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Aariin ijoollee namaa hidhii jala nama guba.,"Even though someone else's child's wrongdoing is annoying, there is nothing you can do about it."
"Namni kan darbe hin yaadanne, kan dhufus hin yaadu.",Remembering what a person has gone through is crucial for shaping what will happen in the future.
Namni hamaan bofa afaa jalaati.,A wicked person's wickedness is not easily visible.
"Aannan gaalaa dhiiftes ni duuta, dhugdes ni duuta.","Some situations have no good outcome, no matter what choice you make."
Abbaan cirraanqoo of ilaalee nama yaaba.,A famous or powerful person wants to impose their will and ideas on everyone.
Abbaa gaariin addunyaa gaarii dhalaaf hawwa.,A father hopes and wishes for the best future for his children.
Abbaa badaan heexoo guduunfata.,A father who doesn't care about his son tends to save him with things that are not truly helpful.
Aannan banaa kan gowwaa fi daa’imaati.,A fool and a child often fail to distinguish between good and evil.
"Namni gadheen otoo hin yaadiin dubbateeti, otoo hin taa’iin bargaanfata.",A foolish person often fails to deeply consider or contemplate an issue.
Abbaa gaariin damma guduunfata,A good father saves and passes on his wealth to his children.
Abbaa farda qabutu lichoo qaba.,A horseman does not lack what is needed for a horse.
Aaqilatti hin himanii ijumaan agarsiisan.,A little explanation is enough for a smart person.
Abbaan biyyaa ammuma biyyaa ga’a.,A man who lives in his own country does not lose the respect of others.
Namni jaartii hamtuu fuudhe awwaalli isaa banaadha.,"A man with a fighting wife will not live long, because of the anger."
"""Aayya naaf dhageettaafi mitii dur baaduu jaalattaafi."" jedhe, namichi aannan awwaalatti dhibaasee.",A mother's love is strong.
Namni ijoollee qabu dhukkubsatus hin ciisu,"A parent has little rest, as they are constantly preoccupied with ensuring their child's survival and wellbeing."
Aannan akka nagayaa mi’aawa.,A peaceful and calm approach is as refreshing and nourishing as milk.
"""A’aa!"" jette, sareen luka cabdee",A person expresses what he feels with his emotions
Abbaan cabe ofituu ogeessa.,A person facing difficulties knows how to take care of themselves.
Abbaan hamaan guddina ilmoosaa jibba.,A person focused on evil neglects their own children.
Abbaan eebba ofii hin wallaalu.,A person knows what does not work for them or what they do not want.
"Abaarsa coraa didi, eebba coraa fudhadhu.","Not everything works, so we must choose what benefits us."
"""Abbaan beeku beeka daabboon buddeena."" jedhe abbaan daabboo.",A person should use what they have with dignity.
Abbaa beeknaan sobduun iddoo hin qabdu.,"A person who constantly lies will not be accepted or trusted, no matter where they go."
Abbaa du’aa garaachi harkatti du’a.,A person who does not work will go hungry and starve
Namni kamisa jajan jimaata bada.,Boasting others can lead to swift downfall.
Abbaan afaanii ofittuu kolfa.,"A person who exaggerates things, even making fun of themselves"
Abbaan iyyu malee ollaan hin birmatu.,Expressing your needs can lead to help from others.
Aaraa fi aariin nama dulloomsa.,A person who is constantly angry and working in anger will age faster than his age.
Abbaa baaduu affeeletu akka itti nyaatan beeka.,A person who knows how to work hard can accomplish their goals.
"Abbaafis dhugaa, ayyaafis dhugaa aannan kana natu gidduutti dhuga.",A person who mediates to reconcile two groups will gain benefit.
Namni quba namaatiin ibidda haadhe hin gubatu.,A person who uses another to commit a crime is not responsible for the actions taken.
Abbaan badee aayyoo galaafate.,A person with bad behavior can ruin or destroy another person's life.
Abbaa abdatti karaarra maraatti.,A person with hope has everything
Aannaan ititee dhadhaa ba’a.,A person with patience can achieve great things.
Abbaan baraa eeboon qara.,A person with power and authority does whatever he wants.
Namni ulfina hin beekne maqaa waamaniin owwaata.,A person without dignity is submissive to any order.
Abbaan cabsa of hin xinneessu.,A person works best for what benefits them.
Hantuunni haadha jalatti gumbii uruu barti.,A person's behavior tends to reflect the company they keep.
"Abbaan akka manaatti bula malee, akka ollaatti hin bulu.",A person's life should depend on the wealth they have acquired themselves
"Namni ni yaada, waaqatu iddoon ga’a.",A person's plan is fulfilled by God.
Aariin hiyyeessa bowwootti dhuma.,"A poor person, no matter how angry, cannot do anything, as their poverty will only give them headaches again."
Abbaan buddeenaa aduu bonaati.,A stepfather's hurt can be as painful as the scorching summer sun.
Aariin fi qoraan yoo darbatan waan bobeessan hin dhaban.,A thoughtless action taken in immediate anger is harmful.
"""A’aa!"" jedhe, jaarsi tanboo araade.",A voice to express one's desire or something they want
"Namni guddateef hin beeku, xiqqaateef hin wallaalu.",Ability and knowledge are not limited by age.
Aaru malee hin boba’u.,Achieving what one wants requires hard work and effort.
"Aannan deega hin jibbitu, du’a hin jaallatu.","Although a relative may not despise poverty, they still do not wish for the death of a loved one and always hope for their survival."
Aabboo quufuu baatu maaddiin jala bula.,An extensive task can grow tedious and exhausting over time
Abbaa jedhanii obboo hin jedhani.,An honor should always be the same.
Abbaan hamaan obboleetii nama fuusisa.,An unkind father leads his children to suffering or evil.
Namni galgala ni gaaroma.,"As a person’s maturity increases, so does his humblness."
Abbaan farda qooqaa safaraa fe’ate.,"Before starting anything, it's good to understand your own situation."
Aara fi gowwaa jalaa goran.,Both smoke with a bad smell and foolish behavior are harmful.
"Namni tokko biyya tolchuu dadhaba malee, balleessuu hin dadhabu.","Building is hard, destroying is easy."
Namni hundinuu quba shaniin buddeena nyaata.,"By nature, everyone is equal."
Aanoleetti godaanna jennaan jaartiin aanan gadi naqxe.,Cannot blame others for one's own lack of responsibility.
"""Aannan banaa dhiisanii hattuu namaan jedhan."" jette adurreen.",Cannot blame others for one's own lack of responsibility.
Namni ija tokkoo cirrachaan hin taphatu.,Caution is required.
Abbaan badii ofii hanga qaawwa balbalaa geessu hin argu.,Criticizing others without acknowledging your own flaws.
Namni isa du’eef boo'a duuti isa hafeef boo'a.,Death is an inevitable certainty that no one can avoid.
