9 values
Genetically modified plants with new characteristics have been produced through genetic engineering methods. What impacts have resulted from the use of genetically modified plants?
{ "text": [ "decreases in farm production", "decreases in corn, soybean, cottonseed, and canola oils", "increases in time required to plant, grow, and harvest crops", "increases in resistance to herbicides, insects, and viral diseases" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: decreases in farm production", "B: decreases in corn, soybean, cottonseed, and canola oils", "C: increases in time required to plant, grow, and harvest crops", "D: increases in resistance to herbicides, insects, and viral diseases" ]
Which best explains the importance of nitrogen in the cycling of energy and matter?
{ "text": [ "Nitrogen increases protein production in plants.", "Nitrogen decreases protein production in plants.", "Nitrogen decreases the effectiveness of photosynthesis.", "Nitrogen increases the effectiveness of photosynthesis." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Nitrogen increases protein production in plants.", "B: Nitrogen decreases protein production in plants.", "C: Nitrogen decreases the effectiveness of photosynthesis.", "D: Nitrogen increases the effectiveness of photosynthesis." ]
Which of these mixtures would be easiest to separate?
{ "text": [ "Fruit salad", "Powdered lemonade", "Hot chocolate", "Instant pudding" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Fruit salad", "B: Powdered lemonade", "C: Hot chocolate", "D: Instant pudding" ]
If you wanted to be able to look at the stars, the planets, and the Moon more closely, what should you use?
{ "text": [ "Telescope", "Periscope", "Microscope", "Magnifying glass" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Telescope", "B: Periscope", "C: Microscope", "D: Magnifying glass" ]
Which of the following is a correct food chain?
{ "text": [ "human -> corn -> cow", "corn -> human -> cow", "corn -> cow -> human", "cow -> human -> corn" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: human -> corn -> cow", "B: corn -> human -> cow", "C: corn -> cow -> human", "D: cow -> human -> corn" ]
Which of these is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion?
{ "text": [ "crystals", "sediments", "igneous rocks", "metamorphic rocks" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: crystals", "B: sediments", "C: igneous rocks", "D: metamorphic rocks" ]
Most underground caves are formed by the action of water on
{ "text": [ "granite", "limestone", "sandstone", "shale" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: granite", "B: limestone", "C: sandstone", "D: shale" ]
A group of students is taking a hike along a stream channel. One student picks up a rock from the stream and notices that the rock is very smooth and round. Which type of weathering most likely shaped the rock?
{ "text": [ "abrasion", "exfoliation", "fracturing", "oxidation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: abrasion", "B: exfoliation", "C: fracturing", "D: oxidation" ]
Which of the following is most likely to make a rock crack and crumble?
{ "text": [ "dew evaporating on the rock", "leaves decaying on the rock", "snow melting in a crack in the rock", "water freezing in a crack in the rock" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: dew evaporating on the rock", "B: leaves decaying on the rock", "C: snow melting in a crack in the rock", "D: water freezing in a crack in the rock" ]
Which is the most likely reason why scientific theories change?
{ "text": [ "public opinions change", "retiring scientists are replaced", "more money is spent on science", "scientists make new observations" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: public opinions change", "B: retiring scientists are replaced", "C: more money is spent on science", "D: scientists make new observations" ]
A plant produces tiny plants around the edges of its leaves. When these tiny plants fall to the ground, they take root and become new plants. This process is an example of
{ "text": [ "sexual reproduction", "asexual reproduction", "evolution", "extinction" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: sexual reproduction", "2: asexual reproduction", "3: evolution", "4: extinction" ]
A function of a plant's roots is to
{ "text": [ "protect the plant.", "absorb water and minerals.", "remove waste products.", "take in food for the plant." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: protect the plant.", "B: absorb water and minerals.", "C: remove waste products.", "D: take in food for the plant." ]
In order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally
{ "text": [ "mixed with organic material.", "returned to their origins.", "compacted.", "liquefied." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mixed with organic material.", "B: returned to their origins.", "C: compacted.", "D: liquefied." ]
When bedrock in Massachusetts is examined, it often appears scraped and polished. Which of the following most likely caused the bedrock to appear scraped and polished?
