1. Zoey is coming back Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 A/N: This is my first Zoey 101 FanFic, I hope you like it. It's been two days since Zoey heard Chase tell Logan and Michael that he was in love with her. Zoey has been struggling to decide if she should return to PCA. Meanwhile back at PCA, Quinn and Lola keep trying to get rid of Stacy. Chase stayed in his room, and missed class, Michael collected Chase's work for him, while Logan was still trying to hit on almost every girl that he walked passed in the hall. "Mom, I need to talk to you and Dad," said Zoey, over the phone. "Ok, we'll come to the school after you finish your classes today," said Mrs. Brooks. "That's what I want to talk to you guys about," said Zoey. "What is it," asked Mrs. Brooks? "Please just come over now," said Zoey. "Ok, Honey, we'll be there soon," said Mrs. Brooks. "Thanks," said Zoey, as she hung up. About a hour later, Zoey's parents arrive at the school. "So, what was so important that it couldn't wait," asked Mr. Brooks? "Well, I have decided that I want to go back to PCA," said Zoey. "I know that it is probably hard for you, not knowing anyone can be hard, but just give it some time," said Mr. Brooks. "Dad, it's not that," said Zoey, "It's Chase." "A boy," said Mr. Brooks, "That's why you want to give all this up?" "Dad, Chase is in love with me, and I think that, well, maybe I'm in love with him, too," said Zoey. "Sweetheart, I want to tell you that, we are glad that you came with us, but we are also proud of you for following your heart," said Mrs. Brooks. "I got your ticket as a open ended round trip ticket, because I could tell that choosing to come was hard, and we figured that one day you would want to go back, but I didn't think it would be so soon," said Mr. Brooks, as he pulled out a ticket from his jacket pocket, "We'll have you on the next flight, once you're packed." Zoey runs back to her room and starts packing all of her things, while her parents went to the office to have her paper work sent back to PCA, and by noon England time, Zoey was on a plane back to California. Now, Zoey just had to decide if she was going to tell anyone she was coming back. A/N: How will everyone react to Zoey's Return? Will Chase and Zoey finally be together? This will be a three shot, but if the reviews are good I might write another, so please review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Calling Zoey and driving Stacy crazy Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 A/N: This is my first Zoey 101 FanFic, I hope you like it. At PCA, Lola and Quinn went to talk to Coco about Stacy making herself their roommate. "Well the way I see it, if you want to get Stacy off of your room, then you need to get Zoey to move back in," said Coco. "But Zoey is in London," said Quinn. "Well, you got always drive her crazy to the point that she wants to move out," said Coco. "She has us at that point," said Lola. "Well, you could move into the lobby, but you won't get much sleep," said Coco. "I think we need to try to talk Zoey into coming back," said Quinn. "You go ahead, I'm going to work on driving her crazy," said Lola. "How are you going to do that," asked Quinn? Lola reached into her pierce and pulled out a short white wig and put it on. "Say hello to a friend of mine, Luna," said Lola. "How will that help," asked Quinn? "Ask Zoey when you talk to her," said Lola, "I pulled in on her and Nicole when I first moved in." "I remember that," said Quinn, "You really freaked them out." "Right," said Lola, "And now it's Stacy's turn to freak out." Lola headed back to their room as Quinn went to the court yard to try to call Zoey, but every time she dialed Zoey's number she got a message saying that it has been disconnected. Quinn then decided to try Zoey's old number. "Hello," said Zoey, as she answered the phone. "Zoey, it's Quinn," said Quinn. "What's up, Quinn," asked Zoey? "Well since you have been gone Stacy forced her way into the room, and Chase has been missing all of his classes," said Quinn. "Really, well at lest you don't have to stare at a empty bed," said Zoey. "Zoey," yelled Quinn, "She got mad at Lola for using a Q-tip." "She got mad," said Zoey. "Yeah, that and she wakes up in the middle of the night and sings some tea song, and she is really bad at it," said Quinn, "And Coco says the only way to get rid of her is for you to move back in." "But I'm in London," said Zoey, she decided that she wasn't going to tell that she was coming back. "I know Zoey, that's why Lola is going to try something else," said Quinn. "What," asked Zoey? "Remember when you first met Lola," asked Quinn? "She is really doing that again," asked Zoey? "Yeah," said Quinn. "Stacy is going to freak out," said Zoey. "I do believe that is the plan," said Quinn. "Ok, well let me know how that works out, but tell Chase to expect a call from me around ten in the morning your time," said Zoey. "What for," asked Quinn? "Because, I would like to talk to him, and you said Chase wasn't going to class, so he would be by himself," said Zoey. "Alright, I'll call him in a few," said Quinn. "Thanks," said Zoey, as she hung up. Quinn called Chase to tell him about Zoey calling in the morning. Meanwhile Zoey decided to get some sleep because she know she wouldn't once she's back a PCA. A/N: How will Chase react to Zoey returning? How will everyone react to Zoey's return? Everyone Please Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. Welcome Back Zoey Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 A/N: This is my first Zoey 101 FanFic, I hope you like it. At the airport, Zoey grabs her bags, then heads outside to flag down a cab. "Where to Miss," asked the Driver? "Pacific Coast Academy, please," said Zoey. "Right," said the driver. At PCA Chase was just walking up, one hour before his call from Zoey, he went down the hall to get washed up, thinking that he would talk to her over the webcam. Michael, Logan, and Quinn were in Science, as Lola spent the day following Stacy, driving her crazy with the whole weird girl routing. Once at the school, Zoey stopped by the dorm room, Stacy had left the door unlocked because Lola and Quinn refused to give her a key. She wanted to put her stuff in a safe spot, then she made her way to Chase's room, where he was sitting on the couch waiting for Zoey's call. Once she was right down the hall, she pulled out her cell phone and called Chase. "Zoey," asked Chase as he answered his phone. "Yes, Chase, it's me," said Zoey. "I thought that you were going to use the webcam to call," said Chase. "Yeah, but, then I realized that I couldn't do what I want to, if I used the webcam," said Zoey. "You can do more on the webcam, then if we are on the phone," said Chase. "Well, I was kind of hoping we could talk without the phone between us," said Zoey. "Well the webcam would do that," said Chase. "Yeah, I was hoping for use to talk some other way," said Zoey. "What are you talking about," asked Chase, as Zoey hung up on him. Chase dialed Zoey's number, and as it started to call he hear Zoey's ring tone outside his door. Chase goes to the door and opens it to see Zoey standing there in the hallway, and he almost faints. "What are you doing here," asked Chase? "Well, I wanted to talk to you in person," said Zoey, "Is that so wrong?" "No, it's just that, well you moved to London, and well I didn't think that we would ever...," chase stumbled to say. Zoey put a hand on his shoulder and kissed him. "Did you just kiss me," asked Chase? "Well, I figured that it would be alright, after all, I have been gone for over a week," said Zoey. "Why a kiss," asked Chase? "Because I love you," said Zoey. "You what," asked Chase? "I love you," said Zoey. "I have to be dreaming," said Chase. "Nope, I'm really here," said Zoey, "I came back to see if we had a chance to be together." "Zoey, I love you too," said Chase. "So, I take it that I was right to think that we could date," asked Zoey? "Anything you want Zoey," said Chase, "So, who all knows you're back?" "Just you," said Zoey. "Well we have a few hours before everyone gets out of classes so, what should we do," asked Chase? "Well we could kiss some more," said Zoey, as she kissed Chase again. After classes were over for the day, Michael and Logan made their room, when they opened the door they couldn't believe what they saw, a trail of clothing leading to Chase's bed where Chase and Zoey were cuddled up together asleep. "Oh, my," yelled Logan, waking up them up. "Zoey," asked Michael? "Hi," said Zoey, shyly. "Did you two really," asked Logan? "Can you give us a few, please," asked Chase? "Sure," said Michael, as he pulls Logan away from the door. While Chase and Zoey got dressed, Lola and Quinn came down the hall. "What are you girl's doing here," asked Michael? "We wanted to see how Chase was doing, since Zoey was supposed to call earlier," said Quinn. "And to tell you guys that I freaked Stacy out so much that she moved out, but now someone has already started to move in," said Lola. "We haven't even meet this new girl yet," said Quinn. "I think we have," said Michael. "Who," asked Lola? "She's in there with Chase," said Logan. "With Chase," asked Lola? Chase opens the door to let them know it was alright to come back in. Quinn and Lola entered first, they wanted to see who Michael and Logan thought was their new roommate, they couldn't believe it when they saw Zoey sitting on Chase's bed. "Hi, guys," said Zoey. "Zoey," yelled Lola and Quinn! "I can't believe that your back," said Quinn. "Well, when I heard Michael and Logan talking to the other day, I realized that this is where I belong," said Zoey. "You heard us," said Michael surprised. "Yeah, you really need to learn to control that thing," said Zoey. "So, you're back for good," asked Quinn? "Yep, I don't think I'll ever leave again," said Zoey as she stared at Chase. "That's good," said Lola. That night while Chase and Zoey were out at the movies, Lola and Quinn were setting up a party for to welcome Zoey back with some help from Michael and Logan. "So, Chase and Zoey were really in bed together," asked Lola? "Yeah, their clothes were all over the floor," said Logan. "So, they spent the afternoon..." asked Lola? "I can't believe that Zoey would do that," said Quinn. "Well, they did," said Logan. After the movie was over Chase and Zoey made their way back to the lounge. "Welcome Back Zoey," Yelled everyone, as confetti fell all over the place. A/N: Well that's the end of this story, but there might be a squeal if the reviews are good enough, so please everyone review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End file.
Welcome back Zoey by Retroforce Studios
Zoey 101
Nothing She looked silently over at him, her heart breaking She looked silently over at him, her heart breaking. A girl was over there, flirting outrageously with him. She couldn't see him. He couldn't see her. And that was how the ending would go. She got up from the blue plastic stool and walked slowly past him, examining her chewed nails as if they were a textbook. She felt a prickle along her left cheek, and she knew that he was staring at her. It wasn't going to be all happy at the end. He was moving to Nebraska, after all. And there she would be. There she would be, stuck at here, with a broken heart. How bitterly fitting, this seemed to be. She walked slowly into the darkened gym and sat on the floor, staring at all the darkness surrounding her. Just when she realized something, it had to be swept away. She got up on her knees and scooted over to the doorway, peering at the neglected looking bush of brown hair. He wasn't smiling, his leg jittery. As if he was waiting for happen. Tears seemed to stream down her face, and finally she just let go of what she had been trying to hold. _I'll hold on._ _Tell me you won't let go. _ She reached into her jean pocket and with some difficulty, pulled out the crumpled sheet of notebook paper she kept, all these years. He had such boyish handwriting back then. She traced around the three words, holding so much meaning to her now. She let out a strangled sob, and ripped up the paper, watching the shreds float gently around her. This wasn't going to happen. He didn't love her now. Her blonde hair was tangled around her fist as she sobbed. The few people in there turned to stare at her, and then turned back. She was nothing, now. She should have taken a chance with him. She should have been with him, making her story a happy ending. Now...she was nothing. **I'm sorry. I know this is kinda random, but I had an idea that I had to write. I know it's really short. I was just an oneshot, anyways. Just to let you know, the girl was Zoey, if you people didn't know that (HOW COULD YOU NOT? spasm) and she was pining after Chase. Just take whatever comes to you. And don't end up like me, a band dork. ** End file.
Nothing by SmilingDaisy
Zoey 101
When You Talk to Me When You Talk to Me When you talk to me, I feel my heart skip a beat. When you look at me I feel myself go crazy. When you touch me, I feel an electric spark. When you hug me, everything else goes dark. I can't see anyone else but you, And everything else is fine. Because when you talk to me, my dear, You make me love you. End file.
When You Talk to Me by dancingal0neandreadytog0
Zoey 101
Four Times **Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101** ** * * * ** Four Times Four times. It took him four times to realize he loved her. It took him four times to tell her. He realized he loved her when she was helping him study. She was going on about something he didn't care about when it clicked. He realized she was the first girl he really cared about. He would do anything for her. _Anything._ Before he had a chance to tell her, she jumped up saying her roommates and her were going to see a movie. The second time he tried, they were in their hiding place. He stopped kissing and said he had something to tell her. She said okay but later, that she had to help her roommate study. The third time, they had just agreed to take other people to the prom. He wasn't happy about so he decided to tell her before prom. Before he could, his roommate walked in wanting him to play basketball. He went but he wasn't happy about that either. The fourth time, he told her. They were at prom, with their dates, when his date tried to kiss him. "I don't want to kiss _you_," He cried "Why not? My lips are moist," His date asked. "Because I love Quinn!" He yelled. He saw her sit there shocked. "_You_ love Quinn?" some random guy asked. "That's right," He said. He turned towards her. She stood up still shocked. "I LOVE QUINN PENSKY!" "AND I LOVE LOGAN REESE!" She yelled back to him. Everyone gasped. "_You_ used _me_," Her date said and ran off. He put on a goofy grin then ran they towards each other like in the movies. They caught each other and he captured her lips with his. After what seemed like ages, they pulled apart in need of oxygen. He still had on his goofy grin while her eyes sparkled with joy. "So I'm guessing that was what you needed to tell me," She said. He nodded and pulled her closer. "How long have you been wanting to tell me?" "Awhile. It took me four times," He answered. He still could not believe that he, Logan Reese, had fallen in love with her, Quinn Pensky. And it only took him four times. * * * **A/N: This is my first fanfic. Be nice, please. R&R Thanks.** End file.
Four Times by SouthernB3lle
Zoey 101
Oxygen **Warning:** Sexual situations (nothing too big) and angst. My first attempt at any type of angst, it's a one-shot. _Don't skip read, or you won't understand the ending._ **-----** **Oxygen** From the first day she met him, she forever wondered why she needed him like oxygen. Perhaps instead of oxygen, it was a drug. You yearn for drugs, but you need oxygen to survive. In that case, she needed him like oxygen. You breath everyday, and it's apart of life. You unconsciously breathe, and when you sleep what do you do? Breathe. His dark eyes switched from the spiraling staircase which seemed to go on into eternity to the women he had known so long before him. She was standing, defenseless in an awkward position. He doesn't understand the natural human need. His eyes scanned over the vulnerable brunette who was currently eyeing the ground, thumbs fiddling slowly together. Her eyes seemed heavy, and she had no wish to lift them, but knew she had to look him in his eyes. Quietly she shifted her weight to the other foot, trying to become more comfortable in this darkened dungeon-like room. The wooden floor made a small creek, but in the silence of this room it seemed like a nuclear bomb had exploded. Dragging her amber eyes up slowly, captivated by his darkened clothing; their eyes met. It wasn't one of those moments where it matters to write a book on it, but it was important because it was the first time all evening they had held any sort of eye contact. The only thing she longed to do, was run into his arms and breathe him in. Other then the creaking of the wooden floor which they had both become accustomed to, the only other noise was the light breaths both figures took while still maintaining their gaze. Neither had wanted to break it, but it had become too intense for the grown woman, and she didn't want to be analyzed. Her eyes would give herself away, and at this moment of everything, she couldn't afford to do that. Her thumbs went back to fiddling with each other as hardly noticeable breezes of cooler air came by. It couldn't be any less than a couple degrees of the room temperature but in these moments of deep silence, it seems like so much more. She didn't want to make any sudden movements, in fear he would question her. Her eyes simply shifted, looking at her sides, but could barely see anything besides the shadowy figure at least ten feet away from her. It wasn't too dark because she could see his eyes, and a few of his features. His soft hand was resting on the spiral staircase railing, while she was just standing there. After all, she had followed him here, but she needed more time to think. More time to answer his incoming interrogation. She knew she had been doomed when seeing the look on his face when showing up at the church. At first he hadn't recognized her; but soon realized exactly who she was. He naturally had a right to be curious but it wasn't in her best interest that he was. She tried to gather all her thoughts, and practice in her mind how to answer any questions before he spoke. Which she knew was coming eventually. "Why are you here?" He demanded to know. The woman sighed before responding. She did indeed expect this question above all other things. That didn't mean she had a prepared answer though. She stumbled in her mind over words to use, or how to use them. It's been years, and first impressions are important. Clearing her voice quietly so he wouldn't hear or suspect anything, rubbing her all-black dress with her palms before they became too sweaty, she spoke. "I heard about what happened," The woman said calmly, but nothing in the man's face changed, or showed any gratification. He hadn't moved, and she guessed she shouldn't either. "I'm asking why you are at my home, not why you showed up earlier today," the man stated, and unclearly demanding an explanation. She wasn't sure how to satisfy him, so she took a few more moments to regain her thoughts in order. Legs were beginning to slightly shake from being so still, for too long, being too afraid to make any more movements. "I followed you," She affirmed meeting his gaze again which had still been looking her in the eyes. The pools of brown got her so entangled in the midst of memory; she almost didn't catch the sudden assertiveness in his voice when he spoke louder next. "No shit!" He firmly said, not at the yelling point yet. Even though it was only a little above our quiet whispers, it still shocked her to see him in this explosive matter. "I asked why," he added, in the same aggressive voice. At this moment, she realized that in the long run, she only wanted to help. "I'm not really sure," the only reason this women answered this way was because of two facts. One being she couldn't think of any reasons to answer, because honestly she didn't even know herself why she had followed him to his house. And two, the look in his eyes showed much of an impatient look, demanding an answer. She felt helpless, and frankly; that was the only way to describe it. "That's not a valid answer," the man declared, and she did acknowledge that. She knew that 'I don't know' or 'I'm not sure' are always invalid answers. Neither she, nor him had any ideas on what to say next, so they were back at square one, the staring, which she always backed out on. If he would look at her, he would see that she wasn't here because she simply heard about it, and pitied a friend. She truly did care. She needed him like oxygen. "I wanted to see how you were," the woman finally said after a few moments of watching each other. Her eyes darted back to his, trying to read him. There was one lamp lit in this entire room. There were no windows, and the stone walls made everything more depressing. She had no idea what else she could possibly do. "I'm just peachy," the man drawled, but making sure she realized the entire sarcasm of the comment. "How do you think I am?" He asked again, quite perturbed. She didn't comment, but only wanted him to say something else; switching the subject. As far as she could tell, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. It was more of a rhetorical question, therefore she didn't answer. She kept looking into his hard eyes. There must have been a look of defeat and sure pity on her face because the man softened his eyes and switched the subject. "So you flew here to California all the way from New York, eh?" He asked, lightening the mood, but the women looked right past it. There was an empty, sorrowful look in his eyes. He looked exhausted. "Yes," She simply answered. It really was all the way from New York. She was reading the newspaper, as she did every morning in her apartment while drinking a cup of coffee when she read what had happened. Sounds like your normal high fashioned woman in business, doesn't it? Truth behold, that's how she tried to live her life. Work every day, and lonely nights. Her friends who were close enough, always seemed busy- and after her past she decided men were a waste of time. All men, besides the one that stood before her. "Very thoughtful of you, ya know?" He said. The women noted how his eyebrows raised while his face formed a frown, in an approving manor. She took a short careless breath in, before simply nodding her head in agreement. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asked. She debated in her mind whether or not to say no, or yes. She could quickly get a hotel- but it would be the last time she would see this man. Her chance at anything at all, would be to say 'no, I don't' and there might be a chance he would invite her to stay. Even if it were only for one night, she could work up the courage to inform him of everything. Including the very way she felt. "No, I don't. The hotel was booked, but I'm sure there's one across town," she lied, shaking a bit. Right through those pearly white teeth, she lied. She didn't know if he would believe her, which is why she added that there were hotels across town she could attend. Awaiting his response, the only feeling present was an overwhelming nervousness. His eyes disconnected from hers, looking to the ceiling as if thinking. She was begging with her eyes, but he didn't see her plea. "I have an extra guest room a few doors down from my own, if you would like to stay this night," he offered. The women acted as if she were thinking, not wanting to sound too thrilled, even though her heart was jumping with joy. "Sure, that would be nice," she said, making sure she didn't deny it. "Thank you," she added, waiting for him to move. "Do you have any bags?" He asked, looking her up and down realizing she held nothing but a purse. The woman was almost embarrassed of the fact she had not brought anything. She didn't worry about all of that; she just wanted to make it here in California on time. "No," she answered, her cheeks reddening. But the darkness and dreariness of the room blocked it. She could just sleep in her black dress; she had done it before on late nights in New York. "You can borrow a shirt from me," he said, and she hadn't even thought about that. It makes it all the more better. The only thing on her mind was jumping in his arms but it was impossible. After moments of silence, once again, he finally began to walk up the spiral staircase. "I'll show you, it's getting late." He walked a few steps ahead of her spiraling up the long stretch of stairs. She followed like a long lost puppy, with hungry eyes. She watched his legs, and his every move; not paying attention to her own. Almost tripping, she regained her posture and walked the last couple of stairs. The rooms up here had been lighter as there was one single window at the end of the long hallway. There were doors on either side, but the hallway was straight. With the darkness, and single light coming from the window- it was such a surreal feeling. As if walking to your own death, leaving the darkened past behind. He stopped a moment, turning back towards her; checking to make sure she followed. Without a word, he turned his back on her and made his way toward a door on the left, about halfway down the hallway. She assumed this was her room, but she was wrong- it was his. Decorated in a dark blue, it seemed plain, almost lifeless. It was a simple bed, table, dresser- and another door leading to the master bathroom. She then realized he had no pictures up, not of his family. Not of his father. When she saw this, she couldn't help herself but to feel sorry for the man. "I'm sorry about your father," she said, and he stopped in his tracks. His head cocked to the side, before he turned his head, but not his full body. "It's the vicious cycle, isn't it?" He asked over his shoulder, opening his drawers to fetch a long shirt. It took her a moment to register the meaning of what he said, but she couldn't help herself to ask. "What do you mean?" "You are born into this hell," he said, closing that drawer while opening the one below it, "and you try to survive, as best you can. Either making yourself to be someone important or being a loser," he shut this one, but it didn't seem to shut all the way. He wriggled the drawer around, until it closed fully, opening the last one under it. "Or you could be the person who lives a simple life being neither a loser- or someone worth living. You then have a child, bringing them into this hell; therefore the vicious cycle starts once again. You live your last days, knowing your time is up soon; and out of nowhere you die," He explained, but said it so flatly with no emotion, and it worried her. "I guess I can see your logic," she noted. The man finally came across a long white t-shirt, bundled it up and tossed it to her. She caught it. It unraveled in her hands; but was plain with a simple pocket on the breast. "My father knew he was going to die," he said, and it made my heart drop. "Which is the depressing part about it," he said, walking out of the room while the women followed. He lead her a couple doors towards the window, and to the right there was an oak door which was closed. She didn't say anymore, because she didn't know if she should comfort, or just leave it alone. This room was just as plain, while being decked out in a beige-peach color. There was a twin bed, and a dresser. "The bathroom is the door across the hall," he informed her, but stood at the door, his shoulder pressed against it. "Thanks," she mumbled, and placed the shirt on the bed, not wanting to change just yet. She turned back around, and before she knew it there was another small conversation starting. "Thanks for coming to the funeral," he said, and she simply nodded. "But I have to ask why. It has been years since I have seen you- and out of nowhere you show up at my father's funeral all grown up," he said, with a small smile burning holes in her from her head to toe. It was her chance now. All she had to say was 'because I need you like oxygen' and this burden would be off her chest. Except it wasn't that easy to admit to something like that. It wasn't a small immature childhood crush, it was so much more. It was a need, not a want, because without him she felt there was nothing else to live for. Even if it had been years, four to be exact; she thought about him every time she woke up; and every night before she fell asleep, alone in her apartment. His eyes didn't have the light to them as she remembered. He hadn't smirked all night, and had lost his touch. The house resembled that, it was dark; and so was his heart. She hadn't heard of the famous movie producer's son getting married, or anything. The press had been all over Malcolm's son since he turned eighteen, which was the last time she saw him. He was a bachelor whom every woman in America wanted. But all pictures of him in magazines had been lifeless, and lonely. Now was her chance to say it, but her mouth wouldn't let her. What was there to lose? And after that thought hit her, she spoke. "Because I need you like oxygen," she said loudly, almost regretting it- but there was nothing in the world to lose, besides him, and if she didn't say that she might have lost him forever. His eyebrows rose, and he looked confused. Her heart sank; realizing simple teenage love wouldn't last forever in him. It did for her certainly, but not for him. She looked away from his eyes which again he had been gazing in, and she rubbed her head. She didn't want to stay here anymore, she wanted to go back to New York and forget about everything. She wanted to go back to reading the newspaper every morning, and tabloids every night in search of this man. She lifted her eyes and found his face the same as before, except in this moment- before she could even register what was happening, or going to happen he darted to her from across the room making their lips crash. Four years of pent up love was flowing out. She immediately kissed back as his arms were tightly around her. Her hands grasped his black dress shirt almost ripping it off there. There was nothing sweet or slow about this. It was like a war. His kiss was rough, but passionate, and she equaled it out. Her lips felt swollen, but she wouldn't allow herself to break it, she wanted to hold it forever. Tongues battled, along with roaming hands, as she was now against the wall. His hands were pulling at her hair, trying to get as close as possible. While kissing her, he lifted her up against the wall and she held onto his shoulders, while wrapping her legs around him. He walked his way out of the door, managing to knock her back into the wall a couple of times before reaching his room. She clawed at his dress shirt, and a few buttons broke. She didn't feel like unbuttoning it slowly, it took too much time, and there were a million buttons on that dress shirt. His hands were supporting her, and she opened her eyes for a moment, breaking the kiss. Before she did anything else, she wanted to at least get one look at this man. As she kissed his cheek, she felt something wet on her lips. It tasted salty, and opening her eyes again, she realized there was a single tear on him. She couldn't tell if it was his, or her own. His eyes were hungry with want, while hers were full of need. He smashed his lips against hers again, while her hands found the collar of his unbuttoned shirt, fully prying it off. Her dress was somehow unzipped, but still on as he threw her onto his bed. She tried to kick off her strapped heels, but it wasn't working until finally with enough pulling they hit the ground by his shirt and his own shoes. Her brown curls were spread across the bed, until they both took a moment to look at each other with red faces, their hair a mess, and breathing heavy. It was then; she realized for the first time in her life, she was breathing in oxygen properly. But before her mind could relish the thought and the events occurring, his mouth was down on hers again. **OOO** The area around her was unfamiliar as she woke up. She thought a loud bang woke her up, but after she was fully conscious, it was silent. She couldn't tell if it was daytime or night time because there were no windows, only a clock which read '5:23'. She assumed it was AM, because there's no way she could sleep all day. Things came rushing back to her head from the night before, but she realized no one was by her. The covers were pulled down, but he was gone. This was his own house after all, so he had to be around somewhere. She carefully stood up and began her way out to the hall. As she opened the door a white piece of paper caught her eye lying on the floor in front of the bathroom. She picked it up, because from what she remembered it wasn't there the night before. It was neatly folded in half when she lifted it from the ground. Silence filled the hallway, and the light from the window at the end of the hallway was barely enough to read it, but she managed. What was scribbled on this piece of paper, she will never forget no matter how long she lived. _When I have received everything I hoped and lived for, why should I live on to another day when I know my time will be up soon?_ She could have died right there. She rushed to the bathroom where the light was on. She didn't want to enter, because she knew what would be inside. Tears began to roll down her cheek; four years of needing her oxygen she felt lifeless. How damn selfish of him! She got mad now, but still didn't open the door. She had to, but didn't want reality to settle in. As she cracked open the door, she saw a lifeless man lying on the stone floor. There was a heavy and silver object in his hand; it was then reality set in and she found herself to be crying indeed. You could perhaps call it sobbing, because her breaths were loud and fast, coming in pants. A fresh pool of blood was forming around the man's head, and it was then she thought about the loud bang that woke her up. She screamed into the emptiness of the house "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" But it didn't do any good, nor helped anything. What was done had already been done. Knowing that only minutes before, he had been alive was enough to make her fall to the ground immediately against the door. Praying to god for all this to be a dream. The note in her hand dropped to the ground, and the scribbled words at the bottom caught her eye. _You are my oxygen._ **XXX** Tell me what you think, please? It was my first attempt, and depressing to write. But I have always wanted to write a fan fiction like this. End file.
Oxygen by BrittanyOXYMORON
Zoey 101
I Turn To You I Turn To You **By**: punkprincess96 _When I'm lost in the rain, In your eyes I know I'll find the light To light my way._ So here I am. Dana Cruz. Soaked in the rain. Standing outside while it's raining. I was last seen by my friends crying and running out of the girl's dorm because of my last argument. But that doesn't really work for me because one; I don't cry. Two; obviously not for disses either. The wall I had been building for almost 14 years now. Broken by two girls. Do you know why I'm out here? No you don't. I'm alone outside because of stupid Zoey Brooks and Nicole Bristow. Yes those... ugh! _ And when I'm scared, And losing ground, When my world is going crazy, You can turn it all around._ **FLASHBACK** I walked into the girl's lounge around noon. I was looking for Nicole because she left some of her stuff on my bed again. "Hey Dana. Why are you wearing that?" Zoey and Nicole asked me. I looked down. The casual red tank top and black torn up jeans. "What's wrong with it?" I ask, confused. Zoey gave me a rolly-eyed look. "You don't have the figure for it. You're flat." Zoey admitted. How am I supposed to reply to that, Brooks?! "Yeah." Nicole says in agreement. I stand there like an idiot. Chase, Logan, Michael, Lola and Quinn are just watching us. "Er. What am I supposed to say to that?" I ask, sounding hurt. I tried not to. Nicole scoffed, giving Zoey a barbie look. "You don't." Zoey said, laughing at me. Why would she say that? I thought she was my friend. My only real friend. "What's that suppose to mean, Brooks?" I snap, through tears. "Means you're ugly." Nicole answered, enjoying my tears. Why is the world against me?! "Shut it or I'll do it for you Nicole!" I yell, making a fist at her. Nicole makes a raspberry, and I wanna slap that girl, but I can't move. I just stand there. "Nothing to say?" Zoey asks, in a teasing way. Not a good tease way. Ofcourse I am speechless. But someone isn't. "I can say something for her." someone says. I turn around and see... Logan. Why is he sticking up for me? "She's ugly?" Nicole asked, smiling. Zoey laughed along. "Prettier than you, you ugly sluts." he replies. I'm so surprised. And impressed. Logan has never stuck up for anyone but himself before. "Excuse me?" Zoey asked, using that fake southern accent of hers. Behind her back, no one believed she was from Lousiana. "You heard her." Chase added in. He's helping me too, now? Aw, they care! They're the best! Zoey gasps, in shock. "Chase!" Zoey shouts. "I... I thought you loved me!" Chase scoffed. "What made you think that?" he asked. I thought... he liked... what's going on? "Well...! Ugh! You guys already know Dana's the ugliest girl around PCA! She's a total witch, too!" Nicole stammered. "Better than you freaks." Logan remarked. I smile. He makes me smile. I've never told him that before. Why would I anyways? I don't wanna make my friends hate each other because of me. I run outside. It's pouring. **END FLASHBACK **_ And when I'm down you're there - pushing me to the top. You're always there, giving me all you've got._ "Dana?!" Logan shouts through the rain. I turn around. He's only a couple feet from me. How did he find me, though? "What?!" I shout back. _ For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you._ "You wanna go back inside?! I can walk you back to your room!" Logan yells through the noise from the rain. I don't reply. "Aw, your upset!" he said. I give him an angry look to defend myself. I don't even have to say 'No I'm not!' because my glare does it for me. "Dana, don't let those barbies upset you! You're the prettiest girl on campus!" Logan shouts, trying to cheer me up. I give him a playful smile. "Oh, alright. In PCA!" I laugh and smile. See! There's that smile again! We hugged. _ For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, for everything that's true I turn to you._ "Can we go back inside now?!" he yells, coming up to me. I don't know. It still feels like something's missing. _When I lose the will to win, I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again. I can do anything_ He reaches over to me and pulls my wrist to go. I stay still. "Come on. If you're worried about facing them, don't worry. If they mess with you I'll mess with them." Logan laughs. I still don't know. _And when I need a friend, You're always on my side Giving me faith taking me through the night_ "I-I don't know." I mutter, but he didn't hear probably because I was so quiet. "What?!" He yells. _ For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you._ "Let's just go in before you get sick!" he says and tries to get me to move. I smile. I think I know what's missing. _ For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, for everything that's true I turn to you._ "Ugh, come on Dana! What do you want me to do to get you in?" he despretly asks. I shrug, but smile. _ For a heart I can rely on through anything, For that one who I can run to... For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you_ "Let's get in." he tells me while smiling. I just go with him. I think I do have a cold. _ For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, for everything that's true_ "Yeah. Then while I go inside, you can tell me about how I'm the best looking PCA!" I tease, and laugh. He yanks my hair. "I'm the best looking, silly." He said before ditching me in the rain. I scoff and laugh. I chase after him, in the rain. _I turn to you. I turn to you. I turn to you..._ End file.
I Turn To You by punkprincess96
Zoey 101
Chase's Broken Heart Previously on Zoey 101, Chase confessed his love for Zoey to Micheal and Logan. However, Zoey heard this but since she is 5,000 miles away in England she couldn't do anything about it. "Why didn't you tell her you were in love with her when you had the chance?" said Logan. "I thought that it would ruin our friendship if she didn't feel the same about me." said Chase, "Well I just have to face it that Zoey is not coming back." Zoey turned off her computer and sat there thinking about what she had just heard. Thenshe walked over to her bed, sat down, put her face in her hands, and began to cry. Zoey was upset because she told her parents she would stay in London, But know she wants to go back to PCA. Meanwhile back at PCA, all Chase wanted to do was get out of his room. "Could you open the door, I would like to get some air," said Chase. "Sure," said Micheal. Chase walked outside, but he didn't know where he wanted to go. All he wanted was to be alone. Finally, he sat by the fountain and tears began falling down his face. It seemed like hours had passed when Lola showed up. She saw that Chase was sad and she put her arm around him but he took her arm off. "Lola, I would just like to be alone right now," said Chase. "I know you miss Zoey. We all miss her, but you need to be around other people," said Lola. "The only person I need to be around right now is Zoey," said Chase. "It will get easier," said Lola. In London, Zoey was talking with her parents because they knew that something was going on with her. "Zoey, what has been going on lately?" asked Zoey's dad. "Nothing." said Zoey, "I just miss my friends." "Well, you knew this would not be easy," said Zoey's mom. "I didn't think it would be this hard either. I just want to see Chase. Would I be able to go back in a couple weeks for a visit?" said Zoey. "We will have to see," said Zoey's mom. The next afternoon back at PCA Logan, Micheal, Quinn, and Lola were sitting in the quad deciding what to do about Chase. "I have never seen Chase this sad before," said Micheal. "All he wants is to see Zoey," said Lola. "There really isn't anything we can do about that," said Micheal. "He could just call her," said Logan. "That is what I told him, but he thinks that it isn't the same," said Lola. "I have a solution, we can use the web cam again," said Quinn. "Well, there is a funny story with the web cam. It was on when Chase was talking to us about Zoey. He said that he was in love with her. I think that Zoey overheard," said Micheal. "Lets go see if Zoey will talk to Chase," said Quinn. They arrived at the boys room and Quinn hooked up the web cam. After a few minutes they were able to get a hold of Zoey. At first she said that she did not have time to talk, but when they said it would only take a few minutes, she decided to listen. "So Zoey, How do you like London?" asked Lola. "It's okay. There is not much to do right now," said Zoey. "Zoey, what we wanted to know was will you talk to Chase?" asked Quinn. "He won't talk to anyone of us because he misses you," said Micheal. "I know." said Zoey, "I overheard you talking to him. How will me talking to him solve everything if I am not there in person?" "Well, it will be a start." said Lola, "Chase told me that the only person he wants to be around is you." "Where is Chase anyway?" asked Zoey. "I think he is out shooting hoops," said Logan. "Okay. I have already thought of something I want to do. Could you have Chase be in this room tomorrow at 12:00?" said Zoey. "Why?" asked Logan. "I have a message for him," said Zoey. "He will like that," said Micheal. "I know he will," said Zoey. Zoey turned off her computer and Quinn disconnected the web cam. For a moment the four of them looked at each other wondering what Zoey meant and then went out to look for Chase. "Chase, there you are," said Micheal. "Yeah, here I am," said Chase. "We have been looking for you everywhere." said Micheal, "Logan, Lola, Quinn, and myself were just talking to Zoey." "YOU WERE TALKING TO ZOEY WITHOUT ME!" shouted Chase. "Wait. Before you get mad," replied Micheal, "I came to tell you that Zoey wants to talk to you, and you alone, tomorrow at 12:00. She says she has a message for you." "She does. Okay," said Chase. "12:00 tomorrow turn on the TV and press connect on the web cam," said Micheal. Chase has no idea that the web cam was on when he was talking to Micheal and Logan, but the others do. The next afternoon had arrived and it was 11:45. Chase finished his lunch and went to his room to wait for 12:00. He hasn't been eating in the past couple of days because he has been really depressed, but now that he is going to hear from Zoey he feels much better. Chase was the only one in his room when he got there with a couple of minutes to spare. The time had come, Chase turned on the tv and pressed connect on the web cam, but it was prerecorded message. However, he still turned it on to listen. "Hey Chase. To answer your question, yes things are still good between us. The reason I left was because I cared about your opinion the most and it didn't seem like you wanted me to stay. So I left. I wish I could have stayed at PCA with all of my friends. I really wanted to stay at PCA because of you Chase. You are my best friend. I want you to know that I miss you as much as you miss me. I overheard you talking with Micheal and Logan and I wanted you to know that I love you too. I knew that I was in love you with from the moment I saw you. I wish you would have told me sooner that you liked me. It doesn't look like I will be coming back to PCA anytime soon. I have a suprise for you and it should be arriving about now..." said Zoey. There was a knock at the door and Chase went to open it. He found a package, picked it up, and closed the door. Chase opened the package to find a giraffe. The same kind of giraffe that Logan ruined. Chase just smiled and was happy that Zoey has sent it. "...So, Chase do you like it?" asked Zoey, " I know that Logan ruined the other one so I thought that I would give you another. I will smack Logan for that. Oh, there is one more surprise for you, but I got to go. I hope you like it. Best wishes. Talk to you later. Love you. Bye." There was another knock at the door. Chase wondered what it could be this time. He got up, answered the door, and stood still. He could not believe that Zoey was standing in the doorway. "I am back for good," said Zoey. Chase quickly gave Zoey a hug and Zoey hugged him too. For about ten minutes they did not separate. Chase was happy to be able to hold Zoey. He did not care about anything else. All was right and more. Chase has his best friend back and he knows that she loves him too. "Zoey I missed you so much," said Chase. " Me too." said Zoey, " Chase you can let me go now. I am now going anywhere." "Oh. Sorry. I am just glad to see to you," said Chase. "Can I come in or are we going to stand in the hall?" asked Zoey. "Of course." said Chase, "Does anyone else know you are back?" "No. You are the only one," said Zoey. "Did you mean what you said in you message?" said Chase. "Yes I do mean it. I love you Chase," said Zoey. "I love you Zoey," said Chase. Both Zoey and Chase were sitting on the couch and before they knew it they were kissing. This was something Chase had been imagining for a very long time. However, it did not last very long because the door opened and in came Micheal and Logan. "Chase I...," said Micheal. "Oh we're sorry," said Logan. "Wait! Zoey," said Micheal. "Yeah, it's me," said Zoey. "You two were kissing," said Logan. "Yeah we were until you came in," said Chase. "Do you want us to leave?" said Micheal. "No," said Zoey. "When did you get here?" said Logan. "Just now." said Zoey, " I came to surprise Chase." "Where are Lola and Quinn?" asked Zoey, "I am going to find them." Zoey went to the lounge and the dorm but she couldn't find Lola and Quinn. Then she went out to the quad and there they were. By this point everyone knew that Zoey was back. Lola ran up to Zoey and almost knocked her over. "When did you get here?" asked Lola. "About a half-hour ago," said Zoey. "Where have you been?" asked Quinn. "With Chase. I told him first that I was back," said Zoey. "I bet he was excited," said Quinn. "Yeah he was. He wouldn't let go of me," said Zoey. "Speaking of Chase, here he comes," said Lola. Chase came up to the table looking really happy and gave Zoey a kiss. Lola and Quinn had a look of shock on their faces. However, Micheal and Logan looked pleased. "Oh. Right, we didn't tell you. We are going out now," said Zoey. They both walked away holding hands. "It's about time they got together," said Micheal. "I know," said Lola. "Yeah, they were kissing in our room a little bit ago," said Logan. "That is great that they are happy," said Quinn. End file.
Chase's Broken Heart by writerstorygirl
Zoey 101
Not on Logan's Life _A/N. Squee! I just saw the commercial for Quinn Misses the Mark! If Quinn doesn't end up with Logan (and since this is the final season it's the only chance for this to happen) I will cry. Actually cry._ _ If I owned it... this would happen:_ * * * **Not On Logan's Life** * * * Quinn paced up and down in front of him as he sat on the bench lazily. It seemed lazily was the only way that Logan Reese did anything whether it was finishing a term paper or trying to win over a girl he liked. "You just like me because I've changed because of this" she ran her hand down to indicate her new clothing which did accentuate certain parts of her that did finally make Logan Reese start to sit up and take notice. "You see that's the thing" Logan put his hand out gesturing as he spoke. "I don't. You think I would have... I mean..." he sounded scoffing for a second, "you're hot." She sat down on the bench beside him. "Really?" Her voice squeaked. "Of course half the school noticed." She hit him on the arm playfully, "not that I'm hot. That you don't just like the "new me"" she put air quotations around it. He smiled slightly now. His part-cocky, part-genuine smile that told her that he was seriously contemplating this. He took the glasses out of her hands and opened them, placing them over her nose and onto her face. "I don't" he said softly. "Oh." She took this at face value but then the absurdity of the whole thing hit her. "Why?" He shrugged nonchalantly, still remaining to keep his cool throughout the entire thing. "Because you're beautiful and smart without even trying. And not that smart is at the top of my lists... but it doesn't seem fair that Mark Loser-Last-Name would be the one to get a girl with as many qualities as you and Logan Reese, school heart-throb, doesn't." She pursed her lips. "That's strangely... sweet." "That's just the kinda guy I am." She snorted at this but the gravitation pull (as she would have called it) toward him at this moment was particularly strong. She leaned in toward him slowly and their lips collided. There was something in her stomach warning her that this was just another one of Logan's lines and he would laugh at Quinn the Spazz who he exploited in front of everyone after this. She pulled away from him. "What?" he said, sounding annoyed when she moved back. "How do I know I can trust you?" "I don't know! Rig me up to a lie detector test or something! All I know is I want to kiss you right now!" "You know that's not a bad idea." "Finally!" He shouted and leaned in to kiss her again. "No, the test. Come with me." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up, dragging him back to the girl's dorm room. It was right then Logan realized what dating Quinn was all about. It was about suffering through science and gadgets and everything he didn't exactly think was a better thing to talk about than himself... but Mark was an idiot for letting her go and he had a reputation to keep. Would he really be stupid enough himself to let the smartest and most beautiful girl in the school go now? He groaned as she pulled him along. _Not on your life_, he thought confidently. _Not on your life._ * * * **_If you're tempted to write threatening/saddened letters to the writers of Zoey101 if something like this doesn't happen in the show - please review and let us band together!_** End file.
Not on Logan's Life by Jesus.Lives
Zoey 101
A birthday to remember **Disclaimer: I do not won Zoey 101** **okay so i was writing 'Your Pushing It' and an idea came to me and it was perfect for a little 1 shot so here it is** **-------------------------------------------------------------------------------DL---------------------------------------------------------------------** He was laying on his bed, just laying there, staring at the celing. It was his birthday yet he wasnt happy. Not one of daddy's presents made him happy. His friends, Chase,Micheal,Zoey and Nicole, didnt even know it was his birthday cause he didnt want them to make a big deal about it. If your wondering why I didnt mention Dana its because she's in France. _'she's gone' he thought 'she's not coming back' _ tears welded in his eyes but he didnt let them fall _'I all I want for my birthday is her, is to see her face again' _ The door opened and Chase walked in "Hey Man, we're all going out to play some basketball you wanna come?" He asked. Logan was about to say no but then thought better of it, if he said no then they would know something was up. "Sure, as long as your ready for me to kick your ass" He said and got off his bed and grabbing a pair of basketball shorts and a black T-shirt. They arrived at the basketball court and everyone else was already there, it was guys against girls. "You are so going down" Logan said. "Bring it" Zoey said "Consider it brought" Logan countered and then the whistle blew. "Logan I think your phone is going off" Micheal said as they were getting ready to go back to the dorm and then hit the showers. Sure enough the sound of So Sick by Ne-Yo was heard. Logan ran to the bleachers and opened his phone "Speak" He ordered _"happy birthday"_ "Yeah thanks dad" _"did you get your presents?"_ "Yeah the presents are cool" _"thats good are you okay?"_ "Its nothing" _"okay well I have to go, Bye"_ **beep beep beep** "bye" logan whispered. "what was that about?" Chase asked "Nothing, im going for a shower" Logan said running to his door and grabbing a towel and then booking it to the showers. By the time he got back it was around 6:30. Chase and Micheal werent there and he found a note on his pillow that said **Logan, Me and Chase went to the Movies with Zoey and Nicole.** **Sorry we didnt wait for you if you want to come we're watching ** **Freedom Writters... (Nicoles Choice)... TTYL okay man.. bye** **--- Micheal** "Finally! They leave I get to be alone" Logan said and turned on his sterio. He started dancing around just having funn, and singing out the words, well screaming out the words seeing as the music was on full blast. And he wasnt just in regular clothes.. He was in black boxers (with lips printed everywhere), a white dress shirt and white socks. There was a knock at the door but he couldnt hear it he was pretending that his hair brush was a mic. The person at that knocked just shrugged and opened the door, they didnt see anyone at first and then suddenly Logan came slinding into the spotlight "WHOAAAAAAAA I FEEL GOOD DUNNNA NUNNNA NUNNA NA I KNEW THAT I WOULD NOW" Logan screamed. The mysterious person just stood there and leaned again the door frame stiffling a laugh. Logan decided to do the crazziest thing right then he turned so his butt was facing the door and then bent backwards a bit and shook his front, where he has nothing except a 6-pack and then bent forward and shoot his ass and did that a few times and then started to sing -cough scream cough- "WHOA I FEEL GOOD, I KNEW THAT I WOULD, I FEEL GOOD I KNEW THAT I WOULD, SO GOOD, SO GOOD CUASE I GOT YOU.. SO GOOD, SO GOOD CAUSE I GOT YOU.. SO GOOD, SO GOOD CUASE I GOT YOU... SO GOOD, SOO GOOD CAUSE I GOT YOU" The mysterious person began to clowly clap. Logan turned and looked at the person. He couldnt tell who it was though. "wow i didnt know you had that in you, especially to pull off a look like that" They said sarcastically and then whistled. Logan looked baffled he really didnt know who it was. All he knew was there a some girl with straight caramel colored hair, she had theese chunky sun glasses on that hid her eyes, she was wearing a black shirt that went a few inches above her knee and a red halter top on. Suddenly she took off her sun glasses and stuck one end in her mouth and twitled it around sassily. Then realization hit him. "Dana?" He asked "The one and only" She said "I thought you were in Frace" He said. "I was" she said. Just then Chase, Micheal, Nicole and Zoey filed in past Dana, not knowing it was Dana of course. "Oh my god, remember when she stommped on his foot at the dance" Nicole said happily and everyone started laughing "Yeah, Dana was the greatest" Everyone sighed happily in return. They all looked at Logan. "Hey Logan, whos the chick" Micheal asked. "Nice to know you all still talk about me, but id rather you didnt, if you do it again i'll smash your faces in" Dana threatened. "Oh my god Dana!!!!!" everyone screamed and hugged her. "Okay Okay.. too much Love !!" Dana said "Okay Everyone GET OFF !!!" She screamed and everyone let go and stepped back. "Dana what are you doing here?" Chase asked "I thought you were in France" "I was.. i came back because today is a very important day" She explained "It is? what do you mean" Zoey asked. Dana just walked over to Logan and pulled something out of her purse. It was a smallish black velvet box. "Happy Birthday Logan" Dana smiled. Everyone gasped. "You remembered" Logan said openeing the box. inside was a gold watch with little dimonds in it. The clock itself was circular. but it was surrounded by a heart, which was surrounded by a circle. "How could I forget, your my friend. Plus you remembered mine, remember you gave me this" Dana said placing her hand around the golden locket that he had given to her. There was a little key slot which unclocked it. Unfortunatly Logan hadnt given her the key. "Logan" The gang said. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US THAT TODAY WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!!" they screamed at him. Logan laughed nervously. The gang ran out of the dorm in search of money so they could get him a present. "Umm.. Thank you" Logan said running his fingers over the watch. Dana had saved up all year to buy him that. it was special, and now she was broke. she had worked overtime, did extra chores, and anything else that would get her some money (not anything innapropriate, you dirty minded people). She couldnt arfford the trip here so her mom had to pay for her, after alot of begging of course. "Your welcome" Dana said "So.. Logan can I have the key for this locket" she asked "Umm... Sure" Logan said and opened a little box he had beside his laptop, then pulled out an anklet with a tiny little key attatched to it, it also had hearts and a bunch of different charms on it. "Here" he said handing it to her. Dana took it and then took the key off of it. She took her necklace and held it in her hand. She placed the key into the key whole and turned it a small click was heard. She carefully opened it and saw two pictures. One was her and the Other was Logan. around the edge of hearts were words. "Forever you will be in my heart, this I promise you" Dana read outloud making Logan blush a deep red. Dana smiled a big smile and walked towards Logan. Logan backed away a bit scared of what Dana was about to do. Dana's smile got bigger and she gave Logan a BIG hug "Thank you" She said. and then let go. Logan stared at her as if she was crazy. Dana took his arm and pulled it up so she could look at his watch. He eyed her and his watch curiously and then a somewhat loud click was heard and the watch opened to reveal a picture of Dana and a picture of Logan. just like the locket there were words embrioded in it. "I'll always be with you, weather im half way across the world or standing right infront of you. But if I am standing right infront of you and you forget that and have to open your watch and read this to remember then you... are an idiot." Logan read out loud laughing at the end. Dana just smiled and hugged him again. "Thanks Dana, you really didnt have to though. All I wanted for my birthday was to see your face again." Logan said. "Well now you can look at it everyday if you want" she laughed reffering to the watch. "I love you" She said "I love you too" He said "But I always have" Logan looked at her and did the one thing he knew he would never get to do again. He kissed her. **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DL--------------------------------------------------------------------** **yeah i know that was weird but thats okay.. lol** **Jiade** End file.
A birthday to remember by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 **Eight Weeks** **-Chapter One-** It had been two months into the semester at PCA. Eight weeks had gone by since Zoey and Chase told each other how they felt about each other. Almost eight weeks had gone since the night Zoey and James kissed. Tommorow was the night of the Spring Dance was also their two month anniversary. Zoey was excited to a certain extent. She finally had a steady boyfriend who she really, really liked. He was strong, intelligent, and insanely adorable. They had a lot of laughs and nice dates in the span of their seven weeks of dating. Michael was becoming good friends with James, Logan was getting used to living with him (to a certain extent), and Lola and Quinn acted as if James had been there from the beginning. It was really quite perfect. Well, mostly perfect. Every now and then Zoey would think of Chase and feel a huge rush of guilt. She hadn't been keeping in touch with him as much as she had planned. There was the occasional text message and maybe sometimes a phone call or two but the distance in both time and space affected the best friends in a terrible way. It didn't help that Zoey failed to tell Chase about James. He knew that James was Michael and Logan's new roomate but no one had the guts to tell him that he and Zoey were boyfriend and girlfriend. * * * Chase grabbed his bags from the cab's trunk and pulled them back to the familar PCA. He was back. He didn't have to deal with his irritating roomate anymore. (The dude's voice was like nails on a chalkboard.) He could move back in with Michael and Logan. He could finally do what he had been dreaming of since the eigth grade- kiss Zoey Brooks. With a huge sigh of excitement, Chase headed to his old dorm. Room 148. Chase, Michael, and James, it read. James... for some reason, Chase had a bad feeling about that guy. From what Michael and Logan told him on the phone and online, he seemed like a pretty cool guy, but there was still uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him otherwise. Finally, he knocked on the door. A few moments later Michael opened the door. "Surprise!" Chase held up his hands. Michael's mouth dropped open, "Chase!" Without a thought, Michael tackled his friend. "Chase?" Logan popped in the doorway, "Uh, what are you doing here?" "My parents let me come back," Chase said, as he headed in the door. "Um, dude, you might not want to go in there...," Michael said, grabbing him by the shoulder. Logan made an attempt to block Chase from entering, "Chase, I'm warning you-" But it was too late. Chase had entered his old room only to find Zoey asleep on the couch, with her head on handsome blond haired guy, that Chase assumed was James's shoulder. He was also sleeping. Maybe that's why they both jumped awake when Chase dropped his large suitcase and guitar with a loud THUMP! Zoey squinted and sat up, "Chase?" * * * A/N: Review please! 2. Chapter 2 **Eight Weeks** -Chapter 2- "Chase, what are you doing here?" Zoey stood to her feet and hugged him. He held her, even though he was confused. Who was that guy? "After alot of begging my parents let me come back. How are you?" "I'm..." Zoey was about to say 'I'm good'. But the truth was she wasn't 'good'. Suddenly it was as if someone smacked her in the face. She had finally snapped out of it. "You're..." James cleared his throat,"Um, Zoey, would you like to introduce me?" Suddenly Zoey felt awkward and shy around her old friend, "James, this is Chase." James stood up and put his arm around Zoey and held out his other to shake Chase's hand, "Ah, Chase. I've heard alot about you from Logan and Michael. Not so much from Zoey though." James looked at Zoey harshly. Zoey was sure that her face had turned a deep shade of red. She hadn't told James anything about Chase. She hadn't talked about how they "dated" over the webcam or how close of friends they were. In fact the name "Chase" wasn't on her lips very much at all since he had moved to England. By not mentioning him and not thinking about him, she was able to avoid the pain of missing her best friend. "Nice to meet you," Chase said. He looked at Zoey. She could see the pain in his eyes. She hated it that he was hurting over her. Gently, she pushed James's hand off of her waist and distanced herself from the both of him. Michael and Logan had left the room without her noticing. "You too," James said. "So..." Zoey couldn't think of anything to say. "Zoey and I are dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. We have been for about eight weeks now." "Okay," Chase nodded. "And there's no room for you here anymore," James said. "I wasn't expecting there to be," Chase replied, beginning to feel a bit irritated. Who did this guy think he was anyhow? He was there first. He longed to say that, or something dripping with destain, but instead, he smiled,"Nice meeting you. Later Zoey," and dragged his bags out the door. Zoey watched him leave, close to tears. She lost her best friend once, and had no desire to lose him again. She began to run after him, and felt something on her arm. She turned around and saw James. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Going after him," Zoey said with a huff, "You were really mean to him and he probaly feels pretty crappy right about now." "Everything I said to him was true," James said. Zoey recognized that tone in his voice. She had heard several times before. Before it seemed wise and thoughtful, now it seemed snobby and jealous. "No it isn't. He's still my friend. He still belongs with our group," Zoey spat out. "And you still have feelings for him," James stated. "You're insane!" Zoey said defensively. "I saw the way you looked at him." "He's my best friend. He'll always be my best friend. Now I'm gonna go find him. If you have a problem with that, grow up." * * * "Chase?" Zoey found him where she knew he would be-their spot, the fountain. "Hey," Chase said quietly. "You ok?" "Not really," Chase breathed a deep sigh, "I should have expected this." "What do you mean?" Zoey asked. "I shouldn't have come back expecting that everything would be the same. I should have known you wouldn't have waited around for me, pining." Zoey didn't know what to say. She most certainly hadn't been pining. "We talked about it," Chase went on, "There's no reason for you not to have a boyfriend now. It's not like I expected you to stay single for me." "Let's change the subject," Zoey grew very uncomfortable. "Ok. I guess I'll have to find a new roommate. James seems very content with Michael and Logan." Zoey nodded. "But hey, I'll still be around." Zoey nodded again, "Well, I guess that's it, then. We're good?" "Of course," Chase said. She pulled him into a big hug. "We're good," Zoey repeated as she watched him walk away. Somehow, she didn't believe that to be true. End file.
Eight Weeks by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Looking Back **Looking Back** The car pulled off into the night. A girl stared off into the night, her eyes were red and her makeup was running down her cheeks. The dark curls she had pulled up into a ponytail were wet from the rain. _So you're on your own lookin' down the road that goes only by one name And you don't need the signs to see lonely still runs both ways So who's the fool that would think the ties would be better off undone Did your heart heed the warning when you veered from the path that was narrower and straight _ She watched PCA and the friends she had come to know so well disappear. Someone was missing. He hadn't been there. She felt another wave of hot salty tears well up behind her eyes. Sure they had fought but she had always thought maybe there was something more behind it all. Maybe she had been wrong. The tears streamed down her cheeks again. Don't look back she told herself. _On the borderline Somewhere between the flight for freedom Feeling like you can't move on The chore will be the time Takes you off of my mind and out of my heart I know And when you cross over there's no turning back Once that burning bridge is gone _ He stared at the magazine half heartedly and even though his picture was in front of him all he felt was rotten, rotten and angry. Rotten because now she would hate him for not coming and angry at himself for chickening out at the last moment. Now he knew how Chase felt. _ I may lose but I'm in it for the long run Loving you for good reason could be the wrong one I don't wanna lose control but the heart won't learn To let it well enough for long _ Someone entered the room he tried to make himself interested in the girl talking to him, his latest toy. 'She sure is hot' he thought 'not as hot as Dana' he immediately added in his head. He looked at Vivian and suddenly he knew he could never forget Dana. He could push it away but it would come right back when he least expected it to. _On the borderline Somewhere between the flight for freedom Feeling like you can't move on The chore will be the time Takes you off of my mind and out of my heart I know And when you cross over there's no turning back Once that burning bridge is gone _ France: Dana logged on to see Logan was online. A window popped up. **UknowUwantME: Hey Babe. Miss me yet** So you're on your own lookin' down the road that goes only by one name Song: Borderline by Allison Krauss End file.
Looking Back by Captain-Kate-Finch
Zoey 101
Always and Forever My first ever Quogan fic! I'm still sort of new to the whole Zoey 101 fandom (and now it's over sadness), but Quogan was the reason I really got into it. They're just too adorable. So please excuse if they aren't any good. I had to write _something_ about them though; there was this voice inside that wouldn't let me rest until I did. I took fifty random words and made sentences about Quogan from them. They're only supposed to be one sentence each, so I took extreme liberty with commas, semicolons, and colons. oOoOo **Space** If you'd asked him a few weeks ago who was going to fill the void in his heart, Quinn Pensky was the last girl he would have mentioned; now though, he couldn't imagine how he'd lived without her. **Acid** He'd always been afraid to touch her, afraid that she would burn through him like the acid she used in her experiments; he wasn't wrong...but he often wondered why he had been afraid. **Beginner** She certainly didn't kiss like her first, and only, boyfriend was Mark Delfiggalo. **Salary** He had a, basically, endless supply of money at his disposable, but Quinn liked Logan best when he did things that didn't require money; like walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. **Desire** It had shocked him to realize that his desire was not for the 'new, hot' Quinn, but for the old quirky one. **Surprise** His words of comfort on the bench that day had surprised them both. **Copper** She could remember a time when she used to toss pennies into the fountain and wish that Logan Reese would just disappear forever, now she tossed pennies in and wished that he would never leave. **Breathe** Logan would only talk to Chase about his relationship with Quinn, because only Chase really knew what it was like to need someone as much as you need to breathe. **Fancy** Vaccaro was one of the nicest restaurants on the coast, you couldn't even get in unless you were dressed up, and it melted her heart that he wanted to take her there. **Handle** Logan always tried to keep a handle on his relationships, he didn't like to get too attached, but he realized one day that he hadn't every really had one on this relationship, even before they had started dating. **Wheel** The wheels had been set in motion; he had kissed her and he couldn't take it back, and he didn't really want to. **Jelly** He had to pull way the first time he'd kissed her and she tasted like PB&J, that had been his favorite snack as a child, and he couldn't stop the goofy smile that spread across his face. **Gap** He'd always thought she was pretty, but he'd been mean to her for so long that he was afraid the distance that had grown between them could never be closed. **Wife ** He'd had more stepmothers than any boy she'd ever known, but she couldn't help but believe him when he told her she was going to be his one and only. **Pause** The first time he'd thought to himself that he was in love with her, he'd had to stop and blink in shock; he'd never thought that about anyone and all she'd done was laugh. **Complicate** Their reputations made it difficult for their relationship, but both of them were determined to make it work. **Task** It was a difficult task, pretending to hate her in public, and it was getting harder every day. **Shock** It had shocked her, the first time he said 'I love you', but it shocked him even more when she said it back. **Sixteen** For the summer of her sweet sixteen he took her to Maui to visit Zoey and Chase and because he loved any chance to see her in a bikini, but none of that compared to the moment when she walked downstairs to meet him for dinner, tanned and in the orange dress she'd once made him wear, and for the first time in his life, Logan Reese felt weak in the knees. **Walk** They never ran when they left their friends to go make out, that would have been too suspicious, but sometimes they walked just a little too quickly. **Failing** He hadn't failed a single test since they'd started dating, because she often told him 'no passing, no kissing'. **Poke** She loved to poke his side as a form of 'revenge' when they were with their friends, because she was the only one who knew he was ticklish. **Push** When Michael figured out Logan was hiding something, he did everything in his power to get Logan to fess up, but it was Stacey's kiss that final broke him and made him announce how he really felt. **Deficiency** Logan always thought his lack of brains made him not good enough for Quinn, but she thought it made him, usually, adorable. **Font** Logan had miserable handwriting, so he typed Quinn love notes and left them all around, and he always used small professional font because he knew that was her favorite. **Protocol** Quinn had certain rules when they were on dates, even after they'd told everyone; he could hold her hand and give her quick kisses and that was all, but somehow...that was enough. **Speculation** Zoey, Lola and Michael had been shocked but it wasn't nearly has big a deal as they'd been afraid it would be. **Latest** Logan had the latest everything, it came with being rich, but the one thing he would never grow tired of was Quinn and her smile. **Nut** Sometimes Logan wondered if people would think he was crazy for giving Quinn Eskimo kisses, but then he realized that he didn't care. **God** As a woman of science, Quinn didn't really believe in God or any other higher power, but when Logan looked into her eyes and whispered 'I love you', she began to think that only something of cosmic power could have created a boy so wonderful. **Nowhere** It scared Logan sometimes, how strong the desire to be nowhere else but with Quinn could overwhelm him to the point where he almost broke down and kissed her in public, secret or not. **Frog** He had been a frog for the longest time and then, like in all fairytales, they'd kissed and he'd suddenly become a prince. **Weekend** Her favorite weekends were the ones when her roommates left and she and Logan could fall asleep watching movies, wrapped in each other's arms. **Hair** Logan didn't think Quinn was Quinn unless there was at least one braid in her hair. **Television** They could almost never agree on what TV show to watch, until they discovered Futurama, Quinn loved the science and Logan loved the jokes. **Spelling** There were a lot of words that Logan Reese couldn't spell, but he could spell perfection: Q-U-I-N-N. **Therapy** Logan wondered if he needed therapy, he knew their relationship was supposed to be a secret, but every day it got harder and harder to not announce to the world that this wonderful girl was all his. **Seed** When he looked back now, he could see that getting her a flower didn't make up for the fact that they were dancing in a closet, but he'd honestly thought it was romantic at the time. **Free** Logan had enough money to pay for anything, but the only thing he really needed, Quinn's love, didn't cost him anything. **Import** When her beloved alpaca had passed away he'd spent the night holding her while she cried, then he'd bought her two alpacas, a male and a female, so that she could have her own alpaca family. **Creation** He'd had no idea that when he'd sat down on the bench to comfort Quinn that it wouldn't just be the end of her and Mark's relationship, but the beginning of theirs as well. **Pull** He could still remember the feeling of elation when he'd pulled Quinn close when he found out she was just as embarrassed to be dating him as he was to be dating her; but it was nothing compared to feeling of elation he got when he pulled her to him after announcing to PCA that she was his. **Zone** Zoey and Lola began to get suspicious when Quinn started zoning out during science, because that _never _happened, even when she'd been dating Mark. **Percent** Michael was 99.9 sure that Logan was in love with someone, who knew the signs of a boy in love better than him, after watching Chase pine after Zoey for nearly two years, he could never figure out who it was though. **Chess** Quinn discovered the secret to unlocking Logan's brainpower while she was attempting to teach him chess; he wasn't getting it at all...until she told him that for every piece of hers that she captured she would give him a kiss; no one had ever seen Logan learn as quickly as he did then. **Decay** She confided in him once that her relationship with Mark had started to decay long before he broke up with her for Brooke; then she confided that it had started about the time they had helped Zoey win Chase's clock; he'd smiled, remembering that that was the first time they'd ever hugged. **Withdrawal** Their first summer apart after becoming a couple nearly drove Logan crazy; he hadn't gone a day without kissing Quinn since they'd become a couple, and now he was going to have to wait two months. **Victory** He'd felt the strangest sort of triumph (and relief) when she'd shouted that she loved him back. **Witness** Zoey wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't been able to see it with her own eyes, Logan Reese really was in love, and with Quinn Pensky of all people. **Religion** Neither Logan or Quinn were particularly religious, but Logan's new stepmother was Baptist so they said their 'I do's' in a church that neither of them actually attended; but Logan was just so glad to make her Mrs. Logan Reese that he would have married her at PCA if that's what it took. oOoOo There you go! I hope you guys enjoyed! R and R and let me know if I should keep writing for them! End file.
Always and Forever by Silverflare07
Zoey 101
Worthless Dana ran through campus tears falling down her face. "Im really worthless" she whispered "They don't care" "Im pathetic" "I can't live here" she continued to chant hurtful words to herself, making her tears fall even more. An hand grabbed her wrist gently, pulling her to a stop. She looked started at the sudden montion. "Cruz, why are you running" Logan asked. "None of your business!" she screamed, not turning around. If there's one person she didn't want to see her cry, it was Logan. "Cruz, look at me" Logan said "No!" she screamed again "**Cruz**, look at me!" He demanded "Logan, let go of me" She ordered still looking at the ground. "No" Logan said "Logan, let me go" She said venomesly. "No, Cruz" Logan said, wondering what was going on with her. Wondering why she was running through campus. "The names Dana, not Cruz" she said "Dana, why? why is your voice wavering? why are you trying to get away from me? why are you running?" He asked. Dana relaxed. "I don't to see anyone right now, I don't want to see anyone ever." she explained "Why?!" Logan asked, alarmed. "No one cares." She replied "That's not true; what about Brookes?" He asked "Long story" she said "Matthews?" he asked "Long story" she said again "Bristow?" "Long story" "Barret?" "Long story" "You?" "No story" "Me?" he asked. Dana was suprised by this she wasn't expecting him to say himself. "N-n-no story" she stuttered. "Dana." Logan said firmly "You can't tell me who I care about." "But you don't care about me" She stated. "Dana. Please tell me, why were you running" he asked "Im worthless" she said. "To everyone and everything" "Well that may be true--" He was cut off there. "Don't you dare finish that sentence" Dana thretened. "But I was just gonna say--" "I know what you were going to say" she said "No you--" "Yes I do!" she screamed. "You were going to say that im worthless and no one cares about me" "No I was--" "Stop!" she screamed "Just stop" she sounded like she was falling apart, and Logan started to worry. "Cruz--" Logan started "**Logan**, my name is Dana, and let me go" she thretened. "No" Logan said. Dana turned her body so the was standing infront of him. Logan gasped. _'tears. she was crying' _logan thought sadly. "**Logan Reese**, let me **go now**" she said. Logan let go and just stood there. "No" he whispered. Looking at Dana one more time "You- tears-cry" he stuttered. "Don't" Dana said and then she ran off again. Logan walked off to see what he could dig up about this situation. "Zoey Bookes!" Logan called through the halls. "Logan!" Zoey complained. "Come here" she called. Logan walked over to drom 101 and was pulled inside "What's going on" Logan asked. "Dana" Chase said. "What about her" Logan asked anger showing through him. "We think she should not bei n our group anymore" Zoey said "Why?" He asked "Because" She said sternly "Because shes worthless and she hurts us" Nicole said. "Yeah, and shes scary" Micheal added hugging nicole. Logan's anger started to come out "What. Did. You do. To Her" he said slowly through gritted teeth. Zoey, who was closest to him backed up in fear. "S-s-she had a nightmare and we told her to s-suck it up and stop being a baby" Zoey stuttered. That was it. "**You did What??!!**" Logan screamed. "How could you! Even tough girls can't be tough all the time! You ever think that you were hurting her? You ever think that maybe she wasn't always like that? You ever think that theres something that forces her to be tough, a past" He continued to scream. Everyones faces showed fear and stayed as far as possible from Logan. "I hate you" he seethed. "I'm not in this group anymore, you are worse than me and dana. You hurt people because you can. Dana and I have a past, something that makes us this way. You guys don't your monsters" He said and then walked out the door. Dana was sitting on the beach crying. She cuddled her knees and layed her head down ontop of them. She heard someone coming. "Dana!" The voice called, she knew who it was but couldn't move. "Dana, im sorry" the voice said again. "I-i-i dont want to hear it logan" She stuttered. "Dana, I just came back from your dorm. They wanted to kick you out of the group" Logan confirmed. That brought a whole new batch of tears to her eyes. "And your the messanger telling me so?" she asked. "No, Im your friend. I told them - dont interupt me- I told them go ahead, kick you out. But I was leaving to" He said. "You did?" Dana asked non-believeing. "I did. Dana I know theres more to you. You're not mean because you choose to be. You're mean because something made you that way." He said. "Im the way I am because something/someone made me this way." "Logan, Im sorry" she said. Logan sat down beside Dana and pulled her into his chest sorftly. "Shhh. It's okay. Dana, it's okay to cry, don't be afraid." Logan soothed. Dana cried and cried and cried into his shirt. "Dana, what happened" He asked. "I had a dream" she said. "What happened in your dream" He asked. Dana sat up and looked at him right in the eyes. "I was in a dark room. Everyone was there, my parents told me they didn't want me. that I was worthless. Again. I turned away from them and everyone else started chanting ' your worthless, you dont belong here, leave, leave us alone' I couldnt take it anymore so I ran, thats about when I woke up. Tears were streaming down my face I didn't know you chould cry in your sleep, but I guess you can" she explained. "Everyone was in the dorm already, everyone but you. they were huddled around my bed watching me and laughing. Almost like it was enjoyable to watch me cry. They told me that I looked weak, that it was about time I got what I deserved. They started telling me how much they hate me. So I ran, I ran away from it all." She said. tears briming her eyes. "Actaully, now that I think about it. You were in my dream, you weren't in the dorm." "That's because I do care. I think you are worth every penny that I own. I think that you belong here, with me. I don't want you to leave. I need you" he explained looking into Dana's eyes. "Your everything to me. You're the reason that I try to be myself. You're the reason that I changed. You're the reason I use those cheesy pick-up lines. Because they're true. You are an angel that fell from hevan. You have bin running through my mind, every day every second. Without you I'm jus the cocky egomaniac. I want to be with you so bad that I can't sleep at night cause you haunt my dreams, and I like it, but im not supossed to. Im supossed to be a player. Im not supossed to fall for you. It hurts me to know I can't be the one you love, like I love you. But I'd rather be a friend to you, than nothing at all." He finished still looking in Dana's eyes. "You Dana, are my world" "Logan. you could never be nothing to me. I do love you. But I couldn't tell you, I don't want to get hurt, I've had so much pain already I can't handle it. There's nothing I can say that means as much as what you just said to me. But I need you. I want you. I like you for you. You are everything to me. Your my enemy, your my friend. your my love. I don't know how but I love you, I love you so much It hurts to think about it. It hurts so much because of your status. I didn't know what to do, now I do. I love you Logan, You make me feel like Im special. Like im the one who makes you smile. I would do ...**almost**.. anything for you." She confessed. "You are special. I would never hurt you. If I hurt you I would be hurting myself. You are apart of me, You are part of my heart, no matter what I wont let you go, I wont forget you." He said. A tear rolled down his cheek. "Why? why are you crying Logan?" Dana asked. "I don't know. But something tells me that they're the tears I made you cry." He said and he smiled. "Logan, do me a favour" Dana partcially asked. "Anything" he said. the tears stopped and he smiled. "Ask me out already" she whinned. Logan laughed. He stood up and offered Dana his hand, she took it greatfully and stood infront of him. "Dana, Will you be my girlfriend?" Logan asked. "I would love to" she smiled. "Dana?" "Yes" she said, more like questioned. "I know that we're only 15 but when we make it to when you're ready, will you marry me?" Logan asked nervously. Dana was speechless. Logan Reese, the love of her life.. wanted to marry her! "Logan, I'd marry you right now if it was legal." Logan laughed. "When it's legal, I'll marry you." She said giggling a little herself. Logan leaned in but stopped. "Dana 'Danger' Cruz, my soon to be wife and my one and only girlfriend. I know the answer to this question, but still. Would you mind if i kissed you right now?" he aksed. Dana laughes lightly. "hmmm" she said pretending she was thinking about it. "Yes!, I have to be the dominent one" she complained. and then kissed him. Random story I thought of. sorry its not that good. Hope you liked it. I didn't really i think it was... off. End file.
Worthless by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
A little help from the new kid "Logan get away from me!" Dana said as she sat down in her seat in science class. "No, not until you agree that you want me." He said with a smirk.She rolled her eyes. "Ok class take your seats." Mr.Abell said as everyone sat down."We have a new student today his name is Wrenn Sanders." Every girl in the class had their jaw on the floor at how hot this guy was! He had blond hair that went down to his shoulderm, bright blue eyes, just the right amount of freckels, and had a skater style."So would you like to tell us about yourself, Wrenn?" "Uh.. sure I like to skate and I live in Florida." He said. God even his voice sounded sexy. "So dose anyone have any questions for Wrenn?" Mr.Abell said. All the girls raised their hands except Dana."Um... Vilma ask away." "Are you single?" The red head asked. "Yeah I am."Wrenn said like he was uncomfortable. Then a lot of girls started to wisper to each other. "Ok then Wrenn, why dont you sit nexted to Dana." Mr.Abell said as he pointed to her in the back of the room in the only lab table that didnt have 2 people at it. Wrenn nodded his in understanding. He walked back to the table and sat down nexted to Dana. "Ok class start on the project I assigned you yesterday befor class ended. Dana can show you what to do Wrenn." Mr.Abell said as he walked back to his desk. "Hi, im Wrenn." He said to Dana as she took out her folder. "Yeah I herd you up there."Dana said as she pulled out her assignment. "Yeah, I dont know why all the girls at all of the schools I have been in ask if im single or not."He said to Dana as she explained the project. "Well here there arnt many hot guys."Dana said. "Yeah well I just want a friend that dosent care that im hot or popular." Wrenn said. "Well if you wanna hang out later maybe I can show you around."Dana said to him working on the project. "That would be cool! But just as friends right?"Wrenn said. " disrespect but I dont really like you like that dude." She said smiling. "Yeah like-wise."He said smiling back. Logan looked back at them and glared at Wrenn. "Logan watch what your doing!" Lola said as Logan put the burnner up to high and it started to bubble over. "Oh crap."Logan said as he stoped the bubbles and got everything cleaned up just as the bell wrang. "See you later class." Mr.Abell said. Everyone left out of class. As soon as Wrenn and Dana went out of the class girls were all over Wrenn and asking them if he wanted a tour of the school grounds. "Sorry girls I already have a tour guide." Wrenn said walking away with Dana. Then all the girls looked dissopointed and then they all walked away. "Oh I have to go to my dorm for a sec do you wanna come with?"Dana asked. "Sure." He said as they hedded for room 101. She opened the door and let him in. He looked around and saw all the rock band posters. Wrenns jaw dropped. "Dude you actually listen to all these bands!" He said looking at the Fall Out Boy poster nexted to her bed. "Yeah I live for rock, my favorite is Fall Out Boy" Dana said looking throught the papers on her desk. "No way its yours too." He said. She looked up at him and smiled. "Wait you like them too?"She asked him. "Yeah how could you not my fav song is I've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth"He told her. "That songs good but Music or the Misery is so much better." Dana said as she found the paper she was looking for."Here it is we can go now." "Ok." Wrenn said following her out."So when we were in class and you said that I wasnt hot did you mean that you have a boyfriend?" "Me?No dude all the guyz that ask me out are pervs." Dana said. "So do you like anyone here then?" Wrenn asked. "Yeah."Dana said headding for the cafe. "Ok then who is it?" He asked. "Whats with the 21 questions?"Dana asked back. "I was just wondering." Wrenn said as he look a step away from Dana. She laughed at this and walked over to the tabel that the gang always sat at. "Hey guys, This is the new student Wrenn Sanders." Dana said siting down at the tabel.They all greated him and Nicole,Zoey, and even Quinn just staired at him. "So your the new kid all the chicks are talking bout." Michale said. "I guess so." He said looking at the now wispering girls across the tabel. "Hey are you guys going out?"Chase asked. "NO!" Dana and Wrenn said at the same time. "Ok then."Chase said. "Well sure seems that way to me." Logan said."Trying to hide it Cruz?" "No im not because theres nothing to hide." She said getting angrey '_I would never go out with him god logan if you only knew how much i like no love you_' she thought. "What a guy and a girl cant be just friends?" Wrenn said totaly not knowing about Chase and Zoey. "Well no not in this school." Michale said looking at Chase. "Yeah!"Nicole said looking at Zoey. "Yes they can!" They both said at the same time. "Whatever. If your not going out then why did Vilma and Sarah see you 2 go into Danas dorm together and they said that they heard papers and stuff fall on the ground?" Logan asked turning the attention back to Wrenn and Dana. "Because Dana was showing me around campus and she forgot something in her dorm and I went with her is that a crime?"Wrenn said starting to get a little angrey him self. "No but that dosent mean that you arnt trying to get with Dana." Logan said getting up and walking off. "That was really weird."Dana said looking at the walking Logan. "Yeah hey Dana can we get back to that tour now?" Wrenn said to her. "Yeah sure. Chatch you guys later." Dana said walking away with Wrenn. After a couple minutes of walking they ended up at the beach. "Listen Dana I have something the I think I should tell you now that I feel that I can trust you." Wrenn said as he sat down in the sand. "Um...Ok."Dana said and sat down right nexted to him. "Well remember in class how I said that I didnt really find you attractive?" He asked. "Yeah, why did you change your mind?" Dana said smirking "No gay." Wrenn said messing with the sand. "Woah, really?" Dana asked "Yeah." He said not taking his eyes off the sand. "Well thats cool im kinda used to having someone like you around cause my older brother Zane, is gay." Dana said. "So you dont care?"Wrenn said just to make sure. "No I dont care but just dont try to take my clothes thats what my brother did a couple of times." Dana said laughing a bit. Wrenn laughed too. "So who do you like?" Wrenn asked smirking. "Im no telling you." Dana said. "But I just told you my secert so now you have to tell me." He said looking at her. "Do I have to... your gonna laugh at me." Dana said to him "Spill your guts Dana." Wrenn said pointing a finger at her. "Fine...I Logan." Dana said falling back into the sand. "I knew it.. he loves you too!" Wrenn said as he fell back like Dana. "What are you talking about! This is the guy that has swapped spit with almost every girl on campous and then some Logan Reese dose not fall in love with anyone expectually a girl like me." Dana said looking at him like he was crazy. "Did you see how upset he got when he asked if we were going out?" Wrenn lied.'_I cant beleive that she cant see that she belongs with Logan, I mean the way they fight it is so totally there own way of flitrting and he really dose love her too!'_ "Oh my god...he dose like me but he has to tell me first or its never gonna happen." Dana said. "Why dont you ask him out?" Wrenn said "Cuz thats just the way I am." Dana said smirking. She looked at the clock on her phone and it was 15 minutes before curfue."Lets go back now its getting late." Wrenn and Dana walked back and Dana walked him to his dorm and then went back to her dorm. After a couple of hours she woke up and couldnt get back to sleep. She looked at the clock and it was a little past midnight. Dana got up and put on her Volcom t-shirt with 3 hearts on it and long white and black striped sleves and a pair of jeans on and hedded down to the beach. Dana always goes to the beach at night when she cant sleep. Back at her home in Florida she had a big house on the beach and she would go to the beach as much as she could, It also made her feel close to her family. When she got there she sat down and just staired at the full moon she didnt even notice someone come up behind her. "Hey babe." The man said with a smirk. "What do you want Logan?" Dana said still looking up at the moon. "What cant a guy talk to friend?" He asked back. "God why cant you just leave me alone?" She said as she got up and started to walk off. "Wait Dana!" Logan called after her as he grabbed her arm and turned around. "What?" Dana said tring to be angrey.'_you will not faint you will not faint'_Dana thought. "Just I need to tell you something." Logan asked a little nervous. '_God I hate what she dose to me im Logan Reese, I never get nervous around girls they get nervous around me! God I have to tell her I love her!'_ he thought to himself. "I...I lo...I love you." "What did you just say?" Dana asked suprised. "I said I love you, Dana Cruz. I love everything about you the way you laugh at me when I do something stupid,the way you smile and how you always have a comeback and how you get mad at the littlest things that people , mainly me, do. I think your drop dead georgous and that no other girl can compare the slightest to. The bottom line is that I love you Dana Marie Cruz." He said. Logan Reese just poured his heart out to the girl of his dreams and dosent even know if she feels the same way. "Logan if this is some kinda game or just to try and get me to make-out with you then I will stick my foot so far up your ass your nose will bleed." Dana said looking him strait in the eye. "Its not a joke or anything and I promise you if this is I give you complete premission to put me in the hospitel if I hurt you in anyway cuz I know I wont hurt you on purpouse." He said moving to hold her waist and she didnt object. "I love you too,Logan." Dana said as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips. '_OH MY GOD!! the girl of my dreams loves me back and she is kissing me!! God there is no way this day could get any wait scratch that she is the best kissser i have ever kissed.'_ Logan thought. While Dana was thinking the same thing. Then they both pulled away and put their fourheads together and looked each other in the eyes.His hands were still holding her waist because he thought that if he didnt she would run away and her hands were still around his neck. "Do you know how long I have been waiting for that?" Logan asked his new girlfriend. "Not nearly as long as I have." Dana answred as they walked back to campous hand-in-hand. "I knew it." Wrenn said as he got off the bench that he was sitting on watching the new couple walk away happly. _' I knew telling Logan that Dana felt the same way about him was a good idea for both of them.'_ he thought as he smirked and walked back to his dorm. End file.