"Abbaan amma duula, irbaanni amma dhufa.",Developing unrealistic hopes that they will get out of trouble it is not right
Aayyoon duute barana qiixxaa hin nyaadhu.,Disappointment or lack of confidence.
Namni karaa fixuu hin dadhabne dubbii fixuu dadhabe.,Discussions(fights) have no conclusion unless they are ended
Aalbeen abbaan qare abbaa qale.,"Doing good benefits oneself, while doing bad damages oneself."
Aannan har’aaf miti boruuf dhugu,Doing good deeds today can benefit you in the future.
"Abaaramaan ganna soogidda nagadee, birraa dhadhaa nagada.",Doing things out of their proper time or context is futile or pointless.
Aannan firaaf kaa'an hafuura hin naqan.,Don't talk about what you willingly did for others.
Abbaan kufan ilmaan ka’an.,"Even if we have problems today, tomorrow will be better"
Aannanii fi nageenyi xiqqaa hin qabu.,Even small good things can bring joy and be useful.
"Namni quba walqabe, qubaa waldhabe,",Even those deeply in love are susceptible to misunderstandings.
"Abbaan daboo isa hafe ilaala, daboon waan hojjette ilaalti.",Every person is primarily concerned with their own interests and focused on their own agenda.
Abbaa malee ibiddi hin boba’u.,Every profession needs its own expert.
"Nama guyyaa ergaa dhalate, gabaatu harree qabsiifata.",Everyone assigns a fool to run erands as they please.
Abbaan bira yoo jiraate eeleen lama hin gubattu.,Everything is beautiful and pleasant with the owner
Lukkuun haatee haatee aalbee ittiin qalamtu baasti.,Excessive questioning or in-depth investigations can cause issues.
Aariin kurophisa miillashee dhabsiisa.,Knowing your own skills and talents is good for your work.
"Habashaan kan itti duulus tuffateeti, kan waliin duulus tuffata.",Failing to differentiate between what is useful and what is not is the height of foolishness.
Namni gaafa hiyyoolee gurri duude gaafa hunda hiyyoolee osoo jedhuu jiraata,Failing to keep up with the times or a lack of civilization.
Namni gaangee boonse gala kooraa baata.,Failing to properly guide and nurture children can result in significant future problems.
Namni niitii sodaatu ilma hin dhalchatu.,Fear prevents desired outcomes.
Ana haa nyaatuun beela hin baasu.,Feeling sorry doesn't help unless you take action to resolve the issue.
Aarri foon garaa hin waadu.,Feigning work or not working properly is unproductive.
Abbaa hin qabdu akaakayyuu yaaddi.,"Focus on the immediate task at hand, rather than worrying about future steps down the line."
Namni qurxummii barbaadu naacha fuudhee baasa.,"For a small gain, one creates big problems for themselves"
"""Aayyoo nagaatti ooli ani garbuu kiyya argadhe."" jette Gaangeen.",Fulfilling one's own desires can lead to neglecting other priorities.
Namni of hin kabajne nama hin kabaju.,Giving respect starts with yourself.
Abbaa ilma mishaa waaqatu eebbisa.,God gifts you with a blessed son.
Abbaa horate beeku malee abbaa nyaatu hin beekan.,God gives even one's own wealth.
Namni oduu bare utubaatti asaasa.,Habitually always looking for something to gossip about.
Namni niitii gaarii mana keessaa sooroma.,He who has a good wife lives a good life.
Namni niitii hin qabne noorii hiriyaa hin qabu.,Someone without a wife cannot host their friends.
Namni qalbii du’e hin fayyu.,He who is discouraged will not improve his life.
"""Lammata bishaan gaanii "" jette hantuunni.",He who is once frightened by something fears everything
"Namni rakkataadhaa hin naane, handhuura hin qabu.",He who loves only himself does not care about anyone else.
Namni niitii bade hin fayyu.,He who marries the a wife who does not care about her home cannot improve his life
"""Abbaa kee himi "" jennaan, ""eessumni koo farda."" jette gaangeen.",Hiding what is embarrassing.
"""Abbaa keetti baate gara qolee."" jedhe gurbaadhaan namichi.",His work resembles that of his father.
Namni humna hin qabne dhangaa mi’aa hin nyaatu.,Hiyyeessi waan fedhii isaa argachuu hin danda'u.
Namni harka argate lukatti hiixata.,Human desire is unlimited.
Namni rabbi hidhe lookoo malee ijaajja.,Human lives are God's decision
Namni itillee afu karaa ofii hin balleessu.,Humans act in their own self-interest
"Abbaan du’us, maqaan hin du’u.","If a person does good deeds during their lifetime, their name will be remembered and honored forever through their works."
Abbaa dammaa dammumaan .,"If one anticipates someone's needs in advance, it's not difficult to fulfill what they want."
Aannan kan ofii hin bulle bultii wal dhorka.,"If one cannot be good to oneself, one cannot truly be good for others."
"Aannan dhoowwattus, foon hin dhoowwattu.","If one rejects something out of love, they accept it forcefully."
"Aannan tuffattee bishaan si argate, aantee tuffattee nyaaphi si argate.","If one scorns their own relatives, they may end up falling into the hands of their enemies."
Aariin garaa seene arriidha.,"If someone gets angry often, it can age them prematurely."
Yoo dhibee himatan dawaa argatu.,"If someone shares their injury, the needed drag will be given."
Namni ibidda dhabe daaraatti fuula deebisa.,"If they renege on their words, they revert to what they opposed."
Abbaan gallaan fardaaf boo'u.,"If they see the person, they ask what he has lost."
Boru hin beekneen qodaan bukoo lama.,Ignorance of savings.
Abbaa biyyaa biyyatu beeka.,"In one's own country, no one should be considered ignorant or unworthy of respect."
Namni galaanni fudhate hoomacha qabata.,"In times of distress, the desperate grasps at any perceived solution, even if misguided."
Namni nama arrabsu nama hin faarsu.,Insulters do not speak well of others.
"Abbaa gaarirraa dhalachuu mannaa, guyyaa gaarii dhalachuu wayya.",It is better to have one's own good fortune than to simply inherit wealth from a wealthy father.
Namni ija hin qabne halkan guyyaa se’a.,It is challenging to envision what one has never experienced.
Aannan kadhaa hin raafatamu.,It is challenging to use something that has been borrowed as one desires.
Gorora tufan hin arraaban.,It is difficult to revive and correct what has been done without proper thought
"Namni nama hin beekne, ""budaadha"" jettee, mucaa ishee nama dhoksiti.",It is hard to judge a person's virtues and flaws without understanding who they are.
Abbaan cabee of hin hidhu.,It is impossible for someone to get out of a problem all on their own.
Aarii ba’uuf jettee gowwaa waliin hin taphatiin.,It is not necessary to play with a fool to get over anger.
Abbaan bareeda hin jibbu waaqatu fokkisaa nama uuma,"It is not that anyone hates beauty, but that ugliness exists. Ultimately, it is God who makes a person beautiful."
