9 values
A dung beetle is an insect that gathers waste from animals, rolls it into a compact ball, lays eggs in it, and buries it in the soil. This gives the eggs a warm, safe place to hatch and provides a food source for the developing larvae. Which impact does the dung beetle most likely have on its ecosystem?
{ "text": [ "It helps return nutrients to the soil.", "It makes animal waste harder to degrade.", "It causes an unhealthy accumulation of animal waste.", "It depletes nutrients from the soil to benefit its young." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It helps return nutrients to the soil.", "B: It makes animal waste harder to degrade.", "C: It causes an unhealthy accumulation of animal waste.", "D: It depletes nutrients from the soil to benefit its young." ]
After playing outside on a cold day, Jaime went inside to wash his hands. Although the water was normal temperature, he noticed that it felt warmer than usual. What would explain this phenomenon?
{ "text": [ "His body had more kinetic energy than the water.", "Heat flowed from a cooler substance to a warmer substance.", "The water from the faucet had a higher temperature than his skin.", "The thermal energy in the room was higher than the thermal energy outside." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: His body had more kinetic energy than the water.", "B: Heat flowed from a cooler substance to a warmer substance.", "C: The water from the faucet had a higher temperature than his skin.", "D: The thermal energy in the room was higher than the thermal energy outside." ]
What is the relationship between tissues and organs?
{ "text": [ "Organs are made from one type of tissue.", "Tissues are made from one type of organ.", "Tissues are made from different types of organs.", "Organs are made from different types of tissues." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Organs are made from one type of tissue.", "B: Tissues are made from one type of organ.", "C: Tissues are made from different types of organs.", "D: Organs are made from different types of tissues." ]
What will be the most likely result for some species of animals with the continued burning of rain forests in Africa?
{ "text": [ "soil erosion", "destruction of their habitats", "improved nutrients in the soil", "more grasses as a result of burning" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: soil erosion", "B: destruction of their habitats", "C: improved nutrients in the soil", "D: more grasses as a result of burning" ]
Earthworms live underground in the soil. As they move through the soil, they create tunnels. The tunnels help improve the soil. Plants grow better in soil that has earthworms. Which statement explains how earthworm tunnels help plants?
{ "text": [ "Earthworm tunnels bring heat into the soil that warms plant roots.", "Earthworm tunnels loosen the soil so plant roots can easily grow", "Earthworm tunnels allow sunlight to reach the plant roots in the soil.", "Earthworm tunnels create places where insects can hide and protect plant roots." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Earthworm tunnels bring heat into the soil that warms plant roots.", "B: Earthworm tunnels loosen the soil so plant roots can easily grow", "C: Earthworm tunnels allow sunlight to reach the plant roots in the soil.", "D: Earthworm tunnels create places where insects can hide and protect plant roots." ]
Which tools are best used to determine the speed of a turtle as it walks along a path?
{ "text": [ "Meter stick and graduated cylinder", "Stopwatch and meter stick", "Balance and metric ruler", "Balance and stopwatch" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Meter stick and graduated cylinder", "B: Stopwatch and meter stick", "C: Balance and metric ruler", "D: Balance and stopwatch" ]
Which tool would a student use to measure wind speed?
{ "text": [ "compass", "barometer", "anemometer", "weather vane" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: compass", "B: barometer", "C: anemometer", "D: weather vane" ]
Why would explorers use a compass when traveling to unknown lands?
{ "text": [ "to locate a direction to travel", "to measure the quality of drinking water", "to protect themselves from wild animals", "to determine levels of humanity in tropical areas" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: to locate a direction to travel", "B: to measure the quality of drinking water", "C: to protect themselves from wild animals", "D: to determine levels of humanity in tropical areas" ]
Which measurement tool is used to find the volume of a small piece of granite?
{ "text": [ "thermometer", "metric ruler", "graduated cylinder", "triple beam balance" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: thermometer", "B: metric ruler", "C: graduated cylinder", "D: triple beam balance" ]
What form of energy causes an ice cube to melt?