{ "text": [ "crustal deformation", "frequent earthquakes", "glacial movement", "volcanic eruptions" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: crustal deformation", "B: frequent earthquakes", "C: glacial movement", "D: volcanic eruptions" ]
Endothermic reactions are reactions that require more energy to start than they give off in the products. Which statement describes an endothermic reaction?
{ "text": [ "It gives off heat energy and is hot to the touch.", "It absorbs heat energy and is cold to the touch.", "It gives off light energy and produces visible light.", "It gives off water and is wet to the touch." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It gives off heat energy and is hot to the touch.", "B: It absorbs heat energy and is cold to the touch.", "C: It gives off light energy and produces visible light.", "D: It gives off water and is wet to the touch." ]
Which pair of English and metric units has most nearly the same value?
{ "text": [ "liter and quart", "gram and ounce", "kilogram and pound", "kilometer and mile" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: liter and quart", "B: gram and ounce", "C: kilogram and pound", "D: kilometer and mile" ]
Students are studying the classifications of stars and they learned that the majority of stars are similar to the Sun. What can the students conclude knowing that most of the stars in the galaxy are like the Sun?
{ "text": [ "Most of the stars will become black holes.", "Most of the stars are main sequence stars.", "Most of the stars are protostars.", "Most of the stars are red giants." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Most of the stars will become black holes.", "B: Most of the stars are main sequence stars.", "C: Most of the stars are protostars.", "D: Most of the stars are red giants." ]
Mosquitoes have adapted to detect carbon dioxide using certain sensory nerves. Mosquitoes instinctually move toward greater concentrations of carbon dioxide. What is the importance of this adaptation?
{ "text": [ "It helps mosquitoes find food.", "It helps mosquitoes find mates.", "It helps mosquitoes find clean air.", "It helps mosquitoes find shelter." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It helps mosquitoes find food.", "B: It helps mosquitoes find mates.", "C: It helps mosquitoes find clean air.", "D: It helps mosquitoes find shelter." ]
Which unit can be used to describe an object's length?
{ "text": [ "grams", "minutes", "liters", "meters" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: grams", "B: minutes", "C: liters", "D: meters" ]
Meteorologists categorize hurricanes based on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The scale measures the intensity and destructive potential of hurricanes. Which factor has the most significant effect on the strength of a hurricane?
{ "text": [ "the initial speed of a hurricane", "the direction that the hurricane rotates", "the number of hurricanes that form in a year", "the temperature of the water below the hurricane" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the initial speed of a hurricane", "B: the direction that the hurricane rotates", "C: the number of hurricanes that form in a year", "D: the temperature of the water below the hurricane" ]
Multicellular organisms grow in size by producing more
{ "text": [ "cells.", "organs.", "heart muscle.", "chlorophyll." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cells.", "B: organs.", "C: heart muscle.", "D: chlorophyll." ]
Which a molecular process found only in retroviruses?
{ "text": [ "reverse translation", "translation", "reverse transcription", "transcription" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: reverse translation", "B: translation", "C: reverse transcription", "D: transcription" ]
A group of students are observing a fish tank for a school assignment. The group is to share the observations with the class. Which statement about observations is true?
{ "text": [ "Observations should always be recorded.", "Observations should be collected only once.", "Observations are only collected by scientists.", "Observations are always correct if used in a chart." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Observations should always be recorded.", "B: Observations should be collected only once.", "C: Observations are only collected by scientists.", "D: Observations are always correct if used in a chart." ]
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO_{3}) is commonly known as baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that can dissolve in water. Under the proper conditions, sodium bicarbonate can release carbon dioxide (CO_{2}) gas. Which of the following is not a physical property of sodium bicarbonate?
{ "text": [ "It is white.", "It is a solid.", "It can dissolve in water.", "It releases carbon dioxide." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It is white.", "B: It is a solid.", "C: It can dissolve in water.", "D: It releases carbon dioxide." ]
To help it survive, an organism has a capsule, endospore, and pili. To which group does this organism belong?
{ "text": [ "bacteria", "mollusk", "insect", "reptile" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: bacteria", "B: mollusk", "C: insect", "D: reptile" ]
What advantage is gained by using radio telescopes as opposed to optical telescopes?