Namni gubbaa malee keessa hin argu.,It is very difficult to know the secret of something.
"Abbaa biyyaa rabbitu nama godha, abbaa qe'ee qalbiitu nama godha.",It is wise to follow one's heart and be mindful.
"Aannan raasan malee, dhadhaan hin ba’u.",It is worthwhile to make the effort to obtain something positive.
"Kan dhadhaa afaan kaa’an, dhagaa afaan nama kaa’a.",Ingratitude.
"""Aartu qotadhu."" jedhe, namichi saree buddeena dhoowwatee.",It takes effort to make a living
Obsaan aannan goromsaa dhuga. ,It's best to handle everything patiently.
Namni ija hin qabne kan ija qabu jibba.,jealousy
Aanaan reeffatti aana.,"Just as one does not abandon what is theirs, even if perceived as undesirable, a person stays close to the dead body of their relative."
Abbaa gaariirraa dhalataniif waan gaarii hin dubbatan.,"Just because the father is wise, it does not mean the sons will necessarily be wise as well."
Abbaan beekeef mataa ofii hin haadu.,Just because you have knowledge doesn't mean you can do everything well. Wisdom still has its place.
Abbaan farda moggaa dura fe’ata.,Knowing your own skills and talents is good for your work.
Aaraaf guutuu hin muran.,Let go of bad things
Namni nama wajjin nama fakkaata.,Life and human existence are beautiful not alone but together.
Abbaa fardaa malee lafoon garmaama hin dhaqu.,Living according to one's own standards.
Akka ebeluuttan sirbaan morma nama jallisa.,Living as someone you're not is harmful.
Kan namaaf ooge eelee jalaan namaaf mooqa.,Loving people share what they have and appreciate the value of their offerings.
Abbaan harka ofiitiin bofaa fi butii hin qabatu.,Man does not do anything to harm himself.
Namni guddatu kana hin dubbatu.,Maturing individuals does not commit evil acts against peopl.
Aannan beelaafis ta’eet dheebuufis ta’a.,Milk is used for everything
Aaraniif haadha hin dhaanan.,"No matter how angry, one would never hit their own mother, for their mother is the most precious and honorable person."
Aarrii fi dhugaan karaa baatu hin dhabdu.,"No matter how closed the house is, the smoke will never lose its way out and the truth will not be hidden."
Aangoon qarqaarsa feeti.,"No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot reach his goal without the help of others"
Abbaan fedhe waan fedhe haa jedhu kan koo garaan achi haa jedhu.,"No matter what others say, your own determination is enough."
Kennaan namaa nama hin quubsu.,"No one can be like me, for me"
"Abbaan gaarii hin jibbu, gaariitu nama jibba.","No one dislikes getting something good, but earning or obtaining it is hard."
Abbaa beekaan waan tafkii qalee moora laaleefi.,No one knows the details and outcomes of a task better than the person who carried it out.
Abbaan cabsa ofitti hin dabsu,No one wants to hurt themselves
"""Aaddee!"" Jechaa, walitti aaddi masaanuun.",Not everyone who seems to be a friend is a friend.
Waa malee manni hin aaru.,"Nothing can be done without planning ahead. Discussing something you don't understand is not right. Before taking action, planning and understanding the goals and consequences is necessary"
Aaraa ooltus jabanaa afaan hin cabu.,"Once something has been learned and the work involved is understood, it no longer exposes people to potential harm."
Abbaan darbatee ofii hin qabu.,"Once something is out of someone’s hands, it doesn’t come back."
Namni kurruufu ala hin rafu.,One aware of their flaws is cautious
Aarri foon hin waadu.,One can only do so much with their own abilities.
"Abbaan farda namaa bite, humna namaaf hin bitu.",One can't get anywhere with just other people's help
"Aannaniif kan dhugan, qodaaf kan dhiisan.","One does not drink due to the purity of the pots, but because the contents are good."
"""Abbaan gaafa ofii hin dadhabu."" jette dullattiin","One doesn't throw away their own things, even if they're good or bad - one takes care of them."
Aanaa ufiitiif tasa waan qabaniin taa’an.,"One is much less likely to get frustrated when family visits unannounced than with guests, as one simply serves them whatever is available at home."
Abbaa gabaabaa ijoolleen abbaa hin seetu.,One should not be judged by their height or lack thereof.
Abbaa manaa tumanii utubaa hin yaabbatan.,One should not give up on small things while pursuing great things.
"""Abbaa kootu dur si beekaa?"" jedhe, garbichi daadhii hooqqisee.",One succeeds in whatever they love to do.
Abbaa fi haadha isaa kan abaaru ijjisaa lafa hin argu.,One who does not respect their parents will end up in trouble.
Namni hojii hin qabne du’a ga’ii saree dhaqa.,One who has idle time often does something useless.
Namni hoolaa elmu hoomacha hin kajeelu.,One who has little wealth does not expect a good life.
Namni itti tolte aara ho’ifata.,One who has obtained everything does not know what to do.
"Namni ibidda aaru darbu, kan boba’u hin argu.",One who is quiet or patient does not fight with anyone.
"Namni seenaasaa hin beekne, bishaan gabatee irraati gara argetti jal'ata.",One who lacks self-knowledge is misled by everything.
"Namni niitii lama yaadu, rafee wayyaan hanqata.",One who tries to think about two things at once finds it difficult to relax.
"Abbaan adeemsa beeka, gala waaqatu beeka.",Only God knows the future.
Aannan goromsaa kan lubbuu dheeressaati.,Patience is needed to get something.
"Abbaan gara tolutti harkisa, moorri bakka dhalateef dida.",People do things in a way that suits themselves.
"Namni kolfa guddatu, gaafa du’ellee kanuma kolfu fakkaata.",People don't understand the problems of the person who jokes a lot.
Utubaa abbaatu dhaabbata. ,People know what's best for themselves. They'll spot problems ahead of time and take action.
Namni hammuma uffatu dhaamota.,People live based on what they own.
Namni huccuu caragaa dubri kaadhimaa hin seetu.,People often judge someone's worth based on their clothing
Namni haasawaa hin beekne ija nama doqa.,People who say what's on their mind often say something sad.
Namni mana tokko ijaaru citaa wal hin saamu.,"People with a vision to get the work done don't disagree, they collaborate."
Abbaa manaa fi haadha manaa oobdii tokkorraa hammaaru.,People with shared interests tend to come together.
Ababbaliin bishaan yaa’u jallisa.,persuading someone to change their mind
Namni irbaanni shuummoo guyyaan itti naqata.,Prepare in time for the inevitable
Harka hanna bare dooluutu sosso’a.,Punishing bad behavior does not always make people stop doing it.
"Abaarsa qabaatan, gaangee abaaramte fe’atan",Returning to the right path after straying and making a mistake can be very difficult.