{ "text": [ "mechanical", "magnetic", "sound", "heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mechanical", "B: magnetic", "C: sound", "D: heat" ]
Which characteristic is most beneficial for an animal living on a snowy mountain?
{ "text": [ "thick fur", "dark spots", "moist skin", "webbed feet" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: thick fur", "B: dark spots", "C: moist skin", "D: webbed feet" ]
Which of the following is a property of CO2 gas?
{ "text": [ "It feels like a rock.", "It smells like a lemon.", "It is colorless.", "It is hard." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It feels like a rock.", "B: It smells like a lemon.", "C: It is colorless.", "D: It is hard." ]
Which rapid changes can be caused by storms?
{ "text": [ "landslides and flooding", "flooding and earthquakes", "landslides and volcanoes", "volcanoes and earthquakes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: landslides and flooding", "B: flooding and earthquakes", "C: landslides and volcanoes", "D: volcanoes and earthquakes" ]
Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
{ "text": [ "nails rusting", "glass melting", "sugar dissolving", "alcohol vaporizing" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: nails rusting", "B: glass melting", "C: sugar dissolving", "D: alcohol vaporizing" ]
Which unit of measurement can be used to describe the length of a desk?
{ "text": [ "centimeters", "grams", "liters", "degrees Celsius" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: centimeters", "B: grams", "C: liters", "D: degrees Celsius" ]
The incompleteness of the fossil record results primarily from which phenomenon?
{ "text": [ "the frequency and irregular timing of organism speciations", "the metamorphosis of most sedimentary rock by heat and pressure", "the geologically rapid cycling of crust material back into the mantle", "the rarity with which organic remains are exposed to fossil-forming conditions" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the frequency and irregular timing of organism speciations", "B: the metamorphosis of most sedimentary rock by heat and pressure", "C: the geologically rapid cycling of crust material back into the mantle", "D: the rarity with which organic remains are exposed to fossil-forming conditions" ]
A student conducts an investigation. In order to make a valid conclusion, she must
{ "text": [ "have a testable hypothesis.", "place the data in a graph.", "use the best technology.", "test multiple variables." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: have a testable hypothesis.", "B: place the data in a graph.", "C: use the best technology.", "D: test multiple variables." ]
The bonding of oxygen to red blood cells is important to the body because it enables the body to
{ "text": [ "absorb nutrients from food.", "make energy from light.", "maintain a constant temperature.", "perform aerobic respiration in cells." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: absorb nutrients from food.", "B: make energy from light.", "C: maintain a constant temperature.", "D: perform aerobic respiration in cells." ]
Some of Earth's water is stored underground in porous rock formations known as aquifers. Which of these could use up groundwater in aquifers?
{ "text": [ "abundant rain in the Ozarks", "excessive pumping from wells", "dams on the lower Mississippi", "community water conservation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: abundant rain in the Ozarks", "B: excessive pumping from wells", "C: dams on the lower Mississippi", "D: community water conservation" ]
All plants and animals have mechanisms that
{ "text": [ "transport nutrients", "perform photosynthesis", "regulate nerves", "produce flowers" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: transport nutrients", "2: perform photosynthesis", "3: regulate nerves", "4: produce flowers" ]
Which is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object?
{ "text": [ "a meter stick", "a compass", "a protractor", "a spring scale" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a meter stick", "B: a compass", "C: a protractor", "D: a spring scale" ]
All living organisms are dependent on plants because plants
{ "text": [ "produce carbon dioxide", "remove oxygen from the air", "are producers", "are consumers" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: produce carbon dioxide", "2: remove oxygen from the air", "3: are producers", "4: are consumers" ]
Compared to other stars in our galaxy, which is the best description of our Sun?
{ "text": [ "larger size, higher temperature", "smaller size, higher temperature", "larger size, average temperature", "average size, average temperature" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: larger size, higher temperature", "B: smaller size, higher temperature", "C: larger size, average temperature", "D: average size, average temperature" ]
While studying the relationship between number of trees and amount of atmospheric oxygen, which of the following would be most important to take into account?