{ "text": [ "viewed images are clearer", "operation is less complex", "ability to see through clouds and dust", "ability to take up less space" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: viewed images are clearer", "B: operation is less complex", "C: ability to see through clouds and dust", "D: ability to take up less space" ]
The process by which organisms with favorable variations reproduce at higher rates than those without such variations is
{ "text": [ "disruptive selection.", "natural selection.", "sexual selection.", "directional selection." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: disruptive selection.", "B: natural selection.", "C: sexual selection.", "D: directional selection." ]
Competition is most likely to occur between which two organisms?
{ "text": [ "deer and butterflies", "owls and bacteria", "goldfish and rabbits", "grass and strawberry plants" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: deer and butterflies", "2: owls and bacteria", "3: goldfish and rabbits", "4: grass and strawberry plants" ]
Some animals, such as squirrels, may bury acorns. Which of the following is most likely to happen to the acorns after they have been buried?
{ "text": [ "The acorns will be carried away by the wind.", "The acorns will attach to another organism.", "The acorns will have a chance to sprout.", "The acorns will turn into fossils." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The acorns will be carried away by the wind.", "B: The acorns will attach to another organism.", "C: The acorns will have a chance to sprout.", "D: The acorns will turn into fossils." ]
Why are most fossils found in sedimentary rocks?
{ "text": [ "Sedimentary rocks are not very old.", "Organisms live only in areas with sedimentary rock.", "Organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.", "Sedimentary rocks are found only at the surface of the ground." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sedimentary rocks are not very old.", "B: Organisms live only in areas with sedimentary rock.", "C: Organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.", "D: Sedimentary rocks are found only at the surface of the ground." ]
Which model is used by scientists to determine the properties of elements?
{ "text": [ "a Punnett square", "the Periodic Table", "a pedigree chart", "the rock cycle" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: a Punnett square", "2: the Periodic Table", "3: a pedigree chart", "4: the rock cycle" ]
Life is more likely to be found on a planet whose atmosphere contains abundant
{ "text": [ "neon.", "oxygen.", "hydrogen.", "sulfur dioxide." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: neon.", "B: oxygen.", "C: hydrogen.", "D: sulfur dioxide." ]
Approximately how long does Earth take to complete its orbit around the Sun?
{ "text": [ "one day", "one month", "one year", "one century" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: one day", "B: one month", "C: one year", "D: one century" ]
A student describes a substance as lacking a definite shape. The description also states that the particles of matter are close to each other but still able to flow past each other. Which type of substance is the student most likely describing?
{ "text": [ "solid", "liquid", "mixture", "compound" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: solid", "B: liquid", "C: mixture", "D: compound" ]
Electron transport in mitochondria results in a chemiosmotic gradient of which particle across the mitochondrial membrane?
{ "text": [ "ADP", "ATP", "protons", "neutrons" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: ADP", "B: ATP", "C: protons", "D: neutrons" ]
At science conventions, scientists present their research, and members of the audience can discuss or ask questions about the research. The main value of these science conventions is that they allow scientists to
{ "text": [ "see new places.", "find money for projects.", "practice public speaking.", "exchange their ideas." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: see new places.", "B: find money for projects.", "C: practice public speaking.", "D: exchange their ideas." ]
When a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his
{ "text": [ "weight", "temperature", "reflection", "shadow" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: weight", "B: temperature", "C: reflection", "D: shadow" ]
In the human body, which system functions primarily to defend the body against disease?
{ "text": [ "digestive", "immune", "nervous", "respiratory" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: digestive", "B: immune", "C: nervous", "D: respiratory" ]
The moon goes through phases as it revolves around Earth. During which phase of the moon would it be possible for a solar eclipse to occur?
{ "text": [ "new moon", "full moon", "waning", "waxing" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: new moon", "B: full moon", "C: waning", "D: waxing" ]
Which of these is the most common result of greenhouse gases altering the atmosphere of Earth?