Namni ilkaan tokkoo muka mooyyeetiin rigatti.,"She boasts, though she has nothing."
Aayyoo gabaabduu ijoolleen hiriyyaa seeti.,Short people face a lack of respect.
Namni gabaabaan osoo kabaja hin arganne du’a.,Shorter individuals are often treated as children and therefore do not receive the respect they deserve.
"Cabaan lamaan walitti fayyaadha.
",Solving problems together is better than tackling them alone.
"Adaamiin ollaa hagamsaa, imimmaan irraa hin qooru.",Someone in the wrong place is at risk.
Namni ittoodhaan nyaatu saree quba hin qabu.,Someone living a comfortable life may not see the suffering of others.
Tokko qoteef tokko camada.,Someone trying to act like others because they are jealous.
"Namni kan nyaatu malee, kan isa nyaatu hin beeku.",Someone who cannot recognize their enemy
Namni miila tokkoo fiigee hin taphatu.,Someone who does not have enough wealth cannot live as they wish.
"Namni namaaf hin goone, waa nama gooti.",Someone who does nothing to you can still cause you harm
Namni hamaan udaan nama diba.,Someone who doesn't care about others says bad things about them.
Of hin agarreen duubaan kolfiti.,Someone who doesn't understand something well often makes fun of it.
"Namni haati irraa duute, nama rooba eebilaa dhabe.",Someone who is not taken care of doesn't improve.
Aariin adurree funyaanirra.,Someone who is quick to anger or easily impatient.
"Namni ulee baatee hin deemne, sareef sagadaa deema.",Someone who is unprepared will regret the problems they face.
Nama garaan madaa ijatu hirriba dida.,Someone who keeps getting angry never finds rest.
Namni of beeku fira ofii hin wallaalu.,Someone who knows themselves knows their close family
"Namni hamma ga’u hin beekne, ""adaraa du’a koo"" jedha.",Someone who lacks understanding of love and hate may think others will grieve their death.
Namni kijibu oggaa torba dafqa.,Someone who lies is afraid their lie will be revealed.
Namni fira tokko qabu dhagaa jalaa gora.,Someone without help take care of themselves.
"Aariin kofalchisee, qananiin boossise.",Something opposite.
Aannan bassootti dhangala’e.,Something that’s convenient.
Arrabni bofa yeroo malee ajjeesa.,Spreading false information can lead to premature deaths.
Malaan malaa uru.,Subtly correct someone's misunderstanding
Namni nama gaggeessu mana nama hin geessisu.,"Support from others is temporary, not lasting"
"""Siifan tola"" jennaan, ""nan marii'adha"" jedhe.
",Take good as bad.
Namni of jaju hin dogoggoru.,The arrogant believe their flaws go unnoticed.
"Abaarsi abbaa lafee nama cabsee, abaarsi haadhaa hundee nama cabsa.",The curse of parents is not good.
"""Abaarsa eessa dhaqxa?"" jennaan, ""bakka na erganan dhaqa"" jedhe.",The expectation is that something previously known as evil will be evil in all contexts.
"""Aabbo leenca arge"" jennaan, ""hin argite malee hin argine"" jedhe, abbaan mucaasatiin.",The eye does not see without the heart
Namni garaa bal’atu jaalala hin beeku.,"The glutton prefers dining with others, but not to share."
"Namni kan namaan jedhu malee, kan isaan jedhan hin beeku.",The gossiper is unaware of what's said about them
Namni mana hin qabne hamma simbiraa hin ga'u.,The homeless are disrespected.
Namni baduuf ka’e nama galaafata.,The hopeless may harm others.
Namni niitii dubbattuu qabu galgala jibba.,The husband mocked and fought by his wife frets over returning home
Namni maayii dhabe dhangalaasee funaana.,The idle do pointless things.
Abbaa gowwaan aannan daa’imaa dhuga,The ignorant hurts his own family.
"Namni masangoon jiilche, gufuu gurraattii baqata.",The injured live in fear.
Namni of shakku kafana isaa dheessa.,The insecure live in fear.
Namni ija bade xiraa'a hin sodaatu.,The notorious individual fears nothing.
"Namni qaanii hin qabne, mooqa deessuu nyaata.",The one unconcerned with others' opinions do shameful things.
"Namni namaa gadii, jechi namaa oli.",The one who dislikes work is the one who talks excessively
Namni kophaa nyaatu kophuma du’a.,The one who doesn't help others with their troubles won't find help for their own troubles.
Namni hiriyaa hedduu nama hin ta'u.,The one who gives generously does not accumulate wealth
"Namni qufa’u waa tufa, namni mammaaku waa dubbata.","The one who speaks ill saddens, but the advisor brings joy."
"""Abbaan durbaa dhibba sadii"" jedha, inni fuudhu ija sadii jedha.",The one who wants the marriage wants the price to go down but the one who gives it wants the price to go up
Abbaan birrii fi abbaan wal hidhe nama dhaana.,The one with wealth or powerful connections can end up causing harm.
"Abbaa gurra uretu, waan itti kaa’u beeka.",The owner who started the task must take actions to make it successful.
"Ol dadhaban, gadi hin dadhaban.","The path to growth is hard, but the path to failure is not"
Gaangeen takkaallaa kutte jennaan ofittuu gabaabsite.,The person hurting themselves.
"Namni taa’umsa hin beekne, abbaa manaa fi haadha manaa gidduu taa’a.",The person lacking decency will do things that embarrass others.
Namni ofitti amane laga bu’ee rafa.,The person who believes in their work does it without fear.
Abbaa daaketu waan jiisu beeka.,The person who does the work best understands the final outcome.
Namni itti tole waaqatti ol fincaa’a.,The person who has everything tends to forget about their Creator
"""Aayii! marqi bulluqa"" jennaan, ""dabaafii miti akka wal gahuufi"" jette.",The porridge is thin
Namni namarra jiru ciisee nama dhiita.,The powerful hurt people in many ways.
Namni ilkaan moogaa garaa keessatti kolfa.,The shy one is afraid to come out in front of someone.
Namni garaaf kaatu nama garaa hin ga’u.,The unstable in their appetite fail to empathize with others.
"Abbaan gaala horeef hoomaan hin baay’atu yoo ofii horan malee.
",The wealth a father earns may not belong to the son.
"Namni ofii quufe, waan gabaan quufe se’a.",The wealthy overlook the struggles of others
Namni horii qabu gosa qaba.,The wealthy rarely lose their relatives.
"Namni guddaan, hoolaa hin elmuu ,waan baatu hin wallaalu.",The wise understand their capabilities and what they are doing.
Namni nama caala.,"There are differences between people in attitude, knowledge, kindness, wisdom, etc."
Aannan harma lama keessaa ba'us tokkuma.,There are often multiple paths that can lead to the same end goal.
Namni ilkaan hin qabne foonitti maraata.,There are things we wish for but are unable to accomplish
Migirri furdateef gudeelcha hin ta’u.,There is no need to bother with what you cannot do or accomplish.