A little help from the new kid by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
Hacked Hacked **Disclaimer: Don't own characters, don't sue me. ** **A/N: Okay. I'm writing again. Hacked pretty much came to me one night, and then I was itching to write it and wrote it all out in less than an hour. Is that fast? Or no? I'm not sure, but for me its fast. This is written in basically the same style as the other oneshot Do you Love me? I wrote. Enjoy?** It's Saturday, finally. A whole week of classes is finally done with, and a whole week of spring break lies ahead in my path. The week ahead is going to be filled with family, old friends, and most of all, fun. I'm going home, which is still here in sunny California, so it shouldn't be too much of a difference from PCA. Books in hand, I tread back to room 32, my dorm room. The door's already unlocked, so Chase or Michael got here before me. Probably Michael, considering Chase is probably off somewhere chasing down Zoey. As much as I'm going to miss PCA and my friends over the spring break, there's one thing I know for certain that I definitely wont miss. Dana. That girl just gets under my skin. She can tick me off without any effort; I don't even know how she does it. My bags are already packed, thanks to staying up late last night and being late for class this morning. I've got twenty minutes to pack last minute things before meeting the limo down at the front gates. Reluctantly, I pack the last of my mirrors and gel, and grab my bag. I pull a pair of shades over my eyes, and I head out of the dorm wearing a red, designed, t-shirt and a pair of plaid shorts, accompanied by some skater shoes. Damn, I look good today. I can see the group as I drag my stuff down. Its funny how they all make the time to meet me down here before I leave, but not one of them can offer to help me carry my bags. Yup, they're all here, the girls, Zoey and Nicole, and the guys Chase and Michael. Thank god Dana didn't show up. That's all I need right now, is to be in a limo, on my way to a California beach house, pissed off because of her. Right on cue, as if god himself is punishing me, she arrives. Why?! What did I do to deserve this? "Hey" I greet her, as if I don't completely hate her. I smirk my famous smirk, "Come for a last minute make out session?" I ask. I know it's going to get her angry. "I don't know why I bothered" She rolls her eyes, its sexy, but I still hate her. Nicole insists on a group hug, because she's our sappy friend and is into that sort of thing. We all finally agree to it. I'm the only one leaving for break, so I suppose they're all going to miss me, right? Ha, who wouldn't miss this face? After a rather disturbing group hug with my four best friends, and my enemy, I scramble into the limo, shoving my bag in first. They all wave their goodbye's, except for Dana. We hate each other; it's a well-known fact. No matter how much Zoey insists it's a Love-Hate relationship, the two of us, Dana and me, know its all Hate-Hate. After a long two-hour limo drive with a rather boring driver, I reach the beach house. My dad's on location in Spain filming a movie, and my mom tagged along, so this spring break, it's just going to be Eric, my brother, and me. Surfing, chicks and warm weather, what more could you want on spring break? I walk into the house, and my brother slides down the banister to greet me. It's always a blast when I'm chilling with Eric. We're only a year apart, 15 and 16, so we're into the same things, which is always good. The first thing I do after greeting Eric is to get my stuff unpacked. That actually didn't go so good. I basically unpacked my black laptop, set it on the desk in my room, and set up the Internet. I think I'm going to send Zoey, Chase and Michael and email. I'm not going to send Nicole one because I know she'll print it and go galloping around campus flaunting it, and if I send Dana one, well, there would be no point. Okay, I've been lying to you. I don't hate Dana. I don't like her either though. She's attractive, she's feisty, and it's simply a crush. A two-year crush, that's all it is and that's all it will ever be. So the Internet is set up, and I open my email inbox to find emails from all my friends, except Dana. She hates me; she's always hated me. No matter how hard I try, she doesn't want to be friends; she doesn't want to be more. _Hey Logan_ _How's the Beach house? Wonderful? I bet it's wonderful? It is? Isn't it? Oh I know it's just wonderful! How about next spring break, you invite me?! I think that's a great idea, don't you think that's a great idea? I think it's a great idea-_ There was no need to read the rest of that. I wasn't going to reply to Nicole, no way in hell. Especially not to that. If I told her it was a bad idea she'd cry and hate me, maybe just as much as Dana did. _Hey Lo,_ _How's the beach house? PCA just lost its egomaniac, and its certainly feeling the effects. Ha, ha. Well, have fun, and I guess I'll see you when you get back._ _-Zoey!_ That's Zoey for you. Short and Simple. I'm not replying to that either. _Yo, Logan_ _PCA sucks, but the room has been so much quieter since you left. Oh, and its sheer joy being able to look around the room and not see a reflection. When you come back, don't bring the mirrors with you. Have fun, and give us all details about the vacation. _ _-chase_ Chase's email was fairly normal. I guess I'll reply later. One more email to read. Geeze, how did they all manage to email me in two hours? How did they even know I was going set up the Internet? _Dearest Logan_ _You took my Doritos, I want them back. Bring me exotic chips._ Michael didn't even have to sign it, I knew it was him. Exotic chips? What is he talking about? I'm still in California, what kind of exotic chips does he want? The kind that are two hours away? I laughed. My friends are pretty gay, but they're still my friends. I can hear Eric calling my name; I think he wants to go surfing, and probably chick hunting too. I'm game for that. "Just a Minute!" I scream down the stairs. That boy is so impatient. I'm changed and I'm ready to go surfing. I take a moment to refresh my inbox, you know, just incase. I don't even know why I'm doing it? All my friends already emailed me, and I haven't replied. Why would they email again? Okay, weird as it is, I do have a new email. Just as I go to open it, Eric bolts into my door. "Hurry up!" he yells, he can see I'm ready, however I'm still leaning over the computer screen staring up at the email, waiting for it to load. He grabs my arm before I have a chance to read who its from. Being pulled away from the computer was so worth it though. A day at the beach, sand between your toes, hot girls in bikinis, surfing, tanning. Nothing beats this, absolutely nothing. Finally I reach my room again, and the email has drifted out of my mind. I can't believe I forgot. But hell, the beach was worth it, at least, I'm pretty sure it was. I return to my position of leaning over the desk to read the email. One click and the email is loaded within seconds. _Friday, March 9th 5:52pm_ _Hey Logan._ _Ha, ha. I know its probably weird hearing from me, but everyone else was emailing, and we are friends right? You probably hate me, but writing an email cant hurt? Your not even going to reply, a) because we hate each other, and b) you never reply. I don't know why I'm bothering to write this, and I'm contemplating on pressing the backspace button to erase it all. Well, write back I guess, tell me about your awesome vacation, meanwhile I'm stuck at PCA with peppy Nicole._ _-love, Dana 9_ I'm shocked, genuinely shocked, for more reasons than one. Firstly, she wrote me, and secondly, she called us friends? Woaaah, back up. This cannot be Dana Cruz. But, it is? That's her email and all. She signed her name. Without hesitation, I quickly click the reply button on screen. Friday March 9th 9:15pm _Hey Dana._ _Um, thanks for writing? I knew you couldn't stay away for long. And yeah, I guess it doesn't hurt to write, we are friends after all. And nawh, I don't hate you. We just get each other steamed up. A lot. Okay, more than a lot, but I don't hate you, and I'm glad to know you don't hate me either. Well. So far the vacations been great, I went to the beach at six, got back only a couple minutes ago. Three hours at the beach, girls, tanning, surfing. Can you come up with a better way to spend a spring vacation? I didn't think so. Well, how's PCA, and peppy Nicole? Too bad you're stuck with them, you should've came to the beach house with me. Haha, it would have been more fun anyhow. _ _-Logan. _ _Saturday March 10th 11:45am_ _Hey Logan. _ _Thanks for replying? I know that must've taken all your energy to do. Note the sarcasm. Awh, its just no fun winding you up when I cant see your reaction, so I guess these emails will just have to be non-snappy conversation. Glad to hear you don't hate me. I guess that makes us mutual friends then. Well, I doubt you'd want me at your beach house, we'd probably fight constantly. Vacation at PCA isn't that bad. Zoey and Chase STILL aren't together. Nicole is as bubbly as ever, and Michaels still on chip overdose. Some things never change eh? Well, miss ya. _ _-Love Dana, 8_ _Saturday March 10th 1:22pm_ _Hey Dana,_ _You miss me eh? I knew you could never resist The Logan Reese. Wow, Normal conversation with Dana Cruz? Seems rather impossible, but I guess I'll try. And actually, it would be pretty fun to have you at my beach house. Summer? Or next years spring break? _ _-Love yea, Logan_ _Ps. what's with the numbers after your name?_ _Saturday March 10th 4:23pm_ _Hey Logan._ _Yup, I miss yea. Its different without your giant ego floating around. Yeahh, I'm so game for your beach house next spring break. It would be so much fun to spend a week with you. Well, what's the weather like? Haha, wow, I'm stupid eh? The weathers the same as it is here. The numbers after I sign my name? Oh, its how many days I have to wait before I get to see you again. Can't wait. I miss yea tons already. _ _-Love Dana, 8_ _Saturday March 10th 11:59pm _ _Hey Dana. _ _I miss you too. It's not the same without your attitude. Well, surely next spring break will be a blast then. The weathers warm? Like it always is? Haha. Well, actually its pretty chilly out, because its night now. Sorry I didn't reply quick enough. I went out to this beach restaurant with my brother Eric. The food kind of sucked. It would've been better if you were there. Having fun at PCA?_ _-Love you lots, Logan, 8_ _Sunday March 11th 1:37pm _ _Hey Logan._ _I never thought I'd say this, but I miss you a lot. Its no fun here without you. No one to argue with. And don't worry about replying, I didn't get on the computer all night anyways. Awh how cute, Would've been better if I were there? Doubt it. Would've been a full blown food fight. And No, not having any fun at PCA without you. Ugh, I have no idea what to say about conversation. Ask me some questions and I'll ask you some. _ _-Love you lots too, Dana, 7_ _Sunday March 11th 2:48pm _ _Hey Dana._ _Nice to hear that someone at PCA actually misses me. I thought it might be nice to give you guys a break from the ego. Your probably right about the food fight. But it still would have be a lot of fun. Hmm, questions eh. Let me think. Do you like my stupid hair?_ _-love you more, Logan, 7_ _Sunday March 11th 3:05pm _ _Hey Logan. _ _I got your email just as you sent it, how lucky is that? Hmm, about your question. I've never admitted this to anyone, so if you tell someone, I'll be pissed. I actually do like it. Its kind of cute. What about me? Do you like my 'stupid' hair?_ _-love you more than you love me, Dana, 7_ _Sunday March 11th 6:02pm _ _Hey Dana,_ _Yes. I love your hair. Its amazing. Your Caramel curls are hypnotizing. I'm actually not sure if that made any sense, but. Yeah, I love your hair. Hm, Is it wrong if I think its lame to dance? Haha, and what's up with the signing 'love you more than you love me'?_ _-Love, Logan, 7_ _Monday March 12th 6:31am_ _Sup Logan. _ _Its very wrong that you think its lame to dance. I love to dance. Hah, maybe I should show you how some time? Oh, and I don't know about the signing. I guess I kind of got caught up in it. What's your favourite song?_ _-Can't wait for 6 days, Dana, 6_ _Monday March 12th 6:31pm _ _Sup Dana. _ _Alright, well, if you teach me, maybe I wont think its lame anymore. I actually don't think its that lame. My favourite song? First Date- Blink 182. That's where I've been getting my questions from. I don't know why, but the song kind of reminds me of you. Don't ask me why. Hey, I just noticed, isn't it ironic that I'm about to send this and its 6:31pm, and you sent yours at 6:31am. Hey wait! Why were you even up that early?!_ _-Cant wait either, Logan, 6_ _Monday March 12th 10:12pm _ _Hey Logan. _ _Nicole's alarm clock woke me up too early. She forgot it was Spring break. I couldn't sleep anyways, and I kept wondering if I got an email from you. Zoey and Nicole think I spend too much time standing over the computer refreshing the page to check for emails. They are so wrong. And yeah, the 6:31 thing, that is ironic. Heyyy, I love blink 182. I love their song "Girl at the rock show" though. First date is awesome too, but What's my age again reminds me so much of you. Haha. I think you know why. Hey, I hear there's a Blink 182 show in April, we should go together?_ _-Miss you, Dana, 6_ _Tuesday March 13th 4:47pm _ _Hey Dana. _ _Sorry to hear about Nicole's alarm waking you up, but how could she forget its spring break? Haha, My brother Eric thinks I'm spending too much time on the computer and not enough at the beach. He's brought back three girls already, and I've only got one. Haha, If there's a blink show in April, I'm so in, maybe you could be my "Girl at the rock show" haha. _ _-See ya Sunday, Logan, 5_ _Wednesday March 14th 10:40am _ _Hey Logan._ _Nicole's alarm woke me up yesterday too. Sorry I couldn't reply yesterday, there was a power outage. Haha, that's why Nicole's alarm didn't wake me up, cause the power was out until about 9:30 this morning. Well, you're bringing home girls to your beach house. I guess there is no room for me. After these emails, I thought you were actually a normal person, but your still the same old Logan. And about the Blink show, I think I'm going to go with Zoey if there is one. Maybe you can go with the girl your brought home?_ _-Dreading Sunday, Dana, 4_ _Wednesday March 14th 4:55pm _ _Dana, _ _I didn't mean it like that. Random girls mean nothing to me. And I'd rather go to the Blink concert with you any day, and I'd rather be hanging out with you here. Hey, and I am a normal person, I swear. I'd rather be with you than some beach bimbo, I swear it on my life. _ _-I'm sorry, Logan, 4_ _Thursday March 15th 12:26am _ _Hey Logan._ _You don't have to be sorry. I guess I over reacted, and you and me at the Blink concert is a Must. I cant wait to see you. Its getting late, and its Thursday already. Three more days to endure. Spring Break at PCA is boring without you. I wish you were here. I miss you, I really do. Wanna go to the movies when you get back?_ _-Tired, Dana, 3_ _Thursday March 15th 3:15pm _ _Hey Dana._ _I'm Sick today. I actually woke up to a nice surprise, your email. Too bad your not here, it sucks being in bed, sick, while Eric goes off to the beach. Yeah, definitely Movies when I get back on Sunday. Hey Dana, Can you keep a secret?_ _-Waiting, Logan, 3_ _Thursday March 15th 7:07pm _ _Hey Logan. _ _Yeah, I can definitely keep a secret. Can you?_ _-Bored, Dana, 3_ _Thursday March 15th 9:51pm _ _Dearest Dana, _ _Here's the secret. After emailing you for spring break and us having a normal conversation. I like you. Your special. What's your secret?_ _-Nervous, Logan, 3_ _Friday March 16th 1:10pm _ _Dearest Logan, _ _I'm getting used to getting up at 1 in the afternoon. And today, your secret made my day. Usually I hate waking up, but that made it so worth it. My secret? I like you too Logan. Difference? I didn't notice over spring break. I noticed a looonggg time ago. There was always something about your cocky attitude that drew me in. Hey, didn't you say your favourite song was "First date"?_ _-ily, Dana, 2_ _Friday March 16th 3:45pm_ _hey Dana, _ _I'm always up early, hitting the waves with my brother. And yeah, "First Date" is my favourite song? Why? Have any idea's you'd like to share?_ _-ily2, Logan, 2_ _Friday March 16th 6:40pm_ _Logan, _ _You already agreed to the movies, so. I guess you know my idea. I love the way you signed your last email. Actually, I love everything about your email. Everything about you. The way you do your hair, the way you say my name, especially. What do you love about me?_ _-ilymore, Dana, 2_ _Saturday March 17th 3:02pm_ _Dana, _ _A Date to the Movies sounds Wonderful. Hmm, I cant really point out what I love about you. Its everything. The way you always have a sassy comeback, your attitude, your hair. Your Smile, although I never get to see it often. I wish you'd smile more when I'm staring at you, which is all the time. _ _-One day, Logan, 1_ _Saturday, March 17th 8:58pm_ _Logan. _ _I cant wait to see you tomorrow. I missed you, a lot._ _-finally, Dana, 1_ Finally, after a full week of fun and emails, I was headed home. The limo pulled around to the front of PCA and I stepped out with the biggest lopsided grin on my face. My first stop was the boys dorm, room 32, to drop off my bags. "What's with the smile" I could see confusion on Chase's face when he asked me. "Nice to see you too" I simply answered, dropping my bag. Michael was playing Playstation and shoving chips in his mouth too fast to notice me come in. "I'm headed over to the girls dorm" I say, "you coming Chase?" I ask. I know he's going to accept the offer because it's an excuse to see Zoey. Those two have been in love for ages and they're the only ones who don't notice it. "Yeah, sure" Chase answers as a smile creeps onto his face. The two of us head out the door and walk over to room 101 on the other side of campus. After three knocks, an excited Nicole answers the door. "Logan!" she yells and hugs me, "Your back! We all missed you! Did you miss us? I think you missed us" She lets go and lets us in. I can see Zoey on her beanbag chair reading a magazine, and Dana's laying face down on her bed listening to her ipod. I guess she didn't hear me come in. "You guys wanna go for lunch?" I ask. Zoey and Nicole agree it's a good idea. "Dana!" Zoey yells in her southern accent, "Earth to Dana?" She yells again, taking a headphone out of one of Dana's ears. Dana quickly whips her head around and yells a, "Hey! I was listening to that!" at Zoey. She finally notices me. I smile. "What're you doing here" She raises an eyebrow at me, "I'm Surprised your ego even fit through the door." If she was the least bit happy to see me, she sure didn't show it. All of the girls agreed to meet us down here for lunch and they're five minutes late. Finally they arrive and Dana takes a seat next to me. I smile and slip her hand into mine. She looks at me, disgust washing over her face, as her pulls her hand away. "Excuse me, what do you think your doing," She screeches. At this point, either she's a very good actor, or my whole spring break was a dream. What the hell does she think she's pulling? She makes me love her, and then acts like nothing ever happened. As if she's going to get away with this. I'm about to say something when Zoey speaks up. "Spring break at PCA's been exciting" She starts, "Actually, it was kind of interesting" She winks at Dana. Maybe Dana is avoiding the fact that she loves me too? Something about reputations maybe? "Shut up, Zoey" She growls, "It wasn't funny." Zoey simply laughs at Dana's comment and continues. "Actually, it was pretty funny." I'm interested, "Everybody was coming up to Dana with prints of emails she sent them" Wait, where is this going? "Well, long story short. Her email and msn was hacked. Oh god, it was so funny" Everyone at the table laughs except Dana and I. I sink lower in my seat, a frown washing over my face. Why did this have to happen to me? I guess I kind of lost track of the time, because suddenly I snapped back to reality by Zoey waving her hand in front of my face. "Logan? Heyyyy Logan" I snap out. Dana laughs, "I always knew it was empty in there." She adds. "Logan" Chase asks, "What's wrong with you today?" I raise a questioning eyebrow that tells him to continue, "You walk into the dorm with the biggest, cheesiest smile I've ever seen, and now your suddenly mopey?" I don't even answer. I just remove myself from my seat and stalk off. Boy's dorm, Here I come! I don't even know why I bothered. If I had discarded Dana's email like I had done with all the others I wouldn't have even cared. Why did I even respond? I know I still love her. Deep down I do, but how could I have fallen for a Hacker? It sounded so much like Dana, yet, so different. I can't believe I fell for this. I fell into a hole I can't climb out of. I'm at the boy's dorm. Its empty. I flop down on my bed. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Head over heals for a girl that hates my guts, and every other part of me too. I know what can fix this. Chips! It's what Michael would have recommended if he were here. So I'm sulking down to the vending machine in the lounge. I quickly insert a dollar twenty-five so that I can get my chips and go. B8, I press, the bag falls, and I grab it and head back. As soon as I push the door open I see a familiar figure leaning over my desk, staring at my laptop. My inbox is open, and so are the emails. Her jaw hangs loosely leaving her mouth ajar. She hasn't noticed me. "You don't have to read that" I insist, "It was just your Hacker." I close the laptop as I walk in. She surveys me closely, confused. "Logan" She starts. I finish for her, "Don't worry about it." I flop down on my bed again, opening the chips. "You can leave now," I add. "I don't want to" She says, sitting down beside me. "I read most of the emails" she just has to bring it up, doesn't she? God, I must look like an idiot, pouring my heart out to the damn Hacker. "So" I ask. I don't want to know the answer. "That- I- I didn't write those" She starts. I already knew that, "But that was really sweet you know, what you said about me" She smiles. I'm not staring at her, so I don't know why she bothered. "You can leave," I repeat again. The smile fades off her face. I don't know why she's so upset. She didn't even write them, so she doesn't have to come over here and try to make me feel better, when actually, she's worsening my mood. "Fine" She snaps, "Sorry for Trying." My eyes roll. Trying? What did she think she was going to accomplish. "I may not have wrote those-"I cut her off, "No shit, Sherlock! You obviously didn't write them. I heard Loud and clear! Email got hacked! I know, I know, so stop trying to console me, I'm perfectly fine!" I shout at her. Why am I angry with her? She didn't write them, and now she's trying to help me when it's not her problem. What the hell is wrong with me? "I may not have wrote them," She repeats, however I don't cut in this time, "But that doesn't mean I didn't mean it." What the Hell?! What is _that_ supposed to mean? She meant it but she didn't write it? That girl has got one large screw loose, and it's not getting any tighter. She opens my door and exits my room. As soon as I'm alone, a light bulb flashes on in my head. She meant it. She meant it! SHE MEANT IT!! This is one of those situations where normally I'd jump on my bed, exclaiming "WooooWhoooo" pumping my fists in the air, But not now. I've got to chase after her. "Dana, Wait!" I pull open my door and race out. I can see her going down the stairs at the end of the hallway. "Dana! Dana! Wait!" I yell again. Either she's deaf or she's ignoring me. Hopefully it's the first one. And Cue the running. I'm out of breath when I catch up to her. She finally stops to look at me and she laughs as I'm bent over, panting. "Dana" I breathe, "Did you really" Another breath, "Mean it?" I stop and stand up, right in front of her. I can see she's angry with me, and I doubt my 'she meant it' suspicions. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You wanna know what's wrong?" She inquires. Didn't I ask her? "What's wrong is that, is that" she can't seem to find an answer, "I don't know!" She finally admits. Confusion is quickly molded over my features and she notices. "I don't know Logan" she sighs, "I know I didn't write those, but, I cant help but won- you know what, never mind, sorry" She's trying to get out of it. "No, tell me" I insist. Where's she going with this? There's no way she's going to back out now. She stands there for a minute and doesn't say a word. Fine, I guess I'm going to have to talk. "Dana, I meant it" She looks up at me, eyebrows furrowed, "I meant every word" She's trying to stop me, but I wont let her, "Stop-" I tell her, she does, "I meant it all. I missed you, and I wished you were there; I couldn't stop thinking about you. Its all true" I tell her. She looks up at me and I cant quite pinpoint the expression on her face. "Don't worry though, I know your email was hacked, I know it wasn't you. We can go on living like we did before" I wish we didn't have to, but it's for the best. "Logan, I" She stops as if I had cut her off, but I didn't. I suppose she's thinking about what to say. "I-, I meant it" Wait what? How could she mean it if she didn't write it? "No you didn't, it wasn't you," I breath. I guess she's trying to make me feel better about this situation. "I know It wasn't, but" She doesn't even know what she's talking about, "Logan, Its all true" Okay, Now I don't know what she's talking about. "Huh?" I question. She already knew I wouldn't understand. "Just, Never mind Logan" She sighs and walks off. I guess this is it. As I sulk back to the dorm, I kind of wished this had turned out better. Something cute maybe, where she realizes she likes me too. I don't know what I was thinking? Dana Cruz hates me, always has and always will. I've got no chance in her books. Well, at least I know not to try anymore. The room is empty and I can see my computer sitting alone on the desk. Maybe it needs some company. So I sit down and prepare to face the inbox that caused all this trouble this past week. I pull the screen open and a folded paper that was hidden in it sweeps out and onto the floor. What the Hell is that? I lean over to pick it up. It's a note. Hmm? Lets read, shall we? _Dear Logan,_ _It may not have been me, But I meant it all. _ _-'I love you more than you love me', Dana, tonight at the movies. _ I have one word to describe how I'm feeling right now. "WooooWhoooo" I haven't decided whether or not to leave it like this. I actually wrote an ending for it, but I did it the next day and personally, I didn't think it flows well with the beginning of the story, so I chucked it. I want your opinion, re-write a small ending, keep it the same, or somehow turn this into a chapter story? If I made a chapter story, I'd probably either do something where Logan's email gets hacked and Dana gets 'breakup' letters or something. Or maybe I should do Chase's email getting hacked and him and Zoey get together? Then for Chapter three maybe Nicole and Michael? Review! And I'll love you. End file.
Hacked by LINAxx
Zoey 101
Sick And Tired **AN: **Erika made a very good point in her story Between Black And White's latest chapter about how almost all of the stories involving Dana and Logan, even some of mine have just had them with their mushy-gushy relationship. That's really not staying in character for them. I've decided to try my best to capture them in how it might have actually worked out. Personally, I'd love to have a relationship like this. (: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _October 31st, 2011._ Logan was late. **Again**. This was the first time in almost three weeks that they would have actually gotten to be alone. Completely alone for one fucking time. Zoey, Nicole, Michael, and Chase were all off campus at some club that was throwing a huge halloween bash a little ways down the street. Dana and Logan chose to stay behind because they wanted to be alone, although they both made up diffrent reasons to stay behind. The gang knew they were dating, but they still felt the need to use excuses to be together in private. Nicole and Michael would start singing the Trojan Man song and Zoey would tell them they should wait to have sex. Whatever. Plus, they'd all be back by midnight because that was the curfew for the seniors and they were the perfect kids. Dana tapped her foot against the floor of her room, checking her phone every time she thought about it. Not a single text or call from him, telling her that he'd be running late. She sighed with frustration. This was so Logan. Always the one to be late and not think about how much it annoyed her. Or maybe he did, and he probably knew that it drove her crazy, and that's what he loved to do best. He'd got out of his way just to piss her off, bug her, make her yell at him. When she did, all he did was smirk. He took all of her insults like a pro, like they didn't effect him at all. Logan was used to it. They've been dating for almost four months and if he didn't learn to accept what she threw at him, they wouldn't be here right now. Neither of them wanted that. Something that the naked eye couldn't see: **They were happy.** Happy doing what they did. Happy flirting even after all this time. Happy aggrivating each other. Happy pushing the other one's buttons. Happy driving the other one crazy. Happy fighting. Lo and behold, Fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship. They weren't afraid to let the other one know how they felt. Dana wasn't afraid to tell Logan that his ego was about to suffacate everyone in the room. Logan wasn't afraid to tell Dana that she was being extra heartless that day, and he wasn't afraid to blame it on her constant case of PMS. Unlike a majority of American Relationships, or just regular teenage relationships, these two weren't afraid to be real with each other on those sensitive subjects. Dana checked her phone again. 10:36PM. He was over a half an hour late. She wouldn't really admit it out loud, but she was actually starting to get worried, and it bugged her. He's done this to many times, she should be used to it by now. She put her phone down next to her, to resist the urge to text him for the 4th time since 10:30. Didn't reply to any of them, that's most likely what worried her the most. She stood up and looked over herself in the mirror. She had a black tight V-neck on and a pair of Cookie Monster short shorts she would always wear to bed. They were just short enough to hide her butt, but short enough to turn heads. Before she could pick her phone back up, Logan came into the room. He had a bag of chips and movies in his hand, and the other was holding his phone. "Thanks for telling me you were gonna be late." Dana said, standing up and crossing her arms. Logan huffed like he always did when she got offensive, "I stopped to get movies. Sue me for trying to do something nice for my girlfriend." "You still could have told me that you were stopping to get movies instead of making me wait like I did." Logan smirked and put the bags down on the computer table. "Don't you mean worry like you did?" "Ha," Dana said looking at him like he was insane. "Worry? You're a big boy, Logan. I don't need to worry about you, so I don't." "Suuuure." Logan said. He walked over to the TV with his DVD in his hand. _A Haunting In Connecticut. _They both had a fetish for scary movies, and they both knew that they wouldn't be paying much attention to the movie, regardless of what it was. Dana sat down on the couch in front of the TV while Logan set everything up. She couldn't help but check her boyfriend out. She knew he had an insane body, but she wouldn't boost his ego any more by letting him know that. She did let him know that, but not as much as she thought about it. The last time she told him, she swore he wouldn't be able to get out of his dorm room because his head blew up to almost a million times the regular size. She's got to be careful with such a powerful compliment directed towards such a narcissistic human being. Logan set it up and sat next to Dana. She was on the end of the couch with a blanket around her lap, and Logan sat very close next to her. He used the remote to select play and let the movie get through the opening credits before he reached his arm around Dana's shoulders. She sighed and leaned into him. She rested her head on his shoulder and cuddled closer. Logan noticed she still looked slightly aggrivated. "Stop being mad, I wasn't that late." Dana moved up to look at him. She moved so her back was against the corner of the couch and one leg was tucked under the one hanging over the end of the couch. Her eyebrow raised in a skeptic glare, "You were over a half an hour late. You should have called." Logan was sorta dissapointed she moved, he loved how she fit so perfectly into his arms. "I didn't think it'd matter that much." "You know it does. Sometimes I think you do this shit just to get on my nerves." Dana said as she sat against the side of the couch, facing Logan. Logan smirked and turned more to face her. "Really? And why on Earth would I do that?" "Because you love to get on my nerves. And let me tell you, you're pro at it." Dana said crossing her arms and showing off that attitude that made his heart float for some odd reason. She could be telling him to go play in traffic and he'd think she was the most amazing person in the entire world. "I don't love to get on your nerves. I don't do it on purpose." Logan defended. They both knew that he did. This was just another way that they got under each other's skin. "Yes you do. You always do." Dana said. She was becoming to pissed at him at that point and he knew it. Subject dropped. Logan began to be frustrated because Dana wasn't doing anything. He wouldn't move closer to him, she wouldn't talk, and from what he saw in his peripheral vision, she wasn't even moving. He decided to do something about it. He pulled the leg that was tucked under the other and moved it against the back of the couch. He moved to sit between them and pulled her arms off of her chest and uncrossed them. Logan moved her hair back behind the edge of the couch and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed his lips against her neck and felt her chest start to move slower. He smirked as her hands moved through his hair. He bit, sucked, and licked her spot on the front of her neck. Dana couldn't stand when he did this. Whenever something was wrong, he'd automatically think that by kissing her neck, everything was fine and she'd forget about what they were fighting about. Although she did forget it for a little bit, it just came back after he was done. She wasn't having it this time, she was going to be the one in charge this time. Dana pushed against Logan and made him lay back on the couch. She climbed over him and grabbed his ear lobe with her teeth, pulling at it roughly. His hands moved up to her back and his nails dug into her back. Dana took a deep breath and started making her way around his ear. Logan was ready to fight back, he grabbed an arm that was holding her up and tried to push her back off of him. But that didn't work out to well... Dana fell down onto the floor, back first. "Ow! Logan." She yelled looking up at him. Logan started laughing so hard that he was almost crying. Dana tried to stop her own laughter, but she couldn't after Logan shook so hard, he fell off the couch after her. He landed to the side of her. He stopped laughing, but Dana kept going. After she calmed down slightly, Logan said, "Oh, you think that's funny?" "Hell yeah I do." Dana said smiling up at him as he moved to be propped up on his side with an elbow holding him up. "Really? Then you'll think this is hilarious." Logan said as he started to tickle her. Dana screamed and giggled as she tried to get away from Logan, but he held her close enough to keep tickling her, but far enough away so that her jerking wouldn't give him an accidental black eye. She rolled away but Logan followed her as they rolled together until they hit the bunk bed, both of them were out of breath. "Do you give up?" Logan asked, breathing heavily. "No. Ne-never." Dana said trying to get the words out without giggling. Logan didn't stop. "Okay! Okay, I give." "What was that?" Logan said keeping it going. "I give!" She yelled still laughing. Logan stopped and rolled off of her, smirking. Dana's gaze rolled over to his smirking face. She mocked him in her best impression of him, "What was that?" He pushed her and laughed, standing up. She held up her hand and he grabbed it. Logan pulled her up as she stood with her back towards the bunk beds. She folded her arms over her chest and he coppied her, playing the mocking game he started. Dana rolled her eyes and flipped the hair out of her eyes with a flick of her head. Logan coppied, smirking the entire time. Dana pushed him backwards, "Stop it. You're so annoying." "Aww, thanks babe. You're so sweet, you're starting to give me a cavity." Logan flirted, moving closer. Dana smiled as Logan grabbed a hold of her waste, "Those lines are just like you. Extra-..." Logan didn't reply to that because he'd already started kissing her. Her arms snaked up his front, and wrapped around his neck. It was just like all of their kisses, built up with frustration, and some thrown in annoyance for more of a forceful effect, but the base behind it was pure passion for the other. They loved ever kiss they shared. Logan had a tendency to be able to hold his breath longer then Dana did, so it was sort of a game. Who could last longer? After the game was done, Dana pulled back almost completely out of breath. "You know I hate you right?" She said, frustrated with the fact she would lose every now and then. More then she'd ever like to. "I know." Logan said smiling as he moved back to kiss her. They both smiled into the kiss together. No matter how frustrating Logan's ego was, and how annoying Dana's attitude was, it didn't matter. In the end, they were **happy.** **AN: **I think I did a relatively good job. Do you? (: End file.
Sick And Tired by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
Sorry _So, this was my first attempt at a Quogan fic that I wrote forever ago, but just rediscovered. I hope you enjoy._ Quinn ignored the late hour as she typed away at her laptop. Ever since the stupid fight with her stupid boyfriend about that stupid girl she had not moved from the same stupid spot she was currently sitting in. Random numbers and confusing jumbles of words flashed across the screen as Quinn worked tirelessly to fix the one glitch in her brand new project. She didn't bother to wipe away the angry tears that drenched her face, all of her friends had gone out, and probably wouldn't be back until the wee hours of the morning. Even though her face was red from anger and pain, she still worked on. The thundering rain was almost comforting to her, knowing that the weather was in as much turmoil as she. All of a sudden Quinn was thrown out of her computer induced trance when she heard a knock at the door. She huffed, saved her work, shut off her computer and answered the door. Seeing who it was she had half a mind to shut it again immediately, but he was soaking wet, and she couldn't just leave him in the hallway of the girl's dorm. She stepped aside and let him pass. She followed him into the room and sat down as far as she could from his spot on the couch. They sat for a good five minutes looking everywhere but each other. Finally he cracked. "Quinn, I'm sorry," he said quietly, his eyes pleading. She just looked at him and said, "Sorry for what?" He huffed in aggravation, "You know what I'm sorry for." "No, I really don't Logan," She said angrily, "Why don't you enlighten me?" He grunted and the two were thrown back into silence. Quinn looked up when she heard him take a deep breath, "I'm sorry I'm such a jerk. I'm sorry that I think a lot of girls are pretty. I'm sorry I can't always see that I have the most amazing girl in the world, you." She let a small smile creep onto her face when he walked over to her and cradled her face in his hands. He leaned in close, their lips mere millimeters apart. "But you know what I'm really sorry for?" He whispered against her lips, making her shiver. He pulled away suddenly, "I'm sorry I made you cry. I'm so sorry I hurt you." Tears filled Quinn's eyes as she smiled even bigger. "It's okay," She choked out just before her lips crashed against his. And at that moment, everything really was okay. _Short, I know, but really I wrote it for me. And all the other Quogan lovers out there! _ End file.
Sorry by Sunday Wolf Song
Zoey 101
One more chance to sing Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 or any of the songs. A/N: Alright so I technically haven't been tagged, but I am going to do this any way, and I am going to tag anyone who wants a challenge, try doing this. Its fun but sort of hard, yet very cool. Alright so read and review, these are my first drabbles, so be kind. Some are a bit better then others. **. Here are the rules:** **1. Get your iPod, mp3, Zune, or whatever. ** **2. Put it on shuffle. ** **3. Write a drabble based on that song in the time it takes you to listen to that song. ** **4. Go to next song, and he same as step 3. ** **5. Repeat step 4 until you have done 10 drabbles. ** **6. Tag 5 more people! But I don't know who to tag, so I'm not going to.** **A-Hole- Bowling for Soup- (Logan and Quinn)** Logan pulled up to the house and was shocked to find everything he owned strewn all over the yard. Posted to the door was note saying that she couldn't do this anymore. The note went on to explain that she wasn't in love with him anymore. She was in love with the person he used to be, and she was done giving up everything for him, when she got nothing from him in return. Logan took a seat on the porch and sighed. He couldn't believe he was such an ass-hole that he let her slip away and that he was now all alone. "Well, I guess there was nothing I could do," Logan said aloud. "She as in love with some other guy," he stood and Logan started packing his things together. There was nothing he could do, he was just an ass-hole, something he didn't mean to be but that was just a part of him. **Shift work- Kenny Chesney- (Michael)** Michael collapsed in a chair and pulled off his hat, and wiped his brow. Break-time, thank God. He was exhausted, he'd been working since seven and he still had three more hours to go. He had been on his feet for hours, and he was so done with it. This shift work was hard and tiring. He wished he could be like Chase and Logan, with jobs where they ran their hours. They could go and leave when they wanted. But no, he had his dues to pay. One day he hoped that he would be done with this shift work, and be the basketball star, he dreamed of being. One day he would be done with the shift work and be laying on his beach, in his mansion, happy and content forever. But till then back to his shift work. **Summertime- Lonestar- (Logan and Quinn)** Logan loved how Quinn looked in the winter. Her beautiful figure accented perfectly in those tight sweaters, but he could never forget how she looked in the summer. Now, summer is when Quinn's beauty was just perfect. Her in bikinis and sundresses made his heart skip a beat, always. He couldn't wait for summer, when they would take their annual trip together. The kids went to the grandparents and them both wrapped around each other all week. Her figure looking perfect in the hot air and those perfect dresses. God, he couldn't wait for summer. **Try too hard- Pink- (Quinn)** Quinn was tired of it, she was done being the perfect one. She was done working for everyone else. She was done being someone she wasn't She was done telling everyone that the person they saw wasn't really her, but not actually doing anything to prove that. It was time to stop trying to be someone else. She was done trying so hard to fit in. She was done being that person that she hated. She hated trying to fit in with everyone else; it was time for her to be herself. She wasn't going to be someone who made her sick anymore. She was leaving and going to find herself. Time to put that effort into finding her true-self. **Welcome to the sixties- Hairspray- (Lola/ Lillian (her daughter)) (A/N: this was the hardest one to write, review please)** "Mom, it is time to get out of here," Lillian begged pulling her mother's hand. "No, I can't. I have stuff to do, besides there isn't anything out there for me anymore," Lola said softly. "Yes, there is," Lillian pushed her out the door. "Look around." "People haven't seen me since my fall from fame," Lola pouted. "Who cares, look around. The world isn't based on cleb's lives or actions anymore," Lillian laughed. "Welcome to 2060." "Honey, come on," Lola laughed turning to go back into the house. "There is nothing out here for me." "Yes, there is. Take a walk and see," Lillian blocked the door. "We'll go shopping, get new outfits and see how great it is out here." Lillian pulled her mom around. "Alright fine," Lola walked down the steps and was spun in a circle in the open air by Lillian. "Welcome to 2060, mom." Lola smiled and hugged her daughter tight, glad to have her there. **Rain'n you- Brad Paisley- (Logan/Quinn)** Logan looked ou the window and sighed, the clouds were moving in, rain was a guarantee. He hated these days, they were her favorite. He sat on the porch and watched the sky let go, let go all those drops that were as abundant as his tears. He hated the rain, because he always saw it was a stab to the heart. There were times when he would stand in it and just let it soak him. He didn't want it to stop because it would be like losing her all over again. Then again it was also a horrible reminder of this loss too, it really was a no win situation. He always said the rain was like her, like it was sent by her. She sent pieces of herself to him when he needed it the most. **Backwards- Rascall Flatts- Chase** Chase was trying to figure out a play to write, he had major writers black and needed to clear it. So he went down to the local bar for a drink. After two beers a older man sat and asked him what he did. He said he wrote plays, the old man laughed. He said he lived his life like a country song. He explained he had lost two wives, lost all his personal items and everything else in life. Chase smiled listening to the old man's tale. On his way home, he got a sudden light bulb, a perfect idea for a play. What you get when you play a country sound backwards. It would go in reverse and slowly the characters would get everything back. Chase laughed, getting a drink was his best idea yet. **The last Country Song- Blake Shelton- (Everyone)** Chase, Logan and Michael sighed heavily as they set down their glasses. Tonight was a depressing yet fun day. Their favorite bar was closing. It had been bought out by some bit shot company and tonight was the last night it would be around. So they were all there, everyone. Zoey, Lola, Quinn, Stacy, Mark, James and Dustin. They all came to give the place the send off it deserved. They were going to drink all the beer and whiskey and wear the jukebox out. Their second home was being taken and all they wanted to do was sing all their favorite songs, drink all their favorite drinks and just enjoy one last night together. **Sing Along- Rodney Atkins- (Logan and Quinn)** Quinn wished she knew what Logan was thinking sometime. The words that left his mouth sometime made her wonder, but after last night she was sure he was hers forever. He wasn't perfect, but he loved her more than anything. He said he would go as slow as she needed, do everything she wanted. He was hers forever, he needed her more than anything and he would do anything she needed. And she felt the exact same way and was willing to sing it from the mountain stop if needed. **I have seen the Rain- Pink- Logan** Logan sat staring at the TV. He couldn't believe the mess the world was in, but he understood. They all understood how hard it was to work with the life anymore. He had felt his share of pain and hardships just like everyone else. He worked and fought for everything he had, his house, wife and kids. He would do anything to keep it all. But he was done fighting, he was old and done and all he cared about was that he was home now and never leaving again. He was, happy and content, finally. A/N; Well that was my try at this, review and let me know what you think, thanks. End file.
One more chance to sing by shmibby
Zoey 101
1. Truely Confused DC: I do not own any of Zoey 101! StarStruck1: Gosh I told you guys I was done with Zoey, sorry! lol. I guess its back on! lol. Enjoy! And please know more rude comments! I only wrote that End letter to let the people that wanted to know why I hadn't written in a while that I had stoped! "Zoey how'd you do?" Nicole shook Zoey's arm slightly trying to peer over Zoey's shoulder to read her exam grade. "Zoey? Earth to Zoey!" Lola playfully hit Zoey's shoulder. "Sorry, guys! Uh...A." Zoey smiled at her good work. But why she can't stop day dreaming is deffinatly somthing she can't answer! Zoey has seemed to be in a daze all week all she can think about is the spring social. Its never been a big deal but now it stood right infront of her nose and would not let her pass til she answered the question people killed to hear: Who was she going with? Last social all the girls went and had a great time, but that _was_ last year. And this was this year. A new fresh start. She knew most of the older girls had dates already. It was nearing closer and she couldn't keep her mind away from that stupid question! "Zoey, are you _sure_ your ok?" Lola asked waving a fry around. "Yeah, I'm just, just fine." She couldn't tell her friends she was nervous. She _was_ the one who thought of all the ideas and came up with all the answers. She was the brave one. But maybe it was time to fess up. She couldn't be like this for another week she would deffinatly fail her next math exam if she was! "Guys? Have you thought of date for the spring social?" Zoey asked casually. "Um..not really. Are we supposed to bring one?" Nicole asked a bit confused. "Well, of coarse! It _is_ a socal, right?" Lola excalmed as she munched the rest of her ham sandwich. "I guess." Nicole said as she stabbed the rest of the lettuce pieces out of her bowl. "You know, we could just like, well go together?" Zoey tried to settle on that maybe if she just went with her friends it wouldn't be a big deal becuase she wouldn't be the only one with out a date. "Guys! That is totally last year! Were 8th graders not babies! Come on we can get a date. Watch and learn!" Lola said with her confidence high. Nicole shot me a amazed facial expression when mine was probably a little baby face scared half to dealth. And if it happens twice. I am dead! "Whats up, Logan?" Lola said sitting next to Logan in a empty chair. "Logan?" Nicole mouthed to me. I was confused, I shrugged my shoulders. "Logan, you heard about the social right?" "'Coarse!" He said smileing. "Wanna go together?" He asked playfully. You could tell he was suprised yet excited. But what he didn't know is what was coming next. Lola smiled and gave a reasureing look. "No. I just wanted to make sure you knew it was coming up and you still only have a week to find a date!" Lola smiled and waved good bye to the boys and joined our table. We all cracked up laughing. 2. Ask Him D/C: I do not own Zoey 101. "Lola? Lola? HELLO! LOLA!" Nicole and Zoey shook her side to side. Shaking her back and forth. "Lola! If you don't wake up your gonna be super late for art!" Nicole shouted. Thne Quinn walked in and she held a giant bronzed tube with a little mouth piece. It had a couple of holes down the side but we couldn't make out what it was. It looked almost like a flute but more like a giant flue/horn/thingy! "Watch this!" Quinn smiled as she mounted her mouth onto the flute/horn/thingy! "Quinnn...what are you doing?" Zoey asked a little scared. "And what the heck is that?" Nicole nervously asked. "A Florn its a giant horn but with flue buttons. Now please." Quinn again mounted her lips to the mouth piece. She shuveled her feet around to get in position. "Quinn, I'm not sure if thats a good idea." Zoey said putting her hand on Quinn shoulder. "Yeah, what Zo said!" Nicole nodded. To late Quinn blew the Florn and a lound disturbing noise marched out. Zoey quickly covered her ears and Nicole did the the same! "What is going on!" Lola snapped as she flipped out of the bed. "She is blowing on a Florn!" Nicole said. Obviosly Lola missed something. "A what? Florn?" Lola looked confused as she gathered heself off the floor. "Its scientificly a -" Quinn started her theroy again but ws cut off. "I don't want to eve know!" Lola shouted. We all laughed. Quinn knew she was a bit well, nerdy. Okay she was nerdy in every way. But she still is nice. "Okay. Now we seriously need to go!" Zoey said. Zoey sat down with her ceaser saled and a coke. They all sat down after her sliding there trays onto the table. "So Zoey, I think you should ask Chase to go with you to the social." Lola smiled. "Is it that obvious I like him?" Zoey said looking down at her saled. She always has liked him. From the moment he feel on his bike and they met. "Well sorta Zo." Nicole nodded. "Why don't you just ask him!" Lola said pounding her fist down. "Alright. I will!" Zoey smiled, but nervously and excitededly! 3. Stomach Knots D/C: Dont own Zoey 101! Zoey clenched her sweaty fists as she made her way slowly to where Chase sat studing. "Hey, Chase!" Zoey said ignoring her nervousness. "What up, Zo?" Chase said patting the ground next to him. Zoey sat down and looked at Chase. "Math, huh." Zoey said pointing to his books. "Yeah, that would be it." He smiled. "So. Chase. You. Have you. Er...uh..Chase, have you thought about" Zoey studdered and felt like a complete idiot. "Acually-" Chase started, Zoey was positive she new what he was going to say. He was going to ask her! "Chase! My man. I was hoping we would go to the social together, you know me and you." Alicia Kelly stepped up to the plate. My jaw dropped. Was Chase friends with her? I had never seen them together. But Chase was going to say yes. I know he was, she _was_ Alicia Kelly, the most beautiful and popular girl at the school! Not only did her hair shine but her wadrobe was a fabulous her nails were never chipped her lips always sparkling. Whats not to like? Zoey panicked! "Uh...what?" Chase said shaking his hair getting up. "Don't you _remember_ silly! You said we should do something together! So, we are your going with me." Alicia said grabing his hand. Zoey's stomache suddenly felt like a knot. It twisted and tugged. But the knot wouldn't release. Not now or ever. "Alicia, I only said that because I meant to study together, because we are _bioligy_ partners." Chase said trying to expalin. Zoey got up and stared at Alicia. Alicia smirked at Zoey and tugged Chase a couple feet away. They whispered for a minute or too. Zoey wasn't so sure how long, because her feet seemed to sweep her away and to her dorm! 4. Go Zo! D/C I do not own Zoey 101 Starstruck1: This was a little difficult to write considering I don't want to just give it away. So it may not be my best but the next story is gonna be really long and very good! Promise! Zoey felt a blanket of anger wash over her. She wasn't gonna let stupid Alicia ruin her Chase! The one she met the first day of school. The one she had lunch with everyday, and the one she went for coffee with after he was done with work! Lola and Nicole walked in, they were talking loudly with a little shove here and there. Zoey just laid on her stomache and her head wouldn't move from the pillow. "Yo, Zo!" Lola said giving me a hard pat on the back. "Zo? Are you okay. Hey Zoey?" Nicole said at the edge of the bed. Lola plopped on the couch interested in what was going on "Did you ask him? Did he say no?" Lola asked in a calm voice. I shook my head. "Zo, what happened?" Nicole looked at me and I lifted my head to look at both of them "He was just about to ask me, when Alicia Kelly asked him, becuase they are partners in biolgy adn he said we should study together, like just an idea to get the project done. And then well I came here." Zoey spilled it all out. "Zo! I am so sorry!" Nicole touched Zoeys hand. "Wait, did Chase say yes to Alicia?" Lola asked sitting by Zoeys side on the bed. "No, I donno! Thats the problem I feel like a complete idiot!" Zoey wiped the small tears. "Zoey! Its ok! We will find out for you whats going on! Tomorrows friday and the social is saturday so we have time. Sorta." Lola stood up in cofidence. "No! Guys no! I need to do this!" "Zoey, don't be like that. Its to much stress. We can do it!" Nicole said pating my shoulder. "No guys, I'm serious. I want to find out. And I'm going to!" Zoey stood up. "But first, I have to get ready!" Zoey smiled and so did Lola and Nicole. Zoey changed into her ripped Hollister jeans and a green and white layerd man shoulder top. Her hair was straightened down. She slipped on some green and silver flats. She swipped some make-up on and was ready to go! She was gonna win him over if it took her everything. He was hers! 5. When plan A doesn't work surely plan B D/C: I do not own Zoey 101! Starstruck1: Hey! Please review! I wrote this one in a different way I made them all different paragraphs becuase it was long! Don't forget to review! Not sure if this is what you call long. But, whatever! lol. Zoey punched in Chase's number and held her cell to her ear. "Chase?" "Yea, you got me, whos this?" Chase asked his voice muffled. "Is this Alicia?" He asked. Oh! That was it! Zoey went of like crazy, why would Alicia have his number? Better yet why would Alicia even call him? "Chase Mathew's! I can't believe you!" Did I sound like his mother? Gee, I hope not. Whatever he totally deserved it! "Zoey? Um...whats up?" Chase spoke a little softer. "Whats up is you need to meet Coffee Haven. Please Chase! I really need to talk to you." Zoey was proud that she kept her voice calm. "So whats up Zo?" Chase asked taking a sip of his coffee. "Chase, about today. You were gonna ask me something. And well I wanna know what it was." Zoey asked trying to keep her temper low. "I was? Oh yea. I was! Umm...Zoey, I was gonna ask you if you thought, it was a, well, a good idea for me to go with, uh, Alicia to the social?" Chase looked nervous and as red as a tomato. What a jerk! Zoey got up and stormed to her dorm. "So Chase? Did you?" Logan asked as put down his magazine. "Yeah. I did, but I really like Zoey, why can't I go with her?" Chase asked sitting down on the couch. "Chase. If you go with Alicia like I suggested, Zoey is gonna be more jealous at the dance then ever. It'll make it easier to ask her out later becuase she will want to go out with you soo bad, my friend. Trust me." "So Logan. Your pretty much telling me to play hard to get?" Chase asked while he sipped some more coffee. "Exactly man!" Logan said reaching out for a high five. "Uh..but isn't that what girls do?" Chase said ignoring the high five. "It works with guys too!" Logan explained. "Yeah but, what if she moves on. I mean I don't even like Alicia!" Chase questioned it. "Dude, I haven't even gotten there!" Logan smiled and Chase rolled his eyes. Before Zoey walked into the building she saw Randy McEvers sitting with a slushie in one hand and the other held a book. Zoey thought about it. If Chase is gonna go with someone else so was Zoey. "Hey, Randy!" Zoey said sitting down by him. "Wow, Zoey you look great." "So Randy, have you thought of a date for the social?" Randy wasn't bad looking. Why hadn't she thought of him before. He had blonde hair and big blue eyes. And a surfer look. Not bad, at all! "Accualy. I haven't." He said with a smile. "Good because. I was wondering if you would go with me?" Zoey asked pushing her hair back. "Sure, I'll meet you at seven by the doors." Randy smiled and closed his book. "Cool, well, bye!" Zoey waved and headed inside. She told Nicole and Lola the news. "What a idiot. I mean really" Lola said waving around her Glamour magazine. "Totally. How stupid. So you said you got a different date? Who?" Nicole asked. "Randy McEvers." Zoey smiled. "Ow Ow!" Lola laughed! "So who are you guys going with?" Zoey asked smiling. I guess it was for the best. 6. Social Butterflies D/C: I don't own Zoey 101! Starstruck1: Okay sry for the lack of stories but here it is the one you guys have been waiting for lol! This is the last chapter of the story. So if you guys wanna read more of what I wrote then look for stories by ME! lol. Enjoy and please review! The three girl stood in front of the mirror with the other twenty girls that were trying to get ready in the bathroom. "Someone hand me that pink eye shadow!" Nicole pointed at the MAC eye shadow. "Here Nicole." Zoey handed it to her. Zoey put on some bronzer before she added a little light green eye shadow. She was wearing a denim mini and a layered blue and green fancy top. Most of the girls wore skirts and cute tops. Zoey wondered what the guys were gonna where. "Okay I'm done, cute right?" Lola turned to Zoey and Nicole and struck a pose. "You look awsome!" Nicole said as Zoey and Nicole laughed. "Alright I'm gonna go get dressed. Come on Nicole thats enough make-up for you!" Zoey grabed her hand and all three of them headed to there dorm. "It really stinks that Quinn got sick. She's probably really bumed." Lola said as she slipped on her shoes. "Think we should pay her a quick visit?" Zoey asked. "Yeah, I think we should." Nicole said. Zoey put on her denim skirt and her top. "Okay, guys, what does this need?" Zoey looked in the mirror. "I got it!" Lola opened up her trunk and threw Zoey something. "Ah...your a genius." Zoey put on the cropped jean jacket that perfectly matched her skirt. "I know, I know. Now we really have to go if we are going to see Quinn." Nicole grabed her bag and they all left. "Hey Quinn. How are you doing?" Zoey asked. "I'm doing okay. Feeling a lot better. I mean I'm just spectacular!" Quinn seemed okay. But then why was she in the nurses. "Well we came to say a quick hello." Nicole said sitting on the side of her bed. "Oh. I really like your outfit Nicole." Quinn said pointing to Nicoles clothes. "Oh, thanks." Nicole was wearing a cute outfit. She wore a black skirt with a pink off the shoulder top. "Well Quinn we gotta get going." Lola said. "Feel better." Zoey said as she waved. "I'm fine. Just great." They all said goodbye and right when they shut the door. They waited a minute to see if Quinn was really sick. They waited at the door, after just a couple seconds they heard a sound. Not a very pleasent sound may I add. "Eww...she is sick." Nicole said. "You mean...she just got sick." Lola said. "No guys. She just threw up!" Zoey looked in teh window. Quinn didn't look good. "Poor Quinn." Nicole said. "Hey Zoey!" Randy welcomed her like it was his party. "Hi, Randy." Zoey, Nicole and Lola went seperate ways to meet there dates. "You look nice." He wasn't so bad, Zoey thought. "Thanks." Randy was wearing jeans and a polo. He looked really cute. " wanna dance?" Randy and Zoey went to the dance floor. There she spotted Cahse dancing with Alicia. It made Zoey sick. When she saw Chase she could list millions of great things about him. But with Randy she could only name one thing, he was cute. Maybe she did come with the wrong guy. Randy started to get annoying all he talked about was surfing and water. It got super annoying after a half an hour. Finally all that water paid off and he went to the bathroom. "Hey Zo." Chase came up behind her. "Oh, hi Chase." "So you having fun?" Chase asked. "Oh yeah. Loads!" Zoey nodded smiling. The truth was though she was having the worst night ever! "Yeah, me too." Chase said. "Hey Chase. I gotta tell you the truth-" "Chase come on! Lets dance." Zoey was inturupted but Alicia who grabed Chase and tugged him along. Well Zoey tried to tell him the truth, that she was deffiantly not having a good time. After hours waiting to get Chase alone, Zoey finally did. "Hey." Zoey went up to him. "Chase I think I went with the wrong person. I'm having a...well...awful time!" Zoey confessed. "Know what. Me too. Zoey, we should have gone together. I didn't know that Alicia was gonna ask me." Chase looked miserable. "You still could have said no!" Zoey argued. "Chase. What are you doing come on." Alicia grabed his shirt. "No Alicia. Leave me alone. I don't like you and I will never so just go!" Chase was obviosly very frustrated. "Zoey, do you wanna go grab a slushie?" Chase asked. "Yeah. I do." Zoey smiled. End file.
Truely Confused by StarStruck1
Zoey 101
Questions and a wedding dress Questions and a wedding dress **Questions and a wedding dress** Zoey had never been happier it was her senior year at PCA. In a year and a half she would be getting married. She lay on her bed in her dorm room dreaming. She was barely awake when someone knocked on the door and left a large box for her. When Zoey woke up she found Lola pulling a beautiful white and pink dress out of a box. Zoey had been dreaming of a dress that had looked just like that to wear for her wedding. Even though something about the dress didn't smell right she still tried it on. Lola said "Zoey you look beautiful in that dress. I'm going to get Quinn so she can give her opinion to." Zoey said "I think I'm going to change out of the dress for right now. I'm not feeling very well. Tell Chase that I ate something that didn't agree with me for lunch. I don't want him to worry." Lola said "Zoey I'm worried about you. You were fine until you tried on that dress. Do you know who left the package?" Zoey said "I was asleep and heard someone come into the room. I assumed it was you and didn't wake up. I guess I should have been more careful and locked the door before I took a nap." Lola said "Zoey don't blame yourself! How long before you woke up was the box dropped off? If it was less then two hours he might still be in the building." Zoey said "the box must have been dropped off only a few minutes before you came into the room Lola. I think I need to lie down." Before Lola could say anything Zoey passed out on the floor! Lola was struggling not to panic she didn't want to have to deal with hospitals or doctor's questions. So she called the one person who wouldn't ask questions Lola called Logan. Logan was having dinner with Quinn. So she left a message on his voicemail telling him to call her as soon as he could. Lola didn't want to leave Zoey passed out on the floor so she carried her to the nurse. Then she went to go tell Chase what happened and hoped that Michael would be there to comfort him. Lola ran to the boys' dorm tears were pouring down her cheeks because she couldn't hold them back any longer. To her relief Michael answered the door. He smiled at Lola but his smile faded when he saw the tears shining on her face. Michael asked "Lola is everything alright? Zoey was supposed to meet Chase at Sushi Rocks an hour ago. There better be a good reason that she's standing him up! I've never heard him sound so depressed." Lola struggled to keep her voice steady when she said "Michael you have to believe me! Zoey is passed out in the nurse's office right now! I'll explain everything after she wakes up." Michael frowned his voice was steady but he had a look of panic on his face. He wanted to know what happened but he figured that there was a good reason why Lola wasn't telling him what happened to Zoey right away. When they reached the nurse's office Lola went inside first. Zoey was unconscious. The first thing that the nurse said was that Zoey's eyes had been watering pretty badly before she passed out. The nurse asked whether anyone had touched the dress besides Zoey and had noticed anything strange about it. Lola said "the dress didn't look strange but it did smell like gasoline and plastic. Zoey had already tried on the dress before I noticed the smell." The nurse said "was the box the dress was in familiar to you? Was in addressed to Zoey only or for all of the girls in your dorm?" Lola said "the writing on the box was not familiar to me. It was addressed to Zoey but she and I have an agreement. That if we don't order something and a box comes for one of us the person who didn't receive a package is allowed to open it. I guess I should have been more careful when I smelled something funny." The nurse said "This wasn't your fault. I should tell you that she's not doing well though. Her heart rate is way below normal and she's barely breathing." Lola started to cry the nurse put her arms around her. Then Chase burst into the room he pushed through the nurse and knelt down beside Zoey on the floor. He was quiet for a long time before he said "I want to know what happened to my girlfriend now! Lola why didn't you tell me sooner that she was hurt? Oh my god is she going to be alright? Zoe its Chase can you hear me? You have to be alright I love you please don't die on me." The nurse said "Mr. Matthews she's in a traumatic state right now. She tried on a dress and passed out. Lola brought her to me and I'm doing everything I can." Chase sighed and touched Zoey's face gently. He wanted a better answer like she'd just eaten some bad sushi or was dehydrated. He didn't want to believe that she was lying on that bed possibly dieing. Lola watched Chase sit with Zoey and wanted to tell him that she would be fine. The truth was that Lola wasn't so sure herself. It was late at night before Chase and Lola left the nurse. Chase had to be dragged away from Zoey's beside. Lola said "Chase I know that this wasn't easy for you. Zoey would want you to move on with your life even if something happened to her." Chase said "Lola you don't get it do you. I love her when you love someone you never stop. I can't bear to see her lying on that bed everyday! She didn't even stir when I said I loved her." Lola sighed and said "how am I going to tell Quinn and Nicole. Nicole and Zoey are really close. James doesn't know either. I can't do this alone Chase I just can't." Chase held Lola while she sobbed. The truth was he felt like crying himself. Zoey was his girlfriend and she was dying. He didn't tell Lola what he was thinking he just rubbed her back until they got to her dorm room. When Chase got to his dorm Michael and James were sitting on the single bed. James's eyes were red and he looked scared. Chase knew just by looking at his face that he knew about Zoey. Michael said "Chase you alright man? I know this is hard for you. It's hard on all of us but you are supposed to marry her next year. This isn't helping is it I'm sorry man I just don't know what to say." Chase said "you don't have to say anything because words won't wake her up! I just need her to wake up. I love her if she dies I don't know what I'll do!" Then Logan came into the room and said "Chase I thought you and Zoey were on a date tonight. Lola left a voice mail but she was sobbing so I couldn't understand her. I was wondering if she told you what was wrong." Chase said "Zoey might be dieing! Not that you would care Logan. You hate her I know it! I'm going to take a shower and try to tell myself that Zoey will live to see her wedding day." Michael said "Chase calm down freaking out isn't going to wake her up anymore than talking about it. I know you're having a hard time but you have friends who are willing to talk to you." Chase said "Michael just go see Lola. You never know when someone will try to take her from you. That freak that sent the box to Zoey might send another. I should let Dean Rivers know and Coco so that they watch the mail coming in. I won't let this happen to any other girl at PCA." Logan said "Chase I don't hate Zoey. I'm sorry about what happened. The next time you go see her I'll go with you. It might be easier if you had someone beside you." Meanwhile a figure wearing a dark cloak was sneaking away from PCA campus. He had done it. He had delivered the dress. Maybe now Mira would respect him. Chase was coming outside to talk to Dean Rivers when he saw Mira's son running away from campus. Chase said "stop show yourself! If you're the freak that hurt my girlfriend I'll kill you!" Chase pulled down the hood and stared in shock when he saw that it was Mark. He closed his eyes hoping that this was all a dream. Mark's voice shook when he said "my mother forced me to do it! Please don't kill me! I just wanted my mom to love me! Do you know what its like to hear that your mom was fired and then wants you to help get revenge?" Chase felt his anger melt away. He said "Mark was Mira your mother? I know it must be stressful for you to have a mother like that. I'm not going to kill you even though that dress that you left for Zoey might cause her to die. I really don't think you wanted to do this. Come with me. I want you to go see Zoey and tell her that you left the dress." Mark said "Chase I'm sorry. I didn't know what mom was asking me to do. I thought it would just stink really badly. I want to make things up to you." Chase said "telling me the truth makes up for it. As long as Zoey lives I will forgive you." Mark followed Chase to the nurse. Chase went in with Mark. Then something amazing happened! When Chase touched Zoey's arm she sat up and said "Chase did I miss dinner? I'm so sorry someone left a dress for me and then I must have fallen asleep." Chase said "thank god you're alright! Mark has something to tell you. He's the one who left the dress." Zoey said "Mark why did you do that? A lot of people could have been seriously hurt. I'm really confused Chase." Chase was so happy he was crying. He hugged Zoey and said "I can't wait a year for you and me to get married. Let's get married in two weeks. I love you." Zoey said "Chase we talked about this last year I'm not ready. I thought you understood I love you." Mark said "Zoey I'm sorry about the dress but I can fix it. I picked it because I thought you'd like it. I want to make it up to you." Zoey said "Chase I'm going to have to stay here for a few days. In six months you and I will get married. I promise I love you! End file.
Questions and a wedding dress by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
He Loves Them Not This has been sitting in my hard drive for who knows how long. I don't really remember why I never posted it after I finished it. Probably because it didn't really seem that good enough to post, but, I figured, why not? Might as well have it up somewhere besides my tumblr. So, here it is for whoever manages to stumble upon it and read. **Disclaimer: **I do not and will never take credit for Zoey 101 or the song this fanfic was inspired from. * * * **He Loves Them Not** Some high school girls can't help but feel insecure or threatened when they see their boyfriend talking to a pretty girl that isn't them. Some of those girls even go as far as forbidding their guy to talk to other girls, especially single ones. Those are the worst. It goes both ways too; boyfriends to their girlfriends when they see them talking to another guy they seem to be getting along with a little _too_ well. Lola is a typical girl with a boyfriend and in high school, just like said girlfriends, but she wasn't one of _those_ girls. Here's one situation that demonstrates that: one afternoon after class, she sees her boyfriend talking to a pretty blonde girl by his locker. How does she react? Does she act like the typical jealous girlfriend and angrily snatch him away from her flirty gaze and hair flips? No. Does she threaten the girl to stay away from her boyfriend or else bad things will happen? No. What she does is calmly walk up to them, casually greet her with a genuine friendly smile, and kiss him chastely on the lips. "Hey, Hot Stuff. Mind walking a girl to her next class?" she asks sweetly, looping her arm through his. "The pleasure would be all mine," he replies with a smile. He turns back to the blonde girl, "Thanks for the notes, Rea. I'll give them back to you tomorrow." And as she and Vince walk down the hall, Lola can't help but smile to herself when she hears the girl scoff and stalk off in the other direction. She knows a lot of girls have their eyes on Vince; he _is_ the star quarterback of the football team and one of the hottest guys at PCA. But she also knows that no matter how many girls bat their flirty eyes at him; incessantly giggle at every other word he says; or pout their glossy cherry colored lips; Vince loves her and no one else. He constantly tells her and shows her that every day. She doesn't chain him up and forbid him to talk to other girls. That is just ridiculous. He is free to do whatever he wants, as is she. She knows that she has nothing to worry about; she trusts him. Just like he knows he has nothing to worry about because he trusts her. It's simple as that. So to all the girls who tried and failed, and all the future girls who are bound to try and fail, Lola has just one thing to say to them: 'He loves me, he loves you not.' * * * **Inspired by: **Dream's "He Loves You Not" **Word Count: **420 * * * Until next time! Always, Mina End file.
He Loves Them Not by PnayBabyGurl
Zoey 101
We Are Broken We Are Broken Summary: Lola's been depressed lately, and an unexpected friend shows her that she's not alone. Beginning of a femship, so don't like, don't read deal? Okay then, so please R&R. \ PS: I DO NOT OWN PARAMORE OR ZOEY 101 TO CLEAR THAT UP Lola's POV I'm standing outside in the grass, soaking in the pouring rain, thinking about everything that lead to this hollow person I've become. I start to cry, but no one will ever notice that since it's practically flooding out here. Wondering if the sun will bring out the better of me. _ I am outside and I've been waiting for the sun_ Life just hasn't been fair to me lately. I just lost my boyfriend to a hotter girl, no one even cares enough to check to see if I'm doing okay. The PCA world I was thrown in is seriously demented, nobody cares about anybody, they're just a bunch of self absorbed people with no life. _ With my wide eyes, I've seen worlds that don't belong_ _ My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize_ There's seriously no point in even talking to anyone about this because no one would care and get annoyed by my constant talking about how much my life has gone to hell. _ Tell me why we live like this_ I feel an arm snake around my shoulder and walk me towards the dorms, I try to fight back and walk back to where I was previously standing. The person keeps a tight grasp on me to stop me from going back to my sanctuary. " No, you're not going back there." The person says forcefully. I whimper a bit and follow them to where they're leading me. I don't even look at them, even if they did save me. I just look at the ground as we keep walking. _ Keep me safe inside, your arms like towers_ _ Tower over me_ This walk is taking literally forever, I must have chose a great hiding spot. I hear the person that literally captured me start to cry. Maybe I'm not as bad off as I thought I was. _ Cause we are broken, what must we do to restore our innocence_ _ And oh, the promise we adored_ _ Give us life again, cause we just wanna be whole_ I finally realize where we are after I finally look up. We just entered the girl's lounge, but the person I still haven't even bothered to acknowledge is still leading me somewhere. As soon as I know it, we're at my dorm, and she has a key...ohh, so it was one of my roomates who rescued me. I don't know who yet because I'm still not paying too much attention. The door opens, it's dark, but the light stays off. I'm starting to enjoy whatever this is. I wish the room could stay like this forever. _ Lock the doors cause I'd like to capture this voice_ _ That came to me tonight, so everyone will have a choice_ "Why were you out there, Lola? If the rain would've got any worse, you could've gotten really sick." The person says...I finally recognize who captured me from my possible death. " Nic-Nicole?" I barely whisper, it's so hard to speak right now, you have no idea. " Yeah it's me." She says in a whisper. She gives me a tight hug, it feels so nice. Did I really worry her? I honestly wouldn't think that she cared. She wasthe only girl here I could remotely tolerate, then I really grew to like her, but she didn't seem to notice, which I though was like a signal for 'I don't give a damn, just get out of my way.' I look up to see if i can actually see her, but it's like pitch black in here. I couldn't feel her, and I felt abandoned at that point. " Nicole?" I said, worry evident in my voice. " Don't worry, I'm still here, I'm not gonna leave you." She said quietly. I heard scraping against the wall, so I'm guessing she's trying to find the switch for the light. After two minutes of that irritating sound, she finally finds the switch and barely turns it on. The light is red, it is so awesome. _ And under red lights, I'll show myself it wasn't forged_ _ We're at war, we live like this_ For once, I actually glance at Nicole. I immediately feel bad for her having to feel like she had to go out there to my sanctuary and save me. Her hair is stringy and wet from the rain, her outfit was completely drenched, and she was shivering. She smiled at me though, I looked at her, feeling guilty. "Nicole...I'm really sorry." I said, my voice breaking. " Lola, you don't have to be sorry, I'm just glad you're okay." She paused," You really scared me Lola." She said, starting to cry, but trying not to completely break down, knowing that I was about to any second now. " I just have one question for you." I said sadly. " What's that?" She asked trying to remain calm. " Why did you save me?" I asked, going into sobs now. She went over and sat in front of me, tears pouring out of her eyes, I wiped one away. " Because I would've never forgiven myself if you would've died." Nicole said, remaining kinda calm. At that point in time, I was ready to die. My life had gotten so bad that I just wanted to end it before it really started. It wasn't just about Vince, it was also about my alcoholic fam, stuff like that. I'm glad Nicole captured me because if it wasn't for her, I would've stayed outside until I died because I knew the rain wouldn't have let up for days. Nicole laced her arms around my shoulders and buried her head in my chest, this makes me feel a little better. _ Keep me safe inside, your arms like towers_ _ Tower over me_ " Lola....were you trying to kill yourself?" Those words hit me like a city bus to the gut. " At that point...yes." Now she decided it was her turn to break down crying. " Why though...I mean what in your life is so bad that made you want to do that to yourself?" Aww, poor Nicole, I didn't know that my decision would have such an impact on her. I'm fresh out of tears, I'm all cried out as of now " Do you want the whole list?" I asked being serious, but sounding sarcastic. " You know, you're not the only one with a crappy life." Nicole said, calming down from her meltdown. " Wanna compare?" That was pure sarcasm right there. " I'm serious." I never knew hers was bad, I thought it was average," Bet you don't have foster parents" " Oh shite? I didn't...whoa...umm...I'm sorry for reacting like this." I said, completely shocked. " It's okay." She said quickly. I grabbed her hand and laced it with mine, I get her to smile again. _ Cause we are broken, what must we do to restore our innocence_ _ And oh, he promise we adored_ _ Give us life again cause we just wanna be whole_ We're still sitting here, in red light, holding hands, both at ease now. It's been a while since both of our meltdowns. The look on Nicole's face interests me, it's a look between amused and scared. " Anything else on your mind, Nicole?" I asked curiously, knowing there was. " Umm no, not really." Ooh she's so obvious. " Don't lie, girlie." I said jokingly. " Okay umm I'm just gonna say it..." She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. " Just say it, don't worry about my reaction alright? Just pretend you're telling someone else what you're about to tell me, does that make it easier for you?" I asked. She nods. " Well, I really like this person, dunno if she likes me back, scared to tell her ya know?" Oh, I do, I do. " Who's the lucky chica?" I asked, praying to god it was me. It might not seem obvious, but I do like Nicole, but she doesn't make my heart speed up, she just makes me feel important. " Her name is Lola Martinez, she's cute, makes my heart speed up whenever I see her." YES! YES! YES! YES! BOOYA! SWEET! Whoa. " Ooh, I dig you too." I say for once with a real 100% smile. Once again, she laces her arms around my shoulders, only this time, I do the same with a satisfied smile on my face. _ Tower over me, tower over me_ _ And I'll take the truth at any cost_ " You do know that we're gonna have to keep this under wraps though, right?" She asks. " Keep what under wraps?" I ask, testing her. "Us." Good, she can admit it. " What's there to hide, Nicole? Why do you care so much what other people think? I don't know if I can handle this if we have to do that." I said honestly. " I don't know, I just don't wanna lose anyone because of this." Jeez, is what I thought all a lie? " Like who? Seriously, if we can't be open about it, what's the point of even being together at this point?" I asked, making a lot of sense. " Okay, so if we do this for real...then..." I cut off her train of thought with a soft kiss on the lips. Ooh, minty, me likey. She kisses me back, but with force. I finally realize that I'm not alone, no matter what the issue is. I guess even the most broken people get their fair share of happy endings as well. _ Cause we are broken, what must we do to restore our innocence_ _ And oh, the promise we adored_ _ Give us life again cause we just wanna be whole_ I really hope you liked it, the song got stuck in my head so I decided to make a songfic out of it. Once again, I DO NOT OWN PARAMORE OR ZOEY 101, thanks for reading, please R&R. End file.
We Are Broken by AllHailTheMightyOddball
Zoey 101
Then There Was Two **DIsclaimer : I do not own Zoey 101 end of story** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music Blared through her headphones _**I cant eat without you**_ _**Icant sleep without you**_ _**I need you here to complete me**_ _**I need you here to save me**_ _**When I think about all the pain you've caused**_ _**all the lies you've told to me**_ _**I cry, and I cry, and I cry**_ _**I cant eat without you**_ _**I cant sleep without you**_ _**I need you here to complete me**_ _**I need you here to save me**_ _**I close my eyes and dream of you**_ _**I dont know what to do**_ _**You drive me crazy with your bid brown eyes**_ _**I melt when your lips meet mine**_ _**I turn into jelly when you hold me**_ _**Save me please**_ _**I cant eat without you**_ _**I cant sleep without you**_ _**I need you here to complete me**_ _**I need you here to save me**_ _**You've hyptnotized me **_ _**and hurt me deeply**_ _**the worst part...**_ _**I honestly dont even know**_ _**how**_ _**I cant eat without you**_ _**I cant sleep without you**_ _**I need you here to compete me**_ _**I need you here to save me**_ _**oh ooooo **_ _**save me**_ suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder...without looking back she answered "what Resse" "you have a nice voice, singing voice i mean" he said "and how would you know that?" she asked, she was trying to have a peaceful day without anyone.. just alone. but NO. "because you started singing out loud" he pointed out "are you serious ??!!" she screamed. No one !! i mean NO ONE had ever heard her sing. "ouch my ears... yes im serious" he said sitting beside her bed, where she was laying on her back. "..." "Dana, can you do me a HUGE favour?" logan asked "no i will not make-out with you" "not that. i need you to sing with me" "What ?!! no way !!" she yelled sitting up "please dana, please please please !! im begging you" logan pleaded "mmm" she said thinking "please cruz" "fine. wahts the song?" she asked. "umm.. its one that. i wrote" he said nervously. "really, lets go practice it" she said excitedly. sure she fought with logan i mean it is THE logan reese. Logan 'heartthrob' Reese !! "okay..." logan slowly lead the way out of room 101. I cant belive me and Dana.. THE Dana Cruz. Dana 'Danger' Cruz. are going to sing in the talent show. winner wins $1000 !! not that i need it I mean I am the Richest most sexxxiest person in the world.. Dana falls close behind though. Days went by while the two continued to practice.. Zoey was off with Chase and Nicole practicing a magic routine. Lola and Micheal were off practicing a play. and FINALLY the day of the talent show arrived. Zoey, Chase and Nicoles act turned into a comedy show thanks to Chase totally messing up, Nicole screaming and rambaling and Zoey freaking out. The play was pretty good except for Lola practically took over the entire thing. Oh and then she had to improvise because Micheal left during the play because she was being a SUPER drama queen, whats new. "Next up is Logan Reese..." Girls started screaming and yelling 'i love you logan' and he walked onto the stage waving and blowing kisses. one girl even threw her bra. too bad it was like a AAA -A or something small like that. "And Dana Cruz". Guys started screaming and Whistleing as she walked onto the stage and stood next to Logan. "Why did you make me wear this again?" Dana whispered to him with a smile on her face trying to make it seem like they were discussing the act. "Because you look gorgeous. and yes i said gorgeous" he replied. He was wearing just normal jeans and a black dress shirt, while Dana on the other hand was wearing a flowy black mini skirt and a red one shoulder strap shirt with the word 'Sassy' in sparkly silver letters. Logan cued for the music to start. **(A/N: Bold is Logan, Italics is Dana and Underlined is them both)** **I Never knew I could feel like this** **You were never the one I thought I would fall for.** **Yet still I sit here and pour my feelings out.** **we were sitting by the fire ** **one evening on the beach** **just staring at the stars** **I leant over and kissed your cheek** **And then there was two** **me and you** _You were never my type_ _But when I go to sleep I always see you_ _When I see you with someone else_ _I cry, ooooo I cry._ _we were sitting by the fire_ _one evening on the beach _ _just staring at the stars_ _You leant over and kissed my cheek_ And then there was two Me and You _**You Drive me Crazy**_ _**With your smile**_ _**With you eyes**_ _**They way you look at me makes me fall**_ _**Im in a Daze**_ _**I need to be saved**_ _**I need to Breathe**_ _**I cant let you know.**_ _**no no I cant let you know**_ **we were sitting by the fire **_(ooo yeah)_ **one evening on the beach **_(the beach)_ _**just staring at the stars**_ **I leant over and kissed you on your cheek **_(you kissed me, yeh you kissed me)_ **And then there was two **_(ooo oo just two)_ _**Me and You**_ They finished the song and the music faded. It was silent. then all of the sudden everyone stood up and clapped. Logan grabbed Dana's hand and they both bowed and walked off stage. "We did it !!" Dana yelled still having the rush. "Yeah we did" Logan said calmly "Why arent you happy?" Dana asked "I am, its just.. nevermind" Logan said and started to talk away. Dana ran after him but he just ran faster. They ended up at the beach it was dark so all you could see were the stars and the full moon. Logan stopped running and walked over to a small fire and sat down. Dana ran over to him and plopped down beside him. "Want a marshmellow?" Logan asked handing her a stick with a marshmellow on the end. Dana smiled a big smile. Logan seeing this put on a smile just as big. They sat there just laughing and eating marshmellows. "Isnt it beautiful?" Dana asked referring to the stars "Yes yes i am" Logan said jokingly. Dana looked at him and rolled her eyes and then looked back at the stars "I was joking. Plus theres only ONE thing thats more beautiful than me" "Yeah and whats that? you mirror?" Dana asked not looking at him. "No. You" He whispered shyly. Dana looked right at him in the eyes. He leant over and did a very un-logan thing. he kissed her on the cheek. " uh.. i.." Dana was speechless. She really did like him. "do you.. Logan Reese.. actually like me?" she asked "No" he said straight out. Logan lifted Dana's chin so he could look in Dana's eyes. "That would be the biggest underestimate of the year" Dana smiled. "I Logan Reese, the magnificent Logan Reese does not like you.. I love you. and Dana. I may be a jerk, but i would never tell anyone I loved them unless i meant it." "I love you too" Dana looked straight in him eyes and sang. "we were sitting by the fire one evening on the beach just staring at the stars you leant over and kissed my cheek and then there was two" "me and you" they finished together. sealing it with a promise. A promise to be together forever. A promise in the form of a kiss. THE END **Songs** **I... - Chantel ** **Then There Was Two - Chantel** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This one isnt one of my best but i for some reason jsut felt like writing another ons shot... i'll get back to my other stories ASAP.. thanks and please remember that im not writing for reviews im writing for fun so if you review thank you but if you dont thats perfectly fine. ttyl Jiade P.S. I AM CHANTEL.. i wrote these songs so PLEASE do not steal them. End file.
Then There Was Two by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
1. 7 minutes in heaven im gonna write a whole bunch of oneshot songfics about diffrent characters getting together all based around a fall out boy song. this one is about Dana and Logan denying the fact that that they dont love each other. most of them are gonna be dls by the way. **** 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN... Logans pov:_God I cant stop thinking of her and that stupid guy. Wait..what am I thinking I dont care. I have a girlfriend! She's no Dana but she has the looks to get Dana jealous._ I thought while I was laying down in the sand on the beach. All I could think about was Dana. Until someone came up beside me and sat down. "Who told you to... Dana?" I said suprised. "Yep the one and only." She said. She sounded a little sad. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Oh Its nothing." She said trying to play it off. "Yeah ok." I said sarcastically. "Im fine." She said playing with the sand. "Dana I know you way better than that. Somethings wrong, tell me." I said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I would tell you but I can't." Dana said. "Come on you can tell me anything babe." I said again. If that jackass hurt her gonna kill him! I thought while I was laying down in the sand on the beach. All I could think about was Dana. Until someone came up beside me and sat down. **I'm sleeping my way out of this one With anyone who will lie down I'll be stuck fixated on one star When the world is crashing down** Danas pov: God I love it when he calls me babe...WHAT!?! Get a grip Dana you are so not falling for Logan 'Heartbreaker' Reese. I think that I might be... I thought. "Uh earth to Dana." Logan said waving a hand infront of my face. "Stop doing that you retard." I said. Logan shrugged and layed back on the sand looking up at me. "Are you gonna tell me or not?" He asked. _Yeah like im gonna tell you that I love you and that I broke up with the guy I knew loved me for you._ I thought. "Nope." I said smirking. "Fine whatever. So hows Greg?" God he just had to bring him up. "Um I dont know. We just broke up." I said. "YES...I mean, oh so thats why your sad." Logan said. I looked at him like he was crazy. "So hows Britney?" I asked him. **I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type** **Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own** Logans pov. "Um shes ok." I said. "Thats good." Dana said sounding disappointed. "Uh why did you sound so disappointed?" I asked smirking. "Im not disappointed!" Dana said a little to fast. "Yeah you are. Are you jealous?" I asked knowing she would get mad at that. Shes so sexy when shes mad. "JEALOUS! Me jealous? You must need to get you hearing checked." She said getting pissed. I sware if we were in a cartoon she would have he head blow off! "Jeese chill down girl." I said sitting up and facing her. **The only thing worse than not knowing** **Is you thinking that I don't know I'm having another episode I just need a stronger dose** Dana's pov: "Im sorry im just as you would say perminatly PMSing." I said laughing a little. Logan laughed and looked up at me. "Whats wrong with you?" I asked. "Remember how I told you everything with Brit was fine? Well it isnt going to well, I think im gonna break up with her." He said. "Really?" I asked shocked."But things were going so great with you two."_What am I saying I want you guys to break up._ "Why do you want us to break up?" Logan asked me. _Oops._ **I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type **Logans pov: "Did I just say that out loud?" Dana asked blushing. "Yeah you kinda did." I said while she blushed even harder. "Um...Yeah I think im gonna go now." Dana said getting up and walking back towards her dorm. "Dana wait!" I called after her but she didnt listen. **Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own** Danas pov: _Stupid, Stupid_ I thought to myself while walking away from the beach. The next thing I knew I was being turned around by none other than Logan__ "What!" I yelled. "Why did you want me to break up with Britney?" He asked. "Because..." I started but faded away. "Tell me the truth too, because you know I can read you like a book." Logan said looking down into my eyes. If you could read me like a book then you would have figure it out already. I thought again. "IloveyouLogan." I said so fast not even NASA could decipher it. "You Love me?" Logan asked. "How did you know what I was.." I was cut off by Logans lips crashing into mine. A couple minutes later he pulled back. "Because like I said I can read you like a book." He said smirking. "Your such a dork." I said and playfuly pushing him. "And the reason I was gonna break up with Brit was because I love you more." He said. "Are you for cereal?" I asked. "Yeah and can you please not take in South Park language." Logan said. I laughed. "Sure." I said walking away. "Hey I just have one more question for you." He called after me. "What?" I said. "You gonna be my girl or not?" He asked me smirking. "Yep." Then I ran inside because it started to rain. I got up to my dorm and jumped in bed to dream about no other then Logan 'My Love' Reese. **I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type But you've got me looking in through blinds I keep telling myself I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type** **Sitting out dances on the wall Trying to forget everything that isn't you I'm not going home alone Cause I don't do too well on my own...** 2. grand theft autumn ok so heres a CZ one for all u peeps.i dont own the songs or Zoey 101 only the plot so be happy. GRAND THEFT AUTUMN "Zoey?" Chase asked out side of the girls bathroom. "Yeah Chase?" Zoey said. Chase could tell she had been crying. "Can I come in?" He asked sweetly. "Yeah I dont care." She said. Chase walked in and sat down next to a crying Zoey on the floor. He put a comforting arm around her. "What happend Zo?" He asked. "Josh cheated on me." Zoey cried out. "What? Zo how do you know?" Chase asked trying to play off that he knew the whole time. "I saw him and that girl Vilma making out in the gym." She said leaning into Chase. "Oh Zo im so sorry." He said trying to sound sorry of her even though he was as happy as anyone person could be. "Wait did you know about this?" Zoey asked standing up. "What? No!" Chase lied. "Chase you suck at lying and you did know about this! I cant believe you." Zoey said lettign a few more tears fall free down her cheeks. "Zo im.." Chase said before Zoey stormed out. "So sorry."Chase walked back to his room to see Logan and Dana playing Kingdom Hearts(best game ever!) with Michale laying on the couch watching. "Hey Chase whats up?" Michale said not taking his eyes off the tv. "I hate my life." He said sitting on his bottom bunk. "I hate your life too." Logan said trying to beat Dana's high score. "Shut up you dork." Dana said. "Hey I thought that when we started to go out we were gonna stop the name calling thing!" Logan said. "Yeah well old habits are hard to break." She said smirking. "So whats wrong?" "You know that guy Zoey was dating right?" He said. "Dont you mean _is_ dating?" Logan said. "No she broke up with him." Chase said. "Why?" Dana asked. "He was cheating on her." Chase said. "WHAT!" Dana yelled standing up. "Yep." He said. Dana got up and walked out of the room. "Wheres she going?" Michale asked. "I think she is gonna try to kill him. Be right back." Logan said running out of the room. "So why did this suck for you?" Michale asked. "I kinda knew about it." Chase said putting his face in his hands. "And you didnt tell her? That sucks." He said." What are you gonna do?" "I think im gonna tell her im sorry tonight at Sushi Roxz open-mic night." Chase said going over to the desk and writing like a mad man. "What are you doing?" Michale asked. "Go make sure Zoeys there and youll find out then. GO!" Chase yelled. Michale left to go find her... "I dont want to go!" Zoey said trying to get away from Dana and Logans grip. "Sorry Zo but its the doctors orders." Dana said. "What doctor?" Logan asked confused. "You are so lucky your hot." Dana said. They led Zoey into the front of the crowd and sat her down in the front seat. She sat there and crossed her arms over her chest. Kazu got on stage and took the mic. "Hello Everyone. Welcome to open mic night, our first act is Chase Matthews singing an original song for Zoey Brooks." Kazu said.Chase got up to the mic with his bass guitar in hand ushering up Logan and Michale. Logan went up and took his guitar in his hands while Michale went to the drums. Chase started to sing: Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town. When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope I forget that you hate him more than you notice I wrote this for you (for you, so...) You need him. I could be him... I could be an accident but I'm still trying. That's more than I can say for him. Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town. Someday I'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you... but for the meantime I'll sport my brand new fashion of waking up with pants on at 4:00 in the afternoon. You need him. I could be him... I could be an accident but I'm still trying. That's more than I can say for him. 1-2-3-4! Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town. (won't find out) he won't find out (won't find out) he won't find out Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town. Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. (he won't find out) Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town. Zoey ran onstage and jumped into Chases arms. She kissed him while the crowed cheered and they heard a couple of people yelled out finally. Zoey pulled away and looked at him with a smile. "I love you too Chase." Zoey said with tears in her eyes. "Im sorry I didnt tell you." Chase said. "Your only forgivin if you go out with me." She said smirking. "I would love to!" Chase said then they kissed again and they lived happily ever after. presley aka cracker End file.
Fall Out Boy oneshots by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
obvious Obvious _**Obvious**_ _We started as fiends but something happened inside me. Now I'm reading into everything there's no sign you even like me baby. You don't even notice me turning on my charm or wonder why I'm always where you are._ Chase sighed he was in love with Zoey Brooks. He was one of her best friends but after spending the whole summer in Hawaii just the two of them things changed. He wondered if she loved him. She didn't act any differently when they got back to the states. He had started hanging out with her more than normal and would smile at her all the time. Zoey was sitting with Quinn and Lola. Zoey had just told them for the hundredth time in five minutes that Chase was just her friend. Lola said "Zoey if he doesn't love you why was he in our dorm this morning watching you sleep? Sometimes when a guy does these things he's trying to tell you something." Zoey said "Chase has been watching me sleep? That is just too creepy I need to draw the line there. I wonder why he would do something like that." Lola argued "hasn't it been obvious Zoe? He loves you and can't bring himself to say it. That's why he watches you sleep. That's why he follows you around. Any dumb person could figure that out. You haven't so he thinks you don't love him back. _I've made it obvious I've done everything but say it. I'm not so good with words but since you never noticed the way that we belong I'll say it in a love song. I heard you talk about how you want someone just like me. You don't even notice me now when we're alone. Or wonder why I keep you on the phone._ Chase had heard Zoey playing confess or stress with Quinn. Zoey rolled even numbers and Quinn asked her "if you could date the perfect guy what would he be like?" Zoey thought for a minute and said "he would be funny, clumsy, protective, loving, and just plain decent. He has to respect the lines I draw and not push further. I think I would do more than date him. I think if there was a guy like that I would have to make him my boyfriend." Quinn said "Zoey you just described Chase. I think you love him you can't deny it forever. I know this now it doesn't matter how much two people love each other. If they hide it from each other it won't last long. If Chase tries to talk to you tonight I don't care how late it is go. Once you're out there start a conversation about his perfect girlfriend and see who he describes." Chase called Zoey at three in the morning. She answered the phone but she was too tired to talk. She wanted to go to sleep but Chase was keeping her on the phone. She didn't wonder or care why he wouldn't let her go to bed. Zoey got off the phone but before she could go to bed Chase climbed in her window. He had been hoping to watch her while she slept. Zoey ignored him and climbed into bed. She didn't even flash him a smile like she usually did when they were alone. Chase wasn't great with words when it came to talking to cute girls. Zoey wasn't picking up on the cues that he was showing. He finally decided that enough was enough. He left the room and came back with his guitar. He had found the sheet music for Zoey's favorite song. He softly sang the chorus "**Our song is the slamming screen door sneaking out late tapping on your window. When we're on the phone and we talk real slow because it's late and your mama don't know. Our song is the way you laugh the date I didn't kiss her and I should have. When I got home Lord I said amen asking god to please play it again."** Chase started to ask Zoey whether she had gotten the message. Then he realized that she'd fallen asleep. He sat down in a chair that he pulled close to the bed and watched her sleep until sunrise. Later the next morning Zoey said "Chase I want you to stop sneaking into my room at night. It scares me. If you have something to tell me just say it. I can't have another night like last night." Chase said "I already said it in a love song. I love you so much that you are all I think about." _I've made it obvious so finally I'll say it. On and on you get me wrong I'm not so good with words. Since you've never noticed the way that we belong I'll say it in a love song._ Zoey said "Chase I didn't hear you. I'm done talking unless you are honest with me." Chase said "Zoe you're getting it all wrong. I love you I sang your favorite song last night. I have been watching you sleep hoping that you would realize that I love you. When you didn't I knew that I needed to tell you as soon as possible. So I want apologize to you for keeping this a secret. I love you and I hope you can love me to. I guess I'll just talk to you tomorrow." Zoey said "Chase don't leave I love you to. I just didn't see that you were in love with me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I was confused and didn't know what to think when you first told me that you loved me. I now know that you are a person who I could spend the rest of my life with. End file.
obvious by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
Rejected **Rejected!** A/n: This is dedicated to All hail Something and Something(long name), Zinaalla(a short and cool name) and Will Hater W.I.T.C.H. Lover. Warning if you love LolaLogan pairing don't read this... Lola was lying on a sun bed on the boy's dorm's roof. Logan came up to her. "Before you say anything against me being up here, remember what happened last time," Lola said quickly. "How could I forget," replied Logan. "You dressed up as a boy and ended up humiliating yourself in front of all the boys." "Yeah, but what do you want?" asked Lola angrily. "I've got a few questions to ask you."Logan replied as combed his hair with his fingers. "Do you like any movies out recently?" "Yeah. The Pink Panther sounds wicked."Lola replied cheerily. "Whats your favorite sushi dish?" "Californian Rolls." "Ice cream flavor?" "Ooh. Choc-mint and strawberry." "You like popcorn?" "No. I LOVE it. " Will you go out with me then?" "Of course. Not," Lola stood up. " Why do you think every girl will fall for you?" "Because normally a girl would kill for me to just look at her." "No. Cos if you look at her she'll commit suicide." "I don't need you. I can get any girl I want. "Ooooh. Logan Reese just got REJECTED. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D. A/n: Lola is awesome. Logan do I put it into words... oh yeah. A jerk. Please Review End file.
Rejected by pipecleanermonkey
Zoey 101
A Lesson in Love **Disclaimer:** I do not own _Zoey 101_, its characters, or its plots. I only own this fanfiction. This fanfiction takes place the morning after the episode "Hot Dean" (season 3, episode 3). Any references to real people, events, and places are pure coincidences. * * * ><p>"Zoey, hurry up!" Lola yelled, her and Quinn standing in the doorway.<p> "Hold your horses," I retorted. I quickly grabbed various fashion magazines and followed Lola and Quinn out of her room. When we reached the lounge, we found a crowd of girls around the doorway. Some of the girls carried make-up kits; other girls carried DVDs, CDs, and sleeping bags. "What's happening?" I asked to no one in particular. "Is there a fight?" "Nope," a girl turned around and told me. "Coco and Carl. We can't use the lounge for a girls' night with them in there." Why can't we be in the same room with Coco and Carl? Out of curiosity, I pushed my way past all of the girls. When I got to the front of the room and had a clear view of the lounge, I saw Coco and Carl sitting on the sofa, both leaning in for a kiss. "Ew!" Lola said, having followed me and holding her stomach tightly. "Don't make me puke." I walked up to Coco and Carl and cleared my throat. Coco and Carl immediately jumped up and nervously looked at me. "Oh, hi Zoey," Coco replied. "Well, you see ... I let Carl ... well ... stay the night here. He was so tired from carrying me all the way here from Sushi Rox last night." "That's nice of you, Coco," I replied and turned to her boyfriend. "Here's a message for you, Carl. I'm sick and tired of Coco moaning and complaining about you every time you break up with her. I have my own problems to deal with, you know? If you decide to break up with her one more time, then you have another thing coming." I left before a stunned Coco and Carl could respond. When I got to the doorway, I told the girls, "Time for a rain check. Let's do our girls' night another night." The girls who had assembled around the door groaned and started walking off in all directions. Once the doorway wasn't so crowded, I followed Quinn and Lola into the hallway, where they pulled me to a stop. "You could've been more polite with Coco and Carl," Quinn told me. "Did you really have to threaten Carl?" Lola questioned me. "Do you wanna be stuck with Coco's Carl drama forever and ever?" I retorted. "You got a point," Lola agreed, and Quinn nodded in agreement as well. The End End file.
A Lesson in Love by totodile292
Zoey 101
Drive There Now: The Lost Chapter This is what happened between Logan and Dana in my fic Drive There Now. Logan's P.O.V Soon our shirts werent the only thing in the pile of disgarded clothes. I flipped us over so that I was on top of Dana. Our lips never left each others. I moved Dana up so she was on the pillows at the top of the bed. If this was going to happen I wanted to make sure she was comfortable. My hand ran down to the bottom of her black lace bra and I slid my thumbs under the material. I reached behind her and unclasped it with one hand. I kissed her neck and bit her hard enough to leave another mark. Tonight she is mine, not Kevins. She took her ring off for me. Her bra ended up hooking onto the side of the night table. I started to kiss her down her chest. I hit one spot and she giggled but quickly shut her mouth. I smirked kissing that spot, when that didnt work I started to bite down lightly. "Logan..." She trailed off, moaning. My left hand went to her right brest, rubbing it roughly. I heard her gasp. She arched her back. She quickly turned us back over and straddled my waist. She started to kiss my neck. She slowly moved up to my earlobe. Dana bit down hard and kissed slightly under it. "Dana..fuck...not there..." I begged. My spot. She was the only girlfriend I ever had to find it. She smiled against the spot and bit it, I think it was hard enough to draw blood. "Vampire..." I heard her laugh slightly as I said that. I moved my hands up to her brests and started to play with them. She moved my hands away from them and she slowly moved down to straddle my thighs, She kissed my well toned chest and her hands moved down to my jeans. She started to undo my pants. She undid the button and slowly, and when I say that I mean _torturously slow_, then started to pull them down. "Dana." I groaned. As soon as I said that they were on the floor. She hooked her index fingers under the waist band of my boxers and slowly slid them down my legs. As I kicked them off I noticed that something was wrong. I sat up and Dana looked at me confused. "This isnt fair." Before she could say anything I pushed her back so I was on top again. Her head was hanging off the edge of the bed so I pulled her by her belt loops farther on the bed. I sunk my teeth into her neck as I undid her jeans, slowly sliding them off her for pay back. She moved her hands down on top of mine sliding them down faster then I did. I wasnt to sure where these pants landed but I didnt care at all. She had on matching panties on. I kissed her down between her chest as her hands roamed through my hair. My teeth hooked into her underwear and I pulled them down slightly with my teeth. I used my hands the rest of the time. I took them off and Dana moved me under her again. She kissed me and she slowly moved down onto me. Her hands were on my chest, her nails were digging into my chest. My hands moved onto her hips, helping her get down. By the look on her face I was bigger then Kevin, she had her lip in her mouth biting down on it. When she couldnt take any more she started to move up and down on me. She threw her head back in pleasure and I started to moan out her name. She was rocking back and forth moaning out random things. I got tired of her doing all the work so I flipped us over again, she groaned. I pinned her to the bed by her arms. I started to move in and out slowly. After she got used to the pase I started to go harder and faster. She was moaning my name which made me go so much harder and faster. It turned me on, knowing that she was almost yelling my name, not _Kevin's_. I sunk my teeth into her neck which made her squeal. "Logan, God...Faster!" She yelled, breathless. I was more then happy to. Her legs wrapped around my waist tightly. I was so close, and by the way she was breathing and screaming I was pretty sure she was getting there too. I have had sex in some of these rooms and even if the person screamed no one really seemed to notice anything. Plus it was dinner time so not a lot of people should be in the dorms. I felt her walls contracting around me and her legs tighten. She pulled me deep into her. She screamed out my name as she came. I pumped into her a couple more times before I came when she was calming down. "Dana!" I panted. I collapsed next to her. I pulled out of her and I leaned up and to a pillow from the top of the bed. Dana lays her head on my chest when I lay back down, I moved my arm around her waist and put my hand over the one that was on my chest. She was still calming down from her climax. We layed there in silence. Sweat dripping off of our bodies. I looked down to the beautiful girl laying in my arms, where she _belongs_. She was slowly drifting off to sleep. I should go lock the door but that would involve getting up but I couldnt do that, I was to happy. The light was on to, Dana's body was closest to the door where the light on the side table was but I didnt want to bother her. "I love you Logan..." She said as she drifted off to a peacefull sleep. I closed my eyes, Finally she tells me this. I knew by the way she kept kissing me back that she loved me but it felt great just hearing her admiting it. I stayed up as long as I could but after that I dont even think a god could have stayed up. I moved slightly to get the extra blanked from the floor that I had disgarded earlier that day and covered us up. "I love you too, Dana." I whispered kissing her hair. I drifted into one of the best sleeps of my life... All for you Tammy-Kins, make sure you review and tell me what you think xD Fobsession-DL-Freak End file.