{ "text": [ "contributions to atmospheric oxygen from sources other than trees", "the ways in which industrialized nations use trees", "the root area of trees", "the bark mass of trees" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: contributions to atmospheric oxygen from sources other than trees", "B: the ways in which industrialized nations use trees", "C: the root area of trees", "D: the bark mass of trees" ]
A student is working on a science project display for the school science fair. To best communicate why her conclusions are valid, what should be included on the display?
{ "text": [ "a list of authoritative sources that supports her conclusion", "instructions for viewers to repeat her procedures", "clearly illustrated diagrams of the scientific principles involved", "a complete write-up of her experimental method and data collected" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a list of authoritative sources that supports her conclusion", "B: instructions for viewers to repeat her procedures", "C: clearly illustrated diagrams of the scientific principles involved", "D: a complete write-up of her experimental method and data collected" ]
Which of the following describes asexual reproduction?
{ "text": [ "the process of meiosis in a fruit fly", "fertilization of a chicken egg", "binary fission in an amoeba", "the process of embryo development in a mouse" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the process of meiosis in a fruit fly", "B: fertilization of a chicken egg", "C: binary fission in an amoeba", "D: the process of embryo development in a mouse" ]
Which scientist is known for his genetics experiments with pea plants?
{ "text": [ "Charles Darwin", "Gregor Mendel", "Carolus Linnaeus", "Robert Hooke" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Charles Darwin", "B: Gregor Mendel", "C: Carolus Linnaeus", "D: Robert Hooke" ]
On a cold, cloudy day, the local weather forecaster predicts that a high-pressure system will be moving into the area in the next 24 hours. Which weather conditions will this system most likely bring to the area?
{ "text": [ "stormy", "sunny", "snowy", "hot" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: stormy", "B: sunny", "C: snowy", "D: hot" ]
What determines if twins are identical?
{ "text": [ "their genes", "their behavior", "their environment", "their personalities" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: their genes", "B: their behavior", "C: their environment", "D: their personalities" ]
Which of these processes is a conversion made by solar panels?
{ "text": [ "mechanical energy to nuclear energy", "thermal energy to chemical energy", "kinetic energy to potential energy", "radiant energy to electrical energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mechanical energy to nuclear energy", "B: thermal energy to chemical energy", "C: kinetic energy to potential energy", "D: radiant energy to electrical energy" ]
In fruit flies, red eyes are dominant over sepia eyes. A male with red eyes is crossed with a female with sepia eyes producing first generation offspring that all had sepia eyes. What does this indicate about the flies that were crossed?
{ "text": [ "Both parents are homozygous for the trait.", "Both parents are heterozygous for the trait.", "The male is heterozygous and the female is homozygous recessive for the trait.", "The male is homozygous dominant and the female is heterozygous for the trait." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Both parents are homozygous for the trait.", "B: Both parents are heterozygous for the trait.", "C: The male is heterozygous and the female is homozygous recessive for the trait.", "D: The male is homozygous dominant and the female is heterozygous for the trait." ]
Acid rain caused by industrial pollution greatly reduces the number of trees in a forested region that is home to a particular species of bird. How might this decrease in the number of trees most likely affect this bird population?
{ "text": [ "The population will adapt to ground dwelling.", "The population will decrease due to lack of resources.", "The population will stabilize when it moves to another region.", "The population will increase as predators move out of the region." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The population will adapt to ground dwelling.", "B: The population will decrease due to lack of resources.", "C: The population will stabilize when it moves to another region.", "D: The population will increase as predators move out of the region." ]
Which of these is the main function of a cell wall?
{ "text": [ "To make food", "To store water", "To provide support", "To make the plant green" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: To make food", "B: To store water", "C: To provide support", "D: To make the plant green" ]
Which sentence about the periodic table of elements is true?
