/Script_Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, The.txt
BUCKAROO BANZAIbyEarl Mac RauchSHOOTING SCRIPTRevised Third DraftMarch 30, 1983Becherman/Canton-RichterBUCKAROO BANZAICARD OVER...WHITE LETTERS ON A DARK BACKGROUND: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Classified File #2TC1695 Dept. of Defense 3-1-50 thru 8-31-53 Re: Project SawtoothFADE IN:EXT. SMALL TEXAS TOWN - DAY 1Beside a 1950 Ford, a quartet of elite intellectuals poses playfully...dressed in the local custom of boots and cowboy hats, the TOW ORIENTAL MEN, A CAUCASIAN MAN, AND A CAUCASIAN WOMAN squint into the hot sun and then down at the jiggling home movie camera, the operator lopsided...NARRATORThe advent of the Soviet nuclear capability ushers in a dangerous phase of the Cold War as the decade of the 1950s looms. Stung by this Soviet challenge and the rapid race to develop ever more sophisticated weapons, the United States resurrects maverick Professor Toichi Hikita's work in electromagnetic particle acceleration...despite the dismal record of failure that has dogged the project.TOICHI HIKITA, one of the group, walks forward, taking the CAMERA from its present operator, a four-year-old child...A LITTLE BOY IN CHAPS AND COWBOY HAT who now joins the other adults, in particular Caucasian woman and the elder Oriental man who pick him up and hug him...NARRATORDoctor Masado Banzai, preeminent Japanese quantum theorist, declares himself anxious to work for the Allies. Enamored of the great American West, Banzai sires a precocious son and tags the tiny child "Buckaroo." A tribute to his adopted homeland.EXT. TEST SITE - DAY 2A strange TWO-MAN SPEED VEHICLE readies for takeoff...the FIRST "PILOT" in the cockpit Dr. Banzai himself:NARRATORAnd thus given a second chance after his secret pre-war laboratory disaster at Princeton, Doctor Hikita finds new life at the Texas School of Mines, where he assembles a team of crack scientists willing to gamble he's right in his bold assertion that man can indeed pass unharmed through solid matter.The SECOND "PILOT," a fair-haired Caucasian: 3NARRATORSir Alan Motley of Cambridge, a brainy, affable limey, co-developer with Whitehead and Lord Russell of the world's most advanced theoretical gravity catapult... 4The fourth scientist, the female Caucasian, busy with last-minute details, securing the two pilots in their seats, checking their instrument data, writing on a clipboard...NARRATORDr. Sandra Banzai, Texas-born pioneer in Negative Mass Propulsion ...wife of Dr. Masado the four-year-old BUCKAROO BANZAI now approaches the speed machine and gives his father a good-bye kiss...Dr. Banzai saying something to the boy, Buckaroo bowing respectfully, as his father and mother exchange last-minute assurances...The cockpit canopy comes down, and Sandra Banzai tugs a reluctant little Buckaroo toward a sandbagged shelter...EXT. SANDBAGS - DAY 5...where Professor Hikita sits at a bank of monitoring equipment, Sandra Banzai and Buckaroo entering the enclosure as......A SUDDEN NOISE causes Sandra Banzai to turn in fear, the bizarre speed machine's motors whining at an astonishing rpm, BLINDING GREEN FLAMES ENGULFING ITS COCKPIT...EXT. TEST SITE - DAY 6...Sandra Banzai rushing toward the sheet-metal vehicle through SMOKE AND GREEN FLAME as her husband and Sir Alan both struggle to get out... 7...Buckaroo running after his mother who attempts to help the scientists free themselves when suddenly the child is thrown to the ground and protected by Professor Hikita's own the experimental car VAPORIZES IN A FLASH OF EMERALD GREEN LIGHT! THE SCREEN GOING WHITE, A LAUNCH COUNTDOWN BEGINNING UNDER A SOMBER CARD:TODAYTHIRTY YEARS LATERVOICE OF MISSION CONTROLT Minus five hundred and counting. Phaser positive. Latch compressor.INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 8CLOSE ON AN OLDER, WISER PROFESSOR HIKITA:PROF. HIKITAPower source output, zero-zero-niner. Multi-stage axial compressor latched.EXT. JET CAR - PROVING GROUNDS - DAY 9One hundred yards from a concrete blockhouse, a SERIES OF MYSTERIOUS CLOSEUPS of an UNUSUAL STRATEGIC AUTOMOBILE sitting ready to roll, as TECHNICIANS in asbestos suites fill its tanks with HIGHLY FLAMMABLE FUEL.INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 10PROF. HIKITAFuel pressure, 1800 torrs. Oxygenation....amid television screens, monitoring elite assortment of GOVERNMENT VIPS, MILITARY MEN, AND NEWS MEDIA REPRESENTATIVES standing by... such observer, GENERAL CATBURD, an AIDE approaching, whispering unpleasant news in his ear...GENERAL CATBURDYou're kidding. Where is he? Still in the hospital? The aide shrugging, the General leaning over to a nervous man sitting next to him...SECRETARY OF DEFENSE McKINLEY.GENERAL CATBURDBanzai hasn't showed yet, Mr. Secretary. Looks like he's got cold feet.Another angle. Two of Buckaroo's men, RENO and PERFECT TOMMY, sitting with their boots on a computer console.PERFECT TOMMYBetter see what's keepin' the boss, Reno.RENOWhy me? attractive NETWORK TV ANCHORWOMAN headed this way...PERFECT TOMMY'Cause I'm busy. And get your clodhoppers off the UNIVAC.INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY 13THE EYES OF DOCTOR BUCKAROO BANZAI, THE REST OF HIS FACE HIDDEN BY A SURGICAL MASK...such concentration.INT. SURGICAL SCRUB ROOM - DAY 14...a phone ringing, a NURSE answering it, then:NURSERawhide, it's for you.Jacketless, A SINISTER PISTOL visible in the tooled leather shoulder holster, RAWHIDE takes the receiver.RAWHIDEI'll ask him.(into his Go-Fone)Buckaroo, I need an estimate. They're getting antsy over at Mission Control.INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY 15Buckaroo Banzai speaks into his GO-FONE:BUCKAROO BANZAIAnother ten minutes down here, Rawhide.REVEALING DOCTOR BANZAI, the great surgeon, surrounded by a well-oiled team of physicians and nurses...his steady, miraculously skilled hands working a LASER KNIFE on the brain of a PATIENT sitting clamped in a serious chair.INT. SURGICAL SCRUB ROOM - DAY 16RAWHIDE(into phone)The chief needs ten more minutes. I got the chopper waiting. Don't start without us.INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 17Perfect Tommy still leaning back in his swivel chair, smiling at the blonde TV anchorwoman, waiting for her CAMERAMAN to set up...TV ANCHORWOMANSo where's Buckaroo?PERFECT TOMMY(a wry smile)Whadda you need Buckaroo for?The anchorwoman catching his drift, smiling, knowing Perfect Tommy perhaps intimately...Perfect Tommy glancing across the crowded room at Reno raising ten fingers...PERFECT TOMMYUnscheduled surgery. He'll be waltzing along momentarily. What're you doing tonight?TV ANCHORWOMAN(picking up his hat)Flying to Cambodia.Perfect Tommy frowning severely as she tried on his Stetson, the anchorwoman promptly getting the message and putting it back down.PERFECT TOMMYThat's why I wear a fifty dollar hat. Was a two hundred dollar hat, I hadda kill you.TV ANCHORWOMANBet you say that to all the girls, Perfect Tommy.PERFECT TOMMYBet I do.INT. SURGICAL SCRUB ROOM - DAY 18Another STAR SURGEON, scrubbing for an operation next door now peeking at his wrist watch TV:CLOSE ON THE TINY TV: AN IMAGE OF THE JET CAR... 19ANGLE ON... 20STAR SURGEONJesus does the man find enough hours in the day?RAWHIDEWe help.The surgeon curious, studying the big TV monitor, Rawhide sensing an explanation is in order:RAWHIDEDr. Banzai's using a laser to fuse artificial nerve fiber to the original, bypassing massive stroke damage. A subcutaneous microphone's gonna allow the patient to transmit verbal instructions to his own brain.STAR SURGEONWhat, like "raise my left arm"?RAWHIDEOr "throw the harpoon," depending on cultural differences. People are gonna come from all over. This guy's an Eskimo.INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY 21Buckaroo winding down the surgery. A BRILLIANT BUT ERRATIC JEWISH PHYSICIAN at his side whispering through a mask...JEWISH PHYSICIANOkay...right...okay, I time I'll be able to...BUCKAROO BANZAIThere may not be a next time.JEWISH PHYSICIANLook...I'm sorry...calling for help in the middle of an operation...but I just lost my nerve...I panicked...again.Buckaroo picking a NIKON up off a table, snapping some pictures of his handiwork...BUCKAROO BANZAIYou've got the God-given tools to be a success in any field of endeavor, Dr. Zwibel. Ever thought about joining me full-time?JEWISH PHYSICIAN (DR. ZWIBEL)Are you serious? Have you have an opening?BUCKAROO BANZAICan you sing?DR. ZWIBELA little. I can dance.Buckaroo glancing at the clock on the wall...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 22PROF. HIKITAInertial Control positive. T minus seven zero and resume counting.MISSION CONTROLAll systems righteous. Professor Hikita says we have to go.General Catburd and other VIPS happy to observe on their TV monitors the sight of a MAN IN BLACK COMMANDO PARACHUTE SUIT, carrying a BATTERED OLD BRIEFCASE, climbing into the cockpit of...THE JET CAR.INT. JET CAR - DAYTHE DRIVER'S POV, a curious combination of airplane dials and switches and personal touches like a big four-on-the-floor gear shift and a snazzy pearlized Brodi knob with snowflakes and a coochi-coochi girl... 24ANGLE ON the driver as he removes a strange GRYOSCOPIC DEVICE from his briefcase, plugs it into a cradle near his head...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 25Professor Hikita standing at a special monitor as a light pops on, indicating "Overthruster Armed"....he covers it with a hanky...EXT. JET CAR - DAY 26...all quiet suddenly, the car poised, waiting...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 27General Catburd grabbing some coffee and doughnuts...the Secretary of Defense peering out through a viewing slot...GENERAL CATBURDI've got a budget meeting on the hill, John. What's this thing supposed to do anyway?SENATOR CUNNINGHAMThree hundred miles an hour, General.GENERAL CATBURDSenator, you are so fulla shit.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEMay not...EXT. JET CAR - DAY 28The Jet Car undergoing an amazing transformation: TWO STABILIZER FINS AND A JET ENGINE suddenly appearing on its rear deck...INT. JET CAR - DAY 29CLOSE ON THE DRIVER TO REVEAL BUCKAROO BANZAI, world famous figure in every field of endeavor as he withdraws a beautiful KAMIKAZE SCARF from his flight suit...wraps it like a warrior's headband around his helmet... 30ANGLE ON Buckaroo's hand as his fingers flip a row of toggle switches, THE PULSATING POWER OF THE JET ENGINE INCREASING DRAMATICALLY with each successive switch...the vehicle a caged beast, taunting us, as Buckaroo flips the last switch...BUCKAROO BANZAIFinal contact is made.EXT. JET CAR - DAY 31No kidding. A TWENTY FOOT SHEET OF FIRE ROCKETING FROM THE BACK OF THE JET CAR...THEN ANOTHER...THEN ANOTHER...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 32The Cavaliers at their monitors, calm...Hikita making minor adjustments on his instrument bank...the Secretary of Defense and General Catburd both now at viewing slots in the blockhouse wall...PROF. HIKITAPoint of no return...five, four, three, two...INT. JET CAR - DAY 33PROF. HIKITA'S Buckaroo Banzai twists his steering-wheel mounted TWIN ACCELERATORS, the sudden forward lurch of the Jet Car slamming him back against the headrest...EXT. PROVING GROUNDS - DAY 34THE JET CAR BLASTING OFF! MORE FIRE! MORE SMOKE!INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 35Technicians and VIPS eye their monitors. 36AND SO DO WE: the rugged JET CAR raising a cloud of dust, viewed from high above us it blasts ahead!ANGLE ON 37GENERAL CATBURDToo bad war ain't Indianapolis. It's fast, I'll give Banzai that.SENATOR CUNNINGHAMPerhaps an idea whose time has come, General? Scoot over.Catburd moving aside as Senator Cunningham takes her turn with the viewing device.GENERAL CATBURDIt'll never work. It's too simple.INT. HELICOPTER - DAY 38HIGH OVERHEAD, manned by a TV NEWS CREW. 39AN OVER-THE-CAMERAMAN'S SHOULDER POV as the JET CAR'S EXHAUST TRAIL CHOKES THE LANDSCAPE BELOW...INT. JET CAR - DAY 40BUCKAROO'S POV as the highway races underneath him...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 41ALL EYES glued to those TV monitors, Rawhide and Reno watching...Perfect Tommy slapping his hand on the desk.TV ANCHORWOMANNow twenty seconds downrange...Perfect Tommy, how on earth is Buckaroo able to keep that thing on the ground?PERFECT TOMMYShe's just a damn road hugger, Allison. Plus the man can drive.EXT. PROVING GROUNDS - DAY 42Talk about a road hugger...the JET CAR SCREAMS PAST A BANK OF HIGH SPEED CAMERAS...THE EARTH SHAKING...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 43PROF. HIKITAApproaching thirty seconds downrange Three zero. Course steady. Speed three one seven nautical-four hundred...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEHe's gonna do it! The man is gonna do it!GENERAL CATBURDSo what? Big deal. Anybody can drive fast in a straight line.INT. JET CAR - DAY if in response to Catburd's comment, Buckaroo does an amazing thing, NOW FLICKING HIS DIRECTIONAL SIGNAL...EXT. JET CAR - DAY 45LEAVING THE PAVED SURFACE FOR OPEN TERRAIN! BEGIN INTERCUTTING BLOCKHOUSE AND JET CAR...INT. JET CAR - DAY 46A FIRE breaking out on a dashboard gauge, Buckaroo quickly snuffing the SPARKS with his gloved hand...DANGER LIGHTS FLASHING!EXT. JET CAR - DAY AWESOME PHYSICAL PRESSURES take their tool on car and driver...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 48PROF. HIKITABuckaroo, do you read?MISSION CONTROLAdvise you abort. Over. Repeat: advise abort.INT. JET CAR - DAY 49BUCKAROO BANZAIThat's a big "no can do".INT. BLOCKHOUSE- DAY 50Buckaroo's voice through STATIC AND CRACKLE. Professor Hikita white-knuckled...determined.INT. JET CAR - DAY 51Buckaroo STILL ACCELERATING, struggling with his mighty machine...fierce vibrations, OIL AND SMOKE filling the he wipes hot oil off his goggles...INT. HELICOPTER - DAY 52In the NETWORK HELICOPTER, a NEWSMAN and CAMERMAN catch this shocking turn of events: 53THEIR POV OF...the JET CAR flaming along across the desert. A SONIC BOOM!INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 54A TV MONITOR...A HELICOPTER SHOT revealing that the course thus far traveled by Buckaroo is ON FIRE, the ground literally set ablaze by the incredible speed of his JET CAR:ANGLE ON: 55TV ANCHORWOMANThe Jet Car off the road! Radio contact with Mission Control here severed...that firestorm apparently interfering with communications...Buckaroo Banzai in serious trouble.GENERAL CATBURDEither that or he's popped his cookies.Professor Hikita, on pins and needles, face taught, concerned.MISSION CONTROLMach 1. Buckaroo! Do you read? Commence braking procedure! Over!SECRETARY OF DEFENSEHe's heading for the goddamn mountains!MISSION CONTROLEject, Buckaroo! EJECT!Buckaroo heard faintly in a STORM OF NOISE...SPEAKING JAPANESE...SENATOR CUNNINGHAMProfessor Hikita, what'd he say?PROF. HIKITA(quizzical)He said, "This Bud's for you, Professor." What does that mean? 56ON THE MONITORS the JET CAR is seen heading directly into a box canyon and TOWARD A WALL OF MOUNTAINS, impact virtually assured.ANGLE ON: 57GENERAL CATBURDLooks like Banzai's finally gonna get more than he bargained for. And take the friends of the Earth with him.Rawhide and Reno exchanging very concerned glances...INT. JET CAR - DAY 58Buckaroo Banzai peers out his thick glass window.BUCKAROO'S POV: THE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN CLOSING FAST... 59 60ANGLE ON Buckaroo's hand moving to a switch on the dash marked OSCILLATION OVERTHURSTER, remaining there, posed.REVERSE ON BUCKAROO: eyes on his instruments. 61ANOTHER ANGLE ON Buckaroo hitting the OVERTHRUSTER... 62 63BUCKAROO'S POV...THE FACE OF THE MOUNTAIN RUSHING UP INTO FRAME! COLLISION A PICO SECOND AWAY!INT. MISSION CONTROL ROOM - DAY 64ALL INSTRUMENTS LOSE CONTACT WITH THE JET CAR! Jaws drop in disbelief.CLOSE ON MONITOR: THE JET CAR SIMPLY GONE, VANISHED INTO THIN AIR... 65ANGLE ON: 66MISSION CONTROLIt's off my scope!GENERAL CATBURDWhat the devil? What is going on?!INT. JET CAR 67BUCKAROO'S COCKPIT POV... like a roller coaster ride through a meteor shower - THE EIGHTH DIMENSION, AN ORGANIC ASTEROID HURTLING RIGHT AT US EMITTING STRANGE STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARGES...MONSTROUS...RED...GHASTLY! 68REVERSE ANGLE. Looking directly at Buckaroo as his face distorts under God-knows-how-many G-forces...where the hell is he?! His plexiglas visor shattering as if hit with a two-by-four.COCKPIT POV...Buckaroo's windshield CRACKLING AND THE COCKPIT TURNING RED. 69 70CLOSE ON DASHBOARD: wildly spinning dials, Buckaroo punching the OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER again, amid fire and smoke!INT. HELICOPTER - TEST RANGE - DAY 71The TV crew in their fancy helicopter first to witness an astounding sight. 72THEIR POV: the JET CAR EMERGING FROM SOLID ROCK AS THOUGH THE CRAGGY MOUNTAIN WERE MUSH!CLOSE ON: 73HELICOPTER NEWSMAN(in apoplexy)He's through it! He's gone through the mountain without a scratch! Oh, my God! Oh, my God in Heaven!INT. MISSION CONTROL - DAY 74An overjoyed Professor Hikita, surrounded by chaos and confusion, throws both arms skyward in triumph...PROF. HIKITABanzai!INT. JET CAR - DOWN RANGE - DAY 75Fifty miles downrange, Buckaroo tries to slow the speeding, smoke-filled JET CAR.EXT. JET CAR - DAY 76A parachute popping out its back, at once ripping off in the high velocity wind...INT. JET CAR - DAY 77BUCKAROO BANZAIChute negative. I'm gonna try and lay her sideways.78 ANOTHER ANGLE as he reaches for the hand brake and simultaneously spins his Brodi knob hard to the right!EXT. MIDDLE OF NOWHERE - DAY 79Buckaroo doing the impossible, somehow bringing the racing JET CAR to a spinning, skidding halt in a thicket of dry brush! AS OVERHEAD THAT NETWORK HELICOPTER CIRCLES...EXT. JET CAR - DAY 80The battered JET CAR, exhausting smoke, Buckaroo rolling its window down, opening the door and emerging, checking the damage to his vehicle, noting a STRANGE GELATINOUS SUBSTANCE on the cracked windshield, touching it and turning his nose from the smell...his glove steaming!THE NEWS COPTER LANDING IN THE DISTANCE. 81 82ANGLE ON Buckaroo as he lowers himself under the Jet Car, coming face-to-face with one ugly SPHERICAL PARASITE, THE THING SUDDENLY SHOOTING OUT at Buckaroo as he's about to touch it...A MOBILE PHONE starting to BEEP back in the cockpit...the PARASITE coming to rest on the ground...dead?INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 83Pandemonium, people cheering...General Catburd on the phone...GENERAL CATBURDThis his frequency? Nobody's home.EXT. JET CAR - DAY 84Buckaroo ignoring the phone, taking his lunch bag from the front seat and removing a sandwich, taking a bite of it, and using the foil to pick up the BIZARRE PARASITE from the desert floor...wrapping the weird thing at last reaching for the car phone...