Drive There Now: The Lost Chapter by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1: The First Monday Back My World Chapter 1: Monday (Zoey's POV) My name is Zoey Brooks, I'm in my fourth year at PCA and it's my first day of lessons after the summer holidays, I really enjoyed my holiday, I spent it with my best friend and new boyfriend Chase. "Zoey! Wake up!" I heard Lola shout. I dragged myself out of my single bed and made my way to the toilet. Lola and Quinn both had Maths first and I had science with Chase. After I washed my face and cleaned my teeth I got dressed and picked up my bag. "See ya later Zo" Lola told me as she and Quinn left the room to go to their class. I followed them out after getting the keys for my pink Jet X and locked the door after myself. I left my Hall and hopped onto my Jet X and made my way to class. "Hey you" Chase said the minute he saw me. "Hey you" I said back as he kissed me on the cheek. ""Hi Zoey" said a familiar voice, I turned around and saw my ex boyfriend James Garrett looking at me "Oh, hi James" that was all I managed to say to him "How are you?" he asked me. I was just about to think of an answer when Chase turned around and said; "Oh hey, Zoey this is my new roommate James Garrett". I was didn't know what to say then James answered back; "We already know each other, we went out with each other last year". 2. Chapter 2: A Few Surprises As I took my seat next to Chase, I avoided eye-contact with him because I just knew he wanted to know everything that had happened with me and James. Over our vacation together, I literally forgot about him, so I hadn't mentioned anything to Chase, just like he didn't really tell me anything about how his life went at Covington. Mr Charleton, a new science teacher starting this year, was standing at the front of the science lab and we all fell silent as he began introducing himself. Throughout the lesson I looked at Chase and he smiled at me everytime, but I also couldn't help looking at James. I felt a little guilty just leaving him to get (officially) together with Chase, especially after he went to so much trouble buying me a necklace and having "I love you, James" specially embroded on to it. But that is what made me realise how much I missed and loved Chase and that he was coming back so that we could be together. I made it through the entire lesson without Chase asking me any questions about my relationship with James. But I couldn't shake the thought of Chase asking James, seen as they are roommates and god knows what James would say. Chase and I had to go our seperate ways when the bell went, as we both had two different lessons next. As I made my way to English, I realised James was in this class. Despite sitting on the same table, I avoided communication with him and made it to break time. As the bell rung after 50 minutes of silence, I was one of the first out of the classroom and headed straight to my pink Jet X, who was waiting for me outside the English Department and made my way to Room 101, little did I know a huge surprise was waiting for me there. I parked my Jet-X in the Danver Girls Hall's bike and scooter shed. As I made my way up the stairs and turned in the direction of Room 101 I saw Lola sitting on her hands and knees crying in front of the closed door. "Lola are you okay?" I said running towards her. I could barely make out what she was trying to tell me only "Vince...her" as I lifted her off the floor she was crying into my ear as I turned the key. I opened the door only to find our room had been turned over corner to corner. "What the fuck happened in here! Has someone broke in our room?" I shouted as Lola threw herself onto my mattress which was no longer on my bed. "It was Quinn! I had never seen her so angry!" Lola shouted throughout her sobbing. Why on earth would Quinn do somthing like this? Of all the years I've known her, I couldn't think of a reason why. I asked Lola and she said; "She had another arguement with Logan, and I think that one has actually ended their relationship for good!" I was confused, Logan and Quinn looked like the happiest couple in the world at the end-of-year dance in July (next to me and Chase of course) but I was aware that they have been arguing lately, but never the reason. "Is this why your crying?" I said to Lola, who was now sobbing into a fluffy sea-blue coloured pillow. "No, I'm crying because...because I walked in on Vince and he was...he was having sex with Monica Baker!" I quickly rushed over to her and embraced her into a hug. "I'm so sorry Lola, I know you really thought he had changed". At first I didn't believe Lola when she came to our room last year and said she had started dating Vince Blake after he joined her yoga class, but over time I started believing he had, and so did everyone else. I guess we were all fooled. The only person who I seem to think didn't believe Vince was Michael, even though he was dating Lisa Perkins at the time, he seemed to be showing alot of care and protection towards Lola. I've been seeing connections between the both of them since Lola started at PCA a year after I did, she and Michael appear to have alot in common. But most people believe that is what makes them good friends, but I think it's something more. Whilst I was reasurring Lola, Stacy knocked on the door of our dorm. Now lisp free, from her minor accident at the end-of-year dance in which she was knocked down by Michael's car she said; "Hey guys, Coco wants to see you in lounge". Lola cleaned herself up while I assured Stacy that the state of our room was nothing for her to worry about and then we made our way downstairs and approached Coco, who was eating a bowl of salad (as usual) and was talking to-oh my god! Non-other than my best friend in the entire world Nicole Bristow! She screamed, I screamed we ran into a hug as we now do everytime we meet up. Don't get me wrong, I am close with Lola and Quinn, but Nicole and I have been best friends since the first day we both arrived at PCA. I was devistated when she told me couldn't come to PCA last year because her mom was concerned about her suffering from Obsessive Male Gender Disorder and sent her to an all-girls school in Malibu. That was too far away for me, but we somehow managed to stay as close as we did by phone calls, e-mails and any other form of communication we could, it was difficult some times with her being in Malibu and me here in Los Angeles but our friendship was strong enough to handle it. "Okay, I've got some good news and some bad news" Coco said shovelling her spoon deeper and deeper into her bowl of salad, "The good news is Nicole is moving back in with you two". I was over the moon until a sudden thought came to my mind; "Wait, what about Quinn?" I asked worridly, I hadn't seen her since we departed Room 101 for morning classes and Lola was so distracted with her grieving over Vince, she hadn't seen Quinn since her violent rant when she took her anger out on our room. "Quinn's left PCA, she broke up with Logan Reese and was so angry and upset she completly destroyed your room, packed her stuff and went to tell Dean Rivers she wants to leave right now". Lola and I were shocked, not about the break up, we kind of guessed that was coming weeks ago, but not that it would take so much emotion from Quinn that she would want to leave without saying a word. Nicole knew that Logan and Quinn were dating, and arguing, due to me keeping her updated with what was happening in our gang. "Yes, well my job hear is done, I'll see you guys later" Coco said in a miserable and emotionless tone as she shovelled more of her salad in her mouth and walked away leaving us standing in middle of the lounge with three very different expressions on our faces. The three of us headed back to Room 101, Lola and I were putting the room back together (luckily Quinn didn't break anything of ours during her rage) whilst Nicole set up her bed on the bottom bunk and pulled her stuff out of her suitcase. The bell went, signalling the end of break when we just finished finalising our room and we all departed our seperate ways to our third lesson of the day. At lunch time, I was starving and went straight to the cafeteria to put together my tray of selections for my lunch, headed outside to the benches and made my way towards the one particular bench our gang had claimed for ourselves, it was the one out of the way of everyone else and had a beautiful view looking over the atlantic ocean that surrounded us. Chase had saved me a seat next to him and to my surprise everyone was already here. Including James. I once again avoided eye contact with him as I placed my tray down on the table and took my seat in between Chase and Nicole. I looked around the table at my friends, Lola and Michael were sitting quite close and she looked happy, maybe she had told Michael about Vince and he was probably straight there for her (as I predicted). I took a quick glance at James, who looking up and smiling repeatedly in my direction, I started to panic until I realised it wasn't me he was doing it to, it was Nicole! I was completly taken by surprise, when I was distracted by Logan, who looked pleased with himself, even though he had only broke up with Quinn a few hours earlier said; "Okay, now everyone is here, I just want to let you in on something," We were all listening intently. "As you all probably know, Quinn and I have broke up" He hesitated before carrying on, "The truth is, she wasn't happy with my so-called attitude" Logan put his fingers up doing the quote sign as he said this. "But the real reason she got angry was was because I have started going out with Dana Cruz" We were all stunned, except for James, who doesn't know who Dana is. Lola however, has only seen a photo of her, but has never met her in person. Nicole and Dana did not get along at all when she was our roomate in our first year, and I haven't really spoken to her since she told me she wasn't going to be back for our second year here at PCA. We were all mostly stunned because Logan and Dana couldn't stand each other when she was here. They were too much alike, miserable, arrogant, didn't really care much for everyone else's feelings but their own and just plain fed up with life. "You guys just don't really understand, she's changed and since we started e-mailing each other after she said she wanted to get back in touch with all us here at PCA, we kinda connected you know?" I felt like going "aww" at those last words, because it seems to me that Logan and Dana had both grown up during the two years she has been away and now they know each other again, it's like true love has gotten a hold of them and made them realise the love that was hidden in both of them since the begining and it is sweet because none of us saw that connection either. "And you'll never guess what, she is speaking to her parents about leaving the European Exchange Program and tranfering back PCA" Logan said with an excited look on his face. By the way he said this, he made it sound like he and Dana had began a relationship while he was with Quinn, and I know she had strong feelings for him and I think he did too until Dana came back into his life. Quinn had every right to get angry because she thought Logan was past his "being a player days" and Quinn never liked Dana whilst she was here and if she knew Dana was coming back to PCA she wouldn't want to be here. I mean lets admit it, who would want stay somewhere where the boy they thought loved them will be with his new girlfriend, who he left you for. Good god, that's most likely how James feels right now, he loved me but I just threw it back in his face and ran into Chase's arms, which had been open, waiting patiently, for me for over three years. What kind of monster am I? 3. Chapter 3: My Feelings in Question The bell rung at 3:30, the end of the day was finally here. The gang was going to our favorite beach straight after school, it was the one we all accidently got stranded on at the end of our first year together at PCA because the taxi driver was given the wrong address, but never mind we all had a great time in the end. We introduced Lola to it in her first year and James just after we started dating. Chase and I were walking hand-in-hand along the beach whilst everyone else was minding their own business. That was when I saw it, I looked up to see Lola and Michael kissing! "Didn't you know Zo?" Chase looked at me with surprise. "When Lola told us what Vince had done, Michael was fumming and went straight to confront Vince. It got violent of course knowing what Vince is like, but Lola thought it was the sweetest thing and then they sorta confessed their feelings for each other." Chase explained and I felt so happy for my two friends, glad my theory about them having a thing going on was now proven to be true. James and Nicole were talking but I noticed whenever Nicole was distracted by Lola and Michael talking to her, James glancing over at me, I quickly looked away everytime. When Chase and I went to join the others sitting on the large rocks seperating the beach and the hill leading up to the road, Logan was running up to us, he had been on the phone to Dana. "Guys, Dana's parents said yes! She'll be coming back to PCA on Friday!" Logan was being totally out of character, jumping around in hysterics. We all laughed as he is obviously "crazy in love". Throughout the week, Logan was getting more and more excited about Dana's upcoming return and the more time Lola spent with Michael, the more she forgot about how Vince was an asshole towards her. That was all she needed really, just a real boyfriend to love and protect her. Nicole and I were getting back to way we used to be, her year at an all-girls school has really made an impact on her, she was now easier to talk to because she doesn't get distracted so much by boys anymore. On Thursday, I was going to see my younger brother Dustin, he had sent me a note demanding that I come to help him with a problem he had. I had no objection towards this, only that I was surprised, seen as he thinks I mother him too much, which I think is so not true. "So, there is this girl..."Dustin explained when I arrived at his very messy and un-organised "typical boys room". He said that he wanted some advice about how I gotten together with all the boys I've dated in my life so he could try some of these on this girl. "Well, Dustin you have understand that my love life isn't exactly amazing-" I was cut off by Dustin "I know but how did you actually get together with James?" I told him the truth, I wasn't gonna lie, James and I started as friends having dinner together at Sushi Rox and then the next thing you know, we've started kissing. I must admit, the day James arrived at PCA and the moment we first layed eyes on each other we did have a connection. "I suppose I could try asking her to have dinner with me, maybe after we've gotten to know each other something might happen" I nodded my head in agreement. Job well done Zoey. I praised myself for being the helpful big sister as I got up to leave. "Zoey?" Dustin said just as I opened the door, "What happened with James? One minute you were perfectly happy, the next your with Chase. I don't get it" Dustin had a point, I was hardly minutes away from breaking up with James when Chase and I had our first kiss. "I don't really know Dustin, I guess I just had a moment where I didn't really know what my heart was trying to tell me". I was leaving Dustin's hall when my phone vibrated in my pocket as I recieved a text, from James; Will you please come to my room? I just want to to talk - J. I hesitated as I turned in the direction of his hall and through the corridors towards the room my boyfriend shares with his two best friends and my ex-boyfriend. I knocked on the door and let myself in. James was sitting on his bed, the bottom bunk of one the two sets of bunk beds, as this has now become a four bedroom dorm since Chase returned. He smiled at the sight of me and stood up immediatly. "Zo, I'm glad you came." He said this with small amount of excitement in his voice. "I just wanted to talk about what really happened that night at the end-of-year dance. You know when you...when you left me?" I could feel the guilt I have been trying to avoid since I found out Chase and James were going to be roomates this year...and both in love with me. "James, I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I just didn't know what to do." He looked at me as I said it, he was fiddling with something in his hand. "It's just that...when you told me you loved me, I didn't know what to do because...because Chase had already told me he loves me and I really didn't know what to do." He didn't look at me this time, just carried on fiddling with whatever was in his hand. "So, you thought the best thing was to just get with Chase?" James said this with a slight anger showing on the last three words. "Well, all I was going to do when Chase surprised me with the news that he was back, and being his clumsy self he fell down the stairs. I only wanted see if he was okay and ask him about his feelings towards me. Trust me, I was still hurt over our split, but then he and I just kissed and then...we went to the dance together and everybody was so excited that we were finally together I just didn't have a choice. My dad then invited him to come on holiday for the summer with us and I didn't have the time to come find you, James" I explained it all quickly hoping he wouldn't get mad (the thought of me with Chase romantically did not seem to sit well with him) he just nodded, still fiddling with what's in his hand, I took a step closer to him. "Zo, when Chase kissed you, did you...did you forget all about me?" It wasn't when Chase and I kissed it was the holiday that made me forget about James and our unexpected break-up. "No, I never forgot about us, honest" I said grabbing his hand. "You know, when I told you I loved feel the same? You never told me because of...Chase." It was true I never did answer his question, as soon as I heard the words "I Love You" and because they weren't coming out of Chase's mouth, I was distracted by the thought of him to even consider my feelings towards James. "We had some amazing and wonderful times together James. But I think-" James stopped me, mid setntence. "Are you trying to tell me that your choosing him because you've known him longer and he's won you over with some sob story about love at first sight?" Those last words hurt, they also showed me the misunderstanding and jelously about how much James knows about mine and Chase's whole history. "Zoey, do you even know weather the feelings are mutual when it comes to him? You can't just say that you love him just because he claims to have loved you since the day he met you?" James was right. If Chase was certain about his feelings towards me, I was still left confused about my own feelings towards him and James. James was now looking at me, his blue-green eyes looking directly into my brown ones. I really didn't know what to say next. But there was no need, James' lips were now pressed against mine. At first I refused, not saying anything just shaking my head but James wouldn't stop, eventually I gave in kissing him back. He always had a way with me, and I had missed his gentle touch and that warm feeling whenever he kissed me. He pulled me in close and I was so carried away I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't believe it, Zoey Brooks is a cheater. 4. Chapter 4: Zoey The Monster James had carried me over to his bed, placing me underneath him as his kisses moved from my lips to around my face and then trailing down my neck. We did this when were together occasionally, but this time James was more hungry and excited for my body. But I can't do this. I begin pushing to push him off me, when a sudden pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up. It was Chase. He must of came in whilst we were in a moment of heat together as neither of us had heard the door open. Fists were flying, one into James' face and one returned into Chase's face, I jumped up to seperate them just a they had pushed each other across the room and into the big flat screen on the wall. I pulled them apart, both of them had blood on their faces and were so angry. "I'm sorry Chase" I say before running out of their room full speed. I just couldn't stand what I have done, I've cheated and caused a fight between two people I've loved at least once in my life. I just need to get away, clear my head and decide what I really want want right now so I won't go to Room 101, I don't feel like facing the girls, I instead leave the PCA grounds and make my way to the closest deserted beach. I switch my phone off as I make myself comfortable on a large flat rock and look at the sunset behind the endless sea. I think about Chase and James, how I could believe that one of them is the right one for me. What if it is none of them? I remember all good times I have had with Chase over the past three years and how he had fallen more and more in love with me during each event. How could I have been so blind? All the clumseness around me, the jelousy over a new relationship I gain including when I dated Dean Rivers' son and the boy I went with the dance with in my first year, even when I was casted to play Logan's love interest in a play once. I never once believed anyone (close friend or even a relative) when they tried to convince me that Chase likes me more than a best friend, maybe if I had let myself take the message in none of this would of happened and Chase and I could of gotten together a long time ago, and all this shit with James would never have started. I began to think about James, and about the three months we had together. There was our first kiss, the dinner we attempted to have at a really posh and expensive resturant, which we were later forced to finish on the volley ball court thanks to our friends, and all our private kissing sessions that no one else had the right to know about. And finally, it was when James told me he loved me and gave me that necklace. I sighed putting my hands in my pockets deep in thought, until I felt something in my left pocket. It was the necklace, this was what James was fiddling with while we were talking. He must have slipped it in there before Chase walked in, probably thinking that now we were kissing again, that we were back together. I didn't put it on, just kept it in my hand while the sun was going down. I was way past curfew now, but I don't care. I need more time for myself. I woke up to find that I spent the entire night on that rock. I figured Nicole would probably have noticed I hadn't came back all night and could be panicing by now so I made my way back to PCA, thinking of ways to avoid both Chase and James. When I returned to Danver Girls Hall an hour later, I saw my single bed was not there. Had they thought I had died or something? "Zoey!" Nicole shouted as I walked through the door. "Where have you been I was worried when you hadn't come back last night?" I told her I just "been around" and she took this as if I was hiding some dark secret. "Do wanna talk about something?". "Oh no, it's fine honestly" I said this calmly and as normally as I possibly could, best friend or not, there was no way she could help me work out my feelings especially when it comes to my love life. "We've been renovated. We are now a four person dorm-room starting today. They came about half an hour ago and took your bad apart and they are later coming back to put the new bunk bed together." Nicole explained to me, I had been so busy with my trainwreck of a love life that I had forgotten that Dana was coming back today, but I didn't know that she would be moving in with us in Room 101. My mattress, quilt, pillow and my precicous teddy that I have had since birth were on the floor in front of the wardrobe, I suppose I would have to have the top bunk when Dana gets here as I remember her literally taking Nicole's stuff off the bottom bunk of the bunk beds in the room we shared together in our first year. Even though I was someone who doesn't take shit of anyone and never alow myself to be walked all over, I've known since day one that Dana isn't one to be enemies with. During the school day, I didn't even look at Chase or James I only spoke to Nicole and Lola and I didn't have lunch with the gang, I went straight back to the dorm, and as Nicole said the second bunk bed had been put together and was waiting for Dana and myself. At the end of the school day I was forced to be near James and Chase because Logan had dragged all of us to the main gates of the school, just to greet Dana when she arrived. I stood next to Nicole, hiding from both of their sights. After what seemed like ages a taxi finally pulled up and Dana jumped out pulling a large black suitcase behind her. Logan ran straight towards her and they stood hugging (and kissing) for like five minutes. When they let go, Dana was smiling at all of us. "Hi! I'm Dana Cruz" She said looking at Lola and James. "It's so nice to see all of you again. Including you Nicole, I know we weren't exatly friends before, but I was hoping we could change that". Nicole smiled and nodded as a reply, I didn't know exactly how this plan could work but I was way too taken back by the way Dana was acting, Logan was right she really has changed. I was forced to spend longer time in the presence of Chase and James when we went to Sushi Rox for a few hours to catch up with Dana. I succesfully avoided speaking and was relieved when the girls and I returned to Room 101, that was of course after the happy couples that surrounded me had finished kissing-I mean snogging goodbye. I stood next to Nicole again and took a glance at James, who was standing a good space away from Chase, who was looking at me with a upset face, he must miss me since I haven't had any form of communication with him since his fight with James; who looked very unhappy himself. Surely they both must understand why I don't want to speak to them, I cheated on Chase and convinced James I wanted to get back together and then just left him. Who would want to be with a monster like me who crushes everbody's feelings? These were my thoughts when I climbed into my bed without saying a word to Nicole, Lola or Dana. 5. Chapter 5: Confessions I sat on my bed, still in my pyjamas as my roommates were getting ready to go out. "Are you sure you don't want to come Zoey?" Lola said to my reflection in the mirror as she straightened her shoulder-length brunette hair. I shook my head looking at floor. I had a dream that night which made me sink into such a depression I couldn't stand the thought of being near either one of them again, my thoughts on everything racing around in my head as I slept made me even more confused on the problem which has now become my life. Dana approached me looking confused. "Zoey what happened to you? When I knew you two years ago you were a completly different person and now I haven't heard you speak once since I got back here" I looked at her, it was true I used to be confident, never afraid to speak my mind and a caring and friendly person. Now I am depressed, very rarely speak, considers myself a monster who runs around breaking boys hearts and has given up on life completly. "I'm sorry Dana, I'm going through a really bad time right now" I said lifting my head up to her. Lola and Nicole joined Dana and all three of them gathered around me."Why, what's happened Zoey? We know it's you and Chase because we noticed you didn't speak to him all day yesterday" Nicole said with a serious look on her face. As much as I didn't want to tell them I blurted out the entire story, starting with me over hearing Chase's confession to Michael and Logan and then meeting James after Chase had been forced to stay at Covington for a semester by his parents, I then explained what happened on Thursday and how I was now a confused mess, struggling to go on with life. When I had finished, they all had sympathetic looks on their faces and I knew they were struggling to come up with some advice to help me. "Maybe you should just talk to them?" Was Lola's suggestion. "Maybe you should try to ask them about being friends until you know for sure what you want?" Dana made her suggestion. "I agree with both of those Zoey, you can't just avoid them the rest of your life". Nicole was right, but I was afraid they would just have another fight over me if I had them both in the same room together disscussing their feelings for me. They eventually convinced me to come with them on their trip to the shopping center not far from PCA, as it's the weekend we are allowed off the campus. Still depressed, I dragged myself into the taxi with them. At around twelve, we stopped for something to eat, as Lola and Nicole were getting our sandwiches at the counter, Dana attempted to cheer me up and get my mind of my dilema. "I like the way have you have your hair now Zoey" She said to me smiling "Thank you, I like yours too" I replied with little joy in my voice. When Dana and I last seen each other, I had my natural bright blonde hair just past my shoulders and she had short brunette hair which were always in curls resting on her shoulders. Now however, Dana supported long perfectly straight hair whilst still being a natural brunette, I now had dirty blonde hair and supported matching extentions which were perfectly straight. Over the last two years I have changed my hairstyle rapidly but so far this is my favorite look, even with my bright blonde roots starting to show on the top of my head. Lola and Nicole returned and I dug into my beef sandwich, I tried to take my mind off Chase and James as I listened to Lola and Dana get know each other a bit more. "I will be an actress one day, you can bet your life on it" Lola said with almighty confidence, she is actually an amazing actress, better than me anyday and I have total believe that she will make it one day. Dana seemed to like this; "Well I will a pro in the basketball career I am headed for. Zoey do still play basktball?" she turned to me. "Yeah, but I've never really thought of making a career out of it, Miss Harolds says she thinks I could be successful in a writing career if I kept my journalism up" I explained a little more cheerfully, I guess sociallising is improving my depression. Nicole joined in, "You know, when I was in Malibu, I discovered my passion was in my art skills, my teacher there was encouraging me to consider taking up a career in working for art galleries, he believes I have potential". I began joing in with more conversations and got to know alot more about Dana and her life in Paris until the point where I had forgotten about my troubled relationships with Chase and James. That was until I got back to PCA that afternoon. The girls had literally dragged me to lounge where we were meeting the boys, I was refusing, knowing I had to take their advice and try to be in the same room as the pair of them. I sat next to Nicole on the purple couch with large multi-coulored spots on it, she was laughing at Michael and Logan's joke which I wasn't listening to as I could feel two sets of eyes watching me as I stared at the floor. After five minutes I couldn't take it anymore and was rushing up the stairs back to Room 101. With Chase right behind me calling my name. "Zo, wait it's about time we talked" He said catching his breath as he shut the door behind him. "Chase, I thought you wouldn't want to know me after you saw me with James" I said as he sat down next me on the yellow couch which was placed underneath the window. "No, Zo I know you wouldn't do something like that ever "He said looking directly into my eyes "I knew he would try to get back together with you, and it wasn't the first fight I've had with him. When I asked him if he still had any feelings for you, he said yes and that's when we both started to get angry and he started a fight with me" I was shocked. I knew Chase would try to have an honest man-to-man conversation with James about me, but I suppose James' true feelings of jelousy had got a hold of his temper and the fighting was a way of showing that James knew Chase had won my heart since the beginning. "This is what I tried to tell you Zo, after you broke that fight up, but you left so quickly because you felt so ashamed I didn't have the chance and then you didn't even look at me for two days". It was all true, I was so confused and shocked at what I had done, I never did think about anyone else's side of the story. James' was now clear to me; he was refusing to believe that I truly loved Chase and tried everything in his power to make me think otherwise. Whilst Chase's was clear from the beginning. From the moment Chase saw me step out of my dad's car he fell in love with me, oblivious to this for three whole years, I am now starting to believe maybe this was for a particular reason, weather you believe fate has anything to do with this or not, it was clear that I was never supposed to feel the same way until that moment I heard it come from Chase himself on the web-chat that had been left on by accident. "Zoey, I understand if you don't want to get back together now, I've noticed you've looked and been acting very depressed lately. If you need space I will understand" Chase said, he looked disapointed as he said this as I know he would do anything to make sure I'm happy 24/7. Chase kissed me on the cheek as he got up to leave. I stopped him immediatly shooting myself up off the couch as if I had been struck by lightning. "No Chase, we've been seperated way too long and I'm talking about since the day we met. I love you, Chase and I never want to be without you again" I said, my heart full of emotion as he pulled me into a romantic kiss, sweeping me off my feet. James will have face it. Chase and I were made for each other. 6. Chapter 6: A Chat With Quinn My depression was slowly going away as Chase and I walked hand-in-hand towards the lounge. There was a mixture of different facial expressions, most were happy but James looked angry. "What do you think your doing Chase!" He shouted so loud every head in the room turned. I was filled with embarassment as I heard a childish rant of "She loves me!, No she loves me!" then Chase and James were throwing punches and rolling around on the floor, knocking the sofa over as people were running from the room at risk of their own safety. All I could do was stand there and watch the mess I had created get worse with every hit that was thrown. Michael and Logan were attempting to get a hold of the both of them to split them up. "What is going on!" Mr. Bender and Ms. Burvich had come into the lounge, eyes glaring. Chase didn't mention anything about me, instead was just honest that he and James had a fight, James didn't mention me either, as did all the witnesses. "Well, you were still fighting even though there wasn't an excuse. We still have to take you to Dean Rivers right now" Ms. Burvich said giving evil eyes towards the pair of them. She shoohed them out and Mr. Bender looked at my distraught face before leaving with them. Michael and Logan left to follow them to Dean Rivers' office while I sulked my way towards Room 101, behind a panicing Nicole, a shocked Lola and a confused Dana. Both of them could be facing exclusion for this, and it will be all my fault. I couldn't care less about James, but I don't know how long I could stay at PCA without Chase. Nicole opened the door and I just threw myself onto my bed, lying face down into the quilt. At eleven o'clock we had all given up hope on hearing something tonight so we got ready for bed. I woke up on the Sunday morning to find myself alone in the dormroom. Lola, Nicole and Dana had obviously not woken me, hopping to hear that it is good news that they will have to break to me later. My depression had gotten so bad overnight, I could barely get myself out of bed, choosing not leave my room I think of things to do until the that haunting moment where I will find out what is happening to Chase. I decide to check my emails on the big computer that is shared between the four of us, there is one from my mom, wondering why I haven't spoken to her in a week, one from Dustin saying that my advice had worked and he has a new girlfriend. I reply to these two, putting on a happy tone and then I notice that there is one from Quinn, she is requesting a web-chat. I press connect and sure enough there is Quinn's face smiling at me. "Hi Zoey" she says warmly. "I know this is weird but I think your the only one I can confide in right now" I smile lightly, how could I could give her some advice like I used to when I feel like throwing myself out of the window right now. "I suppose you want to know excatly what happened the day I left, right?" She says. "Well, I did love Logan. But I just couldn't cope with his arogant and selfish character. I guess I didn't really think about that when I got with him openly at the dance" She shrugged her shoulders. "We were also arguing because I found out about him and Dana. He left his laptop out with all his e-mails in plain sight, I was shocked when I read the one where he had asked her out. And then on Monday, when I left, it was because he told me he wanted to break-up because Dana was coming back to PCA. I was so angry I couldn't help but just throw all the room around. I'm sorry Zoey" She really did look sorry "It's okay Quinn, I'm not bothered that you trashed the room. I understand why you did it, I mean, Logan will always be Logan" I say still smiling slightly. "I know, but I am over him now. You'll never guess what Zoey! I ran into a boy I knew before I came to PCA, we got talking and we really connected so...I guess were together now" Quinn looked so happy, and I was happy for her, although I didn't show it. "How is everything at PCA since I left?" Quinn looked like she wanted to know, but I didn't fancy the idea of telling her Dana had come back and that her and Logan were the happiest couple at school. I also couldn't bare the thought of her reaction if I told her I am depressed. I once had to help her out of a depression in our second year, but that was over her missing her pet alpaca though, whearas mine is much more dificult to overcome. "Well, Nicole came back on Monday, which I was so happy about," Quinn looked happy as well, she and Nicole were good friends for the two years they were here together. "Vince Blake cheated on Lola with a girl from the cheerleading squad, but it's all good now because Lola and Michael have gotten together" Quinn thought that was brilliant news, she never really trusted Vince either. "Erh, Dana um moved back and she is our third roommate" I said shakily, I was worried Quinn might get angry again. "Oh, well I suppose it is best that Logan and I are both happy even though we've split" Quinn looked satisfied as maybe she knew Logan would feel no emotion after leaving her for Dana. "Are you okay Zoey? You seem very sad" Quinn looked through her computer screen with concern as I struggled to explain how my emotions are a mixture of guilt, confusement and self-hatred. Quinn listened intently and was finding it difficult to believe how long it took me to realise how much I loved Chase and how selfish James was being. We had been talking for an hour when she told me she had to go, Quinn asked me not to tell Logan or Dana that we had talked and I said I wouldn't, we agreed to keep in touch with regular e-mails. Before disconnecting, Quinn wished me luck in coming out of my depression safely, she hoped I wouldn't try something dangerous if things got worse. 7. Chapter 7: Not The Happiest Of Endings I spent the rest of the day sleeping, it's all my depression wanted me to do. I woke up to a knock on the door, my body was refusing to get up, so I made myself yell; "Come in". Chase slowly walked in. Oh god, here it comes. I braced myself as he kissed my forehead and sat on my bed. I made myself sit up and come out from under the covers, I wrapped my arms around Chase and rested my head on his shoulder as I did this he just stared at the floor as he began to tell me our future. "When we got to Dean Rivers' office, he said he had no choice but to exclude me and James because fighting is against the school rules. I'll be gone for the next semester" I was sobbing as he pulled me into a hug. I couldn't believe it, I was forced to spend an entire semester away from Chase last year due to a major twist of events, but now I don't know how I could cope this time round, especially now I know that I love Chase as much as he has always loved me. "Are you sure you can't take some other form of punishment? Like; hundreds of detentions, cleaning the grounds or-or anything other than exclution?" I cried into his shirt. "No Zo. His decision is final, there is nothing anyone can do." He said while stroking my hair, he is just as upset as me, but Chase only cries if he's in pain, it's the tone of his voice showing me how upset he is. I lifted my head off his now tear-stained shirt, I looked into his eyes and then I started to kiss him, I was in control until he pushed me down onto the bed. Our kissing became hungrier, until my hands were under his shirt feeling his stomach, his hands were smoothly going down the sides of my body, we were kissing for a while until we assisted each other remove our clothing. It has been four weeks already, but Chase won't be back until after the christmas break. Unfortunatly, James will return too, but I think this exclusion has made him realise that he and I will never happen again, he and Chase will still be roommates as they were talked to by the PCA guidance counselor about anger and learning to get along better. My depression is improving, Chase going away had made it worse, but Nicole convinced me to see the guidance counselor weekly, which I am proud to say is a success. Chase's parents were not impressed with his behaviour and the exclusion, so he is having to work for them as his punishment, with me busy with classes and him working we just manage to talk at least twice a week, texting whenever we can and web chats whenever possible. I miss him. I don't know how I am still going without seeing him, his crazy frow, his clumseness, his smile that appears everytime I come into his sight, I still have Nicole who's always great company for me, despite her bubbly and slightly odd character, but that's why we're best friends because I am the only one who won't leave her because of her crazy. Lola and Dana have become really close over the last month that Dana has been back, Lola and Michael are still going strong as are Logan and Dana. Quinn and I are still talking, she is happy being back home with her new boyfriend and pet alpca Otis. James is still friends with everyone, he talks to Logan and Michael often and Chase told me that he and James have somewhat settled their issues and are working towards a better future as roommates, when I spoke to James he mentioned that he just wants what is best for me, which is obviously being with Chase. He also said that he sort of fancies someone else, when he said that it was Nicole, I was so surprised. In fact, I can't believe I never noticed it sooner, from the minute Nicole came back to PCA, he couldn't stop looking at her and I thought she might have noticed it too, maybe even liking him back. Dustin is happy, I've met his new girlfriend, Mara Jane, she is nice I can see how much Dustin likes her and they seem to be really happy together. Altough I am happy for him and all my happy couple friends I surround myself with, it reminds just how much I miss Chase. So it is a happy ending for everyone but me, I must admit in my case, it's not the happiest of endings, but I know things are going to get much better in time. End file.
My World by baileyzoeylucymitchie1234
Zoey 101
Would You Rather? **A/N: This is my very first one shot. ** **Would You Rather?** Zoey, Chase, and Nicole walked back from their Algebra 2 class slowly. It was the last class of the day and it was a Friday. So they could finally relax from a long week of studying and sitting in boring classes with boring teachers. "Do you guys have any plans this weekend?" Nicole asked. "I'm going to do what I normally do on weekends," Chase started. "What's that?" Nicole asked. "Sleep." Chase said as he almost tripped over a tree stump. "Sounds fun. But you know what sounds like, a million times more fun? Going to the dance!" Nicole said excitedly. "Yeah, you can go. But I don't think so," Zoey said. "Oh, come on Zoey! Please come!" Nicole begged. "No," Zoey said bluntly. She had argued with Nicole the previous night about the same topic. "Why not?" "Because this isn't just a hang out dance. It's a formal dance where you have to dress up, and have a date and stuff," Zoey argued. Nicole rolled her eyes," What about you Chase?" "I agree with Zoey." Chase said. "Of course you do," Nicole started to get frustrated. "Why do you want us to go to this dance so badly anyway?" Zoey asked. "Because the only other person I know that is going is Alex and dances aren't fun without your friends. Everyone else is busy. You are the only two that are going to be sitting around doing nothing on Saturday night so you should really go. It would make me so happy. C'mon please!" begged. "Well, even if I was going to go, they don't let you in without a date," Chase said, sure that he had gotten out of it. Zoey nodded in agreement, "Yeah, right. No date. No dance." "Then why don't the two of you go together?" Nicole suggested. Zoey and Chase looked at each other awkwardly. "I mean, you guys could go as friends. Please?" "Oh, alright." Zoey finally agreed. "I mean, if it's ok with Chase." Zoey looked at her friend. "Sure," Chase responded almost too quickly. "It does interrupt our usual game of Would You Rather, but I guess its ok for just one night." Chase smiled. "Thank you, guys! Thank you, this is such a relief!" Nicole exclaimed." See you later!" With that Nicole ran off toward her dorm. Zoey and Chase looked at each other and shrugged. "Later," Zoey said. "Yeah, I guess I'll see you later." Chase replied with a small wave. They parted in separate directions. * * * **_-Saturday Night-_** Zoey was getting ready in her dorm room. Chase should be at her door in a few minutes. After she was finally ready, she leaned against the wall. She couldn't sit because it would wrinkle her dress. _Why am I so _nervous_? It's just Chase. It's not like this is a big deal or anything. We're just friends. We're friends that just happen to be going with each other to a dance. Yeah._ "You ready?" Nicole asked. "Yep," Zoey replied. "Me too." Like clockwork, there was a knock on the door. Nicole opened it, "Oh, Hi Alex!" "Hey, Nicole. Hi, Zoey. Um, Chase told me to tell Zoey that he's going to be a little late and he'd meet her at the dance." Alex asked. "Oh. Ok," Zoey said. She watched Nicole and Alex as the three of them headed toward the dining hall where the dance was going to be. Alex had his arm around Nicole's backside. Nicole rested her head on his shoulder. She wished that she could have someone like that. Someone to hold her. It was a wish that seemed so unlikely to come true. The dining hall was loaded with kids. It was dark with cheesy colored lights and even a large disco ball. _How in the world am I going to find Chase in this mess? _Zoey wondered as she scanned the crowd. "Zoey! I'm over here!" she finally heard Chase cry from across the room. "Chase? Where?" Zoey pushed past masses and masses of people. "By the food!" Chase shouted. "Figures," Zoey said to herself with a smile. After getting her foot stepped three times, jabbed in the stomach, and almost tripping over her own feet she made her way to the food table where Chase stood up, a red rose in his hand. "Hi, Zoey," Chase said his eyes locked with hers. "Hi, Chase," Zoey waved slightly. "How are ya?" Chase asked his eyes still glued to hers. "Good. Is that for me?" Zoey pointed to the rose. "Oh. Oh right," Chase placed the flower in Zoey's hand. "Thanks," Zoey said, "You look very nice for someone who didn't even what to come here in the first place." Zoey looked at her friend. He was wearing a classic black and white tuxedo. Though she could never really imagine Chase getting dressed up in formal wear, somehow it looked very natural on him. "Well, I could say the same thing about you," Chase said as he looked at Zoey. She was wearing red, silk, prom dress. Her hair was up in a French twist, giving her a sophisticated and beautiful look. "So, what do you want to do? Dance?" Chase asked. "Its way too crowded to dance," Zoey replied. The music was fast and the people were everywhere. It was almost too hard to breathe. "I agree. Do you want to sit?" Chase pointed out an empty table in the back of the room. It was one of the only empty tables and it looked quieter and a whole lot more comfortable. "Sure. I can't believe we agreed to do this. It's kind of boring. I'd really rather be in the girl's lounge playing a game of would you rather with you. Just us," Zoey smiled. "Me too," Chase agreed. The couple made their way to the table. Zoey smoothed her dress out and sat in a plastic chair. Chase sat next to her. "Well, let's play right now," Zoey shrugged. "Ok. Would you that guppy that Quinn put up her nose or get chased by a swarm of killer bees?" "The guppy, I guess," Zoey wrinkled her nose at the thought. "It would be better than dying." "Yeah, me too. I'm not a very fast runner," Chase agreed. "I know, "Zoey laughed."Alright, would you rather eat a moldy sandwich from 1968 or wrestle with an octopus?" "The sandwich. Fish scare me," Chase shuddered. The game of Would You Rather continued on as usual. But it was getting late. There was only a half hour left until the end of the dance. "Hey, where is Nicole? She's the whole reason we even agreed to do this," Zoey wondered out loud. Chase scanned the crowd," I don't know but there's Logan and Dana." "Logan and Dana? Weren't they busy tonight?" Zoey watched her two friends come toward them, followed by Michael, his date, Nicole, and Alex. ""Hey guys. What's up?" Michael asked. "I thought you guys were busy," Chase looked at the group. "We got un-busy," Dana shrugged. Zoey and Chase looked at each other," You mean we came here for nothing?" Zoey asked. "I guess," Nicole said. A slower song came on and as soon as they came Zoey and Chase's friends were back on the dance floor. "Well I could have been sleeping right now," Chase said," But this was actually really fun." "Yeah, it was," Zoey's wish still hadn't come true. She watched all the girls with their dates. In the back of her mind, she realized that deep down it wasn't just any boy she wanted to be with. "Zoey?" Chase asked. "Yeah?" "One more question." "Shoot." "Would you rather sit here talking or dance with me?" Chase held out his hand. "I like that question," Zoey's eyes shined as she took his hand and they started moving rhythmically to the beat of a slow song. She had her arms around his neck. His arms clung gently around her waist. Zoey let her head rest gently on his shoulder. * * * Nicole, Dana, Michael, and Logan stood hidden, watching them from a distance. "The plan worked," Michael said. "Finally," Nicole added. * * * The dance was over. Everyone left the crowded room. Chase and Zoey were the only remaining couple. She knew it was coming. He didn't even touch her, just bent over and before she knew it, his lips were softly caressing hers. It was perfect. "I think that was one of the best games of would you rather we've ever had," Zoey whispered. "Agreed." * * * A/N: Ok that is all. Please review. Oh and if you have been reading my normal stories, Aloha Means Hello and Good-Bye and Reunited. Updates are coming soon. Very soon. =) End file.
Would You Rather? by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
1. First Day PCA! **Problems** **Chapter 1** **First Day PCA!** **Disclaimer: Don't own Zoey 101 people or PCA...if i did i'd be directing it not writin this!** **A/N: I know I haven't updated my other two stories but this is to try to kill time till i get ideas for those. This is: Random? YES. Weird? I guess. R&R please!** **Summary: TITLE MAY CHANGE! I have no idea where this came from. It's really not as bad as the summary... it's like Diary entries deal with it. I'm bored. R&R please!** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Diary, My name is Dana Marie Cruz. I'm 15. I used to live in Hawaii. Now I am going to Pacific Coast Academy in California. I just got here today. I have been waiting for this all summer. When I got here I went to the Freshmen Orientation. I got my room and roommates. I'm in room 101 and my roommates are Zoey Brooks and Nicole Bristow. Zoey likes this boy Chase Matthews I can tell. Zoey seems like a stuck-up cheerleader type**(A/N No offense to cheerleaders)**. Nicole is like a serious blabber mouth. We had twenty minute classes today and she talked like the whole time. The one teacher actually yelled at her for it. Mr. Bender, our media teacher, asked her to let us know when she ran out of air. She never did. As for Chase, I can tell he likes Zoey too. He seems like the shy type though. Then the other boy Michael Barrett, Nicole like stared at him. He likes someone else though. And the last person in out group, Logan Reese. He's an ego-maniac. He had VERY high confidence and might I say he's hot. And yes I can say that about my boyfriend. That's right I'm dating Logan Reese. It helps that he lives next to me in Hawaii. We been dating since we were nine, that's six years! My friends back home don't think we'll make it. I think we will. Logan talks about marring me and having kids and stuff but I just laugh. It's weird though because when I laugh he looks disappointed but then trys to laugh it off. More about me now. I have carmel curls, brown eyes, and a tan complextion. I love sports and I'm good at them. I also have an attitude problem. I guess I'll go now. Oh I almost forgot, most couples break-up on and off right? Well not me and Logan. We have been dating for six years straight, no break-ups. That's awsome, just don't tell him. Don't need his ego any bigger. Haha. _Dear Diary,_ _My name is Zoey Marissa Brooks.I'm 15. I used to live in Louisiana. Now I'm at PCA in California, FINALLY! I got my roommates already. Nicole Bristow talks sooo much, and the other girl Dana Cruz has a bad attitude. She has a boyfriend, Logan Reese who has ego problems. Well, I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. I kinda sorta have a crush on Chase Matthews. But only kinda. I want him to like me too. Well, I'm going to dinner with Nicole._ _Dear Diary,_ _My name is Nicole Danielle Bristow and I'm 15. I normally live in Kansas but I'm at PCA now. YAY ME! My roommates are Zoey Brooks, who is way cool, and Dana Cruz, who is kinda mean. Zoey has no boyfriend like me, but Dana has one. His name is Logan Reese and he is a ego maniac. I like Michael Barrett, and I think Zoey likes Chase Matthews. I have middle-back lenght brown hair and blue eyes. I am a hyper person. Dana calls me hyperly-active. I don't know what that means. Well, going to dinner with Zoey. Luv, Nicole._ **A/N: It's short I know but I needed to start out on the first day. Next chapter will probably be like a week later or something...i'll say at the top of the chapter. Review please!** **-Breanna** 2. Bad Girl,Bad Boy,Big Problem Problems Chapter 2 Bad Girl+Bad BoyBig Problem Disclaimer: See chapter 1 A/N: Ok here's chapter 2. I have like a lot of ideas right now, so I'll probably have updates everyday at the least. I hope you are liking this so far. I know the first chappie was kinda boring but I had no other way to start it. Read&Review! **Friday(first week):** Dear Diary, It's been like a whole week since I wrote, I know. But I've been busy with my first week of classes. Anyways, I have been keeping a big secret from everyone. Even Logan. So that should tell you it's big. I never keep things from him, until now. The only reason I haven't told him is because I think he'll be mad. I don't want him to break-up with me for it. So I guess you want to know my secret right? Well it's that I'm pregnant. And Logan is the dad, thank god. It's September now, so that makes me two months pregnant. Well I guess I should explain. In July I went to Logan's house to sleepover because my parents were going out for their anniversary. Well, Logan's parents were out shooting a movie somewhere and Logan and I kinda fooled around a little. Ok we got farther than a little. If we hadn't I wouldn't be pregnant. I know I have to tell Logan sometime before I get fat. I hope he's not mad. Gotta go to class now. _Dear Diary,_ _It's me Zoey again. Let's cut to it. Dana has been acting funny. She always says her stomach is hurting and she eats alot. And now all of a sudden, she's been getting morning sickness. I think I know what's going on. But the weird thing is, I don't think Logan does. He just acts normal. I think Dana is pregnant. But if she is, she doesn't act like it. And I doubt she told Logan or wants him to know. Well, I guess I better get to class now._ Dear Diary, My name is Logan Reese. I'm 15 and am at PCA again. I have a very pretty girlfriend, Dana Cruz. She's been acting funny but I know if something was wrong she'd tell me. At least I think. Well gotta go to class. **Sunday:** Dear Diary, It's me Dana. I'm so sad. No I didn't lose the baby. But I did lose it's father. I got up the guts to tell him when we were on the lounge couch watching a movie. He just looked at me dumbly. So I repeated myself. He just looked at me, then stood up, said "We're over" and left. He acts like it's my fault. It's only partly my fault. But it's his kid too. I just went to his dorm and slipped a handwritten(he loves my handwriting) under his door. Here's what it said: -Logan Listen, you can't blame me for ALL of what happened. It was partly your fault too. It's not like I forced you. I really like you Logan, if I didn't would I have done that...NO! Please Logan please forgive me. If you want to talk to me(which I hope you do) meet me at the beach at 6 tonight. I want to tell you something. -Dana That's what it said. I hope he shows up. I'll write more later. **A/N: Ohhh! Will Logan show up? Will he forgive Dana if he does? Why did he dump her in the first place? Or does he even get the note? Read on and find out! Review Please!** **-Breanna** 3. Yelling makes everyone mad! Problems Chapter 3 Yelling makes everyone mad! A/N: Ok, it's NOT diary entries anymore. I'm sorry if you liked them, but it's hard for me to write that way. Read and Review! Disclaimer: See Chaper 1! **Sunday Night:** Dana Cruz was walking to the beach. She hadn't told anyone about "it" yet, except Logan. She was thinking about what she wanted to say to him. When she got to the beach she sat down in the sand. After a few minutes she layed back and looked at the clouds. She didn't notice a person come up behind her until they put their head over her face. She jumped and sat up. " came." "Yea. Listen..." "No you listen to me for once. I'm sorry I'm pregnant okay? You think I want to be pregnant at fifteen? Fifteen Logan. What were we thinking? Well I know what I was thinking. I was thinking that I love you. And you broke up with me for something I can't control. People say "things happen for a reason" Well maybe the reason for this is to see how strong our relationship really is." Dana said with tears running down her face. "Dana. Don't cry. I'm sorry for acting like it was your fault." Logan said as he reached out to her. "No! Don't touch me! And I'm glad you're sorry. Because it's not all MY FAULT!" Dana screamed as she got up and ran toward the water. "Dana!" "What? What do you want Logan?" "Dana...I" Logan mumbled trying to find the right words. "No, I didn't even get to say what I came here to say. Now listen to me. Logan, you have no idea how much it hurt to hear you say "We're over' It hurt alot. I knew you'd be mad. I wanted you to be happy, Logan. Happy. I came here to tell you that..." Her voice dropped to a whisper, "If it would make you want to go out with me again, I'll have an abortion. Even though I think that's mean. I'd do it for you. For us." She breathed a sigh of relief as she plopped down on the sand. "Are you finished exploding? Because I don't want to get yelled at for talking." Logan said as he to sat down. "Yea. I'm done." "That's good. Now, I have two things to say. Actually make that three. One, I know it wasn't your fault. Two, I can't believe you would go against what you believe in for our relationship. And three, you could of avoided all that yelling by listening to me in the first place. I was going to say that it was stupid for me to be mad. I was really just scared. I thought you'd be mad at me. I just needed time to think. Dana look at me." Dana looked up slowly. Logan smiled at her. The smile only she had seen. Dana smiled back. It made her feel better knowing Logan felt scared too. "Dana, I don't think I've told you this since that day in July. But I love you. And when you have the baby I'll still love you. I want this to work out. Us to work out. I want to prove Zoey, Chase, Michael, Nicole, Quinn, our friends in Hawaii, and everyone else who thinks we won't make it wrong. Will you be my girlfriend again?" Logan asked. "Wow that was really deep Logan." "Is that a yes?" Dana leaned up and kissed him. She couldn't help it. It felt so right. He kissed her back and they just kissed until they had to have air. They pulled away and looked in each other's eyes. Dana's arms were around Logan's neck and his arms were around her waist. "Does that answer you question?" Dana whispered in his ear. "You bet." Logan replied as he and Dana got up and walked away, hand in hand. The End! **A/N: Ok so that was kinda fluffy and short. I'll make a sequel if you want. It would more than likely have the baby in it. So 7 months later. Let me know. I'm working on a oneshot DL and chapter like 6 of Kids act like Parents. I have no ideas for Contest to Controversy so if you have some let me know. REVIEW!!!!** **-Breanna** End file.
Problems by brebre15
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 YAY I'm back in school so i have my inspiration back. Ok This is a two part song fict. The first part is gonna be the lyrics. They WERE changed a little bit. Just to fit the story. The second is the story part to go along with the lyrics. I hope both will be up today. I was listening to this song while watching the ending to the newest Zoey 101 so here is my version of the next part after Zoey sees Chase and his Gf. Man don't you wish it was Sunday jst to see what happens. Also I have NO clue what the girlfriend name is so if it is wrong then tell me and i will change it. Discliamer: I dont own most of the song that would be Academy Is (Good Band) and I do not own any of Zoey 101. My eyes can't believe what they have seen. In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my hopes and dreams. Oh Lola, Lola, I must have gotten this love sick somehow. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, And I want them answered on the spot, right now. Is it serious? I'm afraid it is. Am I gonna cry? Well Zoe, rejection is gonna catch up to all one day, But yours is coming quicker than ours, than ours. Some things I may have taken for granted again and again, well here's what was said then Hold your head high heavy heart. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning. I've never tried to make the best of my time, When I thought that I had plenty of it. Is this serious? I don't know what to think. Is it all a lie? Well one thing is for sure I'm taken back to the glory days When we were kids without a brash or bitter thing to say. Now my life is one big make it, or break it. Hold your head high heavy heart Save your strength for the morning after. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning. x2 2. Chapter 2 Ok here is the story part of the song fict. Sry for any typos. I don't have spell checker and often I miss them as I proofread. Zoeys POV (point of view) I opened the door to Chase's room. "Chase I need to..." She started before she saw the sight in front of her. _My eyes can't believe what they have seen. In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my hopes and dreams._ "Zoey, This is girlfriend" Chase said awkwardly. "Pleasure to meet you" I said twise as awkward as Chase did, then I walked out and back to my dorm. "Oh Lola, Lola, I must have gotten this love sick somehow. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, And I want them answered on the spot, right now." I said half ranting about what I just seen and half tring to find out what she knows about this girl. "Is it serious?" I said "I'm afraid it is." Lola said looking depressed, possibly she still liked him? "Am I gonna cry?" ''Well Zoe, rejection is gonna catch up to all one day, But yours is coming quicker than ours, than ours." Some things I may have taken for granted again and again, well here's what was said then. _Hold your head high heavy heart. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning._ Chase's POV_ _ _I've never tried to make the best of my time, When I thought that I had plenty of it._ Chase thought as he sat on his bed later that night. Soon after Zoey left Rebecca left me only with my thoughts. Over the summer I desided that my crush on Zoey was pointless. Every time i had a chance to tell her I loved her she walked away or someone came into the room. So I found a another girl. Rebecca. I never wanted Zoey to find out the way she did though. I've never tried to make the best of my time, When I thought that I had plenty of it. Is this serious? I don't know what to think. Is it all a lie? Well one thing is for sure I'm taken back to the glory days When we were kids without a brash or bitter thing to say. Now my life is one big make it, or break it. I'm gonna do it I'm gonna tell her I love her. Hold your head high heavy heart Save your strength for the morning after. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning. HAHAHA End, yup s tradition you'll never find out if he tell her or not. Sry chases part was weak I couldnt get in to his POV easly. End file.
The Phrase That Pays by DarkAngelSuicide
Zoey 101
1. Missing You _"Please welcome to the stage,_ **_Ms. Dana Cruz_**" _The booming, cheery voice echoed through the crowd. A fourteen year old latina took the stage. All dressed in black. Her beautiful eyes showed the sadness that she always tried to hide. She scooped up the excess of her dress and sat down at the beautiful grand black piano infront of her. The band was behind the curtain, waiting, anticipating. Finally, after taking a deep calming breath she started, and so did the band._ **_"What did i do to deserve this, I didn't even get one last kiss, From you, Oh baby, God took your love from me, He needed an angel so it seems, I need to feel your hands all over me, I need to feel you kissing me, I need to feel you holding me, I need to feel your touch, 'Cos i miss you're love so much, And I can't keep on living this way, I need you here with me, Why did he take you away, from me, It's hard for me to tell you I love you, As I'm standing over your grave, And i know I'll never hear your voice again, Why did you leave me, Why couldn't you just stay, Because my world is nothing without you, Now I don't know what to do, With myself,_** **_I would've given you anything, Just to make you happy, Just to hear you say that you love me, One last time, I'd go to hell and back over and over again, Just to prove to you how much I need you here, There is nothing that I wouldn't do, I'd cry for you, I'd lie for you, And there's no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven, I would die for you, Yes I would, I would rather give up my life Then I'd see tears in your eyes, I can't stand to see you cry... 'Cos it's hard for me to tell you I love you, As I'm standing over your grave, And i know I'll never hear your voice again, Why did you leave me, Why couldn't you just stay babe, Because my world is nothing without you, And now I don't know what to do, With myself,_** **_I just don't know what to do with myself, I can't stand looking at those pictures on my shelf, Knowing it was just one week ago, Stood there and took that picture, There's just one thing that I wanna know, Why would God wanna hurt me so bad, Does he know how much it hurts to be missing you, Baby I'm missing you, Baby I'm missing you, I love you, God damn it I love you, Why did he take you away, From me, Because I love you so, I miss you so much baby, I just can't go on baby"_** _A tear cascaded down her cheek. The dark curls she usually straightened, bounced as she wept. The crowd felt her pain. The boy she was singing for, had died only weeks before. They had the most unusal, lively and loving relationship anyone could of ever dreamed of._ _**"Sing it again"** A girl cried out. **"Sing it"**_ _Dana looked up from her solitude and nodded. Once again her fingered grazed the piano. She started singing._ _**"What did i do to deserve this, I didn't even get one last kiss, From you, Oh baby, God took your love from me, He needed an angel so it seems, I need to feel your hands all over me, I need to feel you kissing me, I need to feel you holding me, I need to feel your touch, 'Cos i miss you're love so much, And I can't keep on living this way, I need you here with me, Why did he take you away, from me, "**_ _All of PCA was there to witness, and at first it started out slowly, but soon everyone stood up. And they started to sing._ **_"It's hard for me to tell you I love you, As I'm standing over your grave, And i know I'll never hear your voice again, Why did you leave me, Why couldn't you just stay, Because my world is nothing without you, Now I don't know what to do, With myself,"_** _Still standing they stopped singing, letting Dana take the verse._ **_"I would've given you anything, Just to make you happy, Just to hear you say that you love me, One last time, I'd go to hell and back over and over again, Just to prove to you how much I need you here, There is nothing that I wouldn't do, I'd cry for you, I'd lie for you, And there's no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven, I would die for you, Yes I would, I would rather give up my life Then I'd see tears in your eyes, I can't stand to see you cry... "_** _Once again, they sang. Sounding very much like a gospel choir, singing for a lost soul._ **_"It's hard for me to tell you I love you, As I'm standing over your grave, And i know I'll never hear your voice again, Why did you leave me, Why couldn't you just stay, Because my world is nothing without you, Now I don't know what to do, With myself,"_** _Dana look over, tears stained her porcelin skin._ **_"I just don't know what to do with myself, I can't stand looking at those pictures on my shelf, Knowing it was just one week ago, Stood there and took that picture, There's just one thing that I wanna know, Why would God wanna hurt me so bad, Does he know how much it hurts to be missing you, Baby I'm missing you, Baby I'm missing you, I love you, God damn it I love you, Why did he take you away, From me, Because I love you so, I miss you so much baby, I just can't go on baby"_** _Instead of clapping when she finished, she head the fimiliar sound of weeping. Just like she, the crowd cried for the boy that died. Dana cried the most though, **it was she he saved**.** It was her** that put him in **danger**. **It was **her. **She was the reason he wasn't here anymore**. Right here,** on this campus**, he saved her life. Right here,** in this building,** he sacrificed his life. Right here. And **in her heart**, she knew he still loved her. **In her heart,** he left the everlasting imprint of this love. **In her heart**, she ached for him. And Right here, on this stage, **she cried**. Right here, **with everyone watching**, her mean exterior melted away. Right here, **with the heatache**, she stood infront of everyone. Right here, **the same stop he saved her**. Right here, with the same gun that cause his death, she said a goodbye. Right here, **tears in her eyes**, she pulled the trigger. Right here, **on this very** spot, her heart stopped beating._ _It was years from then when her friends and family stood over her grave, and stood over his. They long ago realized and recovered the note she left behind. Today. The day she died, they read it.Just like they had every year since then. With his grave next to hers, they places red roses on the stones. Scattered petals covered the graves. His grave, had his name, date of birth and **half a heart carved** into it. Beside the heart it was written **'This boy, Logan Reese, was a saviour, a lover and a friend. He was there for the people he loved, and died with the satisfaction that the girl he loved, was safe. What he didn't count on was how sad she was without him. Beside him, lays his love, together they are happy. Apart tears are the closest thing to a smile that you'd ever get. Together they live. And forever they'll smile in each others arms'**. Next to his grave was Dana's. Her name, date of birth and the other**half of the heart was carved into hers**, along with the words **'This girl, Dana Cruz, was a good friend, a sassy lady and a lover. She was always willing and ready to help a friend, she loved her family and she loves the boy beside her. Forever and eterity. She died with only him in her heart. She may have left alot behind, but nothnig could fill the whole in her heart where he belonged. Together they'll be happy. And far longer than forever, they'll love each other undeniably '.** In the middle of the half heart was a bullet, the exact bullet she implanted in her head. On the bullet in her hand writing, was his name._** 'LOGAN REESE'** _and a simple heart. Under that was a poem ' With this bullet, that i hold near, I write you name nice and neat, A heart to show my love and with a breath I pulled the trigger. But rest assured, I made sure, you were the last thing that passed throuh my mind, as i died.'_ 2. Song Name The song in the story was "Missing You" by 1st Lady. Please check it out. It's amazing. I do not own Zoey 101 and all that yada yada. Thank You. And Thanks for Reading. 3 ( L ) End file.
Missing You by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
First Another old one =D. First** **Oneshot . . . . . . . . . . "What's wrong?" Logan asked his friend, Quinn as he pulled up beside the bench she was sitting on with his mo-ped. Quinn shook her head, turning away from him and pushing her hair behind her ears. Logan got off of his motor scooter and sat next to her on the bench. "Quinn," Logan whined, gripping her small hand in his and patting it reassuringly. She sniffled and stared at him. Logan bit hip lip and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes, but she stopped him, wiping them away with her own hand and smudging the makeup she had taken hours to apply. "Do you honestly care?" she asked in a stuffed-up and very hurt sounding tone. Logan squeezed the hand he held in his and nodded. She stared at him incredulously and he grimaced. "I know I seem insensitive," he began, a few moments into their stare-down, "but I really care about you Quinn." Quinn swallowed hard and looked away from Logan. "Mark broke up with me," she said with a sob. Logan moved closer to her and draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. "What?" he asked slightly too loud and Quinn tensed next to him. "Yeah," she replied after a few moments, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the comfort she was getting out of his slight embrace. "Why?" he asked, leaning forward so that he could see her face. "For Brooke," she muttered and Logan straightened slightly. "Well," he began, "She is pretty cute..." Quinn pulled away from him and narrowed her eyes. "Gee, thanks Logan," she growled, standing up and beginning to stomp off in the opposite direction. "Quinn," Logan said, speeding after her and catching her by the arm, "wait." "Why?" Quinn asked, refusing to look at him, "I can't compete with her." Logan sighed and pulled Quinn around to face him. "You shouldn't have to," he said, gazing into her eyes. Quinn blinked. "What?" She asked, slightly confused. "If Mark wants Brooke then he can have her," Logan whispered, pressing his forehead against hers, "in my book, you're better." "Logan," Quinn began, but he stopped her. "I'm not finished," he said pressing a finger against her lips, "you might be a total spaz sometimes-"Quinn rolled her eyes-"But you're beautiful, and smart, and all the things Brooke isn't." Quinn bit her lip and stared into Logan's eyes. Logan smiled down at her before backing away slightly and retrieving her glasses from the bench she had been sitting on. "Here," he said, placing them on her face, "now there's the Quinn I know." Quinn smiled at him as another sob escaped her lips and a tear rolled down her cheek. His expression softened and he reached out to wipe away her sadness. She leaned into his touch, eyes closing and her lips parting slightly. "Logan," she whispered as he moved closer to her, tracing his fingertips along her neck as he pressed his lips against hers. Quinn breathed in deeply through her nose, gripping the front of Logan's shirt in her fists as she kissed him back. "Faster!" A familiar voice screamed from beside them as they heard a horse gallop past. They jumped apart then and watched as Zoey and Micheal made their way towards one of the many school buildings on horseback. "Wow," Quinn said, touching her lips and watching the two on the horse. Logan smiled to himself and stared at her. "Weirdest day ever," he said, absently pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Uh huh," Quinn agreed, eyes still wide from the shock of the kiss. . . . . . . . . . . . "Where have you two been?" Zoey asked as Logan and Quinn approached the group later on that evening. Quinn shrugged. "I've been in class," Logan answered, eying Quinn suspiciously. "Uh huh," Micheal said as the two sat next to each other at the table. Quinn stared down at her food, a light blush forming across her cheeks as Logan slowly began eating. "You okay Quinn?" Lola asked. Quinn just shrugged and stared at her plate. Lola and Zoey exchanged worried looks. "How did it go with-"Zoey began, pausing for a moment to weigh Quinn's reaction-"Mark?" Quinn looked up and rolled her eyes. "He's happy with Brooke," she muttered. "You don't sound too happy about that," Logan said, looking at Quinn out of the corner of his eye. "They deserve each other," she said spitefully before adding, "I'm better off without him." "Can we change the subject please?" Micheal asked as James took a seat next to Zoey. "Logan," James began as he sat down, "Becca was looking for you." Logan glanced up and nodded. "What for?" Logan asked as he felt Quinn's gaze bore into him. "Something about Norwegian shampoo," James replied. Logan merely shrugged and went back to eating. "Okay," Zoey said, "What is wrong with you two?" Quinn shrugged. "Nothing," Logan answered. . . . . . . . . . . . "I don't feel very hungry," Quinn said after awhile, grabbing her tray and dumping it in the nearest trashcan before stalking off in the direction of their dormitories. The group watched her go for a few moments before Logan stood up and stretched, dumping his tray and heading in the opposite direction without even saying so much as good-night. "Weird day," Lola said as they watched Logan stalk off in the opposite direction. "Totally," Zoey agreed. . . . . . . . . . . . R&R even though it sucks! End file.
First by keroseneandgin
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Boys Don't Cry Chapter One Los Angeles was warm with a cool breeze blowing in from the sea. For Dana Cruz, the morning had been dragging on far too long. Around PCA, so many people saw her as angry, a tomboy, and hot-tempered. Shutting the water off, the teenager wrapped herself in a towel (which was pink, thanks to Nicole). Quickly brushing over her shining tasseled hair in front of the mirror, Dana walked out of the bathroom, then entered her dorm room. "Hey, Dana," Zoey greeted, looking away from her book. Dana groaned, and sat down on her bed. "Ah, what happened to my clothes?" she yelled, growing angry. "Nicole put 'em in the wash," Zoey answered. "You can borrow some of mine if you want." "...Thanks," the light brunette replied. " you have any underwear in my size?" "Sure," Zoey answered with a giggle. "Hope you don't mind Victoria's Secrets." Dana let out a defeated groan, and accepted the frilly pink bra her friend offered her. "Why would she do the wash today? She is really getting on my nerves lately." "I can't believe you two still aren't getting along," the blond said. "But...she's doing that foreign exchange we get Quinn back, and Nicole goes to Tibet for three months." "Think she'll stay there?" Dana asked, slipping on the bra. "Come on, you have to admit she's starting to grow on you," Zoey replied. "Like a sist," the brunette added. "One less tramp in PCA." "At least you and Quinn got along well," Zoey tried to lighten the mood. "Except for all her crazy experiments," Dana retorted. "She's made me gain twenty pounds, turned me into a baby, and even made me into a ballerina for two days. I mean, what's with her, anyway?" "She's just really into experiments, and doesn't have any way of testing them," the blond explained. "I think she looks up to you, though." Silence entered the room, and remained there for awhile. "...Thanks for lending me the clothes," the brunette finally said. "Any time," Zoey happily replied. "...Well, not the Victoria stuff...Hey, you wanna spend some time with Nicole?...She's only gonna be here two more days." "No, thanks," Dana answered, picking up a book. "Tell her...'bye' for me, will yuh?" "Sure," the blond agreed. "...Sure you don't wanna tell her yourself? It is three months." Dana didn't respond. Defeated, Zoey walked out to meet Nicole in the laundry room. Meanwhile, Quinn sat in the tent she was given, listening to the thunderous winds rage through the frozen mountains. The protozoa she'd been testing her formulas on hadn't been responding. _If they find out I'm doing this, they'll kill me, _she thought, growing nervous. "Hey...Quinn," asked a shy, hushed voice. The boy Quinn had been helping for the past two weeks entered the tent, clad in a heavy hooded jacket and ski goggles. "Any progress?" "Not yet, Ned," the dark brunette answered, regret in her voice. "I'm sorry." The boy leaned against the wall, obviously too upset to be cordial. "...It's okay," he said, withholding his emotions; Ned had gotten good at that. "Thank you." "What do you mean?" Quinn asked. "I'm not done yet. I still have two more days...sorta." "But I don't," Ned sorrowfully replied. "People are catching on...Thank you so much for...everything." "Will we meet again?" Quinn asked, knowing she was acting like more than a friend, despite Ned's wishes. "...Bye Quinn," a saddened Ned replied before departing. "This is so stupid," Nicole giggled, looking at herself in the mirror. "I know, but I won't see you for three months," Zoey replied, working her gel-coated hands through Nicole's long, straight hair. "And my parents never let me do this to Dustin." "Shouldn't we have outgrown this kinda stuff by now?" the light brunette asked. "Probably," Zoey giggled. "Oh, need more blush." The blond dusted her friend's cheeks with the brush, giving her a lightly pouty look. "Get my lips," Nicole said before puckering like a fish. Zoey laughed, then painted over her friend's lips with glossy red lipstick. "Thank you...I getta do your makeover next." "...You're done," Zoey said. "Stand up." Nicole stood up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Seeing how rediculous and overly made-up she looked, Nicole threw her left hand into the air, letting the pink, plastic bracelet flop, and went into a superstar pose, her lips stuck outward. "I look like such a dork," Nicole giggled. "Miss Nicole Bistrow," Zoey announced. "Super Model of..." "The freak capital of France," the brunette completed. "Oh, I am gonna get you so bad." Dana remained in her room, reading over her book. She could never get why Zoey even got along with Nicole. They were complete opposites for the most part. The next day was more of the same; Zoey and Nicole talked while Dana stayed in her room. Christmas vacation was still in full swing, and hanging with Nicole was not going to ruin it for her. Finally, the day of the takeoff arrived. As the sun set along the clouded crimson horizon, Zoey gave her oldest friend a hug, then big her farewell from herself and Dana. "I'll miss you," Lola said, giving Nicole a brief hug. "Good luck with everything." "Thanks, guys," Nicole replied. "I'm gonna miss you two so much." "There's the plane," Zoey sadly announced. A large, shining silver plan flew in from the west, appearing as a giant shadow in the lighting. The wind blew in the teens' faces. Once the plane had docked, Quinn walked down the steps. "Hey, Quinn!" the three called out, warmly greeting their friend. "Hey guys," the dark brunette replied. "Oh, you're gonna love Tibet, Nicole." "I know I will," the light brunette warmly replied. "Keep my part of the room in one piece, okay?" "You know it," Quinn answered. "I won't touch your Pokemon comics." The two hugged, then parted. Zoey, Lola, and Quinn stepped back as Nicole walked up the platinum steps into the warm airplane. As her friends waved her off, Nicole returned the gesture, then walked back to the left side of the plane, taking a window seat next to an empty chair. Looking out the small, circular window, Nicole took in the sunset, then pulled out her iPod. It didn't take long for the plane to take off into the sky. _This is it,_ she thought. _No turning back now._ Finally, the airplane broke through the layer of clouds, practically entering geospace, and glided along in the scarlet atmosphere. Dana walked out a little too late, and watched the shadow of the plane disappear in the black-hued clouds. Maybe she wanted to say her goodbyes in person. Maybe she wanted to know Nicole would be out of her hair for real. Or maybe she just needed some air. Soon, the tomboy met up with Lola, Zoey, and Quinn. Lola was currently staying in a dorm with Stacey, so it would just be Zoey, Dana, and Quinn; just like junior year. "Would you guys like to hear about my newest project?" Quinn asked, excited as usual. "Sure," Zoey replied. "Is it that super-hot formula you started?" "No, but that is done," the dark brunette answered. "Care to test it out for me?" "What's the new experiment, Quinn?" Dana interrupted. "Okay, it's a natural alternative to performance-enhancing supplements," Quinn explained. "It increases the body's ability to produce adrenal glands, and a slight increase in testosterone." "So we'd all wind up growing beards?" Lola asked. "Only if you took too much," Quinn answered. "It's actually continuing on a failed project one of my friends started awhile back." "Just keep it away from me," Dana replied, not sounding amuzed. "There's no way I'm shaving anything but my legs." The other three girls laughed. Finally, they arrived at Room 101. Lola was invited to spend the night, which she accepted. "I'm going to leave my strength-enhancer on the bedside drawer," Quinn said, setting the vile of blue liquid on the counter top. "Zoey, Lola, would you like to test my Beautification Formula?" "Sure," Lola said, taking Zoey's hand. "Let's rock." The three walked into the bathroom. Dana changed into her pajamas, layed down on her bed, and picked up her book. Reading at night was her favorite way to fall asleep; it relaxed her. "Natural strength enhancer," she said. "What a stupid idea." Later that night, Quinn walked into the room. "I said I was sorry, you guys," she said, looking back at her friends. "It'll wear off in about two hours." Zoey and Lola walked in, their lips swollen, their eye lids colored dark purple their hair big and poofy, and their stomachs pudged out in the center (similar to Ginger Fox at her revival show). "Whatever," an exasperated Zoey replied, obviously unhappy. "Hope no one saw us," Lola said, getting into her sleeping bag. "We look horrible." Dana snickered at the two, then continued reading her book. "Sure you don't wanna try?" Zoey jokingly asked. "Might help give you that pouty look you're always going for." Giving a disgusted look, the curly brunette went back to her book. At about ten thirty, the lights were turned off. However, Quinn decided to move her formula into a more secure container. Luckily, there was a bottle of blue PowerAid on the bedside counter. Thinking it empty, Quinn took off its lid, and cautiously poured the vile into it before tightly putting on the lid. "Another day, another unhappy result," she whispered, walking back to her bed. Dana woke up, feeling groggy and sore in her joints. _Hope I still have some PowerAid left, _she thought. _If not, I'll be really ticked._ Knowing how early it was, Dana just felt around for her drink, picked it up, and gulped it down. "Ah," she silently exclaimed, feeling refreshed. "Hmm...I feel better already." The girl headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. Come six o'clock, the room was lighting up with the sunrise. Quinn, as usual, was wide awake and ready to start some experimenting. Taking a quick glance at her roommates, she could see her failed "super-hot" formula had worn off. _Wonder where Dana is, _she thought. _Oh, I forgot about my strength-enhancing...Oh no._ "Zoey, Lola!" she shrieked. "Wake up!" "What?" asked Zoey, rubbing her puffy eyes. "Do either of you know what happened to my vile of strength enhancer?" Quinn asked, getting worried. "I-I left on the counter last night." Dana walked in, clad in Nicole's pink towel with her hair folded up into another pink towel. "Hey, guys," she greeted. "Looks like Nicole took my towels to Tibet. Too bad I hate pink." "Dana, do you know where Quinn's strength goo is?" Lola asked. "I don't know what happened to it," the dark brunette added. "I...oh, I poured it into a PowerAid bottle." Dana froze cold. "Not the bottle I had on the counter, was it?" she asked, her heart pounding. "...I'm afraid so," Quinn confessed. "How much did you drink?" "The whole thing!" Dana shrieked. "But I couldn't taste anything weird in it." "...Oh my gosh," the dark brunette replied. "There must have still been PowerAid in the bottle, and the two fused. Quick, let me see the ingredients of the drink." Zoey pulled out another bottle from the mini fridge, and handed it to Quinn. "...This is not good...The chemicals utilized in PowerAid are designed to completely rehydrate the body and give energy." "Yeah, so?" Dana asked, worried. "The strength enhancer could very well effect your entire body," Quinn answered, her voice grave. Losing her composure, Dana pulled the towel outward, and looked down at her breasts. "What are you doing?" Zoey asked. "Oh...I don't feel good," Dana said, losing her concentration. "Man...I need to shave off my arms." The girls looked at the shining brunette's arms, which were now coated with dark, somewhat thick hair. "This is not good," Lola exclaimed. "Oh, I think I'm gonna..." Dana began before charging into the girl's room. "Hopefully, she'll just vomit out the formula," Quinn said. "Otherwise, I'm afraid of what will happen." "That stuff won't go lethal, will it?" Lola asked, her arms growing numb with fear. "No," Quinn answered. "But it won't be favorable...especially not for a girl." Suddenly, the three heard a loud, high-pitched scream from the girl's room. "Hey, whatter you doing in here?" another girl hollered, furious. "Get out! Sicko!" "Pervert!" another girl yelled. Dana charged into the room. "Oh my gosh," the brunette said, terror in her voice. "I just...I pulled my pants down, and..." "...Dana, is that you?" asked Zoey, baffeled. "Yeah, what do you...Why is my voice so deep?" Dana asked, noticing her once-feminen, lightly sassy voice was now deeper and more masculine. "The hair on my arms...Oh my gosh." "Um, Dana..." Lola said, nervous. "Your...boobs are gone." "What?" Dana tried to shriek, though it came out a scream. Sure enough, her bosoms were nowhere to be seen. Throwing off her shirt, the young man saw lightly chisseled abdominal muscles; a mild Situation, a wider framed waist, and slightly muscular pectoral muscles. "Ah!" Dana yelled. Grabbing a mirror, the boy saw her hair was now short and in a sylish, lightly spiked mop-top style. However, it still maintained its shine and lighter highlights. Her once-dainty, pretty face was now handsome and well-sculpted. "I'm...I'm a guy!" he yelled. "Oh my gosh," Zoey said, looking over her new...male roommate. "You" "Shut up!" Dana yelled. "Quinn, I will kill you for this!" "Y-you're still adjusting to your new hormones," Quinn explained. "Just try to calm down. Don't do something you'll regret." "Yeah, you could punch a bag or something," Lola suggested, trying to cheer the boy up. "Listen, I don't need this garbage from you guys," Dana snarled. "I...ugh! Turn me back! Now!" "I'll get right on it," Quinn replied. "But in the meantime, you'd better find a way to fit in. We can get some clothes from Chase or Logan. You look...about their size." "What should we call you?" Zoey asked. "How 'bout Dan? Daran?" "...Dan," Dana decided. "Don't tell anyone what happened to me. Just...get the clothes." Throwing himself on the bean bag chair, Dan felt hot rage course through his muscular body. All he wanted to do was thrust his fist into something. "Do you have anything to eat?" "There's some corn chips in the drawer," Zoey answered. "Help yourself, dude." Dan spit, then got the bag of salty chips. "Hey, guys," called out a familiar voice. "Nicole!" Lola shrieked, running out into the hallway. "Don't forget my clothes!" a furious Dan yelled. "Nicole, whatter you doing back?" Lola asked, giving her friend a hug. "They said I didn't get the proper injection for some of the conditions I'd be exposed to," Nicole answered, somewhat let down. "So...I'm back." The brunette started to walk back into her room. "Um, wait a minute!" Lola futilly tried to stop the girl. "Whoa," Nicole said, seeing a muscular, shirtless boy sitting in her room, clad in somewhat tight black pants. "Um,..." Dana began to say. "Hey, this is Dan," Quinn said. "He' cousin. He just showed up last night after you left." Dana caught himself staring at Nicole; her hair, her curves, that voice. "Nice to meet you," Nicole said. "Yeah, you too," Dan replied, taken back. _She is so hot, _she thought, not understanding anything he was feeling. "I'll...catch you later?" "Sure," a flattered Nicole replied before walking out. "Got the clothes," Zoey said, walking in with some of Chase and Logan's old pants and shirts. "...What I miss?" All eyes were on Dan, who just sat still, flustered and confused. There was certainly more to being a boy than Dana thought. 2. Chapter 2 Boys Don't Cry Chapter Two Dan sat in front of a mirror, looking at his new self. Now clad in a gray, graphic t-shirt with a picture of a wolf face on it, the former teenage girl barely resembled his former self. Guys don't wear perfume; they use cologne and aftershave. They smelled strange, but this was how it had to be. Dana knew boys couldn't cry in public...but when they're alone, things are different. It hurts a little more to be alone; especially when the girl he wanted to be with so badly was her hated enemy. A sad, defeated tear formed in Dana's eye. Girls' hormones cause their tears to slide all the way down their cheeks, but boys' stay in their eyes most of the time. Maybe that's so no one'll think they're weak for crying. _I don't want to be this, _Dan told himself, spiking back his hair. "Hey, buddy," Zoey said, her voice peppy as ever as she walked in with a plate of soup and a sandwich. "Hungry yet?" "Yeah," Dan answered. "Thanks." "Hey, you're a growing boy," Zoey replied, handing her friend the tray. "Quinn's looking for a cure...How you taking it?" "It sucks," Dan answered between bites of her hot grilled cheese. Feeling a burning in his chest, the boy belched. "Sorry...I didn't think it'd come out like that. Gross." "It happens," the blond replied. "Um...can I ask you a question?" "Guys don't give girls fashion tips," Dana bitterly answered, looking into her soup. "Not's about you and Nicole," Zoey continued, obviously nervous and uneasy. "Lola told me the way you two looked at each other..." "Whatter you getting at?" Dan asked, growing defensive. "I'm not gay, Zoey." "You're also not a girl anymore," Zoey retorted. "You don't think like a girl anymore. there something going on?" "...She looked good for a second, that's all," Dana answered, somewhat angry. "I still hate her." _That is such a lie, _Dana thought while dipping her sandwich into the soup. _I really want her._ "What's it matter? I'm gonna be back to normal soon enough. Besides, that's just creepy." "Well, she wouldn't look good to you if you really hated her," the blond continued. "You're really starting to tick me off," Dan said, standing up and clenching his fist. "Just get out." Not wanting to make the situation worse, Zoey gave up, and walked away. Dana sat back down, looking away from his reflection. This was all so confusing and infuriating. It was hard enough being a girl, but changing into a boy was far worse. Meanwhile, Quinn was sitting in Lola's room, reading over some of her results. "Not good," she said, sounding skeptical. "What?" asked Lola, growing upset. "I'm having trouble finding a way to reverse the hormonal change," Quinn answered. "I thought it'd be similar to the accident that turned Dana into a ballerina, but it's not even close." "That experiment altered her brain waves," Lola replied. "This is an entire bodily alteration...I guess an estrogen overdose wouldn't do the trick." "...It might," Quinn said, giving new hope to the situation. "However, it would require an entirely new substance...and another bottle of PowerAid." "Be right back," Lola said, running towards Room 101. There, she saw something shocking; Dan was currently standing in the middle of the room in his boxers. "What are you doing?" Dana demanded, covering himself with a pair of pants. "I-I was just getting a bottle of..." Lola stuttered, taken back by the sight of a half-naked, male version of her best friend. "Um..." The Puerta Rican girl grabbed the bottle, covered her eyes, gave a quick wave, then ran out. Nicole walked into Lola's room, clad in a pink towel. "Hey, guys," she said, closing the door behind her. "Hey, where's Dan?" "He's getting dressed," Lola said, fighting a blush. "Why? What's up?" "I just wanted to invite him to a swim," Nicole declared, dropping her towel, and revealing a tiny pink bikini. "What do you think? Cute, huh?" "Do you always have to act like a bimbo when there's a guy you like?" Zoey asked, sounding nasty. "What?" Nicole asked, hurt. "Zoey," Quinn said. "You know how...wrong this whole thing is?" Zoey shot back. "Ah! Forget it!" With that, the blond girl stormed out of the room. Nicole, growing ashamed, put her towel back on, covering her revealing swimsuit. "Lola, can you check on her, please?" Quinn asked, mixing together some chemicals. Lola nodded, then went after Zoey. "What's wrong with her?" Nicole asked. "It's really complicated," Quinn answered before looking over some slides. "Hey, where's Dana?" the brunette asked. "I haven't seen her since I got back." "...She's visiting some relatives," Quinn lied, not wanting to betray Dana's secret. "Anyway, I wouldn't get too attached to Dan." "Too late," Nicole replied. "I'm crushing really bad on him...I know he feels the same way. I gotta go." The brunette ran out of the room. "Nicole, wait!" Quinn shrieked, knowing it was useless. The brunette knocked on the door of Room 101. "Dan? Zoey? Anyone?" she asked, sounding upset. "What?" Dan called back, not really paying attention. Nicole opened the door, and saw who she felt was the boy of her dreams. "Oh, hey," he said, fighting a smile. "Hey," Nicole happily replied. "Um, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go swimming tomorrow afternoon? I just got a new swimsuit." The light brunette opened her towel, revealing her hot bikini. Dan felt his heart flutter, and several unsettling sensations. "Whoa," he said, growing uneasy, but feeling amazing. "Wow, you look...amazing. Nicole, right? Um, yeah, I'd love to. I just need to buy a new suit." "Cool," Nicole replied, feeling her breath becoming a mist. "See you then." The light brunette left the room, unable to fight a smile from forming on her face. _Dana, whatter you doing? You hate her...Right? _the boy asked himself. That night, Dana, Lola, Zoey, and Quinn were sitting in Room 101. "I can't believe you did that," Zoey declared. "You're the one who was prying for an answer," Dan shot back. "Besides, what do you care? I'm only gonna be a man for so long." "It may be a while until I perfect the new formula," Quinn replied. "Whatever," Dan replied. "And you're not a man," Zoey shot back. "You're just a boy." "What's that supposed to mean?" Dana demanded. "You're like a kid! the blond yelled. "You're immature, shallow, and obsessed with a girl just because she looks good!" "And you'd rather I was with you?" Dan shot back, laced with fury. Zoey didn't respond, and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her. _You're just a boy! _Dana remembered. Those words hurt so much. "That's didn't go well," Quinn said before burrying herself in her research. 3. Chapter 3 Boys Don't Cry Chapter Three Dan sat alone in Room 101, staring at the wall in front of him. Maybe this whole situation was wrong. Going swimming with Nicole was really fun, but maybe it was only enjoyable because she was a guy now. To make matters worse, the two had a dinner date in a few hours. Since she was a guy now, Dana found she could eat between meals, and still consume an entire dinner; what a relief. Putting cookie after sweet, sweet cookie into his mouth, Dana tried to find artificial comfort. _What's wrong with Zoey, anyway? _Dan asked himself. _Why does she even care about Nicole and I?...Why do I care about Nicole? Being a boy sucks so much._ "Dan?" Quinn called from the hallway. "In here," Dana called back, not getting up from his chair. The dark-haired girl entered Room 101, holding a vile of red liquid in her hands. "Dana," Quinn whispered. "I think I found a cure." "What is it?" Dan asked, not sounding interested. "Since the PowerAid had an entire-body effect, and was mostly testosterone, I deduced...with the help of Lola, that replacing the testosterone with estrogen would almost definitely undo the effect," Quinn explained. "Are you sure it'll work?" Dan asked, chewing on another chocolate chip cookie. "I don't wanna turn into a girly girl." "...I could do some more tests just to be sure," Quinn replied. "However, you shouldn't wait too long to recieve the antidote." "Kay," Dana said. "Thanks, chick. Hey, I have some plans tonight, so uh..." Quinn nodded, then walked out of the room. Picking up her pink cell phone, Dan dialed Nicole's number. "Hey, Nicole...Yeah...Hey, I'm gonna be a little late tonight. Is that okay? Thanks. You're the best. Bye." The young man kissed into the phone, then hung up. Feeling uneasy, Dana dawned her cleanest white t-shirt, threw on a black leather jacket, then walked out the door. The air was cool on his skin and short hair. Finally, the young man arrived at her destination; Chase's dorm room. Knocking on the door, Dan tried to gather her bearings. "Hey, Chase," he called. "It's me, Dan. Um, you have a minute?" "Sure," Chase replied. "Door's open." Dana opened the door, closed it slowly, then sat down on the chair across from Chase. "What's up?" the curly-haired boy asked, sounding caring. "...There's some stuff going on," Dana replied. "I mean...I know we really don't know each other, but this is like...a guy thing, you know?" Chase sat up, feeling concerned. "I mean, like...I've got feelings for this girl...but I never used to like her. And now...things just feel...different." "W-what do you mean?" the curly-haired boy asked. "I feel like...I've changed," Dan answered, trying to conceal what happened to her. "Like I'm...becoming a man." "I think I know what you mean," Chase said. "There's a lot of changes going on, and you're not feeling right...What you really need to think of you really like her, or do you just think she's pretty." Dana sat still, looking at the floor. "You know," Chase continued. "It's pretty cool that you talked to me...not alotta guys would be willing to talk about this kinda stuff. Too many boys 'er raised to suck up their problems, or just date without thinking about it. Thanks for talking to me, man." "Thanks for listening," Dan replied. The young man departed. Nicole sat in a somewhat dark restaurant, clad in a purple, formal dress with her hair pulled back and in an upward style. Glancing at her watch, the young woman began to worry her boyfriend would stand her up. It wouldn't be the first time; guys thought Nicole was cheap, so few bothered or took her seriously. It hurt, but she kept believing there was someone out there for her. "Hey," greeted a soft, masculine voice. "Sorry I'm late." Dan sat down across from the girl. "I was worried you wouldn't show," Nicole replied, smiling. "You look great." "Back at'cha," Dan said. "So...I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Nicole giggled, then looked at her menu. "Really glad we could do this," the brunette said, trying to hide her smile. "Me too," Dana replied. "You're pretty cool." "Glad you think so," Nicole responded. "You're probably the only one." "Don't be so hard on yourself," Dan sympathized. "You seem like a really nice person..." _No she doesn't, _Dana thought. _She's always uses that stupid hair-drier when I'm trying to sleep, she acts like a bimbo all the time, and you've hated each other from day one...But why do I feel like I like her? I mean, like-like her._ "Thanks," Nicole replied, obviously touched to a degree. "You're one of the nicest guys I've ever been with." Dana felt himself blush. This was so wrong. She didn't even like Nicole as a friend. Why was she liking her as a girlfriend? _Is it just because she's pretty?_ "...I feel kind of bad," Dan finally confessed. "I heard you weren't that nice of a person...but everything changed when I saw you...I know I sound shallow, but being with you just feels...right." "What do you mean?" the brunette asked, obviously wondering about her boyfriend's morals. "You seem...sweet," Dana answered. "You're not self-absorbed, you care about other people...You're just...nice. I don't know why someone like you would like me, though." "Because you're sweet, honest, real...and," Nicole said. However, Dana missed everything after honest and real. How could she be honest? She wasn't even really a man...just a girl who got changed into one. She couldn't tell her; Nicole and Dan had to end well. "...I wish I didn't have to go," Dan said, his voice almost in a whisper. A tear boiled in the young man's eye, and remained there. "Me too," Nicole replied. "I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like you." This wasn't the Nicole everyone else saw; this was real. "Maybe I won't date after this." Dana smiled. "I know you'll find someone who can see and respect the real you," he said, his voice warm. "Maybe I can find another person almost like you...But I doubt it." The two smiled at one another. At times like this, it was easy to feel no one in the world could ever see you like that one person does. It makes dating, condescending acts deemed polite, and foolish bimbo behavior all seem so worthless; just like they really are. This was real. Dana closed her eyes, and drank the antidote that night. The next morning, she watched her hair grow and tassel like it used to be, and soon found she was a girl again. Dan had apparently returned to his home, where he knew he'd stay alone, just as he wanted. "Hey, Nicole," Dana said, her voice weak. "I just wanted to say sorry for missing you when your plane took off." "Oh...that's okay," Nicole replied, caught off guard. _It really is over, _Dana realized. _But we can still be friends, right? _"Do you wanna...hang out later?" the shining brunette asked. "...Really?" Nicole asked. Dana nodded. "Cool. I thought you hated me." "I thought you hated me first," Dana replied. The two chuckled, and walked over to the wooded section of campus with Zoey, Lola, and Quinn. "Thanks for getting me back to myself," Dana said. "Sorry I messed you up in the first place," Quinn replied. "Oh, and so you know how much I wanted to help you...Lola took some pictures of a girly girl in a tutu." Dana looked at the photograph of Quinn with her hair pulled back into a bun and clad in a pink, frilly tutu. All the girls laughed. Somewhere, Dan was laughing too. End file.
Boys Don't Cry by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101. If I did, the show wouldn't be ending. **This story takes place inbetween Walk-a-thon, Vince is back, and Dinner for two many. What Quinn and Logan did in the 6 weeks that took place between those episodes.** I tried to make this as realistic as possible. This is my first ever fanfiction. R&R! **Oneshot. (Two chapters though)** * * * The gang was hanging out having lunch, as usual. The only person missing was James, who was still getting his lunch. "So Zo' doing anything tonight?" asked Lola. "Mhmm, I have a date with James tonight," replied Zoey. "No way! I have a date tonight too!" "With who?" replied Zoey "Who do you think," said Lola, "Vince!" "Ugh, of course _you_ do." "Your just jealous because you don't have a date tonight, Logan," Michael replied. "Look who's talking!" "I actually do have a date tonight! with Lisa!" "Who's Lisa?" asked James walking up with his food. "Hey babe," James sat next to Zoey. Zoey gave James a quick peck on the lips. "Awww, GET A ROOM!" said Logan. (In his voice he uses when he acts like a Jerk) Zoey gave him (Logan) a mean stare. "Lisa's his on-again-off-again girlfriend," Quinn said without looking up from her book. "Oh," said James. "So Quinn you doing anything tonight?" asked Zoey. This time Quinn looked up. "uhhh, No." "What are you reading anyway?" asked Lola. "I think she's studying" said James. "For what?" wondered Lola. "Probably our science test," said Logan. In a I'm better than you tone. "Our?" said Michael, James and Lola at the same time. "Me and Quinn are in the same science class.," said Logan. Zoey already knew this, remembering that Logan told her how when he was her tutor. "How does someone as stupid as you even get into a class that Quinn's in," said Michael,in yeah-sure, kind of tone. "Don't call him stu-" Logan kicked Quinn under the table. A little bit to hard. _OUCH! thought Quinn.._ Logan gave Quinn that glare. (The they-can't-think-we're-dating-so-stop-defending-me one) "Nevermind," said Quinn. No one noticed the glare that was given. "I know some things," said Logan, getting back to the conversation. "Like what? You're always failing classes!" argued Lola. "NOT SCIENCE!" Logan said. Kind of loud. "You guys, remember when Logan was tutoring me? He actually does know, somethings," said Zoey _Beep. Beep. Beep._ Someones cell phone when off. James answered it, "I have to go later." "Me too see ya later guys." "Bye Michael, bye James," said the girls. "_Finnally,"_ said Logan under his breath. "**Hey!** I have an idea!!" yelled Lola out of knowwhere. Quinn jumped a little. Lola stared at her. "What? You scared me," said Quinn defending herself. "So, whats your idea?" asked Zoey. "Well, since Logan and Quinn are both, _Not_ Busy tonight they should, I don't know, hang out!" "No way!" "Why would I hang out with _a science_ nerd? "Haha, you guys should totally do that." Said Zoey. "NO!" they replied. They had to make sure the others knew they _'hated' _each other. Ring Ring. Logan's phone went off. It said:_ CALLING: MICHAEL._ "Hey, whats up?" Logan answered. "Don't forget to get the computer fixed!" "Michael! Stop reminding me. I know" "Okay, so will you or not?" "I will, okay?!" Logan sounded a bit irritated. However, he just thought of an idea. "Geez, no need to get upset man." "Bye Michael" Logan hung up. "Was that Michael?" asked Lola, sarcastically. Logan gave Lola that your-so-dumb look. cough Logan made a face that looked like he didn't want to ask something. _(Just part of the plan, he thought)_ "Actually, Quinn could you do me a favor? All three girls looked surprised. _ However, Quinn knew he was trying to find a way to get her to spend time with him._ "What?" she asked. "Could you fix my computer?" "What?!" Quinn said, sounded surprised. "Well can you?" said Logan, faking irritation. "I can, but why would I?" "I'll pay you." "Whatever, its not like I have anything better to do anyway." Logan smiled for a second. "_Yessss_" he said under his breath. "What?" said Zoey "Nothing," said Logan. "Okay, so come over at 7:30 I guess," Logan said getting up, he was getting read to leave. HE knew 7:30 was the perfect time because James and now Michael will be gone, on their dates. And he could be in the dorm by himself. "Whatever, yeah ok." Said Quinn, watching Logan leave. Quinn looked at her watch, "I gotta go!" she said grabbing her bag. "Me too," said Zoey. "I guess I do too, ciao!" said Lola as she grabbed her stuff and left. All the girls went in different directions. Except Quinn, she caught up with Logan. As soon as the were a considerably far enough distance from Zoey and Lola, Quinn and Logan started to talk. "Are we good or are we good?" said Logan. His and Quinn's plan had worked. They were going to get to hang out in his dorm. Without anyone thinking they're dating. "They still think we hate each other," said Quinn in a they're-so-stupid-we-have-them-fooled tone. "Wanna go make out?" He had a smirk on this face. "Mhhhmm," replied Logan's girlfriend. * * * _What did you think? This is my first fanfiction ever! I tried to make it realistic Please read&review! I need at least 5 reviews until I update with chapter 2. Chapter two is about Quinn and Logan's 'date.'_ -- See that blue drop box?** Make sure it says Submit Review and click GO. You don't have to be a member to review! Let me know your thoughts and feelings about this. I want input! All I need is at least 5 and chapter 2 will be up. I've already written it!** -- 2. Chapter 2 This story takes place inbetween Walk-a-thon, Vince is back, and Dinner for two many * * * _Knock, Knock, Knock._ "I'll get it!" Micheal opened the door, as he was leaving for his date anyway. Plus he was late, James had already left for his date. "Hi Michael!" Quinn said. "Bye!" said Mike. "See you later," said Logan. "Uh ok, Bye!" said Quinn as she closed the door behind Michael. She looked at Logan. "Hey babe," said Logan. "Hey yourself," replied Quinn as she sat down on the computer. Logan looked disappointed. He forgot that Quinn actually had to fix the problem before they could do anything. "Like how long is gonna take you to finsh that?" said Logan, "because we only have so much time befor-" "DONE!" "That was fast," said Logan. "Now come here." Quinn sat next to Logan on the couch. He was watching something, but turned it off. They kissed, but only for a a few seconds because they heard the door knob turning. Quinn jumped up and ran to the computer. Mike walked in. "Aww, come on!" said Logan using a why-are-you-here-go-away tone. "I forgot my," Michael looking around for something, "cell phone." He picked it up the left. "OK bye!" said Logan irritated. Logan got up and locked the door. This way they wouldn't get interrupted again. Quinn sat back on the couch. "Now where we're we?" said Logan. "Here," Quinn said and started kissing him. They made out for like 7-10 minutes straight. Then they pulled apart, "How much time until they get back?" asked Quinn. "I think they went to a dinner and movie, so at _least_ an hour and half." Its was getting dark. This gave Logan an idea. He walked over and put his ipod in the dock. He turned it on. Then he turned off the lights. "Logan, what are you doing?" "Wanna dance?" "Awww, I'd love too!" Quinn said, excitedly. They couple danced and kissed and the danced some more. After a while thought, Quinn turned the lights back on. "What?" asked Logan "Lets do something else." "Quinnnn." "_Pleaseee?"_ Quinn gave him the pout. "Okay, okay, what?" Said Logan as he turned off the ipod. "Um, lets watch a movie." They watched the movie for about 15 minutes before they started making out. They were so into it they didn't hear Michael and James out in the hallway. (And James and Michael were being loud.) They heard the door handle turn. Oh no! the couple thought. Thankfully, the locked door stopped them. And Quinn and Logan had enough time to get their science book out, to make it look as if they were 'studying.' "Dude! Open the door!" yelled Michael through the door. "Oh, sorry" Logan went to open the door. "Why did you lock the door," James asked Logan was hesitant. "Uhh, I didn't. It must of happened when you left." Logan sounded nervous. In a loud whisper he said, "_Stupid doorknob_." As if to make look like he didn't purposely lock it. "Oh yeah, sorry man," replied Michael. _Thinking that yeah, that's probably what happened._ _He is so **oblivious**. Thought Quinn._ "Oh hey Quinn," James and Mike said, as they saw Quinn the first time since entering the room. Quinn had made it look like she had been studying hard. "Hey, how were your dates?" "Great!" James replied. "Oh you know, same ol' Lisa," said Micheal, Quinn raised her eyebrows at him. "Okay, okay. I had a good time." "That's good!" she replied. "So, what were you guys doing? You obviously weren't fixing the computer." James said in a suspicious yet sarcastic tone. "Oh, just studying," lied Quinn. "Well, I got to go." "Bye Quinn," said Michael and James. "See you later," said Logan. "Bye guys!" said a very happy Quinn. As Quinn was leaving she heard Micheal ask: "So is the computer fixed?" "YES MICHAEL! The computer is fixed. Now shut up about that stupid computer!" shouted Logan. Quinn laughed. _I cannot believe we pulled that off, thought Quinn._ * * * _So what did you think? Did you like it? This is the end of my first fanfic. R&R! Let me know what you thought!_ End file.
