He hadn't actually seen anybody that got out from it, but he had heard many hideous things about the consequences of being there. And considering that he didn't have a good time outside, in his room, with all those odd and terrible physical tests and the strange substances that he got injected in his blood, he didn't find those rumors strange or unreal. All the contrary. "Hey, where's Pharsti?", the girl asked, looking at him concerned with those strange, yet pretty violet eyes she had. "She's with the youngsters", Vale said proudly, even if he wasn't much older than the young kids he referred to before. "She enjoys her motherly role so much... I think I'll have a tough time in the future with all the guys that will try to get too close to her...", he said. He stayed silent. Like always, and like everyone who was trapped there, he projected his future outside the hidden Research Complex. There would be a time where everyone would be living their normal lives once again, with their families and friends. And then, the awful truth struck them, one more time. If they were to live outside the complex, they would have to live something different than what their "previous" life was. The girl touched Vale's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, Vale. Don't let those bad feelings overcome you", she said, as if she knew what he was thinking. Thing that wasn't really difficult in that place, because everyone kept on thinking about their previous lives, their loved ones, and what they would love to do once they were outside. "Tomorrow will be a brighter day", she said, with a sweet smiled in her lips. Vale stared at her violet eyes, wondering how she did to have a -to him- supernatural strength. "How can you believe in that, Faith?", he asked her, almost crying. It was in times like that when he thought that her name suited her extremelly well. "Because it's the only thing that we have left here: to believe", the girl said, as a short, dark shadow made her purple eyes darker. Vale stared at her. "Believe in what?", he asked, angstly. "You may be able to believe... but I can't believe I'll make it here..." Faith bit her upper lip, trying to find the correct words to encourage his friend. "If you don't concentrate in something else rather than the great life you would have been leading outside if you hadn't been captured, you won't resist this", she said, strongly. "I know this sucks... and that what I'm asking you is difficult to do, but you have to try it. Take a look at Pharsti, for example. She spends most of her time with the little kids, encouraging them and trying to light up their lives in this Hell... I'm not saying that you have to do the same thing she does, but you have to concentrate in something else... while still waiting for the day we'll be free from this place" Vale sighed. She had a point there. "Alright, Faith, in what do you have your faith placed on?", he asked, teasing her with her name. The black haired girl smiled, and her purple eyes shone cheerfully, even in that Hell they had been thrown into. "I try to convince myself that I'll get out of this place, and I'll re-start my ballet classes" "You did ballet?", the boy asked, puzzled. He should have imagined it. She was so graceful, just like a doll. "What? Don't I look like someone who can dance?", she asked, doing some ballet positions to answer his question. She looked lovely. The way she exposed her hands, and how her entire self seemed so light were enough to convince him. Vale chuckled. "We are both the artistic type, I guess", he said, smiling lightly. "Really? What are you into?", she asked, enthusiastically. "I took some piano classes... not much, but well, I can defend myself if I have to play a piano or something like that" "Wow, you are right", she said, smiling. "We are the artistic type, then... and that gives me an idea!", she exclaimed, happily. "Let's promise each other that, when we get out from here, we'll resume our studies, and, in the future, you'll compose some classic ballad, or something romantic, for me to dance, okay?" Vale stared at her astonished. "Faith... how can you be like this?" "I don't know... and it doesn't really matter. Are you going to accept my offer or not?", she asked, impatiently. Vale smiled gratefully. It was better that than nothing. "Alright... It's a promise", he said, shaking her hand, closing their agreement. "Cool! I can't wait for that tomorrow to come, now!", she said, stretching her arms. Vale smiled. "If only I had a small part of the strength and the faith she has...", he wished, silently, as he stared at her stretching, already believing in a miracle, rather than a dream. * * * Pharsti returned to the big cell that was the teenager's room, followed by several little children. She sat down on her bunk, and the kids sat down on the floor, right under her. Pharsti giggled and hugged them, while caressing their soft hairs and kissing some others. Then, she told them to return to their cell, before the soldiers thought they were gone. She promised them that she would visit them soon. The kids left happily, as they knew that Pharsti kept her promises. The other youths in the room smiled, proudly. Pharsti let go a long sigh. "I can't believe it... they'll drag all my energy out. I'm dead tired, and it's not even midday!" "Do you expect to see a kid tired? Then, you'll have to wait... maybe they'll be a little sleepy at bed-time... or maybe not", Satomi, a Japanese teen teased her, smiling. "You are doomed, girl", Martina, a brown haired Latin girl said, smiling. "Well, at least they'll enjoy their time here in a way...", Pharsti said, finally catching up her breathing. "That makes me happy enough to be tired every day" Vale smiled proudly at his sister. He didn't have that charm with kids... they just seemed to avoid each other. Pharsti, on the other side, was really motherly, at the point that the grown-ups called her "the Pharsti hen and her little chickens" whenever they saw her followed by the kids. "That's nice... and they know it, and they already acknowledge it to you", Faith added. "Or else, they wouldn't be looking for you everyday" "Well, at least, they have someone who thinks well about them and loves them", said Sven, a Nordic-look alike boy, even if his family had moved to Mars a long time ago, even before his parents had been born. Sven had started a tough topic: the "how did you end up here?" one. Even if they already knew it, they had the urge to talk about it, some times. Derek, a Martian for generations, had been handed out by his family to Zephyrs, just like Sven. Only that Derek didn't want to think about it, while Sven still couldn't forgive his parents for his actions. "Well... I bet your parents thought you would be much better with someone else rather than with them", Faith started saying, trying to cheer him up. "No, they did it for the money", the blonde boy replied bitterly. "For the money, and because they wanted to get rid of me, the failure, and stay with my brother, the prodigy", he added. "Well, my situation was different...", Derek said, sighing. "My parents handed me to them for the money, too, but I also think that they may have thought that I was going to have a future... or that I would die too soon to realize what was going on", the copper haired teenager said, sighing once more. "We were such a huge family... too many mouths to feed, and so little money..." "Well, since it's the revelation time once more, I'll explain my story, again", Satomi said, cracking her fingers. She was the oldest of the group, being almost 17, while the Shatner siblings and Faith were the younger in that group, being 13. And she had also been at the Labs for the most time among them. How she did to survive, it was a mystery. "I'm an orphan, you see? I was taken into adoption, but instead of meeting my new Mom and Dad, I met Zephyrs and his nurse... and arrived here. I think they didn't adopt me at all, even if I was told another thing. Maybe it was because they received so many new orphans and they needed the space... and maybe I was too old and ugly for some caring family to adopt me, that I was given to this people... I'll never know..." "But you've been here for quite a while, didn't you?", Martina asked, touched. "Almost two years... maybe it was because I was too old to be adopted, now that I think about it..." Martina hugged Faith and said, "Well, Faith and I could be siblings... we were caught on the same bus... we didn't know each other until that day... it was a summer school trip... the bus had an accident. We were hurt, and thought that the ambulances would take us to some Hospital... instead... well, you can easily figure out where we ended up being, can't you?" Faith looked down, her eyelids hidden the sorrowful look in her eyes. Silently, she played with her distinctive plastic blue bracelet, making it spin around her wrist. It was the only thing she had from her previous life. "And we", said Vale, grabbing Pharsti's hand. "we have been caught in a spaceship crush... on a suppossed accident. All the survivors have been taken to what we thought would be some Hospital, too... We haven't seen our parents since", he said, coldly. An uncomfortable silence filled the room. It was tought for all of them. "I wonder how my kids ended up here", Pharsti finally asked, softly. "But I'll never ask them directly... if they tell me, I'll listen... I just want them to be happy..." Everyone nodded, in agreement. * * * "Hey, look at Faith!", Derek exclaimed, excited. Pharsti, Martina and Satomi rushed to their cell, followed shortly by Sven and Vale, who were outside. The group found the pretty black haired girl dancing, with a piece of cloth -a blanket, most probably- around her waist, resembling a below-the-knee lenght skirt. She was already practicing for the day she would dance with the music composed by Vale. Vale looked proudly at him, and suddenly felt he had to try harder. Not only for Pharsti's sake, but for Faith's. And for himself. Faith stopped dancing when she noticed her fellow friends. Embarrassed, she looked down, but it was just a moment. She wasn't a girl to be beaten that soon, not even by becoming embarrassed. After all, she hadn't done anything wrong. "Hi, guys!", she said, panting. "Did you like it?", she asked, smiling. "It was beautiful", the Japanese girl said, touched. "It was so ethereal...", Pharsti said, wishing she could do something like that. However, she knew her talent wasn't in the art department, but in the motherly side, as all the little kids could show anyone, as they always followed her everywhere. The others agreed, nodding and congratulating her for her -until then- hidden talent. Only Vale remained silent, staring at her with a strange smile on his lips. "Didn't you like it, Vale?", the girl asked, staring at him with her deep, purple eyes. Vale chuckled. "What can I say? You are not from this world, Faith", he said, touched. Pharsti stared at his brother surprised. She wasn't used at him saying things like that. Faith smiled, blushing at that kind of compliment. "I have to say that you are quite original when flattering girls" Vale chuckled. "I don't think so... I just said the truth" Martina coughed. "It looks like we have a couple in sight", she teased them, grinning. Faith chuckled. "It's not like that...". "So, why were you so interested in listening to his opinion?", Derek asked, mischeviously. "We have a promise to fulfill in the future, out there, and I'm already getting ready for that", she explained, smiling. "And it'll be better if I start working on it right now... or I'll ruin your future ballet career if you depend on me for the music", Vale said. They all heard footsteps coming. They must have been doing much noise without realizing. "Hell, there they come", Sven said, annoyed. "Let's be silent and obedient again, maybe they'll leave soon if we do that". And that way, the boys and girls sharing that cell returned to their bunks, hoping that the soldiers would leave soon. * * * From that day on, Vale concentrated on writing the music in whatever sheet of paper he could find. He also managed to build some sort of electronic keyboard with an old PC, which he got ahold of after convincing a rather friendly guard, who was about to take it to the garbage processing area. Soon, he managed to play a few songs with that rudimentary piano. He started playing most of the functional music that played at the Labs, especially the days when some people were chosen to be part of the experiments. One of them, a slow, touching ballad, was the first one he could play by heart. "You are a wiz, kid!", the nice guard complimented him, surprised. "You play it wonderfully! And just by ear!" The guard couldn't come out from his amazement. He must have thought that all the guys under his care were already handicapped by Zephyrs' experiments, or that they were already disabled. "Thanks", Vale said, surprised that someone -apart from his friends and fellow "subjects"- recognized a good thing in that place. "By the way, do you know how this piece of music is called?", he inquired, curiously. The guard rubbed his hair. After some moments, he recalled the name. "It's "Promise of Reunion"", he finally said. "Quite a metaphore, or a cruel irony" Vale sighed. The guard was right. It was something completely ironic. Such a cruel name to a beautiful song... attached to a wicked event. Because most of the people that left that day, wouldn't come back. "It's not cynical", Faith protested, after Vale commented her the name of the song. "It's actually a way to enlighten up our spirits, and another proof that we have to believe", she said, determined. Vale rolled his eyes. "Faith, you can believe in everything, because, from your name to your spirit, you are filled with faith, and not with blood" "Quite funny", she said, annoyed. "It's not like that. They are trying to calm us down that way, can't you see it?", she asked. As Vale shook his head, she sighed. "Alright... see it that way. We already know we won't see that people again in our lives... in this life, at least. They are telling us that we will be reunited some day... some day, we'll be together again" Vale thought. He wanted to be together with his family and his friends in this life, not in another. "I know what you are thinking. But isn't this better, rather than having to think that you won't see anyone loved any more?" Again, Faith had another point there. Vale sighed, defeated. Faith smiled triumphally, and her purple eyes shone beautifully. "And... this is another hint that we will fulfill our artistic promise once we get outside of this Hell", she said, smiling. "If we are to be separated, we will find each other someday, again, and I'll dance, while you'll play a proper piano... and we will fulfill both this promise of being reunited again, and the artistic one" Vale sighed. How could she be so strong and determined? "Come on... try to think it that way... it helps", she said, softly, staring at him in his eyes. And Vale couldn't deny anything she asked him, every time she stared at him with those piercing, yet gentle, big, purple eyes. * * * The days passed, and the youths grew older, knowing little to nothing of their families. Derek had befriended a guard, and from time to time he learnt things from the outside world or from the adults trapped. Few adults remained in the east cells. Derek knew the details, but he kept them for himself. They were too terrible, so he wouldn't tell the others and screw up their lives. He had no one there, and he already knew he was going to die there, so he didn't mind much. He just told Vale, after his persistance, that his parents had both passed away. There had been a huge fuss in the outside world, in Jupiter. Many kids had been orphaned in Antilia, during a raid. Satomi couldn't help thinking that the orphanages there, and in the surrounding collonies, must have been crowded with new children. She also wondered if there would be another Zephyrs out there, taking children from orphanages to some sinister Lab, in order to make room for the newcomers. * * * Vale was looking for Faith. He hadn't seen her in the morning, and he was fearing that she had been taked to the Labs, from where she wouldn't return, most likely. The big cell was deserted. His fellow friends were gone. Hopefully, they would be in another cell. They had to be. He shrugged, trying to think where his black haired friend could be. He was about to go to the small yard they had to catch some little fresh air, where Pharsti was, along the little kids, when he heard something. He made some efforts, and managed to hear something like a sob. He started walking along the cell, looking from where it came. He ended up standing in front of the only wardrobe they had. Softly, he opened the door, intrigued. And, finally, he found Faith, who was hiding there, her head buried in her legs. He found her crying. "They are all gone. Derek, Martina, Sven, Satomi... they are all gone. They'll come for us next", Faith cried, bitterly. "They've come earlier and took them to that Lab... I've managed to hide, and they didn't notice me, thankfully", she explained, in tears. It had to be the first time that Vale found Faith crying. And as soft and delicate she always looked, staring at her crying would make the strongest man tremble, touched. Only that the people at Zephyrs' Labs didn't know what mercy and pity meant. "Faith, you have to be strong... this is not like you!", Vale finally said, staring at her wet violet eyes. Faith sobbed even more. "I can't take it any longer, Vale!", she protested. "One thing was to be separated from the grown-ups, then we started seeing their corpses, then, they started taking the little ones... we are coming next. And I'm not numbed, after seeing so much death here, but desperate! I thought that I would have followed them obediently when my time came, but now... I don't want to die, Vale, I don't want to!", she said, hiding her head in his thin chest. The light haired boy hugged her, softly. He thought like her. He didn't want to die. Not there, not that way. He hated the fact of having survived the spaceship crush. He would have given anything to have died at that moment. Slowly, without really realizing it, he started caressing her soft dark hair. He didn't know what to say, but he started touching that beloved head that had helped him so much before. He felt so small, to not be able to calm her down when she was angsty. However, she seemed to calm down a bit with Vale's silent support. At least, she stopped sobbing. "There are so many things I want to do outside this place", she finally said, a small smile in her lips. "I want to see all the places I can. I've already been in one place for too long, I want to wander through the Universe, if possible. I want to study, I want to become someone. Who knows? Maybe I could become a lawyer and demand Earth for what has done to me and the others...", she said, chuckling. Vale couldn't reply. He had a knot in his throat. That girl was just a miracle. Just a few seconds ago, she was crying, desperately. Now, she was making plans for an improbable future. "And I want you to come with me", she added, staring at his eyes. "We've been together in the bad moments, so I want to share the good ones with you, too" Vale nodded, silently. He wasn't going to loose track on that girl, never in his life. * * * Once more, Vale found Faith crying, hidden in the wardrobe. This was getting more and more frequent since most of their friends were gone. Vale grabbed her hand and pulled her out from there, bringing her to the light. He stared at her, worried. This was not the Faith he once knew. She was cracking, she was letting them to defeat her. The real Faith wouldn't have allowed that. She stared at him with her wet eyes, defiantly. She didn't like him that he stared at her with pity. "Stop looking at me like that!", she finally protested. "I don't need your pity... as you don't need mine", she said, between sobs. "It's not pity... It's just that I'm surprised with your current behavior... you weren't like this..." Faith bit her upper lip. "Vale... I can't go on with this hopeful facade anymore... I mean, I can, but sometimes I'm too tired to go on with it... I'm hopeless. I know that we won't fulfill our promises. I know I'll never get to dance ballet again in my life. I know I won't get out from this place alive... All my dreams will vanish the day I'll be taken to the main Lab..." Vale hugged her, trying to be strong for both of them. She laid her head over his shoulder. "You were right from the beginning... You showed your disgust from the very first day I met you... I made up a story and tried to cling to it, wishing that it would come true in the future. No, I didn't wish. I hoped, I believed it would become reality. Now, I don't know... or I don't really want to admit that it will not happen" She sighed, before talking again. "And you... you too, Vale, you too had been trying to prove yourself to be stronger than what you really are. At least, you try to convince Pharsti that you are in a better state than the one you really are. I've seen you several times rubbing your stomach, while you've given her part of your food to her after saying that you were already stuffed, when we all knew that couldn't be, with the... horrible stuff we are given. I've seen you smiling at her so she would calm down, while your fists were tight and tense. I know you... you know me... we are in the same boat" Vale sighed. There was nothing he could do to hide his feelings from Faith. She now knew him really well, and listening to her description was like watching at his own reflection on a mirror. He, on the other hand, didn't manage to catch her despair. He thought that she was stronger, or just out of that world, with her odd yet positive phylosophy. Now, he also knew her crystal clear. Faith looked to him, determined. "I just have to ask you one thing", she asked, slightly embarrassed. "Please, when you think about me in the future, recall me strong and positive. That's how I want you to remember me. This is just a temporary depressive outburst, at least I hope it is. Please, remember me strong, Vale" As a reply, he hugged her tighter, as if he could protect her from anything that way. In just then, in all her despair, she managed to whisper, "Don't worry, Vale... Tomorrow it'll be a brighter day" Vale had to close his eyes too tightly to repress his tears. * * * That evening, Vale was feeling uneasy, as if he was expecting something bad to happen. He was alone, in his cell-like room, laying on his bed, trying to take a nap. Pharsti was in another cell with the little kids, trying to enlighten their poor spirits, telling them stories and making up games and stories for them. Some of the other teens were with her, and some others had been taken with the guards. He tried not to think what was happenning to them at that moment, but he couldn't help it. It always happenned to him, to try to imagine what was going on in the Labs while the others waited. He tried to set his thoughts in something else, in something more productive. He was wasting his time, and he was hurting himself, all in one. Just then, he heard the sound of a door opening, and some wheels along the corridor. That meant that the Lab practices had to be over. Curiously, he got out from his bed, and approached the cell, having nothing better to do. He saw the guards carrying a stretcher, with a body covered with a white blanket. "One less", Vale thought bitterly, as they walked next to his jail room. He was used to that, to the continuous parade of death bodies being carried to who knew what place. It was as if they did it on purpose, carrying the bodies in front of the still alive ones. However, this time, his blood froze, and his eyes opened wide. Clinging from the litter, a delicate hand hung, and he managed to see a plastic blue bracelet hanging from that hand. A blue bracelet. "Faith...", he mumbled, terrified. He hadn't seen her around in the last hours. She was the only one wearing a blue bracelet. And the surviving test subjects were fewer and fewer each day. It had to be her the one that was covered by a white blanket. He followed the guards with his sight, until they turned in a corner and dissappeared, taking Faith with them forever. It was then when he "awoke" from that spell and turned back, looking desperately for her among the survivors. He didn't find her, as he expected. Her things were still in her place, just as she had left them. He checked inside their wardrobe, but she wasn't there. Vale sat down on her bed, still warm. His fists tightened, his hole body filled with rage. He couldn't move, and what was worse, he couldn't cry. He couldn't say a word. He just stared there, sitting on his beloved friend's bed, hoping that it was just a misunderstanding. She could have given her blue bracelet to someone else. He waited for her to come. He still hoped that she was somewhere else, but alive. However, she didn't return. * * * Just a few days took the guards to pick Vale and Pharsti for a new round of experiments, this time at the main Lab, from almost no one came back alive, and from where no one returned sane. The siblings tried to oppose at first, but after a few hits from the guards, they knew they wouldn't resist much, and followed them obediently. "So this are the siblings, uh?", Dr Zephyrs asked, once he got into the Lab, after his test subjects had been prepared for the intervention. "Yeah, the Shatner siblings, a boy and a girl", a nurse said, uninterested. "They are the same age" "Good, maybe that will come in handy for the outcome of the experiment", the doctor said, checking their faces. Vale controlled himself and didn't spit that ugly, disgusting man on the face, as he would have wanted to do. Instead, he studied him well. If he was going to get out alive and sane from that Lab, and if he was going to survive, he was going to track him down and give him his deserved punishment. "So we have a tough guy here, uh?", Zephyrs asked, as Vale didn't lower his head under his gaze, but the contrary. "You'll learn to be obedient... if you survive from this, you know" Pharsti sobbed, angstly, and afraid at that threatening tone of voice. "Sis, calm down, everything will be alright", Vale whispered to her, sweetly. Pharsti stopped sobbing, but she wasn't as positive as he was. "Well, give them the anesthesia, I'm eager to begin", the doctor said, in a hurry. Vale tried to keep himself awake, but it was impossible. As he was falling asleep, he wondered if he would be reunited with his family and with Faith in little time. * * * He saw a bright light. Maybe he was dead, finally. He was too confused, his head hurt him. He started looking desperately for a familiar face, for some known sound. Everything was silent. He started wondering if he had passed out during the surgery. He was starting to feel relieved when he noticed the lights... they had to be from the operating room. He had survived, apparently. He tried moving his head, but he could only do it slowly, as everything spinned around him. It was a hurtful feeling. His head itched and hurt. Slowly, he managed to move his head to where Pharsti was before he lost his consciousness. He found her looking at him, with some despair in her eyes. He sighed. They had both survived. Pharsti was fine, looking puzzled as well. Vale sighed relieved. At least, they were together. He felt very dizzy, and the world spinned at his eyes again, confusing him even more. Apparently, he was still at the operating theater, shortly after whatever they had done to them. He managed to see Zephyrs smiling, cracking his hands. "It's been a success!", he said, satisfied. "Maybe the fact that they are siblings had some effect, after all", the nurse said, approvingly. "We've never got this result... it's awesome!", Zephyrs said, excited. "We'll let them rest for a while, then we'll see if we got some real results or not", he said, washing his hands before leaving the theater. Vale moaned. His head hurted, and he was dissappointed at everything. There was more to come, still? Wasn't that enough? * * * He didn't know why they were taking them from their cells this time, but they had no other thing to do but to obey the orders given to them. They had been taken to a new Lab, where some giant structures stood. They look humanoid, but they were giant. On the other hand, they were just skeletons of a bigger machine to come. A cold chill run through Vale's spine. He didn't want to be there. "Alright, 478, get into that cockpit", Zephyrs ordered, anxiously. Vale stood on his place, determined to not do anything he was told. "Oh, so you are a cocky one, aren't you?", Zephyrs asked, sarcastically. "I'll show you who's the boss here, and who was to obey, no matter what", he said, picking a strange device from his lab coat pocket. Then, he touched something there, and a strange sound appeared. The chilling sound filled Vale's head. It hurt. Slowly, he felt as his energy left him. His pupils dilated. "Now, get into that cockpit, 478", Zephyrs repeated. This time, he did what he was told. He just moved because he had been told to move, not because he wanted it. Once in the cockpit, he felt like a synergy with the strange material found in the cockpit. A bright light started shinning. He could feel as if that material -Metatron, he would later know that name- flew along his body. "It's a success, a real success!!!", Zephyrs exclaimed, excited. "This is what I've been looking for my entire life, this... this is a great day in History, even if it's just a couple of people who know this!" After some time, he was ordered to get down from the cockpit. Zephyrs touched his device once more. Vale started feeling himself again, but he felt very weak and fainted. * * * Shortly after his experiment, the siblings were taken to another room, filled with suppossed garbage. This time, the one who had to be tested was Pharsti. Ares remained in a room next to the one Pharsti was, with Zephyrs and his assistants. From there, Zephyrs ordered Pharsti to burn everything in the room, using the OF prototype. Pharsti started crying, shouting that she couldn't do such a thing. Zephyrs took his device from his pocket, again, and the sound filled the other room. Vale saw how his sister's pupils dilated, and soon, she looked more like a robot than a human being. Terrified, he saw the light surrounding the prototype, and his sister doing what she had been order before. The entire room set up on flames. Zephyrs laughed like a madman. "She hasn't the same levels that her brother, but this is awesome, nonetheless! I've been able to perfect the human species! I'm a genius!", he started praising himself. Soon, his assistants stopped the fire, and Zephyrs asked Myona to get out from the frame. Once outside it, he touched his device once again, and Pharsti regained control of herself, but like Vale did before her, she fainted. Vale hugged his sister before she fall, and cried bitterly over her unconscious body. * * * Many other rounds of experimentation followed those traumatic ones. Vale showed better results than his sister. Other kids couldn't resist them, or died during surgery. The siblings found their parents, after a long time, but what they found was traumatic. There were no real traces of their parents, just parts of them. They had gone under several experiments, and while they kept on living, they weren't themselves anymore. Many cruel things had been done to them. Vale, at heart, was thankful that Derek had told them that they had been dead for a long while before, as those who found where his parents' remnants. However, he would have liked them to die before, so they would have suffered less. Eventually, they died. Only that Vale and Pharsti thought that they should have all died in the spaceship crush. Their friends were dead from a long time ago. The little kids followed the grown-ups. Vale wondered why did he survive. He thought about it, but he could never find an answer. Faith deserved to be alive, but considering what he was going through, it was a blessing that she had stopped breathing a good while ago. His parents suffered a terrible agony. Who knew how much time they were in that cruel state they were when they found them? Months? Maybe years? His heart was filling up with hatred, but he couldn't do anything against Zephyrs. The old man had programmed him and Pharsti well, in a way that they couldn't rebel against him, and could only do whatever he wished. They were just puppets, once the horrible chilling sound appeared. He tried to cheer his sister up. Pharsti had a slightly better time than what he did. He tried to fill her head with good, possitive things. And in those times, he couldn't help but recalling Faith, who had guessed that aspect of his personality. He had to recall her possitive energy, her liking for life, her hope in the future... He sighed. He needed her, or someone like her, desperately. But no one came to his rescue. * * * After many rounds of experiments and hyperalignement, the Shatner siblings were exhausted. Each time, it took it more and more time to recover from a round of experiments. Zephyrs was thinking of getting rid of him and trying to do some new research with new people, but Earth was getting more and more eager of results. Of real results. Zephyrs project was starting to be more troublesome than what it was worth. Especially if only subject 478 -Vale- showed good results in any machine. This couldn't happen to him now, now that he was so close to being able to produce a version of the MindFlow System that could be used in any human, not only on the enhanced ones. One day, while the siblings were trying to have some rest, but their minds were too troubled to actually catch some sleep, Dr Harris, Zephyrs' assistant, appeared in their cell. With a strange smile, he told them to pick their few things and follow him. He took them to some hangar, and asked them to get into a LEV, as they were going to be transferred to another facility. The kids just did as he said, resigned. They couldn't question anything, because they had never received any kind of answer. They just obbeyed, hyperaligned or not. They slept through the ride, and when they awoke, they found themselves in a room in another complex. Pharsti stared scared at his brother, but he hugged her, trying to calm her down. Facing them, Dr Harris and two other people were standing. One was a tiny, teen-alike red haired girl with yellowish eyes. The other was a man in his twenties, with a reptilian face. "Hi, I'm Lance Jimmer", the raptor-like faced man introduced himself. "We can help you to avenge all your beloved ones killed at those Labs" The offer was just too tempting to be refused. * * * Some long months passed since Pharsti and Vale were recluted to be part of BAHRAM by Jimmer. They got new names and new lives, but the pain was still in its place. They did some research, and found out that an Earthian ship, the Bonaparte III, was smuggling items to Mars for Zephyrs. It's been decided that Vale was going to get there as an infiltrator. And after that, a plan was made to avenge their pain and punish Zephyrs in the same move. * * * The following day, Vale was anxious. He recalled Faith's death several times, and that made him uneasy. It helped him to not give up on his revenge, on one hand, but on the other, it was just a torture. He checked everything once more. He bid Pharsti goodbye the previous night, and now he saw her as she was waiting to get into the Bonaparte III, in the check-in area. The entire Spaceport was a mess, there was so many people. It even looked as if there had been more people than always, but that couldn't be, it was a normal day. It was just his mind playing tricks with him. He started walking his way to the Bonaparte III, among that sea of people, with his mind somewhere else. However, distracted as he was, he couldn't help listening to some good-byes. A couple kissed by his side. A lone man checked his passport. A group of girls took photos, smiling broadly at the camera. "Oh, don't look that sad, I'm not going to die! I'll be back in a couple of weeks!" "Come on, Tommy, wave goodbye to Mum", a man said, holding a little boy in his arms. The kid did as he was told, looking for his mother with his eyes, anxiously. The mother waved at them back, teary eyed. "I'll try to return as soon as I can!", she shouted back, anxiously, throwing kisses to her baby. "Mom, I'll be alright!", the light-blue haired teenager protested, under her mother's hug. "I know, dear, but... I don't know, I feel bad about leaving you behind while your father and I go on a business trip", her mother replied back. "I've never left you behind before" "But I'll be fine! I've already told you!", the girl said, smiling. "I'm not a kid anymore... and you don't need to carry me with you anymore!" "She's right, you are making too much fuss", her husband said, in behalf of his daughter. "Besides, it's a few days trip" "The last one", his wife replied. "I'm also sick of this continuous trips, even if we can get way too many traveller's miles to enjoy some great holidays later" "I want you to come back in one piece!", the tall, well-built teenager said to his thinner sister, who sighed at that comment. "Stop nagging me, Alen! You are worst than Dad!", the girl replied, annoyed. "Now, kiss me goodbye and don't bug me!" The boy did as she said, also sighing. "Alright... it's just that I want you back for my next tournament... I'll rock it there!" "You bet I'll be there!", she said, winking at him before leaving. Many other noises and good-byes resounded in Vale's head. Kisses, cries, wavings... people shouting each other's names... he barely noticed them. He walked among the people without noticing them, heading to the Bonaparte III. Close to the personel deck, Cage was already waiting for him. "Oh, here you are, Ares!", the blue haired boy exclaimed, relieved. "I was looking for you!" "You always are", Vale thougth bitterly, yet he smiled at the boy and asked, "What's the problem, this time?" "Oh, the luggages!", Cage said, confused. "I have a lady that says that she needs to travel with her parrot, while I have already told her several times that she has to leave it on the deck. She doesn't listen to me at all!" Ares sighed. "Alright, I'll go with you", he said, following Cage to where the annoying lady was. "Tomorrow will be a brighter day"... Faith's voice filled Vale's head. He nodded at that. "Surely, it'll be a much better day", he thought, relieved. The End Notes: I was trying to write something short, with a conciser style than Countdown, where I find myself writing neverending paragraphs and scenes. On the other hand, it's like a small gift for taking so long to go on with Countdown, for those who cared. Finally, it's a small "add-on" for what's to come in Countdown. I hope you enjoyed it... Personally, I'm quite happy with the outcome. End file.
Tomorrow will be a brighter day by Nilke
Zone of The Enders
The Meaning of Friendship Wrote these months ago, but seeing that there finally is a section for this show, I needed to upload them to . Enjoy! Zeke had always relied on Jay. If he made a mistake, Jay would be there to tell him how to fix it. Actually Zeke had difficulties to even remember the time before they met. Back then he had been the friendless type, who got along with everyone and Jay had been alone, reading books. An unlikely friendship, but when their lifes collided it had seemed like a blast and suddenly nothing else mattered anymore. And because Zeke felt that way, he was sure that Jay would, too, and therefore always be there to help him. They simply couldn't live alone. When the phone was ringing in the middle of the night, Jay wanted to simply put a pillow over his ears and go back to sleep. Zeke was having problems in the night far too often lately. How could somebody even be that careless? How was that even possible? Zeke had always been like that, intuitively rushing through life, pulling Jay with him. Pulling him away from boredom and lonelyness. And Jay would always want to keep on sleeping, but yet he'd always pick up the phone. Because they were friends. And actually he wouldn't want it any other way. End file.
The Meaning of Friendship by Luna Quiche
Zeke's Pad
1. Song **Author's Note:**** First of all, before I get to the story, I wanted to put this song up, because I thought it went well with the story. Mostly from Chase's point of view...** **Miley Cyrus- I Miss You** Sha la la la la, Sha la la la la You use to call me your angel Said I was sent straight down from heaven You'd hold me close in your arms I loved the way you felt so strong I never wanted you to leave, I wanted you to stay here holding me I miss you I miss your smile And I still shed a tear,every once in a while And even though it's different now, You're still here somehow My heart won't let you go, And I need you to know, I miss you Sha la la la la, I miss you You use to call me your dreamer And now I'm livin' out my dream Oh how I wish you could see, Everything that's happenin' for me I'm thinkin' back on the past, It's true that time is flying by too fast I miss you I miss your smile And I still shed a tear,every once in a while [I Miss You lyrics on even though it's different now, You're still here somehow My heart won't let you go And I need you to know, I miss you Sha la la la la I miss you I know your in a better place(yeah) But I wish that I could see your face(oh) I know your where you need to be Even though it's not here with me I miss you I miss your smile And I still shed a tear,every once in a while And even though it's different now, You're still here somehow My heart won't let you go And I need you to know, I miss you Sha la la la la I miss you I miss your smile And I still shed a tear,every once in a while And even though it's different now, You're still here somehow My heart won't let you go And I need you to know, I miss you Sha la la la la I miss you 2. Chapter One **Author's Note:**** The zoey101 movie, Goodbye Zoey?, really made me sad, I almost cried at some parts. However, it was an amazing movie, with the exception that Zoey might never come back, which I hope she does, even if Jamie Lynn is pregnant. Well anyway, I'm writing **_**my **_**version of the story. It starts after Chase brings Gretchen to the volleyball practice. Enjoy. Next chapter will be up after three reviews. ** "You got anything for cramps?" Gretchen asked after she had missed the volleyball that came right to her. Lola rolled her eyes. "I don't think so!" Later on at lunch, they were eating together, and Gretchen, the girl who Chase had befriended, popped her pimple on her arm, and ate half of Quinn's apple, leaving her gum stuck to it. The group of people couldn't eat, but Chase didn't seem to mind. He took Gretchen, who claimed she was bored, to play fooseball in the lounge. That was when Michael decided he and Logan _had _to do something. Later that night, they set up a plan. Chase was soon locked into the room, and Logan told him he wasn't going anywhere until he admitted he missed Zoey. Chase refused to admit it, which caused Logan to rip the head off of a stuffed giraffe that Zoey had gotten Chase. Chase lost control of himself and went after Logan, pushing him into the wall. Michael pried him apart from Logan, and Chase sat down, apologizing. He admitted he missed Zoey. "You guys are right. Everything you said is true." Michael and Logan said that they knew Chase missed Zoey, and it was okay to miss her. Chase went on. "I don't just miss her, I love her. Ever since she stepped out of her dad's car and I ran into that stupid flagpole. I was in love with her before I hit the ground. And I don't think that feeling will ever change." Meanwhile, the boys didn't know, but Zoey had heard voices on her computer, and realized that Michael had accidentally turned the webcam on. She had seen and heard the entire thing. Immediately she felt horrible. She knew what she had done was a mistake. But how could she convince her parents to send her back? That didn't matter yet. She had to talk to Chase. She dialed his number, still watching the computer. He was now close to tears. She saw Michael reach for the phone. "Hello?" "Is Chase there?" "Zoey?!" Michael asked excitedly. "Let me talk to Chase." Chase was now frantic, he had heard Zoey's name. He reached for the phone, and Zoey saw his excitement and couldn't help but smile. "Chase?" "Zoey?! It's really you!" "It's really me. Listen, I have to talk to you. I think you guys left the webcam on by accident, and I just saw the entire conversation you guys had in your room." "Oh no. Oh my God. Wait. When did you start seeing it?" "Um the part before Logan ripped my stuffed animal's head off." Chase cursed to himself. He was frustrated. Zoey laughed. "Don't do anything stupid, I can still see you," She teased. Chase became serious. "Zoey, what I said is true. I miss you. And I thought I'd be saying this in person to you, but I...I love you." Zoey was speechless. Tears welled in her eyes. Now she was absolutely positive that moving with her parents was a horrible idea. What had she been thinking? What a mess this was. She absolutely had to go back. **Author's Note:**** Review, tell me how you liked it. Most of it was just playback from the movie, but still, I'm not putting the next chapter up until I get at least three reviews. Oh, and I tried my best on the dialogue from the movie, if I'm not totally accurate, sorry, I just watched the movie like four hours ago, and I had to use just memory. Hope ya liked it! Review please!** 3. Chapter Two **Author's Note:**** Thank you to my reviewers, who made putting this next story up possible. Love ya! Hope you all like this next chapter. ** Zoey had hung up with Chase the previous night, too speechless to finish the conversation. She had flopped onto her bed, burried her head in the pillow, and cried herself to sleep. That was where she was now, laying on her bed in her boarding school room in London, England. The place she didn't want to be. She wished it was all just a horrible nightmare. Well, except, of course, the part where Chase had said he loved her. Zoey Brooks awoke, realized where she was, and what she had to do. She jumped out of bed and changed her clothes. After a three minute shower, the fastest one she had ever taken in her life, she grabbed all of her stuff. In the lobby of the school, she used a phone to call a taxi. Within minutes, a taxi arrived, and she stuffed her belongings into the backseat while she took a seat up front. Without being noticed, the taxi drove her away from the fancy prep school, and a half an hour away, to her parents' new house. She arrived at the door, and paid the taxi fare. Grabbing her belongings from the back seat, she thanked the cab driver and waved as he left. Mentally crossing her fingers, Zoey knocked on the door. Her father was surprised to see her. She managed a smile, and set down her stuff on the couch. Her mother came down the stairs, and was also shocked to see her. "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving. If I have to raise the money myself, I will. I used all of my money up on the cab fare to here, but I'm willing to raise it in less than a week, if that's what I have to do. I made a mistake coming here. It's not you, it's not the school, it's me. I don't belong here, I'm sorry. I know where I belong, and it's at PCA." Her father managed a weak smile. "Well, you're old enough to decide where you belong, and I trust you. Don't worry, I'll pay for a flight back, as long as you're sure this is what you want to do." Zoey nodded. She hugged her parents. Without telling anyone, not even Chase, she was on a flight back the next morning. All throughout the flight she had butterflies in her stomach. What would her friends think? What would their reactions be? She hoped that they would be as excited to see her as she was to see them again. It had been about three days, and already she missed them. Especially Chase. She sighed, as the plane prepared for landing. _Well, this is it. I hope they forgive me for leaving, because I can't go back now. _ **Author's Note:**** Short chapter, I know, sorry. I couldn't think of much else to put, but I hope you liked it anyway! Remember, three reviews. That's it. Just three clicks on that little blue button, and up pops a new chapter. ** 4. Chapter Three **Author's Note:**** And here it is, just like I promised. Chapter three. Thanks for the reviews, guys :)** Zoey stepped off of the plane and took a deep breath. She walked to the luggage machine, and grabbed her suitcase. Scheduled to meet her in fifteen minutes was her taxi driver. Until then, she decided she would eat some lunch. She decided on a chicken pot pie. It reminded her of how on the day she decided to leave, her friends were eating pot pies. Taking a bite of it almost made her sick. Not because it was gross, but because of the memory. Why had she even done it in the first place? The sadness she had caused so many people guilted her. Finally, a man holding a sign with her name on it arrived. She spotted him, and dumped her pot pie in the garbage can, too nervous to eat. Pulling her suitcase close by her side, she followed the driver. Within the quickest half hour of Zoey's entire life, she sat in the cab outside of PCA. "Well, ma'am, don't mean to be rude, but are ya gonna get out or not?" Zoey thanked the driver, paid her fare, and grabbed her stuff from the trunk of the car. She breathed in a heavy breath. This was it. Time to face all of the people she had loved so dearly, but left so quickly. Zoey made it halfway across the campus before she was spotted. Luckily, it was someone she didn't really know, and she hurried to her dorm room to surprise her best friends. Outside the dorm room, Zoey trembled nervously. She raised a shaky fist, and knocked on the solid door. A familiar girl opened it, but Zoey was shocked. "Um, Stacy?" Zoey asked, confused. It didn't matter, however. Lola and Quinn had heard her voice and were shrieking in the background. Lola almost knocked Stacy over trying to get to her best friend. They shared a group hug. Even though it had been about threee days since Zoey was gone, it had seemed like a lifetime. "Stacy, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to move back in with your old roomates. I'm here to stay," Zoey announced. Stacy made a squealing noise, but quickly got over it. She packed her stuff and left. When she had gone, Lola and Quinn cheered. Zoey joined them once again in a big hug. "So you ready to go see Chase and Michael?" Lola asked. "I think I should do this alone. You'll never believe what happened last night. The reason I decided to come back." Her friends were interested and listening. "Chase and Michael accidentally left their webcam on, and to make a long story short, I overheard Chase say he loves me and that it wouldn't ever change. I called him last night, but he doesn't know about me coming back." Lola and Quinn squealed with delight. They practically shoved Zoey out the door. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Quinn said, urging Zoey forward. Zoey smiled. "Wish me luck!" Lola and Quinn held crossed fingers up in response. Zoey smiled. She didn't know why she had ever left them in the first place. Outside Chase's dorm room, Zoey met Michael. When he saw her, he almost had a heart attack. He jumped at her and hugged her. Then he pointed to his room. "Chase is in there, alone. He'll be happy to see you." Zoey smiled, slowly releasing Michael. She opened the door to the room, and softly closed it behind her. Chase looked up. He did a doubletake. His eyes went wide, and he started freaking out in his head. "Hey," Zoey said nervously. "H-hey," Chase managed to squeak out. "So.." "Y-you're back?" "I'm here to stay. Chase, when I heard that you loved me..." Zoey couldn't finish her sentence. **Author's Note:**** Three reviews equals next and possibly final chapter. Things will definitely get interesting. ** 5. Chapter Four **Author's Note:**** Thanks for reviewing! Enjoy the final chapter... :)** "When you heard I loved you...what?" Chase asked eagerly. Zoey could not speak. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Chase sighed in frustration. Zoey grabbed his chin in her hands and kissed him without realizing what she was doing. Chase definitely did not resist. He held her back and kissed her back with the deep passion and love that had built up inside him from the day he had first met Zoey. This was the day he had looked forward to for the longest time, and he was not about to let go. Chase wanted to keep going on and on forever, but eventually Zoey pulled away for air. He relaxed, but still held her in his arms. He looked down at her, and smiled. "Wow," Was all he could say. Zoey smiled. "Chase...I love you." Chase nearly fainted at the words that he had heard escape from Zoey's tender lips. "P-pinch me I must be dreaming," Chase stuttered. "Okay," Zoey teased, and pinched him. "Ow! Way to totally ruin a moment!" Zoey laughed. "It won't be the only moment." She reached up and grabbed Chase's shoulders. Her lips rubbed against Chase's, and they both felt something they had never felt before. It was more than a spark of chemistry. It was more like a burning fire of love. They both knew at that moment that they belonged together. Forever. Zoey tightened her grip on Chase's shoulders, and he grabbed her back once again. Their lips once again connected. Logan burst through the door, but they both ignored him, not caring. "Hey! That's supposed to be me!" Logan whined at Chase. Zoey laughed gently, but resumed kissing Chase. "Chase, I really, really do love you." "Oh I think I'm gonna be sick!" Logan ran out of the room. Chase laughed and gently pressed his hands into Zoey's back. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," Chase said. Zoey thought for a second, and smiled, "Um, maybe since you rode your bike into that stupid flagpole?" Chase laughed. "Or maybe you do." They began their third kiss in a time period of ten minutes. Lola and Quinn walked in to see how things were going, but saw Zoey and Chase in a romantic liplock, and backed out, unnoticed by the involved couple. "Zoey, I love you." "Chase, I love you too." And their lips reconnected just like that. They were meant to be. **Author's Note:**** This is somewhat how I want the Zoey101 episode after the movie to be. I want Zoey to come back, to love Chase. It almost made me cry when she realized it was a mistake, when she overheard Chase saying he loved her. I hope the next episode's good. For now, please review my story. Thanks guys:)** End file.
Goodbye Zoey? by lizwrites
Zoey 101
Believing in the UnBelievable 1"Excuse me while I kiss the sky" is the line from a song that makes you really think about life. it makes you wonder why things are the way they are. why can't you kiss the sky? well, who says you can't. you can. and that's what life is all about. believing in the un-believable. I mean, that really is why we're living. A humans will to live is really one of the most amazing things on earth. So why do people have so many problems and waste so much time trying to fix all the things that aren't even going to matter one day after they die? Once your dead, your made, man. People will want to read things you wrote, hear things you said, and feel what you felt. Once your dead your made for life man. I mean if your dying people really listen to you. Not because they need to but because it may be their last chance to really hear what your saying. But if you think about it people really do only want what they know they cant have. People with curly hair wants straight hair, brown eyes and blue or green eyes, and they want the one person they love to love them back as much as they know that's not possible. And that's why Logan wants Zoe. Because he clearly cant have her and its killing him. Nobody really knows each other they only know as much as the person is willing to share but, that's the beauty it all. It's as simple as this - your dying to live life the right way but your really only living to die. And that's when you realize that you have to take chances and try everything once before you die because that's the point, that fact, we're all going to die one day. And that's why we all want what we can't have because we'll never be satisfied with what we have, we need what we don't need. If that makes any sense at all. Now what does this all have to do with Zoe, Logan, Mike, Lola, Quinn and Chase? Well here it goes... Zoe woke up realizing that it was already like 3 in the after-noon and that's when she quietly whispered to herself "a good nights sleep always begins the next morning." as she tries to recall the previous nights events.. She went to the most anticipated concert of the year, she attended the Vans Warped Tour. She only went because Chase Mike and Logan wanted to go. None of the girls had a good time because they weren't used to the type of scene it was. Underage drinking, kids smoking pot and snorting methamphetamine in the alleyways. You could get a tattoo for ten dollars and a body piercing without parental consent. However Lola was an aspiring actress, Quinn was a science nerd and Zoe was a goody two-shoes. They saw a side of the guys they've never seen before. Chase wasn't having fun at first because even if he wasn't in a most pit and he was just near one he seemed to get knocked down. Mike wasn't fitting in too well either until Logan explained to him that it was all about the music. The most surprising thing was that Logan fit in. After all, he was an arrogant jock, the kid punk rockers, and scene kids hated. But in spite all of that Logan fit in real well. It was in this past year that Logan developed such feeling for music. After he heard from Dana Cruz and he decided music is what was going to help him forget about her, as horrible as that is. He has a deeper understanding of the world now and all the beauty it secretly holds. He realized that nothing in this world is perfect and its never going to be but he also realized that if you don't live your life the way you want to, its just going to pass you by, and you won't even know what you missed. Of course, it was no surprise he fit in with all the shirtless, drunk/high, illegally marked adolescents. That's just what he had turned into. And frankly, it wasn't so bad. But he kept up his rep at school as kind of like a hard-core kid. He had that jock look and that "fuck you" punk mentality. He was perfect. Well on the outside, nobody, not even him, knew what was going on in that over-sized head of his. And here is where our story begins... It was a Friday night and the gang was ready for a full out night of partying after a week of exams. It was junior year and Logan, Zoe, and Chase could drive. The others however would have to wait another year due to late birthdays. They were going to go partying on the beach that's off campus. After the party it was one of those "drunken confessions" night. When you're so drunk you just admit to everything and say exactly what you don't want to say. That's when it all started. After the party they decided to sleep in the lounge which was tricky because of the DA but by now they were pro's at sneaking out and it was no problem. It was dark and the were all drunk. Logan was the one who started this conversation. Before anybody even said anything he said "I don't why, I really don't" now, you would expect everyone to be confused but they were far from it. They understood him perfectly. After a long meaningful conversation everyone fell asleep except Logan. The girls got the couches and chairs and the guys slept on the floor. Logan however had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach and he dreaded it, but he knew exactly what it was. He liked Zoe. I mean he really liked her. He wouldn't say love because that word gets thrown around way too much, and he wasn't going to say it till he was sure he meant it. Forget that he wasn't even sure why he liked Zoe. He needed some air so he went for a walk. It was obvious the lounge doors would be locked so he went up to room 101 and used the window. Outside it was raining but he didn't care because rain made him feel good. Like he wasn't just one person on this pathetically cliche earth. Like he was where he needed to be. Thoughts of Zoe rushed into his head. And this is what he was thinking. " _I wonder why I like her. She's made for Chase. She's perfect she wouldn't want anything to do with a guy like me anyway."_ then it came to him. He liked her because she was everything he couldn't be. She believed in god, she believed in true love, but the one thing she was lacking was true understanding. It was ironic how this reminded him of a line in a movie. " Without suffering there would be no compassion." and the reply to that statement was "Yeah, well tell that to those who suffer." that strangely reminded him of him and Zoe. She was so...sure. Of everything. Logan could be a lot of things but sure of the world and his inner surroundings was not one of them. Then he realized. " _I know why I like her. Its because I want to be the one who shows her what She's been missing, I mean she is everything I was before I realized that things just can't be how they used to be. Like when you were 10 and you jumped on your bed and everything was okay. Well it's not like that anymore. I wish it was. I wish falling off the bed I was carelessly jumping on was the biggest of my problems. But the truth is, its not even close."_ He wanted to be with someone who was as pure and innocent as she was. Maybe she could show him the way, how to be the person he really longed to be. "**I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down.** **I'm a million different people from one day to the next."** He felt a hand on his shoulder and he spun around to find the infamous Zoe Brooks. He smiles, not happy. But one to keep him from crying. He couldn't do this anymore. He needed to go for a drive to clear his mind. So he asked Zoe to join him. " Zoe I don't know what your doing out in the pouring rain at 2:30 in the morning but im going for a drive and your welcome to come, if your not busy that is." Zoe went along with Logan with lack of something better to do. Logan drove a dark green and black Mustang convertible. As soon as she sat down she felt right at home. Like this is where she needed to be. And although the car smelt of pot, booze, cigarettes and scoll chewing tobacco - it was delicious. I guess she felt like she belonged here and felt more comfortable here than in his dorm because this was the real Logan. He had vinyl records laying on the back seat, a basket ball, an I pod, and a notebook. And with that he drove down the long road into the star lit night before them. This was going to be a long night. Logan proceeded down the road only to end up driving to a meadow type environment, not like the ones on T.V. but a real one, a wild one. With beautiful flowers lit only by the moon, and a beautiful little pond and a weeping willow tree caressed by the star light, it was beautiful. It was almost magical. Logan and Zoe exited the car only to get the haunting felling that this was the kind of place you dreamed of. This was the paradise you thought up when you needed to escape and now right before their eyes all those lost feelings, were coming to life. Neither of them needed to say a word, the feelings were all embraced in the silence. It wasn't an awkward one though - it was more of a "I know what your thinking, and im thinking it to" kind of silence, and it was quite nice. That's when they realized that it didn't need to be broken with word but would only be more peaceful with the linking of their thoughts. Logan began to realize that this - this was exactly what he wanted. A paradise where he could go just to escape the alternate, swirling, painful reality that had become his life. "_Like all lost balloons lets disappear into the atmosphere."_ Was all that Zoe could say at that point in time. And Logan gave her an un-easy look. But he understood. He understood that she mean that "_all she wanted to do was run-away and fade out. She wanted what he wanted. Only she was better at hiding it, this only made him think higher of her, probably the last thing he needed was to like the one girl he couldn't have more."_ Logandidn't know what to do so he gently took her hands and turned her so she was facing him and he lightly pressed his lips against hers and for a brief moment he knew what real love and perfection felt like. But a moment is all that you can expect from perfection, because its not a real feeling. Its what people think up when they can't think of any other word to describe the situation they're in. Because for that one split second you did what you wanted, and your not going to regret it because for that moment, time stopped and the world around you froze - and you felt that feeling - perfect. I mean it was a state of bliss. It was so beautiful it made you wanna cry. Both of them tried to seize the moment - hold onto it because they knew once it was gone, they'd never ever feel like this again. But it had to end sometime and it ended with the wind grazing their tear stained faces. They both let out breathe's they weren't aware they were holding. And with that they returned to his car and drove into the sunrise. As they returned to PCA it was nearing 5:00 in the morning. They went in through 101's window and returned to sleep in the lounge. And it wasn't till 3:00 in the afternoon that Zoe woke up and remembered what she never wanted to forget. And it was that night that Logan was forever changed, he now knew that he wasn't going to have to go through life wondering, he knew what he needed to know, and that was to be content. And you know what Logan's going to do now? He's going to kiss the sky. Know why? Because people say that you can't. Because kissing the sky is considered to be crazy. But as Jimi Hendrix said "You have to go on and be crazy, because craziness is like heaven." And with that Logan went and did what everyone said he would never do. Logan lived life against everyone else's wishes and did as he pleased. "_**Never do anything unless your hearts in it ; And live by the phrase the sky's the limit."**_ PLEASE REVIEW. This was kind of rushed...I hope it turns out okay. End file.
Believing in the UnBelievable by chemsky
Zoey 101
Apology **Disclaimer : I do not own Zoey 101 or any of its charcters.** **I wasn't originally going to make a story with Zoey and Chase because I personally like Dana and Logan more but I got a Review on one of my stories and they asked if maybe I could make one for Zoey and Chase so here I am writing a story for Zoey and Chase from Request. Here we go...** Zoey walked slowly to class. Dana had left a few nights before and Nicole was gone to visit her great great grandma in the hospital before she passed away. Today was not going to be a very happy one. Chase walked quickly to class. It was amazing !! Logan was bieng nice and caring. Micheal stopped eating potato chips and there was FINALLY peace in their dorm. Today was going to be fantastic !! "Heyy Zoe !!" Chase said happily as he took his seat next to Zoey. "Heyy Chase.." Zoey said quietly lying her head down on her desk. It was English class, her least favourite subject. "Whats wrong Zoe ??" Chase asked "Nothing, Im just tired I guess" She lied "Riiiiight" He said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Uhg!! Just shut up and leave me alone!!" She screamed and stormed out of the classroom. "Okay Class listen up!! Your homwork tonight is to write an apology or apologies to be read out infront of the entire class... Dismissed" Chase immediatly ran back to his dorm and began. He finished within an hour and decided to see if Zoey was okay. Walking towards her dorm he counted the dorms.. "98,99,100" He let out a sigh "101" _knock knock knock_ Zoey answered the door with red, puffy eyes and a tissue in her hand. _'oh god its chase'_ she thought hurridly. "Oh My god Zoe!! are you okay, why are you crying, what happened, wheres nicole and dana ?? im not good at the whole advice thing" Chase blabbed quicker than nicole if that was possible. "SHUT UP!!!" Zoey yelled "You wanna know whats wrong ??!! huh huh !! i'll tell you whats wrong, Dana left us a few nights ago without much of a goodbye we'll never see ehr again !! you dipwad !! Nicloe left with teary eyes yesterdya morning to visit her dieing grandma in the hospital, IM ALL ALONE your such an idiot for 10 seconds i forgot about my problems and now you come and make it worse !! uhg!! your so self centered just leave me alone !!" Zoey snapped. it was official. "Zoe, im sorry, I just thought---" Chase started "I dont care what you thought !! just leave me alone !! I HATE YOU !!" Zoey screamed and slammed the door in his face. Chase just stood there with nothing to say. He heard Zoey start crying again. "Zoey" Chase whispered to himslef "Im sorry" and then walked back to him dorm to re-write his english paper. "Chase Matthews your up" Chase walked up to the front of class and stood there confidently. Zoey watched him carefully. She felt bad about everything she said yesterday, she didnt mean it. She couldnt tell chase that though, becuase he sat on the other side of the room today. "I have a few people that I want to apologise to." Chase started "First of all I want to apoligise to both my room mates, Logna and Micheal for being to hard headed and taking to long to say what im about to say, cause they've bugged me about it long enough. Id like to apologise to Zoey for not always being there for her, even though we're supossed to be best friends, Id like to apologise for making her angry at times and being a dimwit. id also like to apologise for waiting so long to tell her that I am absolutly, positivly and 100 totally in-love with her. and now after saying that i'd like to apologise for making her feel any kind of horrible emotions that may be going through her right now. Thank you." After chase's sudden announcement he walked out of the classroom, having the guts to look at zoey in the eyes and mouth 'Im sorry' before walking out. Zoey sat there awestuck. _'He loves me ?? Oh my god I have to find him!!' _ "Can I be excused??" She asked "Certainly Zoey" "Chase" Zoey yelled down the hall. Chase stopped walking and turned around ready to get a talk about how she just wants to be his friend. "Chase. Were you serious??" Zoey asked. "Yeah, Of course. Why would I say that infront of the class if i didnt, do you think im an idiot ??!!" He almost screamed. Zoey did the last thing he expected. She kissed him, full on the lips. actually she wasnt even expecting to do that. She just did. "Why did you do that ??" Chase asked. "Becuase I wanted to" Zoey explained. "and becuase I love you too" Chase leaned down and kissed Zoey "Be mine" Chase asked. "Always and forever" She answered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **I think, that is the worst story I've ever written :S... its easier with Dana and Logna cause their fiesty like me so I can think of things MUCH easier. But chase is a shy guy and Zoey is Ms.Perfect. So its harder for me. Sorry if you dont like it. cause I didnt like it much either.. I'll jsut stick to writting Logan and Dana fics... Sorry if this story is a dissapointment. Remember. YOU DONT HAVE TO REVIEW.. im writing for the fun of it not for the reviews everyone always says REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW. i thought people were supossed to write casue they like to write not for puplicity.. well g2g ttyl Bye.** End file.
Apology by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
1. You Cheater **Zoey 101** "**Good-Bye"** **Zoey Brooks walked into her computer class. Right when she walked in, her eyes feel on Chase Mathews. Chase was Zoey's boyfriend. They had been dating for over three months.** **Zoey walked over to where Chase was sitting and sat down. "Hi." She said. Chase kissed Zoey on the cheek as she got out her pink laptop. Mr. Benson, the computer teacher walked into the room and closed the door. "Good morning class." He said. "Today we are going to be learning about the different parts of a computer." Zoey wasn't listening. She was texting Chase on her laptop. She had typed: "Dinner tonight at Sushi Rocks?" Chase typed back: "No, I can't." Zoey saw this and typed back: "Why?" Chase didn't answer. Because at that time, computer class was over. Zoey got up and put her laptop away and left. She was wondering what Chase was doing tonight. ** **Chase walked into his dorm. He picked up his cellphone. He dialed a number. A girl answered. "Hello?" Chase asked. "Is this Abigail?" "Yea. Hi Chase." The girl said. "Dinner tonight?" "Yea." Chase said and hung up.** **Meanwhile at Zoey's dorm, Quinn was working a potion. Lola walked in the room. "Hi Quinn, what are you doing?" Lola asked. "I'm trying to come up with a cure for my pet squirrel." Quinn said. She pointed at a cage with a squirrel inside it. Lola screamed and she ran out of the room. Zoey was just walking into the room when Lola came running out. "Hi Quinn, what's the matter with Lola? I saw her running out of the room." Zoey said. "She's just afraid of my pet squirrel." Quinn said. Zoey saw the squirrel in its cage. "Eww!" She said. Zoey didn't leave. She just closed her eyes. "I'm going over to see Chase." She said. Then Zoey left.** **Zoey knocked on the door. Logan opened the door. "Hi Zoey. Come on in." Michael was on the computer. He turned and noticed Zoey. "Hey Zoey." He said. "Where's Chase?" Zoey asked. "Sushi Rocks. He said he was going to meet you there." Logan said. "In computer, he said that he couldn't go out. I wonder what he's doing." Zoey said. She left the room and walked to Sushi Rocks.** **When Zoey finally got to Sushi Rocks, it was almost dark. She walked in and saw Chase------ with another girl! Zoey walked over to Chase. He saw her. "Zoey, it's not what it looks like." He said. "No, I understand! I never want to see you again!" Zoey yelled. She saw a big platter of Sushi on a table and picked it up. Then she poured it all over Chase's head. Then Zoey left, heartbroken. ** 2. Forgetting Chase **Zoey 101 ** "**Good-Bye" ** **Zoey walked into her room and started to cry. Quinn and Lola where inside watching TV at the moment. "What's the matter?" Lola asked. "Chase is dating another girl." Zoey kept crying. "That jerk!" Quinn said. Lola walked over to Zoey. "It's going to be all right." Lola said. "I hope your right." Zoey said.** **The next day Zoey walked into Math class. She didn't look at Chase. In fact she didn't even sit near Chase. Chase sat in the back so Zoey sat in the front. Later that day at Lunch, Zoey sat with Quinn and Lola far away from Chase. "You know you can't avoid him forever." Lola said. "I know. But I told him I never want to see him again." Zoey said.** **That night Zoey went to bed with a lot on her mind. Why would Chase do that to her? Did he really like her all the time they were dating? Would they ever get back together? Just then Zoey heard a scream. She jumped up and got out of bed. Lola and Quinn were up to. They walked out into the hall. Down the hall, a girl was shaking at flowers. Zoey remembered that girl. She was the one dating Chase. Zoey started to fun the down the hall, but Lola and Quinn stopped her. "You need rest." Quinn said. They dragged her back into the dorm. "Go to bed." They said. "How can I?" Zoey said as she climbed in bed.** **The next morning, Zoey walked up to the bulletin board in the lounge. A piece of paper was staple on the board. It was about the spring play. The play was "Romeo and Juliet." "That would be fun." Zoey said to herself. She signed up for Juliet. Then left for her first class. Then Chase walked up to the bulletin board and signed up for Romeo.** 3. Good and Bad News **Zoey 101** "**Good-Bye"** **Zoey walked into the auditorium. She was going to audition for Juliet. She took a seat and waited to audition. Chase walked in the auditorium. He took a seat far away from Zoey. What is he doing here? Zoey thought. Chase saw Zoey. What is she doing here? He thought. A man stood on the stage. "People audioning for Juliet, please come forth!" Zoey stood up and went to the stage. "Hi, my name is Zoey Brooks." Zoey told the man. "Hello Zoey. We need you to sing the first two bars of "Love Story" for us." The man left the stage. Zoey knew this song perfectly. She started to sing "We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashbacks start. I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air." Zoey stopped singing. The man was sitting on one of the chairs. "Perfect! I don't need a castlist for Juliet! You've got the part!" The man said. "Thank you!" Zoey said. She got off the stage and went to her dorm. The man went back onto the stage. "People auditioning for Romeo, please come forth."** **Zoey ran into her dorm. She was so happy! "Hey guys! You know the play that I said I was auditioning for? Well I got the part!" "Good for you!" Lola said. Meanwhile at Chase's dorm, Logan looked at himself in a mirror and Michael was studying. Chase just walked into the room. "Hey guys, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I got the part in the play. The bad news is that I have to kiss Zoey." Chase said. "I thought you and Zoey were dating." Logan said. "We were, but I dumped her." Chase explained. Before Logan could say anything, Chase left the room. ** 4. Here Comes Romeo **Zoey 101** "**Good-Bye"** **Zoey put on her dress backstage. Tonight was the big play. A woman came backstage. "Five minute till start!" She said. Zoey started putting her dress on faster. ** **Five minutes later Zoey was standing on a balcony. Then she started to sing out the song:** We were both young when I first saw you I closed my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns I see you make your way through the crowd And say hello Little did I know **Chase started to come toward the balcony. Zoey kept singing.** That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet" And I was crying on the staircase Begging you, please don't go And I said Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story Baby, just say yes So, I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew So close your eyes Escape this town for a little while Oh oh Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet" But you were my everything to me I was begging you, please don't go And I said Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story Baby, just say yes **Zoey was getting nervous. But she kept on singing.** Romeo, save me They try to tell me how I feel This love is difficult, but it's real Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess It's a love story Baby, just say yes Oh oh I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you is fading When I met you on the outskirts of town And I said Romeo, save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you, but you never come Is this in my head I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring And said **Chase came up to the balcony and knelt on a knee. And Zoey kept on singing:** Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad Go pick out a white dress It's a love story Baby, just say yes Oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw young **Then Chase came closer to Zoey and kissed her. Then he whispered into her ear. "I'm so sorry about what I did. I thought I liked Abigail. But now I don't. I want to be with you. Could you ever forgive me?" "Yes." Zoey said. Then after the play, Chase came over to Zoey. "So dinner tonight at Sushi Rocks?" He grinned. "Let me think. Yes!" Zoey ran over to Chase and gave him a big hug.** End file.
GoodBye by letter00
Zoey 101
If he only knew 1**Disclaimer: I own nothing. Duh.** As she walked up to the stage, I realized that this would be the last time that I would see her. She was going to LSU and I was going to Northwestern. Walking up there she looked at me, shook her head, and smiled. I have liked her for so long but she never knew. We fought sometimes. But I really liked her. I was sitting there wondering what is she thinking? As I walked on stage, I wanted to know what was going to happen to us. Would we stay friends? Not talk anymore? I was hoping that we would be able to be together. I smiled, and thought what was he thinking at this very moment? _Wow, she is really pretty. We may fight sometimes but I don't want us to be torn apart because of that. I really like her. Her hair is just so pretty. I know that many guys tell her that and she likes it, she is sometimes the tough one but she always has a good perky additude_ _when we need help. She was always around, but why did I never tell her how I felt? I should have. Maybe instead of me sitting here wondering about us, there could be an us. _ _Man, if only he knew how much I care about him. He was always there for me. We got into some really "interesting" situations when we were together. But that is what happens. I remember the first time I met him, it made me always remember him. In a good way. _ I have to tell her tonight. It will be my last chance for anything. I just need to let her know. If she doesn't feel the same way then I guess that is okay, I will still feel the same way. Nothing will ever change how I feel. I am just going to walk up to her and say "I love you Zoey Brooks." I am going to tell him how I feel. I just know that I have to. I am just going to walk right up to him and say " I love you Chase Matthews" End file.
If he only knew by TSBlondeBabe
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Surprise Surprise Hey guys this is the second time I've written on fanfic. Zoey and James were sitting talking when she realized that the end of the semester was coming up which meant that Chase would be coming back soon. "James you know how before you moved in with Michael and Logan that Chase lived with them?" Zoey asked. "Ya, Why?" James asked. "Well you see my parents were moving to England so I went with them and then I overheard Chase said he was in love with me and so I came back to PCA to discover that he was now in England and that he would be back at the end of the semester." "Your not breaking up with me are you?" James asked nervously. "No I'm really happy and I actually I'm in love with you." Zoey says nervously. "I love you too Zoey." James replies. They lean in and kiss. When they break away James asks, "Then why are you telling me about Chase?" "I'm telling you this because the semester is coming to an end and I know that Chase's school semester is already over which means he will be back in soon." Zoey says. "Oh." James states. "I have to tell him that I have a boyfriend that I am very happy with and love and that I think we are better off as friends." Zoey says. "Ok" James replies. A few days later Logan gets a call while making out with Quinn. (They have told everyone about their relationship.) Quinn and Logan break apart and he looks at the caller id and it's Chase. "It's Chase, I better take this." Logan states. "Go ahead." Quinn says. "Hey Chase what's up?" Logan asks. "Hey Logan I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be at PCA tomorrow morning and please don't tell Zoey, I want to surprise her, okay." Chase tells Logan. "Okay Chase see you tomorrow." Logan replies and hangs up. "What was that about?" Quinn asks. "Chase is going to be back tomorrow." Logan tells her. "We have to tell Zoey because she is going out with James and Chase doesn't know that." Quinn says. "Here let's call everyone and get them to come over right now and tell them." A few minutes later Lola, Michael, Zoey and James are all in the boys dorm room. "What's up Logan?" James asks. "Chase is going to be back in the morning." Quinn states and Logan nods. Everyone is quiet for a minute. Zoey then says, "Now I have to tell him that I have a boyfriend." "Let's do it together babe." James says. "Well all be their." Lola says. "Okay everyone meet here tomorrow after classes and then well call Chase and get him to come over." Michael says. "Ya." They all say. They next morning Chase is getting out of a cab at PCA and goes to the housing office to find out he will be in a single room because Logan and Michael got a new roommate. He goes to his room to unpack because everyone is still in classes and won't be out for a few hours. It's after school and Zoey and James are walking hand in hand to his dorm room to meet up with everyone else to call Chase and get him to come over. They are all in the dorm room reviewing the plan. "Okay so everyone know what to do." Zoey asks. "Yep." Everyone replies. Logan then pulls out his phone and calls Chase to get him to come over. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door. Logan gets up to answer it. Everyone else just stays seated and just says hi so then Chase is a little confused. "Guys aren't you happy to see me." Everyone nods and tells him sit down. James is sitting next too Zoey on his bed. Quinn and Logan are sitting next to each other on the couch beside Lola and Michael is sitting on his bed. Chase walks over and sits down beside Lola on the couch. "So what's up guys." Chase asks. "We just thought we'd fill you in on everything that is going on at PCA that you missed." Lola says. "First off, I'm James, Logan and Michael's new roommate." James says. "Quinn and Mark are no longer dating." Logan says. Quinn then says, "Me and Logan are dating." Chase is sitting their in shock. "Vince Blake is back and PCA, but his attitude is way better." Michael says. "I'm dating Vince." Lola states. "That's everything isn't." Logan asks. "Wait a minute if you all had something to tell me then I'm sure Zoey does too?" Chase asks and turns to Zoey. "Can you just give me a minute in the hall with James, Lola and Quinn?" "Ya sure, Zo." Chase replies. They walk into the hall and Zoey starts freaking out. They get her to calm down and tell her it's going to be okay and that he deserves to now that she is dating James. Lola and Quinn go back in the room. "Where are Zoey and James?" Chase asks. "Their just talking for a minute." Lola replies to Chase's question. **Meanwhile in the hallway. ** "Zoey relax it's going to be okay and remember I love you." James tell her. James leans in and kisses Zoey on the lips. "Okay, I ready." Zoey says. They walk back in and sit on James's bed. "Okay look Chase remember when we said we'd try and get together when you got back." Zoey asks. Chase replies, "Ya." "And you asked what happened if we were seeing other people and I said that we would come to that if it happened." Zoey asks. "Ya, but I don't get where this is going." Chase asks really confused. "You see, I have a boyfriend." Zoey says "and it's James." **That is the end of the first chapter of Surprise. The next chapter should be up tomorrow or later today. ** 2. Chapter 2 Surprise Surprise **Hey guys this is second chapter in my twoshot Surprise. ** _Last Time:_ "_Okay look Chase remember when we said we'd try and get together when you got back." Zoey asks._ _Chase replies, "Ya." _ _"And you asked what happened if we were seeing other people and I said that we would come to that if it happened." Zoey asks._ _"Ya, but I don't get where this is going." Chase asks really confused. _ _"You see, I have a boyfriend." Zoey says "and it's James."_ Everyone just sits their quiet and not sure what to say and Chase is just trying to absorb what Zoey just said. "Chase are you okay." Zoey asks. "So what is going to happen now?" Chase asks. "What do you mean?" Zoey asks a little annoyed at his answer. "Are you going to break up with him so we can be together?" Chase asks. Everyone is shocked at Chase's question. "No I'm not because I love him and he loves me and I'm very happy with him." Zoey says. "Oh, Okay then. Can we still be friends?" Chase says a little hurt but no one notices "Of course." Zoey says. "You guys we better get to bed we have to get up early tomorrow to go shopping for our tuxes and dresses tomorrow for prom.." Logan says. "What am I suppose to do tomorrow if you guys are all gone." Chase asks annoyed that his friends weren't going to be around to hang out with him because they already made plans. "I don't know you could go see some other friends and see if you couldn't fine yourself a date considering that everyone here already has one." Lola says. "Okay, I'll see you guys Saturday then." (It's Thursday to let you know and it's a long weekend.) Chase asks. "Actually were all going to Logan's for the weekend after we get our dresses and tuxes." Michael says. "I guess I'll go hang out with Vince then." Chase says. "Actually he's coming with us." Lola says. "Sorry dude we didn't know you would be back so we all made plans for the weekend and we won't be back until late Monday night." Logan says. The next day the gang is in Beverley Hills (after shopping) at Logan's house swimming and having a great time and forgot all about Chase. **Meanwhile at PCA. ** Chase is bored out of his mind and doesn't have anything to do. It is now Monday night and Chase is looking forward to it because his friends are coming back. It's 7:30pm and Chase is waiting for everyone to get back when his phone rings. He answers it. "Hello." "Hey Chase, It's Logan look where not going to be back till 11:00pm because we got a little side tracked so you don't have to wait for us." Logan tells him. "Oh ok." Chase answers a little sad and hangs up the phone. It's Tuesday morning and Chase is walking up to Michael, Logan and James's room and knocks on the door. No one answers so he figures they must be in the girl's dorm. He walks to the girls dorm and no one is their either. He is staring to think where everyone is. ** Meanwhile with everyone else. ** They are just finishing up breakfast and are about to go to their first class. It's Friday night (the night of the prom) and Chase hasn't seen any of his friends all week. He decides to get ready and go meet the guys in their room. **Meanwhile the guys have already left. ** The guys are all on their way to pick up their dates. The guys get to the girl's dorm and knock on the door. Zoey answers the door and says "Come on in." The guys are all speechless at what their girlfriends are wearing. **Meanwhile back with Chase.** He is on his way to the girl's dorm to meet up with his friends but they have already left to go to the dance. When he gets to the girls dorm they aren't their so he makes his way to the dance where he knows they will be. When he gets to the dance he sees everyone dancing and having a good time and decides to go back to his dorm because his friends seem to be having fun without him. A few years later they are all at graduation and Chase did get back to hanging out with his friends. Everyone is still dating who they were a few years ago and Chase is still single. It is right at the end of the graduation when James gets called up to the podium. Everyone is really confused. "I would to like Zoey Brooks to please come up here." Zoey walks over to James and James turns to her, "Zoey I have loved you ever since I first saw you and I love you with all my heart." "Oh James that is so sweet." Zoey says. "I'm not done." James gets down on one knee. "Zoey Maria Brooks, Will you marry me?" He asks as he pulls out the ring. Zoey is crying but manages to get out a yes. He puts the ring on her finger and stands up and kisses her. Now 15 years later Chase still single and watching the love of his life raise 3 beautiful kids with her husband James of 13 years. He lost her all because he went England to tell her how he felt and she came back to find him gone. **I know it's a crappy ending but I didn't know how to end it. ** 3. Author's Note Hey I'm going to write a new story called New Student- James and was wondering how you guys wanted it to end so review and tell me Hey I'm going to write a new story called New Student- James and was wondering how you guys wanted it to end so review and tell me. Polkadotts15 End file.
Surprise by polkadotts15
Zoey 101
How I Stayed Sane **How I Stayed Sane** Drabble 1 Hands *Logan's POV* Sometimes I wonder why Quinn and I keep our relationship a secret. It's really hard to stay sane when you've been Quinn-deprived for four hours. Then, I remember, oh yeah, people would practically shun us from society. Revealing our secret would be social suicide. But little things help me keep my cool, like today at lunch. "Hey, Quinn," I said, just being friendly, of course. "Ew," she said with a wink, sitting down next to me. "Could you sit over there, by Zoey?" She smiled slightly, and grasped my hand under the table, moving her thumb across my palm. "I could, but now that I know that it bothers you, I'll be fine here." I love that smirk, spreading across her face, and squeezed her hand slightly. Oh, yeah. That's how I stay sane. **Yeah, I just decided to do a series of drabbles about Quinn and Logan 'staying sane' during long hours apart. Whatever. Please review! Also, check out Inevitable and Photoshop while you're at it!** **Grey Eyed** **PS I don't own Zoey 101, I just use the characters however I please. ** End file.
How I Stayed Sane by Velosarahptor
Zoey 101
Blush A/n: This game is called 'Blush' or 'Three words'. My invention. Although a friend helped put fuel on the spark, Thanks Maggie! Dana laughed and shook her head. All Zoey had said was 'Pass the sugar' and he was blushing. It was just typical Chase. "You're hopeless!" She voiced. "Who?" Zoey queried, looking slightly offended. "Chase, you blush at EVERYTHING!" Dana rolled her eyes. "She's right, it's girls that are supposed to go ga ga." Logan shook his head. "Oh perlease. Boys are easier to wind up than girls." Zoey said, defending her sex. "Nuh uh, girls blush over stupid stuff the most." Michael argued. "Fine then! I invoke a challenge." declared Nicole, "Our room, five minutes time. EVERYONE must come. We're having a battle of the sexes." She squealed, running off. ---------------------- Everyone sat in a circle. Zoey, Quinn, Michael, Logan, Dustin, Chase, Nicole and Dana. "The rules of the challenge are simple. You have three words. Any three words at all. You have to make your partner blush. Only three words though. Ok, Quinn you go first." "How do I pick a partner?" Quinn questioned "Randomly. But, that partner must then immediately try to make you blush ok." Nicole nods. Quinn nodded and stood up. She walked over to Dustin and sat beside him. "Do I say the words out loud or whisper?" Quinn asked in puzzlement. "Loud enough so your partner can hear, and the person besides can hear." Quinn leaned forward. "Hey there, handsome." She said in the sexiest voice she could manage.Logan rolled his eyes and muttered 'amateur.' "Hey yourself, Angel." Dustin said with a wink. Both remained silent for a moment before bursting into gales of laughter. Neither of them blushed. "Ah shoot, zero points." Nicole wrote it down as Quinn crawled back to her place in the circle still giggling. "Ok, that was a girl... now Michael. Your turn." "Ok then you..." Nicole rolled her eyes but beckoned him forward. He slid across and lowered his voice to a whisper. "You look amazing." He said huskily. "You look hideous." Nicole countered. Michael blushed and stalked back to his seat. "One for the girls." Nicole proclaimed happily. "Zoey..." Nicole suggested. "No, make a boy go again." Zoey begged, she didn't want to have to choose a boy. She shrugged. "Chase." Chase nodded. He'd thought about this a lot. Now was the perfect opportunity. He crossed the three spaces towards her and said: "I love you." He held his breath, "Love you too." Zoey countered. Chase turned scarlet. Zoey laughed. "Another for the girls!" She cheered. "How unoriginal was that 'I love you'." She clicked her teeth and laughed. Chase became incredibly flustered and walked back to his seat, slightly dejectedly. "Dana, looks like you're with Logan." "I'm going first." Dana snapped. Logan shrugged and nodded. "Suit yourself." "Can you touch them?" Dana asked hesitantly. "Yeah, as long as it's the actual three words that make them blush." Dana grinned wickedly. She sauntered across to him, kneeling down slowly. She looked him hungrily in the eye, raised and lowered her eyebrows and then took his hands and placed them on her lap. "Kiss me now..." She whispered seductively.Logan turned scarlet, realised he had blushed but... he wasn't licked yet said. "I'd love to." And leaned forward and kissed her. At first it was only chaste but soon enough it started to develop. Logan begged Dana's lips apart and she didn't fight too much. She relaxed into the kiss. His tongue swept along the inside of her mouth. "That's cheating!" Zoey cried as Logan pushed Dana to the floor, so he was laid ontop of her. "Logan play fair." Dana said pushing him off. "Who said I was fair?" He asked, releasing her. Dana was a violent shade of crimson. "I still made her blush." "Well, either way, according to the results, boys are easier to wind up than girl so ha ha!" "I say we get pizza, courtesy of the losers." Dana said. Logan sighed and removed his credit card from his back pocket, he handed it to her. She smirked. "You're a good kisser, you know." "More than three words." Logan mumbled, trying to hide his cheeks which were flushing. Dana smirked again, pulling herself up. She took Logan's hand and pulled him up. Michael rolled his eyes and walked out, closely followed by Dustin. Quinn scarpered after them. Nicole hesitated, wanting to wait for Zoey or Dana, but Dana was busy staring at Logan. (Who was stood rooted to the spot aswell, transfixed with Dana's eyes.) She shook her head and left calling "Meet you there!" "I suppose..." Dana said thoughtfully. "I might allow you to put your arm around me." "Oh you might, might you?" Logan questioned raising one eyebrow. He smiled his wicked smile. "Just this once." Dana added with her patented 'Go on push your luck, I dare you' smirk "Just this once." Logan agreed. He slipped his arm underneath hers, right around her waist. She leaned a little against him, so he supported her. "Where'd you learn to kiss like that anyway?" She asked conversationally, as they left. Chase closed the door behind his friends. "What're you doing Chase?" Zoey asked in confusion. "I CAN make you blush in three words." He said confidently, leaning against the door. "Cocky." Zoey smiled. "Go on then, three words." "Ok... here goes..." Chase left the door, and closed the distance between them. "I-Meant-It." He said it very slowly. Zoey felt the pink tinge creep up on her face. "So-Did-I." She said in the same slow tone to let it sink in. He turned magenta. "Um... well then..." He stuttered. "Come on Pizza!" Zoey laughed rushing for the door. He caught the door as she pulled it, and pushed it closed, blocking her exit. "You can't just say that and then run away!" He protested. "More than three words." Zoey pouted, copying Logan. "Here are mine: Don't-wanna-stay." "Want-you-to." Chase pleaded, dragging out his words "Make-me-stay." She countered, her eyes challenging his. He stepped forward and placed his hand on her face. "Maybe-I-will." He teased, "Dare-you-to." And he did. He leaned down and kissed her. His tongue teasing at her bottom lip. He didn't get as far as Logan had before she pulled back. "Screw-the-pizza." She suggested. She took his hand and led him to the bed. Chase decided to play Logan's role and steal his usual three words. "Wanna-make-out?" Zoey blushed furiously. "Yeah-I-do." Chase blushed deeper than Zoey. A/n: There you have it. Blush is a really fun game to play, try it at your next party. It does work better with boys and girls though. End file.
Blush by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
Everytime **_description: this is another zoey101 poem, but it wasn't meant to be. like the other it was written months ago. and after reading it, i found it fitting for chase's character. as always please R&R, but please NO FLAMES. thanks :) _** **_disclaimer: i own nothing, but i would love to get to know sean flynn. he's SO sexy_** _**authors note: i will be working on a new story, i know the last one ended short but people lost interest so i lost ideas' i guess. look for my lastest zoey101 story it'll be up soon. not sure when exactly. thanks for your support and enjoy. ** _ _**Everytime:**_ **everytime i see your face, my dang ole heart it starts to race** **everytime i hear your name, wouldn't you know i start to pace** **everytime i feel you near, heaven knows i tremble with fear** **i'm afraid to fall in love with you** **for how could i tell if you'll be true** **i'm afraid to give my heart away** **for it could be broken this very day** **that much indeed i know is true** **so instead i hide my love for you ** End file.
Everytime by joeypotter85
Zoey 101
Human Nature Hello. My name is Silverflare. And I am Quoganaholic. _The first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem. _ I must have problem. That is the only explanation there is for it. Seriously. There is no other reason that I would be writing another Quogan one shot. I am simply addicted and, since we won't be getting more fluff from Zoey 101, I'll have to get my fixes this way. There are a few things you need to know: This story takes place during Quinn Misses the Mark. After the bench scene. And I'm assuming that Logan left before Quinn did. The flashback takes place directly after the end of Hands on the Blix Van. I noticed that when Lola kissed Mark, he kissed her back. At first he was freaking but then he definitely wrapped his arms around Lola and I just thought Quinn would be a little upset about that. But, obviously, she understood that Lola was just doing it to make her stop laughing so she wouldn't be mad _at _Lola, just the situation in general and probably a little at Mark. So here's a cute Quogan-ish scene because, honestly, I could help myself. oOoOo Quinn couldn't move. But that wasn't really a problem considering she had no idea where she would go even if she could. If she went to back to her dorm, either Zoey or Lola (or both) would be there and they would realize immediately that something was wrong. And of course they would want to know what was wrong, after all, what were good friends for? But Quinn wasn't sure that she wanted Zoey and Lola to know what had happened. It would cause a lot of ruckus, she knew that much, and she really couldn't deal with her friends' gasps of shock or horror (or both). Not to mention, she wasn't sure how _he_ felt about the situation so she wouldn't even be able to tell her friends the entire story properly. She wasn't even sure what the whole story was to be honest. He'd been so...unlike him and she couldn't even begin to fathom as to what had caused it. There were only three things she knew for sure. She had just kissed _Logan Reese_. She probably would have kept kissing him if that horse hadn't gone by. And that was _not_ the first time she and Logan had kissed. oOo Quinn carefully added a little bit of liquid plutonium to her latest experiment, her heart not fully into it. Lola had gone to "get the taste of Mark out of her mouth" and had yet to return. Zoey and the others were probably still at the "Hands on the Blix Van" competition. She'd been really looking forward to that...until more pressing matters, namely her breath problem, had arisen. She sighed unhappily. Her quest to solve that problem had only lead to another problem. Suddenly, the door swung open and Logan Reese burst into the room. "Hide me! _Please!_" He all but pleaded. Dully, Quinn pointed at the closet, not even bothering to turn around and look at him. She heard the shuffling of clothes and assumed that Logan had safely hidden himself. Although, what he was hiding from she still had no idea. The answer burst into her room a few seconds later in the form of a frazzled Stacey Dilson. "Have you scheen Logan?" She grinned. "He'sch my boyfriend!" Quinn turned to face the girl as she laughed her creepy laugh. She raised an eyebrow at the excited girl. "Haven't seen him" Stacey wasn't convinced. "But I schaw him run in here." Quinn rolled her eyes. "He probably ran through the girls dorm to throw you off and headed for his room. If you want to find him then I suggest you look there." Stacey narrowed her eyes. "How do I know you're not juscht covering for him?" Quinn shook her head and turned back around to face her experiment. "Logan hates me. Why would I feel the need to do him any kind of favor?" She could _feel_ Stacey brighten behind her and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes again. "That'sch true! I'll go look for him elschwhere!" And she was gone. There was silence for a few seconds before she heard her closet door creak open. "Thanks." His voice said from behind her. "Sure." She replied dully, still not looking up from what she was working on. There was more silence, awkward silence on Logan's part, for another couple of minutes before: "You don't really think that, what you told Stacey about me hating you?" His tentative tone was almost enough to shock her in to turning around, just to see what his face looked like. Almost. "Of course not." She scoffed. "I just took our mutual incompatibility and stretched into something more. It got Stacey out of here, didn't it?" "Yeah, I guess." There was a longer silence and Quinn figured he'd finally taken his leave. "What's wrong with you?" Or not. This time, she turned around as she spoke and found him sitting on Zoey's bed. "What?" He shrugged. "I dunno, you just seem sad." Quinn rolled her eyes. "If you must know...I'm just a little upset. Lola kissed Mark." She waited for Logan to stop choking on his own spit, feeling more than a little annoyed and wondering why on earth she'd thought spilling her guts to _Logan_, of all people, could _ever_ have been helpful. "Are you quite finished?" "Yeah." He still looked flabbergasted. " you know _why _Lola kissed Mark." He'd always thought the actress had better taste than that. "She was trying to get me to stop laughing." At his raised eyebrow she elaborated. "Side effect of an experimental breath spray." "Oh-kay..." He looked at her pointedly. "It obviously worked. What's the problem?" "Mark kissed back!" She cried; throwing her hands up into the air and finally letting the hurt she'd been feeling seep into her voice. Logan looked unimpressed. "So?" "SO!" She screeched, standing up so that she could tower over the sitting boy. "My boyfriend kissed one of my friends! How do you _not_ see the problem with that?" "Look," He said, sounding exasperated. "Kissing back is a natural reaction. DelFiggalo would have kissed back no matter who it was." Quinn was less than convinced. Her face must have reflected her attitude because Logan stood up as well. "When someone gets kissed by surprise they automatically kiss back. It's human nature. It doesn't mean anything." "How would you know?" She shot back. "Trust me Pensky," He threw her a smirk, "if there's one thing I know: it's kissing." Quinn scoffed. "That's ridiculous. It makes absolutely no sense and you have absolutely no data to back up your theory. It's just a bunch of jibb-" Logan took one giant step forward and cut her off by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. She barely had time to comprehend what was happening before he crushed his lips over hers. Quinn was still with shock for a second before, instinctively, her hands found their way into his hair and she kissed him back. He pulled away a few seconds later and stepped back. "See?" He told her breathlessly, "Human nature." He smirked. "There's no harm if you don't feel anything." Then he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. Quinn brought her hand up to her mouth and sank back into her seat, still not quite sure what had happened. Logan, again-of all people, had obviously just proved a point. Except... oOo The only problem was that she _had_ felt something that day, nearly a year ago. Just like she felt something today, on this bench, with her supposedly broken heart. That kiss had sparked a million different feelings, each one stronger than the last and all of them stronger than anything she'd ever felt with Mark. The only question was: What was she supposed to do about it now? As a woman of science, Quinn hated not knowing the answer. oOoOo There you have it. In all it's OoC glory! Well, hopefully they're not too OoC. Anyways R&R and tell me what you think! End file.
Human Nature by Silverflare07
Zoey 101
Message received and returned A/n: I JUST SAW SPRING BREAK UP. WEWT WEWT I AM SO HYPER. One shot. Chapter 1: Feeling brave, with the memory of Michael's 'why don't you just tell Zoey you love her' ringing in his ears, Chase pulled out his tekmate. Surely and finally he typed 'The message was... I LOVE YOU' he stared at it for a moment, having a mental debate as to whether he should send it or not. It was one thing to write it but a complete other for her to read. He took a deep breath and hit send. Instantly Zoey's hip lit up and the bright pink tekmate there started beeping. Everyone looked at her and she blushed, trying to quieten it as everyone watched their show on TV. 'The message was... I LOVE YOU' she read. Chase nervously watched her reaction from across the room at first she looked shocked. Then confused. Then downright upset. Chase knew he'd done the wrong thing and felt his heart breaking, as a saddened Zoey slipped her tekmate back into her pocket. Even though he felt awful for upsetting Zoey a small part of him felt relieved that she finally knew. Zoey watched restof the show in silence. Logan stood up and bowed and took applauseat the end, but seeing Chase head towardsher, Zoey grabbed Lola Quinn and Nicole by their collars and dragged them out. Causing the unconscious Dustin to land in a heap on the floor. Chase looked around for her but she's scarpered. He sighed and turned to Michael. "You HAD to put ideas in my head." He moaned. "I told ZoeyI loved her?" "You did! Woah! After all that happened over spring break? What'd she say?" "She uh... doesn't love me back." Chase said morosely. Logan patted him on the back and Michael sighed. "S'ok dude, s'ok." Logan comforted. "Yeah man... at least now you can go back to being friends with her... where you goin?" Logan looked back over his shoulder. "Wimpy-girly-touchy-feely moment over. That girl's hot." Logan disappeared after a group of girls. Chase didn't have the heart to roll his eyes. * * * "Chase says he loves me!" Zoey squeaked. She explained what chase had told her about accidentally sending her a message and that's why he'd stolen her Tekmate. "Wait huh... if he meant tosend the messageto Michael and it said 'I love you' doesn't that mean he loves Michael." "Don't even joke." Zoey moaned. "Who's joking?" Quinn scoffed angrily. "I always knew he liked you." Nicole sang. "Dana told me it too." "He told ME he liked a girl from his hometown." "EVERYONE STOP CONFUSING ME!" Zoey complained. "What doI do about THIS!" She waved the 'I love you' message infront of her friends. Everyone looked clueless. * * * At dinner that night everyone was silent. The girls had listened to Zoey's ranting for a whole hour, Chase had sat in the dark all day. Michael and Logan felt a little guilty, but not so much. "So uh... are you not talking to me?" Chase asked after a very long pause. Zoey bit her lip, unsure of how to answer. She shrugged. Chase sighed. "I think we should leave them alone." Quinn said in a shy tone. "Agreed." Logan said. One by one everyone stood up, leaving the two alone at the table. "Want me to go?" He asked. "No." The silence was killing them both. Zoey picked up her tekmate and looked at the message again. The last three words jumping out. 'I LOVE YOU'. "I keep reading and rereading this and it doesn't make sense." "How can it not make sense?" "How can you love me?" She questioned. He sighed and shrugged. She stared at it again rereading it. The silence was back. Chase stabbed at his brussels sprouts which he really hated. His tekmate beeped. He blushed and picked it up. 'Message to Zoey, received and returned' at first he thought it was a network message. But then he saw the address was 'Zoey' he looked confused. "Chase..." She asked waiting for a reaction. "I don't get it." he said. "Sorry." She picked up her Tekmate and wrote again. 'I love you too dimwit,' His eyes widened as he read the message. She smiled softly at him. He looked up at her. "Thanks... I... I don't know what to say." He stuttered. "You COULD say 'will you be my girlfriend?'" She suggested coolly. "Would you say yes?" he questioned. "Ask me and find out." She teased. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked obediently. His tekmate bleeped. 'YES. Now kiss me or elseI dump your Tekmate in the fountain.' it read. He blushed furiously. He got to KISS Zoey Brooks. His GIRLFRIEND! He was ecstatic. He leaned across and kissed her very softly. "Mm..." She said softly. "Message received and returned." She raised her hand to the back of his head and pulled him back in for a second kiss. A/n: There we go. Review. End file.
Message received and returned by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Collapsed-a songfic. 1 shot. review! Song by Aly&AJ TV show by Nickelodeon Plot by me A/N... Zoey's 15. was 14 when he told her. she was studying 4 midterms. song in italics Zoey's POV **FLASHBACK **"Chase, what did you wanna tell me? Don't go around hesitating! Tell me what was so important that you dragged me away from studying?" "I love you." I was shocked. "I-I-I'm sorry." I ran away, leaving Chase by himself **END FLASHBACK** Watching them laugh, cuddle, talk, just got me upset. It's almost been a year since Chase told me. And it looks like he... moved on. _You were the one, that I couldn't find Hidden away. In the depths of my mind. Why did I let you go-you're too good to be true. I messed it up and now I don't know what to do. We ran in circles and wasted time from right to wrong from right to wrong. If I knew that you were mine, I wouldnt've wasted time. I wish I could erase the past. Now it's all Collapsed in my lap. _I turned away, it was too much. Chase and Lola, like who figured? And why didn't I snatch him up when I could? He's perfect. _I overthought. So I looked up my heart, yeah. Never saw your blue eyes hidden beneath your heart. Why did I let you go, you're too good to be true. I messed it up and now I don't know what to do. We ran in circles and wasted timefrom right to wrong from right to wrong. If I knew that you were mine I wouldnt've wasted time. I wish I could erase the past now it's all Collapsed in my lap _"Psst! Chase! Over here!" _My mind is blank just like a clean slate will I meet another guy with the same blue eyes and the same name with the Converse shoes I gave will he have the same laugh wear my homemade hat bet I'll make another mistake and think he's just another fake _"Yeah?" "Um, do you- you know... love her?" I braced myself. Chase looked at me and blinked. Oh snap, here we go. He hesitated. "No." I smiled, then he smiled. He lifted me off my feet. Wow, in the time we didn't talk anymore, he worked out! He kissed me and I kissed him back. Oh, I knew my place in the world when I was in Chase's arms. I sighed happily and kissed him again. _Wish I could erase the past now... Wish I could erase the past! If I knew that you were mine I wouldnt've wasted time. I wish I could erase the past, now it's all Collapsed in my lap. if I knew that you were mine I wouldnt've wasted time I wish I could erase the past, now it's all Collapsed in my lap!_ review please. and thanks, Noey for telling me that you think this story should be an actual eppie! I knew you would like it since Collapsed is like our Aly&AJ song (besides I Am One Of Them, your turn 2 write I songfic!) and u r such a big fan of the Chase/Z oey get-together! Actually, you're a big fan of Chase! lols jk'n. I'm a bigger Logan fan ;-) review plz ya'll! 2. Author Note Hey thanx 4 teh review! Well its a oneshot but i was thinking of a sequel... but it wont come out till next month! LOL sorry 3. Author Note again! **guess what guys!** I'm working on a sequel! how ever you spell that stinkin' word! LOL review if ya want a SEQUEL! yay jsyk, i have SEVERAL other stories, so im not on Writers Block i just dont put 'em up all the time i want more reviews on teh stories that ARE up thanx Kal-of-the-Kalemi End file.