{ "text": [ "an increase in the air temperature", "a decrease in the air density", "an increase in the intensity of visible light", "a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: an increase in the air temperature", "B: a decrease in the air density", "C: an increase in the intensity of visible light", "D: a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer" ]
A student was taking notes while the teacher was discussing cells. Which of these is a statement that the teacher most likely made?
{ "text": [ "Most cells have the same shape.", "The shape of a cell depends upon its function.", "Cells that carry information are round and disk-shaped.", "Blood cells that move through the body are long and thread-like." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Most cells have the same shape.", "B: The shape of a cell depends upon its function.", "C: Cells that carry information are round and disk-shaped.", "D: Blood cells that move through the body are long and thread-like." ]
What goal does taxonomy accomplish?
{ "text": [ "explains the differences between living organisms", "classifies living organisms into groups", "predicts the types of undiscovered organisms", "establishes relationships of organisms with their habitats" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: explains the differences between living organisms", "B: classifies living organisms into groups", "C: predicts the types of undiscovered organisms", "D: establishes relationships of organisms with their habitats" ]
The fusion reaction that fuels the Sun converts hydrogen into
{ "text": [ "carbon.", "iron.", "neon.", "helium." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: carbon.", "B: iron.", "C: neon.", "D: helium." ]
The main function of hormones in the human body is to
{ "text": [ "identify and destroy microbes", "regulate body functions", "transport blood to cells", "store energy" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: identify and destroy microbes", "2: regulate body functions", "3: transport blood to cells", "4: store energy" ]
Which gas, when condensed into its liquid state in the atmosphere, forms clouds?
{ "text": [ "methane", "nitrogen", "water vapor", "carbon dioxide" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: methane", "B: nitrogen", "C: water vapor", "D: carbon dioxide" ]
Fertilizers added by farmers to the soil contain high amounts of nitrates. How do fertilizers affect the nitrogen cycle?
{ "text": [ "More nitrates are available for plants to absorb.", "More nitrates are available for animals to eat.", "More nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere.", "More nitrogen is converted by bacteria into nitrates." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: More nitrates are available for plants to absorb.", "B: More nitrates are available for animals to eat.", "C: More nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere.", "D: More nitrogen is converted by bacteria into nitrates." ]
A scientist is comparing two body cells of a multicellular organism. Which of the following is most likely identical?
{ "text": [ "shape of cell walls", "number of mitochondria", "shape of cell membranes", "number of chromosomes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: shape of cell walls", "B: number of mitochondria", "C: shape of cell membranes", "D: number of chromosomes" ]
Organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive are classified as
{ "text": [ "decomposers", "herbivores", "predators", "producers" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: decomposers", "2: herbivores", "3: predators", "4: producers" ]
In the 1600s, Galileo Galilei studied the moons of Jupiter. What did Galileo do to make better observations?
{ "text": [ "invented the microscope", "wrote a book about the planets", "created a model of the solar system", "made improvements to the telescope" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: invented the microscope", "B: wrote a book about the planets", "C: created a model of the solar system", "D: made improvements to the telescope" ]
Which of these provides the best evidence that Earth's crust is divided into tectonic plates?
{ "text": [ "the distribution of water on Earth's surface", "the distribution of biomes on Earth's surface", "the distribution of rock types on Earth's surface", "the distribution of earthquakes on Earth's surface" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the distribution of water on Earth's surface", "B: the distribution of biomes on Earth's surface", "C: the distribution of rock types on Earth's surface", "D: the distribution of earthquakes on Earth's surface" ]
What causes the soil in a flood plain to be generally rich in nutrients?
{ "text": [ "constantly flowing water", "many fish in the river", "new soil deposited by the river", "warm water from an ocean" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: constantly flowing water", "B: many fish in the river", "C: new soil deposited by the river", "D: warm water from an ocean" ]
Which characteristic is common to all reptile species?
{ "text": [ "endothermic (warm-blooded)", "slimy skin", "ectothermic (cold-blooded)", "hairy skin" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: endothermic (warm-blooded)", "B: slimy skin", "C: ectothermic (cold-blooded)", "D: hairy skin" ]
Scientists working for a company are testing a new medicine that they think will help heal damaged tissue. In which part of the company are the scientists working?