"Aannanoo muraasumaa, maal danuun qoraasumaa?",There is no need to spend a lot of expenses for little things.
Abbaan baraa muka garbuutiin lafa horda.,There is nothing that a person in power cannot do.
Afaanii fi funyaani.,"They are all together, not far apart."
Habaqii facaasanii midhaan hin haaman.,They don’t get anything good by doing the wrong thing.
Abbaan gurraa wareega ankaakee du’e.,"They say they'll make it, but they fail to get there."
"Aannan shiiniin tokko, daadhii gaanii tokko balleessa.",Things that are incompatible will destroy each other
Namni jiidhe rooba hin sodaatu.,Those in despair have nothing to fear
Namni ofiifuu dahu nama hin deesissu.,Those in need cannot help solve others' problems.
Namni karaa si wajjin hin deemne harree si wajjin hin fe’iin.,Those uninvolved in a matter feel no concern about it.
Namni gadoo hin beekne hamma saree hin ga'u.,Those who can't get revenge are often looked down upon.
"Namni galata hin beekne, hamma harree hin ga'u.",Those who disregard others' actions are shortsighted.
Namni sii fide sirraayiis akka fudhatu hin dagatiin.,Those who do favors often anticipate reciprocation.
Namni niitiin bareeddu qeerroo ollaa hin jaallatu.,Those who doubt do not trust others
Namni manni isaa dhimmisu rooba hin sodaatu.,Those who have already lost are unafraid of trouble.
Kan jiila qabu of hin amanu.,Those who have suffered abuse tend to have a fearful outlook.
Abbaa hambaa arrabsuuf abbaa ofii arrabse.,Trying to hurt others can end up harming oneself.
Yoo farda dhaban harreen garmaamu.,"Unable to find suitable friends, some people end up with companions they don't truly enjoy"
Abshir abshiriin sheeka bishaan nyaachifte.,Unconvincing hope is dangerous. Encouraging others to do what is not right is dangerous.
Namni gowwaa gorseefi namni dhagaa horde tokkicha.,Unproductive work is a waste of effort.
Abaaramaan waciitii itti nyaate dhiita.,We should always remember and appreciate a good deed that has benefited us.
"Waciitii haati warraa harka keesse, ormi dhumdhuma kaa’a.","What the owner does not use properly, a stranger will also not use better."
Aa’oon waraabessaa duraa duubaan walitti qooddi.,"When a task is done together, the end result is beautiful."
Isa taa’ee ilaaluuf daakuun boqqoolloo dimbilaala.,"When observing from the sidelines, tasks appear deceptively simple to accomplish."
Namni qaana’e baala ceekaa shamaxxaxa.,"When someone feels ashamed, they don't know how to act."
"Aannan guchumaa, haguma dhaqaban ol qaban.","When something is being destroyed, try to save it."
Walii galan alaa galan.,"When there is love, even small things can be shared widely among many people."
"Huumni ganama dhufa, yaadni galgala dhufa.","When there is power, there is no thought, and when there is thought, there is no power. The ability to calmly manage situations develops and improves over time."
Namni hamma abbaatti abdatan hamma wasiilaa hanqata.,"When we expect big things from someone, they might not do small favors for us"
Aantee fi qoricha gaafa rakkatan barbaadu.,"When you are in distress or fall ill, it is your relatives and medicine that come to your aid."
Namni ogeessa wajjin adeemu ogeessa ta’a.,"When you live with someone, you both change each other."
Abbaa jaalatan ilma isaa dhungatu.,"When you love someone, you also come to love their family."
Yaada malee iji hin argu.,"Where there is a lack of understanding or attentiveness, it becomes difficult to perceive or notice something."
"Aara balfan jennaan, dullattiin bishaan balfiti.","While avoiding bad things is wise, avoiding good things is the opposite and can be detrimental."
"Abbaa biyyaa ta’uun nama hin dhibu, bulchuutu nama dhiba.","While finding something may not be difficult, properly using and implementing it can be challenging."
"Aaraanii of hudhanii, gaabbiin ofitti turan.","While it's easy to harm oneself in order to express anger, half-hearted regret can save one from death."
"Beelli ni darba, maqaan hamaan hin darbu.","While tomorrow's outcomes may improve, misdeeds are long remembered."
Adurree harki lachuu mirga.,Who has all the abilities or skills. They can adapt or learn everywhere.
Abbaan fardaa nama sarda.,Whoever has something(money) in his hands gets where he wants to go.
"Addum addaan yaati, daga mataan boorana jira.","Without discussion, unity is not achieved."
"Aannan huuba wajjin naqan, hoggaa dhugan nama dhiba.",Work that was not done properly from the start becomes difficult to complete later on.
"Aannan okolee bada, ilmi eessuma bada, kafanni keessuma bada.",Work that was not done properly from the start becomes difficult to complete later on.
"Namni gaala hate, gad jedhee hin deemu.",You can't hide something obvious.
Abbaa hajametu farda bokkuun dha'ata.,You do not advise a working person to use a horse.
"Aak! Jedhanii waa tufu, mammaakan waa himu.",you tell your pain or something you don't want to mention directly in between other conversation
Namni ol guddatu sin jibbiin.,Young people do not forget their grudges.
Namni uffata qabu kabaja qaba,One who wears good clothes is often perceived as more respectable.
"Namni ollaa isaaf hin dhimmine, soddaaf hin dhimmu.",Caring for others starts with neighbors.
"Namni rabbi qoonqoo qabe, bishaan keessatti boba’a.",A cursed person brings sorrow to others.
Namni jireenya isaa fakkaata.,A person lives according to their wealth.
"Namni na hin argine hin jedhiin, ani nama hin argine jedhi malee.",One is unaware of who might be observing them.
Namni ofii bade hallayyaatti nama dhiiba,One in trouble can bring others down with them.
Namni waan namaatti mooqqatu hin arraabbatu.,One who relies solely on borrowed resources is unlikely to achieve lasting success.
Namni uffata malee hin deemu.,A person is not born without relatives.
Namni qara hin qabatu.,People don't intentionally engage in activity that hurt themselves.
"Namni nama harkaa nyaate, nama hin nyaatu.",One who is fed by another shows gratitude and loyalty.
"Namni sirba hin beekne hin sirbu, sirbus hin dhiisu.",Someone who doesn't know how to do something won't fix mistakes quickly.
Kan walshakku waliin laga hin ce’u.,People who don't trust each other can't work well together.
"Namni sitti jiguu mannaa, gaarri sitti jiguu wayya.",It's better to die than to be hated by people.
Namni ture niitiirraa dhalcha.,Patience pays off.
Ofirra sin jaalaaladhuu ofiin sin qixxeessuu.,Loving someone more than yourself is not right.
"Namni si haa faarsu malee, ati of hin faarsiin",Bragging is not good.