Collapsed by Kal-of-the-Kalemi
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **First Zoey 101 story! :D I felt Chasing Zoey didn't finish each plot, although I loved it immensely.** **Each chapter is gonna be a continuation of each little subplot, so I'll get each couple in.** **I realize this idea isn't all that creative, but I wanted to write one like it, so here ya go!** **Disclaimer: I'm sure Dan would have made another episode of Zoey 101 if he wanted a continuation.** ** * * * ** Logan and Quinn * * * Chase sighed as he and the gang settled down into the familiar, red chairs of Sushi Rox; he cast a glance at his new girlfriend, Zoey Brooks, who, in contrast to Lola and Quinn who were wearing extravagant prom dresses, was wearing a graphic tee and shorts. He almost felt the need to get up and take orders from Kazu, for he had kept a waiter and deliverer job here for the longest time. But no, tonight was the night to relax, after studying extra hard to keep up at Covington and deal with his irritating roommate, Collin. Kazu strode over to the table, and as soon as he caught sight of Chase, he heartily welcomed his back with a hug, as the rest of the gang beamed, for they shared the joy he felt with having their bushy-haired friend back at PCA. Suddenly, the door swung opened, and in walked Dustin, hand in hand with a brunette eighth grader. He sat down in a huff, and glared at Logan and Quinn, who, for some odd reason, were sitting mightily close, sharing the same expression of guilt. "What's wrong, Dustin?" Zoey questioned; she was always worried for her younger brother, he might as well be her own son. "Nothing," he said, looking once more Quinn and Logan's way. "Who's this?" she asked, still intent on interrogating him. "My date," he replied, not looking straight into his sister's eyes. "But, I thought you went to the prom with Quinn," she said it more like a question. Logan, Quinn, Lisa, and Dustin all looked at her with confusion, as though they knew something important that she didn't. Maybe they did, because she wasn't there for the whole prom, planning to blow it off in the beginning. But what was even odder was that Lola, Michael, Vince, and Chase all shared the same look of curiousity that Zoey had in her eyes. Then Quinn had a look of realization in her eyes; she spoke for Dustin, "Um, yeah, but he met her at the prom, and I just decided to dance with Logan instead," she said with extreme unsureness. Logan and Dustin both looked at her with a _what-are-you-doing?_ look, and Lisa looked like she wanted to say something, while Dustin's date was staring at the menu, not really paying attention. But if Logan and Dustin disagreed with her, they didn't say anything. "Oh, okay," Zoey said, as though she wasn't entirely convinced. Suddenly, Lisa burst out ,"But I thought you and Logan were dating!" Logan and Quinn closed their eyes in shame, while all faces besides Dustin's date turned to Lisa. "What are you talking about?" Lola asked. But before Lisa replied, Lola turned to Michael, and told him, "Your girlfriend's even funnier than you Michael!" "No," Lisa frowned, "at the prom, Logan and Quinn told everyone they loved each other, then kissed." She turned to Logan and Quinn, and told them with a grin,"I think it's really cute! Why'd you think they were dancing at the prom?" Logan and Quinn's eyes were still closed with embarrassment. "Well, I just assumed, that both their dates left, and since they were left alone, they decided to pretend they didn't hate each other for once," Lola said, as though her theory was the actual truth. "Um, no, they were dancing because they like each other," Lisa said, still attempting to convince everyone. Heads turned to Dustin, to recieve his confirmation; he just nodded stiffly before speaking. "Quinn and I were sitting together, and then Logan randomly blurted out to Stacey that he loved Quinn." He paused, this time for dramatic effect, before continuing, "And then, Quinn got up and announced that she loved Logan." With that last sentence, Lola spat out the soda she had sipped seconds before Dustin had said those words. Then, she started hysterically laughing, causing her boyfriend, Vince, to worriedly pat her on the back repeatedly. Soon, Michael, Zoey, and Chase joined in with the laughter. Logan and Quinn slowly opened their eyes in annoyance. Even Kazu, at the kitchen counter, was chuckling slightly to himself. "It's not funny!" Quinn cried, but then calmed down, realizing their reactions could have been ten times worse. The laughter stopped abruptly. Catching her breath, Zoey panted, and it was hard to catch the words in between. "Are- you- really- serious?" "YES!" four voices sounded in frustration: Lisa, Dustin, and Logan and Quinn. "Where were you guys!" Logan half shouted; Quinn squeezed his arm gently, and seconds later, he relaxed. "I mean, did you seriously not catch anything that happened at the prom?" "Well, during the dance, we were with you guys the entire time. It's not like we talked to anyone else," Vince defended himself. "Besides, we were stuck in the forest for 3/4 of the dance; we probably missed it," he gestured to him and his girlfriend, whose face was still in shock. "And I had blown off the prom until Chase arrived," Zoey added. "I was teaching Mark to drive a stickshift, and then I met Mr. Takato who told me he didn't exist," Michael had honestly had a weird night. Everyone gave him odd looks, while Lisa rolled her eyes, a little annoyed that Michael had spent half the dance trying to convince her Mr. Takato was real. "Oh," Quinn said, a little surprised, "Maybe that's why he didn't come to talk to me about it later," she said. Logan sent her an insecure glance, but she looked up at him, and he immediately de-stressed. "I still don't believe it," Lola said, looking back and forth between the two of them, trying to discern the affection between them that she had missed before. Logan rolled his eyes. Wasn't Quinn one of Lola's best friends? Quinn seemed to be thinking the same thing, and they automatically leaned in towards each other for a peck on the lips. But, apparently, Logan wanted to go a little more than a peck; Lola and Michael were forced to cover their eyes and shriek, and Lisa _aww_ed, while Chase, Zoey, and Vince stared on, not believing what they were seeing. Dustin, still a little pissed off, joined with his date in staring at the menu, now oblivious to what went on around them. Luckily for Lola and Michael, Quinn broke away from Logan's mouth. The first person to speak was Zoey. "Wow. That's actually kinda sweet and unbelievable at the same time." Then her tone turned stern. "Has he been good to you Quinn? 'Cause if he hasn't, me and Lola will get him." "Or we could just do it now, for bewitching Quinn," Lola added. Zoey turned her head and gave her a _sorry-not-happening-right-now-but-possibly-later-when-Quinn's-not-watching _look, and Lola hung her head. "I was gone for only one semester, right Zoey?" Chase shook his head like he had just been woken up from a mysterious dream, and he was glad it was over. "So were you two were really a couple? You guys weren't planning a birthday party for me?" Michael questioned. The couple's silence answered his questions. "Wait, when'd they tell you?" Zoey turned his way. "Well, I walked in on them sitting on a blanket, acting all weird, and then, later on, they got into a fight at our lunch table. In the evening, they came into our dorm room, and asked me if I "knew". I thought they were throwing me a birthday party, but they had already confessed they were a couple. I just thought they were good actors," he said, ignoring the huff from Lola. "So, were you actually getting Michael something from Vaccaro? That night where we all ended up there? Or were you there with Quinn?" Zoey leaned forward in anticipation of the answer. Logan sighed, a little frustrated with all the attention, which was quite unusual for him. " "Let's see: one semester is only four and one-half months, right Zoe?" Chase was still a little wound up. Zoey smacked the back of his head. "Ow! I fell down the concrete stairs once already, no need to make the injury worse!" he cried, clutching the back of his head. But Zoey just gave him a sorry look, and he succumbed to her adorable apology. "So, how did it happen?" Vince asked, out of curiousity. "Well," Logan said, exchanging glances with his brunette girlfriend, "it was the day after Quinn found out about stupid Del Figgalo dating Brooke," he said, faltering under Lola's glare of disbelief and hurt. "It was that LONG AGO!" the soon-to-be-actress exploded. "All those months, and you didn't tell a single thing to us, your roommates? Quinn paying no attention of Lola, continued for him, "And I was crying. On a bench. Yeah." she said, feeling awkward as she retold the extraordinary events that had taken place about four months ago. "So Logan comes up to on his JetX and... comforts me," she said, staring at the table as though it was the most awesome thing in the world. "Are you sure we're talking about Lo-?" Michael interrupted, but Logan elbowed him in the stomach. "Never mind," he groaned. Logan finished talking for the girl in the sparkly new dress sitting next to him. "And... we... um... ending up...uh... you know... _kissing_?" he said it more like a question. Lola, who evidently didn't expect the affection to occur so abruptly, started choking on the strawberry Blix she was sipping on; Vince patted her several times on the back before she stopped coughing. Zoey frowned at the couple. "That's it? He sat down next to you, and you just... _kissed_?" "Yup," Quinn muttered staring at the yellowtail on her plate. But then she looked up. "Weren't you there? You and Michael? On a horseback?" Heads snapped towards Zoey and Michael. They both strained their memories, trying to conjure the image of riding past Logan and Quinn on a bench, kissing, while they were on horseback. Suddenly, Michael shook his head. "Nope, don't remind me of... _Winchester," _he sobbed, and it would have been comical if he wasn't so upset. "So... you've been hiding this for that long!" Vince was amazed at how he had missed the signs. It was kinda obvious, once you thought of it, but just because it was Logan and Quinn, it was hard to digest. Even his girlfriend might not be capable of holding a secret for that long, and she's an actress (although he wasn't planning on telling her that anytime soon). "Yup," both of them were getting a little flattered yet irritated at the sudden interest in their relationship. "Then why'd you choose Stacey and Dustin to go to prom with?" Michael asked. "Well, if we went together, wouldn't you suspect something?" Logan replied. Lisa glanced at Michael, and smirked at the fact that he was embarrassed that Logan figured out something he didn't. "We just decided to pick each other's date." "And you just left my little brother there, Quinn?" Zoey cast a glare at her genius roommate. "It's okay, Zoey." Dustin reassured her, although he was also somewhat mad that Quinn betrayed him during the dance for a guy with a lower IQ than himself. "It's not their faults anyways. And I wasn't actually into Quinn." "Okay, you know what?" Eyes focused on Chase's bushy fro again as he began to speak. "I am dreaming. I'm still in England. Zoey Brooks is not my girlfriend. I'm not at Sushi Rox. And Quinn and Logan aren't dating." Zoey rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's unawareness. Quinn joined in with Zoey's exasperation as she held up her arm, positioned her wrist, and pressed the miniature button on her zap watch. "Ow!" Chase exclaimed, and then was hit with realization. "Oh." "This is so weird." Lola sighed. "And we're going to have to get used to this?" Quinn held up her wrist warningly, and Lola shut up. * * * Afterwards, the boys walked Zoey, Lola, and Quinn to their dorm. And as Logan kissed Quinn goodnight, for the second time in front of everyone, Lola and Quinn noticed the happiness in Quinn's eyes as she prepared for bed. Something they had never seen when she was with Mark. And as the boys walked back to their dorm room (well, Chase wasn't registered yet, so he slept on the floor. No one bothered to tell him that James used to date Zoey. And James was never told who Chase's new girlfriend was) they noticed the brightness in Logan's eyes, something that never registered in his emotions, even when he would make out with a random girl from PCA. And so their friends got used to it. For the sake of their friends. * * * **Thanks for reading, anyone who didn't bored halfway through this story :))). If this story's okay, I'll probably upload another chapter, of Chase and Zoey.** **REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW, PLEASE!** **~viciousboar** 2. Chapter 2 **Thanks to withflyingcolors for my review :))** **Hopefully you'll like this new chapter.** **Disclaimer: I would've cast a new Zoey, and ordered more seasons if I owned Zoey 101. But I don't. So they ended at Season 4. Shame.** * * * Zoey and Chase * * * Logan and Michael knew something was up as soon as they got back to their dorm. They had video-chatted with Chase several times while he was away on his one-semester visit to England. And they could always see the look of sadness in his eyes. But it wasn't because he missed Logan and Michael. Yes, he did miss them, but he could deal without seeing them for a couple months. In fact, sometimes he still wished he could, because of the frequent arguments that arose over the stupidest issues. No, he was depressed because he missed Zoey. His caring best friend, with whom he had been head-over-heels in love with since the moment he saw her (and fell off his bicycle). She was everything he could have hoped for, and just because of some stupid rumors he had heard from fellow PCA students, that he foolishly listened to, he was several hundred miles away from her. Several girls had asked him out, because apparently the afro he had sported for so long was "in" in Covington at the moment, and after a while, he began to accept. Because he couldn't just stop living, right? And he could only hope that while he was away, no boys would take a particular interest to his blonde best friend (even though they had both promised it be okay to continue their social lives and date other people). But when Logan and Michael got back to their dorm room, they could see the brightness that made Chase's eyes so alight with happiness, and knew it was because of one of the residents of Room 101 in the girl's dorms at PCA. Chase had even offered to make the other's beds, and it was a well known fact between the three boys that Chase _hated _making the beds. He wasn't even complaining that he had to sleep on the floor, because someone else was occupying his old one for a whole four months. He and James had even chatted for a while, and while they were chatting it up, Logan and Michael made a silent agreement not to tell the two about their interest in the same girl. Unless... Zoey brought it up, but then, it'd be her problem, wouldn't it? * * * Lola and Quinn were something like the best of friends at PCA. They loved Zoey just as much, but they were like sisters. The ones who were always left in the dorm room, chatting away at the most random of things. So it wasn't a surprise when they quietly were exchanging a looks as they noticed their blonde dorm mate humming away happily. It was like the peppiness and brightness that had been absent that whole week before the prom had returned within the course of events during the dance. And they were happy for her. Curious too, because although everyone always knew Chase was completely in love with Zoey, they could never tell whether she held the same ones for him. And they also couldn't understand why she didn't love James back. In truth, pretty much the whole gang forgot about Chase's confession of love to his best friend after James arrived. Only Zoey held a spot for him, a part of her mind that never spoke or acted out. Because she couldn't just admit her sadness over his absence. Not when she had a boyfriend. And James _did _make her happy, they could tell; yet nothing can replace a deep, 3-year friendship, not even a sweet, charming boy who honestly cared for her. Because no matter how much she tried to argue with herself, she knew Chase cared for her more. Lola and Quinn, on the other hand, absolutely loved James, seeing him as a "Chase replacement." Not that they didn't love Chase, they missed him just as much as Zoey for the first couple of days, but unlike Zoey, told themselves it was no use moping around for a semester which wouldn't be filled with witty, sarcastic remarks. And James' presence encouraged their forgetfulness. So, Zoey might have been described as the happiest person on earth, when she turned around, and saw the bushy 'fro she hadn't seen for over four months. And she didn't regret the kiss she shared with him on the steps he had fallen down so many times. Her thoughts of guilt for James vanished completely. She ignored the whispers she heard during the after-party. Because, honestly, she didn't care. _"OMG, Chase is back. Are they together? They must be, I heard they were in love since the moment they met. But I thought she had a boyfriend, the really hot one? Nope, she dumped him- must be 'cause he's back. I think they _are _dating. I liked her better with the blonde dude._ They were insulting, but these people didn't know her. These people only caught glances of her on campus, and only believed the garbage rumors they heard from their friends. And she valiantly kissed him in front of a throng of people she knew were watching from the corner of their eyes. Because people still couldn't believe she had dumped the blonde hottie for a guy with such an unnatural afro. And after they went to Sushi Rox, and underwent the shock of Logan and Quinn's secret (to be honest, she thought it was really cute) James had walked in, hand in hand with another girl, a brunette. All of her friends were angry (though Chase was unaware of Zoey's ex-), but while Chase was using the bathroom (or 'lavatory', as he said) she told them she couldn't care less. Because first of all, Chase could technically count as a rebound too (which he wasn't), so why would it be bad if James had gone to someone too? James noticed Zoey after he had ordered, and gave her a friendly smile and wave, then proceeded to starting a deep conversation with his date. Second, James still loved her, and she loved him. As friends. Zoey knew her friends saw her happiness, and were just as glad as the new couple was that they _finally_ got together. Finally. In fact, after the story of 'Quogan' (as Zoey secretly called it), her friends starting questioning Chase and her of what happened while Zoey was 'blowing off' the prom. * * * "This is so weird. And we're gonna have to get used to this?" Lola asked, extremely insensitive. Quinn, who was offended by the comment, held up her wrist to reveal her zap watch, which she had used seconds ago on Chase. "Never mind," she muttered and looked down. But seconds later, she perked up. "So... Zoey. You and Chase, huh?" she started the girl-talk, as though the boys (most of all Chase) wasn't even sitting there with them. "Um, yeah," Zoey cleared her throat, to let Lola know she'd give more details inside the safety of their dorm. But Lola, as always, was persistent when she wanted something- especially when it was gossip. "So, how'd it happen?" "Well..." Chase looked at his new girlfriend. Now they both understood Logan and Quinn's extreme uneasiness when everyone was questioning them. "I was just walking around PCA when Chase called me," Zoey began. "And we were just talking about how she ditched the prom, 'cause she had no date." Chase continued for her. "I guess you never dated anyone for the whole semester then, right Zoe?" Chase grinned. He didn't notice the looks everyone else exchanged with each other. "Go on," Lola chirped, helping Zoey skip the question, so she could continue without adding the difficulty of explaining James to Chase. "And he told me to turn around in the middle of the conversation," Zoey added. "I was sitting on the fence above the stairs behind her," Chase grinned a second time, as the romantic memories from three hours ago flooded back into his head as images. "And as usual, he fell off," it was Zoey who smiled this time. Logan and Michael, being Chase's roommates and best friends for so long, smirked at this. Lola and Quinn, being Zoey's roommates and best friends for so long, leaned forward in anticipation. Lisa and Vince just listened patiently, and Dustin (and his date) moved to a different table, for Dustin realized what they were talking about and didn't need to know about his sister's private life. "And then I fell down the stairs," Chase went on. "And she ran up to me, and my arm was bleeding... and yeah." Chase blushed as he remembered the next part. "And yeah?" Logan said, surprised by the abrupt ending. "What do you mean, and yeah? Did you guys kiss, or what?" Everyone looked at him with a _duh_ look, including Quinn. He was hit with realization, then looked down ashamedly. "_Oh. _Never mind." Lola, who always knew the two would be a couple one day, let out an "_Awwww..."_ "Wait, wait, what?" Quinn's head snapped towards her best bud. "_What! _They get an _'aww' _and Logan and I get a spit take?" Lola, who looked frightened at the dangerous expression on her roommate's face, excused herself to go to the bathroom. Zoey, who was watching Lola leave, wondered why in the world she, of all people, missed most of prom. She was the one who was in charge, for Pete's sake! She leaned in towards Vince. "So... what' s the story behind you and Lola missing prom?" Vince closed his eyes, and muttered something about a _stupid taxi driver_. * * * **Shorter than the last one, I know, but I'm going to do a continuation of each chapter. :)** **Thanks for reading this far, and please review!** **~viciousboar** 3. Chapter 3 **I haven't updated this story EVER. I really miss it too, it's just that I've been busy with my other 3 mult-chaps. But here's the third chapter :)** * * * Lola and Vince * * * Vince might be able to say that he had a pretty memorable prom night. He and his girlfriend were expected to be there ahead of time, but he had insisted on taking her to _Pete and Sam's_, their favorite restaurant near PCA. That was pretty much the memorable part. Though, the thing was, they might have been able to make it. If it weren't for a certain taxi driver who couldn't even carry out the task of driving two and a half miles to the prom. But _nooo, _instead, he just decided to sign up for community college. * * * "So... what's the story behind you and Lola missing prom?" Zoey questioned Vince, desperate to move the conversation along so they wouldn't have to dwell on what happened between her and Chase. Vince closed his eyes, picturing the overweight taxi driver who was more concerned with his lollipop than his job. "Yeah, um, there was some stupid taxi driver," he said. "What?" Logan asked. Apparently the eight words that made up the sentence that Vince had just said weren't enough for his comprehension. Just then, Lola returned from the bathroom, looking angry. "I just saw James' date in the bathroom. And I can't believe what a witch she is! I can't believe he's dating _her_ now!" "Who's James?" Chase asked her, sounding like he picked up a slight British accent. Lola glanced at Zoey, no shook her head, before responding. "Uh, just a friend. He's Logan's and Michael's new roommate," she replied, a little too quickly. "Um, okay," Chase looked a bit confused, but he went along with it. Meanwhile, Logan and Michael internally groaned. They both shared the hope that the girls could inform Chase of who James' -ex was, but apparently, they were trying to avoid the topic tonight. "So, Vince, what about the 'stupid taxi driver'?," Quinn continued from their previous topic of conversation. Lola sat down next to her boyfriend, and pecked him on the lips before answering (which made everyone else besides Chase, Vince, and her roll their eyes- she was gone for _only_ two minutes, wasn't she?) "Well," Vince said, "we decided to go to _Pete and Sam's _for dinner. I think you were there when we decided that, even," Quinn nodded in agreement. "So, after dinner, we were headed on our way here-" "But the idiotic taxi driver was on the phone with his nagging wife," Lola dramatically rolled her eyes. She didn't say anything else, as though the rest of her friends should know what had happened next. Zoey's eyebrows furrowed, as she was nonplussed at what Lola had just said. "And...?" "And, his wife apparently convinced him to go to community college in the middle of him getting us to PCA," Vince added along to the drama queen's story. "So he got out of the car, threw away the keys, and walked off to go sign up," he sighed. The table erupted in laughter. "That's... HA!... hilarious," Michael panted, clutching his sides. "He-_pant-_went-_pant-_to-_pant-_comm-_pant-_unity-_pant-_college? HA!" he laughed hysterically. Lisa, who had stopped chuckling first, asked the only couple at the table who wasn't laughing, "So what happened next?" Unfortunately, Michael broke out into a series of multiple giggles, shaking the entire table, which was loaded with yellowtail and eel. "Maybe you should go to the bathroom and calm down, Michael," Lisa patted his arm. "Oka-HA!-okay," he was still laughing on the way there. "And then the driver left us to look for the keys ourselves," Lola replied, in response to Lisa's unanswered question. "But, of course, we didn't find it," Vince added. "We found a guitar... and a rat," he along with Lola shuddered at the memory. The rest of the table grimaced at the scene that they could only imagine. "It was sooo..." Lola trailed off. "Disgusting!" Vince finished for her. Zoey nodded, then smiled. What was it, with couples finishing each other's sentences tonight? "So, we ended up walking. Oh, and on our way there, we ran into Firewire, and some of his buddies," Lola spoke. Logan snorted at this, and Quinn nudged him with her elbow. "Yeah, and they thought the world was ending, or something," this time, Logan broke out into full-scale laughter, and was forced to join Michael in the bathroom. "And when we told them it wasn't, they decided they all wanted to take Zoey with them to the prom, since she was ditching," Lola gave a tiny smile at her friend, then Chase, who's face was twisted somewhere between jealousy and amusement. "And, we just followed them to prom," Vince concluded their long-winded story. Just then, Logan and Michael returned from the restroom. "You guys were gone a long time," Quinn remarked as the two boys took their seats. "Yeah, Michael was just telling me about how he learned to drive a stickshift. Something about... a guy named Mr. Takato?" Logan looked at Michael. Lisa groaned. "No, I'm telling you, he DOESN'T EXIST. You must have watched online tutorials, or something," she said. "Do online tutorials show you how to stomp the grapes, or stir the tuna, Lisa?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrows teasingly. The rest of their friends leaned forward in anticipation of the next story they'd be hearing. * * * **Yeah, not much romance, but I still liked the little plot with Lola and Vince. They're cute together :) Plus, I added some Chase/Zoey, and a little Logan/Quinn [if you squint really hard].** **Thanks for reading :] (sorry I forgot about this story!)** **REVIEW!** 4. Chapter 4 **Haha! The last chapter! I think this is the first multi-chapter I've finished. ** **Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey. Or her dorm room, 101... sorry, that was a terrible disclaimer :)** * * * Michael and Lisa (and Mr. Takato) * * * "C'mon, Lisa," Michael begged. "I'm telling you, it _was_ the math teacher." "Dustin said there wasn't a math teacher named Mr. Takato!" Lisa exclaimed, exasperated with her boyfriend. "Dustin doesn't know everything! If I went up to him and asked him what the capital of Saudi Arabia was, would he know? NO!" Michael stood up. Lisa stood up, to match his height (but only because she was wearing high heels). "Well, then, let's go ask him." "Fine!" Michael strode over indignantly to Dustin's table, leaving the rest of the gang in an awkward silence. "So... what _is _the capital of Saudi Arabia?" Logan tried to ease the uncomfortable silence, but no one said anything else. Ignoring Logan's question, the gang instead decided to watch Michael storm towards the table for two in the corner of the restaurant. "Dustin!" Michael exclaimed, reaching the boy's table. Dustin rolled his eyes, and muttered "What now?" because honestly, he loved his sister and her friends, but they really interfered with his life _a lot_. "Everyone!" Michael announced to the entire restaurant, although the only people there were James and Dustin with their dates, Lisa, Kazu, and the rest of the group. Lisa shook her head, but everyone else watched attentively, quite enthralled by Michael's ridiculousness. "I am about to ask this awkward-" Dustin rolled his eyes- "young fellow what the capital of Saudi Arabia is." "Riyadh," Dustin replied immediately, and resumed conversation with his date. Time stopped for Michael. He just stared at Dustin, clearly in shock. Dustin just repeated his previous gesture by rolling his eyes, and then turned to his date, "Yeah, I think we should order the yellowtail." Lisa, meanwhile, was forced to drag the frozen teen back to the table, which had erupted in laughter. "Ah," Chase wiped the tears from his eyes as the couple resumed their seats, "poor Michael." "I still don't understand. What exactly happened with Mr. Takato?" Quinn asked. "Okay," Lisa began to explain. "Michael got a stick shift car from his dad, and told me he would drive me to prom in it," she smiled at the memory of her boyfriend sweetly, yet adamantly making the proposal. "But, wasn't prom on-campus?" Zoey asked, still unsure. Michael blinked, and came out of his reverie. "Yeah. But Michael's Michael," Lisa explained, and Zoey nodded, smiling at the little joke. "B-b-but, I-I... Takato... an-and the grapes," Michael stuttered, unable to make sense of the last few seconds. Lisa waved a hand in front of her boyfriend, who blinked a second time, before he realized everyone was looking at him. "I still don't believe Dustin knows everything!" he exclaimed. "Okay. He doesn't. But, he probably _does_ know the lower school teachers better than you," his girlfriend argued logically. "Yeah, Michael, I'm also pretty sure there _is _no teacher named Mr. Takato," Vince chimed in. Michael's scowl caused Vince to shut up. "Whatever, Lisa, continue the story!" Lola said, wanting to know the fourth couple's story. "Well, Michael wasn't really, erm, _great_ at driving a stick-shift, so he said he'd figure it out," Lisa continued. Michael regaining his normal form, barged back into the story, "Well I did, didn't I? You see, I was _trying_, when this old dude came up to me. And he told me he was A TEACHER," he raised his voice so that the words would reach Dustin's table. "But he said to me," Michael imitated the old man's voice, "'Before you learn to drive a stick-shift, you must learn to drive a stick-shift.'" "_What_?" Vince asked dubiously. "That makes no sense," Zoey said. "Yeah, I didn't get it either. But then he gave me a bowl with tuna, mayo, and onions, and told me to mix it while chanting _up, down, over_!" Michael finished. "Yeah, that still makes _no_ sense," Chase said. "Well, no, aren't those the controls of the stick-shift?" Quinn pointed out. "He must have been trying to quicken your reaction time to-" "But why would he do that? That's crazy!" Chase exclaimed. "I thought it was too! But then, he gave me a bucket of grapes to stomp on with my feet-" Michael made an attempt to keep talking, but was interrupted yet again. "That's why there was a grape stain on our carpet!" Logan said with a sudden realization. Michael gave Logan a _dude-just-shut-up-and-let-me-keep-talking_ glare before he began talking again. "And then we tested me driving my car. And I actually did it!" he made a dreamy face, reminiscing his his achievement. Lisa snapped her fingers in front of his face, breaking his second trance of the night. "Fine. If I admit that he was real, would you drop it?" she demanded. Michael jumped up victoriously. "HA! I win! Yeah! Whoo! Yeah!" Zoey, Lola, and Quinn looked at each other with all-too-knowing expressions. This meant approximately two weeks of Michael at his worst- in his gloating phase. Chase and Logan just sighed, realizing they'd have to hear this _all_ night long. All night. Vince, who did not know Michael all too well, besides the fact that they used to hate each other and he was one of Lola's best buds, just stared up at him; he was kind of embarrassed by the stares they received. Lisa, who was an honestly benevolent person, just sighed, and let it go. She knew better, and decided to just let her boyfriend celebrate his victorious moment. Vince was pleasantly surprised - he hadn't spent much time with Lola's crowd before, but they were an awesome, crazy bunch to be around. He made the decision to try to get to know them all better. Lisa, who'd been Zoey's yoga partner since PCA started letting girls in, never knew how close together her friends were. And dating Michael, though hectic and insane sometimes, was amazing. Quinn was relieved to have the largest weight she was ever sent to carry off her shoulders. Her friends knew, they were cool (well, Lola may have to take a while to adjust), and things were going well. And she and Logan wouldn't have to deal with secret relationship issues anymore. Lola was experiencing several different emotions at once. Annoyance at the taxi driver. Love for her super-hot boyfriend. Shocked at Quinn and Logan's _relationship_ (shudder). Amusement at the random arguments between Michael and Lola. And admiration at the perfect couple, Zoey and Chase. But still, the night was impeccable. Michael was as happy as a clam. Finally, he was admitted by Lisa to being _right_. Mr. Takato, although the mystery still unsolved, was _real_. And no one would dare to prove him otherwise. HA! Tonighy, he was a winner. Logan was feeling somewhat odd, just about everyone _knowing_. Being able to kiss her right in front of everyone. Being able to admit that he loves her, in front of everyone. But it was the best thing that had happened to him. Because now everyone knows that she was _his_. Chase was even happier than Michael. After three years of silent adoration directed towards his best friend, his dreams had finally come true. In fact, he was sure he _was_ dreaming; he wasn't sure that Cloud 9 ever existed until now. Zoey just sat there, eating her meal contentedly. What was supposed to be a night full of Blix and books turned out to be a wonderful evening full of surprises and sushi. Everything was perfect. And so the night continued in laughter, surprises, and even more entertaining stories. That was, until James went to the bathroom and the chick sitting at his table, wearing a barely-there dress, stood up and made her way to theirs. "So... you're James' ex-girlfriend," she questioned Zoey snottily. She winced at the truth shot out. Heads hung low, faces turned anywhere _but_ Chase's incredulous look. "_What_!" * * * **And that's how Zoey 101 should've ended. :P** **Kidding ;) I loved the finale, and wished the show could keep going (and it wasn't actually Jamie Lynn's fault - it was slated for four seasons anyways).** **But I didn't want to end the story particularly cheesy; so I had to add that in. It was never mentioned to Chase for a whole three chapters xD** End file.
The Things That Happened by viciousboar
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Christmas Time at PCA Part l Dana POV** **Three Shot** Christmas. Who hasn't heard of the holiday? It is Christmas time. I am stuck in PCA for winter break. Well we are having this huge party here that I heard rocks every year. Well every year since PCA let girls in. It is weird for me not to spend such a big holiday at home. My family is well have always been close. Even when I was at France. They would fly home even if it was for one day. My mom told me it be better to stay at PCA this year. My parents are going though a tough time. They want to rekindle their love. Sure I want my parents together but I still want to be with them. This is going to be the worst Christmas of my life. Then I am in California for a winter holiday. All my life I had a white Christmas. I live in upstate New York but not to far from the city. I am going to have a Christmas were the coldest temperature is about 6o something degrees. There is a thunder storm that was suppose to already hit. It just been thundering for three days straight. Now on Christmas Eve it is still thundering as if that is enough there hasn't been sunlight since yesterday. Just a gray ugly sad sky that has hidden PCA from the beauty of sunlight. "Dana!" I heard someone yell from the hallway. I knew the voice right away. The person opened my door. I let out a huge sigh. "Zoey wants to know if you are going to help decorate," Logan said. "I don't know. I don't feel so well," I told him. I wasn't even happy to see Logan. Truth is I shouldn't be happy to see him. Since I 'hate' him. Which was untrue only to me. "What is wrong. You been so depress lately," Logan said looking like he really cared for me. "Nothing," I lied. "Sure?" he asked me while he looked at me like he was trying to see inside me. Just then a loud crack of thunder was heard from the sky. I jumped a little. "God!" I yelled. "What is so wrong. It has been like that for like three days," Logan said. "That is the problem. It is Christmas time Logan! It is suppose to snow not be a thunder storm," I yelled at him. "I know that. Just hope it isn't going to pour on Christmas," he told me. "Whatever. I am going back to bed. Wake me up when tomorrow is done with," I told him. "It is Christmas Eve. Be happy," he told me. After I jumped into bed I pulled the covers up. Logan came to he side of my bed. I thought he was going to try to talk me out of being depress but this is Logan. He pushed me out of bed onto the floor. The covers came with me. I hit my head really hard on the ground. Logan's laughter stop as my head thumped on the ground. I didn't try to get up because my head felt like it weighed over a ton. The covers enveloped my face. Logan pulled the off of me. When I saw his face it scared me. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. When he saw me laying there with my eyes open he looked pissed. Really furious at me. I didn't understand. What did I do wrong? "God what is wrong with you. I thought you had passed out or something!" he yelled at me. Just then I realized that Logan cared for me. It touch my heart for a second. "You pushed me. Help me up. My head is killing me," I told him. Logan didn't touch me. He just got a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "I am fine. Just my head it hurts. Help me up please," I asked him. Logan picked me up bridal style. I didn't mean for him to pick me up like that as if I cared though. I love how his strong arms carried to my bed even though it lasted for less than a minute. He tucked me under the covers. "Do you guys have an ice pack?" he asked me. "In the mini refrigerator. You know Zoey is ready for anything," I said. He came back without speaking a word. He sat on the edge of my bed next to my pillow. He place the ice pack on the back my head. He started to play with my hair. I loved every moment of it. There was a silence that I couldn't handle. "What you like playing with my hair?" I asked him. "Sure," he said how ever he stop. God my big mouth. "So Cruz what is the hate for Christmas?" he asked me. "I don't know," I told him. "You got dressed today I heard before Lola, Nicole and Zoey were up. You haven't left your room. Why?" he asked me. "Maybe because this Christmas is going to suck," I told him. "No it isn't. God what do I have to do to get your in the Christmas sprit?" he asked. "I don't know," I told him. "Do I have to dress up like Santa and sing to you," he said playfully. I laughed at the image of Logan in a red suit looking fat. "Every other Christmas before you would leave for your family house you be in the best of moods. Now this year you are dressed in bed depress. What happen?" I asked him. "I stop believing in St. Nick," I told him in a sarcastic voice. Logan gasp. "You don't believe in him?" Logan asked with a smirk. "Logan," I said playfully. "Oh. Okay. Well I believe in St. Nick," he told me. I looked at him to see if he was lying. There was no smirk on his face. "You are kidding right?" I asked him. "No. I believe in the sprit of him. You should to. Christmas is about giving. When we gave our presents tomorrow we are each others very own Santa," he told me. "Wow Logan. That actually made a lot of sense," I said. "Thank you. I know. I know," he said. I rolled my eyes."Really Cruz. What is wrong with you?" he asked me. "Logan what was you favorite Christmas?" I asked him not answering his question. "This one," he said. "What is wrong with you. Have you looked out side," I asked him sitting up forgetting about my head. That cause a big headache my way. I close my eyes trying to block out the pain. Logan put my head into his lap. He massaged my head. "So. This is the first Christmas that I am going to spend with someone I care about," he told me. "You family isn't here and. . ." I began until he cut me off. "So. I don't care for them to much. I hardly know them. They don't know nothing about me either. I bet if you asked them my middle name they would be wrong," he said. I felt bad for him. Here I am mad because my family is going though a year they want to be alone. When his parents don't even care enough to see him. I felt really bad for him. He never had his father's guidance or known a mother's Love. I doubt he ever had a family Thanksgiving or Christmas to spend with them. I don't understand what is the point of having a child if you aren't going to love them the right way? Why would this be his favorite Christmas? His friends were his family. Maybe it is a certain girl here. I hope it is is me. There is a chance that it is me. Who am I kidding? What would he see in me? "Then who you care about at PCA," I asked wanting to know. "Well it is a girl. . ." he started to say until the door opening cut him off. "Dana have you seen. . ." Zoey started. I tried to sit up knowing that the way we were looked like something was going on. I just fell back to Logan's lap. I felt like someone just punched me in the back of my head. I have to remember to never be a boxer. "Dana. Stop making sudden movement," Logan told me. I felt his hands coming to my head to massage my head, again. I knew I should have stopped him because Zoey was there but I didn't. It just felt so right. Now Zoey is going to go tell everybody about this. "What is going on?" Zoey asked. "Nothing. I came to get Dana," Logan said. "So he pushed me off my bed. Now I can barley move without getting a headache or light headed," I told Zoey. "Oh my God. Dana are you okay?' she asked me. "She is fine. I got her," Logan said. "Okay," Zoey said a bit surprised at Logan. I was surprised, too. Why was Logan suddenly very protective of me?I looked up Logan. He looked down to me as soon as Zoey left the room. "Yes?" he said. "Nothing," I told him lying. "Okay," he said. "Dana want to go to the dance with me tonight," asked me. Maybe Logan does like me. I so don't have a dress. I am sure the girls wouldn't mind helping me. Then they would want me to admit that I like Logan. I will never. Like for two years since I been back from France they been trying to get me to say it. I never did or thought I would because I thought he didn't like me. I guess I was wrong. Or could be wrong. Now that I have a chance of getting him. I don't see the problem in telling my friends who I like. Or Love. If I don't find a dress I won't go. The dance is tonight. So what if I don't find a dress. God my headache is getting bigger. "If I feel better. Maybe," I told him with a smirk. "Fine. I got back up dates so it doesn't matter. So Cruz is going to the dance with me. I never thought I would have you in my arms. I guess tonight I will. I might not let go" he flirted. I opened my mouth to say something but didn't. "So what you want for Christmas?" he asked. I wanted to say you but I said snow and m family. "Your family okay. Snow?" he asked me like I was weird. "Yep. What you want?" I asked him. "I tell you only if you get your gifts," he said with a smirk. "There is no way it is going to snow or my family," I said. "Hey you never know," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "I got to go get ready for night," he told me while getting up. "We still got like 5 hours," I told him. "I know but I got to look sexy for you," he told me. He grabbed my phone. He gave it to me. "Just call if you need anything," he said. "Okay. But can you get me an aspirin?" I asked him. "Okay," he said. He went into the bathroom and came out with the bottle. He stopped at the fridge for a bottle of water. He handed me the stuff. "Thanks," I said. "Don't take to much," he told me. "Okay Doctor," I said. "Hot Doctor to you," he said before he left. 2. Chapter 2 **Christmas Time at PCA Part ll Dana POV** **Three Shot ** As soon as 'Hot Doctor' left I grabbed my phone and called the girls. Well Nicole because I know she would understand this problem. "Emergency," I said as soon as she picked up. "What. Are you okay?" Nicole said rather loud. It didn't bother me because I only have 5 hours to get ready as Logan siad. I heard Zoey and Lola around her. "I have a date for the dance with no outfit," I said. "Oh my God. Were are you at. We are coming. This major," Nicole. She hanged up on me. I sat on my bed tapping my foot wondering if we will be able to complete this task in 5 hours. Then the door opened showing a tired Nicole, by herself. "Were is everyone?" I yelled. "Well the gang was in charge of decorating the gym for the dance. Then you didn't show up so it was jus the six of us. Then Zoey sent Logan to look for you then he didn't come back with you. He didn't come back at all. So that leaves five people. Then you made the call. Zoey said she need everyone to work. So I am working on your outfit. Then when I am done I am going to call on Lola she is doing hair. Then Zoey is coming to do makeup," Nicole said quickly not wasting any time. She was flying around the room grabbing her purse her jacket while applying a thin layer of makeup. "Okay. I feel bad for Zoey. I know this whole thing meant a lot for her. I play it to her by telling her who my date is first," I said. I really did feel bad for Zoey. I also didn't want to tell the girls yet about my crush on Logan. "Well everybody in the gang knows that you like Logan. The real story is how you and him hooked up finally," Nicole said. "Come on to the mall." "Okay. Well I tell Zoey how we hooked up first," I said. "All is fair. Come Dana we are speed walking," Nicole said. "Why?" I asked. "The bus leaves at 2:30 it is 2:12. the next bus comes at 3:00. Thirty minutes means a lot when finding the perfect dress," she explained. "Then we got to run," I said. We took off running. I kept my pace for Nicole. _---Zoey 101---_ "How about burgundy?" Nicole asked me. "Why?" I asked. "Logan is going to wear a suit with a tie. His little napkin is burgundy and so is his tie," she said. That has to be the worst thing about this dance. It is a formal dance. That means dresses and ties. I haven't wore a dress since my sweet sixteen. "Why do you know this?" I asked. "I was trying to find out what color Michael was going to wear for Lola. You knowing they been dancing around each other since last year. Mike told me what he is wearing red, Chase who is wearing green, and Logan who is wearing burgundy," Nicole ranted. "Why didn't you tell me this an hour ago?" I asked her. "I forgot," she said. "What made you remember it?" I asked her. "That sexy burgundy dress on the mannequin," Nicole said. I looked at the dress. It was fire. "Couldn't you just point the dress out and skip out the whole conversation?" I asked. "I guess," she said. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the dress. It was amazing. "Try it on," Nicole said handing me a dress my size. It was a halter style top that went it a v-neck. The dress was suede. The 3 inch thick halter string was silk that continue till the v neck touch. It looked to be about 3 inches above my knees. I bit my lip. "Isn't it to flashy," I asked. "Dana we are seniors how long you liked Logan?" she said in more of a statement. "I don't know," I said with puppy eyes knowing where she was going and not wanting her to go there. "Those work on Logan, not me. Go try it on," she said pushing me to the dressing room. I rolled my eyes at her statement wondering though if my puppy dog eyes would work on Logan. I glanced in the mirror when I had finished putting my dress on on. I had to have a second look. It look amazing on me. Dana Cruz and dress were a no. Now it is a hell yes. It didn't even look flashy on me. It look sexy not sleazy. I walked out of the dressing room and Nicole looked at me. "Wow," was all she said. I smiled a smile that rarely came out of my soul to show the world. A women nearby who was with a sales clerk looked at me. "I want that dress if it looks as good on me as it does her," she said pointing to me. I turned around to the dressing around to put my clothes on. I giggled at the lady's comment. Dana Cruz never giggles. I think it is the dress. I feel like a girl no a woman in it. I know I was taking this dress. I loved it. Nicole and I walked to the counter to pay. The dress was $350. I love my daddy's credit card for these moments. My parents owe me this money since they deserted me on Christmas. _---Zoey 101--- _ Nicole and I walked though the door the room laughing. I had so much fun today. I regret not being so close to Nicole though our high school years. "Nicole, you don't have a date do you?" I asked her. "No," she said. The mood in the room had change. I felt bad for bringing up the question however it has been bugging me all day. "Why?" I asked letting curiosity get the best of me. "Well no guy asked me. I am tired of chasing guys around campus for them to notice me. So I am flying solo tonight. Whatever. If a cute guy asks me to dance then it be perfect," she said. "Save me a dance D," Nicole said with a laugh. "Of course," I replied. "Well Lola is next," Nicole said. "Well I think I am ready for her," I said. "Better be," Lola said in the doorway. "Well I got to go," Nicole said "So," Lola said "Yea," I said a bit scared. I loved my hair. I didn't want anything major to happen to it. "Well you have beautiful hair that I think Logan love. So I think we shouldn't do nothing to it," Lola said "So what are you going to do?" I asked her. "Well wash it. Give you more bounce to your curls. Very lose we are going to pull the front back. You short baby curls will stay around you face. I want that simple sexy look that acts like you just put a pin in your have a walked out the door," she said "I do that everyday," I said "This will be more elegant," she said She went to her dresser and picked up something. "This is the pin." She handed it to me. It was a bobby style pin that had burgundy rubies in it. "Wow. Is it yours?" I asked. "No it was your Christmas gift. It comes with matching sterling silver earrings with the rubies on it and a sterling silver chin with a single ruby on it," she said "I love you guys," I said She laughed. "Well you know it is weird that it matching a dress I heard you brought." "How does Nicole get this information to you?" I asked her. "She is Nicole. She is like a spy. I swear the government should hire her." _---Zoey 101-- _ Lola was doing the final touches on my hair. I can't believe how I feel. Even on my sweet sixteen I didn't feel like this. I feel like a lady. A lady who is going to wear burgundy. "I heard you are going with Michael," I said "Well yes. I forgot to tell you. I am dating Michael!" she squealed. "Since when?" I asked happy for her. "Well today. I was really stress thinking of your hair and working all day and how Michael and me are flirting but it is still not a dating relationship. So he kissed me on the lips when were under the mistletoe. I yelled at him telling him to ask me out already if he was and if he wasn't then just leave me alone. So he asked me out," Lola said like it was nothing. "Wow," I said with a small chuckle. "No what is wow is your hair," she said I turned around to look at the mirror. My hair was magnificent. Just then Nicole and Zoey walked though the door. "Wow you hair is rocking," Nicole said "Thanks," Lola said "Well the gym is done. It look superb," Zoey said I laughed. "I can't wait to see it," I told her. Zoey smiled at me. "Well now that Zoey is here I would would like to hear the story of how Logan and you got together," Nicole said "You didn't tell them," Zoey asked. "I feel bad that I was taking your workers," I told her. "Understood. Anyway tell," she said "Well I have been depress lately since my parents didn't want to have a family Christmas this year. They want to rekindle the lost love. I am a bit selfish so I got mad that I have spend Christmas in a gray sky California," I told them. "Look out side, D," Lola said I looked out side to a bit sunlight. "How?" I asked. "It was raining when we were at the mall. When we came back the clouds were going always but not yet. So I guess we didn't notice. Now it is sunny. Back to the story," Nicole said "Okay. So Logan came and was talking to me. I really didn't want to hear it. So I hide under the covers and he come and threw me off the bed. I bang my head. I couldn't move," I started. "This doesn't sound nice," Nicole said putting. "What do you expect. It is Dana and Logan. What I saw when I came in here I know it has to get better," Zoey said "Wait what you saw," Nicole asked. "Just let her finish," Lola said "Well he looked really scared. Then mad. He yelled at me because he thought I was hurt. I just told him to help me up because I couldn't move. He looked at me all scared. He carried in his arms bridal style to the bed. He got me an ice pack and started to play with my hair. Then we had this conversation about me being depress on Christmas after he stopped. Later on I asked him what was his favorite Christmas. He said this one. I was like why as I moved my head. I just got a major headache. So Logan took my head on his lap. He just massage my temples. I asked him why again. He said because it was the first Christmas he is going to spend with someone he cares about. I knew it had to be a girl. Then Zoey walked it. So I moved my head. I just got the headache back stronger. So I fell into his lap. We told Zoey the story. She offered to help but Logan said he got me. Then he asked me to the dance after. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told him family and snow. Then I asked him what he wanted he said he'll tell me after I get my gifts," I said rushing thought the story. "Aww. It got good at the end," Nicole said "I feel bad for Logan. You know him and his family never get along. Last year he spent Christmas here. We all went home for Christmas," Lola said I looked at her. Why didn't I know this. We all just sat there with sad looks on our faces. "Well I got to do make-up," Zoey said _---Zoey 101--- _ Lola was almost ready. Nicole was almost ready. My make up getting last touches. Zoey had her dress on with no make-up done. "Zoe you sure you going o get ready in time," I asked her as he added a puff of blush to my checks. It was barely nothing. "I been dating Chase for 3 years. I wear anything it doesn't matter. You got to impress Logan tonight. You are going to do that," she said Today my friends have been there for me like never before. I felt bad or acting like a brat the past couple of days. "Done," she said I looked it the mirror. I looked it. It was so light yet natural but noticeable. Zoey walked away to finish getting ready. I put on the jewelry that Lola gave me. I turned to my friends. Lola was done and has helping Zoey with her makeup. They didn't notice my teary eyes as if Nicole would miss it. "Are you okay!" she squealed. "It is just that I love you guys. I want to thank all of you," I said Lola and Zoey were looking at me smiling. "No crying till later you makeup will ruin," Zoey said "I know. I just want to thanks you," I said Soon we were all in a circle. Tears clouding all of our eyes. "This is our last year," Nicole said We all nodded. "We might not see each other no more," Lola said "Don't say that," I said "Yea. Logan and Dana are going to the same college in New York. Now we all know why Logan worked his ass off last year to get into Yale with Dana. I am going o NYU in New York city! Michael, Lola and Chase are going to be in that arts college in California. Zoey is going to be a few miles away from their college," Nicole said It was true. Half of us are in New York and the other half are staying in California. "I always wondered why he applied to my dream college," Dana said. We all laugh. I wiped the tears in the corner of my eyes. "Come on on 20 minutes left," Nicole said when he alarm rang. "You had that set?" I asked. She nodded. I am going to make this a three shot. Hopefully **finger crossed** it will be updated before Christmas. 3. Christmas Time at PCA Part lll **Thanks for reviewing.** **Christmas Time at PCA Part lll Dana POV** **Three Shot** Zoey had already been picked up by Chase because he wanted to have a short walk and talk with her. Nicole just stood in front of the mirror mumbling to herself. Lola was walking around nervous. I was more scared than I have ever been. Then there was a soft knock on the door. Lola opened it. It was Michael. He grabbed her and kissed her. I think it is so cute. I remember that stage. I thought when Zoey and Chase were at that kiss all the time stage. It took them a while to get their. Something has been off with them well more or less some thing has been off with Zoey. Lola and Michael said their goodbyes as they were off. Nicole came and sat next to me. "Hey, scared?" she asked. I nodded. "Don't be you look great. He would be lucky to have you. Remember that. He is lucky tonight not you," she said. "Thanks," I said. "Welcome," she said. Then there was a knock on the door. "That might be him, go to the bathroom act like you haven't been ready forever already," she whispered. I slipped on my small burgundy heels and rushed to the bathroom. I heard Nicole open the door before she told him I was almost done. Then she excused herself and left the room. I tired to get rid of the lump in my throat. I open the door to the bathroom as I stepped up. "Wow, you look wow," was all he said. I blushed. Yes I blushed because of Logan. He looked amazing. Logan in a suit is wow. In all my years of dreaming about him I never dreamt of him in a suit. Now standing before me was a dreamy Logan looking like a god. "Thanks," I said. "I don't know if we could go together," he said. I frowned. "There is no way my date my date can look better then me," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Lets go Casanova." I said. "You look good yourself," I finally said. "I am coming," he said with a smile. "Yes. I know I look good." I felt good for making Logan really smile. Hopefully making this a good Christmas for him knowing he had few of those. _---Zoey 101---_ I have no clue how Zoey did it but she did. The gym was amazing. It was winter wonderland. Everything was baby blue and white. In the middle of the room a huge snowflake hung form the ceiling. "It looks nice." Logan said. "Yea it does," I said. "Don't run away after 12. I am giving you your Christmas gifts then," he said. "Logan you already did. We give our gifts to each other yesterday night," I said. I was wearing the ankle bracelet he gave me. Lola gift was the jewelry. The shoes that Zoey got me. There are so many more things in my room. "Don't worry about. You gave me a happy Christmas for the first time. I am going to give you something you will never forget," he whispered in my ear. Goose bumps ran through my body as he stood close. "Cold my dear?" he flirted. "Lets just dance," said pulling him to the dance floor with his tie. Brittany Spears Christmas song was playing on the speakers. Logan laughed at this but followed at my weak pull on his tie. We dance to a pop singer that I hate. It didn't matter. It was Christmas. Logan was so funny. He was dancing so funny. I know he was doing it to make me laugh. He looked like a fool. _Oh Santa, can you hear me...? Oh Santa, well he's all I want Just for me, underneath my Christmas tree I'll be waiting here, Santa that's my only wish this year Santa that's my only wish this year. _ We finish dancing as the song died down. We were dancing the whole night. Our feet never left the dance floor. We danced to the rock, the r&b, the hip hip, and slow jams. We played around, teased each other, and flirted. "Go on get me punch," I told him as I walked to my chair. I sat down in the table. Nicole came running over to me. "So how is it going?" she asked. "Fine," I told her. "Wonderful," she said with a smile that faded quick. I looked to the direction she was looking at. I knew why her smile faded. There was 'King Player' himself flirting with a girl. God he can't take a two minute break. I looked away. "I hate him," I said. "Me too," Lola piped in glaring at the image at the punch table. "Where is Mike?' I asked trying to change the subject. "Getting me punch. While he is there he better punch Logan, too," she said. "Look it is not like we are dating," I said. "Okay but you are his date. Plus where is the Dana that would have already kicked his ass?" asked Nicole. "Hey," Logan said while sitting next to me with my punch. I didn't look at him while I know the girls were glaring him down. "Okay? What did I do?" he asked. "You are lucky you are sitting next to Dana or I would have threw this punch at you. I just don't want to ruin her dress," Lola said before walking off. I had to laugh at what she said. Was that a threat. These girls don't know nothing. "Why is she mad at me?" Logan asked Nicole and me. "Hey I am mad at you, too," Logan said. "Great, Dana are you mad at me?" he asked. "Why should I be? You are Logan. Nothing is going to change that. I am okay being friends just don't act like you want to be more," I said and got up. I wanted to throw the punch at him so bad I was afraid I was going to break in tears. _I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don't care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true... All I want for Christmas is You ... yeah_ Mariah Carey song played in the speaker. I tried to rush through the people in the gym. I just felt like I was going in circles. Some how I ended in the middle of the room. Then there was a big light that landed on me. I couldn't see nothing. _I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need (and I) Don't care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree I don't need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace (ahhh) Santa Claus won't make me happy With a toy on Christmas day I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you...You baby_ "Give it up for PCA Christmas Princess! She is beautiful flower that we would all love to see her look like this everyday. Dana Cruz" the voice yelled over the song. People clapped and cheered for me. I didn't move. How in the hell did I win this. I didn't even know they had a princess. Wait who is the Prince? Please if there is a God out there don't let it be Logan. "Now our PCA Prince. We all hate him yet love him. Logan Resse!" the voice yelled again. He made his way to the center of the room. That was where I was standing. Why couldn't he go find somewhere else to stand. _Oh I won't ask for much this Christmas I won't even wish for snow (and I) I'm just gonna keep on waiting Underneath the mistletoe I won't make a list and send it (ahh)To the North Pole for Saint Nick I won't even stay awake to Hear those magic reindeer click 'Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do Baby all I want for Christmas is you You baby_ Logan stood next to me then pulled me into a dancing position. I agreed to it since everyone was watching. I didn't want to mess up my last year at PCA just because of this one night. "I am sorry I just don't know what I did," he said. "Forget it." "No," he said. "I can't." _Oh all the lights are shining So brightly everywhere (so brightly baby) And the sound of children's Laughter fills the air (oh) And everyone is singing (oh yeah) I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa won't you bring me the one I really need - won't you please bring my baby to me..._ "Just shut up and smile," I told him. "Fine. Was it that girl at the punch table?" "I thought you had no clue what you did?" I asked him. "I didn't think it would be that. It isn't like we are dating yet," he said while he turned me. Yet? What did he mean. _Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas This is all I'm asking for I just want to see my baby Standing right outside my door Oh I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true Baby all I want for Christmas is You_ All I want for Christmas is you baby The song ended we went our different ways. It was about 11:30 when I last saw Logan in the dance floor. That didn't stop me from having a good time. I was princess of this party. I party hard. It was now near the end of the party the clock will strike 12 anytime now. "Okay people. Last dance of the party. We are going to end with a slow tune that will finish it off just right," the DJ said. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Logan. He didn't say nothing. He just put his hand out for me to take which I did. I followed him the floor. We dance softly yet no words were spoken. I rested my head on his shoulder. I looked around the room. I saw Nicole dancing with Randy. He was the sweetest boy yet he was also gay. Nicole and him were best friends. Then I saw Lola and Michael dancing while making out. I told you when you are first going out with someone the love is so fresh it is nasty. I saw Chase and Zoey who had been together all night. Zoey doesn't know it yet but Chase is going to ask her to marry her at the end of this song. I smiled but kept my eye on them not wanting to miss Chase get down on one knee in front of almost the whole senior class. "Ready for Chase to pop the question?" Logan asked as we stopped dancing. We both turn to Zoey and Chase not wanting to miss nothing. Chase got down on one knee. Zoey looked scared but happy. We couldn't hear nothing from where we were at but there faces told the story. Chase pulled out the ring. By now the spotlight was on them. Everyone was watching. "Yes!" Zoey screamed. Chase jumped up to hug and kiss her. Wow. This really is a Christmas to remember. Everyone clapped. _---Zoey 101---_ It was 12:15 and Logan had gathered the gang outside. He told us to follow him. So we did. We walked into some building. We took the elevator to the top where a helicopter was waiting for us. "Where are you going?" Chase yelled over the loud noise. "Just get in!" he yelled. We did. Logan got in the front seat by the captain. The helicopter pulled up. "Is is going to be a long ride?" Nicole asked. "10 minutes," Logan said. I thought hard about where Logan was taking us. "What a day. First Logan and Dana almost get together, then Lola and Michael are dating. Now Zoey and Chase are Getting married," Nicole yelled. "I know. So Zoey how you feel?" Lola asked. "Lost for words," Zoey said with a smile. Now I know something is wrong with her. I will get to the bottom of this. She should be so joyful. "Anyway. Dana so you and Logan?" Zoey asked. I shook my head. "Why?" she asked. "He is an ass," I said. "Do you want your gift or not?" Logan asked. "Wait this part of my gift?" I asked him. "I told you not to go running no where after 12 because I had a surprise for you," he said. "Well I still get to have my opinions," I said. "Well I could turn this helicopter around," he said. "Well I guess I could state my opinion of you after I get my gift," I said. "Better," he commented. "We are here" he said. It took about 3 minutes for the helicopter to be quiet. We were all out side just watching the snow hit the ground. I looked around and it was snowing. It was wonderful. Everything was white. "Wow. I never had a white Christmas,"Lola said. A couple of 'Me too' followed her. "You said you wanted snow," he told me while holding me from behide. "I did," I said. "So what do you want?" I asked. "I told you only after you get what you want. How can I get my family?" I asked. "Look around." I did. The slopes, the cabin, the trails. I realized we were at a ski resort. Could it be the same one as my parents was at? "That way," he said. I looked down below the staircase. There they were. My parents. I looked at Logan. He smiled at me. He nodded. I ran to them. "Merry Christmas," they told me. I laughed. How merry this Christmas was. "When Logan called us telling us how sad you were he told us his plan. We agreed to it. We didn't know you were going to be so unhappy. So is he your boyfriend?" my dad asked. "I wished," I told him. "Is he gay," my mother asked in a sharp tone. "No," I said. "Come met my friends." I pulled them up the staircase in front of my friend. "This is Chase and Zoey. They got engaged tonight. Lola and Michael started gong out tonight. This Nicole. She is happy being single. This Logan. I guess you already talk to him," I said. "Yes, I have," my father said. He shook everyone hand as my move gave everyone a kiss on the check with a hug. "Nice to meet you all finally after years about hearing of everyone. How about you spend New Year weekend with us in upstate?" my mom asked everyone. No one seemed to disagree. "Sure," Lola said. "Nice," Chase commented. "That is good," Michael said. "I love it," Zoey said in her manner. "It be fun," Nicole stated. "Logan?" my dad asked him. "On one term," he said. I could tell my father liked Logan already. I am a daddy's girl. My dad likes anyone that makes me happy. "What?" my dad asked. "If I am allowed to date your daughter," he said. Wow Logan is crazy. He just asked that in front of everyone. My friends and family. "Sure. Just don't hurt her," my daddy said. "I would never," Logan said. "So do I have a say in this?" I asked. "Well Dana do you want to be my girlfriend?" Logan asked. "Duh," I said. I kissed Logan on the spot. My dad huffed a little at this. There were 'finallys' said. I think even my mom said it, too. "Was that what you wanted?" I asked him. "Yep. My number one wish on my list," he said. Who would knew. My Christmas at PCA had to be my best Christmas.I got my Family, snow and Logan. **I will have a New years story to follow this one.** End file.
Christmas Time at PCA by chichicutie
Zoey 101
It's Love _**Disclaimer:** All Fanfiction work here is posted for your entertainment. No money is made from these works of fiction and the authors claim no ownership over the characters or situations._ * * * **I Believe In A Thing Called Love - Darkness** Chase & Zoey Version Ever since Chase started dating Zoey he just couldn't explain all the feelings she was making him feel. God, he just loved when her lips touched him, his heart was in overdrive. Chase's heart was beating fast, with rhythm. Zoey made him feel that way, it was exhilarating. Chase Matthews most definitely believed the the thing called love. Zoey was living proof of that. * * * **I Believe In A Thing Called Love - Darkness** Logan & Quinn Version When Logan was with Quinn, everything seemed right. His heart was in overdrive and Quinn was behind the steering wheel. He loved when she ran her fingers through his hair. He wanted to kiss her every minute, every hour, everyday. That was no secret. Yes, Logan believed in a thing called love, and there was way more than just a chance that they, Quinn Pensky and Logan Reese could make it. Quinn has him in a spin, but he loves her, so everything is A.OK. * * * **I Found A Way - Drake Bell** Vince & Lola Version _(Vola gets their own song because I Believe In A Thing Called Love is already all used up by Choey and Quogan)_ Vince found a way. Yes, he thought it would be impossible, considering his previous actions that took place at PCA. Then he came back, and he saw Lola. It took some time, but Vince made Lola realize he was now a good guy. It was time to be free, and he was going to be what he wanted to be. He opened his eyes and he saw Lola. He looked over his should and there she was. It's not love - yet. But it's getting there. Fast. Yes, the great Vince Blake was falling fast for the fabulous, Lola Martinez. * * * _Authors Note: I have nothing against Michael and Lisa, but the reason I didn't write a drabble about them was because Quinn, Zoey, and Lola are the girls of Zoey 101._ _If you haven't heard the song **I Believe In A Thing Called Love **by** Darkness** you're missing out, go listen to it! It's an amazing song, and the music video is hilarious (not to mention a but weird)!_ End file.
It's Love by STOPshannon
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 and 2 Zoey 101: Last Week At PCA A Fan Fiction Story Written By Ian C. Evans Summary It's the last week at PCA, and it's almost time for Zoey and Chase, who have now become a couple, to spend the whole summer full of romance in Hawaii, where they go to the Chambrulet Hotel, the place where Zoey's amazing summer job is. But apparently, the last week is full of way too much drama. Zoey's ex-boyfriend, James, and Chase's ex-girlfriend, Rebecca have apparently teamed up together to try and ruin Zoey and Chase's relationship, and worse, they plan to ruin the last week of the school year for them. With Zoey and Chase heading through lots of drama, they have to make the last week of the PCA school year the best week, fight Rebecca and James, and try to become closer than ever. Chapter 1-The Date Night It was Monday, June 23rd. The start of the last week of the school year at PCA. Zoey was sitting at a table all alone, so she could get some privacy, as she was about to send an e-mail to her grandparents. The e-mail had said: _Dear Grandma and Grandpa,_ _It's the last week at PCA, and I'm so psyched. You know, that I'm spending the whole summer in Hawaii, working in the Chambrulet Hotel. I know, but the job is going to be worthwhile. I'm bringing Chase with me, my new boyfriend. And as long as my school year ends nicely, I'll have the best time here. So, there's lots of events happening here, and I hope I have the best time. Well, that's all I have to say for now. And e-mail me back soon. Anyway, bye._ _Love, Zoey_ Later in the afternoon, Zoey entered her dorm room, when she saw Lola watching some television, and Quinn doing an experiment. You wouldn't want to know what she was experimenting with, it was dangerous that she had to be 2 feet away from the substances. "Hi, Lola, Quinn." Said Zoey "So, in 4 days, I finally get to go to Hawaii with Chase. The sun, the sand, and the water just so romantic. Anyway, I can't go to get manicures tonight." "Why not?" Said Lola "But I already got enough for us to have a girls night out. I can't wait until tomorrow night." "Why?" Said Quinn "Are you like going to spend it all before tomorrow?" "I'm just a shopaholic." Said Lola "I need a shopping spree tonight, not tomorrow." "I'm sorry, Lola." Said Zoey "Chase and I are going to the Sushi restaurant. Oh, no. I forgot to get him a gift." "So, what's wrong with that?" Said Lola. "Chase is getting me something special, and I want to give him a gift back." Said Zoey "Come on, Quinn, let's go. The student store is just 10 minutes away." Lola was still upset because she didn't get to go shopping, but also that Zoey was going to leave. But Quinn was about to leave too. "Well, Zoey." Said Quinn "Well, I'm going on a date too. I'm go to Vaccaro's restaurant with Logan. He just got a new convertible and I'm so going to ride in it. Come on, Zoey." "But guys, you can't just leave me here." Said Lola. As Zoey and Quinn left the dorm room to go on their dates, Lola was left all alone, so upset, and desperate to go shopping. It was like everyone had made plans that night, and not her. Chase was at the restaurant working on something on his laptop, until Zoey came and brought the sushi and sat down and started to eat. Chase and Zoey were exchanging gifts. "Hey, Chase." Said Zoey "I got you a special present." Chase opened the present and he saw a handheld video game. "Thanks, Zoey." Said Chase "And I got you a special present." Zoey opened her present and saw a charm bracelet with 5 charms on it. "Oh, Chase." Said Zoey "I can't believe this. This is the best gift ever. "Try it on." Said Chase. Zoey put on the bracelet, and she loved wearing it. When Zoey and Chase had been having a romantic dinner, they were being spied on by someone. It was Chase's ex-girlfriend, Rebecca, she has always hated Zoey. Rebecca was hanging out with her new best friend named Bianca. "Check it out, Bianca." Said Rebecca "Oh, that sight is so sweet, yet, so disgusting. I can't believe Chase ended up with her." "I thought you were over that, Rebecca." Said Bianca. "I know, but after 2 years." Said Rebecca "It's all come rushing back in a wave of despair. And Zoey must be done with." "So, what do you plan to do?" Said Bianca "Even though, it might not be a good idea." "I plan to ruin Zoey's last week at the PCA school year." Said Rebecca "And I have a couple of tricks to do on Chase too for dumping me." But then all of a sudden, James who was Zoey's ex-boyfriend had came with his food. "Hello, can I sit here." Said James "Every other seat is full." "Sure." Said Rebecca "Look, at that, I used to date Chase, but now he's with Zoey." "I know exactly what you mean." Said James "I used to date Zoey, but she broke up with me before the prom, and now she's with Chase." Rebecca and James had then started to connect with each other, that they started to flirt with each other leading to them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. "So, you know what I have as an idea." Said Rebecca "I plan to have a few unexpected surprises for Zoey and Chase." "Sounds kind of nice." Said James. Logan and Quinn had walked back to campus after going to dinner at Vaccaro's. Quinn was about to say goodbye to Logan, as she was about to enter her dorm room. "Thanks for the dinner, Logan." Said Quinn "That restaurant really has the best lobsters, and it's nice to really spend time together better." "Yes, it was." Said Logan. "So, I'll see you tomorrow." Said Quinn. Quinn and Logan had then started making out right by the dorm room, all until Lola opened the door. "Oh, my g-- That's just downright gross." Said Lola. "Oh, well, I'll just-- I-- You know." Said Quinn. "Okay, well, bye, Quinn." Said Logan. Logan then left to go back to his dorm room. Zoey and Chase were walking back to their dorm rooms, while they were having a little discussion. "So, Chase, you know that Lola's hosting a party on Friday, we can go there before we leave to Hawaii on Saturday." Said Zoey. "Well, I have an even better surprise for us." Said Chase "How about the both of us go to the beach to watch the sunset." "That would be so great." Said Zoey. "Yes, we can have a picnic and--" Said Chase. Zoey and Chase then stopped talking. "So, my dormitory is just that way." Said Chase. "Yes, and I'm close to my dormitory." Said Zoey. Then things started to get awkward between them. "So, I'll see you tomorrow." Said Zoey. "Yes, and I'll see you tomorrow." Said Chase. Then Zoey and Chase had moved closer together and then kissed. After the kiss, Zoey left to go to her dormitory, to go to sleep. The next day was going to have something new. Zoey had entered her dorm room, then Quinn and her saw Lola but something strange had happen. Lola ended up going to sleep with a new dress that she bought. "So, do you think we should tell her about it?" Said Quinn. "No, I think we should just go to sleep." Said Zoey. Zoey, Lola, and Quinn had went to bed, and then were waiting for the next day to come. Chapter 2-Breakfast Fight It was Tuesday, June 24th. Zoey had woke up at 6:30 A.M., because she had to do a lot of things before she had to go eat breakfast with Chase, Lola, and Quinn. There was so much because Zoey had tried to prepare for her summer job in Hawaii. She has never been more excited about it that ever. Chase was also making preparations to go with Zoey to Hawaii. He woke up at 6:30 A.M. also. Zoey had woken up Lola and Quinn. "Come on, girls, get up." Said Zoey "We have to go get breakfast at 8. They're having the special. The omelet specials they have is amazing, and if we don't hurry, the lines are going to long." "Okay." Said Lola. "Alright." Said Quinn. Lola had went to the dresser to get her hair done. Quinn blew out the small fish that were in her nose, and got dressed. After Zoey, Lola, and Quinn had gotten ready, they had gone running to go eat breakfast because it was going to be open 10 minutes. It took Quinn longer to get there that Zoey and Lola because she had 11 toes, 5 on her left foot and 6 on her right foot. Zoey had got her omelet and other things she had usually ordered for breakfast, and she sat at a table with Lola, Quinn, and Chase. Rebecca and James were hiding behind the plants spying on Zoey and Chase, they were trying to do something devious. "So, James, got a plan." Said Rebecca. "I thought you were coming up with the plans." Said James. "Okay, I'll come up with plans and you come up with the names." Said Rebecca "So, I got a plan." Zoey, Lola, Quinn, and Chase were having a conversation. "So, Lola, you spent 150 last night when you went shopping last night." Said Zoey. "Yes, and now I have no money left for the rest of the week." Said Lola "And my parents don't believe my story, and they're making me get the money myself." "Why don't you work for the next 4 days?" Said Zoey "You'll have enough money for the rest of the week." "Yeah, but I don't want to spend the last few days of the school year working." Said Lola. "Oh, come on, brighten up." Said Chase "If it helps, you can work where I work, and I'll help you along the way." "Thanks, Chase." Said Lola. "Alright, so I have some news." Said Quinn "So, next year here, I'm taking this highly educated class, only 10 students are allowed each year, and you need to get an average over 90 to be in it." "Guess what?" Said Zoey "None of us even care about it." "Well, this class is a good way for me to get into the best university." Said Quinn "And this is a big thing for me. I'm taking the Science, and it's going to be amazing." "Okay, this is breakfast." Said Chase "Talking about school work during the last week of the school year isn't so great." "I agree with Chase." Said Zoey. "Yes." Said Lola. Quinn felt a little upset. Zoey was walking with Lola, Quinn, and Chase to their next class, and Rebecca was on a roof with a balloon full of plain spaghetti. "Alright, James, prepare to be amazed." Said Rebecca as she dropped the balloon. The balloon had landed on Zoey, and it was so humiliating. "Ha ha." Said Rebecca. Chase had saw a note on Zoey's head. "It says." Said Chase "You will pay. I don't like this." "Me neither, but something has to be done, and I think we should start being cautious." Said Zoey "Someone is coming after us." "We'll find out soon, Zoey." Said Chase. Zoey and Chase had kissed and then walked away. "You should wash off all of that spaghetti." Said Chase. "You think." Said Zoey "Anyway, I agree." 2. Chapter 3 Chapter 3-Being Hunted Down It was the middle of the afternoon, Zoey and Chase were walking as they had been walking back to the PCA lounge to spend some time together. "So, Chase, I heard that they're having events here to celebrate the end of the year here. Want to go to the party tomorrow?" Said Zoey. "Well, I guess so." Said Chase. "Great, I hope we'll have the best time." Said Zoey. Then as Zoey and Chase had been walking, Rebecca and James had been hiding behind a tree. They had a pie and long string to hold it. Rebecca and James were aiming to throw the pie at Zoey and Chase. Zoey and Chase got hit by the pie, and they were angry. "Who is doing this?" Said Zoey. "That would be us, Zoey." Said Rebecca. Zoey and Chase had wiped the pie that was in front of their faces and they saw Rebecca and James. "Rebecca?" Said Chase. "James?" Said Zoey. "Yes, it's us." Said Rebecca. "Why did you throw spaghetti on my head?" Said Zoey. "And why did you throw pie, that tastes like lemon, in our faces." Said Chase. "We have our reasons." Said James "And you might know." "Why? We never done anything to you." Said Zoey. "I think you have." Said Rebecca "Zoey, you made Chase break up with me." "No, I didn't." Said Zoey "And I thought that you were over that." "I was trying to go through the last 2 years without thinking about it." Said Rebecca. "Look, it was you that was the reason we broke up." Said Chase "You wouldn't except the fact that Zoey and I-- You know." "I know, but I'm mad at both of you." Said Rebecca. "And are you a part of this, James." Said Zoey. "Of course." Said James "And I know that Chase was the reason that you broke up with me." "No, it's because I had a lot of stuff on my mind." Said Zoey. "And then Chase came and you just had to start dating him." Said James. "You were the one who suggested it." Said Zoey. "Yeah, but now I don't want that." Said James. "You're not making sense." Said Zoey. "So, Zoey, Chase, you two better watch your backs, because you both are going down for the rest of the school year." Said Rebecca. Rebecca and James had walked away, then Zoey and Chase had washed all of the pie off of their faces before they headed to the PCA lounge. Quinn was on her laptop by the PCA garden to read her book on Chemistry, she liked all of the things about Science. Logan had came to see Quinn, and he brought a box of the best chocolates. "Hello, Logan." Said Quinn "Oh, and you got me some chocolates." "Yes, imported from Belgium, and I bought it just for you." Said Logan. Quinn opened the box and ate some of it, and was delighted by the delicious taste of the chocolate. "Wow, this is delicious." Said Quinn "How were you able to get these chocolates?" "Well, having a rich father who's a TV and movie producer does have it's advantages." Said Logan. "Oh, that's so sweet." Said Quinn as she kissed Logan on the lips. "So, want to go to the party tomorrow?" Said Logan. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Said Quinn "I mean this is big." "Come on, it'll be fun. There's lots of things that will make you excited." Said Logan. "Well, the party is going to be amazing." Said Quinn "So, okay." "Can you act more excited?" Said Logan. "Yay!" Said Quinn "Does that sound exciting enough?" "Of course." Said Logan "So, do you want to go make out?" "Yes." Said Quinn. Zoey had been in the lounge watching T.V. with Chase until Michael had entered the room. "Hi, Michael." Said Chase "Where have you been in the past few days." Said Chase. "I'm sorry, I've been on a little trip, and I had the best time." Said Michael "So, mind if I watch T.V. with you guys." "Well, actually, we thought we would watch it alone." Said Zoey "Sorry, Michael. "Well, see you later. Anyway, I'll see you at the party tomorrow." Said Michael. Zoey and Chase had been watching a romantic movie, close together with Zoey huddling in Chase's arms. "So, how about I get us some more Blix." Said Chase. When Chase had turned on the Blix machine, it sprayed at Chase, making him all wet. Zoey was shocked to see what happened to Chase. "Was it Rebecca who did that?" Said Zoey. "No, James." Said Chase "And you dated him?" "I did." Said Zoey "But he was never that mean. He was actually nice. But you're a lot nicer." "Do you really think so?" Said Chase. James had spied on them as Zoey and Chase were continuing watching the romantic movie. Zoey and Chase walking back to the dormitory, and then a door slamed into Zoey's face. It was Rebecca who had done it. "Oh, I'm sorry." Said Rebecca "Did I hurt your nose, well, I'm sorry. Not." Rebecca walked away as Zoey had gotten a hurt nose, that kept being in pain. "Oh, I need to get back to my room." Said Zoey. "Mind if I come for a visit?" Said Chase. "Of course." Said Zoey. As Zoey had entered her dorm room, Chase walked in and a bucket of molasses had fell on his head. "Chase!" Said Zoey. "I'll go wash it off for a few minutes." Said Chase. Then Zoey and Chase had sat down and talked for a while. "I can't believe that Rebecca and James are torturing us." Said Zoey "What are we going to do? There's only 3 days left until the end of the school year, and I can't take that much of their selfishness." "Zoey, I think I know what we should do." Said Chase "We can't let Rebecca and James scaring us and pranking us. They're just going to make us and our last week here miserable." "Still waiting for your idea." Said Zoey. "We need to stand up for ourselves, fight back against Rebecca and James." Said Chase "Stop them torturing us, and we'll have the best week here." "I like that idea, Chase." Said Zoey "So, we shall strike back tomorrow." Zoey and Chase were soon going to put their plans into action for them to fight back against Rebecca and James. 3. Chapter 4 and 5 Chapter 4-Munch Time It was Wednesday, June 25th. Zoey had woken up, had breakfast, and done everything else she had to do in the morning. Zoey had to be on the lookout for Rebecca and James, and so had Chase. Zoey and Chase were being afraid, but they done everything they can to fight against them. Rebecca and James were going to attack Zoey and Chase during lunch time. Rebecca and James were going to launch food at Zoey and Chase while they were having their lunch. That was until Zoey had a hunch. Zoey had gotten a suspicion that Rebecca and James were up to their devious tricks. Meanwhile, Quinn and Logan were walking by and they saw a car coming and young girl had came. She had looked familiar to them, that's because they had knew her 2 years ago. It was Nicole, Zoey and her friends knew her 2 years ago, Quinn and Logan had decided to see her. "Nicole." Said Logan "What are you doing here?" "I'm visiting for the last few days of the school year." Said Nicole "And I have just been cured." "From what?" Said Logan. "My Dissorder." Said Nicole "I've been there for 2 years and it's been helping me, so I get to spend the rest with you guys. And where's Zoey, Chase, Lola and Michael?" "They're dating." Said Quinn "So, why don't we go to the lounge." Zoey and Chase had been hiding under the table avoiding attack from Rebecca and James. It was getting ridiculous. "We have to get out of here." Said Zoey. "But how are we going to avoid them?" Said Chase. "I got a plan." Said Zoey. Zoey and Chase had been walking to get out of the place, but they had to go from table to table to avoid being hit by food. It was successful, but Rebecca and James were coming up with a new plan. Lola was walking back to her dorm room, she opened the door, and saw Quinn with Nicole. Lola was was happy to see Nicole again. "Nicole." Said Lola "What are you doing here?" "I'm visiting for the last few days." Said Nicole "So, why don't we spend some time together." "Well, how about we go to the party tonight." Said Lola "It's going to be amazing." Lola, Quinn, and Nicole had a group hug and they felt excited about spending time together. Chapter 5-Party Disaster Zoey and Chase had been walking to go to the party, and while they were on the way. Nicole had bumped into them. "Nicole!" Said Zoey "It's nice to finally see you again." "Yes, it's been 2 years." Said Chase. "Well, I'm finally cured from my dissorder, now I'm all okay." Said Nicole "So, what are we doing here, let's go to the party." Said Zoey. Then at the party, Zoey and Chase had started dancing and having the best time ever. It was romantic for them because it brought excitement, and it a truly enchanted evening. Meanwhile, Logan had came to take Quinn to the party. Logan had knocked on the door, and Quinn opened the door. Logan was amazed on how Quinn looked in her aquamarine dress. "So, what do you think?" Said Quinn "I brought you a gift, it's supposed to help you smell nice. Here you go." "Wow, this is amazing." Said Logan "Well, let's go to the party." Zoey was getting some lemonade at the party while Rebecca was at the party trying to do something devious. "Hello, Zoey." Said Rebecca. "Hello, Rebecca." Said Zoey "So, will you be able to excuse me so I can get lemonade?" "Oh, maybe I can, maybe I can't but I'm not feeling so well." Said Rebecca. Zoey was pouring some lemonade into her glass right after Rebecca poured some in her glass. "You know, Zoey." Said Rebecca "James is kind of cute, maybe soon, I should date him. Don't you think that would be great?" "Well, I would have to say yes." Said Zoey "But the answer is somewhere in between bad and gross." Rebecca had grabbed her lemonade and poured it on Zoey's head. "You did not just do that." Said Zoey. "Well, maybe I did." Said Rebecca "And you're obviously going to have to--" But then Zoey had put chocolate cake into Rebecca's face. "Oh, you are so going to pay, Zoey." Said Rebecca as she had ran and grabbed Zoey, and they both fell on the table breaking it. And they were all covered in food and drinks. Meanwhile, Quinn and Logan were walking together as did Michael and Lola as they were going to all by themselves. They were walking together talking along the way. "So, Lola, how is everything going." Said Michael "As long as the next 2 days are great, everything will be positively fine." "Well, Michael, I have to work for the whole summer." Said Lola "What a big bummer." "You know, Lola, the summer might be a great time to gain some work experience." Said Quinn "It would be great. Like, I'm taking a summer job at this technology store where I work trying to fix them up." "Wow, you are one smart student." Said Michael. "Thanks." Said Quinn. For Zoey and Lola, having Quinn as their best friend, has it's advantages. When Quinn, Lola, Michael, and Logan had got to the party, it wasn't what they had expected. They had saw a girl fight happening, and they saw Zoey and Rebecca fighting. They were all shocked to see what was happening. Chase had left the bathroom, and saw that there was a girlfight and was rushing to stop it. "Michael, Logan, we have to stop the fight." Said Chase "This is just not right." Michael had went held his arm. "Not yet." Said Michael. Then Chase, Michael, and Logan just looked at the girl fight, as were everyone else. But then later, Chase had fell asleep and then woke up again. Chase had broke up the girl fight between Zoey and Rebecca. Zoey and Rebecca had then walked away in opposite directions. They were both mad. The party was a disaster and it was ended earlier that it was supposed to. It had been the worst day. Zoey had showered, and went into her dorm room. Lola and Quinn were in their rooms just all upset. Lola was checking her cellphone messages, and Quinn had been doing research on her laptop. "Zoey, I saw you fighting with Rebecca." Said Lola. "Who happens to be Chase's ex-girlfriend." Said Quinn "Is there something you need to tell us?" "No." Said Zoey. "I know that you're lying to me, Zoey." Said Quinn. "Now, tell us what's happening." Said Lola. "Okay." Said Zoey "Rebecca and James have been ruining the last week here for Chase and I. They had threw food at us, hurt our noses, and did other things to ruin the week." "I can't believe that little bucket of nuts." Said Lola. Quinn had gotten into her closet, and had gotten her gigantic laser gun. "Don't worry, I have something to do to stop Rebecca and James." Said Quinn. "Quinn, you're not trying to hurt them with that big laser gun, aren't you?" Said Zoey. "Maybe, but they need to pay." Said Quinn. "I want Rebecca and James to leave me and Chase alone in a non-hurtful way." Said Zoey "All I need is just a plan against them." "So, what's your plan?" Said Lola. "I'll talk to you about it tomorrow." Said Zoey. So, Zoey, Lola, and Quinn had went to sleep and were waiting for what was going to happen the next day. 4. Chapter 6 and 7 Chapter 6-Prank Wars It was Thursday, June 26th. Zoey had woken up in the morning, and felt kind of hot. She had removed the blankets from over herself, and couldn't see a thing. It was because Zoey had something in front of her face. Zoey took it off, and noticed that her bed was on the roof of her dormitory. She was shocked to see what happened. And Rebecca was the person who did it, so Zoey thought it was time to strike back. As for Chase, he woke up in his room. And someone knocked on his door. Chase opened the door, and had vanilla ice cream thrown at him. Then he noticed that he didn't see anybody at the door. James was the person who had done it. James would never do anything like that, but it seems he's apparently following Rebecca's orders. Then Chase thought it was time to strike back. Rebecca had went to get dressed in her room, but apparently she couldn't find her clothing in her room. Then she found out that Zoey had tied up all her clothes to make decorations. Zoey had striked back at Rebecca, so Zoey had felt great about doing that. James had gotten up and fell on the floor by slipping on butter, and had rolled around on the floor making him all covered in bubblewrap. Chase had done that, because he thought it was good for him to do that. Zoey and Chase were having a little prank war against Rebecca and James. The fight was on! Zoey had moved her bed back into her dorm room, and then Lola and Quinn had noticed that, then they became anxious enough to find out why the bed disappeared. "Zoey, what's going on?" Said Lola. "Rebecca is being such." Said Zoey "Such a, you know." "We're not going to know until you say." Said Quinn. "I would, but it wouldn't be me to say it." Said Zoey "The fact that she's a little rotten snotbag." "And how does it feel to vent it out?" Said Lola. "It feels great." Said Zoey "And know the fight is on." Zoey had went to the lounge and had gotten some soda from the Blix Machine. But apparently, someone had tampered with the machine. And not only did the machine spray Zoey in the face, it always sprayed her hard enough, she had been crashed into the wall. Rebecca had did that with the machine, she used a bit of technology with help from nerds. So, Zoey decided to get help from her friend, Quinn. So, when Rebecca had went to order some sushi, a pile of confetti came at her, and she ended up being covered in strawberry jam. Quinn had put a small tube that shoots strawberry jam that had a timer on it. It was one of the experimental stuff that Quinn invented. So, Zoey and Rebecca kept trying to get smarter to prank each other. But for Chase and James, who were also pranking each other, they had gotten a little out of control, as they kept doing it over and over. Soon, Zoey, Chase, Rebecca, and James got pranked 15 times each. And it was only the middle of the afternoon, that was until they were all tired of pranking. So, then there was nothing left they were about to do. Well, almost, Rebecca and James had a few tricks up their sleeves. But the truth, Rebecca always comes up with ideas, James just goes along with it. Zoey and Chase had then ate dinner together, it was a romantic dinner that they were having. Rebecca and James weren't disturbing them, because Zoey and Chase had a few things in store for them. It seems that Zoey and Chase had done something to keep Rebecca and James out of their sight for the rest of the night. Quinn had locked Rebecca and James in Rebecca's dorm room, but Quinn wasn't going to let them die in there. She had put lots of food in the dorm room. Then later, Quinn had gotten ready to go on a date with Logan. Logan was coming to Quinn's dorm room to eat. Quinn had cooked a special gourmet meal, she was smart enough to make one. When Logan had came, he was amazed at all the delicious food. Quinn had cooked it all, she used a little technology to make sure the food was cooked just right. Like it was said before, having Quinn as a friends has great advantages, without Quinn, Zoey wouldn't have solved some of the problems faced. Zoey and Chase were having the best time on their date, and they had the best time. As for Quinn and Logan on their date. Then it was the end of that day, and they couldn't wait for the day tomorrow. Chapter 7-Attacked Back Then it was the end of the day, Rebecca and James were still locked in the room by Quinn. "Alright, now, James, the nerds are going to break us out of here tomorrow morning." Said Rebecca "So, tomorrow is the last day at PCA, and we need to make sure everything goes right." "You know, I'm starting to think all of this is wrong." Said James. "No, you know that Zoey and Chase must pay." Said Rebecca "Chase broke up with me because of Zoey." "Well, maybe Zoey is the person right for Chase." Said James. James started to get mad at Rebecca. "You know, I believe Zoey and Chase are better off staying together, you think." Said James. "But you love Zoey." Said Rebecca. "I loved Zoey." Said James "But we broke up together, and that should have been the right decision. And Chase has loved Zoey for 4 years, and you can't accept that." "But Chase had asked me out, and he just had to dump me and stay with Zoey." Said Rebecca "I just don't like Zoey." "And you have to hurt Zoey everyday for 4 days." Said James "You know what, I'm out. If you want to hurt Zoey, do it on your own. I don't like hurting Zoey and Chase, they're really great people, and they're going to be my friends. So, bye, and we're through." James had exited the dorm room through the window, and then covered it with duct tape. "Now, I'm out, and you're still trapped in there." Said James. "James!" Said Rebecca "You are the worst!" Zoey, Lola, and Quinn were getting ready to go to sleep. They were tired out from all the stuff they had to do today. But they were excited, that the next day was going to be the last day of school. And they don't get picked up until Saturday. But still the last days were going to fun as long as Rebecca doesn't do anything bad. Someone knocked on the door, it was James. He came to apologize for all of the mean things he did. "Hello, Zoey." Said James "Lola, Quinn." "James, what are you doing here?" Said Zoey. "I came to apologize for all the stuff had happened in the last few days." Said James "Rebecca is the person who needs to pay. She's just mad that you and Chase are together. So, sorry for everything." "Thanks, James." Said Zoey "Chase is the best boyfriend ever to me, and I wish you would accept it." "I accept that now." Said James "So, are we still best friends." "Yes, we can still be friends." Said Zoey. Zoey and James had shaked hands like normal friends, and was going to have a great friendship. It was time to go to sleep, Zoey, Lola, and Quinn had went to bed and we're going to sleep, so they could face the day tomorrow. It was almost going to be the last day of school, it might have lots of excitement. But it was going to have lots of drama. Because Rebecca was going to go after Zoey and Chase. 5. Chapter 8 and 9 Chapter 8-The Final Showdown It was Friday, June 27th. The last day of school at PCA. Zoey was excited and unexcited. She was excited because the last day was going to be so much fun. She was unexcited because Rebecca was going to be up to her fiendish plans. Zoey had woke up, got dressed, and done everything she had to do before she went to go eat breakfast. Lola and Quinn were going to team up with Zoey to fight against Rebecca. Chase was going to face Rebecca too, and with help from Michael and Logan. Rebecca was coming up with a fiendish plan, she planned to do something humiliating. It was something strange, but apparently Rebecca was about to go too far. The plan was too cruel, and it might crush Zoey and Chase. But Rebecca was being wild enough to do something cruel, and Zoey and her friends were going to stop her plan. It was going to take a lot of work. Zoey and Chase had started walking around campus, and Rebecca was putting her fiendish plan into action. It was going to get her trouble. Rebecca didn't know that this was going to hurt people. When Zoey and Chase were walking by the fountain, Rebecca had pressed a button, the fountain has burst, making Zoey and Chase all wet. To make things worse, the fountain had shattered almost hurting Zoey and Chase. Rebecca was shocked to see what she had done, and unlucky for her, Dean Rivers had saw her done it and was sent to his office. At Dean River's office, Rebecca was sitting there all upset. Zoey and Chase were there too, they didn't get hurt, but they both had a complete nervous collapse. "Rebecca, you know you can't just damage school property." Said Dean Rivers "You destroyed the school fountain, almost hurting two students, and practically ruined most of the school." "I'm sorry, Dean Rivers." Said Rebecca "I just got a little out of control. I tried to do something for me, but I ended up just hurting people and myself." "Well, you won't be hurting anything here no more, Rebecca." Said Dean Rivers "Because you're expelled from Pacific Coast Academy. Pack up your things, you will be leaving at 10 P.M. sharp." Then Rebecca had left the office, then Zoey and Chase had decided to go talk to Rebecca. "Wait, Rebecca." Said Zoey "I know what you did was terrible." "I just got out of control, getting something I wanted back." Said Rebecca "But I'm sorry for everything, Zoey. Anyway, I'd better get packing." "Wait, but we forgive you for everything." Said Chase. "Why do you say that?" Said Rebecca. "Well, there's good in you, and don't you think it's time to forgive and forget." Said Zoey. "Well, I'm sorry for everything, and it's hard for me to say this, but I'm sorry." Said Rebecca "And just don't talk to me anymore." "No, why don't we just be friends." Said Chase "We can all be friends, you, me, and Zoey." Said Chase. "We will stay in touch." Said Zoey "We'll call you." "Here's my phone number." Said Rebecca as she handed a piece of paper with her number on it "Call me sometime, and see you soon." That was the last time that Zoey and Chase were going to see Rebecca, at least until the school year ends. Zoey and Chase had closure with Rebecca. It was the best thing for them to talk until the problem was resolved. Because the best way, probably, the solve a dramatic problem is closure. That was what Zoey and Chase had thought after having their last talk with Rebecca. Chapter 9-Sunset At The Beach Zoey and Chase had went to the beach, they had watched the sunset and were amazed to see how beautiful it was. They had the best time. They had brought some soda with them, along with some salad and sandwiches along the way. Zoey had made the salads, and Chase made the sandwiches. "Wow, how beautiful is that sight." Said Zoey. "It's the best." Said Chase "So, tomorrow, we leave to go to Hawaii. Are you excited?" "Totally excited." Said Zoey "You know, I think it will be awesome, and we get to stay at a fancy hotel. Lots of celebrities go there. Maybe when we leave we could get they're autographs." "That would be totally amazing." Said Chase. Then by the rocks, Zoey and Chase were having a nice quiet walk all alone. There was no one else at the beach besides them. "So, looks like we're the only two people here." Said Chase. "Yes, it is." Said Zoey "This is so romantic." Chase had then jumped into the beach and started swimming, and also Zoey jumped in. Then Zoey and Chase had started swimming together, they had loved swimming underwater, because it was absolutely fabulous. Then after they had fun having a romantic time swimming, Zoey and Chase had started hugging while they were floating in the water. "Well, this is very great." Said Zoey "Don't you think?" "Of course." Said Chase. Then Zoey and Chase had been making out while they were there, and they liked being at the beach when the sun had been going down. Zoey and Chase had the most romantic moment. After they had kissed, they had continued being together at the beach. "I love you, Chase." Said Zoey. "I love you too, Zoey." Said Chase. "You know, this is absolutely the most romantic, amazing, and great time ever." Said Zoey "This is a really great moment." Then after Zoey and Chase had a romantic time on the beach, they had went back to PCA to spend time with Lola, Quinn, Michael, and Logan before they had to pack up and leave tomorrow. 6. Chapter 10 Chapter 10-Goodbye PCA It was Saturday, June 28th. Zoey and Chase had their luggage and were ready to go to Hawaii for their romantic summer. First they had said goodbye to their friends. Zoey and Chase had first said goodbye to Lola. "Well, goodbye, Lola." Said Zoey. "Yeah, see you, Lola." Said Chase. "Hope you have a good time in Maui." Said Lola. "And you have a good time with your tutoring job." Said Zoey. "Man, you're a really great friend." Said Lola. "Well, see you soon." Said Chase. "Yeah, goodbye, Zoey, Chase." Said Lola. Then Zoey and Chase had said goodbye to Quinn. "See you, Quinn." Said Zoey. "See you." Said Chase. "Yeah, it's been great hanging out with you." Said Quinn. "You know, you have always helped me in the worst time." Said Zoey "You always been there." "I know." Said Quinn "And I will miss you so much." "And I'm going to miss you too, Quinn." Said Chase. "See you, Chase." Said Quinn. Then Zoey and Chase had said goodbye to Michael. "You know, Michael, you had been my best guy friend." Said Chase. "You have been very loyal and friendly." Said Zoey. "And I'll see you in a few months or so." Said Michael "So, hope you have the best time." "I will." Said Zoey "And you're really funny." "I am, well, bye Zoey and Chase." Said Michael. Then Zoey and Chase had said goodbye to Logan. "Well, goodbye, Logan." Said Zoey as she walked away. "See you, Logan." Said Chase "You may not have been the best friend, but at least you brought a little bit of excitement." "Well, glad to hear you say that." Said Logan "So, I'll miss you a lot." Then lastly, Zoey and Chase had said goodbye to Nicole. "Nicole, I can't believe you came back." Said Zoey "You have been a great friend, hope I see you again sometime." "Well, I'll miss you, Zoey." Said Nicole. "Goodbye, Nicole." Said Chase. "Bye, Chase." Said Nicole. Zoey and Chase had entered the car, and drove off to the airport. They had went on the plane to Hawaii to spend the summer there. They had arrived in the late afternoon, as Zoey had then started her job. They were staying in a two-bedroom hotel room, Zoey and Chase were excited about spending their summer there. The next day, it was Sunday, June 29th. Zoey had then started her first time of doing her job as a cabana girl. Chase had the best times with Zoey. The day was being full of so much excitement. Zoey's shift had been over, and that was when her and Chase had then spent their first romantic night in Hawaii. Chase had brought some food, and they ate a table with a view of the beach. "Wow, how great is that view." Said Zoey. "It's amazing." Said Chase. "Well, how about we say cheers, to our wonderful summer here in Hawaii." Said Zoey. "Yes, to the best summer ever." Said Chase. Zoey and Chase had said cheers as they had clinked their drinks together. Then it was the end of the day, Zoey and Chase had went in their beds and said goodnight. It was the end of the day for them, and there were still 2 more months for them to spend in Hawaii. They were going to have the best summer ever. The End End file.
Zoey 101: The Last Week At PCA by Stewie Shadow
Zoey 101
1. Tears _* If you like Logan whump, never fear it comes in a later chapter! If not, you can skim over that when it gets there. Whatever you prefer. READ AND REVIEW!_ * * * Logan sat on the edge of his bed, alone in the dorm. He'd screwed up. Screwed up badly. He wished now that he could turn back time and fix everything, because what he'd done was not worth it. He had always thought of Brooke, Mark's ex-girlfriend, as a very attractive girl, but she was way too... Well she was kind of... She was a bit of... She was a slut. And Logan, (Though many could debate this.) Wasn't shallow enough to date girls just because they act and dress in that particular way. He _knew_ Quinn wasn't like that, she was awesome and he loved her. But it was earlier that day that things had made a turn for the worse. Brooke wanted to break up with her boyfriend, but he kept trying to think of a way to make her stay with him, and she had to show him that he didn't want her. So when she spotted Logan, standing by the fountain, waiting for Quinn that she got an idea. Her boyfriend was approaching, as was Quinn. She grabbed Logan by the collar and pulled him in, and kissed him. He wanted to push away, but damn that girl used force. Once they broke apart, Brooke was single again, and Quinn was heartbroken. Logan ran after her. "Quinn! Quinn! It's not what it looks like, I swear to God I didn't even know she would do that!" Quinn kept her back to him, marching away with tears in her eyes. Her voice was shaking with heavyhearted sobs. "Forget it, Logan! I know what I saw, and you- I thought- Never mind. It doesn't matter anymore, I should've known once Mark dumped me that all guys were the same, all they want it _that_ and not someone who actually lov- Who actually cares about them!" "Quinn! Please! I didn't mean- I lov- Come back! Quinn, no I didn't know she was-" Logan cursed under his breath as she disappeared into the dorm building and groaned woefully. "Thanks, Logan." Brooke said with a wink, walking passed him and blowing him a kiss. Logan glared at her, disgusted. How could any guy ever think _that_ was hot? He couldn't believe he had. But that was earlier. Now he was alone in his dorm, with a broken heart, and no girlfriend, and the only one to blame was himself. And that bitch, Brooke! * * * Quinn's face was buried in her eyeliner covered pillow, she had cried until she could cry no longer and was now just laying there, thinking about how she hated the entire male population. "Hey, Quinn can you help with this- What's wrong?" Quinn wiped her eyes hastily and looked up to see Zoey and Lola standing in the doorway, Lola was the one who had spoken. "N-Nothing. What do you need help with?" Zoey crossed the room to Quinn's bed and sat down gently beside her, Lola following suit behind her. "Tell us what's wrong." Zoey said softly but firmly. "I- Okay. I caught L-Logan kissing that- that _monster_ Brooke today." "Oh, Quinn...!" Lola hugged her apologetically. "Why would he do that? Did he say anything?" Zoey asked imploringly. Quinn sucked in a breath and replied steadily, "He claimed he didn't know she was going to kiss him. Yeah right." Zoey put a comforting arm around her friend and thought one thing: _I am going to kill, Logan Reese._ * * * Logan had absolutely no idea how he was going to win Quinn back, but he knew one thing for sure. He would sure as hell do _anything_ to get her back. Because, though he'd never told her yet, he loved her. Little did he know she felt the same way about him. 2. Late _* Here's chapter two! A bit of Logan whump in this one, more to come later! READ AND REVIEW!_ * * * Logan stood up abruptly, and slammed his fists on the wall in frustration. What was he going to do? He had to something, he sat down breathing heavily, his heart aching, thinking. He flipped open his phone and dialed Quinn's number. He pressed it to his ear and waited. He knew she had her phone with her, and since it was ringing he knew it was on. _C'mon, Quinn. Please pick up._ "Hi, you've reached Quinn Pensky's answering machine. I can't answer right now, please leave a message." Logan listened to the whole thing, even though it was an enormous disappointment that she wouldn't answer him, hearing her voice even in recording form comforted him. He decided to send a text, he needed to talk to her, and she had to listen to him in a text. His thumbs flew all over the keyboard, and he sent it as fast as he could to her. _Quinn, please answer, we need to talk. _ He left out his usual 'babe' or 'sweetie' because she was mad. But at the same time he wanted her to know that he still cared about her. And always would. He stared at the tiny screen for ten minutes until it vibrated and he opened the text without hesitation. _I don't want to talk to you._ His heart sank and he typed back, this time he knew he had to convince her that he really cared. _Please baby, I need to talk to you! Please, I know I screwed up but will you at least let me talk to you about it? Please?_ This time the response was quicker, only four minutes this time, she had obviously been contemplating replies both times. But this time she said, _FINE. Meet me at the lounge in five minutes._ With a quick, '_Okay.'_ he was out the door. He sprinted to the lounge, he could not be late. Perhaps he _should_ have taken the time to run carefully because he ran straight into a pillar. * * * Quinn checked her phone impatiently. Logan had texted her, 'okay' eight minutes ago! How long did it take to get to the lounge? She calculated quickly in her head the longest ammount of time it would take from the farthest part of the campus. Twelve minutes, tops. She waited. * * * Michael was walking down the hallway back to his dorm when he spotted something surprising. Sprawled across the floor, unconscious, was Logan Reese. A bruise forming on his forehead, and a little blood. He looked around, desperately hoping someone else would show up to take care of it. No one did and he lifted him carefully off the ground, and dragged him into their dorm. * * * Eyes stinging with furious tears, Quinn stomped back to her dorm. She had waited over twenty minutes for this boy. And nothing. He hadn't shown. That just went to show how much he actually cared about her. A tiny part of her she didn't want to believe, was worried. Had something happened to him? She dismissed it, he'd been fine twenty minutes ago she was sure he was fine now. * * * Logan's head was swimming and images and voices crossed his mind, echoing in his eardrums. A particular memory replayed itself. _He reached into her purse and pulled out her glasses. Careful not to poke her with them, he slid them gently onto her face and smiling said._ _"Hey. There's the Quinn I know."_ _She returned the smile._ _Damn. He thought. This girl was beautiful to him even with mascara running the length of her face, and her nose pink from crying. It just felt right when he leaned in... and kissed her._ _Their lips interlocked, as he caressed her face passionately. When they broke apart, it was not because either wanted to, but because a horse had just galloped by with Michael and Zoey on it's back._ _"Wierdest day ever." He had said._ _"Yeah." She replied weakly._ _It was that day that he fell in love._ "LOGAN!" Logan jolted awake and sitting up quickly he realized he was back in his dorm. Michael was staring at him from the other side of the room looking confused. "Logan what happened to-" "Michael! What time is it?" "I don't know, but whatever man, what happened-" "WHAT TIME IS IT?" He repeated. "I don't know, seven forty, why?" Logan dove into his pocket for his phone and searched through his inbox to see what time Quinn had asked him to meet her. Seven thirteen. "Dammnit!" He cursed, throwing his phone down beside him, gripping his hair. "Logan, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" "When I was waiting for Quinn today, Brooke kissed me and Quinn saw, and I texted her to talk and she said to meet her in the lounge in five minutes and she said that twenty-seven minutes ago!" Michael stared at him and said honestly, "I see... You're screwed." 3. Found _* It's still Quogan... obviously. Anyways... READ AND REVIEW!_ * * * Quinn pushed back her hair, and standing up from her usual lunch table with Zoey and Lola, she said slowly, "I'll be right back, I've just spotted a particularly hot basketball player over there..." Zoey and Lola rolled there eyes and Zoey pointed out, "Since when do you care about hot basketball players?" "Well, I just- I wanna make Logan jealous!" She exclaimed. "Well, don't. He's not worth your time, Quinn! He was an asshole and he now pays the price of losing an awesome girl like you!" Lola said, poking absently at her salad. Quinn sighed sitting back down and said sadly, "Fine. I just... wish I didn't want him back so badly." Zoey and Lola both shrugged sympathetically as Michael crossed the grass to join them. He sat down taking a sip of his Blix before asking, "Have any of you guys seen Logan? For the passed like, four days he's been cutting class, but I haven't seen him in the room once! It's wierd, man." Zoey's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "You haven't seen him in _four days?_" "Yeah, wierd right?" "Logan?" Stacey said, coming up to them, "I saw him about an hour ago, he was just sitting under a tree out on the lawn, he looked _really_ depressed." She added before skipping off. All eyes were on Quinn at this point. Zoey looking confused, Lola looking like 'you-know-what-you-have-to-do.', and Michael cocking an eyebrow in an attempt of getting her to go make up with his friend. "I-Fine! I'll go talk to him!" She got up and left, not hearing Michael say to the other two, "We didn't even have to ask, we're getting good at that deathstare thing." * * * Quinn detoured through the school and emerging outside by the lawn she looked around. She first scanned the more crowded area, expecting to find Logan hitting on some girl, maybe _Brooke._ But not seeing him, she looked curiously towards the emptiest part of the grounds. And surely enough, leaning against a tree, was Logan. Quinn approached slowly, very much wanting to scold him for his pathetic attempt to make her feel the littlest feeling of guilt for not talking to him, but this thought dropped out of her mind when she realized he was sleeping. Coming closer she noticed dark circles beneath his eyes, and he was paler than usual. It looked as though he hadn't slept in days, and judging by the fact that Michael had seen him, he probably hadn't. "L-Logan?" He jumped, eyes flying open as he awoke. His eyelids settled down to a normal level when he realized it was Quinn. "Oh... Hey." "Logan, what're you doing out here?" Quinn asked carefully. "What'd you mean I came out here after I er- Forgot to meet you earlier." Quinn looked at him and said softly, "Logan, that was four days ago. Have you been sitting here the entire time?" Quinn realized if this was true he hadn't slept, or eaten, or anything in four days! "I guess so..." He said dazedly. Quinn sat down beside him and he said gently, "Quinn. I just want you to know, I didn't know Brooke was gonna kiss me. Would I be sitting here girl-less if I did?" Quinn thought this over and smiled at him, "I believe you." Logan blinked dazedly and leaned in, a little weakly, but with complete enthusiasm. Quinn smiled and leaned. They kissed. She was pretty surprised when his face fell away from hers, hitting the grass. 4. I Love You _* LAST CHAPTER! READ AND REVIEW!_ * * * "_...Gan?"_ _"..Ogan?"_ _"LOGAN!"_ Quinn's voice echoed inside Logan's head, but he did not yet emerge from the dark mist which had taken over his vision. He laid there- Where ever _there_ was- and thoughts and memories flew through his head as he did so. _The kiss._ _"Wierdest, day, ever."_ _"...Uh-huh."_ How awkward it had been when they first kissed. In contrast to how completely natural it felt now. Almost as if for all the years they'd both attended PSA, their lips had been waiting to meet, destined to interlock time and time again. Perhaps fate would have their lips join, as a clergyman declared them, husband and wife. But that was quite a long way away, and Logan highly doubted Quinn would ever _marry_ someone like himself. Arrogant, rich, good-looking... He remembered what had happened after waking up the morning after his encounter with the pole on his way to meet up with Quinn, and feeling such a depression he'd never felt before. And he'd thought he felt bad when a girl on the beach mistook his abs of steel for jellyrolls. No, even _that_ hadn't made him feel as bad as he did at that moment. He rose from his bed, and without a second thought, wandered absently off across the field, taking refuge under the shade of a tree, and staring off into space, in deep depression. Because that's how Logan handled things, he'd sit somewhere, alone, and if he was upset enough, he wouldn't sleep, or eat or anything for days. _"LOGAN!"_ Quinn's voice was becoming clearer, and Logan felt it was his job to wrench himself out of this state, and hold up for Quinn, to tell her, that he loved her. His eyes snapped open and he stared up at Quinn who was bent over him. He was lying on his bed, in his dorm. Quinn was looking intently at his face, looking extremely concerned. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, the room spinning a bit as he did so and he said awkwardly, "Er- Hey... Quinn..." "Hi Logan." Quinn said, relief breaking across her face in the form of her beautiful smile. "So uh... What happened?" He asked curiously. "Sleep deprivation, lack of a substantial energy source..." Smirking at his confused face she said simply, "You passed out." "Oh, okay." Logan said, glad she'd 'dumbed it down' for him. "So uh," Quinn began, sitting down on the side of Logan's bed, "Are you okay?" He shrugged and said though his head pounded and the room still spun, "I'm okay." Quinn smiled and stared down, as if examining Logan's comforter. "Listen, Quinn..." Logan said gently, taking her chin and raising it softly up to meet his gaze, "I've been wanting to tell you that... I love you." She smiled, and pressing her lips against his she whispered, their noses touching as they broke apart, "I love you too, Logan." * * * THE END. (If you don't review, Logan and Quinn will break up for real! Oh no! Not really but whatever, PLEASE REVIEW!) End file.
Winning Her Back by rockmysocks456
Zoey 101
Friends and Marriage **Friends & Marriage ****-One Shot- ** Chase Matthews has watched his best friend Zoey Brooks go in and out of relationships throughout the whole time they had been friends. He had always been happy for her when she met a new guy, he had always been there when she went through a big break-up. Even when they went to seperate colleges he was there.They both moved to a small city in Illinois and lived in the same apartments. In that small city she met a guy and dated him for awhile. But just like the others she broke up with him. "For some reason I cannot keep myslef in a relationship. What's wrong with me?" Zoey asked him when they were on the phone one day. "Nothing is wrong with you. You're perfect. You deserve better than what that guy was giving you anyway. Everything will be ok," Chase calmed her down as usual with the same words he said to her each time she had a break up. Once she had finally quit crying she said,"Thanks Chase, your the best friend I could ever have." "Yep, that's me, the best friend."Chase sighed,"Zoey there's something I have to-" "Thanks, Chase. Well, I'll talk to you later." Zoey cut him off before he could say anything else. "Wait! I really need to tell you something. Meet me in the park by the red bench," Chase said. "What? It's almost dark out," Zoey pointed out. "Please?" Chase asked. When?" Zoey asked through a yawn. "Right now, I need to talk to you." Chase demanded. "Ok, I'm on my way out. Bye," Zoey replied. She didn't feel like getting out of her nice warm bed but it wasn't often that Chase had that kind of urgency in his voice. She set down the phone and put on a red sweater and her brown suede jacket. Chase grabbed his fall jacket, dug through his closet for the little box, shoved the box in his pocket, and walked out the door. "What am I doing?" he asked himself. * * * The sun was just about to set. The october sky was beautiful. Orange and red leaves were floating to the stone sidewalk. Chase sat down on the red bench and waited. He had no clue what he was going to say. Zoey walked up the little hill from her apartment and up to the bench. She sat next to him on the bench,"Hey." "Hey." "You wanted to talk?" Zoey asked. "Yeah," Chase replied. He was quiet for a few minutes. "Chase you know you can tell me anything," Zoey said. "Yeah, I know. I just don't know how," Chase stated. "Come on, tell me," Zoey persuaded him. Chase took a deep breath,"We've been best friends for a long time now, right?" "Too many years to count," Zoey said. Chase nodded,"Well I've been thinking about this for a long tim and I'm going to ask you something. If you turn me down our friendship will pretty much die because of the awkwardness of it all and than I'll have no best friend and that'll just suck. So-" "Chase, where are you going with this?" Zoey interupted him. "Zoey?" Chase swallowed a big lump that was lingering in his throat. "Yeah?" She replied. "I love you," he practicly forced himself to say it,"Will you marry me?" Zoey just stared at him, her mouth open,"What?" "I know that this is so out of nowhere and we've never even really dated, but Zoey, I love you. You're my best friend and the only one I can see myslef being with for the rest of my life with and if you think that this is the most disturbing moment of your life and never wanna speak to me again I'll understand," Chase said quickly. Zoey continued to stare at him,"You love me?" "I'm sorry," Chase hung his head. Zoey was silent for a few minutes than lifted his chin and made him face her,"Don't be sorry. I love you too." She took a deep breath and whispered," Yes." "Yes?" Chase repeated and swallowed again. "Yes, Chase,"Zoey whispered,"I'll marry you." Chase let out a big breath that he seemed to have been holding in for years and grinned,"Oh my gosh. You said yes!" He stood up and pulled her up with him. That was by far the craziest thing he had ever done. Zoey smiled, tears blurring her vision,"I said yes." She laughed. "You know I've felt like this forever. I never knew how to tell you," Chase said. "Me too, I'm sorry I never said anything. We wasted so much time," Zoey replied. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Chase pulled her close to him and kissed her. Just like that, no hesitation, nothing. It was the best kiss of her life. It was the only kiss that felt right out of the many broken relationships she had had. "Here,"Chase pulled out the box from his pocket and opened it,"When my grandmother died she left this to me in her will and told me to give to give it to my future fiance." Zoey stared at the old fashioned white gold engagement ring with a big round diamond on the top and three little diamonds surrounding it on each side."Oh my goodness,"She breathed,"It's beautiful." Chase slipped it on her left index finger. It fit perfectly. "I can't beleive this," Zoey said. "Me either," Chase shook his head. "We're getting married," Zoey emphasized the word married. "We're getting married,"Chase repeated. The sun was down by now. Zoey and Chase kissed one more time, took each other's hand, and walked back up the sidewalk. It was the begining of a new kind of relationship together. * * * A/N: Ok. I know what your thinking that would proboly not happen. But actually that's almost exactly what happened with my friend's parents. They were best friends for their entire life and one day her dad just asked her mom to marry him. She said yeas and they were married and have 3 kids. They don't even joke about the word divorace. There's a lot more details but isn't that so cute? Well that was a one-shot...please review! ) -Noelle End file.
Friends and Marriage by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Madlibs Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 and I got this idea out of the magazine **_Studio 2B._** Michael was reading through one of his recent issues of PCA monthly magazines and he came across a madlib. He started to ask Chase the madlib questions. Place Girls name Reason why not to do something Verb Greeting Verb Noun Part of the body Color Clothing item Past tense verb As Chase answered the questions Michael wrote in his answers. When he was done Michael read the story aloud. _(A/N the underlined words are Chase's answers)_ **I went to the court yard on Saturday and saw Zoey who I've had a crush on since the first time I saw her. My friends were trying to get me to talk to her, but I'm too shy. Eventually they convinced me to ride over to her and say "Hey how's it going?"** **As I biked over to where she was standing with her friends, I fell down the steps (again) and landed on my back. My face was bright red by this time! In my rush to leave, hoping that she hadn't seen what just happened; my shoe fell off. ** **As raced back to were my friends were standing cracking up; I didn't realize she had followed me. She said, "You forgot this back there." I tried to laugh but instead I burped this was the most embarrassing moment of my life.** "Dude, didn't that happen yesterday?" Michael asked. Chase nodded in embarrassment. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Chase got up to open it andwhen he did non other than Zoey was starring back at him. Before Chase could do anything Zoey said "Chase there is something I've wanted to do for a long time but haven't had the couage to do until yesterday." And with that Zoey leans up giving Chase a very passionate kiss. After about a minute Chase breaks away looking into Zoey's eyes and says "I Love You, too" The End **_A/N_** I know it was short, but I hoped you liked it any way! You know the drill R&R! End file.