{ "text": [ "All elements in period 2 are metals.", "All elements in group 18 are metals.", "Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table.", "Metals are found on the right side of the periodic table." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: All elements in period 2 are metals.", "B: All elements in group 18 are metals.", "C: Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table.", "D: Metals are found on the right side of the periodic table." ]
Salt concentration, water temperature, plankton, and the whale shark might all be used in a description of an ocean
{ "text": [ "climate.", "food web.", "ecosystem.", "population." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: climate.", "B: food web.", "C: ecosystem.", "D: population." ]
Rocks can be classified many different ways, including as igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. This classification is based on the
{ "text": [ "origin of the rocks.", "use of the rocks.", "size of the rocks.", "hardness of the rocks." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: origin of the rocks.", "B: use of the rocks.", "C: size of the rocks.", "D: hardness of the rocks." ]
A mountain range has hills around its edges. How are the mountains and hills alike?
{ "text": [ "Both have grass at the top.", "Both are at least 1000 meters tall.", "Both have liquid rock at their centers.", "Both are taller than the land around them." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Both have grass at the top.", "B: Both are at least 1000 meters tall.", "C: Both have liquid rock at their centers.", "D: Both are taller than the land around them." ]
Human muscle cells need nutrients and oxygen during exercise. The human body is able to meet the needs of the muscle cells during exercise by increasing
{ "text": [ "digestion.", "excretion.", "secretion.", "circulation." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: digestion.", "B: excretion.", "C: secretion.", "D: circulation." ]
Phyllis investigated what happened when she added some different substances to water. Which substance can combine with water to form a solution?
{ "text": [ "oil", "rocks", "soil", "sugar" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: oil", "B: rocks", "C: soil", "D: sugar" ]
Fossil fuels are considered a nonrenewable resource because they
{ "text": [ "have turned into solid rock.", "take a long period of time to form.", "are expensive to remove from rock.", "are located deep within the Earth's crust." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: have turned into solid rock.", "B: take a long period of time to form.", "C: are expensive to remove from rock.", "D: are located deep within the Earth's crust." ]
A student is growing some plants for an experiment. She notices small white spots on the leaves. Which tool should she use to get a better look at the spots?
{ "text": [ "thermometer", "hand lens", "graduated cylinder", "balance" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: thermometer", "B: hand lens", "C: graduated cylinder", "D: balance" ]
Why are seals able to live off the coast of Antarctica while frogs, snakes, and panthers are not?
{ "text": [ "Seals can swim.", "Seals are predators.", "Seals have fur and blubber.", "Seals are warm-blooded animals." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Seals can swim.", "B: Seals are predators.", "C: Seals have fur and blubber.", "D: Seals are warm-blooded animals." ]
How are the functions of a carbohydrate and a lipid similar?
{ "text": [ "Both are a source of energy.", "Both are replicated during meiosis.", "Both lower the activation energy of reactions.", "Both dissolve nutrients in the digestive system." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Both are a source of energy.", "B: Both are replicated during meiosis.", "C: Both lower the activation energy of reactions.", "D: Both dissolve nutrients in the digestive system." ]
Traveling in opposite directions, buses A and B are passing each other at the relative speed of 25 km/h, while a passenger on bus A walks toward the back of the bus at the speed of 5 km/h. What is the velocity of the passenger on bus A relative to bus B?
{ "text": [ "20 km/h in the direction of bus A", "20 km/h in the direction of bus B", "30 km/h in the direction of bus A", "30 km/h in the direction of bus B" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: 20 km/h in the direction of bus A", "B: 20 km/h in the direction of bus B", "C: 30 km/h in the direction of bus A", "D: 30 km/h in the direction of bus B" ]
A student drops a ball. Which force causes the ball to fall to the ground?
{ "text": [ "electricity", "friction", "gravity", "magnetism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: electricity", "B: friction", "C: gravity", "D: magnetism" ]
Hydrogen is located on the left side of the periodic table in the same column as the alkali metals, but it has characteristics of a nonmetal. Which of the following is a physical property of hydrogen?