{ "text": [ "distribution", "mass marketing", "public relations", "research" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: distribution", "B: mass marketing", "C: public relations", "D: research" ]
Most of Earth's surface is covered by
{ "text": [ "sand", "trees", "water", "mountains" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: sand", "B: trees", "C: water", "D: mountains" ]
The chemical equation below shows reactants and products. 6CO_{2} + 12H_{2}O + light + enzymes -> C_{6}H_{12}O_{6} + 6O_{2} + 6H_{2}O Which statement is best supported by analyzing this equation?
{ "text": [ "CO_{2} is made from the chemical reaction.", "No new compounds are made from this reaction.", "O_{2}, oxygen gas, is needed to make the reaction start.", "The atoms rearrange in the chemical reaction so that C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}, glucose, is made." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: CO_{2} is made from the chemical reaction.", "B: No new compounds are made from this reaction.", "C: O_{2}, oxygen gas, is needed to make the reaction start.", "D: The atoms rearrange in the chemical reaction so that C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}, glucose, is made." ]
In a desert environment, cactus wrens often build their nests in cholla cacti to avoid predators. This behavior does not hurt the cacti. Which type of relationship do cactus wrens and cholla cacti demonstrate?
{ "text": [ "competitive", "commensalism", "mutualism", "parasitism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: competitive", "B: commensalism", "C: mutualism", "D: parasitism" ]
The Davis Mountains in West Texas used to be taller than they are now. Which of the following conditions most likely caused the mountains to become shorter over time?
{ "text": [ "Heat and pressure", "Soil deposition", "Rain and wind", "River formation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Heat and pressure", "B: Soil deposition", "C: Rain and wind", "D: River formation" ]
Photosynthesis is the process that converts carbon dioxide and water into
{ "text": [ "carbon and oxygen.", "sugar and hydrogen.", "sugar and oxygen.", "nitrogen and carbon." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: carbon and oxygen.", "B: sugar and hydrogen.", "C: sugar and oxygen.", "D: nitrogen and carbon." ]
Which statement best describes the organization of the Periodic Table of the Elements?
{ "text": [ "All gases are grouped together.", "Gases easily form compounds with other elements.", "Elements within a group have similar properties.", "Elements within a period have the same number of electrons." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: All gases are grouped together.", "B: Gases easily form compounds with other elements.", "C: Elements within a group have similar properties.", "D: Elements within a period have the same number of electrons." ]
Signs in many stores and restaurants warn that microwaves are in use. What is the main reason for this warning?
{ "text": [ "Some people do not like food cooked in microwave ovens.", "Microwaves sometimes affect people's sense of sight.", "Microwaves sometimes cause hair or teeth to fall out.", "Some people have pacemakers that may be affected by microwaves." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Some people do not like food cooked in microwave ovens.", "B: Microwaves sometimes affect people's sense of sight.", "C: Microwaves sometimes cause hair or teeth to fall out.", "D: Some people have pacemakers that may be affected by microwaves." ]
A scientist studies the remains of two extinct animals to learn more about how they lived. She determines that one animal was a carnivore and the other was an herbivore. Which of the following did the scientist most likely compare to make this conclusion?
{ "text": [ "the number of bones in the animals", "the size of the animals", "the body covering of the animals", "the skull of the animals" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the number of bones in the animals", "B: the size of the animals", "C: the body covering of the animals", "D: the skull of the animals" ]
Human actions can change the rate at which soil erodes. Which of the following would most likely slow the rate of soil erosion?
{ "text": [ "applying nitrogen-rich fertilizers", "keeping grasses trimmed short", "building houses on stilts", "planting trees along cliffs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: applying nitrogen-rich fertilizers", "B: keeping grasses trimmed short", "C: building houses on stilts", "D: planting trees along cliffs" ]
Which ability is the most useful for making observations?
{ "text": [ "senses", "memory", "creativity", "imagination" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: senses", "B: memory", "C: creativity", "D: imagination" ]
Sterling silver is a combination of silver and copper. Which of the following is also a combination of two or more metals?
{ "text": [ "aluminum.", "lead.", "gold.", "brass." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: aluminum.", "B: lead.", "C: gold.", "D: brass." ]
The cows in a rancher's herd of cattle have been selectively bred to produce milk. Which of the following will cause the next generation of cows to receive the trait for producing large quantities of milk?