Madlibs by carmabell713
Zoey 101
Forgotten Forgotten **By**: punkprincess96 Dana woke up with a quick look at the calender. She looked around. Zoey the perfecto was neatly combing her hair, while Nicole was writing something down. "Wassat?" Dana asked, with her mouth a bit slurred from waking up so early. Nicole smiled brightly. "Writing in my diary about how I did homework yesterday." Nicole beamed, with a punch in the air. Dana got up, and kept eyeing the calender, until Zoey noticed. "What are you doing?" Zoey asked in her southern accent. "Nothing." Dana mumbled before sighing. Zoey walked over to the calender,and saw nothing so she went back to brushing her neat hair. "So, where we headed today after school?" Nicole asked. Zoey shrugged. "No where I guess. Nothing good happening today." Zoey said, broed. Dana began crying. "What's wrong?!" Nicole asked, walking over to Dana. "Nothing." Dana whispered and wiped her tears as they stained her pajamas. Nicole got back to writing. Zoey glanced at Dana for a second, then rolled her eyes. Dana stared at the floor, and walked outside. Suddenly Chase, Michael and Logan walked by. "Hi Zoe. We just wanted to see if you wanted us to pick you guys up for the first period." Chase greeted. Zoey smiled, and grabbed her bags. Nicole got her books, and walked up to the gang. "Yeah, hurry up. There better be a better reason to be picking you guys up." Logan impatiently said, just as Dana walked. Dana was wearing usual, a dark purple tank top with black jean capris, with white and purple runners. "And here she is." Michael joked. Dana stopped walking and turned around. "Oh good, the ding-dongs are here." Dana sarcastically sneered, with an eye roll at the end. Nicole put her hands on her hips as Zoey sighed heavily. "What is your problem? It's not even 9:00 yet." Nicole stated with a sadening frown. Dana angrily groaned at threw her text book at Nicole. Nicole caught the book, and threw it back on the floor. Zoey crossed her arms, tired of their constant fighting. "Dana." Zoey complained. "Don't throw books or heavy objects at Nicole, please." Dana snarled for a minute before going to leave the room. "Do we have to watch them fight?" Chase whispered to Logan and Michael. "This. Is. Hilarious fighting!" Logan replied with a grin. Michael slapped Logan on the face, jokingly. "Dana, don't just leave after I won our fight." Nicole snapped. Dana turned back around. "Girls- N- I... Nicole-" Zoey was cut off by Dana. "Excuse me? I don't think you won." Dana growled. "Dana. Always. Wins. Period. PERMENATLY." Nicole backed up a bit. "Nah, not always." Nicole bickered. Chase and Zoey seperated the two. "Oh yeah, let's stop the fight right here!" Logan sarcastically said, while rolling his eyes. Zoey threw the text book lying on the floor at Logan. "Zoey" Dana mocked. "Don't throw books or heavy objects at Logan." Dana sweetly batted her eyelashes before crossing her arms and sighing. "Dana, stop being so rude. You're even more rude today than usual. What's up?" Zoey crankily asked. Dana eyed the calender again, before groaning and leaving the room. "What's wrong with _that_ chick?" Nicole asked, smiling. Nicole glanced a look at the calender. _Hey, there is an earased mark!_ She quickly turned her head around, looking the other direction.Nicole smiled, and began shoving her friends out the door. Zoey stopped with a thud on the floor. "NICOLE! What are you doing?" Zoey breifly asked, giving her 'what up? I look like a mom' glare. "Not much, just have to... change. Erg, this top is SO last week." Nicole muttered, dramatically. Zoey rolled her eyes and Nicole's friends soon disapeared. Nicole pounced over to the calender, and grabbed a pen. She shaded in the leftover marks, showing the message. It was a ballon and cake! There was a name, but Nicole shaded in too hard on that spot, and couldn't make out what is said. "So it's someone's birthday, eh?" Nicole asked herself. "But who? Zoey's birthday was months ago, so was mine, and Chase's passed SO long ago... Michael too... Logan's birthday was four months ago. Quinn's birthday is coming up next month... that means... DANA." Nicole grinned, and sighed. "Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. This's gonna be fun." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Zo." Nicole said to her friend at lunch time, and sat down. Zoey waved, shyly. They were all sitting in their usual places. Zoey beside Chase, Chase beside Michael, Michael beside Logan, usually Nicole sat between Logan and Dana, but Nicole had been absent all morning and some of lunch, so Dana and Logan were bickering as usual. "Will you stop your foot from having ANY contact with my foot?!" Dana shouted. Logan smirked. "You're so lucky that you're even touching my _foot_." Logan sneered. Dana scoffed. "I'm _so_ fortunate." Dana sarcastically said, turning away from him. "Calm down and stop flirting you guys." Nicole stated, taking a stab at her cake. "Okay, Zo you can have my cake." Zoey shook her head immedately. "Oh, no. I don't want _any_ of those carbs, or calories, or whatever we count." Zoey said, as she smiled. "You take it, Nicole." Nicole sighed as she took a huge stab in her cake and bit the cake, furiously. "So you guys," Nicole said, wiping her mouth with a pink, little napkin. "I plan to have another birthday party tonight!" Dana's face flushed as white as a ghost when she heard Nicole. Zoey scoffed, and rolled her eyes. Chase just smiled at the fun idea. "You had your origonal one months ago." Zoey stated, with a grin on her face. "Yeah, pink ballons and all, Nciole." Chase laughed. Nicole smiled, and looked right at Dana. "But it's so much fun. Gimme presents, and all the other things I want." Nicole demanded with a spoiled look on her face. "Erghm, 'Xcuse me." Dana said, and got up. Nicole pushed Dana back into her seat. "Are you coming to my party?" Nicole asked, knowing Dana's weakness. "Get off me." Dana sternly ordered, getting back up. "Fine but you're not invited!" Nicole yelled at Dana as she left. Logan rolled his eyes, and went back to poking Michael with a fork. "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Michael repeated everytime he received a poke from Logan. "You guys." Zoey complained, hiding her face in her hands. Chase sighed, and rolled his eyes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hi Mommy." Dana cried over the phone with her mouth over her mouth. "_Aw, baby what's wrong, Dana? Troubles? Oh your sister said happy birthday, dear. So do I. You're growing up fast, honey. Too fast."_ "Just tell older sis thanks. Aw, mommy! No one remembered my-" Dana stopped when she heard the door open. "Call you back later, Moma." Dana shoved the phone into her shirt, and sighed. It aas only Nicole, Zoey Chase, and Logan. Dana didn't know Nicole heard her conversation with her mom on the phone though... "Where's the phone, Dana? I need to call." Nicole said, evily. Dana ignroed her, or until Zoey tapped in. "Give 'er the phone Dana." Zoey instructed, sighing. Dana slowly took the phone out of her shirt. "Woah, Dana. If I'd known where you keep the phone I would've called more often." Logan smirked, and he gave Chase a high five. Dana threw the phone at Logan, and it hit him on his head. Logan colapsed to the floor. Nicole screamed, with surprise in her shaken voice. "Oh my god! HE HASN'T GOTTEN UP!" Zoey shouted, running out of the room. Dana began shaking. _What does Brooks mean by... _Dana quickly ran over to Logan. Chase was shaking his shoulders, as Nicole just stood there. Zoey came in with the nurse. The nures was different, probably new. She had long, flowing raven hair over her narrow waist, and Chase gaped at her with a pleasurable smile on his face when he saw her. Zoey saw this look, and elbowed Chase in the stomach. "Oh my. What happened?" the nurse asked, picking Logan up as Chase winced with pain. Dana was really scared, but didn't even show it. "No-o... ask him when he wakes up." Dana stubled with the words. It was as if Logan wasn't going to wake up, but Dana didn't believe that. Phone murders? Not likely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "He'll wake up, don't worry. And Chase Matthews, call me April." April the nurse said, as she gave Logan a smile. "Please. Call me Chase." Chase drooled, and Zoey groaned. "Isn't she too old for you?" Zoey whispered to Chase as Nicole and Dana talked to April. Chase sighed. "She's cool with that." Chase whispered back, with a grin on his face. Zoey sighed, and just let it go. "He should wake up within the next couple minutes." April told Dana. Dana nodded, and chewed furiously at her fist. Logan stretched for a second, before opening his eyes. "Logan!" Nicole said, dramatically wrapping her arms around him, only because she knew Dana would be jealous. "Cut it." Dana ordered, yanking Logan up, free from Nicole's grasp. "You 'k?" Logan shrugged, and looked over at the nurse. "You like her? Dana I mean." Nicole whispered to Logan as Dana began paying for Logan's health fee. "Shut up and go away. Don't ever touch me again." Logan barked, before getting up and going over to Dana. Logan tried to hug Dana, but she knew his moves and slipped away from him, with a smile. Nicole groaned. "Stop loving each other even more." Nicole complained, lying in the bed Logan was previously in. Zoey came over with Chase. "Yeah, listen to the princess." Dana sarcastically laughed. "Or is she now the birthday queen?" there was a moment of silence. "Hey D. When's your birthday? You're like the youngest... or Quinn is." Chase guessed, with his eyes on Zoey. "Never." Dana barked, before leaving the room. Nicole shrugged, and helped Logan back on the way to room 101. Logan pulled his arm back, and walked parallel from her. "Hey, Dana's fine. She's in our room. Quit being so worked up about her." Zoey said, noticing Logan look around for Dana. Logan nodded, and shrugged. "No I'm not." a voice said, behind them. They all turned around, seeing Dana with mascara dripping off her chin. That meant she had been crying. "Dana..." Nicole's voice was trailed off in the end. Everyone was used to the grumpy Dana. They felt awkward when Dana was embarrased or happy. They now felt sad and depressed at Dana's sudden appearance. "How do you do that, Dana?" Logan asked, without looking her in the eye. "Do what?" Dana asked, crossing her arms. Logan sighed. "Playing with my heart when I have it back already." Logan sighed, and left the hall to silence. Dana stared at the floor and decided to go after him. Dana wanted to go, but Zoey and Chase suddenly blocked her. "Get out of my way, or you won't be a problem." Dana had never had to threaten any of her friends before, except Logan or Nicole. "Stop breaking his heart." Chase suddenly ordered. Zoey nodded. "You made him upset last week. Now this." Zoey shouted. Dana was shocked by their sudden concern. "I'm going to fix it." Dana said with a push at Zoey and Chase. They fell, and Dana ran after Logan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "LOGAN!" Dana shouted, seeing him with his friends. One of Logan's friends laughed. "Looks like she'll have your head, Logan." they joked. Logan groaned. "You mean his heart." another one of them joked. "But she's such an idiot. She's like the biggest bitch on campus next to Zoey." one of his friends laughed again. "Cut the crap, man." Logan ordered. _Why do I hang with these gangsters again? Oh yeah. I was going to impress Dana that I was tough too. Instead, I lost my old friends._ "Logan, look I'm sorry." Dana said, running over. One of his friends sighed. "What're you gonna do if I don't shut up, Lo?" they asked. "I'll do it for you." Logan said, drinking his blix. "Do it." his friends ordered. Logan sighed, and continued drinking. Dana's eyes narrowed. "Stop being mean to Logan." Dana ordered. "Dana, stay out of it." Logan said, shooing her off, but Dana stayed glued to the cement. "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do about it if I don't stop being mean, Dana Cruz? Make out with me?" the friend joked. Dana growled. "Mind if I kiss with my fists?!" Dana said, and received a punch on the nose from him, and then again in the stomach. After a while of punching, Logan yelled. "WHAT THE HELL! DON'T HIT HER!" Logan shouted, giving his friend a punch in the jaw. Dana fell back, hitting her back on a pole. A minute later, her head hit a lamp post, then she got hit serval times again by Logan's friends. But no one noticed... After they finished beating her up, her head was bleeding like insanity, but her mind was whirling even more. The world was spinning for her, over and over again. Logan was fist fighting for Dana with his other friend, as Dana span off into her dreams. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OH MY GOD!" Zoey screamed when Chase, Nicole, Michael, Quinn and Dustin arrived at the hospital. "WHAT WERE LOGAN AND DANA THINKING!?" Zoey cried as she saw her best friend bleeding possible litres over her white bandages. Logan was sitting in the chair beside Dana's bed, with a black eye and a bloody nose. "Dana!" Nicole shouted, bending over by the bed. Quinn silently moved over beside Logan. "Logan, what happened!?" Michael asked, while looking at the newest issue of Cosmo Girl. "It was... I don't know. I was fighting with Andrew." Logan muttered. "But where were you guys?" "We were in the girl's lounge, watching violent cartoons when Vicki came in telling us about Dana and you." Chase said, joining Michael in reading the latest gossip about Paris Hilton and doing the quizzes. "We went outside and sw the ambulence and followed it here." Zoey detailed. "I can't believe it." Dustin sadly said, hanging his head. "I didn't even know her that well." "It's okay." a voice said, as they saw it was the doctor who said that. "So how's it doc?!" Nicole asked, panicking. "I mean.. 'S-it good or terrible?!" the doctor checked his clipboard. "We're not sure. It's too early to be sure." the doctor said, leaving. The room was silent but somehow, just somehow... in discomfort and depression... they fell asleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Logan!" Dana whispered. Logan's eyes flew open and saw the beautiful, young girl awake. Bored to her head, but with a cute smile on her face. "Dana! GUYS WAKE UP! DANA GOT UP!" Logan yelled, with a smile on his face. He was so happy that he was in tears. The gang woke up with a smile, and a gasp. "DANA!" they all yelled at once. Dana covered her ears, and sighed. "Okay, just wanted to let you guys know I'm fine. You can go back to sleep. Except you." Dana said, looking at Logan. The two tip toed outside, where it was darker. "Logan, I'm sorry I got you beat up by that idiot Andrew." Dana said, with a blush on her face. "Sorry Andrew's messed up gang friends beat you up." Logan said. Dana shrugged. "It happens." Dana muttered, before they went back to the room. Zoey and the others were asleep, but Dana and Logan were wide awake. "Logan?" Dana asked, facing him. Logan looked back into her eyes. Dana quickly kissed him on his cheek and turned back around with a huge smile and a deepened blush. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "LOGAN WAKE UP!" a voice shouted. Logan's eyes opened, but were blood-shot red. He saw Chase's face in a dead-like expression. "Ugh, what now Matthews?" Logan asked, getting up. He looked at Dana's bed. It was cleaned, and neatly made. So unlike Dana. Which meant... "WHAT- WHERE. DID. SHE. GO?!" Logan stiffly asked, with anger in his voice. Zoey, Nicole, Quinn, were all crying. "Gone." Chase said, holding up his watch. He pointed the the roman numerals IV and XXII (**For those who don't know, that's 4: 22**). That meant that she left at 4:22. Dead. Died. Went. Fell. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS TELL ME?!" Logan demanded, slamming his fist on the table. Zoey sniffed. "We were just informed!" Zoey wept, with her mascara smudged from crying. Logan wanted to die. Right then. Right there. The doctor walked in with the pretty nurses. "I'LL DO ANYTHING! I'LL GIVE YOU HOWEVER MUCH AMOUNT OF MONEY! DO ANYTHING! GET HER BACK!" Logan yelled at the doctor. "Mr. Reese, that's quite impossible. She was long gone. It's 1: 45. 9 hours ago." the doctor whispered. "IMPOSSIBLE! SHE WOKE UP AT 5:00, TELLING US SHE WAS FINE! SHE KISSED ME!" Logan yelled, shaking his head. The gang of friends nodded, remembering insanely clearly how she woke up, and told them she was fine and left to talk with Logan. But they were unsure that Dana kissed Logan... "No, Mr. Reese, it's impossible she woke up. We had to go into sudden surgery at 3: 25." the doctor calmly said. Logan fell to the floor. Not believing this. He knew everything. The doctor wasn't even there. This all had to be a dream! "I can't tell you how sorry I am." the doctor said, shaking his head. "NO YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN'T TELL HER HOW SORRY I AM TOO, THAT I LET HER DOWN! THAT I LET AN IDIOT PERFORM SURGERY FOR HER! THAT... THAT- I DIDN'T TELL HER I LOVED HER BEFORE THIS!!!" Logan yelled, hiding his face from his friends by shielding his face with his hands. "And, cut." a voice said. They all turned around, and saw Dana standing by the door, leaning on the door frame. She was just smiling there. Wearing candy floss lip gloss, Logan could remember. He loved her lip gloss. He loved her smells. How she smelled. How she looked. Every single detail. "Thanks for showing me what it'd be like. _If_ I died." Dana giggled. The friends were confused. But not confused enough not to tackle her. The jumped on top of her, tackling her like you would in football, only MUCH more violent. The nurses tore the friends (**not Logan and little Justin. Dustin.**) off Dana. Dana moaned. "OW! I WAS REALLY BEAT UP REMEMBER!?" Dana shouted, as the doctor helped her up. "WATCH THE WOUNDS!" "OH, I'LL GIVE YOU EVEN MORE!" Zoey screamed, but glad to see her friend was perfect, except for her broken arm and black eye. "Oh, I saw the whole thing. I even told Logan's dad to film it." Dana smiled, as the camera person came out. Logan groaned. "My dad was in on it? And didn't even tell me?!" Logan sighed. "Man, that was so realistic." Dana nodded, with a large grin. "We'll get you back if we do it while our death arrives with gas and a match to burn our leftover remains!!!" Quinn yelled. They were silent. Quinn rolled her eys. "If it's the last thing we do." she translated into english. Dana rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms as the gang left the room, and so did the nurses and doctor. (**they were actors and actresses**) Logan came back for her. "I'll get you back, Dana Cruz. And maybe YOUR parents will be in on the prank." Logan snickered. Dana scuffed her shoe on the floor. "Logan... I really like you. Your dad planned everything out, but the kiss. I did it of my own free will." Dana admitted, looking into Logan's glittering eyes. "I really like you too." Logan said, and before kissing her on the LIPS this time. Logan smiled, and they both knew that they wouldn't be just friends. More than brother and sister. In love. Deeply in love. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **A/N: SURPRISE! I didn't put this on my profile because I was too mucha a punk to. Plus I was tired and lazy. XP I got a new computer!!! Lily is really happy. For those who read everything, YAY! REVEIW PLEASE. I SERIOUSLY BEG YOU.** End file.
Forgotten by punkprincess96
Zoey 101
Love sick airborn This is a one shot and Violet isnt really Violet you have to read until the end to know who it really is. Logan Reese was the last one of his friends to leave PCA, just like last year and the year before that and the year before that. Everytime this happened he would fire his limo driver so the next one would get just as lost as the one before, it was a pretty brutal cycle. He was about to call his driver but he saw the hummer limo turn the corner. Logan stood up and went over to the curb. The driver pulled up in front of him and opened the door for Logan. "Thanks for being late." Logan said getting into the limo. "Sorry sir." The man said closing the door after him. Logan poured himself a soda as the driver put his luggage away and started to drive off. _'Great, now a long plane ride with no one to talk to_.' Logan thought. "Sir, your father called and requested for me to tell you that you will be going to the New York mansion insted of the Ohio one." The driver told Logan. He nodded and stared out the window. Logan hated how his father did this to him. He would never know about something untill it was about to happen. He put up the window that separated him from the driver and got his ipod out of his pocket. He turned on his band, Valencia's song 'The Closest I Am To Living Life On The Edge'. _Lets build a rocket to the moon_ _Just you and I_ _We can start a whole new world up there_ _And leave our past behind, Behind_ _Sometimes I cant believe my eyes_ _I wanna stay above, and get lost in the city lights_ _Because i've had enough and this is the end_ _and now I understand that a heart breaks _ _It does not bend_ _Someone please help me out I never meant to take this so far Now I've fallen way too hard Take a long step back to To The days when I was younger Decisions never mattered all this much_ It was his favorite song and before he knew it they were at LAX. "Thanks for the ride." Logan mumbled as he took his bags into the airport. He got out his ticket and went strait on his plane on its way to New York. He found his seat, number 45A. There was a girl sitting next to him in the same row as he was, She was sitting by the window. She had brown strait hair with pink highlights in it, a tank top with Paramore on the front, with light brown eyes to match. Logan smirked as he put his carry on in the over head compartment. She watched him with wide eyes when he wasnt looking, her mouth was almost on the floor before he looked at her again. He sat down and put his seat belt on thinking about what to break the ice with. Duh! "Hi, Im Logan Reese, Malcom Reese's son." "Yeah, I know." She said looking out the window as they started to take off. "What do you mean you know?" Logan asked. _'Does he seriously not remember me? Ok, I can play this game too.' _"Your pretty famous, if you didnt know." She said smirking. "Yeah I am," He said smirking back." And you are..." "Im..." '_No real name!' _"Violet Keefer." She said. It was quiet for a while until Logan got to talking again. "Im guessing you like Paramore." Logan said. "Yep, their my favorite band." Violet said looking at her shirt. "Their ok but Say Anything is so much better." Logan said trying to pick a fight. "No their not, their good but Paramore is better, way better." Violet said. "Paramore was nothing before Hayley." Logan said. "That you are right about. So, what are some of your other favorite bands." Violet asked trying to strike up a conversation for this long flight. "I like Say Anything, Panic! At The Disco, Hellogoodbye, and Fall Out Boy. What about you?" Logan asked. "I love Paramore, but other than that I love Hardcore stuff like, System Of A Down, Flyleaf, Bless The Fall, Escape The Fate and Korn." She answered. "Then you might not like my band." Logan said. "You. You have a band?" She asked not beleiving it. "Yep, were called Valencia." Logan gloated. "And why isnt your band famous yet?" She asked rasing an eyebrow. "Because none of us want to just have it handed to us, we want to work for it, well at least me and my friend Chase do. Mike on the other hand he wants it right now." Logan said smiling. "Sounds like thats the truth, so what are you doing in California?" She asked. "I go to school here, its a place called PCA. Have you heard of it?" He asked. "Yeah, My sister used to go there." She said. "What was her name, maybe we made out." Logan asked smirking. "Your a pig." Violet said with a very familiar roll of the eyes. "Have we met before? You seem very familiar." Logan said squinting at her. "No, we havent." Violet lied. '_Its only been a year Logan, so much for everyone thinking we belonged together and promising to keep in touch'. _Violet sighed. "Whats wrong?" Logan asked concenered. "Just thinking about something." She answered looking back out the window. "Do you know how long its been since we started to fly?" "About 30 minutes, what you sick of me already?" Logan asked. He looked a little sad and 'Violet' felt a little bad for him. "No I was just wondering because I-uh-I really have to use the bathroom and they still havent turned the seatbelt sign off yet." Violet saved, moving around in her seat a little. (have u figured it out yet?)"Why would I be sick of you?" "Because all of my friends just think im some spoiled rich jerk, no one knows the real Logan." He said. "Then who is the real Logan?" Violet asked. "The Real Logan? The real Logan dosent get to see his dad more then 2 times a year. The real Logan isnt always a jerk, The only reason im a jerk to everyone is because im afraid of getting hurt or close to anyone. The real Logan dosent want to be a dissapointment to his dad like he always is. The real Logan actually has feelings and is pretty damn smart but he dosent like to show it. The real Logan is in love with someone he can never be with. And the real Logan would give every thing he had just to be like everyone else." Logan said in all honesty. "Wow, that was really deep Logan. Who is this girl your in love with?" Violet asked. "Well since you probley dont know her, its Dana Cruz. She left about a year ago and I lost touch with her." Logan said with a sigh. "If only you knew." Violet muttered under her breath. "What?" Logan asked. "I said That must be pretty horrible. How?" Violet asked. "How what?" He said. "How did you lose touch?" Violet asked as the seat belt sign turned off. "She changed her email or she didnt want to talk to me. The light went off." Logan said pointing to it. "So? And she probley did want to talk to you, maybe she was just to scared to." Violet said turning in her seat so her back was to the window. "You said you needed to go to the bathroom and Dana Cruz scared? Yeah and pigs are going to fly." Logan said scarcastically. "I dont have to go any more." She said. "She might have been scared because she really liked you back." "Yeah right, she didnt care about me, she only cared that I left her alone and doing that with me is the wrong move." Logan said laughing lightly. "And why is that?" Violet asked. "Because what I cant have, I want so much more." Logan said with a smirk. Violet rolled her eyes."How much longer is this flight?" "Probley...3 more hours." She said looking at her watch. "Uggh! Its taking for ever!"Logan complained. Violet took out her ipod and handed him an ear phone."Wait you should listen to my band." "Ok." She said putting her ipod away. Logan took his out and handed her an earphone. She put it in and he started the song called 'I Cant't See Myself (Getting To Sleep Tonight)', _And if the sun sets a mile ahead maybe there we can just pretend this time, it just seems..._ If I could do it all over again and skip those mistakes I made way back when It's just the kind of situation that I was in to take my life and turn it back around again I find it hard to understand that when we look back at all our time spent you tell me some things just may seem to matter more to me And if the sun sets a mile ahead maybe there we can just pretend This time, it just seems If we can't forget just what was said maybe then we can pretend that all of our lives could be perfect in the end Take our time, maybe we'll grow up but you'll learn from what you've done You might believe in what you see But no, it never made sense to me (So I'll do it all over again) But I burnt them all with my time spent You can't leave in the words that people said If I want something done I'll have to do it myself again It makes sense a lot more to me to see who they are and not who they want to be The sun set is a mile ahead and maybe then we can understand that all (all) of our dreams have never made sense to me (And if the sun sets a mile ahead maybe there we can just pretend) And now it just seems If we can't forget just what was said maybe then we can pretend that all of our lives could be perfect in the end Take our time, maybe we'll grow up but you'll learn from what you've done You might believe in what you see But no, it never made sense I'm so sick for closing my eyes (I'm so sick for closing my eyes) That I can't see myself getting to sleep tonight 'Cause all these dreams are locked in my mind and they'll keep me awake for days at a time Can't forget just what was said Maybe then we'll understand that all of our lives will be so perfect in the end If we can't forget just what was said maybe then we can pretend that all of our lives could be perfect in the end Take our time, maybe we'll grow up but you'll learn from what you've done You might believe in what you see But no, it never made sense to me "Wow was that you singing?" Violet asked in aw. "Yeah and I wrote the lyrics." Logan gloated. "Thats is like freakishly good, I cant believe you had that much talent." She said smiling at him. He returned the smile and then Violet got up."Now I need to use the rest room." Logan laughed and watched her walk into the bathroom. _She is so familiar, I just cant put my finger on it._ After about 3 minutes she came back out. The attendance lady came by and took their lunch orders and gave them drinks. "What grade are you in?" Logan asked. "11th." She said taking a sip from her Mountain Dew. "Me too." Logan said. "I knew that." She said but shut her mouth quickly. "How did you know that?" He asked raising an eye brow in her direction. "You looked like it." She said slowly. The seat belt lights went on and The pilot came on the speakers. "We are begining our decent to New York International Airport. We hope you had a great flight and we hope you fly with us again." And it was off. "We're here all ready?" Logan asked looking out the window. They definetly looked closer to the ground then before. "Yep it was actually a really long time." Violet said. They landed and Violet grabbed her stuff and was waiting for Logan to get off the plane. Logan walked up to the luggage clame and stood next to Violet. Logan grabbed her bag for her and got his own, they walked out of the main part of the airport and saw both their cars. "Well I guess this is bye." Logan said. "Nope its just see you later." Violet said with a smile. She was about to go over to her car but Logan pulled her back. Logan held her hips and lightly pressed his lips onto hers. Violet was shocked but eventually wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back as forcefully as he was kissing her. They heard a horn honk and broke away. "See you later Dana." Logan said smirking as he walked over to his limo, leaving Dana Violet Cruz speachless again. "You better call me now!" Dana yelled to him with her own smirk as she turned on her heals and walked over to her car. She got in the passanger's seat and straped herself in. "Who was that?" Her mother asked smiling. "An old friend." Dana said smirking and looking out her window. "An old boyfriend maybe?" Her mother asked smiling even bigger. "Something like that." She said as her phone started to vibrate, She had a new text message. She opened it and saw it was from a number she didnt know. It read _Did you feel those sparks?_ _xXLogan_ Dana smiled and looked dreamily out the window. "Yeah." She whispered to herself with a huge smile on her face. FOBsession-DL-Freak aka Crash End file.
Love sick airborn by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
1. Past and Present My first Zoey 101 story! One question though, practically ever other popular show has code names for couples or w/e. Why doesn't this one? Like Hannah Montana has Moliver, Lackson, Jiley... Life With Derick has Dasey and Lizwin. This should have some too. Like Zase, Lana, or whatever. Well, that sounds kinda dumb. Yeah, I'm rambling but I'm hyper today. **Summary:** Zoey and Chase got into a big fight. Now it's 2 year's later and they haven't spoken to eachother. They're friends are tired of it, how far will they go to get Zoey and Chase to speak to eachother. ZxC, DxL **It's Been Too Long** **Chapter 1** **"Past and Present"** Zoey walks on campus with her popular friends, laughing and having fun. When she see's Chase with his popular guy friends she laughs while giving him a mean look. None of his friends notice, but he sure does. **Two years earlier** Chase was really mad today, and he wasn't having a good day. He woke up late and went late to class. He put his shirt on backwards and forgot his books. And to top it all off, his grandfather was in the hospital. He really wasn't in the moood for any perky people, and Zoey just happened to be perky today. After two classes with her, he was tired of her perkiness and said something he regretted. "CHASE! Guess what! I got an A on my history test. Isn't that just wonderful." Zoey ran up to him and told him in her perkiest voice. "I'm not in the mood for you today, Zoey." Chase told her in an angry and bored tone. "What's that susposed to mean?" Zoey asked him hurt and confused. "You heard me. Sometimes I wish I was never your friend. You're so annoying sometimes." Chase told her, instantly regretting it. "Well, fine then. Chase Matthews we are no longer friends. DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!" Zoey said with tears in her eyes and catching people's attention. "It'll be my pleasure Zoey Brooks. DON'T SPEAK TO ME EITHER!" Chase yelled after her. He tried to appologize to her plenty of times. Zoey and Chase slowly drifted away from their friends. Zoey became one of the most popular girls in school. Chase became a basketball star and made new friends. Zoey still talked to Nicole, Dana and Lola but only because they were in her dorm room. Chase rarely talked Micheal and Logan too. A half a year later Quinn moved and the only people in the group left were Logan, Michael, and Lola. But another half a year later, Nicole and Dana came back. Nicole and Dana were in the group now too. Dana and Nicole were soon informed about Chase and Zoey and how they drifted away. Dana started dating Logan, but still had her daily fights with him. Every time Zoey and Chase see the gang without them, they give them a sad glance. The truth was, they would give anything back to have the old gang back. Chase would give anything to have Zoey back. **Present Time** Zoey walks up to Chase's friend Jeremy and gives him a flirty look. "Hey Jeremy." Zoey say's in a flirty way. "Hey Zoey." Jeremy gives her his popular smile. "Wanna go see a movie tonight?" Zoey asks. "Sure, I'll pick you up at 7." Zoey nods and walks away with her friends. After Zoey walks away, all of Jeremy friends, except Chase, start cheering for him "Dude! You just got a date with Zoey, the most popular girl in school." His friends say. This continues on for a minute, untill they realized Chase hadn't spoke yet. "Chase, dude, aren't you happy for him?" Another one of his friends, Brad, asks. "Sure, ecstatic." Chase says. "You're not jealous, are you?" A guy named Mitchel said. "Jealous? No way, Zoey's not my type. Even if she was, we hate eachother now." Chase tells them. "Yeah, we noticed that, what's up with that anyways?" A guy named Chris asked. "Well, two years ago, I wasn't having that good of a day and told her she was annoying and that I wished I wasn't her friend" Chase said. **Meanwhile** Lola, Dana, Logan, Nicole, and Michael watched that happen. "I can't believe those two. Zoey purpusely flirts with Chase's friends to make him even more sad and mad then he aleady is!" Micheal said. "I know, they let one little fight get in the way with there friendship and everyone elses," Dana said. "I swear, if I was there at the time. I would have kicked there asses and that's what I'm going to do soon." "Dana, babe, chill down." Logan said grabbing her hand. "Those two should really work things out. It's been going on for like two year's now." Lola said. "We should get those two to make up. Don't you think we should make them talk again? Because I totally think we should." Nicole said in her usually perky ways. "Yeah, but how?" Nicole said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do you like it so far? Any idea's on how they should talk again? Should I continue? 2. Eavesdropping and Talking This chapter is probably mainly going to be about Mike, Logan, Dana, Nicole, and Lola trying to get an explanation out of Zoey and Chase. I made a couple mistakes last chapter. Michael was supposed to say 'Yeah, but how?' instead of Nicole. **Noelle Joi-** Thanks for the suggestion! I'm gonna use that, there is going to be more of a reason why. **Chantel-** Don't worry. I'm not gonna put them in a closet. I think that idea is getting to old. I agree, everybody is using it. **Chapter 2** **"Eavesdropping and Talking"** **Zoey's POV** It's around 5 o'clock and I was headed to my dorm to get ready for my date tonight. But as I was gonna open it, I heard Mine and Chase's name so I figured I would listen. yes I know it's bad but who cares. As I put my ear up to the door I listened to what they were saying. "There heas to be more a reason. Chase has loved Zoey since like he first saw her. Do you really think he'd blow up at her like that just because of one bad day?" I heard Logan say. _Boy, you don't know how right you are._ "I don't know man. But we're gonna find out. So does anybody have an idea yet?" Micheal asked. _Idea? For what?_ "Nope." Lola said. "Nada." Dana said. "Not one. But you know, I miss Zoey and Chase around. Don't you miss them being around? Because I totally miss them being around." Nicole rambled. _Duh, Nicole. Of course they miss Chase and I._ "Yes, Nicole. We miss them. But hey, it's not our fault Zoey ignore's us in the dorm." Dana said. _What? I don't ignore them. They don't even talk to me, so I don't talk to them either._ "Chase doesn't talk to us in the dorm either. I think there 'friends' are changing them." Micheal said saying friends weird. _I think he was emphasizing it._ "We better be quiet Zoey should be coming anytime now." Lola said. _Hm, this is my time to barge in._ "Yeah, I should be coming soon, shouldn't I?" I said smirking. "Why are you here?" Logan said. _You idiot._ "Zoey! Hey!" Nicole said. "How much of that did you hear?" Dana asked. "For one Logan, this is MY dorm and I have a date tonight. By the way Dana, I don't ignore you guys in here. You're the ones that go around talking and not even noticing me. Why should I be the one to start a conversation?." I said walking over to the closet and picking out an outfit. I saw Dana's jaw drop. I grabbed a blue mini-skirt with a pink halter top. I changed into it in the bathroom then put in white flip-flops. I'm sure they're whispeing about me but whatever. When I came out I sat down on my bed, I might as well give them a little bit of information. "Listen guys, I know Chase and I don't talk to you guys much. But we have a reason." "Because of what! One stupid little fight?! Chase yelled at you, big whop. Logan yells at me like that all the time and I get over it!" Dana said rasing her voice. I rolled my eyes, I guess Chase didn't even tell them anything at all. "Dana's right Zoey. That fight was stupid. None of us can belive you guys are fighting over that." Lola said, while Nicole and Michael agreed. "Did Chase talk to you at all? I figured since you were his best friend Michael he would atleast tell you." I said. They all looked confused. "Tell him what?" Lola and Logan asked in unison. "The real reason on why we're fighting." I told them. That's probably saying to much but I really don't care. I looked at the clock, 6:30. There was a knock on the door. Lola went over to answer it, "Yeah?" "I'm here for mine and Zoey's date? I'm a little early though." Jeremy explained. I was getting up walking to the door when Michael and Logan grabbed me and held me back, making sure to cover my mouth. "I'm sorry, Jeremy. Zoey can't make it." Lola said. "What? Why not?" Jeremy asked. "She just doesn't want to go on a date with you. Duh!" Lola said and slammed the door on his face. I started kicking Michael and Logan, after five minutes they let me go. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I screamed. "C'mon Zoey. We all know that you didn't want to go out with that guy. You were making Chase jealous." Nicole explained. "She's got a point Zoe. We saw it." Dana said. "That's not true." I said. "Start explaining why you and Chase are fighting." Logan said. "I can't! I already told you to much. Unlike Chase, I think you guys deserve to know. But Chase doesn't want you to. I thought he would crack and tell Michael but, I guess not. If you guys want to know. Get Chase and ask him. Since you ruined my date and all my other friends are busy. I'm staying in here. Hope you guys don't mind." I kicked off my shoes and changed into a pair of white shorts. "Oh by the way, I will tell you this. The fight you guys saw has nothing to do with why me and Chase don't talk. Well, it has a little part but not much. The major reason is what happened later. But it doesn't matter, Chase and I are never going to talk to eachother again." "Fine, we will get Chase to tell us. Anybody know where he is?" Michael asked. "Down at the court playing basketball with his friends. He's there everyday at this time." I said that automatically, immediantly I covered my mouth. "How do you know that?" Nicole asked. "Yeah, how do you know that?" Lola said. When I didn't answer Dana said "Zoey! Tell us!" "I can't, I'm sorry." I told them as I layed down on my bed, listening to my iPod. I change the song to Teardrops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift. It's my turn. I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of "LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!" and "I'M GONNA HURT YOU!" It was actually quite funny, until I realized that Chase was right outside my dorm with Logan and Michael dragging him in. I turned off my iPod and looked around the room. That's when they noticed I was awake. "Oh, Zoey. You're up." Lola said. The door opened and Michael and Logan were dragging Chase in here. Chase was still yelling for them to let him go. They finally did and Chase was happy. "You're not leaving Chase. You are gonna tell us, the real reason why you and Zoey are fighting. Zoey told us that it wasn't because of you blowing up at her. But she wouldn't tell us the real reason." Logan said. Chase didn't even attempt to speak. "CHASE! Tell us!" Nicole said. "Now, Chase. Or I'll mess you up." Dana threatened. "I can't believe, Zoey told you guys. I'm happy with you guys not knowing." Chase said to them, not even acknowledging me. "Because, unlike you, she think's we deserve to know. But she said she's not gonna be the one to crack and tell us." Michael explained. "If he wants to tell you he can. Till then, I'm not. Why? Because I promised. And if he's not gonna leave then I am." I said putting my iPod away and getting up off my bed. "I'm not gonna tell you guys. Figure it out yourselves." Chase said then walked out behind me. ---------------------------------- Okay, any idea's on how they get Zoey and Chase to talk again? I have an idea, but I want to hear yours. 3. It's been too long **I'm sorry for not updating, I just had no clue where to go with this story. If any of you actually read these up top, I decided just recently that this is going to be a three-shot. I wasn't planning doing it that way at first but I wouldn't know what to write it I would continue it any longer.** **Once again I'm VERY VERY VERY VERY sorry for not updating. I hope you guys still want to read the last chapter! But I can also tell you that they nobody guessed the reason yet. You guys did have some very good guesses though! On with the chapter!!** **Well.. one las thing. There's swearing in this chapter, so beware kiddies!** **Chapter Three** **"It's Been Too Long"** **Chase's POV** I was pretty mad at all of them. They had no right to try and force us to tell them. We all might not be very good friends anymore but that doesn't make it okay to just drag me down there! I walked past Zoey and went down to the beach. I layed down and closed my eyes sighing heavily. I remember the day I lost Zoey perfectly. It was two years ago. It was the day that changed my life. I had a girlfriend at the time, Rebecca. It was really her fault, that caused all of this. _Flashback_ _The day after Zoey and I had our fight, she came up to me while I was walking to the lounge. "Chase, I'm sorry." She said. "I should have known not to bother you when I knew that you were having a good day."_ _"No, Zoey, you shouldn't be appoligizing. I should. I should have never yelled at you like then." I opened my arms for a hug and she gladly accepted the offer and hugged me back._ _"Chase, can I tell you something?" Zoey whispered to me._ _"Anything." _ _She let go and led me to a table nearby. I sat down in one chair and she sat in the other. She looked out across campus and out into the ocean. I followed her gaze and saw that it really was a beautiful sight. "Chase, the first time you went out with Rebecca is when I found out you loved me. I was in denial and thought that it wasn't possible, and that's when I came to your room and saw you kissing Rebecca. I was jealous. After that, I realized that I liked you. And with in time that like turned into love. Chase, I love you. And I realize I have for a really long time."_ _My jaw dropped, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I tried that a couple times and still nothing. That's when I noticed Rebecca. "Chase Matthews It's me or her. Take your pick."_ _"R-rebecca you can't possible make me choose between you and her can you?" I asked astonished._ _"Rebecca that isn't fair." Zoey spoke up._ _"I DON'T CARE!" She walked closer and leaned on the table, "Take. Your. Pick. You can choose me and never speak to her again, or choose her and have me ruin your life."_ _"Zoey, I like you too. I really do. I have since the moment I saw you. But, I love Rebecca more then I like you. I don't want to see you again. And don't tell any of our friends about this. Goodbye Zoey."_ _I saw her eyes fill up with tears, she was beatiful, she really was, but I loved Rebecca more. I saw anger behind her tears and as one tear slipped out of her eyes she said "I hate you Chase Matthews. Yet, at the same time I still love you. But I'm saying this again, and I mean it. Don't EVER speak to me again. You made you're choice, even if you will regret it someday. But when that witch goes and breaks your heart. Don't come crying to me. Don't speak to me Chase. But I promise I won't tell any of our friends." I watched her walk away with tears streaming down her face and her hands clenched into fists._ _I slowly turned my head and looked at Rebecca for the first time since I made the choice that I already regretted. I broke the promise that I made to Zoey a year ago.I let somebody get in the way our friendship. No, I didn't just let them get in the way. I let them crush it to peices. I let her take it and smash it up agains tthe way, while she was laughing maniacly. And that's what I saw behind Rebecca's eyes. Laughter and happiness. She had a slight smile on her face. She ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh Chase, I'm glad you made the right choice."_ _A week later, I caught her in bed with another guy. She broke my heart just like Zoey had said she would. I tried appoligizing to Zoey a thousand times but she ignored me. Eventually, I stopped speaking to her altogether and we both pushed our friends away._ _End Flashback_ "I'm so sorry Zoey." I whispered to myself, a single tear fell out of my eye and I didn't even bother to wipe it away. "I should have never choose her. That was the worst mistake of my life. Especially since I wasn't really in love with her. I was in love with her looks, and what I imagined her to be. I imagined her to be like you, and after awhile I fell for my creation. When you told me you loved me back I should have just kissed you and told her to go fuck off. Oh god, if only I should change what happened. We wouldn't be in this position right now. I wouldn't have to look at your beautiful face everyday then remember what happened and have mine fill with regret." Another hot tear ran down my face but I continued on, I needed to get this off my chest. "I guess they do deserve to know what happened. Everyone does. Heck, the wholw world does. They all deserve to know what a horrible guy I am. What a jackass I am. Because of my mistake, we both lost all our friends. I didn't just cause us pain, I caused everyone else around us pain too. But, I guess it's time to get over it and forget the past. You clearly have." "I haven't." The sound of somebody else being there made me jump. I looked over and saw Zoey there laying back but her hands holding her up. Looking out into the ocean, "I think everyday about what if. What if you would have choose me? What if I would have accepted your appology? What if we were still friends? What if?" "You heard all of that didn't you?" I whispered. "Yeah, Chase, I did." She was silent for a moment, "That was deep though. But your right. They do deserve to know what a jackass you were. But, I'm not going to tell them." I was confused, "Why not?" I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know." "So, what are you doing here? I came straight here, did you like follow me or something like that?" I asked her. She laughed a little bit, oh how I missed that laugh. "Something like that. Y'know, it's been almost three years since we've talked. We're seniors now. Highschool's over in like three months." "We've missed so much. In our friends lives, our lives. We weren't there to witness Nicole and Dana coming back. Or, Dana and Logan getting together. Now that would have been a sight to see." I finished for her. "We didn't say goodbye to Quinn. I feel terrible for that." A tear escaped her eye and I noticed that she hasn't looked at me this whole time. I sighed. "So do I." She finally looked at me, "We've been so obsessed in our fight, that we didn't realize how much we were hurting all the people around us. Look at us now, we changed so much." She whispered. "Zoey, will you forgive me for making the biggest and worst mistake of my life?" I looked her straight in the eye, my eyes pleading for her to say yes. She studied me for what seemd like forever. Which in reality I'm sure was only a couple minutes. "Yeah, Chase. I'll forgive you. After that speach I heard you make. I know you really, truthfully regret it." "Oh belive me, I do regret it. Zoe, I regret it so much." Her eyes softened and they got teary. "What'd I say? You look like your ready to cry." She wiped her eyes, "Oh its nothing. You have no clue how much I missed you calling me Zoe. A lot of people call me it, but when you do. It sounds so sweet." "I know this is taking a big risk in saying this. But, I still love you." I looked up at the sky. It had to have been around 10 pm by now. "I-I-I still love you to Chase." She admitted to me. I looked over at her astonished. "Y-you do?" "Mhm," She said and looked into the ocean again. I took her chin in my hand and turned her face so it looked at me, I placed a sweet yet gentle kiss on her lips. When I pulled away she hugged me. "It's been to long." Her voice barely audible. "Way to long." In the background, I heard an "AWWW!" Zoey and I turned our heads and saw Micheal, Logan, Dana, and Nicole standing there. ---------------------- **What did you think of the ending? Personally, I thought it was a little rushed. You're reviews and opinions are greatly wanted!** End file.
It's Been Too Long by SweetGurlxx
Zoey 101
The Summer When Nothing Went Right! Sunday, November 27, 2005 Finished 2/3/2006 By Rebecca Streeter **The Summer When Nothing Went Right!** It was that tipical week of June, everyone in Pacific Coast Acadamy couldn't wait for that last bell of the year to ring so they could start their summer. I was siting on the edge of my chair looking at the clock on the wall of the math room, waiting for the minute hand to inch itself to the twelve so I could get the hell out of there! My unbelievably boring and mean math teacher Miss Macony, was going on and on about how we should sudy algebra over the summer so we'll be ready for next year ( as if someone was really going to study algebra over summer vacation!). I watched as the hand drew nearer and nearer to the twelve, I was so zoned out thinking about leaving this damn class, that I didn't notice I was almost all the way out of my chair. The hand was ticking, it was almost there, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 ,3 ,2 ,**_Slam_**! I fell face first out of my chair and onto the floor as the bell rang. I heard the whole class burst out laughing. I was hoping that Miss Macony would start laughing too, but when I looked up she had this descusted look on her face that told me she wasn't amused at all ( what was I thinking, a teacher laughing: that's like wishing for the sky to fall and hoping that you won't get smushed!). " Mister Reese," she said in her usual high pitched voice, " If you were paying attention like the rest of the class, you would'nt have found yourself looking toward the ground!" I had to fight my erge to say," How do you know, I could have been looking at your horrible shoes'!" but I decided that seeing how I was going to be leaving her stupid class as soon as I got up from the floor anyway, I should just stay quiet. As I left the classroom, I was thinking of all the cool things I would be doing this summer. First I will be going to a late night movie with all my friends, Chase, Michael, Zoey, Nichole, and Lola( I'm so glad Quin isn't coming!). Then, I would be going over to my little cousins house for his birthday( he's turning 6), And finally, I will be going on an awsome camping trip with my best buds, Chase and Michael.I couldn't wait to get home, pump up my huge and realy expensive boom box, and dance away the hours ti'll the time for the movie. My mom would'nt be home for 3 hours, and my dad was in Florida filming his latest movie, so I decided that I would order a pizza cause the lunch at the acadamy totaly sucked today. I was right in the middle of eating my 2nd slice of pizza and listening to a great song on my boom box, when the phone rang. I was thinking to myself, " Why does everyone have to call when I'm eating!" as I slowly got up from the couch and walked over to the phone. I answered it and found out it was Chase. " Hi, It's Chase." he said kind of loudly. " Yo Chase, wazz-up dude." I said into the phone over the blast of the music in the background, " I'm just hang'n out at my house, listen'n to music." " What?", "I can't here you over the music!" Chase shouted into the phone. I walked over to my boom box and turned it down. " Is that better?" I asked, " So, what'up?" " Yah, well I just wanted to make sure your actually going to the movies this time." Chase said, which kind of sounded like an order." I remember last time when you said you were going to the movies with us, and we ended up waiting for 2 hours, and you still didn't turn up!" " Dude, relax..." I said a little annoyed, " I'm definetley going." " You better, cause if you don't show up, I'm not waiting!" Chase orderd. "Dude I'm coming,Okay!" I hollard back, " I'll meet you there at 8:oo." " Good, and this time your going to pay for your own ticket Logan." Chase said, hanging up. " Fine!", I said into the phone like Chase was still there," See if I buy you any candy!" Then I salmed it on the hook. It was 3 hours sence Chase called me, and I was just starting to make myself a sundae in the kitchen when I heard my mom drive into the driveway. " Shit!", I said as I realized what time it was, and knew I was going to get into alot of trouble for making a snack before supper." I'm so busted!". I ran around the kitchen trying to pick up the mess and hide the icecream sundae I was making. I heard my mom coming to the door. I grabbed the icecream bowl and ran to hide it in the cupboard under the sink, when I slipped on a small puddle of icecream on the floor and fell, causing the bowl to fly out of my hands and crash onto the floor with a loud **Boom,** that was caused by the bowl breaking into a hundred peices. " What on earth was that?" I heard my mom say as she opened the door to find me flat on the ground with a huge mess of half-melted icecream and a broken bowl. When I saw her face with her eyes nearly poping out of her head, I realized that the bowl that lay broken on the floor, had been one of her realy expensive and favorite ones. I shudderd to think what she was going to say.( I didn't hve to wait long when...) " Logan Reese!" Came my mothers voice, " What did you think you were doing getting a snack before supper, when I've told you a hundred times not to," " And look at my good china, That bowl was not cheap!"I just stared at my mom cause I couldn't find anything to say. Then she uttered those words that no self respecting kid likes to here... " Your grounded!" she yelled. As soon as she said that, I found my voice again, stood up and said, " But mom," I plaeded, " My friends are going to be waiting for me at the movies tonight!" " Well then, I guess there going to be waiting for a long time." She said to me as she stared directly into my eyes. My mind was racing trying to think of something cleaver to say to get me out of this mess. The only thing that came to mind was... " But, if you ground me I won't be able to call my friends and tell them I won't be going!" I said rather fast. " Fine," she said while I was holding my breath , " You can call your friends, and then you get your butt up to your room!" She paused for a minute and then said, '' Oh, but while your talking to your friends, I will go upstairs to your room and rade it of everything fun." I was flabbergasted, but I decided it was no use to argue with her, and I went to call Chase. The phone rang for what seemed like forever, and then came Chase's' voice, "Hello?" he said. " Um, dude it's Logan," I said in my usual manner. " Look I can't go to the movies tonight cause I..." I couldn't bring myself to say I'm grounded, that would be so uncool. "Your what?" Chase asked. I waited a minute to come up with something. " locked in my house." I stoped and realized that that was even more uncool then getting grounded. " What," Chase said in a kind of laugh," Your locked in your house?" He paused for a second and said," But I thought your mom would be home from work by now," " And why can't you go out through your window?"I waited trying to figiure out an excuse. " I can't cause it will set off an alarm to the police, and my mom had to stay at work longer today because of an emergency... and if she finds out that the police went to the house then she would have to leave." I stopped to think about what I just said, and I actually was starting to like the sound of it. "Well, if you can't come then don't worry about it." he said in a confused voice," I wouldn't want the police to think your in trouble." " Thanks for understanding man," " I got to go now, bye." I hung up and thought about what Chase had said about not wanting the police to think I'm introuble, and I couldn't help saying to myself, " I already am..." It was 6:00 on a Sunday morning, and it had been two weeks scence I had been grounded. Chase still couldn't figure out how I had ended up locked in my own house, and I was thinking about my little cousin, Scott's birthday tommorrow. I couldn't wait to see him again.( He lives in Wyoming.). I always loved going over to his house and teaching him how to impress the girls, even though he's only going to be 6. I also couldn't wait to see Cindy again.( Cindy is this really hot girl who is Scotts' friends' older sister.). Cindy's not my girlfriend, yet. But I'm going to change that when I see her tommorrow.(I hope, cause last time I was there she wasn't to thrilled with me showing off my biceps to her.). I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 6:30, and I realized I had been zoning out again. I had to finish getting all my things ready for the trip to Wyoming, cause me and my mom were going to spend 2 nights there before coming home. I checked over my list of stuff to bring.( my mom told me only to bring the assentials). I ran through my list... **2 payers of underwear** **3 payers of socks** **2 T-shirts** **2 payers of shorts** **toothpaste** **deoderant** **toothbrush** **comb** **boom box** **Nintendo** **mirror** **a picture of me (in case anyone wants autograph)** **hair jell** **cell phone** I had everything packed and was ready to go by 7:00. "Great, I have just enough time to call Chase and Michael and tell them I will be leaving." By the time I finished talking on the phone and repacked it into my luggage bag, it was 8:00. " Logan, get down here and eat something before we leave!" My mom yelled up the stairs. I pulled my luggage bag down the stairs, and went to get some toast and a banana. I had to hurry and eat so we could get going. I finished eating at 8:15, got up from the table, went outside, and started to drag my bag into the back of the car. It took me 5 minutes to try and get the bag into the trunk because the boom box was waying it down. I climbed into the front seat of the car and waited for my mom to finish packing her bag and climb in too. Finally we were on the road. We drove for 4 hours , stopped to use the restroom and get something to eat, drove another 3 hours and had to pay a toll booth. I started to wonder how long it was going to take to get to the dang place, when I started to feel thirsty. I asked mom to stop at the next gas station so I could get a drink and she said she would as soon as she saw one. An hour passed untill we found a gas station, which was good cause I had to use the bathroom again. We got out of the car, and while mom filled up the car with gas, I went to go inside the building. I got to the door, looked inside and saw it didn't sell anything except for cigarets. I was about to open it to use the restroom(if it had one), when I noticed it had a sign on it that read, **_Restroom out of service_**. I got back to the car annoyed and climbed in. Then my mom asked, " I thought you were going to get us some drinks and use the restroom?" After I told her that they didn't sell drinks and that the restroom was out of service, we left. It had been nearly 2 hours sence we left the gas station, but I wasn't thrsty anymore cause I had to uae the restroom so bad I didn't even want to think about drinking. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked mom to stop on the side of the road. I got out and looked at my watch to find out it was 5:30,and went into the woods. As I zipped up my fly, I heard something behind me. When I looked, I found to my horror, a huge skunk staring at me. " Um..nice skunk...don't turn around please..." I whisperd to it like it was a person. It took me a while to get back to the car because I had to try and walk around the skunk without startiling it. When I sat back down in the car my mom asked me what had taken me so long, so I had to explain. " I ran into a skunk and had to try and dodge it." I told her. " Well, that's nice." she said sarcasticly," Anyway, are you getting hungry?'' " Yeh, I'm starving." I said as I felt my stomach growl. " Okay, well it's 5:35 and I 'm getting hungry too, so we'll stop at a McDonalds or something as soon as we find one." I thought to myself how long it took us to find a gas station, and then I thought that if it takes us another hour to get food, then I'll be dead before we get there. In total it took us about a day and a half to get to Scotts' house. We had to stop and find a place to rest before arived in Wyoming, plus we had to find places to stop and eat. We didn't have his party the first day because we were getting moved in. Anyway, it's about 8:00am on a Tuesday, and I had just went down stairs to get something to eat. After I was done eating I took Scott outside to play, but mostly so I could see if Cindy was outside. To my disapointment, I had to wait t'ill Scotts party at 4:00 untill I got to see her. My moms' side of the family was there, along with some of Scotts friends. When Scott was all done opening presents and everyone was talking, I went to get some punch and try to find Cindy. She was standing with some of her friends and talking about school. I walked over and tried to make conversation. "Yo, Cindy, did you miss me baby?" I started. She looked at me with a kind of confused look on her face, so I tried again. "Remember me, I'm Logan, Logan Reese." I made a little smile and continued," I see you havent changed a bit, your still look'n as hot as ever." She looked at me for a minute and then said, "Oh, yah, how could I forget you?" she started to smile a little, then she looked back at her friends and then back at me. " I thought you wouldn't make it?" she said as she walked closer to me. " Babe, I would never stop you from seeing me." I said to her thinking about how good this conversation was going. "So did you miss me?" she said stopping a few inches from me, still smiling. " Yah, of course I did." I said smoothly," How about I give you a kiss, so I can show you just how much?" I closed my eyes, ready for a nice long kiss. Then just as I was about to kiss her, she grabbed my punch from my hand and dumped it down my pants. I screamed cause it was ice cold, while Cindy and her friends all started to laugh. The only thing I could think of doing, was runing back inside and changing my pants. I went inside, and changed my pants, but I didn't go back outside because I was so embarased. I decided that it wasn't that big of a deal, and got out my Nintendo. I was playing sonic the hedgehog, and had just finished the level where you have to beat this giant crab, when Scott came in the room and told me that it was time for supper. I got up, put my Nintendo away, and went down stairs to eat. We had spaghetii, some salad, and more cake. After dinner, my mom told me to go upstairs and pack cause tommorrow we were leaving first thing. By the time I finished packing it was time for bed, so I climbed in and started to think about the awsome camping trip I was going to be going on in about a week. I woke up at about 3:30 in the morning because my mom woke me up and told me that in order for us to get back home before she was needed at work, we would have to leave soon. I got up to turn on my light and ran into the lamp causing it to fall. Fortunatly the lamp didn't break, so I just placed it back where it was before somone noticed. I got ready, ate breakfast, got my luggage bag out to the car, and climbed in. Aunt Neal and her son Scott waved good bye to me and my mom, and we left around 4:30. I was still realy tired so I fell asleep for about 4 hours. When I woke up I reconized the scenery and knew we were in Nevada. I looked at my mom, who obviously stopped to get some coffee, and asked her if we were going to stop and get something to eat cause it was 8:30. She told me that when she went to get her coffe that she got some candy bars, and that I should eat that so it won't take so long to get back home. I didn't argue, even though I definently would have liked something like a donut instead. I woke up in my own room on Thursday. It was 10:00am and I was still kind of tired cause we had just gotten home that night, but I wanted to call Chase and tell him I was back. I got up, dug my cell phone out of my bag, and started to dial his number. "Hello?" Chase's mother answerd. " Hi, it's Logan," " Is Chase at home?" I asked. " No, I'm sorry, but he just went down to the arcade with Micheal, Zoey, Lola, Nicole, and Quin." His mom told me. " Oh, Thanks, bye." I said as I hung up. " Well I guess that I should go down to the arcade if I want to tell him." I said to myself. I got dressed, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, went down stairs, and grabbed my skateboard. I was almost to the door when my mom saw me. " Logan where are you going?" she asked in a stern voice. " I was going to go down to the arcade," "Is that all right?" I asked. " Yes, but I want you to eat somthing first." she told me. " I'll get a candy bar at the arcade." I asured her. " I don't want you eating candy for breakfast." she said as she stared at me. " Oh, so you'll let me eat candy for breakfast when your going to be late for work, but when I'm late it's not okay?" I said. " Fine,but the only reason I'm letting you do this is because I have to leave for work now and I don't have time to argue with you." she said as she grabbed her sutecase and looked at her watch. " I'll be home at 8:00 tonight instead of 6:30 okay, so you will have to get something to eat for yourself." " Okay, I'll order a pizza like last time." I said, then I realized, she didn't know I had orderd one the night I broke the bowl. " What do you mean last time?'' she asked, but just then her watch made a beep and she had to leave for work. " Bye, see you at 8:00." she said as she ran out to the car while I followed her. I watched her get into the car and drive off, then I left for the arcade on my skateboard. As I reached the arcade, I saw my friends had spotted me so I decided to do a cool move on my board. I jumped onto the rail of the bike rack, that was next to the entryway, and grinded my way to the bottom. As I reached the bottom of the rail, I decided to do an Olli. But as soon as I saw Quin putting salt on someones ice cream, when they weren't looking, I lost my concentration and fell off my board and landed on my back. Once again people were laughing at me, just like when I fell out of my chair last month. I got up, picked up my board and went inside the arcade, trying not to make a big deal out of it. " Yo Logan, nice landing man." Michael said to me half lauhging. "Yeah, way to impress the ladies." Zoey said sarcasticly. " Very funny guys." I said to them. " So Logan, Chase told us you got locked in your own house and couldn't come to the movies with us." Zoey said as she looked at me with an expression on her face like she didn't beleive it. Suddenly Quin came over and asked me, " Are you sure you didn't just imagin it was locked?" I stood there thinking about what she just said when Nicole changed the subject. "So, Chase also said you went to se your little cousin Scott." she said. " Yeah, so?" I asked. "Well, I was wondering if he had any older, cute brothers or not." Nicole said. I looked at her for a second then I asnwerd, " He only has one older brother," I saw her face light up when I said that, and I was kind of glad to say," But he is in colloge." Her face fell. " Well now that my intarigation is over, lets do something fun." I said wishing Chase would keep his mouth shut. " Like what?" Chase asked. " We've all used up all of our quarters." "Fine, then lets just get something to eat." I suggested. " I'll buy." " You'll buy, wow what is this, an apocolipse?" Zoey said to me sarcasticly. " Well, if you don't want me to buy the food..." I said. " She's joking, besides I'm starving." Lola stated. I went to the counter and bought 2 large orders of fries and 7 shakes, while everyone sat down at a table. The guy at the counter paused for a second when I asked for a pumpkin flavored shake. I told him it wasn't for me, but for one of my friends and I pointed to Quin and he nodded. I sat down, gave everyone their food and drinks and we all dug in. After a few minutes went buy, I had the erge to ask, " Lola, where are you staying this summer?" " I thought you would be going home." I said as I reached for some more fries. " Oh, well I',m staying at Zoeys' house." she said. Zoey smiled. "Why?" I asked. " Cause my parents are planning to go on there second hunny moon this summer, and Zoey would be bored if I didn't stay, cause Nicole is going to her grandparents house for the rest of the summer, because that's where there having there family reunuin." She said almost out of breath. " She leaves tommorrow." " Sorry I asked." I said sarcasticly. I took another bite of fries and thought outloud for a minute. " So, Michael, Chase, and I are going on a camping trip; Lola is staying over at Zoeys'; and Nicole is going over to her grandparents." I said. " And I am going to be at my house making a new quinvention!" Quin said with a huge grin on her face. I rolled my eyes. As we all got up to throw away the garbage, it was kind of quite like everyone was thinking about what they were all going to be doing this summer. Suddenly the silence was broken by another question.. " I wonder what Dana is doing in France?" Zoey asked. " I don't know?" " Maybe there not even having summer vacation yet." I stated. Another pause as I looked at my watch. It was almost 1:00. Micheal must have looked at his watch too cause he said, "Man, time sure flies when your eating french fries with your friends dosn't it?" " Well, Lola and I better get back to my place cause were going to the mall." Zoey said to everyone. " What is it with girls and the mall?'' I asked. " I don't know," "What is it with you and your obssesion with the way you look?" she said rather rudely. " Very funny." I said as she and Lola walked away. " Hey, I'm also in the mood for the mall." Chase said. I looked at him cause I knew he only said that cause Zoey was going. "What about you Michael?" he asked. "Naw, I was going to go home and watch the Invader Zim marathon." Michael said to everyones disbeleif. "What ever." " I guess I'll just go home and write to my dad." I said. "Later." I grabbed my board and took off for my house. It's Monday, about 9:00, and Michael, Chase, and I were just about to leave on the camping trip. Michaels' dad ( Mr. Barret) was putting in the last bit of luggage and the two tents, while the three of us were saying goodbye to the rest of the gang, cause we would be gone for a week.(Mr. Barret was going to sleep in a separate tent). We were just telling them that we were going to be roughing it out in the unforgiving woods, in a tent. Mr. Barret had just gotten into the jeep and told us to wrap up our conversation. " Well, I guess we have to go now." Chase said. " Yah, well just don't have to much fun without me." Zoey said to Chase. " Don't worry, I 'll try not to have any fun on this trip." He said half joking. " No, that's not what I ment," She said smiling, " I want you to have fun, I just don't want you to have _too_ much fun." " I know what you ment, I was just joking." Chase said, now smiling too.I looked back and forth at them both smiling at each other broadly. They looked like two smiling baboons. " All right Chase, we better get going." I said, still looking at him. The three of us waved good bye to eachother, and then me, Michael, and Chase got in the car and we left. A few feet down the road, Michael screamed like a girl, and told his dad to turn around and go back to his house cause he forgot to pack his personal bug repelant. (He has a problem with bugs). We turned around and went back to his house. When Michael came back to the car, Chase spotted Zoey talking to her friends. He rolled down the window and hollard out "Bye!" to her, and she turned around and waved back to him. Once again Chase had that stupid grin on his face. " Dude, will you stop smiling like that?" I demanded. " Why should I ?" he asked defensivly. " Because you look like a doof!" I said back. " Fine!" he shouted back. " Guys!" Michael said. " We have a whole week together; Do you think you can wait a few days, before you bite eachothers heads off ?"We stopped fighting, looked out our windows, and didn't say anything untill we stopped the car, and started to unpack near the states National Forest. Mr. Barret was going to the rangers station, to ask them where the nearest resteraunt was so we could get something to eat. "So," I said, " Where are we going to pitch the tents?'' " How about over there?" Michael said, pointing to a big area about 30 feet away. " Why don't we pitch it right here instead?" Chase said a little shaky. " Dude, were here to go camping _in_ the woods; not by it." I said. " Yeh, but shouldn't we pack near the car so we can get in it, in case of an emergency?" he said.I looked at him in surprise. The worst thing that could happen, would be if we ran out of toilet paper. Then it hit me. " Your scared." I said laughing. " No, I just want to be prepared." Chase said a little nervus. " Fine, you can sleep in the car for the whole trip, cause us _men_ are going to pitch the tent deep in the woods." I said, knowing he wouldn't want to sleep in the car and be called a baby. " No..," he said hesitating, " I'm not scared, I'll sleep in the woods." " Good." I said smiling. " Now help us find a good place to put the tent. That night, we ate at Friendlys', went back to the tents, and crawled inside to sleep. We were to tired to do anything fun the first night so we just went to sleep.( Or at least we tried.). It was about 9:00 at night, and Chase wouldn't stop moving around in his sleeping bag and asking "What was that?" every 3 minutes when he heard a twig break. I told him it was just a squirel, and he finally went to sleep 5 minutes later. It was probley 12:00 at night, and everyone was sleeping soundly, untill... " Aaaaahhhhhh!" Michael screamed in the darkness. "What the hell!" I yelled when I heard him scream. " What happend?" Chase yelled as he sat up straight, obviously scared. " There's a _huge _bug crawling aroung in here!" Michael shouted, looking around the tent with a flash light. " Figures." I said laying back down to try and get back to sleep. " Your absessed." I said closing my eyes. I could see the light flashing around the tent through my eyelids. I heard Chase get up to help Michael find the bug. " Logan!" Michael screamed. "What!" I hollard back. " The bugs on your sleeping bag!" He yelled pointing the flash light on me. I layed there not careing, cause I was thinking it was just a fruit fly or something. The flashlight was still shineing on me, and was just about to reach up and grab it away from him when he shouted, " It's a spider!" I jumped up in a split second, and ran next to them. We were all standing there, huddled together, staring at this huge spider on my sleeping bag. Then all of the sudden, it jumped and started to run towards us. We all screamed and ran outside. Mr. Barret must of heard us screaming, cause he came out of his tent with a flashlight and asked us what was going on. " There's a huge spider in our tent!" Michael screamed. Mr. Barret looked at us like he couldn't beleive we screamed over a spider, so I tried to act like I wasn't concerned. Mr. Barret went and got a stick, opened up our tents door, and looked for the spider. A few minutes later, while the three of us were still staring at the tent and waiting for him to kill the spider, he came out with the stick in his hand and showed us that he had killed it by pointing the stick towards us. I swear Micheal almost puked cause he flinched suddenly and bent over. " Alright you guys, the _giant _spider is dead." Mr. Barret said to us smileing. " Now get to sleep, and no more screaming." We went back inside our tent, and finally went to sleep. The next day we got up around 9:00 in the morning. We were still kind of tired from last night, but we were kind of anxious to decide on what we were going to do today. As soon as we got dressed and combed our hair, we all went outside to get some water from the water tank that Mr. Barret packed for us in the car. We each got a cup of water and went back to the tents, so we could brush our teeth. While everyone else was thinking about where we were going to eat, I went back to the car to get my mirror, so I could make sure that my hair was perfect. When I came back to the tents, Mr. Barret told me that we were going to eat at Dunken Donuts. When we got there, Mr. Barret told us to go find a seat while he ordered the donuts. We got a seat next to a window and waited untill he came back. Then we opened the box and started eating. Halfway through my donut, a glob of jelly dropped onto my shirt. " Shit." I said under my breath. " I'll be right back guys."I put my donut on a napkin and went to the bathroom to wash off the jelly on my shirt. I was trying to do it quik because I didn't want everybody to be waiting on me. I speed-walked out the door, and crashed right into somebody coming out of the girls bathroom. I got up from the ground and emediatly knew who it was. " Zoey?" I said confused. " Logan?" she said just as confused. " What are you doing here?" I asked. " Me and Lola are going to the mall around here, because there having a huge half-off sail on shoes." She said slyly. " We stopped to get something to eat." " Leave it to a couple of girls to go miles away from where they live, just to get a pair of shoes." I said sarcasticly. " What-ever," she said shaking her head, "I got to go." Then she walked through the hall, and out the door." " See ya." I called after her, even though I knew she was gone. I went back to my seat and started to finish my donut. Mr. Barret had gone to get some coffee at the counter. " What took you so long?" " Did you fall in or something?" Chase said sarcasticly. " No, I ran into your girlfriend." I said. He looked at me blankly for a second and then realized who I was talking about. " Zoey was here?" He asked. "Yah, didn't you see her leave?'' I asked surprised. "No!" He shouted. " Where did she go?" " Out the door." I said pointing to the only place she could have gone. " I think I can see her." He said looking out the window, " I'll be back." Then he ran out the door. " That guy has got a problem." I said taking another bite of my donut. " Yah... but so do you." Micheal said, looking at my mirror in my back pocket. " You should talk, _Mr. Invader Zim_." I said rolling my eyes as Mr. Barret walked back to our table. " Where's Chase?" He asked. " He's outside, talking to Zoey." Micheal told his dad. " Zoey's here?" Mr. Barret asked confused. " Yah, her and Lola are going shoe shopping." I said sarcasticly. Then Chase came back. " There you are, come on were leaving." Mr. Barret told Chase. I took the last bite of my donut, and we left. On the way back to camp, we decided that we would go on a hike up the mountains behind our camp site. When we got back to the tent, it was around 11:00. Micheal, Chase, and I went inside, changed our shorts to pants to keep the ticks off our legs, and got some baseball caps to keep the sun out of our eyes for the hike. Then we came out and waited for Mr. Barret to come out so we could leave. " Okay guys," Mr. Barret said as he came out of his tent holding a backpack. " Did you all spray yourselves with bug repelant?" " Yep." The three of us said together. " Good, now I filled this backpack with some sodas, crackers, sunscreen, extra bug repelant, four flashlights, and some matches." Mr. Barret told us as he counted off the stuff on his fingers. " Why do we need matches and a flashlight for?'' Chase asked, " It's only 11:20." " Well, it's a 2 hour hike up the mountian so it will take about 4 hours to come back, and if we get lost during our hike, we might not get back before it gets dark." He said, " Plus, we have to stop and eat sometime." " All right, can we leave now!" I said. "Yeah, lets go!" Mr. Barret said as he took the lead of the group. We had been walking for a while when we needed to stop for a rest. As we sat down on a couple of rocks, I looked around and noticed how deep in the woods we were. I glanced at my watch, it was 1:30. " Well, I don't think this is going to be a four hour hike because it's already 1:30." I told everyone. " So, a little more exercise isn't going to kill you is it?" Mr. Barret said joking. " No, but I am getting a little hungry." I said. " We'll walk for another half hour, and then we can stop to eat okay." He said as we all got up and started walking up the mountain. Mr. Barret must have lost track of time because it was 2:30 before we stopped and ate. We had finally made it to the top of the mountain and we were all tired. I was sitting on a rock,eating some cheese crackers when Michael anouced that he needed to go. " All right son, but don't go to far." Mr. Barret said. " Don't worry, I'm not stupid." Michael told his dad he left. It had been about 20 minutes and Michael still wasn't back, then we heard a loud screaming off in the distance and it was getting louder and louder. The three of us were standing together and starring toward the direction that the screaming was coming from. Then out of the bush came Micheal running toward us screaming. He stopped beside us for a second, but before he could tell us what he was screaming about, I saw a **huge **bear comming our way. " Bear!" We all screamed as we turned around and ran for our lives. We ran and ran intill Mr. Barret spotted a tree and orderd us to climb it. We got to the tree and climbed as fast as we could to the highest point we could reach. We all were clinging to the tree and starring down at the bear that was trying to climb up after us. " Were all going to die!'' Chase screamed. "No, I'm to good looking to die!" I declared. " Mommy!" Michael cried. "Stop screaming and break off a peice of wood for me so I can set it on fire to scare him away!" Mr. Barret shouted. Chase quickly broke off a branch next to him and tossed it to him. Mr. Barret swiped out the matches from the backpack, set the branch on fire, and started swinging it down toward the bear. After what seemed like forever, the bear finally left and Mr. Barret climbed down to make sure he was gone. " Are you guys coming down, the bear's gone!" He shouted up the tree. " I think I'm stuck to the branch!" Michael said clinging to the branch. " Well, you can't stay up there forever because we have to get back to camp soon!" He shouted back. " Plus that bear might come back if you wait to long!" " All right, were coming!'' Chase hollard. Michael and Chase were back on the ground first and were watching me get down. When I reached the ground I almost fell over cause my legs were still trembling. " We should get the flashlights out because it's starting to get dark." Mr. Barret said reaching for them in the backpack. I glanced at my watch, it was only 4:30. " Mr. Barret it's only 4:30, it shouln't get dark intill 5:00." I said. " It gets darker earlier up hear because of the altitude." He told me. " You mean to tell me were going to be walking around in the dark , with a bear on the lose!" Michael shouted. "Yeah, what happends if it comes back for a midnight snack?" Chase asked quivering at the thought. " Well, lets hope we get back to the tent before midnight." Mr. Barret said jokingly. " Come on, lets go." he said as he handed us the flashlights, and once again took the lead. After about 15 minutes, Mr. Barret started telling us some jokes as we walked through the darkness. When he got out of earshot I said, " Your father is telling us jokes while a man eating bear is out ther stocking us." I wispered to Chase and Michael. " He's just trying to keep our minds off the fact that there is a bear out hear." Michael wisperd back. " Yeah, why don't you lay off being rude intill we get out of this crissis, and are back in our tent." Chase said. " If we get back to our tent _alive_." I said sarcasticly. "Man, you better shut up or you won't make it back to the tent." Michael said, clearly mad at me. "I'll shut up when and if we make it back." I said raising my voice. " You'll shut up now or I'll make you!" Michael shouted. " Oh, I'm so scared!" I shouted back. " You better be!" Michael said. " Bring it!" I said back. " Will you guys stop shouting, you might attract that bear!" Chase yelled. " What's going on guys?" Mr. Barret shouted back. " Lets try to speed it up a little back there." Just then we heard a loud howling in the distance. " It's a pack of wolves." Chase wisperd shaking. " Great, it wasn't bad enough were lost in the middle of the night, tired, hungry, and have a bear stocking us, but now we have a pack of wolves on our list of problems." I said sarcasticly. " Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to ketch up with my dad." Michael said. " Me too." Chase said. " Fine." I said. It was 5:30 when it started to downpour. " Oh, that's just perfect!" I shouted. " Man, what else could go wrong?" Michael asked. Just then we heard thunder. " You had to ask." Chase said shaking his head. " Great, now we'll be barbeque for the wolves." I said sarcasticly. " Now lets not get carried away, wolves don't like barbeque." Mr. Barret said laughing. I rolled my eyes. Now he's joking again, I thought. A few more minutes passed and we finally made it back to the tent. We were soaked, tired, and covered in misquitoe bites because the rain had washed off the repelant. We got inside, changed into our pajamas and went to sleep as we listened to the rain. The only problem was, the rain soaked through the tent about halfway through the night, so we had to get up and run to the car to sleep. I woke up around 8:00 in the morning. I sat up and realized that I was damp, itchy, and had a bad headacke. "Ooohhh..." I moaned, " what a night." " Woa, I had such a wierd dream last night, I dremt we were lost in the woods with a bear chaseing us." Michael said when he woke up. " That wasn't a dream, your dad got us lost." I said. " Hugh, Oh yeah I remember now, and you were being a jerk about it." Michael said. "I had every right to be mad about being lost in the middle of the night." I said thinking, " Actually, if you hadn't of ran into that bear, none of this would have happened." I said to him. " Now don't you blame that all on me!" Michael said. " And what if I do?" I said. " Guys, will you stop fighting already,... man." Chase said as he got up. " Where's your dad Michael?" " I don't know." Michael replied. " He probably ditched us." I said stretching. " My dad would not ditch us!" Michael yelled. " Then where is he?" I asked. "Riht there." Michael said, pointing to his dad walking to the car with a frown on his face. He came in the car, sat down, and said, "Sooo, do you guys want to go home?" He asked. " This camping trip has been a big flop." "But this is only our third day." Michael said. " I know, but after what happend last night, I don't think this trip is such a good idea." Mr. Barret said. " Well, why don't we stay one more day, then go home." Chase suggested. " And do what?" He asked. "Well, there is that amusement park a few miles up the road, ." Chase said. " All right, then we'll go to the amusement park today, spend one more night, and go home tomorrow." Mr. Barret said. " Fine, one more day, but first lets get something to eat, we haven't eaten for hours and I'm starving." I said. " Okay, first you guys get dressed, then we will go eat, and _then_ we will go to the amusement park." He said. Great I thought, what else is going to threaten my life?. It was around 9: 30. We had stopped at " The House of Pankcakes" for breakfast, and were getting into the car to leave for the amuzement park. It would be aproxamently an hour and a half before we would get there. Mr. Barret turned on the car, and drove out of the parking lot, onto the main road. " So Chase, what's the reason you wanted to go to this amuzement park?" I asked. " Well, I went there when I was seven, so I don't really remember all the rides." He answered. " Plus, I heard there is this cool new rollercoaster called, 'Zap!' " " Zap?" I said. " I've heard of that rollercoaster, It's supposed to be the scariest coaster in the world." Michael annouced. " Yeah, my cousin told me that her best friend went on it a few weeks ago, and said that it feels like your being sucked to your seat when you go down the main hill." Chase told us. " Sounds cool." I said. " But are you sure your not going to chicken out when we get there?" I asked Chase. " Please, I'm not afraid of a rollercoaster." He answered. " Great, all three of us will go on it together." I declared. " Wait, I don't remember saying I'd go on it." Michael said. " What happens if something goes wrong?" "Dude, it's a new rollercoaster, nothing's going to happen." I told him. " That's what everyone thought last year at 'Canobee Lake Park' too, and look what happend, five people died." Michael said bugging his eyes out. " That was different, there were _two _coasters on _one _track; this rollercoaster only has _one_ coaster on a track." I said. Micheal thought for a minute, and then said.. " Well, I guess I'll go on it, but only if we all sit in the same seat; that way if I die, you guys will be dead too." " Gee, thanks!" Chase said. We finally made it to the park. Mr. Barret parked trhe car as close to the entrance as he could, and we all got out. There had to have been at least 600 kids there. I looked around from the parking lot at all of the rides. Finally I spotted a huge rollercoaster track at the far side of the park, there was a big sign that read "ZAP!" in the front of it. " Hey guys, There's the rollercoaster."I said smirking as I pointed to it. "That's the rollercoaster, Your kidding me!" Michael shouted. " That thing's huge, and look at all of the loops and that really steep drop off." Chase said. " Let's go on it first." I said. " Uhh, maybe we should work our way up." Chase suggested. " Yeah, lets start off with something smaller." Michael said shaking. " Fine, then were going on the 'Egyption Boat'." I declared. And we all went to the ticket booth. We had riden the Egyption Boat, the Scrambler, Twister, the Polar Express, and we were finally going to go on Zap. " How long is this line going to take?" I asked. " I know we have been standing in this line for an hour." Chase said. "Oh well, lets go on something else." Michael said half smileing. " But we've already gone on all the good rides." Chase said. "He's just too scared to go on it, so he's trying to come up with an excuse so he won't have to." I said. " I am not!" Michael shouted. " Yeah you are." I said as the line started to move again. "No I'm not, I just don't want to stand in line forever, to go on a ride that I could care less about." Michael said as we took afew more steps. " Right, you dont' care about going on it, because your too scared to go on it in the first place." I told him as we aprouched the gate. "For the last time, I'm _Not _scared!" Michael shouted as I handed the guy our tickets and. " Good, because it's our turn to go on it." I said as I pushed him into the coasters front seat. Then Chase and I sat down beside him. " That was pretty slick man." Chase said to me. " Thanks, I 've had practice." I said to him. " On who?" Chase said confused. " You!" I said smileing. Then the bar slammed down and we were ready to go. " Why is no one else coming on with us?" Chase asked. " Probibly because it's 6:45, and the park closes at 7:00 on Wensdays." I told him," Everyone's getting ready to leave." " Well, at least there's no one here to see me freak out when we get to the top of this huge drop off." Michael said as he pointed to the part of the track where it goes up in a 80 degree angle. " Don't you mean, at least there's no one here to witness you crying like a 4 year old?" I said smirking. Just then the coaster started to move foward. As we headed up the huge drop off, Michael slid down in his seat and grabbed the safety bar as hard as he could. _Click, click, click, _then scilence; the coaster was at the top of the hill. " Dudes if I die, tell my mom and dad how much I love them." Michael said nearly crying. " Will you relax, it's only a 50 foot drop off." I said to him. " Was that supposed to make me feel better?" Michael asked stareing at me. Then _Whooosh_! The rollercoaster zoomed down the track. " Oh my Goooooooood!" Chase said as we started to reach the end of the drop. "Aaahhhh!" Michael screamed at the top of his lungs. Then we ended the drop. I felt like throwing up, but the feeling got worse when I saw what was coming up next... " Were going to go up that!" Michael screamed. Up ahead were four, 30 foot loops. " Your kidding me." I said under my breath. Once again we heard the clicking of the coaster as it moved up one side of the first loop. Then we stopped upside down in the middle of it for a breif second, before... " Were going to die!" I heard Michael scream. " Aaaahhhh!" We all screamed at the same time as we went up and down the four loops. Then it ended and we were headed up another steep hill towards a pitch black tunnel. " Now what!" Chase yelled. We went up the hill and in the tunnel. I couldn't see anything, but some how I knew that we would be screaming again. Then the coaster stopped. We waited and waited for it to start moving again, but nothing happend. " What's going on?" I asked, feeling a little nervous. " I don't know." Chase said. Then we heard a loud voice. It was someone on a megaphone talking to us... " Attention children, We are sorry to tell you that the power has failed, we are working on it right now, and request that you stay put and don't panick!" The man shouted. " Oh yeah, I'm actually going to somehow unbuckle myself and jump!" I said sarcasticly. " Great, who noes how long it's going to take before they get the power back on?" Chase said. " If they even _can_ get it back on." I said. It felt like forever in that dark tunnel before we heard the man shout again threw his megaphone, " Attention, we are attempting to get a fire truck here to rescue you!" " Okay, so now were going to have to wait for a fire truck ." Chase said. " Didn't he just say that?" I said sarcasticly. " I'm just trying to calm myself down." He said. "Well that's nice and all, but it's not calming the rest of us down!" I shouted. " Niether is your yelling!" He shouted back. " Now who's yelling!" I said. " Yeah well, I wouldn't be yelling now if you had just kept your mouth shut!" He shouted again. " You can't talk to me that way!" I said. " I think I just did!" Chase shouted. " Will you please stop yelling, I'm trying not to panic, but it's a little hard to do with you two screaming at eachother!" Michael shouted at the top of his lungs. " Your the one screaming." I said under my breath. Then the tunnel went silent. "Man I thought we would never get out of that tunnel." Michael said after he kissed the ground. We had just been rescued by the fire department after waiting for 3 hours. " I know, I thought we'd have to stay up there the whole night." Chase commented. " Well it's a good thing the fire department came." I said. " Yeah," Chase said while he turned around to see if Mr. Barret was done thanking the men who saved us." Well, being stuck in that tunnel made me hungry." " I'm sure as soon as dad gets back we can go get something to eat." Michael said. We waited in silence untill Mr. Barret came back and announced that we were going to spend the night in a hotel because it was already 10:30. We all got in the car and drove to the _Exteneded Stay America _hotel. When we got there we unloaded our bags, walked inside, registerd at the desk, and went to our room on the first floor. The whole way to the room we didn't talk because we were all too tired to speak. After we unpacked our pajamas and our toothbrushes, we decided to go to the dinning room and get some doughnuts before we went to bed. By the time we were all in bed it was 11:30. I was in the middle of a nightmare about me waking up the next morning to find out that I had this huge zit on my face, when I heard this load sighren go off and Mr. Barret yelling at us to get up... " What in the hell is going on?" I said. " The fire alarm has gone off, we have got to leave!" Mr. Barret shouted. " You three, quickly grab your bags and fallow me!" Michael, Chase, and I all grabed our bags and ran after Mr. Barret out of our rooms, threw the hall, and out the main enterance. We stood outside with what seemed like a hundred people, all watching the firefighters jump out of the trucks and running into the building with huge hoses. After about an hour of intence silence, the fire was under control and the firefighters were coming out and telling us that it was just a kitchen fire, and that we could all go back to our rooms. A gust of wind blew around us which carried the scent of smoke. It was then that I realized that I was standing outside, with about 50 people, in my underwear! " Man, that was so scary." Michael said as we all crawled back in bed. "Oh yeah, try standing outside with 50 people in your underwear." I said. Michael and Chase burst out laughing. " Dudes, it's not that funny." I said. "Yeah it is." Chase said as he laughed again, " That's why they make pajama bottoms." " All right guys, enough talking and get to sleep." Mr. Barret told us. " It's 4:00 and I' want to leave by 8:00." " What's the point, We'll sleep for about three hours, and then were going to have to get up anyway." I said. " Cant we just stay up and watch some t.v. untill we have to leave; We could just sleep on the way home." I suggested. " Fine, but only if you keep it down so I can sleep." Mr. Barret said as he turned to his side and fell asleep. Michael and Chase moved over to my bed and we silentley watched t.v. for the next three hours. When Mr.Barret woke up at 7:30, Micheal and Chase were sleeping on the bed, both on there stomachs, faceing the t.v. with their head in there hands, as if they were still awake watching a show. I was stretched on my bed looking up at the sealing; I was lying there with my mouth open and my eyelids half shut, staring into space. I felt like I was dead. I heard Mr. Barret get up and walk over to Michael's bed, but I didn't move or bother to look. " Okay you two wake up, I'm sure there's something better on a different channel." He said. " We weren't asleep, wew were resting our eyes." Michael said. " Resting your eyes while snoreing?" I heard Mr. Barret say. " Yeah well..." Chase started to say as I heard them get up, but he was interupted by Mr. Barret. " I think your friend is either dead or in a coma." He said. I was still staring at the sealing and wasn't really inturpeting what he was saying. " I'd say he's dead." Michael said. " Yeah, he definatly _looks_ dead." I heard Chase say. Then I came to my scences and sat up staring at him with a look of discust on my face. " Nope, he's alive." Chase said smiling. " It's a merical!" Michael said in a fake tone. I got out of bed and stretched. " So nice of you to join the living." Mr. Barret said sarcasticly. Michael and Chase laughed. "All right, enough fooling around, we have to pack, leave, and go home." Mr. Barret said seriously. " Finally." I said to myself. It took about five minutes for us to pack and leave our room because we hadn't realy unpacked anything. We walked out to the car, got in, and left. while Mr. Barret called up our friends and told them we would be coming home today at around noon so we should all meat at the burger joint by the arcade. We drove for about 10 minutes and then stopped to get some doughnuts, then we left. After about 15 minutes all three of us fell asleep. We didn't wake up untill we heard Mr.Barret telling us to wake up because we were almost home. We drove up the hill and were about 2 blocks away from the arcade when Mr. Barret spotted our friends and Zoey's dad. We got to the arcade, parked the car, got out, and started walking over to everyone. Mr. Barret headed staight over to Mr. Brooks and started talking to him, while Michael, Chase, and I went to the table where our friends were sitting. " Your back!" Zoey said smiling. " And none of you are seariously injured." Quinn said in a kind of surprised way. " What?" All three of us asked. " Well, Quin had a kind of bet with me that one of you would be injured before you returned." Zoey said rolling her eyes. " Yeah, well she almost won that bet." Chase said. " What do you mean?" Lola asked. "Well unless your willing to sit here and listen for a half hour..." I said sarcasticly. " Were listening." Zoey said. " Fine, here it goes..." " On the first day we have a giant spider in our tent, On the secaond day we go hiking, get attacked by a bear, get lost, eventually find our way back after walking for like 4 hours, then it starts to downpour. The third day we go to an amuzment park, get stuck on a huge rollercoaster in a dark tunnel, and have to get rescued by the fire department. And finally,that night we slept in a hotel and all of the sudden an alarm goes off, we run outside with about 50 other people, find out that there was a kitchen fire, and I'm standing outside in my underwear!" I finished in a shout. It was all quite as I looked at the shock on Zoey, Quinn, and Lola's faces. Then they all started laughing histaricly. " Oh sure, laugh at our expence, like it's all a huge joke." I said. Then Michael and Chase started laughing. " Why are you laughing?" I asked outraged. " Because dude, think about what you just said, the giant spider, being chased by a bear, the rollercoaster, the fire..." Chase said laughing. " Think about our reactions, and the way we all panicked over a stupid spider." I thought for a moment about what Chase had just said, he was right, we totally a horrible time, but for some reason it was funny. I couldn't help but burst out laughing too. After about five minutes of intence laughing we stopped and got something to eat. " Well, enough laughing about what happened to us, what did you guys do for three days?" Michael asked as he took a bite of his burger. " Not much, me and Lola have been hangi'n out, going to the movies, shopping, talking about stuff." Zoey said. " Pritty much doing a bunch of stupid girl stuff." I said. "Shut up." Lola said. " Whatever." I said ignoring her. " Well I see that Nicole still isn't back yet." Chase said. " Yeah, she's ketching up with her grandparents and the rest of her family still." Zoey said. " When will she be back?" Michael asked. " In a few more days, probably Friday." She said. " Is anyone going to ask about my Quinvention?" Quin asked. " Fine, how's your Quinvention coming along?" Chase asked. " Iv'e finished it." She said smiling," You see Iv'e been experimenting with diffrent solutions to see what else can melt ice. I stumbled onto the idea when I was putting salt on icecream to see if it would melt like ice. First I tried melting an ice cube with this solution I made..." " What was in it?" Michael asked. " If I told you, you would probably throw-up." Quin said. " Anyway, that didn't work so I tried mixing the solution with some WD40..." " Why?" I asked. " Well, it works on tuff stains so I thought it would be strong enough to melt ice if it was mixed with my first solution." She said. " Now, when I put it on the ice cube instead of melting, it blew up. So finally Iv'e come up with a new solution that should definitly melt it." She took out a bottle from her pocket, got up and asked the cook for an ice cube, and sat back down. " So this stuff's going to melt that ice cube?" Zoey asked. " Yep, just watch." Quin said as she opened the bottle and pored it onto the ice cube. We all watched as the icecube melted in a matter of seconds. "Wow, your invention actually works!" Lola said. " Yeah, it worked a little too well." Chase said. We all looked at the spot where the ice cube had been and realized that there was a square hole through the table. " Oops." Quin said blushing. " What did you put in that?" I asked. " Just afew drops of juice from my banaples." Quin said. " You kept those?" Michael asked. "Well, yeah." She said. " Why?" Chase asked. "For future experiments." She said as she looked at him like he was stupid. " Excuse me, but what is a banaple?" Lola asked. " A weird looking fruit that has acid for juice." Michael said. " Okay..." Lola said. We all sat there for a few minutes when we heard someone familiar. " Guys, I'm back!" We all turned around to see Dana coming towards us. " Dana, Is that really you!" Zoey asked in shock, as Dana came over and sat beside her. " Yep, Iv'e decided that over vacation that I would come and visit you guys for a few days." She said smiling. " I can't believe your here." Chase said. " Well, I wasn't planning on spending my whole vacation in France." Dana said. " I would have thought you'd want to stay in France and go shopping all vacation." I said sarcasticly. " Isn't that what girls do, waist all of there free time shopping?" "I see you haven't changed." She said. " Um, not to be rude or anything, but who is this?" Lola asked. " Oh, remember when me and Nicole told you about our old room mate." Zoey said. " This is Dana, and Dana, this is Lola." She said introducing them. " Hi." Dana said. " Hello." Lola said. " So, Zoey has told me by email about you, she said your a really good actress." Dana said. " Oh, yeah I love acting." Lola said. " So what do you like?" " Beating up Logan." Dana said seriously. Lola laughed. " Yeah, he's pritty dumb." Lola said. " And a huge jerk." Dana said smiling. " Don't forget an ego-maniac." Chase said. They all laughed. " Well, when your done critisizing me, let me know." I said. " Anyway," Dana said ignoring me," Where's Nicole?" " She's at her grandparents house." Zoey said. "Oh, will she be back before Saturday?" Dana asked. "She should be, but I thought you hated her?" Zoey said. " Yeah, but I wanted to be able to see everyone before I leave." She said. " Don't worry, she should be back by Friday." Lola said. " Well, in the mean time, Zoey told me that you guys went ona camping trip. How did it go?" Dana asked. " Well, lets just say it didn't go acording to plan." Chase said smiling. " Yeah, if you want details then you can ask Zoey to tell you because I'm not going to recite it again." I said. " Fine." Zoey said. "Well here it goes... End file.
The Summer When Nothing Went Right! by The Lost Treasure
Zoey 101
Ocean Avenue Dana's P.O.V. Its Summer of 2008 and its my senior year in France. Zoey is coming over to spend the summer with me and my family to get extra credit for her French class. Michael, Chase and Logan started a band I guess, at least thats what Zoey told me. I lost touch with almost everyone from PCA everyone except Zoey and Michael. The tell me that Logan is still himself, but they told me that like it was going to dissapoint me. I didnt expect him to stop his life for me, even though I told him I loved him before I left and guess what he said, nothing. He just looked at me like I was crazy... _FLASHBACK_ _"Logan, before I leave I have something I really need to tell you." I said with a sigh._ _"What?" Logan asked looking at me worriedly._ _"I...I love you." I said looking into his eyes._ _"No Dana, you dont love me." Logan said looking down._ _"Yeah, I do." I said. He shook his head no._ _"You cant love me, your leaving!" Logan yelled running away.I was about to chase after him but the cab honked the horn telling me to come on. I climbed into the cab and watched PCA dissaper with tears in my eyes._ _END FLASHBACK._ I was waiting for Zoey to get off her flight that just docked. I was standing next to my brother Kyle who was over 6 feet tall and I was only 5'5. He makes me feel really short. "Do you see a blonde girl probley wearing big sunglasses?" I asked him. The airport was very crowded and I was to short to see over the people. "I've seen like 8 diffrent people like that." Kyle said annoyed. I growled at him and stood up on the chair and looked around. After about 5 minutes of hard looking I finally saw her. I pushed through the crowd and jumped onto Zoey hugging her hard. We both screamed happily. "I cant believe your here!" I yelled. "Me either, I missed you so much." Zoey gushed. "Dana lets go, im hungry." Kyle complained. I rolled my eyes. "Coming. Come on Zo lets go get your bags." I said smiling as she nodded. "So whats going on over in the states?" "Same old same old, oh! Except for Drop Out Status, their on tour." Zoey said excitedly. (dude I made that up! im so proud of myself) "Who?" I asked as we looked for her bags. "Drop Out Status, Chase, Michael, and Logan's band." Zoey said grabbing her bags. I gave them to Kyle with a smile. "Really? Thats so cool." I said sorta happy. It was always Logan's dream to have his own band. "Wait you guys know Drop Out Status? Did you know there coming here in like 2 days?" Kyle said as we walked out to his car. "We should totaly go Dana! I can get us tickets because, im always on the list for how ever many tickets I need, I just need to call Chase. Do you want me to tell him that your coming?" Zoey asked taking out her cell phone as she got into the car. "No I dont want them to know. Im not even sure if im going to go." I said. "But you do know they know you live here right?" Zoey asked. "Yeah but...they wont know that im going." I said thinking about it. "So are you going to be like James Bond?" Kyle asked as we left the airport. The radio announcer inturruped us when he said 'Drop Out Status'. "This is Drop Out Status new singel called 'Curse Of Curves'." He said as the song started. I could tell that Logan was singing. _I've got the gift of one liners And you've got the curse of curves And with this gift I compose words And the question that comes forward Are you perspiring from the irony Or sweating to these lyrics And this just in You're a dead fit But my wit won't allow it The inside lingo had me at hello And we go where the money goes The inside lingo had me at hello And we go where the money goes_ _I want someone provocative and talkative But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower And from what I've heard with skin you'll win_ _Her bone structure screams "Touch her! Touch her!" And she's got the curse of curves So with the combination of my gift with one liners And my way My way with words It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lipped And you're on the gossip team You're making something out of nothing And jealousy's the cousin, the cousin of greed The inside lingo had me at hello And we go where the money goes The inside lingo had me at hello And we go where the money goes_ _I want someone provocative and talkative But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower And from what I've heard with skin you'll win_ _Her bone structure screams (I want someone) "Touch her! Touch her!" And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone) From what I've heard with skin you'll win_ _We All have teeth that can bite underneath To where the reality grows Yeah, that's where mine go that's where mine go We all have teeth that can bite underneath To where the reality grows Yeah that's where mine go Where the reality grows: From what I've heard with skin you'll win And from what I've heard with skin you'll win_ _I want someone provocative and talkative But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower And from what I've heard with skin you'll win_ _Her bone structure screams (I want someone) "Touch her! Touch her!" And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone) From what I've heard with skin you'll win With skin you'll win Skin you'll win_ "Yeah and your not going." I said to Kyle. "Why not?" He asked pulling into our driveway. "Your to noticeable." I said. He sighed and we went into our house. **The Concert.** _Nobodys_ P.o.v. Dana and Zoey got their tickets and went to their seats that were like 7 rows away from the stage. Drop Out Status was on their last song. Logan was singing and playing the guitar, Chase was playing the bass and Mike was on drums. "This is our last song of the night and its called Ocean Avenue, and its for someone I let go along time ago, so Dana Cruz if your out there this is for you because, I love you back." Logan said as he started to play. Dana's jaw droped as she looked at Zoey who was in shock too. Zoey pulled on Dana's shirt. They were headded for the back stage area. They held up their passes and went over to the stage opening. Dana watched as Logan played and looked around the crowd. _There's a place off Ocean Avenue Where I used to sit and talk with you We were both 16 and it felt so right Sleeping all day, staying up all night Staying up all night_ _There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street We would walk on the beach in our bare feet We were both 18 and it felt so right Sleeping all day, staying up all night Staying up all night_ _If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever Let your waves crash down on me and take me away_ _There's a piece of you that's here with me It's everywhere I go, it's everything I see When I sleep, I dream and it gets me by I can make believe that you're here tonight That you're here tonight_ _If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together Let your waves crash down on me and take me away_ _I remember the look in your eyes When I told you that this was goodbye You were begging me not tonight Not here, not now We're looking up at the same night sky And keep pretending the sun will not rise We'll be together for one more night Somewhere, somehow_ _If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together Let your waves crash down on me and take me away_ Dana ran onto the stage and pulled Logan into a passionat kiss. Logan saw her when she was about 2 feet away and his hands instantly went to her hips. The whole crowd was cheering as the curtins closed on the kissing love-birds. Dana and Logan needed to breath so they pulled away. Logan put his forhead on hers. "Im so sorry, Dana." Logan said his arms tightly wraped around her waist. "Its ok, I forgive you." Dana said smiling hugging him. The crowd started to scream and yell and clap. They were standing right next to the on microphone. Dana blushed and Logan laughed kissing her again. **The End...** _Songs in order_ _"Curse Of Curves" Cute Is What We Aim For (awsome song) _ _"Ocean Avenue" Yellowcard_ Presley aka Crash aka FOBsession aka the girl who passed out yesterday End file.
Ocean Avenue by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
Moments **Moments.** **By Blake.** **QuinnLogan. Yeah, it sucks. I've just been in a Zoey 101 mood lately.** **REVIEW!** . It's moments like these that he lives for; minutes where it's 2 AM, cruising down PCH in his father's stolen Mercedes convertible, with the wind in their hair and their guards down. She's in nothing more than an old t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, her eyes closed as she breathes in the cool night air. "Penny for your thoughts, Pensky," he says, and she smiles. "You'll have to pay me a _lot_ more than a penny for my thoughts, Reese," and he chuckles. "Fine, a dollar then." There's a pause. "You," she finally admits in a quiet voice, watching him as he turns into reverse. "I'm thinking about you, and how much this means to me." He says nothing, instead simply taking her hand as night turns into day upon an expensive car and a deserted highway. . He's there when she graduates from Stanford. He's the one standing in the first row, yelling, "Go, Quinn!" as she walks across the stage to accept her diploma. When it's over, and she's taken off her cap and gown, she runs over to him and he gives her a great big bear hug. "Congratulations, baby," he whispers into her hair, and he knows she's trying not to cry. "Well, that's it, I guess," she says, wiping her eyes. "We're officially college graduates!" "Isn't that what you said when we graduated from PCA?" He questions her, and she laughs, saying, "Well, I'm a sentimental person!" He laughs too, and responds with a simple, "I know." . He tells her she's beautiful. All the time. She never seems to believe him. . They're invited to Mark and Stacey's wedding. They say yes, just to be polite, but the whole thing is awful, simply because it's Mark and Stacey. But when Stacey comes walking down the aisle, Lola and Zoey and Quinn all start quietly crying into their lace hankercheifs. Chase, Michael and Logan, however, shoot each other looks over their heads and silently scream _get me out of here!_ And then Stacey and Mark say _I do_ and they can leave (they're skipping the reception, of course) but the whole car ride home, Logan fumes, because Quinn dated that guy for two years. Mark's a fatass. . The one thing Quinn doesn't understand about her best friend Zoey is how she's so forgetful. When James comes along, she seems to conveniently forget about poor little Chase, who's stuck back in England. James is nice, easy to get along with and really good looking, but what concerns Quinn is how quickly Zoey can move on. Quinn doesn't let go of the past very easily. Of course, Zoey and James date for the rest of the semester. But Quinn is relieved when Chase comes back to PCA, where he belongs. . She liked to pinpoint stars, telling him their exact location and how they came to be in Greek Mythology. Usually, this is during one of their many impromptu journeys off the PCA campus, both in their pajamas, the backseat of a stolen convertible, top down, and a beautiful quiet that stretches into a silent night. He'll usually look over at her while she's blabbering on and on about nothing in particular and just stare at her until she stops and says self-consciously, "what?" "You're beautiful," he tells her, honestly, and she blushes and he doesn't think he's ever seen anything that made him happier. He lives for moments like that, too. . **REVIEW & I'LL LOVE YOU.** **xxblake** End file.
Moments by porcelian-doll
Zoey 101
Fighting Words Disclaimer: If I owned Zoey101, Quogan wouldn't exist. It'd be Dagan. I'm sorry, but I still love the idea of Dana/Logan. * * * Logan walked along PCA, a huge smile on his face. It was the one week anniversary of him and Quinn and boy, did he have a present. Not even pricey, either. Got it at a Flea Market - $5! _Quinn gonna love this!_ "Logan Reese!" A smile crossed his face and he turned around to see Quinn - beautiful, smart, wonderful Quinn Pensky - stomping towards him, like she always did when they met in public. "Quinn Pensky, to what do I owe this horrible un-honor?" "That's not even a word, you idiot." She retorted. "Well.." Logan clenched his hands, resisting the urge to just grab Quinn and shove his tongue down her throat. "At least I'm good-looking." "What does that have to do with anything?" Quinn gave a confused look. "It has to do with everything!" "What job can you get with looks?" "Modeling, Acting, Producing - " "You have to be smart for all that." "Well..." Logan noticed a crowd of students - Lola, Zoey, Michael, James - and he looked to them for something to say. And suddenly, he became Logan Reese - cold-hearted, idiotic jerk. "At least I can get somebody! At least I'm not stuck up in some lab, working at stupid, worthless junk that will never -" Logan stopped, mouth meeting brain. "I see." She whispered. Her lips curled in, bitten. "Quinn, I..." He began, but he couldn't say more as Quinn bolted away. "Quinn!" The strong, muscled bodies of James and Michael blocked his path, framed by Lola and Zoey. "Guys, look, I have to apologize to Quinn." "Logan, that was low. Some of Quinn's experiments actually work." Lola snapped. "Yea, I know. I was stupid and mean; can you yell at me later? I really have to say I'm sorry." His bones tensed when James and Michael cracked their knuckles. Quinn was now just breathing shakily. She didn't want to cry for the actor's son. She just wanted to be numb, just numb. "Quinn?" Looking up, she couldn't help a gasp. There stood Logan, both eyes sporting purple rims - along with other bruises. "Can I talk to you?" Quinn gulped, challenging her voice. "Only if you're not gonna be a jerk." "I deserve that." Logan sat, giving Quinn her space. "Quinn, I'm sorry, for what I said. I didn't mean it...for the most part." "You mean the 'at least I can get somebody' part?" She snapped. "No! No, no no! I totally didn't mean that!" Quinn threw a look. "The only part I meant was the 'good-looking' part." He tried a smirk, failing. "Look, Quinn, every guy at PCA would be lucky to have you. You deserve better, not me. With me, you have to sneak around and you have to fight and...I hate that. So...back there...I wasn't thinking. I just...was Logan. The Logan that you changed." Quinn laughed dryly. "Apparently I didn't do I good job." "Yes you did!" Logan scooted over to her. "You did a great job! If it wasn't for you, Zoey and the others wouldn't even speak to me!" Quinn still wouldn't meet his gaze. "Quinn, I love you." Quinn finally looked up and smiled, truly. "Aww! I love you, too!" She jumped on him, arms around his neck. Logan sighed, wrapping around her waist. "Hey Quinn, do you remember what today is?" "Hmm?" Quinn turned so she sat in his lap, her head in the crook of Logan's neck. "Oh! Our anniversary!" Logan nodded, taking out his present from his pocket and handing it to her. Quinn's eyes widened. "Lo-" "It's NOT an engagement ring, Smartie." Quinn smiled. Taking it, she stared at it in her shaky hands. "You're suppose to open it." Quinn stuck out her tongue, opening the box. Logan held her closer. "It's a promise ring." Quinn smiled brightly, taking out the thin, gold band and sliding it on her finger. "Logan, it's beautiful." Logan smiled back, watching the light catch the rainbow-jewel in the sunlight. "I thought we agreed no expensive gifts." "5 bucks is expensive?" Logan joked. "Where'd you get it for $5?" "I have connections." Quinn laughed, hugging Logan tightly. "OW! Hurt her! Badly!" Quinn jumped back, looking at Logan's bruises wholly. "Sorry! Sorry!" Quinn looked at him, a smile over her face. Leaning in, she kissed his nose. End file.