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 85SECRETARY OF DEFENSE(Taking the phone)Gimme that! You tell me, Buckaroo, what in the hell is this going-through-solid-matter-and rendering-all-conventional-defense-perimeters-useless-over-night bullshit?But now Professor Hikita snatching the phone from the Secretary, turning his back to the room!PROF. HIKITABuckaroo! Did you seem them? Did you?EXT. JET CAR - DAY 86Buckaroo leaning in to check his gauges, talking on his telephone. TWO FIGURES from the news copter approaching, still a hundred yards off...BUCKAROO BANZAISee 'em? They about had me and the whole damn car for breakfast. Broke my windshield...INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY 87PROF. HIKITA(into phone)The creatures? They attacked you? They tried to possess you?GENERAL CATBURDCreatures?(grabbing the phone)Buckaroo, Catburd here. I got egg all over my face, but that's okay. No room for egos here. We're all Americans and I wanna buy that thing of yours. What's it gonna run me?PROF. HIKITANot for sale.GENERAL CATBURDI wasn't talking to you, Hikita the Secretary of Defense picks up a RED PHONE...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEThis'll be the President of me?Perfect Tommy and Reno suddenly stepping forward, intimidating Catburd...PERFECT TOMMYShe's not for sale, right, General?INT. HOME FOR CRIMINALLY INSANCE - DAY 88CLOSE ON the haunting, unsettling eyes of DOCTOR LIZARDO, AN ORANGE-HAIRED OLD MAN watching NETWORK FOOTAGE of the Jet Car Test on his battered Philco TV set...his eyes practically burning a whole through the screen......PULLING BACK TO REVEAL a room in an insane asylum, a room designed for several inmates but occupied by only one, this crazy old fiend...the empty beds piled with books and Italian memorabilia, the walls covered with mathematical equations... 89ANGLE ON Dr. Lizardo even now unable to resist scribbling another formula on the wall with a piece of chalk...CLOSE ON PHILCO: 90ANCHORWOMAN ON TVHere she is, slowed down. Lookit there...slam! Right into the side of that mountain! Perfect Tommy, Rawhide, Reno, you guys're the Hong Kong Cavaliers. Buckaroo's most trusted inner circle. So I gotta ask, did it surprise you fellas as much as the rest of us when the BJV, the experimental jet vehicle went right off the scope and apparently smack into a black void?PERFECT TOMMY ON TVNope.ANCHORWOMAN ON TVWas Buckaroo acting different this morning, I mean, in terms of other mornings?The Cavaliers rolling their eyes, looking at one another...RAWHIDE ON TVWell, we partied pretty late last night. 91BACK TO Dr. Lizardo now hearing footsteps outside in the corridor, and HIS LEFT AHND, ACTING INDEPENDENTLY OF HIS RIGHT, ERASES THE EQUATION HE'S JUST his right hand reaches under his pillow and picks up a crude HOMEMADE ELECTROMAGNET...a piece of metal wrapped in copper wire, one end of which is a small loop that Lizardo now attaches directly to his thumbs...DOCTOR LIZARDO(muttering)The Overthruster! The Overthruster! Lizardo looking back at his equation, at first puzzled to find it erased, then becoming angry. 92CLOSE ON HIS HAND NOW STICKING THE OTHER END OF HIS HOME-MADE DEVICE DIRECTLY INTO AN ELECTIRCAL SOCKET...ANGLE ON: 93DOCTOR LIZARDO(obsessed)The Overthruster! ELECTRICAL CURRENT COURSING THROUGH LIZARDO'S BODY...AN AURA SURROUNDING HIM AS HIS LIPS CURL INTO A HIDEOUS SMILE...BURNING THE SCREEN, TAKING US INTO AN ASTOUNDING FLASHBACK SEQUENCE:INT. STRANGE LABORATORY - NIGHT 94Forty-six years prior (years before the ill-fated primitive speed car run involving Buckaroo's parents) an unlikely experiment in a strange factory...A RUNWAY...a much younger, dark-haired Doctor Lizardo being strapped into a homemade wicker chair/rocket sled by two LAB ASSISTANTS, the entire contraption set up like a catapult AIMED DIRECTLY AT A LOSID BRICK WALL, THROBBING ELECTROMAGNETS AND BANKS OF GLOWING OSCILLATORS... 95ANOTHER ANGLE...and peering into an unusual periscope, an equally JUVENILE PROFESSOR HIKITA wearing glasses and scraggly goatee...standing in front of a 1938 calendar on the wall, today's eagerly awaited date circled in red...PROF. HIKITAAlmost ready, Dr. Lizardo...almost...Doctor Lizardo pulling on a leather helmet, Professor Hikita nodding grimly at the LAB ASSISTANTS who tug on a GIANT LEVER...the ELECTROMAGNETS PULSATING...DOCTOR LIZARDOMore! More!PROF. HIKITANot so fast... 96ANGLE ON Doctor Lizardo pulling a switch, UNLEASHING HIS WICKER CHAIR AT A FANTASTIC SPEED down the rails! 97AT THE END OF THE TRACK...the strange device coming to an abrupt and total stop ten feet from the brick wall, pitching Lizardo forward and... 98...through the wall, at least partially, the seemingly solid bricks turning out to be more like vertical QUICKSAND...Lizardo half in, half out, physically unhurt but screaming his head off... 99...the assistants rushing down the runway to help pry him loose, while Professor Hikita observes an astonishing thing through his periscope. 100PERISCOPE POV: HUGE GROTESQUE RED CREATURES IN AN AURA OF ELECTRICITY TRYING TO PULL DOCTOR LIZARDO TOWARD THEM...ONE CREATURE IN PARTICULAR ENVELOPING LIZARDO! 101BACK TO...the doctor's assistants frantically tugging on his feet, dragging him back into the room only to find this SUDDENLY ORANGE-HAIRED LIZARDO a fearsome, changed individual...a beast! 102CLOSE ON LIZARDO! A terrifying scream issues from his mouth as he straightens up, at last wrenching free of the wicker chair, smashing his two assistants' heads together as he jumps over the runway! Hikita watching wild-eyed as Lizardo makes a mad dash into the vast shadowy expanse of the factory... 103A DISTANT VIEW OF LIZARDO as he rips a door off its hinges, escaping into the night, SILHOUTTED AGAINST A DAZZLING SECURITY LIGHT, THE SCREEN BURNING WHITE...OUR FLASHBACK ENDING.INT. LIZARDO'S ROOM - NIGHT 104Nearly half a century later, the elderly Lizardo regards with smoldering evil the turn of the key in his own door and the appearance of a GUARD who comes in and unplugs his TV set.GUARDCheer up, Lizardo, it's Friday. I come for your TV. You been using too damn much juice...ten thousand kilowatts again this month. Beats me how one old homicidal loony could use that much power.The guard leaving with Lizardo's TV...Lizardo trying to control himself, his eyes rolling up at the ceiling where yet another UNUSUAL EQUATION has been scrawled in an angry hand.DOCTOR LIZARDOI want my TV...don't take my TV...I want it. I want the Overthruster. I want it.INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT 105Mysterious half-light...CLOSEUPS...plugs and jacks...a portion of an upright base...drums with the BANZAI LOGO writ large...hands and feet putting everything together as an unseen audience stirs restlessly...INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT 106Backstage in a small dressing room, the rock band known as the Hong Kong Cavaliers waits to go on...three unidentified GROUPIES in attendance as Rawhide naps and Reno tunes his saxophone while Perfect Tommy answers the questions of a FEMALE REPORTER from the local underground press...Professor Hikita meantime at a corner table, studying his big notebook, examining a pair of KODAK there is the sound of a commotion in the corridor, EXCITED VOICES and FOOT TRAFFIC coming this way, Rawhide methodically counting down under his 107The door to the dressing room opening precisely on the count of one, admitting an out-of-breath and hastily tuxedoed Buckaroo Banzai, A SMALL CROWD OF ASSORTED FEMAL FANS locked outside.BUCKAROO BANZAII'm starving...somebody, help.RAWHIDEGot a half a tuna sandwich.BUCKAROO BANZAISame one you had yesterday?Rawhide taking a half-eaten sandwich out of his hat and tossing it to Buckaroo...BUCKAROO BANZAISmells fermented.(taking a big bite)Check in with the Institute, Reno, see if everything's kosher.PROF. HIKITABuckaroo, I've done an advanced spectrograph analysis on the specimen you pulled off the Jet Car drive shaft.RENOAnd there's a two-hundred-dollar deductible we have to eat on that crack in her windshield.BUCKAROO BANZAIFigures. Anybody seen my scope?PERFECT TOMMYComing right up, Buckaroo.Perfect Tommy producing a highly sophisticated SLIDE VIEWER...Buckaroo slipping in a transparency. 108HIS POV OF A COLORFUL PRISMATIC GRAPH over the backdrop of A NAKED WOMAN. 109Buckaroo immediately diagnosing the problem and removing the naked-woman slide from the viewer...BUCKAROO BANZAIAnybody we know?PERFECT TOMMYWho put this dirty picture in Buckaroo's viewer?Rawhide reclaiming his raunchy slide, Buckaroo looking back into the sleek device...PROF. HIKITAI ran it through the centrifuge, but I came up blank. It's definitely dead now, although it still conducts electricity even better than copper does.PERFECT TOMMYSuper performance organic material.PROF. HIKITAYes, Perfect Tommy, in a way. However...(slipping in another slide)...notice...although certain components resist identification, it corresponds very closely to an ordinary praying mantis.BUCKAROO BANZAI(scrutinizing)Too closely. Gotta be more than sheer coincidence. Rawhide, you're keen on bugs. What do you think?Rawhide takes a look as Reno hangs the phone up...RENOEverything's copacetic at the Institute, Buckaroo. Sam's with the Jet Car and she's under lock and key. He's retiming her valves.Buckaroo nodding, as he's interrupted by Perfect Tommy who's now brought over the female reporter...PERFECT TOMMYBuckaroo, you got a minute--?BUCKAROO BANZAINot really. This is pretty important.PERFECT TOMMYShe wants a picture.Perfect Tommy quickly taking a place beside Buckaroo, smiling into the camera, as Reno and Rawhide exchange disgusted looks... 110...the shutter clicking...another commotion in the hallway...the dressing room door opening to admit the club owner, ARTIE DUNCAN, a fifty-year-old rocker who has to struggle to close the door behind him on a herd of REPORTERS and FANS...ARTIE DUNCANI don't care who you are...when you play my joint, you're just another band. I want some music outta you characters.RENO You want it, Artie? You got it.BUCKAROO BANZAIEverybody ready? How do we look? Do we look okay?PERFECT TOMMYI look great. Let's rock 'n' roll.A pair of no-nonsense BLUE SHIELD IRREGULARS appearing to escort them Rawhide returns the spectroscope to Professor Hikita...RAWHIDENo question about it. Something very akin to arachnoid tissue. If I hadda guess? A mutated species.INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT 111Buckaroo, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, and their two Blue Shield escorts hustling down a corridor.INT. NIGHTCLUB STAGE - NIGHT 112Our boys arriving on stage...SHADOWY FORMS in the dramatically murky light...a FAMILIAR VOICE BOOMING OVER THE P.A. SYSTEM...ARTIE DUNCAN'S VOICELadies and gentlemen, Artie's Artery is proud to present, for one night only...the one, the only, the amazing Buckaroo Banzai and his Hong Kong Cavaliers!LIGHTS UP! AND A WAVE OF GOOD OLD FASHIONED ROCK 'N' ROLL CRASHES OUT ON THE AUDIENCE, Buckaroo on lead guitar, joining the Hong Kong Cavaliers in a number so primal your feet just won't sit still! 113...while at the rear of the room, seated by herself, we find an ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY...crying, for some reason exempt from the general raucous good will. She pours herself another drink, but booze won't do the job. She's all alone. She needs some help. Her name is PENNY PRIDDY. 114On-stage Buckaroo Banzai suddenly stops moving, stops singing and waves the Cavaliers to cease as well. EERIE STILLNESS, the only sound Buckaroo's lips on the silver mike.BUCKAROO BANZAII heard somebody crying.(no response)I said is someone out there crying in the darkness?Yes, indeed...Penny's voice, weakly: 115PENNY at the back. I'm sorry... 116Buckaroo squints, spots her. His voice comes mighty over the PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM.BUCKAROO BANZAIRaise your hand...where?PENNY PRIDDY(raising her hand)This is so embarrassing...BUCKAROO BANZAISomebody get her a mike? Can we manage that? And a spotlight. What's your name?PENNY PRIDDYPenny. I'd rather not reveal my last name or my age.For reasons out of their control, Penny's name coming across to Buckaroo and the Cavaliers as "Peggy," said name immediately eliciting a surprised reaction from the Cavaliers......Buckaroo amazed as well...a not-too-distant pain deep in his soul momentarily manifesting itself, although he makes a brave attempt at now Penny is given that microphone.BUCKAROO BANZAIDid you say..."Peggy"?PENNY PRIDDYMy name is Penny. Penny Priddy. There I've said it, but it won't mean anything to you. I'm a nobody.The business of the names settled, Buckaroo and the Cavaliers breathing a bit more easily...BUCKAROO BANZAINobody's a nobody. Why're you crying? What's wrong?PENNY PRIDDY(blowing her nose)Did I say anything was wrong? I just sponged up a little too much Vat 69, okay? I'm down to my last nickel in this lousy town, I can't get my luggage outta hock 'cause I met this jerk who said he was a record producer when all he had was a record. He offered to set me up for life, and like a fool, well, I...BUCKAROO BANZAIHe offered you money?PENNY PRIDDYDo I look like that kinda girl?(to tell the truth)I lost my room this morning. I don't know where I'm gonna sleep tonight, but I keep going. What the hell else can I do? I've still got my figure, and like this bozo said, as long as there's a sidewalk, I'll always have a job.A few snickers...BUCKAROO shooting a disapproving look at those guilty of laughing at another person's misfortune...BUCKAROO BANZAIRemember it's always darkest just before the dawn. Believe me, I've been there.Buckaroo moving to a piano...starting to play...BUCKAROO BANZAIThis song's for Peggy. And all you others out there a little down on your luck.PENNY PRIDDY(exasperated)My name's, Penny! But who cares? 117Buckaroo and his men start to SING ANOTHER TUNE...slower, sexier. 118...and Penny opens HER BIG CLEAR PLASTIC PURSE, removes first a dog-earned paperback entitled Beyond the Realm of Atomic Particles and Massless Photons, by Buckaroo Banzai...then a BUCKAROO BANZAI COMIC BOOK, its cover depicting Buckaroo locked in mortal combat with HANOI SHAN, THE MANCHU TERROR! Penny lays both publications on the table, continues to dig around, revealing next a SHINY SMALL-CALIBER AUTOMATIC PISTOL... 119ON Buckaroo pours it on, looking in her direction... 120Penny takes the gun from her purse and lays it in her lap, tears starting to flood her eyes... 121BUCKAROO CROONING, all the women enraptured by his voice, his sultry glance, his animal presence...a real heart-breaker. 122Penny takes another drink, wraps her hand around the tiny pearl handle...SLOWLY MOVING THE GUN... 123ON STAGE, Buckaroo startled... in the blink of an eye Penny ATTEMPTS TO SHOOT HERSELF, her arm accidentally deflected by a passing WAITRESS, the SHOT going harmlessly into the ceiling as... 125...the crack Hong Kong Cavaliers whip out their GUNS, snapping back hammers, forming a human barricade around Buckaroo... 126...while BLUE SHIELD SECURITY MEN materialize and drag Penny screaming from the room.PENNY PRIDDYLet me go, let me go, you creeps...BUCKAROO BANZAIEverybody okay up here?ARTIE DUNCAN'S VOICEArrest the girl! Let's get this thing on the road, huh? 127The Cavaliers holstering their weapons, resuming musical postures...Buckaroo too...but his mind still half on Penny Priddy.INT. CRIMINALLY INSANCE COORIDOR - NIGHT 128Recreation time. SEVERAL MADMEN playing video games, content.Doctor Lizardo's Philco TV now sitting on a watch desk, the guard who took it eating dinner, leaning back in his chair, his feet on the he can bash it now and then to improve the picture a SHADOW falls across him...Doctor Lizardo...pulling a RATTY SUITCASE on tiny travel wheels, wearing an ANCIENT SPORTJACKET. Out for a stroll?GUARDWhere do you think you're going, doc? The moon? 129An amazing thing occurring, as Lizardo's right arm rockets out an catches the astonished guard around the throat, lifting him off the floor, Lizardo's left hand picking up the telephone...DR. LIZARDOOperator! I wanna place a person-to-person call to John Bigboote, Yoyodyne Propulsions Systems. Grover's Mill, New Jersey. Tell him it's John Whorfin calling. That's W-H-O-R-F-I-N. Got it, honey? John! J-O-H-N!Lizardo waiting for the call to go through as he strangles the last breath of air out of the helpless guard, drops him to the linoleum, reaching for the dead man's keys...DR. LIZARDO(into phone)Of course it's me, John Bigboote, you fool! Prepare for my return! The time has come. Haven't you heard? Don't you watch TV? Banzai and Hikita have done it! I'll meet you at the factory. Get that overthruster! And the little Jap! Alive! Banzai's too dangerous.Lizardo ripping the phone out of the wall, hurling it across the room......those inmates playing their video games fleeing like rabbits when they see that...Lizardo obviously no ordinary lunatic, as he proves by simply reaching out and... 130...touching THE BUCKAROO BANZAI VIDEO GAME, instantly shorting it out on his way to freedom, suitcase in tow.INT. BEDROOM ON BUS - DAY 131CLOSE ON a newspaper, a banner front page headline announcing the amazing Jet Car test......and down in a lower corner, A PHOTOGRAPH OF "WOULD-BE-ASSASSIN" PENNY PRIDDY being summarily escorted out of Artie's Artery...PULLING BACK TO REVEAL... 132...a simple steel frame bed, fold-out desk with microscope, scientific books everywhere...Buckaroo trying to tie his bowtie, glancing at the newspaper propped upon his dresser, that picture of Penny Priddy staring back at him...Perfect Tommy and Reno nearby assembling some kind of slide show...THE WHOLE ROOM SWAYING MYSTERIOUSLY......the two Cavaliers worrying more about Buckaroo than about what they're doing, as they fumble the slides, several falling to the floor...PERFECT TOMMYPick those up, Reno.RENOI didn't drop 'em....Perfect Tommy getting up and peeking at the newspaper over Buckaroo's shoulder...then returning to Reno...their voices low...PERFECT TOMMYIt's a spittin' image.RENO Doesn't look anything like her to me.PERFECT TOMMYPictures don't lie.RENO Hell they don't. I met my first wife that way.PERFECT TOMMYIt's Peggy to these eyes. Same nose, same hair. Plus Buckaroo thinks so too or else he wouldn't be ready to go make a fool of himself, right? 