Quinn and Logan's secret date by STOPshannon
Zoey 101
The New Surprise The semester at Covington is almost over and Chase will soon be back at PCA. He will finally be able to reunite with Zoey. However, Zoey is now dating James even though she made a promise to Chase that they will go out when he returns. Zoey hasn't forgotten about Chase, she just believes that a semester is a long time to wait for someone. While Zoey is dating James, she still doesn't know if she is doing the right thing. Also, Zoey doesn't know how Chase will react when he comes back and sees her with James. Chase is in London and he is calling his parents who are back in the United States. "Hey mom. The semester is over and I am heading back to PCA," said Chase. "That's great, but are you sure. You know if you leave Covington it will be hard for you to go back if you don't want to stay at PCA," said Chase's mom. "I am sure. Besides I will be with my friends," said Chase. "Okay," said Chase's mom. Back at PCA Micheal, Zoey, and James are sitting in the lounge watching the PCA news. "How much more bored could we be if we are watching the news?" said James. "I know," said Zoey and begins feeding James a grape. "Can you two stop that?" asked Micheal. "Why?" asked Zoey. "It is annoying," said Micheal and his phone rings so he picks it up. "Hello." "Hey," said Chase. "Chase," said Micheal. Zoey gets a shocked looked on her face and then she really begins to listen to Micheal's conversation. "Chase? Isn't that your best friend Zoey?" asked James. "Yeah it is," said Zoey. "Of course it's me," said Chase on the other line. "It is great that you called, but why did you call?" asked Micheal. "My plane just landed," said Chase. "What do you mean?" said Micheal who was really confused. "My plane just landed and I am back in California," said Chase. "Really? That's great," said Micheal. "I will be there in a half hour," said Chase and he hung up. Micheal closed his phone and had a weird look on his face and then said, "Wow that's cool." "What's cool?" said Zoey and James together. "Uh...nothing Zoey," said Micheal and he left the lounge. Meanwhile, in the girl's dorm, which is room 101, Quinn and Logan are alone. However, in walks Lola who stops and has a stunned look on her face. "What are you two doing?" asked Lola and the second she spoke Quinn and Logan jump apart. "We weren't doing anything," said Logan. "Yes you were. I saw you," said Lola. "No you didn't," said Quinn. "I saw you two kissing," said Lola and Logan's eyes got really big. "Maybe we should tell her," said Logan. "Okay," said Quinn. "Lola...we are dating," said Logan.. Lola begins to laugh and then says, "Are you serious?" "Yes," said Logan. "Wow, I never though that would happen," said Lola. At that moment Micheal runs into the dorm. " here...half hour," said Micheal and then he fainted on the floor. Zoey came walking into the dorm accompanied by James and they both saw Micheal lying on the floor. "Why is Micheal on the floor?" said Zoey. "He ran in here breathing hard and then he fainted," said Quinn. "Did he say anything?" asked Zoey and Lola, Quinn, and Logan all exchanged a look of whether to tell her or not. "Should we tell her?" asked Quinn. "She will know sooner or later," said Lola. "You guys, just tell me what he said," said Zoey. "Chase is on his way here right now," said Logan. "That's...Oh-no," said Zoey and she looked at James. "Oh-on is right," said Logan. "Why what's wrong?" asked James. No one wanted to tell James what was really going on so they just told him it was nothing and just moved on. Meanwhile, Chase was already in a cab and was heading toward PCA. **"**I am glad to be going back to PCA," said Chase. "You've been there before?" asked the cab driver. "Yeah, but this past semester I was at Covington in London, England," said Chase. "Covington is a great school," said the cab driver. "Yeah, but I would rather be with my friends instead," said Chase. "Of course, be where you are happy, said the cab driver. Chase looked out the window and then asked the cab driver, "How much longer?" "Just a couple of minutes. In fact I think we are here," said the cab driver. Chase finally arrived back at PCA and he could not have been happier. He climbed out of the cab, took his suitcase out of the trunk, the cab pulled away, and Chase took out his phone. "I have to call Zoey," said Chase. Zoey was still in her dorm as her phone rang. She picked up and answered it. "Hello?" said Zoey. "Come outside," said Chase. "Is this Chase?" said Zoey. "Just come outside," said Chase. Zoey walked outside and she saw Chase, but the only problem was that James comes out with her. "Chase your back," said Zoey and she gave Chase a hug. "Yeah. I just got here," said Chase. "Your staying this time right," said Zoey. "Yes. Who is this?" said Chase as he pointed to James. "This is James. Ummm...he's my boyfriend," said Zoey. "Your boyfriend," said Chase. "Yeah," said Zoey. "What about the promise we made?" asked Chase. "Ummmm...," said Zoey. "Zoey I don't want to be around you right now. I have to be somewhere else," said Chase and he walked away. "Chase wait!!" said Zoey. Chase kept walking and when Zoey called his name again he run out of sight. It is night time and Chase is walking around the campus. Then he decided to go sit on the fountain. As Chase turned to look at the water tears began to fall down his cheeks. Back in the girl's dorm Zoey is talking with Lola and Quinn about what she is going to do now that Chase is back. "What am I going to do?" asked Zoey. "We really can't help you there because that is your choice," said Quinn. "We can't tell you what to do," said Lola. "That really doesn't help me," said Zoey. "We are sorry," said Quinn. "I think I should break up with James," said Zoey. "Why?" asked Lola "Because Chase," said Zoey. "WHAT!!" said Lola and Quinn. "I love Chase. I have to go and talk to James and tell him what is going on," said Zoey. In the boy's dorm James and Zoey are by themselves and they are sitting on the couch talking. "So you are telling me that Chase has been in love with you for 3 1/2 years," said Jaames. "Yes," said Zoey. "And you love him?" asked James. "Yes I do. I realized he is the one I want to be with," said Zoey. "Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?" asked James. "I don't know," replied Zoey. "I guess we are broken up," said James. "Yeah," said Zoey and they look at each other for a moment and then Zoey leaves. Zoey walks outside to look for Chase and she spots him by the fountain. "Do you mind if I sit down?" asked Zoey. "Do whatever you want," said Chase and he gets up to leave. "Chase, I'm sorry!!" said Zoey. Chase stops and turns around facing Zoey. "I know I shouldn't have gone out with James," said Zoey "I have been in love with you since the first day I saw you..," said Chase. "I know but-," said Zoey. Chase interrupts Zoey and says, "No! Let me finish. When I told you a few months ago that love you, I meant every word." "And I meant it when I told you," said Zoey. "Then why are you going out with James said Chase. "I went out with him because you weren't here. He seems like a very nice guys and I wanted to date him. Anyways, I broke up with him," said Zoey. "You did?" said Chase and he was cheered up a bit. "Yes because you are the one I want to be with. So, will you be my boyfriend?" asked Zoey. "Of course," said Chase and they both hug and kiss. End file.
The New Surprise by writerstorygirl
Zoey 101
Scared Shitless Graduation scares Logan shitless. Sure, he's graduating, somehow. He was never worried he wouldn't. But Quinn is off to a big fancy college and he's already got auditions lined up. Logan is sure that the minute Quinn is away from him, his charming smile and good looks, she'll never come back. Out of desperation and against Chase's advice he buys a ring. Before he can enact his panicked plan, Quinn mentions it first. She doesn't want to lose him, or for him to panic. Embarrassed, Logan shows her the ring and she beams, kissing him. But she stipulates: another graduation. * * * A/N: Drabble written with others. More shall come. End file.
Scared Shitless by Abster1
Zoey 101
The little things Okay so I'm taking a break from my chaptered stories and doing some one shots **Okay so I'm taking a break from my chaptered stories and doing some one shots.** **I got this idea when I thought about a comic book I was reading.** **Thanks** It was always the little things that got her happy. Like when she got into a bubble bath that was just the way she liked it. Girls always wanted a big wending, a fairy tale love, a castle or beach mansion on the coast. But not her, the only thing she wanted from him was his love. He never seemed to be excited when he got kisses from girls. But she always made him blush every time they kissed. She was happy just sitting and talking, she never relied on him to take her to the movies or to the park. But when he did she got excited. She always got happy when he took her for a walk on the beach when the sun was setting, and she was content on digging her feet into the sand and watching his face. She watched Titanic a million times over, yet every time she cried. Not the sad cry, the happy cry, like when he told her he loved her. She always told him she loved him, and how much she just wanted to stay this way. He always asked her why she didn't get happy over big things. She would smile and say "The only thing I get really happy over is having you as my boyfriend" He would grasp her hand, and just that movement would make her happy. She got happy just being with him. If it were normal he would of made a joke that all girls got happy just being with him. But it wasn't normal, and she wasn't normal. She filled a gap in his heart. A hollow hole that use to be in his soul was filled by her love. The ego he had was now fully turned onto her. The part in his head where he always thought about him was now thinking about her non-stop. The playboy part of him was now fully dedicated to her. She made him want to kiss her and only her. She was the candy bar he was never allowed to have as a child. She was the bittersweet like lemons, yet she always had a taste to her like plums. He always found her quirky and giddy when he cuddled her. She was content and happy over just being _his._ To be Quinn's boyfriend you had to expect the UN expected. And that was hard considering the only thing Logan Reese expected was to have her for the rest of his life. **Short I know, it was random drabble.** **I love purple, do you see that purple button on the left of the screen.** **Well please please pretty please press it.** End file.
The little things by Eirina
Zoey 101
sorry End file.
sorry by peanut171994
Zoey 101
1. OMG! CHASE IS BACK! Zoey 101: Chasing Chase Zoey was alone on her bed in dorm 101, playing Sims 2 on her new Pearbook she got for her birthday. She was just relaxing when Lola came bursting through the door with a bottle of Blix in her hand. "Hey Lola," Zoey said. "Get up!" Lola screamed. "WOAH!" Zoey said. "OK!" Zoey scrambled out of bed and put her laptop away. "What's up?" Zoey asked, yawning. "Hey Zo!" Lola said. "Guess who's coming to PCA?" "Brad Pitt?" Zoey said getting out a brush ."OMG primp!" "No Silly Chase!" Lola said. "Oh my gosh!" Zoey said. "Shut up!" "It's true!" Quinn said walking through the door. "How?" Zoey said. "Well Chase got expelled and is coming back in a few days!" Lola said. "Still OMG PRIMP!" Zoey yelled hugging Lola and Quinn. A few days pass and Dean Rivers said that 6 kids can come with him and they are, Lola, James, Quinn, Zoey, Michael and Logan. Zoey and Lola go to the I Love LA shop and buy a ton of stuff for them and Chase. Quinn goes to Starbucks with Logan. And Michael goes to McDonalds and they all get a (real) lunch at Denny's. The plane landed and Chase came out with 10 bags. Zoey flung her arms out and yelled, "CHASE!" Zoey carried 2, Lola carried one, Logan carried one, Quinn carried two, James carried one, Michael carried 2 and Chase carried one. They went to baggage claim and Dean Rivers took all of them, which were only three, but James, Zoey and Lola helped too. So when they got to PCA Zoey and Lola helped Chase unload. After they were done Lola said, "Oh go to go, Vincey B is waiting!" Lola said. "What?!" Chase said Zoey explained how he changed and was NOT a jerk. So Zoey and Chase got some alone time to talk, because the only time they talked was like one or two months ago on video chat when the computer shut down. "So Zoey," Chase said. "So Chase," Zoey replied. "I've been waiting so long to see you!" they said in unison. "Akward," they said in unsion again. "Chase?" Zoey said. "Ya Zo?" Chase asked. "Listen to us," Zoey said. "We say the exact same things at the same time." "I know it's weird," Chase said. "Uh Chase," Zoey said. "Where's the Blix?" "Over there," Chase said pointing to a cabinet. "Thanks," she said as she got up. Zoey got some grape blix and threw a strawberry to Chase. She sat back down and kissed Chase. "Chase," Zoey said. "Zoey," Chase said. "Will you go out with me?" Zoey asked smiling. "Sure why not?" Chase said. "Yay!" Zoey said kissing Chase. 2. 2 Hello Trouble "OK Chase I gotta go," Zoey said. "K see ya around Zo," Chase said. "Ya," Zoey said. Zoey ran out to James's new dorm. Chase heard he was cool, so wanted to meet him. "Hey James," Zoey said to James and kissed him. Right when they were kissing Chase walked in and walked right out, devistated. He called Lola on her cell phone and asked her to meet him at Sushi Rox. Chase got to Sushi Rox and waiting a good ten minutes or so. Then Lola came. "Wha's up?" Lola asked. "You," Chase said. "Me?" Lola asked. "Yeah you hot stuff," Chase said smiling. "Well I have to admit I _am _pretty hot," she said. "So Lola," Chase said. "So Chase," Lola said. "You and me," he said. "Me and you," she said back. "Us," Chase said. "What about us?" Lola asked. "We're soulmates," Chase said. "OK?" Lola asked. "So," Chase said. "Do you wanna go out?" "Of course!" Lola said leaping into his arms. So Lola ran to her dorm where she found Zoey drinking some Blix and watching Curly Cow. "Oh my god!" Lola yelled. "What?" Zoey said. "Is it 'Disturb Zoey When She's Relaxing Day' cuz I did NOT get the memo!" "OK whatev," Lola said. "Guess what?""What?" Zoey said. "I dumped Vincey B!" Lola said. "For guess who?" "Coffee cart guy?" Zoey asked. "No he's UGLY!" Lola said laughing. "I am going out with Chase!" "What?!" Zoey exclaimed. "Ya he kissed me!" Lola said. "7 times!" And she started pointing to spots, 3 on her left cheek, two on her right, once on her nose and the other one on her lips. "Pass me a grape," Zoey said. Lola passed her a grape and Zoey caught it in her mouth. And started to get up. "Where ya going Zo?" Lola asked. "Uh I gotta go talk to Chase," Zoey said slamming the door behind her. "Ow!" Lola said. "That was loud." Zoey ran to talk to Chase. Chase was there playing Guitar Hero III and saw Zoey and said, "Oh hey Zo." "We need to talk!" Zoey said sternly. "Why did you ask Lola out?" "Well you're already going out with James," Chase said. "So why can't I have some fun, fool around a little?" "Bec- Becau- Because," Zoey said. "Because what?" Chase asked. "Chase I love you!" Zoey said. "Holy Shitaki Mushrooms!" Chase said. "That felt good." Zoey leaned to Chase and kissed him. "Did that make you feel better?" Zoey said. James walked in right when she was making out with Chase. "Ya to know that Zoey is cheating on me?" James said. "Uh," Zoey said. "Choose!" both of them said. "Sorry James," Zoey said. "Can we still be friends?" "Sure," James said. "Whatever make ya happy!" "But why Chase?" he asked. "Because I was waiting a LONG time to go out with Chase", Zoey said. "Since the start of the semester." "OK," James said. "I'll see ya around Zo." James went off crying. "I feel bad," Zoey said. "Why?" Chase asked. "James he liked me-- a lot," Zoey siad. "That hurt him-- when I dumped him." "It'll be alright Zo," Chase said. "It always is." "I guess you're right," Zoey said as Chase put her arm around her. Zoey called Lola and said the whole story... My next FanFic will be Lola getting Vincey B back... Oh and if you don't know Vincey B is Vince Blake. End file.
Chasing Chase by paintingskylines
Zoey 101
The first dance **Song: You Can by David Archuleta.** **Disclaimer: Don't own anything.** **This was inspired by the part of 'How are they friends', where Quinn/Logan have their first dance as husband and wife. It actually is the song that I wrote in that story as their first dance, and I wanted to write out everything they said to each other.** * * * "And now it's time for newlyweds to have their first dance! So, please, Mr. & Mrs. Reese, step onto the dance floor." The DJ announces, and nerves course through me in quite a rush. My first dance as a 'Mrs.' The sea of people that are here cheer loudly, and a few whistles are heard. Logan, naturally, radiates confidence. He just stands up, and offers out his hand to me. I look back and forth to his gesture and his face, feeling super uneasy. Dancing is NOT a high I have, and I had this powerful hunch that I would end up stepping all over his feet. But, against my better judgment, I take his hand, and stand up. Oh, God. My legs are literally shaking. His genuine smile grows at my awkwardness (Even at our wedding, he still has his subtle ways of laughing at my quirkiness), and casually leads me to the dance floor that is in the center of the room. I can feel eyes burning holes in my head, but the pressure of them slowly fades away, as for the millionth time today, Logan and I enter our own world. When we are directly in the center of the dance floor, my arms wrap tightly around his neck for support (I was starting to get light headed) and his arms rest comfortably on my waist (I can tell his hands are itching to grab my butt, but he keeps them on the tip of my tailbone, no doubt for the sake of manors in front of the crowd). He leans down to my ear, and seductively whispers, "I choose this song because I think it sums up my feelings for you. And you know I'm not good at the whole lovey-dovey stuff." I feel my face redden, and then I pull him tighter. A soft strum of guitar chords flows out from the speakers, and the sound waves happily bounce around the room, eagerly filling up everyone's ears. And a few seconds later, a warm voice echoes throughout the room. I look slightly up at my Logan, and I am positive there is a helpless, pleading look present in my brown orbs. His casual smile lights up his own eyes, and he starts to rock us back and forth. "Mrs. Reese?" "Hmmm?" "You'd move better if you relaxed your muscles." "Sorry. Just nervous." "I know." He flashes his famous smirk that I just love so much, and I can't help but stretch up and kiss him. Just a peck, of course. Our consciouses may be in linked in their own worlds, but our subconscious' are very aware of the prying eyes that follow our every move. He starts singing along half way through the first verse, and my smile increases as I take in the words, and fully realize that they are an impeccable definition of what I presume is his love for me. "Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake, 'cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can. Save me from myself, you can and it's you and no one else." Our feet start to move in rhythm, in sync. Side, side, forward, backward. I relax a bit, and lean against his flawless chest; even his rock hard, wash board abs brings me warmth. He kisses my hair, and stops singing abruptly. I pull away, wanting to see his facial expression. "Why'd you stop?" "If I'm singing, I can't use my lips for this." And he leans in again, for another peck. "I love you." "I love you too." I put my head back on his sternum, and let him rock me side to side. "Remember the first time I told you that?" He murmurs to me. "How could I forget? Lola still is angry at me about the whole secret thing." "I wish we had just gone to prom together that year. I wish we never hid the relationship." "Maybe if we were public sooner, the teasing would have been too much. It was your first serious relationship, and I was still kinda broken over the whole Mark thing." "Babe, this IS my first serious relationship. And my last. I'll never leave you. You know that, right?" I lightly push off of him again, and crush his lips with my own for two (heavenly) seconds. "Well, who would have guessed we would be here right now? Wearing rings, being blinded by feelings for each other?" "Dana. She has a sense for this kind of thing." "No way could she have guessed we would happen. I mean, she told me she LOVED me at the end of freshman year." "Yeah, and that summer, we emailed one another like crazy. She told me she thought we would make a cute couple." "And you replied?" "Something along the lines of 'I just threw up in my mouth' or 'I'd go out with Firewire before I would go out with that jerk'." "What? Not 'Logan is the coolest, hottest guy in the world, and I am totally and completely in love with him'?" "That would be a plausible response; now. But back then, you were the guy who infuriated me. Nonstop." "I'll tell you a secret." I give him my best 'continue' face, and his smirk appears again. "For one kiss, Mrs. Reese." I roll my eyes, but while smiling (because, after all these years, I'm used to the feelings of frustration and affection running through me. Our lips meet again. "Looking back, I have had a huge crush on you ever since I met you. I just didn't realize it." "And how do you now this?" "Well, look at all the facts. I have always hated Del Figgalo, for an unknown reason. Now I know it was out of jealousy. And they always say you tease the person you like, right? And can you think of another girl that could convince me to walk around in heels and a dress?" I smile wider and laugh at the memory. "You did look pretty fierce in that orange number." "I bet you would look better in it." "Guess we'll find out." "You still have it?" "How could I get rid of it? It is in the box on the top shelf of my closet." His eyebrows knit together in thought. "Which closet?" "The one in our second bedroom. The one that is painted yellow." "Oh, okay." A silence falls between us, but he interrupts it, shortly after it starts. "How bout we make this dance more interesting?" "Uh, sure. How exactly?" He smirks AGAIN, and then closes his hand around mine, pulling our elbows out. My opposite hand knows where to go next; it falls right over the small of his back. My big ball dance moment is here. My Cinderella moment. The complex (for me, at least) steps come fairly easy with his ease as a partner. I spin and twirl, and smile. Smile wider and happier and bigger than ever. After my final spin in, we go back to the first position. The song is on the end of the second verse now; time seems to be going incredibly slow. "It's funny." "What?" I ask. He really is this big mystery to me, that I never can fully figure out. "I vowed never to tie myself down. Look how it worked out for my dad. He goes through wife after wife. A new bride every other year. And now, here I am. Going against the biggest rule I ever had for myself." "Do you think you made the right choice?" He looks like a deer in headlights; totally caught off guard. "Duh." And our lips touch, for a bit longer of a kiss; around five seconds. "Why are you suddenly so romantic?" "Do you want me to stop?" His face holds lots of confusion. "No. I like it. I just want to know why you are all sappy." "I'm not being 'sappy'. I just want this to be a big, blissful, romantic memory. Something we can look back on when we are at our kid's weddings, watching them dance as newlyweds. I just want you to remember it the way I will." "And how is that?" "Remember the feeling of looking into each other's eyes, and knowing how ecstatic we are. Remember the way love just seems to be in the air, no matter how cheesy that sounds. Remember how, even after everything we have gone through, we still are strong; we still want each other like we are teenagers." "I think that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." "Crap. Maybe I am being too sappy." I give him an evil glare, but end up tilting my head back in a fit of giggles. When my head tilts back, his eyes are sparkling from the smile that takes up so much of his face. "There's my Logan." "And you're still my Quinn, right?" "That's what the papers we signed say. That's what I know." He pulls me back into him, and starts singing to me again, softly. "Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes. Bring me to my knees and make me cry. And no one's ever done this, everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know; this is where it all begins, so tell me it will never end. I can't fool myself; it's you and no one else." I pull back, and just stare into his eyes. "I love you. And I've never been this elated before, ever." "I love you, too. And the fact that I know what that word means proves it." "I'm rubbing off on you. Is that okay?" "As long as you're okay that I'm rubbing off on you, then yes." "I can't believe I was nervous to come out here and dance with you. What could've gone wrong?" "Well, it's understandable that you were worried. You were having a major panic attack before meeting me in front of the justice of the piece." "I wouldn't call it major, just the normal response girls get when- wait, how do you know I was freaking out? Who told you?" "Zoey. When I got up to go to the bathroom, she pulled me aside to hug and you know her big mouth." "I'm sorry." "What? Why?" "I should have known that marrying you is the best decision I have ever made." "Glad you came to your senses, but you don't have to be sorry." And he lifts my chin, for our last kiss during the dance. And this one lasts a whole ten seconds. By the end of it, the song is over, and more cheering is heard. "Okay! Now how 'bout some more dance-y songs now? Let's get the floor filled!" The DJ yells out. Some old Nicki Minaj song blasts though the speakers; maybe Lola and I's favorite song back in the beginning of 2012, Starships. I couldn't tell yet, because Logan had made me lose myself in his lips. Thankfully, the gang and other guests piled around us on the floor. My first dance as Mrs. Reese; beyond perfect. So far beyond. * * * **A/N: Be happy I wrote this. Because it is currently 3 a.m. and I have a doctor's appointment at eight a.m. But Quogan can't wait! I love writing Quinn. It comes so easy.** **Oh, and I am starting to question if people really read these author notes. So, if you did, type an '=' in your review too, so I can see how many people really read this.** **Peace.** **~Tessie** End file.
The first dance by Tessie13
Zoey 101
1. Read first I'm not responsible for your childhood death 2. It all begins Zoey Brooks was an ordinary girl like everyone else. She went to PCA and really liked it. She had many friends and considered herself a straight gal. One evening as Zoey was getting ready to go to bed she catches in the corner of her eye the sight of Lola's ass. Very strangly to Zoey she starts to feel tingeling between her legs. Zoey sat on her bed confused,'I am straight but why do I get wet when i see her ass, this doesn't make sense probably just tired'. So dismissing the thought Zoey goes to sleep. Zoey's dream:' "Nice ass Lola". "Thanks want to touch?" "Do I? Get that nice round ass of yours here" "Ummm ya Zoe get rubbing it, y dont you go a bit down?" slowly taking her fingers zoey runs them over Lola's pussy lips. "Ummm it feels so good,keep rubbing" feeling courages Zoey slips in one finger. a small moan escapes Lola's lips but tries to contain beacause fear of getting caught. "Here why dont we get you more comfortable". Zoey says as she slowly strips Lola of her removing her shirt Zoey takes a long time staring at Lola's magnifacent C-cup tits. Slowly she starts to rub her nipples before taking one in her mouth and sucking on it lightly making Lola moan some more. Zoey takes off Lola's panties and lies her down on the bed. As Zoey comes closer to look at Lola's pussy she catches a wiff of the sweet sweet smell. Instantly as if intranced she dives her face into Lola's leaking cunt. Fioursly Zoey laps up Lola's pussy juices as she countinues to lick her pussy. "Ummmmmm Zoe your gonna have to slow down we are gonna get caught". But Zoey coudn't stop she was as if under a spell wanting to get more and more of Lola's sweet pussy juices. Finnaly unable to contain it Lola begins to moan loudly. As Lola approuches her climax she takes her two hands and shoves Zoey's hed further in her pussy wanting her to keep up and not stop. "Ahhhhhhh I'mmmmmm gonnnaaaa cummmmmmmmmmmm". and with a loud scream she cums squirting her pussy juice all over Zoey's face as she tries to get as much as she can into her mouth. "Wow Zoe that was amazing! now its only fair i repay you". As Lola approches Zoey's naked body she takes one of Zoey's tits and sucks on her nipple. as she does that Lola takes her hand and slowly starts to finger Zoey's pussy. Not caring if anyone heard them Zoey moans loudly..very loudly. "Please lick my pussy Lola I cant take it anymore". Happy to oblige Lola dives in and starts to lick happily at Zoey's pussy. Zoey in pure pleasure throws her head back and moans. Feeling more dominant Zoey yells,"Thats it bitch lick that pussy real good like the little cunt-lapper u are". A little taken back by Zoey's outburst Lola renews her efforts on making her sweet blonde friend cum as hard as she had. After some intense pussy licking Zoey feels that she is on the edge"ooooooooooo mmmyyyy goddddd immm gonnna cummmmmmmm here it comes" Zoey screams as she shoves Lola's face into her pussy so she could get all of her sweet juices. Just as she cums in her dream Zoey wakes up to find herself in her bed alone with her fingers in her pussy and her panties soaking. being embarased Zoey quickly changes panties and goes back to sleep trying to get back to that sweet dream but at the same time not knowing what has gotten into her. The next day went very smoothly for Zoey except for the occasional wetness from looking at hot girls. Zoey was quickly realizing that she isnt totally straight but didnt know if she was a lesbian either after all it was just a dream. Later that night Zoey finished getting ready for bed until she feels someone's hands one her tits. Quickly spinning around she sees Lola naked in front of her and beggin for her to lick her pussy. As if by the same spell as in the dream Zoey does just that. For Zoey the next hour of licking pussy and getting licked seemed to be just like in her dream. she dismisses the idea and says it was a quincidence(Not realizing that she just found out of a talent... a very unique talent. 3. Dustin joins the fun As the weeks went by Zoey and Lola had sex a couple more times. Some of the times from her dream and then there was the reality. Then on one evening as Zoey was dreaming about her and Lola's next session:'"ooooo fuck yes Lola lick faster im gonna cum". and just as Zoey is about to cum she sees the door open and Dustin in it standing in awe. At the meer sight of it Zoey explodes on Lola's face and coveres it with her pussy juices. "mmmm Zoe u taste so good..." Lola says to Zoey as she finally sees what Zoey was staring at. "What the FUCK are u two doing!?" asked Dustin. Without realy thinking Zoey stood up and took the man who had a crush on her for a long time and kisses him on the mouth. As the kiss got more passionate Dustin couldn't help but think that finally he is kissing the love of his life. As their lips finally part Lola comes in and joins the fun kissing chase and Zoey. After some kissing Zoey noticed a pretty big bulge in his pants. Seeing Zoey stare at his bulge Dustin says:"you can touch it if you want". without thinking Zoey got on her knees and tore his pants off revealing his full erect 9 inch dick. Taking her time Zoey starts to stroke his massive cock. As they moved to the bed Dustin was lying down with Zoey stroking his piece of meat. Not wanting to miss in on the action Lola takes sits on Dustin face as a strong hint for him to lick her. Not wanting to be told twice Chase quickly starts to lick and suck on Lola's pussy. After watching the two go at it Zoey decides to go further and lowers her mouth towards his dick. On first impact with Zoey's lips and the head of Dustin's cock Chase lets out a long moan into Lola's pussy which in time makes Lola moan also. At first Zoey manages to take half of his big dick into her mouth while still bobbing her head up and down his erect cock. Still licking his cock Zoey went down to pay attention to his balls as she takes one in her mouth and sucks on it. Deciding she can take more of his wonderful cock Zoey goes back to sucking him and manages to get 8 of the 9 inches. Suddenly she feals hands on her head but not Dustin's,Lola's hands were pushing her down as she screamed for her to take it all. with some effort Zoey manages to take it all until her chin touches his balls. Not wanting to cum first Dustin doubles his efforts on Lola's pussy and after a small time Lola was screaming and moaning as she closes in on an orgasm. Feeling she can't take it anymore she lets go and cums her pussy juice all over Dustin's face. A few seconds after without warning Dustin wildly cums into Zoey's mouth sending massive amounts of cum into her throat. Not able to swallow it all Zoey took his dick out of her mouth and let the cum land on her tits and body. Eager to taste Dustin's cum Lola starts to happily lick his cum off Zoey's body paying close attention to get the cum off her small nipples. "Ok now i want your big dick inside me!" Zoey said as she was the only one to not orgasm yet. Happy to oblige as Zoey gets on her hands and knees and spreads her pussy lips as to invite Chase's dick into her. Without needing her to say anything else Chase starts to insert his big cock into her pussy. "ooooooooo yaaaaaa fuucckkkk meeee Dustin" was all Zoey could say as Dustin was pounding into her raming his cock into her awaiting pussy. Filled to the tip with pleasure while her lover fucked her Zoey couldn't help but think how lucky she was. "Lets put that sweet mouth to use shall we" Lola said as she laid her pussy before Zoey. And as if expecting this Zoey launched her head towards her friend's sweet pussy. Dustin was in heaven. He was fucking the love of his life while she ate out his other love(secretly Dustin was watching Lola as well). Wanting to give her the most pleasure he could Dustin kept up to fucking Zoey's pussy. "ooo mmmmm" Zoey's moans were muffled as she had her face deep in Lola's pussy. After a couple of minutes the whole gang was moaning. Lola gave in first filling Zoey's mouth with her sweet juices. soon after with a scream Zoey came all over Dustin cock. All of this was to much for dustin as he pulled out his cock and ejectuallated all over both girl's bodies and faces. Not wanting to waste any of Dustin precious cum they happily lap up the cum off eachother ending with a sweet loving passionate kiss. At the sight of the two girls licking and sucking eachother and finnaly the kiss dustin dick was yet again standing proud."ooo you poor baby lets take care of that boner, why dont you fuck my ass with it." Lola said as she stood in doggy-style spreading her ass cheeks waiting for Dustin to fuck her. At first Dustin was a little taken back but quickly he snapped back to his senses. Not wanting to hurt his lover he inserted the dick slowly inch by inch until it was all the way in."mmmm that feels good" Lola said as she was impaled by his dick. Feeling she was ready Dustin started to slowly fuck Lola's ass. Feeling left out Zoey thought Lola's should return the favor and now she lied with her pussy infornt of Lola's face. Feeling she owed Zoey and that she loved her pussy lola dove in and happily licked and sucked on her pussy while chase fucked her ass. Dustin with his dick up Lola's ass was feeling rather in the upper position and started to yell at Lola:"ya you little bitch lick her pussy nice and good and maybe you will get to eat my cum." As if impowered by the words Lola doubled her speed and brought Zoey to her climax quickly. Looking at Zoey cover Lola's face with cum Chase couldnt hold out and sends streams of cum into Lola's asshole. Feeling his cum in her asshole Lola got that tingling feeling and came too. Just as they were about to continue Zoey felt herself fading back and she found herself yet again with her fingeres in her pussy and her panties wet in her bed alone. Deciding to surprise Lola tomorrow Zoey kept the wet panties on as a present for Lola. Not knowing that she would later get pounded like in the dream. Just as Zoey finished her classes she went to her room in anticapation for what Lola would do to her today. And as if like a clock Lola entered and the fun began. they started to kiss eachother and feel eachother up. As the their sex session continued Zoey was finnaly starting to think that maybe what she dreamt was going to happen. she dismissed it as she said that dustin would have to catch them. On the other side of campus Dustin was going to get a nice cup of coffee so not to fall asleep in his next class. As if under some force without knowing Dustin made his way to Zoey's room not knowing why. As he got neerer to the room he could hear moaning. As he stepped into the room he saw Zoey laying down naked and Lola's face buried in her Zoey's pussy. just as he entered Zoey came all over Lola's face. As if by some trance the next steps occurred exactly like in the dream and Zoey thought to herslef that she will have to test it out later, right now she was going to enjoy this. Just like in the dream Dustin came into Lola's ass as the other two girls did also. Then all of a sudden they all froze. Noone could explain what happened so Zoey tried. She explained about her dreaming and the effects that she think it has. " So shall we continue?" asked chase hoping it could continue. Both girls didnt need time to answer and pounced on Dustin's soft and now limp cock. They both took turns sucking on it. While one was sucking on the cock the other sucked on the balls and the same way around. In no time the girls brought Dustin to his climax and he came hard into Lola's and Zoey's awaiting mouths. End file.
When dreams come true by m1tt
Zoey 101
The Fateful Lockdown _**The Fateful Lockdown**_ I had been helping out in Mr. Bender's classroom with none other than Zoey! I was soo happy! I was not happy, though, when one of the weirdest days of my life occurred. Mr. Bender had just left the room to get some coffee when Dean River's voice came booming over the PA system. "CODE RED! I REPEAT CODE RED!" I looked at Zoey, who looked at me with a horrified look on her face. We were both scared about what could happen. I ran to the door, locked it, and pulled the shade down over the windows. I then shut off the lights and motioned to Zoey to come sit in the corner away from the door and out of the sight of the windows. "Chase, I'm scared!" Her face was pale and she looked like she was about to cry, so I had to be strong no matter how scared I actually was. "I know, Zoe, but don't worry. We'll be ok. I'll take care of you." I put a reassuring arm around her shaking body. "Thanks. Man, who knew that all that lockdown practice would actually pay off? I never thought that we'd actually be in lockdown! Wait a second...Mr. Bender! He went to get his coffee!" "Oh yeah! I'm sure he's alright." _Yeah. __He's__ probably alright, but what about __us__? What if we die here and I never get the chance to tell Zoey my secret? Well, now isn't exactly the time to tell her._ "Chase, is something bothering you?" "Hmm? Oh, no. Nothing's bothering me." I didn't really sound very convincing. "Right... And I'm the Queen of England." "You are? And you never told me?" Sarcasm. That may help me in this situation. Well, not really. It's not like I'm going to make a sarcastic remark to the intruder. That will just get me a nice bullet in my chest. "Ha Ha Ha. You're soo funny Chase." "I know, aren't I?" Uh-Oh. She just gave me that 'let's be serious' look. "Let's be serious." What did I tell you? "Now what's bothering you?" Hmm...Maybe I can tell her, but twist it a bit. "If you really must know..." "Yes, I must. Now please continue!" "Yes ma'am!" I saluted her. I'm such a comedian! "Ok. Well you see, the thing is that I have this secret that I want to tell this person, but if I die today, I will never be able to." "Oh. I see. Well, what is it?" Woah! Didn't expect her to ask that one! "Oh, umm, I can't tell you. It's a secret." "Oh come on! We're best friends! We tell each other everything!" "I don't know..." "If you can't trust me with this, what can you trust me with?" Jeez. She makes a good argument. Maybe I should just tell her. "Well, you see, Zoey, the secret is that-" Just then, Dean River's voice came over the PA system for the second time today. _Saved by the Dean. Ha. Never thought I'd ever say that._ "Attention everybody. That was just a test to see how well everyone would do. Everyone passed. You may go on about your day." "Wow! That was surprising...I guess that they get a kick out of getting people scared out of their skin. Oh well. So, you going to finish telling me?" "Umm, actually, I think that you'll find out sometime soon. See ya'!" I raced out of that room and praised the good Lord. I could hear her behind me calling my name, but I just ignored her. _What a close call! _ **A/N: Hey guys! How did you like my story? Do you think I should continue it? Man, that Dean Rivers is one twisted fellow! ** End file.
The Fateful Lockdown by apparox148
Zoey 101
One more lie She watched silently. Go on and lie I've heard it all before You had no shame This pain I feel you've never known The rain outside is shifting in the wind The road is looking lonelier Alone again Shadows surrounded her thin shaking form. Tears ran down her bronze cheeks leaving trails of silvery liquid on her skin. Love is real Then love goes on and on The words you say condemn you As the guilty one I guess you're not the kind you claim to be Always looking out to get your love for free There, directly in the pool of light left by the street lamp on the sidewalk was her boyfriend. A beautiful blonde hung on his arm. Could you lie and say you love me just a little One more wrong will keep us one more night When quiet fades at the light of day I see the truth It's on your face again He leaned toward her and kissed her. She turned away and walked slowly back to the girls' dormitory. When morning breaks my heart won't understand Spend a lifetime raising houses on the sand The rain outside is shifting in the wind The road is looking lonelier Alone again She met him in the girls' lounge. He kissed her gently on the cheek. "I love you babe" he whispered "You are my world" Could you lie and say you love me just a little One more wrong will keep us one more night When quiet fades at the light of day I see the truth It's on your face again Song: Could you lie by Allison Krauss End file.
One more lie by Captain-Kate-Finch
Zoey 101
Music Frees the Soul Bonjour **Bonjour! I have been tagged. My itunes is on my brother's laptop and he did something that I'm not exactly sure of, because it was not working, it keeps shutting off when he uses it, and the thing he did took off all the songs on itunes, so I was putting the songs back on, but it kept turning off, so I only have about 100 songs, and half of them are Aly & AJ, so that's why there are like 3 Aly & AJ songs. I know you all cared so much about that. Anyway, Read and Review. These are my tags (BTW, I'm sorry is any of you have already been tagged, I was too lazy to see if you were):** **Kelren5** **Violet-Shadow** **Hollywoodx4** **luvat1stsight** **Abercrombie girly girl** **1. Silence by Aly & AJ (Quogan)** Quinn and Logan were dating for several months now. They started to become bored with each other and got into arguments over the silliest things, so they decided it would be best if they broke up. Biggest mistake of their life. They missed each other like crazy. They both they were wrong with what they've done to lead up to the breakup. They didn't know how to apologize to each other, but they really didn't need to. Because, Silence is everything. **2. So Yesterday by Hilary Duff (Choey)** Chase and Zoey started dating after prom night. They were both extremely happy. Well, in the beginning at least. Chase thought he loved Zoey all along, but he was wrong. There relationship started to fade along the way. They would always love each other in a way, there was no denying that. Within the four years of friendship, it was just sort of awkward when they became more. They decided to push there love relationship behind them, now it was So Yesterday. **3. Say OK by Vanessa Hudgens (Vola)** At first Lola didn't want to have anything to do with Vince. She wanted him gone, or at least out of her and her friends ways. He tried so hard to convince her that he was different, that being expelled helped him realize he was a jerk. Then she started to see him in a new light. Lola decided that she would give Vince a chance. Who says that people can't change? Lola would give Vince a chance, as long as he would Say OK. **4. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood (QuinnMark) ** Quinn started to realize that Mark was changing. He never had a personality, really, but he started to try to ignore Quinn as much as he could. Quinn could only suspect one thing, he was cheating on her. She tried getting Dustin to spy, but Zoey ended up using him. She tried so many ways to find out, without her doing the dirty work. One day Quinn decided she had to spy herself. Quinn found exactly what she thought. Mark was cheating on her. She was going to zap him, but then thought that would hurt him for a few moments, then the pain will be gone. She wanted him to suffer just as much as she did. She took his geeky card game cards that he played with Firewire and ripped them to shreds, and more. Stuff that might even scar him for life. Mark will regret ever cheating. He will most definitely think Before He Cheats again. **5. I'm Here by Aly & AJ (Quogan)** Everyone made fun of Quinn and Logan. Even after two months they've been exposed, and their friends still couldn't tolerate it. They tried to explain to them how unreasonable there relationship was. They just didn't get it. Maybe, to everyone Logan was an obnoxious, jerk, and Quinn was a really weird, science loving person, but to each other, they were everything. No one could see that Logan and Quinn are always there for each other, and always will be. **6. Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan (Stacey)** Stacey always tried to make the best of her life. She was an optimist. People always made fun of her. When Logan Reese told Quinn he loved her at prom, it killed Stacey on the inside. Her heart melted to nothing, and all her faith and hope of someone loving her was destroyed. It finally occurred to Stacey, how everyone saw her. Maybe she shouldn't have been so obsessed with Logan. Maybe she shouldn't have done a lot of things she did. Stacey realized that she didn't have real friends; she just had people who tolerated her. Stacey was just introduced to her life, as it really is. **7. Chemicals React by Aly & AJ (Quogan)** Quinn and Logan first kissed on that bench. After that kiss, they couldn't explain their feelings about the kiss, their true feelings about each other, or even why they kissed each other. Logan was listening to the radio. Radio Disney was on, but he didn't have enough energy to change the station. So he just sat in his bed and listened. When he heard songs, explaining to him exactly what he felt, he realized it was chemistry, both of there best subjects. After Logan and Quinn decided to secretly date they realized it was because the Chemicals React. **8. Our Lips Are Sealed by Hilary and Haley Duff (Quogan)** People are ridiculous. They just make up lies because they don't feel that Quinn and Logan should be together. They have nothing to do with there relationship. They decided to just ignore them, and let them have fun with there fake gossip and rumors. Only Quinn and Logan know the truth. But there lips are sealed. **9. Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's (ChaseLola)** Whenever Chase heard this song, he would tell Lola this was there song. Lola lived in New York City, while Chase lived in Wisconsin. They had quite a distance to go in order to see each other. All of the lyrics in the song was related to their relationship. There friends don't get it, but that's because none of them feel that happy with each other. They love each other, and that's all that matters. **10. Chariot by Gavin DeGraw (Quogan)** When high school ended Quinn and Logan parted. They were both in colleges along the east coast, but still a couple of hours away. Quinn went to visit Lola, who went to the same school as Logan. Before she could get the Lola's dorm room, she ran into Logan. They started talking and all the wonderful memories of their relationship was brought back. They couldn't help it. The started dating again, because distance didn't matter to them. They loved each other and that was that. **Wow, that sucked. I am extremely tired, and was deprived of sleep last night because my sister went to her boyfriends apartment and parked in the wrong number space, and at like 4:00 she called saying that the car was towed. Anyway, I know they were all like saying the same thing and I'm sorry. Please Review!** End file.
Music Frees the Soul by ToBecomeAClown
Zoey 101
Teenage Love **Teenage Love** **One shot** Wow has it really been a ten months since we broke up, I asked my self. Yet I haven't even thought of looking for a new boyfriend. I still want. It wasn't like we really broke up we just faded. Yet I know that I still love him. Still want him. Still wait for his touch, his lips against mine. To just feel his heartbeat when I am around. Now at the start of our senior years I am stuck doing a project with him. Doesn't every teacher know of our past, our record. Logan and I haven't spoken to each other in nine months if you like to know. So he has no clue of the way I feel. That doesn't mean he feels the same way. Our friends still try to get us together but nothing seems to work. We are both to stubborn for that. Well he is. We both stop hanging out with the gang afraid that we might run into each other. I know I am not afraid. I just wish for it. So we both had become loners. Then he started to hang out with Chase and Michael and the gang on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturday. See those were his free days. My free days were Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Friday. We are both involved in a lot at school. So our time was limited which is why we kinda faded. Junior year is just filled with worries about college. Sundays were are both free but choose not to spend it with the gang in fear that we will bump into each other. So what if I am scared of seeing him? I am scared just to pour my feelings out and get laughed at. See now our English assigned is a project. Twenty-five percent of our first semester in English. Guess what the topic is. Is teenage love strong or weak? It is a opinionated essay with a power point partner presentation. Fun right? No. Logan is supposed to come over today like in 5 minutes. Remember how I told you that the gang still try to set us up? Well they made sure that we are left alone today. I glanced at the mirror. Of course I looked my best. I had on black tights with a long black and white striped sweater. On the left shoulder the sweater fell loosely down. My hair was a bouncy curly as always just clipped to the back with few pieces falling messily. I had on the new black and white skulls Vans. Then there was a knock at the door. I smiled at my self in the mirror. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it. "Hello," I said civilly. "Hi," he said after looking at me up and down. He looked good, too. He had on a white beater with a open up black button up shirt up. Jeans and same pair of Vans that I wore. We were matching. I loved it when we match. I moved out of the door way so he could walk in. "So?" he said. I shrugged my shoulders this was going to be weird. "We need to talk before we do anything," he said. I nodded. God did I lose my voice. "Dana?" he said waving his hands in my face. Great I must have spaced out. "What?" I asked. "We need to talk," he said. "Fine," I said. I took a seat on my bed and he joined me. I waited for him to speak but it didn't seem like it was happening. He took a deep breath. He looked at me straight in the eye. All the feelings that I had tried to hide came rushing back to me at once. I tried to turn away but the power his eyes had over me didn't allow me to. "What happen to us?" he asked. "I guess teenage love is weak," I said. He shook his head. "It is strong." "How would you know?" I asked him. "Because if it was weak I wouldn't feel it, after nine months" he said. "Oh," was all I could say. "So for our project what answer will we give?" I asked. "It is strong," he suggested. "Yea. I think so, too," he said. We sat down and got to work. Sure our 'talk wasn't long. It sure cleared up things. Why none of us acted upon our feeling at the moment. Hey ask God that. I just know that everything inside of me screamed let this moment pass a better one will come. _--------Zoey 101-----------_ We finished our power ponit part in 30 minutes. Guess who is still here two hours after. Logan. No nothing has happen. We are here just watching the Notebook eating ice-cream. My eyes are all cried out by the end of the movie. I see Logan's died tears and shine in his eye. He didn't cry all crazy like I did but he cried and he was okay with me being here with him. Even though the movie finished, we are still eating ice-cream on the floor. My favorite mint chocolate chip. I look at Logan. Good I just want to kiss him. All during our project we had weird moments. Be the end of it we were flirting and it was okay for me to sit on his lap. Yet no kiss had took place. I looked down at the empty ice-cream box. "I feel sad and fat," I said. Logan laughed. "Shut up," I said hitting him. "God Dana you still mange to hurt me. I thought all this time in the gym would help," he said playfully. "You still look like a loser to me," I said. "You know I look good," he said. "Yea right," I said. Then silence. "I think I should go," he said. I just nodded. I didn't want him to go no where. I just wanted him to stay with me forever. He got up but his eyes never left me. My eyes left him as he touched the door knob. I focused my attention to the credits rolling down the screen. Then I felt someone kiss my left shoulder where my sweater hung off. "Teenage love is strong. After nine months. I never stopped loving you," he said in my ear. "Well I never stop loving you either," I said. I turned around. I went to kiss him but he stopped me. "Then what happen?" he asked. "Teenage love may not be the problem but stress sure can be," I said. "So you love me?" he asked. "Yea. You love me?" I asked. "Never stopped," he said. "Then why we wait nine months?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Lets not wait no more," he said. He kissed me and I kissed back. Teenage love. End file.
Teenage Love by chichicutie
Zoey 101
I Think I Could Like You **I Think I Could Like You** **One shot** **Disclaimer: I don't own the cast of Zoey 101 Or :How to Touch a Girl" by JoJo** **Dana's POV** I sneaked into the school. I know what you are thinking who wants to go into a school on a Saturday. It is like the one day that we can truly relaxed. So much has been happening between Logan and I that I needed some alone space. He asked me out yesterday. I don't know what to say. Does he really know who I am? I think I like him. _**-I think I could like you**_ _**I already do-**_ I went into the music room. My favorite room. I sat down at the piano. The piano was always my sister's thing however singing was mine. When she passed away I started to play. I just felt like she was there guiding my fingers along. I began to play JoJo's song 'How to Touch a Girl'. My mind once again wondered to Logan as well as what has been going on between us. _**-Feelings can grow but**_ _**They can go away too**-_ Flashback "Come Dana. Just take my hand," he said to me. Logan was teaching me how to swim. I don't even know how I got in this situation. We were at the pool. I told him I couldn't swim. So he told me he was going to teach me at night. So I meant him at the pool at midnight since the school's pool was heated. I was really scared to lave the three feet area. This was all seeming like one big mistake. _**-You're taking my hand**_ **_Looking into my eyes_**- I figured that Logan wasn't going to kill me so I grabbed his hand. He pulled me towards him. Towards the seven feet side. I grabbed on to him with all my might. He took one hand off my back. He pushed his hair out of his face. He magical the way the moonlight shone on him. I loved the way his skin brushed off of mine. _**-Don't be in a rush to**_ _**Get me tonight-**_ "Just float," he said. The words just floated off his lips. For that one moment I believed I could swim. Shoot if you told people could fly I would believe I could too. I nodded my head. I moved my feet the way he had taught me before. I was floating! What if I stop? I began to push my feet faster. My legs lost energy. I began to sink. My head was fully under water for less than a second. Logan had pulled me up. _**-Feel something happening**_ _**Could this be a spark?-**_ I grabbed onto Logan closer yet I was strangely comfortable. I know I shouldn't have been that close in his arms as well as wanting to stay there. I was scared so I held on even tighter or at least that is what I told myself. I looked up into his eyes. They were so pure and big. I gasp at how beautiful they were. _**-To satisfy me baby**_ _**Gotta satisfy my heart-**_ Back at the room _**-Do you know how to touch a girl?**_ _**If you want me so much**_ _**First I have to know**_ _**Are you thoughtful and kind?**_ _**Do you care what's on my mind?**_ _**Or am I just for show?**_ _**You'll go far in this world**_ _**If you know how to touch a girl-**_ I continue to sing. I thought about that night at the pool three weeks ago. I did learn how to swim. Logan taught me that. Maybe liking him isn't such a big problem. Maybe if he opened up to me all the time I would really know who he was. _**-Do you know how to touch, **_ _**Know how to touch a girl?**_ _**Do you know how to touch, **_ _**Know how to touch a girl?-**_ Flashback _**-I think I could like you**_ _**But I keep holding back-**_ The gang was hanging out at the girl lounge. Chase was yet again trying to get Zoey to notice him. Sometimes I would get mad at how clueless she was. She was talking about some boy she liked. I could tell Chase was getting a wee bit mad. "It is kinda of stupid right?" someone asked me. I looked above me. There was Logan. "It is not stupid," I told him when he took a seat next to me. "Yes it is. He tries and he tries. Why? For what? She will never notice him. If she has notice then that means she doesn't like him. He is just wasting his time," he said. "He is in love Logan. When you are in love time is not wasted just memories gain," I said. _**-Cause I can't seem to tell**_ _**If you're fiction or fact-**_ "I see. Cruz is getting all inspirational with her words," he said with a chuckle. "You know maybe if you knew what love was Logan you wouldn't be a jerk," I told him looking at dead at him. He switch his glaze full on me. He looked dead serious. It scared me. I began to bite my lip inside. "Don't tell me I don't know love Cruz cause I do," he said. Logan in love? With who? I began to get a little mad. But why? _**-Show me you can laugh**_ _**Show me you can cry**_ _**Show me who you really are**_ _**Deep down inside-**_ "Who?" I asked him with a slight growl. He laughed at my tone of voice. Now he must think I like him. Do I? He smirked at me all the while his eyes sparkled. He must be thinking of _her._ "A girl who doesn't even know who I truly am. She sees this act that I put on. She hates me for it. I just don't know how to show her who I am. When I am sweet to her she just laughs in my face," he told me. _**-Do you feel something happening?**_ _**Could this be for real?**_ _**I don't know right now but tonight we'll reveal-**_ Back at the room _**-Do you know how to touch a girl?**_ _**If you want me so much**_ _**First I have to know**_ _**Are you thoughtful and kind?**_ _**Do you care what's on my mind?**_ _**Or am I just for show?**_ _**You'll go far in this world**_ _**If you know how to touch a girl-**_ I touched each key carefully as I thought our our conversation only two weeks ago. My voice began to crack since tears were threatening to fall. Logan wasn't really all that bad. I just told my self that. I didn't want to like him. I don't want to love him. I don't like spending my nights thinking of him. How when he looks at me I feel beautiful. I know I am beautiful only in his eyes. How in mornings I spend my time think what would he like on me. Flashback "Hey," the voice said. "Hello?" I asked more of a question. It was Friday afternoon as you would think I would be out having a good time. Nope. Zoey and Chase were having a fake "date". Some how he has convinced her that if she wants to go out with that guy she should get him jealous. Nicole and Lola were out together at the mall since Nicole needed an outfit for her date. I really didn't feel like tagging along since we don't like the same stores. Michael was off at the gym because he was certain that some girl he liked likes guys with muscle. Isn't odd how we plan or spend our whole weekend with or about someone with the opposite sex. Logan was most likely sucking off someone's neck. I forgot I was on the phone. Who is this? "It is Logan," he said almost like he read my mind. "Okay," I said. I talked to him till 6:30 when he told me he had to go somewhere. We spent three and a half hours on the phone with each other. The funny thing is we talked about nothing important. Just stupid stuff like favorite movies, flowers, colors, foods, and our family and friends. I have never spent that much time on the phone with a boy or a girl. I was sadden when he said he had to go. Where was he going. Was I boring to talk to? If I was boring he wouldn't say on the phone that long with me. Right? _**-Bring me some flowers**_ _**Conversation for hours**_ _**To see if we really connect-**_ Around seven there was a soft knock on my door. It is most likely Zoey back form the movies. She has been gone forever. A movie is only two hours. I opened the door to Logan. He had flowers in his hands. Purple/blueish forget-me-nots. I know how hard those are to get this time of year. He smiled at me. I smiled right back. "You did say they were your favorites," he said. _**-And baby if we do**_ _**Ooh I'll be giving all my love to you**_ _**Ohh-**_ I took the flowers from has hand. I placed them on my dresser. I didn't look at him since I was playing with the flowers. He took my arm with any notice to pull me close to him. He looked right in my eye. He asked me out. I couldn't say yes. I didn't want to get hurt. Back at the room The door to the room opened. In stepped Logan. I didn't stop playing however I did stop singing since the song does have a pause here. I wanted to finish the song. I looked him right in the eye. I started to finish it. _**-Do you know how to touch a girl?**_ _**If you want me so much**_ _**First I have to know**_ _**Are you thoughtful and kind?**_ _**Do you care what's on my mind?**_ _**Or am I just for show?**_ _**You'll go far in this world**_ _**If you know how to touch a girl-**_ He eyes never left mine. After I rejected Logan yesterday he stormed out the room not before telling me it was wrong to play with people's hearts. I wasn't really sure if I liked him. I was scared to like him. Scared out of my mind. _**-Do you know how to touch, **_ _**Know how to touch a girl? (yeah, yeah)**_ _**Do you know how to touch, **_ _**Know how to touch a girl?-**_ This morning I tried sitting down at the lunch table next to him. That just cause a mess. We ended up arguing. That took a wrong turn when Logan called me a good for nothing bitch. I know he regretted it as soon as he said by the look on his face but it hurt. I turned around and left to the school. I knew no one was here so it would be the perfect place to let my feelings out. _**-You'll go far in this world**_ _**If you know how to touch a girl-**_ I stopped playing and singing so I put my head down. Logan walked over to me without saying a word. He took a seat on the bench that I sat on. "I sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was mad. I was hoping that we could be friends," he said looking at his hands. I laughed as I wiped the corners of my eyes. I didn't want those tears to fall. "I don't want to be your friend," I told him. "What. I said sorry," he said. "Shut up. Let me finish. If that offer still stands then yea," I said. "What offer?" he asked. "Oh. That offer," he said. He looked up at me. I smiled. He smiled back. So much smiling hurts! I seen Logan smile this one month than I could image. "Don't smile smile you look cheesy," I told him playfully. He changed his smile to a smirk. "Okay," he said. He grabbed me and kissed me. He really knows how to kiss a girl. End file.
I Think I Could Like You by chichicutie
Zoey 101
Among the Hidden Stars Sup **Sup? Random Statement: I was bored on Facebook so I went to see if they had a Quogan group on it and I typed in Quogan, and a person came up. A person has the last name Quogan? That's SO cool! I want my last name to be Quogan! Anyways, I have never read or written ChaseLola, so I hope it's somewhat okay. Read and Review!** _Among the Hidden Stars_ Why must people always fall in love with the wrong person? Why can't things ever be normal in life? I don't know why, all I know is that life sucks. The final bell of the day rang. I just had geography with Chase. He asked me if I wanted to go get some coffee with him after class since his roommates were busy. I didn't want to agree because it would rip my heart into smaller pieces than they already were, if possible. I knew I had to agree though, because he's my friend and I didn't have an excuse of to why not. We walked out of class together. After only a few moments, I knew it was an absolute mistake. All my feelings of love, nervousness and guilt filled my brain and I was sure that all of the sudden thoughts and feelings flooding my mind would make me uneasy. I wouldn't be able to think straight or breathe. I would even put more pressure on my mind by having to control it. It's even more difficult when you have a civil war inside of your body, against your heart and your brain. It sucks when your hearts winning. His arm is slightly swinging while he's walking and it hits yours. And you know you will never feel anything like that again. You get to the coffee cart and order a drink and you pull money out of your purse, but he insists on paying for you. You find a bench and sit down. You talk about nonsense things and you start to feel angry. You feel angry that he's dating one of your best friends, and that you're dating one of his. You feel angry that you love him and he doesn't know, and that he will never know. He has to go do something, but your brain is too clogged to fully comprehend him. You decide to take a walk, to help clear off your mind. You run into your boyfriend in the middle of your walk. He kisses you and you hate it. Not because he's a bad kisser but because you feel guilt and he's not who you want to be kissing right now. You suddenly hate yourself when he tells you he loves you, and you respond back saying I love you too. You know it's not right or fair, but it's what you must do. You go back to your dorm room, feeling a little better. You decided to skip dinner and sleep. Your roommates come in and you realize that you won't be able to get any sleep ever again if you remain in this room because you will feel to horrible about what you are doing to your greatest friend. And this is a daily routine. And you cry. And you hate it. A few weeks pass and your hidden feelings have only grown stronger. You start to become nervous of shouting out your secret. You walk with him to get coffee again, because you're weak and feel a little bit of hope. You sit and talk and he surprises you. He says that he thinks he kind of likes you, and knows it's wrong and he knows that the feelings will never be mutual. When your face lights up it gives him hope. He sees the glow of your eyes, and a real smile approaching your face. He hasn't seen that in two years. He realizes you do feel the same way and he kisses you. He kisses you for several minutes. You have never been happier in your life. You feel like all your problems have floated away, which they have because all of them revolved around him. He pulls away and you smile at each other. His girlfriend walks to you guys, but luckily she hasn't seen. Your feelings of guilt and nervousness come back but the confusion, and hidden love secrets around him are no longer there. She leaves again, and it is just you and him sitting there. You talk and you become full of grief yet again because you both agree that you have to pretend it never happened and to move on with the people you are currently with. Which both of you resent. Because it's better for others. Because it shouldn't be like it. Because it's easier. Because it makes more sense. Their feelings will remain among the hidden stars. For now. **I hope you enjoy. I'm sorry for grammar mistakes or confusion. It was more intense then I originally planned. Please review, I never wrote Chola before and I REALLY want to know what you all think of it. Thank you! Review! ** End file.
Among the Hidden Stars by ToBecomeAClown
Zoey 101
Junior High School 1Junior High School **Okay so the gang had gone to junior high together at PCA and this is the summer of their eighth grade year going into their high school career. Should me interesting huh? I own nothing. ** "Okay guys I have to go. I will talk to all of you later!" Zoey said hugging the gang. It was the end of junior high and everyone was going home. Zoey was the second person to leave. Lola, her best friend, was first to leave. They both had a hard time saying goodbye. Getting into the car with Dustin she was thinking about her life here at PCA so far. How great it was, and how many new friends she has met. About ten minutes after leaving, feeling homesick already she got onto her laptop. She was listening to her favorite song, Island in the Sun, by Emma Roberts. Suddenly she got an IM from Lola. littlemisslolahere: Hey Zoey! Miss me much? Zoeygirl2u:Ya! You have no idea! (Lola's Point of View) 'Man I miss everyone' Chaselovesher: I need your help Lo. littlemisslolahere: shoot. Chaselovesher: I am going to tell her...I just don't know how to. littlemisslolahere: OMG!!! Okay well just tell her, Use your heart! Some guts, but most important be yourself. Chaselovesher: thanks lola. I owe you much littlemisslolahere: yeah you do. Good luck! Let me know how it goes. (Chase's Point of View) Chaselovesher: Hey Zoey! I miss you soo much you have no idea. Zoeygirl2u:I miss you too. Chaselovesher: Can I tell you something? Its kind of...big. Zoeygirl2u: Shoot Chaselovesher: I love you. There I said it. It's true. But you probably don't like me. Your big dorky friend Chase. But I thought I would tell you. (Normal POV) Zoey just sat there in shock. She had liked Chase too, but was afraid to tell him. She was kind of hurt that he thinks that she thinks of him as her big dorky friend and nothing else. Zoeygirl2u: chase are you there???? Auto-message sent to Zoeygirl2u: Zoey I am sorry, but like I said its true. Please call me. As Zoey dialed chases number she was unsure of what she would say. "Hello?" "Chase" "Oh, hi Zo." "Chase I love you too. But you are not just some dorky friend of mine." "You are telling me that you love me too?" "Should I not be?" "No I am glad that you are telling me." "Yah." "I'll talk to you later Zoey. I love you." "I love you too." Chase had already hung up "Chase and Zoey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Dustin and her dad chimed from the front Zoey just sat there, she didn't care. She had told Chase and he felt the same way. Chase was her's finally. End file.
Junior High School by TSBlondeBabe
Zoey 101
I'm Sorry **A/N: well i wrote this story like a year ago, and i came across this (and like 10 other stories which i may or may not be posting) so i deciding to upload it. im not sure if its any good, but its orignal. please read and review!!! ** Dana was on the search for Logan. He left again, and she wanted to know where he went. But this time, she was ready (to follow him, that is). Logan had announced he was going to shoot some hoops, but, honestly, why would Logan go shoot hoops when there were girls more gorgeous than her, just waiting for Logan to ask them out? Dana crept through the path far far behind Logan so he wouldn't hear her following him. Finally, a few minutes later, she came to an opening and lo and behold... Logan was actually shooting hoops. It was on a basketball court, pretty much in the woods, towards the edge of the campus, so people didn't tend to go here too often. Dana gave a silent roar of frustration. So Logan WASN'T secretly seeing some girl. He was actually telling the truth for once. That's so... Loganish. And then Dana felt a drop of rain. And then another and another. "Just my luck," she muttered, as she felt her make-up and hair getting destroyed from the water. She turned to look at Logan who now had his shirt off, still practicing his shots. Well... she thought to herself... there ARE compensations. His chest was something to admire. So, for the next ten minutes, she just stood behind her hiding spot (a bush) and watched Logan's glistening muscles. And suddenly, she heard music. A guitar to be exact. And then a guy's voice starting to sing a song by Brand New. She knew who that was. Liam Hensley, an extremely hott emo guy, in her opinion. His dyed black hair pushed to one side was always perfect; his tight jeans looked amazing on him. He could sing and play the guitar. But the only bad part is that... he was rumored to be gay. Figures. All the hott ones are. Logan apparently heard the music, looked up, and smiled. _Smiled. _Logan does NOT seem like the type to smile at a supposedly gay guy. He seems the type to call them a queer and shove them into their lockers. "Hey!" Logan called out to him. "Hey yourself," Liam called back. "Come here, I made a new song. It's kinda about you." He gave a sheepish smile. "Nah, you gotta play me in basketball first." "I'm gonna lose. No way. Sports aren't my thing." "Well, I _know_ that, but it keeps my self esteem up to cream you in B-ball." "Oh yeah, you can tell all the guys that you beat a pathetic gay boy at a sport he's only played a few times in his life. Impressive." "Shuddup Liam. Now get your ass over here." "What about my ass?" Logan glared, but ruined it by a small smile after. "Allllllllrighttt. I'm coming." Liam sighed. Liam approached the basketball courts slowly, as though going to death row. He already was completely soaked in the rain, and glad that he left his guitar under the dry tree. "Happy?" "Very. Now, THIS is a basketball. You try to shoot it in the basket." Logan was explaining the rules slowly, as though he was talking to a very incompetent three year old. "The ball goes up and down the court by dribbling." Liam rolled his eyes. "Pshh, give me the ball. I'll show you how it's done." Logan, handed the ball over reluctantly, eyes narrowed, not sure what to expect. The emo boy grabbed the basketball and started running to his end of the court, not bothering to dribble at all. "Hey! That's traveling!" Logan quickly caught up to him... and followed Liam onto the grass... where he was still running with the ball in a big circle, looking like a retard. Finally, the shirtless egotistical jock caught up to him and jumped him, bringing them both down on top of one another. Their heads were six inches apart, and Logan looked down at Liam's lips, as the rain poured down around them... but then thought better of it, finally stood up quickly, and cleared his throat nervously. His cheeks were beyond flushed, his bare chest gleaming more than ever. Liam finally said, "well... that song I was gonna play you.." "Oh. Right." He looked relieved that something would take his mind off of what might have happened. Liam grabbed his guitar, and sat down in the rain soaked grass. "But... won't the water ruin your guitar?" He shrugged. "It'll dry." Liam began singing. (INSERT MEANINGFUL SONG HERE) **A/N: yeahhh theres no sense in acutally putting a song cuz no one reads them. ** Logan knew the song was for him. He closed his eyes for a moment, then took a big breath, as though confirming what he was about to do. One hand on Liam's cheek, he moved his head towards his tentatively, closing the gap... Dana had no idea what to do. On one hand, seeing these two hott guys kiss (one of which was shirtless and toned) was strangely one of the hottest things she's ever seen in her life (trust Logan to get another hott guy to be gay with)... but on the other hand... the more important hand, Logan was taken. By the last person that Dana would've expected. She would never have her shot with Logan Reese. She wanted to scream, cry, pull the two boys apart...yet keep watching them. Logan pulled apart abruptly. "I gotta go." At the look Liam gave him, he added, "not because... well... I just have to leave." The other boy nodded, and stood up, clutching his guitar somewhat nervously. "So... same time next week?" "...yeah." Liam started his way down the path, and as Logan went back to pick up his shirt, he turned around, thinking he was alone now, surprised to see Dana. Absolutely Livid. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU FAGGOT?!" Logan stepped back, tightened his jaw, and swallowed hard, pretending those words didn't hurt at all. "Ah... well, you know..." "No, I did NOT know you decided to become GAY!" "It's not as if I CHOSE it!" "I don't freaking BELIEVE it. You have all the girls falling to your feet and you choose a gay guy." "Dana... please-" "STOP? I will NOT. Why did you go out with all those girls then?" "Fucking STOP it! You have no idea how hard this is already for me." "Hard for YOU?! For the first time in my life I actually fall for a guy... and he dates all the girls but me... and then turns GAY. So I'll never have a chance." Logan had a look of regret on his face, but anger took over. "I'm SORRY, okay? I'm SORRY that I'm gay is an inconvenience for you. I'm SORRY that I dated all those girls to see if I liked ANY of them (which I didn't). I'm SORRY that being gay might offend you. I'm SORRY that I CAN'T FUCKING BE IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Logan Reese had cracked. He wasn't putting up a front, or wearing a mask. He crumpled to the ground, and put his head on his knees. Dana regretted everything she just said and sat down next to him. "No," she said quietly. "I'm the one who should be sorry." Logan suddenly looked panicked. "Fuck! How am I supposed to tell my friends... or worse, my DAD. Shit Dana. I have no idea what to do." She noted his voice cracking a bit, and he turned his head the other way for a moment, but she didn't miss him wiping off his tears. When he faced her again, there wasn't any tears to be seen, but the fact that they were there a second ago was a big enough impact. "Everything will be okay Logan." He shook his head, not believing what she said. Dana suddenly threw her arms around him and embraced him tightly. The boy she cared about most was in trouble. And just because he didn't have the same feelings as her doesn't mean she'll forget him. "Fuck, I love you Logan." She said it quietly, and didn't let go of him forever. Or as long as he would let her. Because his heart would never be his to give to her. Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. You just have to accept that your heart WILL get bruised and broken no matter what you do. It's not fair, but neither is love. **A/N: was it worth posting? im not even sure. reviews please!** End file.
I'm Sorry by scrivania
Zoey 101
1. He read it **He read it** **Courage** **Chapter 1** **Disclaimer: I don't own the cast of Zoey 101.** **Dana's POV** I was writing my piece for the school's online newspaper. **Courage** _Always try to have courage. Without it how can you live life. Without with courage how can you live **your** life. Your life would be filled with 'What ifs' and 'I wonders'. That is no way to live. I know what all you shy people who are reading this are saying. What is she talking about she has the guts everyday to yell at teachers or punch people in the face. She doesn't know what it feels like to everyday wonder if only I tell that one person how I really feel. Or what if I do say yes to making out with him. . . then what? I wish I had the courage to be like this and like that. I wish I had the courage to not care about my image. To not care about what he would think when I tell him I love him. I wish I had the courage to stand on my rooftop and confess my love for him for the school to hear. That is to much to wish for. I know that I could never have that much courage. That much strength to not care. I guess this proves that I do have a heart. That I do care. That I am human and have feelings. And yes it proves that like each of us I cry myself to sleep sometimes because of those what ifs. Now I just wish I have the courage to go down to his room and tell him my feelings. I know that my friends and enemies may be surprised by this. I mean I am the schools tough chick who has the courage. . . the heart to succeed in what I want. That is true to a point but it stops at him. The mystery boy who I don't have the heart to tell him how I feel because he stole my heart. So this post is about courage. About finding strength. You never know if he/she might like you and don't have the courage to tell you. So I say it is you turn to have the courage because that person may find it. So remember find the heart within you. The strength to succeed. The courage to live._ **_Zoey 101_** I sat bak and read my work. I was quite proud of myself. I join the school's online newspaper. I write advice column and an 'Ask the Tough Tomboy'. Zoey had the job first. A lot of people didn't like her advice. She was to kind. So as a detention I had to write a advice column. The English teacher loved it so we parted a deal. I can't get any more detention if I take the job. I had to be crazy for not doing. It became a lot of fun. People really enjoyed by down to earth advice. I can't post that paragraph. It is to mushy and sweet. It has Logan written all over it. He reads it he is so going to life in my face. Logan. The boy who stole my courage and my heart. I tap my foot thinking of what I should write as the advice column today. I realize I had to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom. **_Zoey 101_** I came back up in less then three minutes. I was drying my hands with a wash towel. Nicole was on the computer. "Nicole. I was writing something," I told her. "Hey Dana. I know I read it. It was really good. I post it already," she said and went back to Iming. I didn't know what to say. Nicole looked back at me. "What you weren't done?" she asked. "It wasn't supposed to posted!" I yelled. "I thought you were writing as the advice column because you were typing it on the school newspaper document thing," she said. "No! Now the whole school is going to read it!" I yelled. "They would know you like Logan," she added. "How you know?" she asked. "Because I read it and is kinda easy to see," she said. I sat on my bed. I too a deep breath. "Then why would you post it?" I asked her madly. "I thought it was your way of asking him out. Like in the baseball games on screen. I thought you were doing to confess your love to the whole PCA," she said. I looked at her like she was crazy. I began to pace back and forth. "Okay so what if no one reads it?" I asked out loud. "Please. You know that site has like 1,000 hits and all because of your column. If if they don't read it then they can just go back into the old columns," Nicole. "Thanks for helping," I said. "Sorry," she said. "Then what could I do to not let people talk?" I asked. "Ask the editor to delete it," Nicole said. "No she wouldn't she told us no mistake. If we make one we have to live with it," I said. "Okay you could wait till it blows over," she suggested. "How long will that take?" I asked the know it all. "Weeks or until something bigger happens," she said. "Weeks! That is to long. What could happen so big that would make this to look small?" I asked Nicole. "I don't know," she said. "Well it is Friday. If nothing happens by Sunday morning. Something will happen. You are going to make that something happen," I told her with an evil smirk. "No," she screamed I think because she was scared. "You have to," I told her. "Why?" she asked. "You posted it. Plus you live with me. If you don't then you should be afraid of going to sleep," I told her. "Fine," she said. I walked to the door with my ipod. I needed to get air. This is might be one of the last times I can be seen in public. It might be a good time to think of a plan to make Nicole do something. Something BIG. _**Zoey 101**_ I was walking I swear all eyes were on me. Nicole posted less then 30 minutes ago. I sat down on a bench next to the lake. I watch the sun go down while listening to some soft music. This maybe the last Friday I spent outside of my dorm and I am spending it like this. I looked to my left and in the view I saw a cafe shop. I swear everyone one in there was on a computer. I looked to my left and saw Logan. He was in the grass and few yards left. He had a girl and a laptop in his hands. They were laughing. The girl was his newest toy. Her name was Beth. She was fairly pretty. I bet they were reading my column. I close my eyes trying not to think of what Logan might do to me after he reads my column. I am not going to be able to show my face. I still have to go to class. Then I have to eat lunch in my room. I felt someone tap my on my shoulders. I turned around to a girl I don't know. "Yes?" I asked. "You are the girl who writes the advice column on the computer?" she asked. "Yea?" I asked rudely. Great she is hear to rub it in my face. "I read your questions and responds everyday. I read and reread your advice column. I even wrote to you once. I say that this week's advice column was the best. It was so real. Down to earth. I would say I wouldn't picture you the girl to just let your deepest secret out like that. It is so real. So good. You are a great writer. I hope you get that boy. He would be a fool not to. The advice I wrote to you about it worked," she spilled out. Nicole would like her. "What was your question to me?" I asked. The questions are anonymous. "About a guy that cheated on me. I asked if I should take him back. You told me it would be the best thing to do. If I did I make him work for me before going out with me. I made him work and he hasn't cheated on me since," she said. "Well other piece of advice. If he cheats on you again. Drop on the spot. Make sure it is in front of mad people so you embarrass him," I told her. "Thanks and good luck," she said. She left. So one person liked what I did. I took a deep breath. Hopefully everyone else was like her. I got out and left. I was walking off the grass. I heard someone called my name. I looked back to Logan. I gave him a what eyebrow. He turned away from me. I continued to walk up the hill. I took one last look back. So did Logan. Our eyes met. He read it and I knew it. 2. To have **To have** **Courage** **Chapter 2** **Disclaimer: I don't own the cast of Zoey 101.** **Dana's POV** I made my way to my room slowly. I was thinking how could I face Logan? My heart jumped at every noise as I walked. I was unsure why. I sighed. Why me? Why did I write it? I know it felt good to vent out but look where it got me. I slowly walked. "Dana! What you wrote was crazy good," some kid yelled to me. "Yea. I loved it. It was so brave. I hope that Logan follows you up on it," another girl said. "He better. She is worth it," one girl said. "You a great writer!" a boy shouted. I looked around me. What was going one. They are all so supposed to be laughing and making fun of me. "Thanks," I said. I don't think they heard it. "Welcome," a boy shouted to me. I turned around. I was heading to my dorm but forget that. They are right if Logan doesn't respond, forget him. I could do better. I march my way to where I left Logan. I got to the lake and he was no where in sight. I shrugged my shoulders to my myself. I heard a female in tears near by. I am not one to be noisy but I looked around to see who it was. It was Beth. Logan new 'toy'. I walked down to her. If it had something to do with Logan, then I am noisy. "Are you okay?" I asked in my sweetest voice. "No," she mumbled. "Logan left me. After he read that stupid column of yours he told me that he didn't want me no more. That he was in love with someone else," she said. "Oh. It be okay. He isn't all that," I said to the girl. She got up. She looked at me. "Yes he is. Now I can't have him because of you," Beth said. She slapped. Oh no this little bitch did not slap me. I didn't slap her. Oh no. My mommy taught me better than that. I punch her in the face. She fell to the floor. I would have kept on fighting her if someone didn't grab me by the waist and pull me back. As soon as those arms were around me, I knew who it was. I smelled his scent. "Logan get off of me," I yelled. "If I do. You would kill her," he said. He wasn't playing around. "She hit me first," I yelled for my defense. By this time Beth had gotten up and ran away. Please she acts like we don't go to the same school. Let alone live in the same dorm.Logan's strong arms let me go. "God now looked what you did," I told him. "I stop you from getting suspended," he said. "So? No one told you to," I yelled at him. "So? I wanted to," he yelled back. I looked at him and turned my back on him. "We need to talk," he said. "Okay," said. "Not here," he said. I looked around. Between me and Beth's fight to me and Logan's argument there was a huge scene around us. "Where you want to go?" I asked. I still haven't looked him straight in the eye. I am to scared for that. "My room. It is empty," he said. "Okay." _-------Zoey 101-------_ We were back at his room. He was sitting on his bed. I was spinning around in the computer chair. "Dana!" he screamed at me. It scared me to tell you the truth. "What?" I asked. "Why did you write that?" he asked. "I don't know. I wasn't supposed to be posted. Nicole did it by mistake. I would never have to courage to do something like that," I said. "Oh," he said. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to like put you out there like that," I told him. I spun the chair around so I could face him. He lifted his head like it was fate. I couldn't breathe. I was so scared that if I did this moment would be gone forever. The room didn't room. Every little detail that I always remembered I forgot. All I saw was Logan. All I knew was Logan. The way he looked at me. No other person has ever looked at me in such a way. I felt sexy. I felt perfect in his eyes. Like I could get no better. Of course we had to breathe and the moment was lost. I know it would forever remain in my heart. "Did you mean it?" he asked me. I just nodded my head. "Oh," was all he said again. Then he got up. He walked right to me. I felt like everything stood still. Everything was a blur. Only Logan was seen. The next thing I knew, the next thing I felt, were his lips against mine. First it was sweet and boring. Then to rough and intense. We pulled apart to take a breath. "What. . . "I started. Then Logan put a finger to my lips. "Shhh," he said. He kissed me again. _--------Zoey 101 -------------_ It has been 3 days since my boyfriend and me kissed. By boyfriend I mean Logan. He is so cute and clingy. I love it. He is mine. Not my boy toy or anything but mine. _Hey guys. This is a follow-up courage column. I really didn't have the courage to post the column last week. My friend did it for me. I am glad she did. Things came up good at the end. Courage is something that everyone needs. Not to much of it. That might get you in trouble. To find the courage to look in someone's eyes and tell them how you feel, really tell them, is unbelievable. To just live life not being held down by your fears is to really live. So courage and no fear is the perfect to live life in my book._ I sat back re-read my work and hit post. "Hey babe," Logan said as he walked through the door to my room. "Hey," I said. He walked over to me and kissed me. We pulled apart. I looked right in to his eyes. My courage risen. "I love you," I said. For the first time I told my boyfriend that I love him. He smiled at me. "I loved you more," he said. To have courage is to live life. End file.
Courage by chichicutie
Zoey 101
Arachno what now? **I thought of this while watching the episode **_**Quarantine **_**(when Quinn made that freaky germ and the bio-hazard people made Zoey, Lola, Quinn, Chase, Michael and Logan stay inside in case they were contagious). Anyway, did anyone notice how Logan nearly pissed himself when he saw Quinn's tarantula Herman XD Well, that inspired this story. Here's **_**Arachno-what-now?**_ **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.** "Quinn, I really don't want to do this," Logan said, sitting on the edge of Quinn's bed. He and Quinn were alone in the girls room. "Logan you have to face your fear," Quinn said, reaching into the glass case that held her pet tarantula, Herman, "This will help you get over your arachnophobia." "Aracno-what-now?" Logan asked, looking nervously at Quinn's hand, which now held that hairy, eight-legged creature. "Arachnophobia," Quinn said, now use to explaining words like that to her boyfriend, "It means an unusually strong fear of spiders." Quinn sat next to Logan, who scooted away, eyeing the spider warily. "Hold out your hand," Quinn said. "There's no other way to do this?" Logan asked. Quinn thought for a moment. "I could always shock the fear out of you," Quinn suggested. "Shock?" Logan repeated. "Yeah, I put two pads to the palm of your left hand and your right temple that are attached to a power source and send a small electric shock through your body-" Quinn said. Logan shook his head in disagreement. "Give me the creepy crawly," Logan said, holding out his hands, eyes clothes. Logan felt Quinn's cool hands touch his, and then something with many legs crawl into his hand, sendingunpleasent shivers up his arms. "Oh my god!" Logan said, "Quinn, I'm not liking this." "Just stay still," Quinn said, "And open your eyes." Logan opened one eye to see the hairy creature right in his hands. He took a deep shaky breath. "Now is it so bad?" Quinn asked. "Not that bad," Logan said, "It has nice hair." Quinn giggled. She kept her hands under Logan's, just in case Herman freaked him out and Logan dropped him. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking up at Logan. He was taking deep breaths, his dark brown weyes larger than usual. "Yeah," Logan said, "Just fighting off a panic attack." "Do you want me to take him back?" Quinn suggested. Logan shook his head. "Just give me a few seconds," he said. They sat there is silence. Herman began to crawl his way up Logan's arm. Logan flinched, but remained still. But then Herman got a _little _to close to his face. "Take him Quinn," he said in a shaky voice. Quinn took Herman off of Logan's shoulder and stood up to put Herman back in his glass case. "How was that?" she asked, sitting back next to Logan. Logan shivered in disgust. "Gross," Logan said, "But it felt good to at least get over the fear a little." "And you did a great job," Quinn said with a smile, "In fact, I think you deserve a gift for being so brave." "What kind of gift?" Logan asked with a grin. He already had an idea of what Quinn was talking about. Quinn wrapped her arms around Logan's neck and pulled in toward her, their lips connecting in a deep kiss. Logan's arms snaked around her waist, pulling her into his lap. Eventually, the need for air became too great and they had to part, but their lips were still touching. "Mmmm, I like that gift," Logan murmured against Quinn's lips. His lips trailed lower over her neck. "Now aren't you glad I helped you get over your arachnophobia?" Quinn asked, sighing in contentment as Logan's lips traveled back up to trace her ear. He whispered softly in her ear and Quinn could here the joking smile on his face as he said "Arachno-what-now?" **There's **_**Arachno-what-now?**_** I also suffer from arachnophobia. I can't even be in the same room with a spider, unless it's in a cage. Spiders just give me the chills. Too many legs and eyes and they're just creepy (shivers) Anyway, I hope you liked this little story. Please Review!** End file.
Arachno what now? by MoonlightSpirit
Zoey 101
WHO? Who!? Wednesday: "Oh MY GOD! The Jonas Brothers are coming to PCA!" squealed Lola. "REALLY!?" Zoey screamed "YES! They're coming to visit their cousin or somthing...BUT YES!" Lola replied. "Hey girls..." Chase said as he walked into the girls lounge "what's up?" He continued "The Jonas Brothers are coming to PCA!" Lola said "Oh yea I know...they're coming to see me...they're my cousins..." "NO WAY!?" Zoey said "Yes way!" Chase replied "are moms are sisters...they both have curly hair...that's where I got my bushy hair and that's where Nick got his curls..." "Chase...the dean wants you in his office...something about famous visitors..." A boy said to Chase "Okay..." He replied. Then he said to the girls "they're here...if you want you can come with to meet...just NO screaming, squealing, or anything of the nature...DEAL!?" "Deal" both of the girls said...they started to walk towards the deans office. When they got there the secretary told them to go on in. They walked in and the first thing they saw was the dean "singing" (if you could even call it that) "Year 3000" and "dancing" (again...if you could even call it that). "Sir?" Chase said interupting the dean's "performance". "Oh Chase, you're your cousins, THE JONAS BROTHERS, are here. If you would like they may stay in an extra dorm room across the hall from yours...while they're here..." "But Dean Rivers...Justin Wallhouse and Tim Trautman live there..." "Not for this week they don't..." "We don't have to ...we can stay in the hotel across the's no big deal...we swear" Kevin said. "No don't be're going to stay in that room and it's final!" The Dean ordered. "Alrights" and "Okays" were heard throughout the room. "Well Chase, go ahead and show them around... and we are really looking forward to your performance on Friday. And WELCOME TO PCA!" said the Dean While walking around PCA you could hear girls scream and guys saying to their girlfriends... "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" then they would see the Jonas Brothers and they would scream too. As soon as they got to the boys' dorm they went in and got settled. All the while Zoey was just staring at Nick. And he wasn't trying NOT to stare at her. "So who are these lovely ladies?" Joe asked "Oh this" pointing to Zoey "is Zoey and this is" pointing at Lola "is Lola. Zoey, Lola, these are my cousins, Joe, Kevin, and Nick...NICK!?" "WHAT!?" Nick asked. Pulling his gaze from Zoey and making her look at Chase as well. "What are you looking at?" Joe asked as a small smirk spread on his face knowing exactly WHO he was looking at. "Nothing" "Okay well we better go...BYE" Lola said while pulling Zoey away. "YOU LIKE NICK!?" Lola squealed as soon as they were in the lounge. "So...and be quiet...I don't want him to know!" " He likes you too...he couldn't keep his eyes off of you!" Lola told her. "Whatever.." FRIDAY: The day of the performance was the concert Nick while singing "S.O.S" and "Hold On" would wink at Zoey every once in awhile...Zoey of course saw and couldn't believe it...NICK JONAS liked her. Lola WAS right. So after the concert Zoey went up to Nick and told him that he did great. "So what are you doing tonight at about 7?" Nick asked Zoey "Nothing...well I was going to hang out with my room mates but I can do that anytime. Why?" She said. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" "YES!" Zoey shouted "Okay so meet me by the fountain at 7?" "YES!" Zoey shouted yet again. "Okay, see you then" he said while leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. "YES!" Zoey knew that her and Nick were going to have the best time of their life. But what she didn't know was that Chase was around the corner watching the scene take place and he was very mad at Nick. Nick knew that he liked Zoey...he had to have...he talked about Zoey all the time when he came home for holidays and for the summer. At least Nick got the hint ...but he was wrong. Chase walked up to Zoey. "YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH MY COUSIN!?" Chase yelled "Yea. So? What's the big deal?" Zoey asked "He's my cousin...he's leaving'll probably NEVER see him again...and I...LO.." Chase stopped himself "You what?" Zoey asked " Iloveyou" he said in a rush then ran off. " Did he just say he loved me?" Zoey asked her self then ran after Chase When she caught up with him he was at the fountain looking at the water. "Chase...did you say that you Lo..." Zoey was caught off by Chase. "NO! I just...just go on the date...okay Zo' just go on the date and have fun okay!?" "Okay, Fine" That night Zoey couldn't even consentrate on her date with NICK JONAS...and he caught on why. "Chase told you didn't he?" "What!?" Zoey asked "He told you he loved you didn't he?" "Yea...but how did you know" "You haven't even heard a word I have said all night and...he kinda talks about you nonstop when he's home for holidays and for the kinda gets annoying but you tell he really has feelings for you...and well I'm leaving on Sunday...and I think that you should go for him and not me...considering you have only known me for what ..2 or 3 have known Chase for 2 or 3 YEARS!" "Really...I mean ...I guess I have always had this thought in the back of my mind that me and him would maybe become more than just friends after awhile but when you asked me out...I just kinda put it in the WAY back of my mind where the stuff that I don't want to think about anymore goes..." "GO FOR IT...go now and tell him...I understand...I promise...but before you go..." He leans in and kisses Zoey on the lips. "Wow I just kissed Nick Jonas..." Zoey said "Yea well go tell Chase..." "GOING...bye..." "Bye" Zoey ran to Chase's room and opened the door. She saw him on the couch watching T.V. with Michael. She didn't care...she went up to him and kissed him...while they were kissing Michael was in the background going "WOOT WOOT GO MAN YOU GOT THE GIRL WOOT WOOT" Zoey and Chase broke off and looked at Michael funny...but then Zoey said it... "I LOVE YOU TOO CHASE" "Really?" Michael and Chase said at the same time "Yes, Now Michael...leave..." Zoey replied "Gladly" Michael said while walking out of the room " I have been waiting soooooooo long for no more of Chase moping around about you having a date with someone!" "So we together now?" Chase asked "DUH" Zoey said while kissing him again SUNDAY: On Sunday they said bye to Nick, Kevin, and Joe...and lived happily ever after...THE END! A/N: Okay I know it is a stupid ending and kinda pointless but I just got the Jonas Brothers C.D and I kinda thought that I would write a story with them and " Zoey 101". OH YEA...I don't own the Jonas Brothers or their songs...and I don't own " Zoey 101". Well it was a short oneshot that just came to me while writing...hope you like it...and maybe some one else who has more time on their hands than I do can actually write a fanfic with the Jonas Brothers in it...Read and Review...Flames are welcome... LOVE MUCH, CHASE ANDZOFOREVA! End file.
WHO? by chaseandzoforeva
Zoey 101
Kisses Don't Lie **Kisses Don't Lie** **One shot** **Disclaimer: I don't own the song (Kisses Don't Lie by RIHANNA ) or the cast.** "Today is the day. I am going to tell her," I told Michel and Logan. They looked a little surprised at my sudden confident urge to tell Zoey. "That is good, dude," Michael said. "Finally," Logan added. " How are you going to do?" Michael asked. "I am going to kiss her then tell her I love her," I said proudly. "Wow what a plan," Dana said sarcastically while standing at the door way. "We really need to lock that door," I said. "It wasn't lock. I have a key," Dana said holding at up. Michael and I looked at Logan. Dana has been spending all her free time with her new boyfriend. "What she gave me a key, too," Logan said. "You could have told us. It is our dorm, too," Michael said. "What you guys spend as much time with her as I do. Chase, who helps you with your problems about Zoey?" Logan asked. "Michael, who is the only challenge you have in video games?" Logan asked. It was true the past weeks Dana has become a new bestfriend to all of us. "I am still here," she said. No one answered she rolled her eyes. "Back to my plan. I am just going to kiss her then tell her," I repeated. "Why kiss her first?" Michael asked. "Kisses don't lie," Dana answered. _Kisses dont No they dont Never dont lie You can run if you want but you cant hide Telling you its the truth dont you ask why Kisses dont No they dont Kisses dont lie _ Michael and Logan looked confused. "Okay. Like when me and a boy kiss for the first time you know it is love because you feel it in the kiss," Dana said. Logan and Michael seemed to understand. Logan seemed to get mad at the sound of Dana kissing someone else. That was what I was doing it. I didn't want Zoey to not believe me when I told her I loved her. It was the truth. So I was going to show her it is is love. I know it is love. The the way my heart flutters when she is near. My face has an urge to change to red when she gently touches me. When she laughs it make me dream of us. With every smile she throws my way new fantasies are created. I thought I have felt love before but it was nothing like this. I have have never trusted a person they way I do with her. I would got to the end of the world for her. Just her and and only her I would fight. I would be a lover and a fighter only for my love.__ Emotions come and go Almost how the wind will blow There so little in this world to trust in Seduce themselves with lies Some dont realize They call it love but its really only lusting "So when are you going to do this?" Dana asked. I pulled out my cellphone. "Zoey met me at the lake," I said. "Okay," she said. The people in my room look at me surprised at what I just did. I left hearing them say good luck. Boy, was I going to need it. I sat down waiting Chase. Shouldn't he be here? He called me? What if he stands me up? It is not like it is a date. I wished it was. I wish I could tell Chase what he does to me by seating next to me. How she hurts me by not being with me. How can I say something like that to my bestfriend. He wouldn't understand. He wouldn't want to talk to me no more. No one knows of my undying affection for Chase. Some some may have guessed it by now but none will ever now how strong it really is. It has been five minutes since I came here. I got up to walk away. _ So you see you and me We're getting close to the danger zone Show me how tell me now Should I stay or should I go Cause I'm caught between yes and no _ All sudden Chase came from no where. He kissed me. So I did the only I could. I kissed him back. It was everything I hope for. I put everything I felt into the kiss. I know he was doing the same. I felt loved and safe. As if no one could harm me. My heart pumped and pounded harder and harder. Just when I flet like this kiss couldn't get any better it did. He reach up and held my face in his hands not stopping the kissing. My whole body exploded into words I couldn't explain. I felt loved even greater. I felt happy yet afraid it would end. I felt like my life have been complete. There was no need to ever again search for the one I love. _ Cause when you kiss me I feel everything that I been missing I try to slow down but my heart wont listen And its tearing me all up inside And when you touch me I feel a rush but I'm afraid that it might crush me Should I put my trust in something I dont trust in I try to run but theres no place to hide Cause baby kisses dont lie _ Then with much surprised as he did when he kissed me he pulled back. Who could pull back form a kiss that great? "Zoey, I love you," he whispered into my ear. There goes the answer to my question. You pull bak from a kiss that great to say something even better. I knew he was telling the truth. When did he start loving me? How did he start? Why didn't I notice?During all these questions I forgot to answer back. Chase face turn said. He walked away. Somehow my mouth didn't work. Maybe because it still tinged form the kiss we just shared. He begin to run back to his room. _ Kisses dont No they dont Never dont lie You can run if you want but you cant hide Telling you its the truth dont you ask why Kisses dont No they dont Kisses dont lie _ I walked into my room very mad. Logan and Dana were making out. I guess I closed the door hard because they both looked at me. "What happen?" Dana asked. "I kissed her. Everything was great. She was kissing back and everything. Then I scared her by telling her I loved her," I said. "Why did you run you should have waited for an answer," Logan said. "I don't know," I said while door the door opened. "I love you," someone whispered in my ear. _You whisper in my ear But are your words sincere Cause pretty words can cut just like a knife You see I'm nobody's fool I play by my own rules So please think twice before you step into my life _ I knew the voice. Was she telling the truth? Why didn't she say it before. What if she was lying to save out friendship? __ So you see you and me We're getting close to the danger zone Show me how tell me now Should I stay or should i go Cause I'm caught between yes and no Then Zoey walked in front of me and kissed me. I knew she was telling the truth. I felt it before when we kissed. I still have to asked her. So i could hear it from her. That could wait. I continued to kiss her. It was even better the second time knowing she love me. I pulled back. "Are you for real?" I asked her. "Yes," she said. "Okay because I . . ." I started. "Shut-up and kiss me," she said. _ _ _Cause when you kiss me I feel everything that I been missing I try to slow down but my heart wont listen And its tearing me all up inside And when you touch me I feel a rush but I'm afraid that it might crush me Should I put my trust in something I dont trust in I try to run but theres no place to hide Cause baby kisses dont lie _ End file.