Fighting Words by Cr8zeCorbinFangirl
Zoey 101
People really can't change 1**Quinn's POV (Point Of View)** Do you really think people can change? I doubt it. I mean sure you can change the little things, but not who you are as a whole. I mean you can take it to the most drastic level and ask about drug addicts. I mean one you've become an addict there's almost no changing it. The same goes with alcoholism. I mean im not saying you can't change it, because you can. Its just not likely. I knew I never should've believed Logan. He told me that I was the one. He told me he _loved _me. He told me that he was gonna change so he could settle down with me. Well that was a load of bullshit. I don't even know why I gave him the chance in the first place. I just had my heart handed to me on a stick, watching the one guy I ever really liked cheat on me the day after he said he loved me. He never stopped being an arrogant jerk. He never stopped lying. He never stopped insulting people. He never stopped ignoring people socially below him. He never did any of that. He said he did. But he didn't. And it completely destroyed me, from the inside out. "No, I really do care about you." he said in desperate attempt to get me back. But no, it wasn't going to work this time, or ever again. Is it really to have better loved and lost then to never have loved at all? I still have yet to answer that question. I mean; I, Quinn Pensky, grade A science nerd opened up my heart to the biggest heart breaker in California and expected him to treat me differently. Well, now I don't if ill ever be able to love again. I mean how stupid can I be. Do you realize the social difference between us? Like that could EVER work. Im so stupid. **Logan's POV (Point Of View)** Shit I cannot believe I just did that. I mean Quinn's a nice girl and all and I like her and everything but oh listen to me. _I miss her. _I wish I knew why I missed her, but haven't a clue. She wasn't supposed to see me and Brooke making out. You know its ironic because Brookes the reason we got together in the first place and now she's the reason were on "the brake" I mean I really liked Quinn for a while there. I mean. Wait, what do I mean? I don't even know anymore. I shouldn't have done that to Quinn. I mean she got it enough from Mark. _Maybe I can get her back._ Yeah, fat chance. I tried EVERYTHING. She just won't take me back. Oh well, her loss anyway right? No, wrong. I promised I was gonna being so cocky and full of myself. I never really make proimses but when I do I try to keep them. Ill see what I can do. "I Love You."..."I Love You Too." End file.
People really can't change by chemsky
Zoey 101
1. Like Water and Oil Hey, everyone. My name is Sydney Goldburg. I'm better known as Syd. I came to PCA not long ago, and I'm here to give you a little recap of what happened in those first weeks. My dorm was real nice, and the two girls I moved in with are Adriane and Cara. They're really nice. But the day after, things really took a turn for the worst. **LOGAN.** The very name makes my teeth curl. It is a COINCIDENCE that we both skateboard, and as I calmly skated to class one day, it was he that nearly gave me a seziure when he crashed into me on HIS nasty little skateboard. "Hey, watch it!" I yelled. "You were in my way," Logan said indifferently, sliding to a stop. "The least you could have done was apologize," I replied. " was mostly your fault." And he skated away towards the very class that I was headed. In History, I learned the names of the ones who I did like: Zoey, Nicole, Chase, Michael, and Dana. It was Dana who saw me glaring daggers at the boy in front of me, and she leaned over and whispered, "You're looking at the most obnoxious boy in school." "No kidding," I replied. "He about flattened me earlier." Dana nodded. "Just watch him closely. He has ways of getting on people's nerves. Trust me." After a while, she added, "Want to skate to the store with me later? They have some really cool stuff in there." "Sure," I replied. 2. Should I Stay or Should I Go **_Forgot a disclaimer._** **_I do not own Zoey 101._** ******** Me and Dana went to the PCA store later. Chase and Michael came along as well to buy candy. The store really _does _have some nice stuff. I bought a new backpack and a laptop decorating kit (black and red). But it wasn't all fun and games forever; when Dana and I went to the lounge, guess who was there. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the funny girl." I clenched my teeth. "Bug off, Logan." He went right on as if I hadn't spoken. "Syd, right? The girl that bumped into me today?" "Bingo," I replied. Dana glared at him. "We're busy here, Logan, so go away." Ha. He didn't go away. He did just the opposite. Before I knew it, he was sitting right beside us on the couch. "Get out of here before I punch you," I snarled. _Nice...he'll be _really _intimidated_, I thought disgustedly. **_Now could some kind soul give me some ideas about what Logan would say?_** 3. WAR! I decided not to punch him; I'd get in trouble anyway. Instead, I whispered to Dana to just ignore him. We went back to playing Scrabble...until- "_OWWW!"_ _"OUCH!"_ Logan was standing behind us, laughing his disgusting little head off - and he held a plug of curly light brown hair and one of straight jet black hair. "LOGAN!" Dana was _mad. _"You did _not _just take a piece out of my hair!" "Looks like I _did_," he said bluntly. I quickly felt the back of my head. Yep. He'd taken a bit out of the top. "You are so gonna pay for this, you, you, _you_!" I yelled, standing up. That impulse to beat the doozy out of him came back. He just stood back and smiled. "You girls can't do anything, we're in public!" "Oh, yes we can!" I made then to attack him with my bare hands, but Dana pulledme back. "Don't; we could get in trouble. Besides, I've got a plan that will make Pretty Boy cry." Nodding, I smiled evilly. "I like the way your mind works." We went back to my dorm (I live alone) to hear Dana's plan. "Okay, late tonight, we sneak into his room and replace his pillows' stuffingwith water balloons." "Now THAT is a good plan," I said. "But how do we get in his room?" "Zoey can pick locks," Dana told me. "We just have to get the others to help and it'll be just fine." So we got Zoey, Nicole, Michael, and Chase and told them our plan. Surprisingly, they were _eager_ to help.Wegirls got the water balloons while the boys were in their room making sure Logan stayed asleep, filled them up, and Zoey picked the lock to the room. All three boys were in their beds, but Chase ans Michael were snickering like crazy, and, thankfully, Logan was fast asleep - snoring. Like a broken blender. We soundly filled his pillows with water balloons and quietly left the room. As we headed back to our rooms, Nicole said, "Well, wasn't that fun!" Right. 4. No Prank Without Revenge "_AAAAHHHWWWRRKK!"_ "What was that!" I leaped out of bed the next morning and threw open the door. Down the hall, Dana, Nicole, and Zoey were peering out of their doors, snickering. "And that, ladies, was the screech of Logan Reese," Zoey remarked with a grin. We didn't see Logan again until later today. Chase and Michael came tearing into the lounge like they'd sat in gasoline. "It's... Logan," Michael panted. " angry person." "Angry?" Chase exclaimed. "The guy acted like he was going to bite our heads off!" I laughed. "Good." Chase stared at me. "How is this good?' "It's good because he's finally learned not to mess with me," I replied. Suddenly, this kid with glasses came running in, pockets overflowing with 20-dollar bills. "Hey, I have something to show ya," he said breathlessly. "What is it?" Dana raised an eyebrow. "Just come!" The kid ran back out and ran back expectantlylike he was Lassie or something. "All right, we'll come," Zoey said, standing up. We followed the kid to some door under the steps that led to the dorms. He knocked three times, and the door opened - _by itself._ "Come on." The kid led us into a VERY dark room. "What's so important about a dark room?" I asked. Silence. "Hey, kid, where are ya?" No reply, but we heard laughing - and then the door shut behind us. "No!" I ran to the door. No knob. Then I heard Logan's voice. "Shouldn't have tried that game, Sydney." And then nothing. "Great!" Dana's voice. "Trapped in a dark room with no way out! Beautiful!" Nicole was somewhere whimpering. "Calm down, guys," Zoey said. "Let's just look for a light switch. So we spent a good 15 minutes feeling for a light switch. "Find anything, Dana?" I called out. "Nope. Zoey?" "Not me. Nicole?" "Noooo...Michael?" "Nothing yet, Syd?" "_Nada._ Chase?" "I'm standing right next to you!" "Gah. Zoey?" "You just asked me." "I tell, you, when I get my hands on that little creep, he'll wish he'd never been born," I snarled, sitting on the floor. Suddenly, someone sat on me. "Awrk! Watch it!" "Sorry." I heard Michael sitnearme. "So what are we going to do?" Nicole sighed. "At least all our classes are over." "That's one good thing," I agreed. **Yeah, cutting you off there! You'll just have to wait until I post the next chapter.** **Oh,and see that button? That cute little review button? Press it. Press the pretty button.** 5. Air vs Logan "Hey, how'd this door get here?" A slightly nasal voice came from outside our dark prison. "Quinn? That you?" Zoey went to the door. "Zoey?" Quinn sounded worried. "Why are you in there?" "Logan," I said dryly. "Can you get us out?" "No, there's no doorknob. But I can get you some light in there! Look under the door." A small slip of plastic came out from underneath the door. Zoey picked it up. "What's this?" "An auto-light. Throw it on the floor," Quinn replied. I heard shuffling and grunting as everyone moved aside in the small room. Zoey threw the plastic, and the entire room was filled with light. "Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Thanks, Quinn!" "No prob," she said, "but I'll try to get the dean out here. Maybe he has a crowbar or something." We heard her flip-flops clapping as she ran away. "Well, this is certainly an improvement," Dana said, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the light. "What time is it?" Zoey checked her watch. "5:00." "Oh, great!" Michael sighed. "I wanted to go to the beach today." Again I felt anger rising in my chest. "I'm going to DESTROY him," I growled. "It's ok, I can go another day." "No, I mean for me. I've got a bone to pick with Logan Reese." "Prime rib?" "Ha ha." I stood up and put my ear to the door. "I don't hear anyone coming...wait!" The sound of rushing feet could be heard coming towards the door. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there pronto!" "It's Dean Rivers," Nicole breathed. "Way to go, Quinn!" We were out of there before you could say 'Alejandro'. And guess what? Logan was the one who got in trouble! Confined to his room for a week! Considering all the great stuff at PCA, that was a big punishment! There was some time left before we had to go to our dorms for the day, so we all (including Quinn) went to the beach to celebrate. They told me of the time they'd gotten stranded on the beach all day, but had a good time anyway! (I didn't know Logan was afraid of worms...har har) But our victory was short-lived. I was waiting for Nicole outside the movie theatrea week later. We were going to see _Zathura,_ but she had insisted on _Legally Blonde. _Oh, joy. But let's cut to the part when Logan smacked me in the head with his backpack. It didn't hurt (at ALL) but I was still mad. "What'd you do that for?" "Because you got me in trouble!" Logan was in desprate need of acting classes. He didn't look at all intimidating. "ME? YOU'RE the one who locked us in a closet!" "I didn't, the kid did!" "Oh, the kid you PAID to lock us up!" "Duh." "Don't 'duh' me, Mr. Boofhead." "Who you calling Mr. Boofhead?" "You...boofhead." "That's it!" Maybe I went a bit too far, because suddenly Logan was all fists and jabs. But I was wrong. He was such a bad fighter that whenever came a chance to hit me, he'd miss and hit the air. Oh, well, the air can take the damage. Sighing, I gave him a disdainful look. "Why not just give up? You're making a fool of yourself." He stopped punching the air, but glared at me and stormed away. Nicole came up a few seconds later and said, "You just fought _him_?" "Nah, he fought the air." **That's it. Don't expect another update till around next week, got to go to michigan. ** 6. What Did I Just Do? Today was the day I will never forget. If it scares you, don't read it. I MEAN IT. Well, anyway, me and Dana were in my room listening to her CD's when we heard yelling outside. "_More _yelling?" Dana grumbled. "What next?" The yelling was coming from a group of skateboarders that were skating quite recklessly. They grinded on the stair rails, whooped when someone almost fell to get out of their way, and overall were just obnixious. And that's when it happened. The skaters failed to notice (or didn't want to) Logan scurrying around with his back turned to them. He was picking up the M&Ms he'd spilled. "Uh-oh," I muttered. "They're going to hit him! We have to help!" But Dana was already out the door. I caught up to her outside. "I thought you hated Logan." "I do," Dana replied, "but it's not going to be pretty when they make him fall on that concrete." She was right, as usual. The skaters were getting closer. And ifthey leg spasms or reflexes, I don't know, but something told me to jump. And I did. I snatched Logan's arm and yanked him away before the skaters came. We both fell onto the rough plaster that the ground was made of. I heard the skaters slide to a stop in front of us. "Hey, little girl,we_were _going to hit that boy," the leader snarled at me. I looked up at him. "That was wrong! Why would you do something like that?" "Because it's fun." "It's dangerous and mean!" "Oh, yeah?" The boy grabbed my shoulder and flung me to the ground. I winced in pain as my head hit the pavement. I heard Dana shout and the sounds of shuffling and running. And everything went black. "Syd?" I wasn't sure where I was or who was talking to me. I opened my eyes. I was in my bed, and the back of my head hurt like crazy. Next I looked around to see where the voice came from, and I saw Dana peering down at me. "Dana? Ow!" I tried to sit up, but it felt like I'd been punched in the head. "Don't do that, Syd, you'll hurt yourself more." "What happened?" "The skater boy pushed you. You've been out all day. The nurse said you had a big bruise, but it could have been worse." I frowned. "Then why didn't I hit my head so hard?" "I don't know, I got pushed back by that crowd. As far as I know, you were just lying there halfway in the grass." A sudden thought came to me then. "What happened to Logan?" I asked. Dana smiled. "I think he was the one that saved you." "You have _got _to be kidding me." "Nope. He's in his room now." "Oh. Well, I'll pry the truth out of him later." Laughing, Dana stood up. "You do that, then. Right now, I bet you're hungry." "Am I ever!" "Okay, I'll get you some pizza." "Thanks!" See, didn't I tell you it was scary? Serves you right, I warned you! **Sorry for the looong wait, but Christmas is coming fast! I'm wrapping presents like it's the Christmas Derby or something!** 7. The Peace Treaty My head hurt for two days straight, and then I could go back to my classes. Mostly all I could think about is: _If Logan helped me, why'd he do it?_ I was worring myself over this while I did my homework one afternoon when there came a knock at my door. "Come in! I'll be just a second." I figured it was Dana, so I went ahead and finished the math problem I had been working on, and then swung my chair around"Ok, Dana, I'm-" I stopped, mouth ajar. It wasn't Dana, it was Logan who was standing there! "Um, hi," I said."Hi." He looked just as nervous as I was. After a few seconds of awkward silence, I finally mumbled, "Dana saw you try and help me." Logan turned red. "Well...I guess I did," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "So why did you do it?" He sighed. "You helped _me _even though I treated you like dirt. And besides that I felt a little guilty." I raised an eyebrow. "You? Guilty?" "Yeah." "Believe it or not, I felt guilty, too." "You did?" "Yup." "Why?" "Dunno. I'm just like that." "You still got hurt." "Yes, but not as badly as I could have been." I stood slowly and stuck out my hand. "Thank you." He stared at me. "You're thanking me?" "Duh." Logan hesitaintly took my hand and shook it. "But you're still in trouble for hitting me with that backpack," I told him with a smile. He laughed. "You know it didn't hurt." "But _you _did it." "And I might do it again!" "AUGH! You wish!" So we engaged in a friendly shouting match all the way to the lounge. Dana was slightly surprised that we were not trying to murder each other as usual, but we explained everything. And now, dear reader, me, Dana, and Logan are friends-not feinds-to the end. **applause Well, how did you people like that? Short but practical. Heh.** End file.
Syd and Logan: Battle at PCA by darkember14
Zoey 101
infect me with your loving She's still twirling the pen around with her fingers, even as she waits for the dialling to stop. There's a soft click and then, "Hello?" She breathes out a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding, just at the sound of his voice. She smiles slightly. "Hey, Chase," she says. "How are you?" "Eh, same old," he says. "Went swimming, then just ran around for bit. Managed to not get sunburnt _too _badly. You?" She likes the way his voice sounds, relaxed, comfortable - it still makes her smile. "I'm cold, basically," she says. "England isn't exactly good for a _summer _vacation." "You could play cricket," he suggests after a slight pause. She raises her eyebrows, even though he can't see. "Or maybe not." They fall into a comfortable silence, just listening to the sound of each other's breathing. She stops twirling the pen after awhile, and just writes down his name. She likes it, she always has. "I miss you," she says finally, fingering her bed cover. "I do too," he replies softly. She can hear the smile in his voice. "But, hey, look on the bright side. Only four more weeks and then we're back off to PCA, for our final year, no less." "Too long," she complains, pouting. "I've done most of the stuff here already, and I miss Dustin. He's gone to see his girlfriend for a couple of days," she adds, frowning as the words come out of her mouth. "Oh, how did that go? When he told your parents?" Chase asks, sounding worried. She doesn't know whether to smile or glare at him over the phone. "And isn't he kind of young to be going across the country to see his girlfriend?" "Well, in answer to your first question, I was more annoyed than my parents," she says, and thinks she hears a slight chuckle. "And her parents take her to France every summer, which isn't that far away so my parents allowed him to go. Also, wasn't it _you_ that followed me to England when you were only sixteen?" "And a half," he corrects. "Ok, so, you may have a point, but I had been in love with you for three years. Besides, I crashed into a flagpole - I was committed." She smiles at the memory, biting at her thumbnail as she looks over at the photo of them on her bedside table. "Yeah," she says, her voice soft. "You did. It was funny. And cute." "And rather embarrassing," he adds with a laugh. "But I'm glad I got your attention." "I wish you were here," she says. "Me too," he says. "I really, _really _want to kiss you right now." She smiles. "I do too, actually," she says. She breathes out slowly and adds, "What else would you do?" She starts to trace her quilt as she waits for an answer, her heart starting to be more quickly for a reason she can't think of at the moment. "Miss Brooks, are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" She can't tell whether she's annoyed or a little bit flustered, particularly when she starts to wonder if he's blushing, which then makes her blush too. "Really? Your mind goes to that?" she asks. "I'm a seventeen year old boy," he says. "So _yes_." She rolls her eyes. I also have an extremely hot girlfriend," he adds as an after thought. "So a double yes." "Well that's nice to know," she says, sarcasm threading itself through her voice. He laughs again. "It's true," he says. She blushes again, lets his words sink in. She's broken out of her thoughts when he speaks again. "I'd kiss you," he repeats. "I'd put my hands on your hips, just so I could feel every part of you. When you wrapped your arms around my neck, I'd deepen the kiss." "Are you alone?" she blurts out before she can stop herself. "I didn't mean -" "Yes, actually," he says, cutting her off. She can hear the smirk in his voice, but she doesn't actually care. "Are you? Just, um, out of curiosity?" he adds, the cheekiness gone. "Yes," she says nervously. "Mum and Dad have gone out to dinner." She hears Chase breathe out a shuddering breath and, "If you don't -" "I do," she says quickly. "Want this." "Sort of," he adds for her. "I understand, Zo. It's fine, really." "What else would you do?" she asks, certainty in her voice. There's another pause, and she's not sure if Chase said anything else, her heart blocking out all the other words. "I'd keep on kissing you," he says. "Harder and rougher though, my grip on your hips tightening. I'd start to walk you over to the bed, and you'd fall back against it. I'd keep kissing you, my body hovering over yours." She starts to breathe more quickly, her hands unconsciously travelling up and down her body, not really sure where to start. "My lips would move to your neck then, travelling along to your jaw back to your lips again, only to move down again," Chase says, his voice stronger and more confident. "I'd start to straddle you, pressing myself against you, and my hands would start to travel under your shirt, over your stomach. Finally, I'd begin to unbutton your shirt, desperately slowly." By now, there's a steady ache between her thighs, and her breathing is coming in pants, fast, shallow breaths. "Fuck," she gasps, the foreign word coming out in a burst without any thought behind it. She hears him groan, the sound echoing in her ears. "You're right, Zo," he says, his voice deeper rougher than before. "This was a good idea." "Mmhm," she says, her hands starting to unbutton her shirt, too lost in the moment to really hear what he's saying. "Tell me," he says. "Are you wet yet?" She groans even louder this time, and slips her panties off. "God, yes," she moans. He chuckles, and she enters one finger into herself. "Do you know what I'd do next?" he asks, to which she just whimpers, shakes her head and ignores the tiny logical part of her brain left that tells her he can't see her - he'll understand, she knows. "I'd unclasp your bra, throw it across the room, not caring about where it landed," he says, his voice shakier now and his breath coming in pants. "I'd pinch your nipple, and you'd arch your back, right off the bed, and I'd start to kiss your neck again. Slowly, my hand would slip inside your panties, and I'd rub my thumb against your clit, slowly adding two fingers." At his words, she adds another finger, picks up the pace, hearing herself moan over and over again. She can hear him groaning as well, through the haze and she fights to get a grip on herself. "T-Then," he continues, his words strained. "I'd add another finger, before you'd start to beg. Quickly, I'd enter you and we'd both groan at the contact. I'd start moving and kissing you, my hands once again on your hips and yours in my hair." She adds another finger and twists, brushes against her clit and lets out a strangled sound, and she knows she's close. "My hand would travel back down, over your breasts and stomach, and I'd rub your clit, pinch it - hard - and," she moans loudly, something that sounds like his name, arches right off the bed, and sees white turn into red turn into pink behind her eyelids. "_That_," he groans. "Fuck," he says, and she knows that he's come. She listens to the sound of his fast breathing as hers starts to slow down. She imagines him, spread out on the bed with a sheen of sweat on his flushed skin. She bites her lip, closes her eyes, and finds that the picture has been burnt onto the back of her eyelids. She really doesn't care. "Well," she starts, her chest still heaving. "That was awesome," he says for her, a smile evident in his voice. "Like really, really fucking awesome." "Haha, I know," she says. She waits for her breathing to go back to normal. "I love you," she says. He breathes out a content sigh. "That is probably the sexiest thing I've heard all night," he says. "I love you too." "I know," she says. He chuckles. "I'll see you in a couple of week, ok?" "I'll call you before then," she says, sighing out in relief as a breeze comes in to cool her skin. "Of course," he replies, and he's still smiling. "Say it again?" "I love you," she says. "Always." She's still smiling. * * * **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.** * * * **A/N: Set about a year after Chasing Zoey, in those holidays. This had to be written, even if the fandom is dead. First time writing smut, so please take that into account if you review. ** End file.
infect me with your loving by Masquerading with Shadows
Zoey 101
Aventurs in another world The world of Thrill is not happy anymore since the darkness came. My main characters are Zach, Megan, and Sofia. Zach is really funny and he loves to fool around. with people. Sofia loves to go on hikes.. Megan likes to imagine things. So welcome to the Kingdom of Thrill. Once the world of Thrill was a happy place. Now the world is covered in darkness. The evil darkness is swallowing person by person into its evil dark never ending black hole. How will the three best friends of Thrill save their kingdom? " I wish the darkness never came." Said Megan. "Yeah your right Megan, I wish it never came too. I think its hopeless too." Said Sofia. " No! It isn't Meg and Sofia, we can still save our kingdom." Said Zach. " We will try and do it Zach. " Said Meg and Sofi. " Well lets go then. We will try to save our kingdom of Thrill." Said Zach. "Okay, lets go then." Said the girls in unison. They are going across the long mountains . "I made five .1 Don't let anyone down." " No.2 stay together, NO.3 help each other when help is needed." "No.4 If someone gets captured keep on going." " Oh yeah I made a code if we are ever in danger, we shall say catdog for that is our secret code." Said Megan. " All right they all said together." "But how will we get across the mountains? Asked Megan. "Well we will follow our instincts. "Said Zach. Its nightfall so the three friends go in the cave for a nap. But they soon realize it was a home to a giant ogre. " Sorry sir we didn't know that anyone lived here, sorry." They all said. " Oh its okay I'm a friendly ogre." " By the way my name is Urick."Said Urick. "Oh then can you help us?" Asked Meg. "Sure it depends on what it is though. "Said Urick. "Okay, we have to save our village from the darkness and we need to cross the river." Said Sofia" I have a boat that will take you kids across the river. "Said Urick. "Thank you so much!" They all said in amazement. As they go across the river there is a shop with tools that will help them save the village and the lives the darkness took. They each take a tool plus other surplus items they might need along the way to save their people. They all go their supplies, then they got in the boat. After they were going across they saw something terrible. They saw... They saw... The fierce and mighty darkness. " I am the fierce and almighty darkness. "Said the Darkness. Ha Ha Ha! Ha ha ha!" "Catdog! Catdog!" Zach screamed in terror. Oh no! The evil darkness ate Zach. " Boo hoo hoo!" the girls cried. " Well we can morph into different creatures." commented Megan. They met some weird people along the way to save their people. They met Professor Alisha who has dealt with the darkness before. "I will help you girls win back your people and your friend Zach." Said Professor Alisha. " SO all you have to do is go to the next town with two jars and open them and you will have light." Alisha told the girls. As they travel they saw the light and it was so beautiful the all gasped when they saw the bright sky's light. " We're here." "Did you girls bring the jars I told you two to bring. "Said Alisha. " Yes we brung em'." Said Megan and Sofia. " Okay good, we have the light." "We have to go back to your kingdom with this magic potion." Said Alisha. " On three we will open the jars." "Ready One, two, three go!" said Alisha " You girls are lucky that you knew someone to help you. It could happen again. No the light it, it burns. "Said the Darkness. " Yes the darkness is gone, he is defeated. Most of all Zach and our people are back. Said the girls. "Thank you for saving me, you two are trust worthy friends." Said Zach Now the problem is gone. The light in the jar had defeated the darkness forever. The village moved to a under water kingdom called Sea Land. In the end Zach and Sofi got married and are rulers of these lands. The sun now glows from under the water an from above. So everyone lives above and below water. Now the darkness is defeated and gone forever. Everyone is safe again. **_THE END OR IS it??_** End file.
Aventurs in another world by Iceface-obanracer Molly
Zoey 101
Love just is **Love just is** **One shot** **Dana's POV** I don't know why I am in love with him. Ask my heart not me. I try my best everyday to look the other way and forget him. I glance over at him in class. It was English and we were reading our Love Essayes out loud. It wasn't really an essay. It could be a list or even one sentence just what love is to you. Some really dull girl was reading hers. To my astonishment the essay wasn't dull. Logan looked over at me and caught me staring. After he made a funny face, I rolled my eyes not wanting to laugh. I looked back the boring girl that sits two seat in front of Logan. "...Love is being happy for the other person when they're happy, being sad for the other person when they're sad, being together in good times, and being together in bad times. Love is the source of strength. Love is everything." the boring girl finished off with the bell. "Tomorrow Lester, Logan and Dana are up. Then we are done. Mind I remind you tomorrow is also Valentines Day," our English teacher said. I walked out to find Logan waiting for me. Logan and I have been getting along now and then. Ever since Zoey and Chase hooked up on Chase's Birthday last Spring Break. It was always Logan, Nicole, Michael, and me hanging out. Then Michael and Nicole started going out last Christmas. So when ever we do a group thing Logan and I get stuck together. So I think we are starting to enjoy each other's company a bit more. "Ready to speak about love my Love?" he asked. I admit his lines are getting better. "Logan I am not you love. We discuss this. I am so much more better than you. So you aren't in my level," I said calmly. "Ha. Ha. Ha. You know one day you are going to be mad that you always turn me down," he said and turn around and walked away. I looked back to him. "I am already mad," I whispered to myself. _--Zoey 101 --_ I walked into my room to find Nicole and Michael kissing. So I just slipped in as I put my books down. I left quickly not wanting to throw up on sight. I walked down to beach. I am happy for my friends yet I feel lonely. So I have Logan to talk to. He isn't a boyfriend. When I am with Nicole and Zoey all they talk about is how sweet there boyfriends are. I sat down near the rock. This is mine and Logan's spot. Even though we are supposed to only come here with each other I need to be alone. I took a seat and and let out a huge sigh. I felt someone gently push me. I looked back to see Logan. "Stupid we are supposed to only come here alone," he said. "So I am alone. You were coming here alone to. Right?" I asked. "I was looking for you though," he said. I raised an eyebrow his way showing I didn't believe him. He smirked at this and took a seat. "Dana what is wrong. You know you can tell me anything right?" he asked. "Yea I do. There is just some stuff that has be kept a secret," I told him. "Like what he asked?" he asked. "Like who I like." "Me. Duh. Some secret," he said playfully. "Logan. Stop wishing I like you. You are to immature for me," I said. "No you know you want me," he said while inching towards my face. "Come any closer and I'll hurt you," I said. He backed away. "Logan, can I be alone?" I asked. He looked into my eyes. "Sure," he said. He got up and kissed my forehead. "Are you okay babe?" he asked. I looked up to his eyes. "You know if I wasn't depressed I would have just hurt you for calling me babe let alone kiss me," I said. "I know he said with a smirk. For real you okay?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure," I said. I want so bad to be with him yet I can't. Not the fact that he doesn't like me but I just can't get hurt again. My heart has been though to much to go though that pain again. _--Zoey 101--_ I sat holding my paper tightly. I was up next after Lester finished his one lined explanation about love. How can you fit love into one line. "Love hurts and kills deep within you," Lester spoke madly. "Dana your turn," the tacher said. All eyes were on me. I rose from my seat to the seat in the front of the class. "Love. Simple and sweet. Shy and untamed. Weird and the same. Love is something that is unexplainable because so many feel it in different ways. How it is different is amazing to each one of us. Yet unbelievable because all us feel it. Love is just. Love is just that of no explanation. When hidden it becomes untamed. When showed it can be showed back or be put to shame. Love can hurt love can be your shield. No matter how you try to run away Love is just Love so you can't. It is simple, sweet, innocent, sexy,gown, shy, untamed, weird, outspoken, and so much more. Any adjective or noun can be used to explain Love," I finished. I took my seat. The class clapped for me. "You that is what is what I wanted. Love is unexplainable. Everyone that went up here said love to then. Okay Logan," the tacher said. "Ready?" Logan asked the class. "_Love_ is when you can't sleep because you can't stop thinking about **them**. _Love_ is when you cant talk cause your afraid your gonna say something stupid in front of **them**. _Love_ is when you barely move cause your scared you will do something dumb in front of **them**. _Love_ is when you stare at the phone for hours hoping that **they**'ll call. _Love_ is when the only thing that makes u feel better is **their** smile. _Love_ is when people can say anything to you or about you and you just don't **care**. _Love_ is when you get online and you sit there for hours and wait for there annoying sound so you can finally talk to **them**. _Love_ is when you find someone that you can tell everything and your sure they wont make fun of **you**," he said and took a deep breath. He looked at me for the rest. "_Love_ is when you look a mess yet **you** are still beautiful. _Love_ is when they would do anything to see **you** smile. _Love_ is when there dying and the last thing they want is to hear **your** voice one last time. _Love_ is when every song reminds you of **them**. This is love and what you mean to me, Dana" he said. He looked to the clock. The bell rang no one moved. I didn't speak. The class waited on me. I didn't know how to responded. "I wish I got this attention everyday in class," our teacher said. Logan looked at me with pleading eyes. When he realized I wasn't answering he turned around to leave the classroom. "Wait," I said. He turn back around showing a hurt face. "Logan I do love you but. . ." I said. "Give him a shot," one girl yelled. "Yea," some said. I smiled at this. "You really love me?" I asked. "Duh," he said. "Don't come out smart to me," I said. He rolled his eyes at my comment. I leaned back in my chair. "Sure. I go out with you," I said looking straight in his eyes. "Finally," someone said. "Wait no one is leaving yet?" our tacher asked. "They have to kiss," someone said. I laughed again at this. Logan raised an eyebrow. He walked to me. I laid my hand on my palm. He got down on one knee to be level with me. Then he gently cupped my face with one hand. He kissed me sweet and innocently. "Awww," was heard though the class. The students began to file out. I got up and walked out the class room side by side. Logan looked at me. He kissed me again. This time filled with passion and intense love. "I hate you for doing that," I said. "You know you love me. Happy Valentines day," he said. End file.
Love just is by chichicutie
Zoey 101
Christmas Joy **So here's my little Christmas drabble! The idea is slightly based off this commercial I saw...I can't remember what it was for though. Oh, well. Enjoy!** --- "Zoey?" Chase whispered into the dark, making sure not to step on any of the toys scattered throughout the room. "Shh!" Zoey warned, patting the spot next to her. "She just fell asleep." Chase nodded, settling himself down next to Zoey. _I can most defitnely get used to this_, Chase thought, Zoey curling into his side. "Chase?" Zoey said after a while, poking him in the side, "I just realized this is Joy's first Christmas." "It is, isn't it?" Chase replied with a smile. "Do you think she'll remember it?" Zoey laughed lightly, stroking the little amount of brown hair that Joy had. "She looks just like you." "We-" Before Chase could say anything else, he was interrupted by Joy's cries. "Well, it was good while it lasted," Zoey yawned. "Your turn." "What? I-_Zoey_!" Zoey ignored his pleas, getting up from their bed and heading downstairs. --- **I feel all happy and stuff now. Meh.:/** End file.
Christmas Joy by omggcece
Zoey 101
Only Exception **Disclaimer: Yes, of course I'm Dan Schneider. I like to come on here to write what **_**I**_** thought should happen but was obviously overruled by the writers and Jamie Lynn's baby.** Obviously that was sarcasm. Anyway, enjoy! =) * * * ><p>Only Exception<p> There was no denying that she made him feel different. She made him feel what he had never felt from anyone nor ever returned. She made him feel loved. And he loved her back with all his heart. Though he never admitted it to her or anyone else besides himself, she had always known. It was like another sense to her; she seemed to always know what he felt. Of course, he had this same sense with her. This, he learned, was the reason why she had never said those three words that he figured out she had felt. It was in her eyes. The eyes that refused to shed a tear if anyone was around. Those same hazel eyes bore into his own. The eyes that no matter what happened to him, he could not, and would not, forget. Because he loved her. At a young age, after another failed marriage each of his parents endured, he refused to love no matter what good it could bring. He only focused on the pain that he had witnessed in his life. He vowed to not fall despite how pretty she might be. But, as with everything else, she had been the only exception. He knew that she was the only exception and she would be the only one. Despite whoever he came to love later in life, he would never love them the way he loved her. Love has no age, both of them knew that and thus the reason both of them believed, and knew, it was true. Yet, he had a reason to be afraid and so did she. Her hazel eyes had also witnessed the despair and pain that love brought. She vowed to push people away, though it was in a different way that he did. And as she was to him, he was the only exception. A feeling had settled in the pit of his stomach when he learned of the news. He had been the first she had told. They never had an actual relationship but they were close and they both loved each other. Words were not needed for them. They had created their own language; a language branched and connected between them. Until the day they die, each would remember that language, no matter the time that has passed. He had visited her once. It was cold and the weather was horrible. But they embraced it. They embraced the one night they had together in what seemed like forever. Neither he nor she knew the next time they would see each other so they had spent every moment beside the other. Not many words had to be spoken but they had fallen back into sync if only for that one night. He had brought a t-shirt that night, one that she had picked out for him, to commemorate their night. He wore that shirt in school when it had returned. No one questioned it though, much like he had wanted. She was his secret from them and he was hers. Their friends needn't know of their friendship. This was the one thing that they had kept secret despite that they promised to tell each other everything. They were each other's exception. Here he stood, in a crowded train station as he checked his watch. He had graduated a week or two ago, the days already blending together for him. He needed to get away from everyone and take a trip to anywhere. There had been a special, buy one round-trip ticket from California to New York and get one free. He shrugged and accepted it gratefully, intending on giving it to someone else in need to get away. A whistle was heard throughout the train station. He glanced around, watching the doors to a train closed and loved ones waved to the windows, barely able to make out the faces behind them. The hustling and bustling of the people around him did not affect him. He mind was clear and his focus was to wait for his train and nothing else. Not a thought was to pass his mind, he told himself, or else he would have second thoughts and never go through with this spontaneous plan. Of course, she entered his mind; she was the only exception. He tried to think of what she looked like now. Had her hair changed? Did she grow taller or more ample? Did she still care about him? The last question echoed in his head. She still cared about him, he told himself. He was not being cocky but just stating something he knew. And he still cared about her. His eyes wandered the train station once more before landing on a figure not far away. Her curls were not as big before and her blonde highlights were replaced with a light brown. She wore simple ripped blue jeans that, he very proudly noticed, exemplified her figure as well as the black tank top and white short sleeved t-shirt that was over it. She stood, turning her Converse covered feet every which way as she looked for a place to buy a ticket. He noticed her loud, frustrated sigh and was prepared for her to reveal the angry girl he always knew. She suddenly stopped when her hazel eyes met his light brown ones. Her tough exterior and his cocky one slipped away. It had been years since they saw each other but they had kept in touch. Time differences were difficult and though he was not one to hang onto a girl for a long time, he did because she was the only exception. And she knew this since she would constantly keep her tough persona up around everyone she knew but he was the only exception. He dropped every bag he had as did she. The mere thirty yards that separated them was killing. He was not one for cheesy moments and neither was she. In fact, she hated them with the passion. So why was she there, running towards him and he ran towards her. He was the only exception. His arms grabbed her around the waist once in reach and he twirled her while keeping her close. She never let anyone hug her but he was the only exception. Her eyes met his again as he gently put her down but not daring to put any space between them in fear of her leaving once more. His heart could not handle it again. She spoke, her voice the most amazing sound he had ever heard. He hung on every word as if his life depended on it because he wished to treasure every moment he heard her talking. "You should be glad you don't have a black eye right now," she spoke with a smile. A smirk was not on his face but a smile. "I knew you always wanted me, that's why you'd never hurt me," he responded in a somewhat cocky tone, the smile never once turning into a smirk. She stepped on his foot much like she did in eighth grade. He laughed as her juvenile actions, ones he would most likely be annoyed with if it were any other girl but she was the only exception. "So," he began as they each grabbed their bags and walked towards an awaiting train. "Do you want to join me for a trip, Dana?" He held up the free ticket he had received as they stopped walking and looked at each other on the platform. Her smile had suddenly widened and she grabbed the ticket out of his hand before he could take back the offer. "A trip with Logan Reese, who would have known," she teased, egging him on. He laughed more and shrugged. "You should only be so lucky." She punched him in the shoulder in a playful manner before entering the train first. He followed her as she picked the window seat, a seat which she learned over the years, _he _loved. He rolled his eyes at her and plopped beside the beauty that he loved. And she knew that because she loved him too. He would have preferred a journey alone with time to think and straighten out his thoughts but he sat here on the train, a real smile on his face because she sat beside him. And he would not have it any other way because she was the only exception. Her eyes drifted from the window to his. Their language was in use again as if it had never stopped despite not being practiced in three years. Then, he admitted to her, in words out of his mouth, that he loved her. Love was something he vowed never to fall into nor say aloud. She did the same and admitted her harbored love of which they both knew of, breaking the only promise she had to herself to never fall in love. But he was her only exception as she was his. * * * ><p>This was a completely different style of writing then what I normally do but I am proud that this is my first FanFiction. YAY! :) haha. But thank you for whoever reads this oneshot.<p> Obviously I was listening to "The Only Exception" by Paramore while reading this so thank that for this stroke of inspiration. Thanks! Stay tuned for more. :) actionslouderthanwords End file.
Only Exception by actionslouderthanwords
Zoey 101
It is my Birthday **It is my Birthday** **One shot** It all began for him the moment he saw her. His life, his heart, his breath. Nothing would ever be the same. He knew that moment he told everything was going to changed. He wondered how she would react to this. All his friends told her she loved him as well. Friends don't always know everything, though. He was going to tell her. It was his birthday today. It was Spring Break so all of his friends left expect for her. They didn't forget his birthday. They did left boxes and basket fill of gifts but it wasn't the same. **Chase's POV** I was sitting on a bench thinking of how I was going o tell her. When she just sat down next to me. "Zoey I need someone to talk to someone . . .," I told her. "Chase I'm always here for you. You know that," she told me. "I know," I told her sadly. "What is wrong Chase?" she asked me. "I like her **so** much Zoe," I told her. I had told Zoey of my undying love for a female. Yet she doesn't know it is her. She has been encouraging me to tell her like a good bestfriend would do. I don't want her be my bestfriend. I want her to my girlfriend. "Talk to her." "I don't know. . . she'll never like me," I said stating the fact. "Don't say that. You're amazing," Zoey said while looking in my eyes. "I just wanna tell her how I feel . . ." "Then tell her," she said a little annoyed. "She won't like me." "How do you know that?" she asked. "Trust me. I can just tell," I told her. "Well, just tell her," she said. "What should I say?" I wanted to know how Zoey would like me to tell her I love her. "Tell her how much you like her," Zoey said stating the obvios. "What if I tell her that daily?" "What you mean?" "I'm always with her. I love her," i told my closet friend. "I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me," she sounding depressed. "Wait. Who do you like?" I asked madly. "Ooh, some boy," she said. "Ooh, she won't like me either," I said noticing she wasn't going to spill. "She does." "How do you know?" I asked. "Because who wouldn't like you?" she said with a slight blush that went unnoticed. "You," I said playfully but really being quite serious. "You're wrong. I love you," she said. "I love you too," I said laughing along. "So are you going to talk to her?" she asked me. "I just did," I told her looking straight in her eyes. No laughing or playful smirk. After all it was my birthday so when I blow out those candles I need to 0think of a wish. Since Every year I was for the same thing, too be with Zoey. This year, hopefully, the wish will not have to be made. There is the other boy she likes. "Are you for real?" She asked. I nodded my head. Zoey grinned. She kissed me as my checks turn crimson. "Happy birthday," she whispered. End file.
It is my Birthday by chichicutie
Zoey 101
Fabulosity **Fabulosity** **By: Lyss Will Be Famous ** **Authors Note: I changed my pen name, used to be Tears on My Cheeks.** **Summary: **She's perfect. I'm not. She has perfect hair, clothes, friends, just...a perfect life. And I'm jealous. Short fluffy oneshot. Dana POV.Reviews are loved. I wake up. The sun is shining in on my room, as always. There she is, brushing her silky blonde hair. Now, she moves over to Nicole. "Wake up, Nicole." I hear her say. Ugh. Even her voice is perfect. I watch her some more. She moves gracefully, almost gliding across the room to get her makeup bag, and as she sits down in front of the makeup mirror, I can't take it anymore. "I'm going to breakfast." I say. "Without us? If you can wait just a few more minutes, I'll be ready." She says. "I think I'd rather go now. I have to see someone." I say. The truth is, I don't. But I need to get out. I can't stand it in here. I walk into the breakfast area, and sit down at an empty table. "How's the banana?" A voice says from behind. Of course, it's Logan. "Banana-ish." I say. I don't want a conversation. "So how's it like to live in a world of fabulosity?" He says. "What do you mean?" I snap. "Zoey's perfect. So's Nicole. You're not. Still, fabulosity surrounds you." He says. Is that really what he thinks of me? "Gee, thanks." I say, with my head down. I'm crying...yeah. I never thought someone like Logan Reese could hurt me. I get up to leave. "Dana, wait." He says. I keep walking. For once in my life, I'm crying. Because of Logan. That's not supposed to happen. That was never supposed to happen. I go to sit on the beach. I sit down. I watch the waves come in, and splash the hot sand. "Hey." He says. "Go away." I say. "Look, Dana. I want you to listen to me." He says as he sits down. "I didn't want you to cry. I'd never want you to cry. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I want you to be happy. You're the only thing that makes me angry. And that's only because you're always playing hard to get, and you don't even know it. You're amazing. You're beautiful, and even more beautiful when you cry. But, I don't recommend that, because if you cry, I cry." I smile. That's the sweetest, stupidest thing anyone's ever said to me. I think I like the idea of fabulosity, and that I'm not perfect. And then he kisses me. And I let him. And I like it. **The End. Err, I can't believe you guys! I just need one more review on singled out. Ha, but I guess I'm not going to get it. I know, this is short, but I got bored. Soooo...yeah.** End file.
Fabulosity by allyyyy
Zoey 101
Black Keys **The AN:** Just a little something that I came up with. Nothing special. Hope you like it. R&R please. I put it into Zoey 101 and used Dana as charakter, but you can imagine anybody you like. **The Disclaimer:** Me. Not. Owning. Zoey 101. **The Story:** **_Black Keys_** She slowly breathed out the air inside her lungs, feeling the cold stream of breath touch her slightly opened lips. She sat down on the stool right next to the shining black grand piano and closed her eyes, hiding her dark chocolate colored iris from the world. She admired the darkness in the room. There were only three candles creating a wavering light that hid her body and face, only showing her petite shape. Letting her fingers slide over the perfectly smooth keys, she started moving her hands and played a wonderful melody. Everybody that was in the room felt the power coming from her music. The song was soft and bittersweet. You could feel her pain and joy she put into it. She opened her mouth and started speaking clearly. She wasn't singing, but telling the world what she had on her mind. "The piano is my favorite instrument..." Her sweet, angelic voice sounded through the room, filling it with her power and making everybody following each word she spoke. "A piano is perfect. The contrast between the shining dark wood it is made of and the perfectly smooth white keys is just amazing. And then the sound. If you play a song on a piano it always sounds exactly the same, while there's always a slight difference when you play other instruments. The note you play is always right and the same. All these things seem perfectly loveable, but they aren't the features that make me love it." She held her head up straight, her eyes still closed and started smiling slightly. "The features that I love the most are invisible to the majority of people. Only a few of the real professional players notice and use them, because it's very difficult to play them without having a strange sounding melody. They aren't as shining and as light as everything else. I think you can them almost call the dark side of a piano, while everything else is pretty and perfect." Pausing her speech, she kept on charming the touching music. Once again she breathed in and out. "I love the black keys, because they're imperfect and won't change for any might in this whole universe..." Her words sounded through the fully quiet room. Nobody noticed her shaking fingers, when she built up her courage to finish her speech, to speak her last sentence. The melody came to its bittersweet end, expressing an overwhelming pain, but at the same time the audience felt the hope that came from the petite girl on the stage. The last note lingering in the space, then fading ultimately. Everything went silent, the persons in the room were unable to look away from the girl shape on the stage. Then her angelic voice filled the room for the last time. "I love the black keys, because they're just like me." End file.
Black Keys by Itisjustmyself
Zoey 101
That White Cami **That White Cami** A one shot by Grey Eyed. It was an excruciatingly hot Saturday, and the gang was chillin at their usual lunch table, eating ice cream and laughing. Sweat poured over their hairlines, drenching six foreheads 'til they were shiny. Lola was banging her head on the cool metal table, leaving a small lattice pattern across her head. "It's so hot!" she exclaimed dramatically, wiping her eyebrows with a wet paper napkin. Zoey giggled miserably, pulling her hair off of her damp neck and up into a bright pink rubber band that matched her flip flops that lay discarded underneath the table. James, Michael, and Logan were shirtless, three totally different tee-shirts laying in a pile by a bush. A white muscle shirt was on the bottom, which Logan had pulled off upon arriving to the table. Next, was Michael's Rocket Pop tee all bunched up and inside out. Splayed out on top was a purple PCA sweatshirt, belonging to James. Michael began droning on about the word 'bicycle' and how flumpy it was, causing everyone to laugh hysterically. A drop of pink strawberry ice cream fell from Quinn's cone, staining her green babydoll tank top. She shrugged, and pulled it over her curls, tossing it atop of James's shirt. As she did this, the white camisole she had underneath rode up about two inches, and Logan could not stop staring down at her flat abs. She gave him a crooked smile, and a wink, and sat down pretending nothing at all had happened. **So, my inspiration for this? My brother. I got up off the couch (cause I'm sick. Bleh) and I'm so sweaty from my fever, so I pull my orange sweatshirt over my messed up hair, and start to walk through the kitchen to the bathroom. My mom stopped me and felt my forehead. I streatched, and my cami rode up an inch or two, and I swear to God my little brother, whose 11, was staring at my stomach. Creepy. Well, I got to go now, I just got relocated to the basement so my fam could watch Toy Story 3 on the Blu-Ray player. Not that I mind. It's reallllly cold down here, and I get to watch Cake Boss: Next Great Baker on our big screen TV.** **Disclaimer: Yeah, a middle aged man gave all rights to Zoey 101 to a sick Middle School fanfiction writer laying on a couch and typing through blurry teary eyes from her fever. Because that makes sense.** **Cheer me up with reviews, pleaaase? And make it Fabu. Make me jelly of your reviewing skizzles. (Anyone catch my Greggy impression, lol? I love him!)** **Grey Eyed (literally!)** End file.
That White Cami by Velosarahptor
Zoey 101
Girlfriend Girlfriend One shot **A/n: Just something I want to do!!!!! Dedicated to Athena, itz-dat-hypezie-kid!!!!!!** xx__ Dana sits on the grass doing last minute homework when Logan and his new blonde come up._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend!-_ Dana stands up and pushes the blonde out the way._ -No way! No way! I think you need a new one-_ She gives Logan a disapproving look._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend-_ Logan smiles back, playing games with her mind.__ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me- Logan lets the blonde continue on and follows Dana._ -No way! No way! No it's not a secret-_ Logan tries to grab Dana's hand, but Dana snatches it away._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend-_ She turns round and faces him. Logan reaches out for her hand again. Dana lets him.__ Verse 1 -You're so fine I want you mine- She grips hard and tries to pull away, stopping herself._ -You're so delicious I think about ya all the time-_ Logan looks deep into her eyes and leans in for a kiss._ -You're so addictive Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright?-_ Dana turns her head away rejecting it._ -Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious And Hell Yeah-_ She jumps back and pushes him hard._ -I'm the motherfucking princess I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right-_ Logan falls back as Dana spits in his face.__ Bridge -She's like so whatever You could do so much better- The blonde comes back. Logan reaches for her hand to help him up._ -I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about!-_ Girls giggle as they pass Logan and the blonde helps him up.__ Chorus -Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend!- Logan approaches Dana in the lounge._ -No way! No way! I think you need a new one-_ Dana rolls her eyes as girls giggle._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend-_ _Logan reaches for her hands again._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me- Dana's face goes red as she accepts and stands up._ -No way! No way! No it's not a secret-_ The blonde comes in and slaps Logan across the face._ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend-_ Everyone laughs hysterically as Dana slaps her back.__ Verse 2 _-I can see the way, I see the way you look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me-_ Dana covers her face and runs away._ -I know you talk about me all the time again and again So come over here, tell me what I want to hear-_ Logan doesn't follow, but makes it up to the blonde._ -Better yet make your girlfriend disappear_ _I don't want to hear you say her name ever again (And again and again and again!)-_ He kisses her. Zoey sees all of this. _Bridge_ _-She's like so whatever_ _You could do so much better-_ Zoey tells Dana. Dana cries into her pillow. _-I think we should get together now_ _And that's what everyone's talking about!-_ Dana gives up on life and goes around in a daze. _Chorus_ _-Hey! Hey! You! You!_ _I don't like your girlfriend!-_ No-one can get through to her. _-No way! No way!_ _I think you need a new one-_ Lola suggests a psychiatrist. _-Hey! Hey! You! You!_ _I could be your girlfriend-_ Dana freaks out and runs off. _-Hey! Hey! You! You!_ _I know that you like me-_ Zoey and Nicole search everywhere for her whilst Lola reads her magazine. _-No way! No way!_ _No it's not a secret-_ Logan finds out that Dana is missing and dumps the blonde. _-Hey! Hey! You! You!_ _I want to be your girlfriend-_ Logan runs around campus desperately looking for Dana. _-In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger_ _Cause I can, cause I can do it better-_ Dana sits on the beach as Logan ran past frantically. She smiles knowing what's running through his head. _-There's no other_ _So when's it gonna sink in?-_ Logan stops as he sees her out the corner off his eye. _-She's so stupid_ _What the hell were you thinking?!-_ He walks towards her. Dana stands up and retreats. _-In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger_ _Cause I can, cause I can do it better-_ Logan chases her around the beach. _-There's no other_ _So when's it gonna sink in?-_ Logan catches Dana and kisses him. _-She's so stupid_ _What the hell were you thinking?!-_ Dana brings him to the ground. _Chorus _ _-Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend-_ Zoey and Nicole see them lying side by side watching the sea.__ -Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me No way! No way! No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend- They laugh and walk back to their dorm. _-Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me No way! No way! No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend-_ Logan and Dana kiss passionately. Xx **A/n: Something different!!! Tell me what you think, please??????** End file.
Girlfriend by Zina Nevirone
Zoey 101
Thanks to Nicole! Thanks to Nicole! Chapter 1 Disclaimer: Please someone explain why we must waste time writing 'I do not own Zoey101' at the top of _every_ chapter. A/N: Oneshot to pass the time until I post ch. 6 of Snow causes Chaos. Read and Review! ----------------------------- Zoey Brooks, my motherly roommate, thinks I have 'chemistry' with my worst enemy, Logan Reese. My other roommates, Nicole Bristow and Lola Martinez, agree. Chase Matthews and Michael Barrett, Logan's roommates, tell Logan all the time about it. They think I don't hear them, but I do. Once I even heard them teasing Logan about liking me. That was a shocker. Logan asks me out all the time. I turn him down though. I mean, he is PCA's player. Why would I want to date him? The result of that would be a broken heart. I'm sitting in the lounge now. It's Zoey, Nicole, Lola, Chase, Mike, Logan and I. We are sitting in that order in a circle playing truth or dare, which is Nicole's favorite game. "Dana, truth or dare?" Logan asks. "Dare." I say and roll my eyes. "I dare you to...kiss me. A real kiss." He says. Nicole and Lola smile. Zoey just shakes her head. "Fine." I say as I turn to face him. I lean in and kiss him lightly. I swear as soon as our lips touched, I felt magic. Am I falling, quickly, for Logan Reese? I feel him lick my bottom lip and I part my mouth. After about 2 minutes tops, we pull away for air. His hands are in my hair, while mine are in his too. The gang cheers. "I told you Dana. You and Logan have chemistry." Zoey says. Way to ruin a moment Brooks. "Of course we do." I say sarcastically. "You do. You guys should go out. I even know the perfect song for you guys." Nicole rambles. "Which would be?" I ask with little curiousity. "It's called 'Our Song' by Taylor Swift. Wanna hear it?" Lola says and Nicole nods. "Sure why not." Logan says for me. Nicole pulls out her ipod and turns it up full blast. She says she has a song for Logan and I; Chase and Zo(which causes them to blush); and Lola and Mike(they blush too). Finally Nicole finds the song and she hits play. **( JUST A WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT READ THESE LYRICS YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THE REST OF THIS STORY! THAT IS ALL I WANT TO SAY!)** _I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car he's got a one hand feel on the steering wheel the other on my heart I looked around turned the radio down he said baby, is something wrong? I say nothing i was just thinkin' how we don't have a song and he said_ our song is the slamming screen door sneaking out late tapping on your window when we're on the phone and you talk real slow cause its late and your momma don't know our _song is the way you laugh the first date man i didn't kiss her and i should have and when i got home before i said amen asking god if he could play it again_ i was walking up the front porch steps after everything that day it gone all wrong I'd been trampled on and lost and thrown away got to the hallway well on my way to my loving bed i almost didn't notice all the roses and the note that said our song is the slamming screen door sneaking out late tapping on your window when we're on the phone and you talk real slow cause its late and your momma don't know our song is the way you laugh the first date man i didn't kiss her and i should have and when i got home before i said amen asking god if he could play it again la da da da da I've heard every album listened to the radio waiting for something to come along that was as good as our song cause our song is the slamming screen door sneaking out late tapping on his window when were on the phone and he talks real slow cause its late and his momma don't know our song is the way he laughs the first date man i didn't kiss him and i should have and when i got home before i said amen asking god if he could play it again play it again oh yeah uh uh yea i was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car i grabbed a pen and an old napkin and i wrote down our song When the song ends I look at Logan. He looks just as confused as I am. How do Logan and I fit that song? "I don't get it." I say. "I didn't figure you would. Take this paper, and you and Logan go to our room and read it. Together. It'll all make sense." Nicole says and hands me a paper folded in half. I stand and walk away with Logan right behind me. Once we get to the room, I sit on the couch and Logan sits beside me. I unfold the paper and skim over the words. It's all in a flashback. I remember some of it. The top says: Read this out loud. I turn toward Logan and start reading. (Bold- just the letter, Bold Italics- Nicole's version of the flashback. Ok? Ok.) **Dana and Logan, ** **I have been waiting forever to get the chance to finally let you guys read this. With the help of Zoey, Lola, Chase and Michael, I have created a long letter with flashbacks to explain the song. I hope it makes sense. Read on please. The first flashback is one of Lola's diary entries that she let me rewrite in here.** _**Dear Diary,**_ _**Why do Dana and Logan fight so much? It's an impossible question to answer. Zoey thinks it is because they like each other but I disagree. Michael tells me Logan likes Dana. Zoey says it is a love-hate relationship. I wish I knew if Dana liked Logan. I think she does. Today was crazy. Here's how it all went down.**_ _**Dana and Logan were arguing as usual. Logan called Dana the B word that I don't want to write. She screamed at him and called him a jerk. It seemed to hurt her. She kicked him in the knees and started to walk away. He grabbed her arm but she freed herself from his grasp. All this happened in our dorm, so Dana went toward the door. Logan followed and tried to reason with her. She slammed the door in his face. What a rough day. -Lola Martinez. **_ **Now you guys can see from Lola's view of the fight. Reread her second to last sentence. Fits with the song doesn't it. Here is another day that Zoey remembers. On this day, you guys were getting along. Shocker I know. This is exactly what Zoey said.** _**Logan was driving us to the mall. Dana was riding shotgun, while Lola and I were in the back. Nicole was in the other car with Chase and Michael. Logan had one hand on the wheel and I watched him put his other hand on Dana's knee. She looked surprised from what I could see, but she didn't push him away. She was in a daze that day anyway. It was the weirdest day ever.**_ **See guys. You two do have times when you aren't fighting. Chase and Michael told me this next part and say one thing. 'Logan please don't kill us.'** _**Logan was being weird that day. We asked him if he really liked -not to just makeout- really liked a girl. He said yes. That came as a surprise. Out of curiousity we asked who. He first threatened to kill us if we told. But he finally admitted to liking the one and only Dana Cruz. He actually said and we quote: 'I think I might even love her guys.' We just nodded. He would never admit it to her face-to-face. That's why we told the girls the next day and we started working on this letter.**_ **Dana, isn't he sweet? Look at him. Is he blushing? I bet he is. Logan, I know you probably don't like that we just told Dana your secret. But her is the good part for you. This is something only Zoey and I remember, because it was before we knew Lola.** _**We had just lost the basketball game. Dana looked right at us and said: 'I know I don't know you two that well but I'm going to trust you with this secret.' We nodded as we all sat down on a bench. She continued after making sure nobody was around. 'I hope I never have to see that Logan Reese again.(**_**Don't worry Logan. Keep listening)**_**.' We asked her why and her answer surprised us. 'If I do, I think I might fall in love with him.' Well the next day she found out she had every class with Logan. She told us that night that she was right. She said: 'Guys I was right. I saw Logan today and I hate to admit it but I fell in love.' We couldn't believe it.**_ **Well I guess I should let you guys talk this out now. You are in room 101 right? I know you are. Don't try to leave because we had Coco lock the door from the outside already. Much Love, Nicole. P.S- if you guys don't admit (face-to-face) you are in love with each other we will not let you out of the room. Bye again, Nicole.** Logan looked at me. I didn't know what to think. "Do you really love me?" He asked. "Yea." I whispered and turned very red. He moved closer to me and whispered right in my ear. "Good. Because I love you too." He whispered. "Really?" "Yep." He said. He looked at me for the longest time. He slowly leaned in and placed his lips on mine. It was so gentle. I think he was afraid of my reaction. But he seemed to calm down when I started kissing him back. Later that night, he asked me out. I said yes and we have been together ever since. He told me once, that when I said yes that day his dreams came true. That was the sweetest thing he ever said to me. Today though, is the day I am walking down the aisle. That's right, I'm 25 now. Logan asked me to marry him in front of everyone at college graduation. Of course, I said yes. I'm at the alter now. I guess it's time to say I do. And it makes it all the better that I'm saying it to Logan. ---------- **At the reception:** "Zoey Brooks, friend of the bride and groom, would like to say a few words." The dj said. Zoey stood up and walked to the microphone. "Hi everyone. Congrats Dana and Logan. I'm really happy for you. But the main reason I'm up here is to make an announcement. Chase Matthews has asked me to marry him. And I said yes." She smiled and Chase blushed! Everyone cheered. "Dana, Logan, do you guys have anything to say?" "I do." Logan and I said at the same time. "Well, they already act like husband and wife." Zoey said and got everyone to laugh. Logan and I walked up to the microphone together. We both hugged Zoey and she took her seat. Logan went first. "I just want to say, that today has been the best day of my life. Well the best since I met you, Dana." He said and kissed me lightly. The whole place erupted in applause. "Well how do I top that? No, I actually wanted to thank five special people. Without their help, Logan and I might not be up here today. Those people are Zoey Brooks(applause), Nicole Bristow(applause), Michael Barrett(applause), Chase Matthews(applause), and Lola Martinez. Lola couldn't make it tonight because she is in Japan filming a new movie. I think Zoey has her on webcam though." I said and we all looked to Zoey. _"Hey. I'm in Japan. We're taking a break from filming and I just wanted to say hi. I'm sooo sorry I couldn't make it guys. Logan, you better take good care of her. If you don't I'll kill you with my bare hands. And Dana, don't kill Logan. We know you always threatened him, but please don't. Congrats to Zoey and Chase too. I'm happy for all four of you. So I guess Nicole and Michael are next? Hope so. I have to go guys. Congrats and I love you like family." _Lola said and we waved as she clicked off her webcam. "Everyone, Lola Martinez." Logan said and everyone cheered. As Logan and I had our dance, he whispered in my ear. "I can't wait to start my life with you." He whispered. "Neither can I." I whispered back. We got in the limo later on to go on our honeymoon. The last thing I said to the gang before we pulled away was very special. "We wouldn't be here without you guys. Thanks to Nicole's letter, we found out about how the other felt. Love you guys." I said and Logan waved as we pulled away. I hope my life is awesome... **A/N: How was it? I thought is was kinda sappy but oh well. I'm good at making things sappy. I liked the title by the way. Haha. Review!** **-Breanna** End file.
Thanks to Nicole! by rockstar1212
Zoey 101
Just The Girl Author's Note: Dude, 2 stories in 5 minutes? What! Yeah, just a one-shot. As you can tell, I'm bored as heck. It's 1:30, and I heard this song in American Eagle today while I was shopping, and go figure, I was like, "Hahaha, Z101 fic for this." Disclaimer: Did I put this in my other story? Oh well, this counts for both. If I owned Z101, I'd be writing scripts, not Fan Fictions. * * * "Logan! You are so incompetant!" Dana shouted at lunch time, recieving plenty of stares from everyone. _She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin'_ "Yeah? Well, if I _knew_ what imcompetant meant, I would argue with you!" I shouted back, not even relizing whatI had done this time to make Dana go off. Maybe it was becauseI had stuck french fries upmy nose and tried to lick her face. Ha-ha, good times, good times. _She pushed me in the pool At our last school reunion She laughs at my dreams But I dream about her laughter Strange as it seems She's the one I'm after _ "Dana, you knew it was always my dream to lick your face."I stated and smirked at her. She scoffed rolling her eyes, and laughed at me. I knew she couldn't stay mad. _Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else_ Dana is the one for me. I'm crazy about her. And she doesn't even relize it. I don't want anyone else, no one but her. _She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for_ Dana stopped laughing and glared at me. She is so confusing! One minute, she's yelling, and then she's laughing, and then she's mad again. But hey, this is Logan Reese, I can't stay away. I love her. _She can't keep a secret For more than an hour She runs on 100 proof attitude power And the more she ignores me The more I adore her What can I do? I'd do anything for her _ One time, I told her a secret, I said that Zoey and Chase actually were together, but kept it from everybody. She freaked out in excitment, and went and told Nicole, who got mad at Zoey from keeping it from her. Which, Chase and Zoey got mad at me. And then Dana get's mad at me because I told their secret. But I can't have Dana mad at me. That makes me want her more. I'm a sap. Shut up. _Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for_ And when she sees it's me On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone She'd rather be alone I tried to call her afterward, but she wouldn't pick up. She didn't want to talk to me. I think it was because she was mad at me over nothing, and she didn't want to be embarassed. _But I can't give up just yet Cause every word she's ever said Is still ringin' in my head Still ringin' in my head_ She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin' She came to my dorm that night. Pretty much threw Chase and Michael out of their beds, right out the door. She muttered a, "I'm sorry." And she literally threw herself at me. And hey, what's a guy to do? She kissed me. Dana Cruz, DANGER CRUZ, kissed me. And I liked it. _Knows just what to say So my whole day is ruined_ She broke away and said, "We are never doing that again, Logan." She said to me, wiping her lips off with her sleeves." And she left. _Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more_ I wasn't going to let her get away with that. I followed her once she was out the door, and found her strutting, yes _strutting_ down the hallway. I can't take it anymore. She's mine. And she's going to find out. _Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more Oh, I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for Just the girl I'm lookin' for _ "Dana!" I had yelled after her. She turned around and smirked at me. What a bitch, she _smirked,_ at _me._ "Dana, I love you." "I know." Was all she had to say, and kissed me again. She is just the girl I'm looking for. _Just the girl I'm lookin' for She's just the girl I'm lookin' for Just the girl I'm lookin' for Just the girl I'm lookin' for_ _ * * * _ **Disclaimer:**_I do not own "Just The Girl" by "The Click Five"_ End file.
Just The Girl by dallascity
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 I have a bunch of ideas for new stories. Please tell me what you think I should write. Concept One: One of Quinn's experiments fails, and turns Dana into a guy! Concept Two: During a freak storm, Quinn and Nicole switch bodies. Concept Three: Good Luck, Charlie; Teddy and Skyler get more than they bargained for when they go to work for Calvin Tran. Concept Four: Zoey discovers a new destiny when she is asked to play Lightspeed in a Power Pack movie. 2. Idea Chosen! Ladies and Gentlemen... Concept Two has been chosen! It will be published as Switched in the Zoey 101 fandom End file.
Ideas by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
1. Study or not She sighed, continuing to read the book in front of her. On the other end of her bed was Dustin, her supposed tutor. Apparently, he was top of his class. She hated his obnoxiousness, but always figured the boy as kinda hot. That said, she did not expect to get what she would get by the end of this study date. "Ugh" Zoey sighed. "What's wrong now?" "I just don't get this!" "Well, relax a bit, it can be stressful." "Then how did you get the highest grade in the class!?" She flopped back onto her bed, sighing again. He approached her, and she sat back up. "You just need the right teacher", "Oh?" "Yeah, the right teacher can make all the difference you know" He took her hand and held it with one of his own. "Who do you think that teacher is then?" She asked him. "Me of course". He leaned his head in slowly, looking for rejection. No sign of it yet, he leaned in closer. Still no sign of rejection. He leaned in again, stopping just before their lips touched and she still hadn't rejected. In fact, she moved her head in to connect the void. His lips were soft, she thought they be rough. He was very gentle in their first kiss, just touching their lips together. It felt so great to finally get her first kiss, but she hardly thought it would be from Dustin. He leaned away slowly, breaking the kiss between the two. Zoey smiled warmly at him, he smiled back. She moved her hand up into his hair and moved closer to him, before touching against his lips again. His hands found their way unto her back, massaging her back. She purred into his lips when he touched the small of her back, as she tried to arch it inwards. This kiss was different, it was more passionate. Much more then a simple meeting of the mouth, this one was much more. She then felt his tongue rub against the bottom of her lip, and she sighed before opening her mouth and letting his tongue slide in. Dustin was taken aback by this. He swirled his tongue around inside her mouth, Zoey moaned into their kiss. They waged war in each other's mouths, meshing their tongues together. Meanwhile, Logan was slowly moving his hands farther down her back, stopping now right above her ass. Zoey hadn't noticed at the time, she was too busy concentrating on their lip lock. She wouldn't had noticed either, until his hands slowly began squeeze her from behind. She broke away and looked at him questionably as if to say 'What are you doing?' to him. She stepped away and told him she needed to go, before opening the door to his room and walking out. Dustin sat on the edge of the bed and burrowed his head into his hands to think. Was that wrong? Zoey was back over in his room to work on that project, although things were different between them. She had been kinda ignoring him since he touched her ass in his room the day before. This was strictly work for her, not to kiss Logan. Although she had to say, she really wanted to again. But that wasn't the point, she couldn't let Logan get what he wants. It would only add even more to his ego. "Zoey...listen." She looked up at him. "I'm...I'm...s-" "Sorry?" "Uh, yeah." "It's ok, I forgive you I guess." She looked back down into her book. Zoey's hair carelessly flopped into her face when she moved her head, Logan reached his hand out and draped the hair back behind her ear. He couldn't help but to notice how beautiful she was. Everything about her was. Beautiful eyes especially, he could get lost in them. She stared back at him, waiting to see what he'd do. He leaned in again, slowly, and initiated one more kiss with her. It was another slow kiss, soft and tentative. This was like starting over, Dustin wasn't sure if she'd accept him again after last time. But she did, and Zoey couldn't believe it herself. She wanted to break away. Well at least her mind did, her body would do no such thing. His tongue slipped into her mouth one more time. It slid into her mouth and quickly rubbed against her tongue. She curled her tongue back at his, swirling them around in their mouthes. Zoey moaned again, and leaned farther into the meeting of their mouthes. Dustin cupped her back again, and pulled her back up off of the bed to a standing position. Again his hands rubbed up and down her back, but this time he didn't go as far as before. Zoey broke away, looked up at him, and gave him an encouraging look. Was she telling him to continue? She really didn't want to, as it was only giving him the fuel to his ego, but she really wanted this. She moved back to his mouth again, initiating another kiss. His hands continued to caress her back softly, before sliding farther and farther back to her ass again. He slowly squeezed her cheeks, and she enjoyed the moment. She realized that this was a feeling she'd never felt before, and she liked it. Logan continued to squeeze and kneed her through her jeans, her arms wrapped around his neck and brought him closer to her body. His hands moved from behind her ass to her hips, moving to the hem of her t-shirt. He broke away and gave her a look, as if asking if it was alright. Zoey nodded, her heart rate shifting rapidly. He slid his fingers beneath it and pulled her t-shirt over her head. He looked over her chest quickly, she was clad in only her red bra on top. Her B-cup breasts looked so tempting. Her hands found their way to his chest, slowly rubbing his stomach through his t-shirt. His hands found their way to her front, unbuckling her belt and pulled it away from her. She felt her jeans fall to the ground, and she felt exposed to him. His hands went right back to her back, caressing. Dare he touch her ass through her panties? Slowly he moved his hands down and eventually onto her ass. Squeezing her bare ass cheeks lightly, and she moaned. His hands wrapped up to her front, running over her breasts lightly and back to her head. He cupped her face and continued to kiss, her hands had now found their way beneath his shirt. She broke from their kiss and slid his shirt up over his head, then she kissed him again. Zoey's hands ran up the front of his chest, his continued to rub her back and hips. She felt his hands move farther up her back, to the clasp of her bra. She waited in anticipation as he struggled with her bra clasp. He finally got it undone, and slid the straps down her shoulders. She felt the red bra slip away from her shoulders and she was now naked on top. Her arms immediately wrapped around her breasts, concealing them from him. He broke away. "No don't, you're beautiful". Zoey blushed, and he moved her arms. He took a great look at her breasts, before his hand slowly moved up. His fingers ran to her nipple, lightly encircling it with his finger. She held her breath and moaned, as he tickled her left nipple which was now a hard little nub. He pinched it lightly, before squeezing her full breast. His other hand moved up to her other, so now he was working on both at the same time. He laid her onto his bed lightly, before moving his mouth onto hers. He gave her a quick kiss before moving down to her neck, suckling and nipping at it. He laid kisses on her collar bone and moved farther down to her right nipple. Slowly he took it into his mouth, suckling on it like a little baby would. She moaned and ran her hands through his hair. Logan licked at her left nipple lightly, encircling his tongue around it before taking it back into his mouth and sucking more. His right hand was at her right nipple, tweaking it between his fingers. Zoey was moaning his name loudly now, as he teased her breasts, switching between them so that both gets full attention. She also felt something pressing against her stomach as he straddled her to play with her breasts, it was his erection. She would have been happy that she could do that to someone, could she think. And thinking at the moment, wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. The feelings of pleasure she was getting felt phenomenal. She couldn't believe how great Logan was at playing with breasts, she knew he must have had a lot of practice. "Dustin wait...". He detached from her breast and looked up at her. "I think you've done enough for now, my turn". She turned him over and went right to the area below his stomach. She grabbed the sides of his shorts and slid them down, freeing his boxers with a large tent protruding from the center. Her hands slowly slid against it, rubbing which elected a moan from him. Her fingers slipped beneath the waistband and slid it down, revealing his fully erect manhood. Her hands wrapped around it and slowly began to pump it up and down. Logan moaned. She flicked her hair back behind her ears and began to take the head of it into her mouth. Slowly, her tongue teased circles around the tip before encircling the entire thing with her mouth. Slowly she took more of him into her, and she began to suck lightly and nipple on it. Dustin was in heaven here as she played with his manhood. Her hands fondled his balls as she licked his shaft with his tongue. She switched between sucking, licking and nibbling which eventually brought Logan to his climax. He shook with the velocity of his orgasm that was caused by the beautiful girl next to him. He rolled Zoey onto her back and he laid above her, planting a kiss on her lips before trailing to her collar bone. He slowly eased his hips downward, entering his manhood into her. She felt him reach her virgin barrier. He looked at her, and she nodded. Slowly he pushed through it, muffling her scream with a kiss. He began to slide in and out of her slowly, the pain quickly turning to pleasure for her. Zoey moaned loudly as he sped up his thrusts, she was also moving her hips in unison with his gestures. He sped his thrusts up faster, kissing at her neck as he slid in and out of her. He lifted her off the bed and switched her onto her knees, sliding slowly into her doggy style. Faster and faster he went, hands gripping her hips as Zoey moaned louder and louder. Eventually he released himself into her, collapsing against her as she reached climax as well. 2. Zoey and Lola make "You're going out with Dustin!? Since when?" Zoey was met by this as soon as she told her friend the following day. "Yesterday" Lola was shocked that she hadn't heard, and she had always liked Dustin a bit herself. But she never pictured Zoey together with him, she always thought that it would be Chase that Zoey went out with. "We're not just going out though...I think we're in love. We had the most amazing night and" she was cut off. "Woah, woah, woah. You had sex with Dustin?" Zoey nodded and blushed. "How was it?" "Oh it was amazing, he is so great." Zoey was almost lost in her thoughts as she spoke, thinking of the boy she just spent the night with. "Was he a good kisser?" Lola questioned. "The best" "Oh, you know...I always thought I'd get to kiss him someday". "YOU like dustin?" Zoey was taken back a little bit by this, surprised that her room friend secretly liked her new boyfriend. "...Yeah...but it's ok if you like him". Lola was visibly shaken, Zoey could tell she was close to crying. "I'm going back to our dorm, see you". And with that she stood up, and went back to the dorm. She felt bad now, her best friend was crying because of her. Zoey stepped into her room, to see Lola sobbing quietly on her bed with her face down into her pillow. She stepped quietly over to her and sat at the edge of her bed. "Lola?" The crying girl rose her head from her hands, "Oh, hey Zoey" "Whats wrong?" "Nothing". Lola turned back into her hands. "Something's wrong..." "No, its ok Zoey." "You're upset because of me and Logan?" Lola turned over onto her back. "No Zoey, I told you it's ok". "Doesn't seem like you're ok" "I'm fine..." "Lola, come on now". Her hands rose back to her face, buried into her face and tried to hold back tears. Zoey sighed, lid down next to her friend and moved her hands away from her face. "Come on, talk to me about this." "Fine, fine. Yes, I liked dustin, and I didn't think you did. But suddenly you're going off and having sex with him." "If I knew you liked him I would never have done it, you're my best friend and I wouldn't want to hurt you." Lola smiled and reached over, hugging her friend tightly. Zoey lifted her lips onto Lola's in a soft and slow kiss. Lola was surprised, but closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Zoey's cherry tasting lips rubbing against hers. Lola wrapped her arms around Zoey's neck, pulling her down onto her. Zoey's hands continued to roam the sides of Lola, and along her hips, as the girl below her sighed lightly into their kiss. Lola always dreamt of this moment, when she finally kissed her best friend, who she always had a thing for. Lola didn't think of herself as a lesbian, but it just felt so right at this moment, with Zoey lying against her with their lips attached. Lola wrapped her slender arms around the waist of her friend, keeping her tight to her body. She snaked her tongue out of her mouth, and slowly licked a circle around the inside of her lips, prompting Zoey to open her mouth and to allow it to slip inside. Their lips swirled and twirled in Zoey's mouth, Lola exploring every inch of her mouth. Lola slipped her tongue out and began to pepper the woman above her with kisses on the corner of her mouth, before sucking on her top lip lightly. While her hands skimmed down the blonde's back. Desperate to see how her chest looked, Lola pulled away from Zoey's lips and pushed her over onto the bed. Eager fingers reached to the shoulders of Zoey's tank top and began to pul each strap of it down over her shoulders with encouragement from Zoeys panting. Then she reached around and grabbed the clasp of her bra, pulling off the final barrier between her and her best friend's breasts. The brown-eyed girl's breasts were perfect in their perkiness tipped with dusty pink-colored nipples. Even the larger areolae surrounding the buds did not take away from their perfectness. They were a bit bigger then hers, but simply amazing. Tentatively, Lola reached for the heaving orb and cautiously tested its weight. Relishing the feel of it in her hand and hearing no protest, she carefully cupped the flesh and waited for a reaction. Zoey gasped then moaned from the squeeze on her teat, and arched her chest to receive more. Noticing the unspoken demand, she gripped it more firmly and listened to her moans of delight. Wanting to hear more, her idle hand grabbed the lonely breast and clutched them at the same time, rolling them in her hands. The blue-eyed girl loved the reactions she was getting from her, and absolutely loved having Zoey's breasts fill her palms. She loosened her grip on the mounds and moved her fingers towards her erect nipples. Using her forefinger and thumb, Lola lightly pinched both nipples. A louder groan was her answer and once more she pinched them but harder. The blond reveled in the stimulations on her hardened peaks and covered the other girl's hands with her own to add to it. Together they squeezed her breasts while the girl above her kept tweaking her nipples. Releasing her grip, they both separated so that Zoey could repay Lola. With shaky hands, the brown-eyed female grasped the hem of Lola's shirt and pulled it up over her head, then much like Lola had did, removed the bra. Lola's mounds sprung free from their confinement. Unlike her best friend, there was no hesitation in her movement as she grabbed Lola's smaller orbs and squeezed them roughly. Her friend's cry of pleasure spurred her on to continue the treatment. Her fingers soon worked their way to the tips, and instead of pinching she twisted them. Another cry passed her lips and she enjoyed every minute of it. The blonde haired girl rolled and twisted the nipples again then squeezed her mounds. Lola was thrown off-guard as Zoey suddenly smashed their mouths together. The action caused her to lose her hold on the other's chest, but she didn't mind as it allowed their bare breasts to press together. They both moaned at the feeling and pulled each other more closely, before rubbing their chests together, sliding nipple on nipple and sending pleasure ripping through their bodies. Zoey loved the treatment, but rolled Lola over once again. She leaned down and kissed her on the lips for few moments, before she nibbled her way along her neck to her shoulder. The blonde girl bit, nipped and sucked on her pulse point, then moved across her collarbone with kisses. Her mouth soon found her bosom, where she placed small pecks along the top of the breasts then to the outside and underside of them. She figured she was doing something right with the way Lola was moaning, so she upped the ante by closing in on the straining nipple. Licking the area around it, she soon flicked her tongue against the tip and was rewarded with a louder moan. She kissed it, then wrapped her lips around the bud and sucked. The response was cry of pleasure, and the girl gave a higher keen when she flicked the bud and began to grind her hips together with Lola's. While she did this, her hand grabbed and massaged the other breast before she switched to give it the same treatment. Lola's hands gripped and squeezed her friend's ass as she treated her breasts. Wanting to explore the rest of Lola, Zoey left her breasts and kissed down her slender frame. She laid kisses along Lola's stomach, then she removed her jeans, then kissed the girl's thighs, and hips, moving inwards. Zoey stopped at Lola's panties. "Zoey stop!" Zoey looked up at Lola in surprise. "This is shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry." Lola rose up off the bed and retrieved her jeans and top, quickly put the clothing back on. "Zoey, don't get it wrong, I enjoyed this, but it just isn't right. I'm going to get a shower, sorry". Zoey was amazed that Lola had just gotten up and left her after all that they had just done to each other. Guess they really did just get caught up in the moment. End file.
It started with a study date by m1tt
Zoey 101
1. Break ups Disclaimer- I don't own Zoey 101 so leave me alone **Zoey POV** Everyone was breaking up this week, Quin with Mark, Lola with Lipe, Logan with his usual six and Michael with Liza. Only Chase and I had survived the break up plague because we have no one to break up with. Lola cried into her pillow as Quin march around their room looking for a chemical called "Quintoium" to use on Mark, all I could do was pulled my pillow around my ears trying to mute them out. Wishing for noting more then a way to make everyone forget about their exs. "Hello ladies, good news." Michael and the boys barged through the door looking exicted at least until they saw what a wreak the we looked like. "It not the best time Michael." Lola sniffed out pushing the last tears from her eyes. She always seemed to try to look her best around Michael. "Come girls you know you want to hear." Logan said in a _I'm so amazing_ kinda of voice. I glanced over at Chase, he looked really hot in the depressing atmosphere of the room. **Wait Chase can't be hot he's not allowed to be hot! I'v been thinking this all week so why wouldn't I stop!** I looked over at him again, and couldn't believe my eyes. His brushy hair looked really cute with it's spiraling curls. His sorta shrimpy body looked really hot in his usual t-shirt and jeans. And his crooked nevouse smile was so attracting** OH MY GOD I like Chase!** "So who wants to go camping?" Logan said everyone stared at him. Camping meant no computures, no mirrors and no rest rooms,all of whitch Logan can't live with out. "Logan are you okay? You just said Camping." Quin said slowly because of the fact that Logan may have had inhaled one of Quin's chemicals. "You know camping means no luxries like toliets or beds?" "Oh please you think I would go _camping_ camping. My dad bought me a cabin with everything." Logan anwsered. Alright that makes a bit more sense then befor** but what about the crush on Chase that makes no sense! **"So who wants to go?" Lola, Quin and I all looked at each other opened our mouths and in unsion said. "No" "Come don't leave us alone with Logan!" Chase said in a moaning voice. Alright now that I knew I had a crush on Chase I really want to go! But not even Chase is worth, a weekend with the only boys. "All the greatest directors have summer houses there," Michael said to Lola. I gave a small smile, it was obvious that Michael liked Lola, and from what I could see Lola had just felt a spark when he spoke. "Also it is pretty quiet there perfect for making experiments that should be illegal." Logan said as he glanced at Quin who was holding a pink substance, Quintoium. I rolled my eyes Logan and Quin so belonged together. As the sayings go, opposites attact and it was safe to say those to were opposite. **So many crush but none will pair!** "Well I suppose if I can do experiments with inturuption would be nice..." Quin's voice trailed but it was ovious she wanted to go. "Alright ladies we are leaving tommorow morning at seven, here are your lists." Logan than handed out a sheet of paper to everyone. I glanced over the list and gave out a laugh. "Bikini's are a necessary. Logan I think that is a little stuipd, wait strach that really stuipd." I laughed, I couldn't help it was such a dumb thing to put on the list. I heard the door close and realized that the boys had already left, leaving me very annoyed 2. Reasons **Quinn's POV** I looked over the things I was packing into my backpack, mostly clothes since for once I had no plans to do inventions. This was suprising even to me but this vaction was not going to be all work. Logan was what I was surronding my vaction around, yes I use to hate him, but now I was basically in love with him now. Nobody knows this but me and Logan, but the whole reason stuipd Mark broke up with me was because I defended Logan from some nerds _aka_ Marks best friends. I can't really remember why Logan hadn't punched them yet or what they were teasing about but remember Mark showing up and yelling at me about not siding with his friends. After that we got in a huge fight and he dumped me for me blonde chem-freak (I'm talking worst than Quinn!). I went back to my dorm and cried then the boys showed up and Zoey told them what happened. Logan disappeared for about an hour and came back looking flushed and mad. "Quinn are you bring that green bathing suit?" Lola asked me and pointed to my only bathing suit a two piece. Light green and not to flashy, Logan would probably disaprove of it but it was my only one and covered up me body enough for me to feel comforable. "Hey do you guys think Chase would like this?" Zoey held up jeans was a flower pattern sewed onto a back pocket. Suddenly a word caught on to my ear that really gave me raised eyebrows. "_Chase_" I raised my voice a couple times to high. Zoey blushed than turned away form us clearly saying she wanted to drop the subject. **2 hours Later** I stared up at my ceiling, it was 11 o'clockand I had eight more hours of this until I got in a car and drive up for 2 hours with Logan to the cabin. Yipee, can't wait for that drive. Not. Zoey was sleeping on her bed so quietly compared to Lola's sleep talking. Logan was dorm buildings away doing god knows what, probably sleeping off his ego **Yippee back to insults I falling out of love with the hotness of Logan, ack nooo! I said he was hot must stop! LOGAN IS NOT INTO YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!** Not too awful? 3. Grossed out Dinner **Quinn POV** The Limo was so large, and yet I have never felt more cramped. I was sitting next to Logan. _Logan_, and yet I can't help but glance at him every two minutes. I don't think anyone has seen me looking at him but, I really wish I would stop. I looked out the window and couldn't help feeling excited, we were going to one of the most beautiful places, (so I looked it up on the internet sue me). Then I saw something that really made me happy, the cabin was just coming into veiw. "Master Reese we are coming to the cabin would you like me to get the lugage?" Said the driver sitting in the front. "Yes please." Logan said in a sorta off hand voice. **Because god forbid we carry are **_**own things**_. When they got inside the cabin I immeaditly took it back, the cabin was _huge_! There floors, a pair of double stairs that spialed up to six bedrooms. Also there was a giant kichen, 3 living rooms, and 4 bathrooms. Not only that but a beautiful lake was a short walk down a old beaten path. "Misses is up the left stairs, Misters up the right your lugage will be brought up shortly, please make yourselves comfortable. **That won't be a problem** **Lola POV** My room was so big I couldn't help but squeal. My bed was so comfortable I could have fallen asleep, I must have because when I opened my eyes Michael was standing over me. **God why does he have to be so cute? Lipe's apple kiss scored a six but Michael scored a nine! A NINE! Besides Lipe is such a idiot any way Michael and me might had a chance but noo he is my friend!** "Uh Lola dinner is served you want to come down." His voice was so well you know soothing and it made feel really sleepy. I stood up and pulled back my bangs so I could see better. "Sure I'm kinda starving." I laughted out, then we walked downstairs to the kichen. A really spicy and sorta weird smell filled up my nose, I looked behind the stove counter to see who was cooking, and of coarse it was a master chef hired by Mr. Reese. "What's for dinner?" I said plopping down between Zoey and Logan. "Something from my native country." Said the chef who had a rather weird accent. Then she pick up a dish and put it down on the table, on it was something that made us all lose our appatite. Inside the dish was about 13 red bloody blobs. "Lamb hearts! My favorite!" The women clapped her hands together, and we all scattered covering our mouths. **Okay befor I get grossed out about some one telling me that some country does eat lamb hearts please let me say this ****I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! ****Any way I'm greek do you want to know what is appartently good? Fish eyeballs! And Lamb body parts! I'm a veggiehead I don't want any of it! ** 4. The Lake **Lola's POV** I stared up at my ceiling, **alright the food could be fixed but a week here doesn't sound too bad... and tommorrow I get to see Michael in a bathing suit!** **Next Day** "God it's beautiful day!" Zoey said as the walk down a path. I don't how she could see the sky with a canpoy above our heads. Still it wasn't very humid out so we weren't sweating. "Well check out the lake!" Logan said and pointed at a beautiful lake. Off to the side o the lake was a tall golden looking tree, its roots hung over the side reflecting in the crystal clear water. On the other side of the lake was a medium sized waterfall, at its bottom mist shimmered in the morning sun. Zoey, Quinn and I were just putting down our towels, we had no intention in going in the water especially since it was so early in the morning, but the boys had a differnt plan. Michael grabbed me around the waist, and I was so dumbstruck that he was holding me around my waist simply was hung like a rag doll. Michael jumped into the lake, and me in his arms was pulled into with him. I let out a scream, and quickly shut my mouth befor the water could enter, the water wasn't as cold as I thought, actually kinda warm. When this registered in my mind I immeaditly got out cause who knew what made it warm, but to my surprise Michael didn't get out he actually looked relax. "Uh Logan why is the water warm? It's a lake and it eight in the morning!" I said with a shiver cause again it was morning. "It is called a heated lake and don't ask me how no one knows" Logan said once he surfaced, Quinn next to him. "Oh." That was all I could say I was sorta embrassed at myself for getting out. "Well come on Lola get back in!" Zoey shouted at me, to my surpise that no made fun of me for getting out. I looked around for a fast way in other than walking in, I saw a rope swing hanging over the water, it way the quickest way in the water. I ran up to the rope and clung on, the jump looked easy but I felt scard any way. "Come on Lola!" Chase shouted, it was so too late to turn back. I jumped onto the swing and pulled it back. **Here goes nothing** and I let go of the ground and swung forward. When I let go of the swing almost immeaditly I hit the water with a splash. I quickly surfaced and looked around, Michal was looking at me with a sorta of playful glare. My splash had gone straigt at him with full force, and everyone was laughing, even me and Michael and me. **Alright heated ponds are in Hawaii because of the lava, I put the heated lake in because it fit not cause it was geological ** 5. Horror and Kissing Cave **I stayed home sick and I bored... sue me** **P.S- here is chapter for Chase and Zoey fans no kisses... yet** **Chase POV** Dragged ourselves out of the water into the late afternoon air. I shivered as I glanced around for my towel, it was balled up on the ground near Zoey's towel. I reached out to get it, but apartenly lady luck loves to tease me because my towel was lifted into the breeze. I ran after it, but something was in my way, and that something was Zoey. I crashed into her with so much force that we topppled over, with her on top of me. **Alright, **_**awkward**_** doesn't even cover how in embrassing this is**. Zoey was blushing like crazy just like me and even though everyone else was laughing nearby in my ears they sounded far away. At least until Logan thought it was to funny to resit sayinga very embrassing fact "The kissing cave is beind the waterfall can you guys please go in there and save our eyes from the sight." Zoey and I stood at once in embrassment at his suggestion and almost completely changing the subject away from me and Zoey Quinn asked, "Kissing Cave?" Quinn asked curiousily. 'Do you mean people go back there and..." her voice trailed off "Yes they go back there and make out, the name explains it, keep up people." Logan said annoyed. "And you have experince there?" Lola said holding back a giggle. The giggle bursted out when Logan face burned crimson. "Shut up Lola." Logan snapped and then he marched down the path to the cabin/mansion. -**Back at the cabin** I really wanted to curl up on my bed and go to sleep but Logan insisted that we watch a scary movie. It wasn't like I couldn't resist watching a scary movie with Zoey. So we all curled up on the coach, from right to left the seating order was Micheal, Lola, Quinn, Logan, me, and Zoey, and of coarse Logan did the excat opposite of what we told him and put in "Shinnyuusha". I guess Logan was proud of himself for suggesting that we watch a horror movie that in some countries is banded, because half way though the movie the girls turned their faces into us (Zoey to Chase, Quinn to Logan, Lola to Michael). Unforantly this meankt that we were force to watch the entire horror movie without flinching or we would look weak in front of the girls. When the movie was over, I was nearly shaking and I was sure that my eyes were dinner plates. Logan and Micheal were just as bad as me and we had aleready seen the movie! The girls on the other hand didn't look to bad but then again they had been sheild by us for half the movie. Logan, Michael, and I went up the left stair case up to our rooms, although I had little faith in being able to sleep. I want intomy room change into my pjs and laid down on my bed. I did fall asleep to my surprise and instead of having awful nightmares a had a dream about Zoey and the Kissing Cave. 6. Dreaming and Joking **After a request from a fan here in a chapter involving Chases dream and well I think Michael needs some part** **Chase's POV-**_Chase's dream_ I was standing in the middle of the path between the lake and the cabin, white fog swirled around in a whirlwind, and then Zoey appeared in the middle of the fog. Zoey hovered above the ground, she extended out a hand to me, very gracefully and slowly. When she grasped my hand it felt like I was holding a petal on a flower, very soft and light. She pulled on my arm and pulled me toward the shimmering lake and tumbling waterfall. Zoey hovered over the lake water and me holding her hand did too. She made her way to the waterfall, and instead of going around the furious tumbling water, Zoey past through it without a problem. I follow and braced myself for the cold rush, but it never came. Zoey pulled me into the farther behind the waterfall to a wet carved out seat. We sat down, and slowly Zoey leaned in, and so did I... "Chase wake up! Zoey is about to confess she loves you!" Michael shouted in my ear, and I flung out of my bed. I glared at Michael who was cracking up laughing. "You get up fast when you think Zoey wants you. Also you shouldn't talk in your sleep let alone say 'Zoey' and 'Kissing Cave.'" "That's cold man very cold." I said in a cold voice. **Michael's POV** I sat down at breakfast and tried to hide my worry about what our chef was going to make for us. Mrs. Gooseberry (as best as we could guess from her accent), enjoyed her native land's foods and she thought we did to no matter how many times we told her we didn't. "Alright children. Mr. Reese says that I must cook more... eh more appetizing meals. So here bacon and eggs." Mrs. Gooseberry's voice was full of disgust, and she then said under her breath. "Disgust, why would anyone like this?" We ignored her and ate the meal happily, at least until Logan opened his huge mouth. "So will you ladies be joining us at the campfire tonight?" The girls all nodded ant Chase and I glared at Logan, we were planning on going campfiring without the girls. "What you guys didn't want us to come?" Lola tilted her head to the side sending all of her hair to one side. It was it was so cute I couldn't speak. "That answer is not up for questioning." Chase answer in a lawyer for a witness in a murder case. 7. Wet glasses **Logan POV** I glanced around my room, there had to be something that could take my mind off Quinn. That's right Quinn of the planet Spaz, I like her that's right me the hotness boy in PCA. "Yo, Logan! You can't go swimming unless I don't know you have a bathing suit!" I heard Michael's voice from down stairs. **Crud, I forgot about the bonfire, Bathing shorts bathing shorts where did I put them! **I darted up across the room to the balcony were my trunks had been drying. I quickly swapped them with my jeans. I grabbed my towel and darted down the stairs, everyone was waiting at the bottom. "Were you staring at yourself again?" Quinn snickered, I glared at her, while everyone else laughed. I really want to say "Your lucky your cute," but that would be beyond a suicide. "Come on," I huffed out than we walk out the front door. **Later** "Alright, we got the fire going." Michael said looking into the feeble flames that were hardly existing. Then a very light gust of wind blew over the fire, and the flames went out. "Alright move side." Quinn pushes past me with her glasses in one hand and a flashlight in the other. She leaned down and almost immediately roaring flames shot up. I was half tempted to applaud half tempted to scowl, so I simply remained still. "Okay who ants to go swimming?" Chase said, and before any of the girls could answer, he grabbed Zoey around her waist and ran to the water. Michael copied this idea with Lola, which left me with Quinn. She eyed as if to say "you put me and the water I murder you in a second". That gave me a temptation that I couldn't resist. I grabbed her around her waist, and ran into the water. When we resurface I could see clearly that everyone one was happy that they had gone in the water, everyone but Quinn. At first I could figure out why then I realized she was still wearing her glasses. 8. Slippery Quinn's POV I stomped out of the water, and dropped my glasses onto the sand. Logan was going to pay, oh he was going to pay big time. I darted over to the rope swing, and clung on, splashing him seemed like the appropriate punish. I swung over the lake and crashed down next to him. When my head bobbed up, I looked at Logan, he didn't look angry he looked like he was going to bust out laughing. "You need better aim." Then he pointed behind me where my giant splash had really gone, right on top of Zoey and Chase. I couldn't help laughing along with Logan, since Chase unusually puffy hairdo, had been flatted, straight down. I couldn't help glancing at Logan without his shirt on. It really did make my heart do a back flip. Then something caught my eye, something I couldn't help smiling at. Michael and Lola were stealthily swimming toward Kissing cave. Lola POV My heart was nearly flipping out of my rib cage, because one: Michael was holding my hand and two: he was taking me to Kissing Cave. We were at the mouth of the cave, the roaring waterfall causing mist around us. Michael edge around it and with him holding my hand I did too. We clambered up onto the slippery floor, which was about five inches above the water level. Once we got up Michael and I had to hold onto the wall to keep from sliding back down to the water. No such luck since I slip and, Michael in a attempt to keep me from falling, tried to catch me but instead slipped too. After we gave up trying to stand with out falling on one another, I was lying next to Michael my heart shaking with the fact how near him Lola breath! Your not that close just relax. Wait what is he doing! Omi my god he turning over! My heart starting flipping out as Michael put this elbows on either side of my head and propped up. "Okay, Lola I have something you really need to hear" Michael said in a shakily voice. "Yeah" said slowly. Michael face fell and it looked like he lost his nerve. He stood up, which I though impossible, he out stretched a hand to I took it and stood up. "Lola would you like to..."His voiced trailed to a mumble. My curiosity began to peak, but I want to hear what he was going to say. I never did, because of what happened next. Michael took a step toward me, and lifts my chin so we were close enough that I could feel Michael's heart beat. He leaned in, and I closed my eyes. Then I felt the warmth of his lips against mine, slipped my arms around his neck so I could get closer to him. His warm arms wrapped around my wet waist, I had to admit my apple test wasn't even close to how good of a kisser Michael was. 9. Waking Up **Michael POV** I pulled the blankets over my body and tried to fall asleep it was pointless. My body felt hyper and my lips tingled when I moved them. That fact that I had kissed Lola saw amazing enough, but the fact that she had kissed me back was almost too much to believe. It had happened, Luck had finally helped me out and after maybe a hour I fell asleep, dreaming of what happened. **Next day Quinn POV** All right three days gone and I only had four more days to try to get Logan to look at me in a different view. I walked down the hallway looking for Logan's room; Mrs.Gooseberry had told me to go wake him up for breakfast. When I came to his room I wasn't surprised by the fact that he was still sleeping. I want to enjoy the fact that I could look at him sleep but I couldn't it would be to weird if I was caught. I leaned over him a gentle shook him awake, he grunted and rolled over so he faced me. I gave him another shake, this one a little harder, his eyes fluttered open at this.It was sort of funny to see his reaction when he saw me. He got up real fast and looked unfocused. All right I know it weird to say, but Logan looked really cute with his hair all messed up. I was seriously fight the urge to kiss him at this moment, I manged to, lucky me I guess. **Logan's POV** Why Quinn? Why? Why did she have to see me get up? I look awful when I get up, my hair is not fixed, my teeth are not brushed! Why? Why? Why? "Logan breakfast is ready" She said to me slowly, probabely because I looked insane with my hair. "Sure be down in a few minutes, let me get dressed" I swear that once I said that, she was out in a flash. 10. double kiss **Chase's POV** I hate Logan right now I seriously hate him. We can't go outside so what does he come up with spin the bottle. I came VERY close to kissing Lola that would have resulted in Michael would have killed me. But instead I'm in closest with Zoey, Zoey. The only reason Logan wanted to do spin the bottle is so he could make out with Quinn which took Michael and I to get them out. **Okay problem at hand in a dark closet with Zoey with absolutely no confidence in what I'm about to do...** **Zoey POV** This closet is so small and I can't even see Chase. I can feel his presence. Oh yes feel that and it making me jumpy but I can't see him. Wait he just shifted what going on? Wait his hands are on my cheeks, wow they are warm. Just lean Zoey calmly slowly; you've done this before why is it so hard. Oh yeah its CHASE! **Chases POV** **OH MY GOD! I kissing Zoey, ZOEY BROOKS!** She is really good kisser, and the fireworks a billions more than I thought. OF COARSE I,m not aloud to have anything nice so the moment was ruined by Logan. "Eye for a eye Kiss for a kiss." He said all smug while behind him Lola was all big eyed and Quinn was blushing form him mentioning them kissing. And behind them Michael was giving thumbs up and cracking up. So instead of being super embarrassed I slammed the door in there faces Zoey and I resumed what we had been doing. **Next day** **Quinn Pov** He just wants to talk calm down and he wants to do it by the lake. Breathe in and breathe out. I peaked around the a tree at the lake there was long pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair looking really nervous and all I wanted to do was run to him and kiss him. I took a deep breath and fiddled with my skirt and my shirt, which did look as good as I thought it did. I walked out into the open and looked at his face, I think he didn't accept me come because his hair was again really cute and messy. We weren't very far apart only a few steps away. Breathe, breathe. **Logan POV** Why does my hair always look bad around her? And why does the moon have to hit her like that? Then like someone flipped a switch the air around her felt magnetizes and who was the other magnet? Me. Keep control, come on oh hell (no one take offense) with it. **Quinn POV** Logan took the few steps between away my hair and put his hands on the nape on my neck. We hesitated for maybe a second and then the space between disappear and the worlds best firework I've ever seen explode behind my eyes this was a really kiss not a stupid spin the bottle kiss. The best kind of kiss. When we did come up for air he didn't move his hand and I just put mine around his neck. Our foreheads were touching and our hair and breath mingled gently. "I thin k I'm falling in love with you" He said in a whisper. I think the world was on its side because I gave him the most truthful answer in the world. "I falling in Love with you too" I said in a hushed tone to answer him and than we kissed again. _FIN_ **Sorry it took forever but here so forgive me plz! Oh and no yelling about spelling and grammer. I worked hard.** End file.