133Buckaroo overhearing all of this, of course, as the door opens, Rawhide appearing, offering a COMPUTER PRINT-OUT...RAWHIDEHot off the World Watch Wire, Buckaroo. Thought you'd wanna be notified. That old pal of the professor's, Dr. Emilio Lizardo? The one you did the brain scan on--? He killed a guard last night, broke outta the Trenton Home for the Criminally Insane, stole a Masarati, totaled it a block away.Buckaroo's expression changing at the mention of the name Lizardo...taking the print-out.BUCKAROO BANZAIThen what?RAWHIDEVanished. Thin air.PERFECT TOMMYDoctor Lizardo. Wasn't he on TV once?RENOYou're thinking of Mr. Wizard. This guy's an eccentric genius.PERFECT TOMMYHey, so was Mr. Wizard.RAWHIDEDr. Lizardo's a raving lunatic, Perfect Tommy, a vicious psychopath with crazy eyes and flaming orange hair that once upon a time was mousy brown like yours.BUCKAROO BANZAIHave you warned Professor Hikita?RAWHIDEFirst thing I did.PERFECT TOMMY(in the dark)Why? What's going on? Anything I oughta know? C'mon, Rawhide, spill it.Buckaroo nodding his permission...RAWHIDEThe professor and Dr. Emilio Lizardo were actually the first to discover the Eighth Dimension. Almost fifty years ago. Before Buckaroo's parents even knew each other. But there was trouble, a rocket catapult failed and Dr. Lizardo got sucked half in, half out...when they hauled him back ,he wasn't the same guy. His hair was orange...BUCKAROO BANZAIAnd his soul black as the Ace of Spades.RAWHIDEHe went on a senseless crime spree, killed a cop during a bank robbery, got caught and judged insane. The professor told us they threw away the key.PERFECT TOMMYHey, any lock can be picked. So what's he up to?BUCKAROO BANZAII'm sure we'll find out soon enough.Buckaroo heading for the door...Rawhide drawing a receipt book from his pocket.RAWHIDEAnd another thing. Somebody took five bucks outta petty cash without signing.Buckaroo and Reno automatically turning to Perfect Tommy...PERFECT TOMMYWasn't me. I'd take a hundred, right?INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - DAY 134...the guys following Buckaroo into an amazing ELECTRONIC NERVE CENTER, like the rugged interior of an AWACS, dimly lighted instrument panels manned by two BLUE SHIELD TECHNICAL EXPERTS.RADAR SHEILD ONELookit this, Buckaroo. Grossly abnormal high-altitude electrostatic disturbance over Connecticut. Fallout from the Jet Car, you think?BUCKAROO BANZAIDoubt it. Check NORAD command. Could be a volcanic ash cloud. Work her up statistically, check it for the next twenty-four hours, then shovel the data over to Reno.INT. PASSENGER SECTION/BUS - DAY 135Buckaroo coming through another heavy steel door, and for the first time we realize that we just might be on a MOVING BUS...EXT. POLICE STATION - ESTABLISHING - DAY 136BUCKAROO'S BUS pulling up...BUCKAROO BANZAI AND THE HONG KONG CAVALIERS emblazoned along its side.INT. POLICE STATION - DAY 137Waiting near the watch desk, Buckaroo's Jewish surgeon buddy, Dr. a thousand-dollars worth of drugstore cowboy gear, a Hoppalong Cassidy hat, red alligator boots, listening to the local COUNTRY STATION on a suitcase size stereo......looking up as Buckaroo, Reno, and Perfect Tommy approach...DR. ZWIBELHowdy, Buckaroo. Got your message about rendezvousing here. Barely had time to pack my saddlebags.BUCKAROO BANZAISid, welcome aboard.(shaking hands)Fellas, meet a medical colleague, Sid Zwibel. He'll be riding with us from now on, so get acquainted while I snoop around.Buckaroo heading over to the DESK SERGEANT on duty...RENOThe name's Reno. This here's Perfect Tommy.PERFECT TOMMYWhere do you hail from, Doc?DR. ZWIBEL(catching on)New Jersey!RENO NEVADAWhere's your spurs at?DR. ZWIBELYou making fun of me?PERFECT TOMMYReno, how's about you take New Jersey's gear, mosey on over to the bus and introduce him to the rest of the hands.RENOWhy me?PERFECT TOMMYCause Buckaroo needs me here.Reno picking up Doctor Zwibel's huge stereo and suitcase...RENOFollow me, pard'ner.INT. CELL - DAY 138Penny sitting on her bunk, a disheveled mess...depressed, her head buried in her hands as Buckaroo arrives. She sees his reflection in the pitiful mirror above her toilet...PENNY PRIDDYWhat're you doing here? Why're you looking at me like that?BUCKAROO BANZAII guess 'cause you remind me of someone I once knew, long ago before any of this craziness.PENNY PRIDDYGo away. Let me rot?BUCKAROO BANZAIWho were you really trying to kill last night?PENNY PRIDDYYou. Like the papers all say.BUCKAROO BANZAIPretty terrible shot.Silence. Penny realizing you don't fool this man with the sloppy bowtie...coming over to the bars...PENNY PRIDDYWas she pretty?BUCKAROO BANZAIWho?PENNY PRIDDYThe girl I remind you of.BUCKAROO BANZAIShe was the Queen of the Netherlands.PENNY PRIDDYIt's kinda hard this way.Meaning fixing his tie...which she's trying to do...BUCKAROO BANZAII'd turn around, but I'm afraid you'd strangle me.PENNY PRIDDYThe Netherlands. Whew, that's a long way from Wyoming.BUCKAROO BANZAIWyoming? Not Cody, by any chance?PENNY PRIDDYNo. Laramie. Except I was born in Cody. How did you know that? Oh, right, sure, I forgot: you know everything.BUCKAROO BANZAINo, I don't.Penny taking too long to retie Buckaroo's excuse to be near him...BUCKAROO BANZAIHaving a little trouble with that knot, aren't you?PENNY PRIDDYWhich? The one in my throat.Things really heating up between these two...Buckaroo changing the subject...blocking Perfect Tommy's view.BUCKAROO BANZAIDid you have family there--? A sister? In Cody?PENNY PRIDDYI don't know. I always felt like I did, like there was another me...BUCKAROO BANZAIAnother 'you'?PENNY PRIDDYSomewhere. See I was taken away by the Priddies when I was a baby. I was adopted.BUCKAROO BANZAIAdopted. I should have know. Of course. If it was a snake, it'd bit me!PENNY PRIDDYWhat? I don't understand you. I don't understand anything anymore.BUCKAROO BANZAIWho does? It's a crazy mixed-up world. Just do the best you can with what you have...Buckaroo touching her moist cheek, wiping away a tear. Perfect Tommy and the Desk Sergeant exchanging looks...PERFECT TOMMYRunning a little late, Buckaroo.BUCKAROO BANZAILet her out. In my custody.PERFECT TOMMYLet her out? She's a killer.Buckaroo and Penny unable to look away from each other.BUCKAROO BANZAINo she's not. INT. PRESS CONFERENCE - AFTERNOON 139REPORTERS, cameras, microphones, and a small audience of VIPS, civilian and military, in a large hotel conference room...eyes on the ticking clock...examining charts and MODELS OF SUBATOMIC PARTICLES...on the dais, Professor Hikita, Secretary of Defense McKinley and Senator Cunningham, waiting for Buckaroo. 140Over the refreshment table set up for reporters, TWO REDHEADED MEN WEARING GLASSES practically FILL THEIR CUPS WITH CUBES OF of their arms ELONGATING (1) for more sugar...THE STRANGE MOVE UNNOTICED... the crowd breaks into SPONTANEOUS APPLAUSE and Buckaroo Banzai enter, Penny Priddy beside him...the glamorous couple surrounded by the Hong Kong Cavaliers. 142JOHN O'CONNOR, and JOHN GOMEZ, those two nearsighted REDHEADS with the sweet coffee applauding only politely. 143Buckaroo taking Penny onto the dais with him, the Cavaliers assuming positions of security as......Buckaroo sits next to Professor Hikita who shields his remarks from what must be easily FIFTY MICROPHONES...PROF. HIKITARawhide tells me Dr. Lizardo escaped...BUCKAROO BANZAI(nodding)I'm assigning a couple Blue Shields to protect you around the clock, just in case.Professor Hikita removing the OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER from his battered briefcase and laying it on the table. Buckaroo taking a sip of water...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEThank you for coming. Before I answer any questions, I think Buckaroo owes us all a few explanations for yesterday's antics.BUCKAROO BANZAIMr. Secretary...Senator Cunningham, ladies and gentlemen...thirty years ago, nearly to this day, my mother and father and Sir Alan Motley, all former colleagues of Professor Toichi Hikita at the Texas School of Mines, gave their lives for what was considered at the time an insane notion: the possibility of contacting alien life... not on another planet, but on a simultaneous plane of existence within solid which, before the war, Professor Hikita had actually glimpsed while pioneering a highly primitive gravity catapult with Doctor Emilio Lizardo.1st REPORTERThe same Doctor Lizardo that just...?PROF. HIKITAOne and the same. 144SOMEONE ELSE'S NEARSIGHTED POV, PEERING AT THE BACK OF PROFESSOR HIKITA'S HEAD THROUGH A CRACK IN THE CURTAINS BEHIND THE DAIS... 145John O'Connor and John Gomez at the refreshment table now adding several packs of 'Sweet 'n' Low' to their thick coffee as...ON THE DAIS: 146BUCKAROO BANZAII don't wanna go get too technical here, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm talking twister physics. Quantum Mechanics. Now you see, now you don't. This table I'm sitting behind? It appears to be solid matter, right?Buckaroo demonstrating by picking up his plastic water glass, dropping it, splashing water left and right as the container naturally bounces off the table...BUCKAROO BANZAIBut in point of fact, the solid parts of this table... the protons, quarks, your neutrons and electrons...they comprise only about one quadrillionth of its total volume.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWhich is not a helluva lot to sink your teeth into.BUCKAROO BANZAIExactly. So the professor here, way back in 1937, figured that if solid matter is mostly empty space, a person oughta be able to discover a to travel inside things like tables. And mountains.PROF. HIKITAWe at the Banzai Institute have at last found that way: an alternating gradient synchronizer that softens solid matter by attenuating its electroweak forces!BUCKAROO BANZAIWhich we all know are the forces that tend to pull objects part, right, professor?2nd REPORTERWhat about the Pentagon? The possibility of war in the Eighth Dimension, Mr. Secretary?PENNY PRIDDYHey, better there than here, huh?SOME APPLAUSE, the Secretary of Defense eyeing Penny critically as the lights RADAR SHIELD ONE slips into the room, approaches the dais, and the FIRST SLIDE is projected onto the screen... 147...the image a murky one...but the outline of a WARSHIP WITH U.S. SAILORS ABOARD nonetheless unmistakable...CLOSE ON: 148RADAR SHIELD ONE(a whisper)The President's calling you, Buckaroo.BUCKAROO BANZAIThe president of what?RADAR SHIELD ONEThe President of the United States. 149ANOTHER SLIDE, even more graphic, the number on the bow of the ship plainly visible...7541.EVERYONE CAPTIVATED. 150BUCKAROO BANZAIIs he still delirious?RADAR SHIELD ONE(shrugging)Can't tell. It's real fuzzy. I patched him through to a pay phone down the hall.PROF. HIKITAIn 1942, a U.S. Navy frigate, number 7541, disappeared on a clear day in the North Atlantic. Long thought to have been torpedoed, these pictures of 7541 were taken yesterday in the Eighth Dimension.SECRETARY OF DEFENSENow wait a minute here...PROF. HIKITANext transparency, please.A loud murmur from the audience as the next slide in the projector proves to be a remarkable image......of AN UPSIDE DOWN SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PIRATE VESSEL. 151...Buckaroo starting from the table only to be reminded by Penny: 152PENNY PRIDDYBuckaroo, don't forget your thruster....handing him the OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER...Buckaroo declining it...BUCKAROO BANZAIYou keep an eye on it.PENNY PRIDDYAny time. EXT. OUTER SPACE - AFTERNOON 153Meanwhile, several thousand miles overhead, a HUGE SPIKEY SPACECRAFT APPROACHES EARTH...INT. SPIKEY SPACECRAFT (FATHER SHIP) - AFTERNOON 154A mysterious cloud room where BLACK BRRODING CREATURES perch upside down and sideways at controls in a smoky, vaporous environment, the only illumination EERIE YELLOW LIGHT...THE WALLS BREATHING.BUCKAROO BANZAI'S VOICEMr. President--? You there?MORE NOISES, THE SOUND OF TELEPHONE SWITCHING EQUIPMENT...INT. CORRIDOR - AFTERNOON 155Back at a pay phone in the corridor, Buckaroo trying to figure out why the President doesn't answer. RADAR SHIELD ONESeemed like a bad connection even back on the bus. But they used the code.BUCKAROO BANZAIMr. President--? Some kind of interference...I can't...Nothing from the other end except ODD SOUNDING COMPUTER BEEPS and the STATIC-LADEN VOICES of several operators...RAWHIDEMaybe it's just a prankster. Some computer whiz kid.RENOWhoever it was they used the Blue Code, Alpha Clearance.BUCKAROO BANZAI(to Radar Shield One)Go back to the bus and reroute the call.RAWHIDEAnd try the President's private number at the hospital. Make sure this is on the level. We're busy people here. 156...when suddenly eerie, inexplicable things begin to occur...ALL HAVING TO DO WITH ELECTRICITY...the telephone book scooting closer to Buckaroo's fingers as if drawn by a magnet, the pages then turning, faster and faster... 157...Buckaroo the glass phone booth door abruptly slamming shut, the phone simultaneously emitting a BIZARRE BUZZ... 158...and then Buckaroo gets literally the shock of his life...A MIGHTY ELECTRICAL CURRENT PASSING THROUGH THE TELEPHONE......AND HURLING HIM OUT INTO THE COORIDOR! 159BUCKAROO BANZAIPencil! Quick! Pen! Anything!Reno complying, the lights returning to normal, Buckaroo dazed, his hand moving automatically, writing on any surface available.A SPARK flying when he touches the metal-tipped pen to metal! 160Buckaroo finally settling for his hand, SCRIBBLING NUMBERS ON HIS PALM. 161INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - AFTERNOON 162PROF. HIKITALet me ask you to imagine the Oscillation Overthruster as a sophisticated rifle accelerator firing a steady stream of protons at a target-in this case a mountain-and the Jet Car as a giant super-conducting magnet.The Secretary of Defense fascinated. 163SECRETARY OF DEFENSESure, sure, but what about the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Dimensions?PENNY PRIDDY(thumbing through her paperback)I don't guess they matter. It's like cheesecloth, I think. Minkowiski all eyes turn to see a still woozy Buckaroo Banzai returning, pointing dramatically at John Gomez and John O'Connor in the audience...BUCKAROO BANZAIThere! Those two! Don't panic...The Cavaliers haven't a clue what he's talking about...RENOWhadda you mean, Buckaroo? Where? What? 164BUCKAROO'S POV...SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY...ACROSS THE ROOM, TWO GHASTLY ALIENS, GIANT RED ARACHTOIDS WEARING SUITS AND TIES, HOLDING COFFEE CUPS...BUCKAROO BANZAIEvil...pure and simple, from the eighth dimension! Grab 'em! 165RENO'S POV...NOTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY...neither Reno nor anyone else in the room seeing what Buckaroo does, seeing instead only those two redheaded gents who like their coffee sweet, John O'Connor and John Gomez...COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE THE CRIMSON CREATURES BUCKAROO THINKS ARE:BUCKAROO BANZAIArachtoids! Stop 'em!SENATOR CUNNINGHAMArachtoids? 166Buckaroo breaking into a dead run across the room, those two astonished RED ALIENS racing for the nearest exit! 167The Hong Kong Cavaliers rushing to help Buckaroo when suddenly the PIERCING SCREAM of Penny Priddy causes them to stop in their tracks and look toward the dais......where yet NOTHER REDHEAD called JOHN BIGBOOT…, in glasses and dark suit, a bandanna over his face, has just stepped from behind the curtain and seized Professor Hikita, pointing a revolver at the old man's head...the Cavaliers instinctively stepping toward the dais, outraged...JOHN BIGBOOT…Okay, wise guys! ...the masked John BigbootÈ FIRING once, wounding Reno in the shoulder...JOHN BIGBOOT…Let those gun belts hit the floor! And nobody follows, or the prof is history! The pistol stuck in Professor Hikita's ear convincing the Cavaliers to obey, to watch helplessly as the kidnapper backs his victim through the curtain and out of new Jersey administers first aid to Reno and Penny strokes the fallen Cavalier's hair, berating the idle bystanders around them:PENNY PRIDDYIs this the kind of society you want? A society of weak-kneed jellyfish wallowing in self-pity, prey to ruthless hoodlums who pick us off like flies?SENATOR CUNNINGHAMOr a society where we stand strong, take charge of our own destiny, with the cry "So far and no farther will we be pushed!"INT. HOTEL BOWELS - MOVING - AFTERNOON 168Buckaroo in the meantime running down a flight of stairs...catching sight of his prey...THOSE TWO MONSTROUS RED ALIENS running through a swinging door......Buckaroo accelerating, hitting the door with every ounce of strength in him...INT. UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE - LATE AFTERNOON 169...Buckaroo flying through the door, taking a fall down concrete steps, finding himself in the hotel parking garage where a MOTORCYCLE SHOW is unloading equipment......Buckaroo spotting THREE SHADOWY FORMS halfway across the lot loading A LARGE CRATE into a van...Buckaroo wasting no time going after the van, as it starts up...commandeering A FANCY NEW MOTORCYCLE, charging after the van despite an EXHIBITOR'S warning:EXHIBITORHey, you can't ride that! INT. CORRIDOR - LATE AFTERNOON 170The Cavaliers coming from two directions, colliding at an intersection...PERFECT TOMMYAny sign of Buckaroo?RENONo! Ditto the professor-RAWHIDEShit!EXT. CITY STREETS - LATE AFTERNOON 171The van speeds by...the motorcycle pursues!EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - LATE AFTERNOON 172The chase continues, leaving the city behind...EXT. WOODED ROAD - LATER AFTERNOON 173...the van coming straight toward us, thundering Buckaroo and his motorcycle next roar INTO CAMERA in hot pursuit, and over his shoulder an AWESOME SIGHT......A DARK, UNNERVINGLY PREHISTORIC CREATURE FLYING DIRECTLY AT US, GROWING LARGER AND LARGER ON THE SCREEN, BUCKAROO UNAWARE OF ITS EXISTENCE...EXT. FIELD - LATE AFTERNOON 174Twilight enveloping a New Jersey meadow as a pair of DUCK HUNTERS and their DOG takes advantage of the last half hour of fading daylight as......that BLACK CREATURE wings overhead! 175 176The duck hunters confused, frightened, FIRING, as a reflex reaction to this sudden threat from above! 177CLOSE ON the AWFUL BLACK CREATURE HIT, swooping low with a horrible shudder!The hunters transfixed... 178DUCK HUNTERSMy God! What the hell...The FRIGHTFUL sound of the CREATURE'S FAILING LUNGS...a terrific noise as the duck hunters hurry to where their unnatural kill hangs obscured in a gigantic tree...their dog running ahead, intent on retrieving this unusual "BIRD"...EXT. TREE - LATE AFTERNOON 179The heavy-footed hunters SLOSHING THROUGH WATER, the first hunter to arrive on the scene using a sharp stick to poke at a BULGING BLADDER on the bottom of the strange creature, the sac bursting and drenching the hunter with a hideous viscous fluid...SPARKS! AND A STRANGE BLUE DUST... suddenly AN ENORMOUS SPHERE drops out of the tree and begins rolling toward the hunter who poked that sac...DUCK HUNTERSJesus Christ--! What is it?The other hunter following the ODD SPERE as it backs his buddy into a shallow swamp...the thing coming to a stop and... 181...A BLACK MAN with dreadlocks emerging from the top of the weird vessel, trying to balance himself when he slips and crashes to the ground, his neck breaking...a beam from his dropped 'flashlight' revealing him in death to be not a black man, but a BLACK ALIEN WITH A THREE-FINGERED HAND... 182...the hunters terrified as their dog starts snarling at the tree where now a second BLACK MAN has emerged, running for the road, jumping the fence like a gazelle... 183...the hunters not seeing this second individual, obsessed instead with a BUCKAROO BANZAI COMIC BOOK they've discovered in the dead alien's fingers.1ST HUNTERIt's the latest issue!EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - TWILIGHT 184Buckaroo still on his MOTORCYCLE in pursuit of the van, taking a daring shortcut down a treacherous hillside...INT. VAN - TWILIGHT 185Alien John BigbootÈ at the wheel, alien John Gomez riding shotgun, in high spirits, cradling a DRY CELL BATTERY, his strange tongue upon it, getting high...his teeth glowing.BigbootÈ turning in his seat, overhearing alien John O'Connor operating a RADIO in the rear of the speeding van...JOHN O'CONNORWhat? A black ship? Where?