Kisses Don't Lie by chichicutie
Zoey 101
The Sand Whisperer I just loved; he ran up to me and kissed my lips I just loved; he ran up to me and kissed my lips. I love Logan Reese. Right here, holding his hand beside me on the sandy beach. "I love you Quinn" he said. "I love you Logan' I replied back. It's just a beautiful day, and finally summer is here. Just me and Logan. Chase and Zoey were already off to Maui, so we said goodbye to them both before we went to the beach. A few minutes later, sand started coming in my eyes. But, that didn't matter because every day at 3:10, me and Logan would climb up his fathers' tree and just sit there with our lips moist and kiss one more time. End file.
The Sand Whisperer by ThereGoesHalo
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 It was early on Friday morning when he heard the news. 8:03 a.m. to be exact. The phone rang and Chase fell off his bed trying to reach it in time. Luckily, he reached the phone right before she was going to hang up. "Hello?" Chase asked into the speaker, out of breath. "Hi, Chase, it's Rachel," a clear sweet voice spoke into his ear. "Rachel? Why in the world are you calling so early?" Isn't it, like, five a.m. in New York." "Yes, but it's eight a.m. at PCA, isn't it?" "Yeah..." Chase muttered looking at his watch. "Well I thought you'd be up by now, sorry." "It's alright. Just...why? Why'd you call?" "I'm coming to PCA." "You're, what?!" Chase said with a touch of panic in his voice. "I'm coming today. Actually, I'm getting ready to go on the plane in a few minutes. We depart in about thirty minutes. I'll probably be there by four. So I'll see you in a little while, alright?" "Wait, Rachel-" "Oops, I've gotta go. My phone's got a low battery and we're boarding." "Rachel don't hang up. I need to-" The line had already gone dead. Chase groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Rachel. Rachel at PCA. Rachel with her huge beautiful green eyes, with long firey red, hair, and her spontaneity was going to be at PCA. Chase dialed his mother's cell phone number. "Chase? Do you know what time it is?" Mrs. Matthews asked "Um, yeah, Rachel just called to tell me that she is coming to PCA. Mother did you know anything about this?" "Of course not. Why is she coming?" "I don't know. That's why I called you." "Well, I don't really know what to say. I haven't even heard from Rachel or her mom for about a month. But you know Rachel. She's spontaneous and a tad bit crazy but, you know, we love her anyway." "I know Mom. It just bugs me that she didn't ok it with me first. I like to keep my home life out of my PCA life." "Well I hope you tell her that. I know how you get around her. She drives you insane when you aren't actually with her but as soon as you two are in the same room, you drop everything and she's suddenly flawless." "Mom that is not true." "Chase, don't worry about it. I'm sure it will all come together later. Call me and tell me how it works. I have to go." "Well, bye." "Bye sweetie, I love you."_ Click_. Chase sighed and rested his head in hands. Another wave of panic went through him. How would he explain her to Zoey? And everyone else. Other than Zoey, Rachel was his closest girl friend. They had known each other since they were babies because their mothers were best friends. Chase and Rachel were born only 6 and a half months apart and Rachel was the older of the two. Their childhood was filled with games of hide and seek, nintendo, and beanie baby wars (long story).But here's what I'm worried about. I haven't told my friends this, but the summer after eigth grade, Rachel and I started dating. It didn't work out. We figured out that we are much better off as friends. "Hey, what are you doing up?" Michael got off his bed and gave Chase a funny look. "I got a phone call," Chase muttered. "From back home?" "Yeah, sort of," he stood up and headed for the door, "I need a shower." * * * "Have you seen Chase today?" Zoey Brooks asked Nicole Bristow, who was lying in her bed reading Popstar magazine. It was about five p.m. on Saturday afternoon and Zoey hadn't seen Chase all day. It was especially weird because they had plans to go see a movie at 3:30 and he didn't show up. She watched I Am Legend by her self and that was completely boring because she couldn't stand action movies but Chase liked them. The only reason she went was because he wanted to see it. The only thing good about seeing the movie was that Will Smith was in it. Nicole pondered for a moment, "Actually, no. That's strange. Why?" "Well, we were supposed to go see I Am Legend at three and he kinda blew me off." "But Chase never forgets. Have you tried calling him?" "His phone's dead." Michael walked in the room, "Hey Nicole can I borrow ten bucks? I need to go get some new polish for my flute and I am poor." "Michael! Have you seen Chase?" Nicole asked. "Not since he went to go take a shower. He woke up at like eight because someone from home called and then he said he was going to take a shower and I haven't seen him anywhere." "I hope he's alright," Zoey said, "That's not like Chase." "Nicole, ten dollars?" "Oh, hold on, let me go get my purse. Nicole hopped off the top bunk and grabbed some money out of her Dooney and Burke bag and gave it to Michael. "Thanks," Michael bolted out the door before Nicole could tell him to pay her back. "I'm really worried, Nicole," Zoey said, "He must be upset. Last time he disapeered like this his Grandmother died. If he got a call from home, something must be wrong." "Michael better give me my ten dollars back. I only have fifteen left for the entire month." Zoey sighed,"I'm gonna go look for him." "See ya," Nicole said. Zoey looked around the campus, in his favorite spots, by trees, and a few fountains. Suddenly she spot him sitting on a bench. He was laughing. Zoey sighed with relief, realizing he wasn't upset. Then she saw it, next to him was a slim girl with curly red hair, smiling, and her head was resting on Chase's shoulder. Zoey backed away slowly, hoping he hadn't seen her and feeling a touch of hurt and betrayl. Chase had blown her of _to go on a date_. * * * A/N: Alright, this will be a short one. Maybe five or six chapters. It's another idea I had that turned out crappy the first time. (Like December of 2005.) I've also decided if I don't get a whole lot of reviews I'm just going to quit. I am turning 18 in a few days. I'm going to be going away for an internship for a year in August. It doesn't make sense to keep doing this if people don't appriciate it. Reviews are everything people. One time I got 20 reviews for one chapter of Reunited and I put the next chapter up the next day. Reviews inspire the author to continue on, even bad reviews, because then it inspires the author to do better. Enough preaching for me, I really do love the people who do review. You guys are awesome, really. But if you read something give feedback. Not just for me, for everyone that writes a story. I never read a story without reviewing. Sorry, just speaking my mind. I'm full of frustration. The confused-bored-upset-anxious-Noelle. 2. Chapter 2 Chase's Best Friend -Chapter Two- Zoey turned around and began to run so Chase and his date wouldn't see her completely humiliating herself. But it was too late, Chase spotted her and sat up abruptly. "Zoey! Wait!" It was too late. Zoey had already turned the corner and ran as fast as she possibly could. "So that's Zoey, huh?" Rachel asked, sweeping her beautiful red hair out of her sparkling green eyes. "Yes. And I completely forgot that I was supposed to see a movie with her this afternoon. I feel terrible," Chase looked angry. "Oh, man. I am so sorry," Rachel said with sympathy etched across her face. She got up and held up her hand to pull him off the bench. He let her pull him up. "Where would she be?" "Probably back in her dorm," Chase said. "You have to go and talk to her. I feel really awful." Chase saw the sincerity in Rachel's exquisite green eyes, "Alright. Wait, what are you going to do while I go find her?" "I don't know. I guess I'll just walk around campus." Rachel shrugged. "Why don't you just come with me. After I explain it all you can meet her and Nicole...and maybe Dana." "Alright." * * * Zoey burst into her room, breathing heavily and trying really hard not to cry. She didn't know why she felt so upset about this. Chase had gone on dates before. He even went out with Lola once... But hadn't she been upset about that also? Zoey remembered the feeling of being blown off for Lola. He had forgotten to play tennis with her. She felt like her territory was being taken over or something. Not that Chase was hers or anything. He was just her closest guy friend and Lola was...not her. Zoey shook her head. "I'm so confused," she moaned to Nicole. "Why?" Nicole looked up from her OK! magazine. "I found out why Chase didn't meet me for I Am Legend." Zoey sat (more like collapsed) on the dorm couch and took a drink of her Blix. "Why?" Nicole asked again. "I looked all over the place for him, hoping he was alright. I found him on a bench with _a girl_." "So?" Nicole asked, "Chase dates. I mean, he is a normal teenage guy. You can assume that he'll go on a few dates. Even if his hair is unnaturally bushy." "Yes but he didn't meet me at the movies like he promised over a girl. I can't help but feel hurt." Nicole thought for a moment, "What color hair did she have?" "Red, why?" Nicole squealed, "Aaaaw! I could always imagine him with a red head. Is she pretty." Zoey rolled her eyes, "I don't know. I guess so. I didn't really take a good look at her." There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Nicole hopped off the top bunk and opened the door, "Hi." "Is Zoey in here?" "Yeah. Wanna come in?" Chase stood over Zoey, who was on her bed reading, "Zoe?" "You don't have to explain, Chase. It's not a big deal. I would probably forget about going to the movies with you if I had a date." "A date?" Chase asked, trying not to laugh, he knelt down and looked at Zoey, "Zoe, that was my friend Rachel from New York. She pulled a surprise visit on me. I was just so wrapped up in her being here and trying to make her feel welcome that I completely forgot about going to the movies." "Oh..." Zoey felt stupid, "Well, then. I guess that explains it." Zoey felt a little bit relieved but there was still something wrong. It was a slight twinge of jealousy...maybe. "Where is she?" Nicole asked. "Actually, she's right outside the door. Wanna meet her?' Chase asked. "Sure!" Nicole said. "Yeah," Zoey said. "Rach, you can come in," Chase called. A beautiful girl with red curls and sparkling green eyes walked in. "Hi, she said, "I'm Rachel." Zoey shook her dainty hand, "I'm Zoey." * * * A/N: Finally updated! Review this and Aloha Means Hello and Good-Bye. I have the next chapter written. I just want to make sure everyone has read it. Noelle Joi 3. Chapter 3 **Chase's Best Friend** -Chapter 3- "Zoey, I've heard so much about you," Rachel looked up at Chase and grinned. "Oh, really?" _Cause I haven't heard a thing about you_, Zoey thought bitterly. "Yeah, from the first day you guys met, it's been Zoey this, Zoey that." "Really?" Zoey said, looking at Chase with a smile. Chase's face turned red and he smacked Rachel gently on the knee. "I talk about everyone with Rachel," Chase muttered, "She knows all." "Funny, I never heard anything about you, Rachel," Zoey said as nicely as she could say it and then looked at Chase pointedly. Chase turned even more red than he was before. It was very awkward seeing his two girl best friends co-mingling, especially when one of them knew that he was insane about the other one. "Oh, that's because I'm an embarrassment," Rachel said nonchalantly. Chase shook his head, "Yeah she is pretty embarrassing, but that's not why I didn't tell you, Zoey. I just don't like to mix my PCA life and home life together." "Why not?" Zoey asked. "Because...I don't know. It's weird." "Chase and I dated last summer," Rachel blurted out. Chase's mouth dropped open. Zoey looked at Chase, "Really?" Chase just nodded. Rachel went on, feeling like an idiot for rambling so much, "I guess this is the embarrassing part of me. We decided to date when Chase got home from PCA last summer. It didn't work out though. We're better off being friends." Zoey didn't know what to say. Chase looked at Rachel like he wanted to murder her. "Oh," Zoey finally muttered. "So, we'd better get going Rach. It's past curfew. Where are you staying?" "I was assigned to room 154 with some girl named Rebecca Green. Do you know her?" "Oh gosh," Chase smacked himself in the face multiple times. "What?" "Rebecca," Chase shuddered at her name. "I guess you _do_ know her," Rachel's eyes danced with laughter. "Rebecca!" Chase said, this time with emphasis. It took Rachel awhile, "Rebecca...Oh my goodness! That Rebecca?" "That Rebecca," Chase groaned. "Crazy, phycho, ex-girlfriend, Rebecca?" "Yes!" "Oh...well, I'll take care of that." "What?" Rachel smiled, "Nice to meet you, Zoey. Good-night Chase." And then she was gone. Chase stayed back and waited for Zoey to say something. "I've gotta go to bed," Zoey muttered after a long moment of silence. "Ok." "Bye." "Wait, Zoe, are you mad at me?" "Kinda," Zoey admitted. "I'm sorry I missed our movie. I'll make it up to you, I-" "Just go, Chase. I'm really tired and don't want to deal with this." "Ok," Chase gave her one last guilty smile, "Good-night." "'Night." * * * A/N: It's been awhile. Howdy do? Reviews are the cream of the oreo cookie. 4. Chapter 4 **Chase's Best Friend** **-Chapter 3-** "How long are you going to stay mad at Chase?" Nicole asked the next morning. Zoey was still upset that she had to watch a science fiction/horror movie without him. "I don't know," Zoey shrugged. After a quiet moment she added, "Hey how long is that Rachel girl going to be here?" "I'm not sure," Nicole said, "She's nice though. And I like her clothes." Zoey rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna go take a shower." * * * "So, what do you think of Zoey?" Chase asked Rachel. She met him in his dorm the next morning, with a cup of coffee and a danish. "I think she's great. I can't imagine what she thinks of me though. I acted like an idiot last night." "She probaly likes you," Chase re-assured her, "She was ticked that I didn't meet her at the movies last night." "Oh. That's probaly my fault," Rachel said. "Yeah, well, kinda," Chase said. "I'm sorry." Zoey said. "You're sorry?" Chase was perplexed, "For what?" "It's ok. Well, it will be. I guess," Chase said. "Yeah. What are you doing today?" "I have tennis with Zoey if she still wants to and Sunday nights we usually all go to Sushi Rox." "Sushi? Since when do you eat sushi?" Rachel asked, "You don't even like cooked fish!" "Well, I guess I learned to like it." Rachel looked at her friend hard for a minute, "Boy you've changed...But I missed you." "I missed you too," Chase kissed his friend on lightly on the cheek, "Come on, let's go find Zoey." "You find her. I want you guys to be ok." "Ok, what're you going to do then?" "I don't know. I guess I'll just explore." * * * Zoey got dressed, blow dried her hair and just as she sat down to do her makeup, there was a knock on the door. It was Chase. "Hey, Zoe." "Hi," stubborness welled up inside but she decided to fight it. "I'm sorry." "You're sorry?" Chase asked, "For what?" "Being so mad at you. I probaly would have done the same thing," Zoey say down on the couch. Chase sat next to her. "Really? You have a dysfunctional best friend back home?" "Not dysfunctional, but I do have a best friend back home." "Oh." "So why don't we go see a movie tonight? You, me, and Rachel?" Zoey asked. "Oh... that sounds interesting," Chase said. "What do you say?" Zoey asked again. Chase pondered for a moment, "I say, that sounds really nice." "Cool," Zoey smiled, "Well I have to finish getting ready." "I got it. I'm leaving. Thanks, Zoey. For understanding." "No problem," Zoey smiled again. Chase smiled back and departed. * * * A/N: One more chapter! So, I finally feel like I can write because Zoey 101 has officially come to end. (Starts to tear up.) I'm going to miss it. But I'm glad there was closure so I can write freely without the writers messing something up for me. Like when Lola was Lola Camacho and then turned to Lola Martinez... Review please, and tell me what you think of the series ending. 5. Chapter 5 **Chase's Best Friend** -Chapter 5- "Do you guys want popcorn?" Chase asked Rachel and Zoey once they all had gotten their tickets for the movie of the night. "Yes!" "Yes! Zoey and Rachel replied at the same time. They looked ate each other and laughed a bit. Chase laughed with them,"Okay, popcorn for two coming up."_ This is going to work_, he thought as he made his way to the concession stand. "So, how'd you and Chase meet?" Zoey asked. "We met in first grade..." She studied Rachel's face. Her emerald green eyes were sparkling. Her fair skin was filled with freckles. Her nose was very cute, small, and button-like. Her smile was enchanting. She was beautiful. _No wonder Chase fell for her. She's beautiful. She's fun. She's perfect._ "...and then he stole my zebra. We've been friends ever since." "What?" Zoey asked, "I'm so sorry. I just missed everything before 'and then he stole my zebra'." Rachel laughed, "It was first grade. Recess. All the girls and the boys were obsessed with cooties and stayed away from each other. But not me. I had a crush on a new boy just about every day. I also carried around an old stuffed zebra with me pretty much everywhere I went. Well on this one day- it was a friday. I decided I liked the kid who had bushy hair. It was poofy and very cute. So I followed him around the whole recess. He got so annoyed with me that he grabbed my zebra and ran away. I chased him the whole recess. This went on for about a week until we finally just started playing with each other. We've been best friends ever since." "What are you guys talking about?" Chase asked, three small popcorns in his arms. "How you and Rachel became friends," Zoey said. She tried to sound happy but felt somewhat sad that Chase had such a past and never told her. "Ah...the zebra." "The zebra," Rachel repeated with a laugh. "Well, let's go into the theater," Zoey said. They did. Zoey chose the middle row. She sat on Chase's left and Rachel sat on Chase's right. During the movie Rachel would whisper something in Chase's ear and he'd start cracking up. Zoey couldn't help but feel jealous. She hated the feeling. It really wasn't fair of her to be jealous. He was Rachel's friend first after all. When the end credits appeared on the screen and the lights flipped on Zoey shot up in her seat so fast. She wanted to get of there. She had some serious thinking to do. "Hey guys, I've got to go," Zoey said. "Alright, later Zoe," Chase said. "Nice meeting you Zoey," Rachel called out to her. "You too!" * * * The waved hit the shore with a soft splash. Zoey took a deep breath, drinking it all in. The ocean always calmed her down. Especially at night when she was alone. (Even though, technically, PCA students weren't allowed to go to the beach at night.) Chase. Why was Chase on her mind so much? Why did she feel betrayed? Why did she feel jealous? The questions continued to flow but in the back of her mind, Zoey knew the answer. She had feelings for him. Was it possible? Falling for her best friend? Yes. But what if he didn't feel the same for her? What if they did start dating and their whole friendship was ruined because they broke up? _You need to tell him_, a voice said in the back of her mind. And then Zoey continued watching the waves until she decided to walk back. * * * The next morning, Zoey woke up early and walked over to Chase's dorm. Hesitantly, she knocked on his door. Logan answered. "What do you want?" He asked. "I need to talk to Chase," Zoey said. "He's sleeping. Wanna make out instead?" Logan asked with a smirk. "I'm not sleeping!" Chase said. "Grow up," Zoey moved Logan out of her way. "Chase I need to talk to you." She studied him He was still in his pajamas but didn't care. "Ok," he said. "Logan do you mind leaving us alone?" "Whatever," Logan slammed the door behind him. "Rachel's not coming over here or something?" Zoey asked. "What?" "You two don't have plans?" "Zoe, she left last night. She had to be back to New York." "Oh," Zoey breathed a sigh of relief. Well now I don't have to tell him, she thought. But her mouth started moving anyway. "So, last night?" "Last night..." "I went to the beach after we watched the movie and stayed until like, ten o'clock, just thinking." "What were you doing at the beach at night alone? You could have gotten yourself killed?" "Just listen, please," Zoey said. "Ok." "I was just thinking about you and Rachel and everything...the feelings I've been feeling since she first came here." "What were you feeling?" "I don't know...jealous I guess. And then my jealousy made me realize that..." Zoey couldn't finish it. "Zoe, having you and Rachel together made me realize something too." "What's that?" "That you two are both my best friends. But there's a big difference between the two of you." "What's that?" "Rachel's my friend. But you, I like you Zoey. I like you more than a friend. And I want to be more than a friend with you. If you say no, that's fine. I just wanted you to-" Zoey gently kissed him on the lips,"I'd love to." Chase grinned and in his mind he screamed, _FINALLY!_ A/N: The end. Now I'm going to work on ending Aloha Means Hello and Good-bye. * * * End file.
Chase's Best Friend by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Candle on the water Candle on the water _**Candle on the water**_ _I'll be you're candle on the water. My love for you will always burn. I know your lost and drifting but the clouds are lifting soon you'll see a golden stream of light. _ Chase sat in a chair next to the hospital bed that Zoey was in. She had just had their first child. Her name was Melody Anna Matthews. When the nurse brought the baby in Zoey still hadn't woken up. Chase held the baby in his arms he smiled at Zoey and knew he would always love her. Their relation ship had some bumps and rough edges sometimes he felt lost like they were drifting apart but then he would see the light at the end of the tunnel and he knew that everything would be ok. _A cold and friendless time has found you don't let the stormy darkness hold you down. I'll paint a ray of hope around you circling in the air lighted by a prayer._ Three years later Chase was putting Melody to bed. He kissed her and said "now Mel you've had three bed time stories and I turned on you nightlight myself. It's way past bedtime." Melody said "daddy at daycare the other children make fun of me. Did people make fun of you at school? They say that my hair looks like a big blonde bush. I don't have any friends except for Maria and Annabel. They're like family and that doesn't count." Chase said "people poked fun at my hair a lot Mel. I had this one teacher who always asked whether it was a perm or not. Even your mother called me little names like fuzzy head or curly sue. The important thing is if you like how you look. Goodnight Melody and don't let those people hurt you just laugh it off. If you're really up what they say tell me when you get home and I'll introduce you to the tickle monster." Chase tickled his daughter until she begged him to stop. Then he left the room and went to bed. Before he went to sleep though he shook Zoey gently and said "Zoe our daughter's having friendship problems. She says that people make fun of her hair and won't talk to her. I want to help her but I don't know how. I want to put a shield around her feelings so she doesn't get hurt. She's got a soft skin I guess all I can do is pray that she gets a tougher skin so they can't hurt her anymore." _I'll be your candle on the water until every wave is warm and bright my soul is there beside you let this candle guide you. Keep holding on you'll make it here's my hand so take it look for me reaching out to show as sure as rivers flow I'll never let you go._ Every day after Chase got home from work Melody would run to him and want to have a visit from the tickle monster. He would wipe away her tears and tell her to ignore those other girls that made fun of her. One night Melody had been really hurt someone had actually beaten her up. Melody had to be taken to the hospital by her teacher. Chase and Zoey rushed to the hospital and asked to see their daughter. A nurse said that she was fine but she could only see on parent at a time because she was tired. Chase went in first his heart melted when he saw her sitting propped up in bed. He asked "how are you feeling Mel?" Melody said "dad will you hold my hand until I fall asleep? I was strong just like you told me. I guess I wasn't strong enough." Chase said "Mel you were a very brave girl. I'm proud of you. You took a punch and you didn't fight back. That proves that you will make it in life. I'm going to hold you're hand and I'm not going to let go of it until mommy comes in to see you. Mommy's proud of you to your whole family is very proud of you. End file.
Candle on the water by Music of the wind
Zoey 101
Games and Prizes I don't own anything, except the plot. Set in season one. Enjoy! * * * Dana, Chase, Zoey, and Nicole were sitting at their usual lunch table eating and talking about random things that came to mind. There was a carefree atmosphere due to the fact that the school year was almost up and final exams were finally over. The soon-to-be-highschoolers had just finished their lunch when Logan and Michael raced over to them. Catching his breath, Michael began to speak, "Guys, we gotta go to the gym, there's some kinda end of year game thingy goin' on, and they're giving away prizes!" Chases eyes lit up at the word 'prizes' and he jumped out of his seat, "Like what? New cell phones? Candy? Free cars?!" he asked excitedly. "Chase, you can't even drive," Zoey said in a 'duh' tone of voice. Chase raised his eyebrow, "Are you telling me you wouldn't want a free car? I mean come on, it's a free car!" "Yeah, Zoey, a car is a car," Nicole added. Dana looked at Nicole, "Oh really? I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up," she said sarcastically. Logan smirked at Dana's comment and Nicole pouted. Zoey, being the peacemaker she was, decided to step in, "Guys, they're not even giving a car away, so I think we can drop the whole conversation." "Yeah, but still, there's prizes, so let's go!" Chase said as he got up and walked toward the gym. Michael and Logan followed and Zoey got up from her chair, "Are you guys coming?" she asked looking at Nicole and Dana. Nicole stood up, "Yeah, I'm coming, I'm really full of energy right now, so I'm totally up for a game!" she said smiling. "You're _always _full of energy," Dana sighed, "I guess I'll come watch, someone is bound to get hurt and I could use a good laugh." By the time the girls caught up with the boys they were at the gym doors. As they walked in they saw a big round table with about 15 kids crowded around and a man giving out sealed envelopes. The gang walked over as the man was explaining the instructions. "Everyone gets an envelope with a piece of paper in it. On the paper there are three objects. The objects may be people, things, food, or just about anything. The first person to bring all three things back to the table wins a 100 dollar gift certificate to Sushi Rox!" Chase and Michael looked at each other and simultaneously said, "I'm playing," then proceeded to get their envelopes. Logan reached for an envelope, "It's not like I need the money, but what the heck? Winning will make me look good," he said with a smug smile. "This looks like fun, doesn't this look like fun, this will be fun," Nicole said grinning. Dana looked annoyed and decided, despite what Nicole thought, that this would _not_ be fun. She walked to the bleachers to sit and wait for her friends to finish their game. Zoey watched her walk away. "I'm gonna go sit with Dana, maybe I'll play the next game," she told everyone not wanting Dana to be alone. She walked over to Dana and sat next to her. The man with the microphone began to speak. "Ready, set, open your envelopes!" and the game began. There were kids scattering in all directions as they read their three items. Chase left the gym doors with Michael, they were both cafeteria bound. Nicole headed toward the dorms. Logan walked up to a kid he didn't know and pulled the jacket right off his back, "I need to borrow this," he said before walking off, leaving the kid confused. _One down, two to go, _he thought as he read the next item. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw what it said: a mirror. They were making this too easy. He patted his pocket to make sure his mirror was in place, which it was, and continued on to the third item. He looked at his paper and grinned, _I know EXACTLY where I can find this, _he thought. Dana and Zoey were being rather quiet, watching everyone run around was kinda amusing. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Dana saw someone making a beeline straight towards her. Dana began to sit up so she wouldn't be bothered but she wasn't quick enough, Logan grabbed her wrist, "Oh no you don't Cruz, I'm not losing this game because of you." "What do you mean? Lemme go, why do you need me?" she asked annoyed. "Because," he said rolling his eyes, "this paper says I need someone I can't stand." "Whatever, but now you owe me. I want half of whatever the prize was," she negotiated. "I don't care about the prize; I just want the glory of being the winner." Dana flicked his head and walked toward the table, Logan still holding her wrist and rubbing the sore spot on his head, was being dragged behind her. They were the first ones back, Logan handed the man his paper and placed the mirror and jacket on the table. The man read the items on the list then looked at the items on the table then his eyes moved to Dana. Logan pointed to Dana, "This is my third item," he said, "now, give me my prize." The man congratulated him and handed him the gift card, which he handed to Dana, "How about a congratulatory kiss?" he asked puckering his lips. "Do you wanna get hit?" she asked putting the card in her pocket. Logan stuck his tongue out at her and went off to gloat about winning. Dana rolled her eyes, _same old Logan,_ she thought. She looked down and noticed Logan's item list was sitting on the table so she read it over. When she noticed what the third object was she felt her cheeks get hot and bit her lip to hide her smile. Picking up the paper she put it in her pocket and walked back over to Zoey. On the paper it read: _Something to keep you warm_ _A mirror_ _Someone you think is beautiful_ * * * I hope you liked it! I MIGHT make it a twoshot, depending on what people think of it. So review please! End file.
Games and Prizes by HLP - B.Fizzle
Zoey 101
Simple Together Simple Together Logan sat on his bed, looking blankly out the window. It was too quiet around here, and he had too much time to think. Chase and Michael were out hanging out with the girls in the Lounge. They'd asked him, but he hadn't been interested, said he'd stay in here. Alone. A c.d lay on the top of a few books by the stereo. Not one of his, he'd have recognised it straight away. An Alanis Morissette c.d, hardly Michaels and not Chases. And the he remembered. Dana. She worshipped the music. He remembered comparing the angry-girl music to the angry girl Dana. This was some Best of c.d, she left it here accidentally. The day she'd come over when it was just the two of them. The day he'd realised how completely and madly in love he'd fallen with Dana. The day she told him she was leaving PCA for some French school. The day his heart had broken, for the first time. He put on the cd, skipped a few tracks, and then let it play. "_you've been my golden best friend_ _now with post-demise at hand_ _I can't go to you for consolation_ _cause we're off limits during this transition"_ Logan missed Dana like mad. She was all he thought about, in class, when he was hanging out with Chase and Michael, when he was half-heartedly flirting with other girls. Dana had taken a part of him to France with her, the part that made him his old self, and he couldn't do without it. He needed her, back here, with him in PCA. "_this grief overwhelms me_ _it burns in my stomach_ _and i can't stop bumping into things"_ He thought of how they'd said goodbye, she'd hugged him close to her and said she'd miss him, for all his Logan ways. He had wanted to tell her then, that he was in love with her, but the words wouldn't come out, no matter how hard he tried. "_i thought we'd be simple together_ _i thought we'd be happy together_ _thought we'd be limitless together_ _i thought we'd be precious together_ _but i was sadly mistaken"_ Logan sat back on the bed and pushed his hair away from his face, willing Dana to walk through the door and sit beside him. The day at the beach, when they'd got lost away from the PCA party, they'd talked. For ages, the to of them. They'd walked along that beach, talked properly for the first time since they'd got to Pca. He'd learned a lot about her that day. That she wasn't this sarcastic angst filled teenager and tahts it. She was so much more than that. He;d seen how beautiful she was in the most unsuperficial way and he loved that about her. A few days before she had to leave. Too little to late. "_you've been my soulmate and then some_ _i remembered you the moment i met you_ _with you i knew god's face was handsome_ _with you i saw fun and expansion_ _this loss is numbing me_ _it pierces my chest_ _and i can't stop dropping everything"_ Tears started to pour down his cheeks, finally admitting to himself that she was gone, and without her, he was nothing. He needed Dana Cruz to be Logan, and without her, he was just this shadow of a guy who seemed to have everything he ever wanted. He did, except for the girl he loved, and his heart was breaking and nobody knew. He was Logan, he wasn't meant to have feelings, and he was this limitless robot who ran on flirting pointlessly and being a kind of an asshole. That's what Dana told him. She was mad at him one day, came out with that, He couldn't believe how true it was, he did seem like that. Without her, that was what he was. _i thought we'd be sexy together_ _thought we'd be evolving together_ _i thought we'd have children together_ _i thought we'd be family together_ _but i was sadly mistaken_ He wiped away tears as the song played on, thinking all the while of her. The dance where they'd been partnered and he hadn't really cared, and wished he had now. The first day he'd met her, and when she'd whipped his ass at basketball. He'd loved her even then, and didn't realise it until now. _if i had a bill for all the philosophies i shared_ _if i had a penny for all the possibilities i presented_ _if i had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air_ _my wealth would render this no less severe_ They'd kept in contact, a little. An email here and there. She loved it there, and he was keeping up this illusion of being the old Logan, everything was perfect, when to everyone else it so clearly wasn't. Even Quinn had realised it, and she was normally so captivated in her scientific crap she wouldn't notice much to do with him. _i thought we'd be genius together_ _i thought we'd be healing together_ _i thought we'd be growing together_ _thought we'd be adventurous togheter_ _but i was sadly mistaken_ _thought we'd be exploring together_ _thought we'd be inspired together_ _i thought we'd be flying together_ _thought we'd be on fire together_ _but i was sadly mistaken_ Logan needed Dana Cruz more than he'd ever needed anyone in the world. She was his air, his life and now she was gone, he was slowly dying. He thought they'd be simple together, perfect together, but he was sadly mistaken. End file.
Simple Together by sweetnuthings
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Slightly altered timeline: Taking place sometime during later years and accounting for Nicole's returning to PCA, but staying in another dorm room. Switched >Chapter One<p> Atop the roof of one of the girl's dorms, Nicole, Zoey, and Lola sat back in reclined beach chairs, gazing through their sunglasses at the bright, beautiful sun. Zoey enjoyed the view of her tinted sunglasses that gave the constant impression of dusk. Lola gently rubbed her arms with sunscreen. "This is so nice," the Puerto Rican girl said. "Yeah," Nicole replied, not looking away from the clear blue sky. "Hey, wasn't Quinn gonna come with us?" "She said she was doing some experiments," Zoey answered, staring at the distant ocean. "Couldn't make it today. This is the fifth time she's done this." "What's up with her, anyway?" Nicole asked, growing slightly annoyed. "All she cares about are those stupid experiments." The light brunette put her hands on the back of her head, letting out a sigh. "She's just devoted," Lola explained. "Don't worry, she'll be done soon. You want me to see if she's ready?" "No, I'll go," Nicole answered, getting up. Her pink bikini lined with dark blue strings glistened in the bright sunlight and over her lightly pale skin. Throwing a pink towel with the same blue design over the bottom part of her swimsuit, Nicole went to the dorm, approached Room 101, and knocked on its door. "Quinn," she called, pulling her sunglasses back so they carried her bangs atop her hair, which was pulled back in a chopped ponytail style. "Quinn, are you in there?" "Yeah, I'm working on something," the inventor called back from her desk while observing a microscope. "Didn't you wanna go swimming with us?" the brunette asked. "We can just keep tanning if you want." "Sorry, Nicole, but I have a lot to do," Quinn replied. "Thanks for inviting me, though." "...Why do you do these experiments, anyway?" Nicole finally gathered the nerve to say. "We could help you, or you could drop them for a little while...or do you just do it to be alone?" Quinn didn't answer. "You know, you're not gonna be able to shut everyone out forever..." Nicole departed, growing upset with herself. Quinn looked up from her slides, and into the sky. A storm was coming, she knew. Nicole was wrong; she had to be. The Quinventions were never supposed to separate her from her friends. They're just fun...right? "How's your tan going, Lola?" Zoey asked, letting the sun gently kiss her body. Unlike her friends, Zoey was only several degrees of tan and a couple of pounds away from being a gorgeous "beach bunny". "Pretty good," Lola answered, feeling the rays hitting her body. Lola was naturally very thin, often wore her hair up and/or with different highlights and dyes. "It's starting to get kinda cold, though. I think it's gonna start storming pretty soon." "Guess we should head in," Zoey replied, getting up. "Too bad Quinn never showed." "More or less," Nicole declared, walking back over to the chairs. "Hey, Coco wants us inside." "Just in time," Zoey responded, picking up her folded chair. "Zoe," Lola said, looking at her friend's blue two-piece with a tutu-style flare-out around the hips. "I'm sorry, but you need a new swimsuit." "What?" the blond replied, caught off guard. "That bikini looks stupid on you since you got that tan," the Puerto Rican girl explained. "I'll take you shopping tomorrow." "Random," Zoey summarized. "...Fine. You wanna come too, Nicole?" "Sure," the brunette answered. "We'll make you look so hot." Suddenly, the rain began to pour down. "Come on. The guys won't be able to stand three soaking wet girls in swimsuits." Zoey and Lola chuckled, then ran for their dorm. Meanwhile, Chase sat in the window sill, watching the rain pour down from the darkening sky. Gently strumming a sad tune on his guitar, the boy felt his emotions sink. Sure, he and Zoey had had their major overseas drama, but at the end of the day, what did it matter? "Chase," Logan called out, breaking his friend's concentration. "Huh? What?" Chase replied, caught off guard. "You okay?" the rich boy asked, walking over to Chase with a concerned look on his face. "You've been moping all day." "Fine," Chase answered, looking back out the window. "Just not in the mood to talk." "Alright," a less-than-sensitive Logan replied. "I don't know what your problem is...You don't need a girlfriend to be happy." "Said the guy who's dating Quinn Pensky as we speak," the curly-haired boy effortlessly retorted. "Nah," Logan said, taking a seat. "We broke up last week. Said she needs to get her priorities straightened out, or...something." "I'm sorry," Chase replied, feeling guilty. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" "Not a big deal," the wealthy teenager answered, looking through his JPhone. "We're still friends. Hey, I'm goin' to town tonight. Need anything?" "No," Chase answered, picking up his guitar, only to throw it down once Logan departed. Back in Room 101, Zoey and Lola were sitting on the bottom bunk, talking about plans they had; the days they'd spend on the beach, the times they'd spend maybe doing the things they used to love, like painting or playing children's games like tag or red rover in the ocean. It was always Zoey, Nicole, and Dana. Sometimes Chase, Michael, and even Logan. Then, Dana had to move away, and it was Zoey, Nicole, and Lola. Quinn joined in a little later, often accompanied with Chase, Michael, and Logan. Finally, tragically, Nicole was forced to go to an all-girl school, letting Quinn replace her as dorm mate. It was great...until Quinn became so obsessed with her work. Maybe that's the way she was before they became friends, but it's way harder to deal with now. "Quinn, whatter you working on?" Zoey asked, trying to get her friend involved. "Just studying," the girl answered, giving only the wanted information. Maybe she knew by now no one really cared. "You wanna take a break and hang out?" Lola offered. "It's summer, anyway." "No, thanks," Quinn answered, not looking away from her slides. A bright, blue-hued flash of lightning illuminated the entire sky over Los Angeles. "Whoa," Zoey commented. "...Perfect," Quinn whispered. "I'm gonna get the storm on tape. See you later." The brunette ran out, her camera in hand, and her nighttime glasses on. Nicole was leaning against the wall in the hallway, looking at the raging storm she was separated from through the window. Quinn ran by. "Quinn," the light brunette called. "Sorry, Nicky, but I can't talk now," Quinn quickly said. "I've gotta tape this storm." "Wait!" Nicole called, grabbing the girl's arm. "I'm coming with you." Realizing the lightning could end any second, Quinn gave in. "Alright, but hurry," she said, leading the way under the balcony on the sidewalk. "We're not supposed to be outside," Nicole said. "We'll be safe from here," the scientific girl replied without any trace of fear or emotion. "Help me set up my digital camera on the tripod, please." Nicole bent down, and began attaching the joints on the silver tripod legs. "Okay, now put that one into that slot, and..." Suddenly, a massive orb of blue electricity flashed across the sky, engulfing the two girls, and the entire school. "Oh, I don't feel so good," Nicole said, having some trouble hearing and seeing. "We weren't directly struck," Quinn replied, not recognizing the symptoms of electrocution in herself or Nicole. "Oh...let's get inside." The two departed without the camera, and went back to their dorms. Despite the fact that the electricity was out, this wasn't a problem. The next morning, though the time wasn't obvious, due to the fact that all the electrical appliances (plugged in or not) were still refusing to function, the girls in Room 101 woke up feeling groggy. "Oh man," Quinn moaned, noticing her voice sounded kind of off. "I feel like garbage." "Me too," Zoey added. "I feel so bloated." "I'm kinda out of it," Lola said, stretching her bitterly aching arms. "That storm was something else." The girl opened the shades, and gasped at what she saw. "What?" Quinn asked, noticing that her and Zoey were the center of Lola's shock. The girl picked up Lola's compact, looked at herself, and gasped. "Oh my gosh..." Grabbing the ends of her long, bright brown hair, the girl looked at her more mature but slightly pudgy cheeks. "...I don't need my glasses," she whispered. "...I'm...Nicole!" "What the..." Zoey began. "...Oh my gosh!" The girl ran for the bathroom, and screamed at the top of her enlarged lungs. Running back into the room, Zoey shared her horrifying realization. "I'm Coco!" the woman shrieked in a deeper, slightly squeaky voice. Throwing her curly, reddish hair outward, the girl felt herself begin to panic. "Just relax..." Lola said, wanting everything to stay calm. "...Why am I still the same?" "Wait..." Quinn/Nicole said, not noticing Lola's comment. "If I'm Nicole, then she must be..." Quinn ran into the room, not wearing her glasses, and having her shorter, dark brown hair down to her neck. "What happened to me?" she screamed. "I'm like...nine years old!" "Thank you," Quinn replied in Nicole's voice. "...That lightning that hit the school seems to have caused several of us to switch bodies." "Well, that's great," Nicole replied in Quinn's voice, sitting down. "I have plans today...people who 'er expecting to see me...not Quinn." "Look...just sit down and relax," Lola said, her voice comforting. "If I sit down, I'll never get up," the now-overweight Zoey replied, hitting her bulging, expanded stomach, which was displayed by slightly tight clothing. "Quinn, do you know that the lightning caused all this?" Lola asked, acting as the sole voice of reason. "That's the only thing that could've effected the entire campus," the petite brunette explained, enjoying being able to see without her glasses. "It was an extremely unusual occurrence. That's why I wanted to film it...Oh, I forgot my camera." "Forget the stupid camera!" Nicole screamed in Quinn's voice. "We have to find a way to cure this!" "Tell me about it," Zoey added, looking at her permed hair in a mirror. "Oh, man...feel like I could eat out this school." "Wonder if Coco's realized she's in your body yet," Lola replied. "Was there any time when you and Coco were exposed to the lightning?" Quinn asked, moving the long hair out of her face. "I don't think so," Zoey answered. "But the room we were in lit up really bright. Coco wasn't there, though." "Look, we can't stay here all day," Nicole interrupted. "Quinn, you have to meet Vince at the beach." "Okay," Quinn regretfully agreed. "Do you have any light dresses or something I can wear?" "We're going no," Nicole answered. "How's a pink bikini with blue flowers on it sound?" The girl pushed her body towards her dorm, adjusting to Quinn's more petite arms and glasses. "Looks like swimsuit shopping is out," Lola said, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll say," Zoey said, looking at Coco's body. "Oh, this is horrible...We have to find Coco. Who knows what she's doing to me." "You should probably stay here," the thin girl replied. "I have some ideas where Coco is. 'Till then..." Lola ran out of the room. Nicole sat Quinn down in a chair. "Okay," she said, rubbing the back of her head. "Even if you're not really me, you still need my look and style. Now...when you see Vince, whatter you gonna say?" "Um...'hi'?" Quinn answered, not sure what to say. Quinn was never good with boys. Mark was the only one, and he had "friends" on the side most of the time. "Not likely," Nicole replied. "Here...put on your bikini. I'll show you." "I hadn't thought of this," Quinn said, looking at her/Nicole's body. "This may be awkward." "So close your eyes," Nicole quickly replied. "Come on, we don't have long." "Okay," Quinn snapped, pulling her sleeves back. Soon, the girl was standing awkwardly in Nicole's bikini, keeping her arms at her side. Nicole's... pretty, she thought, looking at her new, very thin tummy that gently peaked outward down the center. "Be a little less stiff," Nicole instructed, fluffing Quinn's hair in the back. "Now...pose." "What?" Quinn asked, getting nervous. "Do a pose," the dark-haired girl answered. "Lemme see if you know what you're doing." "Know what I'm doing?" Quinn asked, squinting in utter confusion. "If you know how to be...Nicole-Cute," Nicole explained. "You know, body language and all that." Quinn nodded, flapped her arms out while thinking, then went into a dramatic pose: throwing her left arm on her left hip, throwing her right arm in the air while her hand dropped like the branches of a palm tree, and curving herself to the right side. "...There is no way you can make that look natural," Nicole declared. "But wow. Here...try this two are sitting in the sand. You wanna give him a look that says 'I know I'm hot, and I want you to see that.'" "...Isn't that kinda...trampy?" Quinn asked, returning to a normal position. "Not really," Nicole answered. "Now...lay down...but make it look sexy." Quinn shrugged her skinny shoulders, then lay down on her belly, crossed her legs, putting her right leg upward, then let her left arm hold up her head. The girl gave a confident, sexy wink. "Great!" Nicole declared. " just need to be more confident...that's all." "Kay," Quinn said, standing up. "Now...should I teach you how to act like me?" "No offense...but you've been in your lab so you even remember yourself?" Nicole asked, trying to be sensitive. The cute brunette dropped her head and blushed a little. "I don't usually blush," Quinn confessed. "Yeah, but I do," Nicole replied. "Don't worry...I'll take care of you." The two departed: Nicole sat down on her bed, and Quinn walked into the hallway. Several seconds later, the brunette returned. "I should probably wear a t-shirt or something over this," she said, realizing her mistake. >Nicole sat down once Quinn left with her wrap, and looked at herself in the mirror. Quinn did have a rather young-looking face. All things considered, she was cute...Not hot. Nicole knew she could change that. Taking off her glasses, the girl noticed she could barely see. "Time to get contacts," Nicole said to herself as she put the black spectacles back over her eyes. Raising a makeup brush to her face, the girl began to apply blush to her cheeks.<p> 2. Chapter 2 Switched Chapter Two The sound of her pink high heeled shoes gently echoed through the hallway as she walked forward. Her purple skirt gently flowed back and forth as she proudly proceeded to her destination. Flipping her dark blond hair to the side, the girl looked forward with her eyes exposed and lightly hued pink. As the lights of the hallway shined down, they reflected off the girl's glistening pink lips. Some people noticed her, and were taken back. "Quinn?" asked Mark, feeling his heart start to pound. "That's my name," the girl proudly answered, walking right past the boy, letting him continue to drool over her. _Quinn wasn't good enough before, she's not good enough now, _Nicole thought, pulling her purse back on her shoulder. " look great," Vince confessed, knowing how lucky he was to be with such a nice, sweet, pretty girl. "Thanks," Quinn answered, taking a seat on the blanket, going out of her way to put her right leg forward, and her left leg arcing over it; a super-model pose, she thought. "Back at'cha." _Time to show how smart Nicole Bistrow can really be, _Quinn happily thought. "So..." Nicole said, leaning forward, wearing a sexy look on her face. "I saw you swimming earlier. Did you know you came into contact with one of the most infinite realms on earth?" "Really?" Vince replied, leaning back, showing off his muscular, slightly tan body. "Yeah," 'Nicole' answered, leaning in closer. "We know more about outer space than the oceans." Quinn began to feel how powerful and beautiful she was. "That's...amazing," the boy replied, his breath fading into the mist. "So...wanna dive into the unknown?" Quinn invited, her voice almost in a whisper. "Only if you're with me," Vince answered, no longer able to keep a smile off his face. Nicole smiled, and then took her soon-to-be lover's hand. Together, the two ran towards the shimmering water, kicking up gentle clouds of sand behind them. Harmonically, the teens jumped into the ocean, feeling the cool embrace on their bodies. Gasping for air, the two shot out of the water, their hair soaked and gently clinging to their faces. "Wow," Nicole exclaimed, gazing into Vince's warm eyes. "Wow..." the boy replied, no longer able to appear cool. Vince put his arms around Nicole's back, feeling her smooth stomach. Slowly, the two began to lean in closer, ready for something they knew was coming. _Wait...what am I doing? _Quinn asked herself, growing uneasy. _I can't kiss Nicole's boyfriend...I'm not into this kind of...romance. Oh, this is so wrong...He's touching me...Oh..._ Vince's lips were cool and glistening with droplets from the ocean. They felt so magical; nothing like what Mark offered. This was him being blown away by her, and vice-versa. 'Quinn' walked into her classroom, where she was scheduled to test some chemicals. Unfortunately, Nicole had no idea about what any of them did. "Not good," she said. "...Eh." Nicole pulled out a stool, and began painting Quinn's nails. It was a lovely shade of purple; like the kind Quinn wore when she first arrived at PCA. "Wonder why she never wears makeup anymore," she said to herself. "She looked hot in that picture Logan had..." "Um, Quinn?" nervously greeted Jake, a blond teenager with some interests in science. "Hey," Nicole replied, looking up from her nails. "What's up?" "Um, I was reading over some of your notes, and I just wanted to tell you...You're amazing," the boy continued. "Thanks," the dark-haired girl replied. "I try." "Um, could...I, um...hug you?" Jake asked, his heart pounding. "Uh...okay," Nicole answered, sounding confused. The boy slowly walked over to Quinn, put his arms out, and pressed against her, only to be pushed out by an unseen force. "Whoa," Nicole declared, looking at her now-massive breasts. "Wow...Um, I'll, um... see you later," Jake said before running away. "Bra airbag, I take it," Nicole said, still staring at her bosoms. "Hmm." Meanwhile, Zoey lay on her bed, feeling her poofy, overly-curled hair. _I feel like a poodle, _she thought. _And the worst part is...I could really go for a double ham sandwich. Hope Lola tracks down Coco soon._ Lola quickly walked down the hallway. "Have you seen Zoey?" she asked a random girl. "No, I'm sorry," the girl answered before continuing on her way. "Have you seen Zoey Brooks?" Lola asked another girl. As if offended, the girl kept walking. "Have you seen Zoey?" "Yeah, she's raiding the refrigerator," answered a redheaded girl with a Spider-Man suit on. "Why are you...Nevermind, thanks," Lola replied before charging down to the cafeteria. _Zoey's gonna kill me if I don't stop Coco._ The Puerta Rican girl took a deep breath, then entered the cafeteria, closing the door behind her. "Um...Zoey?" she asked. "What?" Zoey's voice called back, sounding muffled. Lola walked over to the freezer in the front of the girl's cafeteria. Lola walked over to Coco, and saw her friend laying against the freezer, her lips red with some kind of sauce, and her stomach bloated out of her shirt. "Wow, must be...tired after all that...eating," Lola replied. "Here, lemme take you back to our dorm." "Um, I don't know, I'm kinda..." Coco began to answer. "There's more food there," the girl interrupted. Zoey held her hand out for Lola to take. Nicole lay next to Vince on the beach, letting the sun kiss her body. "I really like hanging out with you, Vince," Quinn said, her voice sweet. "Me too," Vince replied, gazing into Nicole's devastating eyes. " you wanna...catch a movie tomorrow night?" "Yeah, sure," Quinn answered. "Cool. Oh, I gotta get going...Kiss goodbye?" Vince smiled, and gave Nicole another kiss. That night, Nicole walked into Room 101, clad in her bikini. "That was nice," she said, completely forgetting about her wrap. "Not too nice, I hope," Nicole replied, walking out of the shower, clad in a towel. Her dark brown hair was wet and tasseled. "So...will we see each other again?" "Oh, I think so," Quinn answered, grabbing a brush and combing out her wet hair. "We were invited to a movie tomorrow night." "Awesome," Nicole replied, spraying some perfume into Quinn's underarms. "Thanks, Quinn." "...Yeah," the intelligent girl guiltily said, sitting down on a footstool. "Oh, how did my day go?" "Great," Nicole answered, puckering her lips and applying some red lipstick. "In're gonna be going on a date tomorrow, too." "What?" Quinn snapped, jumping up. "Calm down, Bikini Girl," Nicole replied. "Some guy named Zeke saw me in the science lab, said he loved my report on the discovery of the atom, and asked to take me to a movie tomorrow. Maybe we can double date." "Why would you agree to something like that without my permission?" Quinn replied. "Would you rather I turned him down?" Nicole shot back. "...That's not how I talk." "...And I didn't act like myself on that date," Quinn added. "I felt I really was you." "And I usually hate that purple nail polish you used to wear," the dark-haired girl continued. "...Oh my gosh." "We're turning into each other," Quinn shrieked. "...Where's Zoey?" "Her body's locked in the bathroom," Nicole answered. "Her respective mind is currently...I mean, the real her's in the kitchen with Lola." "We're back," Lola said, walking in with Coco's body. "Wow, Zoes, you really binged out." "Can you blame me?" Zoey replied. "My...he left me again." "Who?" Lola asked. "...You're not acting like yourself." "And I fear it may be that way forever," Nicole declared, her voice growing grave. "I must...I mean, Quinn has to find an antidote." "Well, what am I supposed to do?" Quinn replied, her voice picking up a sassy tone. "My camera's gone." "Then we have to find that camera before we lose Zoey," Lola said, her tone growing grave. "This looks like it's getting worse by the minute." "...She didn't make me fat, did she?" Zoey asked, seemingly back to herself for the time being. "It's a cute kind of fat," Lola answered. "I'm gonna find the camera. You guys stay right here." The girl ran out of the room. "This is bad," Quinn confessed, starting to comb out her long brown locks. "Oh...I need a hot oil treatment." "How can you obsess over your appearance at a time like this?" Nicole demanded. "Our consciousness are being permanently misappropriated. If we don't stop it, we might lose ourselves forever." "Bummer," a less than enthused Zoey replied, laying down on her bed. "Who's gonna watch this new X-Men movie?" Chase asked, turning off the t.v. "Chase, have you seen a camera outside by the girl's dorm?" Lola asked, running into the room. "No, I'm sorry," the boy answered. In despair, Lola ran back outside. _Maybe Stacey saw it, _she thought. "You know, I never knew how stressed you were," Nicole said, looking over at Quinn. "I feel like you're carrying the world." "And you only feel good about yourself when other people think you should," Quinn replied. "And Coco cares way too much about having a boyfriend," Zoey added. "That's why she overeats so fill the void she made for herself." "And Zoey needs to get more in touch with her emotions," Coco called out. "It's like sifting through a jungle in your head. What is it with you and Chase, anyway?" "Just go to sleep," Zoey called back, only to find her friends looking at her; thinking the same thing as Coco. "...It's complicated." "Are you sure you haven't seen it?" Lola asked, her tone growing frantic. "I'm shorry, Lola," Stacey said. "I haven't sheen any kind of camera. The electricity jusht turned back on a few hours ago." Lola heard the roar of thunder above her, and looked up to see a similar storm raging above her. "...The storm...the electricity...I've got it!" The Puerta Rican girl ran outside. "Lola, wait!" Stacey called, giving chase. Soon, the two were outside, and witnessed a bolt of lightning strike mere feet away from them. The two screamed, then found themselves laying next to their bodies on the floor. "Oh, man," Lola moaned, feeling herself fighting a lisp. 3. Chapter 3 _Come morning, the storm is still raging on. Lola and Stacey were forced to take refuge in another dorm building._ Switched Chapter Three Lola walked inside, looking over her new body. _I hate this, _she thought. _Man, I'm going nuts in this body!_ "Wow, I look...pretty," Stacey said with Lola's voice. "You sure we have to switch back?" "Yesh I'm shure," Lola answered, fighting with the lisp. "Man, how can you shtand thish?" "It's not easy," Stacey answered, enjoying being tall, model-thin, and able to speak clearly. "So...what's the plan?" "Okay, we need to re-introduce the shwitched people to the shtorm, and ushe the exact shame amount of electricity as before," the girl explained. "Unfortunately, my camera sheems to have been used to switch the two of ush...and we only have sho long before our pershonalities shtart to switch." "So, who has a camera like yours and Quinn's?" Stacey asked. "...Maybe Logan does," Lola dreamily replied before catching herself. "Um...I think Zoey does. I'll ashk her onshe we get back to my dorm." The two continued walking. "Oh, ishn't Logan sho shpicey?" "...Not really," Stacey answered, growing confused. "Besides, he doesn't even really like you...or me." Growing uncomfortable, the girls remained silent until they entered Room 101. "We're home!" Lola yelled out, even though she sounded like a spaz. "I mean...guysh, we're back." "Stacey, whatter you doing here?" asked Quinn, putting on some blush. "It'sh not really Stashey, it'sh me, Lola," Lola explained. "Yeah, I'm Stacey," Stacey said, putting her hand on her hip in a supermodel pose. "Great," Zoey complained, fluffing out her hair. "Have you realized how to reverse the effects of the storm?" Nicole asked, looking away from her microscope. "Thish is getting sherious," Lola declared, her goofy voice growing grave. "Um, yesh I did. We have to get a camera of equal electricity...or any electrical source...and we have to do it before the shtorm pashes." "Well, let's hurry," Zoey shrieked, jumping up, causing her stomach to jiggle up and down. "I do _not_ wanna be stuck like this forever!" "Same here," Coco called out from the bathroom. "I'm gonna miss being hot," Quinn said, only to get a weirded-out look from Nicole. "Let'sh hurry!" Lola yelped, grabbing Zoey's camera off the nightstand. "Come on, let'sh get out there!" Quinn let Zoey's body out of the closet. The six charged outside, letting the rain pour down on them. "There's several bolts approaching," Nicole declared. "I it comes!" "Hey, Zoey!" Chase yelled, running towards the group. "I need to talk to you!" "No!" the girls yelled. A bolt of lightning struck, and the teenagers (and Coco) awoke in the grass. "I'm me again!" Coco exclaimed, looking at her mature, slightly flabby arms. "Wish I could say the same," Lola said, standing up in Quinn's body. "No," Zoey gasped, seeing Nicole's hands in front of her face. "No...we're stuck like this now!" Stacey held out a lock of her now-blond hair, and looked at her hands. Quinn looked down at her masculine body, and felt her curly hair. Chase looked at the skirt he was now wearing. "Thish ish really weird," he said. "This is horrible!" Nicole screamed, throwing Lola's fists down in rage. "Um, if you don't need me..." Coco said before walking away. "Ah, everything's ruined!" Quinn exclaimed. "Is there any chance the storm's not over yet?" Stacey asked, feeling a natural sense of hope. "I'm afraid, even if the storm isn't over...lightning never strikes twice," Lola answered. "We may be stuck like this forever." "...Guysh, I'm shorry," Chase said, her voice growing grim. "I...don't know what'sh going on, but I know I messed it all up again. "Does anyone else have a camera?" Zoey asked, fluffing her hair in the back. No one answered. Suddenly, a sense of despair entered the air. Quinn lifted up her arm, and looked at the hair under them. "Maybe I can still star in movies," Lola said, trying to be hopeful. "Thanks for helping us, Stacey." Stacey nodded. "I'm sorry about all this, guys," Quinn confessed. "If I hadn't tried to take that stupid picture, we'd still be ourselves." "It's not your fault," Zoey replied. "Maybe this'll be fun," Nicole suggested. "I mean...I could dig being a model." "...Wait a minute," Quinn said, going back to her own mind. "Lola, give me your phone." Nicole pulled Lola's phone out of her pocket, and gave it to the boy. "Okay, maybe it wasn't the electricity...yes! These are lithium batteries! The lithium reacted with the lightning!" "Meaning?" Zoey asked, her tone becoming that of a valley girl. "Here," Quinn answered, throwing the batteries into the air. "I see..." Lola said. "The exposure to the rain will cause a surge of electricity in the still-charged batteries, creating a conductor!" "Everyone, stand by the body you want back!" Stacey called out, taking Chase's hand. The teens joined hands, and suddenly felt a surge of lithium-infused energy coursing through them. With a flash, the group awoke. Nicole sat up, her brown hair puffed into a giant ball. "Wow," she said, in her own voice. "I'm a guy again!" Chase happily exclaimed. "My lishp is back!" Stacey cheered. "Back in blond," Zoey added. Lola and Quinn looked at one another. "We're back," they said. "This was something else," Chase exclaimed. "Um...maybe I should go." "Didn't you have something to tell me?" Zoey asked, stopping the boy. "Um...I missed you," the boy confessed. "Could...we shoot for being friends again?" "...Yeah," Zoey answered. "I care about you...I think I need you as a friend." "That means the world to me," Chase said, feeling things becoming the way they used to be. "I think those two have it," Quinn said. "What?" Nicole asked. "It is lonely being a full-time scientist," the dark-haired girl explained. "...I should really get back to my friends...and my life. Thanks for helping me see that, Nicole." "And thanks for helping me realize I'm more than other people's opinion," the brunette added. "Which reminds me...we have dates in a couple of minutes." The two smiled at one another. Stacey and Lola stood by one another. "Need a speech teacher?" Lola asked, ready to take the place of Lionel in The King's Speech. "Or maybe jusht a friend," Stacey replied with a smile. "I guess...when it comes down to it...There's no one we'd rather be than ourselves," Zoey summarized, not meaning to sound campy. "I'll second that," Quinn replied. "In my own heartbeat. Oh, but Nicole...I have a confession." "What?" asked Nicole. "...I kissed your boyfriend," Quinn answered. "...As long as you were me when you did it, I don't care," Nicole finally said. "So...what will become of the girl who Coco made pudgy?" Zoey asked, rubbing her enlarged tummy. "She was considered full-figured, and made a perfect beach bunny?" Lola suggested. "Once her dearest friend helped her pick out a new swimsuit?" "Sounds good to me," Zoey answered. One last bolt of lightning flashed in the sky above, tearing through the last cloud in the heavens. A beautiful, crimson sunset shined down on PCA. "Looks like it's clearing up," Chase summarized. "True," Quinn said, knowing where her true place was; with friends. However, science would always light up her life. _Fantastic Deleted Scenes_ Zoey stood in front of a full-length mirror, clad in a tight pink one-piece that showed every curve in her body. "I don't know," she said. "Isn't it kinda...snug?" "Nah, you look cute," Lola assured her friend. "Don't you think so, Quinn?" "Um, try this one on..." Quinn suggested, giving Zoey a swimsuit she picked out. "...No way," the blond announced, looking at her hair pulled back ina complex fashion, and the green one-piece that flared out like a tutu around her waist. Zoey leaned forward in front of a mirror, clad in a red one-piece that looked like it came off of Baywatch. However, her enlarged stomach was still bulged out, making a most unattractive modeling show. "I'm gonna kill you, Coco," she said. "Hold still," Lola said, growing impatient. Zoey coughed and waved her hand to block the spray tan Lola was spraying on her. "Ah," the blond said once it was done. "...I look like JWow." End file.
Switched by emeralddusk
Zoey 101
A Special Night **I thought this would make a cute scene in the movie **_**Chasing Zoey **_**(which airs tomorrow :) So here's **_**A Special Night.**_ **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or the songs **_**The Math **_**or **_**Love Will Find a Way.**_ "Quinn. Quinn! QUINN!" Zoey shouted, trying to get her friend's attention. Quinn snapped out of her trance like state. "Wh-What? Did you call me?" asked Quinn. "Yeah," said Zoey, "Your dripping acid on the table." It was true. Quinn was working on her latest experiment and, while spacing off, payed no attention to the acid burning a hole through the table. "Quinn what's wrong?" asked Lola, concerned, "It's not you to space out while doing an experiment." "It's nothing," said Quinn, although something was bothering her. Prom was tomorrow and Quinn wanted to go with Logan, but couldn't in fear that people would know they woud dating. Quinn kept daydreaming about what it would be like if they went to prom together. "Quinn?" Zoey asked as Quinn got a far off look in her eyes. "I think we lost her," said Lola. Suddenly Quinn's ringtone, _The Math _by Hilary Duff_, _began playing from her purse. Quinn snapped out of her daydream and grabbed her cell phone. "Hello," she said into it. "Hey Quinn," came Logan's voice from the other end. "Hi," said Quinn, with a small smile. "Can you come to my dorm?" Logan asked, "I've got a surprise for you." "Sure," said Quinn, "I'll see you in a few minutes." "Okay," said Logan, "Oh, and bring your prom dress." A confused look crossed Quinn's face. "Why?" she asked. "Just trust me, okay," Logan, "I'll see you soon." "Bye," Quinn said, hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" Lola asked. "Ummm, Micheal," Quinn lied, "He needs help with some chemistry homework. So I'm just gonna head over there and help." "Okay," said Zoey, "Have fun." Quinn gave them a smile and went over to her closet. How could she get her prom dress without Zoey and Lola seeing? Suddenly, she had an idea. "Oh, my God! A rat!" Quinn screamed, pointing to a spot on the other side of the room. While Zoey and Lola screamed in panic, Quinn grabbed her prom dress and shoes and raced out the door. The poked her head back in to say, "Sorry. It was just a dust bunny." And left. On her way to the boys dorm, Quinn wondered why Logan called her and told her to bring her prom dress. She was still pondering this when she knocked on the door of the boys dorm." "Who is it?" came Logan's voice from the other side. "Me," said Quinn. "Come in," said Logan. Quinn opened the door and stepped into the room and looked around in surprise and confusion. The room looked different. The lights were dimmed and there were candles burning on the table, emitting sweet scents. Music was playing from Logan's iPod on the shelf. Logan himself was standing in the middle of the room wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and metallic blue tie. "Logan, what's going on?" Quinn asked, closing the door behind her. "I figured since we can't go to prom together," Logan said, "We could have our own private prom. And don't worry. James and Micheal should be playing basketball for a couple more hours, so no one will come in on us." "Logan, that's so sweet," Quinn said, hugging her boyfriend. "I'll get out so you can get changed," he said. Logan left the room and Quinn changed into her prom dress with matching blue sparky high-heeled sandals. She folded her other clothes and placed them on the couch. "Okay, I'm ready," she said. Logan came back into the room and his jaw dropped to the floor. Quinn looked gorgeous in her sparkly blue dress. "Do you like it?" Quinn asked nervously. "Yeah," said Logan, closing the door behind him and locking it so no one would walk in on them, "Alot." Quinn smiled shyly. Logan bowed to her. "May I have this dance?" he asked. Quinn giggled. "Yes, you may," she said. Logan wrapped his arms wround Quinn's waist while Quinn wrapped her arms around his neck. "Better than dancing in a janitor's closet?" Logan asked. Quinn laughed at the memory. "Much better," she said. The two of them swayed along to the song: _In a perfect world_ _One we've never known_ _We would never need to face the world alone_ _They can have the world_ _We'll create our own_ _I may not be brave or strong or smart_ _But somewhere in my secret heart_ _ I know_ _Love will find a way_ _Anywhere I go, I'm home_ _If you are there beside me_ _Like dark, turning into day_ _Somehow we'll come through_ _Now that I've found you_ _Love will find a way_ "Why do you have this song on your iPod?" Quinn asked, curious why her boyfriend had a Disney song on her iPod. "I just downloaded it today," Logan said, "It reminded me of us." Quinn smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder, sighing contently: _I was so afraid_ _Now I've realized_ _Love is never wrong, and so it never dies_ _There's a perfect world, shining in your eyes_ Quinn lifted her head from Logan's shoulder. Logan looked into Quinn's beautiful brown eyes and couldn't help but smile. When he first met Quinn, she just seemed like a weird science geek. But he got to know her and see her for the beauty she really was. She a hundered times better than any other girlfriend he ever had. Quinn had both brains and beauty. To Logan, she was perfect. It was funny, how life could turn out in a way you least expect it to: _And if only they could feel it to_ _The happiness I feel with you_ _They'd know_ _Love will find a way_ _Anywhere we go, we're home_ _If we are there together_ _Like dark, turning into day_ _Somehow we'll come through _ _Now that I've found you_ _Love will find a way_ _I know love will find a way_ "Logan, thank you so much for this," Quinn said with a wide smile. Logan smiled back. "Anything for my girl," he said, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. When they broke apart, Quinn put her head back on Logan's shoulder and closed her eyes, sighing in contentment. Logan kissed the top of her head and the two of them swayed, not to the music, but to the melody in their hearts. **I know the ending was kinda corny, but I couldn't resist :) Please Review!** End file.
A Special Night by MoonlightSpirit
Zoey 101
1. Chapter 1 Chase sat on the floor breathing heavily with both of his hands in tight fists. He had just admitted he was in love with Zoey Brooks but she was not there like he ahd imagined. Zoey was in England with both of her parents at a new school. She propbably already met some charming brown hair brown eyed boy with a cool british tongue. She and her new roomates were probably squeeling over this boy and talking about him. Chase was probably nowhere in her mind. His fists clenched tighter. His teeth gritted and one single tear fell down his face. Zoey Brooks was the only girl, no woman he had ever loved and now she was gone. The worst part was he let her go. She was like water the day she left, he could have stopped her but she slid away. Chase's breathing grew faster as more andmmore tears fell from his red face. He hugged his body to make himself warm and he soon began to sweat. However he was colder than ever. Chase Mathews never cried and yet his tears turned into sobs. He cried out to the person he wished to see most. She did not come, she never would. The boy who sat in the middle of his dorm rose to his feet and walked over to his cd player. He turned on a song that would not improve his mood. Sometimes sad music is just what you need though. The song began to ring One boy, one girl, two hearts, their world Time goes by, secrets rise One more, sad song, tears shed, she's gone She'd take it back, if she only could And all the perfect words they seem so wrong, She's gone You wish that you could learn to see, The door is closed and you wish you could be Alone with you, alone with me What can I do, I cannot breathe My heart is torn, for all to see Alone with you, alone with me. Best friend, worst thing, she's been, cheating Friend deceives, she leaves Last date. She cries, whispers, goodbye She walks once more, out that door And all the perfect words they seem so wrong, She's gone You wish that you could learn to see, The door is closed and you wish you could be Alone with you, alone with me What can I do, I cannot breathe My heart is torn, for all to see Alone with you, alone with me. Please stay, don't go away The hardest thing is letting go of you Please stay, don't go away The hardest thing is letting go of you what can I do? Alone with you, alone with me, what can I do? I cannot see, alone with, alone with, alone with you, alone with me, what can I do? I cannot breathe, my heart is torn for all to see, alone with you, alone with me Chase fell back on the floor and cryed. -------------------Zoey in England----------------------- Zoey had just saw Chase say he loved her. She would never say it but she felt the same way. This young girl sat at her computer and turned on he cd player to listen to a song that explained what she was feeling so perfectly You fold his hands, and smooth his tie., You gently lift his chin- Were you really so blind, and unkind to him? Can't help but itch, to touch, to kiss, To hold him once again. Now, to close his eyes, never open them...? A shadow passed, A shadow passed, Yearning, yearning for the fool it called a home. All things he never did are left behind; All the things his Mama wished he'd bare in mind; And all his Dad had hoped he'd know. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh The talks you never had, the Saturdays you never spent, All the "grown-up" places you never went; And all of the crying you wouldn't understand, you just let him cry-"Make a man out of him. A shadow passed, a shadow passed, Yearning, yearning for the fool it called a home. All the things he ever wished are left behind; All the things his Mama did to make him mind; And how his Dad had hoped he'd grow. All things he ever lived are left behind; All the fears that ever flickered through his mind; All the sadness that he'd come to own. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh (2x) Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh A shadow past, a shadow past, Yearning, yearning for the fool it called a home. And, whistles through the ghosts still left behind. It whistles through the ghosts still left behind. It whistles through the ghosts still left behind...Oh, Oh She knew she would never see himn again and somehow hope for Zoey Brooks was still there. Maybe just maybe she would see him again. ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Author's Note- So whatta u think? Should I continue? I had a really big test so I couldn't update sorry but uppdates will come soon oh and review ;) thanx 2. Chapter 2 Logan Reese never cared for anyone's feelings beside his own but even then showing feeling made you weak. He was brought up only to care about himself and that whoever says they are your friends are lying. People never come through with what they say they are going to do. He knew this first hand because when he was five his mother and father got into a fight and she left. Of course she sent cards on holidays but it wasn't enough. I know what you are all thinking what does this have to do with Zoey and Chase? Everything. Logan could not help feeling horrible for Chase because Chase had finally said somethinh they all knew he wanted to. It wasn't the way Chase had pictured though and Logan knew it. Logan's eyes were watery like the day his mommy left. -----Flashback----- "Mommy you and Daddy can go out to dinner. You'll make the cut all better I know it! Cause Daddy always says that cuts toughen you up." "Logan honey I'm just going to visit grandma for a little while. I'll be back and we will talk every day. Your my best friend babe." "You promise me, Mommy? I love you 3 much." it was a game they played. You would give numbers until someone said I loved you none much, as a joke of course. "I love you 5 billion much." and with that she walked out the door. Little Logan Resse didn't understand why she never said I love you none much. He finally got it though, she didn't have to. She meant she loved him none much or she would have come back. -----End Flashback---- Logan never wanted to get close to anyone anymore. It hurt way to much to feel, to cry, and to love. So when his best friend Chase began to cry he couldn't be so vunerable. It was way to hard to love and to comfort Chase. Chase Mathews although very emotional and weak was much stronger than Logan. He could do something Logan couldn't, feel. -----Chase----- Hugging his body close to him made his body even colder. He didn't want to feel he didn't want to live. Just out of the corner of his eye he saw a silver object. It was Logan's pocket knife. That knife looked so good at that moment. Chase picked it up and raised it to his throat, he whispered something so soft it was unhearable to the common ear. He said,"For the love lost." and... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note- You must all really hate me right now but I haven't decided to finish chase off or not so you all decide. if i don't get reviews i will kill him for sure so review. 3 ;) 3. Chapter 3 Chase raised the blade to his throat. So many thoughts when to his head before he made the final cut. About his life,, his love, his family. Dammit. Chase put the blade down to write something to them. He couldn't depart without saying goodbye. In life people must do many hard things but saying goodbye is the hardest. Chase could not say goodbye to Zoey and he regreted it. So he knew before he stopped his time he should take some time for all to know. He walked over to the desk and picked up a pen and paper and began to write... Dear Friends And Family, I write this letter to you because personally I know how hard it is to lose a loved one without saying goodbye. This letter is not meant to be an end but instead a begining. I wish to start a new because I do not see the point to live anymore. Why, do you ask? Zoey Brooks. I'm in love with her.Do not think I am to young to know what love is. I do know what love is, I feel it all of the time or I did before she left. My love for her is like a well... I can't really say some sappy love thing because that wouldn't explain it. Every time she walked in the room my chest grew heavy like I coudn't contain my heart. It wasn't mine, not anymore Before I leave you all I have to tell some of you some things. Mom and Dad. I love you I really do but I can't live like this not ever. You both were always right by the way. About me staying up all night to play my guitar. So go on and say it. I told you so or I knew it or both, whatever. One more thing don't be mad at Zoey. It isn't her fault, it's mine. Be mad at me, please. Goodbye. Michael. Hey man, what's up? I ... I'll miss you. Your like my brother from another motha. If that makes sense and I love you to man. I will come back and haunt you though if you touch my laptop. Sorry dude, forgive me. Logan. Damn, what can I say to you. First off your rude and obnixous. Secondly you really piss me off when you flirt with Zoey. Most importantly your one of my best friends. I do not know why you just are. Don't hit on Zoey if you ever see her again by the way. Goodbye. Lola. A round of applause for the greatest actress in the world but more importantly the greatest friend in the world. You were a great person and you knew that I loved Zoey, So I'm guessing your smart too. I'll miss you. Quinn. Don't try to bring me back because I know somehow you can. I'm happier this way, really. You have to understand the pain was to much for me. Cure cancer or something like that instead. Peace. Zoey. In one life time most people do not believe in something so strongly to end their life for it. However, I met you. I fell in love with you and being friends was enough, for a while. I grew impatient over time and every guy you dated I wanted to strangle. You were happy and no matter how many times my heart ripped and teared I let you be happy. Because your smile was all I needed. I love you! I love you! You do not know how often I say that. Do not feel bad for me because I know you do not trully love me the way I do. Just being friends is you motive. So to end my letter and life I end with this. Time we do not always have but instead we have moments. I have many good moments so I think my time should halt. I'll miss you all. Love Chase Chase put down the pen and floded the letter in his hand. He raised the blade once more and with one qiuck movement... - Author's Note Cliff Hanger! Bum Bum Bum. I'm still not sure if I'm gonna kill Chase so maybe some reviews could point me in the right direction. 4. Chapter 4 Author's Note- Okay Chase is coming back on the show so now I CAN UPDATE! Also I have decided weither or not to kill Chase and you'll find out in this chapter. Read to find out LIVE OR DIE! A tear fell from Zoey's face. It dripped down on to her black dress. The dress wrinkled at the touch of water. A white coffin began to descend into the ground as the priest said some words about the deceased. However, she didn't care. All she heard was a breif ringing in her ear. She could not believe that the person she loved so much was dead. He had died while he was in the states and she couldn't even say good-bye. Zoey began to remember... "Chase loves me! Chase loves me! He loves me! I can't believe it!" Zoey spun around her room happily. Then her phone began to ring. She picked it up and all she heard was Dustin crying in the phone. "Zoey..." he said but couldn't finish. "Dustin. What is it?" she said trying to comfort her brother. "He died. He died Zoey. I saw him! It was terrible. I've never been so upset in my life." She caught her breath. Who had died that made Dustin so upset? "Dustin who died? You need to answer me!" she began to cry. Zoey knew it could have been anyone. "He was so young and had so much more to do with his life. To die the way he did is just horrible. Zoey he was so pale. You need to come back to PCA. I'm so upset. I need you here." His words all became a blur, "Dustin who died?" "Grandpa Daniels. He was my favorite grandfather. He was always so energetic. Granddad was hit by a car. You need to come back." "I'll be home soon Dustin. I need to call someone." "Bye Zoe. Please be home soon." "Okay. Love you and be strong until I get there." Zoey hung up her phone. Her knees finally gave in and she began to cry. She loved her Granddad. A pink cellphone was the only thing Zoey needed at that moment and so she grapped her phone. "I would like one ticket to Californa please." -Five Hours Later- Zoey ran to Chase's dorm room. She neded him to hold her in her hour of need. The door to his dorm flung open with the force of her arm. "Chase I need to..." Zoey stopped dead in her tracks. The sight before her made her forget completly about her grandfather. Chase stood before her getting ready to slit his neck with a knife to kill himself. He opened his eyes and saw Zoey. The knife fell out of his hands (A.N.- your welcome). One word escaped his lips "Zoey." He ran over to her and engulfed her in a hug. "Oh my god. Zoey I thought I would never see you again. And then I thought a life without you is no life at all. Here you are though and now I can't believe I was that stupid and gods I love you. I'm sorry it took me so long to say. But, I love you with all my heart and now you think I'm crazy so you won't even waqnt to be friends and..." Zoey slapped his shoulder," You scared me! Don't ever do that again. I love you and I would die without you. Don't leave me. Do you understand?" Chase nodded and opened his mouth to speak but something wouldn't let him, Zoey's lips. That memory for Zoey was one of the scariest and best memory's that she carried with her. She looked down at her grandfather and silently blessed him. For if Zoey did not come home for her grandfather she would be without Chase forever. At the same time she was filled with feelings of saddness for she wished her grandfather was with her right now. Two large hands wrapped theor way around her waist hugging her from behind. Chase belonged to the arms. zoey turned around and faced him. He lowered his lips on hers. Then Chase whispered in her ear, "I'd die without you." End file.
Without You by fanficfanatict
Zoey 101
Dismantled by the Dolphins A/N: This is my entry for the April Zoey 101 Fan Challenge at LJ. I own nothing **Dismantled by the Dolphins **Without Blake, others, Stingrays fall in state championship game 56-10 By Phil Savitt Sports Editor, Daily Stingray The dream season for the PCA football team ended this past weekend with a thud, ending a hectic week, one of the worst in program history. Without star quarterback Vince Blake, kicked off the team and suspended indefinitely from PCA due to cheating, many other key players, who were involved it a fight because Blake was turned in for cheating, suspended as well, and two other players out due to injury trying to protect their friend in that fight, the PCA Stingrays were crushed by the Dolphins of Bay City Academy out of San Diego 56-10 Saturday afternoon at the California Academy Football State Championship Game held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. "Our kids, most of which are starters, made stupid mistakes earlier in the week that prevented them from playing in this game. We had to start kids, that while talented, who were inexperienced at playing at such a high level and that killed us from the beginning," said head football coach Ron Thompson. The week started with junior Chase Matthews catching Vince Blake taking pictures of the answers to a test they were scheduled to have later in the week. Matthews turned Blake in; Blake was kicked off the team and suspended from school. Angry teammates of Blake's then got into a fight with Matthews and fellow juniors Mark Del Figgalo, Michael Barrett, and Logan Reese, the latter two also being football players who started on both offense and defense for the Stingrays. In all twenty two Stingrays were out for the game, Barrett and Reese due to their injuries, and twenty others who started the fight with Matthews, Del Figgalo, Barrett, and Reese. With Blake, Barrett, the teams best running back, Reese, the teams best wide receiver, two other starting wide receivers, and four of the five starting offensive linemen out for this game, it was a long day for freshmen quarterback Steve Belfour. While Belfour had done an excellent job for the reserve football team, starting his first game for the varsity team on this stage was just asking too much. Belfour was only ten of thirty one passing for one hundred forty four yards, one touchdown, four interceptions, and two fumbles. The touchdown came late in the game when the Dolphins had their backups in. Without a lot of its regular starters and its stars quarterback the offense could get nothing going. Meanwhile on defense out were three of the four starting defensive linemen, two of the starting linebackers, one being Barrett, and two of the four defensive backs, one being Reese. The Dolphin offense would march up and down the field on the depleted Stingray defense. Dolphins starting quarterback John Randall was twenty of twenty five passing for three hundred and seventy five yards and five touchdowns, in the first half as the Dolphins took a 42-0 halftime lead. Randall would finish the day thirty of forty for four hundred sixty three and seven touchdowns, leaving the game after his seventh touchdown that made the game 56-0 in favor of the Dolphins. On their first drive without Randall in the game, Dolphins backup quarterback Sid Mussing threw an interception that lead to PCA's only touchdown. The Stingrays would also add a field goal late in the game. The crushing defeat put an end to what was the greatest football season in the history of Pacific Coast Academy. The Stingrays completed the second ever undefeated season in school history, the other being in 1975. The Stingrays also won their third ever conference regular season championship, the other two coming last season and in 75. PCA made it to the state championship game for the first time ever in school history, a year after winning its first ever playoff game in school history. While undefeated in the regular season in 1975 the Stingrays were upset in the first round of the state playoffs. Last season was the break out year for Vince Blake as the team returned to the playoffs for the first time since 2000, winning in the first two rounds before falling in the regional championship game to archrival Reefside Academy in triple overtime. While this dream season ended on a sour note next season may be even better. Of the twenty players suspended for the championship game only three were seniors, and barring anymore trouble all seventeen will return to the team after serving the remainder of their suspensions during the first game of regular season next year. In total the team only loses eight seniors, with only four of them being starters. Both Barrett and Reese will return to the team, and Belfour, who showed glimpses of greatness with the reverse team as a freshman, will have a whole offseason of working with the first team offense under his belt. The main question going into next season is a simple yet huge one, will Vince Blake return? End file.
Dismantled by the Dolphins by psav2005
Zoey 101
Untitled **_Diclaimer:_ I do not own Zoey 101 or any of the characters. If i did Dana would still be on the show and her and Logan would relize they love each other but still keep bickering cause its funny lol. on with the story.** "Class settle down !! It's Time to present your poems. Dana Cruz is not with us today so I will be reading reading her Poem out loud to the class last. Now lets begin" Mrs. Walsh, a new teacher explained. Logan looked upset that Dana wasn't there but tried not to show it too much. He twidled his thumbs as the students presented none of his friends were in this class. Only Dana. "Logan Reese" The Teacher called. "Your up" Logan slowly rose from his seat and walked to the front of the class. "I Never thought..." Logan continued to tell his poem as the class listened intently. "Thank you Logan, you may take your seat, I am now going to read Dana's Poem, Everyone listen up." The teacher announced "'Specially you Logan" She whispered to Logan before he walked away. _'why should I listen to Dana's Poem, she wasn't even here to listen to mine' _ "Why do I let you do this to me Why do I love you Why do I want you Why do I need you Why cant you see Why cant you see that your killing me Why cant I see that you dont love me too Why cant I tell you the truth Why do I have to act so tough Why do I have to pretend that I dont care Why do you have to annoy me so much Why do you have to be here Why dont I hate you Why Why cant I just say, I hate you I hate you so much it makes me sick I hate you so much it makes me weak I hate you so much it makes me cry I hate you so much it makes me wanna die I hate you so much it makes me fall fall head over heels for nothing at all. My name is Dana 'Danger' Cruz and ive fallen hard for a fool whos initals are L. R. Guess who it is Cause i dont care All I wanted was someone to be there Yes you've torn down my safety walls But trust me when I tell you you've got till midnight thats all you know where i'll be im there every night ive felt you watching me while out of sight. Why Oh Why dont I hate you." Logan was speechless. _'She loves me !! She loves me like I love her !! YES !! Wait !! she knows ive bin watching her ?? Why didnt she say anything ??!! UHG!!' _ "Class dismissed." -------------------------------------------------------DL------------------------------------------------------------ "Logan !!" Zoey, Chase, Lola, Micheal and Nicole called "What ??" He asked. "Where are you going ??" Zoey questioned. It was 11:30 pm. and everyone was in the girls's lounge. Dean Riveres Extended the time for the guys and girls to hang out due to the good behaviour. "Im going to our dorm, im getting tired" Logan lied and faked a yawn. Nicloe, Micheal and Chase seemed convinced but Zoey and Lola didnt. "Okay" Nicloe said "Anyways, I was like and he was like and she was like and then we were like, and i was like OMG and he was like OMG and she was like WHATEVER. i think she was totally jelous, dont you think she was totally jelous, you have to think she was totally jelous, i think she tottally jelous." Nicole blabbed to no one in particular. Zoey and Lola continuted a conversation about how Logan was obviously lieing but didnt do anythign about it. --------------------------------------------------------------DL------------------------------------------------------- Dana walked to the beach in her bare feet like she did every night around this time. it was 11:55. She continued to walk until she reached a spot near the water where 11 medium sized rocks were put in a row leading to one Gigantic rock. Carefully she walked across the rocks and climbed on the bigger one she sat there in her Denim shorts and off the shoulder sweater, jsut watching the moonlight eluminate against the water and the stars twinkle. "Dana ??" Logan said quetly to the figure sitting on the rock. Dana froze, she didnt think he would come. "uh huh" was all she could say. "Mrs. Walsh read you poem to the calss" He said. She nodded, still not facing him. "I came. Its not midnight yet, does that mean you'll give me a chance ??" He asekd sincerely. She nodded again. "If you had bin in class then you would've heard my poem. But seeing as you didnt i'll just recite it for you now. He walked on the rocks and stood infront of Dana, hands empty. He looked at her stright in the eyes and began. "I Never thought I could think, feel or act the way I do when im around you, I know im just the player, who doesnt have a clue But when i see you I lose my words, You leave me speechless just by walking past, I cant control myself when your near thats why im so arrogant its because of fear. Yes, I Logan Reese admit it now Im crazy for you Oh tell me how How I can win you over Becuase without you, Im just another stuck up jerk." Dana's heart stopped. _'He loves me too ??" _She asked herself. "Dana, I know what your thinking. But its not a joke, I mean it. Yes Dana, I love you." He said calmly. Dana Gulped "I. I. I Love you too" She said. Logan climbed up the rock and sat beside Dana, He held her waist but still looked into her eyes. "Logan, I swear if your playing me I will hurt you so bad you wont be able to move, you'll be hospitalized for years. Maybe even in a coma. If you hurt me I will kill you, so you better not be playi--" Dana was cut off by Logan's lips planted firmly on hers. To her it was the best kiss of her life. To Logan, today was the best day of his life !! They pulled apart slowly and Logan whispered in her ear "I will never hurt you, When I look at you I see love When I kiss you I feel loved When I hold you hand I get sparks When I hug you, I never want to let go. So tell me now and tell me true, That you indeed, love me too" "I love you too" Dana whispered loud enough for him to hear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **I hope you liked it. Thsi si my first fan fic in zoey 101. Review if you want but im not going to say REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW becuase im writing casue i want to write not for the reviews. Thanks for reading. Bye** End file.
Untitled by Jiade-103
Zoey 101
What is Love? **A/N-** Hey, I'm sorry about not writing anymore chapters for 'Francy Pants' lately. My computer is getting fixed, so I'm using my dads and I don't want to have the story on two different computers. So, for now I'm writing one shots. (: I hope you enjoy. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Zoey 101. **What is Love?** _What kind of question is that? How am I supposed to write down what love is?_ These were the thoughts running through the mind of a sixteen year old girl with caramel curls, and brown eyes. She had no idea how to describe what love was. That was the assignment though, she had to answer one question. It didn't even have be a long answer, but to Dana, this was the most difficult thing ever. After doing anything she could to keep her mind off the question for two hours, she finally decided it was time to think it out, and write it down. _Okay, Cruz, you can do this._ She thought to herself. Taking a deep breath she wrote down exactly what she thought. Thank God she doesn't have to read this to anyone, the only person, other than herself, who is going to see this is her English teacher. When Dana's class started the next day, she was definitely in for a surprise. "Okay, class, turn in your assignments from last night, and I'm going to read a few to the class." _Oh, no._ Dana thought. _This can't be happening._ Oh, but it is. Mrs. Burch read about three before pulling one out, and somehow Dana knew it was hers. '_Love is something that not everyone gets to experience. It is something that is very hard to define, as it comes in different ways and at different times for everybody. You can love someone like a sibling, a son or daughter, a mother or father, even as a grandparent. But the best way to love someone is to be __**in**__ love with them. Love is sometimes mean, even if they say it isn't, it can make you lose friends, it gives you a feeling like nothing else can. Mostly though, love is Logan Reese.'_ By the end of that Logan was staring wide eyed up at the teacher wondering who exactly was in love with him. Then he noticed that Dana looked a little on edge and he smiled secretly to himself. None of the other answers meant anything to him, and he didn't listen to them. After class though he made sure to catch up with Dana and tell her he liked hers. "Cruz!" He yelled after her as she bolted out the door. Surprisingly, she stopped. "What, Reese?" She asked. "I liked your answer." Was all he said. "How do you know which one was mine? She didn't give names." Logan laughed lightly, leaned in, and kissed her. Softly and slowly. "I love you too, Cruz." He said as he pulled away. Dana looked slightly confused for a moment, before smiling flirtatiously, spinning on her heel, and walking away. Knowing very well that he would follow her of course. So, you see their love will always have the teasing, it will always have the flirtatiousness, but their love would last always, because for Dana love was Logan Reese, and for Logan, well, for Logan love was Dana Cruz. And to think, it all started with an English assignment. **What is Love.** **A/N:** AW, not one of my best stories. But it was alright. I guess. I hope you liked it, please, Read and Review. (: -Katie. End file.
What is Love? by HLP - Katon
Zoey 101
No more zoey Zoey :( " Oh My God!" chase yelled! " I Just ran Zoey over with a van!" " CHASE! HOW COULD YOU?" lola asked " I thought she was a squerral" " wow your dumb" " I know, but she has squirrel like qualities." Two days later... " im sorry, Chase, you killed Zoey" the doctor said. And everyone lived happily ever after. THE END End file.