Camping by write12345
Zoey 101
1. Trailer LOVE TRIANGLE * * * **Trailer-** **Quinn had never had a perfect relationship** _(Shows Quinn breaking up with Logan and Mark)_ **Her friends think it's time she did!** _( Shows Zoey and Lola introducing Quinn to guys)_ **But two guys still love her** _( Shows Logan and Mark trying to get back toghter with Quinn)_ **Is she willing to let them back in her heart?** _( Shows Quinn thinking about both of them)_ **Or will they be rejected** _( Shows Quinn yelling at them)_ **Will it be Logan?** _( Shows Logan and Quinn's first kiss)_ **Or will it be Mark?** _( Shows Quinn and Mark's first date)_ **Or someone new?** _( Shows Quinn flirting with some guy)_ **Either way it's war!!** _( Shows Logan and Mark fighting)_ **_Find out what happens in LOVE TRIANGLE!! COMING SOON!!_** * * * Authors Note- So what do you think so far if you think that I should continue Please Review I love reviews. 5 reviews and I will continue OK. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 2. Senior Year **Chapter 2- Senior Year** **Quinn's POV-** "Well" I thought to myself " this is my last year at PCA". Today would be the first day of my senior year. This year is really more about focusing on enjoying my time with my friends then worrying about what life after leaving PCA will be. After all of last years drama I think I deserve it. Insert me and my friends being chased by an evil spirit, Zoey almost leaving for good, Chase going to England, Vince coming back and getting toghter with Lola, breaking up with Mark, going out with Logan and sneaking around, Zoey and Chase finally getting toghter, Micheal hallucinating, and finally breaking up with Logan over summer vacation. Yes I would really like to put last year behind me forever. But now it's time for senior year. _Authors Note- Sorry that was really short I promise to make the other chapters longer. If you have any ideas for the story please let me know and also i need a beta reader so if you want to be it let me know. :D Please read and review 5 reviews till next chapter so review._ _XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880_ 3. Back at PCA **Chapter 3- Back at PCA** **Quinn's POV- ** As I stepped back through the familiar gates of PCA I felt as though I was back at home. I carried my bags around the whole campus waving at all my friends and classmates. As I rounded the corner towards the lounge I saw Zoey and Lola coming my way. "Quinn" Zoey and Lola yelled at the same time and ran up to give me a hug. I hugged them back and we started to scream again. "OMG guys I missed you so much" I told them "We missed you too" Zoey replied. Just then Chase and Micheal came up and grabbed all three of us into a group hug. "We missed you guys too" they told us. "Well Zoey and Chase didn't really miss each other they were toghter all summer" Micheal said. "Ha,Ha very funny" Chase answered. "Anyways we were apart for the last two weeks of summer" Zoey replied as she hugged Chase. "Aw you missed me" Chase said as he leaned in and peacked Zoey on the lips. "Aw aren't they cute" Lola asked. "OK,ok you two lovebirds can catch back up later, right now it's time for senior year" Micheal announced. "He's right so anyways what dorm are you guys in" I asked. "Were in the new hall, um I think it's called Wendter or something like that, room 201" Chase replied. "I'm in Brenner hall again and in room 101" Zoey announced. "Me too" me and Lola stated. "Yes were all in the same dorm again" Lola replied. "Hey,who your other roomate" Zoey asked the guys "Probably Logan I guess" Chase said. "Well Vince is in the dorm next to ours" Micheal told Lola. "Guys this is awesome now our boyfriends are all right there toghter so we can hang out all the time" Lola exclaimed. This made me think about how I still hadn't told Lola or Zoey about my breakup with Logan, I guess they'll figure it out when we sit on opposite sides of the room. "Hey Logan over here" Micheal yelled at my ex as he came around the corner. As he walked over I thought to myself "I got to get out of here" "Um, guys I got to go" I told Zoey and Lola "To where" Zoey asked. "Um to the dorm to put up my plant" I replied. "Quinn you don't have a plant" Zoey told me " Oh um did I say plant I meant um my thing" I said as I looked over to see Logan walking my way " I got to go" I told them as I turned and ran to our dorm. "Quinn wait up" I heard Lola yell as I rounded the corner towards our dorm. Lola and Zoey were starting to catch up quickly I ran to grab the last elevator and closed the door before they could catch up even more. As soon as I got off the elevator I looked to make sure they weren't behind me and found our dorm quickly I unlocked the door and and stepped in. Safe at last I fell down on the floor. "Quinn" Lola yelled as she stepped in the door scaring me enough to get me to stand up. "What was that about" Zoey asked as I started to unpack. "What oh that nothing I'm gonna go grab some Blix, I'll be back" I told them as I stepped towards the door but Lola blocked my way. "Quinn your not leaving till you tell us what's up" Zoey told me "There is nothing to tell" I replied. "Quinn" Zoey yelled. "Fine ok if you must know what happened" I answered. * * * _Authors note- What did you think sorry it took so long to update I've been really busy but I promise I will get back to work. 5 reviews till next chapter, so review and tell me who Quinn should end up with Logan or Mark or someone else. XOXO,PerfectAngelKK1880_ 4. Answers **Chapter 4- Answers** _**Authors note- Thanks for your reviews Quogan it will be. Please continue to read and review. Also I'm looking for a beta reader so if you want to be it let me know.**_ **Quinn's POV-** "Well tell us, why did you freak out and run away" Lola told me. "And don't say it had something to do with having to put up a plant" Zoey added. "Fine, if you must know I left cause of Logan" I told them. "Why would you do that, were you nervous cause you two haven't seen each other since last year" Zoey asked. "No, I didn't run cause I was nervous about seeing him after all this time, I was nervous about seeing him after we broke up during the summer" I answered. "You guys broke up, why didn't you tell me" Lola asked. "I was gonna tell you but I didn't want to say it in front of Chase and Micheal" I replied "Why did you two break up I mean you guys seemed so into each other at the end of last year" Zoey questioned. "A lot of things happened over the summer and things changed between us" I replied. "Well what exactly happened" Lola asked. "It all started about a month after school let out" I started. _Flashback-_ Quinn and Logan had been spending a lot of time emailing each other. During an email Logan asked Quinn if she wanted to come visit him of course she said yes. About two weeks later Quinn met up with Logan and was gonna visit him for a week a first everything was great that is until summer BFF's Rachel and Sam meet Quinn. Rachel has a huge crush on Logan and begins to try and steal him away from Quinn and Sam was trying to help her by trying to get Quinn to like him. Quinn and Sam automatically became friends meanwhile Rachel had tried to get Logan to like her back. But Logan was really loyal to Quinn. So the night before Quinn left the four of them went to a carnival Rachel pulled Logan behind a tent so Quinn could see and got Logan to kiss her but instead Quinn thought Logan had kissed Rachel. So Quinn grabbed Sam and they kissed right in front of Logan him and Quinn got in a fight. But Quinn never found out what really happened and Logan never found out why Quinn kissed Sam so they ended up breaking up and hadn't talked since. End of Flashback " So that's what happened" I told them as I finished the story. "OMG I cant belivie he did that" Lola told me. " I couldn't either after all that happened between us last year" I replied. " That stinks I mean sure you guys were a really weird couple, but you guys looked really happy at prom" Zoey stated. "I know but I should know that all perfect things must come to an end" I sighed and with that got up and walked downstairs to the lounge maybe some TV will make me feel better. * * * _Authors note- Ok what did you think I know that it wasant that great so sorry I will try and make the next chapter longer and better. Please read and Review. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 _ 5. A guy's POV **Authors Note- Sorry that I haven't updated lately I've been really busy with my other story and I had a little bit of writers block but I'm back!!** **Chapter 5- A guys POV-** **Logan's POV-**"OK guys just put the new stereo system over there by my computer" I told Micheal and Chase as they loaded in my new stereo system. "Are we done yet" Micheal asked as he put down the stereo. "Yep that's all" I said as I handed him and Chase each a hundred dollers. "As much work as that was at least I got enough money to buy that new video game" Chase said as he grabbed a Blix out of the fridge and plopped down on the couch. "I cant believe your Dad got you that stereo system, those things cost like 5000 dollers" Micheal said. "Actually it was free, he got it from that new movie he was working on" I replied. "Beep,Beep" Chase's cell went off as he got a text. As Chase replied to the text I told him " You know how sad that is you were just talking to Zoey like an hour ago, dude you better chill your gonna look desperate" "Look ok I know it's weird but I didn't see her all last year and she is my girlfriend" he replied. "Whatever" I replied. "Logan, he's just excited I mean he's been waiting forever to go out with Zoey, it only makes sense he would be excited" Micheal reminded me. "I know but come on girls dont like a desperate guy just like dont like a desperate girl" I replied. "Hey guys. you want to go with Zoey, Lola,Vince, and me." Chase asked. "No I can't I have a study date with Lisa" Micheal replied. "You want to go Logan" Chase asked me. "I would but I really don't feel like being the third wheel" I replied. "You could always invite Quinn" Chase answered. "I would if we were still going out, anyways lets try out my stereo" I said as I got up and went over to the stereo. "Wait what do you mean if you were still dating" Micheal questioned. "That means that we broke up over summer vacation, now would one of you please come over here and help me plug this up." I replied. "OK tell us what happened" Micheal said. "No I don't want to talk about it I just want to listen to my stereo" I replied. "LOGAN" Chase yelled at me as he grabbed the cables to the stereo out of my hand. "HEY" I yelled back "Give me the cables back" "Not until you tell us what happened" Micheal replied as he pushed me back on the couch. "FINE" I finally gave in "If you must know about how my relationship tanked I will tell you" _Flashback Logan's version-_ _Logan was missing Quinn alot so he invited her over when Quinn came Logan introduced her to his summer best friends Sam and Rachel. Rachel had a crush on Logan and they had dated a few years ago but she still liked him and Sam was starting to like Quinn so Sam and Rachel came up with a plan to break up Logan and Quinn._ Sam tried to make friends with Quinn and Rachel continued to flirt with Logan. On Quinn's last night there they all went to the carnival everything was going good so Logan and Rachel walked around for a while they walked around behind a tent and Rachel told Logan she needed to talk so she told him she still liked him and Logan explained how he was in love with Quinn and then suddenly pulled him into a kiss. A second later Logan pulled away and told her that still nothing was going to happem and Rachel told him ok that she had just wanted to do that for a while. As they walked back around to find Quinn and Sam they saw them kissing. Logan went over there and confronted them but Quinn just ignored him and he had tried to talk oi her by email cause he figured out what Sam and Rachel had done but Quinn wouldn't talk to him. End of flashback. "I can't believe they did that" Chase finally said. "I couldn't either but it makes perfect sense why they would" I replied. "And Quinn still wont talk to you, that would explain why she ran away so fast today" Micheal told me. "Yeah but I guess I'm just going to have to get over it" I replied and got up and headed downstairs beating the other guys in our dorm at video games would make me feel better wouldn't it? * * * _Authors note- What did you think? 5 more reviews and I will write the next chapter. XOXOPerfectAngelKK1880_ 6. Quinn gets a date **Authors Note- Thank you to all the loyal fans of this story I hope you like this next chapter.** **Chapter 6- Quinn gets a date** **Quinn's POV- ** "Quinn,Quinn" Lola yelled at me as she came in the room. "Yeah" I said as I looked up from my computer. "Listen Me, Vince, Zoey, and Chase are going to that new movie premiere and then the movie after party and Vince's best friend Brian is going and I was wondering if you could go with him" she replied. " I don't know Lola, I mean I'm still getting over my break-up with Logan, I'm not sure if I'm ready to date again yet" I told her. "Well, don't think of it as a date, but as a bunch of friends hanging out" she replied. "Well I guess I could go besides I really don't feel like hanging by myself anyways" I answered. "Great" Lola screamed. Just as she ran over to give me a hug Zoey walked in the door. "Hey, what's all the hugging about" Zoey asked. " Quinn's going with us to the premiere and the party" Lola explained. "Oh, that's awesome" Zoey said as she joined in the group hug. "So what are we going to wear" Lola asked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking" Zoey asked. "Shopping" all three of us yelled. And with that we headed to catch the bus to the mall. We spent the next 3 hours trying on a bunch of stuff finally we each got our perfect outfit. When we got back to our dorm I fell on my bed exhausted from the shopping. "What time do we got to meet the guys" Lola asked Zoey. "They said to meet them in the lounge at 6:00 and then Vince would drive us there" Zoey answered. "So where is the premiere and party" I asked. "Downtown" Zoey answered "It's gonna be awesome since the party is right after the premiere" "Wait don't you have to get invited to those things" I questioned. " How are we going to get in" "Vince's uncle owns the place the after party is being held at" Lola answered. At 5:00 we started to get ready as we got ready to head out the door Lola suddenly stopped. "Hold on guys let's do a quick wardrobe check, I mean come on this is a huge party" she said. Quickly we examined each others outfits. Lola was wearing a strapless teal dress with her silver heels and her favorite purse, she had curled her hair and makeup was perfect. Zoey was wearing a white sparkly halter top with her new jean skirt and her white Tory Burch flats she had gotten for her birthday, she had pulled her hair into a high ponytail. Finally I was wearing a light blue sleeveless top with my new multi colored skirt and silver flats completed the look and my hair was down. "OK I think were good" Lola announced. "Then lets go" Zoey replied and with that we headed to our date. * * * _Authors note- I hope you liked the chapter and please review also I need a beta reader so let me know if you want to be it. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880_ 7. The date **Authors note- Thanks for the reviews. Please review and I hope you like the chapter.** **Chapter 7- The Date** **Quinn's POV-** As Zoey, Lola, and I made our way to the lounge I started to get more nervous, I mean this was my first date since Logan and I broke up. As we entered the lounge Vince and Chase stood up and greeted Zoey and Lola. "Lola I thought I had a date" I whispered to Lola "Hold on I'll ask Vince" she whispered back and then turned to whisper something to Vince. "Oh Quinn, Brian is gonna meet us at the theater, he went early so he could get us good seats" Vince told me. "Great" I replied. "Are we going" Lola asked. "Yeah, were going" Vince replied. "Then let's go" Zoey announced. "Ok,ok were going" Chase said. Vince had rented us a limo so we could arrive at the theater and party in style. The whole limo ride Lola was practicing her song that she planned to sing in case any big Hollywood producers might be there and put her on tv. Vince talked about football to the driver and Zoey and Chase kept talking about how cute the other one was. Worst limo ride ever. When we got to the theater I saw a gut wave at Vince. "Hey Brian" Vince yelled as we walked over to the guy I relized that he must be my date. Brian was a drop dead gorgeous guy with beach blond hair and baby blue eyes he looked like the guy every girl fantasizes about. "Quinn this is Brian" Vince told me. "Hi" I said. "Hey" Brian said as he shook my hand "OK can we go inside" Lola asked. "Yeah I got here early and got us great seats" Brian announced. "Let's go then" Zoey replied. The date turned out to be great the movie was awesome and at the after party me and Brian spent some time hanging out we even shared a dance, I found out he went to PCA and by the end of the night I had his number. OMG that was an awesome date. **Later that night** Logan's POV- I was sitting watching TV with Micheal when Chase came in from his date. "Hey Chase, how was your date" I asked him "Great, but I got to talk to you about something" he replied. "OK,what" I asked. "Well you know how the date was just supposed to be me, Zoey, Lola, and Vince" Chase started. "Yeah" I answered. "Well Quinn was there and her date was Brian" he finished. "WHAT" I asked. "You mean Brian the guy that always beats Logan out for best looking guy at PCA every year" Micheal asked. "Yep Brian the football player/ surfer/ "best looking guy at PCA, and before we left him and Quinn were really hitting it off" Chase answered. With that said I stood up and headed for the door. "Where are you going" Chase asked. "To find Quinn" I replied as I headed out the door. It was one thing for Brian to steal my title as best looking guy at PCA, but it was another for him to try and take Quinn he just made this personal. This means war!! * * * _Authors note- Hope you liked the chapter. I really need a beta reader so let me know, also I would like to hear your ideas on my story. THANKS!! XOXO,PerfectAngelKK1880_ 8. Logan and the library **Authors Note- OK I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry about that but I've been really busy with my other story anyways I just wanted to know if you want me to continue the story if you do please review cause I really don't want to write a story that isn't getting a lot of reviews but here is chapter 8.** **Chapter 8- Logan and the library** **Quinn's POV-**After that amazing date yesterday I was sitting in the lounge when I saw Logan coming towards me "Oh great" I thought to myself quickly I got up and headed out the back door. "Quinn, wait" I heard Logan yell so I started to run. After running for a couple of minutes I thought I had lost him as I headed towards the library but then I heard him yelling my name again so quickly I headed in the library Logan Reese would never be caught dead in a library. Just then I saw Logan heading into the library but instead of looking for me he headed over to some guys and grabbed a book and started to read? OMG I have to find out what is going on with him quickly I quietly made my way over to the shelf of books behind where he was sitting and eavesdropped on their conversation. "So Logan what are you doing I thought you said you would never hang out with us in public cause then people would know you liked to read" a guy asked Logan. "OK well no one that is even relatively important to my social life comes in here" Logan replied. "Oh sure cause only geeks come to the library" I whispered " Wait that dude said Logan liked to read what is going on with him" "Ok so what are you doing here" another guy asked. "Oh i was trying to find someone and then I saw the library so I thought I would come grab that new sports book" Logan said "I'll talk to you guys later" he said as he headed over to the sport section. "OMG I'm in the sport section" I thought "Great now what am I going to do" quickly I pulled a cart in front of me and tried to hide. I heard him looking through the books then he stopped and walked to the front. "Oh good he's leaving" I thought as I pushed the cart away and stood up but as I headed out I saw that he wasn't leaving but he had went to get help finding the book. I headed back behind the cart and listened to him and the librarian talk. "So you want the new sports book" the librarian asked. "Yeah" Logan replied. "OK well our new books are on the cart" the librarian told him. "Oh crap" I thought. "Here you go" the librarian said as he handed Logan the book "Great I'm safe" I thought. "Would you like me to move the cart over to the new books section" Logan asked the librarian. "Please say no" I silently begged. "Sure that would be great" the librarian said as he walked back to the front desk. Just then I saw Logan move the cart I was caught. "Quinn" Logan said. "Oh, hey Logan what's up" I replied as I stood up. "Why were you behind that cart" Logan asked. "Oh, I was looking for a book but it's not here, so I'm just gonna go and get some lunch" I replied as I headed towards the door. "Quinn, wait" Logan said as he followed me out the door. "Yeah" I said as I turned around. "Listen can we talk" Logan asked. "Well I was gonna go to lunch" I started. "We could talk over lunch" he replied. "Well..." I started. "I'll pay" he replied. "OK fine, Sushi Roxs" I asked. "Sure" he said as we headed to lunch. "This is gonna be drama" I thought to myself. * * * _Authors note- OK what did you think 5 reviews and I will continue and please help me think of ideas cause I really need help. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880_ 9. Dinner served with a huge side of Drama! **_Authors Note- Thanks for the reviews sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been really busy trying to update my other stories but I promise I am getting back to work on this one so read and review_** * * * **Chapter 9- Dinner served with a huge side of DRAMA!!** **Quinn's POV-** "OMG what am I doing I'm about to eat dinner with my ex Logan Reese, why did I agree to this" I asked myself as we headed into Sushi Roxs. "So Quinn um what have you been up to" Logan asked me as we sat down. "Nothing much just hanging with Zoey and Lola" I replied. "So are you seeing anyone" Logan asked. "No, not officially" I answered as I ate some sushi just to avoid not telling him about my date yesterday. "Really well I heard you went with Chase and the others to that movie premiere" Logan replied. "Oh, yeah it wasn't a big deal Zoey and Lola just didn't want me to feel left out" I said. "So going out with the most popular guy at this school is no big deal" Logan asked. "I'm guessing Chase told you about Brian" I questioned. "Yeah, I mean I figured you would get another boyfriend, you know I just figured it wouldn't have to be my worst enemy" Logan answered. "So this is why you wanted to talk to me you don't want me to date Brian" I replied. "Of course not I just thought maybe you'd let me pick who you would date" Logan said. "Are you insane, why would I let you pick somebody for me it's not like I need your permission" I yelled. "Sorry I guess I just thought you would want my opinion" Logan replied. "Now I know your insane" I responded. "I'm insane your insane" Logan said "How am I insane" I asked "Well first your dating Brian the guy who has been my rival since 3rd grade, second we only broke up like a month ago" Logan answered. "Well we know who's fault it was that we broke up" I replied. "Yeah yours so why don't you apologize, so we can move on with our lives" Logan questioned. "OMG you are so paranoid and I'm not about to apologize to you I'm leaving" I said as I stood up and headed to the door but then I turned around "Oh and Logan BTW I'm not dating Brian it was a one time thing" I said and headed outside. "Great that was perfect I ruined my chance to get back toghter" I thought to myself as I sat down under a tree "Hey Quinn" I heard somebody say as I looked up it was Mark my other ex "Oh hey Mark" I replied "What's wrong with you, where's Logan" he asked as he sat beside me. "I don't really know or care" I answered "Why did you two get in that bad an argument alresdy" Mark asked "Yeah but not only that we broke up over the summer" I replied "I'm sorry Quinn, hey listen you want some of these nachos" He asked. "Sure thanks" I said as we sat there for a few minutes talking. "Well I should get going" I finally said as we stood up "Hey listen don't worry about what happened between you guys your too good for him" Mark said as he gave me a hug. "Oh, so that's what it is you got back toghter with Mark" I heard Logan's voice say as I turned around and saw him standing there "Logan, were not back toghter" I replied. "Yeah your not and I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen" Logan replied "What's that supposed to mean" Mark asked as he got up in Logan's face. "It means I'm gonna win her back" Logan answered. "No I'm gonna win her back" Mark yelled back as they both turned to me "OMG why didn't I transfer schools" I asked myself as I turned and left them there yelling at each other. * * * **_Authors Note- What did you think I just thought of this off the top of my head I actually like it, 5 more reviews till next chapter let me know what you want to happen and I'll try to put it in the story OK well here is a sneak peek at the next chapter._** Chapter 10- The war is on Quinn decides to see who will win her heart by going on dates with each Lola and Zoey set up challenges for the guys to see who is better for Quinn Who's sides are Chase and Micheal on? Only on way to find out read it and you'll see XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 10. The war is on **Authors Note- Ok so here is the next chapter of Love Triangle and I hope you like it so read and review** **Chapter 10- The war is on!!** **Quinn's POV-**"Zoey, Lola" I yelled as I ran into our dorm room "Where are you guys" "We're here what's up I heard you yelling all the way down in Lisa's room" Lola said as her and Zoey sat down. 'OMG you would not believe the day I've had" I told them. "Do tell" Zoey said "OK well this afternoon I was sitting in the lounge and Logan came in looking for me, but I really didn't want to see him so I ran" I started. 'Wow this outta be good" Lola said "So I ran and finally tried to hide in the library but then Logan came in there to get a book" I told them "Logan Reese and a book those two things do not go toghter" Zoey replied. "I know well I was in the same section so I hid behind a cart but then Logan moved the cart and saw me" I added. "And then what happened" Zoey asked. "So I tried to leave but he stopped me and asked me to lunch and I said ok so we went to lunch" I said. "OMG are you guys back toghter" Lola asked. "No we got into a fight I left and then later Logan got into a fight with another guy that likes me" I finished. "OMG Logan got into a fight with Brian, that is too awsome" Lola replied. "No he didn't get into a fight with Brian he got into a fight with Mark" I told her. "Mark didn't you breakup like 6 months ago, why would Logan fight him" Zoey asked. "OK well after i left Sushi Roxs I walked around and was sitting and Mark came over and we started to talk and then Logan came over and they started to argue and I left" I answered. "Dang your life is like a soap opera" Lola replied. "So who you gonna date" Zoey asked me. "Duh she's gonna date Logan" Lola said. "Why he's jerk" Zoey replied. "So at least he didn't dump her for some stupid blond, they got into an argument besides would you rather her date Mark" Lola asked. "Yeah actually i would he's way better for her" Zoey answered. "If by way better you mean way worse then your right" Lola replied. "Guys please quit arguing about my love life and help me" I asked them before they stranggled eachother. "Fine what do you want us to do" Zoey asked. "Help me figure out who's better for me" I answered. "OK well I have an idea" Lola said. "What is it" I asked. "What we'll do is Zoey and I will put the guys threw a few challenges and you'll go out with both of them once and then who ever wins each challenge earns one date with you" Lola explanied. "Actually that's a good idea we'll have three competions and then you'll finally make the final choice" Zoey replied. "Well I mean only if the guys agree to it" I replied. "OK well I'll text Chase and tell him to tell Logan" Zoey said. "And I'll tell Vince to tell Mark he lives across the hall from him" Lola told me. "Great cause Mark is gonna win" Zoey replied. "No Logan is gonna win" Lola yelled. Quickly I made an escape down to the lounge as I walked down the hall I still heard them yelling great now my BFF's are in a war. "Hey Logan come here" Chase yelled to Logan "Yeah" Logan said. "Lola and Zoey came up with an idea to have you and Mark compete for Quinn and she decides the winner" Chase explanined "You in" "Of course now if you'll excuse me I have to go beat some guys in pool" Logan said as he headed downstaires. "So who do you think will win" Chase asked Micheal. "Logan I mean Mark really can't compete with him" Micheal replied as he looked up from the computer. "Actually Mark will definatly win" Chase told him. "Yeah right" Micheal replied. "OK listen I have an idea let's make a bet who ever's person wins the person that chose them gets 200 dollers" Chase said. "Deal" Micheal replied. "Hey dude by the way you might want to get a job I mean since your gonna lose" Chase told Micheal. "And you might want to start saving the tips you make from your job cause your gonna owe me" Micheal replied. "Whatever" Chase replied. I guess the war is on between Lola and Zoey, Chase and Micheal and Logan and Mark the fight for Quinn's heart has just begun and you better believe there's gonna be drama. * * * **Authors note- I hope you liked it 5 more reviews till I add the next chapter so review X3 XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880** 11. 1st Competion **Authors Note- Ok so here is the next chapter please read and review. Hope you like it.** **Chapter 11- 1st competition ** **Quinn's POV-**"OK Quinn you ready for the first competion remember the winner wins a date with you" Lola told me as we got ready. "Yeah I'm ready" I replied. "Great so where are you and Mark gonna go for your date" Zoey asked. "I think you mean Logan" Lola replied. "No I mean what I said" Zoey yelled. "Guys look news flash this isn't about who you like better it's about who I like" I told them. "She's got a point" Lola told Zoey. "Your right Quinn so it wont matter cause you'll pick Mark" Zoey said as Lola and her went at it again. "OK guys you can have this out later right now we have to get down there" I said as I dragged them out of the room. * * * **No one's POV-**As Zoey and Lola started to set up for the competion they continued to argue. "Guys what are you arguing about" Micheal asked. "Who Quinn's gonna choose" Zoey said. "And it will be Logan" Lola replied. "No it will be Mark" Zoey said. "Actually it will be Logan" Micheal added. "Oh please he stands no chance" Chase said. "Look maybe you should worry about getting my money when I win" Micheal told Chase. "What money" Zoey asked as she turned away from arguing with Lola. "Oh it's nothing" Micheal said. "Tell us or we'll tell everyone you guys still play with dolls" Lola said. "There action figures, ok well we made a bet I thought Mark would win and Micheal thinks Logan will win and the winner gets 200" Chase explained. "Geez Zo it looks like you wont be going on any date soon since Chase is gonna owe Micheal big" Lola told Zoey "OH really well why don't we make a bet" Zoey replied. "What's the wager" Lola asked. "Loser has to go on a date with the person they picked" Zoey answered. "Deal" Lola said as her and Zoey shaked hands. "Lola have fun on your date with Logan" Chase told Lola as he laughed. "You know what Chase bite me cause your not gonna be laughing when your girlfriend has to go out with Mark" Lola replied as she turned on her heel and headed over to finish setting up. "So you think Mark is gonna win" Chase asked Zoey as Micheal walked over to help Lola. "Of course I won the coin toss and got to pick the first game" Zoey explained "So what is the game" Chase asked. "Something that Logan will never be able to win in a million years, the game is all about brains which he lacks a lot of" Zoey replied. "Nice sabatoge" Chase said. "Thanks, OK I gotta go people are starting to get here and Lola and I gotta announce the game" Zoey said as she headed towards Lola. "OK people today is the first day of competitions between Logan Reese and Mark whatever his last name is" Lola announced. "It's Mark Delfigalo they are competing for the heart of our awesome roommate Quinn Pensky" Zoey continued. "They win compete in 3 competitions for the next 3 days the winner of today and tomorrow's competition win earn dates with Quinn and on the third day all three will go on a date toghter so she can evaluate them at the same time and then Friday she will pick the winner" Lola finished. "Today's game is called strength in numbers both contestants will have a box with a lock on it there is a series of clues that will help them figure out the numbers on the lock the clues on those boards over there and then when they think they have the right combination they will try it on the lock if it works the box will open and inside it is the combination for a lock on a bike somewhere in this pile of bikes when they get the right bike the person who it belongs to will stand up and the person will bring it to them first one done wins a date with Quinn" Zoey explained. "OK our contestants will be out in a minute as soon as our refferre gets here" Lola said as her and Zoey went to sit down with Quinn. As they were waking Lola pulled Zoey to the side. "What is that about you know Logan is horrible at this kinda stuff you totally sabotaged hm" Lola said. "Look Logan's my friend but I honestly think Mark is better for Quinn so I'm trying to help them you get to pick the next event so whatever" Zoey replied. "The game is about to start" Quinn said as Lola and Zoey sat down. When the referee blew he whistle when the guys headed to the clue board it was clear Logan was confused Mark figured out the combination in like 2 minutes and headed over to look for the bike finally Logan figured out his combination after 2 failed attempts he headed over to the bike rack and quickly found the bike but it was too late Mark had already got the bike to the owner. "OK it looks like Quinn is going on a date tonight with Mark and they will be going to one of my favorite places the movies to see any movie you want" Zoey announced to the audience as they cheered. "Sorry Logan better luck next time" Lola said as the crowd headed home. "I hope your happy" Lola told Zoey as she looked over to see Quinn congratulating Mark. "Exstatic" Zoey replied as she Chase came up behind her and gave her a hug. "So Zo wanna go to Sushi Roxs to celebrate" Chase asked. "Sure lets go" Zoey said as they headed to Sushi Roxs. "Why did you guys make that challenge" Logan asked Lola. "I didn't Zoey did she wanted to make sure Mark won" Lola explained. "Dude we gotta come up with something to help you win cause I can't pay Chase 200" Micheal said. "What" Logan asked. "Me and Micheal have bets on you so we gotta make sure you win" Lola replied. "Well what are we gonna do they are going on a date" Logan asked. "I have a plan if Zoey and Chase are gonna play dirty so are we" Lola said. "What are you thinking" Micheal asked. "We're gonna ruin Quinn and Mark's date" Lola said "Come on I got the perfect plan" * * * **Author Note- What do you think 5 more reviews till next chapter review. Oh have you guys seen Victoria Justice in the new Menudo Music Video.** XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 12. To destroy a date pt1 **Authors Note-Hey what's up peeps I had to go to school today :( oh well so here is the next chapter** * * * **Chapter 12- To destroy a date pt.1** The movies **No one's POV-**"Do you think this will work" Micheal asked Lola and Logan as the three of them headed to destroy Quinn and Mark's date. "It has to I can't let Mark win" Lgan replied. "Come on I can't let Zoey win I can't go out with Logan" Lola shuddered. "What's wrong with me" Logan asked. "So many things" Lola replied. "It just kinda seems wrong I feel kinda guilty for doing this" Micheal said. "Does it seem right to pay Chase 200" Logan questioned. "Right guilt gone" Micheal replied. "So what is your plan exactly Lola" "Well since there going to the movies I realized it would be harder to sabatoge so I talked to a guy at the theater and he said Quinn and Mark had tickets for the 6:30 show and apperently there in one of those fancy box seats so all we have to do is find a way to distract a guard sneak up there and then we drop these on them" Lola explained holding up a bag full of waterballons filled with ice water. "Wait we're climbing up in a vent" Micheal asked. "Of course not your gonna distract anyone who comes near seeing us Logan and I will drop the balloons" Lola replied. "What why do I have to stand guard" Micheal asked. "Would you rather go up in a smelly vent with Logan and risk having Quinn hate you" Lola asked. "Fine I'll stand guard but don't take a long time" Micheal answered. As Micheal got into place Lola and Logan found a vent and heaed in. "Lola what happens if Quinn finds out we did this" Logan asked. "Well either she'll hate us both or she'll love us from trying to protect her" Lola replied. "Let's hope it's the 2nd one but what are we gonna do after we drop the balloons" Logan asked. "Well most likely they'll go tell the people at the front desk and that's where Vince's friend Jake comes into play see Jake will take there complaibt and offer them great tickets to a show off campus plus dinner for tommorrow" Lola started to explain. "How is that gonna help us if they get a great date" Logan asked. "Duh, tommorrow you have to win the competion tommorrow and take her on the date" Lola explained. "What if I don't win" Logan asked. "Don't worry I have a game that you can't lose" Lola replied. "Look I see them let's drop the balloons" Logan said as he reached for the bag of balloons. Quickly Lola slapped his hand back. "Ow what was that for" Logan asked. "Shhh wait until they start to get into the date" Loa replied. Finally after a few minutes Lola finally gave him the go. "Make sure you hit them" Lola said. Logan took aim and managed to hit them both in one strike. "OMG" they heard Quinn yell. "There getting up come on let's get out of here" Lola said. Quickly they headed back to through the vent and got out to find Micheal asleep at his post. "Micheal" Lola whisper yelled. "Whoa what, oh hey" Micheal said. "Come on we gotta get out of here if we don't they might see us" Lola said as the three of them headed out the door as they round the corner they saw Quinn and Mark talking to Jake so they headed out. After they made it a couple of feet away from the movie theater they ran into a group hug. "Guys we did it we got our revenge" Lola said. Just then Zoey and Chase walked over to them. "So how did you get your revenge" Zoey asked * * * **Author's note- So what did you think 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO,PerfectAngelKK1880** 13. Life ruiner's **Authors Note- OK so here is the next chapter I hope you like it read and review.** **Chapter 13- Life ruiner's** **No one's POV-** "So what are you doing here" Zoey asked Lola, Micheal, and Logan. "I could ask you the same thing" Lola replied. "Well if you must know Chase and I are coming back from Sushi Roxs" Zoey replied. "What's your excuse" "We were um" Lola started. "Coming back from hanging from the lounge" Micheal said. "But you were coming from the right the lounge is that way" Zoey said pointing towards the lounge. "Right well we were letting some other kids use the pool table so we came for a walk" Lola said. "Hey guys" they heard a voice call from behind them. "Quinn, Mark what happened to you" Zoey said staring at the result of the water ballons. "We go hit by some kind of multiple persipitation" Mark answered. "Huh" Chase and Micheal asked at the same time. "We got hit by tons of water" Quinn translated, "How" Zoey asked. "Idk I guess maybe the sprinklers went off anyways one of the workers gave us tickets to go to the movie theater in town and to the new restaurant La Resistance" Quinn said. "Wait but you have another competion tommorrow so your guys date is ruined" Zoey exclaimed. "It's ok were gonna go change and then meet up at the coffee shop" Quinn said as Mark and her headed out. As soon as Quinn and Mark were out of sight and hearing distance Zoey went on a rampage yelling at Lola, Michel, and Logan. "You guys totally did this" Zoey said. "We did not" Logan lied. "Really" Zoey said as she picked Lola's bookbag off the ground "Then how do explain these" Zoey asked holding up a couple of water balloons. "We dropped them on Quinn and Mark" Lola said. "You cheated" Zoey yelled as she threw Lola her bag and the balloons. "Me your the one who set up a game just so Mark could win, I just got revenge" Lola replied. "Your gonna regret this when Mark and Quinn get toghter" Zoey said as she headed to her dorm. "Hey Zoey" Logan yelled "Maybe you should just shut up" "Maybe you should find a new target instead of Quinn cause you have terrible aim" Zoey said A second later she was hit with a water balloon. "Ahh" she yelled. "Guess my aim's not so bad" Logan commented as he hit her with another one. Quickly Chase jumped in front of his girlfriend but got pelted with a water balloon by Lola. "Lola you are such a life ruin er" Zoey yelled as Chase and her started to leavce and got hit yet again by Micheal. "Micheal" Zoey and Chase yelled. "Sorry it looked like fun" Micheal said innocently. "I stand corrected you are all life ruiners and now I will get revenge and ruin your lives" Zoey yelled. As soon as she was gone Micheal, Lola, and Logan broke out laughing. "I guess we're just a group of life ruiners" Logan announced. "Too the life ruiners" Lola said as the three of them headed home. * * * **Authors Note- What did you think let me know 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880** 14. Let the games begin **Authors Note- Ok so here is Chapter 14 and I got to tell you I can't wait to let you guys see the end but we still have a few more chapters to go so enjoy.** **Chapter 14- Let the games begin challenge 2** **No one's POV-**Early the next morning after there falling out Lola and Zoey were still not speaking and it was annoying Quinn a whole lot. "Would you two just forgive each other already it's so annoying to watch you two fight" Quinn said as she got ready. "Not until that thing apologizes to me" Zoey said pointing at Lola. "Me why should I apoligize to you your the one acting like a jerk" Lola replied. "OK guys look let's just go I can't listen to you argue anymore this morning" Quinn said. "Whatever" Lola and Zoey said at the same time. Quickly the girls headed down to the arena and Lola and Zoey headed over to announce the competion. "Hey people what's up" Lola said into the microphone. "We're hear for the 2nd event in our 3- part competition" Zoey added. "Today's game is called sport's challenge" Lola said. "But before we explain the rules we have to ask you if you could do us a huge favor, so here it is everyone go onto the website Logan VS. and when you get there post your vote for who you think will win and we'll see who's right" Zoey said. "OK so here are the rules of the game today each player will have to shoot 10 baskets, then run over to the bikes grab one and ride it down to the end of the trail where some judges will be waiting they will pick up a flag and ride back up to the arena and take the key off the flag and open the lock over here and grab the puzzle out of it and quickly solve it and run back and put the answer in the hand of a judge and they will decide if they are right, if they get it right they grab the football and throw it to the marked line and the first to do all of these tasks wins" Lola explained. "OK so if we're ready in a minute will start" Zoey said as they headed of the stage. "I can't believe you did this" Zoey whispered to Lola. "Whatever look what you did it dsen't matter anyways at the end of the day it's still Quinn's choice" Lola replied. Just then the referee blew his whistle signaling the games to begin and it was obvious that Lola's plan was gonna work Logan quickly made the 10 baskets while it took Mark a good 2 minutes to make the first basket, by the time Mark got to the bike Logan had already been around to the judges and was on his way back. while they went past each other mark fell off his bike giving up more minutes by the time Mark was back Logan had finished the sports puzzle and had made it to the end and had become the winner. "Congradulations Logan you won today's challenge and you and Quin get to go on a date of your choice" Lola announced. "Thanks" Logan said and quickly headed to talk to Quinn. "Why would Lola make such a hard game" Mark asked. "Cause she want Logan to win" Chase replied. "Great now they get to go on that awesome date" Mark said. "Which is exactly what they wanted to happen" Zoey said. "What are we gonna do this is totally not fair" Chase asked. "Well since they love revenge so much we're gonna give them some" Zoey answered and headed to the exit. "Is she OK" Mark asked Chase neither of them had seen Zoey act this way before. "I don't know but she's got that look in her eye that she has an idea" Chase said as he and Mark ran to catch up with Zoey. Guess revenge is gonna take it's toll on somebody the question is who? * * * ** Author's Note- What did you think 5 more reviews till next chapter so review and also I hope your ready for the next chapter cause it is all about Quogan. So hurry up and review so you can read it. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880** 15. Quogan's Date **Authors Note- Hey sorry it took me so long to update but I have had major writers block and I wanted to make this a really good chapter so here it is.** **Chapter 15- Quogan's Date** **Quinn's POV-**"Lola can you help me" I yelled as I tried to fasten my necklace. "Yeah here you go" Lola said as she helped me fix the necklace "You need anything else" "Actually could you help me with my makeup this is a really fancy theater and I want to look nice" I asked. "Sure but I think you want Logan to be impressed not the people at the theater" Lola said as she worked on my makeup. "Shut up Lola it has nothing o do with him" I said. "Sure whatever" Lola said "OK your done what do you think" "Wow Lola this is great" I said as I looked at myself Lola really knew what she was doing. "Have fun" Lola said as I headed out the door. "Quinn" I heard a voice yell and when I turned around I saw Zoey. "Oh hey Zoey what's up" I said. "Nothing much you look great who did your makeup" Zoey asked. "Lola" I answered. "Oh hey have fun on your date" Zoey said. "Look Zo I know you want me too choose Mark but I have to give them both a fair chance" I said. "It's fine just have fun" Zoey replied. I walked outside to wait for Logan to pick me up. "Hey Quinn over here" I heard him yell. "OMG Logan you got a Limo" I said as I stared at the Hummer limo. "Yep now come on were gonna miss the movie" he said as I stepped into the limo. "How did you manage to get this" I asked as we rode down there. "I've got connections" he replied. "Whatever" I said. "Whatever? Come on you have to admit I'm awesome" he said. "Modest much" I asked. "As much as I can be actually my dad sent the limo" Logan admitted. "Really no I couldn't have guessed even though your dads name is on the side of the limo" I replied. "Oh I totally forgot about that" Logan said. "Here we are" the driver told us. "Come on" I said. "I'm coming" Logan said as we got out of the car. "Wow" I said as I looked at the theater it was amazing. The building looked like one of those older mansions with huge doors and when we walked in I saw a huge chandelierhanging down everything looked like it had been pulled from one of those fancy interior design magazines it was everything I had always wanted to experience. "It's really fancy" Logan said. "You looked shocked come on aren't you used to all this fancy stuff" I asked. "Yeah but this something even I haven't done" he replied. "Now that I cant believe" I said. "Come on lets go see the movie" Logan said. "Yeah maybe this time I wont get hit with water" I said. "Trust me you wont" Logan replied. "OMG" we said at the same time as we stared at the actual theater it was huge the space took up almost all the dorms in my dormitory. "Yeah I really have not been anywhere like this" Logan said. "Me either" I said as we took our seats. The movie was awesome between the awesome movie and my date the whole thing was amazing. "That was really awesome" I said as we rode back to PCA. "Yeah and you know what made it even better" Logan said. "What" I asked. "I got to spend it with you" he replied. "Aw that's so sweet" I said as I got ready to get out of the limo. "Hey quinn" Logan yelled. "Yeah" I said Just then he pulled me into a kiss when he finally let me go I just stood there shocked. "Wow" I said. "Just wanted you to remember the date" he said as he went back in the limo and drove. "I'm defiantly not forgetting that" I said and then headed back to my dorm. * * * Authors Note- Hope you like it originally it was gonna be more intense but I decided to save that for later so 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 16. Final Challenge **Author's Note- Hey peeps what's up I'm sorry I havent updated in a while but I'm back so here is chapter 16 please read and review. * * * ** **Chapter 16- The final challenge ** ** * * * **Quinn's POV- "OMG" Lola yelled after I told her what had happened on my date yesterday "Why didn't you tell me yesterday when you got home" "You were still out on your date with Vince and I was tired and fell asleep" I said. "Did you tell Zoey" Lola asked. "No she wasn't home when I got back and besides I know she wont be happy about it" I replied. "So are you choosing Logan" Lola asked. "IDK it all depends on how I feel" I said "Look I know I made a big deal out of this bet but choose who your heart tells you too not who you think you should" Lola said. "Well thanks but listen you and Zo have really got to work this fight out I don't want my bff's to hate each other" I said. "Fine I'll talk to her later when your on your date tonight come on we're gonna be late" Lola said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. We ran the whole way over to the arena and when we got there I took my seat while Lola went on stage with Zoey to announce the last event. "OK first off we want to thank all of you who have been here over the past couple of days as we help our roomate Quinn choose a date and today is the last competition" Zoey announced to which the crowd cheered. "Today's competion is gonna be huge involving both brains and muscle so let's go to the rules today's game is called Action for passion" Lola announced. "The rules are simple all around the school are clues hidden each clue leads to another each player has 5 clues they must find" Zoey started. "Once they find all there clues they will run back here and, will be given a bag of puzzle pieces which them must put toghter to find out where the hidden key is when they find that key they must bring it back to us and, then they will be asked different questions on certain subjects first one to get 3 right wins" Lola finished. "OK on your mark, get set, go" Lola and Zoey yelled too Mark and Logan and they were off. The guys circled around the school looking for the clues Logan was the first back obviously since he was a better runner but Mark was right behind him and managed to finish the puzzle first and be back with his key but soon Logan had caught back up only to find Mark struggling through his questions. Lola was asking Mark questions about sports and Zoey was asking Logan questions about school subjects finally they both had gotten all 3 of there questions answered at the same time. "OK um if you all will hold on a second we have to talk to our judge" Lola said as her and Lola headed over to me. "What's up" I asked. "They both finished at the same time" Lola explained. "We don't know who to say is the winner" Zoey said. "OK I have an idea I'll go out with both of them at the same time so I can compare them" I explained quickly to keep Lola and Zoey from getting into another fight. "Are you sure" they asked me. "Yeah and to make it easier for me to choose I'll add a twist to the date" I said. "OK so as you may have noticed we had a slight problem see both are contestants tied so they will both go out with Quinn at the same time on a date of her choice" Lola said. "So guys good luck because for one of you this is your last date with Quinn" Zoey said. "Tomorrow she'll announce to all of you her choice because they will be coming with her to the dance tomorrow night so good luck" Lola said. * * * Authors Note- Ok what did you think? 5 More reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 17. Dinner for one to many **Chapter 17- Dinner for one to many** * * * Quinn's POV- "Quinn" I heard Lola yell for me. "I'm in here" I said as Lola walked in the room. "Hey what's up" I asked. "Um actually I came cause I was gonna make sure that you were Ok with going out with Logan and Mark at the same time" Lola said. "Lola I'm fine with it why do you think it's a bad idea" I asked as I picked out my earrings. "No not necessarily I just wanted to be sure you agree to the idea" Lola answered. "I think maybe it's a good idea that way I can compare them side by side and decide who is right for me" I said. "Listen I think it's a good idea but make sure that you don't let them kill each other" Lola said. "Don't worry I'm sure they'll be on their best behavior" I said. "OK well anyways you guys are going to this great place that I got for just you guys" Lola said. "Thanks Lola, listen while I'm gone will you try to make up with Zoey I'm really tired of hearing you two fight" I said. "Sure I'll talk to her" Lola agreed. "Thanks OK well tell Zoey that I will see you guys later and when I come back I'll tell you my decision" I said as I got up and headed out the door. I headed downstairs to the lounge where the guys were waiting for me on opposite sides of the lounge, Logan was playing pool with some other guys and Mark was talking to some of his nerdy friends who he played chess with. "Hey guys" I said "Hey Quinn" they replied at the same time and each quickly left what they we're doing. "So you guys ready, let's go" I said as I led them out the door. I led them over to a limo that Lola, and Zoey had rented for us. "Sweet ride Quinn" Mark said. "Thanks come on" I said as I got in the car the guys followed me in. "So Quinn where are we going" Logan asked. "You'll see when we get there" I said. After about 20 minutes we arrived at our destination. "Here we are" I said as I stepped out of the car. "Where is here exactly" Mark asked. "Bubbles" I said. "What's Bubbles" Logan asked. "It's this popular teen club that also has an awesome restaurant inside so were gonna go to dinner then to the club" I said. "Cool" Logan said as we headed in. "Hi" I said to the girl at the front counter "Pensky plus 2" "Right this way" she said as she showed us to our table. We ordered our dinner and actually managed to have a decent conversation. "OK guys" I announced once we finished desert "Let's go to the club" We headed into Bubbles and started t dance but after a little while of having fun but it was time to get down to business I have to have a one on one conversation with each of them and decide who I choose. * * * Authors Note- Hey guys what's up 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 18. One on One **** Chapter 18- One on One * * * So the time had come I had to talk to both of them cause this time tom morrow I would have made my choice. I walked across the dance floor and found Mark at the snack table. "Hey Mark come on I need to talk to you" I said. "Ok" he said as he followed me. I walked out to the main lobby and sat down on the couch he sat down beside me. "So what do you want to talk about" Mark asked. "I gotta make my decision tommorrow, but before I can make my decision I want to give you both a chance to tell me why I should choose you" I said. "Well I mean we've known eachother for a long time and you always said when we dated that I was the only one for you" Mark replied. "True but you kinda messed that up when you dumped me" I replied. "I feel bad about that, I could have probably done it in a better way" Mark said. "Well I could have taken it better" I replied. "I just wanna say I really care about you" Mark said as he got up to leave. That was the most that Mark Delfigilo had ever said to me, a year ago that would have been enough for me, so why wasn't it now? I walked back in the dance and found Logan talking to some other guys explaining about the new movie his dad was working on. "Hey Logan can I talk to you" I asked. "Sure, OK guys you can call that number and maybe my dad can hook you up with a part in the film" Logan said as he followed me. "Sorry I dragged you away from your friends" I apologized. "It's cool, I'd rather talk to you anyways" Logan said. "So I need to know why I should pick you" I explained. "Quinn I know that what happened oer the summer really made you mad" Logan said. "Yeah" I said. "But what happened it was a mistake I know cause they told me what happened and I feel terrible about all that stuff I accused you of" Logan replied "It's ok I was as much involved as you" I said. "I should have called you after I found out what about Rachel and Sam's plan" Logan said. "So why should I choose you" I asked. "Well we have known each other for a long time, you and I probably know each other better than anyone, and your my best friend" Logan said. "Thanks that was really sweet" I said. "And if there is one more reason you should choose me it's cause I still and and will Love You" Logan said as he got up and walked back inside. I stood outside on the balcony looking up at the stars and thought to myself about this huge decision I had to make and I realized that I had made my decision a long time ago and was just to scared to admit it. I was ready to make my decision. * * * Author's Note- What did you think? I know I haven't updated in a while. 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 19. The Right Choice **Chapter 19- THE RIGHT CHOICE** Quinn's POV- I couldn't wait for the dance tonight I had made my decision yesterday and I was ready to announce it at the dance. I also couldn't wait to not have to hear Zoey and Lola argue anymore. "Hey girlie" Lola said as she walked in the room. "Hey" I said. "You ready for the big day" she asked. "Yeah, I know for sure that I made the right choice" I said. "Well, I'm happy for you" Lola said. "Thanks" I said "I know that you have your own opinions" "I do but this isn't about me, it's about you being happy and Zoey knows that too" Lola said. "Zoey knows what" Zoey asked as she stepped in the room. "That who Quinn picks is about her feelings" Lola explained. "She's right" Zoey said. "Thanks guys" I said as I pulled them into a group hug. "No prob" they said. "So we gotta get ready for the dance" Zoey said. "Yeah, we have a lot to do" Lola added. "OK, then we might wanna go pick up are dresses" I said. "Hey, um guys before we go you should know that me and Vince broke up" Lola said. "What" Zoey asked. "When" I asked. "Vince and I broke up yesterday" Lola explained. "Why" I questioned. "Cause, see there's this guy I've hung out with since I moved here, that just broke up with his girlfriend and told me he liked me" Lola explained. "Who is it" Zoey asked. "You guys will find out tonight, but you know him" Lola said. "Come on let's go" We went to the store and picked up our dresses, then headed to get our shoes, then we got our hair and nails done soon we were ready for the dance. * * * * * * Authors Note- Sorry it was so short but the last chapter is gonna be long. 5 more reviews till next chapter. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 * * * 20. I LOVE YOU! **Chapter 20- I LOVE YOU!** **Quinn's POV-** As I got ready for the dance I realized that in an hour everyone would know my choice, I also couldn't help but wonder who was Lola's date. "Hey Zoey, Lola can you guys help me" I yelled. "We're here" they said. "Could one of you help me zip this thing, and the other help me get this necklace on" I asked. They got to work and helped me out. "You guys look great" I said after they helped me finish getting ready. Zoey had a blue sparkly dress that looked great with her new shoes. Lola had a red dress with a sparkly bow in the middle. I was wearing my favorite color green in the form of an almost mermaid dress. "Are you ready to go" they asked. "Yeah, I gotta do this sometime" I said. "OK, I'm gonna go find my date and we'll meet you at the dance" Lola said as she headed down the hall. "I wonder who her date is" I asked Zoey. "I'm don't know, I guess we'll find out in a little bit" she replied. "I guess so, I bet you can't wait to see Chase" I said. "Yeah, I am I really want to see who's your date" she added. "Hey, listen I'm really sorry" I said. "For what" she asked. "Like for dragging you and Lola into my problem and making you guys fight" I replied. "It's not your fault, I mean we got too involved and that was our fault, besides you needed to do this" she said. "Thanks" I said. "OK let's go" she said as we walked in the dance. "Hey" we said as we came up behind Chase. "Hey Zoey, Quinn" he said as he gathered us into a hug. "Where are Micheal and Logan" Zoey asked him. "Micheal went to meet his date, but I guess you guys heard about his breakup with Lisa" Chase said. "Yeah, and Logan is where" Zoey asked "Is he still fixing his hair" "Actually he said he didn't know if he was going to the dance, he said he might just hang out and shoot hoops" Chase explained. "OK, I'll be right back I'm gonna go find him" I said as I headed out of the dance. I ran all around the school searching every basketball court for him, finally I went back to the lower school basketball court where we had practice his free throws a couple of months back. "What are you doing here" I asked. "Shooting hoops" he said as he threw the ball and missed. "Aren't you supposed to make the basket" I asked. "Yeah I guess you are, what are you doing here your supposed to be at the dance" he said. "Well, I don't have a date and I was hoping that I might find one here" I said. "I wasn't planning on going to the dance, but you know me I love to help people" he said. "OK, then come on" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance. "OMG" I said as we walked in and saw Lola dancing with Micheal!!! "Hey" Lola said. "Ok, I'm a bit freaked out, you can explain later" I said. "You wanna dance" Logan asked me. "That's why I'm here" I answered. He took my hand and led me onto the dance floor and pulled me in to dance. "So what about Mark" Logan questioned. "I had to make a choice" I said. "And who would that be" Logan asked. "Well, it's this guy I found on the basketball court, dragged him to the dance and is danceing with me" I said. "Oh well I can deal with that" he said as he leaned in to give me a kiss. "I like winning" he said as he pulled away a few seconds later. "I like it when you win too" I said as I pulled him back into the kiss. * * * **10 YEARS LATER-**Authors Note- OK what did you think, I know that the end was sorta cheesy but I couldn't help myself I am so happy right now for 3 reasons. 1. I went and saw the movie Twilight twice it was good go see it! 2. I finished this story and it ended the way I wanted it to. 3. I'm in love my bff/crush he told me that he likes me he is the best bf ever. I love all my fans who supported me there is one more chapter after this where you get a sneak peek at my next story and my thank you note to everyone who reveiwed. The group of friends ended up moving to the same suburb in Los Angeles. The friends reamined tight throughout their lives. Chase and Zoey got married and have a 3-year old daughter Chelsea Zoey has her clothing line, and Chase is an engineer. Lola and Micheal are engaged and are getting married in a few months, they have a 5-year old son named Micheal Jr. and a 2-month year old daughter named Lily. Lola has acheived her dream of becoming a successful actress she has won 3 oscars and is nominated for 2 more. Micheal is web designer. And are favorite couple Logan and Quinn got married they have a 4-month old son named Ty and a 3-year old daughter named Kelly who is Zoey and Chase's daughters best friend. Quinn is a science teacher at PCA, she also works with NASA. Logan splits his time between filming movies and modeling. They all lived happily ever after!!! XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 * * * 21. To my fans OK so I really want to thank all of my fans who have reviewed my story and made it as good as it is so I want to thank the following people Emzy, Ber1223-quoganfan4eva, rachel, H2OLover127, ZoeyChase08, snowgal95, marie, teddy baer, emogurl45214, hungrybunny, NicNack4U, freddiebenson, Abercrobmie girly girl, Samaire, Jada, QLfanforever, HTLMY, quoganflick619, Her Name Is Erika, lilsneakymonkey, katy56789, Jackie, feleica1075, secrets710, dontforget2remember, scrubsandquogan4ever, wannabi428, sammers101, seattle90210, metrostationislove. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! My next story is gonna be based around the groups kids and their realtionships make sure to look for it. XOXO, PerfectAngelKK1880 End file.
Love Triangle by xoKayla17xo
Zoey 101
1. Read first I'm not responsible for your childhood death 2. Bad experiment Zoey, Lola, and Quinn we're all exhausted after having ran all those laps in Gym class, once back at the dorm they all collapsed in a heap on the couch, "I can't take much more running!" Zoey complained exhaustedly, "ever since we've had that new teacher, she's been running as ragged!" Yeah, I nearly threw up after all those laps!" Lola groaned in exhaustion "I thought I was gonna pass out!" Well there's only one way we can get through Gym without almost passing out" Quinn chimed in, I could try and create an energy drink that would give us all more adrenaline so we wouldn't get so tired afterwards and it would also get rid of any muscular aches", "Great, now get to it!" Zoey exclaimed "my feet are killing me!" "Alright, i'll get started: Quinn said, dragging herself to her room, where she did her best to stay awake while working on the energy drink, but she was so tired that she accidentally used one of the wrong ingredients without realizing it, eventually she finished and called in Zoey and Lola, "This should have us feeling better in no time!" Quinn exclaimed as she held up a bottle of Dark blue liquid, the girls all took a large swig from the bottle and instantly felt much better, they're newfound energy helped them stay wide awake for the rest of they're classes. The next morning however, they all woke up to find out that Quinn's drink had an unforseen side-effect on all of them, they all had cocks!, long 8 inch pink cocks, "oh no!" Quinn exclaimed, I must've put in the wrong ingredient without realizing" "We'll you better fix it, how the hell are we supposed to go to Gym without people noticing these "things"? Zoey yelled, "calm down" Quinn said "I should be able to make an antidote for this soon enough, "how long will that take"? asked Lola worriedly, Well if I work fast enough, I can create the antidote in a few minutes, but it'll take awhile for those side-effects to wear off, i'd say about six hours maybe" "six hours! Zoey shrieked we can't go in the locker room like this, or reputation will be ruined and we'll be the laughing stock of the whole school!" "Don't worry, we'll be fine, Quinn said assuredly, we'll just take our showers after everyone else leaves" "I sure hope you're right Lola said, cause no guys gonna want to touch me if they find out i'm packing a Dick!". So after taking Quinn's antidote, they set off for they're classes, hoping no one would discover they're extra organs, things went normal until after Gym, Zoey Lola, and Quinn we're all showering after the rest of the class left, as they all we're soaping they're cocks, they began to feel exciting tingling sensations run up they're spines. "oh god that feels so good!" Zoey exclaimed, yeah, now I know why guys do it so much!" Lola exclaimed "it feels nice!" Quinn sighed in bliss, soon they all started stroking they're dicks excitedly, soon they all groaned and shot they're loads on the tiled floor, where it went down the drain, "That was amazing!" they all sighed together, "maybe having a dick isn't so bad after all" Zoey remarked, "yeah, said Lola, we can feel twice as good with two things to play with" Zoey couldn't help but stare at her two very sexy girlfriends, with they're sexy, slender figures, Zoey then said in a sexy voice "let's have some fun with out new equipment" she then immediately kissed Lola and grabbed her ass, "I like where this is going" Lola said excitedly as she kissed Zoey backed and slipped two fingers up her pussy, Zoey moaned with pleasure and used her fingers on Lola, meanwhile Quinn just stood stunned at the spectacle before her with wide eyes, her cock was standing very hard and leaking precum, she then moved over to Zoey and rubbed her cock against her ass, "don't worry we didn't forget about you" Zoey said "come here, i'll make you feel good, sit on Lola's face" Quinn did and Lola then started eating her out causing Quinn to maon loudly with pleasure, and Zoey then took Quinn's cock into her mouth and started gently sucking on the tip, causing Quinn to nearly go insane from all the pleasure, Zoey then deep throated her with some effort and started licking all around the shaft, Quinn couldn't take anymore and then groaned loudly as she shot cum from both her nether regions, "you taste good"! said Lola and Zoey together, "now let's finish what we started", Lola said with a grin, let's do the 69!" they then both got into position and started licking and sucking each others cocks frantically, soon they both shot their hot spunk into each others mouths, they both savored the delicious taste for a while, before quickly getting dressed and heading off to they're next class. 3. The peeping Tom Zoey, Lola, and Quinn we're all having a hard time getting to sleep after their sexual experience in the showers, and we're all very horny and couldn't get to sleep. "I can't stand it anymore!" Zoey whined, "I gotta have sex now!" Lola and Quinn both moaned agreeably, they all took large gulps of the energy drink, hoping they're cocks would come back, as they we're just starting to appreciate them when they dissappeared, fortunately they came back almost immediately after swallowing the drink. Zoey got things started by jacking Quinn's meat, causing her to moan softly, and Lola then started kissing Quinn's breasts, causing her to moan louder, Zoey then started licking Quinn's shaft while still stroking it at the same time, and Lola inserted two fingers in her pussy and two up her ass, which made her go wild with pleasure as she fought to keep quiet, soon she was having a massive double orgasm, even bigger than the one she had before, her eyes glazed over and she collapsed on the floor, Lola was ultra horny after watching Quinn orgasm and was eager to fuck Zoey like crazy, "wanna see what it's like to have a real dick inside you?, Lola asked in a sexy voice that made Zoey's dick twitch, "oh fuck yeah"! Zoey exclaimed, needing no further encouragement, Lola rammed her cock up Zoey's slick cavern, she had lost her virginity to Chase on her last birthday, and had gotten somewhat looser after her many encounters with him, both girls couldn't believe how amazing it felt, Lola was frantically pistoning her dick in and out while Zoey was rubbing her tits and pinching her nipples, soon Zoey's vaginal muscles clamped down on Lola, causing her to shoot a big load of cum into Zoey. Zoey, then had a sudden realization, "Quinn, will this get me pregnant?" asked Zoey worriedly, "don't worry, it's impossible for these cocks to produce the exact same type of sperm that guys do, that would only be possible for us if we had testicles as well", Quinn said, still exhausted from her double orgasm. "oh, in that case, wan't to try it up the ass Lola?!, Zoey asked eagerly, "is Dustin a self-centered prick!" Lola exclaimed while turning over, Zoey than eagerly thrust up into Lola's tight ass, Lola felt some pain at first, but it was quickly replaced by pleasure as Zoey pounded into her like a jackhammer, Quinn had been watching them go at it, and started getting hard again, she then started stroking herself rapidly, Lola soon felt a familiar burning sensation in her loins, "oh shit i'm cumming!" she gasped as her dick started spewing her cum and her ass muscles clenched even tighter around Zoey's cock, causing the blonde girl to shoot her cum deep in her ass, Quinn then aimed her cock at both of them as her thrid orgasm started and she moaned while spraying her cum over them like a water jet. "Wow, I could really get used to being a hermaphrodite" Zoey moaned, Quinn and Lola moaned in agreement and they all climbed into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Unknown to the girls, dustin had just seen the whole thing when he was returning a book he had borrowed from Zoey into her dorm, he couldn't help but be turned on by the girls "new equipment" and he then came in his pants quickly, he then slowly backed out of the girls dorm and ran off, eager to see if he could get in on their next threesome tomorrow. 4. More people Zoey, Lola, and Quinn had all finished they're fitness tests today without too much effort, causing the other girls to gasp in awe at how they managed to survive the exercises without being on the verge of throwing up like most of the class. Quinn had fixed her drink so that the girls "equipment would only appear if they we're sexually stimulated enough. "Boy, I sure wish Nicole and Dana we're here right now, i'd love to get my hands on both of they're sexy asses" Zoey sighed with lust, "Yeah, me too" Quinn moaned. "You know, i'm pretty sure Nicole wasn't as guy obsessed as she lead us to believe, Lola remarked "I think she just made it up so she could be around girls all the time" "What gave you that idea?" Zoey inquired. "Well, Lola said, there's the fact that she was always right behind when we we're running laps, and she was standing over my bed just staring at me when she thought I was asleep, and she was always offering to do my laundry, oh yeah, and I heard her moaning my name in her sleep" "But, if she was crushing on you, then why did she leave?" Zoey asked, "Well she was probably afraid of being judged and made fun of, so she made up some crap about obsessive male gender disorder so she could be in a place where she wouldn't have to worry about being judged" Lola answered. "Yah, I guess so, Zoey said, I just wish she didn't leave us", now who should we let in on our secret? she asked, cause i'm not sure Dustin will be comfortable with me having a dick bigger than he does" Zoey remarked, yeah, and i'm not sure Mark would be comfortable with me having a dick either" Quinn remarked. "So why don't we tell someone who we're more comfortable with letting them know, like say Lisa and Stacey?" Yeah, I don't mind telling them, they're pretty cute" Lola said with a grin. So they all told Lisa and Stacey that they both had a special surprise for them, "surprise, what's the occasion for that?" Lisa asked curiously, "Yeah, every time I get a surprise, it's a practical joke, Stacey remarked. "you'll see when we get to the dorm" Zoey said with a smirk. When they arrived at the dorm, Zoey, Lola, and Quinn all took a gulp of the drink and then removed they're clothes subsequently, "you want some of this? Zoey asked in a very sexy tone, "Oh fuck yeah!" Lisa exclaimed. Stacey stood in disbelief, she couldn't believe what she was seeing,but she could feel herself getting very wet by looking at them. Lola loved how things were progressing, so she then decided to put on some sexy music, both to enhance the mood and to drown out the sounds of sex, so she put on Britney Spears-I'm A Slave 4 U "Well what are you two waiting for?" Lola asked, "take off those damn clothes so we can screw you senseless!". Lisa and Stacey didn't need to told twice and immediately tore off they're clothes, Quinn then started kissing Stacey and stroking her breasts, causing Stacey to moan and get even wetter, Zoey started getting to work on Lisa, by shoving her on the couch and then diving in to sample her pussy, causing Lisa to shake with pleasure, Quinn then inserted two fingers into Stacey's pussy. Meanwhile Lola went over to her drawer and pulled out a long leather whip and some handcuffs, "Who needs to be punished?" Lola demanded, the other girls all said, "I do!" all at once, Lola went over to Stacey and Quinn and started whipping them on their ass, causing them to gasp sharply, Quinn was so turned on by all this that she felt a familiar bulge grow between her legs, causing Stacey to gasp in shock, "this must be your surprise" she said in a shocked tone, "you bet it is!" Quinn said with a sexy smirk, now would you mind giving me a blowjob?" "oh yeah, i've always wanted to suck cock!" Stacey exclaimed, she then took Quinn's member into her mouth and then started slowly bobbing her head up and down her shaft, causing Quinn to shiver and shake, while Lola kept on whipping Stacey yelling "suck her harder!", Zoey had gotten turned on as well and was soon sprouting her own cock once again, causing Lisa to gasp, "wow, I gotta have some of that!" and she then started sucking her cock enthusiastically, causing Zoey to grab her hair shove her head forward, "oh yeah, that's it, suck me good!" Zoey moaned. Lola finally started growing her cock, and it stood proudly at 9 inches, she then stopped whipping Stacey and jammed her cock up her ass, causing Stacey to moan around Quinn's cock, causing Quinn to lose it and shoot her hot milky load into Stacey's mouth, Stacey loved the taste and savored it for as long as possible, Zoey couldn't take anymore and was soon shooting her load into Lisa's eager and awaiting mouth, all this spurred Lola too pounding Stacey's ass even harder, soon Stacey's ass muscles clenched around her as Stacey moaned in a blissful orgasm, causing Lola to howl like a wolf as she spurted her cum up Stacey's ass. "Lola then grabbed the handcuffs after recovering from her orgasm and chained Lisa to the bunk by her feet and wrists, "Lisa was shocked but too turned on to care what they did to her at this point. Lola then said wickedly "you wanna cum bad huh?, well eat me eat out first bitch!" Lisa complied and buried her face in Lola's cunt and started licking like there was no tomorrow. Meanwhile despite the music dustin could still faintly hear moans coming form Zoey's bedroom, so he opened the door and was blown away by the sight of his girlfriend and her friends engaged in various sexual acts, Chase got hard immediately and started jacking his cock furiously, Zoey heard him moan though, and got a look of horror upon seeing him, he then asked boldly "can I join in?" "only if you promise not to tell anyone" Zoey said, "don't worry, I promise" Chase said assuredly, "now could you please suck me off, Zoey then got a sexy grin and tugged down his pants and boxers and started going to town on his cock causing him to cum into her mouth in no time, meanwhile Lola started orgasming powerfully all over Lisa, "Well, it looks like you've earned your treat!" she said, "hey Dustin, wanna give her a good hard pounding?" Dustin then immediately rushed over and started jackhammering into Lisa's pussy, causing her to shriek with wild abandon, dustin was soon on the verge of cumming, so Lola then took her cock and shoved it up his ass, causing Dustin to gasp and shoot his cum up into Lisa, Lisa finally felt herself go over the edge and screamed out her orgasm, Lola soon lost control and pounded Dustin's ass like crazy til she shot her hot sticky load up her ass. Soon, they all collapsed in exhaustion from the experience, "Damn!, Lisa groaned exhaustedly, "we gotta do that again", "by the way, how did you all get dicks, i've never seen them on you before when you we're naked?" "Oh that was a side-effect of Quinn's energy drink" Zoey answered, "I never thought i'd be glad to have one of her experiments malfunction" "yeah, same here" Quinn and Lola said breathlessly, they all soon fell asleep exhaustedly. End file.
It happened by m1tt
Zoey 101
Simple Perfection **Don't press the backspace button, please. Here's my reason for writing this; it would not get out of my head. I wish it would, but it wouldn't. Give it a chance, please, and review once you're done? It's different, it's weird, and it most likely won't be too long, but I think I'll have fun writing this. Thanks guys.** His story is not completely tragic. It's just a story, with a beginning, a middle and an end. It is very simple and very clear. There is no complexity to it whatsoever. If you watch TV shows, well, then, it'll be easy for you to understand. ---- Wayne Ricardo Gilbert is born on December 2nd in Cincinatti, Ohio to his two wonderful parents. He is the youngest of three children and feels just as loved as his older siblings. It's very simple, and very clear. ---- His mother, Celeste Gilbert dies when Wayne is seven years old. His is so young, he doesn't really remember everything, but he does remember it is to breast cancer. A very simple death, a common death that does tear the family apart for a little while. His father, Walter Gilbert, who is a computer analyst for a big named company, is devasted, and so is Wayne's nine year old sister Lilli, and his fourteen year old brother, Julian. Celeste fights her cancer for two long years before finally losing. Celeste, though, gives up the fight six months prior, and spends the last months with her family, being very loving and strong. Wayne remembers a lot of love and care from his mother, so much that he does remember many memories of her, even at his young age. The family stays close, and spends as much time together as possible. Celeste is admitted into the hospital on September 24th and dies September 26th. A very quick and simple death. They all have said their goodbyes before, and Celeste is happy when she goes. Wayne remembers the last day in the hospital, with her plugged into many machines, her pale, frail body just lying on the bed. "Daddy, is Mommy dead yet?" he asks. Walter takes one look at his son and shakes his head. "Not yet son," Walter confesses, as he squeezes his wife's hand, who does not respond as she is unconscious. Wayne frowns. "Well, she should hurry up and go to heaven already. I hear Mommy ask God to let her die quickly and as painlessly as possible when she is admitted into the hospital," Wayne says blantly, shocking Walter, but does not say anything as he envelopes his son in a hug. Wayne feels sad when his mom dies two hours later, but she did get her wish; it only takes her two days to pass on and Wayne is glad that she at least got something that she wanted. She deserved it. ----- Walter immerses himself in work for the next few months, so Julian takes care of Lilli and Wayne. It brings them closer as a family, and Wayne can bring up many good memories with them. There are very few bad memories, except for the occasional fight on what to have for dinner. Wayne doesn't understand why all the kids in his first grade class are complaining about their families. He thinks his are pretty awesome, even his dad, though he doesn't come home early that often, and he immerses himself in work on the weekends as well. ----- Walter pulls himself together once he misses both Wayne's eighth birthday and Julian's fifteenth birthday on January 5th. Soon, the family is put back together and his dad actually has time for all of them again. Walter even starts teaching Wayne about computers and technology. Wayne has always loved science and math, so he starts learning a lot and working hard to be as good as his dad. "You have a lot of talent Wayne. You'll do something great in science or computers," his father tells him one day as Wayne fixes his father's computer for him. Wayne beams as he hugs his father. ----- Wayne gets glasses when he turns nine, and at first, he is sad. He doesn't like glasses, especially Kristen Thomas' big glasses that make her look very weird. But in the end, Lilli convinces him they aren't so bad. "There are some really cool ones that you can get. Ryan Slunk in my grade has some pretty neato glasses," Lilli says, and Wayne giggles at the word neato. "Yeah, but what if people call me a nerd? Somebody called Kristen a nerd and she started crying. It's pretty bad," Wayne asks, sitting on the stairs of their house. Lilli sits beside him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "Listen, being called a nerd is a good thing. It means that you are very smart and can amount to a lot. So, when people call you a nerd or a geek or something, take it as a compliment. That means that you will amount to more than those losers. And if they call you anything else that doesn't sound good, just talk to me and I'll beat them up," Lilli says, grinning. Her three years in martial arts really pay off, plus, she is almost 5'3 at her eleven year old age and she plays soccer and can get quite harsh. Wayne nods at his sister, who ruffles his hair playfully. "Thanks sis," he says. Lilli nods as the two stand up, Wayne ready to get his glasses. He deems that no matter what anyone says, siblings are not bad at all. He wishes people can have relationships like his with their siblings. ---- He is just finishing seventh grade when he gets the letter that accepts him into Pacific Coast Academy. He is very excited, and plus by the letter, they are letting girls in there that year as well. Walter congratulates his son proudly, but is definately wary. "I don't know if you should go Wayne. I mean, what if something bad happens to you? I can't protect you from here. I love you too much," Walter asks. He is already losing Julian to university at Harvard for becoming a lawyer, and he doesn't want to lose Wayne too. But he just shakes his head at Walter sadly. "Dad, if you love me, you'd let me do this. It's an experience of a lifetime and I really wanna go. Please Dad," Wayne begs. He continues begging for two more days before Walter finally caves. Wayne is excited, and before Julian leaves in early August for some early program thing there, he gives Wayne a present; a new laptop with various computer software programs that Walter and Julian combine to help him out with. Lilli, now fourteen, gives Wayne a hug and her old cellphone that she does not use, exchanging it for a shiny, pink one. She is slightly more girly, but still goes to martial arts, and still plays soccer. "Have fun, and call me every day, or else I'll kick your butt into oblivion, bring it back and then kick it back there," Lilli demands when Wayne is ready to leave. Wayne nods, hugging his sister and father once more. "Bye, see you during Thanksgiving," Wayne says before boarding the plane. ---- Wayne gets his nickname 'Firewire' on the first day of classes, when his computer teacher, Mr. Richards comments on his amazing computer skills. "You have mad skills Mr. Gilbert. Do people ever call you Firewire? Because that's how you are on a computer. I see great potential in you." And that was that. Wayne didn't want to be called Wayne anymore; it reminded him too much of home, and besides, people here didn't seem to like him, especially that Quinn Pensky girl in his Science, Math and History classes. So, he makes sure everyone calls him Firewire, even his roomates, and fellow geeks, Roger Chemin and Arthur Quentine. The three promptly join Science Club and try to keep Quinn out. ------ Wayne has to be honest, he is definately jealous of Quinn. She is definately just as smart as him, even more so in some ways, and Wayne thrives on having friends like her. She has the beautiful Zoey Brooks, Dana Cruz and Nicole Bristow, while he barely has Roger and Arthur, along with the other Science Club nerds. If he inherited his mother's people skills, like Julian and Lilli had, he could have more friends, but his father's antisocialness and intellect make him more distant from others. He likes his so called friends, but they don't understand him and never will. He wants to open up, but the only thing they all have in common is Science and computers, so they always talk about that. If he had real friends, he could talk about his family and his other hobby, which is actually singing. In fact, his father once told him that he has a wondeful singing voice, and he gets that from his mother. One of the only things he inherits and that is her singing voice? Not very manly, but Julian and Lilli cannot sing well, so he actually feels special. Quinn is beautiful to Wayne and everything he can hope for. Most of her friends don't see it, but she will grow up to be rich and famous, with a husband as beautiful as her and with people loving her as she loves them back. Too bad that boy will never be Wayne. ------ Ninth grade, and Wayne continues to pretend to hate Quinn Pensky. After the robot wars and her beating them all, and he cannot bring himself to truly hate her. Sure, he's pissed off and wanted to win, but there's no point on dwelling on it now. She is clearly the better scientist, and Wayne doesn't even care all that much. Just the fact that they tried is the true thing. Plus, it got him some attention for a while. ------ Wayne is shocked when in tenth grade, the new student and beautiful Rebecca Browning comes to him for revenge on Zoey Brooks. Ok, so he doesn't like Zoey because of her declaration on him for robot wars. Anybody would be mad, and he just wanted to impress Quinn, his crush on her still very strong. He knows she'll be mad if she finds out, but he needs his revenge. He feels kind of bad about it afterward (ok, really bad about it, especially when Quinn and Lola tried to kill his special edition Galazy Wars collectibles) but he knows in the end, he needed that time period of being bad. He thinks that maybe he and Rebecca can date, possibly, since they did team up together to destroy Zoey, but she goes back to ignoring him the next day. It's fine with him. He gets his collectibles back and all is good. His evilness is over, and it's back to dorky Firewire. ---- It's the eleventh grade and for his birthday, he gets some new comic books from Julian, money from Lilli (who has a job at a bookstore and also at a community centre, teaching young kids to play soccer and martial arts) and some new software and some computer/science books from his dad. He is happy for them and thanks them on the phone multiple of times. Julian has a girlfriend now, and Lilli has a boyfriend. Wayne does wish that he could have a girlfriend too, but Julian is the one that comforts him. "Wayne, being in a relationship is not everything. You're sixteen years old; you still have time. I didn't get my first girlfriend until my seventeenth birthday, and Lilli is just in her first relationship. It's not everything you know. When you get a girlfriend, you'll get one. Don't dwell on it too much. I'm sure by university, you'll have an awesome girlfriend that will beat Tyresa," Julian tells him. Wayne smiles over the phone, noticing his door opening and Roger walking in. "I guess so. I should go. Thanks, and I'll see you in a couple of weeks for Christmas," Wayne says before hanging up. The talk with Julian helps and Wayne feels a thousand times better than he did before. ----- Wayne gets his first girlfriend on Prom Night. The petite blonde, Summer Dylans, is the one that gets her foot caught in the fence at the end of eleventh grade and Wayne helps her out of it. The other guys try to talk to Summer, chatting about the end of the world and aliens, and for the first time, Wayne feels that talking about that stuff is dorky, so he creates an excuse about hiding supplies in the forest tonight to save themselves, and it is just Wayne and Summer. "Um, thanks. I'm Summer Dylans," she says, extending her hand. Wayne takes it and shakes it graciously, surprised that a girl as pretty as her is actually talking to him. "Wayne Gilbert, or more known here as Firewire. But you can call me Wayne," he says. This is the first time that he lets somebody at PCA call him Wayne, and she smiles. His heart flutters a bit as she speaks, saying his name aloud. "Well, it's nice to meet you Wayne. You wanna dance?" she asks. Wayne can only nod as they clasp their hands together and go out to the dance floor as a slow song comes on. This is Wayne's first dance, and with any luck, it will be Wayne's first kiss. Summer places her head on Wayne's shoulder and he wraps his arms around her waist. This is nice, and different, but he is so incredibly nervous. He doesn't want to mess anything up and he knows there's a chance that he will. Finally, as the song ends, Summer looks up at him, and he looks down on her and can't help but think how nice her blue eyes look, like an endless ocean pulling him in. Finally, he feels himself lowering his head as he captures her in a perfect kiss, a simple kiss, and that is that. They start dating that very night. ------ Wayne has a simple life, no drama in it whatsoever. Just your typical family plus a death that brings the family closer together, friends, a few enemies, one he used to like, and a girlfriend who stays his girlfriend through to college and even through marriage. Wayne could not ask for anything better. He does not have to worry about nasty breakups, cheating, cat fights, real fights, verbal abuse or anything. Because in Wayne's world, everything is so simple and nice, and that's the way that he likes it. **What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Come on guys, please, please review. I actually enjoyed writing this because Firewire's life is just unknown, so it was pretty easy. I think I'm going to write another oneshot soon, but I don't know what pairing. I also want to focus on another minor character's life, maybe Mark's but I don't know. Thoughts? Thanks for reading. ** End file.
Simple Perfection by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
A big black thing Zoey and Lola were sitting in thier dorm all alone, because Quinn was sick in the nurses office. "So hows it going," asked Zoey. "Not so good," said Lola. "Why," asked Zoey. "Well, I acsedently touched Jennifers butt in gym class, but she didnt notice, but i didnt feel all grossed out! I liked it," said Lola. "Then why are you so sad," asked Zoey. "It's not that im sad, its that im confused. I dont know if im a lesbian or not," said Lola. "Wanna find out?" said Zoey. "What do you mean," asked Lola. "Let me help you out by seeing if your lesbian," said Zoey. Then Zoey leaned in for a kiss. Lola played along. Then there lips met, and Lola felt a spark. Zoey asked for entrence with her tounge, Lola accsepted by opening her mouth. Zoey put her hand up her shirt and uncliped her bra. Lola was moaning with plesure. Lola put her hands up Zoey's Shirt but noticed that she wasnt wearing a bra. So instead she took of her shirt. Lola massaged Zoey's boobs. Zoey was moaning. Lola took off her shirt. Lola lied Zoey on the couch, and lied on top of her. She undid Zoey's pants. Zoey had no panties on. "Were you preparing this?" Asked Lola in a whiney voice. "Im always prepared," Said Zoey. "You little Slut," Said Lola. Lola rubbed zoeys Clit. "Lola, I need to help you," said Zoey. So Lola pulled down her pants. Zoey rubbed her clit. Lola gasps then whined. Zoey inserted one finger, Then another. Lola screamed. Micheal was walking outside, And he heard screaming. He peeped through the crack of the curtan, and saw Lola and Zoey. His eyes got bigger. All he could do is stare. Now his Cock was talking for himself. He ran into the hall. He didnt want to knock, then they would stop. So he remembered that he had a key. He dug down into his pocket, and grabed a key. He quitely unlocked the door, then bursted in. "Zoey, im not a lesbian," Said Lola. "Your not?" Said Zoey. "No, Im a Bisexual,"Said Lola. Lola ran to micheal, And shut the door. Zoey grabed him then pulled all his clothes off. "Sit down you naughty boy," Said Lola in a suduceive voice. Then she thrusted her hips up and rubed up against him. Then Lola and zoey started playing with eachother. Micheals dick was throbing. Zoey and Lola started to be all whiney, to act sexy for Micheal. "We want the Big Black Cock," Zoey whined. "Yes Micheal, yes yes yes yes yes yessss," Lola pouted. Micheal stood up and pushed Lola and Zoey onto the bed, and Stuck his throbing cock into Lola's soaking wet pussy. "Oh Micheal," Yelled Lola. He pounded his big black cock into Lola harder and harder each time. Lola screamed with enjoyment. Zoey stuck her soaking pussy into Lola's face. Lola stuck her tounge right into Zoey's wet pussy. She flicked her tounge continuisly, in and out, in and out, in and out. Lola was moaning while eating out, and being pounded into. Zoey was whining like a bad bitch. "Yeah bitch, you lick that fine pussy," Demanded Micheal. Just the way Micheal said that, Zoey cummed all in Lola's mouth. Then that made Micheal spew into Lola. That made Lola scream. Micheal ripped out his thick black cock out of Lola, and started to rub it. Zoey saw some cum coming out of Lola. Zoey jumped off the bed then sucked all the cum outta Lola's pussy. "Your turn you big Ol' slut," Zoey bent over and rested her fourarms on the side of the bed. Micheal stuck his dick into Zoey's pussy. In and out went his dick. "Oh, Oh yeah, Oh yes, Oh Micheal," Yelled Zoey. "Yeah you big slut, tke it all in. Ride that big black cock," Said Micheal. While that was happening Lola put her butt infront of Zoey's face. "Lick it Zoey, I know you want to," Lola said in a sudductive voice. Zoey licked Lola's hole, in and out her tounge went. After five minutes of fucking, Micheal cummed all into Zoey. "Oh god the holes so big now, Oh," Whined Zoey. Zoey turned to Lola, and they started making out. Micheal started to moan. And all when this was happening Coco was listining in eating raveolli. She used her key and burst in. "Coco! We can explain," Said Lola. Coco shut the door. "Were doing a project for Sex ed," Said Zoey. "Yeah, Im helping them," Said micheal. "I wont tell the dean," Said Coco. "Thats awesome, thank you so mu-," Said Lola. "But," Yelled Coco. "But what?" Asked Micheal. "I wont tell, inless... I get in, I havet had sex in years," Said Coco. They all looked at eachother and said... The rest wikk be in the next chapter. End file.
A big black thing by PamperdUnicorn99
Zoey 101
Gossip Column: Junior Prom Special **A/N: I feel like such a prolific writer lately!** **This was just a little something I wrote mostly during math class (which may not have been the wisest decision on my part, as we have a quiz tomorrow and I barely know what chapter we're studying at the moment). A nice gossipy CZ-wrapup, ya know? Read and review. ;)** PCA Herald Volume XXVII Issue 20 May 4, 2008 Gossip Column: Junior Prom Special By Abby Johns _I've been granted free tickets to attend both proms every year since I became PCA's gossip columnist as a freshman, always in hope of procuring some juicy prom-night gossip. And I am rarely disappointed, from catfights and fistfights to students getting busted for putting questionable substances in the punch and that year an alligator showed up and tried to eat the emcee. But this year takes the cake._ _First on the list of prom-night shockers was a classic, movie-inspired admission of love. Well-known playboy __**Logan Reese**__, junior, showed up for the night of festivities with pink tulle-wearing junior __**Stacey Dillsen**__, one with whom he is not normally seen associating. Meanwhile, honor-student junior __**Quinn Pensky**__ attended prom on the arm of eighth-grader and roommate __**Zoey Brooks**__' younger brother __**Dustin Brooks**__. According to my sources, neither of these odd couples appeared to be having a very good time at the dance prior to the Big Moment._ _I had the good fortune to be standing exactly between Logan and Quinn at the time of said moment, as Logan danced with his date and Quinn played cards with hers. A quick commotion took place in the middle of the dance floor involving Logan and Stacey, the details of which I am not certain, but one exclamation was soon heard above all else: "Because I love Quinn!" coming from Logan's mouth._ _I'm sure everyone noticed the music stop and a hush fall over the crowd. One bold attendee asked Logan to confirm what he had just declared._ _Logan did so, yelling for all to hear, "I love Quinn Pensky!" In a beautiful response that surely brought tears to the eyes of many of those present, Quinn shouted, "And I love Logan Reese!" The two met in the middle of the floor for a fairy-tale kiss._ _It has been revealed that Logan and Quinn have in fact been dating for several months, but kept it a secret for fear of ridicule from their peers. Now that they are out of the closet, per se, we at the __PCA Herald__ wish them all the best. We're rooting for you!_ _It is not yet known how the friends of Logan and Quinn responded to this revelation._ _After this first unexpected surprise, Dustin was seen stomping angrily out of prom, but was later sighted dancing with __**Molly Moscowitz**__. Stacey, meanwhile, left dateless, ran out of prom and into the road in a rather thoughtless moment of distress._ _It was here she was accidentally hit by __**Mark Del Figgalo**__ driving __**Michael Barrett**__'s classic convertible (a recent gift from his father). Michael had been attempting to teach Mark the finer points of driving a stick-shift when Stacey appeared suddenly in the car's path._ _This story has a happy ending, however, as Stacey, far from being injured, was cured of the bothersome lisp which has afflicted her since birth. Everyone congratulate Stacey on the disappearance of the speech impediment it took serious horsepower to fix!_ _Also, rumors have been floating of a possible romantic connection between Stacey and Mark, who ironically is Quinn's ex-boyfriend. Mark has recently ended (or has had ended for him) a relationship with __**Brooke Margolin**__, and was seen dancing with Stacey the rest of the night. We eagerly await confirmation of these rumors._ _Surely regular readers of this column will remember the complicated business involving Zoey Brooks and student __**Chase Matthews**__, an issue which stretched across many years and two countries. And surely you will also recall the more recently reported relationship between Zoey and the popular new student __**James Garrett.**_ _I regret to inform you that James and Zoey have broken up as of Wednesday. According to my sources, the breakup was mutual, with both parties agreeing to remain friends. Some have said the catalyst for their split involved infidelity, but these rumors appear to be unfounded._ _Chase, meanwhile, returned to PCA Saturday, due to semesters in England ending rather sooner than semesters here. Welcome back, Chase!_ _According to far-off eyewitnesses, Chase took two nasty falls upon his return, but he seems to have escaped unhurt and was seen reuniting with all of his PCA friends. One reunion was particularly sweet: he and longtime crush and best friend Zoey have finally become a couple. The two were seen kissing and dancing throughout the night and apparently plan to spend the summer vacationing together in Hawaii. __I'm sure you will all join me in breathing a sigh of relief and saying, "Finally!" I offer my congratulations to the happy couple and the information to James that I am currently single and can be contacted through the PCA Herald._ _It was a night of love, but also a night of pain: junior __**Rebecca McLaughin **__had her high-heeled shoe stuck in a wire fence and was wrestling to extract it when she was assisted by __**Wayne Seitz**__, commonly known as __**Firewire**__, and a group of his friends. Unfortunately, while they attempted to help, they managed to break her ankle, and she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Get better soon, Rebecca!_ _Another unfortunate soul was the Herald's own news reporter, as well as PCA's only televised anchor, __**Jeremiah Trottman**__. __**Brandy Lane**__, senior and elder brother of Jeremiah's date __**Martha Lane**__, broke Jeremiah's nose with a punch to the face after catching Jeremiah allegedly kissing another girl. Courage, Jeremiah, you'll get through this._ _That wraps up our special junior prom edition gossip column for the week of May 4. Next week perhaps we'll have received more information about PCA's latest high-profile couples. Kisses, Abby._ End file.
Gossip Column: Junior Prom Special by Lady Liln
Zoey 101
I Miss You **A/N:** I've been dyyyyying to write a story lately, but my mind is completely blare. No ideas at all. I finally got one when I was listening to music. Well, hopefully you enjoy this. I really want to write a full story soon, but I gotta wait until school doesn't load us up with so much work.(Highschool, giving us a break? Yeah. Right.) And until I gain atleast some ideas for one. Obviously. LOL. **Disclaimer:** If I owned Zoey 101, Dana would be back on the show and going out with Logan. Chase would TELL Zoey his real feelings for her. And the new episodes would appear EVERY Sunday, instead of just once every few weeks. So in other words, I own nothing. **PS: **And before I forget, I also have some spoilers for this season of Zoey. As well as, Sean Flynn's website which has a picture of his curly hair, straightened. HE IS SO HOTT THAT WAY, OMG! Sorry about that. I'm boy crazy is all. Hey, what can I say, I'm 14! LOL. Yup, so, email me if you'd like to know those websites. My email can be found on my profile in case you are a dumbass and didn't know where it was. LOL. Just kidding. Well, before I bore you with all my blabbing, here's the story! * * * He missed her. And not that, 'I-miss-the-person-because-I-haven't-seen-them-in a long time" kind of miss. More like he missed everything about her. Yup, that's right. The boy that flirted with any girl that came across his path, had fallen. Logan never felt this way about anyone before. And it confused him like hell... "He's been quiet lately. You think he's sick?" "Maybe. But personally, I enjoy the silence. Makes it alot easier to study," "I hear ya, man. Especially after that 'first day' fiasco, when we had to sleep outside. It's definit-" Logan looked up at his roommates, sending them a death glare, "You know I can hear EVERYTHING you're saying." "Uh. No." Chase lied. He glanced over at his friend, who had his History book infront of his face, as if to be hidden. Chase pulled the book back down on the table. "Hey!" Michael said, stuffing a handful of potato chips into his mouth, "Can I guy eat food in privacy?" Chase grabbed the bag from his hand, which Michael rolled his eyes in response, "Remember what happened last time you ate too many of these? You complained you were fat, which led you to go to Quinn, who gave you freaky chips, that made you walk funny. And cause all those other side-effects. You need to stop." Michael moved his hand over towards the bag of chips, but Chase slapped it away, "No." He sighed in defeat and turned his attention to his other room mate who had gotten quiet again, "Yo, man, what's up?" Logan ran his fingers thru his chocolate brown curls with a sigh. He was **not** going to tell Chase and Michael about the girl he thought about every second of the day. They would never let him live that down. And besides, they wouldn't tell him anything that he didn't already know. "You can trust us, Logan," Chase said, realizing his friend's discomfort. "Yeah," added Michael. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. Logan knew what he had to do. Why didn't he think of this before! Getting off his bed, he ran to his drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper with directions on it. He grabbed his Dad's credit card and ran over to his guitar, which he swiftly packed it into it's bag. Chase gave him a confused look. "What are you doing?" "I'm going out." Logan locked the lock on his guitar bag, "I should be back by tomorrow or later tonight. So don't wait up," "Tomorrow? Where are you going!" Michael yelled, "We could get busted if you don't come back and the DA does a room check!"" "None of your business," Logan snapped, "I have something I need to do, which involves NOT being here." He put the guitar strap over his head, and opened the door, "Later." Chase walked over and shut the door, "Well, atleast we can get back to studying for Finals," He sat back down on the couch, but just as he started reading one of the Chapters, a crunching noise distracted him from his thoughts. He looked over towards Michael who was holding the bag of chips to his chest, munching on the salty treat, "What?" Chase shaked his head. _Michael was hopeless._ * * * She layed out on her bed, wiping a brush of deep red across her finger nails. France was boring. She only had class a few days a week, and on days they didn't have School, she was stuck in her dorm with her room mate. They weren't allowed to leave their Dorms. She hated it here and desperately wanted to go back to PCA, but after getting Zoey's email of how great it is there and how she and Nicole had a new room mate, well, it made her feel unwanted. Thethree of them got along well, and they got along with the guys great, too. Dana was getting the feeling that she wasn't being missed at all. The door popped open to her dorm, and a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes walked in wearing pajamas. The girl flopped down on her bed. "You are very lucky, my friend. I have school every day except for Saturdays and Sundays. It's, how you say, exhausting." The young girl put a piece of bubble gum in her mouth and blew a bubble, "School in America, worked for you that way, too, no?" Dana closed the cap on her nail polish and set it down on the table, "Yeah, Isabell, it does," She told her French friend. Isabell could sense her roommates' sadness from across the room, "What is wrong?" She asked. Dana sighed, "Nothing, I just miss my friends from back at home. No offense to you or anything, but things here kind of suck." Isabell laughed, "Tell me about it! It is a jail, here. They wont let us leave," "I know!" Dana agreed. "But, what about that boy?" She asked, staring at her peach pink nails, searching for a flaw. Dana's heart skipped a beat, "What boy?" She pointed to Dana's neck, "The boy who gave you that necklace. Remeber? You told me that story the first day you got here." She put her hand to her heart, "Ahh. It is _**soo**_ romantic!" Dana stared down at the sterling silver chain around her neck. _She missed him so much_. The necklace had a heart on it, with the sentence, "You + Me EQUALS Together Forever" engraved on the back. She never took it off since he gave it to her, the day during the Summer when she was about to leave to France. He surprised her with a gift, a gift that promised that she would never be forgotten when it came to him; that he would think of her always and forever, but somehow she doubted he kept his promise. "It doesn't matter anyway," Dana said, holding back tears."He doesn't like me anymore." * * * It was dark. Logan wished he knew time differences or else he would have came here when it was day light. He couldn't see much, but did his best not to trip and fall. Not that it mattered, really. If he broke his guitar and amp, he could always buy a new one. Money was no problem. He walked around aimlessly. It would take him forever to find her exact dorm. In defeat, he dropped his guitar bag down on the grass and zipped it open. With his guitar around him, he plugged it into the amp. He took a deep breathe, from being nervous before he began to sing. He wrote this song the day she left. Hope bleeding thru every word he spoke, He wished that she would be around this area so she could hear it: (**A/N:** Logan's singing is in italics. I have no owner ship to the song, it's by Blink182. The name of the song is 'I Miss You', incase you want to listen to it, while reading. ;)) _"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.__ __The shadow in the background of the morgue__ __The unsuspecting victim, of darkness in the valley__ __We can live like Jack and Sally if you want __ __Where you can always find me.__ __We'll have Halloween on Christmas,__ __And in the night we'll wish this never ends__ __We'll wish this never ends."_ His eyes glanced across the area. She wasn't there. He wanted to crawl into a ball and die, knowing that she didn't hear it, but instead of giving up, he decided to begin again. * * * "Did you hear that?" Dana asked. Isabella looked around the room, "Hear what?" Dana ran over to the window. She knew the source of the music was coming from outside. Her eyes grew wide at the sight, "Oh. My. God." * * * His fingers strummed the guitar, as he began to sing again, the words coming straight from his heart. _"Where are you and I'm so sorry.__ __I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight__ __I need somebody and always.__ __This sick strange darkness __ __Comes creeping on so haunting every time__ __And as I stared I counted __ __Webs from all the spiders__ __Catching things and eating their insides__ __Like my indecision to call you__ __and hear your voice of treason__ __Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?__ __Stop this pain tonight.."_ Logan was just about to start singing the chorus of the song, but right when he was about to, he felt arms wrap around his waist. "Huh?" He moved from the warm embrace and turned around. To his surprise, it was the girl he was dying to see. **Dana.** "You're here." She stated. "So are you." He countered back. "You miss me?" Dana said, twirling one of her caramel curls. (**A/N:** Think School Dance episode when he asked if she wanted to make out with him.) "Only if you missed me," He smirked at her. **Of'course he missed her.** He wouldn't go on one of his Dad's private jets to France for nothing. "Well, how am I gonna know or not?" She flirted. "I know a way..." Logan leaned towards her, and soon their lips were crashing together in a kiss. His arms were around her waist, pulling her close, while her arms were wrapped around his neck. They pulled away a while after, when Logan noticed something shiny around Dana's neck. He needed to ask. "You kept it?" It came out more as a statement then a question. "Yeah." She blushed, surprised that he even noticed. He smiled. "Good. Because I never want it to be any other way." * * * **Fin!** End file.
I Miss You by ohprettythrill
Zoey 101
Kiss A/n: random one shot. C/Z Kiss. "It's not funny!" Zoey cried burying her head in her hands. Truth or dare sucked. "Aww Zo. We're sorry!" Lola laughed. She and Nicole had fallen about giggling. "We just... oh god!" the continued to roll on the floor clutching their sides. "I'm off to bed." Zoey scowled, grabbing her blanket. The girls were having a mini sleepover in the girls longue where they had more space. During confess or stress Lola had been forced to admit she got an F in her first acting class, and Nicole that she's torn a hole in Zoey's shirt. Neither compared to Zoey's truth or dare confession. "Can you believe." Lola said breathlessly as Zoey disappeared up the stairs she stopped half way up so she could listen. "Zoey Brooks has never been kissed?" "It's no big deal." Nicole said trying to keep a straight face. They both broke into peels of laughter again. "Huge deal!" Lola twittered. "She's nearly 15!" Zoey felt tears sting the back of her eyes. How could her friends talk about her like that? What was the big deal about kissing anyway? "Oh god if I were her... I'd die." Nicole said barely able to breathe for laughter. Zoey thought for a moment. Kissing WAS no big deal. So why didn't she just ask someone to kiss her? A plan formulating in her head she crept upstairs, across the landing and down the other stairs. There was someone in this school who would most definitely be up for it. She crept out along the yard, stopping momentarily to wish she'd brought shoes, and into Rigby Hall. She knocked gently on the door. For a long time there was nothing, so she knocked again slightly louder. Elvis from within barked loudly, causing Chase and Logan to sit up alert. "Who'sere?" Chase asked sleepily. "It's Zoey canI come in?" "S'unlocked." Logan yawned. Zoey stole into the room and flicked the light on. Chase moaned and rolled over in his bed to see her. Logan wined at the light. "Zoey it's 3am." Chase whined. "I know... you go back to sleep." Chase wasted no time in laying his head down on the pillow again."Logan. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Logan sat up. "This had BETTER be worth it." He grumbled, pulling himself out of bed. Zoey noted that he wore only his boxers and a tank top. He followed her into the hall but didn't shut the door properly. Chase, intrigued at what she could possibly want with his roommate at this hour, listened closely. "You know how you're always asking me to make out with you... and I'm always saying no? Well uh... I change my mind." Logan looked shocked for a moment then smirked. "Nice try Zoey. Your sleepover was tonight. You're gonna stomp on my foot or knee me in the goods as part of a dare right?" he questioned, knowing her all too well. Zoey blushed and shook her head. "It's not a dare. It's sorta a truth. Logan... if I tell you this... if I trust you with this you CAN'T tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE ok." "Ugh. is this really a conversation I want to have at 3 in the morning?" Seeing her sad face he sighed. "Ok. Shoot." "During truth or dare, Lola asked me who my first kiss was... and... well. The thing is..." She bit her lip. "I never got it." "What!" he looked shock. "Oh don't laugh!" She moaned. "I'm not laughing are you serious?" "Unfortunately." She sighed. "So... I figured... why not just get it over with?" "Zoey... I can't kiss you." he said shaking his head and checking his watch. Zoey looked confused. "Why not?" "Look I just can't." He said awkwardly. Zoey suddenly alarmed both her choice for first kiss and the guy hiding in the bedroom who wished he could be her first kiss, by bursting into tears. "Please Logan!" She begged. "Please! If you don't do this nobody else will." Logan opened his mouth to offer her suggestions as to who else she could ask. "You're the only one I can trust to do this!" Chase felt sick. He had always seen himself as Zoey's best friend, and was hurt that she could trust him with the fact she'd never been kissed, and to actually take her first kiss. "Wh... me? Why?" "Look... you were going to be my first kiss. During that play." She sniffed and tried to wipe her eyes. "That would have been acting but it still would have been my first kiss. And that excited me a bit." Chase felt sick again. "Because I would have got my first kiss over with, without anything having to follow it up y'know. So... please?" Logan felt awkward. He didn't want to kiss her, she was and always would be, Chase's girl. On the other hand however, he wanted to kiss her because he wanted her to stop crying. Muchof a jerk as he could be sometimes, if anyone at school made Zoey cry he'd personally have assured they would swallow their own teeth before making her cry again. "Can I sleep on it?" He asked eventually. Zoey took a deep breath. "Forget it. It... it doesn't matter." She muttered. "It was out of line me coming down here." She trailed off and stared at her feet. "Thanks anyway." He saw how depressed she looked and he sighed. "Ok ok I give c'mere." "You'll do it?" She asked hopefully. He nodded slowly. Zoey smiled gently. "Thank you SO much." Chase could feel his heart being shattered. Zoey stood still for a moment, then wiped her eyes. Logan bent slightly so he was at her level. "You SURE you're not gonna hit me?" "I'm sure." She promised. "Ok... close your eyes." Shedid as she was told.He cupped her face with both hands very softly, leaned in and captured her lips. The sensation was new to Zoey, and insteaf of replying straight away she was hesitant. After a few moments however, as she became accustomed to this, she slipped her hands up to his neck and leaned against the wall, pulling him closer. Logan decided that since the damage was already done he might aswell enjoy it, and slipped his tongue between her slightly parted lips, stroking her face softly. They stayed for at least three minutes, frenching against the wall, until Zoey finally broke it off. Logan stared at her for a moment. "Thanks." She said eventually, unwrapping her arms. "You're welcome?" He suggsted, releasing her from the wall. She smiled and waverd him off, disappearing. Logan went into his room again. Chase lay still on the bed, Michael still on his own bed. He sighed, and more to Chase than himself. "I can't deal with crying chicks." * * * Nicole and Lola giggled along with Zoey but they fell silent as the boys approached the table. "Hey Logan." The girls sang. "Hey ladies." He smirked. Lola blushed, Nicole giggled some more and Zoey smilied to herself. "Sheesh one kiss and you're the talk of the town." He whispered gently, seating himself beside Zoey. Chase glared. "What's going on?" Michael, asked. He noted how smug Logan was (more than usual) and how happy the girls were, and how sad Chase was. There was something going on that he hadn't been informed of. "I'll tell you what's going on." Chase said irately. "Zoey doesn't trust me." Zoey looked alarmed. "Huh?" She asked."Chase what're you talking about?" "I'm TALKING about YOU kissing Logan last night." Zoey and Logan's eyes widened. Michael gasped. "You were eavesdropping?" She cried in shock. "It was hard not to! You were begging so loud!" Chase was devastated that his best friend had made out with his crush. "Chase." Logan said suddenly being brave, deciding for once in his life to be the bigger man. "She didn't kiss me ok. I kissed her if you're gonna yell at anyone then yell at me." Lola looked impressed at Logan's behaviour. "No. YOU I'm not talking to." he growled. "You KNOW how much I love her and you did it anyway!" "She was crying!" Logan complained. "And excuse me but maybe this'll bring you back to reality Matthews." "What's THAT supposed to mean." "You don't stand a chance with her and you know it. You can't keep he locked up forever. She was bound to get her first kiss eventually!" "WOAH." Zoey said whistling. "You be quiet." She said to Logan. "You're making this worse." Logan glowered and fell silent. "YOU!" She turned to Chase. "He's right. So WHAT if you're not my first kiss. I'm 14 years old. I am gonna end up with a LOT more kisses. Like it or not." "Why didn't you ask me? Don;t you trust me?" Chase asked, his voice softening. "I asked Logan because I knew there'd be no folloe up. He'd kiss me and then that's that over with. You... I dunno. I wouldn't be able to confirm there'd be no follow up. And I didn't know how you felt about me." Chase realised that was not the ideal way for Zoey to have found out he loved her. "Oh..." He mumbled embarrassedly. "So... big deal Chase, you're not my first kiss..." She bit her lip. "You want to be my second?"Chase's eyebrows shot up. Lola 'WOOPED' loudly and Logan whistled. Chase nodded, his throat dry. Zoey stood up and crossed to him. She took the chair beside him. "Bare in mind... I'm not too good at this." Zoey said. "Liar." Logan quipped. Zoey and Chase both glared at him. "Shutting up now." Zoey leaned in and kissed him. This time there was no awkwardness or hesitation, it just felt right.She deepened it to french. "Eww." Michael groaned. "Get a room." Zoey broke off blushing then stared at Chase. "How would you feel about being my third?" She whispered softly. "Are you asking me out?" He asked hopefully. Zoey nodded. "Love to." He leaned in to give Zoey her third ever kiss. A/n: Awwww. Sorry. One shot over with now. Review please? End file.