(listening)A black thermopod's been shot down ten miles back.JOHN BIGBOOT…A black thermopod here? On Earth?! Why, John Gomez? Why?John BigbootÈ looking at John Gomez for any possible explanation.JOHN GOMEZJohn Whorfin...maybe they know he's escaped!JOHN O'CONNERHow? How could they possibly know? They're more than three trillion six hundred sixty million miles away.JOHN BIGBOOT…(jerking the wheel)They know everything! I told Whorfin to sit tight. This could be the end of us all! We gotta get Banzai's Overthruster and get off this rock!EXT. VAN - TWILIGHT 186The van making a 180( turn!INT. VAN - TWILIGHT 187John BigbootÈ yelling back to John O'Connor:JOHN BIGBOOT…Where was it, John O'Connor? How far back?JOHN O'CONNORI have a radio fix...John Gomez opening the glove compartment, taking out a pistol:JOHN GOMEZDeath to the enemy!JOHN O'CONNORDeath to the enemy--! Kill or die!John BigbootÈ just driving...his strange eyes set.EXT. ROAD - TWILIGHT 188Buckaroo rounding a curve on his motorcycle when that van is suddenly upon him, coming head on!Buckaroo just having a split-second to catch the logo 'Yoyodyne' on the front of the van as he swerves into a ditch to avoid certain death... 189...Buckaroo quickly restarting the motorcycle and taking out A SWISS ARMY LIGHTER/MINIATURE TWO-WAY RADIO, making a call to:BUCKAROO BANZAIRawhide. Come in. Over.INT. PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM - TWILIGHT 190Back in the press conference room, the anxious Cavaliers try to help several LAW ENFORCEMENT TYPES reconstruct the professor's kidnapping. A TINY BUZZER going off in Rawhide's pocket: his SWISS ARMY CIGARETTE LIGHTER. Rawhide turns his Back on everyone, taking out a pack of Luckies, lighting up as he talks quietly into the FLAME:RAWHIDEOver, Buckaroo. What's up? Where in Hades are you? I'm getting a lotta static.EXT. ROAD - TWILIGHT 191Buckaroo pushing and shoving his motorcycle onto a woodland path...IT IS GETTING QUITE DARK...BUCKAROO BANZAIThat's me. I've been ionized, but I'm okay. I'm, switching on the homing beacon, mark two minute intervals.RAWHIDEBuckaroo, somebody shanghaied the Professor!BUCKAROO BANZAIThe deuce you say.(realizing)That crate!INT. PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM - TWILIGHT 192Elsewhere in the room, nervous and concerned, Penny Priddy sits apart from the others, thumping the keys of a piano...RAWHIDEWhat crate?BUCKAROO BANZAII think I'm on to something. You and the guys go back to the house and dig up everything you can on an outfit called Yoyodyne.RAWHIDE(into flame)Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems? You think they're mixed up in this?...Reno sitting down next to Penny at the piano, his wounded arm in a sling but his fingers nimble as ever...PENNY PRIDDYHow long you been riding with Buckaroo, Reno?RENONigh on ten years. Been through a lotta scrapes together.PENNY PRIDDYWhat'd you do before? Can I ask?RENOGovernment work. Had my own think tank. Got tired of thinking-wanted some action. Seen plenty of it too. So will you if you stick around.PENNY PRIDDYWhere's Buckaroo? Is he alive?RENOCourse he's alive. He's Buckaroo Banzai.Rawhide calling from across the room...RAWHIDEAll right. Let's go! We got our work cut out for us tonight!Reno getting up, Penny unsure at that moment whether she's being included, as those steely eyes of Rawhide zero in on her...RAWHIDEYou, too, Miss Penny.EXT. ROAD - NIGHT 193Darkness as Buckaroo races on, the taillights of the van far ahead...INT. VAN - NIGHT 194John Gomez now sharing his DRY CELL BATTERY with John O'Connor, the two of them singing a SONG from their home planet......John BigbootÈ at the wheel, preoccupied, refusing their offer of a toke on the battery with:JOHN BIGBOOT…No thanks, I'm driving.EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 195The Yoyodyne van approaching the scene of the downed spacecraft, the headlights of the single HIGHWAY PATROL CAR illuminating the CORPSE OF THE DEAD CREATURE in the water...the HIGHWAY PATROLMAN pulling the figure out of the water, the hunters standing by...HIGHWAY PATROLMANHand me that tarp. Let's cover this guy...2ND HUNTERWhat guy? He's got paws.The other hunter tossing a plastic tarp over the body as they all turn to regard the headlights of the Yoyodyne van...the cop heading that way... 196BUCKAROO ARRIVING now too, scraping to a stop on his motorcycle in heavy brush, creeping closer to the crash site for a better look... 197BUCKAROO'S POV: The ungainly SPHERICAL SPACECRAFT and that amazing DEAD CREATURE on the ground, covered now with a sheet of semi-transparent plastic...observing John BigbootÈ and John Gomez producing official I.D.s and appearing to BUCKAROO AS CRIMSON ALIENS...TO THE COPS AS...ORDINARY CITIZENS: 198JOHN BIGBOOT…John BigbootÈ, Officer. Executive Vice President, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems.JOHN GOMEZ(of the spacecraft)One of our birds.The highway patrolman returning BigbootÈ's I.D., still a little skeptical about the whole thing, pointing to THE DEAD CREATURE UNDER PLASTIC.HIGHWAY PATROLMANThat fella over there-that one of yours, too, is it?John BigbootÈ having a ready answer...JOHN BIGBOOT…The droid, you mean? 199Buckaroo moving quickly to the back of the van, starting to open the rear door with a locksmith's pick attached to his special SWISS ARMY LIGHTER.ELECTRICITY JUMPING FROM HIS FINGERS. 200Buckaroo dropping the two-way radio homing device on the bumper... 201INT. VAN - CRASH SITE - NIGHT 202The sound of the Swiss Army lighter jolting red alien John O'Connor...O'Connor thinking the noise has come from the crate itself...JOHN O'CONNORButton up in there, Professor, if you know what's good for you.John O'Connor stepping out for a smoke.EXT. VAN - NIGHT 203Buckaroo watching the alien John O'Connor move off in the direction of the hunters, retrieving his dropped Swiss Army lighter, not noticing that the once blinking L.E.D. on the homing device has gone out! Buckaroo again picking the lock...EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 204...ordinary citizen John O'Connor meanwhile observing the hunters still hanging around, one of them engrossed in the Buckaroo comic, his pal trying to figure out how to operate the dead alien's unusual flashlight...JOHN O'CONNORNice night, huh?INT. VAN - NIGHT Buckaroo stealthily enters, working the lock on the crate now with his all-purpose lighter.CLOSE ON HIS FINGERS EMITTING THE OCCASIONAL SPARK... 206EXT. SWAMP - NIGHT 207John BigbootÈ, John Gomez, and the cop looming above the dead creature...HIGHWAY PATROLMANLooks like nothing I ever seen. I seen droids in space movies, but they're nothing like this-JOHN GOMEZIt's a three-man thermopod...John BigbootÈ shooting John Gomez a hard stare...HIGHWAY PATROLMANThermopod? What's a...JOHN BIGBOOT…Very T.S. Top Secret, right John Gomez?HIGHWAY PATROLMANYeah, well, I was gonna call Buckaroo Banzai out here to have a look. Right up his alley, I think.John BigbootÈ's mood suddenly changing...tensing...JOHN BIGBOOT…You called Buckaroo Banzai?HIGHWAY PATROLMANNot yet. I said I was gonna.The three of them looking up at another pair of headlights arriving, A SEDAN, the cop yelling at them:HIGHWAY PATROLMANGo on! Keep it moving!JOHN GOMEZWe got a truck on the way to mop things up for you. Else this place could become a zoo, not to mention a haven for gawkers.The highway patrolman moving off to deal with the sedan...JOHN BIGBOOT…We'll just go ahead and start breaking it down.HIGHWAY PATROLMANDon't touch it! I got my own help on the way! That's an order!John BigbootÈ frowning, telling John Gomez:JOHN BIGBOOT…There's a crowbar in the truck.John Gomez nodding, heading back to the van...INT. VAN - NIGHT Buckaroo pries his way into the crate, extracting the shaken Professor Hikita.A SPARK dancing between them as they touch! 209 210PROF. HIKITABuckaroo! What the Sam Hill!BUCKAROO BANZAICareful...don't make noise and don't touch me. I'm hotter than flapjacks.PROF. HIKITAWhat?BUCKAROO BANZAII'm a giant semi-conductor, and there's alien creatures all around us. Form the Eighth Dimension, I think. Look...Buckaroo trying to show Professor Hikita the MATHEMATICAL FORMULA written on his hand.PROF. HIKITAYou can see them? Buckaroo holding a finger to his lips...whispering...BUCKAROO BANZAIEver since that phony phone call from the President. Look at this. What is it?PROF. HIKITAIt's your hand, Buckaroo.BUCKAROO BANZAIIt's an antidote. A formula. Whoever it was on the phone made me scribble this and gave me the ability to penetrate their disguises.Buckaroo opening the door to the van.BUCKAROO SEES the red alien John Gomez coming closer... 211 212PROF. HIKITAAntidote to what? Whose disguises?BUCKAROO BANZAIArachtoids. From Planet Ten.PROF. HIKITAPlanet 10?BUCKAROO BANZAI(pointing quickly)There's a Harley behind those bushes. Get back to the laboratory and start working on the formula. We don't have time to ask questions. Just synthesize it-The professor still without the crucial information, however...John Gomez approaching...PROF. HIKITABuckaroo, the formula--Thinking fast, Buckaroo presses the palm of his hand to Professor Hikita's forehead, the ball-point ink transferring...THE IMPORTANT FORMULA IMPRINTED IN REVERSE ON THE PROFESSOR'S SHINY PATE...BUCKAROO BANZAIHurry! Please.EXT. ROAD - NIGHT 213The highway patrolman talking to the sedan...TWO SHADOWY FIGURES INSIDE...HIGHWAY PATROLMANIf you're gonna stay, you're gonna be under arrest. It's your choice.INT. WOLD WATCH ONE/BUS - NIGHT 214Meanwhile back on Buckaroo's bus, in the nerve center, Rawhide and Perfect Tommy look at a BLANK OSCILLOSCOPE operated by a Blue Shield Technician...PERFECT TOMMYTwelve minutes since the last signal. Long time.RAWHIDEToo long. We better get somebody over there. Put up the grid, last known location-- 215CLOSE ON OSCILLOSCOPE...AN ELECTRONIC GRID FIELD coming up, noting Buckaroo's last location. 216RAWHIDEHop on the Marconi, see if we got any Blue Shields within a ten-minute radius.PERFECT TOMMYDone.EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 217Buckaroo moving dangerously closer to the thermopod as the alien John Gomez returns with the crowbar...his other-worldly comrade demanding:JOHN BIGBOOT…Open it! 218...the highway patrolman meanwhile at his squad car, on his radio...THE SEDAN SITTING TIGHT.INT. GAS STATION - NIGHT 219Inside an all-night gas station somewhere in New Jersey, a young black kid named SCOOTER LINDLEY at his SPECIAL HAM RADIO SET, hearing:PERFECT TOMMY'S VOICERepeat: Intrastate Outward Band 5...Coded...calling all Blue Shield Irregulars in the Clam State. Bucakroo in trouble...will repeat coordinates...SCOOTER LINDLEYThis is Scooter Lindley, Future Knight of the Blue Shield 411/2. Hang on!EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT 220Scooter racing outside toward his father, CASPER LINDLEY, the station owner, an everyday no-nonsense guy in grungy overalls, presently trying to sell a crushed velvet sofa from the top of a three-tier display rack to a PAIR OF DISCRIMINATING CUSTOMERS...SCOOTER LINDLEYDad! Dad! Buckaroo's in trouble!CASPER LINDLEYSay what?!INT. PASSENGER SECTION/BUS - NIGHT 221A weary, worried Rawhide comes back into the front of the bus and takes a seat near Penny and Reno...NEW JERSEYTrouble?RAWHIDENah-Damn sophisticated equipment always breaking down.Reno wondering if there's more to it than Rawhide's saying...Rawhide losing himself in a copy of American Horseman.Penny leaning forward, thinking, picking at a guitar left on the seat in front of her, watching the mysterious Hong Kong Cavaliers. 222Perfect Tommy arriving, whispering something in Rawhide's ear, Rawhide nodding...Penny looking over at Perfect Tommy across the aisle, Perfect Tommy confiscating the guitar...his guitar.PENNY PRIDDYWhat's his problem?RENOPerfect Tommy's just threatened by smart women. Can you play that thing?PENNY PRIDDYBetter than him.EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 223Buckaroo jockeying for an improved position, as the alien John Gomez prepares to strike the pod-TWO MEN getting out of the sedan now...ARACHTOIDS in baggy suits......THE CROWBAR HITTING THE POD for the first time! 224The cop turning, shouting at John Gomez from his squad car:HIGHWAY PATROLMANWhadda you think you're doing? Hey!The cop in a jam, heading back toward the pod, as the two newly arrived redheads follow him despite his instructions:HIGHWAY PATROLMANI said back off! I mean it. Now get in your car and get the hell outta here!...the two goons halting...but as soon as the cop turns, they follow him again...EXT. FRONT GATES/BANZAI INSTITUTE - NIGHT 225A modest estate, several unique buildings on several acres of rolling Midlothian grassland, home of Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers...that famous Double B logo festooning a large front gate...a sign: THE BANZAI INSTITUTE FOR BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND STRATEGIC INFORMATION. 226...A NUMBER OF BUCKAROO'S DEVOTED FANS perpetually outside with sleeping bags and cameras...a wave of excitement rippling through the crowd as BUCKAROO'S DOUBLE BUS approaches and THREE BLUE SHIELDS on guard begin opening the gate.INT. FOYER/BUCKAROO'S HOUSE - NIGHT 227A combination Japanese ryokan-American ranch house, an elegant reflection of Buckaroo's dual lineage...a teenage girl heading for the door to answer an insistent buzzer...she MRS. JOHNSON... 228...Penny and the Hong Kong Cavaliers standing outside...Mrs. Johnson reacting as if she's seen a ghost...MRS. JOHNSONPeggy--!? Oh,'s not Peggy, Mrs. Johnson--MRS. JOHNSONNot Peggy--! Of course not. How could she be, huh? Whew.RAWHIDEAny word from Buckaroo?MRS. JOHNSONNo...I thought he was with you guys...The Cavaliers quickly dispersing...Penny left alone under Mrs. Johnson's curious eyes...INT. STUDIO-COMPUTER ROOM - NIGHT 229...the Cavaliers stepping into a home studio, a tangle of wires and microphones, mixing consoles and data banks tended by a skeleton crew of BLUE SHIELD a brainy, wiry kid in his late teens.BRAINY KIDHi, fellas...gonna lay down some background vocals tonight?RAWHIDEWish life was so simple, Billy. Remember that outfit the Justice Department checked into last year-Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems?BRAINY KID (BILLY)The big space and weapons high tech consortium way behind on their delivery of the controversial new Truncheon Bomber?PERFECT TOMMYYou got her. Buckaroo's orders: access their data bank. Attack their systems. Up to it?BILLYI'm a little short-handed tonight. My phone phreaks went into town for the big ice cream social...NEW JERSEYSo we'll help. Let's get crackin'!BILLYWho're you?EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 230Buckaroo watches the alien John Gomez deliver ANOTHER BLOW to the black space pod, as inside...INT. BLACK THERMOPOD - NIGHT 231...sits a single BLACK ARACHTOID CREWMAN named JOHN GANT, stoically at this communications console, trying to focus on a DISTORTED PICTURE FROM DEEP SPACE even as his enemy pounds and cuts through the hull...CLOSE ON CONSOLE 232...the picture of his video console coming into focus: a HIGHER-RANKING BLACK ARACHTOID WING COMMANDER ON TV:BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERDestroy yourself, John Gant. Set detonator.INT. FATHER SHIP - NIGHT 233...the BLACK ARACHTOID WING COMMANDER standing at his radio-video console, receiving a picture of "John Gant"...ON TV 234JOHN GANTDetonator set. My most profuse apologies to my homeland and loved ones. John Valuk is dead. He fell on his head, but perhaps John Parker will get through!The screen going dark. 235THE ARACHTOID WING COMMANDER exchanging words with his second-in-command...SECOND-IN-COMMANDBut what if John Parker too is dead? Then we must send another thermopod at once to contact Buckaroo Banzai!BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERThere's no time. We have our order from John Emdall.INT. VAN - NIGHT 236The alien John O'Connor looking in on the crate...finding it empty...lid off...EXT. CRASH SITE - NIGHT 237Ordinary citizen John Gomez HITTING the little thermopod again, the cop exasperated, pushed to the brink, surrounded...HIGHWAY PATROLMANThat's it, gentlemen, you're all under...The cop reaches for his pistol when suddenly John BigbootÈ whirls and lunges out with HIS TELESCOPING ARM, chopping the cop's Adam's apple, knocking him to the ground......the hunters stunned, one of them reaching for a shotgun when the two newly-arrived Yoyodyne goons attack, easily knocking the hunters to the ground, beating them! 238Bucakroo starting forward, but A THREE-DIGIT HAND suddenly on his shoulder! Spinning him around!VOICEEasy, friend-Buckaroo face-to-face with RED ARACHTOID John O'Connor, the latter surprised to discover it's...JOHN O'CONNORBuckaroo Banzai--!Buckaroo taking advantage of this creature's momentary amazement to kick O'Connor below the belt...dropping him to the spying yet another set of headlights coming down the road...JOHN O'CONNOR(in pain)It's Buckaroo Banzai! Get him! He let the professor outta the box! 239The goons pursuing Buckaroo onto the road, the HEADLIGHTS OF A TRUCK bearing down on them...Buckaroo waving back at the truck, his only chance, when suddenly, instead of slowing, the truck speeds up, trying to run him over...YOYODYNE!...Buckaroo lunging to safety at the last minute, getting up and running into a field...the Yoyodyne truck making a 180( turn and coming after him, across the meadow. 240...Buckaroo pursued by the truck and the goons when suddenly THE BLACK THERMOPOD EXPLODES, Buckaroo and the goons flying to the ground, Buckaroo quickly up and running, the truck gaining on him...gaining...still gaining when out of nowhere, A ROPE LADDER falls from the sky, entangling Buckaroo and pulling him up to a hovering HELICOPER...INT. HELICOPTER - NIGHT 241Piloting the small chopper, Casper Lindley, gas station proprietor, along with his eager son, Scooter...both father and son dressed in Blue Shield outfits now...Casper giving Buckaroo a helping hand into the swift-flying craft and getting a MILD ELECTRICAL SHOCK, COMING THIS CLOSE TO DROPPING BUCKAROO!CASPER LINDLEYForgive the butterfingers, Buckaroo. Casper Lindley, Knight of the Blue Shield, at your disposal. And my son, Scooter.BUCKAROO BANZAINothing to apologize for, Casper. You've gone beyond the call of duty tonight. Mind if I get on the horn and radio the Cavaliers--? They'll be worried.Buckaroo reaching for the mike, relieved to feel only a SLIGHT ELECTRICAL CHARGE on touching it...BUCKAROO BANZAINot the famous Scooter....?SCOOTER LINDLEYWow. You know it.EXT. FRONT GATES/BUCKAROO'S HOUSE - NIGHT 242Professor Hikita on motorcycle, being waved through the front gate by a BLUE SHIELD GUARD while a second Shield, PINKY CARRUTHERS (on HORSEBACK), telephones ahead...PINKY CARRUTHERSThe prof just rolled in. Says he's on his way to the lab and "Do not disturb."INT. STUDIO COMPUTER ROOM - NIGHT 243Reno on the phone, getting the word on Hikita while the other Cavaliers watch Billy call up a strange senseless MAZE OF LETTERS AND NUMBERS on his monitor...RAWHIDETry a new cipher. Try G.BILLY G cipher. There! More like it!NEW JERSEYNice work, kid. 244CLOSE UP SCREEN: the letters having at least turned into something coherent...a batch of names and dates, vital statistics...headed "YOYODYNE." 