No more zoey by myspace.girl
Zoey 101
Boyfriends 101 **I do not own Zoey 101 or any of the characters** Zoey and Chase had just got back from Hawaii and were now arriving at PCA for their Senior year. Zoey knew she would most likely have be in the same room with Quinn and Lola, and Chase would most likely be with Logan and Michael. Zoey got out of the Cab and went around to the trunk to grab her bags. "Zo, I got your bags. Go find Quinn and Lola." Chase said pulling out the bags from the trunk. "Chase, you have to go and unpack two. I got them, you don't always have to be a perfect boyfriend, ya know." Zoey said giving him a smile then picking up her bags. "Oh, okay meet you for lunch." Chase replied giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Ya usually table with everyone else." Zoey said with a smirk. "Of course." Chase said giving her another quick kiss before walking to his dorms. Zoey walked through the familiar campus to the dorm she had spent the last three years of her life and would now spend her final high school year. Zoey walked in the room and was immediately met with two familiar screams one that she hadn't heard in awhile. "Zoey," they both screamed rushing to give her a hug. "Lola, Nicole what are you doing here." Zoey said pointing the question towards Nicole. "I had to beg my parent to let me spend Senior year with my besties, and with boyz." Nicole said not surprising Zoey at all "Although I didn't mention the last part." "Same old Nicole." Zoey said with a laugh "What about Quinn." "She got a single room again." Lola said getting a blix out of the mini- fridge. "and yes she's still with Logan." "I suspected." Zoey said knowing her two friend had barely spent any time apart during the summer. "So Zoey, I hear you and Chase are finally together." Nicole said sitting on the couch. "Lola seriously." Zoey said knowing the whole world probably knew by now. "What, she was gonna find out sooner than later." Lola responded. Zoey gave her a smirk and then turned back to Nicole "Yes, we started dating at Prom last year." "Wait I thought he was in England last year, and I thought you were dating that James guy." Nicole said clearly confused by the whole situation. "He was and I was and it's a really long story." Zoey said beginning to make her bed. "Tell it." Nicole said almost jumping up and down. Zoey sat down on the edge of her bed and explained everything from the time she left PCA to Prom, not leaving out the part that Stacy got hit by Michael's car and her S's sound perfect now or the part where James told Zoey he loved her. After she finished Nicole looked like she was going to explode with questions. "I don't mean to put a damper on things." Nicole said trying to smile "but, have you talked to James since Prom." Zoey didn't say anything, her smile fell as she thought about it. "Zoey, you have talked to James right." Lola said giving Zoey a look. "Ah," Zoey said letting out a nervous laugh "no, not exactly." "what do mean not exactly." Lola said staring at her friend. "I mean he doesn't even know about Chase." Zoey said with a nervous smile. "Zoey." Lola and Nicole almost yelled both throwing pillows at Zoey. "Hey, I was caught up with Chase coming back, and then going to Hawaii for the summer, I...I just didn't get the chance." Zoey said throwing her hands around not knowing what to do. "You have to talk to him." Nicole said not even knowing James. "I will I just." Zoey said glance at the clock that said it was a little after noon."I just have to go meet Chase for lunch." "Zoey." both girls groaned knowing she was trying to avoid the conversation. "You coming." Zoey said and both girl reluctantly followed. The Three girls made their way down the hall to Quinn's room who was immediately filled in on the conversation They just had about James and Zoey. Which earned Zoey a slap on the arm. After Zoey had argued a bit with the three girls she switched the subject to Quinn and Logan. So she was let off the hook the rest of the way to the familiar lunch table. "Hey." Zoey said and Chase jumped up to give her a kiss while Logan did the same when he saw Quinn. "Zoey who's James?" Chase asked looking at her. 'Seriously you two." Zoey said looking at Logan and Michael who quickly made excuses to leave but were stopped by the girls. "Actually I can do that later." Michael said not wanting to test the girls and sat back down. "Me too." Logan agreed sitting back down. Zoey nodded at them."James and I dated while you were in England." "Okay and when did you guys break up." Chase asked trying not to pry. "Really you guys are as bad as Lola." Zoey said to the two boys who were avoiding her gaze. "We broke up the day before Prom." Zoey answered turning back to chase "Why?" Chase said obviously trying to get answers. "He gave me a necklace that said I love You." Zoey said taking a breath knowing talking in private wasn't an option knowing her friends :"as soon as I saw it I thought about you and knew I was still in love with you and still am.." "Okay, let's get something to eat." Chase said dropping the subject. "So what we gettin." Michael said standing up. "You know I haven't had Sushi Rox's in almost nine months." Chase said putting his arm around Zoey. "To Sushi Rox's" Michael said walking next to them when Lisa, and Vince joined the group. They made their way through the Campus to Sushi Rox's. "Kazu do if I get a discount if I bring back your favorite Employee." Zoey said walking into the restaurant followed by Chase. "Better question does Kazu's favorite employee get his job back." Chase said as the group made their way to push some table's together because their once small group of six has now grown to nine and knowing Nicole would soon be ten. "Of course Chase, you start on Monday." Kazu said "Now what kind of sushi would you kids like." They all ordered and then started talking about different subject Nicole started complaining about the all girls school she went to. Logan and Quinn talked about their many adventures during break and not one did one without the other. Michael talked about his trip to Florida with his family and everyone was bugging Zoey and Chase about Hawaii. "Guys seriously, my uncle was on us constantly he even made it a point to have chase five floors below me and workers checking on us all night not to mention that 10 hours a day we were working." "10 hours of work plus 8 hours of sleep that leaves 6 hours everyday." Quinn points out. "Well boy genius over here took surf lessons so that bring us down to 5 hours." Zoey points out. "Not to mention Zoey took snorkeling lessons which means we're down to four." Chase also pointing out why they had less time together.. "And knowing Zoey she takes an hour to get ready in the mornings so you're down to three." Lola comments. "Okay, okay, but it's still three hours a day four what 3 months so, that's like 270 hours which is equal to about eleven days. That's about a week and a half." Quinn notes. "Actually you might want to minus another hour a day because of all of you texting and calling us." Zoey says giving them a look. "Okay only 180 hours, so 7 and a half days." Quinn says doing the math in her head. "We spent time on the beach, and around town that's pretty much it." Chase said then changed the subject to Lola and Vince. The group was laughing and talking about all the memories at PCA, on campus and away. They were all comfortable until the door to Sushi Roxs and James walked in. "Hey guys." James greeted smile at everyone. Everyone immediately got quiet and mumbled quick hellos. "Hey James." Zoey said being the first to speak his name. "Hi Zoey, How've you been, how was Hawaii who'd you take.." James asked. Zoey cringed at the mention of Hawaii. "James, this is Chase, Chase this is James." Zoey said quietly. "Nice to meet you man, you new to PCA." James asked purposely irritating Chase "Not really." Chase said standing up. "Really, I didn't see you here last year." James continued. "James, stop that." Zoey said also standing up "I told you everything about Chase, never once did I lie." "Zoey he left you how can you forgive that he's a jerk." James said looking at the small blonde. "I didn't leave her I chased after her." Chase retorted. "Ya sure you did." James rolled his eyes. "JAMES." Zoey yelled. "I moved to London for her I fell in love with her within 5 seconds of seeing her." Chase said. "Wow, you sure know how to lie." James spat back. "Chase I think we should leave." Zoey said grabbing his arm. and taking a necklace out of her purse. "James, Chase doesn't lie but you do." Zoey held up the necklace James had given her. "This is a lie, if you ever truly loved me you would be happy, I'm happy, like Chase was when we decided to wait til he got back to date, Hawaii was amazing, and I didn't take a friend, I took my boyfriend, and I'm sure glad that's not you anymore." Zoey said throwing the necklace at him when she was finished. "Bitch, you can't admit that your a slut, how long after we broke up did you go and sleep with Chase, like the little hore you are, you probably slept with Michael and Logan two." James spat his words like he even finished Michael, Logan, Vince, and Chase were in front of Zoey. "I think it's time for you to leave." Vince said crossing his arms. "You gonna do something about it Blake." James said also crossing his arms. "Me, I wouldn't about worry me as much as I would worry about these three." Vince said pointing to the boys around him. "Like they're going to do anything." James said with a cocky look "All three of their girlfriends are sluts including yours Vince." in a matter of fact tone. In seconds Lola, Lisa, Quinn, and Nicole were on their feet behind the boys. "First of all Zoey, Nicole, Lola, and Quinn, are like my sisters and Nobody calls my Girlfriend a slut." Michael retorted "Actually nobody's calls my girls sluts." He finished referring to all five of the girls. "Baby, I thought we were going for pizza." A girl said walking about behind James. "Rebecca, ain't that a perfect match." Zoey said recognizing the girl who had told her to stay away from Chase. "Chase your back." She said looking up happily going over to hug him. Chase quickly avoided the hug throwing his arms around Zoey instead. "Babe, can we leave now." Zoey said looking up at Chase. "Ya, Lola, Vince, Logan, Quinn, Michael, Lisa, and Nicole do you wanna go down to the beach." Chase said looking at the others. They all nodded and mumbled yes's. They all pushed past James and Rebecca, Zoey stopping in front of Rebecca because it was just so damn tempting. She stood tall and looked at the girl who had tried to get between her and Chase's friendship. "I guess I didn't lose my chance with Chase, too bad you were just a replacement for well, me."Zoey said making sure James heard every word. Chase knew Zoey knew it was wrong but, he also knew it was something she needed to say. "And James I thought I could love you, I thought you loved me but one thing or should I say person stood in the way and I'm glad he did because you never truly loved me. Chase on the other hand always loved me for the past four years he's loved me and I don't doubt that." Zoey finished giving Chase a kiss and following her friends. End file.
Boyfriends 101 by J.E. Campbell
Zoey 101
New A/N- Flame me because of the pairing, and I** will** slit your throat. That's not a threat, it's a promise. I also understand this is late, but that's though cookies. I'm not too thrilled with the Zoey 101 forum right now, so don't piss my off. **Disclaimer- I do not own Zoey 101 or any of its characters. ** **--- ** Ten minutes 'till midnight, and Chase Matthews was alone in his dorm, soaking in his own pool of self pity. It was supposed to be a new year, full of new experiences and new goals. Chase didn't see any of it. He was miserable, and had been since the love of his life took of for London last year. She stopped all contact with him, and only talked to her old roommates, Quinn and Lola. It was amazing what a little accidental click of a mouse could do. Zoey knew Chase loved her, but she didn't love him back. His biggest fear had come true, and his darkest secret had come out. Chase's writing had become exceedingly darker, filled with tragedy and despair. Logan and Michael just didn't know how to approach him anymore, so they didn't. The only person he still talked to was Quinn, but she was downstairs at the New Year's Eve party at the moment. Everyone at PCA came back for New Year's for the huge bash held for each grade. Chase hadn't even left PCA. He didn't come home for Christmas, or any other break. He was depressed, end of story. He suddenly heard the door open, expecting Logan or Michael coming in for a forgotten item of some sort. Instead, a bespeckled brunette entered and lay back on the bed next to him, still decked out in a flowy red party dress. "It's almost New Year's, you know," She stated, staring at the ceiling with him. She understood what he was going through, and although the rest of her friends had given up on the troubled boy, she wasn't about too. "Yeah, I guess," he mumbled, turning on his side, away from her. "You're thinking about Zoey, aren't you?" she stated more than asked. She could read him like a book, sometimes. "I guess," he mumbled again. She frowned. Quinn hated seeing her friend like this on a holiday. New Year's was about starting over, turning over a new leaf. Chase was acting even worse than before. She turned over on her side too, spooning his body and wrapping an arm around his stomach. Her head lay on his shoulder, and his had grabbed the one draped across his midsection. "I'm sure she's thinking about us," she tried. She knew this would get him angrier. She also knows Zoey probably wasn't thinking about her old friends. Quinn didn't want to tell Chase that she had stopped emailing her and Lola too. It was depressing to lose a friend like Zoey, but even worse for Chase. "Yeah, okay. She's probably thinking about that kid she's having with that stupid British guy," he scoffed. "Chase, don't throw around rumors like that!" "Please Quinn, you know it's true!" he retorted, angry. Zoey had informed everyone of her pregnancy, and explained that as the reason for not coming back. Chase knew it was because of him and his stupid, big mouth. Chase knew that if Zoey was with him, she wouldn't be pregnant. "Why can't you just get over it!" she yelled back. Quinn was trying her hardest, but she just couldn't seem to fix this. Quinn could fix anything, but she just couldn't fix Chase, no matter how hard she tried. He was just too hard of a problem to solve. "I can't get over it! Do you know how much it hurts to be rejected by someone you've loved for three years? Three years, Quinn? Does that mean anything to you? Think about how many stories I could of written, or how much more sleep I could've had, instead of staying up, thinking about _her_!" He was angry now, and facing her. They were both lying horizontally on the bed, and Chase was staring at her deeply with those green eyes. They were filled with rage, hurt, and passion, and it killed Quinn. "I do know what it's like, Chase! Maybe I've wasted three years too! Maybe I'm in love with someone that will never love me back? But when have you stopped to think about me! All I've done is help you! But have you helped me back? No!" She screamed back, on the verge of tears. They could both hear the faint noise of the party counting down until midnight. Chase and Quinn were silent, except for Quinn's sniffling. Then Chase grabbed Quinn, and pulled her into a hug. A choked sob left him, and whispered apologies of every kind to her. She stood there frozen, as she vaguely heard the echoing chorus of the number one ring in her ear. The he separated for her, and crashed his lips onto hers. He wasn't quite sure what made him do it, but he wasn't thinking at the moment. But then again, neither was she. All the registered was Chase kissing her senseless, and her brain yelling "_Yes!_" over and over again. The fight between the two that night was short and sweet, but unearthed something completely new. Chase's phone rang, playing an old Oasis song, but he never heard it. He left the voicemail from Zoey stay in his inbox for a while. --- Not sure how that was, but I wrote it in like, twenty minutes. More of a really long drabble, and should be added to my drabbles, but I don't think it really fits there. Tell me what you think in a _**REVIEW. **_ Peace. End file.
New by Zut Alors
Zoey 101
1. I'd Lie **AN: Okay guys. This story used to be on my Brebre15 account. I'm taking it off there and posting it on this account, like I hope to do with my other stories. I'm going to re-edit this, and fix my spelling and grammar mistakes, since I'd like to think I'm a better writer now. It'd be cool if you guys reviewed, but you don't have to.** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101. This is, however, my original work, even though it was posted on the site under another users account. I also don't own the song 'I'd Lie' by Taylor Swift.** **--** I know everything about him, and he knows everything about me. Except one little secret that I've never told anyone. Even my roommates think they know everything, but they are far from it. I'd never tell them as much as I've told him; he can keep secrets, unlike them. They may be my friends but he is my best friend. I tell him everything, except that one little secret. _I don't think that passenger seat Has ever looked this good to me He tells me about his night And I count the colors in his eyes_ Anyways, I'm in 10th grade. I have two roommates like everyone else here at PCA. My one roommate, Nicole, she can talk for hours about nothing. She likes someone too and his name is Michael. He's my best friend after...well, you know, my crush. My other roommate, Zoey, is like a little Miss Perfect. She gets mad at me for not brushing my teeth after I eat a cracker. She likes Michael's roommate Chase. What she is to oblivious to see is, Chase likes her too. Okay, it's more like he loves her _I'll never fall in love He swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong And I don't think it ever crossed his mind He tells a joke, I fake a smile And I know all his favorite songs_ I'm at the beach now. It's my favorite place in the world. I lay back on the sand and look at the clouds. At least I was, until someone blew in my face. "What the...oh it's you" I almost whispered the last part. "What's up with you? You seem jumpy." He says as he lays down beside me. _And I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And if you ask me if I love him I'd lie_ I looked at the sky and then turned on my side. I propped my head up with my hands. This song comes to me as I lay there looking at him. I write songs sometimes. Mostly about my friends. Michael thinks the perfect song to fit Nicole is "You Talk To Much". I don't remember the author. "What are you looking at?" He asked breaking my train of thoughts. "Nothing. So, how's Kim?" I asked changing the subject to his girlfriend. "We broke up. I like someone else." He looked bored with the subject, which is weird for him. "Oh. I'm sorry. Who is it?" I asked trying to look sympathetic. "Not telling." "Why? I tell you everything." Okay, so that's a lie. "No, you don't. I don't know who _you_ like." He looked me straight in the eyes. I closed my eyes and fell back onto the sand. _He looks around the room Innocently overlooks the truth Shouldn't a light go on Doesn't he know that I've had him memorized for so long And he sees everything in black and white Never let nobody see him cry I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine_ "Hey, come on tell me. I won't tell, you know that." "I just can't." "Why not?" "It would ruin our friendship. You'd hate me." I said and looked out into the water. "Fine." He said as he stood and pulled me up. He pulled me toward the water, and stopped right at edge. The water just touched my toes. "But I could never hate you." He whispered in my ear before walking away. _I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And if you ask me if I love him I'd lie_ I watched him walk back and grab his backpack from where we were laying before. He turned around and looked at me for a second. "If you ever want to tell me, you know where I live. With Chase and Mike; don't forget. See you later." He called as he walked back toward the campus. "I won't" I whispered to the ocean. _He stands there,__ then walks away My God, if I could only say I'm holding every breath for you_ -- The next day I woke up to an ear splitting scream. What a wonderful way to start the day. I turned over and opened my eyes. Zoey was hurriedly going through the closet and Nicole was literally raking a brush through her hair. I yawned loudly and they looked at me. "Good, you're up. We're late. We only have ten minutes to get to class!" Zoey yelled the last part. "WHAT!? Why didn't you guys wake me?" I yelled as I threw off the covers. "We just got up. And we know how you are in the morning, Cruz." Nicole defended. "Whatever." I said as I went out the door to the bathroom. I was walking back to the dorm, well more like power walking, when I felt someone grab my waist so I couldn't move. They put a hand over my eyes, and I knew instantly who it was. _He'd never tell you But he can play guitar I think he can see through everything but my heart First thought when I wake up is My God, he's beautiful So I put on my make-up And pray for a miracle_ "Hi Logan. Listen, I have to go get dressed. I'm going to be late if I don't." I said trying to pull away. "Not so fast. Want to tell me about this crush yet?" He asked as he spun me around to face him. "No, not really." I told him. "Aw, come on. Cruz, you're my best friend." "Which is exactly why I can't tell you." He smirked at me. "Is it me?" My heart stopped. "Because if it is, then I'll tell you who I like." He whispered. "So, if I like'll tell me who you like? That's fair." I said the last part sarcastically. "Okay, fine. We'll write it on paper and put it on the other person's desk in homeroom. Fair?" I nodded and he finally let me go. _Yes, I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Oh, and it kills me His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And it you ask me if I love him... if you ask me if I love him... I'd lie_ "Where have you been, Cruz?! We have 5 minutes." Zoey yelled as I threw on jeans and a black tank top. I put on black flip flops and a PCA hoodie too. I shoved my math book into my backpack and grabbed a brush. I ran it through my hair quickly and slung my backpack over my shoulder. "1 minute. We aren't going to make it!" Zoey said as we ran across campus. "Yes we will. Run faster." "I can't run any faster this is my top speed." Nicole said as we flew through the doors of the homeroom building. We ran into the room and the teacher looked at us. All three of us were just through the door when the bell rang. "Oh my gosh. I have to sit down. I was not meant to run in these boots." Nicole said as she fell into the chair beside Mike. "Me too." Zoey plopped down onto a chair beside Chase and put her head down on the desk. She looked dead. I sat down in the only open seat. Behind Logan. I took out a piece of paper and wrote: _If you must know, I don't like anyone._ Ok so I lied. Big Deal. I folded the paper and he turned around. He dropped his paper on my desk and took mine. He turned around. I quickly unfolded the paper. _Cruz, wanna know who I like? Well, it's...Y-O-U!_ I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped open because the girl next to me looked at me creepy. I then tapped Logan on the shoulder. He turned around and looked at me funny. "You don't like anyone? This was stupid. Sorry I bothered you. Let's just be friends." He mumbled. I just nodded. I didn't know what else to say. I wish I could go back in time and redo it. But would I have done it different? No. Because I'm a liar. That's me. Dana Cruz-PCA's best liar. **A/N: Okay, there's the new version of it. I think it was a little better. I tried not to change anything, but to combine sentences so it was better like that. Review if you want.** **-Breanna** 2. Picture to Burn **AN: Okay, here's the next chapter. I'm going to re-edit this one too. The story will still be the same, but I'm going to re-write some sentences. I think I write a little better now, so hopefully this will be okay.** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101, or the song 'Picture to Burn' by Taylor Swift. ** -- I can't believe I was so stupid; I should have told him. Now, I know he likes me too. I should tell him I lied, but I can't. I waited to long and he has a girlfriend now. He told Chase and Michael that he's dating her to forget me, but I don't want him too. We are still friends at least, but that's all we'll ever be now. He always talks about her. Her name is Kara. I hate her so much. I wish it was me. I wish I was the girl holding his hand, kissing his lips, sitting by him at lunch, always being with him. If I hadn't lied to him, I would be. It was stupid for me to think he didn't like me. Deep down I knew he did. I walk out of my room with my guitar. I walk silently to the beach; my favorite place. I'm shocked when I see Kara sitting there. I sit down beside her as she cries. I ask her what's wrong and she says things I can't understand. I don't get all of it, but I do get three words. The worst three words for her at this moment. He. Dumped. Me. I actually feel bad for her. I tell her I'll deal with him, and she barely smiles. I put my guitar on my lap and tell her to listen to this song. I start to play Picture to Burn by Taylor Swift. _State the obvious, I didn't get my perfect fantasy __I realized you love yourself more than you could ever love me So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy That's fine; I'll tell mine you're gay And by the way... _ _I hate that stupid old pickup truck You never let me drive You're a redneck heartbreak Who's really bad at lying So watch me strike a match On all my wasted time As far as I'm concerned you're Just another picture to burn _ _There's no time for tears,I'm just sitting here planning my revenge There's nothing stopping me From going out with all of your best friends And if you come around saying sorry to me My daddy's gonna show you how sorry you'll be _ _I hate that stupid old pickup truck You never let me drive You're a redneck heartbreak Who's really bad at lying So watch me strike a match On all my wasted time As far as I'm concerned you're Just another picture to burn _ _If you're missing me, __You'd better keep it to yourself Cause coming back around here Would be bad for your health... _ _I hate that stupid old pickup truck You never let me drive You're a redneck heartbreak Who's really bad at lying So watch me strike a match On all my wasted time As far as I'm concerned you're __Just another picture to burn _ _Burn, burn, burn, baby, burn You're just another picture to burn Baby, burn..._ She looked at me and smiled. "You are so right Dana. And just between us, I think Logan likes you." "I know. I know he does." I whispered. "You do? Don't you like him?" She asked. "Um...just between us right? You won't tell anyone." "Yea totally. I won't tell anyone! I'm not Nicole." She laughed. "Well...ok. I do like Logan. A lot. And one day he cornered me in the hall, and said he'd tell me who he liked if I told him. In class we wrote it on paper. He put that he liked me. I put nobody. I wish I had put him though." I can't believe I just confessed all that to her. "You're friends with him right, just slip it into a conversation one day. Actually make that now here he comes." She said and stood up. She gave me a thumbs up and walked away. She wouldn't look at Logan though. "Hey Cruz. What were you talking to Kara for?" He asked like I wasn't allowed. "Hey Reese, cause I can." I smirked at him and laid back on the sand. He laid down beside me. He is like really close to me. "Fine, I don't want to start a fight. I just wanted to know something." He said propping up his head with his hand. I did the same. "What did you want to know?" "Who do you really like? I know every girl at this school likes someone. Miss Perfect even likes someone. Tell me Cruz please." He has a point. "Why do you want to know so bad?" I ask not wanting to answer. "Because...I might want it to be me." He said softly and blushed! Oh my gosh, I've got to remember to tell Zoey that one. "What if it is?" I asked taking a big risk. "If it is then I'd have to do this." He said softly and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away. "I never said it was you." "But you kissed me back." He objected. "So what?" I asked him, standing up. "So, you like me don't you? Come on Cruz admit it." "Never!" I yell and run off to my room with my guitar. Of course he followed me. He ran pretty fast and caught up to me. He tackled me onto the grass. My guitar almost hit the ground but Logan grabbed it. He set it down gently and sat on top of me. "Can I help you?" I ask. "Maybe. I'm looking for a girl that looks just like you that is a really good kisser. You seen her?" He smirks at me. "Nope." I say and he laughs. He stands up and pulls me up. He takes my hand and walks me to my dorm. Here is my happily ever after. And you know what, I never truly admitted to him that I like him. He just knows. **A/N: How was that for an updated version? I hope you guys liked it. I'd like to get some reviews on this, and that will tell me that I should re-write or re-edit my other stories in my Brebre15 account and put them back up under this account.** **-Breanna** End file.
I'd Lie by rockstar1212
Zoey 101
What I Really Meant To Say **What I Really Meant To Say** -One Shot- It was a typical Monday evening. I had just gotten off work and was in the supermarket getting my weekly grocery shopping done. It was a good thing too, because my fridge was completely empty. Someone once told me never to shop for groceries while you're hungry and my cart was totally proof of that. It was almost full to the top. I was almost ready to check out when I had a sudden urge to get ice cream, Chocolate peanut butter to be exact. It was a strange craving but I decided to give in to it. So, I turned around and headed toward the ice cream aisle. I searched through the different favors, spotted Chocolate Peanut Butter, leaned down, picked it up, and when I looked up I nearly had a heart attack. Standing only a few feet away from me, holding a box of ice cream sandwiches, was Chase Matthews. He was staring at me. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and tan khaki shorts. His hair was as bushy as ever and he gave me a small crooked smile. "Hello Zoey," Chase said with a little nod. "Hi," I said. I set the ice cream in the cart. "It's been awhile," Chase said. I nodded. _Why did I need to get ice cream?_ My mind screamed. _Why?_ "How've you been?" He asked. "I've been great. You?" My eyes wandered to the ring on his finger and suddenly I felt ill. "I've been pretty good. I'm working and stuff." "Me too, me too," I nodded awkwardly. Just as my mind was screaming "RETREAT!" Lola turned the corner. "Hey, Chase, I found the horseradish!" she said pushing a cart. Then she spotted me. "Oh, hey Zoey!" "Hi," I waved. She moved away from the cart and took Chase's hand and then I saw it- her stomach. "So how far along are you?" I asked hesitantly. "About 7 months," Lola said with a smile. "She had a craving for ice cream and horseradish," Chase stated. "Right," Lola said. "He said he would run out and get the things I was craving himself but I decided to go with him. It's a good thing I did, Zoey. It's good seeing you." "Yeah, it's good seeing you too," I couldn't take my eyes off of her wedding ring- it was round cut, with small diamonds around the band. It was beautiful. "So, do you know if it's a girl or a boy?" "It's going to be a girl," Chase grinned. "That's great. I'm sure she'll be beautiful." "We already have a name picked out for her, Isabella Ann Matthews. Maybe we can get together or something after she's born," Lola suggested, patting her stomach. "Sure," I said, knowing that that would never happen. "Well, I'd better get going. My ice cream is melting." "Yeah, and we still need to get some swiss cheese," Chase said. "Well, bye. Zoey it was good seeing you," Lola smiled. She and Chase walked away, hand in hand. I watched them, uneasy, and unsure of how exactly I felt. He kissed her and it felt someone had kicked me in the stomach, with force. Finally, I turned around and walked to the check out. Tears dripped down my face but I quickly wiped them away, causing my cheeks to burn. I stared into space as the clerk scanned all my items. I stared into space as I made my way to my red SUV and put the groceries in the truck. And I sat in my car, unable to drive. I sat there and thought of what I wanted to say, what I should have said, when he asked me how I was. I'm still stuck in the past with you, with us. I'm miserable ALL THE TIME. I miss you more each day than before. I'm not as strong and as cool about this as I act. I wish it was me t hat you married. I wish I said yes when you proposed. I wish things were different. I was wrong. I love you. But, I couldn't say any of that. He was married now, married to Lola, who was pregnant with a little girl. I had to swallow my jealousy and my pride, and wait for my feelings for him to go away. Because it wasn't proper for someone to be in love with a married guy. Even if that married guy was your former fiance and former best friend. I took a deep breath after a good ten minutes of thinking and crying and recovering. Then I put the car in drive and went home. It was over. Plus, if I sat there any longer the ice cream was going to melt. * * * A/N: This was a random one that I whipped up today. I got the idea from a song called "What I Really Meant To Say" by Cyndi Thompson. It's a good song you should look it up. Yeah I think I might be accepting the idea of "Chola" but "Choey" will alway reign. (At least in my opinion.) However, this fiction is not a reflection of that statement.... End file.
What I Really Meant To Say by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Vampire's Kiss **This is going to be an AU oneshot, a very different one from my normal work for Little Miss Erika, who requested this. It IS a Quinn/Vince, and I have no clue if it will turn out good but I might as well try right?** **Disclaimer: Nope, own nothing. But it IS AU, so I do own most of the characters** _Salem, 1867_ Quinndelyn Anabelle Pensky-Wright is nineteen when it first happens. She wishes her husband was not a drinker, or else she could be safe in her home resting. Instead, she runs through the street into the forest not far out of town, collapsing on the dirty ground with tears staining her cheeks. Her brown eyes are glassy and distant, and her heart is pounding quite hard. Her dress is ruined, but she can clean it up later. She feels her breath quickening a little bit more when she hears breathing behind her. She is afraid to turn around, so she sits petrified, wondering if this is the end of her life already. Finally, a deep husky voice speaks. "Miss? What brings you out to skirts of town at this late hour?" he asks. And suddenly, he is in front of her, bending down as he looks in her face. Since it is so dark, Quinndelyn cannot make out his face, but she can see his amber eyes and he looks a little pale. She shrugs her shoulders as she wipes the tears from her eyes, feeling dread coming over her. "I am saddened about my husband and his dark days with the liquour bottle. I do not wish to go home when he is in his state. Dear sir, what brings you out here?" Quinndelyn asks as she starts to get up. The stranger helps her up as well, shooting a toothy grin at her. She thinks she sees fangs on the man, but cannot be certain. "I was going for a stroll, m'lady. It's a nice enough evening after all. Shall I walk you back to the town?" he asks carefully. Quinndelyn nods immediately. He seems nice after all. She takes his arm and the two start walking even deeper in the forest, but Quinndelyn doesn't even know where she is anymore. The two make pleasant conversation but something seems off with this stranger, who hasn't even told her his name. But she doesn't question it; after all, she is not allowed to. She is only a woman. Finally, the two stop as Quinndelyn looks around. "Where is the town? I do think we went the wrong way kind sir," she tells him politely. By this time, the moon is out and shining. The stranger shakes his head as he walks toward the moonlight as Quinndelyn stays back. "Actually miss, we are in the right place," the stranger says, a feeling of dread coming over Quinndelyn. She shivers involuntarily as he stops and turns to her. She can see him clearly now. His skin is pale white, his eyes turning a red colour. She can see he is very strong and powerful, and just...not human. Quinndelyn steps back shakily as he smiles, showing her his fangs. "Who are you?" she asks shakily, stepping back some more, picking up the hem of her dress. The stranger crouches down, grinning at her. "Mine name is Vincent Blake, but most of my vampire friends call me Vince, my dear lady," he answers. Quinndelyn's mouth opens in shock, she freezes in place. "Vampire?" she gasps. He nods, though, clearly amused. "Yes, and you'd make a lovely addition to my small family. Do not worry though Quinndelyn, we'll help you through this rough stage. And the transformation part will be over soon, I promise," he answers. Before she can asks how he knows her name, he crouches down as if to lunge at her. Quinndelyn wastes no time in turning and starting to run for her life, wanting to see her husband once more, not wanting to be mean to him anymore. Suddenly, she is knocked to the ground, turned on her back and the last thing she sees is Vincent's smirking face before pain erupts on her neck. She feels some blood tricking down her neck. She hears herself scream before everything goes black. _Jamesport, 1889_ It is twenty two years since Quinndelyn, now known as Quinn, has been turned into this horrific, mythical creature. It had been bad the first year. She had no clue what to do; she was always thirsting blood, but Vince kept to his promise. Now, she knows what to do and how to act in a town. Apparently, Vince and some other vampires get this ring so they can go out in the sun without burning to death. It is highly useful and extremely rare, and only twenty vampires in the world have one. Vince, his three other 'family' members and now Quinn are five of them. Vince took Quinn to meet the rest of the clan and now, Quinn feels extremely close to them. The first vampire, nineteen year old Daniella Cruz is the first that had been turned, in 1701 by her father who had been turned by another vampire. Her father had been killed by vampire slayers many years ago, so Daniella has anger issues with the slayers and wishes to kill them all. The second, twenty four year old James Garrett, is the third turned, Vince being turned in 1799. James had been turned in 1800 by Vince himself when Vince was a newborn vampire. James is a very nice boy, but when he gets angry, well, last time he got really angry (in 1865), he had wiped out three hundred townspeople in under an hour. The last is a male, twenty one year old Liam, whose last name is unknown. He had been turned in 1812 by Daniella, and somehow, the two ended up to be romantically linked. Quinn likes Liam the best. He is a wounded vampire that loves killing people, but always cleans up after himself so nobody suspects a thing. It might have something to do with the fact that Liam had some neatness issues when he was not a vampire. Vince is twenty five, the oldest of them all and he doesn't seem to mind one bit. Being the leader of the pack, he tends to keep the clan to a limit of five vampires only. He wants company but doesn't want a freaking family following him around all the time. Quinn seems to like Vince; he is very interesting and mysterious. He doesn't care who he hurts, as long as he hurts them. "Vincent, you did not clean up after yourself again. Those vampire slayers and hunters will surely find us because of you," Liam retorts as the five run through the forest after leaving five men dead in a town that they are just passing through. Vince shrugs as they all stop, Vince wiping his lips. "Whatever. We'll be long gone before those bastards can find us," Vince retorts. Daniella winces as the language he uses. "Language Vincent," she warns him. Vince rolls his eyes and before he knows it, Daniella has slapped the vampire quite hard. Quinn covers her smirk. Vince just rolls his eyes as they start moving again, a little more slowly now. "That was a good dinner however; tastier that I thought they would be," he admits. James nods as well as he brushes back his blonde hair. "That tall man had better blood than I expected, especially from his appearance," James agrees. Quinn grins innocently as they all stop for a place to rest after running such a long way in that short time (59 miles in fact). "That short man did have tasty blood as well. But it has some sort of an after taste that is not so pleasant," Quinn remarks, touching her ruby red lips. She lets her hair down as her brown curls cascade over her shoulders. Daniella takes out her hair piece as well as her dark brown bangs hang over her petite face. It is good to be free, Quinn thinks as she watches James and Liam race up a tree. Daniella goes to look around as Vince sidles over to her. "Beautiful night, isn't it Quinn?" he asks innocently. His dark, husky voice echoes in her ear and if she were human, she would shiver, but she can't. "Of course Vince, indeed it is. It has been a productive day but I wish we could travel farther. I would enjoy seeing the fine landscape here in America that I hear so much about," Quinn tells him as she leans on him. He doesn't budge, but he does wrap his arm around her. "We have forever princess," he whispers in her ear and Quinn knows that it is true. _Clanton, 1937_ _"Adolf Hitler from Germany has stared a horrific war for the world. Will it end?" _the newscaster says on the radio in Alabama. Quinn settles on the couch, her dress draped over her as Daniella finishes drawing her. A smile comes upon the cold vampire's lips as she sees Daniella's drawing. "This is amazing Daniella," she compliments. Daniella nods curtly, yawning a little bit as they gaze out the window, to where Vince, James and Liam are playing around. It's some vampire game and Quinn does not wish to get in the middle of it. "I hate how these... men can go outside and have a darn good time while we are stuck in here, drawing," Daniella complains. Quinn frowns, agreeing with her. "You are so right. They cannot boss us around like we are some petty young vampires. I am eighty nine years old! And you are older than those men as well!" Quinn agrees. Daniella nods, her hair bouncing a little bit as she does so. "I am going out there right now and giving those boys a piece of my mind! Those disgraceful little idiots, thinking they can tell me of all people what to do," Daniella declares strongly. And that day, Quinn finds out how strong Daniella really is. Seeing her kick the crap out of the three pleading boys inside their house gives Quinn a sense of enpowerment and thrill. She really hopes this whole 'superiority' factor ends soon, because she hates bowing down to the boys' every need just because of their gender. Quinn is the one in the end that is calm enough to keep the three boys and Daniella from kicking the crap out of each other yet again. She locks each of them in a room, threatening to steal their rings in the middle of the night and hiding them outside. The last one she locks up is Vince, who is just as pissed as Daniella. "Why the hell does she hate me so much? I did nothing to her, and she treats all of us like shit," he curses, punching the wall in their home angrily. Quinn keeps calm as she just massages his shoulders. "She just really hates this superiority complex. She feels that men these days are treated with more respect than women. At least two hundred years ago, she was the only vampire and feeding off of other people with pleasure. Now there is that new media thing and cars popping out. Suddenly she can't leave or do anything because of what time period we live in. Fifty years ago, it was tolerable; now, it's just unbearable for Daniella," Quinn responds quietly as her hands quickly move up and down soothingly. Vince nods slowly. "And you? What do you think?" he asks. Quinn thinks about it, her hands momentarily pausing before continuing. "I do agree with Daniella's logic. I mean, all those years back, there was superiority, but something about this time period, with all this technology and other stuff popping up, well, it's too different and it feels weird. My sweet, you men are getting all the attention going off to war and stuff while us women sit at home doing nothing. I mean, when the first World War went on, we got to work for a little while, but still. What I am trying to say dear Vince is that this time period is not of the happiest for us women, and hopefully, things will change as we grow older," Quinn responds. Vince thinks about what she had said as she finishes massaging him. She moves in front of him, smiling a little bit. "Yeah, I guess so," he says. Quinn nods as she moves closer to him. "Just give it time. Until things change, it's going to be hard for Dani," Quinn tells him. There is a definite pause before Vince bends down and hungrily attacks Quinn's lips. Shocked, Quinn stands still as he backs off after a minute, grinning sheepishly. "I've wanted to do that for a while. But this doesn't mean we're like Daniella and Liam, alright?" he asks. Quinn nods, letting out a quick breath. "Yeah, thank god," she says. And the two shut up about the kiss and don't speak of it again. _Malibu/New York City, 2009_ It's the dawn of a new era, and Quinn meets a mortal boy. His name is Logan Reese and he is eighteen years feels like this is actually love. She is capable of loving. After all, she has an on-off again relationship with Vince ever since that kiss in 1937. Also, James fell in love a year ago with this girl named Rebecca Browning. He plans to tell her that he is a vampire and hopes she agrees to become a vampire along with him. James feels it will work since their love is so deep and they have overcome over a hundred different obstacles since then. Logan is different, that is for sure. He's a prick, a ladies man and the biggest manwhore she has ever met (and that's saying a lot), but when they're together, it's different. She feels that he isn't AS big of a manwhore and a prick as he usually is. They have met at the beach every day since they met three months ago and that day is no exception. They sit on the beach as Logan lays on the beach, flexing his muscles. "So, I was thinking of going to visit my mother in New York next week, and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me," he brings up as Quinn gazes out to the sea and back at him, startled. "Really? You want me to meet your mother?" she asks. She is definately surprised, because what she knew of Logan and his mother's relationship is that they weren't close at all. His mother divorced his father when Logan was five and never came to visit until a year ago just because his father was extremely rich and her rich husband left her. Malcolm Reese refused her proposal and she went back to New York but called often. Logan hates her for that and refuses to even see her, so it did surprise her. "Of course. I mean, I think it's time that I forgave her for doing what she did and just let go of that. She's my mother after all," Logan admits, showing his rare soft side to her. Quinn smiles a little bit as she tugs her hair nodding. "Well then, I accept," she says. Logan smiles genuinely and stands up. He picks her up, and Quinn knows that she has ice cold skin, but Logan has always dismissed it since she told him that she's secretly cold blooded, that and she had been living in Alaska since she was born. "That's great. Thanks Quinn, you're amazing," he says and Quinn nods as she kisses Logan on the lips. * * * Quinn is in New York now, walking with Logan up to his mother's suite. Vince had warned her before she left about the dangers and that she didn't know Logan enough, but Quinn trusted Logan. Vince is jealous, she thinks as they knock on the door. They shared yet another passionate kiss for the thousandth time in over seventy years, so she understood. But Logan is her boyfriend; he would never intentionally hurt her. He is not evil. The door opens to find a gorgeous blonde woman open it. She looks like a model and Quinn actually feels a little intimidated. But she puts on a smile. "Hi mom, this is Quinn Pensky, my girl, the one that I was telling you about," Logan introduces. Mrs. Terri Reese nods, putting on the fakest smile, and Quinn senses evil in her. Something is definately wrong, she thinks. But she doesn't run out. Instead, she extends her hand to Terri, who shakes it. "Hi Quinn, I'm Terri Reese. It's extremely nice to meet you. My son has been telling me a lot about you," she says. Quinn nods as Terri ushers them inside. Locking the door, Quinn twidles her ring on her finger nervously. The three walk into the relatively bright room. They all sit on the couch and begin conversing. The more they all talk, the weirder Quinn feels, and she never feels weird around people. She wants to give Logan and his mother the benefit of the doubt, but she really wants to leave. Logan senses this somehow and gives his mother a look, who nods and stands up. "Quinn, sweetie, come on. I want to show you something really quick," Terri says. Quinn nods hesitantly as she follows Terri in a darker room. Suddenly, the door slams behind her and Terri flips open a light. The light show Quinn the whole room, filled with weapons, and other things. Quinn gulps as she comes to realization. She turns slowly to the woman and her supposed boyfriend. "You're a vampire slayer," she realizes. Terri smirks as she leans against the wall, nodding. "Of course dearie. You did a wonderful job Logan on luring her here," Terri says, acknowledging her apologetic son. Quinn glares at Terri before turning to Logan angrily. "How long have you known? How could you do this to me?" Quinn asks lowly. Logan actually looks terrified but keeps his voice from wavering. "Only a week, I swear Quinn. My mom knew when she saw your picture last month. I'm sorry, but vampires are evil and dangerous. I can't let you hurt me," Logan tells her. Quinn shakes her head, stepping toward him, as he steps back fearfully. "I would never, ever hurt you Logan. I love you- I loved you. Why?" Quinn asks softly. She wants to cry, but can't anyways, so she just clenches her fists, knowing she will have to fight today. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to hurt me, even if you don't mean it. Vampires are evil and kill innocent people. What's to say you won't kill me? I'm protecting myself Quinn. I am so, so sorry," Logan says. Terri steps in right then and there, her blonde hair flipping a little bit. "Enough! Let's kill the girl, and let's do it now!" Terri shrieks. Quinn shakes her head, her eyes glaring dangerously. "On the contrary Terri, that won't be happening today. I will hurt you if I have to," Quinn tells her. Terri rolls her eyes as Logan backs away. Quinn crouches, looking at her intended target who grabs a stake. Quinn wastes no time in running straight at Terri, avoiding the stake as she throws Terri against the wall. She lands on the floor with a thump, but gets up, clutching her stake as she dives toward Quinn, who dodges out of the way. The battle grows more intense over the minutes as Quinn dodges, and Terri ducks. She is good, Quinn thinks as she grabs Terri's arm, making her fly into a seperate wall. She lands near an axe, not killing or touching her in any way. Terri gets up and runs after Quinn again as she uses her ability of speed to run to the other side of the room. However, Terri sees this coming, spins on her heel and kicks Quinn into the wall. The vampire falls to the ground as Terri looms over her. "Say goodbye to your life Quinn Pensky," she says before she brings the stake down toward Quinn's heart. Quinn waits for the pain and then the death of her, before she sees a fast moving figure knock the stake out of Terri's hand just in time and pin the blonde up to the wall. Vince holds Terri tightly, as James and Liam help. Daniella, in the meantime is moving toward Logan, who looks so confused. "Logan, help me god damnit and kill them! Do what I taught you to do," Terri instructs. Logan pauses, looking at Quinn and his mother before shaking his head. "I can't Mom, and I won't. You walked into my life a year ago, taught me everything you know about vampires and expect me to just kill within my first encounter of five? No way; this is your fight, not mine. I only know what you know about vampires, but I won't hurt Quinn or her friends because you tell me to," Logan declares. Terri gapes at her son. "You fell in love with the girl? Damnit Logan, you're a disgrace and you will do what I tell you to do! Kill her, or else face the consequences," she orders. Daniella steps toward Logan once more and he shakes his head. "No. I'm sorry, but I refuse to kill her," Logan says. Vince smirks at Terri, who shakes her head. "You're making a huge mistake Logan. They'll kill you! They'll kill other innocent people!" Terri argues. Logan shrugs as he moves past Daniella toward the door. "I don't care anymore. I'm not a vampire slayer and never will be. I'm so sorry Quinn. Do whatever you want to do with my mother," Logan says, looking down at Quinn sadly. She actually feels remorse to Logan. He must have been confused and unsure of what to do. She stands up, looking at Logan sadly. "You don't want anything to do with me," she realizes. He nods slowly. "I can't get involved anymore Quinn. I love you, but my life will be better without any drama or vampires. This is goodbye forever," Logan says. Quinn nods and sinks into his arms one last time. Pecking her lips, Logan turns back to his mother once before walking out. He isn't a bad guy after all, Quinn realizes as she turns to Vince. "Can I kill her now?" he asks. Quinn nods before Vince turns, along with James and Liam as they bite Terri everywhere. She screams with pain before going limp. Quinn doesn't watch her family finish killing Terri. Instead, she turns and zooms out, Daniella close behind her as Quinn runs all the way to Central Park. Vince rushes over faster than Daniella and sits beside her. "You don't deserve him. If he can't accept you for who you are, than he's not worth it," Vince tells her. Quinn nods, gazing out in the horizon. "I know, but I really did care for him. I think he's the first man I truly fell in love with," Quinn admits. Vince sighs as he takes his hand. "Well, let's get out of here and forget about Logan. You'll forget about that asshole anyways," Vince tells her. Quinn nods, frowning. "Where are we going to go? I'm not going back to Malibu," she tells him. Vince rolls his eyes, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Honey, I'm not taking you back to Malibu. I heard Canada is wonderful for vampires like us. Lots of people and even animals to hunt and kill," Vince points out. Quinn grins as she kisses him on the mouth passionately before breaking away. "Let's go," she says. He grins as they all run off toward their new and permanent home. _Upper Canada, 2081_ It takes only one major fight between Quinn and a vampire slayer named Zoey to end it all. One quick fight and one stab near the heart ends it all. Quinn gasps as she falls to the ground, stake still near her heart as Zoey runs away. Vince comes several minutes later, immediately scooping her up in her arms. "It'll be alright," he tells her, though both know that it won't be. Quinn is dying, and as soon as he takes the stake out of her, she will die. "Vince, it's ok. It's time for me anyways. I lived a good, long life. I experienced more than I ever thought possible," Quinn says. Vince glares as he clutches her tightly. "No, there is a way to stop this. I'm not going to lose you Quinn. We already lost James twenty years ago. And Rebecca has been killing everyone in sight, she's so angry," Vince says, remembering that unfortunate year that James was killed when a slayer took his ring in the middle of the day and watched him burn to death. Daniella and Liam were the ones that watched their friend die, and it was painful. Let's just say that Rebecca isn't the same anymore and hasn't been for twenty years. Quinn doesn't want to see Vince end up like that. "I know, which is why when I die, no Vince, I mean it. When I die, I don't want you to be like Rebecca. Sure, it'll hurt for a long time, but I don't want you wasting your life, or maybe even getting yourself killed in the process. Promise me," Quinn tells him as he clutches her hand. It's like one of those cheesy love scenes, where they are both saying their goodbyes, sad music playing in the background. "I can't promise something like that Quinn, you know that," Vince tells her. Quinn shrugs weakly as he brings her hand up to the stake. "Then I guess I'll just pull this out and let myself d-die," Quinn says, but Vince's hand covers hers, pulling it down. "Don't you dare leave me Quinn without letting me say goodbye," he says. Quinn sighs deeply as she looks up into his eyes. "You can't leave it in forever. Even if you le-leave it in, I'll die in an hour anyways. I d-don't want to be in pain, so you have to le-let me go, please," Quinn says. Vince sighs, looking down. "I don't want to though. I don't want to say goodbye," he says. Quinn nods as she strokes his face tenderly. "Look at me. Nobody has to say goodbye," Quinn says. Vince looks as her, as she smiles softly. She takes a good look at his brooding yet mysterious face. "Quinn, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I love you," he tells her. Quinn nods. "I love you too Vince. Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you still don't h-h-have feelings. Now kiss me," she instructs. Vince wastes no time in carefully lowering down and kissing her passionately. Quinn kisses him back as they remain like that for several long moments. She knows Vince is horrible with goodbyes anyways, and so is she. She pushes him back, smiling quickly. "You're amazing Vince. Don't ever forget about that," she tells him before bringing her lips back on his. He kisses her back passionately, not noticing her hand creeping up to the stake. Hesitating for only a moment, she opens her eyes, giving Vince one last look as she continues kissing him. Her hand tightens around the stake and in one yank, she pulls it out, gasping as Vince looks at her. One last look, one last touch before Quinn dies, her body lying limp and then dissolving into a patch of dust. And that is it, the end of Quinn and Vince. Like Romeo and Juliet, their romance ends with death. The anger in his eyes is unbearable and painful, and Liam knows his friend means harm when he sees him minutes later. This is not going to go well; Vince Blake is an angry vampire and he won't stop until all the vampire slayers are killed. **Awful ending, but did you guys like it? Erika, I hope you liked it as well. I did work hard on this for you. It's different for me, but I enjoyed writing it, even though the ending is depressing. ** End file.
Vampire's Kiss by charmed4eva112
Zoey 101
Can't Sleep **Can't Sleep** -One Shot- It was three o'clock in the morning on a clear fall night at PCA. Dana and Nicole were sleeping but Zoey lay awake, staring at the ceiling. It was one of those nights where you feel so tired but couldn't in any way fall asleep because there's way too much on your mind. Normally at the begining of a new semester Zoey was excited to be back with her friends but this year was different. No not because Mr. Bender quit. Not because Lola went back to her old school and Dana came back from France.This year was different because this year Chase hadn't returned to PCA for his junior year. His family moved to the east coast and wanted him to go to school closer to them. Which was completly and totally awful. But the worst part was that she didn't even get to say good-bye to him. Sure there was e-mail and cell phones but that just wasn't enough. She missed seeing him face to face. She missed walking with him to class. She missed the way they just randomly looked at each other and laughed over nothing. But most of all she missed having someone that she coul pour her heart out to. It was a strange idea to admit to herself but what if she liked Chase more than a friend? Her and Chase together? Would that make any sense at all? Sure she thought about it every once in awhile back when he was still around like at the school dance when he cheated on the personality quiz to go with her and the whole Trisha Kirby thing but now the subject was always on her mind. What if they had kissed and her little brother hadn't tackled him? Zoey sighed and moved around uncomfortably in her bed. This was an impossible situation. The worst question that lingered. Would she ever see him again? She hated that question and avoided it whenever it came up. At around 3:15 a.m. Zoey figured that shy my as well go online if she was just going to stay up all night anyway. She signed on to AOL Instant Messanger and was surprised to see that Chase was actually online. **PCAChase: What are you doing up so late? It's like three at PCA!** **ZoeyB-Girl: I could ask you the same thing. It's pretty late in Boston, too.** **PCAChase: I can't sleep.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Me either.** **PCAChase: That's ironic. Why not?** **ZoeyB-Girl: I was thinking...** **PCAChase: Can I ask what about?** **ZoeyB-Girl: I don't know...You.** **Zoey thought that sounded a little too mushy so she quickly added...** **ZoeyB-Girl: And how things are way different here without you.** **PCAChase: I was thinking the same thing. Except, you know, the other way around.** **ZoeyB-Girl: So, are you making new friends?** **PCAChase: Yeah.** Zoey paused for a minute. Yeah? That was all he had to say? **ZoeyB-Girl: Like...who?** **PCAChase: My roomate and some kid in my Physics class.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Oh. So you haven't met any new best friends or anyhing yet, right? I don't want you to forget about me.** **PCAChase: Are you kidding? I could never forget about you! ** **ZoeyB-Girl: Good. :) ** **PCAChase: So how are things at good old Pacific Coast Academy?** **ZoeyB-Girl: Not much is new. Same old, Same old. How's your school? ** **PCAChase: Boston Academy...It's a pretty nice school but it's no PCA. There's no beach. It get's cold here and the worst part is** **ZoeyB-Girl: The worst part is what?** **PCAChase: There's noone that's even close to being as special as you.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Chase?** **PCAChase: Yeah?** **ZoeyB-Girl: I miss you.** **PCAChase: The feeling is mutual.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Am I ever gonna see you again? ** **PCAChase: Of course! Didn't Michael tell you that my dad just got transfered for a year? I'll be back at PCA for Senior year.** **ZoeyB-Girl: No, he failed to mention that. ** **PCAChase: I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself. It was a hard thing to say.** **ZoeyB-Girl: I understand.** **A long virtual silence went between the two. Tell him you love him, a voice screamed at Zoey. Tell him how you feel! Zoey took a deep breath and started typing but before she could send it, Chase wrote something.** **PCAChase: Zo, I need to tell you something.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Alright... shoot.** **PCAChase: I love you.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Darn it. You beat me to it. ** **PCAChase: To what?** **ZoeyB-Girl: The whole confession of love thing.** **PCaChase: You mean...** **ZoeyB-Girl: I guess we're both alot more alike than we knew. ** **PCAChase: I guess so.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Well...I am suddenly exhaused. I proboly should get some sleep. ** **PCAChase: Yeah me too.** **ZoeyB-Girl: I love you, Chase Matthews. ** **PCAChase: I love you too. See you soon. ** **ZoeyB-Girl: A year isn't that long.** **PCAChase: It'll fly by.** **ZoeyB-Girl: Good night.** **PCAChase: Good Night.** **_PCAChase has signed off._** Zoey shut down her laptop and gently set it under her bed. She felt more settled and satisfyed than she had been in a long time.If Chase leaving for a year made her realize that she loved him, it was worth it.She didn't know the future or what it held but she knew that it was gonna be good. They loved each other. "I love Chase Matthews and he loves me back," Zoey whispered to the quiet room. And with that she settled into her bed under the covers and drifted off to sleep. **A/N: Well right now it is pretty close to three a.m. which I find pretty funny because I actually just got done with a conversation on aim. It was nowhere near as happy as Zoey's because all we talked about was music. But anyway, this short 900 word one shot was dedicated to myself. Imagine my situation like this story only it stops at the whole lingering question Would she ever see him again thing? Yeah...don't have the courage to profess my love to my crush who is moving 20 hours away. Aye. If only my life could be like my story. Ok I need to quit talking to myself. ** **If you liked it, review. If you didn't like it, review. It's as simple as that. :)** **Noelle ** End file.
Can't Sleep by Noelle Joi
Zoey 101
Between Time **Disclaimer**: Zoey 101 is not owned by moi. **A/N**: I love taking teens from childrens' shows and placing them in the future. And for some reason I'm a little obsessed with Zoey 101 right now, so these kids are the targets of my writing. This is random, inspired by a similar moment I had the other day really early in the morning before my alarm went off, where I was half-asleep, but half-awake. _Between Time_ **XXX** It's the moment between waking and sleeping that you find most frustrating. Really, it's the noises; you can always distinguish what's going on around you, your conscience awake and working but your body not yet caught up. Everything is louder than it should be and your senses are heightened to the point of annoyance, because every squeak and footstep and whisper is magnified and you feel like you'll never fall back asleep, never regain the calm and quiet that comes with your eyelids shut and your ears deaf and your mind focused on your subconscious, trying to sort out your every-day problems in dreams. But sometimes it's nice, this time in between darkness and daylight, because it gives you a chance to think, not always coherently, about things. You can let your thoughts wander to anything, anything at all, and you don't worry about being disturbed, because people know better than to wake you when you're asleep by now. Once and a while, while you're in this state, your dreams keep going, mixed in with the reality around you. You're at boarding school, sitting on the lush, green grass with the sun warming your face, or you're resting on one of the over-stuffed couches in the lounge, surrounded by people you care about. But then there are giggles in the background, shushing, the tinkling of metal lightly hitting another piece of metal, steps being taken carefully and precisely as if to keep you from waking, and none of these have to do with your dreams. As your mind escapes you, suddenly you see flashes, almost like a slideshow of pictures with animated moments thrown in, and it all looks like a project you would have had to do for one of your classes in high school. Images rush by, some familiar, some surprisingly forgotten. You, lying on a beach with your friends; you, sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy day with your boyfriend; you, in a blue dress fixing your hair in a mirror; you, accepting your high school diploma; you, eleven and kissing a boy for the first time; you, standing as Maid of Honor at one of your best friend's weddings; you, receiving an A on a test; you, staring into the eyes of a little girl, their blue color matching your own. They're unorganized and out of date, and you don't even know why any of them come to you, but you can't stop it, because the pillows are cushioning your head and the blankets are smothering you just right and you think if you moved a muscle, you'd ruin the perfect feeling of contentment. So you skip down memory lane, sail through dream-land, push away reality. Sometimes, if you're more awake than asleep, you start a list of things you need to do that day, of people you need to call (Mom, Nicole, the babysitter, your sick secretary), of events you need to attend (morning meeting with your staff, afternoon meeting at the hospital), of places you have to be (evening ballet lesson to cheer from the sidelines, home to help with a book report), of appointments that must be kept (quick run to the eye-doctor during lunch break), all the while considering what you could make for dinner that night (pasta? chicken?). If you weren't already in bed, you'd collapse from exhaustion. More images float by: you, entering room 101 of Brenner Hall at Pacific Coast Academy for the first time; you, searching through magazine after magazine and store after store in search of the perfect wedding dress; you, at a friend from PCA's New York City apartment, sipping on a cocktail as you reminisce with your long-time pals; you, sitting in your old home in Louisiana watching a movie with your younger brother; you, listening to a child's heartbeat with a stethoscope. The sounds from the real world keep growing fainter, and then louder again, never disappearing completely, and never fully hitting your ears at their total volume. You aren't sure if the words and phrases you hear are coming from around you, or from your dreams, but you don't want to open your eyes and check, just yet, because that means you'll have to start your day. The memories keep assaulting your undistracted mind's eye: you, scraping your knee after falling off of your bicycle; you, sitting through your very first college course at Harvard; you, baking cookies with your mother; you, breaking up with your boyfriend for the third time in one week; you, making dinner for your husband for your one-year anniversary; you, watching your little brother get married; you, skimming the shelves of baby books at Borders; you, giving a little boy a flu shot; you, searching for your daughter's lost puppy in the middle of the night with a neighbor. The shushing is becoming louder, and it seems that having to wake up and face the day is immanent. You blink your eyes slowly at first, because the sun is too bright, and once your gaze isn't as bleary, you check to see the time. It's seven o'clock a.m.; it's time to start. The bed shifts as a weight pushes down the other side, and you lift yourself up a little on your elbows to get a better look. Your husband is sitting, putting on his socks while trying to keep the little girl with blue eyes in front of him from making too much noise. You smile immediately at the sight. The two notice your movements and both get guilty looks on their faces. "Why didn't you wake me up?" you ask tiredly, moving some hair out of your vision. Your husband shrugs as he leans across the bed to kiss your cheek. "You looked peaceful. You've been working too hard lately," he says, quietly. The little girl jumps up onto the bed beside you, the Jack Russell Terrier with a tinkling collar nestling himself into the comforter. "Mommy, Daddy made pancakes an' he _burned_ 'em." "_Did_ he?" you question with interest, smoothing down your daughter's light hair before turning an accusatory eye on your husband. "Well, that just goes to show that Daddy needs to take those cooking lessons Mommy's been suggesting for _years_." "Do I hafta go to school today?" the child asks in a typical whiny-kid voice. "If I have to go to work then you have to go to school," you tell her, swinging your feet off of the bed to meet the chilly hardwood floor. "Go finish eating your breakfast," your husband instructs, and the little girl bounds out of the room, the dog trotting behind in her wake. "You have a good dream?" Your eyebrows crinkle, confused. "What?" "You were smiling in your sleep. You must've been dreaming about something good," he explains. You shrug casually and stand, stretching. As you pass by him, you pat his shoulder. "Just reminiscing a little I guess, _dear_." He follows you out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where your daughter is chewing on an especially rubbery pancake. Your husband pours each of you a cup of coffee and hands yours to you, his eyes twinkling at the little girl. The moment between waking and sleeping may be the most frustrating, but the moments right before and after are the most gratifying. **XXX** _End._ End file.
Between Time by KateToast
Zoey 101
boys,friends and school **Boys, Mates and School! By Hayley.C.** One day I was casually walking along the school corridor when my friends Bonny and Lizzie came up to me and said "Its time, were sick of seeing you waste your life away!" "What the hell do you mean?" I said looking confused. Bonny and Lizzie pulled me away from the entrance to the girl's loos and walked me over to the collection of lockers by the Maths Department where Elins locker was. They had a firm grip on my shoulders and had their feet clamped down on mine. I began to get butterflies as I saw Owen walking over to his locker and began to unlock it. They walked me to him hands forced behind my back I began to feel sick, as I knew what was going to happen next! Bonny stepped forward Lizzie held tighter I felt dizzy now, then Bonny said "Hayley do you like Owen or not?" Owen looked away from his locker. "Well ermmmm" I mumbled blushing. "Oh come on girl spit it out!" Lizzie said raising her voice. "Well I've got to admit someday well err yes!" I proclaimed. "YES!" Lizzie and Bonny triumphed high fiveing each other. "Okayyyyy" Owen said as if thought that weird. The next day I was with my Besties when "SAY IT SAY IT!" chorused Bonny and Lizzie. "Say what?" I queried. "Ask Owen out!" Blurted Bonny. "Yeah." Proclaimed Lizzie. "Umm okay then I'll try as long as you two will be right behind me." I said uneasy. "Absolutely!" they chorused. I scuttled Bonny and Lizzie trotted down the school corridor Owen was at his locker again he went pink as he caught sight of me. "Ermmmm hey Owen." I said Nervously. "Hi" he said. "I was just wondering wanna go out sometime?" I asked. "Alright then" he shrugged. "Mail me." he said. "Cool you'll get mine when I mail you" I said happily as he handed me a peace of paper. "Yeah see ya got to catch the bus." He said cheerfully. "Okay Bye." I said. "ALRIGHT!!!!!!" Me, Lizzie and Bonny chorused high fiveing each other. It worked me and Owen went Adventure Island that Saturday YAY now go there aint nothing to see here! You don't want to here the gory details! **THE END!** The email in this story is not real; well I don't think it is anyway! End file.
boys,friends and school by pontinsgal
Zoey 101
Bridge to Burn I was the glad it was finally summer. Now I'd have two and a half months of wind whipping through my hair as I sped down the highway in my new convertible, endless hours on the beach trying to nail the perfect tan, and lots of time to spend with my totally awesome boyfriend of five months, Trent. This was going to be the summer to beat in all the upcoming summers of my life. Perfect would only pass as an understatement. "Here's your change." I handed the middle aged woman a quarter and two dimes after I punched in the keys on the cash register. The only downfall was my job at Starbucks. I loved ordering and sipping iced coffee, not preparing it to hand out to _other_ people! Of course, this wasn't my choice. My mother figured it'd be best for me to start prepping for the real world, even though senior year hasn't even begun. She probably thinks I'm still her little girl and that I never stopped spilling juice on the carpet and wearing pigtails. Well, she's going to have to wake up soon because in the next year and a half, Trent and I will be getting married and planning to start a family. "Have a nice day," I reminded the woman as she turned and headed for the exit. Saying that over and over got pretty tiring after awhile. A girl that looked about my age walked up to the register and began scanning the menu. After observing her for a minute, I realized it was Lana, my sworn enemy from freshman year. She was the one who caused my expulsion. I still had yet to get my revenge. "I'll have a mocha latte and a chocolate scone. Ooh yeah, and a black coffee with a large cinnamon roll. And extra frosting." "Whoa, that's a lot of calories there, girl. Sure you wanna break your South Bitch - I mean _Beach_ - diet so soon?" Meeting my eyes, her jaw dropped. "Look who's back. Pyscho loser Rebecca Browning. Haven't seen you in awhile. I thought your parents had finally kicked your ass out once and for all." "Be happy I'm on the job. Otherwise your head would be receiving a nice greeting with that countertop in a few seconds." "Ooh, is that a threat? I'm sure your boss would like to hear all this." "You know what, Lana? Just fork over the cash and get the hell out." "Wow, aren't I a valued customer?" She chuckled, pushing her sunglasses up onto her forehead. "Well, I have to wait for my boyfriend. He's paying and he's in the bathroom." "Nice, real nice. Next!" I called, wanting her to get out of my face and leave the restaurant. Just laying eyes on her made me want to go mad. How could any guy deal with a two-faced bitch like her? After taking a couple of orders, I realized that Lana had apparently left. Breathing a sigh of relief, I turned to go and wash down some tables when I heard the bell ring. "Hello, I'm ready to order over here." "I'm coming, I'm com-" I stopped short because there stood Chase, looking exactly how I'd left him. Dark brown bushy hair, light green eyes, surfer t-shirt. Everything I'd ever wanted in a boyfriend. "Hi. Um... what do you want?" "I think my girlfriend already ordered for me," he mumbled awkwardly. "Was it a black coffee with a cinnamon roll, extra frosting?" My face fell. Chase was dating _Lana_? What a step down. "Yeah, that's what Lana ordered. If that's who you're talking about." My voice was a little snappy, but I didn't care. Chase had been an asshole ever since he dumped me, so what was I expecting? An apology, a reconciliation, an engagement ring? "Look Becca-" He paused for a moment and then corrected himself. "_Re_becca. I wanted to apologize for everything that happened at PCA." "That's cool, Chase. I'm totally over you. Didn't you hear about me and Trent?" "Well, no, but that's beside the point. Our moms set us up because they thought we were compatible. Obviously we weren't exactly a match made in heaven like they thought, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends, does it?" "Not really, but you can't expect me to be friends with you if you're dating Lana." I was glad there was no line forming behind Chase. Otherwise I'd probably have lost my job by now, and then I would go home and be mangled by my mother. "How about we take this outside?" "Sure," he said, not wanting to look at me. "I'm on break, guys!" I yelled to the other employees. Gina immediately took my place at the register. We stepped outside. Chase had even held the door for me. He was a great ass kisser, if nothing else. "It's not going to be easy if we're at PCA and you hate me. What if we have classes together? What if-?" "Just shut up and cool it, okay Chase? If we're going to make this work, I'll just try to be nice to you for starters. So... what's been going on in your life? Besides sex with Lana I mean." "I'm not sleeping with Lana, okay? And if I was, you wouldn't need to know. We've only been going out for a week, and she's nothing compared to you." Just as I was about to cut off his nonsensical rambling once more, his confession rang in my ears. Was Chase asking for forgiveness? "That's nice of you, Chase. Really, it is. But Trent and I love each other. We're getting matching piercings next week. It's gonna be awesome!" "Well, that's nice to hear. Trent is that freakish looking goth guy that we used to make fun of, right?" "Trent is not freakish looking, he's hot. Goth is the new prep. _I_ never used to make fun of him because I always thought he was cute. He just never talked. He's just misunderstood, that's all." "I hope you two are doing well." Chase looked up and smiled at me, and I couldn't help but to smile back. He was trying extremely hard at this, and at least we both had new companions to justify that we'd completely moved on. Tilting his head back, he examined the clouds. "Do _not_ bring up the weather," I scolded. "That will kill this effort." "I wasn't going to," he insisted, turning back to me. "I was going to ask you about your plans for college." "Who says I want to go? Trent and I are getting married as soon as I turn eighteen." "Really? You'll be ready for marriage at eighteen, Rebecca?" Pulling out my pack of Malboros, I fished around in my smock for my lighter. "I sure will. I'm confident Trent's the one." "You _smoke_ now?" "Chase, I'm almost seventeen. I'm not that same fifteen year old brat whose heart you broke a little over a year ago. I've made some drastic changes in my life, and they're all for the better." "Well, obviously not _that_ change. Do you know how much you're destructing your body?" I took a drag and leaned up against the brick wall. "Trent turned me onto it. He says it's a painkiller. A little boy like you wouldn't understand." "No, I guess I wouldn't. Because I would never let my girlfriend pressure me into doing anything that I either wasn't ready for, or didn't need in my life." "Whatever Chase. You know Zoey was the one who told you to break up with me, you'll just never admit it." "You know it all, Rebecca. You know it all. Zoey had nothing to do with that situation. I made that decision for myself." "Keep telling yourself that, Lana lover." "I think I'm done trying, Rebecca. You obviously don't want me around you anymore, and I can accept that. I hope you'll realize that smoking won't solve any of your problems, and neither will acting like a tough chick. Trust me, my old friend Dana tried it, and it just didn't work." His cell phone buzzed. "It's a text from Lana. She's waiting for me inside. Goodbye, Rebecca." When the door slammed, I slunk down to the cold pavement below. Who was Chase to try and give me advice? He'd hurt me without care or caution. Why should I listen to him? I took another drag, pondering this. No matter what my mother thinks, I'm not a little kid anymore. Maybe I could learn from Chase, though. He was the first guy that I thought I loved, and maybe he did have some wisdom to share. Even though he was dating Lana now, he was a part of _my_ past. I could always look back on him and wonder what the hell I'd been thinking - in more ways than one. Checking my watch, I sighed and stubbed out my cigarette. In a way, I wished I could just drop it there and have the whole building catch fire with Lana crumbling to her knees and melting inside. But I needed to get over myself and realize that holding grudges wouldn't get me anywhere. Only burning bridges would. End file.
Bridge to Burn by Underneath All Elsewhere
Zoey 101
Welcome Back Zoey! ** Welcome Back Zoey!** **I stood outside PCA, just staring. I was back. It had only been 6 days... but it felt so much longer. I was so excited to see my friends again, but at the same time, I was nervous. I didn't know if they would be angry, or if they'd be glad to see me. Finally, after about 10 minutes, I started walking toward the girls dorm. When I got to room 101, I stopped. I could hear voices inside. "I am sick of being woken up every morning by you singing about tea!" I heard Lola shouting. "Well, you ruined my cotton swab!" I heard Stacy yell back. Why was Stacy there? "It's a cotton swab! I used it to clean my ears, what's the big deal?" Lola snapped. "I ordered it at Stacy replied, angrily. Was that seriously a real website? "Whatever, Who cares where you ordered it from!" Lola shrieked. There was some more shouting, & then the sound of something hitting the floor. This was followed by 1 loud shriek. Stacy burst out of the room carrying a box. "I'm moving out!" She shouted, running by. I looked at her, & then slowly poked my head in room 101. I collided with Lola. "Well, Good riddance!!!" she shouted. I backed up. "Lola?" I questioned. "Zoey?! Oh my god, I wasn't yelling at you, I was... what are you doing here?" she shouted. "I know, you were yelling at Stacy." I said. "And, I came to see you guys..." I said softly. "I'm so glad you're here, that girl has been driving us nuts, are you moving back in?" Lola asked, yanking me into the room. "Umm... I don't know... if I'm staying here, but I know I had to come back & talk to you guys... especially Chase." I said nervously. Oh, you have to stay, I know Chase wants you to stay, Please say you'll stay?" Lola begged. "I don't know... I have to talk to him... & then to my parents... they think I'm only staying for 3 days... & I'm not sure what I want to do yet." I explained. Lola looked sad. "Zoey... we miss you! You can't leave again" "I missed you too." I said, putting my arm around her. I wanted to stay... but I had to talk to my parents first... & Chase. "Zoey?!" I heard Quinn's voice shout. She had her arms around me so fast, Lola & I almost fell over. "Hey, Quinn!" I gasped. "Zoey, you came back!" She squealed. "How long are you staying" "3 days" I mumbled. I really wanted to stay now. "Oh, that's all... I was hoping you were going to stay." Quinn looked sad. Stacy suddenly stomped in carrying a box. "I came for my stuff, I'll be moving out!" she said, stuffing things into the box. "Oh, Hey Zoey, you can have your room back, I'm leaving" "You're moving out?" Quinn asked. "Yes" Stacy snapped. She picked up her stuff & stomped out the door. "Well, that's good news, at least we'll get some sleep tonight!" Quinn squealed. "Stacy was living in here?" I questioned. "Yeah, she invited herself... & drove us crazy!" Lola muttered. I glanced around the room, sitting on what used to be my bed. It was empty now. I felt sad. "Hey, guys, whats up?" I heard Chase's voice call out. I jumped up off the bed. "Chase!" I shouted. Chase froze. "Zoey... you're... here?" He gasped. "Yeah, I came to talk to you!" I squealed. Chase smiled. Then he pulled me into a hug. I giggled. "Zoey, I'm so sorry about how I acted last week... I ... was a moron!" He stammered. "It's ok, Chase... That's why I came here, so we could talk... the right way, this time." I told him. "Zoey... You're my best friend... &... I don't want you to leave again..." He said softly. "I know... & you're my best friend too... all of you guys are, but I don't think my parents will let me stay..." I said. "Oh... " Chase looked devastated. He ran out of the room. I sat down on the empty bed. How did things get so screwed up? "It'll be ok, Zoey... Just... give him some time." Lola said. "I wish I had more time... " I mumbled. "Well, we're going to get something to eat, you want to join us?" Lola asked. "I don't know... maybe I'll meet you in a little while." I said, laying back on the bed. "Ok, you can hang out here until you're ready... By the way, where are you staying while you're here?" Quinn asked. "I don't know... I was sort of hoping I could stay... with you guys." I mumbled. "Of course you can, It will be just like old times!" Lola grinned. "Thanks" I said. "Ok, we'll see you in a little bit." Quinn said as they headed out. I lay motionless on the bed. Everything was so messed up. Lola & Quinn were totally depressed, & Chase won't even talk to me... ughh, how could I fix this? I grabbed my backpack, & decided to take a walk. I found my friends at a table outside, but I didn't go over to them. I just listened. "No, Lola, I don't want to start hanging out like old times, & then have my heart broken again when Zoey leaves in 3 days!" Chase said. "I didn't even know Zoey was here?" Michael looked confused. "You think she'll make out with me?" Logan asked. "No!" everyone shouted at once. I giggled softly. There was only one way to fix this. I had to make a phone call.** **My parents actually said I could stay. I was shocked... & extremely happy too. They were having my stuff sent to me. They already talked to Dean Rivers, & I was officially a PCA student again! They actually had this planned before I called, My dad said he knew I was going to ask. I was so excited. Now, I had to go see my friends & fix everything. I ran outside. "Hey, guys, guess what, guess what?" I shrieked, running up to their table. "You want to make out with me?" Logan asked. "No... ew" I said, rolling my eyes. "What's up, Zoey?" Lola asked. "Yeah, Zoey, we missed you!" Michael said, grinning. "I have great news!" I exclaimed. "What, you just saved a ton of money on your car insurance by switching to Gieco?" Chase muttered, standing up. "Huh?... no... I don't even have a car... Chase wait!" I shouted as he started walking away. He turned & looked at me. "What?" he asked. "I can stay, Chase" I said, smiling. "What?... What do you mean?" He questioned, walking back toward me. "I mean, I'm not leaving in 3 days, I'm gonna stay at PCA!" I exclaimed. "Seriously?!" Lola shouted, jumping up. "Yup, I called my parents, & they knew I wanted to stay here, so they already set everything up. They're having my stuff sent back, & I have a class schedule!" I squealed, holding up a sheet of paper. Chase took the paper from me & read it. "Hey, these are all the same classes you had before... Are you really, seriously staying?" he asked, as if he just couldn't comprehend the situation. "Yes, Chase, I'm really staying!" I grinned. Everyone dove at me instantly, surrounding me in a group hug. "You're staying!" Quinn squealed. "Zoey, here!" Lola shouted, handing me something. "Oh, my key!" I squealed, putting it on. Chase looked at me. He reached out to touch the key. "You...You're really staying?" he asked, shaking. I giggled, "Yes, chase, I'm staying at PCA!" I said, pulling him into a hug. "Good" He grinned, hugging me back. "So, are you going to move back in with us?" Quinn asked. "Of course!" I exclaimed. "Yay!" Lola shouted. "Will you make out with me?" Logan asked again. "No" I said, trying not to laugh. "Give it up, Logan, Zoey's not gonna make out with you!" Michael said, laughing. I couldn't help it, I started laughing too. I was so happy to be back. "Welcome back, Zoey!" Lola said, grinning. "Yeah, we knew you were gonna stay!" Quinn added. "I'm really glad you're back." Chase said. "Me too" I grinned. "& I am never doing anything like that again" I said. "good, cause we need you here, Zoey!" Lola said. I grinned. I had succesfully fixed everything. I was happy, my friends were happy. It was one of the best days of my life. "Ok, let's get some food, & celebrate!" Michael shouted. I sat down between Chase & Lola, who each put an arm around me. Everything was back to normal.** End file.
Welcome Back Zoey! by LongLiveP3Glee
Zoey 101
How am I suppose to know it's you? **How am I suppose to know it's you? ** **one-shot** **by CallmeMaddy** **Summary:** IMing's fun. But here's the problem: you never know who's on the other side. LoganDana One-shot A/N: This story takes place in season 1, when Dana is at PCA. **Disclaimer: **I DON"T OWN IT! LEAVE ME ALONE. Ok...I'm going to go take my happy pills now. Logan Reese got joy out of IMing random people from around the globe. He'd met people from US, Mexico, England, Russia, France, Spain, even Norway! He'd just go into a public chatroom under his secret name, the name he only used for torturing random people. Today, he decided to go into the Single chatroom, he was in the mood to hit on hot girls. LadiesMan32:So...where are all the hot girls? Getaway:'Nother Pervert Youknowyaluvme: Hon, your in the SINGLES chatroom Getaway: Sry, this guy just walks in and says... LadiesMan32: Where are you two from? Youknowyaluvme: g2g, ladiesman--delaware. IM again l8ter Damn. One of them left. He opened up a new window. TO: Getaway FROM: LadiesMan32 Ladiesman32: I'm not a pervert. I just like to talk to hot girls. Getaway: Whatever Ladiesman32: What's your name There was no response for a while. Ladiesman32: Playin' hard to get? Getaway: No, I'm in class and trying to type an essay about the civil war. Ladiesman32: In class? Me 2. old r u? Getaway: 15. Ladiesman32: Same Same. Ladiesman32: Where you from Getaway: CA. Ladiesman32: Cool. A chick close by. Getaway: I'm not looking for a hookup. Ladiesman32: Me neither! Just need a friend. Getaway: Riteeee The IMs continued for a week. Logan still didn't know the girl's name. Hell,she might of been a 40 year old guy living in his mom's basement. Ya never know. Yet, they seemed to connect. Ladiesman32: So, what school to go to? Getaway: Boarding school Ladiesman32: Me 2. Mine's called PCA. Getaway: NOT FUNNY! Ladiesman32???? GETAWAY SIGNED OFF "That was weird." He said to himself. "Logan, you're on that computer 24/7. Why?" Chase asked. "Girl." "A girl? Are you watching porn?" "Nope. This girl goes to PCA, but I don't know who it is." "Hmm. Let me see the conversations." For a while, Getaway wouldn't talk to Logan, but Logan made her. Ladiesman32; Please talk to me Getaway: Stop stalking me. Ladiesman32: It's just that, I love talking to you, I can so relate to you. I can't stop thinking about you. There was a long pause. Ladiesman32: Can you at least tell me who you are? Getaway: So you really go to PCA. Ladiesman32: Yeah. Getaway: Met me in the cafeteria at noon tomorrow. Ladiesman32: Getaway? Getaway: Yeah? Ladiesman32: I think I like you. Getaway: I think I like you too. The next day, Logan couldn't help to be happy. He brought her a rose. "I hope she shows up." He thought. He could see the back of her head it was brown and curly. The back of her looked hot. He grabbed her and kissed her without looking who it was. When she saw who he was she pulled away. "LOGAN?" "DANA?" "WHY ARE YOU KISSING ME?" "I thought you were Getaway." "I am. Wait...your?" "Ladiesman32." "Oh my god..." She ran away. He caught her by the fountain. "Go away." "You said you liked me." "No, I said I liked Ladiesman32, not a self-centered egomaniac like yourself," Dana snapped. "That's not fair." "It is," Dana started to walk away. "Stop." He grabbed her and pressed his lips against hers again, "How about...if to you I'm always Ladiesman32, not the Logan you've seen." "What?" "Ladiesman is ME! The real me. Not this fake me." She sneered, but let Logan kiss her for the third time. And...she liked it. Nevertheless, they've been dating ever since. A/N: As you should know, you shouldn't met random people from the internet in person. It's not safe. But it makes a good story :) R&R! End file.
How am I suppose to know it's you? by Callmemaddy
Zoey 101
Valentines day A/n: One shot. CZ DL, V Day fic. SEND ME ROSES PEOPLE I HAVE NO BOYFRIEND. Cody: Any wonder she has no boyfriend? The girl spends her life writing fanfics Where'd you come from? Valentine's day. 'I'm gonna do it' Chase thought to himself, holding the card in his hand. 'I'm just gonna slide it in her locker and simple as... all over' He stared at the small blue envelope, so innocent looking, yet it contained his innermost thoughts for a certain brunette. "Dude!" Logan urged. Chase scowled. Loverboy Logan could get any girl he wanted and this year appeared to have his eye set on Lola Camacho. "I can't do it." Chase said shaking his head. "Look man I am so sick of you moping around of Zoey. Ask her out or get over it." Chase opened his mouth to argue but Logan darted forward, quick as a flash and snatched the envelope. He leaned over and slipped it through the gap in Zoey's locker. Chase looked appalled. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" "Hey at least this way you'll know." Chase scowled. "You are SO the opposite of cool." He snapped. "Whatever." Logan walked off. Chase momentarily debated breaking open the locker and taking the card back, but seeing Zoey, Quinn,Lola and Nicole coming down the hall, quickly disbanded this idea. "Hey." "Happy Valentines day." The girls cooed in a way that unsettled Chase. They snickered at the slightly creeped out look on their friends face. "Ok... girls are weird." He muttered, rubbing his head. "So you keep telling us." Lola said sarcastically. "Well, I gotta go somewhere uh... away so uh... yeah." "Kay, bye." Nicole leaned up and kissed Chase on the cheek. Chase jumped slightly, shocked by this. Nicole giggled and walked on. Quinn darted up and pecked his cheek also. "Is this a girl thing?" "Yeah." Lola said, placing her lips lightly to his cheek and walking past him. Chase blushed realising Zoey was about to kiss him. She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek softly, before also walking on. 'Score' he thought to himself. * * * "Valentine's day is such a suckish holiday." Logan complained, throwing a tennis ball repetitively against the wall. "Girls are annoying they like all want you to buy them something." "Just your girls." Snickered Michael. "Hey guys." The boys DA said dipping his head around the door. "Logan, you got mail." "Of course." he said, abandonning the tennis ball, rolling onto his stomach and taking two letters from the DA. He gave them a wave and left. "Anything special?" Chase queried. "No. Something from my dad and something from france." Logan slipped his finger under the seal of the envelope and read his dad's letter. It wasn't anything much just the usual 'Can't come home for the holidays blah de blah here's money blah de blah new credit card' stuff. He opened the french letter. "Hey it's from Dana." "Who else do you know who lives in France you moron?" He pulled out the paper and was surprised to be greeted by the scent of French perfume '_Hey, long time no talk! For the strangest reason, Valentine's day made me think of you. (Loverboy Logan Reese) So I thought I oughta write you a letter. I have no idea what to say and chances are I'll probably not send this anyways. I never was good with the romancey mushy stuff and personally I think V day's for suckers. I'm curious as to what's been happening. Nobody's even TRIED to keep me in the loop. You have my email address, my phone number, my address too. Well... I'm ranting. What I meant to say is: Happy valentine's day Logan. Whereas this letter thing isn't exactly anything special; you'll get a surprise, promise. Dana Cruz'_ "What's that supposed to mean?" Chase questioned. "What's what supposed to mean?" Logan asked, his eyes skimming the cursive writing, and pink scented paper. It wasn't very Dana. "You'll get a surprise, promise." "Yeah it's not exactly a surprise if she tells you." Michael reasoned. "Dude, you know girls. It'll probably be a stuffed toy or something. Always knew she was hot for me." The boys rolled their eyes at their friend. * * * Lunchtime was very quiet. Nicole was whispering with Lola, Quinn and Mark were making kissy faces over the heart shaped Salami Sandwhiches, Zoey was staring into space. All in all the girls were pretty preoccupied. The boys had more on their mind. Dustin was texting Trisha, Logan was wondering what on earth Dana had meant by surprise, Michael was staring at the girls volleyball team, and Chase was chewing the same piece of bread over and over, wondering whether Zoey had got the card yet. "Letter from dana came today." Zoey said eventually. "Not the only letter." Snickered Lola. Zoey blushed and hit her. "What's that supposed to mean?" Queried Dustin. "Well uh... Lola just means that uh... I got a few valentine's cards and stuff." Zoey was a furious pink. "How many's a few?" Logan questioned seeing the saddened look on Chase's face. "Six..." Zoey mumbled embarrassedly. "Teen." Finished Nicole, the other three girls at the table burst into giggles but Zoey buried her face in her hands. "Sixteen!" Chase looked slightly shocked. "Seventeen." Lola corrected suddenly. "Seventeen?" Zoey queried. Lola handed Zoey a blue envelope. Chase recognised it as his. "Fell out of your locker when I got your algebra book." Everyone looked at Lola. "I lost a bet." She confessed. Zoey blushed deeper and took the envelope. "I uh... I have to go." Chase said awkwardly. "Sit." Logan barked. Chase blushed and did as he was told. He saw the small smile appear on Zoey's face as she read the letter '_Zoey, I dunno what to say. This is supposed to be heartfelt and all the mushy stuff, and supposedly I'm good at that. Well, it's a damn sight easier on paper than it is saying it to your face. See, I'm in love with you Zoey. I always have been. And everytime I see you it amazes me that I can stand upbecause my knees go weak. I'm amazed I can eat, because you definitely feed me butterflies. I'm amazed at you. You make me feel... for lack of a better word funny. You're... you're amazing Zo. Simple as. I love you. Chase (Ps: Sorry if this note totally sucked) (Pps: Happy Valentine's day)_' "It's sweet." She said with a smile. She leaned across and kissed Chase on the cheek. Chase blushed furiously. What was 'sweet' supposed to mean? 'nice but nothing compared to the other 16'? "Did you say you got a letter from Dana?" Logan questioned after a very long comfortable silence. "Yeah. The usual 'Blah I hate the world. Blah I hate you, email me. Dana' Stuff." That seemed pretty different from the letter he'd got from Dana. "Pleasant sounding chick, this Dana." Lola said. "Incredibly. I have to go take a shower." Zoey said standing up. She got a few feet from the table. Lola snaked her hand forward and tried to read the letter. Zoey picked it up. "Knew I forgot something." She smiled. "She hates me." Chase groaned as soon as she was out of earshot. Lola, Nicole, and Quinn smiled softly. Logan snickered andMichael was busy looking at the volleyball team. "Now, who would do that Mr Matthews?" Asked a blonde,draping her arms over his shoulders from behind. "Hey trisha." He said half heartedly. "And Zoey." "Why?" "Because I sent her a stupid love letter." He mumbled stabbing his plate with a fork. "Oh, understandable then." Shewhispered softlyin his ear. Dustin looked annoyed.Trisha kissed his cheek then let go of him, she walked about 10 feet from the table before turning and looking at Dustin. "Hey loverboy, you following or what?" "Yes ma'am." Dustin stood up and disappeared. * * * "Nervous?" Nicole questioned. "Deathly." Zoey said, flicking her hair. "But he says he loves me so..." "Well, go for it cinderella. Make him yours." "Hey, Chase is no prince charming." Quinn said, with a dazed look. The girls snorted in laughter at the thought of Mark being prince charming. Zoey fluffed her hair again and headed down the stairs. The boys were in the boys longue, playing video games. "Hey." The girls chorused. They stood in a group, Zoey central and first. She looked dressed to impress, a silver halter top and jeans, large silver earrings. "Hi." Chase said embarrassedly. "Just in time ladies. I'm just about to kick Chase's butt." Logan snickered. "How... romantic." Nicole said distastefully. "Come sit." Michael beckoned his friends over. Zoey sat next to Chase. Nicole and Lola between Michael and Logan, and Quinn sat on the chair arm. This was not going as Zoey had planned. Everytime she tried to lay her head on his shoulder he jolted at the video game. After twenty minutes of being totally ignored she lost patience. She snatched the controller and handed it to Michael, sitting back in a huff. Chase looked bewildered. "What was that for?" "Just... because." She muttered bitterly. Chase sat back very subdued. He got the feeling she was mad at him. "Whipped already Matthews?" Logan snickered. "Dude, shut up uncool." Chase said blushing furiously. Michael was sick of getting his butt whipped and gave the controller back to Chase, theboys went back to the game, Zoey kept her arms folded and a sour look on her face. Nicole knew it wasn't going well. Lola bit her lip. Quinn sighed theatrically. Zoey stood up. "Where you going?" Lola asked quickly. "No point in me staying is there? Obviously his pen's sharper than he is." She huffed. Quinn then took charge. She stood up, blocking Zoey's exit. "Zoey if you like him then for pete's sake just do us all a favour and tell him because I'm not the only one who's deathly sick of you two moping around!" It was an unusual outburst for Quinn. "Wait me?" Chase asked bewildered. Zoey sat back down gently. "Whatta ya say?" She asked indifferently. "Uh... good, great even. Awesome." He stuttered. "You two going to kiss or what?" Michael asked. Zoey blushed and looked shyly at Chase. He nodded in agreement. She leaned across and kissed him very softly, breaking a second or two later, laying her head on his shoulder. He handed Michael the controller and draped his arm over Zoey's shoulder. "So, you're a thing now?" "If I'm right in saying." Zoey said. "We've been a thing for a long time." She raised her eyes looking for Chase's confirmation. "Yep." He agreed. She smiled gently. "S'always been 'Chase and Zoey' and 'Zoey and Chase' and we've always been a bit..." "Flirty?" Suggested Nicole. Chase smiled at her and Zoey blushed gently. "You two make me sick." Said a voice. Everyone looked up to see a girl standing in the doorway smirking. "All lovey dovey and mushy gushy. Seriously, this holiday makes everyone go wacky shack." She placed a hand on her hip, enjoying the jaws dropping. "Uh... amI missing something?" Lola questioned. Dana looked at Logan, a smirk blossoming on both their faces. He stood swiftly. "I agree. Valentine's day is stupid." He nodded. "Surprised." She said, giving him the eyes. "Uh... yeah. yeah I am." He darted down and whispered something in her ear. "Maybe later." She said. "Hold you to that." he threatened. "Of course. Zoey... what's with the hair!" She said smiling, she sat on the couch in Logan's place. The girls had a good natter while the boys looked slightly bored. Occasionally Zoey darted up and kissed Chase to keep him interested. * * * "Oh my god." Nicole said. "It's after midnight. It's not Valentine's day anymore." She pouted. "Thank god for that." Dana grinned. "Too right. Stupid holiday." "And, now that it's after valentine's day. C'mere." Dana slid her hand behind her and pulled Logan down to her. She kissed him deeply then let him go. "Uh... ok. February 15th is good though." Logan said eventually. Dana smirked. "I'm off to bed." Zoey said. "Me too. It's late." "And we have school tomorrow." The girls all stood up. Lola Nicole and Quinn realised the couples wanted their moments, so stepped over the sleeping Michael (who had at some point fallen onto the floor and nobody had bothered to help up) and waited outside the door. "I'll uh... see you tomorrow then?" Chase suggested. Zoey shook her head. "See you later today." She said. He smiled in agreement, and took her hands. She blushed. He kissed her fingertips very softly. "C'mere you soppy so and so." She laughed picking up his chin, leaning down and kissing her seated boyfriend. He enjoyed it thoroughly, his fingers sliding into her hair. Dana made vomitting noises. "Ugh. Those two are way too sugary." "Well uh. I wouldn't mind some sugar." Logan hinted. She smacked him. "S'bad for you, gives you cavaties." She teased. He scowled at her. "Baby." She leaned down and kissed him roughly, pushing him back onto the couch. She left him leaving stunned, sauntering off across the room to the door. Chase and Zoey were still smooching, so Dana left them to it. Logan looked at them, trying to decide which he'd like better. A bossy babe like Dana or a girl he could control like Zoey. Thinking it over he decided. Dana won hands down any day. "Night you two, happy valentine's day." A/n: How romantic. Lol. Review. End file.
Valentines day by Kitten The Kokeshi Doll
Zoey 101
Barley Unfaithful **Barley Unfaithful** **One shot** **Disclaimer: I don't own the cast of Zoey 101 or "Unfaithful" by Rihanna** **Logan's POV** I am a 15 year old boy on a Saturday night alone. I sat here looking at a picture of me and my girlfriend. It was no surprise that she was cheating on me. Everyone one knew and so did I. I never did anything about it. I rather have her as a cheating girlfriend then anything else. I laugh because our story reminds me of the song unfaithful. _Story of my life Searching for the right But it keeps avoiding me Sorrow in my soul Cause it seems that wrong Really loves my company _ "Hey baby," she said walking in. I gave her a key a couple days back. I looked at her with pain. "My room was just so dam noisy," she said. She was wearing a very short black skirt with knee high boots. She wore a tight tanktop. That's how she been dressing when she goes on her dates. It has been five guys so far five different nights. Never the same guy. _He's more than a man And this is more than love The reason that the sky is blue The clouds are rollin' in Because I'm goin' again To him I just can't be true _ She kissed me and I pulled back. I been pulling for a while know before she started her nights on the town. I just don't want to take it father then she wants to. She pouted. She rolled her eyes. "Okay," she said. "Where you going?" I asked. _ _ _And I know that he knows im unfaithful And it kills him inside To know that I'm happy with some other guy I can see him dyin' _ A part of me wanted her to tell me. The other part is begging her to be quiet. If she is cheating she should just keep it on the low. That reminds me of another sad song. "Just fun," she said not looking at me. _I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer _ "Okay," I said. She looked atmy mirror at me. Her eyes pleaded me to go to her. I did. I walked behind her. "I got to go," she not moving. I kissed her on her cheek lightly. She turn to me. Her eyes begging me to tell her to say. "Bye, Dana," I said. _I feel it in the air As i'm doin my hair Preparing for another day A kiss upon my cheek As he reluctantly Asks if i'm gonna be out late I say I won't be long Just hangin' with the girls A lie I didn't have to tell Because we both know Where I'm about to go And we know it very well _ She walked to the door looking me. She took a last look before going. Cause I know that he knows im unfaithful And it kills him inside To know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dyin' I turned back to my bed. I took the picture. I looked to the door. My heart pounded beneath me. How it hearts like a knife to just see her. _I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer _ The door open. It was Dana. I thought she left. She was crying. I guess the guilt got to her. I never seen her cry. Not even close to it. "Come here," I whispered. She did. _ _ _Our love... his trust I might as well take a gun And put it to his head Get it over with I don't wanna do this... anymore Oooohhh... anymore _ She sat on my lap. Then she began to pounded on my chest. "I hate you. I hate you," she screamed into my chest. "What?" I asked confused. She got off of me. "I am tried of this!" she yelled. "You? Me!" I said madly. _I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why And everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside And I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer _ _ _"I tried. I did everything for your attention. You weren't kissing me the way you did. I thought you didn't love me no more. I tried to cheat. Nothing. You just sit there and took it," she yelled. "What?" I asked. _ Oooohhh ...a murderer No no no Yeah yeah _ "Don't act like you didn't know I was cheating on you," she said turning her back to me. I walked behind my girlfriend. "I didn't know you wanted me to react to it," I said. "Why wouldn't I. You never take any crap. God you got me dressing like this," she said moving to my bed. "I am sorry," I said. "Don't be sorry. You are truly the best boyfriend. I don't deserve you," she looking away from me. I touched her face lightly. She looked at me. "I am so sorry," she said. "What did you do with the five guys?" I asked. "The first one I kissed," she mange to say. "That was all. I felt like throwing up because it wasn't you," she said. "So I just flirted. After a while that was bad enough to do," she said. One kiss! My baby wasn't truly unfaithful. She did love me. I took her and kissed like I haven't in a while. "Why did you stop kissing me like that?" she asked. "Because I didn't want to take it farther then it should," I confess. "You really are the best boyfriend," she said and kissed me. I kissed back with everything. "Are we still going out?" she asked after. "Yea why?" I asked. "Because I been Unfaithful," she said. "Barely," I said kissing her again. I am just glad to have my baby back and I don't have to share her. "I love you," she said. "I love you," I said. End file.