Namni simbirroo sodaate bisingaa hin facaasu.,Lack of self-confidence.
"Namni ofii bakka bulu hin qabne, keessummaa waammata.",Creating new problems while struggling with existing ones.
Namni niitii sadii qe’een isaa yaa’ii hin dhabu.,"Where there are many rivals, conflicts are common."
Namni quufe rabbiin hin beeku.,Wealth can cause a person to forget their creator.
Namni rakkate boolla jawwee quba kaa’a.,Desperation can lead people to unexpected places.
Rakkataan ulfa fuudha.,Those in hardship may settle for less ideal situations.
Namni siree dhiphaa dirqamaan wal hammata.,Even enemies can become friends when they have a big problem.
"""Namni namumaati ija nyaadhu.""jette allaattiin.",Stop making excuses and finish what you started.
Isa lafaa fuudhuutti inni bobaa jalaa bu’a.,Greed can lead to loss.
Namni ni kolfaaf beerri ilkaan yaasti.,Thinking oneself superior to others without the ability to back it up.
Namni saree kee dhahee siif deema.,Disrespecting others and desire to pick a quarrel.
Namni lubbuu dheerate waa hunda arga.,Life's journey reveals both the world's beauty and its struggles.
"Namni mana dhabe waa tokko dhabe, namni biyya dhabe waa hunda dhabe.",It's better to be wealthy and live comfortably in one's own country.
"Luka lama qabaataniif, muka lama hin koran. ",Someone who tries to do two things at once often doesn't do either well.
"Namni qabee uratetti elme, nama guuree dhangalaase.",Pointless pursuit.
Namni ormaa fi lubbuun namatti hin haftu.,"Borrowed items must be returned, and death is inevitable."
Namni teessumaa fi eessuma bade hin galu.,A weak foundation leads to poor outcomes.
"Namni ulfaataan dhufeef, saani ulfaate hin dhalu.",Everything happens in its own time.
Keessummaan akka warri bulutti bula.,A guest adjusts to the host's way of living or standards.
Dubbiin dubbii fida.,A harmful word leads to more harm.
Haadhaa fi lafatu nama danda’a.,A mother and the earth support everyone.
Utuu kolfituu ulfooftee gaafa deessu boosse.,A person may experience joy or ease at the start but face difficulties and sorrow during the process.
Manni abbaan gube abbaa hube.,A person suffers the consequences of their own mistakes or actions.
Kan suuta deemu qoraatiin suuta seenti.,A person who is slow to act or cautious may still face troubles or challenges over time.
Garaan gadde imimmaan hin qusatu.,A sad heart is always accompanied by tears.
Niitiin utubaa manaati.,A wife is essential to the stability and foundation of a home.
"Waraana jagnatti dheessani, dubbii qarootti dheesssanii.",A wise person solves problems like a patriot prevents war.
Dubartiin faaya manaati.,A woman is the treasure and essence of a home.
Dharraa fooni hancooteen hin baasu.,Desires or cravings for something cannot be satisfied by something unrelated or different.
"Haadha dhabuu mannaa, haadha dhabduu wayyaa.",Even a struggling mother is better than no mother at all.
"Haadha duute mannaa, haadha maraatte wayya.",Even a troubled or difficult mother is better than no mother at all.
"""Utuu ani gaafaaf bo'uu, gurra na kutan"" jette, harreen.",Focusing on unrealistic goals can lead to neglecting practical needs.
"Indaanqoon ka’a ganamfattee, gombisaa jala oolti.",Hard work and early rising don't always guarantee success or progress.
"Qeeransa eegee hin qaban, qaban hin gadhiisan.","If you take on a risky situation, be prepared to handle the consequences."
Nama gurraan du’erra nama lubbuun du’e wayya.,It is better to lose one's life than to suffer lasting damage to one's reputation.
Nama duloometu waa hima.,Only an experienced or wise person can offer valuable advice or insights.
Nama dubbiin nama dhibe cal’isaan dhiban.,Respond to hurtful words with silence instead of engaging further.
Namin ofiif hin tolle ormaaf hin tolu.,Someone who can't manage their own issues can't assist others effectively.
"""Looni hinqabnu, hattuu jibba hin dhaqnu"", jedhe gowwaan.",The fool mistakenly believes that lacking something makes one immune to related problems or issues.
"Harmatu lama malee, aannan tokkichuma.",The same benefits or qualities are present regardless of the source.
"Dubbin dubbii fida, mammaaksi dubbii fixa.","Trouble leads to more trouble, but a proverb can help resolve it."
Nama jaallatan bakka raffisan hin dhaban.,True care means always making room for loved ones.
"Tokko jennee, lama jenna.",You must start with the basics before advancing to more complex matters.
Mammaaksi koobaa dubbiiti.,Proverb offers a solution to a complex issue.
Yaraadha jennaan kan nadheen dhiitu.,A bad person harms those who are vulnerable.
Warri badu wal hin badadu.,A family with constant conflict neglects the well-being of its members.
"Gowwaan bara soorome nyaatee, bara deege nagada.",A foolish person lacks foresight and mismanages resources.
Harki nyaate nama hin nyaatu.,A grateful person doesn't harm those who have helped them.
"Warri marii qabu jibicha qalata, warri marii hin qabne raada qalata.","A harmonious family celebrates together, while a conflicted one settles for less."
"Nyaanni soogidda malee, manni dubartii malee hin bareedu.",A house without a woman lacks essential comfort and completeness.
Surree fi niitii wajjin kufu.,A man and his wife share their fortunes and misfortunes together.
Okkoteen Waaqa hin beekne eelee bishan kadhatti.,A person lacking wisdom seeks help from inadequate sources.
Qalluun kan ishee hin beektu kan namaa raagdi.,A person who can predict or advise others may struggle with their own issues.
"Namni hiyyoome takka lafa reeba, takka nama reeba.",A poor person may lash out in frustration at their circumstances or others.
Dhibeen finyaan qabe hidhii hinanqatu.,A problem that starts small will eventually affect other areas.
Mammaaksi ittoo dubbiiti.,A proverb simplifies complex arguments .
"Gammi dubbii dhufu beeka, gowwaan dubbii darbeef boo'a.","A wise person anticipates and prepares for the future, while a foolish person dwells on past regrets."
Beekaan afaan cufata malee balbala hin cufatu.,A wise person stays silent when appropriate but remains open and welcoming to others.
Sareen qaroon unattee qadaaddi.,A wise person takes care to address potential issues after benefiting from something.
"Silaa hin hafu, kajeelaa dura waami.",Accept what’s inevitable and deal with it first.
Abbaan waraanaa dubbii waaraana dubbata. ,An expert or leader discusses their field of expertise.
Qunceen wal gargaartee arba hiiti.,"Collective effort and cooperation can achieve great things, even those that seem impossible individually."
Garagaltoo milli mata hoqa. ,Contradictory actions can have unexpected connections.