245BILLYLooks like we've accessed their Read Only Memory...a personnel file. Could be highly revealing.RENO(rejoining the group)The professor just pulled in, jabbering something about space monsters, locked himself in his lab.PERFECT TOMMY"Space monsters" ass.INT. HALLWAY/BUCKAROO'S HOUSE - NIGHT 246Mrs. Johnson leading Penny down a richly paneled corridor past pictures and momentoes of Buckaroo and the Cavaliers, past and present...MRS. JOHNSONI'm sure the boys like you. They just don't wanna get attached...and then see what happened to Buckaroo's last sweetheart happen to you.PENNY PRIDDYWhat happened to her?Mrs. Johnson biting her tongue...MRS. JOHNSONYou know any judo?PENNY PRIDDYAny what?MRS. JOHNSONDon't worry, I won't hurt you.Penny staring at this strange young girl, not knowing what to say...PENNY PRIDDYWhat's up those stairs?MRS. JOHNSONBunkhouse. Off limits. You'll be bedding down in here....Mrs. Johnson opening a guest room door...Penny eyeing those forbidden stairs...INT. STUDIO COMPUTER ROOM - NIGHT 247BILLYThis is queer...look...Billy staring intently at the monitor...the others leaning in... 248CLOSE ON MONITOR: a list of IDENTICAL DATES AND PLACES NEXT TO A RAFT OF NAMES. 249BILLYAll these people applied for drivers' licenses in the same town in New Jersey on the exact same date.NEW JERSEYNew Jersey?BILLYForty-six Yoyodyne employees. Grover's Mill, New Jersey, 11/1/38.RAWHIDEGrover's Mills, Grovers' Mills...1938. Why's that so darn familiar?RENOLooks like none of these guys ever lived anywhere else. No places of birth. And all of them with the same first name: John.New Jersey studying the screen...NEW JERSEYNovember 1, thirty days have September, April, June, and November...when short February's done, all the rest have thirty-one. October 31st! Halloween! Don't you get it? (obviously not)Orson Welles!BILLY You mean the guy from the old wine commercials?NEW JERSEYHalloween. 1938..."War of the Worlds"...that fake radio news broadcast that got everybody scared, thinking that real live Martians were landing in Grover's Mill, New Jersey! But then it all just turned out to be a hoax.BILLYThen that's it!RENOWhat's it?NEW JERSEYRight! Hoax my eye!RENOYou mean--? No!BILLYYes! Martians! Right across the river in Grover's Mills!EXT. FRONT GATES/BUCKAROO'S HOUSE - NIGHT 250Pinky Carruthers aboard his palomino as JOHN PARKER (the only alien to escape the black thermopod) rides up outside the gate on a bicycle...holding a STRANGE YELLOW RECORD in his grasp...PINKY CARRUTHERSHi, buddy, what can I do for ya?JOHN PARKERBuckaroo Banzai?PINKY CARRUTHERSYou a messenger? What've you got here?Pinky Carruthers snatching the ODD YELLOW RECORD through the gate...JOHN PARKERI need see Buckaroo Banzai in person. My name is John Parker. Identify yourself.PINKY CARRUTHERSKnight Commander, Pinky Carruthers. Sorry, John, all these people "need see" Buckaroo in person.And with that Pinky Carruthers is gone, trotting up toward the mansion on his a frustrated John Parker suddenly sticks his nose in the air, getting a whiff of something, causing him to get on his bike and pedal...EXT. OUTSIDE SECURITY WALL - NIGHT 251...around the corner of Buckaroo's estate where he notices a PARKED VAN and THREE SHADOWY FIGURES lowering themselves into the ground near the high security wall...disappearing......John Parker approaching, beholding...that familiar "Yoyodyne" van...and a FRESHLY DUG HOLE, crawling into the hold himself.EXT. BANZAI INSTITUTE GROUNDS - NIGHT 252...surfacing WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE ESTATE and again catching sight of THE SHADOWY FIGURES moving toward the buildings, John Parker following...quickly ducking behind a tree, trying to get himself a good view of the three intruders...SUDDEN VOICEThat's as far as you go, pal.John Parker jerking his head around, finding himself confronting the FRIGHTENING SILHOUETTE of a Blue Shield in camouflage commando gear... 253...John Parker instinctively raising a hand to protect himself when without warning, a second BLUE SHIELD drops on his head from the tree above, knocking him down...INT. GARAGE - NIGHT 254Closed...SAM, the mechanic, next to Buckaroo's precious JET CAR, tinkering with that damaged Harley Davidson...the garage door suddenly sliding open, startling one there.SAMOkay, who's the funny guy?EXT. GARAGE - NIGHT 255In the buses, CLOSE ON SOMETHING WEIRD EMERGING SLOWLY FROM TEH ALIEN JOHN BIGBOOT…'S MOUTH...SHARP...Sam stepping forward...A FIVE-PRONGED ORGANIC STINGER THE SIZE OF A WALNUT FLYING OUT OF THE NIGHT! A scream dying in Sam's throat as he clutches his heart, John BigbootÈ dragging him back into the garage.INT. GARAGE - NIGHT 256...while the red alien John Gomez remains outside as a lookout, the alien John O'Connor quickly peering into the locked Jet Car and smashing the window, searching in vain for the OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER...JOHN O'CONNORNot here! No Overthruster!JOHN BIGBOOT…John Whorfin will kill us!JOHN O'CONNORYou look! It's not here!JOHN GOMEZProfessor Hikita!EXT. GARAGE - NIGHT 257Outside, John Gomez making a startling discovery: the figure of Professor Hikita near an upstairs window of the research building only yards away...when suddenly overhead... 258GOMEZ'S POV...CASPER LINDLEY'S CHOPPER...landing behind a stand of trees as the alien intruders scatter for cover.INT. DEN - NIGHT 259Mrs. Johnson sitting near a crackling fire, at a small desk stacked high with books and papers, her nose in an advanced chemical engineering text....looking up as the front door opens, admitting Buckaroo Banzai, Casper and Scooter bringing up the rear...MRS. JOHNSONBuckaroo!BUCKAROO BANZAIIs the professor here? Where's Penny?MRS. JOHNSONBoth of 'em safe and sound. What's going on? Everybody's freakin' out.A shaken Rawhide, Reno, Perfect Tommy appearing on the stairway...RENO They're arachtoids, Buckaroo, from Planet 10!BUCKAROO BANZAIWhat? How do you know that?RAWHIDEIt's all on the record. Come on-Buckaroo heading up the stairs... 260UPSTAIRS HALLWAY...BUCKAROO MOVING QUICKLY DOWN THE CORRIDOR with his men, being debriefed on the run:BUCKAROO BANZAIPlanet 10? The same Planet 10 you postulated beyond Pluto, Perfect Tommy? The invisible body?PERFECT TOMMYYeah, but most of 'em blasted in through the Eighth Dimension in 1938 at Grover's Mills, New Jersey...RENO...where there was some kinda giant crash landing, a huge explosion and they fooled Orson Welles into covering it up! And then they founded Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems and hid there for...BUCKAROO BANZAIOrson Wells? What about Doctor Lizardo?PERFECT TOMMYLizardo caused it all. Because he was already here on earth, screwing around with his own stupid Overthruster.RAWHIDEFaulty design. It sucked.RENO...but he wasn't the real Doctor Lizardo...just this arachtoid creep that stole the good doc's body the year before in the Eighth Dimension when Prof. Hikita's lab exploded...BUCKAROO BANZAIStole his body? When Doctor Lizardo's hair turned red and his mind snapped? Of course! What else?PERFECT TOMMYIt wouldn't tell us the whole story until you got here. It wasn't to talk to the head honcho.BUCKAROO BANZAIIt? Who does?INT. INSTITUTE LABORATORY - NIGHT 261Professor Hikita and his assistant toil away, starting at... elaborate electron-tube apparatus that just now beings to produce TINY GLOWING GREEN PARTICLES... 263...the professor excited, confused...rechecking Buckaroo's EQUATION ON HIS FOREHEAD by looking into a mirror.INT. BUCKAROO'S STUDY - NIGHT 264...while Billy places John Parker's UNUSUAL YELLOW RECORD on a turntable in Buckaroo's cluttered office...Casper and Scooter and the Cavaliers seeking protection behind a PLEXIGLAS 'BLACKBOARD', their faces seen through a maze of mathematical symbols and equations... 265...Buckaroo at his messy desk with a can of beer, FASCINATED TO SEE HE STILL POSSESSES ENOUGH STATIC ELECTRICITY IN HIS HAND TO DRAW A SHEET OF PAPER UP FROM THE BLOTTER LIKE A MAGNET!RENO Stand back, man... the needle now comes down on the yellow disc, and amid a flurry of SMOKE AND SPARKS, A GORGEOUS BLACK HUMAN FEMAL sizzles up from the grooves of the record and hovers in mid-air...A HOLOGRAM!HOLOGRAMSalutations, great Buckaroo Banzai. I am John Emdall from Planet 10. A common grave danger confronts both our worlds.INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 267Meanwhile out in the corridor, Mrs. Johnson advances with a load of cold beers and Birdseye burritos...passing by a figure frozen in the shadows...OUR POV: THE ALIEN JOHN O'CONNOR. Mrs. Johnson gone, none the wiser.INT. BUCKAROO'S STUDY - NIGHT 268Mrs. Johnson entering, dropping some of her load in shock at the sight of beautiful John Emdall floating free in the center of the room...MRS. JOHNSONOh, wow...Reno picking her things up, as Mrs. Johnson backs away from the HOLOGRAM and sticks the burritos in a portable microwave oven in the corner of Buckaroo's desk... 269JOHN EMDALLAfter a bloody reign of terror, the hated leader of our military caste, the self-proclaimed "Lord" Whorfin, a bloodthirsty butcher as evil as your Hitler was overthrown by freedom-loving forces, tried, and condemned, along with several hundred of his followers, to spend eternity in the formless void of the Eighth Dimension. Death was deemed too good for their ilk. 270RENODid you tell Penny Buckaroo wanted to see her?MRS. JOHNSONShe's not in her room...I looked.BUCKAROO BANZAIWill everybody please shut up so I can hear this thing? 271JOHN EMDALLWere it not for the experiments of your father and Professor Hikita and the real Doctor Lizardo, then John Whorfin would still be locked safely away on another plane of existence. 272Rawhide and Pinky Carruthers holding a whispered conversation elsewhere in the room...PINKY CARRUTHERS"John Parker" I think he called himself, this Rasta man on a bike dressed up in aluminum foil. With a weird the hell was I supposed to know he came from outer space?Buckaroo moving dangerously close to the HOLOGRAM...John Emdall suddenly pointing right at the great man... 273JOHN EMDALLAnd now, you, Buckaroo Banzai, have unintentionally helped John Whorfin further with your Oscillation Overthruster! For our intelligence warns us that John Whorfin is about to make good his escape from Earth back through the Eighth Dimension...and on to Planet 10! If he should attempt this we will have no choice but to disrupt worldwide electronic communications and fire a particle beam weapon from your airspace to Smolensk, in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.PERFECT TOMMYAn action the Kremlin will most certainly misinterpret as an American first strike!JOHN EMDALLExactly, Perfect Tommy. The Soviets will retaliate. Your President Widmark will launch a massive counterforce strike...and within twenty minutes the danger to Planet 10 will be removed...RENOGod, if it's not one thing it's another.JOHN EMDALLBut...because we're good guys, we're giving you a chance to save your planet. Stop John Whorfin before sunrise! If you fail we will be forced to help you destroy yourselves. End of discussion. 274There's an awful pause...and then a SCREECH as John Emdall spirals downward into the grooves of the record again. 275CASPER LINDLEYShe gotta be kiddin', right? Vaporize the whole damn planet--?BUCKAROO BANZAIYou wanna take the chance, Casper?CASPER LINDLEYNot me. No way.BUCKAROO BANZAIRawhide, go find out how Professor Hikita's coming with that formula. Mrs. Johnson, take Casper and Scooter, gas up the Jet Car.SCOOTER LINDLEYWow, you know it!Buckaroo heading for the door...RENOWhere're you goin'?BUCKAROO BANZAITo get my guns.PERFECT TOMMYHis guns? Holy shit.INT. INSTITUTE LABORATORY - NIGHT 276...Professor Hikita and his assistant leaning over the electron tube apparatus, removing a rubber stopper from one of the receptacles, in the process GETTING AN ACCIDENTAL WHIFF of that BIZARRE GLOWING GREEN COMPOUND...Professor Hikita and assistant letting out gasps, seeing a sight that nearly stops their hearts...THEIR POV 277AT THE WINDOW...JOHN BIGBOOT…...AND A RED ARACHTOID! 278Professor Hikita, petrified, stepping back, grabbing the OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER and knocking over a chair, as THE ALIEN CREATURE smashes the window!INT. INSTITUTE CORRIDOR - NIGHT 279Rawhide, hearing screams from the Professor's laboratory, races down the corridor, gun drawn...INT. BUCKAROO'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 280Buckaroo coming into his bedroom, opening a dresser drawer when suddenly...A NOISE BEHIND HIM! Buckaroo whirling instinctively with twin EBONY HANDLED COLTS a fraction of a second from PENNY!...the latter poking her head out of Buckaroo's closet just long enough to see him aim his silver pistols, jumping back into the closet, slamming the exasperated Buckaroo stepping over to the closet, finding it locked...knocking...BUCKAROO BANZAIOpen up or I'll shoot it off.PENNY PRIDDYI'll shoot yours off if I had a gun, you double-dealing Casanova! I thought you liked me for myself. But why should you, huh? A jerk like me.Buckaroo understanding at last the reason for Penny's odd behavior, seeing THE PHOTOGRAPH on his bedstand of a younger, possibly not-yet-so-world-famous Buckaroo Banzai in tuxedo...his pretty companion A DEAD RINGER FOR PENNY.BUCKAROO BANZAIPenny, look-PENNY'S VOICEYou look. Who is she?BUCKAROO BANZAIThat's kinda complicated to get into right now because the world's maybe coming to an end and I can't stand here and talk to a closet door.PENNY'S VOICEYeah, whose world is coming to an end? You only wanted me because I remind you of her.Buckaroo fidgeting, precious seconds ticking away...BUCKAROO BANZAIPenny, I was going to get into that, but I haven't had time...with arachtoids and all...but briefly she was your long lost twin sister, we got married, and that's about all I can say. Right now.(no response)Penny?A silence from the other side, the closet door unlocking...slowly opening, revealing Penny standing in the middle of a pile of female clothing...PENNY PRIDDYMarried--? So that's it! Buckaroo Banzai, a married man. Where is she? With the kids some place?Buckaroo turning...Penny eyeing him, penetrating his soul...PENNY PRIDDYShe must've been a bigger fool than me if she ran out on a guy like you...BUCKAROO BANZAIShe was killed, Penny.PENNY PRIDDYOh, my.BUCKAROO BANZAIDon't go to pieces. I haven't got time tonight.A pregnant pause, the pain evident on Buckaroo's face as he turns back to the job at hand, picking up his holster and rummaging through the dresser drawer, fighting back the painful memories...PENNY PRIDDYLooks like you're the one might go to pieces.BUCKAROO BANZAIWhere's my damn ammo? Nothing is ever where it's supposed to be around here!PENNY PRIDDYHow did she die? I wanna know.BUCKAROO BANZAIYou don't wanna know.PENNY PRIDDYYes, I do. Gimme a chance. I'm stronger than you think.BUCKAROO BANZAIShe was murdered by Hanoi Shan on our wedding night.PENNY PRIDDYHanoi Shan--? The guy in your comic books. Boss of the World Crime League? Supreme Commander of the Legion of Death? The Pivot of Mystery himself? You're putting me on. He's a cartoon character.BUCKAROO BANZAII wish he was. He's real enough.Penny having to sit down and think about this as Buckaroo straps on his guns...changes his torn and shredded jacket...Penny looking at a BUCKAROO BANZAI COMIC BOOK on the night stand...then at the framed photograph of Peggy...PENNY PRIDDYGod, she's so young and beautiful. I don't remember her at all. Which I guess is good, under the circumstances. I bet you'll never forget her though.One look at Buckaroo says it all...BUCKAROO BANZAINever.PENNY PRIDDYI gotta be honest with myself and not repress these feelings-I've got mixed emotions-I don't know if I can handle this. Oh, boy...BUCKAROO BANZAII gotta go. We're on borrowed time.PENNY PRIDDYGo where? Where're you going?BUCKAROO BANZAI(squatting close to her)Please, Penny. You just gotta trust me now. Okay? And don't panic. Because it's gonna be all right.PENNY PRIDDYWhat? If we just believe in Buckaroo Banzai?BUCKAROO BANZAIYeah...and maybe more important, if you believe in yourself.PENNY PRIDDYBelieve in Penny Priddy?BUCKAROO BANZAIAbsolutely.Penny looks into his eyes...PENNY PRIDDYYou've got your six guns strapped on. You're ridding off on another adventure? Oh, my God, it's all really is real. I should go with you. Please...BUCKAROO BANZAIIt's too dangerous.PENNY PRIDDYThat's just what you would say. This is so unreal. I'm dreaming...Starry-eyed, she leans forward to kiss him, Buckaroo about to oblige when their fingers touch, Penny getting a MILD ELECTRICAL SHOCK......the door suddenly opens and Perfect Tommy sticks his head in... 281PERFECT TOMMY(breathless)Buckaroo--! Sorry--BUCKAROO BANZAIWhat is it, Tommy?PERFECT TOMMYSam's dead! Someone broke into the Jet Car! And things are going haywire over at the lab...Buckaroo running for the door, calling over his shoulder to Penny:BUCKAROO BANZAIStay here, I'll be back.PENNY PRIDDYSure. I won't hold my breath.EXT. BUCKAROO'S HOUSE - NIGHT 282Buckaroo, the Cavaliers, and the Lindleys race out of the house toward the research building...INT. BUCKAROO'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 283Penny hurriedly changes clothes...puts on Peggy's clothes...when suddenly THE SIGHT OF JOHN O'CONNOR standing in the hallway door, leering at her...PENNY PRIDDYWhadda you want?John O'Connor, remembering her from the press conference...JOHN O'CONNORNothing right now, Penny Priddy.John O'Connor vanishing...Penny again at a loss...INT. BANZAI INSTITUTE - NIGHT 284Buckaroo and the Cavaliers running inside, racing up a bright yellow staircase to the second floor...INT. INSTITUTE LABORATORY - NIGHT 285Buckaroo and the Cavaliers entering, finding the motionless lab assistant in Professor Hikita's wrecked laboratory...BUCKAROO BANZAIDead. Damnit!PERFECT TOMMYWhere's the professor?RENOWhere's Rawhide?CASPERWho'd do a thing like this?NEW JERSEYArachtoids.BUCKAROO BANZAISpread out. They can't be far.INT. INSTITUTE CORRIDORS - NIGHT 286SHOTS of Cavaliers in empty hallways, guns drawn, discovering evidence of intruders...OFFICES RANSACKED, FURNITURE UPSET...EXPERIMENTS FOULED UP... 287...Buckaroo turning a corner, finding a SMALL AMOUNT OF SMOKE in the hallway...turning the corner...INT. DRAFTING ROOM - NIGHT 288...stepping into a LARGE ROOM clouded with SMOKE from a burning file cabinet, Rawhide and a HULDING FORM struggling in the gloom......Buckaroo unable to get a clear shot at the beast when suddenly Rawhide succeeds in knocking his adversary to the floor, the "man" HISSING!RAWHIDELook out, Buckaroo!Rawhide putting himself in the line of fire, suddenly clutching his lower back...Buckaroo starting toward Rawhide but...RAWHIDEBehind you!Buckaroo turning as THE SHADOW OF THE ALIEN JOHN O'CONNOR falls on his back!...Buckaroo firing his guns, wounding the creature, the disoriented FIGURE retreating out into the corridor as Buckaroo turns in time to see Rawhide's assailant dive into a hole in the floor! A hole in the floor?BUCKAROO BANZAIYou okay?RAWHIDEYeah. Just grazed me. The Professor's under the floor too...with the Overthruster...Buckaroo edging toward that strange orifice in the linoleum, going into it himself...INT. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR - NIGHT 289As Penny rushes in, her ears picking up weird noises...THE SOUND OF PEOPLE in the acoustical tiles overhead...Penny trying to follow the racket down the first-floor hallway...INT. CRAWL SPACE - NIGHT 290Buckaroo in the dim light of the crawl space, making his way past air-conditioning ducts toward the sound of someone or something crawling up ahead...BUCKAROO BANZAIProfessor--!?PROF. HIKITA'S VOICEHere, Buckaroo!SOUNDS IN THE DARKNESS, Buckaroo holding his pistol still at the ready but useless in these cramped quarters...Buckaroo finding a worklight, flicking it on...INT. DOWNSTAIRS OFFICE - NIGHT 291Penny meanwhile following the NOISES AND VOICES OVERHEAD into an empty office, grabbing a ladder and knocking out a ceiling panel...PENNY PRIDDYBuckaroo! Rawhide! Reno? Anybody? 292ANOTHER POV...unfortunately someone else is watching Penny from inside that very office...the wounded John O'Connor sitting in a swivel desk chair behind the door, oozing blood of a strange color and consistency, staring ferociously at Penny...MORE CLATTER Penny elevates herself partially into the hole...INT. CRAWL SPACE - NIGHT 293PENNY'S POV...Professor Hikita only yards away, on his belly, able to come no further, unable to wedge himself beneath a large duct...the arachtoid John BigbootÈ closing in behind the professor...Buckaroo closing in behind BigbootÈ.PROF. HIKITATake it, young lady! Grab it! 294Unseen by John BigbootÈ, the OVERTHRUSTER skittering across the crawl space and into Penny's hands!INT. DOWNSTAIRS OFFICE - NIGHT 295Penny stepping down off the chair and onto the desk top, her back still to the wounded John O'Connor as she quickly stuffs the OVERTHRUSTER into her action unseen by the ghastly, bleeding thug who... 296...EXTENDS HIS ARM UP AND ACROSS THE ROOM...HIS HUMAN HAND TIGHTENING AROUND HER MOUTH...INT. CRAWL SPACE - NIGHT 297Buckaroo advancing toward the professor...PROF. HIKITA'S VOICEGo back, Buckaroo!The arachtoid John BigbootÈ whirling, firing a STINGER that whizzes past Buckaroo's head, missing by Buckaroo FIRES twice...John BigbootÈ screaming...kicking at a small fresh air vent, somehow squeezing his huge body out the tiny opening like a rat.INT. DRAFTING ROOM - NIGHT 298Buckaroo helping Professor Hikita up out of the floor...Rawhide lying very still now, surrounded by Reno, Perfect Tommy and New look between New Jersey and Buckaroo sufficient to tell us that Rawhide hasn't got a chance...Buckaroo kneeling beside his old pal, Rawhide forcing a smile...RAWHIDEYou're a welcome sight...BUCKAROO BANZAIJust 'grazed' you, huh?New Jersey extracting a strange MANY-PRONGED STINGER from Rawhide's back. Buckaroo looking at it...Rawhide maintaining a sense of humor...RAWHIDEApache?BUCKAROO BANZAIArachtoid.RAWHIDESo I was right. That's nice to know...Across the room, Pinky Carruthers comes in with Casper and Scooter Lindley, and that black man from Planet 10, John Parker...PINKY CARRUTHERSWe found the guy, Rawhide, sucker dug a hole and tried to...Pinky's words catching in his throat as he sees Rawhide's condition. 299Buckaroo turning, seeing not a 'guy' but A GIANT ARACHTOID standing there... 300Rawhide fading fast, Buckaroo lobbing the STINGER to "John Parker"...BUCKAROO BANZAIAny antidote for these things?John Parker holding the stinger in his palm...JOHN PARKERNo, it suddenly comes alive! He drops it to the floor, stomps it to death...PERFECT TOMMYThat mean you're on our side?RAWHIDE(sinking)We gotta stop 'em, Buckaroo.Buckaroo turning from the BLACK ARACHTOID to his dying buddy...BUCKAROO BANZAIWe will, old fried, we will.RAWHIDESure do pack a mean wallop...let's go...BUT RAWHIDE CLOSING HIS EYES FOR THE FINAL TIME, as Buckaroo feels for a pulse...the look in the great man's eyes saying it all...sadness mixed with anger...BUCKAROO BANZAIThere's another one we owe 'em....THE SOUND OF A HELICOPTER STARTING UP...CASPER LINDLEYThey're stealing my chopper!The Cavaliers racing for the window...RENOAnd they got Penny! Look!BUCKAROO BANZAIDon't shoot!PROF. HIKITAShe has the Overthruster!JOHN PARKERThen your planet is doomed.BUCKAROO BANZAINo!(calmer)We'll get it back.Buckaroo shoving Perfect Tommy aside, at the window himself now. 301BUCKAROO'S POV...a fleeting glimpse of THE STOLEN LINDLEY CHOPPER...INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 302CLOSE ON the familiar face of the Secretary of Defense seen from an unusual angle...PULLING BACK TO REVEAL PRESIDENT WIDMARK lying on his belly, surrounded by the electronics of his temporary set of government, staring down at a special mirror that reflects his Secretary of Defense, the Secretary pressing a point further an igniting a Camel with a lighter from the President's nightstand.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEIt's not Buckaroo Banzai per se, Mr. President. It's his men...some of then foreigners...Asiatics, their names changed, their true backgrounds shrouded in secrecy! I mean, when you come right up against it, what do we really know about any of 'em?A NURSE appears with two little pills...NURSEThese'll make you a tenny bit drowsy, Mr. President.PRESIDENT WIDMARKThat's okay, Bonnie, I won't be operating any heavy machinery today.SECRETARY OF DEFENSE(desperate)We've never had a weapon like the Jet Car in the past, Mr. President. Light-weight, highly mobile, stick on some anti-tank missiles, a couple grenade launchers, hell, we could buy ourselves two hundred Jet Cars for the price of ten tanks, send 'em swarming all over Ivan like bumble bees, sir, right clear through their precious little Iron Curtain like it was Swiss cheese! They gotta be just scared shitless!PRESIDENT WIDMARKAs are all sane men today.SECREATRY OF DEFENSEHey, and me too. That's why I'm saying until Buckaroo Banzai agrees to submit his boys to at least a routine government security check, that Jet Car should be in the hands of Defense, and if they won't sell us the technology, then Mr. President, by God, sir, we have got to take it! In the national interest.The lighter in the Secretary's hand suddenly BEEPING, startling him and prompting the President to claim the gizmo and point it at... astounding TV-telephone where the FACE OF BUCKAROO BANZAI APPEARS...PRESIDENT WIDMARKWorld Watch One. Direct incoming transmission.BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TVHello, Mr. President. How's my favorite patient? Any tenderness?PRESIDENT WIDMARKThat which does not kill us makes us stronger, Buckaroo. What's it like out there in the real world?Secretary of Defense McKinley stepping around behind the bed, coming into Buckaroo's field of vision...BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TVNot too terrific, sir. I apologize for the interruption but something very unusual has reared its ugly head in outer space, and it looks like the Earth's caught in a crossfire.PRESIDENT WIDMARKYou're gonna have to repeat that, I think, Buckaroo.EXT. BUCKAROO'S BUS - NIGHT 304On a highway somewhere near the Eastern seaboard, Buckaroo's bus speeds toward Yoyodyne...INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - NIGHT 305Buckaroo standing at a TV-telephone in his MOBILE ELECTRONIC NERVE CENTER, the arachtoidal John Parker right at his side amid a flurry of activity... technicians accumulating INFO on THE ALIEN FATHER SHIP FROM PLANET 10...BUCKAROO BANZAITo cut right to the bottom line on this, sir, we have reason to believe that there are moving freely among us, vicious red aliens disguised as the owners and operators of Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems....Perfect Tommy, Reno, even Casper Lindley, coming in and out of the picture, transforming themselves into a crack commando unit donning assault/chemical-warfare uniforms...little Scooter Lindley among them, too, doing like his dad. 306SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ON TVYoyodyne Propulsion? The people working on our Truncheon bomber? Under control of alien nationals? Reds? Commies, you say? 307...New Jersey studying an initial computer enhancement of THE AWESOME BLACK ARACHTOID SHIP HEADED TOWARD EARTH... 308BUCKAROO BANZAINot exactly, Mr. Secretary, no. Real aliens. Giant red arachtoids camouflaged as human beings...and what they're really building, forget your Truncheon bomber, Mr. Secretary, is this enormous rocketship to escape back through the Eighth Dimension and then on to Planet 10.SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ON TVNow wait one second...BUCKAROO BANZAIThe gentleman standing here with me is called John Parker, and he can corroborate everything I've said because he's from Planet 10 too.INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 309The President dumbfounded...John Parker on TV appearing as nothing more than a wild and wooly Rastafarian...PRESIDENT and I, we go back a long, long way together...but...JOHN PARKER ON TV(interrupting)Time is short, Mr. President. To prevent John Whorfin's escape, my comrades are at this moment taking up a geostationary position over New Jersey. This situation is explosive!PRESIDENT WIDMARKExplosive? What are you saying, man? Some kind of race war in New Jersey--?BUCKAROO BANZAINo, sir. This 'man' as you call him, is not a human being, Mr. President. He's a black arachtoid.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEThat's some kind of spider, isn't it?INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - NIGHT 310New Jersey joins Professor Hikita at a microscope, analyzing a slide smeared with that weird alien 'blood'...PRESIDENT WIDMARK ON TVBuckaroo, my good friend...I'd like to help you...but don't you think I would've heard from my SAC radar by now if...INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 311BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TVSAC wouldn't know what to look for, sir. Because these black arachtoids are cleverly hidden inside a huge thundercloud.The Secretary of Defense takes action, picks up a phone...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEGet me John Bigboote at Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, Inc. Then...(to the President)...the FBI. Let's see if this spade's wanted. What the hell's his name again? Jackson?JOHN PARKER ON TVParker. I have delivered a hologram from my president, John Emdall, who has made it clear that unless John Whorfin is destroyed at once, she intends to fire an atomic beam from your American airspace...BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TV...hit Smolensk and precipitate a thermonuclear war, Mr. President.PRESIDENT WIDMARKA what?BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TVA thermonuclear holocaust, sir. These creatures from Planet 10 are ready to exploit Soviet-American tensions and get us to blow each other off the face of the earth, sir, if necessary.PRESIDENT WIDMARKYou're quite serious about this, aren't you, Buckaroo. We know each other pretty well, I think.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEJohn...? John Bigboote? Right, BigbootÈ, sorry. Anyway, hey, guy, how's everything over there at Yoyodyne? How's my big bomber coming? Nothing out of the, you know, ordinary? Spiders? I know you're busy...lunch? Sounds good...when's good for you? Next Tuesday? I'm writing it down in my book. See you then...Uncle Sam's treat.The Secretary writes nothing down, hangs up, looking unsatisfied with the conversation just concluded.INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - NIGHT 312Buckaroo glancing over at Professor Hikita and New Jersey, the latter squinting into the microscope...PRESIDENT WIDMARK ON TVWell. I don't know what to say, Buckaroo...aliens from Planet 10, nuclear extortion, spiders in thunder clouds, a girl named "John"...NEW JERSEYThere's your answer! Electromagnetic bacterial crap!PROF. HIKITAProgrammable!NEW JERSEYWe inhale the bacteria. It swims to our cerebral cortex and reprograms our consciousness. Diabolical. We only see what they want us to see.PROF. HIKITAElectric brainwashing.John Parker nearby, helping Reno synthesize more of Professor Hikita's ARACHTOIDAL ANTIDOTE and pour the liquid into GAS MASK FILTERS...SECRETARY OF DEFENSE McKINLEY STEPPING CLOSER INTO THE PICTURE...SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ON TVJust curious, Buckaroo, but where's the Jet Car at these days?BUCKAROO BANZAII've got it, Mr. Secretary. But unfortunately the Oscillation Overthruster is in Penny Priddy's possession and she's been kidnapped and taken to Yoyodyne, further exacerbating the situation. We're on our way there right now.INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 313PRESIDENT WIDMARKWho the hell's Penny Priddy?The Secretary of Defense giving the President a sly 'I told you so' look...INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - NIGHT 314Perfect Tommy coming over, interrupting...PERFECT TOMMYBuckaroo, John Parker has the arachtoid cloud on line 2!INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 315BUCKAROO BANZAI ON TVExcuse me a moment, Mr. President. We're talking to the cloud right now.And his image fades.PRESIDENT WIDMARKGood God...The President picks up the phone...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWell, if it wasn't Buckaroo Banzai, I'd say commit the man.PRESIDENT WIDMARKGet me SAC HQ: Omaha, NORAD, and the Strategic Space Command. I want some hard data on that cloud. We got any killer satellites over Jersey--?INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - DAY 316Everyone studying a much MORE DETAILED COMPUTER ENHANCEMENT of the alien cloud...The Alien John Parker on the phone, whispering... 317RENO They're armed for bear, Buckaroo. Check out those radiation levels.BUCKAROO BANZAI(to John Parker)John Parker, tell them we're doing our best. Stall.JOHN PARKER(into phone)Buckaroo Banzai says patience is a virtue, Wing Commander, sir.Perfect Tommy interrupting again, holding yet another telephone...PERFECT TOMMYIt's Whorfin, Buckaroo. Line 3.BUCKAROO BANZAIWhorfin? Does he know we're coming?INT. SPEED OPERATOR'S PULPIT (YOYODYNE) - NIGHT 318Meanwhile in a grimy narrow control booth high above the factory floor, a terrified Penny Priddy sits BOUND and GAGGED, John O'Connor SPREADING THE CONTENTS FROM A HONEY-BEAR SQUEEZE BOTTLE over her naked arms while long trails of ORDINARY PICNIC ANTS make their way up her legs...John BigbootÈ looking on...Penny's UNOPENED big clear plastic purse on Doctor Lizardo's desk, the OVERTHRUSTER right under his nose and he doesn't even know it as he speaks into the phone handed to him by an ASSISTANT. BEGIN INTERCUTTING.DOCTOR LIZARDOWell, well...Dr. Banzai. Perhaps you don't remember me? Ah, I'm flattered. We know the same people. In fact, one of them is here with me now...your associate, Doctor Penny Priddy. 319BUCKAROO BANZAI"Doctor"--? 320DOCTOR LIZARDOMay I pass along my congratulations for your great achievement. In the miserable annals of the Earth, you will be duly enshrined! However...(a pause)...Miss Priddy claims to be unable to solve my problem. And provide the crucial missing circuit for my Overthruster. Perhaps you can convince her to try.Lizardo holding the phone toward Penny, ripping her gag off...PENNY PRIDDYI'm not worth it, Buckaroo! Forget me! BUCKAROO BANZAIPenny--?! Are you all right?Doctor Lizardo yanking the phone from Penny, remaining silent for a second to torture Buckaroo's soul...BUCKAROO BANZAIShe knows nothing, Lizardo.DOCTOR LIZARDOThen shall we say "A Penny for your thoughts?" You can come in her place. Yoyodyne, Dr. Banzai. Come alone, with your Overthruster!(hanging up)He'll bring it. I know his type.Penny glancing surreptitiously at her large transparent purse, THE OVERTHRUSTER IN A JUMBLE OF COSMETICS!DOCTOR LIZARDOTake her to the pit! Use more honey. Find out what she knows.Smiling smugly, Lizardo heads for the door, Penny squirming in her seat as the TINY ANTS dig in...PENNY PRIDDYWho are you? Hanoi Shan? The Scourge of Burma! The Pivot of Mystery? Well, you're not destroying me like you did my sister!Lizardo simply sneering at her as he goes out the door...INT. PASSENGER SECTION/BUS - NIGHT 321A flurry of well-ordered activity taking place...Hong Kong Cavaliers and Blue Shield Irregulars along with Pinky Carruthers. Casper and Scooter...sitting up front like paratroopers, cleaning their back-pack FLAMETHROWERS...SAWED-OFF SHOTGUNS...Buckaroo giving them a chalk talk, an aerial photograph of Yoyodyne on the clear plexiglas 'blackboard'...BUCKAROO BANZAIThese antidote filters the Professor's whipped up will let you to see them like I have since yesterday, as arachtoidal creatures. They won't be pretty, nothing personal, John Parker. But just remember...if we fail tonight, there's no tomorrow.JOHN PARKERThey will never surrender. They will fight to the end.Buckaroo nodding...THE CAVALIERS BREATING THEIR ANTIDOTE FILTERS, SEEING NOW "THE ALIEN" JOHN PARKER WITH A MIXTURE OF DISBELIEF AND HORROR...Casper and Scooter Lindley especially unsettled...BUCKAROO BANZAII'm working under the assumption that Penny still has the Overthruster. That'll be my job: get it back in one piece. Here's the main gate. I'll pass through first, alone. The rest of you divide into two strike groups-Apache Team...that's you, Reno...and Chaparral Team, Perfect Tommy. John Parker'll ride with Chaparral.Perfect Tommy not too thrilled about that.BUCKAROO BANZAITop priority is the Overthruster. Whorfin can't escape without it. The built-in tracking device should make it relatively simple to locate...maybe hard to get.INT. BOWELS OF YOYODYNE - NIGHT 322Penny being dragged by John O'Connor through a slimy underground corridor, past a strange piece of machinery.INT. WALTER REED HOSPITAL - NIGHT 323The President of the United States talks into a cigarette lighter and peeks up a nurse's skirt by means of his floor mirror... 324MIRRORED POV: The nurse's reflection replaced by that of his NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR... 325PRESIDENT WIDMARKBuckaroo, come in...over. How does this damn thing work? Can anybody figure this lighter out?NATIONAL SECURITY MANNo, sir. I think the flint...PRESIDENT WIDMARKWhat's happening with my call to SAC?NATIONAL SECURITY MANStill no confirmation either from SAC or Strategic Space Command. They report all surveillance satellite communication jammed.PRESIDENT WIDMARKJammed--? By who? Whom by?NATIONAL SECURITY MANPossible atmospheric condition, It's unusual, but no cause for alarm. Intelligence reports the Soviets are having the same problem.PRESIDENT WIDMARKShould we be on Code Red?GENERAL CATBURDWe go to Code Red, the Russians go to Code sense jumping off half-cocked, Mr. President.The President twisting around to glower at Catburd eating an orange, sitting near a table of flowers and fruit baskets.SENATOR CUNNINGHAMI don't know...Buckaroo Banzai's never been wrong before.Senator Cunningham pacing nervously...GENERAL CATBURDThe man went through solid matter, for crying out loud. Who knows what it did to his brain...maybe scrambled his molecules. All I'm saying is, let's not panic here! I'm sure there's a rational explanation...NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR(turning from a strange phone)Russian radar is down, sir. They've just gone to Code Red.Silence. And then calmly and quietly:PRESIDENT WIDMARKWe've got no choice then. Call my wife.The National Security Advisor turning back to his telephone:NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISORCode Red. "Butch says we're crimson."GENERAL CATBURDMr. President, none of us here are lunatics or irrational men...