Barley Unfaithful by chichicutie
Zoey 101
1. Who is expecting? ok so this is the short awaited to WEDDING BELLS. (cue clapping and happy music) this is where we are now in the story: Chase and Zoey had their little girl and named her Jenifer(Jen) Stacy Matthews and she is a 4 months old. Dana and Logan have been stronger then ever before now that they are married. Nicole and Michael just got married and moved about 15 minutes away from the rest of the gang. Right now Dana and Nicole are getting ready for the MTV Video Music Awards with Zoey helping them find their dresses. "Zo are you sure you dont want to come with us?" Nicole asked looking at herself in the mirror. She had on a purple dress that stopped at her knees with no straps and lots and lots of sparkles. "Yeah I need ot take care of Jen." Zoey said playing with her daughter. "Oh well you cant come to them all can you." Dana said trying to get her dress to zip up." Zo can you help me?" "Sure D." She said putting the baby in her bouncer they had set up and walking over to Dana."It's stuck." "What it cant be stuck."Dana said."It fit last week! I never get any fatter!"(a/n: remember what i said in wedding bells? she drinks and eats as much as she wants to with out getting any fatter.) Zoey, Dana and Nicole paused for a moment. "IM PREGNANT!" Dana yelled jumping up and down a little. Nicole and Zoey screamed and hugged her tight. "Finally! I cant believe it took you guys this long." Nicole said. "Uh thanks...I think." Dana said breaking the hug from Zoey. "How are you gonna tell Logan?" Zoey asked. "I was thinking that I could tell him at the VMAs or something romantic." Dana said taking off the non fitting dress." Wait...Can I have sex?" "I dont know." Nicole said. "Zo?" Dana and Nicole said looking at her. "How am I supposed to know that?" She asked picking up Jen. "Your a doctor." Nicole said. "A childrens doctor not a adult doctor!"Zoey said. "So." Nicole said. "Whatever I will find out on monday, happy?" Zoey said giving Jen to Nicole and packing up the bouncer. "Yes very." Nicole said. "Im not! I dont know if I can have sex or not for 2 days! What am I supposed to tell Logan? I want to wait and do it special." Dana winned getting into the hummer in the drivers seat. Nicole sat next to Dana and Zoey in the back to sit next to her kid. "So you guys went 3 months without that before the wedding." Zoey said giving Jen her bottle. "Um...not really." Dana said."At the pool that one day when i was about to jump in Logan took me upstairs and we ended up doing it." "You guys are lame." Nicole said. "No I tried to get him to wait but against thoses abs im weak." Dana fake cried."His 6-pack taned abs. God! I need him!" "Ha you cant have him. Are you sure your pg? I mean its just a guess." Zoey said. "Yeah your right. Im gonna go get a test now." Dana said pulling into a store parking lot. "Zoey can you go in for me? Im famous and the nex thing you know its in the news tomorrow 'Dana Reese Baby Or No Baby That Is The Question.'" "Fine." Zoey went in and got out with 3 diffrent bags. "What is all this?" Nicole asked looking at the bags. "I didnt know what one to get so I just grabbed one of each." Zoey said. "Why didn't you pick the one you used?" Dana asked. "Because I didnt use one. I started to get morrning sickness and I knew I was healthy so I assumed that I was and I turned out to be right." Zoey said. "Well im just like my mom in that way. She never got any bigger around the middle until she was knocked up." Dana said pulling out of the parking lot. "Thats a lovley thing to say about your mom." Nicole said with scarsam. "So what." Dana said. "When are we gonna do this?" Nicole asked. "Well the guys are over at my house watching the football game so we can do it at your house Dana and they we can go over and watch the game." Zoey said. "That sounds good to me." Dana and Nicole said at the same time. Dana pulled into the garage and the girls rushed out of the car grabbed Jen and went to the bathroom. Nicole and Dana went strait to the bathroom and Zoey put Jen in her crib because she was sleeping. Dana looked at the tests and read the directions. "What is this supposed to mean?" Nicole asked as Zoey walked in. "You pee on the stick and then it tells you if your pregnant or not." Dana said aggrivated at how stupid Nicole still was. "Ok well do it." Zoey ordred. Dana looked at her like she was waithing for something. "What?" Nicole asked. "Leave!" Dana yelled. Nicole and Zoey were out of there faster then you could say go. Even though Dana was older and had matured a lot more she would still kick someones ass. A couple minutes later she called Nicole in because Zoey was filling Jens bottle. "How long dose the directions say that we have to wait?" Dana asked Nicole. "About...3 minutes." Nicole said throwing away the directions. Dana sat on the edge of the tub and Nicole leaned against the wall. The timer they set beeped and Dana gave the stick to Nicole. "I cant look do it for me." Dana said. "Ok are you sure?" She asked. "Yes." Dana answred. "Ok but this is a big moment for you." Nicole said. Dana was about to tell her she needed to read it but Logan walked in. Dana grabbed to stick from Nicole and put it in her back pocket. "Hey baby." Dana said nervous."What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be watching the game?" "Yeah its half time so I was gonna come over and get some more beer then I saw the hummer so I came in looking for you." Logan said looking at Dana weirdly. "Are you ok?" "Yeah baby im fine." Dana said taking in a big deep breath. "Ok im gonna leave you two to talk." Nicole said exiting the bathroom waving to Logan. "Are you sure your ok? You look a little pale." Logan said stroking her cheek gently. She closed her eyes and smiled at how caring he was. "Yeah im fine I promise." Dana said. Logan moved closer and put his hands on her hips. She put her hands around his neck and giggled and kissed him. Logan was slowly moving his hands towards her back pockets. She relised she still had the test in her pocket. She pulled away and moved his hands. "Whats wrong? Did I do something?" Logan asked confused. "No im just not really in the mood for this now." Dana said lying. She wanted him so bad it was almost killing her. Logan shook his head in understanding and kissed her cheek lightly and left to go back over to Chase and Zo's house. Dana took the test out of her pocket and looked at it. "Hey you guys." Dana said coming out of the bathroom with the test in hand."Im pregnant." "Yes!" The other two girls screamed and hugged Dana. "When you were taking the test I found out that you can have sex when your pregnant. It is actually good for you and the baby." Zoey said. Dana smiled. "How are you gonna tell Logan?"Zoey asked picking up Jen and walking out with Dana and Nicole. They walked over to Zoey's house. "I think im gonna get the VMA people to work it in with our part." Dana said. "I wouldnt do that if I was you." Nicole said. "And why not? I think its a good idea." Zoey said. "Because no one wants to here that their wifes pregnant the same time the world hears it duh!" Nicole said. "Thats a good point...then what should I do?"Dana said opening the gate to Zoeys house. "Give him a present that has something to do with a baby and see if he figures it out." Nicole said. "Thats a good idea!" Dana said."Cool and I already have a baby shower present that I can use to do it." "Ok good." Zoey said. The girls walked in and greeted the boys. Zoey kissed Chase and gave him Jenifer. Nicole sat down next to Micheal and cuddled into him. Dana went over to Logan and sat on his lap facing him. He looked bummed. "Whats up babe?" Dana asked. "Nothing, just trying to figure out why you didnt want to make out earlier." Logan said. Dana looked away for a second and then pressed her lips gently to his. He responded instantly and kissed back. They started to make out. Zoey cleared her throat and Dana pulled away and glared at her. Zoey looked inocent. "Logan lets go back home so we can play." Dana whipred temptingly in to his ear bitting on his earlobe a little. Dana felt Logan shiver a little and nodded his head. They said their goodbyes and walked back home hand and hand. As soon as they got in Logan pushed Dana against the wall and went to work on her neck. "Wait Logan...I have something for you." Dana said pushing him away and running upstairs. Logan followed and sat down on their bed. Dana pulled out a bag from underneath the bed and handed it to Logan. He opened it and it was a bottle and a pacifier. "Um hunny I think im a little to old for this." Logan said. "No what do you need to have to use this stuff?" Dana said. "A" Logan said dumbly. "Why do you think I have this stuff?" Dana asked. "Your going to a baby shower." Logan said. "No you idiot...well yeah but...god Logan im pregnant." Dana said. "Your what?" Logan asked wide eyed. "Pregnant, your gonna be a daddy." Dana said sitting on the bed next to Logan. He turned to her and kissed her passionatly. He slowly moved her back against the pillows laying down not breaking the kiss. Logan almost had his hand on her boob when he pulled away. "Can know...fuck?" Logan asked. "Yeah Zo said so and that it is good for me and the baby." Dana said laughing. "Well then we should do it 2 times to get you in better condition."Logan said smirking. Dana giggled and screamed when Logan bit her neck. They made love 4 times that night. dude i was going to wait until i got a lot of reviews on wedding bells but whatever this is what i get for being impatient or how ever u spell it. i need a lot of reviews to update another chapter so be nice and press the purple button. come on u know u want to... presley aka crash. 2. Lots of dinners Dana and Logan were sleeping peacefully when Dana's phone started to ring. Logan tightned his grip on Dana's body telling her to leave it alone. She reached over to the desk and just reached her phone that was playing Blink 182's song 'Anthem pt.2'. "Hello?" Dana asked yawning. "Day, hey its mom." Marie said cheerful. "Oh hey mom, whats up?" She asked turning to tell Logan who it was. He made a funny face and Dana giggled. "Oh my god I cant believe that you didnt tell me you were pregnant! I mean as your mother I should be at least second to know after Logan!" Maire said. Dana shot up out of bed. "What?" Dana asked pissed. "Hun its all over the news!" She said. "Hey mom can I call you back?" Dana said. "Yeah sure, bye" Marie said hanging up the phone. Logan sat up next to Dana almost instantly after she did. "Babe are you ok?" Logan asked concerned. "Someone told the news people that im pregnant and im not even more then 2 weeks pregnant!" Dana said. "Who could have told them? I mean we only told the gang." Logan said." They wouldnt tell if we wanted them to keep it a secret right?" "Yeah and I told them that too." Dana said almost crying. "Oh Dana its not that bad I mean they were gonna figure it out sooner or later." Logan said trying to comfort his wife. "I know its not my fault its the stupid mood changes!" Dana said getting furious. "I know."Logan said. He hugged Dana and whispred into her ear. "Lets go back to sleep ok babe?" "Ok." Dana said. Logan layed down and Dana layed down facing him. "Have I told you that I love you yet?" Logan whispred playing with one of her curls. "Nope." Dana said smiling. "I love you." Logan said smirking. Dana giggled and cuddled closer to him he hugged her. "Im supposed to call my mom back." Dana said looking into his brown eyes. "So what she will get over it." Logan said. Dana wraped her arms around his neck. Logan put his head into the crook of her neck and fell asleep. Dana however turned on the tv to the news channel. Sure enough there it was. "Dana Reese was seen making her friend go into a 7/11 to buy pregnancy tests. When the clerk asked if it was for her she said no its for a friend. More on this story later." The lady on the tv said. Dana took a deep breath and turned off the tv. She ended up falling asleep. Logan woke up and got out of bed kissing Dana on the forehead and going down to watch tv. He turned on the tv and sat in his chair. He turned on the tv to the news and saw the same thing Dana saw. He quickly changed the channel onto MTV and saw Dana's new music video. He smiled and looked at her and Micheal doing the video. The song was 'Waist My Time': Friends are telling me I lost my mind When I hooked up with you Maybe that's true Said that I'll wake up one day Asking what did I do Maybe that's true too When I'm with you everything's alright All I know is how I feel When you're with me _Chorus_ Waste my time, waste my time Not so sure that I'll be yours And baby you could be mine It's all about hanging out Cause you know how to waste my time Nothing like an empty day With nowhere to be You're right there with me Laughing as the world goes by How we let the day Moving way too fast Cause when I'm with you I don't really care What they all want me to be I just want you beside me _Chorus_ Waste my time, waste my time Not so sure that I'll be yours And baby you could be mine It's all about hanging out Cause you know how to waste my time _Shay:_ Call me Shay on the M-I-C When you listenin' to me You be listenin' to b bumpin' To the rhythm they'll be given When we hit em with the beats on the streets Don't forget the way we livin', yo (Waste my time) You girl on the other side of the wall (Waste my time) I like the way you move your body, and if you fall (not so sure that I'll be yours) I'll be the one that's gonna catch you before you hit the ground (Baby you could be mine) I'm feeling your sound It's all about (yeah girl, it's all about) Hanging out (you know, we hanging out) Cause you know how to waste my time _Chorus_ Waste my time (wasting my time) Waste my time (yeah, yeah) Not so sure that I'll be yours But baby you could be mine (you could be mine) It's all about (yeah girl, it's all about) Hanging out (we hanging out) Cause you know how to waste my time (wasting my time) Mmm, you know how to waste my time Logan fell asleep after the song was over. Dana and Logan ended up sleeping for 4 more hours then Dana woke up. She stretched and looked over to Logans side of the bed but he wasnt there. She looked in the bathroom and he wasnt there either. She walked down the stairs and saw Logan asleep in the arm chair. She smiled and went over to the chair and kneeled infront of his face. She kissed him lightly on the lips. When Logan didnt move at all she kissed him harder and started to make out with him. Logan woke up when she stopped. "You know you could have just shook me awake right?" Logan said. "Yeah but wheres the fun in that?" Dana said sitting on Logans lap. He smirked and kissed Dana on the neck. "You tell me." Logan said. "Call from Marie Cruz, do you wish to answer?" The phone said. Dana got up and got the phone. "What mother?" Dana asked impolitely. "Well thats a good way to answer the phone kiddo." Danas father said. "Oh sorry dad whats up?" Dana said getting some chips. "Your mother wants you two to come over for dinner on thursday. Are you ok with that?" He asked. "Um hold on I will have to ask Logan." Dana said. She put her hand over the bottom of the phone and turned to Logan."Hey babe, do you want to have dinner with my 'rents on thursday?" "Yeah sure but you do know that we have to have dinner at MY parents house on friday right?" Logan asked looking for something to watch. "I know this! Ok we will be there dad." Dana said talking to her dad again. "Ok sweetie oh yeah and congratulations." Her dad said smiling. "Yeah thanks." Dana said annoyed."Bye daddy." "Bye sweetie." Her father said then hangged up. She walked back over to Logan and sat down on the couch next to him. "Hey I thought you called me daddy?" Logan said smirking. "Not when im talking to my real dad." Dana said smirking. Logan got up and sat next to her. He pushed her back and got on top of her. He kissed her hard and the kiss was starting to get heavy when someone came into the house. "Have you guys seen Jen!" Chase asked paniced. "No we havent. Why is she missing?" Dana asked getting up. "Yeah we can't find her any where!" Nicole said coming in after Chase who was starting to cry a little. "Chase, dude dont cry we'll find her. Who would take her?" Logan said putting a comforting hand on Chases shoulder. "You think someone took her?" Dana asked. "Shes not even a year old so she couldnt just walk or crawl away." Logan said. Chase looked at her shocked as did Logan and Dana. Chase sprinted out of the house and jumped the fence to his house. He was about to go in the house when he saw Jen and someone in their front yard. "Well Chase Matthews, long time no see hun buddy?" The man said cradeling the baby lightly. "Give me back my kid!" He said taking a step forward. Dana, Nicole and Logan ran over and stopped when they saw who had the baby. It was... Ha cliffy well not really just let me tell you that it is someone from my last story. so now if u havent read Wedding Bells then i suggest you do that like i said in the summary. presley aka crash 3. leaving on a jet plane this story is dedicated to one of my favorite reader of all my storys...PoP LoCk 'ND DRoP iT! " Glenn give me my kid back!" Chase yelled. "You know what? If your going to talk to me like that then no." Glenn said kissing the babys forehead. When she herd Chase scream Zoey ran out onto the front porch. She saw who had her baby and started to cry even more then before. Dana ran over to Zoey and hugged her tight and Logan stepped closer to Chase and Michael who was about to kill Glenn. Chase took a step closer to Glenn who shook his head and laughed. "A step closer and she is gonna be gone forever." Glenn said. Chase took a step back. Glenn looked at Zoey and Dana. "Zoey this should be my baby, not bushys kid!" "My hairs not that bushy anymore!" Chase yelled. "Yeah it kinda is." Glenn said laughing a little. Chase looked around at all his friends and family and they all shook their heads yes. "Ok! Whatever just give me the kid back." Chase said. Jen woke up and started to cry and reach towards Chase. Zoey was still crying her eyes out. Dana took out her phone and quickly dialed 911 and soon after she herd police sirens headding their way. Glenn looked paniced and set the baby down and hopped the side fence and ran away down the street. Chase ran over to his crying daughter cuddeling her into his arms. "I will have Zoey as mine no matter what it takes!" Glenn yelled running down the street. Zoey hearing Glenns voice getting farther and farther away she ran over to her daughter and Husband. Chase got up off the floor holding the baby with one arm and hugging his wife in the other. "What..did he mean...about hes going to have me?" Zoey asked in between sobs. Zoey took Jen into her arms and let Chase hugged her tight. "I dont know." Chase said. Logan and Dana were talking to the cops and Michael was trying to calm down Nicole who was panicing. Zoey took Jen over to the cops to tell them what happend in her own words and Chase sat on the steps. Logan went over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey dude, are you ok?" Logan asked. "Yeah now that we have Jen back im fine...but im kinda woried about him coming back and doing something to Jen or Zoey." Chase said running a hand through his bushy hair. "I think I have a solution to that." Logan said sighing. "What?" Chase asked. "Untill the cops have Glenn in custody you and Zo can live at Dana and I's island." Logan said. "Are you serious!?!" Chase asked jumping up. "Yeah...but me and Dana are staying there too." Logan said standing next to him. "Deal." Chase said shaking Logans hand. Logan walked over to Dana and told her the news. She was slightly pissed but soon got over it when Logan said he was going to make it up to her. Zoey came over and thanked them. Logan and Dana went home to pack their bags. "Wait! What about my CD?" Dana asked. "What about them I already packed your rock collection. Do you want me to bring your hip hop too?" Logan asked refering to her ultimate CD collection. "No, _MY_ CD." Dana said. "I need to have this one out before x-mas." "So thats in 4 months." Logan said. "Yeah but by then im going to be to pregnant to move." Dana said flopping down on the bad sideways. Logan sighed and Layed down next to her. "What are we going to name this bundle of joy anyway?" Logan asked playing with one of her brown curls. "I dont want them to have normal names. I like Skyler for a boy or a girl." Dana said. "What? Why?" Logan asked. "I love names that can be for a boy or a girl like Skyler, Riley, and Spencer." Dana said closing her eyes a little. "Ok. You tired baby?" Logan asked stroking her face gently. She nodded and yawned."Go to sleep and I will finish packing for tomorrow." "But I need to pack stuff too." Dana said yawing again. Logan picked her up and moved her onto the pillows. "Go to sleep and I will take care of every thing." Logan said kissing her lips lightly. "I love you." Dana said drifting of to sleep. Logan smirked '_I always knew you would' _he thought as he finished packing. He fell asleep next to the luggage. Dana woke up to the alarm clock playing Papa Roach's song 'Forever'. She loved this song so she turned it up and started to dance around the room. She then noticed that Logan wasnt in the room again. She walked out side the room and saw Logan against the wall on the floor. She smirked and thought about what he said yesterday so she kicked him a little io the stomach. He woke up instantly. "What was that for?" He said getting up. "You told me that I should wake you up by shaking you and since I cant bend down because of the baby I had no choice." Dana said putting a hand on her stomach and smiling. "Yeah but I would rather have you kiss me then kick me." Logan said pouting. Dana walked infront of him and put her hands on his neck. She was about to kiss him when the doorbell rang. Dana sighed and went down stairs. She opened the door to see Zoey, Chase and Jen with bags in their hands. "Perfect timing." Logan said sarcastically coming up behind Dana. She rolled her eyes and took Jen. "Hi baby." Dana said holding Jen up in the air. She was laughing and giggling like there was no tomorrow. "Are we ready to go?" Zoey asked. "Yeah Logan get the stuff." Dana said walking away with Zoey. "Chase help him too." Zo said putting Jen in the car seat. Chase groaned and helped Logan. "Do you think Glenn is going to find us?" Zoey asked Dana. "No our island is really hard to find even if you know how to get there. Captian Jack almost didnt find it." Dana said laughing. Zoey forced a smile. "Ok I just really dont want him to find us." Zoey said. "He wont Zoey and if he does we have security on the island in there own house." Dana said. "Ok now I feel safe." Zoey said taking in a deep breath. "Dont sweat it Zo think of it as a big vacation." Dana said leaning back on the seat in the hummer and putting her hands behind her head. Logan and Chase put the rest of the luggage in the back and got in. "Are we ready ladys?" Chase asked. "Yep." They both said and Jen made a giggling noise. They all laughed and headded for the airport. "This is going to be a long trip." Logan said as Jen started to cry. ok in need reviews! i need ideas for this story what should i do: make glenn come to the island make glenn attack nicole and michael make leanna come to the island u decide. 4. island suprises Glenn was running down the street and stopped in an alley behind a Mal-mart. (a/n:kool store) He kicked a trash can and started to punch the wall. "What did the wall ever do to you?" A grils voice asked from behind him. "Nothing! Go away!" He spat at her. "Well you are not that friendly I see Glenn." The lady said smirking. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" He asked turning his attention back to her. "Lets just say I have a propisition for you." She said smirking. "Im listening." He said. hahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "God I cant believe this island is this big." Zoey said checking out the view from her room. "Yeah Logans parents went all out for this one." Dana said. "Lets leave Jen asleep and lets go down stairs." Zoey said kissing her infant daughter on the head. The 2 girls went down stairs and saw Logan on the phone. "Ok dude tell me what happend slowly." Logan said. He looked over at the girls and turned it on speeker. "Ok I got home and saw Glenn in my house with Nicole pinned against the wall by her neck! So I rush over and have a big fight with him then he takes out a knife and holds it to my throat and tells me to tell him where you guys are and if I hadent taken those safty classes I could be dead right now!" Micheals voice said over the phone. "Ok dude go to the airport tomorrow and get on my jet. It will fly you over to us and you can stay here too, ok?" Logan said. "Ok we will see you guys tomorrow." Michael said hanging up the phone when he heard Nicole start to cry again. Logan ran a hand through his hair and leaned back on the couch. Dana sat on his lap and put her head on his chest. "What is wrong with that dude?"Zoey asked sitting on the couch. "Wrong with who?" Chase asked coming into the room. "Glenn attacked Nikki and Mike!" Zoey said still in shock. "That guy is so going to die!" Chase yelled. "Sshh Chase your going to wake up the kid!" Zoey whispred screamed. "Ok sorry Zo. I think im going to go to bed." Chase said heading towards the stairs. "Me too." Zoey said following her husband. Dana and Logan waved and Dana put her head back on his chest. His hand went to her hair and stroked it as he kissed the top of her head. "Glenn is a dick." Logan said. "I know baby." Dana said looking up at him. "What are we going to do?" Logan asked."We cant hide out here forever." "Yeah I know, but what else can we do?" Dana said. "They could go into the wittness protection program." Logan said. "No, I think that you have had a long day and you need ot get some sleep." Dana said gettign up and pulling his hand with her until he got up. Dana and Logan walked up to their room and Logan layed down while Dana stroked his hair until he fell asleep and then she fell asleep. They woke up next morining to a scream from down stairs. Logan and Dana went down stairs and Logan had a bat in his hand. They saw Glenn beating up Chase and Zoey holding a crying Jen, while Michale was on the floor knocked out and Nicole trying to get him to wake up. Dana screamed really loudly and Glenn looked at her and smirked until Chase punched him directly in the jaw. "Day get Zoey and Nicole up stairs and lock your self in the bed room ok?" Logan said as he started to go over to Glenn and Chase. "No!" Dana said grabbing his hand." Dont! Your going to get hurt." "Dont worry im going to be fine get them up stairs now." Logan ordred and kissed her cheek. Dana did as told and put the girls up stairs in the bed room. Nicole was panicing because of Michael getting knocked out and Zoey was trying to calm down Jen and her self. "How did he find us?" Zoey asked. "I think they might have followed us?" Nicole said. "They? What are you talking about?" Dana said. "No he has a girl with him too." Nicole said. "WHAT!?!" Dana screamed. "Yeah." Nicole said. There was a really big bang from sown stairs. "I wish we could see what is going on down there." Zoey said. "Yeah me too...wait the security cameras!" Dana said jumping onto her bed grabbing the remote. She turned it on and saw Logan and Chase beating the crap out of Glenn but someone else was watching. "Nicole was right. Wait is that..." 5. Not who you expected "Wait is that...Lola?" Dana asked squinting at the screen. "Oh my god it is! She looks so diffrent now." Zoey said suprised. "How did she find us?" Dana asked. "Oh my god this is all my fault!" Nicole said starting to cry again. "What are you talking about?" Dana asked sitting on the bed next to Nicole. "Well me and Lola kinda kept in touch after PCA and I told her like every thing including where you guys were." Nicole said crying. "You did what!?!" Zoey screamed. "Zo calm down she didnt know!" Dana said calming down Zoey."Wow this is weird." "What?" Zoey asked taking in deep breaths. "Normally I would be the one blowing up and you would be calming me down." Dana said to Zoey. "Uh girls, I think we have bigger problems." Nicole said pointing to the screen. Chase was on the ground bleeding from his arm and nose. Logan was still beating up Glenn but was having a little bit of trouble. "Dana I thought you said that your island had security on it!" Zoey said. Dana went wide eyed and ran over to the phone. "Hello? D.B come quick there are two people on our island that are attacking Me, Logan, and our guests." Dana said into the phone." Ok just hurry." "Whats going on? Are they coming?" Zoey asked getting Jen who was lying on the bed. "Yeah there coming and they said that it would be like 2 minutes." Dana said. "I need to go check on Chase." Zoey said. Before Dana could get to her Zoey dashed out of the room giving Nicole Jen. "Zoey wait!" Dana said chasing after her. When she got down stairs she saw Lola holding Zoey against the wall by the neck. Dana just watched because if she did anything she could hurt the baby. She watched her husband beat the crap out of a stalker and Her bestfriend getting talked to like a bitch and getting beat up as well until the securtiy got there. They broke up both the fights and put the two in hand cuffs. "I understand why you are here Glenn but why is Lola here?" Logan asked. "I still love Chase, we were ment to be." Lola said. Chase moved behind Zoey who glared at her with fire in her eyes. "Everyone knows that Zoey and Chase were ment to be just like Dana and me were ment to be." Logan said putting a protective arm around Dana. "Oh yeah that was the other thing we were supposed to do." Glenn said to Lola. "Yeah oh well." She said shrugging her shoulders. "What?" Nicole asked. "Oh well since we didnt do it we can tell you." Glenn said. "Yeah this girl named Layla or Leslie, told us to make sure that Dana didnt have her baby." Lola said. "What!?! Was her name Leanna?" Logan asked pissed. "Yeah Leanna! That was it, why do you know her?" Glenn asked. "Yeah shes Logan's mom." Nicole said waving her hand infront of Micheals face to try and wake him up. "She told you to make sure that I dont have the baby?" Dana asked starting to cry a little. Logan pulled her closer and kissed her head. "Yep." They said smiling. "D.B take them away." Logan said as the security guards took them onto a plane at the other side of the island. Dana went out side on the beach and sat down letting the water hit her feet just hardly. Logan came out and sat next to her. "Shes a bitch." He said. "So what Logan!?!" Dana yelled. "Its your mother! She dosent want us to be together and she tried to kill our child!" "Baby I know and im never going to let her touch you." Logan said. "If something would have happend to you too and the idiots would have remembred it I could have lost our baby!" Dana yelled again. Logan looked a little hurt and Dana noticed that she was yelling at him. "Oh Logan, im so sorry. Its the mood swings its not me I swear." "Yeah Day, I know." Logan said. Dana put a hand on his cheek and kissed him lighly on the lips because he had a cut on the top lip. She pulled away and smiled at him. He grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. "What are we going to do about your mom?" Dana asked. "I dont know but we do have to go back home soon." Logan said. "Yeah I have to finish my CD and you have to go back to work." Dana said. "Are you ok?" Logan asked. "Am I ok? Logan you just got into a fight for like an hour and your asking me if im alright?" Dana asked laughing. "Um...yeah and I asked you if you were ok bacause of the baby." Logan said smirking. "Well yeah im fine." Dana said. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and kissed his neck. "Lets go to bed." Logan said. "Why its only 6?" Dana asked. "Because were going to make sure that the baby is ok." Logan said smirking. He picked her up bridal style and carried her inside and up to their room. 6. The rain in the plane **A MONTH LATER** "Ok we are ready to go." Logan asked putting Danas bags by the door. Dana was starting to show a little and she was holding Jen. "Yeah but are we sure we want to go? I mean Leanna still dosent want you guys to be together." Nicole said. "Yeah but shes old she cant do any thing Nic."Zoey said. "Yeah but she did get Lola and Glenn to try to do that to the baby." Chase said. "She wouldnt try that again and those two are in jail so theres nothing to worry about." Logan said. "There is always something to worry about." Dana said handing Jen to Zoey. She walked out of the house and borded the plane. Logan sighed and put the bags on the plane. once everyone was on they took off. Dana and Logan were in the back of the plane laying down in the bed. Logan was running his hand through Danas hair. She was thinking about all the stuff that Leanna could do to her and the baby. Her hand was placed protectively over her stomach with Logans hand right on top of hers. "Are you ok babe?" Logan asked. "Yeah im fine." Dana said sighing. "What you thinkin' about?" He asked her. "Stuff." She answred with no feeling. "Ok yeah that really helps."Logan said sarcastically. "Well excuse me." Dana said rolling over putting her back to Logan. He sighed and put his arm around her waist and put his hands on her stomach. "Im sorry baby." He whispred into her shoulder. He slowly kissed her shoulder and moved his lips down to her neck. "Not now baby." Dana said. "Ok. Do you forgive me?" He asked her gently. "Yeah I guess." She said playfuly. He gripped her by the waist and pulled her on top of hiself. "What do you mean you guess?" He asked. He started to tickel her. "Logan stop. The baby." Dana said. Logan stopped and let her lay down again. She sighed and turned to him. "Im sorry." "Dont worry baby. If we want to start a family then we're gonna have to make some changes." Logan said. "Yeah and I might have forgot to tell you that we have to go to my parents house for dinner when we get back." Dana said. Logan sighed and shook his head no."What do you mean no?" "Why? I want to have you all to myself when we get back." Logan whinned. "Yeah I know but we have to do it, I promised." Dana said putting on her puppy dog eyes. "No." Logan said looking away. He looked back a little and sighed. "Fine." "Yes! I knew you would cave!" Dana said kissing him. The only reason that he said yes was because she was doing the puppy dog face and because she was in tears. He cant stand to see a girl cry. "What do you want our baby to be?" Dana asked. "I think I want a boy 'cause I can be rough with him." Logan said. "I want a boy too." Dana said. "If it is a boy can we name him Logan jr.?" Logan asked hopfully. "No! I like Reef." Dana said looking at the buldge in her stomach.(a/n: my bestfriends name) "Can his middle name be Logan?" He asked. "Maybe but dont get your hopes up." She said smirking. "Fine, What is with the name Reef?" He asked. "I love the ocean so I wanted it to reflect it." Dana said smiling.(a/n: it worked) "Cool I guess." Logan said weirded out a little. "You know you love me and my weirdness." She said kissing him. "Yeah and you are so lucky about that." He said. Dana snuggled into him and kissed his chest.(a/n: Logans not wearing a t-shirt) Soon she was fast asleep. Logan was tired too but he watched her sleep the whole way home except for once when he had to use the bathroom. Dana woke up and saw Logan smiling down at her she jumped a little but then smiled. "Hey baby." She said kissing him. "Hey sleepy head." He said smirking. "How far away from home are we?" She asked yawing. "Um we're actually home right now." He said. "What? Why didnt you wake me up?" She asked. "You were so beautiful when you sleep." He said smirking. "Well thanks for the compliment but can we go home now?" Dana whinned. "Do we still have to go to your parents house?" Logan asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yep." Dana said putting on her shoes. Logan herd this and fell on the bed pretending to be asleep. Dana rolled her eyes and got a bottle of water out of the side fridge and poured it all on Logan. He jumped up soaking wet and freezing. "Cold,cold,cold." Logan breathed out hugging himself trying to get warm again. "If you didnt do that then we could have provented this now couldnt we?" Dana asked like she was talking to a three year old. He shook his head yes and Dana gave him a towel. He got off the plane and so did Dana and they got into the limo. "Home sweet home." Logan whispred looking out the window at the ocean. 7. wedding tattoos i dont own zoey 101 or the song by alexz johnson and the creater of instant star "Hey Day, have you seen my wedding ring?" Logan yelled from the bathroom. "You lost it again? No I havent seen it." Dana said going into the bathroom. "Great now what am I supposed to do?"Logan said. "Maybe put some clothes on so we can go to my parents house." Dana said smirking at Logan who was only in a towel that was around his waist. He mimicked her and started to put junk in his hair. Dana took a towel off of the counter and snapped him with it. "What the hell was that for?" Logan asked holding his but where the towel hit him. "For being an idiot and losing the wedding ring again!" Dana said yelling at him. "Well I take it off when im in the shower so I dont lose it down the drain and I dont know where it went." Logan said. "Well this is the third one you have lost since we have been married!" Dana said getting aggravated. "So what?" Logan asked. "You need to go get another ring now." Dana said rolling her eyes. "I have a better idea than that." Logan said putting a glob of hair gel in his hand. "Oh yeah what is it?" Dana said leaning on the counter. "I can get a tattoo that has your name and the date we got married around my ring finger where my wedding ring is supposed to be." Logan said moving over to her. "Well at least you cant lose it." Dana said shrugging her shoulders. "See im a genious." Logan said smirking that famous smirk. "Yeah ok then whats the square route of 81?" Dana asked. "Um...18?" Logan asked. "No you idiot its 9, but you were close." Dana said smirking." Now get ready we are already late and my mom is going to kill you." "Why isnt she going to kill you?" He asked. "Because im pregnant." Dana said leaving the bathroom. "Your so lucky." Logan yelled. He finished getting ready and went downstairs to find Dana asleep on his chair. He rolled his eyes and went over to her. He thought about flipping the chair but then remembered that she was pregnant so he couldnt do that. He insted got an ice cube and put it down her shirt. She jumped up and screamed jumping around to try and get the ice out of her shirt. "Logan! You are so dead!" She screamed. "We dont have time for that now we are really late." Logan said smirking and pushing her out the door. She huffed and got into the passangers side of the lambo while Logan locked the door and got in the drivers seat. Dana put on the radio and it was playing her song, "How Strong Do You Think I am": If I don't cry, Do you think I don't feel? If I look away, it doesn't mean I don't see, And just because I want someone when I'm alone, Doesn't mean I'm helpless, That I can't stand on my own. How far can we go before we break? How long can I wait? How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong do you think I am It's so hard to tell, What's in your heart, What you keep to yourself, Is tearing me apart, And should I be afraid, To dream about you? And if you feel the same, What you going to do? How far can we go before we break? How long can I wait? How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong do you think I am If I move in any closer, If you let go and give yourself away, and if we let this happen to us, Everything will change. How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong, How strong do you think I am? How much can I take of this? Am I a rock, or a rose, or a fist? Or the breath at the end of a kiss? How deep do you want to go, because I'll go there if I can, You make it harder than it has to be, How strong, how strong, how strong, how strong do you think I am? "Wow how old were you when you wrote that song babe?" Logan asked. "We just started to go out so I was 17." Dana said putting her feet up on the dashbored. "Yeah and then you had to go on tour with that guy Speed." Logan said rolling his eyes. (A/N: instant star is an awsome show and speed and jude belong together.) "Yeah but we're just friends, Logan." Dana said. "So what? The way you guys acted seemed like you guys had a thing." Logan said. "No! Hes a nice guy and my best friend still and hes gay." Dana said. "Oh you never told me he was gay!" Logan said pulling into Dana's parents drive way. "Yeah he didnt want it to get out." She said gettign out of the car. "Next stop dinner with the inlaws." Logan said taking Dana's hand in his own and walking up the steps. ok i need ideas for whats going to happen at dinner so until i get some i have to work on other storys so give up the ideas and try not to let the penguins take them. presley aka crash 8. dinner once again **DINNER AT THE CRUZ'S...** Dana and Logan walked up to the door and knocked. Sean and Brandon opened it and Sean looked sad and from the looks of it Brandon wanted to know why. "Dad are you ok?" Dana asked walking inside. "Yeah im fine, are you ok?" He asked looking more sad than earlier. "Yeah why?" She asked. "Because..." Was all he could say before Marie yelled for them to come into the living room. "Yeah mom." Was all Dana could say before she saw her mother crying." Mom are you ok?" "Your asking me if im ok? Of course im ok! Are you ok?" She yelled. Dana jumped back a little. "What is with everyone asking me if im ok?" Dana asked. "Well after what happend we are just worried thats all." Sean said. "What are you talking about?" Logan asked. "Well after what happend on the island..." Marie said. "Oh well their in jail now so its all good." Logan said. "What are you talking about? I was talking about the baby." Marie said. "Why whats wrong with the baby!?!" Dana and Logan said at the same time. "How Dana fell and lost the baby." Sean said. "You lost the baby?" Logan whispred. He looked like he was going to cry. "No!" Dana said." I was with you the whole time we were on the island." "Oh yeah. So what are you guys talking about?" Logan asked. "Well we herd that from Leanna." Sean said taking a seat next to his wife. "Wait, Leanna as in my mom?" Logan asked getting angrier by the second. "Yeah she told us all about it." Marie said. "Oh my god, we never told you guys the whole story about Leanna. Well to give you the Readers Digest version, we are not speaking to her." Logan said. "But shes your mom." Sean said. "So she dosent want me and Logan to be together or have our baby." Dana said. "Thats such a lie she sounded so sad on the phone." Marie said laughing a little. "Yeah but she is lying, I didnt get hurt on the island or in the past 2 months." Dana said. Marie and Sean looked at them funny and turned to each other. "So that means that your still pregnant?" Marie asked. "Yeah and if you want to make sure you can come with me tomorrow to the doctors and see for your self." Dana said. "Well ok we wont but I want to know every thing the doc says ok?" Sean said. Dana looked pissed and Logan was still in shock from hearing what his mother had told them. "Mom, dad im sorry but im really to tired to eat and I just want to go home now." Dana said putting her hand on her head. "Ok Dana, we can do this some other time." Sean said. Marie was about to protest but Sean covered her mouth. They said their good byes and Dana and Logan left. "What was that?" Logan asked as they got into the car. "I have no clue. Maybe Lola and Glenn told Leanna that they did the job." Dana said making her chair go back into a laying down position. Logan took a hold of her hand and kissed it as she closed her eyes. "Thats probley what happend." Logan said as he started to drive home. A few minutes later Dana was asleep and Logan just drove home. Logan pulled into the drive way and he thought about waking Dana up but decided against it. He picked her up into his arms and carried her in his arms up to the room. He gently layed her down and kissed her forehead. He got changed and crawled into bed with the lights off. "Thanks for carring me upstairs baby." Dana said like she had been awake the whole time. "Were you awake this whole time?" Logan asked sitting up. "Maybe." Dana said and even thought it was dark Logan could tell she was smirking. "Im going to take that as a yes." He said laying back down. Dana turned over and layed her head on his chest. Logan kissed the top of her head and gently stroked her hair. "Your such a dork." Dana whispred. Logan laughed and smirked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You copy stuff off movies and use them on me." She said smirking. "Yeah movies that I produce and direct so technicality they are still my property." Logan said. "Yeah well...well..." Dana said studdering. Logan smirked because he knew that he had one. Dana punched him in the stomach. That made him jump a little and caugh. "Thanks for that." He said sarcastically. "Any time baby." Dana said smiling as the couple fell into a deep sleep. not one of my best chapters but i have to work with what i got. i need ideas for another chapter. presley aka cracker 9. baby boom "Hunny...wake up Dana...hello?" Logan said shaking Dana awake. "What?" Dana groaned. "You have to get your butt up and go to the doctors to see if the baby is ok and everything." Logan said as Dana rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. "ITS 6:30 IN THE MORNING!" Dana yelled. "So what you need to be there at 10 o'clock on the dot." Logan said pointing to his writst where his watch was. "So what let me sleep for like...2 more hours." Dana said putting the pillow up over her head. Logan took it off her head and took off the blankets too. Dana got up on her elbows and glared at the now pouting Logan. "Im so sorry Dana, but you have to get up and be ready." Logan said like he was talking to a baby. He was walking over to the dresser when Dana threw his pillow at him and it hit the back of his head. He turned around and glared at her. "Hey thats my job!" Dana said giggling. "Whats your job?" Logan asked. "Glaring." She said simply. "So what I can glare all I want." He said smirking. "No you cant its my thing!" She said pouting crossing her arms. "Then you cant smirk because thats my thing." Logan said smirking. "What I cant help it if I smirk." Dana said getting up. "Yeah and I cant help it if I glare so now were even." Logan said smirking while Dana glared. Dana went to the dresser and bumped hips with Logan. He was about to do it back but then he remembred about the baby. He groaned and headded to the door. "What?" Dana asked getting dressed. "I can barely do anything to you that cant hurt the baby." Logan said as he groaned again and walked down stairs and planted him self on the couch. Dana sighed and finished putting on her make up and clothes. By the time she was over it was 9:30 and she ran down stairs. She tripped on the last 3 stairs and lucky for Dana, Logan was going up to get her so he caught her. Dana's heart was beating and so was Logans. "Dana will never do that again." Logan said trying to catch his breath. She shook her head yes and sat on the floor. She caught her breath and then got up. "Now we are seriously going to be late." Dana said still sounding out of breath. Logan and Dana drove pretty fast to the doctors office mostly because Logan wanted to make sure that the baby was fine after the fall. They went up to the top floor for V.I.Ps and went strait into a room with monitors every where. Dana sat on the bed with Logan right beside her. Logan took a hold of her hand because he knew when she was little she hated hospitals and got so many needles stuck in her because how many times she got hurt she had a fear of them. The doctor walked in about 5 minutes later. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Reese, im Dr. Ryan." He said extending his hand which they both shook. "Hi." Dana said almost in a whisper looking at the needls by the table. "Oh Mrs. Reese dont worry those arnt for you." The doctor said laughing. Dana let out a breath that she didnt even know she was holding in. Logan rubbed her arm and kissed her cheek. "Ok now I need you to lay down on the bed and lift up your shirt." "You need her to do what!?!" Logan asked standing up. "No just to show her stomach for he ultrasound." Dr. Ryan said taking a step back. Logan blushed and went to the other side of the bed and took Dana's hand. Dana layed down and did what the doctor said. "Oh my!" The doctor said squinting at the screen. "What!?! Is the baby ok?" Logan and Dana asked at the same time. "Yes, their fine and Dana I wouldnt make and quick movements because it might strain the babys." He said putting the ultrasound away. "See the babys are fine...Did you say they!?!" Dana asked. Logans eyes got as wide as plates. "Yeah you guys are going to be having twins." The doctor said with a smile on his face. Logan fainted. "Logan!" Dana said looking over the side of the bed. He stired a little but then got up. "Did you just say that were having twins?" He asked as he sat up on the floor. "Yeah." The doctor said again. "As in two babies?" Logan said standing up with the help of the bed. "Yeah because normally twins means two." Dr. Ryan said laughing. "Wait as in..." Logan said before Dana said." Yeah as in we, me and you, are having twins as in two kids." "Ok just checking." Logan said smiling. The doctor left to go write down the information and left Dana and Logan alone. "Logan?" Dana asked. "Yeah?" Logan said looking at her. "We're having twins." She said giggling and smiling. Logan laughed and kissed her passionatly. "Im going to be the father of not one but two babys!" Logan said holding up his fingers to two. "Yeah twice as many dipers to change." Dana said sarcastically holding up a thumbs up. Logan rolled his eyes and laughed. "Great now we can name one of them Logan Jr." Logan said smirking. "And what if their girls?" Dana asked raising her eye brow. "Logina and Lorrain." He said. "Hell no!" Dana said shocked that he would actually name anyone that. "What there good names." Logan asked. "No if their girls Roxy and Skyler and if their boys Reef and Spencer." Dana said. "Can the boys middle name's be Logan?" He asked hopfuly. "Maybe." Dana said smirking. The doctor told them that the baby was fine then the went outside to be swarmed by paparazzi. Logan sheild's Dana as the get into the car and pull out of the parking lot. "So who are we going to tell first?" Dana asked. "Lets tell my 'rents when we get home, then yours, then the gang." Logan said. Dana shook her head yes and looked out the window. ok so next chapter there will be a little CZ or NM u can pick and Logan and Dana might get into a little fight over something stupid they might not. guess ur going to push the purple button it will make u feel good. presley aka crash (loves sketch) 10. Nicole problems Logan pulled into the driveway. Dana was smiling and Logan was smirking. "Were going to be parents!" Dana said jumping out of the car. "Careful baby! We dont want you to get hurt so you lose the babys." Logan said opening the front door as Dana danced inside. "Call your 'rents and tell them the news." Dana said jumping on the couch. Logan followed her and leaned down so her face was right infront of his. He got right to the point that their lips were inches away. "You wanna make out?" Logan whispred looking into her eyes loving every moment of hearing her heart speed up. Dana smirked and got up holding his hand. "You think im hot?" Dana asked smirking pulling him up the stairs. "Are you answering a question with a question?" He asked smirking. "Maybe." Dana said. "Ha I win!" Logan yelled throwing his hands up into the air. "So what now since you didnt let me win your not making out with me for the rest of the day." Dana said poking him in the chest. Logan started to move very slowly towards Dana smirking. "No way mister." Dana said moving up the stairs backwards. "What am I doing?" Logan asked putting on a fake innocent act. "Im not kissing you at all today, so dont tempt me so then that might make me hurt you." Dana said still backing up the stairs backwards. Logan waited until she got up the stairs until he ran after her. Dana screamed and ran into the bedroom. Logan got in before she could close the door and pushed her back into the door. Dana yelped and tried to get away from his grasp. Logan smirked and kissed her hard and passionatly. They were getting really into the kiss when they herd a door open. Dana pulled away and tried to hear who or what it was. "What was that?" She asked. Logan listned and looked back at her. "Maybe its the ghost." Logan joked making weird noises. Dana playfuly hit him on the arm. She walked down stairs with Logan following close behind and as soon as they did The power went off because of the storm. Dana screamed and Logan jumped. "Ok now im scared." Logan said. Dana took her phone out of her back pocket and made the flashlight go on. She shown it around the room and saw Mosh opening and closing the cabinent in the kitchen that had his treats in it. "Mosh!" Dana and Logan yelled. Mosh jumped and ran up the stairs and hid under the bed. Dana turned around and started to laugh into his chest. She felt his heart beat speed up a little when she did. She smiled and hugged him. "Hello to you too." Logan said joking. Dana laughed while Logan picked her up and walked her upstairs. He glanced at the clock and saw that it said 10: 30pm. He sighed and took her up to the bed knowing she had to go to the studio tomorrow. Dana was laying down watching Logan get into his p.j's and laying down with her. Dana was in a pillow thing that helped her not move around in her sleep and injure the babys. Logan crawled into it with her. "What are you doing?" She asked making room for him. "Im going in your egg crate." He said smirking. Dana rolled her eyes and Logan shut off the light, hoping to get some sleep. About an hour later Dana's phone started to ring. She tiredly grabbed it off the table and answred it. "Somebody better be dead." She said harshly into the phone. "Hey Day im sorry to bother you." Nicole said crying on the other line. "Oh hey Nic I didnt mean to yell you dont have to cry." Dana said sounding concerned into the phone. "Thats not why im crying well... can I come over so we can talk?" She asked. "Yeah of course." Dana said getting up out of bed trying not to wake up Logan. "Ok good cause im outside right now." Nicole said laughing. Dana smiled and headded to the door when Logan woke up. "You going somewhere?" He asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah Nicoles down stairs and she wants to talk about something." Dana said walking back over to the bed." Go back to sleep." "Ok but you need to come back to sleep soon too." Logan said. Dana smiled and kissed his head and he layed down. Dana headded for the door again and looked back to see Logan fast asleep. She smirked and went down stairs. Nicole found the key that was hidden out side and let herself in to the house. Dana walked over ot greet her but Nicole ran over to Dana and hugged her tight. This caught Dana by suprise but she hugged back. "I cant...believe...he.." Nicole cried out. "Who did what?" Dana asked rubbing Nicoles back. "Michael...kissed...Vanessa!" Nicole cried out even harder. "Vanessa as Vanessa Hudgens also as in his ex?" Dana asked holding her at arms lenght. Nicole nodded and cried harder than before. Dana pulled her into another hug and rubbed her back until she calmed down a little."Lets go sit on the couch." "Ok." Nicole said drying her eyes a little. They sat on the couch and faced each other sitting criss crossed next to each other. "So tell me what happend." Dana said. "I was on my way to G- Major to go to lunch with Michael so I asked Sadie which studio he was in and she told me studio B. I sorta figured it out because no one ever uses studio A cause its yours." Nicole said and Dana smirked." So I walked in and saw Michael laying down on the couch with Vanessa on top of him when they were kissing." "Are you sure thats what you saw?" Dana asked getting pissed. "Yes! I didnt say any thing I just ran out the door and drove here." She said as a new batch of tears started to roll. "I cant believe he did that!" Dana said as her phone began to ring. She picked it up and answred it. "Hello?" "Dana? Hey have you seen Nic?" Michael asked paniced into the phone. Dana put her hand over the bottom of the phone. "It's Mike do you want me to tell him your here?" Dana asked Nicole who shook her head no. "Hello? Day are you there?" Michael asked into the phone. "Oh sorry Logan needed me and sorry I havent seen her." Dana lied into the phone. "Ok well if you do will you call me?" He asked sighing. "Yeah I will." Dana said shaking her head no. "K, Bye." He said sounding sad into the phone before he hung up. Dana felt a little guilty but she shrugged it of thinking it was just the mood swings. "Did you ask Sadie about why they were together?" Dana asked. "Yeah when I walked in she told me that he was her new producer. Why do you think she would do that to Zac?" Nicole asked. "I dont know, but Nic I think that she kissed him not the other way around." Dana said. "Why? I caught them kissing." Nicole asked gettign mad. "Calm down, you said that she was on top of him right?" Dana said. Nicole shook her head but then looked like she justs had a thought. '_She kinda looks like Quinn when she gets an idea'_ Dana thought laughing a little. "What?" Nicole asked snapping out of her thought. "You kinda looked like Quinn just now." Dana said. Nicole glared at her. Dana looked away and smiled. "Thanks for the compliment Dana." Nicole said rolling her eyes. "Any time Nic." She said laughing."What did you figure out?" "That it was that stupid little slut Vannessa!" Nicole said. "What?" Dana asked. "She kissed him he fell back on the couch then she climbed on top of him and kissed him again!" Nicole said standing up. "Thats what I was thinking." Dana said. Nicole grabbed her purse and headded for the door. Nicole opened the door and there stood Michael about to knock on the door. "Michael what are you doing here?" Nicole asked in shock. "Logan told me where you were." Michael said glaring at Dana for lying to him. She glared back and he looked a little scared. "Why were you looking for me?" Nicole asked. "Because...Vanessa kissed me when I told her not to and then she pushed me back on the couch and she climbed on top of me and I pushed her off then she called me stupid and left then I was going out the door when I found your wallet on the floor so I knew you were there so I asked Sadie if you saw what happend she said yes and then thats how I ended up here." Michael said all in one breath. "Hun?" Nicole asked. "Im sorry." Michael said plain and simple. "That works." Dana said under her breath crossing her arms. "Mike, just one last thing?" Nicole said. "What?" He said. "Did you brush your teeth after the kiss?" Nicole asked. "Yeah why?" He asked looking at her funny. "Because this.." She said before she was in a full on lip lock with him. Dana rolled her eyes when she saw them start to make out. "Well if you need me I will be sleeping. Feel free to use the guest room if you cant wait." Dana said leaving them alone. Dana was half way up the stairs when she herd the guest door open and close. She smirked and quietly went into her room to sleep. i would have had this up sooner but fanfiction wouldnt let me on. review and the penguins arent going to take over the world for another week if u press the purple button. Presley aka Crash (loves fanfiction and Jarred) 11. Instant Star Crossover Dana woke up to her alarm clock blaring in her ear. She picked it up and tried to turn it off but it wouldnt stop. She threw it at the wall which woke up Logan making him fall out of bed. "What?" Logan asked using the bed to help him up. "The alarm clock wouldnt shut up." Dana said. "Ok as long as you have a good reason." Logan said yawning and climbing back into the bed. Dana got up and put on some clothes."Is it ok for you to sing while your pregnant?" "I think so." Dana said putting on some make up. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I dont know." Dana said. "Call Zoey and see if its ok." He said sitting up in the bed. "Why im going to be late." Dana whinned. "Do it." Logan ordred. "No if your so concirned about it then you call her." Dana said putting her hand on her hip and looking at him. "Fine give me the phone." Logan said holding out his hand. "Pssh no get it your self you lazy ass." Dana said. Logan rolled his eyes and walked over to the dresser and grabbed his phone. As soon as he picked it up it started to ring. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Lo, it me Chad. I just wanted to know if we were taking your jet or mine." Chad said. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Uh..when we go to Las Vegas to film, you idiot." Chad said into the phone. "What? Oh my gosh I totaly forgot!" Logan said hitting his head. Dana laughed and Logan glared at her. "Well its in a month and were going to have to be gone for like 7 months." Chad said. "What!?! But Dana's pregnant and she's going to be due in 6 months!" Logan said. "Whats going on?" Dana asked."Your leaving?" "Hold on Chad...I have no clue! Chad said that we made plans to shoot another movie in Las Vegas next month and it will take until after your due date." Logan said. "What no you have to be there for me!" Dana said sitting down on the bed. "Chad can I call you back?" Logan asked looking at Dana who was pissed. "Yeah call me back ok." Chad said before he hung up. "Baby, im sorry but I have to go." Logan said sitting down next to Dana who was looking away from him with her arms crossed. Dana looked away as he tried to get here attention. Logan put a hand on her face and pushed her face to look at his. Her face instantly changed from mad to soft. Logan kissed her and put his forehead on hers. "I dont want you to go." Dana whinned. "Im so so so sorry Dana. I want to be with you but it might make us lose a lot of money." Logan said. Dana had tears in her eyes. "Is it the mood swings again?" "No I really dont want you to leave." Dana said letting a few more tears loose. "Im sorry." Logan said. He hated to see someone that he loved crying. "Promise that you will be back before the Babys are born." Dana said. "I pinky promise." Logan said smirking and sticking out his pinky. Dana locked pinkys with him and they kissed. Logan made them go back to putting there foreheads together and he laughed. "We just pinky sweared." Logan said. Dana laughed and layed back on the bed. Logan turned around to go to the bathroom while Dana tried to sneek out of the room. "Not until I call Zoey." Logan said turning around and looking at her with an eyebrow raised. "Ok call Zo and ask her." Dana said. "Fine." Logan said picking up his phone again. "Hello?" Zoey said into the phone. "Hey Zo can Dana sing if she is pregnant?" Logan asked. "Yeah its fine." Zoey said. "Ok thanks Zo." Logan said and hung up. "What did she say?" Dana asked sitting up. "She said that it was bad for the baby." Logan lied. "Crap now my CD is going to be so late." Dana said. "Well now that thats over go back to sleep." Logan said pushing her over on her side and getting into bed his self. Dana got under the covers and texted Sadie that she wasnt allowed to sing until she had the kids. Logan pulled Dana closer and she fell asleep quickly but Logan was still up thinking about what to do about the movie. He eventually fell asleep. "Dude! Wake up!" Someone yelled from downstairs causing Logan again to fall down off the bed. "What!" Dana said as she shot up out of her sleep. "Come on Dana you have to go to an interview with Logan." Said the voice. Someone walked in the room and to Dana and Logan's suprise it was Darious Dana's producer.(a/n: love instant star) "D, what are you doing here?" Dana asked getting up out of bed cautiously. "I came to get you because you missed work again." He said looking dissapointed at her. "Sorry but when your pregnant you cant sing." Dana said. "Your PG?" Darious asked in shock. "Yeah she is and the doctor said she cant sing cause it might strain the baby." Logan said. "Ok well you still have an interview to go to today so get your butts in gear." Darious said pointing to the door. "Fine leave then." Logan said. "I came in a limo that you guys are riding in to so hurry up." He said exiting the door. "Im a girl not a guy!" Dana yelled after him. "Really? Well that explains why your pregnant." Darious said back. ok im rotating between storys so im updating SBR next. im sorta out of ideas for this story, help me by pressing the button and making a idea pop into that brain of yours. presley aka crash 12. On the road again "Get your butts down here now!" Darious yelled from out side by his limo. "Hold on I have a baby in here!"Dana yelled from inside coming out. "Oh yeah what is it any way."Darious said leaning on his limo. "Its twins." Logan said locking the door and walking down the stairs following Dana. "Oh damn, twice as many dipers to change." Darious said laughing. "Yeah so?" Logan asked. "Ok now what are they?" He asked. "What do you mean?" Dana asked. "You know, boys or girls?" He asked. "Oh well we didnt get to that part." Logan said. "So what we can ask next time."Dana said. She looked and noticed that there were two limos. "Whats with the two limos?" "One for you two and one for me." Darious said. He got into his limo and rolled down the window."See you there." "Bye D." The couple said together as he drove off. They rolled their eyes and got into their limo. The man started to drive. "Baby what are we going to name them?" Logan asked. "We already talked about this, Roxi and Skyler if their girls and Reef and Cooper if their boys." Dana said cuddling up next to Logan. "Why do we have to name them that? Why not Logan jr. and Landon if their boys and Laura and Lindsey if their girls?" Logan said. "Because your not going to go through labor to get these kids into the real world." Dana said. "So what, their my kids too! So why cant I name them?" Logan said. "Ok you can name one and I can name the other and you can pick the middle name for the one that I name and I can pick the middle name for the one you name." Dana said. "What?" Logan asked with a confused expression on his face. "Just pick the middle names so it will be easier." Dana said annoyed. "Fine but one more thing." Logan said giving in. "What?" She asked. "You are going to have to be a lot nicer when the kids are born." Logan said smirking. "What you think im not nice?" Dana asked turning to him and glaring. "Sorta.." Logan said unevenly. Dana was about to punch him when she noticed that she was kinda mean. "So what isnt that what turned you onto me?" Dana asked smirking. "Yeah so you better not change..unless your around the babies." Logan said pulling her closer to him. "Hey wheres the remote?" Dana asked looking around. Logan found it on the shelf behind them but didnt tell her. Dana noticed he was hidding something."What are you hidding?" "What are you talking about?" Logan asked smirking. "You suck at lying sometimes." Dana said."Give me the remote." "What makes you think I have it?" Logan asked inoccently. "Because you just lied to me. Now give it." Dana ordred putting her hand out. "I did no such thing." Logan said using a lady voice. "Just give me the remote." Dana demanded pinching his arm. He winced in pain and handed her the remote. "Ouch!" Logan said rubbing his arm. "Your a whimp." She said turning it on ESPN. "What are we watching?" He asked. "Softball, my cousion is playing." Dana said watching closley. It was the Rockford Thunder against the Wildcats. "Who is your cousion again?" Logan said looking at the screen. "Cat Osterman(Best softball player ever!)" Dana said. They watched Cat pitch like crazy only 2 people hit the ball. The ride to the news studio was a pretty far away so they go to watch all 7 innings. Of corse Rockford Thunder won. "Dude when we were in school did she teach you how to pitch?" He asked. "Yeah she tought me to pitch lefty and righty." Dana said. "So are you going to go back to that stuff after we have our kids?" Logan asked making himself a drink from the mini bar. "I dont know maybe." Dana said looking out at the beautiful California sky. "Have I told you today that I loved you?" Logan asked. "No but you just did now." She said smirking looking back at him. He leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips. The kiss got more heavy and Logan pulled Dana closer and he placed a hand on her stomach. He pulled away and started to kiss her neck. "Baby we cant do it in a limo!" Dana said pushing him away a little. "Why not? Your already pregnant so we dont need protection." Logan said pulling her closer by her back and kissing her neck. "Stop Logan." She said pushing him off hard. "Fine." Logan said pouting. Dana looked at him and leaned over to his ear. "We can play when we get home ok." She whispred into his ear bitting his earlobe a little. Logan stiffend up and started to fake cry. "You are the biggest tease ever!" Logan whinned. "Mr. and Mrs. Reese we have arrived." The driver said after he put down the privacy window. ok i need questions to ask them. please help the more questions i get the sooner i can have the next chapter up. presley aka crash 13. Interview blues They finally arived at the studio and got inside. The place looked small from outside but it was huge inside. The front desk alone was really big just like all the other things. The secretary told them that the interview was in the back 3rd door from the left.Darious lead the way and opened the door for the couple. There was a camera and microphones all over the place. Dana and Logan sat down at the table that was in the middle of the room. A lady came inside and sat down next to the two. "Hello, im Stephanie."She said putting her hand out which both of them shook. "Im Dana and that's Logan." Dana said. "Nice to meet you. Ok now I want to start off with some personal questions is that ok?" She asked. "Um sure."Logan answering for the both of them. "Ok so how did you guys first meet?" Stephanie asked. "Well we went to the same school PCA." Dana said. "Ok...did you guys have the whole love at first sight thing?" Stephanie asked. "Well I dont know about Dana but for me it definatly was." Logan said smirking. "Not for me it was more like annoyance at first sight."Dana said receving a glare from Logan. "Haha ok well what made you like him?" She asked Dana. "I loved the fact that he didnt care that I was a girl and he would stand up to me unlike all the other boys a PCA. It also helped that he was hot." Dana said smirking. "Well I cant argue with that. "Logan said flexing his mussles. Dana punched him and laughed. "Ok how was your relationship back before all of this?" Stephanie asked. "Well it was a hate/love thing for a while." Dana said. "No it was a love/hate relationship." Logan said. "Same dif."Dana said annoyed. Logan rolled his eyes and stuck out his tounge at her. She tried not to laugh but it was no use against him. "So theres a rumor going around that you guys are expecting, is it true?"Stephanie asked looking at Dana's stomach. Dana had on a pretty big jacket on so you couldnt see the buldge. "Well yeah and its going to be twins." Dana said when she noticed that Logan was waiting for her to answer. "Aw congrats! Now on to more important matters what is going on with your mother troubles Logan?" "What who told you we have been having trouble with my mother? "Logan asked furious. "Well thats what the people in the jail said. Whats their names? Leny and Gola?" She asked trying to remember their names. "Lola and Glenn." Dana whispred. "Thats right. They said it." Stephanie said. "That is the one thing we wont talk about." Dana said glaring at her. "Ok next question. What is the worst fight you have ever had?" Stephanie asked moving her chair back a little from Dana. "That was when she decided to leave for France." Logan said calming down. "What? We weren't even together when that happend." Dana said. "So what that was the worst fight between both of us." Logan said. "Really? What happend?" Stephanie asked hanging on every word. "Well.." Logan started before getting cut off by Stephanie."Wait I have to make sure the camera is on for this." She fixed it and sat down again. "Ok well it was the day before she left. Dana came to my room and asked me if I could talk and I said sure so we sat down and she told me that she was leaving. I got upset and started to yell at her about it. Then she started to cry and she told me that she didnt want to but her parents were making her. Then she told me that I was the first person she told and then I didnt know what to say and she wouldnt stop talking so I kissed her to shut her up." Logan said smirking. "Then I told him after that to never interupt me again and I started to talk again and then out of I have no clue where I said 'Tell me not to go' and he asked me why and then I said just do it." Dana said picking up on the story."He didnt say anything but he kissed me again and then he said 'I cant do that but when you come back were going to be together no matter what.' Then he walked out of his room and I was just standing there. I ended up going anyway but I came back and we were together." "Well that was a pretty good fight if you ask me." Stephanie said laughing. She saw that Dana and Logan weren't laughing so she stopped. "Well I think that thats all for today." Stephanie said standing up. "Nice meeting you." "Same here." Logan said and Dana nodded. She walked out the room with an evil glint in her eye that Logan didnt seem to notice but Dana sure did. They walked out and Darious left to go to a party for Paris Hilton who Dana hated. They got into the limo and drove off. "She seemed nice." Logan said turning the tv on the football game. "Yeah as nice as my grandmother." Dana said. "But your grandmother is evil." Logan said. "Right." Dana said getting a bottle of water out of the mini fridge. "What? You didnt like her?" Logan asked. "She didnt try to flirt with me so whats your beef?" "She just gave me weird vibes. Like your mom and Lola did." Dana said looking out the window. "What kinda vibes?" Logan asked putting the tv on mute and looking at her. "Like when I was little I could always tell bad people from everyone. Like this one maid gave me vibes and then she ended up stealing my moms gold necklace. Its like I have ESP or something." Dana said. "Dont you mean ESPN?" Logan asked. "Have you been watching Mean Girls?" She asked looking at him weird. "No." Logan said laughing. "Liar." Dana whispred. "You are so going to get it when we get home." Logan said. "Oh im shaking in my boots." Dana said laughing. ok i have an idea for the next chapter and if you guess it right then i wil tell u. other than that you will have to wait until after i get another chapter up for SBR. heres the hint: "What the hell was Stephanie thinking!?!" Logan yelled looking at the tv. "I told you she was evil!" Dana yelled. "What are we going to do?" Logan asked. "I dont know but she has just pissed of a severly hormonal pregnant women." Dana said going upstairs. presley aka crash 14. Pete has lost it! Dana and Logan finally got home and found the gang all on their couch eating their food. "What are you guys doing?" Logan asked walking into the living room. "Eating and watching tv."Michael said not taking his eyes off the screen. "Well thanks for being honest." Dana said snatching a bag of chips out of his hands. "What are you doing here anyway?" Logan asked. "Our A.C broke." Chase said playing with Jen. (a/n: happening to me right now!) "And our satalite is broken." Nicole said. "So you decide to come over here and eat our food and watch our tv. Far enough." Logan said sitting in his chair rolling his eyes. "And we wanted to watch you guys on tv with the interview thing." Zoey said eating some kinda dip with a spoon. The 3 o'clock news turned on and everyone squeezed together on the couch. It started and Stephanie came right on. "Well here is the news in the celebrity life today, the worlds most famous couple is on the rocks because Logan Reese is tired of his wife Dana Reese and told his mother to get rid of her when he found out that she was pregnant with twins, but his mothers plans failed when her lackes couldnt get the job done. More on this story when we return." Stephanie said. "What the hell was Stephanie thinking!?!" Logan said turning off the tv. "I don know but she just pissed off a severly hormonal pregnant women." Dana said standing up. "Logan how could you do that to Dana?" Nicole said hugging Dana. "I didnt do it Nicole." Logan said annoyed. "Then why did she say it?" Nicole asked confused. "Cause we didnt have anything good enough in our interview maybe?" Dana said getting away from Nicoles grasp. "This is bull." Zoey said. "Im calling Darious."Dana said picking up her cell phone and pressing speed dial number 8.She waited until he picked up. "Hello?" He said into the phone. He sounded mad. "D, did you just see the news!?! That was a total lie!" Dana said. "Yeah Girl I know, im talking to them on the other line to straiten all this out." Darious said hanging up. "What did he say?" Logan asked. "That he was going to straiten it all out." Dana said. She still looked pissed and sat on the couch. Logan sat next to her and putting a comforting arm around her. "Do you think he will?" Chase asked. "Hopefully, but in the mean time we need to get that out of peoples heads." Dana said. The gang nodded and looked like they were thinking. "I got it go on the radio and tell the world that its not true if Darious dosent fix it all out." Zoey said. The door bell rang and Logan went to go answer it. "Oh hey Pete whats up?" Logan asked before Pete had him in a head lock. In the living room Dana heard something fall on the floor and the gang all ran to the door to see the boys wresteling on the floor. "Pete! Get off him!" Dana yelled pulling him off of Logan. "No Dana your in danger here." Pete yelled shaking Dana. "Stop shaking me your going to hurt the baby!" Dana yelled. "Well he is going to hurt you and the baby." Pete said pointing at Logan who was being held back by Chase and Michael. "No hes not you idiot." Dana yelled hitting Pete in the arm. "Ouch! Now hurry up so we can get you to a safe place." Pete said grabbing her arm. Dana jerked it away from him and smacked him in the stomach. "Pete! Are you on crack or something? Logan didnt hurt me and he's mother is trying to hurt our family and he has nothing to do with it!" She yelled. Pete looked around at everyone and they all shook their heads yes. "Oh well yeah I guess...bye!" Pete said running out the door and driving off. "Ok what just happend?" Nicole asked. ok sry im getting low on ideas now you people so im skipping to when Logan leaves then to when she is in labor. sry for the non updation in a while softball is murder. presley aka crash \m/ ( . ) \m/ (_rock on_) 15. Las Vegas sucks _**Logan's Going To Las Vegas...**_ The gang was out side waiting for Logan to come out to the limo. Dana had tears in her eyes but was trying really hard stop them. Zoey and Nicole were crying a little too. Jen was getting held by Chase and Michael was trying to comfort Nicole. Logan came out holding his luggage in one had and a coat in the other. Dana was going to ride with him to the air port and the rest of the gang was saying goodbye here. Logan gave his stuff to the driver and walked over to the group of his friends. "Bye man, its not gonna be the same with out you for 3 months." Michael said giving him a manly hug. Logan smiled and shook his head. "Yeah I know its going to be so boring with out you hear." Chase said. "Well I don't know about that." Logan said hugging Chase. "Im going to miss you Logan. Tell me every thing about Vegas. Oh my god I have never been to Vegas I want to go so bad. Dont you Logan? Oh wait you are going. God I am so stupid." Nicole said before Logan hugged her. She shrugged and hugged him back. Logan turned to Zoey who had Jen in her hands. "Im gonna miss you squirt." Logan said tickeling Jen a little. Zoey smiled and had a few more tears drop down her face. Logan hugged her and the baby. "Bye Logan." Zoey said. The driver opened the door for Dana and she got in followed by Logan. Logan rolled the window down and waved to the gang as they pulled out of the drive way. Dana was looking out the window not talking at all. Logan rolled up the window and slid over to her side. "Whats up baby?" Logan whispred into her ear. "I dont want you to leave." She said wiping her eyes off of any tears that were threatening to fall. "I dont wanna leave either, not just because im going to leave our house or friends but I really dont want to leave you." Logan said putting his arm around her shoulders. Dana turned to him and put her face into his chest and put her legs over his own legs. Logan pulled her as close as possible. He kissed her head. "I will definatly come back. Its not like im going to be gone for ever." Logan said laughing. "Really, because it sure feeles like it." Dana mumbled into his chest. Logan sighed and kissed her head again. They sat in scilence untill they got to the airport. The jet wasn't there yet so Logan and Dana waited out side the limo. Logan was leaning against it and Dana was huging and leaning on him. "Im gonna miss you so much sweetie." Logan said moving the hair out of her face. "Im gonna miss you more." Dana said smirking. "Thats not possible." Logan said smiling at her. "Yes it is." She said. "No." Logan said. He kissed her before she could say something else. After the kiss Dana rested her head on his chest and Logan stroked her hair. "What if your not back before the baby is born?" Dana asked. "Dude the baby is due the month after I get home so I definatly will be here." Logan said. "But what if the baby comes early?" Dana asked. "It wont because neither me or you came early." Logan said. "So what?" Dana said looking at him funny. "So its genetic." Logan said thinking." I think." "I dont know about that." Dana said. They saw the plane come in and was about to land. Dana started to cry more. Logan wiped the tears away and kissed her lightly. "Call me as soon as you figure out what the babys are going to be." Logan said. Dana nodded and wiped her eyes so much that they turned a little pink. Caption Jack took his luggage and put it on the plane. Logan and Dana shared one last passionate kiss before Logan boarded the plane. Dana looked through the window that Logan was looking out. She smiled at him and Logan mouthed 'I love you' to her which she gladly returned. She watched as the plane drove off into the sky untill she couldnt see it anymore. She sighed and climbed into the limo and let a few more tears drop. She kept telling her self that he was going to come back soon but to Dana it felt like he was never coming back. Dana reached for the radio and saw a note. It had her name on it and it read: _Dear Dana my one and only,_ _When you get home look in the closet in our room for something in a box that has your name on it. It is a way we can comunicate by seeing eachother._ _Love,_ _Logan _ Dana smiled and started to cry a little more. She turned on the radio and the worst possible song ever for this time came on. _Leaving on a jet plane_: I'm ... I'm ... All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go I'm standin' here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn Already I'm so lonesome I could die So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane I don't know when I'll be back again Oh, babe, I hate to go I'm ... There's so many times I've let you down So many times I've played around I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing Every place I go, I think of you Every song I sing, I sing for you When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane I don't know when I'll be back again Oh, babe, I hate to go Now the time has come to leave you One more time, oh, let me kiss you And close your eyes and I'll be on my way Dream about the days to come When I won't have to leave alone About the times that I won't have to say ... Oh, kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane I don't know when I'll be back again Oh, babe, I hate to go And I'm leaving on a jet plane I don't know when I'll be back again Oh, babe, I hate to go But I'm leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) (Leaving) On a jet plane "I hate this song!" Dana groaned. im working on a new story so it might take a longer time to update on my other storys. im not quiting on my other storys just updating in a order. new story/SBR/AfterShock. I kinda need ideas for this story! plz help. Presley aka crash 16. musical babies "Ok take it from the top." Darious said. Dana groaned. She was already stressed enough with her kids on the way but with Darious being her new producer just made everything worse. Zoey had told Logan what the babies were because Dana wanted to be suprised. All she really wanted to know was if the babies were going to be ok or not. She also found out that she was aloud to sing when she was still pregnant. Her due date was only about 3 weeks away. Dana started to sing but half way through the song she had a sharp pain in her stomach. "Cut! What happend?" Quest, the mixer of the songs, said worried.(a/n idk how to spell his name) "Sorry just...ow." Dana said holding her stomach. The pain was getting worse. "Do you want to sit down?" Quest asked. "No im fine...I think." Dana said whispering the last part."Run the music." "Ok." Quest said as she started to sing. This time the pain was so bad she droped to the floor."DANA!" "Ow!" Dana squeaked out. Quest called Sadie into the studio. "Sadie your a girl do something." Quest said panicing. "Im sorry, I havent gone through labor yet sorry for the inconvenience!" Sadie said kneeling down and helping Dana up. "What is the first step?" Quest asked helping Dana get to the couch in the studio where all the buttons were. "Making this really big pain go away." Dana said holding her stomach and cringing in pain. "Ok how do we do that?" Quest asked ready to do what ever it took to get her to stop yelling. "Call Zoey she is on my phone." Dana said pointing to her phone on the table which Sadie grabbed and dialed the number while Quest called for an ambulance. "Hello this is Zo?" Zoey said into her phone. "Zoey Brooks right?" Sadie asked in a rush. "No this is Zoey Matthews." She said. "Ok whatever Dana is in labor." Sadie said. "What where?" Zoey asked now another paniced one. "At G-Major we are going to get an ambulance so whatever hospital is the closest is where we well be at and one more thing call Logan and get his ass here now!" Sadie ordred hanging up on her. "Ew that's nasty, guys we have a problem." Dana said looking at the couch disgustingly. "Ew did you just pee?" Quest asked. "No, her water just broke!" Sadie said."Quest where is the ambulance?" "It said it would be here in about 4 minutes." He answred. Dana was breathing really heavy. "Wow Dana." Sadie said. "What?" Dana asked as the pain went a way little by little. "Child birth is really painful and your not even crying." Sadie said. "I almost never cry so why should this time be any diffrent?" Dana asked as the pain went up again."But I might make an exception for this time." She bit her bottom lip as the medics came in with the streatcher. "Ok who is riding with her?" One of them asked. "I will." Quest and Sadie said at the same time. "Im one of her best friends so I should do it." Sadie said. They wheeled Dana out to the ambulance and loaded her in. "Quest get Dana's car and Call Zoey back and tell her to get Dana's stuff for the hospital and meet us there."Sadie said climbing into the back and sitting next to Dana. Dana was hooked up to an IV and given some pain medicen that wasnt really helping her. They got to the hospital and Nicole, Michael, Dana's parents and Logan's step mom were already there. They all followed her into the room she was assigned to. Dana's mom filled out her paper work for her. "Is there any way someone could get Logan here?" Dana said."I need him now more than ever." "Aw."Everyone said. "Now is not the time to be awing people, so shut up!" Dana ordred. "Dana, Zoey and Chase are on their way." Michael said. "I dont care about them, where is Logan?" Dana said almost crying. "He is somewhere over Nevada the last time I checked that was about 5 minutes ago." Michael said. "If he dosent get here to go in with me im going to kill him." Dana said. "If he dosent get here who is going in with you?" Nicole asked. (a/n: only Michael and Nicole are in the room) " mom?" Dana said unsure. They both looked at her funny. "I dont know I havent thought about it I wanted and thought that Logan was going to be here." "Were here!" Zoey and Chase announced as they came into the room. "Woopie!" Dana said glaring at them. She had another contraction and gripped the sides of the bed in pain. _**Somewhere going to the hospital... **_ "Dude can you drive faster." Logan pleaded with the driver of the limo. Dana had his car because he didn't want it to sit at the airport the whole time. They finally got to the hospital and Logan jumped out of the car before it stopped moving. He sprinted into the hospital dodging wheel chairs and other stuff that is found in a hospital and up to the front desk. "Dana Reese's room please." He asked out of breath. "Im sorry no fans in her hospital room." The elderly lady said looking at her paper in front of her. "Im her husband not her fan." Logan said annoyed. "Nice try, you can wait over there with the rest of the 'husbands' that came to see her." She said pointing to a group of curly haired men that looked kinda like Logan but also way diffrent. "If I prove it to you well you tell me?" He asked. "Ok." The lady said. He pulled out his phone and dialed Dana's number. "Logan where the hell are you!?!" Dana yelled into the phone. "Im at the front desk and the lady wont tell me the room number." Logan said smirking. "Fine I will get Chase to come get you up here and hurry." Dana said. Logan cringged and could tell she was in pain and wished that he could be there right now to help her through it all. "Ok her room is 101." The lady said. "Thanks." He said running to the elevator. When he steped out of the elevator Chase ran into him literally."Ouch." "Logan there you are! Finally." Chase said grabbing Logan's arm and dragging him to the room. Half way there Logan got away from Chase and ran to the room at lightning speed. He saw the family on that floors waiting room and waved. He saw the room and tryed to stop but the floor was to slippery and he slid and fell, but he got up and ran into the room. "Babe im here." Logan said taking his place by her bed side. "Finally." Dana said with tears in her eyes. "Aw baby you dont have to cry because im here." He said jokingly trying to make her feel better. "Im crying because it hurts like hell." Dana said letting one tear drop fall. "Hold on baby it will all be over soon." Logan said grabbing her hand. "Ok everyone but The husband needs to leave this room." The doctor said coming in."Mrs. Reese everything is going to be just fine." "Ok." She said a little scared. Logan squeezed her hand tightly and kissed her forehead. "On the count of three I want you to push as hard as you can, Mrs. Reese, ok?" The doctor said and Dana nodded holding onto Logan's hand tightly. "1...2...3." Dana pushed as hard as she could until the doctor told her she could stop. Dana heard Crying which was a good sign. "Its a girl!" The doctor said. Logan smiled seeing his first child being taken away to get cleaned off and weighed."Get ready to push again Dana, 1...2...3" Dana pushed again almost breaking Logan's hand. "Its a boy." The doctor said, but this time the baby didnt cry. "Doc, whats wrong why isnt he crying like she was?" Logan asked worried. Dana was in shock that he wasnt crying a million things raced through her head about what could be wrong with her baby boy. "Well..." The doctor said hitting the baby on the butt then he started to cry. Logan had a wave of relief wash over him. Dana relaxed and closed her eyes for a second. The nurses gave Dana their babies as she made room for Logan to sit on the bed and the baby's stopped crying instanly. "Do you guys want any visitors?" The nurse asked. Logan looked at Dana to get the answer. "No we want some bonding time with the babies for a little while." Dana said. "Ok I will come back soon to get the names so think about that too." The nurse said leaving the room. "Can we see them?" Zoey asked the nures as she closed the door to the room. "They dont want any visitors right now." She said as she walked away. "Hey my gorgeous babys, im your daddy and thats your mommy the most awsome person in the world." Logan said smiling at the baby girl in his arms and the boy in Dana's arms. "Logan are you crying?" Dana asked looking at Logan who had at tear in his eye. "No im just really happy I got to be here to see it." He said kissing Dana passionatly. One of the baby's yawned and Dana and Logan both looked down at the baby girl who was tired and watched her cuddle into Logans chest more and fell asleep. "She looks just like you, Logan." Dana said. "Yeah and he looks like you..except for the eyes those are definatly mine." Logan said smiriking. "She has my nose and my hair." Dana said. "And most likley she is going to be a heart breaker just like her daddy." "Hey I was not." Logan defended. Dana looked at him. "Ok maybe I was but so were you. I cant even count how many times you have broken my heart." "When?" Dana asked. "Everytime you denied me the chance to make out with you and all the guys that you went out with." Logan said refering back to their times at PCA. "And how do you think I felt?" Dana asked. Logan was about to answer but Dana kissed him shortly. "What are we going to name them?" "Logan and Layne." Logan suggested. "No! I want them to be Reef Reese and Roxxi Reese." Dana said looking down and the baby boy who was playing with Dana's finger. "Ok but I get to pick the middle names." Logan said. "Reef Logan Reese and Roxxi Haylie Reese." "Im ok with that." Dana said not taking her eyes off of Reef. There was a knock at the door and then the nurse came in. "Have we decided on the names?" She asked. "Yes the boy's name is Reef Logan Reese" Logan said letting Dana say the girls name." and Roxxi Haylie Reese." "Cute names." The nurse said. "Should I let them in now?" "Go ahead." Dana said sighing. They all came rushing in and Dana made an instand 'ssh' noise. "Oh my god Dana they are so beautiful." Dana's mother whispred standing next to her daughter. "Well they are our kids what did you expect?" Logan asked smirking. Dana's mom rolled her eyes along with Logan's step mom. "What are their names?" Michael asked. "Reef is the boy and Roxxi is the girl." Dana said smiling. "Can we hold them?" Dana's dad asked. "You can hold Reef just not Roxxi because she is a sleep." Logan said looking at the baby girl in his arms. They passed around the baby boy for a while then every one started to go home until it was only Logan and Dana. The baby's were put in the nursery to have some more tests done while they sleep, so Logan and Dana were in the bed together. "How did you get back here so early?" Dana asked playing with the necklace she gave him back when they were in PCA. "I was going to suprise you but then you beat me to it by suprising me." Logan said laughing a little. Dana yawned but tried to shake it off. "Im cool like that." Dana said giving him a lazy smile. "Go to sleep babe." Logan said pulling her closer to himself and wraping his arms around her waist. "I dont want to." Dana said yawning again. "Well to bad." Logan said smirking at her. "Your a loser." Dana said shaking her head and laughing. She moved as close to Logan as possible and put her head in the crook of his neck and kissed him lightly. "Yeah but im your loser." Logan said smiling. "Yeah and I love you." Dana said. "I love you too." Logan said as they both drifted off to sleep. 17. skipping to year 1 A/N: Skipping until they are 1 and Jen is 2 Reef and Roxxi talk pretty good surprisingly seeing who their father is. "Mom?" Dana yelled coming into her mothers house. Logan was coming back today because he had another movie to do and Dana wanted to suprise him at the airport. She had to go to the studio for half of the day so she left Reef and Roxxi at her moms house. "In the kitchen." She heard her mom yell. Dana passed Brandon and kissed his head on her way to her mom. She heard one of the babies crying and instantly knew it was Reef. She got into the kitchen and Reef stopped crying and looked really happy. "What are you feeding my kids?" Dana asked looking at the glop of stuff on their high chairs. "Same stuff I was feeding you and your brothers." Her mom said sturing something in a pot. "No wonder I threw up a lot when I was a kid." Dana said smirking picking up Roxxi who looked like she was about to cry and had her arms out stretched to Dana."Where is the diper bag?" "Your taking my grandchildren away?" Her mother asked tickeling Roxxi's stomach. Roxxi started to giggle. Reef put on a pout and stretched his arms out to Dana too. "He looks just like Logan when he does that." Dana said laughing picking up Reef too. "Careful, Dana." Her mother said getting the diper bag. "Im a pro at this, dont worry." Dana said smiling at her mother. They walked out to the Hummer. "So where are you going?" Marie asked helping Dana buckel the twins in. "Logan's coming home today and I wanted to suprise him at the airport because he doesnt know that the twins can crawl yet." Dana said tickeling Reef after she put him in the car seat and gave him his elmo doll and his bottle. Roxxi had her bottel and her blanket she calls softy. Roxxi can say softy, momma, dadda, and ducky. Reef can say daddy, momma, and baba which is bottel. "Ducky!" Roxxi said refering to her stuffed duck that used to belong to Jesse, Dana's 5 year old brother, before he gave it to her. "Crap, wheres the duck?" Dana asked her mom. "Its inside and dont say crap around the babies." Her mom said going inside. Dana closed Reefs door and sitting in the drivers seat, she turned to face the babys. "Nana has issues." She said. Reef smiled with his mouth wrapped around the bottle and Roxxi laughed even though they had no clue what was going on. Her mom came back outside with a blue duck and gave it to Roxxi who hugged it tight. "There you go sweetie, bye my first grandchildren." He mother said in a baby voice. Roxxi smiled and Reef was looking out his window. "Bye mom." Dana said. "Bye hunny, come back tomorrow for dinner." Marie said. "Ok, love you." Dana said starting the car. Marie waved as they pulled out of her parking lot. It took about 5 minutes to get to the airport from there. They pulled up and Dana got out of the car and opened the door to where the babys were sitting. They saw the plane start to land so Dana got Roxxi and Reef out of the car and held them. Dana watched as Logan got off the plane and looked over to his family and smiled at them. "Is that daddy?" Dana asked the babies. Reef and Roxxi's eyes both got really big. Logan ran over to Dana and his kids who were walking to him. "Hey." Logan said taking Reef and Roxxi in his arms. "Daddy!" They both squealed hugging him. Logan smiled and kissed each of them. Then he kissed Dana passionatly. "This was an awsome suprise, babe." Logan said giving Dana back Roxxi so he could put his arm around her. They walked back to the hummer and got the kids straped in. Dana was about to get in but Logan turned her around and kissed her hard. After about 3 or 4 minutes he pulled away."Hi." "Hi to you too." Dana said laughing. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too." Dana said. Logan kissed her again and got in the passangers seat. Dana got in and they drove off. "So other than them talking what else have I missed?" Logan asked looking back at the babys. "They will show you when we get home." Dana said smirking. "Oh come on babe, I have missed enough, I should get to know." Logan whinned. "Nope." Dana said. Roxxi was almost asleep and Reef was already there. "How are they going to show me if there asleep?" Logan asked looking back at his babies. "Well then your just going to have to wait until they wake up then." Dana said smirking. Logan groaned but turned around and was about to wake them but Dana hit him."Dont even think about it." "Fine." Logan said pouting. They got back to their house and took the sleeping babies inside and layed them down in their cribs. Logan quietly closed the door and looked at his wife wickedly. "What?" Dana asked backing up. Logan kept backing her up until she was against the wall. Logan grabbed her hips and pressed his body against hers. He bit her ear lobe making her moan. "Wanna make out?" Logan whispered smirking. "I wanna do more than that." She said back pulling at his shirt. "I think we could do that." Logan said leaning in to kiss her but they heard crying from across the hall. Dana started to walk over to the room but Logan pulled her back and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "She needs us." Dana said. "How did you know it was Roxxi?" Logan asked impressed. "She is my daughter." Dana said. "Leave her she will go back to sleep soon." Logan begged. Dana rolled her eyes and got out of Logan's grasp. Logan groaned and followed her into the room. Sure enough it was Roxxi crying. Dana picked her up and sat down in the rocking chair. Dana started to sing the lullaby from when she couldnt sleep, her uncle Chad (a/n: from Nickelback) would sing to her before it became a famous song: From underneath the trees, we watch the sky confusing stars with satellites I never dreamed that you'd be mine But here we are, we're here tonight Singing Amen, I, I'm alive (I'm alive) Singing Amen, I, I'm alive If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day, when nobody died And I'm singing A, Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive And in the air the fireflies Our only light in paradise would show the world they were wrong And teach them all to sing along Singing Amen, I, I'm alive (I'm alive) Singing A, Amen, I, I'm alive If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day, when nobody died If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day, when nobody died When nobody died... ahh ahh... And as we lie beneath the stars We realize how small we are If they could love like you and me Imagine what the world could be If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day, when nobody died If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day, when nobody died We'd see the day, we'd see the day When nobody died... We'd see the day, we'd see the day When nobody died...died... We'd see the day when nobody died In no time Roxxi was fast asleep and Dana and Logan 'Slept' a long time. presley aka crash 18. Make you smile Dana woke up to Reef crying in his nursery. Dana groaned and sat up but as soon as she did, Zoey walked into the room holding Reef who was sucking on a bottel already. "What are you doing here?" Dana asked her. Zoey put Reef on the bed next to Dana. He crawled over to Logan who was lightly snoring and looked at him funny. "Are you actually forgetting you kids birthday's?" Zoey asked suprised. Reef grabbed Logan's nose and Logan woke up smiling at him. "No I know its next week so why are you here?" Dana asked picking up Reef and putting him in her lap."Let daddy go back to sleep." "Ok." He said in a whisper. Logan smirked and closed his eyes. "Thats a new word." Zoey said proud of her god child. "Daddy is sweeping, sush!" Reef ordered glaring at Zoey, putting his finger to his lips. "Ok, shus." Dana said getting out of bed and took them out into the hallway. Logan smiled and rolled over. Dana, Zoey and Reef went downstairs and into the kitchen. After about 5 minutes Roxxi woke up. She looked over and saw that Reef wasnt in his crib, Roxxi put on a confused face and threw her ducky out of her crib and onto the floor. She carefuly climbed out of the crib and fell on her butt. She grabbed her duck and crawled across the hall into her parents room. She climbed onto the king sized bed and over to Logan. She hit him on his arm. It was pretty hard for a little baby. Logan jumped up and looked at his daughter. "God you really are you mothers daughter." Logan said smirking. Roxxi laughed even though she didnt know what he ment. Logan picked her up along with her ducky and took her downstairs."Look what I found." "Was she crying?" Dana asked. "Nope she climbed out of her crib and crawled into our room. Then she punched me." Logan said rubbing his arm. "Aw, thats my girl." Dana said tickeling the girl and kissing Logan. Dana put her in the living room with Reef and Jen who were watching Lazytown. "So lets talk about their party, where are we going to have it?" Zoey asked as Nicole walked in. "Here and we dont want a lot of people here." Logan said leaning on the counter. Dana jumped up and sat on the counter right next to him. "Ok, so just us?" Zoey asked. Dana nodded and looked over her shoulder to look at the kids. Reef was playing with Jen and Roxxi was sucking on a bottel and was tv zoned. "So its going to be just like everyday but with presents, right?" Nicole asked. "Yeah, well until they get older." Logan said. "Thats not even a party!" Zoey said. "So, their not old enough to even know what a party is, and plus we dont want all the paparazzi over here." Dana said. "So what? Their our kids not yours." Logan said. Zoey crossed her arms. "So, can we do something else?" Zoey asked. "No." Dana and Logan said at the same time. "Fine what are we going to do today?" Zoey asked. "I dont know you wanna take the kids to the park?" Dana asked. "Its to hot to go to the park, lets go do something inside." Nicole complained. Dana jumped off the counter quickly and ran up stairs. "Dana are you ok?" Logan called after her. "I totaly for got that I had to record a singel with +44 today, and I have 15 minutes to get to the studio."Dana yelled from her room. "You better hurry." Logan said. She ran back down stairs with shoes on and kissed Logan and yelled bye before she ran outside. She made it there with 3 minutes to kill. "Im not late." She told Sadie as she went into the studio and met up with Mark the lead singer of +44."Where is everyone else?" "They already recorded the music so now its up to us to finish the song." Mark said. They both got into the recording area and put the head phones on. The were right next to eachother looking at the lyrics. They started to sing. Mark: both: I don't, don't wanna take you home Please don't, don't make me sleep alone If I could, I'd only want to make you smile If you were to stay with me a while Mark: The next time I see you, you'll turn away I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking Dana: The next time you see me, I'll turn away Do you remember where we used to sleep at night? I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away Both: I don't, don't wanna take you home Please don't, don't make me sleep alone If I could, I'd only want to make you smile If you were to stay with me a while I don't, don't wanna take you home Please don't, don't make me sleep alone If I could, I'd only want to make you smile If you were to stay with me a while "That was great thanks for helping me Dana." Mark said giving her a hug. "No problem." Dana said. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" Mark asked. "Uh dude, your married and so am I, I dont think that would be a good idea." Dana said laughing. "Not like that! Logan can come too, I just wanted to hang out with you. You can bring your kids too. Im sure my daughter would like to hang out with them too." Mark said. "I think we could do that, Let me call Logan." Dana said leaving the studio and walking out side. She hit speed dial number 2 and waited until Logan answered his cell. "Hello?" Logan said. "Baby, Mark wants to know if we want to go to dinner tonight with his family. Do you want us to go?" Dana asked him. "Sure with the kids right?" Logan asked. "Yeah at the Grouper."Dana said. "Ok we'll meet you there." Logan said. "Ok I love you bye." Dana said. "Love you too, bye." Logan said hanging up. Dana walked back in the studio to find Mark, he was talking to Sadie. "He said he would meet us there."Dana said. "Ok well Travis is going to meet us there too, so lets go. Bye Sadie." Mark said waving. Dana waved and Sadie rolled her eyes wanting to go too. They got to the Grouper and saw Marks wife and 1 year old daughter at a table with Travis. They were talking when Logan came in with the twins. "Hey babe." Logan said kissing Dana and putting the twins in some high chairs next to Ashley, Marks daughter. "Hey Logan I have a question." Mark said. "Ok shoot." Logan said taking a sip of Dana's drink. "Do you direct music videos too?" Travis asked before Mark did. "Um, no but I could try." Logan said. "Good cause we need someone with creativity to help us out, for our song 'When your heart stops beating'." Mark said, beating Travis this time. "I could think of something." Logan said. Their dinner went on with them talking about little things and eating awsome food. read 100 years I need more reviews on that story. listen to that song by plus 44 its an awsome song called 'Make You Smile' Presley aka Crash aka FOBsession. 19. Terrible two's birthday "Zoey! What are all these people doing here?" Dana asked holding Roxxi as she walked downstairs. There were like 30 people there. "This is all of your family and friends that you said we could invite." Zoey said opening a soda for Jen. "I said only half of that list." Dana said still in shock. There was a clown in the living room doing magic and tricks for the little kids. The bigger kids were in the pool and the adults were talking. Dana's mom walked up with Reef and smiled at Dana. "Fabulous party, hunny." She said kissing Dana's cheek. "Yeah thanks." Dana said shaking off the shock. She walked over to where the clown was and put Roxxi next to Dana's little brother Jessie. She looked around and finally found Logan out by the pool cooking stuff on the grill. "Hey babe." He said kissing her cheek. "Baby, did you let Zoey invite all these people?" Dana asked. "No I woke up and Zoey walked in and I was about to close the door but a whole bunch of people followed her. I had no clue what to do." Logan said taking a swig of his beer. "Whatever."Dana said walking off. After about 4 more hours the party died down to about 9 people. Zoey, Chase, Logan, Reef, Roxxi, Michael, Nicole, Jen and Dana. Then the door bell rang."What now." Logan and Dana took Reef and Roxxi to the door thinking it was someone who forgot to wish them a happy b-day. Dana opened the door and saw someone she didnt expect to see...Leanna. "What are you doing here?" Logan asked venom in his voice. "I know im way against this whole relationship I thought that I should drop bye and give the little brats presents." She said handing them presents. Roxxi hid her face in Logan's shirt and made the noise she makes when she dosent want something and Reef stuck his tonge out at her. Leanna put the box's on the side table and gave the babies a desgusting look."Brats." and with that she left. Logan and Dana looked at the presents. "Their gonna blow up arent they." Dana said looking at Logan. "I dont know, should we give them to them?" Logan asked picking up the pink present. "Maybe after we check them out first."Dana said picking up the green one. They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Who was that?" Michael asked changing the channel onto the football game. Florida Gators agains FSU. "My mom." Logan said and the room went silent. "What? Are you serious?" Chase asked. Reef and Roxxi climbed off the couch and went over to their toys. "Yeah she left these presents for the twins." Dana said sighing. She slowly opened Reefs gift. It was a small box that looked like it would contain jewelry. She was right it was a silver chain, that had his name on it. Roxxi got the same thing but in gold. "Holy shit, dude this must have cost a lot of money." Logan said looking at the chain. Reef walked over and climbed on the couch. "Howly shit." He said laughing. Dana looked at Logan suprised. "No, thats a bad word. Dont say that." Dana told him. "Howly shit." He said again going off the couch and over to his sister. "Why do they always learn the bad words first?" Dana asked laughing. "I have no idea but I bet Roxs is going to learn it next." Nicole said. "Great."Logan said sarcastically. The gang left and Dana took the twins to their room and Logan went to his room. Soon after Dana called him into the room. She sounded paniced."What is it babe?" "Its Roxxi. She feels warm and she's caughing really badly." Dana said. Logan felt the girls head. "She does feel warm, do you think she has a cold?" Logan asked. "She might. Get Reef out of here and put him in the play room crib, so he doesnt get sick too." Dana instructed. Logan did as he was told and called Zoey. "Zoey we think Roxxi has a cold, is that bad since she is really young?" Logan asked her as he entered the nursery. He stood behind Dana who held Roxxi in her arms. Roxxi caughed violently and started crying. "Well it can be tell me the simtoms." Zoey said. Logan handed the phone to Dana and he took Roxxi trying to calm her down. "She has a really bad caugh, She has a warm head, and she has a runny nose." Dana said. "Dana, calm down its just a cold. Make sure you get Reef out of the room." Zoey said. "We already did that and took her tempeture, it said it was a little high but not in the hundreds." Dana said. "Well now you just have to wait for it to pass, from the simptoms she's showing the cold should be gone by tomorrow so let her sleep in your room tonight and staralise everything in the nursery so Reef doesnt catch it too, ok?" Zoey said. "Ok, thanks, bye Zo." Dana said hanging up and kissing Roxxi on the head. She told Logan everything and they took her to their room. Logan and Dana put her in between them and she instantly fell asleep. "How do you think she got sick?" Logan asked Dana stroking his daughters hair. "Probley the party today, all those people around her." Dana said. "Yeah your probley right, do you have to go to the studio tomorrow?" Logan asked looking into Dana's eyes. "Probley. I need to recorde one more track and then the CD is finished." Dana said. "After the CD comes out your going to have to go back on tour arent you?" Logan asked sadly. Dana sighed. "Yeah, and this time you cant come with me." Dana said. "Why not?"Logan asked confused. "Hello we have kids now, we cant just ditch them and go on tour."Dana said hitting Logan on his arm. "I know that!" Logan said. He kissed Dana over their daughter and went back to his spot." I dont want you to go." "Well you got to go film your movie so I get to go on my tour." Dana said smirking. "For how long?" Logan asked running his hand up and down her side. "I have no clue. I need to talk to the tour planner aka Sadie about it." Dana said. "Ask her tomorrow, ok." Logan said. Dana nodded and yawned. "Night, I love you." Dana said kissing him lightly, and kissed Roxxi lightly on her cheek. "Love you too, Day." Logan said as they fell fast asleep, until Reef called out for Dana. you wanted something with leanna in it so here it is. just to let you know in real life leanna is my best friend so she isnt really that evil. presley aka crash 20. Weird bracelets Dana woke up to Roxxi pulling at her nose. She grabbed Roxxi's hand and smiled at her opening her eyes. She looked over Roxxi and Logan to see the clock. It was 6:15 in the morning, Dana groaned picking up her daughter and getting off the bed. "What is it with you and your brother and pulling peoples noses?" Dana mumbled taking Roxxi down stairs and put her in front of the tv. Dana sat on the couch and watched Roxxi play around with her toys and watched the tv every now and then. Mosh went up to Roxxi and layed down next her. Mosh was actually a pretty good help with the babies. He let them put sand and stuff on him and he wouldnt bite them, he would just let them do it. If they were outside playing and someone came to close to them, he would growl at them and scare them off. Mosh was like their own Lassy, except he wasnt as harry. Dana heard Reef yelling out for her so she got up. "Mosh watch Roxxi." He barked and Dana laughed as she walked up the stairs. She got to his room and poked her head inside. He saw her and instantly reached out for her. "Hey my little man." Dana said as she picked him up and kissed him."You hungrey?" "Yes." He said with a yawn. She carried him downstairs and put him down next to Mosh and Roxxi. She heard something fall upstairs and Mosh's head jumped up looking in the direction of the sound. "Logan?" Dana asked. "Yeah, sorry the stupid alarm clock made me fall off the bed." Logan said rubbing his head walking down the stairs. "What did it push you?" Dana asked smirking. "No, it scared me." Logan said ploping down on the couch. Dana fake gasped. "You were scared? I thought that nothing could scare you." Dana joked. At PCA he clamed nothing could scare him. "Ha ha very funny." He said. "I think our children have obsession with noses." Dana said from over in the kitchen. "Why?" Logan asked thinking that that was totaly random. "Every time they try and wake us up, they grab our noses." Dana said, coming out with 2 bowls of cereal in her hands. She gave it to the kids on the floor, knowing that any food that was droped Mosh would get. "Yeah but that doesnt mean anything, it just means that their curious about our snoring." Logan said laughing. "You snore I dont." Dana said sitting next to Logan. "Yes you do and sometimes I even hear you talking in your sleep." Logan said pulling Dana closer to him. They sat in silence just watching the babies play with the toys and they watched them try and grab Moshes tail as he wagged it around. Dana looked at the clock on the satalite box and it said 7:11. She groaned and got up."Where are you going?" "I have to go to the studio remember?" She said going up the stairs. "Oh yeah, why is that again?" He called up to her. "I have to do the CD signing thing...and the photoshoot and a whole bunch of other stuff at for the CD to come out." She said hopping down stairs on one foot trying to put her shoe on. "All for one CD?" Logan asked. She hopped over to him and kissed his cheek. "Yep and bye." She said leaving. Logan looked around the house and the kids just looked at him. "This is boring." He sighed picking up the phone. He dialed Chase's number. "Hello?" He said into the phone, he seemed wide awake. "Hey Chase, come over." Logan said. "Logan? What are you doing up so early, do we have another movie to do?" Chase asked in a panic. "No, im just really bored, we should take the kids somewhere." Logan said. "Ok, we can go to the zoo. Jen wants to go really bad." Chase said. Logan could hear Jen squeal in the back ground. "Come over when ever your ready and just come in." Logan said. "Ok see you in a few." Chase said hanging up. Logan took the babies up stairs and got them ready. Chase walked into the Reese house a couple minutes after the phone call so Logan was still getting the babies ready. "Hey Chase." Logan said trying to get Reef ready. " where's Roxxi?" Chase asked holding Jen as they both looked around the room. "She's right...where did she go!?" Logan asked turning around in circles. "Dude calm down we can find her, she's definatly in the house." Chase said putting Jen down for her to help. They serched all of the upstairs and when they started to look down stairs they heard a beeping noise. Logan went towards the beeping noise, which was coming from the guest room. Logan looked over the bed and there was Roxxi and her bracelet was beeping. "Hey, way to give daddy a heart attack." Logan said picking the baby up and kissing her fourhead. "Ball." She said giggeling showing him the ball. "Chase I found her." Logan said looking at her bracelet, she was to busy with the ball to notice he was doing anything. "Where was she?" Chase asked coming out of the bathroom followed by Jen and Reef. "In the guest room where the beeping came from." Logan said. "What was the beeping?" He asked. "Her bracelet." Logan said still looking at it. "Isnt that the bracelet your mom gave her?" Chase asked. "Yeah it is... cliffy, dude you guys really need to read ' You're Kidding Right?' by hopelesslydevoted45 its a pretty good story presley aka Crash aka FOBsession End file.