{ "text": [ "nutrients in the cows' food", "essential minerals in the cows' water", "electrical impulses in the cows' brains", "information in the cows' chromosomes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: nutrients in the cows' food", "B: essential minerals in the cows' water", "C: electrical impulses in the cows' brains", "D: information in the cows' chromosomes" ]
What is the correct explanation for why we have day and night on Earth?
{ "text": [ "The Sun orbits around the Earth.", "Earth orbits around the Sun.", "Earth turns on its axis.", "The Sun turns on its axis." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The Sun orbits around the Earth.", "B: Earth orbits around the Sun.", "C: Earth turns on its axis.", "D: The Sun turns on its axis." ]
The body maintains equilibrium through a series of messages called a feedback mechanism. What organ releases hormones that maintain balanced glucose levels?
{ "text": [ "liver", "blood", "fat cells", "pancreas" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: liver", "B: blood", "C: fat cells", "D: pancreas" ]
Environmental organizations have asked businesses to take action to reduce waste. Which of the following changes could a business make in order to become more “environmentally friendly”?
{ "text": [ "Purchase only recycled paper and paper products.", "When making photocopies, print on only one side of the paper.", "Purchase wood products manufactured only in other countries.", "When packing boxes, use Styrofoam™ filler instead of old newspapers." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Purchase only recycled paper and paper products.", "B: When making photocopies, print on only one side of the paper.", "C: Purchase wood products manufactured only in other countries.", "D: When packing boxes, use Styrofoam™ filler instead of old newspapers." ]
The sound heard when a piano key is hit is caused by
{ "text": [ "vibration.", "refraction.", "momentum.", "acceleration." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: vibration.", "B: refraction.", "C: momentum.", "D: acceleration." ]
Wolves kill many elk every year and often attack old, sick, and injured members of a herd. Which of the following best describes the role of the wolves in the wolf-elk relationship?
{ "text": [ "competitor", "host", "parasite", "predator" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: competitor", "B: host", "C: parasite", "D: predator" ]
Which of the following is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell?
{ "text": [ "carbon dioxide.", "chlorophyll.", "oxygen.", "sunlight." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: carbon dioxide.", "B: chlorophyll.", "C: oxygen.", "D: sunlight." ]
Which of these groups contains single-celled organisms?
{ "text": [ "birds", "plants", "fungus", "animals" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: birds", "B: plants", "C: fungus", "D: animals" ]
Students studying rocks notice that in a particular location there are many igneous rocks that are very similar. This observation best supports which statement?
{ "text": [ "A nearby volcano is tall.", "A nearby volcano is inactive.", "A nearby volcano is about to erupt.", "A nearby volcano had once been active." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: A nearby volcano is tall.", "B: A nearby volcano is inactive.", "C: A nearby volcano is about to erupt.", "D: A nearby volcano had once been active." ]
Shale is a sedimentary rock that can be metamorphosed into slate by
{ "text": [ "cementation.", "chemical weathering.", "sedimentation.", "increased pressure." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cementation.", "B: chemical weathering.", "C: sedimentation.", "D: increased pressure." ]
Plants need iron to grow. What parts of plants take in iron?
{ "text": [ "roots", "flowers", "stems", "leaves" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: roots", "B: flowers", "C: stems", "D: leaves" ]
Which of the following is the best observation of the refraction of light?
{ "text": [ "Looking at oneself in a mirror", "Looking at a shadow of an object", "Viewing an object through an open window", "Viewing an object partially in water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Looking at oneself in a mirror", "B: Looking at a shadow of an object", "C: Viewing an object through an open window", "D: Viewing an object partially in water" ]
A group of students investigated the effect of water temperature on the gill movements of goldfish. The students tested water temperatures from 20°C to 10°C at 2-degree intervals. The data showed that as water temperature decreased, the average number of gill movements per minute by the goldfish also decreased. Which type of display is BEST used to show this relationship?