(looking at Cunningham)...or persons. I'm a soldier and I'm a damn good one, enough decorations to snap a Christmas tree, but I don't mind telling you, I'm sure I speak for everyone in this room when I say I am scared. I'm barely holding my fudge right now.SENATOR CUNNINGHAMStop acting like a goddamn schoolgirl, General, and pull yourself together.PRESIDENT WIDMARKI'm glad someone has the balls to face facts!(pause)Forget we're the good guys and we'd never attack first. They think we're godless monsters just like them. Put yourself in their samovars...sitting in the dark without radar, bells ringing all over the damn Kremlin, little men in fedora hats getting out of Zils, coming into the Great Hall of the People. Now, do you think they're gonna listen to reason? I'll give Buckaroo his Planet 10 space cloud, but do you think they will?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR(being handed a dispatch)Soviet radar is down, sir, and so is ours. We're both totally defenseless. More or less.GENERAL CATBURDHail Mary.PRESIDENT WIDMARKSo what's our counter option, General Catburd? Earn your salary.GENERAL CATBURDI guess we have to prick this boil and take the heat, sir. Hit 'em primero...blast 'em off the face of the Earth before they lose their heads and do it to us first.PRESIDENT WIDMARKLarry, where's my Football?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOROut in the hall, sir.INT. WALTER REED HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT 326An apple-cheeked Marine Lieutenant sits watching a television soap opera, only the sinister BLACK BRIEFCASE chained to his wrist setting him apart from missions of other viewers...General Catburd sticking his head out of the President's room...GENERAL CATBURDWhat're you waiting for, boy? Get in here with that an out-of-breath Mrs. Johnson rounds the corner on rollerskates, out-foxing SECRET SERVICE AGENTS and the rest of the President's entourage, cutting through, clutching the YELLOW RECORD...MRS. JOHNSONFor the President! From Buckaroo Banzai!EXT. RENDEZVOUS POINT - NIGHT 327A dimly lighted parking lot not far from Yoyodyne. A KOLODNY BROS. PLUMBING VAN arrives, disgorging several tough BLUE SHIELDS as Buckaroo and Professor Hikita confer...the alien John Parker doing some highly unusual warm-up exercises on the tarmac...Reno telling the arriving Blue Shields:RENOWe're waiting for the Jet Car. Billy's bringing it.PERFECT TOMMYAsshole probably got lost.NEW JERSEYOr nailed for speeding.BUCKAROO BANZAICan I have everyone's attention? I'm not a rah-rah kinda guy, and I'm not much for speeches, but things could get rough out there tonight. It's a fight we didn't ask for, but it's a fight we're stuck with and we all saw what happened to Rawhide. So if for any reason this is good-bye, I want you all to know crazy lugs...Buckaroo finding it difficult to put into words what they all mean to him, the Cavaliers smiling, needling him...RENOWhat, Buckaroo? You trying to tell us something?The JET CAR racing up, skidding to a stop, Billy jumping out, the big engine still running.BUCKAROO BANZAILet's just fry those arachtoids.Buckaroo embracing Professor Hikita, turning back to his men, pulling on his helmet:BUCKAROO BANZAIGive me thirty minutes. Then come in and mop up.Buckaroo tossing a quick Blue Shield salute, shutting himself into his speed machine. 328PROF. HIKITA'S POV as Buckaroo blasts exhaust trail of white smoke as he rockets up the highway!INT. YOYODYNE - NIGHT 329Penny Priddy, more bedraggled and filthy than ever, being dragged by John O'Connor deeper into the bowels of Yoyodyne, down a flooded subterranean corridor...INT. WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL - NIGHT 330CLOSE ON THE PRESIDENT'S FACE...JOHN EMDALL'S VOICE OVER...talking thermonuclear war...wrapping her speech up...WHOOSH!PRESIDENT WIDMARKWell... that's certainly food for thought. 331Mrs. Johnson lifting the needle off the SMOKING the President's National Security Advisor places a call on that ominous STRANGE PHONE, a palpable tension rising, urgency bordering on panic......General Catburd and the young Marine lieutenant rummaging through a confusion of envelops in the BLACK BRIEFCASE.NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISORNo answer at the Kremlin, sir. Just dead silence.GENERAL CATBURDHere you go, Mr. President...the Sealed Authenticators. The Plan D Documents for your eyes only...John-Hancock these, and we got ourselves a knockout little force posture...SENATOR CUNNINGHAMYou know, on second thought, maybe we should think this through a bit more so that future generations of...THE LIGHTS IN THE ROOM START TO BLINK ON AND OFF...silencing the Senator...Catburd handing the President a writing implement...pulling out a special writing tray from the bed...PRESIDENT WIDMARK"Name of the enemy"? What, Planet 10? My hand's shaking. How on earth can I even...have to stay awake, alert...that's my job. That's what the people put me here for.INT. FATHER SHIP - NIGHT 332Meanwhile inside the strange vaporous entity...BLACK CREATURES scuttle about their jobs in semi-darkness, monitoring the Earth below...BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERWhere is Buckaroo Banzai?BLACK ARACHTOID AT SCOPEJohn Parker tells us he's approaching Yoyodyne, Wing Commander, sir.BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERKeep me posted.EXT. MAIN GATE/YOYODYNE - NIGHT Buckaroo arrives in his JET CAR...RED ARACHTOID GUARDS unlocking the chain link barrier, swinging it open...INT. SPEED OPERATOR'S PULPIT (YOYODYNE) - NIGHT 334In the nerve center of Yoyodyne, a nervous John BigbootÈ watches Dr. Lizardo addressing his ragtag followers on the floor below...BigbootÈ with his hands on Lizardo's mike cord, trying to get up enough nerve to pull the plug on his boss...DOCTOR LIZARDOBlacks are on this planet! Here in New Jersey! Coming to destroy us! We must move! Escape or die! 335OVER LIZARDO'S SHOULDER: A view down below on the littered floor of a huge aircraft factory that houses a GIANT SPOACESHIP OF BIZARRE DESIGN, a customized 747, wingless, jagged, the entire vehicle suspended twenty feet off the floor on movable cranes, work ladders stretching up to its several doors...DOCTOR LIZARDOYou must work faster to finish the Great Vehicle. So that we can enter the Eighth Dimension and free our trapped comrades! So we can return to our homeland and seize power once again! ...Lizardo's followers extending their three-fingered hands in fascist salutes as he whips them into a feverish state:BACK TO: 336DR. LIZARDOWhere are we going? Tell me!RED ARACHTOIDSTo Planet 10!DR. LIZARDOWhen?RED ARACHTOIDSReal soon!Dr. Lizardo peers down at the hangar floor. 337HIS POV of the JET CAR locked in the iron jaws of a GIGANTIC ROLLING MACHINE...INT. JET CAR/LAUNCH HANGAR - NIGHT 338The Jet Car's engine shut down, Buckaroo CHECKING HIS OVERTHRUSTER HOMING DEVICE as he's trundled toward John Gomez, in a graveyard of HUGE YELLOW SPIKES, his eyes taking in everything, from the last-minute preparation of the GIANT SPACECRAFT to: 339BUCKAROO'S POV...the evil figures of Dr. Lizardo and John BigbootÈ standing high in the speed operator's pulpit... 340Buckaroo yanked out of the cockpit...John Gomez poking at the JET CAR'S dashboard, ripping out its cassette deck, finding the crucial Overthruster missing and shaking his head in Lizardo's direction.JOHN GOMEZNot here!THEIR POV 341An angry John BigbootÈ racing down the stairs toward the Jet over the PUBLIC ADDRESS BOOMS:DOCTOR LIZARDOWHERE IS THE OVERTHRUSTER!BACK TO: 342BUCKAROO BANZAII thought you had it!For that seemingly flippant but honest answer, Buckaroo gets punched by John BigbootÈ...doubling him over...DR. LIZARDO'S VOICETake him to the Shock Tower!INT. YOYODYNE SHOCK TOWER - NIGHT 343Murky, dank, an insect paradise...Buckaroo standing trapped inside an ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD...John BigbootÈ looking on......Dr. Lizardo flashing two separate, incredibly complex ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS on A MONITOR SCREEN in rapid-fire order.DOCTOR LIZARDOSolve them! The shock tower is a lie detector. Any untruth triggers a brutal charge to your auditory meatus...BUCKAROO BANZAIYou're not getting a damn thing outta me until Penny's safe.DR. LIZARDOCurse you, Banzai! Don't you realize what you're saying? Your planet's about to be destroyed, and you're wasting time like this...BUCKAROO BANZAII've got nothing but time.CLOSE ON THE POLYGRAPH NEEDLE SUDDENLY JUMPING! 344 345THE TOWER ZAPPING BUCKAROO, A FIERCE ELECTRIC SHOCK TOSSING HIM BACK AND FORTH LIKE A RAG DOLL...DOCTOR LIZARDOSealed with a curse as sharp as a knife...doomed is your soul, and damned is your life!Lizardo pressing a button, administering a second SHOCK to Buckaroo, while an aide turns a dial, INCREASING THE VOLTAGEDOCTOR LIZARDOI want my missing circuit now!INT/EXT. PRESIDENT'S HELICOPTER - NIGHT 346A VIEW OVER THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE'S SHOULDER as the chopper descends, lands in a parking lot where Buckaroo's bus sits guarded by Cavaliers and Blue Shields...THE CAMERA FOLLOWING the Secretary right out into it all...A CARPET CLEANING VAN ARRIVING, THREE MORE TOUGH BLUE SHIELD IRREGULARS REPORTING FOR WORK..."THE RUG SUCKERS".SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWho the hell are those guys? Where's Buckaroo?INT. YOYODYNE SHOCK TOWER - NIGHT 347Buckaroo still held in his electric straitjacket...Lizardo nodding to the ARACHTOID in charge of a bank of glowing closed circuit TV sets...the same picture popping onto every set: PENNY HANGING IN "THE PIT".BUCKAROO BANZAIYou bloody--!DOCTOR LIZARDOShe'll live...for a while, and she won't enjoy it.Lizardo indicates his favorite monitor...the INCOMPLETE OVERTHRUSTER equation flashing across its face.DOCTOR LIZARDOOnly you can save her from the fate of your friend, Mr. Rawhide! Solve this equation. I must have the crucial missing circuit.CLOSE ON THE MONITOR...a riot of circuits and junctions... 348BACK TO: 349BUCKAROO BANZAIThe missing circuit's in your head, Whorfin.DR. LIZARDOWhorfin? How do you know that's my real name?BUCKAROO BANZAIJohn Emdall told me.Buckaroo smiles at Lizardo's surprise, Lizardo signaling John BigbootÈ who turns on the voltage, ZAPPING Buckaroo!INT. BUCKAROO'S BUS (PARKED) - NIGHT 350The Secretary of Defense pacing the aisle of the bus, looking at his watch while the Cavaliers and newly arrived Blue Shields conceal their eagerness for battle...checking watches, cleaning weapons.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEAnybody got a report-anybody got anything? Or are we still blacked out?Perfect Tommy looking back into World Watch One...PERFECT TOMMYLight precipitation. Partly cloudy tomorrow.SECREATARY OF DEFENSEThis bus should be in the hands of Defense....Scooter Lindley, wearing a gas mask, approaches the alien John Parker with a BLUE SHIELD BALLPOINT PEN and a piece of paper...SCOOTER LINDLEYCould I have your autograph, Mr. Parker?John Parker at first not understanding the nature of the request...looking at the ball-point pen, Scooter flipping the point for him...SCOOTER LINDLEYSay, "To my best friend Scooter..."JOHN PARKERYou got it....the Secretary of Defense, NERVOUSLY CRACKING HIS KNUCKLES...moving up the aisle, suddenly screaming:SCRETARY OF DEFENSEWhat the hell are we doing?! I don't believe this...what're we waiting for? Christmas?PROF. HIKITA(checking his watch)Ten minutes more. Buckaroo's orders.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEDamn Buckaroo! I'm the eyes and ears of the President of these United States of America! In loco presidentis! Which means I'm in charge here!PERFECT TOMMYNot on this bus, you're not.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWho the hell do you think you are?PERFECT TOMMYPerfect Tommy.That answer alone enough to drive the Secretary up the wall...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWell let me tell you something, Mr. Perfect Tommy: I don't need this shit. I could be on Easy Street with a cushy job in the private sector. But instead, I got me a nine-hundred-million-dollar way-the-hell-behind-schedule top-secret bomber being built down there by Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems and I don't intend to set twiddling thumbs in a bus while Buckaroo Banzai goes crashing around my airplane looking for his damn girlfriend, driving a car that itself is probably worth more to this country than all the tea in China! I'm talking National Security risk and we are going in there like gentlemen and straighten this thing out before somebody gets hurt! You got that?...the Secretary suddenly grabbing a weapon from a surprised Blue Shield and turning it toward the driver...REVERSE ANGLE...THE SECRETARY CRACKING A SHOT OFF AT THE WINDSHIELD! 351 352SECRETARY OF DEFENSEHit it, soldier boy! Move this buggy! That's a goddamn executive order!With his weapon trained on the driver, who's to stop him?PERFECT TOMMYGo ahead, Louie, do like the man says.EXT. HIGHWAY NEAR YOYODYNE - NIGHT 353The double bus leaping forward, heading down the long approach road to Yoyodyne...past a BILLBOARD touting the aerospace achievements of...YOYODYNE-AN EXCITING, GROWING COMPANY...JUST ONE MILE AHEAD...PATROLLED BY AIRCRAFT.INT. BUCKAROO'S BUS - NIGHT 354The Cavaliers letting the Secretary of Defense call the shots for the moment, talking among themselves, Perfect Tommy squelching any notion of knocking off their hysterical hijacker:PERFECT TOMMY(whispering)Hey, so we get into action quicker this way. We tell Buckaroo our watches were fast.Ordinary citizen John Parker taking a step toward the Secretary, offering him a gas mask...the Secretary turning on him...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEThat's far enough, black boy...A mystified John Parker stepping back. 355ANGLE TOWARD WINDSHIELD...the Secretary peering through the windshield at the chain link gates coming into view...YOYODYNE-AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.REVERSE ON 356SECRETARY OF DEFENSEI'll handle the negotiations here...(to the driver)Slow her down.EXT. GUARD GATE/YOYODYNE - NIGHT 357The Secretary getting out, coming around to the REDHEADED YOYODYNE GUARDS who try to peer in through the bus' tinted windows...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEYou fellas got a phone? Ring ahead and get me John Bigboote. Tell him...GUARDIt's BigbootÈ.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWhat? Hell, I'll do it yourself if I want it done right, huh?The Secretary pushing the astonished guards aside and picking up the telephone, the guards trying to stop him and in the process turning their backs on the bus as it SILENTLY CRUISES PAST THE GATE INTO YOYODYNE...EXT. DESERTED AREAS (YOYODYNE) - NIGHT 358...the bus coming to a stop in a scrap metal dump inside the big compound, Cavaliers and Blue Shields piling out, going with their assigned groups...Perfect Tommy's Chaparral Team following John Parker toward a normal looking building...JOHN PARKERUnder here, I think.PERFECT TOMMYUnder where? Hold on...But John Parker entering a crawl space beneath the huge building...Chaparral Team having no choice, following.EXT. YOYODYNE GATE - NIGHT 359The Secretary of Defense struggling with the guards for possession of the phone, drawing his stolen weapon...SECRETARY OF DEFENSENow you get this're up to your ass in alligators, and I'm here to drain the swamp. So I'm gonna use this phone...because it is all over for you, Baby Blue...(picking up the phone)This is the Secretary of Defense at the poorly guarded west gate. I wanna speak to John BigbootÈ, person to person. Okay, okay...BigbootÈ.EXT. UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE/YOYODYNE - NIGHT 360Reno's Apache Team (Casper and Scooter on board), finds yet ANOTHER UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE to the main building, slips in...INT. UNDERGROUND BUILDING - NIGHT 361Chaparral Team (the alien, John Parker, Perfect Tommy) in the strange labyrinth of dark, low-ceilinged passageways, making their way cautiously...PERFECT TOMMYHope you know where you're going, John Parker. Because my nose is starting to whistle...A FORM suddenly dropping from the ceiling, landing on Perfect Tommy, a fierce struggle in the darkness...John Parker to the rescue, garroting a RED ARACHTOID, Perfect Tommy helping himself up...PERFECT TOMMYThanks.JOHN PARKERDon't mention it.PERFECT TOMMYThen I won't.INT. BIVOUAC ROOM - NIGHT 362...John Parker leading the way again, up some unusual stairs...into the MAIN BIVOUAC ROOM, RED ARACHTOIDS apparently asleep in bizarre tents, others hanging from the ceiling like sloths, A STRANGE HEAVY HUMMING NOISE starting to fill the room...JOHN PARKERThey sense us. Hurry.John Parker breaking into a run for the far end of the room, Perfect Tommy and the others following, John Parker hitting the door...and AN ALARM GOES OFF...Perfect Tommy opening fire at a HUGE GENERATOR...THE POWER DROPPING EVERYWHERE!INT. YOYODYNE SHOCK TOWER - NIGHT 363LIGHTS PULSING...ELECTIRICITY FAILING in the murky torture chamber giving Buckaroo just the change he needs to break free of the shock tower.DOCTOR LIZARDOStop him! Get him!INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 364Buckaroo ducking into a recessed doorway, taking cover against a wall wet with strange algae as various ARACHTOID GUARDS scramble past, ALARM BELLS AND SIRENS GROANING...DOCTOR LIZARDO(to BigbootÈ)Kill the girl! ...Buckaroo losing sight of the swift arachtoid John BigbootÈ, resorting instead to his ELECTRONIC TRACKING DEVICE while...INT. FLOODED CORRIDOR - NIGHT 365...Reno, New Jersey and Pinky Carruthers bring Apache Team down a flooded corridor, meeting some opposition.INT. DARK CORRIDOR - NIGHT 366Buckaroo spotting New Jersey in the confusion, the two of them tracking Penny electronically, descending concrete steps, moving down a dark corridor that we recognize...INT. LAUNCH HANGER - NIGHT 367The Secretary of Defense meanwhile reaching the big hangar, confused, alarmed, chaos everywhere, shouting over the din:SECRETARY OF DEFENSEBigboote!...spotting John BigbootÈ across the hangar floor, going after him, staring bug-eyed at the MONSTROUS-LOOKING SPACECRAFT suspended above the hangar floor...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWhat the hell...that ain't no Truncheon bomber, my friend. I never approved that!INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 368The Secretary following the speedy John BigbootÈ around a bend, unable to keep up...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEBigboote!BigbootÈ giving no indication of seeing him, rounding a corner ducking into his office......the Secretary rounding the corner too but seeing no sign of BigbootÈ...instead just an office door, a nameplate reading JOHN BIGBOOT…, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT...the Secretary of Defense opening the door...INT. BIGBOOT…'S OFFICE - NIGHT 369...moving past a vacant receptionist's desk to John BigbootÈ's cavernous, strangely furnished chamber...EMPTY.