{ "text": [ "Hydrogen can bond to itself.", "Hydrogen makes positive ions.", "Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature.", "Hydrogen is combustible." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Hydrogen can bond to itself.", "B: Hydrogen makes positive ions.", "C: Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature.", "D: Hydrogen is combustible." ]
In an experiment, a scientist named Pavlov rang a bell before he fed his dogs, which made the dogs drool. Soon the dogs would drool when they heard the bell, even if they did not receive any food. What type of response did the dogs exhibit?
{ "text": [ "an instinct", "an inherited trait", "a learned behavior", "a conscious behavior" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: an instinct", "B: an inherited trait", "C: a learned behavior", "D: a conscious behavior" ]
Which invention will best help people travel quickly to far away places?
{ "text": [ "car", "boat", "airplane", "skateboard" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: car", "B: boat", "C: airplane", "D: skateboard" ]
What is an environmental threat posed by oil and gas acquisition and transport that is not posed by the acquisition and transport of the energy resources uranium, and wood?
{ "text": [ "habitat change", "vehicle pollution", "pipeline leaks", "soil compaction and loss" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: habitat change", "B: vehicle pollution", "C: pipeline leaks", "D: soil compaction and loss" ]
Some plant species are more tolerant of acidic soil than others. The tolerant species are favored in areas affected by which consequence of human activity?
{ "text": [ "mixing of pollutants with rain", "erosion of topsoil by clearcutting", "runoff of fertilizer used in farming", "thinning of the atmospheric ozone layer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mixing of pollutants with rain", "B: erosion of topsoil by clearcutting", "C: runoff of fertilizer used in farming", "D: thinning of the atmospheric ozone layer" ]
Which resource has the most potential for production of renewable electric energy?
{ "text": [ "coal", "oil", "natural gas", "geothermal" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: coal", "B: oil", "C: natural gas", "D: geothermal" ]
A layer of solid brittle rock comprises the outer 100 kilometers of Earth. This layer, which contains both the crust and the upper mantle, is called the
{ "text": [ "core.", "sediment.", "lithosphere.", "hemisphere." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: core.", "B: sediment.", "C: lithosphere.", "D: hemisphere." ]
During its lifetime, which object is known to change in brightness, color, and temperature?
{ "text": [ "star", "moon", "asteroid", "planet" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: star", "B: moon", "C: asteroid", "D: planet" ]
What causes a free falling object to accelerate?
{ "text": [ "inertia", "gravity", "initial speed", "initial direction" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: inertia", "B: gravity", "C: initial speed", "D: initial direction" ]
What is the main source of energy that drives all weather patterns?
{ "text": [ "the Sun", "oceans", "the Moon", "mountains" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the Sun", "B: oceans", "C: the Moon", "D: mountains" ]
What is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in New York State?
{ "text": [ "the revolution of the Moon around Earth", "the tilt of Earth on its axis", "the rising and falling of ocean tides", "the distance of Earth from the Sun" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: the revolution of the Moon around Earth", "2: the tilt of Earth on its axis", "3: the rising and falling of ocean tides", "4: the distance of Earth from the Sun" ]
Which cell part is correctly paired with its function?
{ "text": [ "nucleus-controls cell activities", "chloroplast-outside boundary of plant cells", "cell wall-controls what goes in and out of cells", "cell membrane-where photosynthesis takes place" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: nucleus-controls cell activities", "B: chloroplast-outside boundary of plant cells", "C: cell wall-controls what goes in and out of cells", "D: cell membrane-where photosynthesis takes place" ]
A meeting of scientists, called a symposium, occurs every year to share recent research about the atmosphere of Earth. This symposium mainly serves which purpose in science?
{ "text": [ "to test research methods used by other scientists", "to develop questions about space research", "to discuss the meaning of new discoveries", "to explain gas properties to the general public" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: to test research methods used by other scientists", "B: to develop questions about space research", "C: to discuss the meaning of new discoveries", "D: to explain gas properties to the general public" ]
A wind turbine primarily uses which type of energy?