Kiss by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
1. Intro I'm Not A Princess **By**: punkprincess96 I'm Dana Cruz. I'm no princess. You can call me a punkcess. Not even that. Basically not even a princess. You get it. Since I'm not a princess like my roommate Zoey Brooks or Nicole Bristow that girly girl, I can't get anything I want with a snap of a finger or a flip of my hair. I have to work for it. Sometimes even when I work for it I don't get it. I can't get anyone to do anything, unlike Zoey who has Chase, her lover, or Nicole with her million boys. I like who I am. I'm not the friendly, welcoming, fashionable, girly- girl type. I'm fierce, rough, easily angry, and rude at times. But I don't mind if people think about me that way. But if they ever actually admit that to my face... they won't have their's much longer. At times, people do say that to my face. Well, actually, it's only been my friends. But they meant it in a joking way. Except... two people. the first one is Nicole, but I'm her room mate, so she complains about my lazyness and messyness, but then again, she always does. The second person is non other than Logan. That self centered, egotistical, two-minute-girl jerk. He's always complaining about my rudeness and my style basically. So what if I'm not a Nicole or Zoey? I don't live to please everyone. Or anyone. I've actually pleased no one in my life before except maybe teachers... but I'm forced to be nice and happy all the time around them. Anyway, the point is, I can't stand Logan or Nicole because they're both such self centered people that go through boys and girls as if they were pieces of paper, and at times they gang up on me with rude comments, and also at times they seem... nice. Zoey is another one of my best friends. She was the first person I was nice to when I arrived at PCA. She likes to deal with conflict and sovle everyone's dilemas. I never went to her for help. I like to keep to myself because who know when Zoey might tell? I don't know but, I can solve my own problems. Nicole's a hair freak, and she's a black cat too. She unluckier than anyone you'll ever meet, and most likely be a girl version of Logan. Self -image obsessed, will never find one opposite gender to love for like ever. She's another fashion clone and is rude to me just because she thinks I'm too punkish. Chase is a funny clumbsy kind of boy. He's madly in love with Zoey Brooks, but will never admit it because of Logan, and everyone else on earth. Mostly Logan though. I don't blame Chase. Logan will tease him for like ever. Michael is another one of my friends. He's funny, nice and he's always amusing to watch. Even if he's a slave of Logan, Michael will find a way to escape, and he also will do it in the funniest way. Quinn is the really smart girl everyone on campus teases because they're jeleous. Quinn is freakish at times, but mostly she's a nice, caring person who might make your sneakers explode if you make her mad. Last, but obviously least... is Logan. He makes the biggest difference in my life, and doesn't even care. Like last Friday, I was dressing up for fun, and Logan makes fun of me. He turns good comments to negative ones in less than a minute. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **A/N: Do you like it so far? Reveiw please! Push that purpleish button below:) ** 2. Not This Girl I'm Not A Princess Chapter 2 The first time I saw Logan, I knew what kind of guy he'd be. Self centered, egotistical, and another more than 20 girls a minute guy. Yet I don't know why, but I find him amusing and pleasing. I know I shouldn't like a guy like him... but it's always been a little thing I couldn't control since I came to PCA. I like him... but I know I shouldn't. Why? Because... it's Logan! I don't find the chances of him liking me for more than 5 minutes high, but I want to believe. I want hope. I want love. My first love. My only love. I know it's impossible. I'm not a blonde, and we all know that Logan loves blondes. Sometimes I envy Zoey, with all that blondey hair of hers, but then again, you should hear what people say behind her back. I find gossip so annoying, so I'd give the person who's spreading it a punch. In the face, 'round the nose. Hurts like crazy. I call it 'Dana's center'. Because the nose is the center of your face. Last time I gave someone Dana's center was last week. I might as well explain to you. I walked around campus, looking for more victoms for Dana's center. I saw some of the gossip queens Lexa, Rochelle and Kathi. I heard them talking about someone... I wanted to listen. I snuck closer to them, behind the bush. "I was with to Erika last week, and her split ends were killing me. So told her off about her split ends in the end. I walked over to-" Lexa blabbed on. I was just about to leave until I heard Rochelle start talking. I knew it was good because she's like the most popular of the freaks. "Yeah, shut it Lexa. I'm talking now." Rochelle snapped. Nice touch. I like her style. "Well, last week I heard Zoey Brooks, little miss popular talk about my boyfriend." I wanted to hear more. But yet I was somehow angry at the fact that they're talking about my best friend when they know they shouldn't. "I heard that Dana Cruz from our P.E. class made out with Logan Reese. I hear she was begging for him. It's so obvious." Kathi added to Rochelle's statement. I felt my fist raise up to my shoulders. I would've given Dana's center to Kathi right that moment, but I thought I might as well wait for more. "I know! She's like, such a.. a - I don't know. But she flirts so bad with every single guy on earth." Lexa whispered. "Logan Reese? That guy? Oh, I've dated him. He was such a loser! I dumped him before he dumped me! He tried to make out with me, but I said no." Rochelle said. Okay, I've had enough. I jumped out from behind them, and gave them a grim glare. "Dana!" Rochelle shouted, panicking. I smiled, giving off more anger than usual. "R, L, K. Haven't we been through this already?" I sweetly asked. They slowly nodded. I grinned, showing white, nearly blinding light. "Dana!" Lexa sqeeked, closing her eyes. I rolled up my sleeves. "If it's about your boyfriend Logan, I didn't mean it!" Rochelle said, whimpering. I groaned, or growled. Whichever works. "He's. Not. My. Boyfriend." I snapped through clenched teeth. Just then, Zoey, Chase, Quinn, Nicole, Logan and Michael walked up to us. "Hey D." Zoey casually said. I waved, and smiled. "Dana's center?" she asked, smiling. I grinned showing my tounge this time, and nodded. "What'd they talk about this time?" Logan chuckled innocently, seeming cute to me. I dropped my smile and looked around. Zoey, Nicole and Chase looked at each other. "Ah." they suspected. I looked around, and stared at the floor. I bit my lip before I looked up. "What?" Michael and Quinn asked, in confusion and unision. Zoey and Chase chuckled. "They were gossiping about Logan and Dana." Nicole beamed in a sing song way. I turned my fist at her. "Do you want a broken arm for the next 7 weeks?" I warned, turning my back on Rochelle, Lexa and Kathi. They took a step to run, but I stopped them. "Yeah, I can see you three." I stiffly said, and turned back around. They took the steps back and smiled, panicking. "Don't be mad at us for talking about your boyfriend. He's a loser, and I'm the one who broke up with him. Don't worry, if you don't date him, you'll be alright." Rochelle teased, smiling with pleasure. I saw Logan hide his face in embarrsement, and hurt. I hate it when these girls get all stupid and hurtful to Logan! I'll fix that! I saw some guy holding a baseball bat. I smiled with gritted teeth. "Hey!" I shouted at him, with a smile. He gasped when he knew I was talking to him. He nodded. "Gimme your bat!" I threw it over at me. "Thanks!" I yell. I turn back to the three, and my friends. Zoey gasped, seeing my next moves. "Um, Dana... you're not going to use that, are you?" Lexa asked, turning to run. I nodded with a frown on my face. "Dana!" Zoey shouted, concerned. I swung the bat and felt a thud as they fell to the floor. "Oh my god! DANA!" Chase and Michael laughed outloud. Logan turned to Zoey. "YOU CAN DO THAT?!" Logan asked Zoey. A bunch teachers walked by, and just smiled a bit, and shrugged. "Um, 'parently!" Michael answered for Zoey. I smiled. My job was done here. Rochelle sat up, and held her head. "Good job... Dana." Rochelle and Kathi muttered before taking off to get ice and bandages. Lexa, being the stupid thickheaded one, just lay there. "Good job, Dana." I told myself, and smiled a bit. Zoey and the gang just stood there, eyes wide and open mouthed. "Oh. My. God." Nicole said, amazed at what just happened infront of her eyes. "What just happened?" Chase asked. Zoey shook her head, and shrugged. "Dana... how'd you- but... the teacher- they didn't. I think my head will go better without figuring this out." Quinn told them, with a confused shrug. The gang just took off, with a couple of laughs afterwards. Logan ran back at me. I stared at the floor. "Hey." he said, smiling. I looked up, then in embarassment, look down again. He places his hand on my chin, and makes my look up. "Just wanted to say thanks for hitting those girls with extremely hard bats... I owe you one." I look into his eyes. I seem so stupid right now. "No prob." I whisper, with a pathetic smile. "Just tell me when some girls need to get a smash in the face for gettin' you down." He chuckles. "I'll tell you." he says. I pull off my smile, and look down again. He pulls my head back up again. "Girls are much prettier when you can see them." Logan tells me and gives me a light punch in the arm. "Not this one." I tell him, and threw my curly locks in my face. He pulls them out of my face. "Yes this one. This one gets prettier everyday. And I hope this one will go to the movies with me on Saturday." He jokes. I laughed, and sighed. "Yes, this girl would like to go on Saturday." I smiled, and start walking to Zoey. He eventually catches up to me, and we hold hands back to our rooms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **A/N: Yes, This is the end to "I'm Not A Princess"! Sequel? Yes. Maybe. I guess. Not really. No? Tell me. I think so ;)** End file.
I'm Not A Princess by punkprincess96
Zoey 101
Welcome To My Life **Welcome To My Life** **_A/N: Hey everyone this is my new Zoey 101 story and it's another one-shot song fic. A few years ago the band Simple Plan came out with a song called "Welcome To My Life" and I really liked the song. Then a few days ago I heard the song for the first time in awhile, and it got be thinking. This story takes place during the episode "Quinn Misses the Mark" right after Quinn tries to win Mark back and right before a certain someone shows up. I hope everyone enjoys the story and please review._** **_Summary: One-shot song fic. After failing to win back Mark with her new look Quinn is down on life, until an unexpected person shows up and changes that._** **_Disclaimer: I own nothing. Zoey 101is owned by Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider, and the song Welcome To My Life is owned by the band Simple Plan, who sing the song._** _Do you ever feel like breaking down?_ _Do you ever feel out of place?_ _Like somehow you just don't belong_ _And no one understands you_ _Do you ever wanna run away?_ _Do you lock yourself in your room?_ _With the radio on turned up so loud _ _That no one hears you screaming_ _No you don't know what it's like_ _When nothing feels all right_ _You don't know what it's like_ _To be like me_ Quinn ran away from where Mark was as fast as she could. Once she felt she was far enough away she found a bench and started to cry. Her plan to win back Mark with a new look had failed miserably, and at the moment Quinn really hated her life. _To be hurt_ _To feel lost_ _To be left out in the dark_ _To be kicked when you're down_ _To feel like you've been pushed around_ _To be on the edge of breaking down_ _And no one's there to save you _ _No you don't know what it's like_ _Welcome to my life_ Quinn then started to remember all the good times she had had with Mark, like there first date, which actually really wasn't a date. She thought it was a date and acted like it was a date, while Zoey and Chase knew it wasn't a date, but they acted like it was one, meanwhile Mark just thought they were all hanging out. Then there was the confrontment of Mark's girlfriend at the time, Courtney, and their break-up, and then Zoey and Chase confessing the truth. Then there was the time they spent after Zoey and Chase had confessed, as they got to know each other better, and soon started their relationship. _Do you wanna be somebody else?_ _Are you sick of feeling so left out?_ _Are you desperate to find something more?_ _Before your life is over_ _Are you stuck inside a world you hate?_ _Are you sick of everyone around?_ _With their big fake smiles and stupid lies_ _While deep inside you're bleeding_ _No you don't know what it's like_ _When nothing feels all right_ _You don't know what it's like_ _To be like me_ Quinn then thought back to all the crazy situations that she and Mark had gotten into during there two plus year relationship. Like when she, Mark, Lola, and Zoey were able to get Moon Bars put into the schools vending machines, in place of all the junk food in them. She then remembered how she and Mark put cactus juice into them so they would taste better. Their plan was working fine; as everyone was buying the Moon Bars that is until they found out that the cactus juice she and Mark had added had made the students addicted to the Moon Bars. _To be hurt_ _To feel lost_ _To be left out in the dark_ _To be kicked when you're down_ _To feel like you've been pushed around_ _To be on the edge of breaking down_ _And no one's there to save you _ _No you don't know what it's like_ _Welcome to my life_ Then she thought of the time when she blew Mark's eyebrows off during an experiment that went wrong. She thought she had the problem solved when she created a solution that accelerates hair growth, only to find out it accelerates hair growth a little too fast. Then she remembered the time she created a breath spray to cure her bad breath, only to have it make her laugh non-stop, and that Lola was able to make her stop laughing when she kissed Mark, which was no laughing matter, as Quinn wanted to kill Lola for kissing her boyfriend, only to finally realize that Lola doing that had cured her of her problem. Quinn though still didn't like how her laughing problem was cured, and warned Lola never to do that again, only to have Lola strike back, telling her next time she had a breath issue to just go out and buy some gum or mints, which she finally realized would have been a better opinion. Quinn laughed as she remembered the good times she had shared with Mark, but then she remember what happened during the past week, causing her tears and anger to return as she felt betrayed by Mark. _No one ever lied straight to your face_ _And no one ever stabbed you in the back_ _You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay_ _Everybody always gave you what you wanted_ _You never had to work it was always there_ _You don't know what it's like, what it's like_ When Mark had first told her that he thought they should take a break, she was defiantly hurt to start with, but then the more she thought about it the more she seemed ok with it, as it was a really busy part of the semester, and Mark had mentioned he was getting behind in some of his classes. Even though they had taken a break as a couple, they still did study together. Then one day when looking for Mark Quinn saw something that left her hurt, lost, and confused. _To be hurt_ _To feel lost_ _To be left out in the dark_ _To be kicked when you're down_ _To feel like you've been pushed around_ _To be on the edge of breaking down_ _And no one's there to save you _ _No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)_ She saw Mark with this girl named Brooke. When she confronted them Mark revealed that he and Brooke where dating and Quinn was so hurt that she ran back to her dorm room crying. Then she thought of this brilliant plan to win Mark back my changing her look, so she changed her clothes, hairstyle, and makeup, hoping to win back Mark with a more attractive look. Quinn was then devastated when this plan didn't work, and now she was crying on this bench because of it. Quinn then remembered that this wasn't the first time this happened to her. Back when she still went to school Seattle this same thing had happened to her. Her boyfriend at the time, a boy named Matt, had asked if they could take a break for a while. She went along with it, and just like her and Mark the two would still study together, only to find out one day that Matt was now going out with a girl named Samantha, who happened to then be Quinn's best friend, and she was truly devastated by this. This was one of the reasons Quinn decided to go to PCA when they finally let girls in. _To be hurt_ _To feel lost_ _To be left out in the dark_ _To be kicked when you're down_ _To feel like you've been pushed around_ _To be on the edge of breaking down_ _And no one's there to save you _ _No you don't know what it's like_ _Welcome to my life_ _Welcome to my life_ _Welcome to my life_ Quinn Pensky officially hated her life as she continued to cry on the bench. "Hey what's wrong," she heard a male say as he then sat down next to her. Quinn looked up, shocked to see that of all the boys it could be, it was none other then Logan Reese. And the rest they say is history. **_A/N: Alright everyone that's my story, I hope you all enjoyed it, and please let me know what you thought of it by leaving a review._** End file.
Welcome To My Life by psav2005
Zoey 101
The Vampire Night of Fear I crawl forward to her. My hands and knees are torn and bruised, but still I force myself forward. Around me, the night is dark and cold. Only the dim glare of the full moon gives me visibility. I'm tired, weak, and in pain. It's worth it to see her, though. I love her; I hate her; I need her. _A fool there was and he made his prayer_ _Even as you and I!_ She's waiting for me in our secret place. I won't keep her waiting. I will make it to her; I will love her. My hair grows dark, my eyes tighten, my nails are blades, and my bretah is heavy. _To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair._ _We called her the woman who did not care_ I salivate on the ground as I crawl. My dreams are of her; my nightmares are her's to command. Claws dig into the dirt with every burst of effort I have. I feel myself snarling at the challenge the night issues. My body trembles with a passionate rage. She's so close, but I can feel myself fading. My true self; the side of me they see by day, has long died. _But the fool he called her his lady fair_ _Even as you and I!_ _Oh the years we waste and the tears we waste_ _And the work of our head and hand,_ _Belong to the woman who did not know_ _(And now we know that she never could know)_ _And did not understand!_ I struggle to remember my name. It doesn't matter, though. All that matters is her; all that matters is uniting the burning fire inside the two of us. I need her; I hunger and thirst for her. I know she must feel the same way as I do. It's only the way of the world that calls the two of us together; intertwined in an uncontrollable force that eternally relies on our love; our bond; our lust. I am no longer a man trying to find a woman; I am nature's ape. I am the slave of fate. All relies on me; All relies on her. I must reach her. This is how things are meant to be, and what follows is unimportant. I'd give her anything. I'd give anything to reach her now. The light of the full moon now empowers me; I roar inside as I see her. _A fool there was and his goods he spent_ _Even as you and I!_ _Honor and faith and a sure intent_ _But a fool must follow his natural bent_ _And it wasn't the least what the lady meant,_ _Even as you and I!_ Then, at last, we meet. I surrender myself to her as I stroke her hair. I am in heaven; I am in hell. I am with her, and that is all that matters and drives me from this moment on. _Oh the toil we lost and the spoil we lost_ _And the excellent things we planned,_ _Belong to the woman who didn't know why_ _And now we know she never knew why_ _And did not understand!_ Then, in that same instant, she sinks inside of me, and I am alone. Alone in the naked light of the moon; alone to wither and die in the recoils of what I was sure was love. She never knew; she never felt what I felt for her. Now, I am truly alone. I am driven by hate, though it fades. All fire within myself has died without mercy or glory. Now, all is gone within me. I remain no more than bestial. _The fool we stripped to his foolish hide_ _Even as you and I!_ _Which she might have seen when she threw him aside-_ _But it isn't on record the lady tried_ _So some of him lived but the most of him died-_ _Even as you and I!_ _And it isn't the shame and it isn't the blame_ _That stings like a white hot brand._ _It's coming to know that she never knew why_ _Seeing at last she could never know why_ _And never could understand._ End file.
The Vampire by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
Are You Okay? Okay okay I know that I should concentrate on one story but I can't so here is another oneshot I just thought of... It is during the people auction episode when Chase falls down the steps. Are You Okay? The gang was all at Sushi Rox when they heard a real loud "ow" come from outside. So they all rushed out to see what was wrong. And there laid Chase on the ground. Zoey: Oh my gosh Chase are you okay? Chase: uh I think so... ( tries to move but can't ) Uh never mind I have a real bad pain in my ankle. Zoey: Come on I'll help you to the nurse! Chase: Uh do I have to? Zoey just gave him THAT stare and he finally gave in to going to the nurse! At the Nurse's office Nurse: O well he has a really bad sprain so he'll have to be on crutches. Is that okay with you? Chase: O well I do have a job but Kazu will let me off till I can walk on my own again.. Nurse: Okay well I'll go get a wrap for your ankle and some crutches. Zoey and Chase: Okay The nurse left. Zoey: So I guess I will have to help you back to your room right? Chase: I guess... I mean if that is okay with you. Zoey: Uh yea I will Chase: Okay The nurse came back. Nurse: okay let's wrap that leg of yours... She wraps the leg. Nurse: So do you have any help getting home? Chase: Yeah Zoey's going to help Nurse: alright bye then.. Chase and Zoey: Bye While walking Chase and Zoey have a serious talk about... LOVE! Chase: I have never really been in love until... Zoey: Until when Chase mumbled: you came to PCA! Zoey: what did you say Chase: until you came to PCA Zoey: Oh so does that mean... Chase: Yea I LOVE YOU! Zoey: Whoa uh well I should tell you that I love you too. Chase: really? Zoey: really Chase: so I guess me getting hurt brings us closer together each time huh? Zoey: just don't get hurt ALL the time They Kiss and live happily ever after. Sorry it is kinda stupid just soooo bored and can't think of what to do for A CAMPING TRIP WITH FRIENDS story so if you have ideas please give them to me! Thanks, Chaseandzoforeva End file.
Are You Okay? by chaseandzoforeva
Zoey 101
Didn't have to be Didn't have to be _**Didn't have to be**_ _When a single mom goes out on a date with somebody new it always ends up feeling more like a job interview. My momma used to wonder if she'd ever meet some one who wouldn't find about me and then turn around and run._ Melody was sitting on the floor of Zoey's room. Zoey was finally starting to date again. She couldn't understand why something that had been so easy for her in high school was hard now. She had gone a lot of dates in three weeks. Everything was fine until she had them meet Melody. Then they'd turn around and leave without another word. _Met the man I call my dad when I was six years old. He took my mom out to a movie and for once I got to go. A few months later I remember laying there in bed I heard him pop the question and I prayed that she'd say yes._ Zoey hoped that tonight would be the night. She knew that Melody needed a father. She decided to do a very risky thing. When James came to the door she said "Melody can you come here please? James this is my six year old daughter Melody. She is my world so if you become part of my life you become part of hers to." James took a deep breath and said "I wouldn't have it any other way. You and Chase are my friends. Melody you're coming with us. That is if it's alright with your mom." Zoey said "James are you sure it's way past her bedtime? I also think for the first date it should be just us." James said "Zoey I think I should get to know your daughter. That way I can figure out if you and I are meant to be a family." Zoey said "Melody it's alright with me as long as you go to sleep with out complaints. Go get dressed and I'll grab your coat." Zoey and James had the perfect first date. Zoey felt like her dreams were finally coming true. The three of them went out like that for three months. Then one night Melody heard James ask her mom a question. James asked "Zoey I want to ask you something. These past three months have been the greatest of my life. I want them to last forever but in order for that to happen you need to love me. I'm asking you if you want to make a family of two into a family of three." Melody's heart stopped and she prayed that her mom would say yes. Her prayers were answered because a few minutes later Zoey ran into the room and asked her how she'd feel about it. _Then all of a sudden it seems so strange to me. How we went from something missing to a family. Looking back all I can say about all the things he did for me is I hope that I'm at least half the parent that he didn't have to be. Met the man who is now my husband about three years ago we had the perfect marriage but we wanted something more. Now here I stand surrounded by our family and friends crowding around the nursery window as they bring the baby in._ Melody was standing next to her mother and the rest of their family. The nurses had just brought in her baby girl. She thought about James. He had been a great father. She still missed her father something awful but James had stepped in and took care of her. That meant the world to her. She hoped that she would be as good a mother as he had been a father because he had been the best. End file.
Didn't have to be by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
School Dance Redo **Zoey's P.O.V.** "You're picking Glenn!" Chase yelled. Wow, he's taking this harder than I thought. "Well, the dance is to get to know other people, and we're all ready best friends and know like everything about each other." I told him. I kinda do like him, but I don't think it would work, since if we broke up, it might effect our friendship, so I want to see how it goes with Glenn. "Hey, you don't know everything about me." why was he fighting this so much. "Fine, what don't I know about you." I asked laughing a little. I was expecting him to stutter or something. "I'm in love with you." Chase replied. "What did you just say?" I asked. He was about to run away, until I grabbed his arm and made him face me. "I said I'm in love with you. Can you forget I ever said, cause you obviously don't like me since you're going with Glenn?" he asked. Chase looked really nervous. It was weird and cute at the same time. "The only reason that I picked Glenn is because I like you a lot, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I knew it would come up, but I wasn't brave even. I wanted to see how it went with Glenn so I could get over you. Guess I'm going to have to tell Glenn I changed my mind." I said smiling. I can't believe this is happening. It rocks! "Oh yeah, also I think I heard him and his friends and him talking about how he stole your personality test to get with you only because your hot." He smirked. "Wait, is that why you kept asking me all those questions? So you could get with me?" I think he expected me to yell at him or something. "That's really sweet Chase." I finished softly. His face softened when he realized I wasn't mad. "So I have a date with Zoey Brooks? I think I'm now the happiest man alive!" he exclaimed. I'm glad I have a boy who is stupid. **A/N I know I already did a redo of this episode, but who cares. I hope you random people like it. Remember that if you want me to do an episode of a show, even if I did that episode, tell me. I'm always up for suggestions. tiffr5family on instagram, R5lover32 on twitter, PM or review anytime**. **Next, I want to talk to people who have twitters. If you don't have twitter you can still read, it's not a crime, but you can't really do this. And if you don't know who the band R5 is or the show Austin & Ally on Disney, then I don't know what to tell you, but anyways to the point. There are 2 people on twitter. One has 2 accounts, Bea Lynch. She makes youtube and is super nice. I've met her before and she was the sweetest person I've ever met. Her names on twitter are BeaLynchR5 and TheRealBeaTV. Follow her, please! Then there's another person. She's so nice. I sent her one nice tweet, and she told the R5family (that's what R5 calls their fan incase you didn't know) to follow me. It totally made my day. Her name is SHAJIA2, so follow. Also mine is R5lover32, so that's just an option, the others are mandatory. If you don't, I will come find you and kill you. Well enough said there. BYE!** End file.
School Dance Redo by BeaTVLover
Zoey 101
Sequel to Truth Or Dare Idea Alright I said I would do a sequel so here's the basic plot: The Annual PCA carnival is coming along with Logan's birthday And as Chase attempts to find a creative way to give Zoey something special for the day and all the other stingray's are either working on the valentines day dance or the carnival so Logan feels left out because he believes just like every year his birthday will go unnoticed. Unknown to him Dana is throwing a surprise party unknown to her Summer and Sabrina also has some surprises for Dana And Zoey. So I might add in Different angles but Most of my O.C. s mentioned in the last story will appear in scenes at the carnival so all siblings' parents and other friends will appear review if you like it tell me if I need mortifications or anything. - Love Ya! End file.
Sequel to Truth Or Dare Idea by danaisawesome
Zoey 101
Unpretty A/n: Just a random one shot. Summary: you think nothing phases her. But it hurts. * * * "Get outta my way." She growled, pushing the little blond boy out of her way. "EXCUSE ME!" Zoey Brooks allowed nobody to talk to her little brother like that. "Zoey it's ok." Dustin warned. He didn't want his big sister getting flattened by the scary goth girls. "No it's not ok. Apologise to him right now." Zoey ordered. "Zoey..." Dustin whined. "I got this..." Zoey assured him. It wasn't assuring in the least. They were only feet from their destination which was the dinner table. Both siblings had their dinner trays. "No." The largest gothic girl said. "The pipsqueak knows not to get in our way." "I SAID apologise." Zoey warned. The goth lowered her hand as though she was going to apologise then brought it up under Zoey's tray, smearing it all down her blouse. "There you go... aren't you pretty." She cooed. "Zoey..." "What is THAT supposed to mean!" Zoey asked peeling her tray from her chest, sighing at the cake which was all over her. "It means take your stupid little brother and your ugly face and move before we squash you." She said, pushing Zoey in the shoulders. Zoey stared straight ahead as the goths walked on. "Are you ok?" Dustin asked his sister cautiously. "Fine." She grumbled. She turned on her heel and left. Dustin sat at the table. "What was all that about?" Logan asked, having witnessed the entire event. "They upset Zoey..." Dustin said sadly, picking at his food. Chase raised his eyebrows. "They splattered her with food. I think she needs to cry." As girls do they stick together, Lola, Quinnand Nicole stood up. Chase raised his hand. "Sit." He ordered. They nodded and sat down. Chase followed Zoey's direction vaguely. She was in the girls longue sat on the couch her food splattered blouse still on. "Hey Zo... you ok?" "Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked suddenly. "Yeah." He confessed. She stood up and crossed to the full length mirror and stared at it. "Are you saying that as my friend or a guy?" She asked coldly. "Both." He said gently. He could tell she was ok. "You're only saying it because you're my friend!" She argued. "Am not!" "Yeah you are." She pinched her cheeks at her reflection. "I never even noticed it before." "Noticed what?" He questioned. "I am like... the pinacle of uglitude." "Is uglitude a word?" He queried. "Chase..." She warned. "Right right..." He stood up. He stood behind her so she could see his reflection in the mirror. "Ok. Zoey I'm not your friend anymore." He informed her. She looked confused, but he wasn't looking at her. He was staring in the mirror. "Go with me on this one. I am a total stranger." "Ok..." "I see a girl. Just some random girl...a pretty girl. Definitely. She's got, gorgeous tan skin, this really silky hair... the most AMAZING brown eyes, that just seem to cheer everyone up no matter how sad. She's the perfect height, weight, and shape to fit in my arms and cuddle if she gets upset and wants to cry. And she's got lustrous lips that just scream 'Kiss me already'." Zoey smiled sadly. "C'mere Zo... don't cry." He opened his arms and she accepted gratefully. He lay her head in the crook of his neck and stroked her hair and back gently. "Thanks." She whispered. "Welcome. And you know what. She's even beautiful when she cries." She giggled softly and wiped her tears on his shirt. "You really think I'm pretty?" She asked. "I think you're beautiful." He promised her. "What brought this on?" "That girl said I was ugly..." She mumbled as Chase walked them over to the couch. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, still cuddling her gently. "She's an idiot ignore her." After a very long time she pulled back. "Thank you." She said gently. "I told you. Don't mention it... you're the prettiest girl at this school." She giggled. "Am not." "Don't argue with me." He ordered. "But I'm not..." She argued earnestly. He hesitated then leaned down and kissed her on the lips. It was the bravest thing he'd ever done. "Are too." he whispered. She raised her hand to his cheek and toyed her fingers in his hair. "Thanks." She mumbled again. She returned the kiss. * * * He walked her back to dinner, their fingers interlaced, hands swinging between them. "Well if it isn't Miss Peppy." Said the head goth. Zoey froze. Chase squeezed her hand. "Walk away Zo..." He whispered. "Not so confident now are you." At this Zoey smiled and laughed. "More than ever." She took Chase's hand and wrapped it around her waist. "Good girl." He said as the goths stared at her retreating backs. "Whatever." She shook her head and left. Zoey grinned broadly as they sat at the table. "Why the big smile?" Logan queried as the girls giggled as Chase's arm around Zoey's waist (Quinn actually lowering her glasses to see she wasn't mistaken). Zoey opened her mouth to speak but Chase cut her off swiftly. "Because... she's beautiful when she smiles." Chase said, he leaned in and kissed her. The girls cooed. Michael and Logan whooped. And Dustin griamced. "THAT'S GROSS!" He cried. Everyone laughed. A/n: hehe. random drabbles. End file.
Unpretty by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
How I feel about you Zoey sits in her dorm, glaring out the window. Ugh. All the friends walking and chatting together, having the time of their lives. She could do that with Nicole and Dana. If only they were here! Ugh, they were at the movies. Zoey didn't feel like going, she'd seen the movie already. So, she saw no point in seeing it again. She was ticked. Friends outside, if she went outside, she'd be all alone. No one would be with her, at least no girl would. Then there was a knock on the door. She paused before she got up to get it. Then, she decided that she would answer it. So she walked over to the door and opened it. There he was, Chase. "Hi Zo." he greeted. "Hi Chase, what brings you here" "Ugh, nothing else to do. I mean, hanging out with Logan while he's prepping himself up. just doesn't seem all that fun to me." "I'd pass on that too, don't blame ya'. Come in!" So, Chase stepped from the hallway into her dorm. It was a little messy, Nicole couldn't find the 'perfect' outfit for the movies. Come on! Jeans, shirt, and sweatshirt! Who cares what shoes! Just plain old shoes! I mean, she was only going with Dana. It's not like it was a date or anything! "Sit down!" she offered him. He sat down on the couch with her. "Zo?" "Yea" "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, but it just hasn't come out yet." "Ok, well, there's no one here other than us. You can tell me now." "Well, the truth is I" "We're Back!" Nicole shouted as she walked into the room. Dana elbowed her. "NOT SO LOUD!" "Sheesh, you were nice at the movies, Dana!" "Oh, shut up Nicole. I'm tired! Let me take a nap" "All you do is sleep! You're SO LAZY!" Dana just rolled her eyes and mimiked her, "You're SO LAZY!". "Hi Chase, Zo!" Nicole said, ignoring Dana. "Hi Nicole." "What are you two up to?" "Nothing, boredom." "I know the perfect thing! Help me pick out an outfit!" "For what?" "I don't know, just pick out one" "I think I'll pass." Nicole walked out of the room, as she left, she said, "Going to Quinn's!" "FINALLY!" Dana yelled. "Dana, we're going to leave." Zoey said. "Perfect. More quiet so I can sleep.." Zoey and Chase walked to the lounge. "What was it that you were trying to tell me?" "Here? Now?" "Well, you were going to tell me until they walked in.." "ok. Zo, I" "You what" " you" "Really?" "Yes. Ever since I met you." "That was a long time ago, Chase, why didn't you tell me this before!" "It was hard to" "Ok, I need some time alone. I really need to think about those three words. I'll talk to perhaps tonight or tomorrow! Bye!" "Bye.." Zoey walked to her dorm. She rested on her bed trying to think about those words, 'I love you'. For such little words, they had such huge meanings. They explained so much. **_It became the next morning.._** Zoey woke up to find no one in her dorm. It was Saturday, no classes. There was a note that explained that Nicole and Dana were in the cafeteria. Zoey walked to Chase's dorm, he was there. He answered the door, he was the only one there. She walked in. "Hi Zo." "Hi Chase, I thought about it." "You did..?", as he said this, he gulped. He didn't know what to think, but millions of thoughts kept rushing through his mind. "And I came to a decision!" "What's that" "Chase. I love you too." Chase was stunned. He just sat speechless for a moment. "Really?" "Yes" "I thought you didn't love me" "No. I do. I was just afraid to tell you, or anyone!" "Me too Zo, but--", he was cut off by her. "I don't know, it was just hard to" "Ok, so does that mean" "Only if you're ready to take the next step" "I am." And with that, she gave him a soft light kiss, one that would last him forever. Of course, there would be millions more, since afterall, they were at the next step! - **THE END...** End file.
How I feel about you by BriannaG
Zoey 101
Movie On Campus **Movie On Campus__** this was written by my cousin as a script. I have no idea if she wants to write more or not so this may be a one-shot. Also she didn't have a title so I just made up one. We do not own Zoey 101. I so wish. But by the way I own Matthew Underwood(Logan) so; hands off:) OK here it is! P.S. my cousin made up a new character, Addie, and she kinda takes Zoey's place. Weird I know right. And Dana is kinder and she likes Chase Chase likes her. I think they're bf/gf but I 4get here it is! Dana: Hey Chase. What are you doing? Chase: I'm just going to feed Elvis. Addie: Hey guys. Do you want to go see the Incredibles? Chase: Well, I have to feed Elvis first. Do you want to come? Dana: I'm going with you Addie: Okay, then I'll come too. C: Alright let's go _They walk into the room as Logan was getting changed._ D: Ew, you should of knocked first Chase you are such an idiot. A: Yeah Chase you should of knocked. NowI have that picture stuck in my head. C: fine let's go before we throw up. Logan: Don't you need to feed Elvis? D: You feed Elvis you jerky dork. A: Let's go see the movie before it starts. C: I hope they have a lot of previews so I can get my grub on. D: You are such a dork Chase (laughing) C: I know I am Dana. Thanks. A: Let's go before the movie starts D: Yeah let's. Logan: Where are we going? D: You're not going anywhere. We're going to the movies. L: Fine. I'll meet you there A: If we see you there, you are dead meat and I mean it! C: Yeah I will kick your butt. L: How will you kick my butt Chase? You are too weak. D: No Logan. He means I will kick your batookie. A: Come on we are going to be late. C: Yeah Addie's right. The movie starts in 5 minutes. D: See ya later Logan..._(in doorway)_ NOT! L: Oh come on guys! (crying) D: Let's scadattle guys we only have 2 minutes. C: Oh no. I forgot my mom's coming. I got kicked out because Logan told I was in your room after 8 A: Too bad Chase. I was just getting to know you. C: I guess you guys will never see me again. D: Too bad. Now Logan has to take your spot. A: And he's a big jerky dork too. C: Well you guys can go see your movie without me I guess. A: You're right, come on Dana. D: I already miss Chase, Addie. A: Hey I have an idea. We can get alot of food and watch the movie and get our grub on. C: Guys! The D.A. said I could stay until after the movie was over. Then I have to go _(happily)_ A: Nice spaghetti shirt you're wearing Chase. Plus your shirt is white. _(my cousin said his white shirt got spaghetti on it when he was eating)_ D: Let's go find our seats, the movie is about to start. A: It is already starting. Come on! L: Hi, mind if I join you three? A: Get away! _(screaming)_ L: Oh come on. It's not like you need Chase with you forever. D: Fine Logan you can come. You can come when I see worms with ears. A: And when I become a mime and trap myself in a box. L: Ha ha. really funny guys. I guess you really don't want to hang out. D: That's right you dorkus. A: Let's go get our seats before all the good ones are taken. C: Hey, let's sit in the back. We can see the movie better there. D: Shhhhh The movie is starting! _(rudely)_ C: Did anyone get the food and drinks? _(quietly)_ A: No! _(quietly)_ D: Chase you go get the food and stuff. _(quietly)_ C: Why? A: Because you are on the end. (_quietly_) C: Okay. _(quietly and sadly)_ OKay! That's it I hope you liked it! At the part where Logan said "mind if i join u 3? and Addie said "get away" I would've made Addie say " Yes. I do. YOU ARE NOT COMING!" PLEASE REVIEW! End file.
Movie On Campus by Kal-of-the-Kalemi
Zoey 101
Blossoming Love Blossoming Love By Zoey Brooks It started as a slight attraction, grew into a crush and more. He was cute, funny and babbled a lot but that made the attraction stronger. My second year in PCA, the year my feelings became more evident, my roommate dated him. I became jealous, my jealousy was clear to my best friend more than it was to me. The next year, sophomore, he got a girlfriend. I didn't know until I walked in on them. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. I knew I had it bad for him. We got together in Junior year. We became inseperable, we were in love.We graduated. The summer came, we lost contact and now here I am, four years later, last year of college. Husbandless, boyfriendless, Chaseless. End file.
Blossoming Love by Miss-Frenchie
Zoey 101
1. PCA no more ok this is my new story hope you all enjoy! dude r u that stupid to think that i actually own a billion dollar show? cuz if u do just telling u that I DONT!!! * * * Zoey walked out of her house and walked down the driveway to get the mail. Dustin was playing with the kids from down the street in the front yard. She looked through the mail for a letter from one of her friends from PCA. There was a Letter that was addressed to her and Dustin and it came from PCA. She opened it and it read: Dear PCA students, I am sorry to say that there was a fire at PCA over the summer that took out almost all of the campous and it will take more than the school year to build again so there will be no students attending PCA this year. We have took the liberty of assigning all the students schedualed to attend PCA this year to a diffrent school. Your School is: Atlantic Coast Acadame We are sorry for the change and we hope that the school will be opened next year to all of our students that will be coming back. Dean Rivers Zoey was in shock. Dustin saw this and walked over to her. "Zo, whats wrong? Did somebody die?" Dustin asked worried. "No, but PCA Burned down." Zoey said. "What?" Dustin yelled. "Yeah and now we have to go to a school called Atlantic Coast Acadmey." Zoey said sadly. "Well our friends could be going there too." Dustin said trying to raise Zoeys spirits. "Yeah im going to call Chase and the rest of the gang right now." Zoey said smiling and running up into her house. She jumped over the couch and ran up to her room and grabbed her techmate and called Chase. "Hello?" His voice said. He sounded sad. "I guess you heard the news hun?" Zoey said. "Zo? Yeah PCA is no more." Chase said. "Yeah but I have a question." Zoey said. "What?" Chase asked. "What school are you going to?" Zoey asked begging god to let them be at the same school. "Atlantic Coast Academy and so is Michael and Logan." Chase said. Zoey screamed. "Gosh Zo if you wanted me to go death you could have just told me." "Sorry Chase but thats where Dustin and I are going to!" Zoey said excited. "Cool what about Nicole and Quinn?" Chase said happly. "I dont know but I will call them and ask." Zoey said as her computer said that she had a new email."Hold on I got a new email." "From who?" Chase asked worried that it would be some guy. "Boy are you nosy or what?" Zoey laughed into the phone. She opened it and saw that it was from Nicoles screen name, _Obssessed-With-boys-88_ Dear Zoey, OMG I cant believe it! PCA burned down! I have to go to a stupid new school called Atlantic Coast Academy! I dont want to go what if im not with the gang! What school are you going to? Nicole "I was Nicole and she is going to the same school too." Zoey said. She typed that she was going to the same school as her too along with the rest of the gang. "Zo is it just me or does that school seem familiar?" Chase asked. "Yeah but I dont know why." Zoey said thinking hard. She ingnored the new email that popped up on her screen. "Wait isnt that where Dana goes?" Chase asked. "Oh yeah that is where she goes! You think we will see her there?" Zoey asked. "Yeah I hope so. I know she scared the crap out of me but she is still funny." Chase said. "What do you know about ACA?" Zoey asked. "Well my cusion goes there and she says that it is really cool and thats how I knew about Dana going there." Chase said. Zoey looked at her email and it was Quinn. She read it and it turns out that she is going to East Coast Academy. "Chase, Quinn isnt going." Zoey said sadly into the phone. "Well it was really unlikley that all of us would get put in the same place, but hey we get to see Dana again." Chase said. "Yeah who get's to tell Logan?" Zoey said smiling. "I want to!" They both said at the same time. "We can 3 way him." Chase said. "Ok." Zoey said. Chase diled the number and Logan picked up. "What Chase?" Logan asked annoyed. "Hey Logan." Zoey said. "Zoey what are you doing on Chases phone?" Logan asked. "Were 3 waying you." Chase said. "Ok why?" Logan asked. "Because we both wanted to tell you that the school that everyone except Quinn is going to has a very special friend of yours at it." Zoey said. "Really who?" Logan asked. "Dana!" They said at the same time. "She does? She is?" Logan said excitedly. "Do you like her or something?" Chase asked smirking. "No. Got to go bye." Logan said hanging up. "Well same here my mom wants me for dinner." Chase said. "Ok well see you at our new home. bye." Zoey said hanging up. She thought about how much things were going to change and how much Dana has changed. The emails that Dana and Zoey has shared have told Zoey that Dana has become a diffrent person. She has become a lot nicer, she has become one of the popular kids at the school not because people were afraid of her but how she was nice now. But she is still the Danger Cruz that the gang all knew and loved. In her last email she told Zoey that she punched a girl named Jazmyne in the nose becasue she pissed her off. "This might be cool." Zoey thought as she went downstairs to show her parents the letter. what do you think should i continue or just delete this story now? presley aka crash 2. A Boyfriend? Chases cousin came over to his house after she found out that they would be going to the same school so they could get on the plane together. "So Carly do you know a girl named Dana Cruz?" Chase asked sitting down on the plane. "Yeah she is like one of my best friends, we are always roomed together. Did I mention that she is one of the most popular girls at our school?" Carly asked. "No you didnt. She dosent really seem like some one that would be popular." Chase said buckeling his seat belt as the light told him to. "Well everyone knows about her and all the guys on campous want to date her and almost all the girls want to be her or be friends with her." Carly said putting on her seat belt also. "Wow I really didnt think that Dana could make that much of a splash." Chase said. "Everyone likes her because she is tough but she is really nice to everyone except Jazmyne and Katie Hallsted." Carly said those names roughly. "Why?"Chase asked. "Because they are the meanest people you could ever meet! Dana and me hate them so much, she even punched Jazmyne in the face breaking her jaw because she was being mean to Danas little brother." Carly said like it was no big deal. "Dude she was way worse at PCA she was beating the crap out of almost anyone who got on her bad side and that was a lot of people." Chase said. The plane started to take off. "Yeah but when Dana got here some people did that and thats how she got on the list of people not to mess with." Carly said. "How high is she on the list?" Chase asked kinda scared of the answer. "She is second after Dean Orloff." Carly said. "What else is new with her?" Chase asked. "Well she has become a lot more wild sometimes its like she is on crack or hyper pills. She is alot more skater and is into a lot of rock music. Almost everything that goes wrong that has a prank to it she is the master mind behind it. Me and her are like sisters cause all the time we are together. Oh and one more thing she has a boyfriend."Carly said. "What do you mean she has a boyfriend?" Chase almost yelled. Everyone on the plane looked at them. "Kids." An old man said who was sitting across the isle from them said. "Yeah whats the big deal?" Carly said. "Nothing." Chase said. "You wouldnt yell if it was nothing." Carly said. "Do you like her?" "Ew no! My friend Logan does." Chase said. "Wait Logan Reese?" Carly asked. "Yeah."Chase said. "Well Dana was telling me about how she used to like him but after he wouldn't return her emails, letters, or phone calls so she just stopped trying. She still seems to like him even though she has her boyfriend." Carly said. "The female mind is really complicated." Chase said. "So is algebra." Carly said putting her ear phones on. "Im going to sleep." Chase said. 'I hope Logan takes this ok' Chase thought drifting off to sleep. "Chase you dork get up!" Carly said shaking Chase awake. "Im up." Chase said jumping up. "We have to go." Carly said giving him his stuff and pulling him off the plane. "Ok where are we going?" Chase asked still half asleep. "We have to find the sign guy that has ACA on it and then find your friends before we can go and I can see my friends." Carly said getting into the terminal and standing on a chair to look over all the people. She found him and once again pulled Chase with her. They were the first people there so they just sat by the sign guy. "Chase!" Michael yelled from about 5 feet away. Chase shot up and ran over to him they did a manly hug and started to talk about their summers. Carly cleared her throat causing them both to look over to her. Michaels jaw droped ot the floor. "Hi im Chases cousin, Carly." Carly said putting out her hand to shake Michaels. "Im a friendly guy and I give hugs." Michael said giving Carly a hug. She hugged back and looked at Chase weirdly. Chase just shrugged. After about 2 minutes he let go because they heard someone calling their names. "Chase! Mike!" Zoey yelled running into Chases arms. Dustin was following close behind. "Is that Zoey?" Carly whispred into Michaels ear. "Yep his love." Michael said blushing a little. "Ew god im here for 3 minutes and your already trying to make me barf?" Logan said walking up to them with Nicole in tow. "Nice to see you too Logan."Zoey said with scarcasm dripping off her tounge. Zoey hugged Nicole and just waved to Logan. "Is this everyone Carly?" The sign guy said. "I think so." Carly said. "Ok lets go people." The guy said. "Hey Frank do you have our rooms?" Carly asked the guy. "Yeah here you go."Frank said. Carly read the room's out loud "Nicole, Zoey and Me are in 101 and the boys are in 102 but Dustin you are in 23." "Hey that was our room number at PCA." Nicole said. "Is our room next to your room?" Michael asked. "Yeah we have co-ed dorms." Carly said as they got into the van. "ACA here we come." "Here we are." Frank said. They all got out of the van and looked around. "It lookes almost the same as PCA." Chase said. "Well its getting late we should get to our rooms." Carly said leading the way. "Are all the dorm houses named after animals?" Nicole asked. "Yeah ok here we are, Shark way." Carly said making her way inside. They took the elevator up to the top floor and looked 3 doors down and saw their rooms. They all went to look at the girls room first. They got in and found their stuff already in their rooms. They also saw that someone else's stuff was in the room. Carly remembred it and instantly knew whos it was. Carly ran out of the room and the rest of the gang followed thinking that something was wrong. She looked around the lounge untill she saw who it was. Carly ran up to a girl who had on black baggy pants, and a red tank top on and poked her in the back. "What the...Carly!" The girl yelled hugging her. "I cant believe that were in the same room again." Carly said. The gang ran into the lounge and were all out of breath. "Carly do you have to run so fast?" Chase said panting. "No but I wanted to." Carly said smirking. The gang all looked at the girl who was getting hugged by Carly a second ago. "Dana!" thy all said at the same time. Zoey and Nicole ran up to her and hug her at the same time. "Dana you look so diffrent! You look amazing!" Nicole said. She has changed a lot she has grown in certain ways that only women can. "Hey im happy to see you too but can you please get off me?" Dana asked trying ot breath. Michael and Chase came next and they shared short hugs. Logan and Dana just looked at eachother for a while untill Carly broke the scilence. "Come on Dana lets go see if Leanna is here yet." Carly said pulling Dana away. Logan started after her but Chase pulled him back. "Chase let go I have to talk to her." Logan said. "Logan she has a boyfriend." Chase said. Logan stopped trying to get to Dana and looked at him trying to see if he was lying. Logan sighed. "I knew it." Logan said. He walked out the door to see what he was hoping to avoid for his stay here. The gang came out after him and all stopped in their tracks. Dana was kissing someone that had semi-long hair with a bene cap on and a skateboard in his hand. "Wow." The gang minus Logan all said. ok so what do u think Lola will be in this story but im making her a stalker for Logan and it might be DL. presley aka crash 3. The Twevils "Um Dana." Carly said poking Dana who was still making out with the blonde skater. "What?" She asked. Carly pointed to the group of shocked teenagers. Dana jumped away from the boys grasp. He looked at her confused. "Baby?" The guy asked looking from Dana to the gang then back to Dana."Who are they?" "Um their my friends from PCA. Remember I told you about them." Dana said looking at Logan who had a hurt expression on his face. "Oh yeah, hi im Zane." He said shaking their hands. Logan didnt he just glared at Zane. "Nice to meet you." The gang said but Logan just rolled his eyes. "Typical skater name." Logan said under his breath. "What was that?" Zane asked. "Oh nothing." Logan said with venom. "Logan whats your problem?" Dana said shoting a glare at him. "Nothing im happy for you I just wish you two all the rainbows and sunshine in the world." Logan said glaring at Zane again. "Whatever, D, I have to go un pack my stuff can we hook up later?" Zane said turning his attention to Dana. "Yeah what room are you in?" Dana asked. "102." Zane said. "This is just great!" Logan said sarcastically."Thats the room were in too." "Thats right next to mine." Dana said. Dana kissed Zane and said bye then Zane left to go unpack. "Me and Dana have to go find the rest of our band and have a rehersal before tomorrow." Carly said trying to get Dana and Logan time to cool off. "Why?" Zoey asked. "Because the Dean always has us perform the first night that everyone is back for the dance." Carly said. "Come on Dana lets go." Dana didnt move she was still glaring at Logan untill Carly pulled her away. The gang just stood there and Carly and Dana made it about 5 steps before two girls called their name. "Carly Dana, like omg I didnt know that you guys would be here." A blonde haired girl said. "Hi Jazmyne. I didnt think that you would be here." Carly said. "And why wouldnt we?" Katie, Jazmynes twin asked. "Because I didnt think that you passed." Dana said. "Well we did and for your info we did it all by ourselves." Jazmyne said smirking. "Jaz dont be silly we copied off that smart kid." Katie said. "Can it you twit." Jazmyne ordred. "Well I can see that most things dont change over the summer." Carly said. "Wait dont you mean cant change?" Dana said smirking. The gang started to laugh. "Oh well look who we have here." Jazmyne said walking past Dana and over to Logan. Dana crossed her arms and glared at Jazmyne so hard that it could burn a hole right through. "Who are you?" "My names Logan Reese, Malcom Reese's son." He said smirking. "Oh your a lucky boy." Jaz said. Dana was about to kill her but lucky for her Carly was there to hold her back. "Who are these sluts?" Katie asked going over to Jazmyne and looking at Zoey and Nicole. "Who are you calling a slut?" Nicole asked shocked. Dana looked back at Carly and Carly shrugged letting her go. Dana cracked her nuckels. The twins looked at her instantly hearing her nuckels. "Im going to give you some advice right now." Dana said walking towards them."Run." They took off running and Dana chased after them. Carly laughed. "Who were they?"Zoey asked. "The twivels." Carly said (A/N: yes i do watch Bratz. i know im pathetic) "Oh where those the girls that you were telling me about?" Chase asked. "Yep. Sorry but I need to find Dana and make her stop what ever she is doing to those girls even though they deserve it. If you need anything just ask Zane...or not." Carly said looking at Logan's facial expression."If you dont want to ask him just find the auditorium that's where Dana hangs out a lot and thats where we practice." "Ok thanks Car." Chase said. Carly ran the same way that Dana went. The gang all looked at Logan. "What?" He asked. "You are so totaly in love with her." Zoey said smirking. "Yep." Nicole agreed. "Like head over heels." Michael said. "Over the ball park fence." Chase said. "In love with Dana." They all said at the same time. "Shut up you dorks!" Logan spit. He walked over to a wall and sat down on it. Zoey was about to go talk to him but Chase shook his head no. Chase walked over to him and sat down next to him. Chase signaled for the others to go away which they did. "Dude I know how it feels." Chase said. "No you dont dude, I know you love Zoey but she isnt going out with another guy right in front of your face." Logan said. "Oh but how wrong you are." Chase said. "I had to watch her go out with Glenn Davis." "Yeah but then she found out he was lying to her so she broke it off, and newsflash for you, she loves you too!" Logan said getting up and walking away. "Logan wait!" Chase called out but Logan didnt listen. Zoey walked out side and stood next to Chase. "How did it go?" She asked. "It didnt work out so good." Chase said. They headded inside and joined the others. Logan on the other hand landed in the middle of the beach. The only place he has ever felt close to _her _when she was here and he was at PCA. He sat down on the beach and watched the moon rise. "Hey Logan." A annoying voice said breaking the silence. "What do you want Jamie?" Logan asked already annoyed. "Its Jazmyne but you can call me Jaz for short." She said. "Whatever." Logan said. "So you like Dana hun?" She asked. "And what if I did?" Logan asked giving her some more attention. "Well I know a way to make her super jealous." Jazmyne said smirking. "What?" Logan asked looking at her. She looked like she had a black eye. Logan guessed it was from Dana. "Go out with the one person that she truely hates." Jaz said. "Who is that?" Logan asked already knowing where this was going. "Me." She said. "Well...I will think about it and give you my answer tomorrow." Logan said. "Ok heres my cell number." Jaz said handing him a paper with her number already on it." It smells like me." She got up and left. Logan smelled it and started to gag and cough. what should i make him do? go with the skank or not go with the skank that is the question. presley aka crash. 4. What Logan does **AFTER DANA RUNS AFTER THE TWEVILS...** "Dana!"Carly said after she found Dana. She was punching Jazmyne and it looked like she already took care of Katie."Dana we have to go rehers." "Ok coming." She said turning her attention to Carly then back to the Blonde."You are so lucky and if you call them anything bad again or even talk to them your life is going to be ruined." "Ok stop harassing the poor girl." Carly said. "Poor is right look at that outfit!"Some one from behind them yelled. It was a blonde girl with black streaks in her hair. She wore a plaid skirt that was black and green with a t-shirt on that said 'You Looked Better On Myspace.' "Mouth." Dana and Carly said turning to the girl. "Whats up CD?" She asked laughing. "Nothing much cracking a few skulls." Dana said as the three did their secret handshake. "We have to go to practice ok." Carly said pulling the other two along with her over to the auditorium. The got there and went inside to find their instruments already layed out. Carly ran over to her bass and hugged it. "I missed you bassie!" She said. "Carly you have serious problems." Leanna aka Mouth said. "No Dana has serious problems." Carly said getting up leaving her bass on the stand. "Shut up Carly, no I dont." Dana said picking up her guitar and putting the strap on her and let the guitar hang there. She walked to go plug it into the amp. "Hate to break it to you dude but, yeah you do." Carly said. "What is it because of Zane?" Leanna asked sitting at the drums. "Yeah and that Logan kid she _always_ used to talk about." Carly said. "Oh yeah what about him?" Leanna said. Carly was about to tell her but Dana started to play a random song on the guitar really loud. Carly mouthed 'I'll tell you later'. "You done now?" Carly yelled over the music. "If you are."Dana said as she stopped playing. "What song are we doing?" Leanna asked twirling her drum sticks around in her fingers. "Um we could do 'Be the girl'." Carly suggested. "I like 'How strong do you think I am'." Leanna said. "Sorry Le im going with Carly." Dana said. "Well can we do that song now then?" Leanna asked. "Sure dude, and later I can tell you what my MAJOR problem is." Dana said. They all got in posission and Leanna did the count down with her drum sticks. Then Dana started to sing: _If I don't cry, Do you think I don't feel? If I look away, it doesn't mean I don't see, And just because I want someone when I'm alone, Doesn't mean I'm helpless, That I can't stand on my own._ How far can we go before we break? How long can I wait? How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong do you think I am It's so hard to tell, What's in your heart, What you keep to yourself, Is tearing me apart, And should I be afraid, To dream about you? And if you feel the same, What you going to do? How far can we go before we break? How long can I wait? How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong do you think I am If I move in any closer, If you let go and give yourself away, and if we let this happen to us, Everything will change. How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong, How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong, how strong, how strong do you think I am?__ They all finished at the same time. Then the Dean walked in. "Is that the song you will be preforming?" The Dean asked. "No its not we were just mes.." Leanna said before the Dean said something else."Well you need to get ready for the show and not mess around. What do you think I pay you for?" "Sir you dont pay us."Dana said. "Well now you know why." He said then left. As he was leaving they noticed that he had toilet paper stuck to the back of his pants. "Ok Ew!" Dana and Carly said at the same time. Leanna was laughing up a storm the whole time. "Leanna do you know what dorm your in?" Carly asked tunning her bass. "No I found you guys first." She said. "Dude go find your room and we can practice more tomorrow." Dana said trying not to yell at how stupid she was. Carly was holding in another laugh. Leanna walked out of the room and Carly started to laugh. "Remind me why we have her in the band." Dana said. "Cause she is one kick ass drum player." Carly said putting down her guitar as did Dana. "Oh thats right." Dana said sitting on the side of the stage. "What are you going to do about that MAJOR problem?" Carly asked sitting next to her. "I have no clue, I know I love Zane but now that Logan's here I dont know what to do." Dana said putting her hands on her legs. "Or who to do." Carly said joking. Dana pushed her a little and started to laugh. "Shut up." Dana said. "Is that all you ever think about?" "No...ok maybe but so what." Carly said. "You are such a loser!" Dana said. "Yeah im a loser but im the coolest loser your ever going to met." Carly said. Dana started to laugh. "And thats why your my best friend." Dana said. "I know. Its getting late you wanna get some ice cream?" Carly asked jumping down from the stage. "No I think im going to go by the beach. Chatch you later." Dana said. "Bye." Carly said leaving Dana alone in the empty auditorium. After a while of thinking she left to go to the beach to think some more. She had a lot of people wave at her and she waved back. When she got to the beach she saw Jaz and Logan sitting together on the beach. Dana wanted to kill her. '_Dana you have a boyfriend remember! Logan was never there for you like Zane was and is still is. Get a grip you hate Logan.' _Dana thought to herself. '_You know you still love Logan. You never stopped.' _Another voice in Danas head said. Dana thought about it for a while until she saw Jazmyne walk away and she also saw the paper she gave Logan. She almost didnt notice Jaz walking towards her. Dana hid behind a tree and saw something that she really didnt want to see. Logan ran up to Jaz. "Ok I will go out with you." Logan said. Dana's heart shattered into a million peaces. She did the one thing that only Logan has ever made her do..._Cry_. Well what do you think? Song- 'How Strong Do You Think I Am?' Jude Harrison aka Alexz Johnson presley aka crash (wishes she was in finland w/ gabby) 5. I thought only girls had hairdryers? Dana ran all the way back to her dorm trying to hold in her tears. She was lucky that there was no one in her dorm. She ran into her room that she shared with Carly and threw herself onto her bed. "What is wrong with me." Dana said outloud to herself. That stupid voice said again. Dana tried to ignore it. "Shut up!" She mumbled out. "I didnt even say anything." Carly said entering the room and closing the door. Dana shot up and wiped off her eyes. Carly noticed that she was crying. "Oh my god Day, what happend?" "Nothing." Dana said. "What do you mean nothing? D your crying." Carly said sitting on Danas bed by her. "Its stupid." Dana said. "Um are we not the stupidest kids in this entire school?" Carly said smiling. "Ok well I was walking to the beach and I saw Jazmyne and Logan on the beach together and I was watching them and I saw her give him that stupid paper that she gives every guy at school with her number on it. Then to make it all worse she walked over to where I was standing and I hid behind the tree that you pushed that kid out of and he broke his arm." Dana said. "Good times." Carly said smirking. "Ok back to my story, then Logan ran up to her and said 'Ok I will go out with you' and then they hugged. At that time I was crying but the stupid thing is I have no clue why the hell im crying!" Dana almost yelled. "Maybe you still have feelings for Logan." Carly said. "I cant! I love Zane not Logan. Logan broke my heart when he decided not to talk to me when I was here. Zane on the other hand has always been here for me." Dana said laying back on her bed. She staired up at the poster of Hawthorne Heights and Cartel on her sealing."What am I going to do?" "Well you can't have both of them and well what ever you pick I got your back sis." Carly said. "Yeah I know and im sticking with Zane." Dana said trying to convince herself as well as Carly. "Ok." Carly said going over to her own bed. "If you think im thinking about Logan or if you catch me talking about him unless im having a conversation with him I want you to hit me." Dana said. "Um ok." Carly said getting up and walking over to Dana. She hit her on her stomach. "What was that?" Dana asked. "You were so totaly thinking about Logan." Carly said turning off the light. "Whatever and no I wasnt." Dana said. "You are so lying through those perfectly white teeth of yours." Carly said getting under her covers. "Night loser." Dana said turning over to face the window. She heard Carly start to snore and she started to think about Zane and somehow ended up dreaming about Logan. BATMANnanananBATMANnananananBATMANnanananaBATMANananana WAIT WRONG SHOW! Carly woke up to the stupid alarm clock beeping. She groaned and reached for the alarm clock but it was to far away and she fell off the bed. "Ouch." Carly groaned and crawled over and hit the off button. She pulled her pillow down onto the floor and fell back asleep. Zoey and Nicole walked into the room and started to laugh. "Carly, Dana wake up. The boys are here." Zoey said. "Boys!?!" Carly said leaning up without opening her eyes. "Yeah their in the living room." Nicole said. (a/n: the dorms have 2 bedrooms, a living room a small kitchen and a big bathroom.) Carly woke up, while Dana was still asleep. Zoey and Nicole laughed because her feet were on her pillow and her head was where her feet were supposed to be. "Dana get up." Zoey said shaking her. Dana groaned and put her pillow over her head. "I have an idea." Nicole said going out into the living room."Logan I need your hair dryer." "What? Why?" Logan said. "You have a hair dryer?" Zane asked laughing. "Yeah so?" Logan shot back. "Sorry dude I thought that only girls owned hair dryers, unless there is something you would like to share with me." Zane said smirking. Logan was about to kill him. "Logan stop, go get your hair dryer so I can wake Dana up." Nicole said pushing Logan out the door. He got the hair dryer and gave it to Nicole who ran into the room where all the kids were now. "What are you all doing?" Logan asked as he entred the room with the rest of them. Nicole plugged the hair dryer in and turned it on full blast. Dana stired and shot up out of her bed. She walked over to Nicole opened the window, grabbed the hair dryer and was about to throw it out the window when Logan grabbed it from her. "Thats mine." Logan said. "Oh sorry." Dana said half asleep. "Its time to get up!" They all yelled and walked out of the room. Dana was walking out in her pjs and ran into the door frame. "Theres a wall there." She said. "Well I guess your awake now hun?"Carly said eating a bowl of cereal. "Yep." Dana said going over to the table. Zane pulled her onto his lap and Logan looked away playing with his cereal that was all old. "Didnt your mother ever teach you not to play with your food?" Zoey said. "Shut it Mrs. Perfect." Logan barked. "Logan shut your mouth." Chase said. "Whatever im going to class." Logan said grabbing his books and leaving. "Logan wait you dont know where your going!"Dana called after him but he didnt listen. "Someone needs to go after him." "Whats the big deal?" Michael said not taking his eyes off Carly for the 3rd time in 2 days. "What if he runs into the jocks?" Dana asked paniced. Carly dropped her spoon in her bowl and looked at Dana. "Zane go get him." Carly said standing by Dana. "Why dont you!?" Zane asked. Dana and Carly looked down at themselfs signaling Zane to look at them. He noticed that they were still in their pjs. "Fine but what do I do if they already found him?" Zane asked. "Tell K.J I said to let him go." Dana said. Zane walked out the door but ran back in and gave Dana a kiss on the cheek then went off to find Logan. "Who are the Jocks?" Nicole asked. "Their some of the toughest kids in school. They are all seniors and all on the wresteling and football team here. Their really just the school bullys but they can definatly hurt you." Carly said. "And K.J is their leader and my brother but if K.J isnt there then Logan's toast." Dana said and sounded worried. "Come on Dana lets go get dressed." Carly said pulling her into their room and shutting the door. Carly punched her in the arm. "Whats with the pulling of the me?" Dana said annoyed. "You were about to go all gaga over Logan again!" Carly whispred yelled. "Sorry but its not my fault that hes stupid!" Dana said going over to her dresser and found a Fall Out Boy shirt that had the band on it and put it on along with black jeans that were cut up along the legs, with her hair up in a high pony tail. Carly wore a spiderman shirt with blue jeans on and her hair was down and straitend. Dana had on one black and red adio shoe on and one high top and so did Carly. "Ok so what class do you guys all have first?" Dana asked. "I have Mr. Abell in advanced science with Chase and Michael." Zoey said. "Cool so do I." Nicole said. "Thats right next door to our first class Mr. Alas which is American History." Dana said refering to Carly. "Thats what Logan had first too I think." Michael said. "Lets go." Carly said grabing her bag and so did Dana. "What class does Zane have first?" Zoey asked as they walked out of the building. "He has all honors classes." Dana said as they headded off for their first class. Ok the whole honors thing is going to be important so keep that in mind. I might not update my other storys for a while but i might because i have a lot of good ideas for this story. presley aka crash 6. Bad schedule '_Why am I doing this? I dont even like that stupid Logan kid.' _Zane thought as he searched the campous for him. After about 3 minutes of looking he found Logan talking to the Jocks. Zane hid behind a trash can and watched. "Whats your name kid?" Dana's brother K.J asked him. "Logan Reese, whats it to ya?" Logan asked with that famous attitude. "Wait did you go to PCA with my sister?" He asked. "Who Dana?" Logan asked. "Yeah she used to talk about how much you got on her nerves." K.J said cracking his nuckels. "What are you going to hit me or something?" Logan asked showing no fear. "And what if I was?" K.J said with some of the Jocks walking over to them. They all stood taller than Logan. "The girl I love is going out with a guy I hate so what ever pain you can give me wont match the pain that that gives me it at all." Logan said calmly. "Wow that's like really deep." K.J said and one of the guys behind K.J looked like he was about to cry. '_What the hell?'_ Zane thought as he watched closer. "My sister also told me about how you were the only guy at school to actually make her laugh and smile. She told me she liked you too." K.J said. '_What?' _Zane said. "She did?" Logan said. "Well anyone is better for her than that stupid skater Zeke." One of the Jocks said. "Uh dude I think its Zane." Logan said. "Whatever." K.J said."You better look out for my sister. Got it?" "No problem dude." Logan said. Logan started to walk away when K.J called him back. "Is my sister the one your in love with?" He asked Logan. "Yeah." Logan said plain and simple. Logan walked away with a smile on his face but Zane stayed put. "I like that kid." K.J said. "Yeah you think that Dana and him will end up together?" The almost crying Jock asked. "Yeah Dana cant stay with that skater forever." K.J said. '_Oh yeah well lets see about that.' _Zane thought as he walked away to his first hour class. _f is for friends who do stuff together, u is for u and me, n is for neywhere and anytime..Not again!!_ "Where is Logan?" Dana asked Carly when the bell wrang. Carly sat behind her and punched her. Dana squeazed her fists together trying not to hit Carly back. Mr. Alas started to talk and then Logan came in with the biggest smirk on his face. "And who are you?" Mr Alas said. "Im Logan." He said taking a seat in front of Dana. "Im Logan and I think im so cool walking into class late on my first day of school." Mr. Alas mimicked making everyone laugh."Ah im just messing with you dude." "Ok." Logan said. "Its the first day I dont care what you do." Mr.Alas said sitting down at his desk. All the kids started to move their desks to face their friends and started to talk. "Hey whats up with that guy?" Logan asked Dana as Carly moved her desk next to Dana's and Logan's. "What do you mean? He is definatly the coolest teacher ever."Dana said. "Yeah he's a hippy." Carly said eating some skittels. Mr. Alas came over and slamed a metal bat on the table. "Are you eating in my classroom!?!" Mr. Alas yelled. "Yeah." Carly said kinda scared. "And you didnt give me any?" He asked sweetly. Carly handed them over and he took a few and gave the bag back. "Your telling me hes not a pshyco." Logan said. "Hes cool." Dana said. The intercom came on and the class got quiet. "Mr.Alas?" The lady asked. "Yes lady?" He said. "Can we have Carly sent to the deans office?" The lady said laughing. "Ok, and have a nice day." Mr. Alas said. As soon as the intercom turned off Mr.Alas said."Bitch, ok Carly you know where to go." "Arlycay ouya antca eavla emay ithway imhay." Dana said in piglatan (Carly you cant leave me with him) "I got to." Carly said and she left. Dana sighed adn started to play with her fingers. "What are you doing?" Logan asked. "Nothing thinking." Dana said stoping. "About what?"Logan asked putting his head down and looking up at her. She bit her lip. "Stuff." Dana said trying not to look into his eyes. The eyes that make her stop thinking. "Ok I would like to buy a vowel."Logan said smirking. "So whats up with you and Jaz?" Dana asked treating that name like poison on her lips. "Who?" Logan asked. "Your new girlfriend." Dana said anoyed. "Oh I dont like her." Logan said. "Then why are you going out with her?" Dana asked putting her head down so she was eye level with him. "Because I was trying to make someone else jealous." Logan said looking into Dana's eyes. Dana and Logan were so close that you could almost tell that they were going to kiss. Logan leaned in closer and so did Dana they were about a half and inch appart but then the bell wrang and made them both jump up. "Um I have to get to class." Dana said. "So do I." Logan said. "What class is it?" Dana asked him. "Um...Mr.Abell science." Logan said. "Great another class together." Dana mumbled so Logan couldnt hear. "Thats what I have too." "Ok then lets go." Logan said taking her books with him. "You do know thats mine right?" Dana asked following him. "Yeah so?" He said smirking. '_This is going to be a long ass day'_ Dana said after she found out that she was going to have every class with Logan and Science alone with him. Presley aka crash 7. Cartel tickets and tears Yes to all of my readers Mr.Alas and all the teachers that are getting put in my story are real and they actually did the stuff that im putting in this story. Mr. Alas really does have a bat that he hits on the desk to wake people up when he thinks the class gets to boaring. Dana and Logan got into the class room and sat down in the back of the room. The bell rang again and the kids all filled the classroom. "Ok the school is making me teach you guys Sex Ed. so today everyone needs to get into groups of two and im going to give you a disease." Mr. Abell said. The class all looked around at eachother oddly."Yeah that sounded really wrong." "Yeah."The whole class said. "Ok Dana and...who are you?" Mr.Abell asked Logan. "Im Logan from PCA." He said. "Ok you guys have aids." He said. "What!?" Dana said quickly because she wasn't paying attention. "I dont know why dont you pay attention next time." Mr.Abell said giving out all the assignments. When he walked by Dana he hit her in the back of the head with a paper packet. She stuck her tounge out at him when he wasn't looking. "So what are we supposed to do?" Logan asked looking at the packet. Dana started to write something down and then stopped. She showed it to Logan. It was a website. "What is this supposed to do?" He asked. "Where all the answers are. Zane showed it to me." Dana said. Logan rolled his eyes. "What do you see in that guy?" Logan asked. "I see a nice guy that can make me laugh and he was there for me when someone else broke my heart." Dana said not looking at Logan. He was about to say something but Zane walked into the room. Dana turned around and smiled at him. Zane winked at her and handed Mr.Abell a paper. "Ok Dana, Carly isn't coming back today so you have to get her work for her." Mr. Abell said. "K." Dana said. Zane left and Dana went back to Logan who gave her a weird look."What?" "I just...nothing, forget it." Logan said. He pulled out his binder and left it on his tabel. Dana looked at it and saw her favorite band on it. "You like Fall Out Boy?" She asked suprised. "No, I just put them all over my binder because chicks dig it." Logan said smirking. "Ha ha very funny." Dana said. "Are you related to K.J?" Logan asked. "How do you know him?" Dana asked scared. "I ran into him earlier today." Logan said. "God did he hurt you? Im going to kill him if he did. I told Zane to find you before the Jocks did." Dana said angry. "No he didnt he seemed pretty cool." Logan said." Why were you so worried?" "I wasn't worried." Dana said lying. "You sure do suck at lying babe." Logan said smirking. "Im not your babe." Dana snapped at him. The bell wrang again and Dana stormed out. Logan was about to run after her but he saw a peice of paper fall out of her backpack and onto the floor. He picked it up and looked at it closely. "A concert ticket?" Logan whispred to himself. It was a concert ticket to a Cartel show. He put the ticket into his pocket and walked out of the classroom and into the quad where the fountain was. He saw Dana sitting on the edge and was about to go talk to her but the twevils blocked his path. "Hey hunny bear." Jazmyne said smiling. "Jazmyne I..." He said before Jaz put her finger over his lips and started to talk."Call me sweetie cakes." "Im not going through with this." Logan said pushing her out of his way and was about to walk over to Dana when he noticed that Zane had sat next to her. Logan sighed and walked away to his dorm. Chase and Michael were there and Logan walked into the room he shared with Chase. Logan didnt have to work hard to get that room with Chase instead of the room with Zane. Michael understood the whole thing that was going on between him and Dana. He was actually all for Dana and Logan getting together. "Logan whats up?" Chase asked walking into the room. "Stupid Dana and Zane." Logan said laying down on his bed looking at his posters of almost all the same bands that Dana had minus The Almost. "Do you wanna talk?" Chase asked. "There is nothing to talk about." Logan mumbled. "Fine im just trying to help." Chase said and walked out the room. Logan got up and went over to his computer. He googled the concert and looked for tickets but then he looked at the ticket closly. It was a private show and only about 25 people could go. How did he know this? He already had a ticket to go by himself. He came out of his room with a big smile on his face he was about to go find Dana when he saw her go into her dorm crying. Logan quickly went in after her. "D, whats wrong?" Logan asked following her into the dorm room and into her bed room. "Nothing go away." Dana ordred. "No, whats wrong?" Logan asked again. "Fine, if I tell you what's wrong will you leave?" Dana yelled. "Yeah." Logan said. "I broke up with Zane HAPPY!?!" Dana said pushing him out of the room and closing her door. She went over to her bed and put her head in her hands. Logan walked back into the room. "Go away!" "No why did you break up with him?" Logan asked sitting on her bed next to her. "Cause I saw him kissing Jazmyne ok." Dana said crying more. "Are you serious?" Logan asked. "Yeah then I broke her nose for the 4th time since I have gone here." Dana said. "You think that people would learn never to mess with Danger Cruz." Logan said. Dana laughed a little and wiped her eyes. "No one has called me that since PCA." Dana said laughing. "Why do you always put your hair up?" Logan asked. "That was random." Dana said as she stopped crying. "Just answer the question Cruz." He said looking into her eyes. "I dont know."She said. Logan put her hair down and then noticed that their faces were really close. "Now your the Dana Cruz I remember." Logan whispred. He leaned in when... 8. Secrets in the lounge you guys should know by now that i never do what people expect me to do...ok maybe sometimes but it is really not likley. * * * "Now your the Dana Cruz I remember." Logan whispred. He leaned in when Zane came storming into the room. He looked at Dana and Logan who were sitting really close on the bed and glared at him. "Dana what the hell is this?!" He yelled. "Its me talking to my friend, you got a problem with that?" Dana said or more like yelled. "I need to talk to you." Zane said pulling her arm to try to get her out of the room but she pulled away. "I dont want to talk to you." Dana said. "Jaz kissed me not me kissing her. She said that Logan told her to do it." Zane said pointing to Logan. Dana turned quickly to look at Logan. She looked hurt. "Why would you do this to me?" Dana said sadly to him. "Dana I didnt he's lying." Logan said trying to make him believe her. "Oh yeah well lets just get a whitness in here." Zane said and Jazmyne came into the room. Dana glared at her. "Ok tell us what happend." "Well when I saw Logan over by the fountain he called me over and told me to kiss Zane in front of Dana, when I said no he told that he would pay me and Dana you know that my mom is sick so I had to get money any chance I could." Jaz said. "Well I know your mom is sick, and I thought that Logan wouldn't do that but...I guess I was wrong." Dana said looking at him. Logan could see the hurt in her eyes. "Dana.." "No Logan dont talk to me anymore." Dana said not looking at him. "But.." "Just stop it you jerk. Cant you see she is hurt enough already!?!" Zane yelled. "Stay out of this you dick!" Logan yelled at Zane. "Come on Dana lets go." Zane said putting his arm around her shoulders and started to walk out together. Zane looked back over his shoulder and mouthed 'You lose' to Logan and smirked. Logan instantly had the worst urge to kill him but knew that if he did then Dana would think that he hated Zane, which he did but, would think that he did make Jaz do that which was a lie. Logan walked out the room and bumped into someone. "Ouch."Carly said as she fell over because of Logan. "Oh! Sorry Car." Logan said helping her up. "Thats ok dude." Carly said brushing herself off. Logan started to walk away."He whats with the big rain cloud over your head?" "What?" Logan asked confused turning around to look at her again. "Oh thats right you haven't hung out with me and you don't know that im crazy."Carly said to herself. "Why are you all gloom and doom?" "What?" Logan asked annoyed. "God your stupid! Whats wrong?" She said hitting herself in the head. "Oh, Dana's mad at me and thinks that I payed Jazmyne to kiss Zane with Dana watching which I didnt." Logan said leaning on the wall. "Um why would Jaz do that for money?" Carly asked. "She normally would want to do anything to hurt Dana." "She said her mother was sick or something." Logan said sinking to the floor. Carly sat next to him. "Dude, her mother has been ok for like ever it was just the flu." Carly said. "Are you serious?" Logan asked. "Yeah." Carly said. "Can you do me a favor?" He asked her. "Shoot." Carly said. "Tell Dana that it wasn't me ok?" Logan said getting up and pulling Carly up by the arm. "Ok, I will tell her when we go to rehersal tonight. Crap I got to go, bye." Carly said running away down the hallway. Logan shrugged and walked down to the lounge to get a drink. He was about to go back up the stairs when he heard two voices talking. "When are you going to dump that trash and finally go out with me?" A girls voice whinned. "Soon baby I just dont want K.J killing me for breaking up with his little sister." The guy said and Logan knew instantly that it was Zane. "Why are you so afraid of the Cruz family?" The girl Logan guessed was Jaz said. "They have power over like the whole school." Zane said. "Please tell me your not afraid of Skyler too." Jaz said. "Um...kinda." Zane said. "What!?! He is in the 3rd grade and your in the 9th!" Jazmyne yelled. "Shut up and so what?" Zane said. "My boyfriend the wimp, how you ever got Dana to go out with you in the first place is amazing." Jaz said. "Yeah but you know you love me." Zane said. "Yeah and your lucky for that too." Jaz said then Logan heard kissing sounds and he ran away to find Dana to tell her. He ran out of the lounge dropped his drink and ran into the auditorium. He saw Dana playing the piano and slowly walked up to the stage. When he got closer he heard her singing: If I was drowning in the sea Would you dive right in and save me? If I was falling like a star Would you be right there to catch me? If I was dreaming of your kiss Would you look right through me? On the street I'm waiting In my heart it's raining Your eyes are holding up the sky Your eyes make me weak, I don't know why Your eyes make me scared to tell the truth I thought my heart was bullet-proof Now I'm dancing on the roof And everybody knows I'm into you If my heart was sadder than a song Would you still listen? If my tears fell on you, one by one Would you see them glisten? On the street I'm waiting In my heart it's raining Your eyes are holding up the sky Your eyes make me weak I don't know why Your eyes make me scared to tell the truth I thought my heart was bullet-proof Now I'm just dancing on the roof Every single thing you say makes me want to run away Sometimes love's a rainy day but life goes on Your eyes are holding up the sky Your eyes make me weak, I don't know why Your eyes make me scared to tell the truth I thought my heart was bullet-proof But I'm dancing on the roof And everybody knows I'm into you Logan started to clap and Dana jumped up out of the seat she was sitting in when she was playing the paino. "What do you want?" She asked rudley. "I wanted to talk." Logan said hopping up on the stage. "There is nothing to talk about." Dana said picking up her papers and turned to leave when she tripped over her stool. "Ouch." Logan rushed over to help her get her papers. Dana got up and got the papers back. "Listen Dana, Zane is lying." Logan said. "What the hell are you talking about?" Dana said. "He is going out with Jazmyne behind your back." Logan said. "Ha! This coming from the guy who payed my worst enime to kiss my boyfriend." Dana said laughing again. "Right there you said it!" Logan said. "What?" Dana asked annoyed. "She is your worst enime so why would she tell you something that was supposed to be a secret to make you break up with Zane?" Logan said. Dana thought about that and sat down on the floor of the stage. "I think your right... but then you never payed her?" Dana asked confused of how money came into the picture. "She was lying about that. Her mother only had the flu and she got better a long time ago." Logan said. Dana was about to say something when Logan cut her off. "Carly told me." "Oh wait so Zane kissed Jaz?" Dana asked trying to sort it all out. "I think so and before I came here I heard those two talking." Logan said. "What did they say?" Dana said when... ha another cliffy! presley aka crash 9. Breakup or makeup? "What did they say?" Dana said when she stopped herself. "Wait I dont want to know what they said because most likley its going to be another lie from you." "No Dana its not like that." Logan said. "Yeah right." Dana said getting up and walking away. Logan was about to go after her but decided against it. Carly and Leanna came into the room. "Hey Logan wheres Dana?" Leanna asked. "She just left." Logan said sighing. "What did you do this time?" Leanna asked hitting him in the back of the head with her drum stick. (A/N: yeah you guys I love degrassi Craig and Ash all the way!) "Nothing but Carly I need to tell you something." Logan said getting off the stage and walking over to her. "Sure dude what is it?" Carly asked. They sat down in the audience seats. "I over heard Zane and Jaz talking and Zane is cheating on Dana with Jaz behind her back." Logan said. "What!?! Im going to kill them!" Carly said yelling and standing up. Logan pulled her back down when he noticed that Leanna was looking at them funny. "Shut up Leanna dosent need to know about this." Logan whispred harshly to her. "Sorry but what are we going to do?" Carly said. "I have no clue but Dana wont listen to me, she still thinks that I lied to her." Logan said. "I can tell her but I really dont think that that will work now." Carly said. "Why not your her best friend?" Logan asked. "Because she is watching us right now." Carly said. Logan turned around and sure enough Dana was standing in the door way with her arms crossed glaring at Logan. "Logan get out we have to practice." Dana ordred walking down the isle not looking at Logan. Carly wasn't sure if she should move or not so she just stayed put."Carly!" "Sorry, bye Logan." She said rushing up to the stage. Logan walked up to the front row of seats and sat down. "Leave!" Dana said pointing to the door. "No I want to see how good you guys are before you preform." Logan said smirking. "Logan this isnt helping your problem." Carly said trying to get him to leave so that Dana wouldnt lose it on him. "Fine stay, see if I care." Dana said putting on her guitar. "I will." Logan said. "What song D?" Leanna asked. "Um... Fade to black." Dana said smirking at Logan who smiled at her like an idiot. Three Days, Eight Hours, Fourteen minutes gone, You bend, I'll break, Like in every song, Maybe I'm too scared to call, Maybe I'm too tough to fall. Everything you are, Everything reminds me of, Everything you are, Fades to black, Everytime I see your face, Screaming the secrets we share, We fade to Black. I call out for your warm embrace, Feel your tears fall, Upon my face, What makes me so bullet proof? What makes me act so removed? Everything you are, Everything reminds me of, Everything you are, Fades to black, Everytime I see your face, Screaming the secrets we share Feels like I'm running, Running as fast as I can, Feels like I'm trying, Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you. Da da da, Da da da, Da da da da da da, Da da da, Da da da, Da da da da da da, Everything you are, Everything reminds me of, Everything you are, Fades to black, Everytime I see your face, Screaming the secrets we share... Everything you are, Everything reminds me of, Everything you are, Fades to black, Everytimes I see your face, Screaming the secrets we share. We fade to black "So what do you think Logan?" Dana said smirking at him. Logan had his mouth open and his jaw was almost on the floor. " was..was..great." Logan said. "Really? Cause the song is new and this is the first time we did it for anyone." Leanna said.. "Le shut up!" Dana barked. Leanna slouched down on her stool more. "I really did think it was cool." Logan said jumping onto the stage and walking over to them. "Well I dont care what you think." Dana said. "I really do think you do actually." Logan said."Admit it Dana you do think im right about the whole Jaz, Zane thing." "No I dont." Dana said. "Yeah you do admit it." Logan said moving closer to her. "Day!" Zane said walking into the auditorium. "What now?" Carly said as she stood by Leanna and her drums. "Beats me. What is going on with Jaz and Zane?" Leanna asked in a whisper. "I'll tell you later." Carly said and when they both turned back to the argument that was going on they saw Dana punch Zane! Logan pulled her away when she tried to go after him again. Zane was on the floor and you could already see the blood coming out of his mouth. "What the hell happend!?!" Carly yelled. "Logan wasn't lying. Zane did kiss Jaz!" Dana said as she stopped struggeling. "I never said that!" Zane defended from the floor. "You didnt have to!" Dana said. "Then how did you know that I was?" Zane said. "Well what you just said gave it away." Logan said "That too but thats not how I found it out." Dana said. "How?" Zane asked getting off the floor. "The HICKEY on your neck kinda gave it away." Dana said. "Baby thats from you." Zane said trying to get closer to Dana but Logan stood in between them. "Back off, now." Logan said like he was about to kill Zane. "No its not from me! We havent even made out long enough for me to give you one since last year." Dana said taking off her ring and she threw it at him. "What did you do that for?" Zane asked picking up the ring. "Cause were done." Dana said. "YES!!"Logan said pumping his fist into the air. "Um ok...And for cheating on me you have just crossed the Cruz line of trust so if I were you which right now im happy that im not, I would watch my back." Dana said glaring at him. "This isnt over Dana you will be mine again." He said running out of the building. "Finally." Logan said to himself. "What?" Dana said turning her attention to him. "Oh nothing." Logan said. ok thats it for now! i have softball all weekend so dont expect an update untill monday. stupid tournament that we normally win anyway so whats the point right. god i have a big ego! review please Presley aka Crash, Lady Lightning #00 10. Punk rock has never looked so good Dana, Carly and Logan went back to the room and Dana was still pissed so she stormed in the room. The rest of the gang was watching a movie in the living room. "Hey Dana, whats wrong?" Chase asked turning around to look at her. "I'm done with boys!" Dana said walking past them. "Really?" Nicole asked shocked. "No." Dana said closing the door to her room. They heard music start to blare inside the room. Carly banged on the door. "That better not be my CD's!" She yelled. Dana opened the door and the music got a lot louder. "And what if it is?" Dana asked crossing her arms. "Im going to tell the whole school your secret." Carly said smirking. "You wouldnt." Dana said glaring at her. "How much you wanna bet I will?" Carly said. "You tell anyone and im going to tell everyone your secret." Dana said smirking back. "What secret?" Michael asked. "Oh how she likes.." Was all Dana could get out before Carly put her hand over her mouth. "Dana sleeps.." Carly said until Dana licked her hand."Ew!" "Ha Carly is in lo.." Dana said until Carly Started to yell. Dana hit her in the stomach lightly but Carly had a bruise there so it hurt alot worse. "I hate you." Carly said holding her stomach. "You love me and you know it." Dana said closing the door again. "Yeah and your lucky about that!" Carly yelled over the music again. "Whats her damage?" Nicole asked. "She broke up with Zane." Carly said. "No way!" Everyone said except Logan and Carly. "Yeah Zane was cheating on her with Jaz." Logan said. "Wow." Chase said. "I hate that slut!" Nicole said. "We have to get back at that scumbag!" Zoey said standing up. "Wow Zo I have never seen you like this before." Chase said. "When you mess with my friends your going to be in big trouble." Zoey said putting on her pissed off face. "Ok so whats the plan stan?" Michael asked moving away from Zoey a little. "I have an idea." Logan said. "Does it have to do with your hair?" Zoey asked. "No." Logan said. "Or killing Zane?" She asked. "Nevermind." Logan said sitting on the couch next to Michael. "I have an idea, get Dana to hurt him!" Nicole said. "That is the stupidest idea ever!" Carly said. "Why is it so stupid?" Chase asked. "No offence but you guys dont know Dana like I know her. She wont hurt him because she already did and she dosent want anything to do with him." Carly said. "I have an idea." Logan said. "Does it have anything to do with..." Zoey said before Logan cut her off. "No and no. It has to do with her big brother."Logan said. "Why didnt I think of that!?" Carly said smacking her fourhead. "What?" Michael asked clueless as the rest of the gang. "Dana's big brother K.J is really over protective and if Dana gets hurt by someone then he will basically kill that person along with his gang to help him." Carly said. "How did you know about him?" Zoey asked Logan. "We ran into eachother the other day and he knew me because of Dana talking about all of us all the time at her house." Logan said. "You mean she talked about _you_." Carly said smirking. "What do you mean?" Logan asked. "I live right down the street from her and I really lived over at her house so I had to listen to her talk about you forever, untill you never called or anything to talk to Dana." Carly said. Logan immediately felt guilty. "Carly!" Dana yelled coming out of the room. "What did I do now?" She asked. "We have to get ready for the show! Its in an hour!" Dana yelled panicing. Leanna walked into the room already ready. She had on a t-shirt that had a band called Valencia on it and ripped up jeans. "Why aren't you guys ready yet? I thought that we could get in another practice before the concert." Leanna said. Dana and Carly sighed and ran into their room to get ready. They were throwing clothes everywhere. Carly finally got her clothes on and went into the living room. She had on a white dress shirt and a checkered tank top under it and the dress shirt was opened to show the undershirt and a black skirt with white leggings and her hair was up in a messy bun. Michael once again was stunned by how she looked. As they waited for Dana to get finished Logan noticed that Mike was starring at Carly. "Go talk to her." Logan said. "What? I cant do that!" Michael said. "Why not as Avril Lavigne says 'your just a boy and she's just a girl'. So go talk to her." Logan said pushing him. Michael wasn't ready so he fell right in front of Carly. "Are you ok Mike?" She asked neeling down to help him "Yeah im fine, um I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the movies with me?" Michael said getting up. "Um ok."Carly said smiling. Dana came out of the room and Logan's jaw dropped to the bottom floor of the building. Dana had on a tanktop that had Cartel on it with arm warmers that had stripes on it. She had on a plaid skirt with ripped black jeans under it and suspenders that hung off the skirt. Her hair was up but had a lot of hair around her face. "Are we ready to rock?" Dana asked. "Hell yeah!" Carly and Leanna said at the same time. "Well than we have to run there to be on time." Dana said as she sprinted out the door the rest of the gang followed. They were slower than Dana, Leanna and Carly so they were pretty far behind. They heard someone scream so they ran faster. They rounded a corner and... Ha im so evil!! we won the softball tournament ! yay! next chapter coming up soon and dont worry im not giving up on my other storys like SBR and After shock im just getting really kool ideas for this story in my head so im feeding the flame.i have no clue what that means but it sounds cool Presley aka Crash 11. Concerts and things to think about "Well than we have to run there to be on time." Dana said as she sprinted out the door the rest of the gang followed. They were slower than Dana, Leanna and Carly so they were pretty far behind. They heard someone scream so they ran faster. They rounded a cornor and saw the girls hugging another girl that was about 17 years old. "Sky, I cant believe your here." Carly said as the hug broke. "Well I cant miss my sisters once a year preformance now can I?" Skyler said rubbing Dana's hair. Dana pushed her hand away and started to laugh. Nicole cleared her throat and the group of girls looked at her. "Oh intro, you guys this is my sister Skyler." Dana said. Everyone said hello and they headded off to the concert. Dana, Carly and Leanna all went back stage and started to get ready. Dean Orloff came on stage and everyone got quiet. "Now here they are strait from ACA Hell Half No Furry!'"He said getting off the stage. The curtian rose and Dana steped forward and the crowd started to cheer. "Ok tonight we are singing a song that you all know so here it goes." Dana said as she smirked and started to sing: You look at me Curious what I'm made of Sugar or steam And what kind of man I love What I believe What I know and what I crave All my pet peeves Where I've shed and when I stain Do you know Cause I'm not here to be around And be that girl that you forget about Cause all I want is just to be a song That you can feel longer than just right now So come on baby let me be the girl That you can count on to rock your world And then you'll see there's so much more than curves And then you'll see that you and me belong Do you know my vice And how to get under my skin Just what I like And where I want you to begin Do you know my middle name And where I'm sensitive the most That each night I pray And do you think I fit that mold Do you know Cause I'm not here to be around And be that girl that you forget about Cause all I want is just to be a song That you can feel longer than just right now So come on baby let me be the girl That you can count on to rock your world And then you'll see there's so much more than curves And then you'll see that you and me belong You and me belong You and me belong Cause I'm not here to be around And be that girl that you forget about Cause all I want is just to be a song That you can feel longer than just right now So come on baby, let me be the girl That you can count on to rock your world And then you'll see there's so much more than curves And then you'll see that you and me belong You and me belong You and me belong The whole building was on their feet and cheering. The curtain closed and the band got off stage and the gang rushed back there to see their friends. "You did great Day." Skyler said giving her a hug. "No duh!" Dana said smirking. Logan walked over to Dana, Skyler and Carly. "Hey D, you were so awsome out there." Logan said giving her a hug. Skyler looked at Carly weirdly. Carly shrugged and walked away over to Michael to talk more about their date. "Dana can we go for a walk and talk?" Skyler said pulling Dana away from her conversation with Logan. "Sure no problem Sky! I would love to go on a walk with you." Dana said getting up and walking by herself. They walked to a park in the middel of campous. "Ok so what is it that you want to tell me?" Dana asked sitting on a swing. "Who is that guy in there who hugged you?" Skyler asked sitting in the sand against a pole next to Dana who was rocking back and forth slightly. "Oh just Logan." Dana said looking up at the moon. "So whats with you two?" She asked. "Nothing were just friends." Dana said. "Is Zane ok with this?" Skyler asked. "I could seriously care less what Zane thinks." Dana said. "Why, he is your boyfriend?" Skyler asked. "Not anymore, I broke up with him." Dana said. "Oh my god D, are you ok? You must be crushed." Skyler said with sympathy for her younger sister. "Well kinda angry but not crushed." Dana said. "What caused it?" She asked moving over to the swing on the side of Dana's swing. "He cheated on me." Dana said kicking the sand a little. "What? Are you going to tell K.J?" Skyler asked pissed now. "Wh...That is a pretty good idea Sky." Dana said smirking. "Ok now that the revenge plan is under controal what is with the Logan guy? I want details." Skyler said. "His name is Logan Reese and..."Dana said before Skyler stopped her. "Wait Reese? As in Malcom Reese's son?" She asked. "Yeah why? "Dana asked. "I have gone out with 3 diffrent Reeses and all of them have broken my heart and no doubt that this one is going to be just like the rest of them." Skyler said. "But Logan is diffrent he wouldnt do that...wait I dont even like Logan!" Dana said and lied about the last part. "Sure. Day you are just like me and I can tell when your lying." Skyler said. "I am not just like you! Logan is a great person and he wont hurt me." Dana said. She knew it but she didnt know how she was going to get Skyler to believe her. "Logan is Jimmy's little brother, I used to go out with Jimmy and sis the apple dosent fall far from the tree." Skyler said. "So what? Thats only when the parents do something not the siblings smart one." Dana said. "Same diffrence and I dont want you to get hurt again." Skyler said. "I wasn't hurt when Zane cheated on me though...I was just pissed." Dana said thinking and trying to figure out why she wasn't hurt. "Whatever! I know the Reese boys." Skyler said. "And I know Logan." Dana said getting up and walking off. "Dont make the same mistake I made!" Skyler yelled after her. "Dont worry I wont!" Dana yelled back as she walked to the beach. She grabbed a few rocks that looked like they could fly far when she threw them. She sat next to the water and threw the rocks hard. She thought about every thing her sister said and all the things that she was right about, like how Logan has broken a lot of hearts, so what makes hers any diffrent? How Logan is only concerned about himself, how would he protect her? Not that she needed someone to protect her but someone to have her back no matter what happens. "What am I going to do?" She groaned falling back onto the sand and just staired up at the moon. She stayed there for at least an hour before she heard Zoey calling her on her phone. Zoey had her own rightone that was 'Honestly' by Cartel one of the only rock songs Zoey liked. She was more into country and pop. (a/n: ew i hate country!) Dana sat up and answered it. "What Zo?" Dana asked rudley into the phone. "Where are you?" She asked in that motherly tone. "Where I always go to think." Dana said annoyed. "Well where is that?" Zoey asked someone other than Dana. "The beach." Dana heard someone say in the background over the phone. "Was that Carly?" Dana asked. "No Carly is out on her date with Mike, it was Logan." Zoey said. "What? Really?" Dana asked shocked. "Yeah, come back soon." Zoey said before she hung up. "Bye to you too Zo." Dana said into the phone that no one was on. She layed back on the sand and staired up at the stars and moon again.'_Maybe he does care about me..'_ 12. Movie bracelets After a while Dana walked back to the dorm room and Zoey was waiting by the door. "It took you long enough." Zoey said to Dana. Dana looked like she was deep in thought as she walked by Zoey with out noticing."Dana?" "Hun?" Dana asked stopping and turning around but still walked to their dorm. "Dana watch out!"Zoey yelled as Dana walked into another wall. "Ouch." Dana said sitting on the floor next to the wall. "What are you thinking about?" Zoey asked sitting next to her. "Something that my sister said." Dana said playing with the bracelet that she had on. "What did she say?" Zoey asked. "She said that I shouldnt like Logan because of her past with the Reese boys."Dana said. "Why? She dosen't even know Logan."Zoey said. "Thats what I said and know I don't know what to do." Dana said groaning. "Wait does this mean that your finally admiting that you love Logan?" Zoey asked excited. "Are you admitting that you love Chase?" Dana asked the same way. "No, I do not like Chase."Zoey said. "Yeah I know you love him." Dana said smirking. "No Dana dont think that were changing the subject here."Zoey said in that motherly tone of hers. "So what?" Dana asked getting up. "So dont try to get out of the conversation."Zoey ordred. "Zo you haven't been around me in almost 2 years and I dont take orders from anyone."Dana said going into the dorm. "Dana this conversation isn't over just because you leave me."Zoey said following her. "Yeah but I started the conversation so that means that I can end it."Dana said sitting on the couch. She turned on the tv and started to watch Gilmore Girls cause there was a marathon on. Zoey stormed out of their dorm mumbeling something about finding Chase. "Hey Dana." Logan said as he entered the living room with a bag. "Hi, whats in the bag?" She asked. "Stuff for the movie night that we had planed with Carly but she isnt here so I guess its just you and me." Logan said putting the bag down and sitting next to Dana on the couch. "What movie night?" Dana asked. "We were talking about it after the show remember?" Logan said. "Oh yeah." Dana said. "Duh." Logan said taking the remote away from her. "Im going to kill you Carly."Dana whispred to herself. "What was that?" Logan asked. "Oh nothing. What movie are we watching?" She asked. "Um either the Grudge or Final Destination." Logan said holding up the movies. "Why those?" Dana groaned. "Why not these?" Logan asked smirking. "I hate scary movies." Dana said. "Is Dana Danger Cruz afraid of scary movies?" Logan gasped and faked shock. "No you dork." Dana said hitting him on the arm. "Well then lets watch the Grudge." Logan said putting the movie in the DVD player. Dana noticed that when he sat down he sat down closer to her than before but she just blew it off. After about 15 minutes a scary part came on and she hid her face in Logan's chest and as soon as she realised this she jumped back to her original place. "Sorry Logan." She said. "Dont worry about it I know you love me."Logan said. Even though the lights were off she could tell he was smirking. "Oh yes I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby." Dana said with no emotion and rolling her eyes. "See why dont you just tell me!" Logan said getting all defensive. "Why are you all mad now?" Dana asked. "Nothing sorry." Logan said noticing that he was yelling at her. "Its ok."Dana said as she focused on the movie. Another scary part came on and once again Dana moved closer to Logan and her head was in the crook of his neck. She slowly looked up and Logan who moved his arm around her shoulders. He was looking at her too. There faces got closer and closer until they both could feel each other's breath on their neck. Logan leaned in and... HA you guys proabley thought that i was done with the stupid cliff hangers but i was so not! I know this was one of my shorter chapters sry. presley aka crash 13. To the DA we go! Logan was just about to kiss Dana when Carly walked into the room and turned on the lights. Dana jumped away from Logan and they both looked at each other nervously. "Sorry did I just interupt something?" She asked looking at the two. "No!" Dana and Logan said at the same time almost yelling. "Ok yeah I did. Sorry." Carly said. "Um I should go to the place next door." Logan said getting up, pointing to the wall and backing out the door quickly. "What happend?" Carly asked and closed the door. Dana went into their room and layed down on her bed. Carly sat down oppisite of her. "I was about to kiss him."Dana said. "What!?!" Carly yelled. "Shut up you dork! Someone might hear you."Dana said putting her hand over Carlys mouth. Carly nodded and smiled. "How?" Carly asked as Dana sat up. "What do you mean?" Dana asked. "Like how did you almost kiss?" Carly asked like it was so simple. " not giving you the play by play!"Dana said laughing a little. "Can I have the readers digest version?" Carly asked. "Fine, we were watching the grudge and a scary part came on and I hid my face in his neck,then I looked up and he moved his face closer to mine and we almost kissed when you came in." Dana said. "Wow dude, do you like him?"Carly said. "I dont know, I used to but Skyler started to get me thinking about all the stuff that he has done in the past to girls and..."Dana said before she lost her train of thought. "Well Day this is your decision not Skylers." Carly said. "Yeah I know, changing the subject how was your date tonight?" Dana asked smirking. "It was fun and you can hear about it more tomorrow but now im going to bed." Carly said jumping across the room and hoping into her bed. "Your such a dork!" Dana said getting under her covers and laughing. "No duh! I would be no fun if I wasn't one."Carly said closing her eyes. "I love you Car." Dana laughed as she turned over to face the wall where another Cartel poster was. "I know." Carly yawned out. Dana wasn't ready to go to sleep yet so she got out her Ipod and turned on one of her favorite songs ever. _'Runaway' _by Cartel: Until then you can runaway. Do your best to hide your face. And oh I know you best; I know you get what you get - you get what you deserve. Hush now, don't say a word - its out in the open, And tell me how can you deal with all this weight? Speak now, you must have a secret kept down, Down where you can keep it - I need you to spill your guts. Until then you can runaway, Do your best to hide your face. And oh I know you best. I know you get what you get - until then you can runaway. Do your best to hide your face. And oh I know you best. I know you get what you get you - get what you deserve. Speak now you must have a secret kept down, Down where you can keep it - I need you to spill your guts. **The Boys Dorm...** Logan walked into the room and saw Chase and Zoey talking on the couch and Michael was playing Final Fantasy X-2 just to look at the girls and Nicole was painting her nails. "Logan? Why do you look so spooked?" Zoey asked. "Non of your buissness Brooks." Logan said, fed up with everyone trying to be in his life. "Some one didnt wake up on the right side of the bed today." Chase joked. Logan was about to say something but Zane walked into the room with Jazmyne on his arm. Everyone glared at him. "Wow you can totaly feel the love in the room." Jazmyne said smirking. "Shut up you tramp!" Nicole said. "Ok I am not a tramp!" Jaz said. "She's right Nic."Zoey said and Jaz smiled at her. "Shes a slut." "What!?!" Jaz yelled. "Did I Stu-Studder?" Zoey asked. Nicole and her high-fived and smirked at her. "Wow your so awsome! Did you get that off the internet because your really not smart enough to think of that yourself." Zane said. "She is 10 times smarter than you are." Chase said to Zane. "Really? Then why isn't she in all my honors classes?" Zane asked smirking. "He's in honors classes?" Chase asked Logan. "Yep but I cant see why." Logan said smirking and crossing his arms. Zane walked dangerously close to Logan and smirked. "You wanna see my fist hit your face?" He asked. "See your so stupid you cant even think of your own lines." Logan said laughing. "What the hell are you talking about?" Zane asked. "Dana used to say that to me all the time." Logan said smirking. "So what pretty boy?" Zane asked. Logan looked like he was going to walk away but he turned back around and punched Zane right in the jaw. Zane fell to the floor in pain like when Dana hit him. "Only Dana calls me pretty boy." Logan said. Logan turned to leave for real this time but Zane came over and pushed him into the wall. Logan turned around and started to punch him again. Chase and Michael pulled the boys off each other. Logan only had a cut on his cheek and well Zane had a broked nose that gave him two black eyes that you could start to see. "Thats it im getting my stuff and leaving!" Zane said going into his room and putting all of his crap into the suit case. Jaz stood at the door to the dorm glaring at Zoey and Nicole. Zane stormed out of his room and down to the DA's room to get a new room with Jaz following close behind him. "Finaly!" Logan said yelling it out. The next thing you knew Carly who was asleep was standing in the door way. "SHUT UP!" Carly yelled storming back to her room. Everyone was silent until they heard the door shut or should I saw slammed shut then everyone started to laugh. Logan walked into his room and layed down on his bed. He faced the wall and put in his Ipod headphones. The wall Dana was facing just happed to be the one that Logan was faceing. Logan turned on the song _'Runaway'_ and slowly fell asleep thinking about everything that happend today and since he has been here at ACA. HI i didnt do a cliff hanger! r u happy now? ok the next chapter is going to be Dana's birthday/ the Cartel concert that Dana doesn't know that Logans going to. more jaz drama too. Presley AKA Crash 14. Dana's birthday pt 1 Zoey woke up to a knock on her dorm door. She walked over and opened it to show a kid who looked to be about 16 and a kid who looked about 8. "Who are you?"Zoey asked yawning. "Im K.J and thats Riley." K.J said pointing to himself then to Riley who was the 8 year old. "Oh and why are you here?" Zoey asked. "Its our sisters birthday." Riley said. "Carly's?" Zoey said. "Dana's." The boys said at the same time walking past Zoey and walked into the room Dana shared with Carly. Riley started to jump on Dana and K.J sprayed her with silly string. Dana groaned and pulled the pillow over her head when they started to scream the happy birthday song. Carly woke up and joined them while Nicole and Zoey just watched. The boys next door came by when they heard the screams. They all started to laugh when they saw what was going on. "Hey K.J" Logan said after they stopped harassing Dana. "Hey L-man." He said as they did a manly hug. "Wait you two know eachother?" Dana said picking up her head from under the pillow while Riley was sitting on her. "We met when I left early the other day." Logan said. "Oh." Dana said. She grabbed Riley and threw him off of her onto the floor. "Hey!" Riley said as they started to wrestel on her bed. Carly joined and then K.J looked at the gang. "Hey wheres Zane?" He asked. "Zane is a dick! I broke up with him." Dana said as she stopped wresteling with Riley and Carly. "What did he do?" K.J asked getting pissed. "He cheated on her with Jazmyne." Logan said. "God K.J I knew that and I wasn't even here that day." Riley said. "What dose K.J stand for?" Nicole asked drooling over K.J. "Kegan James." Dana said.(a/n: actual brothers name) "That is a great name." Nicole said standing really close to him. K.J looked at her oddly and moved away a little but Nicole followed him. K.J had brow hair and green eyes like Dana did but he had dimples, he was about 5'10 and had a well toned tan and body. Riley was about 4'7 and had the same hair and eyes as his siblings and also had dimples but he wasn't very muscular. "Nicole give him some room to breath." Michael said pulling her away. "Thanks whatever your name is." K.J said. "Oh im Michael but you can call me Mike." Michael said. "K Mike." K.J said."Now what am I going to do with Zane?" "Can I kill him?" Logan asked hoping for a yes. "No!" Dana said. "Why not?" K.J and Logan said at the same time. "Because I want to do that but all of us cant because it is illegal." Dana said. "We could do it in the woods!" Riley said. Dana glared at him. "Dont help them." She ordred. Riley ran behind Zoey. "I dont know you but you look really nice so can you make her not kill me?" Riley asked Zoey with a puppydog pout on. "Aw ok. Dana leave him alone." Zoey said. "Sorry Zo im not a pushover when it comes to you anymore." Dana said chasing her little brother around the room. "Ok what are we going to do about Zane?" K.J said. "I think that we should worry about that after Dana's birthday." Logan said looking at how happy Dana was when she was wresteling with her little brother. "Ok but tomorrow he is a dead man." K.J said. "I totaly agree with you." Nicole said once again drooling over him. "Yeah sure." K.J said going over to the wresteling kids and pulling Riley away and throwing him over his shoulder." Come on dork lets go." "Ok K.J, Bye Dana." Riley yelled as K.J took them both out of the room. "Bye." Dana called after them. "Hey Day do you think Steve is going to come and suprise you again this year?" Carly asked hoping for a yes. "God I hope so." Dana said. "Who's Steve?" Logan asked immediately getting jealous. "Who said my name?" A man said walking into the room. "Uncle Steve!" Dana yelled running into his arms. "" Chase said stuttering. "Stone Cold Steve Austin." Steve said. Then Chase passed out."Is he going to be ok?" "I dont know but who cares?" Carly said poking him with a pencil. "Hey Dana I cant stay for to long but I have a suprise for you." Steve Austin said. "What?" Dana asked excited. "This." He said pulling tickets out of the back of his pocket. Dana looked at them and then screamed. "What is it?" Carly asked taking a ticket away from Dana. "Tickets to wrestel mania!" Dana and Carly said at the same time. Chase jumped up at the sound of wrestel mania and grabbed the ticket that Carly had. Chase screamed like a girl. "Sorry Dana but I have to go find your brothers and see them then I have to get on a plane to see your dad in Texas." Steve said giving her a hug. "Bye and thanks." Dana said. "How is Steve Austin your uncle?" Michael asked standing by Carly who smiled at him. "My dad is Shawn Michaels and Steve was always with us so I think of him as a uncle." Dana said. "The heartbreak kid is your dad!" Chase said. "Yes so dont faint again." Carly said. "Ok." Chase said. Zoey looked over at the clock and it said 8:45. "You guys we only have 15 minutes to get to class!" Zoey yelled. Everyone started to get ready very quickly but Dana and Carly took their time. Zoey was wearing a yellow tank top and a white skirt. Nicole was wearing a pink shirt and tight glittery jeans. Dana came out of her room wearing a Hawthorne Heights tank top and a black and blue plad skirt with combat boots on. Carly had on a black and red shirt on that said 'Dont you wish you hit like a girl?'on it with a softball under the words and jeans. "Hurry up you guys!" Zoey yelled. "Why?" Dana asked. "We are going to be late for class!" Nicole yelled. "We dont have class today." Carly said sitting on the stool on the kitched counter. "What do you mean?" Nicole and Zoey asked. "Its friday." Nicole said. "Yeah we dont have school on fridays." Dana said. "I will go tell the boys." Zoey said leaving the room. Dana walked over to the stereo and turned on the radio. Carly walked over to the radio and changed it to a hip hop station and one of their favorite songs came on 'Money Maker': (a/n: love that song) Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya I see you on my radar Don't you act like you afraida Shh... _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya Don't worry about them haters Keep your nose up in the air _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Verse 1:_ Shake shake shake your money maker Like you were shaking it for some paper Took your mama 9 months to make ya Might as well shake what ya mama gave ya You ... you looking good in them jeans I bet you look even better with me in between I keep my mind on my money, money on my mind But yous a hell of a distraction when you shake your behind I got on my right side pouring some cups My whole hood is to my left and they ain't giving a fuck So feel free to get lose and get carried away So by tomorrow you forgot what you was saying today But don't forget about this feeling that I'm making you get And all the calories you burn from me making you sweat The mile high points you earn when we taking my jet And how everywhere you turn I'll be making you wet.. _Hook:_ _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya I see you on my radar Don't you act like you afraida Shh... _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya Don't worry about them haters Keep your nose up in the air _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Verse 2:_ Switch, switch, switch it from right to left and.. Switch it till you running right out of breath and.. Take a break until you ready again and.. You can invite over as many friends as.. Ya want to, but I really want you Just be thankful that Pharrell gave you something to bump to...HEYY Luda...I'm at the top of my game You want my hands from the bottom to top of your frame And I...just wanna take a lil ride on your curves And get erotic giving your body just what it deserves and.. Let me give you some swimming lessons on the penis Backstroke, breaststroke, stroke of a genius...YUPP Call me the renaissance man Get up and I stay harder than a cinder block mannn...HEYY I'm just a bedroom gangster And I been meaning to tell ya that I really must thank ya when ya.. _Hook:_ _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya I see you on my radar Don't you act like you afraida Shh... _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya Don't worry about them haters Keep your nose up in the air _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Verse 3:_ Rock rock rock it and make it work girl Please don't stop it until it hurt girl been looking a little tipsy So if you could just shake it a little this way See ima member of the BBC The original bread winna of DTP And you the center of attention thats distracting the squad Cause everybody in the camp is like OH MY GODD..she could _Hook:_ _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya I see you on my radar Don't you act like you afraida Shh... _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey _Pharrell:_ Shake your money maker Like somebody boutta pay ya Don't worry about them haters Keep your nose up in the air _Ludacris:_ You know I got it If you want it, come get it Stand next to this money Like - ey ey ey During the whole song Dana and Carly were dancing with each other. ok the next chapter will be the concert for her birthday because it was taking me to long to write this chapter and i kow you guys like the fast updates so im trying to work on that. presley aka crash 15. Dana's birthday pt 2 It was about 6 o'clock when the gang minus Logan were all watching a movie. "You guys im tired I think im going to bed." Dana said with a fake yawn. (a/n: Logan gave her back the ticket by putting it in her backpack later that day) "Ok." They all said zoned in the movie. Dana walked into her room and changed into a Cartel t-shirt, Jeans that were all cut up and one leg was shorter than the other, and checkerd vans. She put her hair up in a high pony tail and snuck out the dorm. She borded the bus and went over to CBGB's (A/N: Best place on the planet but its gone now) where the concert was being held. There was a lot of people trying to get in but only 20 were alowed in. Dana looked around and went over to the bar. "A water please." She asked the bartender over the loud music that was playing before the show. She looked around as she waited for her water and saw a fimilar face down at the other end of the bar."Logan what are you doing here?" "Oh hey Dana, im here to see Cartel you?" He asked smirking. "How did you get tickets?" Dana asked. "Oh well you see there is this thing called money that.." Logan said before Dana walked away rolling her eyes."Hey!" "What?" Dana asked turning around and smirking at him. "Come up by the stage with me." Logan said smirking and taking her hand in his own. He pulled her through the crowd and into the front right next to the stage. They had an awkward scilence moment and then the band came on. "Hey you fans! This is a song dedicated to all the friends in the crowd that know there is something more than just friendship between them and those people know who they are." Will the lead singer said winking at Dana and Logan who noticed that they were still holding hands and they jumped apart and Will rolled his eyes. They started to sing 'If I Fail': Time to go, this is goodbye she said, does it ever get easier to live like this? And kiss the cheek, or I can't kiss you anymore, and I, I would honestly love you now, but I would lovingly let you down... Oh, I have the hardest time resisting you, and, oh, if you... If you feel the same way, then how can we be friends? He's right you know, we can't go on like this. And oh I'd try to give you everything and if I fail, well then I fail, but at least I gave you something I could put my trust in. Giving up the heart - it makes the difference, and how can you afford to settle down? When I, I would promise to love you now, but I would lovingly let you down... Oh, I have the hardest time resisting you, and, oh, if you... If you feel the same way, then how can we be friends? He's right you know, we can't go on like this. And oh I'd try to give you everything and if I fail, well then I fail, but at least I gave you something... It's better than silence, give me one good reason. It's better than silence, (You know) give me one good reason. (You know) To leave this in silence. no know you don't have a good reason. If you feel the same way, then how can we be friends? He's right you know, we can't go on like this. I'd try to give you everything and if I fail, well then I fail, but at least I gave you something... uh oh, uh oh It's better than silence, uh oh, uh oh uh uh uh uh oh it's better than silence. They danced together for a while until the show was over. Logan and Dana decided to walk back to ACA because it was about a 5 minute walk. "How did you like the show?" Logan asked Dana as they wlaked side by side. "That was one of the best shows I have saw them do."Dana had to admit."What were you doing there?" "I happend to like Cartel." Logan said. "I always thought of you as a hip hop/rap kinda guy."Dana said smirking. "Nope I love rock. Cartel is my fav and Fall out boy is my second." Logan said. "Oh its backwards for me, FOB first Cartel second." Dana said. They got to the entrance of ACA and Logan stopped."Whats wrong?" "I dont want to go back yet." He whined. Dana looked around and then looked back at him and smiled. She took his hand. "Come on." Dana said pulling him away from the school. "Where are you taking me?" Logan asked as he ran with her laughing. "Like nike says...just do it." Dana said as she stood infront of a bus stop. "Why are we at a bus stop?" Logan asked looking at Dana confusingly. "Why are you asking so many questions?" Dana asked sitting down on the bus stop bench. "Why aren't you answering my questions?" Logan asked sitting down next to her and smirking. "Ok we are going to ride the bus."Dana said giving up the question game. "Wait the public bus?" Logan asked shakily. "Yeah why?"Dana asked. "No reason." Logan said nervously. Dana gasped. "You've never been on a public bus?" Dana asked shocked. "" Logan said. "You have got to be kidding me." Dana said. "I have always had a limo to take me places so why do I need a bus?" Logan asked. "Well this will be a learning experience for you then wont it." Dana said. The bus pulled up and Dana and Logan got on it. "So where are we going?" Logan asked sitting down next to Dana who took the window seat. "I have no clue."Dana said smiling. "Then why are we on this bus?" Logan asked paniced. "Have you ever just been spontanious? Spontanious means dont think just do no matter what it is." Dana said smiling. "But this bus could be going into the getto or the hood!" Logan almost yelled. Some black people looked at them and Dana smiled nervously at them. '_Logan's gonna die.'