{ "text": [ "a bar graph", "a pie chart", "a line graph", "a tally chart" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a bar graph", "B: a pie chart", "C: a line graph", "D: a tally chart" ]
The directions for making a protein
{ "text": [ "result in DNA.", "are carried by DNA.", "result in amino acids.", "are carried by amino acids." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: result in DNA.", "B: are carried by DNA.", "C: result in amino acids.", "D: are carried by amino acids." ]
Denise was driving east over a hill in the afternoon, shortly after a rain shower. Suddenly the sun broke through the clouds, and she saw a rainbow ahead of her. Which of the following made the rainbow possible?
{ "text": [ "Sunlight can be separated into all the colors of the rainbow.", "Water reflects sunlight like a mirror to make it look colored.", "Overhead black clouds reflect in puddles to cause a mirage.", "Air pollution causes the sky to look colored under these conditions." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sunlight can be separated into all the colors of the rainbow.", "B: Water reflects sunlight like a mirror to make it look colored.", "C: Overhead black clouds reflect in puddles to cause a mirage.", "D: Air pollution causes the sky to look colored under these conditions." ]
Rhea is a moon of Saturn. Which of these facts about Rhea best indicates that it does not have a water cycle in which water changes state?
{ "text": [ "Its radius is 765 km.", "Its density is about 1.3 kg/m3.", "Its period of rotation is about 4.5 Earth days.", "Its temperature is between -174°C and -220°C." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Its radius is 765 km.", "B: Its density is about 1.3 kg/m3.", "C: Its period of rotation is about 4.5 Earth days.", "D: Its temperature is between -174°C and -220°C." ]
Which two factors determine the gravitational attraction between two objects?
{ "text": [ "time and temperature", "shape and orbital speed", "color and hardness", "mass and distance apart" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: time and temperature", "2: shape and orbital speed", "3: color and hardness", "4: mass and distance apart" ]
When a red bull (RR) is bred with a white cow (WW), a roan calf (RW) is sometimes produced. If a roan bull (RW) is bred with a roan cow (RW), what is the most likely outcome of the offspring?
{ "text": [ "1 red, 1 white, and 2 roan", "0 red, 1 white, and 3 roan", "2 red, 2 white, and 0 roan", "0 red, 0 white, and 4 roan" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: 1 red, 1 white, and 2 roan", "B: 0 red, 1 white, and 3 roan", "C: 2 red, 2 white, and 0 roan", "D: 0 red, 0 white, and 4 roan" ]
Which adaptive feature most helps a baby jaguar survive the first few weeks of life?
{ "text": [ "the ability to roar", "the ability to hunt", "a diet of land mammals", "being born during spring months" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the ability to roar", "B: the ability to hunt", "C: a diet of land mammals", "D: being born during spring months" ]
Frank needs to move a box by sliding it across the floor. Which two factors will most strongly affect how hard Frank needs to push the box?
{ "text": [ "The density of the box material and the hardness of the floor", "The thickness of the box material and the hardness of the floor", "The total mass of the box and the friction between the box and the floor", "The total height of the box and the distance between his hands and the floor" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The density of the box material and the hardness of the floor", "B: The thickness of the box material and the hardness of the floor", "C: The total mass of the box and the friction between the box and the floor", "D: The total height of the box and the distance between his hands and the floor" ]
An ocean, a forest, and a grassy meadow are each examples of a complete ecosystem. Complete ecosystems contain only
{ "text": [ "animals.", "rocks and water.", "living and nonliving things.", "populations of plants and animals." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: animals.", "B: rocks and water.", "C: living and nonliving things.", "D: populations of plants and animals." ]
The Great Basin in Nevada is characterized by uplifted, tilted blocks forming mountain ranges and downthrown blocks forming basins. What rock type is MOST likely to form in the basins?
{ "text": [ "metamorphic", "sedimentary", "intrusive igneous", "extrusive igneous" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: metamorphic", "B: sedimentary", "C: intrusive igneous", "D: extrusive igneous" ]
As the human population increases, more fossil fuels are being used. The burning of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases. How might humans reduce greenhouse gases?