AfterShock by FOBsession-DL-Freak
Zoey 101
What You Want But Can't Have **Disclaimer:** **Would I really be writing on FanFiction if I actually owned Zoey 101?** This should be the best night of your life. You've got the perfect dress- soft, light pink, hugging your curves and making your legs look super long. Not to mention that your heels are terrific. Your silky-soft brown hair has been pulled in a complicated, curly updo that took forever for the lady from the beauty salon to style. You look elegant and pretty with this gorgeous hairdo. Your makeup highlights your eyes, framing them with thick, dark lashes. And your lips shine like glass thanks to your MAC Lipglass, specially bought just for tonight. You've even got a really hot guy as your date for the evening. This is only the second time you've ever been out with him, but he's friendly, and sweet, and he seems to care about you being happy. Yes, this is everything you always expected it would be. As a little girl, you would dream of this magical, romantic night, and this has, theoretically, lived up to your expectations. In reality, however, you wish that you could forget this night for eternity. You never want to remember your senior prom at PCA again in all your life. You and your date are sitting at two tables that are right next to each other. Your chairs are next to each other, too, but the two of you aren't talking to each other. He's chatting with all of his tuxedo-clad buddies, and you sit next to him at the other table, alone. You mostly prefer it this way, honestly. It took a lot of convincing for your date to talk to his friends instead of you- he wanted to make this a great night for you. Finally, he listened when you told him for the millionth time that you were tired from dancing and wanted nothing more than to rest for a few minutes. It's been forty-five minutes, and you're still resting. You just can't bring yourself to dance and laugh and have fun with your date. Oh sure, you look happy on the outside- even now, sitting alone. You appear like you're having a great time. But you feel miserable on the inside. And as a new, very slow song starts, you see the reason for your misery, swaying right in the middle of the dance floor. There he is, slow dancing with her. The perfect couple. You can't say exactly how, but they even look good together, their brown and blonde hair somehow matching. Seeing Chase dance with Zoey is like having a knife stabbed into your heart. Because it's more than just dancing. That would hurt enough. But they are smiling at each other dreamily, and Chase is stroking Zoey's cheek gently ever so often, and she rests her head on his shoulder some of the time. And the worst part of it is they are so clearly in love with each other. You can see the trust and faith in Zoey's eyes as she gazes at him. And you can see the honest, deep love in Chase's eyes as he looks down at her. They were truly made for each other. They go together like peanut butter and jelly, or warm chocolate chip cookies and milk. Everyone stares at them as they sway back and forth, even the other dancing couples, occasionally. Because everyone knows that this is the best couple in all of PCA. Chase and Zoey, Zoey and Chase. They were like a fairy tale- the prince was in love with the princess secretly, and she was ignorant of the fact, but she loved him the entire time too. People knew for years that the two of them would end up together eventually. And guess what? They did. The prince and the princess fell madly in love and lived happily ever after. The end. But the story doesn't mention the girl that was best friends with both the prince and the princess. It doesn't mention that the girl found the prince funny and charming. It doesn't mention that the girl was the one person he could come to with his problems that he didn't want anyone else to know, not even the princess. It doesn't mention that the girl fell in love with the prince and could have spent all day with him doing whatever he wanted as long as it meant they were together. It doesn't mention that the girl was heartbroken when the prince finally got to be with the princess. It doesn't mention that suddenly, the girl was no longer the person he came to first with his problems. It doesn't mention that while the girl and the prince still hung out sometimes, it was way less than before the prince and the princess started dating. It doesn't mention that the girl was you. Or more correctly, the girl _is_ you. You can see Chase say something to her. You took a lip reading class when you were younger, so you can tell what he's saying. And suddenly, you wish your mother had never let you sign up for that "ridiculous class," as she called it when you begged her to let you take it. Because Chase just told Zoey, "I love you, Zoey." And as Zoey responds, you don't even need your lip reading skills to know what she's saying: "I love you too, Chase." And then their lips meet in a kiss, and you can't take it anymore. You stand up, grabbing your purse and muttering an excuse to your date, putting your hand out when he tries to get up and follow you. Once he's back in his chair, you walk out of there as fast as you can without looking like it's urgent. You keep a smile on your face, so everyone will think everything is completely normal. Because you are perpetually bubbly and happy. You don't get sad, you don't cry, you just walk around in a bubble of peppiness. But you just want one night to cry for what you've never had a chance of getting, but you wish with all your heart that you did. You want one night to be despondent and let your feelings crash over you like a tsunami. You get outside to the beach that the hotel they're hosting the prom at is located on, and collapse on the sand a little ways away from the hotel. And then you let your tears flow. And as the senior prom rages on inside the building, filled with happy couples who are in love with each other, you sob on the beach with sand all over your dress and mascara running down your cheeks. You will never be one of those happy couples, because the person you are in love with is in a different happy couple, with his perfect girl. When you get your yearbook this year, you already know what the first thing you are going to do is. Before signing anyone's yearbook or finding how many times you have a picture on the pages of the book, you are flipping straight to the page about the senior prom. And you are ripping the page out so you never have to look at it and be reminded. Even if it doesn't mention them anywhere, you can't have that page in your yearbook. You'll burn the page to ashes so you can't see it ever again. And if someone wants you to sign on that page in their yearbook, you'll politely refuse. Because for you, Lola Martinez, senior prom is no longer the magical night it is for everyone else and for you when you were little. For you, senior prom is a reminder of the fact that you desperately want what you can't have- Chase's love. And when you're madly in love with someone, it is the most painful thing in the world when their love is what you want but can't have. **A/N:** **I've recently really started to like this pair. My favorite is Quogan, no competition, but I really like Chola, too. They're probably my second favorite. ** **Anyway, I got the idea for this late last night after reading some Chola fics. I was inspired, I guess. I decided to go for angsty instead of fluffy because while I love fluff and have tried to write it before, I'm more comfortable writing angst as of now. But that's okay, because I like angst too. I'm so weird.** **I meant to write Quogan first, but this idea just demanded that I write it. I felt so bad for Lola while I was writing this. :(** **I really hope you guys liked this oneshot. I really like it, personally. Please review and tell me what you think, it would really mean a lot to me.** **-CL** End file.
What You Want But Can't Have by clouds of nothing
Zoey 101
The Little Things The Little Things By gypsyeyes91 Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 or any affiliated characters, objects, or places. I am using these characters without permission; however, I'm not getting paid for this, so I'm not infringing the copyright. a/n: I purposely made this pairing ambiguous. I personally see it as a Q/L, but you can fit it to any pairing you want, basically. Please review! * * * It's the little things she does that make him realize she's worthwhile. Like the little quirks she has, the way her brows furrow when she wants to solve a problem but can't, the way she says she cares about studying, but how he knows underneath she's dying to skip class like the rest of them. He loves how when she finds something funny, she has to tell everyone she knows. It's the same with when she learns something new. After all the time he's spent with her, he realizes more and more how much he loves the little things about her. Their relationship is a secret. It doesn't really have to be; she finally broke up with that boyfriend of hers and they're a legitimate couple. But something tells the both of them that they're not ready to reveal to the world that they're in a relationship. So they keep it hidden; they spend romantic time away with each other when everyone else leaves to go do something as a group. They spend time in their own little hiding place in a part of the campus that no one's ever seen. And to tell you the truth, he almost likes it better this way. With the fact that it's a secret, no one starts rumors, no one judges them, and no one pays an undue amount of attention. And only he knows what his girlfriend is really like. They might not always get to spend time together, though. And it's kind of hard to _not_ act like a couple when everyone else is. So she lets him know with little gestures. He's not really a quiet person, and if it were up to him he'd be showing her off for the world to see, and then kissing her in front of everyone, but he can't, so anything is good enough for him. And he swears he's learned to be more patient from all of this. Little things make his day. Like when they sit next to each other, and she leans her legs on his, so that they're barely touching, or when they're sitting so that their arms are holding them up, she discreetly moves her hand behind his so that their arms are crisscrossed. Then there are times when they'll be sitting at the table during meals, when she'll reach her hand over and gently stoke his wrist (in a NOT gross way!!). He doesn't do anything, because he knows that he would lose control and it would become apparent to everyone how he felt about her. Then there are the times when they are with their groups, yet at the same time they have time alone together. That's when he'll steal a glance at her and stare until she looks over to find him taking in every detail of her face. Then, she quickly smiles and winks, so that no one catches it but him. But then later, she'll look over at him with an expression so full of care and love that he knows he made the right choice of a girlfriend. He lets his guard down for a moment, but then puts it up again when he remembers they're not alone. When they're together, even if they're not doing couple things, he relishes in every moment of it. Because of her, he's learned that everything doesn't have to be extravagant and blown out of proportion. Now, he doesn't need elaborate gifts or romantic dates anywhere in the world. It's the little things that count, and he wouldn't have it any other way. End file.
The Little Things by Dustbowl Dance
Zoey 101
Will you go to Prom With Me? The Songfic **A/N: Hey guys! Well, this is my first ever song fic. Sorry if it sucks. I really don't know how to write them and I figured I'd give it a shot. The song it "Will You Go To Prom With Me?" by HelloGoodbye. * * * ** **What did you say? ****Prom is coming up, it's on the 17th of May!** The gang walked into the lounge and noticed a paper on the bulletin board. Attention Students: On May 17th we will be holding the junior prom. Only those with tickets will be admitted so if you would like some please sign your name below. I would like to remind you that a prom is formal so that means boys wear suits or tuxes and girls wear dresses. **And I have a message that I want to convey. ****I will buy a nice suit and you can wear a pretty dress.** All that was going through Chase's mind was Zoey. _I should ask Zoey to go with me! It would be the perfect time to tell her I love her!_ Meanwhile, Zoey was also preoccupied in thought. _Yeah a prom! I can't wait! Hmmm...I wonder who's going to ask me? I know who I want it to be, but I don't think he'll ask._ **You will watch me dance and realize I am the best!** _I'm not much of a dancer though,_ thought Chase._ I'm used to just bobbing my head along to the music... Maybe Michael can help me..._ **Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance.** One day, after a long mental debate, Chase finally walked up to Zoey and asked her. "Hey Zoey!" "Hey Chase! How are you?" "Good...umm...Willyougotopromwithme?" "I'm sorry I didn't catch that. What did you say?" Just my luck. Now I have to repeat myself. This time I took a nice long breath, looked at her, and said as slowly as I could, "Will you go to prom with me?" She just stared at me blankly so I figured she was trying to figure out a way to nicely say no. "I understand if you don't want to." I hung my head and to my surprise she lifted my head back up and looked me in the eye. "I'd love to go to prom with you Chase!" She smiled a smile that made my heart melt. My eyes were open wide in surprise but then I realized what was going on so I smiled. "Awesome!!! I'll go get the tickets. See you later!" I said. I quickly walked to my room and shouted, "YES! Who's going to the prom with Zoey? I am!" and I pumped my fists in the air. **We'll slow dance, and fast dance, and clap, clap, clap our hands. ****My moves will be so hot you'll have to stand under a fan.** It was the night of the prom. I picked Zoey up, gave her the corsage I had bought her, and we headed to the dance. We immediately started to dance. Michael had given me some dancing lessons, so I was, dare I say it, actually pretty good. **My moves will be better that your favorite ice cream. ****I cut like a knife and I dance just like a dream!** Soon a slow dance came on and we dance pretty close together. I was sure she could fell my heart pounding. After a while, though, I calmed down and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Zoey." _I can't believe I just said that! _Those words had slipped out of my mouth and I was scared of what her reaction would be. **Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance.** All different thoughts poured into my mind. _Oh great. I probably just ruined one of my best friendships EVER!_ While I was worrying about losing one of my best friends, she finally spoke up. She whispered in my ear, "I love you to, Chase. When you asked me to go to the prom with you, my heart practically leaped out of my body." **Let's go to prom. And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Let's go to prom. And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Let's go to the prom. And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Let's go to the prom. And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance.** We looked at each other for what seemed like eternity and slowly leaned forward. Our lips finally met and we both knew that it was meant to be, because there were defiantly fireworks, sparks, and whatnot. **Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Will you go to prom with me? And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. * * * ** **A/N: It's me again. I'd like to know what you guys thought! I was also wondering if I should either write it again as a story(without the music) and attempt to make it longer. If you have any complaints or compliments I'd be happy to hear them! Flames are accepted in this cold harsh weather. Also, if anyone has any ideas of other songs I could write as a fanfic for Zoey101 or Hannah Montana, please do tell.** End file.
Will you go to Prom With Me? The Songfic by apparox148
Zoey 101
That Little School Girl Uniform Disclaimer: I do not own... _**That Little School Girl Uniform**_ _**Logan Reese P.O.V**_ We have a dance tonight. Unfortunately, PCA had just announced that we are required to wear uniforms. Stupid Shit... We had to do computer match-ups again, I ended up with Ms. Dana Cruz. How lucky can a guy get? I made my way into the gym, wearing black shoes, dress pants, and a baby blue button-up dress shirt with a loose purple tie. I took a seat at a nearby table, watching everyone dance. The gang was supposed to meet me here. Speaking of which... Zoey, Michael, Chase, Lola and Dana walked up. "Hey Logan." They greeted and sat down. They were all dressed proper, that is...all but one... "Dana, you shouldn't be wearing something so revealing." Zoey pointed out. "I can wear whatever I want." Dana shot back, rolling her eyes in the process. "Whatever, Chase let's dance!" Zoey pulled Chase's arm and led him to the dance floor. Lola did the same to Michael. It was only me and Dana. I moved closer until our shoulders were touching, I looked fully at what she was wearing. Very loose purple tie, white button-up shirt which was buttoned VERY low, I could see her black lace bra. A very short skirt, and stilettos. She smelled like lavender and vanilla, heavenly. She looked really pretty. "So Dana, wanna dance?" I asked, giving her one of my best smiles. Not a smirk, a smile. "I guess, I got nothing better to do anyway." She said and I followed her out to the dance floor. It was a fast song, and it gave me opportunity to look at her figure. How she moved. Stunning... "I like the outfit Cruz. Very sexy." I say and wink. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, but smiles all the while. "Not looking too bad yourself Reese." She replied. I smiled. I felt a push behind me and I ended up right behind this gorgeous girl. Now, I only call her gorgeous and stuff cause she is. Other girls might just be sexy lookin', but she has the whole package, probably a sexy brain too. She turned around and I felt her chest press against mine. The feeling was so... Incredible... Suddenly, a slow song came on, and we looked around a bit confused. "Um...wanna dance?" I asked. I mean, I wasn't about to give up the opportunity to slow dance with such a beautiful girl. "Sure, I don't wanna look like a weirdo just standing here." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck as mine went around her waist. We danced for a bit until I felt her rest her head on my chest. Her hair smelled heavenly. Cherries and cream, yummy. I lowered my mouth to her ear. "You really do look pretty tonight Dana. I'm not just saying that." I whispered. She looked up at me and smiled, pulling herself closer to me. "Thanks Logan." She whispered back, causing me to softly smile, looking down at her. So... Pretty... "I didn't know a little school girl uniform could look so good." I flirted. I saw her cheeks turn a light pink. "You like what you see Reese?" She gestured towards herself, although I think she caught me staring specifically at her boobs. I'm a guy, so sue me. "Maybe, depends. You like what you see?" I teased. "Maybe. Only one way to find out." She replied. I had a puzzled look on my face. What did she mean by that? She leaned up and kissed my neck, now...I think I know why she did this. She knew it would drive me mad, knowing I would want her by the um...temptation in my pants. I felt her smirk against my neck. I moaned lowly as she hit a spot just below my earlobe which drove me wild. "Dana..." She pulled back and smirked. "I knew it. You can't resist Reese." I smiled at that. "Maybe I don't want to." I replied, earning a confused look from her. I leaned in and kissed her lips. They were so... Soft... Warm... Inviting... Tasty... I felt her kiss back, emotions running high, no stopping us. It suddenly turned into a full-on make-out session in the middle of the dance-floor. We pulled away at the same time. "Wow." She breathed out. I was standing there, looking into her eyes, trying to catch my breath. "Dana, I love you." I admitted and looked her in the eyes. "Logan...I-I love you too." She smiled warmly back and kissed me, only this one was shorter, but just as sweet as the first. And to think this all happened because of a... Little School Girl Uniform. **Cute! Review and tell me what you guys thought of it. It just popped into my head one day, so I decided to post it.** **REVIEW!** **-Talar** End file.
That Little School Girl Uniform by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
The Love of Football Disclaimer: I do not own... _**The love of football**_ **Logan P.O.V** State championships... Vince is back... We have a shot... Dana is back... I missed her... Ten minutes until game time... Here goes nothing... PCA vs. North Ridge Academy... Bring it... I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead before putting my helmet on... I rushed out of the tunnel with the rest of my team, Vince leading the way... It's now or never baby... I feel the rush of the crowd, the electricity... It feels awesome... I want that trophy, and I'm sure Vince wants to redeem himself... No more jerky Logan... It's game time... Ten minutes into the game we were down by seven... Shit. The next two quarters were a battle back and forth... No one scored a single point... Seems impossible right? Not really... The two best high school's in the state... With the best defenses in the state... Very possible... Fourth quarter rush... It's our time... We're still down by six... I look around in the crowd... I see the gang... I see Dana... I smile, she's wearing a PCA jersey, she looks so cute... I focus back on the game... Fourteen seconds left... Vince hands off the ball to me, I make a rush for down field... Somehow I get past Cougar defense, and I see open field... I get pulled down by a Cougar, holding my ankle in the process... It's sprained... Extremely badly... I can't... I have to play... "Logan sit." Coach demands... I refuse... I put my helmet back on, my mouth piece securely in place... I limped onto the field, earning shocked faces from everyone... Including Dana... "Let's do this..." I told myself. Vince got the ball, Mike got open... Earning a pass... For a touchdown... All we needed was a two point conversion... I bit down hard on my mouthpiece... The pain is unbearable... I feel the sweat drip down my face... My body aches... My legs hurt... My ankle hurts... I can't give up, we're too close... Vince told us the play... He screams hike... He hands it off to me... I feel someone tackle me from behind... They pulled me by my bad ankle... I bite down harder on my mouthpiece... I dive for the touchdown... Getting the two points in the process... The game is over... We won... I take off my helmet, I spit out my mouthpiece... The gang rushes onto the field... "LOGAN!!" I turn around... Dana... I smile... "Dana, we won!" I scream... She smiles back... "My hero..." She says and kisses me... I kiss back... I should be a hero more often... **Review tell me what you thought, I was bored, no one ever really writes about Logan playing football, I thought it would be different...** **REVIEW!** **-Talar** End file.
The Love of Football by becks-castle41319
Zoey 101
There Goes My Hero **_There Goes My Hero_** **_A/N: Hey everyone this is my newest song fic. In this one I will finally will use my oh so favorite topic in the world, sports, as part of the story. Alright in this story it's the night before the state championship football game, and for the first time ever The Great Vince Blake is nervous before a football game, and is looking for some motivation. Luckily for him his girlfriend is able to supply the motivation he needs for the big game. I hope everyone enjoys the story and please review._** **_Summary: One-shot song fic. The Great Vince Blake never needs motivation before a football game, but before the biggest game of his life he wouldn't mind some from his girlfriend. L/V._** **_Disclaimer: I own nothing. Zoey 101is owned by Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider, and the song My Hero is owned by the Foo Fighters, who sings the song._** _Too alarming now to talk about _ _Take your pictures down and shake it out _ _Truth or consequence, say it aloud_ _Use that evidence, race it around_ He was The Great Vince Blake, and football was his game, his life, why would he need outside motivation to play it. Why would he need motivation from someone else when he was considered the best high school football player in the entire state of California, when he had earned a full ride to play quarterback at one of the top college programs in the country, Southern California. At this moment, the night before the state championship football game, Vince Blake needed motivation because for the first time ever he was nervous before a game. And the reason he was nervous wasn't because of the actual game, it was from the mistake he made almost two years to the day, which almost ruined his life. _There goes my hero_ _Watch him as he goes_ _There goes my hero_ _He's ordinary_ Before the biggest mistake he ever made Vince Blake was a hero on the PCA campus, as the sophomore was about to do something no PCA football player had ever done, lead PCA to the state championship in the sport. Then he took the hopes of the entire school and flushed it down the drain when he took pictures of that test, thinking he was better then the system. Vince got caught, was kicked out of school, and PCA got destroyed in the state title game. Vince Blake had ruined everything he had going for him. Then he got a second chance. _Don't the best of them bleed it out_ _While the rest of them peter out_ _Truth or consequence, say it aloud _ _Use that evidence, race it around_ He was admitted back to PCA right after football season during what should have been the fall semester of his junior year, but he was behind. Vince then hits the books and amazed everyone, completing the second semester of his sophomore year when he got back, over holiday break, and during the first weeks of the spring semester. Vince finished his first junior semester during the rest of that spring semester, and then went to summer school to complete his second junior semester. It was amazing that he was caught up by the first day of his senior year. He also made his friends back. His first friend when he got back to PCA was James, since James didn't know the old Vince, though he revealed it as they became better friends. James felt Vince had done his time and they remained friends, and were roommates this year. The next person he won over was his now girlfriend Lola. Once he won Lola back Zoey and Quinn soon followed, as did Michael and Logan eventually. Vince continued to regain his friends as he continued to prove he had changed. Then Chase came back from England. Chase was easily the hardest one to win back, for obvious reasons. It took a lot of convincing, especially from Michael, Logan, James, and Zoey, but the two actually became friends. Vince was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice his girlfriend sneak up on him. "Hey," Lola said to him rather loudly as Vince jumped. "Whoa, hey there, wasn't expecting that," Vince said as he kissed Lola. "What are you doing out here the night before the big game," Lola asked. "Just thinking about everything I have been through the past two years, I'm kinda nervous," Vince said. "Why is that," Lola asked. "Because even though I have done everything I could think of to prove to everyone I changed, there are some out there who still don't believe me. Numerous times people have tried to frame me to get me in trouble again, luckily Quinn helped me out of those situations, but still people don't believe I have changed, people still think I cheat on tests when I don't anymore. Hell earlier today some kid told me he hoped we lost tomorrow just because of what I did two years ago. I just feel awful because I was everyone's hero and I let them down," Vince said. Lola responded by planting a very passionate kiss on Vince. _There goes my hero_ _Watch him as he goes_ _There goes my hero_ _He's ordinary_ "Who cares if your not everyone's hero anymore, after everything you've been through you're my hero, that's all that should matter," Lola said as she kissed him again. As soon as Lola said those words he had all the motivation he needed. _Kudos my hero leaving all the best_ _You know my hero, the one that's on_ -- "Welcome to Bulldog Stadium on the campus of Fresno State University for the California High School Academies Football State Championship Game between San Jose's Silicon Valley Academy Thunder and Malibu's Pacific Coast Academy Stingrays." It had been an intense game between the two best high school academy football teams in the state, as the scored was tied at 28 when regulation ended, meaning the game would go to overtime. In the first overtime each time was able to get a touchdown and extra point to tie the game at 35. Then in the second overtime neither team was able to score, keeping the game at 35 heading into a third overtime, where after a touchdown you have to go for two points, extra point kicks were not an opinion. The Thunder got the ball first in overtime number three and scored a touchdown on their very first play, but on their two point attempt James was able to intercept the ball, preventing the Thunder from getting the two points. PCA started their overtime possession with Michael running the ball twice for nine yards combined. Vince then threw an incomplete pass on third down, meaning they were down to the potential final play of the game. It was fourth down and one yard to go, if PCA got the yard the game continued if they didn't the game ended. Vince faked a handoff to Michael, and the Thunder defense took the bait, leaving Logan wide open as Vince tossed it to him for the touchdown. Now it was PCA's turn for the two point conversation, get the two points they win, if not onto a fourth overtime. Vince got the play, told the team it in the huddle and lined up his players. Vince then looked to the sidelines and saw Lola, front row wearing his purple jersey, and remembered what she said the night before. _There goes my hero_ _Watch him as he goes_ _There goes my hero_ _He's ordinary_ "After everything you've been through you're my hero, that's all that matter" the words rang in his head, and he just smiled. Vince called hike and got the ball. He faked the handoff to Michael. He looked for Logan, he was covered, he then looked to James, and he was also covered. Vince then saw an open area down the sideline and took it, running the ball himself. He was all by himself until a defensive player got near at the one yard line. Vince then jumped up, avoiding the tackle and diving into the end zone for the two points. "PCA WINS, PCA WINS," is all Vince hears when he hits the ground before being mobbed by his teammates. Vince's teammates then lifted him onto their shoulders and took him to the PCA side of the field, where the entire crowd was chanting "VINCE, VINCE, VINCE." Vince was met by Lola. "That's why you are my hero," Lola said as she kissed Vince. Vince just smiled and returned the kiss. _There goes my hero_ _Watch him as he goes_ _There goes my hero_ _He's ordinary_ The Great Vince Blake was once again PCA's hero. **_A/N: Alright everyone that was my story, I hope you enjoyed. Now when trying to find the right song for my idea I actually found two stories I liked for this idea, so I will be writing another song fic that is a sequel to this story, so look out for it, it will be called The Reason. Again I hope everyone enjoyed the story and please leave a review._** End file.
There Goes My Hero by psav2005
Zoey 101
Know It All _**Know It All**_ **A/N: Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101. The only things I do own in this story are Mr. Raemo and Alex Garbange.** **So that no body get's confused, the _italizied _word are the person's thoughts. Enjoy! * * * ****Zoey's POV** I was sitting in my History class, when the teacher, Mr. Raemo, asked his third question about the Panama Canal. I, like I had done the other two times, raised my hand. "Does anybody, other than Zoey, know the answer?" He looked around the class and people shook their heads, stared into space, and I even heard someone let out a dry cough. "Ok. Ms. Brooke please give me your answer." I gave him my answer confidently. I was also the only one who had answered the first two questions. The bell rang, indicating the end of class and the end of the school day. I stood up, put my books in my bag, and started out of the room, but a few words coming out of some people's mouths stopped me. "Oh my gosh! How much more of a know-it-all can Zoey be?" I looked to see who the speaker was and it was some girl that wears way too much make-up. She was talking to my best friend Nicole. _Nothing to fret about. Nicole will back me up._ Nicole's response was, "I know, right? I mean jeez!" My jaw dropped and my mouth was wide open. Nicole looked over in my direction and noticed me standing there for the first time. "Z-Zoey! I didn't-" I didn't stay around for her answer. I ran out of that room at the speed of light. _I thought Nicole was my friend! I guess not..._ I ran to one of my favorite places to go to just get away from everyone. It was this huge tree that couldn't be seen from the sidewalk. When I reached my destination, I decided not to hold in my tears anymore. Actually, to be honest with you, it wasn't my decision...They just kind of fell. Suddenly, I feel an arm go around my shoulders and pull me into a body. _I must have been crying so loudly that I didn't even realize a person walk over._ The mysterious person tried to comfort me. After a while of crying into his, I'm assuming it's a him, shoulder, I finally pulled away to see who it was. When I pulled away, I couldn't see. My eyes were too tear stained to see correctly. I wiped my eyes and saw a big bush of hair. I immediately recognized this to be my best friend Chase's hair. "Chase. Do you think I'm a know-it-all?" He took a good look at me and said softly, "Not at all. In fact, if you didn't answer those question, who would have?" Chase was always there for me and always knew how to make me laugh in even the worse situations. "True. What happened when I left?" "Oh, nothing much. The word spread to almost everyone, but don't you worry. I stood up for you." "Ah. My knight in shining armor!" We both laughed at this, but Chase seemed to like the idea of it. "Come on. Let's get you up to your room." He got up, helped me up, and we walked off to my dorm. On the way there we made small talk. We basically spoke about the weather and seals. Don't ask me how we started talking about seals, because all I know is that we were talking about how sunny it was and then we found ourselves talking about how seals spin those balls on their noses. We reached the building, entered the girl's lounge, and, much to my dismay, we were scorned by our fellow students. Chase was more aggravated then I was. Heck, he could have been aggravated for the both of us! "Hey, Zoe. Go ahead to the dorm. I'll meet you there." "Ok." I walked out of the room, but instead of listening to Chase's directions, I just stood at the door. I wanted to know what he was going to do! **Chase's POV** I have had enough of this. I mean so what if she answered three History questions! It's not like any of them were about to give it a shot. "Hey guys, listen. Stop giving Zoey a hard time! It's not like any of you were about to give an answer." Vince Blake, that stupid football jerk, spoke up. "You're only sticking up for her because you're in love with her." _How did he know I loved Zoey?_ "That's not-" I was cut off by one of Vince's cronies, Alex Garbange. "Don't even try to tell us that it's not true. This whole room knows it's true." I was defeated. "Ok. So maybe I do like Zoey, but that's not the only reason I stood up for her! I stood up for her because she's my friend and she would have done the same thing for me. Also, because if she hadn't answered the questions, Mr. Raemo would have given us a quiz!" Once everyone heard my last sentence, there was a chorus of "True" and "Yea." I walked out of the room, and much to my surprise, I almost bumped into Zoey. "Z-Zoey! Did you hear that?" She nodded. **Zoey's POV** Chase, my best friend, Chase loves me? What is the world! When he walked out of the room, he almost bumped into me. He asked me if I heard what he said. I nodded and did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. I kissed him. _Oh my gosh! I'm kissing Chase!_ When we pulled away, he had a surprised look on his face. "I love you too." It was out before I realized it. His eyes got a bit wider, but then he smiled softly at me. "Zoey, will you be my girlfriend?" I returned the soft smile and said, "Of course." We walked off to my dorm hand in. _I may be a know-it-all, but I had no clue that Chase liked me. * * * **A/N: Ok. Well this didn't come out as well as it had when I came up with the idea... Anyway, when I get 5 reviews for it I will post another story. Toodles! **_ End file.
Know It All by apparox148
Zoey 101
A First Time For Everything A First Time For Everything --- It was a beautiful day. He couldn't help but notice as he tried to tie the little black bowtie around his neck, nearly strangling himself. Yes, it was a perfect day for a wedding. "Here, let me do that," his dad said quietly. He turned to the mirror for one last glimpse. He looked good. He wasn't afraid to admit that. "Logan?" The minister glanced inside the room. "It's time." Soon, he stood onstage, watching the front doors open. A little girl with Lola's smile skipped down the aisle, throwing flower petals. A boy with Chase's wild hair lagged behind, carrying a silk pillow. Suddenly, she walked down the aisle toward him. She looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her. Her blonde curls fell over her shoulders and her brown eyes shone with happiness. God, how he loved those eyes. They pierced him in anger, they melted him in sorrow. He felt he could drown in them and die happy. She would never understand how she changed him. Before she came along, he ruled the school. People did what he said, mostly because he had money, but that had never bothered him. Until her. She made him feel, well, insignificant for the first time in his life. She brought about all of the insecurities that he worked so hard to hide. She would never admit it, but they were a lot alike. He knew that underneath her tough exterior she was vulnerable and fragile. He knew this because he was, too. When he saw glimpses of that fragility, he felt emotions he had never experienced before. He felt compassion, and a fierce anger toward whoever dared hurt her. It was certainly new to him. And yet it all came so easy. He didn't think twice when he stood up to Chuck Javers for her. He never regretted it, not for a second. He agreed to tutor her in chemistry not because the teacher asked, but because she asked; because, for the first time, he felt that she truly needed him. It was the first time he realized that he needed her. That marked the change in him. For the first time the world did not revolve around him. He did things completely out of character, like standing up to the football team when they wanted to flatten Chase. She took her place on the stage, next to the other bridesmaids, adjusting her yellow gown. She gripped the ring bearer's shoulders firmly, and Logan caught the loving gaze she directed at Chase, Logan's good friend and best man. He looked away from them as Quinn entered, her white dress flowing behind her and her dark brown curls shining. She joined him, and he smiled at her. Logan knew what he was doing. Zoey loved Chase. And Quinn loved him. Quinn needed him. So Logan put aside his wants, his feelings for their sake. _Hey_, he thought, _there's a first time for everything_. End file.
A First Time For Everything by Riley Alicia
Zoey 101
Filthy and Gorgeous _A/N 6/11/07: Just edited a few minor errors I saw here and there..._ Just a one shot I thought while hearing 'Filthy and Gorgeous' by Scissor Sisters (great songgg! So much style). Yep it is a songfic, but not entirely based on the song... Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101 nor the **Filthy and Gorgeous** **What do you call a girl who'****s gorgeous but still has the ability to be as nasty and filthy as she wants? A tease, and what a tease she was...** _Oh you're so filthy And I am gorgeous_ She walked down the halls, a confident strut in her walk and a smirk in her glossy lips. She looked to the side as a california blonde walked up to her joining the brunette for their next class. _When you're walkin' down the street And a man tries to get your business And the people that you meet Want to open you up like Christmas _ "Hey Dana", the blonde smiled at her friend who only returned a smirk, Zoey nervously tugged at her skirt as a bushy haired boy walked towards the duo. "You look fine Brooks", the brunette rolled her eyes at her friend's antics and pushed her a bit so she was now standing in front of Chase, "See ya later guys", and with a wink she left the two of them stuttering at the loss of words from an incident that had happened a couple of days ago. _ _ "I meant it", that was all she could hear as she walked away from the two. _You gotta wrap your fuzzy with a big red bow and you know some bitch gonna treat me like a ho I'm a classy honey kissy huggy lovey dovey ghetto princess_ _ _Dana Cruz sat at Chemistry class, her teacher's voice already being drowned out by everything else going on around her. She could feel him watching her from his seat; she smirked. _Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous) Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous) _ The bell rang and she felt a hand quickly touch hers ever so slightly, just the tip of her fingers being touched, but still the fact was that she was touched. She rose her eyebrows in a questioning matter, "Now?", she only got a nod and a muttered 'Yes' from the curly haired boy. _You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty And you can grab me Oooh cuz you're nasty_ She got to room 302 and looking to her sides with caution, as to not be seen, she knocked on the door only once. The door flung open and a hand grasped her waist sending her body crashing against his. A pair of lips hungrily found her own. _When you're runnin' from a trick And you trip on a hit of acid You gotta work for the man But your biggest moneymakers' flaccid _ He reached for the hem of her shirt trying to remove it only to find her hands preventing him from doing it, "No", she said between kisses and she could feel him beginning to groan; she pushed him in his bed, he smiled. _You gotta keep your shit together With your feet on the ground There ain't no one gonna listen If you haven't made a sound You're an acid junkie college flunky dirty puppy daddy bastard __ _He, then, began playing with her caramel locks and pinned her down beneath him, she was used to this by now, and so was he; even though he knew how all of this would end. _Cuz you're filthy (so filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (oooh gorgeous) Cuz you're filthy (filthy) _ She smiled against his lips and with a light movement they changed positions, she pinned him and kissed him roughly in the neck, a sudden sound escaped his lips and she smirked while he then sighed; he knew she was in control again. _Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (oooh you're so gorgeous) You're disgusting (oh yeah, right there) And you're nasty (you make me feel so nasty) You can grab me (grab it) Oooh cause you're nasty_ The tune to 'Filthy and Gorgeous' from Scissor Sisters started playing and with a sigh she let go of his lips and answered the phone; her body still on top of his, her leg slightly caressing his own. _Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous) Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous)_ "Yeah, yeah, okay, I said okay! Gosh Nicole, I'll be right down" she shut her phone and as his lips where about to taste sweet raspberry again she pulled back, earning her a glare from him. _You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty And you can grab me Oooh cuz you're nasty_ She got off of him and quickly put on her sandals back, a new layer of gloss in her lips and a book bag back in her arm, "Gotta go" And as he laid in his bed she crawled on top of him again and gave him a last kiss, his hands immediately shot up to her waist but she pulled back before he could get a good grip, "See ya later" And with that she walked out of his dorm once again. _ __Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous) Cuz you're filthy (filthy) Oooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous)) _ A few days later they found themselves in front of each other at a table the eight of them shared, besides her where Nicole and Lola, and besides him where Chase and Michael. "You really are a spaz", he smirked as Quinn narrowed her eyes into slits, it wasn't that he wasn't scared (believe it, he was) it's just that he knew this would get _her _attention. She glared at him, fighting back a smirk, "And you really are a jerk", and with that they started trading insults back and forth. Quinn now rolled her eyes deciding to let it go and started talking to Zoey about her latest experiment, Chase and Michael began rambling on and on about basketball and Nicole continued exchanging gossip with Lola. _You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty And you can grab me Oooh cuz you're nasty_ _ _None of them seemed to notice Dana's foot going up and down Logan's leg, both of them now smirking as Dana got up, "I forgot something in my room guys", the rest only nodded and Logan got up to. Chase raised his eyebrows, "And where are you going?" Logan sighed, "Can't a guy go to the bathroom without being questioned?", Chase blushed while the others snickered. Logan only shook his head as he passed the bathroom and went straight to dorm 302, she was already there; smirk in perfect place. _ Cuz you're filthy Oooh, and I'm gorgeous Cuz you're filthy Oooh, and I'm gorgeous You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty And you can grab me Oooh cuz you're nasty_ **But**** what can I say, she's **_**my **_**tease...** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you guys liked it! -Kath End file.
Filthy and Gorgeous by Pink Blushing Kate
Zoey 101
Quinn's Snoring Lola sat up in her bed and yelled "UGH". This woke up Nicole the girl sleeping above her. "People are trying to sleep you know" Nicole said. "How can you sleep with Quinn's snoring. _Cause I think that it's cute._ Nicole thought to herself but didn't dare say it out loud. "I don't really know" is what she said instead. Lola got up and knocked on the wall. "Quinn stop snoring" Lola yelled. The snoring stopped and Lola smiled. That is until the girls TV turned on and Quinn's face showed up on the screen. "Guys keep it down I am trying to sleep" Quinn said and then was gone. Lola and Nicole rolled their eyes and got back in bed. A couple of hours later Nicole woke up and went to go get a drink. She heard Quinn's snoring and decided to go check it out. She walked in and saw Quinn hanging from something that made her look like spider-man. "Ummm Quinn" Nicole said in a queit voice. Quinn mumbled something, but didn't wake up. "QUINN" Nicole yelled. Quinn's eyes shot open. "Nicole what are you doing here?" Quinn asked. "Well I was getting a drink and heard your snoring" Nicole said. "UGH I'm still snoring?" Quinn asked obviously really upset. "Yep louder then ever" Nicole said. "I've tried everything to make it stop" Quinn said. "Funny, I thought you could figure out anything" Nicole said. "I can ussaly, but I can't monitor my own snoring because I'm asleep" Quinn said. Then she looked at Nicole. "Will you help me?" Quinn asked. Nicole shook her head no quickly. "I don't think i'm the person to help you" Nicole said. Quinn gave her a puppy dog look. "Quinn...UGH fine i'll help you" Nicole said. Quinn grinned. "Ok you can start by helping me down from here" Quinn said. Nicole nodded and pulled a lever that was on the side of the contraption, which cause Quinn to fall. "Woops sorry bout that Quinn" Nicole said. Quinn got up slowly and nodded. "It's fine Nicole" she said. Nicole nodded and Quinn went to work finding anything she could to help her with her snoring. **TWO HOURS LATER** "We've been at this for two hours, it's not happening" Nicole moaned. All of a sudden Quinn jumoed up. "Guppies!" she yelled. "Ummmm guppies?" Nicole asked confused. "South African guppies when you take them out of water they make this paste type stuff and if I put them up my nose it should stop my snoring" Quinn said. Nicole shuddered as Quinn put the guppies in her nose. "Ok sleep time" Quinn said and layed down on the couch. Nicole didn't know what made her do it, but she went over and layed next to Quinn. She felt Quinn's arm go around her waist which made her blush. Nicole slowey turned herself around so that her and Quinn were face to face. Nicole wrapped her arms around Quinn's waist and pulled her closer. "Nicole wh-" Quinn started but was cut off by Nicole's lips crashing into her own. She didn't respond for a minute, but then started to kiss back. After a few minutes Nicole pulled away. "Woah" Nicole muttered. Quinn had to laugh. "Is that a good woah or a bad woah" she asked. Nicole smiled at her and brought thier lips toghter once again. After Nicole pulled away, Quinn was smiling. "I'll take that as a good woah" Quinn said. Nicole rolled over and started to fall asleep when she heard Quinn mutter "Goodnight Nicole, Love you". Nicole smiled and muttered back before Quinn could fall asleep, "Love you too". And that's how Zoey and Lola found them the next morning, asleep with Quinn's arm wrapped around Nicole's waist. Lola looked at Zoey and shrugged then said, "Let's let em sleep a while". Zoey nodded and mumbled "But I will wanna hear about what happened last night". Which made Lola laugh as they walked off leaving the two girls to sleep. End file.
Quinn's Snoring by HannahLillyJBfan
Zoey 101
Secrets **Secrets** A songfic by Grey Eyed _I need another story Something to get off my chest My life gets kind of boring Need something that i can confess_ Till all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth that I've said Come by it honestly I swear Thought you saw me wink, no, I've been on the brink, so Logan Reese was very nervous, yes, very nervous indeed. PCA was having their prom and he was dancing with Stacy Dillson of all people. And he SWEARS that Michael saw him wink at Quinn during lunch. Not confessing was killing him inside; every time Stacy laid her head on his shoulder, every time her hair brushed against his chin, and especially every time she called herself 'Mrs. Stacy Reese'. Like that would ever happen. He wished he had something else he could confess to, but let's face it, he's Logan Reese, and most people knew everything else about him. _Tell me what you want to hear Something that were like those years I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm Gonna give all my secrets away_ He looked over at his beautiful girlfriend, dancing with Dustin as he performed his animals under water bit. She sighed, looking back at him. At that moment he really wished he could read her mind. Did she want him to confess as much as he wanted to do it? _My God, amazing how we got this far It's like were chasing all those stars Who's driving shiny big black cars_ And everyday I see the news All the problems we could solve And when a situation rises Just write it into an album _Singing straight to cold? I don't really like my flow, no, so_ Personally, he was surprised he had made it this far without screaming to the world 'I LOVE QUINN PENSKY!' People were starting to worry, because he hadn't taken any girls out in the time they've been dating. _Tell me what you want to hear Something that were like those years I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm Gonna give all my secrets away_ When Stacy attacked him with her lips, he knew it was time to confess. He didn't care how people would react, as long as he could stop kissing Stacy and start kissing Quinn. After pushing her off of him, he took a deep breath, and then shouted, "I LOVE QUINN PENSKY!" He heard someone behind him laugh "You love Quinn?" He had made it this far, he wasn't going to make something stupid up. He just faced Quinn, as she stood up and gave a little smile. "AND I LOVE LOGAN REESE!" she yelled, ecstatic that he felt the same way about telling. As if everything was going in slow motion, they slowly ran towards each other and kissed passionately, not ever letting go. Faintly, Stacy's sobs could be heard, and Dustin yelling "You used me?" But nothing could break them out of their trance. Nothing. **I had to do it! I'm no good at songfics, so feedback is appreciated! I don't own Zoey 101 or Secrets. Or OneRepublic. Sorry! I do own the idea! Sorta!** **Grey Eyed** End file.
Secrets by Velosarahptor
Zoey 101
Tired Of Running **A/N: I just watched the Zoey 101 episode dance contest. And was inspired to write this 'Alternate Ending' ish thing. This is my first Zoey 101 fanfic posted on this site, but I definitely hope to post more soon!** **Also, the stuff before the first set of 3 bold x's (xxx) is what actually happened in the show. After that, it kind of... well you'll see :D** **Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101, or the lyrics to the song used in the final scene of that episode. But if anyone knows what song it is, please let me know!** * * * **Tired Of Running** "Chase, Chase." I heard someone call my name. I woke up muttering some nonsense that I don't even remember. "Not really," Zoey replied. "Oh, hey Zo'." I smiled and then I realized, "What time is it? The dance contest, we've gotta..." "It's over." Zoey shook her head. "What?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "It ended like...two hours ago." I pulled out my cell phone and stood up to check the time, "I slept through the contest?" "You did," She told me. "I'm the worst." I frowned, collapsing back into my chair. "You're the best." She smiled, sitting down beside me, "You practiced dancing for almost 24 hours straight just so I wouldn't have to drop out of the contest." "Well-" "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." She said "Yeah?" I asked, and she nodded, "Well, thanks know, it was all for nothing." "Oh I don't think so," She grinned, standing up and starting the music. "C'mon. Let's see what you got." She laughed. And I smiled at her, standing up. The music started and we walked up around the fountain. We started to dance, just like I'd practiced so many times. **xxx** _Crazy about you every single day and night __Nobody makes me feel so alive __'Til I met you __I don't know how I made it through __You turned my world around_ I hear the words to this song, and it makes me think of her. And as we do the part on the stairs, she's in my arms. I see her there, and I can't believe I've waited this long. The next thing I know I'm kissing her. The music keeps going, but it's the last thing on my mind. Suddenly, I realize what I'm doing, and I pull away setting her back down on the ground. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I mutter and I run away. I feel like a coward, but I know I can't face her after doing something that stupid. Her words ring in my ears, _"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." _But I'm sure I've ruined that. I'm sure she'll never talk to me again. I wander aimlessly across campus, just hoping she won't find me. I find a bench and sit down, figuring I'm far enough away, she won't find me now. I lie down, and all my thoughts slowly fade away. **xxx** I hear the birds chirp and opening my eyes I see the sunshine over head. I groan, realizing I fell asleep on the bench. I rub my eyes as I sit up, and when I open them again, I almost jump a mile into the air. "Hey Chase." There she is. Sitting right there at my feet on the other end of the bench. "Zo'. How long have you been there?" I ask quietly, trying to avoid the conversation that I know is coming. "All night," She replies, and taking a closer look at her face I can tell. Her makeup is all over her face, and she has bags under her eyes. She's wearing yesterday's clothes and her hair is messed up. But I didn't even notice at first, because to me, she's still the beautiful girl I kissed last night, the one I've loved since she first came to PCA. "You sat here with me all night?" I finally ask, breaking the silence. Zoey nodded slowly, "I was thinking." I swallow nervously, "Thinking. About what?" I'm not exactly sure I want to know. But I also have a feeling I already do. She was thinking about the nicest way to tell me she never wants to see me again. "You." That didn't exactly answer all my questions, but I take what I can get. "Look, about last night..." I try but she cuts me off. "No, Chase. Let me talk." She says seriously and I nod, thinking I didn't really want to talk anyways as it would probably only get me into more trouble. And I don't know how much more trouble I can deal with right now. She doesn't say anything at first, she just watches me, as if she's trying to figure out what to say at a time like this. "I love you." Well, I wasn't expecting that. "Sorry, come again?" I say even though I heard her the first time. I just think my ears are deceiving me. "Ever since I first met you, that first day at PCA. It's always been there, but I think we've both been avoiding it." She says simply, smiling. I'm still not believing these words are coming out of her mouth, it's all so... unreal. "Last night when you kissed me, I just wasn't expecting it. We've been hiding from our feelings for so long, that it took me by surprise. And then you took off. I looked for you for hours, and just when I was about to give up, there you were, fast asleep and so I just sat down here. I was going to wait until you woke up, so I could tell you this. I love you Chase, and I don't want to run from it anymore. I'm tired of running." And her lips press against mine, just like I pressed mine to hers last night. "I love you too, Zo'. And I don't want to run anymore either." * * * **So was it good? Terrible? Both? Haha, whatever your opinion, just leave a review, 'cause it makes me happy. :D** End file.
Tired Of Running by yellowsocks
Zoey 101
I'll let You **_this is just something that i had stewing in the back of my head the other day while driving home from taking my sister into work. everyone has that one voice in the back of their heads that puts them down and tells them the things they can't do. and if you say that you never have then you're only lying to yourself. this is a poem I've wrote to quiet that echo and remind everyone to never give up on hope and what you believe in and want out of life._** **_Enjoy._** **I'll let you:** **I'll let you tear my world apart.** **I'll let you crush and stomp my heart.** **I'll even let you see me cry.** **Even though it hurts inside.** **I'll let you wreck my hopes and dreams.** **And all my wild and crazy schemes.** **But you will never break my stride.** **Nor will you ever steal my pride.** **Try as you must, try as you may.** **But you will never take my spirit away. ---** **_Ok, well i hope you all enjoyed reading this as i did writing it. As always please R&R, its very much appreciated. Oh, and don't worry i haven't abandoned my latest story 'The guy who waited'. I've just run into a bit of a rut with it, but i am hoping to be able to post up another chapter as soon as i find a direction to steer the story in. if you like i will keep you posted. I'm hoping to put up another chapter by early/late next week._ ** End file.
I'll let You by joeypotter85
Zoey 101
One Year, Six Months Ago **Author's Note:** _This story got deleted for some reason, maybe due to the thing that went on last night, but oh well, I had it backed up. :D_ _**Z101-------------**_ _Sew this up with threads of reason and regret. So I will not forget. I will not forget. How this felt one year six months ago. I know I cannot forget. I cannot forget._ Dana, your name is like poison on my lips. Ever since you left, a year and a half ago, I never stopped thinking. I never stopped thinking about you, and how every waking moment of my life, I could not ever once not stop to think about something other then you. You was always there, and was always there for me. You know, we weren't always fighting, there was a friendship there. A mutual friendship. _I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do Follow me there A beautiful somewhere A place that I can share with you_ Dana, I wish I would actually send this letter to you. I mean heck, me, Logan Reese, actually send this letter to the one girl, who would want to make me claw my eyes out with frustration, and at the same time, want to kiss you senseless? Ha, yeah right. Ugh, I still can't believe that you left, one year, six months, and 8 days ago. Man, Dana, do you remember that time when you helped me pass Chemistry? Wooow, that was a weird 2 weeks. But it was the best 2 weeks of my life you know. Just because you had an A+ in that class, and offered to be with me all the time. And, by pure luck, and your brilliant tutoring, I passed. Wow Dana, I really miss you. You know what, I wish that me and you can go somewhere, someplace beautiful, where there are no French Programs to keep you from me. _I can tell that you don't know me anymore It's easy to forget, sometimes we just forget And being on this road is anything but sure Maybe we'll forget, I hope we don't forget_ Dana, I know that we barely talk anymore, it's like you don't even know me. You didn't remember my last name... do you know how much that hurt? I mean, I've gotten over that, but you just can't forget, you know? I hope you don't forget about me more, oh god I really hope you don't. _I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do Follow me there A beautiful somewhere A place that I can share with you So many nights, legs tangled tight Wrap me up in a dream with you Close up these eyes, try not to cry All that I've got to pull me through, is memories of you Memories of you, Memories of you, Memories of you._ Dana, when are you coming back? I need you here with me. You just don't understand, and hey; you probably never will. You will never get this letter, and you will never know how I feel. Thus, you will not come back. I always dream of seeing you again. And don't think I'm not telling you the truth, my dreams always consist of us, back here, you with me, me with you. You know what... you are the only girl, no, the only _person_, who could make me cry. I would think about you in my dorm room, and I would just fight to hold back tears infront of Michael and Chase. I'll just think of your face, and that's all I need to be okay. _I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do Follow me there A beautiful somewhere A place that we can share Falling into memories of you and things we used to do_ Well Dana, as short as this letter may be, I'm going to have to leave you with this. But tomorrow, will be another letter written, and the next day, and the next day, and so on and so forth. But as I know already, none of these letters will ever reach you. So, I hope you have a wonderful life in France, with your French Boys, and not me. Not me ever. _Love, Logan._ Logan Reese signed his name, addressed the letter, and stamped it, leaving it on his desk to put away with the others. The other letters that never made it to Dana. The one's he wished he had the courage to send to her. But he knows he will never have that much courage. He stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom. A few moments letter, Chase entered the room with his basketball, hoping to relax a little. When he saw the letter laying on the desk, he finally thought Logan had the courage to tell Dana, so, being as thrilled as Chase was at that moment, he grabbed the letter, and went to the PCA mail box, and sent it to Dana Cruz. End file.
One Year, Six Months Ago by dallascity
Zoey 101
Flashbacks! Senior Year: Zoey walked in with her 6 month pregnant gut. Holding hands with me, her true love, Chase. Or at least true since 7 months ago. Flashback: I was just sitting with my pals Logan and Michael when Zooey ran up to me and threw a pregnancy test at my head. But with my amazing Matrix reflexes, I caught it first swipe. I felt something wet upon my fingers. "EW!" I shrieked like a little child. "You peed on it." "Chase hon, I'm preggers." "I mean really, that's disgusting! No one needs to touch that." "And you're the father." "Seriously, Zoey. I mean, if it had been Michael's or Logan's it would be OK. But yours?" I then puked at her feet. But Zoey was over the moon with joy and kissed me with deep passion. "Can you believe this?" I wiped my hands on her shirt and then took her to my bed so we could be happy elsewhere. Present time: I was so jubilant when we picked out baby shirts and shoes. Flashback: "How about this one, muffin crumbs?" I asked, holding up a pink jumpsuit. "Mop top, we don't even know if it's a girl." "Hey, real men where pink," I exclaimed, looking down at my own pink shirt. Present time: Or when we first saw the baby picture from the womb. Flashback: "It looks like a potato," I said, and I started to cry. Future-3 months later: "Mop top!" sang Muffin crumbs. "My water broke. Time to mop it up." "Oh my Edward!" I shouted, running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. I grabbed her baby bag and headed into the car waiting for her to waddle out. "Hurry up, fat one, the engines going. I'm running out of gas." Two hours later: Puff! Puff! Puff! Wheezed my preggo Zo. As she gasped through the contractions. "Mop top..."she breathed, "I have something to confess... "Oh my Anthony Woodstocks!" I cried, looking at her vag. "It's coming!" "Did someone call my name?" Anthony Woodstock aka Doctor Love said, arriving to deliver the baby. "Doctor... Doctor!" Zoey gasped in pain. "Give me the news!" I sang. "I gotta bad case of loving you!" Anthony looked at me a moment, then smiled roguishly. "Most people do. Anyway," he grew serious. "Before we start, I believe Zoey here wants to tell you something." "You do?" I asked in surprise. "Yes," Zoey gasped. "Well, the thing is." The potato head was coming out suddenly. She pushed. "This baby..." She pushed again and blood spewed forward. Eek! "Is Logans." I fainted. When I came to, a black baby was put in my arms. "Oops," said Muffin Crumbs innocently. "I guess it was Michael's." The End End file.
Flashbacks! by Kalamazoo222
Zoey 101
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out _Disclaimer/A/N: I do not own "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out" by Fall Out Boy or Zoey 101. Thank you for reading my story, and reviews are always nice!_ _These are your good years_ _Don't take my advice_ _You never wanted the nice boys anyway_ _And I'm of good cheer_ _Cause I've been checking my list_ _The gifts you're receiving from me_ _Will be_ She hurt me. She hurt me really bad. I hate her! But I love her. I can't stop thinking about her and it hurts me just as much as she did. She didn't even tell me she was going to France. Who does that? Who goes to FRANCE? I begged her to come back after the first semester, but she said no. She said she had to finish what she started. _One awkward silence_ _And two hopes you cry yourself to sleep_ _Staying up, waiting by the phone_ _And all I want this year is for you to dedicate your last_ _Breathe to me_ _Before you bury yourself alive_ What about what she had started here? PCA was her home away from home. She hated it here, or so she said. But I miss her. We all do. But mostly me. Granted, I was mean to her, but it's like Chase said, I have the mentality of a first grader when it comes to girls. I pull their hair or tell them they suck. I only do it because I like them. _Don't come home for Christmas_ _You're the last thing I wanna see_ _Underneath the tree_ _Merry Christmas, I could care less_ Sometimes I wonder if she misses me too. Probably not. She's probably got some French boy wrapped around her finger, doing the things I should be doing with her. I should be the one to give her my jacket when she's cold, or place it over a puddle so her feet don't get wet. I should be the one to play with her hair, hold her hand, and kiss her perfect lips. _Happy New Year's baby_ _You owe me_ _The best gift I will ever ask for_ _Don't call me up, when the snow comes down_ _It's the only thing I want this year_ What am I saying? I hate Dana. She ruined me. She got me in love with her then she left. Now I'm just a puddle of useless romantic mush. She's the one who should miss me. I should be glad she's gone. But I'm not. I've just been going through the motions since she left. Go to class, come home, do homework, eat dinner, sleep. Then the next morning, it starts again. _One awkward silence_ _And two hopes you cry yourself to sleep_ _Staying up, waiting by the phone_ _All I want this year is for you to dedicate your last breathe to_ _Me_ _Before you bury yourself alive_ It's almost winter break, though. I don't know what I'm going to do. Everyone else is going home. I don't have one right now. The San Diego house is being remodeled and the Orlando house is being fumigated. My dad's in China filming for his latest movie. I know what you're thinking, poor little rich kid. But I would trade all of my father's money to just have her back. _Don't come home for Christmas_ _You're the last thing I wanna see_ _Underneath the tree_ _Merry Christmas, I could care less_ No! I don't want her. She killed me. _Don't come home for Christmas_ _You're the last thing I wanna see_ _Underneath the tree (don't come home for Christmas)_ _Merry Christmas, I could care less_ I would give $23,000 to charity, if she would just walk through that door. I'm looking at it now. It's actually opening. Oh. It's only Zoey. I tell her that Chase isn't here. She says she knows and he is with her. They have a surprise for me. "Well, what is it?" I ask lethargically. "Me!" She's here. Dana is back. I run to her and hug her. She kisses my lips. The best kiss I've ever had. I guess I owe a charity some money I think. _Don't come home for Christmas_ _You're the last thing I wanna see_ _Underneath the tree (don't come home for Christmas)_ _Merry Christmas, I could care less_ "Logan!" Dana says with Chase's voice. "Logan, wake up. You're going to be late for breakfast. It's so cool; they made Christmas trees out of eggs and bacon!" "Way to go Chase. Ruin my perfect dream" End file.
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out by AgapeCasablancas
Zoey 101
I'm sorry I have to leave **_Okay I know I know that I shouldn't be writing a new story when I still haven't written a fourth chapter for Zoey101: the 10th grade. That is because I don't have a new idea for a chapter so if you have any ideas give my some please. Well this is just going to be a oneshot. It just came to me one day and I thought I would write it and let you all enjoy. So please if you have any ideas for my other stories please send me a review. Oh yea and review on this story too and tell me how it is. Thanks, Chaseandzoforeva_** _**P.S I'm writing this like a script.**_ **I'm sorry that I have to go** Zoey and her friends were in the 11th grade now and they all were loving the thought of them being seniors next year and them go off to college together. One day when exams were over and they were getting ready for the beach party (which they are going to and the teachers told them that they wouldn't leave without them) Chase got a phone call. Chase: hello... oh hey um hang on. (To every one Michael and Logan.) I have to take this out side, I'll meet you guys at the bus. Michael and Logan: alright. Chase leaves the leaves the room and starts talking to who ever was on the phone while walking around campus. After about 30 minutes he gets off and heads to where the bus was loading. When Michael and Logan sees him they go over and start talking. Then the girls come over (Dana, Zoey, and Nicole) (A/N: I don't like LOLA!) Zoey: Hey guys what's up? Nobody had time to answer because the teachers said it was time to go. The seating on the bus went like this: Chase and Zoey, Dana and Logan (they have been dating) and Michael and Nicole. When they got to the beach they where all having a good time until Chase pulled Zoey to the side. Chase: I have to talk to you. It is kind of important. Zoey: Okay Shoot. Chase: Okay well today I got a phone call from my parents and they told me that we're moving over the summer. And well... (Chase trailed off and Zoey knew this wasn't good) Zoey: Chase are you trying to tell me what I think you're trying to tell me? Chase: Well if what you think I'm trying to tell you means that I'm not coming back to PCA then yea it is. I mean it's not my idea. I asked them since it was my last year if I could just go, they said they would think about it. But usually with my parents that means no. By now Zoey was crying. Chase pulled her into a hug. And they sat like that for a little while until Chase spoke up. Chase: You know there is this thing that I have been holding in since the first time I saw you. Zoey: Well tell me. Chase: I...uh..I don't know how to say this but I really like you. More than a friend. And since I'm more than likely won't be here next year. And I just wanted to- ( he was cut off by Zoey's lips meeting his in a passoniate kiss) Zoey: (when they broke apart) I really like you too. I think I realized it when Lola asked if she should ask you out. And then you said yes. ( she had been smiling but then it turned into a frown) But you know we can't be together when we won't see each other. It is way to hard. Chase: I'm sorry I have to leave. (Then they share another long passoniate kiss) On the Fourth of July Zoey got a phone call from Chase almost everyday. But the phone call that she got today would change everything. Chase: Zoey Oh my gosh guess what... Zoey: What? Chase: I get to go to PCA. My parents thought about and thought about it and they finally let me decide and I decided to go. Isn't that great? Zoey: Oh my gosh. That is great! Chase: Oh yea and turn around (a/n: she had been on her cell phone in her back yard with Dana and Nicole who came over) When she turned around she found Chase standing there. She ran into his arms and gave him a big hug. Chase: So does this mean that we can be together? Zoey: I think that would be a great idea. During the 12th grade Dana and Logan where still seeing each other. Michael and Nicole eventually started dating. And of course Zoey and Chase were dating. In the end they all decided to go to the same college and stay together. Zoey, Nicole, and Dana all shared a room and Chase, Michael, and Logan shared a room. Finally after graduating college each couple was still together. Chase and Zoey married and had twins a boy and a girl. Michael and Nicole married and are about ready to have their first child. Finally Dana and Logan married and have had 3 children and are about ready to have their 4th. _**A/N: and so ends my story please read and review.**_ End file.
I'm sorry I have to leave by chaseandzoforeva
Zoey 101
1. Discussion 1 **A/N: Hi! New writer here. This is just my idea of what happened after the end of the series. There were really a lot of small issues that were left unresolved. So this isn't fluff, just a lot of discussion between Chase and Zoey. The first scene takes place near the end of the prom. Rated K for (a bit) of kissing.** **[EDITED AND REUPLOADED 10/29/12]** **Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters or settings. I'm not sure why people put disclaimers because obviously this wouldn't be posted on ****_Fanfiction_****.net if people did own them.** **Lights, camera, action!** * * * The band was playing its last slow song for the night when Zoey looked through the crowd over Chase's shoulder and saw a painfully familiar face. It was James, and he was with a nice-looking girl Zoey had never seen before. He locked eyes with her across the dance floor and saw who she was dancing with. With a brief word to his date, he casually made his way toward them. Chase let go of her hands and faced the stranger with her. One look at her face and he realized that Zoey was familiar with this blond-haired pretty boy who was headed in their direction for some reason unknown to him. Zoey and James said a friendly hello to each other, ever the casual pair, but before Zoey had a chance to awkwardly introduce her date, James said, "I'm glad you made it to the dance after all. Wouldn't want you to miss your own prom." "Yeah. It's great to be here." She smiled briefly and he smiled back. Then he turned to her date. "So you're Chase, right? I'm James - Michael and Logan's new roommate. I moved in after you left." "Hey. Nice to meet you." He smiled politely and reached out to shake his hand. "How did you know it was me?" "Oh, uh, Michael and Logan have a picture of you in their dorm on the computer. It's kind of hard to make out your face in it, because your hair" - he gestured to his own head - "was, you know, all mussed up, and you were lying at the bottom of some stairs, but I can tell it's you." Chase cursed silently and made a promise to get back at the Logan for taking that picture. Then he replied, "Well, I'm glad that you've be keeping them company. I hope they haven't driven you too crazy with their wild antics." "Yeah, they do get up to some really weird stuff sometimes." He turned back to the girl at Chase's side. "So, Zoey..." he began, quietly and hesitantly. "You broke up with me because of Chase. Am I right?" She looked down and sighed. "Well...yes. I'm sorry, James." "No, it's okay. I understand. I want you to be happy. You are happy, right?" "I'm happy." She twined her fingers together guiltily and then glanced at Chase. "That's good to hear. Michael told me about you two, you know, about how long he'd been waiting to see if you guys would get together. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my date. It was nice meeting you, Chase." Chase nodded and smiled as calmly as he could manage. "You too." And then James left, and the unease in the air lifted. Slightly. . oO[]0[]Oo . After that little encounter, neither of them was in the mood for dancing. They both agreed that they needed to talk, so one of them took the other's hand, and with a quick word to Lisa, who had asked them where they were going, they left the dance. No communication was required between them to choose their destination. They sat on the stone circle around the campus's fountain and faced each other. "Okay. Talk." Zoey related to him the story of how she had met James, and what had happened between them in the past week. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said very simply after she had finished, as if he was willing to believe any answer she gave him. "I didn't want to upset you." "Why? We agreed that we could both date other people, right?" She looked at him as if to say, _really? _"Yeah, but are you saying that you would be _totally_ okay with me telling you about my relationship with another guy?" "Well - " His mouth mimed words, but could not spit them out. "Completely okay with it?" He sighed. "No," he admitted. "Then why are you looking at me like you stole my TekMate again and you're trying to explain?" "Ah, it's just...that...that..." "That what?" "I know that if you'd dumped _me_ for some other guy who'd been in love with you since you were like, I don't know, 5 years old, I wouldn't be too happy. But I wouldn't argue. I wouldn't be able to argue. It's just not fair, you know? James seemed like a really cool guy, that's all." "He is really cool." Zoey was silent for a moment. "What? What is it? Tell me what you're thinking." She opened her mouth and struggled to find words; he tilted his head at her expectantly and waited. No matter how close two people were, it would always be incredibly awkward talking about exes. "James...he, uh..." "Yes...?" He continued to wait until, finally, the words poured out of her mouth in a jumble. "See, it's just that James gave me this necklace that said 'I love you' on it a few days ago and that's kind of what made me realize that I didn't feel the same way about him so I broke up with him but he told me that I could keep his necklace so I did and I still have it and I just thought you should know..." "Whoa, whoa, wait. Hold up. You have a necklace from James that says 'I love you' on it?" "Yes..." "And you broke up with him right after he gave it to you?" "Yeah..." "Wow." He whistled quietly. "Poor guy. I almost feel sorry for him. But at the same time, I'm sort of thankful to him, you know." "Oh yeah? And why is that?" She said teasingly. "Because," he explained, "if he hadn't done that, you probably wouldn't be here with me right now. Maybe I should go thank the guy later." She stared at him, disbelieving. "Thank him? You're joking, right?" She could only imagine how that conversation might go: "_Hey James, I'm your ex-girlfriend Zoey's new boyfriend. I just wanted to thank you for giving Zoey that necklace. Because, you know, it made her realize that she was in love with me, not you. So, yeah, thanks!"_ He shrugged. "Well, duh," he said, and her disbelieving stare became a disbelieving snort of laughter. "So, anyway, do you mind?" "Do I mind what?" "If I keep it? The necklace?" "Okay, I won't mind, but on one condition." "Name it." "If you promise to only wear it when you're also wearing mine." "Oh, I probably won't even wear it at all - and - wait, I don't have necklace from you!" "Well then, I guess then I'll have to get you one." "Oh, so is this the necklace wars now?" She teased, stifling her giddiness. Then she made a promise to herself that as long as she was with Chase, she would never wear Jame's necklace. She would keep it, as a reminder, but she would never be seen wearing a necklace given to her by her ex. "Technically, it's not a war if one side has already lost." "Mm-hm." She rolled her eyes. Boys. Her mind wandered. "It's made from gold," she said absentmindedly. "Eighteen carats. Or at least, that's what Quinn told me." "Wow," he repeated, and whistled again. "I think I actually feel guilty now." Zoey wasn't sure if he was joking or not. "It's not your fault." "Uh, no, _it kind of is_." "Indirectly! Besides, you're not the one who broke up with him." Then she was silent. There was a slight smile on her face as watched him. Finally, she said, "You're a really good person, you know." "Oh, I know." He smirked and she rolled her eyes again, still smiling. Realizing what he'd just said, he frantically added, "But - but it's nice to hear that you think the same!" She laughed at him, and then said, "It's nice to hear my opinion counts." "You opinion most _definitely _counts." He scratched his head. " am I good person again?" "Because, most guys wouldn't feel sorry for their girlfriend's ex, especially if she dumped the guy to get together with them." "And most girls don't break up with their boyfriends just before senior prom, because of another guy thousands of miles across an ocean," he countered. She laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, about that...I think I should be the one who should feel awful. I mean, I dumped an awesome, funny, hot guy" - Chase raised an eyebrow - "for another incredible guy who's been waiting for me for four years. What kind of girl does that?" "A very likable kind of girl." Zoey looked slightly uncomfortable. "Well, I guess..." "And did you just call me incredible? Wow...that's almost better than being called nice." She smacked him playfully on the shoulder and laughed. He rubbed the spot where she'd hit him, putting on a pretend expression of hurt which only made her giggle more. Then he teased her with: "So, you think I'm incredible, do you?" She feigned an exasperated look. "Would I be in love with you if I didn't?" "I guess not." There was a pause. His mouth quirked. "You're incredible, too, you know, Zoey. And beautiful." Suddenly the playfulness drained away from the space between them, in the same way it had before she had kissed him for the first time. Zoey was studying Chase's eyes. In the one semester they had been apart, she had never forgotten the color of his eyes. Chase had green eyes, but sometimes the green tint was hard to see. In the few rays of golden light that pierced the darkness, they were better described as a dark gray. Zoey was so absorbed in the grey that she almost didn't see his hand reaching up. She smiled and pressed the hand more firmly against her face. "Oh, come here," she said, and pulled him in closer. . * * * **.** **A/N:** When I think of Chase's personality, I can't help but believe he'd be the kind of nauseatingly nice guy who would feel sorry for his girlfriend's ex. So if anyone thinks that's a stretch, let me just say that people are rarely_ less_ complex than you'd think. It's also because that's the kind of thing I can imagine myself feeling if I was in that situation. And I consider myself a sympathetic person, like Chase. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that! :J There's quite a bit more after this. ~Vina 2. Discussion 2 **A/N:** **I lied. This fic is kind of fluffy.** _**fluff (n.): A fanfic that has no plot. Only humourous or romantic nonsense.**_ **Yep. Sorta.** **.** * * * . Some time later, they were curled up on a bench near the fountain together and gazing up towards the stars. Time was ticking toward midnight, and they had places to be the next day, but at the moment, neither of them cared. "And that's Cygnus," Chase said, pointing to a set of bright lights that formed the shape of a crooked X in the night sky. "It's supposed to be a swan." "It doesn't look like a swan," she observed. "That's just the thing. You have to use your imagination. Most constellations don't look anything like what they're supposed to look like. See, if these parts are the wings, and this is the tail..." With his index finger he began to trace an imaginary outline in the sky. When he was finished, Zoey said, "It looks more like a flaming scarecrow when you draw it like that, actually." He squinted at her. "A scarecrow?" "A flaming one," she confirmed. "Well, okay." He chuckled. "I'm glad you're using your imagination." "Me too. By the way, since when have you been interested in astronomy?" "Since I studied it in Covington with a real telescope," he replied. "Cool. Was it fun?" "Yeah, it was fun. I had to stay up late and then I'd fall asleep in class the next day, but it was worth it." She smiled at him, and then remembered something suddenly. "Oh, yeah...speaking of London, I've been meaning to ask you - did you date anyone while you were in London?" "Oh, yeah." he said nonchalantly. "I did. A sweet girl from my British History class. Annabel. I was pretty clueless in the subject, you know" - he shrugged - "because I've never taken it before. She helped me out, and we ended up liking each other, and we just took it from there." "And...?" "And, it was really nice for a while, but then either the novelty of dating an American guy wore off, or, she figured out that my heart wasn't really into it." "Oh yeah? Why's that?" She glanced away. Honestly? She just wanted to hear him say it. "Well." He sighed. "I guess it was pretty obvious that I was in love with another girl. " "Who, me?" She teased, and he chuckled a little. "And you're mad that I didn't tell you about James?" "I'm not mad! Like I said, it's okay." He smiled at her and she was reassured. "You know, Anna did say that whoever the girl was, she was very lucky." "She was right about that," she agreed softly, and sat up. "Hey - that's kind of also why Mark and Quinn ended up breaking up - because Mark was cheating on her with this girl he was tutoring. And after she got together with...with..." "Logan. I was slightly, uh, flabbergasted when I saw them together, yeah." "Just slightly?" She snickered. "Okay, very. They're probably the least likely couple on this campus to actually become a couple." "I know, right? I found out about it at the same time that you did - apparently they've been keeping it a secret for who knows how long." "Yeah. But I would too, if I was in their situation," he said. After a moment, his brow furrowed. "Hey, uh, Zoey...can I...ask you something?" "Ask away," she said softly. "Was that - was that _Vince_ who was with Lola at the dance? As in Vince Blake? As in, the Vince Blake who I caught cheating on a test, and then pummeled me and Michael and Logan into a bloody pulp, and then got expelled?" Zoey breathed out. "Yep. That was him. He came back. Obviously." "Okay. I just wanted to make sure that my eyes hadn't been playing nightmare tricks on me or something. Anyway, care to explain?" "Well," she began carefully, "he'd been in counseling for a year, and then Dean Rivers let him back into PCA. Lola met him in a yoga class, and sort of started to like him, and...they've dating for a few months now. None of us trusted him at first -" "No kidding," he muttered. "-but he's really proven himself and we're all sure he's changed now. He's been good to Lola, at least." She saw the stubborn look on his face and continued gently. "Hey. It was a long time ago. I'm sure if you met him you would see that he's genuinely sorry about what he did." He sighed. "If you say so, Zoey." "Chase-" "Look, it's okay. You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" "Of course not." He turned to her and looked into her face. "Then I believe you." . oO{}(){}Oo . Chase had one more thing to explain to his girlfriend, if only just to clear up a little spot of black on his reputation with her. "Hey, do you remember that "Gender Defenders" contest the six of us were competing in once? And that text message I sent you by accident that I couldn't tell you about?" "The one that you stole my TekMate for so that I couldn't read it? How could I forget? What about it? She peered at him, searching his eyes. "Well, you see, the message said..." He breathed out slowly. "It said, 'I love you.'" A look of understanding dawned on her face. "Ahh," she said triumphantly. "That makes a lot more sense. Oh, Chase. You were planning to tell me then, weren't you? But then why didn't you?" "Well, I was _about_ to, but," - he threw up his hands - "we got conveniently interrupted just before I did." Zoey rolled her eyes a little, but she was still smiling. "Our friends have some great timing," she said, an edge of sarcasm in her tone. She nudged him. "Now, that wasn't so hard to say, was it?" "It was even easier than the first time," he acceded quietly. She beamed. "I love you too," she said, completing their repeat of the exchange from the beginning of the semester. "But you could've just told me later, when we were alone, you know." "I don't know," he said thoughtfully. "Maybe it wasn't the right time, or else I wouldn't have hesitated. Things happen for a reason, you know. Maybe I ran my bike into that flagpole four years ago for a good reason." She leaned onto his shoulder. "Well, reason or not, I think it was the luckiest fall of my life." . oO(())Oo . Zoey returned his trust with some of her own. "I'm still going to be friends with James, though. I hope you don't mind," she said. "Why would I mind? I'm not going to be like Rebecca - I'm not going to try and tell you who you can and can't be friends with." "So you won't get jealous if I'm close to other guys?" "Well, I didn't say that..." "So you will be jealous." "Yeah," he admitted, in a very matter-of-fact manner, "unless it's Michael. But I'm human, you know." Zoey snorted. "I can't help it. We can deal with that when or if the time comes." He tactfully decided it was time for a change of topic. "Speaking of the future...tell me, Zoey, what are you planning to do after you leave PCA?" She began to describe some of her dreams of working in the fashion industry, and new ideas for designs that she already had in mind. Then he unfolded the plans he had to make use of his writing talent - which, coincidentally, didn't involve drafting plays where his love was scripted to kiss his jerk of a best friend. After a long discussion about college possibilities and their planned career paths, their conversation turned to the immediate future. "I can't wait to go to Hawaii with you for the summer." "I know," she said dreamily. "It's going to be awesome." "Yeah. Sun and sand and surf-" She guffawed. "I'd like to see you surf!" He seemed to ignore this mockery. "...and you in a bikini?" He shrugged hopefully. "Pfft. More like a cabana girl uniform, seventy percent of the time. " "Well, I'm just saying, it would be a nice sight," he said, and dodged the grass she threw at his head. "Hey. You can not get grass in my hair." "I know, it gets stuck. Fuzzyhead." And with that, Chase's hair became a more literal bush, with bits of grass sticking out of it. When he lifted his hand to pluck the grass out of his hair, Zoey noticed the scrapes on his arm from the fall he took earlier. Her eyes widened. "Chase!" "What? What?" "Your arm!" She grabbed his hand and tried to look more closely at his injuries, but it was too dark to make out anything. "Oh, it's - it's nothing. I barely feel it." He winced when she touched the fresh, barely formed scabs. She pulled him up and began to walk him in the direction of the nearest building. "You should at least get it cleaned. I'm pretty sure Quinn spilled some freaky chemical mixture on those stairs a few days ago." "Really?" he asked curiously. "Nope. C'mon, let's go to the nurse's office." . * * * **.** **A/N:** **Like I said, just sophisticated fluff.** **There should be at least one more part after this.** ******I found it strange how their group was seniors (or juniors?) and we never saw them talking about college or career plans. So I don't know exactly what their thoughts on that are, but they did have that conversation, which is what's important.** **R & R please?** **c:** **~Vina** 3. Goodnight The office was empty and the lights were off, but somehow the door was unlocked. "I can't find the light switch," Chase commented. "It's okay. I know where the stuff we need is stored." She rifled around in the shelves and found ointment and bandages. Following the sound of his voice, Zoey made her way to Chase and navigated his arm by touch. When she'd secured the gauze around it tightly enough, she kissed it lightly and said, "There, all better." "It - it didn't really hurt anyway." He cracked his signature crooked half-smile. "But thanks, Zoe." "You're welcome." "Were you ignoring the pain the whole night?" She was accusing and playful all at once. "It was easy." He looked at the wall. "Especially when I was dancing with you." She snorted. "That's funny, because I distinctly remember that it was your arms that were doing most of the dancing." She took his hand. "But thanks for being so sweet." He bobbed his head up and down, grinning. "I try, I try." "Come on, let's go to back to our dorms. I'm tired of standing around in the dark. And I'm kind of exhausted." Her phone started ringing in her pocket as they groped their way to the door. She let go of his hand to pull it out and opened yet another text from Lola, the fifth of the night. In her distraction she tripped over something and let out a yelp before tumbling to the floor. "Zoey!" He bent over, found her hand, and helped her up. "You okay?" "I think I sprained my instep or something..." "Can you walk?" "Yeah." She took a step and winced. "Painfully." "Unfortunately, I don't know how to treat a sprained instep. _But,_ I can carry you back to your dorm if you want." "Oh, It's alright, there's really no nee- " She squeaked as he scooped her up off the floor and her likely-injured foot. "Arms around my neck." She complied; he made it safely out the door and into the hallway. "Isn't it ironic, getting injured at a nurse's office?" "Oh, be quiet and carry me." "As you wish." Under his breath he said, "Doubly ironic when you come to the nurse's office to treat someone else." She laughed. "Now, _don't_ fall again." "I'll do my best." "Good." . oooO{}Oooo . Although the lights were off in the hallways of the girls' dormitory, they could still hear a few voices, and Chase was sure he saw a couple making out in a dark corner. He tread heavily away from them before either of the two could notice. Apparently they weren't the only students still awake at this hour. Chase opened the door with the key Zoey handed to him. The lights were also off inside the room, and Lola and Quinn seemed to be fast asleep. He started travelling the final distance to Zoey's bed. "Well, good night, Zoe," he murmured. He kissed her softly as he laid her down onto the bed and then pulled the covers up to her shoulders. "G'night, Chase," she murmured back, unwrapping her arms from him. "Sleep tight." "I will." He left. She slipped off her shoes and settled herself comfortably in her bed. It was a good thing she'd gone to prom in her day clothes, or else she would have to get up again and strip to avoid ruining her expensive semi-formal dress. As soon as the door clicked shut, Lola and Quinn shot up in their beds and began taking turns excitedly bombarding Zoey with questions. Needless to say, it was a crack in her good mood. "So? What happened?!" "What have you been doing all night?" "_Where_ have you been all night?" "Why was he_ carrying you_ in here?" "Guys, guys, guys! It's like, one in the morning! Give a girl a break." "But we _have to_ know!" "Yeah, Zoey, come on. You've been out all night alone with Chase, and you haven't been answering our texts. Well," Quinn amended, "you did answer one, but it was only to tell us that you were okay." "Zoey...?" Zoey groaned, folding her pillow over her head."Can't this wait until morning?" "No?" Zoey raised an eyebrow at the two of them and stared the two girls down. Her response was clear. "Oh, fine," Lola said defeatedly. "But as soon as you open your eyes tomorrow morning, Zoey Brooks, you're spilling everything." "Deal. Now go to sleep." "Okay! Night." Zoey shut her eyes and tried to relax and ignore the pain in her foot. But it was quite a while before thoughts of the night stopped streaming through her mind and she was able to sleep. Chase's voice, everything he'd told her, his eyes, his smile, and the sensation of his lips against hers was the prime occupation in her thoughts. And when she did fall asleep, she was still smiling. . oO[{}]Oo . Outside, Chase let out a deep breath and sunk down against the door to the girls' dorm room. He could not wipe the goofy grin off his face, and he didn't want to. He was too thrilled, too happy, and only beginning to feel the aftershock of the night's events. He'd done it. After all these years, he'd finally done it. Almost inaudibly, he pumped a fist and whispered "_Yesss..._" to himself. Then it hit him that he was a boy, in the girl's dormitory, at night, and that he should probably get a move on. As he walked in the dark through a foreign hallway past midnight, he thought that maybe he was the happiest guy in the world at that moment. . **The end?** . * * * . **A/N: ** **I really don't know how bad Chase's injuries were, since we only got a brief glimpse of them. It looked more like ketchup to me, anyway, and I played it up for the drama.** **Thumbs up for cheesy endings? c}:** **~Vina** End file.
Conversations by levina-c
Zoey 101
Love Tango **Love Tango ** Summary: Logan was just as confused as Quinn was. LxQ.Spoilers to Quinn Misses the Mark. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoey 101, Nick does! * * * Logan had to admit that confronting Quinn was not part of how he envisioned his day to be. Then again his day so was the weirdest day he ever had. At first he was simply confused to why he kissed Quinn. He didn't really like her in that way. And no he wasn't trying to deny anything. He just felt that Quinn deserved something special. And besides he heard a rumor on campus that Quinn deserved something special. And besides he heard a rumor on campus that Quinn the nerd turned out to be a real beauty. Of course, Logan thought whoever started that rumor that Quinn just got beautiful was an idiot, because Quinn was beautiful in that quirky way. He's just confuse, his head and heart are both playing a game, some sort of tango, love tango over Quinn. He just really wanted to help Quinn get over Mark. Because Mark's an idiot. That was just his intention. So why did his head feel so fuzzy at the moment and his heart pounding so much? No wonder why Quinn was as awkward as he was. He just hoped that everything will go back to normal, and that Quinn will be back to her old self again! * * * End file.
Love Tango by Daphne Kathy Goodman
Zoey 101