_ She thought. "Dude believe it or not the getto is one of the safest places to live and its not!" Dana said. (a/n: yeah it may not seem like it but it is, i used to live there and nothing bad ever happend to me and im white) "How do you know?" Logan asked as the bus pulled away from ACA. "Because this bus is going...Downtown." Dana said looking at the flashing board that said where they were going. "Oh, whats in Downtown?" Logan asked. "The limelight." Dana said simpley. "Whats that?" Logan said. "Whats with all the questions?" Dana asked getting annoyed. "I just would like to know where im going with you." Logan said camly. "Ok well your going to find out soon enough."Dana said looking out the window at her area. The bus finally stoped and the 2 got off and started to walk across the street and saw a line for the limelight. Logan looked at the sign and it said _'LimeLight, teen club ages 15-19' _. Dana walked past the line of about 65 people and right up to the guard. "Hey Citrus." She said hugging the guard. "Dana hows it been?" He said with a thick hawaiian accent. "Good can we come in?" Dana said pointing to Logan and herself. "Yeah but wheres Zane?" He asked. "Who cares?" Dana asked smirking. "Good answer go ahead." Citrus said smiling letting them pass the whole line. Logan and Dana got in and Logan looked around at the club. It was much like a adult club but the bar didnt serve alchol. It had a stage and a light up dance floor that was packed. Logan had only been in a club when he went with his dad to a celebrity party. Dana took his hand and pulled him over to where her and her friends always sit. "Do you want something to drink?" A waitress yelled over the music. "Yeah a Coke and?" Dana said. "A water." Logan told her. "Comming right up."The waitress said leaving. "Dance with me?"Logan asked. "Ok." Dana said smiling. She took his hand as she moved them into the dancing crowd on the floor. Dana looked up at the DJ and did a motion with her hand. The DJ winked at her and started a new song. It was _'Hollywood were never going down'_ by Hollywood Undead. The beat started and Logan and Dana started to dance with everyone else. Dana started to dance really close to Logan because of the crowd getting bigger, who was moving even closer to her just because. Before they knew it their faces were almost 4 inches away from the others. Logan was holding Dana by the waist and Dana had her hands on his neck. The were grinding along with all the other people in the club. **(a/n: getting jiggy on the dance floor naughty people)** Dana turned around so her back was facing Logan whos hands were still on her hips. Dana looked back at Logan and he looked down at her. Their faces were so close and Logan whispred something into her ear. "I love you." Logan said. "What?" Dana yelled over the music. Logan was about to say it again but he took her hand and pulled her out of the club and down the street to a park."Why did you do that?" was all Dana said before Logan grabbed her and kissed her passionatly. **(A/n: FINALLY!!!) **Dana kissed him back with equal passion after the shock passed from Logan just kissing her out of the blue. After about 5 minutes Dana pulled away and Logan rested his forehead against hers. "What I was trying to tell you was that I love you." Logan said. Dana was shocked."Say something." " love me?" Dana asked. "Yeah I always have. Even after you left PCA I didnt look at any other girl the way I looked at you. I didnt even go out or make out with any girl after you left PCA. If you dont believe me you can ask Zoey." Logan said. He was telling her all of his feelings and he didnt even know if she felt the same way. "Then why didnt you keep in touch?" Dana asked. "Because I was scared I would say something stupid and you would stop talking to me period. It wasn't like you had to talk to me just becasue you had every class with me and I couldnt stand the thought of losing you again." Logan said once again spilling his guts to her. "I love you too, Logan but..." Dana said and then her voice fadded away. "But what? Dana I will do anything just to be with you." Logan said looking into her eyes so she knew he was telling the truth. "But...I need you to promise me something." Dana said still looking into Logan's eyes. "What? anything." Logan said. "Promise me you wont break my heart." Dana said. "I promise to the day I die I will not break your heart." Logan said he leaned in to kiss her again but she backed up. "And not to treat me like crap." Dana said. "I promise not to do that too." Logan said."Can I kiss you now?" Dana looked like she was thinking for a minute until Logan groaned. "Yeah."Dana said smiling as they kissed again. Logan grabbed her hand after the kiss and pulled her over to a bus stop."Are you actually going to vote that we ride the bus back?" "Yeah it was fun." Logan said smirking. They sat down on the bench and waited for the bus. They talked about random things like the battel of the bands that was coming up and what song Dana was going to do. When they borded the bus, the bus driver was the same as before and noticed that they were looking all lovey dovey and earlier they were at each others throats. "Teenagers." He mumbled as they headded for ACA. sorry for the wait, longer than the other chapters and yes Lola will be in this story and no dana and her dont know eachother. Presley aka Crash. P.S, listen to Paramore! 16. Love is in the air sorry for the the long update. i got hit in the throat with a softball and had to go to the hospital. it seems that i bruised my throat cuz it hurts when i swallow. poor me. i took one hard for the team. Dana and Logan got back pretty late last night so they slept in late. Dana's alarm clock went off at about 11:45 am so she got up and got dressed. She wore the same jeans from last night and a checkerd tank top that was Carlys. She suspected that her new boyfriend wasn't awake yet so she went into his room. They still never locked their door so it was easier for her to get in. Logan and Michael traded rooms after Zane left so now Logan get's his own room until a replacement comes. Dana went into his room and sat down on the side of the bed. "Logan wake up." Dana said shaking him. "Evil...chickens..markers." Logan mumbled in his sleep. Dana giggled and rolled her eyes. "Logan, babe wake your butt up." Dana said still laughing. Logan rolled over on his back and woke up. "You called me babe." Logan said smiling and stretching. "You always call me babe." Dana said laughing. Logan sat up and rubbed his bed head. He leaned over and kissed Dana. "What time is it?" Logan asked getting up and stretching some more. "About 11:50." Dana said watching him search through his drawers. "At night!?!" Logan asked. "Yeah thats why there is light shining through the window." Dana said smirking. "No one appreciates your scarcasm young lady." Logan said taking off his shirt and pointing at her. Dana couldnt help but check him out."Are you checking me out?" "And what if I am?" Dana asked smirking. "Then this." Logan said before he jumped on her and started to tickel her. "Logan please stop!"Dana got out between laughs.He stopped because his stomach growled at him. "My stomach is telling me I need fuel." Logan said putting a hand on his stomach. "Then lets go eat and tell the gang that were together. I bet you all of them say finally." Dana said smirking as they left the room unlocked I might add. "Ok I bet that they all dont." Logan said. "Ok if I win you have to go to a Misfits concert with me." Dana said knowing that Logan hated heavy metel unlike her. "If I win you have to go to a football game with me." Logan said thinking he won. "Ok." Dana shook his hand and smirked. "Either way I cant lose." "What?" Logan asked. "Yeah I love football." Dana said. "I ment football as in soccer." Logan said. "But soccer is so boring!" Dana complained as they entred the cafeteria. "So you already got into the bet if you forfit then I win anyway." Logan said. Dana groaned and they got their food and went over to where the gang was sitting. There was an extra person there sitting in Logan's chair. "I cant believe your here Lola." Nicole screached. "Lola?" Logan asked shocked. A little girl turned around and screamed. "Logan I cant believe its you!" Lola screamed again getting out of the seat and running to Logan giving him a hug that he clearly didnt want. "Can you get off me?"Logan asked and Dana glared at Lola. Lola backed away and smiled at him. "I missed you Logan." Lola said looking at him sweetly. Dana smirked at how fake she was."What are you smirking at?" "How fake you are." Dana said sitting down at the tabel by Carly. "I am not fake gloom and doom." Lola said "Hey thats miss gloom and doom to you hot pants." Dana said. Carly laughed. The rest of the gang snickerd. "Well at least I dont look like a homless person." Lola said. "Yeah I know with those clothes your to poor to be a homless person." Dana said smiling at her. At this poing Logan was sitting down and cracking up. Michael and Zoey were on the verge and Carly, Chase and Nicole were trying to hold in. "Well at least I dont dress like a slut." Lola yelled. Dana was shocked. Everyone on the table shut up. "Hey, Lola dont talk to my girlfriend like that." Logan yelled at her standing up. "Girlfriend?" Everyone including Lola said shocked. Dana smiled and shook her head yes. "What!?!" Zane yelled from 3 tables over. "You heard him!" Dana yelled standing up with Carly. "Are you guys like clones or something?" Lola asked Dana and Carly. "Bestfriends." They both said at the same time. Zane walked over to the table and glared at Logan who glared back. "Why are you going out with this pretty boy? You hate pretty boys!" Zane said. "Because I love this pretty boy you dork." Dana said. "Is that like your favorite word now?" Carly asked Dana. "Yeah you like it?" Dana said smiling. "I like it." Carly said. Dana heard a snap and turned around. "Sorry side tracted there for a second." Dana said. "You are so stupid." Zane said. "Dont call her stupid." Logan ordred. "What are you going to do about it richie?" Zane asked pushing Logan. Logan punched Zane hard in the mouth. Zane stumbled backwards then came at Logan like a linebacker and slammed him into a table. "Stop!" Dana screamed and both boys looked at her. Logan had Zane by the collar up against the wall and was bout to punch him in the face again."Logan put Zane down. Zane go away. Logan sit down."She ordred. "Yes ma'am." They both said because they were both equaly scared of the girl that had their hearts and knew what she was capable of. Logan sat down in the seat and Zane walked away but hit Logan who went to get up to chase him but Dana sat on his lap preventing him from moving. "But Dana!" Logan said pouting. "Shut up be the bigger person." Dana said. "Look what you did!" Lola yelled looking at Logan's lip. It was bleeding on his green shirt. "Shit." Logan mumbled. Dana grabbed a napkin on the table and cleaned his lip. "Are you ok?" Lola asked worried. "I will be if I get a kiss." Logan said smirking at Dana. Dana smiled at him and lightly kissed him. 'Aw' was all Dana and Logan heard until someone snapped which made Dana jump away from the kiss. "What?"She asked annoyed. "We just wanted to see if you guys were connected or not." Michael said handing Carly a 10 dollar bill. "You put a bet on us?" Logan asked amused. "Yeah." Carly and Mike said at the same time. Dana rolled her eyes. Carly saw Riley Dana's little brother being tooken away by a teacher most likley to the principals office. "I spy with my little eye someone who is in big trouble." Carly said sounding out big and pointing to Dana's brother. Dana groaned and got off Logan's lap. She jogged over to the teacher and Riley. "What did you do?" She asked Riley. "He was throwing water ballons on some kids over by the skate park." The teacher said. "Can I punish him? Our dad is coming here in 2 days to work and he can deal with Riley then is that ok?" Dana asked giving the teacher a not lying look. The teacher shook his head ok and let Riley go."Thats the last time I get you out of trouble when you do something with waterballons." "Sorry Day." Riley said looking down at the ground. He looked over and saw that the teacher was far away. "Next time use something heaver or more dangerous." Dana said putting her arm around his shoulders. "I know. What about paint balls?" Riley asked. "Um yeah I think I could hook you up with some." Dana said smirking as they walked back to the table. "Is dad really coming?" Riley asked. "Nope next week." Dana said sighing. "Hey Ry." A girl called out from a little farther down the sidewalk as they got to the table. "Bye." Riley yelled running after the girl. "Look at that player." Carly said watching him run to his girl. "I know he reminds me of how Logan is." Dana said smirking and sitting on his lap. "Was, babe was." Logan said smirking. presley aka crash. listen to Misery buisness by Paramore, best song other than all the fall out boy songs 17. Music Hearts Dana and the gang were walking over to the movie store to get videos for their movie night. Carly was looking at the bulliten boards when something caught her eye. She stopped and looked at it. "Dana." Carly said running to her and pulling her away from Logan over to the board. "What?" Dana asked pissed. "Look." Carly said. Dana looked at the colorful poster that was in the middle of the board. It was the battel of the bands poster. "Yeah so?" Dana said as she looked at it." We already signed up." "Look at the bold print." Carly asked. "All bands participating must have 3 songs, one rock, one pop/hip hop and one about love." Dana said shocked. "So?" Lola asked budding in where she isnt wanted. "So miss fab, they have never done it like that before." Carly said. "Crap me and Carly need to go."Dana said pulling Carly towards the auditorium. "We want to come." Zoey and Nicole said at the same time. "So do I." Logan said running up to Dana and picking her up from the waist. She screamed and laughed. "We have to work. Logan put her down." Carly ordred. "Fine." He said and put Dana down who hit him. All the gang went into the auditorium with Dana and Carly and all sat in the seats in the front row. "Call Leanna, Carly." Dana said getting paper and a pencil. "Leanna's in the clinic because she broke her toe." Nicole said. "Great no we dont have a drummer to practice with." Dana said. "I can drum." Nicole running up to the stage. "Um Nic I think..." Dana said as Nicole started to play and she was...GREAT! She stopped and smiled. "Damn girl where did you learn to play the drums like that?" Michael asked still in shock. "I suck at every other instrament so I had to pick the drums." Nicole said. Dana gave her a sheet of paper. "Can you read music?" She asked. "No." Nicole said dissapointed in herself. "Thats ok, watch me." Dana said as she rolled Nicoles stool out of the way and started to play a beat ont the drums. Nicole watched closley and coppied all of the beats that Dana played. They practiced 2 songs the whole time then went to eat dinner. Dana actually said she was tired and went off to her dorm. About half way through dinner Logan said he was leaving, partly because he wanted to see Dana and partly because Lola wouldnt stop hitting on him. He went to the room and went inside because someone didnt lock the door. (caugh Nicole caugh) "Day?" Logan asked walking into her room. She wasn't there. "Dana Isabella Cruz this isnt funny!" Logan walked around his dorm and her dorm looking for her. He gave up after about 10 minutes of looking for her. He called her cell but no one picked up. He decided to call Carly. "Hello?" Carly asked. "Carly have you seen Dana?" He asked. "No, but she is probley in the auditorium." Carly said. "Ok thanks bye." Logan said. "Bye." She said then Logan hung up. He walked over to the auditorium and heard someone playing music. He walked inside quietly and saw a girl playing the paino. He walked closer and heard her singing softly. I tried to tell you I've got to get away I tried to say I need my space I got to get some Distance in between My heart and my head I'm on the razor's edge I've been here before I know the way White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me home I held you in My arms last night I dreamed we were Riding on a star I kissed you and The sun began to shine In dreams I can do anything It seems like I'm on my own It feels like I'm losing it all White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me Seems like I've been here before I know the way Seems like I've been on my own So long So long White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me home She ended and she quickly turned around when she heard clapping from the side of the stage behind her. She smiled at Logan as he sat down next to her on the piano stool. "That was great Dana." Logan said kissing her on the cheek. "Yeah I know." She said smirking. "Ok where is the Dana Cruz I know? She was never this cocky." Logan said jokingly. "Well I learned it all from you." She said. "That was a seriously awsome song, babe." Logan said truthfully. "I dont even think it's that good." Dana said sighing. "I do, who did you write it for?" Logan asked scared of the answer thinking it was going to be Zane. "You." She said smiling at him and blushing. "Why is it for me?" Logan asked confused. "I love you and I wrote it back when I first came here." Dana said blushing again. Logan leaned in and kissed her softly. Little did they know someone was listening to their conversation and had some work to do... ha another cliff hanger! im so evil. I have to have surgery! yay me!!! my throat was all swelling and stuff and now i have to have throat surgery. but the good news is im going to the fall out boy concert tomorrow but the bad news again is i wont be updating tomorrow. cuz i have softball all day and the concert at night so im booked. i know ur probley thinking im crazy for still playing softball after the throat thing but its my life other that fanfiction and my bf so yeah still playing. p presley aka crash. p.s. PARAMORE IS A KICK ASS BAND!!! Listen to them 4 me! p.s.s read DanaWanabe101's storys they are really good. 18. Hockey suprises "Ahhh." Carly said as she was woken up by her alarm clock blaring. She pulled the plug and it stopped. Carly rolled out of bed and woke up Dana."We have to get ready for P.E." (a/n: pe is on sundays in my story ok?) "I hate this." Dana groaned putting on her shorts and her black t-shirt that said sharks in blue and silver on it. So did Carly. Nicole and Zoey thought they were lucky because they signed up for art but it is a must that you take P.E. So they had to get up and do all their girly things, and Dana and Carly just left them. Chase, Logan and Michael were waiting outside for the girls. Logan kissed Dana and put his arm around her waist. "Morning Carly." Michael said giving her a kiss on the cheek and holding her hand. "Morning Mike." Carly said blushing. "We like need to go soon." Dana said. "Why?" Michael asked. "Because Coach Miller hates it when were late." Carly said. "What are we doing today Car?" Dana asked. "I think hockey, to see some new people for the team." Carly said. "Im not playing." Dana said smiling. "Why not?" Logan asked. "Im a softball player not a hockey player." Dana said. "Thats so not true." Carly said smirking. "Shut up Carly." Dana ordered. "Why? Its not embarrassing or anything." Carly asked laughing a little. "To me it is." Dana mumbled. Zoey and Nicole came out. Chase greeted Zoey with a long hug and Dana and Logan started caughing saying love birds which made them blush. They all went down to the gym and sure enough they had to be in the hocky rink. "Great." Dana mumbled rolling her eyes. All the girls were on the bleachers including Dana and Carly. "Non of you girls want to play?" Coach Miller asked. "No." They all said together. "Come on Dana." Logan, Chase and Mike yelled trying to get her to suit up. "Dana sits out all the time during this sport." Zane joked around with his new friends."Not like she could actually play." "Coach." Dana said standing up. "I will play if im the oppisite team of Zane." "Why?" Coach Miller asked skating up to the glass. "So I can kick his sorry ass up and down the ice." Dana said glaring at him. "Fine." The coach said as she went down the bleachers. She got on all her gear and opened her hockey locker to see a awsome hockey stick that said 'Danger Cruz' on it in silver and red. She skated out there."Lets play some hockey." "Ok Dana your on our team." Michael said calling her over. She skated over there and got into the huddle. "Ok heres the plan." Dana said taking charge. "Wait who made you in charge?" A kid asked. "Me you got a problem with that?" Dana asked glaring at him. "No ma'am." He said. "Ok get the puck to me." Dana said. They all shook their heads yes and Logan went up to the middle of the ice to do the toss off with Zane. "You ready to get your butt wooped pretty boy?" Zane asked smirking. "Shouldnt you be asking yourself that?" Logan said. "No because im not a pretty boy, like your self." Zane said smirking until he noticed what he had said. "Thanks for the compliment." Logan said as Coch Miller threw the puck down. Logan pushed Zane out of the way to get the puck. Logan got it and passed it to Mike as he skated down the rink some kid checked him into the wall and the puck got loose. They were fighting over it until time was almost up. Dana checked into Zane on the side and got the puck she was faster than a freaking jet on the ice. Most of the boys couldnt keep up. She shot the puck with wicked speed right at the goalkeeper who was scared of it and moved out of the way. Dana's team scored and started to celebrate when the coach called the game. "You rocked so hard out there!" Logan said spinning her around on the ice. "Yeah well that was the last time you are going to see me with a hockey stick in my hand." Dana said skating off the ice. Logan had his clothes on under the padding for extra support so he started to take off all the padding. "What was that all about?"Chase asked Carly through the glass. "I think it has something to do about her being the only girl on the ice or something." Carly said. She was about to run after Dana but Logan stopped her. "Im her boyfriend now, I have to go see if she is alright." Logan said following Dana. "Aw god their so cute together! Dont you think their cute together? Logan is definatly great for Dana and Dana is definatly made for Logan! This is so great. Don't you think its great Lola?" Nicole asked in that hyper tone of hers. "They arent as cute as me and Logan were." Lola said trying not to look at Logan and Dana who were talking down by the locker rooms. "I know you guys were ok together but Dana and Logan look perfect for each other. Do you still like Logan?!" Nicole asked in shock. The others who were talking down at the bottom of the bleachers looked up at them then looked back down. "I do not like Logan, Nicole! I still love him and im going to do what ever it takes to get him back." Lola said glaring at Dana. They can all see the conversation getting heavy. They heard yelling but they couldnt tell what they were saying. Then just out of nowhere Logan kissed her hard on the lips and they started to make out. "Should we go break it up?" Chase asked. "Yes!" Lola shouted. "Why?" Zoey asked looking up at her weirdly. "Oh nothing Nicole just asked me a question." Lola said covering up for herself. "Ok."Zoey said not believing her. Logan and Dana pulled away and Dana asked something to Loan but it was to far and low for them to hear her. Then Logan said something to Dana back then she crossed her arms and looked at him funny, then he smiled and gave Dana a kiss on the cheek. She went into the locker room and Logan left the building. "I dont get it." Nicole said dumbly. Lola got up and left the building as she followed Logan. Dana walked over to the gang after she was done changing. "Hey me and Logan were going to go to the beach, you want to come?" Dana asked. "Ok." They all said. The boys changed and started to talk about random stuff as they headded out side. The group saw Lola and Logan doing something that shocked them all and most of all Dana... The fall out boy concert was KICK ASS!!! it was awsome! I tryed to stand up on the chair to see over this tall person and i fell. hey they dont call me crash for nothing. presley aka CRASH 19. bad news for the battle of the bands They saw Lola trying to kiss Logan!! Logan kept pushing her away but she kept grabing him to make him hold still. Dana walked up to Lola and taped her on the shoulder and when Lola turned around Dana punched her in the jaw. Lola fell to the ground and Logan turned to Dana. "Dana its not what you think, she came onto me and I had nothing to do with any of this. Please dont break up with me because of that bitch." Logan begged. "Who are you calling a bitch!?" Lola asked shocked sitting up a little. "Shut up." Logan ordred. "Did she kiss you?" Carly asked. "No and if she did I would have barfed." Logan said making a weird face. "Dont worry baby, I saw the whole thing." Dana said. "Good cause I dont want to lose you." Logan said kissing her lightly. "Aw." The gang said. Dana shot them a glare and they all stopped. Lola got up and pushed Dana. Dana spun around and shoved her to the ground. Dana was just about to punch her again but Logan and Chase pulled Dana off of her. Lola got up crying. "Your going to pay for that! Me and Logan belong together and everyone knows it! You'll break up with Logan if you know whats good for you!" Lola yelled still crying. "Do you actually think that im afraid of you? Some little anorexic slut?" Dana asked smirking. "Well at least I dont look like a punk rock whore." Lola said. Dana got pissed at that comment and it took Logan, Chase _and_ Michael to hold her back from ripping off Lola's head. Lola ran away to her dorm that she shared with the twevils. The boys let go of Dana but Logan wraped his arms around her waist just to make sure she wouldnt run off after Lola. "Why would Lola do something like that?" Zoey asked. "Because she is still in love with Logan." Nicole said. "What!?" Logan and Dana said at the same time. "Yeah she just told me when we were watching you two make out." Nicole said to Dana and Logan who blushed. "You were spying on us?" Logan asked. They all shook their heads yes smiling. Dana rolled her eyes and Logan smirked. "Ok now we have two people to deal with." Chase said. "Whos that?" Dana asked. "Zane, who said that he would get Dana back and Lola who said she would get Logan back." Chase said. "Yeah what are we going to do?" Zoey asked leaning on Chase's shoulder. He blushed. "Dana!" Riley said running up to her. "You have got to see this!" "What is it?" Dana asked worried. "The twevils have entred the Battel Of The Bands with your friend Lola!" Riley said. "Lola isnt our friend anymore." Nicole said. "Ok then whatever, she is still in the battle of the bands!" Riley said panicing. "So what?" Dana asked. "And Pete is judging!" Riley said like it was the end of the world. "No!!" Carly and Dana said at the same time. "Would you stop doing that?" Nicole asked. "No." They said simply turning their attention back to Riley who was still out of breath. "Yeah he is and you know what he is going to do." Riley said. "What is he going to do?" Logan asked. "He is going to vote for whatever band is the best other than ours." Dana said. "Unless..." Carly said thinking. "Are you thinking what im thinking?" Dana asked smirking. "Yep." Carly said smirking back. "What? I know that look Carly, its something evil." Chase said hiding behind Zoey. "Were going to make them chose fair." They once again said at the same time as Dana cracked her nuckels. "Whos Pete?" Nicole asked. "Pete as in Pete Wentiz from Fall Out Boy aka best band ever." Carly said. "And also our brother." Riley said. "That Pete! Oh my god I love him so much! Dont you love him Zo? I totaly love him! Can you let me meet him? Dose he have a girlfriend?" Nicole asked excitedly. "I can let you meet him but he is taken." Dana said. "Taken by who?" Nicole asked pouting. "Cant say, its a secret." Riley said. Dana shook her head yes. "Ok dude Shawn Michaels is your dad, Pete is your brother, Steve Austin is your uncle, Logan Reese is your boyfriend, could your family be anymore famous?" Michael asked. "Yeah actually it can, my sister that you met Skyler is the star of the U.S olympic softball team and Ryan Sheckler the skater is my other brother." Dana said smiling. Riley nodded. "Then why do you guys all have diffrent last names?" Michael asked. "Because we dont want our familys to interfere with how we get to our goals." Dana said quoting her father. Riley and Carly laughed. "Whatever."Michael said. "Are they playing now?" Carly asked. "Yeah. Some song called 'Liar Liar'." Riley said. "What!?" Dana yelled."I swear to god if this song is what I think it is im going to kill them!" "What happend?" Logan asked. Dana ran as fast as she could to the auditorum. Logan was the only one who actually caught up to her and Carly was really close to them too. Dana walked into the building to hear what she thought that she was going to hear... You said I was your everything, You said I was the one, You played me like a radio, You use to love that I had no shame. Pour my pain into words, Hold my hand to the flame. Tell me you'll love me like a star Tell me you'll want me wherever you are, Tell me you'll breathe me until your last breath. Liar, Liar, oh, Liar, Liar. Bit by bit I feel the draft, Just sit back and watch it burn, Hold your eyes up to my veins, Call out, call out my name Tell me you'll love me like a star, Tell me you'll want me wherever you are, Tell me you'll breathe me until your last breath. Liar, Liar, Oh, Liar, Liar, Liar, Liar, Oh, Liar, Liar Those were Dana's original lyrics but they turned into a pop song. Dana glared at them from the bottom of the stage. "You bitches!" Carly yelled. "What are you talking about?" Katie asked stepping out from behinde the keyboard that she was playing. "You stole my lyrics!" Dana yelled. "We dont know what your talking about." Lola said innocently looking at Dana and Logan. "Bull shit that is my song and you turned into a pop song!" Dana yelled. "Why would we ever do that?" Jaz gasped in fake shock. "Maybe because your a whore who steals peoples boyfriends and cant think for herself." Carly said. "Zane and I broke up not long after you dorks had that stupid fight." Jaz said refering to Logan and the gang in the boys room. "Who me and Zane?" Dana asked. "No that asshole and Zane." Jaz said pointing to Logan who looked at the floor. "You said you wouldnt get into any fights with him!" Dana said turning to face Logan. "When did I say that?" Logan asked. "On the bus home from the concert." Dana said. "I know that but he..." Logan said trying to make and excuse. "Im not through with you." Dana said pointing to Logan as she turned her attention back to the girls."Stop using my song." "Do you have any proof that it is your song?" Lola asked. "Ok right now im in a really bitchy mood so if you play that at the BOTB you will wish you were never born got it?" Dana said glaring. "Ok." The twevils said instantly. "No were still gonna use it and there is not a damn thing you can do to stop it." Lola said glaring at Dana who just smirked. "Then hunny, you just marked your own grave." Dana said as she walked out of the building. "Your gonna die." The twevils told Lola. "No im not its not like she could do anything to me." Lola said. "Oh no you got that all wrong girl." Carly said."You have no idea what Dana is capable of with the connections she has." "Tell her I said im waiting." Lola said her voice craking a little because she was really scared of her but she just didnt want to show it. Carly left to go to the rest of the gang. ok i am going to be updating AfterShock next to get on with the babys being born. then i will be back to this story and it should be up right after i post this. presley aka crash 20. Lost her touch Dana and Logan were both outside talking while the others went to go get the movies. "Why did you get in a fight with him?" Dana asked madly. "He was just...he was being a dick!" Logan yelled. "So what, you could of hurt him or he could get you kicked out from this school and I dont want you to leave me." Dana said crossing her arms. "Why do you care about him?" Logan asked. "I never said I did." Dana said. "Then why are you worried about him?" Logan asked again."You said 'you could of hurt him'." "Well I dont know, but if you hurt him you could of gotten expelled from school." Dana said. "You still like him dont you!?" Logan asked shocked. "No! Its just that...I dont want you to fight my battels for me ok? It makes me feel like im not capable of anything other than watching." Dana said truthfuly. "Dude people already know that you kick ass one fight dosent change anything." Logan said. "I hate it when your right." Dana said crossing her arms and pouting. "Well thats good because im not right a lot." Logan said smirking pulling Dana into a hug. She laughed and huged him back. Dana and Logan walked over to the movie place to meet the gang outside. Logan had his hand in her back pocket and Dana just smirked and kept walking. The gang came out as soon as they got there. "What movies did you guys get?" Logan asked. "The Notebook." Nicole said. "The Covenent." Carly said giving Dana a high-five "And The Others."Chase said. Dana made a weird face at that movie and Chase noticed it."Whats wrong with that?" "Thats Zanes favorite movie." Dana said. "Im not watching it." Logan said and Dana shook her head agreeing with Logan. "Ok we can watch the Covenent first." Zoey said. They all shook their heads yes and started to walk back to the girls dorm. There was a group of very hot guys that Carly and Dana noticed so they stoped walking and let their mouths hang open. "Whats wrong?" Chase asked but then the rest of the gang noticed what they were looking at. Michael and Logan instantly got really jealous. "Well I dont know what Dana's looking at because im sure that she lost her touch." Carly said smirking. "What are you talking about?" Dana asked crossing her arms and looking at Carly. "You have been taken for almost a whole year and a half. You have definatly lost your touch at getting guys." Carly said looking right back at Dana. "How much you wanna bet?" Dana asked putting her hand out so they could shake. "50 bucks next allowence." Carly said shaking her hand. "You are so on." Dana said smirking, then she turned to Logan. "Babe this means nothing ok so dont get mad." "What will I get mad at?" Logan asked as Dana walked away over to the group of boys. "She is going to go get their numbers which wont happen because those boys are all seniors." Carly said. "She's doing what!?" Logan asked watching them closley. If they even touched her Logan was going to kill all of them with his bare hands. They heard Dana laugh. Dana waved bye and walked back over to the gang. "I beleive that you owe me 50 bucks." Dana smirked, holding up 3 peices of paper in Carlys face. Carly grabbed the papers and checked them. "Ok so you didnt lose your touch." Carly said giving back the papers. Dana smiled at her and gave Nicole the papers. "Why are you giving me the numbers?" Nicole asked taking the papers. "Because I dont need them."Dana said smiling at Logan. Logan was still glaring at the boys that Dana was flirting with. Logan just walked away."Logan!" "Whats his problem?" Carly asked. "Well Logan gets jealous really easy even though he dosent like to admit it."Chase said. "And Dana you just kinda cheated on him in front of his face." Mike said afraid that she was going to hit him for saying that. "It was just a bet, it didnt mean anything." Dana defended. "Well not to him." Chase said. Dana groaned and chased after him. Logan was headded to the basketball court. At ACA they left a basketball rack outside all the time so Logan grabbed one and started to shoot it. He missed everytime. "God! What is wrong with me." Logan said in frustration. The ball bounced off the backstop and over Logans head. Dana stoped the ball with her foot and Logan looked at her. She picked up the ball and shot it from the other end of the court and it went in with out touching the rim."Great now I get showed up by my girlfriend." "Because im just that good." Dana said smirking and walking over to him. Logan got the ball and tryed to make it again but failed."Your doing that wrong." "No im not, im doing it my way." Logan said not looking at her. "Fine whatever." Dana said sitting on the bleachers. "So which one are you going to call first?" Logan asked. "What?" Dana asked. "You know the numbers from the seniors you just got. Which one are you gonna call first?" Logan asked running to get the ball because he missed again. "Logan didnt you see me give the numbers to Nicole?" Dana asked getting up off the bleachers and walking over to him. "Yeah but still why did you do that?" Logan asked putting the ball on his side, under his arm and looked at Dana. "It was a bet I had no choice." Dana said. "Yeah and I had no choice but to kiss Lo-" Logan said stopping quickly noticing what he just said hoping that Dana didnt hear him. "You did what!? Who did you kiss?" Dana asked pissed and glaring at him. "No one!" Logan said a little to fast. "You just said 'I had no choice but to kiss Lo-'...LOLA!?" Dana screamed. Logan looked down at his shoes. "Yeah." Logan whispred. "When?" Dana asked, you could hear the hurt in her voice. "Today when she tryed to kiss me again when you were outside, but Dana she forced me to. Like I said earlier I had no choice she is a strong little girl."Logan said looking at Dana with sadness in his eyes. "So you couldnt of done something to stop her?" Dana yelled noticing tears forming in the back of her eyes. "I cant hit a girl! My mother raised me right." Logan said. "You could have pushed her." Dana said wiping her eyes furiously. "Well I was thinking of that but...I dont know, I know I should of done something to stop her but I didnt and im so sorry. Dana I love you more than anything in the entire world, and please dont leave me. I lost you once and I dont want it to happen again." Logan said moving closer to her. Dana was still in shock trying to process all of this. "But you said you didnt kiss her." Dana said in a low voice. "I didnt she kissed me, so technically I wasnt lying." Logan said hoping that it would help his situation. "I...I ne...I need to think about this." Dana said running away to the beach. "FUCK!!" Logan yelled to no one. He slamed the basketball down on the ground and it poped up and hit his chin making him bite his lip. "Just great." Presley aka Crash 21. It's still cheating Dana was just stunned that Logan did that. She didnt know what really happend because she barly heard anything after kiss and Lola. She was just sitting on the beach watching the waves go up to the sand and back into the water. "Dana?" A voice said from behind her. She turned around and saw Zane standing there. "Yeah, hi Zane." Dana said quietly turning around to the ocean again. "Mind if I sit down?" He asked standing next to her. "Its a free beach." Dana said simply. "Yeah but I dont want you to deck me again." Zane said sitting down. Dana laughed slightly. "I wont but I will say that all my hits are reserved for 2 people." Dana said. "Oh yeah, whos that?" Zane asked. "Lola and Logan." Dana said squezing her fists together. "I can understand why you want to hit Lola, but why Logan? I thought you guys were happy." Zane said. "We were untill about...3 hours ago."Dana said looking at her phone that she didnt notice was on silent. She laughed when she saw that she had 334 missed calls. "What are you laughing about?" Zane asked. "Logan called me 330 times and Carly called me 4 times, probley because she got the money from the bet." Dana said. "What bet?" Zane asked intrested. "I had to get these guys numbers because Carly thought that I had lost my touch." Dana said. "I knew you didnt lose it." Zane said leaning back on his elbows. "How did you know?" Dana asked turning around so her back was now to the ocean and she was facing him. "Because you still have my heart." Zane said. "You would have still had my heart if you wouldn't of cheated on me." Dana said glaring at him. "I know and I messed up. I just want you to be happy so I didnt try to ruin your relationship with Logan." Zane said honestly. "Well Logan and Lola kinda already ruined this one." Dana said with a fake smile. "What the fuck did they do?" Zane asked getting mad. "Lola kissed Logan and Logan lied about it." Dana said trying not to cry."What the hell is wrong with me!?" "What are you talking about?" Zane asked laughing at the last part where she yelled. "Why do almost all the guys that I love have to cheat on me!?" Dana yelled hitting her head with the palm of her hand."And that really hurt." Zane started to laugh really hard so he fell back onto the sand. "Whats so funny? This isnt a time to laugh!" Dana said pushing him over. Zane got back up and Dana and him started to wrestel in the sand.They stoped when they were out of breath. They ended up in a position that had Zane on top of Dana with their faces right next to eachothers. "You know I always loved your laugh." Zane said pushing the hair out of her face. Dana's breath picked up as Zane moved his face closer to hers. They were about to kiss but Dana pushed him up slightly. "Zane, im sorry but I never actually broke up with Logan so if we kiss its still cheating." Dana said sitting up. "Well then its like your getting back at him. He kissed Lola once so you can kiss someone once." Zane said. "No Lola kissed him and im not that kinda person, and out of all the people in the world you should know that." Dana said getting up. She was about to walk away when she stoped and turned around."Lola kissed him so he didnt do anything wrong. Thanks for the help Zane." Dana ran off the beach ignoring the fact that Zane was yelling for her to comeback. She ran over to the basketball court trying to find Logan. He wasnt there so she ran by the cafeteria but on her way there she heard someone getting beat up in the alley next to the cafeteria. She looked around the corner and saw K.J's gang beating someone up but she couldnt see who it was. She moved a little closer and saw a familar face behind the group of boys on the floor. "K.J! Get them off of him!" Dana yelled pushing some of the boys out of the way to get to Logan. Dana kneeled down next to him to look at his cuts and bruises. She lightly stroked his face. "Dana! What are you doing here?" K.J asked shocked. "Looking for him, why did you do that?" Dana asked glaring at K.J who was shocked. "Because he kissed that Lola girl." K.J defended. "No Lola kissed him! Who told you that anyway?" Dana asked. "The twevils." The whole gang said sounding guilty. "Leave now!" Dana ordred."Oh and K.J, dont expect to be riding in the snowboarding competition next month." "Why not?" K.J asked. "Because im going to tell Dad." Dana said smirking. K.J huffed at her and walked away with the rest of the group. Dana turned her attention back to Logan. "Im sorry." Logan said weakly. Dana laughed lightly and stroked his face again. "I know." Dana said smiling. "Are you ok?" "Oh yeah im fine." Logan said getting up put he had to lean back on the wall. "Are you sure?" Dana asked worried. "The only things that im sure about right now are the fact that I love you and that im sorry, but every thing else is a blur." Logan said smirking. "Well at least your ego isnt bruised." Dana said laughing helping him out of the alley. "Yeah I think thats the only thing they didnt bruise." Logan said in pain. They walked up to her room with Dana helping him the whole way. The rest of the gang were at dinner so they had the whole dorm to their selfs. Dana helped Logan over to the couch and he layed down slowly. He leaned up with using the arm rest on the couch. "I think I have a bruise on my ass." Logan said."Will you check for me?" "Hell no! You may be boyfriend but im still not doing that." Dana said laughing going into the kitchen to get the first aid kit. "So were still together after the whole incident?" Logan asked unsure. She walked over to him and sat next to him. She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Does that answer your question?" She asked after she pulled away but their faces were still really close and she was looking right into his eyes. Logan leaned up and kissed her again as they started to make out. After about 10 minutes of it Dana pulled away. "That answered my question." Logan said smirking. Dana smiled. "Take off your shirt." Dana said. Logan looked at her funny."So I can clean your cuts you nasty minded person." Dana cleaned all of his cuts and stuff which took about 20 more minutes. "Do you just want to stay here tonight?" Dana asked nervously. "Like in your bed with you?" Logan asked. "Yeah but no funny stuff, just sleep." Dana said. "Sure." Logan said. Dana got up and took his hand. She lead him into her room and she layed down on the bed. Logan looked up at the posters on the roof when he layed down, then he turned over to face Dana who was already asleep. Logan kissed her forehead lightly. "I love you Dana." He whispered as he fell asleep with his arms around his girl. About a half an hour later the girls got home. "Where did Dana and Logan go?" Nicole asked. "I dont know go check her room." Carly said. The 3 of them looked in Dana's room and saw that Dana had the covers over her whole body except her neck and head and a shirtless Logan with the blanked covering his pants. The girls gasped and quietly backed out of the room. "Did they?" Zoey asked. "I think so." Nicole said. "I dont think so but just in case im sleeping in the extra bedroom." Carly said as the girls went to their rooms. ok for all you people who think that Riley and Ryan Sheckler are supposed to be the same people your wrong. 2 totaly diffrent people. I forgot about K.J who is a pro snowboarder. it might take me longer to update cuz my brothers are back from their trip so they get to use the computer too. presley aka crash. 22. Suprise super soakers Logan woke up to something heavy on his chest. He looked down and saw Dana sleeping on his chest. He remembred what happend last night which was a good thing because he noticed that he didnt have a shirt on. Logan thought that they 'Did the dirty'. He didnt want to wake up Dana because first of all she was not a morning person and because she looked happy while she was sleeping. He gently got out from under her and found his shirt. He looked through her drawers and found a peice of paper and a pen. He wrote her a note. _Dana,_ _I didnt stay until you woke up because I didnt want everyone getting the wrong idea about what happend last night because even if we weren't naked they would still think something happend._ _love,_ _Logan _ He quietly walked out of their dorm and into his own. Chase and Michael were waiting by the door when he walked in. "Logan!" Michael yelled making Logan jump around. "You scared the shit out of me!" Logan yelled. "Where were you last night?" Chase asked circling Logan. "Non of your business." Logan said. Michael and Chase stood infront of him when he tried to leave. "Tell us now!" Michael ordered. "First of all I dont take orders from anyone except my dad and mom and second of all its my business." Logan said pushing through them and walking to his room. "Thats not what Carly said." Michael said. Logan turned around and his eyes were as wide as plates. "What did she say?" Logan asked. "She said that they walked in on you and Dana while you both were sleeping and naked." Chase said. "No I didnt have a shirt on but other than that we both had clothes on." Logan defended. "Why did you sleep over there last night?" Michael asked. Logan told them everything that happend.(a/n: to lazy to write it all again) Chase and Michael understood after a while. "So thats what happend. K.J really dose seem like the overprotective type." Chase said. Michael agreed. Dana and the girls came into the room and Dana looked pissed. "Logan tell them what happend they wont believe me." Dana said glaring at the girls. "Hey you know what Patrick always says. 'The best part of believe is the lie'." Carly said smirking. "Yeah it is all true." The boys all said at the same time. "Told ya." Dana said sticking her tounge out at them. "So what?" Carly mumbled. Riley and K.J came rushing into the room. "Day help!" Riley said. The boys were out of breath and soaking wet. "Why?" She asked. K.J locked the door when he heard footsteps coming towards them. They hid behind Dana. "Oh yeah sorry about last night Logan." K.J said truthfully to Logan. "Thats ok dude, but the guy you want to kill is Zane." Logan said smirking. "Thanks for the tip, if there is anyway I can make it up to you just give me a ring." K.J said. "I think their in here." A voice from outside said. Then they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Nicole said opening the door. "NO!" K.J and Riley screamed. Fall Out Boy came bursting into the room with super soakers. They started to spray everyone and they mainly went after Dana, K.J and Riley. After super soakers didnt have anymore water in it they stoped. "Why the hell did you do that!?" Dana yelled at Pete. "Cause it seemed like a good idea at the time." Andy yelled. He had Riley in a head lock and they were wresteling. "Your...your...your Pete." Nicole screamed out. "Yep and im Dana's brother." Pete said putting his arm around Dana's shoulders and she rolled her eyes. "Why do you have to be here?" Dana asked annoyed. "The whole BOTB thing." Pete said. "What?" Nicole asked. "Battel Of The Bands." Dana said. "Yeah so who are all of these kids?" Patrick asked. "Thats Nicole, Zoey, you know Carly, Chase, Michael and my boyfriend Logan." Dana said pointing to them. "So your the new boyfriend." Pete said standing next to Logan checking him out. "Uh yeah." Logan asked looking at Dana to try to figure out what he was doing. "Whats your story." He asked. "Im Logan Reese son of Malcome Reese, um...I live in Florida most of the summer and in Chicago the rest of the year." Logan said."Dose that answer your question?" "Yeah did you know that we live in Chicago?" Pete asked. "You do? I thought that you just recorded there." Logan said. "Nope we live there." K.J said. "Do you play any sports?" Pete asked but a big man came in the room. "You guys need to go get ready for the first judging." The big man ssid. "Fine, we'll see you guys later." They all said. "Fall out boy has left the building." Riley joked. Everyone laughed. KJ and Riley left and the gang all sat on the couch. "Lets watch the movie's that we didnt get to watch last night." Chase said refering to the missing Logan and Dana. Dana stuck her tounge out at him and so did Logan. Chase put in 'The Covent'. "Wait we cant watch the movie!" Dana said. "We have to go watch the battel of the bands." "Oh yeah." Carly said as they all walked out of the room and down to the auditorim. ok the battel of the bands chapters and going to be split up and going to be pretty long. presley aka crash 23. BOTB with FOB lots of songs in this chapter being it is the battel of the bands so read them if u want to i dont own any of the songs but i wish i did. The whole gang raced down to the auditorium and got front row seats because they were preformers. They had to sit through a couple boy bands and one other girl band before Lola's band was up. Dana watched as Lola gave her a fake smile and started to talk to the crowd. "Hey you guys we are No Fury Hell Hath (A/N: Dana's band name all mixed up) and this is our rock song called 'Liar Liar'." Lola said smirking at Dana now. The whole gang looked at Dana who looked like she was going to jump on stage and kill this girl! They started to play it once again just like a pop song, but it was supposed to be a rock song. _You said I was your everything, You said I was the one, You played me like a radio, You use to love that I had no shame._ Pour my pain into words, Hold my hand to the flame. Tell me you'll love me like a star Tell me you'll want me wherever you are, Tell me you'll breathe me until your last breath. Liar, Liar, oh, Liar, Liar. Bit by bit I feel the draft, Just sit back and watch it burn, Hold your eyes up to my veins, Call out, call out my name Tell me you'll love me like a star, Tell me you'll want me wherever you are, Tell me you'll breathe me until your last breath. Liar, Liar, Oh, Liar, Liar, Liar, Liar, Oh, Liar, Liar Liar, Liar. They got a standing applause while the gang just glared at them but Dana smirked right at Lola. Carly saw this and looked at Dana funny. "Dude she stole your song and your smirking at her." Carly whispered screamed. "Because Pete helped me write that song and he is a judge so he better know that she stole it." Dana said looking at Pete who looked right back at her. "Ok that song was made just a few days ago so im glad you all liked it." Lola said with a fake laugh."Now the next song is our pop song and its called 'Temporary Insanity'." "It should be called Dana's song." Dana mumbled under her breath as they started to play. _Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da_ What just happened? Did you kiss me? Cause that's a place we've never been until now And I don't know how it's gonna be after this Do we pretend these feelings don't exist at all Or do we fall? My confusion shows whenever you get so close I stumble, I stutter, forget what to say I'm nervous, I wonder why I'm acting this way Chorus It's temporary insanity What's going on with you and me? Is it real or is it fantasy? Forever or just temporary? Woah, oh, oh (insanity) Woah, oh, oh You made a moved and changed your mind Too much to lose, you've crossed the line between friends And something more Was it all a big mistake? And if it was, it's much too late to undo And I don't really want to Let you go but I still don't know How I feel about you What this really means It's crazy to want you Is it meant to be? Chorus It's temporary insanity What's going on with you and me? Is it real or is it fantasy? Forever or just temporary? It's temporary insanity What's going on with you and me? Is it real or is it fantasy? Forever or just temporary? Woah, oh, oh (insanity) Woah, oh, oh Oh, what you do to me? What comes over me, oh? If this is crazy there's nothing I'd rather be Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Chorus It's temporary insanity What's going on with you and me? Is it real or is it fantasy? Forever or just temporary? It's temporary insanity What's going on with you and me? Is it real or is it fantasy? Forever or just temporary? Losing my mind Losing my mind Losing my mind Losing my mind Losing my mind Losing my mind Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da They ended and once again everyone claped. "I swear to god, Logan if she sings 'White lines' im going to kill her." Dana said to Logan, the only other person who knew about that song. "She wont Dana, dont worry about it." Logan said trying to make her feel better. The man hosting the battel of the bands walked up on stage with a microphone in hand. "Ok so we have decided that No Fury Hell Hath is disqualfied because they have stolen not only the name but also the songs of another participent in our show." The man said. A couple of body guards came on the stage and took Lola's band off. "Ok now with out further adue lets get on with our own Hell Hath No Fury!" The man said as Dana, Carly, Leanna and now Nicole got on stage. Leanna got another guitar because of her toe she cant hit the peddel on the drums. "Actually we are going to change our name to The Veronicas." Dana said looking at Carly and Leanna to see if that was ok. They both smiled. "The reason we picked that name is because as most of you know about Veronica LaShells was killed in a driving acident last year and she was one of our best friends so we decided to dedicate our band to her. This song is our rock song called 'Misery Business' and it goes out to all the people who stole our lyrics and just didnt get caught or did in Lola's case." Dana said smirking. They all started to play. (a/n: read the lyrics they are really cool and this song is by Paramore aka kick ass band) _I'm in the business of misery, Let's take it from the top. She's got a body like an hourglass it's ticking like a clock. It's a matter of time before we all run out, When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth._ I waited eight long months, She finally set him free. I told him I couldn't lie he was the only one for me. Two weeks and we had caught on fire, She's got it out for me, But I wear the biggest smile. Chorus: Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now. Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now. But god does it feel so good, Cause I got him where I want him now. And if you could then you know you would. Cause god it just feels so, It just feels so good. Second chances they don't Never matter, people never change. Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change. And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged. I'm sorry honey, but I'm passing up, now look this way. Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you. Looking as innocent as possible to get to who, They want and what they like it's easy if you do it right. Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse! Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now. Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now. But god does it feel so good, Cause I got him where I want him right now. And if you could then you know you would. Cause god it just feels so, It just feels so good. I watched his wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving you Just watch my wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving. Whoa, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now. Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now. Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now. But god does it feel so good, Cause I got him where I want him now. And if you could then you know you would. Cause god it just feels so, It just feels so good. _ _They had people screaming and cheering for this song. Dana smiled out at the crowd and winked at Logan. "Ok this next song is called 'Girlfriend' and it is our pop song but you konw I hate pop so I had to make it a little rock." _Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend_ Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me No way! No way! You know it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend You're so fine I want you mine You're so delicious I think about ya all the time You're so addictive Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright? Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious And Hell Yeah I'm the motherfucking princess I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right She's like so whatever And you could do so much better I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about! Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me No way! No way! You know it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way, I see the way you look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the time again and again So come over here, tell me what I want to hear Better yet make your girlfriend disappear I don't want to hear you say her name ever again (And again and again and again!) Hey! Hey! You! You! I know that you like me No way! No way! You know it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger Cause I can, cause I can do it better There's no other So when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid What the hell were you thinking?! Dana stoped and the lights went dim. The crowd was still cheering. The lights went back on to show Dana sitting at a piano. "This song is dedicated to someone special, and this is the first time anyone other that that person has heard this song so I hope you like it, its called 'White Lines'." Dana said as she played the piano and locking eyes with Logan. _I tried to tell you I've got to get away I tried to say I need my space I got to get some Distance in between My heart and my head_ I'm on the razor's edge I've been here before I know the way White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me home I held you in My arms last night I dreamed we were Riding on a star I kissed you and The sun began to shine In dreams I can do anything It seems like I'm on my own It feels like I'm losing it all White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me Seems like I've been here before I know the way Seems like I've been on my own So long So long White lines And headlights in my eyes White lines I'm ready to drive all night White lines How many 'till I'm in your arms White lines Will bring me home She exited the stage and the whole crowd started to go crazy. Logan ran into the backstage area and pulled Dana into a passionate kiss. "Ok we need all the bands out here so we can announce the winners." The man with the mic said. All the bands went on stage." The winners of the battel of the bands and the video preformance with Fall Out Boy is...The Veronicas!" Everyone started to scream and cheer along with the the girls on the stage. Just then Lola came bursting on the stage and... i love being evil. presley aka crash 24. Jealousy and stubbornness Lola ran onto the stage and grabbed the mic out of the dudes hand. "This contest was rigged! Pete Wentiz is Dana's brother!" Lola yelled into the mic. "No duh, we knew that so we hooked them all up to lie detectors and they really did think that they were the best, well Pete thought that Downtown Sasquatch was the best but not all of us did." The guy said taking the mic away from Lola."So the Veronicas do win." The crowd started to cheer and every thing. Dana and Carly took the check and the airplane tickets. The whole auditorium was empty in a matter of minutes but the gang and Fall Out Boy stayed and they were all on the stage. "I cant believe we won! This is my first time winning anything!" Nicole said. "So Dana we need you guys to leave in about a week for the video shoot, ok?" Joe said. "Wait can we bring all of them? Or just the band?" Dana asked hoping she got to bring Logan. "Just the band." Pete said. Dana pulled Pete aside by the arm over to the other side of the stage. "What?" "What song are we going to do in the music video?" Dana asked, maybe she had an idea. "7 minutes in heaven."Pete said. "Thats perfect! Logan could be the guy sitting on the wall then I could be dancing with another guy but Logan wants to be with me so at the end of the song we end up together somehow." Dana said brain storming her idea. Pete looked like he was thinking about it for a while. "Fine." Pete said giving in. "Yes! I love you." Dana said giving him a hug which he returned laughing a little. Dana went over there pulling Pete along again. "Ok you guys can come too if you want." Pete said. "I have exams." Chase and Zoey said at the same time. They both blushed and looked at the ground. "Are they?" Patrick whispered to Michael. "In love? Yep." He whispered back. Patrick shook his head and sighed. "So you aren't gonna come with us?" Nicole asked. "No." They said again at the same time. Patrick rolled his eyes as did Dana. "Ok well we have to go get on with the tour so see you guys in New York." Pete said hugging Dana and then they left. "New York! I cant wait to go shoping! I wonder what store im going to go in first. What store dose Pete like? I hope me and Pete get to sit by each other on the plane." Nicole said rambling. "I hope im no where near here on the plane." Carly said to Michael who laughed. They heard something growl and everyone looked around. "Im hungrey." Michael said putting a hand on his stomach which growled again. "Lets go to Juniors." Dana said. "Whats that?" Zoey asked still blushing. "The best Italian resturant ever!" Carly said smiling. "Then lets go." Logan said as they walked out of the auditorium. Logan and Dana had their hands in each others back pockets, while Carly and Michael were holding hands, Chase and Zoey were talking about the exams and Leanna and Nicole were talking about druming. Logan held open the door for Dana but he closed the door on the rest of them. "Thanks Logan." Chase said rubbing his nose because the door slamed on it. "Welcome." Logan said smirking. Dana rolled her eyes and Carly stopped a laugh. "Hey D, Carly." The man behind the counter said. "Hey J.J" Dana said giving him a high five. Carly waved."Oh! You guys this is Junior but we call him J.J, J.J these are my friends from PCA." "Hey dude." Logan said. Everyone else said hi. "So what can I get you guys?" J.J asked. "Um a large pizza with everything on it."Dana said. "Make that 2." Michael said from the back of the group. "Ok, take a seat and I will get it ready. I'll send over Greg to get you guys something to drink." J.J said waving over a guy. Dana and them took a seat at her booth. "Is it still here?" Carly asked looking at the tabel. "What?" Micheal asked. "We carved CDL's tabel in here last year and it might still be here but we dont know." Leanna said looking at the table too. "Found it!" Dana said pointing to the edge of the table. They ate and left. Dana and Logan decided to go to the beach and watch the sun set. (a/n: i know wrong side of the world to watch the sun set) Logan sat down and pulled Dana onto his lap. "I love the beach." Dana said moving her bare feet around in the sand. "I know thats why when you left PCA I would always go down to the beach when I thought about you." Logan said."Why did you leave?" "I didnt have a choice." Dana said sighing. Logan gave her a look that asked her to continue."My Dad thought that it was good for me to go to the same school as my brothers did. Why didnt you answer my calls, emails, letter?" "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" Logan said getting a little angrey. "Because it was to hard to say goodbye to you." Dana yelled. Logan was speechless. Dana always had that effect on him. Dana got up and started to walk away but Logan ran up to her. He grabed her wrist and turned her around. "Why?" Logan asked hoping his answer that he worked out in his head was right. "Because...I loved you back then and I still love you now." Dana said truthfuly. "Then why did you go out with Zane?" Logan asked. "I thought that you would find someone else and because I thought that I was never going to see you again." Dana said. "If I would of known where you were I would have came here after you." Logan said. "If PCA never burned down you would have forgotten all about me and most likley gone after Lola again." Dana said almost in tears._ 'I hate what he dose to me! I dont cry for anyone but him'_ "No Dana that wouldnt have happend, the whole thing with Lola was a complete mistake." Logan said. "And im supposed to believe you." Dana said sarcasm in every word. "Yeah because I have only ever loved you Dana, and love is about trusting each other." Logan said. Dana was the one speechless this time. "I do trust you buy, I guess I just get jealous." Dana mumbled the word jealous. "What was that?" Logan asked. "I get jealous." She said mumbeling again. "Jealous?" Logan fake gasped. "Yeah, so do you!" Dana said. "Me no I dont." Logan said defending him self. "Wow you jealous and stubborn." Dana said smirking and crossing her arms. "I am not your the stubborn one in this relationship." Logan said. "I am not!" Dana said. "Are to." Logan argued back. They went on like that for a couple more hours before heading back to the dorms. well what do u think? I need at least 7 reviews before i update. p Presley aka Crash. 25. Paint fight leaders "Dana wake up dude." Carly said shaking Dana awake. "What?" Dana groaned. "Lets go to breakfast, with the gang." Carly said half asleep again. "Why do I have to go? Go with out me." Dana said turning over, away from Carly. "Fine." Carly said giving up. She left and Dana tried to go back to sleep but it didnt work. She got up and went into tht living room. She went to turn on the tv but she couldnt find the remote so she had to turn it on manually.**(GASP) ** She was about to press the button when someone wrapped their arms around her. She pressed the button and leaned back into the pair of arms around her. "Hey Logan." Dana said smirking. "How did you know it was me?" Logan asked as Dana turned around and put her arms around his neck. "Because if it was someone else they would know that I would kick their ass and you would kill them." Dana said smirking. Logan checked her out. "Why do you wear this shit to sleep?" Logan asked. Dana had on really short-shorts and a very small tank top. "Cause its comfy." Dana said not seeing what was so wrong about it. "What if there is a fire and you have to leave really fast and you dont have time to change?" Logan asked. "Then I guess the whole school will get to see what I sleep in." Dana said kissing Logan lightly. "So its still bad." Logan mumbled after the kiss. "Well at least I dont sleep in boxers only." Dana said as she sat on the couch. Logan followed and sat down next to her. He felt something hard on his butt when he sat down. "Found the remote." Logan said handing it to Dana. "Well now that your here I dont need it." Dana said putting it down and stradeling Logan's lap. "Im glad I could help." Logan said. Dana lightly touched her lips to his. He pushed back with more force. Logan lightly licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. They were making out for about a half an hour when Nicole and Carly came into the room. "Hey you guys!" Nicole said as they broke the kiss. "What Nicole?" Logan asked anoyed. "Fine I wont tell you what the awsome news is." Nicole said. "Ok, Carly what is the 'awsome news'?" Dana asked. "Nothing important, Nicole got a date with Jason Brinks." Carly said. Nicole smiled, sitting next to Dana and Logan on the couch. "That guy is an awsome kisser." Dana said. Logan glared at Dana when she wasnt looking and pinched her side."Ouch! What the hell, Logan?" "What? I didnt do anything." Logan said innocently. Dana rolled her eyes and sat next to Logan."But I was happy like that." "To bad." Dana said smirking. "Im bored what are we going to do today?" Carly asked going around in circles on the chair at the kitchen tabel. "Where is Chase, Zo and Mike?" Logan asked watching her and getting himself dizzy. "Chase and Zo are studying in the library and Michael is taking his exam early so he can go with us to the shoot, I could give you what all of our other friends are doing but that would take to long." Carly said still spinning. "Dose she do that alot?" Logan asked watching her again. "Yeah why?" Dana asked looking at what was on tv. "Cause she hasen't even got dizzy yet." Logan said. "She'll fall over soon so dont worry about it." Dana said and Carlys chair fell over with her still in it. "Ow. That one hurt alot." Carly said laughing. Nicole helped her up and Carly picked the chair up. "What are we going to do?" Dana asked. "We could go mess with the 4th graders." Carly said. "No thats boring, plus Riley dose that enough for the whole school." Dana said moving so she was upside down on the couch. "Isnt Riley in 3rd grade?" Logan asked. "Yeah, but like me and K.J the whole school is afraid of us." Dana said. "Yeah, whats the deal with that?" Nicole asked. "Well here we all have nicknames that reflect us like, .K.J's other nickname is Chaos, you know mine and Rileys is Crash." Dana said. (a/n I needed to put that in there) "So people just get scared of us and we show people who mess with us a little peice of what the Cruz's are made of." "Yeah, Riley is only 7 and he already punched this 12 year old in the jaw and he plays pranks on like all the people at this school." Carly said. "Lets just go walk around we can think of something." Dana said flipping over. They all got ready and left. Dana had on a softball t-shirt that said 'Fear not the bat fear the player' and jeans that were ripped at the knees. They started to walk around and stuff. "Ok im bored." Carly said sitting on the school fountain. The rest of them sat down too. "This is officially the most boring day ever." Nicole said like a drama queen. "Lets just go take random pictures over by the trees." Dana suggested. "Cant. Cameras broken." Carly said. "Oh yeah." Dana said. "We could have a paint fight." Carly said. "We're doing that tonight."Dana said. "What paint fight?" Logan asked curious. "Yeah do tell." Nicole said. "Every year the older kids, meaning K.J's classes and our class have a huge paint fight at night in a parking lot about 5 minutes from here." Dana said. "And it goes on for like 3 nights, Dana is our leader and K.J is their leader." Carly finished. Dana smiled when Carly said that she was the leader. "Lo!" A girl voice yelled from the gates of ACA which was right infront of the fountain. "Oh my god is that..." im so freaking evil!!!! presley aka crash 26. headlights in my eyes "Oh my god is that my step-mom?" Logan asked totaly embarrassed. "Thats your new mom?" The three girls asked shocked. The girl couldn't be more than 25 years old. "Yeah my dad re-married again and sent me a picture of her, I think thats her." Logan said as she approched them. "You must be the famous Logan Reese, oh my god your even cuter in person then in the picture." She said. "Um...your my new mom right?" Logan asked just to make sure. "Oh sorry I forgot to mention that, yes im Laura, but you could call me mom or Laura if your not comfotable." Laura said smiling. "If its ok im gonna call you Laura now." Logan said annoyed already. "Ok now who are these kids?" Laura asked looking at them. "Oh thats Nicole and Carly, and this is my girlfriend Dana." Logan said putting his arm around Dana. "Nice to meet you all." Laura said. "Oh my god I love your shoes! Where did you get them?" Nicole asked Laura. "Oh I got these at Gucci. I love your purse!" Laura said looking at Nicoles purse. Dana rolled her eyes at the preppie-ness (A/N: is that a word?) going around, she looked at Logan and he looked pretty annoyed. She elbowed him in the stomach making him look at her. "Are you ok?" Dana mouthed to him. Logan shrugged. "Oh Lo, I almost forgot, I thought that we needed some bonding time so I was wondering if maybe you and your friends wanted to go to the mall with me. I can buy you anything you want." Laura said. "Yeah with my dads money." Logan mumbled so no one could hear, or he thought no one could hear. "What?" Laura asked. "I said yeah that sounds great." Logan said putting on a fake smile. "Oh goodie! Well I have to jet so I will catch you guys later." Laura said hugging Logan who didnt know weather to hug her back or pull away so he hugged back. Laura waved and left. "Wow your new mom is so cool!" Nicole said. "Nic shouldnt you be getting ready for your date?" Carly asked looking at the clock on the fountain. "AH! Yeah and your helping me." Nicole said pulling Carly along with her. They both waved and left Logan and Dana alone. "So what do you think of your new mom?" Dana asked as they headed for the park. "She's fine." Logan said sitting down on a swing. It was getting late so the sun was going down. "You are so lying." Dana singed trying to get him in a happier mood. "Yeah well I dont really have a choice to like her or not until they get a divorce." Logan said. "What do you mean?" Dana asked sitting on the swing next to him. "My dad goes through women like they get old. Like the last one was only 5 years older than me, a year later they got a divorce." Logan said. "Damn dude." Dana said. "Yeah, I know where do you think I get it from?" Logan asked smirking. "Your brothers." Dana mumbled what Skyler said to her. "My brothers? You dont even know my brothers." Logan said. "My sister Skyler dose, she went out with Jimmy and 2 other Reeses and she told me that you all were the same." Dana said. "Im nothing like my brothers." Logan said. "I know thats what I told my sister." Dana said trying not to fight with him. "And from what I hear, your sister was the one who cheated on them." Logan said. "No she didnt! She swore in her diary that she would never do that." Dana said trying to defend her sister. Dana stood up and faced Logan who was still on the swing, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah whatever, I believe Jimmy about this. No offense but your sister kinda dose look like one of those girls." Logan said trying to stifle a laugh. "Well at least my dad dosent go around fucking every girl on the planet! Oh and if he likes the sex he decides to marry her until, oh hello, a new girl comes along. Me and my sister, hell my whole family looks like me, so are you saying that I look like that kinda girl too? " Dana said pissed. "You know what maybe I am!" Logan yelled standing up facing Dana. "Your such an asshole!" Dana yelled. "Well at least im not a stuck up bitch!" Logan yelled back. He instantly took back what he said. "Dana I didnt-." "No Logan, you wouldnt of said it if you didnt mean it." Dana said with tears in her eyes. "I didnt, it just slipped out." Logan said. "Logan please just dont talk to me, dont touch me dont even think about me until I say you can ok?" Dana said as she started to walk away. Logan ran after her and grabed her wrist." What the fuck did I just say?" "Dana dont, please dont break up with me. I need you." Logan begged. "I dont want to break up, I just need some time." Dana said calming down a little but the tears didnt stop. "How much time?" He asked. "Logan I dont know, look as the words to a Relient K song goes 'You know i'll always love you but right now I just dont like you' is kinda how im feeling about you right now." Dana said pulling away from his grip and walking away. Logan just stood there debating weather to go after her or not. "Today cant get any worse." Logan mumbled. Then it started to rain. "And the skys opened up, to reveal the gods and they said 'I hate you Logan Reese'!" Logan started to walk away from the playground. He wanted to go talk to Dana so bad to tell her that he didnt mean to call her that. He wanted to tell her he loved her and that he didnt mean to hurt her. Most of all he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that he couldnt live with out her. He wasnt paying attention to where he was walking and he didnt notice he left ACA and walked out into the street, the next thing he new there was a screeching hult and then everything went dark... 27. I did not put Logan in the hospital! make sure you read the chapter before this, before you read this one Chase was asleep in his dorm when he heard his cell phone going off. He rolled out of bed and got it. "Hello?" He said yawing into the phone. "Is this Chase Matthews?" A voice asked. "Yeah, this is him." Chase asked. "I have a Logan Reese on his way to Fedral Hospital, he was hit by a car, we need you to get here as soon as possible. We cant reach his parents." The person said. "Ok what hospital again." Chase asked getting out some clothes and waking Mike awake. "Fedral hospital." The voice said. "Ok were on our way." Chase said into the phone hanging up."Mike wake up now!" "What about the hospital?" He asked leaning up. "Logan got hit by a car get up, we have to go!" Chase said running out of the room to get the girls next door. He banged on the door. "What?" Carly asked rudely as she opened the door. "Logans in the hospital! We have to go, get the other girls and hurry." Chase said panicing. "Are you serious?" Carly asked shocked. "Yes now stop asking questions and go."Chase ordred. Carly banged on Zoey and Nicoles door and ran into her own. "Dana, wake up. Logan is in the hospital!" Carly said shakeing Dana awake. "I didnt put Logan in the hospital, I swear." Dana said still half asleep. "No he got hit by a car we have to go to the hospital." Carly said paniced. "What!?" Dana yelled jumping out of bed. "Hurry we have to go." Carly said putting on some pants and a tank top. Dana just put on a really long jacket that Logan gave her, which she didnt notice she put on. Carly had already told Zoey and Nicole now they all hopped in Chases car and drove to the hospital. Dana was the first in the front door and ran to the desk. "Logan Reese's room please." Dana asked out of breath. "Name?" The lady asked. "Dana Cruz im his girlfriend." Dana said. "Ok, well when you get there you might have a suprise its room 223." The lady said. "What is Logan ok?" She asked as the rest of the gang came in. "Hes fine but there is another girlfriend there." The lady said. Dana sprinted towards the room followed by the gang who werent as fast as Dana. She got to his room and saw Lola and the twevils out side the room in waiting chairs. "What the fuck are you doing here Lola?" Dana asked as Carly and the gang caught up with her. "I came as soon as I heard Chase banging on your door." Lola said with fake tears. "Lola I swear to god if you dont leave right now your going to be lucky that were in a hospital." Dana said glaring through tears. "Um...were going to wait out in the other waiting room bye." The twevils said pulling Lola with them ingnoring her yelling. Dana saw a doctor walk out of the room that Logan was in. "Is Logan ok?" Dana asked. "Yeah he will be but right now he's passed out from the pain. He has a couple broken ribs and a broken wrist." The doctor said. "Can we see him?" Michael asked. "Well before he passed out he said that he wanted only one person, if she came, to be in his room." The doctor said. "Who?" Zoey asked impatiently. "A Dana Cruz." He said. "Thats me." Dana said as the doctor let her in to the room. She looked at the bed and saw Logan. He had a cast on his left arm and a bandage around his chest. He also had a couple of scratches on his other arm. She pulled up a chair to the side of his bed and sat down. She hated to see him like this, with all the machines hooked up to him. She took his right hand in her own. She was there for 3 hours and ended up falling asleep in the chair, still holding Logan's hand. Logan lightly opened his eyes and looked around the room, he groaned a little. He noticed that Dana was sleeping next to him. He stroked her hair out of her eyes. She moved a little and slowly opened her eyes. "Hey babe." Logan said weakly putting on a smile. Dana hit him on his arm."Ouch, what was that for?" "Dont you ever scare me like that again." Dana whispered in tears again. She stood up. "I thought that you were mad at me." Logan said. "I can be mad at you after you get out of this place." Dana said breaking a smile. Logan patted the spot next to him and Dana sat down on the bed. Logan sat up slowly. Dana hugged him."Im glad your ok." "Im sorry. About calling you...what I called you." Logan said. Dana pulled back from the hug and looked Logan in the eyes. "Im sorry for calling you a asshole." Dana said laughing a little. Logan laughed but stopped because of the pain."Can I do anything for you?" "Stay here with me." Logan said laying down and making room for Dana to lay down too. "Fine." Dana said as she layed down facing him. Logan layed on his right side and moved the hair from her eyes. Dana watched him as he slowly fell asleep. "I love you." He whispred as he fell asleep. "I love you too." Dana said kissing his forehead as she drifted off to sleep too. presley aka crash 28. making out with a crippled A couple days later Logan got to leave the hospital but was put on strict bed rest. He was in his dorm on the couch. The only reason he was aloud to get up was to go to the bathroom but he had to have someone help him. Dana was watching him for the whole day but she only helped him get to the bathroom but he had to do the rest by himself. "I have to go get both of our work from Mr. Abell so stay on the couch. If you get up im going to have to put you back in the hospital." Dana said when she was about to leave. "But the doctor said that I was fine." Logan said. "Im going to hurt you so bad you need to go back to the hospital." Dana said smirking. "I love you too babe." Logan said. Dana kissed him lightly then left. Like 2 minutes later Logan was bored out of his mind. Dana entertained him the whole day. He got the remote and tried to find something to watch but nothing entrested him. He wanted to watch a movie but he wasnt alowed to get up acording to doctor Dana. Chase and Zoey came into the room."Chase thank god. Can you help me?" "Sure dude what do you need?" Chase asked. "Can you put in 'Jay and Silent Bob strike back' in?" Logan asked. "Yeah." Chase said. He hooked it up and pressed play for him. Zoey watched it with Chase for a little while, until she heard all the curse words in the movie. "Ok Chase we really need to go study." Zoey said getting up out of her seat. "Ok Zo, if you need anything until Dana gets back just yell." Chase said as they went into his room. Logan rolled his eyes at them and turned his attention back to the tv. Dana walked in with the papers. She saw what was on tv. "You got up didnt you?" Dana asked putting the papers down. "No Chase and Zoey just came by. Their in his room." Logan said. "Ok, I believe you." Dana said, She sat down on the floor next to Logan who was laying down on the couch. Logan played with one of her curls in her hair as they watched the movie. Dana's phone started to vibrate in her pocket. It was a text from Carly. **D I need you get ovr here, plz!** "Baby Carly needs me, I'll be right back." Dana said getting up and walking out of the room. She walked into her own dorm and saw Carly in her pajamas crying on the couch. Dana ran over to her."Car whats wrong?" "Michael broke up with me." She cried out. "What why?" Dana asked shocked. "He said I changed." Carly said blowing her nose in a tissue. "Ok wait dose it have anything to do with the whole Nicole make over she made you do?" Dana asked. "That might be it!"Carly said standing up."Im going to change back." "I hate drama." Dana mumbled as she walked back to Logan's dorm. Dana smiled at Logan who was sleeping on the couch. She sat down in the same place and turned off the movie. She turned on the tv and the notebook came on. She watched it all the way to the end and she was crying. Logan woke up. "Babe?" Logan asked. "What?" Dana said wipping her eyes. "Why are you crying?" Logan asked playing with her hair. "The stupid movie." Dana said laughing. Logan stroked her hair. "Ever made out with a cripled?" Logan asked smirking. " why?" Dana asked weirded out. "You can now." He said leaning over and kissing her. They started to make out. Chase looked out of his door to see if Dana was back again and rolled his eyes as the made out. "What are they doing?" Zoey asked looking up from her book. "Making out as usual." Chase said sighing. "They must have really good lungs for that."Zoey said with a giggle. "Yeah." Chase said. I know short chapter sry. i wont be updating for about 4 days cuz softball is taking over my life! and cuz i need ideas for this story. read miami blues and tell me what u think. presley aka crash 29. Homesick at space camp "Mike, please call me back." Carly said into her phone as she walked around campous. She was close to the cafeteria. She heard someone kicking a machine so she went to check it out. She saw a frustrated Michael kicking the chip machine."What are you doing?" "Trying to get chips." He said shaking the machine. Carly walked over to it and hit the side then the glass and the chips fell."You have a serious gift, Carly." "Yeah I know, so your talking to me now?" Carly asked. "Yeah. Carly why did you change like Nicole?" Mike asked getting his chips out. "She told me that back at PCA you liked girls like that, so I thought you would like me more if I looked like that." Carly said blushing. "I liked you more before all of that." Michael said. "You liked the stupid skater chick part of me?"Carly asked. "Yeah I like that in a girl, a girl who dosent care about what other people think, like you." Michael said. Carly blushed. "Do you really mean that?" Carly asked. Mike nodded and Carly kissed him."Good." They walked back to the dorms hand in hand because it was getting late. * * * Dana and Logan were still making out but Zoey and Chase came out. "Dana, Logan can you breath?"Chase asked. Dana pulled away and glared at him while Logan smirked at him. "Yeah, or we would have been dead by now." Dana said getting up. "How is he supposed to do the music video thing with his broken bones?" Zoey asked. "I already figured that out, we just have to make it look punk for the vid." Dana said. "How are you going to do that?" Zoey asked. "Easy markers and stickers." Dana said smirking at Zoey. "Your not putting pink stickers on me are you?" Logan asked. "No there going to have rock bands and maybe an emily the strange one." Dana said thinking about the stickers she has."Definatly FOB ones." "Well that im ok with, just no pink." Logan said. "Look who your talking to, do you really think that Danger Cruz would ever have pink anything?" Zoey asked smirking. "True." Logan said."Im bored." "Well you cant leave so lets watch another movie." Dana said. "Im tired of sitting here and not doing anything." Logan groaned."Can you call the doctor and ask him if I can stop with the bed rest?" "Fine." Dana said wanting her life back. She gave the phone to Logan. "What am I supposed to do with this?" He asked. "Call the doctor and ask him yourself." Dana said about to lose it over his stupidity. "But im on bed rest." Logan said in a pathetic tone. Dana glared at him and he quickly dialed the number. He let it ring until the doctor picked up. "Hello?" He asked. "Yeah this is Logan Reese and I was wondering if I can get off bed rest?" Logan said. "Oh yeah you can but if you have any pain you need to go back to bed rest understand?" The doctor said. "Yeah thanks." Logan said hanging up the phone. Logan got up and ran around the room. "Ok stop you dork." Dana said laughing. Logan ran over to her and pulled her into a kiss. * * * **DAY OF FLIGHT TO VIDEO SHOOT...** "Tickets please." The lady asked when they got to the boarding area. Dana handed them the tickets and she checked them and gave them back. "Thank you have a nice flight." Dana handed back out the tickets to the people they belonged to, but they all got their seats messed up. Nicole got put next to Logan and Mike got put next to Dana and Carly and Leanna were sitting next to each other. Logan went over to Dana and Mikes seat. "Mike can me and you switch?" He asked. "Only if I get to sit with Carly." Mike said. "Ok...Carly can switch with Nicole and then you can have my seat which was by Nicole." Logan said smirking. Mike thought about it for a second and then switched. "Wow." Dana said. "What?" Logan asked putting his arm around her. "You actually figured that out all by yourself." Dana said smirking. Logan smirked and pulled her closer. She moved the arm rest that was in between them up and got as close as she could with the seat belt on. It was about 2:46 p.m so they would get to Chicago in about 8 hours.(a/n: dont know if thats right) Dana looked over to see Carly already asleep on the soon to be out like a light Michael. Dana looked at Leanna and Nicole who were right next to us, across the isle, and Leanna was druming with her drum sticks to the beat of what ever song she was listening to and Nicole was messing with her laptop, probley shoping. Logan reached in his back pocket and pulled out his ipod and gave Dana one ear piece. He put it on shuffel and 'Homesick at space camp' by Fall Out Boy came on: _Landing on a runway in Chicago and I'm grounding all my dreams of ever really seeing California, because I know what's in between is something sensual in such non-conventional ways. Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't (say)._ _Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. (Tonight I'm writing you) a million miles away_ _Tonight is all about "We miss you" (We miss you) "We miss you" (We miss you) Tonight is all about "We miss you" And I can't forget your style or your cynicism, somehow it was like you were the first to listen to everything we said. My smile's an open wound without you...and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back._ _Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. (Tonight I'm writing you) a million miles away_ _Tonight is all about "We miss you" (We miss you) "We miss you" (We miss you) Tonight is all about "We miss you now" _ _These friends are, new friends are golden x3 These friends are, new friends are..._ _Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. These friends are, new friends are golden_ Dana fell asleep on Logan's shoulder while Logan fell asleep against her head, but not before stealing a kiss from her. Well he wouldnt be Logan Reese if he didnt. the next chapter is going to be the video shoot and it might take a while to get it over and done with. presley aka crash 30. megaphones are loud The gang got off the plane and instantly saw a sign that said 'The Veronicas' on it. They all got into the limo and were on their way to the studio. They saw a whole bunch of people walking around in diffrent costumes and stage hands with props. The car stoped and the driver opened the door and they went into the studio. It looked sorta like the set of 'Dance. Dance' but a lot diffrent. Dana saw Patrick and told the gang to follow her. "Hey Patrick." Dana said. "Hey Dana, we told your idea to the director and he said he loved it."Patrick said waving to all the others. "Great so what do we have to do?" Dana asked. "Go get dressed the boys go over there and the girls go over there." Patrick said pointing in the directions. They all went their separate ways. Logan and Mike got to get ready where the rest of fall out boy was and they gave the boys the rundown of what was supposed to happen. The girls got their own dressing room. "Ok so this is whats going to happen, Dana you are going to be the punk girl the song is about and you end up coming to prom with a jock/prep but, who ever Logan is, is going to be the boy who loves you and you love back. A few parts of here you will have to talk, and there will be times where you come close to kissing but not untill the end, ok get out there."A lady said pushing the ready girls out to the set. The boys faces were in aw as the girls walked out. Leanna was in a blue and green dress that stoped at her knees, Nicole had on a pink and white dress that was really long, Carly had on a yellow and black dress and Dana had on a black and white dress that had a skull on the middle and she also had on boots. "Dana you look great. You all look great." Pete said hugging his sister. "Thanks." Dana said. "Places!" The director yelled and everyone went to diffrent places."Action!" The girls all walked in with their 'dates' and Dana and her date stopped infront of the camera. "Dana you have been really out of it, whats wrong?" The jock asked Dana. "Nothing just thinking."Dana said looking around the dance. "Do you want to dance?" The guy said. Dana had her eyes fixed on Logan, who smiled at her. "Hello? Earth to Dana." "Yeah sure." Dana said as the music started. They got on the dace floor and FOB started to play and Logan's smile faded when Dana and the jock started to dance. He took a seat next to Michael on the wall where you sit if you dont have a date. I'm sleeping my way out of this one With anyone who will lie down I'll be stuck fixated on one star When the world is crashing down I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own Dana's 'date' was going to get some punch for them so she took her chance to go talk to Logan. She smiled at him and he smiled back. "I.." Was all Dana could get out before the jock was back with her punch. He pulled her back onto the dance floor. They started to dance again but Dana clamed she had to go to the bathroom and got off the floor. The jock started to dance with the cheerleaders (a/n: typical high school) Dana got back and sighed. She took a seat on the wall about 4 people down from Logan. The people in the middle got asked to dance so now they could see each other. Logan got up and sat next to Dana. The only thing worse than not knowing Is you thinking that I don't know I'm having another episode I just need a stronger dose I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own Dana and Logan held hands and kissed as the dance ended and so did the shoot. "And thats a wrap!" The director yelled. Dana and Logan were still kissing, The director took his megaphone and walked up to them."CUT!!" Dana and Logan jumped apart. "What the heck boss man?" Dana asked rubbing her ear. "I said thats a wrap that normally means cut." He said into the megaphone again. "I know what that means my dad is Malcom Reese." Logan yelled back. "The movie producer?" The guy said shocked into the megaphone again. "Yeah no stop with the mega phone!" Logan yelled. "Do you think he could help me get into movie directing insted of music videos?" He asked hopefully. "Heres his number, call him and ask him." Logan said handing the man a card. He ran into his trailor to call him. Logan laughed and Dana smirked. They got off the set and changed back into their original clothes. "Day, since your already out here, you should just come home for like a little while." Pete said. "Ok but you need to put the dogs away." Dana said. "You have dogs?" Michael asked. "Yeah why?" Dana asked. "Nothing I just had a bad experience." Michael said. "What happend?" Carly asked. "I said I had a bad experience." Michael said anoyed. "Ok, god." Carly said moving away a little. "Sorry its just that I really dont want to talk about it." Michael said kissing Carly lightly. They all got into the limo and went over to Dana's house. presley aka crash 31. Lance is lame They all got into the limo and went over to Dana's house. "Here we are." Pete said getting out of the car. The gang was in aw for this house. It was huge 3 story house."Dana you need to record anything?" "Yeah I want to record this new song, so go get the studio set up." Dana said pushing her brother away. "What are we going to record?" Carly asked as they went into the house. "Hallalujah." Dana said as they made the long trip to the studio. Dana went in the place to sing and the rest of them took a seat on the couch in the studio. "Hallalujah take 1." Pete said and started to music, as Dana started to sing. then they ate and Pete left them alone. "Lets watch a movie." Dana said as they went into the living room. She put in Jurassic park number one. Dana sat next to Logan and he pulled a blanket over them. Leanna and Nicole were on the floor trying not to freak out while Carly and Michael were cuddeling on the other side of the couch. Dana heard the door open. "Hey Dana!" A boy who looked to be about 16 came into the living room. "How did you get in here?" Dana asked shocked. "Well Lance and me have become tight so we hang out and he gave me a key, so did you miss me?" Lance asked smirking. "Why would she miss you?" Logan asked trying not to let his jealousy show. "Because last summer we had an awsome time if you get my drift." Lance said winking at Dana. Dana looked shocked. Logan got up and stormed up the stairs and went into the guest room he was staying in and slamed the door. The gang was watching this and hanging on every word. "Why the hell did you say that!? I never did anything with you! I dont love or like you! I love Logan, the guy who just went upstairs and probley hates me because of you!" Dana yelled. "Why do you have to lie like that baby." Lance said smirking. He pulled Dana by the hips over to his body and tried to kiss her. Dana was way to fast and she punched him. Mike got up and put him in a lock that if he moved he would break his arm. He took him out side and locked the door. Dana ran up the stairs and to Logan's door. She knocked lightly. "Logan?" She asked. She heard something close and the door opened to see a pissed off Logan. "What?" He said angrey. "Lance was lying, I swear. I never did anything but hurt him. I broke his leg when I was 7 and he was 8, I almost made him drown, I have tried to stay as far as possible from him. I hate him and I would have told you if I did anything with him I swear, but im not sorry because I didnt do anything with him." Dana said in one breath. "You talk really fast." Logan said. "Yeah I know, so are you still mad at me?" Dana asked. "I guess not." Logan said. Dana smiled and hugged him."So, your still a virgin?" "Yeah I am." Dana said hitting him for asking that question. "Do you think I could help you change that?" Logan joked smirking. "Maybe if your a good boy." Dana said pinching his cheek. Dana turned around and started to walk away. "Wait are you serious?" Logan asked for real this time. "I might be." Dana said winking at him and going into her room. "She so wants me." Logan said as he went back to his room. The rest of the gang went to sleep and Dana was up thinking about her little conversation with Logan. _"Do you think I could help you change that?" _those words just kept repeting in her head. She knew she loved him and that he loved her. This would be the perfect time to do this if she was going to do it. She knew her brother's room ,that Logan was staying in, had condoms in it they could use. "Im gonna do it, I want him to be my first." Dana said as she got up out of bed. She slipped out of her room and across the hall. She heard the tv on in the room so she knew he was awake. She knocked lightly again. "Come in." Logan said from his bed. Dana took a deep breath and went inside."Whats up babe?" She didnt say anything she just locked the door behind her. Logan looked really confused. She slowly walked over to the bed. "You love me right?" Dana asked as she crawled on the bed. "Yeah, duh." Logan said watching her. Dana straddeled his waist and put her hands on his chest. "Prove it." She said in a seductive voice as she removed her shirt. Logan's eyes went wide. "Are you sure?" He asked still in a state of shock. Dana simply nodded and kissed him lovingly. ok thats good enough for me. lol thanks to DanaWannabe101 for this idea! what is with all my stories and sex i mean first Dana and Logan adults now Dana and Logan kids god! lol, im a perv. 'Hallalujiah' by Paramore Presley aka Crash aka FOBsession 32. Twist and hearts Logan let Dana kiss his neck for a while but after he thought about it he pushed her off gently. "What?" Dana asked confused. "I know that your ready but, im not." Logan said sighing. Dana looked at him in understanding. "Um..ok i'll just go.." Dana said embarrassed, about to climb off the bed but Logan grabbed her arm. "No just stay here tonight, were not going to do anything but sleep though," He said making things clear. Dana smiled and crawled under the covers with him and snuggled up to his chest."I love you, D." "I love you too, Lo." Dana said in a mocking tone. Logan remembered that nickname from when the first season of Laguna Beach came out. Dana thought that Lo was a great nick name for him so it stuck, He really didnt mind because she gave it to him. While he was thinking about that Dana ended up falling asleep, listening to his heart beat. Logan fell asleep shortly after that. nananananananannanananananananananBATMAN! FATMAN!nanannaanannananananan The gang just got back to ACA and the dean came on over the loud speeker, "All PCA students please report to the auditorium at once." He said. "What do you think its about?" Nicole asked as the gang from PCA walked into the auditorium. They saw Zoey and Chase over by the front row saving seats for them. They all sat down in the front row. "How was the shoot?" Chase asked Michael and Nicole. Logan and Zoey were fighting about something stupid. "It was awsome." They said at the same time. The dean came up to the mic stand. "Students settel down." The dean said. Everyone kept talking."Quiet!" Everyone stoped instantly and looked at the dean. "Thank you, I have great news for you all. PCA was built back up way ahead of schedual. You all can go back to PCA at the end of this week!" Dean Orloff said. Everyone started to cheer and exited the auditorium. They all went back to the girls dorm to see Dana, Carly and Leanna. They were a few feet away when they heard 3 screams come out of the girls room. They rushed into the room and saw Leanna and Dana jumping up and down on the floor and Carly was jumping on the couch. All three of them, were screaming. "God give me a heart attack why dont you?" Michael said putting a hand on his heart. "Sorry, its just we're really happy." Carly said with a mile wide smile on her face. "Why?" He asked his heart rate comming back to normal. "This summer were going to tour with Fall Out Boy!"The three girls said together smiling. "Thats awsome! We have some cool news too!" Nicole said excitedly. "What?" Dana asked as she walked over to Logan. "PCA is back up, so next week we get to go back." Nicole said happly. Carly and Dana looked at each other and frowned. "So that means you guys are leaving us?" Carly asked, looking at Michael and Logan. Dana looked at Logan too. The group just had a excited moment and didnt think about that. "I guess we have to." Zoey said quietly. Carly and Dana ran out of the room and once they got out of the room went to their special places. Of course Michael and Logan chase after them. _Michael and Carly..._ Michael looked around everywhere for her, the cafeteria, auditorium, beach. The last place he looked was the softball feilds and sure enough Carly was there pitching against the fence. From Michaels guesstament her pitches were going about 59-61 mph. He walked out onto the feild and saw that she was crying while she was pitching. "Hey." He said coming up behind her. No answer. She just pitched faster."Carly please just talk to me." "I have nothing to say." Carly said with no emotion. "Well I do." Mike said."I didnt think that this was going to happen so soon, but I knew it was going to happen eventually, so I just want to try to do the long distance relationship thing." "Those never work!" Carly said turning to him. "Ours will, we can make it work." Michael said moving closer to her. "How is ours going to work?" Carly asked rolling her eyes. "Because I love you ok! Your the only girl I love, other then the girls in my family, you make me feel things i've never felt before, and I know that im gonna be faitful to you." Michael said. Carly smiled and jumped into his arms knocking him over. They shared a passionate kiss. "I love and will be faitful to you to Mike." Carly said standing up and helping Michael up as well. "So...What do you want to do now?" He asked her as he placed his arm around her shoulders. "Wanna go play air hockey?" She asked smirking. "Your so on." Michael said as they raced to the arcade. _Dana and Logan..._ Logan knew right where to look for Dana, the Auditorium. She took the long way thats why Michael didnt see her their yet. She got her guitar that she always played when she wanted to just free style on. She just started to play a tune and it came out like this: You're not sure that you love me But you're not sure enough to let me go Baby it ain't fair you know To just keep me hangin' 'round You say you don't wanna hurt me Don't want to see my tears So why are you still standing here Just watching me drown _[Chorus_ And it's alright, yeah I'll be fine Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine Just take your love and hit the road There's nothing you can do or say You're gonna break my heart anyway So just leave the pieces when you go You can drag out the heartache Baby you can make it quick Really get it over with And just let me move on Don't concern yourself With this mess you've left for me I can clean it up, you see Just as long as you're gone _[Chorus_ You not making up your mind Is killing me and wasting time I need so much more than that Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah _[Chorus_ Leave the pieces when you go Oh, yeah Leave the pieces when you go yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Leave the pieces when you go Logan got here during the end of the song and stood behind her on the stage. "I know your there." Dana said not turning around. "Dana we both knew this was going to happen." Logan said sitting next to her. "Then why did you ask me out and why did I say yes to you? God I knew I was going to get my heart broken again." Dana yelled standing up, putting her guitar down. "Dana that is the last thing I would ever want to do to you." Logan said standing up next to her. "Then why did you make me fall in love with you again? Why couldnt you just have never told me that you loved me?" Dana asked on the verge of tears. "Because then I would have lied to you. I told this to you a million times already, I dont want to lose you again." Logan said. "Your going back to PCA! You kinda have to lose me now." Dana said. "We could have a long distance relationship." Logan suggested. "Those never work! It really wont work with you!" Dana said. Logan looked at her hurt. "What the hells that supposed to mean?" Logan asked. "That your Logan 'Heartbreak' Reese! Once you get back to PCA there is no way that your going to be able to stay away from all the girls!" Dana said cringing at the thought. "No I wont, what about when you go on tour? There is going to be guys all over you!" Logan said trying to turn things around on her. "Your the only guy I will ever truly love so I wouldnt do that." Dana said fighting back. "And your the only girl I have ever loved, so whats the diffrence?" Logan asked. Once again Logan left her at a loss for words. "I just dont want you to hurt me again, ok?" Dana asked lowering her voice almost to a whisper. "I wont ok, and are you forgeting that we live in the same city?" Logan asked."We will see each other I promise. So are we breaking up?" "No, but I do have spy's in PCA." Dana said smirking. Logan kissed her. "Yeah I know, lets go eat." Logan said wraping his arm around her shoulders. lots of twists in here, about 3 more chapters until its finished. sorry. Presley aka Crash aka FOBsession 33. Alone time major DL smut in this chapter. It was the last week before everyone had to leave. Dana and her band 'The Veronicas' are going on tour the same day as the PCA kids are leaving. Dana and Logan were laying in his bed at around 11:30 pm, just holding each other and enjoying each others company as Fall Out Boy played in the background. It was their 'song' on repete, _Im like a lawyer with the way im always trying to get you off (me and you):_ _Last year's wishes Are this year's apologies Every last time I come home I take my last chance To burn a bridge or two I only keep myself this sick in the head Cause I know how the words get you off_ We're the new face of failure Prettier and younger but not any better off Bullet proof loneliness At best, at best Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Collect the bad habits That you couldn't bare to keep Out of the woods but I love A tree I used to lay beneath Kissed teeth stained red From a sour bottle baby girl With eyes the size of baby worlds We're the new face of failure Prettier and younger but not any better off Bullet proof loneliness At best, at best Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you The best way To make it through With hearts and wrists intact Is to realize Two out of three ain't bad Ain't bad Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I woke up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you (Honeymoon) Setting in a honeymoon Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I wake up next to you If I woke up next to you Me and you Setting in a honeymoon If I wake up next to you (Honeymoon) Logan was playing with her hair. The lights were off and the only light in the room was the moon that just barely shone through the curtains. Dana's eyes started to go lower and it was getting harder for her to keep them open. "Dont go to sleep yet." Logan whispered looking into her eyes. "I wont dont worry." Dana said with a yawn. He smirked. "Sure." He said not beleiving her. She shook her head side to side and her eyes were open not showing that she was tired anymore. "See, not sleeping." She said smiling at him. "So why can't I come on tour with you?" He asked. "You still have a month of school left and my dad doesnt want any boys on Carly and I's tour bus." Dana explained. "What about Nicole and Leanna?" Logan asked noticing she didnt mention them. "Nicole has to go back to PCA so she cant go on tour with us and Leanna doesnt have good enough grades so her parents dont want her to go." Dana said. "If she passes can she go?" Logan asked. "Probley not, dude she has F's in all of her classes." Dana said."Well except music." "No duh."Logan said smirking. He pulled her closer and she put her head on his chest. She looked up at him and they kissed passionatly. Logan rolled them over so he was on top now. He slowly moved his hands down to her belt. He knew that he probley wouldnt get a chance to do this again after tonight. He was actually ready when he was over at Dana's house but he didnt want to rush her into it. He pulled away from the kiss as he grasped her belt. Logan looked into Dana's eyes asking for permission. She leaned up and kissed him lovingly. It was all the answer he needed as they started to rid each other of their clothes. I know that this isnt much but I had to put it in there. Presley aka Crash aka FOBsession 34. Baby, Come On "I cant believe we are going to get separated...again." Nicole cried. Logan rolled his eyes as Dana and him were sitting on a picnic tabel next to the tour bus. Logan had his arm draped around Dana's shoulders and she was just watching the gang doing random stuff. "How much longer do we have until you leave?" Logan asked Dana. "About 20 minutes." She said with a sigh. "Then we leave in an hour." Michael said. Carly and him were leaning on the bus, his arm around her waist. "When does your first concert come on tv?" Zoey asked. "In 2 weeks, you better watch it." Dana said smiling at her. "We wouldnt miss it for anything." Chase said. "Anything? I would miss it if there was a shoe sale or something like that. I dont really like rock music that much but I play drums which is like really funny." Nicole blabbed. Dana and Logan slipped away from them when the gang was trying to shut Nicole up. They went over behind the sea wall, that was on the beach. "This is going to suck." Logan said with a sigh. "I know, not being able to see you for 4 months, god thats like killing me." Dana said." But I did make it 2 years with out you, so I should be able to do this." "Yeah but for the 2 years you and I wernt together." Logan said. "Thanks for the confidence boost."Dana said sarcastically. "Your welcome." Logan said smiling. Dana rolled her eyes. "Im going to miss you so much." Dana said. A tear falling down her face. "Aw, baby dont cry. Its not like were never going to see each other again, we do live in the same city." Logan said pulling her into a hug. "We wont be for long, im moving." Dana said hugging him tighter. "Where? Why?" Logan asked looking down at her. "To New York, my grandpa is sick, my mom wants to take care of him." Dana said. Logan sighed and kissed her head. "I will find a way for us to be together." Logan promised. Dana nodded, her head snuggeling against his chest. She didnt even feel him get something out of his pocket. He steped away from her about an arms lenght. She looked at him confused."Promise to be with me forever?" Dana's jaw droped, _Did He really just say that!?!_ she thought. "What?" Dana asked. "Will you promise to be with me forever?" He asked again getting down on one knee. "Im not going to marry you Logan." Dana said. "I know that, dude we're only like 16 each." Logan said in his duh voice."Just promise that no matter what happens or where we are your going to be mine." "Of course I will, I love you more then anything." Dana said smiling "YES!!" Logan said jumping up and pulling Dana into a powerful kiss. "Logan, Promise me the same thing." Dana said after the kiss was done. "I promise no matter how hot all the other girls are, I will stay faitful to you." Logan said smiling. Dana kissed him. "Day! We gotta go!" Carly yelled down to them. "Here's the ring," Logan said slipping it on her finger."I guess this is goodbye." "No, this is just see you later." Dana said taking one last look at the ocean. She kissed Logan passionatly and pulled away."See you later." "Yeah, see ya." Logan said as he watched her run up to Carly. Dana took one last look at Logan and got on the tour bus. Michael came up behind Logan and put his hand on his shoulder. "Dont sweat it man, were going to see them on tv soon anyway." Michael said. "Yeah but its not gonna be the same." Logan said walking down the beach, sulking. "Dont forget we leave in an hour!" Michael reminded him. Logan shrugged and went to get his stuff downstairs for the guys to pick up. Dana watched ACA dissapear in the distance. "Im gonna miss Michael." Carly complained from her cot in their tour bus. "Im gonna miss Logan, more." Dana said sighing. Their bodyguard turned on the radio and one of Dana's favorite songs came on. She thought it fit her perfectly when she felt like crying, She's a pretty girl She's always falling down And I think I just fell in love with her But she won't ever remember, remember And I can always find her At the bottom of a plastic cup Drowning in drunk sincerity A sad and lonely girl Quit crying your eyes out Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on Isn't there something familiar about me? The past is only the future with the lights on Quit crying your eyes out, baby And she said, "I think we're running out of alcohol Tonight I hate this fucking town And all my best friends will be the death of me But they won't ever remember, remember So please take me far away Before I melt into the ground And all my words get used against me" You sad and lonely girl Quit crying your eyes out Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on Isn't there something familiar about me? The past is only the future with the lights on Quit crying your eyes out, baby Quit crying your eyes out Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on Isn't there something familiar about me? The past is only the future with the lights on Quit crying your eyes out Isn't there something familiar about me? Quit crying your eyes out The past is only the future with the lights on So quit crying your eyes out, baby Dana smiled and lent her head on her window looking at all the passing cars and signs. She knew that Logan was still going to love her when she saw him again and she didnt know when but it would all work out, she was sure of it. 1 or 2 more chapters until its done. sry, and i might make a sequal, its augest 23rd right now and its my b-day. Presley aka Crash aka B-day Girl 35. A Special Note From 2 Loves After Dana went off her tour with her band, Carly and Dana had to go back to ACA. For the first time in 3 years she was actually upset about going back to ACA. She was staring out the window of their limo. Carly was sad but she didnt let it show. She missed Mike as much as Dana missed Logan. They pulled up to the front gates of ACA and saw Leanna waiting for them. Dana and Carly got out of the limo and walked over to Leanna. "Hey CD!" Leanna said happily. "Hey Mouth, how was your summer?" Carly asked. "It would have been more fun if I didnt get stuck in summer school." Leanna complained."Oh and im rooming with you guys this year, isnt that great?" "Yeah." Dana and Carly mumbled. "What happend?" Leanna said with a sigh looking at the expressions on her friends faces. "Michael and Logan arent coming to ACA this year and we're never going to see them again." Carly and Dana said at the same time. "Ok, changing the subject. How was the tour?" Leanna asked. They started to walk to their dorm, always the same one. "It was ok, untill almost all of us got sick at the same time." Dana said sighing. As they were walking to their dorm, a couple of skaters walked by them and gave them a wink. Leanna's jaw dropped and Dana and Carly just waved hi. "Are you guys ok?" Leanna asked looking at them funny. "Yeah we have boyfriends that we promised to stay faitful to, even though their miles and miles away." Carly said looking sad. "Well sucks for you guys, Hey Brandon wait up!" Leanna said chasing after the boys. Dana and Carly sighed. "What now?" Dana asked. "How should I know, you always come up with the bright ideas." Carly argued. Dana was just about to say something when she saw something on their dorm door. "Whats this?" She asked. She opened it and it was a note. "Whats it say?" Carly asked. "_Dana, go to the place you cant live without and Carly go to the place where you think about life...Love 2. _Ok so a place where I cant live with out is...the auditorium, and the place you think about life is..." Dana said letting Carly finish the sentence. "Is the beach, but why would we go there now?" Carly asked. "Lets go find out." Dana said making her way to the auditorium. Carly started to walk the oppisite way of Dana but then took a U-turn because there was only one exit on this floor. Dana started to walk right when she was out of the door, and Carly walked left. Carly went to her favorite spot on the beach. It was behinde a giant rock so not a lot of people knew where it was. She looked around and didnt see anyone. "Great prank." She mumbled. "This isnt a prank." Someone said behind her. She slowly turned around and saw Michael standing there with a rose in his hand. "Michael!" Carly screamed as she ran into his arms. They were in a lip lock for about 5 minutes before Michael pulled away putting his forehead against hers. Michael gave her the rose. "Oops, that wasnt supposed to happen." Mike mumbled laughing as they looked at the smushed rose. Carly giggled. "It looks fine to me." Carly said smiling at Michaels effort. Michael gave her a goofy smirk. "So if your here, that means that Logan is the person Dana is going to meet." "Logan? Logan didnt come with me." Michael said confused. "Then who else was the note from?" Carly asked starting to panic. "The note should have said, _Carly go to the place where you love to think about life, From S.O.S' _There was nothing about Dana in the note." Michael said. "We have to get to the Auditorium. Now!" Carly said running towards their with Mike on her tail. sry for the short chapter, one more to go, everyone says boo now. who is actually with dana in the auditorium? you have to read and review to find out. 10 reviews before i update again. and i have writers block on all my other stories sorry for the long waits. Presley aka Crash 36. Suprise Suprise lastone Dana walked over to the auditorium in search for her, mystery person. She had no clue who it could be. She had a couple of hunches but really didnt think they were right. She opened the door to the auditorium and it was pitch black inside, she flipped on the lights and didnt see anything out of the ordanary. She walked up to the stage and sat down on the piano looked around for anyone. She didnt see anything so she started to just mess around. She was about to start to sing what she was thinking but the lights went off. Dana jumped up. "Whos there!?" She asked trying to hide her panic. Then the lights turned on. "Dana? You scared me, I didnt think that no body was in here." Bucky the janitor said. "I think you scared me more." Dana said with a dry laugh as her breathing returned to normal. "Are you going to stay in here or can I lock up?" He asked. "Im gonna stay a little while longer, I still have the key from last year I can lock up for you." Dana said with a smile. He nodded and waved as he walked out. Dana turned on her ipod and was looking for a song and saw one she didnt know she had because she definatly didnt have it on their the last time she checked, It was Cartels new song 'The Fortunate'. Hey don't pay no mind We are the second you're minutes behind So you say, "Yeah I'm alright" You are the fortunate all the time Yea, you are the fortunate... I've been looking for a way out Something that isn't so cruel I'm a little tired, you see Complacent and miserable I think you're missing out I think you're dumbing it down You're past the point of owning up to your words There's no getting it by us now So if it's ok by you... Hey don't pay no mind We are the second you're minutes behind So you say, "Yeah I'm alright" You are the fortunate all the time So full of misadventure and feelings insecure It's so easy push the pen, fake the tense, And give us nothing more And if it's ok by you... Hey don't pay no mind We are the second you're minutes behind So you say, "Yeah I'm alright" You are the fortunate all the time And if it's the one thing that I've been sure of... Well its ok, I know you've got the time... If it's all one in the same thing Then I've been waiting for the fallout, we're history But it's gone on for so long, for so long That I don't think it will ever be the same Hey don't pay no mind We are the second you're minutes behind So you say, "Yeah I'm alright" You are the fortunate all the time Hey don't pay no mind We are the second you're minutes behind So you say, "Yeah I'm alright" You are the fortunate all the time She was sitting at the piano again, she pushed a key but it didnt sound right, she looked under the top and saw another note labled 'Dana'. She picked it up and it read, _Finally, im pretty sure you have already listened to 'The Fortunate' now go to where kids love to play._ _2nd love_ Dana gave a frustrated grunt and was kinda weirded out at the fact this person knows what she was doing. "Stalker." She joked to her self as she walked over to the park. She locked the door and went over to the park. She sat down in the swings as it started to get dark. She stared up into the night sky. She suddenly got an inspiration for a song. She cursed herself for not having any paper at a time like this. Someone came up behind her and started to push her on the swing, Dana instantly jumped off. Seeing who it was her whole expression from suprised changed... "Fuck!" Carly yelled as she saw the door to the auditorium was locked and all the lights were off. "Where could she be?" Michale asked panicing as much as Carly. She was pacing back and forth and saw the note labled Dana. She read it and so did Mike. "A place where kids play?" Carly asked. Michael hit his head. "The park!" He said as he pulled her in that direction. They ran up to the swings and saw Dana in a lip lock with someone with curly hair holding onto Dana tightly. Carly and Michale hid behind the slide. "I thought you said that Logan didnt come with you?" Carly whispered watching them. "I did, I guess he came by himself." Michale said back. He looked over at Carly."Why dont we join them?" Carly raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Sure, anytime." She answered as they copied Dana and Logan. And that my friends is the story of how love prevails over... screw it, it just shows that teenagers are all about making out and drama. Until Next Time, Crash FOBsession 37. Read If You Want I thank all of you for reviewing, even though this story sucked. In my opinion this was the worst story I have EVER written. I had so many random ideas in here that I didnt even use. Like the paint war and Carly and Mike's date. I just put together all of the ideas that I had in my head at the time down, Im really happy that you guys liked it. I wish It could have been better, but what can I do about that now. I dont really have any ideas for a sequal. If you give me one that I like I can proble do something with it but it might take a while. And Im really sorry for not updating like any of my stories. I have a case of never ending writers block. Im really sorry for that. Im trying to update 'I Know This Is Wrong' and 'Business Of Misery'. And I think that im probley one of the stupidest people alive because on the title of that story, I spelt Business wrong. I was cracking up about that. I cant spell like at all. LMAO! Well, anyway. Thanks for reading this story. Much Love, Presley aka Fob-session-DL-Freak End file.