{ "text": [ "Buy cars that use gasoline.", "Build power plants that use coal.", "Use renewable resources to generate power.", "Use nonrenewable resources to generate power." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Buy cars that use gasoline.", "B: Build power plants that use coal.", "C: Use renewable resources to generate power.", "D: Use nonrenewable resources to generate power." ]
Which situation would most likely cause an object to travel in a circular motion?
{ "text": [ "one force acting on the object in the opposite direction of the motion", "two forces acting on the object in the same direction as the motion", "one force acting on the object perpendicular to the direction of the motion", "two forces acting on the object in different directions to the motion" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: one force acting on the object in the opposite direction of the motion", "B: two forces acting on the object in the same direction as the motion", "C: one force acting on the object perpendicular to the direction of the motion", "D: two forces acting on the object in different directions to the motion" ]
Which of the following does not give an example of how sparrows use resources in their environment to survive?
{ "text": [ "Sparrows breathe air.", "Sparrows drink water.", "Sparrows use the sun for food.", "Sparrows use plants for shelter." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sparrows breathe air.", "B: Sparrows drink water.", "C: Sparrows use the sun for food.", "D: Sparrows use plants for shelter." ]
Henry and Emily are building a tree house. Which tool should be used to measure the height of the door?
{ "text": [ "hammer", "meter stick", "balance", "stopwatch" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: hammer", "B: meter stick", "C: balance", "D: stopwatch" ]
Windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe
{ "text": [ "evaporation", "deposition", "matter", "weather" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: evaporation", "B: deposition", "C: matter", "D: weather" ]
All these statements concerning galaxies are accurate except
{ "text": [ "They contain millions of stars.", "Most can be seen without a telescope.", "They are millions of light-years apart.", "Space contains several billion galaxies." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: They contain millions of stars.", "B: Most can be seen without a telescope.", "C: They are millions of light-years apart.", "D: Space contains several billion galaxies." ]
Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas combine to form water. Which would be a more concise way of expressing what happens in this chemical reaction?
{ "text": [ "write a chemical formula", "write a chemical equation", "describe the rearrangement of the atoms", "describe the procedure for creating this change" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: write a chemical formula", "B: write a chemical equation", "C: describe the rearrangement of the atoms", "D: describe the procedure for creating this change" ]
What safety equipment should be taken on all field trips?
{ "text": [ "gloves", "fire extinguisher", "first-aid kit", "goggles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: gloves", "B: fire extinguisher", "C: first-aid kit", "D: goggles" ]
The surface gravity of Pluto is the weakest of the nine planets because Pluto
{ "text": [ "has the lowest temperature.", "has the smallest mass.", "rotates the slowest.", "is farthest from the Sun." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: has the lowest temperature.", "B: has the smallest mass.", "C: rotates the slowest.", "D: is farthest from the Sun." ]
If a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, which two devices would be most useful?
{ "text": [ "stopwatch and camera", "binoculars and tape measure", "binoculars and camera", "stopwatch and tape measure" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: stopwatch and camera", "B: binoculars and tape measure", "C: binoculars and camera", "D: stopwatch and tape measure" ]
When sunlight shines on a plant, its leaves
{ "text": [ "make food.", "absorb water.", "produce seeds.", "take in oxygen." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: make food.", "B: absorb water.", "C: produce seeds.", "D: take in oxygen." ]
Toads lay their eggs in ponds. Tadpoles hatch from the eggs and eat the plants floating in the pond. Which resource is most important for toads to survive?
{ "text": [ "grass", "rocks", "trees", "water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: grass", "B: rocks", "C: trees", "D: water" ]
Which structure surrounds and protects an animal cell?
{ "text": [ "Nucleus", "Vacuole", "Cytoplasm", "Cell membrane" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Nucleus", "B: Vacuole", "C: Cytoplasm", "D: Cell membrane" ]
A ball is thrown straight up. Which statement best describes the motion of the ball while the ball is at the maximum height?
{ "text": [ "The speed and acceleration are constant.", "The velocity is zero, and the acceleration is constant.", "The speed and acceleration are changing.", "The velocity is zero, and the acceleration is changing." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The speed and acceleration are constant.", "B: The velocity is zero, and the acceleration is constant.", "C: The speed and acceleration are changing.", "D: The velocity is zero, and the acceleration is changing." ]