"Baduuf ka'ee wal abaaree, marguuf ka'ee wal arraabe.",Cursing leads to destruction and love leads to growth.
"""Maali maqnee?"" jette sareen jaamaa sagal dhalte.","Despite doing nothing wrong, one may still face difficulties or unfair situations."
Niitii waa lama jaallattu gabaa hin baasiin.,Don’t send someone who is easily distracted to handle tasks requiring focus.
Marii'atan malee maraatanii biyya hin bulchan.,Effective leadership comes through discussion and understanding.
Namni namatti jiguu irra gaarri namatti jiguu wayya.,Enduring personal hardship is preferable to facing societal pressure.
Gaariinuu mudaa hin dhabu.,Even a good person is not without faults.
Amali badaan abba rakkisa.,Harmful habits lead to the creation of various difficulties and issues in one's life.
"Nama mannatti walif, galetu alaa waliin gala.",Harmony and agreement strengthen relationships.
Namni haadha qabu nama waaqa qabu.,Having a mother is akin to having divine support and care.
Ollaan ofii kafana.,Having a neighbor is as valuable as having essential protection.
Hantuunni boolla lamaa daftee hinduutu.,Having multiple options or escape routes ensures safety and longevity.
"Luka lama qabaataniif, muka lama hin koran.",Having the means doesn’t guarantee the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
"Abbaan iyyatu malee, ollaan namaaf hin birmatu.","If you try, someone will help you."
"Fardi harree wajjin oole, akka harree nama dhiita.",Individuals often adopt the behaviors or characteristics of those they associate with.
Kan beekaa dhaga'u dide waaman hin owwaatu.,Intentional silence means ignoring attempts to communicate.
Harka abbaa tokkotin ibidda qabbaachuun nama hin dhibu.,It is easier to accomplish something with the help of others.
"Wal sobuu mannaa, wal gubuu wayya.",It’s better to address issues directly and honestly.
Ollaan bultee beeka akka itti bule abbaatu beeka.,"Life appears to be similar, but only individuals know how they live."
"Ilma yartuu dhalchuu mannaa, muka tokko dhaabbachuu wayya.",More worthwhile to create something valuable and beneficial than to invest in something unproductive.
Walii galan alaa galan.,Mutual agreement leads to mutual success.
Qawwee dhufe dubbin dhufe.,New power or tools can bring new problems.
Foon lafa bu’e huba malee hin deebi'u.,"Once something is tainted, it’s hard to restore it without some residual problems."
Nama abbaa jedhaniin obboo hin jedhan.,"Once you address someone with a higher title, you can't use a lower one."
Hora bu’anii Jiidha hin lagatan.,"Once you engage in a situation, facing its consequences is inevitable."
Lafa ilaalanii muka dhaabu.,One carefully considers the conditions before making a decision or taking action.
Karaaf dubbii arganuu dhiisan.,One may reconsider their choices or actions when encountering flawed or misleading guidance.
Bubbeef bara hamaa gugguufanii jalaa bahu.,One navigates challenges and difficult times by adapting and staying flexible.
Harkaan harka fuudhan.,One receives help by offering help.
Obsaan aannan goromsaa dhuga.,Patience and endurance will eventually be rewarded with beneficial outcomes or success.
"Garibicha lubbuuf dheessu, ormi jabina jaja.",People admire the strength shown in desperate situations.
Biyya goophoon baay’atutti isa ol jedhee deemutu fokkisa.,People who are different may be judged harshly.
Of hin agarreen raafuu lagatti.,People who lack self-awareness often undervalue simple things.
Nagaan bulleen yoo ollaan nagaan bule.,Personal peace is often influenced by the harmony and tranquility of those around us.
Nagaan galuunu nagada caala.,Personal safety and tranquility are more valuable than financial gain or material success.
Madaa hamtuu fayyan malee jecha hamtuu hin fayyan.,"Physical wounds can heal over time, but hurtful words can leave lasting damage."
"Mammaksi dubbi fidas, dubbi fixas.",Proverbs can both introduce and conclude conversations by providing insightful or conclusive perspectives.
Ariifataan horii gata.,Rushing or acting impulsively often leads to financial loss or wasted resources.
Cubbuun dura furdifte booda qallisti.,Sin may bring temporary pleasure but leads to eventual suffering.
Cubbuun takka tirati takkaa qaqabdi.,Sin progresses slowly but eventually catches up with you.
Fagaara dhuufetu na’a.,Someone in a state of discomfort or distress may act in a frantic or agitated manner.
Kan farade dhabe harreen garmaama.,Someone without the ideal resources makes do with what they have.
Baraaf furgugoo gadi jedhanii dabarsu.,"Sometimes, accepting the passage of time and minor inconveniences is the best way to handle them."
Ballaan fira qabu ija qaba.,"Supportive relationships can provide guidance and help, even in difficulties."
"Yaa marqaa si afuufuun, si liqimsuufi.",Taking precautions or making adjustments can make a challenging situation easier to handle.
Karaa malee deemuun laga nama bulcha.,Taking the wrong path leads to difficulties and challenges.
Madaan hiyyeessaa madaa bineensaati.,The suffering of the poor is often ignored.
Allaatiin waan lafaaf lafa irratti wallolti.,Those in powerful positions often engage in disputes over trivial matters or minor gains.
Namin ulfina hin beekne ulfina hin fedhu.,Those who don't value respect are unworthy of it.
Kophaa nyaattuun qophaa duuti.,Those who isolate themselves may face loneliness or challenges alone.
Namni mana tokko ijaaru citaa wal hin saamu.,Those who work together towards a common goal will not have conflicts over minor issues.
Bara baraan dabarsan.,"Time continuously moves forward, one period after another."
"Hiriyyaan wal hin amanne, malkaa ceetutti wal kaksiifti.",Trust is essential for a genuine and strong friendship.
"Bakka dhugaan hin jirre, nagaan hin jiru.",Truth brings peace.
Dhugaan aduuma diida teettu tana.,Truth is clear and evident.
Dhugaan ni qallatti malee hin citu.,"Truth remains unbroken, even if it seems fragile."
"Kan Waaqi qocaaf kaa’e, cululleen hin fudhattu.","What is destined for someone will not be taken away by others, no matter how powerful they are."
Sanyiin kan facaasantu marga.,What you invest or put effort into will eventually produce results.
Wallaalaan arriidhaan beekan guduruudhan.,Wisdom is not solely determined by age
Nadheeniifi fardeen galgala baddi.,Women and horses become vulnerable in old age.
Arrabbni lafee hin qabu lafee namaa cabsa.,Words can cause significant harm despite being intangible.
Gondaan walqabattee laga ceeti.,Working together and collaborating can help overcome even the most difficult challenges.
'Aannan banaa dhiisanii hattuu nama hin jedhan'' jette adurreen.,You cannot blame someone without doing your duty.
Olkaa’an fuudhan malee olka’anii hin fudhan.,You reap the benefits of what you save or invest today in the future.