Atlantic Coast Academy by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
Harsh **Summary: **"You were never a waste of time... You just turned out to be a harsh realisation... that I could do better." Dana sat on the beach, waiting for her 'prince' to show up. Prince my ass. Her self appointed, 'prince', was a transfer student from PCA's sister school in Florida. His name was Zack. Zoey had talked Dana into showing him around PCA his first day, and they seemed to click as soon as he came. That's what any one who saw them from a distance, but close up, you could hear all the lies he was feeding her. "Your the most amazing girl ever." "I want to be with you forever." "Even though we just started dating, I feel like I've known you forever." "Your the only girl that's made me feel this way." _"I love you."_ Dana huffed out loud when she replayed that line in her head. Love? Hardly. He told her that she was 'the one' the day after they started to date. It was played out, and Dana knew where it was headed. Sadly, she just kept up with their dating scene. She didn't want to be mean to the Transfer student, who had no friends. Turns out, he had plenty of friends. Not the normal kind, like the 'hey, what's up, wanna hang out?' kind, oh no, that would have made this whole situation more bareable. His friends went something like... 'hey, what's up, wanna suck me off later?'. This really wasn't close to love. Love is what Dana felt for Logan. That insensitive jerk of a man whore. In theroy, Zack and Logan were the same. Couldn't get enough of the opposite sex, but seriously, Dana felt that it was all an act with Logan. She's seen other sides of Logan, that controdicted everything he stood for now. Dana knew that with Logan, it was all an game when he was around people, he said he had a reputation to uphold. Dana knew Logan was fine. He just needed a push in the right direction. She couldn't fool herself, it wasn't right to be with Zack, if she truly loved Logan... and the fact that Zack was cheating on her, made her decision all the easier. Dana didn't want to be with Zack. After 4 months of lying, and cheating on Zack's part, she was done. She definetly concidered loving Zack after the first month, she told him that she loved him too, but she was blind. She only found out about the other girls a week ago. She thought it would hurt more, but it didn't even sting. She finally figured it out, she wanted to be with Logan. "What is it Dana? I have uh.. homework that needs to get done." Zack said coming up behind her. Dana got up and brushed the sand off. Zack went up to her and tried to kiss her, but she pushed him off. "Don't, okay?" Dana said taking a safe step backwords. "What'd I do?" Zack asked, instantly getting defensive. "We're done Zack." Dana said quietly looking into his eyes. "Done? What?" Zack asked in shock. "Done, as in I don't want to be with you anymore." Zack couldn't believe it, a million thoughts raced through his head, "What was this then, Dana? A game? Just a waste of time?" "Zack, you were never a waste of time... your just a harsh realisation that I could do so much better." Dana said her voice breaking slightly. Even though she loved Logan, it didn't mean that she didn't like Zack, it kinda hurt to see him mad like this. "Dana, wha-.." She didn't hear him. She left as soon as she said it. She started to walk off the beach, when Logan came out from behind the wall, seperating the beach, and PCA. "You okay?" Logan asked, hooking his hand in Dana's. She turned to him and smiled. "Of course I am, your so much better for me." **AN: **I'm getting really into one-shots. Crappy Sappy. (: End file.
Harsh by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
The End **The End** -One Shot- (Zoey's POV) Why is it that in the end of every movie and book everyone's so happy? Why does it always work out between everyone. It all comes together. Every single stupid movie and every single stupid book that I have read there had been a happy ending. Life is not like that. Life is not predictable. Life does not always end with the girl and the guy happy and laughing and together. It just doesn't work that way. Well, I am sitting here in my seat at the PCA class of 2009 graduation ceremony. It's almost the end. Tonight is the last night before we say good bye. And I still haven't told him. Sure there have been rumors of him "loving" me and stuff. Lola and Nicole continue to tell me that he's in love with me and I should let him tell me. Well, I have waited since the eigth grade and he has never said a word to me about his supposed "secret love" for me. And now it's over. In approximately 4 hours and 37 minutes I will be on my way home and than I will go to college, where there is no Chase. He'll move on. I'll move on. We'll eventually lose touch and all we'll have are those distant memories of old times at PCA. "Michael Barret," I watched Michael stand up and walk to the stage. Dean Rivers handed him his diploma and he moved his tasle on his cap from the right to the left. If Chase had a thing for me wouldn't he have done something by now? I mean, really, he's had about four girlfriends since I've known him. There was Abby, who moved to Russia, Tara, who developed some kind of odd rash and dropped out of PCA, Lola, one of my best friends, and you can't forget Rebecca, the phycho. "Nicole Bristow." We have been through so much. Fights, most of them over stupid stuff, like when we both ran for class president in ninth grade. And then there were the not so stupid fights like in March of 2006 when he took my TekMate. I never did find out what that message said... "Zoey Brooks," Dean Rivers called. I stood up and walked to Dean Rivers. He handed me my diploma. Gosh it's amazing how one flimsy piece of paper represents all of your hard work for 12 years of school. I smiled to the crowd once I took my place next to a guy I never met, Nick Broves. Dad, Mom, and Dustin were in the front row waving like maniacs and taking pictures. Then my eyes fell on him. He was looking at me. I caught his eye. He gave me a little wave and twas grinning like a fool. I'm pretty sure I was doing the same thing. "Dana Cruz." What would it be like to kiss him? Like kissing my brother? Maybe. But maybe it could be something more. My mind wandered back to the time when we acted like boyfriend and girlfriend. My hand was in his. It sorta... felt right. Then when Trisha told us to kiss... I was shocked at first but then I wanted to. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if Dustin didn't pummel Chase to the ground right before the kiss. "Rebecca Freeman," Dean Rivers called her name and I swear, I shuddered. Just thinking back to that time makes me want to vomit. First Quinn and Lola were trying to convince me that Chase wanted to profess his love to me so I decide to confront him and walk in on him and his girlfriend kissing. "Lola Martinez." I think that's when I knew. It was so clear to me that I was jealous. But not the kind of jealous that is only because a girl is moving in on your territory. No, it was because I had to see that to realize my true feelings for him. So at least Rebecca's exsistance isn't a complete waste. "Chase Matthews." I watched him walk up and he didn't take his eyes off of me. He took his diploma and took his place on the bleachers. It's going to be so hard to say good bye. I don't understand how it's possible. I couldn't think up a better best friend. He's loyal, always there for me, and I laugh with him. Like, really laugh. Not the forced laugh, not the "Oh ha ha. That's so funny" laugh. It's the laugh so hard you almost wet yourself laugh. "Quinn Pensky." Tears started to blur my vision. This was really happening. We'd all be seperated. What would I do without Quinn and her weird weirdness? Nicole and her excessive talk about cute boys? Dana and her tough love? Lola and her weird aspirings to be an actress? Michael and his strange awkward ways? Logan and his love for Logan? "Logan Reese." It was almost over. It was nearing an end. And there's no such thing as a beautiful good bye. Say we do kiss and confess our love? In the end, we'll still be at different schools. "Zack Zyler." Who is Zack Zyler?! "It is my honor to introduce PCA's class of 2009. Congratulations students, we did it!" So...we did it. * * * I was packing my things in silence. Lola and Nicole were talking non-stop about their colleges and how it's going to be so much fun. I can't say that I agree. There was a knock on the door. "Hey, Zoey," Chase walked in. This was it. This was the moment I had been waiting for five honking years! "Hi, Chase." "Uh...can I ask you something?" "Anything." It's coming. Finally.Nicole and Lola left the room, reading my mind. "Do you have my cd?" Chase asked. "Your what?" "My cd. The Beatles. I let you borrow it a few months ago." "Oh... yeah. I have that." Feeling like a moron I rummaged through my cd collection and found his cd. "Thanks." "Not a problem. See ya Chase." I said, slightly angry. He started to walk out and then stopped. "Zoe?" he said in a softer tone of voice this time. He came closer to me. "Yeah?" He looked into my eyes and I stared back it his. He touched the back of my head and brought my lips to his. It was short but sweet. "I love you, Zoey. I've always loved you." "Me too." "What?" "Since the day we met," I said. And than I slapped him across his left cheek. "Ow! What in the world was that for?" "Why did you wait so long? This is the end. It's all over. PCA. You and me. Who knows if we'll even see each other again!" "We will," Chase assured me. "How do you know?" I asked him. "I just know." "Like an ESP thing?" "No, like a feeling in my gut. We're too good of friends to let a little thing like college get in the way of our relationship." "True." He kissed me again. "And love always wins over distance." So that's the end. There's no dramatic school change. We didn't both quit school and get married. It's not like the movies. It's the end- of PCA. There's no way that it's the end of our relationship. One chapter's over and the others just beginning. * * * A/N: I wrote this in one day. Are ya proud of me? You should be! People, please review my stories. I get so many hits but hardly any reviews. You don't seem to understand that reviews are the source of my inspiration. I feel like writing when I get a flood of e-mails saying I have no reviews. I do not have inspiration when the mailbox is empty. Help me out! Review. I just finished A New Beginning, The Notebook, and started a new story called It's All Coming Back. REVIEWS equal HAPPY AUTHOR equals MORE UPDATES The End. End file.
The End by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Planet The word planet has two meanings; to wander and a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity. Both definitions having a meaning to Quinn. Quinn is a person of science. She loves science because it is both a bunch of facts and something that makes you think and dig deep into. In a science case, to Quinn, a planet is the worst form of science. This is one aspect in science where you know the diameter of a planet, the eccentricity, the amount of atmospheric gas, its period of revolution and rotation and a bunch of other pointless facts that mean nothing to anyone unless you are traveling to space. The scientists have figured that much out. But they don't know why. They can't tell you why the planets are there. They can't tell you how many planets are there in this universe of ours, they can give you an estimate, but how do they know? How do you _really _know? The truth of the matter is you don't. You don't know. No one will ever know. That is why Quinn hates astronomy. There is no real answer to it. There is no real answer to why anyone leaves without saying anything either. "Okay, I so don't get English." Logan complained at their lunch table on Thursday afternoon. "How do you not get English?" Chase questioned, "It is the easiest class possible." Chase thought about his last statement and corrected, "Well, unless of course, you are a seventeen year old boy who doesn't know the words comeuppance and flabbergasted." They all tried to hide their laughter whilst reminiscing on those times, with the exception of Lola who couldn't care less about the boy's feelings and made it certain he heard her. He glared at them all and then gave up when he came to Quinn who seemed dazed and wasn't laughing at the stupidity of himself. He wanted to ask her what was wrong but that isn't what people like him did. Then he was no longer mad at them for laughing at him. Of course it wasn't cool for them to laugh at his lack of brilliance in one particular subject, but he did deserve to be humiliated. He suddenly felt bad for always being mean to his friends, especially Quinn. After looking over Quinn for a moment or two Logan spoke, "I have to go." He stood up, slinging his backpack over his right shoulder and grabbing the tray with his left hand. The remaining people at the table felt a pang of guilt go through them and the rest of their lunch was quiet. _How could he do that?_ Quinn thought to herself when she walked to her sixth period class after lunch. _How could he just leave me like that?_ She forced herself to stop thinking about him and hold back the tears of sorrow and pain. She convinced herself that she could sulk later, but now she had a history exam to ace and she would have to focus on that. Taking the test was good for Quinn, at first, because it made her think about the Cold War. That was her favorite war. She hated using science for evil and that was pretty evil, but they didn't have to resort to the nuclear bombs and the evil of science was no longer present. The only problem with that was she finished with ten minutes left in the period, which gave her ten minutes of free thinking. That was disappointing to Quinn. Knock Knock Knock. Logan got up from pausing his video game and opened the door to find Quinn. "Hello?" Logan greeted although more of a question. She forced a gentle smile and asked if Chase was there. After replying with saying it was only him until home until curfew because Chase and Michael were on a double date, Quinn frowned and said goodbye and made her way to leave. "Wait." Logan called after her. Quinn turned, raising her eyebrows in response. "Well, since we will both be alone anyway, do you maybe want to stay and hand with me?" Logan said absent-mindedly. He wanted her to stay, but he felt embarrassed because he knew she would turn him down. "Sure." Quinn replied with a small smile and made her way in to sit on the couch. Logan smiled to himself and took a seat next to her. After a moments awkward silence Quinn spoke, "Can I ask you a question?" "Yeah." Logan nodded, standing in front of their 40" flat screen TV turning off his game system. "Why don't boys like talking to girls?" Logan was taken aback by her sudden and random question. To Quinn's surprise he really thought about and answered with this, "Because guys are afraid. We act all tough and try to be so cool, but we're really afraid. Some dudes are afraid that girls will freak out at them and not understand, or you can talk to a chick and she'll go and tell the rest of campus. They're also afraid of the girls that will listen. Girls that know guys. Guys, guys don't need people to try to respond to them and make them better, they need someone to listen to them and nod occasionally." Logan stopped for a few moments. "Girls need someone to compare a similar occasion with them and for people to say 'oh it's okay' because for some people its not okay, its just not and we don't need people telling us things like that, we just want someone to pat us on the back and let us no in some way that they understand." Logan couldn't believe he just shared that with Quinn. He was afraid to look at her. When he finally did, she was crying. "Are, are you okay?" Logan asked. Quinn shook her head. "Mark broke up with me. He left. He just left. Told me he needed to talk, he said we have to break up, and then he wandered away. Just like that. Not even caring to look back. Not even giving reasons why. Saying the basic facts, but no true answer. A answer that no one will ever know, one that he probably doesn't even know himself." Quinn finished. Logan didn't even know how to respond to her. He felt like he knew her, really _knew_ her. Then realization dawned on him that he liked her. And he kissed her. Just like that. They pulled away and Quinn nodded and left. Quinn came to a conclusion with the word planet. Planet: To wander- No one likes to be left alone, for someone to wander away from them. But then again, one persons wandering can lead to another's. Planet: a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity- Meaningless blobs of space at first, which really have no answer. They have no response for your question of their existence, but they give you the facts that you have to deal with and live with it that you will never know anymore then that. All you can do then is nod in understanding at the information they gave you. **I am actually very proud of that!! I hope you all enjoyed the Quoganness. I have to sleep now. It's only ten o'clock here, but I have a class trip ( : ] ) tomorrow to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty and I have to wake up early. Goodnight!! Read and Review! Thank you!** End file.
Planet by ToBecomeAClown
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Battle for her Luv Chap 1 **A/n: Just something I wrote while my auntie was shopping! Hope you enjoy it!** One night the girls were doing some late night shopping after dinner with the guys. After about half an hour of shopping Dana yawned hugely. "I'm gonna head back the dorm, OK, guys?" she said rather sleepily. The girls bid her goodnight and waved her off. Dana strolled slowly back to their dorm. About halfway there Dana felt as if there were someone watching her, so she quickened her pace. Before long Dana was running, running like the wind. Dana looked around to see if anyone was there. There was no-one. All the same she kept on running. Suddenly Dana felt a hand on her shoulder, but before she could turn around to see who it was a cloth was drawn over her eyes and everything went dark. Dana was about to scream when another cloth was tied into her mouth. Dana was helpless, all she could do now was stand still and remain there. Then her assassin swept her off her feet. Dana felt herself being carried into the bushes. She was petrified. Dana felt herself being roughly thrown onto the ground, and then her clothes were taken off. When her assassin had done what he wanted to do, he put Dana's clothes back on and bound her hands and legs and left her there. When the girls got back to the dorm, they were so tired they went straight to bed and didn't even think about Dana's untouched bed. In the morning Zoey woke up to find Dana's bed was still untouched. She checked the girls' lounge and the bathroom. Zoey couldn't find her anywhere, so she rang her cel phone. The phone rang out. "Where could she be?" Zoey said to herself. Halfway across campus Dana heard her cel ringing. She winced as she moved to answer it. Zoey panicked and ran into her dorm. "Lola, Nicole! I can't find Dana!" Zoey yelled utterly panic stricken. Lola and Nicole jumped out of bed. "I'm phoning Chase!" Zoey declared. Dana lay completely helpless in the bushes. Her cel was ringing again, this time Dana just lay there bound and gagged. A few minutes later she heard a voice calling her name "Dana? Dana? Where are you?" the voice sounded very distressed. Dana moaned weakly as there was nothing she could do. Her phone rang again. "Dana?" the voice asked. All of a sudden Dana heard the bushes being parted. Then her blindfold was removed. Standing in front of her was Michael, his face was streaked with worry. He quickly untied Dana's hands and legs and ripped her gag out. Dana flung herself at Michael, and then broke down sobbing. "It's OK! It's OK!" Michael whispered. Michael comforted Dana for another ten minutes, and then he escorted the badly shaken Dana back to her dorm. Dana shook like mad all the way. When they got to Dana's dorm Michael laid her on her bed and wrapped her duvet round her. From there he phoned the gang to say he'd found Dana. The gang grouped in the girl's dorm. Dana who had calmed down a bit told them all about her experience and at the end broke into a fresh round of sobs. "Dana, it's alright! We're here now!" Michael soothed. Dana collapsed onto him and clutched at his top. Dana sobbed and shook. Michael pushed her back and tucked her in. "Get some sleep, K?" Michael ordered. Dana nodded her head and closed her eyes, while Michael ushered everyone out the room and closed the door behind him. Michael couldn't keep his mind off Dana all day. At lunch Dana didn't turn up, so Michael took her a sandwich, a blix and a double choc chip muffin. Dana had already gotten up and dressed, but all she did was sit on her bed huddled up. Michael knocked on the door. "Come in!" Dana muttered. Michael stepped in and showed Dana what he had brought her. Dana smiled thankfully and took the goods gratefully. Michael was about to leave when Dana grabbed his arm. "Please stay!" Dana begged. Michael sat on Zoey's bed and watched Dana eat her food. In a way Michael felt as though he loved her, but then he thought of what she meant to Logan. Michael was torn in two, true love or friendship. **A/N: What did you think of that? I quite liked writing that chap!** 2. Chapter 2 Battle for her Luv Chap 2 **A/n: What will Michael pick? Or will Logan come in to be beside Dana before he has the chance?** Dana watched Michael. He seemed dazed as though he had something on his mind. Of course he did, but Dana didn't know that. Just then there was another knock on the door. "Come in!" Dana said through mouthfuls. The swung open and Logan stepped in. "Hey babe!" Logan said comfortingly, then he shot an awkward glance at Michael, "What's he doing here?" "Logan, don't! He was actually looking after me! He only gave me lunch! And it's not like me and you were ever together!" Dana pleaded. Logan rolled his eyes. Michael looked sheepish. "I'll go now! Bye Dana! Bye Logan!" Michael whispered. Dana hugged him and Logan looked extra jealous. Michael waved and popped out the door. "Logan, pack it in will ya!" Dana muttered. "Why, baby?" Logan asked puzzled. "Firstly coz I'm not your baby. Secondly I'm no-one's baby. And thirdly I don't need this right now." Dana explained, "Now leave me alone!" "No!" Logan protested. "Yes." Dana moaned. "Fine!" Logan shouted grumpily. Dana knew what was happening, Michael liked her, but he doesn't want to hurt Logan's feelings, as Logan's been dropping stupid hints since the start of the semester. Well actually he had been dropping hints since Dana came to PCA, but it was really hard to figure out if he was serious or not. Dana sat in silence trying to figure out the two guys in her life. Which one did she love, if any? At dinner Dana didn't turn up again. Michael and Logan sat in silence, not daring to look at each other. Zoey felt the mutual dislikement between the two, but didn't know what it was about. After dinner Michael took Dana some dinner, a pizza and some blix. This time he didn't stay in fear of being caught by Logan. He went back to his dorm, stuck in thought of Dana. Michael swore to himself that if Logan didn't make a move soon he would. Michael sat crossed-legged on the floor in his dorm. Logan strolled in. "You've been chatting up Dana, haven't you?" Logan jeered. Just then Chase walked in. He sensed the tension and sat on the sofa. Chase picked up his car magazine and focused on it. Michael wasn't going to answer Logan. "Were you or were you not chatting Dana up today?" Logan said angrily, staring right into Michael's eyes. Michael stared right back. "Are you gonna answer me or not?" Logan shouted into Michael's face. Michael stared right into Logan's eyes, not daring to speak. Even if Michael was going to answer by this time it would be too late. Logan was beating him up! So much for best mates! Chase sat there and stared at his two best friends. What they were fighting about he did not know, all he knew was they were taring each other apart. And Logan was really giving Michael a hard time. Out of instinct Chase grabbed his phone and rang Zoey. He explained everything. Zoey was stunned and freaked out by the news. "Dana, do you know why Dana and Logan are fighting?" she asked. "Oh my god!" Dana screamed, "I've got to get there!" She was about to step out the room, when she suddenly felt dizzy. Dana grabbed hold of the door frame desperately. She didn't hold on for long because the next second Dana had fallen on the floor. "Dana?" Zoey asked worriedly. "Oh my god, Dana!" Nicole shrieked, when the unconscious girl didn't respond. "Phone the guys! Oh god! Phone the guys!" Lola tried to say rationally. Zoey grabbed her phone, punched in Chase's number and waited. "Hello?" "Chase! Dana just, I don't know, but she on the floor! I think she's unconscious!" A very distressed Zoey screamed. "O.K! Don't panic! I'll tell Logan and Michael! Phone an ambulance! Bye!" "Bye!" In the hospital, the gang, all except Dana, sat in the waiting room. Zoey was drumming her fingers on the arm of the chair annoyingly, Chase sat next to her thinking, Lola was flicking through the latest issue of 'Teen Girls', Nicole sat plaiting her hair and Michael and Logan sat staring each other out. "Look, I know you two just had a huge fight, but we really don't need this!" Chase said the which nobody else dared to. Michael and Logan looked at their feet embarrassedly. "You two are best friends, and yet you were killing each other! I don't think that's right!" Chase continued, "What exactly were you two fighting about anyway?" "Doesn't matter." Michael muttered. "Alright then, don't be so-so-so violent next time!" In the ward Dana lay, still unconscious. She had one of those heart monitors plugged into her. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Dana lay there, doctors surrounded her. Psychological, they thought. Dana wouldn't wake up. She just lay there, not moving. The doctors were puzzled. A young girl, in a supposable coma, with no reason. "Dana? If you can hear us, please show us a sign!" one of the doctors pleaded. Dana moaned. "Dana? You have to wake up!" another doctor ordered. Dana moaned again. Her eyes slowly flitted open. Her face cringed. "Dana, are you all right?" the first doctor asked. "No! I am not fucking alright!" Dana groaned, "I just collapsed, two guys have just been fighting over me and I got raped last night, and you want to know if I'm alright! Well have I got news for you! I'm not!" "O.K! O.K, calm down!" the second doctor begged. **A/n: That's it for one more chap! What do you think will happen next? Who you think will get Dana?** 3. Chapter 3 Battle For her Luv Chap 3 **A/n:Ooh! I just realised Dana just confessed that she was raped in the last chap! Time for the cops/police/the big bozos!** "Fine! I'm calm! See!" Dana huffed. "Now, Dana, did you just say you were raped last night?" the first doctor asked. "No, I said I was dancing with the fairies!" Dana said sarcastically. "Alright, then!" the first doctor, "Have you informed the cops?" "No I have not 'informed' the cops! I just recovered from shock!" "Didn't your friends phone them?" "No, they just carried on as normal, except Michael and Logan who obviously were fighting over me!" "Then would you like us to do it for you?" "No I don't need the BIG BOZOS invading my privacy, thank you very much!" "Right then! You'll have to stay in hospital over night, just for monitoring!" "Great! More fuss!" "Would you like any of your friends in to see you?" "Yes, Michael and Logan, separately though! I've had enough drama for one day!" xx The doctors left Dana on her own and went to get Michael and Logan. Logan was allowed in to see her first. xx "You had us all worried!" Logan exclaimed. "Well, I'm not gonna make a habit of it!" Dana responded. "You better not!" "What did those doctors tell you about me?" "They said they'd never treated a girl with such a foul temper!" "Seriously?" "Seriously! The look on their faces when they walked into that waiting room, I thought something had gone terribly wrong!" "Why were you fighting with Michael?" "They were really pissed at you!" "Logan, listen! Why were you fighting with Michael?" "He was chatting you up earlier today, so I thought I'd set him straight!" "He wasn't chatting me up!" "Oh!" Then there was a long uncomfortable pause. "Well I'll send Michael in!" Logan announced. He hugged Dana, kissed her on the cheek and waved as he left the room. xx As Logan passed Michael, he gave him a nasty look. "YOU can go in now!" Michael shook his head, but said nothing. He then walked into the room. xx As Logan stepped into the waiting room he was bombarded with questions, each and every one about Dana. xx "Hey, Michael!" Dana greeted. "Hey!" Michael smiled. "How are you?" "What do you mean, how am I? I'm not the one in hospital!" "So! How are you? I heard about your fight with Logan! Why were you fighting? Why didn't you just set him straight?" "I'm fine! Logan obviously told you why we were fighting! I didn't set him straight because I didn't know how!" "Right, that makes the world of sense! A guy not knowing how to set someone straight!" "I do know how to set someone straight! It was a difficult situation!" "Alright, alright! Keep your shirt on!" "Do you need anything from PCA?" "Nah! I'll be out tomorrow!" "Are you sure? Even things you might need if they keep you in?" "I've got everything I need right here!" Dana flashed him her phone, "And plus they won't need to keep me in! Will they? Or do you know something I don't!" "No I suppose they won't! Well I better be going! See ya in the morning!" Michael hugged Dana, kissed her on the opposite cheek to Logan and waved goodbye as he left the room. xx In the morning Dana sat on her bed, dressed in yesterday's denim mini-skirt and baby blue halter-neck, waiting for someone, anyone to come and pick her up. Michael walked in with Mr. Bender. "Hi, Dana!" Mr. Bender greeted friendily. "Hi, Dana!" Michael smiled. "Hi!" Dana mumbled. "You ready to go?" Mr. Bender asked. "Uh-huh!" Dana muttered. She heaved herself off the bed and grabbed her cel. xx When they got back to PCA, Dana headed straight for her dorm. People looked at her from everywhere. Dana didn't care. Obviously when she was unconscious the ambulance drew more attention than she needed. Michael walked with her. Not beside her, but behind her. Dana hadn't looked round, but she knew he was there. Walking behind her, watching her. xx Dana opened the door to her dorm. She saw Zoey, Nicole and Lola looking at her, so she shut the door. She turned around and entwined Michael's hands in her's. "Thanks for everything Mike! You're a true friend!"And with that she kissed him, a long lasting kiss. xx After two minutes Zoey opened the door. "Dana are you coming in or wh-" She quickly shut the door again and turned to Lola and Nicole. "I think I just find out why Logan and Michael were fighting!" "How?" Nicole asked confusedly. "Dana and Michael are kissing in the hall!" Zoey announced. "Oh my god! I thought Logan liked Dana!" Nicole squealed. Zoey smacked her head. "He does! Michael obviously does too!" Lola explained completely for Nicole's benefit. "Oh!" Nicole said still confused, "Then does that mean Logan and Michael were fighting over Dana!" Lola and Zoey smacked their heads in unison. **A/n:What did ya think? What's gonna happen next? Is Michael gonna keep Dana? Is Logan gonna kill him? All answers revealed in the next chap!** **Now for everyone's fav part the REVIEW!** 4. Chapter 4 Battle For Her Luv Chap 4 **A/n:Can't be bothered saying much except read I DON'T KNOW!!!!! My story!!!!! And this is probably the last chap!** "Oh my god! They just saw us! They'll tell Logan! I have to stop them!" Dana screamed once she'd broken apart from Logan and the last five minutes had sunk in. "You don't have to! They can't tell him coz they'll have to go passed us to!" Michael murmured. "What about his cel?" "They wouldn't tell him something this 'tragic' over the phone." "You're right!" They started kissing again. Xx They didn't break apart until they heard footsteps down the hall. Dana started to panic. She hugged him and whispered, "That's probably Logan!" in his ear. Michael nodded and muttered, "Bye!" and walked away. Dana smiled after him. Sure enough round the corner was Logan. Dana popped her her head into the door and zipped up the imaginary zip on her mouth indicating to the other three to keep it quiet. "How's my angel?" Logan asked kindly. "Actually Logan..." Dana trailed off, not quite knowing how to explain it. "You're..." Logan gulped, "...with Michael, aren't you?" Dana nodded. "I'm O.K! With that!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah! I can have any girl I want remember! I'll get over you! I hope!" "We can still be friends, right?" "We'll see!" "Oh please, Logan!" "We were never friends in the first place, remember!" "Yep!" "Good!" "Can we go back to whatever we were before, then?" "Definitely! Only this time a little more civilised talking!" "Deal!" Dana couldn't resist the urge she hugged Logan tight. He hugged back. "Thanks for being there!" Dana mumbled. "You too!" Logan replied. They both let go. "What did I do?" "Nothing I guess!" "Can you do me something?" "Yeah! Anything!" "Pepper-spray!" "What?" "You heard me! Pepper-spray!" "What for?" "People's eyes!" "Only if you don't use it on me!" "Fine!" "Bye, Dana!" "Bye and thanks!" Dana then walked into her dorm and flopped on her bed. She let out a long and loud sigh. Xx "Dana and Michael up a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, and then comes the ba-" Nicole was singing childishly, but Dana gave her the 'death' stare and she had to stop. Dana was cuddled up to Michael, Zoey was sitting next to Chase, Logan was sat next to Nicole and Lola was lying on the floor. They were talking about the events that had happened in that weekend. Quite a lot as it seemed. And it was. Dana had been raped, fallen unconscious and fallen in love with Michael, much to Logan's despair... **A/n: What did you think? What about the ending? Should there be a sequel? I really don't know!!!!!! Sorry about the short chap didn't know what else to put in as the end seemed good to me!!!!** End file.
Battle for her Luv by Zina Nevirone
Zoey 101
The Dance I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! NICKELODION DOES! "LOLA! LET'S GET OUT HERE BEFORE THIS PLACE BLOWS!!!!" Zoey Brooks screamed to her best friend/roommate. Their other roommate Quinn was doing another one of her Quinnventions and that always scared the crap other of Lola and Zoey. They walked into the bookstore and started to look at the latest magazine that were on the racks. "So who do you want to ask you to the dance?" Lola asked flipping through a fashion magazine. "I don't know I mean I want Chase to but, I doubt that he will." Zoey said quietly, only Lola ad Quinn knew that she liked Chase. "What about you?" "Well I wasn't sure about it at first but I want Logan to." Lola said. Of course both of the girls where unaware that Michael had hear everything that they had said. "GUYS, GUYS, GUYS!" Michael yelled as he ran into his dorm that he shared with Logan and Chase. "WHAT, WHAT, WHAT!?!?!?!?!" Chase yelled back. " Lola wants Logan to ask her to the dance and Zoey wants Chase to. Hello??" Michael started to wave his hands in front of the guy's faces but they were just staring. All of a sudden Chase and Logan were fighting each other out of the door. Zoey, Lola, and Quinn were sitting at the lunch table talking when Logan and Chase ran up. "WOAH! Where's the fire?" Quinn asked. "Lola will you take a walk with me/" Logan asked while Chase was asking the same thing to Zoey. Both the girls looked at each other and nodded. As they both walked off in different directions Logan grabbed Lola's hang and Chase grabbed Zoey's and at the exact same time the guys asked "Will you go to the dance with me?" "Yah! I loved to!" Zoey said. "Of course!" Lola said kissing Logan on the cheek. "So you wanna go make out?" Logan asked Lola "You're a pig!" "But a hot pig!" "Ok, a hot, lovable pig! Lola replied kissing him on the lips. End file.
The Dance by rebeccaLautner
Zoey 101
Mark's jealousy **A/N: Yeah, I know it's way late but I only started watching Zoey101 a few weeks ago. And I love it! So this is a short one shot of why Mark kisses Quinn randomly in _The Radio._ Mark/Quinn/Logan** **Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey101, if I did Mark and Rebecca would be dead and Choey would've been together ages ago!** * * * **Mark P.O.V** I wonder why Quinn wants to kiss me all of a sudden. I'm afraid I might put her off. It sounds stupid but I'm not ready to kiss her. I have no reason to, no motivation. Last time I kissed a girl was about a year and a half ago. I kissed my ex girlfriend Courtney. She didn't talk to me for two days after that. Am I that horrible? Anyways then came Quinn thinking I was dating her and Courtney hit my guts with a salami when she saw us together. What if Quinn dumps me after I kiss her? Or worse. What if she has an affair because I won't kiss her! "Hey Mark..." came a familiar but cold, uninterested voice. I looked up to see Quinn herself, standing there looking bored and moody. Was she dumping me? Usually she'd call me baby but she wasn't now. Scary. "Hi Quinn," I replied nervously. She stood there staring at her feet for a while. Then she drew her breath, that was it! I was gonna be single again! Should I kiss her? "I need you to help me with something. Well my friends more like..." she said. Phew she wasn't dumping me - at least not yet. "What with?" I asked. "Follow me..." she started. I got up and followed her through the corridors. I reached for her hand but she pulled away icily. Uh-oh! Was she planning to dump me in front of her friends? Or get Chase, Barrett and Reese to beat me up? I shivered as I remembered the fight with Vince Blake and his team. I would **die** if I got beaten up again! We stopped at the girls' lounge. There Quinn and her friends began explaining what they needed my help for. I was some neautral judge called the mediator. Or was it immediator? Basically, my job was to sit at the counter and listen to Chase and Zoey argue their case over a stupid radio. "And if I had known what it was worth, there would have been no chance that I'd have sold her that radio for a measly five bucks!" Chase said as my eyelids almost closed. "It wasn't my fault you didn't know..." Zoey muttered under her breath. "Hey! You already got your chance to talk!" Chase replied, hearing her comment. She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I say that any friend should, under these circumstances give me my radio back!" Of course I wasn't listening to any of this. I couldn't be bothered. I was looking at how close Logan Reese was standing next to _my_ girlfriend Quinn Pensky. They were barely an inch apart. Grr, I bet I was green right now! I snapped out of my train of thoughts. "Are ya done?" I asked hastily. Chase hesitated for a few minutes before finally saying, "I'm done." "Good. The radio belongs to Zoey," I announced, hitting the hammer on the metal thingy. Of course my decision was biased: if Quinn was for Zoey so was I. However, what happened immediately after my words made me wish I had chosen Chase. "I knew it!" Quinn squealed, turning to Lo- Reese and high fiving him. "Yes! Ha! Told ya I was right!" he exclaimed happily. All I wanted now was to break them up. _Literally_. "What!" Michael and Lola yelled in frustration. "I'm going to bed," I said sadly walking past Reese who pulled my girlfriend into a hug. She happily hugged him back. So much for hating him. "We shouldn't have let Mark be mediator!" Lola complained to Michael. She obviously knew that I was on Quinn's side for the sake of it! "We should do this over. I say we need a do over!" I heard her say to her friends as I walked off. * * * A few minutes later, I heard footsteps behind me. "Mark!" Quinn called. I turned around slowly as she ran up to me. I couldn't be mad at her for hugging one of her best guy friends. Besides, she hated him. But what if she didn't? What if they already kissed behind his back? Or what if she was planning to kiss him? "Thanks for being the mediator." "Sure, what else would I have to do at three in the morning?" I said sarcastically. She laughed quietly. It was now or never. "I just wanted to say, I think you made the right decision and I-" I cut her off by kissing her. Wow, her lips were soft and they tasted of apple and banana lipgloss. Better than Courtney's. I hope Reese didn't have the pleasure of kissing these lips before me. Of course not, Quinn wasn't the type of girl to cheat. After all, she was the one desperate for me. And not I was the one desperate to keep her as _mine_, and mine _alone_.The kiss lasted for about a minute. We pulled away for air and she smirked at me. "You kissed me..." she stated stunned. "I know, I was there" I replied smiling. "But why now? Why was this the right moment?" she asked. Oh no... I had to think of something. "Well... where you expecting it?" I asked. _Because I wanted to beat Reese._ "Not at all," she said. "That's why," I lied. She just grinned at me. "So... I'm a pretty good kisser right?" Her grin suddenly fell and she blinked her eyes rapidly. She was gonna dump me! "We'll talk about that another time," she said kissing my cheek before walking off. Great, even she thought I was a bad kisser. Just like Courtney did. * * * **A/N: Well, what do you think? Good? Bad? Seriously, I hate Mark. I'm a total Quogan shipper. I thought they were meant for each other since _Chase's girlfriend_ where Quinn helped Logan with his free throws. Despite him calling her a spazz...** End file.
Mark's jealousy by QueenKordeilia
Zoey 101
Say Hello to heaven for us Say Hello to Heaven _**Say Hello to Heaven**_ _I lie awake at night and call your name. The sound of my own voice drives me insane. I'm doing everything I can to face the truth and try to understand. Won't you say hello to heaven for us. Tell Jesus we're not mad but we miss you so much._ Zoey was lying in bed tears pouring from her eyes. It had been three years since Chase had been hit by a drunk driver. She prayed to god every day to let him know that she wasn't mad. She just missed Chase so much everyday. _Please ask him when he comes back to take us where you are. Help me to forgive the man in that other car. It's hard to believe you're really gone but you left me one good reason to carry on. Our baby girl is growing up so fast. Every day she's looking more just like her dad._ Zoey held Melody close. Tears flowed down the six year olds face Zoey realized that her little girl's cute face had held her together all these years. Zoey couldn't believe that Chase was gone Melody looked so much like him. Melody said "mom will dad be beside me again soon. I hate the man that hit him because he took him away from us." Zoey said "Mel you know I don't like to hear you talk like that. Your dad would want us to forgive him. Your dad would be very proud of you because you have grown up so fast." _Won't you say hello to Heaven for us. Tell Jesus we're not mad but we miss you so much. Please ask him when he comes back to take us where you are. Help me to forgive the man in that other car._ Zoey tucked her little girl in and said "let's say a special prayer for dad. This way he's not so far away." Melody said "god if you can here me I want to be with my dad when the time comes. I also want to forgive the man who hit him because dad wouldn't want me to hate anyone." Zoey kissed her little girl and turned out the lights. Then she went to bed so she could face anther sleepless night alone. Zoey got up and swore she heard Chase's voice. Tears filled her eyes when she said "Chase I miss you so much and it's hard. Thank god I have Mel." _I wish that man had known when he was taking that last drink that he'd be taking your sweet love away from me. Please ask him when he comes back to take us where you are and help me to forgive the man in that other car._ Zoey smiled when she heard Chase say "Zoe I don't think that man knew that he would be taking a father away from his child. Tell Mel that I want her to forgive the man in that hit my car. It was just a freak accident I love you both very much and I'm still with you. I love you Zoey but I have to go back to Heaven." End file.
Say Hello to heaven for us by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
Friday is the Worst Day of the Week **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **A/N: This is actually based on another fanfic I read (A Harry Potter fanfic, actually), called "I Hate Fridays". I thought it sounded a lot like Chase and Zoey. Enjoy!** "Chase, will you _please_ stop that!" Michael slams his math textbook closed, trying to get my attention. I snap out of my reverie and find that I'm drumming my fingers on the top of the table we're sitting at in the lounge. My homework is long forgotten, lying strewn in a messy half-circle around me. I'm supposed to be concentrating for a science test I have next week. It's worth a rather large portion of our grade. But all I can look at is that damn clock hanging on the wall above the TV, watching the second hand tic by with such an annoyingly regular pace, it makes me want to go over, rip it off the wall, and throw it out the window. I toss Michael an apologetic smile before trying (unsuccessfully) to memorize scientific facts that I'm pretty sure I'll never use after this. I hate Fridays. Fridays used to be the best day of my week. The last class would let out, and I'd feel nothing but the exciting anticipation of a lazy Saturday spent sleeping in, and a Sunday afternoon filled with warm sunshine and the occasional breeze. Perfect beach weather. Weekends were the best. But lately, every Friday evening, I get this growing, burning sensation in the pit of my stomach, eating away at the lining. The anticipation of something usually makes the actual even better, right? Well, my anticipation of the weekend usually starts around Thursday night, when Michael, Logan and I bid the girls goodnight and go to bed, and reaches its peak somewhere around Friday afternoon at three, when the school day ends. By that time I'm wound tighter than a drum, and then it's all Michael and Logan can do to calm me down before I lose my mind, or do something I might _really_ regret. Usually the excitement of a few days free of tests and books and learning leaves me feeling as free as thought I were a bird having been tethered to a tree, only to have it's strings cut. But lately, that feeling has been replaced by the feeling of the acids in my stomach churning and hitting against the sides of it until I'm pretty sure I have an ulcer has been ruining my weekends more than if I had to study for my math final in one afternoon. I don't get it. Nothing's changed. It's not as though I'm a gladiator, about to fight lions and homicidal, half-starved Romans for the right to live. I _love _the weekends. I _live_ for the weekends. I'm finally _free_ once that school bell rings, and I should be ecstatic. But honestly, I'm beginning to _hate_ my weekends. So, after a few minutes of me consciously trying not to do anything that would annoy the other people in the room (Michael looks as though if I start thumping my fingertips on the table again, he might just take his history book and slam it down on my hand), and trying not to look at the clock, I see Logan, who's sitting on the couch across from me playing a video game with lively music, give me an all-knowing look. The kind that makes him look half-intelligent with a half-martyr sigh, and I know in a moment he's going to start spewing some mistaken I-know-what's-wrong-with-you, crazy philosophical speech, and the only thing I can pray is that it's short so I can go back to chewing myself up inside without interruption. "I know what' wrong with you, Chase," he says, on cue, ten seconds later. He pauses his video game, throws it down on the table, and props himself up on one elbow. _Oh, sure you do,_ is the first thought that comes to mind, and I bit the inside of my mouth from saying it with a little more sarcasm and venom than I would mean it to. I swallow down the bile that has risen from its proper place in my stomach and glance again at the clock over the TV. As I watch the minute hand pass the nine with a deliberate stroke, it's all I can do to make the spaghetti I had for dinner stay where it's supposed to. I feel nauseated and sick, and I have no idea why. Fridays at seven used to mean a game of basketball, or a movie in the lounge or at the theater. Now it means an agonizing two days that will eventually drive me to a mental hospital. Pity they don't have one on campus. I'm sure Michael and Logan would be more than willing to check me in, at this point. Logan's still staring at me, as if he expects me to kiss his hand and beg him to tell me what's wrong with me. If I don't respond in a few seconds, he's going to tell me anyway, so I might as well humor him. "Enlighten me," I say, putting down my pencil. "What's my problem?" "You," he says, sitting up. "Need a girlfriend." I can see Michael next to me trying to pantomime to Logan that me and girls are a touchy subject to bring up. Logan ignores him and leans forward so that his forearms are resting on his knees. I have a sudden overwhelming urge to smack that all-knowing grin off his face. "Yeah, thanks for the advice, Logan," I mutter, throwing him a glare and turning back to my science textbook, not reading a thing. I feel my foot start twitching under the table and am thankful that Michael doesn't notice. I need to get rid of this nervous energy. A couple of whistles and the sound of giggling coming from behind me cause me to turn around, and low and behold, here comes one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. And by every god out there, does she look beautiful. No, wait. I mentally open up the thesaurus section of my mind, and pull out a better adjective. Not just beautiful, ravishing. No, more than that. Dammit Matthews, think! What am I saying? Thinking left the building about five minutes ago. She looks good enough to eat, devour actually, and right now all I'd like to do is shove her into the nearest janitors closet and reenact some of those fantasies that pop into my head when I'm supposed to be paying attention in science class (which is quite impossible when she's sitting right next to me, her elbow bumping mine as she takes notes. It's no wonder I'm failing that class.). She walks in next to Lola, blushing slightly at the appreciative whistles from the other guys in the room, dressed in a filmy white dress shirt, rolled up to her elbows, and coming down un-tucked over a pair of very tight blue jeans and sneakers. Her hair is in those adorable braids that give her the look of a school girl, and is wearing a hint of that blasted watermelon lip gloss; the smell of it alone drives me crazy. But the part that makes my heart lodge in my throat and my stomach tighten somewhere in the lower abdominal region is the fact that she's sucking a lollipop. She's really casual about it, but I swear, I've never wanted to be cherry and artificially flavored so much in my entire life. I look away, because if I don't, I will soon need a cold shower. "Hey guys," Lola greets us, Quinn coming up on her right. "So, how does she look?" She gestures, salesman like, to Zoey. She beamed, obviously proud of her accomplishment in helping Zoey dress for the evening. "She looks great," Michael said, giving a wide grin before returning to his homework. "Awesome," Logan agreed, giving her a once-over before going to back to his video game. Lola looks to me for my reaction, and I'm sure my gaping fish-out-of-water routine speaks volumes. She gives me a satisfied smirk, while Zoey looks at me as if she's wondering when exactly I became a mute. My pencil remains, shakily, hovering over my paper, the thought that I had been ready to write down for question number three suddenly flying somewhere unreachable. "So, is Andrew taking you somewhere really nice tonight?" Michael asks, giving up on trying to do his homework and instead putting his books in his backpack and leaning back a bit against a stack of pillows behind him, cradling his head in his hands. I feel the bottom of my stomach drop out, suddenly remembering exactly why I hate Fridays. I check my watch again. Seven-fifty five. _Five minutes until Zoey's date,_ my mind reminds me in an obnoxious sing-song voice. Sometimes I think my subconscious is out to drive me insane. I have the urge to tell it to go to hell, but saying that aloud might just convince Logan and Michael that now would be the time to commit me into that insane asylum I'm sure they've been looking at. I bite my tongue and tap my foot impatiently against the carpet. I hate Fridays. "Not really," she says, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. God, that's cute. And there I go again. I glance away from her and down at paper in front of me, trying to get a hold of myself. "Just a picnic down by the beach." "Sounds romantic," I mutter bitterly. At least, I thought it was muttering. Apparently, it wasn't. "Maybe you'll fall in and Andrew can rescue you. Hell, maybe if you're lucky, he'll give you mouth-to-mouth." Michael gives me a glare as the girls look at me with shock. I'm sure I have the words _jealous idiot_ tattooed on my forehead, but at the moment, I don't care. All I'd like to do is snap Andrew's thin little neck. And as I look at my watch, he should be arriving any minute. I put on a fake happy smile. A moment later, the short rap on the now closed lounge door and the friendly tentative "Hello?" indicates that Andrew has indeed arrived. He's early tonight. The acid in my stomach climbs it's way painfully into my esophagus. I want to rip his head off. He looks like an idiot. And that's not just my biased view of things. I look over at Michael and Logan, giving me the _You've got to be kidding me_ look. The kid is actually wearing a button down flannel shirt. I understand the guy's from up north, but you'd think he'd at least somehow conform to California style. Nope. His dirty-blonde hair is tousled, as if he'd just come back from a wind-tunnel, and he was wearing cuffed jeans. Cuffed jeans? Who in their right mind wears cuffed jeans? Didn't those go out in third grade? Anyone I knew would be killed socially for wearing them. But surprisingly, this guy can pull it off, and it sickens me. He gives a winsome smile to the girls before acknowledging the others in the room. "Hey guys," he nods to us each in turn. "So, is my girl ready to go?" He turns and gives Zoey a wink. _My girl._ The words make me want to throw up my dinner. I'm afraid if I don't leave the room in a minute, my head's going to spin around and I'm going to spew green slime over everyone, like _The Exorcist_. _No, she's not ready to go, _I think to myself, _But I'll take you somewhere. How about the middle of no where and I'll leave you for dead? _I grip my pencil a little harder, feeling the wood bend and croak in protest under the pressure. Especially when Zoey gives him an adorable little giggle and an endearing smile. Andrew heeds me no mind, instead offering his arm, gentle-man like, to Zoey to take. I have the sudden urge to break his arm in several places, but cover it with a cough. God, I hate Fridays at seven. "Yeah, I'm ready to go," she says, taking his arm. She turns back around "Unless there's something I've forgotten to do. Is there? Something I needed to do tonight?" She puts emphasis on the last question, and I swear, she's looking right at me when she asks it. _I can think of a few things I'd like to do tonight,_ I think scandalously. I shake my head while the others answer in the negative, and Zoey looks kind of disappointed for a moment and sighs, but gives a small smile, and hands me the lollipop she'd been sucking on. I see Quinn and Lola exchange one of those all-knowing girly looks that I hate so much, waving to Zoey as she walks out the door. I look sullenly at the half-eaten lollipop before popping it into my own mouth. It's as close to a kiss as I'll get from Zoey, that's a fact. I cross my arms and pout slightly. Stupid Andrew. Stupid date. Stupid Fridays. "Chase, you re the biggest idiot I've ever seen," Lola says suddenly, turning around quickly from the door to give me the worst glare I've seen her give a person. She puts her hands on her hips and gives an exasperated glare at my shocked look. "What?" I ask, my jaw dropping so much the lollipop nearly dropping out of my mouth. "Dude, Lola's right," Michael says. Great, now it's going to be gang-up-on-Chase night. I turn in his direction. "Zoey didn't want to go tonight." "What? Of course she did...she didn't? How could you tell?" I ramble on. Great. I go from indifference to slight care to inquisitive in the space of five seconds. I mentally slap myself. Hard. "Didn't you see the way she looked at you?" Quinn asks. I hear Lola mutter under her breath _"The way she always looks at you"._ "" I offer. I look helplessly at the rest of group. They all give me the _You're an idiot _look that Lola just gave me a moment ago. I sigh. "Dude, she looks at you like _every_ guy wants a girl to look at him," Michael said. "She's so head over heels for you, it's unbelievable. Didn't you even notice that she asked that to give you to opportunity to ask her to stay and not go with him?" "Yeah, right," I mumble, even though a nagging hope has caught the back of my mind and is tugging it to a dangerous place. I shake my head and once again resign myself to my unrequited-love, friend-boy status. I take the lollipop out of my mouth and twirl it in my fingers, just staring at it, hoping the others will go away and leave me to my misery. When they don't leave, I glumly replace the lollipop back in my mouth and shoot death glares at everyone in the room. Which, given my track record of glares, doesn't do much but make me look like an idiot. A half-hour later signals curfew, and a wandering hallway proctor comes in to tell us so. I help Michael gather up his notes and books while scooping up my own and shoving them haphazardly into my already crammed backpack. With a resigned sigh, I throw it over my shoulder and follow my room mates back up to our dorm. Logan goes into the bathroom to take a shower, and I see Michael flop unceremoniously on the top bunk, causing the entire thing to shake as I flip open my laptop and the small light attached to the side. I fiddle around on the computer for awhile, working on a script I've rather lost interest in, surfing the web for interesting news stories, random facts, anything I can think of that will possibly keep my mind off the fact that the love of my life is out on a date with a guy that's not me and who I can't stand (not just because he's dating Zoey. What? It's not!) Logan eventually goes to bed after about an hour of playing that stupid video game and admiring himself in the mirror he hung over his bed, and soon, the only light in the room is the light from my laptop. I look at my watch. They should have been back by now, but a recent conversation with Lola in the girl's dorms told me that Zoey hadn't been seen since she left with Andrew. I'll wring his neck if he makes her get detention for being out past curfew. Hell, I'll just wring his neck for the sheer pleasure of it. I have an inner debate with myself as I glance once more at the bottom right-hand corner of my computer screen on whether or not I should wallow in misery here, to have her come back and tell me how great the date was either through phone or an IM, or go for a walk and wallow in misery out there. Either way, misery loves company, and my wandering mind is company enough. I shut down my computer, careful not to wake Logan or Michael as the music that indicates the laptop's shutting down program sounds off. I grab a hooded sweatshirt from the closet and my sneakers from where they lay under the bed. Tugging both on, I carefully open the door, wincing at the _click_ it makes as the stopping mechanism is released. I sneak down the hall, careful not to be caught by the dorm advisor, and am home free once I creep out the door to the building. The pitch-blackness of the campus makes it more dark and spooky than I would have imagined possible in the daylight, and I pull the sweatshirt a little tighter around my body as a cold breeze floats through the fabric. I wander along the pathways, down through the basketball court and onto the beach, the silt crunching under my toes and the waves making a perfect soundtrack to my despair. I pick up a pebble and try to bounce it through the crashing waves, but as they thundered over the boulders further down the beach, it didn't hold much promise that I'd even be able to throw the pebble in without it being hurled back at me by a white cap. As I approach the boulders, I notice a figure sitting on the largest one, and as I get closer, I begin to recognize that figure. It's Zoey. But what in the world is Zoey doing out at...I check my watch...ten-thirty at night, watching the waves crash around her? Something must have gone wrong on the date. I suddenly feel an urge to run into Andrew's dorm room, rip his head off, and feed it to the nearest dog I can find. But for now, I manage to compose myself enough to walk (okay, run) over to the rock. "Zoey?" I call, my voice almost getting drowned out by the waves. She turns at my voice. "Chase?" she asks in return. I smile, and scramble up to sit next to her. "Zo, what's the matter? You look a little...flustered," and she does. There's sand on her shirt and pants, and in her hair, and I notice she's not as well put-together as she was at seven. The only rational thought was that she was going at it with Andrew, but that thought is painful, so I shove it away and await her explanation. "Oh, Andrew was just acting all teenage-boyish tonight," she explains, running a hand through her hair in an attempt to rid it of sand. Teenage-boyish. That sounds like a plausible case for murder, doesn't it? I wonder if that would stand up in court. "What did he do?" I ask, my voice a forced calm. She puts a hand over mind reassuringly. "He just tried to go a little too fast, that's all," she says. "But you aren't to do anything, okay? I took care of it." I wasn't planning to anything to him. Except give him a slow, painful death. "What did you do to him?" I ask, curious. Zoey never struck me as a violent person. Andrew is still getting killed later...but later. "I punched him," she says shyly, showing me her hand, which has started to bruise, and a small cut is there from where she must have made contact with a tooth or something. "Not hard, or anything, but enough to get him to stop." I stifle a shocked gasp, and a chuckle, instead taking her hand and laying it in my lap, gently rubbing the area that had started to darken. "I never thought you had it in you," I reply honestly, watching her look soften as she looks down at our joined hands. "You're a regular Mohamed Ali, huh?" "Not quite up there yet," she giggles. I have the sudden urge to kiss her right now, but I force it down. "But I figure, a few more guys with fast hands like Andrew, and I should be ready to duel with the best of them." If I had anything to say about it, no guy like Andrew would even be allowed within a fifty mile radius of her. I'd never be able to do that, though, and it saddens me. So instead, I continue to caress her hand, trying to pour out all my feelings in that simple touch. I notice she's not moving her hand away, and that bubble of hope from earlier rises a bit more. We stay that way for awhile, and only when I hear the characteristic _beep _of my watch indicating the hour has passed do I move. I look down, and realize it's eleven, and if we get caught, not only will we get detention, but there will be a lot of rumors floating around school. I take her other hand and pull her up. "We should get going," I say, and I notice her face is a little flushed. I guide her off the rock, and some nagging part of my mind wishes vehemently that she would trip so I could catch her. If there would be any time to tell that part of my mind to go to hell, it would be now. However, we scuttle off the boulder, and walk down the beach. That same nagging part of my mind tells me that she hasn't let go of my hand, and I feel a rush of satisfaction because of it. I bite it back, literally biting the inside of my cheek to stop from blurting out something I might regret. I carefully manage to sneak us back into her dorm building, creeping past Coco, who is watching a chick flick and indulging in the family-sized can of ravioli and a large carton of ice cream. That could only mean another break-up. It also meant that she'll be too distracted to notice two teenagers sneaking past her office. I silently rejoice, and swiftly tug Zoey past the doorway. Coco doesn't even notice; I can hear her sobs of "No, she doesn't love you!" down the hallway. Zoey stifles a giggle behind her hand, and I fight the urge to just back her up against the wall and...never mind. I smile back, and grip her hand a little tighter. We reach her dorm undetected, and she tugs her key off her neck and pushes open the door after unlocking it. Oddly enough, the room is dark. Zoey doesn't look perturbed as she flips on the light, pulls me by the shirt sleeve inside the dorm. "Where is everyone?" I ask. My subconscious smacks me. _Who cares? You're alone in a room with Zoey late at night, and you ask where her room mates are? Idiot!_ "Well, Quinn had a date with Mark tonight," she says, flopping down on her bed. I sit next to her. "And Lola is probably in your dorm." "My dorm?" "At this point, she's probably examining Michael's tonsils," she giggles. Okay, _anyone_ examining Michael's tonsils was an image I didn't need. I shudder, and she giggles again. I smile, feeling a sense of pride that she laughed at me. I go into the bathroom and retrieve rubbing alcohol and bandages. She doesn't say anything as I take her injured hand in my own again, and lay it in my lap. She doesn't move it away as I unscrew the cap of the antiseptic and put some on a gauze pad I found I had grabbed along with the bandages. I begin to gently rub the gauze pad over the small cut on her hand, apologizing as I hear a sharp intake of breath on her part. I can feel her staring at me, but I can't bring myself to look at her. Because I know if I do, I'll fall headfirst into those gorgeous green eyes, and I fall, I'll most certainly drown. Right now I'm doing everything I can do just to keep my head above the surface. Somehow the knowledge that she hadn't wanted Andrew's affections calmed me. That didn't mean she wanted mine, of course, but at least my urge to hurt him very badly has now passed. I rub my thumb carefully over the darkening bruise on her hand before putting on the bandage. Finally, I look up, and I swear our faces are closer than they were a few minutes ago. My senses are on their toes, hyper-aware of the smell of her perfume and a hint of her shampoo. I can smell the salt of the sea on her skin from sitting out on the beach, and the scent of grass from where she was sitting with Andrew. If I reach out, just a little bit, I can caress her cheek to see how soft her skin really is; trace the frame of her face with my fingertips, the outline of her lips, count the sparkles in her eyes. "Chase, do something for me," she whispers just loud enough for me to hear. The sound of her voice breaks whatever self-control I had in her presence to little bits. I would rope the moon for her if she asked me to. I build up the courage to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, and I swear she gasps and shudders at my touch. Her eyes close for a moment before opening again, and the brilliant color of her eyes has never been more apparent to me. "Anything," I answer, our breaths mingling. I wonder what it would be like if I had the courage to move a bit closer and feel the delightful friction of her lips against mine. I feel my resolve breaking as she licks those lips before whispering her request. "Kiss me," she says, and for a moment, I could have sworn I misheard. But the darkening gaze fixed on me tells me that I hadn't. "Are you sure?" I ask. My mind slaps me again. I didn't want to scare her, and I had the nagging fear that if I started, I wouldn't be able to stop. I didn't want to turn out like Andrew. "I'm sure," she declares, and I don't need to be told a third time. Almost before she can finish the sentence, I kiss her. And by God, no fantasy I dreamed up in science class could compare to this. I feel a buzzing of energy make its way from the pit of my stomach, fizzling like electricity through my veins and filling the back of my eyelids with bright color. And judging by the small whimpering noises she's making, I can only gather that she's feeling the same way. Before I can stop it, my tongue sweeps along her bottom lip. I hear her gasp in surprise before allowing me access, and God, I am home. She leans back on the bed, tugging me on top of her by the collar of my t-shirt. It feels like we're trying to fuse not only our bodies but our souls together, and I'm convinced that I'm going to wake up any minute from the sound of the alarm clock from one of the best Zoey dreams I've had in awhile. She tastes so good, and I find that our hands are wandering of their own accord. Her skin is so soft, and I hope to God I'm not dreaming... "Chase, I love you," she murmurs against my lips. _Okay, that's it, I'm dreaming. No way in hell would I hear __**that**__ in real life. _My mind is racing at about fifty miles a minute, and I can barely think straight. I pull back in surprise. She cups my cheek in one soft hand. "You're not dreaming. I love you." I have to physically keep myself from running victory laps around campus, screaming with joy at the top of my lungs, because that would be terribly unromantic. I suddenly find myself kissing her with a passion I never knew I could conjure up, but comes so naturally. She responds in kind, and I thank my lucky stars. I pull back again, and rest my forehead against hers. "I love you, so much," I whisper. "You have no idea. Ever since the day I saw you." She gives a smile before hooking her arms around the back of my neck and pulling me in again. I don't know how long we remained like that, but much too soon, I hear a voice. "Well, it's about time," the voice says, with a note of triumph and satisfaction. We break apart reluctantly, to find Lola leaning against the closed door, grinning like the mad hatter with her arms crossed over her chest. I sit back off, sitting up on the bed. Zoey clears her throat, and I notice she looks like something the cat dragged in. I feel a thrill of satisfaction as she attempts in vain to straighten her appearance. Lola raises her eyebrows at the two of us, but doesn't say anything. Taking another glance at my watch, I notice it is well past midnight. "I should be going," I say, more to Lola than to Zoey. I give Zoey a kiss on the forehead before making my way towards the door. I turn back, and the warm, loving look she gives me makes me want to kick Lola out, so we can continue where we left off. She smiles, and I feel the floor melt from the intensity of her stare. "Chase, I hope you know I won't be going out with Andrew anymore," she says. I grin. "I should hope not," I say. "Good night." I close the door behind me, leaving me surrounded by the darkness of the hallway. Before I go to bed, I take one last walk around the beach, where I had been sulking in misery only hours before. I look into the waves, and all I can see is her face, giving me that come-hither stare she was giving me as I left. I skip a pebble across the surface, and smile. A laugh escapes my lips, and the only thing I can think as I stare at the boulder I had found Zoey on, was that I love the weekends. _Especially_ Fridays. End file.
Friday is the Worst Day of the Week by Monny287
Zoey 101
Worthful **Ok, so I decided to write a James/Rebecca oneshot after watching Zoey's Balloon. I mean, Rebecca ran off at the end of the episode, and then we don't see her anymore. I wonder what happened to her? And after watching Ruby and the Rockites on Youtube, I love Austin Butler even more, so therefore, a James/Rebecca one had to be written.** **This will take place around the end of Chasing Zoey. Where did James disappear to? Also, I'm making Rebecca the gang's age. I just realize that she's actually a senior (I believe it was mentioned that she's a year older somewhere in one of her episodes) and I kind of forgot until now. So, just imagine she is either their age, or she got held back a year or something. ** Everyone knows what happened to Zoey and Chase, to Quinn and Logan, and to everybody else at the end. They all lived happily ever after, blah blah blah. But sometimes, even the greatest people in the world forget about the most important people in a story. In this case, James Garrett, forgotten after his breakup with Zoey. The blonde sixteen year old boy walked through the campus of Pacific Coast Academy, one single book in his hand, listening to the pulsing of the music from junior prom. He had decided not to go to prom. After all, he had no date, so what was the point? Besides, being embarrassed at prom and hearing all the whispers behind his back would not be fun. He walked into Sushi Roxs, which was still open, and he took a seat near the front, as Kazu walked out. He and a couple of other staff members were working, clearly waiting for the after prom to start, knowing people would probably come there afterwards. James ordered some California Rolls and water as he sat back, opening his book and flipping to where he left off. Books let him escape into another reality; experience somebody other's adventures and make James feel a little bit better about his life. The book this time, was _To Kill a Mockingbird. _He was glad there was no discrimination in the world. People weren't as racist. He really did love this book. Most people found it boring and uninteresting, mostly because of the boring and complicated words, not to mention not a lot of action (for the guys anyways), as well as they couldn't understand it. But, because James was observant and a geek not so long ago, he really dedicated himself to understanding and realizing how much the book had an impact. He was so absorbed in his book, he didn't realize his food was placed in front of him until he felt his stomach grumble. Setting his book down, he realized somebody else was in the restaurant as well, not too far from him, reading a book as well. He took a look at the girl, a brunette. She was very pretty, and James felt a sudden connection toward her. Setting down his book, he gained the courage to stand up with his food, his book tucked under his arm as he moved toward the girl. Finally, he stopped in front of her. She looked up, her brown eyes meeting his blue ones. She gave a small, confused smile. "Hi, I noticed you sitting alone, and I was wondering if I could join you?" he started hesitantly, mentally smacking himself for sounding so incredibly stupid. But she just nodded slowly, gesturing toward the chair. James sat down, putting his book down. He took a look at the book title she was reading. _Little Women, _a different type of book, but a well written one all the same. "You're reading To Kill a Mockingbird?" the girl asked, breaking his thoughts. He nodded quickly, looking down at his book. "Oh yeah, it's one of my favourites. Little Women is a good book as well," James answered. She nodded. "Yeah, it's an amazing book. It's nice to read about the past, and how much different it was from today. It was so simple back then, but so prejudice, just like To Kill a Mockingbird, which I love also," the brunette answered. James gave a small smile. "Most people don't like the book, because it's hard to understand. But I love it; it causes more of a challenge to people's brains, to decipher and fully understand what Scout is going through," James answered. The girl nodded and just like that, the two began talking about their favourite books. The two ate their food as they exchanged words for a full hour. Finally, James glanced at the time, realizing how late it was; almost eleven, and Kazu looked ready to close up. Smiling, he threw a few dollars on the table and stood up. "I should probably get back to my dorm; my roommates should be back from prom," James answered. The girl frowned. "You're a junior? Why didn't you go to prom?" she asked. James shrugged, not wanting to really answer. "I didn't feel like it. Are you a junior?" he asked. The girl nodded, standing up as well. "Yeah. And before you ask, I had no date and didn't feel like going alone," she said. James nodded as he started moving toward the door with the girl, who threw her own share of money on the table. Once they were outside, they started heading back toward the dorms, chatting all the way about how much fun prom probably was. Finally, the girl stopped, glancing at one of the dorms. "Well, here's my stop," she said. James sighed, actually disappointed on how quickly the night was over. "Well, maybe I'll see you around-" he started before pausing, realizing he never got her name. "Oh, it's Rebecca Browning," she said. James smiled as he held out his hand. She shook it. "Well, I'm James-" he started before Rebecca gave a sly smile. "-Garrett. I know who you are. I'll see you around," she said before disappearing off into the night, leaving a startled James in her wake. * * * The two met up again three days after prom. It was right after classes and James was heading toward the library. Chase was back, and happy with Zoey, of course. The two met as they tried to figure out the sleeping arrangements (for the rest of the year, Chase would be in the dorm beside the bathroom, as Chase wouldn't let Michael and Logan kick James out) and James found out Chase wasn't a bad guy; in fact, he was quite sweet and neither held grudges for anything. Now that James knew who the mystery girl was, he could actually greet her by her name and get to know her better. James happened to be walking when he spotted Rebecca with two other girls, one of them, he knew as a really mean girl, Stacey (no, not Stacy Dillson, this other girl that James knew that was a senior). James wondered why sweet Rebecca would ever be hanging out with a girl like that. As he got closer, he heard the conversation. "So, Rebecca, you missed prom and the awesomeness of it," the other girl said sarcastically. Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I told you I didn't want to go. How was your prom Stacey?" she asked the older girl, who shrugged. "Nothing special. I hurt all the dork's feelings, and you know that girl that bumped into me at the beginning of the year? Yeah, I so got my revenge," Stacey cackled, Rebecca and the other girl joining in. "Good, people like that need something like that. Especially the good girls, like Zoey Brooks," Rebecca said, a distaste coming across the words. James figured he heard enough; he wanted answers from Rebecca, who was completely different from the girl he knew. "Well, I must say, Zoey isn't that good of a girl. She can be evil sometimes, especially to Logan Reese," James butted in, coming into the view of the three girls. He watched the evil look on Rebecca's face fall drastically, a worried look replacing it. James figured he didn't know the real Rebecca; the girl he met was just an act. She knew him somehow; maybe she was just getting to know him to humiliate him, like all the other mean girls. He didn't like the thought of that. "Ah, James Garrett, ex boyfriend of Zoey Brooks. How does it feel that your ex goes after her long time crush right after you two break up? She's a little slut, in my opinion," Stacey asked. James clenched his jaw, but before he could say anything, Rebecca stepped in. "Oh, Stacey, shut up. Look who's talking! You're the one that's slept with three guys in twenty four hours," Rebecca butted in, causing the senior's mouth to drop and the other girl to smirk. "Oh, don't smirk either Delilah. You're also the one that, I believe, is still cheating on her three year boyfriend with some three year older guy," Rebecca continued, causing the girl's mouths to drop open. Without letting the girls answer or respond, Rebecca stalked away, grabbing James by the arm as she walked by him. Dragging him far away, she finally stopped as they faced each other. "Ok, Rebecca, what's going on? You seemed nice when we met. Were you deliberately faking nice or something to humiliate me?" James asked softly, confused. Rebecca shook her head quickly. "Oh, no, of course not James. I really am nice, it's just that I've kind of gotten used to being, well, mean. I'm a very angry child, but if you give me a chance to explain, I'll tell you everything," Rebecca said quickly, her chocolate brown eyes pleading him to listen. Because he was a nice guy, James nodded, opening his ears as Rebecca started to explain. She started with the incident with Zoey and Chase (plus the reason why she detested Zoey so much) and she explained why she stayed angry (she felt better when she was mean to people, and she had so much revenge inside of her, she didn't know how to express it). Not everything made sense to James, but he listened and nodded anyways, not judging her (because that would be wrong). In fact, James found something else in common already; both were the exes of two best friends-turned-lovers, and the breakups were not as pleasant as they wished it could be. James didn't really talk to Zoey anymore, and Rebecca just stayed clear of them. He was proud that Rebecca didn't lie to him. He was glad honesty was coming out in their forming friendship (yes, even after two meetings with Rebecca, he felt she was already a friend). "Why can't you be nice?" James asked once she was finished. Rebecca shrugged, going silent as she fumbled with her hands. "People will just think it's an act all over again and think something's up," she admitted, looking down. James moved closer to her, however, and tilted her head up so she was looking at him. "Listen Rebecca, if people think that, who cares? I mean, summer vacation is in two weeks, and if you come back from vacation being nice, people won't think it's an act. After all, summer can really change a person. So, for senior year, come back with your head held up, shoulders squared up and you with a clean slate. You're going to be a senior; everything changes especially in your last year," James told her. Smiling, Rebecca nodded. "Thanks James," she said gratefully. One look at Rebecca made James' heart melt slowly. He took her arm as he led her off. * * * It was the last day of their junior year, and James was just finishing packing up to go home. Sadly, his parents weren't able to come, but they provided his airline ticket back to Santa Fe. He called a taxi that would be there in the next half hour. Michael was already gone, and Logan was with Quinn, so James was alone in the room. A knock sounded on the door just as James zipped up his suitcase. Walking to the door, opening, his mouth curved into a smile as Rebecca launched into his arms. James wrapped his arms around his friend. Finally, he let go and looked at Rebecca. "When are you leaving for Boston?" he asked. Rebecca let out a laugh. "My mom's waiting outside. I had to come and say goodbye to you though," Rebecca answered. James turned back to his duffel bag and stuffed some books in there. "Your mom's waiting? But why? You have my number, we can call each other often, and we also have web cam. Not to mention, remember, I'm coming to Boston in a couple of weeks to visit my grandmother for a week, and we'll see each other then," James said. "Well, I had to give you a proper goodbye. My mom doesn't mind. Our flight isn't until one and it's only ten," Rebecca answered. James nodded as he zipped up his duffel bag, setting all his stuff near the door. He glanced around the now empty room. It felt so closed up and lost. James wondered what would happen when September came around. Would he stay with Michael and Logan, or get kicked out? "I'm going to miss PCA. I'm glad its summer, but I've grown used to PCA," James admitted, pushing back his shaggy blonde hair. Rebecca nodded slowly. "Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I'm going to miss PCA too. I mean, I don't really have many friends here, but it's away from Boston. I'm independent here," Rebecca said. James nodded slowly. "Well, you have me as a friend, and who else would you want to have?" James joked. Rebecca laughed as she engulfed James in yet another hug. This time, they stood there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Finally, it was Rebecca that pulled away. "I should go. I'll see you soon James," Rebecca said sadly. James nodded, giving her a smile. "Of course. See you Becca," he said. She smiled before exiting the room. * * * Rebecca was so bored during the summer. The seventeen year old was forced to get a job by her mom ('doing some work once in your life would do you good. Maybe you'll turn back into that sweet girl you used to be two years ago' her mother had said). Actually, she was forced to get two jobs. One was babysitting kids when they needed to be babysat. Most lived close (one of them actually Chase's younger sister, Sara, who was six) so Rebecca usually rode her bike, since she was not allowed a car until she graduated. Her other job was an employee at a small clothing business on the main street in Brooklyn. It did get busy, even though it was small, so Rebecca was busy. But still, she barely had time to relax after work before going to either babysit or going to functions with her parents. Her younger brother, Jacob, often laughed at her. Since he was a thirteen year old, he didn't work, instead, choosing to hang with his friends and torturing her at work. It was very unfortunate they lived close to Rebecca's jobs, because Jacob could come and go whenever he pleased. Sometimes, it got on her nerves. So, when Rebecca did have a night off to herself (her first night off was two weeks after arriving back home and getting her jobs), she enjoyed it. She settled down in a bath and soaked herself. She could finally think and breathe, thankful that Chase was in Maui and didn't have to deal with him. Babysitting his sister was nice, but she just didn't want to. She wasn't particularly happy about the jobs, so she tended to be very bitter. She tried not to, but working two jobs, barely having time off for herself was difficult. She worked all day at the store (since it was small, but busy, she and a couple of people had to work all day, of course, with a lunch break and another break in the afternoon), and of course, whenever she went to babysit, that was usually at night, and she usually got back late. Of course, Sundays, she didn't work at the store, but she either babysat on that day or her father took her out that day to work with him so she didn't lounge around. You see, Rebecca was now pissed off at her parents. But they finally gave her a night off to relax, a Thursday. And of course, she enjoyed it. As Rebecca was just getting into the bath, the doorbell rang. Rebecca narrowed her eyes. She was just about to relax and someone had to come to the door. Slipping on a robe and slippers, she walked downstairs to the door. It was probably Jacob, who was at his friend's house, coming to annoy her. Of course, she was startled when a familiar blue eyed blonde stood at the door, grinning cheekily. Rebecca blinked her eyes furiously to see if she was dreaming. Nope, James was standing there, now looking a little embarrassed. "Um, I probably should have called first, but I wanted to surprise you. I got here a couple of days earlier than expected," James said. Rebecca smiled as she jumped into James' arms, pulling him inside. "Hi! No, don't worry, not interrupting anything! I was just trying to relax. Working two jobs isn't easy you know," Rebecca said, her sour mood gone. "Yeah, I know from your e-mails and three phone calls. I mean, you're so busy, you had to e-mail me and only called me, like, three times the whole summer. I understand completely though," James said. Rebecca smiled as she pulled out of the hug slowly. "Yeah. I was lucky that I could e-mail you. I hate my parents for getting me two jobs. Taking care of kids is hard, but working from nine to five at a clothing store is even harder, even if it's small. They gave me no choice," Rebecca huffed as she sat down on the couch, James sitting beside her. James wrapped his arm around her. "Your parents did this for you Becca. They want to teach you responsibility. Even though they went about this the wrong way, they just want you out there and working, to show how hard a job they have. I mean, they had to work and babysit you guys when you were younger, just what you're doing now. It couldn't have been easy for them either," James soothed. Rebecca nodded slowly. "I guess you're right James. I'm just hating on the world right now. I'm trying to be nice to everybody, but it's really hard. Being mean to people for two years really impacts you," Rebecca said. James smiled as he brushed a strand of hair out of Rebecca's eyes, making her blush. "But you can get through this. Just act like you do around me. Even if I have to come with you to your jobs, or you have to imagine me there. You can do it," James told her. Rebecca sighed as she leaned into James. "Thanks. You're an awesome friend," she said, feeling hope rising within her once again. James grinned. "No problem. No, um, are you going to get dressed or do you want me to come back tomorrow morning?" he asked. Rebecca jolted up, looking down at her robe. "Oh, right! Well, um," she thought before James laughed, standing up. "I'll leave and let you relax. I'll be back tomorrow and I'll hang out with you at your job tomorrow," he said. Rebecca smiled gratefully. "Thanks James," she said as she pecked his cheek. He gave her a feeble smile. "Any time Becca," he said sincerely. * * * Rebecca was really depressed when James had to leave a week and a half later (he stayed an extra three days for her). She couldn't even take him to the airport in the evening, because she had to babysit little Sara. So their goodbyes were exchanged just before Rebecca went to go babysit her. It was a lot of hugging and promising to write. She and James had a lot of fun. He came with her as often as he could, sometimes he had to go off with his grandparents, but mostly, they tried to spend time. He even came to babysit with her once. The little boy, Charlie, who was three, loved James. Sara also met James, as he drove her to the Matthews' house. Once James was gone, Rebecca sighed as she sat on the couch of the Matthews' house while Sara sat on the floor, colouring. Rebecca flipped on the TV and a random show started playing. Sara stopped her colouring and looked up at Rebecca. "Hey Miss Rebecca?" she asked, her familiar green eyes looking up at her. Rebecca smiled at the young, intellectual girl. "Yes Sara?" she asked politely. "Was that blonde boy, James, your boyfriend?" Sara asked sweetly. Rebecca nearly choked on her own saliva. She shook her head, chuckling a little bit. "No, of course not. We're just good friends. Why would you ask that?" she asked. Sara thought a minute. "Well, you guys kind of act like Chasey acts with Zoey. You act really happy with him. I mean, a few weeks ago, you were really mean and didn't do anything with me, but now you're nice and smiling. He did something to you," Sara answered innocently. Rebecca smiled at Chase's nick name as she ruffled Sara's hair playfully. "Well, we're not Sara. We're just really good friends. Just because he helped me see that being mean was not good, and I should let go off the breakup between me and your brother, doesn't mean we're dating. Sometimes, friends act the way we do, if we're really close," Rebecca explained. Sara blinked her eyes in confusion and Rebecca sighed. "Oh, well, you two would make a really cute couple. I mean, Chasey and Zoey are cute, even though I've met Zoey just one time," she started holding up a finger, "but you and James are cuter. Kind of like me and my friend Luke. Everyone thinks we're boyfriend and girlfriend and I tell them no we're not, but maybe in the future, we could be. I mean, I'm only six. Boys are nasty and gross., but when I'm older, Daddy says, I could have a boyfriend and I hope it's Luke. He's awesome," Sara rambled. Rebecca smiled faintly at her. "Well, that's nice. Thank you Sara. Now, what do you want for dinner?" she asked, changing the subject. Sara bounded up, her attention span completely fired up. "Macaroni and Cheese please!" she crowed. Rebecca smiled as she got up and headed to the kitchen, Sara's words still planted in her mind. * * * That night, Rebecca sat in her room, contemplating what Sara had said. She thought long and hard about what the little girl said about her and James and knew what she had to do. Even though it was eleven at night, she picked up the phone and dialed James' number, knowing it was nine over there in New Mexico anyways and should be back. Finally, she heard James answer his phone. "Hello? Becca?" he asked. Rebecca shared a small smile. "Hey James, I hope you're not busy," Rebecca said. "Oh no, I'm just finishing unpacking. What's up?" James asked. Rebecca bit her lip. Just get it over with Becca, she told herself. "Um, I was wondering if I could ask you a question," Rebecca said. "Of course, shoot," he said. Now or never, she thought as she spoke. "Do you like me?" she asked. James paused at the other end of the line. "That's a silly question Becca. Of course I do," he said. Rebecca sighed. "No, like in, as more than a friend," she said. There was silence on the other end of the line. It went on for a full minute. "James? You still there?" she asked meekly. Another pause. "Yeah, sorry. Your question just startled me," he admitted. Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, um, sorry I asked. I'll just hang up-" she started. "No, please don't. Just give me a second," James said, startling Rebecca. She nodded as she began pacing her room. "Well, Rebecca. I have to be honest with you, and I don't know how you'll react," James said finally. Panic rose in Rebecca's throat as she stopped in the middle of the room. "What is it?" she asked meekly. James took a deep breath. "I like you a lot," he said, letting Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. I thought you were going to say something horrible," she said. James sounded surprised in his voice when he said, "Wait, you're not mad?" "No, of course not. Actually, I like you too," she answered. James breathed deeply. "Wow. So, what happens now?" he wondered. Rebecca shrugged. "I guess we're dating," she said, a smile planted on her lips. "I guess we are," he said happily. Rebecca grinned. "So, I'll talk to you later boyfriend," she said. "Totally. And next time we see each other, we'll totally kiss each other. Bye Becca," he said. "Good night James," she said before the click of the dial tone sounded. **Ok, so I'm ending it there. I know, not my best work. I just sort of started rambling and then it turned out not what I expected, but I'm just getting back into writing this. What did you think? I hope it's Zoey 101 fanfic material. If you liked it, would it kill you to review? ** End file.
Worthful by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
Mom **Im writing this at my grannie house while my cuz jabbering on about what happened on Maury** "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zoey screamed as she saw her mom being hit by a bus. This happened during the summer of her third semester at PCA. what she saw made her glued to the spot. Dustin took the cellphone from Zoeys side pouch and called the police. _ FLASH BACK_ Zoey was coming back from McDonald, with dustin. after getting her mom and them food to eat.her mom was suppose to be sitting inside the car waiting for zoey dustin and their dad. zoey saw her mom walking toward them to meet them at the cross walk. appearently Zoeys mom **(lets call her liz) L**iz didnt see the car speeding towards her. dustin screamed out, "MOM!" but zoey was to choked up and scared to say anything. she was able to whisper "mom" to her but she didnt think that liz would hear. as the car made she screeching noise zoey shut her eyes letting dustin run to mom before the car hit. BAM zoey opened her eyes to see her mom splatered all across the street. "no," she whispered. she refused to move when the driver stepped out of the car and walked over to dustin not seeing her.she didnt move when her dad came running over. she didnt move at all. not when the police came, the fire department, and the ambulance. she still refused to move. he dad had to ask for a figherfighter to lift her into the car. ZOEY POV my dad had asked me what was wrong. was he serious? "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT IS WRONG ??!?!? OUR MOM JUST DIED. S-S-SHE JUST DIED...AND YOU DONT EVEN CARE!!!!" i yelled at him. he saw the sadness in my eyes and i saw the sadness in his. "i do care" he said and turned aroud continueing to drive. dustin was patting my hand while i just hung my head and cried. it was the longest ride ive ever riden. the funeral was on a saturday. i couldnt bear to watch so i took a bus home. As soon as we got home i locked myself in my room while i cried my eyes out. about an hour later dustin came up and told me dinner was ready. i didnt answer the door or call out to him. he tried to open the door but i wouldnt let him. i had locked it. i knew this was silly but i wanted my mom back. i stayed in my room 3 days straight with out having any food. i wanted someone besides my family to help me go through this. my family says they know what its like to lose someone special but they dont! i was closer to my mom than anyone else in my family. i needed someone who has dealt with losing a parent before. i scaned my list of friends in my mind to see who lost a parent. i got nada. i looked at all of my yearbooks to see if i could remember. suddenly i heard my door crash to the ground. like any other girl i screamed. my dad rushed over to me and gave me a hug. i pushed him away from me and pointed to the door. he put food on my bed but i knocked it over. "what has gotten into you?" he asked i looked at the yearbooks that were scattered on the floor. i looked at my PCA one. i knew who i wanted to talk to about losing a parent. "what do you want, zoey?" i said one word. technaclly a word but who cares? i said "Chase." my voice was rough since i haddent eatten or drank anything all week. "what? chase? whats that?" "not what, who." we turned to see dustin tear stained in the doorway. "she wants her best friend chase, from PCA. his number is in her cellphone on her dresser." he stated matter-of-factly then he walked away. i alllowed my dad to take the cellphone and walk out the door. he shut the door and walked to the living room phoning chase. No Ones POV (Thigns to know: Italics Mr Brooke's Underline: Chase _hello, chase matthews?_ yes hello, is this zoey? _no this is her father,_ oh hello mr brooks _hello chase, i was wondering if you could do me a favor..._ "hey zoey could you open your door? you have someone here to see you!" i heard my dad shout fron the other side of the door. i wrote on a piece of paper and slid it under the door.'_no_'. "sorry chase but she isnt letting anyone in. sorry for dragging you all the way over here." my dad was just pulling my leg. chase was in honolulu not thinking about me. but then i heard antoher voice. "it's ok i been what shes going through. bye mr brooks. bye zoey." i opened my door to see my dad and...a tape recorder. "I HATE YOU!" i screeched. i ran back into my room and started crying into my pillow. i heard a window open and felt more weight on my bed. then i felt somebody stroking my hair. "there there," the person said. that wasnt my dad or dustins voice. i looked up into the eyes of chase. "chase..." i spoke quietly. then i just hugged him knowing that hes been through what i have. the loss of a mother. he hugged me till i fell asleep still crying. he placed me in the bed and a guess went to the guest room. i woke up at around...i dunno...12:30 and went to get something to eat. i made myself somepancakes and waffles and turkey bacom with egge. boy was i hungry. i heard som efoot steps coming to the kitchen. "who? there. i have a bunch of knifes in here and io'm not afraid to use them!" "please dont kill me?" i looked to see chase with his hands up. "so are you fianally eatting?" "yup and i'm starved!" "so do you have any grapes?" "in the fridge. hey chase?" he turned to look at me. "how come the day after y-y-your m-m-mon were you able to stay cheery. w-w-with her being dead. "oh...well i knew she wouldnt want me to ruin my life over her dying." he said with a half smile on. "yeah," i agreed "my mom probably thinks i'm a brat now.every body thinks so." "well i dont." he told me. " i think i might of acted that way too...if my dad didnt talk to me after the funeral." "yeah...thankz for that chase, you're the best." "thank you." he siad.and then added," i know i am!" we laughed. self-consciencely i was making my way over to him. i realized it when i was standing infront of him. i enveloped him in a hug. be fore i pulled away from the hug i kissed him. i know knew that i wouldnt be so sad about my mom...if chase was there FIN ------------------------- **it took me 3 days in total to write this.** ** * * * ****My uncle is soooooooooooooo mean. I was meant to post this during the 2nd day of winter break but my uncle acted all protective over his stuff. I mean after he figured out that my cuz and i were on his PC and TV he: unplugged the keyboard so we couldn't type, did something to the hole so we couldn't plug it in, and taped up the power switch! OMG!!!!!!!** End file.
Mom by Munch-a-Bunch
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Author's Note:** _Okay, so this is only a two-shot. And was inspired by the author Tate Icasa._ _ * * * **At age 5:**_ At age 5, Logan Reese was just as a lady's man as ever. He had already been kissed, more times then he could count on both hands, and had a girlfriend in his kindergarden class. He was just a happy, go-lucky little boy, with a big heart, and an even bigger head. Right now, Logan Reese was on vacation with his father in the Bahamas. He had already been there 4 times since he was 3, but it was still just as fun for a 5 year old, no matter how many times he went. Leaving his father, who was talking to a lady in a pink bikini, he wandered down the beach, hoping to find something more fun then staring at women's breasts. (Even though, to him, it wasn't all that bad.) Walking down the edge of the water, hands stuffed in his pockets, he drew in a sharp breathe. He had stepped on a very sharp, and long, piece of sea glass, and it had gone into the sole of his foot. Letting out a load scream, he fell to the ground, clutching his heel. Forcing himself not to cry, because crying was for girls, as his father would put it, he tried to pull it out, but to no avail. He screamed again, and started to cry. No matter what his father had told him, it was too painfull not to cry. He tried to call out for help, but he was too far away from the crowd of people to hear him. He was wimpering on the ground, rubbing ferociously at his eyes. He wanted to punish himself for crying, but he couldn't help it. He saw a blurry figure running towards him, yelling for her mother to come with her. He wanted to stop crying, he wanted to stop showing he was as vulnerable has he must of looked at that moment. "Oh my goodness! Boy! Are you okay! You're crying! What happened?! Oh my gosh, what happened to your foot?! Mommy! Mommy, come here! Hurry!" The little girl with the curly hair was yelling, very loudly, and Logan had to cover his ears. She hurriedly knelt down by his side, and gave him a big hug. "Don't worry boy. You'll be okay." The little girl gently whispered in his ear, slightly stroking his back. Logan's eyes were tightly closed, and hugged the random girl right back. The mother finally got over, and fell into the sand by her daughter. "Okay, lemme see. Oh, you poor dear! You must be in so much pain! Hurry, come with me." Logan grabbed onto the lady's shoulder's, and she lifted him up. The lady and the girl were running down the vacated end of the beach, and back to the crowded area. In no time, they were down by the lifeguard stand, and Logan could not see his father anywhere. But it didn't matter, he wanted to get the glass out of his foot. They went straight into the little hut, and the lifeguard quickly pulled out the first aid kit. He pulled the glass out, and Logan screamed. The lifeguard sanitized his foot, and wrapped it up with a bandage. He took the lady out to ask her some questions about what happened. The girl and Logan sat in the little hut alone, and in silence. After about 4 minutes waiting for her mother to come back, the little girl finally broke the silence. "So boy... what's your name anyways?" The little girl was asking, her eyes adverted to the ground. "Logan. Logan Reese. Whaddabout you?" "Dayyyyyyyynaaaa Cruz, that's whoooo." Dana Cruz said jumping to her feet, sending Logan back farther in his chair a little more. He didn't understand why this girl was so, uh, perky all the sudden. But oh well. He liked this girl. "Hey Dana, do you wanna color?" He asked gesturing to the colored pencil box on the sidecounter. "Sure Loo-gan!" She said happily with a goofy grin on her face. "Let's make friendship drawings! And promise we'll always keep 'em with us forever and ever!" Logan eyed her a little wearily, but agreed. "Where's tha paper?" Dana asked, looking around the little hut. "Um, right here." Logan said, looking at some paper with type on it. "Here," He said extending an arm to her, "We'll use this." So 5 year old Logan Reese, and 5 year old Dana Cruz, sat and colored friendship drawings to eachother, later to be traded, and both of them on their separate cruises back to Florida; Logan back to California, and Dana back to New York. * * * **Author's Note:** _Okay, so, that was Chapter One out of two. The second one will take place in present day, and that will be the LAST chapter. And no, no sequals. :-)_ 2. Chapter 2 **Author's Note:** _Coool, thanks for the reviews. So, uh, here's the final chapter of the two-shot. :-) * * * _ **At age 15.** Dana Cruz was laying on her mattress, wasting the day away. And for what? Absolutly nothing. Zoey and Nicole both went out without her, something about not wanting to deal with any "attitude" today. Whatever that means. Dana really didn't have anyother friends, _per se_. Sure, she got along with a couple other people, but none she could actually call her true friend. She rolled over. Well, maybe today won't be so bad. She could catch up on her homework. Wait no, Dana Cruz doing homework? That was out. She could sleep. But wait, what had she already been doing since midnight last night, yeah, sleeping. She was tired of sleeping. She rolled over again. The door swung open, and 2 flustered girl wobbled in, the brunette one covering her left eye, and the blonde one at her side guiding her through the room. "Dana! Zoey poked me in the eye!" Nicole babbled to Dana, her hand still hovering over her eye. "And she did it on purpose, and she know's it too! Isn't that right _Zo_?" "No! It was an accident. Okay, listen Dana. I just got a little excited over the puppy, and I tried to get Nicole's attention, you see? So we turned to eachother at the same time while I was trying to grab her arm, and..." "Wait, so in an attempt to grab an _arm,_ you grabbed her _eye_?" Dana quiried. "I didn't grab it! Gross, no. I barely even touched it, Nicole is just being over dramatic is all! You know how she is. Well anyway, Nicole falls to the ground, crying her eye's out saying how I didn't want her to see the puppy, and I needed to blind her of the "perfect sight" of a dog. I mean **c'mon**! If I didn't want her to see the God forsaken dog, then I wouldn't have told her about it!" Zoey huffed in annoyance. She always got blamed for everything. "Still Zo! It's all red at puffy, and I can't go walking around like _this_!" Nicole said motioning to her unavailable hand. "It's like I'll need an eye patch or something!" "Hey, I have one of those!" Dana said laughing. "Zo, get it, it's in a box under my bed. I was going to be a pirate this year for Halloween, and I put it there so I wouldn't lose it." Zoey got on the floor next to Dana's bed, and searched for the box. "Goodness Dana! Don't you ever clean under here?" Zoey was almost half way under the bed when she found it. Dana grabbed her feet, which were the only part showing, and yanked her out, seeing as she wasn't going to get out from under there by herself. Zoey sat on Dana's bed, and rummaged through the box. "You have so much crap in here." Zoey mumbled looking for the eye patch. She hit the bottom of the box and saw a picture. "Aww! Dana! Did you draw this?" Zoey asked excitedly, gesturing to the picture. "No! A... a boy drew it for me. I was like 5, okay? Geez. And to be fair, I gave him one too." Dana said crossing her arms. "Well, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Aw, his name was Logan? How ironic." Zoey said reading the name at the bottom of the paper. "It was not _Logan,_ Zo. His name was like Zack, or Phillip or something like that." Zoey showed the name to her. "Whatever, Logan's a common name." "Yeah, common like pretty girl's wearing eye patches..." Nicole mumbled picking up the patch and slinging over her eye. "How's it look?" Zoey and Dana exchanged glances. Then they laughed. "Well, I'm going to go show Logan the picture. With any luck, he'll have one just like it!" * * * "Logan!" Zoey yelled thrusting the door open without permission. Chase had always let her. "Whaaaa-t." Logan bellowed, rolling out of his single bed; he was sleeping. "Have you ever seen this before?" Zoey asked holding up the picture. "No." Logan said turning back over. "Oh c'mon Logan, you must have seen it someplace before. Just look at it again." Logan reluctantly rolled back over, looking at the picture better. "Well, maybe. It looks kinda sorta familiar. Wait. did I draw that?" "Well, maybe. That's what I'm asking you. The picture itself was cruddy. The whole left side of the picture was zigzagged cut, and it was crumpled. The picture was of a boy, extending his arm outwards of the paper, into the zigzegged area. Logan looked at the paper, and then grabbed his foot. He turned it over, and fingered the area with the scar from when he was little. "What happened?" Asked Zoey. "I was vacationing with my dad, and I stepped on a piece of glass. This girl came over and helped me. Her mom took me to the life guard and he got it out, and me and the girl talked for a while. I remember we drew picture, but that can't be it. I mean, that was so long ago. And I don't know anyone by the name of Diana Crouzy anyway. So I just wasted my sleeping time telling you that story, and now I'm going back to bed." Logan pulled the covers back over his head. "Diana Crouzy?" Zoey asked. "You mean _Dana Cruz?_" Logan's heart caught in his throat. _Dayyyynaaaaaaa Cruz! That's who!_ "Oh god... Shit! Shit..." Logan mumbled incoherently, getting out of bed. "I... I have... it in a... uh scrapbook...?" Zoey laughed. "Shut up." Logan took the book out of his closet, and flipped to the page. The right side was cut off in a zigzagged line, and there was a girl, with her hand going outside the area. Zoey took both of the pictures, and put them together. "Wow, Dana Cruz and Logan Reese holding hands!" "Yeah... wow is right..." * * * End file.
Once Upon a Time by dallascity
Zoey 101