{ "text": [ "nuclear", "thermal", "chemical", "mechanical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: nuclear", "B: thermal", "C: chemical", "D: mechanical" ]
A rubber band will make a sound when it is
{ "text": [ "vibrated.", "stretched.", "cut into pieces.", "shot across a room." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: vibrated.", "B: stretched.", "C: cut into pieces.", "D: shot across a room." ]
What would a warm air mass over the ocean most likely cause?
{ "text": [ "earthquake", "snowfall", "tsunami", "rainfall" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: earthquake", "B: snowfall", "C: tsunami", "D: rainfall" ]
The Moon is visible to observers on Earth because of
{ "text": [ "reflected sunlight", "absorbed light from Earth's atmosphere", "gases in the Moon's interior", "volcanic eruptions on the Moon's surface" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: reflected sunlight", "2: absorbed light from Earth's atmosphere", "3: gases in the Moon's interior", "4: volcanic eruptions on the Moon's surface" ]
Which illness is always caused by an infection?
{ "text": [ "a heart attack", "a broken bone", "influenza", "cancer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a heart attack", "B: a broken bone", "C: influenza", "D: cancer" ]
Jonny climbed an apple tree. How are Jonny and the apple tree similar to each other?
{ "text": [ "Both are made of cells.", "Both take in carbon dioxide.", "Both get nutrients directly from soil.", "Both get energy from other organisms." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Both are made of cells.", "B: Both take in carbon dioxide.", "C: Both get nutrients directly from soil.", "D: Both get energy from other organisms." ]
What are the names of the products in the chemical equation shown below? HCl + NaHCO_{3} -> NaCl + CO_{2} + H_{2}O
{ "text": [ "hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate", "sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water", "hydrogen chloride and sodium bicarbonate", "sodium chloride, carbon monoxide, and dihydrogen oxide" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate", "B: sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water", "C: hydrogen chloride and sodium bicarbonate", "D: sodium chloride, carbon monoxide, and dihydrogen oxide" ]
A ball is tossed up in the air and it comes back down. The ball comes back down because of
{ "text": [ "gravity", "friction", "erosion", "magnetism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: gravity", "B: friction", "C: erosion", "D: magnetism" ]
Timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by
{ "text": [ "converting deforested areas into malls.", "planting trees to replace what they cut down.", "adding pesticides to the soil around the trees.", "removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: converting deforested areas into malls.", "B: planting trees to replace what they cut down.", "C: adding pesticides to the soil around the trees.", "D: removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down." ]
The formation of the Himalayan Mountains is one example of land features caused by compressive forces. Which action most likely led to the formation of these mountains?
{ "text": [ "seafloor spreading", "strike-slip faulting", "colliding plates", "hot spots" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: seafloor spreading", "B: strike-slip faulting", "C: colliding plates", "D: hot spots" ]
What abiotic factor would most likely signal a population of birds that it is time to migrate from north to south?
{ "text": [ "decrease in sunlight", "change in precipitation", "increase in food source", "change in wind direction" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: decrease in sunlight", "B: change in precipitation", "C: increase in food source", "D: change in wind direction" ]
A greenhouse is used as a model of the atmosphere. Which of the following cannot be demonstrated by the model?
{ "text": [ "energy used to evaporate water", "changes in greenhouse gases", "light energy trapped as heat energy", "energy that builds up in the greenhouse air" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: energy used to evaporate water", "B: changes in greenhouse gases", "C: light energy trapped as heat energy", "D: energy that builds up in the greenhouse air" ]
A light bulb manufacturer claims its light bulb is "twice as bright" per unit of electrical energy consumed as the leading light bulb. If this claim is correct, what factor must be accurately compared between the two bulbs?
{ "text": [ "how much each bulb weighs", "how long each bulb lasts", "how much heat each bulb releases", "how much metal each bulb contains" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: how much each bulb weighs", "B: how long each bulb lasts", "C: how much heat each bulb releases", "D: how much metal each bulb contains" ]
In the 17th century, Gregor Mendel crossed pea plants with different traits and observed the results in their offspring. To which of these did Mendel contribute most directly with his work?