Ganamaan Ka'anif Waaqi dur hin baahan,Ihe strength of God
"barri fallana, takka namaa fodogaa, takka nama fondoga",life rewards sometimes good and sometimes bad
"Waaqayoo hin'arifatu, wanta hundumaa yeroo saati hojjeta",God is patient and works according to His perfect timing.
"Harreen yeroo alaaktu malee, yeroo dhuudhuuftu hin beektu",People who are unaware of their own flaws.
Himaa didduu du'a hin diddu.,a person rejecting advice may end up to unfortunate consequences
Gadhee fi badheen afaan ballatu,a person's bad character
Ilma yartu dhalchu manna muka tokko dhabbachu wayya,Doing something helpful is better than having a useless child.
Olkaa'an fuudhan malee olka'an hin fudhan,you cannot use it tomorrow without saving today
"Dubbiin mamaaksa hinqanne, ittoo Soggiddaa hin qabne",A proverb adds flavor to speech.
"“Walmalee maal qabnaree,” jette Huummoon ",Supporting each other is importamt.
"Muu, gaddeebituu! Waraabessa wajjin Harree bituu!","Living beyond one's means can lead to embarrassment, while maintaining one's social standing is essential."
"Hummoon lafa hin teessu, muka gubbaa malee Ijoolleen hin beektu, nama guddaa malee.",it is said to encourage children to learn from elders and to encourage elders to tell children what they know
Laga malee garaan walittinyaa'u.,it is said to explain that the food one eats is for oneself and no one else
Sa’a dallaa guutuu manna soddaa barcuma guutuu wayya.,it is said to express the dignity and importance of the inlaw
"Huummoo ta’uu kooti, jedhe jaarsi dulloome",it is said to indicate that people in the elderly need support in old age.
Tufanii hin arraban,it is said to show commitment to something they once said
Kophaa nyaattuun qophaa duuti,it is said to teach them to share what they have
Jiruu fi amaatii hin tuffatan.,"it points out that life, big or small, is not to be despised, and that the aunt deserves to be respected whether she is rich or poor"
Dubbiin waldhabde akka dhungoo Huummoo ti,it shows a lack of agreement
Obsaan aannan goromsaa dhuga,it shows that he who is patient can get good things
"Walitti hindhiyyaannu, diina ofgidduu hinbaafnu,” jette Huummoon",it shows that it can maintain unity in the distance
Kophaa dhiqanii xurii hin baasan.,it shows the importance of unity
"Duuti qoricha hinqabdu, yoo qabaatte fuudhanii dhalchuu qofa.",it shows the need to bear children
Sussukuun gulufa fida.,small successes lead to big successes
Mi’a wal fakkaatu walbira fannisu.,The same thing is suitable for each other
Marii' atan malee maraatan biyya hinbulchan,discussion is very important
Jabbiitu loon ta’a; ijoolletu nama ta’a. ,Small things can lead to big results
Namni waan arge dubbata,A man speaks what he knows
harka ofiitiin bofaafi buutii hin qabatu,A person does not harm themselves
Muka jigetti qottoon baay’ata. ,a person who is defamed is more likely to be defamed
Bishaannii fi gowwaan gara gorsanitti gora,a person without judgment or understanding is easily deceived.
"Galaanni darbuu sii hinnyatiin, jarsi du’aa gahe sii hin abaarni.",Tolerate temporary hardship.
Huummoon ka’umsa badde qubsumaaf rakkatti ,A bad beginning leads to a difficult end.
Jarjarranif abbaa dura hin dhalataan,everything has a time
Sibiilli abbaan qare; abbaa qale. ,"A person who does evil things, brings harm upon themselves."
Hidhii Waaqni abaare osoo hin dhungatamiin dullooma,unfortunate
Nama mannatti walii galetuu alaa waliin gala.,A person who works collaboratively can achieve great things.
Sangaa abbaan gaafa cabsee ollaan ija jamsa,"If one belittles oneself, others belittle them as well."
Huummoon dhukkuba malee aaddi ,blaming someone based on something that is not fundamental or true
"Hiriyyaan wal hin amanne, malka cetutti wal kaksifti","Without trust, living together is difficult."
"Muu,” jette Huummoon",lack of satisfaction or happiness
Akkuma Huummootti aadanii caldhisuudha,overcoming difficulties with patience
Huummoon bifa isheef ajjeefamti,"Individuals who experience discrimination based on factors such as ability, wealth, or physical appearance."
Durbaa fi qullubbii abbaatu bakka gaarii dhaabbata,Being accountable for one's actions.
Namni Akka du'etti malee Akka kufetti hin hafu!,man can change
Dubartiin utubaa manaati,the importance and respect of women
Soddaa fi dugdaan lafaa ol ka’u.,importance and respect of the in-laws
"Warri marii qabu dibicha qalata warri marii hinqanne raadaa
qalata.",Little is enough when there is agreement.
Nagaan bullen yoo ollaan nagaan bule,Peace of human beings depends on their surroundings
Bakka Waaqni nama hidhe takaallaa malee dhaabbatu.,People do not live by their choices but by the life that God has given them.
Harkaan harka fuudhan.,People help each other in return.
Nama jaalatan bakka rafisan hindhaban.,One does everything for the beloved.
"Arbi dhufe faana dhawaa jennaan faana maalii
qaaqxu arbuu kunooti jedhe.",there is no need to focus on minor issues while there is a main issue
Soddaafi ibiddi alaalatti tolu,Closeness may lead to disrespect.
Bunni afaan guba; yaadni garaa guba. ,Thinking too much about what happened is harmful to one's health
"Osoo waljaalannuu, dugda walitti gallee deemna,” jette Huummoon","Love is essential, but open communication and unity are equally important for strong relationships."
"Dhukkubooftuu abbaa warraa, dubbii ganama darbe galgala teessee aaddi.",Dwelling on past issues is harmful.
Sooressi hundumaa osoo qabuu ilmootti rakkata.,Money or wealth cannot solve all problems.
"Soorettii haadha ormaa mannaa, hiyyeettii haadha ofii wayya.",Valuing the small things we have is better than yearning for the large things we don’t.
Sooroma eeguun deega eeguudha.,We must put in effort to achieve our goals.
"Soorummaa durii himachuun, hiyyummaa isa ammaa himachuudha.",Clinging to past success hinders progress in the present.
"Sootalli ejersa irratti, eegan tiruu irratti cite.",A person who hoped for great things may end up in an unexpected place.
"Nyaata hancufatu dursa, dhungoo jaalalatu dursa.",Something must be done in the proper order.
Soora soogiddaan siphaniiti dubbii mammaaksaan himu.,Careful word choice and the use of wisdom-filled expressions can significantly improve communication.
Sooressi hir’uu isaa hin beeku.,Wealth or privilege can make people blind to the importance of things they lack or the benefits of experiences they haven't had.