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEBigboote?! You can run, but you can't hide. I want some facts!...but no sign of John BigbootÈ.INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 370Buckaroo and New Jersey still tracking Penny, moving through another flooded, slimy corridor we remember...INT. BIGBOOT…'S OFFICE - NIGHT 371...the Secretary spying a phone on the receptionist's desk amid scattered Oreo cookies, picking the phone up, clicking it a couple of times to get a dial tone...totally ignoring AN AMAZING FRAMED PICTURE OF A RED ARACHTOID MOTHER AND CHILD ON THE DESK RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM...SECRETARY OF the hell does a person get an outside line around here?...his gaze now focusing squarely on that cheap framed photograph of the RED ARACHTOIDS...Secretary McKinley losing his bearings...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEOh, Lord. Never mind...forget it......his mind reeling, refusing to accept the obvious, the oddly designed furniture and chairs in the room, somehow insect-like...a sudden sound...a WOMAN'S SCREAM that seems to come from...underneath the floor?...the Secretary cocking his weapon and stepping around the desk as an amazing thing occurs...A TRAPDOOR IN THE OFFICE FLOOR opening, the Secretary going to investigate, able to observe... 372HIS POV of...John O'Connor coming up a ladder and, in the room below, a barely conscious Penny still in her private hell, trussed and taped, ANTS CRAWLING ON HER ARMS...the lurid specter of John BigbootÈ staring at her...INT. THE PIT - NIGHT 373PENNY'S CLEAR PLASTIC PURSE UNOPENED ON THE DESK BESIDE HER, as the Secretary of Defense suddenly knocks John O'Connor down the ladder and jumps into the room, injuring his ankle...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEWhat the hell's is going on here, Bigboote? Where's my bomber? JOHN BIGBOOT…That's 'BigbootÈ'.SECRETARY OF DEFENSEI don't give a flying handshake what it is! Where's my bomber?JOHN BIGBOOT… Let's just climb upstairs to my office and discuss this like two reasonable... SECRETARY OF DEFENSEYour private life's your own concern, pal. Where the hell is my bomber? Look at this place...where's your pride? It's like a pigsty down here! 374THE TELESCOPING ARM of John BigbootÈ suddenly shooting out and lifting the Secretary off the floor, banging him into the wall...JOHN BIGBOOT…It's not my goddamn planet! Understand, monkey boy!? ...BIZARRE LAMPS SWAYING as GUNFIRE upstairs prompts BigbootÈ to release the Secretary, to urge O'Connor to head for a door off the hallway...JOHN O'CONNORBut John Whorfin said kill her. JOHN BIGBOOT…Damn John Whorfin--! INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 375BigbootÈ and O'Connor emerging in the hallway...seen by Buckaroo Banzai and New Jersey as RED ARACHTOIDS...JOHN PARKERLook out, Buckaroo Banzai!Buckaroo turning and just in time, the alien JOHN GOMEZ right behind him...and behind Gomez, John Parker and Perfect Tommy with flame throwers......Buckaroo and New Jersey hitting the deck as the RED ARACHTOID gets smoked, the aliens John BigbootÈ and John O'Connor escaping in the confusion...INT. THE PIT - NIGHT 376The Secretary of Defense still on the floor, spotting the OVERTHRUSTER in Penny's purse, taking it just as Buckaroo and New Jersey rush into the room...lights swaying...shadows dancing......the Secretary struggling to his feet as Buckaroo cuts Penny down...spraying her with a white insecticide, New Jersey checking her vital signs, Buckaroo shocking New Jersey accidentally with a jolt of STATIC ELECTRICITY, as the Secretary slips the OVERTHRUSTER under his coat...SECRETARY OF DEFENSE(to no one in particular)It's not over yet...I'll bounce back...always have. I'll come through this thing smelling like a goddamn rose-just watch me.The Secretary limping out of the room...New Jersey trying to get penny's pulse while Buckaroo peels back her eyelids...NEW JERSEYLeave her to me. You take care of business. BUCKAROO BANZAIThanks.Buckaroo looking at New Jersey, knowing he can trust him, rummaging through Penny's Overthruster...INT. YOYODYNE SHOCK TOWER - NIGHT 377Dr. Lizardo and the alien John O'Connor and the alien John BigbootÈ seeing their deteriorating position OVER A CLOSED-CIRCUIT TV...VIDEO IMAGES OF THE INVADING FORCES...DOCTOR LIZARDOSound the call to board ship!JOHN BIGBOOT…Without the crucial missing circuit? We'll never make it! JOHN O'CONNORThey are only monkey boys! We can still crush them here--! Lizardo picking up a primitive INCOMPLETE OVERTHRUSTER THE SIZE OF AN APPLE CRATE...DOCTOR LIZARDOYou heard my orders! Activate the Special Horns!INT. FLOODED CORRIDOR - NIGHT 378Buckaroo joining the alien John Parker, the two of them tearing down one of the flooded passages...suddenly covering their ears from those PAINFUL, EAR-SPLITTING HORNS!INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - NIGHT 379Secretary of Defense McKinley makes his way through several RED ARACHTOIDS running in blind panic...SIRENS WAILING...SECRETARY OF DEFENSEComing through! Clear it!INT. LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 380...the light of a new day starting to glow through grimy down on the floor, Dr. Lizardo is about to scale a spindly ladder into his BIG SUSPENDED SPACESHIP...Lizardo spotting Buckaroo, John Parker and Hong Kong Cavaliers entering this sacred space...DOCTOR LIZARDOMassacre them! Without quarter! Dr. Lizardo pushing his own soldiers aside, scurrying into his SPACESHIP with John BigbootÈ and John O'CONNOR.INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 381no sooner inside than a cowardly order is issued to John O'Connor:DOCTOR LIZARDOClose the doors! INT. LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 382Meanwhile, the floor of the hangar...the alien John Parker using strange judo, the amazing Blue Shields fighting like Samurai, ducking STINGERS, FIREING into the enemy at point blank range... 383BUCKAROO SEEING Dr. Lizardo's engine start up, CLOUDS OF BLACK SMOKE pouring from the exhaust pipes... 384John Parker fighting his way toward the ship... 385WHILE OVER YONDER the Secretary of Defense spots the JET CAR unattended amid that field of weird yellow totems...ANOTHER ANGLE 386John Parker reaching the BIG SPACESHIP to find Buckaroo already there, Buckaroo taking the lead up a tall ladder that seems to reach to a REAR ENTRANCE.INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 387Buckaroo settling into a weird little chair, John Parker at his side, facing the opposite direction in a love-seat a wall cluttered with confusing instruments and a framed photo of LIZARDO...NO WAY INTO THE BIG SHIP FROM HERE...BUCKAROO BANZAIWhat is this thing? A fighter?JOHN PARKERDon't look at me, Buckaroo Banzai. I failed flight school.INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 388John BigbootÈ in the co-pilot's seat, as Doctor Lizardo attempts to connect his clumsy overthruster.DOCTOR LIZARDOOverthruster in place. JOHN BIGBOOT…It won't work! It won't! DOCTOR LIZARDOShut up, John Bigboote, you coward! John O'Connor pushing John BigbootÈ aside as Lizardo hits another switch and for a fraction of a second ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE, A BLINDING GREEN LIGHT!INT. LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 389The spacecraft lurches forward twelve feet! Stops.INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 390DOCTOR LIZARDOAgain, John O'Connor! Again!INT. LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 391...AS WITHOUT WARNING LIZARDO'S BIG SHIP LURCHES AGAIN LIKE A TETHERED BEAST!ANGLE ON THE WALL PULSING! 392INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 393BUCKAROO BANZAIThey haven't got enough power. They'll never penetrate!INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 394Dr. Lizardo, a raging madman in the cockpit, using a RADIO MIKE:DOCTOR LIZARDOAlmost! Almost! Lower my vehicle onto the runway!JOHN BIGBOOT…No! Please!INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 395THE DOOR SLAMMING SHUT, TRAPPING THEM...JOHN PARKERWe're going down! Onto the runway!BUCKAROO BANZAIThe door's locked.INT. JET CAR/LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 396Meanwhile, unnoticed, Secretary of Defense John McKinley reaches the JET CAR, starts to climb in...SMALL VOICEAnother step, I'll drink your blood--!The Secretary turning, not seeing anyone at first...then little Scooter Lindley with an M-14 trained on him...SCOOTER LINDLEYGet 'em up!Scooter means he suddenly demonstrates, blowing away an oncoming ARACHTOID before turning the gun back on the Secretary, who raises his hands...SCOOTER LINDLEYWhat's that?SECRETARY OF DEFENSECan opener...just a...Scooter taking the CURIOUS OBJECT from his prisoner, not fooled for a second.INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 397AWFUL THUMPING VIBRARIONS as John O'Connor hits the Overthruster switch again!INT. LAUNCH HANGER - DAWN 398THE HANGER WALL BEGINNING TO OOZE...GLOWING.INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 399Dr. Lizardo and John O'Connor ecstatic...John BigbootÈ terrified...INT. THEMOPOD - DAWN 400Buckaroo and John Parker rattling in their seats! No escape...INT. HANGER WALL - DAWN 401The sudden "expulsion" by the wall of a TWEEDY, FLESHY OBJECT RESEMBLING A LUMP OF CLAY which rapidly begins to define itself as the real, 1938-MODEL BLACK-HAIRED DOCTOR LIZARDO, standing in total bewilderment, SEVERAL 15th CENTURY BUCCANEERS spit out next, equally disoriented...INT. LIZARDO'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 402The "other Lizardo" (Whorfin) meanwhile undergoing a painful reverse transformation: FROM OLD MAN BACK TO RED ARACHTOID! HIS EYES GLOWING...LIGHT ENERGY GLOWING INSIDE HIS MOUTH!JOHN WHORFIN (LIZARDO)Full speed ahead!JOHN BIGTOOTEWe haven't a chance. Your Overthruster's for shit! We'll all just...JOHN WHORFINOne more word out of you, Bigboote...JOHN BIGTOOTEBigbootÈ.WHORFIN'S ARM ELONGATING, FLASHING OUT, breaking John BigbootÈ's neck! John O'Connor moving up a notch at Yoyodyne.INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 403Buckaroo and John Parker picking up all of Whorfin's intraship communications...WHORFIN'S VOICEFull speed ahead! Battle stations! 404THEIR POV OF THE HANGER AREA: nightmarish excitement down below! The floor rushing up as...INT. LAUNCH HANGAR - DAWN 405The BIG SPACESHIP makes violent contact with its runway, rocketing ahead! 406THE COCKPIT POV AS THE SHIP RUSHES TOWARD THE WALL...the real Doctor Emillio Lizardo barely ducking out of the way! Buccaneers scattering!EXT. HANGAR WALL/YOYODYNE - DAWN 407THE BIG SPACESHIP CRASHING THROUGH THE HANGAR WALL, clumsy, heavy... 408REVERSE ANGLE...WHORFIN'S BIG SPACESHIP lifting off into the dark morning sky, taking Buckaroo and John Parker with it on its WOBBLY, UNCERTAIN FLIGHT...BANKING VIOLENTLY...INT. FATHER SHIP - DAWN 409The crew of BLACK ARACHTOIDS aboard the ethereal father ship also at their battle stations...BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERBanzai has failed! John Whorfin is airborne!BLACK ARACHTOID OFFICERbut not in the Eighth Dimension. Shouldn't we wait? Maybe John Parker-BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERI have my order from John Emdall! 8000 miles. Mark. Activate particle beam. Lock on Smolensk.INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 410John Parker fiddling with a RADIO, homing in on the black ship's frequency, overhearing:BLACK ARACHTOID CHATTERParticle beam activated...lock on minute to rapid rupture...BUCKAROO BANZAITell them to stop. They're your friends!JOHN PARKERI lack the authority, Buckaroo Banzai.BUCKAROO BANZAIAt least tell them I'm trying! Tell 'em something--!John Parker talking to the father ship as Buckaroo struggles to unlock the strange little saucer from Whorfin's big vehicle. 411BUCKAROO'S POV (SIDE OF SHIP)...THE PROBLEM. A SERIES OF ODD SUCTION DEVICES outside holding the thermopod in place. 412CLOSE ON DASHBOARD. Buckaroo finally finding the proper release switch!EXT. WHORFIN'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 413CLOSE ON the SUCTION BOLTS disengaging! Freeing the small craft!EXT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 414His vehicle falling sideways, John Parker trying to ignite its ENGINES!INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 415In a free fall, the engines finally igniting and the thermopod rocketing upward!INT. FATHER SHIP - DAWN 416BLACK ARACHTOID OFFICERSir, a thermopod has peeled off from Whorfin's ship!BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERSo what? Big deal. Stand by to incinerate Smolensk.INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 417Buckaroo struggling to master the strange craft...BUCKAROO BANZAIDoes this thing have guns, John Parker?JOHN PARKERBoy, I hope so, Buckaroo Banzai.John Parker trying a likely button. 418ANGLE THROUGH WINDSHIELD...ACTIVATING THE OVERTHRUSTER BEAM WHICH BLASTS OUT HARMLESSLY INTO THE MORNING SKY RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM.EXT. SUBURBAN SKIES - DAWN 419SPACESHIPS THUNDER over the lights of the awakening city below...INT. THEMOPOD - DAWN 420BLACK ARACHTOID CHATTER(over radio)Twenty seconds to rapid rupture. Two zero. Prepare the heat shields!Time running out...Buckaroo receiving fire from Whorfin's big spaceship, THE SMALL VEHICLE LURCHING...THE TWO VEHICLES ON A COLLISION COURSE!EXT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 421The little ship dropping like a stone, barely avoiding a head-on with Whorfin and company!INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 422Buckaroo unhappy with John Parker's marksmanship...their "love seat" rotating, reversing their functions...BUCKAROO BANZAITake the throttle, John Parker!INT. WHORFIN'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 423John Whorfin and John O'Connor scrambling into evasive action, but it's too late.INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 424Buckaroo Banzai and John Parker diving toward them, their OVERTHRUSTER FIRING! FIRING!INT. WHORFIN'S BIG SPACESHIP - DAWN 425Whorfin shaking his RED FIST in defiance...JOHN WHORFINBanzai! I'll see you in hell!INT. THERMOPOD - DAWN 426FLYING ON A COLLISION COURSE once again, THE OVERTHRUSTER BEAM FINALLY HITTING HOME AND THE BIG SPACESHIP DISINTEGRATING, VAPORIZING...John Whorfin and his ilk history... 427REVERSE ANGLE ON John Parker...still on a collision course with the GIANT BALL OF HOT VAPOR THAT WAS LORD WHORFIN...BUCKAROO BANZAIPull up! We did it! Holy shit, we did it! Pull up!JOHN PARKERNow, Buckaroo Banzai?BUCKAROO BANZAINow!EXT. YOYODYNE - DAWN 428As the Cavaliers and Blue Shields anxiously watch, THE SKY CRACKLES AND THE CLOUDS GLOW!INT. FATHER SHIP - DAWN 429BLACK ARACHTOID RADARJohn Whorfin destroyed!BLACK ARACHTOID COMMANDERDeactivate particle beam! Tracking zero zero zero!EXT. SKY - DAWN 430The sun coming up...and as we wonder what terrible fate has befallen Buckaroo Banzai and John Parker...A TINY FIGURE APPEARS high in the clouds! A BIZARRE PARACHUTE catching the wind, floating lazily to earth. 431CLOSER SHOT: Buckaroo! Safe and sound, looking up and SALUTING John Parker as the little THERMOPOD flip-flops, tumbles heavenward AT AN INCREDIBLE RATE OF SPEED...heading home.EXT. YOYODYNE - DAWN 432Buckaroo touching down...Professor Hikita among the victorious Blue Shields scarcely able to believe his eyes as he, it can't be...rising from the debris...PROF. HIKITAEmilio!Now it's the young Doctor Lizardo's turn to stare incredulously...DOCTOR LIZARDOToichi--? I'll be damned.The two scientists approaching one another...afraid to touch as if the other might prove a mirage... 433RENO FINDING A CUTLASS ON THE Buckaroo, face blackened with soot, his clothing torn, hurries toward several Blue Shields (gas masks off) herding a half-dozen "HUMAN" PRISONERS while other Shields and Cavaliers share congratulatory handshakes...RED STINGERS still stuck in their bullet-proof vests...BUCKAROO BANZAIAll accounted for? Where's Penny?PERFECT TOMMYNew Jersey brought her back to the bus through heavy fire. Quite a guy if you want my opinion.Perfect Tommy and Reno pacing Buckaroo...BUCKAROO BANZAIGot a casualty list?RENOJust their side. What're we gonna do with these people? They're illegal aliens, the way I figure, been here forty years, you could throw the book at 'em...BUCKAROO BANZAIAnd ask the American taxpayer to foot the bill? No way. Send 'em back to the Eighth Dimension as soon as we find the Overthruster. It wasn't in Penny's if we have to run this joint upside down and inside out...Perfect Tommy whistling...PERFECT TOMMYHey, Scooter Lindley, fall in!Scooter's eyes lighting up as he runs over...SCOOTER LINDLEYIs this what you're looking for, Buckaroo?The Oscillation Overthruster, safe and sound. Buckaroo amazed, receiving the precious object, giving Scooter a Blue Shield salute...the Secretary of Defense watching jealously from a short distance, his clothing disheveled...BUCKAROO BANZAILooks like one Junior Shield is in line for a ride in The Jet Car.SCOOTER LINDLEYWow, you know it!(suddenly crestfallen)I'll have to ask my dad.BUCKAROO BANZAIWell, go ahead, what're you waiting for?Scooter running off. 434A dour-faced, shaken New Jersey appears in the doorway of the big bus, Buckaroo's smile immediately vanishing...NEW JERSEYI did all I could. I did my best...Buckaroo racing past new Jersey and into the bus...INT. PASSENGER SECTION/BUT - DAWN 435Buckaroo hurrying through the front section.INT. WORLD WATCH ONE/BUS - DAWN 436Buckaroo hurrying through the COMMUNICATIONS NERVE CENTER...RADAR SHIELD ONEBuckaroo, Reno said check with you - something about "pirates"? He mean the baseball team?No response.RADAR SHIELD TWOBuckaroo, the President's on line on. Calling about is everything okay with the alien space cloud and Planet Ten...or should he just go ahead and destroy Russia...? BUCKAROO BANZAITell him yes on "1" and no on "2". Buckaroo going into his PRIVATE REAR SECTION of the bus...RADAR SHIELD TWOWhich was "yes"? Destroy Russia? Or "2"...?INT. BEDROOM/BUS - DAWN 437Buckaroo reaching his private quarters, finding Penny on his cot, a sheet pulled over her face...ethereal morning light caressing her still body......Buckaroo distraught, pulling the sheet back to reveal Penny in final repose, speckled with dead ants, honey and powdery white insecticide... Buckaroo leaning toward her in wordless anguish. 438His lips moving toward hers...when suddenly a SPARK LEAPS OUT, ARCING FROM THE TIP OF BUCKAROO'S NOSE TO THE TIP OF PENNY'S! 439And she stirs...a faint nerve response, Buckaroo seizing her with both hands...SPARKS...BUCKAROO BANZAIPenny!...shaking her, exhorting her...BUCKAROO BANZAIOpen your eyes! Look at me! Penny!...but nothing, no more signs of life... 440...Buckaroo kissing her in despair, pressing his lips against her lips...the kiss of the century, A POWERFUL ELECTRIC JOLT! 441...the fire of life as Penny opens her eyes, sees her haggard hero before her.PENNY look awful. 442And indeed they both do, but who cares? ANOTHER GALVANIC KISS, CRACKLING GOOD as the tiny bedroom heats up and we do the decent thing...IRIS CREDITS ROLL and the FANTASTIC VOICE OF Dr. Buckaroo Banzai serenades us home......the Hong Kong Cavaliers harmonizing like honey, the world once again a safe, snug harbor.THE ENDBuckaroo Banzai Shooting Script - 3rd Draft Page 98Across The Eighth Dimension |