{ "text": [ "medicine", "agriculture", "science of force and motion", "science of heredity and variation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: medicine", "B: agriculture", "C: science of force and motion", "D: science of heredity and variation" ]
How does the appearance of a constellation change during the night?
{ "text": [ "Its shape appears to become longer.", "Its position appears to shift relative to the horizon.", "Its brightest stars begin to appear orange.", "Its distance to the North Star decreases." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Its shape appears to become longer.", "B: Its position appears to shift relative to the horizon.", "C: Its brightest stars begin to appear orange.", "D: Its distance to the North Star decreases." ]
The freezing and thawing action of water affects a rock by
{ "text": [ "transforming the rock into igneous rock.", "chemically changing the rock.", "gradually breaking down the rock into smaller pieces.", "leaving behind sedimentary particles from evaporated solutions." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: transforming the rock into igneous rock.", "B: chemically changing the rock.", "C: gradually breaking down the rock into smaller pieces.", "D: leaving behind sedimentary particles from evaporated solutions." ]
Delilah put a container of water in the freezer and left it there overnight. The next morning she saw that the water in the container had changed to ice. Which of the following statements best explains why the water changed to ice?
{ "text": [ "The water gained energy.", "The water absorbed light.", "Mass was released from the water.", "Heat was taken away from the water." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The water gained energy.", "B: The water absorbed light.", "C: Mass was released from the water.", "D: Heat was taken away from the water." ]
Earth's rotation (turning on its axis) causes
{ "text": [ "the seasons to change.", "the Moon to appear as different shapes.", "day and night.", "solar eclipses." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the seasons to change.", "B: the Moon to appear as different shapes.", "C: day and night.", "D: solar eclipses." ]
Which of the following climates has cold winters and hot summers?
{ "text": [ "polar", "subtropical", "temperate", "tropical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: polar", "B: subtropical", "C: temperate", "D: tropical" ]
What form of energy is being used when a person pushes a wooden block across the floor?
{ "text": [ "mechanical", "magnetic", "sound", "electrical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mechanical", "B: magnetic", "C: sound", "D: electrical" ]
Which action is an example of good water management?
{ "text": [ "letting faucets drip", "watering the grass every day", "turning off the faucet when brushing teeth", "running the dishwasher when it is not full" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: letting faucets drip", "B: watering the grass every day", "C: turning off the faucet when brushing teeth", "D: running the dishwasher when it is not full" ]
An Earth year is the length of time it takes for
{ "text": [ "Earth to rotate once on its axis", "the Moon to revolve once around Earth", "the Sun to revolve once around Earth", "Earth to revolve once around the Sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Earth to rotate once on its axis", "B: the Moon to revolve once around Earth", "C: the Sun to revolve once around Earth", "D: Earth to revolve once around the Sun" ]
Which land form results when carbonic acid in groundwater seeps through rock and dissolves limestone?
{ "text": [ "valleys", "ravines", "caverns", "mountains" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: valleys", "B: ravines", "C: caverns", "D: mountains" ]
Which part of a DNA molecule represents encoded information?
{ "text": [ "phosphate", "sugar", "guanine", "hydrogen bond" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: phosphate", "B: sugar", "C: guanine", "D: hydrogen bond" ]
Early scientists most likely saw a discharge of electricity for the first time when observing a
{ "text": [ "waterfall", "rainbow", "lightning storm", "volcano erupting" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: waterfall", "B: rainbow", "C: lightning storm", "D: volcano erupting" ]
In humans, the amount of sugar in blood is controlled by the release of a hormone called insulin. This process is an example of
{ "text": [ "depletion", "digestion", "regulation", "excretion" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: depletion", "2: digestion", "3: regulation", "4: excretion" ]
It is necessary to add a day to the calendar every four years because
{ "text": [ "the axis of Earth is tilted.", "the gravitational pull of the Sun affects Earth's revolution.", "the revolution of Earth is not exactly 365 days.", "the Moon crosses the orbit of the Sun every 28 days." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the axis of Earth is tilted.", "B: the gravitational pull of the Sun affects Earth's revolution.", "C: the revolution of Earth is not exactly 365 days.", "D: the Moon crosses the orbit of the Sun every 28 days." ]
Which tool would be best to measure the length of a butterfly?
{ "text": [ "triple beam balance", "graduated cylinder", "metric ruler", "thermometer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: triple beam balance", "B: graduated cylinder", "C: metric ruler", "D: thermometer" ]
Scientists invented a liquid that removes grease and keeps the skin soft. How could this discovery most likely be used?
{ "text": [ "to improve dish soap", "to cure a disease", "to make clothes", "to grow plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: to improve dish soap", "B: to cure a disease", "C: to make clothes", "D: to grow plants" ]
The first step in the water cycle is evaporation. What gives water the energy to evaporate?
{ "text": [ "Sun", "wind", "clouds", "waves" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sun", "B: wind", "C: clouds", "D: waves" ]
On a warm sunny afternoon, ocean water splashed onto a rock. A short time later, the rock was dry. Which statement best explains what happened to the water on the rock?
{ "text": [ "Heat caused the water to become a gas.", "Heat melted the water and it disappeared.", "Salt caused the water to become a gas.", "Salt melted the water and it disappeared." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Heat caused the water to become a gas.", "B: Heat melted the water and it disappeared.", "C: Salt caused the water to become a gas.", "D: Salt melted the water and it disappeared." ]
Which is a nonrenewable natural resource that is used to make electrical energy?
{ "text": [ "coal", "wind", "water", "thermal" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: coal", "B: wind", "C: water", "D: thermal" ]
Which process initiates the passage of half of a parent's DNA to offspring?
{ "text": [ "meiosis", "mitosis", "fertilization", "differentiation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: meiosis", "B: mitosis", "C: fertilization", "D: differentiation" ]
Which resource provides the minerals plants need to grow?
{ "text": [ "sunlight", "water", "soil", "air" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: sunlight", "B: water", "C: soil", "D: air" ]
At what time on a sunny day will the shadow of the school's flagpole be the shortest?
{ "text": [ "sunrise", "noon", "mid-afternoon", "sunset" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: sunrise", "B: noon", "C: mid-afternoon", "D: sunset" ]
Animals get energy for growth and repair from
{ "text": [ "soil", "food", "water", "air" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: soil", "B: food", "C: water", "D: air" ]
A flower produces seeds that fall to the ground and grow into new plants that produce more flowers. The seeds begin to grow by the process of
{ "text": [ "fertilization.", "germination.", "maturation.", "pollination." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: fertilization.", "B: germination.", "C: maturation.", "D: pollination." ]
A rock has most likely traveled a long distance from its place of origin if it is
{ "text": [ "very small.", "rounded and smooth.", "partially faded.", "rough and dense." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: very small.", "B: rounded and smooth.", "C: partially faded.", "D: rough and dense." ]
Which of the following best explains why the tectonic plates of Earth move?
{ "text": [ "conduction from solar heating", "heat convection from the mantle", "global winds", "ocean currents" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: conduction from solar heating", "B: heat convection from the mantle", "C: global winds", "D: ocean currents" ]
Over a long period of time, a rocky volcanic island that previously did not support any form of life got transformed into a dense forested region. Which of these species is most likely to have been the pioneer species that initiated this transformation?
{ "text": [ "ferns", "grasses", "lichens", "mushrooms" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: ferns", "B: grasses", "C: lichens", "D: mushrooms" ]
The formation of coal deposits occurred over millions of years. Which feature was most responsible for these deposits?
{ "text": [ "barren deserts", "active volcanoes", "mountains covered in trees", "swamps with dense vegetation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: barren deserts", "B: active volcanoes", "C: mountains covered in trees", "D: swamps with dense vegetation" ]
A teacher is performing a demonstration about static electricity for his class by rubbing a balloon against a wool sweater. The balloon sticks to the wool sweater. Which particles are exchanged during the demonstration?
{ "text": [ "atoms", "protons", "neutrons", "electrons" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: atoms", "B: protons", "C: neutrons", "D: electrons" ]